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This movie is independence day without the 1 liners, without the jokes, and without the president giving people pep talks and flying fighter jets. (Don't get me wrong, I loved Independence Day. But I don't want every alien invasion movie to be an Independence day clone). The movie is shot in a way that makes it look more realistic. Kind of like District 9.Many people are thrown off by the movie because they don't give you a clear explanation of why the aliens are attacking us. Well, they're attacking us because they can. That as good of a reason as any. The movie was not predictable, which I liked and had many original choices which I loved. Loved the ending too. Definitely one of the best alien invasion movies I've ever seen. Don't be discouraged to watch it because of the negative reviews. Watch it with an open mind and form your own opinion about it. You'll be surprised how good and refreshing cinema can get when it's not built upon typical movie stereotypes and cliches. Nowadays almost every sci-fi movie that hits the theaters is predictably ridden with bullet time-slow mo scenes that are nothing but gratuitous eye candy with terrible plots and dialogues. I wish more movies like Skyline, that take risks and defy the standards and conventions of the genre were released more often.
I have been waiting to see Enlighten up! for a while. It was sadly not worth the wait. The movie promises us to show the benefits and spiritual growth of a newbie to Yoga on a half year intensive yoga trek.What we get is Nick who seems to have been picked for looks rather than personality walking around in a confused state (but looking good). We are then whizzed around the New York and then the globe looking for said enlightenment via yoga. Nick's mumbling and increasingly tightlippedness seems to lead to tensions as the filmmaker tries to salvage things. Time lines get lost and there is no indication as to how much yoga is being done or where Nick is at apart from the odd 'dunno' here and there.The real problem here is the film maker, she asks shallow questions that are answered in a 'yes' or 'no' has no real structure to the movie or the yoga practices. She parades a few old friends that have a limited grasp on reality. My favourite was in Hawaii where Nick was given a massage so rough that the point 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' sprang to mind.A wonderful idea of a movie is shallow and grossly flawed, in short, a watch once experience of a few interesting and colourful characters from the world of yoga but raises more question than it answers.
Hoping that season two is as great as season one..You didn't know from week to week what was next...If the second season is as good as the fist it will be worth waiting for...
This is a fantastic movie! It's non-stop action and keeps you on your toes waiting to see how it ends.Karl Urban is absolutely fantastic in the part of Ghost. I don't think anyone else could have done thispart as great as he did! Moon Bloodgood was amazing as Starfire! And Clancy Brown was great as the leadViking...after learning the Icelandic language to give so much realism to his partas well. The costumes, Indian huts, Viking armor and weapons were amazing as well...and you felt like you werewitnessing an actual segment of history.I not only purchased a copy of this fantastic movie for myself but also one for my sister who loved itas well! We watched it over and over the entire time it was on OnDemand from our cable company! Welooked every where for it locally and could not find it. Thanks Amazon and kudos to Karl Urban, MoonBloodgood, Clancy Brown for their parts in making this a great movie and to Marcus Nispel for hisdirection and production of Pathfinder!
I thought this would be a good movie, I was very wrong.The acting is terrible, not only Vin Diesel's but all the actors are not doing a very good job, even Samuel L. Jackson's level is being dragged down by the rest.In this kind of movies the story doesn't have to be that good if the stunts are great, but they can not even do that right: All the smoke and explosives can't hide the ramps they use.Even the ending isn't exciting !That this was such a big blockbuster is a really surprise to me and it's probably the worst ever!Do not watch this if u like Vin Diesel, you won't after this !
The Fantastic Mr. Fox isn't a roll of the floor funny type film, but it is one of the funniest films I've seen all year. The film moves along at a quick pace and while no one joke blows you away that fact the it remains funny from start to finish is an achievement that is seldom, well.....achieved!The animation is quirky almost trippy, kind of like Robot Chicken and Adult Swim type stuff. The voice acting is also strong with Clooney, Murray and company giving the furry characters life. I may not have laughed so hard my stomach ached, but I had a smile on my face from start to finish and that doesn't happen often enough. The DVD transfer looks great, but the extras are pretty bland.
I didn't expect this movie to be anything more than a mediocre independent film at best and I actually rented it by accident. I was pleasantly surprised however that it delivered layered storytelling, good acting (for the most part), and a very good cinematic experience altogether. The movie's filming and editing was very professional as well. I highly recommend it.
There is something inexplicably excellent about the blantant mediocrity of XXX. It kind of makes me proud to be an American. Nowhere else could a film like this get made, and then have everyone go see it. I mean this film is ABSURD! I bet they call the sequal "XXX 2: Hardcore." In any case...Vin Diesel is Xander Cage, a thrill seeking, extreme sports exhibitionist, with a political agenda. Samuel L. Jackson comes out of nowhere to recruit him for a secret mission because none of the N.S.A's guys are capable of pulling off the discrete assignment of flying through the air on motorcycles, out running avalanches, and delivering essential one-line banter with criminals. Of course, Cage accepts because his life will finally have a purpose. Actually, the mission is just an excuse for Vin to pull off the aforementioned action sequences.Now I'm all for throwing reality out the window when it comes to action flicks just as much as the next guy, but seriously, shouldn't there be a line drawn somewhere? Apparently the filmmakers of XXX thought no. So, I got a kick out of XXX, it's terrible, but it delivers the cheap thrill it promises and you have to respect that (I guess). Only in America.
got the entire first season for my dad for his birthday at WalMart for $13.00.
The real Alphabet Killer story would be a great subject for a film, but this version immediately drives off reality road into fantasy land and eventually ends in BS-ville. It's the type of movie you wonder why they even bothered to base on a real event. Clearly the writer had somewhere else they wanted to go. Why didn't they just go there without the "based on true events" tag. Not worth the time it takes to watch it. Even though Eliza Dushku is trying really hard to act her way out of this bad movie, her efforts fail.
I was very disappointed in the dvd that I purchased. Due to we are not able to play the dvd on any of our DVD players or x box. Due to the format is not compatible, which we had no way of knowing until we tried to play the dvd. So because we open the dvd to see if we had the correct format I am not able to return the purchase and when I tried to contact MEDIAMASH via email I received no response. So I am out my money and will never purchase a item from Amazon again. Which is sad due to this was my first online experience and will never try again.
I think that BW is good for all the things that it's not; a Hollywood big budget movie, incredible special effects, lots of blood and gore. There are perhaps two or three truly intense, scary scenes but I think what's equally good about this film is the how the relationships between the main characters deteriorates as they become further lost in the woods.post scriptum - I think that there is no witch; I think either the fishermen and/or that dude who seemed to know alot about how the children died did it.post post scriptum - the cam work was so shaky that my wife starting getting sick and couldn't watch the whole film.
This movie was horrible. It initially had some potential but was ruined by a lack of ending. It's like the film company just ran out of money and stopped filming right in the middle of the climax. Don't waist your time or money.
Bad acting. Bad effects. Characters doing dumb things nobody would ever do. Stilted dialogue. Cheesy, dreary and embarrasing.
This classic silent film starring Lon Chaney as the hunchback is well worth getting. Made in the mid 1920's its based on Victor Hugo's classic novel and for a film that is over 80 years old it holds up remarkably well.You do need to concentrate when watching it as there are quite a few major characters and as there is no dialogue its easy to get confused. Of course there are captions to give you a clue. Chaney's makeup is well done, and apparently took hours every day to put on.The picture quality for a black and white film from so long ago is reasonable. So long as you don't expect too much, you will get a lot out of this early horror classic.
Just popped this Blu Ray into my player and the movie is in German. It looks like the titles are in French! The quality is very poor. This film was directed by Marlon Brando and I'm pretty sure he didn't make it in German with French titles! I have returned the Blu-Ray for refund. Glad that Amazon had pulled this product!
Wow, this series is seriously sexy, sassy and overwhelmingly good. Being a lesbian myself I found this series to be so true to form. A must have in ones DVD collection.
Now this is the type of movie all young children should read. And maybe a few of us adults as well.
Alright, so Neil Marshall quickly became one of my favorite new horror directors after his pitch perfect thriller, The Descent. And of course, there's Dog Soldier which practically all Neil Marshall fans adore. So, what does he do for his third movie?He mixes together a ton of different movies and creates a B-grade flick; as we all know about B-grade flicks, unless your name is "Tarantino" or "Rodriguez" (both directors, I enjoy, by the way), your movie automatically begins with a disadvantage. I don't really need to go into the plot (Scotland is a wasteland, there's cannibals and a tough-as-nails cliche...things die...people die...there's a couple car chases...credits roll), but what I will say is that I was absolutely and thoroughly entertained from the beginning to the end.The picture and sound quality far exceeded my expectations. The picture (1080p, of course) is presented flawlessly. Crisp details and terrific coloring melded together to show off the complete carnage that happens. Meanwhile, the audio is also pretty decent, but completely bombards you with sound. Overall a terrific package and one that will showcase your HDTV well.If you'll permit me, before I close this review, I wanted to share a little personal background. When I saw this movie, I was in an unfamiliar town with absolutely nothing to do and no one to hang out with because I was there for training. So, I did what any moviephile would and watched a lot of films in the theatre. Of all the films I saw during that two month period, this was probably the best and made me forget, for a little bit, that I missed home and my friends.So, it's probably understandable why I enjoyed this film so much. But, even without that little added information, when you look at it, Doomsday is action-packed, expertly filmed and crammed full of awesome set pieces and battles. And the finale was such an amalgam of everything that came before that you won't even think about how ridiculous the movie is until the credits are rolling. Is it perfect? No. Is it as worthy as The Descent or other similarly categorized horror films? Hell, no. It's not even completely original. But it was fun.And sometimes, that's just what you need.
In my opinion Jim Carrey has truly acted in two movies, Truman Show, and Man on the Moon. I still did not like Man on the Moon though. I find that when movies are accurate in depicting a biography, (which Man on the Moon was) they sometimes lose what an audience wants to see in a film. This was a funny movie. However, when I say that Jim Carrey acted in Man on the Moon I am saying that he acted in a comical character, I do not feel that he acted in any drama scenes. Truman Show was a comedy yet it still had drama scenes. I'm sure many people disagree with me but this is just how I feel.
I am a big fan of Milla Jovovich. But I must say I also don't cut her much if any slack if her movies stink. I liked the first Resident Evil movie and thought the second one was just plain horrible. I had heard from several people and from several reviews that this movie basically was a dog. I must say that after watching it that I thought it wasn't that bad and was superior to #2. I liked Milla's action scenes and though the movie wasn't as good as the first it was entertaining.
This movie was terrible; it starts out very slow and goes on and on. From start to finish it had nothing to offer, the monsters at the very last 5 minutes were done right, to bad you had to wait to the end to see them. Save your money this one is from 1 to 10 a 0.
I have searched high and low for this series, and particularly "Mommy's Rules". I love the convenience of downloading an episode with one click and being able to watch my favorite episodes anytime I want. Had no problems downloading or viewing episodes. The only negative aspect I've found is that alot of the episodes are almost 1gb or more which eats up your hard drive space and makes it hard to buy the entire series without purchasing a larger hard drive.
Richard Gere plays the father of an 11 year old girl who makes it to the national level spelling bee. Originally I had expected that this is what the movie would be about, but that seemed to be a minor part of the story. This movie got very strange in not a good way. There were flashes of story that never did come together and make sense. The end left you wondering still what those flashes were, you kept expecting them to develop the story of them, but never did. When the movie ended, you didn't know for sure if the story was over or not. The 11 year old purposely loses the national spelling bee at the last moment, even tho it was a word she knew. My whole family watched this movie together and it was one we all booed at the end and felt to be a complete waste of time.
Have watched the first 3 disc's so far and am thoroughly enjoying the series, I even have my friends hooked on it now...Looking forward to watching the rest today...If you are into Vampire shows and even if you are not (my friend isn't) you will enjoy this series...
If you like indie film garbage writing, psychotic women, & let's face it, a trend towards child pornography... then this is your film! Funny? Possibly. Endearing. No. Creepy? Yes! The actors all did a wonderful job & that's the only thing that saves this movie. Watch something else.
Even better than the First Season. Plotlines seem more tied together and the performances are better!!! If you liked the first season definitely get this one.
What is the problem with the discs in this set.I see a couple mentions on the internet that disc 1 isn't playing?Is this why Amazon pulled it?
What a wonderful movie, and a real treat to see it in letterbox. I just wish they had done a better job on the transfer. I have a real big tv and I'm pretty picky, so factor that into my review. But there were some noticable artifacts in the picture. A shame. But still worth every penny and a world better than a pan-and-scan VHS tape...
...just a brief message for the good reviews out there.Honestly, this film just simply "hurts."An admiral says, "I need James Kirk" to help out with terrorist negotiations. You should be applauding along with Kirk when he responds, "Oh, please." "Oh, please" indeed! Let's face it...Star Fleet has plenty of candidates out there and plenty more ships. James Kirk needs to handle a simple terrorist scenario? Come off it!Then let's get into some character flaws...Uhura putting on a dance show contrary to her professionalism. Spock unable to shoot his brother, although "logic would clearly dictate" that he do so!!!Ugh, I can't continue!! And all under the adventure story to hunt for GOD who is not really GOD but an evil creature living somewhere near Stonehenge...not really Stonehenge, but you have to give the movie writers credit for LACK of creativity in coming up with this evil creature's lair. Thankfully, Star Trek V's rendition of Satan can be taken out with Klingon weaponry.And our Klingon nemesis flying around in a bird of prey? "He's good!"; a response to Kirk flying into the Enterprise at an unsafe speed into the shuttle bay, narrowly avoiding a photon torpedo. Hmm...let's see, what else could the Klingon have done:1. Shot the Enterprise. 2. Knowing the Enterprise's destruction would strand the shuttlecraft, ponder what to do next for about 2 seconds. 3. Shoot the shuttlecraft.No, instead our bumbling idiot of a Klingon decides to go after the one target that wouldn't give him trouble of any sort had he destroyed a FEDERATION BATTLECRUISER first!! Whatever!!This movie is the ONLY reason why I gave Star Trek: The Motion Picture 2 stars. The first movie was bland, boring and dull, but it had the sensibility of characters STAYING in character and a plot that was cohesive and far less ludicrous than this piece of trash that Paramount unfortunately was stuck with.
What can be said except that I want my money back. If you were to pay me to have watched this I might have walked out. It's astounding to me that anyone could have financed such a project... Cliche after cliche... some kind of a Kubrickian' nausea perhaps? What fresh hell is this. How can anything be so bleak and pointless...? What were the makers (the producers) thinking, are we hamsters? Lab rat's compartmentalized into submission... Lighten up-damn, this is not a horror movie (but it's certainly horrible) I could not stand it anymore, had to quit it; decided to write this review so that I wouldn't feel so completely raped. Weird is not the word... this crap is creepy beyond all recognition, if I ever meet the director of this fim I'm going to take my socks off soak them in rotten milk and slap him in the face with them> because that's how I feel right now... this film is a wet blanket on a chilly night. Lame, lame, lame.... a complete violation of human dignity, nothing about it (spare certain aspects of the set and perhaps elements of the curious cinematography) I'm no film critic; but this sucks. It's not a film it's a montage of spooky skits' centered around a vacuous script which lacks even the most basic story-line... what; ??? Am I supposed to think that this is really deep? ... a commentary on the state of the (new-age) institutional therapy scene...? It's like some twisted rehab in hell or some such holocaust. Whatever; it's boring and vague is what it is... and a waste of money and my time.There you have it ; my condolences to the editors who had to endure pulling this thing 'together' from the abominable dailies they must have been handed. Good grief... never in my life.Complete garbage. This should only be sold with a warning. Suicidal people should not be exposed to this material... It's not safe for consumption.Ghastly stuff - to the makers; I recommend you take a break from whatever trip you've been on because this shit is depressing in a way that words cannot describe... pure sludge... the whole thing is menstrual.Senseless drool.
This third and last season was thought provoking, emotional, well-written, and fun. I really enjoyed it and wished there were a 4th season. Loved the relationship between father and daughter and Veronica and friends. And Dick is a hoot!!!!
whats wrong with this packaging?what's wrong with these people?compare this cover shot to the british one of the very same title,you might as well do it right here below on this very page,clicking the UK store link.it's a matter of...err package, actualy more the loss of it, or maybe just being ridiculously prudish.as church lady would put it: talk among yourselves.
I give high marks for the film "Kinsey." In this region I had to travel to Battle Creek, MI to see it, not my usual city for seeing movies. So, was the film "Kinsey" too strong a movie for where I live 30 miles away? In seems possibly so, though just rated R. Even years ago, Kinsey's book "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was kept off some public library shelves --- perhaps a little too strong for the readership.This movie was particularly intriguing regarding Kinsey's family background and his professional training and career as an entomologist who studied the Goss Wing for years. Motivated to change his area of study because of students who consulted with him about sex, Kinsey began gathering data from thousands of volunteers across the nation thus applying the scientific method to a new field of study.It was interesting to hear of the old wives tales and Victorian/Puritanical prudery concerning sex prevalent in Kinsey's day. Likewise, I heard plenty of the religious right's views. Kinsey wanted to study human sex without these layers of superstition and misinformation.At the peak of his career as a scientific sexologist, Kinsey walked into the quagmire of political correctness. This was during an era of congressional inquiry concerning the private non-profit organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation which financed Kinsey's pivotal studies about human sex.This movie, in my opinion, produced a well-balanced view of how a classically trained biologist researched this bomb shattering field of human sexuality. It also showed how Dr. Kinsey's reports shattered the folkways and mores of his era, consistent with my recollections of the time.Add this to some very fine acting by Liam Neeson as Dr. Alfred Kinsey and a fantastic supporting cast and you get a great movie on this topic.I want to own the DVD when it comes out.
One has to wonder how a movie that ends with a man eating a fetus kept alive in formaldehyde, in order to cure the degenerative blood disease caused by the generations of inbreeding in his family, ever got made. But here it is, "Bleeders," which is more promising than most independent horror films, but not by much. And despite that, it's still a movie-making folly. You'll barf, but not in the way the movie intends.The movie begins by showing us a gratuitous sex scene, as a narrator relates the family history of a Dutch family who moved to the coast of North America and kept breeding within the family. Cutting to the same coastal island, only present day, John Strauss (Roy Dupuis) and his wife, Kathleen (Kristen Lehman), are venturing to the place of his birth in order to find out more about a degenerative blood disease plaguing him.Paying a visit to Dr. Marlowe (Rutger Hauer), the only doctor on the island, they are able to get the medicine they need and continue their explorations, leading them to many different places and people, all of whom speak of strange occurrences within the Van Damme family, who were rumored to have been killed off in a fire 75 years before.As in any horror movie, people start disappearing into the ground, the victims of midget-like mutated "people" who live in tunnels spanning the length of the island. As if the movie doesn't make it predictable enough, it lets us know that John is actually a member of the Van Damme family. And to prepare itself for an inevitably boring climax, the movie has a beginning twist: the coffins on the island are all being dug up, so the mutants must look for other, living sources of nourishment.I have to ask just one question: Who comes up with this kind of material? It's the kind of plot that, even with a Hollywood gloss and a major studio to back it up, it would still flounder miserably. It's predictable and lame, and sets up its characters in different ways so that we know who's going to die when, where, how, and what's even going to be left after the feast.The acting is sketchy at best. Rutger Hauer's acting as Dr. Marlowe isn't as much a problem as the fact that his character is merely there to provide all the scientific information needed so that the imbeciles sitting in front of the television will know what's going on. Roy Dupuis is a bore as John, never reaching any level of believability with his character's urge to learn more about his past. Kristen Lehman, as Kathleen, has her moments, mostly in her character's concern for her husband, but it quickly dissolves when her T&A shot comes to call.And if there's nothing more I hate about a horror movie, it's the long awaited antagonist that is never really as scary as the movie claims to be. All the character talk of foreboding things to come, and some nice flashbacks in John's mind set us up for what can only end up being a fall. The small creatures are funny rather than scary, and if you need a good laugh, then this is a pretty good movie for it."Bleeders" is the kind of movie directed with one thing in mind: money. There's no coherent plot, no credible acting, no intense suspense sequences or grasping images. What there is is an abundance of banal, uninvolving story and cheesy horror tactics that makes movies like "Kolobos" look good.
Simply put, this is a horrible movie. Superman's desire to destroy the world's nuclear missiles is juvenile at best, grand theft larceny at worst. Little touches such as Superman actually talking in the vacuum of space and Superman repairing the Great Wall of China simply by looking at it made me want to sue the makers of this film. Other things such as Jon Cryer's vicious attack on the art of acting and Gene Hackman's absence of even one good line made me want to turn it off midway through, even though I'm a huge Superman fan. And don't even bring up Clark Kent's lurid implication toward the end that Mariel Hemmingway's character healed him with sex - what bad taste! Do yourself a favor and rent or buy the first Superman movie (which is a masterpiece) and pretend that no sequels to it - let alone this one - were ever made.
I thought this movie had a great edgy feeling. This is not your average every day love story with the happy ending. This is real life. I loved how real it seemed, great acting too.
I am going to make you believe that you are mad and then push you over the edge of sanity. With those intensions, Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer) sets out to destroy his wife, Paula's (Ingrid Bergman) mental stability in "Gaslight"(1944). Greg's reasoning? ? Paula?s dead aunt, his former lover, has hidden a fortune in jewels somewhere in the house which Paula now owns. I suppose Greg could have just sent Paula to the music hall to get her out of the way, but then the prospects for high melodrama and intense suspense wouldn?t have been nearly as diabolical or as fun.The film opens on one of MGM?s spooky and unsettling soundstages, gussied up to look like a typical English square. From one of the brownstones a distraught Paula is taken away, having just discovered her aunt?s horribly mangled body inside. In a state of shock, Paula is sent to Florence where she falls in love with a piano player, Gregory Anton. The two married. Returning to London, Paula and Gregory set up housekeeping in her aunt?s old house. However, not long afterward Paula begins to become increasingly absentminded ? or does she. Priceless antiques are moved, paintings are switched on the walls and a broach belonging to Gregory?s mother vanishes without a trace. Gregory, growing increasingly impatient with Paula?s emerging psychosis (actually he?s upset how long its taking to drive her crazy), leaves her alone each night, presumably to go off and paint portraits (his profession). Actually, he sneaks around the back of their house, reentering from an adjacent attic into theirs to search for the aunt?s missing jewels. The tap, tap, tapping on Paula?s bedroom ceiling and the sudden lowering of gaslights are attributed to figments of Paula?s growing mental instability. To create further doubt, paranoia and suspicion, Gregory hires an upstairs maid, the saucy Nancy (Angela Lansbury in an Oscar nominated role) who delights at taunting Paula with coy flirtations toward Gregory. Deception never looked so good. The melodrama is first rate and the performances will have you applauding in your seat. Joseph Cotten costars as the police investigator who does not believe that all of the mysteries inside Gregory?s home can be attributed to Paula?s failing mental health.The transfer is rather disappointing. Though the gray scale is very nicely balanced with black levels that are solid and contrast levels that are fully realized, nothing can eclipse the distracting shimmering effects and edge enhancement that plague many of the scenes throughout this film. Fine details uncontrollably shimmer and thoroughly distract in spots. The audio is sharp and well balanced.As part of the extras we are given the original 1940 British version of "Gaslight" that, I must tell you, is just as compelling as MGM's remake. In comparing the two versions, MGM?s obvious attention to ultra high gloss glamour becomes instantly obvious. So does the fact that director, George Cukor managed to create an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia in the remake that works well with the subject matter but is wholly lacking in the original. The transfer elements for the British version are much poorer than one might expect but they are by no means awful - leaving you with twice as much sinister fun on this double feature. Contrast and shadows on the British original are poorly balanced but there appears to be no aliasing, shimmering or edge enhancement employed for a far more smooth presentation. There's also a new retro-documentary on both versions that is generally compelling if all too short.
This is the best show currently on television, both in terms of plot and characterization. I ordered this for my brother;however, I have not heard how his is liking it.
well, unsurprisingly, some of the best shows are not returning next season. we expected gilmore girls to go, it has about run its course. but, veronica mars has been cut down in her prime, sadly. admittedly, the third season was not as excellent as the first two, but it was still a smartly written, provocative show. some of the urgency was gone, due to the fact that there was no season long mystery as in the previous seasons. that being said, it was still probably the best show that aired last year. i think the closer, with kyra sedgewick, ranks a close second. i was quite irritated that there was no closure in the end of season 3. we (the fans) at least deserve a veronica mars movie that will give us some closure as far as veronica's and keith's future. or maybe a book to finish up the story (are you listening rob thomas?).
Great transfer onto BD. Harrison Ford great job and how can you go wrong with gary oldman as the bad guy.
I chose this movie based on seeing the main character in Anna Karenina. I felt like he was a great actor and wanted to see some more of his work. I am so pleased with my decision. I loved Nowhere boy.
My 9 month old loves this DVD. The video has a nice song at the beginning, and then shows a series of music based activities with Eebee that you might also do with your child. Then they play another song, and show another series of activities. There are a lot of activities that catch his attention, mostly banging spoons on pots. He'll watch the video and replicate what they're doing with his toys and thinks this is hilarious. He also likes the songs they play every once in a while. If your child doesn't have any interest in these sorts of activities, it's probably not be the video for them. There are a few things the parents do with Eebee that go over his head, but it gave my husband and I some good ideas for playing with him. If your child enjoys making music or noises, then they'll enjoy this video on their own. I notice my son also likes it when we watch the video together, bang on pots together, and dance together to the songs. So, if you aren't interested in a video to grab his attention while you go and clean the bottles, then it's a great video for you and your child to watch together.
Besides the "thrill" of seeing Pierce Brosnan in a role unlike his previous, this was the worst piece of trash I have ever seen. The plot was ludicrous and contrived, the comedy was forced, the viewer couldn't care less about the outcome. One five second entertaining reprieve from the drollness of this catastrophe was watching Pierce's lip quivering while he was crying. Wow, so funny. The comedy in this movie was neither intelligent not slapstick and totally lacking in depth.
recommended if you don't wanna buy the original box set, plus you'll save a few bucks.
Truely a great job. It came in great shape . I will enjoy it over and over again. Thank you. ART
I love Ridley Scott. He is one of those directors who are capable of doing almost anything. Sure, he has had some misfires in the past, and he will continue to have a few, but overall he has proven that he can sink into nearly any genre with ease and deliver something memorable.`Matchstick Men' is a light yet striking film that could stand tall with the best Scott has been able to produce.The film revolves around two con men, Roy and Frank, who find their operation flipped on its head with the sudden appearance of Angela. This young teenager claims to be Roy's daughter. This is news to him, but he learns to accept the possibility, and over time the two form a bond, especially when it becomes apparent that Angela possesses the same knack that Roy has for his `profession'. Frank is less than thrilled about this new development, but he doesn't really have much of a say in the matter.Just wait for the twist!What I like so much about this film is that it possesses a light and airy vibe that suits the whole genre very well. This is a `sting' film, a crime comedy that capitalizes on the swift humor to create a complete aura. The visual style is very bleached, as if it has been sitting out in the sun too long. I love that visual. It's kind of like someone took the breezy feel of Woody Allen's `Vicky Cristina Barcelona' and baked it.I also give Scott credit for coaxing out of the cast some of their best work to date. Everyone and their mother knows my dislike for Nicolas Cage. He is such an unnatural actor. That said, he has shone in films that capitalize on his ticks and force him to create something natural out of them. This is one of his finest performances. Using Roy's OCD as a building block, Cage actually creates a believable and engaging character in Roy. Sam Rockwell is lauded by a lock of my cinephile friends, but I find him highly overrated. Here he sinks into the dramedy aspect of the film effortlessly, and while it isn't a `standing ovation' type supporting role, he definitely `supports' the film very well. Alison Lohman taps into Angela's soft side to great effect (it was needed to sell some of the more intimate aspects of her character development, and also that of Roy's).`Matchstick Men' is good breezy fun with a great (totally unexpected) twist that will leave you blindsided (and conflicted in your amusement). This is definitely worth your time and attention. You may have missed this one (it didn't get the publicity it deserved) but once you see it you won't forget it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this DVD. Alaska's natural beauty is breathtaking and the footage is beautiful. You get to see all kinds of amazing wildlife like bears and whales as well as stunning landscapes. I highly recommend this DVD for anyone who loves nature!
Tom Berenger. James Brolin. Peter Coyote. They must have done it just for the money. It may have been based on a true story but this is absolutely the worst written, worst directed, and sad to say worst acted movie I have seen in a long time. And Tatum O'Neal needs a high school drama class. I wasted my money, don't waste yours.
This movie moved me to tears at first viewing. Since that first encounter I am one of those annoying people who can talk along with the actors. Yentl is my all time favorite dramatic musical second only to A Star is Born also with Barbara.
I received my product quickly and it was in great shape. Would purchase from you again.
if you like the show youll like this too, i just finished watching a few eps and they were very cool ( i dont write reviews but this changed my mind for once). the commentaries before each show from Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ross Ackles help with questions about the story line and are a good add for the series, hope it lasts
I was really disappointed in this film and expected more. It is very predictable and the acting is also. I skipped through it. I love Morgan Freeman but this was not the best role for him and the supporting actors lacked a lot as well. It wasn't majic for me but everyone has their own opinion. It's not the worst film I have seen but it failed to keep me interested. I can see why it was put out early, not sure it will make it at the box office.
Watch the show and you'll know just how awful of a job M. Knight did to this movie, there was so much potential for a movie. Ugh and the names he used! I don't want to hear he based it off the Asian version names, the fact of the matter is it's an AMERICAN anime and he should have used the appropriate names heard in the show! I will never allow my eyes to witness this movie again, and very unlikely will ever see an M. Knight movie ever again.
I now have all 7 Jesse Stone movies - and LOVE each and every one of them. The visual effects make me feel like I have actually visited Paradise. And the acting makes me feel like I really know the characters - especially Jesse Stone, but Suit rocks too. Can't wait for my friends to return the CD's so that I can start watching all of them again. And I REALLY can't wait for the next movie.
Tired of all those sappy, mystical, messianic- driven "baseball" movies? Heard enough phrases like "build it and they will come?" Just for the heck of it, watch this one and get a taste of a little grit, a lot of laughs, and a dose of realism. It puts the story of baseball within the context of people's lives- their struggles and their triumphs- through the use of good character development and believable relationships. While angels become part of the plot(I know- how realistic can that be? -you ask), this is nonetheless an honest perspective on the challenges that face us all; it makes the statement that, whether in baseball or in life, we can control our own actions. It just so happens that the film's depiction of ballplayers is also more authentic than what you'll see in more recent "sport" films. This is a great movie from a time when a good story was the starting point for a script. It's got drama, pathos and humor- with excellent performances, especially from the main star, Paul Douglas. Do yourself a favor and enjoy it.
Due to family and job I almost never see movies in the theater anymore. When the trailers for Skyline started coming out I thought, "That looks cool!", but the reviews were generally negative from both critics and moviegoers. I generally buy DVDs of movies I want to see. Since to reviews were so bad and I just got burnt with the "The Last Airbender" (one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time) I decided to rent Skyline instead of buying it, now I am sorry I did. The movie was really good. I won't go into a long review of the movie, there are plenty of those. I watched in bed, a few times I found myself moving up to the edge of the bed during the action scenes. I read several times that the movie has no plot, I call shenanigans!!! The movie has a good, although not necessarily original, plot. The movie leaves a lot of things unexplained, but to be honest, it makes more sense us to not to know the information, than for us to know it since it is aliens who do what invading aliens should do, they invade. While I enjoyed "Independence Day" I always thought it was really stupid that even the world's smartest cable guy could write a computer virus that could cripple an alien armadas' computers, even for a few minutes. Also that we could fly 20 year old crashed spaceship into their mothership without some alarm saying, "Hey isn't that the ship we lost contact with 20 years ago, let's make sure the humans aren't using it now?" Anyway, I thought Skyline was really enjoyable, and I'll buy the DVD once the price drops, since I have already seen it.
I got started watching season one of Bones by accident. I just started following along and became addicted. Now I LOVE this show. I love the chemistry between the actors and I cant wait for season 3 to start! I hope they keep this show going for a long time!
What's all the Raa raa about??? Saw 2 was much better. To me this could be a ok tv movie,but if this scares you there is a serious problem that should be looked at.Thought the acting had a lot to be disired. The whole thing was a kiddy movie. If you want some scarry stuff email me.
Diane Lovering (Crawford) is the mistress of Richard Field (Otto Kruger). It is a quiet dignified love Field has for his former secretary; Field's wife won't agree to a divorce because of their children. Field sends Diane on a cruise to Buenos Aires until things "clear up"; while on the cruise, Diane meets Mike Bradley, a rich rancher from Argentina (and he's played by Clark Gable)..................A splendidly written, acted, directed and photographed movie done in MGM's best thirties style. Joan Crawford in the moonlight on the open sea appears quite seductive and Gable seems to agree. In the as the spurned lover, Gable demonstrated a new dimension of his acting skills and the critics were impressed in 1934; Otto Kruger is superb as the New York businessman.
The Rhino video of Glen or Glenda is quite a bit superior to this somewhat seedy DVD transfer. The periodic jumps are remarkably annoying, and the sound quality is no picnic either. Someone needs to do Ed Wood's pics the right way, and this isn't the right way.
Critics sniffed at this film back in 1981, but I enjoyed it, despite its obvious issues, and found it remarkably prescient; today the circumstances and pseudo-villains are different, but the plot is still as relevant as ever.Last year, when the Fed created a trillion and a half dollars out of thin air, and used it to buy bailing wire and chewing gum to prop up the incredibly fragile house of cards that is our international financial system, I immediately thought of Hub Smith, Kristofferson's character, brainstorming a magical a rescue for Burrough National, the bank he's been tapped to save, even though it "died six months ago and doesn't know it yet." His associate disparages his attitude: "This isn't some sort of game!" "Oh, yes it is," Hub replies. "That's exactly what it is. We're up against the system, and you can't beat the system. But you can win a game!" And Hub does win that game, cheating financial death a bit longer, by persuading Jane Fonda's character to float a huge Arab loan to prop up her company, the bank's biggest client, which is "even further in the s--thouse than we are, if that's possible." The Fed won their game too, in 2010, rescuing the too-big-to-fail financial conglomerates; but one wonders if, like Hub, they are just playing Monopoly-money games, postponing the inevitable.Each time our precarious economy teeters on the brink we blame a creditor pseudo-villain; in the 60s it was Japan, in the 70s and 80s OPEC, and now China. And each time it happens I'm reminded of Hub sitting in his office at 2 a.m., head in hands, waiting for the Hong Kong stock market to open, praying that the Arab pseudo-villians will roll over their mature bonds -- because if they don't, there will be no tomorrow for his bank; that's how close Burrough National is to the brink. "You're playing with the end of the world, you know," Hume Kronyn tells an OPEC official, who smiles. "The end of the world," he replies, "as YOU know it."And that's the point here: The fault lies not with our creditors, but with us; with our incredible addiction to borrowing and spending, to building phony real estate bubbles, to launching recreational wars of conquest; and our absolute refusal to learn anything from our debacles. And one can't help but imagine a day when our creditors decide enough is enough, and the Fed runs out of magical methods of conjuring money from nothing without triggering Brazilianesque malignant hyper-inflation, and the house of cards finally comes tumbling down -- the end of the world, as we know it.Like other reviewers, I found the casting a bit curious -- Jane Fonda and Hume Kronyn, the only actors with real chops, seem completely out of their element -- movie stars slumming in a high school drama club production -- but forget the acting and pay attention to the message, which is real: The end of the world could happen; it almost did in 2010.
I gave the first 3 seasons of this show 5 stars. Now that Jeff is not in the 4th and final season it really lacks some of the humor it once had. The only reason I bought the fourth series is for closure. I wanted to see how the remaining characters' roles played out.Jeff's replacement, Oliver, really never develops into any particular role. He is just sort of there but lacks the depth of the regulars. It's a shame Jeff left before this series ended but if you followed these characters up to this point, then you have to get the last season if for nothing else, closure.Needless to say, the Brits went over the top with this comedy and I have to admit it still is the funniest comedy series of all.
There are SEVEN "Road" pictures, not four. One more DVD product without the proper care and consideration a small child would have given it.
*******The review contains spoilers so if you are intending to see this flick, you may want to read this review afterwards********After 2010's hit horror remake "Piranha" made a killing at the box office ($83 million worldwide on a $25 million budget), Weinstein Company quickly gave the go ahead to make an even campier sequel with the affectionate title "Piranha 3DD." Tentatively scheduled for August 2011, the release date came and went without any word about the film. Weinstein soon announced that they would be releasing the horror sequel in November 2011. Once again, the release date whizzed by with no word from the studio as to when or if the film would be released. Now, on June 1st, the film has finally been released to horror hell. Opening in 83 theaters this weekend, the film is also showing on demand (where I caught it as no theaters within a 100 mile radius of me is playing the flick). With little press and even littler buzz, the film has little to no hope of making waves at the box office. Did Weinstein Company lose faith in the film? Is the film so awful that it simply doesn't deserve a theatrical release and the studios is simply fulfilling contract obligations? Let's take a step into these piranha filled waters and find out."Piranha 3DD" begins one year after the famous attack on Lake Victoria by prehistoric piranhas. Extremely bad press from the incident has left the lake devoid of any life whatsoever. The town itself has been largely abandoned as a result of the drying-up of their main revenue source, tourism by horny spring breakers. At a nearby lake, two middle aged rednecks named Clayton (Gary Busey) and Mo (Clu Gulager) wade into the water to recover the body of a dead cow. Eggs laid inside the cow carcass, and before you can say "piranha meal" the farmers are killed by a hungry and very angry swarm of baby piranha.Enter Maddy (the lovely "Friday the 13th" remake star Danielle Panabaker) a marine biology student. She returns home for the summer to the waterpark she co-owns. She finds to her horror, and our amusement, that the other co-owner, her step-father Chet (David Koechner), plans to add an adult-themed section to the waterpark with `water-certified strippers', and re-open it as "Big Wet" where the "double DD's get in for free." At a party at the waterpark that night, Maddy encounters several old friends, including her policeman ex-boyfriend Kyle (the enjoyable slimy Chris Zylka), and Barry (Matt Bush) who has secretly had a crush on her since grade-school. She also runs into two of her close friends, Ashley (Meagan Tandy), and Shelby (Katrina Bowden). It doesn't take long to guess who will and won't become piranha bait.Shelby and her boyfriend Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) go skinny-dipping in the lake, where a piranha makes its way inside her you-know-what(yes, you read that right). Meanwhile, Ashley and her boyfriend Travis (Paul James Jordan) go to have sex in their van. They accidentally trip the handbrake, causing the van to roll into the lake, where they are both devoured by the angry piranhas.The next day, Maddy is consoling Shelby about their missing friends. While sitting on a jetty, they are both attacked by the swarm of piranhas. They manage to kill one, and Maddy, Kyle and Barry bring it to Mr. Goodman (Christopher Lloyd even stranger and more over-the-top than he was in the original) to examine. He informs them that the piranhas may be moving via sewage pipes and underground rivers between lakes. The trio return to the lake, where they establish that the piranhas cannot make their way into the outflow pipes connecting the lake and the waterpark.Back at the waterpark, we find celebrity lifeguard David Hasselhoff (played by himself in a hilarious, mocking tone similar to Jennifer Tilly's role in "Seed of Chucky") has been hired on as an "A list" lifeguard from the waterpark. It doesn't take long before the piranhas find their way to the park to devour and feast on the lovely young teens and the families enjoying their stay at "Big Wet."Sound silly, over-the-top, and preposterous? Of course it is! The film is "Piranha 3DD" not "Schindler's List." You want big breasted girls being torn apart by piranhas? You want David Hasselholff running in slow motion to the Baywatch theme to save a drowning ginger boy? You want the death of not one but TWO annoying kids played up for two of the biggest laughs in the movie? Well, you get all of this and a hell of a lot more. Rating a movie like "Piranha 3DD" is a different proposition. The film itself is not nearly as good as the original remake (how's that for an oxymoron?) but I would argue that this sequel is a hell of a lot more fun. Take out the 13 minute credits (stay for them, there are some funny bloopers and behind the scenes video) and you are left with a 70 minute nonstop rollercoaster ride that is over before you can even begin to think of the bad acting and nonsensical plot developments. "Piranha 3DD" left me craving another sequel and isn't that the best thing you can say about a cheesy horror flick?
i liked blair witch - unique, spooky, suspenseful. paranormal activity was dull from the start. Katie Featherston was terrible - very unconvincing and that distracted from the whole movie. i liked the amateur feel of the cinematography, but that didn't make up for bad cast selection.i think i've been more scared (and certainly more entertained) watching Baby Einstein Videos.
This is a completely forgettable 'B' movie with the same old plot recycled for the umpteenth time. A couple of decent performances (Blalock and Todd -- Marsters is extremely flat the whole time, and the supporting cast is undistinguished). If you've seen Cube, this is basically the same movie but with a less interesting setting, less intriguing puzzles, and a non-scary "ominous presence" rather than wicked grisly traps. The plot exposition is drab and perfunctory, and it seems as though the cast (just like the audience) are just waiting out the 103 minutes until it's over. The end, incidentally, is pretty apalling... there's this thing with flashlights... I don't want to spoil it (hah!), but suffice to say it's not much of a payoff.There are a few high points. Tony Todd's role is stereotyped and poorly scripted, but he works well with the limited material and portrays an entertaining semi-villain. As the main character, Jolene Blalock is actually a pretty good choice for the sort of movie this is *supposed* to be: a creepy, psychological/supernatural thriller. In several scenes she has to emote being seriously freaked out, like on the verge of quiet panic, and though it may be slightly overplayed, the emotion basically comes across very well.For those who are into this sort of thing, there's a bit of "fan service" throughout the film. Star Trek fans who derived entirely too much enjoyment from Blalock's suspiciously frequent flesh shows on Enterprise will no doubt find similar thrills from seeing her run around nipping out in her undies for most of the movie. James Marsters fans get more or less the same from their guy, but this reviewer is not in a position to judge the quality of thrills in that case. Lastly, for the testosterone set, there's a skinny-dipping, schizophrenic, nymphomaniac "supermodel" who makes slutty wisecracks and flirts with the stereotyped computer programmer (who is, rather convincingly, obviously beside himself about it and a little smug).Being an approximately par B-movie with enough small redeeming qualities to make me not crave 103 minutes of my life back, I'm gonna peg this sucker at two stars. If you're going to sit in a dark room for 103 minutes or so, it would be mildly preferable to have this film on rather than nothing.Incidentally, those 5-star reviews from the Spike Fan Club who obviously haven't seen the film are complete garbage.
This movie lacked any kind of suspense. Five minutes into the movie you could guess the plot. Was this movie supposed to be a thriller,horor,suspense, because it didn't make any of those categories.
I have been on a whole foods plant based, mostly raw diet now, for a week. I have never felt better in my life! I am happy and frustrated at the same time, seeing this film. Mostly because the answers are here, but everyone is making a profit out of people's illnesses. I am a nurse by profession. An oncology nurse now for 11 years. I hope more and more people will take responsibility for their health, make the hard yet right choices to support our environment instead of destroying it, enjoy their lives and be happier, live longer.
Already in the beginning you get the sense that this is a turkey. Selznick even repeats the same type of openingcredits as he did in GONE WITH THE WIND....In the beginning, Jennifer Jones in particular is painfully amateurish but she is never helped by a wooden dialogue and screenplay...No one in this film is....Even my mama at the age of 71 declared; "what a 50s film".... She has never uttered such phrases, but it is impossible not to agree...Never for a moment do you leave the feeling that this a a movieset and even the musical score screams plagiate... in the beginning that is...A shame really... The looks of Rock Hudson and the Elaine Stritch/Mercedes MacCambridge duo is the only thing worth watching with some of the scenary...But THAT is only the beginning... midthrough "soemthing" happens at the characters and the film comes alive...Miss Barkley is a clinging woman because of bad experience and I musy say that the dialogue and childbirth wasn`t common place in the movies in 1957.The last half is good, but the overall impression is uneven...updated on Monday,June 18 2007.
My father owns an original copy of the 1930s superman comic book, and I grew up knowing how superman really became the man of steel. This series is not it. Perhaps when DC comics killed superman several years ago with Doomsday it allowed the producers of this show to butcher the true superhero legend.I lay awake in my bed every night crying because future generations will come to think that this is how the story is. It's so sad:(I keep hoping and praying that when the final episode of smallville airs that this particular clark will become a different super hero. Or that Lex Luther will jump out of the ending credits and yell: "Fooled You! I made up this entire series just to ruin superman's image!"I can only dream...
Really enjoy this series as it has lots of action as well as decent acting. The humor of the writers is also fun.
MILO is a dog and OTIS is a cat whose outrageous ADVENTURES are narrated by DULDEY MOORE! Set in JAPAN, your KIDS will LAUGH as they see how much trouble a dog and cat can get. Which is a LOT! Yes, this film was originally made in Japanese! You see, ONCE UPON A TIME, Milo and Otis grew up on the same farm, living HAPPY lives! Then they get separated and set off on an epic JOURNEY to find each other! THRILL as Milo and Otis cross over mountains and snow-covered landscapes searching for one another! A WONDERFUL tale of TRUE FRIENDSHIP! So what is they are "just" ANIMALS! This is one of the those great Disney films that Disney did not make!
I have numberous complaints from various fans and friends about the quality of the DVD and I am in an uproar with FOX who really owe Shirley's fans better since, Shirley Temple is still a money maker and her movies are enjoyed worldwide-- I see it's no longer avaible so I'm only hoping that they plan to re-release it not poor quality this time. But, if you still want to see Shirley in Heidi which you should I recommend the VHS version I own it and find no problem with the quality of the tape and the picture is perfect.Shirley sparkles in this movie taken as her age and value depreciated. The story will always remain a classic and in this version of Heidi it does not stick entirely to the story but, enough still to make it interesting. Jean Hearsholt does a wonderful job as the Grandfather who becomes charmed and beloved by Heidi. Shirley also does wonderful as the spunky cheerful natured girl who melts Hearsholt's heart. Stunning scenry and decent dialogue make this movie worth owning! My cousins love it and we watch it over and over again we get a little frightened when Shirley is almost sold to the gypsies... but, we love the scene in which Heidi begs the police not to take her away from her grandfather you see all that talent and acting shine through! And I hate to admit it but, I almost cry each time!This is the movie I watch again and again... one of Shirley's better movies despite the fact it only has one song really "In Our Little Wooden Shoes." This has all the charm and wonderful beauty of a Shirley film, it also manages to be a good holiday film as well. A classic for all fans of the book and a keeper for all old movie and Shirley fans!
I have been waiting for so long for this movie to come to theatres! Finally, it has made its release but in only about 15 theatres nationwide...and none of them are remotely close to me. I was so appreciative to have found this pre-release on Amazon. All of the performances were very well done and fitting to the era. Robert Pattinson was immensely enjoyable, while making you love and hate his character at the same time. Pattinson truly does have great range, despite what has been said about some of his films. The women were incredible, as was the storyline! The depth, lies, deceit, and steps taken to rise to power made for a memorable story that is sure to keep you captivated. It is not hard to imagine that this would have actually taken place.
Here we have the local mad-scientist and gland expert (Bela Lugosi) working in his basement lab on his latest project. It seems while doing the usual mad-scientist thing of tampering in God's domain, he injected himself with some vaguely defined ape fluid. The ape stuff had some very unfortunate side-effects. Bela now goes around all hunched over, and wearing whiskers and a wig (both very phony). He swings his arms as he walks and mingles words with occasional grunts. Tragically, the only way he can stand upright as a man is to take injections of human spinal fluid. The only way to get human spinal fluid is to render humans inanimate (i.e., dead). The beneficial effect of the injections has become distressingly temporary; it doesn't last long enough for Bela to get rid of the whiskers and wig. Bela has taken to sleeping in the same cramped cage as Mr. Gorilla, his lab animal companion. The sexual overtones of this we won't even discuss.This low-budget thriller is a good example of bad acting and unintended laughs. Bela Lugosi made some truly classic horror films, but this clunker isn't one of them. Lugosi and his gorilla pal lurking in doorways and alleys remind one of a simian version of Abbott and Costello. Bela is tall and slender while Mr. Gorilla is short and chubby. The snappy dialogue of the newspaper people is meant to be witty, but gets tiresome instead. The WWII jokes hopelessly date the film. The mysterious skinny guy wearing the goofy hat is a silly plot-twist gimmick that emphasizes the poor quality of the story. It's possible that dedicated Bela Lugosi fans or die-hard fans of old horror movies will find value in this movie. The recommended way for anyone else to view this movie is to use it as a "so dumb it's funny" party tape. Just be sure there has been sufficient imbibing of your favorite beverage to dull the senses.
Check this one out! By far one of the best movies of its genre
The movie starts with bright blue lights slowly falling from the sky, followed by bigger spaceships. When any person looks into the light, gets pulled into one of the spaceships. Why? Maybe perhaps the aliens want to use the humans as a power source to power the blue LED lights? We don't know until the very end.There are way too many holes in this film. When a nuclear bomb is detonated on one of the spaceships, it does not vaporize. It gets damaged, but somehow it proceeds to repair itself back to the original shape and form.Throughout the movie, they are trying to make it to the boat, because the aliens can not function over the water. What would prevent them? They seem to have advanced technology.Some of the special effects are cheezy, dialog terrible. Expect surprise ending!If you are a hardcore sci-fi fan, maybe you will like this movie. Otherwise I would skip this one and watch something else.
I really enjoyed this movie. It was a very funny movie and worth seeing. I would watch it again and again.
I have always enjoyed Hallmark type movies. This series is the best I have ever viewed on television. The acting and period dress are world class. The interaction between characters keeps me riveted for more! Well done!
Good Lord. This was terrible. How many ways can you say terrible. Ugh. Useless, not even remotely believable. Worst movie I've seen in many a year.
I came late to the Downton Abbey scene but I am glad I finally did.This show is so refreshing compared to all of the usual garbage on TV. I loved seeing how the nobles used to live. You will find yourself calling your wife a "Lady" and she calling you "Lord". You get caught up into the engaging plot lines and wonderful characters. Plus the setting of this show is stunning. I will definitely be buying season 2 soon.
Actually, both the 1956 version and the 1923 silent version are in this 50th Anniversary Collection.This is, as you probably know, a magnificent epic film. Charlton Heston plays Moses, Yul Brenner plays Ramses, Edward G. Robinson is brilliant as the turncoat Jewish slave-master who is rewarded by Ramses for selling out his people, Vincent Price is type-cast as an evil priest of the Nile god.Well, this story stays pretty darn close to the Book from which it was drawn, including some specific quotes, but it fills in a lot that is not in the Book. And, in my opinion, does it very well. The result is a plausible speculation on the details which are somewhat sketchy in the Book.Anyway, while this did not succeed in converting me to either Judaism or Christianity, I have a great deal of respect for the efforts of all those people that participated in making this classic film. The costume designers were outstanding, the sets lavish, the special effects magnificent for their day. DeMille earned every one of those Academy Award nominations and awards.
Not as good as the ones that followed, but still good. He got better with age.
Very wierd and interesting movie, have never seen blade runner though (which is what this movie is compared to), a little hard to follow at first but a good sci-fi thriller!!
"For Your Consideration" is the latest film from Christopher Guest and friends who have given us so much pleasure with "Waiting For Guffman", "A Mighty Wind", and "Best in Show". "For Your Consideration" revolves around a cast of obscure and has been actors who are filming a movie called "Home for Purim". Now normally the concept of a movie within a movie is not a terribly good idea, example "Bewitched". In this case, the concept works.The cast of "Home for Purim" is Marilyn Hack (Catherine O'Hara), Victor Van Miller (Harry Shearer), Callie Web (Parker Posey), and Brian Chubb (Christopher Moynihan). Marilyn Hack receives word that there is a rumor on the internet that she might be up for a best actress Oscar nomination. As a result of the rumor and word spreads around the set and in Hollywood, egos flare up and gets out of control."For Your Consideration" takes potshots at the Hollywood system from the actors themselves, film critics, entertainment tv tabloid shows, and the Academy Awards themselves. I found myself laughing out loud all through the film. My favorite performances came from Christopher Guest as Jay Berman, Jennifer Coolidge as the ditzy film producer Whitney Taylor Brown, Jane Lynch as a Mary Hart clone Cindy Martin, Rachel Harris as Mary Pat Hooligan, and Ricky Gervais as the head of Sunfish studios. I found Catherine O'Hara and Parker Posey too over the top for me, especially towards the end of the film. The ending was predictable and rather lame but overall an enjoyable film.
Flint was a paradise: their GM factory was the most modern and efficient of them all, its workforce the best trained and motivated. Then, out of the blue - GM announces that they are closing the factory and moving to Mexico. Flint is destroyed. It now looks more like an Eastern European ghost city, its factory closed, houses borded up, empty dirty streets. One of those who lost their jobs was Michael Moore's father. Michael sets out to tell his father's story to the head of GM, Roger. The film is partly a bout Flint. All the failed attempts to bring new business to the town, and the various ways the inhabitants try to cope. The stupidity of the Town Council is amazing. Moore does not give them their jobs back, but he rescues them from anonymity; he gives them a voice, and a face. He tells that behind the profit margins, behind the business strategies, we have human beings. Humans with dreams and emotions, just like Roger. They do not have a Board, or millions of dollars backing them though. We also follow Michael Moore's hilarious attempts at meeting with Roger, just to ask him to go to Flint.This is Moore's first film. In many ways it is is best, because it is so close to his heart. Hilariously funny, and hearbreaking at the same time. The episode of the rabbit lady, and the rather dim Miss Michigan, are minor classics.
Plenty of suspense, running, shooting, dodging, and betrayal. This movie is really not realistic in some parts, like when a bus gets shot up about 1,000 times and none of the bullets hits the fuel tank. Nor can I say the movie has much depth and the plot is relatively predictable. The only good part about it is portrayal of police corruption, although this is certainly not the only movie to do so, and a strong female character, which is usually terribly lacking in these types of films. Considering it was made in the 1970s, maybe some of the cliche scenes can be forgiven.
POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!I rented (thank God) this movie on the basis of the trailer I saw on another DVD. It was obviously a movie about on-line sexual predator/pedophiles, and per the previews it was going to be emotionally-charged with a climactic payoff.NOT TO BE!Whoever was involved in this dreck should have realized there's a reason why a TV show like "Criminal Minds" has enjoyed seven years of success: ultimately, the bad guy gets caught -- if not killed outright -- and the audience gets to enjoy an emotional reward for going through the ringer of seeing their crimes, and the effects therefrom.But that does NOT happen in this movie. After going through a gut-wrenching examination of the effects on one family of being a victim of such a heinous perp, in the end...HE GETS AWAY WITH IT!Is that a SPOILER?YEAH! It is! So what? You don't like it? Tough!At least you're forewarned, as are the people involved in producing this thing.Don't advertise what you don't deliver.No wonder this mess sank into obscurity.
This is BSI watched season 7 last year on TV, but now I buy the disk only to find out that a part was cut. The most intense part of the show is the white House break-in, and Fox completely cut it out. Disk 4 shows the preview of it as though it was on disk2, but it's not. Last time I buy a movie.
Oh my gosh, what a mess this movie is, where are the dinosaurs? all you get is a fake looking snake and that's it.The acting is so bad it looks like they cast from a tv soap, and as for the effects, Kong looks more camp than scary, the only scenes that actually work are the scenes with the natives early in the film , put this up against the 1933 classic and see which one shines, I have this film in my collection but I find it very hard to sit through and not cringe.A cringe classic maybe but not a classic in a good way.Buy The original and see real kong fury.
Homeland: The Complete First SeasonI thought the acting was just outstanding and can't wait for the 2nd season to be released.Lee
Love it. Hooked on the series.One of the best seasons yet. Kept me on the edge of my seat thrilling.
I agree with the other negative reviewers. I'm fond of suspense movies with plot twists, but this one moved to slow, was weak in dialogue and the ending was unsatisfying. Glad I only rented it as well.
We love this movie! My kids used to watch it again & again but it was on VHS. We no longer have a VCR and my son brought this movie up again, mentioning how much he used to love watching it so we decided to get it on DVD. It's become a family classic in our house. It's a funny, silly movie & having all boys in our family , we loved the idea of the "godmother" being a man.
Jaws 3 is a waste of time, but a definient own to collectors like myself. In this movie ... Dennis Quaid plays Micheal Brody (oldest Brody Boy) who is a enginner at Sea World in Florida. He is involved with Katherine (played by wonderful Bess Armstrong), a marine biologist who is in charge of trick dolphins. When a baby White shark gets trapped inside the park (with his mother in tow) it is caught by Katherine and a "Crocodile Hunter" type Shark documentor. Well the baby dies, the mom seeks revenge--finally getting her out of hiding place-a underwater filteration pump. The Shark looks incrediablly fake, and swims backwards in a sceen (which sharks can't do) and even goes through plate glass windows. Finally they blow her up (again) and all is well at sea world (again)! This gets 2 stars b/c of the actors and feeling bad for them, but everyone has to start somewhere. Like I say there is nothing better then the orignal and JAWS was and is the best! All the sequels ...!
David Cronenberg's imaginary world is full of mutilated bodies, of iron animals trying to penetrate human flesh or of mad scientists dreaming of impossible metamorphoses. It's a world you have to accept first in order to enjoy the movies of this canadian director. If you don't, you'd better skip the four or five Cronenberg's DVD actually available.VIDEODROME is a very ambitious movie about mass manipulation through television images. It describes the ineluctable fall of James Woods, a TV station headman, whose occupation is to find the most vulgar shows on earth susceptible to please the audience. He will be trapped in hallucinative nightmares when discovering the VIDEODROME show.I think that the horror scenes are not as well integrated in the action as they will be in DEAD RINGERS a few years later. So the movie is hybrid, half horror movie half social and political pamphlet.The image is full of white spots (How ironical !) but the audio OK.A digestible DVD.
Barcelona is not really a comedy, but the dialouge sounds similar to Woody Allen anyway. Its sorta of nuerosis comedy/political drama/growing up film. What makes it special though is the two leads whom I've never seen before. Ted is a romantic who talks like he's reading from a romantic novel, while Fred is light hearted on the romantic front but enourmously sensitive when it comes to anti-Americanisms by the locals. Its funny that Ted and Fred are as ignorant about the local women as the locals are of America. The US OF A has always been an easy target for critisism abroad for its meddling, some are true and some aren't. That the film manages to include such politics and remain relatively light hearted and free of anger is quite an achievement.Although a development near the end threatens to indulge in melodrama, Stillman stil manages to make it real and even funny. However, to counter all the negativity about Americans the film sometimes (seems) to stereotype Spanish women as promiscious/cold/leftists as personified by MARTA(Mira Sorvino). I say "seems" becuase I've only been to Spain once and never to Barcelona, if its true however, then that is definitly the place to go next summer.
Way overrated and not worth the time. Joe Pantoliano is usually good (even when the film isn't) only this time it's not his fault at all--because there isn't much for him to do.The gimmick (short term memory loss) would have worked had the film been no more than thirty minutes) alas, this thing drags on and on.How often can you sit through the same scene over and over and over and over...By the time this flick ended I didn't care who did what to whom.
A very young Cooper stared with Helen Hayes in " A Farewell to Arms". In this film he does even better! Ingrid Bergman was a very young girl and captures the war torn raped Spanish girl so well. This is the screen version of a novel that is a Nobel recognized masterpiece with two of Hollywood's all time stars in lead roles. It is what they mean by a "Classic Film". How I know a classic tragedy is that I dread and hope at the same time when I play it!