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I purchase this product 1 month ago for my family of 6 members.Before the arrival of UVZ I was confused about the size and look of the product ,whether it will suit my bathroom or not, but when I got this product I can not tell how happy Iwas by its design, colour and size ideal for nomal sized bath room and the kids also enjoying using this product. In short this product is very usefull and should be in every bathroom specially in the kids bathroom.
This products works well and provides a secure seat for toddlers to sit, much better than cheaper, non-adjustable models.
when you take it you do not have an appt. but you can not do anything else. you are so wired!!
The quality is good, I happy with this product because it wort the price I always buy this refill pads to my vapor-eze they work great i also recomend the lavender refill pads.
This is my first yoga mat and I thought having the blocks and the strap for this price should be a good purchase, and it was. I re-started yoga again, and I used a towel and a belt for the poses which did not help my back.I read most of the other reviews and this is my take:1. The product arrived a day early so that was a big yay!2. The smell of the mat is not as bad as reported in other reviews. I didn't even have to air it before using it so I used it right away. Then again, I'm a vet and I'm used to REALLY STRONG smells and this did not bothered me at all. I guess this depends on the person.3. The blocks are light and strong, and with the mat and the strap, all them fits inside the totem bag, plus other personal stuff like a small towel, wallet, etc.4. I do not like purple, but it the color didn't annoy me. I guess that's good.5. The mat does feels comfy under the fit, it does not "glues" to the floor but I did not slip once.6. Maybe I need a thicker mat since my back problem, maybe the product needs be more clear in the thickness like how many cms, etc. Maybe if its thicker then It may not be that sticky.I think that eventually I may get another but thicker mat in the future, but who knows, I may not need it as I advance in yoga if my body gets better, etc.Oh and something else, the first time I used it, I was doing some floor pose, and my cat thought it was a nice "new" place to scratch her nails...grr lol
My 8 year old daughter got head lice. "No problem" I thought. I'll just go get some medicine to kill the lice and game over. After using this product exactly as described, twice, we discovered that her head lice are completely resistant, finding live lice every time we looked. Frustrated, I then started looking online and found that many lice in the US are resistant to the active ingredient in Nix and other over the counter "pediculocides". The prescription strength medicines (Kwell, etc.) are potent neuro-toxins and I am not ready to coat my child's scalp for hours in something that is known to cause seizures, paralysis, and death. We have now resorted to combing daily with a nit comb, hoping to get rid of the lice by attrition, and olive oilIt probably makes sense to try Nix once because it would surely be nice to have a one shot method to get rid of lice, but check carefully the next day for live lice since you probably won't be so lucky. If you find them, give up on the chemicals and start researching alternative ways (olive oil, etc). And invest in a good, metal nit comb that you can boil to sanitize in between combings or between children. You'll be needing it...alot.
and smell. I could not get my 9 yr. olds to take these. One kid would not even taste after smelling them. They may be great vitamins but if you can't get them IN the kids, it doesn't matter.
First of all it is NOT an air cleaner, nor do they claim it to be, but they do suggest it. The T.V. ads suggest it removes dust and other stuff from the air,after 3 weeks I found this untrue. It will make your rooms smell fresh,DO NOT use the amount of the scents they suggest. 5 to 6 drops will last a long time,about 6 to 8 hours. The bowl is very cheap & fragile and it is only a matter of time before the handled top splits from the bottom bowl. The air does feel slightly better due to the fact it acts as a primitive humidifier while it swirls the water around. It is not really noisy, not much louder than a computer. I found the swirling water and blue light unobstrusive, almost relaxing. You must clean and refill it with water everyday, but this only takes a couple of minutes. There are no filters to buy, the main reason I bought it. If you do not use a scented oil or liquid(it comes with 3 bottles)it is almost useless.I would not suggest this to anyone unless they just want a different way to dispense scented oils or solutions.If the construction was of a higher quality I would have given it 3 stars.After the scents that come with the unit are gone I will most likely retire it,although it seems they will last a long time.IT WILLFreshen and scent the airSlightly humidify the airprovide a soft blue glowSwirl water around the cheap plastic bowlIT WILL NOTClean dust and pollutants from the airChange your life
Arrived promptly and packaged well. These replacement tooth brush heads for Sonic Vitality are nearly impossible to find in local stores. So glad I was able to find them here.
This is the best lint brush I have used. I did manage to break the first one but love the concept so much that I ordered another one which seems to be just fine.
You get what you pay for and these batteries are the perfect example. If you are going to use them in an item that doesn't get used often, they might hold up. I however was using them in under cabinet tap lights I bought here on Amazon. I had the lights on for 3 days at about 3 hours per interval. That was all it took to do them in forever. I ended up buying some rechargeable batteries and am happy with the purchase. Save yourself an extra step and a little money by buying right the first time.
I know this product before, very good. But, when I ordered from Amazon it wasn't the same product! Its was altered, mixed with water!
The shape of this is easy on the eyes, but the smell is awful - definitely not something you want to breathe very long. We tried airing it out and washing it to see if the smell would dissipate, but it's still toxic, and we've gone past the deadline to return it. What were they thinking when they chose such awful materials for something you wear near your nose?
good product i use for my elderly father at home, vacation home and sitter, i ordered total of six product, two for each house. Works like a charm, easy to launder, keeps sheets beneath dry and clean. Truly needed for incontinence.
This product is better than anyone can properly imagine. It actually works. Shortens time of pain in sprains...minimizes bruising, corrects sciatica, helps aching knees, tremendously. It is the real deal, been buying it for 20 years.
I must say that I'm not too hapy with this product. The results are not what the product explains the outcome should be. When I first bought this, I was hoping that it would'nt be so bad, becuase it had the Sally Hensen logo on it. Anyway, when I tried it out, I was surprised that it got most of the hair off, but I still had to pluck a few strays. On the box, it says that it lasts for 8 weeks after you've waxed an area. This is a lie, because after I waxed, it grew back a few days later just like regular shaving would have done. Another thing, the box also states that the hair will grow back thinner, which is also misleading. I waxed my underarms, and the wax strips got some extra hair around the area, and after a few days, it grew back darker. I am not quite impressed with this product, and I would recommend you try purchasing TRIA, a laser-type hair remover. You can find more information about this product at triabeauty.com.
I've only been smoke-free for 5 days, but these have been a help, both for having something to focus on orally, and for the taste. The cinnamon is a lot stronger than I expected but it lasts really long. The original flavor one is a little weird but a decent mix with the cinnamon.The only bad thing I have to say about these is that I was surprised by how they splintered. A friend that recommended them to me raved about how he could chew on them all day, 8+ hours. I must have stronger teeth. I subconsciously bite really hard on them occasionally, and can't get them to last more than an hour or two w/o splintering.Overall, really really happy with them. Wish I would've ordered more - the shipping was almost half the tab.
My son is 17 months old now. He's been wearing Pampers Cruisers for about ONE year, at least ONE box (160 or 140) each month. The recent box had so many defected diapers I've ever seen as below:1. The diaper has Broken pieces??? It was packed in the package.2. The edge is stick on the mesh :0 If I tear them apart, the mesh was broken and got a big hole.3. Moreoever, my poor lil guy started has lots of diaper rashes since using this new box of Pampers Cruisers.I went online and did reseach, and found he is not the only one VICTIM from this so call NEW product development. You can find lots of voices of complaints there...such as [...]We love Pampers, and don't want to change this product. Please improve your quality, P&G;!!!!!
Most of the batteries do not work. Some are even oddly shaped! The couple dollars I spent is not worth the hassle to return....my daughter just wants to use her angel snow globe at night, whom she thinks is my recently deceased mother watching over her. Spending endless time at night finding three of theses little batteries to light up the snow globe is ridiculous. Another lessen to me........don't buy!
First of all I want to say I like this product, it tastes good and i love that it doesn't have any toxic junk in it like most powders. That said, there was one thing I loathed right when I opened it. It was HALF FULL, here I am looking at my big, 40$ container of protein powder, about to dive in there and slam it on some raisin bran. I open the lid, and the damn thing is half full. This isn't a one dollar bag of chips I'm buying, it's a 40$ jug. From the outside, it looks like a satisfying sized container, well worth 40$, but why even make a container that big when you're only filling it halfway? I hope they don't do this to all the jugs and mine is just a dud or an exception, because I find this rather dishonest. I'm spending good money on this stuff.
This Degree Men's Body Responsive Antiperspirant & Deodorant is the product I was looking for.
This is the replacement head for the Braun 8000 series. It is the real thing and costs less at Amazon than anywhere else I could find. Free shipping, too.
Artificial sweetners make me terribly sick. I didn't notice it was in here until after I bought the Detour bars. I wish they would ban this artificial sweetners or at least require them to make it very visible on the package that it contains it.
Gourmet chocolate flavor is great tasting and dissolves quickly and thoroughly. The whey protein isolate is better than whey protein concentrate
Now, stop me if I'm wrong, but this is one of the most disturbing things I've ever bought. I thought it would be fun to have. It SOUNDS like the greatest invention in the world, but really, it's the most embarassing thing I've ever had in my possession. I thought it would be fun to have a vagina whenever you want. In reality, I'm throwing it away before someone finds this nasty thing.I think some people will find this really useful. It is very high quality, but it's creepy and I'm throwing it away.
Everyone who has this body groomer should have an extra shaving head on hand. It makes the body groomer work like new.
I thought it was great at first, but it quit on me after about 7 months. I didn't use it all that often either. The cuff was easier to use than the standard ones while it lasted.
I used this on my carpets and it works wonders. While I don't love the smell it has, it made my carpets just like new again. I vacuumed before using it and after. The amount of dirt and hair I picked up when the Zorb dried was astounding. The carpet is plush and feels new again. This is a great product.
Great trimmer - fast and powerful. Does get hairs everywhere, but it's a lot cheaper than trimmers with built-in vacuums.
First off, I have to say I haven't used the product yet. This is just a review of what I ordered vs. what I received.The original shaving heads had three circles of blades, 12 around the outside and 9 more arranged on the inner two circles. A picture of the original heads are on the box of replacements and look exactly what I took out of my razor. This HQ9 is also what is listed as the correct replacement #.But what you get is different - a shaving head with ONE outer circle (no others) and only NINE blades. It still says 'Triple Track Heads' on the box, which doesn't make sense to me.I've been totally ripped off.
This lighter is a on brand zippo. Also very sturdy and windproof. great deal. I got it within 3 days of ordering it on amazon.
I cant comment on the quality of the eneloop itself because i was duped into receiving used batteries. They dint come in any original pack from manufacturer, looked beatean down with bit of rust on the edges.Once i fully charge them the battery gets discharges in minutes, hardly any juice left. Really a bad experience buying this product from this supplier
This product works well for me and is resonably priced. The flavor is ok, but is not awful. I mix it in a shaker with either a cup of milk or a cup of light soy milk, and makes for a smooth drink. I'm on the go a lot, and this helps me boost my protein when I may not be eating enough.
He seems to like it better than regular flossing. Really has a strong motion to it. Good machine for the price
I ordered this when was pregnant to hear my baby heart beat, but I cant even hear my heartbeat with it!
This is a great product that works exactly as advertised. My issue here is with the seller. They list the item as 11.2 oz., but the actual size is just 6 oz. You can get this cheaper from other vendors on Amazon.
Just what my hubby needed. Couldn't even find the right one at Walmart - and they were more expensive. Thanks
These sheets protectors, while half again more expensive than a similar product at Walmart, are many times more effective. Larger, much more absorbent, heavier duty backing that holds up better to repeated laundering. If you need a sheet protector, these are definitely the way to go.
This actually kept out wet bag smelling bad and even after being washed and dried, our cloth diapers and prefolds smelled awful, the smell went away after we stopped using this product.Also, it seems "ok" on carpet stains but it doesn't work on anything else. Pretty bummed out about this.
I love all the flavored I purchased and was thrilled that it didn't feel dry on my already dry lips!
Much nicer than my original Sonicare...which lasted about 15years before it pooped out!
Had this at the Solvang century this weekend. It was without a doubt the worst tasting sports nutrition drink I've tasted since I first started competing 25 years ago. This stuff is truly poor tasting and caused many a groan mile after mile over the 100 mile course. At least offer a choice of drinks at rest stops. Yes - I know who owns it... Not a fair decision to make, especially at an endurance event. JUST my opinion but I know it was shared by many, many, many others.Sorry, Spiz.net - one option just didn't cut it.
The first time I used it, it spilled all over the bathroom floor. The two pieces didn't fit together well. I just used the top piece in the sink with that yellow bathing foam thing. The 'spray' attatchment, was a waste also.
This is a good product. It will do exactly what it states, I suggest that you have time to spend at home when taking so that you will be near a restroom. The drops are potent and you don't want to be too far away when it is time for you to go to relieve yourself.
Nice pleasent smelling, not to oily but oily enough...... ,Absorbed well in to the skin , but washes off easy, would buy again
I purchased this for use as a shaver. Because of sensitive skin (I get a rash when I use a razor or electric shaver) and ingrown hair, I use beard trimmers to shave.I found three problems with it. First, it doesn't shave close - of course, this may not matter to those who simply want it for beard trimming. But also, it has little power. It really has a tough time with stubble even a few days old. Finally, the battery contacts keep coming loose - I have to open the battery compartment to adjust them.I'm still searching for a good trimmer (the ones I've had are now dead!).
Great prenatal vitamin that is inexpensive. I ordered 3 bottles and is now on my third one. Time to order again!
Just received yesterday, so I cannot attest to the longevity of this factory refurbished Braun shaver, but what I can say is that its the closest, best shave I have gotten from an electric. My last Braun - the 5520 Flex Integral - lasted 8 years, and I was sad to see it go - but this morning I was literally amazed at how good their technology has gotten in the interim. It required fewer passes, and far less burn (and I had a good sharp blade on my 5520) Have no doubts about the quality of this syncro shaver. Also - the shaver was very clean, no signs of prior use, just had the factory refurb sticker on it which I promptly pulled off.
I just think they're yummy. And portable. And they satisfy my chocolate craving.
These replacement brush heads for my Sonicare Elite toothbrush (bought at Costco) work well. But please note, there are at least two types -- standard (this product) and compact. The compact version has a smaller head as you would expect.Also, the price is right and free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime is a great deal.
Hubby has replaced the heads on his Norelco a number of times and it works like brand new!
This protein gives you a horrible stomach ache and severe diarrhea the times I used it ... was hoping it would only occur once or twice but every time I drink this protein it give me the runs ... Other proteins do not bother me at all ... you get 5 pounds for a low price however its not worth the severe diarrhea
I have eczema and was excited about this product since it claims to be a natural alternative to steroid creams and has gotten some good reviews.Unfortunately, the cream did absolutely nothing to reduce the redness, dryness or itchiness of my eczema.
Oxy-Powder is one of the very best colon cleansers on the market! I researched a number of products before I decided to buy Oxy-Powder and I do not regret purchasing it. I've tried lots of products (herbal or non) to cleanse my colon and even going as far as getting had a colonic. All of the products I've tried were EXTREMELY harsh, which means that I could not leave my house let alone the bathroom. Those products really dehydrated my body and Oxy-Powder was the only cleansing product that was not a hellish experience. I've recommended it to all my friends.
I can't see anything in the ear, even after reading and following the instructions in detail. I thought this would be better quality with a better view of the ear....this is very cheap/basic.
I these expecting the product to be as pictured instead I relieve boxes that had a different print and low and behold there made for Europe and Great Britian. At least be honest and tell me it's not from the states.
I had an older version of this that worked great for 10 years then finally quit emitting steam so bought this new one and it was horrible. It makes a gurgling noise about every 2 minutes, just enough to keep you awake and bug the heck out of you. I tried everything to fix it, more water, less water, etc. nothing fixed it. I have to get rid of it because my kids can't sleep when it's in their room because right when they are nodding off, that stupid gurgle sound happens again. A bit annoying.
It feels good to stretch the plantar muscle...this didn't help me feel better. the night splint finally helped
I've done gymnastics all my life, and my wrist have been through the ringer. These things work wonders in saving my wrists, and letting me tumble longer. I totally recommend them.
I bought one of these to drown out my husband's sleep apnea breathing machine. It has 6 different sounds to choose from. I prefer the rainforest or summer night setting. The ocean and waterfall made me want to run to the bathroom too many times during the night, and the heartbeat was downright scary sounding. The reason I gave this item only 2 stars is that, after 3 months, it started malfunctioning. The transformer cord keeps coming loose, so that the machine quits. I had also purchased one of these units for my neighbor, who works nights and sleeps during the day. She said her unit was doing the same thing. So it must be a manufacturing fault. Anyway, I would not recommend this unit if you want a long-term noise solution.
Of course it hurts (above the knee - below the knee there is no pain or discomfort). But it gets out the leg hair with little effort. I have tried others, not as good. I recommend this product.
I have been using the Gillette Fusion Manual Razor for years and have never been disappointed. It has consistently given me a closer, smoother shave than any other razors with no nicks or cuts. My wife uses Gillette Fusion as well citing the fact that it is better than any razors marketed for women.FYI from the manufacturer-Gillette Fusion Manual Razors offers:*5-Blade Shaving Surface Technology with 5 PowerGlide Blades spaced closer together to help reduce pressure - with more comfort and less irritation than MACH 3*Precision Trimmer on the back of the razor for those tricky spots like sideburns, under the nose and around facial hair*Flexible Comfort Guard for a comfortably close shave*Enhanced Indicator Lubricating Strip gradually fades to white when you are no longer getting your optimal shave, so you always know when to change the bladesIndications: Cartridges sold separately
This review is for the 1.6oz Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip.This is a really great bar, Good balance of peanut butter flavor with just a hint of chocolate. Has smalls chunks of peanuts and chocolate chips in a soft matrix of dates. While I like most of the LARABAR products this one is definitely a standout. Like nearly all I have tried the primary ingredient is dates which they use to create a soft matrix to hold the named ingredient. In most of these bars there is a mild date taste which is very similar to a raw sugar flavor, in this bar the predominate flavor is peanuts made sweet by the dates. This is a great contrast to one of my other favorites the "pecan pie" which has a predominantly pecan flavor.These bars are definite candy bar replacements but without the intense sugar rush, even though these are very sweet compared to a typical protean bar.
I take these daily to combat future arthritis pains that run in my family. Here's to hoping they work efficiently!
I've only been taking this for a few days, but right away I noticed better recall of short term things. I even remember dreams more often now. I wouldn't recommend taking this much past lunchtime though.
A friend recommended this item to stop canker sores and boy did they do the trick. Not to mention the added extra energy the offer. WOW!
Those of us for whom this is important, this product contains parabens. The ingredients are not listed by the seller and I bought it without doing my research. I like to stay away from parabens and sulfates when it comes to direct contact with my skin.
Misses about 20% of the hairs on my face....Not sure how this can be called a shaver.It's more like a Don Johnson 5'o clock shadow maker....I have been so frustrated by this ..Hoping to satisfy those TSA mugs who won'tallow me to carry shaving cream these days, I bought this.The battery life is ok.. about 7 shaves.But i have to go over my face so many times, i walk away redder than aredneck responding to Atticus Finch's questions.I also have had more ingrown hairs in the last 4 weeksthan I have had all my life of shaving.Finally, there are parts that just dont get shaved! andsince I am chinese, I can say ... hairs have grown under my neck and earsthat rival "fu man chu".If i could I'd return it.I can't ... so I will use it to shave the fuzz off my sweaters.
The chew-able tablets, worked much better for me. These are not as good as the original product. This appeared to be a good deal for 120, but it's not. You don't save any money.
The mirror looked fine but the light switch wouldn't even turn on.Very disappointed as this was sent as a birthday gift and had to be returned. I would not try this brand again - it didn't even rate 1 star. The only good part of the whole deal was Amazon's painless return policy and process.
My oldest son got me started on the Wellness Formula Herbal Defense Complex last fall when I came down with a terrible cold while on vacation. He told me to start taking the maximum recommended amount each day to help fight my cold symptoms & get well faster. I really think that taking the Wellness capsules seemed to help shorten the time it took me to get better from that cold. I have continued to take the daily recommended amount, along with my other daily vitamin supplements & prescription medicines, just to maintain better health. This June I got another cold and I increased the daily dosage to the maximum amount; this time the cold seemed to go away even faster than before! Hooray for Wellness Formula!!
This is the only fish oil I am able to digest without fishy burps amazingly. Since I was a kid I couldn't stand fish oil. I had tried Norweigan, English cod liver oil, salmon oil , Kirkland brand, enteric coated, even those disguised with lemon flavor etc, etc, every single one gave me a fishy burp. I was so shocked with this product, I decided to carefully read the small print on the label and I found that there was no indication that this is actually a fish oil product except on the front of the bottle. It says evening primrose and flaxseed oil which are really from plants. I honestly think maybe they put 10% or so actual fish oil, hence the cheap price. Just saying, you know my opinion.
Very good product! This smells good and feels very soft on your lips. I would buy one in every flavor!
I like this product. I take vitamins and supplements, and this product keep me up to date on my vitamins.Its nice for anyone who take regular medication or supplements, as this box serves as a reminder to take exact doses and on exact day.
Allergybegone was quick to charge for products that they do not deliver. I placed an order on 5/27 and it came incomplete. After almost a month I'm still waiting for the products they charged and did not deliver. I have called and emailed them, and they always say that they are shipping the product TODAY, but TODAY never comes. It is a shame that Amazon is linked to such unreliable partners.M. RODRIGUEZ
It's not what I expected. Not very well made and sort of akward to use...
I had read about this product and wanted to like it so bad, but after cleaning my kitchen with it, I can't stop sneezing and my eyes are watering! I've never had this happen with any other cleaner before. I guess I must be sensitive to something in this stuff. Needless to say, I won't be buying this again.
Actual dimensions are smaller than provided so air can easily pass around the filter. My old filter that was replaced with the same dimensions fit snug in the slot. This one is loose. It is amazing how companies will cut corners.
We needed some 9-volt batteries. These were a good price so we bought them. They work just fine. We'd buy them again in the future at that price!
I got this after the can the warmer came with ran out (Gigi Brazilian Hard Body Wax). It smells great but does not work well, it remains soft and gooey no matter how thin or thick you apply it, I even left it on longer and still it would not harden. I ended up with a patchy job and a sticky mess I had to use loads of oil to remove. I only gave 1 star because of the smell.
Ok, today was my first day of taking MX-LS7 and it has made me feel spaced out for quite a few hours this evening.This product was recommended to me but after todays use, I decided to pop online and research what the heck was going on and I found other with very similar symptoms.Seems a little too much caffeine and also gave me slight palpatations.Not something I want to keep taking at all and especially if it leaves me feeling all spaced and a little dizzy.Sorry, I just can't rate this product well at all and can only say that if you want something that works and doesn't leave you feeling like this, then try Maximuscles Thermobol. Took it years back and only wished i'd bought that instead as I now have two tubs of this trash.
I try to have a baby for 2 years , and I buy it on Aug-20-12, and eat it for 3 weeks. Today i buy pregnancy test , and it shows 2 lines. it's really unbelievable.
If your skin is sensitive to capsaicin, as mine apparently is, DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT. The area where I appplied the product (lumbar region) blistered. Trying to remove it with a baby wipe merely reactivated the capsaicin and intensified the burn.The active ingredients, clearly identified, are camphor and menthol. Just my opinion, but I think capsaicin should be listed as an active ingredient, and not lumped in with aloe vera gel, deionized water, and things like that.
This is the second Norelco Multigroom Grooming kit I have tried and the second to fail. The first one the attachments broke and the cost of replacements made buying a new one a better option. But the G370 I got in Aug 2011 has now failed due to not being rechargeable any longer. Since it has a 2 yr warranty I may see about using the warranty. But if there is a service or shipping charge then I'll pass. I won't buy a Norelco replacement.
OMG, I can't believe how bad these things taste - I tried the carmel variety and just about got sick. I took one bite, spit it out and threw the whole thing away. What a waste of money. Glad my kid likes 'em because otherwise I'd be out a bunch of money.
Product is great. The feeling is better than any other condom I have ever used.
Contrary to their claims Panasonic does not have the sharpest blades. Previously had a Remington which shaved better and closer. Their advertisement got me but I will not purchase another Panasonic Shaver. ACM
Although the mixture is not as thick as it used to be, I still find that it works very well - and the children LOVE it! There needs to be some kind of special discount for quantities of 4 and over.
In essence no other shaver works as well as this one. I am not a fan of the big corporation and in this case the higher price tag but my face sure does thank me for using these blades as there are no other alternative products that work as well.
In my experience you have to take these for about a week or so and let it build up in your system before you notice anything, but you WILL notice an increase in energy. And unlike what another reviewer said, they are not big at all (about the size and shape of a Viagra, I've taken multivitamins in the past that were more than twice that big), and you can take them on an empty stomach without difficulty, even though the label advises against it. The ingredients look pretty straightforward, I don't know what causes the energy boost unless it's the high volume and unusual type of B supplements (cyanocobalamin?) and/or the "good" kind of vitamin E that most brands don't have. I was taking a Puritan brand men's vitamin prior to this, and although I'm sure it helped me stay balanced nutrient-wise, it did nothing for energy, which was my primary reason for taking vitamins.Recently I had a really bad morning, caused by a hard day's work followed by staying up too late at night. Hitting the snooze button repeatedly, I just could NOT get up and get moving, and as an emergency measure I took one of these vitamins on an empty stomach, and it INSTANTLY brought my energy level back up to normal with no reflux problems. I was amazed! I headed off to work without need of caffeine or sugar as an artificial jump start. I'm sold on these, they work for me.
I bought one of these about 18 months ago. So far I have had it repaired twice and at this point, I am on Amazon looking to replace it as it is now not functioning again. I have been using electric shavers for almost 20 years and will never buy a Braun product again.
The price here is a little higher than I've seen elsewhere. I love this vibrator. Next to the Wahl Coil for clitoral stimulation and the pocket rocket for fun on the go, this one is a favorite. I don't find it flimsy, but it does have too many settings. I love the constant vibe with full power, but there are four other pulses offered and it is tricky to get back to the preferred setting once the new one is engaged. My current iflex vibrator has served me well. The batteries must be inserted properly and the back shut tight for the vibes to continue, which may explain why the other authors have been frustrated and complained of short life. If my husband didn't provide some technical help in this area I might be as frustrated as the others. I would love to see an updated version with improved button controls and more secure battery compartment.
I like it. But it does have a few flaws. The smell. It smells like rubber but has a nice sent to it also. The smell sticks around my bedroom for a while too but it smells like a air freshner lol. the 2ed thing is, and this is just my opinion, its a little to flexable. I would like it to be stiffer but on the other had it moves right to my special spot and thats hard to find. Other then that I like it
It is been good for my health, I am a 75 years old and for the first time I feel strong. Alfonso
I have had a lot of protein bars, this has to rate one of the worst I've had. I like the shake flavor, but the bars are nasty.
Has 3 pulsing vibe patterns and the standard continuous vibe with high and low for a total of 5. Operates quietly which is a must when you need to be discrete. First toy that I have owned that uses 9 volt battery. Seems to last longer than the AA or AAA type. Would be even better if it had intensity control for the vibe patterns. Higher quality construction than most similiar type toys I've owned. Hopefully will last a while longer. Can not beat it for the price!
This did nothing for my stiff neck or shoulders. I do not recommend it. It does nothing to relax the neck or relieve tension.
This sound machine worked great at first. I like that it was small enough to throw in the diaper bag and take to grandma's house. After about 3 months of daily use, it started to cut on and off randomly. We would have to tap it several times with our hand to get it to stay on. Today it finally gave out entirely (during nap time unfortunately). I have only had this product for 4 months.
These are nice, warm socks, but I don't feel any support whatsoever. I'll put my money into true compression socks instead.
Never received product because you delivered to wrong person and wrong address. Have previously advised you about this but have yet to have any response. Not good, Amazon.