class label
2 classes
The price on this item is fair, but the shipping charge is "easy money" for the seller. Use google and you will find free shipping with the same price.
Great price and received it quicker than expected. I am anxious to see what my test results are after using it for awhile. Heard alot of great reviews on it.
This stool lasted 2 weeks. The plastic that connects the wheels cracked. The wheels are now at parallel to the flow, making the stool unusable.
Before buying this product I have checked with the seller "Pretty Like Me" on it's availability for sale. After a few days the seller sends me a message saying that this product is out of stock.This is very sad.
The table came in earlier than expected and works great!! Table can be lifted to multiple heights, feels like a quality product not cheaply made. We love it!
Changing the blades yearly is like having a new shaver yearly. Very easy and not too expensive!
I had hoped this tea would taste better but it just tastes to me like I steeped weeds from the backyard.
I'm 5'2" and have really big calves for a female. 15 inch circumference. I work long hours and am on my feet for a lot of it. These help keep the swelling in my ankles down. Not sexy, but functional. p.s. I bought the small size.
I replaced my 20+ year old heating pad with this one. It heats up quickly and works well. My only complaint is they don't make things like they used to. The pad itself is much thinner and has a tendency to curl up or roll on the edges. Other than that, I am satisfied.
these are the best batteries ever. i use my graphing calculator everyday so i have to change batteries every once in a while, but when i used the procell ones it lasted me about a year and a half.
good and cheap! I like that you have the 3's 6's and 9's in one pill (or two actually) rather than three diffrent bottles..
I wore some shoes that had been comfortable for a year, but I guess more poor feet are changing. They couldn't cope with the stress of standing in those shoes for hours. A slight bunion got much worse after that day so I bought this splint to fix it.It did help. Wore it overnight and my foot was realigned in the morning. I hate having foot troubles but until I can afford better care, splints and other OTC remedies help. I write these reviews because I know how frustrating it is to try to solve foot problems. Even many podiatrists don't have adequate treatments.
Tried Pumpkin Pie and Strawberry Daquiri and both are incredibly moisturizing and smell great!
Instock Novelties is deceiving you if you think you are going to receive 12 brush heads. They only sent me 1 package of 3 brush heads, and they were not the extra soft brushes. I will never do any business with this seller again. Liars and thieves.
This stuff really works for me! I have recommended it to everyone I know who gets colds.Take three of these huge tablets two or more times a day at the very first signs of a cold to ward off infection or lessen the symptoms.Before I learned about Wellness Formula, I got colds at every season. And at least one or two of them were very severe. When I take the tablets at the first signs, now I only develop colds once or twice a year, and the symptoms are much milder and manageable without the use of medications and their side-effects.Some people like to take one or two tablets daily to maintain their immune system. I find that it is better (and more economical) to take two tablets twice a day while travelling or when exposed to "cold-catching" conditions (infected persons, wet, damp weather or clothing, etc.)You will experience some mild "garlic breath" with this product, but you can take an internal breath freshener like Crystal Breath to get rid of it. Due to "volume pricing," you'll get a great price at Amazon, but if you're not yet convinced, you can try a small bottle first, available at many vitamin stores.
I just got the container opened. It is one of these push down and turn tops. Even though I bought it a while ago, I could not use it because I had to have someone else open it for me. I will not buy this manufacturer again unless container says, "easy open".
Stay away from this shaver. Made to low quality standards in China, this unit comes standard with: a defective trimmer unit (won't pop up); a substandard battery (lasts nowhere as long as advertised); and an overall cheap feel.
Took this with Raspberry ketones and they had no effect. After a couple of weeks, I went back to the Super Hoodia 2000 (by Life Smart Labs, Inc.)and Reveratrol Diet (by natrol) pills I had been taking. These 2 have helped to dull my cravings and curb my appetite. These pills have made it easier to change over to the strict whole food, vegan diet that I plan to keep for the rest of my life! I've dropped 20lbs and almost cured my chonic fatigue that the drs haven't been able to help with at all! But - both of those results are from the change in diet, not the pills. The pills just make it a little easier to stick to the diet!
I had really bad morning sickness for the first 4 months of pregnancy. These drops were the only food/candy that seemed to take the edge off of my constant nausea. They are a temporary fix, but worked great. Plus the tartness of them was delicious.
Now, I love coffee, coffee flavored things and coffee scented things. This is none of the above. The reason I'm not sending it back is because it is an awesome lip balm in general.update: My Zombie lip balm came in and I LOVE it! It does smell just like the drink. I plan on ordering some more soon!
Good try, but these taste too much like over-sweet chemical mush bars that leave an semi-acrid aftertaste. The Chocolates are the best, hands down. This one tastes like sweetener that resembles oatmeal was added. Very fake. They are edible, but they are overpoweringly chemical.
I have tried several Cliff products over the years, none with good results. For whatever reason, these things do not sit well in my stomach. Perhaps it is all of the years of living on Mac n Cheese but these organic and "easy to digest" products are all but. I tried the Bloks at a pre-race expo and the thing sat like a rock in my gut. They taste all right but wow are they tough to digest.
I really love this razor. It lets me skip days in between shaving because it is so smooth and cuts so close. My only complete is the price. I really wish someone would make a really good razor whose refills aren't in the above $10 range. I try to use the blades as long as possible to save some money. For me, this is the best razor out there.
THE shipment was great but when i open it there was a clear sealed...when i open the sealed and take the cover off the other sealed was broken like someone used it then shipped it the icon is stripping off....VERY BAD BARGAIN!!!!!!
I read the reviews for this while I was looking for a specific flavor (red velvet cake) for a gift. And I was sold. I bought the Red Velvet as well as Blueberry cheesecake, chai, pecan pie and zombie. I love these. They go on so smooth and they're shiny enough that people think I'm wearing gloss!It came in a little box, in just a couple days, and they sent pens and cards and other fun stuff!I have really sensitive skin and this stuff doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I was recently sick with a cold and my nose got really raw from blowing it. I actually put some of the pecan pie one on my nose, (I was sick!) not only did it smell great but the next day my nose wasn't raw at ALL.They really do use all natural oils, which I love. Gonna order more soon. There are 400 flavors, hard to pick just one!
I ordered the double truss as single not available. I had no hint as to the proper size so just guessed at medium large. It fit fairly well. However, the double pads for the hernia would have necessitated all new trousers as made pelvic area a lot larger. Amazon should carry more models and have a guide as to waist sizes.
I've had persistent back problems for many years, due to a largely sedentary job, and a bicycle accident in my 20's (now in my 40's). While I saw chiropractors on and off over the years, I eventually learned stretches which could 'pop' my own back into place. However, the neck is much trickier. I could never manage to deal with that myself. After spending a week driving on a family vacation, my neck was in bad shape, so I decided to give this thing a try. WOW ! After using it for about 10 min 2-3x a day for a day or two, my neck was massively improved. After the first time I used it, I could feel my shoulder tension draining away. It works fine on an interior door, just make sure the door is closed when you use it (I saw someone here comment that itpopped off the door and hit them in the head. Clearly this can't happen if the door is closed...). If you get one, also get a mouthguard to prevent your teeth from grinding when it pulls up on your jaw. While I admit it squeezes the head a bit, I haven't found it to be uncomfortable.
I retain ALLOT of fluid in my legs....many days I have not ankles and they have kangaroo pouches under them!!I'm a female weighing 220 and 5'5"I ordered the XL sizethe first time I tried wearing them my legs cramped up after 6 hoursthe second time I tried them well my legs cramped up after 2.5 hours!!Andsaying they don't constrict at the top!!WRONG!!!!!!!!YES THEY DO!sorry NO GOOD In my bookif you can't tolerate wearing them they don't do any good!
Tom's Natural Deodorant Soap does exactly what it claims to do. It has a very creamy consistency, lathers nicely, doesn't dry out your skin, and works well as a deodorant. It was labeled unscented, and indeed it was. Although I usually like unscented products, I found I missed the perfume when I bathed and I would like to try the scented variety of this soap.
I have recently bought two of these masks, one for me and the second for my wife. The main problem we have with them are the thick straps that cut through the ears. The mask is also so thick that it makes you so hot during the night, and you have no choice but to take it off. I will try to refund them and find something else here from Amazon.
One of the few machines that can detect irregular heart beat. Best price I could find, and BP measurement (when inctructions are followed)that is very accurate.
Great heating pad! Lets you keep it on rather than an automatic shut-off. I prefer that feature. I have had several of these because it is the only one I have been able to find with that feature. They do tend to break after washing the pad. Probably will hand wash from now on.
Great company great price and no shipping! Cheaper than buying a Zippo in your local store!
Maybe it is my face, but I find that this razor doesn't work as good as the cheaper Gillette sensor. It seems to be the angle. This razor takes up a larger area than the sensor, so it doesn't reach into areas like clefts or turns (chin area, jaw line) as well. It works better on a flat area, like legs for example. My fiancee uses it for shaving her legs and likes it better, but I don't care for it.
Am I the only one having this problem? These foils aren't lasting me more than a few months. And, no, I don't push the razor hard against my face, I use it at a 90 degree angle, and I don't have an abnormally thick beard. I've used Braun razors my whole life and for some reason my 8595 goes through foils like nothing else. I've even had the entire cutter unit (motor) replaced under warrenty just in case that was the problem. Personally I think the problem is in the design of the foil as the thinner mesh just isn't as strong as the previous design. Is anyone else having this same experience? Is the newer 360 model any better?
This product did nothing to help me in any way. I would not suggest wasting your money on this product.
High price for a heating pad that lasted 18 months.The thermostat would fluctuate temperature between cold and very hot even when new.One day it just stopped - digital display still worked but no heat.
The purpose I purchased this battery was to be ready to replace the old one. The charge life was becoming low and I knew it was a matter of time before I would need a replacement.Just within the last few days, the inevitable happened and I was ready with the "new" battery. I was aware it would need to be recharged before use and let it charge for about two days as I didn't need to use my camera. When I did use it, it barely held the charge long enough to snap a few photos before the warning light appeared.Thinking it was new and might need a "breaking-in" period, I recharged it again for a few days and received the same result. I believe it is either defective or too old, but I have no way to tell for sure which it is. It may be both.I have always had good luck with Fuji, so I am giving them a little slide on rating this product for that reason alone.
Found replacement batteries at amozon.com for my watch will searching the net for new ones, and here is where I found them for a low prize.
I had never eaten a Luna bar before I made this purchase, so I had expectations that were not even close to being fufilled.When I read "chocolate Pecan Pie" .. I expected just that.. the taste of rich chocolate, with nutty pecans and a gooey sugary base. What I received was a bar with little taste, nothing at all similar to the name on the bar.In my opinion, the bar is edible if you have no expectations of it... the flavor is barely there. The bar is dry. It is never again be on my "purchase" list
When I can get them to stay on, they do a good job of keeping the light out. However,I have yet to have them stay on all night.
The nutrition facts are great, just protein..no carbs no fat. I absolutely loved the graham-cracker flavor. And decided to risk it and try the strawberry kiwi. Bad move. This stuff is tough to mix. And you shake it for a second and it foams up like crazy and you have to wait like 10 minutes for the foam to go down, then when u get to actually drink it the flavor is really tart. I have tried so many proteins and am not usually a critic but had to warn people against this flavor.
Just what the doctor ordered for magnifying reading glasses
A couple decades ago, my Naturopath prescribed this for my back injury. This was before you could find it in stores! It worked amazingly well. For me, much better than the Arnica pills and creams, etc.. Even better than the Traumeel creams and gels! It has a long list of ingredients to help alleviate muscle strains.I read on Amazon other people using it as a cold remedy and so on. I have not used it that way before, however, since some ingredients can be used for other things, I can understand why it might work. I just find it the BEST for me for relieving pain in muscles. If I over due something, like gardening and feel just a "tinge" of pain, I take it, two or three times as recommended on the bottle. Usually I am free of pain and healed!I highly recommend it to my friends. I rarely take any kind of standard pain medication at all, preferring natural remedies and this one, for me, works better than anything I used to use ages ago! I love this product!
You'd think that a diaper pail with a power-driven lid would come with an electrical cord, right? Wrong. This junker requires four D batteries that need to be replaced once or twice EACH WEEK.But wait; there's more! Installing new batteries requires taking off the smelly lid and unscrewing THREE small Phillips-head screws that hold the unwieldy battery cover in place!You couldn't come up with a stupider design if you tried.
These are my favorite flavor/type of the EAS bars. They taste good and are 240 calories. I can use them as a light breakfast or as an in between meals snack. I hate most of the bars, but these taste good. Not candy, so you aren't trying to just eat them whenever, but satisfying and good.
I've been using it for years. It costs a little more but there is no staining, no harsh chemicals, and it works fantastic.
I decided to try Pledge Future Shine on my kitchen's tile floor one fine Saturday afternoon. The end result was I spent a fine Sunday afternoon trying to undo the damage.I have a contemporary kitchen with large, 2' x 2' tiles. They were looking a bit hazy despite using Pledge Multi Surface Floor Cleaner. And I recall the old Future commercials of days gone by, so I looked into the product which is now called Pledge with Future Shine. Same stuff, slightly different name.I picked up a bottle and followed the instructions carefully. First I cleaned the floor with Armstrong Floor Cleaner, ammonia, and water. I then proceeded to apply Pledge Future and this is where the difficulties began. Although the cleaner is liquid and looks water-like in the bottle, it has more viscosity when trying to work it. So when I squirted the liquid on the floor (again, as directed), it had the consistency of water. But as I ran a sponge mop over it, I began seeing a rippling effect sort of like when apply a clear coat. Indeed, this stuff essentially applies a thin layer of acrylic to the surface of your floor. But in my case, the surface was uneven. And when it dried, my normally smooth floor looked ripply and streaky.To make things worse, some of the liquid splashed on the brushed aluminum baseboard of my kitchen cabinets, leaving it spotted. And since Future is some liquid acrylic, it wouldn't wipe away with a damp cloth. Pledge Future Shine also has a definite plastic smell to it. It went away by the next day but there is definitely a smell you will have for a day or so.In any case, the end result was so bad I spent the next day with the Armstrong cleaner + ammonia + a scrubbing sponge to try and remove the stuff. It did appear to come off, but I will have to do a second round to get the spots I missed. But the biggest problem was my aluminum baseboard. The Future wouldn't come off despite intensive scrubbing with a wet rag. I finally had to buy a super-fine grit sandpaper from a hobby store and had to sand the dried Pledge Future off. Very hard work and I still haven't finished because I wore the sandpaper sheet out. A couple of spots got on the wood itself and I still haven't determined how to get those off.Since the reviews of this product are quite good, I wonder if the sponge mop may have been the reason for the streaks and unevenness. Or perhaps my floor tiles are very smooth and not conducive to the product. But I won't find out because I will not go through that headache again.
This is the best lube out their. Do not hesitate to buy this. Last a long time and you only need a little. Worth the price!!
I think this would be a wonderful product if it did not contain sorbitol. This is a very bad for people with blood sugar issues. I thought the product would be good for my child with metabolic syndome but had to throw it away.If you used a sweetener like xylitol or stevia (or no sweetener at all) I would consider trying it again.
I like this product so practical and hygienic, not like others who puts single lancet, and are uncomfortable. I Liked.
This retailer (Tony) was very cooperative, but the SONY NH-14WM(A) Rechargeable Gumstick Battery that I received from him had a specification of 1350mAh and I am supposed to use a battery that has a specification of 1400 mAh.Even though Tony had asked me to send the original faulty battery (that I had already tossed it out) and the replacement battery back to him for full refund, but, I really don't think its cost effective for me, because the entire transaction had cost me approximately $13.00 (including shipping and handling from the retailer). If I send it back, its going to cost me extra the buy a package for shipping, travel time and gas at $3.37/gallon back and forth to the post office, waiting time at the post office, and etc. It would have costed me more money than the refund money I would receive from the retailer. So, I thanked Tony for his offer.But, I did learn a very good lesson from this transaction, I shall never buy anything that will be so much cheaper (that I had only to pay $8.00 plus handling and shipping for a total sum of approximtely $13.00 for this "new" battery), and that the actual retailed price for this battery should have been $29.95 plus shipping and handling.I did buy a new one from our local Sony Style retail store for a total of $31.67 including sales tax. It works perfectly now!I learned a good lesson!
Do not but this. Im sure the vitamins are great, but Im not stupid enough to take them. There's a little bitty warning at the bottom of the label saying this product contains ingredients that cause cancer, birth defects, and/or reproductive harm!! Then why are they made for women???It would have been nice if that was listed on the Amazon page before I spent $20.
I did not loose any weight. As a laxative - good but as a slimming tea - not so much. I would not recommend it for people who wants to loose weight.
I had high hopes for this product after reading the reviews here, and I was shocked to see all the cautions and poison contact information on the bottle! To make matters worse, one bottle had leaked extensively into the plastic bag it was in.I just don't feel safe using this as I have pets. I will stick with Natures Miracle from now on.
My children use only this item for their children, so I purchased one for my grandchildren to use at my house. It is very compact, yet extremely sturdy.
Don't know about you but I am always looking for that replacement battery that I used last week or before. With This nice 4 Pack and the Convenient Subscription Discount I always have the battery I need WHEN I need it and not having to run out to the store for it. With the price of Gas now and Amazon Prime's Free Freight This makes this a no Brainer. That is unless you just love spending your time and money running out for a battery.
It doesn't taste or smell like Grand Marnier I was very disappointed. I would rather have my chapstick in cherry flavor. Atleast It has a taste.
the battery you sent was not the right size, so we limped along staying plugged into a 120vac receptacle. Henceforward I will ignore the advice given me at the Apple Store and wait my turn to have an expert LOOK at the computer and sell me the right battery. I'm not a particularly happy camper.
We have used this since our daughter was a newborn (she's now almost 9mos). It really is a perfect bath solution...it stays nice and warm with the water, is soft and comfy for baby, and keeps baby's body in the water but head a little elevated. Our daughter has always loved bathtime and I'm sure the Safer Bather has something to do with it.We haven't had any problems with mildew...we just ring it out and hang it on the towel rack to dry!
My family uses it all the time to recover from exercise related soreness. I should really take stock in this company.
I Followed the directions and the product does not work. Do not waste your money, you are unable to return.
I have about two dozen NiMH rechargeables I use for various electronics devices, including three Nikon flash heads and a GPS. My Energizer 2300mAh and 2500mAh (marked NH-15AA) are much less reliable than my Duracell 2050 mAh. They discharge soon after recharging, and at least 20% are markedly worse than the others; almost one quarter of them are duds and I eventually discard them.Note that I last bought these a year ago, and they are marked NH-15AA. Maybe Energizer has improved them, or they might simply be rebranded. However, the packaging looks identical.I'd recommend Duracell instead.I keep a battery meter next to my MAHA charger, and often find that one of the four batteries I remove from my device is significantly weaker than the other three. When this happens, I write a note on the side of the battery. After three strikes, I throw that battery away. I have discarded and recycled at least five Energizers, and can't recall throwing away a single Duracell.
Other than getting a defective unit, I don't understand why anyone would rate this less than 5 stars. The heater works fast even if the water is room temperature; the jets are as powerful as the unit can contain and it is easy to fill and drain (I just remove the splash guard and dump it into the bathtub.)I spent the extra money in hopes of getting a quality unit that will last a long time. I showed the Amazon listing to a coworker, and she says she has had the same unit (different branding, but identical) for more than ten years and uses it frequently. I lamented the inability to add stuff to the bath (after having done so)and she said she has added stuff from day one. The trick is to keep the spa clean - don't let it sit with dirty water or salts. Rinse it right away or just add small amounts of oils instead of salts. I am very happy with every aspect of this purchase and definitely recommend this unit to anyone interested in a foot spa. I love it...
The plastic smell is overwhelmingly awful. It even stinks up the drawer its kept in.There has to be something better than doesn't smell revolting.
Way too much burn for me! Feels and smells like regular rubbing alcohol going on. Guess I will stick with straight up witch hazel (14% alcohol).
I am happy with this product and will reorder it when I have used this package. 1 Lb will last a while as I drink one cup of this tea daily for it's diuretic quality as part of my dietary/fitness program.
i used this back support 2 times and it started leaking air. support ok but i should get more than 2 uses. will not buy another one.
i live down town. inside it is very quiet, but outside! imagine under my window a stoplight, mainestreet a major route for trucks & emergency vehicles, a railroad crossing 2 two blocks away,there must be on average a train every hour or so day and night. I run my machine day and night. I hardly notice any of it any more! I did find that it makes more sound if it is surrounded, you know boxed in. i am very happy with it and i am thinking about getting a couple as gifts .
These replacement blades has given my Norelco new life! My shave his so much faster and smoother.This is well worth the money.
I have tried many diet pills. I always say this...as a past gym trainer and an expert on diet and nurtition, diet pills should ONLY be used as an extra help in losing the last 10 lbs or so. They shouldn't ever be depended on alone.75% of any results will always be HOW YOU EAT..plain and simple. Working out with light weights or heavy weights also gREATLY helps. But even if you work out 5 hours a day, and eat nothing but fat and high sugar foods, your results will take forever to see..or you will only keep packing on the lbs.Ok..so I started taking these about 5 years ago. I had taken Stacker 2's before and Hydroxycut, and even Trim Spa. Let me say..all those give you a "boost" of energy..and slight gitters..BUT..I have never had the jitters that bad--until THIS product.DO NOT TAKE THIS. I was only 25 when I took these and mind you--I was already working out 1 hour a day, and eating clean..I mainly used these to lose about 5lbs..I DID lose about 10 with these..don't get me wrong here...BUT...I was only taking TWO pills a day--one in morning--and one at night. THAT was all I took.(I honestly NEVER take a full serving in ANY diet pill) just because I feel they are loaded with way too much caffiene.)..After taking only 1 of these,,.and took a light nap..a few hours later..I was getting dressed in the bathroom..and started having a panic attack. I NEVER had those before. I don't even have any health problems. I don't even ever get panic attacks..never knew what one was actually like. I felt I was having a minor heart attack or something (minus the chest pains or any nausea)..I was scared SH****LESS. I had to run over to my husband and have him hold me just because I felt I couldn't breath.This pill is dangerous in my opinion. And again, I wasn't even taking a full dosage.not even close. >:(Then after taking the pills I kept having panic attacks for a few months there afterward...even tho I stopped taking them after that.(maybe it was a mind thing after that). I even started having panic attacks when I switched to ZERO caffine Hydroxycut..and they have no jitters at all! I even couldn't drink coffee for months because I was sooo scared that I would start panic-ing.I remember one night I couldn't go to sleep because I felt like I was going to pass out.DONT TAKE THESE. PERIOD.Infact...drinking 12 cups of Green Tea a day works even better--AND gets rid of bloating. ;)Save your money...and save your life by NOT ever taking these.!!
I love these glasses. I ordered them in a 1.00 strength and they're perfect for anywhere. The frames and lenses are very sturdy. They came very quickly!
Haven't used this yet but like the shimmer to it and can't wait to use. It looks nice and glittery
does not really smell unless you stick your nose close to it. I has been in our small bathroom but I have not smelled it whatsoever. a wasted $1... : )
It's not the same as the one the brush comes with. The top spins but you loose the up down motion from the brushes under the spin part. cheap knock off I guess. spend more get the right one. :(
I waited until my son was 2 before I bought this. I could have slept so much better, if I would have bought this for my son when he was born. My son sleeps great with this sound machine in his room. Now I want one for my room! It has such a soothing sound! I am telling you that this has been the best purchase I have ever made on amazon. Please buy this for expectant mothers. They will thank you. This is so worth it. I don't know why I waited so long. Just trying to save $50 bucks I guess. :(. I was crazy. It was the best money spent.
I buy Balance Bar Nutrition Energy Bars on a regular basis so I decided to buy them online. They arrived in less than 6 days. The order was placed Jan-17-2011, I received the Balance bars today, Jan-21-2011, the expiration date is Jan-20-2011 - yesterday. I am NOT eating these. Unacceptable. I have read earlier reviews stating problems with the expiration dates. Maybe the reviews are worth taking into consideration.
These bars are great tasting and very filling. Not small like many bars. And only 3 WW points. I love them.
Rather than support my lower back, it felt like I was wearing a fanny pack.Too much weight at the bottom
These are a nice quality-made pair of glasses, however, they are very small. The earpieces are too short for most adult males. They are more suitable for women with smaller facial features and for children. The nose bridge pads are also spaced far apart, even for a man's normal-sized nose... which would make them difficult for a woman or a child to wear. With a few changes, these could be a great pair of glove-box, purse, or jacket glasses as they are already quite compact. I'd give them 5-stars for quality, but gave them only 2-stars because they desperately need ergonomic testing on people.
Livatone Plus Powder contains many of the ingredients and nutrients that I need in a form which is easy to ingest with a compromised liver. I only wish some of the vitamins, etc., were of stronger strength. But it does fill a very necessary need and I do appreciate having come accross it.
I've used a lot of different natural cough medicines over the years and they all help, but I still cough to some degree after I've used them. I don't know if it was a fluke or not, but the two times I took this stuff I coughed once right after I took it and that was it for about 8 hours. I tried a different cough syrup in between and it helped, but still coughed. I'm now buying the biggest bottle to keep on hand. I'm very impressed!
I have been taking this product for approximately 3 years. It was suggested to me at our local health food store for relief of my hip pain. After taking the Tart Cherry supplement for a few months, I noticed a gradual decrease in my hip pain. I no longer have the constant stabbing pain in my hip that I had 3 years ago.
I am happy with how loud this white noise machine is. It has two speeds to adjust the volume, and you can turn the top to make the pitch adjust. The pitch does not adjust much, but it does make a difference you can hear. We no longer wake up from the traffic noise at night that used to be a problem.
If you are used to waxing no problems. It takes some time to get used to it but worth it for the results. I did a lot of research and this is one of the few Epilator you can you for bikini and works awesome.
Returned! Not accurate. Consisitanly high on my pressure and consistantly low on my wife's pressure.
This is the first time I tried out Endurox R4 and I went with the Lemon Lime flavor. The taste was quite bad to say the least.Tried it twice after the P90X workouts and the third time I nearly threw up. The taste was bland (did not taste even a hint of lemon/lime) and I did not feel any recovery effects after consuming this drink. I had ordered Endurox after reading all the positive reviews on amazon. I don't know if the drink is bad or the seller is selling something that is either fake or out of date. Suffice to say I will never be ordering this drink.
I would recommend doing three weeks on, take a week or so off, and three weeks on. Im on my second cycle and am loving it. It took a few days to kick in. Im seeing strength gains and as i am getting stronger I am also leaning up. People say I look huge but I still weigh the same. Dont look at the scale, its all about body composition. Stack this product with Creatine and Protein and a good workout schedule. Get about 5 workouts in a week, get that 7 hours of sleep, and a good diet and this product will definitely get you even bigger (muscle mass). If you have any questions just email me. I also like that CONCRET creatine with any protein. You must run as well. Developing the circulatory system will help your body recover faster. I love to do intervals (run hard for 90 secs jog for 45 sec) and stairs...I hate it but i also get about three 4-8 mile runs in a week. Beast in the weight-room that can also out-run the skinny guy...haha
Item just as pictured and described. Shower bench was easily assembled without tools and took less than 10 minutes. Delivery was faster than expected. Would recommend this product and seller.
For me this was still too bulky. I thought b/c it had the hinge it would minimize the slipping down my leg. How wrong I was. I would return it but b/c it was used on my person of course I couldn't. But Amazon here has a great deal on a knee brace I've been thinking about getting b/c it seems like the perfect brace that will keep constant the pressure I need on my patella tendon. It's the Tru Pull Lite. It normally sells for $99. They're selling it here in the marketplace for only $12.99 or something like that plus $5 - $6 shipping. They say if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. But I'm going for it anyway b/c this ain't working. So be forewarned guys and gals.
We conceived the first month using the monitor where I had a strange cycle and ovulated on day 9, I never would have known about this ovulation. Unfortunately I had a very early miscarriage. Later I checked it for two months with BBT and found it to be accurate. Once we started trying again we happily conceived again within a few months. It takes stress out of the timing and is easy to use. I'm 38, and I was very nervous about the clock, the monitor gave me a sense of having more control over the thing .....
Hey if you guys ever go to a place where smoke is not allowed use this and if you use this link you will get a 10% discount [...].
When it comes to baby wipes they need to stay moist, not seep through and be big enough to cover your hand. These wipes win in each category. We tried Huggies wipes, etc and they are too light and not thick enough to hold the moisture and keep your hand clean. One negative- the 13x9 inch size is even bigger than neccessary, so it can seem a bit wasteful for light duty work. We tried them at the hospital an it is no wonder they cut the grease in an institution! Plastic tubs are awesome!
I bought this product because of the rave reviews.First of there's chemical/metallic not-so-pleasant smell to it that lingers wherever you store the boxes. Makes you wonder about the ingredients. When you open the packet, the powder content does spread in the air and it made me and my husband, who was 10 feet away, sneeze. Once you get everything mixed in, it does make you feet feel soft. Its just not worth it for me, I'd rather find a product that when I can soak my feet, I actually feel relaxed.
Really like this prenatal vitamin. Appreciate that it's a "once a day" PNV, compared to many others that are several pills a day. It is all natural, which I wanted, and does have a 'grassy' smell...but that doesn't bother me at all. It is a significantly large pill, so if you have trouble swallowing pills, this is not the one for you. No issues with stomach upset, but I do take it with a meal. Highly recommend this for women!
I have been using this monitor for the past 6 months and it is very accurate and easy to use. With this monitor, I can keep an eye on my pressure and report any changes to my doctor. Highly recommended.
This product is not calibrated and was way off. It did not hold calibration after I took it in to be adjusted and now too late to return. Very unsatisfied with product. Shipping was fast
It was only good for 2 months. Later it stopped working. I had to throw this as a junk item.
This is a good product. I get these for my husband. We can no longer find them at the local store so looked online for them and found them at Amazon. He loves these toothpicks and when he runs out, I have to go looking for them. I was so glad to find them at here, but I got enough to last him for a while.