class label
5 classes
Disappointed The Black Stallion establishes that the Black is an Arabian horse. So what is he doing in Africa?Besides this, it's too hard to swallow that a young boy could get from New York to Africa all by himself with no money. Then when he reaches his destination and finally gets the Black for his own, Alec just gives him up.What happened to their incredible bond? The horse that no one else could ride? Apparently it's not as important as letting the Black run around in an area that is not really his homeland.
12 stars
A testament to the power of faith Hanneke van Dam worked as a child psychologist at the courthouse in Amersterdam, Holland, when she heard God's voice asking her to give up her job and move to Mongolia, leaving behind everything she had and everyone she knew. When she experienced this request Hanneke didn't even know where Mongolia was on a map. But she felt obliged to carry out God's mandate for her and went. When she got to Mongolia (an adventure in itself) she found herself in one of the coldest countries on earth where the majority of men were alcoholics, fueling violent behavior and disruptions of family life. "Journey Into The Unknown: The Inspiring Story Of Hanneke van Dam" is a 52 minute, full color, DVD documentary of a most remarkable woman who know lives in Mongolia, giving of herself to those who need the Christian message. We learn of successes and failures as she works with the struggles and broken lives men, women, and children. Very strongly recommended viewing for adolescent and adult members of the Christian community, "Journey Into The Unknown" is a testament to the power of faith and the willingness to obey God's calling into service as a stranger in a strange land.
45 stars
Kids love it! I love this show! I loved it as a child! Now my kids really enjoy it! They have watched it over and over!
45 stars
The Best Cedric The Entertainer Movie Ever This Was one of Cedric's Movie ever I seen this when it first came out.On The Computer.On June 10 2005.After school.I seen The Sharkboy and lava girl movie too.I can see it anytime I want. They said that it was suppose to be only 1 star but to me it was 5 stars to me it was.The same director that directed LIKE MIKE!
45 stars
The ultimate love I acknowledge the objectiveness that people can have to say that this story is not a love story. It addresses so many things that are not love, but they are all contingent on it. "Waking the Dead" is one of the greatest love stories I have ever seen, and I have seen many. I have never seen two actors, Crudup and Connelly, so entirely enveloped in each other. They played off of each pther amazingly. With respect to the story, I feel that it speaks of the kind of love that many of us can only dream. That one love that loves us despite our conflicting ideals, ideas, and desires. The final scene of the movie is probably what haunted me the most. Crudup pleading for reasons. Reasons for why his love had to leave him, and leave him the way she did. It also inspired me. It showed me that with the kind of love that they shared, life can go on.
45 stars
Scooby Doo is awesome! It was fun to watch the first episode of Scooby Doo (High Rise Hair Raiser) on my computer as a download with my kids. We go back and watch it from time to time. I am glad that Amazon gave me this free download, so that I could try this feature.
45 stars
Just discovered this interesting series I struggle to find series that really interest me, this is one! I an only halfway through Season 1 and I'm keen to see where the plot goes. Hope it stays as interesting as it is now...
34 stars
Love the Doctor Was so excited when my video came in! Everything was great - arrived in great condition and in very good time (arrived right before spring break so I had plenty of time to watch!). Thanks for the great service!
45 stars
boy I hated the title character Ginger Rogers does a great job in playing a title character that you end up hating toward the end of the movie. I think the part with the inlaws were she has a fit because they have hired socal coach is were one really starts to not care about what happens. Thier trying to meet her half way, the thing to do is to have some give. Then she walks out of the marrage after give it a whole week, and does not tell the father of her child to be, that she is going to have his child. Wow !, how mature. Then she agrees to run off with the same man allowing so that he can dump his wife and 5 year old son. More like kitty selfish beyond words.
23 stars
Great Movie This is a great movie! Kevin Costner is a great actor and this movie shows it. This movie has a great story line. Robert DeNiro plays the role of Al Capone unlike any other. There are alot of good actors and this movies brings them together( Sean Connery, Robert DeNiro, and Kevin Costner ). This movie deserves 5 stars! This movie has alot of action! Go see it soon!
45 stars
Fun Film! I watched this film a few times and it is a fun and well acted film! Billy Boyd is always great fun to watch in any film he is in. Bernard Hill, Luke Mably and Birthistle were all brilliant in this classic updated cops and robbers movie. Its a great film for the family to watch together!
45 stars
I watching this at least 30 times Think thats crazy. I do to. I was 11 when this move came out. I feel in love with Maxwell Caulfield and that age. I was so in love with him. Anyway seeing the movie now in my "ripe old age". I think its was suppose to be comedy. Right? Funny movie. Give it a chance.
45 stars
The Real Deal Kathleen is great because she is very funny, very real, and very likable. It's the "real" part that differentiates her from the likes of say Kathy Griffin or Lisa Lampanelli who, while certainly very funny, are obviously always "in character" (just like so many men comedians i.e.. Gilbert or Larry the Cable Guy, etc.)Highly Recommended !
34 stars
Bold and intriguing concept. Restrained execution This sort of documentary should slap people in the face with the reality of war, not hold their hand through it.For trying to place the viewer into the world of the troops and make him/her understand what it is like, I feel the film restrains itself too much to do so effectively. It would have been more effective if the events documented were simply played out through even more candid footage captured by the troops. While the interviews allow the viewer to hear the retrospective incite of the surviving members, these segments also remove the viewer from the situation he/she is supposed to be witnessing and reacting to, placing him/her back in a safe place instead. Likewise, the footage itself is nothing more candid or shocking than we citizens can see on a regular basis through the news etc. This could also just be a sad testament to our desensitization and disconnection from reality in general.Don't get me wrong. I'm not downplaying the events themselves, nor the troops, and I'm not trying to sound morbid either. I simply think the documentary could have done a much better job of placing the viewer in that setting in order to drive the message home and invoke a deeper empathy than the viewer had before. As it stands (as terrible and unfortunate as it is) there are fictional war films that invoke a greater sense of empathy and respect for our military than this documentary is able to. All of that had to do with how it was put together and edited. I think it would have been much better to simply follow the troops from a to b, minimum editing, minimum interviews (if not just voiced-over, or even none at all). That would have put the viewer right there, and driven home the intended impact.Sorry if it sounds like I'm tearing this apart. I'm not. I was definitely moved by it in many ways, but I have quite a few friends who've thankfully made it back from the war (some multiple times), and their stories have had a far greater impact on how I feel than something like this ever could. I went into it wanting to learn more and be better informed, but I don't feel that. I almost feel like I've walked into a tribute film that wasn't meant for me to see.I feel sad for the troops that were lost, and for their friends and family who have to bear the memory of that loss. Though, I'm not sure if I could honestly say it was worth watching for any other reason than out of respect for those people I've just mentioned. This is why I feel the documentary fails to deliver. It's left me with an awkward feeling of empathy, mixed with an already present feeling of respect, and a strong sense of "I should really go now. I don't think I'm supposed to be here."In conclusion: Despite what many comments suggest, this is not something everybody needs to see.
23 stars
My husband loved it...... I purchased this dvd for my husband who remembered seeing it as a young man and loving it. This dvd was it.....he loved it and said it was exactly as he remembered it. Kudos to everyone!
45 stars
Focuses on a mother/son relationship Remind me (again) not to read too many reviews of movies before I see them myself. After reading the "critics" I was expecting a rather cheesy tear-jerker with no heart or substance. Wrong, wrong, wrong...this one was a pleasant surprise, start to finish, and a totally charming movie.Based on the book of the same title, Riding in Cars with Boys is both heart-rending and humorous. Drew Barrymore plays Beverly Donofrio, a youmg woman who becomes pregnant at 15 and is forced to live a life far different than what she'd hoped (or what her parents had hoped). James Woods is totally believable as her father, a man who tells Beverly she "broke his heart" when she became pregnant.But the real surprise here is the focus of the movie. Although supposedly the story of Beverly, the events are told from the point of view of her son and it is clear that her failures as a parent form much of the basis for this film. She is less than an ideal parent, resentful of her son's intrustion into her life and forced to cope with more than her share of hardships (her husband is a drug addict).As you can probably tell by now, this isn't exactly a family movie, so leave the kids at home. Gritty at times but also touching, too. Most of all, completely honest and believable.
34 stars
Fantastic Psychological Thriller! Co-Stars Mark Kelly and Billy Burke are wonderful in this thriller. It has all the great qualities of a "Hitchcock" mind bender. A must see!
45 stars
Great film This is one of John Carpenter's best works. One performance in the film that hasnt been mentioned yet is that of George "Buck" Flower the character actor who plays the homeless man that sides with the aliens at the end of the film. His lines and his gravely voice always make me chuckle. When he is accused of "selling out" he made the argument that many people in our society make today "We all sell out everyday, might as well be on the winning team."this is an excellent film to watch again and again.
34 stars
ER I bought it for friend during christmas. She made me watch it and I got back into watching the last season. The DVDs were great. If you are a fan then you need the third season of ER.
34 stars
Terribly Terrific If you are a fan of the Cohen brother's movies, you will love this. Clever story and dialogue, I enjoyed the movie from beginning to end. I can't wait to see it again.
45 stars
Tuly epic An outstanding series that is considered by fans and critics alike as one of the top shows of all time. Will buy again when it comes out on blu ray. Detailed, authentic, sublime genius. Incredible on every level.
45 stars
love it all i have to say is thay this movie is great. i watched it on nick the first day it was on tv. and i love it. it is so much beter than there first movie. there first one was good but this one is great. i love it.
45 stars
I Love Desperate Housewives Great slender holder. This is a great season sad that they are no longer making this series. great show. :)
45 stars
Action Packed!!! I really liked this movie. I was in Vegas and watched the filming. Kevin Costner played an excellent role as the villan. I also enjoyed the sound track of the movie. This was definitely an action packed movie, a bit violent in parts, but it is still a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
34 stars
Wonderful Movie Great movie, very humurous, yet insightful on life. It was a pleasure to watch in english with Mr. Moore, and a movie I would definately consider renting to watch again. It would make a good date movie.
45 stars
couldnt wait for delivery I could have saved about ten dollars if I had bought trough Amazon, but I have been waiting months for this and had to have it today, not that Amazon is slow or anything like that. I do want to thank Amazon for having the best prices, deals and selection.
45 stars
George Romero:Genius at work It doesn't get much better than Night of the Living Dead as far as zombie movies go. I'm gonna have to call it one of the best horror movies ever made. Its probably the best of the Romero Dead-Trilogy. Dawn of the Dead is really good as well. Day of the Dead is pretty good too,but nothing compares to Romero's first effort:Night of the Living Dead. What a film! Warm Regards, Bill Robinson,Genius at Work
45 stars
1313 Haunted Frat: It's About Time! Since becoming a horror fan, I've always gotten a kick out of `haunted house' movies, which tend to deliver on the suspense, the mystery and the chills while sparing the nasty gore and the `torture porn' vulgarity. At the same time, as a female viewer I've never been too impressed by the haunted sorority house subgenre; yep, for some reason I as a gal have never derived much benefit from seeing other women take excessive showers and run through the woods in ridiculously high heels before being hacked unceremoniously to pieces....That's why I found the movie "1313: Haunted Frat" to be not only refreshing--but downright hot! For once we get to see gorgeous young college MEN taking showers, swimming, working out and sun bathing as a strong female presence follows their every move, haunting their fraternity house (which was apparently built over the ruins of an old insane asylum) and taking control of their lives.Under the hand of veteran horror director David DeCoteau, "1313: Haunted Frat" delivers on the essentials of a great haunted house flick. You get the jump scares, the extended scenes of tension-building suspense and the humor--I was cracking up at the `hot nerd' who kept walking around the house, trying--unsuccessfully--to get the other dudes to help him out with a written history of their frat; only to find that they would much rather take showers, work out and sleep off the effects of an eventful party the night before!You also get a number of pleasant surprises not typically associated with this genre, like a beautiful tropical setting, a beautifully decorated house, a powerful (and fully dressed, thank you) female villain...oh, and did I mention all the hot guys in their underwear?For a tasteful and very sexy `haunted house' movie that doesn't skimp on the suspense, I'd really recommend 1313: Haunted Frat. It's about time!
45 stars
Beautiful, Poetic, Amazing. I saw this film when it opened in LA and it is definitely one of my favorite doc's ever. Having experienced this area of the country first hand, the film really captures the hidden beauty that this forgotten desert has to offer. Shot 90% at sunset and magic hour, the beautiful cinematography and hybrid doc format makes watching Bombay Beach feel like walking through a dream. And who could possible complain about anything set to music by Beirut and Bob Dylan... too cool. A must have in my DVD collection. I can't wait to see it again.
45 stars
A little more compassion might do us all some good We all know Jodi Foster can do the "protective mother" shtick, ever since "Panic Room." I thought Panic Room was brilliant, so I was looking forward to essentially the same premise on a plane.In Flightplan, Foster plays Kyle, an airplane engineer who has recently lost her husband. She's traveling back from Germany to the States with her daughter, Julia (played with impossible cuteness by Marlene Lawston). Julia is so traumatized by her father's death (he "tripped off a building," ya see), that she is terrified of even going outside, much less on a plane.The panic rises as Kyle awakens to discover her daughter is nowhere to be found. There's no record of the child and then we realize that nobody was really paying attention to her--or really anyone--on the plane.The subtle message throughout Flightplan is that despite our heightened awareness of terrorist, we rarely pay attention to each other. It's easy to focus on the dark-skinned man with the beard, but apparently much harder to keep track of a blonde mother and her daughter. Why? Because we don't SEE her anymore, even though she's right in front of us.There is undoubtedly some nefarious plans going on, but those plans are bolstered by malaise from the stewardess, the crew, and a streak of self-doubt from Kyle herself. Is she having a nervous breakdown?Peter Sarsgaard plays Carson, the sky marshal. Sarsgaard channels John Malkovich with startlingly intensity (in fact, the two played father/son in "The Man in the Iron Mask"). Kate Beahan is a particularly annoying stewardess who, judging from her dark eye makeup, is clearly up to no good. In the background, Sean Bean lends gravitas to the Captain. You'd think airplane captains were born of royalty the way he portrays Captain Rich.The plane is as much an actor as any human, rumbling and shaking at the appropriate moments. It's two levels (I didn't even know there was such a thing), and awfully roomy. That only makes sense, but it detracts from some of the claustrophobia if you've never been on a plane of that size before. On the other hand, I watched this movie while I was on a cruise ship, so I could understand the terror of losing someone in a confined space.Throughout the film are other asides: comments on the fickle nature of passengers, on psychiatry, about white raged, and of course, about airlines. These interesting character studies turn the movie into more than just a mere thriller. If Flightplan has a villain, it's the audience, and it makes it clear that a little more compassion and attention to our fellow passengers might do everyone some good.
34 stars
My response is similar to another movie of same era A wonderful movie with not so obvious depth. It is a bit odd, in a way, because Peter Sellers' presence indicates a certain type of picture--and in some ways it is. But what resonates most for me in this picture is the story of the friendship of the two girls, wonderfully played by the young actresses. Val is really a heartbreaking character and Tippy Walker's performance is really quite remarkable.I saw this movie for the first time on TCM relatively recently and I might love it even more if I had seen it when it first came out. It is very similar in some ways to another movie of the same era that I did see, as a youngster, when it did come out: "The Trouble with Angels".The core of both movies is the deep friendship between two girls who are in many ways disimilar but have a sort of loneliness that draws them to each other. One of each of these pairs is effected and respond (but in different ways) by what can only be described as parental neglect--and they are both very bright and creative. In both movies, the more serious story is interspersed by blatently comedic scenes (Peter Sellers in this one, the girls' pranks in TTWA).The adult characters are well drawn (also in both movies) and their actions deeply affect the girls. In both movies, there is sophistication in the stories of the adults (the parents in this one, Mother Superior in TTW) that will be above younger viewers although it won't prevent them from enjoying the movie--but it makes the films more enjoyable for adults!In both movies, the broad comedy is, at least for me, the least successful element of the films while the human stories are deeply effecting. I don't want to sound too serious, but these films are more than just cute comedies.
34 stars
my favorite movie I love this film and own the DVD. the music by ennio morricone is the first thing that caight my attention many years ago. the haunting " sean, sean " is just beautiful. if you have not yet, GET the soundtrack, its wonderful.and the movie itself is a masterpiece by sergio leone. I love all his films but this one has special meaning for me.when sean and juan are in the train with the animals and the pigeon take a crap on juans head and he says " but for the rich you sing " is a great line!
45 stars
Smallville Season 8 This Season was the best season yet and I will continue to by the Smallville seasons.
45 stars
Distrubing odd dark movie........ Bringing Out the Dead is about Frank, a paramedic who works in the mean streets of New York City. Frank is basically on the verge of burning out, he feels inferior and can't save anyone. He doesn't sleep, eat, and drinks on the job. Things are so bad, Frank tries to get fired but his supervisor won't do it because there is a short supply of paramedics. Through out the movie Frank and his partners are involved in very unusual situations, some funny and others very real.I though Nicolas Cage' performance was excellent as was Ving Rhames and Tom Sizemore. The movie is typical Scorsese and I found it similiar to Taxi Driver. I would probably rent first.
23 stars
Great Show! I am in love with the Bones crew. This show just gets better and better. They've gone above Season 1 with Season 2. The addition of Cam was a surprise, but turned out to be a pleasant one. The thread with serial killers and family made the season fun to watch!
45 stars
i love & miss veronica mars! i was so sad that they took veronica mars off the air! i love this show and the characters and the writing. now i have the 3rd season on dvd so i can watch it anytime i'd like...which is like all the time. i also have seasons 1 and 2.
45 stars
A master piece This is really one of the best sci-fi movies and series based movies I have seen in a long time. The production quality is great and it shows what the producers of Stargate SG-1 can do when they are not subject to a low budget. I think is the best way for the SG1 saga to graduate to the 2 hour format. I can't wait for the release of Continuum and the return of Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson). If you are like me and already own the complete DVD collection then this is the best way to top it off.
45 stars
Love this movie. John Wayne movies have always been some of my favorites and this one is my favorite of all of them. I had a little trouble with the picture quality on my kindle and it kept trying to download several times but the fourth time I tried to watch it it worked very well.
45 stars
Plain Brutal One of the best films i have seen to date. Brutal to a fault almost inspirering if it wasnt so dark. Just like Batman Begins, The Punisher takes a dark hero and keeps it that way in the transition to hollywood. The mans family is murdered in cold blood and he fights back not just against the killers but all criminals. they are ALL the same to him and he wants thema ALL dead.
45 stars
Heigl + Kutcher = 0 IF you've ever wondered what "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (or, the TV shows "Scarecrow & Mrs. King" and/or "Hart To Hart") would be like drained of all wit & charm, "Killers" is the result. Mr. A. Kutcher is STILL pretty much playing Kelso ("That 70s Show") and never for a second did I believe him as a pro killer. Ms. Kat H shows just how limited her acting range is. The action scenes are nothing special and the dialogue is fairly lame. I KNOW it's a 'popcorn movie' and not meant to be taken (too) seriously, but JEEEZ, I think I actually laughed maybe ONCE. If you've NEVER seen "Get Smart" (the TV show, not the movie), "Hart To Hart," or Hitchcock's "North By Northwest" or ANY 'James Bond' movies, you MIGHT like "Killers." Otherwise, you'll be better off buying or renting "Diamonds Are Forever" or "Man From UNCLE" DVDs. "Killers" is assembly-line Hollywood crap.
01 star
high quality character driven drama I'm not really into "cop" shows or "detective" shows that dominate network t.v. because they are usually dull, predictable, depressing, and totally lacking any humor. "In Plain Sight" doesn't suffer from these problems.Luckily, I stumbled across this series last summer. The main character is a Federal Marshall who is involved in the Witness Protection program. She has to keep her clients safe and solve murders based upon her client's testimony. She and her partner Marshall have great chemistry together on-screen.If you're a fan of "Burn Notice" you will enjoy this series as well; although they are different shows, what they share in common is humor, action, and great characters which are well written. The writers also explore the personal dramas of the main characters which makes for an interesting back-story.Season 2 premieres April 2009 on USA network for existing fans of the show- for those that are curious and have never watched the show, rent/buy season 1 on dvd and you'll be up to speed when season 2 starts.** highly recommended **
34 stars
Mystery, thriller series I loved this series. Glen Close is amazing, you have a hard time deciding if she is a villian or hero.This series is very engaging and keeps you thinking.
45 stars
Clash of the Comic Titans The legendary teaming of W.C. Fields and Mae West has some hilarious moments, but does not make for classic cinema. "My Little Chickadee" (1940) is an unsuccessful patchwork of two comedic styles that simply do not mesh. In fact, the Western satire works best when the stars keep their distance by doing their own thing. Not surprisingly, the film was more successful for Fields than for Miss West - who detested the Great Man until the day she died. Worth seeing for historical purposes.OVERALL RATING: **
12 stars
Great Performance, compelling movie Philip Seymour Hoffman gave a masterful performance as the eccentric Truman Capote. This movie actually is more about Capote and his writing of "In Cold Blood" than it is about the life of Truman Capote. I guess I hadn't read enough reviews before I saw it since I wasn't aware of this. I remember seeing the movie "In Cold Blood" as a child. It was quite a great movie in it's own rite. Capote was very enlightening and compelling.The movie starts with the discovery of the bodies of the murdered Kansas family in which "In Cold Blood" was written about. From there we see how Capote works his way into interviewing the killers to begin writing his book. The movie does a great job of conveying the emotion of everyone involved and what it does to life of Capote. He becomes obsessed with one of the killers, Perry Smith, played wonderfully by Clifton Collins Jr. He actually pays for the first of their appeals. Capote battles his emotions as we see he actually does feel compassion for Perry while at the same time knowing the man won't talk about the night of the murders which he needs to complete his book. It seems the only way he will be able to get his ending to his book is if the killers get the death penalty which keeps getting delayed with a series of "stays of execution". Hoffman does an incredible job of portraying these mixed emotions.This is definitely one of the best movies of the year. The performance of Hoffman alone is enough to see the film. The fact that Hoffman in reality is nothing remotely close to Capote shows his acting ability. Let's hope he gets his due at the Oscars.
34 stars
Beautiful movie, beautiful message I loved this movie. Yes, there is a lot of foul language, but it is not gratuitous at all. The language is a reflection of the family's life and the harshness and difficulty of the Depression. The message of compassion and obligation is the focus of this movie. The cinemaphotography is spectacular. The acting is superb. The kids in the movie are unspoiled, loved, thoughtful and compassionate, a refreshing change from many movies today. Andie McDowell discards her super-model role, and plays a beautiful (inside and out) poor, white trash mother full of beer and heart. Harvey Keitel is an honorable boot-legger with a level of decency that makes him a lovable man. This movie ranks right up there with To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm buying it today!
45 stars
Angie Everhart & Gabrielle Reece are hot hot hot! This might be the funniest movie I have seen all year.The script is great.And the women are really hot! Angie Everhart has never looked better than she does in a red bikini, Gabrielle Reece is a GODDESS and the four women who play the Bonsais are super sexy, in every flavor!This is definitely worth the price!
45 stars
Pleasantly Surprised by Character-driven Storyline I was pleasantly surprised by this film. The deep characters enthralled me, especially Helen Hunt's character, who lives a conflicted life without regrets--if you can believe that--and who is immediately sympathetic, despite her nefarious reputation. The complex character-driven storyline kept me on the edge of my seat, literally. At one point in the film, I jumped from my seat, angry at one of the antagonists, a wimpy, red-headed prig, with a little dog she obviously loves more than she loves other people--I jumped from my seat in anger, certain she was going to hell. Everything came together in the penultimate scene, which set up a resolution I did not see coming. This is a story about love, trust, gossip, and the nature of truth.Note that Helen Hunt plays a different kind of character in this film, one that not everyone may find enjoyable. And some of the characters are weak, thrown in for comedic effect, which unfortunately doesn't always work. And if the critics are right, you might enjoy Oscar Wilde's original play more, but you can't get that on DVD.Bottom line: There is only a handful of films that have enthralled me as A Good Woman has. Despite the critics' balking, 93 minutes well-spent. I rate it 5 stars out of 5, because not only did I love watching it, I feel like I want to watch it again as soon as possible.
45 stars
The Best Killer Kids movie EVER~! I just watched "The Children" and I am in awe..I was expecting it to be decent but this film way exceeded my expectations.I will give a brief synopsis because you can read the synopsis anywhere you look up the film.It's New Years Eve, and two families are meeting to celebrate the holiday together, both families have two kids.One of the families has a teenage daughter as well...The kids start getting sick then all bets are off..They start to become vicious and evil.The camera work is genius and I was so unsettled and jumpy during the movie that I had to take a xanax..and I am a hard core horror lover..It was the suspense and the way the scenes were put together and intertwined that made it excel.For a movie with such young kids in the production they spared no violence or hard core scenes.I might expect they would soften it a bit but they didn't .Kudos' for that as well.I was entertained from start to finish and I mean the last frame.Think 1981's Bloody Birthday with gore no cheese and great acting.This is definitely a film I will watch again and probably again .
45 stars
Too Bad From past experience, most After Dark Horrorfest selections have something to recommend them, and I think they do a great service of bringing worthwhile low budget films some public attention. In this case it is the basic plot idea that recommends this film. Unfortunately, the script and its execution (especially the dialogue) leaves too much to be desired. Having the germ of a good idea isn't enough, unfortunately. And to give you an idea of where this director is coming from: in the deleted scene he actually suggests it was foolish to film the scene during daylight because nothing scary happens in films in daylight. REALLY? Just last night I watched Hitchcock's The Birds, so I'll mention that. Otherwise I'd be left with many thousands of other examples to draw upon of what a real director can do when confronted with the idea of making something scary happen during daylight. And, FYI, no, the surprise revelation at the end of the film wasn't the least bit shocking and may as well been left out.
12 stars
Impossible not to like Unless you hate basketball, teenagers, Gene Hackman, or Indiana, it's impossible not to fall for this movie. It's one of the best feel-good movies ever made. We've got David vs. Goliath (the winning school only has about 65 kids in it); loyalty galore, especially with the star player refusing to play at first out of mistaken respect for the dead coach who preceded Hackman; an almost reformed alcoholic in Dennis Hopper with great basketball brains despite the fatal flaw; a little romance with Hackman and another teacher; and mystery (Hackman has a clouded past). What more could you want? The picture plays to our simplest emotions, and when it's over we cheer like crazy. Who cares if we've been had.
45 stars
ADDICTIVE! Amazingly entertaining! I admit I became a fan because I had to wait 2 weeks for DirectTV to be installed and had no choice but to watch DVD's. I picked up Season 2 and became hooked. Then came Season 1,3,4 & 5. For 2 weeks I was addicted to this exciting show. I can't wait for the new season!
45 stars
This guy is Hilarious!! I love this video but it gets old after watching it about the 3rd or 4th time. I think it is worth buying tho.
34 stars
01 star
We Don't Need to Talk about Kevin Jeff is 30 successfully unemployed and living in his mothers basement experimenting with recreational drugs and watching the TV. Then one day he takes a wrong number call for someone called `Kevin' and decides it is a sign as per his fave film that Mel Gibson `classic' `Signs', you know the one with the crop circles. He is one of these people who thinks everything happens for a reason and so this random moment will lead him to his possible destiny. This thankfully occurs when he sees a teenager on a bus with `Kevin' on his T - Shirt, so as any sane person would do, he sets off in hot (well luke warm) pursuit.Jeff (Jason Segel of `I Love You Man' and `Forgetting Sarah Marshall') also has a brother Pat (Ed Helms `The Hangover), who is at a turning point in his relationship. Despite the state of their finances he thinks that buying a Porsche will help, but then he sees his wife with another man. Enlisting the help of Jeff they set off in warmish pursuit of the pair. Meanwhile their long suffering mum played by the wonderful Susan Sarandon ( I love her because she was in `The Rocky Horror Picture Show') is in a job with a secret admirer and she thinks things might be looking up, if only she could get her lazy son off the sofa.This is a movie that wants to be quirky and it sort of gets there and it wants to be funny and I did laugh on at least two occasions, but it was more the schadenfreude kind of thing, where you laugh at others misfortunes, which is what the movie was playing for. It is though a caring film; relationships are at the core as well as misplaced value in material things and the belief that looking at things from a different angle can bring massive rewards.It has a run time of just under an hour and a half and it flows by in a reassured pace. I actually quite enjoyed it, this is not laugh out loud or `riotous' but it is warm, amusing and ultimately entertaining, the sort that warms the cockles of your heart as they used to say in my Grand dads day.
34 stars
Weatherman should be sold as a Sedative Boring pap.This movie starts off slow and pointless and over the course of 101 minutes, gets even slower and more pointless. This movie is so boring that Cage himself couldn't get interested in the only sex scene, in which he was a participant!Liberals will love this film because it portrays the values of the Progressive culture (don't ask, don't tell, don't be judgmental, and for Heaven's sake don't hurt the self-esteem of your children).Michael Caine's supporting role needs a supporting role. He struggles to hide his British accent and garners no sympathy as he dies of cancer. It's just sad, not the part, the acting.Gore Verbinski as a director of this film has achieved the ultimate cure for insomnia.The best advise is to use your money on something better, like a lobotomy.
01 star
A Good Date DVD I know that a lot of guys claim to "just not like musicials." But let me give you some advice - lots of women love musicials, especially the classics.That's why I bought and ordered this movie and it did not disappoint at all. It is a very traditional hollywood musical complete with show tunes lavish sets and beautiful costumes.I invited my girlfriend over, we put it in the DVD player and had a really nice evening and she was impressed that I wasn't making her watch another Die Hard movie.
45 stars
My favorite vampire film I love vampire lore. I have always been fascinated with vampires for what seems like an eternity. I have seen a lot of good and bad vampire films. The good ones includes: the first two "Blade" movies, "Interview with a Vampire", the original black and white version of "Dracula" with Bela Lugosi, "Daughters of Darkness", the classic "Noserfatu", and "The Hunger". The worst has been "Queen of the Damned" which does not follow Anne Rice's book of the same name. Of all the vampire films that I love "The Hunger" starring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie, and a young Susan Sarandon. Catherine and David plays a vampire couple Miriam and John who haunts various nightclubs for prey like in the opening scenes to the tune of the classic Bauhaus song "Bela Lugosi's Dead". Like previous lovers of Miriam's, John suddenly begins to age rapidly without any explaination or a cure. The couple seeks out Sarah Roberts (Susan Sarandon) in hopes of a cure which there isn't. It doesn't take very long for Sarah to become tangled up in a sinster web that Miriam spins but out of sheer desparation. I was completely spellbound watching David Bowie's character John rapidly age within 24 hours. I love Catherine Deneuve. She was absolutely stunning in this film. Unlike a lot of vampire movies, Tony Scott's film does not rely on special effects. It is a sleek, stylish horror/thriller. Definitely one of the most erotic vampire films I have viewed. The film score really fits perfects with the mood of the film. The cinematography was excellent too. Tony Scott did a fantastic job of directing the actors. Although the film is categorized as a horror film, I thought it was more dramatic with the tragic circumstances that befalls Miriam and John. "The Hunger" is truly one of the great cinematic masterpieces of the early '80s as far as vampire films are concerned.
45 stars
Series 4....was Molto Bene! Bash! Boom! Wallop! And really who doesnt love that? Everyone's favorite time traveling, word loving, manic-timelord is back in his fourth series from the BBC. This series hit the ground running whether it was aboard a voyage of the damned. Through the hellish fires of pompeii. Figthing the universe stockily cloned-potato faced soldiers,Saving people from the shadows in a library, to the being overwhelmed by the incomprehensible(sp?) on board a space tour across the diamond planet; Midnight. To finally facing the darkness in that of a foe that he tangled with back in the 70's who was long thought dead. Oh, and if that were not enough...He managed the meet Agatha Christie and in the process solved a murder mystery!Oh Yes, the Doctor had quite the season. David Tennant fires on all cylinders as always playing with emotion with such liquidiosidity (New word?.. OH Yes!) that he radiates verisimilitude(Sp?). Along with a new companion Donna. Played by the wonderful Catherine Tate who is known mainly for comedy an does some of that this series, plays the drama as naturally. it's not over the top, it's human, heartbreaking and amazing to watch. OH and for good measure...a few former companions show up. A Former Doctor as well. The stakes are raised and theres a consistent question that is raised that had not been raised before. What if the Doctor could choose who lives or dies? What would that make him? Or not make him? The season every episode has that question as that as it's underlying theme. Ultimately, this series was amazing. It starts off in a classic doctor who way, and the series ends in much of the same way. All in all. Bash! Boom! Wallop! indeed.
45 stars
Great Movie That Spans Generations My teenage son discovered this movie on cable-TV and we re-discovered it together for several afternoon of laughs this summer vacation. I think this may Robin Williams best comedic performance.
45 stars
The best film so far this year... True, as of this writing it's only March, but that still doesn't stop the fact that of all the movies released so far in 2003, "Willard" is most definitely the best. Dark, gloomy, and very weird, this dark comedy centers around Willard (Crispin Glover), a young man with a crummy job, a nagging mother that still lives with him, and a rat problem in his basement. It's clear when the movie starts that Willard has been going crazy for quite some time.When we first meet him, it's a surefire bet he is no longer mentally secure. Soon, he has befriends the rats in his basement. He talks to them, feeds them, and gives them commands which they obey. He opens a bag and says "in," and they scatter into the bag. He says "out" and they go out. Are the rats super-smart, or is Willard an expert on rats?He decides to use the rats to get payback for the years of yelling he has recieved from his boss. But things get strange when Willard makes friends with a girl at the office, who has a small crush on him. The rats are multiplying and taking over Willard's house. How much longer can he keep his secret, let alone control of the rats? Complicating this is super-rat Ben, who becomes the leader of the rats and, eventually, Willard's worst enemy.A misconception of this movie is that it is a horror film. It's far from it. This is a dark comedy not about super-intelligent rats, but about Willard, the insane man who controls them. Crispin Glover is excellent as Willard. He's dark, grim, yet occasionally funny. The film takes on the feel of a Tim Burton movie and it's a wonder he didn't make it himself. You could almost say this is the best Tim Burton film in years!This is an extremely well done film and is definitely going to be up there with the other great films yet to come out this year. I strongly recommend this to anyone looking for something a little different. Those disappointed by the lackluster "Death to Smoochy" should take note: this is the antidote.
45 stars
Heavenly Creatures Totally love novels by Anne Perry. This movie was very powerful when I realized what her personal history was and the person she has become.
45 stars
Better then I expected I really thought this film would be a cheap Prophecy knock off....which even that was enough i checked it out on netflicks. I was really impressed....unknown cast that did a great job...the writting wasn't the strongsuit but wasn't horrible and the movie was highly entertaining....even though the effects weren't big budget they were ok and the terrific cinematography helped them look better then they were. I ended up buying my own copy after renting it.
34 stars
Yay!!! Finally Americans Stop Scratching Their Asses This movie is definitely a good one. I can hardly hold my strong feelings for this movie back!! It's insane how good this movie is. First off, the language quality is awesome, it's in Japanese which makes it so much more the better. The American version was about 55 minutes--WAY to short to enjoy Gojira and the message the movie is trying to send. But the Japanese version is about 95 minutes!! That's the perfect amount of time. Anyone who has seen this will instantly know what I mean. The acting is superb--extremely realistic (aren't all Japanese good actors?!) Anyone who appreciates Gojira, or Japan, or history should without a doubt pick this movie up without any hesitation whatsoever!!
45 stars
Clears up what happened to everyone...even Michael This is AWESOME! I loved Prison Break and was so sad to see it go. This movie tells everything that happened to the group and clears up some questions I had while watching the series finale. I highly recommend it!
45 stars
Ehh I love the fact that a movie showcasing a bomber crew was made, however without a huge budget, movies like these just won't work. The movie made due with what budget it had, and presumably got the best actors they could. However, no matter what, it just fell short.
12 stars
Wonderful Criterion Transfer of a Classic Sullivan's Travels is one of a group of comedy classics created by Preston Sturges during the early to mid-forties, each and every one a gem. Everyone will have a favourite (my personal weak spot is The Lady Eve) but Sullivan's Travels grows in my affections with every viewing. It is always remarkable to witness how influential the movie is, particularly, but not exclusively, in the works of the Coen brothers. Joel McRae is playing the director who goes looking for the underbelly of America and along the way he finds Veronica Lake. She could not be equaled, from the first moment her famous look is seen in the film until her laughter at the end. She looked like a smoldering noir femme fatale and spoke and acted like a screwball comedienne. It was a style not suited for many pictures but it was a perfect match for Preston Sturges in this one and she does very well by him and vice versa. The change in the movie from comedy to pathos, troubing and too abrupt for some viewers, is beautifully handled and the church sequence with the prisoners and the black parishioners is astonishing and handled with great cinematic skill. Criterion must also be congratulated, again, for the wonderful extras, particularly the documentary on Sturges.
45 stars
It really is a good movie, well acted, with Africa playing a wonderful supporting role! Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou, Blood Diamond is set in Sierra Leone in 1999 amid the chaos of Africa in armed conflict. It is an action drama played against the backdrop of political turmoil. The movie is about the illegal trafficking of diamonds in Africa. Although it is tricky to make a movie on a controversial issue that is neither do-gooder nor exploitative, in this case the effort is surprisingly successful.Blood diamonds were so named in the 1990s to call attention to the fact that African diamonds were being smuggled out of countries at war specifically to buy more arms and kill more people.Weaker moments in the story are overshadowed by the film's willingness to risk disturbing an audience's sense of the world and how it is run. Blood Diamond is very much aware that these are problems beyond an easy resolution, and making a film that understands that is quite an accomplishment.It really is a good movie, well acted, with Africa playing a wonderful supporting role!
45 stars
good This is a good movie to me because its real interesting on seeing people co exist in a home,sexy,not porn but r rated,better than porn,hot slutty roomates who ho prostitute sell thier services
45 stars
"Not Bad Comedy!" Steve Carell and Tina Fey star in this 2010 comedy.A married couple get a case of mistaken identitywhen trying to have a romantic evening. This isn'tbad and Steve and Tina are great together. Thisdvd not only has nice picture and sound, butrated & unrated cuts of the film plus neatextras. I still recommend this.
23 stars
Very Entertaining! Have loved Wallace & Gromit for years! Great fun, clever dialogue, superb animation - kids and adults will likely enjoy this.
45 stars
best of what it is if you have home school kids this is great. easy to follow and very intriguing, educational. not for die hard history buffs.
45 stars
Blew My Mind!! This is a very scary documentary but it should be seen by anyone who has the courage to watch it. It's full of painful & frightening truths. The FDA and Food Industry does NOT have our backs. Buyer Beware!
45 stars
It's an awesome silent movie. I have only watched the film Nosferatu about 3 times already, and let me tell you, it's the most inspiring and most entertaining, and at the same time, most disturbing vampire film I have ever seen in my life. It' has the same plot as most Dracula movies thought, but it impresses people because of it's dark imagery, scary organ score, and last but not least, a very very UGLY and scary looking Dracula which in this film is called Nosferatu, or the Undead. Don't watch the remake, watch this one. It'll thrill you even if you don't like horror.
34 stars
A Great Series!! I have enjoyed this series when it began last season and the second one is just as good!! Tom Selleck shines in this show!!
45 stars
Like the book on which it's based - It's a Classic I have owned this film on video for about eleven years. I'm finally purchasing the DVD version. I first saw it as a kid during a 1972 re-release and was stunned by the story, acting and directing. Then I read the book and realized the entire story was already there. Mike Nichols hardly had to change anything. But what a great job he did with casting, camera, music and even the supporting players whom will be familiar to most TV viewers. I don't think I've met anyone who did not love it.
45 stars
good movie When this movie first came out it was one of the first to use the camera like a home movie. At the time it was something different. It's still a good movie though not really horror.
23 stars
Epic This is one of my favorite, actually probably my favorite zombie/apocalyptic flick. I really hope they make a sequel. And I like the alternate ending featured here instead of the theatrical ending.
45 stars
Great Movie! It's no Supertwink, but it is a great movie indeed. Artie Lange at his best.
45 stars
6 year old loved My 6 year old GD loved this movie. I was doing other things in the room while she was watching, so I can't give a proper "review" of the movie. She asked to put a few other American Girl movies on our watchlist.
45 stars
Nice music but the movie dodges tough issues This sugary musical tells the story of a Parisian music hall in 1936. The place is failing, threatened by a ruthless landlord who makes common cause with fascists and an anti-Semitic political party. A rag-tag band of workers, led by Pigoli, the man who raises and lowers the curtain over the stage, form a cooperative to save the theater. Their potential savior arrives in the shape of Douce, a hauntingly beautiful young woman who has unexpected talent as a singer and who falls in love with the communist who operates the lights in the theater.She's played by the lovely young Nora Arnezadar in her movie debut. A featurette also included in the DVD tells how Arenzadar was discovered at an audition and adds a "Star Is Born" commentary to the movie. She is indeed by far the best thing in the movie, apart from the music which is great.There are a couple of side plots about how Pigoli's wife abandons him and takes away his beloved son, Jo-Jo, who is learning the accordian. This movie works hard to move the viewer's tear glands, never missing a chance to go for the cheap, emotional effect. The musical interlude toward the end of the movie is charming. The songs are oh-so-Parisian and very evocative.But this movie flirts with something bigger. It continually alludes to the political situation, with the socialist government of Leon Blum battling strikes, the menacing presence of Hitler just across the border and the growth of ultra-right racism in Paris itself. Yet the movie ultimately dodges and ducks all these questions. We know that the Germans will soon occupy Paris and we want to know what happened to the protagonists. But the movie doesn't tell us. We see Pigoli released from prison in 1945 and we know that Jo-Jo grows up to be a star -- but we don't know what happens to Douce and her lover.This movie is quite enjoyable -- but ultimately soft and saccharin.
23 stars
happy I just like to say that I am happy with the service and pricing of Amazon. To optain a CD from OS within 7 days to Australia is just great, thank you.
34 stars
Rising SON This movie is awesome to see what happens to ICONs in the skate world. Brings back memories if you have ever skated before than you know this guy is trust me a nice purchase.
45 stars
The Shield S5 Review AWESOME, the only problem is there are not many episodes. Watched the whole season in about 2 days. Now hanging to see season 6.
45 stars
great price good series I am a fan of the series and just bought this for may Dad. This is basically a men's soap opera with guns and spys. Me and my friends dub this the Captain America Show because Jack the main charater is always trying to save the U.S. Be forewarned this series is highly addicting.Be ready for a crazy ride.
45 stars
second verse, same as the first. (twang) I am a fan of the first and I have to say this one stacks up. Okay a lot of people think the second is not as scary or spooky and things of that nature. I agree it's not, but was the first one all that spooky anyway. The Furnace Demon was cheesey. Angela was good. Here we have Angela and yes she's not scary, but I really don't think the movie is meant to be scary, but fun. That it is. While I'll admit it doesn't have the same circle arc as the first one, it still has joyful tounge-in-cheek chuckles. The motif of lipstick, for example, is carried on to this one. My main complaint is NO DVD. I like DVD and I fear this one will be forgotten in the shuffle. Don't let other people sell this movie short. It's good, just know what to expect.
34 stars
Totally Cool!!!!! This movie is a very very good one! Although the idea of a teen beating up on bad guys is awesome, I think that it was really touching that Oz would go through all that trouble for his step-sister. I also enjoyed the part where Ozzie and K-dog drive that go cart thing!!!! Spectacluar!! Very very wonderful!! Watch it!!
45 stars
a tv series definitely worth owning what can i say to add to everyone else's reviews - it is 100% worth owning. i bought this in october of last year and have gone through the dvds maybe 3 times so far. you can watch barney & company over and over again and not get tired of these episodes!as for how this one rates against the other seasons, season2 is still my favorite, but owning all 3 is highly recommended!
45 stars
Couldn't Do it This one didn't do it for me. I really wanted to like this, being such a fan of the first film. The acting in the film is okay, but it suffers so much compared to the Pacino/Penn film. The climax was very bland. The one thing I wish they would have explained better was how Carlito became friends with the Italian mobster and the African American bookie. They were both very successful people in their own circles, and Carlito was just a common care thief. Why would they cut him in as an equal partner in a tens of million dollar drug business? Also, how did all three get in one cell. This takes place in a time when racial tensions are high, and prison officials would not have put a white/African American and Hispanic in the same cell. And while everyone else in the film hates each other for being differant, these three love each other. I would have liked to see the story of how they got that way. I would steer clear of this one.
12 stars
Excellent Well, this product shipped extremely fast. I received it 3 days earlier than expected. The overall product was in excellent condition. I will definitely be purchasing more items. Overall, 5 star quality.
45 stars
Sweet & Lighthearted! I've already seen this a few times. It is one of my top favorites! It is a romantic comedy. There are a couple of scenes that you should probably take with a grain of salt. I can't believe some of the neg reviews... The casting is awesome! It is perfect for a gloomy day, it'll cheer you right up! Simply sweet! Jack Nicholson is the cherry on top for me ;))) I highly recommend it!
45 stars
Very dissapointing, especially from Jaa Ong Bak 2 and Ong Bak 3 combine to form a single story that is a prequel to Tony Jaa's wonderful Ong Bak. The story told in these movies takes place 600 years earlier than the modern day Ong Bak and, further, the two stories have nothing in common. So if you like Ong Bak you do not have to see installments 2 & 3. That's good because although this pair of movies tell an epic story with great potential, these movies are what is commonly referred to as 'a hot mess'.Tony Jaa could never be accused of not trying hard enough. His movies are filled to the brim with plot, subplot, characters of all kinds, wicked villains, and exceptional fight scenes. Of course, Jaa's skills as a martial artist are truly amazing and his movies really deliver, so much so that this viewer finds them almost a bit too much! Unfortunately, Ong Bak 2 is too much. It tries to cover too much ground in a single story and ends up delivering well on nothing. There's a complex political backstory, a love story, a coming of age subtext, and lots of fighting. Since none of these pieces of the movie are fully developed, Ong Bak 2 comes off like a victim of multiple personality disorder. All the different plotlines come forward and then vanish, shouting over each other in a confusing train wreck of storytelling.Part of the reason the movie turned out so badly is that production of Ong Bak 2 - which was really supposed to be a complete film without a sequel - turned into a Francis Ford Coppola-style debacle: out of control cost overruns, power struggles with the studios, and Tony Jaa apparently disappearing in the middle of shooting for two months. This chaos is clearly reflected in the resulting movie: Ong Bak 2 is so confusing with all its flashbacks, time shifting, and patched-up ending that you wind up lost as to what's going on and what the thread of the story is.Ong Bak 2 is also filmed in a very dark and overly dramatic manner, with self-conscious cinematography, unnecessary slo-mos and cuts, constant surging music, and strange color effects (not sure what the technical term for that is). And - to underline the dire IMPORTANCE of all that is happening - it is raining pretty much non-stop in this movie. Ong Bak 2 spares no expense to look great, but Tony Jaa (playing a nobleman's son named Tien) is another story. He's truly hideous in his rat's nest of long hair and just hard to look at without wincing. There are also scenes where the color and lighting make him look like Michael Jackson. Creepy!Finally, while Ong Bak 2 has some good fights, several fall flat. This is very surprising for a Jaa film. Slo-mos clearly reveal the weak contact between Jaa and his opponents, undermining the impact of the fights by letting us clearly see that they are - of course - staged for the camera. Elsewhere fast cuts render many of Jaa's moves impossible to follow. Lastly, the film makes use of wire-fu, shocking considering Jaa has always seemed to pride himself on presenting the real deal.Ong Bak 2 desperately needed its sequel in order to make sense, provide a resolution, or any viewing satisfaction. The third film was an attempt to provide an emergency clean-up effort after this runaway debacle slammed into a brick wall and splattered onto DVD.
12 stars
Me arnold, me kill you now...ungabunga I give this movie a bad rating because of the way they messed up the ending. There is a very, very good scene at the end where he uses an ironic method to kill the bad guys.BUT THEN THEY COME BACK TO LIFE!!! So arnold picks up one of them and throws him head first through an electric curcuit baord, and then he chops up the other bad guy with an axe. Now remeber, he's supposed to be a fireman, not Connan the Barbarian!!!!This is just another typical Arnold flick where the movie producers make him look like a killing machine.and for those of you who don't know..."ungabunga" is a phrase from the old captain caveman cartoon.
01 star
The best psychological horror film ever made. Many people won't like this movie, there's no doubting that, but anyone who refuses to sit down and accept the film the way it was made will never be able to appreciate it's beauty. Honestly, I didn't find it that scary, not until the final scene, but where everything leading up to the ending lacked in horror for me, it made up in the sheer psychological torture displayed by the incredible cast.The Blair Witch Project isn't a movie, it's more like a peice of art. If you have the correct perspective of it, even if it didn't make you scared it will disturb you, or at least bother you, and then you will look back at it and admire it, as I did. The amazing acting and the incredible cinematography, coupled with the most innovative plot ever created (right next to The Matrix) results in one of the best movies of 1999, and it makes me proud to be a fan of horror films.
45 stars
45 stars
Lottery Ticket DVD This movie was better than I expected! I kinda thought it was gonna be a "cheesy" movie because of the title, but it actually has a good storyline. It's a good buy.
45 stars
Really 25 stars...5 stars for each group! I grew up watching this video and to my surprise I found it at Blockbuster. I could not believe it. I have been watching it for the last two months regularly. This concert was blessed by God almighty himself! I imagine that as they performed he was in Heaven throwing down, because you know God can outdance any of us. My favs:The Mighty Clouds of Joy-Walk Around Heaven (I forgot it was them and thought it was the Temptations for a second.)Shirley Caesar-No Charge (No one can tell a story quite like Shirley.Walter Hawkins & Family-EVERYTHING!!! Their musicians were amazing.The Clark Sisters-EVERYTHING!!!! It should be illegal to sing like that!James Cleveland-EVERY SINGLE SONG!!!Excellent must have for any true lover of gospel. I know a lot of people don't enjoy older gospel as much as the new stuff, but I can bet any amount of money that the stuff people are listening to now can be traced back to these very artists. I have heard so many remakes of these songs form the newer artists. Much respect.
45 stars
One of the best re-creations of Leonard's novels I found this movie a refreshing breakthrough from most of the Elmore Leonard novels. Lately, his popularity has grown so much (and it's about time) that they're finally making decent movies that are true to his books. I liked the non-linear movement in this film, and was really impressed with Jennifer Lopez, whom I've never seen in anything before. George Clooney is who he is - he was fun in this. Michael Keaton was wonderful. All these characters were so believeable - they screw up and I loved it. I'll buy it (when the price drops...).
34 stars
Yup, its a crazy one allright. Yeah, I saw this movie when it came out NC-17. Yeah, I was like 17, I was disturbed, it was a cold February night downtown, my key broke off in my door and I had to pay a tow truck driver to tow me 55 mile home. The part with Perry at the counter and Skinny Puppy in the warehouse will live with me forever, as that night that I originally saw it will. It is simply a good example of nouveau avant garde filmaking. Kind of experimental. There were many art house films in the early to mid ninties that would definitly make your stomach turn, but that was the beauty of these movies, the total, unmistakable catharsis.
34 stars
A Good Beginning...That Sadly Went Nowhere This was Elvis' first attempt at a dramatic non-singing role. (He had done dramas before he went into the army. Both "Jailhouse Rock" & "King Creole", though having music in them, were dramatic roles, albeit tailor-made to fit his persona.)This movie is a decent western with an important & relevant message on race relations (especially when you consider that it was made during the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement.) Basically, the story takes place in Texas after the Civil War. Elvis' character, Pacer Burton, is the son of a Texas Rancher & a woman of the Kiowa-Indian Tribe. When the whites & Native Americans go to war (is this supposed to be the Red River War of the 1870's?), he & his family are caught in the middle. It's a powerful movie with a simple (and that's the beauty of it) plot that unfortunately, was all too plausible during the settling of the Old West. (Both Quannah Parker & the Bent Brothers were half-caste children of white/Indian parents & they eventually had to choose sides when the U.S. settlers/militia & Southern Plains Tribes went to war.)That's not to say that this film doesn't have flaws. Some of the dialogue is laughable at times. (Example: "I shall return again when the sun has killed the stars!" Also, "If Earth round, why men on bottom not fall off?") And the scene at the opening birthday party has Elvis singing "A Cane & A High-Starched Collar" to awkward square-dancing! (It's the only on-screen song that Elvis sings in the movie. The title tune is over the credits. Well, at least it's not as bad as Frankie Avalon singing "Gee Whizz, Golly Gee" in "The Tall Men" or Fabian singing "This Wonderful World" in "North To Alaska!") Also, from a historian's standpoint, it would have been nice if the film-makers had tied in the real-events of that time & place to this (fictional) story. (I mention the Red River War, which actually took place in 1874 in Texas between white buffalo hunters/the U.S. Army & an alliance of Kiowas, Commanches, Southern Cheyennes, Southern Arapahos, & Plains Apaches. If they had tied that real event to this story, it would have made the movie much more interesting.)Keep in mind, however, that any flaws in the script & direction do not take away from the power of the message in this film. Most of the dialogue, as well as the incidental film-music is very good.Another customer reviewer (who, out of respect, I won't name!) criticized this movie because it wasn't a musical. That's the real-life tragedy of this movie & Elvis' film-career. Elvis was a great singer, a true pioneer of rock n' roll. To be sure, there were MANY others (Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis, LaVern Baker, Jackie Wilson, The Everly Brothers, Wanda Jackson, Red Prysock, Carl Perkins, Bo Diddley, JoAnn Campbell, Sam "The Man" Taylor, Brenda Lee, Larry & Lorrie Collins, Bill Haley, etc. Did I name enough?!) But in the popular mind, he (rightfully) is ranked above them all, at the top, "The King", if you will. He also wanted to be (and I believe was capable of being) a great dramatic actor in the same vein as Marlon Brando (who was originally offered the part of "Pacer" in this film) & James Dean. Unfortunatelly, SOME of his fans (like the afformentioned "critic") couldn't accept him in anything other than a musical! (And BAD musicals at that! Movies like "Easy Come, Easy Go" & "Kissing Cousins" are examples of this & Elvis himself eventually became frustrated & depressed over having to act in junk like that!) The Colonel has been blamed for forcing bad scripts on Elvis, but the sad fact is that he was a business man & "Flaming Star", along with "Wild In The Country" failed to make significant profits at the box-office. "Blue Hawaii", however, did make a huge profit. It was THE FANS who dictated the Colonel's policy (and in no way am I implying that Parker was an honest businessman, but that's another story), & in the end, it's the fans who have to share in the blame for contributing to Elvis' decline as a successful (& serious) film-actor (and in a way contributing to his death, since it was this frustration, along with many other factors, which fueled his drug-dependency.)Frank Sinatra became a successful actor. Likewise, Kris Kristofferson, Kenny Rogers, Barbara Streisand, Beth Midler, & Diana Ross have found success as actors. The fans accepted these talented singers IN NON-MUSICAL ROLES. It's a shame that WE (yes, I'm a big Elvis fan) couldn't do the same for Elvis.It's tempting to speculate what would have happened if this movie, instead of "Love Me Tender" (which also takes place after the Civil War) had been Elvis' first film. Perhaps the fans would have been more inclined to accept him as an actor. Oh well, we'll never know for sure. One thing is certain, however. "Flaming Star" is a good example of what (sadly) might & should have been.P.S. A word on the "violence" in the movie. The afformentioned "critic" also took exception to the level of "violence" in the film. (Apparently, he showed it to his kids, assuming that just because it's an "Elvis-film", it's appropriate for family viewing. He was shocked by the serious tone & offended by the action sequences.) With respect to this person (and he is entitled to his opinion), "Flaming Star" is a WESTERN, one with social-commentary. The action sequences are there to illustrate the tragedy of the story & are no means excessive. Elvis & the people behind him DID NOT intended this movie to be marketed towards children & as such, it's a good idea to limit viewing of this movie towards viewers over the age of 12! (Hey, it was made in 1960, for God's sakes! They didn't have ratings back then!)
34 stars
ONE OF THE MOST FUN FILMS EVER SUKIYAKI WESTERN DJANGOTakashi Miike is one of my all time favorite filmmakers and for good reason I think, he makes highly entertaining films. Whether they are pure genius classics or just straight fun and entertaining I have enjoyed them all, from the all time classic "Audition" all the way to this one and beyond. Add in that my favorite filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is in this insanely fun flick and it makes for a great time. Taking a bit from another Western Django by Sergio Corbucci and with a mix of other films influence mixed in Miike takes us on a fun ride.The film is about a small town called Nevada in which a treasure chest is said to exist with all kinds of, you guessed it, treasure inside. This of course brings in all kinds of baddies like two clans who want the chest for themselves of course. Neither side wants the other to find it so they both live in the town running out the locals and waging war on one another. That is until a lone gunman [Hideyaki Ito] walks into town and walks right into the battle; of course each side wants him on their side. So the battle rages on with each side trying to get this man on their side as the body count rises and the action/comedy picks up.The look of this film is amazing mixing the spaghetti western and samurai styles and looks together in a very intriguing hybrid. The sets and costumes are marvelous and just add to the fun that is taking place before you. The action in this film is extremely fun as well mixing in martial arts with all kinds of gunplay and explosions, all you could ever ask for. The humor here is great as well ranging from just extravagant like shooting into the wind as to hit your target when it brings you back, to the stylized and gritty humor that Tarantino himself is known for.Speaking of Tarantino you can tell he was having all kinds of fun here especially since he always wanted to act. Any one who knows his history and style they know he was perfect to be the westerner in this film. Hideyaki Ito is perfect as well as the love gunman that walks into town and pulls off the role nicely. Kaori Moimoi, Yoshino Kimura, and the entire cast as well are just so terrific in this film, it is really great.Miike has crafted a super fun style over substance [if we are being honest] film that has that mainstream appeal at the same time it will be a cult classic, hard to do. From the wonderful cinematography to the over the top action all his here one could ever want. There are all kinds of other styles and films blended into this one movie and it is fun seeing all of them if you are fan of any of the films that are referenced. This may not be the best movie ever made but it is a runner for most fun for sure, any movie with a scene were one man can catch a sword before it slices into his head and the next man can't [hilarious scene] is great in my book.
34 stars