class label
5 classes
Interesting and funny This book tells the story of the 1971 - 1972 Los Angeles Lakers, the team that won a record 33 games and the eventual NBA championship. I read this book as a basketball fan, and found it to be quite interesting and entertaining.The book begins with a good background to the players and coaches prior to the season, their successes and their failures. The book also gives a short history of the NBA up to that point.The meat of the text focuses on the season itself, with a short summary of each of the 82 games played during the regular season, and each of the playoff series the Lakers went through to become champions. The text discusses both events on-court, off-court in the locker-room, and outside basketball altogether. Therefore, we get a glimpse of life in the NBA; the parties, the traveling, and of course the interactions between the media, players, and management.In all, this was an enjoyable book to read, taking about three hours.
34 stars
Toddler love this movie! My 2 year old just love this movie - she watch this everyday (eventhough Christmas is over!) My husband and I love the songs too.
45 stars
Quick Results with this one!! This is without doubt the best workout DVD I have bought so far. I have bought quiet a few different ones and have never been completely satisfied with any of the workouts till I bought the `30 Day Shred'. It is fantastic. Each work out segment takes only 20 minutes and you don't do the same move for more than 30seconds at a time so you seem to get through the workout so much quicker. I have used the DVD only four times and have noticed results already. I could hardly walk the next day after the first time I did one of the workouts, however after the second and third time it so much easier and you just feel fantastic and so much healthier in yourself.If you're looking for a quick, hard workout and want results quickly, get the '30 Day Shred'.
45 stars
Destiny Fulfilled This CD is fantastic, its not flawless, but it is still great. When you first listen to the CD you might not think too highly of it, but once I listened to it again the songs got better and better and I like mostly all of them. In other reviews I have read about it not having many upbeat tracks like Lose My Breath or Solider. There is a reason why they are an R&B group. These slow songs are fantastic and show off a lot of good vocals. I also like the way that the CD shows off the singing talents of all three of these fine women. Keep up the good work Destiny's Child!
45 stars
Real relief and prevention I take these every night and haven't had a gout attack since I stated taking it. Of course, no more red meat, black beans, or high fructose corn syrup, either!
45 stars
These are GREAT!!! I wish Discovery Toys still made them! I had a toy party and bought this set for my daughter's 6th birthday. We opened it today, and we LOVE it!!! It's virtually mistake-proof, and the result is beautiful--suitable for framing. I would love to find more canvases with other pictures. It's similar to paint-by-numbers, but you can choose and mix your own colors with the liquid water paints provided. There is a handy mixing chart that tells you exactly how to get the color you want, and the colors are really vibrant and luminous. My daughter loved it, and my whole family is hooked. Another great item from Discovery Toys! Why do they always discontinue the best ones???
45 stars
Tightrope is awesome the songs on this album are incredible. If you like Loudness, Dead End, Blizard, Seikima II, Earthshaker, Vow wow, and EZO or any of the 80's Japanese bands such as X ray, Rajas, and Marino this is a great album to start with. Night after night and finger's on the trigger are great Metal, excuse the pun, Anthems!!!!!
45 stars
Fleece review Very nice and warm but runs very small. My son is 2 years 10 months old and usually wears 2t or 3t and I got 4t and it fits him snug. I'll only be able to use it this season.
23 stars
Kids loved this DVD My twin infants were really interested in the Your Baby Can Read DVDs and watched those movies very intently so I was excited to hear about this signing DVD that I could also show them. The kids picked up on the signs very well, and it made it so much more easier to communicate with them. My kids started watching this DVD at about 13 months and they were signing a portion of the signs (mostly the food related ones) fairly quickly. We bought the 2nd volume eventually too when they got tired of watching the first volume. However, I think the first one had more relevant signs to aid in essential communication.
45 stars
Sheila...........The great Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great is a funny book! Sheila is funny anyway. Sheila is the kind of girl who thinks she knows everything, and never admits what she's scared of. She is scared of swimming, so her mom signed her up for swimming lessons. After she passes the swimming test, she admits what she's afraid of. If you want to find out the rest, read the book!
45 stars
I love this movie! I like this movie for four reasons, Danny Elfman, Tim Burton, Stop Motion Animation and Lock, Shock and Barrel! Danny Elfman is a musical genius and Tim Burton's other movies (Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Batman, Beetlejuice, ect.) were all some of my favorites. I recomend this movie to any fan of these two cast members or anyone getting anoyed o your average Christmas special.
45 stars
"Competency-based" may be misnomer This is a VERY thorough review of the literature pertaining to supervision. So much so, that it reads more like a dissertation than how to do good supervision, as the title may imply.If one wants to know what is written about something, such as self-disclosure, this is a wonderful reference. If one is looking HOW to do supervision, with different levels of supervisees, in different settings, etc., one may be somewhat disappointed.Mike Miller, PhDhttp://drmikemiller.com
34 stars
Eric Heatherly could be the next big name I bought the CD just today. I did play a couple of the hits and they are what the country needs instead of another crossover singer like Faith Hill and Shania Twain. If I would have to choose the one song to get is the New version of the Statler Brothers Classic "Flowers on the Wall!" It is worth the price of the album alone.
34 stars
His best album While all of Lewis Black's comedy albums are very good, his second release, The End of the Universe, remains his best release to date. Released months after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01, Black's delivery is passionate and intelligent throughout the album. Whether he's ranting on the over the top spectacle that has become the Super Bowl, the U.S. government's lack of common sense, or the ridiculousness of airport security, Black's observations are both humorous and accurate. Also worth noting is that unlike his more recent albums like the Carnegie Hall Performance, the album never becomes long winded or too political. Other tracks that deal with Jerry Falwell's controversial statements about 9/11 and global warming are also very funny and dead on. An excellent album from one of the best comedians working today, The End of the Universe shows Lewis Black at the height of his powers. Highly recommended.
45 stars
Works better than the original! I purchased these O-rings for replacing the drive belts for a rod dryer (fishing rods). They're stronger than the originals!
45 stars
Low Hassle Installation The TRENDnet Gigabit PCI Adapter of the few network cards I'ved used that was recognized (though not at full speed) without installing drivers. However, you still need to install/download the latest drivers to get full Gigabit speed.Simple installation, good speed, performs as well as any of the other gigabit devices I have. It's Vista, XP, and Server 2003 compatible. Keep in mind that via PCI, your network speed can be limited by the PCI bus or mobo if you've got a cheap chipset.
34 stars
The Ultimate Family Novel When most people think of Tolstoy, they no doubt think of "Anna Karenina." So do I, and even though "Anna Karenina" isn't my favorite Tolstoy book (I preferred the exquisite and perfect novella, "The Death of Ivan Illych" instead), I will admit that "Anna Karenina" is definitely Tolstoy's most psychologically revealing and most complex work.Set against the Russia of the 1870s, this book, like so many great Russian novels, could almost be read as a history lesson as well as a novel. There are passages on war, passages on peace and passages on the meaning of the "true Russian soul." And, perhaps in this book more than in any other ("Resuurection" may be the one exception), does Tolstoy share his own feelings with his readers by incorporating them into the feelings of his characters. The character of Levin, more than any other, mirrors the character of Tolstoy, himself. By the book's end, Levin, like Tolstoy, is a man who lives for God. And, for Levin, as for Tolstoy, this discovery of God, and the evocation of the spiritual side of his nature over the rational and intellectual side, gives a new serenity to life.At its heart, of course, "Anna Karenina" is a novel of love and especially, of the love that exists within families. It is about love that works (Levin and Kitty) and it is also about love that fails to work (Vronsky and Anna).Whether conventional (Levin and Kitty) or unconventional (Vronsky and Anna), functional or dysfunctional, Tolstoy's families are families in flux. The characters change and the relationships involved must change their dynamics as well if they are to survive. Love, something that is never easy, is severely tested and tried in "Anna Karenina." Some loves pass the tests, others do not.I have often thought that Tolstoy would have made a great film director as well as a great novelist. He excels at subtle gestures: a squeeze of the hand, a glance of the eye, a failure to turn around and face one's accuser. These details and so many more are brilliantly portrayed in "Anna Karenina" and form much of the book's greatness.This is a book with everything: riches, poverty, sickness, death, weddings, urban society and the peace of the country, togetherness and separation, joy and loss, love, betrayal and forgiveness.This translation by husband and wife team, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky is, in my opinion, far superior to the "old" translations of Louise and Aylmer Maude or Constance Garnett. The Maudes, to be sure, were friends and devotees of Tolstoy, but their Victorian prose can often sound "stilted" and forced. True, the Maudes present a more literal translation than do Pevear and Volokhonsky and they remain true to Russian grammar and sentence construction. Pevear and Volokhonsky have sacrificed the Russian grammar of Tolstoy in favor of English grammar and clarity of thought. I think, in this case, at least, it was a wonderful choice.They have also chosen to keep the Russian names of the characters, rather than Anglicizing them, something else I very much prefer. In this translation, "Matvei" remains "Matvei." In older translations, he became, maddeningly, "Matthew." In today's cosmopolitan world, I think most of us, and certainly those who are going to choose to read a book as sophisticated as "Anna Karenina" are familiar enough with Russian names to stick to the original. Substituting the English equivalent simply sounds silly.The notes that accompany this translation are far, far superior to the notes in the older translations, but here I do have a complaint. Why on earth did the publisher choose to put them at the end of the book rather than as footnotes? I found myself flipping to the back of the book time and again, when it would have been so much more convenient and helpful to simply look at the bottom of the page. The publisher did choose to place the translations of the French and German phrases at the bottom of the page, so why not the explanatory notes as well?Overall, however, I love this translation and find it far superior to any other I have read. "Anna Karenina" is a complex novel encompassing all the mysteries of relationships. One requires enough concentration just reading the book without stumbling through an awkward translation as well. "Anna Karenina" is a wonderful book; this new translation has made it far more accessible and enjoyable. I hope it will be enjoyed by many more readers in the years to come.
45 stars
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea I think that someone who likes science fiction and mystery would like this book a lot. Someone who likes this book would also probably enjoy scuba diving, swimming, spear fishing, and boating. They also might enjoy oceanography, marine biology, hiking, and snorkeling.I really liked this book. One of the reasons that I liked this book is because it was very exciting. There was always action happening, for example, when the giant squid attacked the Nautilus. The characters were realistic and intriguing. I particularly liked Conseil because he was Professor Aronnax's servant and was extremely loyal. The plot seemed like it could be very real. I learned a lot about different geographic settings. The author frequently described the shorelines in detail.
45 stars
Poorly Translated, but Likely Your Best Option This book is very poorly translated from the original German, and consequently reads awkwardly. There are also lengthy 'study sections' at the end of each chapter, which is bothersome.In terms of substance the book is generally sound, though far too much space is dedicated to dispelling the reader's presumed disposition towards blaming "the Jews" for Jesus' execution. Surely, the point needs to be made, but this is redundancy. The authors also go overboard in stressing their "objectivity" on the question of Jesus as the Christ, to the point where they almost come across as skeptics.To its credit, the book is quite comprehensive, and is, overall, head and shoulders above practically every other comparable volume.
23 stars
A brilliant movie perfected! The Lion King still stands as one of my all time favourite Disney movies and as thrilled as I was to get the Special Edition DVD, the Blu Ray really surprised me. What great detail! The cover is superb and the menu has a lot more options than the dvd player and not to mention multi-region as well, all advanced!The picture quality is superb and my old VHS copy was very watered down,. It looked like a poor remastering of an old colour tv. Thankfully, the dvd and blu ray got rid of all that and contrasted the colours.The same thing goes for Bambi, which I have also got on blu ray, Pinocchio and Beauty and the Beast. The rest are still being planned. I am looking forward to 101 Dalmatians coming out on blu ray!
45 stars
This book was good but at some parts, no Well,firstly the 3,Christopher,Catherine and Carrie ride the bus to Sarasota and Carrie suddenly throws up violently.A mute woman,Henrietta Beech,brings them to her employer's (Dr Paul Sheffield) house.There,he accepts the chidren when he believes their pitiful story and takes them in.Cathy seduces him disgustingly. Chris goes on to be a doctor and Cathy a ballerina.As for Carrie,she is horribly teased in school by Sissy Towers,her roommate and some others.Carrie also does not grow very much and is ashamed of it.While in ballet,Cathy meets a dancer called Julian and she marries him.He is overpossessive while plays the field himself!Shortly after he dies from a car accident,(like her dad)or more likely suicide by cutting the tube, Cathy gives birth to baby Jory.(J for Julian,the rest for Cory)Soon, Carrie poisons herself from arsenic and dies too.While all of this was happening, Cathy plotts her revenge and seduced her mother's husband,resulting in her child Bart(same name)a long time later. At their Christmas party, Cathy confronted her mother and the truth spilled out.Even Bart turned away. She turned nuts and burnt the house down. She even told Bart that her mother was in the house to kill him while saving her.With their mother gone in the nuthouse, Cathy and Chris start a new life with Jory and Bart...
34 stars
Great for beginners. I bought this hand grip strengthener because my wife and grandkids weren't able to use mine. I obsessively use hand grip devices while watching movies or TV. I wanted the kids to be able to do the same. Now they can. The different resistance pieces are easy to change. I couldn't tell much difference between the #30 & #40 heads. But, after watching my wife & G-kids squeeze away on the Harbinger at lowest resistance, I am happy that I purchased them. Leave items like these on your coffee table... people will use them. Maybe TV is good for something after all.
34 stars
best one from them In my opinion this is by far their best album. A bit raunchy but extremely entertaining-you can't help but sing along!
45 stars
OO7 FUN TO THE EXTREME. - AWESOM I do not know what other game everyone has been whining about on the last few reviews but you must be some one who can not see what an AWESOME game this truly is!!! How on Earth can you complain if you have ACTUALLY and I use the word LOOSELY, Played this game....There are game fans and then there are OO7 Fans... A different group of players with Class.
45 stars
As usual john le carre makes good reading good story , I like the older stories a lot better than his newer ones.
34 stars
Brett's Review This is a great CD I love this CD cause its Rod Stewart and hes great My favorte song is Missing you & Have you ever seen the rain I love this CD its a real winner in my book.
45 stars
it's good Them music has a great beat with a nice rhythm and the singer gives a special touch with your uncommon voice. It's a new band that began make success because someone says that was good.
34 stars
a delightful love story with lots of action I am not familiar with Chinese literature and this was a wonderful introduction. As just a "read", this had all the action, love and suspense that one could want. It is a very readable translation, and once into the story it became very difficult to set it down. I would recommend it to anyone that likes a delightful story well told.
45 stars
01 star
An excellent simulation with some serious limitations If you want one of the most realistic jet combat sims available, Lock-On Gold just may be it. Flight modeling and attention to detail are incredible. This is a game that takes some time to master. The options and number of command imputs are almost overwhelming, but the plus is that it's highly customizable. You will need a VERY high-end system to get decent framerates, especially at higher resolutions. In fact, it is probably just now (Nov '06) that there is hardware available that can run it maxed out. I was previously running a dual-core Pentium at 4GHz, 2GB of RAM, and a highly overclocked 7900GT, and couldn't even come close. The selection of aircraft is a bit slim in my opinion. The campaigns are also a bit repetitive. But if you view it as a simulation, and not a game, then it's not too bad.
34 stars
Good advice that wears well with age Benjamin Franklin's Way to Wealth is incredible for its practical advice explained through examples. A short and easy read, the book is full of useful information and I think as far as financial books go, this is the starting point. Before spending money on books by the newer authors, start with this one.
45 stars
Turn your room Lunar 1973, I was all of 13. This was, in my pre-driver's license days, the only way for me to travel. "Dark Side of The Moon," a big old pair of Koss headphones, and a relatively cheap but OK stereo. Dark room. Posters. Dreams of escaping. Desires of being an astronaut. Wanting to be a pop star. And then this.Even today, over 30 years later, "Dark Side of The Moon" remains a sonic marvel. When you imagine that this was done well before the advent of digital recording, samples and the like, it becomes all the more impressive. Instruments dart in and out, effects (the clocks, the cash register) flood your head and room with sculpted sound and psychedelics. The wailing voice on "Great Gig in The Sky" (Clare Torry) is downright otherworldly, as are the snippets of conversation that pop up at intervals throughout. The album unfolds in the best conceptual album sense, as nothing here explodes as much as it does infiltrates. It's one of those albums where it's well nigh impossible to listen to it in segments, the cross of songs into each other demands that you take it as a whole.To this day, "Dark Side Of The Moon" is probably the best known Pink Floyd album, coming along with that masterpiece of dysfunction,The Wall. In many respects they're very much alike. On this, the band was still trying to make sense of Syd Barret's descent into madness (as they did again onWish You Were Here), on "The Wall" they looks at the crush of success and how it almost drove Roger Waters over the edge. In the case of "Dark Side of The Moon" and its long and pristine sculpted sound (courtesy of a youngAlan Parsons), they captured their moment, and over 30 years later, it still stands like a towering achievement.
45 stars
OZZFEST 2005...a true experience I have been to many concerts and by far this was the best. What made this the best was not only the music, but the dedication of the fans. I myself was at the Camden show at which it was 103 degrees out, yet i still had the time of my life and so did everyone else. Also the pure love of music shown by all the second stage bands made me enjoy my time even more, whether it be the deafening sound of The Black Dahlia Murder, the crazyness of Killswitch engage, the amazing sight of kids almost killing eachother to Bury Your Dead, or the absolutely awesome preformances by Mastodon and As I Lay Dying. The only problem I had with ozzfest was a little band called Iron Maiden who thought they were too important for the tour, well you know what, Ozzy and the crew showed them (more specifically Bruce Dickenson) what its all about. All in all if you are a true metal lover, then this dvd should definatley be purchased because it is a record of one of the biggest metal tours of all time.
45 stars
beautifully bounded copy I bought a few of these beautifully bounded Penguin Classic books. Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, and Jane Eyre. They are beautiful on my book shelf but I wish that the quality was better. Gosh in this day and age with Kindle and computers I miss the art of book binding and printing. Don't get me wrong I love my computer and I love modern technology but I will never, ever give up having books. I love the smell and feel of paper. I think that the Everymans Library cloth bound hardcover books are better quality but these get points for the printing on the books. By the way Amazon has the best prince on these. I saw them at Anthropologie for almost $10 more.
34 stars
Ramona, Helen Hunt Jackson The book arrived promptly from the vendor; in excellent condition. Have read it and loaned it to a friend; we both enjoyed the story and the history of early settlement of California particularly.
45 stars
I didn't like this story. Questionable. I can't believe that I enjoyed this book as a child. Maybe I read a condensed or child's version. I really didn't enjoy this story.
23 stars
Simply Amazing! I have tried a lot of brands from all over the world, Italy, Brazil, Japan...But nothing compares to what this product did for my hair. It's soooooo shiny, soft and it smells wonderful! My hair just looks a lot healthier, even though I style with a hair dryer so often. I totally recommend it!
45 stars
There's a reason why it's a classic What can one say about Catch-22? It's extremely well written and thought out. Full of dark comedy. The biggest thing for me was the way that it managed to literally hit me at the climax of the novel, I felt the same as if I had been physically struck. Powerful book, nothing but pleasure.
45 stars
Inspirational and "Go-Getum" approach to success. This book is an excellent overview about what it takes to winand succeed. The bottom line for overachievers is that hard-work,discipline, and a willingness to perservere are needed.The only criticism of the book that I have is that there are not many details given. Needs to be more specific ("How do I do this?")
34 stars
Substantial and tedious A novel on an important subject, but the narrator's personal angst and pain and confusion thoroughly sidelines the larger social and political issues. And the narrative is repetitive and tedious in it's thoroughness. This talented writer needed a better editor.
23 stars
Great Book!!! I bought this book looking for a new mystery series. I had high hopes based on the other reviews. This book exceeded my expectations. Madeline Bean is smart and funny. Holly is hysterical and Wesley reminds me of my best friend. I am looking forward to reading Ms. Farmer's next book.
45 stars
I'm now a Happy Hooker!!! This is the first knitting or crochet book that I have felt deserved my review! In my experience, most books like this have one or two really cute and unique patterns, however this book is not like that at all! It has some of the CUTEST patterns that I've seen. I went through marking things that I wanted to make and discovered that I've marked just about everything!The instruction part of the book is fantastic and writting in true Stitch N Bitch form, very easy to understand with great diagrams.There is truly something in this book for everyone, from funky scarves to sweet baby blankets and hats to not your ordinary potholders and on to ladylike purses. They've even included a doormat crocheted from twine (too cute)!!! If you love to knit (like I do) and are interested in the world of crochet, you won't be disappointed with the selection of things to make in this book!
45 stars
Poor product performance I rounded my 1 and a 1/2 star assessment up to two stars based on the fact that it has the parts to connect two 1080i or 1080p tv sets with HDMI cables to a hi-def satellite receiver that just has a single HDMI port. In practice, though, I found that the two hi-def tv sets couldn't play both HDMI-quality sound and picture simultaneously. It just didn't work. Also, HDMI cables didn't fit snugly into the splitter.
12 stars
Great Tape My wife saw this tape on cool tools (the learning channel) and just had to get me one. I am very glad she did I do allot of building and this tape will cut down the math conversion for finding center. The tape is of very good build and should last a long time I have the 25' but they also make a 16' witch is a bit easier to lug around. I wish I would have thought of this idea so simple.
45 stars
REALLY WORKS!!! I highly recommend this product for any animal owner... in particular for helping to eliminate any odors for sick or dying pets... the product actually says that it is good for "eradicating urine and dead bodies" they are not kidding... nothing worse than cat urine... this product saved my couch and bedroom mattress from a very sick cat. Something everyone should have around their household.
45 stars
Naval Shiphandling I'm fully satisfied with my purchase! The book is like new, besides its edition dates 1975. Congratulations to all!
45 stars
An UNBELIEVEABLE story. Ok, I was reading some of the other reviews and I was absolutly disgusted! J.K. Rowlings works are MASTERPIECES!!!! I would just like to warn all those who have read the nasty reviews. They are saying that stuff only 'cause they know that Mrs. Rowling is getting money off this and everyone loves it. It's truly amazing how everyone can make something horrible out of something that's a sucess. I wont tell you the amazing storyline because youve probaly already heard and I don't want to ruin it for you. I just find that to be that ignorant and then say "will you please vote for my review" is just plain stupid. Read the Harry Potter books NOW and if you already have.....errr... READ 'EM AGAIN!
45 stars
They don't sound like Demos Of all the tracks, only one sounds like a less than quality audible demo.The rest sound like they were given top quality production treatment without the polishing or attempt to make them more radio friendly.Consider this to be a rawer follow up to the brillant Deliver Us from Evil that went more in a Pomp direction ala Uriah Heep
45 stars
A Classic Yes, I know this isn't your regular hip-hop album... but we need this types of albums, I'm sick and tired of the same ol' songs and beats. Kanye West is not your regular rapper with platinum theet and spinners, that's why i like him. HIp-hop is not about who has more money and who can spend it faster with material things. Hip-hop is a way of life, a way of expresing yourself and not necessarily showing your bling bling. I think Kanye West is the best producer in the business right know and that's because he does his beats from his heart. He loves money and fame, but who doesn't. He can be cocky sometimes, but who isn't. Late Registration is a mix of hophop beats, R&B, SOul, Jazz and rock. I think this album is different from College Dropou, this album is more dark and has sort of different sounds than Dropout. If you are a real hip-hop lover you are going to find the meaning of this album and you are going to love it. You can see he just doesn't inspire himself on hiphop he has guest including singer Adam Levine from marron 5 and his co-producer is jon Brien (correct me if i'm wrong) a producer not known for his hip hop abilities but for his rock abilities. Best songs: "Heard em' say", "touch the sky", "gold digger", "we major", "diamonds", and hell all the other songs are good as well. Kanye West is the real deal and his here to stay! Thanks for the new twist on hip-hop Kwest
45 stars
Enjoyable, but it's not Chandler I picked up "The Maltese Falcon" after going on a Raymond Chandler binge. Dashiell Hammett seemed like the next logical step and this particular book had come highly recommended by many friends. So I think my expectations where too high, and maybe I'm unfairly comparing Hammett too much to Chandler, because I wasn't satisfied.For one thing, I think Chandler's use of first-person narrative is the way to go for detective stories. With Philip Marlowe you know exactly where he stands -- that he's a straight-laced guy -- in large part because you know what he's thinking. Sam Spade's morality is much more ambiguous and you would think that ambiguity would make him a more interesting character, but it somehow doesn't. He acts irrationally sometimes and it's never explained. This might make him a complicated character, but it is ultimately unsatisfying.The story is good enough, but Hammett does not have the incredible turns of phrase that fill Chandler's books. In many cases the dialog seems to drag as some character makes the same point repeatedly. In the end, however, the book is enjoyable; a noir 1930's comes alive, and that's a big plus. I will give Hammett another chance.
23 stars
This is an invaluable book! This easy-to-read book describes medical intervention for autism spectrum children from a variety of perspectives. I think it is especially helpful for the parent who is new to medical intervention as it explains how to get started.It's very concise with information on what tests to order and what to look for in the results. It's written for both parents and doctors--really helpful to share with a doctor who is unfamiliar with medical intervention or wants to see the research behind the methods.After reading Dr. McCandless' book, I felt so much more confident and reassured about my child's prognosis. It made me feel like we can take control of his future and help him to achieve his personal best.
45 stars
The truth It's refreshing to hear the truth about how politicians and big corporations can control the media, but it is also sad that it can happen here in the US where we value freedom of the press. Ziegler shows just how President Clinton and Disney prevented the release of the docudrama "The Path to 9/11" and how the liberal media failed to ask the tough questions. Definitely a must watch.
45 stars
disappointing My girls love Angelina & this was a gift at Christmas. The talk-twinkle did not work. I paid $6 for new batteries & it works sometimes. It is difficult to line the talk button up so you can press in it & make it work. My nephew bought one for his girls too...he said they had difficulty making it talk too. The doll itself is very cute.
01 star
Crown jewel of the GFR catalogue The hyps is real. These guys were really one of the biggest bands in America at the time from late 69-73. Obviously your average listener will only be familar with 'We're An American Band'. Even other great songs on that album itself remain undiscovered. However these guys early albums from their debut On Time, the red album and Closer To Home are prime examples of awesome simplistic early 70's hard rock. True, the roots of heavy metal lie in acts like Grand Funk. If youre only used to hearing GFR's studio cuts from best of's or even if you are more familiar with the group's other lesser known records, you're probably aware these guys were as huge as they were becase of their live repuation. On stage, they ruled. On vinyl, they seemed a little less, to the point, or maybe too simple and raw. Perhaps like caging a tiger and not letting it run wild. If you have ignored the live album and are used to GFR studio, be prepared. The live setting totally captures this band in the way they are meant to be heard. Somehow, (as it's evident) they were most of the time recorded live in the studio with few overdubs (at least till their more commercial period), these guys sound so much better recorded live then with a producer in a walled room. As far as the great live albums of the time go, this one is top notch. Yeah it doesnt sound as good as desired, nothing to complain about though. It's not as bad as say, Got Live If You Want It. A double album put on one disc, pick up the remastered edition and get ready to hear in full force one of the era's best live bands. Early era favorites like Are You Ready, Paranoid, Heartbreaker, Mean Mistreater, TNUC, and Inside Looking Out are all featured in much more vibrant, more livelier and kick ass versions than their studio counterparts. All extended. lots of jamming, fuzz bass and guitar galore and the excitement of the day represented. A classic live rock album for sure.
45 stars
hes jr, hes sr the other day i gave in and picked up a copy of junior senior's d-d-don't stop the beat. while my indie rock cred filled head screamed, "no!" the devil on my shoulder (dressed in mc hammer pants and a trucker hat) said "get it!" so, as usual, i went with the shoulder boy's opinion and got it.so happy i did.the album not only makes you shake your ass from the dance aspect, but at heart it's a soulful rock album as well. it's garage-y at times and electronic at others, but always maintains its sense of earthiness and analog vibe. "move your feet," undoubtedly the best track and the album's obvious single ( i just picture them walking into the record company and signing right away ) makes you wanna jump out of your room and head to the nearest club."chicks and d*icks" is a hilarious countersexual song which showcases the affiliation of the two (junior and senior) and the rest of album is rollicking and fun, too.get the chip off your shoulder and get this cd.
34 stars
Nothing less than excellent! Crystal clear audio with great range. This is simply the best cordless phone I've ever used. Text screen lights up well when a call comes in and easy to see the caller ID. The handset is much lighter in weight than others I've used and the battery life is excellent! This is the one to buy. You will not be disappointed.
45 stars
Objectively...I Swear It's the Review The Ladderback's first full length album shows the band's strong influence of D.C. post-punk groups like Fugazi and Rites Of Spring tempered with a Drive Like Jehu level of technical playing. the songs are fast and frantic with screamed vocals and noisy progressive rock overtones. where The Ladderback stand out from other bands who played this same style of manic emotionally strained rock (Sleepytime Trio, Four Hundred Years, etc.), is their soft spot for melodic pop and their ability to pen some beautiful passages. as in the second song "Friendly Advice Or Fair Trade" where amidst the back-breaking sonic carnage, everything dies down and a gliding smooth melody bursts from the distorted guitars with the rest of the band chiming in accordingly...who seem content to follow this hummable detour until the group sees fit to explode back into the song's dramatic conclusion. things may get a little too poppy on songs like "I Hope You're There" and "My Turn, My Time" which, although well-written songs, sound a little too squeaky clean for the overall context of the album. but on "Bee Stung Hollow" and the epic tune "A Boy And His First Paper Airplane", The Ladderback lays down some strong playing and finds a good balance between the catchy hooks and the noisy intensity.
34 stars
Defective. Ram never worked. I didn't pay much for it and to return it was gonna be a waste of time due the cost send it back anyway.
12 stars
Not bad at all I got this gong for our office to ring every time we have a software release.It's not a huge orchestral gong but it does have a very nice loud ring to it. I was surprised how much noise it could actually produce.My only (half) complaint is that stand is not the same as the one in the picture. The given stand is still functional (and probably sturdier) so I've uploaded a picture of what the stand actually looks like in case you guys care.
45 stars
Inexpensive but works well This makes the jointer blade adjustment very easy. Don't forget to mark the fence before you take out the blades or you will have to take longer to put them back right.
45 stars
Great tracks Used to have all the CCR on vynal but lost them. Now I have this CD collection & it has extra tracks I did'nt know about!Been a CCR fan since my early teens when I first heard 'Bad moon rising' played at a electrical store & it was on a record player being used as a demo. Onced hearing it I was taken over as a fan.Only found these CD's on Amazon no where else! Highly recomended.
45 stars
Important New Work, Great Translation Brilliant compilation of early Arab women poets. I not only enjoyed the poems, but the layout of the book was ingenious. Readers of ancient women writers must read this book. Professors of early feminist writings must teach these poems instead of starting with medieval European women. Hopefully, more work will be done in this field.
45 stars
Classic What can you say other than Cagney is a classic and always enjoyable. Do not know how we had missed this classic.
45 stars
A succinct review of Middle Eastern politics This book is part of a Young Adult (YA) series called "Creation of the Modern Middle East." All of the books contain an introduction by Dr. Akbar S. Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies and Professor of International Relations, School of International Service, American University, in which he congratulates "Chelsea House Publishers for taking the initiative in helping us to understand the Middle East through this series."I've read several now, and they are written in a newspaper-like manner (who, what, when, where, why): "Today, Amman is the capital of Jordan. As of 2000, its population was estimated at more than 2 million people, about 40 percent of the country's total population." The numerous photographs, many of them from the early 20th Century, give readers insight into how the ordinary Jordanians lived."Jordan" is more interesting than some of the other books in this series because it focuses on this country's 20th Century kings, most especially Hussein (November 14, 1935 - February 7, 1999), who was a shrewd ruler as well as a thrill-seeking airplane pilot, skier, and lover of fast automobiles. He survived numerous assassination plots, promulgated by Jordanians and other Arabs who did not care for his ties with Israel and the United States. President Nasser of Egypt was known to refer to King Hussein as an 'imperialist lackey.'When Hussein did sign a defense pact with Egypt, it ended in disaster. In June 1967, as a result of the Six-Day War Jordan lost control of its West Bank (where most of the country's farms were located) and East Jerusalem, and saw its armed forces (the best in the Arab world) destroyed. Jordan also had to cope with a huge influx of Palestinian refugees that Israel would not allow to return to the territories it had captured. In the end, Palestinian refugees who fled the 1948 and 1967 conflicts outnumbered Jordan's natural citizens.The Palestinian fedayeen in Jordan became a formidable military presence, and their actions, in concert with an aborted Syrian invasion, finally caused Hussein to task his military with driving the Palestinian Liberation Organization out of Jordan. This led to the formation of the Black September terrorist group, more assassinations, hijackings, murders, and ultimately the murder of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich at the 1972 Olympics.Jordan did not participate in the 1973 'Yom Kippur' war against Israel, which Egypt and Syria ultimately lost. As a result, "in 1974, at a summit of Arab leaders in Rabat, Morocco, Jordan was stripped of its responsibility for the Palestinians. The Arab leaders designated the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and ordered Hussein to turn over the West Bank to the Palestinians should the Israelis return it."This book will give its readers an introduction to Middle Eastern politics, not just in Jordan, but also Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and Kuwait. King Hussein and Saddam Hussein were friends, and the Jordanian ruler tried to prevent the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which ultimately led to U.S. involvement in Iraq. The King also delivered the eulogy at the funeral of assassinated Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Indeed, the history of Jordan cannot be separated from that of its Middle Eastern neighbors.
45 stars
Exactly what I wanted I bought this product as a gift for my mom for Christmas, who loves Jane Austin books. For some audio books, the narrator is boring and drones on and on. Or, they put to much dynamism into their read-aloud, making their story seems over dramatic and almost comical if it wasn't so disappointing. This was not the case for this product. The female narrator reads all of the character's dialogue, but in a way that is easy to listen to. She doesn't overemphasize, nor is she monotone. It's the perfect companion if you are taking a long drive alone, which my mom often does. I recommend this product 100%.
45 stars
The worst war movie ever made Is it really the worst war movie ever made? Maybe not, but I felt like a balance had to be struck with all those who say it's the best ever. It does, however, represent the biggest waste of talent ever, from the actors to the camera work to the score. Nobody is given a chance to suceed, due to the stupifying writing and what has to be the worst editing in movie history. For God's sake, how can you spend five minutes building up to a battle (the creekbed scene near the end)and then just cut to 'after the battle'? I did hear Mallick's first cut came to around seven hours, so what can one expect with 70% of the film chopped away, apparently with a weedeater. This may be fine for photography students, but for anyone wanting a film that tells a story, look elsewhere.
01 star
Women and Children First I recently viewed the Critereon edition of THE NAKED KISS (1964), director's Sam Fuller raw, brutal yet at the same time sentimental and charming expose of "one of the truths behind the American way of life" circa 1964.To say that Sam Fuller's films are "the cinema of the extreme " is to understate the situation. Mr. Fuller seemed to believe he could illustrate his theories of why things are the way they are by usng the most extreme examples in every story and idea.In THE NAKED KISS, Sam Fuller might be saying that because our society is structured the way it is, women and children are pretty much unprotected when a socially acceptable appearing predator, expecially one with wealth and position, comes calling on society's most helpless potential victims.THE NAKED KISS has sharp contrast B&W; cinematography, beautiful musical interludes and enough shocking situations to fill several films from the same era. I think that it is the juxtoposition of these contrasts, one right after another that really make this film dig into your psyche, at least while you're viewing it.As I said, some of the contrasts are quite jarring but the overall theme is smoothly delivered and sort of sneaks up on you, even now, in 2009.Yes, violence gets the story moving and pretty much resolves the criminal situation but Sam Fuller's larger question remains: How can this situation be allowed to exist? A startling question in 1964 and an even more urgent question in 2009.The Critereon edition of THE NAKED KISS has no extras save the trailer & scene selections feature, something of a disapppointment. I gave this film a five star rating because if you give THE NAKED KISS half a chance it'll grab at your consciousness and won't let you go for some time.
45 stars
Was helpful- TYPOS THOUGH My professor didn't really give much guidance as to what to study for and pretty much everything was up for grabs. I mainly used the study test questions and study test fill in the blanks which were super super helpful. There are some typos in the book though so sometimes you can confused.
34 stars
does the job have had this for a few weeks. does not move on dash. easy to move from my car to wife's car. no ring on windshield to alert thieves. so far very satisfied!!!
45 stars
The Worst Hard Time I lived in Oklahoma during this time although not in the worst hit area. I do remember seeing the black sky appear and what I remember of my childhood was the constant conversations of the adults about "the depression, the drought, and sandstorms." All that made a deep impression on me and after reading this book, I have a much clearer impression of what was happening and why it happened. The book was well done and I passed it on to a son who really had no idea how horrendous this time was.
45 stars
Stars Shine in Rio One of Alfred Hitchcock's most complex romances features two of his favorite stars (Gary Grant and Ingrid Bergman) in the lead roles. Set against a background of spies and counterspies, Notorious remains first and foremost a love story. When Alicia Huberman (Bergman), the daughter of a convicted Nazi is hired as a double agent, she discovers she's in for more than she bargained for. While assigned to uncover scientific secrets from Germans hiding in Brazil, Bergman makes the ultimate sacrifice for her country by marrying her father's former conspirator, Alexander Sebastian (Claude Rains). Bergman is desperately in love with American agent T. R. Devlin (Grant), who she believes has deserted her emotionally, but marries Rains almost out of spite rather than pure patriotism. Through the many plot twists and turns, Bergman and Grant realize their true feelings for one another. A truly wonderful suspense, Hitchcock gets amazing performances from his cast. Bergman (never more beautiful or appealing) and Grant are excellent as the lovers who can't seem to express their mutual affection. Both seem ready to explode from all the pent up emotions. Rains is perfect as the mama's boy Nazi leader, and what a mother German actress Leopoldine Konstantin is in her only American film! The plot was so original that the writers of Mission Impossible II ripped it off (including the contact meeting scene at the racetrack!) with less than mediocre success.
45 stars
Clear sound, simplicity and mobility This device is simply perfect to record at home.! Real time monitoring, zero latency and clear 24 bits pure sound. It's amazing.!
45 stars
The long awaited triumphs This is one of the best "long awaited sequels" you could buy. It offers great music along with cool lyrics. The special edition is really neat. It looks like a book. The cover is a tad weird though.
34 stars
Just as I remembered... Just as I remembered...great and corny 90's scary movie. Good flick without all of the gore from today's scary movies; plus there are a lot of familiar actors in it.
34 stars
Ever felt paranoid? This is an example of absolute perfect filmaking. If you read the book, you will know what I mean. It is probably the most true-to-the-original screenplay ever written.Slowly building on on how the everyday things we hear and see can turn into our worst fears, this film spells horror in it's most realistic form ....plain old paranoia. Or is it?"This is no dream; this is really happening!"Watch it over and over again for the view of NYC mid-sixties ... the bright cheerful whites and yellows everywhere... Christmas in the city ... and wow, can they be creepy!Amazing.
45 stars
This is great music This is the best album that ever came out since Wham's " Make it Big " album surfaced. The similarities between George Michael and Bobby B. are amazing. They both have given a refreshing uniqueness to the world of music. They were, are and always will be the Kings of Freestyle. So prepare to be crowned for they will rule you.
45 stars
Absolutely Fabulous Having read Emer Martins first novel, Breakfast in Babylon, (which is highly recommended), I waited with baited breath for her next book. Follow up books from new authors can often be disappointing at the least, however, I was pleasantly suprised at the consistancy in Ms. Martin's talents as a young author. The story although tragic, is written with warmth and an understanding that is rarely seen in modern literature. There is greatness in this book and something for everybody.
45 stars
NO STARS! it does not heat at all, water freezes and i threw out box already. i don't know if mine is defective or they are all non heating.
01 star
The best book about creativity Unlike most other books on this subject, this one has deep insights on the topic: creativity.What I think about most of other books about creativity is that they remain discussing the obvious. Without any insight about the real nature of creativity or deep analysis of REAL facts and situations. Rollo May does that. He performs an analysis of creativity in the scientific point of view of psychology. And that's why he is distinguished from other authors who never had any real insight about the topic and keep talking about what every one knows just in a diferent manner just to steal our money.
45 stars
Dangerous Why do I dislike this movie? This movie is a very nice way to give Christian fanatics lots of ammo. And I'd like to tell you fanatics of any kind can be dangereous, not just Muslim fanatics as many Americans tend to be. Fanatics of NyQuil could potentially be dangerous, so don't give Christian fanatics something else to use against anyone who may happen to have a different belief that they do.Did Jesus go through this? Something like it, probably not exactly. Does Mel Gibson deserve the money he makes? No. Did Mel Gibson take a risk? No. He already had a large audience that would go see the movie even if no one else would. But he knew everyone would go see it because it's controversial. Controversy make a lot of money, look at Eminem.This movie is not a life changing experience because it is a movie. People shouldn't be guilted into Christianity because they saw an actor pretending to be Jesus get tortured.
01 star
45 stars
Chocolate War The book arrived in good time and was in good condition. I liked the book but the only reason I read it was to see why it is protested every school year by over sensitive parents. It is a book that even now can relate to pre-teen/teen boys.
45 stars
Beautiful! I bought this umbrella as a gift for someone because of its beauty and distinctive American design and was suitably pleased.
45 stars
Applause from Heaven Very beautifully written by one of my favorites, Max Lucado. Using this text for Bible Study with friends. I like it.
34 stars
His very best To anyone familiar with the blues, John Lee Hooker is the quintessential story teller who plays the best boogie beats. John in the course of his career which spanned most of his life, composed a lot of albums. All of them are earthy, full of beats and folksy.But I think this album indeed captures the essence of them all. Here he is at his story telling best. Indeed, the version of the House Rent Boogie and I am Bad like Jesse James that are in this album epitomize the best of JLH. This album also has his more lilting ones like I m in the mood for love, waterfront and bluebird and his duet with Van Morrison "Never get out of this blues alive".I would rank this as his very best because:1. all the famous songs are there.2. All songs have been sung inimitably.3. Rarer songs such as the one with Van Morrison.If you are a fan of JLH, this album will complete your collection. If you are new to him, this would be your best introduction.
45 stars
Wonderful Remake of Fingers This film is a remake of Fingers and better! Fingers was a film starring Harvey Keitel and directed by James Toback which has a cult following but was never considered that good. This film, The Beat that My Heart Skipped is a remake and immense improvement on the original. A young man with a businessman father who uses him to terrorize and wound people who owes his father money is still attracted to classical music and his late mother's life as a concert pianist. He decides to attempt to audition for a performance while continuing his day job. How does punching people affect your hands and fingers used to play piano? The star tries to improve his piano with a Vietnamese-Chinese female teacher who doesn't speak French. The love of the music transcends the language barrier. A very interesting French film.
34 stars
Read me a bedtime story, Mommy. First, I find it very refreshing to see such a broad range of reviews for a particular book or movie. Usually everyone loves it or hates it.There is only one reason to read Gregory Maguire's novel, "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West", and that is to see how they were able to make a Masterpiece as The Broadway Musical "Wicked" from one of the most boring books this reviewer has every read. I was fortunate to witness the London Showing of "Wicked".About the book: Oh, all your favorite characters and places are there, Elphaba, Nessarose, Galinda/Glinda, Fiyero, Boq, Madame Morrible, Doctor Dillamond. The Wizard, Shiz University and the Emerald City. But they weren't quite the same. This is definitely not a children's book. Full of four letter words and sex was widely enjoyed, especially by Elphaba. The characters were all forgettable and story too long and I repeat, boring.5 stars for the musical.1 Star for the book.
01 star
#1 toilet seat lock. This is the best toilet seat lock I've tried. It's easy for adults to use, but hard for toddlers to figure out. Just make sure not to unlatch it in front of the child or else he'll immediately know what to do.The latch is easy to install, stick on with the adhesive on the clean toilet seat lid and you're done. Make sure to let it cure before trying to use it or else the adhesive may not bond tightly enough.Unlike other toilet seat locks, this one is elegant and appears to be a part of the toilet seat lid rather than an awkward limb hanging off one side.To unlatch, swing the arm sideways. To lock, let the arm slide back toward the tank. Gotta love the simplicity.
45 stars
Fellowship of the Rings-Unabridged This CD set is quite enjoyable to listen to. It includes the entire book and the narrator does a nice job of adding intrigue to the story with his voice renditions of the different characters. It's a lot of fun to listen to this after listening to the BBC dramatization as this fills in the parts that are cut out in the BBC version. I would recommend this to any Lord of the Rings fan. I look forward to listening to the other two books in the trilogy and The Hobbit unabridged once I'm finished listening to this book on CD.
45 stars
Mac ibook compatability I recently returned this item. During the unsuccesful installation process I was informed that not all computers have the needed USB bus power, so I purchased an additional WD power supply. After trying a second time to install this hard drive, I learned that my USB drive is the older, non-supported version put out by Mac. I returned the item.
34 stars
Yes, It's THAT Good It's hard for an album to live up to expectations, especially 20-some years after release. Rock music tends to date itself, to become nostalgic and lose its vibrancy. But 'Born To Run' didn't follow any trends then and it still doesn't today.The perfect rock record. The hits are classic rock staples and the lost songs are better than the hits. This album is magic. It can't be defined, predicted or stopped. These songs sound so fresh today they must have been downright alien at the time of their release. Springsteen and producer Phil Spector create their 'wall of sound' that amplifies that flawless layering of The E Street Band and brings forth the messages of love and magic in these songs.The songs go without saying: 'Thunder Road,' 'Born To Run,' 'Tenth Avenue Freeze Out.' A song like 'Night' is overlooked only because everything else was so noticed there simply wasn't time to point it out. In 'Jungleland' Springsteen created rock's one song opus, as fine a popular musical composition as there's ever been. For ten exhausted minutes Bruce takes us up highs and lows in a town most of us have never visited but we can see ourselves walking down those streets with him. It's indescribable, exhausting, too loud and too long but once its over you have to start it over, at least to hear 'Thunder Road' again, then 'Tenth Avenue.''Born To Run' is the ultimate teenage rock and roll album. Later teen angst'ers don't get it. It's not about anger, it's not about desperation. It's about dreams and spirits and kisses on summer afternoons.It's about Bruce Springsteen. And this is the album that proved that. It still does today. An album like this hadn't come before and won't come again. It transcends itself, its era and its performers.
45 stars
I will listen to this 100's of times Tom Bodett is a great storyteller - maybe the best. Exploded is his best work. This live performance highlights his versatility, his dry sense of humor, and his understanding of the human condition. I find his use of vignettes and his skill at pulling the story together at the end to be just amazing. I would recommend this highly. This is my favorite audio tape to listen to - nothing else comes close!
45 stars
A grand effort in Zach Braff's directoral debut I have always been a big Scrubs fan so I had to see this movie. It did not disappoint me. The movie was so good because it felt so real. It was not stuck in the world of Hollywood where everything is perfect. I do not want to give away the movie, but it really had a good take on life. For example, in a touching part of the movie, Braff's character defines love as a Mother giving her sleeve for him to wipe his nose. Additionally, the two main characters, Portman and Braff, both have flaws. They truly love each other, but they love each because of and in spite of their flaws. This simulates real life and real love in comparison to the type of love that Hollywood generally protrays. Hollywood generally only shows us the bliss that people feel whe they are idealizing their mate. Many romances that survive in movies would die in real life quickly, because once this bliss wears off there would be nothing left. This movie was different because you felt Braff and Portman saw and acknowledged each other's flaws. Great film and great accompanying soundtrack.
45 stars
Barney does it again! What a World we share indeed! Witty! Insightful! Eye-opening! Rollicking good times!And those pants!
45 stars
New Player Characters This is a companion book to the Dungeon and Dragons world that allows characters more options in creating their characters by giving guidelines for creating fey player characters and new classes such as fey hunters. Some of the races included in this book are: Bogies, Deep Fey, Faeries, Feeorin, Sprites, and half fey. Great for people sick of playing the same old races and classes.
34 stars
Occasionally we need something like this... Tired of the MEANINGFUL stories, the unhappy endings, the thought and angst provoking films.Tired of the mayhem that wholesale owns the screens.Look back to a film like this. Cannes enjoyed it, so it can't be all bad.Campy.. get out the marshmellows this one goes to the extreme.
34 stars
making history come alive and jump up and down As a big fan of Elmore Leonard it is always a treat when he writes another book.I am surprised at those reviewers who did not think this ranked right up there with most of his other books. This book is not only "a great read" but is interesting because of it's historical veracity. Talk about a book "making history come alive" this is one of those books. Leonard must have done or had his crew do lots and lots of research. It's a shame to think that USA is treating Cuba almost the same as it did 100 years ago. I tried unsuccesfully to read this book slowly because I didn't want the book to end !
45 stars
item not what I wanted It is not anyones fault but the coupling I was looking for is not this hard plastic. I could not use this item. Since the shipping and handling was more expensive than the product itself it is not worth sending back.
01 star
This game is UNBELIEVABLE!!! This is the greatest game Ive ever played bar none. When I was in highschool I loved Civilization 2. I recently got a computer and wanted a good game. I bought Civilization 3 and it seemed to have lost something. I cant put my finger on it but it just didnt have the soul. Or maybe I have changed and need more exitement. Well anyway I took a chance on Stronghold Crusader and havent stopped playing since. This game is simply amazing. You build up a castle(kind of like sim city). You have to build houses for the people and cathedrals. The graphics are simply beautiful. The battles are very INTENSE. And strategy changes on each skirmish. What worked in one, dosent get you anywhere in another. This game has the soul I was talking about earlier. I really feel angered when my castle is getting burned down. I take it personal. How many games emmerse you to the extent that you get so involved in the game. I havent ever taken a game so much to heart. Take a chace on this one. Its not very expensive and has kept me at it for many days. Very addictive. And the thrill of beating a lord who has been given you a hard time. That thrill of victory is priceless. Go out and buy this game. NOW!
45 stars
Not what they used to be Once upon a time, these were the best undershirts you could buy. I have several from a few years back that are soft, comfortable and have kept their size all these many years. But now, if you buy them, expect them to shrink to an awkward shape after the very first wash....and it only gets worse from there. Don't waste your money!
01 star