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Home / Bible Commentaries / Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible/ Galatians Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible Galatians Galatians 4 Chapter Overview Eadie's Commentary MacLaren's Expositions Luther's Galatians Beet's Commentary on the New Testament CHAP. III. He asketh, what moveth them to leave the faith, and depend upon the law? They that believe are justified, and blessed with Abraham. And this he sheweth by many reasons. Anno Domini 49. ST. PAUL, having by many arguments proved himself a real Apostle, and shewed that his knowledge of the Gospel was given him by immediate revelation from Jesus Christ, proceeds in this and the following chapter, to treat of the doctrines in dispute between him and the false teachers. They affirmed, that no man could be justified but by the law of Moses, because the pardon of sin could be obtained only by the atonements which it prescribed: and therefore they urged the Gentiles to become Jews, that they might have the benefit of these atonements. But to impress the Galatians the more strongly with a sense of the danger of that doctrine, the Apostle charged them with want of understanding for listening to it; and spake of their not obeying the truth, as if it were the effect of some fascination, Galatians 3:1.—Then, by asking those who had gone over to Judaism, whether they had received the genuine religion which they possessed, as well as the spiritual gifts, by obeying the law, or by obeying the Gospel, he shewed them that obedience to the law of Moses had no part in men's acceptance with God, Galatians 3:2.—and taxed them with folly, because, after having had their acceptance with God, in the Gospel dispensation, through the alone merit of Christ, sealed to them by the graces, gifts, and witness of the Spirit, they proposed to make themselves more acceptable by performing the ceremonies of the law of Moses, which sanctified nothing but the flesh, Galatians 3:3.—Besides, by that course, they rendered all their former sufferings for resisting Judaism of no use, Galatians 3:4.—And to finish his rebuke, he asked them whether he had communicated the spiritual gifts to them, to prove that men are saved through obedience to the law of Moses, or to prove that they are saved through obedience to the Gospel, that is, through the righteousness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ, and by the operations of the Holy Spirit? Galatians 3:5. In what follows, the Apostle overturned the doctrine of the Judaizers more directly, by observing, that even Abraham himself was justified, not by the works of the law, but in the Gospel method of faith counted for righteousness. And that they who like him believe in God, are Abraham's sons, and entitled to all the blessings of the covenant, Galatians 3:6-7.—And that God, having determined to justify the nations by faith, preached the Gospel, or good news of his determination, to Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed, Galatians 3:8.—And therefore in every age and nation, they who believe in Godshall be blessed with Abraham, by having theirfaith counted to them, as his was to him, for righteousness, Galatians 3:9.—Whereas according to the law of Moses itself, every one who seeketh justification meritoriously by the works of that law, most certainly is condemned by its curse, Galatians 3:10. Farther, to prove that by the law of Moses no man is justified in the sight of God, the Apostle appealed to the Jewish prophets as testifying that doctrine, particularly Habakkuk, Galatians 3:11.—Besides, the law does not require faith, but obedience to its precepts, as the condition of the life which it promises, Galatians 3:12.—Wherefore every sinner being doomed to death by the curse of the law of Moses, no person can be justified by that law. But Christ hath bought us off from the curse of the law of Moses, which is in fact the curse of the law of nature, consequently from law itself as rule of justification, by dying for us, Galatians 3:13.—That the blessing of Abraham, the blessing of justification by faith, which, in the covenant with Abraham, God promised to bestow on all nations through his seed, might come upon the Gentiles through Christ Jesus; and that they might receive the promise of the Spirit in all his gifts, graces, and witness, as the seal of their present title to justification by faith, and also of eternal life, if persevering in this faith unto death. But because the Jews believed, from Isaiah 60:3-5 that the Gentiles were to be converted to them, the Jews contended that the blessing of the nations in Abraham's seed, was to be accomplished by the Gentiles embracing Judaism, and by their receivingjustification through the Levitical atonements. Wherefore, to overturn that false notion, the Apostle reasoned in the following manner: even a human covenant is not set aside, or altered, after it is ratified, except by the contracting parties, Galatians 3:15. But the promises of the covenant concerning the counting of the faith of the nations for righteousness, were made not only to Abraham, but to his seed: particularly this promise, In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. He does not say and in thy seeds, as speaking concerning a multitude of children, but as concerning one person only; and in thy seed, who is Christ, Galatians 3:16.—I therefore affirm that this covenant which was before ratified by God, concerning the blessing of the nations with justification by faith through Christ, in consequence of the promise made to Abraham as a federal head of believers, the law which was given four hundred and thirty years after, cannot annul, so as to abolish the promise, by introducing a method of blessing or justifying the nations, different from that established by the promise, Galatians 3:17.—Farther, if the inheritance be obtained by works of law, it is no longer bestowed by promise; yet God bestowed it on Abraham and his seed, as a free gift by promise, Galatians 3:18. Yewillperhapsreply,ifneithertheinheritance,norjustification, is obtained through the works of the law of Moses, why was that law added after the covenant was made with Abraham? It was added for the sake of restraining the Jews from transgressions, and more especially from idolatry; and was to continue till Christ the Seed should come, to whom it was promised, that the nations should be blessed with justification by faith through him. Moreover, the law being added to the covenant for this other purpose, namely, to make the Israelites sensible that they were sinners, and that God was displeased with them,it was delivered by angels into the hand of a Mediator, Galatians 3:19.—For a mediator is not employed between persons in good agreement with one another, Galatians 3:20.—From these things it followed (though the Apostle has not drawn the conclusion,) that a law which was given to make the Israelites sensible that they were sinners, and which by its curse condemned every sinner to death without remedy, could never be intended for their justification. Is the law of Moses then, which makes us sensible of our transgressions, and subjects us to its curse, inconsistent with the promise of justification by faith? By no means. That operation of law, on the contrary, shews the absolute necessity of the promise. For if any law could have been given capable of delivering us from death temporal and spiritual, certainlyrighteousness might have been obtained by such a law, Galatians 3:21.—But the law of Moses contained in the scripture, instead of communicating righteousness and eternal life to any person, has shut up all mankind together in prison, as sinners sentenced to death, that the promise of justification now published in the Gospel, may be performed to all believers, Galatians 3:22.—Wherefore before the Gospel was introduced, Jews and Gentiles were imprisoned as condemned criminals, and shut up together under the custody of law, so as to be obliged to have recourse to the method of justification by faith, which at the beginning was but imperfectly discovered, but which was afterwards to be fully revealed to all, in the Gospel, Galatians 3:23.—So that the law was our pedagogue, to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith, Galatians 3:24,—But the method of justification by faith, being now universally made known in the Gospel, Jews and Gentiles are no longer under the pedagogy of the law of Moses, and of nature, Galatians 3:25.—Besides, ye Jews and Gentiles who believe, are all the sons of God and heirs of eternal life through your faith in Jesus Christ. So that to your being the sons of God, it is not necessary to subject yourselves to the law of Moses, Galatians 3:26.—For at your baptism ye professed to put on the temper of Christ, Galatians 3:27.—And where this is really done, there is in the Gospel no preference given to men, as formerly under the law, on account of their descent or their outward condition; but all are equally honourable and equally beloved of God as his sons, who possess the temper and virtues of Christ Jesus, Galatians 3:28.—And with respect to you Gentiles, if ye are Christ's brethren by possessing his temper and virtues, certainly ye are Abraham's seed, and heirs of the heavenly country, according to God's promise, Galatians 3:29. Galatians 3:1. O foolish Galatians,— By the account that St. Paul has given of himself in the foregoing chapters, the Galatians beingfurnished with evidence sufficient to clear him in their minds from the report of his preaching circumcision he comes now, the way being thus opened, directly to oppose their being circumcised, and subjecting themselves to the law. The first argument which he uses is, "That they received the Holy Ghost, and the gift of miracles, by the Gospel, and not by the law." Galatians 3:1-5. Instead of who hath bewitched you? some would render εβασκανε, who hath enchanted you; and others, who hath envied your happiness? The word strongly expresses the unreasonable turn which their minds had taken, so that one would imagine they had been deprived of the regular use even of their natural faculties. That you should not obey the truth, means, "That you should not stand fast in the liberty of the gospel." See on ch. Galatians 2:14. St. Paul mentions nothing to them here but Christ crucified; as knowing that, when formerlyhe had preached Christ crucified to them, he had shewn them that, by his death on the cross, believers were set free from the curse of the law, and the covenant of works was entirely removed, to make way for that of grace. This we may find him inculcating upon his other Gentile converts, Ephesians 2:15-16. Colossians 2:14; Colossians 2:20 and, accordingly he tells the Galatians 5:2; Galatians 5:4 that if, by circumcision, they put themselves under the law, they were fallen from grace, and Christ would profit them nothing at all. 'There is no room to object here, that what St. Paul urges is merely an argument to the passions; for, in proportion to the affecting sense which they had of the love of Christ, in submitting to crucifixion for them, would be the rational sense of the obligations that they were under to him, to preserve his gospel pure, and his church free and happy. Dr. Heylin renders the last clause, you,—to whose view the crucifixion of Jesus Christ hath been so lively represented. And Musculus and Bengelius read, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth crucified among you. Galatians 3:2. Received ye the Spirit, &c.— There is no doubt but that it was on their becoming Christians that they received the Spirit; and therefore that it could not be ascribed to the law, to which they were strangers till afterwards; but must be owing to that faith in which they were instructed by the gospel, on their embracing Christianity. Nor can it justly be objected that they still retained the Christianity by which the Spirit was received; for they were now perverted to a different system by their new teachers; and that which St. Paul had preached at first among them, was a Christianity of which Judaism made no part. Galatians 3:3. Are ye so foolish, &c.— "Having then set out so happily and hopefully in your Christian course, under the light and influence of the Spirit, with faith in Christ for divine acceptance, according to the tenor of the gospel; how surprisingly stupid and irrational is it for any one of you to imagine that your justification is to be completed by your obedience to the law of Moses, which may be termed flesh, in opposition to the gospel, as it is destitute of the Spirit (see 2 Corinthians 3:6-8.); and a man is bound to obey the whole of it by the fleshly ordinance of circumcision (Galatians 5:3.); as its ceremonial rites sanctify only to the purifying of the flesh, (Hebrews 9:13.); and as seeking justification by any works of the law is pleasing to the flesh, is taught by the wisdom of the flesh, and gratifies the pride of corrupt nature, in giving it occasion of assuming glory to itself? (Romans 4:2.) But all this is so far from perfecting, that it is directly subversive of the gospel doctrine, in this grand article of it." Galatians 3:4. Have ye suffered so many things in vain?— As much persecution might be declined by admitting this mixture of Judaism, there was reason to fear that a regard to their own present ease and convenience led them to it; (comp. ch. Galatians 5:11 and Galatians 6:12.) which was, in a manner, cancelling the good effect of their former resolution; and, indeed, any thing which looked like a sinful temporizing, in those who had before been confessors for the truth, might occasion peculiar scandal, and endanger many others. Galatians 3:5. He that ministereth, &c.— The person meant here by he that ministereth, and ch. Galatians 1:6 by him that called, is plainly St. Paul himself; though, out of modesty, he declines making use of his own name. It was certainly a great display of the divine wisdom to suffer such contentions to arise early in the church, as should make it necessary for the apostles to appeal to the miracles wrought before and upon those who were afterwards, in some degree, alienated from them, that future ages might be convinced of the certainty of those miracles, as matters of fact, beyond all possibility of contradiction. Galatians 3:6.— St. Paul's next argument against circumcision and subjection to the law is, "That the children of Abraham, intitled to the inheritance and blessing promised to Abraham and his seed, are so by faith, and not by being under the law, which brings a curse upon those who are under it," Galatians 3:6-18. Beza is of opinion that the 7th verse should not begin a sentence, but depend on the foregoing, As Abraham believed,—ver. 7 ye therefore know, &c. Galatians 3:8. In thee shall all nations be blessed.— It may perhaps be asked, "What evidence there is that this promise meant the conversion of Jews and Gentiles to Christianity, rather than converting the Gentiles to Judaism, and so blessing them with a participation of the privileges originally granted to the natural seed of Abraham?"—But, besides what the Apostle afterwards says for clearing up this point, it may be answered,—that the Mosaic economy was so constituted, that it could never be universal; and that when it was considered what sort of a person Christ in fact was, there would appear reason to believe that this promise referred to him, separate from the authority of the Apostle in asserting it, and however dubious soever the sense of the prophesy might appear till it was illustrated by the event. See Genesis 12:3; Genesis 18:18; Genesis 22:18. Galatians 3:10. The works of the law— They of faith, Galatians 3:9 and they of the works of the law, are spoken of as two sorts of persons; the one the genuine posterity of Abraham, by faith, and thereby heirs of the promise; the other not. There is also another division in these two verses, of the blessed, and those under the curse; whereby is meant such as are in a state of life, or acceptance with God, and such as are exposed to his wrath, and to death. See Deuteronomy 30:19. Dr. Whitby proves that the law of Adam was attended with a curse, as well as that of Moses; and that it is the more general curse which is here intended, as illustrated by what Moses expressed as the sanction of his institutions. See Deuteronomy 27:26. Galatians 3:11. The just shall live by faith..— A dispute arose between St. Paul and the Judeaizing Christians, concerning what it was which justified a man before God, and entitled him to that eternal life brought to light by the gospel. They held it to be the works of the law. St. Paul, on the contrary, affirms, that it was faith in Jesus the Messiah: and thus he argues: But that no man is justified by the law, is evident; for the just shall live by faith; and the law is not of faith, but the man that doth them shall live in them.—As much as to say, "That no man can obtain life by virtue of the law, is evident from one of your own prophets, Habakkuk, who expressly holds, that the just shall live by faith. Now, by the law, no rewards are promised to faith, but to works only;—The man that doth, (says the law, Leviticus 18:5.) shall live in them." See Romans 1:17; Romans 3:28. Hebrews 2:4. Galatians 3:12. And the law is not of faith:— As the Apostle shews here, that there was no obtaining life by the law, without an immaculate obedience; faith, which is used here in opposition to it, must signify a firm belief of the promise of God, and acting according to it, in a dependance upon Christ only for righteousness and salvation; which is the way of justification and salvation revealed by the gospel. Galatians 3:13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,— The curse of the law, from which Christ hath redeemed us, was that which doomed us to eternal misery; whence it has been justly inferred, that the law of Moses, which is included in this expression, was established on the sanction of future punishments. But, further, it is evident, that the course of the Apostle's argument here implies, that all true believers are redeemed from the curse, and, consequently, that he speaks of a curse to which all, as sinners, were liable: whereas the Gentiles, being under no obligation to the Mosaic lawat all, could not possibly be affected directly by its curse, nor could, indeed, be at all affected by it, otherwise than as the word law in this place includes the law of nature, or the Adamic law, as well as the Mosaic, as it undoubtedly must. Christ was made a curse for us, by enduring the penalty which our sins had deserved; for such was the death which he bore in our stead, not only when considered as a capital punishment, which universally implies something of this kind, but as thus stigmatised by the express declaration of the law, Deuteronomy 21:23. Galatians 3:14. That the blessing, &c.— That the blessing, Galatians 3:8-9; Galatians 3:14 justification, Galatians 3:11 and being the children of God, Galatians 3:26 are in effect all the same, on the one side; and that the curse, Galatians 3:13 is the direct contrary, on the other side, is so plain in St. Paul's discourse here, that nobody who reads it with the least attention can be in any doubt. His argument, to convince the Galatians that they ought not to be circumcised, or to submit to the law, on account of their having received the Spirit from him, that is, by his instrumentality, on embracing the gospel which he preached to them, stands thus: "The blessing promised to Abraham and his seed was wholly upon account of faith, Galatians 3:7. There were not different seeds who should inherit the promise,—the one by the works of the law, and the other by faith; for there was but one seed, which was Christ, (Galatians 3:16.) and those who should claim in and under him by faith. Among these there was no distinction of Jew and Gentile: they, and they only, who believed, were all one and the same true seed of Abraham, and heirs according to the promise, Galatians 3:28-29. And therefore the promise made to the people of God, of giving them the Spirit under the Gospel was performed only to those who believed in Christ:—a clear evidence that it was not by putting themselves under the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, that they were the people of God, and heirs of the promise." It has been observed, that the plentiful effusion of the Holy Spirit of God had been so frequently promised by the prophets, as the great blessing of the latter day, that it is here used as synonimous to the blessing of Abraham. Whence the great importance of the Spirit may be inferred; since the imparting it is represented as the great blessing of the gospel dispensation. And hence it follows, that the withdrawing and withholding it, is the great calamity which falls upon men by their apostacy from God. Only, it must ever be remembered, that every good thought, word and work, which has been produced by fallen man, has originated with this same Divine Spirit. Galatians 3:16. He saith not, And to seeds,— That is, The promises made to Abraham were not appropriated to one line of his descendants,—that is, to those by Isaac; but centred in one illustrious Person, with regard to whom the rest are made partakers of the great blessing exhibited in the Abrahamic covenant, that is to say, all the faithful saints of God. Galatians 3:17. Four hundred and thirty years after,— The first celebrated promise was made to Abraham when he was 75 years old, Genesis 12:3-4 and from this date of it, to the birth of Isaac, when Abraham was 100 years old, Genesis 21:5 was 25 years. Isaac was 60 when Jacob was born, Genesis 25:26. Jacob went into Egypt at 130, Genesis 47:9 and the Israelites sojourned there (according to the LXX. Exodus 12:40.) 215 years; which completes the number. See Acts 7:6. Galatians 3:19.— In answer to the objection, To what then serveth the law? the Apostle shews that the law was not contrary to the promise; but since all men were guilty of transgression, Galatians 3:22 the law was added, to shew the Israelites the fruit and inevitable consequence of their sin, and thereby the necessity of betaking themselves to Christ. But as soon as men had received Christ, they had attained the end of the law of Moses, and therefore should be no longer under it. This is a further argument against circumcision, Galatians 3:19-25. It was added because of transgression,— "It was added after the promise to Abraham was made." As the law given by Moses neither did nor could disannul the covenant made with Abraham, to which the Jews undoubtedly had a claim, the design of that law must therefore have been to engage those of his descendants who came under it, to see their need of that covenant, and more effectually to recommend the promise to them. And as the writing of the book of Genesis gave them a further account of it than tradition had preserved, the law might be said to be added to that account, because of transgressions, as their transgressions, not only of the ceremonial, but also of the moral precepts, would appear more exceedingly sinful and dangerous, in proportion to the perspicuity of these precepts, and the awful solemnity with which they were delivered.—That the law was given by the ministration of angels, is apparent from many passages of scripture; (comp. Psalms 68:17. Acts 7:53 and Hebrews 2:2.) though the Logos, or eternal Son of God, did undoubtedly preside among them, and it was in his name that the proclamation was made by the angels, as his heralds and attendants. The mediator here meant was Moses, who was particularly authorized by the Jewish people, as well as constituted by God, to mediate in the affair of receiving the law, which he transacted once for all. See Deuteronomy 5:5. Leviticus 26:46 where it is said, that the law was made between God and the children of Israel, by the hand of Moses. Galatians 3:20. Now a mediator, &c.— To understand this verse, we must carry in our minds what St. Paul is here doing; and from Galatians 3:17 it is manifest that he is proving that the law could not disannul the promise; and he does it upon this known rule, that a covenant, or promise, once ratified, cannot be altered, or disannulled, by any other, but by both the parties concerned. Now, says he, God is but one of the parties concerned in the promise; the Gentiles and Israelites together made up the other, Galatians 3:14. But Moses, at the giving of the law, was a mediator only between the Israelites and God, and therefore could not transact my thing to the disannulling the promise which was between God and the Israelites and Gentiles together, because God was but one of the parties to that covenant; the other, which was the Gentiles (as well as Israelites), Moses appeared or transacted not for. And so what was done at Mount Sinai, by the mediation of Moses, could not affect a covenant made between parties, whereof one only was there. How necessary it was for St. Paul to add this, we shall see, if we consider that, without it, his argument, of 430 years' distance, would have been deficient, and hardly conclusive. For, if both the parties concerned in the promise had transacted by Moses, the mediator, (as they might, if none but the nation of the Israelites had been concerned in the promise made by God to Abraham), they might, by mutual consent, have altered, or set aside, the former promise, as well four hundred years as four days after. That which hindered it was, that, at Moses' mediation at Mount Sinai, God, who was but one of the parties to the promise, was present; but the other party, Abraham's seed, consisting of Israelites and Gentiles together, was not there. Moses transacted for the nation of the Israelites alone; the other nations were not concerned in the covenant made at mount Sinai, as they were in the promise made to Abraham and his seed, which, therefore, could not be disannulled without their consent: for that both the promise to Abraham and his seed, as well as the covenant with Israel at mount Sinai, was national, is in itself evi Galatians 3:21. Which could have given life,— Which could have put into a state of life. The word Ζωοποιησαι signifies, to make alive: St. Paul considers all men here as in a mortal state; and to be put out of that mortal state into a state of life, he calls being made alive. He says the law could not do this, because, it could not confer righteousness. By the law, means, by works, or obedience to that law, which tended towards righteousness as well as the promise, but was not able to reach to, or confirm it. See Romans 8:3. Galatians 3:22. All— The words Τα παντα are used here for all men. In Romans 3:9; Romans 3:19 the Apostle expresses the same thing by παντας, all men, and πας ο κοσμος, all the world: but, speaking in the present verse of the Jews in particular, he says we, meaning those of his own nation, as is evident from Galatians 3:24-25. Hath concluded all under sin, means, "hath ranked them all together, as one guilty race of sinners." See this proved, Romans 1:18; Romans 1:32; Romans 3:9. To the same purpose of putting both Jews and Gentiles into one state, St. Paul uses, Hath shut them up all together, Romans 11:32. Some render Galatians 3:23. But before faith came, we were kept shut up under the law, till the future faith should be revealed. Galatians 3:24. Our school-master— The original does not signify a school-master, but "one who heads or conducts children to school."The ancients generally employed a person for this purpose; and if the Apostle be supposed to allude to this custom, his reasoning will appear exceedingly plain and conclusive. See the next verse, and on Romans 10:4 and the Introduction to my Commentary on the Old Testament. Galatians 3:26. For ye are all the children of God, &c.— As a further argument to dissuade them from circumcision, St. Paul tells the Galatians, that, by faith, that is, living faith, in Christ, all, whether Jews or Gentiles, are made the children of God; and so they stood in no need of circumcision. Galatians 3:27. Have put on Christ.— This, at first sight, may seem a very bad metaphor; but if we consider what St. Paul has said, Galatians 3:16; Galatians 3:26 we shall find it admirably adapted to express his thoughts in few words. He says, Galatians 3:16 that the Seed to which the promise was made was but one, and that one was Christ; and Galatians 3:26 he declares that by faith in Christ they all become the sons of God. To lead them into an easy conception of this, he here tells them, that, by taking on them, sincerely and in faith, the profession of the gospel, they have put on Christ: so that to God now looking on them, enjoying this living faith, there appears, as it were, nothing but Christ: that is to say, as long as they preserve this living faith and vital union with Christ, God the Father looks upon them to be as entirely free from guilt and condemnation as if they had been perfectly innocent, and receives them into full acceptance; and all this in and through the Beloved. Galatians 3:28. There is neither Jew nor Greek,— That is to say, nor Gentile. "All distinctions are now put an end to, by this happy union; all are equally accepted in Christ Jesus; and, being made one body in him, believers, of whatever nation, sex, or condition, are all cemented in the bonds of holy friendship, and animated with the views of the same happiness." Galatians 3:29. And if ye be Christ's, &c.— That is, if ye are united by faith to Him, who is the promised Seed, then are ye the true seed of Abraham, and, in consequence of this, heirs according to the promise. Inferences.—With what gratitude should we reflect that, through the amazing goodness of God, we share in the same great privilege with the Galatians, and have Jesus Christ crucified evidently set forth amongst us. Let us make the object familiar to our view, and to our hearts; and may we all feel its powerful influence, to engage us to obey the truth, and to comply with the practical design of the gospel, spite of all the fascinating enchantments of this vain and delusive world! May those especially who have begun in the Spirit, and perhaps have suffered many difficulties already in the cause of religion, be concerned that they may not suffer so many things in vain; and, after all their pretensions and hopes, make an end in the flesh, by forsaking that excellent cause! That we may be deemed the children of Abraham, let us be careful to obtain and cultivate the same faith with him; that so, believing in God, as he did, and trusting in the glorious Messiah, we may attain that righteousness, which it is impossible to attain by the deeds of the law; that law which insists upon immaculate obedience, and passes sentence upon every one that has transgressed it. Nothing can be more important than to endeavour to impress our souls with this fundamental truth; "That if we are of the works of the law, and trust in these for justification, we are under a curse." O that God may graciously thunder that curse into the ears of sleeping sinners, and make them sensible of their guilt and danger; that, as prisoners of justice, yet in some measure prisoners of hope, they may flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them in the Gospel! Zechariah 9:12. Hebrews 6:18. Nor need we go far for help: no sooner are we wounded, as it were, in one verse, than we find provision for our healing in another: for Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law—and this in a method never sufficiently to be admired; even by making himself a ransom, yea, and becoming a curse for us; submitting, not only to great infamy and wretchedness in his life, but to an ignominious and accursed death, being slain and hanged on a tree, Acts 5:30; Acts 10:39. To him let us apply, that the curse may be removed; and, with humble confidence in him, lift up our eyes in cheerful expectation; and, though by birth we are Gentiles, the blessing of Abraham will come upon us, and through faith we shall receive the promise of the Spirit. And what promise can be more valuable than this? what blessing more desirable, than to be enlightened, quickened, sanctified, and comforted by the Spirit of the living God? As the just, may we live by faith; and make it our daily request at the throne of grace, that God will implant and increase that divine principle in our hearts; even such a faith as shall work by love, and prove the genuine basis of sincere and universal obedience. Rejoicing in these spiritual promises to which all true Christians are now equally intitled, and charging our souls with these obligations which necessarily attend them, let us look upon ourselves as the children of Abraham, as entitled to the noblest of those promises which God made to that excellent saint, even to that great and comprehensive promise, (which is all the salvation and all the desire, of every true child of Abraham,) namely, that God will be a God unto us, Genesis 17:7-8. Let us approve ourselves his genuine offspring, by imitating his faith; and always bear in mind, that, having been baptized into Christ, we have so put on Christ, as to be obliged to resemble him in his temper and character. If we desire to share the blessings and glories of that one body, whereof Christ is the great and glorious head, let us not lay a disproportionate stress upon any thing, by which one Christian may be distinguished from another; but endeavour, as one in Christ Jesus, to be one in affection and friendship to each other: and let those who seem to have the greatest advantages, condescend to those who seem most their inferiors. Giving up all expectations of life from the law, since that of Moses could not give it, let us look for glory, honour, and immortality by the gospel; truly thankful for the knowledge we have of the Mediator of a better covenant than that in which Moses was appointed to mediate. And, as the law was given, not to disannul the covenant of promise, but with a view to be subservient to it, and to point out Christ, let us apply to Him for righteousness and life; and in Him—as that one Seed of Abraham, in whom all the families and nations of believers were to be blessed,—let us centre our hopes, and be very solicitous that, by faith, we may be united to him, and so have a claim under him to all the privileges of the promise. Thus let us continue to make use of the law, not as the foundation of our hope towards God, but as our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, by the discovery it has given of our need of him: and being sensible that it has shut up all under sin, from which we cannot be delivered but by the faith which the gospel has revealed, may we be led so to seek the benefit of the promise, that, being sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus, we may be joyful inheritors of eternal life and blessedness. REFLECTIONS.—1st. With warm expostulation, and sharp rebuke, the Apostle upbraids the stupidity and folly of these Galatians, who had departed so grievously from the simplicity of the gospel. O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, what emissary of Satan, by his craft, has perverted your souls, that ye should not obey the truth, but depart from the grand principles of the gospel, renouncing the doctrine of free justification through the Redeemer's blood? Several things served to aggravate their folly: 1. The clear display of the truth which had been made to them—Before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, and his death and sufferings, with all the effects and designs of them, represented in such a lively manner, as if he had been crucified among you. 2. What they had received, under the ministration of the gospel. This only would I learn of you, received ye the Spirit, his gifts and graces, by the works of the law, by the ministration of it, or obedience to it, or by the hearing of faith, the preaching of justification through the free grace of a Redeemer? They must own that it was through the latter: and therefore most inexcusable was their folly to quit that gospel, the blessed and most happy effects of which they had experienced. 3. Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? and, forsaking your dependence on the grace of the gospel, do you expect to reach perfection by your obedience to the law of Moses? Are ye so foolish as to have recourse to the ministration of death, in order to obtain righteousness unto life? 4. Have ye suffered so many things in vain, for the cause of Christ and the profession of the gospel? How absurd were it to expose yourselves thus, if it be yet in vain, and after all you should apostatize, and lose the blessings of your profession and sufferings? You must then of all men be most foolish and most miserable. 5. He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doth he it by the works of the law, as the way of justification, or by the hearing of faith, in the ministry of the gospel? If these miracles, as was evident, were wrought in confirmation of the doctrines of grace, how preposterously absurd were they to quit the truth confirmed by such divine and incontestable evidence! 2nd, The Apostle, having sharply rebuked the folly of the Galatians in departing from the truth, proceeds to confirm the great doctrine of justification by faith alone, from which they had been seduced. And he proves it, 1. By the example of Abraham. He believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness: the Lord Messiah, on whom his faith rested, became the meritorious cause of his acceptance before God. Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, and place their whole dependence for acceptance with God on the same object, they are the spiritual children of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the Gospel unto Abraham, when neither circumcision was yet instituted, nor the law given, saying, In thee, that is, in thy Seed, the Messiah, shall all nations be blessed, accepted of God in him, and admitted to the participation of all the privileges of God's peculiar people. So then it is hence evident, that they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham, without the least respect to the law of Moses. 2. It is impossible for any man to be justified before God any other way than by faith. For as many as are of the works of the law, and seek justification on the footing of personal righteousness, are, and must be under the curse denounced on every transgressor: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them; the least failure in thought, word, or deed, but once, even in the longest life, effectually cuts off the sinner from all hope by the law, and leaves him under the wrath of an offended God. Therefore Christ, viewing our desperate guilt and hopeless misery, hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, by the price of his own blood, being made a curse for us, by divine constitution appointed to be our surety, and bearing, in his own body on the cross, the punishment due to our iniquities: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. And to this most painful, shameful, and accursed death he submitted, that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we, whether Jews or Gentiles, being taken into a state of acceptance with God, might receive the promise of the Spirit, in all his plenitude of gifts, graces, and consolations, through faith in the Redeemer; and not on account of any works of our own, or legal services. Note; (1.) Every man, being unable to yield immaculate obedience to the law, is consequently a transgressor, and sealed up, by nature, under wrath. (2.) Despair is written on every effort of the fallen sinner, made in his own natural strength, to escape from the condemnation under which he lies. (3.) The gospel brings relief to the desperate, by revealing to us a divine Substitute, all-sufficient to bear our sins, and to restore us to the enjoyment of God's forfeited favour. (4.) By persevering faith alone we embrace, and actually possess, all the blessings obtained for us in and by the great Redeemer. 3. The scriptures of the Old Testament are express to the point. But that no man is justified by the works of the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for the just shall live by faith; he only who by faith has laid hold of the great Atonement, can live in a state of favour with God. And the law is not of faith: but the way it prescribes for justification is directly opposite, even by immaculate personal obedience; the man that doeth them, and keeps, in spirit and practice, universally and abidingly, all the commands enjoined, shall live in them; but every defect, flaw, or failure, brings down death as the wages of sin. So that the saints of old were justified in the same way as we are, and the gospel was preached to them even as unto us. 4. The stability of the covenant made with Abraham could not be vacated by the law. Brethren, I speak after the manner of men, and use a familiar instance to elucidate the point in hand: though it be but a man's covenant, yet, if it be confirmed, and duly signed and sealed, no man disannulleth or addeth thereto, except the parties interested, by mutual consent. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, of justification, adoption, grace, and glory. He saith not to seeds, as of many, as if the promises referred to all his natural, as well as spiritual children, but as of one, in the singular number; and to thy Seed, which is Christ, through whose merit alone we can be justified, and by whose Spirit alone we can be sanctified. And this I say, as evident, that the covenant which was confirmed before, to Abraham, of God in Christ, or with respect to Christ, who was the Mediator and Surety of the covenant, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect, and introduce another way of justification before God, different from, yea, contrary to, that which God had before established with Abraham. For if the inheritance be of the law, and the title to acceptance with God be obtained by immaculate obedience, it is no more of promise: but God gave it graciously to Abraham by promise, which no subsequent dispensation could set aside; for God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent; and therefore the promise of justification and adoption is in Christ, promised only to those who truly believe in him. 3rdly, As to the objections which he knew the Jewish zealots would raise, as if he derogated from the honour of the law, and rendered it useless, he states and answers them. 1. They might say, Wherefore then serveth the law, if no creature can be justified or saved by it. I reply, It was added because of transgressions, in subservience to the design of the covenant of grace; in order to restrain, by its penalty, and to convince, discover, and condemn the transgressors, shewing them the necessity of a Divine Atonement, till the Seed should come, to whom the promise was made, and who should be the end of the law for righteousness, to every believer; and it was ordained by angels, delivered by their ministry, in the hand of a mediator, even Moses, who was typical of the great Mediator, Jesus Christ. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but stands between the two parties; but God is one; and as the Gentiles were not represented at all at mount Sinai, nor regarded as one of the parties in that covenant, which was a transaction merely between God and Abraham's natural seed, this cannot exclude them from the benefit of the antecedent promise which God made to Abraham and his spiritual seed. 2. Some may hence argue, Is the law then against the promises of God, made to Abraham and his seed? are they at variance with each other? God forbid: there is the most perfect harmony between them. For if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law; and could man have yielded, in his own person, an immaculate obedience to the law, his title to life would have been clear, and the promised Substitute had been unnecessary: but the scripture hath concluded all under sin, hath shut up every man, as in a dungeon, under the guilt and condemnation of sin, all having come short of the glory of God; that the promise, by faith, of Jesus Christ, might be given to them that believe, and that pardon and salvation might come to such, as the free gift of God in him. But before faith came, (before Christ, the great object of faith, appeared incarnate, and his gospel was more clearly manifested) we, who were under the Mosaic dispensation, were kept under the law, as in a castle, separate from other nations, and as captives under a yoke of bondage, shut up in close custody unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed, and till Christ, opening to us a door of hope, should bring us from this state of servitude into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster, and served most directly to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith: the moral precepts and sanction convinced us of our desperate case, as unable to answer the demands of the law, and obnoxious to the curse; the ceremonial institutions led us to look for the divine Substitute, in all the sacrifices which were enjoined for the expiation of sin; and both taught the necessity of justification by faith, through a divine and infinitely meritorious Atonement. But after that faith is come, and Christ, the sinner's Substitute, hath appeared, and is held forth to us in the gospel, we are no longer under a schoolmaster, being delivered from our former state of minority and legal bondage. For now ye who believe, are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ, arrived to maturity of age, and entitled to all the blessings of adoption which Jesus hath obtained for all that perseveringly believe in him. For as many of you, whether Jews or Gentiles, as have been baptized into Christ, by faith really united to him, and by baptism making open profession of him, have put on Christ: through him alone they are accepted, and by his Spirit are cloathed with the whole panoply of God. There is now neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, all distinctions of nation, sex, condition, are ceased: for ye, who believe, are all one in Christ Jesus, united to him in one body, and alike freely partakers of all the privileges contained in the gospel. And if ye be Christ's, living members of his body mystical, then are ye Abraham's Seed, in a spiritual sense, and heirs according to the promise, entitled to claim, under Christ, your great covenant head, all the blessings which he has purchased by his blood, which will, in due time, be bestowed on all his faithful saints. Coke, Thomas. "Commentary on Galatians 3:4". Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible. 1801-1803.
By Rory Jackson A tender course of action We look at the relative merits of the RYA's Tender Operator Course beyond Power Boat Level 2… In the world of superyachts, there has, over the years, been an acceptance that when crewmembers come on board to work, they need to be in possession of certain basic skills, as well as the certificates that prove they are in possession of those skills. One such skill is the ability to drive a tender and, while it can be said there are a number of equivalent qualifications that amount to the same level of competence, it is largely accepted that Powerboat Level 2 (PB2) is the basic level required. However, should the industry continue to accept a minimum qualification standard? It should be noted from the outset that this article is not a cry for further regulation. Indeed, if it were to be anything, I would rather this be considered an ode to common sense. There will always be cases where over-qualified individuals have accidents and, equally, there will always be cases where under-qualified individuals enjoy long, fruitful, accident-free careers on board yachts. At the end of the day, it is for captains and managers, not the industry at large, to determine how best to spend the yacht’s money to mitigate the risk of an accident occurring under their tutelage. “Initially, the industry looked outward to try to determine a commonly known and acceptable base standard for tender operations, and most looked towards PB2,” starts Richard Falk, the Royal Yachting Association’s director of training and qualifications. “PB2 is a two-day, basic entry-level course focused on boat-handling, basic safety and so on. It’s relatively low level because there is only so much you can teach and learn in two days, particularly with three students.” Falk explains that over the course of those two days, around 25 per cent of the time (about four hours) will be theory-based in a classroom. The remaining 75 per cent (12 hours) will be spent on the water. If you balance out the on-water time across three students, it amounts to about four hours each. Moreover, once you take into account lunch breaks, tea breaks and unavoidable white noise, you end up with closer to two to three hours of boating experience. For some, two days of theoretical and, to a lesser extent, practical powerboating may be sufficient. There are those who may start work on a superyacht, climb into a tender and already have the practical intelligence to drive the vessel, manage the guests and tackle new marinas and weather conditions during day and night with no problem whatsoever. But for every naturally gifted seaman, there is, I think it is fair to say, a great number who aren’t. "If you contrast the vessels that are used in PB2 with what deckhands may be driving on board a superyacht, there is really no comparison" “If you contrast the vessels that are used in PB2 with what deckhands may be driving on board a superyacht, there is really no comparison,” continues Falk. “In some cases, the tenders may be jet boats, they could be 10 metres-plus with twin 200-300hp engines on the back. They could be operating in unfamiliar waters, day and night, in a range of conditions, sometimes with navigational lights, other times without.” This wide operational variety is not covered in PB2, and nor should it be. PB2 is meant to be an introductory-level qualification for all manner of seafarers. Indeed, the minimum age for someone wishing to take PB2 is 12. I point this out not to insult the maturity or capability of all 12-year-olds, but merely to highlight that the course, despite the general agreement for it as a prerequisite to working on deck, may not touch on all the necessary skills required by a professional crewmember. “Before working on a yacht for the first time, I did two courses – the STCW 95 and PB2,” begins one crewmember who recently left his job on a yacht to pursue a shoreside career. “When I got my first job, it was on a 60m motoryacht. I couldn’t tell you what make the tender was, but it was around six metres and jet drive – on PB2 I had learnt with a propeller. The tender had totally different controls and it was totally different to manoeuvre. I just asked questions of the first officer and tried my best to replicate what the other crewmembers were doing.” The crewmember goes on to outline the system that the on-board crew used to ensure the owner and guests were driven only by the most competent of the crew. Upon joining the vessel, he was restricted to driving only other crewmembers in the tender, while getting to grips with the unfamiliar tender controls. After he became more proficient, he began to drive charter guests and, eventually, the owners. “Only a couple of us drove the owners when they were on board,” he says. “The system was powered by common sense, but also experience. It took me about three months before I started driving the owners. I had to learn pretty quickly because although I joined the boat late, I ended up being one of the longest-lasting deck members within three months, and fortunately I picked up the driving skills quickly. There were people who had been there for a couple of years and still didn’t get it; they just stuck to taking the other crew.” You would be hard-pressed to find a captain or senior crewmember who believes that an additional course is a sufficient replacement for talent, experience and trust, not to mention on-board training. However, not everyone is a natural and not everyone has a number of years of experience to call upon – or even months in some cases. How, then, do you ensure that you step up to drive your first tender with confidence? “The industry grew organically,” explains Falk. “I think what was probably the most indicative of the situation was that crew agents and captains, who were advising on training, didn’t always understand what was involved in the PB2 syllabus. In some instances, they just assumed that night-time operations [which are not part of PB2] and other elements were included. As a result, some of the more forward-thinking members of the superyacht industry, largely represented by the Professional Yachting Association (PYA), looked at where incidents and accidents occurred, and decided that there was a need for a higher degree of skill and knowledge in operating a tender.” After having been approached by the PYA, the RYA set about building a course that bridged the gap between PB2 and the realities of yacht operations – the Tender Operator Course (TOC). The TOC has been available to crewmembers for two to three years, but while feedback from it has been positive, it has not yet been fully adopted by the industry. “It is relatively little known within the industry. There are certain crew circles within which it is doing very well as part of a package,” says Falk. “The aspiration of ourselves [RYA] and the PYA is that the TOC will become the de facto standard for superyacht tender operations. We don’t want it to become regulated governmentally, we want the industry to continue growing organically and see the benefit of self-regulation.” To take the TOC, crewmembers must already have done PB2, or an equivalent course. The TOC is specifically designed to address the variety of situations that may occur when ferrying owners, guests and crew between superyachts and the shore. The course is a further two days and places an emphasis on pilotage, both day and night, and on how to safely carry and manage passengers, as well as other stressful scenarios such as towing, man overboard, preventing collisions and emergency situations. “I think the industry has been extremely proactive in coming up with a new course,” continues Falk. “But we always knew it would take time and the crew, captains and [recruitment] agents have not identified that, perhaps, we are a little bit negligent when it comes to properly preparing our crew – and here’s an easy way to do it.” Falk does, however, concede that simply telling people that a course is worth doing is not overly beneficial, especially in light of the stigma that has been attached to the number and prices of the courses available in other areas of superyachting, not to mention the increasing number of courses required as part of the Manila Amendments’ refresher training requirements. On speaking with a training centre, it became clear that the course was being utilised, albeit not in the way that the industry had envisaged. “What you will find, I think, is that over time more boats will look at it as being valuable,” explains Douglas Innes, director of Stormforce Coaching. “We currently have two types of students: there are those who come to us after their first season and want to upskill to work towards a better pay packet and promotion; the second group has yet to set foot on a yacht and want to increase their chances of getting on board.” As these people rise through the ranks, their advice will become valued and we may see more and more people adopting the qualification. However, as a result of the sink-or-swim, common-sense approach to tender proficiency that currently pervades the yachting industry, not to mention all those who choose instead to do their Yacht Master qualification, the TOC is unlikely to attract deckhands who have already gathered significant experience. The consensus seems to be that a number of months, to a number of years, of tender experience is still far more valuable than an additional tender course. But that does not mean that the course is not valuable for those trying to get on their first yacht and drive their first tender without fear, or for others for whom tender driving might not come naturally. Image: Silverline, Yachtwerft Meyer If you like reading our Editors' premium quality journalism on, you'll love their amazing and insightful opinions and comments in The Superyacht Report. If you’ve never read it, click here to request a sample copy - it's 'A Report Worth Reading'. If you know how good it is, click here to subscribe - it's 'A Report Worth Paying For'. The impact of standard operating procedures In conversation with John and Mathew Hornsby Don’t give a damn about reputation? 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The Birth of Biotech Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen started a revolution. by Technology Review In the fall of 1972, there was no such thing as genetic engineering. A late-night snack and a newspaper clipping changed all that-and spawned a new industry. This story is part of our July/August 2000 issue See the rest of the issue In the early 1970s, Herbert Boyer’s lab at the University of California, San Francisco, isolated an enzyme that cut DNA at specific locations. At the same time, Stanley Cohen’s Stanford lab was working out methods for introducing small circular pieces of DNA called “plasmids” into bacteria, which act as living Xerox machines, copying genes each time the microbes divide. At a November 1972 conference in Hawaii, both researchers presented their work-and realized that if they combined their techniques they would have a remarkable tool. The pair sealed the deal at a local deli and within months their labs had jointly proved the possibility of gene “cloning”: splicing a gene of interest-say, one that encodes a human hormone-into a microorganism or other cell. The technique is at the heart of DNA sequencing, genetic engineering and, indeed, biotechnology. Stanford seized on the potential of the work, and did something that was quite unusual at the time: They patented the technique. But that might not have happened if it weren’t for a 1974 New York Times story on Boyer and Cohen’s accomplishment by TR board member Victor K. McElheny, then the Times’ technology writer. Clipped by Stanford’s news director, the story landed on the desk of the school’s director of technology transfer, Niels Reimers. Reimers quickly called Cohen; patents must be filed within a year of the first public disclosure of an invention, and Boyer and Cohen had published their results in 1973. By the time all of the researchers and institutions involved agreed on a strategy, Reimers had only a week to file. In 1980, Boyer and Cohen received the first of three patents. All told, the patents generated over $250 million in royalties before expiring in 1997. Meanwhile, Boyer did one more critical thing for the burgeoning biotech industry: In 1976, with venture capitalist Robert Swanson, he founded the now-giant Genentech.
2017 Ford Explorer impressions: road tested, family approved By Darren Murph 2016-09-26T13:16:00.269Z Car tech High-end tech and plenty of luxury Five grown men, two Major League Baseball games, and an epic hike through Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Oh, and a chariot: the 2017 Ford Explorer Platinum. We set out to discover whether or not Ford's newest Explorer is indeed the road-tripper that it purports to be, with a focus on how the inbuilt tech made the trip more efficient and enjoyable. What we found was a wonderful all-around vehicle that's not only suitable for family gatherings, but peppered with a laundry list of technological advancements at a price that's market-leading. Driving tech Ford's 2017 Explorer starts at just over $31,000, though our tester was a relatively loaded Platinum model that rang up at around $55,000. That $24,000 delta looks cavernous on paper, but for those seeking the ultimate SUV, it's well worth it. Consider this: just last week we spent time in a Range Rover, which is smaller and only capable of seating five. Despite all of that, it costs nearly $100,000. And, if we're honest, the Explorer is just as capable for the vast majority of Americans who'd be in the market for a vehicle such as this. The Intelligent 4WD system is remarkable. We didn't venture into off-road territory, but we did drive through nearly 150 miles of torrential rains. Having all four wheels powering into the pavement made handling a joy, and it's moments like these that we're reminded of why all-wheel drive is so important. It's not the rock crawling -- it's the everyday motoring. Roll Stability Control and Curve Control are both standard, and if you opt for the 4WD model, you'll get a Terrain Management System as well – that's a central dial that allows you to easily tweak the platform to better handle a variety of terrain. Ford's EcoBoost technology continues to impress. The 2.3L EcoBoost engine comes standard, but the optional 3.5L EcoBoost V6 in our tester was nothing short of thrilling. With five adults and a hefty stack of luggage, we had the Explorer loaded down. Despite that, the engine never labored, even when accelerating up steep inclines in the North Carolina mountains. Ford even throws in paddle shifters, and we know why: it's an SUV, but you can definitely throw it around the curves if you've informed your passengers to hang on. Perhaps the most impressive array of tech on the 2017 Ford Explorer comes on the safety front. Our test model's adaptive cruise control worked flawlessly, even in unpredictable Atlanta traffic and through a downpour. You set the cruise as you normally would, and then you set the distance level that you'd like to be kept from the vehicle in front of you. What's so remarkable about driving behind such a system is the stress that it removes from driving. It slows and accelerates so effortlessly that you don't even have time to become exasperated at the ebb and flow of traffic. You forget to get perturbed that someone in front of you isn't going the exact same speed as you. It's almost certainly an unintended boon, but man, it's glorious. It also keeps you safe. We had a car cut into our lane and immediately slam on brakes, forcing the vehicle to slow from 70MPH to 40MPH in a matter of seconds. We never felt uneasy, and in fact, the braking process began before we even had time to recognize what was required of us. Which, in this case, was nothing. But in a car without adaptive cruise control, "what's required" equates to "braking to prevent an accident." Just as we felt in the Genesis G90, the 2017 Ford Explorer's autonomous braking is freakishly smooth. Smoother than most humans, we'd wager. It's worth remembering that a sensor-laden computer system has no emotion, so it doesn't overreact just because a situation is scary. The same can't be said of most human motorists. The blindspot monitoring system is world-class, lighting up in both side mirrors whenever a vehicle is encroaching. Even the rain-sensing wiper system is loads more accurate than those we've tested in recent years. Compared to a 2015 Ford F-150 in the TechRadar garage, it's more adept at only swiping when there's adequate rain. Earlier systems tend to overswipe, resulting in near-dry runs that squeak and squeal. During a 100+ mile jaunt that involved everything from monsoon to mist to bright sunshine, the automatic wipers never missed a beat. The reverse sensing system and 180-degree front camera worked as advertised, with guide lines helping us to back perfectly into a spot just outside of Turner Field. In our experience, the lane keeping system wasn't as advanced as that seen in the Genesis G90. Our wheel vibrated whenever we came close to leaving a lane unintentionally, but we would've preferred a system that assisted in steering us back to a safe, central lane location. Credit where it's due: Ford's interior design department is simply crushing it right now. Across the board, Ford's interiors punch well above their price range, and never has that been more clear than when ogling the inside of the 2017 Ford Explorer Platinum. From the wood-grain steering wheel top to the wood accents to the purposeful stitching throughout the cabin, it's astonishing how close this vehicle comes to the Range Rover HSE TD6 we just got out of in the luxury department. Every person I showed this vehicle to had the same reaction: "Wow!" The interior is impeccably designed, from the encircling dashboard to the beautiful displays to the decision to put the on/off toggle for the massaging seats beside the other seat adjustments – right where it belongs. Speaking of those: they're even better than the ones found in a Range Rover HSE TD6. On the 2017 Ford Explorer Platinum, there are massagers for your legs and your back, not just one or the other. You're also able to independently control the force of each, which is such a first world luxury it hurts to even gloat about it. As with other vehicles, the massaging function (which is available to the driver and front passenger) kicks off after about 15 minutes. Which is right about the time you'll reach down and toggle it back on again. Also new to the 2017 Ford Explorer family is SYNC 3, which is a monumental upgrade from SYNC 2. Siri Eyes Free is included for iPhone users, and even those who don't bring their smartphones along will be thrilled at the responsiveness of the system. Gone are the days of mushy in-car touch panels and maddening amounts of lag; the 8-inch capacitive display responds to presses nearly as fast as flagship smartphones, which is rightly or wrongly the baseline that we all judge by these days. Too, the user interface has been tweaked and polished, making it easier to get things done. The navigation system received a particularly noteworthy update, with a better search function and a POI engine that's actually useable. Being honest, though, most tech-centric buyers aren't apt to see much of that. They'll spend most of their time engrossed in either CarPlay or Android Auto, both of which are included here. There's no point in rehashing what each of those offer – other than to lament the fact that CarPlay users can't use Google Maps onscreen – but as we saw in the 2017 Ford Escape, it's lovely to give both options to buyers. Family sensibilities With seating for up to seven adults, the Explorer strikes a vital middle-ground for many families. The fuel economy is solid enough for a solo daily driver – we averaged 21.6MPG over nearly 1,200 miles of highly varied terrain, and that's with the car loaded down – yet it's the perfect SUV to house a group of friends. The sound deadening ensured that we could have three rows worth of conversation without having to yell, and the stadium-style seating allows even those in the very back to get a peek of what's ahead. You'll be hard-pressed to find the laundry list of luxuries and must-have safety inclusions on an SUV that's priced in this range and looks this good. Even on an extended haul, every single passenger was comfortable. The folks in the back had access to a pair of USB ports and a 110v AC port – ideal for recharging phones and powering a laptop on the road. Part of what continues to make the Ford Explorer so desirable is its jack-of-all-trades mantra. Our tester was equipped with a Class III trailer tow package – something you'd normally only associate with a full-sized pickup truck. The terrain management system is something you'd typically only associate with a Jeep. The luscious leather is something you'd expect in a Jaguar. The 2017 Ford Explorer manages to do a lot of things, and a lot of things well. It's reliance on tech has enabled it to encroach on luxury players like BMW and Mercedes-Benz, yet it's as approachable and instantly drivable as any Ford before it. You'd think that Ford would've stalled at this point when it comes to remaking an SUV that has been around for what feels like eons, but nothing could be further from the truth. And to think – you'll probably be able to buy a self-driving version in the not-too-distant future. See more Car tech news
John WachunasCommunity, Women Ride December 12, 2016 “It comes down to infrastructure, and it comes down to scale,” says Isis Shiffer from her studio in Brooklyn. “Until you really crack those problems, you’re never going to build a Copenhagen in the US.” This, of course, will come as little surprise to American cyclists. It’s been a part of the dialog for decades: that infatuation with suburbs and space that’s kept Uncle Sam out of the biking big leagues since the early 20th century. In their 2014 Sustainable Urban Development Reader, Stephen Wheeler and Timothy Beatley found that only 16% of US cycling trips are made for utilitarian purposes like shopping and commuting. Compare that to 42% in Germany, and a whopping 75% in Denmark. “Cycling is still very sporty here,” says Isis, summarizing the problem. “You go for a ride to get fit, not necessarily to get groceries.” In an effort to help reverse this trend, the New York-born industrial designer has set her sights high. About head high, to be exact. This past summer, she introduced the cycling world to her EcoHelmet: a collapsible, protective head covering made from water resistant honeycomb paper. Photo Credit: James Dyson Foundation You read that correctly: a portable paper helmet. And before you go rambling off a litany of armchair critiques that Shiffer has likely already addressed, it’s worth mentioning that the prototype recently won her the 2016 International James Dyson Award for design innovation. It’s the latest in a growing string of accolades awarded to the recent graduate of New York’s Pratt Institute of Design. “I wanted to develop an ecological, easily-accessible helmet for bike shares,” she explains, looking to her own robust history on two wheels for inspiration. “When I was traveling, I either had to carry a helmet all day, not use bike share, or go to a local shop and buy one.” None of these options sat well with Isis, a former Philadelphia bike-frame builder and instructor at Brooklyn’s Recycle-A-Bicycle. So the quest began to develop an effective, lightweight alternative that would allow more riders to confidently take to their city streets. “All helmets sold in the US are required to meet CPSC standards,” she explains, preempting what has proven to be an inexhaustible, however understandable, series of safety-related questions. As it turns out, the cellular structure of the honeycomb paper does an efficient job distributing collision impacts evenly across the skull. “They’re not meant to replace polystyrene helmets,” Isis adds. “I just think people should have the option to purchase a helmet with a bike.” If her approach seems a little unconventional, well, that’s the idea. Shiffer’s passion for riding was forged in an era when track bikes were emerging as The Clash of the cycling world. It was a spirit of rebellion and counterculturalism that resonated with the young undergrad studying sculpture at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. “I don’t know if I became cool,” she laughs, recalling the fixed-gear bike she lugged up and down the stairs of her 3rd floor Philadelphia apartment. “But I sure felt cool. That sort of bike punk culture gave me a sense of who I was growing up to be when I was 19 and clueless.” Couple her unorthodox style with the fact that Isis is making waves in a field composed predominantly of men (approx. 85%) and you begin to understand what makes her work so noteworthy. Just don’t tell that to her. “It shouldn’t matter,” she says frankly, discussing the role gender has played in her blossoming career. “Women shouldn’t feel obligated to define themselves as ‘female designers.’ Good design has nothing to do with who you are; it has to do with solving a problem in a really elegant way.” It’s hard to argue with her reasoning, or her results. Speaking of elegant problem solving, there are still a few loose ends that will need to be tied up before Shiffer’s EcoHelmet can make the transition from Social Media talking point to publicly available safety-wear. Chief among these is the issue of recyclability. “You have to look at the whole ecosystem of a product,” she says, noting that the potential benefits of a paper helmet “can be completely cancelled out if [they all] end up in a landfill.” If everything goes according to plan, however, the first batch should be ready to go by next summer. And after that? “I’d like to find more cool, large-scale projects to work on. Street landscapes and commuting and obviously more bike stuff. I’m very interested in the urban sustainability space.” Given the success of her early endeavors, it’s safe to say both the cycling and the industrial design communities will be watching with anticipation. They may or may not be listening to “White Riot” while they do so. Previous Post Philadelphia’s Sturdy Girls: Cultivating Women’s Cycling In The City Of Brotherly Love Next Post Pretty Damned Fast: Giving Voice To A New Generation Of Female Cyclists Arizona Biking: A Conversation With Spinlister Member Thane Walton March 25, 2016 John Wachunas Braving the Baja Divide: Lavanya Pant’s Bike Ride Across Mexico’s Last Wilderness Fat Bike Race: An Unforgettable Backyard Pursuit In West Yellowstone June 14, 2016 John Wachunas
McIlroy 'so excited' for Irish Open Written By Sporting News @sportingnewsau AFP World number one Rory McIlroy is "so excited" at the prospect of playing in the Irish Open, which gets under way at Royal County Down on Thursday. McIlroy's charitable organisation, the Rory Foundation, is hosting the event, and the Northern Irishman is thrilled at the prospect of playing in front of his home crowd. His influence on this European Tour event has been a major factor in attracting several star names to the tournament, including Rickie Fowler, Sergio Garcia and Ernie Els. And McIlroy is keen to impress, having struggled to produce his best form at this competition in recent years. "I'm so excited for this tournament," he said. "Obviously the Irish Open is a tournament that's close to my heart. "Now that I'm involved with my foundation hosting the event, and with the title sponsors Dubai Duty Free and all the players coming to play Royal County Down, it's going to be a great week and I just hope I can put on a good performance for all the fans back home. "I haven't been as excited for a golf tournament this year, apart from the Masters for obvious reasons. "Royal County Down is probably rated as one of the top five golf courses in the world and with all the players - Rickie Fowler coming off the back of his win at the Players, Sergio Garcia who was in that play-off, Ernie Els, Martin Kaymer, Luke Donald, Lee Westwood, Graeme McDowell, Padraig Harrington, Darren Clarke, Shane Lowry, myself and so many other good players coming - it'll be great. "I haven't really played well in the Irish Open and that's something that hasn't sat well with me for a few years. "I think it's to do with maybe trying to hard when you get back home and you maybe push yourself too much. "I'm just going to try and enjoy myself this year and relish the opportunity to play at home. It would be great to win obviously and I'll be trying my best out there." McIlroy will come up against 10 former winners of the Irish Open in the star-studded field, including defending champion Mikko Ilonen, who prevailed by one stroke ahead of Edoardo Molinari at Fota Island last year. As well as McIlroy, there are four men competing who have previously been ranked world number one - Donald, Els, Kaymer and Westwood. McIlroy, Els and Kaymer make up three of the seven major winners in the field, with Paul Lawrie, Harrington, Clarke and McDowell also present.
Mercedes pair up for Austrian challenge Written By James Willoughby Hamilton did not finish the Canadian Grand Prix earlier this month as Mercedes' run of six wins to start the season was ended. Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo triumphed in an action-packed race and Hamilton's failure to see out the race saw him slip 22 points behind world championship leader, and team-mate, Nico Rosberg. It means that Hamilton will be playing catch-up in Spielberg but he is confident he can pull closer to Rosberg. Hamilton told Formula One's official website: "The two DNF's (did not finish) so far this season have not been ideal but that's racing and there's a long, long way to go. "I caught up before and I can catch up again. It's going to take another four wins to make the difference so I'm going to do my best to get those results. "Right now, I'm just looking ahead to the next race in Austria and another chance to catch up to the lead. "I've never driven the circuit but I've been working on it in the simulator and I'm sure I'll learn it pretty quickly when we get out on track. "It's always exciting to go to a new venue, so it should be an interesting weekend. I'm feeling good in the car right now and I'll be pushing flat out to come away with maximum points this time around." Hamilton won four races in a row, in Malaysia, Bahrain, China and Spain, earlier this season. Rosberg has won two of the seven races, in Australia and Monaco, and battled well despite mechanical problems in Montreal. He lost his lead with just two laps to go but managed to finish second - a result he was pleased with. And the German is looking forward to the sport's return to the venue for the first time since 2003. "Although it was a really, really tough day, I'm pleased with the result in Montreal," Rosberg said. "It just goes to show that you can never be too well prepared and our priority has been to make sure the car is bullet-proof for the rest of the season. "I'm looking forward to the next race in Austria and a chance to get back to our winning form once again. "Although I've driven the circuit before, that was more than ten years ago in F3: back when it was still called the A1 Ring! "Of course, it will be very different in a Turbocharged, V6 Hybrid Formula One car, so it's basically like starting from scratch for everyone on the grid. "Personally, I love that kind of challenge, so I'm excited to get back in the car and go for another top result."
Soundtrack (Disney) by Irving STAFF December 22nd, 2010 | 121 replies Review Summary: A girl worth fighting for. Revisiting a Walt Disney movie from one's childhood is always an incredibly amazing experience, mainly as the number of things that one misses at an early age is truly bewildering and often quite pathetic. For example, if the joke didn't involve a character getting decked clean in the face with a baseball bat, or if it had the subtlety of a well-staggered fart, then the you of a decade ago probably missed it. If the movie had some subliminal irony or a well-subsumed political overtone, then you were likely clueless about that too. Yet, above and beyond the uncovering of all these is the rediscovery of some amazingly catchy songs, for which a healthy serving of six or seven per movie is the Disney tradition. God knows good character exposition or development cannot happen without them. Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best Disney animations to have a second viewing of is the company's 1998 featurette Mulan. The story of young Fa Mulan, who selflessly takes up her father's sword to shield him from having to go to war at an old age, was recently ranked as the 17th best Disney flick of all time (which is no mean feat considering the company it's in). The movie also marks Disney's great stand against the evils of societal patriarchy, and its accompanying soundtrack furthers the cause by doing a phenomenal job at sustaining the movie's momentum. Indeed, it is virtually impossible to listen to any of the album without having stills from the movie flit through one's head. The soundtrack is essentially divided into two parts, the latter half of which is an unbroken medley of orchestral compositions by conductor Jerry Goldsmith. Now, as sweeping and majestic as Goldsmith's score undoubtedly is, the real strength of the soundtrack clearly rests in its six pop songs, one of which is the Christina Aguilera reprise of "Reflection". "Honor To Us All" opens and recounts the massive struggle that girls in the Han Dynasty had to face due to the repressive cultural norms of that age. The song is peerless in creating an atmosphere of burdening expectations, and just by listening to it you know that Mulan is on the verge of single-handedly chopping down ten generations' worth of family tree honor. The Lea Salonga version of "Reflection" is decent, but it is quickly blown out of the water by the vocal strength of pre-Stripped Aguilera, whom you just wonder what her reflection showed when she was still singing about genies and what a girl wants. "Man Out Of You" is from the scene where Captain Li Shang is trying to turn his squadron of incompetent buffoons into a team worthy of the Imperial Army. Even today, there hasn't been a single chorus in all of post-Mulan pop music that has managed to rival the roaring power in the refrain of, "You must be swift as the coursing river/With all the force of the great typhoon/With all the strength of a raging fire/Mysterious as the dark side of the moon". The constant chant of "Be a man!" by the choir in the background is also an instant pos, and would no doubt bring down the wrath of feminists like flies descending on exposed, week-old mustard if unwittingly released on radio today. The song is also worth remembering as the backing music to the most under-appreciated, yet incredibly pivotal scene in the entire movie: had Li Shang averted his gaze just a wee bit downwards as he was grabbing Ping/Mulan by the collar, the movie would have been a lot shorter. "A Girl Worth Fighting For" somehow manages to squeeze all of modern civilization's sexist stereotypes into an epic two and a half minute skit, and the fact that it influenced the pick-up lines of a generation's worth of ten year-old boys is of no doubt. The chorus of men booming, "You can guess what we/Have missed the most/Since we went off to war" in the background would bring peals of laughter from any teenage kid worth his or her hormones, but invariably kids were more impressed by the character Yao mumbling that, "The only girl who would love him is his mother". 98 Degrees and Stevie Wonder's "True To Your Heart" fulfills the mandatory Disney requirement of having a cheesy pop song with the word "heart" in it somewhere in the soundtrack. Although forced and quite contrived, it imparts a feel-good vibe to the album, which is ultimately all that counts. Perhaps the most amazing thing about this collection of songs is the way it reflects the staggering amount of cultural faux pas that Disney was able to get away with back in 1998. The lyrics alone are pure gold and worth signing away your family jewels for. In addition to the above, take, for instance, lines like, "I couldn't care less what she wears or what she looks like/It all depends on what she cooks like", which sounds like it was designed to take the equality movement all the way back to the 19th century. Then there's the cool-as-a-cucumber delivery of, "We all must serve our Emperor/Who guards us from the Huns/A man by bearing arms/A girl by bearing sons". Yet, the true value of the Mulan soundtrack lies in its capability to effortlessly evoke memories of much simpler days, when 3D, explosions, or even transforming robots weren't necessary to keep one entertained. Like all good cartoon flicks, Mulan is timeless, and even the simple recollection of our heroine successfully taking out an entire army of Huns with a single Eddie Murphy-powered cannon will likely bring some warm feelings to one's heart. As with all good things, it will ultimately be shared; so if you think group sing-a-longs with all of your housemates is what you've been needing all this while, then that's all the more reason to go pick up the soundtrack to Disney's Mulan. For when you're through, boys will gladly go to war for you. Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 3 Yuna Chapters The Observatory August is the Cruellest The Humble Act Accordingly Deep Sea Diver Secrets Narc Twain Narc Twain user ratings (35) trending other albums Konoyo Dead Magic On 2 Music Lists This review may also be found on my personal blog (at the address Finally - number 20. Thanks Sputnik - it's been an amazing ride so far. As always, comments and criticisms are much appreciated. there hasn't been a single chorus in all of post-Mulan pop music that has managed to rival the roaring power in the refrain of, "You must be swift as the coursing river/ With all the force of the great typhoon/ With all the strength of a raging fire/ Mysterious as the dark side of the moon" JWT155 YES! Be a man! pizzamachine Irving... fantastic review! Here's my magic artwork... BAM! edit: review is great as well, pos. Enjoyed this movie growing up Digging: Fishmans - Long Season Thanks Observer! (I assume you did something with the artwork) I was soooo bummed about that! @ Romulus: Indeed, eh? That chorus is F#%KING AWESOME. @ JWT155: You have all the force of a great typhoon. @ Pizza: Merci! =) thebhoy I think your writing keeps getting better, you seem to be starting to find your own reviewing voice, which is good keep it up. Thanks for the compliment thebhoy - it means a lot to me, especially coming from you. And its mainly because of this: yeah, hmm what do I mean? haha Basically, if you will see with some of the more experienced writers on the site, Staff and Contribs in particular, we've developed a style that's our own that people come to expect. It's the same with a professional reviewer, once you get comfortable with your own style of writing you'll be able to draw in more "interesting" points that don't necessarily pertain to just the album in and of itself. You told me that a few months ago on a review I wrote of Pink Floyd's The Wall Live. It was one of the most useful nuggets of advice I've received on this site, and I'm glad I chose to listen. I actually owe it to you, so thank you! MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN JustJoe. You little... Excellent writing, Irving. Not much else to say, really. @ Emim: That chorus is SO EPIC. I actually teared watching Mulan climb up that pole to retrieve the arrow - it is PHENOMENAL. holy epicness totally fucking blows away my 20th i am impressed. pos. holy. cow. One of the last good Disney movies, apart from Pixar, imo. Sowing, I cordially invite you to switch your profile picture to something Mulan-related =) but i just switched it to this sexy one. hmm maybe just for tonight. we'll see ; ) @ JWT: You speak the truth. That said, there was The Emperor's New Groove which came like a couple years after - that too was amazing. Atlantis: The Lost Empire was solid too, but everything else has been turgid. I thought the 2 you listed were shit, sorry. @ Sowing: HAHAHA! Yeah I know - I was just pulling your leg. You don't have to, don't sweat it - I'm just glad you liked the review, really =) yesssssssssssssssssssssssddddddddddddddddddddssssssss
Acquiescence Rulings Ninth Circuit Court AR 86-1(9) (Rescinded 7/5/1994): Summy v. Schweiker , 688 F.2d 1233 (9th Cir. 1982) Third party payments for medical care or services — Title XVI of the Social Security Act AR 86-5(9): Leschniok v. Heckler , 713 F.2d 520 (9th Cir. 1983) Necessity of a Determination under Sections 225(b) and/or 1631(a)(6) of the Social Security Act for a Disability Benefits Recipient Engaged in an Approved Vocational Rehabilitation Program Prior to Cessation of His/Her Benefits Based on Medical Recovery — Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act AR 86-9(9) (Rescinded 7/14/1995): Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare v. Meza , 368 F.2d 389 (9th Cir. 1966); Gardner v. Wilcox , 370 F.2d 492 (9th Cir. 1966) — Interpretation of the Secretary's Regulation Regarding Presumption of Death — Title II of the Social Security Act AR 86-12(9): Hutcheson v. Califano , 638 F.2d 96 (9th Cir. 1981) — Determination of Stepchild and Resulting Entitlement to Auxiliary Benefits — Title II of the Social Security Act AR 86-17(9) (Rescinded 11/27/1998): Owens v. Schweiker , 692 F.2d 80 (9th Cir. 1982) Child's Benefits — Title II of the Social Security Act AR 86-23(9): Doran v. Schweiker , 681 F.2d 605 (9th Cir. 1982) Contributions to Support re: Posthumous Illegitimate Child Title II of the Social Security Act AR 86-25(9): Fagner v. Heckler , 779 F.2d 541 (9th Cir. 1985) — Applicability of Section 1127 of the Social Security Act AR 87-3(9) (Rescinded 2/9/1995): Hart v. Bowen , 799 F.2d 567 (9th Cir. 1986) Current Market Value of an Installment Sales Contract as an Excess Resource AR 90-1(9) (Rescinded 11/17/1994): Paxton v. Secretary of Health and Human Services , 856 F.2d 1352 (9th Cir. 1988) — Treatment Of A Dependent's Portion Of An Augmented Veterans Benefit Paid Directly To A Veteran — Title XVI of the Social Security Act AR 92-5(9): Quinlivan v. Sullivan , 916 F.2d 524 (9th Cir. 1990) — Meaning of the Term "Against Equity and Good Conscience" in the Rules for Waiver of Recovery of an Overpayment — Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act; Title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. AR 92-7(9): Gonzalez v. Sullivan , 914 F.2d 1197 (9th Cir. 1990) — Effect of Initial Determination Notice Language on the Application of Administrative Finality — Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act. AR 95-2 (9): Hodge v. Shalala , 27 F.3d 430 (9th Cir. 1994) — Workers' Compensation — Proration of a Lump-Sum Award for Permanent Disability Over the Remainder of an Individual's Working Life Under Oregon Workers' Compensation Law—Title II of the Social Security Act. AR 97-2 (9): (Rescinded 2/19/2002) Gamble v. Chater , 68 F.3d 319 (9th Cir. 1995) — Amputation of a Lower Extremity — When the Inability to Afford the Cost of a Prosthesis Meets the Requirements of Section 1.10C of the Listing of Impairments — Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act. AR 97-4 (9): Chavez v. Bowen , 844 F.2d 691 (9th Cir. 1988) — Effect of a Prior Final Decision That a Claimant is Not Disabled, And of Findings Contained Therein, On Adjudication of a Subsequent Disability Claim Arising Under the Same Title of the Social Security Act — Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act. AR 04-1 (9): Howard on behalf of Wolff v. Barnhart , 341 F.3d 1006 (9th Cir. 2003) — Applicability of the Statutory Requirement for Pediatrician Review in Childhood Disability Cases to the Hearings and Appeals Levels of the Administrative Review Process — Title XVI of the Social Security Act. AR 05-1 (9): (Rescinded 11/13/2012) Gillett-Netting v. Barnhart , 371 F.3d 593 (9th Cir. 2004), reh'g denied (9th Cir. Dec. 14, 2004) — Applicability of State Law and the Social Security Act in Determining Whether a Child Conceived By Artificial Means after an Insured Person's Death is Eligible for Child's Insurance Benefits — Title II of the Social Security Act. Back to Acquiescence Rulings Table of Contents
Pharmaceutical Products & Market› Money raised through U.S. neurology company IPOs 2006-2017 Amount raised through initial public offerings (IPOs) from neurology companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)* by Matej Mikulic, last edited Jun 5, 2018 This statistic shows the amount of money neurology companies in the U.S. raised through initial public offerings from 2006 to 2017, in million U.S. dollars. In 2015, neurology companies in the U.S. raised over one billion dollars by going public. Money raised in million U.S. dollars 2006** 214 * Figures are for US R&D-stage companies. ** Added from previous editions of the same report. Cyber crime: number of breaches and records exposed 2005-2018 Number of U.S. data breaches 2014-2018, by industry Identity theft data breaches worldwide 2013-2018 10 largest U.S. healthcare data breaches of 2018 Statistics on "Health care and cyber security" Health care vs. other sectors Attacks/data breaches Consequences/measures The consumer's view Number of global data breaches pertaining to identity theft from 1st half 2013 to 1st half 2018Identity theft data breaches worldwide 2013-2018 Distribution of global data breaches in the 1st half 2018, by sourceShare of data breaches worldwide H1 2018, by source Annual number of data breaches and exposed records in the United States from 2005 to 2018 (in millions)Cyber crime: number of breaches and records exposed 2005-2018 Number of cyber security incident reports by federal agencies in the United States from FY 2006 to 2017Annual number of cyber incidents according to U.S. federal agencies 2006-2017 Global number of data breaches with confirmed data loss in 2018, by victim industry and organization size Data breaches worldwide 2018, by victim industry and size Number of data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by industryNumber of U.S. data breaches 2014-2018, by industry Distribution of data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by sectorCyber crime: distribution of breaches 2014-2018, by sector Distribution of records exposed due to data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by sectorCyber crime: distribution of data exposed 2014-2018, by sector Data breach costs per capita in health care compared to other industries as of 2018 (in U.S. dollars)Data breach costs per capita in health care vs. other industries 2018 Total number of data breaches in the U.S. health/medical sector from 2005 to 2018Number of data breaches in the U.S. health and medical sector 2005-2018 Number of entities involved in U.S. healthcare data breaches from 2009 to 2018Number of entities involved in U.S. healthcare data breaches 2009-2018 Number of U.S. residents affected by health data breaches from 2014 to 2018 (in millions)Number of U.S. residents affected by health data breaches 2014-2018 Distribution of individuals affected by U.S. healthcare data breaches in 2018, by business U.S. healthcare data breach victim distribution 2018, by business Largest 10 healthcare data breaches in the United States by affected individuals in 201810 largest U.S. healthcare data breaches of 2018 Percentage of U.S. health data breach incidents that were discovered in select time frames as of 2017*Time of U.S. health data breaches until discovery 2017 Percentage of U.S. health data breaches that were committed by select actors in 2017Main actors of U.S. health data breaches committed 2017 Percentage of U.S. physicians that are concerned about select consequences of future cyber attacks as of 2017Areas of concern for physicians regarding future cyber attacks in the U.S. 2017 Downtime experienced by U.S. physicians due to cyber attacks as of 2017Physicians that experienced downtime due to a cyber attack in U.S. 2017 Percentage of U.S. physicians that responded to cyber attacks in select ways as of 2017Responses of physicians and practices to cyber attacks in the U.S. 2017 Key figures on costs due to health care data breaches in the United States as of 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)Key figures on costs for health care data breaches U.S. 2017 Approximate ratio of cyber security staff to IT users in U.S. healthcare organizations as of 2018Ratio of cyber security staff to IT users in healthcare organizations U.S. 2018 Usage of security frameworks in U.S. healthcare organizations as of 2018Security framework(s) used by healthcare organizations U.S. 2018 Trust on select organizations among U.S. consumers regarding the security of digital health data as of 2017Trust on health entities for secure digital healthcare data in U.S. 2017 Confidence among U.S. consumers on digital data security measures taken by their providers as of 2017Consumer confidence on digital data security measures by providers in U.S. 2017 Distribution of experienced breaches of their digital healthcare data among U.S. consumers as of 2017Experienced breaches of their digital healthcare data among US consumers 2017 Location of digital healthcare data breaching for fraudulent activities in the U.S. as of 2017Digital healthcare data breach locations in U.S. 2017 Impact on trust of consumers on health organizations after a breach in the U.S. as of 2017Impact on consumer trust on health organizations post breach in U.S. 2017 U.S. infectious disease company IPO financing 2006-2017 U.S. psychiatry company IPO financing 2006-2017 U.S. oncology company IPOs 2006-2017 U.S. psychiatry company IPOs 2006-2017 U.S. cardiovascular company IPOs 2006-2017 U.S. infectious disease company IPOs 2006-2017 U.S. cardiovascular company IPO financing volume 2006-2017 U.S. number of IPOs for neurology companies 2006-2017 Prominent digital health IPOs in the United States 2015 Treatment rate for epilepsy in France 2015, by gender AIM: Leading banks as senior bookrunners for ECM deals in the UK H1 2018 IPO total number in South Korea 2011-2015 Largest equity capital AIM deals in the united Kingdom in 2018 Number of neurologists by sector in France 2016 Largest ECM deals in the united Kingdom H1 2018 Time required for IPO in South Korea 2011-2015 Leading ECM banks as senior bookrunners for AIM deals in the UK H1 2018 Largest initial public offerings (IPO) in the United States 2012 Global issuance volume of Chinese and non-Chinese IPOs 2015 Largest global IPOs by Chinese companies 2015 IPOs in the U.S. Number of global data breaches pertaining to identity theft from 1st half 2013 to 1st half 2018 Distribution of global data breaches in the 1st half 2018, by source Annual number of data breaches and exposed records in the United States from 2005 to 2018 (in millions) Number of cyber security incident reports by federal agencies in the United States from FY 2006 to 2017 Global number of data breaches with confirmed data loss in 2018, by victim industry and organization size Number of data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by industry Distribution of data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by sector Distribution of records exposed due to data breaches in the United States from 2014 to 2018, by sector Data breach costs per capita in health care compared to other industries as of 2018 (in U.S. dollars) Total number of data breaches in the U.S. health/medical sector from 2005 to 2018 Number of entities involved in U.S. healthcare data breaches from 2009 to 2018 Number of U.S. residents affected by health data breaches from 2014 to 2018 (in millions) Distribution of individuals affected by U.S. healthcare data breaches in 2018, by business Largest 10 healthcare data breaches in the United States by affected individuals in 2018 Percentage of U.S. health data breach incidents that were discovered in select time frames as of 2017* Percentage of U.S. health data breaches that were committed by select actors in 2017 Percentage of U.S. physicians that are concerned about select consequences of future cyber attacks as of 2017 Downtime experienced by U.S. physicians due to cyber attacks as of 2017 Percentage of U.S. physicians that responded to cyber attacks in select ways as of 2017 Key figures on costs due to health care data breaches in the United States as of 2017 (in million U.S. dollars) Approximate ratio of cyber security staff to IT users in U.S. healthcare organizations as of 2018 Usage of security frameworks in U.S. healthcare organizations as of 2018 Trust on select organizations among U.S. consumers regarding the security of digital health data as of 2017 Confidence among U.S. consumers on digital data security measures taken by their providers as of 2017 Distribution of experienced breaches of their digital healthcare data among U.S. consumers as of 2017 Location of digital healthcare data breaching for fraudulent activities in the U.S. as of 2017 Impact on trust of consumers on health organizations after a breach in the U.S. as of 2017 Amount raised through initial public offerings (IPOs) from infectious disease companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)* Amount raised through initial public offerings (IPOs) from psychiatry companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)* Number of initial public offerings (IPOs) from oncology companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017* Number of initial public offerings (IPOs) from psychiatry companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017* Number of initial public offerings (IPOs) from cardiovascular companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017* Number of initial public offerings (IPOs) from companies in infectious disease in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017* Amount raised through initial public offerings (IPOs) from cardiovascular disease companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)* Number of initial public offerings (IPOs) for neurology companies in the U.S. from 2006 to 2017* Prominent digital health IPOs in the United States in 2015 (in million U.S. dollars) Number of people treated for epilepsy per 1,000 people in France in 2015, by gender Leading banks as equity capital market (ECM) bookrunners on the alternative investment market (AIM)* in the United Kingdom (UK) in the first half of 2018, by value of deals managed (in million GBP) Accumulated number of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the KOSDAQ market from 2011 to 2015* Largest equity capital deals on the alternative investment market (AIM)* in the United Kingdom (UK) in the first half of 2018* (in million GBP) Number of neurologists practicing in France in 2016, by sector Largest equity capital market deals in the United Kingdom (UK) in the 1st half 2018* (in million GBP) Average period needed for initial public offerings (IPOs) of enterprises in the KOSDAQ market from 2011 to 2015 (in years)* Leading banks as equity capital market (ECM) bookrunners on the alternative investment market (AIM*) in the United Kingdom (UK) in the first half of 2018, by deal volume Largest initial public offerings (IPO) in the United States, by revenue as of May 2012 (in billion U.S. dollars) Global issuance volume of Chinese and non-Chinese IPOs in 2015 (in billion yuan) Largest global IPOs by Chinese companies in 2015 (in billion yuan)
Media Usage› Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Germany 2016 How frequently do you use the internet to consume or access online press or news content?* by Statista Research Department, last edited Sep 15, 2016 This statistic shows the results of a survey on how frequently internet users went online in order to access press or news content in Germany in 2016. The survey found that 75 percent of German online users stated to use the internet to access digital news content more than once per week. CATI, online interview * This question was phrased by the source as follows: "How frequently do you use the Internet to consume or access the following types of online content in digital/electronic format (i.e. NOT in a physical form such as CD or DVD)? - Press, news." Online news, newspaper and magazine consumption in Great Britain 2007-2018 The Guardian newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 The Sun newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2020 Statistics on "Digital news in the United Kingdom (UK)" Reach of leading digital news sites Digital newsbrand advertising News on social media User demographics and behavior Paid digital news content Leading online news brands accessed in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018Leading online news brands accessed in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018 Unique audience for the top 10 selected news sites in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (in 1,000s)News sites ranked by unique audience in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018 Number of individuals reached digitally by leading newsbrands in Great Britain (UK) from October 2016 to September 2017, by device* (in 1,000s)Leading newsbrands ranked by digital audience size in Great Britain 2017, by device Share of individuals reading online news sites, newspapers or news magazines in selected European countries in 2017Online news consumption in European countries 2017 Share of individuals reading or downloading online news, newspapers or magazines in Great Britain from 2007 to 2018Online news, newspaper and magazine consumption in Great Britain 2007-2018 Ranking of websites and news apps in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by perceived opinion rangeRanking of digital news sources in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by opinion range Unique visitors accessing online newsbrands sites daily in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (visitors in million)Online newsbrands in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by daily average unique browsers Unique visitors accessing online newspaper sites monthly in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (visitors in million)Online newspapers in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by total monthly unique browsers Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)Daily Mail newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)The Guardian newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)The Daily Telegraph newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to March 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)The Independent newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)Daily Mirror newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s)The Sun newspaper: website visitors in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017 Content and native advertising expenditure in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2014 to 2017 (in million GBP)Content and native advertising spending in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2017 Digital advertising formats ranked by advertising expenditure in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016 and 2017 (in million GBP)Leading digital advertising formats in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016-2017, by ad spend Digital newspaper advertising revenue worldwide from 2013 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars)Global digital newspaper advertising revenue 2013-2017 Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2012 to 2019, by platform (in million GBP)Newsbrand advertising revenue in the UK 2012-2019, by platform Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom from 2011 to 2020 (in billion GBP)*Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2020 Leading social networks used weekly for news in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018*Leading social networks used for news in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018 Social media interactions from UK newsbrand articles from May 2017 to April 2018 (in millions)*Social media interactions from UK newsbrand articles 2018 Distribution of shares via Facebook and Twitter for UK newsbrands in 2018Shares via Facebook and Twitter for UK newsbrands 2018 Share of news consumers who used Facebook for news in European countries in 2016 and 2018*Facebook usage for news in selected European countries 2016-2018 Number of social media interactions driven by UK newsbrands in 2017, by platform (in millions)*Social media interactions driven by newsbrands in the UK 2017, by platform Digital news gateways used online in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018Digital news gateways used online in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018 Share of internet users who looked at news websites or apps at least weekly in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2014, 2015 and 2017, by age group*Looking at news websites or apps at least weekly in the UK 2014-2017, by age Most important new platforms to news consumers in the United Kingdom (UK) from in 2018, by age group*Most important news platform to consumers in the UK in 2018, by age group Which of the following platforms do you use for news nowadays?Platforms used to consume news in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by nation Have you ever accessed online news or websites about politics or current affairs?*UK: accessing websites containing news, politics or current affairs websites 2017 Which is your main way of accessing online news?Online news consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by device Distribution of individuals who read newsbrands on smartphones in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by ageNewsbrand readers via smartphone in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by age Distribution of individuals who read newsbrands on PC in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by age and frequencyNewsbrand readers via PC in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by age and frequency Share of consumers who paid for online news content in selected countries worldwide the last year as of February 2019Digital news purchases worldwide 2019 Have you paid for online news content, or accessed a paid for online news service in the last year?Paying for digital news in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2018 Penetration of newspaper website and apps usage in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2015 to 2016, by paid and freeOnline newspaper usage in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015-2016, paid and free Share of consumers willing to pay for access to digital newspapers and magazines in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by age*Share of consumers willing to pay for access to digital newspapers UK 2017 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Denmark 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Poland 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in the EU 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital music content in Sweden 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Spain 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Portugal 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in the UK 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Greece 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Luxembourg 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Sweden 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Italy 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Ireland 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in France 2016 Internet usage frequency for accessing digital news content in Belgium 2016 Reasons for not paying for online news worldwide 2017 Share of people willing to pay for online news in the Netherlands 2018, by age group Smartphone usage for accessing online news in Ireland in 2016, by age Argentina: devices used for news consumption 2017-2018 Italy: daily consumption of online newspapers 2013, by age group Radio Industry Digital news in the United Kingdom (UK) Fake news in the U.S. News media in the United Kingdom (UK) Insights 2017 - News consumption in the US, UK & Nordics Newspaper industry in the United Kingdom (UK) News in the U.S. Newspaper industry in Italy Newspaper reading habits in Italy Newspaper industry in the Netherlands News in Canada Newspapers in Finland Digital News Report 2016: Ireland News Video on the Web Leading online news brands accessed in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018 Unique audience for the top 10 selected news sites in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (in 1,000s) Number of individuals reached digitally by leading newsbrands in Great Britain (UK) from October 2016 to September 2017, by device* (in 1,000s) Share of individuals reading online news sites, newspapers or news magazines in selected European countries in 2017 Share of individuals reading or downloading online news, newspapers or magazines in Great Britain from 2007 to 2018 Ranking of websites and news apps in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by perceived opinion range Unique visitors accessing online newsbrands sites daily in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (visitors in million) Unique visitors accessing online newspaper sites monthly in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 (visitors in million) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to March 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Website visitors to in the United Kingdom (UK) from November 2013 to September 2017 (visitors in 1,000s) Content and native advertising expenditure in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2014 to 2017 (in million GBP) Digital advertising formats ranked by advertising expenditure in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016 and 2017 (in million GBP) Digital newspaper advertising revenue worldwide from 2013 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars) Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2012 to 2019, by platform (in million GBP) Newsbrand advertising revenue in the United Kingdom from 2011 to 2020 (in billion GBP)* Leading social networks used weekly for news in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018* Social media interactions from UK newsbrand articles from May 2017 to April 2018 (in millions)* Distribution of shares via Facebook and Twitter for UK newsbrands in 2018 Share of news consumers who used Facebook for news in European countries in 2016 and 2018* Number of social media interactions driven by UK newsbrands in 2017, by platform (in millions)* Digital news gateways used online in the United Kingdom (UK) as of February 2018 Share of internet users who looked at news websites or apps at least weekly in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2014, 2015 and 2017, by age group* Most important new platforms to news consumers in the United Kingdom (UK) from in 2018, by age group* Which of the following platforms do you use for news nowadays? Have you ever accessed online news or websites about politics or current affairs?* Which is your main way of accessing online news? Distribution of individuals who read newsbrands on smartphones in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by age Distribution of individuals who read newsbrands on PC in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by age and frequency Share of consumers who paid for online news content in selected countries worldwide the last year as of February 2019 Have you paid for online news content, or accessed a paid for online news service in the last year? Penetration of newspaper website and apps usage in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2015 to 2016, by paid and free Share of consumers willing to pay for access to digital newspapers and magazines in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by age* How frequently do you use the internet to consume or access online music and music videos content? How frequently do you use the internet to consume or access online press and news content?* How frequently do you use the internet to consume or access online press and news content? How frequently do you use the internet to consume or access online news content?* Reasons for not paying for online news worldwide as of February 2017 Share of people willing to pay for online news in the Netherlands in 2018, by age group Usage of smartphones for accessing online news in Ireland in 2016, by age Devices used for news consumption in Argentina in 2017 and 2018 Share of individuals reading online newspapers daily in Italy in 2013, by age group
Reasons prospective franchisees would consider franchising in the U.S. as of May 2017 What is the primary reason you are considering franchising? by E. Mazareanu, last edited Nov 24, 2017 This statistic shows the leading reasons prospective franchisees would consider franchising in the U.S. as of May 2017. During the survey, 36 percent of respondents stated they were considering franchising to make supplemental income. users that visit Franchise Direct looking for a franchise opportunity to invest in Number of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants worldwide 2010-2018 Sales per unit of Taco Bell in the U.S. 2006-2017 Number of franchise establishments in the U.S. 2007-2018 Sales per unit of Pizza Hut in the U.S. 2006-2017 Statistics on "Franchising in the U.S." Leading franchises Franchise investment Business output Number of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018**Number of franchise establishments in the U.S. 2007-2018 Number of employees in franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in millions)Number of employees in U.S. franchise establishments 2007-2018 Estimated number of employees of U.S. franchise establishments by business line from 2007 to 2018 (in 1,000)U.S. franchise establishments - employment by business line 2007-2018 Economic output of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Economic output of franchise establishments in the U.S. 2007-2018 Output of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018, by business line (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of franchise establishments in the U.S. by business line 2007-2018 Employment in the retail food franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018Employment in the retail food franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Employment in the personal services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018Employment in the personal services franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Employment in the commercial and residential services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018Employment in the commercial & residential services franchise industry U.S. 2007-2018 Employment in the business services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018Employment in the business services franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Employment in the automotive franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018Employment in the automotive franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Leading U.S.-based franchises in 2017, by global sales (in billion U.S. dollars)Leading franchises in the U.S. by sales 2017 McDonald's franchised restaurant revenue worldwide from 2015 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)Revenue of franchised McDonald's restaurants 2015-2018, by type Number of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants worldwide from 2010 to 2018Number of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants worldwide 2010-2018 Revenue of Burger King worldwide from 2007 to 2018, by segment (in million U.S. dollars)*Revenue of Burger King worldwide 2007-2018, by segment Sales of Subway restaurants in the United States from 2015 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Sales of Subway restaurants in the U.S. 2015-2018 Revenue of Domino's Pizza worldwide by segment from 2013 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)Revenue by segment of Domino's Pizza 2013-2018 Pizza Hut - average sales per unit in the United States from 2006 to 2017 (in thousand U.S. dollars)Sales per unit of Pizza Hut in the U.S. 2006-2017 Revenue of Marriott International worldwide from 1999 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Revenue of Marriott International worldwide 1999-2018 Initial franchise investments for McDonald's in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for McDonald's in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Kentucky Fried Chicken in the United States from 2017 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)Initial franchise investments for Kentucky Fried Chicken in the US 2017-2018 Initial franchise investments for Burger King in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Burger King in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Subway in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Subway in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Domino's Pizza in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Domino's Pizza in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Pizza Hut in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Pizza Hut in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Marriott International in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Marriott International in the US 2016-2018 Initial franchise investments for Wendy's restaurants in the United States from 2017 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)*Initial franchise investments for Wendy's restaurants in the US 2017-2018 Output of the retail food franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of the retail food franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Output of the personal services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of the personal services franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Output of the commercial and residential services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of the commercial & residential services franchise industry U.S. 2007-2018 Output of the business services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of the business services franchise industry in the U.S. 2007-2018 Output of automotive franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)Output of automotive franchise establishments in the U.S. 2007-2018 Financing methods prospective franchisees plan to use in the U.S. 2017 Desired franchise types according to prospective franchisees in the U.S. 2017 Important factors for prospective franchisees when researching franchises U.S. 2017 Amount prospective franchisees plan to spend in the U.S. 2017 Number of franchise stores South Korea 2017, by industry Average sales revenue of franchise stores South Korea 2017, by industry Distribution of the franchise industry in Sweden 2017, by sector Franchisees who would recommend investing in their franchise system in the U.S. 2015 Number of franchisees in Sweden 2002-2017 Franchisee satisfaction with franchise system in the U.S. as of March 2015 Share of franchise industry in Germany in 2015, by sector Investment preparation activities among franchisees in the U.S. 2015 Previous business experience among franchisees in the U.S. as of March 2015 Franchisee claimed unit profitability in the United Kingdom (UK) 1990-2015 Brazil: franchise networks number 2014-2018 Brazil: franchising revenue 2018, by sector Previous industry management experience of franchisees U.S. 2015 Brazil: franchise networks with micro-franchise models 2016-2018 Brazil: franchising revenue growth 2018, by sector Brazil: number of Taco Bell outlets in 2018, by type Franchising in the U.S. Restaurant industry in the U.S. Quick service restaurant brands Franchise Business Economic Outlook August 2017 Franchise Business Economic Outlook for 2018 Franchise Times Top 200 European Franchise Report Pizza Franchise Industry Report 2010 Home Care Franchise Industry Report 2010 The Economic Impact of Franchised Businesses: Volume IV, 2016 Number of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018** Number of employees in franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in millions) Estimated number of employees of U.S. franchise establishments by business line from 2007 to 2018 (in 1,000) Economic output of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Output of franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018, by business line (in billion U.S. dollars) Employment in the retail food franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 Employment in the personal services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 Employment in the commercial and residential services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 Employment in the business services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 Employment in the automotive franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 Leading U.S.-based franchises in 2017, by global sales (in billion U.S. dollars) McDonald's franchised restaurant revenue worldwide from 2015 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars) Number of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants worldwide from 2010 to 2018 Revenue of Burger King worldwide from 2007 to 2018, by segment (in million U.S. dollars)* Sales of Subway restaurants in the United States from 2015 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Revenue of Domino's Pizza worldwide by segment from 2013 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars) Pizza Hut - average sales per unit in the United States from 2006 to 2017 (in thousand U.S. dollars) Revenue of Marriott International worldwide from 1999 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Sales and franchise revenues of The Wendy's Company worldwide from 2009 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Taco Bell - average sales per unit in the United States from 2006 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars) Revenue of Dunkin' Brands worldwide from 2007 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars) Initial franchise investments for McDonald's in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Kentucky Fried Chicken in the United States from 2017 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars) Initial franchise investments for Burger King in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Subway in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Domino's Pizza in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Pizza Hut in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Marriott International in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Wendy's restaurants in the United States from 2017 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Taco Bell in the United States from 2017 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Initial franchise investments for Dunkin' Donuts in the United States from 2016 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars)* Output of the retail food franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Output of the personal services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Output of the commercial and residential services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Output of the business services franchise industry in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) Output of automotive franchise establishments in the United States from 2007 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars) How do you plan to finance your franchise? Interest in franchises of prospective franchisees in the United States in 2017, by type When researching, what is the most important part of the franchise profile to you? How much are you planning to spend to start a franchise? Number of franchise stores in South Korea in 2017, by industry (in 1,000s) Average annual sales revenue of franchise stores in South Korea in 2017, by industry (in million South Korean won) Distribution of the franchise industry in Sweden in 2017, by sector Share of franchisees who would recommend investing in their franchise system in the United States as of March 2015 Number of franchisees in Sweden in selected years from 2002 to 2016 with a forecast for 2017 Overall, how satisfied are you as a franchisee in your system? Investment preparation activities among franchisees in the United States as of March 2015 What was your business experience before first investing in your franchise system? Claimed profitability of franchise units in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1990 to 2015, by profitability Number of franchise networks from 2014 to 2018 in Brazil (in 1,000s) Leading franchising sectors based on revenue in Brazil in 2018 (in billion Brazilian reals) Previous industry management experience of franchisees in the United States as of March 2015* Number of franchise networks with micro-franchise models in Brazil from 2016 to 2018 Leading franchising sectors based on revenue growth in Brazil in 2018 Number of Taco Bell outlets in Brazil in December 2018, by type
'Awhile' versus 'A While' - Commonly Confused Words An Introduction to Punctuation Humanities › English Jane Straus et al., The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation (Wiley, 2014). by Richard Nordquist Richard Nordquist is a freelance writer and former professor of English and Rhetoric who wrote college-level Grammar and Composition textbooks. It's easy to confuse the adverb awhile with the two-word noun phrase a while: the main difference between them is grammatical. The adverb awhile (one word) means for a short time: "Stay awhile." The noun phrase a while (two words) refers to a period of time: "I sat for a while and waited." Also, see the usage notes below. Before removing the radiator cap, wait awhile for the engine to cool. I haven't been to a football game in a long while. "Awhile is an adverb, with the same meaning as the adverbial prepositional phrase for a while: Let's rest awhile; Let's rest for a while. When for a while cannot be substituted for awhile, awhile should be a while: spend a while with me. When for occurs, awhile should not follow; Stay for awhile should be Stay for a while or Stay awhile." (Edward Johnson, The Handbook of Good English. Washington Square Press, 1991) "As a noun, spell it as two words: a while. As an adverb, spell it as one: awhile." (Bryan Garner, Garner's Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2009) (a) "Life's short. If you don't look around once in _____ you might miss it." (Ferris Bueller in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986) (b) Merdine invited me to stay ____ longer, but it was getting late. Answers to Practice Exercises: Awhile and A While a) "Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it." (Ferris Bueller) (b) Merdine invited me to stay awhile longer, but it was getting late. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words What's the Difference Between the Words "Beside" and "Besides" What's the Difference Between the Words "All Ready" and "Already"? What's the Difference Between 'All Together' and 'Altogether'? What's the Difference Between the Words 'Baited' and 'Bated'? What's the Difference Between the Words 'Formally' and 'Formerly'? What's the Difference Between the Adjectives 'Moot' and 'Mute'? Find Out the Difference Between Being 'Uninterested' and 'Disinterested' Which Is Correct--Home in or Hone in? Commonly Confused Adjectives: Anonymous and Unanimous Do the Words 'Oral' and 'Verbal' Mean the Same Thing? Allot, A Lot, and Alot: What's the Difference? How to Differentiate Between Peace and Piece What's the Difference Between the Words 'Explicit' and 'Implicit'? What's the Difference Between the Words 'Sensual' and 'Sensuous'? Do You Literally or Figuratively Mean What You Say? What's the Difference Between a Word's Denotation and Its Connotation?
Presidential Pay and Compensation Important Historical Figures America Moves Westward Crimes & Disasters The Most Important Inventions of the Industrial Revolution by Robert Longley Robert Longley is a U.S. government and history expert with over 30 years of experience in municipal government. He has written for ThoughtCo since 1997. Effective Jan. 1, 2001, the annual salary of the President of the United States was increased to $400,000 per year, including a $50,000 expense allowance, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and a $19,000 entertainment account. The president's salary is set by Congress, and under Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, may not be increased or reduced during his or her current term of office. Chief Executive Salary The increase was approved as part of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act (Public Law 106-58), passed in the closing days of the 106th Congress. "Sec. 644. (a) Increase in Annual Compensation.--Section 102 of title 3, United States Code, is amended by striking '$200,000' and inserting '$400,000'. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take effect at noon on January 20, 2001." Since initially being set at $25,000 in 1789, the president’s base salary has been increased on five occasions as follows: $50,000 on March 3, 1873 $100,000 on January 19, 1949 In his First Inaugural Address on April 30, 1789, President George Washington stated that he would not to accept any salary or other remuneration for serving as president. To accepting his $25,000 salary, Washington stated, “I must decline as inapplicable to myself any share in the personal emoluments which may be indispensably included in a permanent provision for the executive department, and must accordingly pray that the pecuniary estimates for the station in which I am placed may during my continuance in it be limited to such actual expenditures as the public good may be thought to require.” In addition to a basic salary and expense accounts, the president also gets some other benefits. A Full-Time Dedicated Medical Team Since the American Revolution, the official physician to the president, as director of the White House Medical Unit created in 1945, has provided what the White House calls "worldwide emergency action response and comprehensive medical care to the president, the vice president, and their families." Operating from an on-site clinic, the White House Medical Unit also attends to the medical needs of the White House staff and visitors. The official physician to the president oversees a staff of three to five military physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and medics. The official physician and some members of his or her staff remain available to the president at all times, in the White House or during presidential trips. Presidential Retirement and Maintenance Under the Former Presidents Act, each former president is paid a lifetime, taxable pension that is equal to the annual rate of basic pay for the head of an executive federal department—$201,700 in 2015—the same annual salary paid to secretaries of the Cabinet agencies. In May 2015, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), introduced the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act, a bill that would have limited the lifetime pension paid to former presidents at $200,000 and removed the current link between presidential pensions and the salary paid to Cabinet secretaries. In addition, Sen. Chaffetz’s bill would have reduced the presidential pension by $1 for every dollar over $400,000 per year earned by former presidents from all sources. For example, under Chaffetz’s bill, former President Bill Clinton, who made almost $10 million from speaking fees and book royalties in 2014, would get no government pension or allowance at all. The bill was passed by the House on Jan. 11, 2016, and passed in the Senate on June 21, 2016. However, On July 22, 2016, President Obama vetoed the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act, telling Congress the bill “would impose onerous and unreasonable burdens on the offices of former presidents.” Help With Transition to Private Life Each former president and vice president may also take advantage of funds allocated by Congress to help facilitate their transition to private life. These funds are used to provide suitable office space, staff compensation, communications services, and printing and postage associated with the transition. As an example, Congress authorized a total of $1.5 million for the transition expenses of outgoing President George H.W. Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle. The Secret Service provides lifetime protection for former presidents who entered office before Jan. 1, 1997, and for their spouses. Surviving spouses of former presidents receive protection until remarriage. Legislation enacted in 1984 allows former Presidents or their dependents to decline Secret Service protection. Former Presidents and their spouses, widows, and minor children are entitled to treatment in military hospitals. Health care costs are billed to the individual at a rate established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Former Presidents and their dependents may also enroll in private health plans at their own expense. Obama Vetoes Bill Cutting Former Presidents' Pension, Allowances How Much Every U.S. President Was Paid Seven Big Retirement Benefits Available to Former Presidents How to Forcefully Remove a President Without Impeachment The Surprising Salaries of Top U.S. Government Officials What Did George W. Bush Do During His First 30 Days as President? What Responsibilities Does the President of the US Have? How a College Student's C-Grade Paper Changed the Constitution President Obama's Executive Team How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid? History and Events of the Presidential Inauguration What Does the Speaker of the House Do? Vice President of the United States: Duties and Details How Much Do the Members of Michelle Obama's Staff Get Paid? What Is the President's Cabinet? The Mental Health of Presidents Is Important, So Why Don't We Test It?
Industry rallies to raise money for former engineer injured in accident Posted on Feb 20, 2019 by Dorie Cox in Crew News, Editor's Pick | 1 Comment By Dorie Cox UPDATE Feb. 20, 2019 Former yacht Engr. Thomas “Bourke” Cannon is in a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, after the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a car in the Dominican Republic. Cannon, 32, was headed to survey the 178-foot (54m) R/V Pacific Hope when the accident occured on Jan. 26, said long-time colleague and friend Capt. Marvin Wilson. He was there to complete his first marine survey after completing school for in December, according to an online post. After the accident, he was rushed to an emergency room where a CT scan was performed, and he was immediately taken into surgery to alleviate the swelling on his brain, the post stated. The surgery was successful in decreasing the swelling, but the neurosurgeon discovered he also suffered from a fractured skull. This lead the doctors to sedate him for several days to allow his brain to heal. Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Cannon and his wife, Justine, live in Daytona Beach, Florida. Justine and Cannon’s sister-in-law, a nurse, flew to DR to be with him at the hospital. Cannon was later evacuated to a hospital in the United States. Upon his arrival at University of Florida Health, the trauma team discovered he also suffered a fractured spine when he was hit by the car. He underwent an anterior spine surgery on the afternoon of Feb. 2 and a posterior spine surgery on Feb. 6. In late February, Cannon had been discharged from the intensive care unit and was transferred to physical therapy, according to Capt. Wilson. Cannon became a yacht surveyor after about nine years in yachting. He started as a deckhand in his teens with Capt. Wilson and worked his way up to engineer. His work history includes M/Y Africa, the 148-foot (45m) Sunrise Yacht and M/Y Pegasus V, the 258-foot (86m) Royal Denship. Lots of friends and family are praying for his recovery and look forward to seeing him doing what he loves, Capt. Wilson said. “He loves fishing,” Capt. Wilson said. “He holds two world records in billfishing and most recently worked on sportfish boats. Fishing is his passion; engineering is what he does. I can’t wait for him to recover, I’m ready to go fishing with him.” Cannon’s wife posted wishes for continued support on the created by family and friends. “Bourke is the strongest man I know, and I’m lucky that I get to call him my husband,” she wrote. “I don’t know anyone else who could endure the pain of three major surgeries in 11 days and continue to fight every single step of the way.” Nearly 700 people have contributed to help toward expenses at a page online. To see it, search Get Bourke Home. Dorie Cox is editor of The Triton. Comments are welcome below. ORIGINAL POST: Jan. 29 Former yacht Engr. Thomas “Bourke” Cannon is in a hospital in the Dominican Republic after the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a car. Cannon, 32, was headed to survey the 178-foot (54m) R/V Pacific Hope when the accident occured, said long-time colleague and friend Capt. Marvin Wilson. Cannon is under sedation after surgery to reduce swelling on his brain. “The doctors hope to stabilize him to Medevac him home,” Capt. Wilson said by phone. Originally from Savannah, Georgia, Cannon and his wife, Justine, live in Daytona Beach, Florida. Justine and Cannon’s sister-in-law, a nurse, are with him at the hospital. Cannon had recently became a yacht surveyor after about nine years in yachting. He started as a deckhand in his teens with Capt. Wilson and worked his way up to engineer. His work history includes M/Y Africa, the 148-foot (45m) Sunrise Yacht, and M/Y Pegasus V, the 258-foot (86m) Royal Denship. “He loves fishing,” Capt. Wilson said. “He holds two world records in billfishing and most recently worked on sportfish boats. Fishing is his passion; engineering is what he does.” More than 250 people have contributed to help toward expenses at a GoFundMe page online. Crew Compass: by Lauren Loudon It’s hard to pinpoint exactly Read more... Young Professionals in Yachting have put out the call for Read more... Top Shelf: by Chef Tim MacDonald Some 30 years ago, Read more... News in the charter fleet M/Y Tranquility, a 300-foot (91.5m) Read more... Bradford’s Paul Engle retires By Dorie Cox After 26 years at Bradford Marine, former Read more... About Dorie Cox Dorie Cox is editor of The Triton. View all posts by Dorie Cox → One thought on “Industry rallies to raise money for former engineer injured in accident” Justine Cannon Jul 2, 2019 at 11:24 am Bourke and I would like to thank The Triton for sharing his story and recovery. We returned home permanently on Friday, June 28th and he will continue outpatient rehab in Daytona Beach. Bourke has made AMAZING progress and looks forward to return to the marine industry in the future. Please answer the question below to leave a comment. * Time limit is exhausted. Please reload CAPTCHA. × 3 = 6 MPT – Maritime Professional Training Makers Air Brownie’s Yacht Toys
Home / Featured / Another Look at the Earliest Complete List of the Canon of the New Testament Another Look at the Earliest Complete List of the Canon of the New Testament Around 250 A.D., in his typical allegorical fashion, Origen used the story of Joshua to describe what seems to be the complete New Testament canon. Written by Michael Kruger | Sunday, July 24, 2016 In other words, it seems that we have good reasons to think that Origen’s list of NT books in the Homilies on Joshua is authentic. And therefore we have good reason to think that there was a fairly well-established NT canon further back than many have thought. Last year I posted an article entitled “What Is The Earliest Complete List of the Canon of the New Testament?” In that post I argued, contrary to common opinion, that the earliest (nearly complete) list is not Athanasius’ Festal Letter in 367. Instead, the earliest complete list occurs more than a century earlier in the writings of Origen. My blog post was based off a fuller academic piece I wrote for the recent festschrift for Larry Hurtado, Mark Manuscripts and Monotheism (edited by Chris Keith and Dieter Roth; T&T Clark, 2015), entitled, “Origen’s List of New Testament Books in Homiliae on Josuam 7.1: A Fresh Look.” Around 250 A.D., in his typical allegorical fashion, Origen used the story of Joshua to describe what seems to be the complete New Testament canon: But when our Lord Jesus Christ comes, whose arrival that prior son of Nun designated, he sends priests, his apostles, bearing “trumpets hammered thin,” the magnificent and heavenly instruction of proclamation. Matthew first sounded the priestly trumpet in his Gospel; Mark also; Luke and John each played their own priestly trumpets. Even Peter cries out with trumpets in two of his epistles; also James and Jude. In addition, John also sounds the trumpet through his epistles [and Revelation], and Luke, as he describes the Acts of the Apostles. And now that last one comes, the one who said, “I think God displays us apostles last,” and in fourteen of his epistles, thundering with trumpets, he casts down the walls of Jericho and all the devices of idolatry and dogmas of philosophers, all the way to the foundations (Hom. Jos. 7.1). So, why is this list not accepted by modern scholars? Because some have argued that the list has been modified by Rufinus who translated Origen’s sermon on Joshua into Latin. Rufinus, it is argued, changed the list to fit his own view of the New Testament a century later. Does the Entire Biblical Canon Have Seven Sections?
Glenn Beck Podcast May 16, 2019 Sen. Mike Lee was opposed to Trump, now he'll vote for him. Here's why. In this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," Glenn sat down with Utah Sen. Mike Lee (R) to discuss how and why they have both changed their opinions of President Donald Trump since the election in 2016. Glenn noted that Trump has "accomplished some amazing things" during his presidency, in particular his decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem one year ago. "I have been pleasantly surprised at what [Trump] has done," Mike noted. "Now, I don't agree with him on everything ... I disagree with him, for example, on trade policy. But I have great respect for the fact that he came to Washington and actually did what he said he was going to do, more so than any president in modern U.S. history." Mike said that he "fundamentally misunderstood" Trump in 2016. "I didn't really know him at the time. I've gotten to know him since then, and we've actually become friends since then. We talk on a very regular basis," he added. "I'm going to vote for him. I'm going to support him," continued Mike. "I think he has proven that he is willing to drain the swamp, even when it doesn't want to be drained." Watch the video below to catch more of this conversation. Sen. Mike Lee was opposed to Trump, now he'll vote for him. What changed? The full podcast interview with Sen. Mike Lee premiers Saturday, May 18, on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts. Want more from Glenn Beck? Subscribe to Glenn Beck's channel on YouTube for FREE access to more of his masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos. Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have ... › Sen. Mike Lee › Mike Lee uses machine-gun toting Ronald Reagan riding a ... ›
FOR RSS February 01, 2017 Jon Street Majority Muslim country: Trump's travel ban 'not directed at a certain religion President Donald Trump signs three executive actions in the Oval Office on January 28, 2017 in Washington, DC. The actions outline a reorganization of the National Security Council, implement a five year lobbying ban on administration officials and a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying for a foreign country and calls on military leaders to present a report to the president in 30 days that outlines a strategy for defeating ISIS. (Image source: Pete Marovich - Pool/Getty Images) The chief foreign diplomat of the United Arab Emirates, a Middle East country with a majority Muslim population, said President Donald Trump's executive action banning travel to the U.S. from seven other Middle East nations is "not directed at a certain religion." UAE foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan said Wednesday during a joint news conference with Russian foreign minister in Abu Dhabi that Trump's order is "within the American sovereign decision," according to Al Jazeera. The statement came as questions among American lawmakers swirl over whether the order is even constitutional. Attorneys general from an increasing number of states have also announced plans to sue the Trump administration over the travel ban's constitutionality. The White House repeatedly insisted that the order is, in fact, constitutional, and was only intended to protect Americans at home. And now, after a rocky rollout of Friday's order that took immediate effect, the Trump administration has seemingly found a strange bedfellow. “There are attempts to give the impression that this decision is directed against a particular religion, but what proves this talk to be incorrect first is what the U.S. administration itself says…that this decision is not directed at a certain religion," Zayed al-Nahyan said. Trump's order bars travel to the U.S. by people from seven countries in the Middle East — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Some have asked why the ban does not include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Lebanon, the four countries where the 9/11 hijackers came from. The White House said the seven countries were determined based on the Obama administration designating them in 2015 as "areas of concern" because of terrorist activity. Even so, some have raised the question of whether Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates were not included because of the Trump Organization's business interests in those four countries. The Trump Organization has dealings with two companies in Egypt and eight in Saudi Arabia, CNN reported. The president's namesake brand is also developing two golf courses in Dubai, UAE, and it owns luxury real estate in Istanbul, Turkey. Shortly before taking office, Trump signed ownership of his companies over to his two adult children, Donald Trump, Jr., and Eric Trump. (H/T: The Hill)
UK Fellow, History of Art and Music, Anthropology and Geography, elected in 2016 Professor Susanne Küchler FBA About this Fellow The anthropology of material aesthetics, mathematics and memory; The nature of innovation and the cognitive work of images, taking insights from ethnographic research in Oceania to the laboratory context of materials science Website: Professor of Anthropology and Head of Department, University College London About our Fellows British Academy Fellows The British Academy is a fellowship of around 1,400 leading national and international academics elected for their distinction in the humanities and social sciences. Each year, the British Academy elects to its Fellowship up to 52 outstanding UK-based scholars who have achieved academic distinction as reflected in scholarly research activity and publication. British Academy Sections On election, all Fellows are assigned to one of 18 broad disciplinary Sections spanning the humanities and social sciences. Fellows may also become members of an additional Section, according to the range of their scholarly expertise. Other History of Art and Music Fellows Professor Paul Crossley History of medieval architecture with emphasis on central Europe Professor Steven Connor The relations between literature, technology and science and the cultural phenomenology of material life Professor Elizabeth Eva Leach History, theory, and analysis of 13th- and 14th-century music; music and French poetry in the same period; themes of love, violence, gender, and sexuality Professor Patrick Wright 'Heritage' and the power of tradition in British culture since 1890; the cultural dimensions of international relations since 1945; place and belonging in relation to globalisation
The CRPS Puzzle CRPS Blog Events Research CRPS Seattle CRPS Definition Treatment Options About Kevin Caregiver's Corner Caregiver Resources Home CRPS Definition Treatment Options CRPS BlogEventsResearch Dealing with Complex Challenges One Piece at a Time CRPS Seattle Caregivers About Kevin Caregiver's Corner Caregiver Resources Connect What is complex regional pain syndrome? Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic (lasting greater than six months) pain condition that most often affects one limb (arm, leg, hand, or foot) usually after an injury. CRPS is believed to be caused by damage to, or malfunction of, the peripheral and central nervous systems. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord; the peripheral nervous system involves nerve signaling from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. CRPS is characterized by prolonged or excessive pain and changes in skin color, temperature, and/or swelling in the affected area. CRPS is divided into two types: CRPS-I and CRPS-II. Individuals without a confirmed nerve injury are classified as having CRPS-I (previously known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome). CRPS-II (previously known as causalgia) is when there is an associated, confirmed nerve injury. As some research has identified evidence of nerve injury in CRPS-I, it is unclear if this disorders will always be divided into two types. Nonetheless, the treatment is similar. CRPS symptoms vary in severity and duration, although some cases are mild and eventually go away. In more severe cases, individuals may not recover and may have long-term disability. What are the symptoms of CRPS? The key symptom is prolonged severe pain that may be constant. It has been described as “burning,” “pins and needles” sensation, or as if someone were squeezing the affected limb. The pain may spread to the entire arm or leg, even though the injury might have only involved a finger or toe. In rare cases, pain can sometimes even travel to the opposite extremity. There is often increased sensitivity in the affected area, known as allodynia, in which normal contact with the skin is experienced as very painful. People with CRPS also experience changes in skin temperature, skin color, or swelling of the affected limb. This is due to abnormal microcirculation caused by damage to the nerves controlling blood flow and temperature. As a result, an affected arm or leg may feel warmer or cooler compared to the opposite limb. The skin on the affected limb may change color, becoming blotchy, blue, purple, pale, or red. Other common features of CRPS include: changes in skin texture on the affected area; it may appear shiny and thin abnormal sweating pattern in the affected area or surrounding areas changes in nail and hair growth patterns stiffness in affected joints problems coordinating muscle movement, with decreased ability to move the affected body part abnormal movement in the affected limb, most often fixed abnormal posture (called dystonia) but also tremors in or jerking of the limb. What causes CRPS? It is unclear why some individuals develop CRPS while others with similar trauma do not. In more than 90% of cases, the condition is triggered by a clear history of trauma or injury. The most common triggers are fractures, sprains/strains, soft tissue injury (such as burns, cuts, or bruises), limb immobilization (such as being in a cast), surgery, or even minor medical procedures such as needle stick. CRPS represents an abnormal response that magnifies the effects of the injury. Some people respond excessively to a trigger that causes no problem for other people, such as what is observed in people who have food allergies. Peripheral nerve abnormalities found in individuals with CRPS usually involve the small unmyelinated and thinly myelinated sensory nerve fibers (axons) that carry pain messages and signals to blood vessels. (Myelin is a mixture of proteins and fat-like substances that surround and insulate some nerve fibers.) Because small fibers in the nerves communicate with blood vessels, injuries to the fibers may trigger the many different symptoms of CRPS. Molecules secreted from the ends of hyperactive small nerve fibers are thought to contribute to inflammation and blood vessel abnormalities. These peripheral nerve abnormalities in turn trigger damage in the spinal cord and brain. Blood vessels in the affected limb may dilate (open wider) or leak fluid into the surrounding tissue, causing red, swollen skin. The dilation and constriction of small blood vessels is controlled by small nerve fiber axons as well as chemical messengers in the blood. The underlying muscles and deeper tissues can become starved of oxygen and nutrients, which causes muscle and joint pain as well as damage. The blood vessels may over-constrict (clamp down), causing old, white, or bluish skin. CRPS also affects the immune system. High levels of inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) have been found in the tissues of people with CRPS. These contribute to the redness, swelling, and warmth reported by many patients. CRPS is more common in individuals with other inflammatory and autoimmune conditions such as asthma. Limited data suggest that CRPS also may be influenced by genetics. Rare family clusters of CRPS have been reported. Familial CRPS may be more severe with earlier onset, greater dystonia, and more than one limb being affected. Occasionally CRPS develops without any known injury. In these cases, an infection, a blood vessel problem, or entrapment of the nerves may have caused an internal injury. A physician will perform a thorough examination in order to identify a cause. In many cases, CRPS results from a variety of causes. In such instances, treatments are directed at all of the contributing factors. How is CRPS diagnosed? Currently there is no specific test that can confirm CRPS. Its diagnosis is based on a person’s medical history, and signs and symptoms that match the definition. Since other conditions can cause similar symptoms, careful examination is important. As most people improve gradually over time, the diagnosis may be more difficult later in the course of the disorder. Testing also may be used to help rule out other conditions, such as arthritis, Lyme disease, generalized muscle diseases, a clotted vein, or small fiber polyneuropathies, because these require different treatment. The distinguishing feature of CRPS is that of an injury to the affected area. Such individuals should be carefully assessed so that an alternative treatable disorder is not overlooked. Magnetic resonance imaging or triple-phase bone scans may be requested to help confirm a diagnosis. While CRPS is often associated with excess bone resorption, a process in which certain cells break down the bone and release calcium into the blood, this finding may be observed in other illnesses as well. What is the prognosis? The outcome of CRPS is highly variable. Younger persons, children, and teenagers tend to have better outcomes. While older people can have good outcomes, there are some individuals who experience severe pain and disability despite treatment. Anecdotal evidence suggests early treatment, particularly rehabilitation, is helpful in limiting the disorder, a concept that has not yet been proven in clinical studies. More research is needed to understand the causes of CRPS, how it progresses, and the role of early treatment. Find Your Peace Our content is not intended as expert legal or medical advice.
FIRE > Justices > Earl Warren Majority Opinions Authored by Justice Earl Warren BOND et al. v. FLOYD et al., 385 U.S. 116 (1966) The question presented in this case is whether the Georgia House of Representatives may constitutionally exclude appellant Bond, a duly elected Representative, from membership because of his statements, and statements to which he subscribed, criticizing the policy of the Federal Government in Vietnam and the operation of the Selective Service laws. An understanding of the circumstances of the litigation requires a complete presentation of the events and statements which led to this appeal. BRAUNFELD et al. v. BROWN, COMMISSIONER OF POLICE OF PHILADELPHIA, et al., 366 U.S. 599 (1961) 366 U.S. 599 (1961) BRAUNFELD ET AL. v. BROWN, COMMISSIONER OF POLICE OF PHILADELPHIA, ET AL. No. 67. Supreme Court of United States. Argued December 8, 1960. Decided May 29, 1961. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Theodore R. Mann argued the cause for appellants. With him on… Read more GALLAGHER, CHIEF OF POLICE OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, et al. v. CROWN KOSHER SUPER MARKET OF MASSACHUSETTS, INC., et al., 366 U.S. 617 (1961) 366 U.S. 617 (1961) GALLAGHER, CHIEF OF POLICE OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, ET AL. v. CROWN KOSHER SUPER MARKET OF MASSACHUSETTS, INC., ET AL. No. 11. Supreme Court of United States. Argued December 7-8, 1960. Decided May 29, 1961. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS. Joseph H. Elcock, Jr., Assistant… Read more GREENE v. MCELROY et al., 360 U.S. 474 (1959) This case involves the validity of the Government's revocation of security clearance granted to petitioner, an aeronautical engineer employed by a private manufacturer which produced goods for the armed services. Petitioner was discharged from his employment solely as a consequence of the revocation because his access to classified information was required by the nature of his job. After his discharge, petitioner was unable to secure *476 employment as an aeronautical engineer and for all practical purposes that field of endeavor is now closed to him. GREGORY et al. v. CITY OF CHICAGO, 394 U.S. 111 (1969) This is a simple case. Petitioners, accompanied by Chicago police and an assistant city attorney, marched in a peaceful and orderly procession from city hall to the mayor's residence to press their claims for desegregation of the public schools. Having promised to cease singing at 8:30 p. m., the marchers did so. Although petitioners and the other demonstrators continued to march in a completely lawful fashion, the onlookers became unruly as the number of bystanders increased. *112 Chicago police, to prevent what they regarded as an impending civil disorder, demanded that the demonstrators, upon pain of arrest, disperse. When this command was not obeyed, petitioners were arrested for disorderly conduct. MCGOWAN et al. v. MARYLAND, 366 U.S. 420 (1961) The issues in this case concern the constitutional validity of Maryland criminal statutes,[1] commonly known as Sunday Closing Laws or Sunday Blue Laws. These statutes, with exceptions to be noted hereafter, generally proscribe all labor, business and other commercial activities on Sunday. The questions presented are whether the classifications within the statutes bring about a denial of equal protection of the law, whether the laws are so vague as to fail to give reasonable notice of the forbidden conduct and therefore violate due process, and whether the statutes are laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. PENNSYLVANIA v. NELSON, 350 U.S. 497 (1956) The respondent Steve Nelson, an acknowledged member of the Communist Party, was convicted in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, of a violation of the Pennsylvania Sedition Act[1] and sentenced to imprisonment for twenty years and to a fine of $10,000 and to costs of prosecution in the sum of $13,000. The Superior Court affirmed the conviction. 172 Pa. Super. 125, 92 A. 2d 431. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, recognizing but not reaching many alleged serious trial errors and conduct of the trial court infringing upon respondent's right to due process of law,[2] decided *499 the case on the narrow issue of supersession of the state law by the Federal Smith Act.[3] In its opinion, the court stated: "And, while the Pennsylvania statute proscribes sedition against either the Government of the United States or the Government of Pennsylvania, it is only alleged sedition against the United States with which the instant case is concerned. Out of all the voluminous testimony, we have not found, nor has anyone pointed to, a single word indicating a seditious act or even utterance directed against the Government of Pennsylvania."[4] The precise holding of the court, and all that is before us for review, is that the Smith Act of 1940,[5] as amended in 1948,[6] which prohibits the knowing advocacy of the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force and violence, supersedes the enforceability of the Pennsylvania Sedition Act which proscribes the same conduct. PETERS v. HOBBY et al., 349 U.S. 331 (1955) This action was instituted by petitioner in the District Court for the District of Columbia. The principal relief sought is a declaration that petitioner's removal and debarment from federal employment were invalid. Prior to trial, the District Court granted the respondents' motion for judgment on the pleadings. The judgment was affirmed, one judge dissenting, by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, relying on its decision in Bailey v. Richardson, 86 U. S. App. D. C. 248, 182 F. 2d 46, sustained here by an equally divided vote, 341 U. S. 918. We granted certiorari, 348 U. S. 882, because the case appeared to present the same constitutional question left unresolved by this Court's action in Bailey v. Richardson, supra. SWEEZY v. NEW HAMPSHIRE, BY WYMAN, ATTORNEY GENERAL, 354 U.S. 234 (1957) In an investigation conducted by a State Attorney General, acting on behalf of the State Legislature under a broad resolution directing him to determine whether there were "subversive persons" in the State and to recommend further legislation on that subject, appellant answered most questions asked him, including whether he was a Communist; but he refused to answer questions related to (1) the contents of a lecture he had delivered at the State University, and (2) his knowledge of the Progressive Party of the State and its members. He did not plead his privilege against self-incrimination, but based his refusal to answer such questions on the grounds that they were not pertinent to the inquiry and violated his rights under the First Amendment. Persisting in his refusal when haled into a State Court and directed to answer, he was adjudged guilty of contempt. This judgment was affirmed by the State Supreme Court, which construed the term "subversive persons" broadly enough to include persons engaged in conduct only remotely related to actual subversion and done completely apart from any conscious intent to be a part of such activity. It also held that the need of the Legislature to be informed on the subject of self-preservation of government outweighed the deprivation of constitutional rights that occurred in the process. TWO GUYS FROM HARRISON-ALLENTOWN, INC., v. MCGINLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, et al., 366 U.S. 582 (1961) The primary questions presented in this case are whether a Pennsylvania statute enacted in 1959[1] which *584 makes unlawful the Sunday retail sale of certain commodities, imposing a fine of up to one hundred dollars for the first offense, is violative of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection of the laws and religious freedom. UNITED STATES v. BROWN, 381 U.S. 437 (1965) In this case we review for the first time a conviction under § 504 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, which makes it a crime for a member of the Communist Party to serve as an officer or (except in clerical or custodial positions) as an employee of a labor union.[1] Section 504, the purpose of which is to protect *439 the national economy by minimizing the danger of political strikes,[2] was enacted to replace § 9 (h) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended by the Taft-Hartley Act, which conditioned a union's access to the National Labor Relations Board upon the filing of affidavits by all of the union's officers attesting that they were not members of or affiliated with the Communist Party.[3] UNITED STATES v. HARRISS et al., 347 U.S. 612 (1954) The appellees were charged by information with violation of the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act, 60 Stat. 812, 839, 2 U. S. C. §§ 261-270. Relying on its previous *614 decision in National Association of Manufacturers v. McGrath, 103 F. Supp. 510, vacated as moot, 344 U. S. 804, the District Court dismissed the information on the ground that the Act is unconstitutional. 109 F. Supp. 641. The case is here on direct appeal under the Criminal Appeals Act, 18 U. S. C. § 3731. UNITED STATES v. O’BRIEN, 391 U.S. 367 (1968) O’Brien burnt his draft card on the steps of a South Boston courthouse in protest of the Vietnam War and was found in violation of the Universal Military Training and Service Act of 1948. UNITED STATES v. ROBEL, 389 U.S. 258 (1967) This appeal draws into question the constitutionality of § 5 (a) (1) (D) of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950, 64 Stat. 992, 50 U. S. C. § 784 (a) (1) (D),[1]*260 which provides that, when a Communist-action organization[2] is under a final order to register, it shall be unlawful for any member of the organization "to engage in any employment in any defense facility." In Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Board, 367 U. S. 1 (1961), this Court sustained an order of the SACB requiring the Communist Party of the United States to register as a Communist-action organization under the Act. The Board's order became final on October 20, 1961. At that time appellee, a member of the Communist Party, was employed as a machinist at the Seattle, Washington, shipyard of Todd Shipyards Corporation. On August 20, 1962, the Secretary of Defense, acting under authority delegated by § 5 (b) of the Act, designated that shipyard a "defense facility." Appellee's continued employment at the shipyard after that date subjected him to prosecution under § 5 (a) (1) (D), and on May 21, 1963, an indictment was filed charging him with a violation of that section. The indictment alleged in substance that appellee had "unlawfully and willfully engage[d] in employment" at the shipyard with knowledge of the outstanding order against the Party and with knowledge and notice of the shipyard's designation as *261 a defense facility by the Secretary of Defense. The United States District Court for the Western District of Washington granted appellee's motion to dismiss the indictment on October 4, 1965. To overcome what it viewed as a "likely constitutional infirmity" in § 5 (a) (1) (D), the District Court read into that section "the requirements of active membership and specific intent." Because the indictment failed to allege that appellee's Communist Party membership was of that quality, the indictment was dismissed. The Government, unwilling to accept that narrow construction of § 5 (a) (1) (D) and insisting on the broadest possible application of the statute,[3] initially took its appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On the Government's motion, the case was certified here as properly a direct appeal to this Court under 18 U. S. C. § 3731. We noted probable jurisdiction. 384 U. S. 937.[4] We affirm the judgment of the District Court, but on the ground that § 5 (a) (1) (D) is an unconstitutional abridgment of the right of association protected by the First Amendment.[5] WATKINS v. UNITED STATES, 354 U.S. 178 (1957) This is a review by certiorari of a conviction under 2 U. S. C. § 192 for "contempt of Congress." The misdemeanor is alleged to have been committed during a *182 hearing before a congressional investigating committee. It is not the case of a truculent or contumacious witness who refuses to answer all questions or who, by boisterous or discourteous conduct, disturbs the decorum of the committee room. Petitioner was prosecuted for refusing to make certain disclosures which he asserted to be beyond the authority of the committee to demand. The controversy thus rests upon fundamental principles of the power of the Congress and the limitations upon that power. We approach the questions presented with conscious awareness of the far-reaching ramifications that can follow from a decision of this nature. WOOD v. GEORGIA, 370 U.S. 375 (1962) We granted certiorari to consider the scope of the constitutional protection to be enjoyed by persons when the publication of their thoughts and opinions is alleged to be in conflict with the fair administration of justice in state courts. The petitioner, an elected sheriff in Bibb County, Georgia, contends that the Georgia courts, in holding him in contempt of court for expressing his personal ideas on a matter that was presently before the grand jury for its consideration, have abridged his liberty of free speech as protected by the First Amendment and the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution. YELLIN v. UNITED STATES, 374 U.S. 109 (1963) This contempt of Congress case, stemming from investigations conducted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, involves, among others, questions of whether the House Committee on Un-American Activities failed to comply with its rules and whether such a failure excused petitioner's refusal to answer the Committee's questions. ZEMEL v. RUSK, SECRETARY OF STATE, et al., 381 U.S. 1 (1965) The questions for decision are whether the Secretary of State is statutorily authorized to refuse to validate the passports of United States citizens for travel to Cuba, and, if he is, whether the exercise of that authority is constitutionally permissible. We answer both questions in the affirmative. 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Canada Ontario Liberals promise $300-million to support special education Ontario Liberals promise $300-million to support special education Caroline Alphonso Education Reporter Justin Giovannetti Published March 26, 2018 Updated March 26, 2018 Open this photo in gallery Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is pictured at the Ontario Legislature in Toronto on March 19, 2018. Ontario’s Liberal government has promised to spend more than $300-million over three years to improve support for children with special needs, a move that comes in the lead up to a June election. But the announcement on Monday also raised concerns in some quarters that the money will do little to address individual student needs. Premier Kathleen Wynne called the increased funding a significant and permanent investment in the province’s special education system. It will go toward hiring about 2,000 new workers in schools, including psychologists, speech and language pathologists and educational assistants, and eliminating the wait list to have children’s special education needs assessed. One in six children in Ontario needs special support, Ms. Wynne said. “We’re making a major expansion of special education programs and services that ultimately improve the school experience for every child … that means putting more people in the classroom,” she told reporters while speaking at a junior school in Toronto’s east end. The announcement comes just days before the Liberals present their last budget before the election. The province has spent $2.86-billion on special education this year, but leaves it up to school boards to allocate funding to schools or programs based on local needs. Some argue that it would be more effective to allocate money to each child based on their needs. Bruce McIntosh, president of the Ontario Autism Coalition, a parent advocacy group, said he is concerned that the new money will be sent to boards “based on a statistical model” and would do little to meet individual student needs. “I see nothing in this announcement to ensure that children with autism are going to get the best-researched, most-effective teaching … in the classroom. I see a bunch of money being given to school boards,” he said. But Annie Kidder, executive director of People for Education, said the extra resources will be helpful to school boards. In a survey done in 2014, her group found that half of the province’s school principals had asked parents to keep their child at home because they could not accommodate their special education needs. “What’s complex about special education is that money, just money, is not going to be the answer,” Ms. Kidder said. “I hope that by having more staff at the school board level to help co-ordinate this, more staff to help ensure kids are getting off waiting lists, that it will take a little bit of stress off schools and the system in terms of adequate supports for kids.” Many school boards have said that special education needs have outpaced the funding they receive from the province and that they have had to use funds from other grants to fill the gap. Laurie French, president of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, said school districts have been requesting more support and resources, and the increased funding will help address the need. Use of ‘catastrophic’ drug plan surges in Ontario, study says The mounting case for a single public-school system in Ontario Subscriber content Hospital funding to get $822-million boost from Ontario government Follow Caroline Alphonso and Justin Giovannetti on Twitter @calphonso @justincgio We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons or for abuse. For more information on our commenting policies and how our community-based moderation works, please read our Community Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions.
Schools and Businesses Reading Olympics 2019-20 Bulk Audio Books Book Clubs at the Store Hosting and Discounts P.K.'s Picks Mary's Picks Sarah's Picks Kit's Picks Jennifer's Picks Pam's Picks Su's Picks Charlie's Picks Home » All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel (CD-Audio) All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel (CD-Audio) By Anthony Doerr, Zach Appelman (Read by) Not In Stock - Usually Available in 1-5 Days Related Editions Kobo eBook (May 6th, 2014): $12.99 Paperback (April 4th, 2017): $17.00 Hardcover (May 6th, 2014): $28.00 “The French girl cannot see, but she can hear, feel, and explore the world around her like a budding naturalist. The German boy has no parents, but he teaches himself how coils of copper can receive lessons of love and learning. It's World War II, however, and the potential of thousands of children will be unrealized or thwarted. Will a mythical gemstone save them or unite them? Gorgeously written, Doerr's epic tale brings alive the beauty of two souls, their quest for learning, the turbulent times they cannot control, and the rock that mysteriously guides their fate.” — Harriett Logan, Loganberry Books, Shaker Hts, OH Winner of the 2015 Audie Award for Fiction Over two and a half years on the New York Times bestseller list and winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the stunningly beautiful and captivating story about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France during World War II—now available from Encore! Marie-Laure lives in Paris near the Museum of Natural History, where her father works. When she is twelve, the Nazis occupy Paris and father and daughter flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s reclusive great uncle lives in a tall house by the sea. With them they carry what might be the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel. In a mining town in Germany, Werner Pfennig, an orphan, grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find that brings them news and stories from places they have never seen or imagined. Werner becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments and is enlisted to use his talent to track down the resistance. Deftly interweaving the lives of Marie-Laure and Werner, Doerr illuminates the ways, against all odds, people try to be good to one another. Doerr’s “stunning sense of physical detail and gorgeous metaphors” (San Francisco Chronicle) are dazzling. Ten years in the writing, a National Book Award finalist, All the Light We Cannot See is a magnificent, deeply moving novel from a writer “whose sentences never fail to thrill” (Los Angeles Times). Anthony Doerr is the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel All the Light We Cannot See. He is also the author of two story collections Memory Wall and The Shell Collector, the novel About Grace, and the memoir Four Seasons in Rome. He has won four O. Henry Prizes, the Rome Prize, the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Award, the National Magazine Award for fiction, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Story Prize. Doerr lives in Boise, Idaho, with his wife and two sons. Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Publication Date: April 4th, 2017 Fiction / Historical Paperback, Large Print (April 4th, 2017): $17.00 CD-Audio (May 6th, 2014): $39.99 Hardcover, Large Print (July 23rd, 2014): $31.99 Prebound (April 4th, 2017): $29.40 Check out our Wine Bar! Serving great wines from a local winery! We have partnered with to bring you the best audiobook experience, so you can listen to books on the go and support your local independent bookstore! Not sure what to buy? Get a Gift Card. We help you find the books you'll love!!! Towne Book Center 220 Plaza Drive B-3 -- 9:30am - 9:00pm -- -- 10:00am - 6:00pm -- Wine Bar Hours Monday though Saturday --11:00am - 8:30pm-- Copyright © Towne Book Center & Cafe
Roy Moore Issues $95 Million Lawsuit Against Sacha Baron Cohen Over Prank Bailey Steen Sep 12, 2018 12:52PM Roy Moore, the GOP’s former U.S. Senate candidate for Alabama, claims he’s no snowflake. Since 1982, the conservative jurist has often framed himself as a so-called champion against the political correctness culture that’s taken root with social justice warriors throughout the Trump era. “If the judges of Etowah County are personally offended [by my campaign], that is their problem, not mine,” Moore said in The New York Times, back when a complaint was filed against his campaign bid for Alabama’s state court. “The guilty flee when no man pursueth,” a line from Proverbs hailing himself the crusader of liberty, freedom and the all-American way. One of those freedoms includes the freedom of speech, as protected under the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, which seems to be his next legal target. According to a new report from Variety, Moore has officially filed a lawsuit against Hollywood comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, CBS, and Showtime for his July 29th appearance on the program “Who Is America?” seeking over $95 million in damages for “defamation”, “fraud”, and the “intentional infliction of emotional distress” for a TV prank committed against him. Cohen, known for his biting satire and hidden camera stunts, interviewed Moore while playing his series’ main character, Col. Erran Morad, a far-right former military veteran from Israel who frequently changes his army rank during conversations. Moore, previously in the thick of a Senate bid that was plagued by over nine sexual assault allegations, claims he flew to Washington, D.C. on the pretense that he’d be accepting an award for his support of Israel. Instead, Moore was asked to participate in an interview prior to the fictitious ceremony which could possibly be shown in a new episode. The politician agreed to the terms, signed all the appropriate release documents and was soon broadcast being scanned by a fake “pedophile detector”. “If they detect a pedophile, the wand alerts the law enforcement and the schools within a 100-mile radius,” Cohen said, taking out the wand. “It’s very, very simple to use. You just switch it on, and because neither of us is a sex offender, then it makes absolutely nothing.” In the segment, Cohen tests the wand on himself, another man in the room, and Moore. The wand, of course, only beeped heavily whenever placed over Moore’s crotch area. The man grew red-faced and flustered. “I’ve been married for 33 years and never had an accusation of such things,” Moore said before leaving the room furious. “If this is an instrument — and certainly I’m not a pedophile, OK? I don’t know, maybe Israeli technology hasn’t developed properly.” Any reasonable person, regardless of their politics, can see this is a joke that’s perfectly protected by the First Amendment and the legal papers Moore signed. It was the process used in Cohen’s comedy “Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan”, his 2009 spin-off satire “Brüno”, his television series “The Ali-G Show”, and it’s the same now. Moore, however, is not reasonable or humorous. Instead, when the shoe is on the other foot, this particular right-wing SJW has decided to run off crying to big government when the jokes are too distressing, calling for speech to be crushed for disagreement about offensive humor that played off accusations that were already in the media cycle. “This false and fraudulent portrayal and mocking of Judge Moore as a sex offender, on national and international television, which was widely broadcast in this district on national television and worldwide, has severely harmed Judge Moore’s reputation and caused him, Mrs. Moore, and his entire family severe emotional distress, as well as caused and will cause Plaintiffs financial damage,” the lawsuit states, claiming the release was only obtained through the use of fraudulent grounds. Larry Klayman, a conservative lawyer and the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is representing Moore and making sure to protect his client’s multi-million dollar feelings. He issued a statement claiming Moore is “a man of great faith, morality and intellect,” and that he will ensure Cohen’s conduct is inspected by the judiciary and results in compensation. But Cohen is no stranger to litigation. The aforementioned films saw multiple participants, from far-left feminists to anti-muslim rednecks, suing the man for being humiliated on camera by their own words. Those claims also didn’t stick because of the documents drafted Cohen’s companies, particularly in the fine print, providing the comedian a safety net for his antics. Multiple publications, such as The Hollywood Reporter, have shown that the legal framework is within Cohen’s court for victory. If so, Moore will have to live with the plague of a hilarious segment he wanted removed from the public space by virtue of his offended feelings. Pfft, snowflake. Bailey Steen writes about new media, political extremism and world news for TrigTent
Strides Made Toward Early Diagnosing of Pancreatic Cancer A principal finding is that pancreatic tumors grow very slowly, creating an opportunity for detecting and removing the cancers at an early stage. Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the biology of pancreatic tumors, suggesting that there may be ways of identifying the usually fatal cancer at a much earlier and more treatable stage. A principal finding is that pancreatic tumors are not aggressive cancers. To the contrary, they grow slowly, taking an average of 21 years to become fatal. This creates an opportunity for detecting and removing the cancers at an early stage. At present they are diagnosed far too late, when a patient has on average only two more years to live and the cancer has already spread from the pancreas to other tissues. The new advances, reported online Wednesday in Nature, have been made by two cooperating groups, one led by Shinichi Yachida and Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, and the other by Peter Campbell and Andrew Futreal at the Sanger Institute near Cambridge, England. Both teams used a new method for decoding DNA very rapidly. This means that instead of studying one gene at a time, researchers can now afford to look across the whole genome, tracking all the mutations that occur in cancer cells. The Johns Hopkins team was able to identify a long series of mutations that had accumulated in the original tumors of seven patients, as well as in the secondary cancers that had spread from the pancreas to the liver, lung and peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. The mutations were then arranged in a family tree. Since the rate at which DNA-level mutations clock up is well known, the researchers could date the development of the patients’ pancreatic tumors from the length of the branches in the tumor’s family tree, said Bert Vogelstein, a leading cancer researcher and member of the Johns Hopkins team. It turns out that at least 10 years elapse between the first cancerous cell and the emergence within the tumor of the first cell with the ability to spread to other tissues, a process known as metastasis. At least five more years are required for this cell to develop metastatic ability. Both the Johns Hopkins team and the Sanger group are now looking for specific DNA changes that might help diagnose pancreatic tumors. A leading candidate is a gene called KRAS (pronounced kay-rass), which is involved in transmitting messages inside a cell. “Almost all of the pancreatic cancers have mutations in KRAS, so that’s an ideal situation from a screening point of view,” Dr. Vogelstein said. Scientists at the Sanger Institute have analyzed the same tumors as the Johns Hopkins group with a view to reconstructing the biological history of pancreatic tumors. They find that after the initial damage, possibly in the KRAS signaling gene, the natural controls on cell division are lost. “That unleashes a maelstrom of genetic instability,” Dr. Campbell said. The cell divides so many times that it uses up its telomeres, the mechanism at the tip of every chromosome that forces a cell to self-destruct if it divides too many times. A few cells evidently dodge this mechanism and learn how to survive in the tumor environment. These survivors find that it is now in their interest to stabilize their genome and switch on the genes that rebuild the telomeres. The stabilized cancer cells now start to spread but must develop a further set of mutations that help them adapt to the specialized environment of the tumor’s target tissues. “That is in some ways ominous for the treatment of cancer, because all the metastasized tumors are slightly different and would need different treatments,” Dr. Campbell said. There is some chance of picking up the KRAS mutation in stool, which is hard to do at present. “But the techniques are getting better all the time,” Dr. Campbell said.
Smiles Over Sarajevo By Jonathan on September 23, 1997 4:41 AM | No Comments Sarajevo Popmart concert, September 23, 1997 From The Independent (Britain) (U2 held their historic gig in the Bosnian capital and although Bono's voice gave out, Andrew Meuller witnessed a set which lit up the city). There probably hasn't been as strange a cast of characters at a backstage party since the reign of Caligula. It is not often, as you elbow your way to the free drinks after a concert, that you find yourself standing next to the Irish Minister for Defence or tripping over cables trailing behind a CNN crew, or sharing a couch with the Bosnian ambassador to the United Nations. By this point of the night, however, any previous conceptions of what constituted weirdness have been well and truly run through the shredder. We live in an age in which rock n'roll gigs are routinely described as history in the making. These stakes on posterity are at best silly and at worst mendacious, as if a few thousand people standing in a paddock, or a group of middle-aged bores deciding to speak to each other again are events comparable to moon landings. Tonight, its happened for real. As Faris, the drummer with the local support act, Sikter put it: "It's one of the most important things that's ever happened here. The railway has opened today, after four years, just for this. It's like when the Winter Olympics were held here, in 1984. But it's bigger than that, even. Look, my father made me some new shoes, just for tonight." Faris smiles. There's been a lot of that this evening, a night which has been four years in the planning. In 1993, U2 were on the road in Europe when their Zoo TV tour. At a concert in Italy, a film crew from Sarajevo presented themselves. After being granted the interview they'd come for, the crew explained to the band something of what was then being done to their city by the Bosnian Serb Army. U2's response was to suggest that they go and play there. The band were persuaded that, as things stood, that wasn't practical - aside from the fact that such a trip would have induced spectacular apoplexy in U2's insurers, the crowd such a show would have attracted would doubtless have been all too tempting a target for snipers and gunners who had already demonstrated that they considered marketplaces, water queues and funerals to be fair game. The idea was shelved. The compromise arrived at was the satellite link with Sarajevo, which saw part of each night's Zoo TV multi-media overload being devoted to the beseiged city. A young American aid worker called Bill carter, then working in Sarajevo for London-based organisation, The Serious Road Trip, operated a hook-up, enabling various citizens to speak, live, to whichever audience U2 were playing to at the time. Memorably, during a show at Wembley Stadium, one young woman scoffed via satellite that "Nobody cares. You're going to let us die. Why not let them get it over with?" Back in Sarajevo, Bill Carter had been aiming his camera away from the headlines. His acclaimed documentary, `Miss Sarajevo,' recording a beauty contest heald during the war, inspired a song of the same name by Passengers, a group consisting of U2, long-time producer and mentor Brian Eno and, for that one song, Luciano Pavarotti. Bono finally made it to Sarajevo at the end of 1995, three months after NATO's bombers had put an overdue stop to the city's misery. He sang at impromptu sessions in a few bars, put in several hours being deafened by local groups in snad-bagged rehearsal spaces, said he'd be back, and that next time, he'd bring the band. And that he did as part of the current world tour, PopMart. He brought with him the most complicated and expensive live rock show ever assembled. PopMart employs 250 people, costs around #160,000 a day to run, and requires 55 trucks and a Boeing 727 to carry it. When I heard, earlier this year, that U2 were definitely going to play Sarajevo, I assumed they'd be taking the bare minimum equipment. When I heard they intended to take the whole show, I assumed they'd been out in the sun without hats on. In July 1996, I covered the first post-war visit to Sarajevo by a British band. Newcastle punk trio, China Drum travelled a good deal lighter than U2. All their gear, crew and me, just about fit into one van. They did two shows at one small club. The trip was a logistical and administrative nightmare. We were turned over by Croatian customs, run off the road by a deranged woman who then abused us for trying to hurt her baby, pestered by a rogue Bosnian Serb Army checkpoint, menaced with a pistol by a clearly insane Bosnian policeman, refused entry to Slovenia, and if it hadn't been for thebottomless kindness of the Queen's Lancashires British Army regiment, we would probably still be camped in our broken-down truck, somewhere near Vitez, drawing lots to see which of use we ate next. It could be said that Bosnia doesn't really have an infrastructure for dealing with touring rock groups, especially if you were trying to win some sort of award for understatement. "We thought it was going to be difficult," agrees Paul McGuinness, U2's long-sewrving manager, speaking after the show. "But it's been quite straightforward. People have just wanted to help. We've blagged a lot of equipment, forklifts and son on, from the military, and the local crew have been incredibly enthusiastic. There was talk of just doing a scratch show, but we felt it was important that we treat this as another city on the tour, to pay them that respect. To come here and not do the whole show would have been rude." McGuinness cheerfully confirms that U2 will lose a tidy fortune on the gig recognising Sarajevo's post-war poverty, tickets were sold cheaply - by McGuiness's estimation, the last time it cost that little to see U2 was around 1983 - and whatever surplus wa realised from sales of the concert to radio stations around the world wa earmarked for the coffers of the War Child charity. Crucially, tickets were also sold in the Serbian and Croatian areas of Bosnia-Hercegovina, as well as in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade. Sarajevan friends had been telling me all day of their happiness that the night before the show, Sarajevo's bars had been full of people from all over what was once Yugoslavia and there'd been no trouble - although, the next day in town, I see one local knock on a window of a car with Belgrade license plates and scream uncomfortable obscenities at the occupant. Inside the 45,000-capacity Kosevo Stadium, as showtime nears, no such bad vibes are evident. Even the stands containing the khaki ranks of troops serving with the multi-national stabilisation force (SFOR) are getting in on the act - the Spanish contingent have tied their national flag in bandannas around their heads and are crowd surfing among themselves. They also try to institute a Mexican wave among the foreign troops but, in a neat metaphor for the western military presence during Bosnia's war, this collapses amid confused signalling and lack of communication. The first two acts on stage are a local choir and local rock group, Protest, one of the better acts to have emerged from Sarajevo's startingly vibrant wartime rock n'roll scene. Sikter, who follow them, start by tearing up the Bosnian national anthem i the style of Hendrix's `Star Spangled Banner,' - an astute populist touch that properly kickstarts the evening. U2's show is perhaps not everything it could have been, as Bono's voice gives out on him about six songs in and he struggles with high notes after that. It doesn't really matter, of course. What's important tonight is that one of the biggest bands in the world is here, that their set lit up when it was plugged in, and that, with the exception of a few entirely forgiveable yelps of "Viva Sarajevo!," there's no hint of self-congratulation up on the stage. The only moments tailored to the evening are Edge's lovely solo rendering of `Sunday Bloody Sunday,' and the first tentative live performance of `Miss Sarajevo,' for which the band are joined onstage by Brian Eno and on tape by Pavarotti. "We wrote that song for you," laughs Bono, as it closes, "and we can't fucking play it!" This, like everything else, gets a huge and heartfelt roar. There's anothing touching moment as the lights come up. Led by the Spanish, the SFOR troops rise and applaud the crowd, the people of Sarajevo, as they file out of the stadium. The people stop, turn around, and clap back. The Spaniards, who appear to enjoy their work, respond with spirited renditions of `Y'Viva Espana' and `The Macarena.' Copyright © 1997 The Independent. All rights reserved. Luciano Pavarotti, This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on September 23, 1997 4:41 AM. Paul McGuinness on MSN was the previous entry in this blog. Bono In Conversation is the next entry in this blog. " me, that's a reason to go out and play live, that song." - Bono, 1997
Two UCSF Faculty Among 100 Leading Global Thinkers Honored by Foreign Policy Magazine By Nina Bai Two UC San Francisco faculty members – a microbiologist who studies the genesis of asthma and a surgeon who helped lift the ban on organ transplants between HIV-positive donors and recipients – are among this year’s 100 Leading Global Thinkers selected by Foreign Policy magazine. Susan Lynch, PhD Susan Lynch, PhD, associate professor of medicine, along with Christine C. Johnson, PhD, MPH, an epidemiologist at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, were honored for their work investigating the causes of childhood asthma. In a study published this year, they showed that the gut microbes present in some one-month-old infants predict a three-fold higher risk of developing allergic reactions by age two and asthma by age four. Their research could lead to early interventions that re-engineer the gut microbiome to prevent allergies and asthma from developing. Peter Stock, MD, PhD, professor of surgery, was recognized for his successful efforts in lobbying the California government this year to lift a prohibition against HIV-positive individuals donating organs to HIV-positive recipients. The statewide prohibition had remained in place even after a federal prohibition, instituted in 1988, was lifted three years ago. Stock was honored alongside Dorry Segev, MD, PhD, professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins University, who was instrumental in lobbying Congress to lift the federal ban. Peter Stock, MD, PhD The new donation policies could expand the donor pool by 500 to 600 people annually, according to Segev’s research. Although only HIV-positive recipients can receive infected donations, the larger donor pool will reduce waiting times for all patients needing transplants. The eighth annual Foreign Policy special issue celebrating 100 Leading Global Thinkers is based on the theme “The Case for Optimism.” The honorees range from politicians to avant-garde artists, students to billionaire philanthropists. “When we consider as we do each year the work of the world’s leading thinkers, we find that the vast majority of them – in science, technology, business, culture and government – are actually moving us forward and helping to solve the problems of the past,” said David Rothkopf, the magazine’s editor, in a press release.
Bullet Catch – Edinburgh festival review Lyn Gardner @lyngardner Sun 5 Aug 2012 12.52 EDT First published on Sun 5 Aug 2012 12.52 EDT "This isn't magic; it's a conversation," says Rob Drummond in this remarkable, multilayered and utterly gripping show inspired by the infamous bullet-catch trick. It's remarkable for several reasons, not least for the levels of tension it invokes as it heads towards a climax in which Drummond persuades a member of the audience to shoot him. I'm giving nothing away by telling you this is a piece that plays, with swaggering confidence, with the nature of truth and illusion, invoking Harry Houdini and claiming to be inspired by the real-life case of William Henderson – apparently killed while undertaking the trick in 1912 in front of 2,000 people. Was it an accident or did something more sinister take place when a labourer with no history of violence was grabbed from the audience and invited to pull the trigger? It is also remarkable because while it revels in sleight of hand and celebrates the magic of theatre, it is also painfully honest about the choices we make and the way we stare despair in the face while pretending we are OK. This is always far more than Derren Brown with heart. Drummond is both measured and infinitely vulnerable and, in a way that reminds me of theatremaker Tim Crouch, he introduces an element of dangerous uncertainty into the show by inviting a member of the audience to play a major role. "It couldn't have happened any other way," are almost his final words, but Drummond marries form and content to prove that it's a lie. Traverse theatre
The Dire Realities of Being a Trans Woman in a Men's Prison "There are women in the prison system who are being housed as men, assaulted as women, and have little recourse to stop the abuse." Katelyn Burns Bill Gentile Imagine living as a woman for over four decades, getting arrested for a nonviolent drug offense, then getting tossed in a men’s prison. That’s the reality for a trans woman in Massachusetts, named in court docs as Jane Doe, a 52-year-old who transitioned more than 40 years ago and whom the state’s prison system has placed in a male facility. The LGBTQ+ legal organization GLAD filed a motion for a preliminary injunction on February 2 in Jane Doe’s suit against the Massachusetts Department of Correction, an agency that has bizarrely decided to house her in a men’s prison despite her never having been socialized as an adult man. The DOE’s decision has left her subject to harassment and discrimination on a daily basis. The question of where to house trans women inmates has always been one of the most hotly disputed trans issues, and in most cases, trans men and women are potentially subject to a myriad of civil liberty and physical threats no matter where they are placed. One of the byproducts of the discrimination of the trans population is that it makes them more vulnerable to arrest. Trans women are more likely than the general population to be unemployed and live in poverty, both risk factors for engaging in illegal activity. Finding traditional employment can be challenging. As a result, struggling trans women may turn to sex work in desperation to support themselves. Trans women are also frequently targeted by police, who often incorrectly assume they are engaging in sex work simply for appearing to be trans while walking down the street. According to a joint study by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 21% of all trans women have been incarcerated at some point in their lives compared to a 5% incarceration rate among the general population — that stat jumps to an astonishing 47% for black trans women. With such a high likelihood of facing prison time, the issue of where to house trans women is extremely critical. Jane Doe’s lawyer, Jennifer Levi, has been pushing back on the transmisogyny inherent in the prison system. GLAD has filed equal protections and due process claims on Jane Doe’s behalf, but it’s GLAD’s claim under disability laws to prevent the mistreatment of trans prisoners that stands out from the others. For trans people, the major issue with making a legal challenge under the Americans with Disabilities Act is that “transsexualism” is specifically excluded from protections under the law. However, a federal court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania recently ruled in Blatt v Cabelas that the ADA exception for transsexualism could be challenged on constitutional grounds because gender dysphoria is a diagnosed medical condition, recognized by every major medical and psychiatric organization, and has an established treatment. The ADA states that medical conditions must be accommodated, not stigmatized by employers and government agencies. “I think that disability laws create a really helpful framework for understanding how stigma associated with certain medical conditions interferes with people’s ability to be a part of core social institutions,” Levi says. “Gender dysphoria is the quintessentially stigmatized medical condition that results in institutions like prisons ignoring the seriousness the gender discordance that transgender people face. The point of federal disability laws is to ensure that people don’t discriminate because of misunderstandings of their medical conditions, and that’s exactly what’s happening here.” It’s that stigma that leads to the worst abuse for trans women in the corrections system. “They cut all my hair off, and they locked me away in a cell for 90 days by myself because they didn’t want to put me with the men and they couldn’t put me with the women.” In Jane Doe’s complaint against the state of Massachusetts, she alleges a number of different types of abuse, including being groped by male guards during strip searches and being forced to shower with male inmates, who verbally assault her. Additionally, correctional personnel refuse to use her correct name or pronouns. For trans women in prison, it’s often the abuse by the guards that is the most abhorrent, and that abuse doesn’t stop at misgendering or inappropriate strip searches. According to a 2012 Department of Justice survey, 16.7% of trans inmates have experienced sexual misconduct at the hands of a prison staff member. “They couldn’t decide if they [should] put me in with the women or the men, so they put me in a pod called ‘mental health’ where they put transgender [women],” Lesley Webster, a black trans woman from Atlanta, says of her time in a male prison facility. “While I was there, I got disrespected a lot by the police officers because they would call me ‘sir’ instead of ‘miss.’” But it only got worse. She was eventually sent to an all-male probation detention center, where her trans identity meant solitary confinement. “They cut all my hair off, and they locked me away in a cell for 90 days by myself because they didn’t want to put me with the men and they couldn’t put me with the women,” Webster says. Her experience is emblematic of the way trans women experience the same risks as cisgender women who are victims of male violence, but unlike cisgender women, trans women have little to no access to resources and support to protect themselves against the brutality. In prison, Webster sought legal redress of her solitary confinement. But, according to Webster, the guards denied her access to legally required law materials that could help her file a lawsuit to change her treatment. She notes that she did file suit, but her claim was thrown out because she didn’t know the law well enough to form a cogent legal argument. She added that it was apparently only the trans inmates who were denied access to the law library. Trans women who are placed in male prisons often find themselves without a support network, but organizations do exist to offer advocacy to these vulnerable women. The group that helped Webster most directly was the Black and Pink Prison Abolition, a nationwide network of local chapters devoted to providing support for LGBTQ+ inmates. “If it wasn’t for Reed Miller [at Black and Pink], I wouldn’t have made it because I tried hurt myself. I wanted to get myself out of there so badly [that] I tried to kill myself [twice],” Webster says. “I used to call Reed every day and talk to him on the phone and he helped me through the whole experience.” As Webster’s isolating treatment shows, this issue isn’t as simple as separating people by penis and vagina. There are women in the prison system who are being housed as men, assaulted as women, and have little recourse to stop the abuse. Anti-trans activists often cite cis women’s safety when calling for trans women to be housed in male prisons. In fact, a women’s group in the U.K. was caught manipulating data to paint a large percentage of trans women in prison as sexual predators to justify the ongoing systematic abuse of trans inmates. But the reality is that trans women are suffering in prison and the whole system needs major reform. For Webster, any other potential solution would be better than solitary: “I wish they had put me with the females because I get along with women much better. If they’re not putting me with the females, then put me in population in a dorm that’s medical. If it’s a medical dorm, I can deal with those people better because they’re medical. I wouldn’t be subjected to the guys, but I wouldn’t be locked in a cell twenty three hours a day either.” Hopefully, Jane Doe’s lawsuit can be a catalyst for changing the cruel treatment experienced by incarcerated trans women. Katelyn Burns is a freelance journalist and trans woman. Her other work has been featured for The Washington Post, VICE, Elle, Esquire, and Playboy, among others. She lives in Maine with her two young children. Tagsevergreenprisontrans women Layleen Polanco’s Death Proves the Cruelty of Solitary Confinement Josh Manson How A Women's Facility Gave This Trans Prisoner a Future Kate Sosin The Iconic Trans Activist Miss Major Suffered a Stroke, But You Can Help How International Mr. Leather 2019 Is Changing Kink Culture From the Inside James Factora
Generic Providers of Reglan Failed to Warn of Harmful Side Effects Posted on December 5, 2014 by Larry Bodine A 2013 judgment in favor of plaintiffs who were injured by the gastric reflux drug Reglan was recently affirmed in the Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division. The appellate court affirmed the decision of New Jersey’s trial court on November 12, 2014, which had determined the plaintiffs’ state law failure-to-warn claims can proceed against the manufacturers of Reglan and are not preempted by federal law. For more information concerning In re: Reglan Litigation, view the Appellate per curium opinion here. Tardive dyskinesia Reglan, or metoclopramide, has various harmful side effects. It can cause tardive dyskinesia, which is a neurological syndrome characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements. Symptoms include lip smacking, grimacing, tongue protrusion and the puckering or pursing of lips. The plaintiffs, who are suing a wide array of pharmaceutical companies, allege that they sustained these personal injuries as a result of consuming Reglan or generic metoclopramide. The plaintiffs, who are seeking both compensatory and punitive damages for their experiences with Reglan side effects, have filed claims including: Negligent misrepresentation of the risk of physical harm. Defective design. Failure to warn. Breach of express warranties and breach of express and implied warranties. Negligence, negligent misrepresentation, and negligent infliction of emotional distress. Fraud, fraudulent concealment, and constructive fraud. Violation of consumer protection laws. Wrongful death. The New Jersey trial court noted the plaintiffs’ claims tended to revolve more around products liability claims rather than a failure to provide adequate warnings regarding Reglan. The trial court further determined the multiple generic pharmaceutical defendants had not sufficiently shown any reason preventing them from including the additional warnings for their generic metoclopramide tablets. The “Generic Defendants,” as the appellate court referred to them, had a duty under federal law to adopt the changes to the brand name warning labels on the drugs. In affirming the trial court’s reasoning, the appellate court said, [I]f labels belonging to generic manufacturers of tablets did not match the brand-name manufacturers of tablets, then there are [at] least some changes to their labels that federal law would allow, or even require, these defendants to make, and state tort law in this situation does not conflict with federal law. Consequently, . . . to the extent that generic manufacturers of metoclopramide tablets failed to update the labels to be the same as the brand-name label, they are excluded from preemption. The New Jersey appellate court relied heavily on the Hatch-Waxman Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (“FDCA”). The FDCA states that a brand-name manufacturer seeking FDA approval of a new drug must ensure the accuracy and adequacy of the drug’s warnings and label. Beyond this, the FDCA also requires that a manufacturer seeking approval of a generic drug must ensure its warning label is the same as the label for the equivalent brand-name drug. The appellate court stated, “The FDA has interpreted its regulations as imposing upon generic drug manufacturers an ongoing federal duty ‘sameness,’ meaning that their warning labels must always be the same as those of the brand-name drug.” Designed for short-term treatment The FDA first approved metoclopramide in 1980, and the drug was marketed under the name Reglan. Metoclopramide was designed for short-term treatment of gastroesophagel reflux disease and it was available in both tablet and syrup form. Five years after the FDA approved Reglan, generic manufacturers began marketing the drug. Evidence thereafter arose indicating that that long-term users of metoclopramide faced a significant risk of developing tardive dyskinesia, the severe neurological disorder described above. The original Reglan label stated that “therapy longer than 12 weeks has not been evaluated and cannot be recommended.” In 1985, the warnings were changed to say, “tardive dyskinesia may develop in patients treated with metoclopramide.” In 2004, the label was again changed to boldly state that “therapy should not exceed 12 weeks in duration.” In February 2009, the FDA ordered a “black box warning,” its strongest label warning, to be placed on Reglan’s label. The newest label stated “Treatment with metoclopramide for longer than 12 weeks should be avoided,” and that treatment with metoclopramide could cause tardive dyskinesia, “a serious movement disorder that is often irreversible.” Plaintiffs proceed The Reglan plaintiffs will be able to proceed with their claims, now that the Appellate Court has affirmed the trial court’s decision that the Reglan plaintiffs’ claims based on the generic defendants’ failure to update their warnings to conform to changes made by the brand-name drug warnings are not preempted by federal law, The Reglan plaintiffs’ claims have been determined to be grounded in state law and are not based solely upon a federal violation because these claims fall “within a traditional area of state concern and regulation.” Posted in Blog, Product Liability
BoI, AllOn sign N1bn off-grid energy fund Monday, February 11, 2019 4:05 pm Mr Kayode Pitan, Managing Director, Bank of Industry (BoI), and Dr Wiebe Boer, Chief Executive Officer, All On, during the signing of a N1 billion Off-Grid Energy Fund on Monday in Lagos. The Bank of Industry (BOI) and All On on Monday signed a N1 billion partnership agreement to finance the Niger Delta Off-Grid Energy Fund to enhance access to clean, affordable and reliable power solutions. Mr Olukayode Pitan, Managing Director, BoI, during the ceremony in Lagos, said the partnership was a result of the bank’s efforts in exploring strategic partnerships with reputable institutions in developing sustainable solutions to facilitate social and industrial development. Pitan said that the fund would provide local currency debt financing to facilitate the deployment of energy solutions by access-to-energy companies in the Niger Delta at 10 per cent interest rate per annum, with a one-year moratorium, and seven years tenor. “As you know, power is a critical resource towards achieving industrialisation, and is also a major cost driver for SMEs in Nigeria. “We are therefore particularly pleased with this partnership as the deployment of this fund will provide clean energy at affordable interest rate and friendly conditions not only to SMEs, but also to households and communities in the Niger Delta region of the country,” he said. Pitan said that the fund would stimulate the growth and geographic spread of off-grid energy businesses in the Niger Delta to enable households, SMEs and communities have access to clean, affordable and reliable power solutions. “In the Niger Delta, the majority of the population resides in rural areas and only 34 per cent of these have access to reliable grid power. “The result is that SMEs in the region use expensive and inefficient diesel and petrol generators, increasing their operational costs, families cook with firewood or kerosene while children study with flashlights or candles with the attendant negative health and safety concerns. “The provision of clean, affordable, and reliable sources of energy is therefore essential for improved economic activity and livelihoods of the people of the region,” he said. Also, Dr Wiebe Boer, Chief Executive Officer, All On, said that the partnership would encourage off grid energy companies to deploy in the Niger Delta and address the massive access to energy gap in the region. “We are excited to partner with the Bank of Industry on the Niger Delta Off-Grid Energy Fund because of their reputation as Nigeria’s leading Development Finance Institutions and their deep experience as one of the earliest investors in the Nigerian off grid energy sector,” he said. According to him, the company’s activities complement available grid power across Nigeria and help bridge the significant energy gap. Boer said that the fund was provided equally by the two institutions, but would be operated by the Bank of Industry. All On is an independent impact investing company, seeded with funding from Shell, and works with partners to increase access to commercial energy products and services for under-served and un-served off-grid energy markets in Nigeria. The company has a special focus on the Niger Delta, and invests in off-grid energy solutions spanning solar, wind, hydro, biomass and gas technologies deployed by both foreign and local access-to-energy companies.
The Mountaintop The Mountaintop The Mountaintop Check out this story on Published 2:01 p.m. CT June 9, 2015 The Mountaintop(Photo: Provided by The Arts with Passion) In honor of our June Father's Day issue, we asked Pashen Sims, founder of The Arts with Passion, to tell us about their upcoming performance of "The Mountaintop," a play written by Katori Hall. "The Mountaintop" is a fictional play portraying Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the night before his assassination on April 4. 1968. Dr. King was an inspiration and father figure to millions of people worldwide. As a Civil Rights activist and humanitarian who taught us that we could move mountains with words instead of violence, we couldn't think of a more fitting man to honor and recognize this Father's Day. The Arts with Passion, a local performance and production company's mission is to Empower, Educate and Entertain through the wonderful world of "The Arts". Founded in 2014 by Pashen Sims, The Arts with Passion is dedicated to bringing high quality theatrical performances to Northeast Louisiana. By exposing the community to world class productions, The Arts with Passion hopes to create interest in the Arts throughout the community and provide local talent the opportunity to learn, grow, and perform, as well as expose the community to culturally diverse productions that usually are only offered in large cities. The Arts with Passion proudly provides scholarship opportunities to graduating students who have an interest in performing arts and awarded over $500.00 this year to area students. As we approach our second production of 2015, I can't help but reflect on our previous productions and all the fun we've had sharing them with the community. The response has been remarkable and we are so thankful for the opportunities we have been given to share our talents with the community. Our troupe is developing with each performance and we are delighted that as we continue to grow, we will be able to bring more and more quality productions to our area. In July 2014, we presented the groundbreaking 1959 classic drama, "A Raisin in the Sun" written by Lorraine Hansberry. In March 2015, we performed the emotionally packed production, "Fences" by August Wilson, to a record breaking crowd. With that momentum pushing us forward, we are thrilled to announce that on June 13, 2015, we will perform what we feel is one of our best performances to date. "The Mountaintop" written by Katori Hall has been performed on stages all over the world. In fact, Samuel L. Jackson played the leading man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when this production made its Broadway debut in 2011, starring alongside Angela Basset. Since then, "The Mountaintop" has been thrilling audiences with its soul stirring and eye opening message. The play is described by critics as thrilling, breathtaking, heart-stopping and hilarious. It's received rave reviews across the globe and continues to delight audiences nightly. This is a production that will move you, motivate you and one that you will remember for a lifetime. Our exceptional cast has been tirelessly rehearsing for this performance. We vowed to give the most authentic portrayal of Dr. King possible. This captivating production pulls the audience in and we are so excited to share this spiritual, magical, and touching experience with you. "The Mountaintop" is an imaginative portrayal of the last night of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life. It's a re-imagining of the events taking place the night before his assassination on April 4, 1968. Set entirely in room #306 of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, an exhausted Dr. King returns to his hotel room after delivering his famous "I've been to the mountaintop" speech. While in his room he encounters a mysterious and spirited stranger while an epic storm rages outside. The production gives the audience a rare chance to view Dr. King as a regular man; as a husband, a father, a friend. This production gives the audience a touching and personal glimpse into the life of the man who paved the way and believed that there could be better world for us all. I hope that you will make plans to attend this production of "The Mountaintop" on June 13, 2015. The show begins at 6:30pm and will be held in the Monroe Civic Center Arena. You will leave forever changed by this performance and we are honored and humbled to be able to present it to our community. As we celebrate and honor our fathers this Father's Day, The Arts with Passion is privileged to be able to recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. and the legacy he left behind. His courage, determination, vision and genuine love for humanity made him a father figure to millions of people around the world. He is one of the most highly respected leaders in American History. During the Civil Rights movement of the 50's and 60's, Dr. King proved that change can happen, and your voice can be heard without the use of violence. Through his public speeches, public platforms and peaceful protests, Dr. King made enormous strides toward creating equal rights for all Americans. During his 13 years leading the American Civil Rights movement, more progress toward racial equality was achieved than during any other time in history. Dr. King believed in using the power of words over violence. He's known as the greatest non-violent leader in American history. His remarkable and moving speeches motivated millions, and dictated change for a better America. His words removed obstacles and paved the way for historical movements that helped ensure equality for all humans. Dr. King believed that men and women everywhere, regardless of color or creed were all equal members of the human family. On this Father's day, we should take a moment and honor Dr. King's memory. Imagine a world where leaders were able to use words, not violence to resolve conflicts. Where we celebrate our differences and utilize our individual talents to achieve greatness together. Where each American is treated equally and as a part of one human family. Dr. King proved that peace, respect and compassion can lead a movement and instill change. With kindness and respect for each other, no mountain is too high, no obstacle is too large and there's no issue that can't be solved. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was a remarkable man who saw each person as an equal and always acted with kindness and compassion. My wish is that we can all learn from his example and continue his dream of a better world for us all. Happy Father's Day to you all and a special Father's Day wish to the late, great Martin Luther King, Jr.! For more information visit www.theartswithpassion.comTickets available for "The Mountaintop" at Beeing Me (4723 Pecanland Mall Drive, Monroe, La) or can be purchased on line via Eventbrite. Read or Share this story:
Home Prescription Drug Addiction Prescription Drug Treatment & Rehab Alternative Therapies That Are Successful in Treating Prescription Drug Addiction Alternative Therapies That Are Successful in Treating Prescription Drug Addiction Prescription drugs have been used to treat health ailments for decades. Unfortunately, some of the most effective drugs used to remedy such problems are also the most popular among drug abusers. Lifetime rates of prescription drug misuse in the United States reached 52 million people in 2011, per the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs of abuse on the short list include opioid pain relievers, depressants, and stimulants. Opioids are primarily used in the treatment of pain —intermittent pain and chronic pain. Depressants include barbiturates, tranquilizers, and benzodiazepines. Central nervous system stimulants include amphetamines, methylphenidate, and dextroamphetamine. Opioid painkillers The most commonly abused prescription drug is the opioid pain reliever. Opiates are available as pills, lozenges, transdermal patches, and injectable liquids. Those that are most popularly abused include: Opana OxyContin has long been the primary drug of abuse in this category; however, the government has made it harder to attain OxyContin, and other drugs, like Opana, have been abused more frequently. Fentanyl is the easiest to obtain in the topical pain form, and many addicts will actually ingest the interior contents of these patches to get the euphoric high they’re after. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported there were 259 million prescriptions filled for opioid painkillers. Often, those who end up abusing prescription drugs start out with a legitimate script for them. They may have suffered from chronic pain following a work-related injury or temporary pain after surgery when a doctor prescribed opioid painkillers. Many take these drugs believing they could never become dependent on them, having never had any previous issues with substance abuse. NIDA notes 4.8 percent of high school seniors reported past-year use of Vicodin in 2012, but teens aren’t actually the biggest demographic that abuses prescription opioids. Rather, America’s elderly population are misusing and abusing these drugs at a much higher rate. Medscape attests to an 18 percent rate of addiction among chronic pain sufferers aged 65 and older. Opioid addiction alone isn’t particularly complex to treat. The most recommended form of treatment is a maintenance program that entails regulated daily doses of another opioid drug in lieu of the opioid that is being abused. Methadone and buprenorphine have been approved for this kind of treatment. In 2011, 313,460 people sought help for opioid abuse through one of these programs, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports. Both are started at a dose that is aligned with how much and how often the person has been abusing prescription opioid painkillers. Over time, the dose is slowly decreased until the person is either weaned off the medication completely or brought down to the lowest dose indefinitely. Some people prefer this option as it more securely eliminates the risk of relapse, which Everyday Health notes is alarmingly high for opioid addicts at 85 percent even a year after treatment. Withdrawal symptoms range from headaches and diarrhea to more uncomfortable side effects like paranoia and fever-like chills. Treatment drugs can greatly reduce many of these symptoms. As previously note, many opioid misusers started out on the path to addiction with a real medical reason for taking the drug they have been abusing. The biggest concern most of these addicts have is how they’ll deal with pain without the use of these drugs. Fortunately, we’ve come a long way in the world of pain management, and there are many applications that can be used to treat and even altogether eliminate pain and discomfort that have nothing to do with drug therapies. Some addicts who abuse opioids may experience a period of depression following detox that can persist for some time as their brain functions try to get back to normal. Practicing mindfulness approaches may significantly reduce symptoms of depression in many of these recovering addicts. A Reuters report notes that 44 percent of individuals with major depression who practiced mindfulness-based cognitive therapy had a relapse within the following two years, compared to 47 percent who were on antidepressants. While the relapse rates weren’t significantly different between the two groups, this research is promising enough to support the practice of mindfulness for depressive symptoms. Other potential treatment options for recovering opioid addicts include acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga. Muscle relaxers, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates are commonly abused depressant drugs in America. Many view Valium strictly as an anti-anxiety drug, though it is used a tranquilizer to treat seizures and muscle spasms, too. It can produce some pretty strong side effects as a muscle relaxant, and they are even more prominent when the drug is abused. In 2009, 31,763 people were treated in American emergency rooms for health effects stemming from non-medical use or abuse of muscle relaxants, HealthDay reports. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, 20.4 million Americans over the age of 11 have misused benzos at some point in time. Someone may start out using benzos or with a real medical purpose for them and slowly grow dependent over time. Typically used to treat symptoms of anxiety, many who abuse benzos started out using them medically for relief from panic attacks and sleep disorders. There are also those addicts who are poly-drug abusers. Opioids and benzodiazepines are a common cocktail for these substance abusers. Among teenagers who misuse and abuse prescription drugs, seven out of 10 mix opioids with another drug, with 10.3 percent of them combining them with tranquilizers, according to NIDA. Treatment for an addiction to benzodiazepines is similar in nature to treatment for opioid addiction; however, there is no supplementary medication in most cases. Rather, the benzo dose is slowly decreased in an effort to taper the addict off the drug – generally in increments of around 25 percent per quarter of the detox period, per the American Family Physician. Abusers of drugs like Flexeril and Soma follow a similar path in treatment that allows them to detox via tapering under the care of a physician. Given that many abusers of depressant drugs are already sufferers of anxiety and poorly equipped to manage stress, treatment modules that focus on reducing these problems are advisable. Following detox, holistic therapies are a great option for individuals who are looking to manage their anxiety without prescription medications. Yoga and meditation are fantastic practices that recovering addicts can take advantage of during treatment and carry on into their daily lives long after it. According to ABC News, a study among two groups of people suffering from anxiety showed a 27 percent increase in GABA for the group who practiced yoga for one hour compared to those who just spent their time reading. Meditation is another great concept that addicts can take home with them following treatment to combat anxiety. The Huffington Post reported on one study where people with anxiety participated in four separate 20-minute classes to practice meditation, and subsequent anxiety levels decreased by 39 percent. This class of prescription drugs is widely abused across the nation. The most popularly abused are Adderall and Concerta. Monitoring the Future reports 7.4 percent of 12th graders admitted to abuse of Adderall in 2013. Many abusers enjoy the energetic high they get from these drugs. Many will even use them to dampen their appetites for weight loss purposes. These drugs are often abused by young people and seem to be more favorable among males than females. These drugs are used to treat mental health disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Since almost all of the symptoms of ADHD are self-reported, it can be easy to feign their existence just to get a prescription. Mental Health Daily reports more than 8.8 million scripts were filled for Concerta in 2014, along with 12.8 million for generic forms of Adderall IR and almost 8 million for Adderall XR. For the majority of stimulant drug abusers, treatment involves detox, therapy, and aftercare that strengthens resistance to relapse. There are no supplementary medications or maintenance programs for stimulant addictions. Other addicts may benefit more from continued assistance directly from their therapist. Individuals who ended up hooked on stimulant drugs after taking them for an ADHD diagnosis can learn to manage the symptoms of their disorder in other ways. One study touted impressive results on the use of meditation and mindfulness in managing ADHD symptoms. The study found that 78 percent of participants noted a reduction of their symptoms and 30 percent reported a minimum of a 30 percent reduction, per the Huffington Post. Alumni support groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, and contingency management practices are other options that stimulant abusers may find to be helpful for long-term recovery. Finding comprehensive care Treatment for prescription drug addiction takes many forms – both traditional and alternative. It is a common misconception that there are few non-pharmaceutical treatment options available for individuals who are hooked on prescription drugs. Mindfulness practices have been shown to greatly improve the outcome of addiction treatment and aid in preventing relapse. Reuters reported on one study in which 14 percent of addicts in a 12-step program and 17 percent in a traditional treatment group relapsed a year after treatment, compared to only 9 percent who engaged in mindfulness practices. The Recovery Village is fully equipped with expert staff members and state-of-the-art treatment facilities. 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Our sole focus is getting you back to the healthy, sober life you deserve, and we are ready and waiting to answer your questions or concerns 24/7. Speak to an Intake Coordinator now.352.771.2700
Tunisian martyr remembered on streets of Toronto By Stephanie FindlayStaff Reporter Dozens gathered in downtown Toronto Saturday night to remember Mohamed Bouazizi, the young Tunisian street vendor who a year ago set fire to himself, igniting protests in his country and across the world. Ominous developments in the Middle East added urgency to the first anniversary vigil; in Egypt, military rulers are directing a bloody crackdown on street protesters. While the Egyptian prime minister denied the security forces were using violence, video cameras recorded police officers stripping and beating women in Tahrir Square. So far, nine people have died. “They (Canadians) thought that the revolution succeeded and that people will have their own freedom, we want to tell them no,” said Wael Hasan, founder of the Egyptian Canadians for Democracy. “Mubarak is gone, but the same regime is there and is hitting hard on the revolution.” Hasan’s group organized the vigil in Dundas Square, one of many such gatherings across the country and globe to honour Bouazizi, a man many consider a martyr. “We believe the message of young people fighting for justice needs to be brought to Canada as well,” said Arash Azizi, a 24-year-old student. “We see ourselves as part of the struggle in the Middle East,” said Farshad Azadian, co-chair of NDP Youth and a York University student. “Without him (Bouazizi) of course there would be many people still alive now,” said Hasan. “But many millions would be oppressed.”
Why Jian Ghomeshi accuser wants you to know her name By Catherine PorterFeature Writer Mon., April 18, 2016timer6 min. read After Justice William B. Horkins delivered his verdict, pronouncing Jian Ghomeshi not guilty on all counts, Linda Christina Redgrave rushed to the witness assistance room and screamed in rage. She was livid — not that Ghomeshi had been acquitted, but at how the judge had torn into her and the other two witnesses as inconsistent, unreliable and “careless with the truth.” Redgrave had been “exposed” during cross-examination, he said, “as a witness willing to withhold relevant information from the police, from the Crown and from the Court.” “He indirectly called us liars, like ‘You naughty girls, what were you thinking? Go back to your rooms. You wasted our time,’” she said during an interview at a coffee shop recently. “How dare he be so condescending. He could have come to the ‘not guilty’ in a much more respectful way to women. He’s not just talking to us, he’s talking to all survivors of sexual abuse.” It hardened her resolve to campaign to change the legal system for sexual assault victims. To do that, she decided to get the publication ban on her name lifted, which Horkins did in court. “I want other women to do this. I want them to identify with me and know I’m just a normal woman. I’m doing this so other women will be armed doing this,” said Redgrave, a grandmother who looks 15 years younger than her age (she doesn’t want it printed) and de-stressed during the trial in a sauna at her gym. Redgrave was the first complainant to take the stand against the man she’d met while serving canapés at a CBC Christmas party in 2002. She told the court that on their first date, he grabbed her hair and yanked it “really, really hard.” A few weeks later in his home, he grabbed her hair again, punched her in the head several times and pulled her to her knees, she testified. After that, she said she had no contact with him. During cross-examination, Ghomeshi’s lawyer, Marie Henein pointed out inconsistencies in Redgrave’s story that Horkins called “concerning.” After her initial statement to police, she had emailed them to add she’d had hair extensions at the time. On the stand, she said she didn’t. Also, in the media, she had changed her verbs, saying Ghomeshi had “pulled” her to the floor, in two interviews, and “thrown” her, in another. The judge took particular issue with her “demonstrably false memory” that Ghomeshi had been driving a bright yellow “Love Bug” — a car Henein said he bought seven months later. Her evidence fell apart when Henein produced two emails Redgrave had sent Ghomeshi after the alleged attacks — one with a photo of her in a red bikini. Horkins said these emails were not ones Redgrave could “have simply forgotten about.” He classified her behaviour as “odd.” “He called my behaviour odd, but the other two women had similar behaviour. I didn’t know those women,” said Redgrave. “We didn’t behave maybe as a man would have, who doesn’t have a clue about these issues.” She maintains she had only vague memories of them, but didn’t know if she ever sent them because Ghomeshi never responded. If she could do it all over, Redgrave would retain a lawyer before speaking to the media and going to the police. “I had no idea what you say in the media was just as good as a sworn statement in court,” she said. “I didn’t know I had to remember every precise detail and it would be used in court. At that point, I didn’t even know I was heading that direction. I was just telling my story.” Redgrave only reported to police after Toronto police Chief Bill Blair called for witnesses to come forward. She thought her statement would help police with their investigation — she didn’t understand it would be the bulk of their investigation. Each time she phoned them back or emailed with subsequent details, she thought she was giving them more clues to get to the truth. Instead, the way the system works, each additional detail was given to the defence. Much was used to discredit her memory. “Apparently, I was supposed to say it perfectly scripted from the beginning,” she said. “I thought what you say in court, that is your story.” Before every videotaped witness interview, police read from a script warning witnesses that they are under oath. Sex crime officers routinely make it clear that all evidence is shared with the defence, said Toronto police spokesperson Mark Pugash, but that’s not included in the script. On the Toronto police website, “A Guide for Sexual Assault Survivors” explains many parts of the process, but not the importance of a witness statement. Redgrave thinks police should have a written script plus a pamphlet for complainants to read before they make their statements, laying out how the legal system works and the fact that victims have the right to counsel before making their statement, as well as when it comes to their sexual history and third-party records. “The accused like Jian Ghomeshi are read their rights. Victims are not read their rights,” she said. “In a high profile case, they are not giving me my rights. I can’t imagine in smaller (profile) ones.” Like many witnesses, Redgrave believed wrongly the Crown attorney was her lawyer and would defend her. She did later, however, receive free counsel from criminal lawyers Jacob Jesin and Alvin Shidlowski, without whom she said she would not have survived two rigorous days of cross-examination. “Because they are the ones typically in Marie Henein’s shoes, they let me know the methods and tactics she could use,” she said. “The biggest thing they taught me is ‘Listen carefully to the question.’” Starting this spring, sexual assault victims in Toronto, Ottawa and Thunder Bay will be offered up to four hours of legal advice. That’s a start, says Redgrave. Jesin says he worked “100 hours, at least” on her case. In his ruling, Horkins said “navigating this sort of proceeding is really quite simple: “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” The day before Horkins delivered her verdict, Redgrave had already put up a website for victims of sexual assault, Right now, it asks victims for their stories and offers clickable resources. Her plan is to compile a number of detailed briefing notes for complainants, walking them through the processes ahead, should they choose to file a police report. She’s working with a legal writer. “I want to give women knowledge. Now, any layperson going up against a 25-year seasoned lawyer, who stands a chance? It’s uneven. It’s unfair. Maybe it still won’t work out in their favour, but at least they’ll go in there armed and ready,” she says. “The more knowledge we have, the more powerful we’ll be on the stand.” Some responses from experts on Redgrave’s proposal: Det. Ann-Marie Tupling, domestic violence services co-ordinator, Toronto Police Service: “A 101 or pamphlet — maybe that’s something we should put in place. Maybe that’s something we as police need to do better — better inform the public about the process.” Defence lawyer David Butt: “The operating presumption is that a witness is like a computer — press “print,” and they do a data dump of evidence. That’s not how human memory works. Right now, we punish people in the witness box for simply being human. We have to let incremental memory into the courtroom or let the client lawyer up before she gives her statement.” Criminal defence lawyer Jake Jesin, who counselled Redgrave: “What’s not explained to them as well as it could be is the value of ensuring you are articulate, chronological, that you take the time, that you really think about the words you are going to use to describe your recollections because those exact words are going to be parsed by a defence lawyer and you will be asked questions about those exact words.” Marie Corbett, former Superior Court justice and author of January: A woman Judge’s Season of Disillusion: “There’s no question that victims do not have a right to a fair trial. They don’t have any articulated rights. I do agree that complainants should be given legal advice at some point.” Former Crown counsel Daniel Lerner likes the idea of a pamphlet because “anything that educates the public about the criminal justice system is a good thing,” but disagrees with the idea of legal counsel for victims, which might “push witnesses to tailor their statements around perceived defence strategies.” Jian Ghomeshi
Updated Aug. 27, 2017 at 11:50 PM Pink accepts Video Vanguard Award at MTV VMAs Ray Downs Pink, winner of the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, appears backstage during the 34th annual MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum in Inglewood, California on Sunday. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo (L-R) Carey Hart, Willow Sage Hart and Pink arrive for the 34th annual MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum in Inglewood, Calif. Sunday. The singer was awarded the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo Pink arrives for the 34th annual MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum in Inglewood, California on Sunday. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo Aug. 27 (UPI) -- Pink took the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards Sunday night to perform several songs and accept the coveted Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. Pink's performance was a mash-up of several of her most popular songs, including "Get This Party Started," "Raise Your Glass," "So What,""Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" and "Perfect." She also performed "What About Us?" the single from her upcoming album, Beautiful Trauma, scheduled for release in October. The performance was a reminder of why Pink, 37, was given the Video Vanguard award, which was in recognition of her 17-year career, in which she has won three Grammys, two Billboard Music Awards and six MTV Video Music Awards. Previous winners of the award, which was first given in 1984, include Madonna, U2, Beyonce, David Bowie, Kanye West and Rihanna. After the performance, Ellen Degeneres took the stage to present Pink with the award, describing her as "the most incredible performer" and "an awesome human being." Pink then told a story about teaching her daughter about refusing to conform to traditional beauty standards by teaching her about androgynous rock stars. "We don't change. We take the gravel in the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so that they can see more kinds of beauty," Pink said. Pink shares photos of 'tour bus life' with her kids Pink to receive MTV's Video Vanguard Award at VMAs Pink says Christina Aguilera feud is over: 'We've made amends' Moments from Miami Swim week
Nov. 5, 2001 / 5:26 PM Summer of '02 starts to take shape PAT NASON, UPI Hollywood Reporter LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5 (UPI) -- The 2001 holiday movie season just got under way, with the release of the Disney-Pixar animated feature, "Monsters, Inc.," but Hollywood studio executives are already immersed in planning for the summer of '02. Release schedules are always a work in progress, and things could really change between now and next Memorial Day, when the summer season begins, but movie fans appear to be in for a number of big-budget sequels and a bunch of action pictures whose releases had been planned for this year -- only to be put off in reaction to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. According to a report in Daily Variety, studios already plan to release 26 movies next summer -- three more than they had on the tentative schedule this time last year. One reason for the extra titles is that studios bulked up on products early this year, in anticipation of possible strikes by actors and writers. The unions got new contracts without striking, and the studios would up with shelves full of unreleased movies. At the moment, next summer's schedule has at least half a dozen "event" movies -- along the lines of this year's "Pearl Harbor," "Shrek," "Planet of the Apes" and "Jurassic Park III." They include New Line's "Austin Powers in Goldmember," Sony's "Spider-Man," "Men In Black 2," and "Stuart Little 2," Fox's "Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones" and "Minority Report," with Steven Spielberg directing Tom Cruise. Plans call for releasing Arnold Schwarzenegger's action picture, "Collateral Damage," and Nicolas Cage's World War II drama, "Windtalkers" -- both of which were postponed following the terrorist attacks. Another movie that was postponed from a planned 2001 release -- but not because of the terrorist attacks -- is Martin Scorsese's collaboration with Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz for Miramax on "Gangs of New York." There was also supposed to be a movie version of H.G. Wells classic sci-fi tale, "The Time Machine," in theaters this Christmas, but that project was pulled from DreamWorks' schedule and has not been rescheduled. DreamWorks also held Tom Hanks' upcoming movie, "The Road to Perdition," for the 2002 schedule -- most likely for spring, however, not summer. The 2002 schedule features the movie version of the long-running TV cartoon, "Scooby-Doo" -- a blend of live-action and computer animation -- and "Spy Kids 2," the sequel to this year's surprise hit from writer-director Robert Rodriguez. "Insomnia" features Al Pacino and Robin Williams in the story of a police detective who accidentally shoots his partner and is furnished with an alibi -- only to find himself the subject of a blackmail plot. Robert De Niro and Eddie Murphy show up in "Showtime," described as a spoof of the buddy-cop movie genre in which two very different kinds of cops are assigned to work together as stars of a new reality-based TV show. The 2002 schedule also envisions the release of a new Jackie Chan action comedy, "The Tuxedo," and a family picture, "Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron." Matthew McConaughey returns to the screen in a sci-fi tale from Disney, "Reign of Fire" -- the story of a gang of fire-breathing dragons emerges from beneath the earth's surface and seems to be setting fire to everything in sight in an effort to take over the world. Disney also has "Signs" -- M. Night Shyamalan's highly anticipated follow-up to "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable." It stars Mel Gibson in the story of a Philadelphia-area farm family that finds mysterious crop circles in their fields. MGM's "A Guy Thing" stars Jason Lee and Julia Stiles in a comedy about a man who wakes up the morning after his bachelor party in bed with a strange woman -- and figures he must have cheated on his fiancée. Paramount's major release looks like the movie version of "The Sum of All Fears," starring Ben Affleck as Tom Clancy's spy hero turned politician, Jack Ryan. Affleck's good buddy, Matt Damon, is scheduled to hit the screen once more in Universal's remake of the 1988 screen version of Robert Ludlum's novel, "The Bourne Identity." Damon stars as a man who washes ashore with no memory but lots of bullet wounds -- and soon finds himself in a race to regain his memory and escape assassins. Jennifer Lopez is scheduled to show up in 2002 in "Enough," as an abused woman who discovers that her husband is far from the man of her dreams. She tries to get away from him with their daughter, but he pursues her relentlessly -- and she decides the only way out is to kill him. Fresh off his star-making turn in "The Fast and the Furious" this summer, Vin Diesel reunites with "F/F" director Rob Cohen for "XXX," as a charismatic extreme sports competitor who is recruited by the government to break up a Russian crime ring. Most of those titles will play next summer, or close to it. The actual schedule, however, is another matter. As one studio executive told Variety, summer dates are "carved in Jell-O." Some pictures carry enough weight that, once a studio stakes out a given weekend to open them, the others understand perfectly that that weekend is spoken for. "Harry Potter" is a prime example of the 800-pound gorilla staking a claim to prime box-office real estate, and everyone else clearing a wide berth. In most instances, however, release schedules take shape as part of an elaborate ritual that the studios perform -- setting and unsetting dates according to an unwritten code that only the studios and their marketers understand. It closely resembles the games adolescents play in the weeks leading up to the big dance. The most popular kids usually know well in advance who they're going with, while the rest go through the tedious, painstaking process of figuring out how to get hooked up with the best date that's still available -- and avoid the humiliation of playing it wrong. There is one thing all of Hollywood's executives can agree on -- a common goal for the summer of '02. They would love dearly to break the record set this summer, when the U.S. box office took in $2.95 billion.
Today is Thursday, July 19, the 200th day of 2007 with 165 to follow. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Uranus. The evening stars are Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Cancer. They include American firearms inventor Samuel Colt in 1814; French painter Edgar Degas in 1834; accused ax murderer Lizzie Borden in 1860; Dr. Charles H. Mayo, co-founder of the Mayo Clinic, in 1865; author A.J. Cronin in 1896; former Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., in 1922; former CIA agent-turned-author Philip Agee in 1935 (age 72); singer Vikki Carr in 1941 (age 66); former tennis star Ilie Nastase in 1946 (age 61); and actor Anthony Edwards in 1962 (age 45). In 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovered a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles north of Alexandria. The Rosetta Stone, as it was called, held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a long dead written language. In 1848, "bloomers," a radical departure in women's clothing, were introduced to the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y. They were named after Amelia Jenks Bloomer. In 1911, Pennsylvania became the first U.S. state to pass laws censoring movies. In 1918, the end of World War I approached as the German army began retreating across the Marne River in France. In 1946, Marilyn Monroe was given her first screen test at Twentieth Century-Fox Studios. Even without sound, the test was enough to earn Monroe her first contract. In 1969, John Fairfax of Britain arrived at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to become the first person to row across the Atlantic alone. In 1984, U.S. Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, D-N.Y., was chosen as Walter Mondale's vice presidential running mate at the Democratic National Convention. She was the first woman on a major ticket. In 1989, a crippled DC-10 jetliner crash-landed in a cornfield in Sioux City, Iowa. Amazingly, 181 of the 293 people aboard survived. In 1990, baseball record holder Pete Rose was sentenced to five months in prison for tax evasion. In 1991, nine days of combat between Tamil rebels and Sri Lankan soldiers left 78 soldiers and 600 rebels dead in the fiercest fighting since 1983. In 1993, the Pentagon unveiled its "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue" policy toward homosexuals in the U.S. military. In 1994, U.S. President Bill Clinton said he could accept a healthcare compromise that would cover about 95 percent of the population. He previously said he would accept nothing less than universal coverage. In 1996, the Summer Olympics opened in Atlanta with a record 197 nations taking part. In 1997, the IRA declared a cease-fire in its long war to force Britain out of Northern Ireland. Also in 1997, Liberia's first peaceful presidential election following a 7-year civil war was won by Charles Taylor, a rebel leader with a reputation for brutality. In 1999, hot weather settled in over the eastern United States, lasting through the end of the month and causing at least 200 deaths -- 80 in Illinois. In 2003, leading Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada Sadr announced plans in Iraq to form an independent "Islamic army" and denounced the Iraqi governing council as illegitimate. In 2004, Sandy Berger, former national security adviser to former U.S. President Bill Clinton and campaign adviser to Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, admitted taking classified documents from the National Archives but said he did so inadvertently. In 2005, U.S. Appeals Court Judge John Roberts was nominated by U.S. President George Bush to the U.S. Supreme Court, replacing the resigned Sandra Day O'Connor. In 2006, U.S. President Bush issued his first veto of a bill passed by Congress during his presidency when he rejected a measure to end restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research. Also in 2006, as the fighting intensified between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the United States began evacuating some of the approximately 25,000 Americans in Lebanon. The first load of 1,100 left by sea and air for Cyprus with thousands more scheduled the next few days. A thought for the day: Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." A.J. Cronin Charles H. Mayo Geraldine Ferraro Pete Rose Philip Agee
New York Mets legend David Wright bids farewell David Wright played his entire Major League Baseball career with the New York Mets. Photo by Rich Schultz/UPI | License Photo Sept. 30 (UPI) -- New York Mets legend David Wright was showered with a standing ovation as fans watched him take the field for likely his final game as an active player. The 35-year-old infielder donned his iconic No. 5 Mets threads for one final game, a 1-0 Mets win against the Miami Marlins on Saturday at Citi Field in New York City. Wright went 0-for-1 and reached base on a walk, before departing to the dugout. He later returned to the field to speak to the crowd of nearly 44,000. "This is love," Wright told the sold-out stadium, following the extra-innings triumph. "I can't say anything else. This is love." RELATED Astros' Morton to test shoulder vs. Orioles before playoffs Wright made his first game appearance in more than two years on Friday as a pinch hitter. He hit third on Saturday. He teared up on the field when he saw Mets manager Mickey Callaway walking out to substitute him out of the game one final time. "For a split second I looked around the field and I saw the signs and heard the chants," Wright told reporters. "And everything kind of hits you at once." Wright is a seven-time All-Star. He posted a .226 average with seven home runs and 14 RBIs in 37 games during the 2016 season. He has a career average of .296 with 242 home runs. He first joined the Mets as the No. 38 overall pick in the 2001 MLB June Amateur Draft. He made his debut on July 21, 2004. RELATED Buehler's present as Dodgers visit Giants "If you're not a person like David Wright is, you don't get to get honored like this," Callaway said. "These guys are going to play baseball for a small part of their lives, and then they have to be human beings the rest of it. They should all look up to David in that regard." Wright is the Mets' franchise leader in many categories, including hits, at-bats, plate appearances, runs scored, total bases and doubles. He ranks No. 2 all-time in franchise history in home runs, 10 behind Darryl Strawberry. "I've never been one to love the spotlight," Wright said. "I love the playing field and I love being part of a team. But to be singled out tonight was something that was a little, for me at least, uncomfortable. But toward the end of it, I can't tell you how much I loved the fans' reaction. I can't tell you how much I loved the city's reaction. It was truly amazing and I can't thank everybody enough. It hit me right in the heart." RELATED Mets' David Wright gets his final at-bats Saturday vs. Marlins FDNY firefighter Richard Driscoll becomes 200th to die of 9/11-related illness
Feb. 14, 2017 / 10:16 AM James Dolan hopes for man date with Charles Oakley at future New York Knicks game Executive Chairman of The Madison Square Garden Company James L. Dolan answers a question at a press conference when Phil Jackson is introduced as President of Basketball Operations for the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden in New York City on March 18, 2014. Jackson, who won 11 championships as a coach and two more as a player took over a Knicks franchise that last won a title when Jackson played for them in 1973. UPI/John Angelillo | License Photo Former basketball player Charles Oakley stands outside of the NASDAQ where he and other members of the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History and Culture presided over the closing bell ceremony on July 7, 2008 in New York City. (UPI Photo/Monika Graff) | License Photo President Barack Obama awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to basketball legend Michael Jordan, during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, DC, on November 22, 2016. Obama awarded 21 medals to distinguished innovators, entertainers athletes and philanthropists. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo Feb. 14 (UPI) -- 'His Airness' is on line one. Michael Jordan phoned into a meeting Monday between New York Knicks owner James Dolan, Charles Oakley, and NBA commissioner Adam Silver, hoping to mediate a franchise feud spewed and skewed. The result: Dolan appears to have lifted his ban of Oakley, a former Knicks great, from Madison Square Garden. "It is beyond disheartening to see situations involving members of the NBA family like the one that occurred at Madison Square Garden this past week," Silver said in a release. "In an effort to find a path forward, New York Knicks owner Jim Dolan, Charles Oakley, and I met today at the league office, along with Michael Jordan, who participated by phone." RELATED Al Sharpton to picket MSG for Charles Oakley if ban sticks NBA Commissioner Adam Silver issued the following statement today regarding the situation involving Charles Oakley and Madison Square Garden Oakley, 53, averaged 10.4 points and 10 rebounds in a decade playing for the Knicks. He was an All-Star in 1993. He was arrested last Wednesday after being ejected from MSG for allegedly causing a scuffle in the stands. According to reports, he was yelling at Dolan and asked to stop. He was asked to leave when he didn't comply. Recordings of the incident show Oakley shoving an MSG security guard. More videos showed Oakley being forced to the ground in an MSG tunnel by a slew of security guards and other suited men. RELATED LeBron James taunts New York Knicks, Phil Jackson on Instagram "Both Mr. Oakley and Mr. Dolan were apologetic about the incident and subsequent comments, and their negative impact on the Knicks organization and the NBA," Silver said. "Mr. Dolan expressed his hope that Mr. Oakley would return to MSG as his guest in the near future." "I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Dolan, Mr. Oakley and Mr. Jordan to work towards a resolution of this matter." The Oakley-Dolan feud gathered criticism from some of the league's best players, including: LeBron James, Chris Paul, and Dwyane Wade. RELATED Charles Oakley arrested after scuffle, blames New York Knicks owner James Dolan NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley also ripped all parties on TNT's Inside the NBA. EJ, Chuck, Kenny & Shaq react to Adam Silver’s statement regarding Charles Oakley and the Knicks... — NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) February 14, 2017 "I've been in the NBA for 30 years," Barkley said. "This is probably the silliest, most B.S. thing I've ever seen in my 30 years in the NBA. This was a waste of time, waste of energy. It's a bad look for the Knicks. It's a bad look for Charles Oakley. And it's a bad look for the NBA. And I cannot believe we are wasting all of our time on this crap." Rev. Al Sharpton threatened to picket MSG if the ban was not lifted, while Oakley's former teammate and Knicks legend Larry Johnson said he won't go back to MSG until the feud is resolved. The Knicks' next home game comes after the NBA All-Star break when it hosts the Philadelphia 76ers at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at MSG. Larry Johnson
Congressional Series, vol. 12 2 March 1789-20 January 1790 with Supplement 24 October 1775-24 January 1789 Papers of James Madison Early Republic BUY Cloth · 498 pp. · 6.13 × 9.25 · ISBN 9780813908038 · $95.00 · May 1979 The Papers of James Madison project, housed at the University of Virginia, was established in 1956 to publish annotated volumes of the correspondence and writings of James Madison, the Virginia statesman most often remembered for his public service as "Father of the Constitution" and as fourth president of the United States. The published volumes provide accurate texts of Madison's incoming and outgoing correspondence, informative notes on textual and subject matters, and comprehensive indexes. They are incomparably rich sources for students of Madison's life and valuable research tools for those interested in the general history of the period in which Madison lived (1751-1836). The project has collected more than 27,000 copies of documents related to Madison's life, including letters, essays, notes, diaries, account books, ledgers, wills, legal papers, and inventories. The project serves the public by translating into print these decaying and often nearly illegible manuscripts, thereby preserving them for future generations and making them easier to use. The published volumes also make the contents of Madison-related documents—the originals of which are housed in some 250 archives worldwide—easily accessible to libraries and interested individuals anywhere books travel. The Congressional Series (seventeen volumes) is devoted to the years 1751 to 1801, containing the fullest possible record of Madison's contributions to the creation of the federal government, including his service in the Continental Congress, the Virginia General Assembly, the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1788, and the first four Federal Congresses.
Two Steven Seagal accusers detail allegations of rape, sexual assault by actor Led by Lisa Bloom at a Monday press conference in Los Angeles, two women detailed Seagal's history of sexual misconduct. Two Steven Seagal accusers detail allegations of rape, sexual assault by actor Led by Lisa Bloom at a Monday press conference in Los Angeles, two women detailed Seagal's history of sexual misconduct. Check out this story on Maeve McDermott, USATODAY Published 2:11 p.m. ET March 19, 2018 | Updated 3:06 p.m. ET March 21, 2018 In a tweet, Portia de Rossi recounted her audition for a film Steven Seagal also had a part in. The actress says Seagal told her “how important it was to have chemistry off-screen,” and unzipped his pants. USA TODAY Steven Seagal is under investigation by the LAPD for sexual assault and rape.(Photo: Ivan Sekretarev, AP) Led by attorney Lisa Bloom at a press conference in Los Angeles Monday, two women who had previously accused Steven Seagal of rape and sexual assault told their stories about the actor's alleged misconduct. Originally revealed in a January report by The Wrap, actress Regina Simons said she was 18 and an extra on Seagal’s 1994 film On Deadly Ground when he allegedly raped her, while former model Faviola Dadis said she filed a police report about Seagal in the last month, saying he groped her during an audition in 2002. During the press conference, Simons said that Seagal raped her after inviting her to his house, claiming he was throwing a wrap party. She said that he was twice her age at the time, and she had not had a sexual encounter with a man before that experience. “He closed the door and approached me from behind. He started kissing my neck and taking off my clothes. I was in shock,” Simons said. “I was completely caught off guard. Seagal was more than twice my size and twice my age. I was not sexually active, nor had I ever been naked in front of a man before. "There was nothing consensual about this. I couldn't move and I felt as if I was watching my body from above. I felt tears coming down my face," Simons said. "Seagal finally finished, and I dressed as fast as I possibly could. He put his hand on the door and asked me if I needed any money. I said no and ran for the door." More: LAPD opens investigation of Steven Seagal after sexual harassment claims Related: Jenny McCarthy alleges sexual harassment by Steven Seagal Dadis said that Seagal assaulted her when she was 17 during an audition at a hotel. "Steven asked me to take off his clothes, which I did even though I was nervous that there were no other individuals in the room with him," Dadis described. "Steven approached me and said he would like to act out a romantic scene. ... I felt uncomfortable because I was in my bikini and I shyly expressed this, except instead of respecting my boundaries, Steven slipped his hand under my bikini top and began pinching my nipples and simultaneously slid his hand over my vaginal area." "I quickly yelled that this audition is over, and I began gathering my things," she continued. "Steven sat there calmly as if nothing had happened, while I was noticeably upset and terrified by the experience. Steven's security guard stood blocking the doorway and only moved when Steven motioned for him to do so. I left feeling horrified and totally violated." The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to USA TODAY in January that Seagal is being investigated following Simons' and Dadis' allegations of rape and assault. Seagal’s attorney, Anthony Falangetti, denied the allegations in a statement to USA TODAY, saying Seagal has not engaged in any such misconduct. "The allegations that have been made against Mr. Seagal are false and have no substantive material support," the statement reads. "The accounts of both women are completely fictitious and totally made up. The allegations are a disservice to women who are victimized because of real predators in the film industry." Multiple other women including Jenny McCarthy and Portia de Rossi have come forward with stories of how Seagal harassed them. McCarthy claims the actor and producer pressed her to undress during a 1995 audition for Under Siege 2, telling her, "You know, this part has nudity in it, and I can't really tell what your body looks like in that dress you're wearing.'" She refused and walked out of the audition, with Seagal threatening her not to tell anyone "or else." De Rossi said Seagal unzipped his pants during a private office audition; actress Julianna Margulies detailed a similar incident with Seagal when she was 23. "He told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his leather pants," de Rossi wrote on Twitter. "I ran out and called my agent." Hollywood men accused of sexual misconduct Recent allegations that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted and harassed women for years have come to light, ushering in a cataclysmic career downfall for him and many more. See the following cultural power players who have been accused of improper behavior. John Carucci, AP Morgan Freeman, 80, an Oscar-winning actor was accused of sexual harassment, unwanted touching and other inappropriate behavior by eight people, according to a CNN investigation published May 24, 2018. The report details an alleged pattern of making unwanted advances on women while he was on movie sets and at other events. Freeman denied the accusations. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP R. Kelly, 51, a singer, has been accused of sexual abuse, sexual coercion and physical violence by multiple accusers, who have come forward in the past year, alleging that the singer committed acts of sexual coercion and physical abuse. A 2017 Buzzfeed story reported that Kelly rented homes in Atlanta and Chicago for groups of women who allegedly perform sexual favors for him. He has denied the allegations. FREDERIC J. BROWN, AFP/Getty Images Luc Besson, 59, a French film director, was accused of rape by an unnamed 27-year-old woman who alleges Besson put something in her tea that left her unconscious, according to a report from The Associated Press on May 19, 2018. She accuses him of touching and penetrating her without her consent at the Hôtel Bristol in Paris. Authorities are investigating the complaint. Besson has denied the allegations. Andy Wong, AP Junot Díaz, 49, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was accused of accused of sexual harassment and bullying by female authors including Zinzi Clemmons, Carmen Maria Machado and Monica Byrne on Twitter on May 4, 2018. Clemmons tweeted that when she was a graduate student, she invited Díaz to speak to a workshop, claiming Díaz used it as an opportunity “to corner and forcibly kiss me.” Tsar Fedorsky/AP Nev Schulman, 33, the co-host of MTV's "Catfish" was accused of sexual misconduct by show alum Ayissha Morgan, who alleged in a video posted to YouTube on May 12, 2018, that Schulman made several inappropriate sexual comments to her. MTV suspended the show in order to conduct an investigation, according to an emailed statement from the network to USA TODAY on May 17. Schulman denied the allegations. Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP Boyd Tinsley, 54, Dave Matthews Band's former violinist, was accused of sexual misconduct by James Frost-Winn, a Seattle-based trumpet player who worked for Tinsley as a member of the band Crystal Garden from about 2015 through 2016, according to a report from online entertainment magazine "Consequence of Sound" on May 17, 2018. Frost-Winn is seeking $9 million in damages against Tinsley, claiming he created a “hostile work environment” by making unwanted advancements and sending explicit texts. DMB denied previously knowing about the allegations. Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Safilo Ben Affleck issued an apology on Oct. 11, a day after Hilarie Burton said he groped her during a 2003 appearance on 'Total Request Live.' Affleck tweeted, “I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.” Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys says he's shocked and saddened by accusations from a singer who said he raped her about 15 years ago. Melissa Schuman, of the girl group Dream, wrote in a blog post Carter that forced her to engage in a sexual act against her will. Amy Harris, Invision/AP After years of denying what he called rumors, Louis C.K. finally admitted that he exposed himself, masturbated and masturbated in front of women on multiple occasions. Rich Fury, Getty Images Actor and comedian Andy Dick has been fired from his role in the film 'Raising Buchanan' after he was accused of "groping people’s genitals, unwanted kissing/licking and sexual propositions of at least four members of the production on the set," according to 'The Hollywood Reporter.' Dick denied groping claims, but admitted to licking and propositioning people. Kevork Djansezian, Getty Images A writer who worked for actor and political activist Richard Dreyfuss said he sexually harassed her for years and exposed himself to her in a studio lot trailer when she worked for him in the '80s. Jessica Teich told the 'New York Magazine' that the actor made continual, overt and lewd comments and invitations after they met at a theater where she worked and Dreyfuss appeared. Dreyfuss denied the actor ever exposed himself to Teich but acknowledged to other encounters he now realizes were inappropriate. Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP Producer and writer Gary Goddard denies accusations from 'ER's Anthony Edwards of molesting him as a child and raping his best friend. Edwards says the abuse went on for years. Goddard denied the allegations in a statement. Bob Chamberlin, LA Times via Getty Images David Guillod, a manager, producer and Co-CEO of Primary Wave Entertainment, was accused by actress Jessica Barth of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 2012 when he was working as her manager. Guillod's attorney said the charges were fully investigated at the time, though he has taken a leave of absence. Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images Anna Graham Hunter alleges that Oscar-winning actor Dustin Hoffman groped her and talked about sex in front of her while she was a 17-year-old intern on the set of his 1985 TV-movie adaptation of 'Death of a Salesman.' Hoffman apologized in a statement to the 'Associated Press,' saying, “I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable situation… It is not reflective of who I am.” The following day, a second accuser, Wendy Riss Gatsiounis told 'Variety' the actor made verbal advances and tried to convince her to go to a hotel. Jordan Strauss, Invision/AP Ethan Kath (Claudio Palmieri), 34, a songwriter and producer of Canadian music group Crystal Castles, is accused of rape by former bandmate Alice Glass, in a letter posted on her website. His response: "I am outraged and hurt by the recent statements made by Alice about me and our prior relationship,” the statement reads. “Fortunately, there are many witnesses who can and will confirm that I was never abusive to Alice.” C Flanigan, FilmMagic Andrew Kreisberg, 46, executive producer of CW superhero series Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, was fired by Warner Bros., USA TODAY confirmed Nov. 29. Variety published a story in which 15 women and four men alleged sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images John Lasseter, the chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, will take a six-month leave of absence following what he called "missteps" in a memo obtained by USA TODAY on Nov. 21. The news broke as The Hollywood Reporter was compiling a report into alleged sexual misconduct. No accuser agreed to be named. Neilson Barnard, Getty Images Jennifer Lopez' longtime manager Benny Medina is accused of attempted rape by Jason Dottley in an interview published by The Advocate on Nov. 10. A statement from Medina's lawyers Howard Weitzman and Shawn Holley to USA TODAY said Medina "categorically denies the allegation of attempted rape. Johnny Nunez, WireImage Girls' writer Murray Miller is accused of sexually assaulting actress Aurora Perrineau in 2012 when she was 17. Miller denies the accusation. He's seen here with Audrey Gelman, left, and Girls star Lena Dunham, in this 2012 file photo. Benjamin Lozovsky/BFA/REX/Shutterstock, Benjamin Lozovsky/BFA/REX/Shutterstock Jeremy Piven faces accusations from several women of sexual misconduct. Although he has denied the allegations, has CBS pulled the plug on freshman series Wisdom of the Crowd, deciding against picking up the back nine episodes of the drama's first season. Evan Agostini, Invision/AP Hollywood's widening sexual harassment crisis ensnared another prominent film director when six women, Including actress Olivia Munn, accused Ratner of harassment or misconduct in a Los Angeles Times report, on Nov. 1. He is no longer working on any Warner Bros. projects. Willy Sanjuan, Invision/AP Twiggy Ramirez (Jeordie White) the former bassist and guitarist of the band Marilyn Manson, was accused of rape Oct. 20 by Jack Off Jill singer Jessicka Addams, who shared in a Facebook post that White physically and sexually assaulted her while they were dating. On Oct. 24, Marilyn Manson announced on his Twitter account, he parted with Jeordie White as a member of Marilyn Manson. Amy Harris, Invision/AP Chris Savino, 46, an animator and writer best known for creating The Loud House, was fired from Nickelodeon after multiple women lodged complaints against him. He's seen here with Producer Karen Malach, left, and writer Karla Sakas Shropshire during "The Loud House" event presented by Nickelodeon during Day Two of aTVfest in this 2016 file photo. Vivien Killilea, Getty Images for SCAD Mark Schwahn a screenwriter best known for creating the popular TV series One Tree Hill, was accused of "traumatizing" sexual harassment by 18 cast and crew members of the show, including Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton, in a letter published in Variety on Nov. 13. Neilson Barnard, Getty Images Actress Portia de Rossi claims, in a Nov. 8 tweet, that actor/producer Steven Seagal, during a private office audition, explained the importance of chemistry off-screen as he sat her down and unzipped his leather pants. The actress says she escaped and called her agent following the incident. Ivan Sekretarev, AP Music mogul Russell Simmons is accused of assault by Keri Claussen Khalighi, an aspiring model who was 17 when she says Simmons assaulted her and coerced her into perform oral sex while Brett Ratner was present, according to a report from The Los Angeles Times on Nov. 19. Simmons denied the allegations. However on Nov. 30, he announced he's stepping down from all of his companies and foundations. Tibrina Hobson, AFP/Getty Images An 11-year-old actress on the set of crime thriller Born Killers (shot as Piggy Banks) in 2003, according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter published Nov. 13, alleges that Tom Sizemore touched her genitals during a photo shoot for the film. His agent Stephen Rice, told the industry trade paper, "Our position is 'no comment.'" John Carucci, AP Actor Anthony Rapp, claims he was 14 when Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey made advances towards him in 1986. Spacey apologized to Rapp via Twitter on Oct. 30, blaming drunken behavior and coming out at as gay as well. The latter mention drew huge criticism as a lame shield. Since the Rapp report, several other accusers have come forward against Spacey, including a former House of Cards crew member, filmmaker Tony Montana and actor Rob Cavazos. Angela Weiss, AFP/Getty Images In the 1980s a police report details an 16-year-old girl consented to having sex with Sylvester Stallone in Las Vegas. However she felt intimidated into having group sex with him and his bodyguard. Stallone's rep says " “This is a ridiculous, categorically false story." Ian Gavan, Getty Images 'Star Trek' original cast member George Takei denies the claim of former model Scott R. Brunton alleging Takei groped him in the actor's Los Angeles condominium in 1981. USA TODAY Jeffrey Tambor, 73, an actor best known for his role as a trans woman on Transparent, was accused of engaging in inappropriate behavior by his former assistant, a transgender woman named Van Barnes, according to aDeadline report on Nov. 8. Tambor rejected the claims, calling Barnes' allegations “baseless.” Tambor was also accused of sexual misconduct by Transparent star Trace Lysette in a Nov. 16 report from The Hollywood Reporter. He has since decided not to return to the show. John Lamparski, WireImage The accusations of sexual misconduct are numbered in the hundreds against screenwriter and director James Toback (The Pick-up Artist, Two Girls and a Guy) according to reports from the Los Angeles Times on Oct. 27. The Times says 31 of the women spoke on the record about their encounters with Toback, which go back decades, and more than 270 have contacted journalist Glenn Whipp with similar claims. Julianne Moore accused Toback via Twitter on Oct. 24 of luring aspiring actresses to his hotel room for an audition, adding it happened to her in the 1980s. Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair joined the accusers list. Tiziana Fabi, AFP/Getty Images Bob Weinstein claimed he had no knowledge of the extent of his brother Harvey Weinstein's sexual misdeeds. However, he has an accuser as well. TV producer Amanda Segel says Bob Weinstein sexually harassed her. According to a story published Oct. 17 by Variety, Weinstein invited her to dinner, to his home and to a hotel room during a three-month period in the summer of 2016. Chris Pizello, AP Executive producer Matthew Weiner known for creating AMC's Mad Men was accused of sexual harassment by Mad Men staff writer Kater Gordon. Allegedly Weiner told her late one night she ''owed it to him to let him see her naked." She says she didn’t report the comment officially because she was afraid of losing her job. A year after the incident, Gordon was let go from Mad Men. Weiner doesn't remember making the comment. Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images Ed Westwick known for his role on Gossip Girl is accused of sexual misconduct by two women. Actress Kristina Cohen accused Westwick in a Facebook post Nov. 6, of raping her at his house three years ago and filed a Hollywood police on Nov. 7. Westwick denied the allegations, tweeting on Nov. 7, "I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape." Rachel Eck accused him of groping her and unwanted advances in a Buzzfeed report on Nov. 14. Jeff Spicer, Getty Images Garrison Keillor, author and retired star of 'A Prairie Home Companion,' says he has been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of improper behavior. Leila Navidi, AP NBC fired Matt Lauer, longtime anchor of the 'Today 'show, on Nov. 28 following allegations of sexual misconduct with a colleague. After Lauer's dismissal, more allegations have surfaced. Lauer has admitted that there's enough truth in the allegations to make him feel embarrassed. 'To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry," he said in a statement. Lauer had been a part of the 'Today' team for more than 20 years. Zach Pagano, NBC Read or Share this story:
Film and Play Reviews 2011 TIFF Countdown: ADM ADM: Venice Splendid Cronenberg VFF: Dangerous Method ADM sets love affair To Public Acclaim You and I make four Hatred and Forgiveness An Interpretive Reading Where I said Viggo Purgatorio Review Trio Shines In 'ADM' Venice Film Festival 2011: A Dangerous Method By Damon Wise © Hanway/Lago. David Cronenberg, like John Waters, is a once-pioneering director whose taste, style and ideas have been co-opted so much by the mainstream you can see his influence everywhere - and yet, like Waters, he can rarely get the budgets he needs to make the films he should be making. I recall being on the set of Spider (2002), which was being filmed on an allotment just outside London, on the day that a significant chunk of the modest $8 million budget was suddenly withdrawn. Now, clearly that money was replaced because filming continued, but there was a very real possibility that the plug would be pulled. That was an eye-opener for me. Cronenberg was calm considering the circumstances, but I couldn't believe that the director of Videodrome, The Fly and Dead Ringers was in this situation. Since then, Cronenberg has proven himself as a mainstream contender again with two successful, accessible thrillers - A History Of Violence and Eastern Promises - but both, to a degree, have been slight compromises. Of the two, I much prefer A History Of Violence, since although, outwardly, it is a pulpy, violent B-movie, under the skin it is about one of Cronenberg's key obsessions: change in the human mind and body. In that movie, violence itself is a virulent infection, like the parasites in Shivers, or the TV signal in Videodrome, and once exposed to it, no one is safe. Coming in the wake of A History Of Violence and Eastern Promises, A Dangerous Method will definitely be seen as a throwback and one of David Cronenberg's more divisive films. For a start, it's period. Secondly, it's a kind of chamber piece. And third, it's based on a stage play, which makes it an instant companion piece with 1993's underrated M Butterfly. It begins in the early 20th century, with hysterical patient Sabina S (Keira Knightley) being driven to a sanatorium in Venice [sic]. There she is put under the care of Dr Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender), a leading proponent, after Dr Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen), of psychoanalysis, aka "the talking cure". Jung breaks through Sabina's screaming fits and outbursts to get to the root of her neuroses: she is a sexual masochist, the victim of bizarre abuse by her domineering father. At this point, Jung is happily following the party line, seeing Freud as a father figure. But when Otto Gross (Vincent Cassel), a psychotherapist who has somewhat fallen off the wagon so to speak, is placed in his care, Jung begins to wonder. Is sex really the root of everything, as Freud maintains without debate? And what is normality? Should the human mind do what it wants, what others want, or what it is capable of? Gross thinks the latter, and his chilling but logical amorality turns Jung's head. Before long, Jung and Sabina - who has worked her way up to be his assistant - are having a reckless affair, one that will drive a permanent wedge between himself and his mentor. Now, the people that don't like this movie will be two camps: people who will be, er, overwhelmed by Keira Knightley's alarmingly physical performance and people who have not been following Cronenberg's entire career. To address the former, it's not that Knightley is so powerful, rather that she is extreme from the very offset. Gurning, screaming and doubled up in all sorts of bony contortions, Sabina is like a wild animal, and though she mellows, this really throws us in at the deep end. I'm not sure having such a recognisable actress in this role was the very best idea (such is the reality of modern film financing), but Knightley gives it her best shot, and if you can see past the surface trimmings, she does a pretty good job once the hysteria subsides. And as for the latter point, this really is a very pure Cronenberg movie. Imagine Videodrome with no special effects and you're halfway there. Carl Jung is like a man who's just dropped acid - in this case, the acid is Otto Gross's reasoned provocations - and the bulk of the film is him letting the drug take hold, coursing through his body and brain. Fassbender is very good as Jung, cementing his reputation as a major new talent; Cassel steals all his scenes as the psychotic Gross; and the only disappointment is Viggo Mortensen - not because he's bad but because the part is so small, coming in like the Young Mr Grace of psychoanalysis to tell everyone they've all been doing very well. The film's stage roots and budgetary constraints show, especially in a trip to New York, and the ensuing professional gulf between Jung and Freud is not really explored. But Cronenberg completists will enjoy the film's perversity, its richness of ideas and defiantly uncommercial outlook. And it will certainly tide them over until Cosmopolis. Last edited: 9 December 2011 14:49:20 © Bauer Consumer Media.
SB Faculty Srinidhi Anantharamiah, PhD SRINIDHI (SHREE) ANANTHARAMIAH B.S. (1989), Business Economics, Rutgers University, M.A. (1991), Economics, New Mexico State University, 1991 Ph.D. (1997), Economics, Utah State University, 1997 Dr. Srinidhi Anantharamiah, or Shree, as he likes to be called, was born in Mumbai (Bombay), India and came to the USA when he was about five. He grew up in Ohio and in New Jersey, where his parents instilled in him the values of succeeding in America no matter what his ethnic heritage was, and the importance of hard work and of dedication. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University, his Master’s from New Mexico State University, and his Doctorate from Utah State University. Dr. Shree worked in industry for a number of years as a financial analyst for WorldCom, a leading telecommunications company of the 1990’s. He later realized that teaching was his true calling when he began teaching economics classes for Florida Metropolitan University in 2001. According to Dr. Shree, economics is the “philosophy of life.” He is fascinated with economics because it deals with aspects of human behavior that is seen on a regular basis, yet is rarely taken notice of as economic behavior. Shree explains that no matter what the background of an individual, he/she tries to satisfy wants or needs given limited resources and limited choices on a daily basis. He feels that teaching the future leaders and movers of our society is a noble calling and that he learns from his students just as much as they learn from him. Dr. Shree has taught economics classes for various academic institutions in Central Florida. They have included Florida Metropolitan University, Brevard Community College, Webster University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Space Coast Campus), and Florida Institute of Technology. He joined Everest University (Melbourne Campus) in October 2011 to teach economics classes. Shree feels that the enjoyment and the enthusiasm that he derives from teaching comes from the various students he has had the honor of teaching over the years. For example, he asks what is a general without an army to fight battles or a football coach without a team to compete? As part of his research interests, Dr. Shree likes to write reviews and critiques of economic, political, and social literature. His reviews have appeared on various internet sites such as,, and While not teaching, he enjoys surfing on the internet, watching old movies, listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s, and walking as an exercise.
Twin Valley Campground reopens with new operator Nanton Lions Cliff Hooker, left, and Dustin Southgate put up an open sign May 8 at the entrance to the Twin Valley Campground. Stephen Tipper / Vulcan Advocate The Nanton Lions Club has taken on operating the Twin Valley Campground. The club, which also operates the Town of Nanton’s campground, has signed a 10-year agreement with the Alberta government to run Twin Valley. The Twin Valley Campground is located along Vulcan County’s western boundary, bordering the Municipal District of Willow Creek. Vulcan County had operated the Twin Valley Campground until the end of 2017 after sustaining yearly losses since it opened in 2013. In December 2016, County council decided to give one year’s written notice to the Alberta government to terminate its 25-year lease agreement to run the campground. The campground was closed in 2018. Twin Valley reopened to the public on May 4. It is being running on a first-come, first-served basis, with campers paying $25 a day, said Nanton Lion Dustin Southgate. The campground has 15 power sites and 15 non-power sites. There is not potable water. The boat dock will be put once the water level comes up, he said. For more information on the Twin Valley Campground, phone 403-336-9999. The Nanton Lions Club plans to set up a Facebook page and website for the campground, said Southgate. Carmangay teenager receives provincial writing award Local organizations receive grants from community foundation
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control - CGH CDC RFA GH15 158903CONT17 Improving Health Research and Evaluation Capacity within the Government of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (CDC RFA GH15 158903CONT17) The Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control - CGH in the health sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "Improving Health Research and Evaluation Capacity within the Government of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)" and is now available to receive applicants. Applicants must submit their applications by Dec 12, 2016. Browse more opportunities from the same agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control - CGH Next opportunity: State and Regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Cooperative Agreements Previous opportunity: Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Family Planning Services Grants (LA entire state) Applicants who have applied for this opportunity (CDC RFA GH15 158903CONT17) also looked into and applied for these: CDC RFA GH12 123705CONT17 Enhancement of Public, Private and Faith Based Laboratory Capacity to Support HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH15 158603CONT17 Information System Development and Systems Integration Support for National HIV and Health Sector Systems in the Republic of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH12 124005CONT17 Building the capacity of the National AIDS Control Program of the Ministry of Health to Expand Coordinated HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment, and Strategic Information Programs in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President's Emergency Plan for CDC RFA GH12 123605CONT17 Implementing Evidence Based Prevention Interventions to Prevent New Infections in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH15 158703CONT17 Strengthening National Health Laboratory Services in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH13 131904CONT17 Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare System Strengthening for Enhanced Evidence Based Decision Making and Management and Delivery of Quality Health Services in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS.. CDC RFA GH15 158803CONT17 Strengthening and Sustaining a Centrally Coordinated National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) in the United Republic of Tanzania (mainland) under the President’s Emergency plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH12 123905CONT17 Expanding Comprehensive HIV Prevention Services for Injection Drug Users and Other Most At-Risk Populations and Maintaining Services at Muhimbili Hospital in the United Republic of Tanzania under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR CDC RFA GH15 159003CONT17 Provision of comprehensive HIV/AIDS and TB services including prevention, care, support and treatment to prisoners and staff of the prisons service in the Republic of Uganda under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief HRSA 17 055 Service Area Competition CDC RFA GH15 158503CONT17 Strengthening Regional and Community Health Systems through Support for Field Epidemiology in Tanzania under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH13 132304CONT17 Strengthening Human Resources for Health through Public Health Training Improvements at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), School of Public Health and Social Sciences (SPHSS) in the United Republic of Tanzania under the P RFI 674 17 00001 G Input into USAID/SA’s PEPFAR Program Planning HRSA 17 058 National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements (NCAs) HRSA 17 057 State and Regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Cooperative Agreements RFA GH 17 001 Evaluations to Improve Prevention Interventions Under the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) CDC RFA GH14 141203CONT17 Local non-governmental partnerships for sustained country leadership in Uganda under PEPFAR CDC RFA GH12 121605CONT17 Support Uganda’s Ministry of Health’s capacity to address HIV response through strengthening health systems in the Republic of Uganda under President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief CDC RFA GH12 120105CONT17 Development of a Laboratory Network and Society to Implement a Quality Systems Program Toward Accreditation and Laboratory Management under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief CDC RFA GH13 136604CONT17 Supporting Laboratory Strengthening Activities in Resource-Limited Countries under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Would you like to learn more about this funding opportunity, similar opportunities to "CDC RFA GH15 158903CONT17", eligibility, application service, and/or application tips? Submit an inquiry below: Review the funding details for the opportunity (CDC RFA GH15 158903CONT17) and check/verify your eligibility. Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Family Planning Services Grants (LA entire state)
Thu, September 5, 2019 Through their first three albums, the group divined a signature style—what Pitchfork described as “an expansive vision of rock ‘n’ roll, one that cherrypicks from various folk traditions: punk, rockabilly, blues, whatever they might have on hand or find in the trash.” The sound is a front-heavy, groovy, fire & brimstone punk-blues overlying a dynamic and metaphysical roots rock. On their fourth album Human Question, the Denver trio zooms out to a more vast and accessible stylistic and spiritual universe. The 38-minute thrill ride generates growth and cathartic self-reflection for audience and performer alike. If there was justice in this world, the Yawpers would be the savior that rock-n-roll didn’t know it was waiting for. Following their critically acclaimed and meticulously plotted concept album Boy in a Well (set in World War I France, concerning a mother who abandoned her unwanted newborn), the Yawpers created Human Question with a contrasting immediacy. The album was written, rehearsed, and recorded over a two-month period with Reliable Recordings’ Alex Hall (Cactus Blossoms, JD McPherson) at Chicago’s renowned Electrical Audio. The band tracked live in one room, feeding off the collective energy and adding few overdubs. Through the new approach, ten songs connect with an organically linked attitude and style. On Human Question, lead singer and guitarist Nate Cook writes his way out of trauma, rather than wallowing in it, as was his self-destructive formula in the past. “I wanted to take a crack at using these songs as therapy, really,” Cook said. “I think I’ve always been inclined to write more towards the dregs of my psyche, and explore my depressions and trauma, rather than describe a way out.” The self-reflection engages the band’s trademark dangerous, emotionally fraught choogle, and the listener is constantly kept on edge, not knowing when to brace for a bombastic impact or lean back and enjoy the ride. The band skillfully balances that Jekyll and Hyde formula. In “Child of Mercy” guitarist Jesse Parmet revs the engines with a disintegrating blues guitar framework, backed by a breakneck beat by new drummer Alex Koshak. Eventually, the tune whips into a cyclone of distortion and Cook’s sustained falsetto, as he howls, “Won’t you please wake me up when the night is over.” For such a raw and kinetic sound, the Yawpers are never stuck in one gear for long. They deftly navigate shifting dynamics and moods, and if you squint your ears, the Sun Studios’ Million Dollar Quartet, transmogrifies into the ghosts of Gun Club, Jon Spencer, and Bo Diddley. “Dancing on my Knees” is the direction that Dan Auerbach could’ve taken Black Keys: raw yet poppy, outsider while mainstream, danceable while thought-provoking (lyrics include “It wasn’t what I asked for / But it’s exactly what I need / You’ve said there’s growth in agony / And we finally agree”). There are moments of blunt Stooges raw power (“Earn Your Heaven”), shaker rhythms behind ‘70s psychedelic rock (“Human Question”), and the salacious boogie of Zeppelin(“Forgiveness Through Pain”). Through it all, Human Question is impossible to confuse with anything else—it’s distinctly the Yawpers. “Man As Ghost”, “Can’t Wait,” and “Where the Winters End” reveal a softer and contemplative side, blending touches of modern Americana and folk music. In these moments of sonic respite, Cook and company display their range through acoustic guitar strums, relaxed and aired-out tempos, and big yet dialed-in vocal runs. But, no song exhibits the band’s extended capabilities like “Carry Me,” a Gospel-soul burner that builds from hushed to impassioned, with the lead singer begging for salvation in full open-throated fervor by song’s end. Human Question isn’t meant for the meek or casual listener. It will make you dance, mosh, sing along, and dig deep into your soul. Some people lament that rock-n-roll is dead. They just haven’t heard the Yawpers yet. The band has previously released three full length-albums, their Bloodshot debut American Man and the 2012 self-released album Capon Crusade), a self-released EP (Savage Blue), and a bootleg covers record (Good Songs/Shitty Versions). The band's music has been praised by publications like Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, The AV Club, Consequence of Sound, Nerdist, and American Songwriter, and has taken the stage with Lucero, Tommy Stinson's Bash & Pop, DeVotchka, Supersuckers, The Blasters, and more. In 2015, they were the house band at TEDx Kansas City and soundtracked an episode of Bill Weir's The Wonder List on CNN — the episode was about the Colorado River. Their music has also been heard on TV shows such as Showtime's Ray Donovan and Syfy's Happy. The Yawpers formed in 2011 when Parmet and Cook played together at the only speakeasy in Boulder, CO. In August 2018, the band announced that Alex Koshak would be stepping in on drums as they headed into the studio to record their next album. The band’s name is a nod to Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”: “I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.”
‘Jeopardy!’ champ donates to pancreatic cancer charity in Alex Trebek’s name Posted: Thu 11:09 AM, Jun 20, 2019 | Updated: Thu 11:40 AM, Jun 20, 2019 (CNN) - The "Jeopardy!" champion who won more than $2 million is honoring the host of the game show Alex Trebek. "Jeopardy!" champion James Holzhauer donated money to a charity fighting pancreatic cancer in host Alex Trebek's name. Trebek is battling that form of cancer. (Source: CNN) James Holzhauer donated a portion of his winnings to a Chicago-area pancreatic cancer walk in Trebek's name. An organizer for the 2019 Naperville Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk said he sent her a donation for more than $1,100. With the donation he wrote the message, "For Alex Trebek and all the other survivors." Back in March, Trebek shared with the public that he is battling stage four pancreatic cancer. He has since said he's in near remission.
How could a Brexit no-deal affect Islamic finance? S&P's latest report details the potential implications Monday 18, February 2019 While a no-deal Brexit could have a significant negative impact on U.K.-based Islamic banks' asset quality, it is unlikely to cause major disruption to their funding, according to a report published today by S&P Global Ratings titled "Countdown To Brexit: Implications Of A No-Deal Brexit For Islamic Finance." The U.K. is home to five fully fledged Islamic banks (all unrated) with more than 15 other banks (affiliates of conventional banks) offering Islamic financial services. "Given these banks' primary focus on U.K. domestic banking business, we see their exposure to Brexit risks as similar, if not more significant, to that of rated U.K. domestic banks," said S&P Global Ratings' Global Head of Islamic Finance, Mohamed Damak. The potentially damaging effect of a no-deal Brexit on the U.K. economy and asset prices, particularly in real estate where most activity of Islamic banks is concentrated, will likely have a knock-on effect on U.K. Islamic banks' asset quality. However, we believe these banks' relatively strong capitalization provides a buffer against a slide in asset quality. Given the small size of U.K. Islamic finance compared to the U.K. domestic banking sector, we do not expect stresses arising in U.K. Islamic finance will lead to systemic risks for the U.K., or that a no-deal Brexit will make a difference to the global Islamic finance industry. In addition, local affiliates of U.K.-based law firms and banks, for example in other financial centers such as Dubai, generally undertake sukuk structuring and, we also understand that only a few sukuk buy-to-hold investors are from the U.K. Finally, we do not see any reason why English law would be substituted as the law of choice for any sukuk contracts. "On a positive note, a no-deal Brexit could revive Islamic finance investors' appetite for U.K. assets, typically popular investments for investors in the Gulf, assuming a significant drop in their prices," Mr. Damak said. The risk of a no-deal Brexit on March 29, 2019, continues to be high, because it remains the default legal option in the absence of any agreed alternative. That said, we do not yet consider a no-deal outcome our base case for rating purposes, because we view the political incentive for the U.K. and the EU to negotiate an orderly outcome as still very strong. TAGS : Islamic finance A+ ratings affirmed for Al Tijari ENBD REIT secures $177 million facility from Mashreq Bank Al Rajhi Bank’s Malaysian unit and MIDF merger hangs in the balance Digitisation, regulatory support drive Islamic finance in Malaysia and Indonesia Riyad Bank approves restructuring Al Kathiri Holdings Islamic facility ADIB finances Saudi property acquisition in Manchester Ghassan Aboud: A long term investor What does the future hold for Dubai real estate? Saudi Arabia remains a good investment for 2019 and beyond Unity is power, but your combined IT systems may weaken you IMKAN: Driving place-making in the UAE Art investment in the Old Masters at an all-time high Heather Mills on investing early in the veganism boom
MANY things have changed in the last 50 years, but one thing that has remained constant is Roy and Relle's love of music. The music duo, real names Roy and Narelle Turner, have been performing music in Bathurst together in some capacity for half a century. They started out as bandmates in 1969 when Mrs Turner joined The Wanderers to play keyboards, and have now been married for 22 years. "We've been in a band one way or another ever since," Mrs Turner said. Their performing past includes time playing with Mr Turner's father, but since 1980 they have played under the banner of Roy and Relle. It's hard to narrow their musical style down to one genre, as they've dabbled in bush dance music, wedding music and new vogue. In addition to paid gigs, Roy and Relle also performed voluntarily at a range of events for organisations such as Glenray and Ronald McDonald House. Some may think it would be challenging to always share the stage and a hobby with your spouse, but this duo wouldn't have it any other way. "We're really lucky because not many people have the opportunity to be married [and perform]," Mrs Turner said. "We have the pleasure of being married and enjoying our hobby together." They both agreed that the secrets to a long partnership on stage are understanding, compromise and friendship. To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Roy and Relle will have a show at Bathurst RSL Club on April 14 between 2pm and 6pm. They are looking forward to celebrating their long career together and with members of the community. Bathurst musos Roy and Relle celebrate 50 years of performing together Rachel Chamberlain STILL TOGETHER: Roy and Narelle Turner have played music together for 50 years and have been married for nearly half that time. Photo: PHIL BLATCH 040319pbturner3 MANY things have changed in the last 50 years, but one thing that has remained constant is Roy and Relle's love of music. The music duo, real names Roy and Narelle Turner, have been performing music in Bathurst together in some capacity for half a century. They started out as bandmates in 1969 when Mrs Turner joined The Wanderers to play keyboards, and have now been married for 22 years. "We've been in a band one way or another ever since," Mrs Turner said. READ ALSO: Central West rock band Tempermore to release debut EP on April 23 READ ALSO: Vaulters Fleur and Ivy Sykes at Sydney Royal Easter Show READ ALSO: Cemetery wander at Bathurst, April 2019 Their performing past includes time playing with Mr Turner's father, but since 1980 they have played under the banner of Roy and Relle. It's hard to narrow their musical style down to one genre, as they've dabbled in bush dance music, wedding music and new vogue. In addition to paid gigs, Roy and Relle also performed voluntarily at a range of events for organisations such as Glenray and Ronald McDonald House. Some may think it would be challenging to always share the stage and a hobby with your spouse, but this duo wouldn't have it any other way. "We're really lucky because not many people have the opportunity to be married [and perform]," Mrs Turner said. "We have the pleasure of being married and enjoying our hobby together." They both agreed that the secrets to a long partnership on stage are understanding, compromise and friendship. To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Roy and Relle will have a show at Bathurst RSL Club on April 14 between 2pm and 6pm. They are looking forward to celebrating their long career together and with members of the community.
Natural Hazards Research Lessons in resilience from Japan Dynamics of Urban Recovery On the Rebound Creating Self-Reliance The national hazards research platform determines how communities & businesses recover from hazards A movement away from building new infrastructure in the 1990s led to a shift in natural hazards research. Researchers started to focus on finding out what people need from their infrastructure and how they interact with it. As an established leader in this area, WSP Opus Research developed a new body of research around the behaviours and social economics of how New Zealand communities would respond to and recover from the impacts of a natural disaster. At the time there had been no recent events in any of New Zealand’s main centres to draw on, so new research methods that mimicked the style of some computer games were developed. These methods tested people’s behaviour – such as their trust in different media for information, their travel behaviour, how they would follow authority after an event, and how quickly they would return to work. Business behaviours were also an important part of this research – their potential for recovery, the likelihood they would migrate from damaged areas, and the future functioning of businesses. The Gisborne earthquake of December 2007 was an opportunity to validate the results of this research and extend it, using a real-life experience, especially when it came to the impacts on business and its long-term recovery. National hazards research platform The Christchurch earthquakes have become the research programme’s main focus and this effort has become part of the Natural Hazards Research Platform. The Platform was started in 2009 and brings together the knowledge and research capabilities of the organisations that were then carrying out natural hazards research, funded by what was then known as the Foundation for Research Science and Technology (now part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment). The Platform’s members are GNS Science, NIWA, Massey University, the University of Auckland, Canterbury University and WSP Opus Research. Total funding for the Platform is around $14 million a year for a 10-year timeframe, with an additional $3 million a year for the next four years added to draw lessons from the Canterbury earthquakes. This long-term funding allows a more strategic approach to setting research priorities, as well as the opportunity for members to support the development of research capabilities in emerging areas of new research. Five themes Currently the research falls into five themes - geological hazards, weather-related hazards,modelling and analysis to link these hazards to risk, building and infrastructure engineering research, and societal research. There have been opportunities for new research within the Platform and WSP Opus Research is part of two new projects. The first is the improved modelling of wind flows across hilly terrain, which is significant when designing buildings in high-risk areas and also has spinoff benefits for wind farm modelling. The second investigated acceptable levels of risk for older commercial buildings, an area that is now under more scrutiny after the damage from the Christchurch earthquakes. The Natural Hazards Research Platform provides WSP Opus, as a major infrastructure and planning consultancy, with a number of significant opportunities. The new knowledge, methods and innovations, plus the easy access to this expertise provided by WSP Opus’ participation in the Platform, will benefit our international and local projects. Resilience to natural hazards
Next Lifestyle, Health, Sport & Leisure Next Local interest, family history & nostalgia Next Local history Local history 9780752452975-01-000 9780752452975-01-000 9780752452975 City to the Black Country A Nostalgic Journey by Bus & Tram UK ed. By David Harvey (Author) £11.95 rrp £12.99 Save £1.04 (8%) This fascinating collection of 200 archive photographs takes the reader on a nostalgic bus and tram ride through the north-west of Birmingham, from the city centre along the A41 to Hockley, taking in the famous Jewellery Quarter and the many Victorian housing developments around Handsworth. Travelling through numerous shopping centres and the important town centre of West Bromwich with its `golden mile', the route splits at Carter's green. Taking in the well-known steel and tube manufacturing centre Wednesbury, as well as Black Country capital Dudley, this entertaining book is full of detail sure to delight local residents and transport enthusiasts alike. David Harvey lives in Birmingham and has been a lifelong enthusiast of the city's history. He has written The Inner Circle, The Outer Circle and City to the Lickeys: A Nostalgic Journey by Tram and Bus for The History Press. A retired schoolteacher, he is also the proud owner of a preserved former City of Birmingham double-decker bus! Contributor: David Harvey Imprint: The History Press Ltd Publisher: The History Press Ltd Biography: David Harvey lives in Birmingham and has been a lifelong enthusiast of the city's history. He has written The Inner Circle, The Outer Circle and City to the Lickeys: A Nostalgic Journey by Tram and Bus for The History Press. A retired schoolteacher, he is also the proud owner of a preserved former City of Birmingham double-decker bus! £11.95 rrp £12.99 Save £1.04 (8%)
Next Society, Politics & Psychology Next Politics & Government Next Political Activism Next Terrorism, Armed Struggle Terrorism, Armed Struggle 9780815705574-01-000 9780815705574-01-000 9780815705574 Deadly Embrace Pakistan, America, and the Future of the Global Jihad By Bruce Riedel (Author) £22.05 rrp £22.50 Save £0.45 (2%) Pakistan and the United States have been locked in a deadly embrace for decades. Successive American presidents from both parties have pursued narrow short-term interests in the South Asian nation, and many of the resulting policies proved counterproductive in the long term, contributing to political instability and a radicalized public. This background has helped set the stage for the global jihad confronting much of the world today. In Deadly Embrace, Bruce Riedel explores the forces behind these developments, explaining how and why the history of Pakistan-U.S. relations has unfolded as it has. He explains what the United States can do now to repair the damage and how it can avoid making similar mistakes in dealing with extremist forces in Pakistan and beyond. Riedel is one of America's foremost authorities on U.S. security, South Asia, and terrorism, and he helped to craft President Obama's 2009 speech referring to the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands as the "most dangerous region of the world." He follows up The Search for al Qaeda , his influential 2008 analysis of the terror network's ideology and leadership, with a sober, authoritative, and sometimes alarming look at the history, importance, and current role of Pakistan, epicenter of the global jihad movement, beginning with the history of U.S.-Pakistan relations since the partitioning of the subcontinent in 1947. The relationship between Pakistan and America is a fascinating yet muddled story, meandering through periods of friendship and enmity, symbiosis and distrust: it's no wonder that people in both nations are confused. Deadly Embrace explains how the United States, on several occasions, actually helped the foes of democracy in Pakistan and aided in the development of the very enemies it is now fighting in the region. The book seeks to unravel this paradox, revealing and interpreting the tortuous path of relations between two very different nations, which remain, in many ways, stuck with each other. Bruce Riedel is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy and the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. A former CIA officer, Riedel was a senior adviser to four U.S. presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues. At the request of President Obama he chaired an interagency review of policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan for the White House, completed in March 2009. He is author of The Search for al Qaeda: Its Leadership, Ideology, and Future, is a frequent media commentator on security and terrorism, and is a regular contributor to The Daily Beast. Contributor: Bruce Riedel Imprint: Brookings Institution Publisher: Brookings Institution Biography: Bruce Riedel is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy and the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. A former CIA officer, Riedel was a senior adviser to four U.S. presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues. At the request of President Obama he chaired an interagency review of policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan for the White House, completed in March 2009. He is author of The Search for al Qaeda: Its Leadership, Ideology, and Future, is a frequent media commentator on security and terrorism, and is a regular contributor to The Daily Beast. £22.05 rrp £22.50 Save £0.45 (2%)
Next Science, Technology & Medicine Next Geography & The Environment Next Earth Sciences Next Geology & The Lithosphere Next Soil Science, Sedimentology Soil Science, Sedimentology 9780128043127-01-000 9780128043127-01-000 9780128043127 Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil Fertility, Structure, and Carbon Storage By Nancy Collins Johnson (Author), Catherine Gehring (Author), Jan Jansa (Author) £81.00 rrp £90.00 Save £9.00 (10%) Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil: Fertility, Structure, and Carbon Storage offers a better understanding of mycorrhizal mediation that will help inform earth system models and subsequently improve the accuracy of global carbon model predictions. Mycorrhizas transport tremendous quantities of plant-derived carbon below ground and are increasingly recognized for their importance in the creation, structure, and function of soils. Different global carbon models vary widely in their predictions of the dynamics of the terrestrial carbon pool, ranging from a large sink to a large source. This edited book presents a unique synthesis of the influence of environmental change on mycorrhizas across a wide range of ecosystems, as well as a clear examination of new discoveries and challenges for the future, to inform land management practices that preserve or increase below ground carbon storage. Nancy Collins Johnson has been a professor of soil ecology at Northern Arizona University since 1997. She earned a PhD in Ecology and Plant Pathology from the University of Minnesota (with David Tilman) and a MS degree in Botany from the University of Wisconsin. Johnson and her students study interactions among communities of plants and soil organisms in natural and human managed ecosystems throughout the world. They have discovered that mycorrhizas and soil communities are sensitive to global change factors and they are seeking first principles to understand these responses. These studies are important because mycorrhizal symbioses influence plant community composition, soil stability, and belowground carbon storage. Professor Catherine Gehring works in the department of Biological Sciences and Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research at Northern Arizona University The Gehring Lab conducts research to understand the functioning of fungi in natural and managed systems. Of particular interest is how abiotic and biotic factors interact to affect the abundance and community composition of plant-associated fungi and how changes in these parameters then feedback to affect the performance of host plants. Current projects explore the influence of host plant genetics on fungal abundance and diversity; the impact of climate change on interactions among host plants, fungi, and insects; and the belowground mechanisms by which invasive plants may harm native plants. Jan Jansa studied biology at Charles University in Prague and agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich, where he also obtained PhD in 2002. He also worked at ETH Zurich and the University of Adelaide (with Sally E. Smith). Jansa currently leads the Laboratory of Fungal Biology at the Institute of Microbiology in Prague. His aim is the quantification of the involvement of mycorrhizal symbiosis in the turnover of soil organic matter, fluxes of mineral nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from the soil to plants and carbon from the plants to the soil. Together with his team, he studies the exchange of mineral nutrients for carbon between the symbiotic partners under spatially and temporarily variable conditions, including light deprivation, using a suite of isotopic and molecular techniques Contributor: Nancy Collins Johnson Imprint: Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Packaged Weight: 1040 Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Biography: Nancy Collins Johnson has been a professor of soil ecology at Northern Arizona University since 1997. She earned a PhD in Ecology and Plant Pathology from the University of Minnesota (with David Tilman) and a MS degree in Botany from the University of Wisconsin. Johnson and her students study interactions among communities of plants and soil organisms in natural and human managed ecosystems throughout the world. They have discovered that mycorrhizas and soil communities are sensitive to global change factors and they are seeking first principles to understand these responses. These studies are important because mycorrhizal symbioses influence plant community composition, soil stability, and belowground carbon storage. Professor Catherine Gehring works in the department of Biological Sciences and Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research at Northern Arizona University The Gehring Lab conducts research to understand the functioning of fungi in natural and managed systems. Of particular interest is how abiotic and biotic factors interact to affect the abundance and community composition of plant-associated fungi and how changes in these parameters then feedback to affect the performance of host plants. Current projects explore the influence of host plant genetics on fungal abundance and diversity; the impact of climate change on interactions among host plants, fungi, and insects; and the belowground mechanisms by which invasive plants may harm native plants. Jan Jansa studied biology at Charles University in Prague and agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich, where he also obtained PhD in 2002. He also worked at ETH Zurich and the University of Adelaide (with Sally E. Smith). Jansa currently leads the Laboratory of Fungal Biology at the Institute of Microbiology in Prague. His aim is the quantification of the involvement of mycorrhizal symbiosis in the turnover of soil organic matter, fluxes of mineral nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from the soil to plants and carbon from the plants to the soil. Together with his team, he studies the exchange of mineral nutrients for carbon between the symbiotic partners under spatially and temporarily variable conditions, including light deprivation, using a suite of isotopic and molecular techniques Nancy Collins Johnson £81.00 rrp £90.00 Save £9.00 (10%)
ON THIS DAY IN 1978: WIGAN ATHLETIC'S LEAGUE DEBUT AT HEREFORD UNITED @LaticsOfficial Today we re-live the club's first ever league fixture 40 years ago. On This Day: Latics travelled to Hereford United for the first league match as a professional club. Celebrating 40 years since our first ever league fixture in 1978. Latics drew 0-0 at Edgar Street, but it was to be the foundation for 40 years of defying the odds. HEREFORD UNITED 0 – 0 WIGAN ATHLETIC EDGAR STREET FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOURTH DIVISION A reported 3,000 Wigan Athletic supporters made the near-300 round trip to witness history being made as, after 46 years as a non-league club, Latics took their first steps into league football against Hereford United at Edgar Street. Ian Gillibrand, a walking non-league legend, led his team out into a cauldron of noise, a fitting welcome for a man who played more than 600 times in blue and white through the Cheshire League, Northern Premier League and finally, the Football League. Gillibrand, Brown, Gore, Hinnigan, Davids, Ward, Corrigan, Wright, Houghton, Wilkie and Purdie, 11 names etched into the DNA of the club as the first men to play a full-time professional league fixture. Latics set up a five man defence that day with Joe Hinnigan and Tommy Gore acting as wide midfielders, the modern day wing backs, whilst Frank Corrigan dominated the midfielder alongside the mercurial Jeff Wright. Skipper Gillibrand was joined by Neil Davids and Noel Ward, whilst John Wilkie, Ian Purdie and lightening quick Peter Houghton made up the attack. A disallowed Houghton header and a fingertipped save to deny Wright were the only things that stood in the way of a fairytale ending to Latics’ first league outing, alas, it wasn’t to be, but the newest members of the country’s heralded football structure would go on to prove their worth by the end of the 1978-79 season by finishing sixth in the Fourth Division, a mere six points from promotion. The league at last...
Home > Article > Caring For The Aged – And Yourself Caring For The Aged – And Yourself The experiences of five women who have cared for an elderly family member – how they coped and what we can learn from them. By Melanie Lobo We will all have to go through it one day or the other – caring for our loved ones as they grow older and infirm. Many of us have already been through this process and looked after our parents/in-laws when they fell ill and were unable to do for themselves. In the process, it is usually women who have to invest a lot – emotionally, physically and mentally. With understanding Nidhi Gupta has been married for 6 years and her time with her husband has been, “compromised from day one”. While her sister-in-law who also lives with them suffers from Down’s syndrome, her mother-in-law suffers from dementia. Nidhi’s husband, Nikhil used to be the caregiver for both mother and sister till he got married. Nidhi used to work earlier but gave up work when their son arrived. Since she stopped working, she is in charge of taking care of both mother-in-law and sister-in-law completely. This has taken a toll on her relationship and in the early stages, she and her husband would often end up fighting. Here are her tips for women in similar situations: – Communicate: Talk to your spouse about how you feel. Listen to what your spouse has to say as well. – Understand: A certain amount of understanding is required in any relationship. Nikhil, she says, understands what she goes through and does not take her for granted. She views it from the angle that today it is her in-laws who are in this position, tomorrow it could be her parents. – Don’t sweat the small stuff: Nidhi has also realized the importance of picking her battles with Nikhil. She has long since understood that she has no control over her privacy or the amount of time they spend together as a couple. She has just let go. – Coping with her own needs: When Nidhi gets depressed at times, she turns to close friends to vent. When all else fails, she turns to reading which has always been a hobby and is a source of comfort and distraction. – Make the effort: She feels it is very easy to wallow in self-pity and say, “why me”. Nidhi however, makes the effort to snap out of this, if the feeling ever occurs and carries on with life. One’s mindset/acceptance Dr. Sadhana Natu is another woman who was in a similar position. Her take on this is, “It depends on the mindset”. Dr. Natu looked after her mother who was bedridden with severe arthritis and related complications for several years, right up to the time she passed away. She is very matter of fact about this and feels that looking after one’s parents, “is part and parcel of life. As we grow older, so do they and we must accept the challenges that come with our parents growing old”. She was living with her partner and son at the time and stresses that her partner gave her complete support during those dark days. There were many adjustments to be made but she did not look at these as “sacrifices”, but as “alterations” that were needed. There were many adjustments to be made but she did not look at these as “sacrifices”, but as “alterations” that were needed. Dr. Natu is the Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology of a reputed college and admits that her professional training in Psychology helped. Some important lessons that she learnt during this process which she feels could help other women are: – Live in the present: Enjoy the time you have and cherish the relationships you have. Make the most of the time given to you. No one knows what lies ahead. – Acceptance: Accept that this might happen to your parents or your in-laws. Understand that this is a natural progression of life. “We will all be in this situation one day. Life comes full circle, they looked after us, and we must now look after them.” – Support: Ensure that you have a supportive circle. Shilpa Desai still does not know how she coped with looking after her father who eventually succumbed to colon cancer. She says, “I was used to my parents looking after me. Now it suddenly was the other way around.” Her father was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and passed away three years later. Those were difficult years for her. Her husband was working away from home, her daughter was in the eighth standard, her son in the first. She had to see to all her father’s needs, coordinate other house related problems, see to her children’s studies and also look after her mother who had started getting depressed. She says, “Life had come to a standstill and we were only dealing with the disease.” I was used to my parents looking after me. Now it suddenly was the other way around. Her take on how she coped: – She managed on a “day to day basis”. – Her parents helped: Very often initially, her parents tried to solve minor problems on their own. She was only brought into the picture when they could not do so or when there was a major problem to be dealt with. Both parents were cooperative and sensitive to the situation. They didn’t want their grandchildren affected. She says, “That was the biggest help”. – Support: Her husband, while not there with her at the time, would keep in touch daily and talk to her and support her. – Remain cheerful: Although this is easier said than done, you have to make an attempt to remain cheerful and not let the situation get you down. Otherwise, this traumatic time becomes even more difficult to handle. Kalpana Moghe looked after both parents and her mother- in-law. Initially it was her father and now it is her mother who is partially blind. Her father had a heart condition and his heart was only capable of functioning to 10% of its total ability. He was bedridden and needed constant attention and caring. Her mother-in-law suffered from Alzheimer’s and dementia which became steadily worse. This was a traumatic time for Kalpana and it affected her mentally, physically and emotionally. Her pillar of strength was her husband who was very supportive and helped her manage. Her advice is to: – “Learn to take it lightly. Laugh yourself out of it. If you let it get you down, you will get depressed. Don’t let the situation weigh you down.” – Have a good support system: Apart from her spouse, she also had support from her mother-in-law’s family who would come around and spend time with her. This would give Kalpana a break from the duties and allow her to have some time to herself. Laugh yourself out of it. If you let it get you down, you will get depressed. Don’t let the situation weigh you down. Ensure that the problem is diagnosed Pixie Lamech looked after her grandmother, her aunt and her own mother – all three women suffered from Alzheimer’s. She candidly admits that during this time, “My own needs took a backseat”. Looking after Alzheimer patients is frustrating, and they are very difficult to deal with. Emotionally, it affected both Pixie and her husband. There was a lot of stress in their lives, this happened in front of their young children and many compromises had to be made. Pixie admits that she found it easier to look after her mother once she knew what exactly was wrong with her. She managed these difficult days with: – Support: Her husband was very very supportive. She also had a strong support system with friends and her mother’s friends who used to drop in and give her a break. – Getting the illness diagnosed: This also helped Pixie manage as she could then understand what was really wrong with her mother. Counseling is now available for the relatives of Alzheimer patients. Merely thinking that they are growing old and thus forgetful will not ensure that you are doing the best you can for them. Often, there is a medical condition and not just old age that is responsible for the way they have become. So there you have it. Five women who learnt to cope with life’s challenges in their own way. What would you do if you were in a similar situation? *Photo credit: wharman (Used under the Creative Commons Attribution License) Melanie Lobo is a freelance writer. She grew up in cities across India but now rachnasomani - February 14, 2012 at 11:42 am I have been through long phases of care giving of 2 cancer infected parents ( my own mother & my mother in law). Besides having a very supportive husband & domestic support system in place, the thing that worked with me was getting them involved with the day to day activities related to the kids. It would distract them from their pain & worries & give them a sense of contributing to the household in some way. The kids enjoyed spending time with their grand parents & have learnt a lot from them. Also it has set a perfect example before the kids about care giving to old parents – something they will remember when its their turn. As they say” As you sow, so shall you reap”. itsmeuma - April 15, 2012 at 6:13 pm Happy Birthday!You turned two 🙂 There are many good articles around .And my vote is for this article because not every woman in India have an opportunity to care of their parents /elders in need when they wanted to.And those who have that opportunity are the luckiest in having to take care of the souls who have nurtured them.I also totally agree with Dr. Sadhana Natu ‘s point that it all depends on the mindset and acceptance of one’s own responsibility .We all can’t stay young .In one part of our life we turn old with half/semi-working/over-worked parts of body and look for someone to guide, support and help us around.And moreover, a woman can’t do them without her family support esp.from her better half.Finally, hats off to the ones (gifted) already doing them Working Woman On The Move Childfree By Choice Letting Go: A Mother’s Perspective Leaving Children With Grandparents: Hit Or Miss? 12 Indian Books Every Child Should Read It’s Not Harassment, Or Is It? On Taboos: A Letter To Indian Parents 5 Gutsy Women Share Their Stories Of Being A Single Mother In India Married Women And The ‘BUDDHA Expression’
Soccer World Cup Clips World Cup Soccer Clips The Best FIFA World Cup Clips Showing all posts tagged Gameplay In Soccer World Cup Clips JILL SCOTT SAYS ENGLAND WOULD REACH FINAL Author indexPosted on August 16, 2017 England midfielder Jill Scott says that the team would reach the final of the ongoing Women Euro 2017 in her absence. She is suspended for the semi-final clash with the hosts Holland after her second yellow card in the 1-0 against France in the last game. “I’m disappointed I can’t put myself up for selection. But I’m very confident in this team and I know we will carry on this journey on Thursday,” she said. The Manchester City star scored in the Euro 2009 semi-final when England clashed with the Netherlands. She scored in the extra time as the Lioness emerged 2-1 winners. Scott was also available when England defeated them 1-0 last November. Read More Tags: England, FIFA, Gameplay, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, World Southgate on England defeat Author indexPosted on July 4, 2017 England’s manager Gareth Southgate has stated that there is no magic wand to make England better and that the players will have to improve. He said that the England national team is still behind the best teams in the world and that it will take time to change that. He said that it was the first time that he was angry with players since taking charge of the national team. He said that the players know it and that they know that they have not been good enough. He believes that the players need to learn how to control the game better. Gareth Southgate said that it was a disappointment for him to have lost the game, especially when playing against ten men. He stated that this was a reality check for the team. He indicated that it is true that the England team has some exciting youngsters and that they have been quite successful so far when it comes to winning games against small sides but they will need to improve if they want to win games against the better teams. Read More Tags: Brazil, England, FIFA, Game, Gameplay, Germany KLOPP ANGRY WITH LALLANA’S INJURY Author indexPosted on April 28, 2017 April 28, 2017 Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is mad that his star player Adam Lallana picked up an injury whilst in action for the Three Lions during a crucial moment for the club this season. The German tactician says he is not pleased with the scheduling of the friendly against Germany – which England lost 1-0 courtesy of a Lucas Podolski strike. Lallana was injured in the first half of the clash with Lithuania. However he played the entire game thinking it was just a dead leg. On reaching Anfield, the thigh injury has been checked out, with the professionals declaring him unfit for the next four weeks. Liverpool are involved with Everton in a Merseyside derby this weekend, and they are in the race for the top four as the season winds down. So evidently Klopp is angry that he is a man down during this time in the campaign. “It’s hard for us to lose a player like Adam for four weeks, which would be eight games – it’s a lot. Whoever though it was a good idea to play Manchester City and Liverpool on Sunday night and then Germany against England on Wednesday – it makes no sense. “We all have to start to work much better together: the FA, the Premier League, television and the clubs because we’re trying to sell the best product,” Klopp said. Read More Tags: England, Gameplay, Netherlands, Spain Roy Hodgson doesn’t desire to leave the English set up presently. He reckons no coach would will to break the association with a team that is set up beautifully and is about to peak. But, he admits his future involvement is not something that would be his call and it is up to how the top brass sees it. Speaking on the occasion of unveiling the squad which he would be travelling to France with, Hodgson said, “England can be a very, very special team in the close future and nobody, as a coach, would like to be going out at such stage.” “But, you don’t always have it in your own hands and more than your keenness, it’s the opinion of the others who are above you matters.” “Having worked in the coaching field for forty years, I can’t shy away from the fact that showing the returns is important as well and at the end of the day, that’s what everyone sees.” The FA has not given away too much in terms of what is the least stage they want the team to get to in the Euros. Read More Tags: 2010, d'Ivoire, England, Gameplay, Netherlands, Spain, World Ryan Bertrand wants to have a bigger role in Roy Hodgon’s team Author indexPosted on April 24, 2015 For a fee of €10 million, Ryan Bertrand was transferred from Aston Villa to Southampton and it has turned out to be a bargain price for the team of Ronald Koeman as the 25 year old defender has turned out to be one of the best players in this season of the Premier League. Bertrand has performed in almost all of the Premier League matches in this season for Southampton with impressive performances being made throughout the entire campaign but he is now ready to make a claim in the England national football team. The last match that Bertrand played with England was back in March 31 when he entered the pitch at the 87th minute during a friendly match that was being battled out between Italy and England at the Juventus Stadium. Bertrand is hoping that he play a bigger role for England at the international stage and even though the undisputed left-back of Southampton only played for a few minutes against Italy, he said a few things concerning the match and how it was for him to get back on the pitch. When Ryan Bertrand was asked about the left-back position in England, he replied by saying: “You know, it’s down to the manager. Whoever he wants to pick, it is his decision.’’ Read More Tags: England, FIFA, Game, Gameplay, South, Spain, World FIFA 10 vs FIFA World Cup 2010 (PS3) – Gameplay Comparison with Brazil and Germany Author adminPosted on March 9, 2013 25 Comments Tags: 2010, Brazil, Comparison, FIFA, Gameplay, Germany, World 2010 africa Argentina BEST Brazil COMMENTARY Cote d'Ivoire David Dream England FIFA FINAL Finals football France Full Game Gameplay Germany Goal Goals GROUP Highlights Holland Italian Italy JAPAN match Netherlands Paraguay part PENALTY Portugal Rossi Slovenia Soccer South Spain team Teams Uruguay Villa World World Cup Cool Carlos Tailwind FC Thomas Vermaelen Watch the World Cup © 2018 WORLD CUP SOCCER CLIPS
Chaldean Patriarch congratulates surprise Iraqi election winner May 23, 2018 By World Watch Monitor Iraq Assyrians, Dohuk, Elections, Iraq, Kirkuk, Louis Raphael I Sako, Nineveh Plains, Shia, Sunni, Syriacs The Chaldean Patriarch, Louis Sako, has telephoned Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr to congratulate him on his unexpected victory in the country’s recent parliamentary elections. The Patriarchate also said that Sako told Sadr he hoped for a government that promotes the common good of all the Iraqi people. According to the Patriarchate, Sadr thanked Sako for his words and pledged to “support Christians”, the Vatican-linked news agency Fides reported. Sako has positioned himself of leader of Iraq’s remaining Christians, who are rebuilding their lives, homes and churches since the military defeat of IS last year No single candidate won anywhere near enough seats to control the majority of the 329-seat parliament, and Sadr’s alliance with the communists won the greatest number, with only 54 seats. The bloc led by Hadi al-Amari, a militia leader who fought against Iraq during its war with Iran, came second with 47 seats. The bloc headed by Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister since 2014, fared worse than expected, with 42 seats, but won the multi-sectarian province of Nineveh, which includes many Christian towns and the city of Mosul where, under his overall command, Iraqi forces led the military defeat of IS last year. However Mr. Sadr did not stand as a candidate himself and has said he will not become prime minister, meaning he instead can function as something of a “kingmaker”. Although Christians were killed or forced to flee Baghdad in 2006 and 2007 as his Shia militias sparked furious fighting with Baghdad’s Sunni populations, he has distanced himself from his Iranian former backers, saying he regards their influence in Iraq as destabilising. Abadi (left) and Sadr met for talks on Sunday Rend al-Rahim, a former Iraqi ambassador to the US, told Al Jazeera that this result “indicates that at least in Mosul province there is renewed hope for a better future and an acknowledgement of the role of Abadi and the Iraqi army in liberating Nineveh.” According to the New York Times, Sadr favours Abadi to continue as prime minister. Abadi is a moderate Shia who has partnered with the US in the fight against Islamic State. Sadr met both him and Mr Amari at the weekend as part of negotiations for forming a government, and after meeting Abadi he said their meeting showed that the next government “will be inclusive, we will not exclude anyone”. The Al Monitor news website noted that on 21 May, Sadr tweeted, “I am Muqtada. I am Shiite, Sunni, Christian, Sabean, Yazidi, Islamist, civil, Arab, Kurdish, Assyrian, Turkmen, Chaldean and Shabak. I am Iraqi. Do not expect me to side with any sect against the other to renew enmities and lead to our demise. We are headed toward a comprehensive Iraqi alliance.” Although the country’s Christians had only five seats to fight over, the results show a significant shift. Fides reports that four of the five successful candidates belong to the Chaldean Church, and that the Assyrian Democratic Movement, the longest-running Christian party, will have no representation in parliament. Two of the five seats were won by candidates from the Babylon Brigades militia: Aswan Salem Sawa in Nineveh, and Burhanuddin Ishak Ibrahim in Baghdad. In Kirkuk, the seat was won by the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian Council’s Rihan Hanna Ayoub, and in Erbil the seat was won by Hoshyar Karadag Yelda, a candidate for the Chaldean coalition. The only non-Chaldean, Immanuel Khoshaba, of the Assyrian Rafidain coalition, won the seat reserved for Christians in the governorate of Dohuk. It is thought that since the emigration of around 70 per cent of Iraqi Christians since the US-led invasion of 2003, Chaldean Catholics are now more numerous than Syriacs and Assyrians. Patriarch Sako, who has been positioning himself as the leader of all the country’s Christians, urged the Christian politicians “to develop a new vision and unite the stances to safeguard our small quota and its independence, which in turn protects our dignity and unity”. Meanwhile it was announced on Sunday that the patriarch is to be made a cardinal, increasing his recognition in the Western Church. His predecessor, Emmanuel Delly, received the cardinal’s red hat in 2007 at the age of 80, as a sign of Pope Benedict XVI’s “spiritual closeness and affection” for Iraqi Christians then engulfed amid the Sunni-Shia violence that had erupted in Iraq. Sako is to be made a cardinal on 29 June alongside 13 other prelates including Pakistan’s Joseph Coutts, the Archbishop of Karachi and an expert in interfaith dialogue. Asked by the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle if his elevation to cardinal would improve the lot of Christians, who face considerable persecution there, Coutts replied: “Pakistan’s Christians are struggling to be recognised as equal citizens … My selection as cardinal does acknowledge that there is a viable, visible and active Christian community in Pakistan.” But he added that he had no plans as yet to lobby the Pakistani authorities to pardon Asia Bibi, the imprisoned Christian mother of five on death row for blasphemy. Egypt’s elections and the man dividing the country’s Copts
Instead of a comedian, White House Correspondents' Association enlists author as speaker Posted: 11:40 AM, Nov 19, 2018 Image copyright 2018 Getty Images. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Tasos Katopodis <p>Ty Herndon sings at the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner at Washington Hilton on April 28, 2018 in Washington, DC.</p> The White House Correspondents' Association is shelving its tradition of having a comedian roast the president and the press corps at its annual fundraising dinner. Instead, the famed author Ron Chernow will "share his lively, deeply researched perspectives on American politics and history at the 2019 White House Correspondents' Dinner," the association's president Olivier Knox said. Knox made the announcement on Monday. For several months, he had been leaning against inviting a comic, and he had been conferring with other members about the change. President Trump has snubbed the event two years in a row, and there is little reason to believe that he will attend next dinner, which is scheduled for April 27, 2019. The dinner is a key date on Washington's social calendar. But its meaning has changed amid constant attacks on the media and increasing political polarization. Booking Chernow instead of a stand-up performer is a recognition that the annual dinner changes dramatically when the president isn't there. So the association had to rethink things. Historically, Knox told CNN earlier this year, "when the president comes, the program's center of gravity naturally tilts toward the president." After he speaks and ribs the press corps, the featured comedian serves as the counter-balance. But with the president absent, the dinner has a different, more combative feel. Knox and the association's board members are trying to change that. "As we celebrate the importance of a free and independent news media to the health of the republic, I look forward to hearing Ron place this unusual moment in the context of American history," Knox said in a statement on Monday. Chernow is the author of six books, including best selling titles about Alexander Hamilton and George Washington. The Hamilton biography inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway hit musical "Hamilton," and Chernow served as a historical consultant on the production. Chernow said in a statement, "The White House Correspondents' Association has asked me to make the case for the First Amendment and I am happy to oblige. Freedom of the press is always a timely subject and this seems like the perfect moment to go back to basics. My major worry these days is that we Americans will forget who we are as a people and historians should serve as our chief custodians in preserving that rich storehouse of memory. While I have never been mistaken for a stand-up comedian, I promise that my history lesson won't be dry." Comedienne Michelle Wolf spurred debate about the dinner format when she performed at last April's dinner. Some attendees loved her set, while others cringed at some parts of it. Afterward, Trump allies claimed that the jokes proved the press corps' hatred of Trump. Trump tweeted that the dinner was "embarrassing" and the event is "dead." The correspondents' association -- which did not vet her monologue ahead of time -- expressed regret that the controversy over the jokes overshadowed the dinner's First Amendment message.
More than 1,200 were killed in Indonesia quake, tsunami Posted: 5:49 AM, Oct 02, 2018 © 2018 Cable News Network, Inc. <p>Almost 200 bodies have already been buried in a mass grave on the outskirts on Palu.</p> Desperation is growing in the stricken Indonesian city of Palu, as residents faced a fifth day without adequate supplies of food and clean drinking water, amid a sharp rise in the official death toll following Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami. Indonesia's national disaster agency said the number of people killed in the disaster had risen to 1,234 on Tuesday. The toll is expected to climb in the coming days as bodies continue to be retrieved from the rubble. The situation for many of those left alive is dire, as families scramble to get even the most basic of goods. On Tuesday, hundreds of people waited in line in the blazing sun, standing among the ruins and debris, in the hope of obtaining a small amount of fuel. At the last available gas pump in town, crowds gathered around a single, overworked attendant. In his hands was a large wad of cash almost too big to grip, the product of hours spent pumping fuel. Money though is of little use when their is nothing left to buy. All normal services in the city have ceased to operate. Shops have either been destroyed or left empty, and food is scarce. Roads to Palu -- a city of 350,000 people -- remain partially blocked and aid has been slow to trickle in. Indonesian vessels carrying food and water has still yet to arrive. Reports of looting are widespread, as groups of survivors search deserted buildings for essential supplies. On Tuesday, CNN witnessed military personnel chasing would-be looters out of an empty grocery store. Amid the long wait for supplies and aid, the desperate search continues for survivors with reports of more than 700 houses buried under a mudslide in a nearby town, which has yet to be explored. An official from the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent described the situation on the ground as "nightmarish." Five days on from the first tsunami waves crashing into the city, bodies of victims remain unburied on the side of the roads. In a public cemetery on the outskirts of the city, workers continue to dig a mass grave the size of a football pitch in an effort to bury as many bodies as quickly as possible. Almost 200 bodies are in this pit alone, with more still being added every hour. A few ID cards lie on the ground next to the pit, but not all bodies have been identified before they were laid to rest. 'I need to get the kids out of here' An estimated 2.4 million people have been affected by the disaster, according to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. He said Tuesday that 799 were injured, and more than 61,000 people have been displaced. In total, Sutopo said 66,000 homes had been destroyed so far. Desperate to leave the scene of the disaster and escape the treat of looting, thousands of families, many with children, have taken to queuing at Palu airport in the hope of a way out. "People are trying to get stuff from my house so I needed to get the kids out of here ... they're trying to rob us," one local woman told CNN as she waited in line at the airport, Monday. While some residents are battling to escape the surrounding area, international aid organizations and the Indonesian military are trying their hardest to reach those in need. Palates of supplies are en route to the affected area, with the Red Cross sending seven tons of logistical supplies from Jakarta on Tuesday. Countries from around the world have also begun to announce aid packages for Indonesia. Australia, one of the country's closest neighbors, said it had already provided $500,000 of support immediately through the Indonesian Red Cross. "Australia has some expertise and has resources in particular areas we can deploy, and we are looking to see how we can best fit the need," Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Tuesday. The United States announced it had released $100,000 in initial disaster assistance on Monday, according to a state department spokesman. But on the ground, there's little evidence so far of the pledged aid with shipments expected to arrive in the days ahead. Second earthquake hits On Tuesday morning, there was yet another reminder of the constant threat of seismic activity in Indonesia, when a 6.0 magnitude earthquake shook the island of Sumba in the country's east. Video from the close to the epicenter showed panicked residents and school children fleeing from buildings and homes. There has been no reports of injuries, and the tremor did not trigger a tsunami alert. There is no indication at this stage whether or not the second earthquake will draw resources away from the situation in Palu, which is also continuing to experience aftershocks. Indonesia sits between two continental plates on what is known as the "ring of fire," a band around the Pacific Ocean which leads to high levels of tectonic and volcanic activity. Sumba is just to the east of the Indonesian island of Lombok, where at least 400 people were killed earlier in August following a devastating series of earthquakes which razed large portions of the island. Palu survivors were still avoiding buildings and sleeping outside days after the earthquake, afraid of being caught inside if a severe aftershock were to happen. Outside the Undata Hospital in Palu, injured patients slept under tarpaulins in the sweltering heat, some of them covered in flies. The hospital's director, Dr. Komang Hadi Sujendra, said power was only restored on Monday.
Since December 2007, over 4.5 million passengers have made more than 8 million journeys on the funicular railway between the centre of Innsbruck up the Nordkette mountain to Hungerburg. In 2017 alone, over 600,000 passengers made 2.1 million journeys on the railway and used its four stations designed by Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA). The Hungerburg funicular (Hungerburgbahn) is part of Innsbruck’s Nordpark Cable Railway (Nordkettenbahnen) and begins at the Congress underground station in the centre of the city. Trains stop at Lowenhaus Station before crossing the bridge over the River Inn, then climbing to Alpenzoo Station and on to Hungerburg where passengers can continue their journey on the Seegrube and Hafelekar cable cars up to its summit at 2,300m. The Nordkette mountain is within the Karwendel, the largest nature park in Austria, giving visitors to the Hafelekar fantastic 360° views of the city as well as Tyrol’s most extensive nature conservation area. Shortlisted for the 2008 Stirling Prize by the Royal Institue of British Architects, the design of each station adapts to its own unique context, topography, altitude, and passenger circulation, with roofs that echo natural ice formations, like glaciers or frozen mountain streams. Each station’s lightweight roof structure ‘floats’ above a concrete plinth, creating an artificial landscape that describes the passenger circulation within. When completed in 2007, the stations were the world’s largest structures using double-curved glass in construction. “These railway stations and bridge are a great example of visionary technology and architecture,” said Thomas Schroll, managing director of the Nordkettenbahnen. “The Hungerburgbahn connects the vibrant city of Innsbruck with nature and it’s stations have become an integral part of Innsbruck’s cityscape,” explained Innsbruck mayor Christine Oppitz-Plorer. “Opening in December 2007, the four innovative Hungerburgbahn stations provide public transport for residents as well as an excursion railway for tourists. Their glacial forms and innovative design have enriched Innsbruck’s alpine character and continues to attract visitors from around the world,” said Karl Gostner, chairman of the Innsbruck Tourist Board. Together with the contractor Strabag, ZHA won the competition to build the Hungerburgbahn in 2005. Using innovative new design and production methods that have since become mainstream – such as CNC milling, thermoforming, and computational parametric design – enabled precision in translating the fluid geometries of the design into the built structures. Starting at the almost flat gradient of the underground Congress station in the city then rising to the maximum 46° gradient of Alpenzoo Station, a new hydraulic tilting system was developed for the railway cars. This system maintains a horizontal floor surface throughout the journey to ensure passengers’ safety and comfort. Due to its steep incline, the railway’s cable is also restrained from above to ensure it follows the gradient of the railway tracks – the first time this technology was used globally and has since been adopted by many other funicular railways worldwide. “Hadid’s architecture is made for movement. It’s rocket-fuel stuff. She rips to shreds the old, static rules of space – walls, ceilings, front and back, right angles, the single viewpoint of Renaissance perspective – and reassembles them… The slender funicular railway emerges from Innsbruck’s chocolate-box downtown, leaps across the river and shoots up the mountain on delicate stilts at a vertiginous angle, up to 46 degrees, opening up an astonishing snow-topped Alpine panorama – a view, though, now almost matched by the artificial landscape Hadid has created to frame it.” The Times, December 200 The Hungerburgbahn is the second project by ZHA in Innsbruck. The Bergisel Ski Jump completed in 2002 and was awarded the Gold Medal for Design by the International Olympic Committee in 2005. Its public café and viewing terrace at the top of the ski jump are easily accessed by elevators to enable everyone – not only ski-jumpers – to enjoy the spectacular views across the valley. Innsbruck will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Hungerburgbahn with events throughout the winter including architectural tours every Tuesday at 10:30am in English and every Friday at 4:00pm in German until 6 April 2018. Nordkette website Photograph courtesy of Nordkettenbahnen Nordpark Railway Stations
How to realize the right to food? There is agreement that millions of hungry Indians must have food. But to make it happen is tough. By Betwa Sharma | January 23, 2012 -- 11:30 GMT (03:30 PST) | Topic: Innovation India's ambitious Food Security Bill is up for review. The Congress government is pushing a new plan, which will provide really cheap food to more than 63% of the country. The scheme, if passed, will cover 75% of the rural population and 50% of urban. The bill, however, faces opposition from politicians and academics. Critics say that the decision will hurt the economy but it is still being advanced by the Congress to secure votes in the upcoming state elections. Currently, India is one of the lowest spenders on the social sector in proportion to its GDP. The International Food Policy Research Institute, which published the World Hunger Index, estimates that 42% of the world's underweight children live in India. In this index, India ranks 67 out of 84 countries. On the proposed bill, there is concern that the amount spent on subsidizing the food will be a big expense for the government--more than $19 billion annually. But the bill supporters argue that India is already spending close to $13 billion a year on anti-malnutrition programs including free meals for children and providing for pregnant women. They say that only $ 5.4 billion annually is additional and so not a huge expense. Then, the critics counter that the infrastructure cost for setting up the new scheme especially delivering food grains to people will be very costly--perhaps even 2-3 times higher than what is being spent now. There is scepticism about the government's ability to deliver food grains under a new plan since the existing Public Distribution System (PDS), which provides rice and wheat at less than half a cent per kg, is filled with leakages. Food grain provided through the PDS is also of poor quality. Jayati Ghosh, a leading economist in India, advised that the government should focus on strengthening the existing distribution system. Critics also say that the new scheme will not increase the number of beneficiaries but it will only redistribute food to a more targeted group of people. This may leave out some of the needy. For example, experts estimate that nearly 50% of the urban population and 25% of the rural households will be left out this scheme. The scheme further divides the targeted groups into priority and general. In case of priority groups or people living Below Poverty Line, the monthly quota is 7 kg of rice or wheat per person. The general group gets about 3 kgs per person. J. Jayalalitha, chief minister of Tamil Nadu, has said that her state already distributes subsidized food grain to everyone. She argues that this scheme, which targets people below poverty line, will in effect leave out a chunk of people in her state including urban poor. There is also disagreement over who can be categorized as a beneficiary and who are the most poor in the country. Several methodologies have been suggested by different government-appointed panels but none of the recommendations have clicked. Farmers, too, are concerned that the bill will hurt their incomes. Presently, the government procures food grains for public distribution from farmers directly. For this, every year, the government fixes a minimum support price that it pays to them. Farmers fear that the cost of public distribution will increase because of this new bill forcing the government to spend less on the procurement side. The farmers are already complaining that the government's minimum support price does not adequately cover their farming costs. Photo: images More from Betwa Sharma Reinventing the rickshaw one city at a time In India, a high-tech toilet that generates revenue Professionals in Delhi turn to image consulting Credit this group for Afghanistan's burgeoning media industry
In 1982, Parker Brothers published the first Spider-Man game for the Atari 2600 titled Spider-Man. The game involves climbing a sky scraper, rescuing hostages and defusing bombs set by the Green Goblin. The 1990's saw a flood of Spider-Man Video Games. The first game of the decade released was The Amazing Spider-Man, a puzzle action game released for Amiga, PC:DOS, Commodore 64, and Atari ST. Another game, also titled The Amazing Spider-Man was released in 1990 for the Game Boy. The Game Boy titles spawned two sequels: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers. IKEA viert dit jaar zijn 75ste verjaardag. Als verjaardagscadeau boden we de Zweedse woongigant een interview in het septembernummer van ons magazine. Victoria van Keulen vertelt over hoe zij twee jaar geleden verantwoordelijk werd voor de klantervaring in Nederland, waarna zij tot de schrikbarende ontdekking kwam dat het onderwerp weinig leefde. Voor haar dus het doel het thema concreet te maken en te vertalen. Hoe dat is gelukt? Dat lees je in de coverstory van dit nummer. The Peter Parker of the daily Spider-Man newspaper strip continues his career as a struggling photographer constantly facing down the abuse of his less-than-satisfied boss J. Jonah Jameson, whilst battling crime in his disguise as Spider-Man. In addition to opposing classic enemies, much of the strip sees Peter battle new enemies. He has also teamed up with various heroes through the strip's run, such as Daredevil and Wolverine. He is married to Mary Jane in this continuity, and has often been aided by her in his battles with his enemies. This universe was visited by Morlun during the Spider-Verse event, but due to time distortions constantly resetting things so that the simplest actions take weeks to progress, Morlun finds his efforts to consume this version of Peter fruitless. The Master Weaver of the Inheritors elects to rebel against his masters for once and seals this universe away in a pocket dimension where it will remain safe from any further attacks.[22] Captain Marvel a.k.a. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers, the superhero Ms. Marvel, has worked with Spider-Man on occasion and even agreed to go on a date with him in accordance with his helping her on a mission, despite how angry he can make her. She later fulfills her promise.[3] Spider-Man had admitted to himself he finds her attractive in her outfit. At the end of the near disastrous date, the two bonded together over a love of junk food. After she was possessed by the symbiote for a time, Venom hints to Spider-Man that his feelings for Ms. Marvel are mutual. The two have remained good friends. Jump up ^ Moser, Stefan (29 October 2010). "Kein 'Trick or Treat' bei Salzburgs Kelten" (in German). Salzburger Nachrichten. Archived from the original on 17 March 2014. Retrieved 11 August 2017. Die Kelten haben gar nichts mit Halloween zu tun", entkräftet Stefan Moser, Direktor des Keltenmuseums Hallein, einen weit verbreiteten Mythos. Moser sieht die Ursprünge von Halloween insgesamt in einem christlichen Brauch, nicht in einem keltischen. Other features include short-distance gliding capability, limited bulletproofing, built-in fire/police/emergency scanner, audio/visual amplification (including infrared and ultraviolet), cloaking device, carbon filters to keep out airborne toxins, and a short-range GPS microwave communication system. It grants the ability to breathe under water, and can morph into different shapes due to its "'smart' liquid metal" form. It can also "more or less disappear" when not needed due to reactions to neurological impulses as Tony Stark revealed. The new costume is able to look like other styles of costumes Spider-Man has worn over the years or turn into his street clothes. Part of the costume can detach itself from Spider-Man to cover an object too dangerous to touch, such as a radioactive asteroid. All these features are controlled by a computer system in the chest piece. The suit responds to mental control.[9] Spider-Man has become Marvel's flagship character and has often been used as the company mascot. When Marvel became the first comic book company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991, the Wall Street Journal announced "Spider-Man is coming to Wall Street"; the event was in turn promoted with an actor in a Spider-Man costume accompanying Stan Lee to the Stock Exchange.[9]:254 Since 1962, hundreds of millions of comics featuring the character have been sold around the world.[160] Spider-Man is the world's most profitable superhero.[161] In 2014, global retail sales of licensed products related to Spider-Man reached approximately $1.3 billion.[162] Comparatively, this amount exceeds the global licensing revenue of Batman, Superman, and the Avengers combined.[161] In the Avengers Assemble episode "Planet Doom", Slinger's costume almost flawlessly resembles Spider-Man Noir's costume. This version of Spider-Man is a member of the Defenders, a resistance group of vigilantes who are against Doctor Doom, who has altered history and conquered the world. Slinger works alongside Bullseye (Clint Barton) and Snap (Sam Wilson), who are awaiting their foretold savior, the God of Thunder Thor's, arrival. After Doom's defeat, reality is restored to normal, and Slinger reverts to Spider-Man. . The story begins with Peter already having his Spider powers and is a part-time photographer for the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man would battle many classic villains and newer villains such as Green Goblin (Norman and Harry Osborn), Hobgoblin, the Chameleon, the Lizard, the Scorpion, Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Rhino, the Kingpin of Crime, the Shocker, Vulture, Venom, and Carnage. Peter would eventually get into a romantic relationship with Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, and eventually fall for Mary Jane Watson. Although Gwen Stacy was never in the series, Marvel gave us a little teaser in the series finale story arc, having Spider-Man go to an alternate universe and meeting Gwen Stacy herself. A very important story arc in this series began as the finale of Season 3 in the episode entitled "Turning Point." In which the Green Goblin kidnaps Mary Jane and throws her off the George Washington Bridge, similar to the story arc "The Night Gwen Stacy Died." However, with the heavy censorship in the 1990s not allowing television to have heavy violence, death being a part of it. Marvel decided to have Mary Jane and the Green Goblin fall into an inter-dimension vortex instead. Season 4 was mostly about the guilt that Spider-Man has to carry for losing Mary Jane. He tries to rebound with the Black Cat, but Mary Jane eventually mysteriously returns to life. Season 5 starts off with the much anticipated Wedding of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker. With season 5 being the last season, Marvel dropped a bomb on us by revealing that Mary Jane was actually a clone created by Dr. Miles Warren. Following Davis's lead, Spider-Man sneaked into the ferry and went looking for the Vulture. During his scouting, Stark called him, but Spider-Man hung up on him to focus on his targets. Spider-Man interrupted the deal and defeated Vulture's gang and Mac Gargan, but the FBI interrupted Spider-Man's ambush and proceeded to arrest everyone at the scene. When Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually relegated to the role of sidekick to the protagonist. The Spider-Man series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker, a high school student from Queens behind Spider-Man's secret identity and with whose "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could relate.[9] While Spider-Man had all the makings of a sidekick, unlike previous teen heroes such as Bucky and Robin, Spider-Man had no superhero mentor like Captain America and Batman; he thus had to learn for himself that "with great power there must also come great responsibility"—a line included in a text box in the final panel of the first Spider-Man story but later retroactively attributed to his guardian, the late Uncle Ben. Unseen scientist Mister Fantastic constructed large, transforming battle armour for various superhumans; Spider-Man received two, one based on each of his costumes, both of which could transform into a high-speed motorcycle. It is likely Richards gained the idea from Spider-Man, as it is inconceivable the encounter with the Transformers wouldn't have a lasting impact on the vigilante.[1] Critics in the legal community dispute whether the "Super Hero" marks meet the legal standard for trademark protection in the United States: distinctive designation of a single source of a product or service. Controversy exists over each element of that standard: whether "Super Hero" is distinctive rather than generic, whether "Super Hero" designates a source of products or services, and whether DC and Marvel jointly represent a single source.[48] Some critics further characterize the marks as a misuse of trademark law to chill competition.[49] To date, aside from a failed trademark removal action brought in 2016 against DC Comics' and Marvel Comics' United Kingdom registration, no dispute involving the trademark "Super Hero" has ever been to trial or hearing.[50] To create a zombie costume, first make your clothes look old and tattered. Try using a 1:1 bleach solution to fade clothes or make them look worn out by running a grater over areas to create small tears. Make some fake blood with corn syrup, red food coloring, and chocolate syrup to spatter on your clothes so you’ll look bloody and gory! Remember to zombify your face and hair, too, using dark purplish-brown makeup around your eye socket and eyelids so your eyes look sunken in, for example. While Peter Parker still becomes the titular Spider-Man in the comic book starring his name, the initial focus of the story is upon Daily Bugle reporter Ben Urich, an experienced and respected reporter who has a network of informants under the alias of the Spider. The Goblin is a crime lord named Osborn whose henchmen consist of the Enforcers (consisting of Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana), Kraven, the Chameleon (a master of disguise) and the Vulture (a sideshow freak who had developed a taste for human flesh). Urich does not use the information he has to expose the Goblin but rather to blackmail him, in order to get enough money to feed his secret drug habit.[1] Jump up ^ Saffel, p. 65, states, "In the battle that followed atop the Brooklyn Bridge (or was it the George Washington Bridge?)...." On page 66, Saffel reprints the panel of The Amazing Spider-Man #121, page 18, in which Spider-Man exclaims, "The George Washington Bridge! It figures Osborn would pick something named after his favorite president. He's got the same sort of hangup for dollar bills!" Saffel states, "The span the GW's more famous cousin, the Brooklyn Bridge. ... To address the contradiction in future reprints of the tale, though, Spider-Man's dialogue was altered so that he's referring to the Brooklyn Bridge. But the original snafu remains as one of the more visible errors in the history of comics." When the Guardians of the Galaxy traveled to the 20th century on a mission to destroy the Badoon, the Uni-Power possessed a Badoon worker named L'Matto in order to prevent the planned genocide. L'Matto's newfound knowledge was able to keep the Guardians from attacking but the Brother Royal then used the Badoon Captain Universe as his champion in a gladiatorial challenge which he had coerced the Guardians into accepting. L'Matto easily overpowered Charlie-27 and was about to kill him when Vance Astro and Dr. Strange arrived and joined in the battle, with Nikki and Talon pitching in as well. Despite this, it was not until Aleta (who had become the new Starhawk) arrived and attacked alongside Dr. Strange that L'Matto was finally defeated, enabling Strange to exorcise the Uni-Power which L'Matto had abused and return it to Earth.[13] Genesys, wereldwijd leider in omnichannel oplossingen voor experience en contact centers, hoort bij de top vijf leveranciers op basis van omzet in het recente rapport van Gartner ‘Market Share Analysis: Customer Experience and Relationship Management (CERM) Software, Worldwide, 2017’. Genesys ziet dit als erkenning van hun positie als topspeler in deze markt en benadrukt het... ^ Jump up to: a b Anne E. Kitch (2004). The Anglican Family Prayer Book. Church Publishing, Inc. Archived from the original on 25 January 2017. Retrieved 31 October 2011. All Hallow's Eve, which later became known as Halloween, is celebrated on the night before All Saints' Day, November 1. Use this simple prayer service in conjunction with Halloween festivities to mark the Christian roots of this festival. Upon approaching the Spider-Island arc, Peter felt vulnerable with the lack of his spider sense. He began training under Shang Chi to create his own unique martial arts style to make up for his lack of spider sense called the "Way of the Spider". It was then revealed that Shang Chi was instructed by the new Madam Web (Julia Carpenter the former Arachne and Spider-Woman) to secretly prepare Peter for a future threat (Spider-Island). This style consists of among other things, hitting pressure points with Spider Strength, and striking with Spider Speed. This new martial art has considerably improved Spider-Man's H2H capabilities, and so far he has stalemated Julia Carpenter and effortlessly defeated 3 spider-powered individuals in a few seconds during Spider-Island. When he regained his Spider-Sense, he defeated a mutated Kaine who was considerably stronger and quicker than him, and effortlessly trumped a mind controlled Spider-Woman, in handful of blows and kicks. In this new design, the bodysuit is made of hardened kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fiber and is broken into multiple pieces of armor over a more flexible bodysuit for greater mobility. The cowl of the Batsuit, which previously had been attached to the shoulder and neck, is now a separate component inspired by the design of motorcycle helmets, allowing the wearer to freely swivel and move his neck without moving the rest of his upper torso.. Also, a strong electric current runs through it that prevents anyone except Bruce Wayne from removing it, further protecting his identity. But this cowl was later shattered by Bane, a man of great strength. i would say that that, in the comic book format, the first super-powered character would be popeye, who was capable of superhuman feats of strength by eathing spinach (1929). the same year also provided the comic book format with the first sort of vigilante-crime-fighter, the shadow. the full costumed crime fighter debuted in 1936 with the phantom. you can argue that the first time the medium of the comic book, the costume, and the super powers (not of magical origin - and i make that distinction because science, technology, mutation, etc. are devices that influence literature far more prominently post-industrial revolution, wheras magic and divinity were devices with long histories) were brought together was, indeed, the action comics superman debut issue. The Yale student appears to believe that creating an intellectual space and a home are at odds with one another. But the entire model of a residential college is premised on the notion that it’s worthwhile for students to reside in a campus home infused with intellectualism, even though creating it requires lavishing extraordinary resources on youngsters who are already among the world’s most advantaged. It is no accident that masters are drawn from the ranks of the faculty. Spider-Man first appears in the episode Along Came A spider where he helps Captain America fight the serpent society He next appears in New Avengers where he leads the New lineup of Avengers against Kang...after the victory and return of the Original Avengers he officially becomes a member (although a reserve one). The last time he appeared was Avengers Assemble amongst the rest of Earth's heroes fighting The Heralds of Galactus. In 1963, Astro Boy was adapted into a highly influential anime television series. Phantom Agents in 1964 focused on ninjas working for the Japanese government and would be the foundation for Sentai-type series. 1966 saw the debut of sci-fi/horror series Ultra Q created by Eiji Tsuburaya this would eventually lead on to the sequel Ultraman, spawning a successful franchise focused upon the Giant Hero subgenre where the Superheroes would be as big as giant monsters (Kaiju) that they fought. Development of artifacts and symbols associated with Halloween formed over time. Jack-o'-lanterns are traditionally carried by guisers on All Hallows' Eve in order to frighten evil spirits.[97][120] There is a popular Irish Christian folktale associated with the jack-o'-lantern,[121] which in folklore is said to represent a "soul who has been denied entry into both heaven and hell":[122]
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