class label
5 classes
someting byond excelent sound I do not actually own these headphones, however I am currently at war with myself about spending $400, which I can not afford, on new IEM's. The reason for this battle is my trip to MacWorld in January. I was able to spend some serious time traveling from booth to booth, listening to various headphones. I have owned a pair of etymotic 6i's for almost 2 years, and have been pleased with their sound quality, I tried several Shure models and some of the lower UE models as-well, and concluded that they are all among the best sounding headphones I have ever used. but then I had the opportunity to listen to the UE 10's. There is no way to describe the difference in sound other than space. Every IEM I have tried sounds like a good pair of headphones except the UE 10's which sound like something else entirely. Standing in that noisy room, with my eyes closed listening to Bramfatura on my friends ipod. I felt separate from the world in a way that I have never before experienced. It was almost as if it were just me and the guitar player in a small sound studio. I have no delusions about the quality of an iPod amplifier, and i can only imagine what a airhead or other quality amp would do with these. But they talk about being able to hear the musician breath, the fingers move on the fret-board, and the foot tap in the back of the studio. You can, even with the cheep iPod amp, you hear every nuance and the sound fills a space that as of yet only these headphones have been able to create for me. So I debate, pondering weather spending that $400 dollars is worth owning the nearly religious experience these cans deliver. If you can afford them get them, and if you can't afford them, try anyway. It is worth it.
45 stars
NICE portable headphones Bought these based on recommendations on Amazon, and previous good experience with Sennheiser brand. I was not disappointed! They work great with my little MP3 player, though I did end up purchasing a boostaroo (available on Amazon) to pump up the volume. Nice!
34 stars
Poor sound quality, no EQ This player has it all: FM radio, MP3 playback, a remote, and it's joggable with a special hand strap. The earphones, by the way, are excellent! What this device suffers from is poor sound quality, with meager means of customization. You have two options when it comes to sound processing: Bass boost on (which makes the music sound blown out and distorted) or bass boost off. Overall, music sounds unpronounced and muffled. I've tried using the player with a few different sets of earphones, all with the same effect. This device towers over others, especially at price-point, on functionality. I mean, it does it all. But unfortunately, sound quality suffers on this device. If that's not important to you, this might be a good player for you. If you want to hear high quality playback, this isn't for you. I really think that if JVC had included more options for equalization (EQ), the sound playback issues wouldn't be so overshadowingly bad.
12 stars
Mixed UP Reviews - Try This. Not one single review here is about the actual item for sale. When I clicked on the product reviews for this item. The item is the Targus PA460U DEFCON Authenticator - Black [Electronics] Which in fact has nothing to do with combination locks, cable locks, Or for that matter any kind of locking device other than a programed security device which locks down your computer so no one can enter your files without you being present. Unless of course they have the same finger print as you. It can also work for more than on computer at a time if for save you have two linked together in your network and prefer you children (example) or whomever to have acess to your computer when you are not present. All I can say is that mine works great and I very happy I have one.
45 stars
POWERFUL sound Great unit! Powerful and portable. The system can also be connect to a TV/LCD to display your IPod videos. Totally pleased with this purchase. GO FOR IT!
45 stars
really large bag! A good and very large bag. I'm travelling by plane a lot, and in this bag you can store all your small and bigger handluggage items you wish to. Also, my laptop is safely stored and close to my back, so that it's not too heavy. There are so many compartments in the bag that you can store things in a way which enables you to find everything back very easily, without the need to store everything in one compartment, where you can't find a thing anymore, afterwards.I'm really satisfied with this bag. The only complaint could be that it's almost too big!
45 stars
I love this mic... I ordered a Plantronics headset and mic initially, but the earphones bothered me. This is much better, and I don't have to be on top of the mic for it to understand my dictation.
45 stars
Not like in the picture The glossy black in the front contrast with the silver on the sides, in my opinion the colors just don't match.Unfortunately we don't see this in the pictures, although (I checked later) it is written in the description.
23 stars
Couldn't Be More Pleased You won't believe such great sound is coming from this small unit! The rechargeable battery allows you to use it anywhere without worrying about a place to plug it in. It has storage for the iPod and your earphones and a handy little remote. And you can just zip it up and go. I bought three more for the grandchildren.
45 stars
Palm has finally created its Edsel... I have had several Palm products over the past 6 years: the m505 (yikes!), the Zire 71 (LOVED IT!!!!) and the Death/LifeDrive. I didn't even stop using my Zire 71 after purchasing the LifeDrive because it still worked a lot better for most applications; I stopped using it only because I cracked the screen about 8 months ago. My first LifeDrive lasted practically 1 year to the day and the screen gave out on me. Tried everything: digitizing with a screen protector, without one, cleaning the screen, hard resets, soft resets. So, since I didn't purchase the extended warantee from Palm, I was out of luck when it died. I bit the bullet and bought another one JUST THIS HALLOWEEN...and tonight, the screen died again. I kept that baby in an aluminum bubble and it still died! So, tomorrow I'm taking it back to Best Buy and getting a T/X...it seems a lot more to my liking...and the screen and casing looks a bit more hardy than the LifeDrive (which weighs a boatload, BTW). I work in healthcare as an E.R. nurse and I need my Palm for everything...the LifeDrive just doesn't cut it. Palm, cut your losses and stop selling this sucker!!!!
01 star
Herculean TV Mount The Premier Mount AM3 Universal TV Mount could handle a 250 pound man doing chin ups - no joke! It absolutely takes two to install - invite a strong friend over for pizza rather than attempting on your own. Very pleased with the quality, look and functionality of the mount. Adjustable tension and ability to level a big plus. Highly recommend this mount - feel my TV is in good hands - even in earthquake country. The wall would have to come down for the TV to fall.
45 stars
99.999999995% terrific I've had these for about 2 weeks now. For the first few days I didn't like them much, then the next few days I liked them more, and now you'd have to pry them loose from my cold lifeless fingers.I use mine with a BlackJack II, so I don't know how well the iPod adapter does or doesn't work. With the BlackJack, at first I was frustrated because it seemed that although the pairing went well, my phone was not 'automatically' connecting to the earphones when I turned them on. I've since found that if I turn on the earphones and then hit 'play/pause' twice, VOILA!!, I'm suddenly hearing beautiful music (through the earphones, and not on my phone which gets some very annoyed looks from fellow commuters).I do look a bit like the bride of Frankenstein wearing these things, but the sound quality is so good that I don't care. I haven't gotten too many strange looks, or at least not stranger than usual. I love the size, and the cute little leather carrying case. I haven't had any problems with the cord going across the back of my neck, and I find the earbuds pretty comfortable. The buttons are indeed small, but fingernails work well.The only down-side to these phones (and it's probably some secret I've yet to uncover) is that sometimes, when I adjust the position of the right phone in my ear, the unit will power off. I don't know if I'm jiggling the cord in a certain way, or if I'm hitting a button (though I don't think I am). Doesn't seem to happen all the time, so I'm still narrowing down the cause. Other than that, these things are great.Best thing about these earphones is that I am the only one that can hear them. Even when they are not in my ears, these phones can't be heard - you need to get them pretty close to your ear before you will hear sound. Ever sat next to someone on a train or a bus and their headphones are so lousy that you're bopping along with P Diddy whether you want to or not? Not a problem with these. The sound quality is superb, particularly the low tones that can be hard to hear without overdoing the bass. Love em, love em, love em (except for that powering off thing).
45 stars
Buyer Beware Exactly what I expected but beware. The item I received was used and I think I bought it as new. I found a name tag that belonged to someone else glue to the inside of the camera case. Make sure you know what the condition is before you buy an item.
23 stars
Pure Digital Camcorder Bought the camcorder as a gift for the wife as she is always taking pictures of our young grand daughter. To say she is happy with the camcorder is an understatement. The device works great under all lighting conditions. Down loading the files is a snap, no CD to load or mess with. Easy to carry, use, and download. I think it's a keeper.
45 stars
I regret that I didn't buy this earlier. I have a tendency to start my running too fast. The FR305 helps me to start slower and keep a constant pace over all my run, at times telling me to slow down, at times to step it up a bit.In some other posts, the volume of the beeps was perceived as being too low. I don't have that issue on my FR305. Menus are quite intuitive (only had to look for changing miles to kmh).Initial set up for satellite pick up a bit slow (3-5 minutes), but now up and running within 30 seconds.I have excellent satellite coverage (now tall buildings/trees around - 8 satellites are picked up).Rgds,EriK
34 stars
This still works perfectly after a year I use this to hook my laptop up to my TV so I can watch streaming internet on my TV. It works perfectly and was priced well.
45 stars
poor quality I would not recommend buying it. I was disappointed. Play does not activate without pushing ff to get the tape going. Volume is low.
01 star
quirky I've had this station for a while. I've had to reinstall the software several times b/c the computer stops reading it. Annoying!
23 stars
Spin Doctor is in CDSpinDoctor downloaded, dragged to Apps folder and started recording right away, no problems at all using a Mac G4 PowerBook. Audaucity did nothing. Junk it.
45 stars
My Husband is happy with it. I bought this camera for my Husband after doing some research here on the net. I don't know anything about digital camera's so I had to rely on what I read here at amazon. I made a good choice with the Fuji 4700. My Husband loves it. He carries it with him all the time since it's so small and compact. The pictures that he has taken are awesome, and when he prints them out people can't believe it's from a digital camera. Thanks to amazon for the info. and the good price.
45 stars
one foot extension mast I needed this to get my omni-directional TV antenna up above my radar unit. Works great. Brings in about double the TV stations now.
45 stars
Almost perfect I have my TH55 about two months now and have had pdas for many years, though this is my first Sony and my first color pda.The selling point for me was the reasonable price for wifi web capability for when I'm on the road. The wifi does indeed work, I have found it useful to have the web around NYC for checking and answering e-mail (I recommend the accessory keyboard), looking up quick info on the web while on the go. Here there are numerous hotspots, and even often on the road, where info at my fingertips is priceless. And free hotspots abound.Software, in general, is one of my three gripes. Here are my software issues:-Sony only bundles a light version of Documents to Go, the full version of which is invaluable to people (like me) who use MS Word and Excel files on the road. I had to pay for the full version. Sony shouldn't be so cheap.-Address book software bundled with the TH55 is nice in that you can attach photos or link notes and files with a person's contact info, but useless because the number of fields is too limited (this is also true with Palm brand address book software). Many of us need BOTH home address and business address fields for our contact people. So I had to buy third-party software once again, luckily which syncs nicely with Outlook's many fields for addresses and phone numbers.-My advice about games: there are many available, work well and look nice, but I find a pda a poor gaming device because the battery life will be seriously shortened if you use it for extended activity without being plugged in. Get a gameboy for a portable gaming device and save your battery.Speaking of photo capability, it was my belief that many of the features of the TH55, including the camera, were frivolous and unneccessary, but I was wrong. Having a camera with you at all times is VERY useful, as I was looking for some new furniture and was able to take snapshots of the pieces (and the tags, which displayed the dimensions and prices) to send to my interior decorator sister for her opinion. I also carry family pictures downloaded from my digital camera as one would carry family photos in a wallet. It is true, it is no substitute for a real camera with a flash and high resolution, but that is not the point. Often I have been grateful for the TH55's camera, and the resolution is not a handicap. VERY useful.Also useful is the ability to play MP3s. I work out at the gym in the mornings and carry my trainer's workout plans in Word files on my palm. Now, I also carry music to get me through my workouts, and the pda, unlike my CD player, never skips. A 128 X 2 memory stick carries more than ample music for weeks of workouts, and a small pair of ear buds (I find the speaker inadequate) fit into the sports case I got at a local running shop. To my surprise, playing the music in background mode lets me turn off the power and the music still plays. This uses minimal power since it is the screen which saps the battery. Once again, VERY useful.Second gripe: ergonomics. Of the three slide switches on the left, the power switch, located in the middle, is the hardest to activate, which means I have taken countless pictures of my hand or switched on the voice recorder instead of turning the power on or off. The voice recorder has still not been of use to me; perhaps get rid of it? Sony needs to update the power switch with a better idea.Third and biggest gripe: I am annoyed at how slowly Sony provides accessory items for this new unit. I am waiting for a screen protector for over a month (they are backordered) and no store has them -- and no delivery date expected any time soon. Screen protectors are invaluable, since they protect the touch screen you write on, which can scratch and wear without one. And Sony hasn't provided cases that are just right for the TH55, either.These gripes cost the TH55 one star in my rating. Nevertheless, I highly recommend it for the reasons mentioned above and also, as other have said, it is extremely compact, light, has a wonderful display, good battery life (and a removable, not sealed, battery) and the new features add greatly to a pda's functionality. Especially web access, in my case. Look for better web browser software from third party vendors.
34 stars
Paper feed problems - AND IT NEVER STOPS Paper feed jams constantly.I think the cause is the paper-tray, that is the space where paper sits ready to print, is too tight and causes paper to jam in initial feed.This printer is a LOT of trouble.(p.s. when paper can get fed, it prints well)
01 star
Best camera ever I have a small web site, I was looking for a camara easy to use, because I'm not a photograper so I need something easy but able to take good pics.When I was trying to decide what's better? Bigger zoom or bigger MegaPixels, I go for the bigger zoom. And it was a good desicion. I can took pics of objects far away, and the camara makes all the job. About the package, That's the way you have to buy the camera, all included, you need not anything else. All you can use is there already. I love that because I dont have to worry about get the wrong piece.I just love this camera, works great to me ( and I live on the tropic).
45 stars
Perfectly fine wireless set up for a desk top I got it to cut down on the wires on my desktop and I prefer the larger more contoured mouse. I did not have the connection problem the other reviewer seems to have had.Some minor functions don't seem to work with Vista OS, but are perfect with MS-XP. I didn't try it with MAC. Also the wireless connector seems to work best if it has a clean line to the mouse. I have mine mounted on the wall behind my desk. Also you can just use the mouse or just the keyboard. I think its a decent product at an affordable price.
23 stars
01 star
Zero stars - at best I purchased this locally, and tried simple set-up. all looked good, but no wireless device was able to connect through extender to router and internet- despite seeing the extender.The set-up disc could not find the extender; after resetting, it found the extender but gave a funky error message 'wre54g cannot associate with this ap in repeater mode' (presume ap = access point). spent 3 hours with online chat - very polite person, but all to no avail. she suggested the unit was bad. I swapped it at Staples, and tried again. same frustrating nonsensical results.Only good thing I have to say about linksys is their chat system reconnects instantly if router/wireless/internet goes down- and the subsequent session was able to reconnect with same rep and not have to regurgitate my history.Nonetheless- do NOT BUY this unit.I have tried it with xp, mac, vista and all failed.I have a linksys 300N router- maybe the incompatibility is there, but no one suggested looking there (except a review here).
01 star
JVC 42" 720p Flat Panel LCD HDTV This TV is fabulous. Awesome picture, awesome sound. Looks great too!LCD screen is a great improvement as lights/windows don't show up in it like a normal tv. Couldn't beat the price when I purchased with free shipping and no tax. Quite a bargain. [[ASIN:B000OCQ4PY JVC LT-42E488 42" 720p Flat Panel LCD HDTV]
45 stars
great product, works as advertised This works well on the dell axim x3. I did have some intial difficulty but I called sandisk support and they walked me through. I was up and running with WEP encryption. I have windows mobile 2003.
45 stars
nice leather, fits other cameras well too nice leather, fits camera well and fits other cameras in my house too, like the kodak, and the casio, kids have all three in our house. only worry is that it has a magnet, and I was worried about it messing up my electronics, as magnets don't usually do well with electronics. But I have had no problem as I am using this case for a couple months now. Can't believe how inexpensive this case was, Wow! Nice
45 stars
Excellent Tripod Excellent tripod which is very compact and also easy to extend and set-up.
45 stars
Great price for a basic, quality unit PROS:1) Price-Found it for $100 (plus $26 s/h) on sale online; can't beat the price for a name-brand system with the specs.2) 600W total power-Sounds great with 5.1 surround-sound movies; though the sub-woofer is the same 100W as the satellites, the sub can be turned up to compensate.3) Plays burned DVD-/+Rs4) Component vide/progressive scan DVD playback5) Controls are simple-I recommend reading the manual to take advantage of all of the features (available online).6) FM-tuner built-in-However, no AM if you need it.7) Looks nice and sleak.CONS:1) Only one auxillary A/V input-Must switch between VCR and mp3-player/laptop, etc.2) No digital input-Though I have no use for this right now, it won't be available in the future.3) Tha main unit itself is rather large-17"W x 17"D x 3"HSUMMARY:I bought this unit because I wanted a 5.1 speaker system for the living room without spending a whole lot of money. This has all you need for that purpose from a decent company with a great price. If you are looking for a high-end complete and super-powerful system then this is not for you and you'll likely have to spend lots more. For most movie-viewers, this great system will be worth every dollar.
34 stars
Great camera !!! This is my second Kodak digital camera, I love it. I wouldn't change for any other brand. I just bought a 1GB SD Card for the camera and I can store up to 1600 pics in 1,8MB resolution. It is super amazing. With the same card I cad record up to 1 hour and 10 min of video in low resolution.I do not like to much the carrying case, it is a crappy fabric bag, I would like to have something in real leather but trying to keep the same small size of the camera. The screen is super big but the resolution of the screen is not so good but that does not matter so much because that is not the real resolution of the pics.Very good price for the value !Recommended...www.eduardoarteaga.com
45 stars
Lens Spray Cleaner I was advise to use this procuct by my glass retailer and use it ever since. I'm satified of the cleaning result only not readily accessible and more expensive in Canada.
34 stars
Constant Delight This is my first digital camera and other than shutter gap, I'm delighted. The number of features and the flexibility of the camera are amazing. It can be used for short video clips (30 seconds each, total of 15 minutes), sound recording (at least an hour), regular pictures, almost anything you can think of to author non-text content. It is an all-in-one marvel. With only standard Mac OS X system software and the 128 SD card I have already created short films, slideshows, narrated video clips, pictures to e-mail - and I haven?t even sat down with the manual yet. When plugged into my PowerBook, I can copy any file (that fits) on to it and then copy it back to another computer. Now if only an iPod could be taught to take pictures, although an iPod is a bit larger. It even claims to have 3-D capability (that kind of appears to be a gimmick though.) I'm wondering if I just haven't discovered the x-ray vision yet.Three criticisms:Shutter gap.Grooved front of case is a dirt magnet.Tiny interface joystick on back to small for my thick fingers.I also would caution those with pets. It's light enough and small enough for a kitten to assume it's a toy. Mine got knocked off my desk by our new kitten but seemed to survive intact. This is not a use advocated by the manufacturer.All of these are small problems compared to the fun the camera offers. I highly recommend.
45 stars
Good Camera Overall I'm fairly happy with the S5. The picture quality is fairly good for a point and shoot camera. The overall feel of the camera is nice and solid; you actually feel like you are holding a real camera. I've taken a lot of outdoor pictures with it and I'm happy with the results.I have found the view finder to be very grainy when you look through it. You do get noise from the inside of the camera which is the camera's orientation mechanism working away. The battery lid is a bit flimsy and I feel that I'll break this one day. The image stabilizer works really well especially when you have the camera on full zoom. I've been using Energizer 2500 NiMH batteries and have been getting a few days out of them. If you use ordinary Eveready AA batteries the camera won't work well. You need an alkaline battery.This camera comes with more features than you can poke a stick at. A bit too many for my liking, the manual is about 200 pages long.The software that Canon supplies is nice and easy to use.I brought the Lowepro Apex 100 AW case which fits the camera in on its side very nicely. There is room for a spare set of batteries and a memory card. Being on the side you can grab the camera by its grip and start to shoot away.Overall it's a good camera for the price. I would really like to see canon move away from all the bells and whistle features that most people wont ever use and focus more on great picture quality which is what we all want.
34 stars
Save your money I ignored the terrible reviews and bought the arm band because I wanted it for running. I only used it once and it ripped on one side. I should have thrown my money away and duct taped the player to my arm. I will be sending the ruined product, along with my receipt to Sony and asking for a refund. I can't believe such a trusted brand would produce such a piece of garbage.
01 star
professional I ordered this camera and received it in 2 days after ordering. Warped Speed is very professinal and go out there way to ensure that their customer's get the greatest customer service satisfaction.Thank You Warped Speed looking forward to buying from you in the future.Anna Thomas
45 stars
Better than the one that comes with the GPS If you have a Garmin Nuvi, buy this mount. It has a stronger suction cup, it can be adjusted a lot more. Garmin should include this mount from the start. You do need to use the cradle that came from Garmin.
45 stars
Indoor Heavy-Duty Extension Cord, 15 Foot The Indoor Heavy-Duty Extension Cord, 15 Foot is a very good product -- nice quality and works well. I would purchase this product again.
45 stars
Well...if I could it would be 100,000,000,000 stars! This is the best thing I think I ever bought (besides my cat). It is so small...smaller than a pack of gum! The speakers are so clear you can hear every detail of the music! It is so easy to put music on it too! I've only had mine for 3 hours (REALLY) and I am in love with it already...how can someone NOT have this? I would recomend to ANYONE. I saw some of the bad reveiws but decided to try anyway...how can someone NOT like this? OMG you MUST buy this...!
45 stars
Success at a reasonable price!!! The Nyrius SW200 S-Video Composite & Digital Optical Toslink 3 Input Audio Video Selector Switch I purchased on amazon arrived 2 days ago. It works great! I have optical input #1 connected to my TiVo, optical input #2 connected to my Oppo BDP-93 blu-ray and optical input #3 connected to my PN50B650 plasma (even though I never watch the HDTV through it's tuner). The optical output is connected to a Vizio VHT 510 soundbar with sub and wireless surrounds and I am controlling everything (including the switch!) with my Harmony One remote. Everything automatically turns on and goes to the correct setting when I select an "activity" on my Harmony One. The Vizio is picking up the Dolby Digital signal with all three of the connections. Success at a reasonable price!!
45 stars
The Family Loves It!!! I installed this unit in our kitchen about a month ago and the whole family has really enjoyed it. TV, DVD, Radio all work great. We do not use the iPod dock. One caution ... it is a very tight fit under standard cabinets. You have to connect all your inputs prior to mounting because there is no room behind the unit afterwards.
34 stars
Great for backing up my laptop to external hard disk I have an 2-3 year old Qosmio laptop and wanted to find a faster way of backing up and imaging the entire system. This coupled with an external hard drive did the trick, far faster than my USB or network alternatives.Installation was a synch (plug it in).One thing I didn't exactly expect that has nothing to do with the controller but more to do with e-SATA is that Windows sometimes or always needs a reboot in order to discover a newly attached external disk.There are other reviews which are helpful on other technical details of which I can't speak, but I am very pleased with this combined with a BlacX Duet and a WD 2TB hard drive as being a fast system imaging solution.As others have mentioned, it's easy when attempting to unplug the e-SATA cable to unplug the whole card, but it's really no big deal and would probably be true of any card of this type. I'd rather have that than a loose e-SATA cable.I did not experience the problem one user reported with the OEM label causing interference.
45 stars
No customer support I've owned an iRiver ifp series player for over a year. I've been pleased in general with their operation except for the issue that when the unit breaks (which yours may or may not) iRiver has no facilities to repair a unit beyond its warranty period.On the plus side:+ Small size+ Long battery life with single AA battery.+ No OEM battery that can't be replaced+ Audio good, and EQ settings very flexible+ Many changable option features+ Software can be flash upgradedOn the negative side:- The software for loading the device is only fair. The unit can supposedly be modified by software to act as an external drive, but I have not tried this.- The need for an external cable is a hassle, nicer if it could just plug into a USB port without a cable- FM radio is not very sensitive. Only local stations are heard. The earphone cord is the antenna, so this accounts for the lack of sensitivity. The stereo decoding takes about 10db more signal so only strong signals will be heard in stereoBut, I bought this unit as an MP3 player, so the FM aspect isn't that important.NOW... FOR THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH IRIVER.....I had my unit for a little over a year. One day, while playing music, the unit just quit, and the display went dead. Checking for the obvious problems, like a dead battery, nothing seemed to be wrong with the unit EXCEPT that it wouldn't turn on or do anything.I sent multiple emails to iRiver and received no reply. I called their 800 number, and was informed that "they do not have a servive center, and make no repairs of the flash players"I cannot give any higher rating than two stars to a company that charges $150-200 for a product and then expects it to just be thrown away as they don't service their product.Apparently, if the unit is still in warranty, they can send out a new unit as a replacement, but beyond the warranty period, you're out of luck as iRiver won't touch the unit.Buy iRiver at your own risk.
12 stars
keep looking I liked the camera for the most part but is was cheap feeling, light, and plastic feeling. I took it back because the flash reload time was near 10 seconds between photos, it could have been me but it did have new batteries and I even contacted customer support to find out if there were any adjustmenrs I could make, they were of little help but did respond quickly. My advice, Try the A70 or a Kodak, I bought the A70 and am much happier, the flash reload time is minimal. If you are interested in cheap megapixels though I could find no better value in the market from a reliable manufacturer.
12 stars
great price, headphones come with 2 jack adaptors. 3.5 to 1/4" and 3.5 to airplane. the headphones fit nice and cancel out most sound. the sound quality is good but gets distorted easily and can not handle base very well. used on both Motorola droid and home receiver.
34 stars
Better than the original The retention bracket I bought is more installation-friendly than the original bracket that came inside of my Dell Dimension 2350. Perfectly fit, and also easier to remove since it doesn't require screws. My heatsink (original piece) fits so snug. I also recieved it faster than I thought I would.What ever this guy's name is who sold me this Bracket FTW!!! :D
45 stars
Junk, don't buy this The locking mechanism doesn't work properly so the camera cannot be positioned and locked down. It looks like a basic design flaw. Don't waste your time trying to fix it or make it work.
01 star
Great value but slow to focus. This is a wondferul lens with great sharpness and color. I have owned two over the years and have been very happy with them with the quality of construction and reliability. What makes me even happier is it is a great value since it can be purchased for less than $500 now. The only issue that I have is that due to its age, the lens is somewhat slow to focus compared to my newer lens. I would still recommend this as a great buy, regardless.
34 stars
Great product- everything you need I had purchased another kit like this before from Amazon a few years ago. And was very satisfied. When I was installing another sub a few years later- that kit was not available. I found this kit to be of the highest quality- and it had EVERYTHING you need to mount the sub. So once again- a satisfied customer. This was a great kit- at a fraction what you would pay at a big box store with great wire quality. I recommend this- without hesitation.
45 stars
Less than a third of the factory price!!!! Works as good as new! Get the HP 4050N which I reviewed, this cartridge fits and works like HP's.
45 stars
Good, but dies after some time Tis switch works for long time, but it will die port after port (and not all of them at the same time). I have two of them so after detecting that two out of five devices cannot connect to LAn or Internet I decided to troubleshoot everything including cables (and I use Cat. 6 quality cables). The process indicated that it was in fact EG005W that failed. Replacement with identical unit enabled all my computers with lost connectivity.The switch has always been on surge protector so that would suggests that perhaps some overheating issue or low quality electronic components used for manufacturing cause failure (BTW I am electronics design engineer by original profession so certaing aspects are relaitively well known to me).Putting it simple, the device is excelllent and until it works it is very reliable, but the quality is not top end and it may fail after some time (e.g. after 3-4 years of continuous use 24x7).
23 stars
Good mp3 player I recently purchased the Creative Zen Sleek photo mp3 player. It was a good purchase. It's moderately priced, easy to use and has a rechargeable battery similar to that of a cell phone that gives 15 or 16 hours of playback if used wisely. And with 20 GB of storage, one can take several hundred hours if music in the palm of your hand! I would venture to say it is as good a buy if not better than the ipod.
34 stars
Pro Camera from the mind of MInolta I have spent a lot of time in camera stores and I have always thought Minolta products always got unfairly shoved to the side. The notion that Minolta cameras and lenses are inferior to Nikon and Canon is crap, and is perpetuated by certain camera snobs and self-proclaimed experts. I shoot regularly as an advanced amateur and I own and use the Maxxum 9. I feel that it is the most intuitive 35mm professional camera out there. The quality of construction is first rate, on par with the best that Nikon and Canon have to offer. The camera has a solid feel, everything about it is high quality. The control layout is so self-explanatory that most photographers can learn to use the camera in 5 minutes without flipping through the manual. With respect to lenses. I still run into narrow-minded people who ask me which "Nikkors" I use upon seeing my photographs, and then these self-proclaimed "experts" simply refuse to believe me when I inform them that my images are all created with Minolta AF cameras and lenses. No, I am not kicking Canon and Nikon products, obviously they are very good, several million pros using those systems cannot be wrong about them. But pretentious "camera aficionados" who slight the Maxxum 9 don't know what they are missing out on. I am sold on the Minolta Maxxum 9. When choosing lenses go for the G-Series, optically they are cut every bit as good as the very best lenses Nikon and Canon make. I've shot pictures with all these brands and even established pros who shoot with other systems admit that my images are just as sharp as any they've seen or made. And they absolutely love the 9's layout. Minolta would do well to stay with the Maxxum 9's basic concept when designing their future pro cameras. Now if they would only make a full frame digital body based on the Maxxum 9...........
45 stars
First time CD-R user - says no problems! I bought this 50 pack of Sony CD-Rs a few months back. I'm new to CD-R burning and am making my own audio discs now. (Using a high-end turntable to get my old vinyl albums transferred to CDs.) These Sony CDs are great! No problems at all.
45 stars
bought these for a profoto 7" grid reflector and saved lots of $ 4 grids for around the same cost as one profoto brand grid! definitely the way to go. Only thing i might consider a design flaw is having the springy part on one side only, if it had a smaller springy bit on both sides it would sit in the reflector more evenly as opposed to allowing a sliver of light out around the edge with the spring. nothing a little gaffers tape cant take care of though.
45 stars
Good for the price - but beware soft pictures I've had this for 6 months now and for the price it can't be beat - this one or the 1.8 are awesome for people who can't afford "L" lenses.However, it is sometimes slow to focus & focuses and then un focuses itself. Sometimes you can't wait for it to get it right. I just used it for a shoot and I was annoyed at the number of soft images I had to toss.It does create stunning images but I tell people to get the 1.8 - it's the same build & blur for a fraction of the price.
34 stars
Coby CA 745 Wireless FM Car transmitter This is a great product and I enjoy using it on my long car trips. Pat King
45 stars
Not bad, though not great For some reason, use of this wireless mouse (like many other Microsoft products) is better when managed by Microsoft software rather than by the Mac's operating system. Programmable buttons are this mouse's major advantages over Apple's one-button mouse, especially if you use web browsers, publishing, and photo-editing software a lot.The gray color is reminiscent of the Radio Shack TRS-80, not the slick enclosures of today. Ergonomic design is "handy," however, and at least to my large hand is quite comfortable. The forward/backward rolling of the scroll wheel is uneven to the touch, though the cursor on the screen doesn't seem to show any effects of the bumps felt under the wheel. The preference panel shows the quality of the wireless connection and the power of the battery. I could not find an option showing signal strength or battery strength in the top menubar, however (like the WiFi monitor), and I found opening Systems Preferences followed by the Microsoft mouse preference pane to be a bit inconvenient just to check the mouse.For some odd reason, in some apps the pre-programmed button functions might go dead, but not for all the buttons at once. It's usually only the loss of the functionality of one button or another.For me, a heavier feel in the hand would improve its handling along with slipperier glide pads underneath the mouse. Button clicks could be made more substantive and solid. The sideways action of the scroll wheel, for horizontal scrolling, could feel more solid and less flimsy.I don't know why I experience mouse failure frequently enough to be out shopping for a mouse every other year, but it keeps my mouse purchases low-cost and encourages updating to the latest technology, so I'm not really complaining about build quality that much. I just wish that the mouse (any mouse) felt like a high-quality electronic instrument.
23 stars
Screen arrived in perfect condition and works great! I highly recommend this screen. Had it for over a month, and it still works perfectly. Don't let other negative reviews let you miss this deal!
45 stars
EXCELLENT way to mount the GPS I got this when I realized that CA had a law on the books that made suction cup mount devices on the windshield illegal. That has since been repealed leaving, I think only MN with that law. I didn't have worries that I'd ever get a citation for the windshield mount but, should one run into a cop having a bad day who even KNEW that was a law... well, no sense taking the chance.All the above said, this ended up being the BEST way to put the GPS in the car. No more trying to get the suction cup mount to stick and STAY stuck to the windshield and it makes it very easy when traveling to toss in my bag and just set it on the dash of a rental. The GPS NEVER moves and the base is flexible enough to sit neatly on pretty much any shape dash.
45 stars
Doesnt play Divx reliably enough to merit purchase I wasnt expecting a lot from an inexpensive DVD player, but I was expected more when it says that it is 'certified to play Divx movies.' If that is your reason for buying this player, I suggest looking elsewhere. Some divx files would play fine for a while and then freeze the player. Others wouldnt play at all. I realise some audio codecs aren't supported in these players and I confirmed that wasnt the issue here. All of these divx files played just fine on my PC so something isnt right with the Divx implementation on this player. Buyer beware.
12 stars
Worth Buying I bought this camera in August. It is really well made and the controls are easy to navigate. I think it takes really good pictures, inside and outside. Who cares about video quality? Its a Camera, not a camcorder,lady. I think it is a really nice camera. Its really durable too. And it looks nice. I would buy it again. I researched a bunch of cameras before this one and I chose the Sony in the end. Its one step up from just taking everyday pictures. They look really pro. I'd buy it again.
45 stars
Good Product I did't buy this card for gaming purposes but to watch movies that I had on my computer. The quality was not that bad and setup was fairly easy. Just follow the directions and your set. This card comes with an s-video output so it doesnt look that bad when it goes on tv. The price is pretty good and it does its job. The only expensive thing was when i had to get long audio and s-video cables.
34 stars
Best at this size and price This is certainly not the best telezoom money can buy, not even within the Pentax family. However, you will not find anything approaching at this size and price.It is barely bigger than the kit lens, that is, very small, especially considering its zoom range.It is ridiculously cheap for a lens of that type and quality.Finally the image quality is great for a lens of that type. Check forums, pbase, etc. for pictures taken with that lens ! It's amazing ! It maybe a bit slow especially at the long end, but thanks to Pentax dslr's great performance at high iso, and shake reduction in the K100D, even 200mm f/5.6 is not a problem !Together with the kit 18-55 it is the perfect startup combo. You can then add various primes or more expensive zooms as needed (or lusted) for added speed and quality...Oh, and at the moment it is in fact the _only_ telezoom you can get new from Pentax !-)
45 stars
Exactly what I need... almost This is a functional (and compact) holster that I'll be using instead of the full camera bag from now on. One thing I don't care for is that two-tone coloring. Why not just keep it nice and black?
34 stars
THE biggest bang for buck. These headphones provide an astonishing amount of detail for a rock bottom price. Having owned Skullcandy Hesh, Skullcandy Skullcrushers and Bose AE2 (which are nearly twice the price of the SR60i) I feel very confident in recommending these headphones to new headphone aficionados. No headphone in the sub $100 price range can compete with the sound quality that these offer. As a side note the price on these is held steady by the parent company. You will not find any better price for them than here, so stop shopping around and make the purchase!
45 stars
The Best Nikon N65 QD has all the features that any professional photographer needs. People serious in photography should own one.
45 stars
Had To Be Replaced After 2 Months I'll begin by saying that I definitely do not recommend this hub. After about 2 months it completely malfunctioned. My pc no longer recognized devices that were connected via the hub. The indicators also stopped illuminating. I replaced it promptly with a D-Link DUB-H7 and have not had any problems. The D-Link has been in service for about 7 months.I'll end by saying that I definitely do not recommend this hub!!!!Good luck with your search...
12 stars
NO Customer Service I spent three hours on the phone with D-Link tech support (India) trying to get a simple compatibility question answered. I finally spoke to someone in the corporate office who said they would connect me to a technician in the USA. When she transferred the call all I got was a recording saying the office was closed and call back on Monday. I packed up the switch and it will go back tomorrow. Their customer service/tech support is non-existent. I urge everyone to stay away from the D-Link brand.
01 star
Get this for all your HDMI needs. Dirt cheap! There is just no reason to get anything more expensive then this. Enough said.
45 stars
75' Cat5E Snagless Patch Cable Cable came as ordered, on schedule. Cannot ask for more. I am going to order another exactly like it.
45 stars
Overall Excellent Product For my purposes, this is a great product. The only negative I have to say is the latency when you go back to it from regular tv. It takes a couple secs to come out of hibernate mode so it's not that instant gratification that we're all used to getting. I'm using Boxee (google it) with this which streams tv shows from the internet. I also download movies online and copy them over to the AppleTV. If it wasn't for live sports I could cut out cable altogether b/c everything I need can come from the AppleTV! This will pay for itself many times over since I'm now cutting out all movie channels on my cable bill.
45 stars
POD 2.0 Power Supply The POD 2.0 I purchased didn't have a power supply.Line 6 has several varieties that are slightly different.The one works great with the POD 2.0.
45 stars
Quiet, low air flow, even on high. Claiming that this fan's "3-speed switch lets you balance quiet performance with maximum cooling", is very misleading. On low, the fan barely moves any air. On high, it still doesn't move much air, and is incredibly quiet, nearing silent in my opinion. If you are looking for a high performance fan that can be turned down while not under heavy loads, this is NOT the fan for you. The 3-speed switch is useless, as there is no reason to run it on anything other than high.
12 stars
DA BOMB! i got this ipod shuffle as a gift for signing up for something. it is my first mp3 player. i wasn't ready to buy one yet,... didn't see a need in my life. but now that i have it... i LOVE it! and this one is so small and easy to use. i went out and bought my husband one so he could listen to his music (since we have different tastes) while he was snow blowing. even my 5 year old son loves it and can use it. he'll get one soon enough.
45 stars
great for its purpose If you have boxes of video8, Hi8 and/or DV tapes that span the years, this is a great way to back them up to a easy DVD format without spending hours at the computer. Sure, the menus are generic, but you can set it all up quickly, push the buttons and walk away while it does its magic. Great for making DVDs of kids and grandkids to distribute to relatives. Excellent way to archive memories of 10-20 years ago without the worry of connecting an old camcorder to your new HDTV.Simple to use; blank DVDs are cheap. No need to connect to a computer or monitor. It's all here in one box.
45 stars
Great little mp3 player. This was my first mp3 player and I was worried that it might be difficult to transfer songs and that the sound quality wouldn't be very good, but I have been VERY happy with it. I was amazed at how fast the songs transfered to the player from my computer - in fact I was worried that I did it wrong because I couldn't believe it transfered them so fast. The sound is very clear, even better than my Sony Discman and the radio tuner also comes in very handy. It's very small and compact and would easily fit in a pocket.I agree with some reviewers that the instruction manual wasn't very helpful, but I really didn't even use it. If you just play around with it you'll learn everything about it in no time. You can also go to the Sandisk website and find better instructions there if you need them.
45 stars
45 stars
USB Shareport not compatible with Mac OS 10 The D-Link DIR-655 Extreme N Wireless Router works fine as a 802.11n wireless router. However, the reason I bought it was to wirelessly share my printer between two Macs using the USB Shareport on the router.Shareport is not compatible with Mac OS. After hours of searching the internet, I was disappointed to find that D-Link does not provide support for Mac OS 10.I bought this in combination with a D-Link DWA-140 Wireless USB Adapter. D-Link does not provide Mac support for the adapter, however I was able to find a free third-party driver that is compatible.The best solution for sharing a printer is to use an Apple Airport Express or Apple Airport Extreme.I returned both D-Link products and purchased an Airport Express. It was running in a couple minutes, and very easy to wirelessly share my printer.
23 stars
excellent product this wired mouse works well with either hand, it's quick and precise. The magnifier is a great help to me.
45 stars
Pleasantly surprised I spent long hours reviewing current and recent GPS systems and like many was overwhelmed by the choices. My previous GPS was a Navman which I would have updated were it not for the fact the company was sold and no longer updates it's USA products. So I had to look for a new unit and finally settled on the TomTom Go 720. I wanted the larger screen which ruled out many well rated 3.5" units. After reviewing the TomTom against the Garmin I elected and happily so to go with the 720. The voice is loud, clear and very human sounding which reviews showed many of the Garmins were not. The 720 came with a free current map update which was easy to use with the adapter which connects the 720 right to your computer. Custom add-ons were also available for the "points of Interest" and on the go corrections could be entered into your unit should recent road or other changes be encountered. The 720 also offers popup detailed close-ups and road names of complicated interstate exits. The close-ups were a surprise and one I thought was only available on pricier units and favorably compares to the displays as seen on the Navigon. I am very satisfied with the 720 so far and highly recommend it.
45 stars
Case is tight fit for SD970IS The last time I got a Canon case, it was a perfect fit. That was the SD450 and PSC-50. I was rather disappointed with this one. It's a much tighter fit for the SD970 and it's not easy getting the camera in and out.The neck strap does not fit the look of the SD series of camera at all. The case does come with a hand strap, and the camera also comes with one. After about 4 years of use, the strap that came with my previous case is starting to show signs of wear and fraying at the edge. The neck strap is useful if you're letting young kids use the camera - I use it for my daughter's A series Canon.Finally, the battery. A 3rd party battery costs about $10. A Canon battery alone costs more than this kit at the time I'm writing this. More than $10 extra, in fact. I don't understand the pricing.I've bought numerous 3rd party batteries for different cameras in the past. Occasionally, they perform about as well as the Canon batteries. Sometimes, they're total junk that doesn't last 25% as long as the Canon battery. Essentially, it's a crap shoot what you end up with when you buy a third party battery. Buying the original battery, you're at least guaranteed a consistent standard in terms of how much charge it can hold, how long the battery will remain useful, and how long it can retain the charge when the battery is not in use. After more than 4 years of use, the original battery from that camera still holds a decent charge. Out of the 3 other 3rd party batteries I bought for it, one's already been retired, the other two only holds enough charge for a few shots with flash. And they were bought months after I bought the camera, from two different vendors.If you know of a good place to get 3rd party batteries from, by all means go for it. If you don't want to risk throwing your money away on a 3rd party battery, this is a very good deal. I just wish the case is not such a tight fit for the SD970IS. It may fit some of the other models better. But considering you're getting an extra case and neck strap, for a lower price than buying the battery alone, this kit is really a no brainer. Unless the price change in the future, of course.
34 stars
it works I got this about a year ago when my multi-card reader couldn't download images from some of my XD cards. This one has worked with all my cards including the newer Type M and Type H cards. It works well for downloading from the cards but you need to use your camera to later delete the images from the card.
34 stars
iTrip forthe masses! Since someone below has already done an awesome job of explaining how to get the best signal from this iTrip, I will just explain what you do to tune it up :)To Change US to INT - Hold down the silver dial for about 15 seconds (until US is showing on the display) then turn the dial one click to have it displaying INT, then push in the silver knob and it will save your setting.To Change from LX to DX - Almost the same as above except the LX comes up first so you only hold in the knob for about 5 seconds before LX appears. The only thing to know is that the DX setting does not show "DX", it is just a blank screen. This, as stated in the other review will give you mono sound, but a stronger signal (for people who listen to audio books or recorded radio shows, etc..) With about a 5 foot range you should be fine with either setting, but sometimes I use mine with a shower radio so I like to have as much distance from the hot water, heh!Ok, good luck and enjoy - it works with the 3rd and 4th generation iPod so don't be a dolt and buy it for the Nano, Shuffle or the new iPod Video (5th Gen).If you really can't stand the iTrip, please see my review of the Belkin FM TuneCast!
45 stars
Good deal, can't beat the price My Wife was looking for a bigger camera case for her Nikon D40 and lenses. In looking at the brand name stores I came to the conclusion that you can't get a better bag than this for the price. This bag exceeds expectations.
45 stars
GP I ordered two chargers....one was perfect, the other charger was already damaged in the sealed package. I believe the sender knew it was damaged....a two year old could see it!!
12 stars
excellent general purpose camera I've had the PowerShot A20 for about 8 weeks and have taken several hundred pictures with it of subjects ranging from single portraits, sporting events, macro stills and scenic panoramas. It's very comparable in size, weight and print quality to my point-shoot APS camera. But it's digital! ahhhh...Pros:ease of use - the entire family *likes* to use it; mode indicators are clear; menus aren't too deepfast - even without locking the focus, the shutter is quickimaging - skin tones are good; strong colors look good; white balance options are simple but effective;optics - 3x optical zoom; good results in a variety of lightingdimensions - about the same as my APS cameraAA batteries - you can find them anywherevideo out - immediately replay your latest photo-fest on TVCons:flash - eats batteries; no hotshoe; weak red eye reductionmemory card - the included card is way too smallflimsy doors - the battery and CF doors don't inspire confidenceRecommendations:read the manual; at least one 128MB CF; USB CF reader; at least 8 AA NIMH batteries; lowepro Z30 bag; and a bigger hard drive!For printable snapshot work, the A20 is a keeper.
45 stars
Extra room Great Camera case for carrying your camera & and the little stuff to make your photography life fun
45 stars
pyle 15 woofer very good woofer for mids and highs not for bass but pyle has a 500 watt rms bass woofer that i have for bass also very good for the price just dont hook up to a club system for home and midsise event very good i run a crown xls 602 i have 2 towers that have 2 15 in each a 15 base witch is the pyle 500w rms i have more than enough power my amp runs all 3i recomend them to any one on a fix buget you will be very happay
45 stars
Very happy with the purchase We traveled all around Hungary with this. I bought the SD Card and installed it on my Garmin before we left the US. I was not sure if it installed right, but as soon as we got into our rental car, it found our location and gave excellent instructions. There is instruction available on dozens of languages. We used the English and was amused by the pronunciation of street names. One detail I wish I paid more attention to, was to set my preferences before we got on the road: On the way from Lake Balaton I forgot to set to avoid the ferry and it wanted to turn us around for about 25 miles, once it accepted that we will not do things his way, it took us into the myriads of villages instead of taking us to the major highway. - It did this a few times during our trip before I went and set preferences. Other than this it was an excellent guide and would have been quite lost without it. Considering the price of regional maps, this was a cheap investment.
45 stars
Great!!! This calculator works well. I glad i choose this one. I had doubts but i say let me give it a try... Thank You!
45 stars
Great Camera! Found a camera whose technology is compatible with both my Dell laptop and my Toshiba progressive scan dvd player. An understanding of the different types of dvd rw discs is necessary for how you want to use such discs (dvd-rw; dvd+rw; and dvd-r), I can edit and record as needed. Great price through Amazon as well.
45 stars
Super Quality for the Price I already purchase a nikon 70-300 G at Best Buy ($200.00)a year ago. When I see this Sigma at Amazon I wonder why not? Suprise, suprise the quality is better than Nikon Plus it has a metal mount and Color is accurate and quick to focus. I highly recommend this Sigma , Macro really works.
45 stars
I love this router extender!!! I am so happy with this product. The installation was a bit cumbersome, but the 24/7 LIVE PERSON on the tech support line walked me through it patiently, and it works GREAT-- RANGE is extended ALL OVER THE ENTIRE HOUSE. So pleased.
45 stars
Didn't work on my TV, bad customer support I bought this remote as a replacement for my Haier TV. It didn't work when I tried to set it up so I called customer support. After being put on hold for quite a while, they did nothing but tell me that it's not guaranteed to work on all TVs.So, if you have a Haier TV, don't get this remote.
12 stars
Not quite as described The description of this battery is a little deceptive in part, and outright wrong in part. The battery I received is a brand called "Empire"(no doubt a Panasonic "replacement battery") and is only 900 mAh NOT the 1000 mAh advertised. I cannot speak to the durability or performance of the battery as of yet.If you want a genuine Panasonic 1000 mAh battery, this is not it!
23 stars
Mio C310x Portable GPS Bought this during the Winter holiday sale of 2006 for $199 at Staples.The Good news...- The pre-loaded maps are generally clear and easy to read.- Display is bright and clear.- It's relatively simple to operate.- Turn on automatic night mode and the unit will display in blue at night and bright light for daylight.Now the BAD news...1. The maps are OUTDATED!! The GPS operating software is dated 2006 BUT the MAP software is dated 2005!!2. MioTech tech support STINKS!! They don't answer email directly! Owners MUST register at Mio-tech.com and log on to ask questions which are usually answered in a "generally" manner within 2-3 days.3. MioTech REFUSES to post any news on When the "new" map software updates will be available. TeleAtlas also REFUSES to answer anything except to contact MioTech!4. Only a Male voice is available in English!5. No text to speech for streets but that's fine since the voice and display will tell the driver when next to turn or distance left to travel.6. Battery life STINKS! Battery charge is about 2 hours so keep the unit be plugged in at all times! Unit MUST be sent back to MioTech to have battery replaced, which is subject to a replacement fee!!7. Suction cup adaptor works except during cold weather (i.e. winter when the windshield glass is frozen oven). Lick a finger and apply it to suction cup to make it work!8. Hard to use the "search" feature to find addresses/POI's.- Since the GPS system used is from TeleAtlas, the search begins with street number first then street name then town then state. This is the EUROPEAN method as TeleAtlas is a EUROPEAN Company!- Since the unit is sold and used in the US, the GPS software SHOULD use the AMERICAN method: ZIP code FIRST, then street number and street name! MUCH easier for North Americans!!9. TeleAtlas EUROPREAN mapping software is used. Prefer Navteq which is an AMERICAN-based map software! Still own Garmin StreetPilot III with mapping software that's Updated at least ANNUALLY!!- TeleAtlas has a BAD reputation for NOT updating maps OUTSIDE of Europe (It's a EUROPEAN company so NO incentive/desire is present)! Online info from various online forums and news sources state that EUROPEAN maps are Already Updated by TeleAtlas!! How biased is that?!- Unfortunately for N. Americans, US based GPS companies DO use TeleAtlas maps so those GPS owners MUST WAIT for the GPS companies to get Updated map info from TeleAtlas and make it available for the GPS owners!-- TeleAtlas maps are nicely detailed BUT ONLY IF it's UPDATED!!!10. Time format is based on 24-hour setting only; 12-hour setting is NOT available (even though this is format used in North America)!!After using this unit over the past few months, found MANY gaps in the map software of destinations that do NOT appear on the maps but actually DO exist! Obviously, this is due to the Outdated maps!My first reaction when I bought the unit was "WOW!" but now .... I was probably Ripped-Off with a device that's ALMOST useless!!- Many streets and places have changed in the New England area especially in the Big Dig state!!Next time, I'll buy a "brand name" GPS unit from either such brands like TomTom or Garmin! At least those units UPDATE their map software, generally on an Annual basis!For now, I'll have to bear using this unit until the map software is released. Heck, I still use the StreetPilot III as a backup since it was last updated in the Fall, 2006 so the maps are actually more current and accurate!!
12 stars
all you need on a dslr multicoatings, etc. do not make a difference with uv filters for dslrs, according to pop. photography.therefore, this filter is really only for protecting your expensive lens.so there's really no need to pay more.i have this for a d80 currently mounted with a tamron 17-50 (the filter size also works for tamron 28-75 and nikon 18-70).i can't see any evidence of vignetting at 17mm setting, unlike 12-24 lens which does require slim mount filter.pay more if you must, but it's uneccessary.
45 stars