class label
5 classes
Simply A Terrific Film! I can watch this movie over and over again. Brilliant performances by all in both the primary and secondary roles. The type of movie where each time you watch, you pick up something new. I think that part of the appeal of the movie is that we can all identify with each of the three lead characters in some way. If I had to take just five movies with me to the proverbial desert island, this would surely be one of them.
45 stars
fine movie great Lincoln I gotta say I wasn't expecting much when I ordered this, cheap effects good laugh. What I got was maybe Asylum's best movie to date. The actor playing Abe was spot on and is the gem in this B movie. It's Asylum so expect cheap makeup, to few extras and some not to great line readings but if you like B movies it's really worth the time.
45 stars
The show finds itself As you read my season 1 review, I said that the show gets a lot better after first season, and second season is the proof. It has a lot of greatest episodes and a powerful Big Bad(s) comparing to that loser "The Master". Spike, Drusilla and Angelus are great additions to the show. And also, with this season emotional drama also begins. There are new romances on the way. It has vital and great episodes like, School Hard, Halloween, Innocence(my favorite from this season), Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, Passion, Becoming Parts 1&2. And also has really bad monster-of-the-week episodes that feels like season 1, which are: Some Assembly Required, Reptile Boy, Bad Eggs, Go Fish-you can skip those and not miss a thing. It's way better than the first season but not the best season of the show. My point is 8.5/10.
45 stars
A new view of Vampires for me, not a bad movie I was pleasently surprised by this film, a story of vampires that I had not seen before. This has sparked me looking into the other movies about Elizabeth Bathory, like a the classic film "Daughters of Darkness". This story is as entrenched as the Vlad Dracula storylines.I'm not going to re-hash the storyline like the other reviews, you can read it there. The story has enough spice with several tasteful erotic scenes, and but does get pretty boring following the main cop character around. They needed to focus a little more on Elizabeths character, and the backstory for newcomers like me. Anyway, it boils down to a descent movie to rent, possibly even pick up cheap to own. Not to scary, but enough to surprise you.
34 stars
Hilarious/Stupid This movie is extremely stupid and rediculous, but this is not a bad thing, for it is also one of the funniest movies ever! Anyone who likes to laugh should see it.For any of those who have seen it:OOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOO!
34 stars
Great Documentary!! Quite entertaining and intense. Great subject matter. The cinematography was really well done. I love that there are extra features on this dvd.
45 stars
Merry christmas, Mr Lawrenec As s son of a young boy who survived torture in the japanese warcamps, because of collecting food at night outside the camp, I had to live with all kinds of stories about the japanese and the war. Since I saw the film, for the first time I think what it might have been like
45 stars
Excellent Action/Horror Movie!! I absolutely love this movie! From the beginning to the end, it's action packed the whole way through. There are tons of aliens everywhere, a couple of predators here and there. Loads of action, blood, guts, gore and green blood. I like the characters. I like everything about it. And contrary to what others may say, this movie isn't hard to see because it's too dark, I saw it just fine. I think it may be there computer that is too dark or something because the movie is very clear on my laptop. Yes the whole movie basically takes place in the dark but that's understandable because Predators see best at night and I don't think Aliens want to be seen in broad day light no matter how strong and vicious they are, they know just like the predator knows to attack at night when it's dark. It would look kind of stupid if they were running around attacking in broad day light.This movies is entertaining from beginning to end and it isn't stupid or cheesy at all. It's hardcore, it's thrilling. There aren't any jokes in the movie, nothing corny or lame like other movies. I didn't really like the first AVP but this one is awesome. Plus unlike the first one, the predator doesn't ever team up with the humans which is a ridiculous concept if anyone saw the very first Predator movie.Don't believe what others are saying here, if I would have listened to them I wouldn't have watched it and enjoyed myself. If you love Predator and Aliens then this movie is for you. If you don't like it, you may need to check your pulse because this movie never stopped with the action.
45 stars
Wonderful! A must see! I love foreign films and documentaries and this film is why. Sandrine just puts the camera on her sister Sabine and lets it speak for itself. Mixed in are the enchanting home movies from Sabine's youth. As a good documentary should do Sandrine doesn't try to shape the film into anything other than what it is. Fortunately things were improving towards the end of the film, I don't know if I could have handled it if they were not. See this film, you will not regret it!
45 stars
i love this movie This movie was so funny. Jennifer Aniston is amazing. She always has the funniest lines. Not only does she have great lines but she knows how to say them and make them funny and realistic. Jay Mohr was great too. They looked sooo good together. I wish they would make a part 2. i love this movie so much i always watch it when its on tv.
45 stars
Three Rivers is great TV I enjoy watching the episodes of this tv series that I didn't get to sample the first time around. I also LOVED "Moonlight" as well, which was also the case. After being a regular viewer of Hawaii-Five-O, i thought, why not see how Alex O'Loughlin's other series were. I found both of them enjoyable. I'm glad that his current GIG caught on. He is able to carry all three shows. It's unfortunate that the first two did not catch on. I recommend both "Three Rivers" and "Moonlight".
45 stars
I loved it. I got to see this move at Vulgarthon 2002 and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of twists and turns and a depth and darkness I hadn't expected before seeing it. The movie is definitely not for everyone. If you have a dark sense of humor (like I do) it is really worth a watch. I believe someone already stated "maybe you should rent it first" before buying it.
34 stars
Only to complete the collection I loved the first 3 seasons and I blame Jeff for it. This last I bought it because it was the last of the series. There are some participations of Jeff on it and the nave-sexual Jane has always something to teach...Although I don't recommend strongly this season, the other 3 are hillarious, and I highly recommend it
23 stars
Disappointing I think I fell for the cool cover art and the famous names. This was just a collection of fairly bad films submitted to Fangoria magazine. If you make your own home movies you might enjoy it, but I was disappointed.
01 star
ENTERTAINING, BUT A LITTLE UNEVEN! While this film seems like it should have come out a decade ago, but it does have some funny moments and the cast keeps you interested. I'm not the biggest fan of the Star Wars films, but the original trilogy is miles ahead of the second one. The strangest part of the film is that it is complete goofy, but one of the main characters has cancer! I know it is the motivation in the story, but it just seems a little harsh considering the rest of the film is absurd. If you're a fan of the SW films then this is a no brainer, but even "Luke"(hehe)warm fans can be entertained!
23 stars
Breaking bad Season 5 "Breaking Bad" is the best TV series ever! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are amazing. The writing is unbelievably wonderful and unpredictable.
45 stars
wow This one was even better then the others. The action and comedy can't be beat. I think this is my fav. one.
45 stars
24, still a great show, despite whiners I ditto A. Foges recent review, not sure of his rankings, but yes, i think season 6 is in the top half for sure... I also don't get how people are saying season 6 is 24 going down hill, ridiculous - maybe they are just expecting some better TV at this point? They want a new and better thrill?, good luck Mr. and Mrs. Excessively High Standards of American Entertainment! 24 still works just fine! This formula will require more seasons for me before i tire of it!, if ever! It is by far the only show on TV where i have actually felt like i have a life watching it! Its that engaging!, the couch potato effect has no chance when watching this show!
45 stars
ONE OF HOOT'S BEST! According to the Alpha dvd jacket sleeve Hoot Gibson "...considered his part in the fast-paced western WILD HORSE to be his favorite among all his starring roles." I would have to agree with the HOOTER. A HUGE star in the silent era, Hoot Gibson was one of the few cowboy heroes whose screen presence benefited from the arrival of sound, although his career did not. The major studios felt westerns had no place in talkies and Universal dumped Hoot forcing the star to hang on with poverty row studios. Ensuing court battles kept Hoot off the big screen for a couple years and by the time he was ready to hop back into the saddle singing cowboys were becoming the craze. Hoot, Ken Maynard, Tom Mix, Tim McCoy, Buck Jones & others were suddenly old-timers.WILD HORSE is one of the truly GREAT low-budget B-Westerns! And Alpha's dvd print is outstanding! Some minor speckling, some scratches, some noise distortion, nothing to distract from viewing enjoyment. This print is beautiful, especially for a film released in 1931. Sharp, crisp images with background depth, clear and detailed...a visual treat!Hoot and sidekick Skeeter try to capture the wild Devil Horse for the rodeo, but Edmond Cobb kills Skeeter and steals the horse leaving Hoot to be blamed for murder. This could well be Cobb's best preformance in a B-Western. He gets lots of screen time in a meaty role.Likeable Bill Robbins who plays unlucky Skeeter was unlucky in real life as well, being killed in an automobile accident shortly after this film was made.Stepin Fetchit's humor is embarrasing and could be done without.Hoot is simply great, as quick with his wit as with his gun. Silent films could never showcase Hoot's humor to such an advantage! And it's Hoot's humor and line delivery that make this film seem so fresh, even today.WILD HORSE is a must see for fans of B-Westerns and Hoot Gibson, and the Alpha dvd is the one to get.My HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!
45 stars
THE DARKEST HOUR AND A HALF!!! I would have preferred to have sat in the DARKEST closet instead of watched this piece of garbage. Go towards the light and forget this one.
01 star
In Need of a Rewrite Tom Wilkinson's sandout performance saved this movie for me. The rest of the cast is merely adequate. The problem with this film is its flimsy script. Too many abrupt shifts in point of view left me more confused than satisfied. For example, when Nick Stahl's character is killed, why did the filmmaker suddenly shift from the boy and his scuffle to the woman coming down the stairs just as the trigger is pulled so the audience wouldn't see the "murder"? This leaves a doubt for the viewer about the killer's motivation. For all I know, the gun went off accidentally, just like the defense claimed. Why would I think otherwise? This underminds the parent's noble "revenge" solution and makes them seem like cold-blooded murders, rather than justice seekers.Numerous other points of view shifts robbed the viewer of critical scenes, including the wife's complicity and her support for the revenge. Why were these left out?Also, the build up for the first "murder" didn't ring true to me. The entire threat could have been avoided if someone had simply called the police on this guy early in the story. Marisa Tomei's character could simply have filed a restraining order against the jerk at the first signs of trouble. Yeah, her character was dumb, but come on already! The fact that the cast couldn't bring themselves to dial 911 seemed contrived and made the eventual killing very predictable.Finally, the dialogue in the woods at the end was downright amateurish. When the killer is shot, apparently premature, the friend had no reason to tell the Wilkinson's character what their plan had been ... other than for the benefit of the audience. Very maid and butler. Tsk, tsk.
23 stars
Well casted and thoughtful! The Perfect family is about a Catholic woman (Kathleen Turner) who is nominated for a prestigious award of Catholic Woman of the Year. When Turner finds out that the Arch Bishop of Dublin is coming to decide who will be awarded and will decide upon a family interview, Turner does everything she can to create the "Perfect Family." With a distanced marriage from her former, now sober, alcoholic husband, son who is divorcing his wife and seeing an older woman, and coping with the new found awareness that her daughter is getting married and having a baby with another woman. This thoughtful, funny, well casted movie is a hit! The story plot is simple, but the cast supports each other in such a believable way. Furthermore... as the movie progresses, it offers several great messages about family with hints of humor! I would highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for a movie with great acting, a simple story, and all around great movie! I will enjoy this movie again and again!!
45 stars
This movie will make you squirm in your seat At first I was reluctant to see this movie. Now I see why I was so reluctant. This movie has scenes that will make you squirm in your seat. It turned out to be a pretty good horror flick.After seeing this movie I might think twice next time I go to the dentist for dental work. It makes me wonder. If my dental hygienist is having a bad day, am I going to end up like Dr. Fienstone's patients???
34 stars
Give us a Break! The film builds rather slowly, but does scrape 4 stars with a clever ending...My main objection is to the compulsory viewing of trailers before the film reaches Menu. What in God's name made some idiot producer think that we want to view trailers to other films once, let alone every time the DVD is loaded? My fairly good DVD player (no problems with any other DVD I have) will not skip straight to menu with this DVD. Generously, the DVD advises us that we can Fast Forward through these crappy trailers. Most DVD players do not Fast Forward very quickly, and getting more than 5 minutes in gives me a sore finger muscle, and a blind hatred of moronic marketers.I suggest all buyers should punish such DVD producers by not buying, or protesting very loudly!
34 stars
Good but not too good. Sure this story relates in real high school kids lives but I thought the charecter Tamara was a bit....crazy? Idk. It is a good movie though. If you dont like the fact that the ending sucks and left a big question? I suggest renting it wud be better
34 stars
The first half hour was good but than it was terrible The first half hour of this movie was funny and looked like this was going to be a good movie. Right After the wedding planner scene, is where this movie got bad. It didnt get bad slowly though, it got bad quickly. The first 30 min were put together poorly but were at least funny but the rest of the movie is like the director smoked a bag of weed when they made it. If they make a sequel i hope the whole thing is good and it has a btter story
23 stars
Terrible Don't waste your money even renting this video. There were some great reviews on the back of the box, so I rented it, and it was written by the same guy who wrote "The Usual Suspects," so I figured it might be good. I did not even finish...i watched for over an hour but I could not take the boredom any longer and I could not care less how it ended. Boring and pointless and completely uninteresting.
01 star
Kathy Sings First let me say I love Kathy Bates. This is at least as good as Misery or Fried Green Tomatoes if not better. She is particularly good in the scenes where she must have a flat effect. From pathos to suspence to comedy this movie has it all. I was hysterical for the Sundance scene. And then Kathy sings. I have heard her with small bits but in this one she really cuts loose. From softly singing to herself to making the rafters ring and she is really very good. The supporting cast does a marvelous job. The only thing that bothered me was the "Fox" singing numbers - the chorograghy was not the best. It was stiff and abrupt, not like I have seen him move before. After you find out that his character was [homosexual] it could make sense. This is a welcome addition to my collection.
34 stars
WATCH THIS MOVIEEEEEEE The Sasquatch Gang is one of the best movies I've seen in my entire life. Its so good that I watched it 5 times in one day... its one of those movies that you can just watch repeatedly and never get tired of. Give it a chance! Its hilarious!
45 stars
What's with the price? Why in the world is this movie so expensive? I am a teacher and just want to show it to my students. $26? Really?
01 star
Oldie But Goodie I first saw this movie when I was a child, it catching my attention as my mother watched it in the livingroom. I could never get into an old black and white movie I didn't think. I am happy to be able to own it now and hopefully, it will catch the attention of my own children someday so I can share with them. There are some heartbreaking moments in this movie that are hard for me to watch over again. But if a movie can touch you the way this does, it is worth watching over and over; and a "have to" to own for classic movie lovers.
45 stars
love it didn't think i would like it but my sons got me interested in it and now i love the show
45 stars
Transcendent Filmmaking I once shared this movie with several friends - to my amazement they didn't care for it. Their criticism was misguided, and amounted to something about how they disagreed with some of the philosophical points made in the dialogue, and that they weren't impressed with the youthful conversation. I don't know how one can miss the point of this movie so badly. It functions on many levels, but one way to describe it in a few words is that it depicts what it means to be young (I am in my mid 40's). You really have to have a tin ear and a tin heart to not be moved emotionally by this movie. It's really great to read all the positive reviews. It is the only movie I have ever purchased.Again, it is beautiful on many levels and filled with great scenes and music, but let me say that the ending is the most visually and emotionally moving ending to a movie I have ever seen. I'm referring to the scene where the camera revisits at sunrise the places the 2 characters have been during the night. Like all art, one can't really describe it, but it depicts and underscores loneliness, the human soul, and how relationships and the "in between" give meaning to our lives.
45 stars
34 stars
Hoping for a rebound Season 1 was very good, and Seasons 2-5 were solid gold thru-out -- the best contemporary television has to offer in drama, engrossing plot, characters you care about and truly unprecedented addictive powers -- and I give 5-stars to each of them. That said, Season 6 was so misconceived it hurt to watch.My theory is that the producers' time/talent was unfortunately divided between Season 6 and prepping for the 24 feature movie, which was said to have completed script as early last summer. Also, CTU -- as cool as that setting is --had probably out-lived its potential as a place for set up big chunks of story. It peaked in "Day 5" with the incredible poison gas sequences.I fear the '07 Writers Guild strike might prove to be a death blow to 24 -- since "Day 7" has been officially postponed to (probably) 2009. I hope this changes, but to date, it seems clear we will not see "Day 7" in 2008.But if 24 "Day 7" rebounds to its former standards, there'll be no fan happier than I. (...right now I am really resisting an urge to cave in and buy "Day 6", but ultimately I know better than to revisit that truly saddening disaster. I'll put "Day 3" on instead).
12 stars
I'm Feeling Energized I own a couple of Shiva Rea's Yoga videos and the matrix rocks! I don't know of any others that let you create your own session by choosing specific sets. I had a chance to meet her in person recently at her Inner Fire workshop and it was a great experience. She is so down to earth and has a way of connecting with people on an individual basis that is beyond description. No words could do justice.This video helps to create a space for personal growth. Now that I'm in my practice I have an appreciation for her unique style that initially wasn't there years ago. She gives guidance and verbal cues as she does the asanas, including kramas for a few. It's amazing how intuitive the dialogue is. Just as my mind begins to wander or I resist the urge to let go, Shiva's voice guides me back on the path as if she's standing right there. Love it!
34 stars
Uncommon Valor: Uncommon Vietnam War movie This was one of the first movies I saw as a kid about the Vietnam War and it had a profound impact on me. The movie never delves into the political arguments against the war. From the movie's standpoint, we were there, and we left men there. Regardless of whether the war was right or wrong, the only right thing to do now, is get our men back. This was also one of the first Gene Hackman movies I ever saw, and I have been a diehard fan ever since. No other actor can disappear into a role the way Hackman does, and here is a great example of the movie's leading character doing just that, leading. Hackman gives a great performance, balancing the tough Army Colonel with the soft, gentle side of being a father. The cast is exceptional, Fred Ward, Reb Brown and Randall "Tex" Cobb being the standouts. Tim Thomerson has never been better (really). And what better role for a young, up and coming Swayze, who delivers an emotionally deep role. True the plot turns formulaic toward the end, but the superb cast pulls you in and you don't even realize it. But this movie gets it's point across: There are still US Servicemen over there, and whether or not you agreed with the Vietnam War, the only right thing to do is to go back and get them. I highly recommend this movie, if not for the theme of the movie, at least for the superb acting that it contains within. I've seen really bad movies with Gene Hackman, but he was still good, now see him in a really good movie, where he shines.
34 stars
Season Two The great presentation of the first season continues with season two. Ideal for the whole family to watch with no nasty surprises.The writing, acting and casting are excellent.
45 stars
It was a pretty good movie I am a big fan of Justin Timberlake so I always like to go out and see his movies. He is not one of my favorite actors. He is my favorite music artist. Anyway, I thought the movie was pretty good. It was funny at times. I thought Justin did pretty good. I have seen all his movies and I can see every time he is getting better. I thought he did pretty good in this movie. Jeff Bridge character was just annoying. Maybe because he reminded me of my dead beat dad. I did rent it from the library but I would actually like to buy this one.
23 stars
I watched this on a recommendation ...... Somebody recommended this wonderful piece of tripe to me as a good movie, and now I wish them bodily harm. The special effects were pretty good, but they don't save the outrageousness of the acts being commited in the movie. Add that to the lousy acting by just about everbody in the film, and you have a bonified loser of a movie. I wish I could give this movie negative stars.After watching this wonderful piece of garbage DVD, I watched the deleted scenes. It then made perfect sense to me why Stabone was in charge of the screenplay. He deleted any scene dipicting him as he was originally written, as a bad person. Stabone always has to play the hero. What an ego, somebody should call him and let him know that he's no longer "cool". Oh wait, was he ever?
01 star
This movie makes a waste of time look good! I rented this movie for a friend who was staying with us. She told my wife that her close friend liked this movie. On her suggestion I rented the movie for all of us to watch. After ten minutes, the movie was so bad that our three cats walked out of the room and threatened to leave if they were forced to watch any more of it. We gave it another five minutes and all agreed that we should only show this movie to guests who you never see again.
01 star
Off the wall humor! I liked this movie, But I warn you it really is off the wall. I wont tell you what my job is but, lets just say there is some really funny parts in it that I can relate to! Never Mind!!! :)
34 stars
Mission Impossible--liking Tom Cruise Not a fan of Tom Cruise or the prior Mission Impossible movies. Actually rented this one because of Jeremy Renner and Simon Pegg. While I still don't care for Cruise after watching Ghost Protocol, Pegg added some lightness and humor to the script, and Renner put another good humored tough guy into the mix. Oh, and I'm a fan of the director Brad Bird, who directed Iron Giant and The Incredibles. The action sequences were breathtaking. As the star, of course Cruise is going to do most of the awesome stunts, and him crawling up the side of a building, and fighting the bad guy in a parking garage had me holding my breath. If there is another Mission Impossible movie with the same actors and director, I would watch it.
34 stars
A true story like no other, Charlize Theron IS Aileen Wuornos in Monster This is the brutal, yet sad story of Aileen Wuornos, a Florida prostitute who murdered at least 7 men and was ultimately executed in 2002 after spending 12 years on Death Row.Charlize Theron brings Wuornos to life in this movie and gives an astonishing performance as "Lee" a self-described "hooker" who routinely hitchhikes along the highway looking for "johns".Her life suddenly changes when she meets Selby, a lesbian whose parents in Ohio has sent South to stay with relatives in the hopes she will go straight. Instead, the two fall in love. Lee, who initially denies she is "gay", becomes so enamored with Selby that she becomes driven: to make more money; to take care of Selby; to get her away from her meddling relatives. That means more nights hooking, more men to please (any way they like), untill Lee kills a john who abuses her physically. She takes his car and money and the spiral downward begins for both women.Theron is mesmerizing as Lee - giving a performance that burns in the memory and won her an Academy Award.
45 stars
bleh It had an interesting story but I can't for the life of me figure out the relationship between these people. Why do they love each other? It's like they meet...and they're in love. That's it. None of them are likeable. Unless they're all just high on drugs, which they are, and everything is always happy and good and there's love love love everywhere. I didn't enjoy it.
12 stars
24 Season 6 The box set of 24 Season 6 is what I expected. However I'm glad I didn't buy it just for the Exclusive Special Features disk. That disk is pretty much fluff which adds little to the box set. The main episode disks are great and I am glad I bought them.
34 stars
suck it Xfiles damned good series. Cant wait to see how the US version is screwed up by Hollywood's influences
45 stars
Man On a Mission I'll try not to repeat what Amazon reviewers have already said about this film. Were it a minute longer, it would be unbearable for even a single viewing. But as it stands, "Glen or Glenda" is worse than "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and consequently more enjoyable (it's also shorter). Three additional points about the film:1. Ed Wood has the magnified "didactic" sensibility of a preacher or compulsive rhetorician. His primary mode of development is repetition. The story never gets under way because Ed keeps announcing the "premise" of his movie, postponing the impossible challenge of telling a story on film. In effect, we never get beyond the title. Not only his voice-over narration but his manipulation of stock footage and use of non-narrative montage mark him as the ultimate cinematic huckster or pitch man.2. Ed's choice of scenes tells us virtually nothing about "Glen" but probably reveals a lot about Ed. From the World War II footage to strip-tease and B&D; scenes (mild) Ed shows that he's a "slightly" deviant, cross-dressing heterosexual but sufficiently "alternative" to have empathy for transsexuals. He's also clearly an individual who has struggled with his share of desires and demons.3. However bad, the film must be judged daring for a 1953 film, a time when the word "virgin" and even "sex" was taboo on the screen. (The film even discusses and represents homosexuality.) Moreover, apart from the treatment, Ed's choice of subject matter insures the film will be taken with more than a little seriousness by viewers who share Ed's urges and interests. In that respect, "Glen or Glenda?" is more "relevant" than ever, since I can't think of any other commercial movie that approaches the same subject as head-on as this one. In fact, most gender-bender movies, from "Some Like It Hot" to "The Bird Cage," are far more exploitive of their subject matter than is Ed Wood. Make no mistake: he's clearly a man on a mission.
34 stars
Needs Lots of Popcorn I dearly love a good Western and seek out old ones on a regular basis, but I can't recommend this one without a hefty dose of reservation, even though it makes me feel like a traitor for saying it. It does have absolutely splendid cinematography to it's credit, vast Southwest Vistas, including some splendid shots of Monument Valley, a wild river, secret passes through canyon walls - and this was the only thing that made it bearable. But that's about it, and while very important to me, I don't watch a movie simply for the scenic agenda, and I can overlook a lot of things, but not substance, which this story line could have produced, had enough care been given in it's direction. As it is, I didn't feel it worthy of it's all-star cast, which included such people as Eli Wallach, Burgess Meredith, Omar Sharif, Lee J. Cobb, Keenan Wynn, Telly Savalas; and certainly not worthy of Gregory Peck, who was at his Zenith at the time; I can't imagine what he, or any of this high octane cast was thinking when they signed on, because without the photography, the script must have sounded weak from the onset. None of these brilliant actors were able to salvage their roles; in fact, it almost seemed as though they were embarrassed to be seen there. Add to this a beautiful blonde kidnap victim whose hair doesn't get dirty until the final moments and a sultry Caucasian actress (Julie Newmar) posing unsuccessfully as a gorgeous Indian outlaw under heavy brown makeup, (which becomes measurably lighter after the underwater scene) and you have a moment or two when you wonder if it's worth sitting still. But for Gregory Peck, I pressed on.The story revolves around a legend of a remote and mysterious canyon guarded by Spirits and containing veins of gold plainly visible along its walls; a canyon the Indians hold sacred. The legend has changed it's name three times, with the last being named for McKenna, the part played by Gregory Peck. The concept was very good, and it would have been a classic film had it been better executed, with more attention to the details that separate the good from the ho hum, because almost all of us love the inherent aura of a legend. Possibly the best part of the whole thing was during the first five minutes, with Gregory Peck as a U.S. Marshal shooting the old grandfather Indian in a case of mistaken identity. The old man, the last of his kind, believed he was protecting the sacred "Canyon of Gold" from unworthy and unbelieving people whom he knew were coming only to pillage it's wealth. He was in possession of a map painted on a scrap of buckskin, detailing the whereabouts of the lode. Peck burns this as he has had his fill of pursuing the yellow mirage himself, and no longer believes in the legends, but he knows the old Indian is correct about the plunder, and he is soon and reluctantly swept along with a motley collection of characters all of whom want a piece of the action. The map has been burned, but Peck is the man who carries it in his head, and he becomes the single most important member of the expedition for that reason; and any reason that keeps you alive while under the heavy hand of Mexican outlaw Colorado (Omar Sharif) is not to be questioned. Gold does strange things to people and almost immediately upon the first whiff of it, no matter how outrageous the rumor, and this part of the tale does manage to be effective in a mild way. Telly Salvalas as the rogue Cavalry officer turning desperado right before their eyes, adds a twist, but it's not enough either, because now the viewer knows what the story could have been but will not be.But I did watch the entire movie, and maybe the scenery was worth the whole thing after all. Where else could you spend some time in that magnificent land of harsh, mind-bending beauty, rubbing shoulders with the spirits without having to bother about taking enough water with you?
23 stars
Excellent Ran, is directed by the great Akira Kurosawa. This film is a pure masterpiece. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER REVIEWS.
45 stars
A Must See to understand US Health Care: engaging and informative Beyond the political one liners, here is an engaging film from US experts and journalists on the fact of our US health care system which is not improving health or care. It demonstrates the complex issues of health care. It shows how our US system incentivises volume over health care. It shows what could be done, what has been done elsewhere and in innovative centers throughout the US. It shows how all these models can be used to REFORM the organizational and payment system to provide a system that improves health. Within the Accountable Care Act that is so complex and misunderstood are the incentives for these new models. Rather than incentivize hospitals to put heads in beds, they need to ensure appropriate, timely, safe and patient oriented care when needed as part of a team of health care professionals working to improve health. Once the system of care teams are paid and reorganized to improve health, service to patients is the focus, prevention of what is preventable, rapid diagnosis and treatment of disease and seriously improved care for the 20% of people who have one or many chronic illnesses and use 80-90% of our health dollars. These programs can save 30% from administrative and waste reduction and 30% in improving health. We can have a system oriented to patient satisfaction and health at 1/3 to 1/2 the cost. We can do this to put money back in people's pockets and ensure our US economy can become more competitive going forward. This movie is a must see for every patient, every care giver and everyone involved in health care in America.
45 stars
Yeesh! Honestly, guys, just because you think it's a stupid action movie doesn't mean you have to give it FIVE STARS! What's up with that? Every kill is shot in slow-mo from fifteen different angles. That is not good direction by any stretch of the imagination for anyone with a shred of critical faculty. Van Damme is like three feet tall, with an accent more syrupy than a chain of waffle houses (to paraphrase Mike Nelson) He does not deserve to be enriched, complimented, or even *tolerated*. Even Hollywood is catching on to this.Admittedly, I'm a horror movie fan, and loathe action movies. But even if I enjoy an occasional crappy horror movie (and that's about 90% of them, if I have to be brutally honest) doesn't mean I give it FIVE STARS! In the future, try not to be so idiotic.
01 star
A sweet DVD release for the sweetest television program ever I've had the new DVD set for about ten days now (my local retailer had it out on the shelves a week before the official release date, I grabbed it the moment I spotted it), so I guess I will be the first to give the rundown on the set.This is a high-quality release from BBC Video, on par with the "Fawlty Towers" and "Yes, Minister" sets. There are four single-sided discs in an attractive, colorful fold-out case -- one series (or season) per disc, plus a fourth for the 1977 Christmas special plus a few extras. I have watched about half the episodes and they are bright and clear, no problems with picture or sound quality. One odd thing: although the package is labeled "Good Neighbors", the titles on the episodes themselves say "The Good Life", the original name of the series (the music and graphics are the same).The set is light on special features, the main feature being an interview with "cast, crew, and celebrity fans" that runs about a half hour. It is basically a highlight reel from the series, with running commentary from Richard Briers, Penelope Keith, and some other British television personalities who will probably only be familiar to residents of the UK. Nothing too profound here, just a lot of people going on about how wonderful the show was, sort of like a long promo (but still fun to watch). The only disappointment is that Felicity Kendal does not make an appearance.Still, the most important thing is that all the episodes from series 1-3 are included, in their original broadcast order. Another reviewer mentioned that the series finale is "missing" from the set, and that is true -- none of the episodes from the fourth and final series are included, presumably because they were previously released as part of a DVD set from Acorn Media. Apart from that one flaw, this is a terrific set, and a must-have.As for the show itself, what can I say? This is without doubt the sweetest television program ever made. And by "sweet", I do not mean sickly sweet like some Disney-esque treacle that makes you want to vomit, I mean four immensely appealing actors, playing truly lovable characters (yes, even Margo Leadbetter is lovable in her own insecure, wannabe snob sort of way). The Goods enjoy a warm, happy marriage, and genuine friendship with their neighbors, the Leadbetters, and you cannot help but smile and cheer for them, as they stand by each other through thick and thin. "The Good Life" is an ideal program for a family to watch together, or for anyone who is feeling down on a rainy day.The contents of the set:Disc 1, Series 11. Plough Your Own FurrowTom and Barbara Good decide to leave the rat race of every day life and become as near to self-sufficient as possible without leaving their Surbiton home. Penelope Keith is not seen in this episode, however, her voice is heard right at the very end.2. Say Little HenThe Goods continue to acquire animals but their next door neighbors Jerry and Margo Leadbetter try to save the Goods from themselves.3. The Weaker Sex?A cast iron stove nearly puts Barbara's fire out on the whole idea.4. Pig's LibWhen the Goods get some pigs, Margo finally draws the line.5. The Thing in the CellarThe Goods search for alternative sources of food and Tom puts dung to good use in the cellar.6. The Pagan RiteBills pile up, the Goods need a holiday, and Tom weighs his moral ideals against accepting a job to help pay for it all.7. Backs to the WallOn the day before harvest, Tom hurts his back and the weather goes bad, leaving Barbara three days to bring in the harvest or it will rot.Disc 2, Series 21. Just My BillTom and Barbara have proved their mettle in the Garden, but they are challenged with making money off the surplus to pay their bills.2. The Guru of SurbitonTwo students arrive to help the Goods out, but in Tom they find their new messiah!3. Mr. Fix-ItA reporter arrives to do a story on the Goods and Margo schemes of ways to bask in some of their fame.4. The Day Peace Broke OutWhen a mysterious thief begins to steal the Goods' leeks, Tom declares war!5. MutinyJerry must choose between obeying Sir or trying to please Margo by attending her musical The Sound of Music.6. Home Sweet HomeAfter hearing about an ideal farm from a farmer, Tom is all ready to leave Surbiton. But Barbara doesn't want to go, and she isn't the only one.7. Going to PotThe Goods decide to attend night classes to learn valuable skills. While Margo schemes to outwit a new neighbor adept at painting by taking up pottery.Disc 3, Series 31. The Early BirdsAfter the Leadbetter's have enough of the Goods' crack-of-dawn activities, the Goods search for new ways to design their schedule.2. The Happy EventEfficiency is the name of the game, until Pinky the Pig has her litter.3. A Tug Of The ForelockAfter Tom brainstorms an idea for revamping the rotary cultivator into a transport vehicle, the Goods' try their hand at becoming a housekeeping service to the Leadbetters to earn cash.4. I Talk To The TreesThe Goods decide to experiment with talking to their plants to see if they'll grow more as Margo plans to run for Music Society President.5. The Wind-Break WarMiscommunication deteriorates into family feud when Margo's windbreak puts the Goods' fruits in the shade.6. Whose Fleas Are These?The Goods struggle to contain a flea outbreak and the search for the source is on!7. The Last Posh FrockWhen Barbara rips her last fancy dress, Tom can't understand how much she has sacrificed.Disc 41977 Christmas SpecialSpecial features:- Interviews with cast, crew, and celebrity fans- Cast biographies- Trailers
45 stars
Morgan's Ferry is good entertinment I had seen this movie before I bought it. I enjoyed it then and wanted to add it to my collection. I mostly like the actors. It's not glitz but an interesting little haunt.
23 stars
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME THIS MOVIE IS THE WORST I would put this movie in the top 10 of the worst movies of all time. I give this movie a "1" beacuse it is not possible to give it a -4.I love simple and fun movies, but this movie is not worth wasting the time to watch or the time to drive to rent it if it is FREE.
01 star
Brilliantly crafted, from start to finish --- A Must See! A Scanner Darkly is a brilliant film. Originally a Novel by Phillip K. Dick (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report), was adapted skillfully & results in a great movie experience -- especially due to the animation / painting over the original film.I wont ruin the points of the movie -- I will say that the acting was superb by all, as was the script adaptation. It is not at all hard to follow, as some have said -- just don't leave for 5-10 min and leave it playing - pause it, it's really that simple.I'll admit, when I 1st saw the Trailers, I thought "what the heck is that movie about, what the heck is that title suppose to mean, and why the heck would they animate live film - it's probably going to be a retarded attempt to cash in on new technology, while screaming - Hey, We're the 1st ones to do this form of media... the movie's terrible, but who cares, we're the 1st, so you have to see it!!" ---- BOY WAS I WRONG.I didn't realize till after it left the theaters that it was a P.K.D. Novel, and figured, since the Producers weren't "screaming" "see it cause it's unique" -- they probably did it for a good reason (not just for show) & I should give it a chance.... and I'm here to tell you, you should too. It's NOT some Stoner movie, it's not even a "drug movie". It's a movie about what the "War On Drugs" could (and may) turn into, it's about who's right, and what's enough -- but miles away from what Minority Report was about... it's only set 7 years in the future... but is very relavent to the Political, and Societal climate of today.Anyway - it's not often I take the time to gab about good movies (or music) -- mostly I write (and warn) against Garbage (of which there is much) -- so that should say a lot.... this is a very good movie; and I was Very skeptical even when buying it ---- but extremely glad I did. I will give 1 warning (since I've referenced his other works): This is NOT an action movie. It is a Dark Comedy / Thriller I guess is the best way to describe it. It's not something you'll want to watch over and over (like when you 1st got Total Recall or Minority Report; and other such movies) but definitely worth getting & watching periodically.Anyone who says anything contrary to what I've said -- just has something against 1 or more of the actors, didn't pay attention to the film (or has ADD), or saw it expecting something totally different - and were just disappointed because of that... which is generally the case for about 1/2 the bad reviews most good (yet sometimes misunderstood) movies get.Thanks, & enjoy the flick!
45 stars
Fast Delivery I rcv'd my item in like 2-3days. The DVD is in excellent condition, and it's a movie that I had years ago, and wanted it back into my collection. I get all my DVD's from Amazon! Quick, and inexpensive. I mean who can beat 1 cent on movies, even with the S & H it's still less than Wal-Mart or any place else. I would buy from this user again!
45 stars
UK? I know this aint exatly a review cus i aint seen it. is this DVD for sale in the UK. Will this DVD play in the Uk if i bought it?
45 stars
A Biased fan's review Let me start this by saying that U2 is my favorite band and that I would buy any album that they put out, even if it was absolutely terrible (although I can't see that happening!). And, not surprisingly, I loved Rattle and Hum. If you have any interest in U2, I'm guessing you will too. Highlights of the film are the spectacular live versions of "Sunday Bloody Sunday", "With or Without You", "Bullet the Blue Sky", and "Where the Streets Have No Name". It's hard not to get caught up in U2's trip across America. The film is mostly concert footage, there's not a whole lot of interviews with the band or anything, but the concert footage alone makes this DVD well worth the money. A masterpiece.
45 stars
Good movie If you like dancing movies this is one for you my sons also love it thats why im giving it 5 stars.
45 stars
fifty fifty This is a really good film it has many good lines as well as a surprising cast. It is an oldy but a very enjoyable easy to follow film and one that I recommend highly. I saw it some years ago and was able to obtain a copy finally. Will be interested hearing other views.
45 stars
It's even better a second time around... Okay, I saw the movie on TV. Sadly, It failed (as I said in my AOD review) but that's because all the good stuff was cut out. Then I rented it the movie, and I loved the original uncut version. Truly amazing! A great sequel.STORY: Ash returns to the remote cabin with his girlfriend. The stay at the cabin turns into a nightmare. The next morning, He gets attacked by the unseen evil, and because of that, he unleashes Evil Ash. He tries to escape, but the bridge has been destroyed! Now, his hand goes all bad, which turns him into a one-handed zombie killer, and when people find him in the cabin, they dislike him at first. But when they learn what has happened to them, they must tam up with Ash.OPINION: Awesome sequel! More gore, more excitement, and I love the ending. Waves the atmosphere ready for Army Of Darkness.So go rent this sequel!
45 stars
Riveting Sidney Lumet Police Drama If you are a follower of director, Sidney Lumet's films over the last few decades, you know how absorbed he seems to be with matters of police and government corruption. Mostly based in his hometown, New York, these movies reflect a profound familiarity with his subject matter that lends an amazing feeling of authenticity to each one. The other common characteristic of a Lumet film is his fabulous ability to elicit powerful performances from his casts. Trear Williams, for no known reason, never seems to achieve the level of stardom that an attractive and monumentally talented artist such as he is rightly deserves. He may never have been better than he is in this meaty starring role. The supporting players all seem to be in equally fine form. The film is long and, although it has some lively moments, should not be confused with the typical thrill-a-minute police action show. For the serious viewer who likes to see an intelligent, intensely dramatic study of issues that affect us all, there a few films as deeply satisfying as "Prince of the City".
45 stars
best yet i am a big cis fan and have found the 7th season to be the best yet..great directors and story lines..
45 stars
Alan Rickman is a scene stealer!! I watched this film for the first time because of Alan Rickman, and I can happily say that I wasn't disappointed. This film is meant to be a comedy-not to be taken as seriously as some people who have reviewed this film have done. (In response to one reviewer-no, I am NOT a friend of nor am I a family member of the filmmaker). The only thing that I was disappointed about was that there were so few scenes with Ed. Being Nick's sidekick and someone who helps him solve the case (along with Bernadette), I would have thought we would have seen him more - I just can't get enough of his milky baritone voice :)
34 stars
Typical silly 50's scifi with uneven special effects I bought this dvd only to get the only remnants of the 50's movie "Animal World" which has dinosaurs, which I remember being thrilled with when I saw it as a kid in the mid 50's. The Black Scorpion wasnt too bad as these giant insect/reptile due to atomic bombs experimentation, etc...The scorpions were sometimes animated in the Ray Harryhausen style and other times by some lousy cartoonish method, probably when they ran out of money or schedule.The girl was hot though, as usual she becomes a love interest for the guy who figures out how to kill the damn things.Lessee, kill a monster, get the girl (kinda like knights slaying the dragon and getting the chick in distress).One hilarious scene is when the giant scorpion decided to derail and bust up a train. I did a video capture on it and found printed on the locomotive tender.......Lionel Lines...So you get the picture.Fun to look at but only once and for laughs.
23 stars
Excerpt from Against The Odds Length:: 3:18 MinsThis is the first 3 minutes of the Against The Odds. This film is a really unique documentary about a group of people not many know about.
45 stars
Outstanding The series/characters are unbelievable! What a great success. It's entertaining and each segment holds your interest.....you want to see more. I don't receive it on my PBS station but will continue to download the epidsodes to my Kinle Fire. I hope there's a season 3,4,5 etc. I applaud the creaators and all movie personnel....awesome job!
45 stars
Wow, where has this movie been all my life? I consider myself quite the classic horror fan, so I'm surprised this one has flown under my radar for so long. I'm glad I took a chance and picked it up, because it's quite a gem. Several other reviews have given details of the film's production, edits and release problems. I'd like to just focus on the movie itself, and the DVD.I've always thought the best horror films were the low-budget ones that had to get by on atmosphere and sheer moviemaking invention. Films likeVampyr - Criterion Collection,Night of the Living Dead (Millennium Edition), and evenThe Blair Witch Projectwork not because they have big budgets or stars' names above the credits. They have the feel of a nightmare, one in which the viewer feels trapped and unable to overcome. Such a film is The Flesh Eaters. Even though you know on some level you are just watching a movie, the film draws you in and makes you feel you are there, living the nightmare.And what a nightmare it is. Some have called it the first gore film. I'm not sure if that's true, but some scenes still pack a punch. And the deceptively simple depiction of the title creatures (which appear to be holes punched in the film to let light bleed through) is surprisingly believable. Even if the film's gore doesn't really hold up to the more realistic stuff that would be done 10 or 20 years from the time of its release, it's still fairly disturbing in the context of that time, when the results of violence were usually shown after the fact.Having not seen the film before now, I can't compare the A/V quality with previous releases. But I do know that it looks and sounds great for a nearly 50 year old low-budget horror film. I played the disc on my Blu-ray player on a 32" HDTV, and it certainly compares favorably to any of the higher-profile releases from the same time.And be sure not to miss the deleted "Nazi Experiments" scene or the outtakes, which would get the film an "R" rating even now. There are also a pair of theatrical trailers that probably scared many a moviegoer back in the 60's.If I have any minor complaints about this release, it's that it did leave me wanting more. I mean, in the way of behind-the-scenes information. There's an insert in which writer/producer Arnold Drake marvels at the film's reputation, but that's it. Still, the film is not to be missed, and I am now inclined to find out more about it.
45 stars
Best T.V. I've ever seen 24 is the best t.v. series I've ever seen hands down. If you can keep up with a complex story this is a must see. Just don't hold any other shows up to it's standard because it wouldn't be fair.
45 stars
I don't get it. This film was ripped from the headlines. This story is purely fictitious. I believe the story about some black guy killed my my child was all made up. It reminds me of Susan Smith, who was telling the cops that her children were missing. Low and behold, She killed her children and then pushed her car into the lake . what a terrible tragedy it was. Smith was convicted, and She's now spending the rest of her life-In prison. This film did'nt get right to the point; Brenda (Jullianne Moore)lied everything to Lorenzo (Samuel L. Jackson) about who murdered her son; It WAS'NT some black guy. Brenda was guilty. case dismissed. The truth always win. "Snakes in the Plane" coming soon to DVD August 1st.
01 star
A DUMB POLITICAL MADE UP DOC How can anyone label this very dumb movie as "Great" or "Accurate" when they were not even there. This is another flic where Damon is using his celebrity status to pan America and Bush. When are you left wingers going to move on - especially you DAMON? I and many other vets have lost all respect for this Damon guy because he shows his contempt for this country to put a story like this on the screen because their are always people that will really believe it. Give it a rest. If this war was all about oil why aren't the gas prices down instead of going up? I and many more will never see another Damon movie again.
01 star
Love it Thought it was going to be in german with english sub titles, so it was a little strange to see everyone speaking in english. It followed relatively close to fact, minus the love story - which (thanfully) didn't ever shadow the storyline as bad as some war movies *cough*Pearl Harbor*cough* Schweighofer dd a good job, and I enjoyed his portrayal. Could have done without the whole "english fighter pilot friend" thing though. However, LOVED this movie.
45 stars
EXCELLENT!!! im not long winded so i will keep this short. this is one of the best westerns i have seen. Excellent acting, good plot, and overall excellent performances. If you like westerns you will love this movie. Vincent D'onofrio was Phenomenal!!
45 stars
"Don't worry. We'll be back before you know it." "Everything seems faint, and far away, except loving people." -- Charles WinningerThis warm and sensitive film often gets classified as a Christmas story, but its tender message is much more far reaching, making it a fine film to watch anytime. Adele Comandini wrote the screenplay from a story Mildred Gram helped fashion. Some beautiful photography from cinematographer Lester White and a lovely score by Frank Tours help create a very special film with a gentle mood and sentimental regard for the hereafter. A wonderful cast help give this film a charm and glow many films with much larger budgets could not during this era.It is Christmas Eve when the film opens, and three lonely old men who've been friends and business partners for most of their lives are waiting for company which never comes. Michael O'Brien (Charles Winninger), Allan Chadwick (C. Aubrey Smith), and George Milton (Harey Carey) each put ten dollars in a wallet and throw it out the window onto the snowy sidewalk, Michael betting against the gloomy George that someone will pick it up and bring it to them. Michael wins at the last possible moment when singing Texas cowboy James Houston (Richard Carlson) rings the bell. His worn out boots are an indication of how things are going for him, and when the sweet Jean Lawrence (Jean Parker) rings the bell a few minutes later to return one of the wallets, the kindly old men bring the two together.It is wonderful to watch as the three men come to life while Jean and James fall in love. Maria Ouspenskaya, who many horror fans will remember as the gypsy fortune teller from Universal's The Wolfman, is moving as their maid and former Russian royalty who discovered after fleeing that there was more joy in caring for others. Alex Melesh is good also as their kindly butler, Joseph. It is a widely held opinion that Jean Parker was very special, and should have gotten better roles. She truly shines here and shows that something unique which separated her from other stars. The romance between she and Carlson has a sweet charm missing in today's films. But when a plane crash takes the lives of the three fatherly men who guided them, James becomes a star and nearly loses his way.1930's star, Helen Vinson, is perfect as scheming singing star Arlene Terry, who has no qualms about keeping James from his loving sweetheart, Jean. While the three fatherly friends have returned after death to try to help them, each begins to pass over until only Michael remains to watch over them. It is quite moving as each meets their reward; Allan returning to his military post in India where he and his wife and son were happy; George to a place much darker for sins from his past. Michael will ask for more time when his door opens in order to keep James from losing his way, and breaking Jean's heart. A jealous husband with a gun may make it an impossible task. But this is a warm and sensitive film in which all things are possible, even for the lost George.This is a tender and lovely film that can certainly be enjoyed during Christmastime, but not necessarily one which is exclusive to that most sentimental time of year. Few films are as ultimately touching as this one, and it should be more heralded than it is. A small gem.
45 stars
If ever a movie needed to be on DVD this would be it. I absolutely love this movie it is one of my all time favorites.I starts with Melba May (Overall) who lives in a trailer park and catches her husband and her best friend in bed together. And runs over to her mother trailer on the other side of the park where she gets dressed I in a sparkly ball gown and goes to the local trailer park bar And loses one of her mothers earrings while dancing with three boys on there was to Vegas. The boys endup at the bar because there car has a flat tire. Melba mother is so up set and insists she calls them to get back the earring. "well there goes another 19.95 down the drain." The movie proceeds to Vegas where Melba meets up with an old high school friend Dottie. who was a showgirl 20 year's earlier but now works at the absolute sleaziest strip club's in the world. They go to find the boys and proceed to gamble and win money. when Melba's husband shows up in Vegas with there Trailer in tow and a letter from a sweepstakes letter that he got from some sweepstakes guy that showed up at there trailer with a camera crew and balloons and everything and the only way for him to get any of the money is if melba agrees to be on TV. so he is in Vegas trying to win her back. This movie is so funny and touching. Every friend I have shown it to also loves it. I plead with the makers of this movie please release it on DVD. I have worn out 2 copies of Sparkler on VHS and am now purchasing my 3 copy of this movie. It is that good!!!!!!!
45 stars
A Keeper While the obligatory storyline is shallow and often naive (in search of natural 'medicines'), the cinematography is mostly excellent and makes this a 'must have' for anyone looking for good high def (BD) IMAX productions.
34 stars
Intriguing From the start draws you in and always something new keeping you on the edge of your seat. Very good story line and the characters fit uniquely.
45 stars
Great Feel Good Holiday Movie This isn't a fast paced film ... but it's not a snoozer either. It's a really nice, feel good movie for the over 40 crowd. Serious without being morose. Lighthearted and warm without being saccharine. I didn't want it to end. If you liked Marigold Hotel this is one you will probably enjoy. A charmer.
34 stars
Little bit of nostalgia for the Gen Xers! This movie is a bit of history now for Gen Xer's that have moved on in life.
23 stars
From the dark era of the TV film comes this horror.......... IZZY AND MOE(1985) Directed by Jackie Coogan. Original music by Jackie Gleason.Starring Jackie Gleason, William Hickey and Art Carney.From 1920 to 1925, two Prohibition agents Isodore Einstein and Moe Smith, using various disguises, made over 4,000 arrests in Manhattan enforcing the Volstead Act.And that is all the factual information one will get about the two men from this vanity piece made apparently to coast on the unfathomable affection various and sundry hold for the 50s comedy program THE HONEYMOONERS starring comedians Gleason and Carney. Never terribly funny, neither men were never especially good actors--though Carney is slightly better of the two--so it is all but impossible to ascertain whether this film was meant to be a straight crime film or a light comedy. In any case, the film is limply directed, horribly written, completely fictional, historically pathetic(The main gangster is named John Van Der Hoff???!!!) and appallingly acted by almost(except Hickey) the entire cast. Carney appears depressed and Gleason recycles all of his funny mannerisms from his 50s programs--either in an attempt to steal every scene he is in or because he does not know what else to do. Worse. It is painfully obvious that Gleason could not even be bothered to appear in easily half of the picture with any of his costars forcing the already out of his depth Cooper to shoot around him. Some money was spent on the film and the on location photography is good but this is just a boring tired film directed by a tired old man and starring two tired old men.Boring and tired.Awful.
01 star
Guitar Lovers Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds, and solo career), The Edge (U2), and Jack White (The White Stripes and Raconteurs) get together to talk and play guitar. Does anyone that loves guitar need to know more? These three guitarists are from totally different schools of playing - Page is all about the sound and which guitar he plays; The Edge is all about the technology and sound effects; and White is all about playing with anything that he can get his hands on (he says, I have this guitar with a bent neck and I work to make great sound with it). They are three different generations of guitar players. To have these three play together and make gorgeous music is incredible. The three styles end up working together beautifully.December 26, 2010 update: I purchased the Blu-Ray disc, what a huge disappointment compared to the DVD. The sound wasn't over the top incredible a million times better than the DVD. The image is not that much better either. Granted the style of this film, high definition isn't necessarily important (after all, do you really need to see every wrinkle on Jimmy Page or The Edge and Jack White's sweat). Honestly, save your money and buy the DVD, it is equally fine. One caveat with my recommendation, I do have an upconverting receiver that takes DVD's to 1080i, and sound is run optically into a fine receiver for decoding there. It is possible I've eeked out every shred of quality possible in the DVD, and the Blu-Ray (PS3) just doesn't do that much better in this case.The DVD is gorgeous. The sound is incredible. The film style does not get in the way of these three artists. It would be easy to pick on some of the film techniques, but I just couldn't stop pinching myself over the sound these three made. I found myself watching Jimmy Page play and just pinching myself, he is a master. I'm sure that Jack White felt the same way.I triple loved this film. I grew up with Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin, and The Yardbirds. I'm not a fan of U2 at all, but listening to The Edge play, I appreciated what he does, by far the best part of U2. Jack White has something very special going on with his music, solid blues roots (I love the blues). Layer this over the fact that my youngest son has begun playing the guitar. We spent a lot of time pausing to look at those special guitars in this film. I have a whole special appreciation for guitar players.The watching - if you have a good surround sound system, this film will make it shine. The dynamic range is huge in this film. Some of the dialog is almost impossible to hear, but the music is always spot on loud and very well recorded. After all, this film is all about guitar playing, not much else.The DVD is chock full of bonus features. This is one to spend a long time studying.The film is rated PG. I think there might be one tiny swear word somewhere in here. How in the world the director managed to get these three to talk about music and maintain a PG rating is beyond me. All for the better, anyone that is studying guitar should watch this excellent movie.If you aren't a big fan of any of these three, this will be a painful movie. There isn't much story here. Visually it's done just fine, but it's not really a movie with three acts. If you are a fan of rock music or the guitar, this is a fabulous film. I was riveted for every minute. I will purchase this film on Blu-Ray, the sound will be magnificent.
45 stars
Midnight Cowboy gets better with age I was a corporal in the US Army when this movie was released, and a bunch of us GIs saw it at the base theater at Fort Holabird, Maryland. There were a few scenes we weren't thrilled with, but overall we enjoyed the movie. Fast forward nearly forty years, and I can only say the movie has aged like a fine wine. Yeah, "that scene" is still a little controversial, but the acting, photography, and sound track put this movie on my top-ten list of best movies. The "behind the scenes" disc is outstanding and made me appreciate even more the logistics involved in making this such a great picture.
45 stars
To the 'Negative Reviewers'... Show Me The "Balance"! I've been noticing something very disturbing about the negative reviews of this DVD...It seems to me that everyone "one-starring" and launching bitter accusations of "vicious liberal propaganda" and such HAVE NOT EVEN SEEN THIS MOVIE THEY'RE "REVIEWING"!Of course, those who are already convinced about Fox's biased reporting are going the view this documentary more-or-less in the "favorable" column ... BUT at least most of those reviewers appear to be speaking from a point of "FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE" -- e.g., the "production value" of the DVD, the "important points not addressed" by the filmmakers, comments about "specific scenes" shown in the film, etc. Even some of those giving votes of "support" to this film are freely expressing certain criticisms they have with the film and/or the way it presents its message, but they seem to be able to do so legitimately because they have actually "SEEN" the film they are reviewing.By severe contrast, virtually everyone who is talking stink about this film seems to be little more than just a bunch of knee-jerk reactionary trolls who are intent on nothing more than "flooding" the site with GENERALIZED negative remarks about the film without knowing the first thing about the film other than the fact that it paints Fox News and Bill O'Reilly in a bad light. Why not "SEE" the movie for yourself, then comment on the actual CONTENT of the film? Then, even if you choose to post an "unflattering" review of the documentary, at least you'll have something specific to point our attention toward, rather than expressing ignorance-driven indignation and spewing generalized B.S. about something you honestly know absolutely nothing about!!!Please let the people who have actually SEEN the movie do the movie "REVIEWING"!
23 stars
Great show I started watching this as pay back for all the chick flicks my husband watches with me. It's a fast paced show with lots of action/ violence. Some of the scenes are a little far fetched but the cast really portrays the characters very well. The suspense leaves you wanting more.
34 stars
Another great season This item came in exactly as I had anticipated it would. It was a gift for my son. I am able to enjoy it after hewatches it. Cannot seem to get enough of Charlie Sheen.
45 stars
Nothing special I suspect most of the glowing reviews were written by "woe is me" high schoolers, or those who fancy themselves uniquely capable of spotting (and enjoying) an artistic or particularly insightful film. This feature is neither artistic nor insighftul. In fact, it is only unique in that it tries to shoehorn bits and pieces co-opted from Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and Tim Burton films, into 80 minutes. It offers a poorly developed plot, an incoherent storyline, and a predictable ending. The acting is fair, but the main character is pathetic, cowardly, and mean. I think it is insulting that Lucky McKee and the producers of this movie believe that I - as a viewer - should find something unique about this film, or something about the main character that should resonate with me. One of a kind? I'm thankful for that.
01 star
Wow that was...gay. If there is a thurder storm outside and your inside you may be bothered. But the people in the movie freak out and dive under a table when theres a storm out side. When the see where the lightning struck outside buildings start to colapes and what do the people do, they stand there and are killed by the aliens. Aliens/Robots are atacking the boats, what do you do get of the boat, but the people get on the boats. The millitary is attacking the aliens/robots, what do you do you run away from the military and aliens/robots, but no people wanna watch.So basiclly everthing was backwards.
12 stars
WCW fan from 92 until the end Well phooey. I don't think I get to claim I'm on a wrestling DVD. I'm already in the book Rise and Fall of WCW (See the part about the internet effort after Flair got fired)Match line up is very subpar. THey could have done a whole lot better.
45 stars
Dr. T & The Women DVD This is a terrible movie. How could so many stars be associated with such a lousy film? Maybe it should have been "Mr. T" rather than "Dr. T" as that would have been more entertaining. Even the bargain price was far too much to pay for this disaster of a story line that made little sense. I think Kate Hudson ran off with her lesbian maid-of-honor just to get out of this movie.
01 star
Brilliant I have long been fascinated with this event. This film is the first coverage of the story to actually bring home to me how amazing it was that any of those boys survived and how great a distance -- both mentally and physically -- they were from the rest of the world.As the now-grown men tell their tale in their own brutally honest words, you can't help but feel great admiration for all of them, even those who didn't make it out of the mountains. It's a heartbreaking and awe-inspiring story.
45 stars
Best tv series I have ever seen!!! When I first heard about this show, I wanted to watch it. But for some reason, I never got the chance to see the show last year. Now that they released the DVD of season one, I can say that I am sorry I did not see this show when it was running.Of course, everybody knows the movie(I mean show) is about Jack Bauer, a Counter Terrorist Unit Agent, who is having a horrible day. The day consists of him trying to prevent an assissination of the soon-to-be president Palmer, and also trying to find his kidnapped family. Somehow all this is connected. In addition, there seems to be someone in the agency against him.This is the greatest tv show I have ever seen! Every episode was gripping and left me with suspense until the next episode. It is like reading a great mystery and each chapter provided more clues or twists to keep the reader in suspense until the end. Now I am watching season two and am taping each episode so I don't miss anything. I will end up getting that DVD set as well next year. It literally makes you want to watch to see what happens. Never has a show make me not want to miss a single episode. It is exactly as how they described it: INTENSE!!!!!With the DVD, you don't have to wait each week for what is going to happen because its all in there in one set. And this show really felt like a 18 hour movie and the last episode ends the season terrifically!! This is a must-have for DVD sets!!!
45 stars
Not For Everybody I was quite ambivalent about this film. On the one hand, I found it an interesting look into a British prep school where the students wear jackets and ties, the classes are small and intimate, and the students and teachers have real relationships with each other. Coming from an American background with an ordinary public school education, I found this to be somewhat exotic and appealing. Perhaps I might have enjoyed school more and actually learned something had I went to a school like this.On the other hand, there wasn't much of a plot and there was very little that I could relate to with any of the characters. I had trouble understanding the accents at times and I found the overall theme to be somewhat pretentious. There was way too much homoeroticism going on in this film for my taste. There's the main teacher who routinely fondles his male students while giving them a ride on his motorcycle, which is just casually brushed off by the students as a harmless quirk of their mentor. Then there's the gay student who has a crush on his fellow pupil, who in turn has a crush on the new teacher, Mr. Irwin, who also happens to be gay although he not so forcefully disguises it. If you don't mind this sort of thing, then well, you won't mind it, but I found myself wondering how realistic this was. Perhaps I'm just a crude American, but overall I found the film to be a bit too effeminate for my liking.This is not to say that the film didn't have it's moments. It was funny at times, and as I stated earlier, it was interesting to see what schools are like on the other side of the big pond. Obviously, from the other reviews, many did enjoy this film more than myself so perhaps it is just my perspective. I would gather that this film would appeal more to an upscale "progressive" crowd, and not so much to a socially conservative or blue-collar viewer. But that's just my take.
23 stars
Impressed Yes, I've read all of the reviews about Paramount's "double dipping," et al. I agree that some films/shows are reissued to death on DVD. In this case, however, we get something new. Although the new CGI effects are brief, they make a world of difference in watching the shows. Certain aspects of these shows will always remain dated, but the original special effects were just crap and really hurt the shows in my opinion. So, I'm actually quite glad to see these! I agree with others about the price, though. I can only view the standard DVD sides. I don't have an HD player and probably never will--so I feel that I had to pay extra $$ for material that I will probably never be able to see. The jury is still out on the HD format wars and I'm not committing to any new format until all of the dust has settled. Been burned before with the Beta vs VHS, CED vs laserdisc, etc.
45 stars
Simply Wonderful The movie is delightfully funny. The film has a wonderful message and made me cry near the end. Would be nice to see more films like this.
45 stars
A cracking comedy. A marvellous adaptation of the Feilding novel, with a interesting and varied cast. It is very bawdy, highly sexual and much in the style of a Shakespeare's "Twelth Night" for the confusion and naughtiness that emits from mistaken identity.A good version of the story but do follow the age guidelines as it features a lot of adult content and a fairly long scene of full frontal male nudity, in spite of the age of the film.
45 stars
Fantastic movie!! This movie is great! It provides awesome lessons for fathers and husbands on how to be a father and how to relate to family and friends. It presents realistic challenges which can be overcome when a man stands as God intended him to be. It's a movie that men, whether Christian or not, can identify with and the spiritual lessons in there are priceless. I'd advise all men and women to get a copy on dvd, it's not a movie you should watch only once! It needs to be watched over and over again!
45 stars
Whole New Level of Action Movie Cradle 2 the Grave is a great action movie starring Jet Li,DMX,Gabrielle Union,Anthony Anderson,and Tom Arnold. I must begin by saying there's a spell-binding chase scene where DMX eludes police all over town on a 4-wheeler. There's also a dynamic fight scene where Jet Li has to participate in an illegal bare-nuckle boxing tournament against all the contenders at the same time and defeats them. Now this movie is not for children,there's two scenes that's for adults only. The first scene is where Gabrielle Union table dances to cause a diversion for DMX in a club. Its very steamy. The second scene starring Anthony Anderson involves him protraying a homosexual to cause another diversion for DMX. Its hilarious. The final scene I would like to mention is at the end of the movie where Anthony Anderson and Tom Arnold battle it out in a comical montage. All in all Cradle 2 the Grave was a whole new level of action movie.
23 stars
Season that sparked interest This show is often misunderstood by most people. The outdated graphics and drawn out storyline are a turn off to most.BUT, what they are forgetting is that, when it first came out, graphics didn't get any better on TV (the show's graphics were actually breathtaking and one of the reasons why it managed to stay on air for the first season or two when the storyline was just starting to warm up). Remember dos or Windows 95? Ya, that's the era we're talking about here.Also what people today forget is that the storyline is what makes this show so good. It's tough to just jump in and watch the show in any season so I recommend watching at least season 2 before watching this season (otherwise, you might be amused, but completely lost). It's not anything like today's shows like Lost or Battlestar Galactica where if you miss only one episode, everything changes and you're completely lost. Rather, it's an ongoing story within an episodic formula so that, if you miss an episode (with the exception of a key few in the last half of this season and season 4) you'll probably be able to figure things out. The thing that makes the show so unique and able to do this is that the creator actually wrote the WHOLE show out ahead of time. So the storyline slowly unravels through the first two seasons and kicks into high gear this season 3 and carries on into season 4.You also might want to note that this show was the first scifi to have an ongoing plot to this degree. If this show hadn't been created, you wouldn't have shows like Lost, Heroes, or Battlestar Galactica that try to mimic the same type of ongoing plot. That alone should peak anybody's interest.When I first saw the show in the 90s, I thought everything about it was great - graphics, acting, story, and all. Watching it again recently now that I can see past the graphics, I realize the acting isn't always the greatest, but I'd definitely say that the main characters are on par with any Star Trek show (if not better - a couple of the actors are Shakespearean) and the shortcomings are almost always with extras (NOT the main characters). Then again, I really think that some of the acting in newer shows such as Lost or Heroes would be pretty crappy if you took away all the flash, pretty graphics and/or made up plot twists.My advice for someone who's never seen the show before: give it some time. At first, compared to the ongoing, constant action, blow your mind graphical shows we have today, this may not seem that good. It may not have shaking cameras or insane amounts of light glare to cover up crappy sets, but once you get into the climax of the show(having watched season 2 and the first half of season 3), you'll realize how crazy well thought out and great this show really is. I gave my friend this show and she initially didn't like it. BUT once she got through season 3, she was intensely interested and shushing me whenever I talked during important moments of the show. Her boyfriend liked it even less and was always making fun of the graphics, but when he realized the crazy well thought out plot, he was asking to watch more episodes. It's just those first 2 seasons that are tough to get through - once you get into season 3 and 4, you'll love it (and you'll also end up going back to the first 2 seasons to pick up what you missed the first time).
45 stars
Inspirational When Desmond Doss carried his platoon members to safety in the midst of that heavy gun fire, it came to my mind there is a God. Nothing else could explain that.
45 stars