Blown Away! This is a review of the Blu-ray "Remastered" version.This has long been one of our favorite movies, enduring viewing after viewing with no flagging in enthusiastic watching. I purchased this as the first Blu-ray disk to use as a comparator. The difference is astounding. The colors, detail, sound, EVERYTHING is an order of magnitude better. Fine details that I've never seen before (and my mind always picks and sees anomalies) glared out at the kids and me, and even my wife threw in a few "I never saw that" befores.If this disk is indicative of what blu-ray will give us, I'm completely sold.Tomorrow night we'll watch the blu-ray version of "A Knights Tale" to see if we were just asleep (G).
Almost perfection! I don't see how this movie didn't win best picture!This movie combines spectacular special effects(the fight scenes may be even superior to "Matrix"), beautiful scenery(even the desert) and a strong, albeit convoluted plot!I'm going to watch it again with the commentary turned ON, to hear what the director and others have to say,
A movie for people who love to talk about movies Love it or hate it, Gerry seems to be a movie that elicits lengthy pseudo-theoretical justification or excoriation. Most of these explanations and deconstructions have more words than the movie itself. (They certainly have more syllables.) If you're looking for a movie you can love or hate very loudly to all your cinema-illiterate friends, this is it.Director Gus Van Sant and Casey Affleck have mentioned video games as one idea/inspiration for Gerry. (90% of the film's dialogue is in one fireside conversation about a SimAthens-style game, Zeus: Master of Olympus.) People spend hours trudging through a CG desert or signing virtual treaties with neighboring tribes or whatever without feeling any need to interpret or rationalize their actions afterward.Why not try this approach with Gerry? Then decide if a game-like film is as engrossing as playing a game yourself or as excruciatingly boring as standing by while _someone else_ plays.
Fantasy to the Fantastic I will confess the first fifth of the film is a little bit slow. After that, run for your life. It's a blaze of medieval battle, twisted emotions, mythical creatures, magical powers, gorgeous landscapes, and massive strongholds. This being second in the trilogy, I think we were all worried it wouldn't be as good as the first: It's better! This one has dragons and probably almost an hour and a half of straight battle.
EXCELLENT COPY!! kINOWELT VERSION I received my movie in 2 days normal shipping, the picture quality and sound were great!! I ordered the kinowelt version, its worth paying the extra money for this wide screen version.
It should be 10 stars... A classic in the anime genre. Three dimensional characters, great animation, compelling story. One can't describe everything that's great about this anime series. You have to see it for yourself. So popular that this series spawned a sequel "Record of the Lodoss Wars: Legend of Crystania" and another third series yet to be released. Each one with the same smooth animation and excellent story plot. This one's a keeper. ORDER IT TODAY!!!
"Ladies and gentlemen! They have succeeded!" Christopher Nolan finally nails the director's part. This is what we've been waiting for; quality without sacrificing quality. A perfect blend of "Glade freshness", talent and skill, and interpretation.These people actually used what God gave them: a brain. They got a virtual unknown that adds flare to the part of the Dark Knight. Bale is both strong, mysterious, and talented. I couldn't be more pleased he signed a 3-picture deal to continue the Batman legacy.The story is great, as well as the story, cast, writing/directing, and morals. The best Batman since "Batman Forever", this one's definately worth your time, and money.
OK movie Unlike a lot of sequels, comedies in particular, there are actually a number of laughs in here. This is not a falling-down-funny movie, but you're not going to nod off waiting for comedy to happen.Unfortunately, like so many sequels, this movie suffers from the common problem of changing the character. Sandra Bullock simply isn't the same character as from the first movie. That always bugs me. Indeed, in some respects it's like the first movie never happened. And like so many comedies (well, movies in general), it ignores the way the real world works to either generate laughs or advance the plot. For example, why would Dolly Parton run away from a person who identifies herself as FBI? Other than to set up a physical gag, that is.Finally, MC2 is just too long. At almost 2 hours, it's 30 minutes too long for a comedy. And it doesn't race for the curtain when it's over, instead lingering around for a while as we wait for the credits.There are worse films to pop in for an evening. It's good for a rental, but I wouldn't recommend a purchase.
Golden classic This is an amazing story wonderfully told. It looks at life from a higher perspective than one would day in and day out. I was greatly inspired by this story - it's one of those movies that you want to have in your collection so you can be encouraged time and again.The first half hour goes a little slow by today's standard.
Highly Enjoyable Eddie Cantor was a popular entertainer from the beginning of the 20th century. He grew up in the slums of New York, finding himself in trouble with the local gangs, though at heart he was always a good boy (Richard Monda). Fearful that her son might grow up the wrong way, his grandmother (Aline MacMahon) lets him go on the stage with Gus Edwards (Hal March). He (Keefe Brasselle) grows up to be quite the attention hog, but always a good hearted man. Slowly, his fame rises, but with each new set of hands to applaude, Cantor becomes even more restless in the pursuit of fame, even at the expense of his wife (Marilyn Erskine), children, and health.There are many other famous names peppered throughout the film including Florenz Ziegfeld, Will Rogers and Jimmy Durante.There are also several problems with the film. Brasselle's performance is sometimes a bit too exaggerated, making Old Banjo Eyes seem a bit too feminine and silly. The selected music is very good, but like that recorded for The Jolson Story which inspired this film, it was recorded when Cantor was much older. It actually suffers a bit in this instance; it is less upbeat and energized. Finally, the film completely ignores Cantor's career in films, a major part of his life and the reason his legacy has been preserved.Cantor makes a small appearance at the end of the film, obviously an aged man, but still with those expressive eyes. It serves as a bit of a bow to his public.
miserable waste of wonderful talents The title of this film - `What Planet Are You From?' - might better be addressed to the people who made this miserable excuse for a romantic comedy. What could have been a slashing satire on the roles men and women adopt in relationships - the bestseller `Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus' is never very far from the filmmakers' sensibilities - degenerates in no time at all into little more than a series of tired sex jokes on the level of a junior high school locker room conversation.The waste of acting talent in this film is truly mind-boggling. I am sure that Garry Shandling, Annette Benning, Greg Kinnear, Ben Kingsley, Linda Fiorentino and John Goodman will not be featuring this particular work very prominently on their acting resumes. In fact, the film may well mark the career nadirs for each and every one of these truly talented performers.And what has happened to director Mike Nichols? The Oscar-winning auteur of one of the most prescient and groundbreaking of sexual satires - `The Graduate' - seems totally lost in this venture. (But then again, `The Graduate' was made a whopping 33 years earlier). Evidence of the casual sloppiness of so much of the writing is apparent in the fact that Harold (Shandling) - the alien from an all-male planet sent on a mission to impregnate an earth woman to help in his civilization's quest for universal domination - is so immediately adaptable to the ways and methods of life on earth that he doesn't seem like an alien at all. Most of the attempts at humor early on in the film center around Harold's unsubtle attempts to mate with every woman he meets. But once he has mastered that, he seems totally at home as a man on earth. The film can't even stay true to its own premise.John Goodman, Greg Kinnear and Ben Kingsley are reduced to little more than embarrassed, gaping onlookers to the main narrative strand, as Harold romances Susan (Benning), a stereotypical AA member who has been converted into a mass of twitching insecurities and neuroses thanks to the cavalier treatment she has received from men all her life. This storyline, unfortunately, prevents the film from ever achieving real satirical bite because it leads to an inevitable romantic softness as Harold, predictably, comes - through his relationship with Susan - to value the human traits of love and commitment.So where ARE all the courageous movie satirists these days, the ones truly daring enough to push the envelope of iconoclasm and good taste? Perhaps, as the title of this film would suggest, not on this planet!
Pretty decent flick, although a bit old I have to admit, the first time I watched this movie, I was blown away, by the great acting and the captivating story. Anne Parillaud plays a perfect part. What I didn't like about this DVD was the fact that they did not optimize it whatsoever. I just recently bought a very expensive wide-screen television only to find out that if you display this DVD in it's original wide-screen setting you will get the infamous black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. Also the sound isn't very clear, but then again this movie is already quite old. If you liked the Bridget Fonda version "Assassin" you should definately see this one, because it is way better.
JUST STOP! This is the worst movie/video in the history of cinema/ anorexia. It is so fake, like all the others. They save people, their is some loser slut girl who wants to be mean to them and steal the two "hot" guys that they found in the Mary-Kate and Ashely "BANK OF BOYS AND CHEESEY COMEBACKS". Thier is 2 bad guys in this movie, Brianna Wallis, and Champlain (who named him, Shwine and Shwodka), and they "beat biranna" and save the world from champlain and his smugiling ways. They are rich pansies who have a dad who is a CEO of a huge company/ superhero/ pilot. who has planes and limos all over the world. and their is their dads partenr in bissness who has a son who likes MK and in one scene wears his trowsers too low and you can see his Crotch line. They get everything their way and have everthing. the guys they like are ugly and need traning bras because they "work out" too much. Ahsleys boyfreind goes to jail, the stop champlaine, and are announced heros. They are really shallow and care more about guys named Scott, Jordan, and Griffin, (all boy's names who are oozing stupitiy) than thier own family. They ignore curfue and get rewarded with dates and fun, they do it agian and are punished with a 50 second time out, they do it agian with an ugly yatch and save the world. The songs are luckily not sung by them but they stink anyway. THIS THING STINKS.
Jane Eyre Great movie..Had some qualms of ordering from movie Mars thru Amazon tho, but took a chance.DVD arrived when promised,price was fair for this offer..I was very pleased with this transaction!
A Modern Classic of 1970s Filmmaking that Deserves a Better DVD! After a very successful collaboration on SERPICO, Sidney Lumet and Al Pacino did everyone a favor and teamed up again to make DOG DAY AFTERNOON. Together, both films comprise some of the best work of the early 1970s. The only shame is that, despite the films' critical acclaim, the DVD releases of both films leave much to be desired.But, regardless of the quality of the DVD transfer and the lack of features, this film finds both Pacino and Lumet at the height of their powers. DOG DAY AFTERNOON begins with the stark realism that I have come to expect from Lumet. There is nothing hyped about his style: there is not an ounce of Hollywood. Many directors, upon getting a hold of a "bank robbery" script, would have gone hog wild: special effects, quirky plot devices, etc.. Instead, we suddenly find ourselves on the streets of New York in the 1970s. You really feel like you're there. It is not a special day; in fact, it could be any day of the week. And yet, two men are about to change their lives forever. For it's closing time at the bank and they have one last stop to make.Their plan was perfect. They were going to rob the bank around closing time and they knew all of the tricks of the trade. But slowly, and surely, their plan begins to unwind. Everything goes to hell in a matter of minutes. After taking way too much time, Pacino discovers that the armored car has already emptied the bank's vaults, leaving our two robbers with nothing but a little petty cash for their troubles. By then, the cops have arrived. The rest of the story is about watching Pacino's character unfold, a character that has little to gain and nothing to lose. Sonny (Pacino) is one of the most interesting characters in all of cinema and there is a reason that, of all Pacino's performances, this is one of his most memorable.DOG DAY AFTERNOON also provides a nice critique of the media, as the media becomes entranced with the bank robbery. The scenes in which Pacino "works" the crowd, despite holding several hostages, is magnificent, inspiring the film's most famous line: "Attica! Attica!" For many in the city of New York, Sonny is their hero. He is tired, fed-up, and marginalized by society because of his bisexuality. Of course, the fame can only last so long, for when the media and crowd learn of his bisexual relations, they turn on him in an instant. It is fascinating to watch the hostages at the bank become excited and wrapped up in the idea of being on television--so much so that they choose to stay in the bank rather than be set free!DOG DAY AFTERNOON ends the way it begins: not with a bang, but with a whisper, and the same stark realism that opens the film sees it through to its conclusion. If you haven't seen DOG DAY AFTERNOON, I suggest that you remedy it. Check this film out. You won't be disappointed.
The Sound of Music 45th Anniversary (Blu-ray/DVD) Combo Limited Edition Product arrived factory sealed, new as described. Great quality, sound, and added features. Amazing detail and incredible likeness of actors, sets, costumes, landscapes mountains and terrains. Never in our lives have we seen this motion picture jump out at us. What a fantastic Blu-ray product! The music box was my wife's favorite. Plays "Favorite Things" over and over again. Will purchase again from this seller. Excellent service, great job.
Has Movie Making Taken a Step Back in Evolution? I was excited to see this movie. The previews made it look like it could be a funny, Men in Black sort of thing. It wasn't. It was S T U P I D! The jokes were forced and misplaced. They were old and rehashed jokes from movies before. The plot was extremely predictable, and lame. The acting was rather poor, and the characters were poorly developed and not very likable.I will admit I laughed a couple of times. One being when Prof. Block was getting sucked up the anus of the large creature at the end. Sick, yes, but funny. But to wait through 2 hours of stupidity to get to that? NOT WORTH IT.Overall I was entertained by the visual effects, and the fun creatures they created. But, it just wasn't worth it. I'm glad it was a preview that I paid nothing for, or I would have been demanding my money back!I give this movie 2 stars, only because I stayed entertained. Mostly by the visuals. Even though the visual of the flying dinosaur looking thing with the girl in its claws was some of the hokiest special effects ever...
Hilarious! The movie is worth buying if only for its comedic values. Great cast, dialogue and ridiculous antics that easily construct a riotously funny flick. Enjoy with friends!
The good old days! I wish they would bring this show back and just update it like they do with so many other shows! If you were a kid of the 90's like me and grew up with SNICK then you'll love this it was worth it! I even got my daughter into it...long live the 90's!!!!
My Dear Secretary This is a great, lighthearted, fun movie! For a contemporary, younger generation, it's probably just too much. But the generation for whom this movie was made, a generation that went thru a war that just killed 60 plus million poeple world wide, it was a simple, fun-loving, fresh, happy, 'the-future-did-look-brighter-and-new-days-were-coming' type of movie. It touches a wonderfully simple sense of love enough times to leave you in a better frame of mind once you have finished the last moments of the film.
The New Adventures of Sam Spade The Black Bird, 1975 filmThe film begins with a history of The Maltese Falcon from 1539 to 1940. In 1975 San Francisco Sam Spade Jr. runs the business located near the waterfront. The neighborhood has changed a bit. A fat man was killed in the lobby of Spade's office building. Spade has a visitor with a $50 bill. Dukay wants the replica for a museum in London, so Spade will search for it. Its not worth anything. A new visitor asks about the previous visitor. What is that bird worth? Effie is a valuable employee with a long history. Spade goes to that address. Will someone play a trick on him? Will Spade fall for it? [Note how the office door opened.] "Maybe they won't find out about it." Spade is released, that woman was a professional!"The Rhythm Room" is like a scene from the 1940s. Spade meets Wilmer Cook to talk about the sale for $1,500. A telephone call draws him away. A woman warns him of danger from three Hawaiians. She slips him a big .44 revolver! There is a comic chase for action. Spade returns home to find a visitor. That woman returns to warn him of danger from those Hawaiians. "I'll drive." Ann\ae has an accent. She is the legal owner and wants it back to save a children's hospital. Will she do anything? "Was it good for you too?" Spade discovers where Dukay is and goes to his room. Will there be a load of paper work? Spade discovers a hidden paper. There are more comic scenes back at Spade's office. That paper is written in Arabic. "Is the bird safe?" "Be careful." Spade visits an expert, the message is written in Aramaic. The Hawaiians take him to Litvak, who offers $50,000 for the black bird.A visitor, Gordon Immerman, gets on the yacht, rescues Spade and brings him to Anna. Anna tells Spade more about the Falcon. There is a clue to the real fortune. The next day Spade returns to learn the message. Is there a hidden clue in the language? Spade retrieves the Black Bird, then decides to measure and weigh it. "I don't believe I'm hearing this." Litvak exults, then collapses. There is action, and Immerman returns to stop the Hawaiians. "Who turned off the lights?" Where is the bird? Buried at sea! Can a diver find it? Not if a big shark gets it.The original story was an example of a futile search for unearned wealth. This parody has the same message. The story is funny, but the ending is less so. Did you find it incredible? [It echoes the ending of "The Sign of Four".] They could copy sentences from the original, but not the ending. A better script makes a better story. But there is no other parody around. [This version in EP produced fuzzy images.]Over 2,400 years ago a Greek philosopher devised a non-destructive test for gold. Weigh the object, then put it in a water-filled vessel and measure the water displaced by the object for its density. The female falcon is bigger than the male tercel. Falcons were used for hunting for many centuries. The improvement in firearms made them obsolete (except for the few who choose to follow this ancient sport).
Great customer service! This item was shipped quickly and carefully to my mother-in-law as a gift. She really enjoyed it!
Commendable job by Disney Disney does a commendable job with Jack London's novel White Fang. One of the best aspects of this film is just the great scenery itself, with the cold, icy backdrop of Alaska as part of the story. They do a commendable job of telling the story while toning down the amount of violence presented in the novel. Because of this, this movie really can be considered a children's movie that still keeps the story of London's work intact.Ethan Hawke plays Jack Conroy, who sets out in Alaska to search for gold after the passing of his father. There he meets Klaus, who teaches him about the possibilities of gold and also about the nature of wolves. They both go through their struggles and learn to finally become friends. Eventually Jack and White Fang, half wolf and half dog, cross paths, and there is a linking between the two later on in the film.The story really is one that exemplifies trust, and we see this as Jack and the wolf gradually form a bond (this after the many harsh moments that White Fang has had to endure, such as learning to fight to the death with other wolves). As one reviewer mentioned, there are not only great performances by the actors, but also the animals in the film.Some of the scenes are simulated (such as the fighting between the wolves), but they may still be seemingly too graphic for the young children. Still, overall, this a fantastic telling of this story.
A must have for any James Dean fan! This documentary was made right after the rebels death and success. Which is interesting because you get to hear what people who are not alive now had to say about him and see the way the world was at the time of Jimmys death and stardome. It catures the feel of the legacy he left behind. Not only that, it also includes interviews with his family and friends who are dead now along with a recording of James Dean talking with his family and a deleted scene from "East of Eden." Though the documentary was creepy and haunting, as its first image was, it was also heart felt.
Perhaps the most influential (best?) film of the year Certaily the best sci-fi film of the year. Easily Accessable to non-sci fi fans as well. Neat underlying themes: "There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path". Great religious undertones and faith exploration. Thought provocing evolutionary themes: Man vs. Computer. Hugely entertaining! Great action and awesome special effects. Cinematograpghy was fantastic. Notice the color differentiation in the different worlds. Pokes at our natural curiousity for the truth.What is the Matrix? Perhaps the best and easily most fun film of the year.
Powerful Acting for a Fictional Retelling of a Story This movie was hard to watch after doing so much research into the life of Aileen Wuornos for school. While she had a horrible childhood and mental illnesses ran in her family, she was not the emotional wreck portrayed by Charlize Theron in the movie. Wuornos never showed remorse for any of her killings, more than one of the victims was not a "john" looking for a prostitute. The actual person, Tyria, that the character Selby is very loosely modeled after is also vastly different. The movie is good in its own right, but I wish they gave more accurate information at the end.
Great Edition This is a great addition and does not disappoint. This should be added to any Disney animated library. The music is great and the action/comedy sustains. I only wish it would have been offered as a combo pack Mulan I/Mulan II.
cult classic I'd just like to add my hosanna to one of the greatest cult films ever made. Whether you like it or hate it, it will provoke discussion, and will stick in your mind. I recommend seeing this with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or King of Hearts (1966), or perhaps John Carpenter's Dark Star, for a nice thought-provoking evening. I've only seen the director's cut on VHS, but I'd like to get the DVD with the deleted scenes and extras.
Timeless love story destined to become a classic History is riddled with lovers who overcame the odds, be they social or cultural, to be with each other. Think Romeo and Juliet, Pride and Prejudice, West Side Story, Beauty and the Beast, and now, love it or hate it, Twilight. It's their courage and faith in their love that makes these stories so memorable to billions down through the centuries. It's a story that's been told a thousand different times with a thousand different variables thrown in. And yet somehow it never gets old. The Notebook is nothing new. It's been done before. But somehow it captures the essence and passion that goes deeper than mere obsession into the real purpose that lovers find in each other. To quote a main character "Our love can do whatever we want it to". With society's rising skepticism and disillusionment with real, true love and commitment (demonstrated by the decreasing number of relationships making it to marraige and the staggering increase of divorce), it's stories like these that lend a glimmer of hope and belief in a darkened world. There is such a thing as love and there is someone out there who's made for you.This is an unambitious, simple film about love but it's that very simplicity that makes it so charming and extraordinary. The story centers around Noah (Ryan Gosling) a quiet, simple Southern small-town boy, and Allie (Rachel McAdams), vivacious Southern belle born into Southern money. Their improbable summer romance might be viewed as mere infatuation by some, but watch these two scenes: the beach scene where Allie insist that she could have been a bird in another life and Noah delivers one of the film's most memorable lines. He might not know about reincarnation but he knows this much: "If you're a bird then I'm a bird". The second is the first love scene in the old house when the tell each other "I love you" for the first time. You can feel it's true. Such an emotionally rich scene. But at their age, there's just too much to overcome and Allie's rich and protective parents put an end to the imprudent match. The rest of the movie tells how their live's path led them in different directions but ultimately wound up bringing them back to each other. However, in the seven years that have past there is now a fiance in Allie's life and she must choose which path to follow. Apparently a very difficult decision to make. In my opinion, if you're having trouble deciding between two men it's not likely that the right choice lies with either but I've never been in Allie's position. Regardless, the storyline is great, music is effective, beautiful without being cliche or predictable. The script could have used some revision I thought. I couple of key scenes are golden, but some would have been better if the lines were different. The acting is good, especially Rachel McAdams with her convincing portrayal of the wild, impulsive, but carefully brought up society belle in emotional upheaval. This was her breakthrough film that opened up her career to movies such as Wedding Crashers, State of Play, and Sherlock Holmes. Ryan Gosling does a good job with the homeboy role. Even though I'm a guy, a romance film is very difficult for me to enjoy if i don't like the guy (How to Lose a Guy.., The Proposal) but not only is he a heartthrob with my sisters, he's an unpretentious and honest performer.So while this film will not be received with tireless enthusiasm by everyone (especially us guys) simply for the fact that it's such a common Hollywood theme, it's so beautifully crafted that I would recommend at least viewing it once. You don't have to like it, but I did, my sisters did. And I think, if you keep your heart open, then just like love it might catch you by surprise.
Nice plot A good movie for my daughter. She read the book and wanted to see the movie. The movie held my interest and encouraged my daughter to want to read the second and third book. I am glad we got the movie.
Best ensamble cast of all TV Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you prefer, (and I believe they handled it very well), the relationships between the various members of the President's entourage, the great production work by the technical crews and the interesting and believable situations faced by the administration, and the personal problems of real human beings, makes this series one of the very best ever on TV.
HILARIOUS!!!!! Everyone should see this movie. A great family film. I saw it about 20 years ago and remembered it. Really funny.
BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! This is my all-time most favorite movie ever!!!!!!!... It is a true testament to taking life easy, and having fun. Some times we all just need to relax and take the day off! Ferris fakes sick and takes the day off with his girlfriend Sloane and best bud Cameron. They travel around the city of Chicago doing all sorts of crazy things. THIS IS A MUST SEE MOVIE. Matthew Broderick is totally awesome in the movie. You can't beat it!!!!! "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller
Good movie, but get the right version.... For those buying this Deadly China Hero dvd, you are getting a [junky] version of the original film Last Hero In China. The distributors for Deadly.. are known for bootleggin movies and cutting scenes out, so look for the right one if you intend to check this film out. This film is the Jet's second to the last installment to the Once Upon A Time In China (OUATIC) series. It's nothing spectacular in my opinion, but it's not a bad film either. Tsui Hark, who did the original OUATIC series is not a part of this film; instead, the dirty Wong Jing directed this film, which kind of hurt it a bit. Yuen Woo Ping still provided the choreography, but I've seen better. Wong's aunt, or love interest, (Rosamund Kwan) is also out of this picture. Jet plays Wong Fei Hung once again, and he moves his school temporarily to a new location. The school ends up next to a brothel, Fei Hung soons discovers corruption and kidnappings of women taking place around the town. Officials want to get rid of him, and of course Wong wants to save everybody as usual. This is probably all you'd need to know about the story because it really is not that interesting. Right from the start, I could not take this film seriously at all. It was trying pretty hard to be funny, and sometimes it worked, other times it failed miserably. It felt like watching a parody of OUATIC. The MA were good, but not great; there was simply too much wirework and fake elements involved. It's one thing if the movements look real, but wirework was pretty bad in this film. There's a scene where a bad official slaps his hands on tiles, and this brings them up flying at Wong; all of a sudden the official decides to literally swim or glide across the ground afterwards...couldn't help thinkin what was the point of it was, but anyways. The bad official (Alan Chui?) also has one of the most annoying laughs you'll ever hear. There were bits and pieces of battles that stood out, but not one ENTIRE fight scene impressed me. The Shaolin Master Killer Gordon Liu(Lau Kar Fai) was also in the film as a bad guy, but director Wong Jing clearly wasted Liu's talents by not using them. In addition, the outcome of his final battle is pretty pathetic. There is a fight between Liu and Jet that starts off decent until the flying elements came into I said, bits and pieces. Cheung Man is also in the film, but her MA is strictly wire based and made her look like a ballerina...nothing impressive. As everyone already mentioned here, the last battle involves Jet in a chicken suit fighting a group of baddies dressed as a centipede. It's kind of silly, but the battle that follows between Fei Hung and the bad official is nice. There is still wirework done here, but this battle probably had the most REAL and serious MA. Sadly, there were many shots that made me realize that Jet was doubled for many of the'll also see Jet try to use the drunken style, though unconvincing, and some great moves came afterwards and probably is the base of my rating. Some of the moves here are pretty brutal, and they stayed in my mind even after the film. Overall, I would call this an average movie. OUATIC 1-3 totally outshines this film because there was more meaning to it and I felt more for the characters, plus the MA was far better. I can't really recommend you to buy this film, but since it is pretty cheap, why not. Besides, it's part of Jet's Wong Fei Hung history. It's definitely worth checking out, so you can make your own opinions. To me, this film is trying too hard to be funny, and sadly I found myself laughing at scenes in the film that probably weren't intended to be funny. Better Jet films are his original OUATIC 1-3, Fist of Legend (his best), Swordsman II, Tai Chi Master, Kung Fu Colt Master, Shaolin Temple, and more...hope this was helpful, check out my other MA reviews, thanks for reading.
One of the best 80's movies Dirty Dancing was one of those movies that defined 80's cinema. It was a 'sleeper' hit. It didn't get much promotion from the studio. It's promotion came from word of mouth. People saw the movie, loved it, and told their friends to see it. This movie made such an impact that it caused people to attend dancing lessons in droves, spawned to best-selling sound tracks, spawned a short-lived TV show, and spawned a Broadway musical. Dirty Dancing still has an extremely loyal following which coused the studio to release a rehash of the plot a couple years ago called Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. The original movie is much better both in storyline and acting. Don't let the rehash of the plot dissuade you from seeing the original. You won't be disappointed.Dirty Dancing is a wonderful coming-of-age story. Baby(Jennifer Grey) is vacationing in the Catskills with her family the summer before she starts college. She soon meets Johnny Castle(Patrick Swayze) who is the dance instructor at the resort they are staying at. After a somewhat rocky start, she and Johnny begin an illicit love affair. They are both risking alot by being together. Johnny is risking his job, and Baby is risking losing the respect of her father who has trouble seeing that being poorer doesn't necessarily mean being less worthy. This movie has a wonderful climax that will make you smile every time. It will make you feel as Johnny put it that 'there are people willing to stand up for you no matter what it costs them.' Just a great movie with some wonderful messages throughout.I also enjoyed the extras that were available on this DVD. Some of the extras included were an interesting interview with Jennifer Grey and a video of her try-out for the movie. I enjoyed the extras, but they are probably only something mega-fans would ever watch.And to the person below who gave Dirty Dancing one star because it was a 'rip-off' of Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights and even 'stole' the title. Hun, Dirty Dancing came out almost 20 years ago. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights came out like 2 years ago. Dirty Dancing was the original...and better movie. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights was supposed to be a 'remake' of the original movie only set in Cuba instead of the Catskills. So it would be the 'rip-off' not the original *rolls eyes*
An audience picture, not suited to DVD Fun [stuff] about a man whose job is so immoral, he goes insane. Overlong, it lurches unevenly from Tex Avery slapstick to glib superficiality to the inspired, often in one scene. At it's best it resonates the observational rapping of best stand up comedy and it's brilliant sense of humour makes one forgive it's missed opportunities. Anyone recalling the abandoned six army of Germany at Stalingrad will find the absurdity, cruelty and farce of Fascism portrayed here as on the money. However, far from being a contemporary tract, it cheekily re-packages punk for those who missed it the first time while making oldsters nostalgic for their pogo-ing past. The central conceit of the film slyly changing the jobless 'no future' ethos of 77 to the 'no future' because we've got a job whingeing of 99. There's chutzpah for you, but it's still the same old, same old. The dyed spiked hair and anarchist posturings of Tyler Durden recalling you-know-who of the Sex Pistols. Also, the pantheist vision of a weed infested superhighway with people growing vegetables coupled with a socialist manifesto of returning to economic parity recalls the accusation of the time that punks were in fact the new hippies. It's questionable whether any victim of recent downsizing in the go-slow-bust technologies industries will relate to the protaganist's security of tenure and perks anyway, it's something of a chimera on Palahniuk's part. He has gone on to write further preposterous novels to mixed reviews and some disillusionment over his one trick pony-ism. That's probably why Fight Club, although superlative and engaging because it is hard to catogorise, doesn't stand up to too many repeat viewings. It suffers the same affliction as punk, that is, beyond the initial expression of frustration and anger there isn't a lot to say. Americans can only sing the one song, but they'll play it in hell, and seldom with the panache here.
Best Movie of the Year Cameron Crowe said it best at the Oscar's, "This movie is a love letter to the music industry." I could probably write for pages on what makes this the best movie of the year, ie acting, directing, story, soundtrack. Trust me when I say watch this movie. Watch Almost Famous if you want to be told a good story; watch it to watch Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand, and Jason Lee turn in some of the best performances in movie history; but more importantly than that, watch Almost Famous if you love music. I promise it will be anything but a disappointment.
Modern horror's finest hour... Let me start off by stating the fact that I am somewhat of a horror movie buff, I watch just about any horror movie that I come across and I own a horror movie collection that contains about 75 real gems of pure terror. With that being said , I must say that the only movie that has ever truly disturbed me while watching it would be Gore Verbinski's stunning remake of "The Ring". I found myself on the edge of my seat from the chilling opening scene right up until the mind bending conclusion.This is in my humble opinion, the best horror film to be released in at least 10 years. Any analysis of the plot would reveal too many spoilers so I will only stsate that if you are a fan of cerebral horror and dont mind the fact that the story will not be spoon fed to you in the style of a slasher film, then do yourself a favor, turn off the lights, and watch "The Ring". Fans of the genre should not be disappointed.
conventional sci-fi thriller If "Imposter" - the first official release of 2002 - is any indication of what we have to expect from this movie year, then we may find ourselves spending an inordinate amount of time perusing video store shelves searching for our cinematic entertainment in the upcoming twelve months."Imposter" is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick ("Blade Runner," "Total Recall"), published in 1953. In this sci-fi tale set in 2079, the world has been enduring a decades-long bombardment by hostile aliens from the Alpha Centauri star system. To shield themselves from the incessant barrage of threatening missiles, the people of earth have erected huge protective domes over most of their major cities. One day, Spenser Olham (Gary Sinise), a highly respected scientist, finds himself suspected of being an alien replicant, one who has been sent by the Centauris to usurp the body and mind of the real Spenser and to assassinate a major government official. The chase is on, with Spenser being pursued, through the murky streets of a bombed-out city, by the government forces bent on annihilating him.We've certainly seen this man-on-the-run scenario numerous times before. It always seems to involve some poor schmuck having to race again the clock in an effort to prove his true identity before someone less sympathetic to his plight manages to take him out. "Imposter" is briefly interesting in its early stretches as the complexity of the plot is slowly revealed to us (as it is to Spenser). But, in very short order, the film turns into little more than an extended exercise in hide-and-go-seek, marking time till the turnabout "surprise" ending which, when it does finally arrive, fails to compensate for the tedium of much of what has come before. Actually, material similar to this was explored to much greater effectiveness a few years back in "The 6th Day," a film that actually engaged the audience in its is-he-or-isn't-he-a-replicant dilemma. Here we really don't care.Visually, the film is quite impressive at times but why-oh-why must the future always be depicted in such dank, murky terms? Has there ever been a film set in the future that DIDN'T feature a burnt out city populated by grungy, dirty-faced societal outcasts? Certainly, there hasn't been one since "Blade Runner" set the standard twenty long years ago.Except for the ending, "Imposter" offers precious little that is new or interesting.
Really fun to watch! This movie is really cool...there are a couple of things that I wish were different, but I still enjoyed it...first of all there is a whole lot of trey...don't get me wrong...I love trey, but there is very little of mike and page(practically none)...jon is there, but only when he's with trey...the concert footage rocks!!...and there are some really funny scenes!! I said...overall...I really enjoyed it...
Didn't buy the DVD but... I didn't buy the DVD, but I did see the movie. All I can say is Ben Stiller... no. This movie wasn't funny. Just plain [not all there], and well just horrible. You would've had the biggest laugh if all you saw were previews. There was nothing else. It was just a horrible movie. Don't waste your money on this piece of [stuff]. I didn't crack a smile. It just wasn't funny, not a good plot, dumb characters, and Derek Zoolander is just annoying as a character. Ben Stiller overdid the jokes. Be good to yourself and get a different movie.
Fast Shipping! I was very pleased with my purchase. I waited until the last minute to place an order (before Christmas) and the product got to me in great condition and in plenty of time.
Awesome Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I first saw the trailer, I knew that it would be a great film!!! All I can say is WOW!!!! I usually dont write reviews but I had to on this one!!!!
Funny - but not factual While this movie is entertaining for both climbers and non-climbers alike, it is so for different reasons.Climbers will find this movie hillarious (although a little irritating) with all it's factual inaccuracies. Even in the first scene of the movie it is obvious the director/writer has no climbing experience when the middle climber on a three person rope (roped up mountaineering style for rock climbing, no less) is belayed by his sister below him rather than his father who is anchored above him. And it just gets worse from there.Non-climbers will probably find this movie to be both interesting and exciting - but please note that real climbing is nothing like that (most climbers have more common sense than this and do not have a death wish). But as simply an action movie for the masses, Vertical Limit is an excting movie and nothing more.
A fairytale adventure Being a fan of Asian cinema it was great to see that an Asian film finally recieved the praise that so many are deserving. Director Ang Lee has created a fantastic tale of love and he had the good taste to incorporate numerous fight scenes in it as well. These fight scenes have, quite naturally, become the center of attention in virtually every single review of the film. My review is no different. While it is essentially a love story, it's the fantastic fights that really make it stand out.The fights are in no way realistic, with people running on walls, jumping from rooftop to rooftop - or treetop to treetop - while at the same time fighting with hands, feet, swords and anything else that comes in the way. Even more impressive is the fact that no digital altering was used to create these scenes. These incredible effects were made using wires attached to the actors, making it possible for them to perform these gravity-defying stunts.For more action of this kind, check out some of Jet Li's earlier films (before he made "Lethal weapon 4") like "Last Hero In China", and the "Fong Sai Yuk"-series.
I liked some parts, hated others of it I have never seen a movie like Pulp Fiction in that some scenes or parts of the film I loved and some I hated. Why I am not sure since most films that are shot in or take place in Los Angeles I usually enjoy very much. I thought the part towards the end with Harvey Keitel in it was great, yet some of the drug scenes were just not interesting. This movie reminds me of so many other films that are based out of LA like 'crash, from 2005', '2 days in the valley', in how the movie was developed and plays out. Must be the atmosphere that Los Angeles brings to the movie making process and that it is the nicest place I have ever been to in this country. Overall, the film is very popular and has a great cast to it. Maybe a little less drugs for me and I would give it 5 stars.Peter J. Miller
Lighten Up From Boston I know, there are four canopic jars,not five, Seti I was an 18th Dynasty Pharoah and father of Ramses II of Biblical fame and wasn't murdered,Ankhesenamun(spelled correctly)wasn't a mistress,but King Tut's wife. As for Imhotep,he designed the pyramids under Pharoah Djoser,was a doctor AND a priest. If you want accuracy get A&E's the Mummies or TLC's the Great Egyptians. If you just want to be entertained and have fun this movie does a good job. It's SFX are great and I found characters enjoyable. It's pretty much non-stop action. Let's face it,The Mummy isn't the first Historically inaccurate movie Hollywood has ever made. Believe me, History is how I make my living.
MovieMars delivers once again! When I tried to play the copy I bought from dvdbear2, I got a message that said "disc is dirty"; mind you, this was, supposedly, a new copy. I washed the disc very carefully - I've successfully, washed discs before - but...kept getting the same message. Returning discs is too much of a hassle so, I just ordered a copy from a company I've bought quite a few items from quite satisfactorily. I just thought I'd let all know why I shall avoid dvdbear2 in the future.I'm pleased to report that the copy of the film I just received from MovieMars does play very well. Well done, MovieMars!
Small-Scale Love Story Offers Fresh-Faced Bergman in Her American Debut The familiar David O. Selznick gloss is all over this minor 1939 soap opera, most noteworthy as the American film debut of 24-year old Ingrid Bergman. She was brought over from Sweden by Selznick for this melodramatic remake of the 1936 film which brought her great acclaim in her homeland. Her fresh-faced beauty and natural manner are intoxicating as she plays Anita Hoffman, first a piano teacher to the young daughter of renowned violinist Holger Brandt and then his accompanist on a world tour. It's a brief movie, only seventy minutes long, directed by Gregory Ratoff (more famous as the ulcer-ridden producer Max in "All About Eve") focusing on the illicit affair that develops between Anita and Holger.Much of the story has to do with the guilt they both experience in terms of the familial repercussions, and the ending reflects as much. A role away from his Ashley Wilkes in "Gone With the Wind", obviously the more important Selznick movie in production a the time, Leslie Howard plays Holger in his familiar erudite manner. Veteran character actor Cecil Kellaway (later the monsignor in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner") plays the sage maestro who acts as the film's conscience. Scenes often seem strangely truncated to move the story briskly along. Beyond Bergman, the most accomplished aspects of the film are Gregg Toland's lush cinematography, Lyle Wheeler's art direction (making Monterey, California look very much like the Italian Riviera) and Max Steiner's romantic music (oddly uncredited). But the impossibly striking Bergman is the primary reason to see this predictably developed film. The 2004 DVD offers no extras.
A Great Movie!! Christopher Walken is one of the greatest sinister actors that I have had the pleasure to watch. He was great in this movie. I also felt that Dennis Leary was a great addition to the movie with his strong-arm tactics with a comical twist. I really enjoyed the movie and highly recommend it.
Very good but not great I enjoyed this film from beginning to end and recommend it. I'm not sure exactly why I didn't give it five stars. Perhaps because it failed to live up to my memory of the book, which I read many, many years ago and my memory of the Lawrence Olivier screen version. Both of those probably formed "my" Heathcliff, which was different from Ralph Fiennes'. "My Heathcliff" was stockier, more physical, craggier, (looking more like Beethovan!) Fiennes' is more mental and serpentine.However all of that is personal and Fiennes' performance is certainly powerful and convincing. I felt a sympathy for him, too, even in his last, most monstrous days. The scene in which he grabs Cathy from the coffin is memorable.I was a little disappointed in the performance of Juliette Binoche. There was something unconvincing in her Cathy. Another reviewer suggested that she lacked the necessary qualities to play an English country girl. I'm not sure exactly how to define those qualities but I tend to agree with that comment. Perhaps she was less firey than the original.I agree with others, too, that the sequences were choppy and somewhat rushed, especially in the second half. But it's hard to fit all of the novel into two hours. I did like the ending a lot.In sum, it's a great story, very well done and certainly worth watching.
a perfect movie for the whole family simply if you really want to be touched at the heart watch this movi
A cross between AIRPLANE! and Troma films! Combines all of the elements that made AIRPLANE! and many of Troma's films work. Silly sight gags, ridiculous characters and on-the-fly gore...far more entertaining than any of the gross-out comedies that Hollywood's been vomiting out lately!
Cool special effects but nothing more... Why does Samara go through the trouble of trying to get Rachel (Naomi Watts) to be her mother? Why does she (Samara) continue to stalk them? What's up with the deer and what relevance do they serve? Why can't Rachel get a man that doesn't die? Since when does Samara have some "mind-control" power? Why was the basement (of Samara's house) full of creepy things but everything else in the house was empty? How did those teenage kids at the beginning get ahold of the tape? Why wasn't the tape shown in the movie at all? And why do people in the movie still use VHS instead of DVDs?The first "Ring" movie from 2002 was perhaps one of the actually decent horror film of recent times because it worked best when the monster Samara was rarely shown ("less is more" as one reviewer said). It also worked because we didn't really know how she'd look like. And that movie kept us in suspense when we, the audience, are keeping track of Rachel's supposedly final seven days.With "The Ring Two," it just seems that the filmmakers were trying to make a quick buck by providing us with a near non-existant plot, cliched horror moments, and Samara crawling out of the tv one too many times. And, the big hair-grabber...The question of why Samara continues to stalk Rachel and Aidan isn't answered. All we've got is that Samara wants to possess Aidan and try to make Rachel love her the way she loves her son. Samara wants a mother... but why? And why Rachel? Didn't Rachel do Samara's dirty deed in the first movie? So what is Samara's grudge against them?Bleh... I'd best stop my ranting. "The Ring Two" is best skipped. Instead, go watch "The Ring" or "Ringu" movies.But I still admired the special effects and acting by our two protagonists (Naomi Watts and David Dorfman), as well as the cameo by Sissy Spacek.
Excellent Film Hard to beat this classic with Jodie Foster in the lead - wonderful film!! Most highly recommended for all ages.
pleased This was exactly as advertised and certainly something i wanted to add to my collection of classics. the product was more then reasonably priced and shipment was as prompt as expected.
Great Guide This is a fantastic travel guide to Costa Rica, a country I love returning to again and again. Hopefully this video will encourage you to travel around the country by car, explore rainforests, mango tours, fishing trips, an amazing butterfly park and beautiful luxury hotels.Lastly the host is incredible, she should be on T.V!
GREAT PERFORMANCES!!! I love this movie! Nicholson and Hunt are at the top of their game in this one and deserved the Oscars they won but where was Shirley Knight's nomination? She was wonderful. She wasn't on screen long but neither were Beatrice Straight in Network or Dame Judy Dench in Shakespeare in Love and they took home the gold. Greg Kinear was wonderful and heartbreaking and deserved to win too!
Finally got it. I had species 2 and 3 now I have the one that made the series. Of course the special effects were state of the art at the time and still hold up well.
Jesse I got this dvd only because Jesse L. Martin was in it. I got a bit more, but this man is amazing. I don't think there is nothing he can't do......well, maybe walk a tightrope.
Good and bad changes Veggie Tales are great! This movie improved Larry-Boy in that he was more of a super hero type. Unfortunately, he lost his pure Batman-ness and got confused with Superman, confusing the history somewhat and possibly preventing a cucumber's visit from [the destroyed planet of a vegetable sounding faintly like] Krypton.One BIG improvement was the addition of other super heroes. Electro-melon was perfect.
The must- have Doors fans have always waited for. This DVD consists of The Doors' Europe Concert from 1968. Songs performed on this DVD are: Love me Two Times, Back Door Man. Spanish Caravan, Hello I Love You, When The Musics Over, Unknown Soldier, Light My Fire, Five To One, and Alabama Song. As far as quality goes, most of the footage is fuzzy and all of it is in black and white, but the audio tracks are great. Some of the footage is even missing, and has footage of other performances of theirs. This movie can make you think your at the concert yourself. Jim Morrison does his casual dancing, Ray does his usual head swagging while playing his organ, Robby rocks out on his guitar, and John on his drums. The movie also contains Grace Slick, and Paul Kantner from Jefferson Airplane who appear in some scenes to tell about their experiences with The Doors. Overall, if your a Doors fan, this is the right item for you. As I mentioned, the picture on the old footage is a little fuzzy, but it's tottaly worth it. A 5 star product!
AVA SHOULD HAVE KEPT HER SHOES ON .....The popularity of this movie illustrates to me just how loyal fans are to their idols in spite of the many flaws in this long and boring movie......If Hollywood was going to make a movie to showcase an actresses bare feet they should have at least used an actress with pretty feet. Ava was a beautiful woman but her feet were not her most attractive asset. I have seen most of Ava's movies and this was by far her most wooden performance, far worse than The Killers and Mogambo. Ava didn't get many oppertunities to act, she got the typical Hollywood treatment of a glamor girl, an expensive wardrobe and good lighting to highlight her beauty. She made one movie that is worth owning if you are a collector. Her performance as Gregory Pecks love interest in "On the Beach"......Edumond O'brien was a good supporting actor who could occasionally carry a movie, DOA, THE KILLERS but his role in this movie was so brief he was forgettable. Bogart was at the end of a long distinguished career and he just looked tired......The movie was too long and boring, after awhile I began to wonder why I should care about the characters. Ava could have used her statue as a stand in and I would have hardly noticed and the topper was Rossano Brazzi as the Continental lover with damaged goods telling his bride after the wedding that he could never deliver. If Maria would have shot this fool in the head after such a betrayal I might have made sense of the movie.
The Last Time I Saw Liz and Van Loved it! How can you not love a movie based on a story by the brilliant F. Scott Fitzgerald? You know there's going to be a beautiful and somewhat flighty woman, money issues and lots of drinking! All that and a great cast, including a Gabor sister (they are interchangable aren't they?), a James Bond guy, Roger Moore who is unbeliveably young, posh and just as annoying then as he is now,Donna Reed, the gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor and the lovable and oddly handsome Van Johnson. It's Paris and the War is ending, and can you believe it? Donna Reed and Elizabeth Taylor are sisters! Sounds weird, but works. Liz and Donna have an endearing father, who loves to party and lives like he has money, when in fact he has little. Van and Liz fall in love expressing sweet senitment in lovely and urgent prose, that would only work between young lovers, one a soldier and the other a young beauty, tired of war.It's fun to get caught up in their blossoming romance and watch their love grow into a trusting relationship, that eventually gives way to some unpleasant moments, brought on by Van's attempts to write the Great American Novel and the sudden and unexpected wealth of Liz's family.I loved seeing Paris officially light up for the first time after the war, and darling, no one can play a bed-ridden scene like Liz. Hey, don't think this is a Liz only affair, Van plays his share of sad scenes as well. But don't be dismayed, the ending is one that is redeeming and happy.
What we know now; what we knew then Well, this is a very good movie and it seemed to me then and now that a lot of it is because of the script. It is tight, farly seamless and flows nicely.One repeated criticism is that the movie bends credibility to believe that a genius could be a janitor. Tut tut. Your arrogance is showing.Everyone knows the plot by now so I don't feel I can add anything to the numerous details. What I recall as powerful was that I had never seen Matt Damon before, had never seen Robin Williams straight . . . . errrrrrr in a straight role, and ditto Ben Afleck.Now I have to jump ahead for a second. I really got into Robert Ludlum and the wonderful tales he wrote in the 70's and 80's. "Parsifal Mosaic" has got to be the all-time, best romantic non-stop suspense book I ever read. And sandwiched on either side of books like PM, is the 'Bourne Trilogy.' And I have to tell you, as Jason, I always imagined someone like Damon. For this reviewer, Matt Damon is the perfect lead of the haunted multi lingual, amnesiac-assassin.So I recognize that at a minimum, Gus Van Sant, granted, an exceptional director, knew he had the real thing with Matt Damon and let him 'strut and fret his hour upon the stage.'Credit must also be given for calming Robin Williams down. Someone ought to tell Mr. Williams that by now he's a pretty good actor when he's not doing Henny Youngman.Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot Ben Afleck. There.Scenes? The calculus scene just rocks. Apples? Yeah. That's great. My favorite? The story of Carlton Fisk' and the Boston Red Sox. 5 stars. Kudos to the cast. Larry Scantlebury
Great Characters I really enjoyed watching this series. Sort of a cross between Gunsmoke and the A-Team. I was disappointed that seasons two and three were never released. It's been twenty years - why leave place holder for them, implying that they will be available next Tuesday?
All Good The dvd I ordered was in perfect condition. I could not have done any better if I had bought it brand new.
Hypnotic, Terrifying and Disturbingly Decadently Entertainin The Shining is one of the scariest best films ever made. It is best to view it as a seperate entity from the book. Obviously, one film couldn't have contained the rich terror and subplots of the King novel. The Shining is great for its arresting images, Nicholson's over the top performance, the creepiness of the two girls... Though Danny's "shine" can be at times laughable and silly and the ending is pretty bad, this film is really worth seeing for the performances and cinematography alone. A winner.
Fantastic incomplete Kung Fu saga Jet Li plays Chang Mo Kei, a young fellow who was injured as a child by a life threatening Kung Fu move called the "Jinx Palm", which has made him weak and unable to learn Kung Fu. Plus on the same day his parents were both forced to commit suicide, which, as you might expect, was also no fun. Mo Kei is raised by his father's former master, a spry 100 year-old played with great aplomb by an unrecognizable, white-haired Sammo Hung, who also did a very good job as the fight choreographer for the film. The plotline is too complex to summarize, but needless to say Jet Li starts kicking ass and taking names pretty quickly. The film is of the fantastic Kung Fu variety, with people flying through the air, and using magical Kung Fu powers which put Jedi Knights and Neo to shame."The Evil Cult" has a variety of english titles and is based on a chinese martial arts novel which hasn't been translated to any western languages as far as I'm aware. It was supposed to be the first in a trilogy, but it didn't make enough money and so even though Jet Li, Sammo Hung, and the others involved fought to make them, it never came to pass. Apparently there have been some other films and TV Series made following the same story, but the most recent TV Series from 2003 hasn't made it to North America yet.Still this first part of an incomplete saga is a great kung fu flick, primarily because of the incredibly quick pace, intricate plotline, bad humour, and non stop ass-kicking fun. It overwhelms the senses and if this type of flick is your cup of tea, I think you'll find this is as good as it gets. It seems to be a style of film you either get or you don't, so don't be put off by any bad reviews you see. This isn't Proust, but has its own virtues. If you like it, you likely be frustrated when it ends before resolving much of anything plot-wise, but just hold on, I'm sure they'll do a proper remake in ten years with genetic clones of the original cast or thereabouts. We'll see.
Of course it isn't as good as the book, but... I never watched this miniseries on television. It was before I finally saw Silverado on video and realized that Hollywood could still make an epic western and have fun with it, and before Dances With Wolves, long before Unforgiven. What makes those movies work? Character, humor, tragedy, action. All of the pieces are here, with the exception of the sense of hugeness that the book provides does not fit well in to the confines of the TV screen. It is shot a bit tight for my taste. But it is deservedly referred to as an epic and a landmark television event.Duvall and Jones are in top form and Gus and Call. The cast as a whole works better than any other literary adaptation that I can recall. Robert Urich makes Jake much more despicable than I originally thought would've been possible. Huston, Lane, Rick Schroder, Danny Glover as Deets, all deliver.Keep in mind that it is 6 hours worth of television - if you want to get it all in at once, you're going to have some explaining to do.
WHERE IS THE UCLA RESTORED PRINT??? As with other fans of this classic film, I am greatly disappointed that KINO'S latest offering is not much of an improvement over previous KINO DVD releases of the film. While the IMAGE/KINO DVDs in 1998 and 2004 were at that time a marked improvement over the myriad of public domain travesties, the elements utilized for this release are only marginally better, despite the HD processing. This is also particularly disappointing when the film's fan base is aware that a restored print (by UCLA) exists.According to a March, 2010 blog-post by NY POST film critic Lou Lumenick, he said, "Daniel Selznick, son of producer David O. Selznick, told me two years ago that WHV was doing a high-definition transfer of a UCLA restoration of the 1937 original, which has long languished in public-domain hell." Lumenick also quoted a Warner rep as saying, "When we looked at the master of the '37 'A Star is Born,' we realized that it really needed, more importantly, deserved a special restoration...using our Ultra Resolution process to bring out the glorious Technicolor of that film. So rather than it be an add on...some less than-terrific extra content, we pulled it back so as not to diminish the importance of either versions."I suppose it was wishful thinking on my part that KINO would be releasing that long-awaited "restored" version. This will be the VERY last version I invest in until either Warner Home Video, Criterion or KINO offers us the ultimate version -- and that will only be when the restored print from the UCLA effort is finally utilized as the source material.Despite's the Selznick Estate's stamp of approval, I would suggest people save their money and wait.
Review for DVD The very first package I got was heavily damaged, the DVD case was shattered. however, I called this guy with the number provided in the package and he was very apologetic and sent me another set the very next day for free. I didn't even have to return the damaged one. Wonderful Service! I'm completely satisfied.
A great story A great John Ford film, one that seemed to justify his method of story telling; When the legend becomes fact, print the Legend. Says it all. A great cast, and a wonderful story.
Very scratchy and unclear This is one of those movies put out by a company that bought the rights but did not restore it. Honestly, it looks worse than a version that you could record off of the television. I would not recommend buying this movie until it is released in a remastered version by Paramount. It is not worth the money. "One Eyed Jacks" was and still is one of my favorite all time movies, but after seeing this copy I returned it to the store because of the poor quality.
Very interesting..... Okay, I have read through all 140 reviews by people who see this movie as Communist, biblical, whimisical, Satanistic, etc...But to be frank a movie is a movie is a movie, of course, of course. While this movie is rather heavy on the symbolism, it's still a movie and is not indicative of the degradation of American morals, nor those of the world in general. I for one enjoyed this movie, and would see it again willingly. I suggest to all the "deep-thinkers" out there to watch the movie again without searching for symbolism, without preparing to give your opinion. Just watch the movie.
Fun for masochists... Some movies are bad...but this one really creates a whole new level of awful. C. Thomas Howell stars as an escaped con aboard a futuristic prison-transport spaceship who escapes and holds the plane hostage, while the hero tries to thwart him and save them all (which he does, of course. What do you expect?). It's terrible: terrible acting, terrible writing, terrible special effects. It's an hour and a half of your life you'll never get back. Turn away now.
Steven Spielberg proves that he can do any kind of movies This Movie is one of my best ones, Steven Spielberg is a genuis director, he can make you FEEL and LIVE the movie he makes with a very SIMPLE way, no complications, just being simple and perfect, that movie is the best, He created a very loving Alien, He used this simple boy, that very perfect directing, no (over use) of since fiction or animation, he just makes that movie to "TOUCH OUR HEARTS" and untill those present days, after those years, it still touches our heart like the first time we watche it, Steven Spielberg,.....YOU are GREAT, thank you so much Mr. Spielberg...
Deranged enough, but not informative enough Yet another true-life-killer movie that doesn't show all the events of the characters life. This movie brings you right into the heart of the action. Which, in most movies cases, is not a bad thing; However, This movie really doesn't explain his history: How he had over 30 arrests prior to this incident (which is how the police had his finger prints to begin with). The movie also leaves you to believe what he really did to the victims, and doesn't show how bad he really was. (of course, no movie ever will show that, in reality there was eye gouging, and, trying to keep it as clean as possible: torture using unknown instruments in certain parts of the body the would really hurt!!) The movie also doesn't give specifics on his capture. A bungled up suicide leads to his capture but it doesn't say if he turned himself in, or if in fact someone found him. The movie finally mentions details of his fate in prison, but does not mention the video tapes later found by the media, and Richards new found breasts due to hormone pills, and his confession and no remorse for the murders he committed.Anyway, excluding the missed facts, the only other things I could say about the movie: It was better than I thought - the back looked very generic, and it is a no-name movie company. Don't get me wrong, you can tell it is low budget, but I have seen much worse. They also have an advertisement on the DVD for another movie from this company, and it looked really generic, so I was pleased with what I had. Only other complaints were minor production\editing problems. They try to make the movie "creepy" by using a "dreamy/drugged out" view, ex: like the killer talking slow, walking slow, the movie moving slow at times. After awhile I thought it was overdone. Also, in reality (however I could have my facts wrong on this) I thought he only changed his outfit/cleaned up once during the killings, in this movie he cleans up after every victim and talks to himself in the mirror, which after awhile gets old. final verdict: not bad at all, but not mind blowing either. P.S. "what the heck richard speck?" - Macabre
Outstanding! This story is far important than the theatrical presentation of it. The introduction of Social Science evidence and the Supreme Court's treatment of it is the key element in Richard Kluger's book which this videoplay is taken from. If the sequence with the dolls is not gut-wrenching enough for you then you are craving the wrong things, in my opinion.
One of the best... Not well known over here in the colonies, this British werewolf romp is top notch.It is fun and it is gorey and there are parts that will scare the stuffing out of you.Sure some of the plot hangs and the ending might be predicatable but you have one heck of a good time getting there.It is a great addition to the DVD library.
The tape arrived broken The tape was broken and I cannot find the sellers's name to return it
A DVD review Slow getting going but once running, it goes like a freight train. The DVD could have been better. The 28 min documentary is very good. How Gibson directed and played the star is beyond me? The documentary and the commentary really shows how hard this ran him into the ground. The commentary wasn't too verbose, Gibson allows you to enjoy the scenes with some extra interesting comments that don't distract from the story. In his commentary he mentions scenes that he had a hard time cutting because they were very good, but had to cut for time. It would have been nice to have these included. Overall a must to have in the collection, but if a special edition is in the planning, it may be better to wait.
Top Gun Blu Ray I'm excited to give this to my husb. for Christmas. Good service, and good price for a Blu ray!
Andy!!! Un de mes films préférés, vive Brad Dourif, franchement mme si le film est plutt effrayant on se surprend surtout à rire devant les remarques acerbes de la poupée de l'enfer...Un excellent moment de cinéma.
Realistic depiction of a family's life with autism Of the very few films currently available that revolve around characters with autism, "The Black Balloon" is simply the best. Tristram Miall, the producer of this film, comments in the extras that "the bar is set very high when you think of Dustin Hoffman in 'Rain Man', you think of Leonardo DiCaprio in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'", and because "these are extraordinary performances, we knew we had to at least match that". In my opinion as the father of a son diagnosed with moderate level autism, this movie far exceeds either of these two movies in this regard.Luke Ford, who plays the fifteen-year-old autistic boy Charlie, is phenomenal. And it is satisfying to listen to Ford talk in the extras about his film role, because he just gets it. In discussing his brother Thomas, played by Rhys Wakefield in the film, Ford comments that "all of his life he's had to deal with his older brother Charlie who suffers heavily from autism, and the film really covers his internal struggle with the hardships that come along with it."While I am not familiar with "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", the movie "Rain Man", while entertaining, is about Savant Syndrome rather than autism, and very much removed from reality. Not only does "The Black Balloon" accurately portray a boy with a severe case of autism, it also convincingly depicts life around him, especially his hard-working parents who struggle to care for him, as well as his younger brother, who is often sidelined because of the attention his sibling demands from those around him.The realistic portrayals in the film are due to their being based on real individuals. In the extras, director and co-writer Elissa Down comments that "the script was very much inspired from my family and very crazy and eventful life, I've got two brothers that have autism, and the character of Charlie, we based that off my brother who has autism and ADD." In the movie, Charlie's mother Maggie, played by Toni Collette, mentions in passing that her nonverbal son used to talk when he was very young, which points to a common case of regressive autism rather than the classic case of autism that some other reviewers here suggest.Maggie accurately sums up her character in the extras: "I think more than anything, like any good mother, she ultimately loves both her kids so much she'd do anything for them, and I guess the story itself is about an imbalance of focus and attention." Spoken like a true warrior mother. She is very sensitive toward her son in the film, but at the same time often shows frustration, especially when confronted by recurring events such as fecal smearing, which another reviewer here found humorous, but is a very real and depressing struggle for many parents of autistic children.In discussing the film, Erik Thomson, who plays father Simon, comments that "Having spoken to Elissa's dad and spoken to Elissa a lot about it, the journey - for my character anyway, in terms of his relationship with Thomas - is by the end of the film he realizes he's been marginalizing Thomas. It's a small journey, but a big shift for everyone to realize what you subconsciously do in that situation. Charlie is this special needs child who gets all the attention."Well recommended to anyone with autism in their lives, and anyone who is trying to understand the struggles of families caring for the 1 in 88 (latest U.S. statistic) and counting. While not every case of autism is as severe as the one depicted in this film, the story line shares so many common elements across the spectrum that it is difficult to have many qualms about it.In this sense, my opinion here is similar to that of the "With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child" series of manga by Keiko Tobe, although in these cases, plots take place 10-20 years ago, before biomedical treatments were common, so some of the behaviors exhibited by these characters are more easily remedied now, and healing is taking place in many cases, due to the research that has been done since that time period. The fact that watching this film has the potential to be especially depressing for parents with young autistic children, however, needs to be realized for those interested in watching it.
Damaged Disc Wonderful movie, however; the blu-ray disc was damaged upon arrival. By my own mistake, I did not open the package for this disc to Amazon within the return window, and am out the money as the last 40 minutes of the movie are unwatchable.This movie is a fun, action-packed superhero movie you would expect given the contemporary demand for these types of movies. I think X-Men first class actually sets itself apart as this movie has more "soul" and character development that allows the audience to empathise with the characters than most superhero movies of today. It's not in the class of Nolan's Batman trilogy, but it blows away the Avengers series, and the X-Men franchise movies from the early 2000s.Fine movie with a lot of re-watchability. Fassbender is tremendous as always, and this allows the ensemble cast to play up to his level. Give it a try even if you don't like X-Men.
An excellent look at a compulsive gambler The so called film experts that pan this movie just dont understand the life of a gambler. This movie is an excellent study of a compulsive gambler and his road to self destruction. James Caan is outstanding as the tragic Axel Freed and the supporting cast is even better. The emotional roller coaster ride of a compulsive degenerate gambler is shown from the ultimate high of winning to the rock bottom low of losing and is portrayed superbly by Caan with a stellar performance.This movie was extremely well written,directed and acted and is flawless in its presentation from beginning to the end. The climatic ending where Axel takes the ultimate gamble risking his life is brilliant. There has never been a more realistic look at a lost soul gambler and the effect it has on friends and family. This is a rare gem of a movie that was way ahead of its time. A must see for anyone that appreciates a true to life gritty story, great performances and not some Hollywood big budget nonsense that is routinely served up today.
Complete waste of time watching this movie About a half year ago, i saw this movie. All that i remember is one character who is just a complete retard. It had a few good skate scenes, but other than that, it sucked.If that one guy wasn't in the movie, it might have been worth watching. I can't remember anything about this guy. But that's all that I remember from this movie is that guy that i just can't stand. It was a complete waste of time watching this movie, just because of the one person that is in there. That's all i really remember from that movie, so it really wasn't good at all.
literally the worst movie i've ever seen - 0 stars not only does the awfulness of this movie scare me, the fact that so many people actually like it scares me even more. like another person said, i'm no elitist snob.. i thoroughly enjoy "stupid humor." austin powers 2 is one of my favorite movies.however, austin powers 2 actually made you do something which a comedy is supposed to make you do: LAUGH. see, good comedies have something called "jokes" or "gags." revolutionary, i know.this movie has THE dumbest plot i've ever seen, THE worst acting you can ever conceieve, and it is THE worst attempt at comedy ever committed to film. if you like this movie, you're either 7 years old, or i don't want to know you.
The Movie that started it all This movie started Kung Fu ( martial arts ) mania in the US. That pretty much says it all. Still one of the seminal martial arts movies ever. A classic you must have in your collection.
good instruction I had this years ago, lost it and ordered another. It is good, clear basic instruction. Has a few errors in it, but nothing of any consequence. I use it daily, especially the warm-up section which by itself is 30 minutes long.
Snoopy, Come Home This is a heartwarming show. I love Snoopy!This show has a lot of things in it. From the Beach to the Red Baron, there are just a lot of key Snoopy features. The voice acting is excellent. The music and songs are catchy and fun!I will not go into details about the main story. Suffice to say that Snoopy gets a second home offer and has a chance to leave Charlie Brown and the Gang.This story also stars Woodstock. I think this is Woodstock's first film. He is really cute!The show can be emotional at times. Everything works out in the end. It also has a lot of funny scenes. I laughed a lot!Overall, this is the best Snoopy Film. It is excellent in every way. Very good purchase. Very much recommended!
Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season I am now reading book 5. I do not subscribe to HBO. The best thing I can say about the series is that I can picture the characters; although, as a long time reader, my mind has always been good at visualization. The sound was not all that great - background sounds over-powered the dialogue.
The best handwork Jackie Chan has ever performed During an awesome opening tournament scene with Hsu Hsia taking on all comers, he gets killed, and his student played by Jackie Chan goes to take revenge. He goes with his master's wife and daughter to find the killer. But when he gets there, we find out that this man is very sorry for what he did. There's a bit more to the story, but I don't want to give it away. It's not a great story, but darker than most kung fu movies. I didn't see Jackie smile once. He gives a great acting performance, and an even better fighting performance. This is the most hate I have ever seen from Jackie. No comedy, he just tears people up with his awesome kung fu.Yen Shi Kwan, Eagle Han Ying, James Tien and Chui Fat also star, and they all give fine performances. This is the best I have ever seen James Tien look next to his performance in Bone Crushing Kid. Jackie worked him really hard on this movie.3.5/5The Columbia Tristar DVD has awesome picture quality, a good sounding Chinese dub, and the original oldschool English dub (not one of those crappy dubs you hear sometimes). This version is cut, so if you want to see it uncut you should get the PAL Hong Kong Legends version.
LOTR: FOTR Special Extended DVD Edition Why you should buy this DVD movie:1."Fellowship of the Ring" has a good amount of action, drama, fantasy, and adventure to offer.2. The special effects are completely breath-taking!3. The movie has a lot of excitment in it.This movie is great! Almost everything that I have seen in it is completely stunning! The one and only problem with this movie is that it deviates from the book, which it is based on, a little. But I don't find that being much of a problem in the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". Most of the extra/added scenes that are in the Special Extended DVD Edition are parts that are in author J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Being both a fan of the book-trilogy and the movie-trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" I will say this: Don't buy the original version of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Buy the Extended DVD Edition of it because it follows more closely to "The Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy. Director Peter Jackson has done a remarkable job at making Tolkien's Middle-earth open to the world of cinema! I highly recommend that you buy "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Special Extended DVD Edition! It is great for those who are fans of Tolkien's amazing "Lord of the Rings" book-trilogy!
Scissors and earplugs, please! The actors were often great. The story line COULD have been compelling. The cinetography was lovely although at times too dark (literally!). But I kept on thinking "OK, *this* scene made its point 5 minutes ago, and it is WAY TOO LOUD to boot." I kept having to ask my husband to turn down the sound, because it became so irritating. I wanted to get into the story and the characters (and I'm quite OK with ambivalent, 'real' people who are good and bad and endearing and annoying all in one film) but I found that the neverending scenes drained my interest and drove me into the kitchen to do dishes. Could not the director have edited just a tiny bit and still preserved the complexity?! As for huge noisy crowd scenes - a little goes a LONG way.We both liked Jeff Bridges the best.
False advertising - This doesn't play all regions Couldn't get it to play. My DVD player saids it's incompatible with the region. Have to buy an all region DVD player now just to watch this.
poor I thought this movie was going to be hilarious, being dr. dre & snoop dogg were in it. but it's poorly done, not even funny really. snoop & dre should just stick to the music business! this flick does'nt even come close to ice cube's fridays flicks. just beware
Slow and Tedious This is the type of movie that gives heterosexuals a bad name. Rhys-Myers, I have decided is only capable of simluating sex. Whether here or in the Tudors it's pretty much the same. And Miss Scarlet (and of course the terminally neurotic Allen) seem to think that whenever in the throes of an orgasm it is always better to have a cigarette in your face and be madly blowing smoke at your partner. No single character deserves empathy. they are all scumbags in every sense of the word and as soon as the movie is over (If we can call it an ending) we don't really care what happens to any of them. Pick somethin' wlse.