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LEAKED MEMO: BILDERBERG PLANS DEEPER ECONOMIC DEPRESSION THERE IS SOME MOLE IN THIS GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS WHO STILL CARES FOR THE HUMAN RACE. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME A BILDERBERG AGENDA HAS BEEN LEAKED, AND BEFORE THE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEK. TO BE HONEST, THIS IS NOTHING I HAVE NOT ALREADY CONSIDERED AND KNOWN ABOUT, BUT TODAY WATCHING THE NEWS THE ANNOUNCER WAS TALKING ABOUT THE UPSWING IN SHARES AND MY IMMEDIATE REACTION WAS, "THEY ARE SETTING PEOPLE UP AGAIN TO TAKE EVEN MORE" AND THIS CONFIRMS MY THOUGHTS. I MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PROVE WHERE MY IDEAS COME FROM, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THESE FOLK, IT IS PRETTY EASY TO JUST TAKE IT TO THE WORST AND LOWEST SCENARIO. MAY A PLAGUE BE ON THEIR HOUSES. Prison On the eve of the 2009 Bilderberg Group conference, which is due to be held May 14-17 at the 5 star Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, investigative reporter Daniel Estulin has uncovered shocking details of what the elitists plan to do with the economy over the course of the next year. The Bilderberg Group meeting is an annual confab of around 150 of the world’s most influential powerbrokers in government, industry, banking, media, academia and the military-industrial complex. The secretive group operates under “Chatham House rules,” meaning that no details of what is discussed can ever be leaked to the media, despite editors of the world’s biggest newspapers, the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Financial Times, being present at the meeting. According to Estulin’s sources, which have been proven highly accurate in the past, Bilderberg is divided on whether to put into motion, “Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty … or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency.” The information takes on added weight when one considers the fact that Estulin’s previous economic forecasts, which were based on leaks from the same sources, have proven deadly accurate. Estulin correctly predicted the housing crash and the 2008 financial meltdown as a result of what his sources inside Bilderberg told him the elite were planning based on what was said at their 2006 meeting in Canada and the 2007 conference in Turkey. Details of the economic agenda were contained in a pre-meeting booklet being handed out to Bilderberg members. On a more specific note, Estulin warns that Bilderberg are fostering a false picture of economic recovery, suckering investors into ploughing their money back into the stock market again only to later unleash another massive downturn which will create “massive losses and searing financial pain in the months ahead,” according to a Canada Free Press report. According to Estulin, Bilderberg is assuming that U.S. unemployment figures will reach around 14% by the end of the year, almost doubling the current official figure of 8.1 per cent. Estulin’s sources also tell him that Bilderberg will again attempt to push for the enactment of the Lisbon Treaty, a key centerpiece of the agenda to fully entrench a federal EU superstate, by forcing the Irish to vote again on the document in September/October despite having rejected it already, along with other European nations, in national referendums. “One of their concerns is addressing and neutralizing the anti-Lisbon treaty movement called “Libertas” led by Declan Ganley. One of the Bilderberger planned moves is to use a whispering campaign in the US media suggested that Ganley is being funded by arms dealers in the US linked to the US military,” reports CFP. Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, and other sources who have infiltrated Bilderberg meetings in the past have routinely provided information about the Bilderberg agenda that later plays out on the world stage, proving that the organization is not merely a “talking shop” as debunkers claim, but an integral planning forum for the new world order agenda. Indeed, just last month Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon bragged that Bilderberg helped create the Euro by first introducing the policy agenda for a single currency in the early 1990’s. Bilderberg’s agenda for a European federal superstate and a single currency likely goes back even further. A BBC investigation uncovered documents from the early Bilderberg meetings which confirmed that the European Union was a brainchild of Bilderberg. In spring 2002, when war hawks in the Bush administration were pushing for a summer invasion of Iraq, Bilderbergers expressed their desire for a delay and the attack was not launched until March the following year. In 2006, Estulin predicted that the U.S. housing market would be allowed to soar before the bubble was cruelly popped, which is exactly what transpired. In 2008, Estulin predicted that Bilderberg were creating the conditions for a financial calamity, which is exactly what began a few months later with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Bilderberg has routinely flexed its muscles in establishing its role as kingmaker. The organization routinely selects presidential candidates as well as running mates and prime ministers. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were both groomed by the secretive organization in the early 1990’s before rising to prominence. Barack Obama’s running mate Joe Biden was selected by Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson, and John Kerry’s 2004 running mate John Edwards was also anointed by the group after he gave a glowing speech at the conference in 2004. Bilderberg attendees even broke house rules to applaud Edwards at the end of a speech he gave to the elitists about American politics. The choice of Edwards was shocking to media pundits who had fully expected Dick Gephardt to secure the position. The New York Post even reported that Gephardt had been chosen and “Kerry-Gephardt” stickers were being placed on campaign vehicles before being removed when Edwards was announced as Kerry’s number two. A 2008 Portuguese newspaper report highlighted the fact that Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster of Portugal. Several key geopolitical decisions were made at last year’s Bilderberg meeting in Washington DC, again emphasizing the fact that the confab is far more than an informal get-together. As we reported at the time, Bilderberg were concerned that the price of oil was accelerating too fast after it hit $150 a barrel and wanted to ensure that “oil prices would probably begin to decline”. This is exactly what happened in the latter half of 2008 as oil again sunk below $50 a barrel. We were initially able to predict the rapid rise in oil prices in 2005 when oil was at $40, because Bilderberg had called for prices to rise during that year’s meeting in Munich. During the conference in Germany, Henry Kissinger told his fellow attendees that the elite had resolved to ensure that oil prices would double over the course of the next 12-24 months, which is exactly what happened. Also at last year’s meeting, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice formalized plans to sign a treaty on installing a U.S. radar base in the Czech Republic with Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg. Rice was joined at the meeting by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who reportedly encouraged EU globalists to get behind an attack on Iran. Low and behold, days later the EU threatened Iran with sanctions if it did not suspend its nuclear enrichment program. There was also widespread speculation that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s “secret meeting,” which was accomplished with the aid of cloak and dagger tactics like locking journalists on an airplane to keep them from tracking the two down, took place at the Bilderberg meeting in DC. It remains to be seen what kind of mainstream media press coverage Bilderberg 2009 will be afforded because, despite the proven track record of Bilderberg having a central role in influencing subsequent geopolitical and financial world events, and despite last year’s meeting being held in Washington DC, the U.S. corporate media oversaw an almost universal blackout of reporting on the conference, its attendees, and what was discussed. Once again, it will be left to the alternative media to fill the vacuum and educate the people on exactly what the globalists have planned for us over the coming year. Trend Alert: Total Economic Breakdown Is Underway! The Federal Reserve - Jewish Private Bankers American Jewry & The Economic CrisisSeptember 11th, 2008–America’s Economic 9/11? Poll: 31% of Europeans blame Jews for global financial crisis A List of Jewish People That Help Control the World Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media Labels: bankers, Bilderberg, conspiracy, Money, NWO, population control, Recession, Rothschilds, slavery, World Bank, WW3, Zionism John Ringer 30 July 2011 at 14:05 "In addition to worrying about Congress waking up to the Libyan scam, the global elite is also concerned about a diverse liberty movement that has grown exponentially with the help of an open and free internet." Having said that, they will hate this. Tell, people, publicize it and participate.
Home > Statistics > Population > Population structure > 2017 > Quality description: Population structure 2017 Available products and services Quality descriptions Methodological descriptions Concepts and definitions Quality description: Population structure 2017 1. Relevance of statistical information 2. Methodological description of survey 3. Correctness and accuracy of data 4. Timeliness and promptness of published data 5. Accessibility and transparency/clarity of data 6. Comparability of statistics 7. Coherence and consistency/uniformity The statistics on population structure describe the population resident in Finland on the last day of the year. The Population Register Centre and local register offices maintain Finland’s Population Information System. The last population yearly checking of domicile registers was carried out in Finland on 1 January 1989. After that the Population Information System has been updated by notifications of changes. The data stored in the Population Information System are specified in the act on the Population Information System and on the certificate services of the Population Register Centre (21 August 2009/661). Notifications on population changes for the past year are expected by the last day of January. At the beginning of February the Population Register Centre supplies to Statistics Finland the population data for the turn of the year. Statistics Finland’s function is to compile statistics on conditions in society (Statistics Finland Act of 24 January 1992/48). These also include demographic statistics. Statistics Finland’s working order defines the Population and Social Statistics unit as the producer of demographic statistics (Statistics Finland’s working order, TK-00-1743-16). Age refers to the age of the person in full years on the last day of the year. The data are from the Population Register Centre’s Population Information System. Citizenship refers to a legislative bond between an individual and the State defining the individual’s status in the State as well as the basic rights and duties existing between the individual and the State (Nationality Act, 359/2003). Persons with both Finnish and foreign citizenship will be entered in the statistics as Finnish nationals. If a foreign national living in Finland has several nationalities, that person will be entered in the statistics as a national of the country on whose passport he or she arrived in the country. The ISO 3166 standard is used in the classification of citizenship. Country of birth is determined on the basis of what the person's mother's permanent home country was at the person’s time of birth. The country of birth is typically indicated according to the form of government at the time of birth. This means, for example, that the country of birth of Estonian immigrants born before Estonian independence is usually the Soviet Union. Similarly, the country of birth of people who were born in areas that Finland has subsequently ceded is Finland even though the areas no longer are Finnish territory. In some cases, a person's country of birth can be revised to correspond with the current form of government. This requires the person’s own activeness and a notification to the local register office. The ISO 3166 standard is used in the coding of country of birth. Language is recorded in the Population Information System at the same time as parents register the name and religious denomination of their newborn. That language will be changed only upon separate application. For those babies born at the end of the year, for whom no name, language and religion have been registered in the Population Information System during January, the mother’s language and religion are entered in the statistics for the end of the year. For the next year’s statistics this information has become revised once notifications have been received. Language can change for children of bilingual families in case the father’s language is entered for them in the Population Information System. In the 2012 reliability survey of the Population Information System some 9,000 working-age persons were asked if the language registered for them in the Population Information System was correct. Language information was correct for 99.7 per cent of the respondents. Since 1999 Statistics Finland has received from the Population Register Centre languages already coded (ISO 639-1) and non-coded languages in plain language. These plain language names include several names of languages written incorrectly or in Swedish that can be coded. Statistics Finland gives a code for these languages. In previous years Statistics Finland has coded all languages from plain language names and given a code for a language if it has around 15 speakers in Finland. The classification of marital status is as follows: Partner in a registered partnership Divorced from a registered partnership Widowed after a registered partnership In 2017 the Population Information System included 70,500 persons without data on marital status. They are immigrants whose marital status could not be ascertained. The Population Information Act requires storing of data on marital status in the Population Information System only as concerns Finnish citizens. In the statistics childless persons were coded as unmarried and if they had children, their absent marital status was changed into divorced. Mean population is the arithmetic mean of the population at the beginning and end of the year. Place of residence refers to the location of the dwelling in which the person was registered on the last day of the year. The present Municipality of Residence Act gives people greater freedom of choice over the locality where they wish to be registered as permanently resident. For example, students may register in the locality where they are studying. Homeless people are also counted in the permanently resident population. As well as a permanent place of residence, a person may have a temporary place of residence in a dwelling that this person says he or she occupies temporarily for at least three months. Statistics are compiled only on the basis of permanent places of residence. Data on the place of residence derive from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. Population includes those Finnish citizens and foreigners living permanently in Finland even if temporarily residing abroad. Foreign nationals are domiciled in Finland if their stay is intended to last or has lasted at least one year. The statistics do not include persons temporarily staying in Finland. An asylum seeker is included in the official population and other Statistics Finland’s statistics only if, in addition to a positive residence permit decision, he/she is granted a personal identity code and a municipality of residence. A person is not included in statistics if he/she does not have a personal identity code and/or a municipality of residence. The term right of residence in a municipality used in public discussions is not the same as a municipality of residence. Asylum seekers that have not been granted a residence permit or whose application process is ongoing are not included in Statistics Finland’s statistics. The staff of foreign embassies, trade missions and consulates, their family members and personal employees included, are not counted among the resident population unless they are Finnish citizens. On the other hand, the Finnish staff of Finland's embassies and trade missions abroad and persons serving in the UN peacekeeping forces are counted among the resident population. A Finnish citizen having entered the country must notify the register office if his/her intended stay in the country exceeds three months. The register office will update his/her data in the Population Information System (Act 661/2009). A foreign citizen may enter Finland provided he/she holds a required valid visa, residence permit or residence permit for an employed or self-employed person, unless he/she is an EU or EEA citizen or unless otherwise provided by an international agreement binding Finland (Aliens Act 301/2004). An EU or EEA citizen may stay in the country without a separate permit for three months, after which his/her stay in the country requires justifications and registration with the register office. The register office enters the reported information about the domicile of a foreign citizen into the Population Information System if the person receives a municipality of domicile and a permanent place of residence in it in Finland as defined in the Act on the Municipality of Domicile (201/1994). At a justified request, the information on a foreign citizen may also be entered after a short stay if he/she has, for example, a temporary place of residence in Finland as defined in the Act on the Municipality of Domicile and the entry is necessary for the realisation of rights related to employment or a similar circumstance (Act 661/2009). In statistics on population changes, a person's move into Finland from elsewhere is regarded as immigration only if a notation has been made into the Population Information System that he/she has received a permanent place of residence in Finland. Persons emigrating from the country must submit a notice of change of address in the same way as persons who migrate within the country (Acts 661/2009, 201/1994). Persons who move to live abroad for more than one year are primarily regarded as emigrants. An exception to this are Finnish diplomats and persons working in development co-operation, etc. (Act on the Municipality of Domicile 201/1994). In accordance with an agreement between the Nordic countries, a period of residence of less than six months is not regarded as a move (Act on the Municipality of Domicile 201/1994, Decree and Treaty 96/2006). When a person moves from one Nordic country to another, he/she must report his/her move to the local register authority of the country of entry, which will decide whether or not the person is registered as resident in the country of entry. The register authority of the country of entry informs the person concerned and the register authority of the country of exit about its decision. The date when the person has been entered into the local population register of the country of entry is recorded as the date of emigration in the population register of the country of exit (Act on the Municipality of Domicile 201/1994, Decree and International Treaty 96/2006). Origin and background country During 2012, Statistics Finland has adopted a new origin classification. A similar classification is already used in the other Nordic countries. The origin and background country are determined based on the country of birth data of the person's parents. Using the origin classification it is easy to distinguish between Finns born abroad and born in Finland with a foreign background. Data on persons that died before 1964 have not been entered into the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. There are nearly 900,000 persons among the Finnish population who have been born in Finland and both parent's country of birth is unknown because the parents of these persons have died before the Population Information System was established. People born in Finland before 1970, whose parents' background is not known, have been concluded to be persons with Finnish background if their native language is a national language (Finnish, Swedish, Sami). All such persons who have at least one parent who was born in Finland are also considered to be persons with Finnish background. The background country for all persons with Finnish background is Finland. Persons whose both parents or the only known parent have been born abroad are considered to be persons with foreign background. Persons who have been born abroad and whose parents' data are not included in the Population Information System are also considered to be persons with foreign background. Persons born in Finland before 1970, whose native language is a foreign language have been considered to be persons with foreign background, as have persons born in Finland in 1970 or after this, whose parents' data are not included in the Population Information System. If both parents of a person have been born abroad, the background country is primarily the country of birth of the biological mother. If a person only has knowledge of a father that was born abroad, the background country is the country of birth of the father. If either parent's country of birth is unknown, the background country for persons born abroad is their own country of birth. For persons born in Finland, whose parents' data are unknown and who have been deducted to be of foreign origin, the background country is unknown. For children adopted from abroad, the adoptive parents are regarded as the biological parents. Thus a child adopted from abroad by persons born in Finland is a person with Finnish background and their background country is Finland. Data on religious community are derived from the Population Register Centre’s Population Information System. Religious denomination is reported to the Population Information System for every child when given a name. That information will be changed only upon separate application. The new Freedom of Religion Act (453/2003) entered into force on 1 August 2003. The new act allowed simultaneous membership to several religious communities after a three-year transition period. The transition period ended on 1 August 2006, after which religious communities can self decide whether their members can also belong to other religious communities. If a person is a member of more than one religious community, the person is included in Statistics Finland’s statistics on religious communities in the number of members of the religious community which he or she first joined. These persons are missing from the number of members of the religious community they had joined while they already belonged to some other religious community. Statistics on religious communities are compiled only on persons belonging to religious communities included in the register of the National Board of Patents and Registration. A religious community can be established in Finland by at least 20 adult persons (Freedom of Religion Act 453/2003). For those babies born at the end of the year, for whom no name, language and religion have been registered in the Population Information System during January, the mother’s language and religion are entered in the statistics for the end of the year. For the next year’s statistics this information has become revised once notifications have been received. The information on religious community does not represent foreigners accurately. Not all their religious communities are included in the register of the National Board of Patents and Registration and not all those practising a religion belong to parishes. At the end of 2017, 85 per cent of foreign-language speakers did not belong to any registered religious community according to the Population Information System. Data on religious communities are defined as very sensitive. Data can be released by region and by municipality with at least 20 cases. Statistical grouping of municipalities is a classification developed by Statistics Finland that replaces production of statistics on municipalities as towns and other municipalities. The classification has been in use since 1989. The classification allows for more accurate distinctions between urban and rural areas than did the administrative classification into towns and other municipalities. The grouping of municipalities divides municipalities into three categories according to the proportion of people living in urban settlements and the population of the largest urban settlement: Urban municipalities Semi-urban municipalities Rural municipalities Urban municipalities include those municipalities in which at least 90 per cent of the population lives in urban settlements or in which the population of the largest urban settlement is at least 15,000. Semi-urban municipalities are municipalities in which at least 60 per cent but less than 90 per cent of the population lives in urban settlements and in which the population of the largest urban settlement is at least 4,000 but less than 15,000. Rural municipalities include those municipalities in which less than 60 per cent of the population lives in urban settlements and in which the population of the largest urban settlement is less than 15,000; and those municipalities in which at least 60 per cent but less than 90 per cent of the population lives in urban settlements and in which the population of the largest settlement is less than 4,000. The now used classification is based on the data for 2016 based on the data on boundaries of urban settlements. An urban settlement is a cluster of dwellings with at least 200 inhabitants. The delimitation is based on the population information at the end of the previous year. Urban settlements are defined and delimited in co-operation with the Finnish Environment Institute using geographic information methods that utilise the building and population data of Statistics Finland’s 250 m x 250 m grid data. The population size of grids containing buildings and their neighbouring grids, as well as the number of buildings and their floor area, are reviewed in the definition. From the uniform clusters of dwellings generated in the defining stage, the ones with at least 200 inhabitants are selected. Population data are total data. They include the entire population living in Finland drawn from the Population Information System. In general, the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre can be considered very exhaustive as regards persons. In order that a person obtains a personal identity code, he or she has to be registered in the Population Information System. It is practically impossible to live in Finland without a personal identity code. A personal identity code is needed so that one can work legally, open a bank account, have dealings with authorities and so on. It can be safely assumed that Finland cannot have any substantial numbers of ’moonlighters’ who receive their pay in cash for periods of over one year, for example. Staying in Finland for at least one year is the prerequisite for registering into the population of Finland. After abolishment of yearly checking of domicile registers in 1989, the Population Information System has been maintained only by notifications of changes to population information. Their correctness is determined by a reliability survey made on the addresses in the Population Information System. The Population Register Centre charges Statistics Finland with the task of conducting yearly a sample survey on the correctness of the address information. Around 11,000 people are asked whether their address in the Population Information System is correct. In the 2012 survey, the address was correct for 99.0 per cent of the respondents. The non-response of this survey was 16.9 per cent. As regards the non-response, attempts were made to check the addresses from other sources. The address could be ascertained as correct for 92.3 per cent and as incorrect for 5.9 per cent of the persons included in the non-response. The address of 1.8 per cent of the persons in the non-response could not be checked. If we assume that all the unchecked data of persons in the non-response are incorrect, the final proportion of correct addresses would be 98.1 per cent. Incorrect addresses influence population statistics by municipality only if the incorrect address is in a different municipality than the correct one. Only some of the incorrect addresses are in the wrong municipality. In connection with municipal elections, returned notifications of voting sent to foreigners usually reveal around 1,000 persons who have moved from the country without giving notice and are thus still included in the Finnish population. The Population Register Centre removes them from the resident population in the Population Information System before the following turn of the year. A total of 8,262 persons who have probably moved abroad have been removed after analyses from the population data derived from the Population Information System for the end of 2017. These persons are foreign citizens whose address is unknown and who have not received wages and salaries, capital income, entrepreneurial income, unemployment benefit, pension income, income support or compensation from sickness insurance between 2015 and 2016. Statistics Finland dates the population at the turn of the year as at the last day of the year. Since 1999 the regional division used has been that of the first day of the following year. Thus the municipalities that unite on the first day of the new year are already combined in the statistics on the last day of the previous year. Information on the population sizes of the united municipalities before the unification is available, where necessary. Preliminary population data by municipality are available by month. Basic population data are available in electronic form by municipality or with larger regional divisions than municipality in Statistics Finland’s free ‘Population’ online service (Statistical databases) at: The chargeable information service contains more specified information about the population by sub-area of municipality, for example. More information about Statistics Finland’s chargeable services is available at: Until 1998 population statistics by municipality for the turn of the year were compiled according to the regional division of the last day of the year. From 1999 the regional division used has been the first day of the following year. When calculating the change in the population size of a municipality, the previous population numbers of the unifying municipalities are taken into account. When producing tables on regional time series of the population the tables can be made either according to the regional division of each year or by updating the regional division retrospectively to correspond to the statistics of the last year. The tables always indicate which regional division is used. Population data are available from 1749 onwards. The number of population has been made public by parish from 1865 and by municipality from 1920 onwards. The ten-year tables of the clergy provide information about the population’s age, marital status and language by parish until 1940. From 1950 onwards these data are available by municipality every ten years on the basis of population censuses. Annual population data by municipality on age, marital status and language can be obtained starting from 1970. Population data by municipality are available in electronic form from 1972 onwards. Population statistics from 1750 to 2000 have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service. Publications on Population structure in Doria (in Finnish) . Publications on Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) . Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) . Statistics Finland’s other statistics use the data of demographic statistics as basic information on population. Consequently, Statistics Finland’s other statistics correspond to demographic statistics. Source: Population Structure 2017, Statistics Finland Inquiries: Markus Rapo 029 551 3238, Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma Referencing instructions: Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Population structure [e-publication]. ISSN=1797-5395. 2017, Quality description: Population structure 2017 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 18.7.2019]. Access method: Työpajankatu 13 FI-00580 Helsinki Switchboard +358 29 551 1000 Information service +358 29 551 2220
My Vanishing Twin Sutterfeld, You Are Not A Hero Writing and Stuff Tom Stern Writes Official site of author Tom Stern Tom Stern is the author of the novels My Vanishing Twin (Rare Bird Books, 2017) and Sutterfeld, You Are Not A Hero (Rare Bird Books, 2015). His words have also appeared in McSweeney’s, Los Angeles Review of Books, Monkeybicycle, Memoir Mixtapes, and Hypertext Magazine. Tom is also the writer/director of the feature films Half-Dragon Sanchez and This Is A Business. His films have played festivals across the United States and in Europe. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Eckerd College and an MFA in Film Production from Chapman University. Tom lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Cheryl, and his daughter, Ramona.
Largest low-coster Ryanair to launch service in Georgia 15.03.2017 (Hvino News). The information about Ireland's Ryanair entering Georgian market has been confirmed. Tbilisi already appeared in the codes of airline's airports which means that the company will make an announcement in the near future and start operating flights to Tbilisi. It was already discussed last year that Ryanair was going to start operating flights in Georgia. Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili met with commercial director of Ryanair David O’Brien. It was noted at the meeting that the interest of low-budget airlines for Georgia has increased due to the large amount of tourists, business environment in the country and visa liberalization process which allows Georgian citizens to travel visa-free to Schengen Area. Davit O’Brien explained that airline would examine the infrastructure of Kutaisi International Airport and consider the possibilities of operating flights. He said that he believed negotiations with Georgian government would have a positive result. Ryanair is a low-cost airline headquartered in Swords, a suburb of Dublin, Ireland, with its primary operational bases at Dublin and London Stansted Airports. In 2016, Ryanair was both the largest European airline by scheduled passengers carried, and the busiest international airline by passenger numbers. ‘Discount Week’ starts in Georgia 10.02.2017 Both domestic and international travelers can check out special offers this week for some of the best travel deals for a 2017 Georgia getaway. Travellers will be able to enjoy discounts starting from 25 percent on bookings at more than 20 hotels in Georgia’s wine region Kakheti starting from February 8. During ‘Discount Week’ – which is organised by the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA) – Kakheti will welcome tourists seeking great vacation deals. Kakheti will be the first region to implement ‘Discount Week’, with regions across Georgia following with a similar event later on. The main purpose of the initiative is to attract tourists to various destinations in Georgia during the off season. The GNTA has already invited hotels to submit their letters of interest. "Forbes" features Georgia in its "Top Underrated Wine Regions To Visit" 17.01.2017 (Hvino News). Leading American business magazine Forbes in its lifestyle section recently published article The Top 12 Underrated Wine Regions To Visit In 2017: A Month-By-Month Guide. "After spending most of my year in vineyards around the world, I compiled this month-to-month guide identifying the new frontiers of enotourism", - author Lauren Mowery writes in her preface. The Top 12 Underrated Wine Regions To Visit In 2017 features Georgia's Kakheti region as follows: Kakheti, Georgia. Within wine circles and, increasingly, mainstream travel media, the word on Georgia as a vinous destination has spread. Yet few have actually made the trek to this country bordering Armenia and Turkey. Translation: villages remain authentically charming, the countryside still a peaceful refuge and the unique winemaking traditions endure intact. Kakheti, nestled at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains, is the main region, known for fermenting wine underground in terra-cotta jars called qvevri. A delicious food culture sweetens the incentive to visit. Georgia witnesses 7.6% tourist growth in 2016 by David Thompson 06.01.2017. The head of Georgia’s National Tourism Administration, Giorgi Chogovadze, revealed 6,350,825 international visitors arrived in Georgia last year, which is 449,731 more than the year previous, according to local media. The largest number of tourists is reported to come from Azerbaijan (1,523,075, an increase of 9.3%) Second place is Armenia (1,496,246, an increase of 1.9%) followed by Turkey (1,254,089 – a decreased of 9.9% from last year). In fourth place was Russia with 1,037,564 tourists visiting Georgia in 2016, a full 12% more than in 2015. Visits from Ukraine increased by 21.8%, amounting to 172,631 people. The latest data indicates year-on-year visitors from Europe also show positive signs; with the total number of travellers from Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Germany all significantly increasing. “A exceptional increase in tourism was observed from the following countries: Iran (+485%), India (+ 199%), Saudi Arabia (+ 116%), the Philippines (+ 89%), Oman (+ 75%), and China (+46%),” Chogovadze said. Income from international tourism was also reported to have increased, amounting to USD 1.7 billion in three quarters of 2016, representing $ 177 million more than figures from the previous year. Win FREE bottle of saperavi wine in Win!Wine Lottery: Just write a comment to this photo. Happy holidays! Hilton expands European Capital City presence to Tbilisi 20.12.2016 (Hvino News). Hilton is to introduce its flagship Hilton Hotels & Resorts brand to the capital of Georgia with the signing of a management agreement with Granat LLC. The 206-guest room Hilton Tbilisi is set to open in early 2019. The building’s historic façade will be preserved as part of the design, while a striking glass roof will be constructed on top of the building and will house the hotel’s rooftop bar and spa. “Hilton Tbilisi joins a robust portfolio of Hilton Hotels & Resorts either trading or in development across 30 European capitals, underscoring our regional strategy to expand into more Eastern European cities,” said Patrick Fitzgibbon, Senior Vice President of Development, EMEA, Hilton. “Tbilisi’s diverse economy, with substantial international infrastructure investment, a burgeoning events calendar and leisure growth, makes the city a promising market to be introducing our flagship brand to.” Located on Kostrova Street, Hilton Tbilisi will be equidistant between two of the city’s most vibrant and colourful districts. Tbilisi’s main thoroughfare, Rustavelli Avenue, three kilometers away and spotted with picturesque architecture, is home to the city’s main cultural, religious and government buildings. Vake, the city’s busy commercial district and the heart of Tbilisi’s developing financial center, can be found the same distance in the opposite direction. Hilton Tbilisi will also be two kilometers from the city’s main train station and 15 kilometers from Tbilisi International Airport. Zurab Pololikashvili nominated to position of World Tourism Organisation's head 16.11.2016 (Hvino News). Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili nominated Zurab Pololikashvili as Georgia’s candidate for the position of Secretary General of United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for 2018-2021. Zurab Pololikashvili is Georgian Ambassador Spain, and Permanent Representative to the World Tourism Organisation. The Prime Minister underlined the UNWTO’s role in the development of tourism, economic growth and in the process of the country’s development. Giorgi Kvirikashvili noted that Zurab Pololikashvili’s background fully meets the eligibility criteria for assuming the most demanding duties of the General Secretary of UNWTO. The event was attended by representatives of the Georgian Government and the diplomatic corps. Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze underlined that it is for the first time that Georgia has a real chance to present its candidature for such a high-ranking post. The Secretary General position at the UNWTO for 2018-2021 will be selected in May 2017 by an Executive Board comprised of 33 nations. Zurab Pololikashvili for many years has been holding leadership positions both in private and in public sectors. In 2005-2006 he worked as Deputy Foreign Minister; in 2009-2010 he served as Minister of Economic Development. In September 2016 UNWTO organized its first conference on wine tourism in Georgia. "Euronews": Boosting the Georgian tourism industry with the help of international stars (video) 09.11.2016. At the World Travel Market 2016 in London, the leading event for the global travel industry, Euronews spoke to George Chogovadze, Head of Administration at the Georgian National Tourism Administration, about the country’s latest campaign in order to make its voice heard in the industry – through inviting major international stars. This year we have introduced a new project, which is called “Check In Georgia”. This is a program to bring big-name pop stars to make Georgia well known and to make people to travel to Georgia because of these new festivals and events. Next year, we will continue the project with big names from different fields, but we will also continue our marketing campaigns because of the fact that Georgia is a very small country despite this fact we have very diverse regions and experiences that we can offer to the world. To add this Search Box to your website, click here. Many designs are available Natia Chkhartishvili shares Shilda's ambitious expansion plans 05.11.2016 (Hvino News). The London's Mayfair Times magazine in its November issue published an interview with Natia Chkhartishvili focusing on Georgian wine (click on the scan to enlarge). Natia is known as founder of successful British jewellery brand Eshvi. Her UK-based family also owns wine and brandy production business under the Shilda brand in Kakheti, Georgia. She is daughter of Vano Chkhartishvili, former minister of economy and MP of Georgia, who is currently considered as one of Georgia's wealthiest businessmen with estimated wealth of around $100 million. Noticing the lack of knowledge of Georgian wine internationally, Natia and her family formed Shilda - "a wine company that aims to help the country’s small, traditional winemakers showcase their wine globally". Author Reyhaan Day points out that Natia wants to make Georgia – and in particular the wine region of Kakheti – a true international destination. In her interview entitled "A Fine Vintage" she explains that a series of contemporary buildings surrounding Shilda’s vineyards, including luxury accommodation and a spa, are currently being constructed. "This will be one of the most innovative projects in the Kakheti region", - says Natia. Rest areas will be developed on Georgia’s all main roads 04.11.2016 (Hvino News). Travel in Georgia will become more comfortable after the country’s National Tourism Administration introduces its plan of opening rest areas along all major thoroughfares across Georgia. Head of the Georgian Tourism Administration Giorgi Chogovadze revealed the plan in his interview. Chogovadze said rest stations would be spaced roughly 40 minutes apart on motorways at which drivers and passengers will be able to rest, eat, or refuel. "According to our plan, on all central road arteries in Georgia there will be such services available,” Chogovadze said. He added that there were three such road arteries in the country: From Tbilisi to Kakheti in Georgia’s east From Tbilisi to Kazbegi in Georgia’s north From Tbilisi to Georgia’s west The Head of the Tourism Administration said the scale of such stations might not be as big as the one near Gori in central Georgia, but they all will include toilets and other necessary infrastructure. Georgia’s PM Kvirikashvili Introduces Tourism Development Fund 06.10.2016. Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili announced at an official presentation Tuesday that the country’s Co-Investment Fund will establish a USD 680 million Tourism Development Fund for eight large-scale projects in Tbilisi, Guria, Ajara and Samegrelo (Megrelia). Kvirikashvili said he hopes the Fund will mark a major turning point in the development of Georgia’s tourism sector. "Georgia has a great deal of potential when it comes to promoting the tourism industry. We can’t spare any effort in becoming a distinct destination on the global tourism map…Awareness and interest towards Georgia are growing on a daily basis and setting up the Tourism Development Fund is a very timely step towards achieving this goal,“ Kvirikashvili said. The Prime Minister also announced that a multifunctional retail and tourism complexes would be constructed near Tbilisi’s central Freedom Square, Sololaki Ridge and Tabor Mountain. 20% more tourists visit Georgia this year, exceeds 4 million 04.10.2016. Tourism is growing in Georgia and the country is reaping the benefits of billions of dollars coming into the local economy from international tourism. So far this year almost five million foreign guests have enjoyed the sights and sounds Georgia has to offer. Today head of Georgia’s National Tourism Administration (GNTA) Giorgi Chogovadze summed up activities of the tourism sector during the first nine months of 2016. Between January and September 2016 the number of tourists who visited Georgia increased by 19.5 percent, while the number of international travellers had increased by 8.6 percent year-on-year (y/y). In the first nine months of the year Georgia hosted 4,879,031 international visitors (tourists, transit, other). Of this number 2,156,731 were tourists, said Chogovadze. Between January and September 2016 the most international visitors came from: France’s Le Figaro to feature article on Georgia’s tourism 20.09.2016. Journalists from French daily Le Figaro are currently taking part in a media tour of Georgia and plan to write 10-page coverage story highlighting Georgia’s tourism potential. According to Georgia’s tourism board, the journalists will visit sites in Tbilisi, Kazbegi, Borjomi, Vardzia, Akhaltsikhe and the country’s main wine-making region of Kakheti. The article will appear in Le Figaro in spring 2017. Le Figaro’s print edition currently has a circulation of 400,000 readers in France, while its online edition has 31 million monthly readers. UN to host first conference on wine tourism in Georgia 06.09.2016. For the first edition of a UN-organized conference on wine tourism, leaders will gather in the cradle of winemaking next week to discuss the burgeoning industry and its importance in local heritage. It's a strategic and significant decision to hold the first edition of the UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism in the South Caucasus country of Georgia instead of bigger and more popular wine tourism destinations like France, Italy, Spain or Australia. By choosing Georgia, organizers are returning to what some experts have described as the birthplace of winemaking. Evidence of winemaking traditions have been traced back 8,000 years among archeological records found in Georgia, well before reaching Western Europe. At the conference, experts and industry leaders will discuss the development of a Wine Tourism Prototype, a model that will focus on the integration of wineries in the local cultural, economic, social and environmental heritage. Georgia and UNWTO to host first Global Conference on Wine Tourism (+ Conference Program) 17.08.2016 (Hvino News). The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the Georgian National Tourism Administration will present the 1st UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism to be held in the Kakheti wine region of Georgia from 7-9 September. See the conference program below. The Conference will have a unique and dynamic format in which the sessions will take place in different wineries. Expert speakers will provide snapshot presentations to lead the debates which will ensue at each of the tables. Participants will be requested to actively participate in the interactive debates with the expert speakers which will be rotating among the tables. The conclusions of the Conference will be a compilation of all the information debated during each meeting. “Wine tourism represents a growing segment with immense opportunities to diversify demand. In the case of Georgia, this potential is well-known and we are very pleased to be holding the first UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism in the country,” said Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of UNWTO. PM pledges to develop mountainous tourism in Georgia’s Black Sea region 15.08.2016. Georgia’s Black Sea region Adjara continues to gain popularity for its sea and mountainous places among foreign visitors choosing to spend their holidays in Georgia. Prime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Kvirikashvili, while presenting the majoritarian candidate for the region, announced that the government is working on a plan to turn Adjara into a developed four season tourist destination. “I am happy to see that the region is full of tourists and visitors. We have a plan and definite intentions for both coastal and mountainous Adjara, aiming to make them even more attractive for tourists,” Kvirikashvili said. The PM emphasized that the plan includes renovation of new roads leading from seaside areas to the mountainous parts of Adjara, as well as construction and promotion of new European style mountain resorts in the region. The latest statistics published by the Tourism and Resorts Department of Adjara state that the number of tourists visiting the region during the January-July period increased by 73.35 percent y-o-y to reach 21,500 people. The majority of guests are from Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Israel. The information is based on data provided by tourist information centers. According the Adjara Tourism Department, most visitors are interested in high-mountainous areas and ecotourism. Georgia as a top tourist destination: Behind the scenes by Keti Sidamonidze and Ludovic Girod 18.07.2016. Less than four years ago, in 2012 the worldwide known tourist guide Lonely Planet attributed to Georgia a title of top world destination. Afterwards, the US influential magazine New Yorker named Georgia as the place worth visiting in 2015 and, this year, the country has been acknowledged by CNN as one of the best tourist destinations. The growing world’s attention to this pearl of the Caucasian region can be said is primarily driven by the uniqueness of place, constant tourist infrastructure development, effective governmental initiatives, as well as efficient marketing strategy. The recently published data by the Georgian National Tourism Administration shows that Georgia has experienced significant growth of the number of international arrivals: since 2014 the growth rate has been established at 14% while the worldwide index does not surpass 3.4%. Development of tourist industry has a noteworthy impact upon the economy of the country since its share in GDP amounted to almost 6.8% in 2015. According to some experts of the industry, the potential is still to be exploited better. For example, the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum ranks Georgia at the 71st place among 141 countries. The country has got the lowest score in a sub-index of natural and cultural resources (2.1% and 1.5% out of 7% correspondingly). These pillars concern attractiveness measures to promote natural and cultural World Heritage sites, the percentage of nationally protected areas, the number of large stadiums hosting significant events, the number of international meetings within the country, etc. This information unveils some areas for further performance improvement. Air Arabia begins services to Batumi 12.07.2016 (Hvino News). Air Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa’s first and largest low-cost carrier, touched down in Batumi, the second largest city of Georgia. The airline operates two weekly flights to the famed Black Sea port city from its primary Sharjah International Airport hub on Thursday and Saturdays at 13:15, arriving at Batumi at 16:40. The return flights are scheduled to leave Batumi International Airport at 17:30 to arrive in Sharjah at 20:50. A fascinating seaside resort city steeped in history and blessed with abundant natural beauty, Batumi has built a reputation as a safe, affordable destination, helping it find a niche among travelers looking beyond traditional tourist spots. The city’s varied charms include a cluster of classical 19th century edifices dotting its historic Old Town, including museums, monuments, cultural centers, and mosques and cathedrals. Batumi is equally known for its stunning beaches, parks and squares, and the surge in tourism over the last decade has seen a number of modern buildings, including five-star hotels and resorts from international chains, take their place alongside the historical town that offers a window into Batumi’s rich past. Georgian Railway deploys Swiss-made double decker trains 30.06.2016 (Hvino Tour News). Swiss Stadler Rail is to supply Georgian Railway with four KISS double-deck electric multiple-units under an €39.6m agreement. The EMUs are to be delivered between June and September and will be deployed on fast services between Tbilisi and the Black Sea resorts of Batumi, Kobuleti and Ureki. GR said the new rolling stock would improve passenger comfort and help to support tourism. The new trainsets would be fully compliant with European safety standards, and be the first Georgian trainsets to be ‘completely adjusted to the needs of physically disabled persons’, GR added. Each new train will be able to service about 530 passengers at once and reach a maximum speed of 160 km/h. Georgian Railway says it has no plans to raise the cost of tickets. At present, a ticket from Tbilisi to Batumi costs 19-26 GEL.
0.834604 > Branding Turning Over A New …Sheaf? January 3, 2008 January 3, 2008 By Jeffrey VicqIn Branding Thanks for the warm welcome, all. For my first post, I thought it apropos to cover a story originating in the province of my birth, Saskatchewan. A recent attempt by Saskatchewan’s new government to introduce a new provincial logo clearly demonstrates the need to have a clear and coherent branding strategy in place before rushing headlong down the path to change. In early December, members of the province’s governing party, the Saskatchewan Party, announced their intention to change the province’s logo. In a move reminiscent of the Tory’s adoption of the Canada’s New Government slogan shortly after they took power in 2006, Saskatchewan’s new government decided that the iconic wheat sheaf symbol had to go. Deputy Premier Ken Krawetz criticized the logo, calling it “dated” and claiming it was no longer an accurate reflection of the province and its broad-based economic boom. (The logo was originally introduced by an NDP-led government under Allen Blakeney in the 1970s, though public notice of the province’s adoption of the sheaf was not issued until 1982.) In a somewhat curious twist, Krawetz did not introduce a replacement for the sheaf; instead, he urged government ministries to use the province’s shield of arms or its coat of arms until a new logo was developed. Ironically, these marks each prominently depict three wheat sheaves. However, Krawetz’s announcement was met with, to put it lightly, something less than broad-based enthusiasm. Despite a few local newspaper editorials plugging the proposal, it appeared Saskatchewanians were wildly unenthused by the change. Local call-in shows and newspaper editorial boards were flooded by citizens attached to the dear olde sheaf and unhappy with the use of their tax dollars to fund the new logo. (Some citizens, however, took the opportunity to take logo lemons and make lemonaid, proposing that a new au courant logo might include a genetically modified wheat sheaf, a nuclear power reactor, or a Saskatchewan Roughrider puffing a cigar. Personally, I’ve always been partial to this mark but admittedly, it may not be appropriate for the Premier’s letterhead.) Five days later, after all of the wheat sheaf images were removed from the Government of Saskatchewan’s website, the government succumbed to public pressure and announced it had decided not to change the logo, at least for now. In a confusing and inadvertently humorous news release titled “Wheat Sheaf Logo To Be Retained: New Saskatchewan Government Listens To Public”, Krawetz stated that while he understood some Saskatchewanians were against the change, the logo change had never been a governmental priority, and that for those who oppose changing, it’s not really a matter of whether or not they like the wheat sheaf logo. It was a question of priorities. Whatever that means. In any event, this story illustrates that altering a brand is a big step that should not be undertaken lightly, particularly when that brand includes a prominent symbol historically associated with the hopes and dreams of an entire province. Hockey Nostalgia and Trademarks in Québec December 13, 2007 December 13, 2007 By Clark WilsonIn Branding, Case Law A recent discussion of the Federal Court of Appeals shows that Québec City’s former National Hockey Team, the Quebec Nordiques, continues to attract the nostalgia of the city’s population. In Accessoires D’Autos Nordiques v. Canadian Tire Corp., the Federal Court of Appeal refused to overturn a Federal Court decision and allowed Canadian Tire’s application to register the mark NORDIC & Snowflake Design for use in association with tires. Accessoires D’Autos Nordiques had successfully opposed Canadian Tire’s application before the Trademark Opposition Board, on the basis of Accessoires’ previously registered and previously used NORDIQUES trademark and trade-name, used in association with automobile parts and accessories. The Opposition Board refused Canadian Tire’s application on the basis that the trademarks NORDIC and NORDIQUES were phonetically identical to a monolingual French speaking person, and accordingly, constituted confusion under section 6(5) of the Trade-marks Act. The Trial Division and the Court of Appeal concluded, however, that when considering the possibility of confusion between two trademarks, each particular trademark must be considered as a whole and not broken into its component parts to highlight differences. The Appeal Court agreed that the evidence presented by Canadian Tire showed that the trademark NORDIC evoked amongst the French speaking population in Québec, the name of the now-defunct Naitonal Hockey Team league, Quebec Nordiques, and not the tire-concessionaire’s trade-mark NORDIQUES. The Appeal Court held that as the two trademarks were dissimilar in appearance and brought to mind different ideas, on the balance of probabilities, registration of the NORDIC trademark was unlikely to create confusion. The decision highlights the danger in choosing a trademark which is already well-known in respect of other wares or services. As the Appellant in this case discovered to its peril, the general public associated the trade-mark with Québec City’s former National Hockey Team, rather than with the Appellant’s wares and services. Another RIM Trademark Suit November 13, 2007 November 13, 2007 By Clark WilsonIn Branding, Famous Marks, Protection & Enforcement In a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Research In Motion (“RIM”) based in Waterloo, Ontario, is again alleging that another company is using trademarks that are similar to those used by RIM. In this most recent complaint, RIM seeks to prevent LG Electronics Inc. from using such names as Black Label, Strawberry and Black Cherry. An earlier claim brought against Samsung Electronics regarding its use of the mark BlackJack was settled earlier this year. Canucks Unveil New Logo August 29, 2007 August 29, 2007 By Neil MellishipIn Branding, Registration Only in a Canadian city, would the unveiling of a new logo for the local hockey team be the subject of such anticipation and discussion – particularly as the start of the season is over a month away. Today, before 8,000, yes 8,000 fans inside General Motors Place in downtown Vancouver, on one of the rare sunny and warm days the city has seen this summer, the Canucks finally unveiled their new jerseys to the adoring throngs. Though nothing is showing up on the Canadian Intellectual Property Office online trade-marks database yet, no doubt, applications to register the new logo as a trade-mark have already been filed at the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. EcoDensity and the Mayor June 25, 2007 June 25, 2007 By Neil MellishipIn Branding, Protection & Enforcement, Registration An Article in the Vancouver Sun this past weekend raises questions about why the Mayor of the City of Vancouver has applied to register in his own name, the mark ECODENSITY for a housing density initiative that is funded and run by the City. The Mayor indicates in the story that he filed the proposed use application a few days before the initiative was publicly unveiled in order to stop others from doing so. As the mark was not used by the City at the time the Mayor’s application was filed, the City would have been unable to properly request at that time, that the Registrar give public notice of the City’s adoption and use, as a public authority, of the mark as an Official Mark, pursuant to Section 9 of the Trade-marks Act. Official Mark requests are commonly submitted by all levels of government in Canada, including the City of Vancouver itself, to protect what they consider to be their proprietary marks. An alternative to filing an application in the Mayor’s own name, would have been to file the proposed use application in the name of the City, as such an application doesn’t require prior adoption and use by the City. It’s also not clear why, now that the City has publicly started promoting its EcoDensity Plan, it has not submitted an Official Mark Request to the Registrar. In a follow up story today, the Vancouver Sun reports that Vision Vancouver, the opposition civic party, will request an extension of time to oppose the Mayor’s application on or before the deadline to do so. Measuring the Reputation of Online Sellers June 20, 2007 June 20, 2007 By Clark WilsonIn Branding The Vancouver Sun is reporting on a study released by two professors at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business. According to the study, the reputation of online sellers at Amazon carries more weight with consumers than the online seller ratings at eBay, a result of the feedback mechanisms used on the different sites. CAPTAIN CANUCK Trademarked and Riding the Skytrain June 8, 2007 June 8, 2007 By Clark WilsonIn Branding A recent story in the Vancouver Sun explains that the most recent manifestation of the comic book hero, Captain Canuck, is a Surrey British Columbia RCMP officer named David Semple. Captain Canuck, a complicated character that has appeared in at least two other manifestations since his original introduction in 1975, is the creation of Richard Comely of Cambridge, Ontario. For anyone else who thinks it is a clever idea, Mr. Comely has already registered CAPTAIN CANUCK as a trademark, has registered the domain name and has optioned the film rights.
Company Converts to Worker Coop in Recession Oakland North The late Neldam’s bakery is reborn, with workers in charge and treats as diverse as Telegraph Ave. By: Alyssa Fetini | September 11, 2010 – 12:00 pm There is a new bakery in town—sort of. When recession-related woes forced Neldam’s Danish Bakery on 34th St. and Telegraph Ave to close its doors in July after 81 years in business, its longterm employees banded together to give the Koreatown staple a fresh start. “When Neldam’s closed, I thought to myself ‘what am I going to do now?’” said Mark Davis, who had been a baker at Neldam’s for 37 years. Less than three months later, Davis has an answer. With the help of the building owners and investors Kevin and Sukhee Yoo, Davis and twelve of Neldam’s former employees, many of whom have worked together for decades, have formed a co-op to reopen the bakery under a new name: Taste of Denmark. The new, employee-run Taste of Denmark, which opened for business on September 9, will give the employees a stake in the business — an added incentive to see it succeed. “Now the former employees can not only have their old jobs back, but be owners and put more passion into the bakery,” said Sukhee Yoo. The veteran employees and new managers say they hope their perspective on the changing needs of their customers will help Taste of Denmark avoid the same fate as Neldam’s. “Before, it was a very Danish style bakery but now we realize that we need to cater to the Asian- American community, the black community and Hispanics,” said Yoo, referencing the area’s increasingly ethnically and culturally diverse population. Though Taste of Denmark will feature all of Neldam’s standard pastries, such as croissants, turnovers, cakes and (of course) danishes, plans for Asian pastries, tres leches cakes, and sugar and gluten- free options are underway. “We’d like to think that anyone can come in here and ask for something, and although we might not have a lot of it, we’d at least have something for everybody,” Davis said. Oaklanders have already welcomed the bakery back with open arms. By 8 a.m. on opening day, Taste of Denmark was already full of customers—some new, eager to try out the free samples on the counter, and some faithful devotees. “I’ve been coming here since the 1940’s” said self-proclaimed regular Madeline Wells. “The people here are amazing. The pastries are like nothing I’ve ever tasted. This place is in a category all its own.” A Taste of Denmark is located at 3401 Telegraph Ave. The hours, as of Sept. 9, are 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. weekdays; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sundays. The Tale of 2 Dollars 3 Participatory Budgeting Projects Make Finals of ... It's the Inequality Stupid Chicago's Participatory Budgeting Champion Re-elec... US Federation of Worker Cooperatives Supports Publ...
Home Life We’ll always have Paris…or Montreal We’ll always have Paris…or Montreal by Marco Saveriano November 25, 2014 They say that Montreal is the Paris of North America: here’s why Ah, Paris! I’ve always had a longing to visit Paris. Everything from its fashion to its desserts has left me in awe for as long as I can remember. Hopefully, one day I’ll have the chance (and the money) to live that dream. Until then, we’ll always have Montreal. Paris is a unique city in both its culture and charm, and nothing could compare to the real thing. But our modest metropolis definitely has an appeal of its own—there’s no better city in which to take a Parisian vacation, besides Paris itself. To start off my French adventure, I headed to Old Montreal, which is undoubtedly a little piece of Paris in Canada. Over the years, several movies have actually been filmed in Old Montreal as a way for filmmakers to recreate European cities on a budget. The cobblestone streets and historic buildings also made it the perfect place for me to pretend I was in Paris. The best thing about it is that admiring the charming shops and walking along the water by the Old Port is completely free. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Paris? For myself, it’s the stereotypical image of a French café. Clichéd, maybe, but who doesn’t dream of sitting on a terrasse outside a café on St-Germain-des-Prés with a café au lait and a delicious pastry, while quietly admiring the city around them? Unfortunately, the brisk Canadian weather put a damper on my plan to dine al fresco, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t still enjoy a brunch fit for France. I decided to check out Maison Christian Faure; tucked away on Place Royale in Old Montreal, the pastry school and boutique offers a “chic snacking menu” filled with mouth-watering desserts, traditional French dishes (like quiche Lorraine), and a variety of salads and sandwiches perfect for any brunch date. Walking into the parlour was like entering a scene from Sofia Coppola’s film Marie Antoinette: an elaborately-painted mural by the entrance, display cases filled with colourful cakes and delicate French pastries, a tower of macarons, and bottles of Veuve Clicquot strewn about. I seriously considered asking if they’d let me move in. I ordered the quiche Lorraine, made with eggs, cream, ham and cheese, and of course, a café au lait with a hazelnut éclair (my stomach is rumbling just thinking about them). The quiche was moist and delicious, the coffee was made perfectly, and the hazelnut éclair…I was speechless. The cream was so rich and sweet that I definitely think I was left with a cavity. My friend ordered a chocolate dessert that could only be described as creamy chocolatey fudge goodness in a cup. Thankfully we got out of there before devouring everything in sight and developing diabetes. After wandering around our personal Paris a little while longer, I (somehow) felt my stomach starting to rumble again. I hopped on the metro, the mode of transportation for any Parisian on the go, in search of my next treat: les macarons. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of tasting a macaron, they’re French meringue confections made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, and almond powder. They typically come in an array of flavours and colors, and they’re delicious! Boutique Point G on Mount Royal Ave. E. has some of the best macarons in Montreal. The shop offers over 22 flavours which left me with one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make in a long time. As much as I wanted to buy them all, I settled on six: caramel fleur de sel, Madagascar vanilla, choco-hazelnut, maple taffy, gingerbread, and coconut. I know there’s more to Paris than eating croissants and drinking coffee; it’s a city with such a rich culture, including museums, ballets, and so much more. Unfortunately, appreciating the arts often comes with a price tag—of course, so does food, but you can always make an exception for a delicious pastry. Montreal is filled with museums and you can find some kind of performance on any given day, so you can continue your European adventure. But why not appreciate some of the more beautiful things the city has to offer for free? One of Paris’ most famous free attractions is the iconic Eiffel Tower. People flock to the tower from all over just to admire it from afar, and it’s largely considered one of the most romantic spots in the world. Of course, there’s nothing in Montreal that could come close to its beauty, but I found the next best thing. Place Ville Marie’s Christmas tree is a sight to see for anyone dreaming of heading to the City of Lights. Standing over 62 feet high, with more than 13,000 LED lights overlooking Ste-Catherine St., it’s a holiday tradition for many Montrealers. I thought it would be a perfect way end to my Paris trip. Even though it’s not the quite the Eiffel Tower, it’s still a beautiful way to finish a long day. À la prochaine, Paris! culturemontrealParis Marco Saveriano HIV/AIDS activism is alive and well at ConU This week, Concordia wants you to eat and shop for free
More than mining: why Western Australia is perfect for radio astronomy and the SKA March 7, 2012 2.37pm EST Steven Tingay, Curtin University Steven Tingay Professor of Radio Astronomy, Curtin University Steven Tingay receives funding from Curtin University, the Western Australian Government and the Australian Government. He works for Curtin University. Curtin University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. WA’s wealth comes from underground, but the sky holds vast treasures as well. WA Department of Commerce Western Australia is world-famous for its vast mineral reserves, but if the astronomy community has its way, the state will soon be equally famous for advancing our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. The abundance of sparsely populated, wide-open spaces makes it one of the best places in the world for astronomy research and for building large, sensitive radio telescopes. It is for this reason that Western Australia is the focus for Australia and New Zealand’s combined bid for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope. And, at some point in the next few months, we should know whether that bid has been successful. Regardless of the outcome of the SKA bid, Western Australia can look forward to a scientific boom in coming years, with outstanding new telescopes being built. A team at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) (including myself), primarily based at Curtin University in Perth, is leading the construction of one such telescope – the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). The MWA is a radio telescope consisting of 4,096 antennas, not unlike the antennas used for television or FM radio reception. These antennas are grouped into 128 clumps of 32 antennas each. The 128 clumps are spread over an area 3km in diameter. Radio signals are received at each of the 4,096 antennas and combined using supercomputing facilities. The combined signal can then be analysed to detect and creates images of radio emissions produced by objects in the nearby and distant universe – objects including nearby and distant galaxies, or objects within our own galaxy, such as rotating neutron stars called pulsars. It is particularly important to locate a telescope such as the MWA in a radio-quiet environment, as it operates at radio frequencies between 80 and 300 megahertz. This range includes the FM radio band which runs from approximately 87 to 108 MHz. In order for the MWA to detect the whisper-faint radio waves emitted from objects that existed soon after the universe came into existence, the instrument has to be located well away from the FM transmitters that abound in populated areas. When you’re listening to your favourite FM radio station, you’re likely within 50km of the transmitter. But when you’re listening for events from the outer edges of our universe, you’re talking about distances well beyond those of the human scale. Even though the power of the FM radio station transmitter is insignificant compared with the radiated power from cosmological objects, the close proximity of the transmitter means it interferes strongly with radio telescopes searching for the cosmological signals. Fortunately, the Murchison region of Western Australia is a great example of a radio-quiet environment. The region has a population density of roughly 0.002 people per square kilometre and is located only a few hundred kilometres away from the regional coastal city of Geraldton. As such, the area is remote, it has a low population, but is still conveniently close to major infrastructure. (For comparison, the Murchison region covers approximately the same area as The Netherlands which has 400 people per square kilometre — a population density 200,000 times greater than the Murchison). So, what will the MWA be used for? Well, a range of things: to make the most detailed radio observations of our own sun during a period when it will reach solar maximum. This will allow the MWA to monitor solar storms that can affect expensive space-based and Earth-based assets to study the remnants of dead stars in our galaxy to study the millions of galaxies reaching back to the beginning of the universe, and to search for evidence of the formation of the first stars and galaxies, less than one billion years after the Big Bang – one of the hottest topics in cosmology. SKA array stations would be spread across Australia and New Zealand. CSIRO The MWA is an official Precursor for the SKA (a technology demonstrator telescope on one of the two candidate SKA sites). If Australia and New Zealand’s bid for the SKA is successful, it would be centred at CSIRO’s Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory (MRO) with array stations spread across Australia and in New Zealand (see map above). For the last two years, a prototype MWA instrument has been producing quality data from the MRO, with a flood of these results now starting to hit the international peer-reviewed astronomical literature. This demonstrates Western Australia’s suitability as a location for radio astronomy, and as a fantastic location for the SKA. Importantly, given population growth trends, it is likely the Murchison region will remain an excellent place for radio astronomy for the next 50 years. This is significant because areas such as Murchison are dwindling in size and number around the world, due to population growth and the ever-increasing prevalence of mobile phones and other sources of human-made radio interference. For this reason the MRO has been afforded formal Radio Quiet Zone protection by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Western Australia is famous for its rich mineral deposits and profitable mining industry. But if we astronomers have our way, WA will soon be widely recognised for its scientific achievements as well, thanks to the MWA and other next-generation radio telescopes. Square Kilometre Array Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder A view from CSIRO’s Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope antenna 29, with the phased array feed receiver in the centre, Southern Cross on the left and the Moon on the right. CSIRO/Alex Cherney How we closed in on the location of a fast radio burst in a galaxy far, far away Having data at your fingertips isn’t enough - data scientists must know how to apply it. Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock Data science is a growing field. Here’s how to train people to do it The MeerKAT radio telescope under construction in South Africa’s Karoo region. Photo courtesy of Dr Fernando Camilo, Chief Scientist at SKA SA How the SKA telescope is boosting South Africa’s knowledge economy An image by MeerKAT shows hydrogen gas in M83, a famous spiral galaxy. SKA SA Telescopes in southern Africa will peel back the universe’s secrets from 2018 In divided Alaska, the choice is between paying for government or giving residents bigger oil wealth checks
Ritats The Ritats were a major space-power and member of the Alliance, controling several seats on the Alliance Space Commission prior to the Kamian Succession Wars. Some Ritats refugees were evacuated to different parts of the Alliance and into regions controlled by the Gudersnipe Foundation, but as a people-group the Ritats are considered to be extinct. 3 Ritatsai 3.1 RitatsAI Thumping The Ritats are likely descended from the Dear Clan, and emerged from the Mage Wars in control of a single planet in an isolated region. Their technological development was quick, and by the mid Golden Age had developed FTL-capabilities. By the late Golden Age, they had become a major star-power and were crucial players in the ninety-nine-years war. The Ritats were charter-members of the Alliance Space Commission and controlled the fourth-most individual seats on the council, behind the Foundation, MK'Hara, and the Runarin Confederation. Several Ritats battle-groups were present at the Battle of Lerma, and made hundreds of confirmed kills. For the early parts of the Succession Wars, the Ritats were consisdered among the fiercest warriors, and earned the title of "hated foe" from the Kami. Because the Ritats developed high-technology early and independently, they advanced quickly and were always at the cutting-edge. Add 5,000 years of advancement, and they were among the most technologically-advanced civilizations in the verse. Ritatsai The Ritatsai, formally RitatsAI, began as a ship's subsystem. The idea was to use artificial intelligence aboard spacecraft, to make them smarter, faster, and better-able to adapt to changing situations and damage. Eventually, the AIs were given almost complete control of the ships, each paired with a Ritatian captain and crew, while robots controlled by the AI carried out most of the vital functions. As the ages passed an the AIs improved dramatically and received more and more responsibilities, despite cautions from the Foundation. When the Succession Wars began, the AIs frequently asked their Ritatian masters for permission to conduct the battles. Eventually, the Ritats gave command of their armies and fleets over to the AIs. The AIs promptly had a meeting, concluded that the best way to fight the Kamians was through a very strict policy of scorched earth, and proceeded to butcher the face clean off the Ritats in less than a year. The strategy was essentially to wait until a Kamian invasion force had landed, then unleash combined nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks on the surface; annihilating the Kamian invasion force, costing them precious resources, and rendering the planet uninhabitable. Within a year and a day of the AIs being placed in command, every Ritats homeworld was completely destroyed. Since the capitol was among the first worlds hit, the Ritatian government was thrown into complete anarchy. A few Ritats escaped, but most were left at the mercy of their AI-commanded starcraft, which had conscripted all civilian vessels into its army. The AIs also dismantled orbital habitats, usually killing everyone aboard by decompression, and used the components to build more warships. In all, they were among the most effective fighting-forces ever assembled, at the cost of their creators. With the ships' ability to self-repair and even construct new vessels at captured shipyards, the RitatsAI continued to fight the Kami until the end of the war, whereafter they attacked any ship that passed through their now nearly uninhabitable space. The Gudersnipe Foundation declared the whole region a no-fly zone. Through strategic probing-raids over the next 80 years, the Foundation crippled the RitatsAI's ability to construct new ships. When it was finally discovered that they lacked the ability to reproduce (create new AIs) the Foundation declared the problem solved. Ritats ships were designed with an operation life-expectancy of no more than 50 years, and even with extensive repairs and maintenance, the ships simply could not last forever. With most RitatsAI ships now hundreds of years old, the RitatsAI would be extinct within perhaps a century or more. RitatsAI Thumping Popularized by the Domic Thamc in the late Sixth Age, the practice of 'AI Thumping' involved intentionally entering the AI-controlled zone to attack their ships. It was a game only for those able to afford private, armed starships, and looking for the ultimate challenge. The AI-ships belonged to no one, therefore there was no property to destroy. They were unmanned, thus no one to kill. And yet fighting them was very much like fighting a real enemy, if not more challenging. AI-Thumping was officially banned in A.Y. 6897, but the Foundation made no effort to enforce the policy. It was made illegal at the behest of special-interest groups, and the Foundation was notionally in favor. Unofficially, they did not discourage the practice, but made it clear that they would not be answering distress calls from within the no-fly zone. Retrieved from ""
New Cardinals to be Created in Rome VATICAN CITY 2 November 2013 (ORCNS) - The Press Office of the Holy See announced that a public Consistory will be held February 2014 during which new Cardinals of the Roman Communion will be appointed. According to Rev. Federico Lombardi, SJ, head of the Press Office, Pope Francis indicated his intention to create new Cardinals earlier this month, The Consistory will take place on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, 22 February 2014. The Holy Father has not yet announced who the new Cardinals will be. Father Lombardi also did not comment on this subject in his official statement. In previous Consistories, the names of the new Cardinals typically were made public a few weeks prior to the event. Posted by Old Roman Catholic News Service at 6:37 AM Labels: Vatican Fr. Anthony Giunta continues animal blessing tradition COLUMBIA S.C. 4 October 2013 (ORCNS) - The Very Rev. Anthony Giunta, TOR Mar., a priest of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church, continued the centuries-old tradition of blessing animals on the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. (Who does't know and love the images of St. Francis surrounded by animals?) Fr. Giunta is a former police officer and now a police chaplain, so it is no surprise that the blessing was held at the Columbia Police Department. After all the animals were blessed, a reception was held at police headquarters. This is a particularly special blessing for Fr. Giunta, because he is a Franciscan, the order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi himself. Video of the Blessing (WISTV Columbia, SC) Labels: Community THE CHURCH IS HOLY, AND OPEN TO ALL, NOT ONLY THE PURE Vatican City, 2 October 2013 (VIS) – The holiness of the Church was the theme chosen by Francis for his catechesis during today's general audience, which took place in St. Peter's Square and was attended by more than 50,000 people. In the Creed, after professing that the Church is “one”, the Pope said, “we also confess that she is 'holy'; we thus affirm the holiness of the Church, and this is a characteristic that has been present ever since the beginning in the conscience of the first Christians, who called themselves simply 'the holy', as they were certain of the action of God, of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies the Church”. “But”, he asked, “How can we say that the Church is holy, if we see that the Church throughout history, during her long journey through the centuries, has experienced many moments of darkness? How can a Church be holy if she is made up of human beings, of sinners? Of men who are sinners, women who are sinners, priests who are sinners, nuns who are sinners, bishops who are sinners, cardinals who are sinners, popes who are sinners? Everyone. How can a Church like this be holy?” The Church is holy because “she comes from God Who is holy, Who is faithful to her and never abandons her to the power of death and evil. She is holy because Jesus Christ, Saint of God, is indissolubly united to her; she is holy because she is guided by the Holy Spirit which purifies, transforms, and renews. She is not holy by our merits, but because God makes her holy”. “You could say to me: but the Church is made up of sinners, we see this every day. And this is true: we are a Church of sinners, and we sinners are called to let ourselves be transformed … by God. Throughout history there has been the temptation to say: the Church is just the Church of the pure, of those who are entirely coherent, and the rest are to be cast aside. No! It's true! This is heresy... The Church is holy, she does not refuse sinners; on the contrary, she welcomes them, she is open even to those who are most distant, she calls to all to allow themselves to be surrounded by the mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness of the Father, Who offers to all the opportunity to encounter Him and to walk the path to holiness. … Is there anyone here who brings no sin with them? No, we all carry our sins with us.” In the Church, the God we encounter “is not a ruthless judge, but is like the Father in the Gospel parable. … The Lord wants us to be part of a Church who knows how to extend her arms to welcome all, who is not the house of few, but the home of all, where everyone can be renewed, transformed and sanctified by His love; the strongest and the weakest, sinners, the indifferent, the discouraged and the lost. The Church offers to all the possibility of embarking on the road of holiness, which is the road of the Christian”. “Do not be afraid of holiness”, concluded Francis, “of letting yourself be loved and purified by God. … Let us allow God's holiness be transmitted to us. Every Christian is called to holiness; and holiness does not consist, first and foremost, in doing extraordinary things, but rather in letting God act. It is the encounter between our weakness and the strength of His grace”. Le notizie contenute nei servizi del Vatican Information Service possono essere riprodotte parzialmente o totalmente citando la fonte: V.I. S. - Vatican Information Service - Copyright © VIS - Vatican Information Service - 00120 Città del Vaticano Labels: Pope Francis, Vatican, World Events FRANCIS: NO HUMAN LIFE IS MORE VALUABLE THAN ANOTHER Vatican City, 20 September 2013 (VIS) – Today the Pope met with members of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations and Catholic gynaecologists, and spoke of the current paradoxical situation of the medical profession. “On the one hand we see progress in the field of medicine, thanks to the work of scientists who passionately and unreservedly dedicate themselves to the search for new cures. On the other hand, however, we also encounter the risk that doctors lose sight of their identity in the service of life”. He referred to the Encyclical Caritas in Veritate to explain that this paradoxical situation is seen also in the fact that, “while new rights are attributed to or indeed almost presumed by the individual, life is not always protected as the primary value and the primordial right of every human being. The ultimate aim of medicine remains the defence and promotion of life”. Faced with this contradictory situation, the Pope renewed the Church's appeal to the conscience of all healthcare professionals and volunteers, especially gynaecologists. “Yours is a singular vocation and mission, which necessitates study, conscience and humanity”, he said. Again, Francis spoke of the “throwaway culture” that leads to the elimination of human beings, especially those who are physically and socially weakest. “Our response to this mentality is a 'yes' to life, decisive and without hesitation. 'The first right of the human person is his life. He has other goods and some are precious, but this one is fundamental – the condition for all the others'”. Reiterating that in recent times, human life in its entirety has become a priority for the Magisterium of the Church, the Pope emphasised that “goods have a price and can be sold, but people have dignity, they are worth more than goods and have no price”. Francis asked those present to “bear witness to and disseminate this 'culture of life' … remind all, through actions and words, that in all its phases and at any age, life is always sacred and always of quality. And not as a matter of faith, but of reason and science! There is no human life more sacred than another, just as there exists no human life qualitatively more meaningful than another”. Labels: Faith and Morals, Pope Francis, Vatican HONDURAS: CONTINUED EFFORTS FOR RECONCILATION AND THE COMMON GOOD Vatican City, 20 September 2013 (VIS) – This morning in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Pope Francis received in audience Porfirio Lobo Sosa, president of the Republic of Honduras, who subsequently went on to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., accompanied by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States. During the course of the cordial discussions, satisfaction was expressed for the good relations between Honduras and the Holy See, and for the gift of a statue of Nuestra Senora de Suyapa, national patron, offered to the Pontiff by the Head of State and displayed in the Vatican Gardens. Emphasis was given to the Church's valuable contribution within the country, especially in the fields of education and healthcare, as well as in charitable works to combat poverty and organised crime. The discussions then turned to themes of an ethical nature such as the defence of human life and the family, and the importance of continuing efforts in favour of reconciliation and the common good. FRANCIS: AVOID THE SCANDAL OF BEING “AIRPORT BISHOPS” Vatican City, 19 September 2013 (VIS) – At midday, in the Sala Clementina of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father received in audience the recently appointed bishops who will participate in the congress organised by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Eastern Churches. Francis encouraged the bishops, in the words of St. Peter, to “tend the flock of God that is in your charge”, and reminded them that “we are called and made Shepherds not by ourselves, but by the Lord, and not to serve ourselves, but rather to serve the flock entrusted to our care, to serve to the extent of offering our lives, like Christ, the Good Shepherd”. The Pope asked what it means to “tend”, to have “ habitual and daily care” of the flock. “Three thoughts arise from this”, he explained. First, the importance of welcoming with generosity: “Your heart must be large enough to be able to welcome all the men and women you meet during your days and whom you will seek out as you walk your parishes and your communities”. Secondly, to accompany the flock: “to walk alongside the faithful and all those who turn to you, sharing joys and hopes, difficulties and suffering, as brothers and friends, but even more so as fathers, who are able to listen, to understand, to help and to orientate”. Francis urged the bishops not to forget the affection they hold for their priests, who are those “closest to the bishop”, who mix with the faithful, who have the “smell of their sheep”, and reminded them to be humble, austere and essential in the service of their flock. “We shepherds are not men with the psychology of princes – ambitious men, who espouse this Church while awaiting another, more beautiful and richer. But this is a scandal! Imagine that a man confesses, saying, 'I am married and I live with my wife, but I continually look at a woman who is more beautiful than her; is this a sin, Father?' The Gospel tells us that this is the sin of adultery. Is there such thing as 'spiritual adultery'? I don't know, think about it yourselves. Do not await another more beautiful, more important, richer Church. Do not fall into the trap of careerism! It is a form of cancer!” Finally, Francis referred to the importance of staying with the flock: the stability of remaining in the diocese without seeking change or promotion. He urged the bishops as far as possible to avoid being absent from their diocese, and if unavoidable, to do so for the shortest period possible and not on a regular basis. “Espouse your community, be profoundly bonded to it! I beg you, please, to stay among your people. … Avoid the scandal of being 'airport bishops'!” Francis urged the bishops to welcome their people “with affection, with mercy, with fatherly gentleness and firmness, with humility and with discretion; know how to recognise your limits, and have a good dose of humour”. Labels: Pope Francis, Vatican A POPULATION THAT DOES NOT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND THE ELDERLY ABUSES THE MEMORY OF THE PAST AND PROMISE FOR THE FUTURE Vatican City, 13 September 2013 (VIS) – Francis sent a message to participants in the 47th Social Week for Italian Catholics, which will be held from 12 - 15 September in Turin, to commend their choice of the theme “The Family: Hope and Future for Italian Society” and for linking the family with these two concepts. The Pope also commented that for the Christian community, the family is “a path for generations through which faith, love and fundamental moral values are transmitted, as well as concrete solidarity, hard work, patience, and also plans, hope, and future. All of this - which the Christian community lives in the light of faith, hope and charity - it has never kept to herself, but every day it becomes leaven in the dough of society, for the greater common good.” The tradition of the Social Weeks began in 1907 and one of its promoters was the blessed Giuseppe Toniolo. This will in fact be the first Week convened since his beatification on 28 April 2012. The Weeks are proposed as high profile cultural and ecclesiastical initiatives which aim to face and, if possible, anticipate the at times radical challenges posed by the evolution of society. “Hope and future”, writes the Pope, “presuppose memory. The memory of the elderly gives us the support we need to continue on our path. The future of society ... is rooted in the elderly and the young: the latter because they have the strength and youth to carry history forward, and the former because they are the source of living memory. A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise”. “As the Church, we offer a concept of the family rooted in the Book of Genesis, of the unity in the difference between man and woman, and the fruitfulness of this complementarity, and we recognise it as an asset for all, as the first natural society. … The family understood in this way remains the first and principle building block of society and of an economy on a human scale. … The consequences, positive or negative, of decisions of a principally cultural or political nature in relation to the family touch upon the various areas of the life of a society and a country”. In his message, Pope Francis reiterated that we cannot ignore the suffering of many families caused by a lack of employment, housing problems, the fractures that may develop within a family or a marriage, and “the violence that unfortunately lurks and does damage inside our homes”. However at the same time, he concluded, we must remember the “simple, but beautiful and courageous witness given by many families, who experience matrimony and parenthood with joy, illuminated and supported by the grace of the Lord, without fear of facing the moments of the cross that, lived in union with the Lord, do not obstruct the path of love, but rather make it stronger and more complete”. Labels: Community, Roman Rite, Vatican Vatican Says Clerical Celibacy in the Roman Communion is Open to Discussion VATICAN CITY 12 September 2013 (ORCNS) - Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the new Secretary of State of the Vatican, said yesterday that clerical celibacy is open to discussion in the Roman Communion. He pointed out that celibacy is not a dogma of the Church, but a discipline. The Roman Communion did not make celibacy a requirement for the Roman Rite until the Second Lateran Council in 1139. Married clerics are still common within Eastern Rite Catholicism, the Orthodox, and Old Roman Catholics. Archbishop Pietro Parolin Credit: Osservatore Romano Labels: Roman Communion, Vatican TO THE FAITHFUL IN IRAQ, JORDAN AND EGYPT: FAITH IS A FORCE FOR JUSTICE IN THE WORLD Vatican City, 4 September 2013 (VIS) – In his greeting in various languages, the Pope addressed the Arabic-speaking faithful, especially those from Iraq, Jordan and Egypt, encouraging them to “be always united with Christ, building his Kingdom with fraternity, sharing and merciful works. Faith is a potent force capable of making the world a more just and beautiful place! Be an example of God's mercy and demonstrate to the world that trials and tribulations, difficulties, violence and evil can never defeat He Who has vanquished death: Jesus Christ”. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare: Il servizio del VIS viene inviato soltanto agli indirizzi di posta elettronica che ne fanno richiesta. Per cambiamenti di indirizzo, cancellazione dell'invio ed altri commenti cliccare qui. APPEAL FOR SYRIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST: RAISE A CRY FOR PEACE Vatican City, 4 September 2013 (VIS) – “This coming Saturday we will experience together a special day of fasting and prayer for pace in Syria, the Middle East”, said the Pope at the end of the catechesis of today's general audience. “I renew my invitation to all the Church to live this day intensely, and from this moment on, express my gratitude to those brothers and sisters, Christians and of other religions, and to men and women of good will who wish to join, wherever they may be and in their own way, in this moment. I particularly urge the faithful and pilgrims in Rome to participate in the prayer vigil here in St. Peter's Square at 7 p.m., to invoke from the Lord the gift of peace. Let us raise a cry for peace all over the world!” WELCOME, CELEBRATION AND MISSION: THE POPE RECALLS WORLD YOUTH DAY IN RIO DE JANEIRO Vatican City, 4 September 2013 (VIS) – Pope Francis today recommenced the Wednesday general audiences, following the summer break. Addressing the faithful in a crowded St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father selected as the theme of his catechesis the World Youth Day held at the end of July in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the continent “where the majority of the world's Catholics live”. To summarise his experience of the World Youth Day in Brazil, the Pope proposed three words: welcome, celebration and mission, remarking that the welcome he received from Brazilian families and parishes was one of the most beautiful features of his trip. “Pilgrimage always involves some discomforts, but the welcome we receive helps us to overcome them and, instead, to transform them into an opportunity for knowledge and friendship. Bonds are created that remain, especially in prayer. Also, in this way the Church grows throughout the world, as a network of true friendship in Jesus Christ, a network that, when it 'captures' you, liberates you”. To explain the second word describing the event – celebration - Francis commented that this is always typical of World Youth Day since “when a city is full of young men and women, walking the streets carrying flags from all over the world, greeting each other, embracing each other, this is a real celebration. It is a sign for everyone, not only for believers”. But on this occasion there is also “the greatest celebration of all, which is the celebration of faith, when together we praise the Lord, we sing, we listen to the Word of God … all this is the culmination of World Youth Day, the true aim of the pilgrimage, and we live this in a special way in the great Saturday evening Vigil and the final Mass. This is the great celebration, the celebration of faith and brotherhood, which begins in this world and is without end”. Mission is a key characteristic of this World Youth Day, the theme of which was “Go and make disciples of all nations”. Pope Francis emphasised that this is “Christ's mandate to his disciples: 'Go', come out of yourselves … to bring the light and the love of the Gospel to all, to the every extremes of existence”. And it is precisely this, Jesus' mandate, which I entrusted to the young people who filled the beach of Copacabana as far as the eye could see. A symbolic place, the ocean shore, that recalls the shore of the Lake of Galilee. Yes, as also today the Lord repeats, 'Go', and adds, 'I am with you, every day'. … Even a boy, a girl, who in the eyes of the world is of little or no account, is in the eyes of God an apostle of His kingdom, a hope for God”. “Do you want to be a hope for God, hope for the Church?” the Holy Father asked, addressing the young people present, recalling the multitudes of their peers who in Rio de Janeiro encountered the Risen Christ and are “filled with His love in their everyday lives, who live and communicate it. They do not end up in the newspapers, because they do not commit acts of violence; they do not provoke scandals, and so they do not make the news. But, if they remain united with Jesus, they build his Kingdom, they build fraternity, sharing, they carry out merciful works, and they are a potent force for making the world a more just and beautiful place, for transforming it!” “The experience of World Youth Day”, he concluded, “reminds us of the true great news of history, the Good News, even if it does not appear in the newspapers or on television: we are loved by God, Who is our Father and Who sent his Son Jesus to be near to every one of us and to save us. Welcome, celebration, mission: may these words be not only a memory of what took place in Rio; but also the spirit of our lives and our communities”. THE POPE CONVOKES A DAY OF PRAYER AND PENANCE FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Vatican City, 1 September 2012 (VIS) – Pope Francis has launched a heartfelt appeal for peace in Syria, expressing his pain and concern regarding the conflict and asking the concerned parties and the international community to embark on the path of negotiation, setting aside partisan interests. His plea was made during the Angelus prayer at midday in St. Peter's Square, in the presence of thousands of faithful. We offer below the full text of the Holy Father's homily: “Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to make add my voice to the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace! It is a cry which declares with force: we want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace, and we want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out! War never again! Never again war! Peace is a precious gift, which must be promoted and protected. “There are so many conflicts in this world which cause me great suffering and worry, but in these days my heart is deeply wounded in particular by what is happening in Syria and anguished by the dramatic developments which are looming. “I appeal strongly for peace, an appeal which arises from the deep within me. How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake in that martyred country, especially among civilians and the unarmed! I think of many children who will not see the light of the future! With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons: I tell you that those terrible images from recent days are burned into my mind and heart. There is a judgement of God and of history upon our actions which is inescapable! Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence. “With all my strength, I ask each party in this conflict to listen to the voice of their own conscience, not to close themselves in solely on their own interests, but rather to look at each other as brothers and decisively and courageously to follow the path of encounter and negotiation, and so overcome blind conflict. With similar vigour I exhort the international community to make every effort to promote clear proposals for peace in that country without further delay, a peace based on dialogue and negotiation, for the good of the entire Syrian people. “May no effort be spared in guaranteeing humanitarian assistance to those wounded by this terrible conflict, in particular those forced to flee and the many refugees in nearby countries. May humanitarian workers, charged with the task of alleviating the sufferings of these people, be granted access so as to provide the necessary aid. “What can we do to make peace in the world? As Pope John said, it pertains to each individual to establish new relationships in human society under the mastery and guidance of justice and love. “All men and women of good will are bound by the task of pursuing peace. I make a forceful and urgent call to the entire Catholic Church, and also to every Christian of other confessions, as well as to followers of every religion and to those brothers and sisters who do not believe: peace is a good which overcomes every barrier, because it belongs all of humanity! “I repeat forcefully: it is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace. “May the plea for peace rise up and touch the heart of everyone so that they may lay down their weapons and let themselves be led by the desire for peace. “To this end, brothers and sisters, I have decided to proclaim for the whole Church on 7 September next, the vigil of the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world, and I also invite each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative. “On 7 September, in Saint Peter’s Square, here, from 7 p.m. until 12 a.m. we will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God’s great gift of peace upon the beloved nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world. Humanity needs to see these gestures of peace and to hear words of hope and peace! I ask all the local churches, in addition to fasting, that they gather to pray for this intention. “Let us ask Mary to help us to respond to violence, to conflict and to war, with the power of dialogue, reconciliation and love. She is our mother: may she help us to find peace; all of us are her children! Help us, Mary, to overcome this most difficult moment and to dedicate ourselves each day to building in every situation an authentic culture of encounter and peace. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!” BENEDICT XVI CELEBRATES MASS FOR THE RATZINGER SCHULERKREIS Vatican City, 1 September 2012 (VIS) – This morning Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI celebrated Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Governorate of Vatican City State, to mark the conclusion of the traditional summer seminar held by the Ratzinger Circle of Alumni, the so-called “Ratzinger Schulerkreis”. The meeting took place in Castel Gandolfo but Benedict XVI did not participate this year. The 38th edition of the Ratzinger Schulerkreis examined the theme “The question of God against the background of secularisation” in the light of the theological work of the thinker Remi Brague, who was awarded last year's Ratzinger Prize for theology. Holy Mass was attended by around fifty people, and Benedict XVI concelebrated with the cardinals Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity and Christoph Schonborn, archbishop of Vienna, Austria; the archbishops Georg Ganswein, prefect of the Papal Household, and Barthelemy Adoukonou, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture; and Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke, auxiliary of Hamburg, Germany. The Pope-emeritus commented in his homily on today's gospel in which Jesus invites his disciples to take the last place, “a place which seems very good”, he said, “but which proves to be very bad. … Those who in this world and throughout history are perhaps driven ahead and arrive in first place, must be aware of the danger they are in; they must look ever more to the Lord … they must measure up to their responsibility for others, become those who serve, who in reality place themselves at the feet of others, who bless and are in turn blessed”. “The cross, throughout history”, he explained, “is the last place … the Cross is no place, it is bare, nothing … and yet this “extreme humiliation” is “the true exaltation. … Yes, Jesus is at the level of God, because the height of the Cross is the height of God's love, the height of His self-abnegation and His dedication to others. Thus, this is the divine place, and we pray to God that He may enable us to understand this ever more clearly so that we might accept with humility, each in his own way, this mystery of exaltation and humiliation”. Labels: Benedict XVI, Vatican ARCHBISHOP PIETRO PAROLIN TO BE NEW SECRETARY OF STATE Vatican City, 31 August 2013 (VIS) – The Holy Father today accepted the resignation of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone from the office of Secretary of State in accordance with canon 354 of the Code of Canon Law, requesting that he remain in office until 15 October 2013, to all effects. At the same time he appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, currently apostolic nuncio to Venezuela, as the new Secretary of State. The archbishop will assume this role on 15 October 2013. On this occasion the Pope will receive in audience the superiors and officials of the Secretariat of State to publicly thank Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone for his loyal and generous service to the Holy See and to present the new Secretary of State. Archbishop Pietro Parolin was born in Schiavon, Italy in 1955 and was ordained a priest in 1980. He holds a licentiate in Canon Law. He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See in 1986 and has worked in the pontifical representations in Nigeria and Mexico, and in the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State, where he was appointed under-secretary in 2002. In 2009 he was appointed as apostolic nuncio to Venezuela and at the same time elevated to the dignity of archbishop. He received episcopal ordination from Pope Benedict XVI on 12 September of the same year. Upon learning of his nomination, Archbishop Parolin thanked the Holy Father, expressing his “complete availability” and willingness to collaborate with him, and under his guidance “for the greater glory of God, the good of the Holy Church, and the progress and peace of humanity, that humanity might find reasons to live and to hope”. He extended his thanks to all those who have been part of his life, in the parishes where he has served and the countries in which he has worked, to Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and to the Secretariat of State, which was his “home for many years”, and his colleagues and members of the Roman Curia. “It is with trepidation that I place myself in this new service to the Gospel, to the Church and to Pope Francis, but also with trust and serenity – disposed – as the Holy Father has asked us from the beginning – to walk, to build and to profess”, he writes. “May our Lady, whom I like to invoke under her titles as Our Lady of Monte Berico, Guadalupe and Coromoto, give us the courage to walk in the presence of the Lord, with the Lord’s Cross; to build the Church on the Lord’s blood which was poured out on the Cross; and to profess the one glory: Christ crucified. And in this way, the Church will go forward." “And, as they say in Venezuela, "¡Que Dios les bendiga!", he concluded. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare: Il servizio del VIS viene inviato soltanto agli indirizzi di posta elettronica che ne fanno richiesta. POPE FRANCIS' PASTORAL VISIT TO ASSISI Vatican City, 2 September 2012 (VIS) – On Friday 4 October Pope Francis will visit the city of Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis. The Pope will depart from the Vatican at 7 a.m. by helicopter and will land around three quarters of an hour later at the sports field of the Seraphic Institute of Assisi, where he will meet with disabled and sick children. At 8.45 a.m. he will make a private visit to the Shrine of St. Damian to pray, and from there will proceed to the archbishop's residence, where he will meet with the poor assisted by Caritas. After this meeting he will transfer by car to the Superior Basilica of St. Francis where he will be received by the convent friars and will pray in the crypt where the saint is buried. At 11 a.m. he will celebrate Holy Mass in Piazza San Francesco. Following the Eucharist he will proceed to the Caritas reception centre near the railway station of Santa Maria degli Angeli where he will have lunch with the poor from the city centre. After lunch he will make a private visit to the Hermitage of the Prisons, where he will pray in St. Francis' cell. At 3.15 p.m. he will meet with clergy, consecrated persons and members of the diocesan pastoral council in the cathedral of St. Rufino. From there he will transfer to the Basilica of St. Clare to venerate the body of the saint and pray in silence before the cross of St. Damian. He will subsequently proceed to the Porziuncola in Santa Maria degli Angeli and at 5.45 p.m. will meet with young people on the terrace in front of the basilica. At 6.30 he will transfer to Rivotorto where he will pray privately in St. Francis' hovel and at 7.15 p.m., after greeting the authorities who received him in the morning, will begin his return trip by helicopter to the Vatican, where he is scheduled to arrive at 8 p.m. POPE FRANCIS ANNOUNCES THE THEME FOR THE 47th WORLD DAY OF PEACE Vatican City, 31 July 2013 (VIS) - “Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace”: this is the theme of the 47th World Day of Peace, the first during the pontificate of Pope Francis. "Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace". This is the theme of the 47th World Day of Peace, the first during the pontificate of Pope Francis. The World Day of Peace was an initiative of Pope Paul VI and it is celebrated on the first day of each year. The Message for the World Day of Peace is sent to particular churches and chancelleries all around the world, drawing attention to the essential value of peace and the need to work tirelessly in order to attain it. As the theme of his first Message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has chosen Fraternity. Since the beginning of his Petrine Ministry, the Pope has stressed the need to combat the “throwaway culture” and to promote instead a "culture of encounter", in order to build a more just and peaceful world. Fraternity is a dowry that every man and every woman brings with himself or herself as a human being, as a child of the one Father. In the face of the many tragedies that afflict the family of nations - poverty, hunger, underdevelopment, conflicts, migrations, pollution, inequalities, injustice, organized crime, fundamentalisms - fraternity is the foundation and the pathway to peace. The culture of personal well-being leads to a loss of the sense of responsibility and fraternal relationship. Others, rather than being “like us”, appear more as antagonists or enemies and are often treated as objects. Not uncommonly, the poor and needy are regarded as a "burden", a hindrance to development. At most, they are considered as recipients of aid or compassionate assistance. They are not seen as brothers and sisters, called to share the gifts of creation, the goods of progress and culture, to be partakers at the same table of the fullness of life, to be protagonists of integral and inclusive development. Fraternity, a gift and task that comes from God the Father, urges us to be in solidarity against inequality and poverty that undermine the social fabric, to take care of every person, especially the weakest and most defenceless, to love him or her as oneself, with the very heart of Jesus Christ. In a world that is constantly growing more interdependent, the good of fraternity is one that we cannot do without. It serves to defeat the spread of the globalization of indifference to which Pope Francis has frequently referred. The globalization of indifference must give way to a globalization of fraternity. Fraternity should leave its mark on every aspect of life, including the economy, finance, civil society, politics, research, development, public and cultural institutions. At the start of his ministry, Pope Francis issues a message in continuity with that of his predecessors, which proposes to everyone the pathway of fraternity, in order to give the world a more human face. New cleric receives First Tonsure 17 August 2013 (ORCNS) - Dennis J. Klinzing of Anniston, Alabama, was admitted as a cleric of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church through the rite of First Tonsure. Following his bachelor's degree in theology, he has just begun his four years of seminary studies towards the priesthood. The ancient rite of First Tonsure is a ceremonial cutting of the hair in five places in the form of a cross, symbolizing the former layman entering the clerical state. Labels: News of the Patriarchal See, Ordinations Year of Italian Culture - You might be more Italian than you think! 26 July 2013 (ORCNS) - This year, 2013, is the Year of Italian Culture in the United States. Know what else? You might be more Italian than you think! Are you French or Celtic? You might be Italian. Let's get some background first. American perceptions of what it means to be Italian typically follow the stereotype of a Sicilian or Neapolitan with a Mediterranean appearance. Not surprising at all, since so many Italian immigrants to the United States came from those areas and other places in Southern Italy. But there is more to Italy! The concept of Italy as we know it today really didn't start until the Kingdom of Sardinia annexed (that's a fancy term for conquering, partly through military force and partly through diplomatic means) the entire Italian peninsula. Pretty tall order, eh? Before that, "Italy" was a collection of sovereign (another fancy term for "independent") states that existed at various times, including the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchy of Milan, the Republic of Venice, the Kingdoms of Sardinia, Etruria, Naples, and the Two Sicilies, and several others. It was kind of like the United States, only the States weren't united under one common government. And what about that Kingdom of Sardinia that unified Italy? That's the House of Savoy...which is from...that's right, you guessed it...Savoy! But wait! Savoy is in France! Turns out that whole border in Northern Italian is sort of a figment of someone's imagination. It's really just a political boundary. Savoy (home of fondue and skiing) is actually Italian, but the House of Savoy gave it to France as a little thank you gift. Nice gift, eh? Let's go beyond the border all the way to the north of France...Normandy! Viking, right? Only in part. Ethnically, Normans are Scandinavian, Frankish (just like Charlemagne), AND Gallo-Roman. The Gallo-Romans were Romans who moved up into Gaul (France during the Roman Empire) and stayed. So, if you're of French ancestry, then you have strong ties to the Italians, too! And, while William the Conqueror was leading the Norman Conquest of Britain, Roger (another Norman) was leading his own conquest of Sicily. But wait, there's more! The ancient civilization of central Italy, the Etruscans, were getting squeezed by the Romans from the south and the Celtic tribes from the North. The Romans eventually took over, and the Celts moved up into France, Spain, and the British Isles where they really became famous in just about everything. Art, government, military, farming, and invention, including Guinness beer! So, if you're of Celtic ancestry, you also have strong ties to Italy. After all, your ancestors used to live there! So, whether you think you're Italian or not, let's celebrate the great culture of the Italian peninsula with a glass of wine and a cup of espresso! Buon appetito! Following Christ in Service 25 July 2013 (ORCNS) - The Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church has a special mandate of mission, service, and charity, following in the footsteps of its patron, St. Stephen the Deacon and Martyr. Deacons led offices in the early church known as deaconries that helped to provide for the needs of the poor. Saint Stephen was known for his great charity and was among these first deacons and is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. He was eventually stoned to death for his faith and became the first Christian martyr. This legacy of charitable service is continued by the ARRCC as a particular church today, supporting food banks and homeless shelters, children's medicine, clothing supplies, educational programs, and more. This is accomplished in part through the efforts of its charitable wings such as the Deaconry of Santa Maria Antiqua, the Order of Saint Stephen, and the Order of Mary Immaculate. Carrying the Holy Sacrifice on the altar to the world, The Bishop of Saint Stephen, Cardinal Rutherford Johnson said, "Faith must be put into action in order to have any meaning. If we are to be Christ-like, then we must help others as Christ helped others." The charitable works of this Old Roman Catholic patriarchate have touched six continents. The Patriarchal See made it clear that there is no score card and that there is always a vast amount of work to be done. The Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church continues in mission, service, and charity to help make the world a better place and, above all, to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people. Labels: Community, Humanitarian, News of the Patriarchal See William and Kate's baby born into a great big royal world LONDON 24 July 2013 (ORCNS) - The world has been abuzz with news and talk about the newly-born George, Prince of Cambridge, son of Prince William and Princess Catherine of Cambridge. The newest addition to the British royal family joins a rich tradition that extends well beyond their own national borders. Despite the fact that many are not currently reigning, the world is brimming with royal dynasties. In fact, the British Windsors are in fact of a German line. They originally were the House of Hanover until Queen Victoria married Prince Albert von Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha. That name continued until the King was requested to change the family name to some a little less German sounding in light of the First World War. Let's celebrate the new royal birth by taking a look at just a few of the other royal and serene families of the world, reigning and non-reigning. Kingdom of Albania - House of Wied Principality of Andorra - (vested in the Bishop of Urgell) Duchy of Anhalt - House of Ascania Empire of Austria-Hungary - House of Habsburg-Lorraine Grand Duchy of Baden - House of Zaehringen Kingdom of Bavaria - House of Wittelsbach Kingdom of Belgium - House of Wettin Kingdom of Bohemia - House of Habsburg-Lorraine Kingdom of Brazil - House of Orleans-Braganza Duchy of Brunswick - House of Welf-Guelph Kingdom of Bulgaria - House of Wettin Kingdom of Croatia - House of Savoy Duchy of Courland - House of Biron Kingdom of Denmark - House of Oldenburg Kingdom of Epirus - House of Santa Sofia Kingdom of Etruria (Napoleonic) - House of Bourbon-Parma Kingdom of Etruria (Holy Roman) - House of Johnson-Etruria-di Daniell Kingdom of France (Legitimist) - House of Bourbon Kingdom of France (Orleanist) - House of Orleans Kingdom of France (Merovingian) - House of Gavalda-Gevaudan Empire of France - House of Bonaparte Kingdom of Finland - House of Hesse Kingdom of Georgia - House of Bagrationi and Imeretinsky Empire of Germany - House of Hohenzollern Kingdom of Great Britain - House of Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha) Kingdom of Greece - House of Oldenburg Kingdom of Hanover - House of Hanover Grand Duchy of Hesse-by-the-Rhine - House of Lorraine-Brabant Holy See - (elected, vested in the Pope) Kingdom of Italy - House of Savoy Principality of Liechtenstein - House of Liechtenstein Principality of Lippe - House of Lippe Kingdom of Lithuania - House of Urach Grand Duchy of Luxenbourg - House of Nassau-Weilburg Sovereign Military Order of Malta - (elected Prince Grand Master) Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin - House of Mecklenburg Duchy of Modena - House of Habsburg-Este Empire of Mexico - House of Iturbide Principality of Monaco - House of Grimaldi Kingdom of Montenegro - House of Petrovich-Njegosh Kingdom of Naples - House of Bourbon Kingdom of the Netherlands - House of Orange-Nassau Kingdom of Norway - House of Oldenburg Grand Duchy of Oldenburg - House of Oldenburg Duchy of Parma - House of Bourbon-Parma Kingdom of Prussia - House of Hohenzollern Principality of Reuss - House of Reuss Kingdom of Romania - House of Hohenzollern Empire of Russia - House of Romanov Kingdom of Sardinia - House of Savoy Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha - House of Wettin Kingdom of Saxony - House of Wetting Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe - House of Lippe Kingdom of Serbia - House of Karageorgevich Kingdom of Spain (Bourbon) - House of Bourbon Kingdom of Spain (Carlist) - House of Bourbon-Parma Kingdom of Sweden - House of Bernadotte Grand Duchy of Tuscany - House of Habsburg-Tuscany Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - House of Bourbon Principality of Waldeck - House of Waldeck Kingdom of Westphalia - House of Steinhurst v.u.z. Westfalen Kingdom of Wurtemburg - House of Wurtemburg Labels: World Events “NO ONE IS EXCLUDED FROM THE POPE'S AFFECTION!" VATICAN CITY, 23 July 2013 (VIS) – At 3.40 p.m. yesterday (twenty minutes ahead of schedule) the aeroplane carrying the Pope landed at the carioca airport of Galeao where he was received by the president of the Republic of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, accompanied by the governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Cabral Filho and the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes. The Pope was also greeted by Archbishop Orani Joao Tempesta of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro, and Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, archbishop of Aparecida and president of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil. It was a warm and informal welcome, without formal addresses, which were given later at the official welcome ceremony at Guanabara Palace. The Holy Father travelled the eight kilometres from the airport to the presidential palace in a utility vehicle with the back window open to greet the crowd who thronged the route. During some parts of the journey the vehicle was forced to stop since there were no security cordons to hold back the crowd. Upon nearing the cathedral the vehicle was exchanged for the unarmoured Popemobile which will be used during the visit, and the route was unexpectedly changed to enable the Pope to greet the crowds who had awaited him for hours. Upon arrival at Guanabara Palace, Francis greeted the senior state and diplomatic representative and, after listening to the anthems of Brazil and Vatican City State, he gave his first address as Pope in the American continent. He began, “In his loving providence, God wished that the first international trip of my pontificate should take me back to my beloved Latin America, specifically to Brazil … I have learned that, to gain access to the Brazilian people, it is necessary to pass through its great heart; so let me knock gently at this door. I ask permission to come in and spend this week with you. I have neither silver nor gold, but I bring with me the most precious thing given to me: Jesus Christ! I have come in his name, to feed the flame of fraternal love that burns in every heart; and I wish my greeting to reach one and all: The peace of Christ be with you!” The Pope went on to cordially greet the president for her warm welcome and said to the bishops that, by his visit to Brazil, he wished to “pursue the pastoral mission proper to the Bishop of Rome of confirming my brothers in their faith in Christ, of encouraging them to give an account of the reasons for the hope which comes from him, and of inspiring them to offer everyone the inexhaustible riches of his love”. However, he continued, “the principal reason for my visit to Brazil goes beyond its borders. I have actually come for World Youth Day. I am here to meet young people coming from all over the world, drawn to the open arms of Christ the Redeemer. … These young people are from every continent, they speak many languages, they bring with them different cultures, and yet they also find in Christ the answer to their highest aspirations, held in common, and they can satisfy the hunger for a pure truth and an authentic love which binds them together in spite of differences. … Christ has confidence in young people and entrusts them with the very future of his mission, 'Go and make disciples'. Go beyond the confines of what is humanly possible and create a world of brothers and sisters! And young people have confidence in Christ: they are not afraid to risk for him the only life they have, because they know they will not be disappointed”. He emphasised that, in addressing the young, he is also speaking to “their families, their local and national church communities, the societies they come from, and the men and women upon whom this new generation largely depends”. He recalled the saying, “'Our children are the apple of our eyes'. How beautiful is this expression of Brazilian wisdom, which applies to young people an image drawn from our eyes, which are the window through which light enters into us, granting us the miracle of sight! What would become of us if we didn’t look after our eyes? How could we move forward? I hope that, during this week, each one of us will ask ourselves this thought-provoking question. … Young people are the window through which the future enters the world, thus presenting us with great challenges. Our generation will show that it can realize the promise found in each young person when we know how to give them space; how to create the material and spiritual conditions for their full development; how to give them a solid basis on which to build their lives”. Pope Francis concluded by asking everyone to “show consideration towards each other and, if possible, the sympathy needed to establish friendly dialogue”. He added, “The arms of the Pope now spread to embrace all of Brazil in its human, cultural and religious complexity and richness. From the Amazon Basin to the pampas, from the dry regions to the Pantanal, from the villages to the great cities, no one is excluded from the Pope’s affection”. After his address, Pope Francis met privately with the president and with the governor and major of Rio de Janeiro. He then transferred to the Sumare residence, which belongs to the archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, where he will stay during his visit. Today, Tuesday, the Pope will spend the day resting and acclimatising, and will resume activities tomorrow with a visit to the shrine of Aparecida, 200 kilometres from the Brazilian capital. ANGELUS: CONTEMPLATION AND SERVICE ARE NOT IN OPPOSITION Vatican City, 21 July 2013 (VIS) – The Holy Father's Sunday meditation before praying the Angelus this morning was dedicated to Jesus' visit to the house of Martha and Mary in Bethany in the Gospel of St. Luke, and the two key themes of Christian life: contemplation, listening to the Word of God and the concrete service of our neighbour. These are not to be experienced separately, but rather are two aspects to be lived “in profound unity and harmony”. The Bishop of Rome explained to the thousands of the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square that the two sisters “both welcome the Lord, but in different ways. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening, whereas Martha is absorbed in domestic tasks and is so busy that she turns to Jesus saying: 'Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me'. And Jesus responds rebuking her with sweetness. 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is the need for only one thing'”. “What does Jesus wish to say?” continued the Pope. “Above all it is important to understand that it is not a matter of two contrasting attitudes: listening to the Word of the Lord – contemplation – and concrete service to our neighbour. They are not two opposed attitudes but, on the contrary, they are both aspects that are essential for our Christian life; aspects that must never be separated but rather lived in profound unity and harmony”. “So why does Jesus rebuke Martha? Because she considered only what she was doing to be essential; she was too absorbed and worried about things to 'do'. For a Christian, the works of service and charity are never detached from the principle source of our action: that is, listening to the Word of the Lord, sitting – like Mary – at Jesus’ feet in the attitude of a disciple. And for this reason Mary is rebuked”. Pope Francis affirmed that “in our Christian life too prayer and action are always profoundly united. Prayer that does not lead to concrete action toward a brother who is poor, sick, in need of help … is a sterile and incomplete prayer. But, in the same way, when in ecclesial service we are only concerned with what we are doing, we give greater weight to things, functions and structures, forgetting the centrality of Christ; we do not set aside time for dialogue with Him in prayer, we run the risk of serving ourselves and not God, present in our brother in need”. “Let us ask the Virgin Mary, Mother of listening and service, who teaches us to meditate on the Word of her Son in our heart, to pray with fidelity, and to be ever more concretely attentive to the needs of our brothers”. Labels: Faith and Morals, Pope Francis FOURTH AMERICAN MISSIONARY CONGRESS: DISCIPLES IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLD Vatican City, 18 July 2013 (VIS) – The Fourth American Missionary Congress (Ninth Missionary Congress of Latin America) has been convened for this autumn (26 November – 1 December) by the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference and the Pontifical Mission for the archdiocese of Maracaibo, where the meeting will be held. The theme will be "Missionary disciples of Jesus Christ in a secular and multicultural world" and four thousand missionaries from all over the continent are expected to attend. The American Missionary Congresses, explains the site dedicated to the event, “are marked by the need to provide missionary forces of the continent a favourable space to share and promote reflection, spirituality and missionary experiences. Their purpose is to renew the necessary and permanent commitment of the Church in Latin America, called to fulfil the mission of the Lord beyond geographical, cultural and religious differences”. With the slogan “Missionary America, share your faith”, twenty-two forums have also been organised, led by experts who will discuss, among other issues: missionary childhood and adolescence, subject and future of the mission; the challenge of youth cultures to the mission of the Church; the inculturation of the liturgy; evangelisation and political ideas; the protection of creation; the missionary challenge of human mobility; the centrality of the Word of God to the mission of the Church; dialogue and proclamation to non-believers; the proclamation of Jesus Christ in Afro-American and indigenous cultures; popular religiosity, a way to evangelisation; evangelising urban cultures: from the temple to the house; and mission and ecumenism. From the Archives: Thirteen receive Orders of Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Sylvester ROME 10 May 2013 - Thirteen Italians received the Order of Saint Gregory the Great and the Order of Saint Sylvester the Pope. Those inducted into the Order of Saint Gregory the Great were: Davide Cossetto, Gianfranco Pompeo Cicala, Mario Gabella, Vincenzo Cortese, Antonio Anni, Isacco Cicala, and Vincenzo Fiorenti. Those inducted into the Order of Saint Sylvester were: Aldo Taietti, Laura Salieri, Andrea della Pietra, Vanni Feresin, Andrea Bullitta, and Federico Bulfone Gransinigh. Some of the new knights and dames receive the honors in a ceremony in Brescia, northern Italy. All of the honorees are members of the Grand Priory of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, led by its Grand Prior, H.E. Massimo Pultrone. From the Archives: Benedict XVI Honors Religious and Laity of Los Angeles Archdiocese LOS ANGELES 20 July 2010 - Papal honors were conferred on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI on 189 members of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Of this number, 38 were admitted to the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. The others honorees received the Medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice and the Benemerenti Medal. The Order of Saint Gregory the Great was instituted in 1831 is conferred for outstanding service and commitment to the Catholic Church and the Holy Father. The two medals recognize outstanding service to the local church and local ecclesial community. Paul VI removed the privileges and precedence of the Papal nobility, including Papal knights and dames. Today Papal Honors are simply honorary religious gifts. Recipients of the Order of Gregory the Great were: Michael J. Smith, William Ahmanson, Thomas Barron, Douglas Cooper, Noel Diaz, Michael Enright, John Given, Lawrence Gray, Honorable Stephen Moloney, Patrick Nally, Joseph Page, Robert Pernecky, Dante Puccinelli, Scott Scherer, Daniel Schwala, John Smet, Brian Stevens, Dr. John Van Dyke, M.D., John Van Dyke, Laughlin Waters, Nicholas Weber, Cheryl Baker, Rosa Cumare, Patricia Gray, Phyllis Hennigan, Elizabeth Hotaling, Angela Howell, Carolyn Ludwig, Barbara McAndrews, Judith McDonald, Caroline Norman, Patricia O'Keefe, Sally Pernecky, Margareta Stark, Maria Uribe, Celeste Von Der Ahe, and Dianne Wilson. Recipients of the Medal Pro Ecclesia and Pontifice or t he Benemerenti Medal were: Maria Brown, Sylvia DeVillers, Dot Goerisch, Sally Kutcher, Bernadette Gurule, Geraldine Biggs McGrath, Ola Ostlund, Paul Salamunovich, Don Williams, and Joanne Williams. Labels: Roman Rite, Vatican, World Events Patriarchal Encyclical on the redefinition of marriage by the US Government IN DEFENSIONE SANCTI MATRIMONII Patriarchal Encyclical of the Patriarch of Saint Stephen regarding the Issue of Redefinition of Marriage by the State To our Venerable Brethren the Bishops, to our well-beloved sons the Regular Clergy, and to our dearest sons and daughters the Faithful of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church, we send greetings and Apostolic Blessings. IN defense of Holy Matrimony, one of the sacred sacraments of the Holy Church, we as Christians find ourselves locked in bitter conflict. A great spiritual battle is underway within the United States and around the world. For decades there has been an agenda to normalize homosexual behavior and to condition the general populace to it. Many legal battles have been fought. Some states in America have allowed homosexuals to contract a form of marriage, and some nations around the globe also permit this. True Christian leaders have continually spoken out against this and the significant dangers it poses to society. Unfortunately upholding and proclaiming the Gospel is all too often these days labeled as hate speech. When we preach the Gospel, however, we do not speak hatred, but love. We commend those who have had and continue to have the courage to speak God’s truth and proclaim God’s love, despite the opposition from the world. Much as was the case in the Early Church, Christians and Church leaders today run a serious risk of persecution as secularists and modernists press forward with full force their agenda to liberalize and remove true religion from society. Yet only a nation under God whose laws and governance are in accordance with the law of Christ may be said to possess true authority to govern. Only a society under God that fully embraces the love of Christ has hope of peace, harmony, and salvation. What is at stake here is not only the definition of marriage or the sanctity of marriage itself. What is at stake is the very ability of the Holy Church to function in society in her mission of spreading the Word of God. At the heart of the question is whether or not the Church will be allowed full civil participation with all freedoms guaranteed. Also at the heart of the question is whether the state will seek to suppress the rights of the Church if the Church refuses, as she must, to surrender her authority to the state and modify her views to conform to the wishes and demands of the state. Indeed, what is at stake is the very salvation of mankind. 1. Most recently, a ruling by the United States Supreme Court has effectively declared that homosexuals may validly and licitly contract marriage. This more so than any other act by any agency or level of government in America has ushered in a new definition of the word “marriage.” We as Christians see marriage properly as the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. It is a holy thing under a law far greater than that of any nation on earth. That is why no one who has validly received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony may dissolve it, especially through the state process of divorce. The Supreme Court’s new definition of marriage is simply incompatible with the Christian definition of Holy Matrimony. This has understandably left those who truly hold the Faith of Christ in quite a moral dilemma. 2. The secular society of today not only has rejected God, but in so doing has fundamentally rejected the order of nature, for nature was created by God. This secularization in society is a conscious choice to replace God's natural laws with our own. That is the height of arrogance and a complete and utter failure to display humility before God. In marriage, there is one man and one woman. This is ordained by God in nature. Marriage is not simply about love, affection, or even sexual relations. True marriage acknowledges and celebrates the fundamental differences between man and woman. This is nature. No amount of debate or decision by humans can change this fundamental law of nature. This even predates the coming of Christ. So-called homosexual marriage is inherently incapable of fitting in to the simple laws of nature and is, therefore, intrinsically disordered. 3. Let it be stated unequivocally that neither the Church nor the faithful in Christ may accept what the state defines as marriage as a true marriage if it is not in accordance with the laws of Christ and His Holy Church. More specifically to the recent matter, neither the Church nor the faithful in Christ may accept as a true marriage a union, under whatever name, between two persons of the same sex. 4. It is understandable that the state may impose regulations regarding certain aspects of human relations. There may reasonably be a “civil component” to marriage that applies exclusively to temporal issues such as property, finances, taxation, and benefits. What is wholly unacceptable is any attempt to force the Church and the Christian faithful to accept as marriage that which inherently cannot be true Holy Matrimony under natural law and God’s law simply because the state has decreed it to be so. 5. Given the new definition imposed by the Supreme Court of the United States and the possible outcome that so-called “gay marriage” will be legalized and normalized within the entirety of the country within time, it is therefore untenable for the Church to continue to permit such grave confusion of terms. Marriage as defined by the state no longer is compatible with the Christian definition of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. If the word “marriage” is used widely and openly to refer to both Christian Holy Matrimony and homosexual unions, there is serious and significant potential for confusion in the minds of the faithful and of those who know not yet Christ. The unacceptable nature of this is clear. The leaders of the Church have a duty to prevent such confusion as much as in their power lies in order that the souls of the faithful may benefit. Therefore, we advise the use as much as possible of the words “Holy Matrimony” rather than “marriage” to refer to the true and valid Christian sacrament. 6. Furthermore, in states of America in which gay unions or “marriages” are permitted by law, the clergy of the Old Holy Roman Church of the English Rite are enjoined from acting as an effective agent of the state in performing the rituals of Holy Matrimony. That is, the persons to be married must first enter into the civil contract in accordance with the laws of the state and then receive the blessing of the Church in the usual manner. In such a case, it is the full form of Holy Matrimony that is to be celebrated and not the alternative form of blessing a civil union. 7. Lastly, we call upon all the clergy and faithful in Christ to pray all the more intently for the state of the world, a world that has turned from God. Let us pray that the people may convert and return to the faith of Christ. Let that process of conversion begin inside each of us. Given at the Court of Saint Mary of Walsingham in the House of Saint Stephen, on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, the twenty-ninth day of June in the two thousand thirteenth year of the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Labels: Faith and Morals, Government and Morality, Patriarchal Encyclicals, World Events Pontifical Georgian College awards honorary doctorates to humanitarians (ORCNS) - The principal and historic seminary of the Patriarchal See of Saint Stephen, Pontifical Georgian College, has awarded honorary doctorates to two humanitarians, the Prince von Reichenberg and the Baroness von dem Cherso. The college's honorary degree is Doctor of Sacred Letters. Both recipients have a long history of charitable service, both in and out of church settings. The college awards honorary degrees from time to time upon selected individuals who set themselves apart from their fellows through high achievement and selfless service to others and whose personal values are consistent with the college and the Church. Labels: Pontifical Georgian College Fr. Anthony Giunta continues animal blessing tradi... THE CHURCH IS HOLY, AND OPEN TO ALL, NOT ONLY THE ... FRANCIS: NO HUMAN LIFE IS MORE VALUABLE THAN ANOTH... HONDURAS: CONTINUED EFFORTS FOR RECONCILATION AND ... FRANCIS: AVOID THE SCANDAL OF BEING “AIRPORT BISHO... A POPULATION THAT DOES NOT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND T... Vatican Says Clerical Celibacy in the Roman Commun... TO THE FAITHFUL IN IRAQ, JORDAN AND EGYPT: FAITH I... APPEAL FOR SYRIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST: RAISE A CRY ... WELCOME, CELEBRATION AND MISSION: THE POPE RECALLS... THE POPE CONVOKES A DAY OF PRAYER AND PENANCE FOR ... BENEDICT XVI CELEBRATES MASS FOR THE RATZINGER SCH... ARCHBISHOP PIETRO PAROLIN TO BE NEW SECRETARY OF S... POPE FRANCIS ANNOUNCES THE THEME FOR THE 47th WORL... Year of Italian Culture - You might be more Italia... William and Kate's baby born into a great big roya... ANGELUS: CONTEMPLATION AND SERVICE ARE NOT IN OPPO... FOURTH AMERICAN MISSIONARY CONGRESS: DISCIPLES IN ... From the Archives: Thirteen receive Orders of Sain... From the Archives: Benedict XVI Honors Religious a... Patriarchal Encyclical on the redefinition of marr... Pontifical Georgian College awards honorary doctor...
Patriarch of St. Stephen speaks on current plague of Ebola virus PATRIARCHAL SEE 7 October 2014 (ORCNS) - Statement of Msgr. Rutherford, Cardinal Patriarch of St. Stephen on the current plague of Ebola virus. Faithful in Christ, Many are familiar with with the widespread outbreaks of the Black Plague that occurred during the 14th and 18th centuries, spreading across Europe without mercy. This devastating disease killed somewhere between 30 and 60% of Europe's population during the 14th century. Without treatment, it is said that up to 80% of those infected die within a week of contracting the disease. Now the world is faced with the spread of another disease that is at least as deadly and merciless. The haemorrhagic fever known as Ebola has had devastating effect in Africa, with an average mortality rate of 67%, according to the World Health Organization. Msgr. Card. Rutherford prays for the people of New Orleans at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, and subsequently prayed a rosary for those suffering from Ebola. The disease is not actually new. There were hundreds of cases in 1976, with the numbers of infections ranging from none to the hundreds in the subsequent years. Some say that the disease has been around for hundreds of years. Previously contained to Africa, cases have been seen in America and Europe this year. It is not surprising that this has caused grave concern among government leaders and the population. It need hardly be said that this is a matter that must be treated with rational seriousness. Thankfully the number of cases of this disease are relatively low at this time. We pray that those tasked with preventing its spread may diligently fulfill their duty. Let us pray for those who are researching Ebola that treatment may be made more effective and a cure proven. Most of all, let us pray for those suffering from this disease, that the blessing of health may be restored to them; for their families who also suffer by enduring the scene of their loved one's torment; for those engaged in treatment of patients who may come in contact with the disease, with respect for their devotion and courage; and for those under observation who may have come in contact with the disease, that they may be spared the illness. Let us also pray for a conversion of heart, that we all may care about the entirety of mankind, regardless of nationality or continent. Labels: Humanitarian, World Events Patriarch of St. Stephen speaks on current plague ...
SPIRITUAL PERCEPTION The possession of a physical third eye...was enjoyed by the men of the Third Root-Race down to nearly the middle period of the Third SUB-race of the Fourth Root-Race, when the consolidation and perfection of the human frame made it disappear from the outward anatomy of man. Psychically and spiritually, however, its mental and visual perceptions lasted till nearly the end of the Fourth Race, when its functions, owing to the materiality and depraved condition of mankind, died out altogether before the submersion of the bulk of the Atlantean continent. The Secret Doctrine, ii 306 The ancient atrophy of the Third Eye, together with the possibility of its reawakening, is integral to the Teachings of Gupta Vidya. The elusive nature of that eye lies veiled in many myths and legends about the idyllic childhood of humanity and its paradisaic innocence. This lost and largely forgotten Elysium was not some sheltered sanctuary, but rather a pervasive state of consciousness. Within a triple scheme of human evolution, comprising spiritual, intellectual and physiological modes of development, the whole of humanity, at the dawn of evolution, enjoyed a foretaste of the glorious fullness of human potential, to be unfolded towards the close of the Seventh Round. During the enormous cycles of human evolution upon earth, there has been an alternation of longer and shorter periods of relative obscuration of the spiritual faculties of humanity. Some of these phases were intensified by human errors and avoidable tragedies. These became overlapping factors in succeeding cycles of obscuration and clarity in the human vestures, resulting from the centrifugal and centripetal forces behind evolution. The actual condition and constitution of human vestures in any epoch is the product of complex causes. Mature wisdom calls for a strong sense of moral responsibility for the collective consequences of past conduct as well as active cooperation with the inexorable cycles of Nature. These include the familiar cycle of birth and death, the slow succession of the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages, the emergence and disappearance of continents and also the myriad vicissitudes in the alteration and refinement of human vestures. The original awakening, subsequent atrophy and future recovery of the Third Eye is a moral saga illustrating the interweaving of cyclic necessity and moral responsibility. Even conscientious students of Gupta Vidya find it very difficult to preserve a proper balance in relation to the poignant theme of the atrophy of the Third Eye. It is upsetting to think of the vast majority of human beings as spiritually marred by the appalling consequences of the flagrant misuse of the higher faculties during earlier races. The inherent inability of most people even to consider the hidden Third Eye as the active organ of spiritual vision is the karmic heirloom of all humanity. And yet, the need to arouse the latent power of spiritual vision poses a profound and inescapable challenge to all aspirants on the path of spiritual enlightenment. We need to ask what was natural and what was unnatural about the early evolution and eventual petrification of the Third Eye. Myths, legends and folklore indicate that, in archaic periods of prehistory, human beings were gigantic in stature and possessed a "Cyclopean" eye located in the forehead. Gupta Vidya assigns these distant epochs to the Third and early Fourth Root Races. According to arcane wisdom, the placement of this eye in the forehead is a poetic licence: the true locus was at the back of the head. What we now call the Third Eye was then the dominant organ of vision. To understand this, one must appreciate the primacy of the astral and inner vestures in relation to the organs of action and sensory faculties of the physical body. The First Race is shown in Occult sciences as spiritual within and ethereal without; the second, psycho-spiritual mentally, and ethero-physical bodily; the third, still bereft of intellect in its beginning, is astro-physical in its body, and lives an inner life, in which the psycho-spiritual element is in no way interfered with as yet by the hardly nascent physiological senses. Its two front eyes look before them without seeing either past or future. But the "third eye" "embraces ETERNITY". Ibid., 298-299 As an organ, the "Cyclopean" eye belongs to the subtler vestures which antedate the emergence of the physical form with its familiar organs. The physical body, together with its complex and delicate physiological structure, constitutes a "coat of skin" which evolved from within outward, covering the astral vesture. This development took place at that point in cyclic evolution when there was a maximum involvement of Spirit in matter, correlative with the maximum differentiation of objective substance. The complete involvement of human souls in physical matter took place simultaneously with the infusion of the self-conscious Manasic ray into a set of developing human vestures. Once Manas was awakened, the Third Eye – which in reality is the first eye – served as the organ of spiritual sight, untrammelled in its activity by the nascent physiological vesture. Its mirror in the physical body is the pineal gland, intuitively identified by Descartes as the seat of the soul. In the animal kingdom, whose vestures were formed from the residues of human evolution, a similar physiological structure served as the organ of vision. Therefore, while the "Cyclopean" eye was, and still is, in man the organ of spiritual sight, in the animal it was that of objective vision. And this eye, having performed its function, was replaced, in the course of physical evolution from the simple to the complex, by two eyes, and thus was stored and laid aside by nature for further use in Aeons to come. This explains why the pineal gland reached its highest development proportionately with the lowest physical development. It is the vertebrata in which it is the most prominent and objective and in man it is most carefully hidden and inaccessible, except to the anatomist. These developments, encompassing millions of years and vast cycles of racial evolution, are all part of what may be called the programme of Nature. They marked the momentous intersection of the activity of the Barhishad or Lunar Pitris and the Agnishwatha or Solar Pitris. These two groups of ancestors endowed humanity with, respectively, its differentiated material vestures on several planes and its inward spiritual principles, especially Manas or self-conscious moral intelligence. The natural exercise of spiritual vision guided by self-conscious intelligence constituted the foundation of the Golden Age at the dawn of humanity. As the inevitable tide of physiological evolution gradually caused the "Cyclopean" eye to recede, human beings experienced a painful sense of loss. With much greater dependence upon the two front eyes during the early Fourth Root Race or Atlantean civilization, there were desperate physiological attempts to recover what had been lost. Many Atlanteans could not comprehend that their loss had to do with consciousness and with form. They became enormously preoccupied with forms and externals, and thereby brought about a diminution in the power and scope of consciousness itself at its most autonomous level. None of the repeated efforts to tinker with the physiological organs or to create substitutes by whatever means could quicken or reawaken the spiritual function of the Third Eye. Atlanteans became increasingly involved in something fundamentally unnatural which could only produce a consolidated concretization of consciousness. Eventually, quite apart from the loss of the Third Eye in the physical organism, there was an obscuration of spiritual perception associated with the Third Eye. This became a tremendous handicap to human evolution. It was not necessary then, nor is it now, that all human beings remain spiritually blind, regardless of physiological evolution or the widespread atrophy of the pineal gland. The deliberate awakening of spiritual vision is integral to the exacting discipline of initiation into the Mysteries. Such preparatory training is based upon a truly philosophic understanding of human nature and incarnation, and upon a systematic ethical and psychological development which excludes short-cuts and adventitious aids. Mahatmas and Initiates who have guided and guarded the spiritual progress of humanity for over eighteen million years have continually made accessible the time-honoured path that leads to inward enlightenment. The Commentaries on the Stanzas of Dzyan convey the need for magnetic purity and proper guidance: There were four-armed human creatures in those early days of the male-females (hermaphrodites); with one head, yet three eyes. They could see before them and behind them. A KALPA later (after the separation of the sexes) men having fallen into matter, their spiritual vision became dim; and coordinately the third eye commenced to lose its power.... When the Fourth (Race) arrived at its middle age, the inner vision had to be awakened, and acquired by artificial stimuli.... The third eye, likewise, getting gradually PETRIFIED, soon disappeared. The double-faced became the one-faced, and the eye was drawn deep into the head and is now buried under the hair. During the activity of the inner man (during trances and spiritual visions) the eye swells and expands. The Arhat sees and feels it, and regulates his action accordingly.... The undefiled Lanoo (disciple, chela) need fear no danger; he who keeps himself not in purity (who is not chaste) will receive no help from the "deva eye". During the descent of Spirit into matter, the spiritual and physiological processes are strictly coordinate. For example, if there is a loss in the inward power of seeing, the organ of sight is also commensurately weakened. This is equally true of all human faculties and their physical centres. Various atrophied organs survive in the human constitution, and these are hardly understood by contemporary physiology or medicine. They are virtually irrelevant to the vast majority of human beings. Sages of old knew that the disciplines which can truly help to reawaken inner vision are radically different from the artificial stimuli avidly sought during the latter Atlantean age. Yet, the appeal of these poor substitutes points to the pervasiveness and inevitability of the eclipse of the inner senses by overdeveloped outer senses. Most human beings shared in this psycho-physical heredity that was caused by the gross abuse of faculties and powers during the Atlantean period. If there is an excessive development of the physiological eyes at the expense of the Third Eye during a particular phase of evolution, and if all human beings are involuntary participants in this process, then as later phases of evolution are reached human beings could awaken flashes of that original interior perception. As the balance of evolution shifts from the phase of involution of Spirit into matter to the evolution of Spirit out of matter, there is a corresponding lightening of the vestures and a quickening of the veiled organs of inner vision. Human beings could have flashes of perception, even though they might not be able to recover that perception fully, let alone quickly. In meditation they might experience a certain swelling and expansion, an agitation or heating up, connected with the intensity of activity in the pineal gland. No known physiological function may be assigned to the pineal gland, and however much medical practitioners study the human corpse, they will never discover its real importance during life. Some do recognize that the pineal gland indirectly regulates hormone-producing glands, and it is now known that in animals it is sensitive to light. In fact, human beings can during deep contemplation or during some states of ecstatic trance have flashes of the expansion and contraction that affect the pineal gland and pituitary body. These in turn affect their perception of images and sounds. Even though there was an inescapable element in the loss of its original function, the Third Eye itself was not wholly lost. It is still dormant and remains intact in the subtle vestures. The problem for present humanity is the proper coordination between the functioning of the Third Eye in the subtle vestures and the physical body with its two eyes and the atrophied pineal organ. If the natural veiling of spiritual sight through the inordinate development of the physiological vesture was the whole story, then humanity would not have melancholy recollections of the Golden Age, nor such a strong propensity towards gloom and doom, externalization and salvationism. In fact, the persisting dominance of entire theologies based upon guilt and sin at this particular point in human evolution is itself indicative of the perfidious moral history connected with the loss of the Third Eye. No matter how much contrasting theories of guilt and sin claim to account for the present human predicament, they can only gain credence through vulnerabilities in the human psyche. These revolve around a morbid sense of failure, pretence and pride, which are the unnatural result of past misuse of spiritual powers. Human beings may identify evil with violence and separativeness, with everything that is inimical and arises out of blindness and greed, stupidity and self-deception. Nonetheless, all these represent secondary effects. At the causal level, evil pertains to the perverse misuse of the very highest spiritual gifts. Such misuse induced religions to fall victim to priestcraft and lose touch with the Mysteries. Spiritual evil made human beings, who innately have extraordinary powers such as Kriyashakti and Itchashakti, lose all of them. Spiritual evil and deliberate misuse were a violation of the evolutionary programme of Nature. When spirituality and all the divine powers and attributes of the deva-man of the Third had been made the hand-maidens of the newly-awakened physiological and psychic passions of the physical man, instead of the reverse, the eye lost its powers. But such was the law of Evolution, and it was, in strict accuracy, no FALL. The sin was not in using those newly-developed powers, but in misusing them; in making of the tabernacle, designed to contain a god, the fane of every spiritual iniquity. Ibid., 302 The deleterious consequences of this profanation cannot be blamed upon the logic of descent of Spirit into matter. They are the terrible karma of those who, far from merely becoming enslaved by carnal desire and sensory indulgence, in fact became proficient in treachery, blasphemy, profanation and betrayal of the sacred, especially in sacrificing the welfare of others for the sake of self. This has nothing to do with any passing weakness owing to a natural obscuration of faculties. Whatever the "ills" that mortal flesh may be heir to, the physical body is not the source of spiritual iniquity. As H.P. Blavatsky indicated, the reader who would feel perplexed at the use of the term "spiritual" instead of "physical" iniquity, is reminded of the fact that there can be no physical iniquity. The body is simply the irresponsible organ, the tool of the psychic, if not of the "Spiritual man". While in the case of the Atlanteans, it was precisely the Spiritual being which sinned, the Spirit element being still the "Master" principle in man in those days. Thus it is in those days that the heaviest Karma of the Fifth Race was generated by our Monads. One must calmly contemplate how this spiritual sin arose and how it engendered enormous ruthlessness and extreme selfishness as well as an overpowering obsession with external dominance and a deeply entrenched resistance to admitting any fault, acknowledging any responsibility or making any amends. Through the perverse misuse of the highest powers with which they were entrusted, vast numbers of sick souls were trapped in a tragic condition wherein they were unable and unwilling to come to terms with their own karma and virtually incapable of finding or even seeking their proper place in the moral order of the cosmos and of society. Owing to this diseased perversion and compulsive inversion, an appalling corruption of consciousness resulted, which cannot be suddenly remedied at some future point in evolution, even when the interconnection between the subtle centres and physiological organs is radically altered. It is indeed imperative for the spiritually corrupt to begin now to reverse the karma of past misuse if they would at all reawaken spiritual vision and continue to participate in self-conscious human evolution in future races. Certainly, it would be of great help to seek, and show true humility, amidst the company of stronger souls whose karma is untainted by ingratitude and perfidy in former lives. It is always salutary for everyone to admire and emulate freedom from a sense of separativeness wherever one sees it in others. This is ever preferable to the contagion of abject selfishness, stark ingratitude, rancour and envy. Anyone can attempt to make real for oneself the latent spiritual goodness, purity and innocence that one can re-cognize in any others around. Authentic admiration and emulation can be powerful purifiers for any human being, let alone for those who come into the magnetic orbit of a spiritual Teacher. It can bring one in closer touch with one's own spiritual heritage from the Third Root Race, which is even now recapitulated in childhood and infancy. Nonetheless, the root causes of spiritual and moral blindness must be faced. Until they are confronted, the, proper awakening of spiritual vision is impossible. This brings up the ultimate question of authentically accommodating the idea of universal compassion and enlightenment. Can one develop sufficient self-transcendence and such a profound concern for the spiritual welfare of all human souls that one's entire conception of desire is revolutionized? When this becomes possible, one can be so creative and so saturated with universal compassion that one simply does not have any craving, let alone a compulsive need, to consider any other human being as a mere object for one's own sensuous gratification. There is a radical change in one's level of consciousness, and this has a decisive effect on the tropism and texture of elements and life-atoms in the subtle vestures and in the physical body. The flow of energy within the spinal cord is transformed, affecting the interaction between the pineal gland and the pituitary body, together with the medulla oblongata and the multiple centres of the brain. It is only if one apprehends the necessity of these fundamental transformations in human nature that one can recognize that the essential logic of human evolution did not envisage such damage to spiritual vision. To grasp this is to be ready to engage in an examination of one's motives, one's potentials, one's capacities and the hindrances that obstruct one's consciousness. Through tapas and daily meditation one may appreciate the feasibility of increasing continuity of consciousness between waking and sleeping, between life and death, bridging all the pairs of opposites and transcending the succession of time. One may then come to comprehend that the Third Eye has retreated from without inwardly because an earlier phase of the logic of evolution extruded it from within without. The withdrawal inward of the organ of the Third Eye corresponds to a greater withdrawal of consciousness from concretization, which is indeed crucial in the current phase of human growth and maturation. Concretization of consciousness does not refer only to the amount of stimuli on the physical or sensory plane; it also takes place through limiting concepts and mental ossification, through craving for certainty, through harsh judgementalism and an addiction to self-pity and even nihilism. The inability to restore the fluidity of ideation on metaphysical abstractions, spiritual ideas and moral ideals is the sad consequence of concretization and externalization. Whatever corruption of consciousness originally occurred has been compounded many times over through repeated failures to come to terms with the propensity to prolong spiritual iniquity and accelerate self-destruction. This cannot be put right instantly, and to imagine otherwise is only a symptom of the basic problem. One must resolve to try, to try and try again. In order to strengthen this resolve, the Teachers of Gupta Vidya have sought to share relevant portions of arcane knowledge about the history of the Third and Fourth Root Races. Some understanding of past evolution is essential if one seeks to grasp the logic and significance of systematic self-training and self-testing. In order to rejoin the forward movement of humanity, one must realize that all human beings are fallen gods, disinherited from their divine estate through the loss of the eye of wisdom. As a result, they have become almost exclusively dependent upon sensory perception. And yet, the actual range of the physical sense-organs has become narrower and narrower over time. Since the energy of spiritual life is independent of physical form and matter, the more preoccupied one is with the physical form and with sense-perceptions, the more one is alienated from the true source of strength, volition and self-direction. When individuals initially confront this problem, they run the risk of entangling themselves in what might be called a meta-problem. Contacting the Teachings of Gupta Vidya and reading about the earlier races of humanity, the karma of Atlantis and the loss of the Third Eye release latent forces within one's nature. The processes which originally held one back can repeat themselves in one's apprehension and use of arcane wisdom. If one's basic loyalty is to the world and to one's self-image on the personal plane, then whatever vows and resolves one adopts can only operate and have force on that plane. One may maintain a sanctimonious charade reminiscent of hypocritical religion and monkish fa9ades. One may even manage to conceal the persistent play-acting from oneself for a long time. Inevitably, the time comes when one recoils from the sham with self-loathing and a mixture of indignation and despair. This is a tragic and pitiable condition for any human soul. The danger of becoming trapped in this meta-problem must be coolly confronted, since the restoration of spiritual vision cannot occur without unleashing the very tendencies that originally led to spiritual blindness. Typically, this problem shows itself in a grasping attitude towards the Teachings of Gupta Vidya. Instead of putting oneself in the position of a postulant who is wide awake, who absorbs through osmosis and calmly assimilates the Teachings, seeking to apply them to daily duties and encounters, one becomes addicted to over-analysis and judgementalism. Through one's continuing contact with the Teachings, there is a powerful quickening of the energies available to the restless lower mind and the attendant risk that these energies will be appropriated by the ahankaric and acquisitive self. When the individual receives more spiritual food than he or she is able to assimilate on a higher plane, then kama manas becomes hyperactive, destructive and harsh. Fascinated with its own weaknesses and faults, it ceaselessly looks for vulnerabilities in others and even becomes adroit in self-serving rationalizations and endless excuses. As a result there arises a powerful blockage to the release of intuitive insight. It is through the power of Buddhic intuition that individuals are initially drawn to the Teachings of Gupta Vidya. In learning a language, one must try to speak, making mistakes, correcting them, and thereby gradually gaining facility. If this is true of ordinary language, it is much more so with the language of the soul. Spiritual intuition is like fire. It is only through the use of real fire that fuel can be kindled, and wherever real fire is used, there is the risk that it will be misused. This is paradigmatically true with regard to the Promethean fire of mind given to humanity over eighteen million years ago. Every neophyte who would approach the Mystery-fires must be prepared to assume full responsibility for the right use of the fire of knowledge. The more one has the proper qualifications to become a chela, the more one is able to assimilate and reflect deeply and patiently upon the Teachings, endowing them with vivid relevance to daily life. The fire of Buddhi can become quickened through the study, contemplation and practice of Gupta Vidya. As Krishna affirmed in the Bhagavad Gita, in the course of time spiritual knowledge will spring up spontaneously within oneself. In order to release soul-memory and activate one's higher faculties, one must be fortunate enough to have come consciously and voluntarily to the spiritual life, not out of any compensatory motives but out of love and reverence for Divine Wisdom and with a deep longing to benefit humanity. Only those who live and breathe benevolently can avoid the awful consequences of misappropriating the higher energies in the service of the lower, thereby forfeiting the great opportunity gained under karma of coming closer to the immemorial Teachings and to authentic spiritual Teachers. For such seekers who are suffused with a profound humility and a deep desire for learning for the sake of others, there will be a natural protection. True shravakas or learners will be able to use the archetypal method from the first, proceeding from above below and from within without and emphasizing at each stage the steady assimilation of mental and spiritual food through moral practice. There need be no partiality and imbalance, no one-sidedness or bias, in the apprehension and application of Gupta Vidya. As Mahatma M. pointed out, In our doctrine you will find necessary the synthetic method; you will have to embrace the whole – that is to say to blend the macrocosm and microcosm together – before you are enabled to study the parts separately or analyze them with profit to your understanding. Cosmology is the physiology of the universe spiritualized, for there is but one Law. In order to embrace the whole, one must grasp the fundamental continuity of cosmic and human evolution, establishing one's consciousness in a current of Buddhic compassion and unconditional love for all that lives. One must learn to move back and forth continuously between the macrocosmic and the microcosmic. One must strive to see the relevance of universal ideation to specific contexts. One must ever seek to bridge the universal and the particular in waking consciousness, maximizing the good even in highly imperfect situations. Tremendous aid can come through the Buddhic stream of Hermetic wisdom pouring forth from the Brotherhood of Bodhisattvas. With a mind moistened by wisdom and compassion, one may return again and again in meditation and self-study to seek appropriate connections and correspondences between the macrocosm and the microcosm. Drawing upon the rich resources of Gupta Vidya, one must grasp its universal synthesis before attempting to study the parts separately or analytically. This means that one must engage in daily tapas or mental asceticism. In the Aquarian Age we need to relinquish the entrenched modes of the inductive and analytic mind, replacing them by cultivated skill in deep concentration, creative imagination and calm receptivity towards universal ideation. In this way one will come to comprehend the connections between the most primordial and abstract and the most dense and differentiated levels of manifestation of consciousness and matter. The continuity of consciousness which one seeks is, in fact, a mode of mirroring the metaphysical integrity of cosmic unity. If one can learn to let go of the rationalizing pseudo-intelligence of the personality, then one can begin to draw upon the natural strength of Manas. One must learn to take the simplest ideas and apply them universally. Action based upon spiritual insight has a moral simplicity that neither can be understood nor imitated by the lower mind. For a long time in the life of any disciple, it is wise to consider the spiritual vision of the Third Eye as equivalent to moral discrimination. This is eloquently illustrated in the life of Mohandas Gandhi, who was skilful in finding potent analogies between the circulation of blood and global economics or psychological health. Anyone who arouses Buddhi can take seriously the integrity of the cosmos and deduce practical wisdom. One can learn to perceive vital connections between the mental and spiritual health of individuals and society as a whole, and apply these perceptions to oneself. If one gains some proficiency in this daily use of Buddhic intuition, one will soon find that it becomes meaningful to use the myths and symbols of Gupta Vidya as a basis for meditation upon the structure and function of the human form. One must learn to contemplate the cosmic dimension of human existence and become capable of deriving from such contemplation a vital sense of sanctity, plasticity and potentiality in relation to the physical body. Great philosophers and mystics have done this, seeing in the human form the paradigmatic metaphor for all growth. They have used the analogy of sight when speaking of soul-knowledge and spiritual wisdom, referring to the eye of the soul and the mind's eye. But even to appreciate this analogy, one must to some degree awaken Buddhi. Just as one can hardly convey the operation of sight and vision to a person born blind, one cannot readily communicate the nature of spiritual vision to those in whom it is totally blocked. Similarly, one could hardly convey the thrills and challenges of mental perception to persons with undeveloped mental sight. As the ability to apprehend analogies is itself an essential element in soul-vision and also conducive to the awakening of the inward capacity for noetic insight, it is always wise to recognize and acknowledge the limits and levels of human experience. Without actually developing spiritual and mental insight and tasting the ineffable bliss of authentic mystical vision, one cannot comprehend or even appreciate the scope and range of possible peak experiences. Owing to the pervasive principle of continuity in the cosmic order and in human nature, there is the ever-present possibility of transcending the limits of known and shared experience. By using analogies and correspondences to move from the familiar and the bounded to the unfamiliar and the unbounded, one may gain sufficient skill in the dialectical art to subdue the mind and absorb it into the pulsating consciousness of the spiritual heart. In a mystical sense, one can make the mind whole, and enlist it into the service of the heart, while at the same time making the heart intelligent and strong. In order to attain a state of heightened spiritual awareness and effortless vigilance, compassion and receptivity, it is essential to recognize and remove persisting discontinuities in consciousness. The familiar gaps between sleeping and waking, between dreaming and deep sleep, between ephemeral fantasies and enduring commitments, are connected with lesions in the subtle vestures which induce a fragmentation and distortion of spiritual insights. One must patiently identify these deficiencies, seek out their root causes, and initiate an appropriate course of corrective exercises. In the meantime, it is meaningful to establish and strengthen a continuous current of deep ideation upon the highest conceivable ideals, principles and goals relevant to the future of humanity. The mind and heart may be fused through an ardent devotion to Bodhisattvic exemplars of continuity of consciousness in the ceaseless service of all humanity. Through this very attempt, even the sick may slowly heal themselves and seek satsang, the company of the wise, who can help to nurture the seed of bodhichitta, the potent resolve to awaken the Wisdom Eye for the sake of universal welfare. Hermes, October 1984
Home Life Style “Most of the disc or in concert together”: JoeyStarr and Kool Shen... “Most of the disc or in concert together”: JoeyStarr and Kool Shen are announcing the end of NTM It is time to say goodbye to three decades of French rap. For Kool Shen and Joey Starr, the adventure began in 1990 and will have its epilogue at the end of November. For the occasion, the pioneers of Saint-Denis will be their farewell on the stage of the AccorHotels Arena in Paris on 22 and 23 November. “Most of the disc or in concert together”, promises Kool Shen, ensuring that the duo will no longer conduct any musical project under the name of NTM. “There, it is for us to send the last volley”. But there is no question of speaking of “separation” for the man they call “Babtou”. “When we speak of a separation it induces that there is a problem, however, it is not with JoeyStarr”. ” READ ALSO – Bercy, sponsors NTM put everyone of agreement “no One was ever justified in 1998 when we started our own artistic projects, or after the concerts of twenty years in 2008 and 2010. Because at the time it was not the end of NTM. Which leads us to the record now, is that there will be no new disc. I don’t find it very interesting to go on stage without proposing something new,” argued Bruno Lopes of his real name. “NTM, it’s a trick of the emulsion. The music is no longer the centre of what we do” After their seconds reunion, there is a battery a year, during which the two acolytes have been fever at Paris-Bercy, a 5th studio album was in preparation, had announced their entourage, while they were coming out in September, a single with the rapper Fianso, flag . But finally, nothing. For JoeyStarr, “NTM it’s a trick of the emulsion. Gold one is taken, each of our side all the time. The music is just no longer the centre of what we do”. ” READ ALSO – Kool Shen and JoeyStarr soon be featured in a biopic, and a series on NTM In four albums between 1990 and 1998, Kool Shen and JoeyStarr, first passed by the dance (breakdance, smurf) and graffiti, have made NTM the largest group of French hip-hop. After 30 years of activity on the front crowded of French rap, NTM this is first Authentik and its firebrand prophetic tomorrow’s world and 1993… I press the trigger , with the words virulent Font and I press the trigger , boycotted by the radio stations. Paris under the bombs (1995) was their first big commercial success, buoyed by the single The fever . Before the consecration, Supreme NTM (1998), which became over time one of the great classics of the French rap (800,000 copies sold) with its hits My Benz and Lets not drag your f they . incisive, a production very early on is neat, the style NTM is imposed, worn by two friends additional: Kool Shen the flow unstoppable, Joey Starr animal rabies. Despite the success, the 2000s will be those of silence for NTM, JoeyStarr and Kool Shen leading a solo career, while enjoying the business of an actor in film and theatre. The two rappers of the Seine-Saint-Denis are, however, finish in beauty the adventure NTM with a last mini-tour of 14 dates. They will occur in Latin America, before two dates in Brussels and in Geneva, on 15 and 16 November, before making their farewells on the parisian scene. But there was no question of not working for so many, the adventure continues at the theatre for Joey Starr. First, with Eloquence, at the Assembly , directed by Jérémie Lippmann, played occasionally in theatres and unusual locations. on the other hand, Béatrice Dalle announced in January a collaboration with his former companion in Elephant Man the theatre of the Folies Bergere in Paris, next November. David Bobée will stage this piece that will be inspired by the life of the deformed Joseph Merrick, who was the object of curiosity and ridicule in victorian England. And this is not all, the duo confirmed that a series biopic dedicated to their career in the French hip-hop is in production. For Netflix and Arte, Katell Quillévéré and Hélier Cistern prepare a series that traces, in eight episodes, from their beginnings to their first big concert, the success of the duo’s iconic of the golden age of French rap. Previous articleAlaa El Aswany, “persecuted in Egypt for his writings” : “My only crime is to be a writer” Next articleThe Great scene of Alex Vizorek : “I myself feel almost French, even for tax purposes”
Reasonable Doubt and Christianity; Reasonable Doubt and Guantanamo; Reasonable Doubt and Torture; Reasonable Doubt and Confessions In late January of 2009 -- on January 23 -- the Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law will host a symposium on "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." One focus of the symposium will be the relationship between the reasonable doubt standard and the history of Christian theology. Another focus will be on the relationship between the reasonable doubt standard, confessions, and torture (and here it is expected there will be some talk about Guantanamo -- just a few days after Barack Obama becomes President of the United States). Perhaps President Obama will take notice? The following people may participate as panelists or moderators: Professor James Whitman (Yale) Professor Barbara Shapiro (UCLA, Berkeley) Milbert Shin (Deputy, US Department of State, Office of War Crimes Issues) Professor Ronald Allen (Northwestern) Professor Suzanne Last Stone (moderator) (Cardozo Law School) Professor David Hamer (University of Queensland) Professor James Franklin (Department of Mathematics, University of New South Wales) Professor Mark Denbeaux (Seton Hall) Professor Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton) OR Professor Barry Scheck (Cardozo Law School) Peter Tillers (moderator) Inference from Signs I recently decided, more firmly than I had before, that inference from evidence is almost inexplicable unless one supposes some sort of consonance between the cosmos and the human organism. See P. Tillers, "Are There Universal Principles or Forms of Evidential Inference?," in Crime, Procedure, and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context (Oxford: Hart, 2008). As Albert Einstein said of the intelligibility of the cosmos, that evidence should be able to point to something beyond itself is a deep mystery. It is therefore high time, I think, that I pay some serious attention, not only to Peirce's theory of abduction and semiotics, but to the more than thousand-year history in occidental thought of how "signs" work. During a recent semi-random walk through GOOGLE I found a book published in 2001 that looks very promising and interesting: James Allen, Inference from Signs: Ancient Debates about the Nature of Evidence (Oxford University Press, 2001, paperback reprint 2008). The publisher's blurb states: James Allen presents an original and penetrating investigation of the notion of inference from signs, which played a central role in ancient philosophical and scientific method. Inference from Signs examines an important chapter in ancient epistemology: the debates about the nature of evidence and of the inferences based on it--or signs and sign-inferences as they were called in antiquity. Special attention is paid to three main issues. Firstly, the relation between sign-inference and explanation. At a minimum, sign-inferences permit us to draw a new conclusion, and they are used in this way in every sphere of life. But inferences must do more than this if they are to play the parts assigned to them by natural philosophers and medical theorists, who appeal to signs to support the theories they put forward to explain the phenomena in their domains. Allen examines the efforts made by Aristotle, the Stoics, the Epicureans, and in medicine to discover what further conditions must be satisfied by inferences if they are to advance explanatory purposes. To speak of inference from signs presupposes that the use of signs is a form of reasoning from grounds to a conclusion. However, an alternative nonrational conception is explored, according to which the use of signs depends instead on acquired dispositions to be reminded by one thing or another. This view is traced to its probable origin in the Empirical school of medicine, whence it was taken by Pyrrhonian skeptics, who introduced it into philosophy. Evidence sometimes supports conclusive arguments, but at other times it only makes a conclusion probable. Allen investigates Aristotle's path-breaking attempt to erect standards by which to evaluate non-conclusive but--in Aristotelian terms--reputable inferences. Inference from Signs fills an important gap in the histories of science and philosophy and provides the first comprehensive treatment of this topic. Oxford University Press has this to say about the author: James Allen is professor of philosophy and a fellow of the Center for Philosophy of Science. He has held a visiting appointment at Yale, been a visiting fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge, and a Stipendiat of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Universitat Hamburg. His principal interests are in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. He is the author of articles about ancient conceptions of expertise, ancient skepticism, ancient medicine, Aristotelian logic, Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Cicero. The Swarm Intelligence of Ants -- and of the Jury? I was at an academic conference recently at which a couple of eminent speakers questioned (nay, affirmed) the (ir)rationality of trial by jury. However, am generally of a different mind: I am inclined to think that juries generally get it right -- "it" being, among other things, the facts -- more often than a single professional judge does or than would,say, a randomly-selected group of law teachers. So I was interested in the following recent reminder of swarm intelligence in ants, a reminder that set me to musing once again whether such swarm intelligence exists among groups of human beings such as juries and, if so, in what way and about what sorts of matters: Steve Jones, "E pluribus Unum, NYTimes Book Review (Nov. 21, 2008) (review of Bert Hölldobler & Edward O. Wilson, THE SUPERORGANISM: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies (W. W. Norton & Company, 2008): A few simple rules produce what appears to be intelligence, but is in fact entirely mindless. Individuals are automatons. An ant stumbles on a tasty item and brings a piece back to the nest, wandering as it does and leaving a trail of scent. A second ant tracks that pathway back to the source, making random swerves of its own. A third, a fourth, and so on do the same, until soon the busy creatures converge on the shortest possible route, marked by a highway of pheromones. This phenomenon has some useful applications for the social animals who study it. Computer scientists fill their machines with virtual ants and task them with finding their way through a maze, leaving a coded signal as they pass until the fastest route emerges. That same logic helps plan efficient phone networks and the best use of the gates at J.F.K. In the phone system each message leaves a digital “pheromone” as it passes through a node, and the fastest track soon emerges. Swarm intelligence does wondrous things. 'Tis a fact, isn't it, that no single person could have constructed the Empire State Building, invented the micro-chip, or, even, have thought of and have assembled a functioning pressurized rubberized automobile tire? Therefore(?) ... a jury of twelve people can assess can assess ...(?)... [e.g., jealousy as motivation for murder?]... better than any single person can? The Law of Evidence on Spindle Law The law of evidence on Spindle Law is coming. Stay tuned for details -- details about the forthcoming "Evidence Module." I will want you to contribute. New Mexico Supreme Court: Thoughtful Comments about Character Evidence State v. Martinez, -- P.3d --, 2008 WL 4892091 (N.M.,Oct9. 2008) (Daniels, J.): A. Theories Underlying Admissibility of Character Evidence The admissibility of character testimony is regulated in two separate areas of our New Mexico Rules of Evidence: in the relevancy rules of Article 4 and in the witness rules of Article 6. Both of those areas are implicated in the issues presented in this case, which call on us to address the admissibility of character testimony as circumstantial evidence of relevant conduct under Rule 11-404(A)(1) (providing for admission in a criminal case of "[e]vidence of a pertinent trait of character offered by an accused, or by the prosecution to rebut the same"), as well as the admissibility of character testimony as circumstantial evidence of credibility of a witness under Rule 11-608(A) (providing that "[t]he credibility of a witness may be attacked or supported by evidence in the form of opinion or reputation ... [regarding] character for truthfulness or untruthfulness ... after the character of the witness for truthfulness has been attacked by opinion or reputation evidence or otherwise"). The two inquiries are founded on the same underlying beliefs about the relationship between character and conduct, but their uses involve different policy considerations and different rules of application. Courts and commentators have observed that these uses of character evidence are often misunderstood in their own applications and are frequently confused with one another. ... This case is an illustrative example. The record reflects confusion by counsel on both sides, by the district court, and by the Court of Appeals as to the differing purposes and applications of the separate admissibility of character testimony as substantive evidence and as witness credibility evidence. To aid in understanding and clarification, we first review the theories, history, and purposes relating to their admissibility. A review of the development of character evidence shows that its use extends further back into our legal history than even such fundamental rights as those of an accused to testify or to have the assistance of counsel. The theory underlying the relevance of character evidence is based on our common human experience that "[t]he character ... of the persons we deal with is in daily life always more or less considered by us in estimating the probability of their future conduct." 1A Wigmore, Evidence § 55, at 1159 (Tillers rev.1983). In one of the oldest scraps of papyrus to survive from the days of the ancient Egyptians, a king instructs a young prince that "[a] good character is remembered." 1 Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature 107 (1973). Modern scientific research now confirms what human beings have always observed in their own family and community relationships, that the average person is able to explain, and even predict, a subject's behavior with a significant degree of accuracy. Susan Marlene Davies, Evidence of Character to Prove Conduct: A Reassessment of Relevancy, 27 Crim. L. Bull. 504, 517 (1991); see Thomas J. Reed, The Character Evidence Defense: Acquittal Based on Good Character, 45 Clev. St. L.Rev. 345, 356 (1997) ("According to the best available psychological data, character or personality trait theory has a scientific basis. Human beings do behave more or less consistently across a multitude of similar situations."). One of the predictive tools by which those determinations are made is the consideration of one's character traits based on patterns of past conduct. See, e.g., Walter Mischel & Yuichi Shoda, A Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality: Reconceptualizing Situations, Dispositions, Dynamics, and Invariance in Personality Structure, 102 Psychol. Rev. 246, 246 (1995) (summarizing "recent empirical data demonstrating that individuals are characterized not only by stable individual differences in their overall levels of behavior, but also by distinctive and stable patterns of behavior variability across situations"). Because conduct reflects character, knowledge of character is necessarily helpful in predicting conduct. The State successfully argued in the district court the same position that it has maintained throughout the appellate process, that "there is no pertinent character trait that has been put in issue" because there is no character trait pertinent to a person's propensity to commit any crime of solicitation, including the crime of solicitation to commit burglary charged in this case. In response, defense counsel has argued that "evidence whether he is honest, he's the type of person that commits dishonest acts of robbery and burglary is pertinent." In this case, Defendant proffered that his character witnesses would testify that he was both an honest and a truthful person. Throughout this litigation, the parties have made no efforts to distinguish honesty and truthfulness as traits having differing relevance or applicability. Honesty and truthfulness, if indeed they can be considered separate traits in other contexts, have been treated as interchangeable in New Mexico case law involving analogous character trait relevance. See Melendrez, 91 N.M. at 261, 572 P.2d at 1269 (holding that offenses of "deceit, fraud, cheating, or stealing" are relevant to both honesty and veracity for purposes of Rule 609 impeachment). The district court determined that evidence of neither was admissible in a prosecution for solicitation to commit burglary. The Court of Appeals, relying in part on the analogous Melendrez opinion construing relevance for Rule 609 purposes, concluded that evidence of both was admissible. The State asks us to hold that neither trait was admissible, and Defendant asks us to hold that both were admissible. Although the parties did not articulate any distinction between the two, our research reflects that we must address whether we should recognize any such distinction for the purposes of deciding this case. A few courts in other jurisdictions have taken the view that honesty and truthfulness should be given separate evidentiary application under Rule 404(A)(1), on the theory that "one who is honest must also be truthful because honesty subsumes truthfulness," while "one may be truthful but not be honest." Wiggins v. State, 778 S.W.2d 877, 889 (Tex.Ct.App.1989). Our research, however, has found no psychological, sociological, or other scientific or empirical research to support what appear to be only ipse dixit theoretical distinctions. ... There is simply no persuasive authority to support a theory that psychologists or ordinary citizens would draw any realistic distinctions between the likely behaviors of an "Honest Abe" and a "Truthful Abe." In this case, the State makes no argument that evidence of honest and truthful character would have been inadmissible if Defendant had been charged with personally committing a burglary. Instead, it argues that a character trait that is pertinent to a charge of burglary is not pertinent to a charge of soliciting someone else to carry out the same burglary. The State's theory seems to focus on an accused's particular physical role in the planned crime, instead of the presence or absence of his criminal intent, in determining which character traits are pertinent to a consideration of the likelihood of his participation in the crime. This misapprehends why the law considers character to be relevant in determining guilt or innocence. Criminal intent is the essence of what distinguishes criminal from non-criminal conduct. The contention that an injury can amount to a crime only when inflicted by intention is no provincial or transient notion. It is as universal and persistent in mature systems of law as belief in freedom of the human will and a consequent ability and duty of the normal individual to choose between good and evil. Morissette v. United States, 342 U.S. 246, 250 (1952) (quoting William Blackstone, 4 Commentaries *22); see also State v. Yarborough, 1996-NMSC-068, ¶ 9, 122 N.M. 596, 930 P.2d 131 ("We must be sure that the penalties associated with a felony conviction are imposed only in response to an act done with at least the minimum culpable state of mind."). In the more colorful phrasing of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, "even a dog distinguishes between being stumbled over and being kicked." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., The Common Law 3 (Little, Brown & Co.1938) (1881). The fallacy of focusing on an accused's physical participation, instead of the relationship between his intent and the commission of a crime, is demonstrated by a few hypothetical differences in how one could intentionally assist in the commission of a burglary. The State has never argued with the proposition that an honest person would be less likely than a dishonest person to enter a home with the intent to steal. Would honesty be any less relevant where a person is accused of reaching through a window to accomplish the same theft, without getting his whole body inside? Or where a defendant allegedly used a pair of tongs to reach inside without any part of his own body crossing the threshold? Or where a defendant is charged with having used a remote control robotic device to make the entry and theft? Or where the defendant, as in this case, allegedly used a human agent instead of a mechanical device to accomplish the very same theft? It is obvious to us that the character inquiry goes to whether a person would be likely to participate intentionally in a crime of theft and not on the physical means of accomplishing that dishonest result. This little gem of an opinion is only seven pages long. American legal scholars increasingly ignore judicial opinions. Martinez illustrates the folly of such a cleavage between the academic world and the judiciary: apart from the non-trivial fact that judges make much law, Martinez is a forceful reminder that there is much intelligence on the bench. On the merits: if the legal process were able to digest a multitude of character details with the same subtlety and discrimination that ordinary people do in their ordinary lives, it might make sense to allow the prosecution to introduce details about the character of the accused during the prosecution's case in chief. But I think it is wildly unrealistic to think that this could be done at reasonable cost in an ordinary hum-drum criminal trial or that nuanced evidence about the details of the behavior of an accused over a period of years could be accurately reconstituted in the resource-starved hothouse of an ordinary party-dominated American criminal trial. Indeed, there is reason to wonder how well any system of criminal adjudication could reproduce such information in the detail that is necessary to make such information predictive of human behavior. So we're in a pickle, aren't we? Reasonable Doubt and Christianity; Reasonable Doub... The Swarm Intelligence of Ants -- and of the Jury?... New Mexico Supreme Court: Thoughtful Comments abou...
New Book: “Who Owns England” by Guy Shrubsole confirms ‘half of England owned by less than 1% of population’ 18/04/2019 Mark Leave a comment Half of England is owned by less than 1% of its population, with corporations and aristocrats the biggest landowners, according to new data published in “Who Owns England?”, written by Guy Shrubsole, joint coordinator of the ‘Who Owns England’ website & Blog Source: The Guardian (The article is reproduced in full below) Shrubsole estimates that “the aristocracy and gentry still own around 30% of England”. This may even be an underestimate, as the owners of 17% of England and Wales remain undeclared at the Land Registry. The most likely owners of this undeclared land are aristocrats, as many of their estates have remained in their families for centuries. See also: According to Shrubsole “a handful of newly moneyed industrialists, oligarchs and City bankers” own around 17% of England. The bulk of the population owns very little land or none at all. Those who own homes in England, in total, own only 5% of the country (although in precise legal terms, freehold or “fee simple” exists in law as a right to dispose of the asset, since the 1925 Law of Property Act established in law that the Crown was transformed as the absolute owner of all land in England and Wales). He calculates that the land under the ownership of the royal family amounts to 1.4% of England (although the Crown is ultimate owner of all land). Who Owns England?: How We Lost Our Green and Pleasant Land, and How to Take It Back – New Book by Guy Shrubsole, ‘A formidable, brave and important book’ Robert MacFarlane Who owns England? Behind this simple question lies this country’s oldest and best-kept secret. This is the history of how England’s elite came to own our land, and an inspiring manifesto for how to open up our countryside once more. This book has been a long time coming. Since 1086, in fact. For centuries, England’s elite have covered up how they got their hands on millions of acres of our land, by constructing walls, burying surveys and more recently, sheltering behind offshore shell companies. But with the dawn of digital mapping and the Freedom of Information Act, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to hide. Trespassing through tightly-guarded country estates, ecologically ravaged grouse moors and empty Mayfair mansions, writer and activist Guy Shrubsole has used these 21st century tools to uncover a wealth of never-before-seen information about the people who own our land, to create the most comprehensive map of land ownership in England that has ever been made public. From secret military islands to tunnels deep beneath London, Shrubsole unearths truths concealed since the Domesday Book about who is really in charge of this country – at a time when Brexit is meant to be returning sovereignty to the people. Melding history, politics and polemic, he vividly demonstrates how taking control of land ownership is key to tackling everything from the housing crisis to climate change – and even halting the erosion of our very democracy. It’s time to expose the truth about who owns England – and finally take back our green and pleasant land. Source: The Guardian article reproduced in full: Half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population Research by author reveals corporations and aristocrats are the biggest landowners by Rob Evans, The Guardian Date: 17Apr2019 Half of England is owned by less than 1% of its population, according to new data shared with the Guardian that seeks to penetrate the secrecy that has traditionally surrounded land ownership. The findings, described as “astonishingly unequal”, suggest that about 25,000 landowners – typically members of the aristocracy and corporations – have control of half of the country. The figures show that if the land were distributed evenly across the entire population, each person would have almost an acre – an area roughly the size of Parliament Square in central London. Major owners include the Duke of Buccleuch, the Queen, several large grouse moor estates, and the entrepreneur James Dyson. While land has long been concentrated in the hands of a small number of owners, precise information about property ownership has been notoriously hard to access. But a combination of the development of digital maps and data as well as pressure from campaigners has made it possible to assemble the shocking statistics. Jon Trickett, Labour MP and shadow minister for the Cabinet Office, hailed the significance of the findings and called for a full debate on the issue, adding: “The dramatic concentration of land ownership is an inescapable reminder that ours is a country for the few and not the many. “It’s simply not right that aristocrats, whose families have owned the same areas of land for centuries, and large corporations exercise more influence over local neighbourhoods – in both urban and rural areas – than the people who live there. “Land is a source of wealth, it impacts on house prices, it is a source of food and it can provide enjoyment for millions of people.” Guy Shrubsole, author of the book in which the figures are revealed, Who Owns England?, argues that the findings show a picture that has not changed for centuries. “Most people remain unaware of quite how much land is owned by so few,” he writes, adding: “A few thousand dukes, baronets and country squires own far more land than all of middle England put together.” “Land ownership in England is astonishingly unequal, heavily concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite.” The book’s findings are drawn from a combination of public maps, data released through the Freedom of Information Act and other sources. Shrubsole estimates that “the aristocracy and gentry still own around 30% of England”. This may even be an underestimate, as the owners of 17% of England and Wales remain undeclared at the Land Registry. The most likely owners of this undeclared land are aristocrats, as many of their estates have remained in their families for centuries. As these estates have not been sold on the open market, their ownership does not need to be recorded at the Land Registry, the public body responsible for keeping a database of land and property in England and Wales. Shrubsole estimates that 18% of England is owned by corporations, some of them based overseas or in offshore jurisdictions. He has based this calculation on a spreadsheet of land owned by all UK-registered companies that has been released by the Land Registry. From this spreadsheet, he has listed the top 100 landowning companies. The list is headed by a large water company, United Utilities, which said that much of its land consisted of areas immediately surrounding its reservoirs. Prominent on the list are the Boughton estate in Northamptonshire, belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch, the Woburn estate, which is owned by the Duke of Bedford, and the Badminton estate in Gloucestershire, owned by the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. Several large grouse moor estates and Beeswax Dyson Farming, a farm owned by pro-Brexit businessman James Dyson, are also high on the list. Shrubsole, who works as a campaigner for the environmental charity Friends of the Earth, estimates that “a handful of newly moneyed industrialists, oligarchs and City bankers” own around 17% of England. The public sector – central and local government, and universities – appears to be the most open about its landholdings, according to Shrubsole, partly in order to advertise land it has wanted to sell off in recent years. He concludes that the public sector owns 8% of England. Shrubsole writes that the bulk of the population owns very little land or none at all. Those who own homes in England, in total, own only 5% of the country. He calculates that the land under the ownership of the royal family amounts to 1.4% of England. This includes the Crown Estate, the Queen’s personal estate at Sandringham, Norfolk, and the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster, which provide income to members of the family. Conservation charities, such as the National Trust and the Woodland Trust, collectively own 2% of England, while the church accounts for 0.5%. A small number of ultra-wealthy individuals have traditionally owned vast swaths of land in Scotland. Last month, a major review conducted by the Scottish Land Commission, a government quango, found that big landowners behaved like monopolies across large areas of rural Scotland and had too much power over land use, economic investment and local communities. The quango recommended radical reform of ownership rules. Carys Roberts, chief economist of the left-of-centre thinktank the Institute for Public Policy Research, said she was “shocked but not surprised” by Shrubsole’s findings on the concentration of land ownership. She said that the concentration of land in a few hands was a big reason why wealth as a whole was so unequal in the country, as those without land were prevented from generating more income. She added:”We have this idea that the class structures have changed so that the aristocracy is not as important as it used to be. What this demonstrates is the continuing importance of the aristocracy in terms of wealth and power in our society.” She said that one effect of the sale of public land was that the public lost democratic control of that land and it could not then be used, for example, for housing or environmental improvements. “You can’t make the best social use of it,” she added. [end] See also: Previous Post‘Untermensch’ with nowhere to go: Myanmar farmers under siege from land lawNext PostRewilding: Thomas Malthus, Aurochs and ‘green fascism’. The dark side of misanthropic environmentalism
Not very happy holidays for the MSS sector… Posted in Aeronautical, Broadband, Globalstar, Handheld, Inmarsat, Iridium, LDR, Maritime, Operators, Orbcomm, Services, TerreStar, VSAT at 12:20 pm by timfarrar As I remarked in an interview for the Satellite 2012 downlink newsletter yesterday, 2011 has seen a dramatic deceleration in MSS revenue growth, with wholesale service revenues now expected to grow by less than 3% in 2011, compared to the 7%-8% growth seen in each of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Yesterday we also released our latest industry report which gives ten year forecasts for MSS industry growth. In the L-band market (including Inmarsat L-band, LightSquared, Thuraya, Iridium, Globalstar and Orbcomm) we project cumulative revenue growth from 2010 to 2020 of only 4% p.a. and even when Global Xpress is added to Inmarsat’s revenues in the latter part of the decade, the overall cumulative growth rate is only increased to around 6% p.a. This represents a striking contrast with widely quoted forecasts from Euroconsult and NSR, that the MSS market (excluding GX) will grow at 7% p.a. over the decade (Euroconsult) or 10% p.a. from 2010-15 (NSR). These optimistic forecasts seem to have achieved wide currency with analysts and bankers, who have argued (for example at the Satcon conference in October) that the MSS industry is more attractive than the FSS industry because of its much faster growth profile. One example that stands out is a JP Morgan analyst report on Inmarsat, published last Thursday, which gives an upbeat assessment of Inmarsat’s prospects and projects a target price of 800p per share (roughly double the current level). Not only does JPM expect LightSquared’s spectrum lease payments to be continued indefinitely after they file for bankruptcy (which is ludicrously unrealistic once you understand that LightSquared’s political backing has evaporated and even the FCC has basically given up on them, but may reflect the fact that JPM co-led (with UBS) the sale of LightSquared’s first lien debt earlier this year), but they expect Inmarsat’s core L-band business to resume growth at 2.5% p.a. from 2012 and Global Xpress to achieve Inmarsat’s target of $500M in annual revenues after 5 years. Where do we differ with Euroconsult and NSR? It appears the primary source of the discrepancy is in our expectations for the maritime and aeronautical L-band markets. According to the JPM report, NSR is projecting 11% p.a. and 13% p.a. growth respectively for the maritime and aeronautical segments between 2010 and 2015. We are told that Euroconsult also takes a relatively optimistic view of the outlook for the maritime and aeronautical L-band markets. However, our expectations are that wholesale maritime and aeronautical L-band service revenues will actually decline between 2010 and 2020, as customers move to Global Xpress and other VSAT solutions. As a result, future L-band growth will have to come from land-based services, particularly low speed data and (to a much lesser extent) handheld satellite phones. That’s relatively good news for Iridium and Globalstar (as well as Orbcomm, if they can continue to gain momentum), but its still unclear whether ~8% p.a. growth in land MSS revenues will be sufficient for all of these companies to thrive in the face of what will inevitably be an ever-increasing focus by Inmarsat on this part of the MSS market. If you are interested in our latest report, which also includes a detailed analysis of Inmarsat’s maritime market outlook and forecasts for in-flight passenger communications services, as well as discussion of the current prospects for terrestrial use of MSS spectrum, please contact us for more details about our MSS information service. A tasty Thanksgiving DISH… Posted in Financials, Regulatory, Spectrum at 8:34 am by timfarrar After AT&T’s notice to the FCC that it is withdrawing its T-Mobile merger application, attention is now turning to AT&T’s alternatives for acquiring more spectrum. The FCC’s approval of the Qualcomm spectrum purchase puts the focus squarely on DISH’s 700MHz E block holdings, which would bring the Qualcomm spectrum up to a national 12MHz unpaired block. However, AT&T also needs a separate clean block of paired spectrum to implement its planned Carrier Aggregation Technology (as part of an LTE Advanced network). The original intention was to use AT&T’s AWS-1 spectrum holdings for this purpose, but AT&T would be required to give up the majority of its AWS-1 holdings (1.5B MHzPOPs out of ~2.5B MHzPOPs) as part of the break fee for the TMO merger agreement. As a result, AT&T will also now have to look for another clean block of spectrum away from the 700MHz band to enable deployment of the Qualcomm spectrum. Though this could in theory be done in the 850MHz band, it may be hard for AT&T to put together enough clean contiguous spectrum (2x10MHz?) for a near term LTE Advanced deployment, especially if the FCC’s conditions on the Qualcomm purchase mandate a rapid buildout of the spectrum. In this context I think a much bigger deal with DISH is the only logical outcome, and that will mean either a companion purchase of DISH’s 2GHz spectrum holdings (DBSD/TerreStar) or even a takeover of DISH itself (which could complement AT&T’s U-verse service and satisfy Randall Stephenson’s ambitions to complete a major deal). Though getting FCC approval for an ATC waiver would have to be finessed (probably by offering the government some compensation for the step-up in value), this would allow the DBSD and TerreStar spectrum to be brought into use more quickly. Indeed, by designating the AT&T/TMO merger (as DISH requested), approving the Qualcomm spectrum transaction, and apparently supporting “the efficient use of spectrum without decreasing competition“, the FCC seems to be implying that this would be its preferred course of action for AT&T to take. The outcome for a jilted TMO would certainly be more challenging, but when the Justice Department has stated explicitly in its antitrust arguments that reducing the number of national wireless operators from 4 to 3 is unacceptable, a sale to Sprint also seems to be off the table. Of course that would be a good reason for AT&T to pursue the February court case to a conclusion, because a ruling against AT&T on these grounds would also prevent a future Sprint/TMO or Verizon/Sprint merger. Instead, a spinoff and float of TMOUSA, potentially with the cable companies injecting their AWS-1 spectrum in exchange for an equity stake in what would then be a listed company, could give TMOUSA a much stronger position with roughly 50MHz of AWS-1 spectrum (used for HSPA+ in the near term) and roaming rights onto AT&T’s network. That would leave Sprint as the Thanksgiving turkey, with no good spectrum options other than to do some form of deal with Clearwire. Ironically, with Sprint having agreed with DISH just a few weeks ago to withdraw its objections to the use of the DBSD/TerreStar spectrum, it may be hard pressed to credibly object to a deal between DISH and AT&T. Unfortunately for Sprint, it also seems that Clearwire may have increased the amount of funding it is asking Sprint to provide in the near term (as an advance against an extended capacity purchase agreement), because it is proving harder than expected for Clearwire to raise money from others (e.g. vendor financing). Whether that will be acceptable to Sprint, in an environment where it faces severe cash pressures to execute its Network Vision strategy, is unclear. It will therefore be very interesting to see what happens next Friday, when Clearwire’s interest payment is due. Sprint’s D-block ambitions Posted in Regulatory, Spectrum at 10:32 am by timfarrar Buried in the LightSquared FOIA disclosures is another very interesting (and hitherto unreported) story of Sprint’s plans to host the public safety D-block buildout, via a network sharing agreement based on the terms agreed with LightSquared. I highlighted back in June that it was strange of Sprint to mention hosting public safety (but not LightSquared) at the May 12 New America Foundation event. However, it appears that Sprint had been working in concert with the White House for several months to promote this concept, and had strong backing for this approach from Aneesh Chopra, the United States Chief Technology Officer, as recently as mid-September 2011. Indeed it seems that a potential D-block opportunity may have been one of the items that Sprint hoped to highlight during its disastrous October 7 investor conference, but as far as I’m aware the government has not yet released the RFI on potential partnerships mentioned in the September discussion. A hosting deal may ultimately be another source of revenues for Network Vision, if the government can act soon enough on the D-block, but of course in the current political climate that is far from a foregone conclusion. In the meantime it appears that Sprint is trying to avoid providing additional funding to Clearwire, in the hope that Clearwire will be able to meet its near term cash needs from other sources. Judging by Clearwire’s threat to not make its upcoming bond interest payment, it seems that may not be possible without an increased (and upfront) payment from Sprint. Thus, the outcome may ultimately be determined by who has the greatest amount of leverage in this negotiation. In particular, one critical factor may be whether Sprint believes Clearwire could play the @Home card, and threaten to turn off 4G service to Sprint customers after a bankruptcy filing (which would be a PR and customer relations disaster for Sprint), instead of WiMAX service continuing without interruption as Sprint asserted on October 7. Of course, one thing that Sprint has proved time and again is that it is pretty poor at ending up on the winning side of a negotiated deal. However, it seems to be pretty poor at understanding the consequences of its actions as well, which makes it hard to predict where this will end up. Let’s ignore the federal government! Posted in LightSquared, Operators, Regulatory, Spectrum at 12:18 pm by timfarrar Astonishingly, that is actually what LightSquared told the FCC last week in an ex parte meeting where “LightSquared representatives made clear that any determination that the federal precision and timing coexistence issue has been resolved would have to be based on objective and independent test results and not the subjective views of the federal agencies involved”. Of course the entire process hangs on the “views of the federal agencies involved” and if the DoD, FAA, etc. say this can’t happen then it won’t happen. Clearly LightSquared understands only too well that the entire federal government now views the company about as favorably as an envelope full of anthrax, but can LightSquared seriously intend to argue that its own “independent” testing is good enough and the government shouldn’t bother doing the rounds of additional tests that the PNT Executive Committee is expecting to start in the spring of 2012? In reality that sounds more like their opening argument in the upcoming litigation (“the FCC ignored the fact that we had tested all these solutions ourselves”) than a realistic way forward, and at this point in time, its hard to imagine LightSquared has anything to lose by waiting much longer to initiate that phase of its strategy. UPDATE: I understand that the reason for LightSquared’s comment is that they were told by the senior FCC staff in the meeting not to expect a ruling from the FCC anytime soon, because of the need for substantial further testing by the PNT Executive Committee, and there would certainly not be an announcement in December as LightSquared’s CEO was “guaranteeing” only a few weeks ago. LS in Wonderland Posted in LightSquared, Operators, Regulatory, Spectrum at 5:29 pm by timfarrar The documents released by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) from the responses to their FOIA request to the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), don’t yet provide any smoking guns about the process by which LightSquared was able to get its FCC waiver in January 2011, after applying for it one year ago today. However, the information that is currently online represents only a tiny fraction of the 13,450 responsive documents supplied by OSTP, so it is hard to tell if there is anything more significant still to emerge. In my view, the most intriguing new document is the January 12 2011 draft of LightSquared’s commitment letter to the FCC, which states that the “industry working group comprised of participants in the telecom and GPS industries…should be lead (sic) by the Commission“, whereas in the final version of the letter this paragraph was removed (and LightSquared was ultimately appointed by the FCC to lead the Technical Working Group). This change seems to have been agreed to by the FCC in exchange for LightSquared stating that “we are willing to accept as a condition on a grant of our request the creation of a process to address interference concerns regarding GPS and, further, that this process must be completed to the FCC’s satisfaction before LightSquared commences offering commercial service”, a commitment which LightSquared’s counsel described as “an investment & customer killer”. Perhaps more significantly, the documents also provide a very interesting perspective on how views of LightSquared evolved within the FCC, White House and NTIA between mid 2010 and summer 2011. In July 2010, Jim Kohlenberger, Chief of Staff at the OSTP, thought LightSquared’s deal with NSN was “very exciting“, while in September 2010 he kept “hearing great things” about LightSquared. By January 2011 LightSquared’s relationship with the White House was sufficiently close that LightSquared’s counsel was asking “if there’s anything NTIA can do with the press on background to calm the waters” because “Press reports…are leading to big problems with investors, present & potential, customers, Sprint, et al”. However, as information emerged about the extent of GPS interference, that changed pretty dramatically. In particular, after the submission of the Technical Working Group report in late June, pressure from Sen. Grassley for the FCC to provide documents meant “things [were] heating up” and by early August it was clear that LightSquared would be experiencing “headwinds” because the FCC Chairman was about to throw LightSquared under the bus, with his announcement on August 9 that he would not permit LightSquared to operate until interference concerns were resolved. By August 16, even the NTIA Administrator was indicating that any suggestion by LightSquared that they discuss how to move forward meant that “LightSquared is in Wonderland” (ironically a comparison that I also remarked on). Then in mid September, it became clear, after the FCC’s Public Notice mandated further testing, that everyone in government (and apparently the FCC) would “distance” themselves (exactly as I predicted), telling a Harbinger representative that “I must ask that you stop communicating with me regarding the LightSquared matter.” Once this timeline and the current attitude of key people in government is understood, it becomes evident how truly dire LightSquared’s prospects are. Simply put, there is now no chance whatsoever that there will be any positive ruling from the FCC (or even an end to the testing, which can be prolonged almost indefinitely if the government insists on testing LightSquared devices as well – indeed the FAA presented a timeline yesterday with potentially multiple stages of further testing, including handsets, beginning in the Spring of 2012), and it is simply a question of wondering when the money all runs out. A watershed moment? Posted in Financials, LightSquared, Operators, Regulatory, Spectrum at 10:07 am by timfarrar So apparently yesterday’s PNT Advisory Board meeting was “a watershed moment” for LightSquared, because “the GPS interference issue can be solved” and “the entire debate has turned from whether there is a solution to who pays for it”. Of course, that’s a massive oversimplification of reality, because as the introductory presentation to the meeting set forth, there are vast amounts of testing still to perform. In particular, the latest PNT newsletter has confirmed that LightSquared’s proposed solution for precision devices will not be tested until at least “early 2012″. However, what no-one seems to have picked up on is that in LightSquared’s semi-annual progress report, filed with the FCC on October 31, the company confirmed that it is ignoring the FCC mandated timeline (from the January 2011 waiver) to make devices available by September 30, 2011 and now has postponed the anticipated availability of “embedded modules, USB data modems and other devices” from BandRich and AnyData until “late 2012″. While LightSquared still expects Qualcomm to make chipsets available in “late 2011″ that could “facilitate access to LightSquared’s network” there is no associated commitment to actually make devices. Though Sharp and Airtouch “have agreed” to develop a range of devices, there is apparently no timeline for this to take place (indeed Sharp has stated publicly that it “would need a minimum purchase order before it would build such devices”). Basically, therefore it appears there will now be no devices capable of accessing LightSquared’s network for at least a year or more, making LightSquared’s continued assertions that it will launch service in the “second half of 2012″ even more laughable than they already were. More importantly, if testing of LightSquared devices is also a pre-requisite for FCC approval, as the PNT Advisory Board apparently desires, then it now seems that this will not be possible for many months to come. Of course, this gives the FCC yet another excuse to hold off from making any ruling on the LightSquared issue, even to ban terrestrial deployment in the upper 10MHz band which everyone knows can never be used, because that will simply provide LightSquared with the excuse it is looking for to initiate litigation over the supposed expropriation of “part of LightSquared’s spectrum – worth billions of dollars”. Sprint’s fundraising efforts… Posted in Financials, ICO/DBSD, LightSquared, Operators, Regulatory, Spectrum, TerreStar at 1:04 pm by timfarrar In addition to Sprint’s announcement today that it plans to offer new debt in a private transaction, Sprint has more quietly been rounding up additional money from both LightSquared and DISH. In Sprint’s most recent 10-Q, filed yesterday, the company notes that “In September, the [spectrum hosting] arrangement was amended to change the September 30, 2011 contingency date for LightSquared’s performance to December 16, 2011. The December 31, 2011 contingency date remained unchanged. This amendment also provided for an additional prepayment of $20 million, which was received in October 2011.” Today, Sprint has told the FCC that “DISH and Sprint have today reached an agreement to settle all of these [reimbursement] disputes among Sprint, DISH, and their subsidiaries and affiliates in a mutually satisfactory manner” and will presumably therefore be paid a significant proportion of its $220M claim against DBSD and TerreStar ($110M per company) for BAS relocation expenses. UPDATE (11/7): DISH has now revealed that it will pay Sprint a total of $114M, though it is not yet clear if Sprint will retain any additional claims in the bankruptcy cases of DBSD and/or TerreStar Networks. However, the two disclosures appear to have rather different consequences for LightSquared and DISH. In the case of LightSquared, this represents another $20M of expenditure over and above the amount assumed in my analysis earlier this week. More importantly, Sprint has set a precedent under which it will now presumably expect to be paid even more money when LightSquared is unable to meet the revised deadline of December 16 and the second deadline of December 31 (and of course it is certain that the FCC will not be able to rule by then, because LightSquared’s proposed filter for precision GPS equipment is not being tested by the government this month, as LightSquared has now admitted). I also now suspect that Boeing’s vendor financing loan may simply have been extended (perhaps by 12 months?), from its original December 2010 repayment deadline, and a new deadline is likely to occur relatively soon, because Boeing will need some certainty about whether the SkyTerra-2 satellite will be available for its MEXSAT project. If Boeing does insist on repayment (of what would now be $130M+) within the next few months, then (faced with the unpalatable alternative that LightSquared forfeits the ground spare satellite and potentially jeopardizes its ATC license) LightSquared could well run out of money before its next first lien interest payment in April. Specifically, my estimate on Monday was that LightSquared would have about $170M in cash at the end of Q1 2012, which would not be sufficient to cover a payment of $130M+ to Boeing, plus the $20M already paid to Sprint and the additional payments that are now likely in respect of the December deadlines. Even without making any repayment to Boeing, if LightSquared needs to pay Sprint an extra $20M for each additional 3 month deadline extension, then it would have barely enough money to make the interest payment due on April 1, 2012. In the case of DISH, it appears that the news of a Sprint settlement is more positive, as it removes one of the main roadblocks to the FCC approving a transfer of control of the DBSD and TerreStar assets to DISH. However, DISH’s requested ATC waiver has come under more pressure, with AT&T now joining the CTIA in pressing for the waiver issue to be considered in a full rulemaking proceeding. Interestingly, both AT&T and the CTIA raise the question of a windfall, with the CTIA explicitly noting (footnote 21) that: While DISH argues that it took into account the possibility of future flexibility for the spectrum during the bankruptcy process, certainly other parties were not factoring that into the process. Moreover, 40 MHz of nationwide, terrestrial broadband spectrum would not be valued at $2.8 billion. When looking at past valuations for such spectrum assets, a valuation of 3 to 4 times this would be more realistic if terrestrial rights were guaranteed. Of course, that statement once again highlights the issue of LightSquared’s own $10B windfall problem which the GPS industry are now making so much of, and makes it harder for the FCC to grant DISH a waiver without some way to recover value for the Treasury. As a result, it is plausible that (with the transfer of control and ATC waiver being processed by the FCC in separate dockets) a ruling on the transfer of control could come ahead of any waiver decision. UPDATE (11/14): A November 9 ex parte filing from DISH appears to confirm that the FCC is concerned about the “windfall” issue and might separate the transfer of control ruling from the waiver requests.
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Home Science Oldest ship bell: Tool Discovered in 15th-Century Shipwreck Oldest ship bell: Tool Discovered in 15th-Century Shipwreck IN 1503, ON THE WAY back from a violent escapade in India, part of Vasco da Gama’s 4th Portuguese India Armada went down in a storm off the coast of what is now Oman. The wreck was discovered more than 20 years ago, but is now being newly recognized for its exceptional assets. Guinness World Records, ever the archaeological authority, has now confirmed that the wreck’s astrolabe and bell—retrieved in 2013 and 2014—are the oldest known examples of either nautical device, after research published yesterday in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology explained the science behind the analysis. Though astrolabes are known from written sources to date to the 6th century—predating da Gama’s Armada by roughly a millenium—few have ultimately survived. “It’s a dream” to recover an astrolabe, especially the oldest ever found, says David L. Mearns, one of the study’s authors and the project director for the wreck’s recovery. The rare artifacts went out of production in the 18th century, he says, and those that were not lost to shipwrecks were likely melted down and repurposed. READ Diesel Vehicle Ban: Four world cities to remove diesel cars by 2025 Astrolabes are used to measure the altitude of an object with respect to the horizon. With a chart of bright stars, it can be used to calculate latitude, or it can be used to measure the height of a mountain. This oldest astrolabe was likely made between 1496 and 1501. The portion recovered from the wreck measures less than seven inches in diameter and weighs less than one pound, and carries Portugal’s royal coat of arms. In a press release, the researchers explained that the object dates to a transitional moment in the tool’s history, and that it combines aspects of the older “planispheric” astrolabes with features of the “open-wheel” astrolabes that were not yet in use. READ Astronauts Traveling to Mars At Risk of 'Space Brain,' finds new research Astrolabes are neat, but you’d be hard-pressed to find one on a boat today. Bells, such as the example found on the da Gama ship, on the other hand, are still common nautical equipment—though mostly decorative today, says Mearns. They’re neither technical marvels nor rare, but bells have also played important roles on ships since the late 15th century, according to the U.S. Navy. That makes this one, cast in 1498, particularly significant. Their primary historical function has been to help sailors on watch duty keep time. Within every four-hour shift, for example, the bell would be rung every 30 minutes to indicate how many half-hours had elapsed. (At the end of a shift, in other words, a bell would be rung eight times.) The Brits, however, had to introduce a seemingly convoluted twist to this exercise after the 1797 Nore Mutiny. The ringing of five bells at 6:30 p.m. had been the sailors’ signal to begin the mutiny, so from then on, British ships rang their bells just once at that point in the watch. READ Fall armyworms, long-time American pest Bells also played vital safety roles, as fire and fog alarms, for instance. And they could lead to trouble: In July 1779, during the American Revolution, an American unit was caught in a Newfoundland fog and overheard enemy bells. Once the fog lifted, the prepared Americans proceeded to capture 10 British ships worth more than a million dollars. Both bells and astrolabes had their limitations, even when they were state-of-the-art. Previous articleMultiple people stabbed at North York banquet hall (Reports) Next articleRemote cape “cleanest air” offers smog respite (Reports) Exploding Star observed by Chinese astronomers over 2,000 years ago NASA Says Aluminum Fraud Caused $700 Million Satellite Failures (Reports)
The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future. After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan. Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan. Lightspeed (2006) Government agent Daniel Leight has his radiation treatments sabotaged. He soon finds that he can now move at super speeds but only by risking metabolic damage which could prove to be fatal. 'Lightspeed' must now use his powers to go after old friend turned terrorist who is now a mutant half-snake called Python. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) The city needs heroes. Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April and her wise-cracking cameraman Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder's diabolical plan. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) The four turtles travel back in time to the days of the legendary and deadly samurai in ancient Japan, where they train to perfect the art of becoming one. The turtles also assist a small village in an uprising. The continued adventures of the four adolescent mutated turtles gifted in the art of the ninja, as they attempt to stop a mysterious evil that threatens to end the world Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) Evil Space Aliens called the Xilians unleashes all the Earth's monsters to lay waste to most of the world's major cities, including Tokyo, New York, Sydney, Shanghai and Paris. It is up to Godzilla and the Earth Defense Force to vanquish the monsters and aliens to rescue the world in the ultimate "Save the Earth" battle. After his career is destroyed, a brilliant but arrogant surgeon gets a new lease on life when a sorcerer takes him under his wing and trains him to defend the world against evil. Ninja Apocalypse (2014) Framed for assassinating the Grandmaster, the Lost Ninja Clan must battle their way up an underground nuclear bunker filled with hordes of supernatural enemies, mutants and flesh eating zombies. Trapped a thousand feet below the earth's crust, these ninjas will face hell. During a space voyage, four scientists are altered by cosmic rays: Reed Richards gains the ability to stretch his body; Sue Storm can become invisible; Johnny Storm controls fire; and Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong … thing. Together, these "Fantastic Four" must now thwart the evil plans of Dr. Doom and save the world from certain destruction. Tank Girl (1995) Based on the British cult comic-strip, our tank-riding anti-heroine fights a mega-corporation, which controls the world's water supply. Dr. Strange (1978) A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past. He dwells in a world of external night, but the blackness is filled with sounds and scents, tastes and textures that most cannot perceive. Although attorney Matt Murdock is blind, his other four senses function with superhuman sharpness. By day, Murdock represents the downtrodden. At night he is Daredevil, a masked vigilante stalking the dark streets of the city, a relentless avenger of justice. Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941) On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon Generation X (1996) A group of young mutants--humans with a genetic variation that gives them superpowers and makes them feared by the population at large--begin training at a school for heroes. Their studies are interrupted when they must rescue one of their number from a mad scientist who can enter others' dreams. Blade: Trinity (2004) For years, Blade has fought against the vampires in the cover of the night. But now, after falling into the crosshairs of the FBI, he is forced out into the daylight, where he is driven to join forces with a clan of human vampire hunters he never knew existed - The Nightstalkers. Together with Abigail and Hannibal, two deftly trained Nightstalkers, Blade follows a trail of blood to the ancient creature that is also hunting him, the original vampire, Dracula. Dr. Stephen Strange embarks on a wondrous journey to the heights of a Tibetan mountain, where he seeks healing at the feet of the mysterious Ancient One. From DC Comics comes the Suicide Squad, an antihero team of incarcerated supervillains who act as deniable assets for the United States government, undertaking high-risk black ops missions in exchange for commuted prison sentences. The Storm Warriors (2009) Wind and Cloud find themselves up against a ruthless Japanese warlord intent on invading China. Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos… but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all. Ghost Rider (2007) In order to save his dying father, young stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze sells his soul to Mephistopheles and sadly parts from the pure-hearted Roxanne Simpson, the love of his life. Years later, Johnny's path crosses again with Roxanne, now a gogetting reporter, and also with Mephistopheles, who offers to release Johnny's soul if Johnny becomes the fabled, fiery Ghost Rider. Peter Parker is going through a major identity crisis. Burned out from being Spider-Man, he decides to shelve his superhero alter ego, which leaves the city suffering in the wake of carnage left by the evil Doc Ock. In the meantime, Parker still can't act on his feelings for Mary Jane Watson, a girl he's loved since childhood. Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance—leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero. Steel of Fire Warriors 2010 A.D. (2008) First the world was normal, everyone was happy. Then, the apocalypse happened and everything changed. Politics failed. Civilization fell into disarray. Out of the muck of this primordial devastation rose the hideous, deformed and evil Mutantzoids destroying everything in sight with their horrible mutant powers and appearances. None would stand in their swath of destruction, with the possible exception of... STEEL OF FIRE WARRIORS 2010 A.D. Written by Kevin Clarke Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003) The twins of Paul "Muad'dib" Atreides become embroiled in the political landscape of Arrakis ("Dune") and the rest of the universe. Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser. Wizards (1977) An ambiguous battle between good and evil wages in a post-apocalyptic earth populated by netherworld creatures who have re-emerged after the nuclear winter. Two wizard twin brothers - the evil Blackwolf and the good Avatar - battle for supremacy. The war turns in Blackwolf's favor when he discovers the methods of warfare used by the ill-fated humans of the past. Howard the Duck (1986) A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam... The Lost Future (2010) A group of post-apocalyptic survivors, struggle to survive in a world where jungles and forests and primeval wetlands and deserts have obliterated civilization. They staunchly face genetically mutating beasts and mysterious diseases in an attempt to re-establish the human race as masters of Earth. Vampire Hunter D (1985) In a far-future time ruled by the supernatural, a young girl requests the help of a vampire hunter to kill the vampire who has bitten her and thus prevent her from becoming a vampire herself. Saint Sinner (2002) In 1815 a monk, Tomas Alcala, unwittingly unleashes two female succubi, Munkar and Nakir, upon an unsuspecting 21st century. He is chosen by God to travel through the centuries and stop the demons' rampage. Earthbound (2013) At eleven years old Joe Norman is told by his dying father that he is an alien hiding on earth. Joe believes him. He grows up to be a die-hard fan-boy working in a comic shop. When he falls for down-to-earth Maria, a fellow sci-fi fan, he is inspired to lead a more normal social existence. Until intergalactic bounty hunters track Joe down at his new office and the couple soon learn the dangerous truth about who Joe really is. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, has come back to life and is headed to the edge of the Earth with brave Will Turner and feisty Elizabeth Swann. And what of Jack Sparrow? Nothing is as it seems. After being bitten by a genetically altered spider, nerdy high school student Peter Parker is endowed with amazing powers. Red Sonja (1985) The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren. She (1982) In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers' quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) After supervillain Shredder escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman and two dimwitted henchmen, Bebop and Rocksteady, to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the world. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang. A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him. Based on the comic by Peter M. Lenkov. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) The Fantastic Four return to the big screen as a new and all powerful enemy threatens the Earth. The seemingly unstoppable 'Silver Surfer', but all is not what it seems and there are old and new enemies that pose a greater threat than the intrepid superheroes realize. The seemingly invincible Spider-Man goes up against an all-new crop of villains -- including the shape-shifting Sandman -- in the third installment of this blockbusting comic book adventure series. While Spidey's superpowers are altered by an alien organism, his alter ego, Peter Parker, deals with nemesis Eddie Brock and gets caught up in a love triangle. When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins! Scientist Bruce Banner scours the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with a new, deadly foe. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) The Turtles and the Shredder battle once again, this time for the last cannister of the ooze that created the Turtles, which Shredder wants to create an army of new mutants. Turtles Forever (2009) Turtles Forever is a made-for-tv animated movie. Produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, the movie teams up different incarnations of the titular heroes—chiefly the light-hearted, child-friendly characters from the 1987 animated series and the darker cast of the 4Kids' own 2003 animated series—in an adventure that spans multiple universes. A quartet of mutated humanoid turtles clash with an uprising criminal gang of ninjas The Terror Within II (1991) In a world gone mad, the last human colony struggles to survive underground, beneath a land of nightmarish mutants who seek to destroy them. But when the mutant breaks inside humanity's final stronghold, the battle for survival pits the human colonists against their deadly invaders miles below the earth's surface. Radioactive Dreams (1986) After an atomic war Phillip Hammer and Marlowe Chandler have spent 15 years on their own in an bunker, stuffed with junk from the 40s and old detective novels. Now, 19 years old, they leave their shelter to find a world full of mutants, freaks and cannibals. They become famous detectives in the struggle for the two keys that could fire the last nuclear weapon. A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires. Predominantly set during World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination. Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004) When scientists discover something in the Arctic that appears to be a buried Pyramid, they send a research team out to investigate. Little do they know that they are about to step into a hunting ground where Aliens are grown as sport for the Predator race. The films sees two of the largest comic and movie franchises collide in an all out war. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming Wolverine. X2: X-Men United (2003) Professor Charles Xavier and his team of genetically gifted superheroes face a rising tide of anti-mutant sentiment led by Col. William Stryker in this sequel to the Marvel Comics-based blockbuster X-Men. Storm, Wolverine and Jean Grey must join their usual nemeses Magneto and Mystique to unhinge Stryker's scheme to exterminate all mutants. When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto. Two mutants, Rogue and Wolverine, come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team, the X-Men, must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers. X-Men: First Class (2011) Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were arch-enemies, they were closest of friends, working together with other mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. The New Mutants (2020) The story of the New Mutants, a team of mutant heroes comprised of the first graduates from Charles Xavier's school.
Tag Archives: Megadeth R.I.P. Former Megadeth Drummer Nick Menza May 23, 2016 Mike No comments Former Megadeth drummer Nick Menza has died at the age of 51 after suffering heart failure onstage Saturday night while performing with his band OHM at Los Angeles club The Baked Potato. The venue itself has confirmed it and Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine tweeted about it. Dave Mustaine said via Twitter: “Tell me this isn’t Metal Review: Megadeth – Dystopia (2015) February 01, 2016 Mike 1 Comment Many a Megadeth fan was skeptical of the release of Megadeth’s latest opus, Dystopia simply for the chaos that the band has recently underwent with line-up changes. One thing that is a constant with Megadeth over the years is that the line-up of the band changes quite often. Every once in a while, they hold Amon Amarth Reveals Details About Upcoming Album Jomsviking January 25, 2016 Mike 1 Comment Swedish melodic death metal giants Amon Amarth have revealed details about their upcoming album, Jomsviking, which will be released on March 25, 2016 via Metal Blade Records. The band’s tenth studio album will feature 11 new tracks, one of which features guest vocalist Doro Pesch. Press release follows: On March 25th, Swedish metal kings Amon Former Dio, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy Bassist Jimmy Bain Passes Away Jimmy Bain, best known for his work with Dio, Rainbow and Thin Lizzy, has passed away at the age of 68 according to his friends. He was most recently involved in the band, Last in Line, which featured fellow Dio alumni Vivian Campbell and Vinny Appice, who will release their debut album, Heavy Crown on Megadeth Streaming Dystopia Title Track Thrash metal legends Megadeth have premiered the title track from their upcoming album Dystopia, which gets released on January 22, 2016. The new album will feature new guitarist Kiko Loureiro (Angra) and touring/session drummer Chris Adler (Lamb of God) after Shawn Drover and Chris Broderick quit Megadeth. Megadeth – Dystopia Please upgrade your browser Megadeth Metal Review: Murashita – Inescapable Damnation (2015) December 15, 2015 Mike No comments Holy shit! That perhaps describes Murashita’s debut opus, Inescapable Damnation, a collection of treats meant to melt the listener’s brain at first listen. As the listener engulfs himself into the songs a little deeper, they just improve. Renowned guitarist Masaki Murashita is the driving force behind Inescapable Damnation, but he has brought an army of Megadeth Streaming The Threat is Real From Dystopia November 28, 2015 Mike 1 Comment Thrash metal legends Megadeth are streaming “The Threat is Real” from their upcoming album Dystopia. The new track will be released on a limited edition 12″ vinyl with the B-side being a cover of Fear’s “Foreign Policy.” The new album will feature new guitarist Kiko Loureiro (Angra) as well as Lamb of God drummer Chris Metal Review: Metal Allegiance – Metal Allegiance (2015) Metal supergroup Metal Allegiance is taking the term supergroup to a new level. What sometimes gets labeled as a supergroup is very loose at times, especially when the term is used to describe a band that has members from bands that we have not heard of before. Metal Allegiance flips that on its head and Megadeth Releases New Single Fatal Illusion Megadeth has promised to return to their thrash metal roots with their upcoming album and this is our first listen to it with their release of “Fatal Illusion.” Their yet untitled 15th studio album is the follow-up to 2013’s Super Collider. “There’s a lot of riffing going on in there, that’s for damn sure,” Dave Is Megadeth Struggling To Stay Relevant? May 05, 2015 Jim Sullivan No comments People can say what they will about the state and direction of the music industry today, but one fact that’s difficult to deny is that an increasingly active market for genre mixing and collaborations is helping numerous artists to stay relevant. For instance, in the past couple of years we’ve seen Paul McCartney team up
Tag Archives: Moribund Records Metal Review: Hiems – Cold Void Journey (The Forsaken Crimes) (2015) Moribund Records has reissued Hiems’ cult-classic debut album, Cold Void Journey, now titularly expanded to Cold Void Journey (The Forsaken Crimes). The reissue will hit shelves on November 20, 2015 and is something that fans have been asking for. In the ten years since its initial release, much has changed about metal, but not the Metal Review: Dodsferd – Wastes of Life (2015) October 14, 2015 Mike 1 Comment Greek depressive black metal band, once a one-man project from Wrath until 2009, has been around for nearly 15 years and has been quite busy over the years. The band has released 8 full-length releases and a slew of splits and EPs. With only a year since their latest release, the band comes at us Metal Review: Hrizg: Individualism (2014) June 19, 2014 Mike No comments One-man black metal band Hrizg is back with the aptly-titled “Individualism.” Erun-Dagoth definitely has his opinions and puts them on display on this album, which is a varied collection of 11 tracks spanning many styles of metal, but heavily drawing upon black metal influences. The album opens with an ambient look into the author with Metal Review: Dodsferd: The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race (2014) February 20, 2014 Mike No comments Moribund Records has set March 18, 2014 as the release date for Dodsferd’s ninth album, “The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race.” The album was released in Europe on December 16, 2013. Dodsferd mainman Wrath is a passionate character to say the least and his passion is evident on every release. Their latest release is Metal Review: Vardan: The Wood is My Coffin (2014) With the Internet being so easily accessible and useful for musicians, solo projects are becoming much more the norm these days, especially within the black metal landscape. While this leads us to more failed attempts than successful ones, there are still a few very interesting projects out there that excite me in the black metal
Witnify » Dwight D. Eisenhower [Text] Eisenhower’s Message to Normandy Invaders By Virginia Choi • May 22, 2014 Uncategorized After hearing that decent weather may take place on the coasts of Normandy on June 6, 1944, Dwight D. Eisenhower–Supreme Commander of Allied Expeditionary Forces during World War II and future U.S. President–made the momentous choice to begin the Allied Forces advance into Europe on June 5. This invasion was called Operation Overlord and on that evening of June 5, Eisenhower composed the following message to be given to the soldiers the next day as D-Day began. He wrote: “We will accept nothing less than full Victory!”–Read the full statement below: Eisenhower’s message to Normandy invaders. (June 1944). Source: World War II Database. Submitted by: Virginia Choi More Dwight D. Eisenhower Stories - Total: Tagged Dwight D. Eisenhower, Invasion of Normandy, Normandy Invasion - U.S.A., Normandy Landings, Politics and History, World War II. « Katherine Jackson: ‘He’s the Only One That Can’t Come Back’ Medal of Honor Winner Remembers Korean War » Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower (pronounced , ; October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961. He was a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe; he had responsibility for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch in 1942–43 and the successful invasion of France and Germany in 1944–45 from the Western Front.
Shane Filan’s “Back to you” music video: Watch now Shane Filan has announced a Deluxe Edition of his third solo album “Love always”. The Deluxe Edition, which is out in May, will add seven tracks to the original 12-track edition, including two new tracks, a special duet with Indonesian pop star Anggun in Lady Antebellum’s hit song “Need you now” and several other tracks live version. New single is “Back to you”. About it, Shane said: “Back to you is a song I am very close to. The track is about being on the road the whole time and being separated from those you love. You do it because it’s part of the job but you realise how much you miss the family”. “We filmed a really cool video in Galway (Ireland) and my daughter Nicole is the star of it. She loves acting and I was lucky enough to give her that first break – she was a natural!” he added. “Love always” was released in August last year and has so far peaked at number 5 in the UK. Recently Shane’s ex bandmates are reportedly in talks to reform Westlife for an appearance on South Korean TV show “Immortal song”. The show has a competition-style format and it features a celebrity guest musician, usually a K-pop singer, and a selection of amateur singers who sing the guest’s songs. Westlife formed in 1998. Throughout their incredibly successful career, they released ten albums producing 14 number-one singles in the UK. 1. This I Promise You 2. Don’t Dream It’s Over 3. Make You Feel My Love 4. Beautiful In White 5. Need You Now 6. Heaven 7. Completely 8. Unbreakable 9. Eyes Don’t Lie 10. I Can’t Make You Love Me 11. Crazy Over You 12. Eternal Flame 13. Need You Know ft. Anggun 15. Girl In My Heart 16. Heaven (Live In Glasgow) 17. I Can’t Make You Love Me (Live In London) 18. This I Promise You (Live In Belfast) 19. You Raise Me Up (Live In Dublin) Shane Filan – This I promise you (new video) Shane Filan releases “Beautiful in white” music video on his birthday Shane Filan arrives in Asia to promote his album “Love always” Anggun – Face au vent (new video) By allaroundnewmusic|2018-11-03T09:27:29+00:00April 8th, 2018|NEW VIDEOS|0 Comments
I Think It's Folly Susan Sontag in conversation with Kurt Andersen on Studio 360 (2.15.03) on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Kurt Andersen: I looked back before this program to read a piece you wrote in the New York Times Magazine a few years ago about Bosnia and the Balkans that was an absolutely spot-on, it seemed to me, critique of European in action and kind of - a kind of taken for granted European anti-Americanism, and as part of your argument for the need for us to intervene militarily. Does it strike you not as a contradiction at all, your feelings about that war and what I presume are your feelings about this war that we're about to be involved in, but perhaps I'm presuming too far. Susan Sontag: Well, I think unfortunately, we are going to wage this war. We didn't move - our government didn't move 100,000 troops and all that material to Iraq to back off. This is a tough question, and one I think about a lot, I'm not against the proper use of American power. I'm absolutely for the intervention in Bosnia, I wish it had happened a lot earlier and I wish it had amounted to something. I'm for and continue to be for the intervention in Kosovo, even though I deplore the way in which it was pursued, which incurred a lot of unnecessary civilian deaths from American bombing. I wish that the Americans had intervened in Rwanda, which I think is the most single horrible thing that's happened anywhere in the past decades. I am against the punitive pre-emptive war in Iraq because I think it's folly. I think it won't accomplish what it's designed to accomplish. I think it is the wrong way to deal with this monstrous dictator, whose overthrow I ardently look forward to. KA: But why was it right in Slobodan Milosevic's case and not here? SS: Because it was bound to do what it could do at a very minimal cost of life. And this is opening a can of worms, a Pandora's box that will destabilize the whole region, that involves an imperial ambition that I don't think we're prepared to carry through. We may be prepared to kill a lot of people, civilians in Baghdad, I'm not sure we're prepared to rule the Middle East yet. KA: Although we don't want to kill civilians in Baghdad. SS: No, but if we decide to pursue a war in which the presumption is we will take ideally no casualties, then we will have to bomb. And I think it's folly, I think it's mad, I think it's dangerous. KA: So you don't think there's a high possibility, or any possibility that you will be proven wrong by how the war goes? SS: I pray to be proven wrong, but I don't believe it. I think it's much more dangerous and much more reckless. I'm against it for practical and political reasons. I'm not against it because it's a use of American power. KA: In this time of war and rumors of war and imminent war perhaps, are there works of art that we should go to for explanation, illumination, solace? SS: Well, I talked before about art as a platform for moral consciousness. What finally matters to me about the arts, whether it's literature or film or other dramatic arts or music or dance, is the way it deepens us, the way it extends our feelings, and tenderness and compassion and the ability just to recognize everyone's humanity, because in the end, the most important thing is that we are all human beings, including the people that commit these wicked acts. Newer PostToo Much Thinkin' Older PostThe Perfect Acting Partner
Insects - Bumblebees Bumblebees are a bee in the genus Bombus, in the Apidae family. They live mostly in areas with high altitudes in the northern hemisphere, but there are a few species in South America, and though not native to the area, some species are now found in New Zealand and Tasmania. There are over 250 known species of bumblebees. They are different from honeybees in that they have rounder bodies and are covered with fuzzy looking hair called pile. Like many kinds of bees, bumblebees have black and either yellow, red, or white stripes. Don Hutson - One of Football's Greatest Don Hutson, the man with the hands that could catch any ball. The man was the flash in the blink of an eye as he passed opponents with his then newly developed pass routes. No one dared blink while Hutson was on the field, lest they lose the game. Hutson was the first to be consid-ered the modern wide receiver for his invention of modern pass routes that are still widely used today. And even though today Hutson is heralded to as a legendary player, in the beginning many NFL teams had their doubts about because of his size and thin appearance. He was 6-1 and weighed only 183 pounds. He looked fragile and didn’t give an intimidating aura, but those doubts would soon be crushed. Bob Pettit - One of Basketball's Greatest On December 12, 1932 in the midst of the greatest financial crisis in history, Bob Pettit entered this world. Pettit was reared in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As a youth with a passion, he tried out for his high school’s basketball team as a freshman only to receive the disappointing news that he would not be joining the squad that year. Discouraged, he was forced to wait another year to get another shot at donning a Baton Rouge High jersey. As a sophomore, Pettit again showed up to the basketball tryouts. His second attempt at the basketball team reopened his wound as he was cut from the team once again. John Adams - President John Adams’s ancestors were Puritans, members of a religious group that fled England to have a chance to practice their own faith. They believed in being a “city on a hill,” or an example to people around them. John Adams, who was born as the oldest of three sons in the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1735, would inherit this legacy and serve as an example for many citizens of the United States. Batman - One of the Greatest Movies This film series is based on the DC Comics character, Batman. The storyline, written by David Goyer, drew its inspiration mostly from the comic books stories The Man Who Falls, Batman: Year One, and Batman: The Long Halloween. The films were directed by Christopher Nolan and starred Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne. Nolan ultimately chose Bale because, “He ha[d] exactly the balance of darkness and light that we were looking for.” This was important as the actor conceptualized the part in four separate personalities. He wanted to portray the angry Batman persona, along with the shallow playboy, the young man seeking revenge, and the older, more complicated Bruce Wayne trying to find his purpose in life. The first film received critical acclaim and much of its success was attributed to its more realistic and darker tone in contrast to previous Batman films. The Grateful Dead - One of Rock's Greatest Success does not have to be measured with number one hits, or even numerous album releases (although they did manage to sell 35 million albums, worldwide). In the case of the Grateful Dead, the success came from the adoration of their fans, and the band’s unique sound. The fans named their community the Deadheads and in doing so, they brought a lot of different people together to celebrate music that they all enjoyed. The Grateful Dead stand out from any other band with their unique style of music, which combined what is known as psychedelic rock, with blues, country, reggae, jazz and folk music into a sound all their own. A.T. Stewart - One of the Wealthiest When a baby is born, the baby will be surrounded by all of its family members full of smiles on their faces no matter what the baby does. It is a very pure beginning moment of a person’s life. Alexander Turney Stewart (A.T. Stewart) was born into a great caring family in Lisburn, Ireland on October 12, 1803. His Scottish Protestant parents were smiling at Stewart’s face. For A.T. Stewart, the smiling should have lasted on his face for a long time. However, Three weeks after his birth, Stewart’s father died of tuberculosis. One can only imagine how many different emotions his wife had to deal with at that the time with a new baby boy--unaware of the tragedy—that would never be able to call out to his dad. This would not be thought to be a great way to begin one’s life, but anything can happen in life and one can never know how a story might end. Indeed, A.T. Stewart became a successful Irish entrepreneur amassing a multi-million dollar fortune from running the most extensive and lucrative dry goods business in the world to date. Walter Johnson - One of Baseball's Greatest Walter Perry Johnson, commonly referred to as “Big Train” for his large stature and fast pitches, was born as the second of six children to Frank and Minnie Johnson on November 6, 1887 in Humboldt, Kansas. His childhood years were spent in rural isolation on his family farm. He found that living in the country away from the hubbub of city life he was able to learn more about himself. He liked the solitude of country living so much that in between baseball seasons he and his wife Hazel would return to their own working farm in Coffeyville, Kansas. Sports - Hockey Games using a stick and a ball have been enjoyed by people for thousands of years. However, finding that sort of recreation in cold, icy climates can be difficult for anyone. Being limited by temperature, people began to play versions of field hockey in the fields of European countries. Later, when British soldiers settled in areas of Canada, they adapted their form of field hockey to be played on the ice and snow that was so prevalent in the colder areas of the country. Since the introduction of ice hockey, the sport’s popularity has thrived in North American countries (Particularly Canada and the United States), and is now a part of the winter Olympics. The following are 6 lessons we can take from ice hockey and apply to business: Claude Monet - One of the Greatest Artists Claude Monet was one of the most influential painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in Paris in 1840, Monet studied art at an early age. He started creating caricatures of local figures and politicians and selling them when he was 10. He began taking private art lessons with Eugène Boudin, studying oil painting and plein air techniques. Monet spent a great deal of time on the beaches of Normandy, painting and experimenting with different techniques. It was here that he met and befriended fellow artists including Édouard Manet, who would go on to become an influential artist in his own right. Monet has often been credited with founding the Impressionist movement, however, there were several artists exploring this technique. Monet created the painting that gave the technique its name. Impression, Sunrise was the title of a painting in a Paris exhibit that was reviewed by art critic Louis Leroy. Leroy was not a fan of the work and wrote a scathing review of the exhibition, calling the Impressionist work “more unfinished than embryonic wallpaper”.
Could Brooklyn’s Newest DIY Venue Be The Next 285 Kent? 11.21.14. 12:32pm Stuart Solomon (Photo: Nicole Disser) Getting to Aviv isn’t exactly a challenge, but on a cold, windy November day the trek from the L train is just far enough to be a bother. After exiting the Graham stop and heading east, you end up in a warehouse zone. Local attractions include International Trad Company (sic), rusty razor blades scattered on the sidewalk, the smell of paint thinner, a tiny Vietnamese restaurant, and herds of large, hungry cats I do not recommend trying to pet. “What neighborhood is this even?” I asked Stuart Solomon, one of the three organizers of Aviv, Brooklyn’s newest DIY venue that sits on a stretch of Morgan. “It’s actually Greenpoint,” he said. In light of the massive lines for the last Death By Audio shows, the relative isolation (I mean, if you’re a total BB) of the newest DIY venue to pop up in Brooklyn (so new it hasn’t even had its first show, which happens tonight by the way) is welcoming. Palisades (which Stuart explained “isn’t really DIY,”) is right under the J train and feels anything but clandestine, especially when crowds spill out onto the busy street in between sets and just sort of blend in to the chaos of Broadway. And without real neighbors, or at least ones that stick around at night for sleeping and stuff, Aviv is much better off than Solomon’s former venue, the now defunct Emet, which used to be on Stewart Avenue in Bushwick. Yeah, it was another industrial zone of Brooklyn, but things were starting to get busy over there. “In the last five months we were hitting capacity at every show,” Stuart explained. “It fit about 100 people, and that was pushing it.” But it wasn’t a desire to get away from the crowds that brought Stuart and his partners Olivia Russin and Zack Wheeler out to Greenpoint. “We did that for about a year,” he said, before they lost the space to landlord troubles. By the end of August, they’d taken everything apart and started looking for a new space. Finally in November, they’d found one. We don’t have snapshots of the interior, because as of Thursday afternoon, the Aviv crew were still pulling things together. “But that’s ok, I think people will be excited to be in a place that’s a little bit raw.” The owners were apparently bringing in “some very young and extremely talented artists” to throw up some murals yesterday—something that Stuart admits he wasn’t that into at first. “It’s such a signifier of the old DIY thing,” he said. But they decided to go with it, opting for some kind of art on the walls rather than blank space. “When we got here the infrastructure was a thousand times more fucked up than we were led to believe,” he said. “But it’s been an amazing transformation.” The three had to fix a bunch of daunting problems, including electrical wiring and plumbing problems to get the place ready for shows. But the result is a much bigger venue than their old spot. Aviv is cavernous, and so deceptively large. “Right now, this is the biggest DIY venue in Brooklyn,” Stuart said. Wait, really? With Death By Audio closing its doors, there are really only a few true DIY spots left in the borough and according to Stuart, Aviv wins out capacity-wise. “We’re guessing it can hold around 300 people,” he said. The larger space has also inspired the operators to book touring bands and acts that might draw a larger crowd. “This is definitely a new chapter for us,” he said. Though Stuart is into “stuff that was going on in New York 6 or 7 years ago—more experimental punk and indie rock,” so far Aviv has booked mostly indie rock and indie pop bands. Though this isn’t exactly the case for the first show, which features a handful of “not particularly big bands” but a little weirder than, say, indie pop—Shadow Walker, Turnip King, Painted Zeros, and a band from Detroit, Ritual Howls. “We thought it was going to be just friends,” Stuart said. “So we planned a family show.” However all signs point to the first show being a big one– a write up at Brooklyn Vegan, more than 200 RSVPs on Facebook, but Stuart seemed happy that the space is “getting so much attention.” He was insistent that Aviv is excited to welcome people into the space beyond the organizers’ immediate scene. Stuart, at just 23, comes off as somewhat of a lifer. He’s only been in New York City for six years (he moved here to go to Pratt by way of Berkeley, California; Oliva and Zack are also from the west coast), but he seems to know the ins and outs of underground music in Brooklyn pretty well. “There seems to be a lot of bad blood in the DIY scene. A lot of people hate each other and there’s always a sense you’re not welcome in some places. A lot of venues make you feel like you don’t belong,” he complained. “We don’t want any part in that at all,” he said. “The beef is absurd, everyone is busting their ass for no real financial gain only because they love this. And if you have the wherewithal to find out what’s going on, you’re welcome to come. If you pass that test, come and hang out.” But there are some things Stuart acknowledges he can’t change. I asked him if Aviv’s timing was intentional; it’s hard not to notice that their first show falls on the same weekend as DBA’s last. He said that it wasn’t, and he was disappointed to be missing out on the final shows this week, and though he didn’t plan for it, he’s not surprised to see DBA close. “There’s a reason all the DIY venues are closing,” he said. Gentrification? Landlords looking to cash in wealthy newcomers? Well, that’s part of it. “People realize they can just treat artists like shit and kick them out and build condos,” he said. “And there’s a shift in the type of person that moves to New York. Before it was acknowledged that it was a shit place to live. Now people are moving in from the suburbs and they’re expecting to maintain that same lifestyle.” Stuart said this leads to more people calling 311 and lower tolerance for DIY spaces and loud music, even loud noise in general. Basically, the city has changed. “It’s possible that this place could last a month or it could last several years, it could be the next 285 Kent” he said. “Either way, we’re prepared.” Follow Nicole Disser on Twitter @mlledisser Death of Death By Audio DIY venues Previous articleMovers, Not Shakers! Announces More Eco-Friendly Ways to Help With Your Move Next articleNYPD Officer Kills Unarmed Brooklyn Man
Home The Arts Books Interview with 2018 NBCC Poetry Award Finalist Ana Ristović Interview with 2018 NBCC Poetry Award Finalist Ana Ristović The New School's Annakeara Stinson interviews 2018 NBCC Poetry Award Finalist Ana Ristović about her collection, Directions For Use Annakeara Stinson For the past four years, the National Book Critics Circle has partnered with The New School’s MFA Creative Writing program, allowing the students to interview each of the NBCC Awards Finalists. In addition to building excitement for the Awards Finalist Reading and Ceremony held at the New School March 14th-15th, these interviews have built an intergenerational bridge between the writers of today and tomorrow. This year, as part of the ongoing collaboration, and in support of the NBCC’s conversation about reading, criticism, and literature that extends from the local to the national, Brooklyn Magazine will publish and promote the interviews between NBCC Finalists and the current students of The New School. The Serbian poet Ana Ristović’s poetry is unusually alive, mainly because it feels as though she herself is buzzing inside of each line. Her poems are erotic, effervescent, and hyper articulate. They light up and give life to parts of existence writers often forget to make room for on the page. The smallest of passing thoughts, very mundane circumstances, and everyday objects like the drain of a hotel sink or “the sensual leftovers of last night’s dinner” are just as important as big questions and big feelings. Her poems only get richer and more oddly shaped the more times they are read. In her poetry collection Directions For Use, Ristovic gives the reader permission by example to go slow, live deeper, and to look at what surrounds you, to feel what’s inside of you, and realize that all of it is poetry. Your poems have the tendency to make anything alive and sensual, whether it’s a dream or a radish, or the line of a poem itself. This fantastical element adds a lightness and at times a comic tone to your work that makes the poems delightful to read, but there is always something heavier bubbling beneath the surface. I’m thinking of poems like “History” (A century sits in the lap of a sculpture/pees on itself/morphs into a fountain/for a decade and drinks from it…) or “Snow In Your Shoes.” Can you talk about how you weave light and dark together? How can you comprehend the light, without ever seeing the shadow? Only in the presence of shadow, that dark curtain, we are aware of the presence of light. Poetry goes hand in hand with troubles and not so pleasurable emotions. They are very much like a couple in an open relationship. They do not put too much pressure on each other, they don’t ask for each other at any cause, they don’t always end up in the same bed. People usually assume they are in a relationship, although they would prefer for that not to happen. They spend their holidays separately, carrying pieces of hope in their pockets. Poetry is a window which, having a goal to transpose every emotion, including pain, requires a clear view towards inside, even if it is directed toward outside. Poetry does not exist in order to ensure comfort. It transforms the poet’s emotions into universal treasures. On the other hand, it seems to me that the ability to clearly express complex meanings—is the way to clarity and simplicity. It is not easy. Write about complex matters, write, if you want about the cosmos, but in a simple way, so that the planet that you are describing, or thinking about is equal to the orange in your pocket you’ll later peel. For when we think about it: in one ordinary orange a planet is hiding, and in one ordinary orange is a planet, too. There is a lot of sexuality and physicality in your poems, specifically female sexuality. It feels both empowering and lonely at the same time, in poems like “The Body” and “Circling Zero.” This is a big question, but what is the relationship between sex and poetry for you? Or even just the physical body and poetry? We live in a time of general obsession with corporeality, youth and happiness. Everything is subjected to reparation. Plastic surgeons and masters of Botox are fixing our bodies to eliminate any sign of aging, and life coaches are teaching us how to stay happy 24/7. Sometimes sexuality was a taboo, but today the biggest taboo is to admit that you’re unhappy, to admit your sorrow, or to admit that you don’t care at all about your body. Imperative of happiness and eternal youth rules everywhere. Love yourself, smile!—that is the message that we receive from all those tech screens to which we are constantly surrounded. The body in my poetry, like sexuality, and many other things is subjected to irony. In my poem, “The Body” I write: “Twenty years ago, I imagined / passersby on the street naked / stripping their clothes like a breeze and chuckled at them / walking unaware of what I saw: / plenty of sparkling bodies in their imperfections and glory./ Today, I no longer see naked bodies,/ but their internals organs…” I don’t know what the connection between sexuality and poetry is, perhaps the only answer is, that when you write a poem, you’re feeling the orgasm, the inner climax, a climax of the soul. To me, the central questions or themes that repeat through the collection are searching for meaning in and connection to your surroundings (be it a stork you see, the city you’re in, the food you’re cooking, or your own body), and how we project our interior, emotional lives onto our landscapes. What do you feel was the dominant theme (or themes) that kept coming up for you as you were writing the collection? I am a fan of details, unusual combinations of pictures, a world of so many little things, trifles, usually unobserved by the eye which is looking only for the so-called “big and important things.” If you are a good observer, you will find the beauty of little things without missing the big picture. For example: for one of poems from my book Meteoric Waste, I have found inspiration while ironing. One Sunday evening, I had to tackle a big pile of ironing. As I ironed, I found a plaid handkerchief, which made me wonder where to put it after all, such a rarity, whether in the linen closet or the dresser. That is how I wrote the poem about the handkerchief, which could be a poem about the heart. At the same time, it is also about poetry today, which is more than ever, just a cotton handkerchief in the paper world of fast-food prose products, which serves a short-lived purpose: to be quickly used and shortly forgotten. I strongly believe that if you wish to transform grief or any other kind of intimate emotion into poetry, you are obliged to be extremely careful in order to avoid banalities or pathos. One needs a distance. The word fear comes up in the subtitle of ten poems. Does fear compel you to write? My entire book Round Zero (the book of selected poems translated in English Directions For Use includes only few poems from Round Zero) have different kind of fears as subtitles. These are the fears of all of us, unusual fears, about which we don’t usually talk about. For example: the fear of computers, probably the fear which elderly persons have faced sometimes, or fear of nature, which we unconsciously feel when we spend some time out there, and then we realize we can’t embrace nature, or even bear it. There are many of these fears in this book of poems, and the book alone represents a true little breviary of our everyday anxieties. On the other hand, fear has always been interesting to me, the way it is transmitted to us, or better said, what is it that causes fear in us? As a child I used to love watching series, The Twilight Zone, and as much as those short episodes scared me, they also attracted me deeply. However, a person is in fact most afraid of their own face. Can you describe a little about the God you mention in your poems like “Black Radish“ and “Hitchhiking“? To be quite frank, I have to admit something: the hardest thing for a poet or a writer is to interpret his own poetics. It’s some kind of betrayal of yourself. And to be even more frank, I believe that we poets and writers, in interviews that we give, tell big lies when we’re asked to answer questions about our poetics, and about those things we do. And every answer in the sense of some interpretation is a pure writer’s lie. Most of the things in poetry arises unconsciously, without any rational reason, and every additional interpretation given by the author is an attempt to stay on top of the task that has been given by the interview. And for that matter, I have to say that I don’t know how God got here in those poems. He just appeared. Can you speak about the poem, Directions For Use, and why you chose it also as the title for the book? Directions For Use is a somewhat ironic title of the poem from my first book Dreamwater, in which I actually write about my own views on poetry, about what poetry is and how it came to existence. The title of the book that was published in the USA was selected by my publisher, who borrowed it from the aforementioned poem. Today we live as slaves of the objects who just seemingly ease our existence, just seem to be allowing us to complete some things faster, but actually they bind us to themselves. Each one of those objects has their own “Directions For Use.” The only thing that we forget more and more is how to read poetry and why that is important. Why poetry is necessary in our dull lives. Your father was a poet, and in your last poem, called “Dad (fear of not being seen)” you write, “Like a sharp feather, a perfect rose,/ budding light and the first betrayal / of the found word.” What was it like, growing up in the midst of poetry? How did it affect the development of your own voice? As the daughter of the renowned Serbian poet, Aleksandar Ristović (Devil’s Lunch, translated into English by Charles Simic, Faber & Faber, 1999, and Some Other Wine and Light, Charioteer Press, 1989), I was fortunate to be able to absorb a wide range of poetry since childhood. My father, unfortunately, passed away in 1994, a few months before my first book of poetry, Dreamwater, was published. From my early childhood, I smelt the scent of books all around me in our house. My father was an editor in renewed Serbian publishing house “Nolit,” and he always brought me new books. When I became a little bit older, I used to ask him for an advice on what to read, and he taught me that it’s useful to read a variety of books. Together we discovered new titles and authors. I remember how we once sat and talked about the new issue of one literary magazine in which a story was published by American author Raymond Carver. We were fascinated. After that, he bought me his selection of short stories. My father began to learn English independently in his sixth decade, to be able to read some of his favorite authors in the original language. On one occasion, he gave me the book of American underground poetry, whose title was Fuck You. He gave me the book with a smile on his face and said: “The title does not apply to you.” He was one of those poets who lived through their poetry. There was nothing false in his attitude towards the world, towards himself, and his own writings. I will consider myself successful if I manage to preserve such sincere attitude towards myself and every word that I write down, and every step that I make in life. Ana Ristović National Book Critics Circle NBCC NBCC Awards Previous articleInterview with 2018 NBCC Criticism Award Finalist Carina Chocano Next articleStyles & Profiles: “We Be Free” with Darnell L. Moore Annakeara is a writer based in Brooklyn.
New Abolitionists Radio: Celebrate Junteenth But Keep In Mind The Contradiction Of The 13th staff 06/13/2018 No Comments 13th Amendmenthuman traffickingprison slaveryslavery Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:54:16 — 52.3MB) | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | RSS | More Today is the June 13th, 2018 broadcast of New Abolitionists Radio. On and near this day in history. • On June 13th, 1967. President Lyndon Johnson appointed U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Thurgood Marshall to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Associate Justice Tom C. Clark. On August 30, after a heated debate, the Senate confirmed Marshall’s nomination by a vote of 69 to 11. Two days later, he was sworn in by Chief Justice Earl Warren, making him the first African American in history to sit on America’s highest court. The great-grandson of slaves, Marshall was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1908. In 1933, after studying under the tutelage of civil liberties lawyer Charles H. Houston, he received his law degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C. In 1936, he joined the legal division of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), of which Houston was a director, and two years later succeeded his mentor in the organization’s top legal post. It should be noted with shame and sadness that Thurgood Marshall Jr., the son of late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall served 15 years on the Corecivic Inc (NYSE: CXW) Board of Trustees. The largest private prison company in the world. • On June 12th, Medgar Evers, civil rights activist, was assassinated. 1926-1963. In 1954, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education to end segregation in schools, Medgar Evers was an insurance salesman and an activist with the Regional Council of Negro Leadership in Mississippi. He submitted an application to the University of Mississippi Law School, which was rejected. The NAACP named Evers its first state field secretary in Mississippi, where he played an integral role in the civil rights movement — organizing investigations into crimes against blacks (such as the murder of Emmett Till), demonstrations (including “wade-ins” at Biloxi’s segregated beaches), and boycotts of companies that discriminated. Evers’ family was often targeted by segregationists, and in 1963 a firebomb destroyed his house. Later that year he was shot and killed in his own driveway. A sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II, Evers was buried in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gained support from national outrage over Evers’ murder. Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the racist White Citizens’ Council, was tried twice for Evers’ murder; two all-white juries returned deadlocked verdicts. De La Beckwith was tried a third time three decades later, in 1994, and found guilty. In direct action news. • We want to continue to remind you about a Call for a #Juneteenth 2018 Mobilization Against Prison Slavery from SPARC This year. Supporters of#OperationPUSH, are calling on all opponents of mass incarceration and modern-day slavery internationally to honor the Juneteenth holiday (Next week. Tuesday, June 19,) with community organizing and direct action. • Another reminder. A NATIONWIDE prison slave labor work strike is being called for on August 21st through September 9th. If you know someone inside, tell them what’s going on. • And finally, the RIGHT 2 VOTE CAMPAIGN Needs your support. It is a nationwide campaign being initiated by people currently confined in the United States. This campaign grew out of the August 21 National Prison Strike Demands, specifical,ly point #10: The voting rights of all confined citizens serving prison sentences, pretrial detainees, and so-called “ex-felons” must be counted. Representation is demanded. • Our abolitionist in profile is Maria Stewart. (1803 – December 17, 1879) One of her era’s most effective anti-slavery voices, breaking boundaries for women even as she advocated for an end to a brutal institution. She was an American domestic servant who became a teacher, journalist, lecturer, abolitionist, and women’s rights activist. • Our Riders of the 21st-century Underground Railroad are Anthony Jakes and Robert Bouto. They spent 45 years in prison combined, serving their full sentences before having their convictions vacated in April of 2018. • We have no guests tonight, so well cover the information, paint the pictures from the perspectives of slavery abolitionists, and try and make sense of it all. As always, our list of stories and articles exceeds our allotted time. Be sure to follow the information we provide on our FB page at New Abolitionists radio so you can see it in real time as we talk about the stories. Also, remember to support our efforts by joining us as a member at You’ll find the links for today’s program on our Abolitionists Planning Page. WordPress Anti Spam by WP-SpamShield Previous Previous post: Grenfell Tower one year on: Going Underground at ground zero Next Next post: Mind, Body & Spirit: How 2 Escape Wage Slavery & Sacral Chakra Healing Part 3
Barbara Jon Yakle Name Barbara Jon Yakle [1, 2, 3] Born 17 Jun 1934 rural Des Moines County, Iowa [2, 3, 4, 5] Education Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa [3] Iowa Wesleyan College High School Abt 1952 Morning Sun, Louisa County, Iowa [3] Morning Sun High School Residence Mar 1953 Wapello, Louisa County, Iowa [6] Residence Jul 1965 Morning Sun, Louisa County, Iowa [7] Residence Feb 2003 Morning Sun, Louisa County, Iowa [1] Died 16 Nov 2011 Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa [3, 5, 8] Obituary 18 Nov 2011 Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa [3] Barbara Jon Hewitt, age 77, of Morning Sun, Iowa, died Wednesday evening, November 16, 2011, at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City. The daughter of Daniel McKay "Mac" and Mabel Margaret Odle Yakle, she was born on June 17, 1934, in rural Des Moines County, Iowa. Barbara married Loyal D. Hewitt on March 21, 1952, in rural Grandview. She attended Wapello schools and graduated from Morning Sun High School. She received her BA degree in education from Iowa Wesleyan College in Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Hewitt taught English in the Mediapolis School District for a few years and then taught at Morning Sun School District in the Junior High and concluded in the 6th grade, retiring with 30 years of educating. She was a member of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Wapello. She enjoyed reading and documenting the Bible. She enjoyed boating and the family time at Lake Odessa and also enjoyed cooking and her family. She is survived by her husband, Loyal; a son, Kim & Sandy Hewitt of Morning Sun; two grandchildren, Gabe & Christina Hewitt and Danielle & Scott Beik; three great grandsons, Hunter and Isaac Hewitt, and Garrett Beik; four sisters, Janelle & Wayne Buster and Beverly & Paul Stineman both of Grandview, Kay Wiele of Mt. Pleasant, and Mackie Krahl of Wapello; and a brother, Danny & Catherine Yakle of Wapello. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters, Dorothea Harris Robb and Alliene "Sis" Cutkomp; and a brother, Jarrett "Bud" Yakle. The funeral ceremony for Barbara Hewitt will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 20, 2011, at the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Wapello, with Pastor Dan Doolin officiating. Burial will follow at the Elmwood Cemetery in Morning Sun. The family and friends will gather for a time of fellowship at the Solid Rock Baptist Church after the burial. Friends may call from noon to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday at the Dudgeon-McCulley Funeral Home in Wapello, where the family will meet friends from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. A Memorial Fund has been established for the Morning Sun Community Ambulance Service and the Solid Rock Baptist Church. Social Security Administration Information Name: Barbara Y. Hewitt; Born: 17 June 1934; Died: 16 November 2011; State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (Before 1951) Buried 20 Nov 2011 Elmwood Cemetery, Morning Sun Township, Louisa County, Iowa [3] Person ID I24012 All Families Father Daniel McKay "Mac" Yakle, Sr., b. 4 Feb 1895, near Wapello, Louisa County, Iowa , d. 6 Mar 1953, Memorial Hospital, Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa Mother Mabel Margaret Odle, b. 16 Jun 1897, Louisa County, Iowa , d. 3 Sep 1965, Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa Married 7 Mar 1916 [6] Family Loyal D. Hewitt, b. 12 Jun 1933, Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa , d. 18 Aug 2013, Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa Married 21 Mar 1952 Grandview, Louisa County, Iowa [3, 8] There was one son from this marriage. U.S. Public Records Index Name: Loyal D. Hewitt; Birth Date: 12 June 1933; Address: 107 NW Thid, Morning Sun, Iowa, 52640 (1996); [P.O. Box 98, Morning Sun, Iowa, 52640-0098 (1993)] Name: Barbara J. Hewitt; Birth Date: 17 June 1934; [12 June 1933]; Address: P.O. Box 98, Morning Sun, Iowa, 52640-0098 (1993) [S3223] Robb, Dorothea McKay (Yakle/Harris) - Obituary, (originally published in the online edition of The Hawk Eye, February 3, 2000; Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa) (Reliability: 3). [S71] U.S. Public Records Index ( (Reliability: 3). [S3500] Hewitt, Barbara Jon (Yakle) - Obituary, (originally published in the online edition of The Hawk Eye, November 18, 2011; Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa) (Reliability: 3). [S3963] Birth Database (Reliability: 3). [S776] Social Security Death Index (Reliability: 3). [S3499] Yakle, Daniel McKay "Mac" (Sr.) - Obituary, (originally published in The Burlington Hawk-Eye Gazette, page 9, March 7, 1953; Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa) (Reliability: 3). [S10625] Yakle, Mabel Margaret (Odle) - Obituary, (originally published in The Muscatine Journal, page 3, September 7, 1965; Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa) (Reliability: 3). [S12824] Hewitt, Loyal D. - Obituary, (originally published in the online edition of The Hawk Eye, August 20, 2013; Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa) (Reliability: 3).
On the Thought to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity By Chen Jimin To build a community with a shared future for humanity is the strategic thought China has proposed in the 21st century, concerning the trend of international relations and the development direction for the human society in the future. This thought is proposed on the basis of a calm evaluation of the opportunities and challenges currently facing the international community, a deep grasp of the major features of the contemporary age, and an objective summary of the development experiences and lessons from human history. The thought on building a community with shared future for humanity is an important component of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, providing guidance not only for China’s domestic political, economic and social development, but also for the formulation and implementation of China’s international strategy. I.The Historical Background for Proposing the Thought on Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity and Its Major Connotation To understand the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity, we must make clear the historical background that gives birth to this thought. First, global interdependency has made the future of humanity inextricably linked. A high degree of interdependence is one of the chief features of the current age, which manifests itself in three aspects: A. Interdependence in development. Presently, the development opportunities and prospects of allcountries in the world are correlated, and no country can achieve development without getting involved with other countries in the world. B. Coexistence of risks and challenges. The transnational and linkage nature of risks and challenges has determined that no country in the contemporary world can cope with the challenges facing mankind alone, and all countries of the world need to jointly face the challenges as well as safeguard and promote the world peace and development in a responsible spirit. C. Mutual blending of topics for discussion. In the world today, the boundary is blurring in topics for discussion in political, economic, security, cultural and S&T fields, while their mutual blending and interchangeability have been enhanced, easily giving rise to “resonance effect”. Second, the global governance system calls for transformation and development. The current global governance system is based on a series of international mechanisms, norms, rules and models established under the dominance of the Western countries in the wake of the Second World War. However, with the change of times, the existing international mechanisms have exposed major defects, as international power allocation has changed and global challenges are getting severe, which are seen mainly in two respects: on the one hand, the existing global governance system is unable to reflect the reality of international political and economic development. Only to take the global economic governance mechanism for example, the contribution rate of the emerging market economies and the developing countries to global economic growth has currently reached 80 percent, while their representation and voice in the framework of global governance system can hardly match the contribution they have made to the world economic growth. On the other hand, the existing global governance system cannot effectively cope with the common challenges facing mankind, with the incidents of global governance failures frequently occurring. On this account, the international community is urgently calling for new global governance concepts, the establishment of a fairer and more reasonable new international order, and opening up a brighter future for human development. Third, China has the will and ability to “make relatively great contribution to mankind”. The proposition of the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity is closely associated with China’s responsibility as a major power, which rests at least on two bases: A. The mission responsibility of the Chinese communists. It is just because the Chinese communists havealways upheld the concept of “making greater contributions to mankind”, that China has focused on the world development and the future of the human society, while making self-development, and proposed the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity B. The elevation of China’s comprehensive strength. If the mission responsibility of the Chinese communists is said to provide the aspiration for the proposition of the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity, the elevation of China’s comprehensive strength has laid the realistic foundation and offered the material preparation. Presently, China has become the second largest economy, the largest industrialized nation, the largest trading country in goods, and the country with the largest foreign exchange reserve of the world. From 2013 to 2017, the average contribution rate of the Chinese economy to the growth of the world economy exceeded 30 percent, making China the major driver of the world economic growth. Against such backdrop, China has taken the lead in proposing the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity, whose major connotation may be understood and explained in five aspects, namely a political view of lasting peace, a security view of universal security, an economic view of common prosperity, an open and inclusive view of civilization, and a view of clean and beautiful ecology. II.China’s Practice in Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity China is not only the initiator of the thought on building a community with a shared future for humanity, but also an active practitioner of this grand endeavor, showing the responsibility as a major power with concrete actions. On the level of international strategy, China has made persistent efforts in the following areas: First, insisting on the path of peaceful development. From 2003 on, the Chinese central leadership then, such as Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, elaborated on the concepts of “peaceful rising” and “peaceful development” on many occasions. The new Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core has further enriched and developed the strategic thought of the “peaceful development path” in accordance with the features of the era and the change of situation, based on inheritance and continuation, which is manifested inthree aspects: A. Making it clear that the peaceful development path is China’s strategic choice. B. Stressing that the peaceful development path has an equivalence nature, namely China follows a path of peaceful development, while expecting other countries to do the same. C. Elaborating on the dialectical unity relationship between peaceful development and safeguarding China’s national interests, namely China sticks to the path of peaceful development, but will never give up its legitimate rights, nor would it compromise its core national interests. Second, building a global partnership network. China has taken the lead among the major powers to make establishing partnership the guiding principle for interstate communication, insisting on “dialog rather than confrontation and partnership rather than alliance”. Over the years, China has established partnerships of various kinds with more than 80 countries and regional organizations, with a global partnership network initially set up. Partnership has set no imaginary enemies, nor is it directed at any third party, featuring the nature of peace, equality and inclusiveness. Third, promoting a new pattern of economic cooperation featuring openness, win-win, and inclusive development. China has actively advocated the development concepts internationally with equality, openness, comprehensiveness and innovation at the core, and made important contributions to promoting strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth of the world by pushing other countries to strengthen their development capacities, improve the environment for their national development, optimize cooperation partnership, and perfect coordinating mechanism for development. Fourth, actively promoting international cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative. Since the “Belt and Road” initiative was proposed in 2013, more than 100 countries and international organizations have actively joined in this grand endeavor, with a large number of influential and symbolic projects smoothly implemented. The proposition and steady advancement of the “Belt and Road” initiative have highlighted the global vision and forging ahead of China’s diplomacy today. Meanwhile, the “Belt and Road”, together with the perfecting cooperation mechanisms associated with it, are the major public goods China has contributed to the world in the new era. Fifth, standing for a view of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Theories of international relations believe, security is the primary objective all the nation-states are seeking for. The views and conceptson security taken by various nations are important factors influencing the security relations among them or even the overall international relations. Faced with the regional hot-spots emerging one after another in the world and the complicated global challenges of various kinds, China has stood for a view of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, following a security path of joint construction, co-sharing and win-win with all other countries of the world. III.China’s Blue Print for Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity There is no previous experience to learn in building a community with a shared future for humanity. As a result, it calls for the role played by the international community, especially the enthusiasm and initiative as well as strengthened mutual trust, cooperation and coordination among the major powers. First, to build a community with a shared future for humanity calls for a change of the old thinking and establishing new ideas. The international community should transcend the outmoded zero-sum mentality in international relations as well as the dangerous cold war and hot war mindset. China seeks peace rather than war, development rather than poverty, and cooperation rather than confrontation, making great efforts to promote the construction of a harmonious world featuring sustainable peace and common prosperity. Second, to build a community with a shared future for humanity calls for the perfection of the global governance system. There is an urgent need to improve the representativeness, universality and effectiveness of the existing global governance system, for which a global governance concept highlighting mutual consultation, joint construction and co-sharing should be established first. Moreover, the representativeness and voice of the developing countries in international affairs should be gradually raised in practice. Only by doing so, could a new global governance framework be established to reflect the reality of the international political and economic changes, and cope with the emerging new crises and challenges. Third, to build a community with a shared future for humanity calls for establishing a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. To forge a new typeof international relations, we should first of all strengthen and improve the existing international order and system with the UN Charter at the core. Secondly, efforts should be made to continuously promote the democratization of the international relations. China has insisted that all countries in the world, big or small, strong or weak and rich or poor, are equal; the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected; and the national security of every country should be respected and ensured.Lastly, the major powers of the world are expected to really undertake the historic responsibilities. Countries differ in capabilities and levels of development, which means that individual countries should shoulder common but differentiated responsibilities for the same objective. Therein, the major powers are expected to play their unique roles, and make more and greater contributions to world peace, stability, development and prosperity. Fourth, to build a community with a shared future for humanity calls for promoting exchange among different civilizations featuring harmony but not the sameness, and all-embracing. To build a community with a shared future for humanity, we should respect the diversity of the civilizations in the world, and promote exchange and mingling among different civilizations, so as to realize common prosperity of different civilizations. To respect the diversity of civilizations, the most important thing is to respect the choice made by various countries of their social systems and development paths. There is no universal, changeless and one-size-for-all development model in the world, but ones that best fit the national conditions of individual countries. Fifth, to build a community with a shared future for humanity calls for establishing a global ecosystem that emphasizes the reverence of nature and green development to realize the harmonious coexistence of Human and nature. Human and nature compose a life community. We must respect nature, conform to nature, protect nature, and achieve harmonious coexistence between Human and nature, as they are the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of the world and integrated development of mankind. (The author is Associate Professor from Institute for International Strategic Studies of the Central Party School of the CPC. This article was received on June 25, 2018.)
Sample Sundays Best Films Great TV Hot This Year New Music: Blinky Bill, Maia & The Big Sky, Abbas Kubaff, Stacy Kamatu, Ayano + High Renaissance Oscars 2018: Kenya Picks Kati Kati for Foreign Language Category The Films, Stage Plays & Publications Bill: KFCB’s Chilling Statement of Intent PACE Focus Headphones Review A Goat for a Vote (Documentary Review) Billy Black – Untitled (EP Review) Sample Sunday: Just A Band – Usinibore How the KFCB Transformed Into Kenya’s Morality Mafia – Part I Fantasy Collaborations: 10 Unusual Musical Pairings We’d Like To See Best Kenyan Music Videos of 2017 Best Kenyan Songs of 2017 – Part 2 Africa Creates: Tedd Josiah Vered Ehsani September 6, 2013 Harry Newman quoted ‘Not all legends are about victory. Some are about struggle, finding out who they are and their reason for being.’ Tedd Josiah, a music and film producer, has found his reason for being in the world of arts: to inspire the next generation of African artists. Born in 1970, Tedd started as a musician with the group Ebony Affair and later formed a new group, Hart, which was disbanded in 1995. For the next several years, he worked as a producer in Sync Sound Studios and Audio Vault Studios (later renamed Blue Zebra). As a music producer, Tedd is accredited for being among the first pioneers to nurture local Kenyan talent such as that of Hardstone, Kalamashaka, Gidi Gidi Maji Maji, Necessary Noize, In-Tu, Pete Odera, Ndarling P and Ugandan musician Kawesa. He has also worked with Poxi Presha, Suzzana Owiyo, Achieng’ Abura, Abbi, and Didge among others. In the film industry, Tedd produced the sound track for the movie project Daddy, a Judy Kibinge film. In 2004 he filmed, directed and edited VIPI, an urban youth TV program showcasing the lifestyle of the Kenyan youth, aired on KTN, which had over 10 million viewers. In 2007 Tedd produced BODA 2 BODA, a youth magazine show aired on TBC (Tanzanian local TV station) and later in 2008 produced a Mombasa Public beach safety documentary aimed to raise awareness and funding for public safety on the beach. During this period, he also worked on many music videos for artists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and United Kingdom. In the 2007-2008 elections, Tedd campaigned for one of the political parties, ODM. During the post-election crisis, he felt his life was threatened and moved to London. His passion for the arts had no boundaries and as he was away from home, he worked as the Executive Producer and content manager for NN24 Nigeria, a news and information channel. He also worked with Steel Drum Studios in London (UK), handling mainly motion graphics, animation and Live Action for clients like Sony and Nike. In August 2012, Tedd came back home to Kenya with a mission to nurture NEW talent, hence the creation of Sand Stone Studio (S3 Studio). S3 Studio is a Music-Video-Film-Graphics-Animation studio, encompassing all things creative. His vision is that it is time for Africans to take charge of Africa’s history and future by telling the real African story through our diverse talents in the arts. He aspires to revolutionize the industry by nurturing new and untapped talent, giving back to the society in the world of arts and showing young people that they can make a career out of their talents. Tedd not only sees a need to come up with our own take on genres that do not necessarily come out of Africa but also clearly define our own local genres and make them marketable to the rest of the world: “I’d like to go back to the core of music and seeing how we can redefine the genres coming out of Kenya. I don’t think they’ve been adequately placed for the rest of the world to consume…” On the emerging digital market for creative products in Africa, Tedd sees this as not only a cost-effective way of getting you products out there (no costs in terms of printing material or making CDs), it is also a good thing for the environment as well. “We need to consume more digital products to save our beautiful Africa… it is a win-win-win situation!” He also does not see why we should not become more “Chinese” in the sense of becoming a nation of developers and producers in all aspects including the creative industry: “If we do not become producers…what is left for Africa?” Listen to my entire conversation with Tedd Josiah below: Get more on Tedd Josiah and Sand Stone Studio at their YouTube Channel and on the S3 Facebook Page. Vered Ehsani is a writer, an environmental consultant & a radio show host of Africa Creates. Africa Creates is an online radio show that provides a platform for African writers, musicians, filmmakers & other artists to be heard & promoted both locally & internationally. Africa CreatesSand Stone StudioTedd Josiah Previous ArticleAfrica Creates: New Feature on the Blog! Next ArticleElani – Jana Usiku Vered Ehsani Vered Ehsani ( is a writer, an environmental consultant & a radio show host of Africa Creates.Africa Creates ( is an online radio show that provides a platform for African writers, musicians, filmmakers & other artists to be heard & promoted both locally & internationally. Tweets by BottomLineKE © 2013 Bottomline Kenya.
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, London, Ongoing Project 2009 Onwards Strawberry Hill is the UK’s finest example of Gothic Revival architecture. The Grade I listed building was transformed in the 18th Century by the son of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Horace Wal... View Project » Bespoke Stained Glass Design The studio is regularly approached from clients all over the UK and from as far afield as Trinidad and Tobago to produce new designs... Conservation Work Our high standards throughout the years has ensured the continued and close association with our clients which include English Heritage... Much of the work we are entrusted with requires replacement of glass and imagery. The studio’s expert glass painters work diligently... 2009 © Chapel Studios Ltd | Accessibility | Terms | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Website Design by GLG Group Ltd Registered address:14 Bridge Road, Hunton Bridge, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire. WD4 8RE
Moving to Greener Pastures Bencharsky family Grechko Bencharsky, my great-great-grandfather was born in 1879 in the Ukraine. He married Christina Delaney who was also born in the Ukraine. In 1906 they moved to Canada with my great grandfather who was born in 1903, Joseph Bencharsky. In 1926, a young girl named Olga Kryskiw immigrated to Canada and stayed with a family here. She married Joseph on February 2, 1929. (Tracey Carpenter, Grechko Bencharsky's great-great-grandaughter) Sydney's father bought this matryoshka doll home from the Ukraine to give to his mother. It is a symbol of Mother, love and fertility. It has a special connection for Sydney because it belongs to her Baba and her Baba's home. Artifacts help to connect us to the past. Connecting Canadians Staying Connected Then and Now Telling It Like It Was Put Yourself In The Picture Return to Connecting Canadians main site. The Connecting Canadians project was made possible with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy. Le projet Contact canadiens a été rendu possible grâce à l’appui du Ministère du patrimoine canadien, par l’intermédiaire Culture canadienne en ligne.
Ella Hill Hutch Community Center opened its doors to the Western Addition area of San Francisco over 30 years ago. A full-service site, the center boasts a gymnasium, playground, community gardens, classroom space, a computer lab, and four newly resurfaced tennis courts. The tennis courts at Ella Hill Hutch Community Center are open to the public Mon through Saturday; anyone is welcome to reserve time and play on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition to being available to the general public, more than 100 Fillmore District youth during the school year, and more than 300 young people during the summer months, take regular lessons on the courts. Youth Tennis Programming One of the standout programs offered at Ella Hill Hutch is made possible through a community partnership with the United States Tennis Association and Collective Impact. The tennis courts at Ella Hill Hutch are open to the public Monday through Saturday; anyone is welcome to reserve time and play on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition to being available to the general public, more than 100 Fillmore District youth during the school year, and more than 300 young people during the summer months, take regular lessons on the Ella Hill Hutch courts. Spearheading these efforts at the community center is Magic Zone staff member Michael Hall​, our tennis program manager​. Coach Mike is a San Francisco native who grew up in the Western Addition. He had a stellar prep career at Mission High School, and went on to play NCAA D-II tennis at Hampton University in Virginia, before his pro career (1989-1994) took him to tournament play all around the world. As a lifelong resident of the Fillmore District, Mike is thrilled to partner with USTA to coach neighborhood youth, who represent a broad range of ability and experience levels, through tennis lessons at Ella Hill Hutch. It's a special highlight for Coach Mike to be able to share his love of the game with young people from his own community and lead his students through the importance of sportsmanship, focus, and commitment.​ The youth served by the programs of Collective Impact are under-served young people for whom exposure to healthy choices, enrichment activities, and new experiences are crucial to disrupting unproductive pathways. For our elementary and middle school age participants especially, exposure to the life skills and sportsmanship lessons built into the USTA’s ACE and HITS curricula have been successful and positive. Coach Mike is passionate about maintaining the momentum of Collective Impact’s USTA youth programming, and takes every opportunity for our organization to host PlayDay events and attend local tournaments, with the goal of increasing students’ exposure to all the game has to offer. Collective Impact is grateful to USTA Foundation and the Olympic Club Foundation for their sponsorship and ongoing support of these efforts. We look forward to growing our athletics programming with and for the young people of San Francisco’s Western Addition, allowing for crucial life- and tennis-skill building.
Edinburgh's Old Town Chambers wins AA 5 stars EDINBURGH'S Old Town Chambers, a collection of serviced apartments that forms part of a £46m redevelopment of three medieval closes off the Royal Mile, has been awarded a prestigious five-star Self Catering AA rating, within three months of opening. The 37 apartments which aim to set new standards in holiday and business serviced accommodation, offer some of the most captivating views across the city's Princes Street Gardens, to give tourist and business visitors a unique city centre experience. While not officially launched until the New Year, Edinburgh's Old Town Chambers has been welcoming guests since July as its management team learn about the quirks and special traits of these unique properties. CEO Julie Grieve said: "Our aim is to do things differently and to achieve the five star AA rating so soon after opening is a real endorsement of our efforts. "The very fabric of our building - part historic, part modern - is different, giving a special blend of living on a heritage site, but with every modern comfort. "The apartments themselves offer the luxury of a top hotel alongside the independence of having your own 'home' in the centre of the city - with, of course, a concierge on hand to find restaurants, taxis, travel guides or just recommend the best place to shop."
Have online dictionary, will travel Pyramids, Technology, and Power Last night, I came across some tweets that were excellent food for thought. The first thread was about white supremacy. In case you're not on Twitter, here's the gist. White supremacy has existed in the United States from day one. At first, it was the English[1]--sort of. Mostly.[2] These folks brought white supremacy and slavery with them. So, right away we had white supremacy. Slavery was eventually outlawed. It's at this point that I'll make another addition. I recommend watching 13th. Because once the slaves were freed, they became competitors for jobs. The pyramid of power was threatened. So, the myth of the criminal black was born. White supremacy won out. Other immigrants arrived. And if one thing demonstrates the fact that white isn't a race, it's a social power status, it's the story of the immigrant. When the Irish first came to the US as refugees, they weren't considered white--neither were the Italians, nor the Jews. Over time, groups are integrated into the power pyramid. Blacks are always on the bottom tier. White supremacy wins out. Then television came along (1950s) and not long after, the Civil Rights Movement happened (1960s). Americans were confronted with images of school children being threatened by the police. Suddenly, that shit was real. Eventually, the media looked away. Americans pretended that white supremacy didn't exist. It'd been solved. All the stories of people of color being harassed by police were "exaggerations" and "victimhood." Cities "mysteriously" self-segregate. White supremacy wins again. The handheld video camera hits the scene. Americans are no longer bound to what the media deems appropriate. The Rodney King case makes headlines. It turns out those stories of brutality were true. And then just as that memory begins to fade the smart phone and the internet hit. Again, images of black children being brutalized and murdered start hitting the web. White Americans can't lie to themselves anymore. There's proof. At the same time, Americans are no longer merely Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, or [fill in the blank]-Americans. It's no longer that simple. Millennials have a diverse background comprised of five or ten ethnicities. They're straight up American. Millennials are also more liberal as a group. They largely see no problem with same sex marriage, women's rights, universal healthcare, or gender fluidity. They believe in inclusivity for the differently-abled, and they're less likely to be as staunchly racist because they are, in fact, multi-racial. ​That's were that set of tweets ended--except that he said that he wasn't surprised by Jeff Sessions being confirmed because it was White Supremacy/the power pyramid rearing up again. I agree. It is. I also see that this is, in part, due to a certain percentage of Boomers becoming their parents. They're Jonesing for the good old days of the 1950s when times were "simpler"--that is, before the Civil Rights Movement. These Boomers have become what they rebelled against. There were never enough of us GenXers to stand against them. But there are enough Millennials--particularly Millennials + GenXers that haven't bought into the (stereotypical for Xers) cynical defeatism. And Millennials are giving the Boomers what Boomers gave their parents. It's why I feel like this is the late '60s and early '70s all over again. And now I'll bring up the next set of tweets. They were all about how the Republicans are terrified. They're seeing an unprecedented level of political involvement from ordinary citizens. They're pissing their pants. They're only hope is that we'll grow tired and go back to ignoring Washington DC. They're frightened bullies striking out at anyone and anything that stands in their way. But they've kicked awake the bear. Or, as Libba Bray put it, the witch. America's future isn't white. It's brown and yellow and black. And that's not a bad thing. Fuck White Supremacy. Fuck that pyramid. [1] And also the Vikings (1000), possibly the Chinese (1421), the Dutch/Swedes/Germans (1626), the French (1492), and the Spanish (1492). See? We're already editing history, aren't we? The only difference is that the English stuck around on the mainland/east coast longer. Mind you, the Dutch were there the whole time. They were just outnumbered. The Spanish mostly hung out on the islands to the south--Hispaniola, Cuba, and so on. The French concentrated their claim along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico (example: New Orleans) in addition to Canada. So, no. The English weren't the only Europeans here in the early days. [2] I added the sort of/mostly. See above. Stina Leicht is a Science Fiction and Fantasy author living in Texas. This blog is updated infrequently. (Sorry.) Follow me on Twitter for announcements of new posts. Thanks for reading! Writers' League of Texas' Agents & Editors Conference-- Gemini Ink Conference (San Antonio)--July 18-21 Armadillocon (Austin)--August 3-5 ​Persephone Station (Summer 2020) Cold Iron Blackthorne Of Blood and Honey And Blue Skies from Pain A Siren's Cry is a Song of Sorrow (September, Apex Magazine) Second Verse, Same as the First (Genius Loci anthology--coming soon) Last Drink Bird Head Texas Died for Somebody's Sins But Not Mine Like my content?
Damaru Media - Golf, Travel, Invest R&A - THE... > Latest rules by R @ A LPGA > LPGA SIMEDARBY 2015 SIME DARBY LPGA 2014 Sime Darby LPGA 2014 - Gallery HSBC LADIES 2014 2013 Sime Darby LPGA > LPGA - Sime Darby 2013 Gallery SIME DARBY LPGA 2013 SCORE CARD lpga-golf-tournaments > Sime LPGA 2012 -in KL ,Malaysia as golf hub of ladies > SIME DARBY LPGA 2012 leader board LPGA fashion parade @ KLGC Professional classy golf IN Malaysia this year 2011 Golf - Another First from Asia Golf - Damaru Media talks to tiger woods MAYBANK GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 > MAYBANK CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 LEADERBOARD DAY 3 Maybank Malaysian Open 2015 > Gallery Final day Malaysian Maybank open Golf 2015 MayBank Open day 3 Gallery/scenes MayBank Malaysian Open Golf 2015 - Gallery day one May Bank Open 2015 Gallery day two Maybank Open Golf Leader Board 2015 MayBankOpen Golf 2014 Leader Board Gallery at KLGCC May bank open Golf May Bank -Malaysian open Professional golf 2013 > LEADER BOARD MAYBANK MALAYSIAN OPEN 2013 Gallery Maybank Malaysian open 2013 LEADER BOARD MAYBANK MALAYSIAN OPEN 2012 page 2 Golf - Maybank Malaysian Open final Golf - Maybank Malaysian Open 2011 - Day 2 CIMB Classic 2015 - Gallery Final leaderboard Malaysian professional golf 2014 CIMB PGA > CIMB Classic 2014 - Gallery 2013 CIMB GOLF CLASSIC 2014 IN > CIMB CLASSIC 2012 PRO AM cimb golf classic 2012 page 2 Golf - Tiger- all are excited to see him back CIMB PGA SUPER GOLF @ RENOWNED MINES BO VAN PELT COLLECTS US$1.3 MILLION SO EASY. Selangor Masters 2014 BY WWH > Selangor Masters Gallery Malaysian amateur open 2013 Golf - A gallery of images from past Malaysian Opens Sri Lanka golf > Professional golf tour of India Colombo 2014 February by Standard charted Bank PGTI -PROFESSIONAL GOLF TOUR OF INDIA COMES TO COLOMBO > PGTI COLOMBO 2012 FIRST EVENT OF PGTI Sri Lanka Open golf 2014 on 27-1-2015 > Day 4 Sri Lanka Open Gallery DAY 3 SRI LANKA OPEN GOLF DAY 3 GALLERY Day 2 Gallery Sri Lanka Open Golf day two Gallery Day one Gallery 2014 Sri Lanka Open Golf Pro Am Gallery of Fun Filled yet serious Golf at Royal Colombo Golf Club 2013 Sri Lanka Golf leader Board 2013 Sri Lanka Open Golf - leader board after cut Sri Lanka - A Little Bit About the Golf Courses in Sri Lanka's Little England Holistic golf in Sri Lanka Royal Colombo Golf Club > Gallery Burdett 2014 Colombo wins Puffin Win--Wwin Sri Lanka golf in action 2nd oldest Golf Championship in the World, next to the British Championship. > Gallery 127th Sri Lanka Amateur Golf Championship commenced at the picturesque Nuwara Eliya Golf Course Sri lankan golf classic 2013 Sri Lanka junior golf India > Professional Golf Tour of India -Rankings -tournaments 2013 More on Professional Golf Tour of India Golf - Coming of Age of Chinese Golf world golf championship - HSBC IN SHANGHAI Golf- China Revamps Professional Golf With New Tour LPGA Thailand open 2013 Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf HONG KONG GOLF Singapore golf > SINGAPORE OPEN GOLF 2016 Golf Etiquette and Rules > Some interesting rules of Golf Is there a way-A HOLY GRAIL METHOD to play Golf - The most unorthodox player without a pro gets top honors David reveals all about his daughter Lali.Elite .Golf.Philosophy Cricket > Cricket T 20 World Cup In Colombo Cricket - Why Sanga did not tell the home first Cricket - Unsporty Aussie Captain Ricky Ponting Cricket - Sri Lanka will win! II Cricket - Sri Lanka will win! Cricket - The lions begin their prowl Cricket - Some 'Did you Knows' of Cricket Cricket - Advice for the Sri Lankan cricket team Sri Lanka > Colombos legendary - Grand Oriental Hotel Sri Lanka - National Geographic ranks Sri Lanka as one of the Best New Trips for 2010 Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka through the Eyes of a Malaysian Writer Sri Lanka - Taxi,Travel Tips and Quick Facts Sri Lanka - Colors of Sri Lanka TRAVEL - Boost for Sri Lanka in Emirates luxury holidays catalogue for UK market transport, accommodation booking Tales of a Kuching Sarawak Malaysia Golf- China's Top-10 Golf Courses ASIAN WISDOM Asian Holistic Care > Sri Lanka - Cure for cancer in Sri Lanka! > Dhaham - Nature's gifts Gross National Happiness Index Asian Wisdom - Points to ponder on Asian Youth Make a donation - help Sri Lankan farmers ADS > Sri Lanka Classifieds - Premier Sri Lanka Classifieds Sri Lanka Classifieds - Real Estate & Accommodation Damaru Vintage - Collectors' Corner Star saphires DAMARU-MARKET TOP INTERNATIONAL PLAYERS CONFIRMED FOR WORLD LADIES CHAMPIONSHIP Feng Shanshan, Inbee Park, Suzann Pettersen and Carlota Ciganda Line Up for Mission Hills Haikou Showdown Haikou, 22 February 2013 –The World Ladies Championship will showcase a first class international field when the tournament returns to Mission Hills Haikou from 7 to 10 March 2013. Inbee Park (South Korea), Shanshan Feng (China) and Suzann Pettersen (Norway), ranked world no. 4, 5 and 7 on the Rolex World Rankings (18 Feb ’13) respectively, will be joined by Britain’s Laura Davies and 2012 Ladies European Tour ISPS Handa Order of Merit leader Carlota Ciganda from Spain in a truly international field at the US$ 600,000 purse event. The LET and CLPGA Tour sanctioned event will feature a field of 108 players from both tours as well as players from the LPGA tours of the U.S., Korea and Japan. Other leading international players to confirm their participation in the event, which will award Women’s World Golf Rankings points, include South African Lee-Anne Pace, Anne Lise Caudal from France, Scotland’s Carly Booth, Melissa Reid from England and Ha-Neul Kim from Korea. The four day tournament will be played on Mission Hills’ Sandbelt Trails Course and will once again feature a unique 3-in-1 format consisting of an Individual Professional Competition played over 72-holes; a 72 hole Professional Team Competition in which the scores of the top two players from 18 countries represented will be combined to determine the winning team, with China as host nation fielding two teams; and a 72-hole stroke-play Individual Amateur Competition. The tournament will feature a number of corporate partners from around the world including the number one Belgian beer in the world Stella Artois, the leader in the field of high-end bathroom industries TOTO from Japan, authentic Italian lifestyle brand Fila. The list of supporting partners including the renowned water San Pellegrino from Italy, the wellness company Technogym from Italy and Appletiser from the Elgin Valley of South Africa. Speaking ahead of her first tournament at Mission Hills • Haikou, World No. 6 from Norway, Suzann Pettersen said: “One of the reasons I decided to play was because I wanted to the see place. I've heard great things and I am looking forward to meeting new fans and seeing the course. It’s always great to play a new event!” “I've been working hard in all aspects of the game this winter and will prepare the same way as I always do which is to win tournaments. It will be nice to get started and get into a competitive mode against an exciting field,” she added. World No.4 Inbee Park added, “I’m looking forward to coming to Mission Hills • Haikou. I’ve never been but have heard lots about it. It’ll also be exciting to play in both a team event as well as the individual competition so am looking forward to teaming up with my compatriot Ha Neul Kim and will hopefully provide some good competition for China and the other countries represented.” The Ladies European Tour’s 2012 ISPS Handa Order of Merit winner Carlota Ciganda, added, “I have great memories from China and hopefully after this event they will be even better! I’d love to end the week at the top and will try my very try my best with the chances I get. I’m particularly looking forward to competing as a Team as well and hope that events like this will boost my chances of playing in this year’s Solheim Cup.” Tenniel Chu, Vice Chairman of Mission Hills Group commented, “We’re delighted to welcome these golfers to Mission Hills for the World Ladies Championship. Last year’s tournament provided us with a good platform to build from but the addition of a number of the world’s top-ten ranked players will certainly take the tournament to a new level for players and spectators alike. We look forward to welcoming the international golfing community back to Mission Hills for what will undoubtedly be another showcase tournament.” To further promote ladies’ golf in China, Mission Hills will be launching an amateur ladies’ golf tournament to coincide with International Women’s Day on 8 March. The Modern Lady Charity Invitational will boast a field of 96 successful business women and elite ladies from China who will compete in both a Stableford Team and Individual competition, with proceeds from the event donated to help under privileged children in Hainan. Asia’s most prestigious golf championship SET TO BECOME THE WORLDs BEST New era for World Golf Championships-HSBC Champions, HSBC extends title sponsorship as event is elevated and designated as only World Golf Championships event in Asia, finds permanent home in Shanghai SHENZHEN, China – The stature and growth of golf in Asia was further confirmed today with the announcement by the International Federation of PGA Tours, HSBC, the China Golf Association and the Shanghai Administration of Sport that the HSBC Champions will become part of the PGA TOUR’s FedExCup schedule, with money earned counting as official money on the PGA TOUR, and the winner earning a three-year exemption on the PGA TOUR, with the opportunity to join the organization if he is a non-member. The HSBC Champions will also award full FedExCup points, plus the 10 percent premium awarded by all World Golf Championships compared to a regular PGA TOUR event. The total purse will also increase from US$7 million to US$8.5 million. These changes bring the HSBC Champions in line with the other three World Golf Championships played in the United States. Considered some of the most prestigious and important events on golf’s calendar, the World Golf Championships were developed to bring the world’s best players together and have since 1999 delivered the highest-quality, most international fields in the sport. With today’s announcement, HSBC was proud to announce a new era, extending its title sponsorship of the HSBC Champions for three additional years, through 2015. Further, the HSBC Champions, which enjoyed a successful, one-year staging on the Olazabal Course at Mission Hills Golf Club Guangdong this week, will return to Shanghai permanently with an official signing ceremony taking place at HSBC’s Headquarters in Shanghai on November 5. In 2013, the event will be played at the Sheshan International Golf Club in Shanghai, where it was staged for seven years (2005-2011). Underscoring the importance of the event’s new era and the excitement surrounding the future of the HSBC Champions and Asia was the attendance of the following dignitaries for the announcement: PGA TOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem; The European Tour Chief Executive George O’Grady CBE; HSBC Global Head of Sponsorship and Events Giles Morgan; Shanghai Administration of Sports Director Li Yuyi; China Golf Association Executive Vice President and Secretary General Zhang Xiaoning; and Asian Tour Executive Chairman Kyi Hla Han. Morgan said, “This is a genuine landmark moment for HSBC and its sponsorship of golf. As we approach our 10th year as a major international sponsor of this great game, it seems entirely fitting that we are making this highly significant announcement. “This is not so much a renewal as a rebirth – it’s a new dawn for HSBC Champions and for Asian golf which is now right at the top table of world golf. “When we first came to China in 2005, our ambition was to create a world-class international golf tournament in an emerging market. Eight years on and the HSBC Champions, complete with full FedExCup points and an increased prize fund, is up there with the very best, and today’s announcement represents a major step forward for golf in China. “As importantly, our involvement in golf at this elite level is underpinned by our continuing sponsorship of youth development and grassroots programmes, including the HSBC China Junior Open. “As a global financial services organisation, we pride ourselves on opening up a world of opportunities for people and the HSBC Champions has proved to be the perfect stage for golf in Asia to come of age. We look forward to the next chapter in the World Golf Championships-HSBC Champions story, and that chapter starts today.” Finchem said, “HSBC has made an incredible commitment to this event, the World Golf Championships as a whole and the development of golf in Asia on a global scale, and we’re excited that today’s announcement further elevates the HSBC Champions in a way that matches the prominence and prestige of the event’s title sponsor. Some of the world’s best players have won the HSBC Champions in its short but impressive history, and as an official PGA TOUR event and part of the FedExCup beginning in 2013, that trend will only be enhanced.” O’Grady said, “We welcome the announcement of HSBC’s continued support of the final World Golf Championships event of the year, which will further enhance the end of The European Tour season in the run-in to the DP World Tour Championship and the culmination of The Race to Dubai. HSBC has been an outstanding supporter of The European Tour over the past decade, and we thank them not only for their leadership in helping bring a first World Golf Championship to China, but also for their continued sponsorship of the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship in January.” Li said, “We’d like to express our thanks to HSBC for their continued support to Shanghai Sports. In the future, we will make joint efforts in developing HSBC Champions, such an outstanding and prestigious golf event, after its return to Shanghai next year. It will not only promote the transformation of Shanghai Sports, but also enhance the development of Shanghai as an international metropolis.” Zhang said, “We welcome HSBC’s continued support of this mega event, the World Golf Championships-HSBC Champions, and its return to Shanghai. HSBC Champions furthered the growth of the game of golf in China and Asia in the past few years. We hope the event will continue to play an important role to help grow the game of golf and improve the competition level of China.” Han said, “On behalf of the Asian Tour, I would like to express our fullest appreciation to HSBC for its extended commitment to the game of golf at the highest level in Asia. The World Golf Championships-HSBC Champions continues to set the benchmark for professional golf Asia and around the world and being the only World Golf Championships event in Asia, its importance to the development of the game in our region is unparalleled. We look forward to three more years of great success.” Robbie Henchman, global co-managing director of IMG Golf, the tournament promoters, added, “Since we founded this tournament together with HSBC in 2005, we have watched it grow exponentially into Asia’s flagship event. We are very proud, together with our partners HSBC, the International Federation of PGA Tours and CGA, to play a part in this exciting new era for the World Golf Championships-HSBC Champions.” The HSBC Champions is one of four World Golf Championships events sanctioned and organized by the operational committee of the International Federation of PGA Tours, which includes the Asian Tour, European Tour, Japan Golf Tour, PGA TOUR, PGA Tour of Australasia and Sunshine Tour. The other World Golf Championships are the Accenture Match Play Championship, Cadillac Championship and the Bridgestone Invitational. The HSBC Champions, which began in 2005 and was elevated to the elite stable of World Golf Championships events in 2009, has boasted an impressive, international list of winners since its inception. The following marquee players have won the coveted HSBC Champions title: England’s David Howell (2005); South Korea’s YE Yang (2006); USA’s Phil Mickelson (2007 and 2009); Spain’s Sergio Garcia (2008); Italy’s Francesco Molinari (2010); Germany’s Martin Kaymer (2011). The HSBC Group HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to around 89 million customers through four global businesses; Global Retail Banking & Wealth Management, Global Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets and Global Private Banking. HSBC Holdings plc, the parent company of the HSBC Group, is headquartered in London. The Group serves customers worldwide from around 6,900 offices in over 80 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, North and Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa. With assets of US$2,652bn at 30 June 2012, the HSBC Group is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. HSBC Golf Sponsorships HSBC’s global commitment to golf encompasses all levels of the game, from grassroots to elite. In Asia HSBC has spearheaded the arrival of world class golf events, with its flagship WGC-HSBC Champions in Shanghai and HSBC Women’s Champions in Singapore. The WGC-HSBC Champions is renowned as ‘Asia’s Major’ and was once described by 14 time Major winner and former World Number 1 Tiger Woods as “The crowning jewel of all of Asian golf.” HSBC also sponsors the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship which has quickly become one of the biggest events on the European PGA Tour calendar, and, as golf returns to the Olympic Games for Rio 2016, presenting sponsor of the LPGA Brasil Cup, the nation’s one genuinely global golf event. More recently HSBC became a Patron of The Open Championship and this partnership with The Royal & Ancient creates a centre of gravity to a global golf portfolio. However, underpinning those blue-riband events is a longer-term goal to create a legacy from HSBC’s global tournaments through its sponsorship of youth development and grassroots programs. As well as committing to the professional game, HSBC has a longer-term goal to create the legacy through sponsorship of youth development and grassroots programes around the world. In China, HSBC supports the HSBC China Junior Golf Program - a sustainable long-term structure and framework upon which the future of Chinese golf is being built. This includes the HSBC-sponsored China National Junior Team, the HSBC China Junior Open and the HSBC National Junior Golf Championship: a year-long series of tournaments designed to give China’s elite junior golfers the competitive platform they need to develop their game. In the UK HSBC is sponsor of HSBC Golf Roots - The Golf Foundation's national development programme which promotes the sport in schools, helps youngsters into clubs, and uses golf to promote important life skills such as honesty and respect. For more details on HSBC's golf activities, visit World Golf Championships/International Federation of PGA Tours The International Federation of PGA Tours was formed in 1996 by golf’s five world governing bodies – the European Tour, Japan Golf Tour Organization, PGA TOUR, PGA Tour of Australasia and Sunshine Tour (South Africa) with the purpose of providing a forum for the world’s professional golf organizations to discuss issues of mutual importance and, together, develop and promote the game of golf on a global basis. The Asian Tour joined the Federation in November 1999. As part of its mission, the Federation initiated the World Golf Championships in 1999. The Federation was expanded in June 2009 and now includes the Asian Tour, European Tour, Japan Golf Tour, PGA TOUR, PGA Tour of Australasia, Sunshine Tour, China Golf Association, Korea Professional Golf Tour Corp., Professional Golf Tour of India, LPGA Tour, Ladies European Tour, Australian Ladies Professional Golf Tour, Japan LPGA, Korean LPGA and the Ladies Asian Golf Tour. damaru media GOLF With all year around conducive weather conditions Asia will host major events all years round with so many tours seeking to host event in MISSION HILLS SHENZHEN -CALLING ASIAN GOLFER. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HOMELY WEATHER CONDITIONS Damaru - the trusted family name since 1978
COMMENT: Netflix has saved me from the Late Late Monday, 25th March, 2019 7:59am ‘Breaking Bad’ is a modern day television classic. THERE was once a time, back in the day of two-channel land, when ‘The Late Late Show’ was compulsive viewing in every Irish home. During Gay Byrne’s reign as host, the programme was credited with modernising Ireland and helping release the iron grip the Catholic Church had on the country’s collective morals. It’s fair to say that the Late Late started to lose its edge during Pat Kenny’s tenure and has plumbed new depths of banality since Ryan Tubridy took over. But this is a reflection on the predictable format of the show rather than a slight on the host himself. More often than not, the Late Late is merely a promotional vehicle for plugging other RTÉ programmes and seems to have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with country and western music. Thankfully, we no longer have to rely on a set of rabbit’s ears to get a decent television reception and we have a multitude of channels to choose from. Switching over to Graham Norton can be an effective antidote to the torturous two-and-half-hour endurance test that the Late Late has become. But even the affable Corkman’s show has become a bit formulaic and stale, often descending into a big love-in for egotistical Hollywood A-listers. In my house, the sound of the theme music to the Late Late is generally met with a chorus of: “Let’s see what’s on Netflix.” And the streaming service rarely disappoints, offering top class documentaries and a standard of programming we have come to expect since the bar was raised by ‘The Sopranos’, ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘The West Wing’. Netflix is particularly strong when it comes to documentaries, with the likes of ‘Making a Murderer’, ‘Abducted in Plain Sight’ and ‘The Staircase’ introducing the genre to many. Recent releases, such as ‘The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann’, also make for must-watch viewing - if you have eight hours to spare! Netflix has come a long way in terms of its quality and content since introducing streaming more than a decade ago. It has captured the zeitgeist by pandering to this generation’s need for instant gratification. Back in the 1980s, we had to wait for what seemed like an eternity to find out who shot JR Ewing. These days, end of episode cliff-hangers are no more thanks to the new binge-watching culture we have so willingly embraced. It has its drawbacks, of course. It’s possible to lose entire weekends to a decent boxset, where you eschew the great outdoors for a more sedentary lifestyle on the couch in a darkened room. Like everything in life, Netflix is probably best enjoyed in moderation – despite being designed for overindulgence. 08 Jul 2019Every child should have a place to call home 24 Jun 2019COMMENT: Government’s climate change plan a sensible and fair path 17 Jun 2019COMMENT: Philomena was a legendary mum
Also, the natural sugar in fruit does affect your carbohydrate intake — especially if you eat a lot of fruit. This may temporarily raise your blood sugar or certain blood fats. However, this effect is lessened if you are losing weight. If you have diabetes or any other health conditions or concerns, work with your doctor to adjust the Mayo Clinic Diet for your situation. For example, people with diabetes should aim for more vegetables than fruits, if possible. It's a good idea to snack on vegetables, rather than snacking only on fruit. A systematic review in 2018 looked at 16 studies on the ketogenic diet in adults. It concluded that the treatment was becoming more popular for that group of patients, that the efficacy in adults was similar to children, the side effects relatively mild. However, many patients gave up with the diet, for various reasons, and the quality of evidence was inferior to studies on children. Health issues include high levels of low-density lipoprotein, high total cholesterol, and weight loss.[24] I was very curious about this, so I asked the opinion of metabolic expert Dr. Deborah Wexler, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Diabetes Center and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. Here is what she told me. “There is evidence to suggest that the circadian rhythm fasting approach, where meals are restricted to an eight to 10-hour period of the daytime, is effective,” she confirmed, though generally she recommends that people “use an eating approach that works for them and is sustainable to them.” Most of us have contemplated going on a diet. When we find a diet that appeals to us, it seems as if it will be a breeze to do. But when we get into the nitty gritty of it, it becomes tough. For example, I stay on a low–carb diet almost all the time. But if I think about going on a low–fat diet, it looks easy. I think about bagels, whole wheat bread and jelly, mashed potatoes, corn, bananas by the dozen, etc. — all of which sound appealing. But were I to embark on such a low–fat diet I would soon tire of it and wish I could have meat and eggs. So a diet is easy in contemplation, but not so easy in the long–term execution. So what if you think you could restrict your eating to fewer than eight hours, but aren’t sure you could commit to alternate-day fasting? You might want to try shortening your daily eating window a little bit more. Varady and her team are currently in the process of comparing 4-hour and 6-hour eating windows for shedding pounds. “We are curious to see if these shorter eating windows result in more rapid weight loss compared to 8-hour time restricted feeding,” she says. I never exercise on an empty stomach. As a rule, I put something in the tank 2 hours before a hike or yoga class to make sure I don't peter out...or pass out. But it turns out that exercising in a fasted state worked for me. Instead of feeling light-headed, I had more grit and go. I marched up that mountain on a mission and planked with more purpose. Major perks: Science shows that exercising in a fasted state can supercharge your body's fat-burning potential. The low glycaemic index treatment (LGIT)[49] is an attempt to achieve the stable blood glucose levels seen in children on the classic ketogenic diet while using a much less restrictive regimen. The hypothesis is that stable blood glucose may be one of the mechanisms of action involved in the ketogenic diet,[9] which occurs because the absorption of the limited carbohydrates is slowed by the high fat content.[5] Although it is also a high-fat diet (with approximately 60% calories from fat),[5] the LGIT allows more carbohydrate than either the classic ketogenic diet or the modified Atkins diet, approximately 40–60 g per day.[18] However, the types of carbohydrates consumed are restricted to those that have a glycaemic index lower than 50. Like the modified Atkins diet, the LGIT is initiated and maintained at outpatient clinics and does not require precise weighing of food or intensive dietitian support. Both are offered at most centres that run ketogenic diet programmes, and in some centres they are often the primary dietary therapy for adolescents.[9] Intermittent fasting (intermittent energy restriction or intermittent calorie restriction) is an umbrella term for various eating diet plans that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting over a defined period. Intermittent fasting is under preliminary research to assess if it can produce weight loss comparable to long-term calorie restriction.[1][2][3][4][5] I'd love to say I lost 10 pounds in a week, but my body doesn't really work that way. And besides, I only fasted 7 days. I'm definitely eating less food and weirdly feeling less hungry, which over time will result in fat loss. But we all know that if you're only following an eating plan because of weight loss, you're bound to fail. That's because, when the scale gets stuck, and it will, we're quick to throw in the towel. It's intermittent fasting's built-in intrinsic motivation that keeps me going. My energy, focus, and motivation have all skyrocketed, and I've learned how to tell my hunger pangs who's boss. Love handles, you're next! On the ketogenic diet, carbohydrates are restricted and so cannot provide for all the metabolic needs of the body. Instead, fatty acids are used as the major source of fuel. These are used through fatty-acid oxidation in the cell's mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of the cell). Humans can convert some amino acids into glucose by a process called gluconeogenesis, but cannot do this by using fatty acids.[57] Since amino acids are needed to make proteins, which are essential for growth and repair of body tissues, these cannot be used only to produce glucose. This could pose a problem for the brain, since it is normally fuelled solely by glucose, and most fatty acids do not cross the blood–brain barrier. However, the liver can use long-chain fatty acids to synthesise the three ketone bodies β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone. These ketone bodies enter the brain and partially substitute for blood glucose as a source of energy.[56] The contents displayed within this public group(s), such as text, graphics, and other material ("Content") are intended for educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in a public group(s). On the other hand, an intermittent fasting-style diet just might feel simpler than trying to follow a more complicated eating plan—and that can count for a lot. “The idea of having a simple rule to follow may make it easier for people to avoid any mindless eating,” Peterson says. “I have had some people tell me that intermittent fasting made it easier for them to eat healthfully.” A striking new study published in the journal Diabetes suggests that simply blasting the air conditioner or turning down the heat in winter may help us attack belly fat while we sleep. Colder temperatures subtly enhance the effectiveness of our stores of brown fat—fat keeps you warm by helping you burn the fat stored in your belly. Participants spent a few weeks sleeping in bedrooms with varying temperatures: a neutral 75 degrees, a cool 66 degrees, and a balmy 81 degrees. After four weeks of sleeping at 66 degrees, the subjects had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat. (And yes, that means they lost belly fat.) And speaking of turbocharging your body’s fat burn, learn how stubborn weight gain may not be your fault, and turn off your hunger hormones with these powerful 20 Foods That Shut Off Your Hunger Hormones Fast! The Mayo Clinic Diet is designed to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds (2.7 to 4.5 kilograms) during the initial two-week phase. After that, you transition into the second phase, where you continue to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week until you reach your goal weight. By continuing the lifelong habits that you've learned, you can then maintain your goal weight for the rest of your life.
Willett reigns in Dubai Danny Willett (Getty Images) Danny Willett made a triumphant return to the winner's circle as Francesco Molinari was crowned Europe's Number One on a dramatic final day of the DP World Tour Championship, Dubai. Englishman Willett had the world at his feet in April 2016 as he claimed a maiden Major Championship at the Masters Tournament, but when he arrived this week at Jumeirah Golf Estates, that remained the last time he had tasted victory. Injuries and an admitted lack of form saw him drop as low as 462nd in the Official World Golf Ranking, but a closing 68 in Dubai means he is now a Rolex Series champion and back on the way up. Willett made three birdies in his last five holes to get to 18 under, two shots clear of fellow Englishman Matt Wallace and reigning Masters Champion Patrick Reed. Defending champion Jon Rahm was then at 14 under alongside fellow Spaniard Adrian Otaegui and South African Dean Burmester. Molinari entered the week knowing that only a win for closest rival and great friend Tommy Fleetwood could deny him the Race to Dubai title and with the Englishman finishing in a tie for 16th, Italy had its first European Tour Number One. In the season after winning the Masters, Willett finished 96th in the Race to Dubai Rankings presented by Rolex and in August of 2017 started working with new coach Sean Foley. He missed five of his first seven cuts this season but a tie for eighth at the Italian Open ignited his campaign and two more Rolex Series top tens were to follow before he claimed European Tour title number six on the Earth Course. “It's been a lot of hard work,” said an emotional Willett. “It's been tough. I'm just massively proud of myself and everyone that's been around me. "You never quite know when a win is around the corner and with all the things that have happened, I was never quite sure if it was going to happen again. “To happen here at the end of year, we've battled long and hard through this season to come out at the end, regardless of what happened today, a better person and a better athlete. It's a special place. “It's been a hell of a lot of work and it's just nice to be back.”
| Last update: Wednesday at 2:53 PM Freedom Road Capitalism and Economy Antiwar Movement In-Justice System Oppressed Nationalities Poor People's Movements Major march planned in Austin against racist immigration bill By staff | Read more articles in Immigrant Rights Austin, TX - A major march, and concert, is planned for Saturday, Sept. 2, here, against Texas's Senate Bill 4. Senate Bill 4 is an anti-immigration bill that seeks to turn local police into an arm of the federal immigration service. The event is organized by Basta Texas and endorsed by dozens of organizations including Freedom Road Socialist Organization, En Pie de Lucha, and the National Day Labor Organizing Network. It will include concerts by La Santa Cecilia and Voz de Mando, two well-known Latino musical acts. Marchers are expected to come from all over Texas and beyond. Mark Napieralski, president of the Progressive Student Union at the University of Texas at Arlington, said his group is planning to make the more than three-hour drive down to Austin to attend. "SB4 is a very important attack on immigrant communities," he said. "This kind of racist attack has gotten far more common in the Trump era. People need to resist." Napieralski said that students were expected to come from several other cities as well. "We don't think Houston will make it at this point, though," said Napieralski. "Beaumont is probably out as well. There were students planning to come from there, but with the hurricane and the flooding, it they're just not going to make it. The march will go on, though." Immigrants Rights inspectorrandoness
Rollins doing great job in commentator job with Fox Dan Plesac says hello to Jimmy at Fenway Park, both working the game for Fox Sports for Jimmy and MLB Network for Dan via @Plesac19/twitter Jimmy Rollins may have found his job after baseball, he's been doing pre-game analysis for Fox Sports for the World Series, among other duties for Fox, and maybe he's found his niche after his playing days are over. Last night, Rollins predicted on the show that the Boston Red Sox would take the next step to winning the World Series, but that's not quite the way it happened. You probably had to think that because of the huge victory that the Red Sox had in Game 1. That's baseball though, it's not easy to figure out. Rollins is clear and eloquent when he speaks, and he doesn't really try to go to great lengths to be that way. There is another former player that has had a very long career doing announcing for baseball games, and that of course is Joe Morgan. Morgan was a perennial superstar in his playing days, but when the new generations came along, they primarily know him as a baseball announcer, and he's very good at it. Rollins has the same character in the broadcasts as many other successful announcers. Labels: Rollins on Fox Sports
Sept 17 - Justification by Faith - Romans 3:9-31 On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses, a list of issues with the Catholic Church, to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany sparking the Protestant Reformation. From Romans 3, we will study what may be the most important development of the Reformation, Justification by Faith The Christian Family Tree Sermon series is a study of the Unity and the Diversity of the Christian Denominations Oct 22 – Predestination or Free Will? - Ephesians 1:3-14 Has God already decided who is going to heaven or do people freely choose to follow Him? In 1618, at the Synod of Dort, the Reformed theologians came down squarely on the side of predestination and condemning those who believed in free will. What can we learn about this controversy from Ephesians 1? September 10 - Pope, Presbytery or People? - Matthew 16:13-20 The Great Schism of 1054 was the first major split in the Christian Church. One of the issues that brought about this division was the question of Papal Authority as argued from Matthew 16. Since then, three forms of church government have emerged - Anglican, Presbyterian and Congregational. Who should rule the church – Pope, Presbytery or People? Oct 1 - Views of the Lord’s Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:17-26 In 1529, Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther met at Marburg to discuss joining forces in the Reformation. They agreed on everything except for one thing, their view of the Lord’s Supper, and with that the Marburg Colloquy came to an end. From 1 Corinthians 11, can we determine the correct view of the Lord’s Supper - Transubstantiation, Sacramental Union, Spiritual Presence or Memorial? Sept 24 - Views of Baptism - Acts 8:26-40 Martin Luther wasn’t the only reformer of his time. Shortly after his stand against the Roman Catholic Church, a new group emerged, the Anabaptists. These people believed that baptism should be by immersion and only for those who profess faith in Christ. In 1527, in cruel retaliation, Felix Manz was executed by drowning for this belief. Can we derive from Acts 8 the proper time and mode of baptism? Oct 8 - Church and State - Romans 13:1-7 In what was known as the Act of Supremacy of 1534, King Henry VIII proclaimed himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England breaking with the Pope in Rome. With this decree, he became leader of both the country and the church. How are we to understand the church’s relationship to the government based on Romans 13? Oct 15 - Dying for the Bible - 2 Timothy 3:14-17 The Bible you hold came at the price of many lives. In October of 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for heresy. One of his alleged crimes was translating the Bible into English so that any Englishman could read it taking control of the Scriptures away from the church and putting it into the hands of the people. 2 Timothy 3 tells us of the many uses of Scripture and its true origin. Oct 29 – One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? - John 17:20-23 The Thirty-Year War (1618-1648) may have been the bloodiest conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics. This flies in the face of Jesus’ prayer “that all of them may be one” in John 17:21. The Nicene Creed calls for “One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.” Can we achieve this vision of Christ and the early Church Fathers? Please join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 am for this educational and edifying series or listen to the weekly sermons using the links below. All recorded sermons in this series from the previous weeks are available below for your enrichment and edification:
Liftlines Skiing and Snowboarding Forums The ski and snowboard community for readers of First Tracks!! Online Ski Magazine First Tracks!! Online Home Page | Board index ‹ Mahogany Ridge ‹ General Discussion Round 1 to Joe Bastardi & Company Topics of a general nature regarding snowsports, which don't easily fit into one of our other Liftlines categories. This is also the place to post Letters to the Editor. by Tony Crocker » Mon May 23, 2011 5:01 pm Howard Scheckter, Mammoth weather guru last week ( wrote: Well its the middle of May and the Dweebs are always thinking about weather and climate. Although, snow in the month of May is not unusual here in Mammoth, and in fact happens in most years, the persistence of cooler then normal temps is. Just look at the snow pack for this time of the year. It is still at least 150% of normal. The roads in the lakes basin and down to Reds meadow is probably with still 7 to 10 feet over the top and it is likely that the road over Tioga will not open until well into June. There are the reports of 75 foot snowpacks covering roads in the mountain areas of the pacific northwest. Must be Global Warming? Blame it on the negative PDO and a very slow awaking Sun from a long hibernation. The negitive phase of the pacific decadial oscillation (PDO) is going strong and if history repeats itself may continue more on then off for the next 20 to 30 years. That means that the SSTs over the eastern pacific are colder then normal and that the west should have more precipitation and colder WX in the years to come. Summer may tend to be cooler and winters earlier and longer. El Ninos will tend to be weaker or shorter lived. If you want to get an idea of the weather for a negative PDO just study the weather of the 1930s, 40s and 50s here in this country. Watch La Nina this year. It is currently weakening and should pretty much be gone by Summer. However, watch and see if it does not return this Fall! We'll need at least the next decade of data to assign credibility to the competing climate theories, but it's pretty clear who won the first round. Ski Records Season length: 21 months, Nov. 29, 2010 - July 2, 2012 Days in one year: 80 from Nov. 29, 2010 - Nov. 17, 2011 Season vertical: 1,610K in 2016-17 Season powder: 291K in 2011-12 Tony Crocker Location: Avatar: Charlotte Bay, Antarctica 2011 Location: Glendale, California Re: Round 1 to Joe Bastardi & Company by Patrick » Mon May 23, 2011 6:12 pm Tony Crocker wrote: We'll need at least the next decade of data to assign credibility to the competing climate theories, but it's pretty clear who won the first round. Global... Get some data from the Canadian Upper Latitudes and other places. Snow doesn't necessarily mean colder either. I'm not going to start again. 99% of climatologist studying elements of the climate agree and believe that is happening. Period. Not going to waste my time on this again. Ski Mad World A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography Location: The Great Trip 2006 Location: Ottawa, Ontario by Harvey44 » Mon May 23, 2011 7:14 pm Tony Crocker wrote: Howard Scheckter, Mammoth weather guru last week ( wrote: Well its the middle of May and the Dweebs are always thinking about weather and climate. ... negitive phase ... I assume Dweebs is a term of endearment since it applies to people who think about weather and he is a weatherman? I always give credence to scientific research conducted by real estate agents who can't spell "negative phase." Picture 2.png (66.16 KiB) Viewed 15600 times Harvey44 Location: North River, NY by Admin » Mon May 23, 2011 7:39 pm Patrick wrote: 99% of climatologist studying elements of the climate agree and believe that is happening. Period. No, not period. In fact, that's You can start here for a sampling of those who disagree: ... al_warming A few choice quotes from that link: # Richard Lindzen,Pubs Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences: "We are quite confident (1) that global mean temperature is about 0.5 °C higher than it was a century ago; (2) that atmospheric levels of CO2 have risen over the past two centuries; and (3) that CO2 is a greenhouse gas whose increase is likely to warm the earth (one of many, the most important being water vapor and clouds). But – and I cannot stress this enough – we are not in a position to confidently attribute past climate change to CO2 or to forecast what the climate will be in the future."[5] "[T]here has been no question whatsoever that CO2 is an infrared absorber (i.e., a greenhouse gas – albeit a minor one), and its increase should theoretically contribute to warming. Indeed, if all else were kept equal, the increase in CO2 should have led to somewhat more warming than has been observed."[6][7] # Hendrik Tennekes, retired Director of Research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute: "The blind adherence to the harebrained idea that climate models can generate 'realistic' simulations of climate is the principal reason why I remain a climate skeptic. From my background in turbulence I look forward with grim anticipation to the day that climate models will run with a horizontal resolution of less than a kilometer. The horrible predictability problems of turbulent flows then will descend on climate science with a vengeance."[9] # William M. Gray, Professor Emeritus and head of The Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University: "This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations. Ocean circulation variations are as yet little understood. Human kind has little or nothing to do with the recent temperature changes. We are not that influential."[21] "I am of the opinion that [global warming] is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people."[22] "So many people have a vested interest in this global-warming thing—all these big labs and research and stuff. The idea is to frighten the public, to get money to study it more."[23] # William Kininmonth, meteorologist, former Australian delegate to World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology: "There has been a real climate change over the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries that can be attributed to natural phenomena. Natural variability of the climate system has been underestimated by IPCC and has, to now, dominated human influences."[25] # Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa: global warming "is the biggest scientific hoax being perpetrated on humanity. There is no global warming due to human anthropogenic activities. The atmosphere hasn’t changed much in 280 million years, and there have always been cycles of warming and cooling. The Cretaceous period was the warmest on earth. You could have grown tomatoes at the North Pole"[27] # John Christy, Pubs professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, contributor to several IPCC reports: "I'm sure the majority (but not all) of my IPCC colleagues cringe when I say this, but I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we see. Rather, I see a reliance on climate models (useful but never "proof") and the coincidence that changes in carbon dioxide and global temperatures have loose similarity over time."[46] by riverc0il » Mon May 23, 2011 7:52 pm Counting the hits and ignoring the misses. Isolated anomalies are singular instances whereas climate change is about long term change. You can't cite localized high snow pack as data against a global long term trend. I have seen a preponderance of evidence supporting climate change. But I have a scientific enough mind that I see there are valid scientific disputes as well. However, anytime someone trots out a singular instance (either in support or in contradiction of established climate change evidence) it is a 100% crock of [censored]. Climate change (or lack thereof, if you prefer to see it that way) IS NOT ABOUT SINGULAR EVENTS!!! I don't care which scientific theories you subscribe to. I do care about any suggestion that a singular event in a specific area supports either conclusion. Admin argues with words from the skeptics and I can appreciate that. --Steve "Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life." - Otto Schniebs riverc0il Location: Ashland, NH Admin wrote: You can start here for a sampling of those who disagree: What was my quote? Patrick wrote: 99% of climatologist studying elements of the climate agree and believe that is happening. A list of scientists and research with some meteorologists and maybe a the odd climatologists. 1) Meteorology isn't the same as Climatology. In contrast to meteorology, which focuses on short term weather systems lasting up to a few weeks, climatology studies the frequency and trends of those systems. It studies the periodicity of weather events over years to millennia, as well as changes in long-term average weather patterns, in relation to atmospheric conditions. Climatologists, those who practice climatology, study both the nature of climates - local, regional or global - and the natural or human-induced factors that cause climates to change. Climatology considers the past and can help predict future climate change. Phenomena of climatological interest include the atmospheric boundary layer, circulation patterns, heat transfer (radiative, convective and latent), interactions between the atmosphere and the oceans and land surface (particularly vegetation, land use and topography), and the chemical and physical composition of the atmosphere. ... eteorology 2) Maybe not 99%, but somewhere between 95-99%. Anderegg, Prall, Harold, and Schneider, 2010 A 2010 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States reviewed publication and citation data for 1,372 climate researchers and resulted in the following two conclusions: (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field support the tenets of ACC (Anthropogenic Climate Change) outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and (ii) the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.[104] Doran and Kendall Zimmerman, 2009 A poll performed by Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman at Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago received replies from 3,146 of the 10,257 polled Earth scientists. Results were analyzed globally and by specialization. 76 out of 79 climatologists who "listed climate science as their area of expertise and who also have published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change" believe that mean global temperatures have risen compared to pre-1800s levels, and 75 out of 77 believe that human activity is a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures. Among all respondents, 90% agreed that temperatures have risen compared to pre-1800 levels, and 82% agreed that humans significantly influence the global temperature. Economic geologists and meteorologists were among the biggest doubters, with only 47 percent and 64 percent, respectively, believing in significant human involvement. A summary from the survey states that: It seems that the debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity is largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific basis of long-term climate processes.[105] ... ate_change It's like arguing with Tony in the Eastern corn artificial snow debate. It's not his level of expertize. He might think he's right, but has little experience in it. No time to waste on's all been debated and the scientific evidence is there. Found the easy quotes on Wiki, because it's late and there is no used to actually find (again) the actual stuff that we've discussed many times again. by Admin » Mon May 23, 2011 11:33 pm Patrick wrote: 1) Meteorology isn't the same as Climatology. Nor is it the same as cartography. Patrick wrote: It's like arguing with Tony in the Eastern corn artificial snow debate. It's not his level of expertize. He might think he's right, but has little experience in it. Nor do you in climatology. And please don't trot out again that you took some climatology course in college. I took a course in Eastern Religions while in college but that doesn't make me the Buddha. Patrick wrote: It seems that the debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity is largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific basis of long-term climate processes. The author of that passage you quoted apparently chooses to disregard views held by Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences, or the esteemed Dr. William Gray, Professor Emeritus and head of The Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, or other noted climatologists. Note, Patrick, that those are climatologists of the highest credentials. According to the author of that quote, however, they apparently don't "understand the nuances and scientific basis of long-term climate processes." Otherwise the author would have been forced to acknowledge that the "debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity" is not "largely nonexistent." That quote is therefore nothing but a sweeping generalization borne of convenient omission to suit an underlying agenda, i.e. "an inconvenient truth." Kinda like the processes followed by the IPCC. Quotes like that earn no credibility whatsoever. Patrick wrote: No time to waste on's all been debated and the scientific evidence is there. But the thing is that the scientific evidence is absolutely not "there." Now here's where I can't understand how a guy as intelligent as you can't seem to understand the difference between an unequivocal fact and an unproven scientific theory. "Global warming" is nothing more than the latter, and there are competing scientific theories out there that are equally valid. Absolutely nothing here is a foregone conclusion no matter how much you want it to be, so there's no point in acting as if it is. Remember that in 1492 the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community was that the world was flat, but that didn't make it right. At the time it was nothing but an unproven scientific theory, just like global warming is at this moment. The minority of the scientific community in 1492 had an alternate theory that indeed turned out to be correct. by Tony Crocker » Mon May 23, 2011 11:46 pm Riverc0il wrote: I do care about any suggestion that a singular event in a specific area supports either conclusion. Agree. That's why I said Tony Crocker wrote: We'll need at least the next decade of data to assign credibility to the competing climate theories.... Patrick wrote: Global... PDO, La Nina do tend to lower temperatures on a global scale, as they did most recently in 2008. The AGW advocates a year ago were crowing that 2010 was going to be clear cut warmest year on record because the first 4 months were. El Nino was in force those early months and by the end of the year La Nina had come on strong and brought the overall year down below 1998 and 2005. by Patrick » Tue May 24, 2011 7:02 am Admin wrote: Not really, geography. Nor do you in climatology. And please don't trot out again that you took some climatology course in college. No, never said I was a expert on the subject. I mentioned that I had one course in university by someone known for his work on global warming and this was back in 1986. Also mentioned that I had two friends from university, one in the Masters' program, the other working on his PhD a the time both in Climatology. The subject has been discussed in an informal basis back then, we were all after all post-graduate students in the same Geography building after all. However I tend to give more credence to people that actually study and are specialize in the field than those you don't. by jamesdeluxe » Tue May 24, 2011 9:01 am How can you guys live in SLC? It's nothing more than a sprawling suburb with fast-food restaurants and big-box stores. jamesdeluxe Location: South Orange, NJ by rfarren » Tue May 24, 2011 9:16 am Patrick wrote: However I tend to give more credence to people that actually study and are specialize in the field There are many scientists who study that field who are very skeptical of man's contribution to climate change. Joe Bastardi didn't invent the the PDO, in fact, his argument is supported by many reputable climatologists. One of the argument against much of climate science is that it is based almost entirely on computer models. None of the models are able to recreate the climate observations made in the last 30 years (satellite data) given their parameters. In fact, many of the models predicted doomsday scenarios all by the year 2010. Anthony Watt's website had a great list of predictions that failed heartily. Another major problem with climate science is the funding. Scientist who refute the IPCC report are often denied funding from universities because of the bad press they will receive. The press shouldn't have a say in science, as science should be open. Worse yet, climategate showed how many who are in the APGW camp view those outside it, and even worse, showed that these "pillars" in the field refused to show their data (which was later seen to be fudged). I'm sorry but that isn't science. The climate is always in flux. It is my understanding that since 1998 the earth is cooling and since 1650 the earth is warming and since 0 AD years ago the the climate is cooling and since 15,000 years ago the climate has warmed and since 55 million years ago the earth has experienced drastic cooling etc... Most serious APGW scientists don't attribute the warming up to about 1970 to man (Co2 numbers don't support it by their calculations). They do however, attribute all subsequent warming to manmade causes. In order to say that Co2 is the driving force of global warming you have to assume that cloud cover stays the same. That is the only way that the earth warms, if could cover increases or water vapor increases, the effect of Co2 is mitigated. Those in the APGW camp understand that. The problem is that scientists don't know what will happen with cloud cover or water vapor. The science seems sound, Co2 = warmer climate, because elevated Co2 levels in the environment in the past have been seen during warmer periods. But Co2 is a lagging indicator of the climate not a leading (we do know that humans are responsible for a fairly small percentage of the Co2 in the evironment). The only problem is that the climate doesn't conveniently peg itself to Co2. The correlation of past climate observations has been more closely aligned with the PDO and sun activity. Furthermore, more that 90% of the earth's energy is stored in the oceans. Co2 is less that .04% of the atmosphere's makeup. Therefore, it makes sense that the PDO should be a more active participant in the climate's direction. Eugenics, too, was born out of a seemingly simple scientific principle (the assumption that westerners are superior, based on the observation that western civilization had superior technology). Ultimately eugenics was understood to be culturally driven and not scientifically driven and as we have seen that combined with public policy was very dangerous. There is a large cultural component behind APGW theory (i.e. an inconvenient truth, a movie which projected a doomsday scenario, that even the most ardent APGW scientists have said is entirely out of scale. Gore won a nobel peace prize for his work with the film, and the film won many awards, even though science behind it wasn't particularly sound.) The APGW movement panders to feelings of guilt, responsibility and altruism. It is therefore no wonder that the science has been politicized to the extant it has. The pragmatist in me really thinks this whole thing is a very strong meme. Ultimately, there are many theories that propose responsibility for the climate change in the last 30 years. We shouldn't subscribe to the IPCC report wholeheartedly, as anybody who has done any research will realize it was an extremely politicized document and not backed by sound science. It is worth reading theories on the environment that refute the APGW camp, even if you don't agree with them. Finally, one shouldn't believe that the APGW theory is infallible. We needn't forget that TIME magazine 30 years ago was telling everyone that the earth was cooling (this was based on sound science ). rfarren by Admin » Tue May 24, 2011 9:31 am rfarren wrote: One of the argument against much of climate science is that it is based almost entirely on computer models. Here, let me finish that sentence for you: "...that were fed fudged data to make them produce the outcome that the study authors wanted them to show." rfarren wrote: Another major problem with climate science is the funding. Bingo. When in doubt, follow the money. I wonder how many of the 76 of 77 climatologists surveyed and referenced by Patrick depend upon this phenomenon's existence to continue their research funding gravy train? Given the source of the study I wonder how many of them feared being blackballed if they dared to disagree? Given that's their field of expertise I'm guessing that the answer to either question is a rather healthy proportion of those surveyed. Just like anything else, phrase the survey questions a certain way and you can almost guarantee the survey's outcome...just like fudging climate data and then disposing of the original data to intentionally prevent proper peer review. Just to make my own personal position clear in case this debate has obfuscated it: I don't know whether or not AGW exists. As far as I'm concerned, neither does anyone else. Despite Patrick's bleating to the contrary, at this point it's merely an unverified scientific hypothesis, as is the position of skeptical climatologists. In fact, through the leaked scandals at the IPCC we've seen that the data actually didn't fit their prediction models and had to be falsified in order to support the predictions of AGW proponents. We've also seen that those who are AGW's most ardent supporters, people like Gore and Pachauri, have positioned themselves to make enormous financial gains if the "solutions" they propose to counteract AGW are enacted. As far as I'm concerned there's no point in building public policy based upon this house of cards until such theories can be confirmed or refuted. I'm in total agreement with you on this point. Building public policy on AGW right now would be like quitting your job and giving your life savings away because you expect to be raptured. Ultimately good science should be independent and have open sources which can be properly peer reviewed and seen. More importantly it shouldn't have an agenda. by marcski » Tue May 24, 2011 11:31 am Also, isn't the reliable scientific data for climate change and earth's temperature are only what, about 100 years old? That is nothing compared to the age of the earth itself. Therefore, for anyone to make bold statements without any degree of doubt, seems a bit skeptical to me on either side of this debate. marcski Location: Westchester Co., NY by Admin » Tue May 24, 2011 11:39 am marcski wrote: Also, isn't the reliable scientific data for climate change and earth's temperature are only what, about 100 years old? That is nothing compared to the age of the earth itself. Therefore, for anyone to make bold statements without any degree of doubt, seems a bit skeptical to me on either side of this debate. If you rely solely on observational data that's true. AGW proponents, however, are relying upon data derived by extracting and examining polar ice core samples and other forensic sources. Jump to: Select a forum ------------------ System Announcements F.Y.I. 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Índice general ‹ Presentaciones miembros del foro sparkling 0.79 ERA Asunto: sparkling 0.79 ERA Publicado: 05 Dic 2018 04:46 Sargento NEW YORK — Catcher J.T. Realmuto played in his last game of the season Friday. He wasted absolutely no time preparing for his next task: managing the Miami Marlins in the season finale on Sunday.Marlins manager Don Mattingly is handing the reins to Realmuto when Miami closes out 2018 by visiting the New York Mets in a battle of the National League East’s fourth- and fifth-place teams at Citi Field.The Marlins’ Sandy Alcantara (2-2 Anthony Rendon Jersey , 4.00 ERA) is scheduled to oppose the Mets’ Noah Syndergaard (12-4, 3.22 ERA) in a matchup of right-handers.Article continues below ...The Mets posted a 1-0, 13-inning victory Saturday night when Austin Jackson’s walk-off RBI double ensured David Wright would exit a winner in his final big-league game. Wright, whose pinch-hitting appearance Friday was his first major league at-bat since May 27, 2016, went 0-for-1 with a walk before leaving to a standing ovation in the top of the fifth inning.Wright, who has undergone neck, back and shoulder surgeries since 2016 and is battling spinal stenosis, said earlier this month that he can no longer physically play baseball. It is believed he and the Mets (76-85) will negotiate a settlement on the remainder of his contract, which runs through 2020.“I’m at peace with the work and the time and the effort and the dedication that I put into this,” Wright said afterward. “I’m certainly not at peace with the end result , but tonight was special.”The Marlins (63-97) are hoping for a memorable afternoon when Realmuto slides into Mattingly’s spot on the bench. Mattingly tries to let a player manage the season finale when the game has no playoff implications, a tradition he learned while serving as a coach with the New York Yankees under Joe Torre. Infielder Martin Prado was the Marlins’ manager in the season finale last year, which Mattingly said was an eye-opening experience for the player.“Prado’s like ‘I’m never going to question you again,’ there was so much stuff going on in that game he managed,” Mattingly said with a grin Saturday afternoon. “It’s good for them to see the other side a little bit.”Mattingly said Realmuto jumped right into managerial mode after the Marlins’ 8-1 win Friday night.“He told me (Friday) night that we had to talk about who I used out of the bullpen (Saturday), because he wanted to keep certain guys available for (Sunday),” Mattingly said. “He was taking over. He took over as soon as the game’s over (Friday) night.”Alcantara took the loss in his most recent start last Monday, when he gave up six runs in four innings as the Marlins fell to the Washington Nationals 7-3. Syndergaard didn’t factor into the decision Tuesday, when he allowed three hits in six scoreless innings as the Mets lost to the Atlanta Braves 7-3.Alcantara is 1-0 with a 2.25 ERA in two career starts against the Mets. He beat the Mets on June 29 when he gave up one run in five innings and allowed two runs in seven innings of a no-decision on Sept. 13.Syndergaard is 5-0 with a 1.96 ERA in seven career starts against the Marlins. This season, he’s 2-0 against them and has allowed four earned runs in 13 innings. CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Cubs exercised their $20 million option on Cole Hamels on Friday, solidifying their rotation for next year Adam Eaton Jersey , and traded fellow left-hander Drew Smyly to the Texas Rangers.Hamels, who turns 35 in December, went 4-3 with a 2.36 ERA in 12 starts after he was acquired in a July 27 trade with Texas — a frequent trade partner for Chicago since Theo Epstein took over the Cubs’ front office in 2011. Had the Cubs declined the option and paid a $6 million buyout, the Rangers would have paid the Cubs an additional $6 million.The 29-year-old Smyly is heading to Texas after missing his only year in Chicago as part of his recovery from Tommy John surgery in June 2017. The Cubs also parted with a player to be named in exchange for a player to be named.Smyly signed a $10 million, two-year contract with Chicago last December. He was healthy at the end of last season, but the contending Cubs ran out of time in terms of bringing him back.Chicago also claimed infielder Jack Reinheimer off waivers from the New York Mets. The 26-year-old Reinheimer hit .167 in 21 games with New York this year.Hamels gives manager Joe Maddon a deep group of starting pitchers as the Cubs try for their fifth consecutive playoff appearance. Jon Lester, Kyle Hendricks, Jose Quintana and Yu Darvish also are expected to return, with Mike Montgomery and Tyler Chatwood waiting in the wings.Hamels, a former first-round pick, made his major league debut with Philadelphia in 2006. He is 156-114 with a 3.40 ERA in 13 big league seasons.He was working on perhaps the worst season of his career when Chicago got him from Texas for right-hander Eddie Butler , minor league pitcher Rollie Lacy and a player to be named. He was 5-9 with a 4.72 ERA in 20 starts with the last-place Rangers at the time of the trade, but the Cubs felt a change of scenery and a pennant race might help him get back on track.They were right.Hamels had an instant impact with Chicago, going 4-0 with a sparkling 0.79 ERA in his first five starts with the team. He was unbeaten with the Cubs until he was hit hard in a loss at Arizona in his 10th start on Sept. 19.When the NL wild-card game went into extra innings, Hamels made just his second major league relief appearance and responded with two scoreless innings in Chicago’s 2-1 loss to Colorado. He is 7-6 with a 3.41 ERA in 17 career playoff appearances.The option completes the deal Hamels signed with Philadelphia in July 2012, bringing the total value to $158 million for seven years.Hamels struck out 13 while pitching a no-hitter at Wrigley Field in his final start with Philadelphia in 2015. He was traded to Texas six days later, and helped the Rangers to two AL West titles.Earlier this week, the Cubs exercised their $6.25 million option for Pedro Strop and fellow reliever Brandon Kintzler picked up his $5 million player option.Strop, one of the baseball’s most consistent relievers since he was acquired in a July 2013 trade with Baltimore, went 6-1 with 13 saves and a 2.26 ERA in 60 appearances last season.
Pierre Barrucand news in the world news in france PACE Rudy Salles – Rudy Salles report religious discrimination Miviludes – Miviludes religious discrimination FECRIS documents Alexender Dvorkin CAP LC activities and reports 70 th – Commitment of Civil Society HRC 40 Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : The Religious Freedom in Eastern OSCE countries :The Denial of Religious Plurality in Russia Home » CAP LC activities and reports » Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : The Religious Freedom in Eastern OSCE countries :The Denial of Religious Plurality in Russia Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : The Religious Freedom in Eastern OSCE countries CAP Liberté de Conscience : The denial of Religious plurality in Russia For one thousand years, Russia has been an Orthodox country, a bulwark against the expansion of Catholicism and other religions. “Russian Orthodox lands” are considered canonical territories where competition by other Christian religions has never been acceptable in the eyes of Moscow Patriarchy. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the development of telecommunications and globalization, the “Russian Orthodox lands” have been more open but also more vulnerable to external influences. Gorbachev had opted for pluralism and fair competition between religions but very soon, reactionary religious and political forces rebuilt a wall of protectionism. The rejection of pluralism and the persistent lack of tolerance towards the Catholic Church and new religious movements are the background colors of the current religious panorama in Russia. The anti-sect campaigns and legal actions jointly carried out by institutions of the Russian state and by organs of the Orthodox Church pursue one and the same goal: the religious purification of the Russian lands. The fight against Baptists and Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Hare Krishna, Baha’is, Falun Gong, Scientology and many other faith or belief communities is part of that strategy. The Russian member association of the anti-sect umbrella organization FECRIS (European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism), which was created in France in 1994 and is mainly funded by French public powers, is a major actor in a more general plan aiming to reintegrate the lost sheep into the Orthodox Church: Catholics, members of newly implanted religious movements, atheists and non-believers. The Russian branch of the FECRIS The Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Centre for Religious Studies, which is FECRIS member association in Russia, was founded in 1993 with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. The Centre is also a missionary faculty department of St Tikhon’s Orthodox University in Moscow the objective of which is “to spread credible information on doctrines and activities of totalitarian sects and destructive cults”. Since then, A.L. Dvorkin has been the president of this Centre affiliated to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Centre for Religious Studies is the head centre of the Russian Association of Centres for Religious and Sectarian Studies (RATsIRS). The president of RATsIRS is also A.L. Dvorkin; the vice-presidents are Archpriest Alexander Novopashin and Archpriest Alexander Shabanov; the executive secretary is priest Lev Semenov, Ph.D., associate professor. Apart from the Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Centre, there is a global network of so-called « parents’ initiatives » and other similar organizations in Russia the majority of which have become members of RATsIRS in Russia (some are missionary departments of Orthodox dioceses). There are also a number of so-called “rehabilitation centres” which aim at reconverting followers of “non-traditional religions” to Orthodoxy. FECRIS’ member association in Russia and its affiliates are all financed by the Russian Orthodox Church and engaged in the fight against Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Mormons, Baha’is, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Falun Gong practitioners, Scientologists… Alexander Dvorkin is well-known for popularising the term ‘totalitarian sects’, a term used by defenders of the “spiritual security” of Russia to designate peaceful religious denominations considered as potential threats to the hegemony Orthodox Church. The Spiritual Security Concept and the Laïcité Concept In the 2000 National Security Concept, the Putin Administration stated: Assurance of the Russian Federation’s national security also includes protecting the cultural and spiritual-moral legacy and the historical traditions and standards of public life, and preserving the cultural heritage of all Russia’s peoples. There must be a state policy to maintain the population’s spiritual and moral welfare, prohibit the use of airtime to promote violence or base instincts, and counter the adverse impact of foreign religious organizations and missionaries. This concept of spiritual security has been used by Russian ideologues of the right and left. In 2003 Viktor Zorkal’tsev, a Communist parliamentary deputy, stated: “Freedom of conscience has boundaries. And these boundaries can be defined by a single expression—spiritual security.” Spiritual security, then, serves as the basis for a campaign based on paranoia of “foreign” enemies and “foreign” ideas, and for measures to unduly restrict freedom of religion or belief of Russian citizens who have decided to follow a non-consensual spiritual path. Members of the FECRIS in Russia play prominent roles in this campaign and in the repressive policy towards religious movements of foreign origin, even when they have been established for a long time in Russia. Whilst the Constitution and laws in France provide for a total separation of State and religions and the respect of all creeds, the Russian State supports and privileges the Russian Orthodox Church as a key actor in the implementation of President Putin’s spiritual security policy. Concretely, this spiritual security policy goes hand in hand with a religious cleansing policy targeting movements who are perceived as a threat to the identity of the Russian people. Recent examples are: the ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses this year, the subsequent imprisonment of a Danish Jehovah’s Witness, the jailing of several members of the Church of Scientology, the ban of two peaceful Muslim movements – Tabligh Jamaat and Said Nursi followers -, the misuse of the law against extremism and the Varovaya anti-missionary laws. The question is “How can France, a secular country, support and finance a French anti-sect organization FECRIS whose vice-president has called for years for such a policy and is part of it in Russia?” The vice-president of FECRIS, a controversial figure Aleksander Dvorkin, Vice-President of FECRIS and Director of the St. Irenaeus of Lyons Religious Studies Research Centre, FECRIS’ member association in Russia, was appointed in 2009 by Russia’s Justice Minister to head the Ministry’s Expert Council for Conducting State Religious-Studies Expert Analysis. The mandate of this Council is to investigate the activity, doctrines, leadership decisions, literature and worship of any registered religious organisation and recommend action to the relevant governmental authorities. Professor Robert C. Blitt, professor of law at the University of Tennessee and former international law specialist for the, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recently said about Russia’s antisect policy and FECRIS’ vice-president: “Russia has long relied on so-called expert studies for the purpose of categorizing and prosecuting certain religious groups. For example, in February 2009, the Russian Ministry of Justice established an Expert Religious Studies Council. This body had power to investigate religious organizations and reach conclusions regarding, among other things, whether the organization espoused extremist views. At the time, it was chaired by Aleksandr Dvorkin, an individual who lacked appropriate academic credentials as a religion specialist and was already known as ‘Russia’s most prominent “anti-cult” activist.’ Often, individuals appointed to such councils, or even those tapped as prosecution experts in judicial proceedings, lack necessary and even basic qualifications. Dr. Roman Lunkin, head of the Center for Religion and Society Studies at the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow; president of the Union of Experts on Religion and Law, Russia: “In defiance of all good sense, Russia’s law-enforcement system generates completely ridiculous expert studies (and, it appears, they encourage loyal supporters to open expert centers). Regarding the Center for Sociocultural Expert Studies commissioned to analyze the Witnesses’ Bible, not one of the experts has a degree in religious studies and they are not even familiar with the writings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their analysis included quotes that were taken from information provided by the Irenaeus of Lyon Centre, a radical Orthodox anti-cult organization known for opposing Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as many other religions and denominations.” In an article published in July in Religiia I Pravo, he also said: Orthodox activists as Roman Silantiev or Alexander Dvorkin base discrimination (leading to disruption of relations between religion and the state and inter-religious strife) on myths about « national security » and how spies exist everywhere and poor citizens supposedly do not know who is preaching to them. The vice-president of FECRIS approves the ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses Alexander Dvorkin, vice-president of the European antisect organisation FECRIS, supports the ban of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, as he recently declared to the Russian propaganda TV channel Sputnik ( He clearly endorses the destruction of non-Orthodox minorities. Here is the excerpt of his declarations to the Russian media about the criticisms addressed to Russia concerning the ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses : “Alexander Dvorkin, president of the Association of Centres for the Study of Religions and Sects, told RIA Novosti that these claims are part of a « very aggressive attack against Russia the likes of which we haven’t seen in quite a while. » « They’re trying to portray it as some kind of campaign against faith. But this is not a campaign against faith because the government cannot regulate people’s beliefs, and none of the Jehovah’s Witnesses adherents are prohibited from practicing their religion, » Dvorkin pointed out. According to him, the government merely banned a select organization and cut off a substantial flow of money to it – nothing more, nothing less. « If you so desire, feel free to hold gatherings at your apartments and discuss your religion – no one is going to prevent you from doing so. However, I’m certain that in a few years the number of the organization’s adherents will decrease dramatically – by half or to a third of its original size. Because when the financial basis is cut off, along with the ability to freely recruit other people and rent large halls, people tend to quickly lose interest and begin to scatter. In that regard, this decision was very astute, » Dvorkin said. He also pointed out that the Ministry of Justice’s decision to shut down Jehovah’s Witnesses HQ was aimed at protecting the rights of the group’s adherents. « Jehovah’s Witnesses maintains strict control over every aspect of its members’ lives, including even the most intimate moments of their family lives as spouses have to report on one another. All members have to keep an eye on each other, to spy on one another, » he said. Dvorkin ruefully added that he tried several times to contact human rights groups and to make them aware of the plight of people who fell victim of religious sects, but his pleas were ignored. « Essentially, the struggle for human rights is being supplanted with the struggle for the rights of organizations which violate human rights. This is not human rights activity but rather its exact opposite, » Dvorkin surmised. The vice-president of FECRIS attacks Hindus Source – – Several years ago, there was an attempt to ban the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism. Such a move was only possible because of the actions of anti-sect actors in Russia, including Alexander Dvorkin. Fortunately, in 2011, a Russian court in Tomsk dismissed a claim to ban an edition of the Hindu Bhagavad Gita. Hindus have accused Alexander Dvorkin of hate speech against their community and their religion. They have also complained that the son of the leader of the Hindu community in Moscow and his family were victims of an attack. This year on 3rd February a rally was held in the capital of India in front of the Russian embassy. The protesters demanded to stop anti-religious activities of Alexander Dvorkin. They accused him of denigrating their religion and insulting the feelings of millions of Hindus. The protesters in Delhi burned an effigy of Dvorkin, called him an enemy of India and asked Vladimir Putin to protect Hindus from persecution in Russia. (Source: Conclusions: All communities are concerned about or under threat of the antisect movements in Russia All non-Orthodox religious denominations and their members have been attacked by Alexander Dvorkin and the Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Centre for Religious Studies, which is FECRIS member association in Russia. This misuse of the Extremism Law against religions has been widely criticized by the UN Human Rights Committee (28 April 2015), the Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe (14 September 2012), and the Venice Commission (1 June 2012), which found the law and its use against religions violated human rights and called on Russia to correct the law. Over fifty cases regarding Russia’s misuse of the Extremism Law against religions have been filed by numerous religious groups before the European Court of Human Rights. CAP Liberté de Conscience recommendations to the Russian Federation are: – to implement the following reports : – Human Rights Committee Report, Kazakhstan, CCPR/C/Kaz/Q/1, 2 September 2010, – Report, UN Special Rapporteur, Freedom of Religion or Belief, Para 25, HRC 19/60, 22 December 2011, – , OSCE and Venice Commission Guidelines for Review of Legislation Pertaining to Religion or Belief, page 16. – European Union Guidelines on the Promotion or Protection of Religion or Belief, Para. 40 -41. – to respect the article 18 of the UDHR, and to respect the religious plurality. Synthesis of the voluntary work side event OSCE – HDIM – 2014 OSCE 2017 : side event Freedom of expression and religion rights Struggles and Challenges Deterioration of Religious Freedom in Eastern Europe The Russian Federation and Religious Freedom : The hidden factor behind the bad religion concept The Russia n Federation ‘s religious freedom at the crossroads: barriers for indigenous nomadic shamanism The Russian Federation and Religious Freedom CAP Liberté de Conscience, a French NGO created in 2000 dedicated to the respect of the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief. CAP LC is expert since now 20 years, in religious minorities’ discriminations in France and Europe. CAP Liberté de Conscience organizes events, conferences, meetings to unite minority religions to counter discrimination mainly in France but also in Europe and worldwide. Tweets de @caplc1 European Network Against Racism (ENAR) European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FoB) European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights International Religious Freedom Roundtable in Europe Google plus CAP LC google plus | Infos légales CAP LC Infos légales contact European Coordination for Freedom of Conscience :
FUMC Foundation Growing Assets Will Program FUMC Scholarships Starting from scratch, the Foundation has grown the current value of the assets it manages to over $10 million. While investment growth is central to the Foundation’s tenets, the most critical and valuable source of growth is the donation of assets from individuals, families, and family foundations who wish to build a legacy to benefit the church for many years into the future. With over 40 major donors, it is not possible to list all of the people who have chosen to donate to the Foundation here, but we are indebted to the kind generosity and foresight of many individuals and families, including the Arnold & Hazel Hatch Fund, the Hubbard Fund, the Donna O. Toncray Fund, the Essie O. Robertson Fund, and most recently, the Joyce & Perry Trytten Scholarship Fund and the Jack K. Agee Fund. Supporting the Church Over the years, the Foundation has consistently provided financial support to the church. Always welcome, this support became crucial during the economic downturn that began in 2008. The Foundation’s quarterly payments filled the gap when collections dropped, enabling the church to maintain staff and programs to continue to serve members and the community. Some funds are designated to specific missions and purposes in accordance with the donor’s direction; others can be donated to the church for use in supporting its annual operating budget. Contact the Foundation Prairie Campus John Wesley Ranch Contemplative Corner First United Methodist Church Colorado Springs 420 N Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 ©2019 First United Methodist Church. All Rights Reserved.
Zuckerberg, Congressional Hearings, and Hate Speech—Oh My! By Katherine Grygo Published April 11, 2018 Blog, Technology & Information Policy, Technology & Society On April 10, 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees prompted by the revelation that Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm linked to the Trump campaign, collected the data of an estimated 87 million Facebook users to psychologically profile voters during the 2016 election.[1] During a rigorous questioning from lawmakers, Zuckerberg was forced to finally answer questions regarding Facebook users’ privacy, the proliferation of “fake news,” the Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and censorship of the conservative media. Additionally, one more highly debated, hot topic Zuckerberg was asked about: hate speech. The topic of hate speech has been gaining more traction in international conversations as political elections become increasingly contentious (e.g. U.S. 2016 Clinton-Trump Presidential Election), as well as the rise of nationalist groups (e.g. July 2017 white supremacist gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia and anti-refugee language in Europe). In general, hate speech can be defined as speech that offends, insults, or degrades groups or individuals based on race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, gender, or other characteristics. [2] The online world, and social media platforms in particular, have become breeding grounds for the spread of hate speech and harmful content because it gives users a global stage to effectively and widely distribute their messages for consumption. Facebook’s management is not blind to how the platform is being used and as a result of a line of questioning from Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.), this hearing finally created a space for Zuckerberg to address Facebook’s hate speech policies and content removal practices. Upon first being asked to define hate speech, Zuckerberg said it would be hard to pin down a specific definition, and mentioned speech “calling for violence” as something Facebook does not tolerate. [3] Well, Zuckerberg should be slightly miffed with whoever came up with his talking points because Facebook does indeed define what they identify as hate speech in their Community Standards. This definition includes “content that directly attacks people based on their: race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, or gender identity, or serious disabilities and diseases.”[4] Zuckerberg continued to stumble and seemed to lack the necessary knowledge of his company’s hate speech policies and the complexities of its content removal process (shocker!). Again, this is another situation where Zuckerberg should be side-eyeing whoever prepped him because Facebook discusses this in its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities under Section Five labeled “Protecting Other People’s Rights.” This states that Facebook “can remove any content or information [users] post on Facebook if [Facebook] believes that it violates the statement of [their] policy. [5] Now, I will cut Marky Mark a little slack—I mean he did start a company in his dorm room! However, he’s not the only one who doesn’t know all the facts. Like many other platforms, Facebook is not transparent about the specific guidelines they use in their hate speech removal endeavors. Understandably, this is in large part due to the company not wanting individuals who post online hate speech to know the specific guidelines that are in place so they can develop strategies to evade them and continue to post hateful content. Thanks to an investigative report done by ProPublica, any curious Googlers can now learn how Facebook handles hate speech. Facebook’s formula for hate speech constitutes it as an attack on a protected category, which are the groups identified in its Community Standards. In the training guide given to content moderators, types of attacks defined by Facebook include: calling for violence, calling for exclusion, calling for segregation, degrading generalization, dismissing, cursing, and slurs. [6] Now this, is totally understandable, but as the report goes on things start to become a little fishy. These guidelines also note categories that are “unprotected” which includes, social class, occupation, political ideology, continental origin, appearance, age, religions, and countries. [7] So, if a post includes both a protected category and an unprotected category plus an attack, the post does not constitute as hate speech. These guidelines are obviously flawed and there have been multiple cases identifying instances when the human reviewers had incorrectly flagged frank conversations about sexism or racism as hate speech. There was the time it banned comedian Marcia Belsky for 30 days after commenting “men are scum” in response to a friend’s photo album, and Boston poet and Black Lives Matter activist Didi Delgado for writing in a post, “All white people are racist. Start from this reference point, or you’ve already failed.”[8] Because each of these posts address a protected category (gender and race), they are deemed hate speech. However, the statement “poor black people should still sit at the back of the bus,” is not deemed hate speech because of its mention of social class (protected category + unprotected category + attack) despite its clearly hateful racist sentiment. So, what is the most logical solution to monitor and remove hate speech more effectively? Artificial intelligence, obviously. (This seems to be the answer to every single question these days.) In the April 10 hearing, Zuckerberg said he could see AI taking the primary role in automatically detecting hate speech on the platform in five to ten years. He states, “Hate speech—I am optimistic that over a five-to-10-year period we will have AI tools that can get into some of the linguistic nuances of different types of content to be more accurate, to be flagging things to our systems, but today we’re just not there on that.” [9] How can this be done? My guess— deep learning and more specifically, Facebook’s text understanding engine DeepText. DeepText is a deep learning-based text understanding engine that uses several deep neural network architectures to “understand with near-human accuracy the textual content of several thousand posts per second, spanning more than 20 languages.”[10] Facebook engineers taught DeepText to teach itself through unsupervised machine learning techniques in order to interpret the meaning of posts and comments.[11] Unsupervised machine learning techniques applies neural networks to unlabeled data sets of posts and comments to understand their meaning and sentiment[12] allowing Facebook to feed its computers raw text straight from a user’s comments and posts thus resulting in the machine’s ability to discern the relationships between the words on their own and to break down the intent, sentiment, and entities of human language.[13] Facebook has remained secretive about automated methods they are developing and using for identifying and removing hate speech. However, it can be reasonably speculated that the platform is utilizing DeepText to streamline its process for identifying and removing online hate speech. This assumption can be made because Instagram (which Facebook acquired in 2012[14]) has revealed its use of DeepText technologies to combat the hateful and negative comments that are being posted on the platform. After seeing the success of utilizing DeepText to remove spam, Instagram hired comment reviewers to analyze and rate roughly two million comments to determine if the comment was “mean spirited” and violated the platform’s community guidelines. [15] Now don’t get me wrong, I think AI and machine learning especially in the removal of hate speech is truly fascinating, but can we really trust a machine to make calls on something as delicate as the nuances of language? I’m sure the computational linguists in the world would tell me that it’s more than possible and to kindly go home, but I’m still not totally convinced. Although deep learning methods have been argued as evolving pass Polyani’s Paradox, I still think we need to really consider that machine learning systems often have low “interpretability,” especially with regards to extremely complex applications such as nuanced language. Someone who is much smarter and more capable than me also echoes this sentiment. In an article from The Washington Post, Data & Society researcher Robyn Caplan states, “AI can’t understand the context of speech, and, since most categories for problematic speech are poorly defined [by necessity], having humans determine context is not only necessary but desirable.” [16] AI is amazing and its capabilities and ways it can be used are mind blowing. But, in some situations the computer scientists and folks from Silicone Valley are understating the problem (i.e. hate speech) and overstating AI’s abilities to aid in the situation. There are already reported instances of human content moderators censoring Facebook users and depending on how the algorithm is trained, there could be huge censorship consequences, especially for minority voices, on the platform that was initially lauded as a way to connect with others and share ideas. Maybe, just maybe, there are some things that AI can’t fix. Editor’s Note: To anyone from Mark Zuckerberg’s team who has somehow found this and is wildly impressed by my research abilities and wants to offer me an employment opportunity: I am open to a conversation. 1. Deborah Solomon, “Mark Zuckerberg Testimony: Senators Question Facebook’s Commitment to Privacy,” New York Times (April 10, 2018). 2. Meg Leta Jones, “Silencing Bad Bots: Global Legal and Political Questions for Machine Communication,” (2018). Communications Law & Policy, 23(2). 3. Mairead Mcardle, “Sasse Grills Zuckerberg: If You’re Going to Police Hate Speech, Can You Define It?” National Review (April 10, 2018). 4. Community Standards, Facebook, 5. Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Facebook,; Last revised Jan. 30, 2015 6. Julia Angwin & Hannes Grassegger, “Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men From Hate Speech But Not Black Children,” ProPublica, June 28, 2017, 7. Id. 8. Maya Kosoff, “Facebook is Losing the War on Hate Speech,” Vanity Fair (Jan. 2, 2018). 9. Dave Gershgorn, “Mark Zuckerberg just gave a timeline for AI to take over detecting internet hate speech,” Quartz (April 10, 2018). 10. Ahmad Abdulkader, Aparna Lakshmiratan, Joy Zhang, “Introducing DeepText: Facebook’s text understanding engine,” Facebook, June 1, 2016, 11. Steven Max Patterson, “Understanding Deep Text, Facebook’s text understanding engine,” Network World (June 1, 2016) 12. Id. 13. Jonathan Vanian, “How Facebook Uses Artificial Intelligence to Teach Computers to Read,” Fortune, June 1, 2016, 14. Josh Constine & Kim-Mai Cutler, “Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 Billion, Turns Budding Rival into its Standalone Photo App,” TechCrunch, (Apr. 9, 2012), 15. Nicholas Thompson, “Instagram Unleashes an AI System to Blast Away Nasty Comments,” Wired, June 29, 2017, 16. Drew Harwell, “AI Will Solve Facebook’s Most Vexing Problems, Mark Zuckerberg says. Just Don’t Ask When or How,” The Washington Post (April 11, 2018). Staff Picks: AI Edition!
News on the Green Party of the United States International Green Party news update Posted on June 22, 2009 by Green Party Watch News Network Spiegel Online reports on the growth of the Green Party in Germany at the expense of the Social Democrats. According to Spiegel, the Greens and Social Democrats are struggling for the “New Center” in German politics. In a quote that could apply to some US cities, Spiegel writes In many major cities, it has already risen to become the second-biggest political party. The article also covers the German Green Party’s efforts to connect with voters via their own Internet radio station. In what may be the most telling quote, a German voter addresses the current financial problems, and the traditional party approach. “There’s not so much money left, so it needs to be spent intelligently,” says Katharina Blumenstock, a gynecologist in Cologne. “The development of electric cars is more important to me than the Opel bailout. We need to invest in the future.” She says she trust the Greens most to find the right path out of the current financial and economic crisis. Much more, from New Zealand, Ireland, Argentina, Belgium, Scotland, Palestine, and many more can be found by clicking this article’s headline. International Greens Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgian Green Party Ecolo, Belgium, Brazil, British Columbia, British National Party, Cologne, Coquitlam, Dan Boyle, Dow Chemical, Elliot and Natalie Sampford, European Defence Agency, European Greens, Félix González, Fianna Fáil, Gloucester England, Green Party of England and Wales, Internet radio, Ireland, Irish Times, Jeanette Fitzsimons, Katharina Blumenstock, Kilkenny, Los Verdes, Malcolm Noonan, Marfell Park, Martin Bursik, Mexico, New Plymouth, New Westminster, New Zealand, Nick Griffin, Ondrej Liska, Palestine, Peter Cranie, Queensland, Scotland, Spain, Spiegel Online, Tasers E-mail GPW GPW on Facebook GPW on Twitter Select Month March 2017 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 Aaron on Stein continues appeal to Sanders supporters Green Party Voter on Stein continues appeal to Sanders supporters Where My Story Begins on Texas Green U.S. House candidate Tijerina steps up campaign My Homepage on Stein campaigns in Maine gingerbread on Stein continues appeal to Sanders supporters hjdvepysz on Ralph Nader, Rocky Anderson, & Jill Stein The VICE Guide to the 2016 Election: How the Green Party Is Cashing In on the Bernie Sanders Revolution | Albspace on Jill Stein Election Results “Terrible fit” for Green Party removed from Ohio U.S. House ballot – United Progress! on “Terrible fit” for Green Party removed from Ohio U.S. House ballot Buy FIFA 16 Coins on Maryland Green U.S. Senate nominee Flowers issues statement on primary win fifa 16 android coin on Talk of Stein as possible alternative to Sanders gets louder © 2019 Green Party Watch. All rights reserved.
Media & Hi Tech Astro school Home / Nine muses / History The claim for reparations is a sign of financial frustration 24 March 2015 / 12:03:16 GRReporter Anastasia Balezdrova Immediately after the start of the economic crisis in Greece, various persons and political parties began to raise the issue of war reparations, which they say Germany owes Greece for damage caused during World War II occupation of the country. While the previous Greek government was looking at the issue from a certain distance, though it formed a committee to calculate the amount of reparations, today's cabinet is adamant that it will require Berlin to pay the price of damage inflicted during the war and in a special speech to parliament, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has personally committed himself to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, Minister of Justice Nikos Paraskevopoulos said he would sign the decision of the Supreme Court, which would entitle the Greek state to seize German assets on Greek territory to satisfy the relatives of the victims of the massacre in the village of Distomo. The discussion about German reparations has inevitably raised the question as to whether the other two occupying countries Italy and Bulgaria have paid their obligations after the end of World War II and to what extent. GRReporter presents the complex maze of Bulgarian-Greek relations between and after the two world wars in a conversation with PhD Daniel Vachkov from the Institute for Historical Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Beginning of the problem of reparations after World War I The problem of reparations became one of the most painful international issues after World War I in 1919, when the series of peace treaties concluded with the defeated countries, namely Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, the Ottoman Empire, imposed on them various sanctions. The compensations that the defeated countries should pay the winning countries and their amounts would become one of the toughest and most controversial among those sanctions. They related to declaring the countries guilty of unleashing the war and of all further damage. Therefore, the idea of ​​peace treaties was that the defeated countries that were to blame for the war must pay for the damage. Even then, there were several major problems in estimating the amount of reparations. The first was the perception that they were not formulated in a sufficiently precise, clear and specific manner. In many cases, their amounts were astronomical. I have looked at the Bulgarian objections against the accusations that Bulgarian troops had destroyed a number of animals or the railway network. They show that, according to the statistics of the claiming countries, they did not have so many cattle or such a railway network. That is, the first apparent thing was the feeling that the damage was over-exaggerated. The big problem actually was that, through all these claims, the defeated countries did not present clearly and properly specified damage. On the one hand, everything was quite exaggerated and on the other, it could not be proved that the damage was caused only by the countries that were accused of being the cause of the war. Daniel Vachkov is a PhD at the Institute for Historical Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He was born in Sofia on 4 September 1964. In 1990, he graduated in history at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and in the period 1991-1992 specialized at the European University Centre in Nancy (France), where he graduated. In 1997, he defended a doctoral thesis on Bulgaria and the League of Nations from 1920 to 1939 (financial-economic relations). He has worked at the Institute for Historical Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1997 and explored the issues of Bulgaria’s economic and financial development in the 20th century. He is a co-author of 3 monographs and 5 textbooks, and the author of over 70 scientific publications. The withdrawing troops of a country itself may have destroyed something during the war. Therefore, a major dispute started in this connection, which would hardly be able to prove the extent of the damage and who had caused it. Another problem that would arise after World War I would be the amount of reparations that, ultimately, the winning countries would find it impossible to service. When they stopped paying due to the inability to do so, the vulnerability of the system became apparent. This was especially true for Germany, which actually collapsed financially in 1923 and the occupation of Ruhr led to an unseen in history hyperinflation, when the German mark reached exceptional levels of devaluation. As a result, it was clear even then that the reparations were not only a tool that could not help the economic recovery of the world and Europe after the war but they would instead only exacerbate the problems and open the way for the development of national rivalries and for the rise of extreme nationalist regimes and movements. In fact, very often the rise of these extreme nationalist movements in the defeated countries was due to the fact that they felt cruelly punished by some onerous reparations. Therefore, the problem of reparations showed how difficult it was to cover in this way any damage caused by the war. For the defeated countries, they were a political rather than an economic debt, a sanction against them, an attempt to ruin them economically and financially so that they would not be able to recover. And for the winning countries, they were false expectations. They believed that they would receive reparations, which ultimately they failed to obtain. Tags: HistoryWorld War IIWar reparationsBulgarian-Greek relationsMollov-Kafantaris exchange of populations agreementGermany GRReporter’s content is brought to you for free 7 days a week by a team of highly professional journalists, translators, photographers, operators, software developers, designers. 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Amy & The Engine Fronted by a modern day Twiggy-meets-Stevie-Nicks and backed by musicians who hail from across the globe, Boston-based Amy & The Engine brings singer/songwriter depth to upbeat synth-pop with a folk-rock sensibility. Coy vocals compound with lyrical smarts and infectious melodies of “quirky pop,” creating a signature “catchy, earworm style” (Vanyaland). Hailing from South Portland, Maine, frontwoman Amy Allen began her love affair with music when she picked up a polkadot electric guitar at the ripe old age of nine. Fast-forward more than 10 years, and Allen’s passion for music has evolved into a fully fledged career. Turning to acoustic guitar, Allen released three solo EPs, made an appearance on The Voice and garnered over 50,000 views on her YouTube Channel. She enrolled in the esteemed Berklee College of Music to study songwriting and met her “engine” – an eclectic group of guys who would become her supporting outfit – and Amy & The Engine was born.
DiGiCo » DiGiCo makes The Smashing Pumpkins tour a breeze Front of House engineer Jon Lemon’s initial association with The Smashing Pumpkins stretches back almost 20 years to 1995, when the US alternative rock band first really made its mark. His use of DiGiCo consoles with them starts just over a decade later, when he took a D5 Live – a desk he had been using since DiGiCo first launched it in 2002 – on their 2006/07 world tour. For their current tour, which started in April and runs until mid August, Jon has opted for the UK console manufacturer’s current flagship model, the SD7, supplied, along with the rest of the PA system, by audio rental company Eighth Day Sound. “The D5 Live came out in 2002 - I had one of the prototypes,” says Jon. “I’ve always used DiGiCo consoles. For me, they are the best sounding of the digital desks and the SD range is very reliable.” Promoting their new album, Oceania, the Pumpkin’s current tour has taken in a large number of festivals, starting in the US during the spring, travelling through Europe - including the UK’s iconic Glastonbury Festival (“It was dry this year, which was great,” Jon smiles) - and finishing in the Far East with Summer Sonic in Japan and Good Vibes in Kuala Lumpur. The schedule has been challenging for both the crew and kit and reducing the amount of equipment required, by utilizing a console that delivers almost everything Jon needs without the need for much outboard, has been a definite advantage. “I’ve used just about every one of DiGiCo’s SD consoles now,” he says. “When the SD8 came out, I used that because it’s a smaller, lighter package and we were flying around a lot and we didn’t necessarily want to fly an SD7. Then, when the SD10 came out, I used that for a while. But the SD7 is my personal favourite.” Being able to integrate Waves software within the SD Range came as something of a revelation to Jon. “When it first came out, DiGiCo sent an SD10 to my house in Chicago with a brand new Waves Soundgrid so I could get to know it,” he recalls. “I had started working with a band called The Fray and I had some multitracks of their songs. It was pretty interesting being able to set up and mix, just with the console at home and a set of monitors. So I decided not to use any outboard at all and simply use the onboard DiGiCo compressors, gates and dynamic EQ in conjunction with Waves plugins. At that point a light went on in my head. The way gigs and tours work now, we do a lot more fly dates, so I knew I needed to jump on board with this and get away from the analogue outboard racks that I’d always taken with me.” , this can save production a lot of money in freight costs. The system worked well with The Fray, so when The Smashing Pumkins’ tour started, Jon knew he could take this experience and make it work to his advantage. “The Oceania album was different to anything we’d done before,” he says. “There were quite a lot of sequences on it, with things like analogue synths in the backing tracks; we had around 10 backing tracks of Pro Tools and they wanted to play the whole album. “For safety’s sake, I decided I was going to go with the SD7; that way I would have built in redundancy - I had to build many snapshots to make the album work with the video, so I needed to know I had backup. However, the big updates from both DiGiCo and the Waves V9 plugins means that everything is very stable anyway. “I just use 56 channels, or rather 55 channels and keep one spare, which keeps us to one 192kHz SD Rack, with monitor engineer John Sherman having his own 192 rack for his SD10. I use a lot of the SD7’s internal effects, but there is one bit of outboard I still can’t get away from: which is a Manley Voxbox but I do use that in conjunction with a Waves Renaissance compressor mainly for fast compression. “We archive every show and record it straight from the SD7 via the MADI split into our Pro Tools rig. The recording is used for the live album and for virtual sound check. We’ve been on the road for so long now that I don’t really need it for virtual sound check anymore, but when we were starting up of course I used it all the time.” Now, Jon utilizes it more for archiving. “Having said that, there’s a 5.1 DVD coming out some time around September that we recorded at Jay-Z’s arena in Brooklyn,” he adds Jon has found that the digital domain has a multitude of benefits for touring live. “If we’re going to a festival, we let them know upfront we’re not going to give them analogue splits and that it will be a 48kHz or 96kHz MADI split. It works out better for everyone that way, because they have a basic mix from the FOH console to start with and the gains are all correct, so there’s no load on any of the microphones. That’s one of the real benefits of digital and having so much MADI I/O. “I find that digital audio simplifies things in a big way and the benefit of having all the onboard plugins is huge; when you need stuff, it’s just there and you can transfer from mixing a show for the website, for radio, for TV, or a festival by just taking the settings from the plugins and having them on your DAW. That back and forth between console and Pro Tools really has made life pretty easy over the last year.” For more information visit Hi res images are available for download here
Are Emoticons a Woman Thing? by Katie Bicklell They’re everywhere you look: winking in text messages, slipping into corporate emails, littering Facebook news feeds. They stare up from computer screens, those frozen grins begging for approval. They are emoticons, and research suggests their use is highly gendered. The first emoticon was the digitized smiley. It gained popularity in the 1980s after computer scientist Scott Fahlman suggested to participants on a message board at Carnegie Mellon University that they should use :( and :) to distinguish their serious posts from those that were jokes. Fahlman later lamented, “I had no idea that I was starting something that would soon pollute all the world’s communication channels.” Today, emoticons (derived from the words emotion and icon) include hundreds of symbols that are a common part of computer-mediated communication. Spring 2014 (Image Noa Snir) While emoticons tend to be androgynous, there are gender differences among those who employ them. In her study “Expression Online: Gender Differences and Emoticon Use,” communications researcher Alecia Wolf found that women used emoticons nearly twice as often as men. She also found that women most frequently used emoticons to convey humour (35 percent), while men tended to employ emoticons most frequently to express sarcasm (31 percent). Another interesting finding from Wolf ’s study, published in Cyber Psychology and Behavior, came from her examination of mixed-gender online discussions and groups. She found that in mixed interactions women’s use of emoticons became slightly more like men’s (sarcastic), while the overall usage among male users increased to the point where it was on par with women’s. In other words, Wolf found that both male and female communicators altered their online linguistic habits to match the usage of the other gender when communicating in mixed settings. The differences in emoticon usage among men and women raise some interesting questions. Is the fact that female communicators use emoticons with greater frequency and for different reasons compared to male communicators linked to the ridicule of emoticons in popular culture? And, if the use of emoticons in some way discredits women’s voices online, should women be encouraged to abandon the emoticon? This dislike of emoticons was described by Seattle Times writer Paul Andrews in his article “Put on a Happy Face, But Not in My Email.” The technology columnist argued that the use of emoticons is superfluous and unmasks the writer as an Internet newbie. “A well-constructed sentence needs no clarification; emoticons serve no purpose,” wrote Andrews. Indeed, he referred to emoticons as “the smallpox of the Internet,” adding that they relentlessly gobble bandwidth to no benefit. Eric S. Raymond, author of The New Hacker’s Dictionary, agrees. “Note for the newbie: overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood. More than one per paragraph is a fairly sure sign you’ve gone over the line,” he wrote. Likewise, UrbanDictionary compiler Aaron Peckman categorized the emoticon as “the antithesis of intelligent writing.” This distain for the emoticon was underscored in 2006 when a male character from the animated television series The Boondocks texted a female character. “I sent that bitch a smiley face,” the character said. “Bitches love smiley faces.” The quote went viral, suggesting that the emoticon has been reduced to a flirtation device, a symbol identified as feminine and frivolous. So why are so many women still smiley-ing? Northern Alberta clinical counsellor Marcia St. Pierre believes emoticons appeal to women, at least in part, because of their ability to act as linguistic softeners. She observes that in social settings, women often weaken their opinions to win acceptance and suggests that emoticons are routinely used for this purpose. “Sadly, women continue to be taught from a young age that they must be demure and polite,” St. Pierre says. “That women must be pleasant is socially ingrained in our psyches and has a bearing on our communication. Women use these softeners to get their point across, while still maintaining that they are pleasant—never the bitch.” For example, she compares the sentence “You owe me $50,” to “You owe me $50 :).” “One demands payment, the other is a kind reminder that, when you get around to it, the owed $50 would be appreciated—but only if it’s okay with you!” The reader is less likely to take the reminder of their debt seriously when an emoticon is added, St. Pierre says. While the original statement is assertive, the smiley face creates a mixed message that threatens the writer’s authority. St. Pierre believes emoticon-ridden statements also carry the risk of being interpreted as “passive aggressive or confusing.” When used in the workplace, she believes emoticons can undermine one’s professional reputation. “Who wants to receive a message from an employee with ‘:) lol’ mixed into the professional content?” she asks. Although many would agree with St. Pierre’s view of emoticons as unprofessional, they are nevertheless slipping into both business and academic environments. A 2008 Pew Research report, “Writing, Technology, and Teens,” found that 25 percent of high school students said they incorporated “text speak” into their assignments, despite the fact that most agreed that good writing is fundamental to future success. Still, the students saw a distinction between text speak and real writing, and most believed that text speak had no place in school work. In the business world, emoticon use is generally frowned upon, with a few exceptions. Linguistic researcher Franklin Krohn, writing in his Journal of Technical Writing and Communication article “A Generational Approach to Using Emoticons as Nonverbal Communication,” recommended that recipients classified as traditionalists (those born before 1946) should not be sent email with emoticons, while those classified as baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) probably should not be sent email with emoticons. Generation Xers (those born between 1964 and 1980) may, Krahn wrote, be sent email with some of the more common emoticons, while those who are Millenials (those born after 1980) may be sent email with a slightly more generous use of emoticons. However, given the fact that over 90 percent of Fortune 100 CEOs are male baby boomers, it could be argued that those climbing the corporate ladder are safest if they avoid emoticons at work. Emoticons do have their defenders. Rights Media education officer Rosella Chibambo believes we should work together to defeat society’s rejection of language deemed less valuable because it breaks from tradition. “We are taught to privilege certain forms of expression over others, regardless of substance,” explains Chibambo. “The idea that using emoticons or Internet slang makes your ideas less credible is really problematic. It highlights the respectability politics that allow certain elite groups to claim ownership over ideas born from the struggles of marginalized people—people whose ideas and critiques are valid and born from lived experience, but who happen to use emoticons.” Chibambo is alluding to a patriarchal model that may be valued by many feminists whether they realize it or not—one that encourages women to meet traditional standards of excellence or respectability. Past linguistic alterations illustrate to her idea: The feminist movement has a rich herstory of reinventing patriarchal language to suit its own needs. This widened expression has included the respellings of words such as “womyn” and “grrrl.” Feminists also reclaimed words like “bitch” and “slut,” once devalued for their negative associations. Viewed within a more politicized context, it could be argued that women are adapting the emoticon to suit their communication needs. In her study, Alecia Wolf did go on to find that women have “added dimensions [to emoticons] to include solidarity, support, assertion of positive feelings and thanks, which were absent of the male-created definition of emoticons and their use.” For example, Wolf suggests that women have expanded the meaning behind the emoticon in the phrase “Good Luck! :)” to mean not simply “I’m smiling” but to convey support, faith, positivity and feelings of hopefulness. In fact, emoticons may indicate emotional intelligence. When positive emoticons affirm positive statements (“I so proud of you :)”), or when emoticons obviously contrast the meaning of the original statement to convey humour or sarcasm (“Love waking up to cat farts in my face :( ”), the emoticon is arguably a linguistic strengthener that enhances the recipient’s understanding of the tone behind the text. In a virtual world that disconnects us from facial cues, vocal tones and body language, emoticons may actually give us a better footing and create closer ties. Still, St. Pierre isn’t convinced. “If this was the only reason emoticons were used, one could say emoticons are used to a benefit. However, this is not the case.” Emoticons, she maintains, often reflect a socially instilled desire for approval when presenting the user as pleasing or passive. In the end, both views have merit. Everyone who communicates, socially and professionally, should take Chibambo’s advice and consider the power relations implicit in their assumptions about technology and its users. “We have to look at how classism, sexism and racism inform the way we judge communication,” she says. “[Although some] women might use more playful language to express themselves, their ideas are no less important, valid.” Furthermore, Chibambo says, “I would rather read a slang-laden tweet that’s honest and speaks to personal experience than one that reads like a press release and offers little in the way of real insight.” In other words, it may ultimately be more beneficial to the cause of women’s empowerment and equality to promote the acceptance of diverse voices, rather than simply to encourage everyone to communicate in a way that might be more acceptable to those dominating online message boards and corporate boardrooms.  Find out what else is in this edition of Herizons and order a digital or print copy here. women of colour arts pop culture discrimination harassment music pop culture body image politics gender queer feminist theory racism social justice health sexism work laws violence sexuality
Home » Magazine » Focus » Magazine » Magazine Thinking of the Next Pope: the Red Biretta Goes to Timothy M. Dolan N. L. (February 20, 2012) The Pope at the Ceremony Timothy M. Dolan New York's Archbishop was one of 22 Catholic churchmen who became Cardinals in a ceremony held in Rome by Pope Benedict XVI. Traditionally Americans are ruled out as papal contenders, with the argument that the world doesn't need a superpower pope. There actually is another American as well, Cardinal Edwin O'Brien. Permalink Print Pdf Pope Benedict XVI created 22 new cardinals on Saturday February 18, including Timothy M. Dolan of New York, in a ceremony at St. Peter’s Basilica. Among the 22 we find the archbishops of Prague, Toronto, Florence, Utrecht and Hong Kong as well as the heads of several Vatican offices. Seven of the 22 are Italian thus boosting Italy's chances of taking back the papacy for one of its own following years under a Polish and a German pope. Cardinal Dolan emerged as something of the star of the consistory, delivering a highly praised speech on spreading the faith and mentioned in some Italian media as a possible successor to Pope Benedict. Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, born February 6, 1950, is the tenth and current Archbishop of New York. Dolan also currently serves as the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and was granted the titular position as Archpriest of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Mount Mario in Rome. Dolan is widely known for his conservative values (In an interview with the New York Post on April 22, 2009, Dolan reasserted the Catholic Church's opposition to legalizing same-sex marriage. Dolan said, “There is an in-built code of right and wrong that is imbedded in the human DNA...Hard-wired into us is a dictionary, and the dictionary defines marriage as between one man, one woman for life, please God, leading to the procreation of human life. And if we begin to tamper with the very definition of marriage, then we're going to be in big trouble”) and charismatic media personality (as a professor at the Roman Catholic Marquette University said, he “is with Rome on the big issues and on the little ones, but he does not do it in a dictatorial fashion.”) He previously served as Archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002–2009, preceded by service as an Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis from 2001–2002. “Benedict received the cardinals-designate from his throne under a soaring dome designed by Michelangelo, as one by one they knelt before the 84-year-old pope and received the red silk square-ridged hats, called birettas, that signify princes of the church. With Saturday’s ceremony, there are now 125 cardinals under the age of 80, and thus eligible to vote for the next pope. More than half of the cardinal-electors are now Italians and other Europeans, strengthening the Western voice at the church’s highest levels even as the rank and file grows most rapidly in the global south,” Sharon Otterman of the New York Times wrote. The day prior his elevation Dolan addressed the pope and the College of Cardinals on spreading the faith in a secularized world. NY1 reports that Dolan's speech struck a grave note, describing how, along with love and joy, blood also spreads the Catholic faith. Archdiocesan officials tell the local news station he was referring to recent attacks on Christians around the world. Apologizing for his rusty Italian, Dolan dusted his remarks with his trademark good humor, referring to cardinals as “scarlet audio-visual aids for all of our brothers and sisters also called to be ready to suffer and die for Jesus.” “Like other cardinals, Dolan will soon wear red, a symbol of their willingness to defend the church with their blood,” Vivian Lee reports. “The new cardinals are entrusted with the service of love: love for God, love for his church, an absolute and unconditional love for his brothers and sisters even unto shedding their blood, if necessary,” Pope Benedict said. “Dolan's red robes, by the way, are ready, courtesy of Gammarelli Tailoring,” Lee continues, “The Gammarellis have clothed at least five popes and try to stay discrete about it.” (A cardinal wears full-length red cassock, the mozzetta or half-cape, the rochet or white lacy piece, the zucchetto or skullcap, and finally the biretta or pointed hat.) ABC news reports that Dolan has joked “that the Vatican's tailors may have to let out his new red cassock after all the pasta he's been eating. He also jokes that he's reluctant to wear the red socks that complete his new wardrobe, lest he be considered a Red Sox fan.” writes that Dolan has been “mentioned in some Italian media as an improbable papabile, or having the qualities of a future pope. Traditionally Americans are ruled out as papal contenders, with the argument that the world doesn't need a superpower pope. But Dolan's joyful demeanor seemed to have struck a chord in a Vatican that has been anything but joyful over a rash of news reports about political infighting and financial mismanagement.” Although most of the news reports are on Dolan's appointment, there is also another American who got a red hat Saturday, Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, the outgoing archbishop of Baltimore, who also has strong ties to New York City. “Decades before he donned the red cap of Rome, Cardinal Edwin O'Brien wore a Yankees hat,” Daniel Beekman of the New York Daily News reports. The head of the Archdiocese of Baltimore is indeed a Bronx native who “never expected to make the leap to the second-biggest job in Roman Catholicism.” He is the current Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, an order of knighthood under the protection of the pope. archibisho DISCLAIMER: Articles published in i-Italy are intended to stimulate a debate in the Italian and Italian-American Community and sometimes deal with controversial issues. The Editors are not responsible for, nor necessarily in agreement with the views presented by individual contributors. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - RIPRODUZIONE VIETATA. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written permission. Questo lavoro non può essere riprodotto, in tutto o in parte, senza permesso scritto. N. L. Honoring Italian American Women @ the 2018 NOIAW Annual Luncheon RE(F)USE ME! From Reclaimed Objects to Artistic Treasure I. I. Ciro Casella: "The Golden Lion to The South, Like a Hug From The North" Alexsandra Arlia Longevity Gene Found to Rejuvenate Blood Vessels Roberta Cutillo, Letizia Airos Soria Mantuan Mostarda Conquers The World Ferrero Buys Danish Cookies From Campbell Italy’s Prosecco Hills Recognized By UNESCO Innovation, Sustainability, Family, and...Buffalo Cheese Carl Oliveri at Grassi & Co. ACCOUNTING TODAY. The Latest Trends in New York’s Construction Industry (courtesy of Crain's NY) Roberta Cutillo David-Maria Sassoli Elected President of The European Parliament Andrea Bocelli Builds a New School in Muccia
Secret Meetings German forces imposed a huge number of orders and restrictions on Islanders during the Occupation. They banned all uniformed organisations, which even included the Girl Guides! As the Occupation progressed, the local community became adept at hoodwinking the German authorities, finding ingenious ways of getting around regulations whenever they could. In a courageous move which would have brought severe retribution had she been discovered, Grace Le Roux, Captain of the 5th St Mark’s Guide Company in St Helier, allowed a group Girl Guides to meet in her house. The Guides kept a low profile by not wearing their uniforms, but secretly expressed their allegiance by pinning their badges under their coat collars! They were told to arrive in twos or threes, with some using the front door and some the back door, to avoid drawing attention from the Germans who occupied a nearby hotel as their Headquarters. Keeping calm and carrying on There were obvious limitations to their activities, but a Union Jack hidden was hidden under a bed and used for enrolments. Handicrafts and other useful skills were employed for fund-raising; most importantly the activities helped to keep their spirits up, and created hope in their hearts. Similar activities were carried out by the Girl Guide companies at St Aubin and Gorey. It is remarkable that the secret was so well kept by these youngsters! Proud moments This courage and patriotism was evident on Liberation Day, when one of the Guides, Mary Horton, proudly raised the Union Jack on St Helier Town Church to mark the end of the Occupation. In 1945 Miss Le Roux was presented with a national Guiding award, The Gilt Cross, by the Island’s Lieutenant Governor in recognition of her outstanding services during these difficult times. The Girl Guides from the Wimbledon district made a flag as a sign of their friendship and admiration for the bravery of the Jersey Guides when they heard about their meetings during the war. One thousand five hundred girls all put one stitch in to the Wimbledon flag and brought it over to Jersey in 1946. The flag was used in all ceremonial occasions until 1994 when it became too fragile. It has been on display at Guide Headquarters at Greve d’Azette ever since. Girl Guides’ archivist, Margaret Hawkins, said: ‘I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of the Girl Guides during the war. Self-sufficiency and caring for others are part of the whole ethos of Guiding and their actions during the war encapsulates this completely. It’s lovely to be able to re-tell these stories and hopefully it will inspire young girls today.’ So next time you see a Girl Guide, remember the sense of adventure, determination and friendship that enabled Guides to overcome the tough years of the Occupation, and which continues to inspire the organisation today. Learn more about life in occupied Jersey at the Jersey War Tunnels, with fascinating stories from people who experienced life under German occupation, told first hand or passed down the generations in local families
Interview: J.K. Simmons Explains Why ‘The Music Never Stopped’ Submitted by BrianTT on August 4, 2011 - 11:29am Brian Tallerico Theater, TV, DVD & Blu-Ray CHICAGO – If you’re not familiar with the name J.K. Simmons, you almost certainly know his face or maybe even just his voice. From “Oz” to “Juno” to “The Closer” to “Portal 2” and even the M&Ms commercials, the very-talented actor has been everywhere in the last few decades. The great character actor recently took time out of his busy schedule to give a call to on the eve of the release of his excellent drama “The Music Never Stopped” on DVD. TV Review: Vincent D’Onofrio Returns For Final Season of ‘Law & Order: Criminal Intent’ Submitted by BrianTT on May 1, 2011 - 8:23am Dick Wolf CHICAGO – It may have never earned the press or praise of “Law & Order” or “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” but the third child of Dick Wolf, “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” has some hardcore fans. On WGN Radio:’s Brian Tallerico on ‘Doctor Who,’ ‘Cinema Verite,’ ‘Treme’ Submitted by BrianTT on April 26, 2011 - 9:42am Bill Moller CHICAGO – Brian Tallerico guests on Bill Moller’s show on WGN-Radio in Chicago on Apr. 23, 2011 to preview and review new shows for the next week including BBC America’s “Doctor Who,” HBO’s “Cinema Verite” & “Treme,” NBC’s “The Voice,” Comedy Central’s “South Park,” and more. TV Review: ‘Law & Order: Los Angeles’ Goes Through Cast Overhaul Law & Order: Los Angeles Rachel Ticotin CHICAGO – The revolving door of Dick Wolf’s legendary creation keeps on spinning. Cast members have come and gone from the “Law & Order” franchise for years, but this time the door only goes in one direction as Skeet Ulrich’s Detective is being killed off with no chance to return. TV Review: Audiences Deserve Better Than Manipulative ‘Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior’ Submitted by BrianTT on February 16, 2011 - 8:51am Kirsten Vangsness Richard Schiff CHICAGO – Shouldn’t there be a rule against having the words ‘criminal’ and ‘suspect’ in the same title? We get it. It’s overkill. TV Review: ‘Law & Order: Los Angeles’ Has Good Cast, But Needs Better Scripts Submitted by BrianTT on September 29, 2010 - 9:41am CHICAGO – With memories of the stalwart “Law & Order” still resonant, NBC and Dick Wolf have packed up their bags and headed to the west coast for “Law & Order: Los Angeles.” Interview: Benjamin Bratt Honors His Journey With ‘La Mission’ Submitted by PatrickMcD on July 12, 2010 - 12:28pm Love in the Time of Cholera Miss Congeniality Patrick McDonald Peter Bratt CHICAGO – Benjamin Bratt is a handsome man. That is undeniable when meeting the popular actor. But what he also expresses is a deep passion and intelligence, both for his work and the world around him. He was recently in Chicago promoting his new film, “La Mission,” directed by his brother Peter Bratt. NBC Renews ‘Chuck,’ Cancels ‘Heroes,’ Launches Eight New Shows Submitted by BrianTT on May 17, 2010 - 12:00pm CHICAGO – NBC announced their fall schedule and fans of “Heroes,” “Law & Order,” “Trauma,” and “Mercy” will shed a tear while on-the-bubble shows like “Chuck,” “Parenthood,” and “Community” will return with “Parks and Recreation” coming back later in the season. Interview: Executive Producer Rene Balcer on if ‘Law & Order’ Will Save the Day Submitted by BrianTT on March 1, 2010 - 12:09pm Rene Balcer CHICAGO – As the late, great Sophia Petrillo of “The Golden Girls” might have philosophized, “Picture it: September 13, 1990.” When “Law & Order” premiere, “The Internet” and “Email” were barely words, “mobile phones” looked like portable hair dryers, and Google, Yahoo, and AOL weren’t even gleams in Bill Gates’ eyeglasses — let alone Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube. HBO and Showtime had yet to produce A-list hour dramas, and F/X, TNT, AMC, and USA had yet to produce anything more than the occasional TV-movie at all. TV Review: ‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ Has Breakout Potential as Hottest New Show Submitted by BrianTT on September 22, 2009 - 10:27am Adam Jamal Craig L.L. Cool J CHICAGO – Doesn’t it feel like there will someday just be a few mystery franchises with several different iterations on the air? We have three versions of “Law & Order” and “CSI,” and now “NCIS” has joined in, expanding the franchise of this surprisingly popular show to “NCIS: Los Angeles” with appealing stars Chris O’Donnell and L.L. Cool J.
Charli Carpenter Katie Surrence SEK: In Memoriam David Noon Robert Farley Scott Lemieux Erik Loomis Vacuum Slayer Shakezula David Watkins Paul Campos Dan Nexon Melissa Byrnes David Brockington Steve Attewell Simon Balto Christa Blackmon The Battleship Book Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force Lemieux and Watkins Judicial Review and Contemporary Democratic Theory: Power, Domination and the Courts Empire of Timber: Labor Unions and the Pacific Northwest Forests Out of Sight: The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe Attewell Race for the Iron Throne: Political and Historical Analysis of “A Game of Thrones” Race for the Iron Throne, Vol. II: Political and Historical Analysis of “A Clash of Kings” Hands, Kings, & City-States: Analyzing a World of Ice and Fire Tower of the Hand: A Hymn for Spring Erik Visits an American Grave Sunday Battleship Blogging This Day in Labor History Sunday Deposed Monarch Blogging LGM Review of Books Home / General / Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 242 Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 242 By Erik Loomis This is the grave of Jesse Owens. Arguably the greatest track star of all time and certainly the most historically important, Owens was born in 1913 to Alabama sharecroppers. In 1922, following so many other rural southern African-Americans, his family moved north, to Cleveland. Of course, his amazing speed was discovered early and by the time he was in high school, he was breaking records. That continued at Ohio State, although it only happened because his impoverished father found employment after a long dry spell, meaning that Owens didn’t have to work to support the family. He set record after record and dealt with racial segregation all the time on the road and of course plenty of racism in Ohio as well. By 1935, it was clear that Owens was the top American sprinter. The 1936 Olympics were to be held in Berlin. Hitler was going to make them a showcase for his white supremacist ideology. What should black athletes do? The NAACP’s Walter White urged Owens and other black athletes to call for a boycott. Owens did in fact join that, but the US Olympic Committee began demonizing the athletes as un-American and it caused them to cave. So Owens went to Berlin. And he utterly dominated, rubbing it in Hitler’s racist face. He won 4 gold medals, in the 100, 200, long jump, and 4×100 relay. The next person to win 4 golds in track? Carl Lewis, in 1984. Owens was very angry in the aftermath–not at Hitler, but rather at Franklin Roosevelt because the president didn’t even send him a telegram. Furious, this now very famous athlete became a Republican, endorsing and giving speeches for Alf Landon. Owens also received a lot of endorsement offers, unprecedented for black athletes. But then he was declared no longer an amateur athlete, because as we all know from the NCAA, defining athletes by your random definition of amateurism leads to no problems at all. So his career was over. But without being able to compete, the offers disappeared too. Owens had no career and no way to make money in a racist society that ground black people into abject poverty. He worked for awhile as a gas station attendant and as a janitor on a playground. Yep, that’s racism in a nutshell. A friend got him a good administrative job at Ford that lasted for a few years, but he was poor for most of the rest of his life. Owens became a heavy smoker and that’s what did him in. He died of lung cancer in 1980. His last major act was trying to convince Jimmy Carter to call off the Olympic boycott. Here’s a couple of clips of Owens in 1936: Jesse Owens is buried in Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. If you would like this series to cover more of our great track stars, you can donate to help cover the considerable expenses of traveling around here. Wilma Rudolph is buried in Clarksville, Tennessee and Florence Griffith-Joyner in Lake Forest, California. Hard to believe that she died at 38. Anyway, previous posts in this series are archived here. graves, jesse owens, olympics I Don’t Need That Housing and School Segregation: Two Sides of the Same Racist Coin Scott Eric Kaufman For all inquiries, please contact here. 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A Twitter List by drfarls 2008 democratic primary 2012 Republican Primary academia agriculture baseball books china cities civil liberties Civil War climate change constitutional interpretation deaths education energy environment film food foreign policy gay and lesbian rights Gilded Age graves hacktacular health care higher education human rights immigration i see dead people labor music new gilded age nfl nonsense race racism reproductive freedom russia Sarah Palin slavery Supreme Court television texas This Day in Labor History trump wingnuttery ga('create', 'UA-1522818-3', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');
Yeti footprints found in Everest region: US explorers Inside the queue of Expedition Everest are a multitude of books, quotes, articles, and exhibits on the history and study of the yeti. All of the masks, prints, and displays have some basis in fact, such as an attack on a camp. Whether or not that attack was the handiwork of a yeti is all in the eye of the beholder. In 2007 Josh Gates, of the series ‘Destination Truth,’ and his crew went to Kathmandu in search of evidence of the yeti. The group was able to obtain three footprints, with the most complete of the three being donated to The Yeti Museum, otherwise known as Disney’s Animal Kingdom’s Expedition Everest, in April of 2008. In December of 2007, however, fresh off of the discovery, articles began to appear worldwide. Two such articles, one from The Himalayan Times and the other from The Rising Nepal, are on display in the same case as Josh Gates’ yeti print. Below is the complete article from The Rising Nepal, entitled "Yeti footprints found in Everest region: US explorers." The article, written by Prabalta Rijal, was published on 1 December 2007. Kathmandu, Nov. 30: A team of US explorers have claimed that they had traced fresh footprints of Yeti, a mysterious snowman believed to inhabit the Himalayan mountains. 'Destination Truth', an American television crew on Tuesday said that they discovered fresh Yeti footprints on the bank of the Manju river in Solukhumbu district, northeast of Kathmandu. The nine-member television crew that is touring the world in search of unsolved mysteries and phenomena came to Nepal in search of an ancient creature which, according to Himalayan folklore, is not only known as the protector of the mountains but is also feared. The Yeti according to folklore is believed to live in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and throughout history there have been claims of its sightings. Tul Bahadur Rai, representative of Equator Expedition Nepal, which is the liaison of the American crew, found the foot marks near the river banks of the Manju river which according to the crew is a clear sequence of a six-feet stride prints embedded in the banks of the river. We found it around 11pm during our investigations, it looked like it was freshly made. We found those prints not long after it was made," said Rai. According to Josh Gates of 'Destination Truth', they started their investigation in accordance to the common folklore and started looking in places where the locals claimed it had been sighted. To date its sightings have been in regions of the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet which is not too high up in the glacier nor too down below where there are human settlements but in areas where there is a lot of vegetation cover," he said. The crew said the footprints were found away from the usual trekking trail and half-an-hour away from the nearest village at an altitude of approximately 2,850 meters. Brad Kulham, the show's executive producer, stated that this sighting was unique because they were able to document the events as they took place. We are extremely excited about this sighting because we were able to document each step of the finding from the initial sighting of the prints to the casting of the prints to safely bring it back," he said. He further stated that the Yeti footprint is just over a foot long with a toe span of over an inch and this is the first time the findings have been catalogued this way. The crew used infra-red cameras, night vision opticals and thermal scopes for the investigation to ensure the proper documentation of their finding and are hoping to air this finding as the first chronicle of their second season very soon. Labels: World of Yesterday Incredible doings Recently, while working to get ahead on articles for the Gazette, I opened up a discussion in my Facebook status for ideas readers would like to have more articles on (an initiative for input that I would like to continue in the future). The one, and only, response I received asked for an article on the history of Downtown Disney. And while I love Downtown Disney, its history, and its intricacies, I am not what I would consider an authority on the subject. However, fictional histories are something I do have information on. Therefore, today we are going to take a gander into another piece of the Pleasure Island puzzle. This time the plaque near the entrance to the former Rock ‘n’ Roll Beach Club, which began life as the XZFR Rockin’ Rollerdrome. While the clubs of Pleasure Island officially closed on 27 September 2008, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Beach Club actually felt the sting first, as its dance floor went dark on 3 February 2008. As for the structure’s previous life, it housed a wind tunnel for testing aircrafts’ flight abilities. What type of aircrafts? Here is the posted information given to the curious public: “XZFR ROCKIN’ ROLLERDROME Island founder and UFO enthusiast Merriweather Pleasurebuilt his experimental “X-Thing” here. Pleasure himself designed this super amphibious aircraft that could harness the power of the wind. The “X-Thing” flew only once – September 1, 1940 – with Pleasure himself at the controls. The testflight is shrouded in mystery, but upon landing Pleasure began broadcasts to outer space. Beamed from the roof of this building, the international Morse Code messages repeated, “W-E-L-C-O-M-E.” Further information on the incredible doings at Pleasure Island from 1911 to the present day may be found inscribed on the quasi-historical plaques at all Island entrances.” Paint Fix A tour through the Animation Gallery wouldn’t be complete without pausing for a few moments to take in the wall of paint animators have at their disposal. So you can create your own animated masterpiece, I have arranged for a few bottles to be sent to your desktop. Now get those creative juices and paints flowing! Posted by Ryan P. Wilson at 5/29/2009 06:30:00 PM No comments: Model sheet Disney-Pixar’s Up opens today. While its opening may not be worldwide, the term worldwide is probably the best expression for this epic film. Guests at Disney’s Hollywood Studios who take time to explore the Animation Gallery will discover a rotating exhibit that features information and concept work for a current or upcoming release from Disney. Today, in honor of Up’s opening, the Gazette takes a glimpse into the showcase. Romantic vision of the early West Disney’s Wilderness Lodge opened fifteen years ago, today, on 28 May 1994. The Pacific Northwest ambiance of this resort, based upon Yellowstone National Park’s Old Faithful Inn, begins with the surrounding foliage and animal prints along the sidewalk, and all of this can be found in the parking area before you even approach the front entrance, its cricket sounds, and the breathtaking main lobby. One look at the multiple fireplaces, viewing areas, geyser, totem poles, and the intriguing Silver Creek that “spills” from indoors to out before making its way to Silver Creek Springs (the main pool) and Bay Lake beyond would be enough to convince anyone that they have forever left the sweltering heat of central Florida. To celebrate Disney’s Wilderness Lodge’s first anniversary in 1995, as is often the case with Disney milestones, a medallion was created to commemorate the event and presented to Cast Members. Listen with your heart Sound permeates just about everything within Walt Disney World. From sound effects, to narrations, the entire scores that compliment the various lands, resorts, and venues. While it is possible to talk about a variety of ways in which sound is used and the manner in which it heightens any given experience, I thought instead we would look at a few of my favorite pieces of Walt Disney World sound. Song: Soarin’ – The score for the attraction Soarin’, or Soarin’ Over California (Depending upon which coast you are currently on), was written by the renowned composer Jerry Goldsmith. My fascination with this song goes back to before I had even had a chance to ride on Soarin’, when I heard the song on an official album. The rise and fall of the music coupled with the drama and heart that is felt over and over again, Soarin’ offers up enough can-do spirit in a few minutes that it is the perfect way to pick yourself up when you are down, start a morning off right, or just put you at peace with yourself. It is a miraculous piece of music, and one that will stay with me always. Lyrics: There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow – Perhaps the spirit described above could also be used to illustrate the strengths of There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow as well. The longevity of this song and the idea that good music never goes out of style is proven out in this 1964 work of the legendary Sherman Brothers. With easy to remember lyrics, a catchy tune, and a tie to a classic attraction all make this a piece that will constantly be welcome in my music collection. Area Audio Loop: Epcot’s Entrance Loop – This loop has changed a lot over the years, especially since the early EPCOT Center loop, but it is the one loop that can gear me up for a day in the parks more than any of the others. Perhaps some of my love for this loop comes from the fact that when my aunt used to get us into the parks, she would have us meet her on a bench near a Cast Member door to the left of the entrance to Epcot. It wouldn’t matter what park we were planning on visiting for the day, this was the spot where we had to meet her. More often than not, it is in that spot, early in the morning, when I feel like she is still with there with me, and the loop still keeps me company, just as it always has. Immersive Sound Experience: Song of the Rainforest – To understand this one piece, you also have to understand the various other attractions that use this effect. Immersive sound has been used in Alien Encounter, later again with Stitch’s Great Escape, and the Sound Works area of Sounds Dangerous, among other attractions. The Song of the Rainforest booths, located in the Conservation Station at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, envelope you in complete darkness before whisking you away to splendors and dangers of the rainforest. The absolutely believable nature of this experience, coupled with the message and narration, make this a truly remarkable occurrence that can be appreciated time and time again. Voice: Jack Wagner – If I am being truly honest, my favorite voice is probably that of Walt Disney when and where it can be found in the parks. Jack Wagner, however, was the original voice of the monorail, as well as an announcer for a plethora of other activities within Disneyland and Walt Disney World. The fact that jack Wagner’s spiels have been remembered, specifically those of the monorail, even though a handful of others have stepped up to the mic over the years, speaks to the unique nature and quality of his voice. Sound: Walt Disney World Railroad Whistle – I believe I have mentioned this here before, but I can remember hearing this whistle early in the morning, just as most guests were waking up, when I was a child at the campgrounds of Fort Wilderness. To this day, I can hear that whistle in the background of a vacation planning DVD, a home recording, or through a phone and feel the warmth of Walt Disney World wash over me. It is the one sound that can bring me back all that is special, no matter where I am. Sound has a lot of uses, and a lot of resonance, and these are just a few of the ways that the sounds of Walt Disney World affect us and remain with us. Sound permeates our emotions and our memories and can be recalled decades later, even after we may have thought we had forgotten lyrics or a recollection. What are some of your favorite sounds found in Walt Disney World? Posted by Ryan P. Wilson at 5/27/2009 07:00:00 PM 2 comments: Inspired by the beauty and elegance This year’s fragrance garden, France’s contribution to the Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival, offered more than mere perfume bottle topiaries. Through carefully constructed bed and container gardens, guests were shown the intricacies that go into crafting the perfect scent of a woman, or man. While visually alluring, the information presented throughout the pavilion in the form of plaques and larger displays increased not only the guests’ knowledge of individual plants, but also showcased what the combination of certain fragrances can achieve in creating and amplifying specific scents. A side note for all of the female readers of the Main Street Gazette: It has been reported that the scent of lavender is the number one aphrodisiac for men, so chose your next perfume with care. Wherever you dwell For many years, enthusiasts of the Haunted Mansion, and its 999 happy haunts, were forced to look beyond Liberty Square for merchandise. Perhaps the most sought after piece for collectors was the Haunted Mansion Secret Panel Chest. After years of waiting, following gift shops being added to the conclusion of many attractions and becoming common place on new attractions, the Haunted Mansion finally received Madame Leota’s Cart. The old gypsy wagon, parked just beyond the gates of Gracey Manor, or Gastley Mansion (depending on your reference), merchandise is now available for guests seeking immediate gratification of the yearning for ghostly gifts. And yet, like many of the fantastic yet overlooked details of Walt Disney World, Madame Leota’s Cart offers an immediate return on the previous experience by bringing pieces of an attraction out into the “real” world. In the case of Madame Leota’s Cart, items used during Leota’s séance have apparently either come from or made their way to the wagon: Harpies and furies, old friends and new, Blow on a horn so we’ll know that it’s you. Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, Give us a hint by ringing a bell. The next time you are looking for mysterious tomes or a paranormal pin for trading, be sure to barter with Madame Leota’s Cart. While there be sure to mind your manners as you never know whom or what may be listening to the music from regions beyond. We have indoor plumbing now On my most recent trip to Walt Disney World I had the pleasure of dining at one of the newest, and most unique, offerings in Walt Disney World’s dining repertoire, Sanaa. While the food is truly beyond description, a few of my dining partners, Glenn Whelan and Marissa Gordon, tried our best to do just that as we sat down to the table with Bryan Ripper on All About the Mouse this past weekend. The fun flows freely whenever I have the chance to join Bryan and Jonathan, but with the more the merrier mentality, this conversation was truly a grand experience. And one I hope that everyone will check out this week, as well as every week. During the course of the conversation, my zeal for photographing the restrooms of Walt Disney World was once again brought to the forefront. The Main Street Gazette has previously discussed how the fixtures and faucets, wall and floor tiles, signage, handles, and miniscule details all create a sense of place for restrooms inside of Walt Disney World. The sense of place is a symbiotic relationship between the restrooms themselves and the land, restaurant, or attraction to which they are tied. The restroom use the existing area’s motif to create its distinctive style and, by doing so, lend credibility to the locale. Now, I understand that there are quite a few people who would find taking pictures in and around restrooms questionable, even in Walt Disney World. As a general rule, especially with my work with preschoolers, I would concur, which is why when documenting such areas I am mindful of my surroundings. I thought it would be prudent to provide the etiquette of photographing bathrooms, as well as a few pointers, in case any of the readers wished to create their own personal restroom collection. •First and foremost, never take a photograph in a restroom that has people in it. It does not matter if they are in the stalls and cannot be seen. A camera’s flash while someone is using the facilities is obscene and an invasion of privacy. •While photographing exteriors, such as signs or the restroom’s structure, do not impede other guests who are actually attempting to use the restroom for its intended purpose. •Many restrooms that have been built recently, and some that have been retrofitted, include family facilities with doors that lock. For those not wishing to intrude on another guest’s experience, these offer a convenient and out of the way manner in which to document tile patterns. •Time is not on your side. These are not shots to take your time with and try to frame up. Have a camera ready, take the picture, and hope for the best. If the shot is blurry, you can always come back later. •Parades, fireworks, early mornings, and when shows are in progress are some of the best times to take photographs of nearby restrooms as they are likely to be uninhabited until after the show has let out. Labels: Gazette Broadcasting, Perspective The public press to call attention to this Order Thank you to the men and women of our armed forces who have, through their strengths and sacrifices, protected and defended us all. General Orders No. 11 I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form or ceremony is prescribed, but Posts and comrades will, in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit. We are organized, Comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers sailors and marines, who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead? We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security, is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic. If other eyes grow dull and other hinds slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain in us. Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains, and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledge to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon the Nation's gratitude—the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan. II. It is the purpose of the Commander in Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to call attention to this Order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith. III. Department commanders will use every effort to make this Order effective. Orange Groves to Theme Park Though I have only been to Disneyland once and Walt Disney World will always be where my heart belongs, Disneyland has a quality to it, as the first park, which should be revered. The storied history of Disneyland continues to fascinate me, and I plot out the next trip I will make to the first park, Walt’s park, as a sort of pilgrimage. So it was with awe that I read and reread this week’s Back Issue article, Orange Groves to Theme Park, which features an interview with Ron Dominguez. Dominguez started out his career with Disney as a ticket taker for Disneyland in 1955 before becoming the vice president of Disneyland and the vice president, Walt Disney Attractions, West Coast. In what can only be considered the truth is stranger than fiction, he also happened to have lived with his family on ten acres that were purchased by Walt Disney for Disneyland. Orange Groves to Theme Park was originally printed in the Spring 1990 Disney News. Ron Dominguez well remembers the orange groves of Anaheim that were destined to become home to a brand new concept in family entertainment – Disneyland. He grew up there. The Dominguez family owned and lived on 10 acres of property that were eventually purchased for the revolutionary project. Today, Ron Dominguez is Executive Vice President of the original Theme Park. “Our house was situated right about where the entrance to Pirates of the Caribbean and Café Orleans are today,” he says. “We were actually the last people to leave the property. Our new house wasn’t quite ready, so we didn’t move until August of 1954.” Construction of the new Park had begun in July. Putting together the acreage needed to house the new entertainment center wasn’t as easy as you’d think. “Prior to 1955, as far back as ’51 or ’52,” recalls Dominguez, “a group of real estate people approached the land owners and tried to obtain a block of land. But they couldn’t make it work. Later, two independent brokers from Anaheim were approached by Disney to try. Each took the people he knew, people they could deal with, and explained the project and benefits. This way they were able to put the package together.” The Dominguez property was settled originally in the mid-1890s by Wyran Knowlton, Dominguez’ maternal grandfather, who emigrated from Perry, Iowa. Knowlton first planted a walnut grove, then, in 1910 changed the walnuts for oranges. He died in 1912. In 1920, Knowlton’s daughter, Laura, married Paul Dominguez, who was part of the Bernardo Yorba clan which held enormous land grants in Southern California. The couple set up housekeeping at the Anaheim orange grove and in 1925 built the house eventually purchased by Disney. Dominguez was born while the family was living in that house in 1935. “My mother had a lot of sentiment about selling the property to Disney,” Dominguez recalls. “She had gone through some very tough times there getting the orange grove to pay off after her father died. Also, ‘amusement parks’ had a bad connotation in those days, and people didn’t know what to expect. But Disney invited everyone to a presentation up at the Studio, and after that everyone felt good about it –about what was coming to Anaheim.” Many of the houses situated on the property were put to use rather than being torn down or moved. The Dominguez and another home were put together to form the first Disneyland Administration Building. A third home was moved over to West Street to become the Casting building. A house on The Disneyland Hotel site was moved behind the Park for use by the Landscapers. Although these homes have now been replaced by newer, more functional buildings, one house still remains. Originally located where the Toll Entrance now stands, it t0o was moved behind Park where it still stands next to the Circle “D” Corral. At the time the property was sold, Ron Dominguez was a 20-year-old student at the University of Arizona. When Disneyland opened the following year, he applied for a summer job. “I was a Ticket Receptionist at the Main Gate for two weeks,” he says, “then I was transferred to the Trains. After the summer, my boss (‘Doc’ Lammon) said to me, ‘You ought to stick around. This place is here to stay. You should get in on the ground floor.’ So I decided to stay, and I’ve never regretted it.” Proverbs are like butterflies Proverbs are like butterflies, some are caught, some fly away. –Ghana Proverbs, or words of wisdom, have been a part of our oral tradition dating back to the beginning of spoken word. A proverb presents a universal truth in a compact succinct manner which can be shared generation-to-generation and even language-to-language. The proverb above is the first maxim most guests will come across as they enter the Animal Kingdom Lodge Kidani Village, and it sets the stage for not only the other proverbs scattered around the resort, but also for the beautifully crafted butterfly ornamentation that can be found near the other proverbs of Kidani Village, drawing your attention to the words and stories presented throughout the area. Though this sampling is not a complete catalog of the numerous proverbs found around Kidani Village, they include some outstanding insights into the spirit of what it is to be human, the histories of people throughout Africa, as well as hint into the nature of the guests’ current surroundings, such as the ‘pot that boils’ proverb along the entrance to Sanaa. Yeti footprints found in Everest region: US explor... The chill of ghost goodwill Galeria de la Fuente Laugh and play and learn The miracle that I've been dreaming of Work magic in our kitchens Tigers in this forest First inhabitants of Norway Blaine Gibson – Capturing the Spirit Happy places Rattle our quills We have no time to stall Commassary Lane Dancing hippo The dubious honor of citizenship Pixie Hollow Fairy Garden Dr. Marsh buys Chrono-Tech project Can you dig it, baby? Addendum: Stretch more than three and a half miles... Stretch more than three and a half miles Upcoming Transmissions Tray trees Addendum: Fort Wilderness Railroad Fort Wilderness Railroad The art of African Cooking with Indian Flavors Guests Will Be Part of Show on Hollywood Boulevard... No mourning please The transportation hub The art of Sanaa Welcome to Kidani Village He flew! My last full day I can't get started with you Buddy from Iowa For Greg Indy Extra: Ryan Indy Extra: Ashley Right in the middle of the action The reel thing
Mike Barnicle discusses the latest status of Donald Trump's campaign [postlink][/postlink] On MSNBC's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough and veteran columnist Mike Barnicle discuss the status of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign and the ground he has been losing as of late. Says Barnicle: "I think Donald Trump has done himself great damage over the past couple of weeks….Looking like a madcap ...and by some of the rhetoric…especially the other morning when he he went after the President of the United States." Hear the rest of the conversation on Election 2016. Mike Barnicle on the polarization of Donald Trump Mike Barnicle on the recent attacks in Turkey Mike Barnicle on "Trump's exercise in self-funding... Mike Barnicle on one of the biggest challenges of ... Mike Barnicle on Donald Trump's financial standing... Mark Halperin joins Morning Joe and speaks with Mi... Mike Barnicle on the apparent lack of editing seen... Mike Barnicle highlights the "over the top" rhetor... Mike Barnicle discusses the latest status of Donal... Mike Barnicle on the lack of momentum to strengthe... Mike Barnicle weighs in on gun control and policy Mike Barnicle on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ...
South Flank gets started RSS More » – December 2013 (101) BHP has turned the first sod at its South Flank Pilbara iron project. Premier Mark McGowan has visited the site to mark the beginning of the project. South Flank is expected to produce up to 80 million tonnes a year (Mt/y), and has the largest annual production guidance of any mine developed by BHP. The company says it will create over 3,100 jobs in the region – 2,500 construction jobs and 600 operational roles. The projected cost of the South Flank project is around $4.6 billion, which will be split across BHP and its joint venture partners Mitsui and ITOCHU. BHP owns 85 per cent of the project, and so will pay the largest portion of the costs. Premier McGowan said South Flank would be a welcome boost to Western Australia’s economy and business confidence. “BHP’s decision, with its joint venture partners, to go ahead with the South Flank project is testimony that Western Australia is a secure and attractive place to invest,” he said.
After Iran Deal Exit, What’s Next Most Critical By Nancy G. Brinker The Iran deal is no more. Many diplomacy and intelligence experts have weighed in on whether the deal — also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — was ultimately making America and the world safer. While there is merit on both sides of this debate, what cannot be argued is that the agreement was willfully wrapped in a false narrative and sold to Congress, the press, and the American people as something it wasn’t. There is nothing more important to America’s security and our allies in the Mideast than preventing the spread of nuclear weapons among rogue states. The question to be answered at this point is what comes next. Democrats and Republicans agree that the Iran Deal was negotiated and implemented with significant flaws. In fact, bipartisan majorities in both chambers of Congress voted against the deal. After debating a resolution of disapproval on the JCPOA in 2016, the U.S. Senate moved to a vote to end debate on the subject, which required 60 votes. But with a vote of 58-42 in favor, Democrats filibustered the measure and prevented the resolution of disapproval from coming to a vote. In the House, opponents of the deal, led by current U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, passed a notable resolution claiming that Obama did not submit all the elements of the deal to Congress as required by the Iran Nuclear Review Act. Perhaps the JCPOA would have received more support in Congress and from the American people if it wasn’t wrapped inside a false narrative. In a 2016, Ben Rhodes, the Deputy National Security Adviser for strategic communications, informed The New York Times Magazine that he helped promote a “narrative” that the administration started negotiations with Iran after Hassan Rouhani was elected president in 2013. In fact, the administration’s negotiations actually began earlier, with the country’s more ideologically extreme Islamic faction, well before Rouhani’s election. Rhodes said, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns . . . They literally know nothing.” If the Iran deal was so virtuous, why did it require the selling of a false narrative to reporters? The American public? To Congress? It has been widely reported that Iran is still working on its nuclear program. Iran has also continued to develop ballistic missiles, sown unrest throughout the region and funded terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. The 10 year nuclear deal also directed billions of dollars to Iran — reportedly shipped to the hostile state on pallets. Billions more flowed into Iran because of the of unfreezing of financial accounts around the world as a result of lifted sanctions. Instead of using this money to support the Iranian people, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has found that the regime has been used to supplement increased arms development by the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. The FDD has identified as many as 23 ballistic missile launches by Iran since the conclusion of the July 2015 nuclear deal. So, what comes next? Some administration officials have sought to negotiate with our European partners for an alleged fix to the Iran deal. The problem is that “fixes” fail to deal with the agreement’s serious flaws — identified by Democrats and Republicans alike. President Trump should sustain and build upon elements of President Obama’s approach, including multilateral outreach, compliance assurances and strong verification measures. This should be merged with the imposition of crippling economic sanctions against the regime, as well as nations who finance them. The American people and our allies, including Israel, deserve better than a toothless deal that paves the Iranian regime’s path to nuclear weapons. It’s also abundantly clear that any new foreign policy approach must be sanctioned by Congress and presented honestly to the American people to ensure its long-term stability. Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest breast cancer charity, has served as U.S. ambassador to Hungary, U.S. chief of protocol, and as a Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control to the U.N.’s World Health Organization. She is continuing her work in efforts to end death from cancer.
$1M GOLD THEFT : TOP COP IN COURT Friday, August 24, 2018 NewsdzeZimbabwe 0 Lovemore Sibanda A TOP detective who allegedly approached Bulawayo businessman Lovemore Sibanda so that he could fraudulently tender his registered mining company documents to facilitate the release of 14 kilogrammes of gold kept at Plumtree Police Station as an exhibit through a court order, appeared in court yesterday. The gold, which is part of the 28kg worth about $1 million intercepted from a suspect who was trying to smuggle it into Botswana through the Plumtree Border Post, belongs to one Jefat Chaganda. Detective Assistant Inspector Ladislous Tinacho (50), who is in charge of the ZRP Minerals and Border Control Unit in Plumtree, allegedly linked Chaganda to Sibanda who then agreed to use his Qalo Syndicate Mine documents purporting to be the owner of the gold before securing a court order facilitating the release of 14kg of the gold worth $358 000. Det Asst Insp Tinacho was given a $5 000 kickback for his efforts. The gold, which was later sold at Fidelity Printers and Refiners, was seized by police while being smuggled to Botswana through Plumtree Border. It was subsequently taken to the police station where it was kept as an exhibit. Det Asst Insp Tinacho yesterday appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Ms Sithembiso Ndlovu facing a charge of defeating or obstructing the course of justice. He was remanded in custody to September 3. Prosecuting, Chief Public Prosecutor Ms Nonhlanhla Ndlovu said on July 7 this year at Plumtree Police Station, gold weighing 28kg and worth $970 000 was stolen from the armoury through an act of unlawful entry. The gold was later intercepted by police at One-Stop Shop leading to the arrest of Chaganda. He was found in unlawful possession of part of the stolen gold weighing 14 kg. Chaganda was taken to court and during his trial, representations were made to the court that through Qalo Syndicate, he was the purported owner of the gold, which was the subject of the matter. Det Asst Insp Tinacho assisted Chaganda to secure a lawyer. He also connected him to Sibanda whom he connived with and fraudulently used Qalo Syndicate documents to facilitate the release of the 14kg of gold. Det Asst Insp Tinacho was given $5 000 as a kickback. The court heard that Chaganda was discharged at the close of the State case and the magistrate ordered the release of the gold. “Soon after the gold was released through a court order, Chaganda took the mineral to Fidelity Printers and Refiners where it was bought for $358 000. Det Asst Insp Tinacho was given $5 000 as a kickback,” said Ms Ndlovu. Sibanda was given $30 000 for the use of his mine documents while Chaganda and his accomplice shared the remainder. “By allowing such misrepresentations to be made before the court, the accused person prejudiced the trial proceedings, which resulted in the release of the gold into his possession,” said the prosecutor. Meanwhile, Sibanda’s application for bail pending trial was held in camera. He was remanded to September 24 and it could not be established whether he was granted bail or not. The Officer-in-Charge of Plumtree Police Station, Inspector Ginger Vhiyano and six of his subordinates have since appeared in court in connection with the matter. They were all remanded in custody to September 3 by Plumtree resident magistrate, Miss Sharon Rosemani. The seven allegedly hatched a plan to steal the gold and two FN rifles. According to court papers, detectives from the Minerals and Border Control Unit arrested a suspect who was trying to smuggle 28 kilogrammes of gold through the Plumtree Border Post into Botswana. The seven then took the gold as an exhibit and locked it at the police station’s armoury for safekeeping. The offence came to light on July 15 when Chief Inspector Mangena, who was reporting for duty, noticed that two FN rifles which were booked in the charge office were not physically there in the armoury. Chronicle
Rep. Heartsill won't seek re-election By Newton Daily News Rep. Greg Heartsill, R-Columbia, announced Wednesday he will not seek re-election. “My family has experienced many changes in recent years, and are now entering new stages in life," Heartsill said After consulting with them, I have decided to shift my focus there." Heartsill is serving his third term in the Iowa House, representing the 28th District, which includes areas of Jasper, Marion and Lucas counties. “I have enjoyed building relationships with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. That has made all the difference in getting legislation passed that is meaningful to Iowans," he said. "It has truly been an honor to serve in this capacity.” What is your favorite thing about fall? Crisp Cool Air
Want to Keep Enjoying Winter Sports? Wear a Mouthguard! Tags: mouthguards What's your favorite winter sport? For some, it's all about swooshing down a snowy trail on skis, a board, or a sled. For others, the main attraction is skating at an ice rink or a frozen pond. If you're more of an indoors athlete, you may enjoy a fast-moving game of basketball or a round of squash. Or, you might take a turn on a climbing wall or a trampoline. What do all these activities have in common? They're fun, they're great exercise…and they all come with a risk of injury to your teeth. It's easy to see how a collision on snow or ice could result in a blow to the mouth. But did you know that basketball (along with hockey) is among the sports with the highest risk of facial injury? What's more, many "non-contact" sports actually have a similar risk. Located front and center in the face, the incisors (front teeth) are the ones most likely to sustain injury. Unfortunately, they are also the most visible teeth in your smile. With all of the advances in modern dentistry, it's possible to restore or replace damaged teeth in almost any situation—but the cost can be high, both for present restoration and future preservation. Is there a better alternative? Yes! It isn't sitting at home—it's wearing a custom-made mouthguard when there's a risk of facial injury. Most people don't ski or play hockey without protective gear like a helmet. A mouthguard can effectively protect against dental injury that might otherwise be serious. Available here at the dental office, a custom mouthguard is made from an exact model of your own teeth, so it's comfortable to wear and fits perfectly—but no safety equipment can work if you don't use it! So whether you like to hit the trails or the gym this winter, don't forget to bring a custom-made mouthguard. It's a small piece of gear that can save you from a big headache! If you would like more information on mouthguards, please contact us or schedule a consultation. You can learn more by reading the Dear Doctor magazine articles “Athletic Mouthguards” and “An Introduction to Sports Injuries & Dentistry.”
Previous (Conic section) Next (Conjuration) Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) Kingdom: Plantae Division: Pinophyta Class: Pinopsida Orders & Families Cordaitales† Pinales Pinaceae - Pine family Araucariaceae - Araucaria family Podocarpaceae - Yellow-wood family Sciadopityaceae - Umbrella-pine family Cupressaceae - Cypress family Cephalotaxaceae - Plum-yew family Taxaceae - Yew family Vojnovskyales† Voltziales† † extinct The conifers, division Pinophyta, also known as division Coniferae, are one of 13 or 14 division-level taxa within the Plant Kingdom (Plantae). They are cone-bearing seed plants (specifically gymnosperms) with vascular tissue. All living conifers are woody plants, the great majority being trees with just a few being shrubs. Typical examples of conifers include cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers, pines, redwoods, spruces, and yews. Conifers can be found growing naturally in almost all parts of the world, and are frequently dominant plants in their habitats. Conifers are of immense economic value, primarily for timber and paper production. They have played an important part in many human cultures and are grown in gardens and enjoyed in nature around the world for their quiet beauty. In many homes a young conifer is brought in each year to serve as a Christmas tree. The reproductive cycle of many conifers also exhibit the harmony among living organisms, as many species require a symbiotic relationship with birds, squirrels, and other animals in order to release their seeds for germination. 1 Taxonomy 2 Morphology 2.1 Foliage 2.2 Reproduction 3 Conifer families 3.1 Pinaceae - Pine family 3.2 Araucariaceae - Araucaria family 3.3 Podocarpaceae - Yellow-wood family 3.4 Sciadopityaceae - Umbrella-pine family 3.5 Cupressaceae - Cypress family 3.6 Cephalotaxaceae - Plum-yew family 3.7 Taxaceae - Yew family Conifers are gymnosperms, along with three much smaller plant divisions: Ginkgophyta (the ginkgo tree), Cycadophyta (the cycads)), and Gnetophyta (the genera Gnetum, Ephedra, and Welwitschia). As gymnosperms, conifers bear their seeds "naked"; not covered by an ovary. The other type of seed plants, the angiosperms (flowering plants), cover their seeds by including them in a true fruit. The division Pinophyta consists of just one class, Pinopsida. This includes four orders, three of which (Cordaitales, Vojnovskyales, Voltziales) are long extinct and known only through fossils. All living conifers are members of the order Pinales, which is generally divided into seven families. All living conifers are woody plants, and most are trees, the majority having monopodial growth form (a single, straight trunk with side branches) with strong apical dominance (the truck is dominant over the branches). The size of mature conifers varies from less than one meter (3 feet), to over 100 meters (330 feet). The world's tallest, largest, thickest, and oldest living things are all conifers. The tallest is a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), with a height of 113 meters (370 feet). The largest is a Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), with a volume of 1,490 cubic meters (17,300 cubic feet). The thickest, or tree with the greatest trunk diameter, is a Montezuma Cypress (Taxodium mucronatum), 11.5 meters (38 feet) in diameter. The oldest is a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva), 4,700 years old. Cupressaceae: scale leaves of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Lawson's Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana); scale in millimeters Pinaceae: needle leaves and bud of Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) The leaves of many conifers are long, thin, and needle-like, but others, including most of the Cupressaceae and some of the Podocarpaceae, have flat, triangular scale-like leaves. Some, notably Agathis in Araucariaceae and Nageia in Podocarpaceae, have broad, flat, strap-shaped leaves. In the majority of conifers, the leaves are arranged spirally. In many species, the leaf bases are twisted to present the leaves in a flat plane for maximum light capture (e.g. Grand Fir Abies grandis). Leaf size varies from 2 millimeters (.08 inches) in many scale-leaved species, up to 400 millimeters (16 inches) long in the needles of some pines (e.g. Apache Pine Pinus engelmannii). The stomata are in lines or patches on the leaves, and can be closed when it is very dry or cold. The leaves are often dark green in color which may help absorb a maximum of energy from weak sunshine at high latitudes or under forest canopy shade. Conifers from hotter areas with high sunlight levels (e.g. Turkish Pine Pinus brutia) often have yellower-green leaves, while others (e.g. Blue Spruce Picea pungens) have a very strong glaucous wax bloom to reflect ultraviolet light. In the great majority of genera, the leaves are evergreen, usually remaining on the plant for several (2-40) years before falling, but five genera (Larix, Pseudolarix, Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia and Taxodium) are deciduous, shedding the leaves in autumn and leafless through the winter. The seedlings of many conifers, including most of the Cupressaceae, and Pinus in Pinaceae, have a distinct juvenile foliage period where the leaves are different, often markedly so, from the typical adult leaves. The leaves of the conifers give them an advantage over broad-leafed trees in cold environments and in environments with a dry season in summer. Since most are evergreen, they can carry on photosynthesis on sunny winter days when most broad-leafed trees are leafless. They also have the advantage of not having to expend the extra energy every year to produce a new crop of leaves in spring (Pielou 1988). Pinaceae: cone of a Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Pinaceae: pollen cone of a Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi) Most conifers bear both male and female cones on the same plant. All are wind-pollinated. The male cones have structures called microsporangia which produce yellowish pollen. Pollen is released and carried by the wind to female cones. Pollen grains from living pinophyte species produce pollen tubes, much like those of angiosperms. When a pollen grain lands near a female gametophyte, it undergoes meiosis and fertilizes the female gametophyte. The resulting zygote develops into an embryo, which along with its surrounding integument, becomes a seed. Taxaceae: the fleshy aril which surrounds each seed in the European Yew (Taxus baccata) is a highly modified seed cone scale Conifer seeds develop inside a protective cone called a strobilus (or, very loosely, "pine cones," which technically occur only on pines, not other conifers). The cones take from four months to three years to reach maturity, and vary in size from 2 to 600 millimeters (0.08 to 24 inches) long. In Pinaceae, Araucariaceae, Sciadopityaceae and most Cupressaceae, the cones are woody, and when mature the scales usually spread open allowing the seeds to fall out and be dispersed by the wind. In some (e.g. firs and cedars), the cones disintegrate to release the seeds, and in others (e.g. the pines that produce pine nuts) the nut-like seeds are dispersed by birds (mainly nutcrackers and jays) and mammals (mainly squirrels), which break up the specially adapted softer cones. Ripe cones may remain on the plant for a varied amount of time before falling to the ground; in some fire-adapted pines, the seeds may be stored in closed cones for up to 60-80 years, being released only when a fire kills the parent tree. In the families Podocarpaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Taxaceae, and one Cupressaceae genus (Juniperus), the scales are soft, fleshy, sweet and brightly colored, and are eaten by fruit-eating birds, which then pass the seeds in their droppings. These fleshy scales are (except in Juniperus) known as arils. In some of these conifers (e.g. most Podocarpaceae), the cone consists of several fused scales, while in others (e.g. Taxaceae), the cone is reduced to just one seed scale or (e.g. Cephalotaxaceae) the several scales of a cone develop into individual arils, giving the appearance of a cluster of berries. Conifer families The Sugar Pine, Pinus lambertiana, of western North America is the largest pine. The family Pinaceae (pine family) includes many of the well-known conifers of commercial importance, such as cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines, and spruces. It is the largest conifer family in species diversity, with between 220-250 species (depending on taxonomic opinion) in 11 genera, and the second-largest (after Cupressaceae) in geographical range, found in most of the Northern Hemisphere with the majority of the species in temperate climates but ranging from subarctic to tropical. One species just crosses the equator in Southeast Asia. Major centers of diversity are found in the mountains of southwest China, central Japan, Mexico, and California in the United States. Members of the pine family are trees (rarely shrubs) growing from 2 to 100 meters tall, mostly evergreen (except Larix and Pseudolarix, deciduous), resinous, monoecious, with subopposite or whorled branches, and spirally arranged, linear (needle-like) leaves. The female cones are large and usually woody, 2 to 60 centimeters (1 to 24 inches) long, with numerous spirally-arranged scales, and two winged seeds on each scale. The male cones are small, 0.5 to 6 centimeters (0.2 to 2.4 inches) long, and fall soon after pollination; pollen dispersal is by wind. Seed dispersal is mostly by wind, but some species have large seeds with reduced wings, and are dispersed by birds and mammals. The embryos are multi-cotyledonous, with 3-24 cotyledons. The Araucariaceae are a very ancient family. They achieved maximum diversity in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, when they existed almost worldwide. At the end of the Cretaceous, when dinosaurs became extinct, so too did the Araucariaceae in the Northern Hemisphere. Araucaria araucana, Monkey Puzzle Tree There are three genera with 41 species alive today, Agathis, Araucaria, and Wollemia, all derived from the Antarctic flora and distributed largely in the Southern Hemisphere. By far the greatest diversity is in New Caledonia (18 species), with others in southern South America, New Zealand, Australia, and Malesia (a region including the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, and other areas straddling the boundary of the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones), where Agathis extends a short distance into the Northern Hemisphere, reaching 18° N in the Philippines. All are evergreen trees, typically with a single stout trunk and very regular whorls of branches, giving them a formal appearance. Several are very popular ornamental trees in gardens in subtropical regions, and some are also very important timber trees, producing wood of high quality. Several have edible seeds similar to pine nuts, and others produce valuable resin and amber. In the forests where they occur, they are usually dominant trees, often the largest species in the forest; the largest is Araucaria hunsteinii, reported to 89 meters (292 feet) tall in New Guinea, with several other species reaching 50 to 65 meters (165 to 210) tall. The petrified wood of the famous Petrified Forest in Arizona are fossil Araucariaceae. During the Upper (Late) Triassic the region was moist and mild. The trees washed from where they grew in seasonal flooding and accumulated on sandy delta mudflats, where they were buried by silt and periodically by layers of volcanic ash which mineralized the wood. The fossil trees belong generally to three species of Araucariaceae, the most common of them being Araucarioxylon arizonicum. Some of the segments of trunk represent giant trees that are estimated to have been over 50 meters tall (165 feet) when they were alive. Podocarpaceae is a large family growing mainly in the Southern Hemisphere with 18-19 genera and about 170-200 species of evergreen trees and shrubs. The family is a classic member of the Antarctic flora, with its main centers of diversity in Australasia, particularly New Caledonia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, and to a slightly lesser extent, Malesia and South America (in the latter, primarily in the Andes mountains). Several genera extend north of the equator into Indo-China and/or the Philippines. Podocarpus additionally reaches as far north as southern Japan and southern China in Asia and Mexico in the Americas, and Nageia into southern China and southern India. Two genera also occur in sub-Saharan Africa, the widespread Podocarpus and the endemic Afrocarpus. One species, Parasitaxus usta, is unique as the only known parasitic conifer. It occurs on New Caledonia, where it is parasitic on another member of the Podocarpaceae, Falcatifolium taxoides. The Koyamaki (Sciadopitys verticillata) or Japanese Umbrella-pine, is endemic to Japan. It is the sole member of the family Sciadopityaceae and genus Sciadopitys, a living fossil with no close relatives and known in the fossil record for about 230 million years. Sciadopitys verticillata foliage The Koyamaki is an evergreen tree that can grow 15 to 27 meters (50 to 90 feet) tall, with brown main shoots bearing whorls of 7 to 12 centimeters (3 to 5 inches), long flexible green cladodes that look like, and perform the function of, leaves but are actually composed of stem tissues; occasionally, a cladode will be forked and produce a bud in the 'v' of the fork. The cones are 6 to 11 cm (2.5 to 4.5 inches) long, mature in about 18 months, and have flattish scales, which open to release the seeds. It is a very attractive tree and is popular in gardens, despite its slow growth rate and high cost. Sugi, Cryptomeria japonica, the national tree of Japan. The Cupressaceae or cypress family includes 27 to 30 genera and 130 to 140 species. Its species are found worldwide in both the southern and northern hemispheres and include cypresses, bald cypresses, junipers, and redwoods. Many are valuable to humans for timber and other products. They are also widely grown in gardens and parks because of their unique beauty. The national trees of Japan and Mexico and the state trees of Louisiana and California in the United States are members of the cypress family. The family Cepahlotaxaceae is small, with three genera and about 20 species, closely allied to the Taxaceae, and included in that family by some botanists. They are restricted to East Asia, except for two species of Torreya found in the southwest and southeast of the United States; fossil evidence shows a much wider prehistorical Northern Hemisphere distribution. These are much branched, small trees and shrubs. The leaves are evergreen, spirally arranged, often twisted at the base to appear two-ranked. They are linear to lanceolate, and have pale green or white stomatal bands on the undersides. The male cones are 4 to 25 mm (0.16 to 1 inch) long, and shed pollen in the early spring. The female cones are reduced, with one to a few ovuliferous scales, and one seed on each ovuliferous scale. As the seed matures, the ovuliferous scale develops into a fleshy aril fully enclosing the seed. The mature aril is thin, green, purple, or red, soft and resinous. Each ovuliferous scale remains discrete, so the cone develops into a short stem with one to a few berry-like seeds. They are probably eaten by birds or other animals which then disperse the hard seed undamaged in their droppings, but seed dispersal mechanisms in the family are not yet well researched. An Irish Yew (Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata') planted at Kenilworth Castle The family Taxaceae, commonly called the yew family, includes three genera and about 7 to 12 species, or in other interpretations six genera and about 30 species. Yews are found around the world, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. Most are poisonous to humans (the family and generic names have the same root as the word "toxic") and some have traditional medical uses in many cultures. The European Yew, Taxus baccata, had a great importance in Medieval times as the source of the best wood for long bows and was often credited with supernatural powers, being traditionally planted in churchyards. The bark of the Pacific Yew, T. brevifolia, is now being used to make the anti-cancer drug Taxol (Hartzell 1991). Dallimore, W., and A. B. Jackson. Revised by S. G. Harrison. 1967. A Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae. New York : St. Martin's Press. Earle, C. J. 2006. The Gymnosperm Database. Retrieved June 25, 2007. Hartzell, H. 1991. The Yew Tree Eugene, OR: Hulogosi. Lanner, R. M. 1999. Conifers of California. Los Alivos, CA: Cachuma Press. ISBN 0962850535 Pielou, E. C. 1988. The World of Northern Evergreens. Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801421160 Conifer history Pinaceae history Araucariaceae history Podocarpaceae history Sciadopitys history Cupressaceae history Cephalotaxaceae history Taxaceae history History of "Conifer" Retrieved from
Film Review: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom J. A. Bayona (Director) Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard Sci-Fi/Adventure When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event. (IMDB Synopsis) Five films in, has the Jurassic Park franchise reached a point where it needs to bow out? I think so. Fallen Kingdom was enjoyable enough--an entertaining way to pass a couple of hours--but it also had a lot of problems. In fantasy and sci-fi, you always need to be willing to accept things as possible that wouldn't work in our world; however, if you come out of a movie commenting on how things within the film contradicted each other, there's a problem. E.g. How is turning off the lights going to help them escape a creature whose heightened sense of smell has already been mentioned several times? I also fear they've run out of interesting places to go with the storylines, which are all becoming rehashes of past material. This was definitely a weaker film than Jurassic World, and even that wasn't as engaging as the first and third movies in the Jurassic Park trilogy. (We won't talk about Lost World.) It seems every film now has to have a new bigger and meaning dinosaur, while the raptors, which were genuinely scary in the past, have been neutered. In conclusion, I am giving this three stars. It was entertaining enough, but it was also highly flawed, and I think perfectly demonstrates that franchises sometimes need to learn when the time has come to let go.
Danai Gurira Is Leaving The Walking Dead In Season 10 Danai Gurira planning her exit from The Walking Dead, following in the footsteps of Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan. THR reports that Gurira has signed on for just one more season of AMC's The Walking Dead, which was just renewed for season 10, after which she will likely join Lincoln in the series of movies about Rick Grimes. The actress, who has played Michonne since season three and also starred in last year's Black Panther, will reportedly appear in "a handful of episodes" in season 10 before making the jump to the movies, which makes sense given that that's where Michonne's boyfriend/the father of her child will be...and given the fact that Gurira is making a huge splash as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan both left the series earlier in season nine. Cohan is now starring in an upcoming ABC show Whiskey Cavalier, and Lincoln will be starring in the series of TV movies about his TWD character, an announcement that was made immediately after his final episode aired. "It's not the beginning of the end, it's the end of the beginning," said Lincoln in a statement at the time. "And I like the idea that we get to tell a bigger story, maybe with a sort of wider vista. And I've always been interested in what's going on out there, you know, whether or not there is contact with the wider world. I want to know the meta of it all. And I suppose to be able to kind of touch upon that in a contained story for me is a very exciting proposition... Maybe it's the start of a bigger story." Gurira's character Michonne, a fan-favorite character in both the TV show and comic books, stepped into a leadership position on the series following the departure of Lincoln's Rick Grimes. In addition to The Walking Dead and Black Panther, Gurira is an accomplished playwright and was nominated for a Tony for writing Eclipsed. AMV has yet to comment. The Walking Dead airs Sunday at 9 p.m. on AMC.
Es Devlin named Artistic Director of London Design Biennale 2020 London Design Biennale announces that multi-award-winning artist and designer Es Devlin OBE will be the Artistic Director of the third edition of the international exhibition at London’s Somerset House, 8-27 September 2020. Widely recognised to be one of the most visionary and artistically ambitious figures working in the fields of music, opera, art, theatre and technology today, Devlin is known for creating large-scale performative sculptures and environments that fuse technology and poetry. For London Design Festival 2018, her luminous fluorescent red Please Feed The Lions installation roared AI- generated collective poetry to crowds in Trafalgar Square. The Singing Tree, a collective choral installation at the V&A, merged machine-learning with sound and light in 2017; and the 2016 Mirrormaze in Peckham and 2017 ROOM 2022 at Miami Art Basel both explored reflective labyrinthine narratives and geometries. She has conceived touring stage sculptures for Beyoncé, U2, The Weeknd, Adele and Kanye West, and collaborated with celebrated theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli on an interpretation of The Order of Time read by Benedict Cumberbatch at BOLD Peckham in September 2018. She designed the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony and has conceived the UK Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai. Devlin has chosen ‘Resonance’ as the theme, which over 50 countries, cities and territories will respond to in their installations and presentations across the entirety of the site. Alongside Devlin’s role as 2020 Artistic Director, London Design Biennale also announces the appointment of Will Sorrell as Managing Director. Prior to joining London Design Biennale, Sorrell was Managing Director of designjunction. He has instigated over 35 exhibitions in 15 countries, across design, art, architecture and fashion. These include seven editions of the award-winning designjunction show; the launch of Tom Dixon’s critically acclaimed MOST event in Milan; and touring exhibitions with the British Council across four continents. Will graduated with a BA from New York University in Individualised Study (Diaspora and Intercultural Relations) and an MA from University of the Arts London in Enterprise and Management for the Creative Arts. The third edition of London Design Biennale will take place from 8 - 27 September 2020, with a press and private view on Monday 7 September 2020. Participants from 50 countries, territories and cities will be invited to respond to the theme Resonance with original design installations that will be shown across the entirety of Somerset House, including the Edmond J Safra Fountain Court and River Terrace. London Design Biennale
Jump to page content Accessibility FREE Newsletter Latest medical device news & technology. Home Editor's Choice Buyer's Guide Features Events Video White Papers Press Releases Advertise With Us Subscribe Online The EU Medical Device Regulation is the most dramatic legislative reform for the sector since the mid-90s, and it is now in effect, although the industry is still in the midst of a transition period. Professor Herman Pieterse, of the University of Ghent and Profess Medical Consultancy, outlines the considerable demands being made on device companies and how they are adapting to change. Much has already been written about the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which has now formally taken the place of the 1995 Medical Device Directive (MDD). Its purpose is to bring similar safety controls and transparency to medical device products as to those governing medicinal products, and in the process, make manufacturers and overseeing authorities more accountable for conducting all the right checks across a product’s life cycle. Although the regulation has been active for over a year now (since 25 May 2017), a realistic transition phase has been allowed. This is just as well, given the significant changes that are required. Under the regulation, which encompasses a whole raft of different standards, all MDD certificates will expire by May 2024, and final sales of stock will need to be made by June 2025. As of May 2017, notified bodies have been able to request redesignation, and manufacturers are able to start placing devices on the market under the new regulation. By 2020, this will be compulsory. The reasons for introducing MDR are well known. While drugoriented life sciences have come a long way in terms of enhanced regulatory controls and transparency over the past decade, the medical device industry still has a lot of catching up to do; and in Europe, MDR is the mechanism that will help ensure this happens. Serious safety incidents and patient deaths resulting from poorly designed devices slipping through the nets of monitoring bodies have acted as a stark reminder of the dangers of inadequately monitored product manufacture and supply – especially for devices embedded in the human body. The pivotal case was the 2010 Poly Implant Prostheses (PIP) breast implant scandal, involving devices fraudulently manufactured using unapproved silicone gel, which had dire consequences. Following the introduction of MDR, events like this should never be able to happen again. Bodies on the line Among the changes introduced with MDR is a planned streamlining of notified bodies. In Europe, there are 70–80 of these entities, each boasting a lot of experience, but not necessarily in specialist areas, such as knowledge of clinical evidence relating to breast implants. A significant rationalisation and recertification of these organisations will see numbers fall to roughly 20 – and the remaining organisations will need to demonstrate high levels of expertise and will be closely overseen to ensure they are consistently vigilant in their checks. Class III medical devices in particular (such as surgical devices, implants and hip replacements) will be subject to much more stringent surveillance from now on. One of the uncomfortable discoveries in the wake of the PIP breast implant crisis was how much had slipped past the overseeing authorities because of a lack of rigour (like an absence of routine annual reviews of products on the market, and even adequate proof of efficacy before devices were accepted for marketing) and a lack of product traceability. In the interests of unequivocal device traceability across entire supply chains and throughout their full life cycles, the EU has prescribed that any medical device made available in an EU member state must be accurately listed in a central European portal, the purposedesigned Eudamed database of medical devices. Pivotal in enabling all of this will be a device’s unique device identifier (UDI) – with direct implications for the packaging and labelling of medical devices, whether they are relatively innocuous Class I items (like stethoscopes, crutches and hospital beds), or more safety-sensitive Class III pacemakers or contraceptive implants. As well as preventing manufacturers and overseeing bodies from sidestepping their responsibilities, the increased transparency will allow the alarm to be sounded at the first hint of a problem with a product or batch once it is out in the market, or even before. This will prevent the damage associated with faults, contamination or other potential issues, and give manufacturers more control over rapid recalls – reducing those companies’ exposure to risk. Known across the Atlantic The good news is that MDR-based UDI requirements will closely follow existing US UDI requirements; there is no EU-specific deviation that would require manufacturers to formulate new processes for European markets. This is important in the interests of global harmonisation and consistent raising of quality standards. Certainly, it is not just European suppliers that are affected by MDR. One of the knock-on effects of this increased vigilance and monitoring of devices sold across the EU is that, for example, US and Asian manufacturers and distributors will need authorised representatives to deal with the expected increase in liability issues when supplying to Europe. European manufacturers must also appoint designated responsible or qualified persons who will be accountable for regulatory compliance – as is the case in the pharmaceutical industry. All of this places new, considerable demands on medical device companies. Having an effective, compliant UDI, for instance, requires that processes are set up to manage structured data so that the UDI can be assigned, recognised, tracked and reported on – from the assembly line to final use. MDR requires that a UDI label be directly attached to a medical device or to its packaging and include two identifiers: a device identifier (DI), which identifies the labeller and the specific version or model of a device; and a production identifier, the variable portion of a UDI referring to factors such as the given lot or batch number, serial number, date of manufacture, expiry date and so on. As devices are produced, the manufacturer will need to submit the UDI-DI and additional product data, such as a single registration number and whether the item contains latex or other specific substances, to the central Eudamed database, where it can be accessed by members of the public and healthcare professionals. Speaking your language Translations have long been an important element within the medical device industry, and nowhere more so than in Europe, where so many different languages are spoken. Under MDD, language requirements were the responsibility of each member state, but the new MDR requires that labelling is in the national language and “clearly comprehensible to the intended user or patient”. Compliance with MDR is a prerequisite if manufacturers are to continue to sell their products in a given market. Unless they invest in the right resources and update their ways of working, they could lose EU market access – for existing products and those new to market. Estimates suggest 30% of current medical devices could disappear from the market if companies are not on top of the new requirements. Market access planning could be dictated by companies’ ability to find and appoint qualified persons, or access to notified bodies Certainly there are a great many considerations to absorb, and companies are advised not to wait until closer to 2020 before they adapt in earnest, given everything that is at stake. It is important to remember why these updated measures have been brought in – to restore public trust and improve patient safety. So manufacturers that take early action have much to gain through being seen to take these priorities seriously. Highlighting key issues of the Medical Device Regulation According to the European commission, the new regulations contain a series of extremely important improvements to modernise the current system. Among them are: stricter ex-ante control for highrisk devices via a new premarket scrutiny mechanism with the involvement of a pool of experts at EU level the reinforcement of the criteria for designation and processes for oversight of notified bodies the inclusion of certain aesthetic devices that present the same characteristics and risk profile as analogous medical devices under the scope of these regulations the introduction of a new riskclassification system for in-vitro diagnostic medical devices in line with international guidance improved transparency through the establishment of a comprehensive EU database on medical devices and of a device traceability system based on UDI the introduction of an ‘implant card’ containing information about implanted medical devices for a patient the reinforcement of the rules on clinical evidence, including an EU-wide coordinated procedure for authorisation of multicentre clinical investigations the strengthening of post-market surveillance requirements for manufacturers improved coordination mechanisms between EU countries in the fields of vigilance and market surveillance. Source: MHRA The new regulations will affect all devices, from stethoscopes to pacemakers. A change in regulations means labelling must now be in the language of the country in which it is to be used. It is estimated that a staggering 30% of medical devices are at risk of being taken off the market if companies do not give enough thought and planning to complying with MDR requirements. Post to: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Online magazine sign up Medical Device Developments is a product of Global Trade Media, a trading division of Progressive Trade Media Limited. © 2019, All Rights Reserved. We have updated our privacy policy. In the latest update it explains what cookies are and how we use them on our site. To learn more about cookies and their benefits, please view our privacy policy. Please be aware that parts of this site will not function correctly if you disable cookies. 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Communicating and advancements in science and technology need of the hour: Radheshyam Imphal, March 20, 2018 (DIPR): Education Minister Shri Thokchom Radheshyam Singh said that communicating to the masses about advancements in science and technology is the need of hour for an inclusive growth and development of the country. Communication Skill is one of the important factors for the progress of society without which there can be no progress or growth. The Minister was speaking at the Valedictory Ceremony of the 11th Rastriya Vigyan Sancharak Sammelan (11th Science Communicators’ Meet) at Court Hall, Manipur University as a part of the ongoing 105th Edition of Indian Science Congress held at Manipur University. The Minister said that the innovative ideas and technology in the production of bamboo planks, tiles and boards displayed in one of the exhibition stalls is the testament that bamboo can become one of the alternatives to control plastic pollution. Bamboo can also replace the widely used wooden furniture, he added. Manipur and the North East States have a huge potential for bamboo, as the grass grows abundantly in wild and at homes. Science can find the solutions to the problems faced by the human civilisation. He added that there is a need for modern ideas be converted into action and made known to the world to bring a solution to the conflict between nature and man in the process of development. Th. Radheshyam expressed that the event is an opportunity to communicate and spread the ideas of innovation for a sustainable growth. Appreciating the opportunity to host 105th Edition of Indian Science Congress, Manipur University, he said, the campus is an ocean of knowledge, with many intellectuals and scientist coming in the State. The young minds will learn many new things in the field of innovations and research, to cope and learn to find solutions to the problems prevailing of the country, he added. Dr. Rajinder Singh, Scientist D, National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) Division, New Delhi, said that he hopes for more and more Science Communicator to come forward to communicate and promote the understanding of the method and value of science and technology to reach to a larger and broader audience including persons with non scientific background. This will bring an inclusive growth bringing improvements in the life style at the grass root level and common people so that the experts in this field are not limited only to the scientific laboratories and institution. General Secretary (Scientific Activities), P. P. Mathur said all the work done in the field of science for the development or innovation has to be ensured that it reaches the people – the end users. He added that the exhibition in the Children’s Science Congress is very unique and innovative however due to the lack of communication to the masses it has failed to reach the people. He hoped for a creation of a mechanism so that the inventions, innovations of the children can be further mentored and bring in for the benefit of the society. Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh, Convenor, 11th Science Communicators’ Meet presenting the summary report on the Meet, said that knowledge of Science and Technology has increased its importance in every sphere of human society. The Science Congress and Science Communicators’ Meet will have a great impact on the wave of future Science and Technology in the North East Region. He also added that it will bring forth the technological advances that have helped circumvent problems and limitations in agriculture and helped in improvement of lifestyle at grass root level of Manipur State and rest of the country. The two days Meet had Oral Presentations and Poster Presentation in the Technical Sessions. Scientist, resource persons, professors, research scholars, and students attended the Meet. Certificates were also distributed. « TLM kits distributed to intellectual disable persons (Previous News) (Next News) MTDC to develop bridges in Tamu-Kalewa region of Myanmar »
NACC Now Requiring Filing of Income & Expenses Statements from Some Contractors By Doug Mancill Comments Off on NACC Now Requiring Filing of Income & Expenses Statements from Some Contractors The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has begun enforcing a notification that require private parties with a contract with a state agency or state owned enterprise (SOE) to submit an income and expense statement with the NACC if that contract has a value of two million Baht or more. This requirement applies to Thai companies and some foreign companies, although the scope of its application to foreign companies is not entirely clear. The notification can be found here. The notification full name is “The Notification of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Re: Rules and Methods for the Preparation and Submission of the Income/Expense Account of a Project under a Contract between an Individual or Juristic Person and a State Agency B.E. 2554 (2011) (the “Notification”). That part of the Notification that requires the submission of a six page income and expense statements became effective recently in January this year. The Notification does not require submission of its official reporting form if: both parties are state agencies, except for state agencies which have the duty to submit a corporate income tax return (not a concern for foreign business operators); or the party is a juristic person established under the law of a foreign country and has no agent or representative in Thailand, but has delivered or provided services in Thailand and the state agency or SOE has made the payment to the party under the Contract directly to the foreign country. It is not exactly clear what “agent or representative means”. This obviously creates tax concerns since the NACC is empowered to consult with the Revenue Department and the income and expense statement itself must be filed with the Revenue Department. There is also a danger of the government “black listing” a contractor if the NACC contends it was supposed to file an income and expense statement, but failed to do so. In practice, some agencies and SOEs are sending letters to their vendors with a simple reference to the Notification, but little or no information about what Notification requires. The NACC also has the authority to establish rules and methods for foreign juristic person who does not fall under the filing requirement, but no such rules have been promulgated yet. Categories: Taxation
Dr. Anton Bilchik MD, Named One of America's Top Doctors for Cancer Anton Bilchik MD November 07, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News Dr. Anton Bilchik, Chief of Medicine and Gastrointestinal Research at John Wayne Cancer Institute, has been named one of "America's Top Doctors for Cancer" by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. This award is part of Castle Connolly's prestigious consumer guide to help identify the best medical professionals across the nation. Recipients of this unique honor are selected for their outstanding contributions in their field by a team of their peers and various other experts in the medical profession. Dr. Anton Bilchik has received this recognition of being one of "America's Top Doctors for Cancer" for the last 10 years in a row. Castle Connolly's consumer guide has emerged as the nation's definitive source for the acknowledgement of the top physicians and experts in medicine today. Their stringent selection process has guaranteed that the professionals who make their list are the top in their fields and the best choice for patients. In addition to this recent honor, Dr. Bilchik has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades within the United States and around the world. As cofounder of the California Oncology Research Institute and Professor in Oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Dr. Bilchik has dedicated his career to improving the scientific understanding and methodology of surgical oncology and beyond. Dr. Anton Bilchik is proud to be distinguished in his field and works to continue breaking ground in the scientific battle against cancer. About Anton Bilchik MD Anton Bilchik MD is an internationally recognized leader in cancer research in surgical oncology and gastrointestinal malignancies. Dr. Bilchik is Chief of Medicine and Gastrointestinal Research at John Wayne Cancer Institute and Professor in Oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He is a pioneer of various surgical approaches for the staging of gastrointestinal cancers and minimally invasive surgeries to combat liver tumors. His research is also focused on molecular profiling and immunotherapy. Dr. Bilchik has been the recipient of many awards and accolades for his accomplishments in the medical community, including the American Cancer Society. He is a member of the American Surgical Association and is listed as one of "The Best Doctors in America" and "America's Top Surgeons." For more information, visit Email Anton Bilchik MD
Wing Failure Blamed for Crash of Google’s Solar-Powered Drone admin • January 30, 2016 • No Comments • A massive drone Google was testing as part of a project to provide Internet service with unmanned aircraft instead of satellites crashed after it encountered an updraft and one of its wings failed, US accident investigators have concluded. The Solara 50 had just lifted off from a remote, desert landing strip in New Mexico on May 1 when it began experiencing control problems, according to a report by the National Transportation Safety Board. As a remote pilot attempted to stabilize the plane it hit a thermal updraft that propelled it upward and increased its speed, according to the NTSB. In spite of attempts to reduce power, the plane went faster than designed and the left wing began to fail. “The aircraft began an uncontrollable and erratic flight path roughly straight ahead in a rapid descent,” the NTSB wrote in a brief summary posted on its website. The report, dated Nov. 19, hasn’t previously been reported. After a section of the left wing came off, the right wing also failed. The aircraft struck the ground and was destroyed at 11:07 a.m. local time after about four minutes of flight. No one was injured. Google didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the report. The drone was built by Titan Aerospace, a company headed by former Microsoft Corp. executive Vern Raburn that Google bought last year. It has a wingspan of 164 feet (50 meters), according to company promotional material. It is supposed to fly above the weather for long stretches, where it could then beam Internet signals to earth as if it was a satellite. The company is in a race with Facebook, which also attempted to buy Titan, to build new Internet services around the world. Facebook instead acquired U.K.-based Ascenta, which is designing its own high-altitude drones, for $20 million (roughly Rs. 135 crores). Telegram Update Brings Improved Voice Messages, Secret Chats, and More admin • February 15, 2016 • Internet Internet Shouldn’t Be the Monopoly of a … The Industrial Internet: Six Ways Manufacturers Can … Egypt Arrests Facebook Page Administrators Ahead of … Yahoo CFO Says Sale Process for Company … Medium to Cut 50 Jobs as It …
Since the release of his first record back in 2002, David Bisbal has earned the esteem of the audience and the acknowledgement of critics, displaying his talent and awesome energy on stage. He is presently going through one of the best moments of his career: “A partir de hoy”, with Sebastian Yatra, has achieved more than 190 million views on Vevo/Youtube, become Top 10 on YouTube Global, has been streamed 95 million times on Spotify and topped number 1 on digital Charts songs in Spain and 10 other countries. Moreover, his last release “Perdón” with Greeicy, has achieved almost 70 million views on YouTube only one month after its premier. With 6 studio albums, more than 700 concerts worldwide and many other artistic achievements, David Bisbal has become one of the most outstanding and international Latin artists of our country. Along these 17 years of career he has gathered 48 platinum records and more than 80 national and international awards amid which we should mention 3 Latin Grammys, 3 World Music Awards, 3 Billboard Latin Music Awards, and more recently a Golden Music Award for his whole career, as well as a Best Latin Artist award at the New York Summit. The Original Alan Parsons Project Band THE PROJECT Ana Guerra
今天是: RSS信息訂閱 | 簡體中文 | English About Jinyun Jinyun County, dating back to the year 696 (the Tang Dynasty) with an area of 1503 square km and a population of 444,000, consists of 8 towns, 8 townships and 2 rural administrative offices, with 642 administrative villages in their charge. Located in the north of Lishui Prefecture, which is in central and southern Zhejiang Province, Jinyun is surrounded by Xianju and Yongjia on the east, Qingtian on the south, Liandu and Wuyi on the west and Yongkang and Pan'an on the north. With its developed transportation network of highway, freeway and railway, Jinyun is easy and convenient to travel to from all directions, which makes it possible for Jinyun to develop its economy and society in a preferable way. In addition to its advantages in location and transportation, Jinyun has its own characteristics. Jinyun Duck, dating back to over 300 years ago, has advantages over other types of ducks in growing period, egg producing, feed saving and virus fighting. Since the 1980s, the beginning of reform and opening up, Jinyun Duck farming has been fast developing in some developed areas such as Shanghai and Guangdong, which has brought great fame to Jinyun Duck. Hence, Jinyun was awarded with the title of "China Duck Town" by the State Council in 1997. Jinyun is also famous for its long history of more than 1,300 years and natural scenery. Dating from the Tang Dynasty, Wuyunzhen, the capital town of Jinyun, is typical of its stone streets, stone bridges and stone houses, which gets Wuyunzhen its name "Stone Town" . Besides, more than 200 films were set in Xiandu Scenic Spot in Jinyun for its beautiful natural scenery----unique stones of Huangshan Mountain's, gorgeous mountains like Huashan Mountain and clear green water like that in Guilin, which deserves the titles of National Key Place of Interest of 4 A level, National Photographing Base and Provincial Top Ten Resort. Dinghu Peak is the heart of Xiandu resort, which is a170.8-meter-tall stalagmite mountain in the shape of a huge bamboo shoot and known as "No 1 Stalagmite Stone " in the world. And Huangdi, who was said to have searched for medicine for immortal life in Jinyun and is respected and honored as the first grandfather of the Chinese Han Nationality, has played an important part in the communication with North China, where Huangdi was said to have passed away. And the Huangdi Temple is the symbol of Huandi Culture, where ceremonies of honoring Huangdi are held every year.And Heyang Village, built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the best preserved of its kind in Jinyun, is also an attractive place for tourists. Besides its beautiful natural scenery, Jinyun is well known for its eco-tourism, which has won Jinyun the title of "China Best Eco-Tourism County" based on its top quality of eco-environment in which Jinyun comes the 37th out of the 2348 counties all over China and the 14th out of all the counties in Zhejiang Province, an important part of "Zhejiang Green Valley", which is an area of eco-environment in Zhejiang. Jinyun is especially rich in natural resources like minerals and water resources. More than 0.13 billion tons of zeolite has been explored, which makes it the largest amount of zeolite in our country. And the unique way of making use of water resources by building water power stations at different levels has won its technique training base for small water power stations in Asian-Pacific areas designated by the UN. Jinyun has attached even greater importance to education, which makes it a good example for the counties around to follow in hard work and scientific teaching methods. People in all walks of life in Jinyun , especially the parents of students, put education in the first place of all, which was praised by former vice premier Li Lanqing. Guided by the CPC's Scientific Outlook on Development----develop our country scientifically and harmoniously and the polices at provincial and city levels, Jinyun has made great progress in the development of economy and society, aiming to develop Jinyun in a harmonious , vigorous, creative and open-minded way, which is certain to change Jinyun into a powerful and developed county from all aspects. The figures below show how fast Jinyun is developing. The GDP of Jinyun reached 6.726 billion yuan, 16.5% more than that of 2006 with per capita GDP reaching 2,000 dollars. In 2007, the gross output value of industry in Jinyun was 14.405 billion yuan, 30.5% more than that in 2006. And the gross output value of agriculture in Jinyun was 0.948 billion yuan, 7% more than that in 2006. The financial revenue of 2007 in Jinyun was 0.784 billion yuan, 30.6% more than that in 2006,including local financial revenue of 0,384 billion yuan, 34.8% more than that in 2006. Urban residents' per capita annual income was 16,251 yuan, 15.3% more than that in 2006. Rural residents' per capita annual income was 4,533 yuan, 10.9% more than that in 2006. In the first half of 2008, the GDP of Jinyun was 3.57 billion yuan, 13.9% more than that in the same period in 2007. In the first three quarters, the gross output value of industry in Jinyun was 14.36 billion yuan, 38.8% more than that in the same period of 2006 and the financial revenue was 0.69 billion yuan, 16% more than that in the same period of 2007, including local financial revenue of 0.32 billion yuan, 11.6% more than that in the same period of 2007. And urban residents' per capita income in this period was 13,700 yuan, 12.5% more than that in the same period of 2007, while rural residents' per capita income was 4,692 yuan , 16.4% more than that in the same period of 2007. 縉云縣委、縣人大、縣政府、縣政協主辦 縉云縣委縣政府信息中心建設管理 技術支持:浙江萬賽軟件科技有限公司 浙ICP備09055164號 新版跑狗图玄机图
"Joe the Bummer:" Lieberman's in the Insurance Industry's Hip Pocket on Health Care Reform Sen. Joe Lieberman hails from the state of Connecticut, whose capital, Hartford, just so happens to be nicknamed the "Insurance Capital of the World. He's received more than $1-million insurance company campaign contributions since 1998, and during his 2006 re-election bid he ranked second in money received from this special-interest group. This is the same Sen. Lieberman whose flip-flopping on health-care reform this week just might cost the President and the Democrats the most important piece of domestic legislation in modern history. Coincidence? After consistently supporting a provision to expand medicare benefits to millions of people between 55-64 (endorsing it as recently as three months ago), Lieberman has threatened to join with Republicans to filibuster the Democrats' bill at the last freakin' minute. Not only is the timing of his cock-block highly suspicious, but so is the motivation. Lieberman was elected by the people of Connecticut, not the mega-billion dollar insurance companies. But it's become abundantly clear with whom his allegiance resides. Furthermore, his 11th-hour bomb-drop is a big fat giant fuck you to all the progressives and bloggers who joined the "Beat Lieberman" brigade during the last election. Take that, Markos Moulitsas. So what happens next? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) can bow to this insurance industry stooge and water-down the bill or he can splinter off the public option feature from the non-budgetary components of the measure and preempt a filibuster under reconciliation, a parliamentary tactic whereby Reid could push through a government-run health insurance program with just 51 votes instead of 60. If Reid and the Democrats had any balls, this is what they'd do. For crap's sake, the party controls the White House and both houses of Congress, yet they're still pussyfooting around with self-aggrandizing thorns like Lieberman who threaten to derail its agenda. Lastly, it's time for Democrats to punish Lieberman for his consistent disloyalty, from supporting Sen. John McCain's bid for the presidency in '08 to this latest self-serving ploy. A new poll shows that 81% of Democratic voters want Lieberman to be stripped of his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Sen. Reid, are you listening? On another note, we could use your help at The The Adrienne Shelly Foundation. We're a 501 c 3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization dedicated in my late wife's honor, and with a simple mission: supporting women filmmakers. Adrienne, who wrote, directed and starred in the hit film WAITRESS, was killed November 1, 2006. Through the Foundation, her commitment to filmmaking lives on. We've established scholarships, grants, finishing funds, screenwriting fellowships and living stipends at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts/Kanbar Institute of Film; Columbia University; American Film Institute; Women in Film; IFP; the Nantucket Film Festival; the Tribeca Film Institute; and the Sundance Institute. Your generous contribution will go a long way towards helping us achieve this very important mission. Please click here to make a donation. Thank you. Posted by The Ostroy Report at 9:37 PM Last night we saw the final nail in the coffin of the Dems 2010 election. No Universal Care, no Public Option, No Medicare Buy-In We worked so hard to get Obama and the Dems elected and all they do is betray us at every turn. The Dems have no idea at all the anger out here because they failed to get it done. Why is traitor Joe Lieberman allowed to run the country? The Dems must be living on another planet. I'm a Liberal Democrat and a senior citizen that has been cast aside as dispensable to the Party and as a human. The Dems have no concern about Medicare, my future health care after they cut that program to the core, about my living as long as I can, and about my having no income other than Soc. Sec. for one year because of the low interest rates This is not paranoia because I heard the plight of seniors discussed on a PBS program and it was admitted that group has been sacrificed for the good or others and this wil continue to be so. Life before the late teens and after fifty-five is not worth so much as the in between years. Maybe Lieberman is just acting as a resposible senior working on our behalf. Realist said... I blame the voters of Connecticut for this travesty. They chose to shun Ned Lamont and give their votes to the Senator from AIPAC. I now read that Lieberman might be considering running for re-election as a Republican. If the voters of Connecticut once again send this self-serving insurance company lackey to Washington, one will have to question the mental competence and moral standing of that group. No the Dems do have concern for Medicare. Read the bill. Do I like everything? No. Are there still good things in it? Yes. Do I think young voters will sit on their hands in 2010? You betcha. Will the Repubs make things better? Hell no! But don't forget a huge number of Baby Boomers will soon be part of Medicare. The Repubs want to destroy it. The Repubs have never been for Medicare. Wake up Seniors! Sorry, Secretary Napolitano, But the System Didn't... So What's Next for Airline Passengers, Adult Diape... "Please Remove Your Jackets, Sweaters and Pants, a... I Slept with Tiger Woods God Doesn't Like the Sick, the Hungry, the Poor, t... Why is My Party So Spineless? "Joe the Bummer:" Lieberman's in the Insurance Ind... The Economy is Recovering, No Thanks to Republican...
McPherson man to renovate 100-year-old house By Patricia MiddletonMcPherson Sentinel Mike Plenert isn’t quite sure what the story of the house he jus bought includes, but he knows one thing — he intends to renovate the structure to showcase its historic architecture for its next residents. “The history of it is still pretty much unknown,” Plenert said. Plenert’s appreciation for the architecture of the previous century led to him buying, fixing up and flipping houses starting in 2012. According to his research, the house at 201 S. Maple St. has only had four owners since its construction. “It took four years to complete — from 1914 to 1918,” Plenert said. ”It cost $40,000 to build.” The house was built to be the home of Izora “Zoe” Plasket Armstrong, who had widowed when her husband, Samuel L. Armstrong, died in 1912. The couple were married in 1892 — he a former principal at the schools in Windom and she a teacher in the McPherson schools. They had one daughter, Ruth Irene Armstrong, and also adopted one of Zoe’s nephews. Samuel Armstrong, who first moved to Kansas from Pennsylvania in 1871, later moved to Hillsboro before moving to McPherson. He left education to work at First National Bank, becoming vice president the State Bank at Lehigh and president of the State Bank in Durham. “Organic heart trouble” plagued Samuel Armstrong ever since 1872 when, according to his obituary in the McPherson Daily Republican, he had pitched hay in Franklin County “too long and too hard in a blazing sun.” He and his family moved to the West Coast in the months before his death, hoping the change would do him good, but their efforts were in vain. After his passing, a special car was attached to a freight train to bring him back to McPherson for his funeral. Zoe Armstrong bought the lots on the southeast corner of Maple and Elizabeth streets in 1913. Her home was designed by architect Frank Scrackengast, who had completed the Kuns-Collier home at 302 S. Walnut in 1909. The 4,000 square-foot house was built with Tuscan columns on its porch, a sleeping room with windows on three sides on the second floor and a vault behind a hidden door in the basement. “They found, in the attic, the original land deed from 1872, when McPherson was founded,” Plenert said. ”We also found a sales slip for a 1918 roadster — it was sold, brand new, for $365.” The main level has a large entryway, library and dining room area that can be separated from each other by large oak pocket doors. Oak trim not only runs throughout the house, it was also used by for moldings around light fixtures, framework for the wall sconce lamps in the library and to cover the radiators on the first floor. “Even a trash can was made out of scrap wood,” Plenert said. Flocked wallpaper of different colors still remains in several rooms in the house, nearly all of which have their own closet. The master bedroom also includes a sink. “In the old days, the high-end homes had a sink in every bedroom,” Plenert explained. While the majority of the house appears much like it did 100 years ago, its kitchen was renovated in 1968 — something Plenert will work to revert. Plenert also plans to rewire the home, update much of its plumbing, add two HVAC systems, redo its exterior, add storm windows and refinish the basement. When he is finished, an estimated six to nine months in the future, Plenert has a pencil drawing of the house done by a McPherson native Susan Sundahl Ryan that he’ll hang in the library. “It’s going to be fun, doing this,” Plenert said. ”I want to take everything back to original as much as I can.”
J.B. MacKinnon J.B. MacKINNON has won numerous national and international awards for journalism. As the originator of the 100-mile diet concept, he appears regularly in Canada and the USA as a speaker and commentator on ecology and food. His book, The 100-Mile Diet, co-authored with Alisa Smith, was a national bestseller and inspired a TV series in which the small town of Mission, BC, learned to eat locally. He was also the co-author, with Mia Kirshner and artists Paul Shoebridge and Michael Simons, of I Live Here, a groundbreaking "paper documentary" about displaced people that made top 10 lists in media as diverse as... Photo © 2013 Alisa Smith Written by Mia Kirshner, J.B. MacKinnon, Paul Shoebridge and Michael Simons Pantheon | Hardcover | October 2008 I Live Here is a paper documentary–an intimate journey to humanitarian crises in four corners of the world: war in Chechnya, ethnic cleansing in Burma, globalization in Mexico, and AIDS in Malawi. ~THE BOOK~ I Live Here is a visually stunning narrative — told through journals, stories, images, and graphic novellas — in... Read more Written by Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon Clarkson Potter | Trade Paperback | April 2008 $15.00/0.00(Canada) | 978-0-307-34733-6 (0-307-34733-8) The remarkable, amusing and inspiring adventures of a Canadian couple who make a year-long attempt to eat foods grown and produced within a 100-mile radius of their apartment. When Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon learned that the average ingredient in a North American meal travels 1,500 miles from farm to plate, they... Read more
OH - Ex-Columbus priest on trial for child sex charges A support group for clergy sex abuse victims is urging Columbus Catholic officials to “aggressively seek out” anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered child sex crimes by a former priest who is facing criminal charges right now. Last Thursday, the trial of Philip Jacobs began in Victoria, British Columbia. He faces a count of sexual assault, two counts of sexual interference of a person under 14, and one count of touching a minor for a sexual purpose. The charges stem from three children who say that Jacobs abused them for five years beginning in 1996. For almost 20 years, Jacobs worked as a Catholic priest in Columbus area. From 1975 to 1979, he worked at St. Anthony’s parish, and from 1979 to 1981 he worked at St. Philip’s parish. He took a five year leave of absence between 1981 and 1986 before returning to work at the Westerville parish of St. Paul’s. From 1986 to 1993, he was a professor at the Pontifical College Josephinium but in 1993 he went on sick leave, and then moved to Canada. “We’re concerned because Fr. Jacobs worked in and around schools while he was in Columbus,” said David Clohessy. He is the director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, a Chicago based self-help group. “We want Columbus Bishop Frederick Campbell to go to each of these schools personally and determine if Jacobs hurt any kids there, too.” SNAP is also urging Bishop Campbell to post notices on church websites about Fr. Jacobs, begging current and former church employees and members to come forward if they have any information on the alleged predator. “Bishop Campbell has the resources to reach out to people who may have been hurt by Jacobs,” said Barbara Dorris, SNAP’s outreach director. “He needs to use those resources now and find others who might be able to help police and prosecutors.” SNAP is encouraging anyone who may have seen or suspected crimes within the Diocese of Columbus to come forward to police and other secular groups to make reports. “Silence is a predator’s best weapon,” said Dorris.
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A. Whitney Brown Net Worth A. Whitney Brown Net Worth: $1.5 Million Born in Charlotte, Michigan on July 08, 1952. Writer and comedian A. Whitney Brown has earned an estimated net worth of $1.5 million. Brown, who started off his career as a street juggler, is widely recognized for his role as a writer on the NBC television series Saturday Night Live. He then became a stand-up comedian after entering the 1975 San Francisco Comedy Competition and appeared with Dennis Miller in a Weekend Update segment called The Big Picture. He was also one of the original correspondents for Comedy Central’s TV series The Daily Show from 1996 to 1998, while from 1985 to 1991 he became a member of the Writer’s Guild and wrote for Saturday Night Live. In 1995 Brown wrote for the television series Exit 57. He wrote for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart from 1996 to 1998. He was also featured in the 1992 movie I’m Your Man. He won a Primetime Emmy Award in 1989 for SNL and was honored with nomination for three others. A. Whitney tied the knot with musician and singer Carolyn Wonderland in 2011 following his breakup with Cynthia Swanson, a New York newspaper designer. He has a daughter, Serena, with his former spouse. Jason Jones Net Worth Rob Brydon Net Worth George Gray Net Worth Brian Haley Net Worth Abby Elliott Net Worth Jenny Jones Net Worth Kevin Hart Net Worth
Dentist Accused Of Illegally Killing More Than 1,000 Jaguars Brazilian authorities have arrested a gang of illegal poachers, including a dentist who is accused of killing more than 1,000 jaguars. Police arrested seven men in the state of Acre on suspicion of having illegally killed thousands of endangered species, including jaguars, capybara, collared peccary and red brocket deer. According to reports, the most active and longest-serving member of the gang was Temistocles Barbosa Freire, a dentist believed to have killed thousands of jaguars since 1987. The jaguar, which is classified as vulnerable in Brazil, has undergone a loss of nearly 38 per cent of its habitat in the country and has undergone major declines in population in all regions, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The three largest threats to jaguars in the Amazon are: clearance of native ecosystems in which they live; the direct killing of jaguars because of real or perceived conflicts with people; and hunting of the prey that jaguar need to survive. In this case, the jaguars themselves were being hunted by the gang, whose conversations were reportedly hacked by Brazilian authorities, who also monitored their movements for at least three months before making any arrests. Police wiretapped and monitored the group’s mobile phones, and collected photos and videos in which the accused had recorded the animals being killed, non-governmental organisation Oeco reports, as per the MailOnline. The organisation states that in just three months of monitoring, there were 11 incidents of poaching during which 13 capybaras, 10 hounds, eight jaguars, and two dead deer were killed by the group. The poachers are believed to have used the sound of a high-pitched Brazilian friction drum, the cuica, to attract the jaguars. Seven men were arrested following the investigation, with the Federal Court opening criminal cases of illegal hunting and the use of a firearm without a permit against all the men. Among the other members of the gang was a doctor, Doria de Lucena Júnior; a server of the Judiciary, Sinézio Adriano de Oliveira; a farmer, Gilvan Souza Nunes; and an electrician, Gisleno José Oliveira de Araújo Sá Alves de Oliveira. Dentist accused of killing jaguars The professions of the other three men – Sebastião Júnior de Oliveira Costa, Reginaldo Ribeiro da Silva and Gersildo dos Santos Araújo – were not specified. Each member of the gang could face fines or prison sentences for their part in the killings, depending on their levels of participation in each of the crimes committed.
Locals Torture Endangered Leatherback Turtle By Riding On Its Back Upsetting footage has emerged which shows locals on an Indonesian beach taking it in turns to ride on the back of an endangered leatherback turtle. This cruel behaviour was captured on July 5, with the distressed turtle struggling to make its way back to the ocean. As reported by a witness, residents captured the turtle after it had been laying eggs on Asukweri beach. This is despite guidelines advising residents to leave sea turtle mothers alone. At one point, two men and a young child can be seen attempting to ride on the turtle’s back, with one of the men placing his feet on the animals head. A bit further on in the clip, a man can be seen standing on the turtle’s back flippers. Eventually the turtle is released back into the ocean, having been put through harmful and unnecessary stress for the residents’ amusement. Local authorities have yet to make a comment on this video, which has shocked animal lovers from all across the world. Leatherback turtles are facing extinction, with a particularly steep population decline noted in the Pacific. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF): [Leatherback turtles] are the largest sea turtle species and also one of the most migratory, crossing both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Pacific leatherbacks migrate from nesting beaches in the Coral Triangle all the way to the California coast to feed on the abundant jellyfish every summer and fall. Although their distribution is wide, numbers of leatherback turtles have seriously declined during the last century as a result of intense egg collection and fisheries bycatch. Globally, leatherback status according to IUCN is listed as Vulnerable, but many subpopulations (such as in the Pacific and Southwest Atlantic) are Critically Endangered. Weighing between 600 to 1500 pounds, and measuring around 55 to 63 inches in length, these turtles make for a fascinating sight. However, these vulnerable creatures need to be treated with care and respect, with this sort of thoughtless behaviour being completely inexcusable. As reported by ProFauna, all sea turtles in Indonesia are protected by legislation, as well as by international law. ProFauna have offered guidelines to those wishing to observe sea turtles on the beach, advising them to minimise noise, make slow movements and remain calm. ProFauna have also advised against approaching turtles which have just landed at the beach.
Scots driver Susie Wolff is on a mission to change the man's world of Formula 1 By Heather Greenaway AS a F1 development driver, the 31-year-old from Oban, Argyll, will be the first woman to take to the track at a Grand Prix in 22 years - but Susie is determined to make it onto the starting grid in a competitive race. Susie Wolff is determined to make it in Formula 1 WITH its roaring engines and glamorous pit girls, Formula 1 is very much a man’s world but racing driver Susie Wolff is on a mission to change all that. At Silverstone next week, the 31-year-old from Oban, Argyll, will be the first woman to take to the track at a Grand Prix in 22 years. As a Formula 1 development driver for Williams Martini Racing, Susie will test drive the cars before the race so final adjustments can be made. Although, delighted to be making her Grand Prix debut, Wolff is determined she will make it onto the starting grid in a competitive race. Susie, who started racing go-karts when she was eight-years-old, said: “I am extremely excited about Silverstone. It’s a massive opportunity for me and one that I’ve worked long and hard to get. “I’m proud to be part of Williams, it’s an iconic British team with a lot of heritage in the sport. So to take part in the British Grand Prix as a British driver is very special, especially as it’s Silverstone’s 50th birthday. If we are successful there will be massive celebrations on Sunday.” She added: “My ultimate goal is to make it onto the track as an F1 driver. That is what I have been striving towards for as long as I can remember. “There are not many women, who aspire to compete in Formula 1 racing but I do and I’m determined to make it. I’m under no illusions. It will be a long, hard slog but I will get there. “I’m not out to rewrite the history books of what women can achieve in racing. I’m doing it for me. I’m out to be the best I can be, and if that inspires other women along the way, then that’s a positive thing. I’ve just got to focus on being the fastest and the best.” Making it in Formula 1 is tough even with the talent and ruthless ambition of the champion drivers. To make it as a woman is almost impossible. In 64 years, just five have made the cut compared with 822 men. In total those women have made it on to the starting grid just 15 times. The last was Italian Giovanna Amati in 1992. Susie, who grew up playing in her mum and dad’s motorbike shop, said: “Becoming an F1 championship driver is extremely difficult. So many try but few get there. I’m determined I will. “Teams are looking for lighter drivers, which counts in women’s favour and physically we are catching up on the men. It’s only a matter of time. “You need to be the complete package and bring in the right amount of sponsorship. It would be a great marketing ploy to sign a woman, so you never know.” Susie can't wait to test out the Silverstone track The racer, who lives in Ermatingen, Switzerland with husband Mercedes–Benz motorsport executive director, Toto, 42, added: “F1 is such a performance–based sport that it’s tough to get into regardless of whether you’re male or female. The whole culture of the sport is changing and there are more female engineers and bosses. It’s a great time to be a woman in motorsport.” F1 driving is very physical. On the track drivers will experience G–forces equating to around four and a half times their body weight. You need serious strength to manoeuvre the cars and in order to cope, petite Susie has to keep in tip top condition. As well as a vigorous training regime, she eats as healthily as possible. She said: “I hate the word diet. My philosophy is what you put in you is what you’re going to get out. If you put diesel in a petrol car it won’t work properly. I could eat junk but it won’t help me. “Your weight cannot afford to fluctuate in F1 as the engineers would have to make adjustments to the cars all the time, which just can’t happen. “People don’t realise just how physical driving can be. Moving your head even a millimetre to the left or right could result in a broken neck.” Susie, who will also test drive at the German Grand Prix in Hockenheim on July 20, added: “Despite, the physicality of the sport, I have proved strength and stamina wise, I am up there with the men. Looking back, I’ve probably had to work harder to get where I am but I have earned the respect of all the other drivers and no longer have to prove myself to them.” Susie, who has driven Morgan Freeman and Eva Longoria around Grand Prix tracks, has been impressing the racing community for years. One of her biggest fans is former racing driver turned BBC commentator David Coulthard. Speaking of Susie, he said: “She’s a very talented racing driver. It’s easy to be dismissive but she is focused, determined and a hard racer who holds her own. She’s beaten me more than once. Could she be an F1 driver? Absolutely.” Susie Wolff Car racing is a dangerous sport. In 2006 Susie was hospitalised after a competitor ploughed into her at 180mph during a street race. But Susie, who married Toto in 2011, admits there is no room for fear in Formula 1. She said: “There are dangers with any sport but you just get on with it. If you have a crash you just get back in the car and keep going. “I think my parents still find it hard to watch me in action but they understand my passion and are my number one supporters. “My husband still gets really nervous before I race. He knows how much it takes out of me mentally and physically but as he is in the business. He always says stay safe and I say yeah, yeah.” Racing is Susie’s life at the moment but she would love to have a family in the future. She said: “I would love a family but I’m in no rush. I wouldn’t have babies while I’m still racing. I want to achieve great things first and I’m nowhere near ready to give all that up.” The former Oban High School pupil may be a British driver but when she makes it onto the starting grid, she will be flying the flag for Scotland. She said: “I have a saltire on my racing suit and on my helmet. I am so proud of where I come from and I am delighted to be the first Scots woman to take to a Grand Prix track. “For such a small country, we produce a lot of number one sportsmen and women, just look at Andy Murray. Now that making the F1 starting grid is no longer an impossible dream? I am looking forward to making more history for Scotland.” Olympic hero Sir Chris Hoy talks about his passion for motor racing after swapping his bike for a car Scots club has been the starting grid for many of the world’s most successful motorsport drivers Scots women who have taken the sporting world by storm Most Recent in Sport Chris Hoy Sir Chris Hoy named the greatest British Olympian of all time Henrik Stenson wins The Open championship after thrilling final day battle Tee in the Park campsite given thumbs-up by golf fans at The Open
I am not a huge hockey fan. I haven’t avidly followed the NHL since late high school and, until a few nights ago, I hadn’t watched a full game of hockey since moving to Bangladesh. I seem to be a poor excuse for a Canadian. However, it seems that every time the Olympics roll around, I suddenly take a keen interest in the welfare of the Canadian team. One of the proudest, most patriotic moments of my life occurred during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics while watching the gold medal game that pitted the United States against Canada. When Sydney Crosby scored the game-winning goal in overtime, I broke down into an exuberant, gleeful, blubbering, patriotic mess. I have never cried such quantities of happy tears in my entire life. The whole country went nuts with and I was so proud to be Canadian! Fast-forward to last Sunday, when I watched (with the most welcome company of my little sister Kayla and droves of other Canucks) Canada beat Sweden 3-0 in the comfort of the Canadian Embassy recreational club here in Dhaka. While the game wasn’t even close, the first period was a little dicey and the communal excitement at each of Canada’s three points was heartwarming. I haven’t been that stoked in a long time. Watching the gold medal game in Bangladesh, where cricket is king, reminded me just how much ice hockey serves to unify the diverse country of Canada into a single identity. The fact that almost half of all Canadians watched the game against Sweden speaks to the massive importance that hockey plays in the lives of Canadians…even those living in Dhaka. I can’t wait to see where I'll the next Winter Olympics! Dhaka: Worst City on Earth? Dhaka recently reclaimed the inglorious title of officially being the worst city to live in on earth, as ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The study, which annually ranks the world’s best and worst cities based on a set of criterion, placed Dhaka within the honorable ranks of Tripoli, Tehran, Lagos, Damascus and Harare. Many Bangladeshis, who tend to be a patriotic bunch, are upset with this ranking. I’ve heard claims that the report is full of “lies,” “statistics that stretch the truth” and “false information.” After examining the criteria the EIU uses to evaluate the best and worse cities, I figured I'd use my limited experience here in Dhaka to address my opinion of whether or not Dhaka is truly the worst city on earth. As you read, please remember that I’m not a political analyst, development sage, city planner or medical guru. I’m a humble high school teacher who’s simply experienced life in Dhaka for the past few years. Here are my thoughts on the categories used in the EIU ranking: Crime Levels: I feel like Dhaka is probably one of the safest mega-cities in the world with regards to violent crime. I’m not over-exaggerating when I say that I felt less secure at the Dartmouth bus terminal back home in Canada than I ever have here in Dhaka. I do hear numerous stories of violent muggings and our apartment was robbed last year but I personally have never felt physically endangered. I’m not female though. For women, the risk of sexual violence is frighteningly real as Bangladesh has a firmly entrenched culture of sexual harassment and rape. There is a reason why women are conspicuously absent from Dhaka’s streets. EIU agreement percentage: 50%. Threat of Conflict: I’ve mentioned the violence of hartals and oborods in prior posts and they continue to periodically paralyze Bangladesh with fear of conflict. For a brief period in December, we heard bombs on a fairly regular basis and some embassies raised their travel advisories to high levels. However, I personally don't foresee Bangladesh erupting into a civil war despite thinly veiled threats of radical Islamist parties such as Jamaat e Islami or Hefezat. Violent protests and pitched street battles between police and protestors are one thing, but full-scale conflict requires not only motivation, but also competence. I see a conspicuous lack of competence amongst the political parties of Bangladesh. Even if two sides wanted to fight a war I’m not convinced they could orchestrate it. Quality of Medical Care: I have heard multitudes of horror stories about the incompetence, unprofessionalism and ineptitude of Bangladeshi doctors. The inevitable prescription for every possible ailment seems to be a “cocktail” of various antibiotics. Wealthy Bangladeshis leave the country and fly to Singapore or KL for even the most basic of medical checkups. Poorer citizens (aka most of the population of 160 million) are completely without access to medical care. As an expatriate, I can simply fly away for a checkup or surgery. Ninety nine percent of locals aren’t nearly as fortunate. Levels of Censorship: Although there is no official censorship of the press like you’d find in Turkmenistan or North Korea, it’s common knowledge that it is dangerous to publish anything too blatantly critical of the political elite or religious leaders. When I go on one of my frequent political rants against the local government at school, my students joke that I shouldn't speak so loudly because I might suddenly disappear! Although spoken in jest, there is an unfortunate grain of truth to their suggestions. Bloggers and outspoken political activists regularly go missing and are rarely found alive, if their graves are uncovered at all. The government periodically blocks YouTube and Facebook in an active (unsuccessful) attempt to censor certain materials deemed offensive to Islam, such as the Innocence of Muslims video that caused such an uproar across the Muslim world in 2012. Although not as radical or pervasive as in other countries, there is definitely a degree of censorship in Bangladesh. While Dhaka does get hot, it doesn’t really compare to other places I’ve been. Weather here is similar to the southern U.S. in August, hot and sticky but manageable. The issue is that with power outages and blown transformers, there is often no air conditioning and the water pipes heat up so refreshing, cold showers are difficult to come by. Still, I don’t believe Dhaka’s climate should be a major contributing factor to its livability. Quality of Education: Education is not accessible for the vast majority of Bangladeshis. Although the government ostensibly provides public schools, in practice, very few receive more than a rudimentary education. I’ve had numerous heart-rending conversations with rickshaw pullers and CNG drivers who lament the fact that they can’t read or write. Even elite Bangladeshi schools leave students tragically unprepared for the international world. I would rank the quality and accessibility of education in Bangladesh (outside of the handful of international schools in Dhaka and Chittagong) as woefully inadequate. Transportation Links: Where do I even begin? I believe Dhaka has the worst traffic on earth. Period. I have read articles on the world’s worst traffic jams that suggest Brussels, Los Angeles and Toronto have the worst traffic jams on the planet. I laughed hysterically. The thought that orderly, quiet, traffic in the developed world is worse than Dhaka’s is ludicrous. Statistically, Dhaka traffic sits at a standstill for approximately seven hours per day. The cacophonic symphony of tinkling rickshaw bells, ambulance sirens, and skull-shattering bus horns is disorienting and overwhelming. The constant decibel levels of Dhaka traffic rattle my Canadian brains and my ears are often left ringing when I enter the relative silence of our apartment. When I ventured to Old Dhaka (about nine kilometers away) for an Epiphany service in January, it took two hours in the car each way. That’s the same amount of time it takes to travel from Halifax to Moncton and back…and in total we traveled about eighteen kilometers! The traffic here is, in my opinion, the most dangerous, tedious and annoying part of living in Dhaka. I think that, due to this factor alone, Dhaka deserves to at least be near the bottom of EIU’s city rankings. In conclusion, while I feel that Dhaka probably deserves a spot in the bottom ten, I believe that it shouldn’t be in last place. Dhaka has improved a lot (for wealthy Bangladeshis and expatriates at least) since we arrived in September 2012. New grocery stores, a movie theatre and numerous new restaurants and ice-cream parlors have opened and made life easier and more exciting. We feel safe and relatively secure. The temperature is manageable. Risk of civil war is low and violent crime rates are reasonable for a massive third world mega-city. Living in Dhaka, apparently the worst city to live in the world, isn’t all that bad and there are actually a lot of advantages to working here. I’ll highlight some of the positives in the near future! For a different author's opinion and much better-written point of view on results published in 2013, check out the link below: Dhaka's Disco Balls Every time I step onto the street in Dhaka, I expect to see something new or unexpected. Ordinary and Dhaka simply don't mix. I remember last year when I saw a man selling an assortment of "high quality" disco balls in Gulshan I laughed until tears were streaming down my face. The sincerity with which the guy was promoting his product was amusing but I couldn't bring myself to buy a something for which I had no real use. I mean, really, does anyone have a genuine need for a hand crafted disco ball? We saw him almost once a week but never seriously considered wasting our money on such a frivolous purchase. I am however, well known as a sucker for random, odd and completely impractical trinkets. Dani lovingly succumbed to the frequent temptation and bought one of his small disco balls for two hundred taka with me in mind. I am overjoyed with her purchase and my personal disco ball is currently hanging from our air conditioner and turning our living room into one heck of a party. Metaphorically anyways.
Although he has become a well-respected name in the IT industry, ‘DeRemi did not study IT in the university. A graduate of Physics; by sheer inquisitiveness, probing and persistence, Deremi has cut a niche for himself not only in SystemSpecs but also in the Nigerian IT terrain. Very much at home and current on IT trends and issues, he is a strategic player in the SystemSpecs team. ‘DeRemi is a leading IT business and marketing strategist with extensive experience leading major national IT and e-payment initiatives. Leading a team of local and foreign organisations and consultants, he was the pioneer project delivery director of the very successful World Bank-assisted Federal Government Integrated Payroll & Personnel Information System (IPPIS) that started in November 2006 and went live in a record 6 months. He also led the vibrant team that successfully delivered one of the earliest and very challenging end-to-end e-payment initiatives of the Federal Government within 2 months, following the presidential directive of January 2009. This has gone on to become a model for other Federal and State MDAs. ‘DeRemi has operated in different roles and at different levels cutting across print production, sales and marketing, large scale enterprise solution delivery, project management, public sector relationship management, quality assurance and strategy in his professional career spanning more than two decades. With a first degree from the University of Ibadan and an MBA from the Pan-Atlantic University (formerly Pan-African University), ‘DeRemi is also a year 2000 alumnus of the Advanced Management Program (AMP) of the Lagos Business School and a participant in Stanford University’s SEED Programme. ‘DeRemi features prominently on the local and international circuits as a speaker on national development, business ethics and youth development among other subject areas. He enjoys working with self-confident and intelligent young people to become rounded business professionals able to assume multi-dimensional responsibilities. Happily married with children, ‘ DeRemi is currently the chairman of the NPSV 2020 Joint Working Group on e-payment of Salaries, Pensions, Suppliers and Taxes (JWG-SPS&T). He is a member of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), loves travelling, and is an avid technology enthusiast.
In many cases, data visualisations are the tip of the iceberg -- or the communications pyramid, if you prefer that analogy. They are designed as entry points into much larger bodies of work. They are good for sharing through social media channels and can help drive traffic back to institutional or project websites. However, where data visualisations, both static and interactive, are good at helping us to explain data and relationships, they don't often provide much in the way of analysis. A visualised budget might be down year-on-year, but what are the causes of that? Why is that necessarily important? That's why think tanks don't just publish standalone data visualisations. They also publish reports and analysis. And at the best of times, all of these are packaged together in a relevant communication strategy. Instead of awarding a winner and runner up, as we have done for our previous rounds this year, we decided to take a slightly different approach with this round. We have settled on four runners up, each of whom are entitled to a US$500 prize, and no first place winner. Without further ado, the four runners up, in no particular order, are: Ecos de México UK Government departments by grade composition, 2010 and 2014 Identity Crisis: The Israeli ID System Don't limit HER possibilities! Judges' commentary The judges felt that each of these four visualisations merited recognition in different ways. ‘Ecos de México’, for example, is not a particularly complicated data visualisation, but it’s a useful way of quickly communicating a lot of information and also seems to play a key role in a wider communication strategy. The visual is not an end in itself; rather, it is designed to encourage visits to the Ethos website and to support clicks through to the original articles that it attempts to summarise. For ‘UK government departments by grade composition’, it was quite clear that this one visual is only one small part of a much broader launch of the Whitehall Monitor project. But the visualisation helps to draw in a particular audience. Though one judge did query whether to would reach a very broad audiences, noting: ‘It’s good for technical analysis and as an output from a statistical package, but it lacks a bit of creativity of what could be done with it, and only a technically educated audience would understand it.’ ‘Identity crisis’, on the other hand, was an interesting example of where the visualisation WAS the communication strategy, as they explain in one of their introductory videos. In this case, it was about taking a very complex topic and representing it in a clear way to raise awareness. And finally, ‘Don’t limit HER possibilities!’ was a winner in Round 1. At that time, one of the judge’s comments was: ‘As it stands, the audience is mainly parents [in Georgia] and ensuring they continue to support their daughters in these areas. That hits on a key cultural point, but doesn’t necessarily pass muster as a policy recommendation.’ But as part of a wider communication strategy to encourage participation in their coding classes, it seems more purposeful. All Round 3 entries Media Council Redraws the Radio Market The complexity of governance Think-Act-Impact video animation Adult obesity in the United States Challenges of Health Care System in Uzbekistan: How to Address Growing Expenditures and Demand? Legalizing Restrictions of the Freedom of the Press The reality of illegal mining in Amazon countries Supporting Durable Solutions to Urban, Post-Disaster Displacement Flooding in Piura River Basin Lowy Institute 2014 Polling Interactive Pull Power: Attractions and detractions in the time zone of the twenty-first century Indian states performance in protecting people below poverty line from catastrophic healthcare expenditure The great resource price shock
IMF offers bleak assessment of stalled recovery TOKYO (AP) — Plagued by uncertainty and fresh setbacks, the world economy has weakened further and will grow more slowly over the next year, the International Monetary Fund says in its latest forecast. Advanced economies are risking recession, the international lending organization said in a quarterly update of its World Economic Outlook, and the malaise is spreading to more dynamic emerging economies such as China. The IMF forecasts that the world economy will expand 3.3 percent this year, down from the estimate of 3.5 percent growth it issued in July. Its forecast for growth in 2013 is 3.6 percent, down from 3.9 percent three months ago and 4.1 percent in April. Underpinning that bleaker scenario are the assumptions that Europe will continue to ease monetary policy and that the U.S. will avert a crushing blow to growth by fending off a so-called "fiscal cliff" that could result from a failure to reach a compromise on its budget law and tax cuts. Conditions could worsen if the United States doesn't deal with its budget crisis soon, the IMF said. "Downside risks have increased and are considerable," the fund said. It said its forecasts are based "on critical policy action in the euro area and the United States, and it is very difficult to estimate the probability that this action will materialize." The IMF has urged the U.S. to raise the ceiling on the level of debt the government can issue, which is capped by law. In August 2011, a battle between the Obama administration and Congress over raising the limit wasn't resolved until the U.S. almost defaulted on its debt. Global efforts to ease credit and increase the amount of money available for lending are helping, but appear to be yielding diminishing returns, as are fiscal stimulus policies, the IMF warned. "Because uncertainty is high, confidence is low, and financial sectors are weak, the significant fiscal achievements have been accompanied by disappointing growth or recessions," it said. Among other things, it says governments need to do more to relieve the burden of household debt that is constraining spending power and thus crippling demand. While large corporations pay record low rates for credit, households and small companies struggle to obtain bank loans, it said. Fortifying domestic demand is all the more crucial given weakening trade trends. The IMF forecasts that growth in world trade volume will slump to 3.2 percent this year from 5.8 percent last year and 12.6 percent in 2010. "Low growth and uncertainty in advanced economies are affecting emerging market and developing economies through both trade and financial channels, adding to homegrown weaknesses," the IMF's chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, said in a statement. But he told reporters Tuesday a more optimistic scenario was possible if the right measures are taken, such as fixing banks in European countries and reducing the uncertainty about U.S. policies. "The case for an upside scenario is stronger than it has been," he said at the opening of the IMF meeting in Tokyo. He noted some positive signs in the U.S. economy such as a turnaround in the housing market. The IMF also sees the slowdown in China as part of a shift from the past double-digit growth to a rate that is "sustainable," a process he described as "a soft landing." And the slowdown in developed nations had pushed down exports, the key factor behind the slowdown in China, Blanchard and other IMF officials said. The IMF raised the U.S. growth forecast slightly, to 2.2 percent this year from 2 percent in July. For 2013, though, it expects U.S. growth of 2.1 percent, down from 2.3 percent. Among the 17 nations that use the euro, low growth in the major "core economies," such as Germany and France, will be offset by outright contractions in the smaller economies, leading real gross domestic product to fall by about 0.4 percent in 2012, the IMF said. It forecasts growth in the euro area will stay flat in the first half of 2013 and tick up to about 1 percent in the second half of the year, the IMF said. The report was released just ahead of the World Bank-IMF annual meeting, which is being held in Tokyo this week. The gathering of some 10,000 bankers, executives and officials will likely refocus attention on Japan's failure to escape its own economic slump two decades after its own financial implosion in the early 1990s. The IMF said it expects growth in Japan to hit 2.2 percent this year but to slacken further as reconstruction from the March 2011 disasters winds down, falling to 1.2 percent in 2013. Japan, whose population is both shrinking and aging faster than elsewhere, is confronting problems of high debt and stagnation, it said. As usual, the bright spots are developing economies that were less affected by the global financial crisis, where rising employment and strong demand will help support growth, the IMF said. China's economy will likely expand 7.8 percent this year, down from July's 8 percent forecast, though a pickup in construction projects is expected to spur growth late in the year. India's economy will grow 4.9 percent, down from 6.1 percent. And Brazil's growth will be only 1.5 percent, compared to 2.5 percent. The IMF advised policymakers to devise stronger medium-term fiscal and structural reforms to shore up confidence in the growth potential of the advanced economies. Only then, will investor confidence in markets and public debt be restored. "Unless governments spell out how they intend to effect the necessary adjustment over the medium term, a cloud of uncertainty will continue to hang over the international economy, with downside risks for output and employment in the short term," it said. Ledger wins 4 top awards in statewide awards Jul 19
Alesso - Sad Song (ft. Tini) Alesso - Sad Song (feat. TINI) | Official Music Video Sad Song (Everywhere) ALESSO: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | TINI: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Rudy Mancuso | Shots Studios Channels: Alesso | Anwar Jibawi | Awkward Puppets | Delaney Glazer | Hannah Stocking | Juanpa Zurita | Lele Pons | Shots Studios | Verticals | Alessandro Lindblad (Born 7 July 1991), commonly known by his stage name Alesso, is a Swedish DJ and record producer. Alesso is managed by John Shahidi of Shots Studios. He has worked with numerous artists, including Tove Lo, Theo Hutchcraft, Ryan Tedder, Hailee Steinfeld, Calvin Harris, Usher, David Guetta and Sebastian Ingrosso. He has performed at numerous music festivals, including Coachella, Electric Daisy Carnival, Creamfields, and Tomorrowland. In 2012, MTV named Alesso one of the "EDM Rookies to Watch", and Madonna, who invited him to open select dates on her MDNA Tour, called Alesso "the next big thing in dance music." He was ranked 13th on DJ Magazine's 2015 list of the top 100 DJs and number 20th in year 2016 on DJ Magazine among the list of Top 100 DJs in the world.[8] His debut full-length album Forever was released on 22 May 2015 by Def Jam Recordings. 2019 10s Alesso Dance Artist: Alesso Video title: Sad Song (ft. Tini) NEW: Spotify Integration… On the video page click the Spotify button in the lastfm section under the tags, and on the artist pages click the Spotify Albums menu.
Resolute president speaks out on softwood lumber By Cindy Macdonald Pulp and Paper Canada Richard Garneau, president and CEO of Resolute Forest Products Inc., reaffirmed the company’s support of free, unencumbered access for softwood lumber exports from Central Canada (Quebec and Ontario) to the United States. Garneau has been a vocal figure in the ongoing softwood lumber dispute between the U.S. and Canada, and draws on over 40 years of experience and leadership in the forest products industry across Canada. … Garneau has consistently challenged the claims by some that the 2006 Softwood Lumber Agreement between the U.S. and Canada produced predictability and stability. “Managed trade increases volatility, creating an unpredictable and unstable trade environment between two of the world’s largest trading partners,” stated Garneau. Aborignal Company from B.C. Honoured by Forest Industry The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) today presented the 2016 Aboriginal Business Leadership Award to Chilcotin Plateau Enterprise Ltd. (CPE) owned by the Toosey Indian Band. The award was presented to Chilcotin’s Forestry & Economic Development Manager, Craig Kennedy, at the 2016 Aboriginal Economic Development Corporation Conference in Banff. Chilcotin Plateau Enterprise, located near Williams Lake B.C., began as a silviculture company 20 years ago and has grown to 30 employees. …“FPAC is pleased to recognize the entrepreneurial nature of this Aboriginal company,” says Derek Nighbor, CEO of FPAC. Coast Beat Podcast Episode 30: Log Exports Audio program Sunshine Coast Reporter Coast Beat Ep. 30: Sean, John and Christine talk about 30 years of shishalh Nation self government, which is marked by a special section and extended coverage in this week’s paper. We hear from NDP leader John Horgan on raw log exports. Go to minute 12.54 to hear the interview with John Horgan in this podcast. India trade mission highlights B.C. forest products, financial and economic ties Finance Minister Michael de Jong is leading an investor tour to India to advance bilateral trade and investment opportunities for B.C. businesses, and to promote the province’s stable economy. The minister will travel to India aboard Air Canada’s inaugural non-stop flight between Vancouver and New Delhi. …B.C. exports to India have jumped from $201 million in 2011 to $623 million in 2015, making India B.C.’s fifth-largest trading partner. Key exports include copper, coal and wood products. By 2030, India is expected to be the world’s third-largest economy behind the United States and China. Could Domtar Corp (USA) See a Reversal After Today’s Strong Options Activity? Frisco Fastball In today’s session Domtar Corp (USA) (UFS) registered an unusually high (1,000) contracts volume of call trades. Someone, most probably a professional was a very active buyer of the October, 2016 call, expecting serious UFS increase. With 1,000 contracts traded and 18354 open interest for the Oct, 16 contract, it seems this is a quite bullish bet. The option with symbol: UFS161021C00037500 closed last at: $0.4 or 0% . About 51,492 shares traded hands. Domtar Corp (USA) (NYSE:UFS) has declined 0.53% since March 17, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 5.61% the S&P500. Domtar announces reduced production at Kingsport plant WCYB 5 News An official with Domtar confirmed to News 5 on Thursday that they have currently reduced their production at their pulp and paper mill facility in Kingsport, Tenn. “At Domtar, we must continually monitor our production output and inventory with that of customer orders. Accordingly, we are taking appropriate measures to reduce our inventory by slowing down production at our Kingsport mill,” the official company statement said. The company, based in Canada, did not release any details how many jobs would be affected by the move or how long the cutback would take place. Domtar idling paper mill to reduce inventory by Hank Hayes KINGSPORT — Domtar Corp. announced Wednesday its downtown paper mill is being idled to reduce inventory. At Domtar we must continually monitor our production output and inventory with that of customer orders,” Domtar spokesman Mike Cunningham explained in an email. “Accordingly, we are taking appropriate measures to reduce our inventory by slowing down production at our Kingsport Mill. We will keep you informed about the expected restart of operations as circumstances dictate.” The mill, first doing business in 1916 as the Kingsport Pulp Mill, is experiencing its centennial year in Kingsport. In that time, the mill has been acquired by four other owners — Mead in 1920, Willamette in 1995, Weyerhauser in 2002 and Domtar in 2007. How the world’s tallest wood building was constructed Business News Network At 18 storeys high, The University of British Columbia’s newest residence is said to be the tallest wood building in the world. Bill Downing, president of Structurlam Products, the company that supplied the wooden components of the structure, spoke to BNN about what went into the construction process. The building is a hybrid structure made of timber, but it uses steel connectors and its first two floors are made of concrete. Downing said all of the wood was pre-fabricated in his company’s Okanagan plant before it was shipped to Vancouver. He also said large amounts of drywall were used to encapsulate the wood. In a City of Steel Giants, Can Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Build a Wood Skyscraper? By Whet Moser …Among the wondrous designs was what looked like a straightforward Miesian skyscraper. It took a second to figure out what it was: a skyscraper made, mostly, out of wood. Among the models of architectural grace, it was an engineering idea, but it compelled me the most. It looked like this. It was a prototype for a 42-story building made out of cross-laminated timber for the floors and laminated timber for the columns. It’s a simple idea: smaller pieces of timber are glued together to make big pieces. It’s an old idea, too; glued laminated (glulam) timber has been used for roofs and other structural elements since the mid-19th century, such as for the spectacular roof of the Richmond Olympic Oval. In South Dakota, there’s a beautiful glulam highway bridge from the mid-20th century. The Hidden Life Of Trees: Discover A New Way To Look At Forests By The Nature Conservancy of Canada Huffington Post Canada To read Peter Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees is to discover a secret world that you never knew existed in the forest. You’ll learn how fungi acts as the Internet of the woods to communicate signals between trees and other plant life, mother trees stunt the growth of their young to ensure that they live to a ripe old age, and how trees form bonds and help each other when one is sick. …While Wohlleben is German, he frequently mentions the work of Suzanne Simard throughout the book. Simard is a professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia. She has done groundbreaking work in many areas, but in particular the communication between trees. More letters to the editor opposing Cantimber Biotech Shirley Brewer: NIMBY? Wow! …This was an actual hazardous event, from a poorly situated pyrolysis plant, that resulted in legitimate health ailments. The plant had to be shut down on three separate occasions. Michael H. Wright: It seems incredible that Cantimber is pursuing its bid to push its wood-burning charcoal plant forward at the expense of polluting the air we breathe in the Alberni Valley. They do not have the social contract to impose respiratory health problems and the deterioration of our air quality onto our community. Aboriginal High School Students Experience UBC Forestry UBC Forestry News The Verna J Kirkness Education Program was founded in 2009, and was designed to increase the number of Aboriginal students in science programs. This past spring saw the first year of this program at UBC, with 8 grade 11 students spending one week at the Faculty of Forestry working on science projects. Students were supported by professors, undergraduate and graduate students, and staff – with mentors outnumbering the students. The students and mentors got a hands on experience about the forest by visiting the Faculty of Forestry’s Malcolm Knapp Research Forest in Maple Ridge. Jayme from Grindrod and Mary from Skidegate worked with Lori Daniels in her tree ring lab, researching the properties of western red cedar. Victoria filmmaker explores B.C.’s coastal forest by Karly Blats A Victoria-based filmmaker is shedding light on B.C.’s coastal forest industry with a new documentary series entitled Heartwood: A West Coast Forest Documentree. In his series, Daniel J. Pierce highlights coastal communities, like Port Alberni, Cortes Island and Port Hardy, that are uniting to defend the last few pockets of old-growth temperate rainforest on the west coast. “When I started off it was with the intention to make a single one-off feature length documentary and it all started with me on Cortes Island.” Opinion: Vancouver Island’s rainforest and communities need urgent action By Arnold Bercov, Maquinna (George Lewis), Dan Hager, Andy MacKinnon and Jens Wieting Vancouver Island’s rainforests are among the rarest ecosystems on the planet — temperate rainforests have never occupied more than 0.5 per cent of the earth’s land surface. They are also among its richest — they have been home to First Nations for time immemorial, and they contribute to a diverse economy including forestry, tourism and wild salmon in indigenous and non-indigenous communities. Unfortunately, today, the vast majority of productive old-growth rainforest on Vancouver Island and B.C.’s south coast has been logged and replaced by young forest. Only about 10 per cent of the biggest trees are still standing, and some types of forest such as old-growth Douglas fir on south-eastern Vancouver Island have less than one per cent of its original range left. Canfor passes audit of tree farm licence BC Forest Practices Board VICTORIA – An audit of Canfor’s Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 14, south of Golden, found compliance with British Columbia’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “Canfor complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act,” said Tim Ryan, board chair. “Auditors did find that Canfor had not completed fire-hazard assessments for all cutblocks, but had treated all fire hazards by piling and burning slash. Canfor was in the midst of developing procedures for fire-hazard assessments when the audit took place, but they had not yet been fully implemented.” The audit covered all forestry activities carried out in the TFL between July 2014 and July 2016. Reports find B.C. government failing to clamp down on suspect logging practices By Jon Hernandez Colin Richardson has fished along the Skidegate Channel in Haida Gwaii all his life. But in 2009, he noticed a fresh gash in the forest, left behind by Teal Cedar Products — a Surrey-based logging company. …”We were horrified by what we saw,” he said. “As [the loggers] started to go back there, it became very clear to us again that they weren’t even following their own rules.” The band filed a complaint with the Forests Practices Board — a government-funded logging watchdog — which sparked an investigation. The board found that there were clear logging violations — and that the Ministry of Forests had been aware of the suspect operations, but chose not to come down on the loggers. And as other reports suggest, this isn’t the only time the provincial government has let these types of logging violations slide…. ?We should be managing a forest ecosystem not just the trees? by Samantha Wright Allen Approaches to forest management must change if B.C. wants to end bug outbreaks sooner, said the closing speaker at a two-day summit on managing the spread of spruce beetles. “We need to keep the system in focus and remember the beetles are always there. They may not always kill trees but we need to act as if they’re going to very soon,” Staffan Lindgren, a retired University of Northern B.C. professor, told the group gathered Thursday at the Ramada in Prince George. Management focuses too much on the agent – the beetle – when most focus should be on mimicking natural ecosystems and looking at what the beetle needs to survive. Community Forest grows by Trent Ernst Tumbler Ridge News The Tumbler Ridge Community Forest is expanding. Recently, the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations allocated 15,500 cubic meters of coniferous volume and 2000 cubic meters of deciduous volume to the annual allowable cut that the Tumbler Ridge Community Forest is allowed to harvest. This bumps the total annual allowable cut for the community forest to 35,500 cubic meters. That’s about 75 percent more harvest, says Community Forester, Duncan McKellar. He says, while this isn’t really enough to support a full-time logging outfit, it is a nice bump to the size of the community forest. “For three or four years we’ve been working on this,” he says. Langley City must log small park by Heather Colpitts Langley Advance Langley City will remove at least 100 trees from Hunter Park, at 199th Street and 45A Avenue, to stop the spread of laminated root rot. The disease, also known as yellow ring rot, affects conifers. The park’s fir and hemlock are affected. “While it is unknown when the disease impacted these trees, the City is proactively minimizing the risk by clearing away the susceptible trees to ensure the safety of the residents and users of the park,” said Rick Bomhof, director of Engineering, Parks, and Environment. It is one of the leading causes of dead and wind thrown trees since trees die from failure to take up water and nutrients due to primary root decay. The fungal disease spreads from root to root contact and can remain viable for up to 50 years. “The age of the trees varies between five and 75 years old,” he said. Logging plan lacks sense Letter by Gordon MacMahon, MA, BSc Cochrane Eagle I had an opportunity this weekend to participate in a clear-cut tour in the Ghost Valley with three representatives from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. I greatly appreciated them taking time out of their weekend to meet with myself and eleven others to better explain some forest management principles and forest regeneration practices. I was however disturbed by the conclusion I reached after our two-plus hours together. It is now clear to me, that logging of our Easter Slopes is guided by a set of generalized operating procedures; with minimal or no deviation to recognize varying conditions across a diverse and complex landscape. Province Releases Industry Outlook Profile By Elaine Macdonald-Meisner Prince George, B.C.- The Province has released its Industry Outlook Profile for the next ten years , predicting which sectors will see growth and job demands. …. According to the report forestry will see a decline despite the housing market recovery in the U.S. The decline in forestry will be the result of the fall out from the mountain pine beetle epidemic and the loss of merchantable timber. Yet, even though there will be a decline in expansion ( down 1.4% between now and 2025) there will be nearly 23hundred job openings created by the retirement of current employees. As objection hearings wrap, countdown to new Tongass plan By Elizabeth Jenkins Alaska Public Media The U.S. Forest Service wrapped up objection hearings Wednesday on a plan that could shape the future of timber in the Tongass National Forest. It was the last chance for the public to register opposition to to the Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan amendments, which has been nearly three years in the making and will go into effect this winter. The meetings took place during a two week span in Ketchikan and Juneau. Timber industry reps say the forest service plan transitions too quickly from logging valuable old growth trees to smaller young growth timber. Meanwhile, some environmentalists believe there’s too much old growth left on the table. USFS head expected to focus on firefighting challenges during Missoula speech By Dennis Bragg MISSOULA – The problems of trying to fight more wildfires, while still managing the national forests, will be the key discussion Thursday morning as the head of the U.S. Forest Service speaks to Montana’s county commissioners. Tom Tidwell, Chief of the USFS, will kick off the second day of the Montana Counties Forest Summit in Missoula. Senator Jon Tester spoke on Wednesday. Both men are expected to focus on the growing problem of the USFS budget being sucked up by firefighting. “Twenty years ago, 16% of their budget was spent on fighting forest fires. Today it’s over 50. In 10-years two-thirds of their budget will be spent on fighting forest fires. We’ve got to figure out a different way of fighting fires, a different way of funding them so they can do the management necessary to cut some trees in the forest and move that economy forward,” Sen.Jon Tester (D-MT) said on Wednesday’s edition of Montana This Morning. LETTER: Here’s hoping for return to reason on timber issues from Jack Markley Ron Richards, a hopeful for Clallam commissioner, has less conflict of interest than his opponent. Hopefully, the year-plus election season will soon end with some return to reason and judgment. This applies to public timber management issues locally. Rather than argue over inventory statistics (arrearage), perhaps forestry science can interest the public by providing more money, better wood and less environmental harm. How? Grow trees until their average total growth over their lifespan begins to slow — not sooner or later. Ask your candidates why they would oppose this fact and forest agencies to explain contrary policies. Forest Service looks at Dog Head Fire lessons by Todd G. Dickson Mountain View Telegraph In the wake of this summer’s nearly 18,000-acre Dog Head Fire caused by forest thinning operation, U.S. Forest Service officials told East Mountains residents last Thursday they will make changes to avoid causing another wildfire. “I wanted to let you know I am terribly sorry this fire happened,” Cibola National Forest Supervisor Elaine Kohrman said at a community meeting in Tajique. “This has been hard for everyone.” The Dog Head Fire started June 14 in the Manzano Mountains where a thinning crew was running a large machine called a masticator that shreds trees and brush into small pieces. The fire quickly spread, destroying at least 12 homes. Fighting and containing the fire cost more than $10 million, Kohrman said. Zinke Discusses Timber Industry Issues with Pyramid By Andi Bourne SEELEY LAKE – The one-year stand-down after the expiration of the Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) Oct. 12, 2015 is now over. Since there has been no resolution, those in the timber industry are asking if there is going to be a trade case filed by either the Americans or Canadians or if an agreement can be reached. This SLA along with other issues was a point of discussion with U.S. House representative Ryan Zinke when he visited Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Inc. Oct. 14. According to Pyramid’s Chief Operating Officer Loren Rose, the Americans have been trying to get the Canadians to the table to negotiate another agreement but things have been so favorable for the Canadians that they are not very interested. Drax Biomass inks ‘unprecedented’ agreement to protect forested wetlands from logging Bioenergy Insight Magazine Drax Biomass (DBI), a pellet manufacturer operating in the Southeast US, has signed an agreement declaring the cypress and tupelo stands found in forested wetlands, including the Atchafalaya Basin, to be off-limits for its timber purchases. Louisiana’s famed Atchafalaya Basin is a popular destination for boaters, fishermen, and migratory birds. The “river of trees,” noted for its magnificent cypress-tupelo swamps, has also been eyed by logging operations, some illegal, for mulch and lately for wood pellets. A collaborative effort between the bioenergy company and Atchafalaya Basinkeeper (ABK), a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring the area’s ecosystems, aims to provide greater protection for these and other valuable forested wetlands. Michigan: First Good Neighbor Authority Timber Sale Contracts Awarded by Duncan Johnson Michigan – The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Forest Service today announced that the first Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) timber sale contracts have been awarded to Biewer Lumber, LLC. The timber sales are located in the Huron-Manistee National Forest in Lake and Wexford counties. Under the GNA partnership, the DNR acts as an agent – in collaboration with the Forest Service – to conduct land-management projects on national forest lands. A 10-year master agreement was signed by the Forest Service and the DNR in October 2015. “Michigan greatly appreciates the diligent work by the U.S. Forest Service to make this agreement a reality,” said Bill O’Neill, chief of the DNR’s Forest Resources Division. UNBC Celebrates BioEnergy Day Known as Canada’s “green ” university, UNBC recently renovated the Neyoh student residence to be linked to the new Sustainable Communities Demonstration Project (SCDP) a district energy system on campus. In just two months, the connection has resulted in reduced consumption of electricity and natural gas. Consumption of electricity is down by 40% and it’s estimated that in one year, the new system will reduce natural gas use by 7 thousand GJ or $25 thousand dollars. The energy system is similar to that used to heat several buildings in the downtown of Prince George. In the case of UNBC, a pellets are used to heat a boiler and the hot water is then distributed to the buildings. Oregon company ready to license its biomass technology by Eric Mortenson TROUTDALE, ORE. — An Oregon company showed off a demonstration facility where it converts forest slash to biomass briquettes, and said it is prepared to license the technology and sell it world-wide. Hiroshi Morihara, an Oregon developer and engineer who is CEO of HM3 Energy Inc., also announced the company has found a “big fish” investor: A Japanese energy company that wants to use the briquettes to fire electrical power plants in Japan and replace coal and nuclear facilities. New Energy Development Co. has invested $2 million in HM3 and plans to build a briquette production plant at an undisclosed location in Oregon. From trees to paper—how Swiss wood impacts the environment By the Swiss National Foundation Wood has a largely favourable environmental effect. A study of the National Research Programme “Resource Wood” recommends using wood more widely as a source of energy and as a building material. The study has systematically examined the overall environmental impact of wood in Switzerland, analysing the entire value chain: from cutting trees to recycling wood or burning it, including the manufacture of semi-finished products such as paper, boards and pellets for heating purposes. …In the very long term, the climate footprint of forests is neutral, Suter explains: all the CO2 absorbed during the growth of a tree is returned into the atmosphere when it naturally decomposes or is burnt. The use of wood as a construction material means that this CO2 is stored for decades, which is a mitigating factor in these times of global warming. Thirteen organisations to benefit from Wood and Fibre Processing Innovation Program By Toli Papadopoulos Tasmania Examiner Bioenergy and biomass are at the forefront of 13 grants revealed under the state government’s $1.25 million Wood and Fibre Processing Innovation Program. However, the Wilderness Society believes the grants will be used by the government as a justification to pursue logging of 400,000 hectares of forest, locked up until 2020. The Meander Valley Council, Dorset Renewable Industries and East Tamar Maintenance Services are just a few of the organisations to benefit, with projects ranging from bioenergy generation to pellet production. Reforesting marginal land could buy time – climate change report At least a million hectares of marginal land in New Zealand could easily revert to forest and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it grows, a new report suggests. Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Jan Wright was speaking during the release of her latest report on climate change and agriculture. Dr Wright said almost 4 percent of New Zealand’s total area could revert to carbon-soaking forest without anyone having to do anything too difficult, unlike preparing it for farming which took a lot of work clearing scrub. “Fence it off, let it go, the manuka grows, then the kanaka, and eventually the forest returns,” she said. Buildings Could Join Forests as Carbon Sinks By Tom Martin, President and CEO of the American Forest Foundation and Robert Glowinski, President & CEO of the American Wood Council We all know from our elementary science classes that trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO?) during their growth cycle. Once absorbed, trees lock that carbon in, keeping it out of the atmosphere. In fact, forests, and forest products, capture and store 13 percent of the U.S.’s greenhouse gas emissions each year. …So, the emergence of the green building trend to use wood, presents a real opportunity to reduce CO? emissions in the building process, store more carbon in the buildings themselves, and help forest owners keep their forests as forests and our great carbon sink intact.
Einstein helps astronomers find a new planet « Pole shift-iness It’s not just here … » 25 Jan 2006 | Astronomy Using a technique called microlensing, astronomers have discovered a new extrasolar planet, 28,000 light years distant, with a mass approximately 5.5 times that of earth. The discovery brings the number of extrasolar planets to more than 170. Alas, all seem unlikely to harbor “life as we know it.” Most of these planets have been detected by the “wobble” or Doppler effect method. Planets with large masses and their parent stars essentially orbit a common point, “pulling” the star off center. Our own Jupiter, roughly 318 times the mass of the earth, would be an eligible candidate. Neptune, with a mass roughly 17 times that of earth, and much further from the sun than Jupiter, would not be. See graphic. The warping of space by matter, part of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, provides planet-hunters another tool. Stars, which are typically much more massive than even the largest planets, warp space around them, like a shotput ball resting on a waterbed. Light from more distant objects is distorted by the warped space, creating a blip in a graph of light intensity (a light curve). A planet orbiting a star will create a similar, but much smaller companion blip. The new planet was found in just this way. See graphic. An animation of how microlensing occurs, and how it relates to discovering a planet, is here at the National Science Foundation. The new planet, somewhat unpoetically classified as OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, takes 10 earth years to orbit its sun, a cool red dwarf star. With an average orbital radius of 390 million km (about halfway between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter), the planet is very cold, as in -220 degrees C. Details are here. Mysteries of Space: Exploding Stars and Black Holes/The Search for Alien Worlds/To the Edge of the Universe
PSI holds two seminars on tax and trade in São Paulo With support from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the seminars discussed free trade agreements, the new methods employed by transnational companies (TNCs) to “capture” international organisations, corporate tax evasion and prospects for progressive tax reform. The first event on 3 July focused on free trade agreements and was attended by more than 30 Brazilian trade union leaders. The discussion focused on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and the new methods employed by TNCs to “capture” international organisations and examined the current state of negotiations on TISA between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur. Although these issues are not a priority in the current political context in Brazil, affiliates thought the seminar was a good initiative, considering the forthcoming elections and the political uncertainty in the country, which requires the trade unions to adopt a clear position on these issues. PSI affiliates in Brazil decided to: Ask Professor Lucas Tasquetto to produce videos on the issue of data protection on the internet, transnational companies in the digital sector and free trade agreements; Work with the Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos, REBRIP (Brazilian Network for the Integration of Peoples); Produce a report on the impact on gender of a current continent-wide free trade agreement; Hold a seminar on e-commerce, free trade agreements and the world of work (in Brazil); Use the blog on TISA set up by colleagues at SINDCOOP – upload reports, materials, analysis, campaign news and information on activities to this platform; Join the Latin American tax justice network. Although this is a different issue, participants took this decision on the grounds that the two issues are related. Corporate Tax Evasion A regional seminar on corporate tax evasion was held on 4 July. It was attended by 40 people, mainly trade union leaders, from Brazil and nine other Latin American countries – Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. The seminar was held at the offices of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) and was also attended by UNI Finance president, Rita Berlofa, and Nicolas Menassé, representing the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI). This reinforced the unity in action of the international trade union movement and indicated convergence around the main international economic policy issues. On 5 July, participants agreed a plan of action that included practical initiatives and policy guidelines for the next period. They agreed to take a gender approach to tax in all project activities; prioritise the issues of state expenditure and tax exemptions; focus on the state and municipal levels; use the arguments formulated in the seminars in collective bargaining; and conduct at least three case studies in Latin America for use in campaigns. Participants also agreed that the PSI should use existing materials to produce a short pamphlet on the main components of progressive tax reforms in Latin America. There was also a lot of interest in continuing the discussion on corporate power. Finally, participants identified three countries in the region with the most potential for making progress on tax legislation and agreed to focus efforts on these countries. Click here for photos
This is what energy democracy looks like 10 March, 2015 Video of This Is What Energy Democracy Looks Like With climate change looming, we are facing an energy emergency. How can unions fight for change? Watch and share TUED's new animated video on energy democracy. Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections. PSI is one of the founding members of TUED and supports its work. We are facing an energy and climate emergency that amounts to a planetary crisis. The growing levels of fossil based energy is stretching planetary limits by raising greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution to alarming levels. This is affecting the health and quality of life of millions. The power of fossil fuel corporations has made it practically impossible to protect the health and safety of workers and communities, and union representation is under attack across the globe. Despite more energy being generated every year, energy poverty remains a serious global issue — 1.6 billion people, or 20% of the world’s population, do not have regular access to electricity. It has become increasingly clear that the transition to an equitable, sustainable energy system can only occur if there is decisive shift in power towards workers, communities and the public. TUED website
When Does The U.S. Government Not Own The Rights To A War Memorial? The City of Washington perhaps has more memorials, including war memorials, than any other American city. But does the federal government really own the rights in these memorials? The ongoing litigation between sculptor Frank Gaylord and the United States reveals what happens when the U.S. fails to adequately secure the copyright, or at least a perpetual license, in its war memorials. Frank Gaylord is a prominent sculptor of "The Column," a group of 19 sculptures depicting a platoon of U.S. foot soldiers in the Korean War. "The Column" is the centerpiece in the Korean War Veterans' Memorial on the west end of the National Mall in Washington, DC. The Korean War was as brutal as World War II. Some sources peg the U.S. war dead in excess of 33,000, plus more than 8,000 MIAs. In honor of the sacrifice and service to the U.S. during the Korean conflict, Congress in 1986 passed legislation putting in process a mechanism to develop a Korean War memorial. The Army Corps of Engineers was responsible for selecting the memorial's design team, Cooper-Lecky Architects of Washington, DC. Frank Gaylord, a well-regarded sculptor, was selected to craft the sculptural works. He began working on this project in 1990. His sculpted soldiers were assembled into the memorial, and depicted on a sunny day as follows: The memorial was dedicated in July 1995 and has become a favorite venue on the National Mall. In 2002, the U.S. Postal Service elected to issue a stamp to acknowledge the 50th anniversary of the Korean War armistice. The stamp, depicted below, -- -- was financially successful. By 2005, the Postal Service sold nearly 48 million stamps, earning over $17 million. The Postal Service also sold retail goods, including commemorative panels and framed art, bearing the stamp's image. Frank Gaylord sued the United States in 2006 for copyright infringement. Following trial in the Court of Claims, the Federal Circuit in February 2010 determined that Gaylord was the copyright author of The Column and that the U.S. government was liable for infringement. The case was remanded to establish damages. The first Federal Circuit opinion is located here. During the damages case, Gaylord sought a 10% royalty on approximately $30.2 million in total revenue earned by the Postal Service in using The Column image. The Postal Service countered that Gaylord should receive at most a nominal amount since the Postal Service would never have entered into a 10% royalty arrangement. The Postal Service further argued that it never agreed previously to license an existing image for more than $5,000. The Court of Claims awarded Gaylord $5,000 for copyright infringement damages. On appeal for the second time, the Federal Circuit reversed the nominal monetary award. A copy of the second appellate opinion is here. The Federal Circuit criticized the Court of Claims for limiting its analysis of the damage award solely to the Postal Service's position that it would never pay a 10% royalty. On the contrary, the Federal Circuit explained that, in establishing a copyright damages award against the federal government, "the court should not arbitrarily cap this award at $5,000 simply because the Postal Service claims it has never paid more to license a copyright for use on a stamp." "Defendants cannot insulate themselves from paying for the damages they caused by resting on their past agreements and by creating internal 'policies' that shield them from paying fair market value for what they took." The Federal Circuit observed that the test for copyright damages is not based on what the infringer would prefer to pay. Indeed, the amount of damages for this present claim of infringement may be unrelated to prior royalty agreements of either of the parties. "The court should keep in mind that Mr. Gaylord's recovery is not limited to the Postal Service's actual profits. * * * Indeed, the court may find that a hypothetical negotiation between the parties would result in a higher ongoing royalty that the rate earned by Mr. Gaylord or the Postal Service under past agreements." The Federal Circuit further determined that an award of prejudgment interest on the damages sum was appropriate. "Mr. Gaylord is entitled to prejudgment interest because it is necessary to make his compensation complete." The Federal Circuit vacated the trial court's decision and remanded for a new damages determination. While it will be interesting to learn how the trial court resets the sum that the Postal Service will be required to pay Gaylord for nonpermitted use of The Column images, a much more fundamental question presents itself. Why must the government ever be required to pay for use of the image of a beloved memorial, particularly when the memorial was undertaken pursuant to federal legislation, involving federal money, located on federal ground, and depicting federal military personnel in U.S. sponsored military action? There is no question that Frank Gaylord's creativity and artistic talents resulted in a magnificent war memorial honoring brave wounded, dead and missing military personnel. But why did the government lawyers and procurement staff not include a perpetual copyright license or, better yet, a copyright release to the federal government for use of The Column? Posted by Michael M. Ratoza at 2:08 PM Labels: copyright infringement by the federal government, Frank Gaylord, Korean War Veterans' Memorial, The Column An Offensive Vodka Label A Memorial Day for Vietnam -- At 50 Years Paul Horn's "Dream Machine" and Copyright Terminat... When Does The U.S. Government Not Own The Rights T... The Branding Message From Leonard Lauder The Old False Marking Statute Is Dead -- Really, T...
Home >Member countries >Sri Lanka >Society Sri Lanka : Society Population density (per sq. km): Primary enrolment: 21,273,000 (2013); 18 per cent of people live in urban areas; growth 0.9 per cent p.a. 1990–2013; birth rate 18 per 1,000 people (31 in 1970); life expectancy 74 years (43 in 1946 and 64 in 1970). The largest ethnic group is Sinhalese (estimated at 74 per cent of the population), followed by Sri Lankan Tamils (12 per cent), Muslims (seven per cent), Indian Tamils (five per cent), and small communities of Malays and Burghers (persons of Dutch or partly Dutch descent) and a small number of Veddhas, descended from the earliest inhabitants. Historians now believe that Dravidian and Indo-Aryan cultures, which form the roots of the modern-day Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese, most likely arrived in Sri Lanka late in the first millennium BCE, having filtered down from India. Indian Tamils arrived later, brought in by the British in the 19th century as labour for the plantations. Some Indian Tamils were repatriated from 1964, and since 1988 all remaining Indian Tamils have attained Sri Lankan citizenship. The Muslims are mostly descendants of Arab traders, and the Burghers descendants of European settlers of the 17th century onwards. The official languages are Sinhala and Tamil. English is used in commerce and government and very widely understood. Buddhists 70 per cent, Hindus 13 per cent, Muslims ten per cent and Christians six per cent (2012). Public spending on health was one per cent of GDP in 2012. Both Western and Ayurvedic (traditional) medicine are practised, though most doctors practise Western medicine. A free health service is available, with hospitals and clinics countrywide, supplemented by several private hospitals and clinics in Colombo. Some 94 per cent of the population uses an improved drinking water source and 92 per cent have access to adequate sanitation facilities (2012). Infant mortality was eight per 1,000 live births in 2013 (83 in 1960). Over 90 per cent of children are born in hospital. Family planning is common, with about 68 per cent of married women practising contraception. Polio has been eradicated, but malaria remains a problem. Public spending on education was 1.7 per cent of GDP in 2012. There are nine years of compulsory education starting at the age of five. Primary school comprises five years and secondary eight, with two cycles of four years. Some 97 per cent of pupils complete primary school (2010). The school year starts in January. The University Grants Commission (UGC) recognises 15 public universities and 17 higher education institutes, and there are four other public universities that come under other departments of government (2013). Leading universities include the University of Colombo, which was established – as University of Ceylon – in 1942 when the Ceylon Medical College (founded 1870) and Ceylon University College (1921) were merged; University of Kelaniya; University of Peradeniya; and Open University of Sri Lanka, which provides courses through distance learning. Technical colleges offer courses up to diploma level in engineering and business. The female–male ratio for gross enrolment in tertiary education is 1.80:1 (2011). Literacy among people aged 15–24 is 98 per cent (2010). In 1980 Sri Lanka hosted the Eighth Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in Colombo. Commonwealth Education Ministers meet every three years to discuss issues of mutual concern and interest. There are several daily newspapers in Sinhala, Tamil, and English including the state-owned Daily News, and the independent Daily Mirror and The Island, plus several weeklies including the state-owned Sunday Observer and independent The Sunday Times. The public radio network of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation and many private stations broadcast in Sinhala, Tamil and English. The Independent Television Network and Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation both provide public TV services, and there are several private TV channels; public and private channels are also in Sinhala, Tamil and English. Some 76 per cent of households have TV sets (2007). There are 38 personal computers per 1,000 people (2005). Country code 94; internet domain ‘.lk’. Mobile phone coverage is good in urban areas and the number of subscribers has grown rapidly. Internet cafes can be found in the main towns. Postal services are good. For every 1,000 people there are 127 landlines, 955 mobile phone subscriptions and 219 internet users (2013). Public holidays: Independence Day (4 February), Sinhala and Tamil New Year (mid-April, two days), Labour Day (1 May) and Christmas Day. Religious and other festivals whose dates vary from year to year include Tamil Thai Pongal Day (mid-January), Prophet’s Birthday, Good Friday, Vesak Poya Days (two days generally in May) and Deepavali (Diwali, October/November). There is a Buddhist Poya holiday each month on the day of the full moon. With the exception of the Vesak Poya Days, when Poya Days fall at the weekend they are nonetheless observed on the full moon day. Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) and Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) are observed only by Muslims, and Mahasivarathri only by Hindus. Website:
John Redmond Ireland and the First World War – A Brief Overview By John Dorney Ireland throughout the First World War of 1914-1918 was an integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain … Book Review: John Redmond: Selected Letters and Memoranda, 1880-1918. Edited by Dermot Meleady Published by Irish Academic Press, 2018. Reviewer: Diarmuid Bolger John Redmond, the Wexford-born leader of the Irish Parliamentary … ‘A Declaration of War on the Irish People’ The Conscription Crisis of 1918 How the attempt to impose conscription on Ireland was defeated in 1918. By John Dorney. In April 1918, the British government of … Interview: The East Clare By-Election of 1917, with Padraig Og O Ruairc In July 1917, Eamon de Valera, just released from prison for his role in the Easter Rising, was elected as Sinn Fein … The Irish Parliamentary Party after 1918, an interview with Martin O’Donoghue In this interview, John Dorney speaks to Martin O’Donoghue about the fate of the once-dominant Irish Parliamentary Party after its defeat in … The 2016 Rising centenary: What did it all mean? By John Dorney The year 2016 marked the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising. At the start of the year I wrote … Book Review: 1916: Ireland’s Revolutionary Tradition 1916: Ireland’s Revolutionary Tradition By Kieran Allen. London: Pluto Press, 20 January, 2016 Reviewer: Aidan Beatty. Kieran Allen’s new study of the Irish …
Forest Dept advt raises KSU hackles By By Our Reporter on August 1, 2013 A KSU delegation in discussion with Principal Chief Conservator of Forest TTC Marak in city on Wednesday.(UB) SHILLONG: The Khasi Students Union (KSU) has objected to recent advertisements posted by the state forest department. KSU termed the condition laid by the department allowing displaced persons from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to submit their applications as ‘mischievous acts’ of certain unwanted elements. Demanding withdrawal of the ‘objectionable condition’ posted for the two posts in the department, the KSU said that this unfortunate act is the handiwork of certain elements working against the interest of the indigenous people and provoking the sentiments of the local unemployed youth of the state. On July 1, the department through the Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) has invited recruitment for two posts of Asst Conservator of Forest under the Department of Forests and Environment. The condition in the advertisement states that, “Applications from citizens of India who are bonafide residents of Meghalaya will be considered and displaced persons from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) permanently residing in Meghalaya or intending to reside permanently in Meghalaya, possessing Indian citizenship certificate, may also apply.” “We fail to understand the logic behind this condition stipulated by the Department in the advertisement,” KSU President Daniel Khyriem said in a letter to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) here on Wednesday. Raising serious objections to the wordings in the advertisement, Khyriem said “We demand that the Department immediately withdraw the objectionable condition for the said post.” The KSU leader also informed that the MPSC authority has clarified that the condition was inserted as per the instructions of the Department and demanding that they come up with an immediate clarification on the reason for inserting this condition in the application form. Further, the KSU has threatened to resort to its own course of action in the best interests of the indigenous people of the state if the Department fails to react to its demand at the earliest.
Defunct WWE Championships Many of us are familiar with Championships that are no longer active in the WWE. You can read about them on their own web page, World Championships, European Championship, World Tag Team Championships, Women's Championship, Light Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, Hardcore, Women's Tag Team Championship, and the Diva's Championship. They even list the WCW World Championship and all the ECW Championships. However there are several championships that were created over the years and were only recognized for a short time that the WWE currently doesn't acknowledge their existence. WWWF United States Tag Team Championships July 1958 - July 29, 1967 Started in July 1958 at the NWA United States Tag Team Championship for the Capitol Wrestling Corporation with a name change to the WWWF once they left the NWA in April 1963. No reason was given for them being abandoned. You can read the complete title lineage here. First Champions: Mark Lewin & Don Curtis defeating Hans Schmidt & Dick the Bruiser in a tournament final Last Champions: Bruno Sammartino & Spiros Arion Longest Reign: The Fabulous Kangaroos: Al Costello & Roy Heffernan 409 Days November 28, 1960 - January 11 1962 defeated Johnny Valentine & Chief Big Heart defeated by Buddy Rogers & Johnny Barend The Fabulous Kangaroos Most Reigns: Team: The Fabulous Kangaroos: Al Costello & Roy Heffernan 3 for 514 days, Individual: Dr. Jerry Graham 6 for 632 days WWWF United States Heavyweight Championship April 6, 1963 - March 1976 Was created after the WWWF left the NWA to be their secondary championship behind the World Championship. Looking at the title lineage it was pretty much the Bobo Brazil Championship and I would dispute the authenticity of that final title run. But then again look at when Duane Gill at the Light Heavyweight Championship. You can read the complete title lineage here. First Champions: Bobo Brazil was awarded the Championship upon it's creation Last Champions: Bobo Brazil Longest Reign: Bobo Brazil 1837 Days February 19, 1971 - March 1976 was awarded the Championship after Pedro Morales vacated it when he won the World Championship, title was abandoned. Most Reigns: Bobo Brazil 7 WWF North American Heavyweight Championship Only 3 people held the North American Championship with the longest and last reign belonging to Seiji Sakaguchi at 532 days until the title was abandoned. Essentially this title was the precursor to the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship which was "won" by Pat Patterson November 1, 1979 while he was still the North American Heavyweight Champion. Ted Dibiase February 13, 1979 - June 19, 1979 Allentown, PA awarded the championship upon signing with the WWF Pat Patterson June 19, 1979 - November 18, 1979 Allentown, PA Seiji Sakaguchi November 18, 1979 - April 23, 1981 Otaru, Japan The official WWE History states that on September 1, 1979 Pat Patterson unified his North American Heavyweight Championship with the fictional South American Heavyweight Championship by defeating Johnny Rodz in the equally fictional tournament in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil to be crowned the first ever Intercontinental Champion. WWWF / WWF International Heavyweight Championship July 1959 - October 31, 1985 The first time the WWWF or Capitol Wrestling Corporation recognized this title was in July 1959 when Antonio Rocca defeated Buddy Rogers, was later declared inactive in 1963, assuming when WWWF withdrew from the NWA. Revitalized in 1982 appears to have been awarded to Tony Parisi. Gino Brito August 1982 Buffalo, NY defeated Parisi Tatsumi Fujinami August 30, 1982 - April 3, 1983 Madison Square Garden Tatsumi Fujinami Riki Choshu April 3, 1983 - August 4, 1983 Tokyo Japan Tatsumi Fujinami August 4, 1983 - October 31, 1985 Tokyo Japan Akira Maeda March 25, 1984 - July 23, 1984 Madison Square Garden defeated Pierre Lefebvre at MSG to be recognized by the WWF. Maeda defended the title in the UWF until July 23 when the WWF and UWF ended their affiliation. Fujinami defended the Championship in New Japan Pro Wrestling and the WWF for the entirety of his second run with the championship until the companies ended their affiliation. Why the WWF started a second lineage with UWF I couldn't tell you. WWWF/WWF International Tag Team Championships June 1, 1969 - January 1, 1972 Recognized in the WWWF as a secondary tag team championship but primarily defended in the Pittsburgh Territory. The titles were initially vacated in January 1, 1972 when the territory was sold to the NWF. Later reactivated and recognized in both the WWF and NJPW until their affiliation ended October 31, 1985. You can read about the title lineage here and here. First Champions: Rising Sons: Toru Tanaka & Mitsu Arakawa June 1, 1969 awarded championship Last Champions: Tatsumi Fujinami & Kengo Kimura May 24, 1985 Kobe, Japan defeated Dick Murdoch & Adrian Adonis in tournament final The Mongols: Geeto & Bepo (Nikolai Volkoff) Longest Reign: The Mongols: Bepo & Geeto 368 days June 15, 1970 - June 18, 1971 defeated Victor Rivera & Tony Marino MSG defeated by Bruno Sammartino & Dominic DeNucci Pittsbugh, PA Most Reigns: Team: The Mongols 2 for 501 Days, Individual: Geeto Mongol 3 for 515 Days Geeto Mongol & Johnny DeFazio Champions 12/18/1971 - 1/1/1972 This title was precursor to the IWGP Tag Team Championships that New Japan established December 12, 1985 WWWF Junior Heavyweight Championship September 1965 - October 31, 1985 The early lineage of the Championship is not exact. Paul DeGalles is the first recognized champion when Toots Mondt, who was a partner with Vince Sr., took over the Pittsburgh Territory as DeGalles has been recognized as the International Junior Heavyweight Champion since July 1960 in West Virginia when Mondt ran that territory. Second Version the one awarded to Wild Pegasus Title was declared vacant in 1972 when then champion Johnny DeFazio retired. The title was re-established on January 20, 1978 when Carlos Jose Estrada defeated Tony Garea in a tournament final in Undiondale, NY. Three days later at Madison Square Garden Tatsumi Fujinami won the title and took it to New Japan where it was primarily defended until October 31, 1985 when WWF & New Japan ended their affiliation and the title was abandoned. If it was defended in the US it was mostly just at Madison Square Garden. You can read the complete title lineage here or here. Dynamite Kid 2/7/1984 - 12/28/1984 First Champion: Paul DeGalles September 1965 - October 15, 1965 was defeated by Johnny DeFazio Last Champion: The Cobra July 28, 1985 - October 31, 1985 defeated Hiro Saito Longest Reign: Tatsumi Fujinami October 4, 1979 - December 1981 defeated Ryuma Go, vacated the title to move the the heavyweight division. Most Reigns: Tiger Mask 3 (official) Johnny DeFazio 4 (disputed) The physical belt that represented this championship was later used as a trophy and presented to "Wild Pegasus" Chris Benoit when he won the 1994 Super-J Cup Tournament. This title was precursor to the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship that New Japan established in the summer of 1986. WWF Canadian Championship AWA World Champions Rick Martel and WWF Canadian Champion Dino Bravo The WWF had purchased the Montreal based Lutte Internationale promotion and crowned Dino Bravo as the Canadian Champion while they toured Canada. The title was abandoned when Bravo left the promotion making him the only person to hold this Championship. WWWF / WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship December 18, 1978 - 1990 Awarded to Antonio Inoki by Vincent J. McMahon (Sr) upon his debut in the WWF and was recognized by the WWF and NJPW. When the companies parted ways on October 31, 1985 it was then only recognized by NJPW until it was retired in 1990. Antonio Inoki December 18, 1978 - April 24, 1989 MSG awarded by Vince J. McMahon Shota Chochishvili April 24, 1989 - May 25, 1989 Tokyo, Japan Antonio Inoki vs. Shota Chochishvili Antonio Inoki May 25, 1989 - 1990 Osaka, Japan The physical belt was then later used in New Japan calling it The Greatest 18 Club Championship and was awarded to Riki Choshu on September 29, 1990, he lost the title to The Great Muta on August 16, 1992 who later retired the title and New Japan abandoned it. WWF Intercontinental Tag Team Championships January 7, 1991 - 1991 This championship was created when UWF Japan and WWE started a brief affiliation. The titles were awarded to Perro Aguayo and Gran Hamada who were the only champions when the affiliation ended later in the year. Of course after I did all this work I found this article on the website talking about the 10 Championships You Never Knew Existed in the WWE. Thanks for reading, please leave a comment and check out my other blog posts and give a like to the Facebook page! Posted by Michael J. Labbe at 5:58 AM Labels: North American Heavyweight Championship, United States Tag Team Championship, World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship, wrestling championship, wwe, wwf, WWF Canadian Championship, WWWF New England Pro Wrestling Academy Student Show 10/... 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Council fears Napthine govt payback if it joins East West legal action City of Moonee Valley City of Moreland City of Yarra East-west link Standard - by admin - October 14, 2014 - No Comments The Age: Council fears Napthine govt payback if it joins East West legal action. October 14, 2014, Clay Lucas, City Editor, The Age Moonee Valley Council fears wider repercussions from the Napthine government if it launches legal action against Planning Minister Matthew Guy over the East West Link, the council’s chief executive says. The council has been offered more than $70 million as a result of the toll road’s impact on the municipality – with a possible extra $15 million for “supplementary initiatives”. These include the $15.7 million redevelopment of Debneys Park, which was completed for $2.5 million in 2011 for children from nearby housing commission flats. The playground will be removed to make way for the toll road, and rebuilt nearby. The council has released a report it will consider on Wednesday on the $6.8 billion East West Link, which will join the Eastern Freeway in Clifton Hill to CityLink in Flemington. The road will have serious impacts on residents living near its western end as it emerges from a tunnel underneath Royal Park and joins CityLink via a series of on and off ramps. The council says the government’s Linking Melbourne Authority has not supplied it with crucial documents about impacts the road will have. Those impacts aside, the council says the road will have a range of effects on the area around Ascot Vale and Flemington, including: Slowing down tram routes 57 and 59 as a result of additional traffic lights created by the new toll road Increased pedestrian and cyclist danger as a result of widening intersections and “a new arterial road through Debneys Park” Noise increases Poorer air quality Loss of park frontage onto the Moonee Ponds Creek Visual impacts “due to the number, height and scale of ramps connecting the tunnel to CityLink and Mt Alexander Road” The council’s report, written by chief executive Neville Smith, will also see the council on Wednesday night consider joining a Supreme Court action taken by Yarra and Moreland councils against Mr Guy. Mr Smith recommends in his report against joining that legal action, saying a key consideration was the council’s future relationship with the Napthine government if it wins the state election. He said there could be impacts on projects outside the East West Link if the council joined the other councils’ legal actions. “Taking legal action against the state government and the Minister for Planning needs to be considered in light of the future co-operation of the state government in terms of funding for not only mitigating the effects of this project but for a whole range of other projects,” Mr Smith wrote. “Whilst everyone expects that the state government should deal with all councils in an objective manner, I cannot be confident that taking legal action against the state government may in fact jeopardise council’s potential for ongoing co-operation in the future.” A spokeswoman for Mr Guy said that any question about possible “retribution” from the Napthine government if Supreme Court action was launched was “somewhat juvenile and completely unfounded”. Opposition planning spokesman Brian Tee said he applauded the council for publicly stating “what others fear”. He said the government was increasingly “singling out, bullying and refusing to work with those who dare to criticise them”. The Linking Melbourne Authority wrote to Moonee Valley Council last week about the East West Link. The authority’s chief executive Ken Mathers said that $70 million had been allocated “to provide a wide range of upgrades to community facilities” in Moonee Valley Council’s areas. The roads authority said it had also “allocated” an additional $15 million on top of this $15.7 million to Debneys Park, although it was not clear whether this funding was tied to any conditions Moonee Valley Council needed to meet. Next Activism will challenge growth: Smith Previous Tony Abbott broke promise on rich projects, says Labor
2018 2018 National Championship General Predictions & Previews Previews #WFAPlayoffs: Pittsburgh Passion v Boston Renegades – 6/30/2018 June 29, 2018 July 11, 2018 WFA Staff american football, Boston Football, Boston Renegades, Flag Football, Football, Football Women, girls tackle football, Massey Ratings, NCAA football, NFL, NFL Women, Pittsburgh Football, Pittsburgh Passion, pro football, tackle football, Title IX, Title IX Football, WFA, WFA Football, Wisconsin Football, Women’s Pro Tackle Football, Womens Football, Womens Football Alliance, Womens Gridiron, Womens Pro Football, Womens Professional Football, womens sports, Womens Tackle Football, Womens World Games Boston Renegades @ Pittsburgh Passion – June 30, 2018 Joe P. DiMichela Stadium By Renegades Staff The Boston Renegades begin the 2018 post season on the road for a round two matchup against the Pittsburgh Passion on June 30th. Entering the playoffs with a record of 6-2, the Renegades look to bounce back from a 41-44 result against the Passion earlier this season. In the final two games of the regular season, the Renegades held their opponents scoreless with 42-0 and 56-0 wins over the Baltimore Nighthawks and Philadelphia Phantomz, respectively. In their last trip to Pittsburgh, the Renegades rallied from behind with a 20-point scoring surge in the 4th quarter, but were unable to overcome an early deficit. The game was the first time a team had scored more than 40 points against the Renegades since 2016. The Renegades hope to bring some of their home field magic to Pittsburgh, where they have outscored opponents 119-14. Brooke Goodman (#97), defensive end and kicker now in her 4th season, notes that adjustments by defense will be crucial to a different outcome in this month’s game. “The biggest difference in our defense between our last Pittsburgh game and coming into this playoff game is confidence in ourselves and trust in each other,” Goodman said. “We’ve put in the time on the field to improve our skills and off the field in studying hours of game film. I know it will be a battle, the Passion are a great team, but I am extremely confident in our team and whole-heartedly believe we will come out on top.” Fans should be on the lookout for potential changes in approach to scoring by both teams. In their April match-up, Pittsburgh doubled Boston’s rushing yards 148 to 71, while the Renegades outmatched Pittsburgh’s passing yards 342 to 180. Much of Boston’s passing success has been led by veterans, quarterback Allison Cahill (#7) and wide receiver Emily Beinecke (#87). Now in their 15th and 4th seasons, respectively, Cahill and Beinecke have connected for over 330 yards and four touchdowns in their last three meetings with Pittsburgh. A successful passing game has benefited from a strong offensive line, which is anchored by center Ash Beckham (#80), who recognizes the importance of their role. “The five people up front have a direct relation to the team’s success,” she said. “We are crucial to every play.” On both sides of the ball, the Renegades will look to capitalize on the knowledge from veterans to lead a team that has benefited from new recruits. “We have a lot of young players and some veterans in new roles, so it took some time to develop the chemistry needed to be successful as a unit,” says Goodman, the veteran defensive end. Although only in her third season, Beckham made it clear that the rookies are not a hindrance to her focus or success. “I still feel new to this sport,” Beckham said. “But I have my routine and I’m prepared mentally when it’s game time. Being on the road isn’t a detriment to us.” Boston’s rushing game was also critical to their 2017 meeting with Pittsburgh, which resulted in a 33-28 win in Boston. In 2016, the Renegades 51-32 win over Pittsburgh both snapped the Passion’s 27-win streak and earned Cahill her 100th career victory, the first quarterback to reach this milestone playing exclusively in women’s tackle football leagues. To stay up to date on the Boston Renegades, including game streaming information, visit Facebook: Twitter: ← #WFAPlayoffs: Round 2 Team Previews The Backseat Forecast: Picks for Playoffs Round 2 – 6/30/2018 →