class label
5 classes
Can some help me with the Digital Copy? I didn't see a code for the digital copy inside, did yours come with one? What should I do?Thanks,Chris
45 stars
Love My Kindle I LOVE my kindle, I'm reading again! I seem to have way less eye strain when I'm reading my kindle. When I get tired I just increase the font size! I can sit on my swing outside and enjoy the beautiful day without wind disturbing my pages! That's huge to me. Love reading outside, seems like the screen is very well lit by the sun.
45 stars
I Liked This Movie! I watched this movie on TV and I thought it was good. All of the actors were very good but I especially liked John Huston as Noah, George C. Scott as Abraham, Ava Gardner as Sarah and Richard Harris as Cain. I think John Huston did a great job directing the movie but he also acted in this movie and I think he was a very Noah. For a Biblical movie I think John Huston's The Bible is pretty low-key and simple rather than a super glossy Hollywood movie and I think some people were maybe expecting that kind of Biblical epic and though those big budget glossy Hollywood Biblical movies are good I enjoyed this more subdued movie and I recommend this movie, especially on DVD!
45 stars
The Great Game As a general reader new to the history of this region, I found the book very engaging and finished it satisfied that I had gained a perspective about central Asia and its long history of conflicts. The Great Game is specifically about the 19th century strategic and military involvement of imperial Britain and the Russian Empire in vying for control over the Central Asian region that includes the Caucasus, Persia, khanates and Afghanistan.The author engages us at several levels, with the personalities and adventures of the intrepid individual scouts and spies entering the territory (on foot) from Russia, Britain, and India, the motivations and vacillations of the key national and strategic figures, fierce battles in extreme topographies, and a historical perspective of the competing powers (for example, the effect of the Mongol invasions on the Russian psyche). He describes the superhuman efforts of troops freezing in desolate mountain passes, mid 19th century gunboat diplomacy, Khivan palaces and undefined borders, centuries of quests for power over this small area of the world.The book was a page-turner throughout, though by the end the stories of the many battles began to blur together.It was good to have maps of the region, but they could have been better. I frequently checked to understand the location of the events and wished there had been more detail and color to them.Overall, I highly recommend as a good read and interesting history.
45 stars
DA BOMB, TIGHT, PHAT, ILL, COOL, WHATEVA YOU WANNA CALL IT!! If your looking for something to give you chills, then this is it!!! This was the first movie in years which made me put my light on before I went to sleep. It is an awesome movie and has a great twist at the end.
45 stars
Interesting but patterns are not sufficient A good reference for beginners. However, personally feel it is more like a summary of patterns & sizes previously published in the magazine. Would have preferred if they could include items not published before. The range of hats and sweaters are few and not much of interest. Would have looked forward to new patterns or something interesting made available so that even an advance beginner can plan to do their own knitting.
23 stars
It's like this, Cat You get to meet a lot of different characters with different personalities and perspectives. You tend to get stuck in parts of the book where you just can't set it down.
45 stars
A hit with the 2 year old She loves this lift the flap book that teaches the terms for baby animals and animal sounds. I like it because the flaps are all shaped differently and are at odd angles. The illustration is cute too, and the last page has all the animals lined up so you can count them, and review names and sounds.
45 stars
Some wonderful moments, but not her best I became a Colvin fan with "Cover Girl". This work is generous, beautifully recorded and has some fetching music and turns of phrases. It is NOT her best work. P.S. If "I Don't Know Why" doesn't get to you (and it is as corny as they come), check your pulse.
23 stars
The Present and the Past is Always Around When I first started reading Beloved by Toni Morrison I did not think that I would enjoy it. I have never been the type to read older books set in day. As it just so happens this book was very good. Beloved by Toni Morrison is a great book. It is set back in the day and has a lot of interesting points of the past. Beloved was an inspiration for me because it allowed me to see just how slaves were treated. I would suggest this book to anyone because there are a lot of good points that are told and that are resolved. Beloved had really helped me to see that even though times are rough they always get better. Anyone who likes to learn more about the past and who is eager to be entertained should read Beloved.
45 stars
Works Great! Good thickness for writing. Adhesive releases easily leaving no residue. Not terribly affected by heat. A perfectly adequate product for temporary console labeling.
45 stars
Grob Basic Electronics Excellent book on basic electronics and also serves as a good reference book in the shop. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning electronics or even old hands that need to brush up.
45 stars
Richard finds a little peace in this crazy world Modest showing from the former frontman of The Verve. On Urban Hymns the emotion and life Ashcroft injected in the songs will see them endure as timeless classics. On his first solo cd, he travels the more accessible route of lovely and grand songs which were no doubt inspired by his wife and young child. 'A Song For The Lovers' is a rambling string-soaked number that couldn't be more different to 'The Drugs Don't Work.' Then again, that's just an hint to those who loved Urban Hymns that they shouldn't get worked up in a lather over why this album fails to meet their expectations. But this cd is as close to a follow up to Urban Hymns as were going to get. The music is lush and full-scale, with maybe a slight touch of over-production. In an album filled with gems 'Crazy World' and 'C'Mon People' are two shining lights. In all, this debut album promises plenty.
23 stars
Great Movie This is a great little movie from early in Cage's career. A good cast and a surprising story.
23 stars
How to tilt public perceptions "Talking Right" by Geoffrey Nunberg is a timely analysis of the lopsided and dysfunctional status of U.S. political discourse. Mr. Nunberg is a linguistics professor who explains how the Republican Party's privileged relationship with the media has helped to define the political narrative, which in turn has effectively tilted public perceptions to the political Right. However, by deconstructing the manner in which the Right's political language has been frequently served up as a smokescreen to obscure its radical neoconservative agenda, the author helps us understand how the political Left can present an alternative discourse that could resonate with the vast majority of Americans. Assiduously researched and cogently argued, this thoughtful, nuanced and highly readable text should interest a wide audience.Mr. Nunberg presents a brief history of the neoconservative movement to recount how language has been deployed in order to associate particular words and phrases with politically-charged meanings. For example, the phrase 'cultural elite' was introduced by Vice President Dan Quayle in 1992 and succeeded in connecting Hollywood entertainment with sectors of the public who might have felt apprehension about social change. Indeed, Mr. Nunberg points out that since the 1960s the Republican Party has adroitly manufactured and magnified the importance of Pat Buchanan's 'culture war' in a way that has convinced large blocs of the working class to vote against its own material interests. Unfortunately, as liberals are reduced to a snobbish and out-of-touch caricature of the consumer culture imagination, Mr. Nunberg contends that the Democratic Party has failed to articulate a meaningful narrative of its own to inspire the faithful or to define the Party's mission.Nonetheless, Mr. Nunberg believes that the Democrats can yet prevail if it dares to once again speak truth to power. Mr. Nunberg cites Bill Clinton's highly effective narrative about the powerless versus the powerful during the 1992 campaign as an example of how a message can resonate with an increasingly insecure working class beset with economic grievances. To that end, the author goes on to argue that in the wake of the Bush administration's disastrous policies (including preemptive war, fiscally irresponsible tax breaks and reckless environmental rollbacks), liberals have an excellent opportunity to articulate a new popular narrative of working-class struggle in the pursuit of economic justice and equality.I highly recommend this important book to everyone, and especially to those interested in media and politics.
45 stars
I have an elderly relative living with me ... I have an elderly relative living with me who I have to take care of. I tried the Depends on her and they worked very well versus Poise and other off-brand products I've tried. They fit well without chafing and also are more comfortable for her. They didn't leak at all in the first week. It seems they hold more in than most of the other brands I've tried on my aunt. I'd recommend them to anyone who has a problem with bladder control. The brand is dependable and you don't have to worry so much about the leaks or problems that most other products cause. Good for regular day hours.
34 stars
Interesting Book The SeniorNet On-line Book Club read and discussed the Liars Club in December 1996. The following is an excerpt from our reviews. (http://www.seniornet.org/index.html)This was a tough book to read. I found the author's account of her youth amazing in many ways. The memory, the detail ,the clarity of it all is quite remarkable. She took me to places I didn't want to go, see and hear things I didn't want to be part of. I felt dehydrated just reading about that hellhole of a town in Texas, it made me crawl, so did much of the description and many of the characters. But you know what even though I grew up in a far better place, one with out the brutality, the filth, the poverty, the language ,... by far a more privileged existence , there were times when I could identify with what was happening in that story as well as with the characters involved. That's a lesson I learn over and over again, peel us down deep enough and we as human beings at a very basic level , are not that uniquely different from one another. (Helen
12 stars
Surprising From its 'Great American Novel' rep I expected Moby Dick to be stodgy and slow: I was thinking 700 pages of Henry James (ugh). But Melville's book is anything but stodgy. Insane, maybe--passionate, surely--original? Well, very similar in style to Scots Enlightenment, let's say Carlyle's romantic musings plus Stevenson's adventure plus a working-class ethic. But, yes, American. And damned original.Passages in this book are written as a play. Passages are written as a history of whaling. All the characters have the same ecstatic inner monologue, and this is only intermittently broken by Melville writing directly to you without the subtext of a plot. The book is constructed in a way that makes Faulker look tame: it sprawls. No wonder it didn't make a dime when it was first published--if it were published the month after Ulysses, it'd still raise eyebrows.This book isn't stodgy. This book is revolutionary. This book is very, very strange.For those kids having to write book reports on Moby Dick--give up. Read Jack London's Sea Wolf. Come back after you've tangled with the Leviathan.
45 stars
Don't go through your lifetime without seeing it!! This was probably the first movie I have ever seen. I saw first when I was three or four years old, and I absolutly fell in love with it. I'm seventeen now, and I can't believe how fresh and new it is, even today. The songs are classics that will get you singing to them to your bathroom mirror and the dance numbers are simply spectacular. Natalie Wood really seems Puerto Rican, in fact after was suprised to find out she wasn't. The twist on Romeo and Juliet is great because it's set in 1950's New York. I cried and cried when Tony and Maria run to eachother and he is shot down. It tells you alot about humanity and the way racism can tear us apart and keep people from understanding eachother. Not to be missed!
45 stars
Not what I expected Most of the book gives you information on specific fruits and veggies and what ailments they are supposed to alleviate. The basis for most of the claims are based on his travels to different parts of the world and from the "folk" medicine he came across. I don't think that folk medicine is completely without merit, but I also don't think it should be the total basis of recommendations for treating certain diseases. additionally, if want recipes for juicing, you'd better have a vitamix machine because all the recipes he provides are for use in that particular machine. I bought an omega juicer and all the recipes in the book are useless to me.
12 stars
THE GREATEST VAMPIRE STORY... EVER!!! Bram Stoker, eat your heart out! Stephen King has out-done himself with this gripping, suspenseful & 'BLOODY' scary book. The story is strong & the description of anceint power and evil will make you read deep into the deadly night. And beyond... A MUST- READ!!!
45 stars
Bravo, Sarah! Even though I have already reviewed this album, I just had to review it again since I didn't do it justice. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy is a poetic journey through Sarah McLachlan's deepest and most personal thoughts. As in all of her albums, she bares her soul in her music and proves she is one of the most talented singer/songwriters of our time. From the rocking Possession to the beautiful and uplifting title track, Fumbling Towards Ecstasy is an incredible journey to be taken time and again. Sarah's beautiful voice and songwriting skills are magical and so is this album. Highly recommened.
45 stars
I LOVE THIS BOOK! My 5th grade teacher read me this book in elementary school and I have been in love ever since. That was 15 years ago and I have been searching for my own copy for over 10 years now. It is such a shame that such a wonderfully captivating story is no longer in print. I hope some publisher realizes the need to re-print this book and let the children of the world experience this masterpiece! If anyone knows where I can get my hands on a copy please e-mail me at rachaelbrown@meritcare.com
45 stars
Taggerung I think the book Taggerung is a book full of adventure. You can really feel how much adventure it has. It has about three stories in one book that later come together. I like the second story best because it tells how Tagg is looking for were he belongs. I like how Nimble lies about himself to sound tough. I recommend this book to anyone who love adventure.
45 stars
Excellent I agree with everything the gentleman from Bolivia wrote even though I couldn't understand a word of it. Anyway, (for English speakers) this is a very fine recording of this piece on all counts, much better than the Dutoit and about on par with the Herreweghe. I assume it's neglected because it lacks the dazzling Berlioz over-the-top qualities that he is best known for (and they are only a facet of his incredible genius as musical explorers eventually discover) and possibly because folks might believe it's a seasonal piece (which it's not). Please look into this work (and this recording is a good way to)--it's well worth it.
45 stars
Went to crossroads, returned as funk master... Well, if you're reading this you know that R.L. Burnside is one bad mutha who can thrash a juke joint like no one else, but did you know he can apparently bump a block party as well? Burnside's latest Fat Possum album amounts to an official bid towards cross-over success. If you heard his last release, Come On In, you can probably guess that the boys at Fat Possum kept the big beats for this one. For better or worse (mostly for the better, fear not), R.l.'s vocals (which are better than ever before) are backed by a murky concoction of smooth beats, funky wah wah guitar, and murky organ swirls. He doesn't play guitar on a single track and Kenny Brown (his white "adopted son") plays only on the classic title track. Nevertheless, I just want everyone to know that underneath all the brooding funk the blues is alive and well. This is the kind of record that Morcheeba wishes they could make but only a cat who's been around for as long as R.L. has could've pulled it off with as much credibility as it has here. I mean the guy's 73 years old! If he chooses to make a record as modern and diverse as this then who's going to stop him? The blues ain't nothin' but dance music, he says. I agree. This record sure ain't the old time religion and the juke joint stomp is a little more slick this time around but that shouldn't matter in the end. This backwards hillbilly, this blues master from the hills of Mississippi, R.L. Burnside has taken a jump so far forward that he often circles back around and passes himself up. He's got mandolins and old acoustic guitars comfortably next to drum loops, samples, and etheral DJ scratches. ...But it's still got the grit of authenticity that clings to the best blues. R.L. sounds confident, his singing is strong, and he's not afraid to boldly expand a musical formula that has laid dormant for one hundred years. The old timers will surely cry foul but this is not mockery. This is a kind of brash, atmospheric blues that makes perfect sense coming when it has.
34 stars
Fantastic! What a great album. From the haunting intro to the rockin' "Reindeer Are Wild" or the surf rock intrumentals like "Lakota Women" - This album has got it all!
45 stars
Characters in search of a story I purchased this as a daily deal after reading the numerous 5 star reviews. Hands down, it has been the most disappointing book acquisition I have made, and has triggered this review, my first ever, as an attempt to warn others. The writing is average,and there are numerous misspellings and/or typos. The author employs the method of introducing her steroetypical characters one at a time, but never weaves their lives together to resolve any of the plot issues.I felt like the book was a pilot to a TV serial drama, so was not surprised to find the author had a background in soaps. But even daytime dramas typically have a storyline that is intelligible, and in which at least some subplots are resolved. This book had neither, and would be more appropriately called an introduction rather than a novel.
01 star
Author lacks knowledge I was very disappointed overall with this book. In particular, the misinformation perpetuated by this author in the section on diet and nutrition was shocking. The author advocates "free range" and "more natural" animal products in place of tested, safe chicken and dairy products. As a veterinarian and graduate of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, I can testify that the quality of such "natural" products is often much lower than their farm-grown counterparts. Furthermore, the agricultural processes decried by this author in fact serve to make our food supply safer than ever before. Certainly this book does not present an "expert" opinion, nor does it provide safe and accurate information for the women who need it most. As far as the rest of the information in this book, I found it outdated and, in other cases, inaccurate. The author apparently has never been through a twin pregnancy herself; she is not particularly sensitive to the emotions of the mothers for whom the book is ostensibly written.
01 star
Great Story I am not a fan of Vampire fiction so I would never have found this book unless a friend recomended it. I am very glad he did.After reading it I don't consider it Vampire fiction I consider it a great story. The author takes the first half of the book developing the main character and slowly painting a picture of the world after the Kurian's invasion. Once the story started moving it kept me up late for a couple nights then the third night I had to finish the book and didn't turn out the light till 3:30.If what you're looking for is an Anne Rice knock off don't bother, but if you want to read a great story give this one a try.
45 stars
Everyone who has read "Road to Serfdom" needs to read this book. If you didn't like or did like "The Road to Serfdom" you owe it to yourself to hear the opposition argument, which is beautifully written in this book. The logical argumentation style is exquisite, the history well researched and the breakdown of Hayek's sophistry is complete. Everyone who has read "The Road to Serfdom" should read this book, I can't recommend it, in that since, high enough.
45 stars
Land Before time is perfect This movie is an all time favorite. I have the VHS version and now my grandchhildren are enjoying the same movie that my children saw at the theatre and at home.
45 stars
From Catastrophe to Survival Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon goes from mudane 50's life to Atomic disaster in the flash of a bomb. Then, after the initial horror has worn off, life takes on a new normalcy.I first read this in the mid 70's while living under the constant threat of nuclear war, and this book gave me hope for the future. Yes, if such a war were to happen now, life would be devastated, but life would return. I strongly recommend this book for those who think war is a necessary evil, and for those petrified by the thought, so that both sides would come together to make sure it never happens.
45 stars
I also recommend this paper I also have used this paper for making family calendars this Christmas and found the quality excellent. It is not easy to find in stores.
45 stars
Great Birthday gift! I ordered these shoes and another pair for my son as a gift for his birthday. They took a bit longer than usual to be delivered, but, they were worth the wait. He wears them to work and says they also go great with jeans for going out with his wife. Very good price, also.
45 stars
Good story lines and keeps you guessing A well written story line. A modern day odd couple of two brothers that are opposites but share a common bond when it comes to eliminating the world's evil. This is an engaging and worthwhile show. I seldom watch television anymore as most of it is poorly written and rides on what ever the latest craze happens to be. This show has stayed very fresh and engaging for 8 years. My congratulations to the cast and their writers.
34 stars
The beginning was promising, but it fizzled out. It's been almost a year since I've read _The Scarlet Letter_, so my memory of it isn't entirely intact (yeah, a year isn't _that_ long, but for my brain, it is :)). All I remember thinking was how disappointed I was from about the middle to the end. The book started out with excellent twists and turns, and I would constantly wonder about what each character would do, and where the book was going to go. Then, Hawthorne started dawdling and blabbing to an unnecessary extent. The book became boring. I was really disappointed, but _The Scarlet Letter_ is a worthwhile read just for the very human qualities of the characters.
23 stars
AMAZING¡¡ Best hard rock of all time,period.
45 stars
great combo I like all the versions of for this love,I really apreciate the old fania type of salsa on Papo y Robertito, great danzable song along with la murga de panama,I wished there was was a 12 min version on both of these ,other new version of old songs also were enjoyable,.whoever buys this cd won't be disapointed.
45 stars
Wear ear plugs but not shorts ! My Homelite Blower finally quit after 10 years of terrific service. For some reason I decided to try a different brand. Maybe I didn't think 10 years was long enough.The troy-bilt blows good but no better than my old Homelite.And to blow that good it uses a lot more gas.It is extremely loud! It probably should be outlawed. I have a 10,000 Watt generator that isn't as loud.Instead of a variable speed trigger that you can operate with your finger while you hold it, it has a lever that clicks to about 4 speeds that you have to operate with your non-holding hand.Plus the exhaust exits out the back making it easy to burn yourself unless you hold it out and away. And that is awkward because it is big and heavy.It does start easy, but so did my old homelite before it died.It is unfriendly to the enviroment and user!
12 stars
Days of Purgatory Okay, let me just start off by saying that this isn't a greatest hits album and however that rumor started, I have no idea. This is simply a CD (or if you have the import, a 2 CD) of remakes of their older stuff with Matt Barlow instead of the other idiots they had before him. Also, let me say that this in nowhere near their best work and if you think it is, you haven't listened to Burnt Offerings of The Dark Saga enough! To start off, these songs weren't too great to begin with, but are however given a new zest when added with Matt Barlow's voice. This CD is a pure collectable. It's unneccessary, but it's fun to have and listen to the changes that are made. The CD is good, but it's kind of stupid to say that it's a greatest hits album.
34 stars
Thermometer Since I got this unit, it's been a real work-horse, keeping track of the temps here around he house. I have the sensor located just inside the front entranceway, so it doesn't pick up temps from direct sunlight, and the readout is very comfortable at a glance to know how to dress for the day. Thanks!Stan Morey II
45 stars
it was great!!! this game is good not too hard and not too confusing but i think you have to work at it to beat it and sometimes you have to time everything
45 stars
great book i have not read the book yet, but it appears to be consicse and well versed. great book for everyone
45 stars
Abominable Sound This l954 live performance from New Orleans confirms that de los Angeles was as glorious a Butterfly on stage as she is in her two commercial recordings, one of which offers di Stefano as Pinkerton and the other Bjoerling. All three versions reveal a gorgeously sung, dramatic characterization. This recording, however, has the worst sound of any Opera d'Oro I have heard, and that certainly puts it in a (low) class by itself. Not to beat a dead horse, but it sounds as though the microphone were being held by an audience member with whooping cough sitting in the middle of the orchestra pit. The rest of the cast seem adequate but no match for those on either of the commercial recordings. The price is tempting (it tempted me into buying my twelfth Butterfly), but the set is virtually unlistenable.
01 star
ADDICTIVE One of the greatest novels ever written. I found myself identifying with the character of Anne, routing for her throughout her battles. Was devasted by Jennifer North's tormented life. And was appalled by Neely O'Hara's self-serving nature. Once I started reading I could not put this book down. As an actress who has had the experience both in New York City and Los Angeles, I found the portrayal of these women's experiences and the backstabbing nature of showbiz bitterly truthful right to the end. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!
45 stars
Writing at its Best Fitzgerald's Gatsby is one of the triumphs of American social commentary-as brilliant as it is deep, this poignant insight into the glittering superficialities of the jazz age holds a timeless message about the elusive nature of the American dream. Look beyond obvious plot details and into the intricate web of colors and name symbology to fully appreciate this book. To all the disappointed high schoolers out there, grow up before you read this novel and learn to appreciate this writing for what it is: a nostalgic tribute to a changing society, not an adventure novel for your shallow entertainment.
45 stars
Very helpful! My family and I are new to the Episcopal/Anglican faith. This book was so helpful in familiarizing both our six-year-old son and us, his folks, with Rite II! The left-side pages break things down with some drawings to help children understand what is going on throughout the service, while the right-hand pages contain text directly from the Book of Common Prayer. My son has asked to read this book together several times since we've purchased it. As a result, we all feel much more comfortable with the rituals and customs of the Episcopal Church.
45 stars
One of the great books. A must read for anyone interested in their true self.We are fortunate to have this great teacher in our midst.The book is very readable,Tenzin Wangyal expresses the teachings in a form that anyone can understand.I will read this book many, many times.Truely one of the great books ever written.
45 stars
fun reading, interesting details I am a big fan of Ronald Reagan and his autobiography lived up to my expectations.The easy-reading style was enjoyable. Reagan's personality came through. And, the book has historical details that were left out of the headline stories when he served as president.John Christmas, author of "Democracy Society"
45 stars
Good I loved it, and this is one of my favorite books. I love HG Wells's books. It was great.-
45 stars
There is more to Jazz than just on Bourbon Street After 7 years of stalling, with the help of a coupon, I finally completed the Burns' boys cycle by buying this set for myself for my birthday. I had only watched it in spurts previously, but after watching the first 30 minutes of Episode 1 uninterrupted last night, I had to ask myself, "Pregosin, What the hell took you so long?" In that half hour alone I learned more about the New Orleans atmosphere of the late 19th early 20th century that I never knew before. And now with Louisiana still in recovery from the scars of hurricanes in 2005, it's important to know about that city's history as well as the music that was born there. This epic of our man Ken tells both stories at once and well worth the view for anyone (but especially those who like his work in general). Gerald Early was right back in Episode 1 of Baseball when he said that in 2000 years when the American civilization is studied in detail 3 things will standout; The Constitution, Baseball and Jazz. Although I think Kenny might have grinned if instead of the Constitution, Jerry would have said The Civil War. I'm glad I finally bought it, have since bought "The War" and "National Parks" and am looking forward to the follow up on "Baseball" that covers from when the box set ends (1994) to the present.
45 stars
Only one? Yes, the one and only studio album from the pistols. It is brilliant and should be a part of punk rock school 101 for little indie kids who still haven't heard. In terms of power chord rock and roll, this is a kind of throwback to the old days but the spirit is very punk and very british. Speed punk does not apply here. This is pure.
45 stars
Worst Book I've Read This Year I'm a fan of historical fiction. I absolutely loved "Galileo's Daughter", also enjoyed "Year of Wonders", and "The Red Tent" to a great extent. I enjoy a good story and taking certain libterties with history. However, I must say that "The Passion of Artemsia" was the worst book I've read this year. I'm truly amazed that it was published and is a best seller. The grammar is atrocious. The writing is over-wrought and reads like a dime- store romance. The plot is contrived, historically inaccurate, and thinly researched. In the discussion section in the back of the book, Susan Vreeland talks about how she read one book Artemisia and two books on the Italian Renaissance-well it shows. I wish I had the book in front of me and could quote some of the more awful passages. All I can suggest is do not waste your money on this drivel.
01 star
this is only the begginning AIC are one of the finest bands ever!! this is one killer album. with hits like sea of sorrow and man in the box AIC deliver in a truly amazing way. i adore their sound. so grungy, thick and crunchy. great rhythm section and the fact that layne is dead is, in its own way, as monumental a loss to music as kurdt.i think the best song has to be "it aint like that" such a groove (although AIC are all about bottom end and groove) and there are not enough adjectives to describe the wicked guitar playing from mr cantrell. only dirt (and maybe sap) outshine this one but like the title says...THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGGINNING
34 stars
Terrible, lasted 1 month and stopped working I should have known it was too good a price to be true... Worked fine for about 4 weeks, suddenly stopped working. I used it for my xbox. I just bought another one from a different brand, hopefully it lasts longer...
01 star
very sad The blather you'll find about "a paradigm shift" in many of the reviews below shows just how dangerous Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolution" really is. Of course Kuhn's thesis is puerile and nonsensical (just as his book is very badly written). It has nevertheless enjoyed a great popularity among pseudo-intellectuals. We need to recognize and recognize clearly that pseudo-intellectualism is a form, a particularly virulent form, of ANTI-intellectualism.
01 star
FAMILY TRADITION This book is a "Family Tradition" and anyone who has a baby in our family is sure to get this classic,wonderful bedtime book!
45 stars
A good book, Maybe not the best If you a rookie in video codec design, you can get basic knowledge from this book. Basic algorithms are explaned in detail(Such as, DCT, Motion Estimation and Compensation,and Entropy Coding). Read this book and read source code you'll know a lot.
34 stars
9/11 - The Filmmakers' Commemorative Edition Simply the best documentary that I have seen relating to the attrocities in New York on 9th September 2001. Amazing footage and a nailbiting story as the situation unfolds. May god bless the heroes who worked so hard to save lives and those who perished and may the perpetrators and their supporters rot in hell!
45 stars
Useful, but not a text to start with Unfortunately, I didn't find Holman's "outline style" to aid that much in comprehension. At best, it would disjoint me a bit, and at worst, I wouldn't be able pull the different fragments of ideas together. Once I had a foothold in the material or knew the context of the language that I was looking for, the book's outline would make sense, but rarely beforehand.If you are looking for a reference, I would say this book could come in handy and be useful, but I may consider seeing if better options are available. If you are looking for a primer, I'd steer clear of this text, or I would look for a preliminary introduction online before cracking it open.
23 stars
Excellent value My wife and I have been very frustrated in the past. Despite being described as queen sized almost all of our comforters seemed to have been sized for full beds. Not this Laura Ashely comforter. It is plenty large for all queen sized beds, even those with high mattresses.We are also pleased with the overall quality of the comforter. You can't go wrong with this purchase.
45 stars
Always seems to be the same song playing When I listen to this cd, it seems to me that I am listening to the same song all the time. There ain't no subtilities in this music.We can't say that the signer sings, I would say that he cry out loud.This music is dedicated to those who are frustrated and I am not.If you like rock mixed with rap, you will love it but I didn't.
12 stars
Why isn't this movie on DVD? It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but it was cute and funny as well as fantastical. I never thought the Cyndi Lauper / Jeff Goldblum duo would have worked, but their quirky combo made for a lovable eccentric bond between their characters.Lots of humor in this movie depsite the subject revolving around two psychics headed for South America chased by other psychics trying to beat them there. Infused in this cooky caper are some short, surprisingly poignant and heart-warming interludes with Peter Falk as well as some neat special effects.Bombed at the box office and did okay on cable but a much underrated story with its own quirky charm.
34 stars
thought provoking - brings you back to your faith/religion Having been raised in a southern baptist environment, church was always a must. Always on Wed. evening, twice on Sunday. As a young person, this can get old. When you are finally on your own you sometimes loose sight of your upbringing and the readings of the bible. This book and three others in a series (total 4) are novels, quick, exciting reading about ordinary people experiencing the "rapture" as it is described in the bible, however much easier to follow and absorb. Fascinating and scary at the same time. It truly makes you stop and examine how you live and what might possibly happen in the second coming of Jesus Christ. A must read
45 stars
Fascinating take on the life of Napoleon I decided to watch this film only because it starred one of my favorite actors, Ian Holm, who has lended his amazing talents to such films as TIME BANDITS, LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, LOTR: RETURN OF THE KING, JESUS OF NAZARETH, and KAFKA.For those who never fail to be overwhelmed by the amazing acting skills of this man, you won't be disappointed. He performs the role of Napoleon just as well as he has performed Napoleon previously, or Bilbo Baggins, or a Pharisee, or an evil doctor (as he did in the aforementioned films, respectively).If you're not familiar with the story of Napoleon (I'm not all that familiar with it myself), you'll still be throughly entertained if you're the kind of person who likes a well-developed plot, well-developed and believable characters, and fantastic acting.I'm not an astute enough student of history to be able to say exactly what type of man (at least, in terms of virtue) Napoleon was. I've heard that he was a tragic fallen leader of Europe from some sources. And from others I've heard that he was almost on the same plane as Hitler. But this film - showing his life and mind through the brilliant dramatic acting of Ian Holm - has definitely made me want to study more about what manner of man he really was.
45 stars
Nonstop suspense and a quick read I've long been fascinated by Stephen King's incredible productivity as well as his remarkable recovery after his tragic accident. I'd never read any of his novels b/c, quite simply, I'm a fraidy cat. I examined the book at the Hatboro (PA) Library and pronounced it suitable for evening reading. No way was I opening myself up to being terrorized.Because the main character is a nine-year-old girl I wondered as I began to read it, should this have been a Young Adult book? No matter, I kept turning the pages and was pulled in slowly, just as Trisha, the main character was slowly pulled in to her saga of being lost in the woods. She and her family had gone walking on the Appalachian Trail in their home-state of Maine.Like all good mysteries of regrettable circumstances, we keep rooting for Trisha to "stay on the trail, keep your bearings, do not get lost," but of course that's what the book is all about: that terrible feeling of being lost anywhere, this time in a huge forest primeval.The amazing thing King does is keeps us riveted even though the only action we see is Trisha walking thru the forest. How, I wondered, can the author so skillfully pull this off, so that we don't wanna miss one "hollow hammering of a woodpecker and the harsh cawing cry of the crows; the creaky-door sound of the crickets as the day began to darken."King shows off his masterful story-telling in this 1999 tale as simple as a girl being lost in the woods. He skillfully interweaves then-superb Boston Red Sox relief pitcher Joe Gordon as the spirit that keeps our heroine going in her truly death-defying trek through the forest. We learn how ordinary people, like this nine year-old girl, muster their will to survive using everything in their repertoire and then some.I would recommend this book to everyone, including nine-year-old girls. Your emotions will get a good work-out in this book, especially, yes, a feeling of terror which runs like a softly babbling brook throughout.
45 stars
For fans only Since there was no official 3rd Dolls album this is the next best thing, as the first 7 songs were intended for the 3rd release, and this is the only known recording of them. The sound quality is'nt THAT bad, by bootleg standards anyway, and is certainly listenable. The rest of tracks are useless as better versions exist elsewhere, but definately worth getting for the first 7. The awesome cover photo alone is almost worth the price! Casual listeners be warned though, this one's for fans only.
45 stars
Great Price, Decent Nursing Bra. Not nursing yet, but it's a very comfortable bra. It'd be better if the shoulder straps were elastic and the cups had another layer of fabric (won't matter when I start wearing nursing pads).Besides the price, I like that the cups are adjustable. Each cup can hook to 3 different levels of eyes. The hook and eye is hard to get undone with one hand, but with a little practice you can become a pro. Last time I nursed I used Wal-mart cheapies that had only one place to hook the cup (easy plastic clasp). Some days I had those cups so stretched. (The main reason I didn't buy at Wal-mart this time around was because they don't carry my size.)If you're looking for a good cheap bra this is it.
34 stars
Great product I have 10 of these hanging on my wall with different types of guitars, banjos, and mandolins.They attach to the wall with 2 screws. Hardware is included to attach those screws to drywall. It takes about a 1/4 inch hole in the drywall where a large screw shaped plastic piece is inserted into the drywall and then the regular screws go into the plastic.The piece that touches the guitar has some sort of silicone/rubber which protects the instrument. The holder can be bent in or out a bit to better fit the instrument that you have.I have moved a couple of times and these can be removed and attached again.Very sturdy, well made product.
45 stars
elton's best. a masterpiece from 1971. lately elton has awaken from the slumbers of about 30 years in the land of mediocrity, having released three good albums in a row (last years "captain and the kid" was very fine, in particular). that said, however; he still stands miles away from the 1971 masterpiece "tumbleweed connection," which is easily his best album. a gritty, soulful set of fantastic songs, with blues and country overtones, "tumbleweed" is a high point of the early seventies music scene. powerful and alive with his most outstanding vocal performances, this would prove an achievement he could never match again. elton made other excellent albums in that era, most notably "honky chateau," "madman across the water," and "goodbye yellow brick road." "captian fantastic & the brown dirt cowboy," from 1975 is pretty darn good, too; but "tumbleweed..." is his most satisfying album through and through. anyone out there who thinks of elton as an overproduced popster, and has yet to hear this recording, would do themselves a favor by purchasing a copy. great stuff.
45 stars
apollo is back this is a good story and adds to the battlestar galatica myth however the writing leaves a lot to be desired starbuck cried apollo cried sheba roared as an adult reading i didnt need this sort of comment to full in the scene for me keep trying richard i have moved on to warhawk just remember your not luke skywalker feel the force oh im sorry its telepathy we are talking about cheers
23 stars
Why did it take me so long to find out about Sleepaway Camp?.... After seeing only parts 1 and 2 of this series, I honestly think that SLEEPAWAY CAMP is THE finest example of the slasher subgenre. First of all, its a franchise with at least 3 sequels, it spanned the 1980's, its fairly cheesy, and best of all, Angela, the series "Jason/Freddy" type killer is completely unique because she/he is a transvestitte who's story, while completely over the top and very unlikely to ever happen, is actually a really good reason for someone to go out and kill people. I mean, think about it, if you were a child with gay "parents" and you saw your father and sister killed by reckless teenagers and then, as a boy, were raised as a "girl" by a freaky aunt who behaves as if she's in a high school theatre production you'd be screwed up hardcore. To complicate matters, at fourteen, your crazy aunt sends you away to a trashy camp for kids populated by snotty bitches, perverts, and man bullies who pick on you at every chance. Then you fall in love with a nice boy, but WHAT CAN YOU DO? your a guy, you probabley think all of those mean girls are hot, but you don't want to screw up a chance at a nurturing, healthy relationship that you've needed all your life. So after the pressures of killing your enemies in a psychotic rage, you decide to see if the guy who likes you can really like the real you, and after his bad reaction to your secret, you snap completely, kill him and are arrested. To me that sounds like a better reason for a spree than being "pure evil" like Freddy or Michael Myers, or because your just a zombie like Jason, or because you want revenge over some petty misdeed that happened years ago like the guys in movies like "Prom Night" or "the Prowler". In SC 2, Angela has gotten a job as a camp counselor after a sex change and rehabilitation. Of course thats a stupid thing to do. The thing is, all Angela wants is to be normal and healthy. She also wants the campers to never take their normal and healthy lives for granted. When she goes on another spree, its because after all her years of "readjustment" and thinking positive and "opening up and not being so damn shy" she is still being pushed around by the same snotty, undeserving brats that tormented her at camp arawak. My favorite thing in this movie is when Angela is fired and Molly finds her at the cabin and tries to comfort her and Angela is all "There was a boy that I didn't get along with once, I fixed him...I drowned him". I wholeheartedly recommend this film to slasher fans because of the excessively human killer and the great montage of gorey deaths, nudity, humor, and fantastic one-liners, which all combined is usually absent in slasher movies.
45 stars
A boy that goes to a chocolate factory,with 4 other kids. Charlie finds a golden ticket,in a chocolate bar.This could be thebiggest adventure he ever had!!He gets a trip inside,Mr.Willy Wonka's chococate factory.Along with Augustus Gloop,a greedy little boy,Veruca Salt,who is spoiled by her parents,Violet Beauregarde,a girl who chews gum all day,and,Mike Teavee,A boy who watches television all day long.Until all the children go home,Charlies on a wonderful adventurefull of !!!CHOCOLATE!!
23 stars
Can I have more Please? I loved this book! What an exciting and mysterious world Ms Moning brings you into with this book! This is not a typical paranormal romance. It is a murder mystery that has paranormal /urban fantasy and okay, a little sexual tension! It is the first in a five book series about MaKayla Lane, a young Southern woman who is enjoying her "simple" life until her world crashes down with the death of her sister. During her search for answers, she uncovers a world she never knew existed. The more she unravels, the more she gets drawn into this dangerous world- that includes some dangerous men. As she tries to find answers about who to trust and who killed her sister, she also is finding out answers about herself. Typically, I always figure out "who did it" well before an author spills the beans. Not this story, I didn't have a clue when I finished it as to who did it....Kudos to the author for writing a non-typical story and keeping me on the edge of my seat!... This is a book you will want to read...more than once! On to the next book in the series!
45 stars
too small a screen I bought this as a gift and was really upset to see it. The dial is too small and without numbers. Its difficult too actually see the time in it. Also the material looks too cheap. Was not expecting this from Nike.
01 star
Go to the vet! The book is full of medical terms and it always ends up with giving you that one advise - the smartest thing to do in any situation: Bring your dog (and your money) to the vet! I did not once got away with a useful hint at what I could do myself right then and there to help my dog. In my opinion, this book by vets is a thousand page legitimation of vets and nothing more. There much better books out there.
12 stars
Great Book! This book gave me a very good overview of modern physics and where the physics community is headed in the coming years. Descriptions of physical theories are presented with easy to understand analogies for those with little to no background in physics.
45 stars
Ok, but... a problem is the absence of common sense. There is a happy ending because the virus or whatever it was, mutated into something benign. But as my father pointed out a long time ago, so what if one of many many individuals of a certain species of virus mutates into something nicer? It does nothing to lessen the virulence of the vast majority of that species. If the original virulent strain burned itself out by killing all its hosts and then was successfully quarantined, that would make a sensible almost happy ending.If you want good "hard" science fiction with a human element, try early Heinlein instead.(pre 1963)
23 stars
Good player overall It has a good capacity and is easy to use. no problem with file transfer. The ear buds that come with it are very good. and being able to recharge it on the USB port is great. the only problem I had is that the little rubber door that protects the mini usb connect came loose the second time I opened it. overall I am very happy and would recomment it to all.
34 stars
Absolutely unmatchable! The Stand is perhaps King's best work. I read it for the first time 9 years ago, and now after finishing the uncut version, I feel as though I had never read it before. Definitely a ride worth taking!
45 stars
Another great collection Can't go wrong with these scripture memory collections. This is my third one. I also have the "Victory" and "Anxiety" collections. The melodies are catchy and stay with you. It makes it easy and accessible to think of your favorite scriptures throughout the day. For me, there has not been a bad one in the bunch.
45 stars
Masterfully Standing the Test of Time There is truly not even ONE of the 8 main songs on this CD that could be considered weak. I would agree with a previous reviewer that if one was FORCED to identify a song that was less strong than the others, it would have to be the popular hit "Life in the Fast Lane," or perhaps "Try and Love Again."The remaining 6 tracks are nothing less than masterpieces!The passage of time is the most true test of quality songwriting. There was a ton of similar genre material during this time period which was considered great at that time (even by me), but upon listening to it now I can only think "Wow, how could we actually have thought this was GOOD??"For example: I can appreciate a handful of great Styx tunes, but play any of their albums from start to finish, and you'll hear that the majority of their songs now sound sappy, dated, infantile, or just plain BAD.However, over THIRTY YEARS later, these songs on Hotel California are still amazing: the album still stands as not only The Eagles' best work, but also one of the best Rock releases of all time.Put on the headphones and turn up the volume for a blissful experience.
45 stars
meh groundbreaking story and literary archetype? yes. that's why i give three stars. decently constructed narrative? sure. the writing, though? not good. it's worth reading because it's a classic of literary and pop culture, but to say bloch is a master writer of the genre is not only stretching it, it kinda makes me, oh, i dunno, want to go put on a dress and wig, get a straight razor and . . . make one hell of a ham sandwich.
23 stars
This is what Sci Fi B Movies are about. Ignore the bad reviews... These negative people are used to the over produced hollywood glorfied movies with the same star actors you've seen in every other movie. I enjoyed the first one and admit it was better, but, I loved the dark, industrial, isolation of this movie. Sure it took on some over used sci-fi ideas and story but this is a B movie! Tons of explosions, hot hot women, and bug guts, with a classic heroic story. Here's to a third one.Respect must be paid to this sequel and it's 26 day shooting schedule. The crew worked hard. I also enjoy seeing new actors instead of the same faces form every other hollywood movie. Some hot ladies in this movie including the lead actress Colleen Porch.I'm a fan of the story arcs so i abosorbed it well. Roughnecks - Starship Troopers the cgi animated series is also worth a look, if you enjoy the Starship Troopers universe.
34 stars
This book is amazing! Eaters of the Dead is not only an excellent book for what it contains, but also for what it is. It is pieced together from history and is a most remarkable work.
45 stars
Another Pleasing Story with Memorable Characters.... I found Susan Wiggs and her books late last year. Since then, I have read about a dozen so far. Each one has been charming, interesting and unique. She is a very talented author and her characters and story lines always come alive for me each time I open a book and begin a new journey through her eyes, thoughts and hands. My favorites so far in order are The Horsemaster's Daughter (h), A Summer Affair (h), Halfway to Heaven (h), The Firebrand (h), Enchanted Afternoon (h), An Ocean Between Us (c) and then Miranda (h). She mixes historical romances (h) and contemporary (c) plot lines. My favorites so far have been historical in context.In this latest book I selected, Home Before Dark (c) , I felt similar enjoyment of reading a new story line and discovering the wonder of new characters, new setting and new developments. Although I found the story line interesting - wild sister comes home after years away - running from her past of course - to enter the lives of her family again. She returns due to a personal trauma that is happening to her to find forgiveness and acceptance. The family has to deal with her past mistakes, her current situation and planning for the future. She creates chaos for everyone - her standard role in the family. But...for once, she can't run from the past. She must meet it head on as time for once is against her.I had trouble connecting with the lead heroine Jessie and her eventual beau Dusty. She reminded me of so many girls I know who are pretty, spirited, have all the guys after them and spend their lives on the go - never being serious or dealing with reality - because they can't deal with it and often don't have to. So...they travel the world and hide behind their looks or talent as inside they are fragile and easily crushed. Jessie had it all to the outside world but, inside she was struggling to find herself and her place in life. Although I appreciated her struggle and journey, I simply never felt emotionally tied to her as the main character, even with her progressing blindness and disease. Instead...I kept seeing how selfish she was from the time she was a teenager, through her 20's and 30's and so on. I was irritated with how much she took from people and often how little she gave in return. This made it hard for me to connect with her, feel sympathy for her situation, etc. I warmed up to her more by the end but, she still had a lot of making up to do than the book would allow. I liked Dusty - her future man but, he came in and out in sections and scenes and I could have used more of him to really feel for him as a leading man. Much of what we learned about him came through telling his story to a magazine to publish - it was a little clinical for me. He was a good hero - just not there enough.I enjoyed reading more about Jessie's sister Luz as she was stable, reliable and trust worthy, the rock of the family - both in the younger years and in the middle years. Luz could be depended on as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and co-worker. She was not perfect - in looks, brains or skills but, she had a heart of gold and gave everything her all. She took and gave back - much more balanced. I even liked her husband Ian...he was her perfect compliment. He was handsome, intelligent, solid and kind. Not exciting but, someone you could have fun with, change with the seasons and grow old with great comfort. That has its own appeal.There was so much going on in this story - kids getting in a car crash, a death, disclosure of who Lila's real mother and father were, relationship issues with Jessie & Dusty and Luz and Ian, the activity of kids and parents and careers in photography, etc. that the story line almost got away from itself at times. Not because it wasn't told well but, simply because there was too much going on. 2-3 stories lines might have been enough - that was power packed by itself. But...to have a dozen big events going on in one book put it a little over the top. I would have felt more emotion for all the characters had I more time to spend on each one of them. Instead, each section and chapter went from one event and person to another and then more changes and developments happened - a bit of a whirlwind if you ask me.I did find a few parts a little unrealistic - 1) Lila getting the news she was adopted and who was her real mother and father - she took that news a bit lightly for a girl who seemed to be having growing pains already and simply took this huge issue in stride 2) that Luz would have no jealousy over knowing her husband and sister had been lovers - what sister would not find this an issue? 3) that no one in the family ever truly told Jessie off and called her to task on her constant selfishness - having affairs, having a baby out of wedlock and then running out on the child in ICU and leaving it to her sister to raise, never being around other than a few calls or letters over the years, loving and leaving people when it was inconvenient for her (Ian, Simon, Dusty, etc.). 4) that Jessie, Glenny or Lila never really thanked Luz for all she had done over the years - she bore the families burdens often single handedly - she deserved more thanks than she got from everyone. Luz wasn't a martyr - she simply did the right thing when others did not. As the old saying goes - Good people do things right....Great people do the right thing. Although many of these important issues were addressed, it seemed on the surface and nothing truly deep as a real family would have to deal with over time. That was the only thing I found lacking at times.Although this is the least favorite of my books by this author so far, it is still a gem. I don't think SW can write a bad book. When you are as good at story telling as this author is, even her least appealing works rank above other authors best attempts. I would recommend this book and the other ones even more. Give her a try if you haven't yet. You'll be glad you did. She is great at tapping into human emotions and the complexity of relationships - man/woman, adult/child, female to female and more. Happy reading!
34 stars
Awesome book THE SECRETARY'S SEDUCTION is one of my personal favorites by Ms Porter. From the beginning it sucks you in and won't let go until the final page.Morgan is rich, successful and he decides that Winnie would make the perfect wife. Winnie isn't exactly sure why Morgan would want to marry her, but he does his best to convince her.
45 stars
Get real, pro's... For those guitar "experts" out there that do not remember what it was like to start off with this instrument, I will tell you that after I reviewed this MANUAL, I was delighted to find many of those long un-answered questions that I sought to answer as a beginner. 17 years later, I realized that I, a totally self-taught, guitarist had found many of the right combos on my own... but still, if I had found this book earlier, my growth would have accelerated just by reading the answers to pending questions. I still enjoy this book... a few effects I have yet to purchase. Nothing like inspiration to try them.Don't be too hard on this book... its always good to get re-assurance, and most importantly, a guiding light. This book promises that, and delivers. I say, a MUST buy... along with a good F/X cookbook... see The Guitar F/X Cookbook byChris Amelar, pub'd by Hal*Leonard. The two seem to bring a whole new world to playing... if you do not yet have a complete base of knowledge, stick with it. There is no substitute for free experimentation, e.g. I found most of these effects on my own, but, like I said, its always reassuring to see that you were close to the answers, or dead on.I give it 4 stars, instead of 5, because no book will ever answer the infinite number of questions about this instrument. It is up to you. When YOU write the perfect book, maybe I'll buy it. Until then, keep trying... this is such a wonderful instrument that I shall never stop playing, or experimenting with new sounds. I can only hope you, the guitarists out there, never quit as a result of "lack of answers or inspiration".Jam away, Jimi The Gent
34 stars
Delayed delivery, awesome Amazon service though! ***EDIT 7/9/12 12:00 PM***Well, I posted this review a couple of hours ago, and also notified Amazon about the issue. Within about fifteen minutes, they issued a refund on the shipping charges, escalated the issue immediately with their shipping department and have a representative monitoring my order until it arrives on my doorstep. All I can say is, WOW! That was definitely not the response I expected, and was very impressed!***Original Review***This is the first time that I've used the expedited shipping option to update my shipping option from 2-day Prime shipping to 1-day shipping, with an additional upcharge. I ordered this product pretty early (08:27 AM Pacific Time) on the morning of Thursday, July 5th, so that it would be delivered by Saturday afternoon at the latest. Here's the actual tracking history (with local cities removed for privacy)July 9, 2012 07:52:00 AM XXXXXXX CA US Out for deliveryJuly 9, 2012 07:48:00 AM XXXXXXX CA US Arrival ScanJuly 7, 2012 05:01:00 AM XXXXXXXXXX CA US Arrival ScanJuly 7, 2012 03:35:00 AM Memphis TN US Departure ScanJuly 6, 2012 01:14:00 AM Memphis TN US Arrival ScanJuly 6, 2012 01:07:00 AM Indianapolis IN US Departure ScanJuly 5, 2012 10:03:00 PM Indianapolis IN US Arrival ScanJuly 5, 2012 09:47:00 PM Indianapolis IN US Departure ScanJuly 5, 2012 07:26:00 PM Indianapolis IN US Shipment received by carrierJuly 5, 2012 09:50:50 PM --- Shipment has left seller facility and is in transitAnd details of the order:Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 08:27:01 -0700 11 of 127From: "auto-confirm@amazon.com" <auto-confirm@amazon.com>Subject: Your Order with Amazon.comShipping Details : (order will arrive in 1 shipment)Order #: xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxShipping Method: One-Day ShippingItems: $12.12Shipping & Handling: $3.99------Total Before Tax: $16.11Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00------Order Total: $16.11Delivery estimate: July 6, 2012 1 "Cold Rolled Steel A513 Drawn Over Mandrel Round Tubing, ASTM A513, 0.75" ID, 1.25" OD, 1/4" Wall, 12" Length"Misc.; $12.12In StockSold by: Amazon.comI'm actually really disappointed, and pretty irritated that I paid extra for what is now four days (not including that actual order date) waiting for delivery on a 1-day shipping item. Granted, this is the first time that I have had any issues with an Amazon stocked item, but four days for next day shipping is definitely not OK. This was a rush shipment and it actually arrived at a shipping facility note once, but twice in the early AM and sat there over night before it was processed again.
34 stars
FRUSTRATING I only bought this to complete the collection and check out the extras. The season was a disappointment and very frustrating.
12 stars
Good 1000 stone, cuts well and is priced well. This is a nice fast cutting stone. It is consistant and is just as easy to maintain as any other waterstone. It is priced well and lasts as long as most other 1000 grit waterstones.Overall a good value.
34 stars
Not my cup of tea If you are a full-time professional trader, this book may be helpful, otherwise, I believe it will only be an enigma to you. It seems to contain all this great information complete with many charts, deep discussion and analysis of market activity, and very intelligent sounding statements and recommendations, but the bottom line is that there is very very little I was able to actually use in my trading. I strongly believe any book should be read at least twice to get the full benefit, but I think I would have to read this book 5 or 6 times to get anything from it, and I am not sure that what you would get would actually be worth it when you see how thick it is.Some of his intelligent sounding statements are actually just confusion - I cannot tell if the writer just has the engineers mind-set and expresses himself in a very technical manner, or if he is trying to sound more profound and intelligent than he really is. In any event, his writing style is difficult and tedious, and say what you will, that makes the book harder to understand and less likely to be of any real benefit to you.His discussion on the 7 bells was pretty interesting, but it is not anything that I, as a part-time amateur trader, have been able to use. Again, if you are more advanced in your trading, you may be able to apply this information.For the money, I would recommend you pass on this book and buy High Probability Trading (Marcel Link) and The Professional Commodity Trader (Stanley Kroll, if you trade commodities). Both of these books are very, very helpful, give very good advice, are very easy to read and understand (both books are actually fun to read), and therefore, will be much more helpful to you.
12 stars
All the King's Men on CD Unabridged Superior product; arrived on time & too bad the movie was so effective.
45 stars
4th time around? Elvis Costello is a genius. He's easily one of the best lyricist's in rock history. These early albums are fantastic, most are classics, some are unparelleled and astonishing in their craft. They belong in any collection. Buy them immediately if you don't have them already.The original Columbia releases were horrible. Lousy sound quality and packaging. If these are the ones you have, throw them away and buy the new ones. Don't wait, do it now.Rykodisc reissued them and did a nice job with sound, packaging, bonus tracks and limited liner notes writen by EC. If you have these keep them or toss them and get the new ones, your choice.Rhino repackaged them for the 3rd time. They got it right. The remastered sound quality is even better than the Rykodisc versions and each release came with an entire bonus disk of rare and sometimes never before issued tracks for the same price as a single CD. The liner notes included extensive write-ups by Elvis Costello and complete lyrics including bonus tracks. They are totally worth having and are not surpassed by the new Hip-O release. If you have the Rhino reissues there is no reason to switch.If you're unfamiliar with Elvis Costello and don't know where to start, get My Aim Is True, This Year's Model, Armed Forces, Get Happy!!, Trust and/or Imperial Bedroom. You won't find better albums by any artist.
45 stars
Terrible! NEVER watch! Well, I don't know about anyone else who has watched this movie, but I thought it was vile! This animated feature -I hesitate to say 'movie'- tells the epic tale of an ant named Flik. The entire movie is based on dead-and-rotting jokes, an already-seen-it love story, and, of course, the hero's knuckleheaded quest.Flik, an inventor, can't do anything right. His 'inventions' never work. Cue evil grasshoppers. Lead by Hopper- again, dead-and-rotting-, he and his rough-and-tumble gang force the colony of ants to collect food and give it to them. Flik screws up and dumps the whole load into the river. Hopper goes through the roof and demands a double load 'by the time the last leaf falls', thus leaving the ants with no time to collect food for themselves to make it through the winter. Flik sets out to find help and returns with a vagabond circus group.They know that Hopper and his bunch-along with themselves- are terrified of birds. So, going along with Flik's idea, they construct a 'bird' out of sticks, leaves, and spiderweb. Enboldened by their newfound plan, the ants party all summer, instead of collecting food for Hopper's gang. In an expected twist, the 'warriors' are revealed for what they are: clowns. Flik and the circus bunch are exiled.Hopper comes, sees the tiny load collected, and goes crazy. Princess Dot flies to Flik-the two had developed a friendship- and tells him to come help. Flik, Dot, the circus bugs, and the 'Blueberries'-a play on the Boy Scouts- sneak back into the colony. While the circus bugs entertain and thus hold off the grasshoppers, Flik and the Blueberries climb up the cliff, start the bird, and terrorize everything. The catch, however, comes in the form of 'Petey the Tick'(could it GET any older?). He sets fire to the bird, and the plan to save the colony goes up-or, in this case, down-in flames.Flik makes a heroic speech and rouses the ants' inner courage. The ants, outnumbering the grasshoppers one hundred to one, strike back. They send the 'hoppers home, and shoot Hopper into a bird's nest.I can't tell you how it ends because I stopped watching it.Seriously, people, DON'T watch this movie! Save your money and donate it to something worthwhile, like hurricane relief funds. It would be more suitable!
01 star
Great expose of influence of far left in US I hope millions of Americans read this great book by a fine man who was drug through the mud by the far left in US Senate and media and other leftist groups.
45 stars
Top 10 of entire collection I have read this book (and its companions) every second summer over the last 6 years. Granted the following two do not have quite the strength of this one - they are great. But Daughter of the Empire is FANTASTIC! Quick, deep, full of intrigue, colorful characters, a world so real you can feel the heat off the pages... I used to race home to read it when I had forgotten it at home. Mara grows right before your eyes, the intrigue just gets more.. well.. intriguing! Baddies are bad but not shallow, goodies are good but not too sweet and boring. I actually laughed out loud at scenes! To be honest, I think it would translate into a great movie. Definitely worth the read - over and over again.
45 stars
Sultry Soulstress Sings Sexy Songs With the reissue of her debut solo album, Bare Again, Barb Jungr delivers a powerful yet vulnerable display of true human emotions that anyone who has experienced love and loss can connect with on a highly personal level. The wave of psychological ups and downs that flow throughout the album provide a unique contrast of provocatively optimistic and regretfully reminiscent feelings that are complimented greatly by her sultry vocal style.Barb combines influences from Edith Piaf, Ella Fitzgerald, Janis Joplin and Aretha Franklin to create a solid sound that bleeds together the borders between Jazz, R&B;, and Soul. The beginning of the album starts off in a rather laid back, somewhat melancholy feel, with the sad drawl of "Au Depart" leaving the listener yearning for past lost love.The bittersweet sensation evoked by the gloomy nostalgia of the above mentioned track is quickly dissolved by the following song, "Me and Bobby McGee," which sets a more jovial mood as she cheerfully reflects on good times and good feelings, singing, "feeling good was good enough for me!" She uses this track to really let loose and show what her pipes are capable of in a goosebump-inducing display of vocal power, demonstrating how she will make your heart melt with woe then turn around and knock you out of your seat with her bellowing, soul-saturated voice.On "What a Waste," Barb switches on the soul with a display of her wide vocal range and a honky-tonk, Aretha Frankin-esque attitude. The song is a powerful, uplifting boogie-woogie ode to all the paths that she could have taken with her life, but she makes it clear that her choice to become a musician has been the best choice she has ever made. "What a Waste" is a good representation of the sentiment of many of the songs on the album: they might sound a little downhearted, but the overall message is that you should be happy with what you've got, and dwelling too much on the negative aspects of past life events is just not worth it.Her vocals are composed of the perfect balance between a soft, breathy, seductive wooing and a strong, cigarette-hardened tour-de-force. Whether she is softly serenading or showing off her mighty vocal strength, Barb's wavering vibrato is sure to send a tingle down the spine of anyone who is within listening distance of the stereo speaker. Her music crosses the boundaries of so many genres that avid fans of Jazz, Blues, R&B; and even Soul will be able to appreciate her virtuosic vocal abilities.--written by Jacob Gross as Brian Ball's Intern (C)2008
34 stars
Guilty Pleasure Cheesy, yet strangely fulfilling. Like a car accident, you can't help but watch it. Why is it under my "James Woods" search, though?
34 stars