class label
2 classes
I have not received it yet am very disappointed as I was told I would get it by the official release date am still waiting
This was a strange, strange film. Not in a 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' or 'Army of Darkness' kind of cult-strange (which I adore in all of its campy awfulness), but just strange. Lots of potential here, but the film was bogged down by some truly awful acting. The lead character, Gabriel, is a decent actor, and so were the actors depicting Uriel and Raphael (very minor characters unfortunately), but the rest were just mediocre and the guy depicting Sammael was a truly awful cartoon of a villain. The love interest is just so-so given the potential of the set of circumstances she was given to work with and the love scene is truly ... bland. Given the R rating, they should have spiced things up.I probably should have rated this only one star, but the depictions of Purgatory and the sense of helplessness and hopelessness depicted by some of the most minor characters, many of them simply 'extras' without a single spoken line, earned it the second star. The whorehouse bouncer was kind of funny. The children without lines ... there was more acting in those tormented kids faces than most of the major characters. Purgatory as depicted in this movie just seemed far more real than the purgatorio painted by Dante and numerous old testament and mythological rantings.
Balck&white; fragments constituting a Rod Serling's show are surprisingly enticing even a modern viewer to date acknowledged with, for instance,Tales Of The Unexplainedamong a string of other later works mixing sci-fi with supernatural.Segments embedding the mysteries of reality are the best among sequences created an epoch ago.
In comic books, it's the Justice League of America. In rock music, it's the Traveling Wilburys. In comedy, the supergroup was, and is, the changing team of players in the Amnesty International stage shows, the Secret Policeman's Balls.Originally conceived by Monty Python's John Cleese as a simple and effective way to donate to Amnesty whilst hanging with his many comedy mates, the shows began with a one-off, Pleasure At Her Majesty's, where to the delight of London theatregoers, virtually all of their favourite stage and TV comedians banded together to basically do their respective greatest hits in an informal late-night setting.The shows were a huge hit, the chance to see the already-legendary Peter Cook resurrect his miner-who-wanted-to-be-a-judge routine, to see the Goodies cavort to their recent chart-busting song, "The Funky Gibbon", or indeed to see the currently hot, hot, hot Monty Python team do the "Parrot Sketch" (in probably the most confident, commanding performances they ever gave), this combination, all these comics in one night, proved irresistible to audiences, and, as these things will do, spawned such sequels as The Secret Policeman's Ball, the wittily-titled The Secret Policeman's Other Ball, the increasingly-bizarre sounding The Secret Policeman's Third Ball, and indeed the somewhat terminal-sounding The Secret Policeman's Biggest Ball.These later incarnations attracted musical interludes from the likes of Pete Townshend, Sting, Bob Geldof, Phil Collins and so many more.What was especially interesting to me was the cross-pollination that occurred in the comedy bits, when certain team members would be absent, and so Peter Cook would sub for Eric Idle in a Python sketch, just as Terry Jones would fill in for Dudley Moore in a Beyond The Fringe sketch (Dudley would finally join the gang in the Biggest Ball for a reunion with Peter, which, poignantly, would be their last live stage appearance together).These are genuine variety shows, giving you everything from manic stand-up (the wonderfully engaging Alexei Sayle and Ben Elton) to pantomime (Rowan Atkinson doing a prototype Mr. Bean) to funny music (Neil Innes and Victoria Wood) to uproarious sketches (the very, very best work from not only Python and Cook and Moore but also those "upstarts" Fry and Laurie and French and Saunders!).Regarding the bonus features, we see a rare performance of Monty Python's obscure "Book Shop" sketch, John Cleese giving it the full Basil Fawlty treatment, although Connie Booth as the customer, while earnest and lovely as always, doesn't play a glazed-eye loony nearly as well as, say, Graham Chapman. Python addicts are bound to crack up at how Cleese adopts his "Whicker's World" voice in the "Philosophy" sketch from Beyond The Fringe, alongside Jonathan Miller. I daresay this collection shows John Cleese at his absolute peak (It may be I've just seen Fawlty Towers too many times, folks, I'm frankly sick of it!).Back to the bonus features. The documentary is especially nice, amongst the comments is a surprisingly serious, penetrating, even moving speculation from Rowan Atkinson regarding the future of the very concept of freedom of thought(!). Apart from that one bleak (though relevant, vital, and intelligent) comment from Atkinson, this is a warm, informative documentary, absolutely perfect.Oh, and Technophiles be warned: I don't think any of the films was digitally remastered (the Biggest Ball looks like a slightly worn VHS copy) but I personally don't care. Anything including clips of Monty Python, Beyond The Fringe and the Goodies rehearsing as well as performing is gold to me, as indeed are the various face-offs in the sketches, those moments when a glaring Peter Cook or John Cleese confronts goofy Rowan Atkinson. Wonderful.Take it out, start anywhere you like, and you will see there is more than enough entertainment here for any one sitting.We are most amused.
Received this item along with eight (8) other movies. Was completely satisfied with all of the items. Theyarrived as stated, and in a perfect condition.
Movie was great...coulda been greater if the sound was better. I had the volume at max but had to lean in to hear the dialog. Seems to happen frequently with amazon video. You folks need to fix this.
The sole purpose of this review is to compare "The Invisible Man" in this collection to the older DVD release.EXCELLENT. Dramatic improvement - much better contrast and detail. It appears that a different source print was used, and it's much better than that which was used for the older DVD. This is unquestionably worth the upgrade, regardless of all the added benefits.You can view screen capture comparisons on my website.
I seen this movie when I was about 5- or 6. You can just imagine that I remebered it for 10-11 years. This movie made me fear my baby dolls, and my stuffed animals. I had to make sure their faces were turned away from me when I went to bed at night, just let me say, this movie stays with you till the end. It's really, really freaky!
On the surface the premise sounds interesting and possibly funny. However, the movie is neither. It limps along disjointedly with very little humor and even less use the "End of the World" premise. We rented it because we usually find Steve Carell to be enteraining - not in this case. Don't waste your time.
Excellent and quite uplifting documentary. We follow a small group of blind Tibetan teenagers on a journey to climb a mountain right next to Everest (23k feet in elevation... no easy journey); a daunting task for anyone, let alone someone who is blind. As we follow this journey it seems like the goal of reaching the summit is impossible, and this is why the movie works so well.I found myself rooting for these people so much it almost hurt. That being said this movie also presents an interesting perspective on how different people and cultures view life... the journey towards the peak in this case being a microcosm of life itself. Is the most important thing about the hike getting to the actual peak... or is the journey itself what is important? This one is just what the doctor ordered for a nice dose of inspiration... and to put things in perspective. I loved it. 4/5 stars.
Bobby z starring the great laurence fishburne is a tale of a dirty agent (fishburne) and of a convict (paul walker) that looks like the big time drug deler Bobby Z. i didn't really care for this movie because it was totally unbelievable and the plot was boring. It is another drug movie/crooked agent/mistaken identity movie. The real bobby z and walker didn't look anything alike to me, and the fight scenes just didn't look realistic to me. Once again blockbuster online saved me some money on this movie. I still wasted two hours of my life though.
Still do not have the item nor have I had the courtesty of a replyafter writing the seller. Caveat Emptor
Some good acting, but the script wanders off into the deep blue sea. Lost in the storm. A waste of money to rent.
With close to 200 reviews about Monsters already written, admittedly I did not read any of them, so perhaps my two comments have already been brought up. (1) when you are wandering in a so-called "infected zone" ostensibly crawling with alien creatures, is it necessary that every time you hear some strange noise, you have to always ask "What's that?" Duh! It might be an alien creature...you think? (2) The female lead watches two aliens "interact" (was that the ET version of sex?), begins to cry and says "I don't want to go home." She should have added "I really like roaming around the countryside, scrounging for food, dodging creatures who may or may not want to have me for lunch, wearing the same clothes for days on end, and having one of the few humans I encounter bark at me like a dog." Yeah, makes sense to me, sounds like paradise, why would anyone want to give that up? Sheesh....stupid movie, I actually bought it at a going-out-of business sale. I don't think I could give it away.
This is probably one of the biggest let-downs in cinema. Hyped as being scarier than 'The Exorcist', it turned out to be nothing but bad videography sprinkled with a liberal dose of vulgarity. And the plot? Three young people throw away their map and walk themselves to the point of exhaustion in circles in the woods, crossing the same stream numerous times. Did anyone think to actually follow the stream downstream? I actually found myself rooting for the 'Blair Witch' at the end. Anyone that stupid deserved to be put out of their misery. As for being scarier than 'The Exorcist', as was claimed in many cinema reviews at the time of its release, this movie doesn't even come close. If you haven't seen 'The Blair Witch', do yourself a favor -- save your money and go see the re-release of 'The Exorcist' at the theater.
I am speechless. I am without speech. One of the worst movies in the world. Every frame of this movie sucks. It is unbelievably DUMB.
A very profound dissertation on the subject, yet easy to understand. The movie itself is entertainig, moving. Amit is very knowledgeable and gives you his insights in an easy way to grasp, at the same time it leaves you with a desire to continue exploring the path, while inviting you to change the world by becoming a quantum activist like himself, at your own level.
I have never seen this particular version of the video. I have the original one that came out and guard it jealously! What I cannot understand is why this movie has never been released on DVD!... There are so many underlying themes throughout this movie besides that of the main plot of betrayal by old Army buddies and the honor gained through the loyalty of newly formed friendship between Mitchum and Ken. I've often wondered if I would experience the same feelings Mitchum experienced coming back to Tokyo, if I went back to Saigon and saw those I knew back when I was in Nam. What a feeling to see how much things had changed and yet remained the same. There are many deep themes explored in this movie. Definitely one of Sidney Pollack's more under rated, yet finer films for nuance!... I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants more than swords and blood.
I love the eating out series. I can't wait until the next movie comes out. I love all the character.
I'll be honest. I've seen so many Thomas movies/shows, my eyes glaze over whenever one is on. Because of that, I'm not sure I can give a fair, unbiased review, so... I turned to my 4-year-old son for his opinion.Me: Hey, [insert my 4yo son's name here].Son: Yeah?Me: How many stars would you give "Thomas & Friends: Rescue On Rails."Son: 40.There you go. Forty stars.Enjoy.
I really was disappointed by this video. It portrays having a new baby as an ultra stressful time for siblings. Baby bear is constantly freaking out over the thought of the impending arrival of his new sister. He is frantic through most of the video and quite frankly it stressed me out to just watch it. Life is stressful enough, I don't want my child to be pressured into thinking a new baby is terrible.
This movie is mean, man ...!!! It was clearly made with the best of intentions: a history about a Secret Society and a young man ( Jackson in his worst performance ever ) trying to get out of it. But the execution of the screenplay is so bad that all is lost...
Watching the trailer to "8:46" I was pleased to see that this film would focus on more of the human story rather than the destruction story. The film proved to be quite amazing and at times very touching. As this is Jennifer Gargano's writing and directoral debut, I give her props for creating such a well crafted story.She gathered together a top notch cast that gives truly amazing and heartbreaking performances. The script is well written and her direction is amazing, especially for one's first directing jobs. For an independent film, the production values and the special effects were impressive. The scene looking out at the smoke rising over Lower Manhattan is a very powerful image and the ending will leave you moved without a doubt.The one (and only) real problem with this film is really the length of the film. At 55 minites, don't expect to see drawn out scenes and be played in real time. This film, in my opinion should have at least another hour added onto it. Understanding where Gargano's vision is coming from, but the scenes on September 11 are very crucial and should be longer. You don't see the towers burning or collapsing. Do you need to? No. Television stock footage provides you with those images. But in a film that deals with 9/11, you should include these vital scenes. But it is forgivable, seeing this as a small budget independent film.The first 40 minutes of the film takes place the previous day, September 10. And this is where we are introduced with the characters. Their stories are easy to follow and can even hit home sometimes since every major role on 9/11 is played here. From the towers, to the planes, to the rescue workers, everybody gets screen time. The fault: not enough screen time.The film is truly wonderful and I highly recommend it. My only complaint is that it should not be a 55 minute film, but rather a full 2 hour motion picture. But for what it is, it is a wonderful piece and I give a standing ovation to Ms. Gargano for a wonderful film. I would love to see more works from her in the future.Verdict: SEE IT.
I've waited 20 agonizing years for the Knights to be available for rent/purchase. From the first time I saw it, I've said, "I must have my own copy of this!" Truly a classic that will proudly join my DVD rack right next to Animal House and Caddy Shack!
No one can accuse "Beyond Borders" of not having its heart in the right place. After all, how many mainstream American movies so much as acknowledge the existence of starving people in the world, let alone make them the centerpiece of their stories? For its willingness to do that, the film deserves a certain amount of genuine praise. Unfortunately, having gone this far, the filmmakers then cheapen it all by pasting onto the film a corny, superficial love story more appropriate to a Harlequin Romance than an ostensibly serious social drama.Angelina Jolie plays a United Nations relief worker who flits from one worldwide trouble spot to another - Africa, Cambodia, Chechnya - dispensing aid and carrying on an adulterous affair with a handsome field doctor (played by Clive Owen) whom she met several years earlier (the film takes place in the 1980`s and `90`s). It's a little hard to take seriously the extreme plight of these suffering people when Sarah and Nick are making goo-goo eyes at one another in between saving lives and delivering inspirational, we-are-the-world speeches. As with so many movies of this type, the put-upon, indigenous people become little more than extras in their own story, a mere backdrop for the trite personal drama occupying center stage. It's as if American audiences couldn't possibly find any interest or relevance in all this misery if we didn't have some well-fed, well-scrubbed white people serving as our guide to get us through it all. I'm sure that the last thing the people who made this movie intended was to in any way demean the incredible efforts done by relief workers around the world, yet that is exactly what they end up doing by forcing all this heartbreaking human tragedy through the funnel of a hackneyed love story.The moments of highest interest come when we see the incredible amount of power politics that goes on even when it comes to delivering food and medicine to dying people - although the filmmakers don't always make those complicated logistics entirely clear for the lay audience. We often can't tell what exactly is happening on a sociopolitical level that's preventing the aid from getting through. A little less time spent on the romance and a little more on the behind-the-scenes aspects of the story would have gone a long way towards redeeming the film. Unfortunately, there's something almost comical about the sight of Sarah and Nick, nattily dressed and perfectly coiffed, making passionate love amidst the rubble and ruin of war torn Chechnya.Jolie and Owen turn in relatively lackluster performances, not entirely their fault given the stock characters they play and the bland dialogue they've been assigned to deliver. Jolie has one basic expression throughout - that of teary-eyed sympathy and concern - that wears awfully thin after awhile.The filmmakers are highly critical of all those well-off people who merely pay lip service to helping Third World causes but who are really only concerned with salving their own guilty consciences (the film begins at one of those lavish fundraising dinners with everyone dressed to the nines and enjoying a sumptuous banquet while they're giving one another awards for great humanitarian achievements for helping to eradicate poverty and hunger). Yet, by treating the material as if it were some sort of bourgeois romantic fantasy, the moviemakers are, in many ways, doing the very same thing they accuse the elite snobs of doing - which is making misery palatable and easily digestible for the complacent, self-satisfied masses."Beyond Borders" is, obviously, a labor of love for all those involved in its making. That is turns out to be a misfire of almost laughably bad proportions is, perhaps, the greatest tragedy of all.
I am currently in the Delayed Entry Program for a submarine specific job in the Navy and this is the most terrifying film I have seen in a long time! That being said, It's fantastic! I can't wait to see the next episode.
Loved, loved, loved this family movie with Robert Townsend, Angela Bassett, Victoria Rowell and others. The actors were great.. very professional. The story line was touching depicting a family "set on Chicago's West Side" coping with grief. I guarantee you'll love it!
Just like Cloverfield. A very chaotic mess. The camera is never still long enough to tell that is going on. Also the lighting is bad. I don't know came up with the idea of having the "home movie" style of film making. but they need to stop doing it. Save that style for the home video. I was VERY disapponted.
What's wrong with this film? I can't count all the ways. The title of this film is book of shadows, misleading since said book never appears or is mentioned in the film. Makes no sense, but then very little else does here. It is mindboggling to try and keep track of all the plot holes.Everything about this film is crude and overdone, from the characters to the direction. A favorite effect of the director is to quickly cut from the present to some weird, spooky imagery, but this effect is so overused(nearly every minute of the film, no exageration) that it loses any impact and quickly becomes tiresome.The characters are all relentlessly obnoxious, one dimensional stereotypes. The dialogue is laughably banal, especially that of the townspeople and the redneck sherrif. Is this the way people from L.A. think small town New Englanders look and act? At times I had to wonder if the filmmakers were trying for a campy film. Probably not. In the end, that is probably the best way to enjoy this movie, as unintentional comedy.No, I didn't want them to remake the first blair witch. In fact I'm glad they tried to do something different here. I liked the premise of this film, but it just didn't go anywhere.Still, that redheaded Wiccan was pretty hot. I give this film an extra half a star, just for her.
The story opens to 'Babe' at the pig farm with his mother, brothers and sisters enjoying an affectionate family moment. Out of the blue the mother is dragged away to 'pig paradise', a place so wonderful that no pig has been known to come back. Because Babe has such a special loving heart he is crying in his pen and is thus easy to catch when a couple of farmers arrive to catch a baby pig to take to the fair for a 'guess the weight of the pig' fund raiser. In this way is Babe saved from the butchers knife for the first, but not the last, time, and thus begins his life on 'Hoggett Farm'. Here he meets many animal friends, is adopted by an Australian Shepherd Mother dog who has had to say farewell to her puppies, and finds his place, eventually, herding sheep who respond to him because he is such a nice little pig and always polite. This movie broaches some pretty serious issues (first of all - yes - people do eat pigs, and ducks too, but also subtler ones like stepping out of your predetermined niche in society, being kind and loving when it doesn't always seem benificial on the surface of things, that sometimes people (or animals) can appear 'bad' because of bad things that have happened to them), yet does so in such a gentle, caring and humorous way that even the youngest child is unlikely to be upset by it. The imagery is very lush, old fashioned and 'romantic', the acting is superb. And HOW DID THEY DO THE ANIMATION?? It is beyond me. You would swear that these really are talking animals. Adults and children will enjoy this film. My daughter fell in love with it when she was less than a year old and I have seen it easily fifty times now. I still love it. I can not find a flaw in the plot, the acting, the deeper philosophical issues brought up. It is just about a perfect film in every way.
To say that this movie is bad would be an understatement. I kept watching just to see what was going to happen, but it was sheer torture. Horrible acting, terrible effects... I don't know if I have one positive thing to say about this movie. It was so bad that I want a refund!
I was hooked after the first eipsode...and it was free on my Kindle Now I am paying for session 3 but can hardly wait to see what will happen next
read state of fear instead. it has more correct facts than this and is at least labled fiction.
This is a sweet, entertaining movie. Great to curl up with your honey and watch on a date night--both guys and girls will appreciate it.
I thought the movie would be stupid. But it was so freaking hilarious. And effects were amazing. I loved it. A+
This movie has a great theme to for anyone that gets discourage about people that tell them you won't make it in life. This push away anyone's theory about not being able to make a dance crew work. Through a well thought out development of skills' as to bring it to the forefront is the awesome thing about this movie.
When the main character first appears, she has a phony, stupid smile plastered on her face as 2 men tell her stories of her father and then she is seen with various dates where she blabbers out stupid banter and the men quickly get turned off and ditch her. So, from the start we have a main character that is so obnoxious and phony to the audience so that we are quickly turned off to the whole movie in short time. Not a way to start a movie. I did not even want to wait and see if the character would eventually figure things out and seem likable, or at least tolerable, which I doubt she did. A failure of a movie. Do not waste your time, there are many better options.
The little one I care for had this dvd and I fell in love with it, so much so I bought one for myself and several to give as gifts. The dvd consists of many old routines and it is so much fun trying to remember the name of the performers. Some come right to mind but some have changed quite a bit so it takes a sec or two to recognize them. The songs are catchy and you just may find yourself humming them later on. OH! My little one liked it, too!!
This is the first Amazon Instant Video that has not opened. Reports as "Content Error" on different days and times, so is not just a connection issue. Was able to open another product from Amazon after trying 3 times yesterday.
This was a good movie. I like how it actually showed you how chucky was "created". I don't think I've ever seen the first one before, because I never knew how it actually started. I don't think this one is as good as some of the later movies, like the Bride of Chucky, but it was still a good movie. It's nice to have around but probably something you can rent from the library rather than buying. It's only a few dollars but it's something that I will really only watch once a year, during Halloween.This is a pretty good movie though, compared to other movies of a similar type. When I got it, it was on sale for Halloween, it was only $4 from Amazon.com with free shipping, right now it's back up to $11.00. Probably more than I would pay for it. If you're lucky you can find them every once in a while in the $5 movie bin at WalMart. My WalMart has dozens of them thrown in there that were left over from Halloween.It's a good movie but not something I would spend more than $5 on.
This movie has a great story and the stop animation is great. The dialogue is more for adults than kids though.
This movie is very enjoyable and handles the topic of adolescent obesity and eating disorders very tactfully. Could be shown in high school health classes.
So boring. I can't believe I watch the whole thing. Stupid need to finish stories. Ugghhh. TV show "Once Upon a Time" is infinitely better. Sad.
I've never understood the appeal of this film. So Schwarzenegger is in a comedy...yes, I suppose at one time that was a novel concept. But it's just not very funny. The highlight for me was a shot of Arnold's face after a sexual encounter. Aside from that, DeVito does a good job playing a slimeball, with some good lines and a rather funny scene where he is supposed to be running away from the bad guys...but due to his tiny legs and the suitcase he's carrying, he can do little more than waddle.I just can't recommend it. It's really light-weight fare. If you want to see a REALLY funny Schwarzenegger movie, see "True Lies". That is definitely a classic.
This film is not a good representative of LGBT New York. NYC is very diverse. This film is not. I would have liked this film a lot better if I felt it was realistic. New York is nearly 70% ethnic, of very diverse backgrounds. This film is not diverse at all. Even the extras are not ethnic. It's too bad that filmmakers don't pay attention to their demographics, or choose to deny the reality. Part of the experience from film is to feel it's realistic and this one failed miserably.
Sexy Linda (Tawny Kitaen) plays with a Oujia board with some friends at a party as she becomes addicted to it and communicates with the spirit of a dead young boy named David who died in a horrific accident years ago. But at times she gets to become overwelmed by it's power that she accidently summons the spirit of a deceased serial killer as it hunts and murders her friends.Exciting 80's mix of supernatural ghost story and slasher genre all rolled into one movie from writer-director Kevin S. Tenney ("Night of the Demons") is a real hoot. It was a minor box-office hit in 1986 and launched the career of cult director Tenney as one of the most beloved directors of the genre as it offers some scares, gory violence and of course an interesting concept about the dangers of Oujia boards and it's addictive powers it can succumb at people including some hot nudity by hot girls.The DVD has a beautiful transfer and some nice sound with fine extras like audio commentary, a featurette, TV Spot and Trailer.
As a lover of the characters in Tess Gerritsen's books, I was excited to see this show. The characters have evolved differently and some of the parts that I liked about them in the book is different but it's still a fun show to watch. I'm a huge Angie Harmon fan, so any vehicle with her in it I'm bound to watch. I recently cut back on my monthly cable services so I no longer got the show but since I enjoy it as much as I do it's worth paying $1.99 an episode for.
Probably the first clue that this movie is not exactly great, the title of this review. The highlight of the film, the soundtrack and the fact that Fall Out Boy plays for a few minutes at an Amish shindig.This film had a ton of potential. The first 10 minutes, there is a series of well done shots, hints of style, and some very sensual images. That first 10 minutes just kept saying, this will be good, much better produced and filmed than it should be. But oh the pain after that. The worst part of this movie, the jokes are all predictible, with the right timing they would be gut splitting, but they all have set ups that just last way too long. And then once the punch line is delivered, they go on and on afterwards. So what could be funny, is just ruined by pacing.The really strange part about this movie, the title and the marketing. The whole thing sounds like it's going to be a road movie of a geek and his friends off trying to find sex where ever they can, like Stifler meets Harold and Kumar. No it's not that at all. It's actually a moderately serious movie at heart.Ian, the lead character, is a likeable, nice looking teenager that is misunderstood and seems to always do the wrong thing (accidently flicking an unused condom into his step-mother's hair, et al). He lacks confidence. His overweight friend, Lance, Mr. Smooth, Mr. Cool, Mr. Always Get The Girl, tries to help Ian out by convincing him to meet Ian's online girl friend a 9 hour drive away. The road trip almost starts when Ian and Lance's best friend, Felicia weasels her way into the car. And the love triangle is off and running.Ian played by Josh Zuckerman, is reasonably good and believeable. Amanda Crew plays Felicia, the best friend, is at times beautiful, at times incredibly sensual, and at times unattractive. Her performance is spotty at best. Lance, the pudgy ladies man played by James Marsden, is just too far away from believeable. The performance doesn't even get into the King of Queens / According to Jim arena. Seth Green is an Amish auto repairman, and is actually a bit painful to watch most of the time. The cast is largely new and not well known.There is a really awesome character in this film, the 1969 Judge GTO car. No, this car is way awesome, way cool, and great to watch. This viewer almost shed a tear when Seth Green tore it apart.The soundtrack is just outstanding. The producer spent the entire film budget on music royalties, and skimped on everything else. Fall Out Boy, AC/DC, REO Speedwagon, Bobby Brown, Kenny Loggins, and Donovan (yeah some of these acts were around long long before most people that will watch this movie, but they were big names and are not free to use in a movie). The Fall Out Boy video is not bad. The cut back to these guys actually speaking is pretty awful, except for real hard core Fall Out Boy fans.There is one other thing the director did get right - the road trip was from Chicago to Knoxville, Tennessee. They did get the roads almost exactly right in the right order for that trip. It's something.The film is R rated. Oddly, there isn't as much nudity as the title and marketing might suggest. The subject matter is mature, wet dreams, condoms, etc. There's very little violence. The Amish jokes are really bad, and fairly offensive. There's a fair amount of language, especially by Ian's idiot fool brother that tries too hard to be a Stifler clone.The DVD has one bonus feature, an alternate soundtrack with director's commentary.The film is more or less a mess. Jokes can be seen a mile away. There isn't enough nudity to make it that sort of movie. But the soundtrack is outstanding.
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I kept watching it hoping, thinking that the scares were only a scene away, they never came. If you could die from boredom, I would be. Save yourself the pain of death-by-boredom, and pass this one up.
clint.May hero does a great jo as them man called joe kidd.He erm coeboy of the old west .T'werth the olden days.I lurve how clint shoots up all them bad men but the lack of babies in them movies was disapointin.I think it woulda been better if Clint had saved a baby instead of them damsels in distress from them bars.YThe babys are cuter and t'werent need much money to be payes.Just a buck a day and if one leaves or gets sicks.You can get a new one, cause all them babies look the same.Clints looks aot like me in them movies and i think i lurk might fine fer a man.
With the exception of Walberg, the all-star cast preformed their roles beautifully. The issues at hand are the muddled script, the confusing casting and the unacceptable ending.There is little distinction between Matt Damon and Decaprio who sported the same crew-cut, body build, facial expressions and distracting accent. They looked so similar that I constantly had to remind myself who was who. Damon was a bad guy pretending to be a cop. Decaprio was a cop pretending to be a bad guy. At the rolling of the credit I was left wondering who Jack Nicolsen really was. The number of secret FBI informants in this movie is ridiculous and insulting. That fact only becomes evident at the end when heads explode unexpectedly and more bodies pile up, leaving the viewer feeling cheated. It was like watching a bad comedy. You may find yourself screaming "Are you kidding me?" at the TV screen.The girlfriend has no reason for being in this film, except to add the element of romance and sex. Her presence did nothing to propel this movie forward.This is a Scorsese film. Expect a lot of swearing, violence and blood and gore. I haven't removed any rating stars because of it. The Departed is a mind-boggling, cluttered puzzle that fails to piece together at the end.
Jack the Ripper spin-offs seem to never go out of style. This one has a very good cast as well as the age-old conflict between the up-and-coming well-educated policeman who is anxious to prove himself and his rough and surly underlings - old hands at solving crimes and filled with disdain for their new leader. It has moments of gore, so be warned.Perhaps my only criticism is that when you stream this, you can't get subtitles - which I desperately need when I'm watching British tv series or movies where many of the characters are not graduates of English public schools.
I adore Julianne Moore, Pierce Brosnan and Parker Posey and I thought I was in for a rare treat as all three of my favorites were in one movie. I had such high hopes for this light romantic comedy. Bad does not even begin to cover it. The brillance of these actors couldn't save this really, REALLY bad movie. Didn't they read the script?!? The storyline was ridulous, the court scenes unrealistic (did I mention they were divorce attorneys so a lot of time was spent here....) and since I don't want to give anyway any of the plot (it's stretched way too thin as it is), suffice to say their relationship seems to have been developed in some fantasyland. It was soooo unbelieveable that even I - a die hard fan - had to roll my eyes. Also, it contained the worse ending ever - well maybe not EVER, but certainly up there on the top ten. The gruff but kind (?) judge played by some former SNL actress was painful to watch and the whole inside joke with the "weather channel" was not funny - not the first time they used it nor the fifth or sixth time they used it. You'd think the filmmakers would have caught on and heavily edited this movie. Although there were some genuinely funny moments (the mother was brillantly played throughout and the first ten minutes or so were very good), I'm telling you, this one stinks no matter what your tastes in films might be..... But if you insist on watching it - rent do not buy and you can thank me later.
I bought this video for my son for Christmas and he really loved it. Just the right length of time for a comedy that the whole family can watch.
This is a pretty pedestrian made-for-TV movie. The mountain scenery is pretty, but there is really no reason to watch this movie.
Running out of comedies to watch, I finally rented this one. I might as well not have. Martin Lawrence is like Eddy Murphy, only without the talent and the good looks. And the rest of the movie is thereafter.
some of the greatest teen movies of the 80s. a must-see for you 80s movie lovers.
I have seen a lot of film. Every once in a while one comes along that just hits all the right notes. This one is a film in that category. Beautiful. Not much needs to be said except you need to see the stop motion on this one and the voices and story are absolutely stellar as well. When you take into account how hard these films are to produce then you get an idea just how much work went into this. Each character has a distinct personality and humor. The Fox family is totally spot on as far the characterization goes for this type of film.That people give this one star show, inextricably, the laughably sincere nature and awful taste of many Amazon reviewers. In one such review we find the critique that one cannot further 'suspend their disbelief' because of the increasingly crazy nature of a film.... about anthropomorphic foxes and rodents. Ummmm. Yeah. You can tell the other people in this one star category are as imbecilic and unappreciative of art in the same way. It is actually quite hilarious to read their reviews and makes for a good time although I now digress....This is grade triple A good. So many memorable locations and scenes. SO many memorable ways in which the art direction wows the audience. Easily of the better stop motion animations of out time. I find it very hard to rank Anderson's output more so than just about any director because each film, mostly, is fascinating and on par just in different ways. This is still one of his most accomplished works if nothing else. The bluray, while not being a super high bitrate, is a joy to watch unfold and you should do yourself a favor and rent or buy it as it is a keeper in every way.For those few naysayers I say you can stuff it. If you cannot enjoy a film like this you should be locked up in a library full of legal documents for the entirety of your life. HMPH!
Unfortunately, Infamous was released in the wake of Capote, which won an Oscar for Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It covers the same ground, the events before and after the publication of Truman Capote's groundbreaking blend of non-fiction journalism with novelistic techniques, In Cold Blood. Hoffman may have won the Oscar, but Toby Jones was no slouch, either. Jones had an advantage over Hoffman, in that he more closely resembled Capote to begin with. He then perfected the voice, and more importantly, the attitude. No one delivers a withering remark or snappy retort like Jones, unless of course, it was Truman Capote himself. Or Gore Vidal.---------------------Gore Vidal: [on Truman's voice] To the lucky person who has never heard it, I can only say: imagine what a brussel sprout would sound like, if a brussel sprout could talk.================================Truman Capote had the wit, but also knew how to be a good listener. There are great scenes with Truman and his many devoted female friends -- his swans. Quite a stellar cast of ladies: Gwyneth Paltrow, Hope Davis, Isabella Rossellini, Sigourney Weaver, and last but least, Sandra Bullock. Toby Jones does a great job of showing how the Capote charm, though outrageously flaming, was able to win over not only the wealthy and glamorous, but also the good people of Kansas, and even a couple of cold blooded killers:---------------------Truman Capote: When you're talking to them, they seem like perfectly nice boys. To be frank, I'm much more concerned for my safety around Norman Mailer.================================Jeff Daniels plays the D.A., Michael Panes was Gore Vidal, film director Peter Bogdanovich plays publisher Bennett Cerf, and Daniel Craig plays the cold blooded killer with an artistic temperament, Perry Smith. Sandra Bullock as Capote's friend, Nelle Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, was the only casting thud. Bullock just didn't work here, and her poor imitation of a Southern accent didn't help. A pity that they didn't use Samantha Morton instead, as originally planned. Gwyneth Paltrow, on the other hand, was quite a surprise, the way she handled Cole Porter's "What Is This Thing Called Love?" Not only did she sing it well, but she also made it the dramatic centerpiece of a nightclub act. She was so good as a singer that I thought she was an up-and-coming jazz singer who could also act. I didn't even realize that it was Paltrow, an actor who can really sing.Though there was a lot on offer, Infamous somehow seemed more like a made-for-TV movie than a film. It would be interesting to do a side-by-side comparison with Capote, which I have seen, but a long time ago. On the box they quote one critic who says that Infamous is more fun than Capote. Perhaps they are right. Toby Jones may have been a better Capote than Hoffman, but he made it look too easy. Too easy and fun. No Oscars are awarded for easy and fun.One last bit of Infamous trivia that I can't resist repeating: Sigourney Weaver's first role was in Annie Hall, and also in that cast, Truman Capote.W. (Widescreen)(2008) .... Toby Jones was Karl RoveTwo Lovers(2008) .... Gwyneth Paltrow was Michelle Rausch and Isabella Rossellini was Ruth KraditorSynecdoche New York(2008) .... Hope Davis was Madeleine GravisThe Squid and the Whale (Special Edition)(2005) .... Jeff Daniels was Bernard BerkmanSylvia(2003) .... Gwyneth Paltrow was Sylvia Plath and Daniel Craig was Ted HughesThe Saddest Music in the World(2003) .... Isabella Rossellini was Lady Helen Port-HuntleySpeed(1994) .... Sandra Bullock was Annie Porter and Jeff Daniels was Det. Harold 'Harry' TempleDumb and Dumber(1994) .... Jeff Daniels was Harry DunneBlue Velvet(1986) .... Isabella Rossellini was Dorothy VallensAnnie Hall(1977) .... Sigourney Weaver was Alvy's Date Outside Theatre---------------------Truman Capote: I never snack.==============================
This should have been the best B-movie ever, but it's not quite there. Never really stylish, the direction and editing are sloppy and ruin the few good scenes to be found. It's like a cheesy "Tarantino Jr" movie with annoyingly jumbled sequences and sadistic violence.
This movie should have been titled "Burn Before Watching". Don't waste your time or money on it. The Coen Bros should be ashamed of themselves for putting out such trash. The plot is pointless and stupid.
It was hard for us to understand the dialogue and to relate to the characters. We had the sense that the director was trying too hard to produce something original.
What can I say? This is EUREKA! If you haven't seen this season, you are missing out big time. It is a huge departure from the usual storylines. Saying more will be giving out spoilers. :)
So happy I only rented this garbage, only wish I could striken it from my memory. This has gotten to be about the worst movie I have seen this year. I would only watch this again if someone put a gun to my head.
I didn't finish watching this video. During about the first 15-30 minutes I heard at least three cuss words. One of the pastors even cussed out the congregation! Not what I expect from a christian type movie. There are other very good christian movies that do not use bad language to get their point across.
The general production for this film was very innovative. I really despise the ongoing "Scream" type horror movies. This film delivers a very new alternative to horror flicks. I appreciate it solely for that reason. Yet, this film fails, in comparison to the much emblazoned image that it has projected.
Living in Oblivion was highly recommended to me by my fellow film crew members, because they all say that we are practically experiencing this film on our shoot. The only difference is this film actually have stars and a budget, dispite the story is about low-budget filmmaking. I found this film hugely entertaining and realistically depicted and I can totally relate to what goes on throughout Oblivion. Yes, a lot of chaos and mishaps take place and in this movie.Catherine Keener is great as a somewhat well-known actress who has worked on a Richard Gere movie, and now she's the star of a super low budget movie. She has very low confidence in herself as a actress, but the director(Buscemi) still believes in her. He miscast a well-known arrogant male lead who ended up having a one-nite-stand with Keener. The two lead have no chemistry working together on set, and they just can't stand each other anymore. The crew is also kind of nut case. From the cameraman(Dermot Mulroney) who has a disfunctional relationship with the 1st A.D., to the Boom operator who constantly crosses into frame during a take, to the actors not remembering the lines and so on.... It's just so funny. You just wonder how people can work on shows like this.I really enjoyed watching Steve Buscemi, Keener,Mulrony, and the Sharon Stone look-alike actress who played the 1st A.D.
I ordered STAGE DOOR CANTEEN on May 28. I have yet to receive aDVD! It has not yet shipped. This is irresponsible businessdealing.
Looks really promising, Chloe Sevigny (The Brown Bunny), Leelee Sobieski, Maya Goldsmith (Lipstick Jungle), and two very beautiful women, Jena Malone and Halley Wegryn Gross. I thought, oh some cinema verite, all these gorgeous women together, even if they sat around and talked this would be special; and there was a huge promise, not rated - who could predict what would happen?Oh this film is such a mess. Anyone that has seen The Brown Bunny - this whole movie is like the lead up to the hotel scene. It's slightly better, in that we don't just see a guy driving a car for an hour; in Lying you get to see each of these women doing something, moving around, doing things. So there is some movement. But there's no pay off, nothing, nada, niente, rien. The Brown Bunny at least had that very intense scene that is actually very memorable.This is seriously all that happens in this film, Chloe Sevigny rearranges some odd bits and pieces in a house. She disconnects the phones and hides them. What appear to be three girl friends arrive. They are shown their room (oh my goodness, the brunette, Maya Goldsmith, made up to look homely, carts her suitcase all over the house for no reason). They get groceries. They unload the groceries. We get to see Leelee Sobieski spying on the house from a distance. The four girls cook dinner. They eat dinner. They talk about (this is the first real conversation in the film), Chole's parents dying and leaving her a bunch of money. Turns out none of these girls are really Chole's friends. They clean up the dishes. They sleep. They play croquet. Leelee does really pitiful semifore signalling (no idea why). She sneaks over. Talks with Chloe. And the movie ends. Riviting.I'll have to admit, the opening sequence where Chloe is dressed in a white button down shirt, and shorts is actually surprisingly sensual. There's something white and billowy about the whole scene. But oh my goodness, everything from then on is just plain dental work.The camera work is absolutely pitiful. Yes it's supposed to have a cinema verite style, handheld camera, choppy movements, choppy editing, etc. But come on, after 5 minutes of sea sickness inducing movements, let's go find a tripod already! Another version of film school assignment, could have done a better job.There is something hugely sadening about this film, the first time director M Blash and author of this film, believes this is an incredibly well done film. He's actually serious. He claims to have embedded hommages to many different directors. He's intense about starting this film and within 2 months having a completed film. I have no clue how or why he is so obsessed with this piece of yammering nonsense.I just finished reading,Either You're in or You're in the Way: Two Brothers, Twelve Months, and One Filmmaking Hell-Ride to Keep a Promise to Their Father, a rather wonderful fast fun read about making a film. Why did anyone waste their money on this film and not contribute to the Logan brothers? There are so many worthwhile film projects. I would guess this is M Blash's last film, at least directing.Seriously, I'm not lying, don't watch this movie. Go to the dentist instead.
This is a great gem from the period. This movie stands all on its own and is one of the best of the 30's. I also love the Lady Inn keeper as she adds a bit of comic to the movie. A must for your collection!
This was a pleasant surprise. I did not know what to think of the movie. I hate when reviews give away the movie. So don't read to much in to any. Just watch it.
This is the first movie to ever make me cry. It's about a boy in El Salvador who's life is turned upside down by the civil war and how this boy, his family, and his friends try to survive the atrocities.It is one of two movies that I want everyone I know to see. It is a enormously moving look into the ravages of civil war and child soldiers. It will open your eyes to a whole new world, a moving world of suffering and triumph.I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in international affairs,history, war, peace, child soldiers, or central American heritage. My only criticism is that the movie does not touch on the issues being fought over, and provides a one sided view. Again, it brings insight into the possible view of one boy in an international mayhem. It makes war personal in a way no other movie I have ever seen can do.
When I saw the price of $6.99 for a blu-ray movie I thought how bad could it be? Well I found out. Everything about this movie was terrible! Save your money for a burger or something.
From the other reviews you will get the gist of the movie. Languishing director gets gifted his salvation which after use and exploitation in the right proportions turns into his poison.The concept, the actors, even the writing is good. But the movie doesn't work. It is neither funny or compelling and leaves us treading the lost-between-drama-and-comedy water. Pacino who is always consistently good - is... good but no more.Technology like money is inherently neutral. You have to make it good or evil or likable or threatening. But Simone never makes us feel one way or the other. So our emotions are always in the gate but the gun never fires. Pacino instead of becoming the wizard of oz becomes the wizard of odd.I don't want to give a way the ending - BUT HOLY COW HOLLYWOOD WRITERS DO PRECOCIOUS TEENS ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE HEROES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY? Come on, give us middle aged folks a break. I don't know about you but my kid (and I love him dearly) breaks my computer all the time and shrugs - SHRUGS!!! - when I ask him what he did and if he can undo it. Ah well you learn the importance of backing up your work which I suppose is a good thing.
The whole series of Substitutes are excellent movies. Really like Treat Williams in the title roll, but would have loved to see Tom Berenger in more than just the first.
The story revolves around a couple of small time con men named Roy Waller (Nicholas Cage) and his partner/protege Frank Mercer ( Sam Rockwell). Over the years, they have become very successful pulling small time cons and have put together a very lucrative partnership. Unfortunately, Roy's private life is a mess. He has a obsessive-compulsive disorder and is borderline agorophobic, which is the fear of leaving his home. Due to his profession and personal problems, he has never been able to get close to anyone but his partner Frank, and he is slowly beginning to lose it. When his personal problems begin to spread into his professional life, Roy's partner Frank convinces him to see a psychologist. Unfortunately when Roy ventures into therapy, the doctor brings Roy to the realization that he longs to become closer to his 14 year old daughter that he abadoned at birth. To make matters worse, 14 year old Angela ( Alison Lohman) wants to meet the father she never knew she had. At first, Roy's routine is thrown out of whack by Angela's appearance. But he soon begins to develop a bond with her. Things become even more interesting however, when Angela discovers her father is a con-man, and wants to learn the tricks of the trade."Matchstick Men" is easily one of the best films of 2003, and one of the best that I have seen overall. Everything about this film is absolutely fantastic. It combines elements of a con artist film with all of the twists and the turns, with a touching and loving story about a father getting to know his daughter. Mixing these two things together provides for a very well rounded story. I have seen many of Nicholas Cage's films, but he gave the best performance of his career in "Matchstick Men". He absolutely nailed every apsect of the character with all of the different ticks and other obsessions. The reason I was so impressed, is because he is able to switch off from being a neurotic mess, to a smooth con-artist very easily. He played both roles great. Alison Lohman was amazing in this film and deserves a lot of credit. She is 25 in real life, and played a 14 year old girl very skillfully. Sam Rockwell also puts in a top notch performance as well. However, the best thing about this film was the ending. I never saw it coming in a million years.Overall, "Matchstick Men" has become one of my favorite films. It was one of the only films that I have ever seen more than once in the theater. The touching relationship between Cage and Lohman, combined with an excellent con-artist story really makes this film enjoyable.
Homeland is an excellent and provocative TV series. It was hard not to watch all of the segments at one time. I am looking forward to being able to stream season 2.
This movie is Great! It is funny! The movie arrived quickly and in wonderful condition...........very delighted with the Company.
Saw this movie when HBO had it on - years ago. Remember it for having a weak story line, but it more than made up for it with female full nudity (all thru the movie)! Young flesh is always nice to view, especially their sports competition at the movies end.
Im a huge Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee, I think spacey is a great actor, this film is...The story sounds good Bobby himself (played by Spacey)narrating the movie of his life, unfortunately did not translate from idea to much of anything. Spacey is way tooo ooold! to be playing Darrin. This film is part musical, comedy, Drama with a whole-lot-of cheesy. Im very disappointed, Spacey practically did the whole thing, wrote, directed, sang, produced....too much,way too much...Spacey should have hired a younger actor and focused himself on directing or producing, and not tried to do everything himself.Kate Bosworth is great as Sandra Dee, but she has ZERO chemistry when she's with Spacey, instead of lovers it looks like father and daughter ,totally grossed me out.Id recommend a rental if that....hopefully someone will try to make a Bobby Darin movie as good as "Ray" a movie about Ray Charles .Lets hope.
European horror movies have a particular brand of charm that makes them unique. Only in a European horror film will you see a hot blonde mulling over the possibility of life after death as she takes a dip in a skin-tight swimsuit. European horror, it seems, wants to be philosophical and promiscuous at the same time.It begins with two boys, Teo and Luis, who stumble across the flooded remains of an abandoned church. Venturing inside, they find people tied up and in obvious distress, so poor Teo does what anyone might do - release them. Big mistake, as this frees Mordecai Sales (Patrick Gordon, doing his best Julian Beck impression), who is some sort of demonically-powered cultist. Mordecai enjoys getting really intimate with his victims - you could say he's fond of deep kissing, if that deep kiss happens to involve ripping your jaw open and biting your tongue.It's pretty clear from the beginning that the normal taboos American horror films avoid, like mutilating children, won't hinder Spanish producer Brian Yuzna. And in that regard Beneath Still Waters is eager to shock, be it bizarre orgy scenes, over-the-top demonic worship by priests and nuns, or priests and nuns molesting goats in an orgy scene. American cinema did all this in the 70s; if you see something like this nowadays it's usually played with a wink. Yuzna plays it straight though, which gives the whole film a surreal retro vibe.Forty years later, the town of Marienbad is celebrating the anniversary of the Desbaria Dam. Thanks to the Dam the town is dry, but Desbaria is forgotten, submerged by the floodwaters and long forgotten. Enter journalist Dan Quarry (Michael McKell) and news reporter Teresa Borgia (Raquel Merono). As the granddaughter of the previous mayor of Marienbad, Teresa's daughter Clara (Charlotte Salt) has a special connection to the town's sordid past. It seems that with the passing of Teresa's father (Clara's grandfather), the curse has returned. We know this because the old coot keeps showing up to warn the Borgias, which unintentionally evokes the goofiness of Evil Dead II.There's no real rhyme or reason to how the curse works. It involves a book, a burning flame, and the aforementioned lust and violence. There's lots of nudity and some creative gore, but Beneath Still Waters is at its best when it evokes the spookiness of a murky lake. Water can be creepy - the Ring is the movie to beat in this regard - and when Yuzna tries to be quietly disturbing, the effect is unsettling.But he's much more interested in random carnage. With the exception of Quarry, none of the protagonists really have a plan. The Borgia's run around screaming, ping-ponging from witnessing one twisted scene to another. They are primarily vehicles to get the audience to watch weird stuff happen, which is interesting the first time but gets old fast.The special effects range from pretty good to embarrassingly bad, but the acting never goes beyond mangled accents and people screaming. The plot doesn't make much sense and the editing is so choppy that you might wonder if you missed something. You didn't - Yuzna wants to evoke a theme, a mood, a style, and occasionally he does. But these disturbing vignettes do not a compelling movie make. If you're not a fan of this style of horror, the "twist" ending definitely won't change your mind.
I rented this on Blu-Ray, which part of me found slightly amusing since the subject matter is about a video rental store still stocking nothing but VHS, struggling with the transition to DVD. That's just one of many things in this movie that seem so incredibly improbable -- is there a single person in the Western World who cannot afford $30 for a DVD player at Wal-Mart, and must therefore keep renting VHS tapes from their corner store?The plot of this film is ridiculous and it's impossible to suspend disbelief through most of it. There is this old VHS rental place where Jerry (Jack Black) spends his time hanging out when he isn't hiding in his camper-trailer with tinfoil on his head to protect him from the mind control beams he thinks are being sent out by the local power company. He gets electrified in a botched attempt to sabotage the power plant -- in a fit of over-the-top slapstick -- and become magnetized. When he later handles all the VHS cassettes at the store, his magnetism de-gausses the tapes resulting in all of them being blank. In order to cover for this catastrophe, the shop's temporary manager ("musician" Mos Def) comes up with the idea to re-create the movies as needed by re-enacting them and shooting this re-enactment on videotape.The premise has some promise, and initially it delivers. Their attempt to re-create "Ghostbusters", with low-budget effects such as the signature proton particle streams concocted from Christmas tree garland and wire, is quite amusing. Their later attempt to re-create "Driving Miss Daisy" also generates a few good laughs. But the idea that anybody who rented these re-creations would be amused by them is palpably absurd. Yet that's exactly what happens. This small independant video store is being nearly run out of business by its rival, a presumably heartless corporate franchise store, and the local shop is about to have its building condemned. Can the nonsensically popular makeshift video re-enactments generate enough new business to save the shop from this ubiquitous Hollywood cliche? Who cares. The laughs stopped coming very quickly after they began, I didn't much care about any of the characters, and the plot depended on characters being simultaneously outrageously stupid and preposterously sentimental. Like a bad episode of M*A*S*H, it turns on a dime from goofy slapstick to maudlin junk.The picture quality seems to be quite good, there was very little film grain, close-ups were rather decent, and there are some nice sunlit shots outdoors that really showcase the Blu-Ray format's superiority to DVD. But the movie is so thoroughly mediocre that I would not buy it even for that purpose. If, however, you have seen this movie and you thought this movie was worth owning, the upgrade to Blu-Ray may be worth it to you.
This movie is a lot of fun. It is great to see baseball of that era portrayed. Look for the scene where the Pirate Pitcher returns to the mound without his glove. In this era, players would leave their gloves on the fielld after the inning was completed.The baseball scenes are fairly well done and Paul Douglas is very believable as manager. Janet Leigh is very good as the columnist and eventaul love interest as the manager.
JENNIFER'S BODY isn't a bad movie, exactly...but I'm not certain that it serves much of a purpose. It's a horror movie that wants to be funny and knowing (like SCREAM) and it's also a teen-comedy that wants to be a horror film. The result is a movie that is not remotely scary and only offers occasional laughs.I know the main reason to see it was to see if Megan Fox, she of every magazine cover of the year, can do anything beyond look vacuous in TRANSFORMERS. For me, I was interested to see what screenwriter Diablo Cody would cook up after her Oscar-winning success with JUNO. What she's concocted is a film that's very proud of its snarky attitude (which JUNO sure had)...but it lacks humanity. While I wouldn't have hoped for the rich characterizations we saw in JUNO (or the rich performances of Ellen Page and company)...I hoped for a little heart and a little wit.Megan Fox is Jennifer. She's a high-school girl who is SO attractive (and knows it) that she can walk around the hallways in slow motion and simply drip disdain for everyone around her. She's the kind of girl who has "outgrown" high school "boys." She has a foul-mouth. And she has a best friend from the time of her youngest childhood...Anita, whom everyone calls "Needy" (BIG LOVE's Amanda Seyfried.) Needy has a nice, steadfast boyfriend that is clearly destined to be her husband one day. She's shy, but generally studious and well-adjusted. She's only diverted from her nice, safe path by the lurid pull of her old friend Jennifer. Their friendship is not particularly believable...at best, we assume it's just an old habit. Jennifer has pretty much alienated everyone else at school anyway.One evening, the two girls go to a local club to watch and up-and-coming indie-emo-rock act (fronted by Adam Brody, in a performance that actually straddles the line the film wants...he's funny and vaguely horrifying). A fire breaks out, many folks die, and Jennifer is whisked away in the hubbub in the grubby van of this rock band. She returns soon enough, but she sure is acting strange. And Jennifer then lives up to her name of "man-eater."I won't share more of the plot. Not all that much happens in the film...it's hard to believe the few plot turns take up over 100 minutes of screen time. There are a few charms. JK Simmons pops up in a few scenes (which he promptly steals) as a Canadian-accented teacher with REALLY bad hair and a very bad idea of how teens might react to the shock of losing so many classmates. Of course, in this film, the kids DON'T react in a believable way. Cody isn't interested in the rest of the school...she focuses almost entirely on Jennifer, Needy, her boyfriend Chad and a couple of other guys. We don't really get a strong sense of a teen society. And we don't get a strong sense of adult society either. As is typical of these kinds of films, geared TOWARDS teens, the adults are barely present and usually quite clueless. Amy Sedaris makes a pointless cameo as Needy's mother, and Jennifer's mother shows up for exactly 15 seconds in one scene. The world of JENNIFER'S BODY feels far too sparsely populated. A local club burns down and a dozen or more people burn to death. We're TOLD the national media has swarmed the town...but we see nothing of that. I guess the film had a low budget...but it feels remarkably unpopulated.Amanda Seyfried, who is excellent in BIG LOVE, acquits herself as well as possible. She's a striking looking actress, and I think we naturally root for her...even if her character is mostly a bit boring and not well-written. Megan Fox delivers some of her off-color lines with the gusto you'd expect if you've ever read any of her silly magazine interviews. But there is just so little going happening on her face that resembles emotion of any kind. She appears, to me, to be DEEPLY SHALLOW. She COULD therefore make a decent scream-queen...but the fact is, the more she talks and interacts with others on screen, the less you like her. If we're supposed to feel bad about the turn Jennifer's life has taken, Fox gives us nothing to cling to. True, the part is poorly written as well...but unlike Seyfried, Fox can't wrestle anything worthwhile from it.I was disappointed mostly in Diablo Cody. But director Karyn Kusama (GIRL FIGHT) did nothing to help either. The film has little visual style, and is often VERY slowly paced. A movie like this usually clocks in at barely 90 minutes...this one is 10-12 minutes longer, and you feel every extra moment.Cody is obviously a witty person. I just hope she stops mistaking a smart mouth for believable dialogue, and can craft something better next time. Seyfriend deserves a better film role than this (or MAMMA MIA) and Megan Fox simply needs to fade away.
I don't know why DJ Honeybear is getting all pushed out of shape. I happen to think this DVD is fine. If he doesn't want to pay some cash for the DVD, don't buy it. But don't insist the VHS tape is better, just because it came out first. That's not the fault of the DVD player, or the DVD.Sounds like Mr. Honeybear needs to slow down on the ho-ho's and ding dong's and try to remember the enjoyment he once had with these classic Disney movies.MC White,Licensed Therapist
After being very disappointed with "GMK", I was excited to hear that Godzilla X Mechagodzilla was supposed to be very different from GMK, much darker, and using the familiar Godzilla suit.I think I'm starting to understand that Japan loves bad CG. That's the only explanation I can think of. So many shots look like they were composited using Photoshop. The battles are boring. The acting is surprisingly the only thing worth talking about.The DVD has no Godzilla-related extras. Only trailers for other strange badly CG'd Japanese movies.Unless you like bad japanese-style CG, you should avoid this Godzilla title and stick with stuff from the 90's. Hopefully the new flick "Final Wars" won't look like crap.
and for a shock comic like her, that's career death, she's married and happy so what does she have to complain about? Even the racial epithets seem so toned down, it's like she's Star Jones whispering to Marlee Matlin. I don't think anyone was offended, not even those who should have been. Her husband seems to have a lot more crowd appeal than she does but the same could be said of her dog, Mr Parker. I'm not sure a lot was gained by repeating lines which were in the act in the bonus features or by faking a roast for those who should be roasted but aren't. Her video is aptly named though, tough love is tough to love, even for LL fans but she has learned one thing that should help her, insert "Palin" in any joke and it gets laughs.
See Chevy Chase in his yearly years. I saw this in the theaters when it first came out so when it came out in DVD I just had to get it.
Fabulous mini-series! Great acting and an enjoyable plot. Definitely recommend for fans of bbc movies. Keeley Hawes is beautiful and does an excellent job. I loved the development of the characters and how the staff grew to be more like a family.
this is the greatest show of all time! i know many people who have described this show as 'perfect', and i happen to agree. i can not think of a single thing that could make this show better. this is the best purchase you could possibly make.
With the phenomenal success of "The Poseidon Adventure", the first disaster movie of its kind, the sequel was sure to be a hit. Not so. A plot containing two rival treasure salvagers combined with survivors still on board sounded great. Having a leading lady (Sally Fields) fresh from an Oscar win and a few veteran actors (Michael Caine, Karl Malden), might also sound promising. Unfortunately, the magic of the set production of the original is not even close. Instead of upside ballrooms, barber shops, kitchens and bathrooms, the audience is presented with storage rooms simply full of boxes. The rest of the cast is comprised of television actors, who are as wooden as the script. There's no tension and some of the lines are so incredibly ridiculous, you won't even laugh in disbelief. Irwin Allen had gold slip right through his fingers with this very promising sequel. Considering the original, that's a terrible shame.
A brother and sister, Darry Jenner (Justin Long) and Trish Jenner (Gina Philips) are traveling home from college over the spring break. As they are driving an old and mysterious vehicle almost runs them off of the road. Miles down the road the see the same old panel truck off the side of the road and a large man shoving what looks like bodies wrapped in bloody sheets into a pipe sticking out of the ground.The man sees them and begins to chase their car and tries to run it off the road again. They escape but decide that they want to go back to the scene where they thought they saw the bodies being disposed of. What they find it beyond their wildest imaginations and the horror has just begun.....This movie is one of the scariest and most gruesome movies that I have even seen. A mysterious man who is really an immortal demon is killing people to extend his life. He only wants certain people who he can smell the part of the body and the person he wants and he wants Darry. This movie was well made and directed and is a well scripted monster movie with a good storyline. The acting is very good and I enjoyed the special effects as they are just enough to scare you to death. Watch this one with a friend and don't plan on sleeping on the night you watch it. SCARY!I recommend this movie to you.
This 1991 made for television movie was certainly trying to capitalize on the popularity of the blockbuster 1976 film "The Omen" and the two sequels it spawned. It is not really a sequel. It tries to update the original story. Here, a young, married couple, Karen (Faye Grant) and Gene York (Michael Woods), who both happen to be well to do attorneys, are having a hard time conceiving. They go the adoption route, adopting a baby girl that they name Delia.As Delia (Asia Vieira) grows up, she seems to have a number of issues. Animals are afraid of her. Those who succeed in annoying her seem to run into a spot of trouble. They even die, as does her Nanny, who ends up impaling herself after she falls from a second story window. Delia then gets a new nanny who looks out for her interests. Sounds familiar? You are right! it sounds an awful lot like the plot of "The Omen". It has other similarities. Here, her father may not be ambassador to another country, but he runs for public office and is elected. Delia is confident that her father, who dotes on her, will be President one day. Delia is the apple of her father's eye. It is her mother who comes to think that she is the Antichrist.Unfortunately, the reality is that this film ends up being nothing like the original film upon which it is based. The plot becomes convoluted and ridiculous. In updating the story line, the writer brought in some new age gobbledegook that goes nowhere. The story, which starts out promisingly enough, degenerates into total absurdity and becomes unbelievable and downright laughable. Unlike the original, which was believable because of the subtlety that was employed through its straightforward presentation and deft direction, this film is anything but. Ham handedly directed and with a poor script with which to work, the actors cast never even had a chance.Don't buy this film. If you are a fan of "The Omen" and are curious, rent it.
I was all set to see a documentary, which is what the existing description calls it. Instead, what the viewer gets is a "fictionalized" version of the life of this great dancer, which is far from what I was led to believe.
I won't give you a description of this movie as you already should know it's premises. Those who say this movies jumps back and forth from one story line to another obviously doesn't understand what the director is trying to get across. This movie is classified as horror, however it also is a mystery and by taking the viewer in different directions keeps them guessing. Everything does come together full circle by the end of this film and all the craziness makes sense. The little girl (Seo-woo eun)who plays Young Ju does a PHENOMENAL job and is very believable. She is reason enough to see this film! Other characters are not as memorable.On the downside - I wasn't crazy about some of the cliched scenes from former Asian films, particularly from Dark Water - elevator scene and hair coming out of the faucet. Could have been a bit more creative in that aspect. The Ringu conncetion only surfaced in Ji-won's search for dead girls identity.I don't think I would have called this movie 'Phone' or based it around the annoying calls recieved by Ji-won but the overall concept does work and will hold your attention from beginning to end. This is one Asian film well worth adding to your collection.
Breakdown seems to have slipped through the cracks over the years. It was a Number 1 hit when released in theatres in May 1997, though, bizarrely, it took a whole year to reach the UK when I saw it in May 1998. Kind of odd for a successful film with a big-name star. Produced and financed by Dino DeLaurentis, Breakdown was released by Paramount in the US and Fox in the UK. I guess the rights are stuck in a loophole, it's the only reason I can think of as to why it's currently out-of-print.Kurt Russell is Jeff Taylor, a man traveling across America with his hot wife. In the last leg of their Boston-San Diego move, their car freezes-up and stops dead by the road. A friendly trucker offers them help. Hot wife goes off with him to get a tow-truck. She doesn't return. Jeff, panic increasing by the second, tracks down the trucker, Warren 'Red' Barr (played by the late JT Walsh), but the man denies ever meeting him or his wife. Panic turns to anger, and anger turns to terror, as Jeff is hurled into a kidnap/ransom plot. With no one to turn to for help he has to use his wits and rely on chance to turn the tables on the bad guys.At a stripped-down, incredibly terse 93 minutes, Breakdown wastes no time with long set-ups. There are no long speeches, no unnecessary deviations, just action and suspense. Kurt Russell carries much of the film with facial expressions. Though I have to say I wish Jonathan Mostow kept a tighter reign on his acting, as he tend to overdo it a bit. Plus some of his dialogue is repetitive and cliched. Yes, there are a few plot holes and gaps in the logic (the useless cop cliche really gets on my nerves) but at such a brisk pace the film doesn't have time to dwell on them.With shades of Duel, Deliverance, and the Vanishing, Breakdown offers a few exciting car chases, lonely desert locations, and one hell of an evil villain. If you can find it, don't hesitate to invest the time and money.The DVD from Paramount was released in the latter part of 1998 and is long OOP. It featured a terrible, non-anamorphic picture with Dolby 5.1 sound and no features. Somebody somewhere should buy the rights and make a Blu Ray.
As a 17-year old freshman at the University of Michigan in 1990, I was exposed to Monty Python when someone rented this from the video store. I was immediately blown away. Although this generally ranks below The Holy Grail and Life of Brian not only on most Python fans' lists, but by the Pythons themselves (I suspect that's why it's out of print!), this is by far my favorite Python film. I think the frenetic pace of it is as close to the brilliant TV series as anything they did post-1974. (Three! oh yes, three, sir)I'm still partial to The Meaning of Life, and I even like the inspiring message Michael (Michelle?) Palin delivers at the end of the film.By the way, it took me many, many times to find the Pythons in the pre-film flick. Very interesting!All in all, don't be swayed by the hype. The Holy Grail and Life of Brian may have been more ground-breaking at the time of their respective releases, but I find this one FUNNIER.
Ok so I rented this movie. At first it was like ok now whats going to happen. But this is not a video for children because I was only ten when I saw this. There is so much sexual things in the movie not only is it a stupid plot but the movie really doesn't make sense. You are waiting for someone to get killed but the only thing that happens is the girls ex boyfriend gets run over then he was fine. I really didn't like and I don't think many others will only if you reallly like Alicia Silverstone. She is one of my number one idols but in this movie she really didn't have an act. I hope you understand the movie more.
This movie has got so many bad reviews, why, I loved it. Get it.
I love anything King Arthur or Merlin but I had my doubts about buying this series unseen. I was hooked after the very first program. It's a different twist on the whole story we've heard a million times but is has all the same elements and kind of shows you how things evolved (i.e. Avalon, Lady of the Lake, the Sword in the Stone, Morgana, etc.). They even got Mary Stewart's Crystal Cave in one of the shows. It's well written and acted. Well worth the money for the whole series.