class label
5 classes
Confusing but Fun My daughter's review of the Bratz CD player:I am nine years old and I have had the Bratz CD player for about ten months. I couldn't figure out where the buttons were at first and the headphones never worked at all. I threw the headphones away. It plays CDs well, but it skips and sometimes stops halfway through a CD. It also sucks up batteries very quickly.
34 stars
Limited range The sound from the headphones is great. However, the range is very limited. I put my hand up and it immediately blocked the signal from the receiver to the headphones and the sound would cut out. I had no idea that the headphones had such a short range. I thought that it would have the same capabilities of a cordless phone not realizing that technology isn't as advanced as I imagined. I would not recommend this product especially for the price you pay.
12 stars
Same as original. Lost the original charger and found this...Canon product and compatible with my camera. Others are an off brand. Great price and value.
45 stars
the best ipod thats is a 4 gb Do you like this product (YES). The ipod nano is so spicy with the song that you buy for it The games rock so much and the color is so cool! "One thing I dont like about it is when you plug it in the computer you have to let it update for like 1 minute". Its a great thing that the ipod nano already has four games in the section (extras then press games). I would deffintly buy this prouduct again. I like the ipod nano so much!!!!!
45 stars
shockproof camera for young child We bought this camera for our (precocious) grandson's 4th birthday over a "toy" camera. It was a bit of an extravagance, but not that much more than we would have spent anyhow. The key appeal is its purported "shockproof" feature. We added a gel case for extra protection. The other thing that made it preferable to cameras made for 4-year-olds was a rechargeable battery. He is amazingly adept at operating the camera, using the menus, etc. And he LOVES that it's a "real" camera.So far so good on the shockproof...
34 stars
Awesome bang for the buck I was waffling between this and a Logitech Slim device. The price point won me over, and it's been a good addition to my home theater. I tried using both the Slim Server compatibility mode, and the native Firefly Server. The Slim Server compatibility mode is quite lacking in both usability and user interface (the fonts are very small in that mode). The Firefly server works like a charm and is very easy to use. It also connects to my Mac's music shares as well. Browsing is intuitive, quick, and playback audio decode quality is excellent. In my rather WiFi saturated apartment complex, I did find that it works better with a wired connection rather than the wireless one but I don't blame the device for that. Having over 20 wireless networks available makes using WiFi tricky for even the best devices.The only cons I can report come from the Internet Radio mode. The first is configuring stations, which was non-trivial to figure out. It's possible that using the bundled radio discovery software on Windows makes this much simpler, but I don't listen to Internet radio on my Windows systems and didn't have any of the supported players installed. Some digging showed that there is a web server on the device for configuration, and from that interface you can add names and URLs of preset stations. That solved most of my problems, since I have a subscription to di.fm and that requires the use of custom URLs to get the better quality feeds. The only issue is somewhat frequently the playback from internet stations (especially higher bitrate ones, like the di.fm subscription channels) will pause and re-buffer. I don't believe this is a network issue, as none of the computers I use for playback (like my Mac with iTunes) exhibit this problem. I had hoped that the M1001 would have a configuration option to increase the Internet Radio buffer size, but it does not.Overall, the device fills 95% of the audio playback needs I had for my home theater: the device is pleasing to look at, the Internet syncronized clock in stand-by mode is very useful, playing audio files and streams from my network without requiring the use of the TV (unlike my SageTV HTPC), and being significantly cheaper than the Slim Devices alternatives. The somewhat regular pauses for a few seconds while in Internet Radio mode for re-buffering are not overly annoying (and a software update fro Roku could easily fix that). I'd recommend the M1001 as an excellent alternative to the Slim Devices players for the price.
34 stars
Excellent Camera I purchased this camera to replace an older 2 mp Olympus camera, This model was chosen because of the 8x optical zoom. I also looked for things like standard batteries and memory card type and price (by the way the camera manual says 128mb is the max card size, I am using 256mb ok.) Any one tried a 512mb???The camera has been the answer to my needs, the picture quality is excellent, the zoom range suits my needs very well and battery life is better than I expected. Since I already had about 5 sets of AA NiMh batteries for the Olympus and 2 chargers, I thought I would need about 3 sets for a days shooting, so far I have shot about 400 shots, 115 shots on 1 set of batteries. Most of these have been without flash however. The only thing that has taken some getting used to is the view finder, the Olympus had an optical view finder which was not thru the lens, the electronic thru the lens finder and the fact it appears to lock up during the picture taking is going to take some getting used to. The audio and short video clip functions also are a neat addition to this unit.I expecially like the warranty (I ordered the extended warranty with physical damage replacement direct from HP and I would recomend this for your consideration).I also purchased the HP Photosmart 7350 printer and the photos are almost 35mm quality. Very Very Good!!!All in all an excellent camera
34 stars
clear winner I've learned to use only HP ink cartridges in my machine...not generic...just in case there's a problem with the printer. I have proof I didn't use a potential source of the problem (It's happened with previous printer).Never a problem....cartridges last quite a long time, price is right...I always purchase a new two pack to be at the ready the moment I put in a new cartridge.
34 stars
NOT FOR ME I did not like this film. It did have drama and suspense, and Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman were good. Bribery, blackmail... always good premises for action pictures. But personal taste dictates that I just did not get into it. Jeanne Tripplehorn is one good reason not to like it. Sometimes she is very likeable (in the virtually unknown Til There Was You) but other times not so (Sliding Doors). Most people who see this will probably like it. What can I say?
12 stars
My first external flash - I should have bought one years ago! I'm no pro, and this is my first external flash. I barely took it out of the package last night, so I have only used the fully automatic mode so far. However, I can already see a huge difference in my flash photography. The harshness of the built in flash is gone, the subject is properly exposed, shadows are softer. I've barely begun using this, and I can already tell I will be doing a lot more flash photography now. I hated the built in flash, but I love the quality of the first few shots with the Speedlite, so I'm sure they'll only get better with practice! I'm completely satisfied so far. If that changes, I'll change my review, but for now I can say that I wish I'd bought this thing years ago!!!Update - 4/27/11 Well, I'm growing as a photographer so I'm posting an update. These little babies still have a place in my gear bag, and I still think they're fantastic for portability and ease of use, and far superior to any built-in flash I've used. However, my needs require more powerful lights and better wireless triggering. If you're working on bigger projects, larger groups etc, these might not be enough power for you. The only other disadvantage I can see is that the infrared wireless is less than optimal. I have had a lot of misfires when they weren't lined up correctly, so if you're planning to use more than one light and control them via wireless, I suggest investing in pocket wizards or some other brand of radio triggering.
45 stars
Comfortable, Handy Features I own two bags and a back pack from LowePro and I can't say in hindsite that I'd buy them again. They are sturdy, but don't make efficient use of space. However, I've been using the Lowepro Transporter Camera Strap with a Nikon D700 for a year and have not experienced problems with the security of the quick release buckles. I use the feature quite a bit, yet the snap buckles hold firm for me. In fact, I have found the strap to be to be very comfortable and durable. The small CF card pouch is very handy and I have no concerns about it falling off.
45 stars
great card but... this card is awesome, runs Quake4/WoW/COD2 all the latest games at 1600x1200 with 4AA/16AF quite nicely indeed. Scored 9000 3DMarks 05 with it.A few cons though.First of all the card makes a serious amount of noise, I mean the thing humms, I have decided to extend my watercooling to the VGA to get rid of this problem however if you are using stock air cooling I suggest you take this noise problem into consideration.Secondly the BGA ram on this gets very hot, after running games for 2-3hours the heatsink is almost untouchable and it shows in the gameplay, can cause it to become a little jumpy. Again I have a cold case so I don't think its an isolated issue.Thirdly the card is very long and the capciators sit ever-so nicely over my chipset fan.All these cons in mind, the card is definately worth the money if your not going to go SLI the only other card I would recommend is the 512mb edition.Good luck with your purchase
34 stars
Excellent camera! Many features, easy to set up and use. Excellent camera! The instructions included with the camera made it easy to set up on my wireless network. The free DNS service at viewnetcam.com was also a breeze to set up and it works great. Images and video are excellent, as are the pan & zoom features. Sound is good. The ability to set up motion and sensor triggers to capture images was a great feature that I hadn't planned on. Other Panasonic network cameras can be registered with this one so the output from multiple cameras can be viewed on a single web page. Very satisfied with this product!UPDATE: I have found that IP Cam Viewer is a fantastic app for accessing this camera, and many others, on an Android phone. I've been using it to access both this Panasonic camera and a set of Q-See cameras. Even though the cameras are different types from different vendors, the app puts all of the images together in a nice tiled display. I can select any one of the cameras to view full screen by tapping the corresponding tile. All of the features (pan, tilt, mic, etc.) are supported by the app.
45 stars
Panasonic DVs work great. You won't go wrong with a Panasonic DV. I've had a few models. I have several of this model for my business. They're rock solid reliable, nice and small for portability, and the quality of the recording is very good
45 stars
Great product and time saver I bought this when we were moving to Houston and it has saved me countless hours of getting lost in a city with plenty of roads to get lost in. Out of the box I had a minor hiccup in trying to locate Satellites but a reboot of the unit cured that. After that it was smooth sailing to get the product up and working. Directions are clear and most addresses can be easily found. I have used this in Houston and Calgary, Canada with great resultsI would say 90% of the time I have no issues with this product and it works great.Pros: easy to use, accurate mostly, clear spoken directions, good price, lots of featuresNow for the cons.Sometimes gets confused when roads are close together, takes about 20 seconds to get a satellite lock when turned on, maps are a bit dated so you can't find newer addresses and some of the businesses it locates for you have moved on.All in all a great investment.
34 stars
OK for the price The optics seem to be decent, but the mechanical focusing is loose and not precise. Worth the ten dollars I paid, but not more.
34 stars
Excellent Cat6 Patch Cable from OnSale Used OnSale as the vendor (Amazon gives you a choice from a number of sellers) and received the Cables To Go 31351 as advertised. Plugged one end into my Belkin router and the other into our Dish 722K sat receiver/DVR and we were up and running. Timely shipping, too. So get yours from OnSale and avoid the bait and switch that other reviews have experienced. Best, AMW.
45 stars
IPod Nano 2GB There was no picture of what the item looked like which made me a little nervous, but when I received product, I was VERY HAPPy. I Pod Nano in MINT condition with USB charger and headphones, GREAT DEAL too!
45 stars
Long Cables Save the Day! I needed a really long cable to transfer TV recordings to my computer, and this did the trick!
45 stars
Buena camara Definitivamente SONY hace muy buenos productos. Esta cámara toma bonitas fotos, con mucha facilidad. Es una cámara liviana y compacta. Tiene buena potencia de zoom. El único inconveniente es que hoy en 2011 ya es un modelo viejo y existen cientos de modelos nuevos con mas cosas, sin embargo aun utilizo esta cámara para ir a fiestas, reuniones o tomar fotos en mi trabajo, es muy buena, le dura mucho la pila y muy fácil de usar. Me gusta mucho esta cámara y aun no pienso cambiarla. Debo anotar que me compré una H50 de SONY la cual uso al salir a pasear o de vacaciones pero esta aun no tiene cambio.
34 stars
100! man thats a lot! I really liked these cable zip ties and I love the way they cleaned up my computer, in fact I cleaned up about 2 of my friends computers and i still got like 85+ zip ties. They really are too much for a one time job but I love that i'm set every manufacture moves over to free Velcro ties inside of PSUs and Cases.Great stuff and the length was plenty for the average computer cable bunch. JUST the right size for a non-modular PSU; turns an octopus PSU into something much more manageable.
45 stars
Good print quality, but the paper feed is erratic For the large amount of ink this printer seems to go through, it is gratifying that at least the print quality is more than acceptable.This is the printer I use in my home office, where I seldom print even five pages a day. I am not a novice at using printers, so it is a little bit of a surprise that the machine so frequently refuses to load a page for printing. I stand up, ruffle the paper AGAIN, reload, and usually it prints -- at least by the second or third time of going through these motions.Although my printing volume is very low, it is nice that the machine dependably produces "client worthy" documents, even when these include line drawings. Without question this is the best inexpensive printer I have used in that respect. The cost seems to be the speed at which ink cartridges run out. And it would be nice not to have to fuss so much about the paper.
23 stars
pretty good system I have been looking and researching and after about 2 months, I just bought it. Are there better systems in this price range, of course there are, but I do not want to dedicate my life to it, so finally bouhgt this one. This has it all, and is a good system to buy.I just installed the system in my home and I am going to give it a conservative 4 star even though I have found no short coming on this system yet.Striking features:1. Design and style - cant beat the looks.2. Plays everything except DVD-RW.3. Sound is quite nice.4. Can take multiple inputs, and I have hooked the VCR anddish network to its input.5. Progressive scan at this price range, wow.6. Outputs both the composite and S video out.7. Powerful sub woofer.8. Frequency response volume control, never seen that onebefore.9. Costs 2/3 rd of what I paid for my aiwa CD system 7 yearsback.10. 5.1 system.Short comings:1. VCD only has sound on the center and the sub woofer.2. I think it can not handle PAL DVDs.3. Holds only 1 disc, so keep changing the disc all the time.Other features:1. Speakers look like just about any other speakers in thisrange.2. Remote is to the point.3. Generous wiring.4. Needs RF modulator for older TVs.5. Sub woofer stays on all the time ... wasting thepower, but that is true for all systems I think.There is not much reviews on this system and also it is not a best seller either. I just checked and saw that some of the refurbished models are selling for more than twice what I paid for a new system, so I think I did alright.
34 stars
The BEST Wireless Router with B/G/N and QOS Hello All...Happy New Year.A bit of background...I am coming from 2 Apple Airport Extreme base stations which I could not tolerate after regular drops and continuous issues. I had regular disconnects...wired and wireless....and speed issues with bridging the second router. I therefore decided to go out on the hunt for another router that gave me the options I wanted and wireless N. I have an IT background...so options are a must. :-)I bought the DIR-655 along with the DAP-1522. The dap for bridging purposes to the home theater.The router setup was very straight forward....i plugged it in to our cable modem. Power cycled everything and I was up and running inside of 5 minutes. The first thing I did was go into the router setup via a web browser and make adjustments to the admin password...etc. Second thing..which is what I always do with new hardware is that I updated the firmware. ***NOTE - FIRMWARE UPDATES on DLINK devices erase the settings...so its a good idea to do them at once.*** One other thing to remember is that you can set the router up and save the configuration to your computer...this device and the dap-1522 both allow you to save the config...which saves time after an upgrade as it is easy to restore.The router upgraded without issue and was up and running in a couple of minutes. I went in and created a wireless network, adjusted the dhcp scope, and voila....ready to go without any freaky tweaks or anything. Adjusting the DHCP scopes are not necessary for most..but I like to use my own IP address scheme and I do not like the default 192.168.0.x scheme.Once the router was running I went to the DAP-1522. This was TRICKY...but that is only because I wanted to update the firmware. The easy part is press the button on the side of the DAP...when it blinks....move to the router and press the button on the router...you have 120 seconds. Voila both are paired and ready to go. If you change the DHCP scope this gets tricky as you cannot really access the DAP since its on the 192.168.0.x subnet... Simply put....dont change the dhcp scope and you can do the push button magic to get the DAP paired..then update the firmware. Enough about the DAP.... :-)The router is functioning flawlessly and giving us better coverage then we had with the Apple Base Stations. I am getting about 68% coverage in my bedroom as compared ti 38% with the apple product.Tweak Time - I wanted to prioritize all VOIP traffic for my OOMA system. Reason being..it is our primary phone and I dont want voice traffic to sound choppy. I simply plugged the VOIP device (ooma for me) into the router. Once it got an IP address I created a QOS policy with a priority of 100 and told it to monitor all traffic from the OOMA device. This will insure that the OOMA gets priority on the internet as compared to web browsing, gaming, torrents, etc... We have been using it this way for 3 days plus and asking people we speak to if voice is choppy....so far no complaints....ps..this was when we were doing some downloading on the internet. TESTING purposes only.I love the ability to go into the setup of this router and adjust every piece of it...IF YOU NEED TO..... If you dont need to it will work out of the box and it will work perfectly.The router has QOS services built in and they are turned on to Automatically shape bandwidth based on need. In other words...if you are watching a HD movie via netflix on the Xbox...this thing will make sure the xbox has priority. If you are on Vonage..this thing will make sure Vonage gets most of the priority so the calls are CLEAR. It works....and Flawlessly. Like I said...you can tweak VOIP....if you are nut like me...or you can let the router decide. It will work.The only issue I have with the devices...the LED lights are ugly and bright... That bugs me a bit..but there are easy ways to dim the lights out....some tape, etc... :-)I give this item a 5/5. I can write a whole lot more but it would not make for a healthy review. I love the product, the price, and the functionality.PS...I switched from apple base stations that cost about $179 each...so price doesnt always equate to quality. Get this Router...try it out...you will be impressed.
45 stars
Stunningly great player Bullet review:1) Size: incredibly small. The mini, width and length, is the size of a business card. The weight feels like nothing--I forget I was carrying it in my pants pocket. The smallests, lightest player you could imagine.2) Controls: all of the controls are on the wheel--instead of the four buttons on the full size iPod, they are built in the scroll wheel. Also unlike the full size iPod, the buttons are click buttons meaning you get tactile feedback and, more importantly for northern weather, the five main controls can be operated with gloves on. Only scrolling requires fingertip operation.3) Sound: pretty much perfect through the included headphones.4) Software: iTunes is easy to operate, and of course you can rip in your CDs to store on the mini.5) Case: unlike the full size iPod that religiously shows the prints of any finger that gets anywhere near it, the mini's case goes not show fingerprints, is scratch resistant, and doesn't demand that you keep in a case to keep it in good shape.6) Storage: 4GB. It is what it is. I have about 80 GB of tracks ripped on my desktop machines, so even the largest iPod would involve swapping tracks in and out for me. The question is whether you need 1000 songs on the machine at once.7) Style: unquestionably the best looking player on the market, ever. For comparison, take a look at the soon to be release Nomad MuVo2 player--the Nomad looks like spare 70's transistor radio with an LCD stuck on.
45 stars
Work great in all of my Uniden phones I bought four of these batteries several months ago and I can say that they exceed the factory battery's performance by far in all four phones they have been installed in. With a reasonable price and Prime shipping, it's pretty hard to go wrong here.
45 stars
Alright! What yo get in this product is more than the money you spend on it. But.....how long can you manage with this one is a question!
23 stars
Kensington is back! My old Kensington Expert Mouse Pro 6.0 (wireless) felt great, and solved all the health problems that my old Logitech thumb-trackball caused me. But it was a real dog -- Kensington sent me a new unit twice, but each one was as bad or worse than the last -- huge power drains; jumpy cursor; constant cleaning required; etc.BUT -- the new Kensington Expert Mouse 7.0 is a dream. Its ball is as smooth as silk and gives absolute total control over cursor movement, even in CAD and mapping applications. There is simply no comparison with the previous version. Maybe it's the optical pickup, or giving up on cordless, or maybe just better quality control at the studio and factory, but 7.0 is a trackball to get excited about!
45 stars
A great cable These are well made and do the job. The major factor for me on these is the fact that they are pretty much immune to crimping. They keep their shape and do not snag.
45 stars
just about right I previously had a 3x gold soft warm (or something like that) which was over the top, unless you treated it as a special effect. This is unobtrusive and natural. If you are using a very sharp lens for portraits, this will give a natural and less brutal look. There are a range of strengths in this series; for my use this is about right.
34 stars
canon macro I love this lenses. I have taken a lot of pictures of my grandchildren. They come out so nice.
45 stars
Spare Camera Battery Keep a spare camera battery charged so that you never have to stop snapping pics on vacation. Or miss that perfect shot at home either.
45 stars
Great product! I got this board for my Vista Ultimate PC to use the Media Center functionality. It works great! While I occasionally watch live TV on it, I mostly use digital recording features to capture shows, and then watch them back on the PC, or on the Xbox.The quality is outstanding. I've tried various ATI and Hauppage boards over the years, and always been disappointed. This is head-and-shoulders above other cards in the price range.I have not set up an antenna to try out HDTV yet.The included software is worthless. I uninstalled the AverTV app after an hour. If you need the included app to watch TV, buy a different product. (otherwise, I would have given this 5 stars)
34 stars
Great! It was a great product. It was easy to use. The quality is notnperfect but that's expected. Great price. Came fast to my house. The only problem was the video blinks on and off sometimes.
34 stars
Major Quality Issues with this Product I tried to setup the product and it basically does not work. Linksys support admits that the product is defective. Quality definitely was not a major concern when they decided to produce this product. I returned the product in frustration because it is just a very expensive box that flashes LEDs at you.
01 star
Exactly what I needed The price was great compared to other places selling the same thing, it was delivered sooner than expected which was awesome, and the ink is perfect. I will definitely order from here again.
45 stars
poor function of printer i was looking to replace the same printer that i previous had and broke. this one has a streaking problem with red ink. after printing two pages it goes away. i contacted the seller to see how this could be fixed. choice one is to have it fixed and keep choice two would be a replacement choice three would be a return and refund. i beleive that this issue can be resolved
01 star
great product I love this router it has given us no problems at all except for compatibility. If you are a mac user I would definitely recommend having a pc on hand next to it for ease of set-up. the instilation CD is not compatible at all with mac so its a bear trying to manually set-up through the mac. Once the router is set-up its as easy as one click to use it on the mac. the USB utility on the back of the router which enables you to use a mass storage device or printer..etc. does not work with mac. it works wonderfully with a PC. So far we have been using this for about a month and it has not lost reception. our old linksis would lose reception 2-3 times a week. hope this helps.
45 stars
Excellent, versatile, kidproof camera! I bought this camera about 2 months ago, just before leaving on a camping trip with my family. We gave it quite a "shake-down cruise" on the trip, getting great shots of far-off boats and remote beach houses, as well as sunsets and kids in the water. I was able to take great pictures with very little learning time. The S700 also takes wonderful video with very good sound -- and I love having the ability to zoom while shooting video.This is only my second digital camera -- the first was a Canon A630. I loved it -- until one of my 12-year-old's teammates stuck a finger in the lens cover and then my 3-year-old finished it off by dropping it on the pool apron with the lens extended.So I was thrilled to find the S700, which has an old-fashioned lens cover and a zoom which is completely within the case even when extended. These two attributes make it very kidproof. It's a sturdy camera and I personally like the fact that it's bigger than a "point and shoot." I love the sturdy grip.I'm definitely a "hobby" photographer although I do take some photos in my work. The S700 gives me lots of room to experiment with manual settings, while also offering quite an array of pre-set modes that work really well. I initially found the S700 while searching for high zoom -- which I have come to realize I need to keep up with kids' sports and activities -- that was reasonably priced.I've learned lots of tips on the S700/S5700 users' group on Flickr. Took some breathtaking photos of the moon last night thanks to tips found there.
45 stars
Sent it back I wanted this for live performance shooting with Canon 5d; I thought it was kind of pricy, for what you get. What I didn't like about it was there are no adjustments to angle the platform, it stays perfectly flat, (couldn't tell from the product image) only room for my 15" MacBook Pro-- the stand looks good and was stable, I wouldn't worry about my laptop on it. You will also need a pro tripod to mount it to (you take the head off), so it really ends up being an expensive set up. So if these issues don't concern you, get it. I couldn't spare my best tripod and ended up purchasing a conductor/music stand for $20 and a dolly for $32, there is room on the music stand for my external drive.
23 stars
Best cassette adapter I've ever owned! If you like to listen to music through your iPhone and your vehicle does not have an auxiliary jack (but does have a cassette deck), then this is the adapter you need! I drive a 2004 GMC Yukon with the factory stereo and Bose sound system, and I've thought about getting an auxiliary input installed, but I always talk myself out of it since this cassette adapter provides high quality sound output from my iPhone at such a low cost. I've tried other adapters such as theMonster iCarPlayandGriffin Direct Deck, but the Philips provides the closest thing to CD quality sound. The other two always sounded as if there was some kind of filter on them, and the sound was softer and of lower quality. I will say though that I tried a friend's iPod through the Monster, and it sounded much better, so there may be some kind of compatibility issue with the iPhone. The only issue I have with the Philips adapter is that the tape does seem to wear out after 6 to 8 months, so I have gone through a few of them. But at only around $10 a pop, it's well worth it!To sum it all up, if you have a cassette deck and no auxiliary in your vehicle and listen to music through an iPhone, this is your best bet. The sound quality you get out of this adapter will surpass any FM transmitter and many other cassette adapters.
45 stars
All as Advertised The Speakers came propmtly and looked just like their photo and fit the box perfectly and worked great. Just what I was after.
45 stars
Sweet printer This has been my printer all throughout college (5 years) and have never even had one problem with it. Prints even better on the color lock bright white paper.
45 stars
IF YOU START HAVING SHUT DOWN PROBLEMS... Let me save you some time... if your player starts shutting down, tech support will tell you it's a DRM thing and that you have to use a specific program to transfer files, that you have to upgrade the firmware and drivers off of their site. It all works pretty well, although a clumsy process... but if you want your unit to continue to function properly, you need an older driver. Try to find this version: ZenNanoPlus_PCFW_LF_1_10_03 (it's the version before the current one, so it's bound to be floating around out there somewhere... just keep looking or demand it from Creative) - I just reformatted and flashed my firmware using this version and it now works just fine. GOOD LUCK!!! [...]I should also mention that this would be the PERFECT player if:1) the little tooth on the battery compartment sliding door didn't break off so EASILY.2) The firmware wasn't sush a mess (they blame record labels and DRM restrictions...)3) and the recording quality was something better than, like about 32 kHz wav. 192 mp3 would be better.Otherwise I LOVE the unit and the ease of operation.
23 stars
does the trick Have a Dell 530s small form factor case. I measure everything precisely, took my time, adjusted as often as I needed to and this CPU holder has yet to give me any reason not to trust it. I seriously am VERY happy with the integrity for the price. Others have said it is wobbly. I say, try again. My CPU is not just not wobbly, if you grab the bottom of the computer and move it, the entire desk moves with it. I could not get it loose with even a strong pull. I literally can move the desk by holding just the computer. So if it is wobbly, you did it wrong or your case is not in right. Something is not right. Just saying, take your time and I am sure you can get this as strong as I got mine.
45 stars
connect my laptop to my LCD HDTV I used this cable to connect my laptop to my LCD HDTV - it worked great. The sound quality was excellent.There are higher quality cables, but they cost more. This is a great value.
34 stars
JUNK This is one of the worst pieces of junk that as cost me. After using it twice it stopped working. The instructions on the back of the box are poor. There are no instructions on changing the battery and to do so will destroy the cash. Without going in a long tirade, in short save your hard earned money and bypass this trash.
01 star
Works Fine I bought this keyboard even though I was fully aware of the key-placement issues that several other folks have describe. But I wanted a USB ergonomic keyboard and couldn't wait for a different brand/model to be shipped (this particular keyboard is easy to find at local office supply stores), and I didn't have a need for the much more expensive wireless keyboards. I can honestly say after about 2 days of use, I don't find it the arrow key configuration an issue at all. Since I'm used to typing on a laptop keyboard, I also didn't find the placement of the PgUp/PgDn/Home/etc. keys a problem.I primarily use this keyboard for Office applications, and I think it will suit most users.I do like the feel of the keys, and the reduced space that it takes on my desk.
34 stars
Kensington Auto/Air Adapter The unit works great with everything except the new Sony Vaio that I bought for this trip. When I contacted Kensington, sure enough, even though Vaio is listed on the tips available, you have to look at the fine print, because there are certain models not covered. So now I have a brand new adapter that I can't use.
45 stars
Palm Products not up to par any longer. Bought this Palm 13 months ago and this weekend it stopped working. Customer service informed me that they are strictly enforcing their one year ( or 365 days as it's spelled out) warranty. They are more than willing to fix this unit for a whopping One Hundred dollars. Wow.Based on that and better products out there (also available from Amazon) I've begun to research these better options.I would not recommend any of the palm line, unless you are willing to pay twice for it.
01 star
Garmin Streetpilot C340 I find this product to be very helpful and easy to use. however, I have found several addresses that the Garmin didn't recognize in my travels.
34 stars
Longest directional This antenna has to be the longest range directional UHF antenna out there. I live 65 miles from the transmitters on Sutro Tower San Francisco that broadcast all the UHF stations I get. Not to mention I'm in the woods and have only one clear shot to the horizon to the South so a directional antenna is a must. Although it's not perfect this antenna does pick up all the major networks even those broadcasting at 500Kw. Personally I'm astonished but make sure you download a PDF of the instructions which is available from solidsignal.com.Admittedly I put it up completely backwards with the corner screens facing front at first and then finally realized immediately after looking at the PDF a few weeks later that the antenna was backwards. When I turned it around and reversed the direction of all the reflectors so that they were all metal sides facing front the antenna started picking up the fore mentioned extended channels.10/27/08: I ordered a second one of these and the instructions now are the same as the PDF mentioned but the color one is still easier to identify. My purpose was to stabilize the signal by combining 2 91xg antenna. This works well even with a splitter run backwards because the antennas are the same. You can also run different UHF antenna combined with a product called 'Joinantenna' (google will find it) but the trick with it is you have to isolate the dual reception to 1 channel and rely on one antenna for the whole spectrum. Also many of the antenna reflectors which snap on had extra plastic tags on the edges from molding that you'll want to twist off.
45 stars
Doesn't fit Nano 3G or 5G None of the adapters fit our Nano 3G or 5G, even though the ad states they do and the box has a sticker that says it fits ALL Nanos.
01 star
Works great This device has worked great for me. There is definitely the potential to plug the 4 pin power connection in upside down, so be careful. One reviewer suggested a 6" power extender cable with nylon ends, that's what I am using.The manual and backup program can be difficult to find on their website, here is the link that works.[...]Please read the manual. I hope Amazon do not delete the link as the manual is not included in the box and the link printed on the box is broken.
45 stars
Great! I have a aftermarket stereo in my new car that has XM installed from the factory. The factory XM receiver box was in the trunk so the antenna installed on the roof terminated there. The Sirius receiver box for my aftermarket stereo only had enough cord to be installed in the dash somewhere so I used this cable to extend the antenna wire from the trunk to the front of the car. Worked great! You can use this cable for XM or Sirius. The antennas are backwards compatible. The car had XM installed but I use Sirius.
45 stars
Crucial Netbook RAM This came before the Netbook I ordered. It was shipped the next day and got here in a couple of days. Came with good instructions and very easy to install. Works great, no glitches. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase this item from them. Price was very competitive!
45 stars
Gimmick! I haven't tried it on CDs but I does nothing for DVDs, It just rubs the surface, doesn't repair anything just cleans it! If you have a DVD that skips or doesn't play find a place that will resurface it and go there insted.
01 star
Ditto (previous review). It used to be listed as 4 pack.After a quick phone call (no holding) received another 2 pack in 2 days.These batteries last forever.
45 stars
dekcell laptop battery for toshiba satellite this battery is way better than the original toshiba piece of junk i got when i bought my NEW laptop. the original batteries only lasted 1.5 hrs when fully charged and were dead every time within 2 days without any use.i eventually figured out why best buy sold these "cheap" $400.i am considering buying another battery from dekcell. So far the battery lasts about 3hrs and I can go for a week without using the laptop and still have power,
34 stars
Same as $9 antenna I bought the $9 basic indoor antenna here: http://www.amazon.com/RCA-ANT111-Basic-Indoor-Antenna/dp/B000HKGK8Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid;=1300387419&sr;=8-2 00 It's a good antenna. The only problems I had with it are regular problems you have with antennae - picture flaking out, can't get a signal.I thought I'd try this $40 antenna. The Best Buy associate said it'd be stronger and I'd get more channels. Nope! Not only did I not get any more channels, the reception was exactly the same as the $9 antenna.Maybe it works for some people, and maybe the reviewers here didn't try the $9 one first. I think it's a waste of good money because the amplification feature offered nothing over the basic antenna. Plus you have to waste electricity having it plugged in.Stick with their basic antenn.
12 stars
Subpar Quality I bought these after the right speaker on my sony mdr-cd180's which sold for a similar price went out and was not impressed by the sound quality at all. The bass seems rather weak and the audio for music just sounds really off. I tried messing with an equalizer to try and get a better sound out of it but no matter what I tried it just didn't sound right especially when compared my other headphones. These headphones were comfortable but were almost too big for me as well and I consider my head to be an average size. I'm not sure what other headphones I'd recommend as I've not found anything that sounds as nice as the sony mdr-180's for a similar price but I certainly wouldn't recommend these.
12 stars
Best Alternative to iPod I got my Vision:M last close to a year ago and I have been nothing but pleased with it. It can be diffucult to use if you are accustomed to the iPod user face, but after a while it becomes easeir to use than the iPod. It has many functions aside from playing music, including video, photo, a built in microphone recorder, and FM radio (which you can record music off of to add to your personal MP3 library) and a shortcut button that you can program to take you to numerous places in the menu automatically. All of these are very easy to use and gives me very little grief.I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought it, coming from a brand not as well known as iPod, but I knew I made the right choice buying it right off. In about 10 months it has frozen once, and with the reset button and the back of an earring, it's like it never even happened. It has never been the source of any problems for me and has done its job, playing music, very dependably.Even if the fact it is a sturdy well made MP3 player isn't enough for you, it is also very easy to customize. It has 6 different color schemes(the color the font and selection bar are) and you can easily format any photo in your library to be the wallpaper on your MP3.I have pretty much nothing bad to say about it. It always functions and has a long battery life, unless you watch several hours of video. My mother and my sister both have other Creative Lab MP3 players that are also really awesome, so even if this isn't what you want, but you don't want an iPod, chances are you can find something good from Creative.
45 stars
I own it Onkyo DXC390 6 Disc CD PlayerI just purchased this one. I needed a second CD player but did not have a lot of $ to do so. I installed this unit and it worked without pause.It is a little noisy on tray opening and disc change but for the price its forgivable.
23 stars
Problems with multiple 80-hour TiVos I have owned a PHILIPS TiVo for over five years....love it and have never had a problem with it. I decided to give two brand new 80-hour TiVo's as gifts this past Christmas (manufactured by TiVo, not Philips). I ordered them through Amazon.com. BOTH TiVo's developed technical problems within hours of their first use and had to be sent back to TiVo for exchange, and one of the replacement TiVo's developed problems as well. That's THREE bad TiVo's out of four. I'm still waiting for one of the replacements. I am quite concerned because I purchased very expensive lifetime TiVo services for both of these gifts. Of course, the "lifetime" service lasts only as long as the life of the TiVo box itself...and at this rate, that life won't be very long. I'm VERY disappointed with these new TiVo's.
01 star
Canon SD750 Wow!. Lives up to its reputation. Great! Just took it to Italy and it impressed some of the other travelers who had really nice cameras.A keeper!
45 stars
Good for the Price I have a NeoFlex holding my Dell 2007FP and it works great. The topmost screws nearest the monitor needed hefty tightening, but it holds the monitor without any drooping. The quick height adjustment with the large lock-button is convenient as well. The reason why I left out a star is because the cable management clips are somewhat flimsy. They tend to pop open if there are too many cables inside. I'm running power, DVI, VGA, S-video, and USB down the arm, which required a rubber band around the clips to keep them closed. Ideally the cable management would be inside the arm, but these would be suitable for most applications. The arm also looks a little flimsy--if you're going for something solid, try the LX series.
34 stars
Does the trick Use it with an HD tv. Plays back VHS and DVD just fine. Does exactly what it says it does, and does it well.
34 stars
Nice & sturdy & cost effecient This shelf is being used in my bedroom, it looks nice and goes well with the decor. I would recommend purchasing this.
45 stars
Less useful I use it rarely. This is not a good product to use. Instead I recommend using a wireless remote like pocket wizard. This is not a good product to use except long exposure.
23 stars
Great really good one. I got it for $ 17. It's worth for the money. It is class 6 card.
45 stars
nice strap Overall nice strap. The card holder is a nice add-on. I'm sure it interfaces well with other lowepro products well. It has quick connect buckles very close to the camera so its easy to remove.The only negative about this product is the somewhat permanent crease in the padding where it was folded for display. It may work itself out eventually or there may be some trick to 'iron it out' so to speak.
34 stars
good for the money lens works great for the money i would recomend to anyone who are just started to explore the world of photography
34 stars
HORRIBLE durability! I got this thing and barely ever used it.. took OK pictures but I dropped it ONCE in the grass while i was camping and the shutter wouldnt open, the flash bulb blew out and I couldnt open or close the shutter! I sent it back and they wouldnt fix anything because I had tried to manually close the shutter to see if it would reset it self or something? But no.. they wanted me to pay something like $140 on a camera that I got for $150.. I always trusted Sony but now im going with another company. What a piece of junk! Get it if you know you will never ever drip it.. not even on soft grass. Good luck, losers.
01 star
great little camera! well, heres what i wanted. a small camera, very small camera (i have a gateway dv-s20, it's smaller than deck decks of cards). i wanted something that would take great closeup shots. i wanted something that took at least 3 megapixels. i wanted something that had auto flash and auto focus capabilites. something with an optical zoom.most of all, i wanted something around $200.this is what i came up with.whats good about it:good battery life (i use it everyday and i'm on the included batteries still)small, very pocketableeasy as pie to useflash doesn't destroy every picturetakes nice closeup shotsbright displaypicture review navigation is easy to usepicture review incorporates zoom and cut and resize functionszoom is great and easy to useawesome in low light conditionscool red reduction flashmany many built in photo types (scene, portrait...all have several types within)press the button half way to autofocus and see if it will need a flashself timer is easy to useBSS - best shot selector helps you take great picsquick startup timebuilt in shutdown after set timethings i don't like:indoor lighting makes the lcd look junky (pictures turn out ok, but the lcd screen shows off a bunch of random colored fragments - covered in manual, nothing to worry about)i can't cut any of the pictures off of the internal memory (meaning, you can't cut or delete pics from the internal memory using windows explorer because they are copy protected, this means you have to go and manually delete them on the camera)the flash isn't all that great when it's really dark and you want to shoot of pic of something more than 10 feet away (understandable)the flash takes longer than expected to refresh sometimes up to 7 seconds - with scene-underwater because it's the brightest flash)port on side for usb connector seems flimsyBSS does not support a flashaction shot 16 doesn't use a flashit's easy to blur a shot sometimes if you don't have the correct settingsa little heavier than expectedsmall internal memory (14mb)no audio recorded with movies (who cares though, it's a camera, not a camcorder)all in all, you should read the manual to get the most out of this one. it's excellent for anyone.*** to get rid of the lag after taking a pic with the flash, press the play button, then press it again. presto! screen doesn't go black anymore!
45 stars
Very good power supply Easy to install, runs quite and stays cool. Has every plug you will need.
45 stars
I love these! These are the greatest ear buds! I first bought them because I was looking for something comfortable to replace the horribly uncomfortable ear buds that seem to come with all MP3 players, such as the Sandisk Sansa which I bought. (You'd think by now the MP3 manufactureres would get it). Well, from the moment I first put them in my ears, I knew they were great. I've now used them all around, including some major traveling, hiking, etc, and they've held up great. They SOUND great, they FEEL great, and they come at a great price!
45 stars
Logitech USB Desktop Microphone Several reviews stated that this mic didnt work with Windows Vista. Its important to make sure Windows is fully updated before installation of the mic. I did that and the mic installed & works perfectly. Be sure to read all the reviews. Do yourself a favor & research companies & prices since several companies offer this item & prices vary. Its unfortunate such inexpensive items require such pricey shipping charges. But they just dont offer these mics in stores. I havent had an opportunity to use this for recording but for voice chats it is sufficient. I purchased this mic brand new as a gift but would certainly buy another one for myself. Id avoid any refurbished items for future reference. I hope this helps.
45 stars
Worth it :) It would be nice if the extension cord was less stiff, but overall it works well. It isn't fancy, but it does its job. I like that, unlike some other surge protectors, the switch has a light that indicates whether it's on or off.
34 stars
works but spike fried it first spike my house ever had fried this product . i have know idea if this product helped or not . the spike fried an xbox that was not hooked up to a surge protector . but it should have some sort of a reset if ther is a spike.
01 star
Wonderful product! Will purchase from again. Wonderful product received as described. A quality product that I can not wait to learn how to use. Charger and battery included with order that was done and ready to go in no time. Excellent product!
45 stars
This creature rocks!!! This 3 piece rocks!!! Sound clarity is superb even at high decibals. Highs and lows are phenomenal. Mid range is good, but typical of satilite type sets. I am using this to replace my internal LCD 37" Samsung television. No distortion. just clear sounds and new sounds that are coming out of the woodworks. Ok, I don't live in a mansion, but this is great for our family room of 24x18'
45 stars
worthless These sound awful. I'm embarrassed to admit I spent 140.00 on these. The earphones from my 1989 sony walkman are far superior. If you like your music to sound as if it came from the bottom of a well then these are for you.
01 star
Should have listened...... It appears this unit is a piece of junk.I should have taken the other negative reviews i read here a bit more seriously.Never got a chance to try out the recorder portion.It plays cd's for about 6 seconds and then turns itself off.At one point it froze up with a "hello" message and i had to unplug it and plug it back in so i could get my cd out.Taking it back tomorrow.
01 star
A classic that still delivers This was the first prime lens that I owned after using the 18-55mm zoom lens on my DSLR. In the film days, I used it years ago. It performed great then, and still does now.I was so impressed with this lens, it inspired me to trade my zoom lens for another prime lens. While this lens doesn't have the convenience of a zoom, it has a general focal length similar to what your eye sees. To take a photo, you just have to step forward or back a little to compose.This lens produces sharp pictures, is fast, works well in low light, and creates nice depth of field when opened wide at f/1.8.My favorite use of the lens was street photography and landscape. It's good for portraits, but I have better lenses for that now. You can't beat the price of it either, nearly unbeatable. I use the lens, but nowadays I have the 50mm 1.4. It's faster and better for low light photos. The 1.8 aperture on this lens is still pretty fast though.
34 stars
Little Giant What a wonderful camera. The photos come out sharp and clear. The small size makes it very handy to carry around with you at all times. The photos load very quickly on to the computer. For the price I would rate this a "best buy". I found only one drawback which I feel is minor. In very bright sunlight it is difficult to see the object on the screen unless it is shaded by a hand or a piece of paper or cardboard. But this minor problem would not stop me from purchasing a second Coolpix L4. You can purchase a 512 or l Meg memory card for very little money. Check Amazon for Kingston or SanDisk. I have both and they are great.
45 stars
Original equipment Canon cartridge $$$ You can buy a new printer to replace one of these older Canon models for about the same as the cost of this cartridge. We had problems with unbranded toner, so bought this one and the printer (which we aren't ready to replace) is working fine.
34 stars
Much Better Than Expected I bought his a week or two before Christmas. I wasn't expecting much -- I'd never even heard of GPX -- I mainly picked it up because it was the cheapest one there and it had a 3x zoom. Let me tell ya', it's a very good player and well-worth the [$] I paid for it. The picture is sharp and the sound is much louder & clearer than anything I've ever heard on a VHS. There's even a pointless karaoke option for when you are drunk and want to embarrass yourself in front of friends & family.Now it's not perfect, on the newer DVDs -- ones with the dual-layer format -- your always going to get a slight pause an hour-something into the movie when it switches over to the second layer. I'm not positive; but I believe almost every low/midrange player that doesn't have a dual-laser reading thing is going to do this when it switches layers. I wouldn't say this is even that annoying though -- the people putting the movie onto DVD know this and make sure to place the layer switch during a scene break or something. I have 27 DVDs at the moment and none of the dual-layer ones have layer switches during action scenes/when people are talking, or anything like that. Basically, if you blink at the right time; you might miss it altogether.Now on the plus side, I really like the 3x zoom option. I always make sure to get widescreen versions because you can just hit the zoom button which makes it fairly close to the TV format. The 3rd zoom is kind of pointless though -- none of the DVDs I've played have enough picture quality to show a decent picture on 3x (I doubt many do at the moment).The only other thing I can think to point out is that you might want to turn it off for about 15 minutes between movies to let it cool down. I had a few very slight freezes once near the end of Saving Private Ryan, and I think the player had been on for about four hours. I have to attribute it to being on so long since that's the only time it's happened.
45 stars
excellent charger I replaced a Durcell charger with this La Crosse 900 and it was the best thing I could have done. My new La Crosse has refreshed a set of AAA and AA already, made them good as new. The slow charging process makes the batteries charge hold longer.I highly recommend this charger.
45 stars
Epson P-3000 40GB The P3000 works very well and has some handy features that I didn't even know it had. Operation is straight forward and simple. I would buy again if I needed another one.
45 stars
Does what it says. Great price on a power supply that provides plenty of power to run my PC. No issues what so ever. May not be the best for mega computers, but I am running a six core system, no problems.
45 stars
This case depends on your usage. I can see this case being a good purchase if you weren't planning on moving too much with it. I had it for about a week and the first trip that I took it on there were corners of my Mac bent in and obvious frame damage. And it was even in my backpack. It won't even protect from most minor bumps it seems. If you're looking for a good protector, this is not it. Look elsewhere. But a decent around the house case I guess.
12 stars
Disappointed in the End I bought two of these for Christmas last year at a good price. One just stopped working and the other, the a/c adapter stopped working. So.....for double what I paid and more expensive than regular price, I purchased one working unit. Oddly the working unit is the one that was dropped and cracked.
01 star
They don't fit the iPhone headphones PLEASE NOTE: That these don't fit any generation iPhone headphones, but do fit iPod headphones. I purchased a set a while back for my original iPhone & they fitted great, but they must have redesigned them & now they're to big. No wonder they discontinued them.
01 star
never buy this.. I'm an international studen in US, and I bought this for put on my desk.This lamp from china, you know what that means.Soon as I opened box it is already broken power "on" button, and I fixed it through assemble this, but it is broken again.the power "on" button once comes in to body and doesn't come out again.Even, the bright is not bright as normal lamp.I purchased about $100, but it never has 100$ value..please don't buy this lamp..
01 star
Excellent value, and fully configurable I came from an older Netgear 802.11b wireless router that worked in 2 rooms and didn't have coverage over the entire house. This new wireless router, the Linksys, simply rocks!!! Signal is great in all of the rooms of my 3 story, 3 bedroom long house (40ft) even when I put the router in the furthest, lowest corner of the house. I'm really impressed.Previously, I never thought that buying a new router could speed up my connection. Since I'm only on DSL, I figured that my transfer rates could never exceed 11mbps over the phone line, so why bother with an 802.11g network?I have no idea why it's faster, but it definitely is faster. Maybe something to do with simply the connection being stronger and less packets being dropped? I don't know, I'm not an IT guy. All I know is that this router rocks.One tip, though. I used the included setup CD at first, but if you have SBC Yahoo! DSL, you're using a PPPoE client where you need to put monkeypoo@sbcglobal.net and then enter your password into the router. You can't do that in the setup CD. You'll have to go the semi-advanced route of opening your web browser and typing "" and going into the router manually, menu by menu.Anyway, I'm completely satisfied with my purchase. On top of all this great stuff, the firmware was released to the Linux community and 3rd party programmers have hacked the router so you can do a lot of cool stuff. Go to the Anandtech.com forums and search for this router and you'll find SVEAsoft has a lot of awesome firmware. The most important feature seems to be the ability to boost the antenna power from 24dB to a whopping 84dB :) Happy surfing
45 stars
Very Nice This Digimemo pad is great, dont let anybody tell you different. I bought it for a high school Geometry course, and so far it has been amazing!! It records your words at the lightest touch, very easy to use. One piece of advice, if you have a mac, the CD that comes with it wont work. You have to download the software on its website, but thats not a problem at all. In other words, its a great product thats easy to use and very very portable!
45 stars
Great Great product.Excellent performance, Comfortable to wear.If it has volume control, then it would be the best in earbud headsets.Shipping/delivery: Excellent.
45 stars
My new Canon This is my first digital camera and I love it. Little my little I am learning to use another feature and it has many. It does everything my 10 lb. manual Pentax SLR did and more - plus it weighs so much less. It is very easy to understand the instuctions, however I strongly suggest going online and printing out the instructions rather than trying to read that little bity book that comes with it. I used the batteries that came in the box forever. I did buy a rechargeable battery kit and wished I hadn't. Everyone says digital cameras eat batteries, but I didn't find this to be true with this camera, even with all the playing and practicing I was doing. I am just really pleased with this camera.
45 stars
If you have a Mac don't waste your money... ... because this device will not work with Apple computers. If there was an option to rate it 0 stars I would have.
01 star
High quality for the price You can see the feathers on the birds. I also took photos of the ocean crashing against rocks and they are so clear you can see the outer water droplets. We also bought a High-speed SD memory disk which could have helped with the photos. I would recommend this lens. My wife and I were recently on a trip along the Mississippi coast and to view the Giant Redwoods of California. We bought this lens to go along with our powershot camera. Some have said they could not take action shots with it but I have great photos of sea gulls in flight and the waves as they crest, curl, and crash on the beach.
34 stars