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2 classes
Not Impressed.... How this chick ever got a first record contract is beyond me. Ashlee is so bad, that you actually want to cut off your ears to stop them from bleeding. Ashlee may drink, but she will make you want to drink after not even one song on this disk. This will kill your you musical ear if you listen to tis trash!!! You're better off listening to nails on a chock-board. The nails ona chock-board has a better beat, and easier on your ears.
A Ghost of Previous Efforts A Ghost is Born, alright. A ghost of the strength of previous Wilco efforts. Transparent and not quite there. And much like post 70's Neil Young, this album is well intentioned, but mediocre at best.That's not to say that there aren't some strong songs here ("At Least That's What You Said," "Company In My Back," "Theologians"). Yet, try as you might, you cannot ignore Exhibit B, the over-bloated behemoths of "Spiders (Kidsmoke)" (most pretentious song name ever) and "Less Than You Think" (the first half of this song is beautiful, but did they really need 11 minutes of noise? I'm not listening to Liars for a reason, fellas).It's not that these are bad songs. They are distractions from otherwise very decent to great songs. They do not serve the album's cohesiveness very well, and that is main difference between A Ghost is Born and their previous efforts -- an overall mood, feeling, cohesiveness between the tracks -- that made those albums special. That, and the experimentation just isn't here this time around.Personally, I don't think that Tweedy & Co. can ever live up to and match the drool-fest that surrounded Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. It's unfair to expect them to. That being said, this is a mediocre album. This "Ghost" is too much Casper and not enough Poltergeist.P.S. - Find the YHF "Apartment Tapes" before you buy this. You'll be rewarded with Wilco's best (and unreleased) efforts to date!
Too excellent to describe It has to be the best black metal band in the world to come up with this combination of intelligently written lyrics and intense yet melodic music! It has to be a classic.
Second Battle in the War on Grunge With Purple, Stone Temple Pilots proved that they were not a flash in the pan, one hit wonder about to crash notwithstanding the success of "Sex Type Thing," "Creep," and "Wicked Garden." Success was not going to overwhelm this machine. It seems that the boys had listened to Jimmy Page's reasoning for "lots of light and shade" on many fo the Zeppelin songs and albums. Every other song either had shades of acoustic material or is entirely soft and gentle somewhere. STP did not lose any intensity by dialing down the distortion. Even the Vegas-style showtune is interesting. Fans of Core will not be disappointed and neither will fans of Led Zeppelin 3.
songs of rebellion lift spirits An excellent collection of songs that are surperior to most of the same old thing. No reservations about recommending this to anyone.
Thoroughly Derivative, Dull, and Extraordinarily Forgettable If you want to revisit junior high school (or are still there), when you might have fantasized about making the best rock album "everrrrr," you may understand Tom DeLonge's publicized motivation for recording this thoroughly derivative, dull, and extraordinarily forgettable album. This is an album only the most die-hard DeLonge fans can love. On my decimal scale, this album receives 1.8 stars out of 5.DeLonge is formerly the frontman for pop-punk outfit Blink-182. In his new effort with pet project Angels & Airwaves, DeLonge has apparently turned his back on the subversive and fun elements of rock -- sometimes pleasantly indulged by his old band -- in order to make a more "mature" album that unabashedly vamps the vibe so thoroughly beaten to death by slightly better composers and songwriters in U2, Coldplay, and countless other tiresome imitators of the axis of BonEdge.Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that, if you've got the chops and originality to do it with verve and originality. Angels & Airwaves clearly hasn't in this album. There are two tracks that should have made the cut, barely, to be passably on a release with the pretensions that DeLonge broadcast before its release ("The Adventure," and "Valkyrie Missile"). The other tracks come across as a handful of bare-bones and mind-numbing bedroom guitarist ideas monotonously repeated and replicated for what seems like a "textural" fetish.This unfortunate monomania is doubtless to pay tribute to The Edge, the musical godfather of overly-processed "texture"-driven guitar rock. But whether you believe that The Edge is an overrated guitar tosser or a brilliant pioneer of the digital delay, there is little doubt that even The Edge doesn't rely on mindless repetition to the same extent that DeLonge has on this release.Perhaps the best evidence of the sonic drudgery imposed on the listener is a song whose own title serves as its own excellent warning label ("It Hurts"). Palm-muting can only take you so far, and this is only one song among at least 6 or 7 on this album where it frankly doesn't take you anywhere.It boggles me that DeLonge supposedly used such great musical instruments and equipment to record this drivel because it supposedly was used to accomplish something that it utterly fails to do: maximize the tonal and textural contours of his guitar-playing. If the compositions had been ordinary and the guitar tone were preserved in the recordings, then DeLonge might be forgiven for such a compositionally lifeless effort. But the sound engineering on this album itself is a disappointment: all musical instruments (with the occasional exception of the bass drum and the tom-tom) are so overly compressed that the tracks' compositional monotony is cruelly emphasized by the tonal one-dimensionality and utter loss of live dynamics.And that represents the fatal flaw running through the DNA of this album from songwriting, to composition, to performance, to sound engineering: these songs don't really go anywhere. These songs try to get by on empty suggestiveness and a tease that they might eventually (after a very, very long build-up) move you lyrically, musically, texturally...somehow! But they never even get close to taking the listener to the ambiguously exciting destination toward which they hint.Listening to this album is a little like lining up for a roller-coaster, going through a glossy multi-media presentation as the line moves along, listening to a mildly-interesting build-up, and then completing a ride when you never felt any trepidation, danger, excitement, fear, ecstasy, or really much of anything.Or perhaps it may be more like hearing a joke with a 50-minute build-up just to realize that the punch line was lifted from a slightly better joke you'd heard years ago, when you were younger, a little more nave, and more unwilling to sit for 50 minutes to hear the joker get to the punch line. I know that was me once...perhaps once it was you too.Choicest cuts: "The Adventure," "Valkyrie Missile," "The War."
KoRn should take their own advice... So, look in the mirror KoRn. What do you see? I'll tell you what I see. I see a group of GROWN MEN that had 2 good albums in them and can't progress musically.Sigh. This is it. This is officially the LAST KoRn album I will EVER buy. Let me start by saying that I was a HUGE KoRn fan back in the day. I liked them since high school when I was about 18 years old. Currently, I'm a nearly 26-year-old graduate student.When I was 18 years old, I was a little "angsty"...a little "Goth," (though then it certainly wasn't all the rage that it is now), a little cynical, a little rebellious. But times have changed. I grew facial hair; I experienced hardships that have made me a better man today. I have felt loss, pain, aggression, love, despair, alienation and all of those lovely things associated with life and well...adulthood. I would now consider myself an adult, not a grown-up by any means...but certainly an adult. So, after my boring little spiel about my life what does this have to do with KoRn? I'm glad you asked...here it is:I GREW UP.Yes, I certainly did. But I'm not extraordinary. No, no, not by any means. I think that it's natural for any human being to mature, to grow, to gain knowledge, either by books or by experience. Apparently, KoRn is immune to this.For 6 straight albums we hear songs about despair, anger, frustration and lyrics LOADED with obscenities talking about violence, misogynistic and homophobic subject matter, and abuse. 6 albums deep and we're still getting lyrics like the ever eloquent:"Shut up, I'll F*CK YOU UP!"Oh, how clever. I don't think a 30-year-old songwriter could ever express anger so clearly and succinctly as that.Here's a disclaimer to all the teenagers that LOVE this album. KoRn are 30-year-old men with wives, jobs and MILLIONS of dollars. What do they have to be angry about? YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THERAPY NOW!Has KoRn never thought in their 10 years of putting out albums to make a "happy" or even "hopeful" song? How about a song with an ultra fast tempo? How about a song with a punk-rock influence? How about a prog-rock song? How about a thrash-metal song? How about changing their guitar tone? How about even playing a "GASP" 6-string guitar on a song or two? Holy crap, NO WAY...that might actually offer some VARIETY on an album!KoRn's first album was one of my all time favorites. What made it different than most of other KoRn releases? It was honest. Hearing Jonathan Davis cry at the end of that album, hearing the very personal lyrics of Faget and what was that?...a bagpipe? I had NEVER heard metal so brutally honest without all of the macho posturing typical of the genre at that time. This album was different, unique, and powerful. It was musically interesting, and groundbreaking, it was truly a musical masterpiece.KoRn's only REAL musical turn was the critically panned Issues which is actually a very solid album. KoRn actually attempted to mature musically. The vocal melodies were outstanding, the production pristine, and the conception was also fairly decent. Although, upon repeat listening the interludes get tiresome, the album as a whole (minus the interludes) was packed with some very well written-songs. An equally amazing feat considering the short length of time between Life is Peachy and it's release.Untouchables was utter garbage, and I had about given up at this point...but I held out hope that maybe, just maybe KoRn was going to come through.Boy, was I WRONG. When I dropped this CD in my Discman, listened to 2 or 3 songs and skimmed the rest, I knew it. I knew it was over. This album is just TRASH. A stinking pile of redundant, recycled, trite, TRASH. Here's a warning, ANYTIME a musical group tells you they're producing their OWN album AND that they're returning to their roots: TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.The production is terrible, sludge, sludge, and MORE sludge. The songs on this album are so "samey," boring and uninspired that the only reason to point any of them out individually is to rip a particularly bad song to shreds, or state some positive new ideas. That being said 2 songs that just BEG for an evaluation:Alive - Does ANYONE notice that this song is ALMOST EXACTLY the same as Need To on their self-titled album?Nas? Nas? So let's add this to our "I'll get some rap/hip-hop metal cred by using a "real MC" in our song" list. Other notable artists that made it in the KoRn hall-of-fame: Ice Cube, Q-Tip, Slim Kid Tre (from The Pharcyde). All they need now is Outkast, B-Real, and Jay-Z.I can't express my disappointment with this album enough. I feel cheated, betrayed even. I don't usually like making judgments about people, but KoRn seem to be a bunch of guys who have not matured as people, or musicians. People learn from their mistakes, they learn from their anger, they learn from their disappointments, failures, etc... You know what happens next? THEY MOVE ON AND MATURE!I have seen very little musical growth from KoRn. If you CAN pirate this album, do so. It's not worth spending a dime on. KoRn has lost every shred of integrity they may have once had with this release. Anyone in their 20's who still likes metal should do their best to avoid this at all costs.Instead, go buy a Meshuggah, Sevendust, Glassjaw, or Thrice album if you want some aggression and musicality...
Starting line Based on a true story I picked this up because i loved there old stuff This is my song by song review1. Action-Just an intro with a bunch of production effects nothing much really2. Making Love To The Camera-Good acoustic intro then followed by crashing guitars,Not the best opener but good anyway3. Inspired By The $-Probably my least favourite track kind of dull4. Bedroom Talk -Love this track really catchy and lyrics make you think what is this5. Surprise, Surprise -This has grown on me essential starting line sound really good verses6. Photography-Emoish I guess thats what people have referd to it as really good track7. Autography-From slow emo to fast guitars really good lyrics8. Artistic License -The next three songs are differnt in my opinion and shape the rest of the album,This one is good not great9. Stay Where I Can See You-I love the chours really catchy10. The B-List-Probaly the best on this in my opinion the ending just gets to me11. The World-This and the song before it are the ones that I love this is so catchy and brings my mood up evrytime I listen to it12. Ready-Love this song. I love the second verse and the bridge13. Cut! Print It-Good way to Close the album love the drum track at the end
missed opportunity This is actually an excellent record, lying somewhere on a line between Iron Butterfly's Metamorphosis and Edgar Winter Group's We Only Come Out At Night. In other words it's an intelligent, varied, well-played, melodic example of 70's rock. But it sounds like it was remastered off a cassette tape. I have a fairly high end sound system and have really enjoyed the much improved upgrades many CDs have been receiving recently, but this sounds like it was done on the cheap by someone with no ear for music. I also have a CD of Poco's Cantamos, another '70s favourite, on the Wounded Bird label. It sounds terrible too, so I assume the label is at fault. Plus there are no liner notes and no extra tracks. My old, worn vinyl copies of both of these albums sound better than the CDs. If audio quality is a concern I suggest you avoid these CDs and look out for the vinyl.
Musical Abomination After hearing samples of "Playing With Fire", I believe that this album must pulled from the shelves and burned in a huge Kevin Federline bonfire. Federline has truly given a new meaning to RAP, Retard Attempting Poetry! In all fairness, Kevin has accomplished something no other rapper has been able to pull off, white or black. He has actually given Vanilla Ice street cred! He's a clown. He's nothing but a clown! And I hate clowns!By the way, I refuse to refer to that waste-of-a-human life as K-fed. In doing that, we are only legitimizing his lame-duck celebrity. There are a thousand things I would love to call him. But K-Fed isn't one of them. I guess Britney can call him Fed-Ex!God bless you Britney for finally coming to your senses. In throwing that parasitic loser to the curb, you have done the world of entertainment a HUGE favor!!! Good luck in your comeback as well as your upcoming divorce proceedings. Really, REALLY stick it to him!
Disappointed It has nothing to do with the ordering process, or the provider. I just didn't like the foul language on this cd.
lost her touch long time ago she was popular in the 90's but I didn't take this mtv-produced music crap seriously at all when criminal was all over the place. And the public has moved on too embracing the likes of norah jones over this carole king wannabe crap
Remastered or not, it's awesome. My copy is the first CD release of "Further Definitions: The Complete Further Definitions Sessions" -- the copy listed here is a digitally remastered version of the copy I own. Get your hands on either one. As other reviewers have noted, the 1st 8 tracks are from a 1961 recording session and the remaining 8 were recorded with differing personnel in 1966. These latter tracks were produced more along the lines of Oliver Nelson's "Blues and the abstract truth" -- also from Impulse. In fact the cover design will look hauntingly familiar. Never mind, this CD is definately worth owning. I rate it as my 3rd favorite recording with Benny Carter, with "3, 4, 5 The Verve Small Group Sessions" as #1.
One of the great jazz "classics" This is, with "Fontessa", the most celebrated of the original MJQ recordings, and rightly so. When it first appeared it was, like that great record, a huge hit on the jazz scene and beyond, and the fact that it appealed to one's parents is in no sense a reason for thinking it anything less than inspiring. "Django", in particular, is just one of those inexhaustible delights in jazz that always sound satisfying, with Percy Heath on bass driving his instrument in amazing melodious fashion, while John Lewis and Milt Jackson both produce totally convincing and beautiful solos - and boy, did they swing, even though those who like their music only loud don't hear that. To say that these men produced "vignettes" is only half true; certainly they were highly disciplined and eschewed "big" effects, but their very subtlety enhanced - did not reduce - the vitality and intensity of their powerful music. Always a joy to listen to, and therefore unhesitatingly recommended. - Joost Daalder
A Disappointment The entire cast is excellent. It is among the best versions of the Don that I have ever heard. However, the recording uses both sides of one DVD, which means handling to avoid possibly oily fingerprints somewhere requires considerable care. The most serious problem, however, is that no subtitles appear on Side Two, which for me limits my appreciation. This lack is not unique to the copy I received from Amazon. I had had a copy of the identical selection and that had the same problem, which is why I ordered another. It's a shame,because the performance is so good.
Liked this album I like this album a lot better than the first. Rob Thomas' songwriting and the band backing him up are so well done and executed. I still like "Bent" and I got to hear it again on the radio 3 weeks ago--still rocks a good 4 years later! It has that Friday night--meets Saturday morning hangover at a race track kind of arena rock sound! I always get excited every time I hear it. Their later album from 2002 has opened them much wider, but I like this second effort from them. The rest of this album is very well performed and I like "If You're Gone"'s smooth pace. They will be a band to continue to watch for in the years to come!
fun fun CD Just picked this up and American Psycho. I really liked both CDs.Plenty of great tunes on both CDs. Descending Angel is a great f*ckin' tune!!
Neglectable Gal Costa seems to have lost her direction in music due both to her repertoire choice and to her way of vocalizing. Such low keys for a singer who does not have low power is a crime. Inexpressive arrangements.
She's a FRAUD! Have any of these Avril fans posting all these enthusiastic reviews here ever actually heard their idol live in concert? I have, four times. She's AWFUL! She literally cannot carry a tune. She doesn't really play an instrument (she's clearly faking it on stage and in her videos). She doesn't even write her own music--that's done for her by a professional group called Matrix, which also writes tunes for Britney Spears. All she does, as far as I can tell, is write some of the lyrics. Big deal. I'll admit that some of the songs on this album are fun and catchy, but Avril has very little to do with that.Don't believe me? Listen to Avril live in concert: Her voice is screechy, puny, and consistently out of tune. All the credit for this CD belongs to the sound engineers, who ran Avril's "singing" through a TC-Helicon VoiceOne computer program that corrects for bad pitch and beefs up a thin, weak voice. So if you enjoy this album, thank the engineers, not Avril.So, she can't sing, she can't play an instrument, and she doesn't write her own music. She's not even very pretty. So how in the world did she become a huge pop star? Why did the corporate suits choose this particular untalented person to be the Next Big Thing? Is her Daddy an executive in the music industry? I'm really curious.
Overrated This was supposed to be one of the best Stones albums. Sucks. If you love the stones you'll probably like it though. I'm shocked at how bad of a singer Mick is. I did like Sticky Fingers.
SS was Harrison to SM's Lennon &... ...McCartney. So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is: if you're the kind of person who thought "You Like Me Too Much" was a really GEAR song, then by all means ante up and throw yer hard-earned pesos into Stairs' purse -- and smile while you do it, pal. Or at least pretend like you're enjoying it. That way you won't look like a fool. Really. You won't. "'Cuz you like me too much / and I like yooooo.....".
A Christmas Collection for Jazz Fans ~ "The Christmas Collection" assembles ten performances by established jazz stars extracted from albums previously released on the Prestige label. Recording dates range from 30 November 1953 to 6 July 1970, so sound quality varies from track to track, but only in the case of the Paul Bley track could the recording quality be called distracting. There are three versions of "The Christmas Song" and two versions of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town". Casual listeners may not enjoy this repetition, but the jazz fan will enjoy the chance to compare styles and interpretations of these Christmas classics. The list of jazz musicians playing on this CD reads like a who's who of 1950's and 1960's jazz. The quality of the performances is uniformly high and in many cases outstanding.~ Highly recommended for jazz fans, especially at the bargin prices advertised for this CD. Perhaps not so highly recommended for casual listeners looking to add a little jazz to the Christmas collection.~ The Christmas Song (5:20) - Dexter Gordon with Tommy Flanagan, Larry Ridley, and Alan Dawson. (1970)~ Greensleeves (5:02) - Bill Smith with Jim Hall, Monty Budwig, and Shelly Manne (1959)~ Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (3:37) - Paul Bley with Charles Mingus and Art Blakey (1953).~ Merry Christmas, Baby (6:01) - Don Patterson with Pat Martino and Billy James (1964).~ The Christmas Song (3:26) - Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis with Shirley Scott, George Duvivier and Arthur Edgehill (1960).~ The Christmas Song (5:57) - Gene Ammons with Wynton Kelly, George Duvivier, and Rudy Collins (1970).~ White Christmas (7:05) - Bobby Timmons with Butch Warren and Walter Perkins (1964).~ Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (2:28) - Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis with Shirley Scott, George Duvivier and Arthur Edgehill (1960).~ Winter Wonderland (5:36) - Bobby Timmons with Butch Warren and Walter Perkins (1964).~ Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (3:11) - Don Patterson with Pat Martino and Billy James (1964).
Hugh Grant sings better than a lot of current pop singers! I loved the movie and the songs. The chemistry between Hugh andDrew is great. I rarely buy soundtracks from movies becauseusually I hate some of the songs. These songs are really catchyand fun to listen to. Hugh Grant does a great job especially sincehe had to take lessons to sing, dance and play the piano for the part.If he produced his own CD, I would gladly buy it and I will definitelybuy this CD. I highly recommend it.
One of the great albums of the sixties!!!!! I'll make this short and sweet. In content and structure this was a great album as the original record set, and the CD has brought it back. Right up there with Dylan, The Beatles, PP&M, Simon and Garfunkel, Stone Poneys, and The Doors in defining "The Sixties."
Franck Pourcel-This Is Pourcel/Plays The Cole Portor Sound This is one of the best cds out by Frank Pourcel.This album is very beautiful with heavy lush strings and a collectors item for people that have a beautiful music library of cd's.Pourcel was another bm/ez artist that got frequet play on Fm Stations along with Percy Faith,Frank Chacksfield,John Fox,Mantovani,The 101 Strings and others before the format died out on Fm however Xm plays this type of music and Pourcel is one of the many artist they play.This cd has a very beautiful version of It Must Be Him which emphisises a heavy string contingment.It Must Be Him by Pourcel is one of the most beautiful versions I have ever heard.It gets played on Xm Channel 24 Sunny quite frequently along with a lot of songs on this album.As you can tell by the sound samples these songs are so lush and a must for anybody that listens to beautiful music.These songs are mostly all instrumental.Another cd I recommend is Frank Chacksfield Sound Of Romance a 2 cd set with instrumental strings to songs of the 70s such as three times a lady,afternoon delight,after the loving and others.It is put out by yesteryear music.Both of these cd's come highley recommended by me.
"Don't mistake lack of talent for genuis" I've tried to like Radiohead for a long time now. I've really tried. But I just can't, and it amazes me that they've pulled the wool over the eyes of the majority of the world. I think people like this band because other people have told them they should, not because they're actually a good band. This is the most bland muzak ever created. There's no skilled musicianship and no hooks, nothing to listen for, and they're fronted by a guy who couldn't sing his way out of a paper bag. I couldn't think of a more highly overrated band. Best band on the planet? These guys aren't even the best band in their own genre. Look to bands like Coldplay or Catherine Wheel for decent Brit Art Pop. Seriously, Radiohead fans, these guys have you all fooled!
Louis Moreau Gottschalk Piano Music This has to be one of the best Gottschlk solo piano CDs available. The disc was totally noise and hiss free and the recording studio did a magnificnet job of getting the sound balance and volume just perfect. Playing this disc through my HIFI stereo set makes it sound like as if it was in a large studio room.
For All Seasons After the major success of their debut album, Yourself Or Someone Like You, the band's lead singer Rob Thomas experienced a high profile hiatus by co-writing and singing lead on Santana's Grammy Award winning, number one, mega comeback hit "Smooth". By coupling that hit with the first album's sales, expectations were high for the band's follow up. They delivered on all accounts as mad season is a winner. The band takes the strong melodies and catchy hooks from the first record and expands the sound with more orchestration and a more challenging sound. Songs like the title track, the number one hit "Bent", "Bed Of Lies" and "The Burn" are all catchy, but are more complex that their earlier work. Songs like the brilliant "If Your Gone" and "Black & White People" liberally use horns are great stuff. matchbox twenty could have easily turned into one hit wonders, but with mad season, it looks like they'll have staying power.
BOUNCIN' BACK BIG TIME! Just when we thought there was no hope for music today, Bon Jovi amazes us with their incredible new cd, BOUNCE. While there are a few songs reflecting September 11, the album focuses on many different aspects of life. Messing up in a relationship is the theme in "Misunderstood", rumored to be the next single. "You Had Me From Hello", a line borrowed from the hit movie Jerry Maguire, is a sweet song reminiscent to Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight". "Joey" is a story of a misunderstood and underrated young man befriended by the narrator (in this case Jon) and is encouraged to follow his dreams. It's a sweet, heartfelt song. The disc's title cut is a all out Rock N' Roll song with the same positive message Bon Jovi is so famous for promoting. If you don't own BOUNCE yet, you are definetly missing out on a true piece of Rock N' Roll work.
Excite-not I cannot believe this album is averaging more than 3 stars!! This is the absolute worst DM album EVER. It is dull and badly produced. The music and lyrics have no appeal even after repeated listenings in failed hopes of it growing on me. If it did not have the DM name on it, I can guarantee it would not have gotten airplay or noticed even by those of you who gave it a ridiculous 5 stars. PLEASE people: do not rate bad albums with 4 or 5 stars just out of sympathy, or based on previous albums greatness... Rate the album on its own merits!! Other DM albums like Violator, Black Celebration deserve 4 and 5 stars. This one, I am sorry to say, is no comparison and deserves barely 1 star.
Momentary Lapse of Inspiration Can Pink Floyd be without Roger Waters and still make awe-inspiring albums? Apparently not. I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan, but this is the lamest excuse for a progressive rock album since Yes in the middle 70s. The lyrics are inane, the songs drag, and David Gilmour's voice gets on my nerves after 15 minutes into the album. "The Final Cut" is not inspired either, but this one has even less to offer.
best youth album ok, here it is, plain and simple--goo is (in my opinion) the best out of the 4 or 5 "best" youth albums(washing machine, d dream nation, dirty,....whatever). ive read lies about washing machine. everyone thinks its the best and that its ground breaking when in fact its at best good.it only has about 3 great tracks. and, day dream and dirty are both amazing but after a while i noticed that evey song sounds some what the same. goo on the other hand is PURE gold. here, the writing and playing is the best. all of the songs great in there own way. every track is a highlight. but i have to mention that "titainium expose" is beyond incredible, probably my fav youth song. buy it or continue to suck
The best Metallica ever! This one seriously kicks...! They are at their musical best at this point (in my opinion). Although they aren't as fast as the first three albums, being fast and heavy is not a synonym for musically good. The almost 10-minute title track is never boring and is one of my favorite Metallica songs of all time. Longer songs are better! Also there is One, an awesome song about a soldier.
It's no wonder this rapper is "lonely"! Well in may I had a school dance, so I sat down with a bunch of chicks to take a break from dancing (I was pretty sweaty, just in the face area) and so alluva sudden, I hear this voice that sounds like some guy trying smoke pot and snort coke at the same time, coming out of the speaker! He appears to be saying "Lonely! Hi Mr. Lonely! I've not nobody, I'm on my own!"So then I laugh my ass off, thinking it was the DJ trying to [...] around with us.So then I ask the chick on my left, "What the f*** is this?!"She goes, "It's Akon and his HORRIBLE stinker, Lonely."I Laugh. I go, "It sounds nothing like AKON at all!"This guy just plain SUCKS. He is ripping of K-Os, and he just adds these lame lyrics and stupid beats into his song. Yet another lame MTV ripoff artist.Oh well. This sucks, same goes for pretty much every rapper (except K-Os) out there.
Absolutely the best Christmas album I've ever owned!! I'm not going to say anything silly and oozing with propoganda; i.e. "I never know it's really Christmas until I hear the Boston Pops." That would be a shameless lie. I'm one of those people who *always* knows when the holidays are near; I start counting down the days till Christmas the first week of September. My only point in writing this is to recommend to all of you a fantastic collection of holiday music. If you have a special place in your heart for beautiful music, Christmas, and/or Keith Lockhart, this album is for you! From sacred classics to swing and jazz songs, the Pops definitely knows how to reach listeners and spread the holiday spirit. The opening number, "Gloria," which actually premiered in 1990 with Skitch Henderson and the New York Pops, is a beautiful piece -- perfectly blending soaring choral lines with the majesty of the musical score. (The contribution of the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, conducted by John Oliver, is wonderful in this recording!) Also enjoyable is the traditional "Carol of the Bells," with the Tanglewood Chorus; a medley of wassailing songs, "Tomorrow is My Dancing Day"; and the beautiful excerpts from operatic works by Berlioz and Bizet. A rousing jazz version of "Good King Wenceslas" that showcases a brilliant rhythm section puts a swing on an old favorite, and the album concludes with the John Williams/Leslie Bricusse modern classic "Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas" from -- who would have thought? -- the movie "Home Alone 2." The latest addition to a string of successful classical recordings, Holiday Pops is the Boston Pops' way of wishing all of its listeners a happy holiday. It certainly lifted *my* spirits; I couldn't wait to hear it again. Merry Christmas to all, and a special thank-you to Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops for a job very, very well done!
read my review of the other one its the same thing, with a few bonus tracks!
Too short I have been searching for quality live performance dvd's for a while and so I went for this one after purchasing Alice in Chains Unplugged, which is fantastic! But this dvd is super short for the price. If you want to be able to turn on the dvd player and listen for a long period of time, this is not your dvd. I should have spent some more time looking for other versions. It is quality music, just had to live up to a great performance which was not delivered. My suggestion, choose another Unplugged performance or compilation.
And as I said before...Morris is god-like. Simply put, THE best thing to come charging out of Minnesota since Kirby Puckett. Awesome, awesome, awesome R&B/funk fusion mixed with a stripped down sound, plenty of humor, and a charismatic frontman make this a keeper. It's not necessarily SERIOUS Time (Prince was providing the music here), but it works. Of course then they would go to reach their peak on "What Time Is It?"
sad I can't believe people actually consider this music. She sounds like she's whining over a goat. This stuff isn't music, this is just some robotic voice played over another plastic pop star so kids can listen to talentless garbage like this. I've also heard people on this site say she has talent. What talent? If you want real talent stay away from this trash.
This is a must for any Sugar Ray fan! This is the best yet! This cd has every thing a rock/pop cd needs,the songs are the best yet.If you don't have this cd you need It.And that's my thought's on this cd.
Not Good This is the worst album they ever did. Dont waste your money !
Ray Parker jr. Isnt Raydio Ray Parker Jr like many other soul artists of the past, made pop records after going solo. If you want soul music played with instruments and not manufactured by synthesizers, try to find Raydio.
Just what I was expecting... Upbeat, catchy, and rockin This CD is good. It is a little heavier and more riff oriented (with less emphasis on the typical washed up chord progressions that filled their old cds). If you liked songs like Singled Out more than you liked songs like Sucker or Hit or Miss than this album is your wet dream.
Simple yet Beautiful. The music for "Life is Beautiful" is very touching and soothing. It is a peaceful soundtrack and does not change frequently from loud to soft-fast to slow so you can put the cd on and close your eyes and dream.
A (Brief) New Venture For Sabbath The release of "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath" put the band in an awkward situation--had Sabbath come out with another minimally-produced album of simple riff-driven rockers, the band would have been criticized for failing to break out of the comfortable niche it had carved with their previous four albums. On the other hand, an adventorous shift in gears could risk alienating some fans, and give music critics fodder for dismissing the band's attempt at creating more ambitious music. What Sabbath succeeded in doing, for the most part, was maintaining their heavy-rock identity while venturing into unchartered territory (for them). "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath" offers the best produced and most accessible release of their Ozzy-era releases.The band, admittedly, was in a bit of a rut entering the sessions for what would make up this classic hard rock album. When Tony Iommi came up with the opening riff for the title track, however, Sabbath was energized and back on track.Lyrically this is, without a doubt, the group's finest piece. While not a necessity for judging Sabbath's music, it definitely adds to the color of this release. "A National Acrobat" and "Spiral Architect" show Sabbath had a collective brain (or at least Geezer Butler did, as he penned most of the lyrics for this album, as well as most other Sabbath offerings). In addition, the band incorporates keys for the first time ("Who Are You"), and adds strings ("Spiral Architect") in a more effective way than their initial attempt at classical sounds (such as the tail end of "Snow Blind", off of Volume 4). To temper the enthusiasm, it should be noted that "Fluff" is a weak acoustic meander that fails to hit the right buttons that "Laguna Sunrise" did on their previous release.This album showcases Ozzy Osbourne's vocals more favorably than any other Ozzy/Sabbath release. It also lassos Tony Iommi back in--his guitar work does not rule this album as it does other Black Sabbath records. This is a good thing, as Iommi was not the most talented member of the band--the rhythm section of Bill Ward (drums) and Geezer Butler (bass)should be praised as the motor that propelled the band to the atmospheric heights the group reached in the early to mid '70s.Highlights include the title track, "A National Acrobat", with it's twin riffing a la the Allman Brothers, and "Spiral Architect", which, while not representative of the Sabbath sound, may well be the the most well-crafted and ambitioussong of the band's career.Critics actually liked this album as much, or more so, than any other Sabbath album. But don't let that discourage you (!)--this is a classic hard-rock album often overlooked by music afficienados, but apprecitated by true Sabbath fans.
Wow! Great concert! This is a second sequel to 1964's BEACH BOYS CONCERT. The first was LIVE IN LONDON recorded in 1969. This was a great live performance despite the absence of original member Brian Wilson who quit touring around 1965 or '66. Original Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson did not drum at all on this recording. The drumming was performed by Ricky Fataar,one of the two fill-ins. The other was guitarist Blondie Chaplin. Carl Wilson(he,Brian and Dennis are brothers),the Wilsons' cousin Mike Love,and the Wilsons' next door neighbor Alan Jardine gave their fans a usual fantastic performance like they have been since the sixties. It looked like Bruce Johnston had quit the Beach Boys temporarily. Johnston filled in for Brian when Brian quit touring. On this twenty-track set,the band gives fans many of their best-loved classics like HELP ME RHONDA,GOOD VIBRATIONS,FUN FUN FUN,SLOOP JOHN B,CALIFORNIA GIRLS,DARLIN',SURFER GIRL,DON'T WORRY BABY and HEROES AND VILLAINS. The other songs are good. Carl took the lead on DWB,which was done by Brian in the studio. Carl also sang lead on YOU STILL BELIEVE IN ME,LET THE WIND BLOW,DARLIN',GV and CAROLINE NO. Love took the lead on SJB,FFF and CG just like he did in the studio. This album was recorded in 1972-73 and at that time the band was out of its teen idol phase. I dedicate this album to the memories of Dennis who drowned in 1983 and Carl who succumbed to lung cancer in 1998. Dennis was buried at sea at the grant of the late US President Ronald Reagan.
WARNING - This DTS 5.1 mix is awful I borrowed this disc from my sister to see if it was worth laying out a premium for it in the aftermarket. Buyer beware...this is a poor production. The bass is almost non-existent. The highs are overblown and the mix unto itself is bizarre. If you want to pay a premium for an audiophile version of Abraxas then treat yourself to the stereo SACD. It's really ashame as this would have been great album in 5.1 if done properly.
This is the worst cd i've ever heard, ever I bought this cd just because I walked into a music store, and saw that dave grohl had a new metal project cd that had just come out. I figure what the hell, i'm a nirvana/foo fighters/queens fan, why not. Well, sadly, this is probably the worst cd i've ever purchaced. Probably because of the genre of music in general, but not even the track w/ max from soulfly was good. this cd is just crap, and a huge waste of money. I sold it to a used cd store for 4 dollars. if you can't tolerate talentless, droning '80s hair metal, then definately don't buy this crap.
Louis Armstrong Is NOT Smiling. This CD aims to pay tribute to jazz artists of the past. Unfortunately, when Kenny G does it, it is like Lawrence Welk playing at Woodstock.... and poor Mr Welk has passed on years ago! The biggest abomination is where Kenny G overdubs his sax on Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World". Listening to this song makes me both very sad for Satch and very ill. There are those listeners who rate this CD highly because it is "relaxing". As Amazon users, that is their privilege. I personally find this music numbing and always unchallenging. Too bad that we cannot give this CD no stars or "minus stars" because this CD is definitely deserving of that distinction.
poo i dont know what all the fus is about lep zepplin sucks always had always will if you know about true metal you would consider to that and stay as far away posible from this piece of crap band called "led zepplin" and help your self to some Iron Maiden instead.
Where do I begin? Reuben's Accomplice is by far one of my favorites. When me and my buddies ran into them before a Jimmy Eat World show, we didn't believe them when they told us they acutally WEREN'T No knife, but another band. I guess they showed us up. We couldn't help but laugh at ourselves when they were up there, and wonder if they noticed the 4 girls in the front row, because they certainly caught our attention. We wrote down the band's name, researched on the net as soon as we got home, and have been rocking out ever since. The album starts off with in my opinion, one of the best songs on it, Happy Mondays. The whole album is amazing, so I won't highlight every track. And I must say, I have never heard anyone hit such high notes as well as Jeff Bufano can and certainly does. They're sound is so unique, with good rock and a hint of indie. Now we just have to wait for all the radio dj's to catch on to truly good music!
This album stinks ya ya Kid Rock in the house! I don't understand why anyone would waste their money on this CD. Kids need to hear a good message, like POD, not some guy that only uses profanity to get his message across.
GARBAGE I think Detrick must have bumped his head...hard!!! There are only about three good songs on this album. On the remaining tracks Detrick doesn't know if he wants to be Michael Jackson or Prince. I am also disappointed that he sampled music from El Debarge. Christian muscians everywhere listen up!!! If God gave you the gift, stop stealing from the world. If you want a gospel album, even if you want a contemporary gospel album, this is not it. Detrick Haddon needs to go back to his praise and worship roots and stop trying to fit in to the world.
it's "ok" what can i say about this CD well it's kindof good...i just listen to like the same 2 songs over and over again...well alot of the songs on this CD kind of all sound VERY the SAME to me...well that is just my opinion go ahead and buy it if your intrested into someone who can just dance...that's all i think she can do b/c the kid has no voice...seriously....Lucky and track 1 are the only songs i really listen to...but the other ones i was hoping for more....alot more!
Like "Old School? Check this out! I first heard of Imagination when their single "Just An Illusion" was being played on the radio during my freshman year. Imagination's falsetto based sound reminds me of the work of earlier groups like Blue Magic & The Delphonics, but definitely with that post disco early 80's synthesized feel. "Just An Illusion" (my favorite cut, also featured in the movie "F/X") has a laid back finger snapping danceable groove. "Changes" is another great cut that will get your head noddin'. "In the Heat of the Night," great music but the lyrics didn't make much sense to me. "Heart and Soul" and "Music and Lights" are also good tunes. "All I Want to Know," "One More Love" and"All Night Lovin'" sound a little "sleepy" to me but that's just my opinion! Too bad the group's now defunct. Overall, this is a pretty good CD!
This is the worst band is the universe These guys are terrible. They have absolutely no talent and they act really afeminite. This is music for the mindless. Even Sugar Ray is better than these guys!
Great CD This is a great children's CD. I actually don't mind listening to it (it's not one of those ones that drives you absolutely crazy!!!)
Terrible I'm a huge GG fan and I can't stand this album. The songs are recorded in one take with seemingly no rehearsing, and the production quality is abysmal. There are a couple of gems on here--"Die When You Die" and "Outlaw Scumf**" are GG classics--but as a whole it's not worth the money. If you must get an album from this point in GG's career, "You Give Love A Bad Name" is a lot more fun to listen to.
Kicking a puppy It is hard to say bad things about this album without feeling as if I am kicking a small puppy. Bounces is charming at first, but it's greatly flawed. Although there are thirty-one tracks, there are really only three actual songs, it is as if this is a single of "Good Times A-Goo-Goo" with over an hour (!) of b-sides and filler.See, most of the tracks are sketches. Bounces is filled with mid-tempo beats and jolly samples but the end result feels dead and lifeless. "Good Times" works brilliantly, although even that song struggles to be three minutes long. The impression I get is that the Bran Flakes' forte is sub-minute sound collages. The longer pieces of music feel like the shorter pieces of music repeated four times in a row. Consequently this album is neither here nor there. It is not a dazzling display of cut-up technique a la Cassette Boy, because the ideas are generally stretched over a few minutes; but it's not a collection of songs, because the ideas aren't enough to sustain a few minutes' interest.The samples are often culty and funny but the juxtaposition of unironic advertising jingles and children's music from the 1950s with modern-day beats gives the album a slightly sneery, insincere air, as if it was a technical exercise in distanced irony. And this goes on for over an hour. You can't dance to it and it's not catchy. The more I listened to it the less charmed I was.Bounces would have been much better if it had been one-third as long, with five tracks as good as "Good Times" and some of the smaller tracks as filler. The title track isn't bad.
JUST ANOTHER DISNEY FLOP! just another disposible album by another untalented wannabe 1-hit-wonder has been manufactured disney phoney.the album tracks sound the same and are very cheesy. she does nothing with her music and has no talent.BESIDES...SHE WAS ON WPOPTV'S 1-HIT-WONDER SPECIAL..A HA!!
Her piano must be broken I really, really wanted to love this album, because Diana Krall is just so talented. But alas, I must agree with the folks who feel that she has abandoned her strengths. I agree very much with the fella below who discusses the "George-Bensonization" of Diana Krall. Diana Krall is a "musicians musician", or at least she was...but not on this album. If you loved her other albums because of their intimate vocals and fabulous piano playing, you will be disappointed with this effort. You should probably still buy it, but don't expect her old magic. This is an album of sophisticated background music, albeit excellent background music. I have all her CDs and this is her poorest effort. If you like jazz at all, buy any of her other recordings first. On the other hand, if you LOVE Celine Dion or Streisand, buy this one first and work your way backwards. By the way if you like Diana Krall, check out Julie London, you'll like her too.
WORST MUSIC IN HISTORY I cant believe that young people would waste their pocket money on such painful garbage. These boy bands have NO TALENT at all.I feel very embarrased for teenagers who think this is good music.Why isnt there any talent out there today ?Maybe they all killed themselves after hearing this sort of crap.....
The doctor is dim 2 1/2Overpraised as a staple of underground hip hop, Keith's delivery of science-sexy nonsense can be entertaining but grew stale along with the 90's beats.
And the attempt is... SHORT! The "Best of Friends" contains only ten tracks, and less than fourty minutes of music. That would be acceptable, except for the fact that "Angry Eyes", one of Loggins and Messina's biggest hits, has been chopped from six minutes, to 2:23. Initially, this collection may have been released on vinyl, which would explain the shortened version, but there's plenty of room on the CD for the complete version, with room to spare for more tunes! So,where's the rest of it? This is a "Greatest Hits" collection, isn't it?My humble opinion? It's unfortunate that Columbia released this "short" CD, although some may think I'm nitpicking. If you never cared for the instrumental in "Angry Eyes", and you enjoy Loggins and Messina, you'll enjoy this CD. However, if you remember "Angry Eyes" in the spirit of which it was intended... Save your money!
Atroscious This is the worst tribute I've ever heard. You cant even hear the words that they're saying. Come On!!! Who has ever taken an album and ruined it?
The kings of futuristic-digi-hardcore-punk-metal First of all, let me say that I love the album artwork. As awkward as it is, the "white robots verus the black robots" storyline fits the music perfectly. The Mad Capsule Markets are truly one of the more innovative bands in metal/nu-metal today, along with Skindred and the Deftones. Imagine the ferocity of Pantera, mixed with the industrial metal edge of Ministry, fused together with an upbeat punk attitude similar to that of the Ramones, and you have a brief description of what MCM is like. The band includes vocalist Kyono, bassist/songwriter Takeshi Ueda, and drummer Motokatsu Miyigami. They use a drum machine, adding a percussion groove similar to Slipknot, and electronically distorted guitar. Though they've yet to tour in the U.S., they have landed gigs with Fear Factory and Rage Against the Machine in Japan, and even nagged a slot on the main stage of Ozzfest 2002 at Castle Donnington. OSC-DIS is their 2001 (and only) U.S. release (010 is their most recent).The album kicks off with headbanger "Tribe", a catchy opener with a constantly repeated chorus that makes you feel as though you're riding a rollercoaster, it's so good in fact, that it makes up for the horribly translated lyrics (not that you can hear what Kyono says anyway). Single "Pulse" is still a favorite, I first heard it on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and loved it. "Multiplies" has a funky melody despite it's commotion. "All The Time In Sunny Beach" captures that feel-good atmosphere that MCM promotes; while "Island" offers a laid-back, relaxing tune, which kicks into a wall of chaos midway - very cool! My favorite song, however, is probably "Good Girl". It has the catchiest chorus I've heard in a long time, and was written by Ueda about his baby daughter for when she gets married. "MIDI Surf" closes OSC DIS with a bang, leaving you hungry for another listen.All in all, OSC-DIS succeeds A LOT more than it fails. If you like metal, nu-metal, industrial, punk, hardcore or just really weird music; then MCM are a must. And if you weren't inspired by this review, go read AMG's 4.5/5-star - that will tell you everything you need to know.
Golijov: Ainadamar There are other of Golijov's compositions that I prefer but this is a beautiful and rewarding piece although sometimes hard to follow. .
Major change in sound This album was way too trendy and Mtv and Radio compatable. Fred totally changed the sound to sell more records. Too bad but Limp Bizkit is just another victim to the buisness.
Think of something else. Amid the obnoxious posturing and preening, the unadulterated stupidity ("Smile Away", "Monkberry Moon Delight"), and Linda McCartney's shrill, discordant, abrasive, and way, way out-of-tune "singing", there is much melodic fecundity here. That doesn't make it worth sifting through. There is no question that Paul McCartney has talent, but talent without taste and artistic vision is nothing.
Disappointing I really expected a better album. The cut "Commitment" is, sadly, a reflection of today's noise. Over driven BASS leaves it with most "country" music today - NOT. The last cut isn't even worth mentioning.Unfortunetly, this young lady will probably burn out before her time. Way to go dad!!!!!!!!!!!
wow! just like to say this album is amzing i met them at this local gig venue about a month ago where they were sitting on next table at the bar!and they are such normal guys hence the name of there band " the ordinary boys"Buy it and u wont regret it!
Terrible waste of my $18.00 This Cd was deceiving to me. I am so sorry that I bought it brand new!I expected harp music and it was the classics so don't be fooled by the Harp on the cover because you hear very little Harp being played in the music. I would say 14% Harp all the rest fluffy classical music.
Radiohead stinks If you like radiohead your stupid. Lol. You are probably some really dumb boso college student who trys to act rebbellious and just listens to radiohead for the hell of it. Dont get this... this is their worst album which is just sad. Radiohead stinks!
Mind blowing riff festival I'm not the greatest Black Sabbath fan but listening to this album I get that they had a sound that was very much their own and that had a major impact in a lot of the heavy music that was to come. From Metallica to Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins, the Sabbath' wall of distortion is there. I would go as far as to say that they might not be as brilliant as Led Zeppelin but, in a way, they were more important. Black Sabbath is most of all a sound experience.More than Ozzy's unmistakable siren vocals, it was Tony Iommi roaring riffs that became the watermark for Sabbath music. And this album is a riff-festival. Each of the hard rocking songs has at least a couple of memorable riffs in it. However monolithic their music was, in this album the songs keep changing, riff after riff, and the second verse is never the same as the first one (check out "Tomorrow's Dream" or "Snowblind")."Supernaut" is the best track. Great riff, monstrous sound, funky-crushing rhythm. This one really blows out of the speakers.Then there are a couple of odd ones. "Changes" is very boring but "Laguna Sunrise" is a beautiful acoustic instrumental. "FX" is, well... fx.All in all, if you like heavy rock with mind-blowing riffage, buy this album. At least you will learn where it comes from.
Ear torture, and a waste of money The instrumentals and musicianship itself are great, but the lyrics make this hard to listen to. The vocals are either overdone or over the top. If this had been just an instrumental release it would have been great! This simply isn't fun to listen to. You want fun interesting music and good lyrics, check out Brian Setzer and The Big Bad Voodoo Daddies.
Disappointing I found this CD very disappointing. I had some high expectations, and not one song lived up to them.By the way, the song you hear on the trailer and in the film, with the "Calling All Freaks" line, is not on the soundtrack. ...
The talent is there, the music isn't. I got turned on to Shadows Fall when The Art Of Balance came out. It was a great album, no doubt. I picked up The War Within, well these guys can play there positions very well, everyone is talented in the band. It's just this album sounds to similiar song after song. Telling songs apart becomes harder after each song. But that is really to say about all the new wave of american metal bands, (Lamb Of God, Unearth, Killswitch Engage..etc.) Shadows Fall sticks to the same format every song pretty much, with an occasionally melody. I would probably enjoyed this album more if I heard it before The Art Of Balance, probably. It had a bit more diversity. But that aside, if you like Lamb of God or Slayer, you'll dig this, if you want some diversity of get something else, cause it isn't here.
WEAK After listening to this record it was clear to me that DMX has just lost his drive. Not one, not a single song, is well crafted and inspired. The entire record has pieced together feel and DMX has never sounded worse. On this record DMX is offensive without being enlightening, crass without being infectious, this record is just dull. Honestly, even though I have listened to this record a several times, I only remember two or three tracks. What more can I say? I was very disappointed when I bought this record but I'm starting to realize that maybe DMX is just real limited. Too bad because his first couple albums, which in retrospect sound like one long album, are both good but even those records, especially after listening to Grand Champ, are starting to seem uninspired. DMX is on the way out. Maybe if you're worried about how much testosterone you got or if you're going through puberty and are just mad all the time or think is what getto life is all about (it aint) and are just generally insecure about yourself than you may really like this. End it on the sour.
Just Plain Stupid Lyric,'s & Vocals/"Check on it" Please Check OUT! I haven't been much of a fan of Beyonce Music or her songwriting abilities. She leaves no imagine or thought. She writes like a girl in early junior high school and this song again reminds me of her mindless songwriting and singing. She has A Very Strong and domininating vocal ability and that is a Gift. She is just a Package Goods just like anything that is bad for your health in time it slowly destorying your ears or health. Why, she continues to waste it on stupid mindless songs like this. She is best suited for Opera or music that shows some discpline and vocal skills. If you Check on this Song and buy it. She doesn;'t inspire to challenge her abilities. Her Choices of course. I can respect that but I don't have to buy it. You will evidentally Bounce on Beyonce. Because this song is Just Plain Stupid & Irrating.Slim Thug can you say Dumb on his part and why is a part of this. If yo are into eye candy like most men appear to be sometimes then the video will suit I guess. But, I just thought Beyonce would have some ability to see true longevity for years to come and apparently she is just into shaking her but and providing sub par lyric, songwriting and music. Will it continue to last no because there are Fresh, Inspiring, Gifted Young Ladies that are going to provide the music fans with some Fresh, SoulWinning, Lyrical, and Gifted Voices that will appear and Domnate the music airwaves. Just look at American Idol the music base are looking for Something Different what is force onto them by the Record Companies. By, the way, In why it was ever #1 for any length of time boggles my mind but I guess at the time no better lyrical songs for music fans to listen too was available and this song was all the Music Air waves to have listen too. What a Shame because there are allot of Gifted Singers, Musican, entertainers that unfortunately just don't get the Promotion or Recogntion because some of the Record Companies Corporate Greed.My suggestions if you are Beyonce Fan you will buy this but, my listening ear for music would advise you to buy Kelly Clarkson, Fantasia, Faith Hill, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Faith, Kiki Sheard, Heather Headley, Sheryl Crowe. Or Singers of these ladies caliber. Of course just is to name a few or Gifted, Talent, Inspiring Female Vocals that have a Define Message, and Sometime Fun, Fresh lyric;s, Great Gifted Vocals, Gifted Lycical either written for them or they wrote themselves.This is just my opinion but, I don't think I alone with this opinion. Thanks,Enjoy some Great Music this Year and This Summer 2006!
Relax and allow Fantasia's talent engulf you! Expect Chills This is an excellent CD! At 19 years old, this woman is so talented that Hollywood took notice. Celebrities such as Kate Hudson, Denzel Washington, Toni Braxton, Patti Labelle, Ben Stiller, Elton John, Clive Davis, Ray Ramono, Nicole Kidman etc., sing her praises. Fantasia wraps each song around her and delivers it with such conviction it seems as if she is singing just for you. She has a voice that pulls you in from the very beginning and leaves you wanting more. "I Believe" brings chills to my body and tears to my eyes. Even though I didn't like the words of the song initially, I couldn't help but love it after she was done. "Chain of Fools" is a great song to pick your mood up and get you dancing, although I would have loved to hear Tina Turner's "Fool in Love." "Summertime" is just phenomenal. This CD is well worth every cent.In the words of TKAEAGLE:"She's a new age hybrid combination of Billie Holiday, Aretha, Tina, Patti, an early Diana Ross, Lena Horne, Gladys Night (more for soulfulness than voice match), Natalie Cole, Nell Carter, and early Ella. Cream always rises to the top in due time, this lady is a specially talented individual. Fantasia is the real deal based on talent, desire, and emotions, not by gimmicks, lip sinking, trendiness, publicity stunts, and the like."Just sit back and let Fantasia's talent engulf and wash over you!
Beautiful Music My mom played this album at bedtime for me when I was a kid. Now I play it for my daughter. Wonderful lullabies and a beautiful voice.
Stunning Musical Achievement "Live Through This" is a miracle of an album and one of the best of the decade. To listen to it is to be transported to a world where little lost girls grow up to be exterminating angels. Just beam me up.
please! I have just listened to Pet Sounds for the first time. Having only heard their hedonistic surfs up nonsense before i must say it was far, far better than i expected. There are some great songs on it and the production is amazing. I would thouroughly recommend it to anyone who has an inerest in listening to the Beach Boys or just wants to hear a brilliantly put together piece of pop. But the best album of all time, please!! Its great,but it aint that great.
VERY BAD MUSIC did the singer get drunk yet? Anyways AC/DC are one of the worst bands ever. the singer don't know his name just screams. The lyrics are dumb, the music is simple, noisy, and boring they'rejust another overrated rock band that needed to quit right afterthe release of the first album.buy these albums insted.green day american idiotdire straits love over goldguns n' roses greatest hitsdon't waste your money cause the only good song is highway to hell.
a solid cd Godsmack is truly a great straight forward rock band. no strings attached no BS gimmicks like Korn and limp Bizket. Godsmack is a band that gets you going. people seem to criticize them because they think that every song sounds the same.Not True! the guitar work is excellent(great use of the woa pedal), the bass playing is solid, the drumming suits the material perfectly(listen to "Mistakes"), and of course Sully, hands down, one of the best voices in all of rock. If you are getting into Godsmack, buy the first album first. Then experience Awake!! Every song on this cd is great, especially Spiral, and bad magick.
Don't beleive what they all said. Its about time Liam Gallaghar stopped blagging, and Noel Gallaghar stopped praising the albums each time they are released as their best, or second best.Although he does throw alot of insults at "Be Here Now" the bands much anticipated album that apprently dissapointed everyone, and while containing no classics like "Wonderwall" it is still a triumphant album.Following that was "Standing on the shoulder of giants" no sell out of an album, a handfull of pretty good songs, but still fell short.The in 2002 they released "Heathen Chemistry" containing some of the first real Oasis classics since whast the story morning glory, and seemed to reinstall faith in the band for many and bring them new fans after beleiving they were a phenomena that had been and gone.So this album was suspected to be the big return, to the "classic" Oasis, writing great rock n roll music, and Heathen Chemistry showed that they were about to and had got themselves into gear.Things have changed for the wrost."Don't Beleive the truth" is by far the worst album ever released by oasis, and does'nt remotley sound like Oasis, more like a 1960s tribute old rock n roll record.Everything about it is bad, the music, the singing, the lyrics, the production - it would be fair to say that this is the biggest dissapointment in the history of music.
A 1 class style artist! This is the best standard jazz album i`ve ever heard, Diana sings so smooth, it`s like she have done it so many times. She is alsoo a great pianist! The musik is easy and refreshing, very good Diana!
A Big Christmas CD Disappointment!! One of the worst Christmas CD's I ever heard is - big surprise! - this "Christmas with The Everly Brothers & The Boys Town Choir." (1996 Made-in-Portugal reissue.)You would think that anything from The Everly Brothers has got to be excellent, wouldn't you? Well, this CD is just downright disappointing. I don't know the history of this Christmas project. I don't know when it was originally produced, by whom and why. It seems like a good concept, showcasing the perfect harmony of The Everly Brothers in Christmas music, but the result is just terrible."Christmas with THE EVERLY BROTHERS ... & The Boys Town Choir"? Misleading title!! This CD is more like "Christmas with THE BOYS TOWN CHOIR ... & (whisper) The Everly Brothers."14 tracks that feature The Boys Town Choir accompanied by a mere organ. And occasionally, the producers let Don and Phil come in for a verse or two. Most baffling to me. What, man??? Why did the Everlys even get involved with this CD???If you guys haven't purchased this CD, don't bother. Save your money!!There are hardly any worthwhile Everly Brothers tracks on this CD. Take "Silent Night." Don and Phil start out and then The Boys Town Choir take over in the second half because the boys have left the church.Merry Christmas, Don and Phil, wherever you are!JOE WU, still a big Everly Brothers fan
Bland leading the bland 1 1/2Boring beats and timid textures do not supply enough motivation to stay invested in the repetition.
No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls Simple Plans CD No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls is a punk rock CD that is different and refreshing. Their tunes and lyrics get stuck in your head all day. But thats not a problem since the songs are great.
HELP THIS POOR GIRL FIND HER HOLE! I find it very sad that this talented and very attractive youngCanadian cannot find her hole or her soul as she plaintivelywhines through the first single. ...I know comparing her to everyone is easyand puts a lot of hyper links on the page, but really...? ...I would say Nelly sounds likea very shrill dog gargling syrup;(
Inspiring song, disappointing album! If you take out amazingly musical and moving "Le Vent Nous Portera", there's nothing left to listen to. I bought the CD after listening "the song" on TV hoping to catch at least 1 or 2 more good songs in the album, however it was total diappointment for me. Download "the song" from the web and listen over and over. No need to buy the CD.
Don't buy this unless you are a completist Zorro is OK - the rest is quirky but poor.
Josh Groban, "Live at the Greek" I'm very confused as to how they made and released this DVD set. There are so many flaws in Josh Groban's singing, and yes, I can clearly hear the problems with his voice. I don't really care why he sounds so bad, I do care that I wasted my money on this really bad sounding concert. The fans deserve better.From the getgo, I heard Groban singing with a warble and then he graduated to very nasal. Gee, I don't have to be a vocal genius to tell this is a problem.I think Josh Groban has many great performances in his future. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of them.If you haven't bought this one yet, take caution. Listen first. Hey! If you love it, then you haven't wasted your bucks.
Lousy A truly lousy record. "wiretap scars" were in many ways briliant but something went wrong with "porcelain". The album give no memorable riffs or chorus what so ever. Each song sound alike and after a while you are really bored. A truly lousy record
Bad packaging. Had to return my box set cause three discs are in the same manner slipped half way into cardboard that leaves a scratch across which makes it impossible to play. Too bad dvd isn't included in the Kind of blue Legacy Edition : i would've skipped the book etc to have the dvd documentary and The sound of Miles Davis film. Disappointed.
Casino Lights I purchased this album on vynal when first released and played the David Sanborn tracks to death! I've searched for years for a CD copy and was thrilled when I finally located a copy on Amazon. 20+ years on, the Sanborn tracks have stood the test of time and I have a greater appreciation of the Randy Crawford vocals on her tracks. Listening to Casino Lights is like stepping back in time when we had so many brilliant genres of Real Music being created and produced, real quality, my musical heyday. Yes, I am biased, but If you like modern Jazz, you will love this Album
Not enough stars for Telegraph Road It was the first tape I bought when I had my first walkman in 1982. It was my first CD when I bough a CD player in 1988. We generally get it for "industrial disease" or "private investigation", but after a little time you see the Jewel : Telegraph Road. 15 minutes of pure perfection. You'll play it again and again and again and the pleasure still remain and the emotion still remain. Is it possible to have something after Telegraph Road ?
Bring It Back: the money I spent on this trash. Team Boo was disjointed and aloof and the "hooks" were juvenile.Nothing has changed on this new album. More of the same, but less so. The "harmonies" don't quite gel. The songwriting is subpar.Indie Rock at it's worst.BTW- Isn't the guy on the cover wearing her make-up?!Freaky..