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public schools | public school | racist | Just another case of cultural suicide. Cultural suicide is taught in public schools and on the TV. Don't watch TV and don't send your children to public school | 12/03/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Informal | null |
public schools | public school | racist | The same school system that forces lgbtq history into the curriculum, allows students to self identify their gender without parental consent, and semi-recently sent out job postings seeking “teachers of color” This is the school system under Carranza. If you live in NYC, stay away from their public schools | 08/30/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Informal | null |
public schools | public school | racist | The boys are out in the yard or in the gym many times a day and teaching revolves around activity. Unfortunately, public schools are operated for (women) teachers. Girls thrive under their system and boys wither. | 07/27/2018 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Informal | null |
Chicago | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Ridiculous, here in Des Moines Iowa we've had an influx of people come here from Chicago and already at 15+ homicides this year. All of 2016 we had 13.... What the fuck is going on? | 05/26/2017 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | It truly was a remarkable speech. It was a call to action for the world. It was a pep-talk speech to those countries who are being cucked by globalist bitches, letting millions of refugees flood in and rape their kids and destroy their culture. | 09/20/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | Kasich is a pathetic slovenly Globalist loser. No way he would endorse Trump, he's team Shillary all the way. | 09/23/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | Poland took in 1 million refugees. From Ukraine. Wrong color and culture. They are meant to take in muslims. That is all the EU cares about. How to destroy the west and establish a globalist rule if you don't import a hostile culture? | 12/25/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! The memes make themselves this year; lord kek has blessed us for supporting the God Emperor and the wizard of wikileaks | 08/24/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | this sounds exactly like something a triggered sjw would post, nice troll man top kek 7/5 would fap again | 05/23/2016 | null | null | Mr_Trump | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | The left calls us Nazi Frogs, and talks about an alt right conspiracy. I don't believe in conspiracy theories, because as we all know, Kek fuel can't melt steel memes. | 09/20/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
silent majority | silent majority | racist | Leftists are generally degenerates. You are becoming the silent majority. The left likes to scream and create the perception their ideology is dominant. | 05/18/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Conservative white Americans who are threatened by racial minorities | Informal | null |
silent majority | silent majority | racist | Yep, instead of a comfortable win, we're going to be surprised by a landslide when the silent majority rises up and overcomes the rigged system | 10/25/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Conservative white Americans who are threatened by racial minorities | Informal | null |
silent majority | silent majority | racist | We have a silent majority of SD supporters who are too afraid to admit that they want Sweden back to the way it used to be. | 06/28/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Conservative white Americans who are threatened by racial minorities | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | His voice and his soy face get me horned up with no place to go and I haven’t even spoken about his body. | 10/15/2018 | null | null | ChapoTrapHouse | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | most chads are dudebros like normies who just go on xbox to play dudebro games like fifa or cod. if anything an incel or soy who isnt busy fucking women daily would use PC. | 05/11/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | you forgot that Asians consume fermented soy, not processed soy. there is a reason why many soyboys developing manboobs after drinking soy for years. Fermented soys lower amount of estrogens but still it doesn't eliminate estrogens completely so I still avoid them. yes soy have isoflavones to reduce cancer growth, but the amount of estrogen it has outnumbers the amount of isoflavones. | 05/12/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | If you say so, my butter golem buddy! Nice fake weight. However, even if those numbers are true, all that means is that if you are a guy you are pathetically skinny, if you are a girl you are way too fat. So you are either a soy boy or a fat feminazi. Thank you for proving my point. | 01/03/2018 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | its like an ugly goth chick made babies with an ugly emo dude and breast fed them soy and liquid BPA until they were 14 | 12/14/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
soy | soy boy | anti-liberal | I don't give a shit about men that aren't at least purple pilled. His willful ignorance is of his own doing and we are helping him by telling him how foolish he was to put up with the crap he's put up with and for as long as he did. If you deem my behavior as being asinine then big deal. You don't matter to me anyhow. Go drink your soy latte and cry to someone else. | 03/22/2019 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | liberal or establishment Republican men | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | I am glad to see the sissy boys go away. They always pontificated on what should be done, but never lifted their hands to help the conservative cause. They all thought they were the next William F. Buckley. Globalist fucks is what they are. Here's a link to a good analysis of them: [ Glad Dan Bongino did not stay with CRV. I never listened after the Mark Steyn fiasco. | 12/19/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | I do hate globalist that are trying to destroy European culture and fracture the relationship between European men and women. | 11/22/2016 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | This idea could've been pushed to weaken American industry while strengthening China; it could've been pushed to benefit Saudi oil while weakening the US in energy production (one of our greatest resources); or it could've been thought up by globalist elites who know that the world is soon going to be overpopulated, and they want the bottom 99% to get accustomed to living like feudal peasants. | 09/29/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | KEK . . . i couldn't check either box, but well done, deleon is crazier than her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10/24/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | Remember when /r/politics had the post about Trump supporters being played by Assange for fools? Kek | 10/08/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | Oh sht! Guys ignore the hash look at the name above it. It looks like they may have john Kerry's emails too .... TOP kek | 10/17/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
Kek | Kek | white supremacist | ty ty! It just came to me... as if Kek himself willed it! And is your dick really relentless? Because if so, we are gonna have to meet some where for research purposes. | 11/14/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist signal meaning "lol" that became an alt-right 4chan meme | Informal | null |
big government | big government | conservative | They seem to care very little about what they can do with regards to their own situation and prefer to focus almost entirely on aggregate policy decisions that have far less effect on them. I guess they're so used to big government that they're showing their dependence on it. They damn near expect the government to have a deep influence on their lives. | 06/02/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Federal assistance | Informal | null |
single mother | single parent | racist | In my view, we can still give women the same liberty we enjoy so long as child custody and divorce are sorted out, female crimes are punished equally, and the federal government stops subsidizing single motherhood. | 03/11/2014 | null | null | MensRights | PRAW API | Blaming Black parents (especially women) for poverty, crime, and dependence on public assistance | Informal | null |
single mother | single parent | racist | Don't you know the government needs to support single mothers, who by no choice of their own decided to get inseminatied by a Chad who left her? They're the priority here, not you silly inkel! | 01/30/2019 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | Blaming Black parents (especially women) for poverty, crime, and dependence on public assistance | Informal | null |
single mother | single parent | racist | But nope, society is content pretending that all single mothers are unsuspecting victims of a two-faced man who suddenly ran out after promising her family life. Single motherhood is awful for literally every single party involved, yet it's accepted. Why? | 04/07/2017 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Blaming Black parents (especially women) for poverty, crime, and dependence on public assistance | Informal | null |
single mother | single parent | racist | She's angry because she wanted to use the money for something else. There are a lot of children who go to school without school supplies. If you're a single mother and your kid doesn't have school supplies, it's because you spent the child support payments on yourself, rather than buying what's necessary for the child. | 02/10/2019 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Blaming Black parents (especially women) for poverty, crime, and dependence on public assistance | Informal | null |
radical Islam | radical Islam | Islamophobic | **WE DONT HATE MUSLIMS, AND NEITHER DOES MR TRUMP....WHAT WE DO HATE IS THOSE WHO HATE AMERICA, OUR WAY OF LIFE AND WOULD SEE WESTERN VALUES DESTROYED...RADICAL ISLAM IS AN ENEMY TO EVERYONE, MOST TO PEACE LOVING MUSLIMS** | 10/24/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
radical Islam | radical Islam | Islamophobic | I don't want to be overly optimistic, but as radical Islamism keeps infesting Islamic societies and migrant communities, is there a faint hope that its utter madness and boundless savagery will eventually harm Islam as a whole and expose the ridiculousness and absurdity of adhering to the letter of any kind of religion? In other words, could Islamism and Islamic terrorism lead to a decrease or even to the implosion of Islam? | 03/19/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
working families | working class | racist | Sure it saved you from a lot of hell, by putting working families, and young healthy people through hell because they can't afford the premiums or high deductibles. Does you think it's ethical for them to be forced to subsidize you? | 05/04/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | white working class | Informal | null |
working families | working class | racist | They're the senate. They have countless perks on taxpayer dime and losing one of them would not exert much pressure. We need to make the discussion about the WORKING families who cannot visit doctors because they can't afford the deductibles. Because they can't save up a damn thing after the premiums. We need to tattoo this anti-worker stance onto the Uniparty's forehead. | 09/27/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | white working class | Informal | null |
working families | working class | racist | He knew Trump would connect with the American working families from the start and risked his reputation by backing Trump early on and going on the campaign trail. | 01/27/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | white working class | Informal | null |
law and order | law and order | racist | I sure hope Barr lives up to our expectations...and brings justice and law and order back to America. We need to get out from under this banana Republic that Obama created. | 05/31/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Black and Latino people are lawless and commit crimes | Informal | null |
law and order | law and order | racist | Hurry. Go to your safe spaces. Wondering how many friends and family affected directly by these attacks have changed their mind and see Trump in a new light. Law and Order! | 09/26/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Black and Latino people are lawless and commit crimes | Informal | null |
absent father | absent fathers | racist | Spoiler: They don't care. That's why she acts out, posts dumb sheeeut. She wants the attention, statistically from an absent father. | 10/22/2015 | null | null | BlackPeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Black men are irresponsible | Informal | null |
MAGA | MAGA | white supremacist | Buried deep in our dank memes and shitposts lies a philosophy centered on the defense of reason, objectivity and the conceptual rights of human beings. Normies just see MAGA, LYIN TED, KEK, etc. Centipedes see the truth... | 08/13/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Make America White Again | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Yeah. Hollywood is always bitching about the Communist blacklist, but the real blacklist was against anti-Communists then (liberal and conservative) and conservatives now. | 04/25/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | It's amazing how Hollywood sluts that used to be cute or pretty become just disgustingly ugly once they go full pedowood radical leftist/commie. If they ever had a soul, it was sucked right out of them and you can see the end result clearly. | 01/04/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | It always struck me as ironic that in super liberal Hollywood, the only two presidents with Hollywood stars just also happen to be two of the greatest presidents. | 07/05/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | This is the first major instance of deliberate sheep-herding of the feminine to establish a power game in Hollywood to usher in more feminine influence into this 'space' which will subsequently result in more feminized male workers, culture, and of course, major films and all their propaganda. | 10/15/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | > The socialist utopia turns every member into a zombie Basically this. They psychologically condition everyone into a group think mindset since birth through education, media, and Hollywood to produce zombies indoctrinated in the leftist cult religion. | 07/17/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Judges in courts, politicians that take issue and pass laws, Hollywood people who promote it, and CEO that virtue signal are tasting their own cooking by feminizing (man bad, woman heroic victim) everything. | 09/17/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Glad to see you here. New Mexico is the link between the Hollywood and New York/Washington DC rings: Epstein had a ranch here, Bill Richardson made NM the film capitol of the Southwest, and Albuquerque Studios is a short helicopter flight from Epstein’s ranch. I wouldn’t be surprised if the weird raid on the Telescope site near White Sands was part of the investigation or the cover-up. | 08/10/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | America, with it's Hollywood propaganda machine, markets itself pretty much as a white country to the world. | 02/05/2019 | null | null | aznidentity | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | I don't think anybody actually in Hollywood thinks anything Mel Gibson has said was wrong. That place is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. | 01/10/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | It amazes me that people try to say awards are racist towards black people. All you have to do is make a movie about gay or black people and you are pretty much guaranteed an award. Hollywood is fully of liberal cucks and the one year black people didn't win, the oscars get called racist. | 03/04/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | This is why YouTube is demonitizing people's videos. Hollywood is worried that people like PewDiePie will have influence over a large group of people (especially kids), and can't be controlled by the elite. | 07/14/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Now she needs to change her name back to Johnson, she only changed her last name because she believes that Jews run everything and it’s easier to get a job in Hollywood if you have a Jewish name. | 02/01/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Now I realize he(just like most in Hollywood or the music industry) has been brainwashed and manipulated to do and say a lot of the dumb shit he has over the years. | 12/01/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Johnson sided with leftie hollywood pedo types over GEOTUS and said he would make a better president than President Trump...glad to see them eating their own | 10/12/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Everyone screaming from the rafters wanting all of DC and Hollywood locked up are only going to be bitterly disappointed, but because they’re all buying in to this conspiracy, the fact that there *havent* been arrests will be held up as evidence that the child rapists exist, and are preventing their arrest. | 12/31/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | I'd say this is a terrible idea for almost every guy. Only worth it for girls trying to get noticed by 10/10 chads, and even then they wouldn't want to pay Essentially it's a beta tax for the company, for fools who think showering *more* attention is effective | 05/13/2016 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | dany is the character i hate the most. The show is a virtue signalling mess, but that's only for women. Women get propaganda and one dimensional characters thrown their way where us men get to witness the intrapersonal struggles of tyrion, two eunuchs, beta sam tarly and alpha characters like euron or jamie lannister. | 07/24/2017 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Their AF strategy means that if you want no strings attached sex with many girls, you need mostly alpha behaviour; Their BB strategy means that if you want to get married and get kids, you need mostly beta behaviour. | 07/05/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | 'you'll get me when I'm old and wizened and not a minute before that' - Morphine I have a really skilled colleague (Phd in math) with bonus kids from his wife. I keep thinking 'alpha fucks, beta bucks' whenever I overhear him talking to his wife or his wife's kids from her previous relationship. | 11/06/2016 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Lily picked James cause he was a chad and she rejected snape because he was acting like a beta cuck. | 05/10/2017 | null | null | Incels | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Frankly, I don't give a shit about terrorists blowing shit up in terrorist countries. I care about keeping Americans safe and Making America Great Again. | 06/28/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Just because we haven't had one yet doesn't mean we should wait until we do. These countries have terrorists who want to come over here to kill you, to kill us. It's the smart thing to ban these countries until further notice. | 02/07/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | You think we won? This is just a moment in time, Soros is meeting with donors to try to derail Trump now. Become complacent if you like. Look, I already said if you don't want to participate feel free not to, I couldn't care less what you do. I'm personally not going to put myself back in the position of being behind the 8 ball by supporting those who tried to foist Hillary on us. | 11/14/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | Like, if we pretty much know for a fact that huge numbers of people were paid by George Soros to protest against Trump, it's definitely not a leap to suggest that the whole Western World is doing similarly by cherry-picking compliant young people to try and twist the narrative. | 12/10/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | they resorted to PMing me even more filth. Shariablue is here, make no mistake, defending the actions of today's soros funded attack in VA. They are defending by trying to distract from it. | 08/12/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | Don't be so cucky, folks! Soros is still walking around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour! | 11/17/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | Turn him over to local authorities with 2 misdemeanor counts and $3000 bond. I sincerely expect that Soros funneled money to get this guy out immediately for his media blitz. So the deal is this: Secret Service didn't do their due diligence in order to ensure that he was held accountable for his behavior. | 03/14/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Thanks. I didn't know that. Almost didn't ask for fear of sounding rude, but I figured we're in a snowflake free zone. | 11/06/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | What about the kids of millennials and Gen Y? Do you think they'll rebel and be based AF too, or be pink-haired shrieking rampaging sex-mutant snowflake hellions who look like they've fallen face-first into a box of fishing tackle? | 07/27/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how ignorant and fear fed the snowflake rights are | 12/21/2019 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Something I think Scott didn't cover in the Woman Card killshot is that the public is ready to fight back against the special snowflake blue hair movement. Most parents want their boys to be strong and their girls to be pretty and both to be smart, polite, and successful. People are sick of apologizing for that incredibly successful model. | 04/27/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
alt-right | alt-right | white supremacist | Local news has been all over this story (obviously, it's nationwide news and rarely do big stories happen here). Portland Mayor is calling for a ban on all alt-right permits for outdoor demonstrations. Local news media consistently blaming the alt-right. | 05/29/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist | Informal | null |
alt-right | alt-right | white supremacist | It is mind boggling how little attention this very plausible-by-evidence child porn ring is getting compared to the Russia collusion being used to cover it up. When the FBI is in on it, you know shit has gotten real. And people fall for it like janga pieces, even though the enemy known as the alt-right was constructed by Hillary and her staff to straw man their way back into lokitkcsr | 04/29/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Dude, relax, I'm not some liberal snowflake that cry when twitter gets fucked... I'm just going with the mood.... FUCK /u/spez and all that mess.. | 11/24/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Look at the poor little snowflake in the background melting, she feels soooo bad for the pedo lover.... boo hoo hoo | 05/29/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | The special snowflake does not stop being a whiny bitch before or after losing. It is part of what being one of them entails. | 11/10/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | I love reading that story every time it comes up. There's some serious shadenfraude in seeing some snowflake activist face the real world. :) | 06/13/2019 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | You're at a mental breaking point, are you? Did we trigger your pathetic special snowflake mind? Do you need a safe space? Its ok, go tell Mummy Hil**liar**y all about it. Get out. | 09/05/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
alt-right | alt-right | white supremacist | I think I fall into the alt-right pool now. Ie: very conservative. I didn't used to be, but all this obviously evil, vile, hate filled screeching and assault and doxxing has only more firmly planted me here. | 03/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist | Informal | null |
alt-right | alt-right | white supremacist | The Trump Administration has now partnered with alt-right Russian conspiracy theorists in pre-colluded massacre of brave S.J.W. Actioneers defending our nation’s *Undocumented Heroes* from the deeply disturbing inherent racism, bigotry, and xenomorphism embodied by Mr. President’s pro-KAG base. | 06/24/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White supremacist | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Who knew throwing a 0.5 oz piece of cloth over your mouth was so burdensome. Poor sorry ass snowflake republicunts. | 12/02/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
urban | inner city | racist | People only care about things out of the norm. Insanely high murder rates in largely Democrat-controlled urban areas is normal. | 08/04/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Sorry I left off the sarcasm tag. I believe this pic was from a special snowflake protest in front of Trump tower during the Trump=sexual predator fake news cycle. | 01/15/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | >> I wonder what kinds of political positions the adult children of today's special snowflake queers will take -- there's going to be an awful lot of them in the coming years and their political preferences will have an impact. | 04/01/2016 | null | null | GenderCynical | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
snowflake | snowflake | anti-liberal | Snowflake lives in a bubble protected by mommy and daddy and doesn't realize all this country has done for him or the privilege he's honored to have by growing up in this country and decides to disgrace all that it *stands* for. | 10/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
urban | inner city | racist | Ultimately I'm glad for urban renewal, high costs of living, and gentrification, as it will do the most to combat a bunch of non citizen illegality as they simply won't be able to afford it when working under the table. | 03/02/2015 | null | null | european | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
urban | inner city | racist | Oh I knew even this sub wasn't free of it when white women here tried to say urban children black and brown are on equal playing ground with white children in the suburban area. Jammies corrected it, but they pop up every now and again to let us know they are here | 01/11/2022 | null | null | FemaleDatingStrategy | PRAW API | African American neighborhoods | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | For them it’s just another detail in a long March toward political correctness, enforced diversity, and another example of how you’re just not allowed to be a white traditional Christian anymore (which is hysterical but that’s their POV). | 02/17/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
buck | strapping young buck | racist | I did not forget the 20+ assaults by Blacks before this 1 assault by White, granted the White guys likes to get more bang per buck that’s for sure... | 03/19/2021 | null | null | AsianMasculinity | PRAW API | young Black man | Informal | null |
illegal alien | illegal aliens | anti-Latino | This Brown Sewage is costing us a fortune in legal and incarceration expenses. Thise who employ Illegal Aliens should be subject to severe civil and criminal penalties. DEPORT DEPORT DEPORT | 08/14/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Dangerous undocumented brown people | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | That's left wing brainwashing for you. They also believe political correctness is synonymous with manners and not the silencing of disfavored groups of people and facts that discredit liberal narratives that it is. They're idiots, but they're so thoroughly brainwashed it's a lost cause. | 05/23/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | The left has their ridiculous political correctness verging on some kind of desire towards national suicide based on historical guilt. | 11/29/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | Racism, sexism, pedophilia, all those things are opinions that deserves to be discussed, those people deserve a place to express their ideas, damn political correctness is afraid of discussing those ideas! So if you have a thousand dollars or two, to help me give a platform to those people with opinions persecuted by the left, you would be a true free speech warrior! | 03/15/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | Considering that so many white kids are rap fans, you would think they would be better represented...maybe that will change, now that Trump is in charge, and Political Correctness no longer rules show business... | 11/19/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | His isn't political correctness -- it's taqiyya. He explicitly lies for the death cult and cultural cancer that is Islam. | 05/23/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | I don’t hate the LGBTQ community, I hate the hyper-political correctness that gets pushed on us while the institutional left shoves the LGBTQ down our throats as their poster cause just to signal “look guise we so accepting, now gib us your money!!!” I do not hate the LGBTQ community. I hate that certain individuals, some not even *actually associated* with that community except as a sick display as a moral prop, tried to dictate the rights to free speech of other Americans. | 06/17/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
political correctness | political correctness | racist | Events like Cologne are very important examples of exactly what we're all fighting against and why political correctness is so dangerous to real victims of sexual violence or rape. | 04/29/2016 | null | null | MensRights | PRAW API | We should let people be openly racist | Informal | null |
affirmative action | affirmative action | racist | This is supposed to be the land of freedom and equality and that is an all or nothing type of deal. Either everyone is given the same opportunities or Noone really is. Fuck affirmative action. | 10/25/2017 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | White people are victims of racial mistreatment | Informal | null |
affirmative action | affirmative action | racist | When you look at pictures of the glory days of science, the early 1900's, it's always a group of brilliant men smiling with pride about their collaborative achievement. All this affirmative action is really hurting scientific and technological progress. And I think one example that really epitomizes this was the CSO of Equifax and her undergraduate and masters degrees in music theory. | 10/09/2017 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | White people are victims of racial mistreatment | Informal | null |
America First | America First | antisemitic | It is not profitable for the US, I would much rather be allies with an oil rich nation like Iran. If Israel's GENIE energy found oil they can steal from Syria they can talk to Syria about it, it's none of our business, Israel can fight their own wars. AMERICA FIRST not Israel. | 05/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | We need to protect ourselves from Jewish influence | Informal | null |
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