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Still a great show Some reviewers have complained that the quality of this season is markedly lower than its predecessors, so I ordered it under advisement. Thankfully, I found most of their complaints to be unwarranted---or at least exaggerated.True, in a couple of episodes, the strength of their argument seemed to be sacrificed to some extent to sheer entertainment value, such as the lesbian road trip in the hybrid car episode. But most of the episodes did a good job making their point, while also making fun of their opponents---something the show has always done. The Wal-Mart episode, the immigration episode, the ADA episode, and the nuclear power episode were all very well done. (Also, loved the gratuitous Ayn Rand plug in the anger management episode.)And the exorcism episode was hilarious.
Just Awful Avoid this at all costs. The story here is so confused that it's nearly impossible to tell what is actually happening. The subtitles only add to the confusion. To express how bad this movie is, I'll end with this...I watched the movie before reading the Amazon review and I could not figure out what the premise of the movie even was. Nothing syncs up and nothing goes anywhere.
26 AND STILL BELIEVING! First off, I have to say one of the reasons I still believe in Santa Claus is because I go to St. Nicholas Catholic Church, and Santa Claus is also called St. Nick. "Santa Claus The Movie" is the other reason.I first watched this movie about 15 or 16 years ago, whenever it came out in the theaters. I actually wanted to see "One Magic Christmas" more when they both came out, but decided instead to see "Santa Claus The Movie." And that was one of the best decisions. "One Magic Christmas" wasn't as good when I saw it a year or so later."Santa Claus The Movie" is my favorite christmas movie next to "Miracle on 34th Street" (both versions) and "A Christmas Story."By the way, David Huddleson plays an excellent Santa Claus.
Might be good, but I will never know! I purchased this DVD because my husband wanted to see it. We put the movie in the DVD player, and there were subtitles on the screen. I thought at first that this was only going to be at the beginning of the movie. I don't know about anyone else, but when I want to read a book, I buy a book. Anyway, we were both disappointed that this movie was only available in Spanish, and we have stubbornly refused to put the movie on again as we were so disappointed. I don't want to watch a movie that I have to read and lose some of it in translation... I tried to return it to the store we bought it from but they of course refused as it was already opened... I feel that I was misled by the packaging (all in English) and would love a refund!!!
I Still Love This Show! Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite show and this is my favorite season and I do not think season six is the darkest season, that in my opinion is season seven which I found to be much darker with the whole thing with the first evil, Caleb, the uber vamp and Spike having been brain washed to kill again.I have read some reviews by people bashing this show because they hate that they made Willow a lesbian.As a straight female who liked her relationship with Oz I must be honest that I had no problem with Willow deciding she was gay and I think the homophobic reviwers should just get over it.Anyway I liked Willow and I liked her first girlfriend Tara but I didn't like her second girlfriend Kennedy. Tara was so sweet and Kennedy was like the complete opposite of Tara and was so pushy and mean. She had an abrasive personality!
A ruddy-fantastic British comedy!! This film is a top example of why the British Film Industry is really taking off. Clever, witty, exciting, very amusing with a lovely twist in the tale - a must for all comedy fans!
De Niro is the BEST, however.. While the film's end makes you think, some may conceive Travis Bickle (De Niro's character) as more of a hero. He is supposed to be the psychopathic lonely man, not the vigilante. While Scorsese and Paul Schrader give us a fascinating study into the descent of madness, the film moves too slowly at times (Don't get me wrong. Attention to detail is everything; I just think it could have stayed a bit more focused on the storyline itself, because the storyline is interesting). De Niro did a fine job, but all in all, the controversial ending wasn't good. :(
Errol In A Suit Errol Flynn stars as a successful business man with a secret. Although the world thinks he's just an investment counselor, he is also a controversial best selling writer of mysteries using a pen name. His interest in mysteries as he tries to solve a jewel robbery/murder case threatens to expose his double life. It's kind of odd to see Flynn in suits and modern clothing after years of watching him in period action pieces. He does an acceptable job in the role, although the Texan accent he assumes in some scenes is really poor. But the script never allows him or the rest of the cast to develop their characters - they're cut-outs going through the motions. Flynn has little chemistry with Brenda Marshall as his wife, and Lee Patrick is badly miscast as a burlesque queen. Even reliable Allen Jenkins, one of my favourite character actors, hardly makes an impression. The film tries to be a comedy mystery, but the comedy is barely evident and the mystery hardly engrossing. The set up of the film holds lots of promise. But neither the director or the writers deliver on that promise.
Dull & Boring The Deer Hunter was awarded the Best Picture that should have gone to Apocalypse Now the next year. Very long with dull scenes that have nearly no actual truth to Vietnam. Boring script and acting make this one a pitiful three hour piece of trash.
Filling in Blanks Superbly Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Killers" was one of the famous author's more power-laden stories. It involved as first person narrator the person considered to be Hemingway in his younger days, Nick Adams, who told about being in a diner in a small town when two big city mob types walked in, taking all inside captive at gunpoint and announcing they would wait until the mysterious new man in town, The Swede, showed up for dinner. When he did not arrive on schedule the two men left, their intent clear. Adams, a localite who knew a short cut, managed to reach the designated murder victim in his small rooming house room to warn him about what lay ahead. He thanked Adams but explained that he was tired of running and would accept his fate.The story ended at that point and Anthony Veiller entered at that critical juncture, turning out a suspenseful screenplay as he filled in the blanks with gusto, aided by John Huston, who took no credit for his collaboration. The resulting 1946 film was one of the few adaptations of his work that Hemingway praised with enthusiasm, registering scorn in most instances for the way that Hollywood presented his novels and stories on screen.Daring Universal producer Mark Hellinger decided to go against conventional wisdom and star unknowns in both the male and female lead roles. He reportedly felt confident after viewing the test scene featuring Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner. Hellinger spotted the same magic that all of us saw later in the finished product. Luckily for Lancaster, even though the first film he ever worked in was Paramount's ill-fated "Desert Fury" with Liz Scott and John Hodiak, his initial movie to be released was the blistering noir thriller, "The Killers," which was directed with appropriate speedy pacing by German emigre Robert Siodmak, who would direct Lancaster later in "Criss Cross" and "The Crimson Pirate."Edmond O'Brien, who would star three years later in another noir classic, "D.O.A.", plays a wily and tenacious insurance investigator who pieces together the mystery behind Lancaster's murder. He encounters a constellation of great character performers, some of whom would later become television household names. Helping him solve the case is Philadelphia detective Sam Levene, the murder victim of crazed anti-Semitic psychopath Robert Ryan in "Crossfire." Levene, a Philadelphia boyhood chum of Lancaster's, marries his former girlfriend, Virginia Christine, who would gain fame in the sixties as Mrs. Olson on the Folger Coffee television commercials. He later is compelled to arrest Lancaster after he has stolen a diamond butterfly from the woman he has been infatuated with since their first meeting, Gardner.Lancaster joins the mob of Big Jim Colfax, played by frequent movie heavy Albert Dekker, to be close to Gardner, someone with whom he is infatuated. He refuses to take the advice of former cellmate Vince Barnett, who tells him that Gardner and Dekker are double trouble. His determination to stay close to Gardner motivates Lancaster to become involved in the robbery of a hat factory under the direction of Dekker.After the job has been completed Lancaster disappears, eventually turning up in Brentwood, New Jersey, where he gets a job at a gas station. He is believed to have stolen the entire proceeds from the robbery. Eventually he is spotted by Dekker when he stops at the station where Lancaster works to buy gas. As soon as Dekker leaves Lancaster tells co-worker Nick Adams that he is ill and needs to go home. He realizes that, with Dekker having spotted him, his life is over. The next time Adams sees The Swede it is to warn him about the visit from his executioners, played by Charles McGraw, who would assume the Bogart role of Rick in the television series "Casablanca" and William Conrad, star of the popular TV detective series "Cannon."Knowledge of Lancaster's whereabouts spurs a battle by two members of the holdup team to reach him. Jeff Corey is killed by Jack Lambert. Corey's last dying moments, when he deliriously describes robbery events and what subsequently follows, with an anxious O'Brien carefully listening, is one of the film's dramatic highlights. Corey became a popular drama coach in Hollywood during the sixties, numbering Jack Nicholson, Roger Corman and Sally Kellerman among his students. Lambert was a regular in the television series "Riverboat."Action heats up when O'Brien tracks down Gardner and they meet at a nightclub. Levene and the local police tag along, saving O'Brien's life in the gunfire ensuing over the effort of McGraw and Conrad to kill the insurance investigator. Instead they are killed in the gun battle.The sting relating to the robbery's aftermath and the whereabouts of the heist proceeds is revealed in the film's final climactic scene at Dekker's home. Lambert dies after a gunfight with his old mob boss just a few minutes before Dekker. As Dekker is drawing his last few breaths a desperate Gardner asks him to clear her of criminal involvement in any of the robbery activities. Levene delivers one of the movie's most memorable lines when he bitterly comments that she is "asking a dying man to lie his soul into hell.""The Killers" continues to be acknowleged as one of the great film noir and mystery masterpieces. The acting is brilliant, the script sharp, while Siodmak keeps the action moving at breakneck speed.
Alec Baldwin Could've Been Hard-Boiled But Ends Up Soggy I remember going to great lengths to fit a matinée showing of HEAVEN'S PRISONERS into a busy Saturday afternoon during its 1996 theatrical release. Considering the source material and the talent behind and in front of the camera, our little filmgoing party of detective-film fans and Alec Baldwin groupies (a.k.a. my mom, my stepfather, and me) found this contemporary film noir to be a big disappointment. Baldwin, who also served as co-producer, brought James Lee Burke's New Orleans ex-cop/recovering alcoholic hero Dave Robichoux from the printed page to the big screen. While Baldwin and the rest of the cast did well in fleshing out Burke's characters and have some tangy tough-guy/gal dialogue, they're hampered by two things:1.) The film's slo-o-o-ow pacing. Maybe the Louisiana heat got to everyone, not just Baldwin. Of all the actors, Long Island native Baldwin sweats the most, so much that it began to remind me of the sweating-bullets gags with Albert Brooks in BROADCAST NEWS and Robert Hays in AIRPLANE!2.) A plot that, as rendered in the film (whether it's the fault of the screenwriter or the editor, I can't be sure), never quite follows through on any of its elements. It's too bad, because these elements could've made for an exciting movie: drug dealing, illegal alien smuggling, rival crime bosses (one is played colorfully by Eric Roberts before he became a parody of himself, essentially playing a Southern-fried version of his character from director Phil Joanou's 1992 thriller FINAL ANALYSIS), an adorable little Salvadoran orphan girl (named "Alafair" by the Robichouxs, after Dave's mom. Late in my pregnancy at the time, I liked the name Alafair so much, I nearly changed my mind about naming my then-unborn daughter Siobhan!), and a bevy of beautiful, beguiling women, including earth mother Kelly Lynch, vampy Teri Hatcher in a full-frontal nude scene that was much ballyhooed at the time, and Mary Stuart Masterson, looking like a young Jessica Lange in what was then a change-of-pace role for her: a troubled stripper who loves Robichoux. Despite the sexy promises in the movie's ads, none of the ladies share anything with Baldwin but dialogue and some kisses and/or embraces. Maybe the climate was already so hot, the filmmakers didn't want to add any further steaminess for fear of poor Baldwin collapsing from heat prostration! As my mom put it at the time: "I thought the height of my day would be seeing sexy, dashing Alec Baldwin, but he came up sweaty, rumpled, tired, depressed, and moving as if he was in slow motion. If he'd made love as many times as he got beaten up, it would've been the sexiest picture of '96!"To be fair, there *are* a number of strong characterization and action scenes, but there's just too darn much talky, molasses-paced lag time between them -- and yet, oddly, some of the scenes end abruptly just as they're about to become intriguing! Perhaps Joanou, Baldwin & Co. could've dredged a tighter, more involving thriller out of this if they'd whittled the 140-minute running time down to 105 minutes or so. As HEAVEN'S PRISONERS is now...well, read James Lee Burke's books instead.
Why these episodes? Why they chose these two episodes to put on a video I cannot understand. Cruise Blues and Shutterbugged are just filler episodes that were created to fill the ammount of episodes needed for the first season. The other videos available are better and more plot heavy than this one. I'm not even going to mention why it is stupid for the Wiseman/Death Phantom to be on the cover... He didn't even appear til the 17 newly dubbed episodes of Sailor Moon R...
White Christmas This movie has always been a favorite of mine so I finally decieded to buy it so I won't have to wait until it is on the TV. Will watch it for years to come. Good quality, music great (if you like to oldies)and I love the dancing. Good all around movie.
waste of money the movie is boring.it plays well,just boring.i donated it to someone.and they didnt like it themselves. i prefer tyler perry movies.
HD? This HD-DVD was far from high def. The movie it self is great, and will be a classic, but the HD-DVD format in which this movie was re-released on is lacking.
Very good historical drama Good role for Crowe, well directed and appears to be fairly accurate of Roman Empire life
Pseudo Sci-Fi for the intellectually challenged We all love our country and hope the USA does well in all endeavors; but other than the rah-rah sentiments expressed here and in the title, this film is a bore. An orgy of special effects masks a sappy script devoid of any content beyond bald information, as if the viewer needed a prompt to explain everything to death. Every character and event are borrowed from some other movie or medium; the only thing new here is the scale of weaponry, which after about 30 minutes leaves the brain numbed. Aliens (you can easily recognize them, they're the really ugly ones) are far dumber than the script claims, for with all their "advanced" technology they neglected to install anti-malware safeguards in their computer system. The good guys call their secret weapon a "virus" (which it isn't, but the target audience wouldn't know a virus from a doorknob). You have one-dimensional character types, ranging from a clueless President and a gaggle of low-level empty suits disguised as cabinet members, to a stripper posing as a heroine whom the First Lady thinks is really OK-cool (has Mrs. Bush seen this movie?). This film marks a new low in the now-eviscerated scifi genre. I saw its initial release and left the room for popcorn 3 times, having nothing better to do, then finally managed to make it all the way through the DVD on three cups of coffee for support. It's too long, too loud, and too pointless, with enough gasoline-spiked pyrotechnics to solve the energy crisis several times over. Youngsters will love its complete avoidance of ideas, though few will grasp that this is really an over-produced B-movie about battles fought with conventional stuff bloated beyond belief. Someone looking for a little more substance might try viewing an older sci-fi classic like "Colossus: The Corbin Project" for something more nutritive than this high-fat cinematic Twinkie. Overall, too low-octane for many tastes.
Disappointed... I hate to disagree with the majority here but I was disappointed with this one. It relied too much on the guy in the monster suit rather than trying to build mystery and suspense, which is so important to a low budget sci fi like this one. I found the acting to be sub-par, even for a 50's sci fi. Definatley obvious that this film inspired the now famous Alien, though. If you're looking to build a 50's sci fi section in your video library it would be wise to start with the other 'It' movie, It Came From Outer Space. This one also had a low budget but the acting and suspense make it far superior.
dumbest ever this movie was the worst movie ever and the book is nothing to compete. They were both pathetic. The acting was sooooo terrible that i wanted to shoot myself many times. Anikin Skywalker in Episode 2 acted better than these broadway rejects.
needs special features; otherwise excellent Sheen, Brando, Duvall, Hopper and the others are excellent here in an anti-war story of a captain who must track down a renegade colonel who has created a death cult in Cambodia during the Vietnam war in 1969. Along the way, Capt. Willard and the boat crew encounter a number of strange or deadly situations, culminating in their arrival at the "poet warrior's" temple of death. The actors do a superb job under Coppola's direction, and the film lets you see the destruction of war without being too preachy.I wish there were more features here, though; trailers are just not enough.
Great Comedy Fun Martin Short's character Jiminy Glick of Primetime Glick can become rather addicting. Martin Short's spoof of talk show hosts is genuinely unique. This DVD will give any one needing a "Glick fix" the full treatment. I look forward to an all new seaon of Primetime Glick on Comedy Central.
review waking life The movie did not reveal the truth. vety poor I thought. The author does not have a good understanding of light work and metaphysics, yet tries to come accross like he does. Actually I found alot of darkness in this moviethanks, Debbie
DVD's The DVD arrived on time and in excellent condition. I highly recommend the item for others who are interested in purchasing this product.
Technicolor at it's finest! I have viewed many films shot in Technicolor but with out a doubt this is THE finest Technicolor restoration you will ever see. This is a great example of what Technicolor is capable of. They did a great job. The color registation (i.e. alignment) is right on. The balance is perfect and the saturation is is toned down considerably, much more natural than previous release prints. This DVD version of The Adventures of Robin Hood along with the companion "Glorious Technicolor" is a visual treat and well worth owning!
the essence of history first i'd like to say that i never thought the two sturges children acted like spoilt brats. i thought they were well mannered and polite. in a day and age where manners seem less and less important i thought that was refreshing to see.stanwyck of course is right on the money as she is in all her performances that down to earth quality we see so many times in her work shines through here. nothing is forced. very natural. webb to is perfectly cast as the snob with a heart of gold.the captain in this version was portraied as being much more in charge at the end then in the cameron version. i suppose he was a little of both at the end.i thought cameron's version was just as thoughtful and tender as this older version. especially in his use of james horners' haunting score. it was interesting to note that there was similiar dialogue used. in some places exactly the same. such as the line 'why do the british find it necessary to announce dinner as if it were a calvary charge.' in the 53 version it's said by webb's character. in the 97 version it is said by kathy bates. i do think the opening scene of the 53 version was a clever idea, showing the ice berg forming. question. why is the molly brown character in the 53 version named 'maud young?'all in all both versions broght different elements of the story in focus, and both were thoughtfully and brilliantly done. vewiers should watch and enjoy both. not as absolute historic fact though both versions took great care in trying to get details correct, but as films that capture the essence of what those people went through on the terrible night. that's what a film makers job is.
Better than I heard it was I thought this was a much better movie than I'd heard critics and friends tell me. I'm a big "Planet of the Apes" fan -- have the entire collection of movies and used to watch the short-lived tv show when I was young. I thought the characters and the plot were complex enough to be interesting and the special effects certain put the earlier series to shame. But the ending, which I won't spoil, didn't make a lot of sense. Perhaps it wasn't supposed to but it contradicted everything else in the movie and seemed to fall back onto tipping its hat the older series.
Not Funny too Cheesy This movie is not funny. It's not smart, it's lame, super cheesy hollywood crap. It has a few funny parts but it's just fluffy stupid humor.
CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED! "A documentary thrill-ride... Ziad Hamzeh's new documentary THE LETTER moves as breathlessly as a Hollywood thriller - only it's much more frightening because it's true." Russell Scott Smith, New York Post."Mr. Hamzeh's film is responsible and intelligent, and important as a record of a disturbing incident. And there is something particularly thrilling about the sight of white Mainers, bundled up against the New England snows, happily swaying and shouting the word 'freedom' to the beat of an African drum." Anita Gates, New York Times."Undeniably strong... THE LETTER has a terrifying in-your-face immediacy, a strong cross-section of talking heads on both sides of the debate, and cuts deeply into the cultural wars dividing this country." Kevin Thomas, The Los Angeles Times."...A powerful and timely portrait of the tensions that can be generated by immigration situations, especially in a post-Sept. 11 world. THE LETTER is an important social document that merits widespread exposure." Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter."...A thoughtful, historically grounded, and utterly absorbing look at a quintessential American experience." Hazel-Dawn Dumpert, LA Weekly."Ziad H. Hamzeh's THE LETTER is an especially dramatic work... A study of the American Dream in collapse." Robert Koehler, Variety."Structured like a narrative feature about the events leading to a violent showdown... Hamzeh uses filmmaking techniques action-movie directors use to show the growing tension and arming-up of the opposing forces. It feels like [Martin Scorcese's] 'Gangs of New York' acted out by local policeand ordinary people." Glenn Andreiev, Films In Review."...A timely, thoughtful, and riveting chronicle... Ziad Hamzeh juggles an impressive number of subjects, including anti-Muslim sentiment, the neo-Nazi movement, institutionalized prejudice, and the nation's immigrant heritage... Hamzeh keeps the ideas flying and the story building... As an affecting work of compassionate craftsmanship, THE LETTER delivers." Rick Kisonak, Film Threat Magazine.
no tolerance for 1/2 seasons There is no, absolutely no excuse for bringing out 1/2 season sets and charging full price. I will not buy 1/2 season sets unless I bought them from Amazon marketplace new for more or less $12.50each volume. I did that with "Fall Guy". I love the Love Boat, but I am going to wait even if it means waiting forever. I will not be cheated, that is what those who are bring these shows out are doing, cheating us. It isn't Amazon's fault, they can only sell what they are given.
Boring and slick. I've been practicing yoga on and off for about 3 years, and I found this video to be not kid-oriented enough. The set is lush with sweeping curtains, tall windows and chandaliers, the instructor is dressed in a buxom-enhancing babe-like fashion. Her delivery is not fun but patronizing. I'm going to keep searching because my son who is 8 wants to do yoga but found this princess girlie-style video to be completely uninspiring.
Best SF film of a generation I saw this as an original release in Atlanta, GA in 1956 and had nightmares for weeks. It has had such a powerful effect on later SF movies and series that its worth to the genre is beyond calculation. A definitely "must see" for SF fans. Powerful visuals and special effects!
Please get Michael Keaton and Tim Burton for the next film Will somebody please get Michael Keaton back as Batman. And how about getting Jack Nicolson to once again play the Joker. And Tim Burton to direct.It will be the best batman yet combining REAL talent and the orignal movie formula.I am sure people wont think of my idea as a repeat but rather as a blessing because every new batman movie except the first gets worse. Batman And Robin was the worst and only Schwarzenegger 's character saved it.
Sex Video This movie SUCKS and proves Hally berry IS A PURE "D" SLUT HO!!!!All this movie was about was hally getting banged buy this white guy who mistickly wanted to help her(Saw she had some goodies and wanted to get it ON with her really)I dont want to rate this becuase its a waste of life and time but i have to so its a 1 and this isnt a love story its a sex video or something to get you in you wife in the "MOOD"
A curiosity but hardly watchable. A renowned and influential work of movie history that manages to tell the story of Dracula at a sufficiently vibrant pace. Since the story has been done so many times since, it is entirely predictable to the modern viewer, and the melodramatic pantomime of the day causes what was once a very frightening film to seem rather comical.
I'd really give it more than 5 stars This Movie is one of, if not, the Greatest movie of all time. This movie can relate to so many things in society. Behind this all there is a hidden message. "being plugged into a dream world" refers to the materialization of our society. "Setting your mind free" is understanding the conformity of earth. And when Neo says "I thought you were God" (mentioning Carrie-Ann Moss a.k.a Trinity) he was wrong. She IS God. Anyways, I think that this movie, In any aspect you want to judge it, Is the best movie ever put on the big screen. It has everything. Action, adventure, Sci-Fi, well-known actors, Great script, Amazing Plot, etc., etc., I could go on for years. If you think this is not a great movie, you should be locked behind the bars of an insane Asylum.
Why the hype? Aside from being beautifully shot, this film took a 180 degree turn about halfway through and went from inspired to the other side of insipid. Definitely not a feel-good film.If you liked "To live & Die in L.A' or 'Seven'. You'll love this film.
Polishing a turd. I was excited to see that the were coming out with a Limited Edition Collector's set of this film. I was excited because this is one of my favorite films and I thought this version would be loaded with extras. Well, it isn't. Not even a single commentary. Not a "Making of..". Nothing. You don't even get a choice of what version you want to see, the director's cut or the original. All you get is a poster and some pictures of the film! They want us to pay almost seventy dollars for that! Forget it. I'll wait for the Extra Special Super Collector's Edition Set (If it ever comes out.) This just proves Warner Bros. is responsible for some of the worst DVD transfers ever.
Insert clever pun here Master and Commander is a film based on the naval bookMaster and Commander (Movie Tie-In Edition)by Patrick O'Brian, featuring Commander Jack Aubrey during the Napoleonic Wars, as her pursues the French ship - Acheron. Although it is based on the book, fans of the series should not expect a close film adaptation, as the movie is very different from the plot of the book (although it does retain some of its themes). Not only is this a great movie, but it is a fantastic DVD. One thing you really notice is the outstanding picture and audio transfer that made it to this disc. Even on my small 30" TV it felt like I was watching this in the theater again. If you have a DTS capable DVD player, you'll really appreciate the Bruckheimer soundtrack.The extras on this DVD are where it really stands out. This thing is packed to the brim with extras. And I'm talking about quality extras, not a bunch of "music video" or "upcoming trailers" fluff to fill up the disc. The extras are all entertaining, and fairly lengthy. The shortest one on here is the HBO First Look, which is still 25 minutes long. I almost enjoyed watching the extras as much as the film.
Read this before ordering! This is a DVD in the "Classic Albums" series, which has interviews with the band and Mutt and some other people tangentally related to the making of Hystera. This is NOT the "Hysteria" movie.When I got this, I was pretty disappointed that Amazon mislabeled it. After watching it though I am very happy that I ended up with it and it's one of my most watched DVDs.Strictly for music/recording nerds and Def Leppard fans, this is a well done documentary piece on what the band went through when recording Hysteria as well as the touring they did after Rick's accident. Musically it points out some of the nuances that one might miss through casual listening and some great bits which (thankfully, in some cases) never made it onto the album.The DVD has a whole lot of Phil and Joe but Rick really shines on this too and special attention is given to Steve's contributions.
this could have been one of the best films of the 80's This could have been one of the best films of the 80's. All of the components are there. Ford gives the best acting of his career. The production is elegant and holds up as often breathtaking even by today's standards. Two things however really bring this movie down.The major negative here I believe is Polanski's insistence on starring Emmanuelle Seigner. This is one of the sexiest women I have ever seen grace a film, but it is the understatement of the year to say that she can't act at all. In fact, I think that she might have just about turned in the worst acting performance I have ever seen in this film and it totally destroys Ford's performance. When the film was over I thought about it and came to the conclusion that there is really two halves here. The first half is dynamite; the second with Seigner is a totally different beast, your average stupid kid thriller. Watch this film and dare contradict my statement here. Get beyond her obvious good looks and tell me she just was not meant for this part. It's so bad that Ford fades into the background in any scene that she was also in.OK, the second negative in this film are these two agents that keep popping up. There is no explanation ever given as to how they knew where Ford and Seigner would be time and time again. It really ruins what could have been a very nicely done and subtle plot. They were never needed and muddle an otherwise great story.I am really kind of mad with Polanski here. He destroyed what could have been one of the better films he has made. And this statement comes from one who worships the ground Polanski walks on.
exelant 6-stars perfect u must watch!!!!!!!!
my goodness gracious! I watched this right after the first Hostel, and my goodness! I was sad to see that the guy who escaped the first Hostel did not last long in this one, and this movie is different because the trio of protagonists in this movie are girls, not guys, so a different technique had to be used to lure them to the Hostel.I almost fell out of my seat when I recognized two actors from 'Desperate Housewives'. This movie is very gory like the first one, though there was also a bit more in-depth examination (showing the Hostel as a business, and the people in charge, etc) I applauded the 'heroine' when she figured out a way to get out of the Hostel alive, that was rather creative on her part. And like the guy from the last Hostel movie, she figured out how to get vengeance on at least one person. I actually liked the plot more than the torture part, because honestly, the torture was SICK. 2.5/5 stars.
Christmas is my Name, Disaster is my Game.... Yes people. I am this years Santa and if you don't think I see everything, guess again! Oh yes. I see you decorating trees, rushing and scurrying at the mall, knocking other people down to get to that last sale item. Then your anger reaches a fever pitch when you can't remember and can't find where you parked the car. Oh yes. From my green and red condo at the North Pole (which Santa generously let me use until Christmas Eve), I see all. Don't think for one minute naughty or nice doesn't apply right now. Elves are terrible gossips and will advise me up til the last minute.I settled down with some brandy and this "Christmas Vacation" DVD. Now, I know there are many Christmas movies out there that are attuned to some type of emotion. Some will make you feel joy and some will amuse and delight you. However, none of them stand up to the hysterical escapade that this movie represents. This is one of Chevy Chase's finest moments in comedy, playing the Christmas foil wrapping to our delight. I never fail to watch this at this time of year. It is essential. Revealing the essence of Christmas with all the absurd elements that truly do make it the unique holiday that it is.Chevy plays Clark Griswold, looking forward to his bonus check and a family reunion, inviting all the relatives to his home. The movie starts out with his car getting trapped underneath a truck and, from there, you know you are in for more disaster.The rapid-fire changing situations hit more often than miss your funny bone. Sometimes, you border on being hysterical with laughter. Yes, it is that funny. So many scenes that are good no matter how much you watch it.Some of my favorites? Chevy at a department store speaking to a hot woman at the lingerie counter. The naughty word play is just too funny, time and time again. (This young lady appears later in a scene whereby Chevy looks out at the imaginary in ground pool he plans to build, sees her, and his eye-bulging look as she whips her bikini at the window). As clever as your Metamorpho is, I don't know if I could come up with this on my best day.Do not forget his aunt's cat chewing on wires, the exploding turkey (with puffs of steam) and the squirrel who wrecks havoc and is the last straw for his tortured yuppie neighbors. There is just so much fun to this movie, and total disaster has never been more uproarious.I cannot tell you of each funny scene, but you must see it because this movie is definitely unique within this genre. So, put it on as you wrap your gifts. Just remember, the cat and jello are off limits!Drive my gift to my front door....Ornamentally yours -- Metamorpho ;)
Please don't rent this movie. Not even F. Murray Abraham who is one of my favorite actors could have saved his movie. His acting, along with everyone elses in this movies is downright bad. I would have expected 100 times better from Abraham and Tony Shaloub who have been in so many good movies. Maybe they just got desperate for money and no other scripts we being offered to them. Who knows anyway, the script is horrible, filled with bad writing and cliches, the movie is grusome and bloody and un needlessly violent, but not scary.The concept of the whole film was very strange. Please don't rent this movie, go with a nice classic horror movie instead.
"Where's that FSTFWD button?" Do you like fast-forwarding movies? Do you get off on watching your movies triple speed? Well then my little teeny boppers, this is the film for you! What starts off as an intriguing premise to a movie (pop rocks and soda: a deadly combination, looking in the mirror and saying "bloody mary" over and over) these are all things I grew up hearing as a kid, so the fascination was there! And when I heard they were centering a horror movie around this plot of plots I thought cool! This is gonna make an awesome movie! Well sheesh! Boy was I wrong!Like this and all it's pseudo predessors, once again they screw up a potentially horrific horror flick! They just don't know how to make grotesque horror movies anymore! Where was the element of suspense, the eye-popping gore?!?I finally got so fed up I just fast forwarded the damn thing hence the title!
WOW! An original thought. Stargate takes us on a fantastic journey to a "what if" story about ancient Egypt and the questions we have no answers for. At one level in the movie, a Special Forces team led by Kurt Russell ventures to the other side of the known universe in search of the truth, and at another you come face to face with the idea that there was not a single Egyptian culture, but perhaps more and certainly some that are far more ancient than what we currently know and believe.The movie has everything from bad aliens with nasty weapons to a love story (that avoids the normal Hollywood approach) to scientific fact and speculation.
Flawless...A Cinematic Masterpiece!! The problem I'm facing as I write this review is simply deciding where to begin.Disney's cinematic version of Jules Verne's classic novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is, in a word, awesome. But "awesome" is only one word which a person could use to describe this film, others would include marvelous, magical, mysterious, enticing, wonderful, majestic...well, you get the picture.Released theatrically in 1954, "20,000 Leagues..." tells the story of the highly respectable and humanity-driven Professor Arronax (Paul Lukas), his courageous and ever loyal assistant, Conseil (Peter Lorre), and a rash but heroic harpooner, named Ned Land (Kirk Douglas), and their imprisonment and adventures aboard the Nautilus, a mysterious sea-going vessel designed and helmed by the eccentric and revenge-driven Captain Nemo (James Mason).From beginning to end, "20,000 Leagues..." is a motion picture marvel that is flawless in its attempt to relate to the audience Jules Verne's story of man's struggle against himself and the often relentless forces of nature.The film's Oscar winning special effects are just as amazing today as they were when the film was originally released, the portrayals given by all the actors, particularly those by Kirk Douglas and James Mason, are perfect, and the musical score is superb! And who could ever forget the film's classic theme song, "Whale of a Tale", as performed by Mr. Douglas."20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is not only a must-see for all fans of both Disney and sci-fi/fantasy films, but everyone of all ages, young and old alike.(FYI - For those who still don't know, but care, the classic "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" submarine ride has sadly been removed from both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.)
Terrible Print This is a very poor copy. It is such a shame as this is such a good film.
Nothing new This movie is nothing more than repackaging of used ideas. Matter of fact there is one sceane that is almost directly out of Mad Max, the road warrior. Out of the choice between Mad Max and this, I'd say go Mad Max.
Great movie! This is a remake of the original Sabrina, but I like this version better than the first. I think it is a great story.
Long-awaited sequel for cute movie Three can Play that GameIf you enjoyed Viveca A. Fox in Two Can Play that Game, you'll love this sequel. Also starring good-looking Jason George, Kellita Smith, and Terri J. Vaughn, it's a cute movie with a cute plot.
"Event Horizon" at sea This movie takes some well worn ideas and puts them to sea, along with some 21st century gore and really bad soundtrack. Really too bad, because they still could have turned the material into a great story. Instead we get a couple of shocks, a montage of grisly deaths, and a "surprise ending" that's anything but.Still, not a completely abysmal entry in this category. Julianna Margulies is acceptable as a Sigourney Weaver (a la Alien) type who knows how to deal with the situation at hand. There's certainly worse out there.
Rather idiotically simplistic in its concept. Q: What does popular juvenile fantasy series "Harry Potter" have to do with Witchcraft?A: Absolutely nothing.While the writers/directors *are* correct that "Young readers today, more than any other time in history, have an abundance of occult resources easily available to them" these rescources have mostly to do with harmless Neo-Pagan Wicca books like "Teen Witch" "To Ride A Silver Broomstick" or "To Stir A Magic Cauldron." The "Harry Potter" series has about as much to do with *actual* occult practices as the old "Dungeons & Dragons" game: that is to say, NONE. Fantasy giants, magic wands, unicorns, dragons, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are wonderful fantasies for children, and great stuff for Hollywood Movies, but that is all they are. "Real" Witches are nothing like the characters in these books and the abundant majority of occult rescources put forward by publishers such as Llewellyn are less dangerous than a book of matches. The writers/producers of this video are woefully ignorant of what a real Witch does, or the difference between a Witch and a Wiccan, or a Wiccan and a Ceremonial Magician, or of the Left Hand Path vs. the Right Hand Path. Many Solomonic and Goetic Magicians are actually Christians and Jews. Not "Pagan" at all, and certainly not "evil." The idiotically simplistic thought processess that link "Occult" with "Evil" with "Satan" are exactly the same sort of moronic Fundamentalism that caused the Witch Hysteria of the 17th Century, and the "Satanic Panic" of the l980's and 90's.
Emergency! season 4 no effort at Just received my season four of emergencywhile picture is ok for a show from 30 years ago the sound track is poor and at times out of sync. Sound quality is variable and though i am not sure of this it appears that some scenes have been shortened.the only plus for this season is that i dont have to watch the universal logo 22 times.If you are going to restore sneek previews why not remaster the whole season. Certainly not a season i will be watching more than onceEmergency! - Season Four
A Night of Rapture Because I am a fan of Anita Baker and I enjoy her performances. Yes I would recommend this to someone.
Ed Wood would be proud It is still amazing to me that this film was the top grossing movie of 1996, followed by "Twister", which in many ways was equally cheesy. I remember seeing the ads for this movie before it was released, and even a well-polished advertising campaign could not hide the schlockiness of it all.The dialogue is completely forgettable, the plot is thin and obvious, and even if you CAN suspend your beliefs and assume that an Apple laptop computer can do all of the stunts that Jeff Goldblum's character's computer can do and that a cropduster suffering from chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (Randy Quaid) can learn how to fly late 20th century state-of-the-art military planes basically by instinct, there is one final piece of posturing that is too much to take. NEVER would the President of the United States both endanger himself and allow himself to become a spectacle by putting on a flight suit and piloting a plane in a time of war ... Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that incident 3 years ago...oops...my bad.The reason I am even giving this film two stars is for one, the special effects are impressive in a movie that has precious little else going for it. Secondly, and most of all, the only thing that makes this movie remotely watchable is Will Smith. Even with what the writers/directors give him to work with he steals the show. Plus, the "buddy" thing he has going with Jeff Goldblum's character when they go to deliver the computer virus to the alien spacecraft comes off well. I'm just glad that Will Smith got to showcase what he is really capable of the following year when he starred in a quality film about alien life on earth, "Men in Black".
The Greatest Film Ever Made An extravagant claim but one I'm gonna endeavor to back up.'Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires' is the last horror picture Peter Cushing made for Hammer - and he's magnificent. He plays Van Helsing, (yes.. honest!)and to his eternal credit he looks believably close to tears every time he utters an emotionally-charged line like: "In Europe it is the crucifix, in Asia, the image of the Lord Buddha".I adore Peter Cushing anyway, and to see him in any film is good for me but to see him in a work of this magnitude and gravitas is a real treat. He must be lying there now, thinking about his 50-odd year career, each performance building up to: "My knowledge is restricted to the Western Hemisphere".Strangely, there's not much in Peter Cushing's autobiography about 'LOT7GV' which is unfathomable.Julie Ege is the female lead; a Scandinavian buxom-vamp fresh from her Oscar-nominated role as Voluptua in 'Up Pompeii-the Movie'; ("There's no decorum/ in the forum/and they're quite at home in the hippy-drome, you can chose who you prefer/'coz Ben Him looks like Ben HER!!") and the biting satire-twins 'Not Now Darling' and 'Rentadick'.One disreputable publication described her performance as 'a pair of t*ts with a Swedish accent', just goes to show that however much genuine talent you have, you can never drag the gutter press erm..out of the gutter. (!)Robin Stewart plays the 'young hero' role. He's a classically trained comedy actor, mostly seen with Sid 'Sir' James in the abject Brit-Com 'Bless This House' and wearing a kaftan in the Michael Armstrong 60's slasher: 'the Haunted House of Horror' - a gory travesty with Frankie Avalon and Mark Wynter(yes.. honest!).Viewing Stewart's performance as Leyland van Helsing (a FANTASTIC analogy with the Bolshevic-run 1970's car giant British Leyland, whose workers spent the whole decade on pointless strike) it's easy to criticise, but he is in fact showing 'solidarity' with his lion-hearted co-unionists. This is breathtakingly poignant and relevant; it's not every-one that can fight 50 heavily armed kung-fu zombie vagabonds with the conviction of a house-brick. 'Red' Ron and all the other commies back in Blighty held out at their braziers for another year on the strength of Stewart's subtly and deftly understated showing.Count Dracula, present in every scene and the central evil core of the movie, is played by John Forbes Robertson in the campest make-up in British cinema - all pinks, greens, bat-eyebrows and lipstick. Much criticised among the unknowing (described in another disreputable publication (not really - it was the same one!) as a 'pantomime dame'), but it put me in mind of Olivier's Oberon in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'(another - slightly lesser - work of feminism and sexual ambiguity) and JFR's performance as one of British literature and world cinema's most recognisable and serious characters, just HAS to be experienced:As the villain he has all the best lines: "A curse on you and your house!" "I am Dracula; Lord of Darkness, Master of the Vampires, Prince of the Undead, Ruler of the Damned!" (yes.. honest!) and "Right! van Helsing - you will once more see my face... before you die! Behold van Helsing - look on me, now." You'll fill up - as I did - at the magisterial impact of it all.Music is by James Bernard, re-jigging themes from his previous scores, and even here 'LOT7GV' wins. Not many blockbusters were recycling in the wasteful, excessive 70's. The Bond movies for example, had Sir Roger Moore flying all over the world, inadvertently ruining it. So well done Hammer!The plot is so sophisticated and progressive, no-one can understand it. Unkindly scorn holds sway. Stupid critics pathetically concentrate on the appalling special effects(post-modernism); atrocious action (satirical slapstick) and the cavernous holes in the script(delicious irony) as justification of universal condemnation. How wrong can you be?The '7' of the title also refers to van Helsing's companions; 6 lads and a girl heading to their remote village to destroy '7' vampires that have plagued them for centuries and this is where the feminism and sexual ambiguity comes in.The 'sister' can fight kung-fu nearly as good as the men (yes.. honest) in a film set in 1904(!) and only dies when she weakens for love. What a gal. Rest easy Emily; it seems chaining your bra to the railings wasn't for nothing after all.Director Roy Ward Baker claims his masterpiece was flawed by studio interference (In this instance, co-financiers the Shaw Brothers; based in Hong Kong and who know nothing about making martial arts movies). They should've just let the ex-English public school prefect to his vision, he was obviously so in-tune with the aesthetics of the medium, their pettiness could easily have ruined the film.'LOT7GV' is deliberately hysterical. Some beautiful, screaming girls with their breasts revealed as they lie strapped down next to a bubbling cauldron of blood, is vital to the plot in a real sense, as well as the abstract that Ward Baker is delicately invoking. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the scene unfolded, so moved was I by its multi-layered intensity and relativism.So you see, there can be no doubt as to the claims of 'LOT7GV'. I've only scratched the surface here - the action sequences seriously challenge Kurosawa and the terror, so originally and tensely conveyed, is as full-blooded and awesome as any Jacobean tragedy.Acting is Welles-perfection and production is refreshingly minimalist and compact.Much like '2001', 'Once Upon a Time in the West' or 'Jaws'; the locations are so visual and forceful, you feel like you're actually there in Szechwan Province with Peter and the boys, vanquishing vampires and returning the world to safety and contentment.And isn't it wonderful that since Hammer/Baker's uber-treatise on cultural bonding and the futility of violence was released in 1974, there hasn't been a single war.Now, you tell me, could anything but the greatest film ever made do that?
Keep your DVD This is not worth the upgrade for the cost it is going at right now. WB did not remaster Gremlins for Blu-Ray. In my opinion (and many others) the BD is only a small improvement over the DVD. I'd say the improvement in clarity and detail varies between 5%-30% better throughout the film. The audio is much better though, really fun to hear the score in HD audio. Wait till the price drops, then pick it up.
Waste of time As the British would say "a crashing bore." Long, monotonous, and the acting stinks especially the lead actress. Not the last bit scary and plants are idiotic. The original was much better.Save your money.
great finish Well done, a bit of a fairy tale ending whereby all the loose ends seem to be tied up, not as poetic as the first part, "Jean de Florette", but the surprises and the lessons about what makes life really worthwhile are still very powerful!
Scooby-DUD! Loud, obnoxious and generally unfunny live-action adaption of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon.After watching this film I realized that the legendary 80's mega-flop "Howard the Duck" was almost twenty years ahead of its time. There's very little difference between Scooby-Doo (and most of the other current films of this type) and that classic bomb! Perhaps the only difference is that today this garbage is actually successful and is even considered "sequel worthy". Also, Just to be fair to Howard the Duck, at least that movie had the visual appeal of Lea Thompson.If your idea of fun is bombastic, poorly produced special effects, a crappy modern soundtrack and a plethora of booger and fart jokes then this is the film for you! Certainly worth checking out if you're a fan of the Scooby-Doo character, but just be prepared to end up wanting two hours of your life back!The sequel deserves the exact same review.-JM
Absolutely Amazing. If you enjoy the discovery channel and learning about our natural world, you will definitely love Planet Earth. This DVD is both visually stunning and very well narrated. Whether you simply enjoy learning or would like to pass this knowledge on to your children or students, this DVD satisfies both.
Get the DVD version, it is the best! Of course "The Matrix" was the greatest movie of 1999 and the special effects were awesome! If you are thinking of buying this movie, I highly recommend the DVD version. The effects are much more effective and will pull you right out of your chair. Of course, combine this with a good sound system as well, and this is about as close as you can get to seeing it in the theater. If you don't have a DVD player, I recommend you buy one just for this movie!
Twilight Saga - Eclipse This one makes me want even more!I can't wait for the next episode to come out next year.If you are a "Twilight" fan,(or not) this brings you up to date on what has happened in an instant, just enough to let you know where you left off in the last one.BUT....the ending keeps you on the edge of your chair, probably pulling out your hair, wanting more!!!
A steaming pile of dung I thought to myself, I'm going to ignore the critics on this one. I like Kevin Costner, I like Kurt Russell and guys robbing a casino dressed like Elvis sounds fun. Well, sometimes the critics get it right. This movie is, in a word, awful. Kurt Russell tries his best with his part, but he can only do so much with the horrible script he's given. Costner's part is written even worse and he chews scenery like he's channeling Pacino. There are bad edits, scenes that make no sense and have nothing to do with the plot (what plot there is), and violence just for the sake of violence, sex for the sake of sex and nothing has anything to do with storytelling. I don't know who the writer/director is but someone stop him before he makes another film.
ONE OF DON BLUTH'S BEST 9.25 OUT OF 10 After the year 1989 which saw two awesome Don Bluth films (All Dogs Go To Heaven and The Land Before Time), for some reason something bad happened in the 90's. Before Anastasia came out in 1997, we were given efforts from Don Bluth such as The Pebble And The Penguin (Easily his worst film.), Rock A Doodle Doo (It was alright.), and a few other not-so-great efforts. While I would have to say this is not my favorite Don Bluth film (It ranks third behind All Dogs Go To Heaven and The Secret of Nimh), this is still a fantastic film that brought Don Bluth back to the top of film-making form. This film is a dazzling, eye-catching, extraordinary cinematic accomplishment that can easily overthrow many Disney films even to this day.WHAT IT'S ABOUT: The film starts off in the year 1916, in Russia at the Czar's palace during a ball. It is during this ball that an evil man named Rasputen (Played by Christopher Lloyd) puts an evil curse on the Romanov family. Then a short while later, an angry mob storms the palace and kills most of the family except for the Grandmother (Who is the ruler of France) and Anastasia, but when the two try to escape by train, Anastasia loses her Grandmother's grip and falls. Fast forward ten years later and we are now in the Soviet Union and rumors start popping up around St. Petersburg that Anastasia is still alive so two guys; Dimitri (Played by John Cusack) and Vladimir (Played by Kelsey Grammer) decide to hold auditions to find a girl who looks like Anastasia so they can claim a reward of ten million rubles. Then we are introduced to Anya (Played by Meg Ryan), an eighteen-year-old girl who has no memory past the age of eight and wants to find her family that she never knew, so she starts off by going to St. Petersburg where she plans to go to Paris but first meets Dimitri and Vladimir who decide to take her to Paris with them because she looks a lot like Anastasia. But the group has troubles on their journey because they are being hunted by Rasputen who wants to kill Anastasia to fulfill the curse he put on Romanov family.MUSIC: The music in this film is great, and even the musical parts of the film are great and never get annoying. I have no problems with this area because it is superbly done.ACTION: This film is extremely entertaining and there is never a dull moment. There's even action scenes in this film which are rather awesome to watch (Watch the train scene and you'll see why.). The animation looks stunning even in this day and age despite the fact it came out twelve years ago. Overall, I don't really have any gripes with this area either.ACTING: The only problem here is a few moments of cheesy dialogue, but other than that all the actors do a really good job at their roles. I don't think better people could have been cast for such roles because their roles suit them perfectly. I even enjoyed them for moments of fun humor. Other than dialogue issues, I don't really see any other issues.OVERALL: If you enjoy animated films, musicals, or just amazing films in general, then what the hell are you waiting for? Buy this damn film! This is a review coming from a person who rarely ever gives positive (Let alone raving) reviews of animated films, but this is one of those rare animated films that I love so much because it's a breathtaking, awe-inspiring, ride that you don't want to end.THE GOOD: Stunning animation, superb music, awesome action scenes, cool storyline, fun humor, and good acting.THE BAD: Moments of cheesy dialogue.
Not what I expected. I had hoped this set was for the early years of his shows, but the price was so reasonable, I just kept the DVDs
Sexy...and hilarious! Lord of the G-Strings may simply be one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. I rented it in hopes that the girls would be cute and the jokes would be somewhat funny. Both hopes were met and then some...Missie Mundae is just adorable! And I mean not only in physical appearance, but also in the way that she talks and acts. You'd never expect it from a porn star, but she is as funny and charming as she is sexy.The scenes are hilarious...we're talking about humor in the tradition of "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" (another classic parody), complete with jokes about the actors themselves, anachronisms, and more.This is a rare diamond in the dirt of unrated-low-budget-movies-that-are-really-just-pornos-except-you-can-get-them-from-any-video-store. Enjoy!
LETDOWN The idea behind Grant Gee's film, "Meeting People is Easy" may have been brilliant but this long awaited and much anticipated documentary failed to hit it's mark. The concept of how boring life on the "OK Computer tour was just turned ot to be a boring video about Radiohead. Despite some flashes of great camera work and some brief sounds of unreleased music, this documentary is a big disappointment to any Radiohead fan. I would leave this one out of the "Shopping Cart" and save those hard earned pennies for the new album. Please write me for a more detailed review,Thanks
The Lord Of The Rings ... I decided to watch this movie after seeing the first one and knowing this was going to be a briliant trilogy. As soon as the movie started I knew it was going to be another excellent movie. The storyline is amazing. Its like you have explored a totally different world and after the film is over - you crave for more. I wanted to see it again and again. I would definetly buy this film or at least see it, its worth your time money and even a little more!Overall: Excellent! Its a must see!
Classic Movie! I couldn't find it in the stores, but I wanted this movie cuz I watched it as a kid and I want mine to be able to watch it also.
surprisingly solid Goodness I didn't realize this was part of the Predator franchise when it popped up on my cable guide. Admittedly, the first time I watched it, I fast forwarded it because I was afraid this was another crap formulaic action movie with trite trying too hard to sound like James Cameron Aliens dialogue.I WAS WRONG.Have patience and an open mind. Watch the movie as it was intended with no skipping and there will be some emotional impact with clever subtle hints in the storytelling about just what a nightmare the alien predators really are. There is some great atmosphere reminiscent of actual WW2 travesties specifically in the first outdoor abbatoir scene and the preceding bait scene. The use of Lawrence Fishburne is also important. This movie is chock a block full of goodies for the adult audience. The sparse use of the predators is important and used appropriately in that the ugly hairy crabs with green for frenzy envy for blood are really ... offputting as OSS117 would put it.Eee.I loved the wisdom dropped by Adrien Brody's character that if you run, you die - you need to dig in, lay low and fight. The ending and Adrien Brody's willingness means that there is reason to hope for a sequel.After so many glammy predator sequels, we are finally allowed to feel just how awful the enemy is. I LOVE IT.
Love it! Marilyn Monroe is my favorite actress of all time, and this is one of my favorite Marilyn Movies. And it has some really wonderful songs, like "My Heart Belongs to Daddy", "Specialization", "Let's Make Love," and "Incurably Romantic". Not to mention all the guest stars! I thought the performances of all the actors involved was great. Marilyn, as always, absolutely shines, and Yves Montand is very entertaining in the role of Jean Marc Clement. I'd recommend this movie to anyone.
Worth Telling--With or Without Webber Great documentary...Webber not taking part was slightly discouraging, as was the Ed Martin section, but overall this is a fun ride down memory lane with one of the most talked about teams in college basketball.
Freezing Entertainment! "Hell hath frozen over Gotham City!" The fourth entry in the 'Batman' franchise is chic, quick and furious. Warner Bros. Pictures have brought together the most endowed cast for the best 'Batman' movie ever. It was brilliant how Batman and Robin played ice hockey with a diamond. YES! Mr. Freeze (Schwarzenegger) is a true divinty force in this monumental motion picture. I don't know how many times I have to say that! George Clooney is stiff, but stylish and Chris O'Donnell is pure dim-witted as the slow sidekick who just needs to leave the city! Uma Thurman was perfect as the infuriating Poison Ivy. I don't even want to talk about Alicia Silverstone. I was rapturous when Mr. Freeze froze Gotham City, the people on the streets and the dog urinating on a fire hydrant. YES! Schwarzenegger is a messiah.
It's classic Rudolph--what more to be said?! It's a classic! We don't do Santa Clause in our house, and our kids have always know he's not real. This is such a classic, that we've allowed them to watch it over the years and they thoroughly enjoy it. Very cute!
Big Fat Zero This movie, with its racist undertones and social stereotyping is one big fat zero. As for comedy, I and my two friends watching didn't laugh once. How this movie can be described as charming is beyond me. Saddam Hussain has more charm for chrissakes!!The humour is so predictable, the characters so wafer thin, and the plot is non existent.Don't waste your money on this, go spend it on Muriel's wedding instead.
Nostalgia and knowledge of the 8th Air Force A sympathetic and family friendly look at B-17 flying in early to mid WWII European theater. A good view of the postive contributions by the Greatest Generation. It is reaonably accurate for what the air war was like at that time.
Fantastic, music history I loved this movie when I saw it. It tells the stories of some of the artists (like Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters) and there time spent with Lenney Chess and chess records. the only thing that the movie dosent rely touch on if i remember right is that lenny chess had a brother who also worked and chess, and there was no mention of him in the movie. the music is great, and the jokes are funny, if you get the context, like when the guy at the bar asks chuck berry for his ID and he pulls his poster off the wall and he says "ok, ID"
A bit too spooky and not enough buddies We have all the movies in the series and this was the least favorite. Our 4 year old was scared by several scenes. We pre-ordered this months ago in Blu Ray. I wish we had waited and just rented it.
Deserves no stars...though some good actors wasted their time. This is a remarkably, offensively shallow film. The portrayals, particularly of the Asian-Americans but no one is immune, are so schematic that they barely have any dimension at all, and the events depend exclusively on everyone involved behaving in the most unprovokedly stereotypical manner possible at almost all times. It depends on adorable coincidences and is full of unearned "redemption" and will only provoke thought in those who have never bothered to think about any human interaction. The performances are good. The direction is ham-handed. The script is an abomination.
buying a dvd Excellent product. I am 70 years old, but I returned to be the forgotten teenager since the beginning of the exhibition.
Fascinating & illuminating RABBIT PROOF FENCE illustrates a piece of Australian history that I, as an American, knew nothing about. From 1931 to 1970, the aborigines were under the "guardianship" of a British bureaucrat, with the particular idea of separating "half-caste" aborigines from their full-blooded parents and putting them in a home so they could learn how to be servants and low-wage employees.We follow three girls (aged 8-14) who are separated from their homes and placed in this camp some 1200 miles away. Molly, the oldest girl, who is quite clever and spirited, leads the three on a daring escape and journey back to their home. Their journey is amazing, because the endure lengthy hardships in the desert, little food, and the treachery of some adults they meet who try to turn these famous refugees over to authorities.They do meet help along the way too, but always they have to be wary of anyone they run into. The movie has flashes of humor, beautiful scenery and some heart-wrenching scenes.Kenneth Branagh plays Neville, the bureaucrat, and is the only "star" in the movie. His part is quite small...he handles it well, but it is NOT his movie. The movie belongs to these three inexperienced actresses, who were "discovered" by director Philip Noyce and put to work in these tricky parts. And they pull it off so well. They are all outstanding at conveying their sense of fear, of outrage, or courage and they have a certain stillness that shows how reserved they feel around these white strangers who have uprooted them.The movie is not exactly fast-paced, but I found it fascinating all the way through. It quietly draws us in, because we are rooting for the lead characters.The fact that this is a TRUE story (we meet some of the main characters towards the end) makes it all the more riveting. It's one of those rare films that completely educates you about an obscure but important part of history, but entirely through the power of great storytelling. We never feel we are "learning," yet at the end of the movie, you want to go find out more about this time in history.The movie is rated PG, but might not be very interesting to kids under 11 or so. A recommended experience!(By the way, the bonus feature on the DVD about the making of the film is outstanding. So often, these little features are nearly worthless, but we spend 40 minutes learning how the kids were discovered and trained. It is absolutely fascinating, and in my opinion, after watching the film, you should immediately watch the featurette!!!)
horrible!! i too thought this was going to live up to its name.this was just about the weakest storyline ever in a sci-fi movie. do not waste your time.rent of buy anything else!gc.
Waste of money Well I'll admit that I already walked into the movie not expecting much (based on watching the Mummy and Mummy 2), and walking out still unsatisfied doesn't say much for this film.The movie did pull in a few chuckles here and there, pulling in the same type of corny humor from Brendan Frasier's troupe. But overall, the script was very weak, and the choreography was only slightly better than Hercules/Xena fighting. Then again, we can't expect much from just a wrestler and an all-evil guy who only learned his moves shortly before the movie was filmed.Of all of the actors, why didn't we see more of Kelly Hu flexing her martial arts knowledge (well, as much as she can deliver?). She has had experience on Martial Law with Sammo Hung, plus she mentioned in a recent interview that she is currently studying a particular form of martial arts now. Maybe I've been spoiled by all of the kung fu movies I've seen with Jet Li! It's like drinking instant coffee after knowing what coffee in Europe tastes like. Now that America is experiencing more and more kung fu movies in recent years, these monster box office movies have to bring their fighting choreography up to par.1 out of 5 stars.
Helter Skelter in a summer swelter Despite an ultra low budget and no-name cast, this 1996 independent feature from director Jim Van Bebber nonetheless rates as the most chilling and eerily effective dramatized evocation yet of the the Manson "family" and thier shocking 1969 murder spree. Just as in the "Blair Witch Project", the viewer will take away only what they bring with them. If you are a "slasher" fan seeking only the visceral thrill of witnessing a gruesome re-enactment of the Tate-LaBianca slayings, that's exactly what you'll get (and you should seek psychiatric help). If you go in prepared to dismiss this as purely exploitative trash, then, yes, you will find plenty of spurting red Karo syrup and gratuitously naked hippy chicks to shake your head disapprovingly and cluck your tongue over. But if you are open-minded and willing to look just below the surface, you will discover intelligent filmmaking at work. In fact, "The Manson Family" is much less of an "exploitation" film than, say, the higher profile "Natural Born Killers". Oliver Stone has gone to great lengths to convince us that his film was a a misunderstood "media satire", but Van Bebber makes his point much more economically. Several key scenes in "The Manson Family" feature characters literally holding a mirror up to the camera; so perhaps it is not Charles Manson who fascinates us, Van Bebber seems to be saying, but the IDEA of a Charles Manson (or a Hitler, Jim Jones or Osama Bin Laden). What is it, we ask ourselves, that makes an otherwise "normal", intelligent person suddenly drop on all fours and merrily follow such misguided messianics into oblivion? This film comes the closest of any I've ever seen in realistically depicting circumstances that might enable this truly frightening type of transformation. DVD notes: The 2-disc version features an excellent doc with director and actor interviews. Some of the stories regarding on-set occurences will creep you out more than the film itself! Not for the squeamish, but a must-see for fans of fearless filmmaking.
MishMash Hybrid of Gross Out and Romantic Comedy Terrible movie, at dull moments lots of references/shots of porn or bestiality are thrown in. We loved Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum. This is a mess
The Worst Movie of All Time Wild Wild West was the worst movie I've ever seen(besides old sci-fi-movies, but those are funny). I was going to walk out of the movie but I kept saying to myself, "It'll get better." It got worse. The acting was horrid, and none of the jokes even worked. I think the funniest thing was the jokes about the half-man guy, whatever he was. I wouldn't even give this movie 1 star
Depp and Walken in real-time suspense Johnny Depp's character is coerced into in assassination plot by a corrupt government agent played by Christopher Walken.I like this movie. I think some of it is a little far fetched, but I like that it tries to tell the story in real time. It helps put you in the situation and adds to the suspense. And the situation is a tough one to get out of, with seemingly omniscient antagonists that deny his every attempt to free his captive daughter through means other than complying with their criminal demands. I think what appeals to me most is he's alone against the world and your right there with him. He's an ordinary guy put in an extroardinary situation, and the audience is taken along for the ride as he struggles to find a way.
VCD image quality Love Russell Peters; also have the "outsourced" DVD which is great quality but RWB is actually significantly better.However, the DVD is not a DVD quality but more a bad old VCD quality.It just looks like a very bad digitial downloaded version with streaks and cropped images all over the screen.It is that bad that I am sending the DVD back to Amazon as the quality is really horrible.I have 3 DVD player at home (incl bue ray) and it is not an issue of the player but the disc.I also checked the TV but all other DVD play well so I think this may be a recording/manufacturing problem?The combo pack also includes a CD whichis great but since I won't be watching the DVD again no use for the CD and I will send both back.Shame as the performance of Russell Peters is particular great.
This and Hell freezes over Please consider releasing Live from Melbourne and Hell freezes over on Blu-rayThe Eagles release the best concert videos of all time! Now that HD DVD is gone, get with the program Rhino!
Horrible....a waste of time Although the photographic style shows originality, some of the violent scenes were fun, and the actors did a good job, the story is boring. By the time the movie was almost over, I was waiting for relief from watching this stinker. When it was over, the only satisfaction came from not having paid movie theater prices for the entire family.
Needs some MST3K Seasoning This movie by itself is nothing to talk about, but with a little comedy from joel and the bots of mystery science theater 3K it rocks. I can't imagine watching this movie without some form of comedy dialogue, it's just too horrible.
The history of the West in the Middle East There's no doubt that there are Muslims saying bad things about the West. But the beginning of morality entails that we take an honest look at the words and actions of the West. In the bookInside Lebanon: Journey to a Shattered Land with Noam and Carol Chomsky, Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, "We are not a young people with an innocent record and a scanty inheritance. We have engrossed to ourselves . . . an altogether disproportionate share of the wealth and traffic (trade) of the world. We have got all we want in territory, and our claim to be left in the unmolested enjoyment of vast and splendid possessions, mainly acquired by violence, largely maintained by force, often seems less reasonable to others than to us."Churchill is honest enough about the West's violent imperialism, I think we should be as well. Some elite ideologues recognize our use of force and they accept it, even celebrate itImperial Grunts: On the Ground with the American Military, from Mongolia to the Philippines to Iraq and Beyond. While others feel it degrades us, and is counter to our claims of being Christians concerned about human freedomThe Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (The American Empire Project).Whatever a person's position, I hope people will at least be open to perspectives beyond what "Obsession" narrowly focuses on in a manipulative way. We should keep in mind Orwell's warning that "Effective propaganda doesn't lie, it omits."Here are some resources regarding important information that is being omitted by our corporate media:Our Own Private Bin LadenReel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a PeopleArabs and TerrorismThe Fourth World WarThe CorporationManufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the MediaWashington Report on Middle East Affairs - Without Supplemen
Never received item I ordered Lion King 2 and never received the item and was out my money.
Funniest show ever!! Amazingly funny show with very crude humor. I've seen every episode at least twice. If you like dirty and stupid humor you will love this show.
A FUN, ENTERTAINING MOVIE Dillan (Drew Barrymore), Natalie (Cameron Diaz), and Alex (Lucy Liu) are Charlie's newest angels, and their latest mission is to stop a madman out to rid the world of their privacy.When a young computer genius, the creator of a piece of technology that enables you to locate the whereabouts of every person in the world, is kidnapped, the Angels step in to rescue him, and foil a madman's evil plan.Just as the Angels are about to bring down the bad guys, a secret is revealed putting the girls in the center of a far more evil plan."Charlie's Angels", if a bit silly, is loads of fun. It is filled with awesome action sequences; containing-Matrix like-special effects, high tech gadgets, many disguises, and comedy that is unexpected, and very funny.Drew, Cameron, and Lucy are sexy, and funny in their roles of Charlie's Angels, and Bill Murray has never been better as Bosley in this high-octane action/comedy.Nick Gonnella
This movie created a lot of annoying drivers This movie is about an FBI agent that goes undercover to expose a street racing gang for stealing electronics. They use the stolen electronics to get money enough to trick out their cars. That's pretty much the plot.I don't like this movie for 2 major reasons. Firstly, the film itself is bad. The acting and plot are poorly done, the saving grace of this film is the intense action. This movie also created a new counter culture of guys that drive like maniacs in their economy cars. These people are everywhere in their Civics painted ridiculous colors and raising hell sounding like weed eaters on steroids. These things added together make this a bad film. It's poor acting and plot, along with its negative impact on society, in my opinion make this a crappy movie. I know that movies are usually rated on their cinematic quality. This film had descent action and some good special effects, but that's it. The coolest things about this movie were the Dodge Charger and the Toyota Supra. Those 2 cars were awesome. As for the tricks they perfomed, most of them are impossible. As an automotive technician I found myelf laughing at some of the things they portrayed the cars doing. All in all this movie was really thin. It's not worth owning.