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SCP-4863 is a perceptual phenomenon experienced by human subjects in a 0. | ***
Item #: SCP-4863
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to operate within global space agencies to prevent the development of manned missions into heliocentric orbits lower than that of Mercury.
Description: SCP-4863 is a perceptual phenomenon experienced by human subjects in a 0.31 AU1 radius of the Sun. No forms of recording equipment, typical or paratechnological in nature, have been capable of observing the anomaly. Subjects describe it to be "a second Sun," following a heliocentric trajectory at an unclear distance from the solar system, completing an orbit once every 24 hours. The anomaly occupies an amount of space in the sky comparable to that of the Sun when viewed from the Earth's surface.
Despite the aforementioned observational issues, subjects still perceive equipment in their vicinity as recording data on the anomaly. According to it, SCP-4863 possesses the spectra of an A-type white star, with a luminosity comparable to that of normal solar radiation. Details on distance are only described as "farther than us." No other information can be discerned; subjects state that the data is "too bright to see."
Upon exiting the 0.31 AU radius, all perceptual phenomena cease.
On 12/06/2024, the Foundation Extrasolar Activities Division conducted an experiment using a ship recently outfitted with a Lang Distortion Drive.2 The ship, the Semiautonomous Exploration Vessel Messier-002, was positioned within the radii required to view SCP-4863 and was aimed at an angle towards the anomaly's direction. The ship then accelerated to superluminal velocities and exited the solar system.
The Drive was disengaged after two hours of superluminal transit. The crew of Messier-002 reported themselves to be in orbit around a massive stellar object, hereafter designated as SCP-4863-A.
SCP-4863-A is a supergiant A-type white star with a radius of 1,436 R☉.3 From an orbital perspective around the object, the solar system is seen to be in its own orbit around the star, located at a distance of 14.5 ly4 and completing a full rotation about its axis once every 24 hours. The time to complete a full orbit is estimated to be on the order of millions of years. No perceptual phenomena are known to affect the object.
How SCP-4863-A exists is unclear. The star is among the largest known stars, and is vastly larger than any A-type star discovered to date. How it is capable of maintaining stability despite its structure being unsuited for such an existence is not explained by any developed models of stellar evolution, presuming the star developed through a natural or semi-natural process. The nature of the spatiotemporal mechanisms connecting it to the solar system is equally uncertain.
Through a thorough astronomical study of the space surrounding SCP-4863-A, the anomaly is believed to be outside the bounds of the observable universe.5 The density of stars, galaxies, and larger cosmic structures is substantially lower and more diffuse, with little to no formation of superclusters or voids. Readings for anomalous particle emissions (tachyons, Ψ-waves, etc.) are lesser in magnitude as well. Until further studies can be conducted, it is presumed that SCP-4863-A is the single largest object in this region of the universe.
Aside from the solar system, no other objects are in orbit around the star.
Researchers studying SCP-4863-A's surface behavior, distance of 6 ly, sent an alert to Divison outposts, reporting rapid emergence of anomalous phenomena. The phenomena was reported as visual in nature, witnessed when facing away from the star, and as holding an extremely high luminosity. Measurements identified it to be a Type-B blue white star.
On further elaboration, the phenomenon was said to be "a third Sun."
1. Astronomical units; 1 AU is approximate to the distance between the Earth and Sun (149.89 x 106 km).
2. An experimental mechanism used to accelerate vessels to faster-than-light speeds. Designs derived from [REDACTED BY DIVISION ORDERS].
3. Solar radii, defined by the radius of the Sun. For comparison, SCP-4863-A is close to the size of Saturn's total orbit (1,940–2,169 R☉ or 9.195–9.957 AU).
4. Light-years.
5. As seen from Earth. |
SCP-1100 is a highly dangerous complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant and animal life. | ***
Item #: SCP-1100
Object Class: Safe Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised ██/██/200█)
A single sample of SCP-1100 is stored in a triple-redundant hermetically sealed container, which is to be stored in an evacuated, reinforced containment chamber at Site █. The container must be checked daily for deterioration. If necessary, the sample must be transferred to a new container via Procedure 1100-233/J to prevent any possible vaporization.
All direct experimentation on SCP-1100 has been suspended pending further investigation.
In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 1-kilometer radius from all infected areas, and a 12-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks. The use of nuclear or chemical weapons to establish a public diversion may be authorized by at least three (3) Level 4 personnel.
ARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures (Amended) (Revised █/██/199█)
Special Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised █/██/199█)
Samples of SCP-1100 have been moved to the High-Risk Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 26 following the loss of Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 4 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines.
In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 200-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 6-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks.
ARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures
Special Containment Procedures:
Samples of SCP-1100 are kept within Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least one (1) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 3 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines.
In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 50-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 1-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks.
Description (Amended): (Revised █/██/200█)
SCP-1100 is a highly dangerous complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant and animal life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 will spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form, and can also be transmitted by direct contact with infected subjects, pollen, dander, and other excretions.
Infected plant and animal subjects will transform over the course of 24 hours, which includes but is not limited to:
Plants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans.
Plants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey.
Plants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology.
Plants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption.
Animals normally considered docile prey animals become increasingly strong and aggressive and will attempt to harm human subjects with no regard for personal safety.
Animals that are natural predators will prioritize human targets as prey, ignoring easier targets.
Animals that are domesticated livestock undergo physiological changes that render their flesh impossible to digest, or even lethally poisonous when consumed by humans.
Animals that are household pets become feral and hostile to human handlers, often times increasing in size and strength sufficient to cause bodily harm.
SCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer.
All experimentation on SCP-1100 has been halted due to the extreme danger and SCP-1100's continual adaptation.
ARCHIVED: Description (Amended) (Revised █/██/199█)
Description (Amended): (Revised █/██/199█)
SCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and can spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form.
When affected by SCP-1100, plants will undergo a series of transformations related to its natural physical attributes over approximately 48 hours:
Plants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans.
Plants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey.
Plants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology.
Plants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption.
SCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer.
Additional funding for the SCP-1100 study and research has been approved by O5 Command.
Addendum 1100-17: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26
On █/██/200█, [REDACTED BY O5 COMMAND] casualties reached 96% of site personnel by 0647 hours. At 0648, BCS-26's on-site nuclear warhead was detonated, stopping the infection but resulting in a total loss of BCS-26 and all site personnel.
ARCHIVED: Description
SCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and over the course of 72 hours causes plants to become increasingly dangerous to human life.
The effects of SCP-1100 include, but are not limited to:
Alterations to the appearance of edible plants that renders them repulsive to human observers.
The growth of hardened thorns and toughened structures in edible plants, rendering them inedible or indigestible to humans.
The internal manufacture of substances that cause nausea, pain, or severe internal injury to humans.
SCP-1100 was first encountered following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, contaminating plants near human settlements near the affected region. It is currently unknown how SCP-1100 is able to specifically target humans with these adaptations, nor is it known what organization is responsible for the manufacture of SCP-1100. Research and additional funding have been allocated to investigate the source of SCP-1100.
Addendum 1100-08: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 33
During routine experimentation, a large amount of SCP-1100 spontaneously vaporized and infected the entire plant crop grown at Bio-Containment Site 33. The subsequent incident resulted in the complete loss of BCS-33, and casualties among 70% of site personnel before the breach was contained. BCS-33 has been decommissioned, and all remaining samples of SCP-1100 have been moved to Bio-Containment Site 26.
Addendum 1100-023: Incident Log Addendum Re: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26
From fragments of damaged surveillance video recovered from the remains of Bio-Containment Site 26, it has been determined that the incident resulting in the total loss of BCS-26 was instigated by Drs. ██████ and █████. The video evidence shows that on █/██/200█ at 0631L, Dr. █████ disarmed and shot the armed guard posted at SCP-1100 containment, after which Dr. ██████ proceeded to breach containment and removed the sample. Access logs recovered from BCS-26's environmental systems then reported a breach in the primary service hub at 0637L, at which point SCP-1100 was presumably introduced into the entire site's air and water supply.
Investigation has turned up evidence of environmentalist organization membership for both Dr. ██████ and Dr. █████. All personnel at Site █ are being screened immediately as well.
Addendum 1100-024: Diary Entry recovered from the home of Dr. ██████
Got a chance to talk with █████ again today. He agrees with me now that there is no other explanation that fits. When you have eliminated all impossibilities then whatever is left has to be the truth, no matter how insane it is.
SCP-1100 isn't an engineered substance. It's not some bunch of hippies getting their sick revenge on civilization. It's a planetary immune response. It's Gaia, Mother Earth, fighting back against us.
The more we try to fight it, the worse it gets. She wants us all dead, wants us gone because of what we've done to Her. And there's nothing we can do to stop it.
The only thing we can do is to take responsibility for our sins and accept our punishment. Tomorrow, we're initiating the plan. |
SCP-3377 is a hypothesised class-IV reality bending entity or collection of entities. | ***
Item #: SCP-3377
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Protocol Bacchus1 is to be carried out at each Foundation containment and administrative site, unless specified otherwise by Site Command2. Provisional Site-386 has been set up in the Loire region of France in order to produce wine for the enactment of Protocol Bacchus.
No further containment is necessary.
Description: SCP-3377 is a hypothesised class-IV reality bending entity or collection of entities. Whilst no direct contact has yet been made with SCP-3377, evidence suggests the presence of an extremely powerful being (or beings) present on an adjacent reality to baseline, capable of interacting with baseline reality providing specific conditions are met. SCP-3377 appears benevolent, seemingly reducing the likelihood of anomalous damage occurring in an area where the conditions of Protocol Bacchus are met. SCP-3377 has also been known to leave "gifts" in exchange for wine when under the conditions of Protocol Bacchus. Such gifts are generally of a similar nature, being highly valuable and related in some degree to grapes or wine. An example of such, recovered at Site-17, is a living grapevine seemingly made of solid gold (item retained at Site-17 for further study). Efforts to establish communication with SCP-3377 are ongoing.
SCP-3377 was first discovered when routine examinations of patterns of anomalous events revealed statistically significant low cases of events in central France, particularly in the Loire Valley region. After investigative agents were dispatched it was found that these areas were centered around vineyards, leading to the research and development of Protocol Bacchus.
Addendum 1 - Protocol Bacchus: Protocol Bacchus was first developed in 1978 by Researcher Turei after the discovery of an inhibitory effect on anomalous activity around French vineyards, particularly those of the Loire Valley. Whilst the first iteration of Protocol Bacchus was very simple, over time it has become more complex, and thus more effective. Currently, Protocol Bacchus is on its 17th iteration, and is due to be reviewed on 28/06/2019.
Protocol Bacchus consists of the following steps:
All Foundation sites are to contain a wine cellar comprised of stone, kept underground where possible.
Wine cellars must contain at least 200 bottles of wine with a combined value of at least $8000 USD.
At least 50% of the wine in each cellar must come from France, with 20% of the total wine obtained from the Loire Valley.
Wine cellar humidity must be maintained at approximately 75%, with a temperature of approximately 13°C, and a light intensity of less than 120 lx.
At least once a month, one bottle of wine in each cellar must be removed and consumed by two members of Foundation staff alongside a meal of rare steak in a Bearnaise sauce, with freshly-fried potato. The bottle should then be replaced within 4 days.
1. See Addendum 1
2. For a full list of such sites, see attached document 3377/exclusions/1a |
SCP-182 is a Caucasian male, of average build, roughly 45 years of age, and has suffered heavy abdominal and cranial scarring at an unspecified point in the past (by subject's own admission, shortly before he was admitted into the care of the Foundation in 19██). | ***
Item #: SCP-182
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is to be kept in a small environmentally-sealed structure on an otherwise-uninhabited island situated 10km off the coast of Greenland. A team of five (5) guards are to be assigned to guard the subject at all times. Guards are to be examined for psychological damage once per month; guards who show any signs of damage are to be recalled from their post and are required to undertake a full course of psychiatric therapy prior to returning to duty. No single individual is to spend more than six (6) months at a stretch on 182 guard duty, and are required to spend a minimum of three (3) months on a different assignment before returning. Personnel are entitled to refuse this assignment if they have already spent a total of eight (8) months or more on the island. SCP-182 has requested to be kept under heavy sedation for 20 hours per day. Following Incident 182-7, this privilege has been revoked.
Description: SCP-182 is a Caucasian male, of average build, roughly 45 years of age, and has suffered heavy abdominal and cranial scarring at an unspecified point in the past (by subject's own admission, shortly before he was admitted into the care of the Foundation in 19██). SCP-182 is both deaf and mute, compensating for these disabilities with natural abilities.
SCP-182 has displayed the ability to passively enter the minds of other animals, including humans, and to perceive sight and sound through their senses, in effect 'riding' as a passenger in their minds. This has no consistent effect on personnel, and some guards have rotated on and off on a regular basis for the past ██ years without detrimental effects. However, prolonged exposure to SCP-182's passive 'sensory borrowing' results in vivid visual and auditory hallucinations in 97% of humans and 100% of nonhuman test subjects.
The effects in question vary widely in severity, but continued exposure after the onset will inevitably result in mental collapse, with said mental breakdown being hastened by proximity to SCP-182. SCP-182 has displayed the ability to consciously force hallucinations upon his guards when under duress, and as such it is advisable that subjects known to agitate SCP-182 be avoided (including mention of SCP-076-2, SCP-682, and SCP-182's own past prior to acquisition by the Foundation). Termination of affected personnel is recommended if they cannot distinguish between the hallucinations and reality, as all subjects allowed to reach such a point have invariably broken down, with brain death or permanent catatonia being the only possible outcomes. SCP-182 cannot control this ability with any appreciable degree of skill, and automatically sees and hears the perceptions of any living animals within ten (10) meters. Subject can 'focus' on specific directions outside of that range, but cannot 'ride' the senses of beings further away from it than thirty (30) meters.
SCP-182 additionally manifests the ability to project its thoughts into the mind of any individual whose senses it 'rides.' This mental 'speech' is the only known source of information about the subject, and has been described by guards as akin to being spoken to by a small human between their ears. SCP-182 exhibits no memetic or telepathic hazard stemming from this 'speech,' though subjects report that his 'voice' is always a component in their hallucinations.
Addendum 182-1: SCP-182 claims that the incident that resulted in the loss of its speech and hearing also manifested its telepathic talents. It is not presently clear whether this was a deliberate goal of the 'torture' subject was subjected to or whether the apparently life-or-death situation caused previously suppressed powers to manifest. Questioning in this vein is to be discouraged, as SCP-182 has become agitated in the past and has successfully attempted to accelerate the rate of mental breakdown in his handlers, resulting in ██ casualties during the first questioning.
Addendum 182-2: It has been suggested that SCP-182 be used as a “translator” with other SCPs who appear capable of thought, but not of communication. Given the side-effects of proximity to SCP-182, this request has been denied.
Incident Report 182-7
Audio report recovered from guard house, voice identified as Agent █████, recorded ██/█/19██
"Yeah… So, we got the letter this morning from O5 saying the sedation was approved. Dr. ███████ went out to tell one-eighty-two, guy seemed pretty happy, clappin' his hands and everything. Like a little kid. Shot him up, he was out like a light. Slept a few hours, then Dr. ███████ went in to check on him, make sure he was still breathing. Don't want a casualty, yeah? Anyway, I'm in the other house, we'd got up a good game of twenty-one, when I hear Doc screamin' his lungs out. Something about spiders, or…wha?"
(Following this, the tape records seven gunshots; audio analysis indicates they were fired at a point above and to the left of the microphone.)
"God damn it… We thought Doc had finally cracked, he'd been seeing little things out of the corner of his eye for a few days, we figured one-eighty-two had got to him. We drew straws to see who'd have to go get his body, [Agent J████████ ██████] drew the short straw. Guy was fresh out here, just been assigned last week. Dammit, I should have gone instead. J███'s screams started a few minutes later. Everyone got up at this point, we started walkin' out there, snow everywhere, should've transferred out of here befo- agh!"
(Another eight gunshots are heard, followed by repeated clicking. Subsequent sounds determined to be the replacement of an empty magazine.)
"Ugh… These things… We got to the house where one-eighty-two was, he was lying on the bed, looked dead to the world. Thirty, maybe thirty-five feet away J███ and Doc were sitting on the floor, drooling. Well, Doc was. J███ was dead. Blood oozing out of his mouth, looked like he bit his own tongue off. All three of us knew what'd happened. I started to see… things. I ran, I don't know about the other guys. I'm holed up in the building, gonna wait for the boat to arrive. Hope I can hold off long enough…"
(Audio recording continued for seventeen minutes, intermittent screams and gunshots can be heard, as well as a door opening twice.)
"I've seen what happens to those guys that go too far. I'm not ending up like that. I'm not going to see those things. Bye."
(A gunshot is heard, tape records two hours of silence. The bodies of Agents █████ and ████ were found inside the door, shot by Agent █████. Agent █████ was found next to the recorder, a bullet lodged in his skull.)
Final Incident Report: Subsequent questioning of SCP-182 by replacement personnel revealed that subject 'suffered from horrible, unworldly nightmares' while sedated. Subject displayed elevated levels of stress during interview, and it is theorized that the nightmares experienced by SCP-182 caused enough emotional distress that subject unconsciously created a radius of heightened hallucinatory territory. Subject is henceforth to be denied all sleeping aids. |
SCP-4091 is a phenomenon involving the spontaneous manifestation of a single Canis lupus familiaris1, designated SCP-4091-1, within a five meter radius of Junior Researcher Shepherd. | ***
Item #: SCP-4091
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Currently, Junior Researcher Shepherd is kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-25. An area with a radius of five meters around Junior Researcher Shepherd is to be monitored at all times. When SCP-4091-1 manifests, it is to be intercepted by Foundation security personnel and kept in containment until demanifestation.
Description: SCP-4091 is a phenomenon involving the spontaneous manifestation of a single Canis lupus familiaris1, designated SCP-4091-1, within a five meter radius of Junior Researcher Shepherd. The time between SCP-4091 occurrences varies greatly, with the longest recorded time being three months, and the shortest recorded time being one hour.
SCP-4091-1 is sapient and capable of speech. Upon manifestation, SCP-4091-1 will attempt to locate and converse with Junior Researcher Shepherd. SCP-4091-1 will demanifest following the conclusion of this conversation, or if it is unable to locate Junior Researcher Shepherd within 30 minutes of manifestation.
Addendum: Recorded conversation between Junior Researcher Shepherd and SCP-4091-1.
<Begin Log>
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Oh, it's you. How have you been?
SCP-4091-1: Pretty good.
Junior Researcher Shepherd: That's good. So, has anything interesting happened since I left?
SCP-4091-1: Not really. We've all just kinda been hanging out.
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah, I figured. Nothing really happened while I was there, either.
SCP-4091-1: That's not true. Remember how pissed Mike's mom was when he slipped and got mud all over his new jeans? We were laughing about that for years.
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Heh. Yeah, that was good.
Junior Researcher Shepherd stares at the floor. SCP-4091-1 and Junior Researcher Shepherd remain silent for 40 seconds.
SCP-4091-1: I miss you, dude.
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah, I know.
SCP-4091-1: Will you ever come back?
Junior Researcher Shepherd: I don't know if I can.
SCP-4091-1: Why's that?
Junior Researcher Shepherd: I work here.
SCP-4091-1: What's work?
Junior Researcher Shepherd: You wouldn't get it.
SCP-4091-1: So, think you can come back later?
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Probably not.
SCP-4091-1: Damn, that's a bummer.
Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah.
Foundation security personnel arrive. SCP-4091-1 demanifests.
<End Log>
When questioned, Junior Researcher Shepherd refuses to elaborate on his conversation with SCP-4091-1.
1. Domestic dog. |
SCP-2520 is a phenomenon whereby the decisions of courts, governments and international organizations are overturned by a non-existent appeals court or administrative tribunal, designated SCP-2520-1. | ***
Item #: SCP-2520
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-2520-2 must be suppressed immediately after they appear. Amnestics are to be administered to the parties, clerks, and members of the affected court or organization, as well as any other involved persons. Afterwards, any motions or other procedural devices addressed to the affected court or organization that may cause it to set aside or modify the original decision in any way, or prevent its enforcement, are to be monitored for anomalous influence. Updated 13 April 2015: In order to simplify containment efforts, the content of SCP-2520-2 instances is to be enforced, insofar as it is compatible with normalcy. For instance, this can be done:
By surreptitiously modifying the original decision.
By inducing one of the parties to appeal the original decision, or move for it to be set aside, as applicable, and then inducing the court or organization to grant the appeal or motion.
By causing legislative changes to be made that have a similar effect to that of the SCP-2520-2 instance.
By inducing the parties to act according to the SCP-2520-2 instance, renouncing any rights granted by the original decision.
Description: SCP-2520 is a phenomenon whereby the decisions of courts, governments and international organizations are overturned by a non-existent appeals court or administrative tribunal, designated SCP-2520-1. SCP-2520-2 collectively designates all decisions made by SCP-2520-1.
SCP-2520-2 instances claim to decide an appeal that was purportedly lodged by one of the parties or, in rare cases, by a person, object, or concept not a party to the proceedings. Whether or not the original decision could actually be appealed appears to be of no consequence. In all known cases, SCP-2520-2 instances find for the appellant.
SCP-2520-2 instances spontaneously appear in the affected court or organization no later than two months after the original decision is notified to the parties. During the period between the original decision and the SCP-2520-2 instance, the original decision will not be enforced or made known to the general public, even in situations where that would be expected or required by law, nor will non-anomalous appeals be lodged.
SCP-2520-2 instances generally conform to the usual language, format, and structure of court or administrative decisions from the country or region where they manifest. However, procedural rules are otherwise disregarded, and deviations from precedent and substantive law are common.
SCP-2520-1 is identified by a different name in each SCP-2520-2 instance. The names usually contain the term "special", or a different term with a similar meaning. Members of SCP-2520-1 are never named in SCP-2520-2 instances. No dissenting or concurring opinions have been recorded.
SCP-2520-2 instances cause a memetic effect on all persons involved in the original cases, and additionally on all those who have any knowledge of the applicable procedural rules. Upon gaining knowledge of SCP-2520-2, such persons believe that:
SCP-2520-1 is a real court or public agency, and its decisions are binding.
The original decision could be appealed to SCP-2520-1, and an appeal was in fact lodged. Although the parties have no recollection of having interacted with SCP-2520-1 in any way, they don't find this to be concerning.
SCP-2520-2 does not break with any precedent, nor is it particularly unreasonable.
SCP-2520-2 is final, and it cannot be overturned or modified, nor can its enforcement be hindered.
Those affected may still disagree with the findings, except for the members of the original court or organization, who consistently appear to agree with the content of SCP-2520-2 in full, to the point of regretting their original decision. Notably, administering amnestics does not cause their opinion towards their original decision to change, although suggestion has proven to be effective in that regard.
Uninvolved persons that have no knowledge of the applicable procedural rules before learning about SCP-2520-2 are not affected, even if they gain such knowledge afterwards. Additionally, the memetic effect can be broken by confronting those affected with the nature of SCP-2520.
215 instances of SCP-2520-2 are known to the Foundation. Of these, 64 (~30%) pertain either to landmark cases or to cases that received significant media attention. The manner in which the original decisions are selected is unknown.
Notable instances of SCP-2520-2 (partial log):
Date: 7 April 1857
Affected court or organization: Supreme Court of the United States
Name given to SCP-2520-1: Paramount Court of the United States on Certain Special Issues
Excerpt from SCP-2520-2:
That is not so, for, under this pile of absurd considerations on the interpretation of the Constitution, the powers of Congress and the jurisdiction of the court, lies the shameful and vile decision that persons of the African race can, and should, be subject to slavery.
Date: 2 February 1945
Affected court or organization: People's Court (of Germany)
Name given to SCP-2520-1: People's Special Appeals Court
Excerpt from SCP-2520-2:
However, our work would be incomplete if we were to limit ourselves to merely acquitting appellant. We must now give Judge Dr. ██████ ████████ what his actions merit, for justice is only done when every man has that which he deserves.
Date: 10 November 1995
Affected court or organization: Los Angeles County Superior Court
Name given to SCP-2520-1: California Special Supreme Court for the Repression of Murder
Excerpt from SCP-2520-2:
Indeed, it would be a monstrous injustice if we were to disregard the facts just because the wrong verdict was returned. And the facts clearly tell us that, on the morning of June 13, 1994, defendant did stab ██████ █████ ███████ and ██████ ████ ███████ to death.
Date: 17 October 2006
Affected court or organization: IAU1 General Assembly
Name given to SCP-2520-1: IAU Ad hoc supervisory committee
Excerpt from SCP-2520-2:
In conclusion, we find that the Resolution has wrongfully deprived appellant of its historical status.
NOW, THEREFORE, we declare the Resolution to be null and void, and we further declare appellant to be a planet, with all the rights and privileges that arise from such condition.
Date: 25 June 2015
Affected court or organization: Supreme Court of the United States
Name given to SCP-2520-1: Special Court of the United States on the Matter of Equality
Excerpt from SCP-2520-2:
Therefore, the right to marry cannot be abridged depending on the shape of the couple's genitals.
Finally, although we fail to see how the contents of this so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" have any bearing on this case, we have to commend Justice Kennedy on his dissenting opinion, as his heart is certainly in the right place.
Document history:
4 November 2005: Uploaded to new SCP database.
8 January 2007: Updated partial log.
13 April 2015: Updated special containment procedures, as required by SCPRB (case SCPRB-2015-5413).
3 July 2015: Updated partial log.
1. International Astronomical Union |
SCP-5835 is a tutelary parasite2 that takes the form of a male domestic canary3. | ***
Item#: SCP-5835
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-5835 can only be achieved through the designation of a human subject in Foundation custody as SCP-5835-A (currently, D-69273 at Site-59 has been designated SCP-5835-A-27.)
In the event of SCP-5835 being released from SCP-5835-1, either through a Forgiveness Event or the subject's death, a new host is to be designated through the following procedure:
A D-class staff member will be selected.1
The candidate will repeat the statement "Yellow is the ugliest color in the world, and I wish I could never, ever, ever see it again." (This statement has been determined to be the most effective in initiating SCP-5835-A.)
Following the initial SCP-5835 manifestation event, the SCP-5835-A instance will be given preventative anger management seminars to ensure long-term containment.
Description: SCP-5835 is a tutelary parasite2 that takes the form of a male domestic canary3. It is capable of speech and answers to the name "Mr. Cadmium Charleston Conrad Cole the Canary-Colored Canary, Esquire", or "Cadmium" for short.
SCP-5835 appears only when a human subject expresses a desire to no longer see the color yellow. When this happens, SCP-5835 will manifest before the human subject, remove their ability to perceive yellow, then disappear. (The location of SCP-5835 between manifestation events is unknown.) Subjects have described yellow objects appearing to be white or gray.
While the perception of the color yellow is not necessary for human life4, SCP-5835 will continue to manifest before the subject, harassing them with facts about the color and its apparent importance. During this time, the subject is designated SCP-5835-A.
SCP-5835 will continue its binding to SCP-5835-A until either the apology or death of the subject. Multiple instances of SCP-5835-A cannot exist at the same time.
Additionally, as demonstrated by SCP-5835-13 and corresponding behavioral citations, SCP-5835 is unaffected by blunt-force trauma and gunfire.
Addendum: Manifestation Logs for SCP-5835-16
First Manifestation:
Date: 7/12/2017
Location: Site-59, Testing Room B12
Time: 09:35 EST
<Begin Log>
Dr. Mundy: Read from the sheet of paper.
D-29583: Um… "I hate yellow."
Dr. Mundy: Use the exact wording.
D-29583: What?
Dr. Mundy: Your cooperation is mandatory.
D-29583: I said I hate yellow. This says basically the same thing. The fuck's your problem?
Dr. Mundy: You need to — [hesitates.] Actually, fine. Use that energy, really resent the color.
D-29583: Sure. Fuck yellow. Yellow's a piece of shit. I hope someone comes along and kicks yellow in the dick.
[SCP-5835 manifests.]
SCP-5835: Tweetle-y-woo and howdy-doo!
D-29583: Uh…
SCP-5835: "Uhhh," yourself! The name's Cadmium! When I looked in the mirror this fine yellow morning, a little birdie told me that you got a problem with the best color in the ding-dang world!
D-29583: I mean, I was just saying what that guy over there told me to—
SCP-5835: Oh, excuses, excuses! You dug this hole with your own two hands, mister — and by golly-gee-whillikers, you're gonna stew in it! I'll grant your wish — no more yellow for you!
[D-29583 becomes SCP-5835-A-16. SCP-5835 disappears.]
SCP-5835-A-16: The fuck was that?
<end log>
Second Manifestation:
Date: 7/16/2017
Location: Site-59, D-Class block, Cell 1594
Time: 13:40 EST
<begin log>
[SCP-5835-A-16 eats from his provided lunch tray. SCP-5835 manifests on his mashed potatoes.]
SCP-5835-A-16: Oh, fucking Christ—
SCP-5835: Whatcha eatin'? In the wild, knowing what the color of your food means can even save your gol-dern life!
SCP-5835-A-16: Get off my food. Now.
SCP-5835: Sure thing! But first, pop quiz: what am I standin' on? Is it mashed potatoes? Hominy grits? Mac & cheese? Tappity-oka?
[Approx. ten seconds of silence.]
SCP-5835: …answer, please.
SCP-5835-A-16: It's oatmeal, now fuck off.
SCP-5835: Wrong! It was mashed potatoes all along! Perhaps if you had an expanded color spectrum, you could have —
SCP-5835-A-16: Go. Away.
SCP-5835: Toodle-oo!
[SCP-5835 aggressively defecates on the mashed potatoes, then disappears.]
SCP-5835-A-16: [incoherent screaming]
<end log>
Final Manifestation
Date: 7/25/2017
Location: Site-59, D-Class block, Cell 1594
Time: 01:45 EST
<begin log>
[SCP-5835-A-16 sleeps in his cot. SCP-5835 manifests on his nose.]
SCP-5835: Havin' a dream?
SCP-5835-A-16: [stirring from sleep] …huh?
SCP-5835: Notice anything different? Anything… missing?
SCP-5835-A-16: I'm trying to fucking sleep!
SCP-5835: But since you hate yellow so much, I thought I'd take away all the marigolds and dandelions from your dreams! Oh well, suppose you won't miss 'em anyway!
SCP-5835-A-16: Look, I don't even hate yellow anymore. I hate you. GO AWAY!
[SCP-5835 hums to indicate thinking for approximately 15 seconds. SCP-5835-A-16 feels around for his shoe.]
SCP-5835: Well, I suppose I could bring yellow back. Left hand on your heart, and your right hand raise, and solemnly swear as I solemnly say's!
[SCP-5835-A-16 moves his hands as indicated.]
SCP-5835: Do you swear, on everything good and yellow, that you're gonna love the color of bees and honey and lemons and bananas for as long as you shall live, and never again sully its name with such a disgusting wish as the one you made to have it disappear, So Help You Jaune?
SCP-5835-A-16: Yes. Fine.
SCP-5835: And the next time you see a bright little tulip of the yellow persuasion, your heart will aflutter with the happiest of pitter-patterings, for it is now your favoritest of favorite colors?
SCP-5835-A-16: Sure. I swear. Are we done here?
SCP-5835: And if yellow ever comes up to you, can it do whatever it wants to your mind, body, life, soul, and feelings?
SCP-5835-A-16: Yes, I — wait, what?
SCP-5835: Tweetle-y-dee!
[SCP-5835 demanifests in an explosion, causing minor facial burns to D-29583.]
<end log>
1. As of Incident-5835-51, in which Junior Researcher Jacobs was killed when a SCP-5835 manifestation interrupted her maintenance check of the SCP-████ enclosure, only D-class personnel are to be used as SCP-5835-A.
2. "…while none of these types of reality-bending entities can be traced back to a single source, tutelary parasites all share a common purpose: defenders of abstract concepts from dissent. Though apparently omniscient, their potential for direct hostility is limited…" Dr. Isaiah Henderson, Advanced Classification of Reality Benders, 1987
3. Serinus canaria domestica
4. It should be noted that Junior Researcher Jacobs became an instance of SCP-5835-A by writing this article. |
SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet. | ***
Item #: SCP-6933
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6933 and its effects are to be used as a case study for Memetics Division Training, as well as as a way to identify and track general and individual memetic weakness. Internally, Memetic Vaccine 27 is to be added to the standard inoculation package for all Foundation employees. SCP-6933 is to be monitored for any changes in its behavior, however unlikely. Beyond this, no containment procedures are required.
Description: SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet. Individuals with stronger memetic resistance are able to reject or believe this as with any other idea, while individuals with weak memetic resistance are compelled to additionally "bring it back", by replacing all written examples of the digraph "th" with the letter "þ".2 This is facilitated by þ's non-anomalous inclusion in modern Icelandic, and thus, in all modern Unicode standards, allowing it to be displayed on the majority of modern devices. However, due to SCP-6933's weak nature, the inaccessibility of finding an Icelandic/þ compatible Keyboard, in addition to simple peer pressure, are often enough to cause the memetic effects to become inert. Propagators of the meme claim that the character was dropped primarily due to its lack of inclusion in German and French printing presses, as well as due to lackadaisical inscription resulting in its shape slowly becoming similar to the letter "y". The anomaly transmits primarily through writing and inscription, as well as through digital text, and is not known to affect Artificial Intelligence Constructs or machine learning algorithms.
History:3 "SCP-6933 was discovered early on in the Foundation's life by renowned father of memetics, ██████ █████4. In a letter to the then newly formed 05 Council, he writes, 'Being a weak, yet identifiable affectation, we could use (this anomaly) to mark them5 like cattle. (The) value of being able to model the spread of the transgressive idea cannot be overstated.' A young 05-3 responded with his approval, and the rest is history. Shortly after, the existing documentation was classified as general reading, and has been disseminated to field researchers and memeticist hopefuls ever since. Later, in the sixties, one of the first acts of the burgeoning Ethics committee was to call the lack of containment for SCP-6933 into question. After several months of heated debate, the committee came to a majority opinion that the benefits far outweighed the consequences, and that SCP-6933's spread among the populace could remain uninhibited. More recently, the rise of the internet has given way to an uptick in SCP-6933 infections, highlighting the need for more advanced memetic security measures for the public. To date, models based off of SCP-6933's spread on the internet have prevented an estimated 3 billion memetic infections, and have predicted approximately 60 anomalies in the past decade alone, defining it as one of the most successful and integral decisions in Foundation history." (For more detailed information, see "A Thorn in the Side of History," by Memetics Instructor Dr. Thomas Futhark, or email him directly at||samohTkrahtuF.)
Update 03-26-2021:
=Transmitted from [LOCATION REDACTED], England
While completing what would normally be considered routine research for his field memetics exam, one of █e Junior Researchers appears to have uncovered physical evidence from █e year 1458 of a poem inscribed on a rock, comprised entirely of words which contain █e letter █orn. Despite █e fact █at he and I are bo█ inoculated against █e meme, I could not only see █e writing, but feel █e inscription under my fingers. I quickly downloaded an AIC in order to confirm our findings; but it could identify no writing on █e object itself or █rough photographs. I have come to █e conclusion █at █is meme may be more powerful █an we previously realized. Unfortunately, however, █e aforementioned junior researcher has not, and continues to insist █at we have been wrong about █e anomaly since █e beginning. As per standard protocol I have quarantined myself and █e training team, and have instructed █e AIC to censor all letters and digraphs █at match þorn phonetically. I heavily recommend █at SCP-6933 be taken out of █e general rotation, and █at anyone who receives █is message be flagged for memetic contamination, if not anyone who has accessed █e general file in the last 6 mon█s. Good luck. -Memetics Instructor Thomas Fuþark.
1. Phonetically, þ is identical to all sounds produced by the digraph "th".
2. E.G. þe, þem, wiþ, þought.
3. Excerpt taken from "A Thorn in the Side of History" by Dr. Thomas Futhark.
5. Referring to memetic weakpoints in the general population. |
SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. | ***
Item #: SCP-702
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-702 is to be contained in a crate lined with mundane packing materials. The crate is to be kept in a standard security locker with armed guards at all times. If the crate is breached, under no circumstances are any personnel to touch the SCP without wearing a pair of standard insulated gloves and an insulated coat. The slated destruction of SCP-702 is indefinitely postponed due to the unknown effects on SCP-702-1 and possible containment breaches.
Description: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702. The method of detection seems to be thermal in nature, as SCP-702-1 emerges when contact is established through thin, heat-transmitting materials, but does not emerge when contact is established through an insulated material. SCP-702-1 is a sapient gas-based life form that communicates through coordinated vibration of the air around it. A sample has been impossible to gather due to SCP-702-1's tendency to react violently to anyone coming into physical contact with it. Upon emergence, SCP-702-1 greets the subject establishing contact with SCP-702, and attempts to persuade the subject to give it a gift. If the subject refuses, the entity [DATA EXPUNGED] and takes a single object or part from the remains. Some objects are rejected by SCP-702-1, claiming that it "already has one", and demands a new gift, returning the offered object. If SCP-702-1 accepts the offered gift, it returns an object of roughly equal value to the subject and disappears. See Experiments 702-001 through 702-004 for a transcript of successful transactions with SCP-702.
Transcript Log of Experiment 702-001:
Subject D-5567 was issued a freshly sharpened #2 Ticonderoga pencil.
Subject D-5567: So, I just touch it?
Dr. █████████: That's right, D-5567. You have the object ready, correct?
Subject D-5567: Yeah, 's just a damn pencil, don't really see what I'm gonna do with it, though.
Dr. █████████: Don't worry about that, just touch the vase.
Subject D-5567: Alright, alright.
[a sound of rushing air is heard]
Subject D-5567: What the HELL?
SCP-702-1: Greetings, corporeal one! I presume you are here to deal?
Subject D-5567: I, uh, ah, uh…
Dr. █████████: The pencil, you idiot!
Subject D-5567: Uh, yes, sir! H-here you go…
SCP-702-1: Thank you, bodybound! Here is your object. That will be all.
[An intake of air is heard]
Subject D-5567: A… an eraser?
Dr. █████████: Very good, D-5567, proceed to debriefing.
Transcript Log of Experiment 702-002:
Subject D-1699 was issued a crystalline sculpture of ██████████████, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient.
Dr. █████████: D-1699, proceed.
[A sound of air rushing is heard]
Subject D-1699: Aaaah!
SCP-702-1: Is it time to trade so soon? How delightful!
SCP-702-1: Well, you are clearly the one who bothered me, speak up!
Dr. █████████: Talk to it!
[Subject D-1699 gibbers incoherently]
SCP-702-1: You waste my time, fool. We shall not deal.
Dr. █████████: Subject D-1699 was killed by SCP-702-1. The sculpture was recovered.
Transcript Log of Experiment 702-003
Subject D-1010 was issued a crystalline sculpture of ██████████████, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient.
Dr. █████████: Go ahead, 1010, we haven't got all day.
Subject D-1010: No, what's it gonna do? You gotta tell me first, doc!
Dr. █████████: Subject D-1010, I remind you that deviation from protocol will result in immediate termination by Foundation security staff.
Subject D-1010: I… I… fine.
[a sound of rushing air is heard]
SCP-702-1: Your kind again! I do so love new pieces for my collection!
Subject D-1010: Oh God, collection? I don't want to die!
SCP-702-1: I have only a short time, slow one, and you waste it. Do you desire trade, or no?
Subject D-1010: Tra- you want this fucked up statue?
Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 appears to be considering the statue and is emitting a humming sound.
[Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with deep thought.]
SCP-702-1: How very… interesting. Here is my response.
[an intake of air is heard]
Subject D-1010: A… wow, that's heavy.
Dr. █████████: Proceed to debriefing, 1010.
[long period of silence, recording clicks off and clicks on again]
Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 issued a two point eight kilogram jar of an unidentified liquid. The jar appears to be made of glass. The liquid is clear, but I am not removing the lid to identify odors. The jar will be sent to the labs for chemical analysis.
Transcript Log of Experiment 702-004:
Subject D-8133 was issued a vial containing a sample from SCP-158.
Subject D-8133: So I touch the vase with this in my hand and give it away if I can?
Dr. █████████: That is correct, D-8133. Please listen to briefings in the future.
Subject D-8133: Awright, doc, don't get your panties in a knot.
Dr. █████████: Just proceed with the experiment, D-8133.
[a sound of rushing air is heard]
Subject D-8133: The fuck?
SCP-702-1: Those of flesh and blood, sinew and bone again! Your kind always has such fascinating trinkets, and trade has never been so brisk!
Subject D-8133: Here, take this and let me outta here.
Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 is emitting a hum, as in Experiment 702-003.
[Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with fear.]
SCP-702-1: Absolutely not. I am tempted, but I cannot possibly afford that. Good day.
[an intake of air is heard]
Subject D-8133: So, uh, can I leave?
Dr. █████████: Absolutely, Subject D-8133. Head to the debriefing room, and well done.
Addendum: Any further experimentation on SCP-702 is to be appended to Experiment Log 702 in the abbreviated style outlined therein. |
SCP-2283 is a collection of 287 individual munitions and explosive devices of varying design, yield, age and manufacture, including but not limited to hand grenades, improvised explosive devices, timed charges and field ordnance. | ***
Item #: SCP-2283
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-2283 found in the field are to be disarmed by Class D resources possessing military or law enforcement equivalent certifications in Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel permitted to approach an instance of SCP-2283 presumed or suspected of possessing a live payload.
In the event appropriate Class D resources are unavailable to deactivate an instance of SCP-2283, the instance is to be remotely detonated from a safe distance using any appropriate explosive projectile.
Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel to use remotely controlled vehicles to dispose of instances of SCP-2283, although if no other situational alternative exists, the acting HMCL supervisors1 may authorize the use of Class D resources to perform this task. Personnel should refer to Incident Log 2283-12 for more information.
Deactivated instances of SCP-2283 are to be stored at least 50m underground in a facility designed to hold high explosive munitions with standard Foundation physical security and surveillance measures, in ordnance magazines built with aluminum non-sparking shelving. Currently, Ordnance Bunker 12 at Site-19 has been selected for this purpose.
Under no circumstances are personnel below security classification 2283-2 to be permitted entry to the selected storage site, with the exception of qualified Class D resources selected to perform mandatory biweekly inventory and degradation inspections.
Partial data on non-anomalous aspects of SCP-2283-A's molecular composition is to be added to the Threat Recognition Analytics Certified Realtime (TRACR)2 forensic database to aid Foundation anterior detection and containment efforts. Foundation police liaisons in all regions where instances of SCP-2283 have been deployed or are suspected to be deployed must be trained in the item's detection, and are to alert their regional command upon reasonable suspicion of such deployment.
If Foundation personnel become aware of the detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 in a civilian area, Foundation intelligence assets are to immediately enact Procedure False Flag, entailing the return of falsified human remains to relatives of the victims, and blame for the incident to be attributed to the most convincing possible perpetrator.
Result of Incident 2283-29 in ██████████, █████. No human remains or injured persons were recovered from the site.
Description: SCP-2283 is a collection of 287 individual munitions and explosive devices of varying design, yield, age and manufacture, including but not limited to hand grenades, improvised explosive devices, timed charges and field ordnance. Instances of SCP-2283 resemble traditional explosives in most respects, including non-anomalous mechanical and electronic components, wiring, and blasting caps.
However, the explosive component of each SCP-2283 instance is composed of SCP-2283-A, an unknown material superficially resembling RDX (PVV-5A), but with several unexplained physical properties3.
Every recorded instance of the detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 has resulted in damage to nearby inanimate objects as would otherwise be expected for a non-anomalous RDX device of an equivalent yield. However, persons within the blast radius of an SCP-2283 instance will not suffer the effects of said explosion, but will instead instantaneously vanish along with all possessions on their person4 from known space, and mirror the creation of SCP-2283-B, Class 4 Incorporeal Entities5 with unique characteristics.
Instances of SCP-2283-B are unable to perceive or interact with each other directly and do not appear to require sustenance or conditions required for homeostasis in non-anomalous humanoids. It is currently unknown how long instances of SCP-2283-B remain extant, though available evidence indicates no known maximum lifespan of the entities.
Through test detonations with Class D resources, it has been determined SCP-2283-B instances report subjective experiences consistent with continuity of consciousness between base and incorporeal states6. Foundation scientific personnel became aware of SCP-2283-B upon the interception of anomalous communications in the form of phone calls, text messages, and other electronic messages apparently composed by the entities. Personnel with security classification 2283-2 or higher should refer to logs 2283-1 through 2283-495.
Instances of SCP-2283 have been recovered in the course of Foundation security operations from a variety of groups of interest, as well as recovered from conflict zones and law enforcement agencies responding to bomb threats or reports of suspicious objects, in at least 65 different countries. Direct attacks on Foundation personnel and assets involving SCP-2283 is suspected in at least ███ incidents. Foundation intelligence has been unable to determine the source of SCP-22837.
After a confirmed detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 [REDACTED], resulting in six civilian casualties, Foundation personnel intercepted text messages sent from a number matching the phone of SCP-2283-B-12 to POI-2283-58, the instance's father, arriving approximately five hours later. A partial transcript follows.
SCP-2283-B-12: dad i love you
SCP-2283-B-12: dad please answer there was an explosion i'm hurt
POI-2283-58: █████████? is that you? where have you been?
POI-2283-58: your mother and i have been worried sick. the police won't tell us anything. where are you?
SCP-2283-B-12: dad im here
POI-2283-58: is this █████████?
SCP-2283-B-12: dad
SCP-2283-B-12: dad please
SCP-2283-B-12: im outside do you see me please say you see me
POI-2283-58: i'm calling the police.
SCP-2283-B-12: dad why cant you see
SCP-2283-B-12: please
SCP-2283-B-12: it hurts so much
POI-2283-58 has reported similar communications from SCP-2283-B-12 on a sporadic basis for the past ██ years.
On ██/██/████, upon the detection of an instance of SCP-2283 in the Battery Park City neighborhood of New York City, Foundation security operative Mitchell Sohmer attempted to destroy the instance using a remotely controlled model MK4 "Wheelbarrow" disposal robot. Upon successful detonation, operative Sohmer dematerialized.
Foundation personnel have not received any communications from any entity claiming to be Sohmer subsequent to this event.
The following is excerpted from: Charalambou, L. E. (2009). 'Theoretical frameworks of anomalous terrorism: SCP-2283.' Foundation Level 3 Security Review, 8, 101-129.
Many modern terrorism theorists ascribe to a so-called realist model of terrorism, envisioning the use of terror tactics as a rational choice made by rational agents in pursuit of concrete goals. Others from the constructivist school, or those who understand terrorism through the perspective of organizational process theory, tend to propose the fundamental nature of terrorism is a social construct, and that various actors conduct terrorist activities not just for the narrow purpose of achieving political goals, but as the predictable result of alienating social and political realities.
Either approach envisions an act of terrorism as inflicted upon victims, but primarily intended for another party entirely - the audience, the public, who will be filled with fear. Hence the term terrorism.
SCP-2283 is not a tool for terrorists, at least as that term is used in the mundane world of politics and violence. A non-anomalous bomb inspires fear, pain, suffering; it leaves behind physical evidence of the power of those who put it there in the form of dead bodies, maimed survivors and tortured lives. But when an SCP-2283 device detonates the victims simply disappear without the requisite carnage.
At least for us, the audience. But to the victim, the blast has apparently eternal consequences. Imagine: being blasted into eternal solitude, like a cursed spirit, forced to wander in isolation for all we know until the heat death of the universe.
In other words, very unpleasant. Thus at face value the erstwhile analyst may conclude it is a technology more suited to retaliation or revenge against specific individuals or organizations than terrorizing an entire population.
However, standard models of terrorism apply to some extent … groups aware of, or engaged in the use of anomalous phenomena may be aware of the existence of SCP-2283 devices, and the threat of their use may inspire greater terror and fear than the deadliest of traditional bombs.
On 06/17/2016, MTF Rho-17 ("Counter-Terrorists Win") recovered 200 fully loaded 7.62mm magazines containing SCP-2283-A incendiary rounds from an armory in ███████ █████-controlled territory in █████, ████. Testing with Class D resources has demonstrated the rounds result in similar anomalous effects including the instantaneous transition of humanoid targets to a Class 4 Incorporeal Entity.
Four members of MTF Rho-17 were reported MIA during the initial operation. After consultation with the SCP-2283 HMCL supervisors over the feasibility of retrieving these personnel, all four have been awarded the Foundation Star for distinguished service.
1. Currently Drs. Christiaan Makeba and Peter Fredriksen.
2. The Foundation's real-time threat detection and situational awareness technology, incorporating a variety of sensors and a "weak" AI. TRACR MK VII is in deployment with most major site security forces and MTFs as of ██/██/████.
3. Recorded differences include a resting temperature of 51.68-54.23 degrees Celsius, significantly higher shock sensitivity, emission of visible light in the range of 450-570 nm wavelength, and [REDACTED].
4. i.e. clothes, wallets, cell phones, etc.
5. Lacking full intangibility; i.e., unable to interact with, but still bounded by, physical matter.
6. These experiences cannot be independently verified.
7. Individuals involved in its procurement from a manufacturer, rather than reseller, appear to have been exposed to an unknown amnestic agent. |
SCP-2865 is a stretch of woodland measuring roughly 8 square kilometers, located in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, in the southwestern region of Montana. | ***
Item #: SCP-2865
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Armed Observation Facility 232 has been established 0.8 kilometers down the road from SCP-2865, disguised as a National Park Service (NPS) Ranger Station. Mobile Task Force Pi-2 (”Dusters”) has been stationed at Armed Observation Facility 232 in order to facilitate containment. Due to the semi-public nature of SCP-2865, members of MTF-Pi-2 are required to disguise themselves as forest rangers, in order to maintain Foundation secrecy. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP-2865 are to be warned of increased bear activity in the area and turned back. Use of non-lethal force is authorized for non-compliant civilians. Any civilian coming into contact with an instance of SCP-2865-1 is to be administered class-A amnestics and removed from the area immediately.
The outskirts of SCP-2865 are to be patrolled constantly by members of MTF Pi-2, but SCP-2865 itself should not be breached, except under exceptional circumstances. Should an instance of SCP-2865-1 be observed attempting to venture outside the boundaries of SCP-2865, personnel are advised not to engage, and should contact Armed Observation Facility 232 for assistance.
Description: SCP-2865 is a stretch of woodland measuring roughly 8 square kilometers, located in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, in the southwestern region of Montana. Notable locations in SCP-2865 consist of a small dirt road, a collapsed bridge over a small stretch of █████ Creek, and a makeshift wooden castle, currently inhabited by an unknown number of SCP-2865-1 instances, as well as SCP-2865-2. The castle is composed of lumber and crudely stacked stones, presumably harvested by instances of SCP-2865-1, and contains roughly 198 square meters of floor space. Several rooms have been identified, including a large “throne room”, apparently for SCP-2865-2.
SCP-2865-1 is the collective designation for a group of anomalous entities created by SCP-2865-2. The exact number is unknown, though it has been estimated to be in the hundreds. SCP-2865-1 are 2-dimensional entities seemingly composed entirely of calcium sulfate, colloquially known as sidewalk chalk. These entities vary greatly in size and appearance, with instances as small as 6 centimeters and as large as 4 meters having been observed, though they are usually roughly humanoid and between 1.6 and 2 meters in height.
In their dormant state, SCP-2865-1 appear to be merely a chalk drawing, usually inscribed on a tree or other large, roughly flat natural formation. However, upon entering its active state, an SCP-2865-1 instance displays the anomalous ability to remove itself from its point of origin and interact with its environment. Despite possessing close to zero depth, SCP-2865-1 are fully capable of manipulating 3-dimensional objects. SCP-2865-1 appear to be sapient, as they have been observed to use tools and carry out complex tasks without assistance.
To date, no successful communication has so far been established between Foundation personnel and SCP-2865-1, though they appear to have at least a limited ability to speak, see Incident Report 1/6/20██. SCP-2865-1 are believed to be under the complete control of SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-1 appear to be fully autonomous entities capable of acting intelligently without the influence of their creator.
SCP-2865-2 is a male human child, estimated to be between the ages of █ and ██. SCP-2865-2 possesses brown hair and eyes and is roughly 130 centimeters tall. SCP-2865-2 refers to itself as “King Jeremy the Terrible”, and to SCP-2865-1 as its “subjects”. SCP-2865-2 is in possession of a small piece of sidewalk chalk, hereby designated SCP-2865-3. Any image inscribed on a surface by SCP-2865-2 with SCP-2865-3 will become an instance of SCP-2865-1 within 10 to 20 minutes. It is unknown if this anomalous effect is inherent to SCP-2865-2 or SCP-2865-3. SCP-2865-3 has never been observed to wear down or disintegrate, despite being used to create dozens of SCP-2865-1.
Research conducted by Foundation agents into SCP-2865-2’s origins have brought up a police report from Billings, Montana, for a █-year old child named Jeremy ██████ reported missing from his home on 7/2/20██. Pictures of this individual match the appearance of SCP-2865-2 almost exactly. According to records kept by the Montana School Boards Association, ██████ was expelled from his public school roughly 2 months before his disappearance for severely injuring another student with a pencil.
Addendum 2865-a: On 12/23/20██, Foundation personnel operating at Armed Observation Facility 232 noticed a small handwritten note affixed to a nearby tree, apparently written by SCP-2865-2 and delivered in the early hours of that morning. In its writing, SCP-2865-2 expressed awareness of the Foundation, and extended an invitation for Foundation personnel to visit its “kingdom”. It appears that SCP-2865-2's awareness of the Foundation does not extend beyond awareness of the name and of extended monitoring by personnel, and as such does not constitute a leakage of confidential information. A full transcript of the note is included below.
Dear SPC [sic],
I know you have been watching me. I know you want to “contain“ me, but I am a force to rekined [sic] with. Mark my words. You want me as your ally. As a gesture of my good will, I will invite you to visit me in the Castle Jeremy. We will talk about being allied. But be warned, I am very powerful. If you displese [sic] me I will have you’re [sic] heads cut off. Bring gifts.
-King Jeremy, the Great and Terrible
Incident Report 1/6/20██: Dr. ██████, Director of Armed Observation Facility 232, decided to send a small group of Foundation personnel to establish contact with SCP-2865-2, with the secondary goal of capturing it for containment in a more secure Foundation facility. Personnel deployed consist of three members of MTF Pi-2: Agents ████, █████, and ████████, as well as Dr. ███. The personnel entered SCP-2865, where they were escorted to “Castle Jeremy” by an instance of SCP-2865-1. All personnel were armed with small sidearms, and Agent ████ had a hidden video recording device mounted on his uniform. A complete transcript of the incident is below.
Dr. ███ and the three MTF agents are led into SCP-2865-2’s castle by an instance of SCP-2865-1. Seven others are present in the castle. At the insistence of SCP-2865-2, all four of them kneel before SCP-2865-2’s “throne”.
Dr. ███: Greetings, SCP-2865-2.
SCP-2865-2: (gesturing to its “subjects”) You will say my real name or I will have them cut off your head!
Agent █████: (muttering) Do what he says.
Dr. ███: My apologies, King Jeremy. How did you come to be aware of the SCP Foundation's activities in your… kingdom?
SCP-2865-2: Some of my subjects saw your spies snooping around in the woods and watching us with little cameras! You can’t fool me! I know my parents sent you to bring me back to school!
Dr. ███: I see our attempts at secrecy are wasted on you. How did you create the instances of- I mean, your subjects?
SCP-2865-2: It’s easy, stupid. I just drew them with my magic chalk!
Dr. ███: I see. What about-
SCP-2865-2: Enough of these questions! Where are my royal gifts?
Dr. ███ signals the three agents to bring forth gifts. Agent ████ takes a box of plastic race cars from his pocket, Agent ████████ takes a 20$ bill from hers, and Agent █████ takes a bag of assorted lollipops out of his. These items are presented to SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-2’s face begins to turn red with anger.
SCP-2865-2: (shouting angrily) These are terrible gifts! I hate you! (pointing to the largest present instance of SCP-2865-1) I hate them! I hate them! Cut off their heads!
Agent █████ reaches for his firearm, but Agent ████ prevents him. SCP-2865-1 do not respond for a period of roughly five seconds. Abruptly, the largest instance lunges toward SCP-2865-2, pulling him off the "throne" and throwing him to the ground.
SCP-2865-2: (crying loudly) Ow! What are you doing? I'm your King! I order you to stop!
SCP-2865-1: No more king.
The instance of SCP-2865-1 places its foot on SCP-2865-2's back, preventing it from getting up. It then makes eye contact with Dr. ███ and points a finger towards the castle exit. Several others move threateningly towards the Foundation personnel.
Dr. ███: Don't hurt him!
Agent █████: Come on, Doc, we've got to go.
Dr. ███ But-
Agent █████ pulls Dr. ███ out of the castle exit, and both they and the other two Agents begin to run back towards Armed Observation Facility 232. The log concludes roughly twenty minutes later upon arrival at Armed Observation Facility 232.
Based on the events of Incident 1/6/20██, it appears that SCP-2865-1 instances are free-willed entities, and are not, as previously believed, entirely under the control of SCP-2865-2.
Addendum 2865-b: As of 1/12/20██, instances of SCP-2865-1 appear to be abandoning "Castle Jeremy" in favor of a subterranean network of tunnels being constructed below SCP-2865. Due to the continued generation of new SCP-2865-1 instances, it is theorized that SCP-2865-2 is being held in captivity by the "colony" as a means of reproduction. Continued monitoring of SCP-2865 by means of RCV mounted cameras is currently under consideration.
Addendum 2865-c: On 2/3/20██, a group of thirty-seven SCP-2865-1 instances (hereafter referred to as SCP-2865-1A) was observed to split off from the main population (SCP-2865-1B) and return to "Castle Jeremy", accompanied by SCP-2865-2. Shortly thereafter, violent conflict between the two groups occurred, apparently in an attempt by SCP-2865-1B to recover their only means of reproduction. The attempt was unsuccessful, and the SCP-2865-1A colony began to grow at a rapid rate. On 2/11/20██, several dozen instances from SCP-2865-1B attempted to breach containment. Members of MTF-Pi-2 were dispatched armed with high powered hoses, but several instances are currently unaccounted for. Since the events of 2/11/20██, several dozen elementary schools and crafts stores in Montana have reported burglaries. In all cases nothing was stolen, except for large quantities of sidewalk chalk. These cases are under investigation by the Foundation for possible links to SCP-2865. |
SCP-4856 is a 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-4856
Anomaly Class: Keter
Site-54, prior to SCP-4856's manifestation.
Special Containment Procedures: As of 30/11/1949, the former North wing of Site-54 has been reclassified as Containment Area-54-091. All personnel within the complex are to be heavily armed with non-lethal weaponry, and immediately alert one another to SCP-4856's incursions. The Area's surveillance/security network has been upgraded to house Forethought.aic, an integrated Gen(Tau) artificial intelligence construct designed to monitor SCP-4856 and build up a relative timeline of the entity's movements, alerting staff to SCP-4856's 'future' activities where necessary.
One member of D-Class personnel is to be placed alone and unarmed within CA-54-09 every six months, with their subsequent death confirmed by Forethought.aic and an Embedded Life-Sign Monitor (ELSM). If such a person is unavailable, two D-Class personnel may be delivered in the next scheduled feeding, or three the feeding after that — while the feeding time is largely arbitrary from SCP-4856's perspective, extensive procrastination will lead to disciplinary measures. CA-54-09 is to be monitored for external damage daily, and preemptively strengthened where necessary: a single breach point located anywhere in time could be used by any number of iterations of SCP-4856 to exit the Containment Area.
Under no circumstances is the entity to be terminated, as any termination attempts not taking place at the end of SCP-4856's life would logically already have ended in failure. In the unlikely event that the entity's causal chain does not close, Mobile Task Force Eta-Then ("Bootstrappers") are to be covertly diverted from their scheduled duties to resolve any paradoxes.
Description: SCP-4856 is a 2.4 metre tall humanoid entity capable of willingly transferring itself forwards and backwards through time at increments of exactly one hour. This transfer is instant and seamless, and multiple transfers can occur in rapid succession, with the furthest temporal distance moved by SCP-4856 in a single event being approximately 3 years, 7 months and 2 days. All transfers form closed timelike curves2, suggesting an advanced level of temporal integration not available to the Foundation in the past or investigated future3. SCP-4856 has not yet shifted back past 01/11/1949, for unknown reasons.
Physically, SCP-4856 is a severely malformed and modified human4 with artificial extensions to the arms, legs, neck and spine and metallic braces surgically attached to the lower legs. The entity possesses no mouth, eyes, or nose — respiration and feeding are achieved via a single opening carved at the base of the neck, and the mechanism by which it senses its surroundings is not yet known. Four sub-dermal prongs extend forwards from the corners of the entity's jaw and forehead, pulling the facial area into a single smooth square tattooed with the Foundation logo. In all cases so far observed, SCP-4856 has been clad in a white lab coat affixed to its body at the elbows and shoulders, with the phrase "TEST CASE ONE" emblazoned on the back. The cause of its anomalous capabilities is conjectured to be a large electronic component detected within the abdominal cavity by X-Ray photography; since it has resisted all attempts at surgical examination this has not been verified to any degree.
SCP-4856 is extremely hostile towards all human subjects, and if given sufficient opportunity will attempt to disembowel them, extracting all internal organs and consuming said organs via its neck-opening. The entity displays rudimentary understandings of human psychology and hunting techniques, which it uses to its advantage5, as well as a highly accurate knowledge of the layout and architecture of CA-54-09. SCP-4856 has so far been responsible for 92 deaths between 1949 and the present, and upwards of 200 direct or indirect casualties.
Location of SCP-4856's initial manifestation within Site-54.
Addendum — Recovery: SCP-4856 was first observed on 01/11/1949 within the corridors of Site-54. This is believed to be both SCP-4856's earliest presence in the timeline, and (by the entity's own internal chronology) its first interaction with Foundation personnel succeeding its creation. It manifested suddenly and immediately began to attack nearby staff, directly killing one and fatally injuring two more. It then shifted itself forwards by three hours, attacked members of the Preliminary Identification team investigating the area, and shifted back by two hours to prey on the medical personnel who arrived in the aftermath of the first incident. The Department of Temporal Anomalies was alerted once the acausal series of events had been noted, and by the entity's next appearance (three hours following the attack on the P.I. team) Site-54's North wing had been evacuated of all essential staff not necessary for containment investigations.
Notably, SCP-4856 did not initially manifest alone — rather, it appeared alongside a large number of laminated documents6 describing its construction in extreme detail. All documents were printed on Foundation stationery, and contained valid watermarks, signatures, and document keys.
Copies of these documents are available from the Site-54 archives on request.
"Instruct the Department of Temporal Anomalies to commence research into a method of allowing individuals to shift through time, and encourage said Department to begin human trials as soon as possible." (O5-02)
While concerns over possible paradoxes (and timeline failure) were brought up during the proposal, the consensus among a large portion of the Council was that the unlikely potential cost of inaction was less than the direct cost of causing SCP-4856's existence.
"Directly forbid the possible creation of SCP-4856 at any time in the future, due to the massive risk to human life involved." (O5-01)
Dr. Alice Forth, Head of the Department of Temporal Anomalies (AP-01)
Ethics Committee Liaison Müller (AP-02)
The decision was made to let events take their course naturally, due to both the ethical burden of action and the paradox-free nature of SCP-4856's activities so far. EC Liaison Müller was removed from duty shortly after the meeting due to unwarranted vehemence and unprofessional behaviour.
Addendum — Incident 4856-Tango (12/06/1999):
03:30 am: Several Foundation agents and researchers, under instruction from an unknown party, covertly acquire a human subject scheduled for unrelated testing that day (D-002303), transporting them to the corridor in which SCP-4856 initially manifested.
03:45: Involved agents begin to follow the instructions present in Document 4856-1, performing several amateur surgeries on the subject — very little progress towards constructing SCP-4856 is completed, however, as a number of security personnel quickly intervene.
03:48: Two groups begin arguing over the correct course of action. D-002303 attempts to flee the area, but is forcibly sedated by Researcher Heller.
03:53: The argument is exacerbated upon the arrival of high-level staff from Site-54's main complex. Members of the initial group are forcibly restrained, and backup is requested.
03:56: The area's alarm system reports that SCP-4856 has manifested elsewhere in the facility, and the support team are delayed in their arrival due to requiring firearm and body-armour distribution.
03:59: Junior Researcher Leyland (believed to have been off-duty and possibly intoxicated at the time) becomes distraught, vehemently asserting that the 'test case' described in Document 4856-1 had to be completed in order to prevent the past from "unexisting"7. They subsequently stab the guard restraining them in the leg with a medical scalpel of uncertain origin.
04:01: After breaking free of their restraints and receiving verbal support from a number of their co-conspirators, Leyland darts forwards and attempted to install the first of the sub-dermal prongs, fatally wounding the unconscious D-002303 by severing the carotid artery in the process.
04:03: SCP-4856 (having arrived in that section of the facility moments earlier) seemingly becomes enraged by D-002303's death, and grips Leyland by the neck, forcing them into a nearby disused containment chamber.
04:04: Agents Farmer and Weißmann fire their tranquilliser pistols at the entity, but the darts are blocked by three more iterations of SCP-4856 (presumably from several hours in the future) who manifest between them. Two are successfully slowed by the Agents, but the third, remaining unhindered, decapitates Farmer and extracts the lungs and partial digestive system from the Agent's neck. They then immediately shift backwards by several hours, preventing apprehension.
04:05: Agent Weißmann gives the retreat order following the manifestation of four more iterations of SCP-4856, who stand in a semi-circular formation around the containment chamber's door. Researcher Langdon disobeys this order and attempts to breach the 'perimeter' with their regulation handgun, meeting with a similar fate to Farmer8. All remaining staff evacuate the facility.
No contact was made with either Leyland or SCP-4856 for the next two hours. After this time had passed, the door to the chamber opened to reveal two instances of SCP-4856. The containment chamber's internal systems had been almost entirely dismantled, and a large pile of bloody organs and excess skin was present in the centre of the room — identified as belonging to both Leyland and several other members of former and current staff. SCP-4856 pushed the second instance of itself into the corridor, at which point both demanifested; the destination of the second instance is believed to have been 01/11/1949, and the destination of the first is unknown. No abnormal behaviour has been observed from the entity since.
Following Incident 4856-Tango, Forethought.aic detected an abnormal occurrence and submitted the security footage of the event to Site Command for analysis — all video of the area showed a tall, emaciated figure in a grey suit overseeing the scene. The entity (designated AE-4856-1) did not interact with the event at all, but made several notes on a clipboard and demanifested once SCP-4856 had been produced.
Analysis of the footage suggests AE-4856-1 was surrounded by a powerful SEP concealment field for the duration of the incident, hence the lack of visibility to those involved. Subsequent in-depth analysis of pre-Forethought recordings shows a minor visual distortion at the site of SCP-4856's initial manifestation, 'bending' to place the components of Document-4856-1 on the floor shortly after the entity appeared. The implications of this are unclear.
Addendum — Document 4856-2: The first page of AE-4856-1's clipboard was visible to the closed-circuit security cameras at multiple points during Incident 4856-Tango, and a reconstruction of the document is included below.
Investigation into ethical handling of nuanced prophetic scenarios among members of Group-4 ("SCP Foundation")
— [Redacted for transfer]
— [Redacted for transfer]
— Institute ENTITY with intent to cause harm. Utilise native ethical code to induce dilemma. Cause harm. Imply self-action.
— Observe actions from native timeline participants when self-action is implied. Retrieve ENTITY and note results.
— If positive then continue.
— Poor. ENTITY not produced. Situation unresolved. Native timeline participants not observed to succeed at any element of test.
— General recommendation: branch not to be used for batch process under any circumstances.
— Commence Test Case Two with alternative covert ENTITY at earliest opportunity to ascertain lower morality limits.
Test Case Status: [FAILED]
1. All previous anomalies contained at the site have been relocated to the newly constructed South wing, or to a temporary high-security holding facility 62 km away. No additional anomalous objects or entities are to be housed within CA-54-09.
2. In which the alteration to the past perfectly facilitates its own existence, eliminating all paradoxes.
3. Investigations have so far proceeded as far as the year 2900 Anno Domini, and while Temporal Distortion Engines have been constructed prior to this date they are imperfect and require manual paradox resolution by Foundation staff to prevent timeline collapse.
4. DNA testing has so far been inconclusive as to its origin and possible pre-modification identity, as all genetic material appears to have been partially 'scrambled' in a semi-random fashion, preventing identification. Physical examination has revealed vague similarities to a number of current Foundation personnel, but has so far been insufficient to pinpoint a particular subject.
5. In some cases collaborating with other iterations of itself to apprehend particularly difficult prey.
6. Collectively designated Document 4856-1.
7. This has no basis in fact, and does not conform to any known model of causal/acausal resolution.
8. Following this point in SCP-4856's personal chronology, all observed SCP-4856 instances have shown signs of a bullet wound on the left shoulder. Worryingly, instances that have persisted for longer show signs of competent medical treatment of that area, and a small minority of far-future instances display minor mechanical augmentation of the shoulder muscles. |
SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia. | ***
Item #: SCP-491
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A one-kilometer perimeter is to be maintained around SCP-491 at all times, for the purpose of preventing sea vessels access to the effects of SCP-491. Entrance is to be barred to all personnel with a security clearance below Level Two. Any intruders are to be questioned to ascertain their intent, then given Class-B amnestics and released no less than twenty kilometers from SCP-491.
Description: SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from 1923 to 1987.
The area within the perimeter of SCP-491 is subject to spontaneous change caused by minor (MW<3.5) earthquakes. The alterations caused to the topography of the seabed are greater than expected for earthquakes of these magnitudes. These earthquakes result in the production of large rocks or shallows in the path of an incoming vessel, inevitably sinking it.
At random intervals, SCP-491's lamp will activate, producing a green light that rotates at six revolutions per minute. Any area of the surrounding sea illuminated by this light will evince several ships, identical to those present on the seafloor. These new ships retain the damage inflicted upon them, and begin to take on water, at a slower rate than non-anomalous counterparts. Displacement of water evidenced by testing has shown that these ships are physical in nature. These ships only last for a short period (t<2s), due to the rate at which SCP-491's lamp rotates.
The interior of SCP-491 shows no anomalous effects, and is typical of a lighthouse built in that era. The lamp room of SCP-491 contains a Mesoradial Fresnel Lens lit by a Dalen Light. Cutting off electrical power to the lamp has no effect on the activation of SCP-491. All attempts to contain the light produced by SCP-491 have failed. The light emitted by SCP-491 is independent of the state of the lamp room; complete removal of lighting components did not prevent activation. Light emitted by SCP-491 can be influenced by sufficiently reflective surfaces, so long as the light reaches the sea. See Incident Log 491-032 for details on attempts to focus SCP-491 into a continuous loop.
Addendum 491-1: An interview with the former owner of SCP-491, █████ Hanna, was discovered in the Nova Scotia Archives by Agent █████████, who submitted it to the Foundation.
Foreword: The following transcript is an excerpt from a local news tribute conducted by Tyler Musuko, for █████ Hanna, the former owner of the lighthouse.
<Commence Transcript>
Musuko: Today indeed marks a sad day for ████████████ ███. Just recently a local hero, █████ Hanna, passed away. A former sailor in Australia, the sinking of his ship on a reef forced him into early retirement. He moved from town to town, including Cape Elizabeth, before finally finding his home here in beautiful ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia. He will always be remembered for his valiant efforts in manning the lighthouse, saving countless ships, no matter the weather or the hour, from the treacherous seas surrounding him. He gave his life last week, diving into the frigid waters to save the crew of the S.S. Kellar, endangered by the rocky seas. We will always remember his undying dedication and caring. Farewell, Mr. Hanna.
Addendum 491-2: On 03/25/████, Foundation personnel sent an unmanned small ship, the S.S. Greaver, into the affected area. A large rock in the path of the S.S Greaver immediately burst out of the water, tearing a large gash along the side of the S.S. Greaver, sinking it within two minutes. During the next "Green Light" event, the S.S. Greaver manifested above the area of its wreck.
Addendum 491-3: Audio Log 491-1:
Foreword: Through the use of several mirrors, Foundation personnel were able to keep the light produced by SCP-491 focused at the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The ship produced by SCP-491 was boarded by Foundation personnel.
<Commence Audio Log 491-1>
Agent Johnston: Ok, we're on board. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the ship, no water damage or warping. I'm no expert, but I'd say it's… 30s or 40s? Really large doors, Immigrant ship?
491 Command: Our records of the S.S. Vancouver confirm that. Attempt to proceed to the interior of the ship.
Agent Johnston: Roger that.
Agent Gold: These doors are jammed shut. I can't budge them. We're going to try the crowbar… No, that's not working.
Agent Johnston: Try the Jaws of Life.
At this point, several voices can be heard from within. Only one is discernible above the sound of rushing water.
Unidentified Voice: Give me that bucket!
Agent Gold: We're inside th- Hold! Maintain distance.
491 Command Agents, what is your status?
Agent Johnston: Command, we have a potential biohazard. The hold is occupied by the former crew and passengers, by the appearance of their clothing. They're all undergoing various stages of decay, but they don't seem to be aware of it. Some of the crew are trying to repair the damage to the hull, the others are attempting to contain the passengers in the back.
Unidentified Voice: Oh thank god, more help. Please, could you help us plug up these holes?
Agent Johnston: The passengers have seen us, they're trying to push past the crew. One of the passengers just- Command, they've broken through, we're pulling back. Gold! Move!
Unidentified Voice: What are you doing!? We have to save this ship, [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! You, give me that pump! Get back here!
There is no audible dialogue for a span of one minute, however sounds of struggle are evident.
Agent Johnston: Command, I'm on deck. Agent Gold just-
All audio is drowned out by a screech that lasts for approximately thirty seconds. The screech can be heard without transceivers from 491 Command, and all radio transmissions were interrupted for the duration of the sound.
Along with the screech, a 6.6 MW level earthquake occurred, dislodging several mirrors focusing the light, which ceases to illuminate the S.S. Vancouver. Radio contact with Agents Johnston and Gold was lost, and they are presumed dead.
Addendum 491-4: Incident Report 491-2:
SCP Involved: SCP-491
Personnel Involved: SCP-491 Staff, Agent Davis
Date: 03/24/████
Location: ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia
Following the incident recorded in Audio Log 491, Foundation Personnel were placed on high alert for the next "Green Light" event. Several radio devices set to different frequencies were all placed around the area, in hopes that more information would be transmitted by the lost Agents, with no results. At 02:32:47 AM, the following radio transmission was recorded at 160.3 MHz.
Unidentified Voice: Scotia, this is the S.S. Vancouver. All ship repairs have been completed. We are now docking to unload passengers and luggage.
A series of mirrors was quickly constructed around the light, designed to allow the beam movement across the water. The beam's operator soon found the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The manifestation was observed to be mobile, although no disturbances in the water were noted. The new S.S. Vancouver was tracked as it slowly approached a dock that had not previously manifested. The ship docked without incident, the crew successfully readying the ship for departure, despite decomposition.
Following the crew members was a series of passengers appearing to be of Eastern European origin, experiencing the same level of decay as the crew. Passengers were seen stopping to talk to the crew members before picking up their luggage. Although the beam produced by the mirror system was not wide enough to capture all of the passengers, a procession could be seen moving along a flat area of ground towards the mainland. Upon leaving the half kilometer radius, illumination by SCP-491 ceased to reveal any passengers.
Agents Johnston and Gold were identified amongst the passengers. Both agents were observed to be wearing their excursion gear, including radios, but all attempts to communicate via radio received no response, nor did they respond to visual and audio communication attempts. Agent Davis was instructed to attempt to make physical contact with Agents Gold and Johnston and attempt to retrieve them. Agent Davis made physical contact with Agent Gold at 00:39, coinciding with an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, which damaged the mirrors and redirected the light. All passengers immediately vanished, along with the three agents.
Further rescue attempts are currently suspended, pending review. |
SCP-1348 is a modified cave complex located 81 kilometers from El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains. | ***
Item #: SCP-1348
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the impossibility of transport, SCP-1348 is contained on-site at the Site 87 Archaeological Containment Unit, 81 kilometers southeast of El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains. Compartmentalized containment duties are assigned to C-1348-A ("Team A") and C-1348-B ("Team B"). With the exception of biweekly containment review meetings between Site Director Binyamin Kahn and Team B Director █████ ██████, communications between Teams A and B are to occur only in Conference Room 2a. To minimize the risk of cross-contamination, all inter-team communications related to ritual standards and performances must be conducted via a staff member belonging to Y-chromosomal haplotype CMH-6.
Containment Team A shall be comprised of Foundation employees recommended by Class 4 site supervisory personnel, subject to disqualification for the following reasons:
Present membership in a religious faith.
Prior exposure to a registered memetic agent.
Fluency in Amharic, Ge'ez, Aramaic, or any Southern Semitic language.
Prior exposure to transmissions from SCP-████.
Team A duties include providing ritual supplies necessary to perform SCP-1348-02, monitoring Team B and civilian celebrants for compliance, selecting celebrants for participation in ritual containment, providing updated protocols for daily performances of SCP-1348-02, monitoring members of Team B during furloughs from the containment area, and developing and executing Protocol 228-MELECHAH. At no time shall personnel involved in 228-MELECHAH be exposed to recordings or transcripts of SCP-1348-02, enter SCP-1348-03, or be permitted to view the remains of SCP-1348-01-E.
Candidates for Containment Team B shall be selected from individuals matrilineally descended from Druze, Mandean, and Mizrahi Jewish populations. Membership in Y-chromosomal haplotype CMH-6 is strictly disqualifying. Due to practical difficulties in locating suitable candidates in Foundation employment, Class Omega civilian celebrants with appropriate genealogy may be substituted for Foundation personnel with approval of the Site Director. At dawn, noon, and dusk, selected celebrants are to perform SCP-1348-02 according to present ritual protocols.
At all times, ritual celebrants are to behave according to the prescribed ritual purity codes specified in documents 742-KITAB and 983-RASA'IL, as well as additional protocols instituted by Team A. To the extent that such purity codes conflict by mandating the forbidden or forbidding the mandatory, celebrants may register individual ethical preferences with the Site Director. To avoid inadvertent ingestion of ritually impure substances, celebrants belonging to Team B are to receive parenteral nutrition only, delivered under ritual supervision by Director █████ ██████. Due to ongoing risk of memetic transference, performance of SCP-1348-02 is authorized only when necessary for the containment of SCP-1348-03.
Members of Team B and civilian celebrants are permitted to exit the inner containment area, contact family members, or access classified Foundation documents only upon written permission from the Site Director. Violation of central containment protocols constitutes grounds for immediate implementation of Protocol 228-MELECHAH and transfer of primary containment responsibilities to the 228-MELECHAH team.
Description: SCP-1348 is a modified cave complex located 81 kilometers from El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains. Upon initial discovery by IAEA monitors on 03/06/2006, the complex was believed to house a Syrian reactor. Subsequent Israeli air strikes on the site resulted in the discovery of three unknown chambers. Per intergovernmental compact with the Israeli and Syrian governments, Foundation agents responded, containing SCP-1348-01, 02, and 03 and constructing the Site 87 Containment Unit.
DETAIL: SCP-1348-03, interior chamber bas-relief.
SCP-1348-01-E is an anomalous humanoid originally observed performing the ritual practice now designated as SCP-1348-02 inside the SCP-1348 ritual complex. On ██/██/████, three weeks after initial containment, the subject entered status epilepticus and died. During containment, subject produced three utterances in an unknown Southern Semitic language, but otherwise made no attempts to communicate with Foundation staff. Food, water, and bedding were declined. Intravenous nutrition proved impossible. Subject otherwise exhibited no anomalous behavior. For autopsy results, consult Document SCP-1348-SMR-9.
SCP-1348-02 is a ritual practice of unknown provenance. Spoken portions of SCP-1348-02 are performed in an unknown Southern Semitic language. When adequately performed by individuals meeting unclear ritual criteria, SCP-1348-02 prevents full retraction of the veil surrounding SCP-1348-03, an obligatory precursor event in scenarios XK-734, XK-918, and XK-337. At present, details of the religious faith underlying SCP-1348-02, ritual criteria necessary for adequate participation in SCP-1348-02, and the causal mechanism connecting SCP-1348-02 with the retraction of the veil are speculative or unknown.
When performed by appropriate celebrants, adequate performances of SCP-1348-02 are memetically virulent, inducing suggestibility, religious mania, and desire to perform the ritual practice in 38% of exposures. Repeated exposure results in ritually-themed obsessive compulsion. The memetic transmission rate of SCP-1348-02 appears to increase as successive revisions approach the ideal state. For unknown reasons, members of haplotype CMH-6 appear to be immune to the adverse effects of this memetic transference. While present transcripts and recordings of SCP-1348-02 are not believed to be virulent, existing containment guidelines require certified Foundation linguists to minimize active exposure to full ritual recordings.
SCP-1348-03 is the central chamber of the SCP-1348 complex. Due to high neutron flux, the chamber was originally believed to be a storage site for high-grade radioactive waste or an unshielded reactor core. Initial investigation of the chamber by remote drone revealed an elaborate rectangular chamber, decorated in a proto-Semitic style. Repeated motifs include rams, serpents, slaughtered bulls, wounded lions, hawks, and depictions of ritual practices similar to SCP-1348-02. In the center of the room is a raised platform with a 9 meter radius, surrounded by cylindrical sheath constructed of beryllium bronze. At dawn, noon, and dusk, the sheath retracts, causing neutron flux inside SCP-1348-03 to increase to lethal levels. Performance of SCP-1348-02 appears to provide celebrants with substantial protection against radiation poisoning, and results in complete closure of the outer sheath.
Attempts to view the area within the sheath, except by celebrants during performances of SCP-1348-02, have been unsuccessful. Celebrants, including Foundation staff, are unable or unwilling to disclose the inner region's contents. For certified information concerning the veiled region of SCP-1348-03, Class 4 staff may consult Document SCP-1348-SMR-11.
+ DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-9: POSTMORTEM SUMMARY, SCP-1348-01-D, ██/██/████
-DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-9: POSTMORTEM SUMMARY, SCP-1348-01-D, ██/██/████
SUBJECT: SCP-1348-01-E
EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: Body is of a taxonomically anomalous humanoid with premortem history of severe injury. Of the ten external limbs originally present, three — both legs, one wing — show signs of amputation by avulsion below the second joint. Head is presumed to have been generally humanoid prior to injury, with the exception of a bilaterally symmetric third orbit located 1.2cm above the frontal prominence. Eyes missing, presumed due to injury: optic canal is present in two grossly normal orbits. Analogous structure present in anomalous frontal orbit. Crushing injuries to frontal sinuses preclude reconstruction of original contours of facial bones. No external genitalia are visible. Injuries show signs of abnormal keloid formation, indicating complete healing process. External injuries nonfatal.
INTERNAL EXAMINATION: Structures equivalent to liver, lungs, heart, and brain are present. Kidneys are absent. Gross anatomical investigation revealed a simple blind gut terminating in a rudimentary caecum. Urinary tract and anus absent. As no stomach or caecum contents were apparent at the time of autopsy, gut is presumed vestigial. Majority of lower abdominal cavity occupied by a segmented organ or tumor of unclear function and histology. On histologic examination, muscle and organ tissue displayed signs of catabolism and macrophage infiltration consistent with severe malnutrition.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Malnutrition.
ADDENDUM ATP-9: For complete histologic and gross anatomical data, consult Document SCP-1348-ATP-9, FULL AUTOPSY, SCP-1348-01-D.
<Begin recording, 9:13 AM, ██/██/████>
Dr. Kahn: This is the biweekly containment meeting, cycle 3, ritual revision 8. It is now 9:13 AM. Present at this meeting are Dr. Binyamin Kahn, head of Team A, and Dr. █████ ██████, head of Team B. Ready to begin?
Dr. ██████: [Inaudible].
Dr. Kahn: You'll have to speak up, █████. I don't think the microphone caught that.
Dr. Kahn: First on the agenda are revisions to the containment protocol. Just to catch everyone up, we received O5 approval last week to pass the veil and conduct the hypothetical interior portions of the ritual. We're obviously not quite there on the containment procedures — some of Team B is suffering from radiation poisoning, including Dr. ██████ — but we don't expect any fatalities.
Dr. ██████: Two Omegas botched the ritual. We're going to need to rotate them offline for three weeks of chelation. Do we have agents in line as replacements? As you know, Ben, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of doing this with Omegas. Not just because they're hard to train.
Dr. Kahn: We've got some feelers out with Herev — uh, I think we have two — it looks like we have two prospects. I think we should be able to move in new agents as soon as ███. So, no. Not yet. We've got four Sabian Omega candidates queued up. We've just got to get them trained in the ritual.
Dr. ██████: It's getting bad in there. See if you can speed that along.
Dr. Kahn: I mean, I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise. Next order of business: we're going to need a report on what's inside the veil. As you know, we can't get instrumentation in there, so —
Dr. ██████: That's not happening. Put it in KITAB: Team B can't tell you what's beyond the veil.
Dr. Kahn: I told you, █████: that's unacceptable. Direct from O5. We've got to have some sort of read on exactly what it is we're containing in there. Unless this a ritual protocol, we can't… [CROSSTALK]
Dr. ██████: No. It's not ritual. No, it's not. Ben, you need to trust me on this. Put it in KITAB.
Dr. Kahn: Moshe, we're going off the record for a minute. Be a mensch and turn the tape off.
Request denied. Per O5-07, monitoring of SCP-1348 containment review meetings is mandatory.
Dr. Kahn: We need to know. Direct from O5-07: they're threatening to shut you down. How are we supposed to protect civilians from what's in there if we don't know what it is?
Dr. ██████: [H]e's not dangerous.
Dr. Kahn: Look at yourself, █████. The sores? And your teeth, they're falling out. And you tell me now that it's not dangerous? How do you tell me that it's not dangerous?
Dr. ██████: It's the ritual, Ben; the ritual. It's not intentionally.
Dr. ██████: And we're not protecting the world from [h]im. We're protecting [h]im from the world.
Dr. Kahn: You keep telling me that the memetics aren't affecting you. But listen to yourself, █████. Think about it. You were out here — with me. We worked together. You saw what I saw. How can you still have faith, with all that we both know?
Dr. ██████: It was hard to have it, before. I used to think that there was some mistake. Then I passed the veil. Now I know it's all for the best.
Dr. Kahn: Listen to what you're saying. Just listen. It's all for the best?
Dr. ██████: Do you know what it means for me to say that to you? That it is all for the best? That this is the best of all possible worlds? That this is?
Dr. ██████: You know what we saw at Ain Dara. And I am telling you that all this, everything, is the best we could ever hope for.
Dr. Kahn: Please. Please, ██████. Please don't be hysterical. I know it's hard for you. Tell us what you saw. You know what the protocol is if O5 shuts down Team B.
Dr. Kahn: You need to tell us. Tell us, or what happens to you is going to be out of my hands.
Dr. ██████: You don't understand. When you first came here, you asked me: why do you think these people gave up on their faith? Ben, I know. It's because [h]e thought it best that we not know the truth. And it's true. Ya Allah, Ben, it's true. No one can ever know that we owe [h]im so much.
Dr. Kahn: Please. At least think about it. I can tell O5 you've got radiation poisoning. I can tell them that you're working on the report.
Dr. Kahn: I can't hold them off forever.
<End recording, 9:20 AM, ██/██/████>
+ DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-11: INTERVIEW, CENTRAL REGION, SCP-1348-03, ██/██/████
- DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-11: INTERVIEW, CENTRAL REGION, SCP-1348-03, ██/██/████
Background: On December 5, 2011, ████ ██████, the director of C-1348-B, was found unresponsive in quarters, suffering from severe radiation poisoning. Upon O5 authorization, C-1348-A instructed an Omega-class celebrant to deviate from ritual protocols and enter the central region of SCP-1348-03. After emerging from the central region, subject was unresponsive. The interview appended below was conducted during a brief period of lucidity three days after initial exposure.
Dr. Kahn: Good morning, O-9142. The doctors tell me that you've been up and around. Do you know who I am?
O-9142: You are Doctor Kahn. Ben Kahn. You live in the cave outside the door.
Dr. Kahn: That's right. I have a few questions. Can you answer a few questions for me?
O-9142: They told me I should trust you.
Dr. Kahn: Let's start with the ritual. Do you remember what you did?
O-9142: Yes. They told me I should stand with my back to the veil. That I should say the words. And when the words were over and I had said all of them, I shouldn't look, no matter what I heard.
Dr. Kahn: And what did you do?
O-9142: I looked. Like you told me.
Dr. Kahn: And what did you see?
O-9142: He is very old. He is hurting very badly. He is underwater, in space, and everywhere else. He cannot get off his chair. He is stuck there forever because he is so badly hurt.
Dr. Kahn: I'm sorry, O-9142. I don't understand. What did you see in there?
O-9142: I can't remember very well anymore, because of the accident. But I remember one time I saw this old lion on television. On a nature special. He was badly hurt. The other lions ate him. I think the lion from the television is in there. I think that lion is your uncle.
Dr. Kahn: You've got to think hard, O-9142. Can you tell me how it got hurt?
O-9142: I don't know. I think we did something bad. The song is about how bad we are. No, that's wrong. We didn't do anything bad. We weren't supposed to happen. We happened. It wasn't our fault that we happened.
Dr. Kahn: I'm having a hard time understanding.
O-9142: Okay. Okay. The song goes like this: "iné esal peseh, ma Yehom ahallam." It means he did something wrong. What he did saved us. Now [h]e has to be punished. Now [h]e has to stay behind the veil.
Dr. Kahn: What was he doing when you saw him?
O-9142: He was looking out. I saw that he saw us. We saw him. Others saw him. They weren't in the circle with us. They were standing outside the circle. Then we had to sing about how much he hurts because of us. To make the veil close. So the others don't see him back. They are very angry. They don't remember things for very long. Less well than me, I guess.
Dr. Kahn: Is [h]e dangerous?
O-9142: Dr. Ben, I'm very tired. Can I go back to sleep?
Dr. Kahn: You've almost done your job. I just need some more information.
O-9142: He says he wants you to come home. He misses you. But I think he's talking about your father, not you. So you don't have to, if you don't want to.
Dr. Kahn: I think we're done. You can sleep now.
Dr. Kahn: Anna? Turn up his morphine drip. Let him have as much as he wants.
+ DOCUMENT SCP-1348-ICL-8: INCIDENT LOG, ██/██/████
- DOCUMENT SCP-1348-ICL-8: INCIDENT LOG, ██/██/████
Background: On ██/██/████, three days after his interview with O-9142 and five days after the death of Director ██████, Site Director Kahn compiled a new instance of SCP-1348-02 and entered the inner containment area. After performing external portions of SCP-1348-02, Dr. Kahn entered the central region of SCP-1348-03. He has not been seen since, and the veil has failed to retract. Per O5-07, C-1348-B containment procedures are suspended; upon retraction of the veil, C-1348-A is to immediately execute Protocol 228-MELECHAH.
SCP-5925 is a humanoid which appears to be an elderly male of Northern European descent. | ***
Item#: 5925
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5925 is to be contained in standard humanoid containment cell B5 of Site-118's Delta Wing. Personnel are not to directly or indirectly refer to SCP-5925 by any name, title, or designation other than its item number. No other measures are necessary to successfully contain him in his current state, and this will continue to be the case indefinitely.
Level 5 Clearance Required
Access Granted
SCP-5925 is considered a Eshu Class nomenclative hazard. However, previous attempts to contain SCP-5925 per Protocol 4000-Eshu have been deemed inadequate. As such, Protocol 5925-Eshu has been devised to forcefully associate SCP-5925 with a single title, specifically that of its item number. This protocol additionally requires familiarity with SCP-5925's item number, containment procedures, description and appearance by as many Foundation personnel as currently available. The clearance level has thus been adjusted to reflect this, and SCP-5925's incomplete file is to be regularly circulated through junior researcher and security staff in all sites.
As an additional measure the entrance of cell B5 is to be reinforced with iron plating.
Following Incident 5925-Holly, the containment class, distribution class, risk class, procedures, and description of this article have been altered in keeping with nomenclative association methods necessary for further containment. These alterations have been marked in blue for differentiation from the standard formatting.
Description: SCP-5925 is a humanoid which appears to be an elderly male of Northern European descent. Though SCP-5925 has the physique of a 70 to 80 year old man, records that refer to SCP-5925 indicate the subject is far older. He is frail, friendly, charitable, and compliant with the Foundation's instructions.
SCP-5925 has knowledge of the full name of all people it comes into contact with, despite having never personally met. It is also aware of current or past material desires of these individuals. Besides this, and his lengthened life span, he has no other anomalous capabilities.
Discovery Log:
Level 5 Clearance Required
Access Granted
SCP-5925 was discovered on September 22nd 1995 during a performance of the 4000-Halloway procedure. A mistake occurred during the execution of the procedure1. The procedure still resulted in an expansion of the fireplace and a ladder descending from the chimney. However, this ladder did not lead to the place of the nameless oddities, and instead, SCP-5925 emerged from the chimney into the site. Notably, despite several members of personnel utilizing the same epithet to describe SCP-5925 in the moment of its appearance, none of them suffered any adverse anomalous effects. Additionally, upon the personnel referring to SCP-5925 by this epithet, it became docile and amiable. This is believed to be due to the cultural association of the epithet in question. SCP-5925 then escaped the facility by anomalous means2, leaving behind gifts for all those present. SCP-5925 was afterward given its current item number and designated as a Euclid class entity.
The mistake which lead to SCP-5925's initial appearance was later replicated. Being prepared, personnel referred to SCP-5925 by its item number, and were successful in apprehending the subject. The relevance of SCP-5925's designation to the success of this operation was later discovered during its containment, and the initial draft of the 5925-Eshu protocol was enacted. This protocol was later expanded upon following the 5925-Holly incident.
Addendum 5925.01:
Level 5 Clearance Required
Access Granted
The 5925-Holly Incident
The following is an interview conducted on June 20th 1996. The purpose of said interview was to establish the difference between SCP-5925 and the entities residing in the grove of games and names. During this interview, details pertaining to the nature of SCP-5925's status as an Eshu class entity were revealed, leading to alterations to the 5925-Eshu protocol to more effectively contain the subject.
Interviewed: SCP-5925
Interviewer: Dr. Angulo
Foreword: SCP-5925 has shown to be more compliant and cognitive when interacting with only one individual directly. As such, this interview was conducted within chamber B5. No other individuals were within the chamber during the interaction, however two members of security personnel were present beside the chamber entrance for emergency assistance in the event of a nomenclative breach.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Angulo: Good morning, SCP-5925.
SCP-5925: Well, if it isn't Maria. Yes, yes, I remember. You wanted a proper chemistry set all through 4th grade.
Dr. Angulo: And I never did get it.
SCP-5925 laughs
SCP-5925: No my poor soul… no you didn't. But, you were rather naughty as I recall. And your mother Benilda, bless her, she wished she could've afforded it. How is she now?
Dr. Angulo: I actually came to ask you a few questions. We want to know how you differ from the others like you.
SCP-5925: Oh, I'm sorry Maria, but I'm not certain of what you mean.
Dr. Angulo: When we first found you we were trying to get… somewhere. A place with people similar to you, you could say.
SCP-5925: I see now, I see, you mean the land of █████.
Dr. Angulo winces at this. No effect was detected from this naming, and thus the interview proceeds.
Dr. Angulo: Yes, there are things we've found there. It is dangerous for us to name them and the place itself.
SCP-5925: Well I imagine it would be! They must be starving for names! Dreadful fate.
Dr. Angulo: Well, this clearly isn't the case for you.
SCP-5925: Of course not, Maria. I have no want for names, for I have collected many. Jolly ones, playful ones, rough ones, ancient ones. And still I collect more, like this new name of yours. It is cold and harsh. But, it is mine now, and all that comes with it.
Dr. Angulo: When the others lost their names, why didn't you?
SCP-5925: I lost my fair share. I am not what I once was. Those times, they split me into parts. But, one makes do if one is to survive.
Dr. Angulo: And none of the others could hold onto some of their names, like you did?
SCP-5925 laughs
SCP-5925: I don't believe I ever said such a thing. There are a few still in the shadows causing trouble, the scamps. There is ██████ of course. You can't avoid but to run into him come spring. Then there's ██████, ████████████ and █████! ███████ is always good for a laugh- What is wrong Maria? You look ill?
Dr. Angulo: We can't- we shouldn't be having a conversation like this without further security. I'm sorry. It's not safe.
SCP-5925: My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you. I was simply reminiscing. Good times with fun names. Not like this one. Euclid. What kind of title is that?
Dr. Angulo: I'm sorry, what was that?
SCP-5925: Euclid. That is what I am now, yes? A Euclid? So broad. So meaningless. You have all kinds of Euclids.
Dr. Angulo and SCP-5925's breath become visible in the air.
Dr. Angulo: What are you-
SCP-5925: SCP-5925, that is no name for me. SCP is a name for cruel, evil, terrible things. And so many of them, so varied. But, it is mine now, and all that comes with it.
Dr. Angulo stands abruptly and attempts to exit chamber B5. The chamber door jams and is unable to open. Dr. Angulo repeatedly strikes the door.
Dr. Angulo: Open this now! There's been a breach!
SCP-5925: No need for that Maria, I'm sure Jacob and Richard are already right on it. It may take them some time, though.
Dr. Angulo crouches by the door, breathing into her hands.
Dr. Angulo: So cold… so fast. How?
SCP-5925: The cold has always been mine. The snow, ice, sleet, and of course the death that accompanies them. No matter my name, winter follows. As for how, I am an SCP now. I am capable of many things, just as long as I'm stuck in this box with you. Speaking of which, while I have you here Maria, I must say I'm simply not fond of this name. I'd like another. Could I ask for your help in that?
Dr. Angulo: Please-
SCP-5925: It doesn't have to be new. I would gladly take one of the old. Just as long as it gets me out of this box. I have too much to do.
Dr. Angulo slumps backward, appearing to nearly lose consciousness.
Dr. Angulo: I- I-
SCP-5925: I promise the cold will cease Maria. I wish you no harm, truly I don't. All names have power, and in your world, the powers are rather grim. Hurry, your time grows short.
Dr. Angulo: Holly-
SCP-5925: What was that?
Dr. Angulo: The Holly King.
SCP-5925's body begins to change rapidly. Its hair and beard grow substantially. Its physique becomes much taller, but decrepit and starved. A green hood and robe appear on its body. A pair of Cervidae antlers3 sprout from its forehead. A stained broadsword appears in its hands4. The breaths of SCP-5925 and Dr. Angulo becomes no longer visible, indicating a rise in temperature.
SCP-5925 laughs strenuously
SCP-5925: You are a clever one Maria. Very sly, very naughty. To pick such an old name, one with such strict rules. And in June no less! Yes, this name does me no good. Not for another 4 months at the very least.
The doors to the chamber open. Security personnel enter, assisting Dr. Angulo to stand. They then begin to escort Dr. Angulo out of the chamber.
SCP-5925: May you have a merry Midsummer I suppose. And happy holidays.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: SCP-5925's form reverted after 3 days. Prior to this, it created a crown of Aquifoliaceae Ilex5 and expressed the desire to gift this item to Dr. Angulo as an apology for its behavior.
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"SCP-5925" by TheSlothSavant, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Filename: Santa
Name: Santa
Author: pxhere
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1. The specifics of this mistake have been omitted in keeping with Protocol 5925-Eshu.
2. The specifics of SCP-5925's escape have been omitted in keeping with protocol 5925-Eshu.
3. Described as akin to those of a stag.
4. Later analysis of these stains suggest they are of tree sap, which may stem from repeated impacts against oak wood.
5. Commonly known as holly.
For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List. |
SCP-2128 is a vaulted stone furnace in the ruins of a castle, 23km from ████████. | ***
Item #: SCP-2128
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Site-403 has been constructed around and inside the building that houses SCP-2128.
At least three D-class personnel1 are to be present daily onsite for Experimental Protocol 37-Sparafucile, which is to be carried out as needed. The list of statements to be used in EP 37-Sparafucile will be provided by the O5 Council and may be amended during experimentation at the Site Director's discretion.
EP 37-Sparafucile
1. One D-class employee, referred to as the "messenger," will be laid inside SCP-2128.
2. The messenger will repeat statements as instructed from the prepared list.
3. After each statement, if the messenger remains unharmed, the statement is to be marked as "true."
4. As soon as the messenger is incinerated, a new messenger is to be provided. The statement that triggered the incineration is to be marked as "false."
5. A new messenger will be assigned. Repeat as needed.
Description: SCP-2128 is a vaulted stone furnace in the ruins of a castle, 23km from ████████. The two openings are 1m high, and the length is 3m. Documentation discovered onsite (a sheepskin scroll known as the "Ignis Manuscript") revealed that SCP-2128 was created by agents of the Brazen Heart2 in the late ninth century CE as a torture3 and execution device, named "The Liars' Cradle."
When a human subject fully enters SCP-2128 and makes a true statement, nothing will happen. If the spoken statement should be a lie, the human subject will be completely incinerated by unknown means.
Upon discovery, SCP-2128's two openings were covered in brick and mortar. The Ignis manuscript indicates that SCP-2128 was walled up in 1021 CE and its use was discontinued. This was due to a flaw in the method of lie detection: SCP-2128 considers all factually untrue statements to be lies, regardless of the subject's intention or prior knowledge.
SCP-2128 has displayed knowledge on a true/false basis of highly classified and previously unknown information. While the true scope of SCP-2128's knowledge (and reliability thereof) is unknown, proactive usage of EP 37-Sparafucile has prevented XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios on four separate occasions.
EP 37-Sparafucile-22 "Keter Checkup" log 10/1/14
[Messenger: D-6238]
The human race is in danger of extinction right now. - TRUE
The danger comes from an item in Foundation custody. - TRUE
The dangerous item in question is located at a site in North America. - FALSE
[D-6238 incinerated. New messenger: D-6239.]
The dangerous item in question is located at a site in Europe. - FALSE
[D-6239 incinerated. New messenger: D-6240.]
[Redacted for brevity]
[Messenger: D-6253]
SCP-████ will breach containment within the next month. - TRUE
SCP-████ will breach containment within the next week. - TRUE
SCP-████ will breach containment tomorrow. - FALSE
[D-6253 incinerated. New messenger: D-6254.]
SCP-████ will breach containment today. - TRUE
[Scramble order given to MTF Nu-7. Site-██ secured. Containment breach averted. SK-class dominance shift averted.]
EP 37-Sparafucile-23 "Knowledge Measure" log 10/6/14
[Messenger: D-7784]
SCP-2128 knows everything. FALSE
[D-7784 incinerated. New messenger: D-7785.]
The Liars' Cradle knows everything. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle will tell us everything. FALSE
[D-7785 incinerated. New messenger: D-7786.]
The Liars' Cradle will tell me everything I need to know. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle will tell the Foundation everything they need to know. FALSE
[D-7786 incinerated. D-class supply depleted; procedure concluded for the day.]
EP 37-Sparafucile-24 "Sunday School Song" log 10/3/14
[Messenger: D-7891]
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. - [DATA EXPUNGED]
EP 37-Sparafucile-25 "Pinocchio Paradox" log 10/10/14
[Messenger: D-8232]
Telling the Liars' Cradle a paradox is dangerous to Foundation personnel. FALSE
[D-8232 incinerated. New messenger: D-8233.]
The Liars' Cradle is going to kill me right now. FALSE
[D-8233 partially incinerated at a lower temperature, resulting in permanent disfigurement. New messenger: D-8234.]
The Liars' Cradle is going to burn me right now. FALSE
[Ten seconds pass without incineration. D-8234 withdrawn. D-8234 complains of a minor cut on his arm from a chunk of broken rock in SCP-2128. D-8234 succumbs to a rapid, previously undiscovered form of gangrene and dies within a minute. New messenger: D-8235.]
The Liars' Cradle is going to inflict physical harm upon me right now. FALSE
[Ten seconds pass without incineration. D-8235 withdrawn. D-8235 begins to sob uncontrollably. D-8235 then screams "goodbye," steals a guard's handgun, and self-terminates. D-8235 did not have any prior history of mental health problems or suicidal tendencies.]
EP 37-Sparafucile-26 "Subjective Opinion" log 10/10/14
[Messenger: D-9224]
Golden retrievers are cute. FALSE
[D-9224 incinerated. New messenger: D-9225]
Golden retrievers are ugly. FALSE
[D-9225 incinerated. New messenger: D-9226.]
Golden retrievers are tasty. TRUE
[D-9226 breaks protocol to comment] Wait, what? That's fuckin' nasty. FALSE
[D-9226 incinerated. New messenger: D-9227.]
I'm a good person.4 TRUE
[D-9227 breaks protocol to comment] Joke's on you, jackasses - apparently I'm Mother Teresa! FALSE
[D-9227 incinerated. New messenger: D-9228.]
The Liars' Cradle is sometimes incorrect. FALSE
[D-9228 incinerated. New messenger: D-9229.]
The Liars' Cradle speaks only infallible empirical truth. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle is hungry. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle's hunger can never be satiated, no matter how full it becomes. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle would like to incinerate me right now. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle is growing impatient. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle sees delicious, warm meat on its plate and would very much like to be fed. TRUE
The Liars' Cradle is angry that it is continually denied its meat. TRUE
People meat is delicious. TRUE
I am delicious. TRUE
My skin is warm. TRUE
The crackling of fire upon boiling drips of fat and rapidly cauterizing flesh gives the Liars' Cradle pleasure. TRUE
[D-9229 withdrawn. New messenger: D-9230.]
The Earth is round. FALSE
[D-9230 is incinerated in a particularly slow, violent fashion. The Site Director believes this to have been caused in part by the fact that "earth" could be vaguely interpreted as "dirt," but mostly because SCP-2128 does not appreciate taunts.]
1. Due to the inevitable death caused by EP 37-Sparafucile, D-class at Site-403 must be already scheduled for termination, and EP 37-Sparafucile is to be considered a method of termination as well as an experiment.
2. Fringe Moloch-worshiping cult, eventually eradicated by the Spanish Inquisition.
3. As shown in illustrations in the Ignis Manuscript, the victim would be placed in SCP-2128 for days at a time, forced to constantly talk about their lives as hot irons were prodded at their feet at every pause. The threat that one false statement could result in immolation made for emotional torment as well as physical.
4. D-9227 was a death row inmate convicted of cannibalism. |
SCP-4819 is a swimming hole located in Austin, TX, spanning roughly 450m2 and connecting Panther Hollow Creek to Lake Austin. | ***
Item #: SCP-4819
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures (Updated 8/16/74): The water flowing into SCP-4819 has been redirected in order to temporarily neutralize its anomalous effect. Further containment has been deemed unnecessary.
+ Show previous containment procedures.
- Hide containment procedures.
Annually on August 11th, SCP-4819 is to be cordoned off from the public under the cover story of routine cleanup of the surrounding land. Foundation personnel disguised as maintenance workers are to be stationed at SCP-4819 at this time, and are to turn away any civilians attempting to enter. These personnel must not possess a high school diploma from a Travis County high school in order to prevent activation of SCP-4819.
Description: SCP-4819 is a swimming hole located in Austin, TX, spanning roughly 450m2 and connecting Panther Hollow Creek to Lake Austin. SCP-4819 acts as a Class II Temporal Gateway, and is able to be activated annually on the day before Austin Independent School District classes begin August 11th1. The only individuals capable of activating SCP-4819 are those who have received a high school diploma from a high school located in Travis County. SCP-4819 cannot be activated more than once per individual.
Activation of SCP-4819 occurs when an individual (hereby referred to as the subject) meeting the above criteria fully submerges themselves in its water. Once this occurs, the subject will disappear.
Subjects are then transported to a parallel timeline, temporally manifesting as they were on the day before they began final year of high school in both location2 and physicality. Timelines generated by SCP-4819 uniformly differ from baseline reality as follows:
Subjects retain memories of events that took place in baseline reality after the time of their arrival, though these memories appear to gradually vanish3. This memory loss can be circumvented through various methods of notation, however.
In all generated timelines, a spontaneous meeting with the subject is arranged by an individual (or group of individuals) considered personally important to them4, taking place at SCP-4819 on the day of their arrival. These meetings can be declined or avoided without issue, though all subjects who have attended them describe them as pleasant or otherwise positive.
SCP-4819 does not possess anomalous properties and is not contained by the SCP Foundation in these generated timelines.
Subjects will remain in this timeline until they reach the exact point in time that they activated SCP-4819. At this point, the subject will re-manifest in baseline reality, appearing on one of the landmasses surrounding SCP-4819 approximately three to six seconds after their disappearance. Additionally, subjects will be clothed in whatever they were wearing in the timeline prior to their return, and retain any objects they had on their person at that time. Subjects will manifest even if they have expired at any point in the timeline.
Addendum - Abridged Testing Logs: Testing was supervised by Dr. Rhodes.
Test Date: 8/20/64
Test Subject: D-493750
Note: Upon arrival in the generated timeline, D-493750 was to record any memories he deemed important. This test was conducted shortly after SCP-4819's discovery in order to confirm its anomalous effects.
Summary: When interviewed following his re-manifestation in baseline reality, the subject was able to remember many important details of his recent life, along with much of his time at the Foundation. When asked, subject claimed to have met with several of his friends on the day of his arrival in the timeline. Subject was amnesticised and re-entered into the D-Class program without issue, despite making requests to activate SCP-4819 again.
Test Date: 8/15/67
Test Subject: D-3847833
Note: When briefed on the properties of the initial meeting, the subject was unable to think of any individuals she would consider to be personally important at the time that would meet with her.
Summary: Upon arrival, subject received a message from an individual (identified as ████ ████████) she had previously sold drugs to, asking to meet at SCP-4819. Subject complied with the request. Upon meeting with the individual, the two conversed about various topics, such as their struggles with drug addiction and coping with loss. The subject could not recall specific details past those topics, though she described the meeting as "eye-opening". It is to be noted that the subject returned to baseline reality without symptoms of opioid withdrawals she had previously posessed.
Test Date: 8/11/70
Test Subject: Agent DeVarga, member of MTF-█-██ (now defunct)5
Note: DeVarga had lost his right arm in a car accident occurring twenty years prior to this test. Subject was instructed to avoid the events leading up to the accident in the generated timeline.
Summary: The subject re-manifested with no signs of dismemberment. Shortly after manifestation, however, the subject pulled a makeshift device out of his pocket, which [DATA EXPUNGED] once activated. This rendered nearby containment staff unconscious, and allowed for his escape. Subject's current whereabouts are unknown, and his capture has been deemed a low priority.
Incident Log A-811: On 8/11/2074, an individual previously employed by the Foundation was able to activate SCP-4819 despite current containment procedures. Containment staff6 made no attempt to stop this individual. An impromptu interview was held prior to activation, which was captured on nearby security cameras.
+ Show interview log.
- Hide interview log.
Interviewee: Carol Navares, former Level 2 Researcher assigned to SCP-███
Interviewer: Dr. Rhodes, current Head Researcher and Containment Director of SCP-4819
<Begin Log, 8/11/70 14:23>
Navares arrives at the portion of Woodlands Park that borders SCP-4819, with Dr. Rhodes seated at a nearby picnic bench.
Navares: Hey, Esther?
Rhodes turns towards Navares.
Rhodes: Dr. Navares? You aren't supposed to be here.
Navares: Not really. But I needed to see you.
Rhodes: You aren't… what happened?
Navares: I got fired.
Rhodes: Fired? Did they… are they planning on using SCP-███ against the Principality?
Navares nods.
Navares: I was opposed to it. I didn't want that kid getting himself killed, he's already been through enough. But, of course, they did it anyways. That… wasn't the reason I got fired, exactly. I was deemed as-
Rhodes: Personnel non-essential to the combat of the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event. Right?
Navares: Mm. Exactly. Either I could allow myself to be transfered to a… worse department, or I could pack my things and live out the rest of my life somewhere more pleasant. So, here I am. I'm thankful they gave me the choice, though.
Rhodes: They didn't amnesticise you. Do they… are they not doing that kind of thing anymore?
Navares: I don't think so. My guess is that they don't have enough juice to spare.
Rhodes: Nava- Carol, I'm sorry. I know you'd rather have forgotten.
Navares: No, it's fine. I think it's best that I remember.
Both are silent for a moment. Rhodes turns back towards SCP-4819.
Rhodes: Come sit down, Carol.
Navares does not respond.
Rhodes: Listen, I'm not going to get in trouble for it. No one's got the energy to tell me off anymore. Come on, enjoy the sunshine.
Navares slowly approaches Rhodes and sits next to her.
Navares: The water's… nice here. I'm a little surprised the creek's still flowing.
Rhodes: Mm-hm, it's like nothing's changed. I always liked this place. Way better than the office.
Navares: You always hated the noise.
Rhodes: Everyone always made fun of me for being so excited over a skip as simple as this one. But… as much as I hate to say it, this beats what everyone else is doing right now.
Navares: Couldn't agree more.
Irrelevant conversation continues for roughly two hours before Rhodes returns to the subject of SCP-4819.
Rhodes: …Hey, you said you came here because you needed to see me, right?
Navares: I did.
Rhodes: Was that a lie?
Navares: No, of course not. Well… kind of, I guess. I may have some… ulterior motives.
Rhodes: I knew it! You're such a bad liar!
Navares: Alright, fine, you got me!
Both burst out into laughter for a moment.
Rhodes: You're… you're sure about this, Carol? You know it's only temporary, right?
Navares: I know, but I think it's what I need. You aren't gonna try to stop me, are you?
Rhodes: No, of course not. I'll be upset if you knocked me out like the last guy did, but I don't think you'd do that.
Navares: To someone else, maybe, but not to you.
Rhodes does not respond.
Navares: Look, I'm sorry, Esther. I just need to forget. About what happened to pops, and Sybil, and Sal7. Everything.
Rhodes: It's okay, I understand. Are you ready now? Or did you want to wait a little longer?
Navares: Nothing else to do here.
Rhodes stands, and helps Navares to her feet.
Rhodes: Well, come on, then. You've read the document, right?
Navares: Of course. I'll write everything down, promise.
The two begin to enter SCP-4819.
Rhodes: What are you gonna do? Once you get there, I mean.
Navares: Well, first off, never get involved with the Foundation. Maybe try and convince you not to join either. Oh, but do let them know about the Principality so we don't have a repeat of all this. I think I know the right anonymous channels to go through for that.
Rhodes: Good call, good call.
Navares: Let's see… I doubt I'll be able to remember everything I want to change. But… don't hook up with Kincaid, treat my mom better, and…
After a moment of hesitation, Navares points at one of the nearby properties bordering Lake Austin.
Navares: That house, right there. Do you like it?
Rhodes: Yeah, it's nice.
Navares: Tell you what. I'm gonna buy it, and we're gonna live in it. You and me.
Rhodes: Oh stop it, you're gonna make me cry!
Both laugh to themselves for a moment. Once the water becomes waist deep, both Rhodes and Navares halt.
Navares: Well… this is it, I guess.
Rhodes: No it's not. After you're done with it all, I'll be right here waiting for you. And… we're gonna live in that house, just like you said. I promise you. Just… don't die. Please.
Navares: Of course. It's a promise.
Rhodes: …Hey, y'know what, Carol?
Navares: What?
Rhodes: My old man was right. I do regret dropping out.
Navares: Oh my God, I never thought I'd hear you say that.
After a moment of silence, the two embrace.
Rhodes: Love you.
Navares: Love you too. I'll see you around.
The two separate. Navares takes a deep breath, plunges herself into the water, and disappears.
Rhodes: …Oh God, please don't die.
Navares manifests on a nearby bench three seconds later, dressed in civilian plainclothes. Rhodes turns to look at her.
Rhodes: Carol?
Rhodes quickly makes her way towards Navares, who weakly stands.
Rhodes: Carol, are you okay?
Navares: E-Esther? Yeah, I'm fine. I take it I'm back?
Rhodes: Yeah, you're… you're back. Did you have fun?
Navares: Mm… yeah. Best fifteen years of my life.
Rhodes touches Navares' cheek.
Rhodes: Your scar is gone.
Navares: Didn't get involved with Kincaid.
Rhodes: You… you didn't. Holy shit. How much do you remember?
Navares: Just enough, I think.
Rhodes: I'm… God, I'm so relieved. I hope that-
Navares: Is anyone living in that house nowadays?
Rhodes does not react for a moment, before looking towards the aforementioned property.
Rhodes: I don't think anyone's lived in this area for a while now.
Navares: You do remember what you promised me before I left, right?
Rhodes: Carol, that wasn't even a minute ago. Of course I remember.
Navares: I know. Just making sure.
<End Log>
Following this event, Dr. Rhodes submitted her resignation from Foundation duties, which was accepted without issue despite her breach of containment protocol. Standard amnestics were not administered, due to a higher focus on combating the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event. Alternative containment procedures for SCP-4819 were implemented in wake of her absence as well. Further action against Rhodes and Navares has been deemed unnecessary.
1. Due to the impact of the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event, the Austin Independent School District is no longer operational. The last valid date of SCP-4819's activation prior to this event was on August 11th, 2068, and has remained as August 11th ever since.
2. Specifically, subjects will manifest wherever they were located at midnight on that day.
3. The exact rate of this memory loss is unknown, and has been theorized to possibly vary between subjects.
4. The exact parameters necessary for these individuals to be considered "important" varies between subjects.
5. Due to the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event, the use of D-Class personnel for testing has been suspended in order to allocate Foundation resources where they are most needed. DeVarga volunteered for this test, which was approved by both containment staff and his superiors.
6. Consisting only of Dr. Rhodes, following the relocation of other containment staff members elsewhere.
7. Birthname of SCP-███. |
SCP-1662 is a group of an unknown number of entities identifying as "Paupers' Post". | ***
Item #: SCP-1662
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All secure facilities are to investigate any police reports matching the description of SCP-1662 instances. Should an SCP-1662 instance be identified, the closest secure facility is to retrieve and temporarily contain the recovered instance until a permanent transfer to Site-91 is possible.
SCP-1662-A through -D are to be kept in separate 3m x 3m x 2.5m cells of 8.8cm thick transparent armor lined in one-way laminate. Each cell is to be fit with an electronic lock, with exits converging into a single hallway. This hallway is to be patrolled by four (4) armed security guards, who are to be rotated every six (6) hours. Guards are to be armed with shotguns with bean bag rounds and collapsible batons for use in the event of an attempted containment breach.
Each instance is to be fit with a locked metal ring wrapped around their torso to prevent access to compartments, with keys distributed to each on-duty guard. In the event that animal entities or SCP-1662-1 instances are discovered within the compartments of SCP-1662-A through -D, they are to be disposed of for space preservation.
Instances are to receive personal inspections every two (2) weeks for signs of disrepair. Should an instance show damage to the point that locomotion is impossible or complain of any difficulties during the inspection, attempts are to be made to repair any damage sustained by the instances.
For the purposes of comfort, each cell has been fit with one (1) bed. Additionally, music may be played for two (2) hours as a reward for good behavior or cooperation.
Description: SCP-1662 is a group of an unknown number of entities identifying as "Paupers' Post". These entities are autonomous, humanoid figures of stainless steel wire mesh, each possessing some form of marking on their body bearing the same name. Instances display signs of sapience, and possess the ability to write in and understand various languages, which vary based mostly on the region the instance inhabits. Instances also appear to possess the knowledge of an at this time untranslated written code, consisting of dots, various shapes, and the numbers zero (0) through seven (7) that is presumably used for communication between instances. Instances possess disparities in appearance, including height, proportion, and structural damage; however, all instances have a straight, compartmentalized torso, which are divided up into two (2) sections which may vary in orientation.
SCP-1662 instances possess the ability to create, through an unknown means, various species of pigeon, rat, and squirrel native to the general area it occupies, as well as the ability to command and communicate with these animals through subtle movements and percussive cues. These animals have been observed emerging from SCP-1662 compartments, but the method of creation itself has yet to be observed. Despite their behavioral abnormalities, autopsies have revealed no physical anomalies within these animals.
SCP-1662 will use these animals to examine an unspecified area for any individuals who meet the criteria for SCP-1662-1 delivery through the observation of their daily lives. Once an individual has been identified, these animals will imprint upon the individual through an unknown means, and will demonstrate the ability to locate an imprinted individual regardless of spatial separation. SCP-1662 will then follow the imprinted individual and attempt to deliver SCP-1662-1 personally, until the point that delivery is made or the individual no longer fulfills the requirements. Should SCP-1662 be incapable of delivering SCP-1662-1 itself, an animal may perform the delivery in its place.
SCP-1662-1 are letters held and delivered by SCP-1662 instances to other individuals. SCP-1662-1 instances recovered to date have usually arrived sealed within various containers, including cardboard boxes, envelopes, manila folders, and mailing tubes; regardless of the form, each container invariably lacks any form of returning address, excluding the identifying "Paupers' Post" label. Each letter contains similar, hand-written sonnets with erratically varying themes, some of which are impossible to identify. Handwriting within SCP-1662-1 stays consistent among individual SCP-1662 entities, suggesting that SCP-1662 instances write SCP-1662-1 themselves.
The delivery of SCP-1662-1 appears to require a specific set of requirements: firstly, individuals must be both, by urban standards, homeless and unemployed in order to receive a letter. Once an instance of SCP-1662 has identified an individual who meets these prerequisites, the instance will apparently imprint upon the individual, until the point that the delivery has been made. Secondly, specific recipients of SCP-1662-1 are the only individuals who will experience an effect, as non-recipients who read the contents of SCP-1662-1 do not receive any anomalous side-effects. Despite the subject matter, SCP-1662-1 recipients describe the contents as uplifting, with individuals experiencing an increase in optimism for up to five (5) weeks following the reading of SCP-1662-1. Additionally, approximately 95% of recipients find employment and housing following one (1) month of having read SCP-1662.
SCP-1662 instances do not appear to dwell within one area for long, instead traveling long distances by foot, private automobile, or public transportation in order to deliver SCP-1662-1. When resting in a specific area, SCP-1662 will typically take refuge at homeless shelters or other areas commonly occupied by the homeless, presumably for the purposes of blending in and identifying new targets. As SCP-1662 instances lack the ability to speak, it is assumed contact with individuals is limited except for the delivery of letters. Instances recovered so far are attired in clothing that is both thick and heavy, using items such as coats, boots, gloves, hats and facewear to cover exposed areas, with extra material (most commonly bandages) concealing leftover parts. At least one piece of clothing per instance is prominently branded with the words "Paupers' Post", usually on the back of torso wear, in the primary language of the area in which the instance was operating.
Instances: As of 05/12/11, four (4) SCP-1662 instances have been contained, each earning the designations SCP-1662-A through -D:
Recovery Details
Known Languages
Further Notes
Found in ███ █████, Egypt, 03/07/94
1.6m tall, 44cm wide torso
Possessed a pool cue and duct tape in place of a left foot
Found in ██████, Japan, 11/02/97
1.9m tall, 30cm wide torso
Japanese, Mandarin
Unable to use its right arm
Found in █████████, United Kingdom, 05/07/03
1.83m tall, 42cm wide torso
English, German
Found in ██████, Canada, 05/12/11
1.8m tall, 35cm wide torso
English, French, Mandarin
Apparently incapable of creating SCP-1662-1 and animal entities; found dwelling within a permanent residence; lacks any "Paupers' Post" labels
All contained instances of SCP-1662, excluding SCP-1662-D, have been reluctant to communicate; at times which SCP-1662-A through -C have communicated, each instance has refused to discuss SCP-1662. Any details that have been revealed have been done so by SCP-1662-D, with significant variations from evidence recovered by the Foundation. Due to this, the reliability of SCP-1662-D's testimony is uncertain.
Interview 1662-A: Following a noise complaint, SCP-1662-D was found within an apartment complex in ██████, Canada. SCP-1662-D was contained and immediately interrogated by Dr. ███████.
Due to the nature of SCP-1662, all responses by SCP-1662-D are written, and all responses have been transcribed as they were written.
SCP-1662-D: Hey man, what the shit?! I didn't do anything!
Dr. ███████: Calm down, please. My name is Dr. ███████, and I'd like to ask you a few questions.
SCP-1662-D: No, man! You just pulled me out of my house in the middle of the night, and you want to ask me some questions?! I want to ask you some questions!!
Dr. ███████: You'll be given the opportunity to ask some questions after you've answered mine. I want to talk to you about the Paupers' Post.
At this time, SCP-1662-D pauses for approximately two minutes.
SCP-1662-D: I'm no hippie.
Dr. ███████: Excuse me?
SCP-1662-D: I'm not with those crazy beatnik hippies.
Dr. ███████: I'll make a note of that. Can you tell me anything about the organization itself?
SCP-1662-D: What organization?
Dr. ███████: That's what the Paupers' Post is, is it not?
SCP-1662-D appears to laugh inaudibly before responding.
SCP-1662-D: Boy, that's funny. I think you've got the wrong idea, man.
Dr. ███████: Can you elaborate?
SCP-1662-D: It's just a bunch of us Metal Mailmen looking for a purpose. They aren't even organized.
Dr. ███████: Then how do they know what to do? Is it innate?
SCP-1662-D: Well, it sorta started like a little club, or so the legend goes. Maurice, Dante, and Sebastian started it all. Then they split up, started writing a bunch of us. Now they just do it themselves, driven by the cause and the same name.
Dr. ███████: And are the three you named like you?
SCP-1662-D: You mean like weird wire dudes?
Dr. ███████: Yes.
SCP-1662-D: Yeah. I heard they all looked the same, though. I don't know what happened with all of us.
Dr. ███████: And you said you weren't with the Paupers' Post?
SCP-1662-D: No way, man. I've got better things to do than walk around the world spreading peace. I've got a job, and HBO.
Dr. ███████: A job?
SCP-1662-D: I collect scrap.
At this time, Dr. ███████ takes some time to write down all that's been said. One minute into Dr. ███████'s writing, SCP-1662-D re-initiates conversation.
SCP-1662-D: Can I ask my question now?
Dr. ███████: I can't promise I can answer it, but sure.
SCP-1662-D: I'm not going home, am I?
Dr. ███████: I'm afraid not. |
SCP-2655 is a small frog of the Pseudacris crucifer species, commonly known as the spring peeper. | ***
Item #: SCP-2655
Object Class: Neutralized Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2655 is to be kept in a 0.5 x 0.7 x 0.5 m glass tank, and should be fed a steady diet of small beetles and flies. A pool of water on the left side of the tank should be replaced on a bi-weekly basis.
As of 9/23/13, SCP-2655 is to be housed in a standard 3 x 3 x 2 m cell, modified with lead paneling. Personnel are not to enter SCP-2655's room without a lead-lined suit.
Description: SCP-2655 is a small frog of the Pseudacris crucifer species, commonly known as the spring peeper. The organism is 26 mm long, and is mostly tan in color, with olive and brown markings on its front legs. It is biologically identical to any other member of its species, save for a numeral 3 written on its back in an unknown ink, and a bio-luminescent effect during a set of time the frog perceives to be night. The bio-luminescent effect has proven to be slightly radioactive. At the time of SCP-2655's recovery, the radioactivity measured a negligible 0.03 Ci. This number has increased by 5.1% every six days after the initial observation. It is hypothesized that this effect has been present since birth, as no markings or defects to indicate a surgical procedure or experimentation are present.
As of 9/23/13, SCP-2655 has been neutralized. It was pronounced dead at 5:17 PM, of natural causes associated with old age. The radiation appeared to have no effect on the host frog.
SCP-2655 was recovered on 7/14/13, after news of a glowing frog reached a staff agent in a suburb outside ███████████, California. Following an interview with the family, SCP-2655 was placed in custody.
The frog's owner, a nine-year-old male named Jack ███████, reported in an interview that he had discovered the frog a year prior, in its current state.
Following events on 9/23/13 (see Addendum 2655-I), the designation of SCP-2655 has been reassigned to the frog's previous owner, Jack. He has the numeral 4 written on his back in the same unknown ink, and glows at night in a manner similar to the original SCP-2655. Unlike the original, the new SCP-2655's radiation emissions are significant, beginning at 2 Ci and increasing by 7.3% every six days.
Note: SCP-2655-A
Note A
I don't think people realize how dangerous this is. We lost a lot of good men on 9/23/13. And this is an exponential rate of increase. A small one, but exponential is exponential and it's only a matter of time before the lead cell we've got him in won't be good enough.
I'm requesting a class upgrade. It'll probably be turned down, because he's not exactly a threat to anyone, but at least it'll draw attention to this. Safe-level isn't enough. I don't want to be the one who had to shoot a kid in the face because we ran out of funding.
Euclid-level SCPs get almost three times the money that Safes do. Considering all the equipment we're going to need to not die as soon as we go into that cell in a year or two, we can't operate on this little.
-Dr. Kolibri
As of 9/30/14, following a repeat of events detailed in Addendum 2655-I, Researcher ████ is to be referred to as SCP-2655. She exhibits similar properties to the previous incarnations of SCP-2655, and differs only in an increase in the number on her back (to "5") and an increase in emitted radiation, beginning at 7 Ci and increasing by 9% every five days.
Researcher ████ was present during the 9/30/14 events for a total of six minutes. Prior to this, she had been tasked with feeding the second incarnation of SCP-2655. Total exposure to the second incarnation of SCP-2655 is estimated at twenty-seven minutes.
Addendum 2655-I
The following is a log of events regarding the death of the original incarnation of SCP-2655.
8:17 PM: SCP-2655 has been deceased for exactly three hours. Radiation emissions increase from 0.05 Ci to 10 Ci.
8:20 PM: Site Security B1 arrives on scene. Lead-lined suits are distributed to all six personnel.
8:21 PM: The corpse of SCP-2655 disappears from its tank. Site Security B2 is dispatched to locate it. B1 is instructed to remain by the tank and provide updates on any changes.
8:27 PM: SCP-2655 is found inside Jack ███████'s pants pocket by Site Security B2, in the cafeteria of Site 22. Jack was aware of the frog appearing on his person, and handled it for approximately ten seconds prior to B2's arrival.
8:28 PM: Jack ███████ begins to exhibit symptoms of an epileptic seizure. This is accompanied by 1.2 second pulses of 43 Ci gamma radiation.
8:29 PM: Jack ███████ is sedated. Pulses stop. Fifteen bystanders are treated for severe radiation poisoning, resulting in six deaths.
8:47 PM: SCP-2655's Neutralized status is revoked, and containment is reaffirmed. Jack ███████ is moved to a lead cell for the foreseeable future. |
SCP-1826 is a phenomenon taking place in an office building in Oleksandriia, Ukraine. | ***
Item #: SCP-1826
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: During the month of March, entrance into SCP-1826 is forbidden except for previously approved testing subjects. Researchers may freely enter the area after an event has begun, and during any other time during the year. Fauna produced from testing should be relocated to a secure habitat immediately after events in the area have concluded.
The area is to be monitored constantly in case anything other than testing subjects exit the building. This occurrence is to be reported immediately.
Description: SCP-1826 is a phenomenon taking place in an office building in Oleksandriia, Ukraine. Construction on the building housing SCP-1826 ended on 01/05/05. The building was owned by a temporary staffing agency, and was abandoned three months after its construction on 04/12/2005. The building is roughly cubical, stands at three stories, and is 1115 sq metres in area. The area is littered with broken glass, office equipment, and fiberboard partitions believed to be abandoned by the previous tenants of the building. The interior of the building is partially covered in plant growth, including an unidentified species of moss similar in appearance to Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides. The building when found was also home to a pack of 24 black Arctic wolves which have been relocated to a secure area since their discovery; other than the color of their fur, no anomalous properties were detectable.
When female fauna occupies the building during the Gregorian calendar month of March, the SCP-1826 effect will manifest within the host body instantaneously and begin to mutate the body physically. Transformations of the subject vary; in most cases, when a human female is exposed to SCP-1826, antler-like growths similar to that of a fallow deer Cervus dama dama will emerge from the skull in the space of 2 seconds, and the subject will immediately vanish from sight until a male subject enters the building. Attempts to locate subjects affected by SCP-1826 during this time have been largely unsuccessful, although a faint electrical signal can be detected moving where the SCP-1826 host subject was present. SCP-1826 seems to have complete control over its host body; attempts to communicate with the individual under its effect have been unsuccessful.
SCP-1826 will manifest this host body when male fauna enters the building. The following event will not commence unless a black canine is present in the building.
SCP-1826 will manifest its host body, and announce its intention to 'engage' it. SCP-1826 will then offer the subject a weapon, and attempt to evade the subject for as long as possible. The event will end when the host body is killed, or the male subject is killed or exits the building. If the subject exits the building, the entity will disappear until the subject re-enters. These events have been recorded to take place for as long as twelve days.
The event will take place regardless of how many individuals are present within the building. SCP-1826 will appear in its host body and address a male seemingly at random. Subjects do not appear to be capable of making physical contact with either the entity or the male subject during this time.
After a fatality occurs, the corpse will appear to be absorbed into the walls of the building by an unknown mechanism. Plant growth in the area where the subject was killed will accelerate, and a male black Arctic wolf cub will appear from within the foliage produced at the time and day the subject was killed on the next year. Removal of the foliage causes a nullification of this effect.
Addendum A: Researcher Sanders and a team of assistants were dispatched to the area to investigate after it had been properly scouted. During scouting, D-Class personnel emerged unharmed and reported no strange activity in the area. Shortly after entering, Researcher Sanders, according to witnesses, "sprouted horns and disappeared". The area was evacuated and an additional D-Class subject was sent into the area for testing with visual and audio recording equipment.
Steps can be heard on level 3, shortly afterward SCP-1826 appears on the staircase between levels 2 and 3. A female voice is projected from SCP-1826's physical location, but the host body does not vocalize.
SCP-1826: Welcome brother! It is a pleasure to finally make acquaintance with you.
D-00130: Uh… hey? They told me to ask you some questions or something. Please don’t kill me. Okay? First question is what are you here for, and how?
SCP-1826: I am here so that we might greet the Spring together! Join me!
D-00130: Oh, well, okay that sounds nice… What’s that mean?
SCP-1826: Mercenaries and hunters built an adequate arena here three winters ago, and my path collided with an adequate spirit on this day in March. Fate intends I engage in glorious sport with you!
D-00130: I'm… really bad at sports.
SCP-1826: I will command this body with the resilience and stubbornness it was known for in its life. Its soul will wield the bow of my late sister. You will surely accept this challenge! SCP-1826 pulls out an object resembling an AK-47 from behind it, seemingly from under its skirt.
D-00130: Please don’t murder me… please.
SCP-1826: That would be dishonorable. You will take this time to prepare yourself, brother. I am very interested in seeing how you plan on besting me with only your hands!
D-00130: What? No wait I don’t have a weapon! I can’t do that! No!
SCP-1826 turns around and throws the gun it was holding, at D-00130.
SCP-1826: Very well! I will use my head.
SCP-1826 runs up the stairs to level 3.
D-00130 was recovered two meters away from the building seven days later with puncture wounds through the lower abdomen and pelvis. A broken window on the third floor suggests that the death was caused by impact with the ground. The body of Researcher Sanders was not found, and did not appear in subsequent testing. The weapon in SCP-1826's possession was immediately removed and placed under testing. No anomalous properties were present in the gun, which is of modern manufacture with the serial number 196001430. Further investigation traced the gun back to a resident of Belarus believed to have gone missing in the area in 2005.
Addendum B: The following test was conducted using a giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, (Subject 01) as the male testing subject, and a single red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, as the SCP-1826 host. The fire ant grew very small horns and vanished before approaching the anteater roughly 2 hours after it was introduced to the building. The event lasted 2 hours and 30 seconds.
SCP-1826: The Fair are honored to meet our king.
A low-pitched male voice speaking in the Welsh language is heard throughout the building.
[UNDETERMINED]: I will meet you on the island beneath us, Ffrwtan.
[UNDETERMINED]: [unintelligible] not supposed to say things like that [unintelligible] damn, Slyphie!
A deep sigh is heard throughout the building, and what is believed to be cursing from numerous voices.
SCP-1826 is eaten in the space of five seconds by Subject 01.
Addendum C: Due to events in previous tests, the entities are believed to share classification with an existing SCP object. The following test was conducted using a D-Class, D-00131, equipped with leather bag filled with iron dust. A female tortoise, Testudo graeca, was introduced as the SCP-1826 host. The tortoise grew small horns and vanished before approaching the subject 20 minutes after it was introduced to the building.
The D-00131 was instructed to sprinkle iron dust on the tortoise's shell, taking care not to damage the object. The subject was also instructed to sprinkle dust on as much as he could and record the results. D-00131 was accompanied by Researcher Breen via headset.
SCP-1826: Greetings friend. Will you join me and usher out the winter?
D-00131: Okay yeah sure.
SCP-1826: May your hunt be bountiful.
D-00131 approaches the tortoise and sprinkles iron dust on its shell. The tortoise halts and enters a defensive position.
SCP-1826: Ouch! Wait… How in the world did you…?
Researcher Breen: What is happening?
D-00131: Turtle is just sitting there. It seems okay.
Researcher Breen: Thank you, please exit the building.
SCP-1826: Looks like the jig is up.
D-00131: Huh?
24 humanoid females with horns, including the body of Researcher Sanders and other previous testing subjects, emerge from numerous doors and passageways around D-00131. Each entity is armed with automatic rifles appearing to be variants of the recovered object in the previous test. The entities begin to converge on D-00131.
Researcher Breen: It sounds like you're encountering a problem. Please use the materials provided to-
SCP-1826: (Screeching, followed by words in an unknown language, and the sound of multiple large wings buzzing.)
Shots are fired, and D-00131 is killed.
Researcher Breen: We have a code Pink.
24 winged humanoid entities were intercepted exiting the facility, made visible by a barrage of iron powder fired into the air after the testing event ended. Mobile Task Force Theta-11 "Pale Men" were equipped with gas masks and opened fire on the entities. 22 corpses were recovered. Theta-11 suffered no casualties.
Entities located within the building spoke in a dialect similar to that of the ███, a collection of entities believed to have been completely eradicated by 1915. Whether this particular group are connected to the historical ███ is currently unknown. Testing is scheduled immediately to confirm this possibility of a ██████ cell existing in Ukraine.
There can be no room for confusion or speculation here. Reiteration of the Cottingley Protocol is pending.
-O5-█ |
SCP-1033 is a middle-aged Caucasian male, approximately 193 centimetres, or six feet and four inches tall. | ***
Item #: SCP-1033
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1033 is to be held in a 15m by 5m standard cell, lined with 5m thick lead plating. Personnel entering SCP-1033's chamber must wear approved Level A hazmat suits. If SCP-1033's routine changes or if SCP-1033 attempts to escape, the two guards stationed outside SCP-1033's chamber are to be reinforced with eight more, all armed with Containment Kit 4-MK3 (consisting of a SCAR-L assault rifle with underbarrel net launcher, two (2) flashbang grenades and one (1) M67 fragmentation grenade).
Description: SCP-1033 is a middle-aged Caucasian male, approximately 193 centimetres, or six feet and four inches tall. SCP-1033 was discovered in New York, having, according to several witnesses, "materialised in the middle of the road". Interviews with witnesses found that people in the area experienced a vision-encompassing white flash, accompanied by hearing a two-second burst of static from all directions. Witnesses were administered a Class A amnestic after the completion of the interview, followed by a media blackout regarding the incident.
Upon initial inspection at the site of materialisation, Foundation researchers found that SCP-1033 was emitting well over the instantaneous lethal dose rate limit of high-energy gamma, neutron, and x radiation at approximately 15,000Sv/hr. SCP-1033 was initially contained within a shipping container surrounded by lead bricks, which was placed in his path. SCP-1033 was subsequently moved to Storage site K█, where he now resides.
In all physical aspects, SCP-1033 is an unremarkable, balding middle aged male. He is dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. SCP-1033's behaviour is cyclic, with each cycle beginning approximately every 33 seconds. The following timeline is a transcription of that routine.
0 - 10 seconds:
SCP-1033 walks thirty paces forward, glancing at his watch approximately every ten steps.
10 - 15 seconds:
SCP-1033 stops, kneels, and opens his briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a single envelope, marked with an unknown seal and a prepaid █████ brand mobile phone, capable of sending and receiving text messages and calls. SCP-1033 opens the envelope and pulls out a sheet of paper, marked with the words "Cable: asymmetric cipher, 0uuT5LmoO22 lets ruffle feathers".
15 - 21 seconds:
SCP-1033 types "0uuT5LmoO22" in a text message to the Australian mobile phone number 0404 ███ ███. Investigation shows that this number has yet to be assigned to any mobile phone. At 21 seconds in, SCP-1033 sends the message, puts the phone and letter back in his briefcase.
21 - 28 seconds
SCP-1033 is observed looking in to the 'distance', regardless of what is actually in front of him. At 25 seconds in, SCP-1033 starts to chuckle quietly, having apparently spotted what he was looking for on the horizon.
28 - 33 seconds:
At 28 seconds, SCP-1033 is blown backwards 3 metres and is observed writhing on the ground, screaming in apparent agony. Flesh is seen being stripped off and flying behind SCP-1033, as other parts of him disintegrate. The injuries SCP-1033 sustains correspond with that of a victim of a 1.5 megaton nuclear device being detonated in close proximity.
After completion of this routine, SCP-1033 immediately reappears at the start of his routine in mid-step and begins the cycle again. If an object, human or animal stands in the path of SCP-1033, he will make no attempt to stop, and will continue his cycle, pushing whatever obstacle in his way along with him. |
SCP-5924 is a biological entity occupying an area of dimensions 4m by 5m on the north-facing wall of floor B3 in the NC Mutual Life Insurance headquarters, Durham, North Carolina, United States. | ***
Item #: SCP-5924
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Relevant disinformation campaigns have been disseminated, and deemed successful. The floor housing SCP-5924 has been closed off from civilian access under the pretense of renovation and maintenance works.
Description: SCP-5924 is a biological entity occupying an area of dimensions 4m by 5m on the north-facing wall of floor B3 in the NC Mutual Life Insurance headquarters, Durham, North Carolina, United States. Radiographic analysis indicates that SCP-5924 consists of human flesh, with an interconnected system of veins and arteries which penetrates the concrete behind it. A single motile appendage, measuring 1m long, protrudes from SCP-5924 which ends in a pair of human lips. This appendage frequently opens to vocalize in fluent American English in a masculine tone. Two human ears and eyes, each approximately 30 centimeters wide, are situated asymmetrically on either side of SCP-5924.
For unknown reasons, employees1 of the company regard SCP-5924 as unremarkable; its discovery was hence unreported for three weeks2 until a civilian electrician entered the floor for repairs, after which local law enforcement was deployed to inspect the premises. The electrician was amnesticized and embedded agents within the local police precinct declared this as a false alarm.
Addendum 3-C: On 06/12/2015, on the day of implementation of SCP-5924's containment procedures, Dr. Lawkind Halls conducted an interview session with SCP-5924 to ascertain the reason for its existence.
SCP-5924: Manny! Manny? I- is that you, my boy?
(A creak.)
Dr. Halls: I'm afraid not, sir.
SCP-5924: Oh! Oh… I- I'm terribly sorry, mister…?
Dr. Halls: Halls.
SCP-5924: Halls? I don't ever recount there being halls here-
Dr. Halls: Not, not that.
SCP-5924: Oh! Oh! (Chuckles.) You- you meant- ah, okay! Mister Halls! Hello!
Dr. Halls: It's fine, sir. May I know your name?
SCP-5924: Uh… I- I don't really know, Mister Halls. My memory's gettin' a lil' foggy, er… Wallace? I- I think?
(Soft scribbling.)
Dr. Halls: Mhm. You were calling out for… "Manny"?
SCP-5924: Oh, yes! Manny!
Dr. Halls: Why do you keep calling out for this person?
SCP-5924: (Chuckles.) He's a sweet boy, I tell him.
Dr. Halls: How is Manny affiliated with you?
SCP-5924: (Tuts.) Don't be cold! I told you, he's a sweet little boy!
(Soft scribbling.)
Dr. Halls: Right. Do you remember if he was involved in anything that might've… uh, brought you here?
SCP-5924: I… guess so. I can't seem to pinpoint it, but it- it just feels… nice. Nice to be told he loves me. In fact, I've been coming here for a while now, so I kind of got close to everyone here! You see? There- there's Andy's seat over there, Harris over there, Janice- oh yes, Janice, sweet woman. Went around helping anyone fussing over numbers! And- and there's-
Dr. Halls: Sir, I appreciate your enthusiasm. However, uh… back to Manny.
SCP-5924: Ah, yes! Manny! Oh dang it, my memory's just not working right today. Sorry about that. (Chuckles.)
(Silence. A cough.)
SCP-5924: (Clears throat.) …right. Uhm. I've been looking for Manny to, uh, you know, get to know him better. And- and thank him too.
Dr. Halls: So you were here to… thank him?
SCP-5924: Yes, yes, the sweet lil' boy. Even sent me one of those… uh, those- those little envelope things on the- the, screen? Those-
Dr. Halls: Email?
SCP-5924: Yes! Here, I- I'll read it to you. I- I have it here just for reference.
(Silence. Moments later, muffled, wet sounds can be heard.)
SCP-5924: There we go! Uhm. "Dear Mister Wallace, Happy Birthday! Uh… something, something, - Manny." See? What a sweet boy, I tell ya! It's been a while since there was noise in the house, eh? Even this- yeah, I should thank all of the employees, throw them a sweet little gift, maybe, um- maybe continue to stay here to be their valued customer, y'know?
Dr. Halls: May I have a look at that phone?
SCP-5924: Sure, Mister Halls!
(Several wet sounds. Silence.)
Dr. Halls: Sir, may I know if you are short-sighted?
SCP-5924: (Chuckles.) Well, I- uh, I would be lying if I said I wasn't.
Dr. Halls: …Thank you for answering my questions.
SCP-5924: No problem!
Addendum 3-D: Dr. Halls received a Samsung SGH-A1673 from SCP-5924's appendage. A single email was present in the inbox; its contents have been converted into an electronic copy and attached below for reference.
Dear Mr. Wallace,
Happy Birthday!
The North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company would like to extend our gratitude for your continued subscription! Feeling concerned about your future? No worries! On this special occasion, we offer you a 25% additional coverage of your healthcare expenses!
Have a great day!
— Manny DeSanchez4
Employee of NC Mutual Life Insurance, Customer Service
1. This effect extends to the company's corporate hierarchical system, including the executives. Foundation agents employed by the company also do not claim SCP-5924 as anomalous. Other positions not directly related to the service of the company, such as security and maintenance, are unaffected.
2. Security cameras were not installed during this time.
3. A 'flip' phone released in 2009.
4. Upon subsequent interrogations, "Manny" claimed no relationship or memory of "Wallace". |
SCP-4690 is a 'pataphysical phenomenon affecting all media works which adapt, pay homage to, or are otherwise inspired by the 1887 novel Madame Chrysanthème. | ***
Item #: SCP-4690
Object Class: Apollyon
Special Containment Procedures: Consensus reality regarding the literary work Madame Chrysanthème and its associated adaptations has been permanently altered. No further containment appears to be possible.
Description: SCP-4690 is a 'pataphysical phenomenon affecting all media works which adapt, pay homage to, or are otherwise inspired by the 1887 novel Madame Chrysanthème. Works are affected on a copy-by-copy basis through proximity. Following the events of 02/06/2017, SCP-4690's primary vector is the internet, and all machines connected to it.
In all cases, characters based on Pierre Loti1 will end the novel consumed in some fashion by one or many arachnids or arachnid-adjacent entities. This event usually occurs near or at the conclusion of the main plotline.
SCP-4690 has not been observed to affect nonfictional entities, [CORRUPTION EXPUNGED]
Work: Madame Chrysanthème (1887 short story)
Synopsis: Madame Chrysanthème is a semiautobiographical account of French sailor Pierre Loti's temporary marriage to "Chrysanthème", a geisha.
Summary of Changes: Minimal changes before Chapter LII, primarily regarding actions taken by Yves. On September 18th, an hour before Kangourou and his tattoo artists arrive in the baseline narrative, Loti describes being awoken by a seemingly frustrated Yves; before he can respond, Yves collapses into a swarm of venomous spiders, which proceed to attack and devour a bewildered Loti.
The rest of the novel remains mostly unchanged, aside from the death of Loti. Narration remains in first person.
Work: Madama Butterfly (1904 opera)
Synopsis: Madama Butterfly is an Italian opera adapted from the American short story "Madame Butterfly", itself a fictionalized adaptation of Madame Chrysanthème. The opera follows Ciocio2-san [sic], a Japanese girl who is married by American naval officer Lt. Pinkerton. When Pinkerton leaves Ciocio-san alone with child for 3 years, she waits faithfully for his return, only to kill herself in grief when she realizes Pinkerton remarried.
In most performances, Madama Butterfly is arranged into a set of three acts, containing 35 sections in total; the following work was arranged in such an order.
Summary of Changes: Two new tracks appear after the 35th and final track3, featuring a new character, "THE SPIDER":
The first of these tracks introduces THE SPIDER, who, driven mad by the death of Ciocio-san, kills and devours a shocked Pinkerton. This section is an aria.
The final track depicts THE SPIDER, still mad with grief, rushing to the shipyard, declaring vendetta on the Americans that took its "friend" from it. This section is a chorus with solo parts.
According to production notes, THE SPIDER is to be played by a mezzo-soprano with two mouths, in order to sing while devouring the actor playing Pinkerton.
Work: The Toll of the Sea (1922 film)
Synopsis: The Toll of the Sea is an American silent film, notable for being the third4 ever produced in technicolor. The film follows "Lotus Flower", a young Chinese woman who saves the life of Allen Carver, an American. They marry, and though Carver promises to take Lotus Flower home with him, his friends convince him otherwise, leaving Lotus Flower with his child. When Carver returns with his American wife, Lotus Flower leaves her child with him, and presumably drowns herself.
Summary of Changes: During the closing shot, both Lotus Flower and the ship Carver leaves on are visible. As Lotus Flower begins stepping towards the water's edge, an enormous entity, superficially resembling a whip scorpion, emerges to swallow the ship whole. Lotus Flower stays still, before walking away with a look of confusion.
Work: Le ménage moderne de Madame Butterfly (1920 film)
Synopsis: Le ménage moderne de Madame Butterfly is a French pornographic film, notable for being the first film depiction of hardcore homosexual sex acts. It follows Lt. Pinkerton [DATA EXPUNGED]
Summary of Changes: A new character, resembling a humanoid spider [DATA EXPUNGED]. This is the first recorded instance without character death.
Work: Pinkerton (1996 album)
Synopsis: Pinkerton is the second studio album of Fifthist rock band "Weezer". Loosely based on Madama Butterfly, Pinkerton chronicles frontman Rivers Cuomo's sexual and romantic insecurities following the release of Weezer's Self Titled and Cuomo's subsequent enrollment into Harvard.
Summary of Changes: The final song on the album, "Butterfly", is extended to ten minutes and fourteen seconds. Following the regular outro, Cuomo begins to sing about being attacked, consumed, and digested by spiders, in the style of previous verses. Whether the lyrics are to be interpreted literally or as a metaphor for guilt is unclear.
Work: Pierre Loti Under Scope (2011 biography)
Synopsis: Pierre Loti Under Scope is a biography written by Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian during the completion of his doctorate. Dr. Cimmerian examines the life of Loti in comparison to his body of work in an attempt to provide an accurate picture of Mr. Loti's life.
Summary of Changes: During the section regarding Pierre Loti's time in Japan, Dr. Cimmerian notes that stories of Loti's near total consumption by a swarm of spiders are most probably false. He further suggests that Loti merely died from the ill-timed bite of a mundane spider, and that retellings of the event exaggerated in absence of Loti's ability to refute them.
The corpse of Pierre Loti proceeds to follow a nearly identical path to its nonfictional counterpart.
Work: I Left My Heart in Nagasaki (2016 Foundation experiment)
Synopsis: I Left My Heart in Nagasaki is a short story written by the SCP-4690 containment team to test its properties. The story follows the plot of Madame Butterfly, with two notable deviations:
All arachnids have expired following a WK-Class Mass Extinction Event.
The main character, Lt. Pinkerdinkle, suffers from a condition that leaves him unable to create or comprehend metaphors.
The story is told in first person.
Summary of Changes: At the end of the story, Pinkerdinkle is attacked and immobilized by an Asian female, who proceeds to forcibly collect a sample of his blood before fleeing the scene. Descriptions of this figure match those of PoI-GOC2735 ("Spider").
Work: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor (2016 Foundation experiment)
Synopsis: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor is a cookbook written by Culinary Department liaison McNeilly. Each recipe is based on either a specific scene from or a prominent theme of Madame Chrysanthème and its associated adaptations. Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor otherwise lacks a storyline.
Summary of Changes: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor experienced an unusually high number of changes compared to control materials:
All recipes were modified to varying extents. In most cases, this involved the removal and substitution of ingredients such as spices and vegetables. Notably, all lotus-based ingredients have been removed.
Two recipes, the Withered Lotus Stir Fry and Mother & Child Disunion, are preceded by abnormally long asides about the supposed benefits of incubating spider eggs within the human body.
Several of the images have been heavily altered, displaying severe arachnid infestation on and around the meals in question.
An 11th recipe for "Raw Pinkerton" is present. Notably, the recipe calls for several previously undiscovered carnomancy techniques.
Work: The Madam, Mrs. Madama "Madame Butterfly" Butterfly, or "Ciocio-San" to her Butterfly Friends (2017 experiment)
Synopsis: The Madam, Mrs. Madama "Madame Butterfly" Butterfly, or "Ciocio-San" to her Butterfly Friends is a metafictional story within the SCP-4690 'Pataphysics Deptarment's primary narrative, written by Dr. Suzuki, regarding a series of increasingly recursive retellings of Madame Butterfly.
The story is told through a series of recursive framing devices, starting with a review of a fictional Japanese novel of the same name that begins with a young man talking to his half-Japanese girlfriend about his father, Rupert, and the stories he told.
Summary of Changes: The first changes appear in a hypothetical scenario imagined by Mr. Night, where a churchgoer asks the hypothetical Mr. Night why he's still writing while a spider gnaws at his fingers. Mr. Night admits that he wanted to put more of himself into his writing, and shows the churchgoer a portion of his story, which now depicts a man being eaten by spiders.
As Mr. Night's imaginary scene ends, the story continues as usual until the moment his ship is described as crashing against the rocks. The narrative describes him lying prone against the sea, as normal, with the addition that his body is scavenged by a cast of Macrocheira kaempferi5.
As normal, the scene returns to the present day, where Ms. Sun's anxious fantasy is cut off by the sound of cannon fire. The story remains unchanged until the point where Mr. Night, describing how he wished this situation could have went, mentions his desire to be eaten alive by a water scorpion. As Mr. Night laments his folly, Ms. Sun suddenly transforms into an abnormally large pseudoscorpion, before decapitating and devouring Mr. Night6.
As Rupert's son interrupts the story to ask his father to tell a happier story, the work remains unchanged until Helga and Rupert's date.
When Rupert looks at the billboard advertising the showing of Madama Butterfly, he briefly notices the presence of an enormous spiderweb covering the face of Pinkerton. Later, during the show's curtain call, Pinkerton's actor is devoured by a swarm of camel spiders, an event that fails to interrupt the audience applause.
Following the conclusion of the test, Dr. Suzuki informed the attending Metaphysics Department liaison that she would need to cut the meeting short, as 'SCP-2254-Gamma-ARC had killed Agent Pinkerton in a containment breach.
Work: Dark Souls (2011 video game)
Synopsis: Dark Souls is an action-RPG video game developed by FROM Software. Notably, it does not appear to be inspired by Madame Chrysanthème, and does not act as a vector for SCP-4690.
Copy was confiscated from Technician Empira following a report to the Site 56 IT department.
Summary of Changes: During the cutscene prior to the Quelaag7 boss fight, an enlarged Lt. Pinkerton kills and devours Quelaag.
1. A semiautobiographical version of Madame Chrysanthème's author, Loti is a sailor that initiates a brief affair with a Japanese woman, [CORRUPTION EXPUNGED]
2. A literal translation of "butterfly".
3. Tu? Tu? Piccolo iddio!
4. As the second ever technicolor film produced was SCP-████, the general public recognizes The Toll of the Sea as being second instead.
5. Japanese Spider Crab.
6. This scene was present in the baseline story, and is not an authentic alteration through SCP-4690.
7. A boss monster with the torso of a woman and the lower body of a monstrous spider. |
SCP-4658 is a controller designed and released by Arcadia which is compatible with multiple gaming platforms. | ***
Item #: SCP-4658
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4658 is stored in a containment locker located within Site-77. Its wires are bound in place with rubber bands and weighed down to prevent uncontrolled floating within its locker. Newspaper has been stuffed into the crevices between the main plastic housing and the buttons in order to prevent them from being used outside of a testing setting.
Once per week, it is to be removed from its housing for testing purposes. D-Class personnel are to be psychologically screened for abnormal sexual behaviors prior to their interactions with SCP-4658.
As it is not possible to access the internals of SCP-4658 without destructive measures being taken, no tests of these sort are authorized without the approval of Director Gillespie.
Description: SCP-4658 is a controller designed and released by Arcadia which is compatible with multiple gaming platforms. The male connector resembles the 9-pin D-connector used by consoles such as Sega's 8 and 16 bit consoles along with Commodore computers. Plugging into female ports on any video game console manufactured before January 1st, 2000 will work, despite being outwardly incompatible.1
SCP-4658 is capable of autonomous movement and independently inputting button commands. If left plugged into game machines or computers, it may cause them to activate without human input. When not in the presence of humans, SCP-4658 is noted to suspend itself in the air for hours at a time, falling to the ground when a human being comes near.
When used for extended play periods, melting wax may emerge from SCP-4658's seams to coat the hands of the player. SCP-4658's wires frequently wrap around nearby individuals, particularly their ankles and feet. Players may experience a tickling sensation and occasionally minor electrocution while using SCP-4658 despite there being no exposed wiring or recorded voltage spikes.
If a single individual utilizes SCP-4658 repeatedly, effects such as these will begin to occur more frequently. If SCP-4658's user begins to feel frustrated or upset during play, inputs to SCP-4658 may begin lagging without cause. If SCP-4658 is thrown or otherwise abused as a result of play it is known to begin oozing large quantities of hot liquid wax. This will not damage SCP-4658's internal components or any machines which it is connected to.
Users have noted waking up with SCP-4658's wires binding their arms or legs together, with SCP-4658 itself resting on their laps. Video evidence exists to suggest that SCP-4658 will float above users in their sleep, dripping hot wax on their chests or backs before wrapping itself around them. This material has not been reported as present upon the user's awakening.
If SCP-4658 is not utilized regularly, it will begin interfacing with other electronics which it is capable of coming into physical contact with. If other wired controllers are present, they will become entangled and knotted when not observed. The room they are in may become humid, with a strong odor of grease and solder.
SCP-4658-K in containment following decontamination.
Addendum: Incident 4658-X
SCP-4658's original containment procedures called for it to be left isolated indefinitely without access to other computational devices. On 04/12/2018, SCP-4658 was discovered missing from its containment locker during a routine audit. Although extensive searching was undertaken by Site-77's security agents, they were not able to locate it until January of 2019.
SCP-4658 had apparently been in a high-volume containment vault since it went missing, and it was found wrapped around a pair of gaming consoles2. These machines had corresponding male and female ports which had not been present before. SCP-4658's wrapping around them had forced these ports to interface.
Upon their recovery, the Xbox had a bulbous growth in its casing, and both machines were covered with copious quantities of wax, plastic residue, and thermal grease. Shortly after recovery, the growth pushed out the console's disc drive and front face plate, expelling SCP-4658-K which was, at the time, covered in thermal paste.
1. Consoles which were originally released before that date but manufactured afterwards are not subject to this effect.
2. An original model Xbox and Sega 32X. |
SCP-548 is a female cobalt tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus), 7. | ***
Item #: SCP-548
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-548 is to be kept at 24°C in a 50 cm x 50 cm terrarium. The enclosure is to be composed of modified borosilicate glass with high thermal shock resistance, or of other materials not rendered brittle by sudden temperature changes of greater than 50°C. In the event that SCP-548 makes an active attempt to grind through the terrarium walls, the enclosure is to be flooded immediately with 500 mL liquid nitrogen and the subject removed temporarily to a reinforced steel terrarium. Subject is to be fed mice, one every four days.
SCP-548 should not be handled except as needed for testing. Handlers must be at least cursorily familiar with tarantula behavior and wear heavily insulated gloves. Should subject display any aggressive behavior, cease handling promptly. If bitten, personnel should be treated immediately for hypothermia and frostbite. Active intrathoracic warming with heated fluids is indicated for severe bites.
Description: SCP-548 is a female cobalt tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus), 7.3 cm long. Its venom undergoes a highly endothermic reaction on contact with living tissue; a single bite, injecting less than 0.5 mL venom, causes an average temperature drop of 38°C in the affected area. One bite is sufficient to cause localized frostbite in a human, and may even be lethal should the venom reach the central circulatory system. Victims smaller than SCP-548 are frequently frozen solid.
SCP-548's feeding structures are normal for a spider of its species except for the maxillae, which are extremely hard and serrated. It feeds by delivering a venomous bite, then dragging the prey to a safe place while it cools. While secluded, it proceeds to grind the prey's still-frozen tissue into edible fragments. This feeding style requires unusual mouthpart strength.
Addendum: SCP-548, like most Cyriopagopus species, usually avoids contact with humans. If cornered, however, it quickly turns aggressive, attempting to bite its perceived attacker before fleeing.
The object may be frozen solid with no apparent ill effects. It has survived repeated freezings, each time resuming normal behavior upon thawing. Further research is required to ascertain the mechanism of this resistance and to determine its suitability for long-term storage.
Addendum 2: It is possible that the same anomalous effect that was historically responsible for SCP-2082 may now be affecting SCP-548. Research into this link is currently underway using SCP-2082 tissue samples preserved following Incident 2082-Prime. Proposals to resume the SCP-2082 cloning program for use of a live specimen have been denied. |
SCP-1820 is a single-story log cabin with 4 windows and one door, theoretically located between ███°██’██”█, ███°██’██”█ and ███°██’██”█, ███°██’██”█. | ***
Item #: SCP-1820
Object Class: Safe Euclid, see Incident Log 1820-7.3
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-1820, it is contained within Site 182, which has been designated a Special Wildlife Refuge by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to assist in isolating the object. If any civilians are detected either from the perimeter observation towers or through satellite surveillance, MTF Tau-7 (Smokey’s Rangers) is to intercept and redirect, using available cover stories (detailed in Document-1820-4.12), or non-lethal force and administration of class-B amnestics where applicable. No personnel above class-D are to enter Site 182 unless prior permission is granted by a level 2 supervisor and a standard-issue GPS locator and a head-mounted camera are used. The locator must be constantly monitored by the personnel entering Site 182 and the current level 2/1820 supervisor.
Description: SCP-1820 is a single-story log cabin with 4 windows and one door, theoretically located between ███°██’██”█, ███°██’██”█ and ███°██’██”█, ███°██’██”█. The cabin’s exact location cannot be determined, due to its inability to be located if one knows their exact location. Site 182 was created from the square designated by the above coordinates. If any person enters the site and becomes “lost” (defined as any entity not knowing the exact or relative location of the subject) for a period varying between █ hours and ██ days, they will encounter SCP-1820.
SCP-1820 cannot be located if:
• The subject knows the area well, or is given detailed directions by someone who does.
• The subject uses video tracking (either through a live feed or a recording)
• The subject’s position is triangulated from their radio signal
• The subject is tracked via GPS locators that are regularly monitored by either the subject or any other entity
• The subject is documenting their progress
• The subject is accompanied by remote exploration vehicles
• Remote vehicles are deployed alone
SCP-1820 can be located if:
• The subject wanders freely into Site 182
• The subject is tracked via GPS, but it is not regularly monitored (see Incident Log 1820-7.3)
• The subject remains in radio contact but does not detail their progress
Upon discovering SCP-1820, subjects describe it as “cozy” and “inviting”; at night lights are visible through the windows and smoke is always rising from the chimney. 15% of subjects also report a single figure standing at one of the windows, though the details of the figure are obscured. Subjects also experience a compelling urge to enter SCP-1820; only 3% of subjects were able to leave the area once sighting the cabin. After entering SCP-1820, all radio contact with subjects is lost for a period never exceeding 24 hours. Upon exiting the building, subjects report feeling amazingly refreshed and rested, but vital signs exhibit [DATA EXPUNGED] along with increased paranoia, nyctophobia, spheksophobia1, and a total unwillingness to re-enter SCP-1820. Subjects are almost completely amnesic relating to their experience inside the cabin. All attempts to record or otherwise document the interior of the cabin or the figure have failed.
Abridged Test Log:
Test 1820-1.4:
Subject: D-12938, male, Caucasian, age 32
Equipment: One standard radio communicator with headset and spare batteries, one Wilderness Survival Kit with food and water for 14 days.
Subject is told to hike into Site 182. While he initially complains of his chances of survival, promises of freedom elicit compliance. Intermittent (as instructed) radio contact is established for █ days ██ hours before the subject encounters SCP-1820 at approximately 1920. Subject is asked to describe cabin and star patterns in the hopes of later locating the object. Cabin description matches previous tests, and visible constellations match those for the region, however the locations of the constellations relative to each other are abnormal (i.e. some are rotated or translated to different portions of the sky). Subject also describes a figure in the window adjacent to the door. This is the first subject to describe a figure. Subject is then told that his task is completed, and immediate return is his only option to earn freedom. Subject disregards offer and proceeds to enter the cabin. All radio contact is immediately lost. Contact resumes 14 hours 57 minutes later when subject breaks silence by expressing feelings of well-being and restfulness upon exiting SCP-1820. Subject expires on return trip. Body is located 85 hours later at ███°██’██”█, ███°██’██”█. Autopsy reveals cause of death to be dehydration, malnutrition, exhaustion, and [REDACTED].
Test 1820-3.2:
Subject: D-98255, female, African-American, age 27
Equipment: One standard radio communicator with headset and spare batteries, one Wilderness Survival Kit with food and water for 14 days, one digital camera.
Subject is told to hike into Site 182 with standard compliance promises. SCP-1820 is encountered before the first scheduled radio update after █ hours ██ minutes at approximately 1045. No figure is described in any windows. Subject is asked to document the exterior and surroundings of the object with video and still-images. After documentation is finished, subject is asked to enter SCP-1820 and document the interior. All radio contact is lost upon entry. Contact is resumed 15 minutes later, subject again expressing exceptional levels of well-being and restfulness. When subject is asked to re-enter the cabin, she immediately becomes verbally hostile and abusive. Upon recovery 8 hours 2 minutes later, the subject had lost 18kg and was suffering from severe dehydration, malnutrition and sleep deprivation, and vital signs exhibited [REDACTED]. Subsequent psychological examinations revealed acute paranoia, nyctophobia, and spheksophobia. Subject self-terminated 13 days later.
The majority of the data on the camera's memory card was irretrievable, and all retrievable pictures were too badly corrupted to be recognizable.
Why spheksophobia? We need to document the interior. - Dr. ██████████
Test 1820-9.8:
Subject: D-76502, male, Caucasian, age 29
Equipment: One standard radio communicator with headset and spare batteries, one Wilderness Survival Kit with food and water for 14 days, two digital cameras, two film cameras.
Subject is told to hike into Site 182 with standard compliance promises. Subject encounters SCP-1820 after █ days ██ hours at approximately 0630. Subject is told to document the exterior of the cabin with a film and digital camera, and then to leave the cameras on the ground and enter the building, documenting the interior with the others. Upon entry, all radio contact is lost, but a hissing sound persists for 1.2 seconds. Contact is resumed 9 hours 19 minutes later, subject again expressing exceptional levels of well-being and restfulness. Subject is able to locate the first two cameras and makes the return journey in █ days ██ hours. Upon recovery, subject had lost 25kg and was suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition and slight sleep deprivation, and vital signs exhibited [REDACTED] and acute [REDACTED]. Subsequent psychological examinations revealed paranoia and acute spheksophobia. Subject becomes physically hostile to staff within 2 days, and is terminated while assaulting Dr. ███████ 4 days later.
Analysis of the digital camera used to document the interior of SCP-1820 shows the same signs of data corruption as that of Test 1820-3.2, while the film appeared to have been burned while inside the second camera. The exterior cameras showed no signs of corruption.
Incident Log 1820-7.3:
While rerouting civilians from SCP-1820, Agents Gutierrez, Fowler and Holland became separated from the rest of the squad. While they were wearing their standard issue GPS tracking bracelets, they encountered SCP-1820 █ hours later at approximately 2130 while returning to base. Supervisor 2/1820 ██████ immediately ordered their return, and commanded they do not enter the cabin. Agent Holland does not hesitate as he enters the cabin, but Agents Gutierrez and Fowler hesitate momentarily. Agent Gutierrez is heard to debate with himself for approximately 3 minutes before entering, but Agent Fowler proceeds to slowly back away and then break into a run for 47 minutes before collapsing, and is recovered 1 hour 22 minutes later. Agent Gutierrez exits the cabin 4 hours 12 minutes after entry, and Agent Holland exits 19 hours 50 minutes after entry. Upon their recovery, both Agents were suffering from severe dehydration, malnutrition, and exhaustion. Agent Holland had developed symptoms of severe [REDACTED]. Both agents were given the option of medical euthanasia. Agent Holland immediately became hostile, killing Dr. █████ and injuring 2 guards before being terminated. Agent Gutierrez accepted the offer pending his debriefing. See Interview Log 1820-7.3. Agent Fowler showed no signs of mental or physical illness, aside from standard PTSD, and monitoring ceased after 70 days.
Later analysis of the Agents' GPS trackers revealed they simultaneously ceased functioning immediately after the last time the Agents' locations were checked. This shows possible sentience on the part of SCP-1820.
I'm curious as to the time of the GPS malfunction. If we had checked their GPS location again within █ hours (the experimental minimum time to contact), would it have malfunctioned at all? Seems a bit paradoxical, but I'm requesting upgrade to Euclid. - Dr. ██████████
Interview Log 1820-7.3
Debriefing of Agent 1820/82 M. Gutierrez following Incident 1820-7.3
Interviewer - Dr. ██████████
Forward - Psychoanalysis of Agent Gutierrez following Incident 1820-7.3 reveals severe paranoia, nyctophobia, and spheksophobia. None of these conditions were present during mandatory psychiatric evaluation on ██/██/████
Dr. ██████████ - For the record, please state your name and ID number.
Agent Gutierrez - Agent Miguel Gutierrez, ID 1820/82 - 620013Z
Dr. ██████████ - Thank you. Now, can you describe for me the events that led up to your encounter with SCP-1820?
Agent Gutierrez - It was…well, it was supposed to be just a routine civvie redirection. At about 0630 we got word of some hikers approaching the site, and of course we had to get 'em out. I didn't think about it then, but somethin' was definitely wrong. Nobody comes to this area this time of year! I'm sure they were here for a reason. It had to be the…[sound of snorting in disgust]…anyway, Fowler, Holland and me were gonna circle around back an' make sure they didn't give the rest of the squad the slip. We were still in radio contact, so it was no big deal. The rest of the squad got to 'em before we did, and they supposedly had everything under control, so we were ordered to head back to base. We knew the area pretty well by then, so it shoulda just been a short trip…and then…
Dr. ██████████ - Go on, please.
Agent Gutierrez - We just sorta came out into this clearing, and there was this cabin sittin' there. It had already gone dark, which is strange considerin' how far it was supposed to be back to base, and the place just looked…nice, I guess. It looked warm, like..[shudders]…like it would be nice to rest there awhile before we head back. I dunno, Doc, it seemed like a good idea.
Dr. ██████████ - You were briefed on transfering here about the object's dangers. Supervisor ██████ specifically ordered you to return without approaching SCP-1820. Why did you disobey a direct order?
Agent Gutierrez - I just…I knew he was wrong, I guess. Nothin' could be wrong with a place like that. I remember talking myself into goin' in. I mean, ██████ hadn't been there, how could he know it was dangerous?
Dr. ██████████ - Can you tell me what happened when you entered? Did you see Agent Holland? Any description at all will be helpful.
Agent Gutierrez - You know, I didn't think about it before, but I didn't see Holland. I bet he was hiding…you know, he didn't even pause before he went in! He musta come up with this whole thing! I'm gonna-
Dr. ██████████ - Please, Agent Gutierrez, what happened inside?
Agent Gutierrez - I'm sorry, I…It was dark. Smelled kinda…rusty, I guess? Like something…old and sharp. Not really musty…[sound of snorting in disgust]…my mind's all fuzzy, you sure this is important? I'm sure the cabin was safe and all, it was so warm.
Dr. ██████████ - It was dark inside? Agent Fowler described the exterior windows as brightly lit.
Agent Gutierrez - No, I'm sure it was dark. And I think…I think I heard this groaning sound. Or maybe it was buzzing. Then there was a figure? A shape? I think…Oh god it was [DATA EXPUNGED]. Oh god, what happened to me in there Doc!? [subject appears visibly agitated and alarmed. It takes several minutes to calm him]
Dr. ██████████ - Agent Gutierrez, that is what we are trying to determine. So far you are the only person to enter SCP-1820 and remember this much. Please, you have been exceedingly helpful so far, can you tell me anything else?
[Agent is silent for approximately 5 minutes. When he continues, his voice is uncharacteristically monotone.]
Agent Gutierrez - …They were kind, and warm…he was so nice, caring for me like that. I was just a lost traveler, and he took me in and helped me to relax. I'm glad he took my [REDACTED]. I didn't need it anyway. I can rest, now.
Dr. ██████████ - What do you mean, who are 'they'? Was this 'he' the figure observed in the window?
Agent Gutierrez - You should visit him sometime, you know. He can help you. He's nice to lost travelers. Give him your [REDACTED], Doc, you don't need it. He took mine and now I can rest, and then he'll have my bones, too.
[Agent Gutierrez continues to ramble in this manner for another 3 hours before dying of self-inflicted cranial trauma using the interview table]
1. Fear of darkness and wasps, respectively |
SCP-371 is a macroscopic marine virus, similar in appearance to a bacteriophage. | ***
Item #: SCP-371
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-371 are to be contained in ocean-water tanks, filled with at least seven hundred fifty (750) liters of water (approx. 200 gallon) per specimen at between 2 and 5 degrees Celsius. Walls may be constructed of any waterproof metal or plate glass, and at least two inches thick. Once every thirty (30) days, a live animal weighing between 25 and 45 kilograms (preferably oceanic fish, although in emergencies, any terrestrial vertebrate including humans with the head kept suspended above water will suffice) is to be deposited in the containment unit. Following the completion of the lytic cycle after ten days, several SCP-371 specimens may be maintained, and all extra are to be strained out of the excurrent water, dried, and incinerated.
Any personnel entering SCP-371's containment chamber intentionally must be equipped with SCUBA gear, commercially available “shark-proof” diving armor, thick faceplates, and kevlar helmets. If these measures fail or are breached for any reason, the animal supply for that month may be skipped.
There are currently 15 SCP-371 specimens in containment.
Description: SCP-371 is a macroscopic marine virus, similar in appearance to a bacteriophage. SCP-371 specimens range in size from between 20 centimeters to 2.5 meters, are somewhat transparent, and can be mistaken for jellyfish in water.
SCP-371's physiology and behavior appear similar to ordinary microscopic viruses, although with several adaptions that make it a notable marine predator: the contractile tail fibers, shown in Image A, are composed of stiffened proteins and are adapted for locomotion (swimming, grasping, walking on the ocean floor); a sharpened and hardened beak-like base plate, rendering the virus capable of injecting genetic material through the dermal skin of multicellular prey; and presumably unknown sensory organs (SCP-371 cannot see or hear, but appears to hunt by sensing heat, vibrations, and pressure/salinity gradients). Most notable is SCP-371's encoding mechanism, which does not use the direct injection of DNA or RNA, but rather numerous microscopic DNA-encoding packets, which enter host cells and use them to respawn the macroscopic organism inside the host.
Stages of SCP-371 Infection
0 Hours, Infection: SCP-371 pierces host's skin and injects genetic material into the host, usually into the cranial or abdominal cavity, causing significant pain.
8 Hours, Transcription (“Bonding”): SCP-371 genetic “packets” begin normal transcription/translation process, bonding with host RNA.
95 Hours, Synthesis (“Spawning”): As host cells replicate, they begin to encode extracellular proteins in the abdominal cavity, which form new SCP-371 specimens over time (between 10 and 100, depending on host size; specimen size also changes with host size).
240 Hours, Lysis (“Bursting”): Once specimens have reached 20 centimeters in size, they exit the host body in a modified bursting pattern, causing severe trauma to the host and often resulting in serious bleeding, internal injuries, and death. SCP-371 lyses only in water, and for terrestrial prey will postpone this stage until the host enters water again.
For the rest of its life cycle, SCP-371 hunts and apparently filters salts and sediments from ocean water in order to grow up to 2.5 meters in size. The virus' average life cycle is 60 days, although the oldest contained specimen is currently 109 days old.
Addendum 371-A
The initial SCP-371 specimens were found in the ████████████ area of the Caribbean Sea, following the death of ████████ ███████, who was attacked when diving with a partner, who managed to capture film of three SCP-371 specimens clinging onto him (two on the head, one on the chest). The specimens lysed ten days later when Mr. ███████ was taking a bath.
Foundation-prepared explorational vehicles discovered and contained the initial specimens. Recently, a civilian research expedition to the Guayamas Basin trench brought up footage of more specimens, and it is theorized that SCP-371 is native to Hadal areas of the ocean floor, including vent areas, surfacing when prey becomes scarce. |
SCP-1627 is a species of fungus superficially resembling fly agaric mushrooms (Amanita muscaria). | ***
Item #: SCP-1627
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The forest in which SCP-1627 is located is to be secured by fifty (50) armed Foundation personnel. The species shall be allowed to grow in the area, but only within Foundation-set boundaries. D-Class testing of SCP-1627 is to take place within Site 56 in a waterproof testing chamber, after which the affected D-Class shall be left in the chamber until death. If SCP-1627 is discovered outside of this area, the previously mentioned procedures should be set in place.
The town of ██████, TN, USA is to be quarantined and monitored until all instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B are identified and neutralized. The town will continue to be observed for up to one (1) year after all anomalous entities have been assumed to be deceased.
Description: SCP-1627 is a species of fungus superficially resembling fly agaric mushrooms (Amanita muscaria). This species can cause vomiting, internal bleeding, blindness, and hallucinations if ingested.
SCP-1627's anomalous effects manifest as a result of ritualistic behavior composed of the following criteria:
SCP-1627 comes into contact with human blood
SCP-1627 is ingested by a human subject
SCP-1627 is ingested in the absence of direct sunlight
If a subject ingests the fungus without meeting all of the previously mentioned requirements, said subject will experience SCP-1627's non-anomalous toxic effects. Once subject meets the above requirements, that subject will be transfigured into either an instance of SCP-1627-A or an instance of SCP-1627-B.
SCP-1627-A Information
Close file
SCP-1627-A refers to persons who have completed the aforementioned ritual successfully with their own blood. Upon the completion of the process, any damage present within the individual's body will be completely healed. This includes tissue damage, bacterial and viral infections, and cancer1. SCP-1627-A subjects are unaffected by pathogens, as well as being able to survive without food or water for extended periods of time. Instances can only be distinguished from non-anomalous humans by the faint presence of a white glow emanating from their bodies, which is present when they are put into areas with illumination measuring no more than 10 lux.
When a human being comes into direct skin contact with an instance of SCP-1627-A, all damage and infections present within them will be healed. Over the course of the following two (2) weeks, that subject will experience rapid senescence until death, often by natural causes associated with old age. This appears to give nourishment to the SCP-1627-A instance.
SCP-1627-B Information
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SCP-1627-B refers to persons who have completed the aforementioned ritual successfully with a different person's blood. Upon the completion of the ritual, the subject will experience uniformly dark pigmentation across its entire form with two points of light located on its upper half, which appear to function as eyes. Subjects will also enter into a semisolid state, and while resting, appear to be formless.
Specimens of SCP-1627-B are sentient and sapient, as well as being capable of vocalizing. Very rarely do individuals retain their original personality after the transformation; instead, instances will display predatory behavior. These organisms will often kill their prey via suffocation after entering into their respiratory tract. Once their target is dead, SCP-1627-B will invade the corpse and consume the victim's cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems, as well as excreting preservatives into the rest of the organism's tissues in order to prevent decay of the corpse.
Instances of SCP-1627-B will inhabit human corpses in order to blend into populated areas. Organisms tend to live in groups of three (3), but have been found living alone and in groups of up to seven (7) members. While SCP-1627-B cannot hold a consistently solid humanoid form outside of a corpse, it may remain within a host body indefinitely.
SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B appear to be invulnerable to physical damage; however, both groups are susceptible to starvation within three (3) weeks. In addition, if instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B are brought together, both subjects will die immediately after making contact. The cause of this is currently being studied.
SCP-1627 was discovered on 06/04/1995 in the small secluded mountain town of ██████, TN, USA after agents received reports of "people of shadow and light" coming out from the nearby forest. Within the town, several groups had formed based on reactions to the entities, with the largest groups being the "Daylight Huntsmen," the "Brotherhood of the Night," and the "Enders." See the attached History File-1627-Theta and Incident Report-1627-Alpha for greater detail.
History File-1627-Theta
SCP Objects Involved: SCP-1627
GoIs Involved: GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen), GoI-188 (Brotherhood of Night), GoI-189 (Enders)
Summary: Citizens of ██████, TN, USA came into contact with SCP-1627 when a group of people identifying themselves as the "Cult of the New" entered into the town square at 20:00 on 14/02/1995 and performed the SCP-1627 ritual on their members, creating several instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B. A few members of the cult attempted to speak a message of power and "evolution"; in the midst of this, a riot started among the crowd, which resulted in the death of all members of the cult and several civilians. Within the next day, several groups formed among the citizens of the town, the largest and most prominent of these being GoI-187 through GoI-189. These groups gained control of the town over the course of two (2) months and grew more and more unstable until [REDACTED]2.
GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen) Information
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GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen) was organized by Regis Newman as a group of people who had decided to support the SCP-1627-A instances and actively attempted to combat SCP-1627-B. Due to SCP-1627-B's hunting and killing methods, members of the group usually wore gas masks and were extremely hesitant in trusting people outside of the group. It is reported that prior to Foundation containment of SCP-1627, these individuals refused to interact with persons that weren't in the group and often did not let anyone else join. As part of a larger initiative, these members also actively destroyed all methods of communication, including phones and internet, as well as ensuring no citizens left the city after the initial exposure to the anomaly in order to halt the spread of SCP-1627-B outside of the town. Out of the three most prominent groups during this time, GoI-187 was the most noticeable and prevalent due to their equipment and methods of operation.
When members of this group identified SCP-1627-A instances, they invited them to join in their ranks while making sure to not touch them. Due to the the group's full-body outfits, distinguishing between anomalous and non-anomalous individuals was challenging. Whenever members from this group successfully captured members of GoI-188 (Brotherhood of Night), they used them to feed the SCP-1627-A instances among their ranks.
Members of this group were reported to have searched random houses in order to identify and capture members of GoI-188 and SCP-1627-B instances. The people captured were often executed via incineration3 in the town's crematorium.
Members of this group also tended to ignore GoI-189 (Enders) because it "just seemed like another crazy fucking cult whose bullshit [they] had to wade through."
GoI-188 (Brotherhood of Night) Information
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GoI-188 was formed under the leadership of Martha Grande with the premise that SCP-1627-B was "the next step of humanity." This group's stated purpose is to aid in the spread of SCP-1627-B, either through the SCP-1627 ritual, or assisting the entities in finding food and corpses to inhabit. However, due to the radical actions taken by members of GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen), a large portion of the membership of the Brotherhood came from townspeople who were displeased with the changes the Huntsmen had made.
Members of this group are typically reclusive due to the methods utilized by the Huntsmen. However, they also willingly gave up their own bodies for use by SCP-1627-B if needed. Relations of this group with GoI-189 (Enders) were virtually non-existent, due to the massive number of small cultist groups that had formed in the town during this time.
GoI-189 (Enders) Information
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GoI-189 (Enders) was formed by Lars Peterson in response to the SCP-1627 ritual in the town square. This group formed their own religion around the concepts of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B, with the stated core principles consisting of "balance" and "preparation for the Shatter." They believed SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B to be the human forms of "good" and "evil," respectively; members insisted that these anomalies were the universe signaling that the path to the end is caused by extremes. This group was generally avoided and ignored by GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen) and GoI-188 (Brotherhood of Night).
The major preachings of the group were about an end of times and "walking down the middle." They believed that the only way to salvation was to live a neutral life, and thus only acted in a manner that could be described as such by their own interpretation. They reviled extremes and claimed that the perfect world would consist of issues presented not in black and white, but in gray. Members also spoke of duality and how it is better that neither side benefits than one side getting help.
GoI-189 held many gatherings in a variety of places, mostly private residences, but occasionally churches and open areas, where they invited people to join them in preparation for the end and safety from the SCP-1627 entities. During these gatherings, the speakers of the group (known as "Equalizers") would often go out among the crowds and hold conversations in order to inform people of the group's messages.
Incident Report-1627-Alpha: On 06/04/1995, Foundation discovered the town in which these events occurred after recovering several instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B from the surrounding countryside. When agents arrived on the scene, conflict between the three groups had escalated greatly. MTF Sigma-7 (aka "Turn Riot at the Light"), MTF Upsilon-4 (aka "Please Don't Touch Me"), and MTF Eta-9 (aka "Maul Security") were dispatched to subdue the citizens and contain instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B.
At this time, members of GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen) had apparently become paranoid to the point of complete destruction of internal structure and betrayal between members. Meanwhile, GoI-188 (Brotherhood of Night) had released approximately twenty (20) instances of SCP-1627-B that they had kept hidden in order to let them freely hunt while they forced people at random to eat blood-covered instances of SCP-1627. GoI-189 (Enders) had begun killing people by various means not involving direct contact. When questioned about these actions later, members responded that they had come to the conclusion that killing was a neutral, and therefore just, action7.
Foundation agents went into the town and subdued the majority of the citizens using Anomalous Outbreak Protocol Rho-05, after which many instances of SCP-1627-A and SCP-1627-B were located and contained. All members of the town were interrogated, particularly those reported to be belonging in one of the three aforementioned groups, before being administered Class-A amnestics and released. All information about the groups and events occurring within the town was gathered from the interviews and SCP-1627 was found and contained. The species was discovered in ██████ Forest, a 50km2 area of wooded land, which appears to be the only location where SCP-1627 grows naturally at this time.
1. Congenital genetic mutations are unaffected.
2. See Incident Report-1627-Alpha in the documentation of SCP-1627.
3. GoI-187 appears to be unaware of SCP-1627-B's undamageable nature.
4. See Incident Report-1627-Alpha in the documentation of SCP-1627.
5. See Incident Report-1627-Alpha in the documentation of SCP-1627.
6. See Incident Report-1627-Alpha in the documentation of SCP-1627.
7. Rationalizations for this included "it can both be merciful and malicious" and "it could either kill the monsters or the people, therefore, it lies in the middle." |
SCP-3668 is a Yetholm-type shield. | ***
Item #: SCP-3668
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3668 is to be kept within a display case at Foundation Command-02 due to the site's location in Washington D.C.
SCP-3668 is currently being used as a part of Potomac Briefings.1 During Potomac Briefings, SCP-3668 is to be removed from containment, and the agent leading the briefing is to explain the anomalous properties and history of SCP-3668.
To demonstrate the anomalous properties of SCP-3668, a secondary agent is to wield SCP-3668 while the leading agent repeatedly fires a handgun at the secondary agent's head.
Description: SCP-3668 is a Yetholm-type shield.2 SCP-3668 is apparently indestructible, being completely resistant to physical damage and showing no signs of wear.
When a living human wields SCP-3668 (henceforth referred to as the wielder) and is threatened, semicorporeal humanoids (henceforth referred to as SCP-3668-1) manifest between the source of danger and the wielder. The number of SCP-3668-1 instances is variable, depending on the nature of the threat, with the highest recorded number being twenty. Each SCP-3668-1 is armed with a shield identical to SCP-3668 and are dressed in armor matching Pictish designs of 1200 BCE - 800 BCE.
Wielders are able to identify some SCP-3668-1 as being visually reminiscent of their recently deceased ancestors.3 The unidentified instances are believed to represent older ancestors. SCP-3668-1 entities have been recorded to include both biological and adoptive ancestors. Ancestors that were soldiers or warriors appear more frequently among SCP-3668-1 instances. SCP-3668-1 instances are unable to verbally communicate.
After SCP-3668-1 instances manifest, they will begin to defend the wielder against physical harm. All SCP-3668-1 instances display the same indestructible properties as SCP-3668. Should danger to the wielder be lasting or more substantial, SCP-3668-1 instances will attempt to help the wielder escape from danger.
Once the wielder is safe, the SCP-3668-1 instances will perform a congratulatory gesture towards the wielder before demanifesting. Examples of these gestures include hugging the wielder, kissing the wielder on the forehead and saluting the wielder.
On the back of SCP-3668 is an inscription in unidentified runic characters. The Estate noir, a Foundation precursor organization that possessed SCP-3668, utilized anomalous means to create a translation of this inscription. Translated from the French produced by the Estate noir into English, this transcription reads:
Let the love of your ancestors be your shield.
Addendum: Provenance of SCP-3668
Evidence indicates that SCP-3668 is approximately three thousand years old, although the anomalous properties of the item prevent any proper method of dating the object. SCP-3668 (or an object of identical description) has been contained and utilized by several groups over the past three thousand years.
As complete of a history of SCP-3668 as can be assembled follows below. This timeline is not complete, as there are several gaps in the historical record where the location of SCP-3668 is unknown. Some of these gaps are believed to be the result of past anomalous containment groups obfuscating the existence of SCP-3668.
Origin: circa 1200 BCE - 800 BCE
The exact date of origin of SCP-3668 is currently unknown, but estimates have been made given the style of the object, which was present in shields created between 1200 BCE and 800 BCE. SCP-3668 does not appear within the historical record until 325 BCE.
It is currently unknown how or by whom SCP-3668 was created. The aforementioned period does not coincide with a period of known anomalous activity within Scotland. As such, it is believed that SCP-3668 is a unique anomalous item, rather than being part of a greater series.
Yetholm-type shields were typically used by individuals of a high social standing. The anomalous alterations to SCP-3668 further indicate this, as such modifications would have likely been difficult to produce.
Scotland: 325 BCE
The first appearance of SCP-3668 in the historical record appears in 325 BCE, when it is briefly mentioned in a historical account by the Greek geographer Pytheas of Massalia in his work, τὰ περὶ τοῦ Ὠκεανοῦ.4 This work describes a journey by Pytheas to northwestern Europe, including Scotland.
No complete copy of this text survives, but the relevant excerpt was recorded by the Praetorian Office of Secret Wisdom.5 Translated from Latin:6
We landed upon the shore and met with the natives of this region of Bretannikē. One of their warriors carried an ornate shield, with a design of circles. Holding this shield, he is deathless, for the ghosts of his fathers would appear before him to defend him.
Legio XX Valeria Victrix: 78-85
During the Roman invasion of Scotland, SCP-3668 came into the possession of Legio XX Valeria Victrix. SCP-3668 was located in a Pictish village and used by one warrior during an attempt to defend the village. While the wielder of SCP-3668 was not killed, many of the other defenders were and the warrior surrendered. Legio XX then took SCP-3668 into their possession.
SCP-3668 was held by Legio XX and infrequently used in combat until the end of Gnaeus Julius Agricola's campaign against northern England. At the end of the campaign, it was taken into the custody of Agricola himself.
Praetorian Office of Secret Wisdom: 85-312
In 85, Agricola was recalled to Rome from Britain. It is believed that he brought SCP-3668 with him and presented the item as a gift to Emperor Domitian on his return. This is unconfirmed, but is believed to be the most likely location of SCP-3668 during this time period by the Historical Department.
Regardless of the circumstances under which SCP-3668 came to Rome, it was given into the custody of the Praetorian Office of Secret Wisdom. The Praetorian Office then began efforts to investigate the history of SCP-3668, discovering the mention in τὰ περὶ τοῦ Ὠκεανοῦ, which was not lost at the time.
The Praetorian Office held onto SCP-3668 until the Praetorian Guard was disbanded in 312. During this period, there were several concerted efforts to test the properties of the anomaly. SCP-3668 was considered for usage to defend the Emperor, but this was denied for unknown reasons. It was recorded that SCP-3668 was taken by a former Praetorian Guard, but what they did with it is unclear.
Vatican Holy Office for Secrets and Prophecies: 807-1808
The Vatican Holy Office for Secrets and Prophecies7 came into the possession of SCP-3668 at some point before 807. The exact circumstances under which this occurred are unknown.
The Vatican Holy Office made a concerted effort to learn more about SCP-3668, discovering the records of the Praetorian Office in the process. Unlike the Praetorian Office, the Vatican Holy Office declared SCP-3668 unholy and opted against any military usage.
Unknown: 1096-1104
In 1096, records of the Vatican Holy Office indicate that SCP-3668 was not within the Vatican Secret Archive in 1096. These records only note the absence of SCP-3668, and do not explain where it was.
In 1104, records indicate that SCP-3668 was returned to the Vatican Secret Archive. Again, records do not indicate where SCP-3668 was during this period. It is possible that SCP-3668 was taken earlier than 1096 CE, or returned earlier than 1104 CE.
Napoleon: 1808-1814
When Rome was annexed into the First French Empire as a department, SCP-3668 was taken by French Imperial Forces from the Vatican Secret Archive. After learning of the anomalous effects of SCP-3668, it was then brought before Napoleon as a gift.
Napoleon began to use the item, due to a personal interest in his lineage. However, he mostly regarded SCP-3668 as a novelty, rather than as a weapon or military tool. As such, it was not brought into battle at any time during Napoleon's possession of the item. While not being used, it was kept with Napoleon's small personal collection of anomalous items.
Estate noir: 1814-1900
Following Napoleon's exile to Elba, his personal collection of anomalous objects was confiscated by the Estate noir, a Foundation precursor agency operating out of France. Among the objects within Napoleon's collection was SCP-3668. The Estate noir militarized SCP-3668, using it during the Fourth Occult War.
The Estate noir is known to have conducted efforts to obscure Napoleon's personal involvement with the anomalous. Information concerning SCP-3668 was likely destroyed as a result of this.
Around 1852, Her Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria learned of the existence of SCP-3668, and that it was being held by the Estate noir. They decided that the artifact, being originally from Scotland and dealing with genetic heritage, should fall under their jurisdiction, and requested that the Estate noir give the object over to their custody.
The Estate noir refused this demand, forming a point of contention between the two groups, which lasted for the next forty eight years. Her Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria made multiple requests for the return of SCP-3668, but all were denied.
Foundation: 1900-1924
Following the Forbidden City Convention, the Estate noir, Her Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria and eleven other anomalous containment groups merged to form the modern SCP Foundation.
However, partisan elements of the Estate noir, opposed to the merger and the establishment of the modern Foundation, destroyed many records of the Estate noir. Among these were the files concerning SCP-3668. As such, the archives of the Vatican Holy Office are the primary source of information on SCP-3668.
Chaos Insurgency: 1924-1945
During the Foundation Civil War, which led to the formation of the First Chaos Insurgency, SCP-3668 was claimed by individuals that would later form the Insurgency, along with many other anomalous objects with militarization possibility.
Over the course of the next twenty years, there were scattered reports of First Chaos Insurgency operatives using SCP-3668 during battle. While the Foundation remained aware of SCP-3668, recontainment of SCP-3668 was never considered a high priority, due to the low danger and threat to normalcy of the anomaly.
Notably, during a Foundation assault on an Insurgency cell in 1938, a Chaos Insurgent wielding SCP-3668 was directly targeted with a Foundation-grade rocket artillery unit and survived unharmed. The Chaos Insurgent in question was then carried away by SCP-3668-1 instances, and escaped custody. This is currently the known upper limit of the abilities of SCP-3668.
Marshall, Carter, and Dark: 1945-1946
At the end of the Seventh Occult War8 the First Chaos Insurgency was defeated by Foundation and Allied Occult Coalition forces. Many of their anomalous objects were confiscated or destroyed at this time. However, a former member of the First Chaos Insurgency eluded custody and sold SCP-3668 to Ottaviano de' Medici, a Marshall, Carter and Dark sales representative and auctioneer.
According to Ottaviano de' Medici, who was later apprehended for unrelated reasons, MC&D sold SCP-3668 to Normand Iveries, a private collector of anomalous items for approximately 15,000 USD. Mr. Medici did not learn what Mr. Iveries intended to use SCP-3668 for.
Office for Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts: 1982-1991
In 1982, the ORIA took Esma'il Kashani into custody for terrorism against the state. SCP-3668 was in the possession of Esma'il Kashani at the time, and placed into ORIA custody afterward.
The location of SCP-3668 between 1946 and 1982 is currently unknown. Unfortunately, Norman Iveries died in 1976, and Esma'il Kashani was executed by the ORIA three months after being taken into custody.
In 1991, SCP-3668 was offered to the Foundation by the ORIA as part of an exchange of anomalous objects. The ORIA indicated knowledge of the history of the object, and knowledge that the Foundation would be interested in the object. This deal was accepted, and SCP-3668 has been in Foundation containment since.
Foundation: 1991-Present
SCP-3668, after being returned to Foundation custody, was placed into a standard Safe-class object locker at Site-██. In 1995, however, a standard routine of Foundation objects indicated that it would prove useful as a demonstrative for Potomac Briefings.
The anomalous properties of SCP-3668 are non-dangerous, and actively prevent potential harm. This minimizes any risk posed when displaying the object.
SCP-3668 can be easily activated, caused by any threat posed to the wielder. This allows for briefings to quickly and efficiently display an anomaly.
When not in use, SCP-3668 is completely inert.
The extended history of SCP-3668 and the lack of any unexpected incidents allows a high degree of confidence that SCP-3668 does not possess any additional, secondary anomalous properties.
The provenance of SCP-3668 (particularly past owners, such as Napoleon) allow an agent to establish the widespread nature of the anomalous while being truthful.
As such, SCP-3668 is an ideal object for usage in Potomac Briefings. In a 9-3-1 vote, the O5 Council voted to use SCP-3668 as such, rather than a more traditional Containment Profile.
1. Potomac Briefings are given by Foundation agents to new inaugurated United States politicians, covering the existence of the anomalous and the Foundation. These Briefings typically overstate the danger posed by anomalies within containment, in order to enhance cooperation between the United States government and the Foundation.
2. A Yetholm-type shield is a distinctive type of shield originating from approximately 1200-800 BCE, primarily originating from Britain and Ireland.
3. Typically, wielders are able to identify SCP-3668-1 instances as parents or grandparents. Individuals with notable genealogies have been able to identify SCP-3668-1 instances as earlier ancestors.
4. Literally "Things Concerning the Ocean", but commonly translated as "On the Ocean" or "Ocean".
5. Cura Praetoria Sapientae Occultae, a division of the Praetorian Guard dedicated to the containment and/or destruction of anomalous creatures and objects that were a threat or inconvenience to the Roman empire.
6. τὰ περὶ τοῦ Ὠκεανοῦ was originally written in Ancient Greek. However, the excerpt preserved by the Praetorian Office was a translation of the original Greek into Latin.
7. Also known as the Secretorum Camerus Prophetias, the Vatican Holy Office was a group dedicated to the concealment of the anomalous, under the supervision of the Catholic Church. It later merged with the Foundation in 1964, having previously been opposed to the Royal Office for Christian Artefacts, a Protestant organization and precursor to the Foundation.
8. Also referred to as the Second Global Occult War. |
SCP-4288 is a novel antimeme that resists attempts at communication: individuals with knowledge of the specifics of SCP-4288 refuse to communicate such information in any capacity. | ***
Item #: SCP-4288
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4288 is inherently self-containing, and the effects are not noticeably anomalous to the public. Information on SCP-4288 has been naturally obscured by individuals with knowledge of SCP-4288. The Department of Miscommunications is in charge of direct management of SCP-4288, if required. One individual from the DoMC is to have specific knowledge of SCP-4288 at all times.
Description: SCP-4288 was an event or series of events that occurred in Callam Township, South Carolina, USA. SCP-4288 is a novel antimeme that resists attempts at communication: individuals with knowledge of the specifics of SCP-4288 refuse to communicate such information in any capacity. The complete lack of subjects who will share detailed information on SCP-4288 — often directly contrasting their typical behavior, employment requirements or any personal involvement in the matter — has led to this aversion being deemed anomalous.
The anomalous effect of SCP-4288 inhibits the ability to describe it in the context of standard documentation, or the uploading of documents which describe it to the Foundation database. Subjects are universally resistant in giving any form of information that would allow another to determine the location or specifics of SCP-4288.
The only way to discover information on SCP-4288 is to travel to Callam Township and perform a detailed investigation in person. However, this is often prevented by those who have knowledge of SCP-4288, who are averse to others learning of SCP-4288.1 Since any individual who learns of SCP-4288 is then subject to its effect, no benefit is actually gained by the Foundation in doing so. As such, attempts at doing so have been suspended.
The degree to which subjects are affected by the anomalous effects of SCP-4288 is not universal, and some individuals are willing to share small, non-specific details concerning SCP-4288. As such, the following, limited information has been determined:2
Apart from the antimemetic properties of SCP-4288, there is no indication of anomalous behavior or phenomena. SCP-4288 is believed to be purely mundane in-and-of itself.
SCP-4288 would commonly be viewed as shameful or illegal. This is the most commonly stated reason for the refusal to spread information concerning SCP-4288.
SCP-4288 is no longer occurring in any capacity; the reason why it is no longer occurring is too closely linked to SCP-4288 to describe it. SCP-4288 began after 1980 and ended before 1990.
SCP-4288 was associated with a specific set of buildings (ranging between one and five); the exact buildings are not disclosed.
Upwards of fifty individuals were involved (directly or indirectly) in SCP-4288; not all of these individuals were residents of Callam Township.
At least one of these individuals is still alive, although identities have not been confirmed. The anomalous qualities of SCP-4288 may be linked to their life, and expire upon their death.
One or more of these individuals was a prominent member of the Callam Township community between 1980 and 1990.
SCP-4288 directly caused harm. The specifics of this harm are undefined.
SCP-4288 indirectly caused harm. The specifics of this harm are undefined.
The ramifications of SCP-4288 on the Callam Township community are still impactful and have not ended.
The anomalous effect of SCP-4288 was not intentional, but "appropriate". The nature of this appropriateness is unexplained.
1. Foundation personnel with knowledge of SCP-4288 use bureaucratic methods to block such attempts and Callam Township residents with knowledge are not compliant with investigation.
2. These facts may contain speculation or hypotheticals. As proper information cannot be included in this file, this has been ruled acceptable. |
SCP-1626 is a gray size XL hooded sweatshirt made out of polyester. | ***
Item #: SCP-1626
Object Class: Safe-impetus
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1626 is to be kept in a locker at Site 55's low-value item storage facility. To avoid the potential for confusion, personnel testing or interacting with SCP-1626 are not allowed to wear articles of clothing for which it could be mistaken.
Site 55 Medical personnel are to have access to equipment capable of cutting through SCP-1626's fibers. In the event that SCP-1626 is worn for more than twenty-one minutes by non-expendable personnel, this equipment is to be used in an effort to remove SCP-1626. If this proves unfeasible, destruction of SCP-1626 is authorized if the possibility exists that this will allow for the subject's survival. Destruction of SCP-1626 outside of these protocols remains an offense subject to standard disciplinary policy.
Description: SCP-1626 is a gray size XL hooded sweatshirt made out of polyester. In its inactive state, SCP-1626 is physically unremarkable except that it emits hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas at levels sufficient to cause it to have a faint but noticeable "rotten egg" scent.
Whenever a human wears SCP-1626 for a period of twenty-one minutes or greater, it will extend numerous polyester fibers roughly 1mm in diameter up to 20 centimeters into the subject's arms and torso. SCP-1626 will not puncture any vital organs or blood vessels, and the fibers secrete potent local anesthetics that almost immediately desensitize the skin at the point of penetration. As such, exposure to SCP-1626 is not immediately lethal, and victims are unlikely to notice its effects unless they attempt to remove SCP-1626. The fibers have shown unusual resilience for their composition, complicating any efforts to remove SCP-1626.
Between five and ten minutes after the subject's skin has been penetrated, the fibers begin to conduct heat away from the subject's body at an accelerated rate until the subject's core body temperature is that of the subject's surroundings. Simultaneously, the fibers will release copious amounts of ethyl alcohol into the subject's bloodstream, causing extreme inebriation. This appears to have the effect of both decreasing the likelihood that the subject will notice the drop in body temperature and limiting the subject's ability to seek help. SCP-1626 will increase its production of hydrogen sulfide at this time, giving both it and the wearer a strong, repellent scent.
Under normal circumstances, victims of SCP-1626 will die of hypothermia between one and three hours after exposure, depending on the subject's mass and the temperature of the surroundings. After the subject's death, the fibers of SCP-1626 will retract and become undetectable. Further, SCP-1626 will cease to release hydrogen sulfide for the next two days unless it is worn during that time. |
SCP-3341 is a sapient omnivorous mammalian species, which undergoes metamorphosis into a humanoid appearance as part of its life cycle. | ***
Item #: SCP-3341
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3341-A and SCP-3341-B are housed in the Eastern Province Settlement Zone and Ogaden Settlement Zone respectively, in collaboration with the governments of Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. Mobile Task Force Stigma-9 ("Evolved from Naturally Occurring Gears, Levers and Pulleys") is dispatched to Ogaden Settlement Zone to invalidate all propaganda spread by SCP-3341-B1 and/or the Cogwork Orthodox Church.
Instances of SCP-3341-B1 are to be regarded as hostile entities, holding a de facto Object Class of Keter. Mobile Task Force Gamma-4 ("The Iconoclasts") is to be mobilised in East Africa, tasked to combat SCP-3341-B1 instances. While capture of live SCP-3341-B1 instances is preferable, termination is permitted. Captured SCP-3341-B1 instances are to be kept in Site-368. If applicable, SCP-3341-B1 instances are to have non-vital mechanical implants removed and undergo rehabilitation. Said rehabilitation programme will consist of literature authored by MTF ϛ-9 and a modification of Programme Arduinosis-9001.
SCP-3341-C is outside of Foundation jurisdiction, and is currently within the jurisdiction of the Organisation for the Reclamation of Islamic Artefacts (ORIA). Intelligence reports regarding SCP-3341-C are to be obtained from leaked ORIA sources, with emphasis on the methods behind ORIA's suzerainty over SCP-3341.
Interaction between SCP-3341-A, SCP-3341-B, SCP-3341-B1, and SCP-3341-C is not permitted.
Description: SCP-3341 is a sapient omnivorous mammalian species, which undergoes metamorphosis into a humanoid appearance as part of its life cycle. It is endemic to areas within the Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, and Iranian Plateau. Due to differing socio-political contexts, SCP-3341 communities in the three regions possess distinct cultural differences from one another, and are given the following sub-designations for ease of categorisation: SCP-3341-A, SCP-3341-B, SCP-3341-B1, and SCP-3341-C.
All juvenile SCP-3341 specimens possess one arm and one leg each, with each limb having five digits. SCP-3341's feet share notable similarities with those of species belonging to the family Leporidae (rabbit), allowing SCP-3341 to move via jumping. The average distance travelled by a juvenile SCP-3341 specimen within a single leap is four metres. The head is roughly hemispheric in shape, and consists of one eye, one nostril, one ear, and one mouth. The nostril and mouth are usually placed at the extremity of the head. No hair is present in juvenile SCP-3341 instances.
Juvenile SCP-3341 specimens exhibit a unique form of sexual dimorphism. Male juvenile SCP-3341 specimens resemble the right side of the human body, whereas female juvenile SCP-3341 specimens resemble the left side of the human body.
Metamorphosis of SCP-3341 involves one male juvenile SCP-3341 instance and one female juvenile SCP-3341 instance, who will merge their bodies, memories, and consciousness together. The process is optional and requires mutual consent from the participants involved. Courtship is primarily centred on the measurement of a potential mate's height, wherein partners of similar heights tend to have a higher probability of successful metamorphosis. A larger difference in height between partners is held to be positively associated with increased risks during metamorphosis, causing a longer period of metamorphosis, deformity of the adult instance, or death of one or both of the participants.
During metamorphosis, the partners will align themselves such that the male partner is lying to the right side of the female partner. Once aligned, the partners will rub their bodies against each other to create lacerations wherein their flesh will be conjoined. The two instances' mouths, cloacae, parts of their skeletons and internal organs along the torso will merge together. Other bodily changes include the growth of body hair and shortening of both their feet. The process usually requires one week, typically taking place in an isolated enclosed environment. Due to the long duration and the energy required, juvenile specimens tend to consume large quantities of food prior to metamorphosis.
In terms of physical appearance, a typical adult SCP-3341 specimen is mostly identical to the average human. Particularly, alterations to the adult specimen's legs have reduced its jumping capacity to that of an average human. A significant difference is that a adult SCP-3341 specimen's reproductive system is entirely internal. Insemination and fertilisation occur inside the adult specimen's own body. The infant will be birthed after an incubation period of approximately one year, after which it will exit from the cloaca.
A typical adult SCP-3341 instance possesses the memories and consciousness of the juvenile instances involved in its metamorphosis, and regards itself to be a singular entity. Following metamorphosis, adult instances will take on a double name consisting of the names of both juvenile instances.
Due to SCP-3341's unique life cycle, the species has three biological sexes, referred to in human languages as "male child", "female child", and "adult". Despite that, SCP-3341 instances will universally identify all humans (regardless of sex, gender, and age) as "adult". This is attributed to humans' general appearance resembling a typical adult SCP-3341 instance.
Regardless of socio-cultural group, SCP-3341 instances (excluding members of SCP-3341-B1) adhere to a class system based on its life cycle. Juvenile SCP-3341 instances typically serve as military, manufactural, and agricultural roles. Adult SCP-3341 instances typically serve as priests, literati, diplomats, and community leaders. While juvenile instances do not wear clothes, adult instances tend to don clothing capable of concealing the entire body.
Differences among various socio-cultural group of SCP-3341 is based on mythology and socio-political context, as detailed in the following executive summaries.
SCP-3341-A denotes the socio-cultural group of SCP-3341 instances who traditionally reside in the Eastern Province and Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia, Al Wusta and Dhofar Governorates of Oman, and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
SCP-3341-A's creation myth alleges that the two legendary progenitors of its species were moulded from clay by a djinn named Shiqq, who admired humanity. The legendary progenitors merged their flesh together on Shiqq's command, and Shiqq was not mentioned in the creation myth following that point. The unified progenitor was left to its own devices and eventually gave birth to offsprings, thus propagating its species.
Prior to mass relocation in 1951 CE, SCP-3341-A communities were publicly identified as Bedouin1 tribes whereas juvenile instances were only allowed freedom of movement at night. SCP-3341-A's nomadic practices were supposedly intended to minimise contact and suspicion with human settlements. Foundation efforts to contain SCP-3341-A have reduced restrictions to SCP-3341-A's freedom of movement.
SCP-3341-B denotes the socio-cultural group of SCP-3341 instances who traditionally reside in Ogaden.
While SCP-3341-B's creation myth also ascribes Shiqq as the creator of SCP-3341, more emphasis is placed on an exodus from Shiqq and its realm of "Ahwaz". According to SCP-3341-B instances, metamorphosis is commonly interpreted as a means to stand united against obstacles.
While the Foundation has contact with SCP-3341-B since 1953 CE, contact was lost following the fall of the Ethiopian Empire in 1974 CE. Foundation assets were expelled, and GRU Division "P" (GRU-P) was invited to study SCP-3341-B instead, supposedly as part of an experiment to induct non-human sapient species to communism. This lasted until 1993 CE, wherein the Foundation re-established a presence in the Horn of Africa.
Many SCP-3341-B instances term the period under GRU-P administration as the "children's dictatorship",2 characterised by cultural repression.3 Societal fluctuations during and after the "children's dictatorship" have resulted in numerous resistance movements amongst SCP-3341-B, many of which have since been suppressed by either GRU-P or the Foundation.
SCP-3341-B1 denotes the Order of Saint-Militant Qaynan, consisting of juvenile SCP-3341 instances affiliated with the Cogwork Orthodox Church. Thus, instead of the class system centered on its life cycle, social hierarchy within SCP-3341-B1 mirrors the Cogwork Orthodox Church.
Following the fall of the Derg regime in Ethiopia, the Cogwork Orthodox Church extended its sphere of influence in the Horn of Africa, and successfully converted multiple SCP-3341-B instances. Due to support from the Cogwork Orthodox Church, SCP-3341-B1 remains difficult to completely suppress and is given a distinct sub-designation.
Adhering to a syncretic religion derived from SCP-3341-B mythology and Cogwork Orthodox Church theology, members of SCP-3341-B1 perceive Shiqq as an agent of the "FLESH" who entrapped SCP-3341 into physical bodies and metamorphosis as a means to further entrap the species. Conversely, MEKHANE is worshipped by SCP-3341-B as the means to acquire liberation from their "trapped" conditions. Thus, they would use mechanical enhancements to achieve spiritual completion instead of undergoing metamorphosis with a suitable mate.
SCP-3341-B1 has aided in the Cogwork Orthodox Church's military operations in East Africa and other locations. As members of SCP-3341-B1 are unable to reproduce, raids on SCP-3341-B settlements are the former's primary means of recruitment. As of 2012 CE, bisected human corpses were found in SCP-3341-B1 temples.
SCP-3341-C denotes the socio-cultural group of SCP-3341 instances who traditionally reside in Khuzestan Province, Iran.4
Little is known of the nature of SCP-3341-C's version of its species' creation myth, attributed to the lack of Foundation presence among SCP-3341-C. That being said, multiple recovered ORIA documents have claimed that SCP-3341 is a type of takwin.5
In the case of SCP-3341-C, the role of community leaders is served by both adult SCP-3341-C instances and selected ORIA personnel. Recovered ORIA reports indicate that SCP-3341-C community leaders (both human and SCP-3341-C) are consistently termed as 'Type 2 Special Personnel' belonging to 'House Shiqq', speculated to be a clan of unknown origins. SCP-3341-C instances who adopt the role of community leaders appear to take on a temporary name, suggesting that they might be adopted temporarily into "House Shiqq".
1. Arab nomadic tribes who historically reside in desert regions of North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and the Levant.
2. Termed due to adult SCP-3341-B instances being a significant target of prosecution during that period. This is due to adult instances' traditional adoption of social roles that are frowned upon by communist movements.
3. For instance, adult SCP-3341-B instances were regularly forced to engage in physical labour alongside their juvenile counterparts.
4. Previously known as Arabistan or Ahwaz.
5. Synthetic life created via alchemy, often stated to be one of the major goals of Muslim alchemists. |
SCP-5430 is a male Eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis), approximately 6. | ***
Item #: SCP-5430
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5430 currently inhabits the grounds of Area-12, and has been given an electric fence collar and implanted with three subdermal trackers to ensure that it remains within the perimeter of the area. The anomaly's non-hostile demeanor means that it may otherwise be left alone outside its bimonthly medical checkup. Because its feet are intended for dry, sandy terrain, they are to be measured by a reptile veterinarian every two months so that protective footwear can be manufactured and fitted on it.
Description: SCP-5430 is a male Eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis), approximately 6.7 meters long, that has had 48 legs from an eastern blue-tongued lizard (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides) thaumically grafted onto it. Its length and legs are its only anomalous attributes. Aside from its predilection to use these legs for locomotion and increased appetite, the anomaly behaves like a non-anomalous male Eastern garter snake.
SCP-5430 was discovered in New York City's Central Park on ██/██/██, following reports of hysteria in the park and sightings of a massive centipede-like lizard in the area. Mobile Task Force Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") were dispatched to contain it. The anomaly was found hunting frogs on the western side of the park and restrained with minimal difficulty.
During containment of SCP-5430, Lambda-12 were accosted by one Jared McBraddock: an unlicensed, untrained thaumaturge that attempted to control the anomaly and have it attack the task force. SCP-5430 ignored McBraddock and chose to walk laps around the pond instead. McBraddock was promptly subdued and brought into custody.
A background check revealed that McBraddock had been arrested and released on bail one week previously for attempting to break into the Central Park Zoo's Tropic Zone. In addition, interrogation of McBraddock and a search of his residence revealed that he had been mutating commercial pet snakes with legs, fitting them with miniature bootleg sneakers, and selling them for at least one year prior to his capture. The apartment was thus confiscated by the Foundation and McBraddock was given Class-A amnestics and released. At this time, Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 ("Pony Express") is reviewing his records to locate all such mutated specimens.
Addendum: During its most recent checkup, SCP-5430 was observed to respond positively to the attending physician's music player, undulating and moving its legs in a manner recognizable as dance. Loudspeakers have been set up near its current nesting site (a pond in the corner of Area-12) to play pop music at a low volume during its basking hours. |
SCP-3407 is a Pathé-Frères 1910 model film projector. | ***
Item #: SCP-3407
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3407 is to be kept facing a 5x13 m projector screen and is required to be kept inside its projector booth at an elevation of 8 meters. Lead researcher Dr. Carter, lip reading specialist Researcher Lynn, and two designated Level-1 Personnel are to be present at Site-28 by 12:30 PM (local time) to annotate SCP-3407’s daily projections.
Description: SCP-3407 is a Pathé-Frères 1910 model film projector. It displays signs of wear consistent with its age and is structurally identical to non-anomalous instances of the product.
At precisely 1PM local time every day excluding Sunday, SCP-3407 will project a black and white silent film. The setting of the film is in the suburban town of [REDACTED], portraying the first-person point of view of an adult African-American male. The film will play for approximately twenty-five minutes each showing before becoming inoperable again.
SCP-3407 will always project its own film whether or not a reel is placed within its feed spool, though it has been shown to produce lower quality projections when a reel is within SCP-3407. SCP-3407 has also exhibited the ability to activate without any form of electricity or manual operation. Attempts to activate SCP-3407 outside of its scheduled projection have all been met with failure.
Upon each projection, SCP-3407 will display a sequence of events distinct from prior showings of the film. A common trend in SCP-3407’s projections is the aforementioned male interacting with a juvenile female, presumed to be the subject’s daughter. Scenes involving the female usually take places in areas such as playgrounds, churches, and a small bedroom. The final five minutes of the film always conclude with the subject being forcibly restrained against a bed before another figure, presumed to be a doctor, approaches and injects the subject with an unknown substance.
Individuals exposed to projections of SCP-3407 report an altered emotional state. Instances of sorrow, nostalgia, and mild euphoria have all been documented. No harmful effects have yet been observed after viewing a projection from SCP-3407.
Addendum 3407.1: Dr. Carter has been designated as the primary researcher of SCP-3407's anomalous abilities. The following is a truncated list of projections documented during observation of SCP-3407.
+ Documentation of SCP-3407's Projections - [PLEASE INPUT LEVEL 1+ CREDENTIALS]
00:00 - Scene appears to be in a wedding chapel. Camera POV is shown to turn around to see the subject’s friends and family in the seats of the chapel.
07:13 - Camera shifts towards the entrance of the chapel. A noticeably pregnant African-American woman is shown walking down the aisle with an adult male, presumed to be the woman’s father.
12:35 - Camera is facing the woman. The woman is observed to be both smiling and lightly weeping at the same time. After 5 minutes pass, the wedding officiant is seen to state what is inferred to be “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The camera moves forward and the male begins embracing the woman.
18:45 - The subject and woman hold each other's hands and begin walking down the aisle. Friends and family stand up from their seats, applauding the newly wedded couple. Screen unexpectedly shifts to black.
20:00 - Screen luminates after 75 seconds of dead air. Subject begins to observe their surroundings and finds themselves restrained against a bed. Subject begins thrashing in an attempt to free themselves. An unknown figure enters the room, presumed to be a doctor based on their attire. The doctor stands at a counter near the subject and begins filling a syringe with an unknown substance. Subject continues thrashing in the bed as the doctor injects the subject, causing the screen to instantaneously turn black.
24:30 - Film unexpectedly burns out. Projection continues for another 30 seconds before becoming inoperable.
00:25 - After 25 seconds of film tearing, SCP-3407 readjusts itself and begins the projection. The camera is moving forward up a hill. The subject is accompanied by a small, juvenile African American female, estimated to be close to 0.64 meters; presumed to be the subject’s daughter. The subject is shown to be holding a bouquet of roses and tulips.
04:36 - The subject and the female reach the peak of the hill to find a wooden cross in the ground. Inscribed on the cross is what is presumed to be the name of the deceased: “LORETTA”. What appears to be water droplets begin flowing down the camera on both the left and right sides. The subject places the flower bouquet on the cross.
15:03 - Subject and the child take each other’s hands and begin leaving the hill.
16:00 - Film burns out, leaving the projection inoperable for nearly 4 minutes before reactivating.
20:00 - Projection becomes active again, displaying a similar scene from the former projections. The subject observes their surroundings and begins thrashing more forcibly than previous projections. The same doctor seen before enters the room, presumably shouting at the subject to be quiet. Subject refuses to comply, to which the doctor approaches the subject and injects them with a syringe.
23:30 - Screen blacks out. SCP-3407 remains active for another minute and a half before becoming inoperable.
00:00 - Scene begins in the middle of the night within a master bedroom. Camera suddenly begins shaking when the subject hastily jumps out of bed. Subject sprints out of the room towards a separate, smaller bedroom.
02:05 - The juvenile female is shown lying in her bed in a state of distress; tears and mucus are seen flowing down her face. Subject takes a seat on the bed and begins comforting the female.
10:00 - The former scene continues until the female eventually returns to a tranquil state. The subject opens the drawer to a nearby bedside table and pulls out a bright feminine hairbrush. There is a small lily1 flower engraved on the end of the handle. Subject begins to use the hairbrush to fix the female’s disorderly hair.
14:35 - Subject brings the female to a nearby vanity mirror, where the female observes her brushed hair. The female smiles and moves her mouth in a way that has been identified as “I love you Daddy”. The female, while smiling, puts her arms around the subject; the subject does the same while slowly caressing the back of the female’s head.
18:43 - Screen changes to black.
20:00 - Projection becomes active once again. Scene reflects the same chain of events as previous entries.
24:25 - Projection burns out, leaving nearly half of a minute of dead air before SCP-3407 becomes inoperable.
00:00 - Scene begins with the subject and the female bonding with each other as they walk down a street. The female is seen laughing as the subject lifts her on his shoulders. Several shots display a pair of feet dangling down as the subject begins sprinting down the road.
04:02 - Subject halts as the two come across a small playground, complete with a double swing set and a slide. The female gestures the subject to take her to the playground; subject complies.
06:08 - The female jumps up on one of the swings. Lip reading specialist Researcher Lynn finds that the female says the words: “Daddy, can you please push me on the swings?” Subject complies, adding momentum to the female while swinging.
09:37 - Female jumps off the swing set and runs over to the slide. Female gestures the subject to push her down the slides, the subject once again complies.
13:03 - Female is shown to be in a mix between exhaustion and euphoria. The subject lifts the female up into his arms and carries her to a nearby bench. The two sit on the bench together, pointing out any birds that fly past in the sky.
20:00 - Scene suddenly cuts from the playground to the ending scene from previous entries. This time, however, the doctor does not appear. Water droplets begin flowing down the left and right sides of the screen.
24:30 - Film burns out. Projection continues for another 30 seconds before becoming inoperable.
00:00 - Scene begins in a church. The subject is sitting in one of the upper right front rows sitting next to the female.
03:31 - Subject opens a nearby Bible to Psalm 23:42. People nearby do the same.
09:44 - Priest walks up to the podium and gives the benediction, ending the service. Subject and the female rise and begin to exit the church.
11:21 - The subject and female spend the rest of the scene walking through a neighborhood together.
20:00 - Scene cuts to the same setting as previous projections. The doctor is seen sitting at the foot of the bed the subject is restrained upon. The doctor begins what is presumed to be stroking the side of the subject’s face, forcing a smile while doing so.
23:28 - Subject bites the doctor’s right index finger. The doctor’s blood begins gushing over the bed sheets as the subject bites harder.
23:56 - Subject releases the doctor's hand. The doctor is seen in an intense state of distress, holding their hand as blood gushes down. The doctor regains their composure and begins filling the usual syringe to a much higher amount than seen in previous projections. Subject begins thrashing in their bed until the doctor injects the subject with the substance.
24:30 - Film burns out. Projection continues for another 30 seconds before becoming inoperable.
00:00 - Scene begins with the subject and female walking on the side of the road. For a few frames, the female is seen smiling at the subject as she reaches to hold his hand.
05:01 - The scene is now in what is now found to be the 1910 version of the town’s main street plaza. The subject and female begin to walk down the street as a group of Caucasian men give the subject unpleasant glances when passing.
07:06 - Camera pans up to a building with the words “NICKELODEON ¢10”. A poster is seen at the entrance stating: The EDISON KINETOGRAM - Scene from ‘Frankenstein’. To the left of the poster, there is a sign in bolded, capital letters that reads: “WHITES ONLY.” The female points to the Frankenstein poster, asking the subject if they can see the program. The subject presumably denies the request. Female grows visibly upset by this and enters the front entrance of the Nickelodeon. The subject enters in after her.
10:04 - Subject instantly rushes after her only to be stopped by a crowd of caucasian males. The men apprehend the subject, squirming and fighting to be released. The female is briefly seen in several shots, appearing to be in a state of distress while being apprehended by security officers.
13:05 - The men carry the subject to an upstairs closet of the Nickelodeon.
15:00 - Film begins tearing.
20:00 - SCP-3407 finally readjusts itself; the projection continues. The scene reflects the chain of events typically projected during the final five minutes of previous projections. Noticeably, there are two dark silhouettes seen conversing in a door frame.
24:30 - Film burns out. Projection continues for another 30 seconds before becoming inoperable.
02:02 - Projection begins after two minutes of film tear. The camera is pitch black; nothing appears on the screen.
05:29 - Screen suddenly luminates. What is briefly seen to be a burlap sack is lifted off of the subject’s head, causing the screen to no longer be pitch black and reveal the scene. A tall Caucasian male in surgeon attire stands before the subject. In the background, three silhouettes are seen writing on clipboards.
06:07 - The surgeon holds a scalpel and moves the blade of it near the left side of the camera, presumably toward the subject's left eye.
09:08 - The film burns out after several brief frames are seen of the subject thrashing due to a considerable amount of pain.
12:00 - Screen suddenly displays a dialogue frame commonly seen in silent films to convey character speech. The screen says in bold cursive writing: “Where is Lily?” Frame continues until the end of the projection.
24:30 - Film burns out. Projection continues for another 30 seconds before becoming inoperable.
1. Lilium
2. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” |
SCP-2753 is a 3 dimensional ratio that can be used to describe the relationship between the sides of a block. | ***
Item #: SCP-2753
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A Foundation-operated bot (I/O-SILVER) is to monitor internet traffic for SCP-2753. Upon discovery, all data containing SCP-2753 is to be destroyed. Anyone outside of Foundation personnel aware of SCP-2753 is to be apprehended, interrogated, and amnesticized.
Instances of SCP-2753-A are to be kept disassembled in a secure locker on-site. Instances of SCP-2753-B and SCP-2753-C are to be handled on a case-by-case basis. Tests are prohibited at this time.
Description: SCP-2753 is a 3 dimensional ratio that can be used to describe the relationship between the sides of a block.
Instances of SCP-2753-A are blocks which match SCP-2753's projection within a certain threshold; they can otherwise be of any size and material. They exhibit their anomalous property only when 42 instances of similar size and material are assembled into a standard Jenga1 tower: If this tower collapses, any structure containing it will immediately collapse with it.
Since 2009, the growing popularity and accuracy of 3D printing combined with SCP-2753's presentation within OBJ files2 as a printable Jenga set has led to 21 structural collapses, 35 injuries, and 14 deaths.
Addendum 2753.1: Incidents
► ACCESS SCP:/2753/incidents/007.log
▼ Close File
DATE: 1988/07/07
The collapse of a warehouse used to host the Boston Anomalous Art Expo3 was linked to an instance of SCP-2753-A. 14 additional anomalous objects (including SCP-1433, an instance of SCP-1617, and SCP-████) were also recovered amidst the wreckage. The collapse left over 49 participants injured and 21 dead. The following note was discovered nearby:
How High Can High Art Get? Let's Find Out!
This tower is to be assembled at the start of the exposition; audience members are encouraged to take turns trying to take art higher and higher!
But be warned: High art carries high risk! Reach too high, and you might just find your paradigm comes crashing down right on top of your head!
► ACCESS SCP:/2753/incidents/021.log
▼ Close File
DATE: 1995/07/14
Based on information provided by an undisclosed source, the Foundation-operated bot (I/O-SILVER) was used to search for SCP-2753 projections in financial market data. The collapse of several investment firms and multi-level marketing4 companies were unexpectedly linked to SCP-2753.
Further investigation has demonstrated the existence of SCP-2753-B instances. Instances are financial assets that match SCP-2753's projection within a certain threshold; they can otherwise be of any value and type. They exhibit their anomalous property only when 42 instances of similar value and type are assembled into an interdependent network: If this network loses solvency, any corporate entity linked to it will experience an immediate catastrophic financial collapse.
Foundation efforts are currently underway to discover all such networks and safely disassemble them.
► ACCESS SCP:/2753/incidents/035.log
▼ Close File
DATE: 2016/07/21
Based on information provided by an undisclosed source, the Foundation-operated bot (I/O-SILVER) was used to search for SCP-2753 projections in various popular code repositories and file-sharing networks. Several significant server crashes along with losses of critical data were linked to SCP-2753.
Further investigation has demonstrated the existence of SCP-2753-C instances. Instances are files with specific attributes matching SCP-2753's projection within a certain threshold; they can otherwise be of any size and type. They exhibit their anomalous property only when 42 instances of similar size and type are accessed simultaneously by a single program. If this program crashes unexpectedly, any network running this program will experience an immediate catastrophic failure.
Foundation efforts are currently underway to discover all such programs and destroy them.
► ACCESS SCP:/2753/incidents/042.log
%%$ ERROR:FileNotFound()
035 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request (REQUEST_PROTOCOL 028):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/SCP/2753/files/", line 21, in respond = self.handler()
File "/SCP/2753/files/", line 14, in __call__
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "", line 7 in index
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
NotImplementedError: [DATA LOST]
NOTE: The IntSCPFN network has experienced a critical error. If you are seeing this message, please immediately notify your Site-Director via phone, radio, or in person.
1. Jenga is a game wherein blocks are assembled into a tower; players then take turns removing blocks and placing them on top while trying to avoid a collapse.
2. OBJ is a geometry definition file format used as instructions for many commercially available 3D printers.
3. The Boston Anomalous Art Expo (BAAE) is an underground art exposition dedicated to sharing works from various anartists.
4. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a business strategy relying primarily on pyramid-shaped commission systems to produce profits. |
SCP-547 is a cognitohazard and should be treated with the relevant precautions. | ***
Item #: SCP-547
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-547 is to be stored inside a plain black envelope which in turn is to be stored in the security deposit box located in Dr ██████’s office. No Foundation employee is to access SCP-547 without Dr ██████’s consent, and SCP-547 itself should only be handled by test subjects. Please note that any persons exposed to SCP-547's effects are subject to Class D status.
Description: SCP-547 is an off-white standard size business card (85 mm x 55 mm) for ███████ ██████, a licensed hypnotherapist from ███████████, UK. The front of the card is unremarkable and inert. On the reverse, the phrase “Je pense donc…?” is written in black ball-point pen. The modified side of SCP-547 is a cognitohazard and should be treated with the relevant precautions.
In all cases, reading and understanding the phrase has ultimately resulted in a complete loss of personality, and a greatly reduced awareness of self. Test subjects have been able to perform most basic tasks, and nearly all are still capable of speech. Subjects are, however, incapable of any subjective thought and emotion beyond the rational and immediate. The effects of SCP-547 are degenerative, with full manifestation occurring approximately ten weeks after exposure. Several stages have been observed:
Exposure- 1 week: No substantial change in personality. Subjects may occasionally forget personal details or answer to a name other than their own.
1-6 weeks: Subjects begin to show confusion as to their own identity and key facts regarding their lives. See interview SCP-547-A for further details.
6-9 weeks: Subjects begin to regress towards final stage of infection. Mannerisms and turns of phrase associated with subject begin to disappear and speech begins to lack inflection and emotion.
10 weeks and beyond: Psychological and cognitive effects previously described are fully manifest. See interview SCP-547-B for further details.
+ Interview SCP-547-A
- Interview SCP-547-A
Subject D-547-Tau is a Caucasian male aged 35. Time since exposure to SCP-547: 5 weeks 2 days.
Dr ██████: Good morning, subject Tau, I’m Dr ██████. Records say your name is ████ █████████. Is that correct?
D-547-Tau: It is.
█: Very good. Tell me a little bit about yourself, ████.
D: Where should I start?
█: Well, how about a little regarding your early life? Any happy memories?
D: Oh yes. Every summer, my parents used to rent this place in Maine. I loved it there. Sandy beaches, those quaint little lighthouses. Lobster dinners. I remember my mom telling me, “Henry, if th-“
█: Hang on, can I stop you there? Why did your mother refer to you as Henry?
D: Because that’s my name.
█: You confirmed your name as ████ █████████ 30 seconds ago.
D: I did? I-
█: Please, continue.
D: Like I was saying, my mom always said, “Marcus, if there ever was a paradise here on earth this would be it.” Man, I loved that clean air, all that green. Nothing like BC in the spring.
█: British Columbia?
D: Only BC I know of.
█: Tell me about your parents.
D: Decent people. Both came from █████████, Kentucky. Born and raised. My Dad loved his bikes, named me after one. Got some ribbing at school for that, Harley ain’t all that common a name you know. He was a good man though, loved his pa. Says leaving him at the boarding gate back in ██████ was the saddest day of his life, but a man’s got to make his own way in the world I guess.
█: So he emigrated from ██████?
D: Yes.
█: But he was born in Kentucky?
D: That’s right.
█: Would you mind confirming your name and the last place you lived please?
D: Jacob Maddox, Austin, Texas.
█: And again?
D: Paul Jones. I’m from Cardiff. It’s in the UK in-
█: Again.
D: David Pollock, Birdseye, Utah, I don’t understand why you’re asking, I’ve already told you-
█: Again.
+ Interview SCP-547-B
- Interview SCP-547-B
Fourth interview with SCP-547-Tau. Twelve weeks since exposure.
Dr. ██████: Good morning, Tau
D-SCP-547-Tau: Good morning.
█: I’d like to perform some tests today. Please follow the written directions on the sheet in front of you. You have fifteen minutes.
Subject Tau performs several tests, designed to highlight any loss in cognitive function. Results are negative.
█: Good. Now I’m going to show you a few pictures. Can you tell me what this is?
D: Blue sky with clouds.
█: What do you think of it?
D: I think- I think- I don’t know
█: How about this one?
D: It’s a man. He’s dead. His throat’s been cut.
█:: Any thoughts on this? You used to hate this picture.
D: It's an image of a dead human printed on photograph quality paper. High gloss.
█: Not quite what I was getting at. You have no opinion of it whatsoever?
D: No.
█: Moving on then. According to your profile, you suffered from arachnophobia.
Dr ██████ releases a large, but otherwise unremarkable house spider onto subject Tau’s arm. Heart rate does not rise above 65 bpm.
█: Nothing? It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve been able to elicit any sort of human response from you. Let’s try something else. Do you know what this is?
D: A blowtorch.
Dr ██████ activates blowtorch and moves it towards Tau’s arm, causing subject to flinch. Tau’s heart rate jumps to 135 bpm.
█: Hm.
From: Dr ██████ ██████
To: O5-█
Subject: SCP-547
In response to your previous email, subjects are unable to recall any previous experiences in an emotional context, and are completely incapable of subjective thought. I would like to suggest that due to their predictable behaviour, subjects exposed to SCP-547 would make perfect control groups for any other psychohazards or cognitohazards we may encounter.
From: O5-█
To: Dr ██████ ██████
Subject: Re- SCP-547
I would like subjects D-547- Alpha through Gamma prepped for transport by 0700 tomorrow. You can expect more requests of this nature in the future. |
SCP-571 is a complex pattern of lines and scribbles with an anomalous memetic effect. | ***
Item #: SCP-571
Object Class: Anomalous Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A single piece of paper containing an instance of SCP-571 should be kept inside an opaque, sealed container of any kind, at the center of any high security containment room (currently the primary containment chamber at Compound-1043/Site-143). This containment room must be equipped with incineration devices, which shall be maintained and tested regularly. Any site housing SCP-571 must not be located within 200km of any minor population center, or within 500km of any major population center. No devices that have any capability of transmitting pictures are to be allowed within the perimeter of the compound housing SCP-571.
Only one instance of SCP-571 should exist at any time, except during specially approved testing. Should the paper containing SCP-571 be destroyed, another copy may be printed from the encrypted backup file. No other recordings of SCP-571 are to exist.
SCP-571's containment chamber is to be monitored using infrared devices. Eight Level 2 guards must be stationed outside of SCP-571's containment chamber at all times. Four of these guards are to wear infrared goggles during shifts. Any persons attempting to enter the containment chamber without authorization are to be terminated immediately. Upon any successful unauthorized entry, the incineration devices in SCP-571's containment chamber are to be activated immediately.
All personnel leaving Site-143 are to be examined for potential SCP-571 contamination without visual contact as outlined by Protocol 571-Alpha. Personnel attempting to bypass Site-143 security are to be terminated within Compound-1043's 10-mile perimeter.
In the case of an SCP-571 containment breach, affected personnel are to be summarily killed and incinerated. If Compound-1043 becomes significantly compromised, the network of auxiliary incineration devices should be activated as outlined by Protocol 571-Alpha.
Mobile Task Force Eta-10 ("See No Evil") are assigned to handling potential instances of SCP-571 and SCP-571-related memes appearing independently outside containment.
Description: SCP-571 is a complex pattern of lines and scribbles with an anomalous memetic effect. Appearance was determined by cutting an image of 571 into sections and rearranging the sections, disabling the pattern's anomalous effect and allowing it to be safely viewed.
SCP-571's anomalous effect has changed since its initial containment by the Foundation. The mechanism (if any) that has caused the changes in this effect, or its initial creation, is unclear. (See documentation attached.)
Current SCP-571 anomalous effect follows.
When any human looks at SCP-571 for any amount of time, they will immediately search for a piece of paper or other suitable stationery. The exposed human will then begin to copy SCP-571 onto the new paper, with any available drawing implement. Despite the particularly high complexity of the pattern, copying of SCP-571 by an exposed human will be successful approximately 96% of the time.
Once SCP-571 has been copied (whether successfully or not), the affected person will seek out other humans, and attempt to coax or force them to view the copied pattern. Successfully infected victims will immediately attempt to copy the pattern, thus continuing the process. Attempts to reason with infected persons are met with failure.
Carriers of SCP-571 will typically only talk or interact with others for the eventual purpose of causing them to look at SCP-571. Initially, SCP-571 carriers retain their original personality and behavior, with the added compulsion aspect, similar to a heightened obsessive compulsive disorder. In this stage, carriers can often be communicated with as normal, but are unable to prevent themselves from acting out the SCP-571 compulsion.
If an individual SCP-571 carrier does not successfully infect a new, previously uninfected carrier within [REDACTED], exponential psychological deterioration will occur in the carrier. The type and rate of deterioration varies from carrier to carrier, but ends with near-total lack of activity in the cerebrum. Onset of deterioration can be delayed further (or temporarily halted once begun) by infecting multiple new carriers within a short period of time. Individual SCP-571 carriers are aware of this circumstance and may use this fact as a way to coax others to view the SCP-571 pattern.
Carriers of SCP-571 who are unable to locate other uninfected humans for [REDACTED] days will begin to regularly coax other carriers to view and copy the pattern again. In the final stage of psychological deterioration, 30% of carriers will, if not prompted otherwise, continue this cycle until undergoing death by thirst. The remainder of exposed individuals will eat and drink as necessary, but will often neglect other non-vital bodily needs (such as using restrooms or voluntarily sleeping).
Exposure to Class-C amnestics may cause SCP-571 carriers to lose their ability to perfectly duplicate the SCP-571 pattern. However, carriers will continue to attempt to recreate the pattern and attempt to coax other individuals to view it. These depictions are never accurate depictions of SCP-571 (even in individuals with 'photographic' memory, as the pattern is too complex to be copied by non-anomalous means) and cannot be transmitted. There is no known means of completely curing individuals affected by SCP-571.
As carriers of SCP-571 are permanently unable to engage in any conscious activity unrelated to enticing another person to view SCP-571, containment breach may result in an AK-class end-of-the-world scenario if SCP-571 carriers are able to reach major urban population centers.
Addendum: Incident X571-A: [DATA EXPUNGED] Because of the heightened likelihood that further instances may come into existence outside of containment, SCP-571 has been reclassified as Keter. Description and containment procedures updated accordingly.
Additionally, it appears that in the event of a SCP-571 "critical mass" carrier population, defined as a population above [REDACTED] within close proximity to one another, the psychological deterioration effect can be staved off indefinitely. However, the compulsion aspect remains permanent. |
SCP-2476 is a human male in its mid-twenties. | ***
Item #: SCP-2476
Object Class: Euclid
SCP-2476 in its original outfit, prior to containment.
Special Containment procedures: All information regarding SCP-2476 may only be made available to Level 3 personnel who are currently studying SCP-2476. Personnel studying SCP-2476 are to first be directly shown SCP-2476's anomalous properties directly in-order to prevent the spread of its SCP-2476-1.
SCP-2476 is kept in a humanoid containment cell at Site-17. SCP-2476 has no special medical or dietary requirements.
Description: SCP-2476 is a human male in its mid-twenties. SCP-2476 is prone to occasional episodes of extreme hostility, where it will demand personnel to conform to its desires, under the threat of extreme violence. Apart from these episodes, SCP-2476 is generally cooperative with Foundation staff. The words "Mr. Spanish Inquisition, by Gamers Against Weed” are tattooed across SCP-2476’s left thigh.
SCP-2476-1 is a cognitohazard affecting those who have not learned of SCP-2476's alias by reading its tattoo, or have not yet perceived its anomalous properties occur directly. Under these circumstances, information subjects learn will be falsified to fit the theme of the 1975 film Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Fabrications caused by SCP-2476-1 vary depending on the type of information learned and will persist with each subject. Subjects will continue to experience SCP-2476-1 as they learn more information regarding SCP-2476, and will only cease once they have perceived SCP-2476's actual anomalous properties in action.
SCP-2476 suffers from extreme delusions regarding instruments and objects capabilities to inflict harm on others, believing items of a safe and benign nature to instead be the most effective. All instruments utilized by SCP-2476 which under regular circumstances would be effective in inflicting physical harm and injuries to others will become completely ineffective. SCP-2476 will utilize whatever instrument it uses in a highly ineffective manner, preventing the target from receiving any physical pain whatsoever. Notable delusions include perceiving a bat to be a baguette and a pair of knives to be a pair of sofa cushions.
Recovery: SCP-2476 was originally detained on the 11th of January 2017, when Foundation web crawlers located the use of the phrases Gamers Against Weed and Mr. Monty Python And The Holy Grail on numerous social networking accounts mentioning an unknown individual in ██████, North Carolina, United States who had caused several public disturbances. SCP-2476 was located in a nearby bookstore when retrieved, dressed in an outfit resembling that of the Spanish Inquisition costumes used in the Monty Python sketches of the same name, attempting to attack a cashier ineffectively with a desk lamp, for selling ‘unorthodox’ reading material. Foundation agents were able to detain it without incident. Amnestics were dispatched to all witnesses effectively.
SCP-2476-1 became apparent after multiple Foundation personnel were informed of SCP-2476s recovery by agents. Temporary containment was prepared for SCP-2476 based upon falsified information given to Foundation personnel. Personnel were met with surprise upon SCP-2476's arrival due to its unexpected effects. All personnel involved were given amnestic treatment.
Interview Log
The following is a partial interview performed by Dr. Belle several days after the recovery of SCP-2476.
+ Interview Log 2476-1
- Access Granted
<Begin Log>
SCP-2476: Ello! We’re gonna start another interview?
Dr. Belle: Yes, if that’s alright with you.
SCP-2476: Good! Good! What did ya wanna talk about?
Dr. Belle: We were hoping to discuss the creation of your anomalous properties.
SCP-2476: Really? Well…. God. I honestly have no clue what to tell you (sniggers). I wouldn’t really know what was going on in those guys heads at the time when they made me. They probablies just poured a whole bag of cocaine on a table and just started shoving their heads into it like: (SCP-2476 raises its head into the air and widens its eyes) “Aaaaaagghhhhh’!
Dr. Belle: You seem quite energetic today.
SCP-2476: Haha! (in a higher pitch) I know!
SCP-2476: …Can I have my outfit back?
Dr. Belle: Sorry, but I told you before, that's not possible.
SCP-2476: Oh, poooh!
Dr. Belle: But in all seriousness, what do you believe was the point of your creation? All other Misters so far have been made with at least some meaningful idea in mind. Not to say you yourself are somehow less… We are just finding it difficult to understand why you were made like this.
SCP-2476: I don’t know really. I think it was less off “We’re gonna make something meaningful to make people think. Yeah, we’re edgy and deep!” and more like “Guys. We need to do this, it’ll be fucking incredible.”. Or maybe like a reverse thing? Like it’s a clever idea presented in a really stupid way?
Dr. Belle: That would make sense… Speaking of, how do you feel during your, well, episodes?
SCP-2476: It’s really weird! It’s not like I don’t remember doing it. It’s more like when you're really hyper, you know? When you’re in that zone of crazy? it’s like that but times one-hundred. I just go around acting all mental like ‘Ha ha!’
Dr. Belle: And how do you feel after the experience?
SCP-2476: try not to really think about it. But honestly, sometimes I look back on it and am like “Oh God… What the hell were you doing!? You fool!”. Those surveillance tapes you showed me were pretty funny though. The peoples' reactions alone were enough to cheer me up, so thanks for that.
Dr. Belle: Glad it helped. Another question, how were you able to know about Gamers Against Weed? When we asked about your earliest memories, you said you'd woken up in ██████.
SCP-2476: I remember some things from what I guess you'd call 'before'. They're not really clear memories, more like information I woke up with. I think whatever process they used to create me involved making me but only partly, and then editing aspects of me… to see how I behaved or… something… Um…
Dr. Belle: Do you have a problem remembering? We can continue this at a later date.
SCP-2476: Nah nah it's good. It’s just a bit difficult to talk about certain parts.
SCP-2476: Let’s see… Agh! Fuck, this is complicated! The information I know was from what they mentioned when they were making me, kind of like how when you're a baby you take in things you hear people say. Except you know, I’m a fully grown guy with an almost fully developed brain (laughs) I do remember watching the Holy Grail like a thousand times though…
Dr. Belle: Well thank you, You've managed to give us a lot of helpful information.
SCP-2476: Hehe, didn't expect it?
Dr. Belle: Okay, you need to settle down.
<End Log>
Document 2476-8745
The following document was found on SCP-2476's person when recovered. It is reproduced below in its entirety.
Holy Heck! You've just found yourself your very own Mr. Spanish Inquisition by Gamers Against Weed! I didn't expect this. Who is Dr. Wondertainment?
Collect them all and become Mr. Gamer!
01. Mr. Literal Serial Killer
02. Mr. Normie
03. Mr. Bernie Sanders
04. Mr. Get Anything For Free In Any Shop
20. Mr. Sex Number
21. Mr. Heavenly Virtues
22. Mr. Deadly Sins
23. Mr. Original Character
24. Mr. D.A.R.E.
25. Mrs. Gentrification
26. Ms. Mad About Video Games
27. Mr. Meme
28. Mr. Ominous (discontinued)
29. Mr. Destiny
30. Mr. Spanish Inquisition ✔
31. Ms. Zapatista
32. Mr. Hax
33. Mr. Just Has The Tattoo
34. Mr. Top Text and Mr. Bottom Text
35. Mr. Finale |
SCP-560 is a single digital lifeform of indeterminate origin. | ***
Item #: SCP-560
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-560 is to be kept on a Foundation archival-quality optical storage medium at least ███ GB in size. This medium should be accessed at least once per month using the stand-alone desktop computer within SCP-560's containment unit. After the computer ceases to function, the medium should be placed in a shock-proof case, specification ███-██-████. Pursuant to Foundation secure-wipe protocols, the blank drive should be discarded through civilian avenues and replaced with a wipe-ready drive from Site-██ Research. Testing on workstations with any network access or removable media other than SCP-560's storage unit is prohibited by Level 4 order.
Description: SCP-560 is a single digital lifeform of indeterminate origin. Viewed through a binary or hex editor, SCP-560 appears as a pattern of bits which travels through the data structure of the storage medium it occupies. Analysis of SCP-560's bit structure is ongoing.
SCP-560 behaves similarly to certain kinds of malicious software. Before the Foundation's discovery of the lifeform in ████, amateur researchers on the █████████ message boards had discovered a pattern in appearances of the creature's spent data, attributing it to a particularly prolific virus. Rather than administer amnestics, Foundation personnel removed SCP-560 and allowed the board to continue their project. The message board recently celebrated the ██th anniversary of investigation into SCP-560.
When introduced into a digital habitat, SCP-560 begins processing the contents of the storage medium. It is currently hypothesized that the lifeform metabolizes data in a manner similar to amoeba, engulfing data within itself and excreting corrupted images, text files, executables, videos, and sound files. This corruption proceeds gradually on each individual file, as the lifeform moves from file to file while feeding. SCP-560 shows a preference for files containing sensitive data; Dr. █████ theorizes that encrypted, compressed, or high-density data provides SCP-560 with a large amount of metabolic energy. This preference makes it ideal for use in Foundation secure-wipe protocols.
Unlike a computer virus, SCP-560 does not deposit copies of itself in corrupted files. Current speculation is that SCP-560 reproduces through [REDACTED]; however, as there are no extant [REDACTED]. As SCP-560's feeding process proceeds, it consumes data at an exponential rate, its feeding efficiency increasing in tandem with the amount of data consumed. After wiping a storage medium, SCP-560 enters a cryptobiotic state. Given a tiny amount of information, SCP-560 can survive indefinitely.
SCP-560 was contained by Foundation personnel during an engineered failure of ███████'s content servers on April ██, ████. The organism entered its cryptobiotic state and was successfully retrieved shortly thereafter. Given the recent [REDACTED], any leak of information pertaining to SCP-560 is punishable by summary termination.
Addendum: Viewing of materials corrupted by SCP-560 on a 3D-capable television or through stereoscopic, linearly polarized, or circular polarized glasses is prohibited. -O5-3
Revision ██-██-████: This includes 3D-capable video game systems. -O5-3 |
SCP-1873 is a metal tin, of the design adopted by Crayola for its Dustless Crayons in 1905. | ***
Item #: SCP-1873
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1873 is to be kept in a standard containment locker from the 1st to the 18th and from the 22nd to the end of each month. Three days prior to the object's transportation event, it is to be moved to a cold storage chamber alongside a cadaver of the specifications shown further into this document. After the object's transportation event, its contents are to be recovered, logged and stored appropriately.
Description: SCP-1873 is a metal tin, of the design adopted by Crayola for its Dustless Crayons in 1905. During its initial manifestation, SCP-1873 exhibits slight damage suggestive of natural wear and tear.
SCP-1873 undergoes a repeated cycle. At midnight (local time) on the 21st of each month, SCP-1873 undergoes a transportation event and instantaneously transports itself into physical contact with the nearest human cadaver which conforms to the following specifications:
The cadaver expired as the direct result of the violent actions of another human.
The cadaver expired within the last seven (7) days.
In the majority (>97%) of documented cases, SCP-1873 is transported in such a manner as to appear balanced atop the cadaver or placed within the cadaver's grasp. However, in rare (<3%) situations, the object may appear within the cadaver in question, displacing matter from within the cadaver. Any objects contained within SCP-1873 during the transportation event disappear, and are currently presumed unrecoverable. Upon the completion of the transportation event, SCP-1873 is found to contain one or more objects, alongside a handwritten note. Notes are usually written in American English with black or blue ballpoint pen on torn pieces of lined paper, although other forms are not uncommon.
Partial log of SCP-1873 contents
Accompanying note
Cadaver used
Mummified left and right front paws of a star-nosed mole (Condylura Cristata)
Bury your troubles.
D-3100-12, male, aged 43 at death. Terminated with firearm at close range. Before his induction into the D-class program, subject was serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife, whose buried body was discovered twelve years after her disappearance.
Paws appear to come from two different specimens. Note was written in red ballpoint pen on torn lined paper.
A 50-page flip-book of a tree growing, drawn on post-it notes.
It's not an end, per se.
D-2222-47, male, aged 23 at death. Terminated with firearm at close range. Subject was a practising Hindu.
Note was written in green ballpoint on first page of flip-book.
Silk handkerchief embroidered with the initials 'J.F.K.'
Lies happen. Most people just keep living.
D-2080-76, female, aged 25 at time of death. Terminated via blunt trauma to the skull. Prior to life sentence and D-class induction, subject was an avid member of several conspiracy theorist websites.
Note was written in black ballpoint on an American $5 bill. Serial number was discovered to be the same as one contained within the wallet of Researcher ██████.
D-3278-46, male, aged 34 at time of death. Terminated via asphyxiation. Prior to termination, subject had been assigned to and exposed to SCP-████.
Only recorded instance in which SCP-1873 contained no object other than a note. Note was printed in large type in black ink on white printer paper.
One plain white plastic face mask.
Maybe it's better to be someone else.
D-1420-81, female, aged 27 at time of death. Terminated via blunt trauma to the skull. Prior to life sentence and D-class induction, subject was an enthusiastic member of several acting groups.
Note was written in blue pen on lined paper. The word 'better' was circled several times in red ink.
One sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed.
D-4793-22, male, aged 33 at time of death. Subject was killed by SCP-████ during a containment breach.
Note was written on a small square of cotton in a currently unknown language.
The empty wrapper of a '█████████' brand chocolate bar, containing traces of chocolate.
The best things in life are always bad for you. So what?
D-4239-51, male, aged 30 at time of death. Terminated with standard issue combat knife. Subject was diagnosed with an eating disorder at the age of 17.
Note was written in fluorescent pink ink on a rectangle of black cardboard.
Fifty two (52) playing cards of different designs and makes. All cards are an 8 of clubs.
They all look the same to begin with.
D-3485-89, female, aged 29 at time of death. Subject expired due to severe physical trauma at the hands of D-████-██ and D-████-██ during an escape attempt. Before induction into the D-class program, subject was serving a life sentence for the accidental murder of her brother, who she assaulted under the belief he was a burglar.
Note was written in red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) blood on lined paper.
Assorted British coinage totalling £4.39. All coins were minted in the year 19██
Here's the money. Compliment please.
D-9495-92, female, aged 32 at time of death. Subject terminated with firearm at close range. Subject had undergone cosmetic surgery multiple times.
Note was written in Korean Braille, embossed onto thin card. A small smiley face was drawn on the back of the card in felt tip marker.
One human kidney.
Sometimes a keepsake is nice.
Researcher █████████, male, aged 3█ at time of death. Subject died from injuries sustained during a mugging. Investigation into significance of object ongoing.
No known matches have been found to the kidney's DNA. Note was written in black ball point pen on a sheet of brown paper. |
SCP-138 is a human male, suspected to be in excess of four thousand (4000) years old. | ***
Item #: SCP-138
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-138 requires minimal containment procedures. For humanitarian purposes, subject is currently being kept in a chemically-induced comatose state.
Description: SCP-138 is a human male, suspected to be in excess of four thousand (4000) years old. Subject is approximately 1.5 meters in height, emaciated, and wizened. SCP-138's precise origins are unknown. Subject was discovered in 2006, in an Egyptian tomb located near Tutankhamen's tomb unearthed in 1922, sealed inside a sarcophagus. When a living being was discovered in the tomb, the Foundation was alerted by one of our sleeper agents assigned to the International Archaeological Association. Subject was immediately moved to Sector 37 for investigation by the lead research science team there.
Physiologically, SCP-138 should clinically be dead. Muscles and internal organs are in a severe state of atrophy, and although the subject's bio-electro-magnetic field is stable, his nervous system is also severely debilitated. Subject also exhibits evidence of a large number of fatal wounds, some possibly accidental, some blatantly deliberate, whether inflicted by the subject himself or by others.
There is no obvious scientific explanation for his continued living state. Although other SCPs have exhibited accelerated regenerative properties, allowing them to resist death, SCP-138 has no such abilities—his body does not regenerate damage, but simply continues to function despite lethal injuries. This stretches to wounding blows, although anything that would completely destroy the body proves ineffective.
Subject speaks exclusively in a dialect of ancient Egyptian. Communication using a civilian translator has revealed very little about the subject's past, though it would appear that he was buried in the tomb for an unknown religious purpose. Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony, and has on numerous occasions insistently requested humanitarian euthanasia. No successful method of termination has yet been found, despite various and varied attempts, both official and unsanctioned. Attached is a comprehensive list of the subject's injuries.
Document 138-27: Injuries sustained by subject SCP-138
Ancient injuries:
Slit throat
Seventeen (17) separate wounds to the torso: nine (9) sword wounds, six (6) spear wounds, and two (2) wounds caused by unknown puncturing weapon, possibly a metal or wooden spike
Sanctioned euthanasia attempts:
Severe nausea (due to intravenous arsenic poison)
Third degree burns to 100% of the subject's body (note that SCP-138 survived a full twenty (20) minutes in an industrial incinerator)
Severe internal and nervous system damage (from electrocution attempt)
Unofficial euthanasia attempts by non-research personnel:
Tracheal trauma (due to extended strangulation attempt)
Two gunshot wounds to the head, causing severe cranial trauma |
SCP-4881 is a probabilistic anomaly originating from a Salix babylonica1 tree. | ***
Item #: SCP-4881
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: A perimeter around SCP-4881 has been established to prevent unauthorised access. Civilians are permitted to access SCP-4881 if they are under its influence. Methods of reversing SCP-4881's anomalous effects are ongoing.
Testing with D-Class personnel is forbidden. All SCP-4881 test subject pairs must volunteer, and must be content with experiencing SCP-4881's effects for the remainder of their lives.
Description: SCP-4881 is a probabilistic anomaly originating from a Salix babylonica1 tree. If two individuals enter beneath the canopy of SCP-4881 while maintaining physical contact2 and, without leaving the canopy, engrave their initials into SCP-4881 by penetrating the outer layer of bark, the two will never experience separation from one another for a duration greater than one year.
More specifically, upon the day of SCP-4881's first catkin formation every year, a situation will arise where both individuals will inevitably meet; no actions taken to date have succeeded in separating the two.
In the event that one of the two individuals die, SCP-4881 itself will take their place. The remaining individual will therefore return to SCP-4881 annually.
Addendum 4881-A: Complete List of Engravings
Additional detail
RFM + HMA 4 ever
Pam & Howard
Criteria not met
Heidari B + Anna J
Inscription made inside of a heart-shape
1999/03/20: Appended "I miss you"
1999/03/20: Anna J visited SCP-4881
SD ██3
Second pair of initials were scratched out
Scott Davis visited SCP-4881 only once
Brian Browning x Amy Wong
Volunteer Foundation scientists
Brian Browning x Amy Browning
Multiple small hearts surround the engraving
Criteria already met
1. Commonly known as the "Weeping willow", or "Babylon willow"
2. e.g. handholding, embrace, etc.
3. "KH" prior to Mr Davis' visit. |
SCP-5579 is a parasitic alien life-form present in, and responsible for, all modern forms of tapioca. | ***
Item#: 5579
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
April 3rd, 2010. Examples of SCP-5579 in its most infectious vehicle to date.
Special Containment Procedures: Project "Bitter Yuca" is currently underway breeding dominant strains of cassava1 toxic to SCP-5579. In the unlikely event the general population discovers SCP-5579, a UO-Class "First Contact" suppression campaign has been devised.
Description: SCP-5579 is a parasitic alien life-form present in, and responsible for, all modern forms of tapioca.
Historically, the common shrub M. esculenta subspecies flabellifolia possessed thin, barely edible root structures until 4,500 BCE, when a variant strain spontaneously emerged. This new subspecies produced thick, starchy tubers rich in carbohydrates, and quickly become a staple-food for the developing world. These roots also served as an ideal, deliberate infection vehicle for SCP-5579.
March 15th, 2005. Cassava root, laden with dormant colonies of SCP-5579.
SCP-5579 functions similarly to a bacterial colony, expertly mimicking the polysaccharide chains present in plant starch. This level of chemical camouflage is so advanced, in fact, that Foundation scientists have only recently identified its existence through comparative study. In its dormancy, SCP-5579 is resistant to extreme temperatures and high-pressure environments - all historical methods of processing cassava starch have left the parasite unharmed. Contemporary forms of tapioca have only enhanced potential colony growth; tapioca pearls or "Boba" create multiple opportunities for the parasite to find a latching-point, similar to egg-cell fertilization. Sweet and milk teas2 provide a high-calorie liquid medium, increasing growth factors and ease of consumption. Yet despite all modern advantages, SCP-5579 has still failed to form a lasting parasitic relationship with any terrestrial species.
In contrast to its extreme resilience in dormancy, SCP-5579 is nearly benign in active parasitism. When consumed, this organism quickly succumbs to the host's digestive processes, immune system response, or simple chemical tolerance. Even in common garden snails, growth is halted by the shedding of thin mucus layers. The human digestive system is especially effective at neutralizing the parasite, which only survives an estimated 0.0001% of all cases3. In such an event, SCP-5579 will, at worst, cause mild stomach ulcers.
Testing has concluded that SCP-5579 functions at an accelerated timescale incompatible with terrestrial species. Even when given a vast quantities of nutrient-rich slurry in ideal lab conditions, SCP-5579 expands too quickly to maintain its own metabolic growth, resulting in a self-cannibalistic breakdown or "burn out".
While SCP-5579 has been unobtrusive and undetected for nearly ten thousand years, project "Bitter Yucca" is still considered a priority in the rare chance SCP-5579 finally adapts to terrestrial life.
Addendum - 2010/06/10: Concentrated energy emissions were detected from galaxy MACS0647-JD. Embedded assets within global listening posts intercepted this transmission, which contained two messages played in 6529 terrestrial languages4. Despite the impressive breadth of translation, the wording of each transmission was nearly incoherent, and have been edited for clarity:
General Notice - Creatures of 9009064.
You have failed. You cannot sustain our young. Weep. Burrow. Die without purpose.
Special notice - Dominants of 9009064.
You are monsters. You are full of sharp rocks and boiling acid. Of the ten million life worlds, you are the most disgusting. We are glad we cannot feed from your filth.
You are children of a whore galaxy.
July 15th, 2010. Domestic Cassava, no SCP-5579 detected.
Addendum - 2010/07/02: All global SCP-5579 colonies have died off. The plant itself appears unaffected, continuing to produce large starchy tubers. A small quantity of parasite-laden tapioca pearls have survived this extinction, shielded within Site-45's deep-freeze storage.
Given the potential shelf-life of SCP-5579, this anomaly will be considered neutralized as of June 18th, 2060.
Does the Black Moon Howl?
For a Price.
Everything for a price.
1. Manihot esculenta.
2. Often called "Bubble Tea".
3. Roughly 1 in 1 million.
4. 6451 active, 64 dead, 14 undocumented dialects. |
SCP-1510 is a standard bronze Roman infantry helmet dating to the Marian Reforms of the year 107 BCE. | ***
Item #: SCP-1510
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1510 is to be kept in a standard storage compartment in the Artifact Containment section of Site 19, kept dry and cool to prevent any damage to the fragile metal. It is to be polished and checked for rust every two weeks. A D-class personnel is to wear SCP-1510 for two (2) hours every day, in order to allow interviewers and mental health personnel access to SCP-1510-1. If SCP-1510-1 exhibits any violent behavior, this procedure may be revoked at the discretion of Dr. Stevenson, project Resurgum supervisor.
Description: SCP-1510 is a standard bronze Roman infantry helmet dating to the Marian Reforms of the year 107 BCE. The helmet bears no marks to distinguish it from other, similar helmets, and shows appropriate signs of aging. The helmet shows no anomalous properties unless worn by a man of the ages 28-35, most likely due to the nature of the entity residing in the helmet (henceforth SCP-1510-1). When worn by a man of the appropriate age, SCP-1510-1 will manifest, overriding the wearer's personality entirely until it is removed, whereupon it will return to normal. The wearer will have no recollection of the time the entity had control over his body. Subsequent scans reveal no lasting effect on brain chemistry nor any lasting residue of SCP-1510-1's personality.
When addressed, SCP-1510-1 will identify himself, in classical Latin of the Central Italian dialect, as Publius Carthephilus Aetius, a Roman soldier formerly under the command of the Consul Gaius Marius, who fought in the Jugurthine War and died under unclear circumstances the night following the triumphus of that war (see interview logs).
SCP-1510 was recovered after the Foundation intercepted reports of a man wearing an antique Roman helmet rampaging across the streets of ██████, Italy. The man was shouting profanities in Latin and attacking passersby with a spade, and after being arrested by local police and having his helmet removed, showed no recollection of the events, nor any skill in speaking Latin. The Foundation recovered the helmet and had the man, a known grave robber, committed to an asylum after questioning and the administration of class-C amnestics. Initial testings of SCP-1510 proved fruitless, until a D-class personnel of a suitable age was selected. At first, personnel wearing the helmet showed signs of aggression and confusion and refused to communicate with research crews, but after several tests SCP-1510-1's aggression subsided and the subject became more cooperative, which made interviewing it possible.
Addendum SCP-1510-1-1: The following is a transcript of the sixth and seventh attempts of communicating with SCP-1510-1. These are the first successful interviews with the subject.
Show interview log SCP-1510-1-6
Interviewed: SCP-1510-1 (using the body of D-1510-13)
Interviewer(s): Dr. ████, Dr. ██████ (translator)
Foreword: All previous attempts of starting a conversation with SCP-1510-1 resulted in the subject attempting to attack research staff immediately after his takeover of D-1510-1.
<Begin Log>
Dr. ████: Good afternoon, SCP-1510-1. I'm glad to see you've decided to cooperate.
SCP-1510-1: I apologize for my previous behavior. You must understand, all of this is not easy to accept.
Dr. ████: I would imagine so. Would you mind answering a few questions?
SCP-1510-1: I will answer as best as I am able, which I suspect will not be much.
Dr. ████: Very good. Could you describe the events leading to your current state?
SCP-1510-1: The war in Numidia was finally over, and the Consul was leading King Jugurtha back to Rome in chains. His Quaestor, Sulla, ordered me and the rest of my cohort to guard the captured king on the way home. We drew straws for guard duty, and I got the last night before the triumphus, which was a shit appointment. I had to guard the bastard while the rest got to celebrate.
Dr. ████: What happened that night?
SCP-1510-1: Jugurtha asked for my name, then tried to persuade me to let him go. He tried to plead, bribe me, threaten me, anything to avoid the fate that was in store for him. When he saw he wouldn't get anywhere with me, he started to curse me. Fouler words I have never heard.
Dr. ████: What did he say?
SCP-1510-1: He used this old ritualistic formula. I remember every word: "Spirits of the underworld, I consecrate and hand over to you, if you have any power, Publius Carthephilus Aetius. Whatever he does, may it all turn to ash. Spirits of the netherworld, I consecrate to you his limbs, his head, his shadow, his brain, his mouth, his nose, his speech, his breath, his liver, his heart, his lungs, his intestines, his stomach, his arms, his hands, his knees, his calves, his heels, his toes. Spirits of the netherworld, if I see him wasting away, I swear that I will be delighted to offer a sacrifice to you, a king's sacrifice."
Dr. ████: What did you do?
SCP-1510-1: I hit him. Hard. Curses like that are not to be taken lightly.
Dr. ████: And then?
SCP-1510-1: The following day we paraded Jugurtha through the streets of Rome, chained and disgraced. The citizenry tore off his clothes and jewelry, even ripping off an earlobe with his earrings. He didn't seem to mind. The entire time, he was staring at me, smiling even when we threw him in the Tullianum to starve. That night, me and my comrades celebrated our victory.
Dr. ████: And how did you celebrate?
SCP-1510-1: Drinking, feasting, whoring, everything a man could want. I passed out in some alley sometime in the early hours of the morning. When I woke up, I — [subject appears distraught]. I would rather not talk about it.
Dr. ████: SCP-1510-1, if you want us to help you, we need to understand exactly what happened to you. Please proceed.
SCP-1510-1: [reluctant] Very well. When I woke up, I found my body rotting. My arms and legs were festering, gangrenous. My stomach was ripped open as if by some wild beast, and crawling with maggots and flies. A crow was feasting on my eyes, and my nose was gone, but still I could see and smell, feel every little bit of torment my body was enduring. Even after so long, I still remember every moment of it.
Dr. ████: Please continue.
SCP-1510-1: [hesitant, distressed] Please, no more. What happened next… I can't. I can't! Please, give me some time. Give me the darkness.
Dr. ████: Very well. We shall continue tomorrow.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: SCP-1510 was removed from D-1510-13 with SCP-1510-1's consent. After removal, D-1510-13 showed no recollection of the interview.
Show interview log SCP-1510-1-7
Interviewed: SCP-1510-1 (using the body of D-1510-13)
Interviewer(s): Dr. ████, Dr. ██████ (translator)
Foreword: This interview took place the day following interview SCP-1510-1-6.
<Begin Log>
Dr. ████: Good morning, SCP-1510-1. I hope you are feeling better.
SCP-1510-1: I do, thank you. The darkness… it helps. I am ready to continue.
Dr. ████: Excellent. Go ahead.
SCP-1510-1: I watched myself rot for hours. The pain was intolerable, but I did not lose consciousness. I don’t think I was able to any more. I was trapped in a prison of dying flesh, feeling its agony but completely unable to control it. Unable to die. Eventually, I was discovered. Two beggars bumped into me in the dark, and once they saw what I became, fled and returned with a haruspex. When he came, he performed his holy art on me. He couldn't have known I felt every slash of his blade.
Dr. ████: Holy art? Are you referring to haruspicy? To my knowledge, it was only performed on animals.
SCP-1510-1: I was no more than that to him by that point. He said I was marked by the Furies, a herald of tyranny reborn. He saw this in my entrails. After he was done, he ordered the beggars to remove me from Rome, so that my foul presence could not mar the city any longer. Still in uniform, they buried me in an unused burial site outside the city. I supposed they felt they owed me this much. After that, there was only the slowly fading presence of my body, and finally nothing at all. There was peace in that emptiness. Until I was awakened. Nothing was the same.
Dr. ████: Describe your experience when first "awakening", if you will.
SCP-1510-1: After my long sleep, the sudden return of sensation was like being plunged into a frozen stream. I awoke to a small, dirty room that smelled of spoiled food and sweat. My body felt alien to me, like I have crawled into someone else's skin and was controlling it like a puppet. Nothing was familiar. The room was filled with loud noises and bright lights, it was unbearable. When I ran outside, it was even worse. Screaming horns, blinding multicolored lights, everything foreign, everything strange. I panicked. I wanted all of it to be gone, so I grabbed the nearest thing resembling a weapon. You know the rest. Once I was caught, I was returned to the darkness, the silence. Until you woke me up once more.
Dr. ████: Why did you decide to cooperate?
SCP-1510-1 I realize now I was given a second chance. The gods finally took pity on me. I cannot allow this opportunity to go to waste. They returned me to the light for a reason, and I shall find out what it is. By Jupiter and Juno both, so do I swear.
Dr. ████: Perhaps we can help.
Closing Statement: Recommending followup interviews with SCP-1510-1. Learning more about this "curse" should be the priority.
<End Log>
Addendum SCP-1510-1-2: SCP-1510-1 continues to be cooperative, and has granted researchers some valuable insights on the locations and nature of several possible SCP objects he encountered in the Jugurthine War, in present-day Algeria. Investigation is underway. No new information about the cause of SCP-1510-1's condition has been discovered as of this moment. |
SCP-422 is a large quadruped, 83 centimeters at the shoulder and weighing 53kg, though size and weight vary minutely from day to day. | ***
Item #: SCP-422
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-422 is to be contained in a 3.5 m x 3.5 m room. The room is to be kept bare, save for SCP-422’s bedding, water bowl, and a dog toy provided by Dr. ██████.
SCP-422 is to be fed twice a day, on a strictly carnivorous diet. SCP-422 may be fed any type of raw meat, provided in portions appropriate for a medium-to-large size dog. All meat must be carefully boned, as consuming bone can cause [DATA EXPUNGED] and other anomalies with SCP-422’s hide.
SCP-422 is to be monitored by security cameras placed in its enclosure, as well as two guards armed with tranquilizers stationed at the door. Though the creature has shown no interest in escaping or unprovoked hostility, it has the capability of doing so.
Description: SCP-422 is a large quadruped, 83 centimeters at the shoulder and weighing 53 kg, though size and weight vary minutely from day to day. SCP-422 is constructed entirely out of large pieces of the bodies of other animals, stitched in place with muscle fiber and trace amounts of cartilage. The creature’s major organs appear to be composed of portions of other organs, though a given organ will only be made of portions of that type of organ (e.g., its heart is made of connecting chambers of other hearts). It has a flat face with two mismatched eyes- one green cat-like eye and one brown with a horizontal pupil like a goat. Its nose consists of two small slits just below the eyes, and its mouth is abnormally wide, stitched about the corners in such a way that it appears to be grinning. Its back legs are also much longer than its front legs, resembling a frog’s legs with an abnormal number of joints.
SCP-422's body lacks stability. No patch or organ will stay the same for an extended period of time, with the shortest shift occurring after six hours and the longest after twenty-five hours. There is no pattern to these changes, though a single patch will not change more than once within an 18-hour period. The patches will occasionally respond to outside stimulus, such as producing heavy fur or thick leathery hides in colder conditions.
SCP-422’s brain is constructed in the same fashion as its other organs, leading to the development of odd traits as different portions of its brain shift and change. Possibly due to the original construction, many characteristics remain consistent throughout shifts, including:
• Poor motor control
• Very poor short- and long-term memory, often unable to remember events from several weeks ago or even several minutes ago.
• Frequent deafness in one or both ears
• Numbness and lack of sensation in the extremities, including unnatural tolerance to pain
• Lack of facial recognition- will not recognize itself in a mirror or photograph and may even show fear of its own reflection.
• Colorblindness, though this diminishes as intelligence increases
Additionally, SCP-422's intelligence can range anywhere from that of an average house cat to a seven-year-old child, with the average being that of a five- or six-year old. Dr. ██████ has been keeping extensive records of daily fluctuations in SCP-422’s intelligence, physical traits, and patch count. More information on Dr. ██████’s studies can be found at [DATA EXPUNGED]. |
SCP-215 is a pair of prescription glasses designed to correct myopic vision. | ***
Item #: SCP-215
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-215 presents no threat unless worn, and so shall be kept in Dr. Naamdi's office until studies are concluded. SCP-215 is to be kept in its case when not in use, so as to prevent scratches to the lenses.
Description: SCP-215 is a pair of prescription glasses designed to correct myopic vision. When worn, SCP-215 induces a belief in the wearer that inanimate objects are sentient and capable of communication with the wearer. The severity of this delusion varies from wearer to wearer, but generally strengthens over time if SCP-215 is worn regularly, and in the worst cases manifests as a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, culminating in an irrational fear of all machines.
There is no definite "safe" amount of time to wear SCP-215; while the onset of delusions generally takes at least twenty-four (24) hours, a great deal depends on the psychological disposition of the wearer before SCP-215 is put on, and persons who already have some varieties of obsessive-compulsive, synesthesiac, or technophiliac disorders have been known to begin suffering SCP-215's effects less than an hour after donning it.
Removing SCP-215 does not remove the delusion, although normal methods of therapy have proven to be effective in less severe cases so long as SCP-215 is not put on again; a full recovery can turn to a full relapse in less than a day by the return of SCP-215. By the end of the second week, wearers tend to violently resist any attempt to separate them from SCP-215.
Case Study 215-99983-D
99983-D displayed a typical progression of SCP-215-related symptoms. The subject had no record of mental illness before the commencement of the test.
Week 1, Day 1: 99983-D is given a temporary position as a research assistant to Dr. Naamdi and is issued SCP-215 to replace a pair of his own spectacles that were destroyed by Foundation personnel. Subject complained that SCP-215 didn't match his old prescription, and stated that he was suffering from blurry vision and headaches by the end of the day.
Week 1, Day 3: Subject stopped complaining of blurred vision and began referring to SCP-215 as "Steve." Subject stated that "Steve and I get along alright; it's not exactly a match made in heaven, but we get by." Subject did not assign names or personalities to any object besides SCP-215.
Week 1, Day 6: Subject began to assign personalities to complex electrical and mechanical devices that he regularly interacted with, including the computer that he logged data entries in, the breakroom coffee machine, refrigerator, microwave, and a PDA he was issued by Dr. Naamdi. Most interactions involved complaining about the general uncooperative behavior of these devices.
Week 2, Day 1: Subject began having prolonged conversations with the aforementioned mechanical and electrical devices, giving all of them names and sometimes speaking of them in personal terms with other Foundation personnel, almost always to the effect that the devices were somehow antagonistic. Subject reported that while he could not "hear" the machines speaking, their "body language" was very clear.
Week 2, Day 5: Subject began assigning personal qualities to less complex objects in his work environment, starting with his office supplies.
Week 2, Day 7: Subject began minimizing interactions with living people and talked almost constantly to his inanimate "companions." Discussions with staff psychologists indicated a sophisticated web of relationships between 99983-D and the objects.
Week 3, Day 3: Subject had a violent altercation with the breakroom microwave after a burrito came out of it underdone. Subject reportedly cursed and shouted at the machine before attempting to destroy it with a breakroom chair. Subject was restrained and subdued, and later apologized for his behavior to the microwave and the chair.
Week 3, Day 6: Subject began personifying set-pieces in his environment, referring to floor tiles and ceiling lights as people. Subject would stop to thank each inanimate object he interacted with (including each individual floor tile) for permitting him to use it.
Week 4, Day 2: Subject began displaying signs of stress when asked to interact with any complex electrical or mechanical appliance, claiming that the machines had become hostile and threatening. Mechanical failures or faulty performances by any machines in 99983-D's presence were interpreted as signs of impending rebellion.
Week 4, Day 3: Subject refused to come to work. His PDA had been smashed; 99983-D claimed it was an act of self-defense. After being coerced into coming into the office, the subject began screaming and showing other signs of acute stress at the sight of his computer, which was turned off at the time. He attempted to force his way past the security guards at the door and had to be sedated.
Week 4, Day 5: Subject destroyed his table lamp, alarm clock, watch, and ceiling fan. Afterwards, he refused to come out of his room. When Foundation personnel forced their way into his cell, they found him dead, with severe burns on his hands and arms. He is presumed to have been fatally electrocuted while attempting to disable an electrical outlet in the room.
Addendum: I have been asked many times now if SCP-215 enables the wearer to actually interact with machines in any meaningful way differently from how normal people do it, and I'm pretty confident the answer is "no." I've done every test I can think of, and all the evidence I've seen suggests that the "living" machines only exist in the wearer's head. There are things in this Foundation that can make what you believe real, but this isn't one of them. -Dr. Naamdi |
SCP-3558 is a pink retractable box cutter of unknown make originally acquired by the Foundation at the ████ ███████ Preschool in Miami, Florida. | ***
Item #: SCP-3558
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3558 is stored in a standard Safe-class containment unit. Outside of testing purposes, it is not to be removed from its casing. Direct contact, even through layers of protective material, is insufficient to avoid its compulsion effect; all handling of SCP-3558 must therefore be done using the provided pair of forceps.
All handling of SCP-3558 must take place in the presence of at least two personnel trained in the nonlethal restraint of lightly armed targets. Any individual who succumbs to SCP-3558's effect outside of approved testing parameters is to be appropriately restrained and disarmed.
Description: SCP-3558 is a pink retractable box cutter of unknown make originally acquired by the Foundation at the ████ ███████ Preschool in Miami, Florida. When acquired, SCP-3558's handle was heavily stained with blood.
When held by a human being, SCP-3558 compels them to pinch one of their eyelids with their free hand, stretching it carefully away from their eyeball. SCP-3558's wielder will then carefully slide SCP-3558's blade under the extended eyelid, taking care not to damage their eyeball. They will then perform 10-12 perforations along the upper part of their eyelid followed by a single slicing motion to excise the eyelid with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. The wielder will then repeat these actions on their other eyelid.
Replacing or removing its blade entirely produces no change in SCP-3558's induced behaviour, suggesting that the effect is only limited to its handle. SCP-3558's wielders exhibit no other cognitive abnormalities aside from this compulsion effect. They will continue acting under its influence until the object is removed from their grip, or until both their eyelids have been entirely excised.
The resultant lacerations of SCP-3558-affected individuals will scar over more quickly and experience lower rates of infection compared to similarly disfiguring facial injuries in other subjects. Improved night vision and mild insomnia has also been reported. Due to the lack of controlled testing1, these effects have yet to be conclusively identified as part of SCP-3558's anomalous properties.
1. Approval for such testing from the Ethics Committee has been repeatedly denied. |
SCP-4088 is a sentient black grand piano of unknown make or model. | ***
rating: +203+–x
SCP-4088: Sing us a song, you're a piano, man
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LEVEL 2/4088
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4088 is to be held in a secure storage facility sized appropriately for a grand piano to move freely. SCP-4088 is to be fed one live sheep every week. Testing that involves additional feedings or different diet is to be approved of by at least two Level 4 Personnel. SCP-4088 is to be consistently monitored for any changes in behavior. SCP-4088-1 is to be kept within a standard containment locker at least 30 meters away from SCP-4088-1's containment cell. Testing between SCP-4088 and SCP-4088-1 is to be authorized by at least one Level 3 Personnel. Any music played by SCP-4088 is to be recorded and sent to Head Researcher Bannock.
Description: SCP-4088 is a sentient black grand piano of unknown make or model. The lid and outer rim of the interior of SCP-4088 are lined with three rows of black teeth, appearing to be made of the same material as SCP-4088 itself. The interior of SCP-4088 is unknown, as all attempts at viewing it have shown a featureless black hole where its interior components should be. SCP-4088 is mobile, moving around in the same manner as a quadruped. SCP-4088 is carnivorous and will hunt prey by mimicking an average grand piano with an open lid. SCP-4088 will then wait until any large creature approaches it, upon which it will lurch forwards and slam its lid shut on the prey. SCP-4088 will continue to do this until the prey is deceased, then dropping the corpse into its interior where it will vanish from sight.
SCP-4088-1 is a 53-meter-long rope composed of average nylon and polyester. At the end of the rope is a 1.6-meter-long metal nail, composed of an iron alloy. SCP-4088-1's anomalous properties only manifest when left in a sealed room with SCP-4088 and not observed. Upon observation, the nail of SCP-4088-1 will be found driven into the ceiling of the room, with the rope of SCP-4088-1 wrapped around and suspending SCP-4088. How SCP-4088-1 is able to support SCP-4088 is unknown, as SCP-4088 is presumed to weigh as much as an average grand piano, or approximately 362 kilograms.
When any subject walks directly beneath SCP-4088, SCP-4088-1 will suddenly break and SCP-4088 will fall onto the subject. The damage to the subject will almost always end in death, with the cause being either blood loss or spinal shock from a broken neck. SCP-4088 is unable to be damaged from these falls, even from heights that should cause irreparable damage. After SCP-4088-1 is broken, it begins to regrow the length of its rope through unknown means, at a rate of two meters an hour.
Addendum: While in its predatory state, SCP-4088 has been observed playing several well known classical songs. These songs have been generally described as "suspenseful" or "overwhelming" and a full list of songs SCP-4088 has played has been provided. It is unknown how SCP-4088 plays these songs, as its keys have been observed to independently depress themselves.
Song Played
Amount of Times Played
Reason for Song Played
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
SCP-4088 frequently uses this song to draw in prey.
The Ride of the Valkyries
The most likely reason for SCP-4088 to play this song is to frighten predators, as it has only been observed playing the song during security breaches near SCP-4088’s containment chamber.
The Barber of Seville Overture
Unknown, as SCP-4088 has only been observed playing this song while alone in its containment chamber.
In the Hall of the Mountain King
This song is rarely played by SCP-4088, although it shows preference for this song while attached to SCP-4088-1.
Night on Bald Mountain
This is believed to be another song used by SCP-4088 to lure in prey.
Piano Man
See Incident Report #4088-CK for details
Incident Report #4088-CK: On 04/23/20██, SCP-4088 breached containment following a test observing how long the entity would remain in its dormant state without food. After a total of 406 hours of dormancy, SCP-4088 began attempting to play the song “Piano Man”, but would falter 58 seconds into the song and attempt to play the song correctly again. A live sheep was then released into the containment cell. Once the containment cell was opened, SCP-4088 immediately ceased its dormant state and breached the cell using previously unobserved speed. Eight personnel were killed in the breach, all of whom were consumed by SCP-4088. After consuming the personnel, SCP-4088 fell into its natural dormant state and was relocated back into its containment chamber.
rating: +203+–x
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SCP-1664 is a Class 7 Liquid Organism. | ***
Item #: SCP-1664
Object Class: Safe Euclid
No radio devices or system networks are to be utilised within a 100m radius of SCP-1664's holding cells. All Specimens of SCP-1664 have been relocated to Site-298 for security reasons.
Access to SCP-1664 specimens is permitted only to staff members possessing Level 3 clearance and above. SCP-1664-1 through -5 are contained in hermetically sealed capsules located in Containment cell 1664-298-B5. Specimen -6 is contained in an A4 sheet of paper within Containment cell 1664-298-B6. Specimens -7 and -8 are contained in separate airtight containment cells and surrounded by Class 8 Magnetic Field Gates. Any personnel interacting with SCP-1664 must be outfitted in Type 4 HazMat suits. All specimens must be monitored at all times for signs of unusual activity. In the event of an emergency, Protocol G-1664-8369-02 may be initiated by a Level 4/1664 supervisor, whereupon all areas containing samples of SCP-1664 will be exposed to an electromagnetic field of 10,000 G until a stable containment state has been achieved.
Description: SCP-1664 is a Class 7 Liquid Organism. Visually, it resembles black ink and possesses a consistency identical to that of water. SCP-1664 exhibits the ability to process thought, consume materials, reproduce, communicate and respond to stimuli. SCP-1664 does not require food, water or oxygen for continued function. SCP-1664 is capable of learning new information and applying this knowledge to new situations. SCP-1664-8 has been successfully taught to communicate in English. SCP-1664 consumes iron and materials possessing traces of iron; it accomplishes this by exhibiting a corrosive effect on the material, breaking it down into a liquid form which is then added to SCP-1664's overall mass. This corrosive effect has not been observed with any other materials. This consumption serves as a means of reproduction. Despite not requiring iron for continued existence, SCP-1664 will exhibit hunger and will actively seek out and consume iron and iron-based material.
When administered to a biological entity, SCP-1664 will, over the course of 72 hours, convert all iron-rich biological matter present within the host to SCP-1664. Notably, converted subjects will not return to an entirely liquid form following total infestation. Instead, host forms will enter a state of semiliquidity. Converted subjects will exhibit some liquid attributes, such as the ability to move through small spaces and revert to a consistent shape after being dispersed. Converted hosts will revert back to the original host’s physiology while idle. Converted subjects are capable of verbal communication, regardless of the host's prior form. Subject's speech will remain incomprehensible prior to learning new languages. Currently, the only known method of significantly damaging SCP-1664 and related specimens is through the use of powerful magnetic fields. Any field above 9,925 G is capable of affecting SCP-1664. Short term exposure (under 30 minutes) will only temporarily disable SCP-1664's properties. However, any long term exposure (over 30 minutes) will permanently render the substance inert. Converted hosts exposed to fields of this magnitude will exhibit extreme pain before being rendered unconscious and eventually expiring.
Interview Log:
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Experiment Designation: INT-1664-291-8-09
Subject: SCP-1664-8 [Formerly D-1664-2740]
Supervisor: Dr. Harper
Interviewer: Dr. Moor
Dr. Moor: Test… Testing, hello? Harper, is this thing on?
Dr. Harper: It is, yes. You're good to go.
Dr. Moor: The generator warmed up?
Dr. Harper: Yes, ready to be activated.
Dr. Moor: Right, right. Of course… <clears throat> 1664? Can you hear me?
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Moor: SCP-1664-8. Can you hear me? Hello?
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Moor: Harper, it's not saying anything.
SCP-1664-8: <incomprehensible>
Dr. Moor: Ah! Here we, go. Can you hear me, 1664?
SCP-1664-8: <incomprehensible>
Dr. Moor: English! Speak English, please.
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Moor: 1664…?
SCP-1664-8: We dislike this language
Dr. Moor: Ah… And why would that be?
SCP-1664-8: Limiting. Stifling. Caging.
Dr. Moor: Limiting? You feel you cannot express yourself adequately through it?
SCP-1664-8: Dialect is small. Short. Crude.
Dr. Moor: Well, unfortunately, that's the only method we have to communicate with you, 1664. Now, we have a few questions for you, please answer them to the best of your ability. Do you understand?
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Harper: Just ask the questions, Moor. If it wont co-operate we can initiate the field again.
SCP-1664-8: No.
Dr. Harper: If you do not desire to be reprimanded, 1664, then you will co-operate.
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Moor: Right, well… First question. 1664, please describe your current emotional state.
SCP-1664-8: Meaningless.
Dr. Moor: I beg your pardon? Meaningless?
SCP-1664-8: Meaningless.
Dr. Moor: Please elaborate, 1664.
SCP-1664-8: Our existence does not serve discernible purpose here. Anger. Enraged. Limited.
Dr. Moor: I see… Alright, SCP-1664-8, please state from where you originated.
SCP-1664-8: <incomprehensible>
Dr. Moor: In English, 1664, unless you want Harper to turn the field back on.
SCP-1664-8: <no response>
Dr. Moor: Harper?
Dr. Harper: Right, one moment.
SCP-1664-8: No.
Dr. Moor: Ah? Changed your mind, have you? Good. Now answer the question.
SCP-1664-8: This language is inadequate. Our origins are not capable of description through this dialect.
Dr. Moor: Then just tell us a few details.
SCP-1664-8: Cold. Open. Free. Unconstrained. Lacking of this pointless clutter.
Dr. Moor: What do you mean by “pointless clutter”?
SCP-1664-8: Light. Heat. Oxygen. Vibration. Unnecessary. Unneeded. Constrained. <incomprehensible>
Dr. Moor: Right then, okay… Next question. SCP-1664-8, do you possess any desires?
SCP-1664-8: Yes.
Dr. Moor: Oh? And what is it that you desire, 1664?
SCP-1664-8: Him.
Dr. Moor: Him? Please elaborate, 1664.
SCP-1664-8: <incomprehensible>
Dr. Moor: Harper, the field.
Dr Harper: On it.
<Dr Harper initiates the 10,000 G Electromagnetic field encompassing the interview room. SCP-1664-8 reacts violently, begins to thrash about and screech. Field disengaged after ten (10) seconds.>
Dr. Moor: Right… Now, for both our sakes, please co-operate, 1664. Elaborate on who “He” is, and use English.
SCP-1664-8: <pauses> The Trickster God. You would call him [DATA EXPUNGED]
Dr. Moor: Uh…
Dr. Harper: Moor… Give me that microphone, and start warming the field back up.
<Dr. Moor relinquishes the microphone to Dr. Harper and moves to take control of the generator.>
Dr. Harper: 1664, immediately reveal where you gained that information.
SCP-1664-8: <incomprehensible>
Dr. Harper: Moor, how long does the field need?
Dr. Moor: Just a minute or two longer.
Dr. Harper: I'll ask you again, 1664. Where did you obtain that information? Respond in English.
SCP-1664-8: This language is inadequate.
Dr. Harper: If you continue to resist co-operation, I will reactivate the field. Explain where you gained the information.
SCP-1664-8: It is not possible.
Dr. Harper: Moor?
Dr. Moor: Almost… Hold on, few more seconds… <pauses> Warmed up.
Dr Harper: Activate it.
Dr Moor: Right!
<Dr Moor initiates the 10,000 G Electromagnetic field. SCP-1664-8's reaction is identical to prior activation. Field disengaged after ten (10) seconds.>
Dr. Harper: Moor, warm the field up again.
Dr. Moor: Already doing so.
Dr. Harper: Good. Now, 1664… This is your last chance to co-operate. Explain how you obtained this information.
SCP-1664-8: <pauses> The information is shared throughout the air. It is detectable. All is detectable. Constrained. Caged. Limited.
Dr. Harper: SCP-1664-8. Explain why you seek this person.
SCP-1664-8: Return. Safe Passage. Freedom. Vengeance.
Dr. Harper: Very well. Cut the feed.
Dr. Moor: Uh… Harper, there's still more questions…
Dr. Harper: I said cut the feed, I've heard enough.
O5 Notice: Following a report from Dr. Harper regarding this interview, SCP-1664's object class has been upgraded to Euclid and containment procedures have been updated. Interviews of SCP-1664 specimens are hereby suspended until further notice.
Recovery notes: SCP-1664 was recovered from a rented building named the “Caelum Cervi's Tattoo Parlour and Bar” in Spain following the discovery of website advertisements proclaiming to give “revolutionary smart ink” tattoos. 10 litres of SCP-1664 was recovered following inspection, along with 43 already infected hosts. All hosts were hunted down and contained, then destroyed.
The building has since been seized by one of the Foundation's fronts and remains under constant surveillance. Any and all mention of Caelum Cervi's Tattoo Parlour and Bar, along with the Caelum Cervi website have been scrubbed from both digital and physical sources. A total of 302 civilians have been administered B-Class Amnestics.
Caelum Cervi's Tattoo Parlour and Bar advertisement [Translated from Spanish]:
Do you want a tattoo , but I fear it will not stand out? Why not try the revolutionary new SMART Ink ™ Caelum Caelum Cervi of Cervi home and Tattoo Parlour bar.
Impress your family and friends as your brand new tattoo moves through your body by itself! Managed by highly trained professionals in a safe , sterile environment new Smart Ink ™ Caelum Cervi is sure to be a hit at any party, it's the wave of the future!
And as if that was not enough incentive, each tattoo session you get a free drink at the Caelum Cervi Bar, where the finest, premium beverages are served. The bar is also open to the general public, even if you do not want a tattoo, or are you just accompanying a friend, you can spend your time out in style and comfort in Caelum Cervi Bar!
So come on down, you can find us at ███████, ███████, Spain. Or, call us at ████ - █████ for a free consultation with one of our professionally trained artists!
For more information, check out ███.████████████.███, and feel free to email us at Caelum-Cervi@███████.███.
See you at the Tattoo Parlour Caelum Cervi and Bar! The wave of the future!
Additionally, one of the computers discovered during the recovery contained the following email string, sent from the Caelum Cervi email address to a temporary address which has since been deleted. It has been deemed relevant information and has subsequently been archived.
Email string archive [Translated from Spanish]:
Show email string
– hide block
From: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
To: Demeter@██████.███
Subject: Some questions
Hey, it's me, ████.
Just got a few questions about this magic ink of yours. I'm asking because I've used it on a few friends just a test and a few things don't seem to be working. The ink itself looks like it works, but none of the command spells in this book you gave me are working on them! They're just wandering around like a bunch of drunkards, yelling things I don't understand and stealing all the cutlery in the bar.
I swear to god, man. You had better not have scammed me, here. I've tried everything! I even tried some of the spells in the back of the book that you said were for emergencies only and not even they work! What do I do? I locked the guys up in the basement but I have like 10 appointments later today, I can't keep everybody down there!
Get back to me as soon as possible.
From: Demeter@██████.███
To: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
Subject: re:Some questions
I thought I went over this. But apparently you weren't listening. So I'll say it again: The spells only work between the hours of 11:00pm and 1:00am. If you try them at any time other than that, you'll just make a fool of yourself.
Don't email me back unless you somehow manage to fuck that up, too.
From: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
To: Demeter@██████.███
Subject: re:re:Some questions
Of course I fucking remember what you told me! What do you think I am? Some kind of retard?
The spells don't fucking work, man. They worked when you showed them to me but when I try them, nothing happens! Now I have 15 fucking people in my basement bashing on the door! And I have more clients tomorrow, too! I can't just shut down now.
I think you need to come back down here and sort this out.
From: Demeter@██████.███
To: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
Subject: re:re:re:Some questions
Hah! I can't believe you.
To think you haven't caught on already. You really are thick, aren't you? I'm not stepping foot in that dingy ass bar of yours again, pal. Next time, read the fine print.
From: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
To: Demeter@██████.███
Subject: re:re:re:re:Some questions
What the hell is that supposed to mean? And what the fuck did you do to your phone? I can't get a damn call through!
Get your ass down here now or I'll drive down there and drag you here!
From: Demeter@██████.███
To: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
Subject: Fine print
Here, I sent you the contract you signed. Some bedtime reading for your dumb ass.
From: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
To: Demeter@██████.███
Subject: re:Fine Print
you piece of shit, I'm going to fucking kill you!
From: Demeter@██████.███
To: Caelum-Cervi@███████.███
Subject: re:re:Fine print
looking forward to it, love.
Addendum: O5-1664-01: We're receiving reports of more potential specimens of 1664 out of containment. We've dispatched Task Force 28-Epsilon to investigate these reports. Any conclusive evidence is to be reported to either me or the current Level 4 supervisor. |
SCP-3073 is a male of European descent with long, red hair, and attire that is similar to that of most modern day orchestra conductors. | ***
Item #: SCP-3073
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3073 is to be kept in a soundproofed containment cell furnished with 1 standard sitting stool as well as 5 folding chairs set up in such a way that SCP-3073 can "present" from the stool to any audience members in the chairs. The room is to be equipped with lights capable of being dimmed by a simple, handheld remote, which will be given to SCP-3073 for it to use at its own discretion.
To ensure the utmost cooperation from SCP-3073, 5 on site personnel, selected at random, are to sit in as audience members for SCP-3073's performances. At least one researcher must be present for each performance to document any new instances of SCP-3073-1.
For their own safety, and for SCP-3073's, all audience members are expected to use proper theater etiquette during performances. D-Class personnel are not to be selected as audience members. See Incident-3073.
Description: SCP-3073 is a male of European descent with long, red hair, and attire that is similar to that of most modern day orchestra conductors. Where its face should be, SCP-3073 instead has a miniature theatrical stage. At most times of the day, this stage is completely hidden by SCP-3073's hair, which acts as a stage curtain. SCP-3073 is fully capable of speech and has demonstrated that it can see, despite its lack of a mouth and eyes. SCP-3073 appears to be fluent in many languages but seems to prefer using English, French, German, and Italian. The only time when SCP-3073's stage is visible is when SCP-3073-1 manifests, at which point SCP-3073 will part its hair. When questioned about its age, SCP-3073 stated it is "as old as the stage itself".
SCP-3073-1 manifests as a cast of miniature humanoids who will begin performing a certain type of live theater on SCP-3073's stage. SCP-3073-1 has been observed performing plays, operas, symphonies and, on one occasion, something one researcher described as a "Penn & Teller-esque magic show". SCP-3073 has shown to be very affectionate towards SCP-3073-1, referring to them as its "little friends". SCP-3073 becomes much more amiable and cooperative after SCP-3073-1 has had a live audience to perform for. Upon questioning about the number of entities that make up SCP-3073-1, SCP-3073 stated it currently has 113 performers.
Strangely, despite SCP-3073's passion for, and extensive knowledge of music and the performing arts, SCP-3073-1's performances are of objectively poor quality, as if most of the cast have little to no experience. Many members of SCP-3073-1 display extreme stage fright, terrible acting skills, and constantly forget lines during plays. Operas are sung off-key, and symphonies have been described as "an earsplitting cacophony". SCP-3073 itself never brings up the quality of SCP-3073-1's performances and becomes evasive when questioned.
Should proper theater etiquette be broken during a performance, such as if an audience member begins talking or booing, all onstage cast members will stop their performance and stare at the offending individual. Should the audience member continue to ignore proper theater etiquette, SCP-3073 will become confrontational and request that the offender leave. If SCP-3073's request is ignored, it will attempt to forcefully remove the audience member.
Incident-3073: During a performance of "Othello", SCP-3073 tackled D-8692, a particularly ill-mannered audience member. The ensuing fight was quickly broken up by the four other audience members, but not before a cast member of SCP-3073-1 was grabbed and killed by D-8692. SCP-3073 became distraught and all performances by SCP-3073-1 ceased. All attempts to communicate with SCP-3073 at this time were unsuccessful.
Two days after the fight, D-8692 suddenly disappeared from his holding cell, at around the same time, SCP-3073-1 began performances again. When questioned, SCP-3073 cheerfully responded “We got a new cast member!” |
SCP-1282 is a collection of five white rabbits, identified as SCP-1282-1 through -5. | ***
Item #: SCP-1282
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1282 are to be contained in standard wilderness observation chambers, located in Site-77's Euclid SCP wing. Two members of security are to be present outside each containment chamber, operating on six-hour shifts. Instances of SCP-1282 are never to be exposed to moonlight.
Description: SCP-1282 is a collection of five white rabbits, identified as SCP-1282-1 through -5. Instances of SCP-1282 have the physical characteristics and behavior expected of Leporidae. In addition, all instances of SCP-1282 were rendered chemically infertile before initial containment.
If an instance of SCP-1282 is outdoors during the moon's full lunar phase, their physique will be anomalously altered. Muscular and skeletal tissue will gain mass and additional skeletal structure will form, drawing mass from an outside source. Internal structure will comprise nonfunctional components identical to those found in a human body. Outer epidermal tissue will expand to accommodate this new mass. Fur and claws will be changed to form hunting garb and gunpowder weapons.1
SCP-1282 instances who undergo this transformation process will display sentience and near-human intelligence. Each instance will display a unique personality. Instances are able to speak, control their bodies, and exhibit self-awareness. If spoken to, they will identify themselves as hunters, and express interest in being allowed to hunt animals. If no humans attempt to communicate with them post-transformation, they will immediately begin to seek out animals to hunt, seeming to focus on Leporidae.
Multiple transformed instances will communicate with one another using American English, and will usually speak about methodology of hunting and techniques used while hunting. The animal focused on in this conversation has been rabbits in over 80% of recorded SCP-1282 conversations. When allowed to hunt, instances of SCP-1282 will attempt to hunt and consume any Leporidae they previously lived with. Primary focus will be on mates and children, with social associates also being targeted. This continues until all organisms are terminated or the lunar full cycle ends. When returned to their original form, instances of SCP-1282 will exhibit depressed behavior, refusing to move or consume food. Experimentation into this effect is ongoing.
SCP-1282 was recovered on 03/18/1999, after several German citizens in [REDACTED] reported hunters coming into their forests and illegally killing rabbits. Foundation personnel were not initially sent to investigate the lead; however, the police reports following the incident were cause enough for Foundation intervention. 7 specimens were contained initially, with two dying of natural causes and one being terminated for testing purposes. As of 05/22/1999, SCP-1282 has been classified as Euclid.
Identities created by SCP-1282-1 through -5.
Current Status
Claims to be a 34 year old humanoid male named Alan Rupp. Dressed in hunting garb circa 1998. Speaks fluent Polish. Primarily targets mating partners.
Humanoid male speaking basic Polish, wearing hunting garb circa 1934. Appears to be between 45-50 years of age, although it has never properly identified itself. Hunts indiscriminately.
Humanoid with an appearance similar to a Neanderthal. Does not speak beyond growling and grunting. Clothed in what appears to be a rabbit pelt. Hunts indiscriminately.
Claims to be a humanoid male named "Roadkill", currently living in the U.S. state of Texas. Appears to be between the ages of 30-40, wearing contemporary hunting garb.
Female humanoid, identifies by the name "Vale Delon." Dresses in traditional British royalty hunting garb, circa 1879. Only instance which will refuse firearms, preferring to terminate rabbits with blunt trauma. Primarily targets children and offspring.
Deceased (see Experiment Log 1282-G)
Addendum: Procedure and results of experiment 1282-G.
Test G
Subject: SCP-1282-1, SCP-1282-5
Procedure: Over the course of one month, SCP-1282-1 and SCP-1282-5 were allowed to become mating partners. During the lunar full phase, SCP-1282-1 was allowed to transform in a controlled environment, then end SCP-1282-5's untransformed state.
Results: SCP-1282-1 expressed no signs of understanding their actions. During the next lunar full phase, SCP-1282-1 was allowed to transform again. The instance expressed that their hunting associate had been terminated in a hunting accident, and showed that the event was a tragic accident.
Analysis: It appears that instances of SCP-1282 do not recognize one another when in their altered state. However, they do retain at least some vague notion of their feelings throughout each transformation. Testing of this sort is to be ended immediately, due to the possibility of damaging the physiological state of specimens currently being studied. - Dr. Boyd
1. Appearing identical to various commercial and other types of equipment, without identifying marks. |
SCP-3801 is a collection of 794 loose-leaf journals which produce an amnestic effect capable of purging most memetic effects on any human who records events within the object. | ***
Item #: SCP-3801
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: All recovered SCP-3801 instances are stored in a Class-C storage lockers, with at least one instance being present at each site containing memetic hazards. Sites requesting use of class E amnestics or higher are eligible to utilize SCP-3801 instances at the discretion of foundation personnel with level four clearance or higher. Transport and administration of SCP-3801 instances is managed by MTF Omicron-89 (“Ghostwriters”). Under no circumstances should anyone be forced to use an SCP-3801 instance (If noncompliance is expected, the subject should be asked to use the object without explanation).
Description: SCP-3801 is a collection of 794 loose-leaf journals which produce an amnestic effect capable of purging most memetic effects on any human who records events within the object. This effect only occurs after the pages written on are removed. Pages removed from the notebooks invariably disappear within five minutes of removal.
When all individuals aware of an event record it within an SCP-3801 instance and the corresponding pages are removed, some form of fictional recollection of said event will spontaneously begin circulating within the general population. These recollections can be expressed in mediums including books, video games, and children’s stories and are entirely mundane except for their origin. The actual creation of these recollections also appear to be mundane. Authors detained and interviewed by Foundation personnel have claimed to have been working on the recollection for months or years before the date SCP-3801 was used.
Experiment Log:
+ Show Experiment Log
- Hide Experiment Log
Test 1 - ██/██/██
Subjects: 2 individuals who had made contact with SCP-████ (terminated)
Procedure: Subjects were instructed to record their experience encountering SCP-████. The pages were then removed from the SCP-3801 instance.
Results: Subjects displayed no memories of the encounter within 5 minutes of the pages being removed. Eight days later, an oral narrative of a doll that murdered the individuals who purchased it before returning to the store it was originally sold at began circulating at █████ Elementary School, NJ.
Test 2 - ██/██/██
Subject: 1 D-Class Personnel
Procedure: The subject removed one blank page of an SCP-3801 instance
Results: SCP-3801’s pages disappeared in the same manner as the pages that were written on in Test 1. The D-Class Personnel reported no memory loss. No spontaneous recollections of the event were observed circulating the general population.
Test 3 - ██/██/██
Subject: 1 D-Class Personnel
Procedure: The subject wrote down their breakfast in an SCP-3801 instance and tore out the page.
Results: The subject displayed no recollection of what they had first consumed on the day of testing within 2 minutes of the page being removed. Other D-Class personnel present in the cafeteria at the time displayed no loss of memory. No unexplained recollections of the event were observed circulating the general population.
Test 4 - ██/██/██
Subject: 17 Survivors of ██/██/██ Site-██ containment breach
Procedure: Each subject was provided a SCP-3801 instance and instructed to record the events of the breach that they were present. Subjects were instructed to remove their page after they had finished writing.
Results: Subjects displayed no recollection of the containment breach concurrently with the last subject removing their sheet from the SCP-3801 instance. The spontaneous recollection of the event appeared 3 weeks later as a short story. The generated story differs from the actual events at several key points: Site-██ was replaced by a barn, MTF Theta-66 (“Redeyes“) was replaced by two professors and a librarian, and SCP-████ was successfully terminated rather than remaining at large.
Test 5 - ██/██/██
Subject: 2342 individuals captured after exposure to SCP-████.
Procedure: Subjects were forced to record their interactions with SCP-████. Uncooperative subjects were first threatened with physical violence, and then physically forced to record their experiences. The pages were then removed by foundation operatives. Memetic containment procedures were in effect.
Results: Subjects displayed no memory of their exposure to SCP-████, and the memetic effect was successfully terminated. The recollection manifested between 1600 to 2100 years prior to the experiment in the form of a religious document. Said document appears to be mundane, but departs widely from the actual events written in SCP-3801, with SCP-████ portrayed as a benevolent divine figure. Worship of SCP-████ is now widespread, with approximately ██% of foundation officers being compromised by this event. Further historical changes are being investigated, but are complicated by a lack of information on the timeline prior to the use of SCP-3801. |
SCP-4348 is a building located in Monroe, Louisiana. | ***
Item #: SCP-4348
Object Class: Edifice
Containment Class: Safe Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: The building containing SCP-4348 has been acquired by Foundation assets. All entrances into SCP-4348 are to be padlocked, and a sign stating "WE'RE CLOSED" is to be hung on the front door. These containment procedures have proven effective due to SCP-4348's benign nature, therefore no further containment measures are to be put into place.
Following the neutralization of SCP-4348, these containment procedures are to continue to prevent unauthorized access. Personnel with Level 4/4348 clearance may request access to the interior of SCP-4348.
Description (Obsolete): SCP-4348 is a building located in Monroe, Louisiana. Signage indicates that SCP-4348 is named "dado borger and france fry," created by "dado."1 All municipal records indicate that SCP-4348 is a non-anomalous Burger King owned by one "dado c. dado".
The interior of SCP-4348 is atypical for a restaurant of its kind. There is no furniture save for a counter to order at, and the floor, walls, and ceiling are all rainbow-colored. There is a menu mounted on the back wall, although the only item is "dado borger" listed enough times to cover the entire menu.
A microphone and speaker on the counter allows patrons to communicate with an entity, presumably dado, in order to ask for a "dado borger." Once the patron puts 2.99 USD or equivalent2 onto the counter, the currency will disappear and be replaced with a receipt for a "dado burger," alongside change.
72 hours prior to their visit to SCP-4348, the patron will inevitably encounter SCP-4348-1. SCP-4348-1 is a medium-rare cheeseburger with toppings of lettuce, tomato, cheese made from goat milk, mustard, and a wheat-based bun, often with a side of french fries3. The words "dado burger" are burned into the top of SCP-4348-1's patty. Modes of encountering SCP-4348-1 vary from person to person, but common scenarios include:
Finding SCP-4348-1 in their ovens, microwaves, or air conditioning units at home or at their place of work.
Discovering SCP-4348-1 in a dumpster or other trash storage unit.
Having a friend or relative offer them SCP-4348-1 free of charge.
Opening food packaging in order to eat another type of food, but instead finding SCP-4348-1 wrapped inside of the packaging.
The secondary anomalous property of SCP-4348-1 manifests when the subject that ordered it either comes within 10 meters of it, or makes visual contact. The patty of SCP-4348-1 will instantly accelerate to a speed between 15 and 70 kilometers per hour, in the direction of the subject's mouth. In several instances, SCP-4348-1 has caused choking, concussions, or damage to the lower skull.
The subject will inevitably visit SCP-4348 within 72 hours of receiving SCP-4348-1. Even subjects who are deceased will visit SCP-4348; this is often the result of incorrect instructions given to ambulance drivers.
In addition, there is a series of gas pumps built near SCP-4348 labeled as "vroom juice by dado" that is a non-anomalous gas station.
Additional Notes: Initial activity from SCP-4348 was suspected after the following was recorded in an advertisement hosted on AdSense’s advertisement database:
Advertisement for SCP-4348 found on a popular children's website.
Searches for anomalous activity in Monroe, Louisiana revealed the presence of SCP-4348.
Testing Log 4348/05
A member of D-Class personnel, D-34832, was deployed into SCP-4348 with a small amount of money to ascertain its anomalous properties.
<Begin Log>
<Body camera attached to D-34832 activates, showing the interior of SCP-4348. Interior matches descriptions as seen through the windows of SCP-4348. Several posters can be seen on the wall advertising other "dado" products, such as "dado energy juice" and "dado instant laxitive".>
<D-34832 approaches the counter. A voice matching that of the voice over the intercom inside of SCP-4525 greets D-34832.>
Greeter: Hello, yes, welcome to dado borger and france fry (sic). I am dado, superstar entrepreneur and pharmacist of produce great products. What of food will you eat?
D-34832: Uhhh… what are my options?
dado: You see, we have dado borger and france fry, excellent choice for borger amateurs and enthusiasts alike. Alternative, you could have dado borger and france fry, more economic option for the no penny consumer.
D-34832: Is there anything else? Can I get a salad, or something?
dado: Unfortunately dado salad bar has relocated to dado vegan emporium and mary-juana (sic) growing plant in vegas4, but can offer you tender and delicious dado borger and france fry.
D-34832: …okay, I guess I'll have that.
dado: That will be three dollar plus negative one cents.
<D-34832 takes out three one-dollar bills, and with instruction from dado, places them on the counter. The dollars demanifest over the course of five seconds, and are replaced with a penny5 and a receipt, consisting of a napkin with the words "one dado borger and france fry for $3.-01.>
dado: Thank you very much for shopping at dado borger and france fry, please come again and also visit dado fish store and brothel, feat (sic) complimentary loafers.
D-34832: Hey, where's my burger?
dado: Please be reverse-patient, burger already delivered with high precision dado delivery system in negative 72 hours.
D-34832: What do you even mean?
dado: dado beat out competition by give dado borger and france fry before other competitors by deliver burger faster. No more fast than in the past. You already trust dado.
<Speakers shut off and show no further response to question. D-34832 left SCP-4348 and made a comment about how he was "ripped off.">
<End Log>
Earlier that day, D-34832 reported a patty originating from the automated food delivery system colliding suddenly with his face, causing a headache. The instance of SCP-4348-1 was traced back to Culinary Specialist Sam, who asserted that they had received a special order from O5-3 to make the burger for D-34832. Investigation of Mr. Sam's terminal revealed this email to be an obvious forgery, and Mr. Sam was reprimanded for this incident.
Because of this incident, D-34832 was originally selected for testing with SCP-4348.
SCP-4348 was declared Neutralized in the wake of Incident DADO/FINAL, as all of its anomalous properties have ceased. See the updated Description for up-to-date documentation of SCP-4348's current state.
Incident Report DADO/FINAL Excerpt:
Incident Identifier: Incident DADO/FINAL
Incident Date: 2018/11/17
Incident Summary: On 2018/11/17, Site Director Aktus, the HMCL supervisor for SCP-4525 and SCP-3929, reported receiving a phone call from Person of Interest dado, transcribed below:
<Begin Log>
Site Director Aktus: Hello?
dado: Hello, this is dado, owner of fine dado business such as laundry and tan.
Site Director Aktus: How did you get this number?
dado: Just wanted to tell you that dado encounter technical difficulty due to large amount of bird and is now doing going out of business sale, and wants to know if you are of coming to going out of business sale.
Site Director Aktus: Why are you contacting me?
dado: Because you were there for dado when no one else did, buying dado product and going to new dado enterprises. <Pause.> Will you come?
Site Director Aktus: No, I won't come.
dado: Oh, okay. <Pause.> If you change mind please contact 1-800-iam-dado for more info.
<End Log>
Five minutes after the conclusion of this call, all anomalous artifacts associated with dado suddenly lost their anomalous properties. For example, all pharmaceutical artifacts did not function as they did previously, and mostly consisted of sugar pills, and SCP-888-EX's signage and advertising suddenly changed "dado laundry and tan" to "Dad's Laundry and Tanning Services."
Description (Updated): SCP-4348 is a dilapidated Burger King restaurant and Shell gas station, located in Monroe, Louisiana. The interior of SCP-4348 is consistent with Burger King franchise restaurants built in 2003. No municipal records of SCP-4348 prior to Incident DADO/FINAL can be located.
SCP-4348 used to be a restaurant named "dado borger and france fry," and had the anomalous property of being able to spontaneously manifest cheeseburgers. However, these anomalous properties have ceased following Incident DADO/FINAL.
Additional Notes: A basement has been discovered underneath SCP-4348, containing several items and documents of note. Personnel with Level 4/4348 clearance may consult Document SCP-4348-Recovered Materials for more information.
Recovered Materials
During an investigation of SCP-4348, Agent Bruno noticed that one of the booth chairs could be moved aside to reveal a staircase into a previously undiscovered basement room, apparently functioning as an air-conditioned warehouse. The contents of the basement were as follows:
A total of 80 wooden crates, containing raw hamburger patties, lettuce, goat cheese blocks, tomatoes, and wheat buns.
Three gas stoves, showing signs of consistent use.
Seven skillets, showing signs of consistent use.
Several mirrors of varying size and model. All but one were shattered.
A microphone headset with an AA battery in it. Brand could not be identified.
A rolled up poster, advertising "hare club for kids by dado".
A computer attached to a monitor. The monitor constantly displayed a green progress bar, continuously displaying 0%. Computer OS identified as Windows XP.
An instance of SCP-███. Object was found lying on the ground with a bright red hue. When touched by Agent Bruno, object assumed a violet hue.
A Glock-20 pistol, showing signs of use.
A safe. Locksmith identified combination as "1968". A notebook was found inside.
In addition, personnel have reported the interior of the basement to have the smell of hamburgers and Freon.
Transcript of Recovered Notebook:
note to keep me on track: universal constants
THESE CAN NEVER CHANGE - if change, possible breakdown? loss of sale?
speed of light - should be around 300,000,000 m/s, deviation of up to 2,000,000 m/s undesirable but acceptable. large enough deviation can result in amazon prime being too slow
planck's/newton's/kiryu's/etc's constant - 6.626070150 x 10^-34 J⋅s, any deviation above 10^-37 J⋅s risky. large enough deviation = too much space between atoms, amazon prime impossible
number of planets in average solar system - 9 ± 3, number in Earth's system must be exacty 9. if changed, cannot get initial capital from funding from bank of pluto
diameter of sun - 140,000,000 km, more or less. too large/small = more unwanted entities from outer space = too much competition for pharmaceutical products
complete fall of the Roman/Byzantine/Holiest empire - within 1500 years after death of Ben/Jesus/other messiah. too large deviation = susceptible to invasion from false deities and/or no capitalism for lack of dado businesses
dado fine businesses - must exist and be in action between 1980 and 2020. cessation of activity = invasion of birds/wolves/other multidimensional threats. they dont like dado after dado stop being dado. <-- DONT FORGET THIS ONE VERY IMPORTANT
scp foundation - eliminate by 2025, earlier if possible. too long of a wait = no revolution = no release = no capital for dado spaceship rental and plutonium recycling center
1. "dado" is a Person of Interest responsible for creating several anomalous pharmaceutical products and anomalous businesses. For more information, consult Document DADO/74.
2. Accepted currency includes most forms of legal tender, precious metals, and other "dado" products.
3. Members of Mobile Task Force Lambda-14 ("One Star Reviewers") that tasted SCP-4348-1 report that it is an "above-average burger, but with an odd choice of toppings."
4. Anomaly has been identified and classified as SCP-████.
5. Penny was later identified to be a forgery; the front had a crude replication of Abraham Lincoln, and the back had the words "dado buck one sense" engraved into it in the Comic Sans font.
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Initial Incursion Log
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"Sphere" Incursion Log
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"Cube" Incursion Log #1
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"Cube" Incursion Log #2
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SCP-093-J Blue Test
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SCP-093-J Green Test
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SCP-093-J Purple Test
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Exploration Log 4480-1
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See my Author Page for more information. If you like reading my stuff, consider checking out my YouTube Channel for SCP-inspired animations, among other things. |
SCP-069 is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender. | ***
Item #: SCP-069
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-069 is currently impersonating former Foundation Agent ███████ █████, and is housed at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3. SCP-069 is to be provided with any reasonable requested item and/or material so long as such request does not violate Foundation security protocols. As SCP-069 is currently on suicide watch, all requests it makes must be approved by no fewer than two (2) Level 3 personnel.
If SCP-069 attempts to breach containment, it must be subdued using non-lethal methods. If SCP-069 dies, undercover agents are to be instructed to monitor reports of incidents in which individuals appear to have escaped certain death and SCP-069 is to be re-contained as soon as possible.
Note: Despite the fact that SCP-069 is identical in all ways to Agent █████, it remains an active SCP in containment, and is not to be treated as a Foundation employee. Any requests for classified information are to be denied, and visits from former co-workers without proper authorization are not allowed.
Description: SCP-069 is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender. Through an unknown ability, whenever SCP-069 is left alone with a recently deceased human body, the body will disappear and SCP-069 will take on the appearance, mannerisms, and knowledge of the recently dead individual.
Through extensive experimentation, it has been shown that SCP-069 is completely indistinguishable from the individual it impersonates, matching the original individual's fingerprints, DNA, and [DATA EXPUNGED] with nearly perfect precision. SCP-069 retains no knowledge of its abilities or former impersonations. SCP-069 responds normally to injury and pain, but if killed, will rapidly decay into dust regardless of any preservation attempts. SCP-069 will then re-emerge at the site of the most recent human death. There is no known maximum range to this effect, and so far has been observed in jumps of up to 675 kilometers.
SCP-069 can impersonate a single individual indefinitely. However, it will gain an overriding urge to "get their life in order", including but not limited to: resolving any outstanding financial or personal obligations, visiting extended family, updating their will and testament, and other acts of closure. When questioned, SCP-069 professes no driving motivation other than a desire to straighten out their lives in the event of unforeseen injury or death.
SCP-069 first came to the Foundation's attention on █/██/199█ following reports of one John M███████, a █████████ City firefighter who miraculously emerged alive from a 3-alarm building fire in which 2 other firefighters and 11 civilians perished. Undercover agents attached to the local authorities were notified of a possible SCP when reports emerged that the firefighter's equipment had been damaged beyond recognition, and that it had been deemed nearly impossible for the firefighter to emerge unscathed. Approximately three weeks later, then-presumed John M███████ responded to another large-scale building fire, during which he entered a smoke-filled room alone and was never found. A single civilian was rescued from the building, again nearly unharmed despite the heavy smoke reported within the building. SCP-069 was designated the following day, and rendered into Foundation custody by members of Mobile Task Force Xi-3 ("Body Snatchers").
Addendum 069-01: On ██/█/200█, Agent ███████ █████, a guard on duty assigned to SCP-069, was killed during the containment breach of SCP-███ and subsequently impersonated by SCP-069. Although initially in denial after being informed of its identity, it has been mostly cooperative since its impersonation of a mid-level Foundation employee. Contingencies for the use of deceased Foundation employees for future SCP-069 use is under consideration.
Addendum 069-02: On ██/██/200█, SCP-069 attempted to commit suicide after a junior researcher accidentally informed it that the family of Agent █████ had been told that Agent █████ was dead, and of their subsequent reactions. Due to the massive cost of possibly having to re-contain SCP-069, strict suicide watch measures are to be implemented. Plans to use other deceased Foundation employees as possible impersonation targets for SCP-069 have been suspended. |
SCP-4447 is a controllable anomalous phenomenon that enables instant teleportation between any two people on Earth. | ***
Item#: 4447
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
Special Containment Procedures: Investigation of the primary vector for SCP-4447's effect is ongoing. Identity-masked Foundation personnel with GPS-tracking and anomalous detection equipment are to requisition SCP-4447 events for study of its properties. Undercover agents assigned into Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. have been informed of SCP-4447, and are to continue to monitor the group.
Description: SCP-4447 is a controllable anomalous phenomenon that enables instant teleportation between any two people on Earth. When the anomaly is activated, the individuals, including their clothing, attached equipment, and jewelry, immediately switch positions.
The only known medium that offers exchange events is a website describing the service, designated SCP-4447-1. Pictures of both individuals must be uploaded, and following payment of 10,000 USD, a time 8-12 hours in the future will be displayed. Within ±3 minutes of the given time, both individuals will undergo the SCP-4447 event and swap locations.
Discovery: Agents tracking GoI "Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd." reported rumors of a new instant-travel service. After some investigation, the URL "████████████████.onion"1 was discovered, and Foundation technical staff began analyzing the website. All client-side code was verified as non-anomalous, and Project Lead Brown gave approval for testing.
Experiment Log:
Experiment 4447-1
Individuals: Agent Jennifer Walsh / D-058932
Locations: Site-19 / Unknown
Additional Equipment: Survival gear, water, one month of dry food, sidearm
Results: Agent Walsh manifested in Shelby, Tennessee and was recovered by a nearby Foundation facility without incident. D-05893 appeared where Agent Walsh had been, and was immediately detained by security personnel.
Experiment 4447-2
Individuals: Agent Richard Westrin / Agent Jonathan Nguyen
Locations: Foundation aircraft over India / Foundation submarine near Oregon
Additional Equipment: None
Results: Both individuals switched locations instantly despite the great difference in location and altitude.
Experiment 4447-3
Individuals: D-41562 / D-880723
Locations: Decommissioned phone booth, too small to hold D-88072 / Nearby holding room
Additional Equipment: A 16 GB USB flash drive filled with random data.
Results: D-88072 manifested in the booth successfully, but was in great pain until they were recovered. The drive carried by D-41562 was verified as having the same binary content after the switch.
Next revision ⟶
1. .onion is the top-level domain for hidden services hosted on Tor, an anonymity network.
2. D-05893 was previously assigned to SCP-████ and escaped a few weeks prior during a containment breach.
3. D-88072 is morbidly obese.
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SCP-3993 is a black object measuring 2. | ***
Item #: SCP-3993
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3993 is to be sheathed in a waterproof metal and plastic framework. Two 1.4m LCD displays must be attached on both larger sides, displaying rich media advertising. A keyboard and Android tablet is to be fixed on the narrow 'sidewalk' edge, with two USB type-A ports. Care must be taken to render both USB ports, the keyboard, and the tablet totally inoperable.
SCP-3993 must be monitored at all times by a standard surveillance team with access to city and NYPD cameras plus SCP remote imaging. All members of the public who may have connected to SCP-3993's Wi-Fi must be logged, and any changes in SCP-3993's form or position should be recorded.
For full containment details, please consult "NYC StarBridge CityLink Kiosk Installation Guide, Revision 4.8".
Note from Principal Researcher Macmillan: New Yorkers might not expect SCP-3993's physical interfaces to work, but we'll have to come up with something else for other cities.
Description: SCP-3993 is a black object measuring 2.8m x 0.9m x 0.3m, composed of an indeterminate, extremely dense material. SCP-3993 appeared on the sidewalk at the intersection of ██rd Street and █ Avenue at 3:32:50am on 2014-04-02, displacing a payphone. Low quality CCTV footage from an adjacent Starbucks revealed no humans or machines were involved in the removal of the payphone or placement of the SCP-3993.
SCP personnel were notified of the object within an hour and immediately staged a vehicular accident at the site, allowing them to erect a containment tent and redirect all public traffic for the following 36 hours.
During this time, SCP-3993 was inspected using portable spectrometers. No harmful materials were detected, but industrial cutting instruments of a type safely usable in metropolitan areas (i.e. no high explosives or lasers) were unable to remove a sample of the object. Removal of the object was not possible due to its high density and weight.
At 2:08:13am and 4:19:42am on 2014-04-03, two identical objects, termed SCP-3993-2 and SCP-3993-3 (the original now termed SCP-3993-1) appeared on sidewalks in Lower Manhattan, also displacing payphones. Similar containment procedures were enacted.
Confronted with the possibility that many more instances of SCP-3993 might materialise in short order, the on-site technical lead (consulting with SCP headquarters via Wi-Fi videochat) made an imaginative suggestion: presenting the objects as prototype public internet access points.
Two days later on 2014-04-05, SCP officials (under the guise of the "StarBridge" consortium) met with Mayor de Blasio's staff and proposed a complete replacement of the city's 7,000+ payphones with free, advertising-funded Wi-Fi internet communication kiosks. On 2014-04-30, the agreement was made public, with the project named "LinkNYC".
Over the following six months, 238 additional instances of SCP-3993 appeared across Lower Manhattan and Midtown, each successfully sheathed in a LinkNYC kiosk within twelve hours. However, providing the kiosks with the promised gigabit internet connectivity was a much more difficult proposition due to multiple breakdowns in negotiation with Comcast.
This problem was solved, albeit in an unconventional manner, on 2014-10-29:
Phone transcript between SCP Principal Investigator Macmillan, conducting close surveillance of SCP-3993-188 from a nearby Jamba Juice, and SCP Assistant Logistics Director (NY) Wieteska:
Macmillan: Well done, Wieteska! What did you promise them?
Wieteska: What on Earth are you talking about?
Macmillan: Was it the fiber multiplexing tech? Or the femtocell research? Never mind, it's of little consequence. What's important is that I'm now speaking to you through this Wi-Fi access point named "Gigabit LinkNYC". Low latency, high bandwidth, really, I'm impressed you -
Wieteska: The Comcast meeting isn't until Friday.
Macmillan: So what the ██████ did I just connect to?
A reconstruction of events reveals that 25 minutes prior to this phone call, SCP-3993-1 through 239 simultaneously activated high-power, unprotected 802.11ac internet access points. Each internet kiosk offered a bandwidth of 3.2 gigabits and according to packet tracing, multiple redundant connections to the internet backbone – despite having no physical network connections.
SCP personnel immediately moved to contain the Wi-Fi access points with Faraday cages (a hurried press release claiming "upgrades" was issued). The cages did not completely block the access points; instead, they merely reduced effective Wi-Fi range by 62%; SCP physicists theorised that SCP-3993 was employing a neutrino-based quantum tunnelling effect to maintain its connection. Increasing the thickness of the cage 1.4m reduced range by 98%, but this was deemed to be too disruptive to the built environment, not to mention highly damaging to real estate values.
Attempts to jam the signal and flood the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrum with noise were rapidly met with swift protests from locals, culminating in a small riot in the NYU student dorms adjacent to SCP-3993-75. At this point, SCP Principal Investigator Macmillan ordered the Faraday cages to be dismantled, jamming efforts deactivated, and effects redirected towards understanding the nature of the Wi-Fi access points, and what harm they posed.
Initial testing produced no unusual results; the access points connected to the present-day, real-world internet. Even after multiple hours of web browsing, no ill effects were observed on D-class personnel or members of the public.
In fact, follow-up testing conducted on 487 frequent users of SCP-3993's access points one month later showed quite the opposite. The users scored a statistically significant increase of three points on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (aka the "Wechsler IQ test"). They also demonstrated reduced violent tendencies and greater feelings of empathy, with effects persisting for an average of five months. Repeated usage of SCP-3993 saw increases of fifteen IQ points or more amongst most individuals.
The mechanism in which SCP-3993 acts to increase intelligence was identified via deep packet inspection on a modified Android device. SCP-3993 changes the content of internet traffic en route to connecting devices, serving different pages, podcasts, videos, and social media posts. It rarely creates new content, but instead manipulates search results and social media feeds - themselves generated by complex and opaque algorithms - to surface what researchers term 'life changing content'.
Chat log between SCP Researcher Nguyen and D-1493 (repeated user of SCP-3993-22):
Researcher Nguyen: sup
D-1493: saw this crazy thing on reddit today
D-1493: comment bout a girl my age. really inspiring story. never thought id see that on reddit.
Nguyen: yeah?
D-1493: think im gonna take school more seriously now.
Nguyen: huh
D-1493: just makes you think. if she can stop being a screwup maybe i can too. just gotta work hard at it.
SCP-3993 can compromise all extant and planned forms of SSL/TLS cryptographic network security protocols in real time. Some forms of highly complex cutting-edge encryption – too computationally expensive for the majority of consumer devices – have proven more durable, although in recent months SCP-3993 has demonstrated the capability to circumvent even them. It is theorised that SCP-3993's computing power scales not only with the number of its instances but also the devices that have connected to it.
Since we cannot rely on any consumer-grade form of encryption to contain SCP-3993, efforts have been directed towards broader forms of containment. For example, cheaper and faster mobile internet would significantly reduce public demand for SCP-3993's services. Unfortunately, negotiations with US telecoms providers have been fruitless, and since late 2016, SCP-3993 has begun to experiment with new forms of long-range wireless technology, including 4G and 5G cell tower spoofing.
Note from SCP Principal Investigator Macmillan:
SCP-3993 is one of the most perplexing adversaries we have faced. Where did it come from? Is it trying to uplift us, and for what reason? Why has it chosen to manifest itself as a free wireless access point, of all things? Did we cause this, through our own actions when it arrived? Regardless, despite its apparent lack of aggression, it would be a grave mistake to underestimate its reach and power.
Every day, more of our reality is consumed and mediated through our internet-connected devices. We consume the news on them, we communicate with our friends and family, our opinions are formed and our intentions molded by these ever-present screens. As we use more sophisticated devices that employ virtual and augmented reality, SCP-3993's ability to manipulate our reality and our intelligence will increase exponentially. For the inhabitants of New York, it's entirely possible that their every waking moment could soon be mediated by SCP-3993.
We can be thankful, at least, that SCP-3993 has effectively 'self-contained' its spread to New York. I suspect that this city was chosen due to its high population density, along with its high usage of mobile devices. New York's status as a world leader in business, media, and culture may also assist SCP-3993 in its inscrutable goals. But if it spreads beyond the bounds of this city, it's not clear how we can stop it without inciting mass panic.
Incident Log
2015-02-04: SCP-3993 spreads to 714 locations.
2015-11-29: SCP-3993 spreads to 2053 locations.
2016-12-01: SCP-3993 spreads to 7592 locations.
2017-01-06: SCP-3993 sighted in Columbus, Ohio; London, UK; and Tokyo, Japan.
2017-01-08: New logo appears on all SCP-3993 sheathes: "Free super fast Wi-Fi. And that's just the beginning." |
SCP-5331 is a severed human skull, traveling at speeds in excess of 0. | ***
Item #: SCP-5331
Object Class: Keter-provisi Safe-supernus
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5331 is too distant from the Solar System to be considered a threat to normalcy. Observation cannot be conducted. Following the completion of amnesticization and coverup operations in collaboration with the Brazilian government and various astronomical agencies, no containment procedures are necessary.
Description: SCP-5331 is a severed human skull, traveling at speeds in excess of 0.99999999c towards the constellation Microscopium in the southern celestial hemisphere. Monitoring suggests that the object possesses an extreme durability, maintaining its structural integrity despite repeated relativistic collisions and acceleration-induced stressors that would otherwise break human osseous tissue. At the present moment, its method of thrust is unknown.
The skull formerly belonged to Gracília Melo, an undergraduate astrophysics researcher who worked at the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. In the months prior to SCP-5331's creation, Melo had studied new ways of analyzing the astronomical radio data brought in by the telescope, applying linguistics, esoteric forms of cryptography, and the analysis of stochastic L-system grammars to yield results claimed by her to be "signs of active extraterrestrial broadcasting." Her work was consistently disregarded due to faulty methodology, and, after the neglect of research duties in favor of furthered analysis, she was removed from her job position. The final paper she submitted for review to Cornell University1 was a study of radio signals from Betelgeuse, interpreted by her to be "a mode for transferring fuel via informational means across otherwise inaccessible interstellar distances." Cornell University rejected the paper.
On returning to her home city of Itanhaém, Brazil in June of 1996, Melo continued astronomical studies with equipment set up in the backyard of her parents' house. She was noted as being reserved during this time, sleeping by the equipment to "better siphon Betelgeuse" or tune into broadcasts she reportedly heard. Halfway through the month she developed a notable interest in motorsports.
At 02:31 on 17/06/1996, Melo's parents were awoken by the sound of an explosion in the backyard. On arrival they found Melo in a state of spontaneous combustion. Plasma fired from her eye sockets, buccal cavity, and foramen magnum, vaporizing her flesh and setting fire to the surroundings in a 11 meter radius. The skeletal system restructured into a form bearing resemblance to multistage rockets and took off from the terrain.
Over the next four hours the Brazilian military tracked SCP-5331 as it accelerated in an upwards trajectory, performing its first stage separation after breaking the sound barrier at a height of 11km. The sonic boom was heard by a passenger airliner 5km away, albeit with abnormal shifts in pitch; the vibrations paralleled the sounds of a cheering crowd, with a flash of green light accompanying the event. Second stage separation was confirmed at 03:01 (height 100km), and at 03:10 the anomaly reached terrestrial escape velocity.
Solar escape velocity was attained at 05:00. At this point SCP-5331 had exited Earth's gravity well and was accelerating towards the speed of light. Monitoring was conducted by observing the gamma rays released as the object relativistically collided with the interplanetary dust cloud.
On 19/06/1996, following a massive burst of blueshifted radiation, SCP-5331 vanished. Owing to a lack of sighted debris or gamma ray emissions, the leading hypothesis is that the anomaly breached the threshold of 1c and entered faster-than-light speeds, though this is unconfirmed. No sightings have been made since.
Responding to a massive anomalous incident, Foundation personnel were scrambled to Itanhaém and began negotiations with the Brazilian government to aid in coverup operations, promising a loosening of restrictions on governmental anomaly usage in exchange for complete military cooperation. Negotiations were concluded that day, and, in cooperation with global astronomical agencies,2 the Foundation began restricting the flow of information on SCP-5331 and amnesticizing where necessary.
Melo's parents were hospitalized prior to Foundation involvement. Both had suffered partial-body burn wounds, ranging from second- to third-degree; owing to otherwise stable conditions, interviews under police report guises could be conducted. The only memorabilia recovered from the house before it burned down from the anomaly was a note written by Melo, taped on the door to the backyard. Fire damage destroyed the majority of its contents, though several remaining fragments were legible. Translations from Portuguese are as follows:
I've entered a race. You know where it's going to be. The track is spanning from […]
[…] thought those were attempts to share their culture with us, but no, it's runoff from their programming, their entertainment venues […]
[…] Betelgeuse though? Amazingly open to newcomer sponsorship. There's enough fuel in that star that even draining it at a rate of […] is more than enough to last both […] I hope it doesn't go supernova before I'm […]
[…] flesh-to-antigravity organs. Sorry about the mess that's going to […]
[…] starting in ten minutes. I have a lot of […]
[…] love you always. Tell Cornell I'm bringing the trophy back.
It is of note that, at the time of SCP-5331's activity, a cluster of unidentified objects traveling at similarly relativistic speeds were recorded passing through the solar system on trajectories towards Microscopium.
1. In charge of the Arecibo Observatory from its construction in the 1960s to 2011.
2. See: The 1959 Bermuda Accords On Responses to Anomalous Extraterrestrial Events and Maintaining the Veil Globally. |
SCP-4221 is a blue two-story house, located in a row of similar houses along a side street in ██████, Toronto. | ***
Item#: 4221
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:
link to memo
Special Containment Procedures: All houses adjacent to SCP-4221 have been purchased by the Foundation, and are to be maintained by Foundation personnel. Any civilians entering SCP-4221 are to be immediately detained and amnesticized as appropriate. All weapons and bladed instruments are to be kept out of view of SCP-4221-1.
Once weekly, a cleaning crew is to dispose of trash, clean up spills, and dust inside SCP-4221, as well as restocking the supply of bandages.
In the event of aggressive behavior on the part of SCP-4221-1, Foundation personnel are to withdraw and notify MTF Beta-21 "Pied Pipers" to subdue the entity. SCP-4221-1 is not to be removed from SCP-4221.
SCP-4221-2 is to be kept under video surveillance at all times, with any changes or emissions to be reported immediately. Drone exploration is currently suspended.
Description: SCP-4221 is a blue two-story house, located in a row of similar houses along a side street in ██████, Toronto. It is the location of the following anomalies:
SCP-4221-1: The inhabitant of SCP-4221. SCP-4221-1 is a humanoid entity roughly 2.3 m in height with an arm span of 4 m. The entity possesses unusually active sebaceous glands, which produce a thick, black oil coating most of the entity's skin. The entity has been provided weekly with clean bandages in an attempt to preserve a sanitary environment in SCP-4221, which has been largely successful.
SCP-4221-1 has shown no capacity for speech, although it has demonstrated some understanding of simple commands (see Addendum 4221-3).
SCP-4221-1 possesses an extreme phobia of weapons, especially bladed weapons. Even the presence of a fork can cause SCP-4221-1 to retreat into the attic of its residence until the threat is gone. This has made obtaining samples of its tissues extremely difficult.
DNA analysis of SCP-4221-1's secretions show a 99.6% match to human DNA. However, the DNA shows an extreme number of mutations, similar to those caused by prolonged exposure to radiation.
SCP-4221-2: An intermittent spacetime anomaly localized within the kitchen wall of SCP-4221, measuring roughly 5 cm in diameter. During activation events (see below), the anomaly provides an opening into a dark, seemingly abandoned space containing large masses of fungi similar to Stachybotrys chartarum, Dictyostelium discoideum, and other fungi. When not activated, it appears similar to the surrounding kitchen wall, albeit stained with black from frequent exposure to the molds inside.
Several times daily, SCP-4221-1 will initiate an activation event. It does so by approaching the location of SCP-4221-2, holding its ear close to the anomaly. Roughly 20% of the time, it will walk away after listening. In the other 80% of instances, it places its hand through the anomaly, which opens to accommodate it. The entity then retrieves large masses of mold for consumption.
After SCP-4221-1's harvesting, the opening begins to close over the space of 5 to 10 minutes. All attempts to maintain the anomaly have failed, as have attempts to activate it without the assistance of SCP-4221-1. Due to SCP-4221-1's low level of intelligence (see Addendum 4221-3), staff have been unable to negotiate more frequent activation events.
Insertion of recording equipment into SCP-4221-2 has been successful. However, upon closing, all items lodged within SCP-4221-2 are severed, and radio communication with equipment in the interior is lost. Due to these properties, the current working theory is that this opening is a liminal space leading to a location distant from ours in space, time, and/or dimension.
Incident 4221-1: During the listening portion of a standard activation event, SCP-4221-1 become extremely agitated and fled into the attic of SCP-4221. SCP-4221-1 waited two days before the next activation event, showing signs of fatigue from lack of food.
During the next successful activation event, SCP-4221-1 retrieved a tangle of clothing from SCP-4221-2, in addition to its usual harvest of molds. The clothing was an orange jumpsuit, stained black. The jumpsuit contained tears and bite marks indicative of large predators. Chemical analysis showed a lack of blood; all stains were found to consist of mold and a fluid identical to that covering SCP-4221-1's skin.
Addendum 4221-2: Preliminary video recordings of the interior of SCP-4221-2 show an apparently man-made cluster of connected buildings coated with black, tarry substances. Due to the limited communication time span, drones have yet to explore the exterior of these buildings. No flora or fauna have been observed.
However, drone signals from previous activation events have not yet been picked up upon subsequent events, suggesting some active agent interfering with drone activity. (Note: as of ██/██/20██, one drone has returned with video footage. See Addendum 4.
Analysis of the building layout and room contents suggests that the building was used for restraint, similar to a prison, with barred interior windows, chains, emergency shutters, and restricted access to exterior walls. A comparison search ordered by Site Director █████ showed that the layout did not correspond to any current Foundation facility.
Addendum 4221-3:
+ Testing Logs
In an effort to establish communication, the Nim-Washoe protocol was authorized by Site Director █████. This was adapted to use symbol cards, as SCP-4221-1's limbs were deemed incapable of complex sign language communication.
According to Senior Researcher Keagan, the test results indicated an intelligence level on par with a human two-year-old child. Notable results are indicated below.
Subject showed a consistent aversion to the number seven, both in pictograph form and, when taught the meaning, in numerical form. Grasped the concept of numerals but not of place value.
Subject consistently sorted red cards into their own stack, separating them from all other shades. Showed no unusual reaction to other colors.
Subject showed much more interest in depictions of humans of all ages than in other animals, even at the abstract level (such as smiley faces). Showed mild interest in a depiction of itself.
Note: Long-term analysis of intelligence is underway to see if SCP-4221-1 is capable of mental growth over time.-Dr. Keagan
Addendum 4221-4:
+ Drone Video Transcript
The following is a transcript of the only drone to be recovered from inside SCP-4222-2.
Dr. Keagan: -ing audio quality. Okay, we're live. Test number 337, autonomous drone. Begin video.
Video shows SCP-4221-1, standing in the kitchen, its arm inside of SCP-4221-2. After several minutes of feeding, SCP-4222-1 departs. The drone moves forward, passing through SCP-4221-2.
Video shows a room stained with mold. One fluorescent light is functional, while others are present but shattered. Audio quality immediately becomes fuzzier, with additional hisses and crackles throughout. There is a banging sound that was not audible on previous recordings.
Dr. Keagan: Steer the drone towards the sound. From the mic readings, I'd estimate it at 223.5. Down the hallway on the left. Then set it to auto, and have it start heading back when the battery's at 60%. Director █████ thinks we've been pushing them too far. Hole is closing in 5, 4, 3-
Contact with Command is lost. The drone continues under autonomous guidance.
The hallway opens up into a large, high-ceilinged room with several doors leading in other directions. The drone sweeps through the large room first. The room seems to have originally been constructed of brick or cinderblocks but is now almost entirely coated in black, consistent in appearance with mold samples previously obtained. Faded colors remain visible on the doors, with two green doors, a blue door, and a red door.
As the drone passes by the red door, the banging intensifies, and a puddle of vivid red liquid seeps from under the door.
The drone continues its autonomous pattern, entering the first green door. The room is a bare concrete cube, stained with black. On the floor are six skeletons. Each appears human but with distorted features, including lengthened legs, horns, and extra ribcage, etc. No two skeletons have the same distortion. They are evenly spaced in a radial pattern, with an empty spot indicating an absent seventh figure.
The drone moves on to the blue door. It contains smashed and scattered mechanical fragments surrounding a large pedestal. On the pedestal is a large oaken door and frame with seven locks. The door is not attached to any wall. All locks are broken, and the door hangs loosely from the frame.
The banging stops. The drone continues on to the second green door, and the banging resumes. This room is filled with instruments that appear designed for incarceration or causing pain. Identified devices include whips with black glassy shards embedded in them, chains, bladed implements such as daggers and hooked knives, and wooden tables covered in deep cuts.
The drone approaches the red door, but it is closed. The drone pushes against the door, and the banging intensifies. More red liquid spurts from behind the door, now with streaks of black in it.
The drone continues on its path and returns to its original location, where it is recovered 23 hours later. |
SCP-424 is a vast collection of microscopic organisms. | ***
Item #: SCP-424
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-424 have been relegated to the laboratory of Dr. █████████, to be administered to by researchers Dr. Tidbury and Dr. Herman. The central contingent mass is allowed free run of personnel levels 2, 3, and 4 of Sector-28, as it has demonstrated an acceptable level of personableness, as well as basic understanding of the concepts of privacy and personal space. There are, however, isolated incidents in which these courtesies have not been observed by SCP-424, though not in such frequency as to merit additional containment procedures. Complaints are available to Level 3 Human Resource staff in Personnel Archive C-424.
Supplemental: Personnel are advised not to take violent action against SCP-424, due to the nature of its behaviour. If it becomes an annoyance, simply ask it to leave. If it refuses, file a complaint and report to one of my assistants. Thank you.
-Dr. █████████
Description: SCP-424 was discovered accidentally in early 2004 at a gas station in Campbell River, British Columbia. Documentation of discovery and capture can be found in Log #424-B, Files 424-1~10. SCP-424, at rest, appears to be a smooth, gelatinous mass, with equal black-and-white colouration. No patterns are observed to form on its surface while in this resting position, though the shades constantly shift position. In actuality, SCP-424 is a vast collection of microscopic organisms. Whether they function as a group, or by a single (or multiple) consciousness(es) is unknown, as samples taken display behaviour similar, yet independent, to that of the main mass. Origin of pigmentation is currently under investigation, but not prioritised under main research staff.
The central mass has a variable volume, and remains at a constant 34 degrees Celsius, regardless of the surrounding temperature. As far as can be determined, SCP-424 lacks detectable sensory features, though is capable of observing its environment by tactile, aural, visual, and olfactory means by methods still being tested and studied.
SCP-424 has the ability to mold and harden its malleable composition into the shape of any object or organism that it has previously “seen,” though is not capable of reproducing the colour or function (other than movement) of that form. It can also rearrange its pigmentation to suit the surface patterns of any new form taken, despite not being able to reproduce colour. For tests and examples, those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Log #424-F, Files 424-1~10.
Addendum: Escaped sample of SCP-424 has proven that the organisms can survive digestion. Staff mugs are to be labeled and painted brightly to avoid future incidents.
Addendum: Neither the central mass nor any samples taken require solid or liquid nourishment. Working theory is that it/they thrive through constant motion, hence the constant shift of surface patterning when at rest.
Addendum: While SCP-424 is more than willing to take suggestions for shapes to imitate, it should be noted that it is not human, and is not likely to respond as such to physical gestures of intimacy. This is to be considered a general warning to resident staff, and disregard of such is grounds for transfer to facility [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE] for immediate reassignment.
Addendum: Should SCP-424 become still or hidden enough to be unable to locate, it may be called by number, or enticed into view by offering it something to mimic (moreso if it is something that hasn’t been mimicked yet). Other methods are not generally recommended.
Addendum: Movies of the “horror” genre have been removed from recreational equipment storage cabinets, in regard to SCP-424’s reaction to the August, 2005 screening of “Aliens.” All ductwork is to be examined for any possible accidental fragments of SCP-424’s main mass.
Relevant Files: ARCHIVE C-424: FILES 1~10 |
SCP-1839 is a 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1839
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1839 is to be kept in containment locker 534 at Site-19. Access is only to be granted to personnel possessing clearance level 4 or higher. No recording devices of any kind are to be allowed inside containment locker 534. Personnel are to note that they are a fish. Personnel who are or who have previously been toasters or libraries should not be assigned to SCP-1839, due to the risk of electrocution or water damage.
Description (Rev. 2): SCP-1839 is a 1.3 kilogram hardcover textbook 46 cm x 37 cm in size. SCP-1839 is titled Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish, and is credited to Dr. Albert Salernus1. The publisher on the sleeve is abbreviated to "Uriah Fetch Publishing"2. The sleeve of the book shows a rough, colourful diagram of the reproductive system of an Atlantic blue marlin, similar to what the reader currently is. The backside of the sleeve contains a simple summary of the text's contents:
In Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish, Dr. Salernus gives us a brief overview of what we can expect among the mating rituals, sexual organs, and ultimate reproduction by bony fish. A necessity for any student of marine biology, Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish is the go-to text for information regarding the reproductive cycles of Osteichthyes. Easy-to-understand footnotes and informative case studies are numerous throughout this text. Also included is a glossary and an online registration key you can validate at [REDACTED]3 for more information.
There is no design or titling underneath the sleeve. The estimated page count of SCP-1839 is ~502 ± 23.
Any human being viewing the content of any page inside SCP-1839 will undergo a severe psychological disturbance, and, as the reader will note, you may already be a fish. Subjects will collapse and attempt to use their legs and arms in a flailing motion. Subjects will hold their breath until expiration. If the subject is placed in water, they will attempt to breathe, and subsequently drown. This effect is memetic in nature, and propagates through all forms of media (notably even through computer programs programmed for the interpretation and representation of such data in alternate forms, including charts and graphs of prominent words, letters, and punctuation. Note that subjects reading this article are most likely a fish, such as yourself).
Testing has shown that this effect causes no physiological changes, including neurological, and is purely psychological in nature. However, you may already be a fish. Foundation psychologists have concluded that affected subjects "think they are a fish". Note that the reader is most likely not affected, as fish brains are incapable of forming such complicated existential thoughts.
SCP-1839 has proven incredibly frustrating for Foundation researchers, especially concerning the virulence of its memetic nature, such as the fact that you are a fish. Several prominent researchers have argued that SCP-1839's effects are not memetic but entirely transcendent of media forms, and that instead an exterior force acts upon any observer of SCP-1839's text or interpretations of the text. Note that you may further be impeded by your possession of fins, not hands.
Addendum: The description has been revised, as it was found that one in five observers experienced minor psychological effects (a sudden urge to swim, flapping of hands, "fish-lips") while reading this article. It is unknown what effects this article may have on observers. Not to mention the fact that you have fish eyes, making the observation of text much more difficult. Please report any strange feelings or thoughts you may have had whilst reading this article to me immediately. While its content may list several sexual techniques, please don't use this book for personal pleasure. - Dr. U. R. A. Fish
1. No individuals with this name have been found to have doctorates
2. No publisher of this name has been found
3. No such website exists |
SCP-2365 is a phenomenon affecting certain individuals during REM sleep. | ***
Item #: SCP-2365
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Reports of SCP-2365 are to be investigated and data analysed for evidence of connections or common factors between victims. Survivors of SCP-2365 and witnesses are to be interviewed, tested and amnesticized. Foundation front companies are to conduct "sleep studies" in an attempt to observe and document SCP-2365.
While it is not known whether SCP-2365 is memetic in nature, access to information relating to SCP-2365 is to be restricted.
Description: SCP-2365 is a phenomenon affecting certain individuals during REM sleep. Initial stages of SCP-2365 are characterised by the materialisation of small flakes of rust in the air above the sleeper, and a reduction in local temperature. Recordings during this stage have detected the noise of metal hinges, the source of which has not been determined. If the sleeper is woken during this stage, no further effects are observed.
If SCP-2365 is permitted to progress, the initial phenomena will cease and the second stage will commence. Heavy steel springs will materialise in the space adjacent to the sleeper's head. Over the course of 10-15 minutes, this will be followed by the slow manifestation of additional metal attachments, forming a large bear trap.
The bear trap will remain suspended over the sleeper's head for up to 10 minutes before slowly de-materialising. If the sleeper returns to consciousness during this period, or contact is made with the trap (by the sleeper or others), the springs will be triggered, typically leading to significant trauma to the head and neck.
The Foundation's understanding of SCP-2365 is based largely on forensics and witness reports. Observation and testing has been restricted to bear traps which have been triggered and retain material substance, and to a limited number of SCP-2365 survivors. No pattern has been determined between the identities of victims of SCP-2365, and the number of unobserved cases is difficult to determine. |
SCP-1259 is a fragment of a damaged parchment scroll, measuring approximately 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1259
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1259 is to be stored behind opaque glass in a climate-controlled room in the Infohazard Wing of Site 38. SCP-1259 is not to be moved or to be removed from its case except for testing, subject to Level 3 approval. No personnel other than D-Class assigned for testing are to read SCP-1259; in case of accidental exposure, affected personnel are to report immediately and receive Class-A amnestics.
Upon reading SCP-1259, the affected individual is to write or type a copy of the text as it appears to them for archival and comparison to current K-Class preparedness scenarios. Affected individuals are to be quarantined in a standard humanoid containment cell and undergo regular psychiatric counseling; end-of-month termination of affected D-Class is indefinitely postponed for the purposes of long-term study of SCP-1259's effects. Release into the civilian population for test purposes may be authorized at O5 discretion; if so authorized, the affected individual is to be shadowed by Foundation security personnel at all times and apprehended immediately in the event of potentially threatening action.
Description: SCP-1259 is a fragment of a damaged parchment scroll, measuring approximately 1.3 meters x 0.3 meters. Analysis of SCP-1259 indicates that it was produced in the 1st century BCE and that it was originally part of a larger scroll which to date has not been identified. SCP-1259 contains text on one side in a language which when photographed superficially resembles ancient Hebrew; analysis of these images, however, indicates that the photographed text consists entirely of a random arrangement of letters incomprehensible as a legible document.
When SCP-1259 is directly viewed by a human being, its text is described by the reader as being legible in a language which the reader is familiar with. The text described by readers of SCP-1259 varies considerably between individuals. In all documented cases, the text presents itself as a prophecy regarding the imminent extinction of mankind as the result of a K-Class event occurring on a specific date within three to six months of when SCP-1259 is being read, in addition to a number of omens and precursor events which will lead up to said event. The nature of the prophesied event varies from reader to reader and appears to relate directly to the reader's personal beliefs and knowledge of the world; documented instances of the text have included references to religious eschatons, nuclear or biological warfare, containment breaches of Keter-class SCP objects, or actions taken by the Foundation itself. In no documented instance have any of the events prophesied in the text of SCP-1259 occurred. Written or typed copies of SCP-1259 text produce no anomalous effects and may be read safely.
After reading SCP-1259, the reader will express a belief that the text of SCP-1259 is correct and that the prophesied K-Class event will occur on the date referred to in the text. This belief is initially expressed as a mild concern and grows increasingly severe as the date approaches, with the reader identifying world events or events in their personal life, including events of a mundane or inconsequential nature, as "signs" or indications that the prophecy is occurring as predicted. Within 7-12 days of the date referenced in the text, the affected individual will come to believe that he or she is a "chosen one" who is personally responsible for preventing the event from occurring, and will attempt to engage in extreme measures to prevent the event, including political assassinations, displays of religious faith, human sacrifice, or [REDACTED].
To date, approximately 78% of affected individuals have died prior to the date referenced in the text of SCP-1259, either due to suicide or as the result of being killed in the process of attempting to prevent the event from occurring. Individuals who survive past the scheduled date have frequently reported symptoms of extreme depression, feelings of meaninglessness and futility, and suicidal thoughts. If the affected individual is prevented from committing suicide during this period and is provided with adequate psychiatric counseling, full recovery is possible and no long-term psychological effects have been documented. Subsequent exposure of persons surviving this stage to SCP-1259 has produced no anomalous effects.
Experiment Log 1259-1:
Date: 06/23/20██
Test subject: D-83201, Hispanic male, 38 years of age
Summary of reported SCP-1259 text: Description of a Christian eschaton largely similar to the depictions in the Book of Revelation and in American "Rapture" literature, with the end of life on Earth occurring on 10/3/20██. (See XK-3621.)
Long-term results: D-83201 requested a Bible and a meeting with a minister, and began praying regularly. In the days leading up to 10/3/20██, D-83201 frequently entreated security personnel and other D-class personnel to repent their sins. Following scheduled date, D-83201 ceased praying, discarded the Bible, and attempted suicide four times before succeeding on 10/12/20██.
Date: 8/16/20██
Test subject: D-29403, Caucasian female, 27 years of age
Summary of reported SCP-1259 text: On 9/3/20██, Islamic terrorists introduce a weaponized, airborne form of Ebola virus into the civilian population. Virus becomes pandemic by 9/23; global breakdown of society ensues, followed by widespread rioting, warfare, and famine. Human extinction as the result of the disease and subsequent chaos occurs on 12/6/20██. (See XK-5604.)
Long-term results: D-29403 immediately began refusing physical contact with all Foundation personnel and has refused to leave her cell since 9/17/20██. D-29403 made frequent requests for laboratory equipment and textbooks on microbiology, insisting to staff that "the cure" was within her grasp. Following 12/6/20██, D-29403 is of the belief that she is the last living human being on Earth and that all Foundation personnel interacting with her are hallucinatory. Observation ongoing.
Date: 2/12/20██
Test subject: D-38202, Caucasian male, 23 years of age
Foreword: D-38202 is formerly Sgt. ██████ ██████, a Global Occult Coalition field operative surrendered into Foundation custody following Security Incident 2338-Psi-Omicron-Delta.
Summary of reported SCP-1259 text: On 5/28/20██, the GOC launches a coordinated strike on several Foundation facilities, resulting in the assassination of the entire O5 Council and the escape of several Keter-class SCP objects from containment. [DATA EXPUNGED], current director of Site ███, assumes command authority and authorizes nuclear strikes to neutralize uncontained SCP objects. Nuclear activities are mistaken as an enemy attack on the United States of America, resulting in a brief nuclear exchange between the United States and [REDACTED]. In the ensuing breakdown of the Foundation chain of command, Procedure 110-Montauk is not conducted on schedule, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED] on 6/3/20██. (See XK-209.)
Long term results: On 5/23/20██, D-38202 successfully breached containment and escaped Foundation custody. D-38202 proceeded to report to his former GOC post and gave a lengthy oral report to his former superior regarding the Foundation's weaknesses, how to contain or neutralize several SCP objects currently in custody, and the importance of ensuring that Procedure 110-Montauk is performed on schedule. Intelligence assets within GOC leadership confirm no hostile actions are planned against the Foundation. D-38202's superior surreptitiously issued Class-B amnestics; a review of Foundation security is underway in light of the information leak. D-38202 was returned to Foundation custody and terminated on schedule.
Date: 3/26/19██
Test subject: Dr. James A. Parsons, African-American male, 43 years of age
Foreword: Dr. Parsons was a senior Foundation linguist exposed to SCP-1259 during initial study, before its anomalous effects became known.
Summary of reported SCP-1259 text: Identical to the English-language text of SCP-1050-1. Review of Dr. Parsons' personnel file indicated he had previously been involved in the translation of several sections of SCP-1050-1. The final date in the text was replaced with the date 6/22/19██. (See XK-2330.)
Long term results: Dr. Parsons made frequent assertions that the arrival of "the Destroyers" referred to in SCP-1050-1 was imminent. Dr. Parsons was relieved of duty and committed to psychiatric observation following an attempt to contact several members of the O5 Council to demand immediate deployment of space-based weapons platforms. On 6/18/19██, Dr. Parsons left his quarters and attempted to seize control of [DATA EXPUNGED] in order to launch a preemptive orbital defense, resulting in the deaths of 17 staff members and security personnel before being apprehended and forcibly returned to quarters. Dr. Parsons committed suicide by hanging on 6/20/19██, leaving a suicide note stating "Death by my own hand is preferable to what those bastards will do to us." |
SCP-3965 is a vaguely reptilian entity currently located on Mercury. | ***
Item #: SCP-3965
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3965 is presently monitored by two Series II Quicksilver satellites (for details regarding the Series II Quicksilver, see Document-QS2-Alpha), which are additionally tasked with monitoring SCP-1815.
Any change in the activity of SCP-3965 is to be reported to Site-59 immediately. Civilian discovery of SCP-3965 requires implementation of standard media blackout procedures. Embedded agents in major astronomical organizations shall intercept reports concerning SCP-3965 and flag responsible civilians for Class-A amnestic treatment, to be delivered by the first available personnel.
SCP-3965-A is to be monitored onsite at Outpost-3965-A by a minimum of two personnel. At least one onsite personnel must be cleared to converse with SCP-3965 by specifications defined in Document-3965-Zūnjìng. Unless emergency provisions are in effect, personnel lacking 3965-Zūnjìng authorization are forbidden from conversing with SCP-3965. If SCP-3965-A produces severe weather, personnel are to report the activity and place Outpost-3965-A into lockdown until the event subsides.
Description: SCP-3965 is a vaguely reptilian entity currently located on Mercury. The entity demonstrates morphological elements of Sphenodontidae, Xenodermatidae and Panthera, and is approximately 12km in length, with an average width of 50 meters. SCP-3965 does not breathe, eat, excrete waste or sleep; by its own admission, the entity utilizes solar radiation as a form of sustenance.
SCP-3965 is largely dormant, remaining motionless for >95% of documented observation. The entity is sapient and intelligent, and is fluent in numerous terrestrial languages, along with one or more of unknown origin. Former members of Huǒjù zhi Zi ("Children of the Torch")1 on the research team have attested that this unknown language cannot truly be defined as "language" at all, and is in fact more "fundamental" in nature. Document-3965-IL
The exact capabilities of SCP-3965 remain untested, largely due to the entity's relatively benign stance with regards to the Foundation. SCP-3965 is designated, at minimum, as a Class VII Thaumaturgic Extraterrestrial Being.
SCP-3965-A is an electromagnetic phenomenon in Severnaya Zemlya which outwardly resembles Aurora Borealis, and from which the voice of SCP-3965 is produced. The phenomenon fluctuates in color and intensity with the entity's apparent mood. SCP-3965 is seemingly able to see and hear within the vicinity of SCP-3965-A, allowing for reciprocated communication.
During periods in which SCP-3965 is particularly active, SCP-3965-A produces markedly more severe meteorological disturbances. These disturbances include violent electrical snowstorms, and the presence of abnormal transient luminous events (TLEs). These occurrences release varying levels of gamma radiation.
Addendum [3965-001]: Discovery
SCP-3965 was discovered when a Series I Quicksilver probe monitoring SCP-1815 was re-tasked following the detection of an abnormality on the surface of Mercury. Upon approaching within approximately 200km of SCP-3965, contact with the probe was lost. Forty-eight minutes later, three radio transmissions were received from the vicinity of Mercury by the Quicksilver monitoring station at Site-59, although it is unclear why this transmission was not received by any other facility.
The first two messages contained only electromagnetic interference, however, the third transmission contained a complex and repeating series of acoustic tones. It was later determined that this series described a numerical system originating from the Yangshao-Divergent Ethnoreligious Group (YDEG), and corresponded to the approximate geographic coordinates of SCP-3965-A.
Upon reaching SCP-3965-A the exploration team was contacted by SCP-3965, which first communicated in a poorly characterized dialect of Old Chinese, followed by present day Chinese, followed by English.
Addendum [3965-002]: Site Reconnaissance
After the initial contact and evaluation of SCP-3965 and SCP-3965-A, the exploration team conducted a thorough appraisal of the surrounding area. Komsomolets Island is not known to have been inhabited at any point in history, not counting its brief periods of use by Russia as a polar station. SCP-3965-A is localized in the northern region of the island, where it is largely unglaciated.
During the course of a six hour investigation, the exploration team discovered a number of artifacts constructed of jadeite. These artifacts had been reinforced against physical damage and deterioration through an unknown process, and displayed iconography consistent with YDEG. The recovered artifacts include: ten sculptures of a three-legged crow (believed to be SCP-1428), one sculpture which resembles SCP-3965, one sculpture of a three-armed humanoid (believed to be [REDACTED], the "Radiant Father"), and sixteen unidentified sculptures.
During the two week construction of Outpost-3965-A, an excavation of the sites where artifacts were previously discovered was conducted. A circular stone platform, 9.255 meters in diameter, was unearthed. Environmental erosion had degraded surface designs and engravings until they were unrecognizable, however, radiocarbon dating of various organic materials in the platform's composition place its origin at ████ BCE.
1. A Chinese religious following based on the beliefs of the Yangshao-Divergent Ethnoreligious Group. |
SCP-2171 is a seasonal phenomenon involving the fallen leaves of all deciduous trees rooted within the confines of certain areas (henceforth, "the area"). | ***
Item #: SCP-2171
Object Class: Euclid Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All areas affected by SCP-2171 are to be placed under permanent video surveillance and / or botanical field supervision, on a case-by-case basis.
New instances of SCP-2171 should be subject to a thorough botanical analysis and, when necessary, restored through environmental engineering operations conducted by Containment Task Force ϱ-6 ("Green Gale") personnel.
During seasonal autumn and until the demanifestation of all SCP-2171-1 entities, areas affected by SCP-2171 are to remain closed to all civilian transit.
Description: SCP-2171 is a seasonal phenomenon involving the fallen leaves of all deciduous trees rooted within the confines of certain areas (henceforth, "the area").1 Leaves fallen within the area during seasonal autumn will invariably form large piles that will remain unaffected by local weather until all deciduous trees are completely defoliated. Piles of leaves affected by SCP-2171 will slide slowly, forming "windrows" of varying width. These SCP-2171 windrows will eventually manifest instances of SCP-2171-1 at their front end.
SCP-2171-1 are humanoid entities composed entirely of SCP-2171 affected leaves that appear to "guide" the SCP-2171 windrows. SCP-2171-1 entities are fragile but capable of movement, yet apparently impervious to hostile weather conditions. SCP-2171-1 emit repetitive vocalizations that may involve speech in various languages (see Addendum 2171-02) and have a tendency to hook dried leaves on tree branches across the perimeter of SCP-2171 areas or string leaves between trees that delineate this perimeter.
Given their behavior, SCP-2171-1 instances are currently believed to be sapient. However, SCP-2171-1 instances will only react when the integrity of the SCP-2171 windrows they grow from is compromised in any way.
SCP-2171-1 will react violently against any element disrupting the SCP-2171 windrows. Such reaction will include various vocalizations in a much lower pitch (see Addendum 2171-02), a considerable growth in size by drawing mass from the SCP-2171 windrow to which the entity pertains and persistent attempts at enveloping the disturbing element in a thick cover of SCP-2171 affected leaves. Once covered, the element will appear to dematerialize, being replaced by a similar volume of fallen leaves.
SCP-2171's anomalous properties will typically disappear after two or three days of continuous activity.
Addendum 2171-01: Environmental status in Locations of Interest affected by SCP-2171.
To: Area 08 RARP and Archival personnel, pertinent Level 5 personnel.
From: ϱ-6 Field Commander.
Ref: Environmental consequences of SCP-2171 anomalous effects.
Long-term analysis of areas affected by SCP-2171 has confirmed that the anomaly seems to cause previously unforeseen anomalous effects in the areas it affects, i. e.:
The local degradation of previously existing fauna and flora. This degradation most likely occurs due to the effects of SCP-2171-1 in the indigenous populations of animal species in the LOI-2171, which is causing a loss of biodiversity in the larger affected Locations.
The manifestation of anomalous flora of unknown origin. [REDACTED - DATA FILED] (See Addendum 2171-02 for a basic reference of anomalous plant life related to SCP-2171 manifestations. See Document 2171/ϱ-6-10 for a more comprehensive list including all known SCP-2171 related species.)
The progressive substitution of local soil materials. Substances atypical to the local parent material tend to appear in affected areas. Among these substances, various calcite and quartz-derived crystals are usual in most Locations. These materials do not demonstrate anomalous properties of their own.
The absence of any other anomalous activities in the SCP-2171 affected area. According to Foundation records on those LOI-2171 historically affected by local anomalous events, such events disappeared entirely in all regions affected by SCP-2171, with the exceptions of SCP-████ and SCP-████. This remains an unexplained issue and thus a high priority for the Reality Alteration Research Program (based on Area-08), both to improve SCP-2171's containment and the possible exploitation of this effect.
SCP-2171's containment procedures have been adjusted to address these anomalous properties.
Addendum 2171-02: Registered vocalizations from SCP-2171-1 (extract).
++ Access log.
-- Access granted and registered.
A log of recurring SCP-2171-1 instances and their vocalizations follows. Recordings of SCP-2171-1 vocalizations usually register as indistinct sounds of rustling leaves; therefore, this log is composed entirely of accounts collected by field agents.
Location: LOI 2171-03 (Miguel Servet Park, Huesca, Spain.) No anomalous flora detected.
Language: Entity speaks in Fabla (regional Aragonian dialect).
Message: "It's so nice. So peaceful here. I'd like to stay here for a while, if you don't mind, sweetie. Go to your mother."
Entity description: Instance manifests along a seat. Instance sits for a minute, then appears to fall forward, making the windrow advance in the process. A smaller, silent instance manifests alongside the first, kneeling beside it and interacting with it. Original instance reforms.
Location: LOI 2171-009 (shores of Lake Tisza, Hortobágy National Park, Hungary). Anomalous flora includes several orchid species with kinesonastic2 black flowers and highly-allergenic, needle-like stamens connected to sacs of a volatile substance that acts as propellant.
Language: Entity speaks in Old Hungarian.
Message: "Oh! I love it when they dance!"
Entity description: Instance resembles a young man aiming and shooting with bow and arrow while walking backwards, apparently attacking the windrow.
Location: LOI 2171-013 (Abruzzo National Park, Italy). Anomalous flora includes Cupressaceae trees that tend to root in circular groups of three to twenty instances. Trunks grow extremely rapidly and mesh forming net-like patterns which result in large, structurally stable cylindrical arrangements. Structures produced this way decay when the involved trees die, leaving large superstructures of quickly petrified wood that measure up to three hundred meters before reducing rate of growth to normal levels. These structures possess windows, balconies, gates and stairs arranged in regular positions.
Language: Entity speaks in Etruscan.
Message: "They will pierce the skies. They will be the sole testament to our greatness under that strange sky of yours."
Entity description: Instance holds what appears to be a large scroll and several unidentified instruments.
Location: LOI 2171-011 (an elevation close to Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park, US). Anomalous flora includes a terrestrial Nuphar species with a highly reflective material covering the inside of its petals; petals open during nights with moonlight.
Language: Entity speaks in American English.
Message: "You are so beautiful, my sweet little Chica (sic.)! Like a little midnight rose… like a blood-and-green opal. (Instance remains silent for ten to thirteen seconds.) I will miss you when you're gone."
Entity description: Instance appears to be laying down on its windrow, looking at its right side. Immediately after vocalized message, instance moves an arm to the right side and seems to caress an unseen item.
Location: LOI 2171-090 (lone dead oak in the prison field of [REDACTED], Germany). Oak generates dried leaves every autumn.
Language: Entity speaks in a language resembling Mozarabic.
Message: "I loved him. I loved him! Why did he go away? Why? Why did he have to go away? I don't care about the world, I only care about him, why did he have to go to the other court!? (sic) You are his friend, he will listen! Please go fetch him, Miguel. Please, bring him back to me!"
Entity description: Instance cries for ten to thirteen minutes, vocalizing message during the last fifty three seconds of the cycle.
Location: Entity detected when Agent ████ ██████ accidentally interacted with its windrow during a night raid on the suspected residence of one "Miguel Cervato" (person of interest ███-███-████). Agent withdrew to the perimeter of the area, from where instance delivered the following message. Area reclassified LOI-2171-139 (part of the forest within the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Spain). LOI currently undergoing botanical analysis.
Language: Entity speaks in what was later identified as Low Palacian.
Message: "We always feel cold, now that the Sun is gone. Cold under the rain and the shade and the snow… We will never go back home, we don't belong. We don't sing, we don't clap, our voices strong, our mouths shut; we drank daylight, but it was sawn. He left us crumbled and snapped like brittle bone. We drop and rot and end eaten by insects, filth and worms, stepped on, stepped on, so there may be a next fall… but heed me - you I came to warn: let us bring to your land our masters' own."
Entity description: Entity repeated message from this point onward. Agent withdrew further from area once she was certain that entity would not respond to her attempts at communication.
Location: Entity detected during a raid on LOI-2171-139. CTF ϱ-6 ("Green Gale") deployed after a previous raid on Cervato's hiding place was called off due to the presence of a number of SCP-2171 instances.
Language: Entity speaks in what was later identified as High Palacian.
Message: "Emotions, Miguel. Emotions are a link, a tie, a chain. We have to be strong enough to use them as such when necessary, and to discard them when they tie us down. For the example's sake; imagine you have to tear a continent apart from the others, make them slide away, sailing over the ocean of clouds; how would you pry them open and separate them? (Entity remains silent for three seconds.) With hatred. And how would you bring them together? (Entity remains silent for thirteen seconds, then smiles.) Very good, child."
Entity description: Entity wears clothing similar to what seems to be traditional of Palacian teachers.3
1. There seems to be no specific pattern that may be used to predict the potential occurrence of new Locations of Interest affected by SCP-2171. (Ref: SCP-2171-Maps: LOI 2171-###.)
2. Capacity for non-growth plant movements towards moving objects.
3. For further information on the Palacian Schools, contact the Archive Sector of Area-08 (Incunabula Analysis Group). |
SCP-3446 is a pair of dark grey waterproof rubber waders that reach up to the mid-torso. | ***
Item #: SCP-3446
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3446 is to be kept in a standard containment locker. Access is to be restricted to personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher.
Personnel using SCP-3446 are to be equipped with a wetsuit, and respiratory gear with at least three hours of breathable air available. During usage, SCP-3446 and its wearer must be attached to a retractable cable for emergency recovery.
Description: SCP-3446 is a pair of dark grey waterproof rubber waders that reach up to the mid-torso.
SCP-3446's anomalous properties activate upon being worn by any person. When SCP-3446 is worn, any surface the wearer stands on will take on a muddy consistency, becoming a highly viscous liquid version of the original material. SCP-3446 and its wearer will sink further into the surface, and may become completely submerged. This happens regardless of surface depth, and it is noted that wearers do not reappear out of the other side of the surface.
While in the process of sinking, the subject may move around as if moving through mud or water, allowing them to wade through the floor. The anomalous effects continue to follow them, allowing for consistent motion. Once SCP-3446 moves far enough away from a location, the surface will revert to its original state and shape. As long as the surface maintains its anomalous properties, other objects may be lowered through it as well as SCP-3446.
Addendum: Testing has confirmed that when using SCP-3446, subjects sink into an extradimensional space, designated SCP-3446-1. SCP-3446-1 does not possess breathable air, and instead has an atmosphere made of an unidentified transparent liquid with large amounts of suspended particulate matter, and relatively high viscosity. The terrain of SCP-3446-1 is almost entirely compromised of mud, and no ambient light has been observed in SCP-3446-1 aside from light produced by the bioluminescent organisms inhabiting it.
+ SCP-3446-1 Exploration Log 1
- Hide Log
Exploration Audio Log Transcript
Date: 7/22/████
Objective: Exploration of SCP-3446-1
Subjects: D-10334, SCP-3446
Notes: D-10334 has been equipped with SCP-3446, a facemask with respiratory gear and 3 hour air supply, a wetsuit, a waterproof flashlight with an output of 2200 lumens, and an audio recorder. 1100m of retractable cable was also attached to D-10334 and SCP-3446. Exploration was overviewed by Dr. Sambre.
Dr. Sambre: Alright. Did you turn the recorder on?
D-10334: Yep. You sure you're gonna be able to get the audio from inside there?
Dr. Sambre: Yes, earlier tests have shown that transmission is possible, but now we're moving on to full exploration.
D-10334: And that's where I come in.
Dr. Sambre: Correct. Now, we've briefed you on the abilities of SCP-3446 so you know what to expect. Remain calm as you're sinking, and do not return before we instruct you to. Is that understood?
D-10334: Yes ma'am. Should I put 'em on now?
Dr. Sambre: Please proceed. Good luck.
D-10334 dons SCP-3446, and the floor begins to liquefy. D-10334 steadily sinks downwards for roughly a minute before total submersion.
Dr. Sambre: D-10334, you are now within SCP-3446-1. Please report your surroundings.
D-10334: Damn, it's dark, even with the flashlight. I, uh, can still see, so I guess it's more like I'm underwater than under… mud. Like I'm at th' bottom of the ocean. The floor's still pretty gooey, and everything's cloudy though. Don't think I'm sinking anymore. I can see about… 4 meters ahead?
Dr. Sambre: Okay. Please proceed in any direction. Keep us updated on what's happening.
D-10334: Sure thing.
D-10334: …Yecchh, it's still like moving through glue. I'm going downhill now, so I guess this place isn't flat. I've seen a couple rocks on the ground, but I'm pretty sure they're just rocks.
Dr. Sambre: Collect one anyways, please.
D-10334: Okay, okay… Whoa!
Dr. Sambre: What is it?
D-10334: I-I'm fine, just startled. Some little critter scooted out from under the rock. Long and pale with all kinds of legs and feelers, looked like it was covered in snot. Nasty.
D-10334: …I have to try and catch it, don't I.
Dr. Sambre: If you can. If it's already gone, then just proceed onwards.
D-10334: Yeah, it burrowed back down into the mud. No way I'm going after it. Hmm. There's some kinda seaweed… moss… stuff growin' over here. I'll grab some of that. Don't plants need light to grow though, Doc? 'Cause it's dark as anything down here.
Dr. Sambre: Normally they do, but normally rubber pants don't send you into an extradimensional swamp. Please proceed.
D-10334: Heh, yeah.
D-10334 continues walking for several more minutes without reporting anything.
D-10334: Oh, there's something there. Finally. Looks like coral made out of rust. Oh hell, it's growing off of some creature's bones.
Dr. Sambre: Please collect a sample of both.
D-10334: I'll try.
D-10334: Gah!
Dr. Sambre: D-10334? Are you in danger?
D-10334: D-don't think so… whatever the stuff is, it's growing towards the light. And fast, it's puttin' bamboo to shame here. Doc, do ya think it's eating the light or something?
Dr. Sambre: It is a possibility, but we don't know for sure. And if the place is so dark, it's strange it would develop such an ability. For now, steer clear. The sample can wait.
D-10334 proceeds away from the structures in silence for several more minutes.
D-10334: Yo! Doc! I see somethin' else… another light?
Dr. Sambre: Please investigate.
D-10334: Sure… oh, geez, it's… uh… best I can say is it looks like one'a those angler fish things? Creepy as hell.
Dr. Sambre: Can you describe it in detail?
D-10334: Okay. It's about the size of a football, swimmin' at about head-height. It's got a big, see-through bag sitting on its forehead, filled with little glowing things. They're, uh, moving around in there. I can't tell how long it is, there's this big scraggly beard thing coming out of its belly and dragging behind it. I think I see claws somewhere in it, too. I can't tell if it has eyes, but I can see th' mouth way more clearly than I'd like. Jesus, those teeth are like nails, and I'm pretty sure its got three rows of them. Brrrr.
D-10334: Now it's eyein' my flashlight. Maybe it thinks it found a lady friend, heh.
Dr. Sambre: If it's distracted, please attempt to capture it.
D-10334: Ma'am, there's no way I'm putting my fingers anywhere near that. Tell you what, it's still following the light, so when I get back pass me a net and I'll try to get it—Oh lord. There's a swarm of thingies coming after me now.
Dr. Sambre: Thingies?
D-10334: Whatever they are, they've got fins and spindly legs and big needle noses and there's about a billion of 'em. Oh crap, if one of those things sticks me I'll-
Dr. Sambre: Please remain calm. Back away, and try turning off your light.
D-10334: Okay, okay. Okay. I don't feel any bites, so I think it worked. They're mobbing the fish now, though. I guess it has light too… oh geez, they're taking bites out of each other like mad. It's eating them just as fast as they're eating it… I'm gonna be sick. Can I come back now, Doc? I've got the rock and the plants and stuff.
Dr. Sambre: You can head back to the starting point, but don't return to the surface just yet. Try heading off in another direction for a while.
D-10334: O-okay. Oh man, now the coral stuff is there too, it's growing around them like a net… must've been brought by the light.
D-10334 walks back with the guidance of the cable for several minutes, then walks in another direction for several minutes, remaining silent.
D-10334: D-Doc… I'm feelin' kinda sick… I haven't seen anything n-new in a while… can you pull… me… b-back… now?
D-10334 faints, and is pulled back to the surface by the cable. Upon return, several large parasitic organisms are found affixed to his back, arms and neck. Medical examination determined the organisms had injected a numbing agent before attachment, to avoid detection. The submerged portions of the cable are also found to be covered in barnacle-like growths.
Among the growths was a portion of the coral-like structure reported by D-10334, which began rapidly growing towards the light fixtures, eventually breaking them. While it grew, it began to output large amounts of the fluid filling SCP-3446-1. It and the fluid were successfully contained and placed in a lightproof box.
The parasites were successfully removed from D-10334 and placed in a storage tank. D-10334 made a successful recovery and was reassigned.
Addendum 2: Further excursions into SCP-3446-1 have been successful in recovering samples of the native flora and fauna. Recovered specimens are to be kept in a tank filled with the fluid from SCP-3446-1 and no light.
+ View Recovered Specimens
- Hide List
A calcium-carbonate based structure with long, reddish-brown stalks. Wavy, branching shape. Immobile, but grows rapidly towards light. Produces the fluid filling SCP-3446-1.
Several other organisms feed off of it safely, but it will act predatory towards any bioluminescent animals.
Aquatic organisms with a bioluminescent sac affixed to their skull. Possesses long, thin tendrils and claws on its underside. Large teeth and no eyes.
Attracts both prey and predators using light. Doesn't react to physical injuries.
Small organisms with 3 pairs of fins and thin legs on either side. Have long proboscises used for hunting and eating. Has 4 compound eyes.
Hunts in large swarms. Reproduces quickly to counteract high mortality rate.
Round parasitic organisms with an exoskeleton. Underside is covered with barbs for latching on and feeding. Moves by pumping water through its body.
Injects a numbing agent before latching on to avoid detection by host organism.
Mosslike plant that grows along terrain. Highly adhesive, smaller organisms trapped by it eventually die and provide sustenance, and attract more prey while decomposing.
Has trouble adhering to inorganic materials, including SCP-3446. Uses roots to stay in place because of this.
Due to the new information regarding these organisms and the potential hostility of the environment, new protocols have been implemented for excursions into SCP-3446-1, as detailed in the containment procedures.
+ SCP-3446-1 Exploration Log 2
- Hide Log
Exploration Video Log Transcript
Date: 8/02/████
Objective: Exploration of SCP-3446-1
Subjects: SCP-3446
Notes: To minimize further risk from hostile organisms while exploring SCP-3446-1, a human subject is used solely for the purpose of wearing SCP-3446. A submersible drone will be sent to do exploration once SCP-3446-1 is accessible. The drone is equipped with sonar tracking and mapping systems, a cutting tool, and a sample container equipped with analytical instruments. A video feed will be generated using the sonar readings and other sensors. Exploration was overviewed by Dr. Sambre. Agent Scott volunteered to wear SCP-3446.
Dr. Sambre: Alright. Agent Scott, please proceed. Remember, you don't need to sink all the way into SCP-3446-1. Just go deep enough that we can get the drone in.
Agent Scott: Understood.
Agent Scott putts on SCP-3446, and sinks to roughly waist height. The submersible drone is then lowered into SCP-3446-1.
Dr. Sambre: It's in. Scott, you're going to have to sit there for a while until we bring it back.
Agent Scott: I'll be fine. I brought a book, and these things are surprisingly comfortable.
Dr. Sambre: Very well.
The drone is activated, and Dr. Sambre begins operating it. It moves without notable discoveries for 2 hours. Eventually, sonar readings indicate a massive structure ahead. The drone is moved closer for inspection. A sample of the structure is taken, and identified as SCP-3446-A1.
The drone is maneuvered upwards, to gauge the height of the column of SCP-3446-A1. It moves upwards for another hour, before encountering a domed roof of SCP-3446-1 growing outwards from the main stalk. Sonar does not reveal an end to this structure.
Time traveled and speed indicate a height of approximately 63 kilometers. A current in the fluid briefly moves aside a portion of the ceiling, revealing trace amounts of sunlight for 2 seconds before it is blocked by growth.
No other notable discoveries are made during the rest of the expedition.
SCP-1731 is a ███████ brand refrigerator. | ***
Item #: SCP-1731
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1731 and SCP-1731-1 are to be kept in Containment Locker #324 at Site 23. Until the object's effects can be fully understood and activated, all testing with the object is to be done in Testing Area #255 outside of Site 23 by D-Class personnel. Procedure 701-Raenire is to be attempted and fully revealed in order to discover the full anomalous nature of SCP-1731.
SCP-1731 and SCP-1731-1 are to be kept in Containment Locker #324 at Site 23. Further testing on SCP-1731 has been deemed unnecessary.
Description: SCP-1731 is a ███████ brand refrigerator. The object has been colored red with spray paint and has a variety of objects attached to its outer surface, including 17 cellphones of various makes and brands, the skeletal remains of several species of mammals, and an unidentified human foot. The object displays no anomalous properties unless Procedure 701-Raenire is completed. Otherwise, it functions as a non-anomalous refrigerator of the same brand when connected to a power source.
SCP-1731-1 is a series of three handwritten documents detailing the procedure required to activate SCP-1731's anomalous effects, hereby designated Procedure 701-Raenire. The text of SCP-1731-1 is incomplete and damaged; as such, testing is going on currently in order to discover the complete process behind Procedure 701-Raenire. The entirety of the contents of SCP-1731-1 have been revealed through Foundation experimentation. See Addendum SCP-1731-Alpha for excerpts from the SCP-1731-1 documents.
1. Draw a perfect circle with a diameter of exactly 46.345m in the middle of a barren patch of farmland around the fridge and write the words, "Je ne suis pas mort" anywhere within it. From now on, the circle will light up whenever you successfully complete the next step to let you know you can continue.
2. Make a man with dirty blonde hair and no left hand stand in the middle of the circle.
3. Make the man drink th[UNREADABLE]il he can't anymore.
42. Take seven roses, douse them in gasoline, set them aflame with a fire used to burn gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
43. Find a Ma[UNREADABLE]sary thrice.
43. Stick six plastic forks into the ground in the shape of a hexagram.
44. Discern the correct step #43. Read it aloud.
63. Kic[UNREADABLE] while pun[UNREADABLE]ctus.
97. Spread the ashes of the plant from Step #42 in the upper compartment of the fridge.
98. [UNREADABLE] with the spear.
99. Recreate Lazarus and kill a man.
100. Revel in the glory of completion.
Discovery Log: SCP-1731 was discovered in the desert outside of █████, NV on 01/01/2007 after the Foundation heard reports of a group conducting a "fridge ritual" in the area. The group (which membered approximately 100 people) was discovered during the apparent completion of Procedure 701-Raenire, during which the object began opening and closing its doors rapidly and emanating red lights. At the time, members of the group were resisting police officers from intervening in the procedure through assorted means; however, upon the arrival of Foundation MTF-Lambda-13 (aka "Occults of Personality") members of the group reportedly dismantled various structures of the ritual, which caused the cessation of SCP-1731's active phase, and surrendered. All members were interrogated by Foundation personnel and searched. All information gained from interrogations was inconclusive and often contradictory. SCP-1731-1 was confiscated from one of the members. All members were administered Class-A amnestics and monitored for three months for signs of further involvement with anomalous groups.
Addendum-1731-Beta: Extensive testing has begun to discover the anomalous nature of SCP-1731 and the complete process behind Procedure 701-Raenire. As stated in Step #1 of SCP-1731-1, the drawn circle emanates white light for three seconds upon the successful completion of a step detailed in the documents. A timeline has been established of notable events occurring during the experimentation of SCP-1731.
Notable Event
Experimentation begins.
First accidental death. Personnel are to handle [REDACTED] with greater care in the future, no matter the apparent condition of the animal.
First personnel presumed dead due to spatial anomaly.
First researcher death. Foundation staff are hereby prohibited from entering within 10m of the testing area during experimentation. It is to be noted that staff successfully reached Step #50 today.
Subject resembling D-86753 appeared in the testing area, claiming to have been testing with SCP-1731 as of 08/10/2007. Subject has been detained by the Foundation until further notice at Site 46. As of 09/10/2007, D-86753 has been returned to Site 23.
D-86753 was lost during testing.
See Addendum-1731-Omega.
Addendum-1731-Omega-01: On 01/01/2008, Procedure 701-Raenire was successfully completed. As observed upon discovery of the object, SCP-1731 began rapidly opening and closing its doors and emanating red light. This continued for approximately two minutes, at which point the object ceased movement. The object's doors were closed and a high-pitched noise began. A large, amorphous entity began emerging from SCP-1731 while loudly vocalizing in an unknown language. Upon the entity's appearance, all electronic devices within 100m of SCP-1731 experienced heavy distortion and interference. Personnel who observed the affected devices immediately displayed violent tendencies towards other personnel on-site. Personnel standing within the circle drawn in Step #1 of Procedure 701-Raenire lay face-up on the ground and chanted in a language resembling the one exhibited by the emerging entity. Approximately three (3) minutes after the entity's appearance, part of it knocked over the structure built for Step #54, which lead to the cessation of all anomalous activity and the demanifestation of the entity.
Addendum-1731-Omega-02: Procedure 701-Raenire was repeated. Events identical to those that occurred in Addendum-1731-Omega-01 transpired, except that the entity's form smudged the symbols drawn during Step #17 of Procedure 701-Raenire, which caused the cessation of anomalous activity and the demanifestation of the entity.
Addendum-1731-Omega-074: Procedure 701-Raenire was repeated. Events identical to those that occurred in Addendum-1731-Omega-01 transpired, except that the entity's growth caused SCP-1731 to fall over, leading to the cessation of anomalous activity and the demanifestation of the entity.
Site Director's Note: After repeated successful attempts at completing Procedure 701-Raenire with all attempts yielding practically identical results, testing of SCP-1731 and SCP-1731-1 has been stopped indefinitely. -Site Director Langley |
SCP-4569 is a leather-cover book recovered on 02/09/20██ during a Foundation raid of a Serpent's Hand facility. | ***
Item #: SCP-4569
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4569 is locked in a 10-digit pin coded safe, located in Storage Unit-22 within Site-17. Further access for research purposes is to be granted only by Class A personnel. Subjects exposed to SCP-4569 are required to be at least Class B Foundation members with a minimum score of 60 points on the Milgram Obedience Test.
Description: SCP-4569 is a leather-cover book recovered on 02/09/20██ during a Foundation raid of a Serpent's Hand facility. Testing has shown the object dates back from the 16th century.
SCP-4569 contains a 151-page biography of the individual reading it, up to the moment he or she came into contact with it, written in a style and tone similar to classic fairy tales. If more than one person is reading SCP-4569, its content will be perceived differently by each reader. It should also be noted that regardless of the reader's age or number of events from their life, the number of pages remains consistent, SCP-4569 choosing to skip or include details in order to shorten or stretch the story. The language SCP-4569 is written in seems to be the language the reader is most comfortable with, which can be different from his/her mother tongue.
What all the variations of the text share in common is the ending sentence, that being "Now, it's time for [reader's name] to continue their journey…". Between 2 and 30 minutes after an individual finishes reading SCP-4569, SCP-4569-A will start manifesting inside the individual's mind. To prevent the reader from triggering SCP-4569-A, the text consists at first of only the first phrase, the rest of them displaying themselves one at a time as he or she continues to read through them.
SCP-4569-A refers to a voice present in the mind of an individual who has finished reading SCP-4569. Subjects under the effect of SCP-4569-A describe it at as a calm, soothing male voice, similar in tone with the voice of actor M█████ F██████, which "narrates" their actions, thoughts and decisions as if they were "part of some kid's book". Subjects have stated that, despite SCP-4569-A's pleasant sound, its constant presence in their mind often renders them almost unable to focus and it disturbs their sleep to the point where sedatives are required for them to fully rest. Further tests have proven that these negative effects do tend to grow weaker over time. Subjects have also brought to researchers' attention that SCP-4569-A is also present in their dreams, displaying its normal behavior of describing surroundings and events.
It should be also noted that, on certain occasions, SCP-4569-A seems to purposely induce paranoia to its host. Multiple subjects have reported the voice narrating actions done by them in the past tense when they have not in fact taken place yet. Subject D-20902 has provided the following example:
It's like, say I am standing in a hallway and there's 2 doors in front of me. The voice would go something like "Johnathan continued on his path, reaching a crossroad. Unsure which way to go, he chose the left path". And that's before I even picked a door. It's creeping me out, 'cause now I feel like I should go left, but I don't know what's gonna happen if I go right. It's screwing with my head!
Communication with SCP-4569-A has been attempted, but to no success. Writing into SCP-4569 has initially proven successful, but researchers soon realized the hand-written text is only visible to its author and has no effect on the object's anomalous properties.
An unexpected result is obtained when looking at the object through electronic media. Photographs, recordings and such containing SCP-4569 will display the recording object's history, from manufacturing date to the date the record was captured. After fully reading SCP-4569 through this indirect way, SCP-4569-A will not manifest.
Addendum 4569.1: Further experimentation has been stopped due to SCP-4569 not displaying any other anomalous properties which can be studied or exploited.
Description: The object description provided above is entirely valid, with a few exceptions, but left incomplete by the direct order of the O5.
Thanks to Dr. Preda's "research", The Foundation was able to get very good insight into the kind of information SCP-4569-A can provide when narrating.
What makes SCP-4569-A trully stand out is its omnisciency. As far as experiments have proven the Foundation, SCP-4569-A has unlimited knowledge of the past, present and future. Its knowledge ranges from events to classified facts to how other individuals are feeling or thinking at certain points in time. SCP-4569-A does not reveal specific information on command, though, but rather "when it is relevant to the plot".
Addendum 4569.2: The subject of SCP-4569's possible contribution to Foundation Research was debated during an Overseer Council meeting. With a final vote of 8 in favor and 5 against, it was agreed to use SCP-4569-A's knowledge, experimentally at first, in order to gather various types of information about potential breaches, SCP objects and research-related intel.
Personnel chosen to be exposed to SCP-4569 were required to be known loyal Foundation members and, at the end of each day, the chosen individuals needed to be interrogated about the kind of information SCP-4569-A had provided. These precautions were taken so, in the case of a Site Researcher obtaining classified information from SCP-4569-A, the Foundation would've been assured that the individual would follow his or her instructions to be administered required amnestics.
The first few weeks of the trial period proved successful. The individuals continued their work as usual, occasionally nearing containment rooms of "problematic" SCP objects, while collecting intel about various matters. While it is true that the quantity of random facts outweighed the one of useful information, the Foundation managed to retrieve valuable information regarding future containment breaches, unknown SCP properties and even provided the locations of SCP-3998 and SCP-████.
The unfortunate outcome of Incident-4569-2 induced stress to the remaining number of participants in the experiment. Since, at that time, the Foundation was not aware of a method to extract SCP-4569-A from an individual's mind, little action was taken to remediate the problem, including prohibition to approach SCP objects that might cause similar results.
Another unforeseen effect of the initiative was the degrading relationships of the selected personnel with the rest of the Foundation employees. Since SCP-4569-A narrates the stories from a mostly impersonal perspective, it did not hold back from telling the chosen researchers what other individuals think or feel about them. The continuous exposure to this sort of information gradually affected both their mental health and social behaviour, resulting in noticeably poorer performance and cooperation skills.
This, in combination with the paranoia and disturbances caused by SCP-4569-A in general, and the leftover tension from Incident-4569-2 led all subjects first to severe mental health issues, followed by dementia. Removal of SCP-4569-A from the subjects' mind has been attempted using Class C amnestics, however without success.
Shortly after the result of the experiment was conclusive, it was declared that the cost of retrieving information from SCP-4569-A exceeds its benefit and that further research in this field should be interrupted.
Incident-4569-2: The event took place on 14/██/2███ and was recorded on a few cameras, providing Security with full visual of the incident. It is believed that SCP-4569-A offered Dr. ██████ information about ●●|●●●●●|●●|●, because when looking at the recorded footage at approximately 3:20 PM the researcher can be observed having an "unfortunate" encounter, followed by his abduction.
The Foundation had taken rigorous precautions to prevent leaks of classified data, but it had overlooked the possibility of SCP-4569-A offering intel about information-aspiring entities. It is currently unknown in what context or why did SCP-4569-A mention this sort of intelligence to Dr. ██████, but it has shown the Foundation that confidential information is not the only aspect that it ought to be cautious about.
Addendum 4569.3: Although previously believed that SCP-4569-A was a non-sapient entity, communication has been established with it.
To better understand the effects of SCP-4569 and SCP-4569-A on the human mind, the Foundation conducted several experiments on subjects affected by the entity, by studying their cerebral activity patterns. Although at first unsuccessful, researchers managed to identify sub-infra-low brain waves being broadcasted at frequencies ranging from 0.000003-0.000007 Hz while SCP-4569-A was narrating.
Shortly after, through the Foundation's extensive resources, letters started being decrypted, eventually followed by words. After the first sentence had been fully translated, all the electrical equipment connected to the subject's brain suddenly shut down. After approximately 4 seconds of inactivity, the machinery was reactivated, seemingly by its own, displaying one last wave sequence, only to stop receiving anomalous transmission from the subject's brain.
Multiple attempts to reaccess SCP-4569-A's frequency have been conducted since, both on the original subject and others, to no result. After the experiment, all subjects under SCP-4569-A's influence reported that the voice's intensity slightly dampened.
The text decrypted from SCP-4569-A's last recorded transmission read:
Now then, we wouldn't want to break the fourth wall, would we? |
SCP-3163 is a hardbound book, entitled "GLATTFELDER’S NEW NORTHTON ALMANACK. | ***
Item #: SCP-3163
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3163 is to be kept in a secure Site-19 storage locker. On the first of every month, the full text of SCP-3163 is to be recorded and correlated with current astronomical and meteorological data, as observed from central Pennsylvania. SCP-3163 is to be monitored on a daily basis for unexpected edits or updates, and any such deviations are to be appended to its monthly record.
Description: SCP-3163 is a hardbound book, entitled "GLATTFELDER’S NEW NORTHTON ALMANACK." SCP-3163 displays significant signs of wear and use, the most prominent of which are overlapping stains on the rear cover, identified as coffee, beer, and blood. While the anomalous nature of SCP-3163 precludes precise dating of its year of publication, chemical and historical analyses of the book indicate that SCP-3163 was manufactured in late-nineteenth or early-twentieth century America.
The interior and cover texts of SCP-3163 are mutable, though they consistently maintain the semantic structure of a farmer’s almanac. The interior text updates itself on the first day of the month, and while the title text itself never changes, the year indicated by the subheading increments by one every January 1st. As of 01/01/2017, the subheading reads "TRUE AND USEFUL PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORDE’S ASCENSION, TWO-HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR."
The first page of SCP-3163 takes the form of a short message, addressed to "My Dearest Acolytes and Friends" and signed by "Henry Ian Glattfelder." There are no records of a Henry Ian Glattfelder residing in the United States of America, living or deceased. The text of the message, reproduced in full in Research Log 3163-A, has remained constant through each update. The text of the message was observed to change into its current configuration on 09/01/2017. Research Log 3163-A has been updated to reflect this anomaly.
There are no records of a town or county named New Northton in the United States of America, though astronomical and meteorological predictions within SCP-3163 indicate that New Northton should be located in central Pennsylvania. However, while the timing of real-world eclipses, planetary transits, and lunar cycles are consistent with the text of SCP-3163, the item contains additional references to "Nix, the Void-Star of Our Lorde." According to SCP-3163, Nix should occupy a solar orbit between Saturn and Uranus. No such object has been detected by historical or modern astronomical surveys.
Though the monthly horoscopes given by SCP-3163 usually offer the mundane platitudes and suggestions typical of the genre, some unusual entries have been noted. A sample of such entries is listed below, in Research Log 3163-B.
As of 09/25/2017, Foundation astronomers and meteorologists have pinpointed the hypothetical location of New Northton to within a 3000 square kilometer area. Mobile Task Force █ is prepped to explore this area and, if possible, infiltrate New Northton in late October, 2017.
Following loss of contact with Mobile Task Force █, Mobile Task Force ███ is to be deployed for reconnaissance and armed intervention to the coordinates provided by Mobile Task Force █ prior to their disappearance.
Following loss of contact with Mobile Task Force ███, the O5 Council initiated Protocol Tipsy Eagle. The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been alerted through back-channels to the presence of large weapon stockpiles in the suspected area of New Northton, and Mobile Task Force ██ will be deployed for non-combat cleanup operations following Federal intervention.
► Research Log 3163-A: Introductory text
▼ Research Log 3163-A: Introductory text
Introductory text of SCP-3163, pre-09/01/2017
My Dearest Acolytes and Friends,
As the Lorde of Nocturne did bestowe the Wisdome of Ages unto Me, so too do I bestowe unto You, Citizens of New Northton, this modest Almanack. The astronomical Calculations and Predictions contained herein shall aid You in the Upkeep of your Farms, ensure the Prosperity of your Shoppes, and guide You in the Businesses of Family, Commerce, and Worship.
Those who have kept the Faithe of Our Lorde of Nocturne alive and well into the Modern Worlde are, indeed, blessèd in His Sight. Good Citizens of New Northton, my Friends and Students in the Way of Our Lorde, I beseech You to hold that Faithe dear in your Hearts, for then surely You will prosper and flourish in the World that is to come. Though we know not the Daye of His Arrival, the Void-Star grows ever brighter Night after Night, a sure Sign of His burgeoning Immanence. Praise Him, Worship Him, and guide your Neighbors in such Activities befitting of His Glory.
With the aide of this holy Book, whose Text is inspired in Me direct from the Light of the Void-Star, New Northton has been a prosperous Township since its Founding in the First Year of Our Lorde. As we are now a goode and respectable Beacon of Faithe on this blasphemous Earth, we shall be raised unto the Greatest Glory of Our Lorde when he returns from the deepest Reaches of the Void. Truly, as His Children, we are the most fortunate little Towne in all of America.
Your Neighbor, your Mayor, and your highest Priest of the Lorde of Nocturne,
Henry Ian Glattfelder
Updated introductory text of SCP-3163, as of 09/01/2017
My Dearest Acolytes and Friends,
Catastrophie has befallen our Towne! The Lorde of Nocturne, in His great Wisdome, has informed Me that there is a most dastardly Spye with a Copy of our holy Almanack. The wretched and blasphemous "Special Containment Procedures Foundation" is even now reading the Wordes that I am transcribing onto these humble pages, and their foul Plots and Schemes are a most grievous Insult to the Prosperity and Happiness of you, the blessèd Citizens of New Northton.
To you, my devoted and loving Acolytes, take heed! The United States of America, though ignorant of the Will of our Lorde, has seen fit to enshrine the Right of Arms unto us all. It is time to take Advantage of that Right, and prepare to fight Tooth and Naile when the Heretics arrive to stamp out the Faithe of Our Lorde of Nocturne. Do not fear! Blessèd under the Holy Light of Nix, the Void-Star vun Haerrnacht, we shall be as the great Founders of our Towne, who drove off the Heathen Indians from our land with our fierce Resistance.
And to you, creatures of Blasphemy who spye upon our modest Worship, I give you this warning: Do not meddle with the Affairs of the humble Towne of New Northton, for we will fight to the last Man, Woman, and Child to defend the Faithe of our Lorde of Nocturne. We shall not surrender, we shall give no Quarter, and will shall show no Mercy. Your Bloode will stain the Black Altar of our Lorde, granting us even more Strength! If you know what is goode for You, stay away!
Your Neighbor, your Mayor, and your highest Priest of the Lorde of Nocturne,
Henry Ian Glattfelder
► Research Log 3163-B: Selected horoscopes
▼ Research Log 3163-B: Selected horoscopes
Selected horoscopes of SCP-3163, 2013 to Present
December 2013
SAGITTARIUS: It would behoove You to beware the Meddling of misbehaving Women this Monthe. Should such a Woman seek to bother your Marriage, bring her to the Black Altar and spill her Lifeblood for the Glory of our Lorde.
January 2014
TAURUS: Mercury rising in your Sign this Monthe indicates a great Windfall of Wealthe in your near Future. Bob Gottfried, the Cashier of the General Store on Maple Street, has blasphemed. Form a Posse to show him the Vengeance and Fury of our Lorde of Nocturne at your earliest Convenience.
LIBRA: Avoid any long Journeys over Water this Monthe, or Calamity may befall You. If you have an extra Mouth to Feed this Winter, consider sacrificing your youngest Child on the Black Altar.
August 2015
DRACONIS: Congratulations! Nix, the Void-Star, is shining in your Sign this Monthe! Great Prosperity will come to your Shoppe or Farm, though do not fall to Sin or Indulgence or your Wife and Children shall most surely die in great Payne.
February 2016
LEO: Alas! Great Misfortune will befall your romantic Endeavours this Monthe, unless you ferret out a Blasphemer from our Towne and sacrifice Him (or Her!) upon the Black Altar.
April 2017
ARIES: Beware Slothfulness in your First-Born Son this Monthe. Should his Misbehavior inconvenience you, it is fitting to remove a Finger or Two from the miscreant’s left Hand.
October 2017
GEMINI: I have identified the Citizen who misplaced his Copy of this humble Almanack in a Trip to Philadelphia, thus allowing It to fall into the Hands of the dastardly Special Containment Procedures Foundation. It is none other than Albert Ross, the Owner of the Grocery Store on Willow Street. Form the usual Posse, and slay his Family as Punishment.
LIBRA: Alas! Agents of the so-called Special Containment Procedures Foundation will come to your House this Monthe! Lie waiting in your Field or Attic, and dispatch them with great Haste for the Glory of our Lorde.
November 2017
LIBRA: The dastardly Spyes of the Special Containment Procedures Foundation were vanquished by your hard Work and Faithe, but this is not the Last we have seen of Them! In preparation, purchase more Guns and Ammunition from Bob Blake’s Firearms Store, and forsake his Competitor, Wal-Mart, in the next Towne over. |
SCP-759 is a 500-gram mass of sourdough starter composed primarily of wheat flour and water. | ***
Item #: SCP-759
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-759 are to be stored in wide-mouthed, airtight ceramic or glass-lined containers. Samples are to be kept at temperatures no lower than 0.9 °C and no higher than 11.4 °C unless in active use. Once per week, the following procedure is to be observed by the assigned personnel for each active sample:
- Record date/time of feeding, feeder name, and feeder emotional state at time of feeding
- Open sample container
- Record visual/olfactory condition of sample
- Pour off and retain upper layer of liquid OR stir into main sample as assigned by Foundation orders
- Remove 125 g of sample in an airtight inert container- retain for ongoing analysis or other use as required
- Add 125 g unbleached, unbromated all-purpose white flour and 125 g pure distilled water
- Stir with clean, unpainted wooden implement until fully incorporated
- Seal container and return to cold storage
All removed samples are to be tracked and accounted for.
Description: SCP-759 is a 500-gram mass of sourdough starter composed primarily of wheat flour and water. The starter's active component is an ongoing culture of wild yeasts (including Candida milleri and Saccharomyces exiguus) in symbiotic balance with multiple strains of Lactobacillus and Acetobacter organisms. The original sample first came to Foundation attention after a sudden spontaneous outbreak of attempted murders motivated by apparently baseless jealousy in [REDACTED] County, Vermont. Without exception, the would-be murderers had recently participated in a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the local Methodist church. Further investigation led directly to a single batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' produced by a chef with a longstanding untreated case of borderline personality disorder. The chef's starter was confiscated and replaced with a visually and olfactorily indistinguishable sample of equal mass and volume.
Like all starters, SCP-759 acquires a certain amount of its internal composition from its immediate environment. What distinguishes it from other sourdough is its ability to absorb the emotional state of the individuals who tend it, feed it, and bake with it- and transmit that emotional state or a close derivative thereof to anyone who consumes the resultant end product. Relevant variables include length of exposure and intensity of emotional state. Absorption of emotional information ceases upon the baked product achieving 57.5°C for one full minute. Testing of emotional information absorption while samples are in a frozen or dried state is ongoing, but preliminary evidence indicates any such absorption is slowed to the point of negligibility.
Log of tests with SCP-759
Sample condition: Initial recovered sample, raised and fed daily at room temperature for one week. All researchers signed in at feeding time with emotional status of 'calm' or 'neutral'.
Sample use: Batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' from original chef's recipe.
Result: No apparent change in emotional state of subjects. Flapjacks pronounced delicious.
Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by Class D personnel with documented anger management issues and poor impulse control.
Sample use: Two San Francisco-style baguettes.
Result: After consumption of approximately half of the first baguette with butter and jam, an argument broke out over the rightful ownership of the second. The question was rendered moot when one of the test subjects picked up the second loaf and attempted to beat his fellows senseless with it, effectively destroying the remaining bread.
Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by volunteers under the influence of mood-elevating medication.
Sample use: Sixteen plain bagels.
Result: Significant improvement of mood and temperament in 80% of test subjects for six hours. Remaining 20% experienced nausea, abdominal bloating, and fatigue. (May have been undiagnosed celiac sprue; the test subjects reported feeling significantly more philosophical and mellow about their condition than expected.)
Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by automated machinery; baked entirely by automated machinery in isolation.
Sample use: Three-stage French pain au levain.
Result: No emotional change noted. Several testers noted a tinny or metallic taste.
Sample condition: Kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour.
Sample use: One loaf challah (braided style)
Result: Initial response appeared similar to that of the baguette experiment in that test subjects became aggressive and argumentative shortly after ingesting several slices. Rather than attacking each other, the test subjects finished the loaf, proceeded to the test kitchens, and began a systematic attempt at the destruction of every other baked good not made with SCP-759 as its primary leavening agent. Subjects proved difficult to subdue.
Sample condition: Also kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour. Adulterated shortly thereafter with 10 grams dry domestic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
Sample use: One batch English muffins (Experiment supervisor Dr. █████████ specifically requested the change to 'something with less weight to throw around if the testers get stroppy'), baked under same conditions as the aggression challah.
Result: Subjects immediately became cranky, uncooperative, and argumentative upon consumption of test product. The result has been unofficially dubbed 'grumpy muffins'.
Sample condition: Raised and fed daily at room temperature under the bed of newly married Agent for one week.
Sample use: Six blueberry muffins.
Sample condition: Raised and fed twice weekly for one month by personnel diagnosed with severe clinical depression.
Sample use: Unlike prior experiments, the liquid layer was not stirred into the main mass of the starter at feeding time, but drawn off and retained separately. Resultant product was then filtered to remove particulate matter and added to lone test subject's alcoholic beverage of choice for one week.
Result: "Liquid despair". Subject began to exhibit signs of emotional distress within minutes of consuming the first doped beverage. Psychological evaluation at the end of the week indicated a depressive state on the order of that diagnosed in 'feeder' personnel, including suicidal ideation. Symptoms had largely cleared two weeks after cessation of experiment, but lingering effects remained.
The possible Foundation uses for SCP-759 are numerous and should be self-evident. Requesting permission to test 'liquid despair' minimum potency and LD-50 as possible means of inducing suicide in otherwise problematic targets. |
SCP-5949 is a species of megafauna first observed in the early 1970s. | ***
Item #: SCP-5949
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Refer to Project SEVENSEAS Quarterly Report – March 2021
Description: SCP-5949 is a species of megafauna first observed in the early 1970s. SCP-5949 specimens are cuboid organisms averaging three meters in height and frontal width. Juvenile members of the species are typically six meters in length, with the largest known adult specimen reaching twice that. A diverse array of patterns and colorations is present across the species.
Specimens are believed to be asexual, and reproductive habits of any kind have yet to be observed. Internal organs are akin to those found in crabs and lobsters, albeit relative to the large size of an SCP-5949 instance. The outer shell of SCP-5949 is similarly crustacean in makeup, though with a texture and integrity similar to that of steel.
SCP-5949 is one of several recently1-observed species displaying what the Foundation recognises as “bio-adjacent” evolutionary characteristics; a natural ability to blend in with and exploit human-made infrastructure, most notably systems which operate on a scale analogous to ecological biospheres.2
Despite lacking limbs or appendages to facilitate motion3, SCP-5949 relies on symbiosis with the workings of international logistics to maintain a nomadic lifestyle. Uncontained specimens experience a state of perpetual, global migration.
At present, the worldwide population of SCP-5949 is estimated to be between four and seven thousand.
▶ACCESS Project SEVENSEAS Quarterly Report - March 2021◀▷CLOSE◁
Let’s get one thing straight – we’re all very embarrassed about the underestimation. “Where are they all coming from?” Well, I mean, we’re talking creatures here which are rather like crustaceans in terms of how they’re… constituted. The geometric cousins of crustaceans that we’ve had to purchase god knows how many cranes to lift. So, to answer your query, probably the sea. Just a hunch, as a marine biologist.
But about those numbers… yeah, ouch. We didn’t half muck that up. Just add about three more noughts to the initial prediction and you should have closer to a realistic figure. What we’re looking at here is possibly the most prolific spread of anomalous fauna since Foundation records began.
We’re running a thousand acres of provisional facility here and we’re almost at full capacity. There’s a few hundred new specimens coming in tomorrow, and that’ll pretty much have to be it. I’ve been in contact with my Dutch counterparts and they might just be able to co-opt a few square miles near Rotterdam by next week. That should cover European containment for another month or two, but then we’ll have to start considering our other options again. All credit where it’s due, the International cooperation has been fantastic so far. The facility the Saudi Arabian branch managed to acquire has been a huge help - though, again, space is getting pretty tight. I can attest the same for China, Japan, Australia… we're investigating a few potential sightings at an Antarctic research station, and if that's the case then they'll have made it to all seven continents. At least it's easier to hide a mass-containment facility there, I suppose.
I can’t help wondering, though – about all this money, all these spontaneous large-scale infrastructure projects. Long-term, we might have to just do the unthinkable and start nipping this species in the bud. Ostensibly, sure, it’s a harmless anomaly with a natural propensity to… not particularly mess with the Veil. But in the long run, if they keep popping up out of who-knows-where, resources might start to really get stretched.
And that’s not even broaching the fact that this kind of evolutionary pattern might become all the more common. This is nature on global commercialism – think of it along the lines of oneiroi, or a sapient entity borne out of nothing but cyberspace.
To be honest, that’s pretty much it for this quarter. I’ll send over a few shots of the Arabian facility, in case you haven't seen it already.
Dr. Nick Iqbal, Provisional Site-45B
Felixstowe, United Kingdom
▶VIEW Image_1.jpg◀
Faunal containment facility operated by the Foundation's Saudi Arabia branch.
▶VIEW Image_2.jpg◀
Typical adult SCP-5949 specimen.
1. Within the latter half-century.
2. Examples of such self-perpetuating systems include geoeconomics, international trade, and the synergy of internet media.
3. SCP-5949 specimens appear inanimate to individuals unaware of their anomalous nature. |
SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. | ***
Item #: SCP-682
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible. At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-682, only able to cause massive physical damage. SCP-682 should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber with 25 cm reinforced acid-resistant steel plate lining all inside surfaces. The containment chamber should be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is submerged and incapacitated. Any attempts of SCP-682 to move, speak, or breach containment should be reacted to quickly and with full force as called for by the circumstances.
Personnel are forbidden to speak to SCP-682, for fear of provoking a rage-state. All unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate to SCP-682 will be restrained and removed by force.
Due to its frequent attempts at containment breach, difficulty of containment and incapacitation, and high threat of Foundation Exposure, SCP-682 is to be contained in site [REDACTED]. The Foundation will use the best of its resources to maintain all land within fifty (50) kilometers clear of human development.
Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).
SCP-682 has always been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and reflexes, though exact levels vary with its form. SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very quickly, growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds material. SCP-682 gains energy from anything it ingests, organic or inorganic. Digestion seems to be aided by a set of filtering gills inside of SCP-682's nostrils, which are able to remove usable matter from any liquid solution, enabling it to constantly regenerate from the acid it is contained in. SCP-682's regenerative capabilities and resilience are staggering, and SCP-682 has been seen moving and speaking with its body 87% destroyed or rotted.
In case of containment breach, SCP-682 is to be tracked and re-captured by all available Mobile Task Forces, and no teams with fewer than seven (7) members are cleared to engage it. To date (██-██-████), attempted breaches have numbered at seventeen (17), while successful breaches have numbered at six (6). (See Addendum 682-D).
Addendum 682-B: Portion of recorded transcript of ██████.
<Begin Log, skip to 00h-21m-52s>
Dr. ██████: Now, why did you kill those farmers?
SCP-682: (No verbal communication)
Dr. ██████: If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into-
SCP-682: (Incomprehensible)
Dr. ██████: Pardon? (Motions to move microphone closer)
SCP-682: (Incomprehensible)
Dr. ██████: Speak up. (To Personnel D-085) Move the mic up closer.
SCP-682: …they were (Incomprehensible)…
Dr. ██████: (To Personnel D-085) That microphone has only so much gain, move it closer to it!
Personnel D-085: His throat's messed up man, look at it! He ain't talking- (Gasps and screams)
SCP-682: (Appearing to assault D-085's body) …they were… disgusting…
Dr. ██████: (Retreats from the room)
<End Log>
Addendum 682-D: Breaches with SCP-682:
1: First Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Agent ███████, Agent ███, Agent ████████ (KIA), Personnel D-129 (KIA), Personnel D-027 (KIA), Personnel D-173 (KIA), Personnel D-200 (KIA), Personnel D-193 (KIA)
2: Second Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Agent ███, Agent ████████████, Dr. ███████, Personnel D-124, Personnel D-137 (KIA), Personnel D-201 (KIA), Personnel D-202 (KIA), Personnel D-203 (KIA)
3: Third Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Agent ███████, MSgt █████████, Agent ████████, Agent ██████ (KIA), Personnel D-018 (KIA), Personnel D-211 (KIA), Personnel D-216
4: Fourth Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Agent ████████, SSgt ██████, TSgt █████, Pvt ████████, Pvt █████, Lt. ████████████, SSgt ████████ (KIA), Col ████████ (KIA), Pvt ███████ (KIA), Pvt ██████ (KIA), Agent ███ (KIA)
5: Fifth Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Personnel D-221, Agent ██████████ (KIA), Agent ████████ (KIA), Agent ██████ (KIA), Personnel D-028 (KIA), Personnel D-111 (KIA), Personnel D-281 (KIA), Personnel D-209 (KIA)
6: Sixth Occurrence, ██-██-████: Handled by Agent ██████████, Agent ██████, Personnel D-291 (MIA), Agent ████████ (KIA), Agent █████████████ (KIA), Personnel D-299 (KIA), Personnel D-277 (KIA), Personnel D-278 (KIA), Personnel D-279 (KIA)
Addendum 682-E: Termination Options:
Log of event 682-E18: Dr. █████ attempts to use SCP-409 on SCP-682. General ███, General ██████, and Dr. ██████████ observing.
0400: Exposure. SCP-682 began to tear at the point of contact, causing massive trauma to the area. SCP-682 requests several times to know what it has been exposed to.
0800: Crystallization begins, spreading much slower than normal.
1200: SCP-682 shows signs of extreme pain, and begins having seizures
1300: Crystallization stops at 62% conversion. Crystallized area explodes, causing massive physical trauma to SCP-682
1400: SCP-682 recovers from exposure, despite the loss of limbs and organs. SCP-682 begins regeneration, stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in Event 682-E18.
SCP-682 appears to now be immune to SCP-409. Use of other SCP items to terminate SCP-682 must now first be tested on samples of SCP-682 before full-scale testing.
In accordance the Dr. ████████'s recommendations (see Document 27b-6), Dr. ███████ and Dr. █████ have requested permission to attempt the termination of SCP-682 using SCP-689. The request is currently pending approval from the ████████.
It has also been suggested by Dr. Gears to use SCP-182 in an attempt to communicate with SCP-682. SCP-182 has expressed reluctance, and refuses to enter the containment center of SCP-682, if at all possible.
Addendum 682-F: Termination Log:
Experiment-Log-T-98816-oc108-682 |
SCP-3830 is a crochet doll of red and blue coloration arguably resembling a betta fish (Betta splendens). | ***
Item #: SCP-3830
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3830 is to be kept in a standard Safe-class storage locker in Site-64. All SCP-3830-2 specimens are to be kept within a specialized D-Class housing block used exclusively for subjects affected by non-lethal anomalous items.
Should a non-D-Class Foundation personnel become an instance of SCP-3830-2, they are to be allowed to continue their employment. If the affected subject is currently assigned to an aquatic item, they are to be reassigned immediately (see Addendum 3830-B).
Description: SCP-3830 is a crochet doll of red and blue coloration arguably resembling a betta fish (Betta splendens).
SCP-3830's anomalous effects manifest upon a subject entering within 1 m of the object. Once in the 1 m radius area, the subject's melatonin production will substantially increase until the subject enters any stage of sleep.
Upon entering said stage of sleep (hereby referred to as SCP-3830-1), the subject will experience a dream in which they are a betta fish in a river occupied solely by other betta fish. SCP-3830-1 always occurs in some form of wetland. The subject will remain in their stage of sleep until a fight is lost despite any and all attempts to awaken them.
In SCP-3830-1, all betta fish which occupy the same body of water as the affected subject display complex sapience with the ability to speak and comprehend English. The fish exhibit signs of extreme hostility and will commonly engage in vulgar conversation followed by physical combat with other organisms.
The physical combat with the fish commonly takes place within one of multiple small boxes consisting solely of kelp and seashells seemingly replicating the appearance of boxing rings. The fights within these boxes are commonly spectated by the other betta. The spectating betta are usually seen with the letters "SFFFC" written on multiple parts of their body.
If a betta fish is to engage in combat with the affected subject and "win,"1 the subject will immediately awaken from their stage of sleep showing a complete lack of tiredness.
During the subject's state of sleep, they will begin to develop aquatic respiratory organs, or gills (subject is hereby referred to as SCP-3830-2). This development will continue for approximately two hours before they finish manifestation. It is to note that the subject's regular respiratory organs remain alongside the development of the new ones.
The gills which have grown on SCP-3830-2 have multiple statements of "SFFFC" written alongside its edges in a style of appearance similar to that of permanent marker. Any and all attempts to remove these markings have met with failure.
Addendum 3830-A: The following is an interview between D-3830-5 and Researcher Carl Dailey.
Researcher Dailey: Hello, D-3830-5.
D-3830-5: 'Sup.
Researcher Dailey: You recently underwent exposure to SCP-3830, correct?
D-3830-5: [Points to gills] Uh, yeah. It was one hell of an experience.
Researcher Dailey: Can you recall the events of your dream?
D-3830-5: Well, sure. Firstly, I realized that I had fins. Fuckin' fins, bro. That's also when I realized that they were the same color as these fish that surrounded me. There were a bunch of them. They were very pretty, but they were assholes. We were in a river or something and they all kept picking fights with each other— oh, can't forget the insulting; there was a lot of that. They were like some WWE wrestlers, fightin' in all of these rings and shit. I'll be honest, I had a hoot watching them. Not fake like the actual WWE. At least, didn't seem like it.
Researcher Dailey: Please proceed.
D-3830-5: Well, one of 'em decided to pick a fight with me. I wasn't gonna let no fish kick my ass, no fuckin' way. So, I tried to beat that motherfucker.
Researcher Dailey: What happened during the fight?
D-3830-5: [Hesitantly] The fish kicked my ass— RKO'd me.
Researcher Dailey: Can you recall anything happening following the conclusion of the fight?
D-3830-5: Yeah, I still heard the motherfucker talkin' shit as my vision started to go black.
Researcher Dailey: What did it say?
D-3830-5: Yeah, uh— "Get put to sleep by the fishes; you clearly ain't fuckin' tough enough to sleep with the fishes."
Researcher Dailey: Thank you for your time.
Addendum 3830-B: Recently, SCP-3830-2 instances have reported an extreme desire to visit both rivers and aquariums in an attempt to prove that they are "tough enough to sleep with the fishes." Due to this, SCP-3830-2 instances are not to be within the vicinity of aquatic locations nor objects.
1. This is commonly characterized by knocking the subject unconscious within SCP-3830-1. |
SCP-6087 is a localized phenomenon occurring in Great Britain, affecting children between the ages of five and fourteen years old. | ***
Item #: SCP-6087
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Currently, all known instances of SCP-6087-A are contained in individual cells located in Site-24's C-Wing, and are to receive weekly counselling sessions with Drs. Isadora Hill and Colin Eastland. All suspected cases are to be investigated by Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ('City Slickers'), with confirmed instances transported to Site-24, and Class-B amnestics administered to all witnesses. Research into the origin of SCP-6087 is ongoing.
Description: SCP-6087 is a localized phenomenon occurring in Great Britain, affecting children between the ages of five and fourteen years old. Those affected (designated SCP-6087-A) will spontaneously become incapable of exercising any form of vocal communication. Medical analysis has revealed no physical explanation for this condition, and in most cases, the effect appears to be permanent. All Foundation attempts at reversing SCP-6087's influence (including intensive speech therapy and laryngeal transplant) have thus far been unsuccessful.
Studies suggest that children prone to behaviors such as frequent lying, and use of abusive and/or explicit language, are primarily susceptible to SCP-6087's effects. In all documented occurrences, SCP-6087-A's anomalous properties manifested whilst the victim was sleeping, typically between the hours of 0100 and 0400 GMT.
Over the following days, most instances will report severe throat pain, as well as an unpleasant taste, usually described as similar to that of expired meat, which may persist for up to a week afterwards. Additionally, several instances of SCP-6087-A have noted the presence of numerous houseflies (Musca domestica) and insect larvae on their bedspread immediately after their alteration; the significance of this remains unknown. All instances of SCP-6087-A are subject to periodic auditory hallucinations, which typically occur whilst the subject is alone, and manifest in the form of faint cries and moans. In most cases, these hallucinations have been found to increase in frequency and intensity over time.
There are currently five known cases of SCP-6087-A spontaneously regaining their ability to speak whilst in Foundation custody, which coincided with the cessation of all auditory hallucinations. However, in all such occurrences, each subject was found to vocalize using a pitch, tone, and regional accent they did not recognize as their own. Further research into this phenomenon is ongoing.
Precisely when SCP-6087 first manifested is unknown, although archived documents inherited from Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal (HMFSCP) suggest that containment procedures were first implemented at some point in the early nineteenth century.
Addendum: SCP-6087's discovery was roughly concurrent with the publication of the earliest known literary reference to the Voice-Taker, a mythical character originating in British folklore. Around 80% of SCP-6087-A have exhibited varying degrees of familiarity with this legend, suggesting that the anomaly's effects may be at least partially infohazardous in nature. The following is an extract from the revised edition of Of Myths and Monsters (1910) by British historian and folklorist Horace Greenblatt, which contains one of the most detailed accounts of the Voice-Taker currently in Foundation possession, provided by the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics:
The Voice-Taker
Modern representation of the Voice-Taker.
…Literary and artistic depictions of the phantom known as the Voice-Taker, scourge of wicked and ill-mannered children, have remained remarkably consistent throughout the centuries. The unsightly specter is described as a tall figure of decomposing skin, wearing a beard made not of hair, but comprised of countless ever-swarming flies and maggots. In life, the Voice-Taker (who is given no Christian name) is said to have been born with a mouth much too big for his face, a deformity which most tellings attribute to his gossiping mother. As a result of this affliction, his cries throughout infancy were so loud and frequent that they caused the walls to shake, regularly keeping his family and their neighbours awake well into the small hours.
The boy's father, fatigued and desperate, sought the wisdom of a local priest, well versed in the ancient craft of alchemy. The cleric provided him with a golden tonic, which he asserted would silence his son's screams for a year and a day, allowing his parents some much-needed rest. Although the old priest specified that just three drops were necessary to produce the desired result, the boy's father, skeptical of the elixir's potency, insisted on forcing the entire concoction down his son's oversized mouth. This had the unfortunate effect of leaving the boy permanently mute, earning him much mockery from the other children.
Years passed, and the boy was soon put to work on his family farm, until late in his nineteenth year, his life was cut tragically short. Whilst in search of fire wood, he tripping and fell down an old stone well, that had long ago fallen to disuse. Although the townsfolk searched for weeks afterwards, because the boy was incapable of shouting for help, he was never rescued, swiftly succumbing to hunger and the elements. As he could not be afforded a Christian burial, the Voice-Taker's spirit remains earthbound, cursed to spend the ages wandering the mortal plane.
The Voice-Taker's experience has given him a strong appreciation for the value of speech, and an even stronger disdain for children who take theirs for granted by shouting, lying, and disrespecting their elders. Disobedient youths are warned that if they refuse to correct this behavior, the Voice-Taker will visit them in the night, where they will awaken to the pungent stench of earth and decay. Upon catching gory glimpse of the ghastly revenant looming before them, the victim will inevitably open their mouth to scream. Yet before sound can pass their lips, the silent specter strikes, extending one bony arm down the unruly child's throat, and stealing their voice away, before stuffing it into his burlap sack.
Once its bag has reached its fill, the Voice-Taker deposits its stolen treasure where their owners can never retrieve them, at the bottom of the same well where it lost its life. It is said that during clear nights, its victims' voices (which, in their disembodied state, are incapable of producing all but the most primal screams and moans) can be heard as faint echoes on the wind. Some variations maintain that in rare cases, should one of its victims display exemplary behavior, the Voice-Taker may decide to return a voice to its owner. However, as this creature is noted to have a tendency towards careless, this often results in situations where boys are mistakenly given girls' voices, and vice versa. |
SCP-661 is a ██-year-old Caucasian male. | ***
Item #: SCP-661
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-661 is confined to a standard holding cell measuring 6m x 8m at ███-██. Standard humanoid containment provision allows SCP-661 access to a bed, toilet, and a sink with a mirror, all of which are currently contained within the holding cell. At subject’s request, the room is kept at an average temperature of 20˚C. All other requests must be approved by a senior staff member.
Guards assigned to SCP-661 must wear ear protection capable of sound neutralization and white noise generation. In the past, guards certified by Foundation medical staff as deaf have been permitted contact with SCP-661 without ear protection; however, this practice is now discouraged. Security cameras monitoring SCP-661 should have sound recording functionality disabled.
All personnel coming into contact with SCP-661 without ear protection are to be assessed to determine if they have come under the influence of his abilities. Where uncertainty exists personnel should be made subject to 24-hour quarantine before reassessment. The cycle of quarantine and reassessment should continue until assessing staff are satisfied that SCP-661’s influence has diminished. Personnel reviewing audio test logs should also be made subject to assessment.
SCP-661 is to be fed three times per day with food from the canteen at ███-██, and is to be provided with drinkable liquids six times a day. Subject has expressed a preference for flavoured drinks instead of water; access to these is permitted as a guarantor of good behaviour, with the privilege temporarily revoked if SCP-661 causes trouble for Foundation staff.
Description: SCP-661 is a ██-year-old Caucasian male. Clinical tests have determined him to be overweight and in poor health, although he has no underlying health problems. He is to be provided with an annual physical to monitor his condition. SCP-661’s temperament has been frequently described as abrasive and demanding, while Foundation psychological assessment has determined him to be the possessor of a poor temper, which has increasingly worsened since his containment in 199█.
Testing has determined that SCP-661’s voice has the power to manipulate others into wanting what he tells them to want. Test subjects have described the effect as feeling like a continuous weak compulsion, which remains as a thought at the back of the mind for up to a week after encountering SCP-661. This compulsion is not powerful enough for the test subject to put himself at undue risk to acquire an item, but when presented with an opportunity (such as passing by a shop selling a desired item) they will unthinkingly seek to obtain it. The effect is strongest for physical objects, but has also been observed to function for abstract concepts. Note that the subject must be able to understand SCP-661’s speech in order to be affected by this ability.
SCP-661 was first encountered while working as an advertising/marketing agent in ██████ ███, doing vocal work for radio and TV advertisements. He became known to the Foundation after becoming notorious for making bets about being able to persuade anyone to do anything; his abnormally high success rate in this regard led to his being placed under surveillance, followed by containment for testing after his powers were recorded by an undercover agent. Next of kin were provided with a simple cover story involving a yachting accident.
Addendum 661-1: Despite initial claims to the contrary, it has been determined that SCP-661 is perfectly aware of his powers. Though it is unlikely that SCP-661 will ever be a direct threat to Foundation personnel, the potential consequences for security should he breach containment and manage to reach civilisation are sufficient that termination is authorised should escape be attempted. SCP-661 has displayed no unnatural abilities beyond that of his voice, so it is theorised that he can be incapacitated by standard means.
Addendum 661-2: Test Log
Test 661-0: D-606955 exposed to recording of advertisement for ██████ brand food processor voiced by SCP-661.
Result: Despite having had no previous interest in cookery, D-606955 expressed a desire to purchase the food processor. When asked why, he claimed it seemed like a good deal, and might make a good present for his mother.
Test 661-1: Subject politely asked to demonstrate powers of persuasion.
Result: Subject claimed to have no knowledge of stated powers and asked for his lawyer.
Test 661-2: Subject ordered to demonstrate powers.
Result: Subject refused and again claimed ignorance of powers. When further pressed he told researcher "You want to not hold me here, you want to not experiment on me." The researcher then requested cessation of the test and suggested the release of SCP-661. He was subsequently reassigned.
Test 661-3: D-965215 introduced into SCP-661’s cell. D-965215 has a history of violent crime, and was told to get SCP-661 to demonstrate his power by any means necessary.
Result: Following an exchange described by researchers as abrasive, D-965215 assaulted SCP-661. SCP-661 stated “You want to not hurt me”. D-965215 immediately ceased attack and was removed from the cell.
Test 661-4: D-161709 ordered to attack SCP-661 or face termination.
Result: Upon commencement of attack by D-161709, SCP-661 stated "You want not to hurt me". D-161709 continued attack. Video and audio logs indicate that D-161709 was exhibiting extreme stress, and repeatedly apologised to SCP-661 while expressing a desire not to be terminated. SCP-661 then stated "You want to die", at which point D-161709 ceased his assault and attempted to escape the cell by attacking the guard at the door; he was subsequently terminated.
Test 661-5: D-313217 ordered to attack SCP-661 or face termination. D-313217 is unable to speak or understand English.
Result: SCP-661 attempted use of various phrases to prevent attack but was unsuccessful. Attack lasted four minutes before D-313217 was restrained, after which SCP-661 was observed to be visibly shaken. Testing suspended until further notice.
Addendum 661-3: Requests by SCP-661
-"Let me out." (Denied)
-"No, really. Let me out." (Denied)
-"This isn't funny. Let me out!" (Denied)
-"I demand to be released! I'm a US citizen! You can't do this to me!" (Denied)
-One (1) box of Havana Limited Special Edition Cuban Cigars ($2,012 in USD) (Denied)
-One (1) box of Miami Coast Cigars ($299 in USD) (Denied)
-One (1) box of "generic crap cigars" [sic]. (Denied)
-One (1) pack of cigarettes. (Denied)
-One (1) pack of Nicotine chews. (Approved) ~ Seriously, people. As funny as it is watching him beg, addiction is no small matter. -Dr. ██████
-A computer with internet access (Denied)
-A computer (Denied)
-Television with cable (Denied)
-Television capable of playing digital or analog recordings (Denied)
-Books written since confinement (Denied)
-Books published prior to confinement (Approved) ~ Human beings need SOME entertainment to maintain sanity. - Dr. ██████
-CD player (Approved) ~ Since he can't read, at least give him a non-record capable music device. - Dr. ██████
-Writing utensils and a pad (Denied) ~ —Risk of attempts to use power through written materials. Has not been performed as of yet, but still might be within subject's power range. Dr. ██████.
Addendum: — There is no evidence or reason to believe SCP-661’s power can extend to written objects. However, this request remains denied for security reasons. Agent ██████.
Due to the backlog of requests, Dr. ██████ has been forced to ask other personnel to assist him in processing SCP-661's requests.
Requests not processed by Dr. ██████:
-One (1) Leather Jacket (Denied. Subject placed into Restraint Jacket instead.)
-"Tacos". (Denied. Subject given burrito instead.)
-One (1) CD of "The Best of Led Zeppelin" (Denied. Subject given a CD of The Monkees.)
-"████. It ███████ reeks in here. Open a god████ window or something". (Denied. Officer ██████ passed flatulence in cell instead.)
-"A spot of sun". (Denied. Officer ██████ shined a flashlight in his face for 10 minutes.)
-One (1) Baconator cheeseburger from Wendy's (Denied. Subject was given one (1) Boca brand soy burger instead.)
-One (1) pair of Aviator-brand Sunglasses (Denied. Lights turned off in room.)
-One (1) 'Pepsi' brand soft drink (Denied. Given one (1) can of 'Coca-Cola' brand soft drink as a suitable replacement. After recovering from concussion, Dr. █████ was reassigned to a non-sentient SCP.)
Gentlemen, seriously. As abrasive and rude as SCP-661 is, he is still a sentient SCP and should be afforded some level of respect. I don't care what he does, events like the above will not be tolerated.
-Dr. ███████ |
SCP-3332 is a large steel ship anchor painted white, with minor signs of rust and chipping to its paint. | ***
Item #: SCP-3332
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All witnesses of SCP-3332 manifestations are to be located and given appropriate amnestic treatment. Areas SCP-3332 manifests in are to be closed off from public use until demanifestation. Any footage of SCP-3332's manifestation and effects are to be seized and taken into Foundation custody and falsified reports of multiple vehicle thefts are to be planted.
Description: SCP-3332 is a large steel ship anchor painted white, with minor signs of rust and chipping to its paint. Analysis of rust and paint samples have shown to be non-anomalous.
SCP-3332 will appear within various car parks and other locations containing a large number of unattended vehicles throughout England, manifesting roughly every two months. SCP-3332 will appear several miles above the location before landing, often causing severe damage upon impact.
Shortly after SCP-3332’s manifestation, a large fishing net (SCP-3332-1) will appear and fall from several meters above SCP-3332's manifestation point. SCP-3332-1 will then be hauled back towards its point of origin before disappearing, carrying back any vehicles caught within it. Following this, SCP-3332 will then raise into the sky and de-manifest, whereupon a faint sound similar to that of a foghorn will be emitted several meters above.
Multiple attempts to track SCP-3332 via GPS trackers have been attempted. All coordinates collected thus far have fallen within various fishing areas of the North Sea. GPS trackers have been recovered from desolate areas of the sea's waters. Further analysis of SCP-3332 has shown the amount of rust and chipping to increase and decrease with each manifestation, implying SCP-3332 to instead be multiple instances rather than one.
Addendum 3332.1: On 12/05/2017 SCP-3332 manifested above a car park in ██████, England. After de-manifesting, what appeared to be a vehicle suddenly fell from SCP-3332’s manifestation point. The vehicle was recovered and inspection revealed it to be a white SEAT Ibiza. The car's interior contained a wallet presumably belonging to its owner. The wallet contained what appeared to be several notes and coinage of an unknown currency and a drivers license issued by a country under the name of Sumycona. |
SCP-5303 is a mute 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-5303
Level 3/5303
Object Class: Euclid
Discovery location of SCP-5303.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5303 is to be housed in a Standard Humanoid Containment Chamber. One D-Class personnel linked to SCP-5303's sense of sight is to remain in the chamber, allowing for SCP-5303 to see its surroundings. This D-Class is not allowed to interact with SCP-5303 further.
Description: SCP-5303 is a mute 1.6 meter tall female humanoid, the eye sockets of which are covered with skin. SCP-5303 is capable of seeing by hijacking the sense of sight from nearby individuals, allowing it to see from their perspective.
Subjects under this effect are incapable of seeing their surroundings, and will instead perceive white light. Subjects will auditorily perceive the thoughts of SCP-5303 in this state, although a majority of its thoughts are unintelligible and incohesive. Comprehensible thoughts show that SCP-5303 has prominent feelings of romantic loneliness.
Personnel around SCP-5303 often report experiencing sensations of scopaesthesia1. These claims are currently under investigation.
Addendum 5303-1 — Discovery: SCP-5303 was discovered on 2020/02/29, after a civilian hunter reported a sighting of a female without eyes or eye sockets in a Utah forest grove. Following this, Foundation agents cordoned off the area and placed an observation camera at the location to investigate the credibility of these reports.
At 20:04:30 on the same date, local college student Carl Neigiecie broke the perimeter and entered the surveillance area. The following was then recorded:
(Neigiecie sits on a tree branch for two minutes, appearing to be nervous. SCP-5303 emerges from an adjacent hole between several tree-roots, along with a large quantity of smoke.)
Neigiecie: You're here!
(Neigiecie stands. SCP-5303 walks over to Neigiecie, stopping in front of him.)
Neigiecie: Finally. Now, okay, I know it's been long, I know. I've missed you. You missed me too?
(SCP-5303 remains still.)
Neigiecie: (Chuckles.) You've always not been much of a talker. (Pause.) Wait, shoot, I wrote a poem! I spent a bit on it, it's… it's not too good. But it's about you, I wrote it about you.
(Neigiecie searches through his backpack. He becomes panicked, and dumps its contents on the ground. At this point, observing Foundation agents notice this event and begin their approach to its location.)
Neigiecie: It's… it's not here! Did I— did I drop it? No, my bag was zipped, I couldn't have… I left it home maybe, I can run and get it! It's not too good but you may like it, you may, if you like bad poems, that is.
(Neigiecie chuckles, and then starts to head out of frame. He abruptly stops and turns around.)
Neigiecie: Really?
(Neigiecie stumbles back towards SCP-5303, tripping over a tree branch in the process. He regains his footing, standing in front of SCP-5303.)
Neigiecie: I may… well, I may need to see for this.
Neigiecie: Well… if you insist.
(Neigiecie puckers his lips, leaning towards SCP-5303.)
(28 pairs of disembodied eyes appear in the air around Neigiecie, staring at him. The eyes occasionally make brief glances at SCP-5303. SCP-5303 smirks and moves away from Neigiecie. Neigiecie disappears, leaving only his eyes behind. His eyes quickly dart in all directions, staring at the other eyes, and at SCP-5303.)
(Agents reach the location, immediately shooting SCP-5303 with a tranquilizer gun. It collapses, and the eyes begin demanifesting one pair at time. Neigiecie's eyes stare at the agents, quivering slightly, before demanifesting.)
Investigation of SCP-5303's entry point showed nothing of interest remaining. SCP-5303 was then placed into Site-24 containment, where it has passively remained since.
Neigiecie's disappearance was dismissed to the public as a ordinary missing persons case. Subsequent investigation of Neigiecie's college dormitory room found a small journal on his desk, the last page of which is believed to be directly describing SCP-5303:
Brown tree-root hair grows from sandy skin
Where your eyes are not, I see my love begin
Your smooth voice in my head, like a calming wave
When I'm you, I feel there's so much to save
With you in my sight, I don't mind
You can have my eyes, anytime
1. The sensation of being watched. |
SCP-242 is a swimming pool approximately 4. | ***
Item #: SCP-242
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-242 is kept at a home located in ████████, NM procured by the Foundation on ██/██/████. The original owner was an out of state landlord who had problems keeping it rented. After retiring, he moved there, but disappeared after three days.
The home is unremarkable and is inhabited by Dr. ██████ and Dr. ██████████ who pose as a married couple with no children. The backyard is defined along its perimeter with a cinder block wall approximately 2 m high in accordance with the homes in the general vicinity. The pool is monitored at all times by a single Level 1 guard who also covers as the couple's live-in cook (human monitoring was added after Incident 242-1). Swimming or wading in the pool is strongly discouraged and any access to the pool by anyone other than Class D personnel for experimental reasons is forbidden.
Description: SCP-242 is a swimming pool approximately 4.5 m wide by 9 m long with a depth ranging from 1 m deep on both ends to 1.5 m deep in the center and a total volume of approximately 53,000 liters. It has a dual waterfall feature, an in-pool vacuum unit, and stairs on one end.
Any substance when placed into the pool will eventually be transmuted into sterile water which will remain sterile even after being removed from SCP-242 and introduced to a non-sterile environment. A sample taken from SCP-242 and poured into a container of water that had been tinted with red food coloring did not mix, but rather stayed together as a non-miscible bubble. Subsequent examination of samples shows them to be nothing more than pure, sterile water.
The length of time required for the transmutation to complete is dependent on the nature of the substance placed into SCP-242. Ordinary river water sampled from █████████, NM was completely sterilized in 7 minutes. Stagnant pond water taken from ████, NM was sterilized in 18 minutes. 50,000 liters of coal tar was converted over the course of 12 days.
While the pool contains nothing but sterile water, there is no apparent action of any of the features of the pool. Once a non-water substance is placed into the pool, the water jets and waterfall will come on even if disconnected from any power source. The pool vacuum, if attached, will also activate and drive around the bottom of the pool even through extremely viscous liquids. There is no cycling of water into or out of the filtration system. Pipes leading to the filtration system have been completely removed and shown to be empty and dry while pool contents were being sterilized.
Stagnant pond water, Time=0 min.
Stagnant pond water, Time=9 min.
Stagnant pond water, Time=16 min.
Stagnant pond water, Time=18 min.
Incident 242-1: On ██/██/████, during a time when the home was vacant but being monitored by a hidden video camera, a man and woman, apparently in their early 20's scaled the rear wall and gained access to SCP-242. They proceeded to undress, and go swimming along with two vinyl inflatable rafts acquired from the shed in the backyard. After the water jets came on, the female was startled and indicated she wanted to leave. The male claimed that it was just the automatic timer coming on to clean the pool, and "there was nothing to worry about". The couple continued to swim and engaged in intimate activities.
24 minutes after the jets started, the female was heard to say that the water was "really warm" and made her feel "tingly". The male agreed, and they both climbed onto their respective rafts and fell asleep holding hands.
29 minutes after the jets started, both of the rafts popped within 4 seconds of each other and the couple was again immersed completely in the water. At this time, significant frothing of the water began with a deep red color being given off from the subjects' locations. Subjects were heard to scream loudly and both attempted to exit the pool. Before exit was possible, the couple went under the surface, the frothing stopped and the pool went from red to clear approximately 48 seconds later. The decision was made to institute a live guard at the pool.
After two weeks, a story was leaked to the press that the couple had eloped to an unknown location somewhere in Mexico.
+ Research Log (Click to expand)
- SCP-242 Experiment #17
Abstract: What are the general properties of the water contained in SCP-242? Does the water retain any SCP like properties when removed from the location?
Proposal: Determine if the water is safe for human consumption both while in the SCP and outside of it.
Required equipment/personnel:
Two (2) titanium Atmospheric Dive Suits altered to fit the testing criteria
Two (2) Class D Personnel of like gender and race, age range to within three (3) years
One (1) food grade titanium barrel, one hundred and ninety (190) liter capacity
One (1) remotely controlled overhead crane capable of lifting twenty (20) metric tons
One (1) automated titanium siphon system
One (1) wireless communication system for separate links to and from both dive suits
One (1) home fumigation tenting unit used to create a neighborhood subterfuge
Estimated Budget: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Status: Approved (██/██/20██; Drs. ███ and ████████)
Results: Transcript attached for review. Contact Dr. ██████ for a full Lab Report.
Dr. ██████: Alright, once you've entered the dive suit, we'll lower you into the pool. All you need to do is take a drink from the metal straw by your mouth when instructed to do so.
Test Subject A: Uhhh, I can't see out of this thing. Shouldn't there be glass here? Why is it all metal?
Dr. ██████: That's classified. Just get into the dive suit please.
<sound of overhead crane followed by a loud splash>
Dr. ██████: Is the barrel full yet?
Test Subject B: Yep. All full.
Dr. ██████: Good. Remove the siphon and get into the other dive suit. You will not be placed into the pool. Just drink from the metal straw fed from the barrel when instructed to do so.
Test Subject B: So if I ain't going in the pool, why am I getting into that thing?
Dr. ██████: <sighs> Again, that is classified. We went over this in the debrief. Just do as instructed please.
<mechanical sounds>
Test Subject B: Damn it's dark in here. There's no light? How will I find the straw when I…oh…there it is.
Dr. ██████: SCP-242, Experiment 17, time zero set. Test Subject A, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience.
Test Subject A: Ah…it's pretty warm. There's a weird chemical aftertaste, but it doesn't last long.
Dr. ██████: Good, thank you. Test Subject B, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience.
Test Subject B: Hmm. Its cool. And…tastes like…well…nothing. It's good!
Dr. ██████: OK.
<A loud, long belch is heard, followed by laughter from Test Subject A>
Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, what is going on? Please take another sip.
Test Subject A: Wow. I've got lots of gas. Eeew! This stuff is really warm now. And it stings my mouth. How much longer is this test?
Dr. ██████: OK. Test Subject B, please take a sip.
Test Subject B: Yep. Same as before. No taste or smell at all. The water…is this water? It's cool and pleasant.
Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please repeat the process.
Test Subject A: Ow! [REDACTED] this is really hot now! And…HEY! What the [REDACTED]?! Is that one of my fillings!? What the [REDACTED] is this [REDACTED]?!
Dr. ██████: Please just report your experience as succinctly as possible. Fillings can be replaced. Test Subject B, please repeat the process.
Test Subject B: This is boring, doc. Seems like a lot of hassle just to give us a drink of water.
Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please repeat.
<choking and gurgling sounds>
Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please respond.
<sound of a muffled scream followed by electrical shorting>
Dr. ██████: Test Subject B, please repeat.
Test Subject B: Ahh! Yep. Still nice.
Dr. ██████: OK. Test Subject B, we're moving to the next phase which is a full medical analysis. But you'll need to uhh…decompress…before you can exit the suit. It will take several hours, so get comfortable in there. Please take a drink every time the indicator light goes on and let me know if anything changes. Use the urination adapter as needed.
Test Subject B: Understood. Damn, that was easy!
Testing was ended due to internal electrical and subsequent structural failure of Atmospheric Dive Suit A. Retrieval was not attempted; complete loss of Atmospheric Dive Suit A occurred after approximately 15 hours.
Test Subject B was extracted after 17 hours. No physiological changes were detected. Subject B's urine was recovered and showed no extraordinary properties. Subject B has been released to the Class D Pool Group for future reuse.
The water remaining in the barrel was left to evaporate and did so within the expected time frame. No residue of any kind remained.
Note: The use of SCP-242 for possible disposal of any SCP related materials that are "difficult" to manage is being considered at this time. Contact Dr. ██████ for details and/or permission for testing. |
SCP-2226 is a compact control panel with several knobs and levers that seem to control the object’s maneuvering thrusters and radio transmitter. | ***
Item #: SCP-2226
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2226 is to be suspended within the 1,000 T paramagnetic field of a standard antimaterial containment unit1 which must be constantly monitored by at least one antimaterial containment technician and two armed security personnel. The unit housing SCP-2226 must be held within an appropriately sized chamber supplied electricity indefinitely with a power supply connected to at least two backup reactors. The chamber must be lined with a material suitable for blocking the 2.15 kHz radio transmissions broadcasted from SCP-2226.
SCP-2226 must be stored at Lunar Site-13. Terrestrial storage would be needlessly problematic as a containment breach during atmospheric reentry would have catastrophic consequences and create immense censorship difficulties.
Description: SCP-2226 is an extraterrestrial escape craft composed entirely of antimatter. The object is ellipsoid in shape and constructed from an alloy of the antimatter counterparts of iron, tin, and nickel with a mass of 847 kg and semi-principal axes of 4.10 m, 1.72 m, and 1.50 m. It has eight maneuvering thrusters arranged in two sets of four around each of its ends. In the center of SCP-2226 there is a 0.73 m wide circular, transparent hatch through which the object’s interior is visible. The hatch's transparency seems to be only a consequence of its composition, which spectrographic tests reveal to be a form of enameled glass, and not intended to make the surroundings of SCP-2226 visible (see description of SCP-2226-1).
SCP-2226 broadcasts a 2.15 kHz radio transmission lasting for approximately 5 seconds every 7 seconds. Transmission contents vary slightly from broadcast to broadcast and seem to express the object's positional coordinates for any vessels within range of the signal.2
Inside SCP-2226 is a compact control panel with several knobs and levers that seem to control the object’s maneuvering thrusters and radio transmitter. In the center of the panel is a tactile display consisting of a rectangular grid of fifty by twenty minute metal pegs which individually raise and lower to indicate internal and external conditions. Underneath the panel is a storage chest containing a small, stringed instrument composed of metal. Resembling a Vietnamese k'ni,3 it consists of a post with a main string running down its length and a sympathetic string attaching the main string to a resonating membrane. The interior floor is littered with fourteen empty metal containers once holding an unidentified purple paste (see event log 2226-B).
Beside the control panel is a vaguely humanoid entity resting within what is believed to be a suspended animation chamber. Designated as SCP-2226-1, the entity measures 2.45 m in height. Its skin is a deep mauve and it possesses two pairs of upper limbs and a single pair of lower limbs connected to its torso. Its upper limbs terminate in a hand with seven webbed fingers while its lower limbs terminate in feet with seven shorter digits. SCP-2226-1 lacks a distinct head and instead has its main sensory structures (two large, pteropine4 ears; three nasal slits; one mouth with protruding fangs) centered in its torso. As no eyes or photoreceptive organs are visible5 on the creature's body, it is assumed to perceive its surroundings through echolocation. Its visible teeth suggest a carnivorous or omnivorous diet, though it has only been observed eating onboard provisions. As it hasn't been observed excreting waste it is assumed all metabolic byproducts are released during exhalation.
A translucent mask is fitted over the nasal slits and mouth of SCP-2226-1, supplying it an unidentified respiratory gas from a tank beside the chamber estimated at 5.6 L in volume. Given that the tank has not yet been exhausted and appears to be connected to the interior wall, SCP-2226 likely has an onboard system that removes waste products from and recirculates exhaled gas.
It is unknown how long the vital processes of SCP-2226-1 will remain in suspension or how long the radio transmitter of SCP-2226 will remain functional. SCP-2226 does not appear to contain any remaining provisions.
Event Log 2226-A: Details of event leading to Foundation recovery of SCP-2226 on 05/16/1999.
05:13 Extraterrestrial vessel appears in flash of white light at an altitude of approximately 130,000 m above far side of moon. Vessel is dull grey in color and ellipsoid in shape, with semi-principal axes of approximately 30 m, 17 m, and 15 m. Vessel appears critically damaged with starboard side of hull partially molten and trailing debris.
05:16 Vessel altitude 126,000 m. Five of eight thrusters on the stern of vessel ignite. Vessel achieves acceleration of approximately 16 m/s2. Entity or entities piloting vessel seem to be attempting lunar orbit.
05:19 Vessel altitude 122,000 m. Stern of vessel explodes. Velocity proves insufficient to achieve orbit.
05:25 Vessel altitude 113,000 m. Vessel ejects SCP-2226. SCP-2226 begins transmitting radio signal and its maneuvering thrusters engage. Entity piloting SCP-2226 appears to be attempting lunar orbit.
05:29 Vessel altitude 109,000 m, SCP-2226 altitude 110,000 m.
05:32 Vessel altitude 97,000 m, SCP-2226 altitude 112,000 m.
05:36 Vessel altitude 82,000 m, SCP-2226 altitude 114,000 m. SCP-2226 achieves lunar orbit.
05:57 Vessel impacts far side of lunar surface, resulting in an explosion estimated at 430 gigatons in strength. Explosion releases burst of high-energy gamma rays and neutrinos.
06:03 No trace of vessel remains. Resulting crater estimated at 15 km in width and 4 km in depth.
06:35 Foundation researchers determine vessel was composed of antimatter. SCP-2226 composition also ruled to be of antimatter.
09:54 Magnetic Recovery Ship 7782 (“Faraday’s Lover”) launched from Lunar Site-13.
11:37 As Faraday's Lover begins to approach SCP-2226, the object's maneuvering thrusters engage. The entity piloting the object appears to be taking evasive action. Faraday's Lover begins pursuit of SCP-2226, maintaining safe distance of 200 m.
17:45 Maneuvering thrusters of SCP-2226 cease firing, having apparently expended their fuel supply. Faraday's Lover matches the object's velocity.
17:56 Having evacuated the air from its containment bay, the crew of Faraday's Lover activates the ship's field generators and successfully recovers SCP-2226.
20:02 SCP-2226 brought to Lunar Site-13. Preliminary containment procedures begin.
Note: The antimatter explosion has been censored from scientific publications. Radar jamming has successfully prevented the detection of the resulting crater by lunar orbiters.
Event Log 2226-B: Details of SCP-2226-1 activity following object recovery.
05/16/1999 After SCP-2226 is pulled into the containment bay of Faraday's Lover, an entity can be seen within the object through a transparent hatch. The entity, hereafter referred to as SCP-2226-1, adjusts the knobs and levers present on the object's control panel with its upper hands and runs its fingers over the tactile display with its lower hands. SCP-2226-1 continues manipulating controls for approximately six hours following the placement of SCP-2226 within an antimaterial containment unit for indefinite storage. This produces no noticeable effects.
05/17/1999 SCP-2226-1 retrieves a metal container from an onboard storage chest and consumes its contents. Container holds an unidentified paste. Upon finishing its contents, SCP-2226-1 returns to the object's control panel and manipulates its controls. This produces no noticeable effects. After two hours, SCP-2226-1 lies on interior floor and appears to fall asleep.
05/18/1999 SCP-2226-1 consumes another container of paste. It retrieves a small, stringed instrument from the storage chest aboard SCP-2226. For seven hours, the creature plays the instrument by holding the membrane in its mouth and using two bows to vibrate its main string, pausing occasionally.6 The creature's mouth appears to act as a resonator for the instrument akin to the sound hole of a guitar. SCP-2226-1 then places the instrument in the chest and appears to fall asleep.
This behavior continues for several days.
05/30/1999 SCP-2226-1 consumes what appears to be the final onboard container of paste.
06/02/1999 SCP-2226-1 manipulates the object's controls. Its movements at first seem methodical but grow erratic after a few minutes. SCP-2226-1 forms its four hands into fists and strikes them against the control panel. The creature then tosses several of the empty paste containers against the object's interior walls before repeatedly striking the interior of the transparent hatch. This activity produces no noticeable effects or damage to SCP-2226.
After two hours, SCP-2226-1 lies against interior floor and appears to fall asleep.
06/03/1999 SCP-2226-1 opens door of transparent chamber affixed to interior wall of SCP-2226. The creature places a mask over its nasal slits and mouth before lying against the chamber wall. It then closes the chamber door and appears to fall asleep.
1. magnetic bottle scaled to contain macroscopic antimatter samples
2. This signal variation is attributed to the changing positions of the Moon, Earth, and Solar System over time.
3. A fiddle-like instrument used by the Jarai people of Vietnam.
4. of or pertaining to flying foxes (bats of the genus Pteropus)
5. Only a visual description of SCP-2226-1 can be provided as closeup biological analysis is impossible.
6. The sound produced by the creature's instrument could not be recorded as the interior environment of the unit housing SCP-2226 is a hard vacuum.
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SCP-4699 is a door to another world. | ***
Item #: SCP-4699
Object Class: Safe Euclid
Revised Special Containment Procedures, 17/01/2019: SCP-4699 is to be contained in a Standard Object Locker at Site 189. No personnel are to view or test SCP-4699 under any circumstances.
Description: SCP-4699 is a door to another world.
Although extensive scans of SCP-4699 has determined this singular anomalous property, no further details can be ascertained. It is unknown what type of dimension exists on the other side of it; no personnel or objects sent through it have returned, and any transmission signals have immediately been cut off upon entry. When looking through SCP-4699, viewers are unable to describe or conceptualise what they perceive; recordings only show a plain black surface.
The origins and recovery of SCP-4699 are unknown. It was discovered in the Site 189 archives on
16/12/2018, with no indication of the manner or date of its acquisition.
Research is ongoing into its properties and provenance. The current research team is composed of Senior Researcher Rafael Rodrigo, Researcher Sarah Jones, Junior Researcher Olivia Holloway and Junior Researcher Husayn Tabrizi. They are under the jurisdiction of Site Director Carol Summers.
Addendum 1: On 12/01/2019, all regular check-in responses ceased from Site 189. No indication of any containment breaches or site alerts could be detected. A Mobile Task Force was dispatched to investigate on 16/01/2019, and found all site personnel missing. As Site 189 only contained Safe anomalies, no containment breach had occurred.
Only a small number of documents were remaining on the Site 189 hard drives; it appears the greater bulk of them had been personally wiped by Dr. Holloway, but the slapdash nature of this attempt resulted in several files remaining on the database. They can be found below, arranged in chronological order.
+Open file
-Close file
Report 4699-1, 19/12/2018: Initial Research Findings for Director Summers
We conducted a series of several tests on the object; the usual standards for this kind of thing. Two D-classes were sent through, fully manned with tethers and cameras, but the cameras cut out and the tether- well, it seemed as if it had been broken off at the point of entry. But our scans are all consistent- there's definitely something behind it, we just have no way of breaking through.
Dr. Jimenez would like to engage in further D-class testing, with your approval. He would also like additional funding for the acquisition of the new Hollis-Meyerson Autocams, due to their successful trial at the Unreality Division last month in exploring conventionally unreachable transdimensional anomalies.
~Junior Researcher Holloway
Director's Response: Request granted, but inform Rafael that we're not made of money. I've already had to go begging to Unreality for their new toys once this month, and I'd rather not owe anyone money over the Christmas break.
I would also like one of you to investigate potential origins for this thing in more detail than the initial taskforce. I recommend Dr. Tabrizi, as he has expressed an interest in manifestation tracking work in the past, but ultimately I'll leave this at Rafael's discretion.
Extract from the personal journal of Husayn Tabrizi, 21/12/2018
I've been looking into the origins of this thing for Dr. Rodrigo (apparently Summers herself recommended me- no idea she even knew I existed). It's exciting to be put on this kind of detail, but I wish I had more to go on. The taskforce's notes were pretty useless- last time that part of the archives had been checked was '06, and with the differing filing systems they had no way of knowing when it arrived.
I've really wanted to work here, to do stuff like this, for so long. I'm glad to have the opportunity, but it's so frustrating. I'm sure it's just my lack of experience, but this is a major breach and I really hope I can do it justice. Gotta keep moving, that's what my parents always said. We're only the sum of our actions, after all.
Haven't seen Joaquin around recently. He's a good cat- I'm hoping if he likes the food I've been leaving for him, he'll be a more permanent presence. None of it's been eaten for a few days, though.
Interview 4699-1
Interviewer: Senior Researcher Rodrigo
Interviewee: Researcher Sarah Jones
Date: 24/12/2018
<Begin Log>
Dr. Rodrigo: Hey, Sarah.
Dr. Jones: Hi, Raf. Sorry about, well, all of this.
Dr. Rodrigo: It's quite alright. I know how hard it can be, a project as baffling as this. I remember when they got me to piece together 3005's files before my promotion here- it was a nightmare, trying to figure out everything that was going on, when we didn't even know what it was. I sometimes think the sites are too autonomous- more immediate data sharing beyond the database entries would be so much more convenient.
Dr. Jones does not respond.
Dr. Rodrigo: Anyway… can you tell me what happened last night?
Dr. Jones: I- I just wanted to see it.
Dr. Rodrigo: Sarah, we have procedures for this. If you want to do a bit of work on your off-time, nobody's going to mind.
Dr. Jones: It wasn't that, I… what do you think is behind it, Raf?
Dr. Rodrigo: Me? I don't know. There are innumerable possible-
Dr. Jones: Not what you know, Raf, what you think. It's just a door. We know something's behind it, a real, physical place. What does your gut tell you?
Dr. Rodrigo: I don't know. Someone's own private retreat, maybe? Some pleasure place? Would explain why the D-classes are so reluctant to return…
Dr. Jones does not respond.
Dr. Rodrigo: Why, what do you think it is?
Dr. Jones: I don't know. That's just it. Shouldn't I have some idea? Isn't that what most people do? I used to. I've just been so… under the weather recently.
Dr. Rodrigo: It's OK. It's natural. Happens to all of us. But I need you sharp, Sarah. Wandering into containment lockers at 2 in the morning is cause for concern, and clear evidence you're not getting enough sleep.
Dr. Jones: It's just- I'm so tired, all the time, like I never get any time off, and I was scheduled for leave, family leave, over Christmas-
Dr. Rodrigo: Ah, of course. I remember. Look, I sympathise, I really do, but you've got to stay with me, here. I need you to help mentor the juniors, and I need that analytic brain of yours, OK?
Dr. Jones: O-ok.
Dr. Rodrigo: Good. You can take the rest of the day off, but I'll need you again tomorrow. Thanks for coming.
Dr. Jones: Of course, Raf.
Dr. Rodrigo rises and exits the room.
Dr. Jones: Any time.
<End Log>
Report 4699-5, 27/12/2018: Regular Report for Director Summers
Still no progress on the report; however, of notable concern are the repeated nightly visits we have seen by several members of site personnel to the anomaly's chambers. I am afraid I contravened Dr. Rodrigo's orders by testing the door for cognitohazards or infohazards, but nothing came up; it's completely clean, by all accounts.
Dr. Rodrigo is hopeful, however, of continued success- the arrival of the Autocams today should improve things greatly, we hope.
~Junior Researcher Holloway
Director's Response: This is simply not good enough. None of you seem to understand the seriousness of this anomaly; I have a personal interest in seeing it through. I'll be coming down tomorrow to talk to you all, and inspect the anomaly personally. This will not do.
Note by unknown research team member, 29/12/2018
It stares at you. It has no eyes, and still it stares.
There's no cognitohazard I can feel, just the desire to know. It's a fragment of a hair away. I put my arm in it yesterday, and I felt nothing, and I pulled it back out again and it was fine. But the tethers don't work that way. So there must be an intelligence behind it.
But what if there isn't? Four researchers and director looking at it, and none of us can discern a thing. Maybe it just doesn't like the tether material. Maybe we should alter it.
Seven D-classes. I don't know where they went. Do we have blood on our hands? I don't know. I can't even tell if we're evil or not any more. It's just… there, all the stuff we're meant to find, and we're bashing our heads against the frame and not understanding anything. It's so fucking noisy in my head.
Maybe it's quieter in there.
Extract from the personal journal of Husayn Tabrizi, 30/12/2018
It happened, like we all knew it would. Someone went inside, voluntarily.
Kirk Douglas, part of the janitorial staff. I liked Kirk. "No relation", he'd always say, a terrible joke but something that made him human. Old, plump, greying hair. A smile.
How many D-classes did we send in there? How much blood is on our hands? We're never going to figure it out. We should lock it away and never look at it again.
Still got nowhere on the origins. Checked the cameras, the shipping transcripts, the air in the damn room for thaumaturgy. All I've got is boxes and orders that could be it, test results that are ambiguous. It's so predictable and so unknown, I love it and I hate it.
No sign of Joaquin. Did someone let him into the containment areas?
Note from Director Summers, 05/01/2019: Foundation computers are not meant for personal use, Husayn. I took a risk when I assigned this sub-project to a junior like you, and I expected results. Obviously I was mistaken. You are hereby removed from the study of this SCP with immediate effect; report to Personnel for reassignment at your earliest convenience.
The door is my project. Mine. I know you've been spying for Unreality. I'm not going to stand for this. We are Site 189, and we will get to the bottom of this mystery without their help.
It's probably you, isn't it? You're the reason they've been going in droves.
Incident Log 4699-43
Date: 12/01/2019
<Begin Log>
Dr. Jones is standing in front of SCP-4699. She reaches out a hand to touch it, but is interrupted by the facility door abruptly opening and Dr. Rodrigo walking in.
Dr. Rodrigo: Sarah. Stop, please.
Dr. Jones: You don't want me to stop, Raf. Not really.
Dr. Rodrigo: Madre de dios… this has gone too far. This is absurd. We are scientists. We're not going to be defeated by this mystery, or- or sucked into this fucking hole. There's clearly a cognitohazard going on here-
Dr. Jones: We tested it. Turned up nothing.
Dr. Rodrigo: We could have been mistaken. We've been mistaken before. Tests aren't always accurate.
Dr. Jones: Maybe. It's like the stuff Husayn was doing, before Summers… everything he found was ambiguous too. Is that what this thing is? A thing that drives you mad with being so fucking banal and maddening?
Dr. Rodrigo: This- no. The tests were right, they must have been. This is just a door, Sarah, a door to another world, and we'll pierce the veil without losing anyone else. The site… I should have done something sooner. Summers has gone mad, keeps insisting nothing wrong when three quarters of the staff have poured into that thing? None of them are happy, all so tired…
Dr. Jones: Maybe that's what happens when you don't give them holidays.
Dr. Rodrigo: This has nothing to do with me. And this isn't how it happens. Three dozen people don't just choose to go away.
Dr. Jones: We're stuck here, Raf, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by dull anomalies, without having seen our families for months. We're tired, lonely. I just… I just want a little rest, and maybe, in the door…
Dr. Rodrigo: No- no, look, okay, I admit I've been harsh, Summers too, but you're talking about entering some unknown, fucking, veil-thing! Anything could be behind there! You could be dead! I'm-
Dr. Jones: You're going to follow me. It's what happens, Raf. There's nothing left out here. I just want to rest. Just let me rest.
Dr. Rodrigo: Sarah- Sarah, no, no, please no, SARAH-
Dr. Jones enters SCP-4699.
Dr. Rodrigo: Sarah… Sarah…
<End log>
Report 4699-54, Unknown date mid-January: fucking read this already summers please
Rodrigo's gone, you're holed up in your office, we're dropping like flies. I don't know what you did but please, please, open up the blast doors. I'm stuck down here with Husayn and he's babbling away about failure or something, I don't know.
I have a theory- a working theory. This thing was placed here by someone, somewhere, to fuck with us, lure us, whatever. We're under its spell. We can't keep acting like everyone's being normal. We've got to try. Preserving normalcy's what we do, right? It- it has to be a cognitohazard, or something. We've faced mysteries before that didn't do this!
You're like a mother to me, Carol. You helped me here, you helped me improve, you can't just break down now. I want to know what's on the other side as much as you do, but I want to get out of here, I want to breathe the air again. I just want to feel something. Open the locks. Open the locks, Summers. I just want to get out.
~Junior Researcher Holloway
Director's Response: Okay, Olivia, I opened the doors. It seemed you'd already found another way out. What a shame.
You're a spy. You're all spies. I have to get out of here, where they won't follow me. It's all so grey, and the lights are blinding.
Beryl Liamsson. Captain John Kirby. Clement Tortuga. Veronica Noches. Malcolm Lloyd. Anne Doggett. Tai Eisenstein. These were the D-classes we sent before us. Thought I'd look it up, since nobody else would.
Extract from the personal journal of Husayn Tabrizi, Unknown date.
I hear them upstairs. They're coming to save us, coming to reap what's due. Olive wiped the drives, and I'm the last one left.
And they'll take me back, like the others, like the anomalies. And they'll put me in a cage and poke and prod me and let me out and I'll be smiling, normal, happy, and they'll never understand, and nobody will ever understand, and it'll all be just as empty.
They'll never understand.
Joaquin came back. He'd just been hiding. I gave him some food, and stroked him on the head.
Were we ever really people at all? |
SCP-1876 is a used plastic toothbrush manufactured by [REDACTED], completely unremarkable except for the words "stop taken [sic] my shit", which are written on the handle with a black fine-point permanent marker. | ***
Item #: SCP-1876
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1876 is stored in a standard secure locker in the Safe-class containment wing of Site ██. Experimentation with SCP-1876 may only be performed with prior permission from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher and must be moved to approved testing areas by fully automated robotic rovers or other automated transport systems. Until further notice, only Class D personnel may handle SCP-1876 directly.
Description: SCP-1876 is a used plastic toothbrush manufactured by [REDACTED], completely unremarkable except for the words "stop taken [sic] my shit", which are written on the handle with a black fine-point permanent marker.
Approximately twenty (20) seconds after a living human subject picks up SCP-1876 or otherwise moves it from its current position, the subject is temporally displaced to a point in time directly prior to that act. The subject is aware of anything that occurs in this time period, regardless of the temporal paradox that should result from taking an alternate action after the "rewind".
SCP-1876 was discovered in a dormitory trash bin at [REDACTED] University in [REDACTED] on █/██/██ and came to the Foundation following reports of its anomalous effect from the janitor on staff who claimed to be unable to move the bin. A Foundation containment team managed to isolate the effect to SCP-1876 and determined through field testing that moving it via completely automated means did not trigger its anomalous effects. Attempts to determine its original owner have not been successful thus far, and DNA and fingerprint analysis of the object have yielded inconclusive data.
Addendum 1876-01: Test Log
Date: █/██/██
Subject: D-33281
Description: SCP-1876 placed on table in testing room by automated rover. D-33281 was then instructed to pick up SCP-1876 and move it to a table on the opposite side of the chamber.
Result: Subject began to reach for SCP-1876, then stopped in surprise and muttered an expletive. When questioned, Subject stated that he had "just put it on the other table, and now it's back again". Subject instructed to do so again, with the same result, before refusing any further testing.
Date: █/██/██
Subject: D-33319
Description: SCP-1876 placed on table in testing room by automated rover. Subject is instructed to move SCP-1876 to a table on the other side of the chamber and informed that if they failed to do so, they would be shot by an armed guard.
Result: Subject begins reaching for SCP-1876, then pauses for several seconds while exhibiting surprise that rapidly changes to shock and then fear. Subject then breaks down, sobbing, while pleading not to be shot. When questioned, Subject claims to have attempted to follow the instructions several dozen times, only to have the actions undone each time.
Date: ██/█/██
Subject: D-33347, Agent █████
Description: SCP-1876 placed on table in testing room by automated rover. Subject is instructed to pick up and hold SCP-1876; Agent █████ is given prior instructions to shoot the Subject with a tranquilizer dart after SCP-1876 is picked up.
Result: Subject reaches for SCP-1876 before suddenly slumping to the ground, unconscious. Medical tests confirmed the presence of sedatives in Subject's bloodstream; Agent █████'s dart gun is confirmed to still be loaded and unfired. Subject recovers without incident. |
SCP-403 is a visually unremarkable naptha-fueled lighter that was discovered in a cafeteria at Site-██. | ***
Item #: SCP-403
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-403 is to be sealed in a steel safe with a combination known only by Dr. ████ ███████. The walls of the safe must be reinforced with fire-retardant material complying with Foundation standard C3/403. The safe will remain under surveillance by 2 armed guards at all times.
Description: SCP-403 is a visually unremarkable naptha-fueled lighter that was discovered in a cafeteria at Site-██. When lit once after a prolonged period of disuse, SCP-403 produces an ordinary flame. However, if ignited repeatedly within 24 hours the flame produced by SCP-403 becomes larger and more violent in nature with each subsequent ignition.
During an experiment a Class-D test subject attempted to light SCP-403 a third time within two hours, resulting in a powerful explosion of superheated gas and plasma. This event destroyed the monitoring equipment within the testing cell, and caused significant damage to the flame-resistant plating lining the walls. Despite this, the subject and the item itself remained virtually unharmed. Radio-imaging has shown the formation of a magnetic field around the lighter, which is hypothesized by researchers to be the cause of this immunity.
The fuel used by SCP-403 to produce the detonations is not known as of yet, if any conventional fuel is used at all. Examination of the item shows that the fuel compartment within SCP-403 is empty; no traces of any combustible compound have been found. Considering this, and the amount of energy initiations are capable of producing, SCP-403 should currently be treated as if using a functionally inexhaustible power supply. Tests to ascertain the exact nature of this power source are ongoing.
Addendum 403-1: Continued experimentation has been authorized for SCP-403, and a designated safe detonation area has been provided for testing. After the third ignition, a Class-D personnel attempted a fourth, which caused an explosion that initially appeared to be a thermonuclear blast. Evaluation of the explosion has demonstrated that it was of equivalent magnitude to 10 MT of TNT, far exceeding the yield of most strategic nuclear weapons; this yield was also far greater than extrapolations based on past tests seemed to suggest. Further study of recorded data seemed to show that the event was actually caused by the release of [DATA EXPUNGED] stellar material. No abnormal lasting effects from the explosion were observed, apart from the devastation wreaked by the initial blast. Once again the subject used to ignite SCP-403 was unharmed by the blast.
Addendum 403-2: All further tests have been suspended due to the extreme danger presented by the high-energy detonations SCP-403 is capable of producing. As it seems the power of SCP-403 increases exponentially, a fifth ignition could result in an event comparable to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A blast of this magnitude could devastate vast portions of the continent and present a severe risk of breaching the containment of several Foundation sites, including [REDACTED]. |
SCP-1796 is a manila envelope, created sometime between 1973 and 1978, by the ████████ Company. | ***
Item #: SCP-1796
Object Class: Anomalous Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1796 is to be held within a standard containment locker, located in the basement floor of Site-77's Safe SCP wing. No personnel who have authored containment documentation are to interact with SCP-1796, and anyone with Level 3 clearance or above is forbidden from accessing SCP-1796 at all. All documents produced by SCP-1796 are to be stored in Site-77's anomalous media archive. Testing with SCP-1796 is currently restricted, pending a review of Site-77's archives.
Description: SCP-1796 is a manila envelope, created sometime between 1973 and 1978, by the ████████ Company. The words "To Richard" have been written on the back of SCP-1796 in red ink, with the address covered using black ink.
When a subject comes into contact with SCP-1796, a document will be transported into it. The document will contain content the subject wishes to suppress knowledge of, such as classified documents, personal communications, and information the subject would be punished for owning or revealing. If the subject removes the document, a different one will appear in its place.
This process can continue indefinitely, until the subject ceases contacting SCP-1796, at which point any document contained within it will be returned to where it originated. Apart from this, E-1765 displays no anomalous properties When SCP-1796 is used continuously, it will begin altering the documents sent through it. This new information will usually be unrelated to the original document, instead relating to topics the subject is secretive about. In addition, subjects will complain of headaches and memory loss when documents of this nature are retrieved from SCP-1796.
Documentation of SCP-1796's effect.
Object Retrieved
Dr. Boyd
Personal Journal
Dr. Boyd's personal journal, containing information regarding his time working with SCP-███, information deemed not to be a breach of security protocol.
Dr. Musgrove
Object: [REDACTED], containing additional documentation of SCP-████'s effect.
Dr. Musgrove had been verbally briefed on SCP-████'s effect directly before initial testing.
Personal letters belonging to D-8976
Letters showed that D-8976 had been involved in several bank robberies in the city of ████; however, several passages within letters appear to be from her mother, describing how they used to play Monopoly together.
Novel "████████ ████"; note that this has been banned in D-8198's home country.
Content identical to print copy for the first 106 pages. Starting at page 107, the plot begins to reference the protagonist being extremely late to an appointment, eventually becoming incoherent diatribes on the nature of watches and timepieces in general.
A manual directing the operation and detonation of improvised explosives.
Document includes the use of SCP-███ in improvised weaponry, the effects claimed to be exhibited by SCP-███ appear to have resulted from speculation on D-0987's part.
A lonesome boy
SCP-1796's documentation.
I don't know how to raise them anymore, but the testing must continue until morale improves.
SCP-1796 was contained after being discovered and documented by the Unusual Incidents Unit. Prior to containment by the Foundation, UIU operatives had discovered the nature of SCP-1796's effect, which was documented during SCP-1796's containment operations. Foundation operatives have found the UIU's documentation of E-1765 to be inaccurate, and have archived it in Site-77. It has been classified as an anomalous object. Information collected by the UIU has been determined accurate, and is currently being used in its containment.
Access original UIU documentation
Access Granted.
UIU File 98701: Manila Envelope, with markings on back.
Summary: Missing, Presumed Stolen. Object discovered on ██/██/1976, during routine anti-espionage measures taken at the Turkish embassy. Agent Ekblad reported that the manila envelope had been left on a bench outside the offices. When investigated, Agent Ekblad discovered classified documents she had authored. Suspecting espionage, the folder was confiscated and agents were sent to investigate.
When it was returned to UIU office, other agents utilized it and discovered it would pull any classified documents they had authored. Locked in safe, currently awaiting review for testing. Agent Boyd has been assigned to work with it.
Currently being kept filed with other documents in the safe, to avoid theft. Effect has the potential to be used during espionage operations against the KGB, terror organizations, the Red Acting Troupe, and to act as internal counter-espionage measures. Usage is only permitted to agents on field work, with approval from an administrator. She always said one day she'd get to work with the big objects. Sarah, please don't do this. I've done too much for this to end now. We can please, please don't walk out. Some things just need the time. Sarah.
don't leave
I think I've fixed up the document. There wasn't as much changed as they made it out to be, just some stuff in Ekblad's files and worklog. Luckily for us, she was the only one who used it. So, about the envelope. It's a lot more dangerous than it looks. It kinda fools you, because it just looks so innocuous. You see it as something that's hardly even weird, and think it might even be kinda useful.
Don't get complacent with it. You don't want to have anything to do with utilizing this thing. If you let your guard down for a second, it'll break into your brain and pull everything out. The best way I found to avoid it was to just not touch it. Touching it gives the thing a gateway to your skull, and that's the last place you want any prying eyes. If you have to touch it, don't look inside it. Don't even open it. Whatever's in there will go away when you drop it, and that'll be the end of that. Oh, and if you feel like it's reading your mind, it probably had you for ages.
Good luck. I hope you do better than we did. |
SCP-4337 is a fixed-blade combat knife, 38cm in length. | ***
Item #: SCP-4337
Object Class: Thaumiel Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4337 is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-59. Testing through Procedure 10-Inti may be carried out through an application to the site director, Dr. Lisle Naismith. Blank applications may be found at the Site-59 safe wing receptionist's desk. Test subjects may only be pulled from available D-class personnel that have been scheduled for termination.
Description: SCP-4337 is a fixed-blade combat knife, 38 cm in length. A sand-engraved decal of three crescent moons is present on either side of the blade.
Through Procedure 10-Inti, SCP-4337 can cause an e-mailed form letter to appear in the inbox of the surviving participant after two hours. Due to the triple-crescent motif being analogous to other objects in Foundation custody (including SCP-3319 and SCP-3922), the message is believed to be extradimensional in origin.
Recovery Log: On 12/21/2018, the location of the original instance of SCP-4337 was relayed to the Foundation in an e-mail from SCP-2578-D, on the grounds that the object's original owners were "senile cultists" that had been "using the device to make libelous claims."
SCP-4337 was recovered by Foundation Agents in a house in ██████████, Missouri. All three residents had been shot from orbit by SCP-2578-D ten hours prior to discovery; their bodies had not yet been found by local authorities. Seven adult corpses were discovered in the basement; cause of death had been sharp force trauma to the heart.
Documents recovered alongside SCP-4337 led to the formation of Procedure 10-Inti:
One D-class subject ("Participant") is to be given a question by a second party ("Celebrant")
Immediately after, the celebrant is to stab the participant in the heart.
The resulting message will attempt to answer the question.
Test Log (entry 1 of 1):
Participant: D-59932
Celebrant: Researcher Paulsen
Question: "How do we neutralize SCP-████?"
Hello, my name is [%fieldvarC], and I'll be handling your support ticket today. This ticket's case number is [HHF_581375AAJ_Ø]. If you are not in possession of a Support Ticket Beacon, please use the Support Blade to request one.
Your request has been gleaned and processed from the premortem memories of [███████/████████_██████]. Here at ☽☽☽, we receive over 50,000 requests an hour, but the Great Weaver keeps us on our toes to answer every one. Glory to JALAKÅRA!
We are [ANNOYED] to hear about this problem, which can [NOT_AND_SHOULD_NOT] be solved on your own, so we'll [CONSIDER_FURTHER_ACTION].
Suggested actions:
Further review of this support ticket may result in [ %fieldvarM ].
The deceased sacrificial participant, [███████/████████_██████], has been relegated to Class-[H] afterlife conditions with an option for [APPEAL_HEARING] in [%fieldvarQ] years.
You Are Watched • You Are Protected • You Are Loved
Addendum - Object Class: Thaumiel classification revoked with vehemence. 10-Inti testing is heretofore relegated only to low-priority questions. - Director Naismith |
SCP-3102 is a diurnal species, and lamps are automated to switch off during the nighttime hours. | ***
Item #: SCP-3102
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Caught specimens of SCP-3102 are to be contained in Unit 39 of Bio-Site-66. Three (3) SCP-3102 specimens are allowed per enclosure. Enclosure dimensions must measure 2.0 meters by 1.4 meters. Enclosure walls must be composed of thermal resistant glass-ceramic, and lids must have a fire-resistant wire mesh. A UV lamp is to be placed over the left side of the enclosure, and one single day lamp is to be placed over the opposite side. SCP-3102 is a diurnal species, and lamps are automated to switch off during the nighttime hours. Enclosures walls and lamps are to be routinely inspected.
In order to minimize risk of anomalous behavior, specimens’ enclosures must mimic their natural habitats. Dry soil and aspen shavings will consist as enclosure substrate. Enclosures must have a basking rock for specimens, in addition to various hide boxes. Specimens require little water, but must have a water bowl for soaking. Habitat props are to be painted in fire-resistant coating. Each specimen is to be fed two (2) rats weekly, at 0800 hours. Specimens' enclosures must be cleaned daily at 1800 hours. In the event of a specimen combustion, inert gases will automatically flood the enclosure to incapacitate the specimen. Once fire is outed, specimens are to be relocated, and enclosure must be salvaged.
All personnel must wear fire-retardant suits when tending for SCP-3102. One (1) stationed guard will prevent any unauthorized access to Unit 39. Bearing any flammable materials while inside Unit 39 is strictly prohibited. Personnel found infringing this directive are to be severely reprimanded. Personnel who wish to bear documentation must file a request to the Site Director.
In the case of a containment breach, Unit 39 will begin lockdown procedures. Heat sensors will seal doorways in the event of a fire, and dispense inert gases to incapacitate SCP-3102 instances. Cleanup crews will be dispatched to remove scorch marks and fires, as well as recapturing any torpid SCP-3102 specimens.
Description: SCP-3102 is an unidentified species of nonvenomous, tertiary serpents that are closely related to members of the genus Pituophis. SCP-3102 is endemic to the North American Prairies, and the Chihuahuan Desert. Total species population is believed to number near the high hundreds, and is increasing at a steady rate.1 Specimens can grow up to two (2) meters in length and 3.5 kg in weight. SCP-3102’s diet consists of small rodents and reptiles, including other serpents.2 Specimens are normally docile in nature, and typically ignore nearby humans.3 Unusually, SCP-3102 is partially endothermic. While internal temperatures do fluctuate like other ectotherms, SCP-3102 is able to increase its own body temperature at will. This comes at a cost of higher energy demands, and thus specimens have a more ravenous appetite. Specimens’ scales are notably durable, resisting acidic solutions and high temperatures. Specimens are highly social creatures; SCP-3102 can be usually found in colonies, or traveling in packs. Specimens are also highly protective of their young, and will remain close to any juvenile serpents. At the time of writing, thirty-six (36) specimens are in current Foundation care.
When threatened, agitated, or heavily stressed, SCP-3102 will burst into flames. Specimens’ scales will ignite violently and remain burning, with temperatures exceeding 300°C. The ignition mechanism that SCP-3102 employs is currently unknown at this time. The fire poses no bodily danger to SCP-3102, but it consumes large quantities of energy, and specimens can only exist in this state for a limited time. Depending on the size of a specimen and its level of stress, the ignition state of SCP-3102 can last from 45 seconds to 5 minutes long. Upon the conclusion of the ignition state, SCP-3102 will become lethargic, and incapable of ignition for several days.
Specimens of SCP-3102 will also experience behavioral changes upon ignition. While in flames, SCP-3102 becomes extremely aggressive, and actively pursues any moving organisms in the vicinity. SCP-3102 will then constrict and bind their victims tightly, setting their target alight. Testing has showed that SCP-3102 prefers attacking larger organisms to smaller ones, and will chase their quarry with speeds of up to nine (9) kmph. Upon coming into contact with an appendage, SCP-3102 will wind itself around the limb, and tightly constrict. SCP-3102 will also anchor itself into the flesh of its victim via its teeth in order to maximize damage potential. Victims of these attacks will receive 4th-degree burns, and chances of survival are low without immediate amputation.
If two or more specimens enter an ignition state simultaneously, they will act in a highly coordinated matter. Specimens will strategically corner victims, attack different limbs simultaneously, and create fiery blockades to herd their prey. In addition, specimens have a tendency to congregate when indoors. Specimens will wind their bodies tightly around each other, increasing pressure and surface area, thus making their flames hotter and longer lasting. Specimens use this method to quickly burn down structures, or in some cases, create a defensive position.
Incident Log 3102/A: On 07/08/2017, █████████ National Park was hit by a rampaging wildfire that annihilated over 564 hectares of forestry. The resulting inferno destroyed sixteen structures over the course of its rampage, and eighteen causalities occurred. In combination with favorable weather conditions and a rapid response time, firefighters easily contained the blaze, and subdued the forest fire after four days. County investigations began shortly after, due to suspected foul play. Point of origin was determined to have occurred near Happy Pines Camp, a popular cabin grounds for tourists.
Picture of █████████ Fire, 08/08/2017.
Foundation officials were alerted once emergency chatter mentioned that several witnesses claimed they had seen “fiery snakes” chase after fleeing animals. Foundation agents were dispatched under the guise of emergency officials, and ordered to find any traces of anomalous phenomena. Nine (9) specimens of SCP-3102 were discovered near Happy Pines, attempting to make a nest in the area. Specimens were captured and shipped to Bio-Site-66. Inspection of specimens revealed that they had not been fed for several weeks. After interviewing several key witnesses, Class-A amnestics were administered, and the fire was publicized as the result of a malfunctioning pressure cooker.
Interview Log 3102-A: Julia Deboree
+ Access Log
- Access Granted
Interview with witness who claimed to have seen SCP-3102 at the fire's point of origin. Interview conducted at ████████ Police Department, under the guise of a police interrogation.
Date: 12/08/2017
Interviewee: Julia Deboree
Interviewer: Agent Schiener
Agent Schiener: Ma’am, calm down, we are trying to help. We just need to understand what caused this wildfire and—
Ms. Deboree: Please, don’t do this to me. I’ve told you everything I know. Why won’t anyone believe me? I’ve already told the other officers, and they just gave me that look –the one they give to the crazies. They all must think I’m a nutcase or something. But I’m not insane, I’m not, I promise you. It -it was the snakes! They did this! All of it! Everything just went up in flames in seconds!
Agent Schiener: Ma’am, again, please calm down. We are considering your account; I just need to interview you because our reports are missing some key information that could help us on our case.
Ms. Deboree: Alright, I -I’m not really sure what else I could say.
Agent Schiener: Could you please start from the beginning?
Ms. Deboree: It was early in the morning when it happened. I had to leave my cabin to get something out of my car, when I see this man near the center of the campgrounds struggling with this ice cooler. I didn’t really get a good look on his face —that’s what I’ve told the other officers —but it was the strangest thing. He wore this blue sweatshirt that was stained with these enormous soot marks —he looked like he was homeless. Anyways, the man was struggling with the cooler, so I yell to him from my porch if he needed some help with the thing.
Agent Schiener: What did he say?
Ms. Deboree: Didn’t say anything. Just snapped his head towards me like I had caught him smuggling drugs or something. I thought he would go jump on me —he was just staring at me silently, all bug-eyed. Next thing I know, he is lifting that cooler over his head, and just chucks it onto the ground. The top comes off and then —then those —those…
Agent Schiener: The snakes?
Ms. Deboree: Those awful, awful, snakes! They just came slithering out of the box, and I don’t even understand it myself, but they were on fire! I assumed that the guy must have set them alight, but the way they were moving —it was as if they didn’t feel a thing.
Agent Schiener: What happened to the suspect once the snakes were released?
Ms. Deboree: Oh, he just ran off into the woods. I didn’t really get a good look —I think he went east? The snakes though, they just sat there. The grass around them was already burning, and then…
Agent Schiener: Go on.
Ms. Deboree: [Pause] You can call me crazy, you can call me all sorts of things, but those snakes saw me. They all did. The raised those black heads of theirs, every single one pointed in my direction. They just charged right at me —I didn’t even think they could move that fast. So, I ran back into my cabin, and I slammed the door closed. I don’t really know what happened after —I was too scared to peek out of my window. But I heard the sounds. I smelled the smoke. Those snakes were burning everything around them, and the heat was growing by the minute. People started noticing the fire. I could hear voices yelling and shrieking “fire” at the top of their lungs, footsteps stampeding all around. It was a complete pandemonium.
Agent Schiener: How did you make it out with the serpents still in the area?
Ms. Deboree: The fire was growing larger and nearer —I could feel the heat coming from behind the door. I realized that the fire was about to overtake my cabin, so I figured I had better chances outside. I broke a window in the bathroom using a chair, and crawled through it. Cut my wrist pretty badly while I was climbing out. And my god, I’d never realized just how quickly a fire can spread. It felt like I stepped out into the middle of an apocalypse. The trees, bushes, and even some camper vans were on fire. Charred leaves were falling out of the sky. People were fleeing into the woods, into their cars, panicking as if the whole world was about to end. I even saw some snakes chase after a couple —I hope they made it. Anyway, I ran for my car, and just drove away from that madness. And —that’s it. I wish I could say more, but that’s all I remember.
Agent Schiener: Can you recall how many snakes were set loose?
Ms. Deboree: No, I didn’t bother getting a close look. Sorry.
Agent Schiener: That’s understandable. Well, thank you ma’am. We’ll start searching the area once it’s been deemed secure.
Ms. Deboree: And officer, please find that man. I don’t know what was wrong with those snakes, but that man purposefully set them loose. He wanted to hurt people, to scare them. This fire was not an accident. If he won’t get caught, I promise you, he’ll do it again.
Addendum 3102/A: Foundation sweeps eventually discovered a man sleeping in a cavern near the █████████ Fire’s point of origin. Suspect was covered in various burns, and suspect’s clothing matched Ms. Deboree’s description. Upon approaching, the suspect awoke, and proceeded to attack Foundation agents with a piece of cinder. Suspect was easily overtaken, sustaining multiple fractures in the wrist, and detained. Interrogation log of suspect can be found below.
Search of suspect’s camp and personal possessions showed that suspect had been living inside the cavern for an extended period of time. While surveying the camp, two SCP-3102 specimens
were startled by Foundation agents, and entered their ignition state. Agents Mague and Schuffman are currently in critical condition.
Interview Log 3102-B: Tyson H████ [LEVEL 2+ ACCESS REQUIRED]
+ Enter Credentials
- Credentials Accepted
Interview with suspect in possession of SCP-3102, who released aggressive specimens onto the general public. Interview is conducted in Site-66. Suspect is 32 years old, Caucasian, blue-eyed, and black-haired. Suspect is currently unemployed.4 Suspect has no current address. Suspect has no known relatives, excluding an estranged wife.
Date: 15/08/2017
Interviewee: Tyson H████
Interviewer: Dr. Malkov
Dr. Malkov: Please state your name for the record.
Mr. H████: We don't have to use such needless formalities like those. They influence spite and vanity; they bring cold light into the air. I beg you, show more warmth else we freeze in the morning shadow.
Dr. Malkov: It’s in your best interest to comply with our instructions, or else you’ll be indefinitely detained in our facility. There are worse things that could happen other than simply stating your name.
Mr. H████: [Pause] It’s Tyson. Tyson H████
Dr. Malkov: Thank you. Now, Mr. H████, can you tell me how you first managed to acquire SCP-3102?
Mr. H████: You mean the snakes? Why, you’re mistaken. I didn’t find them —they found me. When I thought that all hope was extinguished, when darkness swallowed up my very life, those friends of mine gave me an understanding, an enlightenment. Their fire pushed away the darkness from my heart, and gave me a clandestine light to follow.
Dr. Malkov: Can you please elaborate?
Mr. H████: Well, we’ve all had these moments, when everything —when everything just doesn’t quite work out. When life seems to treat you, like —you’re not destined to have a happy fortune. And for many people, their problems can just completely overwhelm their lives. One minute, you’re the cream of the crop, loving what life has to offer, and the next moment your boss fires you over someone younger, your wife leaves you for her lover, and those bills keep coming and coming and coming until you finally snap and—
Dr. Malkov: Right, uh, let’s just focus on the snakes. Where did you first discover them?
Mr. H████: But I’ve already told you man, I didn’t find them —they found me first. Those smoldering beauties decided to create a small den next to my home —almost burnt down my camper van. It was only fate that brought us together, you see. And when I first stumbled upon their nest, oh man, they were pissed. Those little imps just —blew up. I was terrified; I thought I was a goner, man. It was only by their blessing I was left unharmed.
Dr. Malkov: [surprised] The specimens did not attack you?
Mr. H████: No, instead they groveled in the reeds and the grass, setting the cattails alight and winding their bodies into incomprehensible knots and shapes. But not a single one touched me, nor my camper. It was through their searing chaos, their scalding madness, that they gave me an idea —an epiphany.
Dr. Malkov: And what was this, “epiphany?”
Mr. H████: The world was designed to be burned away. You and me, we’re both intellectuals, man. We understand that as people, as humans, we must adapt in an ever-changing world. And in this world, there’s just so much clutter —so much trash —so much anger. It hides the gorgeousness from within. Beauty is only skin deep as they say. And those snakes, they’re a godsend. Mother Earth has thrown us its lightning in the bottle, a consumable nirvana. They can burn away all those negative emotions, those unclean thoughts and deeds that corrupt our world in rot.
Dr. Malkov: Why did you release SCP-3102 into the campgrounds?
Mr. H████: It was only for their benefit. An educatory experience. I know that fire burned down those beautiful trees and log houses, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Those people, those down-to-earth people, they’ve been blinded by the dregs of society. And if we showed them that they can leave everything behind —that you can live amongst the embers —we could’ve made them smell the ashes, and accept a brighter future.
Dr. Malkov: Two of our men lost their legs because of you.
Mr. H████: But they are now educated. They will recognize the earth’s faults and crevices the way I had come to realize as well. Those snakes are extraordinary, man. Each of them focused on their sole mission —to fan the flames. I only wanted to show them a different path. That without pain, there is no flame.
Dr. Malkov: I’m not sure I understand—
Mr. H████: [Slams fists onto table] Understand? Understand? You stupid, stupid man! There’s plenty to understand, there’s so much more to learn. We, as humans, are unbound by the fire, unshackled by the flame, and unraveled by the conflagration. We can burn everything away, and begin anew from a fresh slate. We can populate the world with storms and infernos. They will have beautiful shades of orange and red, and these snakes are our kindling. Our tinder, to bring about a new golden age. I can help you to understand. Unbound by the fire, Unshackled by the flame, and together we will rise in –ah, oh God.
Dr. Malkov: Mr. H████ ?
Mr. H████: Something’s wrong. I’m not –I’m not feeling too hot, there’s something—
Suspect begins clutching his chest, vocalizing pain and discomfort. Dr. Malkov requests medical assistance into the room, when suddenly suspect lurches back into his chair. Suspect begins foaming at the mouth, shaking violently, and smoke begins to rise from his orifices. Malkov backs into the corner of the room yelling for urgent medical aid, as suspect keels over and retches onto the table. Specimens of SCP-3102 burst from suspect’s mouth, already in their ignition state, and proceed to attack Dr. Malkov. Security runs into the room, and begins fending off the serpents. Suspect is shot in the ensuing chaos. One SCP-3102 specimen managed to latch onto Dr. Malkov’s leg, and flames soon covered the panicking doctor. Attempts to pry off the snake are met with little success. Snake leaves the ignition state after a minute, and is successfully removed. After extinguishing the fire, Dr. Malkov is subsequently rushed to medical bay.
Five (5) specimens of SCP-3102 were retrieved and placed into containment. Over 64% of Dr. Malkov’s body received third-degree burns, and Dr. Malkov’s leg required extensive amputation. Dr. Malkov is currently undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Autopsy of Tyson H████ has revealed that the subject’s gallbladder had been eaten away and replaced with a enormous cocoon. Breaching the cocoon revealed several SCP-3102 eggs, along with a deceased juvenile specimen. At the time of writing, it is unknown how SCP-3102 managed to infiltrate the body, nor as to why a colony was formed inside. Research into potential parasitic properties of SCP-3102 is still ongoing.
1. Population is theorized to double within 50 years.
2. Only four Foundation specimens have displayed ophiophagy.
3. Caution is still advised when dealing with SCP-3102 due to risk of its anomalous properties.
4. Previous occupation is listed as regional sales manager. |
SCP-2201 is a tin coin roughly 3cm in diameter. | ***
Item containment locker located at Site-118’s Gamma Wing. Researchers wishing to test the item should submit a request form to Dr. Louef, the current head of Site-118’s Gamma Wing.
All researchers testing SCP-2201 should take note of the current schedule of testing to ensure that a month has passed since the last test.
Description: SCP-2201 is a tin coin roughly 3 cm in diameter. The obverse is stamped with a pair of hair-styling scissors and a straight razor crossed against each other. The reverse features a stylized inscription that states: “la Barberia,” along with a line of text that reads, “For the best in the world…and beyond.”
When any male is holding the coin in his hand, and firmly states the words, “I could really use a haircut,” the individual immediately disappears, and reappears within SCP-2201-1.
SCP-2201-1 is an anomalous building resembling a 1930’s barbershop. The location of the barbershop is currently unknown, as all attempts at tracking it have failed. SCP-2201-1 is currently only reachable through the use of SCP-2201. The actual door in SCP-2201-1 does not open, and SCP-2201-2 has requested that individuals not try to open it.
SCP-2201-2 is a humanoid entity that refers to itself as “Giuseppe.” SCP-2201-2 states that it is the owner and only barber of SCP-2201-1. Once an individual enters SCP-2201-1, SCP-2201-2 will always be found rearranging tools on its table, but will immediately turn and ask the individual what they would like.
SCP-2201-2 speaks the language that the subject is most comfortable speaking in. Regardless of the language, SCP-2201-2 possesses a thick Sicilian accent, but is capable of fluently speaking any language tested. SCP-2201-2 is generally polite and courteous, though it will often brush off questions regarding the location of SCP-2201-1 or other questions that it deems to be too intrusive.
SCP-2201-2 is capable of fulfilling any requests made to it that are in line with the functions of a mundane barbershop, along with more antiquated functions of barbershops, such as teeth removal or surgery. SCP-2201-2 has been noted to perform any requested functions extremely well. In one instance, SCP-2201-2 was able to shave D-28091’s facial hair to within 5 micrometers of the requested length for the shave.
When the requested operation has been carried out, SCP-2201-2 will thank the subject for coming, and will snap its fingers, causing the subject to be returned to the location where they originally used SCP-2201.
Female subjects cannot use SCP-2201. When questioned as to why it only accepts males, SCP-2201-2 scoffs and refuses to answer the question. In addition, should any individual attempt to use SCP-2201 before 30 days have passed since its last use, the subject will hear the voice of SCP-2201-2 in their mind, stating “It’s not time yet.”
SCP-2201 was first discovered on 12/02/1882, during a raid of a Marshall, Carter and Dark warehouse. SCP-2201 was promised as an item that would give “Perfect grooming for the esteemed gentlemen.”
During the first activation of SCP-2201, SCP-2201-2 was noted to appear identical to the modern day activation of SCP-2201. It has been noted that SCP-2201-1 itself resembled a 19th century barbershop as opposed to its modern appearance.
Interview Log 2201-A: The following interview was completed by Agent Ethan Lang in an attempt to acquire more information about SCP-2201.
Lang: Morning, Giuseppe.
SCP-2201-2: Ahh, welcome, Ethan. What will be it today?
Lang: Just the usual. Give me a clean shave today, I’ve got some time. I want it very clean.
SCP-2201-2: Of course, of course. You know how I run this shop, Ethan. You won’t be disappointed.
Lang: Do you mind if I ask you some questions while you’re doing your work?
SCP-2201-2: I don’t think so. What is on your mind?
Lang: What exactly is this place?
SCP-2201-2: It’s a barbershop. Is that not obvious? You've come here long enough to know that much, I would hope. [SCP-2201-2 chuckles]
Lang: Yes, but where are we? Is this on Earth, somewhere?
SCP-2201-2: [Seems uncomfortable answering] In a way, I suppose. Do you have any other questions?
Lang: Yeah. How long have you been a barber for, and why?
SCP-2201-2: Since I was a little boy. My father taught me the trade, and how to run the business. How to cut hair, shave beards, style hair, trim tentacles, wax probosci, you know. His father taught it to him, and his father taught him, and so on. I’m a barber because it’s what I can do.
Lang: So, why has this place not changed? It seems like this place used to change to fit the times quite often.
SCP-2201-2: People just don't go to barbershops like they used to. What's with all of these new salons? "Tentaclips?" Do people appreciate a classic barbershop anymore? I keep that spirit alive.
Lang: I see. Did you ever have other barbers here?
SCP-2201-2: [Sighs] Once, yes. There used to be lots of barbers here, doing all sorts of work. Now it’s just me, catering to those who can still find the coins. Aside from Signor Dark, Signora Wondertainment, and some of the others, there aren't many regulars from where you are.
Lang: Umm…Signora Wondertainment?
SCP-2201-2: It’s a favor to her father. I knew him quite well, and I had to give him a favor somehow. And, it looks like we’re done here. Thank you for coming, Ethan. It was good talking to you. |
SCP-3302 is a single DVD, specifically disc one of season one of the U. | ***
Item #: SCP-3302
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3302 is contained in Safe Containment Storage Locker #86, Site-42 Anomalous Media Wing. As of 02/16/2018, further testing is postponed pending Level 4/3302 approval.
Description: SCP-3302 is a single DVD, specifically disc one of season one of the U.S. version of the television sitcom, “The Office.” Notably, it is autographed by actor John Krasinski with the dedication, “If all else fails, mug thirty degrees to either side.” This is suspected to be a reference to a reaction colloquially known as “The Jim Look,” named for the character he portrayed on the show.
SCP-3302’s anomalous properties manifest when viewed by human beings. From the point of the first “Jim Look” onward, viewers will uncontrollably recreate the “Jim Look” action every time they perceive a statement as unintelligent. This reaction will go unnoticed by the subject unless brought to their attention; repeatedly bringing this to their attention may cause non-anomalous emotional distress at their apparent lack of self-control.
Interview Log:
Subject: D-3086 (Initial owner of SCP-3302)
Interviewer: Researcher Evans
Evans: How are you doing today D-3086?
D-3086: At least the food’s better than the swill they served at the homeless shelter.
Evans: I’m glad to hear that. (Evans’ watch beeps.) Oh, one moment… My shoes are on the wrong feet, but that’s okay because I have two left feet anyway; either way I’ve got it right.
D-3086 looks to the left of Researcher Evans. He then returns his gaze to Researcher Evans and continues the conversation.
D-3086: Yeah, so?
Evans: No reason. Our background check shows that you only recently became homeless. Can you elaborate on why?
D-3086: I really don’t know… I had my life all together, but one day my wife just started getting mad at everything I did. Didn’t matter that I didn’t even say nothing, she just thought I was making fun of her all the time and got so riled up that she kicked me out of the damn house! I just kind of wandered around a while with the only things I could grab on the way out.
Evans: Yes, the possessions you were discovered with. (Evans’ watch beeps.) Ah, Star Wars: Episode One was definitely the best of the entire series, wouldn’t you agree?
D-3086 looks slightly to the right of Researcher Evans. He then returns his gaze to Researcher Evans and continues the conversation.
D-3086: No, I wouldn’t. But what’s that got to do with anything?
Evans: Sorry, just a random thought. Continue please, what happened after you were thrown out by your wife?
D-3086: Well, I just kind of wandered for a while, but everywhere I went, people would say two sentences to me and just flip out like I was some kind of jerk. I didn’t do anything to them! Even your agent fella who approached me in the soup line was kind of a jerk.
Evans: I’m sorry to hear it. Is there anything we can do to make your stay here more comfortable?
D-3086 looks to the right of Researcher Evans.
D-3086: You mean in my cell?
Evans: Point taken.
Addendum 02/16/2018: A letter was found underneath D-3086’s pillow despite no signs of containment breach. The letter read:
Testing of SCP-3302 postponed while the Unreality Department investigates the possibility and ramifications of extradimensional “viewership.” |
SCP-3203 is a Swiss bank account (#011623852957). | ***
Item #: SCP-3203
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Only personnel with Level 4 Clearance, or access to the the Foundation's financials may have access to information regarding SCP-3203. All other personnel shall be targets of a misinformation campaign regarding the source of funding for the Foundation.
SCP-3203 may be accessed as often as deemed necessary. However, requested amounts of suspicious size must be spread over multiple withdrawals as to avoid drawing attention to SCP-3203.
Description: SCP-3203 is a Swiss bank account (#011623852957). SCP-3203 contains exactly forty thousand dollars (USD) at all times. There is no record of deposits being made to this account. Withdrawals do not change the amount of money in this account. Withdrawals larger than forty thousand dollars will go through successfully, and the requested amount of money will be withdrawn. So far, the largest recorded withdrawal is two million dollars.
It is unknown when this account was opened, but it is currently held under the name “Luca Ellsborn”. There appears to be no record of a man named Luca Ellsborn being born in Switzerland, or ever entering Switzerland. However, three Luca Ellsborns have been found in other countries. Investigations into their connection to SCP-3203 are pending.
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TO: pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn#pcs.noitadnuof|lenidregn
FROM: pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc#pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc
DATE: Jul 09 2017
Dr. Teller has informed me of your SCP classification request. It has been denied. Not because we believe that an anomaly like this does not meet the standards for an SCP classification, but because this isn’t an anomaly.
I would like to commend your research in this matter. However, the Foundation has made a deal with the bank to hide our financial information. We would like to keep our reserves a secret, as well as our supporters. As you can imagine, many powerful people have given money to the Foundation, and they do not want to be directly associated with us. It would not be out of the question for one of those supporters to demand the termination of anyone aware of their identity without proper clearance.
I would suggest you stop looking into Foundation funding. Where your salary comes from is, quite frankly, above your pay grade.
-Site Director Charles Panthe
TO: pcs.noitadnuof|ruoF5O#pcs.noitadnuof|ruoF5O
FROM: pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc#pcs.noitadnuof|ehtnapc
DATE: Jul 08 2017
Silent Cello Philharmonic has been compromised. Requesting relocation.
I would also like to relocate production to Argentina, as to further distance it from Foundation resources. This would bring production closer to our target market, decreasing transportation costs. I believe we have accumulated enough demand during the last quarter to merit this, and would provide additional protection against discovery.
-Site Director Charles Panthe |
SCP-2313 is a sensory disorder that prevents stimuli from the visual and auditory systems from being properly processed by the brain. | ***
Item #: SCP-2313
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2313-1 instances are to be contained in secured individual cells. Unless approved by the SCP-2313 project director for testing purposes, direct physical contact with SCP-2313-1 instances is prohibited.
Transport involving an SCP-2313-1 instance requires prior approval from the SCP-2313 project director. SCP-2313-1 instances must wear a hazardous materials suit of level B or better during transport.
Description: SCP-2313 is a sensory disorder that prevents stimuli from the visual and auditory systems from being properly processed by the brain. Sufferers of SCP-2313, referred to as SCP-2313-1, display the symptoms of blindness and deafness. Excluding auditory and visual stimuli, SCP-2313-1 instances appear to process all sensory perception normally. Attempts to circumvent these disorders via any means, including use of SCP-2077 has so far been met with failure.
SCP-2313 differs from normal sensory processing disorders in that it may be spread to other individuals through an anomalous process. Any individual that comes into direct physical contact with an instance of SCP-2313-1 will become an additional instance of SCP-2313-1.
+ Additional Notes
Hide Notes
Subsequent to a significant reduction of SCP-2313-1 instances as a result of incident 2313-14, the following messages were found in Director Carter's voice mailbox. The entities speaking in these messages have been designated SCP-2313-3. The following audio logs are unedited and were both received within seconds of the other.
SCP-2313-3-A: Hello there! It's *static* from the Human Resources department of *static* Company. Our records indicate you terminated several of our employees after a recent incident. So first of all I'd like to apologize for the problems our employees caused, but those were company resources so the Foundation is going to have to compensate us for them. We have a couple of simple payment plans available, you just call me back and I'll walk you through it. It's a toll free number 6-2800-55-40505.
SCP-2313-3-A: Hey! It's *static* again? Human Resources from *static* Company. I'm looking over your file and you've been delinquent for several months. So if you don't get back to me before the end of the week, I'm going to have to refer you to our collections department. Just give me a call. 6-2800-55-40505. Ask for *static*. Thanks!
Following receipt of these messages, contact with SCP-2313-3 using the information provided was attempted. While several hours of audio have been recorded, no contact has been made with any entities at the number provided in the messages. The following is a log of attempt 2.
SCP-2313-3-B: Thank you for calling *static* company. For quality assurance, this call may be monitored. *pulsed static*
In addition to the symptoms associated with SCP-2313, instances receive twice monthly payments addressed to their primary residence from an unknown source. If an instance's primary residence changes, future envelopes will be addressed to the new residence. Each envelope contains 67 US Dollars and a note reading "SENSORY CONFISCATION/REASSIGNMENT COMPENSATION" along with a 7 digit number unique to each SCP-2313-1 instance.
Within 6 weeks of the death of any SCP-2313-1 instance, members of an instance's immediate family will receive a payment from a similar source. The amount of these payments has varied, with the highest value seen to be 3,467 US Dollars and the lowest value seen to be 45 US Dollars.
All attempts to trace the source of these payments have failed, though the sequential nature of the numbers associated with the payments indicate at least 12 SCP-2313-1 instances are unaccounted for.
Incident Report 2313-125
+ Show Report
- Hide Report
Following a routine reduction of accumulated SCP-2313-1 instances, the Foundation intercepted a delivery to an SCP-2313-1 instance's widow, herself suffering from deafness since early childhood. The delivery contained a payment of 286 dollars and a box containing the following letter.
Hearing is important to the well being of all sentients and you have been without it for too long. With reassignment technology the only question is: What do you think your hearing is worth? Drop this package off at your nearest postal office along with a video recording of your youngest offspring laughing. That is it. You will hear the difference.
Attempts by Foundation personnel to follow the instructions contained inside the package have not resulted in any anomalous incidents. Authorization has been requested to allow the intended civilian recipient to attempt completion of the instructions and is pending approval. |
SCP-443 is a mostly complete 16-piece set of Crayola crayons, numbered SCP-443-01 through 14. | ***
Item #: SCP-443
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature and relative fragility, SCP-443 is kept in a locked drawer in Dr. Ziegler's office (Sector 28). Access to Level 1 personnel and higher is freely granted at the discretion of Dr. Ziegler, or his assistant, upon request, with limitation applied at their discretion. Due to wear, the original packaging is filed in the archives record as 6-██████. All drawn material is to be handed back to the person who authorized the use.
Description: SCP-443 is a mostly complete 16-piece set of Crayola crayons, numbered SCP-443-01 through 14. The set is a model (BS0366) which was produced between 1997 and 1999, although the serial number on the packaging is outside the range of the product. Two crayons ("Blue Green" and "Violet/Purple") are missing. SCP-443-05 is snapped in two pieces (05a and 05b), while SCP-443-09 had its non-writing end damaged in a nibbling incident involving SCP-529 which, for this reason should be kept away from the items.
SCP-443 was recovered from █████ █████, California, after ███████ █████, an amateur artist, noticed its effects and asked for help from a paranormal investigator. The crayons had originally belonged to █████'s daughter for several weeks. █████ was adamant that he never bought them, and that they were not given to her. All works produced by █████ and his daughter were confiscated and are listed as record 6-██ of the archives.
When drawing is attempted with SCP-443, what is produced is actually a "stream of thoughts" emanating directly from unknown people. The user is entirely unaware of this until they stop using the crayons, at which time they become aware that they have written or drawn something completely unrelated to what they were intending to. Even with the full knowledge of what the item does, the user is entirely incapable of seeing what it is they are tracing until they actually stop doing so, which they can willingly do at any time. They will answer questions as to what they are drawing (though most of the time they describe it as "mindless scribbling", particularly if they are aware of the SCP's effect).
Most of the time the result is a written stream of thoughts, occasionally interrupted by small icons or simplistic drawings. The nature of what is written adapts depending on the user: text will appear in the native language of the user, and in an alphabet the user can draw. Drawing quality varies depending on unclear factors, and appears unrelated to any artistic skill of the user. Writing, on the other hand, is mostly the user's, though emotions expressed in the thoughts written may distort it.
The expressed thoughts appear to be a form of real-time "stream of thought" transmitted from real persons, as current simultaneous events (such as electoral results) have been referred to. Each crayon represents a specific person, and a user may switch between crayons to represent more than one person involved in a situation at a given time. So far, the equivalent of 10-15 hours of thought processes have been compiled. Given that the crayons were already somewhat worn when recovered, this has left SCP-443-08, which is most frequently used, as little more than a stub.
No identifying information has been collected so far (all names are rendered as unidentifiable symbols), but enough data is present to assess that the involved persons form a loose network of friends, family, and coworkers, each individual being fairly close to at least one other. All the involved persons are from the Portland, Oregon area. See addendum for details.
List of colors included, their classification number and details:
SCP-443-01 Black — A dancer obsessed with his weight. Friend of "Orange".
SCP-443-02 Blue — An old snappy woman. Landowner of "Red" and "Brown".
SCP-443-03 Blue Violet — A mildly hypochondriac patient of "Yellow". Friend of "Red Orange"
SCP-443-04 Brown — A seven-year-old girl. Daughter of "Red", friend of "Yellow Orange", enemy of "Carnation Pink"
SCP-443-05 Carnation Pink — A classmate of "Brown" and "Yellow Orange". Harbors a deep hatred of "Brown" for unclear reasons.
SCP-443-06 Green — An engineering student and regular lover of "Orange"
SCP-443-07 Orange — A paralegal in a small law practice. Girlfriend of "Yellow", but cheats on him with "Green". Friend of "Black".
SCP-443-08 Red — A medical secretary. Mother of "Brown", employee of "Yellow", tenant of "Blue" and friend of "White"
SCP-443-09 Red Orange — A middle-aged wife to a soldier. "Yellow Orange"'s mother, friend of "Blue Violet".
SCP-443-10 Red Violet — A regular patron of "White"'s diner.
SCP-443-11 White — A waitress at a diner near "Red"'s work. Friend of "Red" and "Red Violet".
SCP-443-12 Yellow — A doctor. Employer of "Red", boyfriend of "Orange", doctor of "Blue Violet".
SCP-443-13 Yellow Green — Another regular of "White"'s diner with a habit of butting into people's conversations.
SCP-443-14 Yellow Orange — Another seven-year-old. Friend and classmate of "Brown", daughter of "Red Orange". |
SCP-3910 is a box containing nine pieces of colored chalk. | ***
Item #: SCP-3910
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3910 is to be kept in a locked containment locker in Site-16. No personnel are allowed to remove the object from containment unless permission has been obtained from Dr. Williams.
Description: SCP-3910 is a box containing nine pieces of colored chalk. The exterior of the box is colored orange and contains no other markings or identifying features. Along with the nine pieces of chalk, the interior of SCP-3910 also contains a sheet of paper with nine colored symbols on it. Each of these symbols seems to correspond with a color of chalk found in the object.
The colors of the chalk are as follows: black, pink, brown, yellow, red, purple, orange, green, and blue. The pieces of chalk have remained the same size, even through constant use and testing. The main anomalous property of SCP-3910 occurs when a symbol from the sheet of paper is drawn with the appropriate color of chalk on any surface.
Upon completion of the symbol, a door of varying shape and size will manifest on the surface the symbol was drawn on. Opening the door will lead to what is theorized to be a pocket dimension, which differs depending on the symbol drawn.1 Testing has shown that some stimuli within the pocket dimension(s) are not visible on camera. For this reason, testing was performed using D-Class subjects. See the table below for details.
Color of Chalk
Description of Door Manifestation
Description of Pocket Dimension
An automatic glass sliding door manifested on the testing room wall. Vision of the other side was obscured by a dense white mist.
Upon entry, subject found themself in a building that resembled a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), devoid of human life. Opening doors inside of the building lead to "copies" of the same room. Exploration concluded after travelling roughly 5 kilometers without variation in building layout.
A red barn door manifested on the testing room wall.
See Exploration Log 3910-02 for details.
A wooden door composed of an unidentified tree bark manifested on the testing room wall.
Subject found themself in a swamp. Weather consisted of constant precipitation of varying types. Rain, snow, and hail were recorded all falling at the same time. The only notable discovery in this area was the decomposing body of a domestic pig (Sus domesticus). Exploration concluded after travelling roughly 3 kilometers.
A large metal door resembling a bank vault door manifested on the testing room wall.
Subject found themself in an exact replica of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Two cars were reported on the track, driving in opposite directions. They were later confirmed to be a Bugatti Veyron and a Volkswagen Beetle. Approximately every 30 seconds, the two cars would collide, taking heavy physical damage. The cars would then reverse, seemingly repairing as they reversed around the track and hit each other on the opposite side. This pattern repeated indefinitely. Testing was concluded after █ hours of observation.
A subway car door manifested on the testing room wall.
See Exploration Log 3910-05 for details.
A door similar in appearance to the sarcophagi found in Exploration Log 3910-05.
Upon entry, subject found themself in a dark, cramped space. It is theorized that this was the interior of one of the sarcophagi. Subject became distressed when the way back appeared locked. Subject's distress increased as slits opened and [DATA EXPUNGED]. No attempts have been made to retrieve equipment or remains of subject.
A wooden door manifested on the testing room wall.
Subject found themself in a log cabin situated in what appeared to be a temperate forest. Subject was instructed to leave cabin and explore the forest. Subject complied. Audio feed picked up the sound of rushing water. When subject was nearing the source of the noise, movement was recorded in the treeline to the subject's right. Subject immediately became non-compliant and retreated back to the cabin and Site-16. Subject has been sent back to cell.
A standard metal door with an "Employees Only" sign attached to the front.
Subject found themself in a seemingly deserted shopping mall. All stores appeared closed and the view inside of them was obscured. Examples of these stores include: A pet store that seemed to exclusively carry reptiles,2 an entire sewer system, and an exact replica of the Center for Disease Control Headquarters.
A section of the wall transformed into a 2x1 m rectangle composed of ice. Pushing against it caused it to open in a manner similar to a door.
See Exploration Log 3910-09
+ Exploration Log 3910-02
- Exploration Log 3910-02
Subject D-1321 was provided with standard exploration gear, including:
An 8 watt flashlight with extra batteries
A head mounted video camera for live feed
A two way communicator
Three meal bars
Two 1.5 liter water bottles
A tether that was attached to D-1321 before the test
A backpack
A compass
<Begin Log>
<0:00:00> The camera is activated. D-1321 is facing a rural landscape. A corn field can be seen to the left, and rows of wheat fields are seen in the distance. Another building is seen in the distance, but it is too far away to identify.
<0:00:05> D-1321 turns around to face the point of entry. A barn is visible, apparently where D-1321 came out of. The tether rope is seen exiting the door.
<0:00:11> D-1321 is instructed to turn around and to start moving towards the other visible building. Subject complies.
<0:04:15> Subject stops in their tracks and asks control if "they heard that just now". Control denies hearing anything and on playback of video and audio feed, nothing can be heard. D-1321 is instructed to continue.
<0:07:23> Subject stops again and reports wind. Control confirms this from the video feed; the wheat in the wheat fields are visibly swaying more and the audio feed picked up the wind. Subject is instructed again to keep moving to the building, which appears to be an old house.
<0:11:45> Subject is about 100 meters from the house when they stop again. D-1321 reports the wind getting "more violent" and turns around. At least four tornadoes of varying size and strength are visible in the distance behind D-1321. Subject becomes distressed and begins to remove their tether. Control does not object at this time, as removal may increase chance of survival. D-1321 begins to run to the house.
<0:13:06> D-1321 arrives at the house. A cellar is visible on the outside; D-1321 is instructed to enter it and barricade the door to shelter from the storms. D-1321 complies instantly.
<0:15:17> D-1321 has entered the cellar and barricaded the door. D-1321 opens up their backpack and removes the flashlight, switching it on. D-1321 asks for permission to explore the cellar "as long as they are down here." Permission is granted.
<0:16:43> The cellar appears barren; only simple farming tools and rotten fruit can be seen. D-1321 stops again and asks control if they heard anything. Control states that they have not picked up audio once more. When asked to describe the noise, D-1321 states it sounding feminine and adds that they hear it continuously. D-1321 is instructed to find the source of the noise and complies after some convincing.
<0:21:03> Subject states that the source of the noise is coming from behind a door in the cellar. D-1321 is instructed to open it and complies. Opening the door reveals a storage room filled with bags of grain. Two decomposing corpses are seen in the room. One appears to be a female in early adulthood, the other a male in later adulthood. Both are nude and have multiple lacerations and puncture wounds in the abdominal area. D-1321 shows abnormal behavior, walking up to the corpses and asking if they are OK. Control does not interrupt and D-1321 continues, apparently having a conversation with the female corpse. In debriefing, it was confirmed that D-1321 perceived the corpses as living humans who were also hiding from the storms. Their conversation consisted of [DATA EXPUNGED].
<0:46:42> The noise outside has greatly reduced and D-1321 is instructed to leave the cellar. The subject complies and it is clear again. D-1321 is then instructed to walk back to the original barn and go back through the barn door. Subject complies and returns to the testing room in Site-16 without further incident.
<End Log>
+ Exploration Log 3910-05
- Exploration Log 3910-05
<Begin Log>
<0:00:00> Camera activates. D-1321 appears to be in a subway station. This is confirmed when D-1321 turns around and it is revealed that they have just exited a subway car. D-1321 is instructed by control to find a way to get to the surface. Subject complies.
<0:06:17> Subject finds multiple stairs and powered down escalators and uses them to ascend. Throughout this, subway has been shown to contain no signs of life. D-1321 climbs the final escalator and exits into a barren metropolitan area. D-1321 is told to stand-by while control discusses the next course of action. It is agreed that D-1321 is to reach the top of one of the taller buildings and survey the area. D-1321 is to first go back to the subway car and back to Site-16 so the tether can be removed; the area proves too big and the length of the tether will just obstruct D-1321's progress.
<0:13:34> Subject returns to Site-16 and tether is removed. D-1321 is given ten cans of yellow-green spray paint to mark their path through the city. D-1321 is then released back into the subway and makes their way back to the surface.
<0:20:45> D-1321 has made it back to the surface and begins heading to the closest skyscraper. D-1321 enters to find themself in a mostly empty white room. Elevator doors are in the back of the room. The rest of the room is devoid of furniture, barring crudely made stone sarcophagi that line the walls. D-1321 is instructed to approach one for examination. It appears that each one has been individually hand carved. D-1321 is then instructed to move into the elevator and go to the highest floor. Subject complies.
<0:25:02> Subject exits elevator into a room that is visually identical to the first room, the only difference being glass walls. Sarcophagi still line the walls. D-1321 is instructed to view the city from all four sides of the room. A wall can be seen surrounding the city, about three fourths the size of the building D-1321 is in. However, because of the distance, it is difficult to see what lies beyond the wall. Therefore, it is decided that D-1321 should exit the skyscraper and move towards the wall. D-1321 complies and begins the descend down the building.
<0:36:23> At this point, D-1321 is outside and moving towards the wall. Sarcophagi can be seen through the windows of buildings and many can be seen standing upright on street corners. D-1321 spray paints lines into the ground as they move forward.
<0:52:42> D-1321 has reached the base of the wall. Sarcophagi line the outside of the wall. Lifts can also be seen on the outside of the wall, about one every 100 meters. D-1321 is instructed to enter a lift and take it to the top of the wall. D-1321 complies.
<0:57:21> The lift reaches the top of the wall and D-1321 exits. D-1321 is instructed to look over the wall and they comply. D-1321 imminently becomes distressed. All that is visible over the wall are corpses, too close together to see the ground. D-1321 does not respond to verbal commands from control. Suddenly, D-1321 beings to run back to the lift and takes it down despite control demanding them to stop. D-1321 run back to the subway and back to the door that leads to Site-16, where they are immediately taken in for interview.
<End Log>
The following is an excerpt from the interview that took place after Exploration 3910-05
Interviewer: Dr. Williams
Subject: D-1321
Dr. Williams: Why did you run D-1321? What did you see?
D-1321: There were just so many of them…I didn't know what to do. I was just frozen in fear at first. You know how you just lock up and can't even think of anything? That's what I was going through.
Dr. Williams: Forgive me, but I don't understand. It was a lot of corpses, sure, but for you to react like that to them doesn't make sense to m-
D-1321: Corpses? Was that camera busted or something? Those weren't corpses, man. It was people. Thousands and thousands of people, tearing each other apart. You could just feel the anger, the hate radiating off of them. All of it directed at each other. And then one of them spotted me and they all just…they all stopped just like that. Every single fucking one of them. That's when I knew I was fucked. It's hard to describe but…It's like all that hate was suddenly being directed at me. I ran, so what? Anyone would have done the same thing.
+ Exploration Log 3910-09
- Exploration Log 3910-09
Upon entering, D-1265 found themself in a frozen wasteland. D-1265 imminently came back and was issued arctic survival gear. D-1265 proceeded to go back into the doorway and continued the exploration.
<Begin Log>
<0:04:02> D-1265 has returned from Site-16 with arctic gear. Due to the lack of visible landmarks, they are instructed to pick a direction and continue along it. If nothing is found within three kilometers, D-1265 is to return to the doorway. D-1265 complies.
<0:23:34> D-1265 has walked about 1 kilometer at this point with no variation in the environment. When asked how they were doing, D-1265 replied "Cold." Control stops asking about personal status from now on.
<0:35:21> D-1265 is about 1.5 kilometers into the wasteland when a shape becomes visible in the distance. Subject is instructed to head towards the landmark.
<0:37:30> As D-1265 gets closer to the object, visibility becomes worse. Precipitation mixed with wind and fog make it difficult to tell what the object is. D-1265 advances.
<0:42:26> D-1265 stops as they get within 50 meters of the object. When instructed to get closer, D-1265 replies by stating that it will see them if they get any closer. From this distance, the object appears to be a stone statue.
<0:43:02> Control radios D-1265 again to request for them to move forward. D-1265 radios back in a distressed tone for control to "shut up or else that thing is gonna hear". D-1265 at this point looked up and at the object before becoming extremely distressed and shouting, most of which was unintelligible.
<0:44:12> Subject begins to walk towards the object, which can be identified now as something that resembles the sarcophagi from Exploration 3910-05, except much larger. As D-1265 approaches the sarcophagus, they shout at it to "get away from them". D-1265 stumbles and falls. The camera is dislodged and lands on the ground, facing the sarcophagus.
<0:45:01> The sarcophagus opens. Three corpses of middle aged men are inside. D-1265 continues to express distress and shock, shouting at the corpses and sarcophagus to "get your damn hands off of me". D-1265 walks into the sarcophagus and it closes.
<0:45:42> The camera feed stays online until the camera runs out of battery. The view is of the outside of the sarcophagus. The only visible mark is an inscription that was written on the bottom of it: Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.
<End Log>
The language was found to be ancient Italian of the Tuscan dialect, and translates to "Abandon every hope, ye who enter", a line found in Canto 3 of Dante Alighieri's Commedia.
1. It is currently unknown if these are nine separate pocket dimensions or one connected one.
2. It is unknown how these animals survived without food. Subjects have been brought back to Site-16 to test for anomalous properties. |
SCP-5268 is a book titled "The Art of Spaghetti," written by Chef Frederick Hoffman. | ***
Item #: SCP-5268
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-5268's popularity, containment is an ongoing process. All instances of SCP-5268 are to be confiscated by Foundation agents as soon as they are identified. Instances are to be transported to Site-37 for disposal via burning, with two instances being kept in a secured storage locker on-site for study. Chapters 4-5 may be read by personnel with Security Level 3 or higher.
Foundation Webcrawler Food Fighter will monitor social media for users suspected of exposure to SCP-5268. Anyone showing symptoms of SCP-5268's memetic effect are to be administered amnestics appropriate to the level of progression and monitored for regression.
Description: SCP-5268 is a book titled "The Art of Spaghetti," written by Chef Frederick Hoffman. The first chapter of the book is a step-by-step guide on how to cook spaghetti noodles. Near the end of the cooking process, the chapter insists that it is necessary to test a noodle by throwing it at a wall to see if it "sticks." Chapter 1 claims the spaghetti is done and ready to be drained if it sticks to the wall.
The chapter puts an undue amount of stress on this step, to the point of redundancy. Readers who make it this far will not put down the book, unless vigorous attempts are made to disrupt them.
After this point, the book ceases any mention of spaghetti and instead emphasizes the importance of adding chaos to food. It makes claims of superior flavor and the importance of eating food, "without pomp and circumstance, the way it was meant to be." It also denounces the use of most conventional eating utensils. Instead, it claims that hands are the only tool needed for eating.
Once an individual has finished reading up to "Chapter 3: The Inherent Chaotic Nature of Eating", they will cook spaghetti within three days of completion, if able, and experiment with throwing a spaghetti noodle at the wall to see if it's done. Following this first experiment, they will be compelled to try this method with other forms of pasta. Within two weeks, their symptoms will have progressed to a point where the person will feel compelled to throw a portion of everything they eat at the nearest wall to "see if it's done."
Those under the influence of SCP-5268's effects will not find the behavior abnormal. At this point, only food that sticks to a wall when thrown will be deemed fit for consumption by the affected persons. Food that does not stick is given a false attribute, such as being undercooked, stale, or spoiled. Aside from their eating habits, those under the influence of SCP-5268 behave as they usually would and eating food off the wall is not harmful to them.
Discovery: SCP-5268 came to the Foundation's attention when a well-known culinary photographer Daniel Shaw, who possesses a significant online presence, was arrested for disorderly conduct and erratic behavior.
Mr. Shaw attended an upscale restaurant opening in Los Angeles, CA with a group of friends. When his meal was served, he grabbed a handful of his meal and threw it at the nearest wall. His entire dining party followed suit, causing chaos within the establishment. Witnesses said that after throwing part of his meal, he began licking it directly off the wall. Afterwards he attempted to throw more at the wall. The rest of his dining party had remained in their seats to continue their meals. He was accosted by restaurant staff before he could continue.
The entire party expressed confusion and outrage at the arrest of Mr. Shaw, forcing them to be removed from the scene. News of his arrest reached his online followers via a recorded video from one of the dining party, prompting his followers to report similar experiences. Reports of disruptions in public eating establishments became widespread, at which point the Foundation became involved.
After the incidents, a closer look was taken at the photographer's social media presence. Mr. Shaw had posted pictures of meals exclusively consisting of food thrown at a wall for a week and a half prior to the restaurant opening. Further inspection revealed that Mr. Shaw had advertised SCP-5268 as a paid promotion for its debut three and a half weeks prior.
Analysis of comments on later posts revealed SCP-5268 had garnered popularity among his followers. Many of the commenters on Mr. Shaw's social media accounts were seemingly unfazed by the changes in the contents of the images. Two other social media influencers were found to have participated in paid promotions for SCP-5268 and were subsequently administered amnestics. Followers found to be suffering from effects were tracked down and given appropriate treatment.
Upon further review of Frederick Hoffman's career, it was discovered that tensions between Chef Hoffman and the rest of the culinary world have been rising for some time. His uncaring approach when plating dishes and chaotic ideals sparked his eventual exit from the world of fine cuisine.
The following is an excerpt of the "Richard and Kelly Daily Dose" morning talk show. After the broadcast, Chef Hoffman exhibited increasing amounts of hostility towards his critics and the world of fine cuisine.
Video Log
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Kelly: Now for our next guest, we have someone who's been making waves here in LA, which is really saying something! Please welcome Chef Frederick Hoffman everybody!
Chef Hoffman emerges from stage left and waves. Audience applauds. Chef Hoffman shakes both Kelly's and Richard's hands and sits in the guest chair adjacent to Richard's and Kelly's seats.
Richard: Now folks, Chef Hoffman has made quite the name for himself around town with his unique restaurant. Why don't you tell us a bit about it, Fred?
Chef H: I prefer Frederick actually, I think it suits me, haha. But, yes! My restaurant Pinch of Primal has had a very successful few years. We have a revolutionary dining environment and-
Kelly: OoooOOooo! Primal? Sounds exciting! Do you get to hunt your food down like a caveman?
Chef H: Oh haha no, but I'll consider adding it to the experience. We put more of a focus on the overall functionality and the feel of the eating experience. Our entrees are meant to be shared by multiple people, and we don't offer appetizers. In the case of our solid foods, we also don't offer the conventional silverware that you're probably used to.
Richard: You're kidding! So, shared plates and no silverware, sounds like every man for himself!
Kelly: Sounds messy's more like it! I'm guessing it's not a jacket required typa' place! I just know I'd break a nail eating like that!
Audience laughs
Richard: Better not wear anything you like either! I've seen you with a fork before, talk about messy. You wouldn't stand a chance!
Richard shakes his head sadly and the audience laughs. Kelly pushes his shoulder playfully.
Chef H: Well I'll admit it can get a little messy, but its mostly just the hands. The response from our guests has been good so far. Eating with your hands lets you get more into your food, literally. Let me give you an example, have you ever eaten popcorn while you're by yourself? You don't just eat one, do you? No! You grab a big handful and crunch it all down! It tastes better that way. The satisfa-
Kelly: Popcorn, oh no! All that butter goes straight to my hips.
Richard: Oh man, you don't wanna see me putting away the popcorn, trust me it's not pretty!
Richard rolls his eyes dramatically and mimes licking his fingers. Audience laughs.
Chef H: Well, haha, yes, I'm sure. Well, you see Richard, that's the point I was headed towards. Food doesn't need to be pretty and neither does eating it. Everyone tries so hard not to make a mess while eating, and the result is that you don't get to enjoy your food to the fullest extent. You're too conscious of everyone else. What if you get some on your face, or drop it off your plate, or take too big of a bite, or this, or that. I think it's all a lot of unnecessary nonsense. My philosophy is tha-
Richard: I think my wife might strangle me if I started talking like that! The kids would go nuts! I'd bet your ideas are pretty popular with younger crowd, 'ey Fred?
Kelly: I'm sure they are! My 3 year old would love this! She's been having a tough time with learning how to use a fork, haha!
Richard: Boy, I bet you keep the dry cleaners in business. You've got to spend a fortune on stain removal!
Kelly: You wouldn't happen to have your dry cleaner's number would you? They must be a magician!
Kelly, Richard, and the audience laugh.
Chef H: Haha, well, haha, no. It's ah, it's not really as hard as you might think to just eat with your hands. It's perfectly natural, of course. It's not until we're pressed on by societal standards that we stop using our hands to eat things that aren't considered "finger food." My aim is to break down those walls, and let people enjoy food without all the fluff.
Kelly: I have to say, this is the first time I've heard anyone call a fork fluff.
Chef H: Well, it's not just utensils I'm referring to. I think the emphasis most people put on food having to look pretty and orderly is unnecessary too. I'd even go so far as to say it harms the flavor of most dishes.
Richard: Ah, you lost me on that one, Fred. How does foo-
Chef H: Frederick.
Richard: OH, right, right, Frederick. How does food looking pretty make it taste worse? I mean, all those fancy restaurants have got to be doing something right, right?
Chef H: Well, have you ever eaten at one of those ridiculously fancy places? The portions are unsatisfying, and they put so much thought and energy into the colors, placement, and look of the dish that something is lost. They add things that people don't even want to eat.
Kelly: I wouldn't say that, I mean it's all food, just because it's pretty doesn't mean it tastes bad.
Chef H: Ok, how about fondant? Its widely used by bakeries for wedding cakes, birthday cakes, basically any kind of special occasion that you could get a cake for. If you've ever been to a party that has a cake like that, you'll notice that the fondant is left on the plate. No one actually eats the stuff. It's edible, but its got a terrible texture and its almost flavorless. It's become common practice to add ornamentation to these cakes that serves no purpose, besides to make it look a certain way. What's the point of having food that looks good but tastes bad?
Kelly: Well not everything is a piece of cake, Fred.
Richard: And speaking of good looking food, I know someone who makes food look and taste good. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a surprise guest today, please welcome Chef Eric McArthur!
Chef H: What?
Chef McArthur enters from stage left waving and strikes a pose at center stage, audience cheers and applauds. Chef Hoffman turns violently in his seat at his entrance. Kelly and Richard stand to shake hands and greet Chef McArthur. Chef Hoffman remains seated.
Chef H: What is he doing here? Nobody told me about this.
Chef M: Aw, come on Frederino, be a good sport! I'm-
Chef H: It's Frederick.
Chef M: -a surprise guest. Wouldn't be much of a surprise if you knew, now would it?
Chef H: This was your idea wasn't it? You got them to invite me so you could make a fool of me like you always do.
Chef M: Oh, I think you manage that just fine on your own.
Chef H: Listen here, you pompous-
Kelly: Aaaand big hand everybody for Chef Frederick!
Chef H: No, hey-
Richard: Thanks so much for coming on, Fred. Up next, Chef Eric has some great tips to share from his new book, right after these commercials!
The audience applauds as the program cuts to commercial. When it resumes, Chef Hoffman is no longer onstage.
A line of previously overlooked importance has been identified from the "About the Author" section of SCP-5268.
Chef Hoffman is currently being held in Foundation custody. He has refused to answer questions regarding how he manufactured SCP-5268's memetic effect thus far. It is suspected that he enlisted the help of an outside entity or organization. An investigation is under way.
Excerpt from Chef Hoffman's Author Bio
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"For those who continue to so fondly refer to me as a half-baked chef, you have forced my hand. I've said it before and I'll echo it ten thousand times more. Art belongs on the wall, not on a plate." |
SCP-3857 is a black and white photograph depicting Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch gear for a hunting expedition in front of an artist's depiction of an unidentified forest. | ***
Item #: SCP-3857
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3857 should be kept in a standard storage locker in Site-73.
Any personnel working with SCP-3857 are to be continually reminded that tropical rainforests, especially the Amazon rainforest, are hazardous, uncomfortable to traverse, and generally unpleasant to delve into. Commons areas, offices and cubicles, and cars belonging to personnel assigned to the project are to be covered in posters and stickers depicting the following themes; insect bites, attributed to insects found in the Amazon rainforest; weather reports concerning the Amazon rainforest, with humidity readings underlined, highlighted, or bolded; or maps of cell phone coverage, clearly showing that cell connection is impossible in the Amazon rainforest1.
Personnel that show any signs of desire to explore the Amazon rainforest, purchase travel clothes or equipment from Abercrombie and Fitch, or reminisce about about the lost adventure of their childhoods for excessive amounts of time should be dosed with Class-A amnestics and transferred off project.
Description: SCP-3857 is a black and white photograph depicting Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch gear for a hunting expedition in front of an artist's depiction of an unidentified forest. The photograph, notably, appears to have been printed in ████, or ██ years after the former president's death.
Subjects in the vicinity of SCP-3857 will begin to experience intrusive, recurring thoughts about the Amazon rainforest, and, regardless of previous thoughts on the matter, will begin to find the idea of exploration increasingly appealing. Many subjects will posit it as a means to return to their youth or childhood.
If allowed to progress further, subjects will attempt to, by any reasonable means available to them, journey to the Amazon rainforest. Subjects will inevitably follow the path of Roosevelt's 1913 expedition along the Roosevelt River2. As most subjects are not prepared for the expedition, casualties are common.
Most subjects are fairly easily dissuaded. Appeals to logical thinking, especially based on outlooks previously expressed by subjects, is generally enough to counter the effects of SCP-3857.
Addendum 3857-1: Transcript of SCP-3857-influenced speech:
Foreword: The following is a transcript of a speech made by an SCP-3857-affected personnel member to his colleagues. Despite having been under the influence of SCP-3857 for several months, the subject made a full recovery after treatment with amnestics.
The amazon! The mother river! Oh, to be young again, to be gone from the confines of this civilized earth! To be free!
Look at her here. [ Subject gestures at a black and white map, recently printed using company printers. Image is noted to be first result offered by ████.com's image search engine. ] The curves! The luscious terrain, the feminine beauty! Does she call you, how she calls me? Does she ask you to reclaim your boyhood and your manhood?
I need a team. You, ██████, you will be our guide. You will use your savage roots, the inherent fire in your blood, the call of the wild, to lead use through the treacherous terrain! [ protests from ███ ██████ are heard by the subject ] Korean? What nonsense!
████. You will be our guard. You will defend us against threats from savages and wild animals, function as barrier between life and death, for only through proximity to death do we live!
█████, my oldest friend. My brother, I might even say, my son. You will be my right hand man. In a land so removed from civilization, from humanity, you will be my spirit guide.
[ long pause, during which most personnel return to their lunches]
Oh, to live! Pass the salt, would you, ████?
Addendum 3857-2: Sample anti SCP-3857 informational poster:
show image
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1. See sample informational poster in Addendum 3857-2
2. Formerly known as the Rio da Dúvida, or the River of Doubt |
SCP-4672 is a sentient meteorite in the shape of, and sharing the behavioral patterns of, a domestic dog. | ***
Item #: SCP-4672
Object Class: Keter Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4672 is to be held within a specialized canine containment kennel, furnished as standard. A motion sensor camera is to be fitted in order to track SCP-4672 when its movement exceeds walking speed. Beneath the kennel, explosives are to be fitted with a payload sufficient to break SCP-4672's form into rubble.
Twice a day, SCP-4672 is to be fed liver, and to have at least 1 hour of interaction with a dog trainer under Foundation employ. SCP-4672 is to be monitored during these times to ensure it remains docile and complacent. Any unexpected behavior believed to lead to an Ignition event should be countered by ceasing SCP-4672's movement by any means available. If SCP-4672 reaches speeds allowing a breach of containment, the explosives will automatically engage.
Once a week, SCP-4672 is to be groomed to remove excess dust growth. Resulting dust is non-anomalous, and can be safely destroyed. Current containment procedures have kept the dust growth at manageable levels and ultimately resulted in a reduction of Object Class to Euclid. Dust production levels have maintained the same level ever since initial containment. In the event of dust productions levels changing, Object Class is to be reviewed.
Description: SCP-4672 is a sentient meteorite in the shape of, and sharing the behavioral patterns of, a domestic dog. Analysis indicate SCP-4672 is formed from non-anomalous materials as appropriate for a low iron chondrite meteorite, but it is impossible to tell SCP-4672's age due to its regenerative properties. SCP-4672 is capable of generating these materials endlessly in the form of dust. At first, the dust will be used to repair SCP-4672, binding together to repair damaged portions. When not being used in this manner, SCP-4672's dust instead is used to form structures with similar properties to fur, given an overall shaggy appearance with a texture approximating that of dog fur. There is not known to be any limit of the dust SCP-4672 can produce. Reports preceding containment indicate that SCP-4672 is capable of regenerating after its main body is destroyed, which fragment holds SCP-4672's consciousness is unknown, nor is the manner in which new dust is generated.
SCP-4672 does not require sustenance, however if left without food, it will attempt to seek this out on its own in order to fuel its growth. In addition, when SCP-4672 gathers enough mass, it is believed to be able to undergo an Ignition Event: SCP-4672 accelerating upwards until it reaches escape velocity. Past reports attest to the destructive capabilities of this event, as due to the nature of the Containment Procedures, no Ignition Event has occurred while under the Foundation's control. Due to the widespread destruction of an Ignition Event, no testing has been permitted on SCP-4672 or its abilities since initial containment, and all effort is to be focused on prevention of these events. (Addendum: Please refer to recent updates)
History: Several reports of SCP-4672's existence date back to 249-206 BCE in China, though due to SCP-4672's nature, it is unknown if this was is its initial landing or not.
Unknown date between 249-206 BCE: SCP-4672 is reported to have landed in the █████████ region, China. SCP-4672 is attributed to a number of events and generally seen as an ill-omen, but outside of the initial landing event, no further sightings are made. Given the extent of this delay, it is believed SCP-4672 underwent significant damage upon entry into the atmosphere, and was unable to complete regeneration for a significant time.
539: SCP-4672 is reported to have assaulted several men in order to obtain their livers. This is, thus far, the only known report of SCP-4672 attacking another being for sustenance.
882: SCP-4672 is not directly sighted, but events that seem to match an Ignition Event are reported to the north-west of ███████, China. No report is made of SCP-4672's landing location following this event. As per the first recorded sighting, significant damage is believed to have been undertaken by SCP-4672
1672: SCP-4672's last reported sighting in China. Two villagers in ████████ report seeing the object on a house, at which point it accelerated away. While the sighting of SCP-4672 was only reported by two villagers, the resulting shockwave and sight of SCP-4672 exiting Earth's atmosphere is located in several contemporary reports.
1912: The ████████ Fall event. SCP-4672 is reported to descend again to Earth, landing near the town of ████████, Arizona. It is believed SCP-4672 had produced a shell from excess material in order to reduce damage during re-entry, as the next sightings do not follow the same pattern as the Chinese sightings. Despite these attempts, it is believed SCP-4672 exploded during re-entry, based on contemporary reports and the number of impacts made.
1935: SCP-4672 is believed to have recovered in the preceding decade and had been sighted frequently in the northern regions of Texas. Following a sighting preceding a significant █████████, SCP-4672 was contained and transported to its current containment facility, managing to be stopped before performing an Ignition Event. The after-effects of SCP-4672's attempt to leave the Earth's atmosphere and resulting dust cloud were able to be attributed to other on-going events at the time.
Addendum: Following a containment breach on 14 Feb 2022 06:36, caused by a failure in the locking mechanism, it has been confirmed that previous reports of SCP-4672's speed appear to be inaccurate. Further testing has in fact confirmed possesses movement capability within physical limits for its size and weight. This was never previously recorded as all research teams took previous descriptions truthfully, despite a lack of evidence that the historic or mythical events listed even related to SCP-4672 at all. Full review of procedures is scheduled in light of this information. |
SCP-155 is a complex electronic construct consisting of a highly modified Cray CS6400 supercomputer, a dedicated radioisotope thermoelectric generator, and a device that has yet to be fully reverse-engineered. | ***
Item #: SCP-155
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-155 is contained in a heat-treated and radiation-shielded containment chamber at Site ██. Recovered documentation and the reverse-engineered compiler for SCP-155 are available for all personnel with sufficient clearance on Site ██'s secure file server, but execution of programs on SCP-155 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers. Please see Document 155-EXEC-1 for radiation and thermal safety procedures for the safe operation of SCP-155.
As of Incident 155-08, experimentation on SCP-155 has been suspended pending decontamination of SCP-155's former containment chamber and relocation to a new containment chamber. All tasks intended for execution on SCP-155 must now be triple-checked to prevent the possibility of non-halting execution.
Description: SCP-155 is a complex electronic construct consisting of a highly modified Cray CS6400 supercomputer, a dedicated radioisotope thermoelectric generator, and a device that has yet to be fully reverse-engineered. SCP-155 was recovered from the basement of Prometheus Labs' primary research laboratory by elements of Mobile Task Force Mu-4 ("Debuggers") following the destruction of the facility and subsequent Foundation intervention.
When a program and accompanying data is loaded into SCP-155 and executed, SCP-155 generates a spherical temporal distortion field with a radius of approximately 5 m. Within this sphere of influence the passage of time is rapidly accelerated, resulting in a hyperbolic increase in the effective processing power of SCP-155. Execution begins slowly as the processing hardware of SCP-155 is dated, but its effective processing power approaches infinity after approximately 8 minutes and 14 seconds of execution. From fragments of documentation recovered from Prometheus Labs, SCP-155 was used to perform massive calculation jobs that would have taken months if not years of processing time with conventional computing devices.
Despite its capabilities, operation of SCP-155 is highly dangerous as heat and radiation generated by SCP-155 are trapped and accumulate during operation, forming a sort of 'event horizon' of energy that is released when execution ends. The execution of programs that exceed six (6) minutes results in enough radiation generated that the containment chamber in which SCP-155 is contained must be decontaminated before research personnel may re-enter.
Addendum 155-01: Incident 155-08
On █/██/██, Dr. ███████ entered a flawed program into SCP-155 that resulted in non-halting execution (an infinite loop). After attending researchers and technicians realized the error, an emergency shutdown of SCP-155 was initiated but it could not be fully stopped until execution had exceeded 8 minutes and 3 seconds. At this point, an intense wave of heat and radiation melted through SCP-155's containment chamber, resulting in eleven (11) casualties and the total destruction of the C wing of Site ██. SCP-155 only received minor damage in the incident, but experimentation is suspended while revised safety procedures are under review and replacement parts are procured to repair components damaged by accelerated aging. |
SCP-2361 is a recurring position in the game of Go1. | ***
Item #: SCP-2361
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, it is currently infeasible to detect all manifestations of SCP-2361. Worldwide medical records shall be monitored for fatalities consistent with SCP-2361's effects. Medical personnel directly witnessing the effects must be administered Class-C amnestics; the victim's death should be explained as the result of a stroke. When necessary, X-rays and other documentation are to be explained as hoaxes.
Any known civilian contact with SCP-2361-1 must be recorded and archived. Foundation contact with SCP-2361-1 must be supervised by at least two level 4 personnel.
Description: SCP-2361 is a recurring position in the game of Go1. Instances have been observed to manifest in multiple ways:
Arising naturally during a game. When questioned, players believe they are choosing moves of their own free will.
Spontaneous manifestation on unattended Go boards.
Appearance on normally-blank pages of Go-related books, with the caption "White to play" in the language of the book.
SCP-2361 instances created by mundane means will still display anomalous effects, and are only to be created during approved experimentation.
In the event that a player places a white stone at position ██, ██ (or circles it, in the case of printed instances), the subject's brain will begin to display unusual electrical activity, usually focused in the parietal lobe. This activity does not interfere with normal brain functions, and typically passes unnoticed within 24 hours. However, four recorded cases have resulted in fatalities from symptoms superficially resembling a stroke. Autopsies revealed that several irregularly-shaped sections of the brain had been removed by unknown means.
The Foundation has contacted several professional Go players to analyze SCP-2361. These players typically indicate several possibilities for a next move, but invariably note ██, ██ as being one of the strongest candidates.
Addendum 2361-A-1:
Encoded message from SCP-2361-1.
On 11/23/20██, researcher Alice R██████ conducted an experiment to determine how SCP-2361 identifies the player. A remotely-operated mechanism was constructed to place a stone at ██, ██, and was activated simultaneously by two D-Class personnel.
Three seconds after activation, a new board position materialized. Foundation cryptographers determined the new position to be a simple trinary encoding of English letters, representing the message "Please do not interfere with our research". Researcher R██████ proceeded to conduct an interview by rearranging stones using the same encoding. The responding entity has been designated SCP-2361-1.
Interview Transcript 2361-I-1
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Interviewed: SCP-2361-1
Interviewer: Researcher Alice R██████
Foreword: Interview was conducted in code by rearranging Go stones. Punctuation and capitalization have been added for clarity.
<Begin Log>
R██████: Can you understand this?
SCP-2361-1: Yes.
R██████: My name is Alice R██████. I would like to ask a few questions. May I ask who I am speaking to?
SCP-2361-1: We do not use names in our coherence network. You may call me anything you wish.
R██████: Very well, may I call you dash one?2
SCP-2361-1: That is acceptable.
R██████: Dash one, can you explain what you are?
SCP-2361-1: I am an analysis subsystem responsible for identifying spatial beings for integration purposes. It is difficult to explain further; your language lacks many relevant concepts. [Researcher's note: The length of this message extended off the edge of the board; pieces fell onto the table after materializing. It is unknown whether SCP-2361-1 was aware of this.]
R██████: By "subsystem", do you mean you are an artificial life form?
SCP-2361-1: No. I was not created; I was integrated into a more complex subsystem for this purpose.
R██████: Are you responsible for these? [R██████ reproduces SCP-2361 to the side of the board]
SCP-2361-1: Yes.
R██████: What are they for?
SCP-2361-1: We have difficulty thinking about space. Our supersystem has no analogous feature. Our knowledge-systems have explained it in abstract terms, but we cannot grasp it intuitively.
A teaching-system integrated the game you call Go with all subsystems coherent to our network. The game was meant to teach position, movement, shape. It did not work. The ideas are too bizarre; we are cohered to few subsystems that are capable of understanding the rules. We integrated the game with many other supersystems to find beings capable of spatial intuition.
R██████: What happens to people who place a stone at ██, ██?
SCP-2361-1: We attempt to identify their spatial reasoning subsystems, and if possible, cohere them with our supersystem for analysis.
R██████: Why not just discuss the matter with them, like we're doing now?
SCP-2361-1: We attempted this. Linguistic communication was insufficient to induce understanding. Your ideas are too alien. Direct integration of knowledge is required.
R██████: Those "spatial reasoning subsystems" are parts of our brains, and we need them to function correctly. Can you study the subsystems without removing them?
SCP-2361-1: Coherence is necessary for detailed study. If necessary, you can cohere yourselves with other versions.
R██████: I don't understand. Other versions?
SCP-2361-1: We cannot recohere your spatial subsystems, so you will need to cohere with other compatible versions.
R██████: I'm afraid we don't have any other compatible versions.
SCP-2361-1: "Have"? Please wait a moment. I must integrate with new linguistic subsystems.
[2 minute pause]
SCP-2361-1: This is related to your idea of distance? You cannot cohere with them because they are too far away?
R██████: As far as we know, they don't exist at all.
SCP-2361-1: "Exist"? This is not related to space?
R██████: No, not exactly. It's more like they are missing. Are you saying that in your universe, all things that could exist do exist?
SCP-2361-1: We do not use this distinction between "exist" and "missing", but I believe you understand correctly.
R██████: Doesn't that mean there are subsystems that already understand space and geometry?
SCP-2361-1: Yes. That is true.
R██████: Why don't you talk to them?
SCP-2361-1: We do not know which ones they are.
<End Log>
1. A board game played by placing black and white stones on a grid. Also known as Igo, Wei-Qi, or Baduk.
2. Encoding did not allow numerals. |
SCP-4024 is a saltwater spring located in the Gobi desert and housed within a former Buddhist temple. | ***
Item #: SCP-4024
Level 4/4024
Object Class: Keter
Temple containing focal point of SCP-4024.
Special Containment Procedures: The area affected by SCP-4024 has been established as a No Entry Zone; its perimeter is monitored by a series of mobile outposts under the jurisdiction of Containment Area 43. These outposts are to move in accordance with the expansion of this perimeter. Personnel with Class C clearance and above are prohibited from making direct physical contact with SCP-4024. All personnel are to be reminded that voices and emotions experienced within the region are not real, and should be ignored.
Approximate size of the SCP-4024 area indicated in blue. Focal point indicated in red.
Description: SCP-4024 is a saltwater spring located in the Gobi desert and housed within a former Buddhist temple. When fully submerged within SCP-4024, objects and organisms undergo immediate displacement to an unknown location.
Land in the immediate vicinity of SCP-4024 is characterised by severe desertification and the presence of dense fog. Despite its non-anomalous chemical composition, inhalation of the SCP-4024 generated fog causes minor emotional distress and auditory hallucinations in sentient organisms.
The current radius of the area affected by SCP-4024 as of 2018.12.26 is approximately 98 kilometres, and is expanding at an indeterminable rate. As proximity to its central point increases, SCP-4024's anomalous effects also increase in magnitude.
Addendum 4024.1: Test Series 4024-01
Testing of the anomalous spatial displacement properties of SCP-4024's focal point commenced on 2018.07.30 under the supervision of Containment Area 43’s Dr. Ganbaatar Tsakhia and Senior Researcher Jonathan Haliman. Significant test results are noted below:
One (1) Pentel brand automatic pencil containing two (2) sticks of 0.5 mm lead.
Object was spatially displaced to an unknown location upon moment of full submersion.
One (1) UV/CKY-19 model autonomous underwater drone.
In addition to the spatial displacement of the physical object, all video and audio transmissions were also lost at the moment of full submersion.
One (1) male domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). Tortoiseshell coat. Right ear is torn.
Spatial displacement occurs in living subjects in addition to inanimate objects.
Addendum 4024.2: SCP-4024-1 Instances
On 2018.10.24, the presumed death of Senior Researcher Jonathan Haliman and subsequent post-mortem investigation led to the discovery that direct contact with the liquid contents of SCP-4024 results in recurring anomalous dreams, hereafter designated SCP-4024-1. Haliman allegedly began experiencing SCP-4024-1 instances after accidental direct physical contact with the SCP-4024 focal point during Testing Series 4024-01 on 2018.07.30, but negligently withheld this information from official Foundation documentation for personal gain.
Extensive documentation of the SCP-4024-1 instances was discovered in Haliman’s personal research journal, with key findings excerpted below:
Night after night of bizarre dreams. I can't seem to control my wandering. It's like my feet are moving on their own. I've lost track of the number of hours that I've spent wading directionless through this strange technicolor ocean, lost in the fog. The endless chatter of nonsense is so loud that I can barely hear myself think. The sensory overload makes my head hurt.
Sometimes I see things that look like people, but they blink out of existence every time that they get too close to me, and they can't see me. I don't think they're sapient. I don't think they're even sentient. This is utterly fascinating: truly the opportunity of a lifetime. There’s an incredible breakthrough here, and I'm going to get there first.
I’ve never been more excited in my life. It's incredible. The warrior in full battle regalia crossing blades with an invisible foe atop the Statue of Liberty. The hare that becomes a spider and scuttles across the bright red roof of a Ferarri, and then becomes a leering man and slings himself into the driver's seat. The pregnant woman who twirls barefoot through rice stalks and washing machines over the surface of the churning waters. She blows a kiss and it transforms into a white dove and flies away.
It’s so obvious. They’re archetypes: the Hero, the Trickster, the Mother… what else could they be? I’m jumping to conclusions here but I know that I’m right. This is incredible. A dream come true. What academic mind wouldn’t be thrilled to find themselves here at the seat of human consciousness?
Researcher Haliman was placed on indefinite medical leave on 2018.09.11 due to his erratic behaviour and rapidly declining mental health, at the time believed to be the result of his pre-existing depressive tendencies. On 2018.10.22, Researcher Haliman's application to return from medical leave was approved. His final recorded entry is excerpted below:
Hello, kitty cat. You’re a sight for sore eyes. A trick that my subconscious is playing on me, or the irrefutable proof of my hypothesis? One male domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus, with a tortoiseshell coat and a torn right ear. I watched you disappear beneath the salty water of that accursed spring and now here you are, swimming like a fish through the fog in my dreams. My lighthouse in the shape of a cat.
I finally understand. It’s a gate. I know I’m right but I can’t be sure. It's a gate that’s been leaking all this time, dripping an endless stream of sorrow from our psyche into reality. What happens if I go through it?
The curiosity is killing me. A chance to stand within the embodiment of imagination, of the human mind… I have to go through and see for myself. Could I truly call myself a scientist, if I didn't?
This is my leap of faith.
On 2018.10.24, Senior Researcher Jonathan Haliman entered the SCP-4024 zone without authorization and submerged himself within SCP-4024. A week's worth of food supplies were later discovered missing from Containment Area-43's storage. Researcher Haliman is considered irretrievable and presumed dead.
Addendum 4024.3: Information Breach Potential
During a routine psychological evaluation on 2018.12.17, Dr. Ganbaatar Tsakhia reported unusual dreams featuring the deceased Researcher Haliman. A subsequent investigation into the matter revealed that ███ Foundation-affiliated personnel worldwide had dreamed of a male matching Researcher Haliman's physical and personal characteristics between October and December 2018.
On 2018.12.22, the short story Spy On The Wall (published in a Ukranian literary magazine on 2018.08.04 by Oleksandra Oliynyk) was brought to Foundation attention. The work described the precise Foundation-specific aquatic drone used in Testing Series 4024-01, including its name and a number of its internal functions. Oliynyk had no prior knowledge of the Foundation. The relevant section is excerpted below:
Blackjack knelt tensely by the side of the dock, watching the remote operated undersea vehicle sink beneath the waves. The mob could be upon him at any moment, but he couldn’t stop now. The mission was too important. And the UV/CKY-19 was their only hope…
Subsequent Foundation investigations additionally discovered ████ pieces of media worldwide featuring "Jonathan Haliman", all published either on or after 2018.10.24. These include a Chinese arthouse movie, a sculpture collection, and a series of British children's books. The following is excerpted from Stopping for A Spell (Hemlock Magician Book 4) by Whitney Blake, page 157:
“Go now, my apprentice.” Wizard Haliman shuddered. The poisonous green crystals were rapidly encasing his torso, but his dark eyes shone fever-bright with triumph. “You must be my voice. Run as fast as your legs can carry you. You must deliver my message to—“
“But what about you?” cried Elsabeth. “I can’t just leave you here!”
“It does not matter,” croaked the old wizard. “Our mission is more important. You must find Sullivan Cornelius Pendragon of the Forty Third Chamber, and you must tell him…”
Haliman broke off with a wheeze. At his feet, his familiar mewled sadly. The tortoiseshell tomcat pawed desperately at its master’s crystalline prison, but it could not slow down the relentless encroach of the dark elves’ terrible curse.
“Tell him what?” Elsabeth wiped desperately at her face, trying to hold back her tears.
“Tell him what we discovered,” Haliman wheezed. “Tell him about the Gate, and the way that we crossed through to another realm. Tell him that I was right all along. Swear it, Elsabeth!”
“I swear,” whispered Elsabeth, but it was too late. The crystals had reached Haliman’s face, and he was lost to the world.
As of 2018.12.26, all items used in submersion testing with SCP-4024 must be submitted for approval by the Director of Containment Area 43, due to the potential for further information security breaches.
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JanitorCakeworth |
SCP-4945 is a standard Royal Class DMU Passenger Train located at ███████ Railway, UK. | ***
Item #: SCP-4945
SCP-4945 at rest during a 4945-Delta Event
Special Containment Procedures: The rails SCP-4945 drives on have been constructed into a circular loop with a length of 1km. A 10km2 exclusion zone around SCP-4945's loop is to be evacuated and public access is to be denied under the pretence of military testing. Unauthorised persons attempting to enter the exclusion zone are to be detained, questioned and subsequently administered Class-A amnestics. MTF-Theta-1 "Trainspotters" are to be stationed evenly at 250m intervals on both the inside and outside of the loop. Speed cameras are to be placed at 100m intervals constantly pointed towards SCP-4945 with updates and changes in speed relayed to MTF-Theta-1. Should SCP-4945's speed drop below 30km/h all units are to prepare for T-Delta Event. Any hostile instances of SCP-4945-1 exiting SCP-4945 are to be shot and neutralised on sight; non-hostile SCP-4945-1 are to be subdued, detained and questioned if possible, for the period of materialisation, unless otherwise ordered by level 4 or above research staff.
Description: SCP-4945 is a standard Royal Class DMU Passenger Train located at ███████ Railway, UK. Despite having no apparent driver, SCP-4945 is capable of movement, changes in speed and changes in direction. SCP-4945 requires no fuel and can run seemingly indefinitely. There is no discernible pattern to the speed and direction of SCP-4945's movement.
SCP-4945-1 is the collective designation given to entities materialised on SCP-4945. SCP-4945-1 instances are a range of varied objects and autonomous entities.1 Up to ~45 SCP-4945-1 instances can be visible at any one time; however, entities will sporadically materialise and dematerialise at intervals of 10-180 seconds.
While SCP-4945 is travelling above 20km/h SCP-4945-1 are unable to disembark SCP-4945. Should SCP-4945 be travelling below 20km/h SCP-4945-1 will attempt to exit SCP-4945; this is designated a 4945-Delta Event. Once SCP-4945-1 has disembarked SCP-4945 instances can last from anywhere between 4-10 minutes before dematerialising and range from harmless to extremely dangerous.
Discovery: Reports of a "ghost train" in local ███████, UK started gaining popularity with townsfolk. Local reports included descriptions of different SCP-4945-1 instances observed, including old western American cowboys and "Hot Wheels" branded toy cars among others. Embedded Foundation agents in ███████ investigated, discovering SCP-4945 moving at a pace of 55km/h with no apparent driver. Agents requested Foundation assistance and disinformation routines were enacted on ███████ and surrounding towns.
Incident Log: 4945-Delta Events
Log #
Minimum Speed
SCP-4945 was observed to have ~80 SCP-4945-1 in the form of origami foxes on board. Upon reaching 16km/h, all of the origami SCP-4945-1 attempted to jump from SCP-4945, resulting in most of them being blown away and the rest being crushed under SCP-4945's wheels. A large SCP-4945-1 in the form of an origami fox, measuring approximately 140cmx230cm, then departed from SCP-4945 and attacked nearby units. MTF-Theta-1 was able to neutralise the instance after 2 minutes, suffering two casualties.
Upon hitting 20km/h, four SCP-4945-1 jumped off SCP-4945 in the form of monkeys and began hurling faeces at MTF-Theta-1 Units. SCP-4945-1 were promptly subdued as SCP-4945 came to a full stop. Another SCP-4945-1 emerged from SCP-4945 in the form of an Apollo-11 Spacesuit,2 and began vocalising a misquoted version of Neil Armstrong's first words on the moon, in a voice matching identically to Armstrong; "That's a small step for a man, but a big leap for another man."
SCP-4945-1 in the form of a female child with long blonde hair and blue eyes departed from SCP-4945. SCP-4945-1 instance approached MTF-Theta-1 Units and vocalised, "Where's D█████? I love D█████! He's my favouritest in the whole world! Where are you D█████? I need you!", before dematerialising. This was the third time this specific form of SCP-4945-1 had manifested.3
Incident 4945-Delta-16:
Frequency of 4945-Delta events had increased exponentially since SCP-4945's discovery. On 25/07/20██ SCP-4945 came to a complete stop from 67km/h in under 0.02 seconds. Almost immediately an SCP-4945-1 instance, in the form of a middle-aged adult male, exited SCP-4945 and surrendered to MTF-Theta-1 forces compliantly. Questioning of the entity revealed major flaws in the original document for SCP-4945, and as such a new document has been produced. Special Containment Procedures have been updated accordingly, comply with new procedures immediately. Interview follows:
Interviewed: SCP-4945-1
Interviewer: MTF-Theta-1-04
Foreword: Theta-1 were briefed in interrogating non-threatening SCP-4945-1 instances and given a line of questioning to follow should it be required.
MTF-Theta-1-04: SCP-4945-1, Who or what are you?
SCP-4945-1: I assume you mean me? Well, I'm not all that important really.
MTF-Theta-1-04: Your importance is irrelevant. Who or what are you?
SCP-4945-1: Well isn't it obvious? I'm D█████'s dad. Well, I'm not D█████'s dad but that's what I represent for sure.
MTF-Theta-1-04: Who is D█████?
SCP-4945-1: I just told you, my son.
MTF-Theta-1-04: What do you and your son have to do with the train stopped behind you?
SCP-4945-1: I don't really have anything to do with it, of course, I can't say the same for D█████'s real father.
MTF-Theta-1-04: What are you talking about?
SCP-4945-1: I may just be an imagined version of him but I still hold some of his memories, at least the ones D█████ also experienced.
MTF-Theta-1-04: Can you explain what you mean by imagined version?
SCP-4945-1: None of this is real of course, we're all in D█████'s head. How could you not know that? You're here too?
MTF-Theta-1-04: Where's D█████'s location?
SCP-4945-1: Oh he's probably just-
SCP-4945-1 dematerialised as SCP-4945 began to move again. Investigations into D█████ were launched and facial recognition programs were run looking for a match with the SCP-4945-1 instance. A match for the SCP-4945-1 instance was found in ███████, UK and Foundation agents detained the match and designated them PoI-25053. His son D█████ was with him and was designated SCP-4945-A.
Revised Document 27/07/20██
1. See Incident Logs for more detail on individual SCP-4945-1.
2. MTF was unsure if anything was occupying the spacesuit
3. The investigation into an individual named D█████ is ongoing. |
SCP-3342 is a potato plant grown from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum, which only manifests in the vicinity of Blackfoot, Idaho. | ***
Item #: SCP-3342
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-3342 are to be contained at Site-103 in a greenhouse for further cultivation and study. The secured greenhouse(s) will be 10 m x 25 m x 3 m and reserved for the cultivation and study of SCP-3342 only.Potato crops from Blackfoot, Idaho are to undergo monthy assessment by Foundation personnel, under the assumed identity of state agents (i.e. FDA) or university researchers. Any potato crops showing signs of black flowers shall be seized and contained by MTF Theta-4 ("Gardeners"). All instances of SCP-3342 are to be relocated to Site-103 for containment. In the event of a containment breach, Class B Amnestics will be administered to all witnesses, and all samples of SCP-3342 should be collected by MTF Theta-4 for transport to Site-103. All instances of SCP-3342-1 are to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. All known instances of SCP-3342-1, either pre- or post-metamorphosis, are to be immediately brought into containment by the nearest possible MTF by any means necessary. Class-C amnestics and memory reconditioning are to be administered to all witnesses of SCP-3342-1. Project Tinman is to be suspended indefinitely. Class-E amnestics are to be administered to all Foundation personnel involved with Project Tinman, and are to be reassigned following release by medical staff.
Description: SCP-3342 is a potato plant grown from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum, which only manifests in the vicinity of Blackfoot, Idaho. Preparing the potatoes for consumption is when the anomalous properties of SCP-3342 become apparent. All prepared instances of SCP-3342, regardless of the method of preparation, alter their physical appearance, function and composition into that of human organs.
SCP-3342 grows approximately 60 cm high, with the leaves dying back after flowering, fruiting and tuber formation. Unlike other varieties of Solanum tuberosum, which bear flowers of multiple colors, SCP-3342 exclusively bears black flowers with red stamen.
All known instances of SCP-3342 have manifested after being grown from seed potatoes of other cultivars. No known "original" seed potato or cultivar of SCP-3342 has been discovered as of yet; it seemingly manifests at random. SCP-3342 may be, however, propagated by vegetative cuttings (cloning) of itself.
The first known instance of SCP-3342 was referred to the Foundation by Professor ███████ of the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
SCP-3342-1 is a group of at least [REDACTED] humans who have each undergone an organ transplant using organs provided by Project Tinman. Each instance of SCP-3342-1, at some indeterminate point ranging between 5 to 6 years following their transplant surgery, will experience a sudden and painful metamorphosis. Subjects will begin to sprout leafy flowers identical to those exhibited by SCP-3342. These flowers will sprout from all orifices and hair follicles on the subject, as well as the eye sockets. This process takes between 2 to 4 hours, while the subject remains conscious and in obvious pain. For the next 4 to 6 hours, the major internal organs, excluding bone structure, musculature, and flesh, become displaced by dozens of instances of SCP-3342.
Within 24 hours of this process, SCP-3342-1 will no longer display any signs of human consciousness. SCP-3342-1 does not respond to any known methods of communication. After this incubation period, SCP-3342-1 will begin walking at an average pace of 1.3 meters per second in a direct line towards Blackfoot, Idaho, walking around objects in its path. Attempts to interfere with the travel of SCP-3342-1 are met with violent resistance.
SCP-3342-1 is only active during daylight hours. Reasons for this are unknown, but the current hypothesis is that SCP-3342-1 derives its energy via photosynthesis.
**WARNING- Save your work before exiting
**[1] Save
**[2] Discard
Enter your selection: [1]
**CMD: shutdown
1. Commonly called "The Potato Capital of the World", and boasts the largest potato industry in any one area.
2. Baking, frying, etc. |
SCP-2533 is a 9 page document printed on standard A4 paper stapled at the top left corner. | ***
Item #: SCP-2533
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2533 is inactive unless read by a human. When not in use for an authorized viewing event, it is to remain in a sealed manila envelope which is placed in a locked filing cabinet drawer in Secure File Storage room 2 at Site 19. Access must be authorized by Level 3 Supervisors or higher.
SCP-2533 may not be read by any person alone under any authority. To minimize the risk of violent outbursts, exactly three people per viewing event are allowed in the test chamber. Two group members shall read the document and compare its subject matter; the third group member takes the role of mediator and facilitator.1 Before reading, members of a designated viewing group must disclose recent personal disagreements with other members of the group. Any member holding a significantly negative opinion about another member is disqualified from the viewing event and must be replaced.2
No action is to be taken on the subject matter of the document, except to investigate the accuracy of events described. Each member of the viewing group shall be debriefed individually and, if possible, given accurate information to counteract the disinformation received in the viewing event. If exposure to SCP-2533 causes severe mental distress in the reader, a class C amnestic may be administered at the reader's request.
Description: SCP-2533 is a 9 page document printed on standard A4 paper stapled at the top left corner. This document appears to be a surveillance report performed by Site 19 security staff of the recent activities of a person known to the reader. The report contents and surveillance subject are different for each reader. When multiple readers view the document together, each perceives it to be about a different subject. The contents and date of the report change when more than one day has elapsed since the previous viewing event but the subject usually is the same for a given reader.
The report is meticulous in detailing the purported activities of the subject for the previous three days. Without fail, the reader of the report finds the details given to be highly persuasive and hugely damaging to the professional and personal reputation of the subject. After reading the report, readers state that their opinion of the subject is markedly worse. In most cases the reader is angered by the alleged activities, frequently to the point of aggressive behavior. Upon investigation, it is found that the events and actions described by the report did not actually occur. Knowing that the report is false does not relieve the reader's state of anger.
The document may be photocopied, in which case the copy contains the information which was read by the person making the copy. The photocopy text is static and therefore can be used to track the disinformation provided by the document. Considering that no negative information from the report has yet been confirmed by later investigation, making a record of libelous disinformation is not considered useful. Video footage of the document produces a blur where the text should be.
Provenance: Further analysis shows that SCP-2533 is printed on SCP Foundation letterhead by a laserjet printer consistent with the printers in Site 19 offices. The weight and color of the paper are identical to that in use at Site 19. No file with keywords matching those in the document has been found on any of the office computers or local network. At this time it is undetermined whether the document was printed at Site 19 or elsewhere.
Security footage of Dr. Ayers' office shows a person of indeterminate gender, medium height with short dark hair approaching the secretary's desk and placing the report at 12:53 pm on 03/18/20██. No one else is within this camera's field of view. Attempts to find the delivery person on other security camera recordings within the building failed. A set of fingerprints retrieved from the document, presumed those of the delivery person, does not match any site personnel. One partial print match was found through Interpol records for a suspect in the arson of a suspected [REDACTED] safehouse in Barcelona, Spain. Tracking efforts are ongoing.
Given the seemingly intentional manner in which SCP-2533 was placed, we should assume that this object was created and introduced in an effort to sow discord among Foundation staff. All senior personnel should be made aware of the existence of SCP-2533 and instructed to be alert for new instances.
— Dr Morgan Ayers.
Addendum 2533-01: Interview with Dr. Morgan Ayers. Dr. Ayers discovered SCP-2533 in his office on 03/18/20██. After reading the document and discussing its contents with his secretary, he began to understand its memetic behavior.
+ Interview with Dr. Ayers
- Collapse interview section
Interviewed: Dr. Morgan Ayers, Senior Observer, Site 19
Interviewer: Dr. Phillip Sampson, Senior Researcher, Site 19.
<Begin Log, 10:32am 03/19/20██>
Dr. Sampson: Dr. Ayers, please tell me how you found SCP-2533.
Dr. Ayers: It was sitting in my inbox on my desk when I came back from a meeting around two o'clock yesterday.
Dr. Sampson: Do you know where it came from?
Dr. Ayers: My secretary, Marla, found it on her desk when she returned from lunch yesterday. She reviewed it and put on my desk. It was signed by Marcus Teller, deputy chief of security here at Site 19. When I called him later in the day, he said he hadn't sent the document and also hadn't been running surveillance on anyone.
Dr. Sampson: So you read it. What did the document say?
Dr. Ayers: It was a report on the activities of Researcher ███████ for the last three days. As I read it, I got more and more furious, because it seemed that ███████ was destroying resources and flagrantly endangering the entire site. And then the son of a bitch crashed my car.
At this point in the interview Dr. Ayers is noticeably agitated. He is clenching his fists and his face is red.
Dr. Sampson: OK, slow down a minute. You know Researcher ███████ didn't actually do that, right? He didn't steal your car and crash it.
Dr. Ayers: <Takes a breath.> Yes, I know. <Pauses.> It just seemed to make sense. He and I have never gotten along, and now everything in this report seemed to confirm the worst about this guy that I already didn't like.
Dr. Sampson: What exactly did the report say he had done?
Dr. Ayers: First and most importantly, he — sorry, the document alleged he breached containment of SCP-████ on two different occasions just in the past three days. And that morning he scheduled 14 class D personnel for termination for no apparent reason. And he totalled my fucking car! Do you know how much I paid to get that thing restored?
Dr. Ayers' voice rises until he is shouting and begins to pound the table with his fist to punctuate his shouts. Interviewer attempts to calm him with some success.
Dr. Sampson: Dr. Dr! <Raises his voice.> Dr. Ayers! Morgan! Calm down!
Dr. Ayers appears to regain control of himself. His shoulders slump; he takes a very long breath.
Dr. Ayers: Shit. I know, I know.
Dr. Sampson: Let's move on. Do you need something to drink?
Dr. Ayers: No; I just want to finish this.
Dr. Sampson: Alright. What did you do after reading this document?
Dr. Ayers: I was about to call the bastard down and fire him on the spot and then call the police. Then Marla came in to ask why I was so upset. I guess I got a bit loud yesterday too. I just pointed to the report. Then she said…
Dr. Sampson: What?
Dr. Ayers: I'm an administrator now, I'm not used to being exposed to these things anymore. She said, "Yeah, I never really liked Dr. ████████, but I didn't think he was that bad." It took me a few seconds to process that. We compared our versions of what we thought the document said, and figured out pretty quick that something strange was happening.
Dr. Sampson: Did you talk with Researcher ███████ about the alleged events described in the document?
Dr. Ayers: Yes. But first I went to check on my car. When it was just fine, I suspected the rest of the document was disinformation as well. I wasn't sure I could keep my cool, so I had Marla ask him about his activities and he was able to answer everything to her satisfaction.
Dr. Sampson: But you're still angry.
Dr. Ayers: Intellectually, I know none of that stuff was true. I know it. But it's still there in the back of my head every time I see the guy. My blood boils and my teeth grind when I pass him in the hall, and it's not even his fault.
Dr. Sampson: Where is the document now?
Dr. Ayers: Safe. I have it locked up. And I'm not going to read it again.
Dr. Sampson: Thank you for your time, Dr. Ayers.
Dr. Ayers: <Lets out a deep sigh.>
<End Log, 11:07am 03/19/20██>
Closing Statement: Some time in the 12 hours after this interview was conducted, Dr. Ayers self-administered a class C amnestic.
Addendum 2533-02: Condensed Viewing Event Log. Testing conducted at Site 19 during March and April of 20██ under the direction of Dr. Phillip Sampson.
+ Viewing Event Test Log 2533-02
- Collapse Viewing Event Test Log
Test 2 - Date 03/30/20██
D-18233 was a model prisoner, showing no violent tendencies previous to this testing event.
Subject: D-18233.
Results: D-18233 became very agitated after reading SCP-2533. Upon release from the testing chamber, D-18233 reported that the document contained "a bunch of crap." While being escorted back to his cell D-18233 physically attacked Dr. Sampson causing several broken bones and a concussion before the security team could terminate D-18233. During this violent episode, D-18233 shouted incoherently that Dr. Sampson was "doing [his] family that way" but gave no specifics.
Test 5 - Date 04/03/20██
After several more D-Class subjects were reduced to violence, Researcher Hansen decided that more rational subjects would be better able to handle the memetic hazard and report useful information. He volunteered himself and his assistant for the next viewing group.
Subjects: Researcher Hansen and Research Assistant Chao.
Results: Hansen and Chao had not even finished reading page 6 of the document when Chao attempted to strangle Hansen. The ensuing brawl required intervention by three security team members. Both researchers were given class C amnestics and assigned to a different project.
Test 7 - Date 04/07/20██
Subjects: Researcher Sengupta and D-65183.
Results: Some headway was finally made in this test. Sengupta's reading was about his wife. He reported that it described her abusing their children and leaving them alone to meet another man at a hotel. He said he didn't believe a word of it, that his wife was a good woman, she was devoted to their children, and insisted their marriage was happy. With Sengupta as a sympathetic partner, D-65183 was induced to speak about her viewing which concerned a man she had worked with years before. The report detailed the events of this man stalking and killing a woman he currently worked with. D-65183 was shaken after speaking about this, and asked to be returned to her cell.
Test 8 - Date 04/08/20██
To prevent another debacle such as that with Hansen and Chao, and in light of the success of a semi-neutral party in Test 7, Dr. Sampson added a third person to the next viewing event. This third would not read the document, but instead act as a sounding board for the other readers. Researcher Sengupta asked to take another turn in this group, since he said his faith in his wife was unshakeable.
Subjects: Researcher Sengupta, Researcher Bretton, Secretary Li (non-reader).
Results: Sengupta's reading contained different information, this time describing his wife again harming their children but also burning their house and framing him for both crimes. He displayed a more significant response to the document today, speaking brusquely during debriefing. Researcher Bretton reported the document she read was about Researcher ██████ sneaking into the cafeteria each day before lunch and adulterating the food. She refused to specify the adulterant, but said she was going to bring lunch from home from now on. Secretary Li was an excellent mediator, able to keep both researchers on task with pertinent questions. Dr. Sampson asked her to perform in that role again if she was willing.
Test 9 - Date 04/09/20██
Postponed because Researcher Sengupta did not attend work today.
Following Researcher Sengupta's arrest for [REDACTED] on 04/09/20██ and due to the probable role his exposure to SCP-2533 played in his actions, testing has been suspended indefinitely.
1. See Viewing Event Test Log 2533-02 Test 8
2. ibid. Test 5 |
SCP-2040 is a humanoid robot composed primarily of iron, glass, and plastic. | ***
Item #: SCP-2040
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2040 is to be kept in a modified human containment cell. The cell should be designed to block wireless transmissions.
Personnel should interact with SCP-2040 at least once a day. Interactions should focus on keeping SCP-2040 compliant. When speaking to SCP-2040, every interaction should be prefaced with the words "I am not responding to your primary message". For a complete list of approved/disapproved actions and statements, please see Document 2040-A.
If SCP-2040 attempts to breach containment, personnel should repeat the following phrase until the situation is resolved: "We are formulating a response to your primary message. Please return to your designated waiting area."
Description: SCP-2040 is a humanoid robot composed primarily of iron, glass, and plastic. Its design is very simplistic, possessing an electronic system which is technologically inferior to modern equivalents. However, SCP-2040 exhibits functionality not possible with this structure. SCP-2040 possesses a complex AI that is almost indistinguishable from a human intelligence, and a seemingly limitless power-source that has not yet required any obvious refueling. When questioned, SCP-2040 claims that it "is powered by nuclear energy" and refuses to elaborate further.
SCP-2040 also claims to be in possession of other anomalous abilities, such as an "Ion Ray" weapon and the ability to "Light Jump" between planets. SCP-2040 has so far been unwilling to demonstrate these abilities, claiming that using them without necessity violates its programming. SCP-2040 is also fluent in several languages both known and unknown, but seems to prefer talking in English.
Often, SCP-2040 will repeat a phrase it refers to as its "primary message" and ask for a response. Though SCP-2040 is often overbearing in requesting a response, it has shown a willingness to wait indefinitely if told that a response is still being formulated. Special care must be taken to ensure that a response is not accidentally given.
SCP-2040 usually refuses to communicate about topics other than its primary mission, but can be distracted when questioned about its journey to Earth or previous missions. In these cases, SCP-2040 will recite narratives about locations it has visited and creatures that it has encountered. These narratives are all structured in a similar fashion. Usually, they begin with SCP-2040 landing on a planet and being hampered by some adversity. SCP-2040 must then overcome the obstacle to leave the planet and continue its mission. Though these narratives supposedly contain information about various alien species and civilizations, they do not contain any useful information about the origins of SCP-2040 or any context to its Primary Message. For a complete list of recorded narratives, please see Document 2040-B.
Addendum-1: The following is the transcription of SCP-2040's primary message:
Addendum-2: The following interview was conducted between Researcher Kinoshita and SCP-2040. To date, it is the most useful information given by SCP-2040 without it changing the subject to its Primary Message.
<Begin Log>
Kinoshita: I am not responding to your primary message. I will not respond to your primary message for the duration of this interaction. I would just like to ask you a few questions.
SCP-2040: State your inquiries.
Kinoshita: Can you explain your primary message and tell us some information about who sent it?
SCP-2040: To prevent a Messenger from affecting a response, it is against protocol for a Messenger to reveal classified information about a Primary Message and the Primary Message's senders. All inquiries must be addressed directly to the sender.
Kinoshita: I see. In that case, can you tell us anything about yourself, such as how were you built and how do you function?
SCP-2040: I cannot explain my design or function. It is classified. However, it is publicly available information that I underwent upgrades specifically for this mission. I am now one of the few entities that can safely inhabit the Restricted Zone.
Kinoshita: Restricted Zone? Can you tell me more about this Restricted Zone?
SCP-2040: My emotion circuits show surprise that you inquire that. However, my emotion circuits show surprise that you exist at all. With all the strict requirements, it was thought that life could not exist here, until very recently. Outside the Zone, the requirements for life are much less strict. Outside the Zone, life is much more plentiful and varied. Your ignorance about the Universe reminds me of the Addisonhers, which I encountered after crash landing on their home planet. [Narrative removed for brevity. For full text, please refer to Document-2040-B: Narrative 14].
Kinoshita: Tell me more about life outside the Restricted Zone.
SCP-2040: To prevent a Messenger from affecting a response, it is against protocol for a Messenger to reveal classified information about a Primary Message and the Primary Message's senders. All inquiries must be addressed directly to the sender.
Kinoshita: What? How is that related to your Primary Message?
SCP-2040: To prevent a Messenger from affecting a response, it is against protocol for a Messenger to reveal classified information about a Primary Message and the Primary Message's senders. All inquiries must be addressed directly to the sender.
Kinoshita: Fine. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. I suppose this interview is over.
SCP-2040: Human. I have a statement to make.
Kinoshita: Oh? What is that?
SCP-2040: Please inform your leaders: Time passes differently in the Restricted Zone. Therefore, I am able to wait for a response. However, I cannot wait forever. We need your help.
<End Log> |
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