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Moonstruck is a hilarious movie, good for the family. Moonstruck is a movie that's fun for all ages. With casual comedy and clean language, it's great for the whole family!
naval hijinx in the south pacific... The first season of McHale's Navy (1962-66) follows the exploits of the crew of PT 73, stationed on Taratupa, a small island in the Pacific, during World War II. Under the command of Commander Quinton McHale (Ernest Borgnine), the crew attempt to skirt military authority, and get by with doing as little as possible.While the military comedy had been explored many times in film and on television, goldbricking and insubordination, in the middle of a war, had rarely been so bold. In McHale's Navy, WW II often seems like an afterthought, something that only occasionally became a priority. For McHale and the crew of PT 73, fighting the enemy might be a relatively rare occurrence, but when necessary they are prepared to do their duty. Although making a positive contribution to the war effort, usually occurs as a byproduct of one of their wacky schemes.While McHale's Navy may have a questionable point of view, it does have a great cast. Ernest Borgnine an Oscar winner for Marty (1955), made the interesting career choice to come to television. Quinton McHale may not be the most admirable fellow, but he is certainly a likeable rogue, and Borgnine plays him with great warmth and emotion. Ensign Parker is written as goofy and over the top, taking full advantage of Tim Conway's unique style of bumbling physical humor. McHale's loyal crew of "pirates", include seamen Gruber (Carl Ballantine), "Tinker" Bell (Billy Sands), George "Christy" Christopher (Gary Vinson), Virgil Edwards (Edson Stroll), and "Happy Haines" Haines (Gavin MacLeod).Joe Flynn brought great energy and emotion, to his portrayal of Captain Binghamton, as his wonderfully crazy mannerisms, bring the character to life. As the representative of military authority, Binghamton is essential to making the show work. "Old Leadbottom", backed by his bootlicking aide Lt. Carpenter (Bob Hastings), is usually the only thing preventing total chaos from breaking out.President John F. Kennedy having commanded a PT boat, leant the craft a certain mystique, and the ship certainly looks good in the various action scenes featured in the show. Never meant to be taken seriously, McHale's Navy was about outrageously breaking the rules, and defying authority. Light, trivial, and almost totally detached from WW II, the show does feature some fine comedic performances. As outrageous as these adventures are, with naval personnel frequently dressed in aloha attire, and serviced by Fuji (Yoshio Yoda) their POW houseboy, they actually pale in comparison to what would come in the proceeding seasons, as the series would become an even more outrageous farce.Shout Factory has done a fine job with the DVD release, which features 36 episodes on 5 discs. The image quality looks a little flat, but is still quite good. A reunion of some of the crew is the primary bonus material.
Hello...action? Where are you? This may very well be the most boring film I have ever seen. Well, to be fair, I have never actually seen the whole thing. I have attempted to watch it several times, but have never made it more than 30 minutes. As such, I have come to the conclusion that this is a film that people talk about to try and show how smart they are. When I ask people why it's so brilliant, they rarely give me any good reasons. They throw out phrases like "triple allegory" even though they have no idea what they mean.To recap, this is a boring film that pretentious people discuss in hopes of showing how smart they are.
Not really a comedy I hadn't seen this movie in theatres and heard a lot of good things about it. So when i saw it at the store it became an automatic purchase. As i watched the film i kept waiting for something funny to happen, which didn't. There were some parts that would make you smirk but otherwise this was a boring film. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone for purchase or even rental. Wait until it comes on cable and then you will also wonder why such a talented actor like Bill Murray would waste his time with this movie. It received great reviews but those people must like watching boring, bland movies. Not really a comedy.
Utterly Insulting I felt utterly insulted by Armageddon. I am certainly no enemy to action movies (the Die Hard trilogy ranks up there as three of my favorites), but Armageddon is worse than brain-dead - it attempts to manipulate emotions through the promise of credibility then betrays those very institutions that it needed to put people in seats. I can forgive a movie that misses some technical details but at least gets the spirit right of the institutions it is portraying. Armageddon missed on both counts. There are those who will say that it wasn't meant to be anything more than a testosterone-laden action flick, but they are wrong. The Hollywood hype machine promised a true event epic in which we would be made to care about the impending end of the world. This caring would come from the premise that we could really face this threat - and this is what we would do about it. In other words, reality. The delivery, of course, was just more eye candy. It was quite obvious to even the most casual observer that no attempt was made for a realistic portrayel of NASA, the astronauts, the US Government, or even the physical reality around us. The film tried to capitalize off of saying, "This could really happen!" and then lurched into a second half in which the events portrayed could never have occurred. It used reality to get you to care, then discarded it when it wasn't convenient. This movie was filmed like a two and a half hour music video in which brawn wins over brains and the public is supposed to swallow it. For space-related movies that don't assume you're a total idiot, see Apollo 13 or From the Earth to the Moon.I give it two stars because of Billy-Bob Thornton, the fantastic effects work, and the fact that it was still better than Broken Arrow and The Jackel.
The Wooden Mob Key components to this movie -1, The Mob 2, LV 3, Seigel&Hill; 4, Beatty&Bening;The screen play is of the highest calibre, with a detailed retelling of the Seigel story. Further the acting of certain characters is excellent, Harvey Keitel and Ben Kingsley.Sadly I fear Beatty's performance falls, at times, into slapstick - more of the vein of Stallone in "Oscar" than one of the most feared players of Murder Inc.I summary I'd say if you are a fan of the genre watch this movie despite Beatty, and if you are a fan of Beatty watch this movie despite the genre!
Fullframe Only DVD Stinks! I love this movie but I hate the DVD!This should have included a widescreen option instead of just only having fullframe!The fact that they gave the movie the old chop chop on this DVD stinks!
Classic! Greatest Hits for sure! Could've used some other songs and/or videos I particularly enjoyed, such as 'Chain Reaction' and 'Lovin' You Is Easy'; however, it's got a good mix of music videos and live shows. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that the song 'Any Way You Want It' was taped live; I liked the actual video for that better, and would have preferred that on the DVD. Other than that - song choice is phenomenal, you really get to feel how Journey's sound and vibe, courtesy of its change in vocalist, keyboardist, and drummer, has shaped and re-shaped itself over the many years. All in all - a great nostalgic DVD, and a must for Journey collectors!
The best movie ever made. Just to sum it up. I am going to make what could be a very long story and convert it into a very short one. Just to sum it up, MEAN GIRLS is the best movie ever made, at least in this reviewer's opinion. In fact, no other movie comes within a micrometer of its brillance. It is and always will be a legend; It has never been and never will be surpassed.
What the heck is this? The fine print on this title says that it's from Allegra Entertainment, copyright 2006. However, based on the washed-out cinematography, poor film quality, low-budget costumes, and portentious narration style, if this was made after 1970, I'll eat the disk. There are no credits or supplemental information of any kind on the disks, and there's no listing for it on the internet movie database, nor can I find anything about it with Google. Does anyone have any idea whether this used to be called something else, and when the heck it was made?
Good "Comic" Flick As a stand alone movie, the movie is a good action movie with elements of romance and class struggle tossed in, but not to the point the movie becomes "depressing" or utterly dramatic to the point you forget its an action movie. Like some of the reviewers before me, I realized when I bought my ticket what kind of movie I was in for, and actually it turned out better than the Batman, Superman and Spawn movies combined.For one thing its Spiderman, and so it goes and looks on screen as close to any comic book adaptation should get to looking like...well a comic. The action is similar to the old comic book and cartoons and the characters don't get utterly ridiculous like they did in all the batman sequels. If you like action movies or dig comics than this movie is a blast.
most boring clouseau film of all Number one in the franchise and probably the most boring, this film takes ages to get going, and when it does is really anticlmactic. Clouseau has a minor role compared to the others.
A Great Movie Although there were a few flaws this was a great movie. It was very funny and I highly recomend it.
It's Sucking My Will to Live!!! Movie buffs still hotly debate whether Don Siegel's 1957 cult classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a cautionary allegory against McCarthyism, or against communism. I have a different take.For years, I've observed buttoned-down suburbanite neighbors zip around their gated communities in Volvos, while their urban counterparts in the subways hold half-folded copies of the New York Times in one hand and Starbucks lattes in the other as they head into the city for another day's gray labor.Yeah, they all seem human. But little clues tip me off that they may be the "Pod People" living among us, undetected.Observe the truncated and polished facial mannerisms--their lips move only a few millimeters when simulating a smile, or when assuming an expression signifying displeasure. Neither do their voices modulate much--just a fraction of a decibel separates detached caution in their voices from full-throated reserve.But, the dead-giveaways are those canvas tote bags in which they haul their daily rations of organic fruits, and the ceramic coffee mugs that dispense their designer coffees and teas. You can see embossed on these the secret symbol that identifies these metrosexual cyborgs to each other: "n p r."A parasitic entity that feeds off the lifeblood of its hard-working, taxpaying hosts, National Public Radio broadcasts messages that can be deciphered only by such artificially engineered clones. For news reports about their unwitting dupes, they perk their ears to the calm, deceptive monotony of "All Things Considered." So that they can be seen "listening" to music, they fill their office cubicles, at around volume level "3," with the restrained sounds of mostly Mozart (though never anything so gauche as Don Giovanni) and Bach (though never anything so vulgar as Stokowski's orchestration of Toccata and Fugue).And when these bloodless creatures return in the evenings to their ethnically cleansed, gentrified lofts, they "entertain" themselves with the gentle "humor" of Garrison Keillor's homey little corner of NPR-land, "A Prairie Home Companion." Since it requires of its listeners very little laughter, APHC provides them with further camouflage, helping them maintain the public pretense that they are actually human beings, possessing not only a sense of humor, but even souls.Well, anyway, that's my conspiracy theory, and I'm sticking to it. How else to explain how an oafish dullard like Keillor could convince a segment of the population that he's Mark Twain reincarnated, and that his monumentally tedious nattering about the tiresome folk of some lake in Minnesota is fraught with "irony"?So when I heard that Robert Altman was slated to direct this movie, I thought: "Wow! I'm sure glad they got him to breathe some friggin' life into this dreck!" After all, Altman has graced the screen with some of its most memorable treasures, from the Burt Lancaster/Gary Cooper Western Vera Cruz (1954) to the raucous World War II flick The Dirty Dozen (1967). Two of his classics, Flight of the Phoenix (1965) and The Longest Yard (1974), have even been remade recently.Then, I suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, dummy: that was Robert Aldrich! Robert Altman was the guy who directed M*A*S*H (1970), one of the few comedies in movie history that had to ride the coattails of the TV sitcom it spun off."Still, I decided to give this pic a chance anyhow, going in with such low expectations that I was sure to be pleasantly surprised. No dice. What I found instead was a trite, befuddled, pointless cinematic mess that made my earlier expectations seem like cockeyed optimism.What, you may wonder, is this movie about? Well, it's about an hour and three-quarters. Seriously, though, let's take Keillor at his word: "It's the kind of program that died fifty years ago, only someone forgot to tell the performers." For sure. In reality, it's about as authentic as the manufactured quaintness of a Cracker Barrel Restaurant: If you're not paying too close attention, or if Alzheimer's has set in, you might actually believe that the old-fashioned country crafts really are made by backwoods hillbillies, and not by slave labor in some Chinese factory.A Prairie Home Companion brims with allegory. Well, to be nice, let's call it that. The plot has Keillor's ensemble of Hee Haw! wannabes putting on their last show at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre in St. Paul, broadcast on station WLF, which the script implies is being run by Mom and Pop from their kitchen table, and not by the governmental bureaucracy at Minnesota Public Radio. However, a real greedy Texan (Get it?), subtly named "The Axeman" (Tommy Lee Jones), wants to shut them down. Oh, if only some angel in the wings would waft in as the Axeman cometh, putting all his greedy, budget-cutting Evil to a halt, so that Keillor could continue to delight audiences (Podiences?) in perpetuity...To convince his listeners--and hopefully, the dreaded Axeman--Keillor and crew put on a show to end all shows. Truly. I've never seen such an ensemble of gifted and acclaimed thespians acting their hearts out: Kevin Kline, Woody Harrelson, and Meryl Streep give inspired performances.Unfortunately, they are inspired performances of an excruciatingly amateurish script. I think Keillor learned his screenwriting craft from one of those correspondence courses that they advertise on matchbook covers. The dialogue is embarrassingly stilted, the character development utterly absent. The confused staging is filmed by director of photography Edward Lachman, a one-note Johnny who appears to have learned his sole trick of moving the camera in lateral dollying--left-to-right, then right-to-left--at the Mr. Miyagi ("sand the floor") School of Cinematography.Virginia Madsen plays the movie's pivotal role, a rather earthy, sensual Angel of Death who's been sent to off you-know-who. She's convincing and nuanced, but her blocking is so clumsy that if the projectionist turned off the sound, you'd swear she could be cast as a tree in one of those elementary school Thanksgiving plays that parents are forced to attend. By the end of the movie, I found myself screaming inwardly at Madsen: "Kill this movie! Drive a stake through its heart! For the love of Christ, release me from this tedium!"So the NPR Pod People have now invaded The Cinema, too. And even though the film was screened only at "select" venues that run independent films, dozens of rave reviews from captive critics proclaim A Prairie Home Companion a shoo-in for a load of Oscar nominations.Will these alien invaders succeed in their takeover of our planet? Not if we act now! It's still not too late to put up blockades and prevent trucks from delivering DVDs of this life-sucking movie to video stores in our hometowns. For if we don't, Kevin McCarthy's doomed prophesies from the original Body Snatchers may still come to pass:"Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you! They're after all of us! Our wives! Our children, everyone! They're here already! YOU'RE NEXT!"
I love this movie I have 2 of her cd's one on the way. 1 of her movies. and now I want everything of hers. and I want to meet her family...
leonardo diCRAPrio a good actor?! i don't think so! first of all leo is an awful actor and looks like kate winslet's child, not her lover! the movie was way to long and the only part of the movie that was interesting was the last part of the movie. and even that was awful. it was gross with all those dead, frozen babies and people in the water. kate winslet and billy zane are awesome actors. they did not deserve to be in that horrible movie! and the lines " i'm king of the world!" and "i'm flying!", were the worst lines a movie can have!
Watch and enjoy This is a film that can be enjoyed on three levels. First, if you're a fan of the show (such as I) you'll enjoy the tension this film creates and the way in which it adds to the mythology that's been driving the show for over seven years now. Second, the film survives on the action, suspense genre level. This film creates a level of intensity unsurpassed by many films. Lastly, any conspirator will love it. A secret society, out of the bounds of the government but able to power it, are hiding the exsistence of entraterrestrial life. A must see film on any level.
Deanna Dubdin DVD's Well finally some movies that I have waited for from those old years are coming out. I have Three Smart Girls, and Three Smart Girls Grow Up. I have 3 CD's of Deanna Durbin, and I do love to hear her sing..... Can not wait to get this Sweetheart Pack.....At home I was always playing over and over Invitation to the Dance and Loch Lomond and the Last Rose of Summer.....WOW !!
Electric and Alive This is one of the most exciting films I have seen in a long, long time. It's a story that could only be told in this medium, and it uses the medium in the telling.Got that? I know it's become cliche to say that a film has broken new ground, but this one really has. It's so fun to watch you'll find yourself on the edge of your seat, palms sweaty, pulse racing.An amazing film. I loved it.
Across 110th st. This was one of the best movies I have ever seen. The acting by Pam Grier, Robert DeNiro, and especially Samuel Jackson was supurb. I can't wait for this movie to come out on Dvd.
It should have been better! Robots is what happens when you take a simple story, put it in the hands of talented animators and an exceptional case of actors to provide the voices; and then just allow the project to drift. For all its promise, the movie just falls flat on its face. I'm guessing that there was no strong guiding force with a coherent vision to bring all of it together. Read on and you'll see what I mean.The story is simple enough, "young robot inventor heads off to the big city to make good, encounters evil corporate titan that has unseated the benevolent founder of his business, and struggles to make things right." Rodney Copperbottom wants to become an inventor for Big Weld Industries, and work for his idol, Mr. Big Weld -- whose philosophy has always been to make life better for the common robot. The overall vision of this alternative robot universe is quite compatible with the far, far better Monsters Inc., but the details just seem to get jumbled. Consider the transportation system of Robot City, which combines elements of the game MouseTrap, pinball arcade games and gyroscopic toys from the 50's. It all makes for a great visual, and a chuckle or two, but does little to advance the story.The animation is detailed and well done, perhaps a little too well done. The detail is extraordinary, and I suspect it looked great on a movie house screen. But viewing it on DVD, you're tempted to hover over the pause button just to answer the many "what the heck was that in the background?" questions. But again, these little details do little more than generate a smile or two, while the story just limps along.That brings us to the cast. Ewan McGregor and Greg Kinnear provide the voices for Rodney and his nemesis Ratchet, and they do a good job with generally bland material. But the tragedy of this production is that someone recruited Robin Williams and Mel Brooks (arguably two of the funniest men on the planet), and then gave them sober pills! Whereas on Disney's Aladdin, Williams was given free rein to adlib and build his character, on can almost see the script supervisor hovering over him as he stood at the microphone reading his lines for Robots. The same with Mel Brooks, the voice is there but the jokes obviously came from someone else.It's not necessarily a bad movie, but it's not worthy of the popularity that the previous work from this creative team (Ice Age) turned out. It ends up looking rushed and pieced together, and never really makes a connection with the audience.
Very awesome! These videos have been hard to find until recently. They bring back some teen age memories. I recommend them to anyone who likes the macabre.
Alright, fine . . . I'll read the Harry Potter books. I'll wear fake glasses, speak in quotes, and get a t-shirt with HP on it. I have officially become a fan. No constant urgings from all my other siblings made me run for the book as did this movie. It's got a piece of all those wonderful things i've read in other books combined together to form this surprisingly epic story. The movies always begin on the light side, fun esp. for kids, but by the end it becomes so much more as the real heart of the story is revealed. Harry has all the qualities of a hero, which are questioned as well as played out more and more through each film.I liked the first movie a lot (i LOVE the chess scene), but this one is definitely the winner. I can only say that i'll never bypass watching the movies in a theatre again!btw, i just began book one and am gushing already :)
A curiosity but hardly watchable. A renowned and influential work of movie history that manages to tell the story of Dracula at a sufficiently vibrant pace. Since the story has been done so many times since, it is entirely predictable to the modern viewer, and the melodramatic pantomime of the day causes what was once a very frightening film to seem rather comical.
GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE... It's those damn bullets!We all know this movie is about attacking the Constitution and the few remaining fragments of our right to bear arms.Every Michael Moore movie is unwittingly a documentary on the dangers of "Super Sizing" your every hourly meal. Everybody, don't eat super-sized fast food meals every hour on the hour. It will turn you into a big fat bloated greasy whale and it severely lowers your IQ.
you'll have the time of your life! DIRTY DANCING is still the ultimate guilty pleasure (runners-up include FLASHDANCE and TOP GUN). The film shot Patrick Swayze into the realms of super-stardom and spawned two hit albums and a touring concert event.Frances 'Baby' Houseman (Jennifer Grey - BOUNCE, TV's "Friends") is vacationing with her parents and older sister at a resort in the Catskills. There, she meets dance instructor Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze - GHOST, CITY OF JOY). The two opposites immediately attract when Johnny's knocked-up dance partner (Cynthia Rhodes) has to get an abortion leaving Johnny to find a replacement - quick. Baby volunteers, and so begins the glittery, music-filled love story.The film also features Broadway veterans Jerry Orbach and Kelly Bishop as Baby's parents.This new Special Edition DVD includes the full 'Dirty Dancing Live in Concert' which included performances by Merry Clayton and the original dancers from the film. There is also the trailer, behind-the-scenes footage and a commentary track.
An under-rated movie I share the opinion of several other reviewers that "Geronimo" is an outstanding -- but undervalued -- Western. Let me tick off some of the reasons why this is such a good movie.First, the scenery and the cinematography are fabulous. Some of the photography deliberately imitates great scenes from other Westerns in the past. I was overcome with deja vu at the scene in which a file of mounted Apaches is silhouetted on the skyline. This is right out of John Ford's "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" if memory serves me right.Secondly, the performances of Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall, and Wes Studi, as Geronimo, were outstanding. Matt Damon and Jason Patric were fine as young cavalry officers, and I liked the performance of Steve Reevis as Chato, a friendly, trusting -- and ultimately disillusioned -- Apache scout. Third, the movie was reasonably true to fact and avoided the "noble savage" philosophy that made movies such as "Dances with Wolves" tiresome. Nor did the movie gloss over the perfidy of U.S. policy toward the Apaches.The story of the long pursuit of Geronimo and his tiny band of Apaches by thousands of soldiers and Apache scouts is an American epic. Perhaps what "Geronimo" the movie doesn't have, and thus didn't capture the attention of the critics and the public, is a blockbuster scene that raises you out of your seat. But I thought "Geronimo" was an honest, informative, well-made film that should be rated among the top twenty Westerns of all time.
Wish there was more .... This is not as much about "sex" appeal or exposure than the sport and love of b-ball and a group of close friends. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the season and was left feeling that there should be more to this ....
Worth A Look There were a lot of gaps in the plot but, then when isn't there? Lots of action, nail-biting suspense and another chance to see a sterling performance by Harrison Ford. My only real complaint was that Gary Oldman couldn't be a good guy..even once.
What a DVD should be. I won't fill this review with a summary of the movie, or with a feeble attempt at criticism. If you are interested in buying the DVD, you have probably already seen the movie, and been captivated by either the special effects, or the paradox of virtual reality.This DVD package - which includes several "making of" documentaries as well as commentary on the music and special effects - is what a DVD should be. They allow a causal viewer to see the movie in the way it was intended, and allow the fan(atic) to watch what went on behind the scenes. If you are a music buff like me, the commentaries on the score are especially cool. Best of is the "white rabbit" setting, which allows you to view some behind the scene footage in the context of the movie. All of the extras are outstanding - certainly worth the price of the DVD alone.If you loved the Matrix, get the DVD - even if you don't have a DVD player. You probably will have one eventually, and when you do, this is the disk you are going to want to slip in first. Trust me.
Didn't enjoy! Don't think I laughed once. Thought it was boring. I've heard a bunch of people say they liked it... So after that build up I was expecting more.
My favorite of the Die Hard series and truly under rated....... Yes, the original Die Hard is a masterpiece of action cinema but for sheer entertainment value Die Hard 2 can't be beat. The thing I like about it is the scale and scope and if this wasn't called Die Hard and didn't star Bruce Willis as John McClane, DH2 would get a lot more respect as an action movie. This was also the last good DH movie as 3 & 4 were trash.
Shallow and formulaic This movie about a sports agent who loses his job and tries to restart his career is cartoonish and predictable. Jerry Maquire (who Tom Cruise portrays in his characteristic intense style, as if intensity were the hallmark of great acting--the same way Billy Joel will hammer a keyboard in search of applause) bets his career on another down-and-outer. Along the way, he finds support in a secretary with a moffit-looking son. He marries her, falls out of love with her, then proclaims his love for her with some phrase about "you complete me." It is as if this movie became a cliche of cornyism as soon as it was released.
Don't waste your time If you want a cool car chase movie, get the original. This was the worst movie of the year. I'd rather watch A Night at the Roxbury than to suffer through this movie again.
Superb Emotional Crash, BEAUTIFUL I first saw this movie about a year ago and instantly loved it.I'm not keen on Jim Carrey, but this time, he hit the nail, and delivers an amazing character: Joel BarishI liked Kate Winslet on some movies, but I fell in love with her on this.This movie shows us an introspective voyage in a relationship, most people will identify with either Joel, Clementine, Mary, or Patrick. It shows us the up's and down's through a timeline of Joel and Clementine's relationship. It's truly an emotional rollercoaster, so, if you like full comedies, you'll probably hate this movie. It -IS- a happy movie though, it has some comedic things, but most the story involves sad moments.Other than "the" process, this movie could be completely non-fiction.The music in the movie (by Jon Brion) is a trip after watching the movie (I own the soundtrack). GET THE SOUNDTRACK!(Mostly score music)The extras on the "Collectors Edition" are kind of mediocre, but it will satisfy the EXTREME fan (I am). Apart from the extras on the regular edition, there is a talk with Kate Winslet and director Michel Gondry, and a look inside Eternal Sunshine... some effects interviews and something like that.The package is BEAUTIFUL.
Wonderful flick for all ages Don't think just because it says Disney/Pixar on the cover that the movie is only for kids. Adults will also enjoy the journey of Marlin and Dori searching for Nemo who has been caught by an avid collector of tropical fish. Ellen DeGeneres is hilarious as the voice of Dori, the fish whose memory is nearly non-existent. The movie is visually appealing as well and the humor will make children of all ages laugh.
Disappointing Flick! Although I am great fan of Katie Holmes I was very disappointed of this movie. You can see that David Nutter never directed a movie for screen before. He directed some X-Files episodes, and you can see it. Everything is very X-Files like. When you watch the film it's like seeing a tv-movie not a like a movie for screen. Most annoying is the score by Mark Snow, there are very few moments in the movie without music and that annoys. Mark Snows music for X-Files was great, his score for Disturbing Behavior is aweful. The movie isn't very scary at all, the only scene that was scary is the one when James Marsden and Katie Holmes are in the psychatry. Also the performance of the actors, especially Nick Stahl, who was terrible, wasn't very good. The only thing I really liked about this flick was this song by the Flys called "Got you where I want you, a great song. Rent it but don't buy it! When you want to watch a great movie with Katie Holmes, then watch "Go" or "Teaching Mrs. Tingle", or better watch both.
Be happy that we are here. Despite the holocaust that can happen to anybody,this movie shows deeply that as a child,everything you see around you is in it's nature.The heart of a child can feel the joy of living,while we (grown-up children) often look for the shade or nuance of everything....we judge,compare,condemn and critic.We are duped by all the happenings around.'Don't nourish the mind of a child with bad events',that's the message Benigni is telling us thru' his comedy.Because life IS really beautiful.
u must think im crazy im not into this fairytale frodo fairy stuff so i dont like it. maybe it'd be easier to watch if it was shorter. it seemed to drag on and on especially in the 2nd film
The Upside of Plot Twists My sole reason for writing this review is to take issue with Amazon reviewer Steve Wiecking's comment that screenwriter Mike Binder ". . . tosses in a wrongheaded climactic twist and terrible explanatory narration from young Wood" at the end of the film.Joan Allen's portrayal of a woman's descent into alcoholism is only kept above water by her subtle comedic talent otherwise the movie could degenerate into a deep depression similar to Meg Ryan's portrayal in A Man and a Woman. Even still, the movie threatens to become tedious until it is saved by that `wrongheaded climactic twist' which changes everything then ends with the explanatory summation by the youngest daughter.For me the plot twist is what elevates the movie into one of the best movies of its genre. Then the youngest daughter's summation is not gratuitous exposition, it is the dialogue she supplies for her film project (the movie-within-a-movie subplot) so it is entirely in context plus it puts a neat little bow on the ending of this film.Mr. Wiecking's comment puzzles me. Without the `wrongheaded climactic twist and terrible explanatory narration' of The Upside of Anger you end up with the unfulfilling, depressing conclusion of A Man and a Woman. The difference between the two movies is the reason why romantic dramas require Happily Ever After endings. How can that conclusion escape a professional reviewer of movies?
Spiritual Loved this vhs gives hope and postive thinking a very good message for all postive and i loved it. thanks
Very little Da Vinci and practically no Code! The most interesting thing about going to see this film was watching all the misguided churchies standing out the front of the cinema unintentionaly drumming up business by telling passer bys the evils of the Da Vinci Code.After watching The Da Vinci Code, I realised the most fascinating part of this story was reading all revelations about Christianity it had to offer (although some fictious), because when you strip away all this (like the film has), all you are left with is a by the numbers thriller with two likeable lead actors, that in my opinion were wasted. Maybe they should of used Harrison Ford like Dan Brown suggested in the novel as he seems more suited these days to mediocre thrillers.Another strange point about the film was that there was very little Da Vinci and even less about the codes he left in his artwork. Da Vinci's Codes were the major point of topic in the book, hence the title of the film. If you hadn't read the book wouldn't you be a little confused why the film was called The Da Vinci Code?In my opinion, read the book and rent the movie on DVD when it comes out or better yet, read Holy Blood, Holy Grail (book The Da Vinci Code was based on) and watch one of the doco's on the subject as the ideas are much more interesting than the story.And to all the Churchies who feel the need to protest, don't you realise your just giving free publicity?!!
If you don't LOVE flamenco, it's not worth it In the movie, Flamenco Women, if you don't absolutely love the art of dancing and flamenco, it is not worth it. Although it would be an excellent documentary, it does nothing for aspiring dancers, or viewers who want to learn more about flamenco.
Even Better Than The Original Jet Li once again reprises his role as Master Wong. OUaTIC2 takes the first film and makes it even better. I like the continuation of the characters this movie has. Things have changed since the first film and change even more during it. This introduces the White Lotus society as a mystical force that is demanding that the Westerners leave China, by any means. The action sequences of this film out do and are better than what we see in the original film. This movie also leaves behind the realism and goes more towards a fictional story, it even says that a lot of the film is fictional at the beginning. Overall, really great and if you like the first film, you will LOVE this. It is even better!
a total bad ending to a possibly good anime It could of been a 3 star anime but the ending was awful just like in that movie battel angel (my teacher uses these three words im about to say) I HIGHLY SUGEST you buy somthin else cause a popular charcter died in the end i cried im very sensitive ok enuffa that I Will list 3 other god animes 1 sorceror hunters 2 dirty pair original 3 macross plus or any thing but this ADV made a bad mistake but ADV has made me so happy that can forgive the company
Disappointing My kids (3 and 2) loved Tarzan. Great plot, great music, great animation. When they saw the new Tarzan and Jane, they were bored by it. It lacks everything Tarzan has. This is an example of Disney trying to make some quick cash on an original big hit.
Get in touch with your inner goddess! I loved this DVD! Great workout, very sensuous and spiritual and fun. I thought the dancers were beautiful and talented.The two reasons I didn't give this DVD a perfect 5 stars are:(1) no instruction beforehand on the moves(2) that annoying logo that appears on every frame!I have done the twins (Neena and Veena) workout for beginners and enjoyed it very much. I was ready for more of a challenge and this one is definitely that. Got my heart racing, that's for sure!
really bad...almost not watchable george lucas says this will be a good movie after episode 3 comes out. but i can't see why.i've tried to like this movie but its so hard. its not good at all. its painful to watch. its too juevenile.its just dumb and jar jar is the worst character thought of in the movie universe. he actually makes Howard the Duck look respectable.
Excwllent Classic Taranteno. Travola exceptional, Kietal was superb. cast excellent, What an adventure of live by the sword die by the sword
Great buy I wanted this video for my two-year-old granddaughter and I wanted it to be new. I was very delighted with my find - A brand new disc, and it really was. The service was great, arrived promptly in exactly the condition described (brand new!!). I would deal with this vendor again, maybe soon (I think I now know the movie by heart, my granddaughter definitely enjoys it).
STYLISH STOOPIDNESS James Cann is an adult, not a kid, in the 1980s, not 1930s, who thinks he can do just one job for the mafia and then quit, with no trouble from the mafia!!!!Even back in the 1930s, with LITTLE CAESER, Douglas Fairbanks Jr couldn't just quit the mob.There are some nice gore, violent, scenes, especially for the stupid and stylish climax in which James Cann practically goes out his way to screw himself over before the mafia can screw him over! That's how dumb this movie is---Cann at the climax ruins his life in order to get revenge on the mafia! Go figure.3 stars if you don't care for common sense, and love movies with shiney wet streets, and fancy lights at night.
My Blue Hell They say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Well, I can say, "this is a really great movie, like I'm sure!", sound in the knowledge that there is, indeed, a lower form of wit. I sincerely believe that "Schindler's List" is more likely to raise a laugh and can only hope that "Customers who bought this video also bought:" A home labotamy kit. Preserve your intellectual integrity and look elsewhere for laughs.
Modern Slavery & How It Must Be Confronted This is a deeply disturbing film, about the deeply disturbing subject of human trafficking.As per the U.S. State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report 2007, "[Human trafficking] deprives people of their human rights and freedoms, it increases global health risks, and it fuels the growth of organized crime... [Each year,] approximately 800,000 people are trafficked across national borders, which does not include millions trafficked within their own countries. Approximately 80 percent of transnational victims are women and girls and up to 50 percent are minors. The majority of transnational victims are females trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation."Last year marked the 200th anniversary of British parliamentarian William Wilberforce's efforts to end the slave trade. It was New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith, who authored and championed the first anti-trafficking legislation. Wilberforce and Smith shared/share a passionate belief in the sanctity of each and every human life. Smith is also co-chair of the Pro Life Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Duke in charge even without a horse and sixgun. A movie based on the exploits of the famed 'Red Adair' oil well fire fighter needs an even more famous star like John Wayne. The entire cast work well to make the film a thrilling and believeable story about the kind of men who chase danger around the globe fighting fires at oil wells. The live action footage is amazing but even the fires created for the camera are incredibly realistic.
Enter The Dragon All Time Classic! Enter the Dragon (ETD) was the last completed film of legendary martial arts expert Bruce Lee. It was Lee's dream to achieve international success and it is of extreme irony that he did not live to see all his dreams fulfilled. At least he left behind his legacy which includes ETD. Lee (character has the same name) is sent on a mission by a British organization of "information gathers" to infiltrate Han's (Shih Kien)island at an international tournament that is held every three years. Lee shares screen time with Williams (Jim Kelly middleweight karate champion) and Roper (John Saxon). The film was the first U.S.-Hong Kong co-production and was intended to introduce Lee to an international market.While the film borrows heavily from Dr. No of the James Bond series it is Lee that separates this film from the mundane. Lee's screen presence is undeniable only surpassed by his phenomenal ability as a martial artist. His battle with the guards in the under ground dungeon is "extraordinary" as Han so aptly observes. Lee's mega watt glare is also a site to behold particularly when he stares down an unsuspecting henchman who dare's to question why Lee is not in the provided uniform. ETD is directed by Bob Clouse who actually does a good job freeing up the surroundings so that Lee has plenty of room to strut his stuff. All of the fight sequences were staged and expertly executed under the direction of Lee. A testament to this is that 30 years after it's initial release ETD can still hold it's own next to the more special effects driven features like "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" or "Kiss of the Dragon."In the climatic scene of ETD Lee exacts revenge on Han in spectacular fashion. I recommend this DVD without reservation it is simply a true classic in every sense of the word!
It was Sweet in the Theater! And a "Must See!" Since I was born in '86, I never saw it in the theater. When the special edition came out, I rushed to the theater and saw it! Star Wars in the theater is the way it should be seen every time it's watched! If you haven't seen it, and are a Sci-Fi fan, rent it first. If you like it, buy it!!!
The Best of Christie Murder on the Orient Express is undoubtedly the best Christie mystery ever filmed. Not only is the acting superb, the producers and writers stayed very close to the original novel in their presentation, which was not true in later Christie presentations by the same production team. But in Orient Express one gets a real feel for what it was like to travel from Istanbul on the Calais Coach.
Ben Hur 1925 I would like to reiterate the good reviews people have been giving the silent version of Ben Hur. Only a fraction of people who have seen the 1959 version have seen the 1925. Perhaps only a fraction of the people who buy this DVD will bother to check out the silent film.Well, I must say I found it very moving. I am used to people saying that this or that silent film is "excellent" - well, this silent movie really is excellent. The power of the imagery is up there with Metropolis and Caligari as a truly hallucinatory cinematic experience. My favourite parts of the movie include the bright shining Star of Bethlehem appearing in the sky - the incredible naval battle which looks better than the later version - the chariot race, ditto - and seeing Antioch and Rome.This silent movie is not only great for silent movie buffs - it may well be the ideal introduction to silent movies for modern people (along with Metropolis, though I think Ben Hur's storyline is much better).Now, watching the 1925 version also confirms to me what a terrific script writer the later movie had. The more primitive revenge story of the 1925 version is terrific, but it lacks the personal touch of the 1959 version. Emphasising Messala's past with the Ben Hur family was a master stroke.Also, you can see how the experience of the Holocaust affected movie making in the 1950s. The 1925 movie is full of melodrama; the 1959 movie is full of grit. The dungeons and the Valley of the Lepers begin to resemble Dachau and Belsen; the roman soldiers march with a fascistic arrogance not even dreamed of in the 1920s. Many in the postwar movie industry were expatriate Jews who had come out of an experience that put grit into the fantasy land of Hollywood.
PORTRAIT OF A GENERAL AT WAR One of the few great movie biographies. As long as this film is, there is not a let down moment. It's a marvellous character analysis of a man who lived for the war. Many priceless scenes with GEORGES C.SCOTT giving the best performance of his career. Among the highlights:PATTON and MONTGOMERY battling for their personnal ego;the general giving a slap to a war wounded and paying the price for his misconduct;his incredible knowledge about the history of wars;his incapacity to deal with the authority of his superiors etc.A truely fascinating study of a remarkable man who had guts.
beautiful tearjerker for the morally bankrupt SPOILER ALERT: This review contains a major plot revelation that must be mentioned in order to explain the major flaw in this movie.This movie looks exquisite, with a dynamite cast and is well plotted. All the things that explain why it is widely praised. Unfortunately, like Forest Gump (see my review), this movie is profoundly undermined by a perversion of morality. At the end of Casablanca, Rick says to Ilsa something to the effect of: "I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world." That "crazy world" being Europe on the verge of being made a permanent part of the Nazi empire. This movie turns that position on its head. Here, again, the protagonist is faced with a dilemma of deciding between his one true love and protecting his country from the Nazis - only his dilemma is even clearer because the choice is between disclosing important intelligence to the Nazis for an opportunity to search for a woman who is almost certainly dead. Given the title of my review, you can guess what he did "for love." Yet the audience is manipulated into weeping for this man rather than despising him. If you've not seen this movie, skip it. Stick with Casablanca and be reminded that, in times of crisis, a true adult is ennobled by love.
A Fabulous Journey! This is a very nicely done miniseries. I saw it on the television, but on video it is even better! I love the characters Virginia, Wolf, Tony, and Prince Wendell because they each have their own personalities. Another great aspect of the movie is the way the plot twists and turns. When you think one thing will happen, the exact opposite occurs! The best part about it, though, is that this isn't one of your average fairy-tales. It is a modern-day, more adventurous fairy-tale packed with every emotion imaginable. In short, this is a movie that nobody can miss!
A Reynolds Action-Comedy With A More Intense, Hard Focus I thought going into this that it was going to be along the lines of a "Smoky And The Bandit" (classic!) comedy, but, while retaining a healthy dose of humor "Gator" is much more of an action movie, and one of the better ones at that.Burt Reynold's character is a smalltime outlaw a la Bandit, this time making moonshine in the southern bayous rather than a trucker giving law enforcement officers fits breaking every traffic law and ordinance known to man. In the early going, when the movie is still in its comedy stages, they track him down (after some wild boat-racing action) with a proposition for Gator - end up in court facing a litany of charges that'll probably land him some serious jail time, or help them out going after the 'Really bad' bad guys. And thus it's off to infiltrate a group of criminals, one of them a friend from way back of Gator's, who are pretty much running things in a small city.At first this bunch, though clearly operating quite a bit further on the other side of the law than Reynolds's character, some like relatively smalltimers, with the same brand of charisma the 'small-time crooks/but not really Bad guys' type characters in movies of a certain vein have. But things change as we see the true nature of these characters's activities - prostituting runaway girls, burning down the properties of city residents who refuse to pay extortion money, etc. And how does Gator take to this side of his old friend's gang? Just ask yourself what reaction Bandit or Reynolds's character in "Deliverance" would have had and there you go. The catch is, his allies on the cop side want to keep him calmed down - they want to bust the whole ring and don't want their operation jeopardized by their undercover man kicking the holy hell out of one or two thugs. Enter the tension; the comedy part's pretty much done now.Burt Reynolds shine in this, and so do the actors playing the villains. Gator is helped along by not only the cops but some other likeable allies (including the wonderfully hot Lauren Hutton as Gator's love interest) and the bunch of them form a group that plays really well off each other. Although there are some fireworks-type action, the bulk of the action - surprisingly intense, by the way - is more head-on and very personal.A well-rounded action gem that I really hope won't be forgotten as the years go by.
Mick Foley is My Hero This is great look inside the life and career of the most hardcore athlete in the WWF. He is an unbelievable mic worker and one heck of a wrestler. I can recommend this video to any real wrestling fan. But be warned this video is hardcore, I mean come on it contains 3 faces of Foley.
Babe:pig of death and destruction Babe pig in the city was the worst movie that i think i have ever seen. first what is up with all the pain and suffering that the animals have to go through. ex: the bull terrior almost drowning, the little dog with the cart being thrown from the truck, and babe almost getting hung by the nooselike cord. Now you all had a chance to redeem yourselves by having a good plot but that even stunk. first it starts off modern, loking like sydney austraila, and l.a. then it goes off to looking like it is based in the 50's and when the movie ends it looks like it takes place in the 1920's. the plot was hard to follow, there was too much unnecessary violence with the animals, and after seeing the heartwarming story that babe started, this movie did a horible job of being a sequel. i think that this movie should not be shown to the faint of heart or animal lovers. i am very disappointed with this movie and i dont think it should even have one star. and for all those raitings that you put on that box, i shall never see a movie that those critics rate well ever again. BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C/O a small disgurtled viewer
Silly waste of an evening. This is a fun movie that keeps the action movie moving during the whole picture. But it is also pretty darn stupid so don't rope any intellectuals into watching it.The most clever part of the movie is the way the screenwriter messes with your expectations for the plot. This leads to some very funny scenes that will have you reaching for the remote to rewind and watch again.One of my favorite scenes is when two of the characters swim a long way under water to re-set some electrical breakers. This requires them to hold their breath for about 5 minutes and when they're finished one gestures to the other with a thumbs-up as if to say "What do you think? Want to get some air?""The special effects were awesome?" Are you kidding? "Awesome" if you mean that you are in awe a major studio would try to get away with it. If you watch the movie as if it were a cartoon you won't mind the effects but they are light-years behind Jaws which came out over 20 years ago.But still, if you're just looking for something silly to kill a couple of hours - this might be the movie for you. And if you're a young actor trying to break in to the business you'll want to rent it as a boost to your ego. You're sure to sit there and say to yourself "I can do better than that!"
classic well this is just a classic movie i loved every second of it .. and even though at times you can wonder what is going on .. who cares !! it is just a masterpiece ok :)
Films of Faith Collection The three films of this collectionFilms of Faith Collection (The Nun's Story / The Shoes of the Fisherman / The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima)were typical "nice" films. I would not hesitate in recommending any of these films for family viewing.After being a little tentative in placing this order, I found I had nothing to worry about.The quality of the films were good, the colour also was great and delivery was faster than expected. And the films lived up to expectations.As they say "olden but gooden"
Blind for sure but not color blind Washington DC at the end of the twentieth century right in the middle of gang wars and the very systematic trapping of negroes in drug dealing, street violence, vain aggressivity against the establishment, the government, justice, the prison system, you name the authorities and you have them all. It was the time when hip hop and rap were slightly moving towards a new trend, slam which was poetry, oral (in fact written most of the time, at least in the poet's head) and uttered in public, to an audience without music. The only tool was at most a microphone.That's the film and its argument. A young chap meets another one in some down town area and when he is doing his business with him, that man he is meeting is shot in the head. He runs. The chap did not die and hence could testify the person he was speaking with and who ran was not the killer. The charge being dropped, naturally though this has nothing to do with nature, he is charged with the possession of some illegal substance, in that case some marihuana. That's how justice is in many cases. Everyone is not DSK.Prison while waiting for the court hearing or the paying of an important bail. The description is brutal and totally unrestricted on the violence and the circles of influence, though modest on some more "intimate" forced dealings. He is then noticed for his slam poetry in the yard one day and that gives him the possibility to get out on bail and to meet another slam poet, a woman this time who was teaching the inmates how to read literature and write creative pieces of their own.On the day before or two days before his court hearing that is going to send him back to prison for a small stunt of two years or so, he is able to have some direct discussion with the poetess he got acquainted to and she introduces him to a slam club downtown where he is able to perform to an audience for the first time.Then we are left with the suspended question of what he is going to do on Monday: go to the court hearing or run on his bail.The film has been heavily in favor of the first solution and not some magic door out. It is hard to be convicted for a minor crime as a police compensation for the major crime he was accused of but did not commit and could not be prosecuted for.Remember American justice does not look for the truth or justice itself. It looks for what can go through a court, i.e. get to a conviction, or what can get the local attorney reelected. Remember DSK. The facts are proved and reported including by a hospital report but there will be no trial because of some shady elements in the personality of the victim that may bring a jury to a non-guilty decision. So the culprit runs free though not cleared of the accusation that could not and did not go through court. A cleared culprit that will never be convicted nor tried. This small film will remind you of this simple fact.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
Awesome movie. I watched this movie awhile back after seeing it referenced in a bunch of other things. I absolutely loved it.
Makes No sense I had to watch this movie one time and i got to say that this movie makes no sense at all.None.Some girl sits on a tree and some woman takes her to some place with dancing silverware.Keep Your Money.
Best rendition of this movie I've seen I've loved this movie since I was a child. I own the DVD version, and recently got a Blu-Ray player. This is one movie I definitely wanted to own in HD. This is definitely a higher quality transfer than the regular DVD version. Not only is it more detailed and crisper than the DVD version because of the increased resolution, but they also seem to have taken time to clean up the image some. There is less artifacting, and colors seem more natural and vibrant than in the DVD version.
Please release on DVD I can't wait it to release on DVD format. I loved this movie so much and It 's not bored to watch it many times.
Air Force 1 - Supre BIt Version Don't bother buying the super bit version. I didn't see a difference. And I also didn't see any increase in the bit rate. It was between 6 and 8 all the time. But so is the standard version.The movie is a great action movie and if you like those kinds of movies, you'll like this one.
The original kung-fu classic...nothing comes close The original kung-fu classic Five Fingers of Death is not only the first of its kind but still is the best directed and choreographed kung-fu film to date.Most kung-fu movies today are all about special effects (Yes...even WITH the kung-fu). Yeah, I've seen it all: Martial Artists flying in the air thinking they can defy gravity. Others punching their foes so hard that they literally fly fifteen feet forward into a brick wall (again defying gravity). But what did Five Fingers of Death have? Trampolines! And that was only for jumping in the air! If it wasn't for that trampoline idea, future kung-fu movies would've never have thought of using other crazy special effects that would make their characters almost look like gods. But to be honest with you, special effects have gone too far in today's kung-fu movies. I say the more realistic it is, the better. Anyway...when it came to the choreographed fight sequences in Five Fingers of Death, you can tell that these martial artists were for real. Not only do you see Chinese fists fly, but Japanese samurai slicing foes! The fight sequences with the sword-wielding samurai were again, very realistic. I may be crazy but I'm pretty sure that the swords(if not all the weapons)in the movie were real. Why? Well if you study carefully at the movie, you notice three things:1)When our protagonist Chao Hao had to fight the two samurai, they seemed to have swung their swords very sluggishly, as if it were heavy.2)You would hear very authentic sounds from the steel of the swords whenever they clashed with other bladed weapons.3)The blades would shine whenever the sun was around.Well, that pretty much convinced me. Even if the director didn't have real weapons in the movie, then you have to give the guy some credit for making it seem real.I'm a huge film critic and I must admit, the directing in this film was masterful! You don't believe me? Well, watch the movie again and you'll notice this director has done many camera techniques(even for a low budget film)that only a master director can think of. Here's one example:*SPOILERS AHEAD!*When Chao Hao's old and new master dies, you notice that both turn green! Now why does the director do this? Well to be honest I'm not so sure myself, but I think it has something to do with the fact that they were both very close to Hao, and both were very wise. The director somehow wanted them to stand out, ya know, to make you realize that someone innoncent and important to Hao was dying. It could mean that, or it could be that they were just very pale after being tortured to death by that crazy villain. Either way, I thought it was a very interesting idea.*SPOILERS END!*I could mention many other cool camera techniques the director has done, but by the time I tell you all this I would ruin your fun with the movie and the review would never end! So I'm going to say one more thing and then I'll be done:If you're a big fan of kung-fu, then this classic is a must have. Don't overly expect too much from the film, but watch it with an open mind. Remember, it's the first of its kind. The action is excellent, the acting is great, the directing is masterful, and the film is original.
A Clockwork Orange Impeccable work! Stunning performance with ingenious role-play. A film no other to be compared with. Although it is violent and raw on occasions, I think this is the best form of expressing the truth, without compromising the meaning and depth of the intended message.
Very good, short film for girls who love horses My daughter and I saw this at the IMAX theater, and now own the DVD. It's less than an hour, which is nice for parents. It's beautifull filmed, and the little girl is a fairly strong female character. The horse scenes are great, and it's a real hit with my 4-year-old and with our 8-year-old neighbor!
SEMPER VOMITUS Ryan Reynolds is one of those actors you have to ask yourself: Why is this guy a movie star? Yes, he's quite attractive, but his acting talents that I have seen (AMITYVILLE HORROR, WAITING, BLADE IV) are certainly minimal. And he's got such a whiny, rather effete, voice. So is it possible that looks can make a career? Oh, well, maybe I'm just jealous? Anyway, this movie has some funny moments, and it has some out and out gross ones. The scene with the bulldog and the subsequent eclairs is just too nauseating to make me laugh. And when Tara Reid gets revenge on her conceited beau by giving him a protein shake with Colon Blow, the results are explosive, but funny? Hmmm...the story of the seven year college student who doesn't want to graduate and face life is the supposed plotline, but it's really all an excuse for sexual innuendo and gross gags. But yes it does have some funny moments indeed. Kal Penn is funny as Taj and Daniel Cosgrove is surprisingly funny as the egocentric Richard (or Dick).
Lawrence of Arabia This is only the GREATEST FILM EVER! Your denying your right to living fully by not seeing this film. BUY IT! LIVE IT! Lawrence is only the film that stives beyond the obvious and delves into all that is man.Aaron Bartels
Should be called 'The Sickening Life' After running across Paris Hilton's awful 'book' in the bookstore, and seeing the reviews on this site of this DVD, I actually suffered through this to see if this was for real. Unfortunately, IT IS! These twits must be acting through the whole thing, because nobody could actually be that appalling, could they? But I really do not believe they are acting. This is pathetic! Have these people had no training whatsoever? Are they completely clueless in the etiquette department? This crap is not funny at all! The Leding family must have the patience of a saint, or perhaps, unlike their ungrateful guests, they just did not want to make fools of themselves on national tv. I would have thrown them out in the first 30 minutes! It is absolutely appalling to me how two totally disgusting, dishonest, wretched, lazy and downright stupid people can garner so much attention. This crap is an embarrassment to America! Who are their fans? Rebellious teens? Nothing these two did in this awful escapade was worthy of watching. Stealing, lying, picking on teen girls and taking their boyfriends? Dressing like hookers, acting unbelievably snobbish and stupid, and laughing at their hosts? And why wasn't Nicole Ritchie arrested for her little Clorox incident? People look up to these two because they happen to be born rich? And then some of their 'fans' say that people who look down on them are just jealous. What is there to be jealous of? All of their money combined, multiplied by 100 could never buy the most important things in life that they will never have: intelligence, honesty, compassion, gratefulness, morals, manners....I can only hope that this stupid 'reality' craze will soon come to a halt, and in ten years, nobody will remember who these morons are. Our culture has sunk to a new low!
Gross Gags Reign Supreme There is a fine line between the humor that results from sight and sound gags and the kind that are so lame that the viewer twitches in startled disbelief. Jim Carrey has done both types, but with ME, MYSELF, and IRENE, he slips unfunnily into the latter. Twin directors the brothers Farrely toss Carrey into a situation that needs the right touch to avoid bathos on the road to humor. Unfortunately, nowhere do they stop Carrey from overmugging. Carrey has made a career of twisting his rubberface and body, and most often gets away with it. But here, he is the victim of a split personality, a syndrome that does not lend itself willingly to comedy. Carrey is Charley, a Rhode Island state trooper whose wife has dumped him for an Afro-American dwarf. The introductory scene where the dwarf picks a fight with Charley is distinctly unfunny and painful to watch. Charley has spent a life repressing his feelings with the predictable result that deep within there is an aggressive bear who sounds like Dirty Harry trying to get out. Charley's alter ego is Hank, who tricks Charley's romantic lead Irene (Renee Zellweger) into sleeping with him by pretending he is Charley. Now if the Farrely brothers had limited the script into focusing solely on the triangle of Charley, Hank, and Irene, then a more believable comedy might have emerged. Instead, the Farrelys involve a totally unbelievable subplot that has Irene as some sort of witness to ecological criminal behavior at a golf course. What I found reprehensible was the frequent use of hiphop obscenties that filled every third scene. Since chase scenes in comedies really should avoid the real world association of blood and violence, it is incumbent on the cast and director to keep the focus on the comedy that results from the inevitable interaction between interesting characters. In ME,MYSELF, AND IRENE, the hoped-for comedy falls flat, and talented actors like Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger are forced to zero in on the toilet humor of a live chicken exploring the recesses of someone's butt. Only die-hard fans of Jim Carrey should see this one.
The complete Metropolis This new 147-minute version includes an extra 25 minutes of footage, previously thought lost.The film benefits from being remastered in 1080p and has a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack.Extras include a 50-minute documentary on the making and restoration of the film and an interview with Paula Felix-Didier who is the curator of Museo del Cine, Buenos Aires, where the missing footage was discovered in 2008.The restoration took a year and returns the film to the original release version seen by German cinema-goers in 1927.This release comes in a Limited Edition Collectible 3-D Lenticuar Box Packaging.
Not for Experienced Yoga Mamas! I would definitely not recommend this workout to ANYONE who has previously practiced yoga. It is not challenging in the least bit. There is a whole lot of fluff in it. Shiva Rea taks too much in the beginning and you can't ffwd through it. I just want to exericse! I don't want to listen to her ramble on! She spends much too much time on kegels which if you are in your first pregnancy are irrelevant bc those muscles are already fit! If you have done yoga alot pre-pregnancy, stick with a regular yoga dvd until you are so big you cant move, and just do some modifications, such as not doing corpse pose during relaxation bc you should not be on your back after 4 mos. I have this dvd and now I don't know what to do w/ it. I am considering sending it to one of my pregnant girlfriends who is less fit and has never done yoga. Honestly, heed my advice, don't waste your money if you want to be remotely challenged.
The Muppets Shine Again The muppets rocked my muppet world once again in this haliriously funny and heart-warming christmas story. Celebrate the holidays with the enite muppet, sesame street, and fraggle rock gang in this musical masterpeice.
Terrific sophomore venture LOCK STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS showed the new talent in the noir/comedy genre that is Guy Ritchie. SNATCH proves that he is terrific at what he does.SNATCH is a giddy, rollicking gangster comedy that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen hit the screen. LOCK STOCK was very good, but Ritchie proves that he has an original visual style that works well with his films' typical fast paced styling and editing. Ritchie's camera moves all over the place in odd spins and twists, jumpcuts, sudden speed changes, and pauses. It's brilliant camerawork that adds to the impact of the more serious moments of the movie.Even though it is the supporting cast that truly keeps this film chugging, every single actor is great in their part. Benecio is quite funny in his small roll, as is Brad Pitt, who steals every single scene he is in. But the fast paced, rapid-spit style dialog that is given by each actor is so funny that there seems to be no way anyone can screw it up. This is a guy film all the way, even considering that the only female actress who isn't nude is Pitt's "mother," who registers well in her roll. The actors have terrific chemistry with everyone, and that makes every performance even more believable.The story really can't be explained, since it's all over the spectrum, but it involves underground boxing, a HUGE diamond, a funny yet mean dog, and lots and lots of unsavory characters. Ritchie's script is full of terrific one-liners and spouts of hilarious dialog, along with some very interesting takes on things such as the birth of Jesus and the meaning of the word "Nemesis."One thing in great films always sticks out, making the film evern better, and in SNATCH, it's the music. It's a great blend of pop, techno, rock, and off-beat classical. Every character seems to have some sort of theme song that is perfectly matched with their personality.Overall, SNATCH is great fun. It's funny, smart, fast paced, and never bogged down in its own pomposity, as many ventures into this genre are. Ritchie, to me, is like Christopher McQuarrie (THE USUAL SUSPECTS, THE WAY OF THE GUN). He knows he is good in his genre, but it will be extremely interesting to see both of these great writer/directors as they move into unkown territory of film.
HERBIE'S BACK & GROOVIER THAN EVER! I've been a fan of Herbie, the Love Bug since 1984 and the dream of having the original classic put on DVD has finally become a reality! Loaded with features only The Disney Company could create!Audio Commentary With Dean Jones, Michele Lee, And Buddy HackettCartoon: "Susie -- The Little Blue Coupe"That Lovable BugThe Many Lives Of HerbieHerbie ManiaLost Treasures: Searching For Herbie1969 Disney Studio AlbumProduction GalleryBehind-The-Scenes PromoLove Bug Day At DisneylandThe Man Who Gave Herbie His VoiceDeleted Scenes: "Used Car Lot" & "Playground"Theatrical TrailerDVD CreditsRadio SpotsSound Studio 1: "Herbie On The Rocks"Sound Studio 2: "Thorndyke And The Bear"Production Stills: Production Photos, Concept Art, StoryboardsComic BookBiographies: Dean Jones, Michele Lee, Buddy Hackett, David Tomlinson, Robert StevensonAdvertising: Publicity, Posters, Merchandise, Press BookDocumentsScreenplay Excerpt: "Herbie Goes Over The Edge"1.75:1 Aspect RatioDolby Digital 5.1 Surround SoundWith THX remastering as well! Fasten your seatbelts because on May 20, the BUG is coming Back!
Hella fresh Superman box set! WOW! That's all I have to say about this box set. Around 13 DVD discs, TONS of extra features, and every important Superman movie ever made. You even get a brochure for 5 "free" Superman posters. I say "free" because you have to pay like $6 for shipping, but that's still a pretty good deal if you ask me. Get this !!!
Bought the DVDs and the Companion Book Another gift for our theatre fanatic. Haven't seen the actual DVDs, but did see part of the special on TV. Hopefully the DVDs will broadcast well. The companion book is well done; beautiful photographyy, a good information source. More than just a coffe table booki. Definitely something that will be enjoyed by lall who read it and reread it.
Awesome nostalgia! This was my favorite TV series as a kid. So happy I finally own the complete series on DVD. Fantastic!
naked lady in the sand My pal says its just a metaphor for marriage, which had never actually occurred to me, but on reflection, except for the trapping part, and the annoying sand down your pants part, and the incessant work for no reason, and the boringness of it all, he's right. Except that I take it for what it is; months and months stuck in a sand pit. Some metaphors aren't meant to be; neither simile, metaphor, analogy, or like anything else, its just about a naked lady in the sand, which is what I thought when I saw it when I was a kid. I liked it then, especially the hot part, and I like it now, the hot part and the long boring part. Good black and white too.
Disappointing, disturbing, and creepy. I loved this movie as a child. I remember being tense, scared, thrilled and enjoying this movie at the same time. So did my girlfriend, so I bougth it to see this once-cherished movie.The one good thing I will say about it is, the puppetry work from Jim Henson was really incredible. The movie, sad to say wasn't.The plot was interesting, but weak. The dialogue was non-existant in most of the movie, very little amount of words. It was disturbing, and creepy. There was little substance in the characters, and they were all one-dimensional.I give it one extra star for the puppetry work of Henson. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie.
It was the best movie ever. Linsay Lohan is the best actress that i have ever seen
Yes, it stinks That about sums it up. The most interesting thing about this film is the uncanny similarity between the voice and delivery of star Todd Eric Andrews and David Spade. But we already have one and we don't need another.
Yes, this movie is liberal propaganda. When you look at what is occurring in the Obama administration (e.g., Fast and Furious coverup, etc.) and what occured in the Clinton administrations (e.g., White Water coverup, Monica Lewinsky coverup, etc.), it makes you wonder why the big fuss over Watergate. If the same identical scheme were perpetrated today by the Obama administration, they would not even have to bother with a coverup. It would be considered too innocent to be covered as news. The liberals told us to "move on" after the Lewinsky scandal, yet they refuse to "move on" 40 years after the Watergate scandal.
Fish Hooks!!!? Fish Hooks!!!?A portly George C. Scott reprises his role from the 1970 classic Patton. Too bad this movie is awful. Briefly stated, this is a sequel that should not have been made. The flimsy dialog, poor editing, and cumbersome made-for-television format do no justice to Francis Ford Coppola's original epic. Be sure to note the expanding belt-line... only a few months in movie-time, but Scott looked like he'd been hanging out with Marlon Brando for the 16 years between films.
"Hold on, I'll check my notebook" After a minor fender bender and a heated argument, two men become locked in a battle of 'one upping' each other in a quest for revenge. Written and directed by Barry Levinson (Diner, Avalon, Rain Man, Wag the Dog), Tin Men stars Richard Dreyfuss as Bill "BB" Babowsky and Danny DeVito as Ernest Tilley.Set around 1962, the title, Tin Men, refers to aluminum siding salesmen. This is the profession of both BB and Tiley, although they work for rival companies. Throughout the movie, we are treated to different shady tactics employed by these salesmen to peddle their wares. A wonderfully funny movie, Dreyfuss and DeVito play their parts so well, taking two fairly unscrupulous characters and making them somewhat likable. They are supported by an excellent cast including Barbara Hersey as Tilley's wife, John Mahoney, Jackie Gayle, Seymour Cassel, and Bruno Kirby.The main crux of the movie revolves around BB and Tilley going back and forth, supported by subplots involving a failing marriage, an investigation by a governmental agency into improper business tactics, and a budding romance. The film did slow down a little near the end in tying up the various plot threads, but that mattered little to me, as it's a treat to see so much talent properly utilized. The casting is dead on, the dialog truly quotable and seemingly appropriate for the time, and the direction very professional. The musical score was well chosen, but I did wonder about the use of the band Fine Young Cannibals. Their signature song, Good Thing, fit the scene it was in nicely, but I've always had a bit of an issue with the use of contemporary music in movies set in the past. I'd rather see music of the period incorporated, with credit going to the artists of the time.The movie is presented in wide screen, and extras include a trailer, a deleted scene, and a commentary with most all major contributors to this movie, except Danny DeVito. I haven't had a chance to listen to the commentary, but given the people involved, I'll venture to bet it's pretty entertaining and informative.
A MASTERPIECE GEM!!!!! I was unsure at first about watching this movie. I asked a friend about this film and he sid that it was one of his favorite movies. Since my friend and I have the same taste in movies for the most part, I gave this movie a chance and I am glad I did. This movie is very moving in the tale of the life of Charles Foster Kane and the search of his last word "Rosebud". Orson Welles takes on a journey of the people that were in Charles life and the stories they had of Charles. It is not until the very final scene you find out about Rosebud.The filming was outstanding, the directing above the rest and the cast was incredible. Citizen Kane is one of the greatest motion picutres that I have ever seen and will have to own very soon.
repeat information The dvd is mostly repeat information from the great book by Debbie Ford "The dark side of the light chasers".I found the dvd very monotonous and boring. Stick to the book.
My daughter's favourite My daughter got this video when she was about 20 months and it has been a favourite ever since. She has always loved Kipper - probably because she has a fascination with dogs. The adventures of Kipper and his friends are fun and exciting and she laughs along with them.One of the stories on this video - The Visitor (about the gosling) is my daughters most favourite. The first time she watched it I couldn't work out why she was crying when the story ended and then I realised she was crying because the Kipper was saying goodbye when the gosling returned to his friends. She has tears in her eyes everytime she watches it and loves the story so much.Lovely videos - beautifully done with gorgeous animation - you only get as much background as you need to tell the story so a lot of the screen in white so you can concentrate on the story and not be overwhelmed by colour or other objects. Really lovely video to share with your toddler.