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2 classes
Not the Peak, but , not a valley either I remember when this 2 record set came out. I rushed home to play it on the ol Victrola and was dismayed to find no Corky and or Steve on it. I think I shelved it for years.With the advent of the bootleg series, and really poor Mountain live stuff available(except of course the wonderful "Road Goes Ever On")I checked the reviews here of this oldie. I thought I agreed with the negative ones here, but I dusted off the records and gave them another spin. Well I was pleasently surprised, yeah Sleighride is over long, but the recording is good, The band is tight, and Ya gotta love hearing Leslie and Felix together. I am going to order a CD copy of this one, it blows away the other available releases. Get "The Road Goes....", their 2 tracks on the Woodstock original soundtrack, Flowers of Evil and this one and you will be pretty well versed in Mountain how it was back in the golden days.
Did Tip Sell Out? Has the Abstact Poetic gone mainstream? Will we ever hear anything that even compares to Tribe from this guy? Judging from the videos and songs I've seen/heard from "Amplified," Q-Tip is just another hip-hop poser now. Sad, but true...let me know what you think.
Don't Waste Your Money! James Brown is truly an original, this man has a style all his own, but if you want to get a cd of his music then buy another title other than Living In America. The title song was only one of two songs worth listening to. I was very disappointed being a James Brown fan myself.
Decent but Crap at the same time. While I did actually like "Grind on Me" for a few days, I downloaded the cd when it came out - sorry. I bootlegged. It wasn't worth my money nor do I own a cd player (thats so old-fashioned). I saw the video and at first thought they were cute but then when I saw them on tv at the VMA's (?), they looked like trash.You need some form of birth control to listen to their songs. I guess if your into hearing about sex, sex, sex, and more sex then this is the cd for you. If one liners like "I'mma eat ya body out like lunch", and "I'll be your mexican lover bangin' up your pinyata" interest you..then hey! Buy it. It mostly appeals to... people between the ages of 12-15 though.......but if you have a little more taste.. pick up Omarion's or Marques Houston's, hell even Ray-J's cd.
Pure Garbage I cant believe that some people here love this album. This album is pure garbage. 24k was nice though. I have the bootleg and 24k was a nice album but Chain Reaction is pure garbage and dissapointing. The beats are weak and even the Swizz Beats produced songs are weak. I like Cuban Link his mixtapes are hot stuff but Chain Reaction is wack as hell. Im going to give away my CD to the salvation army.
HATE IT--one star is ten too many One of the worst recordings of this work ever--the same effect could have been gotten by putting a metronome in front of the orchestra--completely insensitive, coarse, dull, and unyielding.
Good But Not Best P is one of my faviorte no limit people. i remember back in the days of Ghetto D and Mp Da Last Don when he was runnin the game. ice cream man was the best cuz he did his own things. now that cash money is around makin slogans p is just trying to keep up. P shouldnt be worried about how sucessful cash money is he should worry about the tank. 2 outta 4 of no limits cds this year have been good. Silks My world My Way and 504 boys Goodfellas. this cd was horrible. he trys to hard to come by with sayings like popin collars and flossin and gold in there mouths and pockets gone stay fat. the beats are allright but he just needs to stop putitng out cd after cd and work hard on the next one. P needs to listen to his old stuff and bring that sound back, the new producers suck, and there are at a most 5 good songs out of 23. and what the hells is the soljas song? that is the worst [music] i have ever heard from no limit. make another song like bout it bout it. come on P u got my support and i know u can produce better then this album
Bland Follow Up! I loved Beth Orton's last album, "Central Reservation." This album; however, lacks everything that made her last release great. Songs need a chorus or at least something of interest to make them listenable. Not even the William Orbit-produced tracks are worth buying. I would recommend getting some of her previous releases and leaving this one alone. Even die-hard Beth Orton fans are sure to be disappointed in this release. It lacks inspiration. It's a shame that someone with so much talent could release such a bad product.
It is a good thing every other death row cd is good......... To make a long story short, DEATH ROW USED TO BE THE BEST (doggystyle, chronic) BUT NOW HAS FALLEN APART(2pacs death, no-limit Snoop, Dre on a different label) This cd is a complete joke and I think SUGE SHOULD SERVE SOME JAIL TIME FOR THIS. Having gangsters rap about Christmas is just crazy. I do not like this cd and I dont see how anyone could. Just listen to the samples here and laugh.
HANSON jams on Radio Disney Kid Jams I purchased Radio Disney Kid Jams only because Hanson's song River is on it!! I only gave it one star because there's only 1 Hanson song on it and there should be more! Maybe you think I'm being unfair, maybe you think that I'm a diehard fan, well, 1. I'm not being unfair because Hanson is the best band in the world and 2. I AM a diehard fan!! YEAH! Okay, BYE!
First time buyer for this band I have to say that I am now a big fan of this group. I am astonished that they are able to mix the sound if Ireland with a today's feel of alternative. The lead singer has one of the most soothing voices for a female singer I have ever heard. Together with her sisters and brother the band is just amazing. This CD, my first purchase for this band, is proof enough to what I mean.They mix a nice amount of medium paced alternative music with some slow tunes in the middle, then to top it off they include an ending song that brings back memories of Celtic concerts. I am very glad I bought it and I look forward to what they come out with in the future.
A big let down Is it any suprise that A&M records dropped JP after this debacle?! I know thast there was alot of turmoil over what sound they were going to have on this album. They kept going back and re-recording and mixing and changing the songs for this album. I blame the record company for this one. They were obviously pressured to play a style that would be easier to market, but it failed. All in all, there are a few really good songs on this album. The hidden track of Trials is the best song. Is It The Sun is not very JP like but still is a good song. Hmmmm....you know I have every JP album and those are the only 2 off of this one I can say I actually ever listen to. Hmmm....I guess this album really does stink. It hurts to say it because I have always been a HUGE JP fan. Oh well, good luck Jack w/ American Horse and Carey.... get over yourself man.
Don't waste your money The Tracks on the double CD set are all synthesized....Very dull sound and cheap sound......This is not the real deal...
Amazingly Disappointing I've listened to it several times and if not for the voice I'd swear this guy was an imposter. Did some record exec. find Simon's throw-aways and decide to publish them?
The biggest victim of all musical history RECORD COMPANY BOARDROOM MEETING 2003: "Guys, this whole nu-metal thing isn't selling anymore. Even the positive reviews from the music critics we've bought can't stand the negative reaction. I suppose we can only sell complete rubbish to the masses for so long. However, this is worrying, as we have been making a lot of money out of these guys over last five years or so." Some quiet discussion before a new, fresh young employee jumps up with an excited look on his face, index finger raised. "Sir, I've an idea" "What is it son?" "Why don't we channel all that negative energy into one particular band, you know, find a scapegoat. This band wont sell anymore, but the others will be able to escape the blood-letting of the genre and will continue selling." The big wig sits for a while, rubbing chin, pausing to think, and then says "You know kid, that's a great idea (taps cigar as if to take a moment of time for relaxation) but who would we use as the scapegoat?" Some discussion before someone interjects "Limp Bizkit" The main man responds "Why Limp Bizkit?" "Because they already have a lot of negative press, what with that death in Australia and those riots and rapes at Woodstock." The head then gets excited, with great ideas flowing free in his mind "We just ride the negative bandwagon, you know, pay out the music critics to smash this to pieces, write articles in our newspapers about bad incidents at Limp concerts, etc. and they get all the reaction to nu-metal, and, admittedly, will become unmarketable. That's a loss, but the other nu-metal bands will continue to shift platinum units!"And that's what happened. While Korn, Linkin Park, Slipknot, et al all got 4 star reviews thrown at every successive album from candy-mouthed rock music critics who hadn't the nerve to let their true feelings show, Limp Bizkit received criticism such as 'on record he's a mean, vindictive, hateful idiot, spewing undirected bile at undeserving targets' by AMG, to 'he (Durst) is allowed to spout off to the nth degree of self-absorption and get paid for it.' by Caroline Sullivan. That's all true! Just a listen to songs like 'Creamer (radio is dead)' is proof of that. But don't you think this is doubly true of a handful of other bands? 'mean, vindictive, hateful idiot, spewing undirected bile at undeserving targets' is that not even more true of the boys from Slipknot, or, dare I say it, Pantera? Are Limp Bizkit that much worse than the ear-splitting noise of those death metal bands? Or the shrill whining of Linkin Park? Or the numbingly repetitive tortured sex-pervert anthems of Korn? How come only one band got the thick end of the stick? It wasn't something, I dunno, 'planned', was it? A conspiracy I guess I'll never be able to prove.Well, if it was, it worked like a charm. Korn have sold millions of albums since 2003, Linkin Park changed their sound, and still go platinum, and today Slipknot still know critical and commercial acclaim, despite wanting to slit throats and the like. Mean? Vindictive? Only Limp Bizkit?In fact, the only real criticism of Limp Bizkit (outside of AMG) are metal fans heaping scorn on Fred Durst for not being as viscous, aggressive and nasty as their favourite death metal heroes who sing about cutting people to bits and who wouldn't have the 'wimpyness' (or songcraft) to create a love song like 'The only one', about not sleeping with a girl on the first date. ""Oh no, not my favourite metal band. They'd take her home and kill her, that's what REAL metal's all about""As for 'Results May Vary', well, yeah it sucks. There are a couple of decent melancholy ballads, 'Down another day' and 'Lonely World' are pretty good. There are a couple of other good songs like 'The only one' and the slow-rock of 'Behind blue eyes' shows they aren't tied to the genre. There's only a few real duds, like 'Red Light Green Light' and the endless M'fkrs in 'Gimme the Mic', but it's generally average music that relies too much on some crappy image than anything else. Rating **
alright the Gunit cd was ok. It was no where near as good as get rich or die tryin. but some of the songs where ok. Like my buddy and stunt 101 but i think 50 is better by himself. so he should just make some songs with llyod banks,young buck, and tony yayo. enan tho tony yayo is in prison. But hes gettin out soon.
the waiting is the hardest part.... After a few years and several false starts and scrapping the whole thing to start fresh, you might have expected that Weezer were hard at work crafting the album of albums. Something grand and ambitious and possibly very unlike anything they've ever done before. That they were bursting at the seams with new ideas and directions. That they were finally going to make good on the potential hinted at in the first couple of albums and justifiy the unwavering faith of their fanbase.Well kids, this ain't it.This album sounds like the musical equivalent of the term paper they had the entire semester to do but finally wrote in an all-nighter the day before fueled by lukewarm Mountain Dew and some Slim Jims.Lyrically the songs are of a piece and almost certainly written to appeal to the 16 year old high school loner/loser in everyone. (A lyric conceit that starts to ring more hollow the older Rivers gets. ) At his best Rivers has always written songs that manage to marry what could be easily be Doo-Wop songs to giant crunchy guitars with a certain amount of wit and cleverness. But for this album it's like he's been taken hostage by the evil spirit of Diane Warren or something. Lots of generic sentiment. ("...So/ So alone in love/I'm going to haunt you every day...." gaaah!)Musically, it still sounds like Weezer but more like Weezer playing 10CC. Lots of extra production touches. A talkbox solo here, a few synth bits, some piano reside amidst the crunch but nothing that might alienate the faithful. Except for "This is Such a Pity" which sounds very deliberately to be exactly like something that probably would have topped the charts in 1986. (And the charts were pretty wretched in 1986.)
Star of Wonder-Music for the Seasons "Star of Wonder" is a lovely CD of Christmas-themed music, some familiar and some new. If you enjoy beautiful a cappella singing and love Christmas music, you will want to own this CD. The ensemble is superb, and the soprano sound has a pure, chrystalline, single-voice quality that is quite unique. While most of the singing is unaccompanied, some pieces are enhanced by the evocative quality of a flute, handbells or harp. This CD is a joyful discovery.
Overdone The Killers are a band trying to get in on the new wave of dance-punk bands. There are obvious Cure and Cars influences, and also newer influences such as Franz Ferdinand.I am a fan of Franz Ferdinand because they did something new, there wasn't anything like them being played mainstream last spring, until the killers came along with their keyboard and bad vocals.This album starts out with a kick,not a big kick but a kick you might expect from a 3-legged dog with a brain tumor, keyboards, guitars, dance-drumbeats, and mundane vocals that are semi-shouted. As the album progresses nothing changes, no songs stand out, none of it stays with you. It's extremely forgettable and frankly, it disgusts me.Please don't spend your money on this slbum if you claim to be a fan of good music. Please.
A childhood memory revisited In 1970, I watched "The Point" with my then 7 year old brother. In the years since, we've always remembered the words and music from the original soundtrack, especially "Me and My Arrow." On Christmas Eve 1999, I put the CD in and watched my now, 36 year old brother smile and remember. His reaction will forever bring tears to my eyes. A true and real memory we will always share, created by music and words about a boy trying to find his place in the world.
Another bad album I cant decide if this album or Pure Instict is their worst. THis album is the most experimental they have ever done and they dont sound like classic and old (best) Scorpions. THey sound pop (ridiculous and for girls music). Stay away.
Phenomenol album! This is a really great album but it needs to be listened to in the room on a high fidelity system. The subtleties of the album are what makes it really great and you are not going to get that listening to it as background.
Overplayed hits, very spotty otherwise When I was a kid, Blondie was second only to Bowie in my estimation. But now, 20 years on, I find this album almost completely unlistenable. "Angels on the Balcony" is perhaps my VERY fave Blondie song ever, and "Walk Like Me" is an understated gem.But C'MON! "Here's Looking At You" and "Follow Me" are gay cabaret at its worst, and "Europa" is perhaps the most overproduced piece of junk the band ever recorded. Please tell me what the functional difference between "Live It Up" and "Do The Dark" is, cuz I don't see it.Now, I do give kudos to Blondie for the enormous hits they scored with "The Tide Is High" and "Rapture." But I change the station when I hear those danged things start today. PLAYED OUT. Great in their time, but I just can't take them any more.This album just tries way too hard to be all things to all people. The Blondie I know and love is Plastic Letters/Parallel Lines/Eat to the Beat and most of The Hunter. And I can't help but add in KooKoo and the freaking BRILLIANT Heart on a Wall, one of my top 10 albums of the '80s.But sorry, Autoamerican isn't anywhere near the six listed above. This was a sorry presaging of what the decade was about to do to ballsy rock.
Garbage Inc. Just another "We want more money, so we will put out another trash album." Its funny how Metallica just seems to be brain washing kids into thinking that they are the heaviest band out there. Its sad. This album is a waste of time. I think they would have known that after Load and Reload, they would have gotten heavier, but they waste more time doing covers of some GOOD bands (Misfits and Black Sabbath). Whiskey In A Jar shouldn't have become a music video. Its Horrible! Metallica is ALTERNATIVE. They went from good to bad, and it shows. Dont waste your time or money.
Was a fan, not now I have three of their albums, but I dont listen to them much anymore...I cant stand the vocals and there isnt much thought to the musicDEATH METAL NEEDS AMPLE SOLO WORK!
More religious junk, less music Well, I bought this CD bcs of the 2nd song.(slip slide melting).Heard it on the Crow. Strange, it sounded so nice in the movie. I feel so ripped off. This band, and this music is basically for misguided teen jesus freaks more then anyone else.(or anything else for that matter). If you are sane, beyond the mature age of 12 or both you will most likely become very nauseous very quickly. After booting up the CD you'll be quickly drowned in bible transcripts of all sorts. All made to sound like nirvana, but all severely lacking in every single imaginable respect. Be warned.
Quick and smooth transaction It was a very quick and very smooth transaction that went well. Hope we can do busines in the near future again
Decent Debut I first heard Jessica Riddle's song "Even Angels Fall" in the movie "10 Things I Hate About You." I do believe that's the most well known of the songs on this album, and for good reason as it is one of the best. The songs on this album are truly from the heart of Jessica. Her lyrics seem to all revolve around her life's experiences. One of the best things about this album is the lack of electronic music. She can not only sing very well, but plays instruments too. A great change from the manufactured pop groups dominating the charts these days. If you like true lyrics and a voice that isn't overpowering when singing, and also want something that is a change from the norm, get this CD.
Disappointment The name Zilouris is connected with cretan music, which is very very different from greek music. Especially the lyra is an outstanding feature in cretan music. This record is nothing of the kind, just ordinary boring greek music.I'm very disappointed and will never again buy a cd, when there is no possibility to listen to samples.
Great! I've been listening to Jessica's new album for about a week and it's really good. I've put 11 out of the 14 songs on my IPod. I wasn't going to buy this album because I hate the single "A Public Affair" but I saw it on the shelf at Wal-Mart for less than ten bucks, so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did. The rest of the CD makes up for the title track! I still like In This Skin better, but I like listening to this type of music too.
A must have This CD is amazing. The beats are great and the voices are outstanding. The songs are up lifting and soul moving. I'm only 16yrs old and I blast this CD all the time. This is a must have for all ages!
It rules! Okay, this CD is so sweet! It is, in a nutshell, a combination of Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit, a little bit of TOOL, some Kottonmouth King style, House of Pain, a little bit of Deftones and Korn, a lot of Hed(pE), Filter, heavy amount of Orion... to be brief, they rule.
hot hot heat at it's worst. nothing good here, how they got so much better after this split cd i will never know.
DESTROY MANIFESTO (bad album, too) Not only is this one of the reissues that spits in the face of every Dead Kennedys fan young and old, but it's a bad recording of less-than-memorable performances. Now there's really no reason at all to buy this. Go on. Go browse other Dead Kennedys releases. Just remember the magic words are ALTERNATIVE TENTACLES.
A note about the 2011 Robert Palmer "remasters": Unfortunately this is yet another batch of "remasters" that follows the trend of mastering the music for earbuds and not a proper stereo system. The music is compressed, tinny and shrill. The low end is virtually nonexistent.If you care about the quality of sound in your music and are a fan of Robert Palmer's catalog you would be doing yourself a disservice by getting these 2011 editions. I suggest you hunt down the original Island Records compact discs from the early 90's. They still sound quite good. I know because I went running back to them after hearing these.
How To Recognize A Prophet This cd was my personal introduction to Van Morrison, well other than hearing Brown Eyed Girl or Tupelo Honey on the radio. I backtracked afterwards, and now own a lot of his catalog, but I always return to this one. Morrison gets awfully close to stirring your soul on Beautiful Vision.His analogies are spirit driven. Although not someone to be worshiped, he is definitely a voice to listen to.
20 YRS LATER NO 12" For some reason this record has been out for over 20 years yet no 12" for this record has ever been transfered to cd.Why??? What are you waiting for another 20 years.Get with it this record has never been properly remastered.
The first of the stinkers By his own admission Kirk Hammett overplayed on this one and even he can't stand to listen to it anymore, not that he's such a good guitarist anyway.
A boatload of cr.. I was extrememly disappointed at the poor attempt of a cd, Ricky Martin decided to put out. It was a far cry from his much better "Vuelve", which I can listen to, along with Jordan Knight's cd,all the time because the music in vuelve really showcased his potentially. The only song on this cd, (which is really starting to get old) is "Livin' la vida loca", and that's a great dissappointment, cuz a freshman cd should have songs that make everyone want to listen to the very end. Unfortunately after the first listen, I must say that his cd is collecting dust. If you really want good music check out his real spanish album, "Vuelve" or "Jordan Knight" these are really good albums. ...
It's a shame This should be available on CD. One of the best albums out there that is not yet on CD.
There are much better ways to spend your money... ...and one of them is to buy a copy of the first Suicidal Tendencies album, which contains most of the tracks here. You might also get Join The Army, which contains two of the tracks on Still Cyco. Those two actually sound better here than in their original form, but only because the sound on JTA is atrocious. The tracks from the first album are immaculately rendered here, but along with the rough edges much of the passion that made Suicidal Tendencies such a great album is gone on Still Cyco.I originally bought this when it was first released. I got rid of it three months later.
Half Decent At Best This CD appears promising from the outset. Good background beats in most of the songs make you want to listen to it. However, Nelly has lost his 'new flavour' touch that he had on his first album. His lyrics are amazingly repetitive, and I must say upon closer inspection, even the beats sound quite similar. The only song worth listening to was "Splurge" because it demonstrated his talents as a rapper, singer and had a promsing guitar beat in the back that sounded very unique. All in all, I found the CD much too 'Mainstream' for someone who is a fan of quality rap music. It gets the attention of the popular music culture, and Nelly looks to be trying to remake his first cd for some easy money.
Only the most assured violinists need apply I bought this disc mainly for the Shostakovich, arguably my favorite violin concerto. Its unusual structure begins with a mournful and elegiac slow movement, ending with a shimmering, haunting phrase as the violin and orchestra slowly fade out. The second movement is shorter -- about four minutes of whirling virtuosity that will certainly wake up anyone dozing.The slow, passionate third movement is, in the right hands, one of the most supremely moving and beautiful in all violin literature, rising to a stirring climax. The raucous finale -- a mad, thrilling chase -- shows off a violinist's technique as superbly as anything ever written. This recording benefits from a white-hot soloist, a glowing orchestra and one of the world's greatest Shostakovich interpreters.For reference, I do love Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg's feverish, slightly out-of-control recording (conducted by the composer's son, Maxim), as well as one by prodigious newcomer Hilary Hahn. But this version is outstanding in every way. The London Symphony Orchestra sounds terrific and Rostropovich demonstrates, yet again, that playing the cello is just one of his many talents.The Prokofiev is a slightly different animal -- not quite as moving to my ears as the Shostakovich, but still a marvelous piece, and the performance is equally impressive. One reviewer used the word "sparkling" -- exactly the right word.In short: two 20th-century violin masterpieces delivered with great sophistication and panache.
One of the best Latin Alternative albums I've heard Although I was not impressed with their prior two releases, Los Mocosos really stepped it up lyrically and musically on "American Us." Every song on this album is good. They finally found their groove, and they mix styles extremely well.Tracks:Bandolera Era: 9/10The album starts off with this great up-tempo dance song.Hey Mama: 9/10This reggae influenced song is extremely catchy and is played and sung very well.Vete/El Largo Adios: 9/10This is a very good fairly upbeat track with great song structure.I'm Your Puppet: 8/10This is actually a good remake of the 1960's hit, but the lyrically weak 1980's style rapping toward the end of the song really diminishes its quality.Amigos Y Amantes: 9/10A great track that starts off with an electronic dance vibe, then switches to a great upbeat funky track.Genius: 10/10Los Mocosos finally nail a Ska-influenced song perfectly. I really like the message and love the music in this song. This is one of my favorite tracks.Señor Presidente: 10/10This is a cumbia/reggae influenced song that proves to be one of the best on the album. The lyrics are politically charged and catchy at the same time.In the House: 9/10While I'm generally not a fan the way Los Mocosos rap, they actually use their old-school style very well to communicate a positive message.Volveiron: 8/10This is a well-done primarily instrumental song in the style of old Santana and War.The Beast: 8/10This is a good reggae song about their interactions with the police.Bacalao: 9/10This is a hip/hop salsa song with a good message.Blind Faith: 10/10I love the lyrics in this song--definitely one of favorite tracks.Overall: This is one of the best Latin Alternative/Latin fusion albums I've ever heard. If you're a fan of Ozomatli or Yerba Buena, you'll like this album.
Juke Box Heroes Along with "Let it bleed" and "Exile of Main Street", "Sticky Fingers" is one of the best Stones albums to come down the pike. If you were disturbed By Juke Box Hero's 1 star review - you need only read his other reviews. 1/100 to 1 star albums are rated at 5 Stars (Metallica and Foreigner) 5 Star albums are rated as 1 star. Obviously, this poor soul is trapped in a parallel universe ... or bizarro world ...Des
DO NOT BUY>>>>>>>>>Not JAN & DEAN This album is identical to the "surfin safari" best of album on [...] i bought this not knowing it is THE SAME album with the tracks in a different order... also it is NOT jan & dean orginal recordings... it's DEAN only, having redone all the tracks years later.... this album is not what it says it is... and it's really bad that it has the almost identical ALBUM COVER as Jan & Dean Favourites...which is a great stereo record... buy that one in instead.. this album is a RIPOFF
It's the old school My kids enjoyed this item as will as the first volume. It's great and fun to watch for the whole family
PRICE VERY VERY FAIR.KISS LOVERS DREAM. product was desribed unlike product received but you get what you pay for.word to the wise if it looks too good to be true it is.
UB40 bombs in Dublin Not the best of UB40 quality--overly synthesized and muddy sound from the live performance ruins some of their best political songs. After seeing them live twice, I was definitely disappointed.
Throwback legitimacy with a current vibe. Given their frequency of play in my playlist and the fact I have three of their albums on my phone, I am shocked and appalled at myself that I have not provided a review of this album, much less ANY OCMS album for that matter.If you are a bluegrass or an Americana fan at all and have not heard of this group, shut this review immediately, go to the music section of Amazon and buy this album. If you are a country fan with an appreciation for earlier bluegrass influenced country albums, this album is beautiful.Sometimes when I close my eyes, I imagine if Hank Williams Sr. were alive and coming up through the musical ranks today, this is the type of music he would make. From the grips of cocaine to the often lonely trial of walking the `line between faith and fear', this album is honest, sometimes painful, often fun and downright entertaining music that is centered more around the words, music and harmonies than it is heavy production layering and polish as is so oft the case these days. The staccato base plugs away around an arguably imperfect and REAL vocal lead that in a strange way, lends a believability and legitimacy to this music.I just purchased their newest album "Carry Me Back" this morning, and wanted to re-familiarize myself with their more recent work, and have now listened to this album all the way through THREE times already. It is far better than I remember.From the base-thunky Tell it to Me and Hard to Love, to the vocal WTF of Tear Me Down there is ample toe tapping, dance around your living room tunes that will make you understand the unpredictability and infectious nature of this group. They spin a really cool story in Bigtime in the Jungle, and deliver a very stunning We're All in this Together where they pull the reins all the way back and emotion simply oozes out between plucks of the banjo.This is an album that I am very very happy (even after having this album for 3+ years) with and I have been quite nonplussed with quite a few as of late. As an OCMS or Americana fan, it's a must have.
Clapton isn't God--he's Jesus to Johnson! What's wrong with these people?? I have a lingering suspicion that many of the 'reviewers' don't have the life experiences to back up their vapid opinions. As a middle-aged man with divorce, AA and countless personaal demons in MY past, this album spoke to me like nothing E.C. has done since Behind The Sun, a record some of you kids could use a dose of. I have waited since the Bluesbreakers for a full-length treatment of Johnson by Clapton, and I was nothing less than exhilarated by this all-too-brief disc. Like those old Johnson discs, these tunes are not intended as easy listening!! These guys, who are ten times the men you're likely to be...are singing to themselves, and to GOD! So bend an ear and listen to their version of the really solid spiritual excursion!
Not as good as previous albums I'm a big Primus fan, but to me, Antipop seemed like it had a little too much influence from outside sources, and not enough of just Primus. The Brown Album was good, as was Rhinoplasty. But unlike all other Primus albums, Antipop didn't do much showcasing of a talented bassist, drummer, and guitarist. Plus Les Claypool's voice just doesn't fit the darker image this album had. The album has its moments, but overall if you pass on it, you're not missing too much. Rage and Metallica fans: don't be fooled. Tom Morello and James Hetfield are hard to spot in their respective songs.
Only buy the single. I was interested to see if anything new had happened for the ataris,I heard them years ago on a sampler and didnt think a whole lot of what i heard.After that i just seemed to forget about them.Years past and one day while having a beer and listening to the TV i heard this track,and i was pleasantly surprised.Ive always liked the original but version gave it a little more of a modern feel.Unfortunately its only this song which is any good.Tracks 2 and 3 on the single are your average boo hoo my GF left style stuff and track 4 was......wait for it a Ramones Cover,What the hell were they thinking.If you like annoying Simple planish style stuff grab the album if you dont its only worth buying this single.
5 Star General Are you kidding me? Drop the hype and look at the album if he was not as famous as he became. Em's lyrics are not only witty, but powerful. Yes, this album is not for uptight people, but for those of us who like to live a little and speak our minds. Sit back, listen, and laugh.
You got the wrong CD in the picture. You are showing Mambos, not 30 Exitos. I never got this item. You sent me the wrong CD twice! The CD pictured is titled Mambos, not 30 Exitos.
Really What Music Should Be I am a nineteen-year-old with unusual (for my age) tastes in music. Luckily, my tastes are far superior to that of others my age because mine allow me to indulge myself in the wondrous music of James Taylor. Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon is my favorite album of JT's (Greatest Hits Vol. I excluded). With this beautiful album JT might have reached the pinnacle of his still, strong career. The music here is what the music of the singer-songwriters was (and is) all about. This music is what all of today's music should aspire to be. The music truly has meaning. The words to songs like "You've Got a Friend," "Isn't It Nice to Be Home Again," "You Can Close Your Eyes," and "Long Ago and Far Away" are sincere, and they really do strike home for any human. The musicianship is also fabulous. The strongest use of an instrument is certainly JT with his voice. His delivery is always understated, he allows to words themselves to do the speaking, but it remains vibrant, molodious, and beautiful. The depth of this music in all areas is immeasurably superior to any of that being made by more recent artists.About two months ago, I was fortunate to see JT in concert in San Antonio, and it was so magnificant. I will hopefully one day be able to see him live again. At that concert, he displayed just how well his music has stood the test of time. Hopefully, my generation will wake up to the glories of JT's music, and hopefully, people will experience his early work like Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon.
Good Album, 2.5 stars, not classic, don't get confused This is a good album compared to the Nellys and P. Diddys of the rap game but even I could outrap them, this is nowhere a hip-hop classic that some of you said, you're disrespecting the true pioneers of hip-hop when you say that, Em disses pop stars but he's a pop star and nothin' more than that, if you're lookin' for one buy Eric B. and Rakim's "Paid In Full", Run-Dmc's "Raising Hell", Nas "Illmatic", LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out", or Slick Rick "The Great Adventures Of Slick Rick" instead of this one, even Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince's "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper", that's right Will's even a better mc than Eminem too, show some respect punks, but if you're looking for a good pop rap album buy this one, don't buy his other ones 'cause they all suck, this is his only good one, I think he's only famous 'cause he's white, if he were black he would be just an average rapper.
Dont get this one, get Marshall Mathers I'm serious about this one...there are some good songs on here, but it just dont cut it compared to Marshall Mathers LP. Take my advice and get Marshall Mathers instead of this one.
PLEASE READ ok, this is an awesome album, but for the love of god, it is not their debut. if you are goin to write a review about a band and act like you know a lot about them, at least know how many cds they have...their real debut is "kill, i oughta"Anyway, this is a great band great cd, and is different from both their first cd and their 3rd cd, so you should check them all out.Mudvayne is solid band that should be around for a while, and if you like hardcore shows, go see them if you can.
I thought it said genious loves company...not what a fool!!! I bought this CD all excited hoping to hear a duet with Ray Charles and Hillary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Spice Girls, Hanson, and the legendary Aqua. I was SOOOOOO disappointed because this ray charles guy didn't sing pop music first of all....ugh.....and then he did duets with worthless people. I honestly think that a duet with Ray Charles and Hillary Duff would sell millions of records PERIOD! So to warn you before you buy this CD, it may look like your typical pop album, but it's not...bummer!
The Man Comes 'Round With just his guitar and baritone voice, Johnny Cash performs songs that evoke more emotion than the overproduced original versions he covers, like 'Hurt" and "Personal Jesus." Great album from a great man.
The choices could be better Most of the songs chosen were not major house records in terms of popularity or sales and did not gather any underground following.
No sense of fun I'm a lover of this particular opera - but I recommend anyone who would like a copy of "Daughter of the Regiment" to seek out older versions done by the New York City Opera. Or that marvelous version by Beverly Sills at Wolf Trap. La Scala has practically turned this opera into Opera Seria! There's absolutely no sense of fun at all in it.
The Fantastic Four Are Back!!! This album is a joy ride from beginning to end.10 songs of pure KISS.After waiting some 16 or 17 years,I'm happy to say I'm pleased,tickled pink,over joyed.Something we must remember is that the face of Rock'n'Roll has had many face lifts over say the last 8 to 10 years.One thing that I noticed lost was a lead guitarists solo.This had been a staple in rock from the beginning.But with the birth of grunge the solo died.I don't know if it was because these new bands popping up just didn't try lead or if they just couldn't play.Well Kiss is back and so are the leads.I love it!!!I like guitars to talk to me as the way the music on this album does.From the opener "Psycho Circus" you start getting excited and move your feet(and I dusted off my air guitar too).To me,this record takes some back from the bands that KISS has influenced over the years like on "Within" it has a feel of "Where Ever I MAy Roam" by Metallica and about half way through the song,it seems to take on the life of a Queensryche song."I Pleadge Allegiance to the State of Rock n Roll" is a classic KISS song with a good feel to it,and you can't help but put your hand on your heart.The lead remindds my of the good old 80's where you just couldn't get enough METAL.Usually,KISS songs get devided up by who sings what and this time out Ace's song is "Into the Void",which I'd have to say is one of my favorites of this record,CD,cassette.Funny thing is that in the KISSTORY book you can find an early set list of KISS',makes me wonder if they had this song some 25 years ago and pulled the rabitt out of the hat because this song is magical.Track 4,"We Are One" is a song that I hear KISS telling us that when they hit the stage that KISS and the fans unite to become one powerful force known as the KISS ARMY.It is a rumor that this will be the second video."You Wanted the Best" is kind of a retro look at them selves.This song is staight forward rock,with trade off battling leads,where all the guy's sing a part.You can find some of the 80's sound of KISS in the song"Raise Your Glasses".This is a typical Paul Stanley song that really gets us up raising our glasses in a toast to the Hottest Band In The World and to me it has a Def Leppard groove to it.I'm a DJ and I'm doing a wedding in which I plan on playing "I Finally Found My Way" which Peter Criss does a wonderful job of.It is not Beth2,but it is a beutiful ballad with lots of emotional texture too it.I think this song may be the surprise hit like BETH was.On the song "Dreamin" Paul gives us another song that just makes you feel good inside and keeps me signing in my mind "I was only Dreamin" and has great sounding guitars.As "Journey Of 1000 Years" being the last song on the album,I though was a good choice because this CD "Psycho Circus" really does take you on a journey,a ROCK'n'ROLL Journey OF 1000 Years.It seems like it has been that long since I've heard an album from beginning to end that has had all the elliments as Psycho provides. If you like Heavy Metal,Ozzy,Def Leppard,Rock'n'Roll,you really should give this a spin. Lates Freddy Medal
Starlight, Starbright! In a sea of holiday music fare, Lance Gibbon's "Christmas" breathes new life into America's favorite seasonal Carols. It's jazzy, It's new-agey, It's cinematic, It's spiritual. It's more listenable than the popular Mannheim Steamroller CD's with deeper and more varied textures. An elementary school teacher from Washington State, Lance Gibbon infuses these Christmas songs with all the energy and joy that children muster during this time of year. Yet, there's a reverent beauty that shines through his sophisticated arrangements. This is wonderful instrumental holiday music. It's a lovely soundtrack for your Christmas celebration. (And a great gift for other's as well)
same old song no wonder jay z&mariah carey are buddys they both write the same topics over&over again.all jay z writes about is diamonds,cars,&money ever heard of race?class? how long does it take for him to come up with lyrics? and his rapping is a joke as well.but it makes sense since he discovered foxy brown? let me guess vol 4,5,6,7,8,9, will have money&diamonds as well? what a great mind that jay z? not!
Plunkett is right Plunkett is indeed right. The album was rushed and it sounds like it. The first track has no hook to it, just him repeating the title over and over. Hammerhead is good, but it's no Eruption at all. Get over it is good, but Steve is right, it could've used some polish. Blondes In Black Cars just simply was not what I was expecting when the new Autograph came out. I saw the video and decided NOT to buy it, I think your first single should entice you to buy. I didn't purchase it until it came out on re-issue. It is a good listen, will bring you back to the 80's no doubt. Add this to your metal cheese collection, just don't pay alot for
And the hits just keep on coming! The sheer genius of Rob Thomas's song writing ability is nothing short of astonishing. A superb cd that is not a carbon copy of anything they have done before. The ONLY complaint that I have about this entire cd, is that their faces are covered which hides these 5 beautiful men's faces, and no lyrics. You can go to their website and print them out but it's nice to have them handy. But the music, which is what it's all about anyway, is excellent, another winner in my book.
Do you really want to listen to Jaz Coleman talk? I'm a long standing fan of KJ and was surprised to see this album pop out of the Amazon jungle. I was even more surprised when I started listening to it. Let's put it this way. If Tony Blair suddenly launched an album entitled Pandemonium, I'd think it was a recording in the House of Commons, but would be pleasantly surprised to hear him laying down some tight riffs on an Industrial Rock theme. Got the idea? This is Jaz Coleman the serious politician and philosopher, not what you expect. Also, Amazon, could you indicate whether the album is rock or soap-box rhetoric?Regards ...
Discovered 5 years after its time... ..and I love it. This collection really delivers, despite that engima that this group presents.Kill All Hippies made me fall on the floor with laughter then made me get up and dance.
A Wicked Good Debut Album I never heard of Breaking Benjamin until i stole my brother's MP3, and listened to "so cold" and the edited versian of "break my fall". At first, i thought they were just another rock band, but i was wrong! Here's my song review:1. Wish I May-4/5- I knda hate the beginning, but a wicked (i'm from Massachusetts, all teens say wicked) good heavy song.2. Medicate-5/5- I don't get this song, but it's wicked.3. Polyamourous- 10/5- WICKED.4. Skin-2/5- There's just something I don't like.5. Natural Life- 4/5- Really Good.6. Next to Nothing- 5/5- I didn't even know this was a soft son, until I REALLY listened to it.7. Water-10/5- Should've been a single.8. Home- 5/5- So Original, at first i stayed away from it, but im glad i gave it a chance9. Phase-10/5-Totally Wicked10. No Games-5/5- I love this song11. Sugarcoat-5/5- It's cool how it's soft to heavy, soft, heavy, etc.12. Shallow Bay-5/5- OMFG! Really GOOD!13. Hidden Track- 5/5- Good way to end an album, soft + sweet
THIS ALBUM IS WACK For a fourth album I expected a whole lot more from this group. I guess that is why the cd only cost $9.00 in some places. This is one of the worst albums of the year so far. And since it is almost over that says allot.. Lets just hope none of these wack singles travel over to 2005 because these tracks should of come out in '98. I like lose my breath so they get a 1/2 star for that, cuz it aint that hot. Actually its kinda wack after you watch the video..But through with love is a nice song..I give that a full star..and a half a star for the effort because i have to support my black sisters. This album is still mediocre and to me a contract filler being as though beyonce is really concerned with her own career and it shows. It seems like this album was rushed, i bet Beyonce is going to release another album by next summer. I bet it will be hotter then this bull crap. Maybe a year. Either way..They should have had more songs that way they could get a wider audience. Still this album will sell good enough to keep them alive for now..on the charts that is...but they will lose some fans..This is the only album i wont buy...They lost a fan..But beyonce still look good..Oh i had to put that..Thats the only reason i like soldier.
Christmas Delight First of all, to those who say that Charlotte's mouth quivers, her mouth hardly ever quivered in this concert. She didn't lip sync either. She also did very well with enunciating, which made her singing sound very great. A good listener can also easily tell that the performance is live and genuine because at one point I heard her voice echo in the church hall. You can also tell both she and the orchestra and choir are putting lots of effort into their music.Besides, this concert DVD was a great pleasure to watch when I recieved it for Christmas. Charlotte sings ten songs from her Christmas album and two from her first album. It's a good chance for American fans who don't have the import to hear "The First Noel", which for some strange reason did not appear on the North American album. The setting of the concert is very beautiful, performed in a lovely Abbey and good camera direction presant fantastic shots of both Charlotte and the orchestra. In between songs, Charlotte takes a tour of the Holy Land, where she visits sites like the ancient church built over the birthplace of the Savior. The DVD has good special features such as a photo gallery and a very early performance of "Silent Night". The whole performance and presantation worked out very well. In fact, I like this concert even more than the Voice of An Angel concert(this concert has better camera angles and lighting). Whether you're a Charlotte fan and/or a faithful Christian, you'll like this very much because Charlotte fans get to see Charlotte perform and Christians get to learn about the holy places Charlotte visits while hearing performances of carols and sacred arias. I am very amazed by the spiritual touch of this concert DVD. Christmas may be over now, but it's probably not too late to check out this DVD.
A Bad Movie Soundtrack The Dr. Dolittle Movie Soundtrack Album Didn't Do Much of Great Music.Some of The Music I Did Like, and Those Songs Were ''Are You That Somebody'', ''Same Ol' G'', and ''Push 'em Up''. The Rest of The Tracks on The Soundtrack Were Anoying and Very Dumb. Overall, The Soundtrack is Only Worth Owning For Only 3 Songs, and It Isn't Very Good.Overall Rating-1/5
Like Styx of Old Styx got back to the Rock and Roll roots with Cyclorama. "These are the Times" and "Do Things My Way" remind me of the Styx I listened to full blast in the 70's and Cyclorama has a few edgy balads that are what Styx was made of.I have been a Styx fan since Crystal Ball and in my opinion, this is the best effort from the guys since Pieces of Eight. The players Styx that has been put together fit well together, although I do miss the Dennis DeYoung influence.Take a chance, listen to it, you will enjoy it.
Wonderful Nancy The BEST!! Nancy Wilson is at her finest in this album. Why no CD? I'll buy this as soon as it's available.
Christmas Songs/Diana Krall Good CD -- only thing I didn't care for was "scat" on a couple of songs --
Dont Waste Your Money This is not a good remaster. The original sounds just as good if not better. This version is duller. I am a remaster junky. Unless you want a collectors item....dont waste your time if your looking for a better sounding cd.
5 seasons, not 4 I have not bought this set. I wanted to voice my agreement with many of the rest of you in that this boxed set was poorly thought out and marketed on greed alone.There is also one important point that I think some of you may have missed. There are in fact 5 seasons to Fraggle Rock:Season 1: 1983 - 24 episodesSeason 2: 1984 - 24 episodesSeason 3: 1984 to 1985 - 22 episodesSeason 4: 1986 - 13 episodesSeason 5: 1987 - 13 episodesSeeing how well this boxed set was executed, it makes me wonder if the 5th season will ever see the light of day. Does anyone know if they simple combined the 4th and 5th seasons onto the same final boxed set labeled the 4th season because of the reduced amount of episodes in each? I really hope HIT goes back to the original format they released the first 3 seasons in. My kids absolutely love this series as I did when i was a child.
This Unbalanced... I guess Lagwagon change their style after every other album or so. The musicianship is always expert, and Joey's lyrics are among the best out there, but _Hoss_, _Let's Talk About Feelings_, and _Blaze_ are albums that do not sound like their predecessors (this makes it fairly easy to guess which albums the songs on _Let's Talk About Leftovers_ belong to).Well, now they've made a small retreat from _Blaze_ and have moved to a more straightforward song structure: of any Lagwagon album, the songs on _Resolve_ have the fewest parts and stops (Lagwagon's signature style), and the guitar solos aren't nearly as screaming as those on _Blaze_ or _Trashed_. The classic punk-gallop (eighth notes except on the second and fourth beat) makes an appearance in the opening track, in the last (listed) song, and in many of the songs between them ("Creepy" and "Virus" sound like grunge songs translated into basic punk).This may sound negative, but the album's simplicity unifies the songs - the songs are straightforward because they serve the interests of the lyrics. And there are great moments in these songs, moments which fit the mood of the album: for instance, the dissonant resolution to the title track, or when "Infectious" opens in the key of D Major but moves to the relative minor for the verse. Even the song least characteristic of Lagwagon - "Automatic," whose vocal melody and phrasing are _very_ similar to Nirvana's "Polly" - has a moment reminiscent of "Defeat You" or of the opening to "Twenty-Seven".Joey returns to familiar themes and images: burned bridges, inadequacy, dependency, alienation, etc. And because of the death of Derrick Plourde, Joey has written some very sharp lyrics. "Sad Astronaut" and "Infectious" are intense and some of the saddest stuff from Joey. The album isn't hopeful until the end with "Days of New" - and even then, the last few lines are bittersweet.With its dark lyrics and fast, stripped-down music, _Resolve_ sounds like Lagwagon doing a Bad Astronaut album. That's not a bad thing, but this album offers none of the ornaments or humor of other Lagwagon albums.
Mostly Crap This plays like an infomercial. The production value is nil. As in the first volume, the interviews are conducted with people nobody's ever heard of (the band "Mostly Autumn" and their producers). Unbelievable that it could even get distributed.
Another UFO Masterpiece Another winner! UFO has come up with another hot album, where even the ballads kick... "Born To Lose" is highly philosophical, and the rockers provide a ton of inspiration for anyone trying to achieve anything important, though "Ain't No Baby" is more about deceit than anything motivational. This is a great album, and any fan of 70s rock should get it- fast.
DM before success. Yeah, there are a few hits ("Master and Servant"), but I am a fan of the "Music for the Masses" and "Violator". This album is good for a DM Collection, but no more than that.
Lovely example of 70s British roots reggae Excellent recording which while rootsy reflects the varied and eclectic nature of the London music scene then and now. Among the band members are the rhythmn section from Aswad and the influences range from funk to soul to 'world' music. Of its time and ahead of its time, indicates a direction reggae music could have taken both in the positivism of its message and its embrace of a wider musical pallette. Music for a summers day.
Really Really Rescellent! Rello! Rhis rheedee is rone of ry revorites! Raggy and I reisten ro this rall rhe rime in rhe Rystery Rachine. Rhenever a rystery rappens, I resten ro trhis refore our renvestigation. Rit relps re relax and ralm ry rerves. Relma, Red and Raphne ron't really rike it, raying it's rame and romosexual, rut I ron't rive a thit rhat rhey rink. Ravid Rasselroff ring really recely, rin ry ropinion. Eh hee hee hee hee hee hee! Rhe rong "Rot Rhot Rity" is rarticularly rood.
Simply Joyful Anyone who loves Christmas music will have to add this cd to their holiday music collection. Mariah sings Christmas classics in classic Mariah style but also wrote a new Christmas classic herself entitled ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS. Even if you are not a Mariah fan and you love Christmas music this might be the one mariah cd you will own. After that then maybe you'll come around. This cd has been a Christmas tradition in our house since it's debut in 1994 and it always will be.
Scratched I got my fiancé a record player for Christmas. I actually got this album for me. It was on sale at an unbelievable deal so I couldn't pass it up but the album was scratched. Every song on both sides skips. I was so disappointed.
TRASH! I never liked ACDC. Their music is just the same and sucks. BRIAN JOHNSON is as bad as BON SCOTT who just screams uses makeup and sells drugs. BACK in BLACK is a very lousy album which has the lousiest songs like the TITLE TRACK. DON'T BUY THIS PIECE OF TRASH! GET FOREIGNER'S FOURTH ALBUM INSTED.
Just call them Depeche Bell First let me clarify that I LOVE DM and have since 84. Perhaps that is the root of the problem I have with their latest album, Exciter. The things that make DM great are missing. Dave's once powerful and unique voice has been manipulated by a vocal coach and clearly represents some level of conformity of what constitutes a "good voice." The once insightful, socially aware and cynical lyrics have completely vanished. The sappy love songs and cheesy addiction themes on this album are played out and represent an either uninspired Martin or a group of once prolific old men whose children have [taken] their creativity. Some of these songs are simply ridiculous. The time signatures and meter of these songs are tired and unimaginative. And finally, the once cohesive Depeche Mode album has given way to a collection of someone else's vision. It is clear and painfully obvious that when Depeche Mode produces the album, or at least part of it, its good. When someone else does, as is the case with this one, it lacks DM's thumbprint - and without that, there's no point in calling it Depeche Mode.
great album if.... you enjoy long walks on the beach. Boring music with out any heart. Oh my god does this kinda music suck. This so boring how do u people sleep at night.... Probally pretty well if u listin to this crap.
Unbelievable considering the previous reviews Did I get sent the wrong album or are the previous reviewers in the band, this CD sucks it's limp and the lyrics could've been written by a three year old. DO NOT BUY!! (I had to give it one star as you can't give it none)
They should pay YOU for this one... I had always liked the tune "Don't Fear the Reaper" and I thought it would be great to finally have a CD of it. I decided that a greatest hits package was probably the way to go as I could hear what other tunes were considered "good' by this band. Boy was I in for a surprise!! Except for the aforementioned song this CD is absolutely terrible!! If these songs are considered their greatest, I shudder at the thought of what their regular release albums must contain!!! This is the stuff of musical nightmares!!! However, if you're looking for a good laugh purchase this CD and take a listen (with your friends) to the tune Godzilla. The music and lyrics are soooooo bad, you can't help but go into hysterics. My friends and I were rolling on the ground for over half an hour. Pure B-grade Cheese. Avoid at all costs!!!!
awesome music I owned a tape of this when I was younger, but it was ruined by so much play time. Now that I have it on cd, I can listen to it whenever and not have to worry. Thank you so much. I missed the song "spotlight". I have been playing it constantly since I received it.
Recordcompany-release, just to make some money!! This Best Of only features songs from the first mini-album and from the two first albums. No tracks from the last one "Motel California" who is selfreleased. The recordcompany can therefore not include tracks from that album on this release without UKJ:s permission. They didn't get it. A Best Of-release cannot show how a band have matured and changed if it doesn't contain tracks from the start to the end. This release does not show the respect the band need. There are songs who should be there and some who should be removed. This compilation is not well compiled. Buy their albums instead. This release actually isn't worth one star.
This band blows... This is a bad album, poorly conceived, not thought out, and a blatant copy of good musicians like Jack White. If you get all your new music from the radio, hipster magazines, or indie pop websites, then you might like this band. If you actually have musical taste (or talent), you will likely be offended at how crappy this retread album is. I give it negative one star for being embarassingly bad, insultingly derivative, and nothing more than young brits (who can barely play their instruments) getting famous for rehashing all the indie pop garbage of the last 2 years. Hey, maybe my no-talent "wouldn't-be-famous-if-they-weren't-handsome" garbage is exactly what you're looking for. I suspect that since this band is so hip right now, everyone will pile on and say I'm nuts. Maybe I am....but I have to suspect that the other reviewers work for (or ARE) the Arctic Monkeys.
A pleasure to listen to. Reggie and the Full Effect have a bright future ahead of them if Promotional copy, their 2nd full length release is any indication of their musical direction. As is true of their first release, Greatest Hits '84-'87, Reggie and the Full Effect (basically a re-tooled get up kids with the bassist from Ultimate Fakebook) shows that they can make music that is entertaining, energizing, catchy without being annoying, and fun all at the same time. It's a combination that not many musical acts are able to pull off, but Reggie and the Full Effect does it masterfully. Relive the Magic, Bring the Magic Home, Ode to Manheim Steamroller, and Congratulations Matt and Christine are just a few of the many audible highlights on Promotional Copy. Frontman James Deewes shows incredible prowess with his vocals and keyboard/moog playing skills. The only thing better than listening to their albums is catching them live, as was my Privilege 2 nights in a row during Late August in NYC. I highly recommend anyone thinking of buying this album to do so, and pick up their first release too.
How could this happen? First of all, I think Tori is phenomenal. She walks on water. However, this CD is horrible and I don't know what she was thinking. It is virtually unlistenable, definitely not the pristine, auditory perfection that she normally delivers. Very disappointing.
BSS is right!? What a mess ... Their acronym says it all: BSS indeed. I've held a belief for years that Rush produced the worst music ever ... I stand corrected.
Waylon & Jessie,All American Country Great reissue of one of the best selling country albums of all time,sound is good and ofcause the music is great, Waylon & Jessie at their bestif you like Waylon you need this in your collection.
PURE SELL-OUT WEAK GARBAGE Metallica....Sheeeesh what a name these days. The name Metallica used to strike fear when mentioned around fake people. Now Metallica is a houshold name with all the stinking FAKE materialistic garbage cooperate industry weaklings that shove this crap down American kids' throats.The "Black" album was a solid heavy album. I am NOT one of those people who say the "Black" album was a sellout. I think that record was the last great work Metallica ever did. "Of Wolf and Man", "Holier than Thou" and "Struggle Within", now these are some AWESOME tracks. And despite the trendiness I still love "Enter Sandman" "Sad but True" and the wicked "Wherever I may Roam" Why couldnt Metallica stay true to the 1991 Black album style??Beginning in 1996 with "load" of crap and "reload" of crap in 1997 Metallica continue to spiral downwards into complete and utter musical degeneracy. Jason Newsted was smart enough to realize what garbage Metallica are now so he got out and joined a "real" band called Voivod who kick butt big time.I wish Metallica would just retire or die. Im so sick of their fake ANTI-Metal attitude they have disgraced Cliff Burton and everything they have done in the past, and all the Elektra record company wimps with the suits and ties who tell Metallica what "sells" are just the Masters.. and Metallica themselves are the Puppets.WE HATE YOU METALLICA you stink and St Anger is the biggest piece of JUNK ever written. Stupid album title, STUPID album cover and last but certaintly not least...PATHETIC music.DIE LARS DIE JAMES