-- Make variables for the player and camera
local player = Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait() local humanoidRootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart", true) local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
-- Overloads BaseCamera:GetSubjectPosition() with -- the GetSubjectPosition function of the FpsCamera.
function FpsCamera:MountBaseCamera(BaseCamera) local base = BaseCamera.GetSubjectPosition self.GetBaseSubjectPosition = base if base then BaseCamera.GetBaseSubjectPosition = base BaseCamera.GetSubjectPosition = self.GetSubjectPosition else self:Warn("MountBaseCamera - Could not find BaseCamera:GetSubjectPosition()!") end end
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999 local slash_damage = 99999999999999999999999999999999 local lunge_damage = 99999999999999999999999999999999 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent local SlashSound ="Sound") SlashSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\swordslash.wav" SlashSound.Parent = sword SlashSound.Volume = .7 local LungeSound ="Sound") LungeSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\swordlunge.wav" LungeSound.Parent = sword LungeSound.Volume = .6 local UnsheathSound ="Sound") UnsheathSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\unsheath.wav" UnsheathSound.Parent = sword UnsheathSound.Volume = 1 function blow(hit) if (hit.Parent == nil) then return end -- happens when bullet hits sword local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local hum = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- non-nil if tool held by a character if humanoid~=nil and humanoid ~= hum and hum ~= nil then -- final check, make sure sword is in-hand local right_arm = vCharacter:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if (right_arm ~= nil) then local joint = right_arm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == sword or joint.Part1 == sword)) then tagHumanoid(humanoid, vPlayer) humanoid:TakeDamage(damage) wait(1) untagHumanoid(humanoid) end end end end function tagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = player creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = humanoid end function untagHumanoid(humanoid) if humanoid ~= nil then local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then tag.Parent = nil end end end function attack() damage = slash_damage SlashSound:play() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function lunge() damage = lunge_damage LungeSound:play() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Lunge" anim.Parent = Tool local force ="BodyVelocity") force.velocity =,10,0) --Tool.Parent.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 80 force.Parent = Tool.Parent.HumanoidRootPart wait(.25) swordOut() wait(.25) force.Parent = nil wait(.5) swordUp() damage = slash_damage end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,0) Tool.GripRight =,1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,1) Tool.GripRight =,-1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,0) end function swordAcross() -- parry end Tool.Enabled = true local last_attack = 0 function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local t = r.Stepped:wait() if (t - last_attack < .2) then lunge() else attack() end last_attack = t --wait(.5) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() UnsheathSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) connection = sword.Touched:connect(blow)
--// F key, HornOff
mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) if key=="h" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Airhorn:Stop() veh.Lightbar.middle.Wail.Volume = 8 veh.Lightbar.middle.Yelp.Volume = 8 veh.Lightbar.middle.Priority.Volume = 8 veh.Lightbar.HORN.Transparency = 1 end end)
--use this to determine if you want this human to be harmed or not, returns boolean
function checkTeams(otherHuman) return not (sameTeam(otherHuman) and not FriendlyFire) end function getKnife() local knife = Handle:clone() knife.Transparency = 0 knife.Hit.Pitch = math.random(90, 110)/100 local lift ="BodyForce") lift.force =, 196.2, 0) * knife:GetMass() * 0.8 lift.Parent = knife local proj = Tool.Projectile:Clone() proj.Disabled = false proj.Parent = knife return knife end function equippedLoop() while Equipped do local dt = Heartbeat:wait() if AttackPower < 1 then AttackPower = AttackPower + dt * AttackRecharge if AttackPower > 1 then AttackPower = 1 end end Handle.Transparency = 1 - AttackPower end end function onLeftDown(mousePos) local knife = getKnife() knife.CFrame =, mousePos) knife.Velocity = knife.CFrame.lookVector * AttackSpeed * AttackPower local damage = AttackDamage * AttackPower local touched touched = knife.Touched:connect(function(part) if part:IsDescendantOf(Tool.Parent) then return end if contains(Knives, part) then return end if part.Parent and part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local human = part.Parent.Humanoid if checkTeams(human) then tagHuman(human) human:TakeDamage(damage) knife.Hit:Play() end end knife.Projectile:Destroy() local w ="Weld") w.Part0 = part w.Part1 = knife w.C0 = part.CFrame:toObjectSpace(knife.CFrame) w.Parent = w.Part0 touched:disconnect() end) table.insert(Knives, knife) knife.Parent = workspace game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(knife, 3.5) delay(2, function() knife.Transparency = 1 end) Remote:FireClient(getPlayer(), "PlayAnimation", "Throw") Handle.Throw.Pitch = 0.8 + 0.4 * AttackPower Handle.Throw:Play() AttackPower = 0 end function onRemote(player, func, ...) if player ~= getPlayer() then return end if func == "LeftDown" then onLeftDown(...) end end function onEquip() Equipped = true equippedLoop() end function onUnequip() Equipped = false end Remote.OnServerEvent:connect(onRemote) Tool.Equipped:connect(onEquip) Tool.Unequipped:connect(onUnequip)
-- declarations
local toolAnim = "None" local toolAnimTime = 0 local jumpAnimTime = 0 local jumpAnimDuration = 0.31 local toolTransitionTime = 0.1 local fallTransitionTime = 0.2
targetparts = {} function updatecam() camupdater = runservice.RenderStepped:connect(function() workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =,TARGET.CFrame.p) end) end function click() if mouse.Hit ~= nil then for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsAncestorOf(mouse.Target) then if v.Name == TN[1] or TN[2] or TN[3] or TN[4] or TN[5] or TN[6] or TN[7] or TN[8] or TN[9] or TN[10] then -- Cant think of any other way rn sos TARGET = mouse.Target db = true else db = false end end end if db == false then db = true TARGET = mouse.Hit.p local targetpart ="Part",workspace) targetpart.Transparency = 1 targetpart.CanCollide = false targetpart.Anchored = true targetpart.Name = "TARGET" targetpart.CFrame = mouse.Hit table.insert(targetparts,targetpart) TARGET = targetpart db = false end if TARGET ~= nil then prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.ZIndex = 2 prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.TextColor3 =,255,0) else prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.ZIndex = 0 prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.TextColor3 =,0.65,0.65) end end end function keys(k,gpe) if not gpe then if k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then -- zoom in activekey = true while activekey == true do wait() if workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView > 20 then workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView - 1 else workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView - 0.5 end end elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then -- zoom out activekey = true while activekey == true do wait() if workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView > 20 then workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView + 1 else workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView + 0.5 end end elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.G then -- Un/Track target if TARGET ~= nil then if activekey == true then activekey = false workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom" workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Cam game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 1 game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson camupdater:disconnect() else activekey = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Scriptable" game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 1 if camupdater then camupdater:disconnect() end updatecam() end end elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.H then -- UnTarget for _,v in ipairs(targetparts) do v:destroy() end TARGET = nil prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.ZIndex = 0 prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.TextColor3 =,0.65,0.65) camupdater:disconnect() activekey = false workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom" workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Cam game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 1 game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then if TARGET ~= nil then pathtoremote.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer(TARGET) end elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then pathtoremote.RemoteEvent2:FireServer() elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.T then pathtoremote.RemoteEvent:FireServer() end end end function keysoff(k,gpe) if not gpe then if k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then if activekey == true then activekey = false end elseif k.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then if activekey == true then activekey = false end end end end pathtoremote.RemoteEvent2.OnClientEvent:connect(function() TARGET = nil prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.ZIndex = 0 prnt.Main.Lock.LOCK.TextColor3 =,0.65,0.65) camupdater:disconnect() activekey = false workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom" workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Cam game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 1 game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson end) UIS.InputBegan:connect(keys) UIS.InputEnded:connect(keysoff) mouse.Button1Up:connect(click)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
while true do wait(0.5); ts = game:GetService("TweenService"); ti2 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0); local l__Parent__1 = script.Parent; ts:Create(l__Parent__1, ti2, { TextSize = 35 }):Play(); wait(0.5); ts:Create(l__Parent__1, ti2, { TextSize = 30 }):Play(); end;
--Steer Gyro Tuning
Tune.SteerD = 100 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 4500 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 1200 -- Steering Aggressiveness
-- setup emote chat hook --[[game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg) local emote = "" if msg == "/e dance" then emote = dances[math.random(1, #dances)] elseif (string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "/e ") then emote = string.sub(msg, 4) elseif (string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/emote ") then emote = string.sub(msg, 8) end if (pose == "Standing" and emoteNames[emote] ~= nil) then playAnimation(emote, 0.1, Humanoid) end end)--]]
--// This method is to be used with the new filter API. This method takes the --// TextFilterResult objects and converts them into the appropriate string --// messages for each player.
function methods:InternalSendFilteredMessageWithFilterResult(inMessageObj, channelName) local messageObj = ShallowCopy(inMessageObj) local oldFilterResult = messageObj.FilterResult local player = self:GetPlayer() local msg = "" pcall(function() if (messageObj.IsFilterResult) then if (player) then msg = oldFilterResult:GetChatForUserAsync(player.UserId) else msg = oldFilterResult:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync() end else msg = oldFilterResult end end) --// Messages of 0 length are the result of two users not being allowed --// to chat, or GetChatForUserAsync() failing. In both of these situations, --// messages with length of 0 should not be sent. if (#msg > 0) then messageObj.Message = msg messageObj.FilterResult = nil self:InternalSendFilteredMessage(messageObj, channelName) end end function methods:InternalSendSystemMessage(messageObj, channelName) local success, err = pcall(function() self:LazyFire("eReceivedSystemMessage", messageObj, channelName) if self.PlayerObj then self.EventFolder.OnNewSystemMessage:FireClient(self.PlayerObj, messageObj, channelName) end end) if not success and err then print("Error sending internal system message: " ..err) end end function methods:UpdateChannelNameColor(channelName, channelNameColor) self:LazyFire("eChannelNameColorUpdated", channelName, channelNameColor) if self.PlayerObj then self.EventFolder.ChannelNameColorUpdated:FireClient(self.PlayerObj, channelName, channelNameColor) end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = { Notices = true }; for v2, v3 in pairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v3:IsA("Frame") then if v1[v3.Name] then v3.Visible = true; else v3.Visible = false; end; elseif v3:IsA("Folder") then for v4, v5 in pairs(v3:GetChildren()) do if v5:IsA("Frame") then v5.Visible = false; end; end; end; end;
-- wandering
spawn(function() while vars.Wandering.Value == false and human.Health > 0 do vars.Chasing.Value = false vars.Wandering.Value = true local desgx, desgz = hroot.Position.x+math.random(-WanderX,WanderX), hroot.Position.z+math.random(-WanderZ,WanderZ) local function checkw(t) local ci = 3 if ci > #t then ci = 3 end if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil return,0,0) + t[ci] else ci = 3 return t[ci] end end path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position,, 0, desgz)) waypoint = path:GetWaypoints() local connection; local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front) local ncf = hroot.CFrame * direct = ncf.p.unit local rootr =, direct) local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot) if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) human.Jump = false end if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) human:MoveTo( waypoint[4].Position ) else human.Jump = false end if connection then connection:Disconnect() end else for i = 3, #waypoint do human:MoveTo( waypoint[i].Position ) end end wait(math.random(4,6)) vars.Wandering.Value = false end end)
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data) local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local scr = client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) local window = scr.Window local msg = data.Message local color = data.Color local found = client.UI.Get("Output") if found then for i,v in pairs(found) do local p = v.Object if p and p.Parent then p.Window.Position =, 0, 0.5, p.Window.Position.Y.Offset+160) end end end window.Main.ScrollingFrame.ErrorText.Text = msg window.Main.ScrollingFrame.ErrorText.TextColor3 = color window.Close.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() gTable.Destroy() end) spawn(function() local sound ="Sound",service.LocalContainer()) sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://160715357" sound.Volume = 2 sound:Play() wait(0.8) sound:Destroy() end) gTable.Ready() wait(5) gTable.Destroy() end
--[[ CameraShakePresets.Bump CameraShakePresets.Explosion CameraShakePresets.Earthquake CameraShakePresets.BadTrip CameraShakePresets.HandheldCamera CameraShakePresets.Vibration CameraShakePresets.RoughDriving --]]
local CameraShakeInstance = require(script.Parent.CameraShakeInstance) local CameraShakePresets = { -- A high-magnitude, short, yet smooth shake. -- Should happen once. Bump = function() local c =, 4, 0.1, 0.75) c.PositionInfluence =, 0.15, 0.15) c.RotationInfluence =, 1, 1) return c end; -- An intense and rough shake. -- Should happen once. Explosion = function() local c =, 10, 0,.8) c.PositionInfluence =,.5,.5) c.RotationInfluence =,1,1) return c end; -- A continuous, rough shake -- Sustained. Earthquake = function() local c =, 3.5, 2, 10) c.PositionInfluence =, 0.25, 0.25) c.RotationInfluence =, 1, 4) return c end; -- A bizarre shake with a very high magnitude and low roughness. -- Sustained. BadTrip = function() local c =, 0.15, 5, 10) c.PositionInfluence =, 0, 0.15) c.RotationInfluence =, 1, 4) return c end; -- A subtle, slow shake. -- Sustained. HandheldCamera = function() local c =, 0.25, 5, 10) c.PositionInfluence =, 0, 0) c.RotationInfluence =, 0.5, 0.5) return c end; -- A very rough, yet low magnitude shake. -- Sustained. Vibration = function() local c =, 20, 2, 2) c.PositionInfluence =, 0.15, 0) c.RotationInfluence =, 0, 4) return c end; -- A slightly rough, medium magnitude shake. -- Sustained. RoughDriving = function() local c =, 2, 1, 1) c.PositionInfluence =, 0, 0) c.RotationInfluence =, 1, 1) return c end; } return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, i) local f = CameraShakePresets[i] if (type(f) == "function") then return f() end error("No preset found with index \"" .. i .. "\"") end; })
---[[ Window Settings ]]
module.MinimumWindowSize =, 0, 0.25, 0) module.MaximumWindowSize =, 0, 1, 0) -- if you change this to be greater than full screen size, weird things start to happen with size/position bounds checking. module.DefaultWindowPosition =, 0, 0, 0) local extraOffset = (7 * 2) + (5 * 2) -- Extra chatbar vertical offset module.DefaultWindowSizePhone =, 0, 0.5, extraOffset) module.DefaultWindowSizeTablet =, 0, 0.3, extraOffset) module.DefaultWindowSizeDesktop =, 0, 0.25, extraOffset)
-- print(animName .. " * " .. idx .. " [" .. origRoll .. "]")
local anim = animTable[animName][idx].anim if (toolAnimInstance ~= anim) then if (toolAnimTrack ~= nil) then toolAnimTrack:Stop() toolAnimTrack:Destroy() transitionTime = 0 end -- load it to the humanoid; get AnimationTrack toolAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) if priority then toolAnimTrack.Priority = priority end -- play the animation toolAnimTrack:Play(transitionTime) toolAnimName = animName toolAnimInstance = anim currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler = toolAnimTrack.KeyframeReached:connect(toolKeyFrameReachedFunc) end end function stopToolAnimations() local oldAnim = toolAnimName if (currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then currentToolAnimKeyframeHandler:disconnect() end toolAnimName = "" toolAnimInstance = nil if (toolAnimTrack ~= nil) then toolAnimTrack:Stop() toolAnimTrack:Destroy() toolAnimTrack = nil end return oldAnim end
local function ModifyTransformation(cast: ActiveCast, velocity: Vector3?, acceleration: Vector3?, position: Vector3?) local trajectories = cast.StateInfo.Trajectories local lastTrajectory = trajectories[#trajectories] -- NEW BEHAVIOR: Don't create a new trajectory if we haven't even used the current one. if lastTrajectory.StartTime == cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime then -- This trajectory is fresh out of the box. Let's just change it since it hasn't actually affected the cast yet, so changes won't have adverse effects. if (velocity == nil) then velocity = lastTrajectory.InitialVelocity end if (acceleration == nil) then acceleration = lastTrajectory.Acceleration end if (position == nil) then position = lastTrajectory.Origin end lastTrajectory.Origin = position lastTrajectory.InitialVelocity = velocity lastTrajectory.Acceleration = position else -- The latest trajectory is done. Set its end time and get its location. lastTrajectory.EndTime = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime local point, velAtPoint = unpack(GetLatestTrajectoryEndInfo(cast)) if (velocity == nil) then velocity = velAtPoint end if (acceleration == nil) then acceleration = lastTrajectory.Acceleration end if (position == nil) then position = point end table.insert(cast.StateInfo.Trajectories, { StartTime = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime, EndTime = -1, Origin = position, InitialVelocity = velocity, Acceleration = acceleration }) end end function ActiveCastStatic:SetVelocity(velocity: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetVelocity", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, velocity, nil, nil) end function ActiveCastStatic:SetAcceleration(acceleration: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetAcceleration", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, nil, acceleration, nil) end function ActiveCastStatic:SetPosition(position: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetPosition", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, nil, nil, position) end function ActiveCastStatic:GetVelocity(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetVelocity", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return GetVelocityAtTime(self.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - currentTrajectory.StartTime, currentTrajectory.InitialVelocity, currentTrajectory.Acceleration) end function ActiveCastStatic:GetAcceleration(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetAcceleration", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return currentTrajectory.Acceleration end function ActiveCastStatic:GetPosition(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetPosition", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return GetPositionAtTime(self.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - currentTrajectory.StartTime, currentTrajectory.Origin, currentTrajectory.InitialVelocity, currentTrajectory.Acceleration) end
-- update whether the Character is running or not --[[Humanoid.Running:Connect(function(speed) if speed <= .3 then IsPlayerRunning = false else IsPlayerRunning = true end end)]]
--// We could just check this on demand...
--Rear Suspension
Tune.RSusDamping = 401 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 14000 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 18.82 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.RSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.RExtensionLim = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RCompressLim = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 54 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 2 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward
-- you can mess with these settings
local easingtime = 0.1 --0~1 local walkspeeds = { enabled = true; walkingspeed = 16; backwardsspeed = 10; sidewaysspeed = 15; diagonalspeed = 16; runningspeed = 25; runningFOV= 85; }
--[[ ]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local AvatarEditor = ReplicatedStorage.AvatarEditor local GuiLib = require(AvatarEditor.Client.GuiLib.LazyLoader) local Maid = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Util.Maid) local Signal = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Util.Signal) local Promise = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Util.Promise) local Settings = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Settings) local Class = {} Class.__index = Class function, searchState) local self = setmetatable({}, Class) self.State = searchState self.SearchChanged = self.Maid = self.NextSearch = nil self.SearchPromise = nil self.Frame = frame local searchBox = frame.TextBox local mask = self.Maid:GiveTask(mask) mask:SetMaskType("String") mask:SetMaxLength(50) self.Maid:GiveTask(mask.Frame.FocusLost:Connect(function(enterPressed, inputThatCausedFocusLoss) if not enterPressed then return end local value = mask:GetValue() self:OnSearchChanged(value, true) end)) self.Maid:GiveTask(mask.Frame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function() local value = mask:GetValue() self:OnSearchChanged(value) end)) self.Maid:GiveTask(frame.Clear.Activated:Connect(function(inputObject) searchBox.Text = "" end)) return self end function Class:OnSearchChanged(pattern, focusLost) local state = self.State local searchPromise = self.SearchPromise self.NextSearch = pattern if searchPromise then searchPromise:cancel() end -- cant believe this works self.SearchPromise =, reject, onCancel) Promise.delay(Settings.SEARCH_DELAY):andThen(function() if not onCancel(function() end) then if == self.NextSearch then reject("same search") else = self.NextSearch self.SearchChanged:Fire() resolve() end end end) end):catch(function() end) end function Class:Destroy() self.State = nil self.SearchChanged:Destroy() self.SearchChanged = nil self.Maid:DoCleaning() self.Maid = nil self.NextSearch = nil self.SearchPromise = nil self.Frame = nil setmetatable(self, nil) end return Class
-- move the banto to the newfound goal
walk:Play() bg.CFrame =,goal) bp.Position = (,goal)*,0,-100)).p local start = tick() repeat task.wait(1/2) local ray =,,-1000,0))
--[[function pm(x) if game.Players:findFirstChild(script.Parent.Parent.Name)~=nil then local bob=game.Players:findFirstChild(script.Parent.Parent.Name) local"Message") while bob:findFirstChild("Message")~=nil do bob.Message:remove() end mess.Parent=bob if x==1 then mess.Text="I Chord" elseif x==2 then mess.Text="IV Chord" elseif x==3 then mess.Text="V Chord" elseif x==4 then mess.Text="V-VII Transition" elseif x==5 then mess.Text="I-VII Transition" elseif x==6 then mess.Text="III Chord" end wait(1) mess.Parent=nil end end]]
function Leap() wait(0.25)--Might want to change this script.Parent.GripForward =,-0,1) script.Parent.GripPos =, 0, 0) script.Parent.GripRight =, 0, 0) script.Parent.GripUp =, 1, 0) wait(0.75)--Might want to change this also... script.Parent.GripForward =, 0.485, 0.825) script.Parent.GripPos =, 0, 0) script.Parent.GripRight =, -0.514, 0) script.Parent.GripUp =, 0.707, -0.565) end script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Jumping:connect(Leap)
-- How many times per second the gun can fire
local FireRate = 1 / 5.5
--// Stances
function Prone() UpdateAmmo() L_104_:FireServer("Prone") L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -3, 0) }):Play() L_3_:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 4 L_144_ = 4 L_143_ = 0.025 L_61_ = true Proned2 =, 0.5, 0.5) L_119_(L_9_,, -2.4201169, -0.0385534465, -0.99999994, -5.86197757e-012, -4.54747351e-013, 5.52669195e-012, 0.998915195, 0.0465667509, 0, 0.0465667509, -0.998915195), nil, function(L_269_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_269_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_,, -1, -5.96046448e-008, 1.31237243e-011, -0.344507754, 0.938783348, 0, 0.938783467, 0.344507784, -1, 0, -1.86264515e-009) , nil, function(L_270_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_270_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_,, -1, -1.1920929e-007, -2.58566502e-011, 0.314521015, -0.949250221, 0, 0.94925046, 0.314521164, 1, 3.7252903e-009, 1.86264515e-009) , nil, function(L_271_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_271_arg1)) end, 0.25) end function Stand() UpdateAmmo() L_104_:FireServer("Stand") L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, 0, 0) }):Play() L_61_ = false if not L_60_ then L_3_:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 16 L_143_ = .2 L_144_ = 17 elseif L_60_ then L_3_:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 16 L_144_ = 10 L_143_ = 0.02 end Proned2 =, 0, 0) L_119_(L_9_,, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), nil, function(L_272_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_272_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_,, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0), nil, function(L_273_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_273_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_,, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), nil, function(L_274_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_274_arg1)) end, 0.25) end function Crouch() UpdateAmmo() L_104_:FireServer("Crouch") L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -1, 0) }):Play() L_3_:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 9 L_144_ = 9 L_143_ = 0.035 L_61_ = true Proned2 =, 0, 0) L_119_(L_9_,, -1.04933882, 0, -1, 0, -1.88871293e-012, 1.88871293e-012, -3.55271368e-015, 1, 0, 1, -3.55271368e-015), nil, function(L_275_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_275_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_,, 0.0456044674, -0.494239986, 6.82121026e-013, -1.22639676e-011, 1, -0.058873821, 0.998265445, -1.09836602e-011, -0.998265445, -0.058873821, 0), nil, function(L_276_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_276_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_,, -0.157019258, -0.471293032, -8.7538865e-012, -8.7538865e-012, -1, 0.721672177, 0.692235112, 1.64406284e-011, 0.692235112, -0.721672177, 0), nil, function(L_277_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_277_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_6_:WaitForChild("Neck"), nil,, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), function(L_278_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_278_arg1)) end, 0.25) end function LeanRight() if L_87_ ~= 2 then L_104_:FireServer("LeanRight") L_119_(L_9_, nil,, 0.200000003, 0, -0.939692616, 0, -0.342020124, -0.342020124, 0, 0.939692616, 0, 1, 0), function(L_279_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_279_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_, nil,, 0.600000024, 0, 0, 0.342020124, 0.939692616, 0, 0.939692616, -0.342020124, -1, 0, 0), function(L_280_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_280_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_, nil, nil, function(L_281_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_281_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_6_:WaitForChild("Clone"), nil,, -0.300000012, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), function(L_282_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_282_arg1)) end, 0.25) if not L_61_ then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -0.5, 0) }):Play() elseif L_61_ then if L_87_ == 1 then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -1.5, 0) }):Play() end end; end end function LeanLeft() if L_87_ ~= 2 then L_104_:FireServer("LeanLeft") L_119_(L_9_, nil,, 0.200000003, 0, -0.939692616, 0, 0.342020124, 0.342020124, 0, 0.939692616, 0, 1, 0), function(L_283_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_283_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_, nil, nil, function(L_284_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_284_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_, nil,, 0.600000024, 0, 0, -0.342020124, -0.939692616, 0, 0.939692616, -0.342020124, 1, 0, 0), function(L_285_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_285_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_6_:WaitForChild("Clone"), nil,, -0.300000012, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), function(L_286_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_286_arg1)) end, 0.25) if not L_61_ then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -0.5, 0) }):Play() elseif L_61_ then if L_87_ == 1 then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -1.5, 0) }):Play() end end; end end function Unlean() if L_87_ ~= 2 then L_104_:FireServer("Unlean") L_119_(L_9_, nil,, 0, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), function(L_287_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_287_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_10_, nil,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0), function(L_288_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_288_arg1)) end, 0.25) L_119_(L_11_, nil,, 1, 0, -0, -0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), function(L_289_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_289_arg1)) end, 0.25) if L_6_:FindFirstChild('Clone') then L_119_(L_6_:WaitForChild("Clone"), nil,, -0.5, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), function(L_290_arg1) return math.sin(math.rad(L_290_arg1)) end, 0.25) end if not L_61_ then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, 0, 0) }):Play() elseif L_61_ then if L_87_ == 1 then L_14_:Create(L_3_:WaitForChild('Humanoid'),, { CameraOffset =, -1, 0) }):Play() end end; end end local L_154_ = false L_99_.InputBegan:connect(function(L_291_arg1, L_292_arg2) if not L_292_arg2 and L_15_ == true then if L_15_ then if L_291_arg1.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C then if L_87_ == 0 and not L_63_ and L_15_ then L_87_ = 1 Crouch() L_88_ = false L_90_ = true L_89_ = false elseif L_87_ == 1 and not L_63_ and L_15_ then L_87_ = 2 Prone() L_90_ = false L_88_ = true L_89_ = false L_154_ = true end end if L_291_arg1.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.X then if L_87_ == 2 and not L_63_ and L_15_ then L_154_ = false L_87_ = 1 Crouch() L_88_ = false L_90_ = true L_89_ = false elseif L_87_ == 1 and not L_63_ and L_15_ then L_87_ = 0 Stand() L_88_ = false L_90_ = false L_89_ = true end end end end end)
----------//Animation Loader\\----------
function EquipAnim() AnimDebounce = false pcall(function() AnimData.EquipAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) AnimDebounce = true end function IdleAnim() pcall(function() AnimData.IdleAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) AnimDebounce = true end function SprintAnim() AnimDebounce = false pcall(function() AnimData.SprintAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function HighReady() pcall(function() AnimData.HighReady({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function LowReady() pcall(function() AnimData.LowReady({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function Patrol() pcall(function() AnimData.Patrol({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function ReloadAnim() pcall(function() AnimData.ReloadAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function TacticalReloadAnim() pcall(function() AnimData.TacticalReloadAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function JammedAnim() pcall(function() AnimData.JammedAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function PumpAnim() reloading = true pcall(function() AnimData.PumpAnim({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) reloading = false end function MagCheckAnim() CheckingMag = true pcall(function() AnimData.MagCheck({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) CheckingMag = false end function meleeAttack() pcall(function() AnimData.meleeAttack({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function GrenadeReady() pcall(function() AnimData.GrenadeReady({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end function GrenadeThrow() pcall(function() AnimData.GrenadeThrow({ RArmWeld, LArmWeld, GunWeld, WeaponInHand, ViewModel, }) end) end
-- initialize to idle
playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" while Figure.Parent~=nil do local _, time = wait(0.1) move(time) end
-- ==================== -- SNIPER -- Enable user to use scope -- ====================
SniperEnabled = false; FieldOfView = 12.5; MouseSensitive = 0.05; --In percent SpreadRedution = 1; --In percent.
Tune.SusEnabled = true -- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled --Front Suspension Tune.FSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.FSusStiffness = 9000 -- Spring Force Tune.FSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.FSusMaxExt = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusMaxComp = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Rear Suspension Tune.RSusDamping = 500 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 9000 -- Spring Force Tune.RSusLength = 2 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RSusMaxExt = .3 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusMaxComp = .1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 5 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Aesthetics Tune.SusVisible = true -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Really black" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
Tune.LoadDelay = .1 -- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds) Tune.AutoStart = false -- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin Tune.AutoFlip = true -- Set to false if using manual flip plugin
--[=[ Removes a prefix from a string if it exists @param str string @param prefix string @return string ]=]
function String.removePrefix(str: string, prefix: string): string if str:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix then return str:sub(#prefix + 1) else return str end end
-- FIXME: This should be updated to be closer to the actual -- `Object.preventExtensions` functionality in JS. This requires additional -- support from the VM
local function preventExtensions<T>(t: Table): T local name = tostring(t) return ( setmetatable(t, { __newindex = function(self, key, value) local message = ("%q (%s) is not a valid member of %s"):format(tostring(key), typeof(key), name) error(message, 2) end, __metatable = false, }) :: any ) :: T end return preventExtensions
-- ㊗
function findTorso(pos) local torso = nil local dist = 100000 local child = workspace:children() for i=1, #child do if child[i].className == "Model" then local h = child[i]:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if h ~= nil then local check = child[i]:findFirstChild("Head") if check ~= nil then if (check.Position - pos).magnitude < dist then torso = check dist = (check.Position - pos).magnitude end end end end end return torso end game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function() local torso = findTorso(script.Parent.Position) if torso ~= nil then script.Parent.CFrame =, torso.Position) end end)
--[=[ Attaches a `finally` handler to this Promise that discards the resolved value and returns the given value from it. ```lua promise:finallyReturn("some", "values") ``` This is sugar for ```lua promise:finally(function() return "some", "values" end) ``` @param ... any -- Values to return from the function @return Promise ]=]
function Promise.prototype:finallyReturn(...) local length, values = pack(...) return self:_finally(debug.traceback(nil, 2), function() return unpack(values, 1, length) end) end
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
while wait() do local nrstt = GetTorso(hroot.Position) if nrstt ~= nil and human.Health > 0 then -- if player detected vars.Wandering.Value = false vars.Chasing.Value = true local function checkw(t) local ci = 3 if ci > #t then ci = 3 end if t[ci] == nil and ci < #t then repeat ci = ci + 1 wait() until t[ci] ~= nil return,0,0) + t[ci] else ci = 3 return t[ci] end end path = pfs:FindPathAsync(hroot.Position, nrstt.Position) waypoint = path:GetWaypoints() local connection; local direct = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Front) local ncf = hroot.CFrame * direct = ncf.p.unit local rootr =, direct) local phit, ppos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(rootr, hroot) if path and waypoint or checkw(waypoint) then if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Walk then human:MoveTo( checkw(waypoint).Position ) human.Jump = false end if checkw(waypoint) ~= nil and checkw(waypoint).Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) human:MoveTo( waypoint[4].Position ) else human.Jump = false end hroot.Touched:connect(function(p) local bodypartnames = GetPlayersBodyParts(nrstt) if p:IsA'Part' and not p.Name == bodypartnames and phit and phit.Name ~= bodypartnames and phit:IsA'Part' and rootr:Distance(phit.Position) < 5 then connection = human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump = true end) else human.Jump = false end end) if connection then connection:Disconnect() end else for i = 3, #waypoint do human:MoveTo( waypoint[i].Position ) end end path = nil waypoint = nil elseif nrstt == nil then -- if player not detected vars.Wandering.Value = false vars.Chasing.Value = false CchaseName = nil path = nil waypoint = nil human.MoveToFinished:Wait() end end
--print("building and not player")
target = nearestBuilding targetType = nearestBuilding.ClassName lastLock = tick() else
--Thanks For Reading. I Really appreciate the work i did for you!
--// Connections
L_108_.OnClientEvent:connect(function(L_191_arg1, L_192_arg2, L_193_arg3, L_194_arg4, L_195_arg5, L_196_arg6, L_197_arg7) if L_191_arg1 and not L_15_ then MakeFakeArms() L_42_ = L_2_.PlayerGui.MainGui L_26_ = L_42_:WaitForChild('Others') L_27_ = L_26_:WaitForChild('Kill') L_28_ = L_42_:WaitForChild('GameGui'):WaitForChild('AmmoFrame') L_29_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Ammo') L_30_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('AmmoBackground') L_31_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('MagCount') L_32_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('MagCountBackground') L_33_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('DistDisp') L_34_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Title') L_35_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Mode1') L_36_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Mode2') L_37_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Mode3') L_38_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Mode4') L_39_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Mode5') L_40_ = L_28_:WaitForChild('Stances') L_41_ = L_42_:WaitForChild('Shading') L_41_.Visible = false L_34_.Text = L_1_.Name UpdateAmmo() L_43_ = L_192_arg2 L_44_ = L_193_arg3 L_45_ = L_194_arg4 L_46_ = L_195_arg5 L_47_ = L_196_arg6 L_48_ = L_197_arg7 L_49_ = L_62_.Bolt L_87_ = L_48_.C1 L_88_ = L_48_.C0 if L_1_:FindFirstChild('AimPart2') then L_57_ = L_1_:WaitForChild('AimPart2') end if L_1_:FindFirstChild('FirePart2') then L_60_ = L_1_.FirePart2 end if L_24_.FirstPersonOnly then L_2_.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson end --uis.MouseIconEnabled = false L_5_.FieldOfView = 70 L_15_ = true elseif L_15_ then if L_3_ and L_3_.Humanoid and L_3_.Humanoid.Health > 0 and L_9_ then Stand() Unlean() end L_93_ = 0 L_80_ = false L_81_ = false L_82_ = false L_64_ = false L_67_ = false L_66_ = false Shooting = false L_97_ = 70 RemoveArmModel() L_42_:Destroy() for L_198_forvar1, L_199_forvar2 in pairs(IgnoreList) do if L_199_forvar2 ~= L_3_ and L_199_forvar2 ~= L_5_ and L_199_forvar2 ~= L_101_ then table.remove(IgnoreList, L_198_forvar1) end end if L_3_:FindFirstChild('Right Arm') and L_3_:FindFirstChild('Left Arm') then L_3_['Right Arm'].LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 L_3_['Left Arm'].LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 end L_78_ = false L_69_ = true L_2_.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic L_107_.MouseIconEnabled = true L_5_.FieldOfView = 70 L_15_ = false L_107_.MouseDeltaSensitivity = L_52_ L_4_.Icon = "" L_15_ = false L_4_.TargetFilter = nil end end)
local _CTRL = _Tune.Controls local Controls ="Folder",script.Parent) Controls.Name = "Controls" for i,v in pairs(_CTRL) do local"StringValue",Controls) a.Name=i a.Value=v.Name a.Changed:connect(function() if i=="MouseThrottle" or i=="MouseBrake" then if a.Value == "MouseButton1" or a.Value == "MouseButton2" then _CTRL[i]=Enum.UserInputType[a.Value] else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end end) end --Deadzone Adjust local _PPH = _Tune.Peripherals for i,v in pairs(_PPH) do local a ="IntValue",Controls) a.Name = i a.Value = v a.Changed:connect(function() a.Value=math.min(100,math.max(0,a.Value)) _PPH[i] = a.Value end) end --Input Handler function DealWithInput(input,IsRobloxFunction) if (UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox()==nil) and not _InControls then --Ignore when UI Focus --Shift Down [Manual Transmission] if _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftDown"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftDown"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftDown"])) and (_TMode=="Auto" or _TMode=="Semi" or (_TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn))) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if _CGear == 0 then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.max(_CGear-1,-1) --Shift Up [Manual Transmission] elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftUp"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftUp"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftUp"])) and (_TMode=="Auto" or _TMode=="Semi" or (_TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn))) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if _CGear == 0 then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) --Toggle Clutch elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrClutch"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseClutch"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Clutch"])) and _TMode=="Manual" then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _ClutchOn = false _ClPressing = true elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ClutchOn = true _ClPressing = false end --Toggle PBrake elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrPBrake"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MousePBrake"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["PBrake"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _PBrake = not _PBrake elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>5 then _PBrake = false end end --Toggle Transmission Mode elseif (input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTMode"] or input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ToggleTransMode"]) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then local n=1 for i,v in pairs(_Tune.TransModes) do if v==_TMode then n=i break end end n=n+1 if n>#_Tune.TransModes then n=1 end _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[n] --Throttle elseif _IsOn and ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Throttle"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Throttle2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GThrot = 1*_GThrotShift else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100*_GThrotShift end --Brake elseif ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Brake"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Brake2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseBrake"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseBrake"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GBrake = 1 else _GBrake = 0 end --Steer Left elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerLeft"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerLeft2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = -1 _SteerL = true else if _SteerR then _GSteerT = 1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerL = false end --Steer Right elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerRight"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerRight2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = 1 _SteerR = true else if _SteerL then _GSteerT = -1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerR = false end --Toggle Mouse Controls elseif input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ToggleMouseDrive"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _MSteer = not _MSteer _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100*_GThrotShift _GBrake = 0 _GSteerT = 0 _ClutchOn = true end --Toggle TCS elseif _Tune.TCSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleTCS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTCS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _TCS = not _TCS end --Toggle ABS elseif _Tune. ABSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleABS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleABS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ABS = not _ABS end end --Variable Controls if input.UserInputType.Name:find("Gamepad") then --Gamepad Steering if input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrSteer"] then if input.Position.X>= 0 then local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlRDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X-cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end else local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlLDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X+cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end end --Gamepad Throttle elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrThrottle"] then _GThrot = math.max(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100,input.Position.Z)*_GThrotShift --Gamepad Brake elseif input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrBrake"] then _GBrake = input.Position.Z end end else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100*_GThrotShift _GSteerT = 0 _GBrake = 0 if _CGear~=0 then _ClutchOn = true end end end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(DealWithInput)
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/200)*20,20) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln.Rotation = 45 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln2.Rotation = 45 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 14 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 54 + 282 * math.min(1,script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" end script.Parent.Gear.Text = gearText end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.TCS.Visible then script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.ABS.Visible then script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end end) function PBrake() script.Parent.PBrake.Visible = script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value end script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Changed:connect(PBrake) function Gear() if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "A/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "S/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else script.Parent.TMode.Text = "M/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(Gear) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) script.Parent.Speedo.Needle.Rotation =45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) script.Parent.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) wait(.1) Gear() PBrake()
-------------------- --| Script Logic |-- --------------------
VipDoor.Touched:connect(OnTouched) while true do RemoveOldTouches() wait(1/30) end
Tune.ABSEnabled = true -- Implements ABS Tune.ABSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) Tune.FBrakeForce = 15000 -- Front brake force Tune.RBrakeForce = 15000 -- Rear brake force Tune.PBrakeForce = 50000 -- Handbrake force Tune.FLgcyBForce = 15000 -- Front brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.RLgcyBForce = 10000 -- Rear brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.LgcyPBForce = 25000 -- Handbrake force [PGS OFF]
--[=[ Returns a brio that dies whenever the first Brio in the list dies. The value of the Brio is the `...` value. @param brios {Brio<T>} @param ... U @return Brio<U> ]=]
function BrioUtils.first(brios, ...) for _, brio in pairs(brios) do if Brio.isBrio(brio) then if brio:IsDead() then return Brio.DEAD end end end local maid = local topBrio = for _, brio in pairs(brios) do if Brio.isBrio(brio) then maid:GiveTask(brio:GetDiedSignal():Connect(function() topBrio:Kill() end)) end end maid:GiveTask(topBrio:GetDiedSignal():Connect(function() maid:DoCleaning() end)) return topBrio end
-- functions
local function Display(text, sound) script.BeepSound:Play() INFO_GUI.Visible = true INFO_GUI.Position =, 0, 0.15, 0) INFO_GUI.InfoLabel.TextTransparency = 1 INFO_GUI.InfoLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 INFO_GUI.InfoLabel.Text = text INFO_GUI.BackgroundLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0) if sound then if script:FindFirstChild(sound .. "Sound") then script[sound .. "Sound"]:Play() end end local openInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out) local closeInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In) local openTweenA = TweenService:Create(INFO_GUI.InfoLabel, openInfo, {TextTransparency = 0; TextStrokeTransparency = 0; Position =, 0, 0.2, 0)}) local openTweenB = TweenService:Create(INFO_GUI.BackgroundLabel, openInfo, {Size =, 0, 1, 0)}) openTweenA:Play() openTweenB:Play() wait(5) local closeTweenA = TweenService:Create(INFO_GUI.InfoLabel, closeInfo, {TextTransparency = 1; TextStrokeTransparency = 1; Position =, 0, 0.15, 0)}) local closeTweenB = TweenService:Create(INFO_GUI.BackgroundLabel, closeInfo, {Size =, 0, 1, 0)}) closeTweenA:Play() closeTweenB:Play() wait(0.5) INFO_GUI.Visible = false end
--Wheelie tune
local WheelieD = 2 local WheelieTq = 85 local WheelieP = 5 local WheelieMultiplier = 1.5 local WheelieDivider = 2
function onClicked() R.Function1.Disabled = true R.Function2.Disabled = false R.BrickColor ="Institutional white") N.One1.BrickColor ="Really black") N.One2.BrickColor ="Really black") N.One4.BrickColor ="Really black") N.One8.BrickColor ="Really black") N.Three4.BrickColor ="Really black") N.Four1.BrickColor ="Really black") end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
-- connect events
Humanoid.Died:connect(onDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning) Humanoid.Jumping:connect(onJumping) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(onGettingUp) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(onFreeFall) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(onFallingDown) Humanoid.Seated:connect(onSeated) Humanoid.PlatformStanding:connect(onPlatformStanding) Humanoid.Swimming:connect(onSwimming)
--[[ Constructs a new Promise with the given initializing callback. This is generally only called when directly wrapping a non-promise API into a promise-based version. The callback will receive 'resolve' and 'reject' methods, used to start invoking the promise chain. For example: local function get(url) return, reject) spawn(function() resolve(HttpService:GetAsync(url)) end) end) end get("") :andThen(function(stuff) print("Got some stuff!", stuff) end) ]]
function local promise = { -- Used to locate where a promise was created _source = debug.traceback(), -- A tag to identify us as a promise _type = "Promise", _status = Promise.Status.Started, -- A table containing a list of all results, whether success or failure. -- Only valid if _status is set to something besides Started _value = nil, -- If an error occurs with no observers, this will be set. _unhandledRejection = false, -- Queues representing functions we should invoke when we update! _queuedResolve = {}, _queuedReject = {}, } setmetatable(promise, Promise) local function resolve(...) promise:_resolve(...) end local function reject(...) promise:_reject(...) end local ok, err = wpcall(callback, resolve, reject) if not ok and promise._status == Promise.Status.Started then reject(err) end return promise end
for _,i in pairs (siren:GetChildren()) do if i:IsA("ImageButton") and i.Name ~= "header" then if string.match(i.Name,"%l+") == "sr" then i.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.siren.Value = tonumber(string.match(i.Name,"%d")) if script.Parent.siren.Value == 0 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirenson siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 1 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailon siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 2 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpon siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 3 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseron siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 4 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hiloon siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 5 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornon siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 6 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleron siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 7 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpon siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleron siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 8 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseron siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleron siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhilooff elseif script.Parent.siren.Value == 9 then siren.sr0.Image = imgassets.sirensoff siren.sr1.Image = imgassets.wailoff siren.sr2.Image = imgassets.yelpoff siren.sr3.Image = imgassets.phaseroff siren.sr4.Image = imgassets.hilooff siren.sr5.Image = imgassets.hornoff siren.sr6.Image = imgassets.wailrumbleroff siren.sr7.Image = imgassets.yelprumbleroff siren.sr8.Image = imgassets.phaserrumbleroff siren.sr9.Image = imgassets.hyperhiloon end end) end end end for _,i in pairs (seats:GetChildren()) do if i:IsA("ImageButton") and i.Name ~= "header" then if string.match(i.Name,"%u%l+") == "Seat" then local a = seat:findFirstChild("Seat"..tonumber(string.match(i.Name,"%d"))) if a.Value then i.Image = imgassets.lockon else i.Image = imgassets.lockoff end i.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() a.Value = not a.Value if a.Value then i.Image = imgassets.lockon seat.Parent.SSC.Beep:Play() else i.Image = imgassets.lockoff seat.Parent.SSC.Beep:Play() end end) end end end while true do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Speed.Text = ("Speed: "..math.floor(seat.Velocity.Magnitude/2)) end
--[=[ Yields the current thread until the given Promise completes. Returns the values that the promise resolved with. ```lua local worked = pcall(function() print("got", getTheValue():expect()) end) if not worked then warn("it failed") end ``` This is essentially sugar for: ```lua select(2, assert(promise:await())) ``` **Errors** if the Promise rejects or gets cancelled. @error any -- Errors with the rejection value if this Promise rejects or gets cancelled. @yields @return ...any -- The values the Promise resolved with. ]=]
function Promise.prototype:expect() return expectHelper(self:awaitStatus()) end
-- ROBLOX FIXME Luau: doesn't see `if element` as nilable table, so we get TypeError: Type 'any?' could not be converted into '{| _owner: {| type: nil |}, _source: Source?, type: any |}'
local function setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element: any?) if _G.__DEV__ then if element then local owner = element._owner local stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV( element.type, element._source, owner ~= nil and owner.type or nil ); -- ROBLOX FIXME Luau: Cannot call non-function ((string?) -> ()) | ((string?) -> ()) (ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame :: any)(stack) else (ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame :: any)(nil) end end end local function checkPropTypes<P>( -- ROBLOX deviation START: also checks validateProps if present propTypes: Object?, validateProps: (P) -> (boolean, string?)?, props: P, -- ROBLOX deviation END location: string, componentName: string?, element: any? ): () if _G.__DEV__ or _G.__DISABLE_ALL_WARNINGS_EXCEPT_PROP_VALIDATION__ then -- deviation: hasOwnProperty shouldn't be relevant to lua objects -- $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it. -- local has = -- ROBLOX deviation: warns if both propType and validateProps defined. if propTypes and validateProps then console.warn( "You've defined both propTypes and validateProps on " .. (componentName or "a component") ) end -- ROBLOX deviation: also checks validateProps if present if validateProps then if typeof(validateProps) ~= "function" then console.error( ( "validateProps must be a function, but it is a %s.\nCheck the definition of the component %q." ):format(typeof(validateProps), componentName or "") ) else local success, failureReason = validateProps(props) if not success then failureReason = failureReason or "<Validator function did not supply a message>" local message = string.format( "validateProps failed on a %s type in %s: %s", location, componentName or "<UNKNOWN Component>", tostring(failureReason) ) -- ROBLOX deviation: In legacy Roact, prop validation -- failures throw. We replicate that behavior, even though -- it differs from propTypes (which only warns) -- ROBLOX FIXME: align with upstream behavior during React 18 Lua transition error(message) end end end if propTypes then -- ROBLOX deviation: since we can't constrain the generic, we assert so Luau knows propTypes is a table assert(typeof(propTypes) == "table", "propTypes needs to be a table") for typeSpecName, _ in propTypes do -- deviation: since our loop won't hit metatable members, we don't -- need to worry about encountering inherited properties here -- if has(propTypes, typeSpecName) then -- Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to -- fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it. -- After these have been cleaned up, we'll local them throw. local _, result = xpcall(function() -- This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same -- behavior as without this statement except with a better message. if typeof(propTypes[typeSpecName]) ~= "function" then local err = (componentName or "React class") .. ": " .. location .. " type `" .. typeSpecName .. "` is invalid; " .. "it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" .. typeof(propTypes[typeSpecName]) .. "`." .. "This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`." ) = "Invariant Violation" error(err) end return (propTypes[typeSpecName] :: Function)( props, typeSpecName, componentName, location, nil, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED" ) end, describeError) -- ROBLOX deviation: FIXME: Can we expose something from JSPolyfill that -- will let us verify that this is specifically the Error object -- defined there? if we check for result.message ~= nil, ReactNewContext.spec:1368 fails local isErrorObject = typeof(result) == "table" if result ~= nil and not isErrorObject then setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) console.error(string.format( -- ROBLOX deviation: s/null/nil "%s: type specification of %s" .. " `%s` is invalid; the type checker " .. "function must return `nil` or an `Error` but returned a %s. " .. "You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker " .. "creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and " .. "shape all require an argument).", componentName or "React class", location, typeSpecName, typeof(result) )) setCurrentlyValidatingElement(nil) end -- ROBLOX FIXME: Luau analyze doesn't understand isErrorObject's effect as a predicate meaning result ~= nil if isErrorObject and loggedTypeFailures[(result :: any).message] == nil then -- Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the -- same error. loggedTypeFailures[tostring((result :: any).message)] = true setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) console.warn( string.format( "Failed %s type: %s", location, tostring((result :: any).message) ) ) setCurrentlyValidatingElement(nil) end end end end end return checkPropTypes
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.AlienAnimationREAL.Fired:Fire(); end);
local WalkSpeedWhileCrouching = 5 local CurrentWalkSpeed = 16
--[[** ensures Roblox RaycastParams type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.RaycastParams = t.typeof("RaycastParams")
function ZoneController.getZones() local registeredZonesArray = {} for zone, _ in pairs(registeredZones) do table.insert(registeredZonesArray, zone) end return registeredZonesArray end
--[[ TS:Create(ArmaClone.REG,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() if ArmaClone:FindFirstChild("REG2") then TS:Create(ArmaClone.REG2,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end TS:Create(ArmaClone.ADS,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() ]]
for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end else for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end end elseif AimPartMode == 2 then tweenFoV(Settings.ChangeFOV[2],120) if Settings.FocusOnSight2 then --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = Settings.Focus2Distance}):Play() else --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = 0}):Play() end if Settings.adsMesh2 then for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end else for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end end end else if AimPartMode == 1 then tweenFoV(Settings.ChangeFOV[1],120) if Settings.FocusOnSight then --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = Settings.Focus1Distance}):Play() else --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = 0}):Play() end if Settings.adsMesh1 then for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end else if Settings.adsMesh1 then for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end end end elseif AimPartMode == 2 then tweenFoV(Settings.ChangeFOV[2],120) if Settings.FocusOnSight2 then --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = Settings.Focus2Distance}):Play() else --TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = 0}):Play() end if Settings.adsMesh2 then for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end else for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end end end end else tweenFoV(70,120) TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = 0}):Play() TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() end end elseif Aiming and Equipped then stance = 0 Evt.Stance:FireServer(stance,Settings,Anims,ArmaClient) game:GetService('UserInputService').MouseDeltaSensitivity = 1 ArmaClone.Handle.AimUp:Play() tweenFoV(70,120) Aiming = false if Settings.adsMesh1 or Settings.adsMesh2 then for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "REG" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 0}):Play() end end end for _,v in pairs(ArmaClone:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('MeshPart') or v:IsA('Part') or v:IsA('UnionOperation') then if v.Name == "ADS" then TS:Create(v,, {Transparency = 1}):Play() end end end end TS:Create(StatusClone.Efeitos.Aim,,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play() TS:Create(game.Lighting.DepthOfField,, {FocusDistance = 0}):Play() end end) Human.Died:connect(function() ResetWorkspace() Human:UnequipTools() Evt.Rappel.CutEvent:FireServer() Unset() end) function onStateChanged(_,state) if state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then Nadando = true if Equipped then Unset() Humanoid:UnequipTools() end else Nadando = false end if ServerConfig.EnableFallDamage then if state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and not falling then falling = true local curVel = 0 local peak = 0 while falling do curVel = HumanoidRootPart.Velocity.magnitude peak = peak + 1 wait() end local damage = (curVel - (ServerConfig.MaxVelocity)) * ServerConfig.DamageMult if damage > 5 and peak > 20 then local hurtSound = PastaFX.FallDamage:Clone() hurtSound.Parent = Player.PlayerGui hurtSound.Volume = damage/Human.MaxHealth hurtSound:Play() Debris:AddItem(hurtSound,hurtSound.TimeLength) Evt.Damage:FireServer(Human,damage,0,0) end elseif state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed or state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then falling = false end end end Evt.ServerBullet.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(SKP_arg1,SKP_arg3,SKP_arg4,SKP_arg5,SKP_arg6,SKP_arg7,SKP_arg8,SKP_arg9,SKP_arg10,SKP_arg11,SKP_arg12) if SKP_arg1 ~= Jogador and SKP_arg1.Character then local SKP_01 = SKP_arg3 local SKP_02 ="Part") SKP_02.Parent = workspace.ACS_WorkSpace.Server SKP_02.Name = SKP_arg1.Name..'_Bullet' Debris:AddItem(SKP_02, 5) SKP_02.Shape = "Ball" SKP_02.Size =, 1, 1) SKP_02.CanCollide = false SKP_02.CFrame = SKP_01 SKP_02.Transparency = 1 local SKP_03 = SKP_02:GetMass() local SKP_04 ='BodyForce', SKP_02) SKP_04.Force =,SKP_03 * (196.2) - SKP_arg5 * (196.2), 0) SKP_02.Velocity = SKP_arg7 * SKP_arg6 local SKP_05 ='Attachment', SKP_02) SKP_05.Position =, 0, 0) local SKP_06 ='Attachment', SKP_02) SKP_06.Position =, 0, 0) if SKP_arg4 then local SKP_07 ='Trail', SKP_02) SKP_07.Attachment0 = SKP_05 SKP_07.Attachment1 = SKP_06 SKP_07.Transparency ={, 0, 0);, 1); } ) SKP_07.WidthScale ={, 2, 0);, 0); } ) SKP_07.Texture = "rbxassetid://232918622" SKP_07.TextureMode = Enum.TextureMode.Stretch SKP_07.LightEmission = 1 SKP_07.Lifetime = 0.2 SKP_07.FaceCamera = true SKP_07.Color = end if SKP_arg10 then local SKP_08 ="BillboardGui", SKP_02) SKP_08.Adornee = SKP_02 local SKP_09 = math.random(375, 475)/10 SKP_08.Size =, 0, SKP_09, 0) SKP_08.LightInfluence = 0 local SKP_010 ="ImageLabel", SKP_08) SKP_010.BackgroundTransparency = 1 SKP_010.Size =, 0, 1, 0) SKP_010.Position =, 0, 0, 0) SKP_010.Image = "" SKP_010.ImageColor3 = SKP_arg11 SKP_010.ImageTransparency = math.random(2, 5)/15 if SKP_02:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") ~= nil then SKP_02.BillboardGui.Enabled = true end end local SKP_011 = {SKP_arg1.Character,SKP_02,workspace.ACS_WorkSpace} while true do RS.Heartbeat:wait() local SKP_012 =, SKP_02.CFrame.LookVector*25) local SKP_013, SKP_014 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(SKP_012, SKP_011, false, true) if SKP_013 then game.Debris:AddItem(SKP_02,0) break end end game.Debris:AddItem(SKP_02,0) return SKP_02 end end) Human.StateChanged:connect(onStateChanged) Evt.ACS_AI.AIBullet.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(SKP_arg1,SKP_arg3,SKP_arg4,SKP_arg5,SKP_arg6,SKP_arg7,SKP_arg8,SKP_arg9,SKP_arg10,SKP_arg11,SKP_arg12) if SKP_arg1 ~= Jogador then local SKP_01 = SKP_arg3 local SKP_02 ="Part") SKP_02.Parent = workspace.ACS_WorkSpace.Server SKP_02.Name = "AI_Bullet" Debris:AddItem(SKP_02, 5) SKP_02.Shape = "Ball" SKP_02.Size =, 1, 1) SKP_02.CanCollide = false SKP_02.CFrame = SKP_01 SKP_02.Transparency = 1 local SKP_03 = SKP_02:GetMass() local SKP_04 ='BodyForce', SKP_02) SKP_04.Force =,SKP_03 * (196.2) - SKP_arg5 * (196.2), 0) SKP_02.Velocity = SKP_arg7 * SKP_arg6 local SKP_05 ='Attachment', SKP_02) SKP_05.Position =, 0, 0) local SKP_06 ='Attachment', SKP_02) SKP_06.Position =, 0, 0) if SKP_arg4 then local SKP_07 ='Trail', SKP_02) SKP_07.Attachment0 = SKP_05 SKP_07.Attachment1 = SKP_06 SKP_07.Transparency ={, 0, 0);, 1); } ) SKP_07.WidthScale ={, 2, 0);, 0); } ) SKP_07.Texture = "rbxassetid://232918622" SKP_07.TextureMode = Enum.TextureMode.Stretch SKP_07.LightEmission = 1 SKP_07.Lifetime = 0.2 SKP_07.FaceCamera = true SKP_07.Color = end if SKP_arg10 then local SKP_08 ="BillboardGui", SKP_02) SKP_08.Adornee = SKP_02 local SKP_09 = math.random(375, 475)/10 SKP_08.Size =, 0, SKP_09, 0) SKP_08.LightInfluence = 0 local SKP_010 ="ImageLabel", SKP_08) SKP_010.BackgroundTransparency = 1 SKP_010.Size =, 0, 1, 0) SKP_010.Position =, 0, 0, 0) SKP_010.Image = "" SKP_010.ImageColor3 = SKP_arg11 SKP_010.ImageTransparency = math.random(2, 5)/15 if SKP_02:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") ~= nil then SKP_02.BillboardGui.Enabled = true end end local SKP_011 = {SKP_02,workspace.ACS_WorkSpace} while true do RS.Heartbeat:wait() local SKP_012 =, SKP_02.CFrame.LookVector*25) local SKP_013, SKP_014 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(SKP_012, SKP_011, false, true) if SKP_013 then game.Debris:AddItem(SKP_02,0) break end end game.Debris:AddItem(SKP_02,0) return SKP_02 end end) Evt.ACS_AI.AIShoot.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Gun) for _, v in pairs(Gun.Muzzle:GetChildren()) do if v.Name:sub(1, 7) == "FlashFX" or v.Name:sub(1, 7) == "Smoke" then v.Enabled = true end end delay(1 / 30, function() for _, v in pairs(Gun.Muzzle:GetChildren()) do if v.Name:sub(1, 7) == "FlashFX" or v.Name:sub(1, 7) == "Smoke" then v.Enabled = false end end end) end)
------//Low Ready Animations
self.RightLowReady =, 1.25, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftLowReady =,1,-0.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-45),math.rad(15),math.rad(-25)); self.RightElbowLowReady =,-0.45,-.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftElbowLowReady =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.RightWristLowReady =,0,0.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftWristLowReady =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0));
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script --// All guis are autonamed client.Variables.CodeName..gui.Name --// Be sure to update the console gui's code if you change stuff
return function(data) local gui = script.Parent.Parent local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local storedChats = client.Variables.StoredChats local desc = gui.Desc local nohide = data.KeepChat local function Expand(ent, point) ent.MouseLeave:connect(function(x,y) point.Visible = false end) ent.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) point.Text = ent.Desc.Value point.Size =, 10000, 0, 10000) local bounds = point.TextBounds.X local rows = math.floor(bounds/500) rows = rows+1 if rows<1 then rows = 1 end local newx = 500 if bounds<500 then newx = bounds end point.Visible = true point.Size =, newx+10, 0, rows*20) point.Position =, x, 0, y-40-(rows*20)) end) end local function UpdateChat() if gui then local globalTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Global local teamTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Team local localTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Local local adminsTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Admins local crossTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Cross local entry = gui.Entry local tester = gui.BoundTest globalTab:ClearAllChildren() teamTab:ClearAllChildren() localTab:ClearAllChildren() adminsTab:ClearAllChildren() crossTab:ClearAllChildren() local globalNum = 0 local teamNum = 0 local localNum = 0 local adminsNum = 0 local crossNum = 0 for i,v in pairs(storedChats) do local clone = entry:Clone() clone.Message.Text = service.MaxLen(v.Message,100) clone.Desc.Value = v.Message Expand(clone,desc) if not string.match(v.Player, "%S") then clone.Nameb.Text = v.Player else clone.Nameb.Text = "["..v.Player.."]: " end clone.Visible = true clone.Nameb.Font = "SourceSansBold" local color = v.Color or BrickColor.White() clone.Nameb.TextColor3 = color.Color tester.Text = "["..v.Player.."]: " local naml = tester.TextBounds.X + 5 if naml>100 then naml = 100 end tester.Text = v.Message local mesl = tester.TextBounds.X clone.Message.Position =,naml,0,0) clone.Message.Size =,-(naml+10),1,0) clone.Nameb.Size =,naml,0,20) clone.Visible = false clone.Parent = globalTab local rows = math.floor((mesl+naml)/clone.AbsoluteSize.X) rows = rows + 1 if rows<1 then rows = 1 end if rows>3 then rows = 3 end --rows = rows+1 clone.Parent = nil clone.Visible = true clone.Size =,0,0,rows*20) if v.Private then clone.Nameb.TextColor3 =, 57/255, 176/255) end if v.Mode=="Global" then clone.Position =,0,0,globalNum*20) globalNum = globalNum + 1 if rows>1 then globalNum = globalNum + rows-1 end clone.Parent = globalTab elseif v.Mode=="Team" then clone.Position =,0,0,teamNum*20) teamNum = teamNum + 1 if rows>1 then teamNum = teamNum + rows-1 end clone.Parent = teamTab elseif v.Mode=="Local" then clone.Position =,0,0,localNum*20) localNum = localNum + 1 if rows>1 then localNum = localNum + rows-1 end clone.Parent = localTab elseif v.Mode=="Admins" then clone.Position =,0,0,adminsNum*20) adminsNum = adminsNum + 1 if rows>1 then adminsNum = adminsNum + rows-1 end clone.Parent = adminsTab elseif v.Mode=="Cross" then clone.Position =,0,0,crossNum*20) crossNum = crossNum + 1 if rows>1 then crossNum = crossNum + rows-1 end clone.Parent = crossTab end end globalTab.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, ((globalNum)*20)) teamTab.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, ((teamNum)*20)) localTab.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, ((localNum)*20)) adminsTab.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, ((adminsNum)*20)) crossTab.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, ((crossNum)*20)) local glob = (((globalNum)*20) - globalTab.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) local tea = (((teamNum)*20) - teamTab.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) local loc = (((localNum)*20) - localTab.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) local adm = (((adminsNum)*20) - adminsTab.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) local cro = (((crossNum)*20) - crossTab.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) if glob<0 then glob=0 end if tea<0 then tea=0 end if loc<0 then loc=0 end if adm<0 then adm=0 end if cro<0 then cro=0 end globalTab.CanvasPosition,glob) teamTab.CanvasPosition,tea) localTab.CanvasPosition =,loc) adminsTab.CanvasPosition =,adm) crossTab.CanvasPosition =,cro) end end if not storedChats then client.Variables.StoredChats = {} storedChats = client.Variables.StoredChats end gTable:Ready() local bubble = gui.Bubble local toggle = gui.Toggle local drag = gui.Drag local frame = gui.Drag.Frame local frame2 = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame local box = gui.Drag.Frame.Chat local globalTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Global local teamTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Team local localTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Local local adminsTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Admins local crossTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Cross local global = gui.Drag.Frame.Global local team = gui.Drag.Frame.Team local localb = gui.Drag.Frame.Local local admins = gui.Drag.Frame.Admins local cross = gui.Drag.Frame.Cross local ChatScript,ChatMain,Chatted = service.Player.PlayerScripts:FindFirstChild("ChatScript") if ChatScript then ChatMain = ChatScript:FindFirstChild("ChatMain") if ChatMain then Chatted = require(ChatMain).MessagePosted end end if not nohide then client.Variables.CustomChat = true client.Variables.ChatEnabled = false service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('Chat',false) else drag.Position =,10,1,-180) end local dragger = gui.Drag.Frame.Dragger local fakeDrag = gui.Drag.Frame.FakeDragger local boxFocused = false local mode = "Global" local lastChat = 0 local lastClick = 0 local isAdmin = client.Remote.Get("CheckAdmin") if not isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end if client.UI.Get("HelpButton") then toggle.Position =, -(45+45),1, -45) end local function openGlobal() globalTab.Visible = true teamTab.Visible = false localTab.Visible = false adminsTab.Visible = false crossTab.Visible = false global.Text = "Global" mode = "Global" global.BackgroundTransparency = 0 team.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 localb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 if isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 admins.TextTransparency = 0 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 cross.TextTransparency = 0 else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end end local function openTeam() globalTab.Visible = false teamTab.Visible = true localTab.Visible = false adminsTab.Visible = false crossTab.Visible = false team.Text = "Team" mode = "Team" global.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 team.BackgroundTransparency = 0 localb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 if isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 admins.TextTransparency = 0 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 cross.TextTransparency = 0 else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end end local function openLocal() globalTab.Visible = false teamTab.Visible = false localTab.Visible = true adminsTab.Visible = false crossTab.Visible = false localb.Text = "Local" mode = "Local" global.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 team.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 localb.BackgroundTransparency = 0 admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 if isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 admins.TextTransparency = 0 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 cross.TextTransparency = 0 else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end end local function openAdmins() globalTab.Visible = false teamTab.Visible = false localTab.Visible = false adminsTab.Visible = true crossTab.Visible = false admins.Text = "Admins" mode = "Admins" global.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 team.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 localb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 if isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0 admins.TextTransparency = 0 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 cross.TextTransparency = 0 else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end end local function openCross() globalTab.Visible = false teamTab.Visible = false localTab.Visible = false adminsTab.Visible = false crossTab.Visible = true cross.Text = "Cross" mode = "Cross" global.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 team.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 localb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 if isAdmin then admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 admins.TextTransparency = 0 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0 cross.TextTransparency = 0 else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end end local function fadeIn() --[[ frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 frame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 box.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 for i=0.1,0.5,0.1 do --wait(0.1) frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5-i frame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5-i box.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5-i end-- Disabled ]] frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0 frame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0 box.BackgroundTransparency = 0 fakeDrag.Visible = true end local function fadeOut() --[[ frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0 frame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0 box.BackgroundTransparency = 0 for i=0.1,0.5,0.1 do --wait(0.1) frame.BackgroundTransparency = i frame2.BackgroundTransparency = i box.BackgroundTransparency = i end-- Disabled ]] frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7 frame2.BackgroundTransparency = 1 box.BackgroundTransparency = 1 fakeDrag.Visible = false end fadeOut() frame.MouseEnter:connect(function() fadeIn() end) frame.MouseLeave:connect(function() if not boxFocused then fadeOut() end end) toggle.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if drag.Visible then drag.Visible = false toggle.Image = "rbxassetid://417301749"--417285299" else drag.Visible = true toggle.Image = "rbxassetid://417301773"--417285351" end end) global.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openGlobal() end) team.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openTeam() end) localb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openLocal() end) admins.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if isAdmin or tick() - lastClick>5 then isAdmin = client.Remote.Get("CheckAdmin") if isAdmin then openAdmins() else admins.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 admins.TextTransparency = 0.8 end lastClick = tick() end end) cross.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if isAdmin or tick() - lastClick>5 then isAdmin = client.Remote.Get("CheckAdmin") if isAdmin then openCross() else cross.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 cross.TextTransparency = 0.8 end lastClick = tick() end end) box.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed) boxFocused = false if enterPressed and not client.Variables.Muted then if box.Text~='' and ((mode~="Cross" and tick()-lastChat>=0.5) or (mode=="Cross" and tick()-lastChat>=10)) then if not client.Variables.Muted then client.Remote.Send('ProcessCustomChat',box.Text,mode) lastChat = tick() if Chatted then --Chatted:fire(box.Text) end end elseif not ((mode~="Cross" and tick()-lastChat>=0.5) or (mode=="Cross" and tick()-lastChat>=10)) then local tim if mode == "Cross" then tim = 10-(tick()-lastChat) else tim = 0.5-(tick()-lastChat) end tim = string.sub(tostring(tim),1,3) client.Functions.SendToChat("SpamBot","Sending too fast! Please wait "..tostring(tim).." seconds.","System") end box.Text = "Click here or press the '/' key to chat" fadeOut() if mode ~= "Cross" then lastChat = tick() end end end) box.Focused:connect(function() boxFocused = true if box.Text=="Click here or press the '/' key to chat" then box.Text = '' end fadeIn() end) if not nohide then service.UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(InputObject) local textbox = service.UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() if not (textbox) and InputObject.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Slash then if box.Text=="Click here or press the '/' key to chat" then box.Text='' end service.RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() box:CaptureFocus() end end) end local mouse=service.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local nx,ny=drag.AbsoluteSize.X,frame.AbsoluteSize.Y--450,200 local dragging=false local defx,defy=nx,ny mouse.Move:connect(function(x,y) if dragging then nx=defx+(dragger.Position.X.Offset+20) ny=defy+(dragger.Position.Y.Offset+20) if nx<260 then nx=260 end if ny<100 then ny=100 end, 0, 0, ny), nx, 0, 30) end end) dragger.DragBegin:connect(function(init) dragging=true end) dragger.DragStopped:connect(function(x,y) dragging=false defx=nx defy=ny,-20,1,-20) UpdateChat() end) UpdateChat() --[[ if not service.UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled then warn("User is on mobile :: CustomChat Disabled") chatenabled = true drag.Visible = false service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('Chat',true) end --]] client.Functions.RemoveCustomChat = function() local chat=gui if chat then chat:Destroy() client.Variables.ChatEnabled = true service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('Chat',true) end end client.Functions.SendToChat = function(plr,message,mode) if not message then return end if string.sub(message,1,2)=='/e' then return end if gui then local globalTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Global local teamTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Team local localTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Local local adminsTab = gui.Drag.Frame.Frame.Admins local global = gui.Drag.Frame.Global local team = gui.Drag.Frame.Team local localb = gui.Drag.Frame.Local local admins = gui.Drag.Frame.Admins local entry = gui.Entry local bubble = gui.Bubble local tester = gui.BoundTest local num = 0 local player if plr and type(plr) == "userdata" then player = plr else player = {Name = tostring(plr or "System"), TeamColor = BrickColor.White()} end if #message>150 then message = string.sub(message,1,150).."..." end if mode then if mode=="Private" or mode=="System" then table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=player.Name,Message=message,Mode="Global",Private=true}) table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=player.Name,Message=message,Mode="Team",Private=true}) table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=player.Name,Message=message,Mode="Local",Private=true}) table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=player.Name,Message=message,Mode="Admins",Private=true}) table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=player.Name,Message=message,Mode="Cross",Private=true}) else local plr = player.Name table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=plr,Message=message,Mode=mode}) end else local plr = player.Name table.insert(storedChats,{Color=player.TeamColor or BrickColor.White(),Player=plr,Message=message,Mode="Global"}) end if mode=="Local" then if not localTab.Visible then localb.Text = "Local*" end elseif mode=="Team" then if not teamTab.Visible then team.Text = "Team*" end elseif mode=="Admins" then if not adminsTab.Visible then admins.Text = "Admins*" end elseif mode=="Cross" then if not crossTab.Visible then cross.Text = "Cross*" end else if not globalTab.Visible then global.Text = "Global*" end end if #storedChats>=50 then table.remove(storedChats,1) end UpdateChat() if not nohide then if player and type(player)=="userdata" then local char = player.Character local head = char:FindFirstChild("Head") if head then local cont = service.LocalContainer():FindFirstChild(player.Name.."Bubbles") if not cont then cont ="BillboardGui",service.LocalContainer()) cont.Name = player.Name.."Bubbles" cont.StudsOffset =,2,0) cont.SizeOffset =,0.5) cont.Size =,200,0,150) end cont.Adornee = head local clone = bubble:Clone() clone.TextLabel.Text = message clone.Parent = cont local xsize = clone.TextLabel.TextBounds.X+40 if xsize>400 then xsize=400 end clone.Size =,xsize,0,50) if #cont:children()>3 then cont:children()[1]:Destroy() end for i,v in pairs(cont:children()) do local xsize = v.TextLabel.TextBounds.X+40 if xsize>400 then xsize=400 end v.Position =,-xsize/2,1,-(math.abs((i-1)-#cont:children())*50)) end local cam = service.Workspace.CurrentCamera local char = player.Character local head = char:FindFirstChild("Head") local label = clone.TextLabel Routine(function() repeat if not head then break end local dist = (head.Position - cam.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude if dist <= 50 then clone.Visible = true else clone.Visible = false end wait(0.1) until not clone.Parent or not clone or not head or not head.Parent or not char end) wait(10) if clone then clone:Destroy() end end end end end end local textbox = service.UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() if textbox then textbox:ReleaseFocus() end end
-- Connect 'Blocked' event to the 'onPathBlocked' function
local tweenTime = 20 local closeWaitTime = 3 local easingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Quad local easingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut local repeats = 0 local reverse = false local delayTime = 0
--- Update the text entry label
function Window:UpdateLabel() Entry.TextLabel.Text = `{Player.Name}@{self.Cmdr.PlaceName}$` end
-- connect events
Humanoid.Died:connect(onDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning) Humanoid.Jumping:connect(onJumping) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(onGettingUp) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(onFreeFall) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(onFallingDown) Humanoid.Seated:connect(onSeated)
--[[ Knit.CreateService(service): Service Knit.AddServices(folder): Service[] Knit.AddServicesDeep(folder): Service[] Knit.Start(): Promise<void> Knit.OnStart(): Promise<void> --]]
local KnitServer = {} KnitServer.Version = script.Parent.Version.Value KnitServer.Services = {} KnitServer.Util = script.Parent.Util local knitRepServiceFolder ="Folder") knitRepServiceFolder.Name = "Services" local Promise = require(KnitServer.Util.Promise) local Signal = require(KnitServer.Util.Signal) local Loader = require(KnitServer.Util.Loader) local Ser = require(KnitServer.Util.Ser) local RemoteSignal = require(KnitServer.Util.Remote.RemoteSignal) local RemoteProperty = require(KnitServer.Util.Remote.RemoteProperty) local TableUtil = require(KnitServer.Util.TableUtil) local started = false local startedComplete = false local onStartedComplete ="BindableEvent") local function CreateRepFolder(serviceName) local folder ="Folder") folder.Name = serviceName return folder end local function GetFolderOrCreate(parent, name) local f = parent:FindFirstChild(name) if (not f) then f ="Folder") f.Name = name f.Parent = parent end return f end local function AddToRepFolder(service, remoteObj, folderOverride) if (folderOverride) then remoteObj.Parent = GetFolderOrCreate(service._knit_rep_folder, folderOverride) elseif (remoteObj:IsA("RemoteFunction")) then remoteObj.Parent = GetFolderOrCreate(service._knit_rep_folder, "RF") elseif (remoteObj:IsA("RemoteEvent")) then remoteObj.Parent = GetFolderOrCreate(service._knit_rep_folder, "RE") elseif (remoteObj:IsA("ValueBase")) then remoteObj.Parent = GetFolderOrCreate(service._knit_rep_folder, "RP") else error("Invalid rep object: " .. remoteObj.ClassName) end if (not service._knit_rep_folder.Parent) then service._knit_rep_folder.Parent = knitRepServiceFolder end end function KnitServer.IsService(object) return type(object) == "table" and object._knit_is_service == true end function KnitServer.CreateService(service) assert(type(service) == "table", "Service must be a table; got " .. type(service)) assert(type(service.Name) == "string", "Service.Name must be a string; got " .. type(service.Name)) assert(#service.Name > 0, "Service.Name must be a non-empty string") assert(KnitServer.Services[service.Name] == nil, "Service \"" .. service.Name .. "\" already exists") service = TableUtil.Assign(service, { _knit_is_service = true; _knit_rf = {}; _knit_re = {}; _knit_rp = {}; _knit_rep_folder = CreateRepFolder(service.Name); }) if (type(service.Client) ~= "table") then service.Client = {Server = service} else if (service.Client.Server ~= service) then service.Client.Server = service end end KnitServer.Services[service.Name] = service return service end function KnitServer.AddServices(folder) return Loader.LoadChildren(folder) end function KnitServer.AddServicesDeep(folder) return Loader.LoadDescendants(folder) end function KnitServer.GetService(serviceName) assert(type(serviceName) == "string", "ServiceName must be a string; got " .. type(serviceName)) return assert(KnitServer.Services[serviceName], "Could not find service \"" .. serviceName .. "\"") end function KnitServer.BindRemoteEvent(service, eventName, remoteEvent) assert(service._knit_re[eventName] == nil, "RemoteEvent \"" .. eventName .. "\" already exists") local re = remoteEvent._remote re.Name = eventName service._knit_re[eventName] = re AddToRepFolder(service, re) end function KnitServer.BindRemoteFunction(service, funcName, func) assert(service._knit_rf[funcName] == nil, "RemoteFunction \"" .. funcName .. "\" already exists") local rf ="RemoteFunction") rf.Name = funcName service._knit_rf[funcName] = rf AddToRepFolder(service, rf) function rf.OnServerInvoke(...) return Ser.SerializeArgsAndUnpack(func(service.Client, Ser.DeserializeArgsAndUnpack(...))) end end function KnitServer.BindRemoteProperty(service, propName, prop) assert(service._knit_rp[propName] == nil, "RemoteProperty \"" .. propName .. "\" already exists") prop._object.Name = propName service._knit_rp[propName] = prop AddToRepFolder(service, prop._object, "RP") end function KnitServer.Start() if (started) then return Promise.Reject("Knit already started") end started = true local services = KnitServer.Services return -- Bind remotes: for _,service in pairs(services) do for k,v in pairs(service.Client) do if (type(v) == "function") then KnitServer.BindRemoteFunction(service, k, v) elseif (RemoteSignal.Is(v)) then KnitServer.BindRemoteEvent(service, k, v) elseif (RemoteProperty.Is(v)) then KnitServer.BindRemoteProperty(service, k, v) elseif (Signal.Is(v)) then warn("Found Signal instead of RemoteSignal (Knit.Util.RemoteSignal). Please change to RemoteSignal. [" .. service.Name .. ".Client." .. k .. "]") end end end -- Init: local promisesInitServices = {} for _,service in pairs(services) do if (type(service.KnitInit) == "function") then table.insert(promisesInitServices, service:KnitInit() r() end)) end end resolve(Promise.All(promisesInitServices)) end):Then(function() -- Start: for _,service in pairs(services) do if (type(service.KnitStart) == "function") then task.spawn(service.KnitStart, service) end end startedComplete = true onStartedComplete:Fire() task.defer(function() onStartedComplete:Destroy() end) -- Expose service remotes to everyone: knitRepServiceFolder.Parent = script.Parent end) end function KnitServer.OnStart() if (startedComplete) then return Promise.Resolve() else return Promise.FromEvent(onStartedComplete.Event) end end return KnitServer
--Weld stuff here
MakeWeld(car.Misc.Wheel.W,car.DriveSeat,"Motor").Name="W" ModelWeld(misc.Wheel.Parts,misc.Wheel.W) MakeWeld(misc.Popups.Hinge, car.DriveSeat,"Motor",.1) ModelWeld(misc.Popups.Parts, misc.Popups.Hinge)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
function updatechar() for _, v in pairs(character:GetChildren())do if CanViewBody then if v.Name == 'Head' then v.LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 v.CanCollide = false v.face.LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 end else if v:IsA'Part' or v:IsA'UnionOperation' or v:IsA'MeshPart' then v.LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 v.CanCollide = false end end if v:IsA'Accessory' then v:FindFirstChild('Handle').LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 v:FindFirstChild('Handle').CanCollide = false end if v:IsA'Hat' then v:FindFirstChild('Handle').LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 v:FindFirstChild('Handle').CanCollide = false end end end
--Don't modify this script unless you really know what you're doing.
local WaitFor = (function(parent, child_name) local found = parent:FindFirstChild(child_name) while found == nil do parent.ChildAdded:wait() found = parent:FindFirstChild(child_name) if found then break end end return found end) local last = { neckC1 = nil, rshoC0 = nil, lshoC0 = nil, rhipC0 = nil, lhipC0 = nil } local ApplyModifications = (function(weld, char) local torso = WaitFor(char, "Torso") local neck = WaitFor(torso, "Neck") local rsho = WaitFor(torso, "Right Shoulder") local lsho = WaitFor(torso, "Left Shoulder") local rhip = WaitFor(torso, "Right Hip") local lhip = WaitFor(torso, "Left Hip") local config = script.Parent.Configuration local head_ang = config["Head Angle"].Value local legs_ang = config["Legs Angle"].Value local arms_ang = config["Arms Angle"].Value local sit_ang = config["Sitting Angle"].Value local sit_pos = config["Sitting Position"].Value --First adjust sitting position and angle --Add 90 to the angle because that's what most people will be expecting. weld.C1 = weld.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad((sit_ang) + 90), 0, 0) weld.C0 = last.neckC1 = neck.C1 last.rshoC0 = rsho.C0 last.lshoC0 = lsho.C0 last.rhipC0 = rhip.C0 last.lhipC0 = lhip.C0 --Now adjust the neck angle. neck.C1 = neck.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(head_ang), 0, 0) --Now adjust the arms angle. rsho.C0 = rsho.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(arms_ang)) lsho.C0 = lsho.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-arms_ang)) --Now the legs rhip.C0 = rhip.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(legs_ang)) lhip.C0 = lhip.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-legs_ang)) end) local RevertModifications = (function(weld, char) --Any modifications done in ApplyModifications have to be reverted here if they --change any welds - otherwise people will wonder why their head is pointing the wrong way. local torso = WaitFor(char, "Torso") local neck = WaitFor(torso, "Neck") local rsho = WaitFor(torso, "Right Shoulder") local lsho = WaitFor(torso, "Left Shoulder") local rhip = WaitFor(torso, "Right Hip") local lhip = WaitFor(torso, "Left Hip") --Now adjust the neck angle. neck.C1 = last.neckC1 or rsho.C0 = last.rshoC0 or lsho.C0 = last.lshoC0 or rhip.C0 = last.rhipC0 or lhip.C0 = last.lhipC0 or weld:Destroy() end) script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(function(c) if c:IsA("Weld") then local character = nil if c.Part1 ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then character = c.Part1.Parent else return end ApplyModifications(c, character) end end) script.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(c) if c:IsA("Weld") then local character = nil if c.Part1 ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent ~= nil and c.Part1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then character = c.Part1.Parent else return end RevertModifications(c, character) end end)
---[[ Fade Out and In Settings ]]
module.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime = 3.5 --Chat background will fade out after this many seconds. module.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime = 30 --Chat text will fade out after this many seconds. module.ChatDefaultFadeDuration = 0.8 module.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation = false module.ChatAnimationFPS = 20.0
--Turbo Gauge GUI--
local fix = 0 function Gauge() script.Parent.BAnalog.Visible = BoostGaugeVisible script.Parent.Background.Visible = BoostGaugeVisible script.Parent.DontTouch.Visible = BoostGaugeVisible script.Parent.Num.Visible = BoostGaugeVisible local turbo = ((totalPSI/2)*WasteGatePressure) local turbo2 = WasteGatePressure fix = -turbo2 + turbo*2 script.Parent.BAnalog.Rotation= 110 + (totalPSI/2)*220 script.Parent.Num.N1.TextLabel.Text = (math.floor(WasteGatePressure*(4/4)))*TurboCount script.Parent.Num.N2.TextLabel.Text = (math.floor(WasteGatePressure*(3/4)))*TurboCount script.Parent.Num.N3.TextLabel.Text = (math.floor(WasteGatePressure*(2/4)))*TurboCount script.Parent.Num.N4.TextLabel.Text = (math.floor(WasteGatePressure*(1/4)))*TurboCount script.Parent.Num.N5.TextLabel.Text = 0 script.Parent.Num.N6.TextLabel.Text = -5 end
--[[Wheel Stabilizer Gyro]]
Tune.FGyroDamp = 100 -- Front Wheel Non-Axial Dampening Tune.RGyroDamp = 100 -- Rear Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
-- Number of lines used to draw axis circles
ArcHandles.CircleSlices = 60 function local self = setmetatable({}, ArcHandles) -- Create maid for cleanup on destroyal self.Maid = -- Create UI container local Gui ='ScreenGui') self.Gui = Gui Gui.Name = 'BTArcHandles' Gui.IgnoreGuiInset = true self.Maid.Gui = Gui -- Create interface self.IsMouseAvailable = UserInputService.MouseEnabled self:CreateCircles() self:CreateHandles(Options) -- Get camera and viewport information self.Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera self.GuiInset = GuiService:GetGuiInset() -- Get list of ignorable handle obstacles self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex = Support.FlipTable(Options.ObstacleBlacklist or {}) self.ObstacleBlacklist = Support.Keys(self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex) -- Enable handles self:SetAdornee(Options.Adornee) self.Gui.Parent = Options.Parent -- Return new handles return self end function ArcHandles:CreateCircles() -- Create folder to contain circles local CircleFolder ='Folder') CircleFolder.Name = 'AxisCircles' CircleFolder.Parent = self.Gui local Circles = {} self.AxisCircles = Circles -- Determine angle for each circle slice local CircleSliceAngle = 2 * math.pi / self.CircleSlices -- Set up each axis for _, Axis in ipairs(Enum.Axis:GetEnumItems()) do local AxisColor = self.AxisColors[Axis.Name] -- Create container for circle local Circle ='Folder', CircleFolder) Circle.Name = Axis.Name local Lines = {} Circles[Axis.Name] = Lines -- Create lines for circle for i = 1, self.CircleSlices do local Line = 'CylinderHandleAdornment' Line.Transparency = 0.4 Line.Color3 = AxisColor Line.Radius = 0 Line.Height = 0 Line.Parent = Circle Lines[i] = Line end end end function ArcHandles:CreateHandles(Options) -- Create folder to contain handles local HandlesFolder ='Folder') HandlesFolder.Name = 'Handles' HandlesFolder.Parent = self.Gui self.Handles = {} self.HandleStates = {} -- Generate a handle for each side for _, Side in ipairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do -- Get axis information local Axis = self.SideToAxis[Side.Name] local AxisColor = self.AxisColors[Axis] -- Create handle local Handle ='ImageButton') Handle.Name = Side.Name Handle.Image = 'rbxassetid://2347145012' Handle.ImageColor3 = AxisColor Handle.ImageTransparency = 0.33 Handle.AnchorPoint =, 0.5) Handle.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Handle.BorderSizePixel = 0 Handle.ZIndex = 1 -- Create handle dot local HandleDot = Handle:Clone() HandleDot.Active = false HandleDot.Size =, 4, 0, 4) HandleDot.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0) HandleDot.Parent = Handle HandleDot.ZIndex = 0 -- Create maid for handle cleanup local HandleMaid = self.Maid[Side.Name] = HandleMaid -- Add handle hover effect HandleMaid.HoverStart = Handle.MouseEnter:Connect(function () Handle.ImageTransparency = 0 self:SetCircleTransparency(Axis, 0) end) HandleMaid.HoverEnd = Handle.MouseLeave:Connect(function () Handle.ImageTransparency = 0.33 self:SetCircleTransparency(Axis, 0.4) end) -- Listen for handle interactions on click HandleMaid.DragStart = Handle.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function (X, Y) local InitialHandlePlane = self.HandleStates[Handle].PlaneNormal local InitialHandleCFrame = self.HandleStates[Handle].HandleCFrame local InitialAdorneeCFrame = self.HandleStates[Handle].AdorneeCFrame -- Calculate aim offset local AimRay = self.Camera:ViewportPointToRay(X, Y) local AimDistance = (InitialHandleCFrame.p - AimRay.Origin):Dot(InitialHandlePlane) / AimRay.Direction:Dot(InitialHandlePlane) local AimWorldPoint = (AimDistance * AimRay.Direction) + AimRay.Origin local InitialDragOffset = InitialAdorneeCFrame:PointToObjectSpace(AimWorldPoint) -- Run callback if Options.OnDragStart then Options.OnDragStart() end local function ProcessDragChange(AimScreenPoint) -- Calculate current aim local AimRay = self.Camera:ScreenPointToRay(AimScreenPoint.X, AimScreenPoint.Y) local AimDistance = (InitialHandleCFrame.p - AimRay.Origin):Dot(InitialHandlePlane) / AimRay.Direction:Dot(InitialHandlePlane) local AimWorldPoint = (AimDistance * AimRay.Direction) + AimRay.Origin local CurrentDragOffset = InitialAdorneeCFrame:PointToObjectSpace(AimWorldPoint) -- Calculate angle on dragged axis local DragAngle if Axis == 'X' then local InitialAngle = math.atan2(InitialDragOffset.Y, -InitialDragOffset.Z) DragAngle = math.atan2(CurrentDragOffset.Y, -CurrentDragOffset.Z) - InitialAngle elseif Axis == 'Y' then local InitialAngle = math.atan2(InitialDragOffset.X, InitialDragOffset.Z) DragAngle = math.atan2(CurrentDragOffset.X, CurrentDragOffset.Z) - InitialAngle elseif Axis == 'Z' then local InitialAngle = math.atan2(InitialDragOffset.X, InitialDragOffset.Y) DragAngle = math.atan2(-CurrentDragOffset.X, CurrentDragOffset.Y) - InitialAngle end -- Run drag callback if Options.OnDrag then Options.OnDrag(Axis, DragAngle) end end -- Create maid for dragging cleanup local DragMaid = HandleMaid.Dragging = DragMaid -- Perform dragging when aiming anywhere (except handle) DragMaid.Drag = Support.AddUserInputListener('Changed', {'MouseMovement', 'Touch'}, true, function (Input) ProcessDragChange(Input.Position) end) -- Perform dragging while aiming at handle DragMaid.InHandleDrag = Handle.MouseMoved:Connect(function (X, Y) local AimScreenPoint =, Y) - self.GuiInset ProcessDragChange(AimScreenPoint) end) -- Finish dragging when input ends DragMaid.DragEnd = Support.AddUserInputListener('Ended', {'MouseButton1', 'Touch'}, true, function (Input) HandleMaid.Dragging = nil end) -- Fire callback when dragging ends DragMaid.Callback = function () coroutine.wrap(Options.OnDragEnd)() end end) -- Finish dragging when input ends while aiming at handle HandleMaid.InHandleDragEnd = Handle.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function () HandleMaid.Dragging = nil end) -- Save handle Handle.Parent = HandlesFolder self.Handles[Side.Name] = Handle end end function ArcHandles:Hide() -- Make sure handles are enabled if not self.Running then return self end -- Pause updating self:Pause() -- Hide UI self.Gui.Enabled = false end function ArcHandles:Pause() self.Running = false end local function IsFirstPerson(Camera) return (Camera.CFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude <= 0.6 end function ArcHandles:Resume() -- Make sure handles are disabled if self.Running then return self end -- Allow handles to run self.Running = true -- Update each handle for Side, Handle in pairs(self.Handles) do coroutine.wrap(function () while self.Running do self:UpdateHandle(Side, Handle) RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() end end)() end -- Update each axis circle for Axis, Lines in pairs(self.AxisCircles) do coroutine.wrap(function () while self.Running do self:UpdateCircle(Axis, Lines) RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() end end)() end -- Ignore character whenever character enters first person if Players.LocalPlayer then coroutine.wrap(function () while self.Running do local FirstPerson = IsFirstPerson(self.Camera) local Character = Players.LocalPlayer.Character if Character then self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex[Character] = FirstPerson and true or nil self.ObstacleBlacklist = Support.Keys(self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex) end wait(0.2) end end)() end -- Show UI self.Gui.Enabled = true end function ArcHandles:SetAdornee(Item) -- Return self for chaining -- Save new adornee self.Adornee = Item self.IsAdorneeModel = Item and (Item:IsA 'Model') or nil -- Attach axis circles to adornee for Axis, Lines in pairs(self.AxisCircles) do for _, Line in ipairs(Lines) do Line.Adornee = Item end end -- Resume handles if Item then self:Resume() else self:Hide() end -- Return handles for chaining return self end function ArcHandles:SetCircleTransparency(Axis, Transparency) for _, Line in ipairs(self.AxisCircles[Axis]) do Line.Transparency = Transparency end end local function WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, Position) -- Get viewport position for point local ViewportPoint, Visible = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Position) local CameraDepth = ViewportPoint.Z ViewportPoint =, ViewportPoint.Y) -- Adjust position if point is behind camera if CameraDepth < 0 then ViewportPoint = Camera.ViewportSize - ViewportPoint end -- Return point and visibility return ViewportPoint, CameraDepth, Visible end function ArcHandles:BlacklistObstacle(Obstacle) if Obstacle then self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex[Obstacle] = true self.ObstacleBlacklist = Support.Keys(self.ObstacleBlacklistIndex) end end function ArcHandles:UpdateHandle(Side, Handle) local Camera = self.Camera -- Hide handles if not attached to an adornee if not self.Adornee then Handle.Visible = false return end -- Get adornee CFrame and size local AdorneeCFrame = self.IsAdorneeModel and self.Adornee:GetModelCFrame() or self.Adornee.CFrame local AdorneeSize = self.IsAdorneeModel and self.Adornee:GetModelSize() or self.Adornee.Size -- Calculate radius of adornee extents local ViewportPoint, CameraDepth, Visible = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, AdorneeCFrame.p) local StudWidth = 2 * math.tan(math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView) / 2) * CameraDepth local StudsPerPixel = StudWidth / Camera.ViewportSize.X local HandlePadding = math.max(1, StudsPerPixel * 14) * (self.IsMouseAvailable and 1 or 1.6) local AdorneeRadius = AdorneeSize.magnitude / 2 local Radius = AdorneeRadius + 2 * HandlePadding -- Calculate CFrame of the handle's side local SideUnitVector = Vector3.FromNormalId(Side) local HandleCFrame = AdorneeCFrame * * SideUnitVector) local AxisCFrame = AdorneeCFrame * Vector3.FromAxis(self.SideToAxis[Side]) local HandleNormal = (AxisCFrame - AdorneeCFrame.p).unit -- Get viewport position of adornee and the side the handle will be on local HandleViewportPoint, HandleCameraDepth, HandleVisible = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, HandleCFrame.p) -- Display handle if side is visible to the camera Handle.Visible = HandleVisible -- Calculate handle size (12 px, or at least 0.5 studs) local StudWidth = 2 * math.tan(math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView) / 2) * HandleCameraDepth local PixelsPerStud = Camera.ViewportSize.X / StudWidth local HandleSize = math.max(12, 0.5 * PixelsPerStud) * (self.IsMouseAvailable and 1 or 1.6) Handle.Size =, HandleSize, 0, HandleSize) -- Calculate where handles will appear on the screen Handle.Position = 0, HandleViewportPoint.X, 0, HandleViewportPoint.Y ) -- Save handle position local HandleState = self.HandleStates[Handle] or {} self.HandleStates[Handle] = HandleState HandleState.HandleCFrame = HandleCFrame HandleState.PlaneNormal = HandleNormal HandleState.AdorneeCFrame = AdorneeCFrame -- Hide handles if obscured by a non-blacklisted part local HandleRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(HandleViewportPoint.X, HandleViewportPoint.Y) local TargetRay =, HandleRay.Direction * (HandleCameraDepth - 0.25)) local Target, TargetPoint = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(TargetRay, self.ObstacleBlacklist) if Target then Handle.ImageTransparency = 1 elseif Handle.ImageTransparency == 1 then Handle.ImageTransparency = 0.33 end end function ArcHandles:UpdateCircle(Axis, Lines) local Camera = self.Camera -- Get adornee CFrame and size local AdorneeCFrame = self.IsAdorneeModel and self.Adornee:GetModelCFrame() or self.Adornee.CFrame local AdorneeSize = self.IsAdorneeModel and self.Adornee:GetModelSize() or self.Adornee.Size -- Get circle information local AxisVector = Vector3.FromAxis(Axis) local CircleVector = Vector3.FromNormalId(self.AxisToSide[Axis]) -- Determine circle radius local ViewportPoint, CameraDepth, Visible = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, AdorneeCFrame.p) local StudWidth = 2 * math.tan(math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView) / 2) * CameraDepth local StudsPerPixel = StudWidth / Camera.ViewportSize.X local HandlePadding = math.max(1, StudsPerPixel * 14) * (self.IsMouseAvailable and 1 or 1.6) local AdorneeRadius = AdorneeSize.magnitude / 2 local Radius = AdorneeRadius + 2 * HandlePadding -- Determine angle of each circle slice local Angle = 2 * math.pi / #Lines -- Circle thickness (px) local Thickness = 1.5 -- Redraw lines for circle for i, Line in ipairs(Lines) do -- Calculate arc's endpoints local From = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(AxisVector, Angle * (i - 1)) * (CircleVector * Radius) local To = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(AxisVector, Angle * i) * (CircleVector * Radius) local Center = From:Lerp(To, 0.5) -- Determine thickness of line (in studs) local ViewportPoint, CameraDepth, Visible = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, AdorneeCFrame * Center) local StudWidth = 2 * math.tan(math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView) / 2) * CameraDepth local StudsPerPixel = StudWidth / Camera.ViewportSize.X Line.Radius = Thickness * StudsPerPixel / 2 -- Position line between the endpoints Line.CFrame =, To) *, 0, Line.Radius / 2) -- Make line span between endpoints Line.Height = (To - From).magnitude end end function ArcHandles:Destroy() -- Pause updating self.Running = nil -- Clean up resources self.Maid:Destroy() end return ArcHandles
--This local script will run only for the player whos character it is in. It's changes to the sounds will replicate as they are changes to the character. -- util
function waitForChild(parent, childName) local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do child = parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end
-- Small bug fix where the sound would start playing after the player joined
player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() task.wait(1) if currentSound.IsPlaying then currentSound:Stop() end end)
--[=[ @param defaultFn () -> any @return value: any If the option holds a value, returns the value. Otherwise, returns the result of the `defaultFn` function. ]=]
function Option:UnwrapOrElse(defaultFn) if self:IsSome() then return self:Unwrap() else return defaultFn() end end
--[[ icon_controller:header ## Functions #### setGameTheme ```lua IconController.setGameTheme(theme) ``` Sets the default theme which is applied to all existing and future icons. ---- #### setDisplayOrder ```lua IconController.setDisplayOrder(number) ``` Changes the DisplayOrder of the TopbarPlus ScreenGui to the given value. ---- #### setTopbarEnabled ```lua IconController.setTopbarEnabled(bool) ``` When set to ``false``, hides all icons created with TopbarPlus. This can also be achieved by calling ``starterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)``. ---- #### setGap ```lua IconController.setGap(integer, alignment) ``` Defines the offset width (i.e. gap) between each icon for the given alignment, ``left``, ``mid``, ``right``, or all alignments if not specified. ---- #### setLeftOffset ```lua IconController.setLeftOffset(integer) ``` Defines the offset from the left side of the screen to the nearest left-set icon. ---- #### setRightOffset ```lua IconController.setRightOffset(integer) ``` Defines the offset from the right side of the screen to the nearest right-set icon. ---- #### updateTopbar ```lua IconController.updateTopbar() ``` Determines how icons should be positioned on the topbar and moves them accordingly. ---- #### clearIconOnSpawn ```lua IconController.clearIconOnSpawn(icon) ``` Calls destroy on the given icon when the player respawns. This is useful for scenarious where you wish to cleanup icons that are constructed within a Gui with ``ResetOnSpawn`` set to ``true``. For example: ```lua -- Place at the bottom of your icon creator localscript local icons = IconController.getIcons() for _, icon in pairs(icons) do IconController.clearIconOnSpawn(icon) end ``` ---- #### getIcons ```lua local arrayOfIcons = IconController.getIcons() ``` Returns all icons as an array. ---- #### getIcon ```lua local icon = IconController.getIcon(name) ``` Returns the icon with the given name (or ``false`` if not found). If multiple icons have the same name, then one will be returned randomly. ---- #### disableHealthbar ```lua IconController.disableHealthbar(bool) ``` Hides the fake healthbar (if currently visible) and prevents it becoming visible again (which normally occurs when the player takes damage). ---- ## Properties #### mimicCoreGui ```lua local bool = IconController.mimicCoreGui --[default: 'true'] ``` Set to ``false`` to have the topbar persist even when ``game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)`` is called. ---- #### controllerModeEnabled {read-only} ```lua local bool = IconController.controllerModeEnabled ``` ---- #### leftGap {read-only} ```lua local gapNumber = IconController.leftGap --[default: '12'] ``` ---- #### midGap {read-only} ```lua local gapNumber = IconController.midGap --[default: '12'] ``` ---- #### rightGap {read-only} ```lua local gapNumber = IconController.rightGap --[default: '12'] ``` ---- #### leftOffset {read-only} ```lua local offset = IconController.leftGap --[default: '0'] ``` ---- #### rightOffset {read-only} ```lua local offset = IconController.rightGap --[default: '0'] ``` --]]
--[[ local base64 = Example: local myEncodedWord = base64:Encode("Hello") print(myEncodedWord) -- outputs: SGVsbG8= print(base64:Decode(myEncodedWord)) -- outputs: Hello --]]
local Alphabet = {} local Indexes = {} for Index = 65, 90 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- A-Z for Index = 97, 122 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- a-z for Index = 48, 57 do table.insert(Alphabet, Index) end -- 0-9 table.insert(Alphabet, 43) -- + table.insert(Alphabet, 47) -- / for Index, Character in ipairs(Alphabet) do Indexes[Character] = Index end local Base64 = { ClassName = "Base64"; __tostring = function(self) return self.ClassName end; } Base64.__index = Base64 local bit32_rshift = bit32.rshift local bit32_lshift = bit32.lshift local bit32_band = function return setmetatable({}, Base64) end
-- services
local Rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Run = game:GetService("RunService") local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local MS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local Debris = game:GetService("Debris") local Physics = game:GetService("PhysicsService") local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService") local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService") local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage") local SSS = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local GU = require(Rep.Modules.GameUtil) Run.Heartbeat:connect(function() local minutesAfterMidnight = Rep.Constants.MinutesAfterMidnight.Value local dayPhase,phaseData = GU.GetDayPhase() local amount = phaseData.tock*10 Rep.Constants.MinutesAfterMidnight.Value = math.clamp(minutesAfterMidnight+amount,0,1440) if Rep.Constants.MinutesAfterMidnight.Value >= 1440 then Rep.Constants.MinutesAfterMidnight.Value = 0 end end)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ CFRAME ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,EnableHolster = false ,HolsterTo = 'Torso' -- Put the name of the body part you wanna holster to ,HolsterPos =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,RightArmPos =, -0.2, -1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Server ,LeftArmPos =,-0.2,-1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(25),math.rad(-20)) --server ,ServerGunPos =, -1, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) ,GunPos =, -0.15, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,RightPos =, .1, -1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Client ,LeftPos =,-0.2,-1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-120),math.rad(35),math.rad(-5)) --Client } return Config
--- On Fire
Signal.Fired = function(eventName) --- Variables eventName = string.lower(eventName) --- Get/create event local event = GetEvent(eventName) -- return event.Event end
--[[ Similar to finally, except rejections are propagated through it. ]]
function Promise.prototype:done(finallyHandler) assert( finallyHandler == nil or type(finallyHandler) == "function" or finallyHandler.__call ~= nill, string.format(ERROR_NON_FUNCTION, "Promise:done") ) return self:_finally(debug.traceback(nil, 2), finallyHandler, true) end
-- tween the sound to the speed
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(waterSound,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In),{["Volume"] = math.clamp(speed/maxSpeed,0,1)}) -- end of tweencreate tween:Play() end
--local part,pos,norm,mat = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray,shelly) --shelly:MoveTo(,pos.Y+2.25,shelly.PrimaryPart.Position.Z)) --bp.Position =,pos.Y+2.25,bp.Position.Z)
until (shelly.PrimaryPart.Position-goal).magnitude < 10 or tick()-start >15 or not shellyGood
-- The third number determines how far ahead/back your hat will be placed. Making the number positive will place the hat ahead of -- you, while making the number negative will place the hat behind you some.
-- Nominal distance, set by dollying in and out with the mouse wheel or equivalent, not measured distance
function BaseCamera:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() return self.currentSubjectDistance end
local RotatedRegion = {} RotatedRegion.__index = RotatedRegion local tNewRegion = t.tuple( t.CFrame, t.Vector3 ) function centerCFrame: CFrame, size: Vector3 ) assert( tNewRegion(centerCFrame, size) ) local self = setmetatable( {}, RotatedRegion ) self.SurfaceCountsAsCollision = true self.CFrame = centerCFrame self.Size = size self.Planes = {} for _, enum in next, Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems() do local localNormal = Vector3.FromNormalId( enum ) local worldNormal = self.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace( localNormal ) local distance = ( localNormal * self.Size/2 ).Magnitude local point = self.CFrame.Position + worldNormal * distance table.insert( self.Planes, { Normal = worldNormal; Point = point; } ) end return self end local tVector3 = t.Vector3 function RotatedRegion:IsInRegion( vector3 ) assert( tVector3(vector3) ) for _, plane in next, ( self.Planes ) do local relativePosition = vector3 - plane.Point if ( self.SurfaceCountsAsCollision ) then if ( relativePosition:Dot(plane.Normal) >= 0 ) then return false end else if ( relativePosition:Dot(plane.Normal) > 0 ) then return false end end end return true, ( vector3 - self.CFrame.Position ).Magnitude end function RotatedRegion:GetPlayersInRegion() local players = {} for _, player in pairs( Players:GetPlayers() ) do local rootPart = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild( "HumanoidRootPart" ) if ( rootPart ) then if ( self:IsInRegion(rootPart.Position) ) then table.insert( players, player ) end end end return players end function RotatedRegion:CountPlayersInRegion() return #( self:GetPlayersInRegion() ) end return RotatedRegion
-- COLOR SETTINGS --[[ COLOR PRESETS: Headlights - OEM White - Xenon - Pure White - Brilliant Blue - Light Green - Golden Yellow - Bubu's Purple - Yellow Indicators - Light Orange - Dark Orange - Yellow - Red For custom color use Color3.fromRGB(R, G, B). You can get your RGB code from the "Color" property. ]]
-- local Low_Beam_Color = "Pure White" local High_Beam_Color = "Pure White" local Running_Light_Color = "Pure White" local Interior_Light_Color = "OEM White" local Front_Indicator_Color = "Dark Orange" local Rear_Indicator_Color = "Dark Orange" local Fog_Light_Color = "Pure White" local Plate_Light_Color = "Pure White"
-- else print("char char") -- char.Humanoid.CameraOffset = char.Humanoid.CameraOffset -- end --end
-- Add everything to settings
local settings = plr:WaitForChild("Settings") for _, i in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do i.Parent = settings end
--Deadzone Adjust
local _PPH = _Tune.Peripherals for i,v in pairs(_PPH) do local a ="IntValue",Controls) a.Name = i a.Value = v a.Changed:connect(function() a.Value=math.min(100,math.max(0,a.Value)) _PPH[i] = a.Value end) end
---------------------------------------Function end here.
end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end --Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint local lookAt = (targetPos - character.Head.Position).unit if (check()) then fire(lookAt) wait(0.12) onActivated() end return --Tool.Enabled = true end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated)
--// KeyBindings
FireSelectKey = Enum.KeyCode.V; CycleSightKey = Enum.KeyCode.T; LaserKey = Enum.KeyCode.G; LightKey = Enum.KeyCode.B; InteractKey = Enum.KeyCode.E; AlternateAimKey = Enum.KeyCode.Z; InspectionKey = Enum.KeyCode.H; AttachmentKey = Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl;
--[[ Given a reactive object, updates all dependent reactive objects. Objects are only ever updated after all of their dependencies are updated, are only ever updated once, and won't be updated if their dependencies are unchanged. ]]
local Package = script.Parent.Parent local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) type Set<T> = {[T]: any} type Descendant = (PubTypes.Dependent & PubTypes.Dependency) | PubTypes.Dependent local function updateAll(ancestor: PubTypes.Dependency) --[[ First things first, we need to mark all indirect dependents as needing an update. This means we can ignore any dependencies that aren't related to the current update operation. ]] -- set of all dependents that still need to be updated local needsUpdateSet: Set<Descendant> = {} -- the dependents to be processed now local processNow: {Descendant} = {} local processNowSize = 0 -- the dependents of the open set to be processed next local processNext: {Descendant} = {} local processNextSize = 0 -- initialise `processNow` with dependents of ancestor for dependent in pairs(ancestor.dependentSet) do processNowSize += 1 processNow[processNowSize] = dependent end repeat -- if we add to `processNext` this will be false, indicating we need to -- process more dependents local processingDone = true for _, member in ipairs(processNow) do -- mark this member as needing an update needsUpdateSet[member] = true -- add the dependents of the member for processing -- FIXME: Typed Luau doesn't understand this type narrowing yet if (member :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then local member = member :: PubTypes.Dependent & PubTypes.Dependency for dependent in pairs(member.dependentSet) do processNextSize += 1 processNext[processNextSize] = dependent processingDone = false end end end -- swap in the next dependents to be processed processNow, processNext = processNext, processNow processNowSize, processNextSize = processNextSize, 0 table.clear(processNext) until processingDone --[[ `needsUpdateSet` is now set up. Now that we have this information, we can iterate over the dependents once more and update them only when the relevant dependencies have been updated. ]] -- re-initialise `processNow` similar to before processNowSize = 0 table.clear(processNow) for dependent in pairs(ancestor.dependentSet) do processNowSize += 1 processNow[processNowSize] = dependent end repeat -- if we add to `processNext` this will be false, indicating we need to -- process more dependents local processingDone = true for _, member in ipairs(processNow) do -- mark this member as no longer needing an update needsUpdateSet[member] = nil --FUTURE: should this guard against errors? local didChange = member:update() -- add the dependents of the member for processing -- optimisation: if nothing changed, then we don't need to add these -- dependents, because they don't need processing. -- FIXME: Typed Luau doesn't understand this type narrowing yet if didChange and (member :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then local member = member :: PubTypes.Dependent & PubTypes.Dependency for dependent in pairs(member.dependentSet) do -- don't add dependents that have un-updated dependencies local allDependenciesUpdated = true for dependentDependency in pairs(dependent.dependencySet) do -- HACK: keys of needsUpdateSet must be Dependents, so -- since we want to ignore non-Dependents, we just type -- cast here regardless of safety if needsUpdateSet[dependentDependency :: any] then allDependenciesUpdated = false break end end if allDependenciesUpdated then processNextSize += 1 processNext[processNextSize] = dependent processingDone = false end end end end if not processingDone then -- swap in the next dependents to be processed processNow, processNext = processNext, processNow processNowSize, processNextSize = processNextSize, 0 table.clear(processNext) end until processingDone --[[ The update is now complete! ]] end return updateAll
----------------- --| Functions |-- -----------------
local function OnActivated() local myModel = MyPlayer.Character if Tool.Enabled and myModel and myModel:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and myModel.Humanoid.Health > 0 then Tool.Enabled = false local Pos = MouseLoc:InvokeClient(MyPlayer) -- Create a clone of Rocket and set its color local rocketClone = Rocket:Clone() DebrisService:AddItem(rocketClone, 30) rocketClone.BrickColor = MyPlayer.TeamColor -- Position the rocket clone and launch! local spawnPosition = (ToolHandle.CFrame *, 0, 0)).p rocketClone.CFrame =, Pos) --NOTE: This must be done before assigning Parent rocketClone.Velocity = rocketClone.CFrame.lookVector * ROCKET_SPEED --NOTE: This should be done before assigning Parent rocketClone.Parent = workspace rocketClone:SetNetworkOwner(nil) wait(RELOAD_TIME) Tool.Enabled = true end end function OnEquipped() MyPlayer = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent) end
--------------------[ ARM CREATION FUNCTION ]-----------------------------------------
function CreateArms() local Arms = {} for i = 0, 1 do local ArmModel ="Model") ArmModel.Name = "ArmModel" local Arm ="Part") Arm.BrickColor = (S.FakeArmRealBodyColor and (i == 0 and LArm.BrickColor or RArm.BrickColor) or S.FakeArmColor) Arm.Transparency = S.FakeArmTransparency Arm.Name = "Arm" Arm.CanCollide = false Arm.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Arm.Parent = ArmModel local ArmMesh ="SpecialMesh") ArmMesh.MeshId = "rbxasset://fonts//rightarm.mesh" ArmMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh ArmMesh.Scale = VEC3(0.65, 1, 0.65) ArmMesh.Parent = Arm local Sleeve1 ="Part") Sleeve1.BrickColor ="Sand green") Sleeve1.Name = "Sleeve1" Sleeve1.CanCollide = false Sleeve1.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Sleeve1.Parent = ArmModel local Sleeve1Mesh ="BlockMesh") Sleeve1Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0.66, 0) Sleeve1Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.656, 0.35, 0.656) Sleeve1Mesh.Parent = Sleeve1 local Sleeve1Weld ="Weld") Sleeve1Weld.Part0 = Arm Sleeve1Weld.Part1 = Sleeve1 Sleeve1Weld.Parent = Arm local Sleeve2 ="Part") Sleeve2.BrickColor ="Sand green") Sleeve2.Name = "Sleeve2" Sleeve2.CanCollide = false Sleeve2.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Sleeve2.Parent = ArmModel local Sleeve2Mesh ="BlockMesh") Sleeve2Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0.46, 0) Sleeve2Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.75, 0.1, 0.75) Sleeve2Mesh.Parent = Sleeve2 local Sleeve2Weld ="Weld") Sleeve2Weld.Part0 = Arm Sleeve2Weld.Part1 = Sleeve2 Sleeve2Weld.Parent = Arm local Glove1 ="Part") Glove1.BrickColor ="Black") Glove1.Name = "Glove1" Glove1.CanCollide = false Glove1.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Glove1.Parent = ArmModel local Glove1Mesh ="BlockMesh") Glove1Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, -0.4, 0) Glove1Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.657, 0.205, 0.657) Glove1Mesh.Parent = Glove1 local Glove1Weld ="Weld") Glove1Weld.Part0 = Arm Glove1Weld.Part1 = Glove1 Glove1Weld.Parent = Arm local Glove2 ="Part") Glove2.BrickColor ="Black") Glove2.Name = "Glove2" Glove2.CanCollide = false Glove2.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Glove2.Parent = ArmModel local Glove2Mesh ="BlockMesh") Glove2Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, -0.335, 0) Glove2Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.69, 0.105, 0.69) Glove2Mesh.Parent = Glove2 local Glove2Weld ="Weld") Glove2Weld.Part0 = Arm Glove2Weld.Part1 = Glove2 Glove2Weld.Parent = Arm local Glove3 ="Part") Glove3.BrickColor ="Black") Glove3.Name = "Glove3" Glove3.CanCollide = false Glove3.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1) Glove3.Parent = ArmModel local Glove3Mesh ="BlockMesh") Glove3Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0.2 * ((i * 2) - 1), -0.8, 0) Glove3Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.257, 0.205, 0.657) Glove3Mesh.Parent = Glove3 local Glove3Weld ="Weld") Glove3Weld.Part0 = Arm Glove3Weld.Part1 = Glove3 Glove3Weld.Parent = Arm table.insert(Arms, {Model = ArmModel, ArmPart = Arm}) end return Arms end
--[=[ Gets the service by name. Throws an error if the service is not found. ]=]
function KnitServer.GetService(serviceName: string): Service assert(started, "Cannot call GetService until Knit has been started") assert(type(serviceName) == "string", "ServiceName must be a string; got " .. type(serviceName)) return assert(services[serviceName], "Could not find service \"" .. serviceName .. "\"") :: Service end
--Create visual waypoints
local function createVisualWaypoints(waypoints) local visualWaypoints = {} for _, waypoint in ipairs(waypoints) do local visualWaypointClone = visualWaypoint:Clone() visualWaypointClone.Position = waypoint.Position visualWaypointClone.Parent = workspace visualWaypointClone.Color = (waypoint == waypoints[#waypoints] and Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)) or (waypoint.Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump and Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)) or Color3.fromRGB(255, 139, 0) table.insert(visualWaypoints, visualWaypointClone) end return visualWaypoints end
----------------- --| Variables |-- -----------------
local PlayersService = Game:GetService('Players') local DebrisService = Game:GetService('Debris') local Tool = script.Parent local Handle = Tool:WaitForChild('Handle') local FireSound = Handle:WaitForChild('Fire') local ReloadSound = Handle:WaitForChild('Reload') local HitFadeSound = script:WaitForChild('HitFade') local PointLight = Handle:WaitForChild('PointLight') local Character = nil local Humanoid = nil local Player = nil local BaseShot = nil
-- Tune.Clutch = false -- Implements a realistic clutch. Tune.TransModes = {"Auto"} --[[ [Modes] "Manual" ; Traditional clutch operated manual transmission "DCT" ; Dual clutch transmission, where clutch is operated automatically "Auto" ; Automatic transmission that shifts for you >Include within brackets eg: {"Manual"} or {"DCT", "Manual"} >First mode is default mode ]] --[[Transmission]] Tune.ClutchType = "Auto" --[[ [Types] "Clutch" : Standard clutch, recommended "TorqueConverter" : Torque converter, keeps RPM up "CVT" : CVT, found in scooters ]] Tune.ClutchMode = "Speed" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Speed controls clutch engagement "RPM" : Speed and RPM control clutch engagement ]] --Transmission Settings Tune.Stall = true -- Stalling, enables the bike to stall. An ignition plugin would be necessary. Disables if Tune.Clutch is false. Tune.ClutchEngage = 25 -- How fast engagement is (0 = instant, 99 = super slow) --Torque Converter: Tune.TQLock = false -- Torque converter starts locking at a certain RPM (see below if set to true) --Torque Converter and CVT: Tune.RPMEngage = 5300 -- Keeps RPMs to this level until passed --Clutch: Tune.SpeedEngage = 15 -- Speed the clutch fully engages at (Based on SPS) --Clutch: "RPM" mode Tune.ClutchRPMMult = 1.0 -- Clutch RPM multiplier, recommended to leave at 1.0 --Manual: Quick Shifter Tune.QuickShifter = true -- To quickshift, cut off the throttle to upshift, and apply throttle to downshift, all without clutch. Tune.QuickShiftTime = 0.25 -- Determines how much time you have to quick shift up or down before you need to use the clutch. --Automatic Settings Tune.AutoShiftMode = "Speed" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Shifts based on wheel speed "RPM" : Shifts based on RPM ]] Tune.AutoShiftType = "DCT" --[[ [Types] "Rev" : Clutch engages fully once RPM reached "DCT" : Clutch engages after a set time has passed ]] Tune.AutoUpThresh = 200 -- Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400 -- Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) --Automatic: Revmatching Tune.ShiftThrot = 100 -- Throttle level when shifting down to revmatch, 0 - 100% --Automatic: DCT Tune.ShiftUpTime = 0.25 -- Time required to shift into next gear, from a lower gear to a higher one. Tune.ShiftDnTime = 0.125 -- Time required to shift into next gear, from a higher gear to a lower one. Tune.FinalDrive = (30/16)*1 -- (Final * Primary) -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque -- for the final is recommended to divide the size of the rear sprocket to the one of the front sprocket -- and multiply it to the primary drive ratio, if data is missing, you can also just use a single number Tune.NeutralRev = true -- Enables you to back up manually in neutral Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 32/5 , -- Neutral and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 32/6 , --[[ 3 ]] 33/7 , --[[ 4 ]] 32/8 , --[[ 5 ]] 34/9 , --[[ 6 ]] 33/10 , } Tune.Limiter = true -- Enables a speed limiter Tune.SpeedLimit = 121 -- At what speed (SPS) the limiter engages
-- Note, arguments do not match the new math.clamp -- Eventually we will replace these calls with math.clamp, but right now -- this is safer as math.clamp is not tolerant of min>max
function CameraUtils.Clamp(low, high, val) return math.min(math.max(val, low), high) end