The Empire 5 Star 500 - #118 What goes on behind closed doors? Behind closed minds?Cries and Whispers was written and directed by Ingmar Bergman.Ingar Bergman was a Swedish director, writer and producer for film, stage and television.Many talented directors look to him as one of the greatest director of all time.That being said, Cries and Whispers is essentially kind of a very strange movie.Cries and Whispers was a huge hit in 1972.It was nominated for 5 academy awards including Best Picture.Overall it is a very dramatic film that deals with some very heavy content.This is not a light hearted film, but if you watch it closely, you will notbe disappointed or overwhelmed by the direction it takes you in.Three sisters have come together in a mansion and one is very sick.There are many thoughts and emotions running through the sisters minds as thesister's sickness progresses. The film takes place mostly inside a lavish mansion.You barley see the outdoors throughout the entire film and it communicates a feeling ofisolation, claustrophobia, and confinement. When the film does finally make it outside, it is abreath of fresh air. Cries and Whispers is interesting because it communicates so much raw emotion.The emotions and directorial objectives are so vast that different viewers willmost likely see the film in different ways. The thing that makes Cries and Whispers great is that that, aside from thebase story, there is certainly something else going on. What exactly is that something else? Thatultimately is up to the viewer. That in turn is what can make the Cries and Whispers experience so unique to everyone thatwatches it. It is the part of the story you don't see that will stay with you.Great films can help the viewer to explore. Ingmar Bergman's ace in the whole is that nothing is off limits.This is not popcorn or blockbuster film making - this is is thoughtful film making. If you are searching for films that are unafraidto make a statement- Cries and Whispers is a good place to start.
GREAT movie! Man, one word.. AMAZING. I really liked this movie! Well mainly because Eminem is the main character, but it was very well directed! And He definitely has a talent for acting! 5 stars! Highly Recommended movie! I'm very excited for 2011 because Eminem is going to put out another movie, him being the main character again! The movie is called Southpaw, everyone needs to watch it when it comes out.
Dark city was better than I remembered Dark City was better movie than I remember. It had a great story, but the editing for the movie just screwed it all up. But still a very good movie.
It is Hysterical! I can't believe this was actually a health film! Kids today would laugh themselves silly if they saw this in health class.
History at it's most Engaging James Burke's Connections is one of the finest history lessons imaginable. I saw the first series in a college class and was facinated by the way he presented the history of the world, through invention and discovery, going from point A to point Z and filling in every step in between. Connections 3 continues the fine tradition he began in the previous series. Just when you thought he couldn't surprise you again with his historical corelations, he does. And in the most amazing ways. Highly reccomended for students of history that lack patience. Burke brings it to life the way my profs could not!
Wonderful addition to my collection Ever since seeing my first Galaxy Angel episode via Netflix, I have been hooked on the series. It is some of the funniest stuff out there, and at the same time some of the most poignant episodes, in particular the one where Forte helps the girl Millie and another in which she deals with her over freezing once during a mission.Volume 1 of Galaxy Angel Z takes up practically where the original series left off. One episode stars Ranpha competing on a "Survivor" type show but being attacked by a small robot that had once been her friend. There is a very cute scene towards the end when Ranpha realizes the little robot only wants attention! Awwwww. Another episode highlights the cosplaying Mint. Trapped inside the costume of a planet's legendary beast, she gets a taste of fame and finds out what it's truly like!One of the best episodes on the DVD stars Mint and Vanilla in Twilight Zone type situation trying to get a bag filled with part of the Lost Technology out of unscrupulous hands!And thanks to and a customer service staff that absolutely rocks, I was able to add volume 1 of Galaxy Angel Z to my collection. That said, the show is not for everyone. Some of the comedy is slapstick, which may not appeal to everyone and the way the girls treat each other is not always very kind. But in the end, I come away from every episode having enjoyed it. Not always understanding it, but enjoying it!Anime fans, those just trying it, those curious, give Galaxy Angel. You might be surprised how much you will enjoy it!
Thrilling and Funny It keep your attention with tommy-lee jones and having will smith there just adds the right amount of comedy. I say anyone over then would like it! It has awsome special affects too!
Buy this movie only to see a Legend be disgraced. This movie has nothing to do with Bruce lee.. This movie often confuses karate with gung fu as well as Japanese culture with chinese. Has no plot and the tounament scenes have no actual fighting. This movie is a total hoax. Buy it if you want to feel pity for the makers. WARNING: There are no facts stated in this movie.. most of the the interview scenes were fake, you can tell from the contrasting video qualities and colors. If you can buy it for 3.00 or lower then buy it just to see how disgusting it is.
Bad Acting & Directing! First off, I should confess that I'm not much into the comic book realm. Thus, I probably am missing alot of what's great about this movie.That said, viewing this as just a regular movie, this was quite horrible. The acting was very stiff and unbelievable. The pacing was overly slow - not the intentional, tension building slowness of Unbreakables, but just a real dragging pace that made one think the director didn't know when to cut the scenes. Additionally, the whole wind-up of the movie (the popular guy in the FBI retires, his family is sick of moving, they are going to live like normal people now, yada yada yada), was WAY to cliche and also took much too long.The one somewhat amusing aspect was the Punisher's neighbors in their seedy apartment building. In some way, even that was conventional. And yet, there was a real, human glimpse at these characters' lives that was strikingly refreshing and enjoyable.All told, about a half hour before the end of the movie, we had an interruption. However, we were all too happy to relieve ourselves from the painful experience and so never bothered to finish the movie. I don't know how it ends or if the ending somehow redeems the whole rest of the movie...I certainly hope so.
Unbelievably sweet This has to be one of the most enjoyable series on t.v. at the moment. I dont know about anyone else, but I am very very tired of adding one more 'cop show' to my list of watchables. this show is a wonderful mixture of day to day REAL LIFE, without the unnecessary violence. While it does have some controversial topics, they are topics that do need to be dealt with and for some families, they need to be dealt with in the present. Treat Williams' character, Dr. Brown, has a charisma that would make anyone like him, and he does. While the rest of the cast is very enjoyable, I must say that Dr. Brown is by far my favorite. I especially love the naration by Irv (john beasley) it adds an emotional quality and puts the storyline into perspective (and sometimes brings a tear to my eye). Debra Mooney plays Dr. Brown's nurse, (Dr. Abbott's mother) and adds a bit of spice to the show, this show could not do without her. After every episode, I always get the feeling i want to pack up and move to a small town in Colorado......... I do hope that this show continues and i can guarantee you, I will be watching.
OUT-STANDING Im sure you've seen the movie at this point. This movie is the reason you bought a blu ray player. If you have blu ray and a home theatre this is a must own.
Loses steam unbelievably quickly Most of the times you watch a movie simply because everybody makes a fuss of it and you get to the point where you'll go nuts if you don't get seeing this movie off your plate of things to do. So we have A Scanner Darkly, directed by Richard Linklater who brought such "classics" such as Dazed and Confused or the Jack Black vehicle School of Rock while this film continues a filmmaking tradition of what's called "rotoscoping" which I'll get into later. The thing is the film looks great, it's just the actual film underneath isn't.Bob Arctor (Keanu Reeves) is a pusher of a drug known as Substance D which is highly addictive and eventually creates extensive brain damage. He's got druggie friends Barris (Robert Downey Jr, the film's bright spot) and Luckman (Woody Harrelson) as well as Bob's girlfriend Donna who's a heroin addict. The rub is that Arctor, a Substance D addict also can't figure out he's also "Fred", an undercover narcotics officer who wears a "scramble suit" that constantly shifts his appearance to conceal his real identity and makes things worse when he investigates himself.The process of rotoscoping is basically taking the live-action footage and basically coloring it and turning it into something resembling a moving comic book. Forget Sin City, Hellboy or Spider-Man, this is a true "comic book movie" that the others wish they could do. Well if the original story was a comic anyway but it's really a cool watch and it gives extra weight to what's essentially a confusing and quite frankly boring story. Not a lot happens (arguments about bike gears, notes on front doors are just mind-numbingly tedious) and when something does happen, it just doesn't have any emotional connection at all.So now we come to the acting of the thing. Reeves, often the butt of debates on his acting ability is quite good here although he still has that "I'm bored" voice. And like I said, Downey is quite funny as the rambling paranoid druggie and Harrelson plays that slightly mentally challenged character well and even in animation form, Winona Ryder is just too cute. The others are pretty much non-existant since either they're not important although Rory Cochrane has a pretty big role as a huge Substance D addict but ultimately everyone just fades in the background as we deal with the main 4.I'd recommend the film just to check out the animation style but as for the story, I didn't care for it but try it out anyway, who knows, maybe you'll be one of the few who "gets" it.
love i love this product it teaches you different languages lots to learn they have all types of languages you can learn from great way of learning about different cultures
Easily, without a doubt, THE best Batman Movie ever. When i first heard they were making a new Batman movie, i thought, it won't be better than the old ones. That was before i went and watched the old ones again, as I hadn't seen them in years. The first one in 89 was good, but after that, they all completely blowed. I mean, they just sucked. The acting was horrible, it was so stupid, it seemed like a comedy.Then I saw the trailer for Batman Begins, and it was amazing. I have seen the movie 3 times so far, not to mention once in IMAX, and am going to see it again. It was just awesome. At first, i didn't like the different look of batman or the batmobile, but you grow to like it, and now i absolutely love it. The acting was great, and Liam Neeson was a great actor for Ra's. I liked the new,tougher, almost criminal, Bale as Batman. He was a great actor as well.As the other review mentioned, the music for a movie can destroy it, or make it incredible. The old batman movies had freakin circus music and Prince, what the heck. Hans Zimmer is amazing with this movie. Already creating incredible soundtracks for Gladiator and King Arthur, for example, he was perfect for Batman. The music makes the exciting action scenes 20 times better. I honestly got chills when i watched this movie, it was so good. For example, the final scene of the train, the music made the scene so much more action packed. And the "scary" parts, or more disturbing parts with the toxin being inhaled by batman and other people, made THOSE scenes perfect as well.The new batmobile is simply amazing. When i first saw it, before i saw the movie, i was like "o no, not a dang tank!" But i later loved it, more than the old crappy ones with the flimsy "wings" on it. It is just more tough and has better gadgets, like the spike strips, or more spike balls, for that matter.Batman's outfit is much better in these movies. It doesn't look like crappy rubber or stuff like that, cuz its not. And the guy who said earlier that he can barely move his head, well, he moves it plenty. Compared to the old movies, he looks like he isn't even wearing the cowl. In the old ones, there wasn't any head movement at all, he had to move his whole body. Then there is his cape. This is the best cape ever made. Batman doesn't have to hold sticks out to make it look like his cape is up. He can actually glide on it. Its just so much better.Anyways, that finishes my review. This movie was the best movie i've seen in a long time. It makes me happy to know that it wasn't really associated with the old ones, and it isn't part of that franchise. I wouldn't want to be known for those pitiful attempts. I can't wait till the deluxe edition comes out. I also can't wait till the next movie comes out, with the Joker and all.
Don't Panic, but Don't Be Too Thrilled Either I am writing this as a Hitchhiker's Guide purist, meaning I value the original novel and to some extent, the BBC series, so bear that in mind. The only visual version of Douglas Adams' cult book, Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, was the six part BBC series back in 1981, which combined elements from HH and its sequel, Restaurant At The End of the Universe. A bigscreen version was pushed about for years. By the time it finally came out this month, Adams had passed away from a sudden heart attack aged 49.The story is well known for acolytes of HH and its four sequels. Basically, on the last day of planet Earth's existence, Arthur Dent has to worry about his house being demolished to make way for a bypass. This predicament is magnified when alien Vogons, traveling in ships shaped like office blocks, announce that Earth has to be destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass system. Fortunately, Arthur escapes Earth with his friend Ford Prefect, who was not from Guilford but actually from the planet Betelguese.The title refers to a book Ford carries with him, a small book that has surpassed the Encyclopedia Galactica as the repository of all knowledge, popular from its message, "Don't Panic" on its cover.So the difference between the BBC series and the movie? Where the series omitted many things from the book, it didn't include anything extraneous. The movie follows the book up to Arthur and Ford being rescued by Zaphod Beeblebrox, the wacky two-headed, three-armed President of the Galaxy, now on the run for having stolen the Heart of Gold starship with the Infinite Improbability Drive, and Trillian, a girl Arthur tried to get lucky with at a party. After that, the movie introduces characters who didn't appear in the book, such as Humma Kavala, Zaphod's opponent for President of the galaxy. The series focuses more on the guidebook than the movie, which in the book was a key focus due to the humorous information in its pages. And the quest for the question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is less thematic in the movie.Simon Bailey is perfectly cast as Arthur, with an over the top Sam Rockwell outdoing Mark Wing-Davy's version. And wait till you see how he has two heads! Alan Rickman's droning monotone is perfect as the voice of Marvin, the chronically depressed android. I was expecting something miscast from rapper Mos Def as Ford, but no, he's actually not that bad, and has an acceptable British accent. Bill Nighy, who appeared in Love Actually along with Bailey, does well as planetary engineer and fjordphilic Slartibartfast-"I told you my name wasn't important". And Stephen Fry is perfect as the narrator. Note: in the scene where the gang are at the office trying to secure Trillian's release, the original Marvin from the BBC series can be seen among the gaggle of aliens.Similarities to the BBC series? Adams' humour works best in print or on radio, as much has to do with absurdities that translates best as abstractions to be contemplated in the mind rather than visuals. The movie will be best enjoyed by those already familiar with the HH books, although the silliness of portraying the Vogons as officious and bureaucratic does get through.The verdict? The movie's use of CGI works best in the realization of the Vogon fleet going into hyperspace, or the planet Magrathea, which customizes luxury planets, but that and the new material not in the book are in the end no match for the original book. In fact, despite some wackiness and good scenes, the new material cheapens the memory of Adams and what HH is all about. The ending lends room to a sequel, but I doubt things will improve given this adaptation.
trapped in silence This is a strange movie but you do get involved in it and wonder what is going to happen next. I would recommend this movie but i do not like some of the explicit graphics..Anyway i can say without giving the story away i did like the ending..
One of the most boring horror movies I have ever seen For me I found the movie didn't get decent until the last 20 minutes or so. Seriously we get one kill and then for next hour all we have is a our main lead girl babysitting the house and just wandering around and listening to music. Then the last 20 minutes we finally get some action and even that is a let down.
american pie is cool this was a great movie. the comedy was that of a cheap eighties movie. the story had everything that a teenager would enjoy. it had sex and comedy scenes that were great.
Thoroughly exciting and entertaining!! Whenever I have two hours to spare for some spectacular romance, comedy and swashbuckling I'll turn this movie on! Banderas and Hopkins both play Zorro flawlessly. Zeta-Jones makes a stunning Elena. My only disappointment is that Zeta-Jones didn't do more fighting scenes. The one scene she did was great! It was very convincing. The music was perfect! It really enhances the action. I recommend this movie to any one who likes swordplay and romance.
the best this is by far my favorite movie of all time (yes, i said of all time). never have i seen a movie that developed characters so well and MADE you care about them. this is also probably the only movie i can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. if you have never seen it, you're missing cinematic genius.
Everlasting Memories I was Just 5 years old in 1968 when I first saw this remarkable all-singing all-dancing masterpeice of a musical movie! The effect it had on me then was awsome, the effect it has on me now at the age of 37 is still awsome. You must see this movie! It will make you cry (Where is Love) It will make you laugh (I'll Do Anything). Dont go through life without seeing this film! It would be like going through life without ever experiencing... erm... life. 10/10
Blu-Ray Extended requires flipping the disc It is still way too early, but the editorial review above already states that the discs will contain both theatrical and extended on the same disc and that you will still have to flip the disc over mid-way through the movie regardless of the version you're watching.This is absurd, and I would tell everyone to wait until it is closer to a release date for more accurate information. I highly doubt they will make a Blu-Ray that is double sided and split the movies in 1/2 for each side. I can, however, see one side the extended and the other the theatrical version.It's just too early to make predictions though, so anyone trying to state that they know what's going to happen are idiots and should be ignored.
Tough Times in Toon Town "Cool World" is Ralph Bakshi's bizarre live-action/animation combination that followed by four years the ground breaking (and far more entertaining) "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" But its weirdness is wholly on the surface, weirdness for weirdness' sake, and that's exhausting. The film only runs 94 minutes, but it could have been told in six.The story is very simple: in 1945, Frank Harris (Brad Pitt) is pulled into the Cool World after he's injured in a motorcycle accident; 50 years later, ex-con Jack Deebs (Gabriel Byrne), who made a name for himself in prison by drawing (unwittingly) Cool World-inspired comic books, is lured there by one of its denizens, Holly Would (Kim Basinger, although only her voice was used over another woman's rotoscoped body for animation). Holly -- who will remind men of every beautiful, psychotic girlfriend they couldn't resist -- wants to enter the Real World. Apparently, the only way to do that is by having sex with a `Noid ("humanoid" to us). As a Cool World police detective, Harris knows that lead to the destruction of both worlds, although how is never explained. Even "Ghostbusters" had a better explanation for why they shouldn't cross the streams of unlicensed nuclear accelerators: "It would be bad."Most of the weirdness in "Cool World" comes from the background characters -- all of them inexplicably ugly, except for Holly and Harris' girlfriend, Lonette -- and its urban setting, a trashed city of twisted towers inhabited by ugly, angry toons (called Doodles) engaged in an endless cycle of assaulting each other. Imagine a story with scenes Hieronymous Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" playing in the background, only making even less sense, and you'll get an idea of the bizarre, incoherent visuals.The story is a mess, full of plot holes, non-existent foreshadowing and, at the end, a deux ex machina to give it a happy ending. "Cool World" runs only 94 minutes, but tons of extraneous material was thrown in for padding; a sequence in which a Thumper-like rabbit is shooting craps has absolutely nothing to do with the story. The live-action camera work is clumsily handled, and the actors at times recite their lines as if they have no earthly idea what for. There's a joke about comedy that goes like this:"Ask me what's the most important skill in comedy?""All right. What's--""Timing!"In "Cool World," the actors aren't in on the joke. They slur their lines, drag them through time as if they're paid by the second. They're confused, and they know it. One scene with Pitt is priceless; after delivering some Bogart-like lines to a toon, he swivels his head with an expression that seems to ask, "Did I really say what I thought I said?"The intermingling of reality and fantasy worlds is becoming a movie genre, with "Roger Rabbit," "Cool World," "MonkeyBone," "Space Jam" and "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" each taking a swing at it. Of them, only "Roger Rabbit" has delivered a satisfying, coherent story. The rest need to have a cartoon anvil dropped on them, if only to teach a lesson about how to animate comedy.
Beautiful cinematography and excellent casting This is a story of a son's reconciliation with his father. The plot device of using the fantastictales of the father to illustrate the son's frustration with his father is well done. I have a personal dislike for the use of freakish characters such as giants but this was actually well carried out with a Fellini-esque flair. The acting and interrelation betweencharacters were flawless. Overall a good film that provides a heart-warming insight into humanfoibles.
B4tter than the original. T2 is better than the first. It's funnier, a touching story, grat speical effects, ad it's all finely packaged in this duel layer dvd with an awesome case.
The Road Warrior: a New Hero Mystique is Born Road gangs rule the wastelands in the post-apocalyptic aftermath of civilization's finale. The most valued commodities: oil, gasoline, cars and guns. Mel Gibson stars as the now iconic Mad Max--the quiet wandering scavenger, humankind's mysterious last hero. The plot is simple: The Road Warrior must decide between escape or to stay and defend the peaceful gasoline making tribe from the tyranny of a wasteland gang.As each action scene is skillfully 'wiped' to the next, the tension builds and the dramatic quality of the theme is rooted. The question is: Can these people escape the wasteland and journey toward the rumored last haven of civilized humankind? Or will they be hunted down, raped and murdered like animals by the whim of gang-rule.Despite the gruesome action and sometimes campy dialogue, the theme of the film is complex: the right to one's own life. This is portrayed in the conflict between the producer tribe and the thieving gang: the creators vs. the destroyers; and Max walks the the middle line as an individual standing against tyranny, the defender of that right to life (his own), and of that dream of a better place. Max can't escape his past as a policeman, as an arbiter of justice, but can he escape the gang's brutality and live to scavenge another day?Through Max we identify with the fight against tyranny in defense of a future for humanity, and as we do, a new hero mystique is born: that of the brooding and cunning last remnant of humankind's ideals. Also, a warning rises to the surface of this film; a warning about gang rule and human corruption and where that may lead us.
Fox and the Hound This is a great movie for all kids. In great condition. Thank you!
I loved this movie I don't know if it deserved a bunch of accademy awards but I loved it. Cairo in the forties is a very compelling background for the story to unfold. The only two people I really cared about were Kip and Hana. The main characters were not very lovable but that they are real people with strengths and weakness just like everybody else is the point. It is not unimaginable for two people to be overwelmed with desire in the desert wilderness and to disregard the consequences. However I don't think anybody would have depended on a madman of a pilot who knows they're sleeping with his wife to pick them up in the middle of the desert. I've watched this movie 4 times now and I'll watch it again soon. I do hope that Kip and Hana lived happily ever after.
Stupid girls+Stupid story=Stupid movie!! New york minute is a completely awful movie with a bad story line.If the Olsen twins should have know what they were doing,they would have never act like a bunch of jerks.Imagine the cast from Beastmaster,Andromeda,Mutant X and Earth final conflict come together to destroy the film by seeing Captain Dylan Hunt burning the set on fire,Dar the Beastmaster slashing the cameras and the ropes,The Talons shooting down the cars and the Mutant X team to kill the movie once and for all!!!
VERY UPSET This movie was recieved later than I expected and it was messed up, couldn't even watch it for the assignment that I needed it for at school....
Triad Trilogy Election 2, like its predecessor and the acclaimed "Infernal Affairs", seems to usher a new wave Hong Kong crime cinema. Highly stylized and almost completely devoid of the typical "action" sequences that HK gangster pictures have become associated with, Election 2 is also one of the coldest films in recent memory.The plot is somewhat unremarkable and predictable, but in this case its how the film is told that makes it stand apart. The underworld depicted by director Johnny To is populated by sullen, disaffected thugs in expensive suits, with no loyalties held sacred but to their insatiable greed. The isolation of these men, (and Louis Koo as Jimmy in particular), as they trade away the remaining scraps of their humanity is a chilling thing to behold. The lighting, music, and sparse sets all echo the overwhelming emptiness and dread radiated by these characters, excellently performed by an ensemble of talented actors. Characters carried over from the first film seem to have developed in the two year interim to Election 2, and have become much more realized than the rather thin caricatures of the original.Johnny To also seems to have a better grasp of the subject; wisely opting for a more serious approach, he injects a political theme that elevates the material out of the typical power fantasy of gangster films. Although the film certainly has its share of violent scenes, they are a good deal less gory than the majority of "shock cinema" today, and somehow even more harrowing. One particularly chilling scene is almost completely silent, save the blood-freezing soundtrack's eerie drone. Presented in such icy fashion that it becomes savagely artistic, Election 2's violence will stay with you long after the credits run. Despite the fetishistic renditions of violence and Triad traditions, these power obsessed sociopaths are hardly glamorous; their quiet panic becoming palpable as the realization sets in that greed has condemned them all. It is a testament to the director's talent that even without a single likable character for the audience to root for; the film remains compelling right to the bitter end.Election 2 is an uncompromising film; violent, serious, politically controversial, and spectacularly unsympathetic. It also depends in large part on the viewer having seen its prequel, a similar if inferior examination of the same subject and themes. It is also one of the most interesting crime dramas in some time. Special note must be given once again to the score, which raises the tension significantly, and gives it a unique flavor more akin to a horror movie than a gangster film. Johnny To has shaped a bleak monster out of the typical conventions of crime noir; it leaves the viewer with much food for thought on subjects many would find distasteful, but anyone with an interest in the shallow, ruthless underbelly of organized crime is recommended to give it a look.
The Best Disney Animated Feature Ever! The story is a classic by every meaning of the word. Musically its based on the ballet Sleeping Beauty and uses all the music from it. It is done so well, nothing compares to it! Plus, all of it was hand drawn, no computer animation used here! If it weren't for this movie, movies like Beauty and The Beast and The Little Mermaid wouldn't exist!Sleeping Beauty was a first in regards to it being stylized and it was the first animated feature done in Letterbox. Anything else before it was done in Standard Format (that means in a square shape). They actually had to draw "sets" so that the characters could move from spot to spot like in a "real" movie.The fairies are a scream! Very funny stuff goin on with them. And talk about a great Disney Bad Guy; Maleficent is the best and first Villainess. She is all evil and she rocks!
excellent I ordered this DVD because it has Snoopy's brother Spike in it, who my boyfriend loves! I was really excited that this movie was available. The shipping/receiving time was SUPERB! Thanks
Amazing Absolutely amazing. Totally fantastic. Can't believe that somebody can make such a stunning movie.The only problem is that the men of Rohan, don't actually look anything like what the book describes them as. But that is a miner defect.
Symbolic Warning This 1946 film seems to use high-speed (and high-contrast) film, which results in a stark effect. It is also a low-budget film, comparable to some 'film noir' of the 1940s. It is about the search for a Nazi war criminal, hiding in plain sight. Franz speaks American without an accent, and shows up as a new teacher in a rural college. He romances and marries the no longer young daughter of an important man (Chief Justice). But another war criminal, who got religion, searches for Franz. Franz realizes that Meineke is being followed, and kills him to keep his secret. Meineke is also a problem since he has got religion; and religion (or personal ideals) is always a threat to any secular system whether Fascism, Communism, or Plutocracy.Nazi hunter Edward G. Robinson arrives, posing as an antique dealer. His comments on old silver shows he has studied his cover story. There is also a clue to Franz: an obsession with clocks (symbolizing a devotion to man-made mechanical devices, like social systems). Little by little the facts come out to point to Franz. Franz tries to kill his new wife, since she knows too much about him! This symbolizes his self-destructive philosophy, which leads to his fall from the top. Can anyone hide in a small town?This film was an unheeded warning. It would be over thirty years later before we learned about "Operation Paper Clip" and other schemes to harbor Nazis in America. It wasn't just rocket scientists. The film also records a more innocent time, when college students ran through the woods as a pastime.
Pleasant kids film This is a rather pleasant film set in a non existant fairy tale world. It features the Black Prince and Chaucer as characters but has nothing to do with history as we know it. The action takes place around jousting tournaments which give out large prizes. It is a sporting story transposed back into an ancient time.Our hero is a peasant who after the unexpected death of his boss a real knight dons his armour to win a tournament. He decides to try to make a living out of it. He runs into Geoffery Chaucer who he pays to fake a aristocrat background. (Only the nobs can compete)The main plot of the film is based around a rivalry between the hero played by Heath Ledger and a villian with a German name. Bound up in the rivalary over who is the best at jousting is a desire to wed the female lead.The film is strange the way it interweaves pop music and jousting performances and the female lead who dresses in contempory clothing. Still the themes of the film, a work ethic is more important than where you are born, and its good to be loyal to family are harmless enough.But its hard to take that a woman could be a blacksmith in the time period suggested or that the heroine would be allowed the indepandance that she is in this film.
Patina basic This document is very instructive. I consider it esssential for every one that love making jewellery. Thank you to the author.
Good video undermined by racist stereotyping Like a lot of the Bear videos, this has great scripting, catchy tunes and good puppeteering. However, the big let down for me was the song introduced by Shadow, who is an annoying representation of a bog-Oirish charachter complete with inane diddly-eiddly fiddle music. The song is quite disgraceful really - cut-out figures supposed to be blacks in 1970s disco attire, complete with frizzy Afro hairstyles, thick lips and wide noses. At best you might say it's racist stereotyping, at worst downright insulting to African-Americans who might buy this video. Come on, Muppet People, you can do better than that!
not the best This is not the best of what you can see on cable, but yet, from the available DVDs, it is much better than road rage.
Aircraft footage is the real star... The "what-if" story is compelling, but it is totally overshadowed by the amazing firepower of the airwing of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. One can stay with this one until the end, but a somewhat frayed ending may leave you puzzled. Overall, a good sci-fi/military movie. Incidentally, I was a crew member on the Nimitz when The Final Countdown was being filmed, and was edited out of two scenes. It's a shame this one is out of print.
Latin talent and passion Shakira's MTV Unplugged DVD is fantastic! There's nothing like listening to and watching an artist perform unplugged, because you really get to see the real talent of the artist. On this DVD, Shakira proves that she's got a great voice, a natural ability to entertain an audience, and that she can use her crativity to modify songs from her CDs and deliver a totally unique performance. The sound is great! The visual quality is great! Great DVD!
Excellent Unfortunately the powers that be in the Academy Awards business were blinded by the money generated by that worthless movie, TITANIC. If any of the voters had any sense they would have opened their eyes and noticed the brilliance of Good Will Hunting.Good Will Hunting was funny, emotional and intelligent. That other movie was long, cheesy, predictable, and lame. Good Will Hunting had an exceptional cast, great writing, a good story, and something to think about. If that's what you are looking for in a movie than Good Will Hunting is your movie.
So I Married an Axe Murderer This movie came out around the same time as the Wayne's World so it slipped under the radar screen. If you like Mike Myers' movies you will like this one. It has a good supporting cast and a not bad story line. It has made the rounds on premium cable channels and I'm glad to say is now part of my library.
I'm seeing results in just 3 weeks! I have purchased quite a few excercise DVDs in the past, and I have to say, Jari Love's "Get Ripped and Chiseled" is by far THE best. The way that she staggers the reps not only gets quick results, but it also completely helps in staving off boredom. Instead of dreading my workout, I actually look forward to it! I have been using this DVD for about 3 weeks now, and already I see that my arms are more muscular and my thighs and butt are toning up. My husband has noticed too! =0)The only thing slightly negative that I would say about "Get Ripped and Chiseled" is the music. It's like the 'techno' dance-club music from the 90's. I honestly don't mind it, and it seems to work with the beat and reps., but some people might not appreciate it as much as Jari seems too.
BUFFY ROCKS!!!!! This movie is really good for its time considering that it came out before the show Buffy. They didn't have the technology to dust the vampires which is why they just lay on the ground. Even though it wasn't as great as the show, its great because it led to the show.
Happy Harry Wonderful DVD for almost all ages. This is a charming tale beautifully told. The characters are endearing and well crafted. My wife and I surprisingly watch it again and again. If it has any weaknesses it has to be the special features section. The pulsed video effect and clunky interface was disappointing. Take my advice and just skip the "tours".
Bullit was great to watch but... While the movie it self was great, the DVD had a deep scratch on one side. The outside package was not damaged but the center spindles that held the DVD in place was broken alowing it to move around and be scratched. This DVD had Wide screen on one side and standard on the other, only one side was damaged and I was able to watch the movie.
In The Beginning . . .Hunger and Heart. I had written a review for Season 1 about two years ago, and I have decided to rewrite it from a different standpoint. Two years later, and now with Season 5 just wrapping up, I am looking back at Season 1 rather than starting out with it.My interest in Criss Angel came quite by accident. He was someone I stumbled across while I was flipping through the TV. When I decided to check him out, I took both Season 1 and Season 2 out of the library, along with his biography. I was also checking into his music as well.I started with Season 1, and I can tell you that I pretty much watched the whole thing in one sitting. I was captivated by it. I think I managed to watch two episodes of Season 2 before ordering my own copies of both seasons. I also didn't return the library's until I had my own in my hands. I was never a fan of magicians, but something was different about Criss, and there was something more appealing about Criss that extended beyond his magical talents.Now, after just about wrapping up Season 5 with one more episode to go, I can look back at Season 1. Season 1 was the beginning of the TV Series, Mindfreak. I view Season 1 in a special way because this was a new thing for Criss with doing this television show. He has some following now, but it is almost uncanny to view Season 1 and the small crowds that were available to watch these demonstrations as opposed to the throng of devoted followers he has now. As they say, you've come a long way baby. There was no pretense in this season. He made a transition from being a "goth" guy from his earlier specials (Mindfreak Special, Supernatural, Made in Japan) to this approachable, charming, seemingly warm individual who was hungry in his craft and creative with his art.Just about every episode has dealt with a stunt that was considered dangerous and death-defying. He put himself on the line to catch the public's attention and it worked. From this point on, he showed more humor and personality in the next two seasons, while still having the tricks and stunts, but curbing back a tad on the danger factor. Season 3 started to see a rise in his popularity, and there was more of a thrust of image being brought to the forefront. By Season 4, there was lots of image, some stunts, and his personality appeared to have changed, which is why I have reviewed that season as the weakest. The latest Mindfreak is a 5-part hour-long special returning to his roots a little, but that's another review.I would tell the new fan to start with this season if they don't have anything by Criss Angel, and then work upward through the seasons. I would then advise a look into his pre-Mindfreak days with the above-mentioned specials to acquire another viewpoint into how some of these demonstrations started out, and how Criss started out before he landed a TV deal with A&E.;Season one is the Huger and the Heart of why Criss does what he does. You have your stunts, and you have some cool slight of hand. You have a guy that wasn't as much an image as he was an artist. You have a guy who I found extremely likable. You get to see his family a lot in this season, too, which tells you a lot about his family values and what was important to him.Criss has said himself that he's more about the way the trick made you feel than about the trick itself. He's all about that "emotional" connection. My wish for him would be to not see him lose that. Because each of us are individuals, who he is as a person is as much a selling point as his bag of tricks are. His personality and his art should stand on its own, and that is what I would like to see him known for.I don't want to see him become a Britney Spears who is known more for her tabloid dramas, or what she wears or doesn't wear, than for her music and dancing. He doesn't need to generate "talk" by going that route - just let your personality and your creativity be the guiding light. Some of that got lost in Season 4 with the flashy, tabloid image he was portraying. He's better than that.Season 1 is proof of that.ARE YOU READY?Diane Trautweiler. Written 9/6/2009.Criss Angel - Mindfreak - The Complete Season One
excellent This movie does a excellent job of explaining how Batman came to be. It shows how Bruce Wayne is deeply affected by his parents death and how he overcomes the trauma of his early childhood. Not as good as the Dark Knight but is very good.
Campy but funny stuff I am a John Astin fan (The Addams family), and heard about this movie only recently. Its worth seeing at least a couple of times. In its day it was probably funnier than now. For the diehard Astin fan.
Subtitles better than dubbing Loved the film but the dubbing (especially in the 1st parts of the film) was terrible - very flat & fake-y. We preferred the subtitles (which you forget about as the movie goes along).
A Hoot! A Romp of British Humor! :) I have 9 episodes on VHS of the wonderful Fawlty Towers and plan on buying the whole DVD set. If you love British Comedy or Monty Python, then you will ADORE Fawlty Towers! The cast meshes so well together! It's a shame there aren't more episodes! My favorite episode is "Basil, The Rat." Personally I would give it 10 stars or more on the hilarity scale! Buy and Enjoy!
Wonderful movie I read the review of an individual from Ohio, written on May 27, and immediately went and read every review with a rating below five stars. That person was absolutely right. They speak of those who gave poor reviews as being illiterate, and I (a sophomore in high school) want to cry when I think of how accurate this statement was. I do not believe I can write any praises not already written, so I will simply say what a wonderful movie this was, and how it sheds new light on the struggles of those, including several to whom I am related, who fought in this horrible war. Those who spend their time busting a gut over racial or national representation in this movie (and that's all it is, just a movie, no matter how great it or its message is) need to just get a life.
Another bad movie The DVD quality was fine, I suppose we are only to comment on that. BUT, this movie was even worse than I'd heard. Unless you're one of those zombie fans who would buy anything of hers, stay away. Far away. After all, this is the movie that ruined her husband's career.
I like this film, it was very very good and i record it. This film was very good and I like, if this film get a other part too. I like that William Baldwin is very good actor and I like him. Sharon Stone is also good actor. This Sliver was good and it was that kind film that you look it many times and you don't tired of it.
Brother Bear Brother Bear is a truly enjoyable movie for the whole family. It tells the story of Kenai and the challenges he faces on his journey to becoming a man. He receives his totem from his people's shaman, but is disappointed with what the spirits have chosen his life's path to be. He is turned into a bear by the spirit of his fallen brother in order to learn how to become the man the spirits intended him to be.Kenai feels resentment for the totem the spirits have chosen for him, especially after the death of his brother. He turns his back on the path he must take in order to become a man to avenge his brother's death. Throughout the movie, Kenai's brother's spirit helps guide him (unknown to Kenai, of course) back to the path he must take, the path that was chosen for him.After being turned into a bear, he meets a cub that has been separated from his mother. This cub, Koda, helps him open his heart and begin to love. He learns that when he killed the bear to avenge his brother's death, it was Koda's mother. Brother Bear is an endearing story about how the choices we make in life have a far-reaching and lasting effect.Although the main focus is the story of Kenai and his relationship with Koda, it touches on his people's religious beliefs. This is evident in the ceremony in which Kenai recieves his totem. The tribe's shaman revealed to us that she went up on the mountain where the light touches the earth to talk with the spirits. This is where Kenai's totem of "loving bear" was revealed to her. Like the Dene Tha of Alberta, Canada, Kenai's people seek spiritual guidance from "animal helpers" (Living Religions, Seventh Edition page 35). They are all given an animal and its most honorable trait to help guide them to be the best man or woman they can be.I would definitely recommend this movie. It was a sweet story about one boy's unexpected journey to becoming a man with a small peek at his indigenous people's sacred ways.
Dolores Claiborne DVD Kathy Bates at her finest. Great movie with a good story line. Emotional and surprising twists. Picked this up for a great price, $4.95. Have already watched it twice.
One of the best horror movies of all time! Carrie White (Sissy Spacek) is just your everyday social misfit in high school as she has been taunted and tormented by some students as she feels like an outcast. She discovers that she has telekinetic powers, Carrie also has a psychotic religious mother (Piper Laurie) and one night at the prom she goes berserk with her powers after a cruel prank goes bad.Co-starring William Katt, John Travolta, Nancy Allen and Amy Irving this movie is one of the greatest cinematic horror masterpieces of all time. Brian DePalma was a great choice in directing this classic supernatural shocker and it is faithful to Stephen King's classic novel, the performances are excellent especially the cute Ms. Spacek as Carrie and the music score is quite memorable in this movie even the prom sequence that made this a classic.This special edition DVD has excellent picture and sound quality with fine extras like theatrical trailer, two documentaries by Brian DePalma called "Visualizing Carrie" and "Acting Carrie" with the stars of the film, A bio on Stephen King, a featurette on the broadway musical of "Carrie" and a animated photo gallery.Also recommended: "Scanners", "Akira", "The Shining", "Firestarter", "The Fury", "Making Contact (a.k.a. Joey)", "Sleepaway Camp", "Audrey Rose", "The Exorcist", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", "Halloween", "Scream", "Tourist Trap", "Patrick", "Ginger Snaps", "May", "The Pit", "The Rage: Carrie 2", "The Dead Zone (1983)", "Porky's", "Friday The 13th part 7: The New Blood", "X-Men Trilogy", "Suspect Zero", "The Gift" and "The Omen (1976)".
It's not bad This Caillou is one of the newer ones we have so it isn'tas familiar to me, I believe it has the puppets in betweenstories, but the stories are new and interesting.
Everybody ought to know This well done documentary uncovers amazing stories of seizures and trampling of rights of those who choose healthy homegrown foods rather than factory produced food like substances.Did you know that a court has ruled that we have no right to demand healthy, foods?Hear the stories that never reach the usual media outlets.See it and you will be changed..
A Must for Dean Martin Western Fans Dean Martin once delt cards for money, and knew a lot of card tricks that wowed his children.. Dean knew cards.. And he knew movies that worked..I love the old Dean Martin Variety shows. On them he would mention that he was working on westerns and would add a little western flavor to the show. Deano had a ranch and loved his horses and he had a few he really prized.FIVE CARD STUD Starring Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum, Inger Stevens, Roddy McDowall, and Katherine Justice, is a very well written western I'd classify as a western action/drama. It is heavy on the drama of one dangerous card game and the action that unfolds from it. Robert Mitchum plays cool and tough (as usual) and Roddy McDowall's character is played very well. Dean shines in this movie and his charachter is likable and believable. You'll like the twists as well as the ending!***Other Dean Martin & Western Suggestions:"Rio Bravo" with "The Duke" John Wayne (another 5 star performance!)"Seargeants 3" with Frank Sinatra"4 For Texas" with Frank SinatraI think most guys have a few good westerns in their DVD collections. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, The Highwayman's "Stage Coach", and Sinatra & Martin are in some of mine.Many Women seem to love 'period pieces' with all the costumes and scenery like the Janette Oke series. Nice, but I like the "western" 'grit' in movies like this one, "Five Card Stud". I highly recommend it for the poker lover who likes westerns too.
Is this the.... Is this the movie in which a teenager suspects his too perfect classmates are possesed by a demon???Please email me if you know the ANSWER!!!!NAUGHTYANDWILD4@YAHOO.COMTHANKS
Great Ending to a Fantastic Trilogy 5/5 One of the greatest movies this decade. Words cant describe how much this movie impacted the genre and created a stone tablet of rules to make an amazing move with
Loose ends get tidied up for part IV; Otherwise a waste I suspect how most people will rate the latest (and last) installation of George Lucus' Star Wars saga will depend on whether or not you have a good memory of seeing the very first film (now no. 4) in the theaters.If you're old enough to remember seeing the first star wars in theaters (I was 16 when it came out), I don't know how you could not be disapointed. Of course, my expectations were pretty low to begin with given how awful I and II were but I hoped, somehow, that given the magnitude of the tragedy, III would rise a bit more to the occasion.Just to make sure episode IV was THAT GOOD, I rented it from Blockbuster and watched it with my 8-year old. Yep, it was that good and a better set up for episode III you couldn't ask for. You have Sir Alec Guiness as Obi Wan Kenobi setting up our expectations for Anakin Starwalker. The elderly Obi Wan speaks of Anakin with reverence and awe and there is still anguish in his voice when he tells Luke how his father was betrayed and killed.So, it's hard not to want the character of Anakin to be worthy of the reverence and feeling expressed by the elderly Obi Wan. Unfortunately, Anakin as played by Hayden Christensen isn't much more than the sulky, bratty kid he was in Episode II.It's not just the character of Anakin Skywalker that fails to develop. All of the actors seem more or less to be walking through their lines. I honestly felt no sadness or sense of remorse at an ending that is Shakespean is its magnitude.Like the episodes I and II, the real stars in the film are the special effects. The actors are there just to move the plot along.If there's a graphic novel or comic book that covers this material in more depth than in the film, I would recommend checking out those options before watching this stylish but ultimately low-on-substance film.BTW, the official Star Wars III novel that was released at about the same time as the film isn't much more than the screenplay filled out with technical details.Too bad. It's still a great story, just not one well told.
DVD- not received! I purchased this item on 25 August 2010 but todate have not received the said item. It should have reached me by now but it has not- so I am unable to review or for that matter comment about it!! Would appreciate if someone can contact me and let me know whether the item has been sent and judging by the long period I would say that it has got lost in the post. Would it be possible to re-send this item (which was for my five year old who is crazy about trains!) to my US mail box!?? Your assistance will be appreciated.Thanks
Should have been better It was ok. What was up with that rape scene though? This movie should have been so much better. It just didnt have that effect the original had. There are 2 people who should stay away from movies, Uwe Boll and Rob Zombie.
Totally amazing This movie is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The acting was great and I loved the story. It was very romantic and I highly recommend this movie.
save yourself some time: watch a couple of trailers before buying/renting this movie I took a chance on this movie due to all of its good reviews and its star rating. After watching the trailer, I wasn't sure if I'd like it (but thought I'd take a chance anyway because of the reviews/rating).Well, if you think the trailer is kind of silly, then there is a lot more where that came from...the entire movie is like that. Silly, happy-go-lucky, always smiles, always laughter, impossible "happy" circumstances, silly talk, and more happy happy.Oh yes, it's 1939 and World War II is underway. But never mind that...just more happy happy. It even shows Jewish people taken by train to a camp...shows them wearing black/white striped clothing...but even then...more happy happy.After 15 minutes, I increased the speed of my DVD player to hurry-up the movie (still able to listen to the audio). After 30 minutes, I started to fast forward into the movie to see if it would get serious at all. Nope. At 1 hour into the movie (at the happy happy Jewish camp scene), I decided to turn it off.Maybe this movie is your cup of tea, but it is not for me. I did not find it cute, happy, or entertaining. It's just silliness. Given the era and what was occurring in history at that time, I thought the movie was insulting. I would not classify this movie as a war/military drama (although some websites do).Prior to renting (or buying it), I encourage you to watch the trailers (you can find 2 on youtube by searching for 64ZoO7oiN0s and 16RZHqCIy9M); and you can probably find trailers elsewhere on the internet too.The default spoken language is Italian with English subtitles, but you can change the DVD settings to spoken English.
not desperate enough While there were some amusing 80s moments- lots of feathered hair, Jordache jeans, etc. there was nary a hallucination scene in the entire plodding film!!! What self-respecting drug film (if there is such a thing) doesn't have a hallucination sequence??? Still, for some reason I was compelled to watch the whole thing.The main message here is the classic "Pot is a gateway drug that will lead to your demise" stuff. Perhaps that's why the drug scenes are a total disappointment.I believe this was a TV movie too; there are lots of commercial-fade-outs, and euphemisms. My favorite is a teen saying "In your hat!". I'm sorry, but I grew up in the 80s and I don't ever recall any teen ever saying that ever. Maybe in the 1940s. Same with "turkey", which seems to be a TV euphemism for other expletives.One interesting thing here is that the teens seemed to be better actors than the adults.Diana "Mommie Dearest" Scarwid does some serious overacting, and the final scene is kind of a nice hokey pay-off, complete with applause -- SPOILER ALERT-- still, how did everyone not get high from those bonfire fumes?Not really worth more than a couple of bucks.
"There goes the dinning car!" The year is 1917. The place is Russia during the revolution. Anastia Romanov (Meg Ryan) survies the revolution, along with her grandmother, with the help of a small boy (who we'll meet later). Anastia is left behind at the train station and is sent to an Ophanage. Meanwhile, Anastia's grandmother will pay 10 million dollars to the man who can find Anastia. Enter: Dimirti and Vladimir (Keysley Grammar) . The two are on a "get rich quick" scheme, since they're hiring girls to act as Anastia herself! Soon, Anastia finds Dimitri and Vladimir and head off to Paris.A great children's movie that skips over what really happened.
A true classic. As tempting as it is to write the umpteenth dissertation on the importance and brilliance of John Carpenter's Halloween, it's almost enough to say that there is very possibly no other seminal seventies film--not The Godfather, not Star Wars, perhaps not even Jaws--that has had a greater influence on popular culture. It is a movie about a fishbowl that exists now only in a fishbowl, a picture so examined that its sadistic ability to maintain an atmosphere of horrified anticipation is consumed by the intellectualization of its hedonism=death equation. A screening with fresh eyes reveals a picture and a filmmaker owing incalculable debts to Alfred Hitchcock and Howard Hawks.Having already aped Hawks' Rio Bravo with the in-ascendance Assault on Precinct 13, Carpenter makes reference to the great director in Halloween's spacious tableaux and canny utilization of depth of field, as well as directly in an oft-glimpsed late show revival of The Thing from Another World, a film he would, of course, remake four years later. Hitchock-ily speaking, the picture's prologue murder, borrowing the killer child's POV shots from Bob Clark's under-credited Black Christmas, owes to Psycho the fast-edited shower attack, while the character of vein-popping psychiatrist Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence) owes that film's beefcake lover his name. Scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis is, of course, Janet Leigh's daughter, and her character, nave babysitter Laurie Strode, answers a phone in her employer's house the same way as a housekeeper in Rear Window. Film buffery aside (and Carpenter is unofficially among the first wave of film brat filmmakers in the United States), Halloween works because it understands Hitchcock's idea of suspense: the first two-thirds of the picture essentially character development and set-up, and the last third a continuous pay-off.Laurie isn't so much the prototypical virgin of psychosexual slasher operas to follow as she is just generally ignorant about the harshness of life. In a way, Halloween can be read with most profit as a coming-of-age fantasy--a Little Red Riding Hood fable, a story of course with decidedly overt sexual elements, where the Big Bad Wolf is an indestructible archetype of entropy rather than just a statement of the bestial nature of sexuality. Notice that in Halloween, the victims of the boogeyman are the ones who stray, literally, from the safety of the "path" as Laurie strides, again literally, the straight and narrow. The moment that Laurie crosses the street, in effect bisecting the safe passage, is also the moment she becomes viable prey.The power of Halloween, aside from Carpenter's brilliant use of Panaglide tracks and push-ins and gift for packing the fore- and backgrounds with information, lies in the clarity with which these occasionally wayward teens care for children and one another. With the element of empathy the very thing that distinguishes the best of Carpenter (The Fog, The Thing) from the worst (Vampires, Ghosts of Mars), Halloween is at some level about sacrifice and love. Even histrionic-prone shrink Loomis is something of a disillusioned father figure, the delight he exhibits in scaring a few kids away from the killer's home a complicated gesture that speaks at once of paternal concern and prurient delight. At its heart, the same warring instincts define the film proper, which, for all of the babysitting lives claimed by the mad-dog killer, dedicatedly spares the lives of its youngest charges, often as a direct result of the selfless actions of the teen protagonists. Halloween cares about the cult of childhood, and that, above possibly anything else, is reason enough that the picture is an enduring modern masterpiece.Anchor Bay, an outfit I praise effusively and without reservation for their dedication to the preservation and restoration of important genre films, has dropped the ball with their 25th Anniversary Divimax edition of Halloween. Cinematographer Dean Cundey's colour filters have been messed with, rendering the picture ridiculously bright at the expense of any real believability that it takes place near the time of the titular season. The frustration of the video presentation is that it's married to the long-coveted Criterion LaserDisc commentary track featuring producer Debra Hill, Carpenter, and Curtis; in a perfect world, this yakker would come with the format's previous, Cundey-approved transfer of Halloween. The world is, alas, a flyblown mistress and the best extras for this seminal offering come with a video transfer that's far from the worst, and also sadly far from faithful. All things being equal, though, it's far better to see this picture in its 2.35:1 glory with 16x9 enhancement (see also: MGM's Special Edition of The Fog, Cundey's amazing work rendered with more faithfulness therein). There's more information at the peripherals and foreground in Carpenter/Cundey's worst than in the best of most--thank Hawks' influence for that, despite Hawks' own aversion to widescreen. Here's a movie not conducive to panning-and-scanning.The Dolby Digital 5.1 remix doesn't sound any different from the last couple of iterations to these weary ears. Dialogue is crisp and Carpenter's excellent score is rendered with fidelity from every channel. Most impressive is the use of surround and rear channel effects--dare you not to jump at least once to a cunning atmospheric creeping up from behind. The abovementioned feature-length yakker is informative and good natured, with Hill providing the bulk of the "meat" and Carpenter the fluffier potatoes--which is not to say that he doesn't impart neat information ("This is where PJ Soles trips on the dolly track...right...there"), just that he seems more convivial than Hill. Hill also irritates with her early assertion, never corrected, that Michael Myers' soon-to-be dead sister is the only girl topless in the flick--I'm no expert, having only seen the film a few dozen times, but I could swear that Soles displays her wares, and conspicuously, to boot.A second platter reveals an 87-minute documentary, Halloween: A Cut Above the Rest, that will be mostly second nature for a fanboy, but is arranged and presented in such a way as to make it indispensable for the neophyte while still serving as a nice reference for the scholar. It's probably unavoidable, for the breadth of both, that a lot of the information is duplicated in the commentary. (The treasure of the piece for me, as you might imagine by now, are the bits with Cundey.) A 10-minute "On Location, 25 Years Later" is a factory-fresh featurette featuring "then and now" shots of the picture's locations with commentary by Hill and Soles (all of it superfluous if you ask me); a shoddy-looking 1.85:1 theatrical trailer; two 1.33:1 television spots; two brief radio spots; a DVD-ROM interface through which you can access the script and screen savers; and an exhaustive promotional art/stills gallery make up the requisite portion of the extras.
Great british horror! Movie lived up to it's expectations.....a must for any movie collector who appreciates black and white along with horror.
ok...they forced me to watch it in school! but ive seen it before then this movie was good the first time but after that it turned REALLY anoying really fast...
A Great Off-Beat Film! For anyone who just wants to kick back and enjoy a really off-beat and quirky British film, this is the one. Kate Beckinsale is at her best here, and the rest of the cast rises to the occasion!
One of the best psychological thrillers you will EVER see You think you've been scared by movies before? Leave all those slasher movies behind. This is one totally creeped-out movie! I get goose-bumps just thinking about it! George C. Scott is fabulous. No blood or gore needed here. Just great acting and a truly creepy story. Very engrossing. This one will be on your mind for days after you view it.
Good Movie The movie was good. The movie is all about the dialogue. The movie starts off great and conitues to be good until thbe end.
SIZE DOES AND I MEAN DOES MATTER!!!!! Size Does Matter in this spectaluar Summer Blockbuster. It has anything you could want in a movie. Come see this one instead of Armageddon.
Scary, Intense, and a little confusing in the middle. I am glad I did not watch this alone. For more than one reason, it is creepy and I was wrong in assuming that Zemeckis was out of his element, but I had to turn to my spouse in the middle and say, "huh?". I won't ruin it for anyone, but I guess I was a little too quick to ask, because the next few scenes answered my questions. The CGI is absolutely scary and get the DVD edition and watch the interactive menu for a minute and you will see what I mean. And I never expected the surprise ending. I exclaimed out loud when I found who and why. Good enough to rank in with other supernatural thrillers...
Saving the Earth Never Gets Old I feel like I don't have any Trek cred, even though I saw the entire original series in reruns as a kid, most of the movies, and watched Next Generation as recently as this week. As kind of a mid-level consumer of this old, old franchise, I love this movie. I couldn't give it five stars because there were some plot holes, and because Spock did stray from that classic "I'm being so literal that, ironically, it comes across as sarcasm," into actual sarcasm, which was too bad.Maybe going back and time and doing an alternate universe is a bit of a cheat. This deep into the franchise, using such overworked gimmicks, this movie could have been a total failure. But sometimes, using every cliche in the book just works. This movie took the old tools (time travel alternate universe, the origin of everyone's catch-phrase, saving the Earth from technologically advanced aliens using the unstoppable combination of comradery and pluck...) and used them right.The cast is great. Zachary Quinto had the perfect warm reserve for Spock, and Chris Pine should be given some sort of ceremonial Key to Shatner City because that was the most thrilling homage to Captain Kirk I could ever imagine. I think it took a lot of sensitivity on his part and on JJ Abrams' to treat this character with so much good humor and not make him a joke.The special features were also fun. The out-takes are really charming. The featurette was good too. They showed a lot of the home-grown tricks and special effects they used, and bring you into the process. It looks like it was a really fun time, making this movie, and it was definitely fun to watch.
Best In Mockumentary's If you saw Spinal Tap you know what Christopher Guest is capable of as far as so true, yet so "out there" pseudo Documentary. Best In Show is of the same calibre, the addition of Eugene Levy, and a great supporting cast of seasoned actors and actresses makes this only the more enjoyable movie, we enjoyed this movie and received the best "belly laughs" in a long while. So grab your popcorn and grab your favorite canine and watch and enjoy this work of comedic genius!.
Captioning? This isn't really a review. Can someone please tell me if this DVD has Closed Captioning? I need to find this out for a friend.Thank you
This Movie Stunk....... As a 38 year old male this movie offended me greatly. It was made by MTV films which says alot about the politically motivated aspects of what happens when a Music Video cable channel decides to starts making movies which are politically based and totally one sided. Its hard to believe that Matthew Broderick went from Ferris Bueller ( A Hero ) to a conniving,evil,audulterer (Mr McAllister). Another thing that hurt (following MTV'S political agenda) was that it glorified Homosexuality and made men look stupid,evil, and immature. ...
Freedom triumphant! Forget historical accuracy! This movie resonates with viewers because it deals directly with issues that are relevant and vital to us in this time.True, the direction and acting are superb (and is not Catherine McCormack one of the most radiantly beautiful women you have ever seen?), the cinematography and score are superlative, but all of that pales beneath the shining message of liberty and freedom.This movie is a clarion call to all in whom the flame of individual liberty has guttered and flickered in the oxygen-poor environment that is America today. Viewing it is as inspirational an experience as you are likely to have while watching a movie. If it weren't tyrannical to do so, I'd want to make it mandatory for anyone wishing to exercise the privilege of citizenship.
It's even better in Blu-ray This is an all time classic that we enjoy each and every year. The Blu-ray makes it even better. Thank You.
A good movie to relax to It is based on a Dr. Seuss book. This should tell you something about the movie. I thought the movie was done well. The story line and voice actors were good. It is a tree hugger's movie, but it was not over powering in the movie to make it non enjoyable.
Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket. Goonies, the greatest 80's movie of all times, is one of those movies that doesn't ever get old to me. I remember loving this movie as a kid, and as an adult, well, some things never change! I can still quote most lines from this movie, and although that annoys some people, other people love to quote it right back at me. The Goonies is an adventure from the get-go and it keeps you rooting for the Goonies the entire time while hating the Fratelli's. Donner and Spielberg have created a timeless movie with all of the pure 80's goodness. Let's face it: the hair, the outfits, the music, the sayings. It's all outdated. But the story and characters are timeless, and the movie is bursting with energy. Sean Astin is gold in this movie, and I was glad to see him get his career back on track after The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. And can I say that I had the biggest crush on Kerri Green?! Wow! She was great in "Lucas" as well. Corey Feldman, is well, he's Corey Feldman, and he's extremely annoying in the DVD commentary (so much so that his constant interrupting sends Sean Astin to leave and not come back!). Chunk does a great Truffle Shuffle and other characters round out this wildly entertaining adventure. And there are funny little mistakes in the movie (like Sean Astin calling Josh Brolin "Josh" instead of by his character's name "Brand" when they are in the basement), but the deleted scenes help answer some of those mistakes (like the octopus being scary). Watching the deleted scenes makes you feel like it was the right decision that they were deleted because most of them DID NOT look good! I am actually pretty happy that there never was a sequel as I think it probably wouldn't have been that good and that our expectations would be too high, and ultimately, all of us who loved the original would have been disappointed. And I do agree that this movie is actually more like a PG-13 movie. Too much unnecessary language that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
2.5 stars out of 4 The Bottom Line:Rocky IV is too ridiculous to get a lower grade but too slight to get a higher one; it will appeal to people who like the franchise but it's dated and really pretty inane and (sacrilege of sacrileges) missing "Gonna Fly Now."
SUPERB! Great movie that withstands the change of times. The scenery, the costumes and the writing are fantastic! A true classic! A must see even if you are not into Shakespeare.
Fantastic film for all ages If you're a pet owner, you'll understand what makes this movie so special. It's clear that the creators are also let owners.
It took a lot of work to make something this bad BORING. A great cast. They have all made wonderful movies. Hemingway was blamed for the writing. The direction is slow with long, long scenes that go nowhere and say nothing. There is no memorable scene here. There is no memorable dialog. There is a war scene where Gregory Peck looks goofy in some war uniform, possibly French. He runs like a girl. This is just not a good film. Gregory Peck can be seen in a much better obscure film called "On The Beach." Also recommended would be Greg's "Guns of Navarone." For Hayward fans, "I'll Cry Tomorrow" and for Ava Gardner followers maybe "Barefoot Contessa."
Uninspired I lost faith in a great director as a result of watching this film. It is Lynch's worst film, second only to Dune, and that says a lot. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is a beautiful, terrifying, harrowing, emotional and brilliant film, and like Blue Velvet, shows what Lynch is capable of at his absolute best. Lost Highway looks like a really really long Marillyn Manson clip, unenthusiastically directed by a dirty old man. A shocking cast, lead by the consistantly dreadful Bill Pullman, go through the paces, bringing not even a hint of the magic Lynch's previous casts have created, to the screen. I'm convinced Bill Pullman was cast in Independance Day to make the aliens look real. He is as wooden and irritating as ever in this one. Patricia Arquette speaks like a spastic hooker, and Getty is really the only thing worth even a glimpse (and just a glimpse!). There is the usual vivid imagery and nastiness all Lynch fans will love, but in the end it looks like a bad take off of Wild at Heart and Blue Velvet. You've seen all of this before only better. Fantastic soundtrack however!
This is definately a good movie In this great new movie Robert De Niro plays a serious and brutal crimanal that doesn't really like to mess around and is true to the game. Al Pacino plays a cop that is having troubles at home and will do anything in the line of duty. Val Kilmer play a ruthless criminal who is always first to shoot that plays on the same team as Mr. De Niro. In the movie Robert and the rest of the gang just robbed a bank and they are on the run from the cops. the cops don't have any proof that they did anything so Al gets to know Robert and they start to respect each other but let each other know that he will do anything in the line of duty. While Robert is also having problems with a former member of his gang that is trying to kill him. So watch this great thriller with stunning performances by Robert, Al, and Val.
Rosalind Russell Rules Cary Grant is great in HIS GIRL FRIDAY--Cary Grant was great in everything he ever did--but it is Rosalind Russell who makes this film for me. She was an atypical film actress for her day, playing a middle ground between the typical starlet and the tough-gal Betty Davis type. Russell is tough, tart, and totally believeable as Grant's ex, an independent beauty who wants a man but can do without him too.Whadda woman!As for the script, it's one of the wordiest around, quick and clipped, witty and inescapeably sharp. If Charles Lederer wasn't recognized for this screenplay, there was fraud afoot.
Flowers of Bromance Humorist Matt Groening once observed: "Sex is funny. The French are a funny people. Then why is it that no French sex comedies are funny?" On the other hand, you have Roger Ebert, who once lamented about "a trend in which Hollywood buys French comedies and experiments on them to see if they can be made into English with all the humor taken out." I generally concur with both those sentiments, but I think I have found the exception to Groening's and Ebert's rules- in the guise of a smart, funny and warm French comedy ("Mon Meilleur Ami" which I thought was one of the better films of 2007), that has inspired an equally smart, funny and warm American remake.Paul Rudd stars as Peter Klaven, a somewhat self-effacing yet amiably good-natured Los Angeles real estate agent who has decided to pop the question to his ladylove, Zooey (Rashida Jones). The bubbly Zooey immediately begins enthusiastically phoning up a bevy of close girlfriends to share the happy news. When she asks her new fiancé why he isn't jumping right on the horn to tell all his pals as well, he mumbles some vague excuse and appears eager to change the subject. It turns out that while Peter is adept at meeting women, he is more diffident when it comes to interacting with other guys; he can't readily name anyone who qualifies as a "bro", nor can he seem to cough up a candidate to be Best Man at their wedding. Someone is going to have to come up with an Action Plan.Desperate to find himself a good bud on such short notice, Peter seeks assistance from his gay brother (SNL's Andy Samberg), who happily sets him up on some "man dates". Zooey pitches in as well, helpfully brokering a "poker night" invite for Peter from her best friend's reluctant husband (a skulking Jon Favreau, hilariously effective here playing a supreme jerk). Most of these intros and invites end in embarrassment and/or some form of social disaster. Just when all seems lost, a Dude ex Machina arrives in the form of a free-spirited man child named Sydney Fife (Jason Segel). Teach me to dance, Zorba.In its best moments (and this is high praise), I was reminded of Barry Levinson's "Diner", which I consider the granddaddy of all modern "bro-mantic" comedies, as well as one of the most keenly perceptive observations about male friendship ever put on screen. I think it's interesting to note that screenwriter Larry Levin (who co-scripted with director John Hamburg) also wrote a classic 2-part Seinfeld episode called "The Boyfriend", in which Jerry develops a "man crush" on one of the N.Y. Mets (this film could be seen as an extrapolation on that theme). In its worst moments, the film threatens to lean on that tiresome crutch of cheap gross-out humor that has largely put me off of contemporary "comedies", but thankfully, the reins are judiciously pulled in (Woody Allen has managed to make tons of funny films over a 40 year period without one scene involving projectile vomiting-so why can't the current crop of comedy directors learn from this?).Rudd and Segel play off each other extremely well, and are obviously developing a solid comedy duo franchise. Rudd continues to perfect an onscreen persona as the quintessential post-modern comic Everyman. I thought Segel's performance strongly recalled Donal Logue's slovenly yet endearing self-styled hipster saint wannabe in "The Tao of Steve". Thomas Lennon (best known as "Lieutenant Dangle" from the wonderfully twisted comedy series, Reno 911) is a riot as a love struck stalker (no spoilers, please). Lou Ferrigno (as himself) is an unexpected delight, unveiling some previously hidden comic chops, and air guitar geeks will swoon at the cameo appearance by the Holy Trinity of Canadian prog-rock. If you have to ask who that is-you ain't my bro, man!
Awesome This movie is aweosme its fantastic for car rides so you don't here are we there yet anymore! I was so happy when I saw this movie it was my favorite I washed it on demand till it went away and now they have it for the kindle I'm so happy! So you should just try the rental and if you like it then you should get the whole movie.
Inter-twined This movie I saw back at least 5 years ago. I was enthrolled by the plot line and I've seen the movie at least 6 times. The way that all stories end up looping back to one another and makes the story whole. There were many amazing performances within this film and I recommend it to anyone who likes to figure out the plot line before it happens.
Campbell, Arquette, and Cox Shine in this Hip, Scary Movie An epic thriller! "Scream" is not just another horror movie. This creative, frightening movie will leave you on the edge of your seat the whole way through. After a tragic happening, Sydney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is terrified to discover she is the eye of a dangerous serial killer. As Deputy Dewey Riley (David Arquette) tries to track down the serial killer and news reporter Gail Weathers (Courtney Cox) is only in it for the publicity, they soon learn Sydney is not the only person this deadly killer is after.
It's dumb, but somehow it works Never Been Kissed is a sloppily plotted, unevenly acted, and often trite movie, sometimes almost unbearably uncomfortable to watch and filled with moments to make you wince, and yet, somehow, magically, and all thanks to Drew Barrymore, it works. I'm not even a fan of Drew Barrymore, but after the first half hour of the movie, her convincing and engaging performance made me completely forget the plot holes, one-dimensional supporting characters, unbelievable and yet completely predictable plot twists, and wasted conflict opportunities; by the end of the movie, I was rooting for her character all the way. It's a strange movie, uneven and illogical, but I ended up enjoying it enough to buy the DVD. Despite the multitude of problems, this is an entertaining and satisfying comedy.