11 values
"after 13 years of untreated depression, anxiety and panic attacks i decided to finally ask for help. that came in the form of 10mg citalopram for the first week, 20mg for another month and boosted up to 30mg for the next few months. in that time i had nothing but bad side effects. instead of feeling depressed and sad i just got grumpy and mad, i had trouble with my sex drive/performance and the insomnia was ridiculous. my partner told me i had changed since starting the medication. i have since come off all medication and living happily without."
"epiduo is amazing. i tried all sorts of acne creams and this one is like a blessing. i went to my dermatologist and she gave this for me to use! this is my second week and most of my pimples have eased and are gone. i'm impressed with this product and i will keep using it."
"i have read so many things and do not know what to believe. i have post traumatic stress disorder and have taken sleep aides from the health food store which left me with vertigo and not feeling well. i have not had any of the usual side effects with ambien and it leaves me refreshed however i do have one weird side effect and i was not sure at first if it was the ambien. but it is. i am usually a person who is cold and likes the heat. but i have gotten heat sick several times and living in nyc where there is no air and we are constantly having heat waves it has made me sensitive to heat. i am super sensitive and usually if there is a side effect to be had i get it but really i have not had anything except the heat exhaustion. i mean sweating, etc."
"two years ago, i couldn't sleep, my doctor gave me all type of sleep meds, nothing worked. the only med works is this. i take 5mg every night on and off for 2 years. no side effect."
"i am currently taking minocycline and i just got a face peel a week ago. a few days after my face peel, my face still wasn't improving very well. i started using my epiduo cream and my face is almost completely clear. it has made my face dry and it burns pretty bad, but with lotion, it isn't bad at all. i am very impressed. i am sure that the medication and the face peel has both made an impact on my face, but the epiduo is helping a lot! i was skeptical of using this product since i have read that the acne will get worse before it gets better. that has not happened to me."
birth control
"i was on this birth control for about 8 months straight and i went off now i am currently back on and i absolutely love it. no weight gain, no acne, lighter shorter periods. the only thing is when i first started taking it, i spotted for a month, which is normal. other than that, i love it."
"i started taking this medication 10 years ago. my doctor told me it was non-narcotic and non-habit forming. up to that time i had never had any addictions to drugs or alcohol, but unfortunately i am dependent on this drug for sleep. it does however work very well with few side effects and i wake up feeling refreshed. "
birth control
"i've had skyla in for about a year now, and it is by far my favorite form of birth control. some background info, i'm 19 and have never had kids. other birth controls affected my mood greatly, and skyla has not affected my mood in the slightest. i also did not experience any weight gain. the only downside is my period is longer than it was before (10 days, but not heavy) and i experience cramping, but nothing midol can't fix. i can't even remember the pain from the insertion process now (which i got while not on my period), but that slight discomfort for a couple days it worth it for the next 3 years of birth control."
birth control
"i'm taking this medication to regulate my period. i was scared after reading the side effects especially about the hair loss and the weight gain, but i know everyone is different. this is my 2nd month and i've experienced loss of appetite, stomach ache, nausea/vomitting the most...i've actually lost 10 pounds which is awesome. the neasea/vomitting is only about once a week so it's not that bad...i just am not hungry anymore...which helps me make better choices in eating. my first month i was hormonal, however now i think my bodies gotten use to it so i'm not as hormonal. as far as my hasnt been long enough to tell if it's regulated."
birth control
"i've had the nexplanon for over 2 years and i absolutely love it. the only issue i've had with it is my periods are very irregular which is no big deal for me. i get a period for 2 weeks and then i'm period free for about 4 months, then it will return. i have no problem with that. i plan on using this birth control method for 5 more years. i love it."
bipolar disorde
"i just started tegretol 2 days ago in conjunction with cipralex and clonazapam. i've taken the last two mentioned for years up until a few months ago and never had side effects so i know the side effects are from the tegretol. no appetite. nausea, and severe migraines. definitely making me more hopeful and less suicidal and less impulsive, but i just hope the physical symptoms go away soon. i've never been on tegretol before."
birth control
"i have only been on jolivette for a month after my daughter was born. first of all she is 2 months old and in that entire time i have been on a period except for 3 days of very light spotting. i feel like i'm going to bleed forever. it's not heavy it just doesn't stop. it also made my milk supply low which has me supplementing with formula and i have never had acne this bad in my life. my entire face is covered! i am stopping use of this pill immediately. i would rather use condoms than deal with this nonsense. i'm having to use them anyway since you have to take the pill the same time everyday and i always forget. if i wanna get back on the pill i'll take a normal one in 4-6 months when i'm done breast feeding."
birth control
"i've been on orsythia for a year and half and i've had a regular cycle twice! i get it early and it lasts 7-12 days, and it's just brown, not a true 'period'. recently i've started to get the bad acne everyone mentions. i'm 43 and have pimples on my chin and forehead (never had it before). it has eliminated my breast tenderness and cramping though - that's why i strayed on it. but it's just too unpredictable and so i changed to another birth control. i do not recommend it."
"a little over two years due to a job change and move, i suffered many anxiety/panic attacks. one of them landed me in the er. i was then diagnosed with depression. i was put on pristiq and with time it started working. i took the medication for about 18 months and then very slowly went off. i don't like being dependent on medication. my main reason for going off was my sex drive. you are very limited as to what you can take while on antidepressants. i am starting to feel like i am slipping into depression once again so will probably start again. pristiq worked wonders for me."
birth control
"i started taking this 2 years ago. i chose it because how easy it is to use and you don't have to remember to take it every day. big plus. on the downside i did gain some weight. i also have experienced mood swings and last summer i had sun spots on my face (never had those before!). i'm going to stop using it soon because i'm tired of the mood swings!"
"wrapping up week 8 with pristiq. first depression treatment attempt, therefore unable to compare to similar drugs. notable: elevated mood, on-and-off headaches, sleepiness, confusion, poor coordination, decreased appetite, consistent sex drive. positive effects of drug definitely outweigh set backs. thanks pristiq. everyone is different and therefore no two people are expected to react the same."
"i had no major side effects on this med & it's helped my anxiety & depression. i've been taking it for 6 months. i titrated up to 20mg. the med was helping my mood but i had diarrhea that wasn't temporary so they put me on 10mg. the 10mg is working just fine for me but i still get diarrhea every now & then whereas i didn't before starting viibryd something peculiar- it seems since starting viibryd, my guts are intolerant to veggies i ate fine before i started the med. lettuces (even organic from the grocery not sprayed w/preservatives, cooked cauliflower etc run right through me now. it's common for ppl to have this affect w/o this med but i never was sensitive. not sure if there is a correlation. it's not crampy so for now staying on viibryd."
"i think the use of putting perfume in the gel is really stupid. there are so many people allergic also someone like me with cancer and very sore and nauseated to spend money on this and it made me so sick i washed up 4 times and my hands and skin still smells strong. it gave me a headache and made my nausea worse. there is no need for perfume not to mention it's just an toxic unnecessary ingredient. i will never use this again and i will be sure to let everyone at clinic know."
"i was on fetzima for a couple of months but my depression was still really bad. the doctor kept increasing my dose with no signs of improvement. eventually, my blood pressure and pulse was so high that i had to come off."
birth control
"this was my first birth control brand so i don't have experience with other brands to compare it to, but i had some issues. i had heavy, two week long periods on this pill, sometimes even longer. thinking this would eventually level off i stayed on it for a year but it never did. needless to say, i've had more than enough of that! also, on this pill i felt paranoid about things that i never worried about before, i kept thinking something awful would happen whenever i left the house. i just switched bands so i'm hoping these symptoms stop, especially the paranoia and anxiety. on the plus, my skin never looked better and while the periods were long, i had minimal cramping."
"i've tried prozac, zoloft, celexa and none of them worked well. they would work maybe a month and the depression crept back into my life. i started taking viibryd and the recommendation of a doctor and trusted friend and my life has changed dramatically for the better. i don't have the wiped out feeling and my sex drive has stayed the same. this medicine has been a god send for me. i had to fight to get my insurance to cover it but it has so been worth it."
bipolar disorde
"i'm bipolar and this is the only medication (out of many, many) that really helps my bipolar and it works almost instantaneously for me. i first went on it to gain weight because i was trying to recover from anorexia and struggling, but stayed on it for my bipolar. i did gain weight and i eat tons, but i have a good metabolism and zyprexa just brings me up to my medically ideal weight."
birth control
"i started taking this after i had a child at age 17, and first, the side effects were minimum for me but i got a lot of weird bumps all over my hands that looked like warts, and the doctor said that i either had to wait them out or stop the pill. after 3 months they finally went away. i took this for about a year. my husband and i have tried for the last 20 months to get pregnant, and it turns out now i'm all of a sudden infertile. i've already had one baby, so this was linked to necon 1/35."
bipolar disorde
"i was taking 300 mg of seroquel xr for 6 months. the best part was being able to get a good night’s sleep. i had only been getting 2-3 hrs rest each night. my mind would race and it was a struggle to stay in bed. i would get up and start cleaning. additionally, i would spend hours creating plans to organize my life. i had not actually followed any of those plans and i was depressed. i took latuda for a short period but it made my inability to sleep worse. that’s when i was switched to seroquel. i loved the way it helped me feel normal. the bad - i gained 30 lbs in 6 months. i asked to be taken off and started taking geodon. once again i cannot sleep. i am going to ask to go back to seroquel xr and focus on following a healthy diet."
birth control
"do not get the shot. i got the shot a while ago at first everything was alright but then i got my period which i've had forever now it will not go away. i get the worst headaches that i've ever had before and they last all day and i get them everyday. i feel sick. and i also have started to feel super moody and sad out of no where. my body gets achey and i am starting to gain weight definitely will not be getting the shot again it's not worth it."
"i'm on 40mg a day, did take sertraline, mirtazapine now on these, don't think they do anything to me, doctor says he don't know if i got bi polar or schizophrenia lol, that's what u get for being honest. did stop them once for week as thought doing nothing, never felt so ill in my life if that's a cold turkey. i'm 35 anyone else on 40mg? "
"because i am a recovering alcoholic it is crucial for me to find non-narcotic treatment for the persevering pain of my chronic pancreatitis. i was feeling a bit hopeless with the repeated prescriptions of pain meds (which of course offer only temporary relief, and for me a danger of over-use), until my gi prescribed me gabapentin. this med has been incredibly successful in mitigating my pain, while also giving me huge energy (i'm a consistent runner so this factor is welcomed), and allowing me to move forward with my sobriety. i give it four stars, though i realize like anything, it's not for everyone. that said, good luck to you all with finding what works."
"genetically, i am cursed with acne. for years as a young teen i struggled with acne on my forehead and cheeks. i tried every potion and cleanser out there, to no avail. when i went for my physical, my doctor noticed how bad my acne was and prescribed clindamycin gel, and boy has it worked wonders. i have very sensitive skin, yet this did not seem to make things worse. i have occasional breakouts, but my skin looks absolutely fantastic after 5 months of use."
"i am a 46 year old male. in 1988 i was going through a very serious bout with anxiety and depression. luckily - there was a place called freedom from fear on staten island that was able to counsel me (free of charge, as was affiliated with columbia university), and a doctor there prescribed for me a new drug that was just approved and available...prozac. i took it for eight months or so and recovered - so much so that it helped me deal with the tragedy of my mother dying only a year later. yes, this medicine saved my life. this is are the reason i am here right now. i only took the medicine for that eight months, and slowly got off it. here i am 20 years later, totally fine!"
"this stuff is great for nerve pain. i have 2 herniated discs in my lower back and 1 in my neck along with a pinched nerve. it takes away my neck pain when narcotic pain relievers and muscle relaxers combined didn't. taking it alone causes drowsiness. "
birth control
"i have been on this birth control for 8 years and had no problems at all. it was great. i recently was put on a body acne medication that lowered the effectiveness of this brand so because of that reason i am switching to zovia i hope it's as good."
"end of viibryd week 1 was starting to feel normal, then began week 2 at 20mg. more nausea (ondancetron med really helps at work), no headaches this week. new symptom of gritty feeling in eyes--think it is dry eyes, so bought some good tear drops and seems a lot better now, will keep using. i switched over cold turkey from 40mg lexapro. when starting any new antidepressant, i always take it on the weekend, never during the workweek. it might make you sleep all day or be "out of it," but that's usually just an adjustment period you have to go thru. too bad doctors don't always let patients know what to expect."
birth control
"i tried this pill after having been on so many others. i had been prescribed femcon fe, loestrin 24, ortho lo, yaz, and ocella. these pills caused me to have terrible stomach pains, go through nauseous periods all throughout the day, and have recurring dizziness. so, i finally decided to speak with my doctor about having me switch to alesse. however, it wasn't until i went to the pharmacy that i learned that alesse is no longer available in the u.s. so i was given its generic aviane. out of all of the birth controls i have tried, this one has been the most tolerable for me. i can eat normally without having to deal with recurring stomach upset after almost every meal. and, i don't have to worry about dealing with crippling stomach pains."
birth control
"i got skyla inserted 6 months ago and it's been a nightmare since then. i'm 25 with no kids. my friend got mirena when she was 21 and said it was amazing so i figured i'd try it. insertion was pretty painful and i had cramps for a week. i went back and got an ultrasound to check the placement and was informed i had a irritated cyst and that it would go i am 6 months later every 2 weeks i get insane cramping and a week long period. before skyla 3-4 day long periods and no cramps. i told myself if after 6 months im still in pain i'm getting it out. obviously my body is not going to adjust and it's not worth the pain! i've also gained 20lbs in the first 4 months and noticed more zits, anxiety, and my hormones are crazy."
birth control
"i'm 34 and was prescribed this pill for irregular periods. i've only been on it for a week and i'd rather deal with bleeding for a month straight than the side effects that i'm already experiencing: *extremely bloated *had a couple of painful pimples pop up on my face and my chest *have sore and swollen breasts *increased appetite with 3 lbs. gained weight *and the worst of all, have zero sex drive and am a psycho bitch to my husband who does not deserve to be treated like that i'm throwing the rest of them straight in the garbage."
birth control
"i have been on this contraceptive for about 15 months. i haven't experienced weight gain, but a weight loss of 3 pants sizes. altough that's great and everything, i've also been sick to my stomach at least once a week, and my period didn't stop being extremely heavy. it also jumps around a lot more, and for a few months i didn't have one. (wasn't pregnant, went to doctor and had to get put on medication to restart period) but all in all i think it's decent."
birth control
"my experience with this pill has been okay but my periods do last longer now for about 8 days and i also spot in between which is very annoying. i also take the pill at the same time everyday. i don't think i'll be staying on this pill for to much longer."
"my son was 6 when diagnosed. adderall finally came to our rescue. eventually it did not work long enough, so we give him a wake-up dose of 5mg ir, an 8am xr dose, then a 3pm ir dose to help with aftercare and homework. this has continued to work for 3 years. we tried intuniv because his odd and impulsivity was leading to threats of suspending him from school. after 2 days we realized his bp was lower (too low), but he didn't pass out. after 2 weeks, his reacting to people was no longer on the calm side, he was emotional about everything, more impulsive and more defiant, not him at all. we decided to take him off. at least we can say that we tried, but it just did not work for my son, but it may for others."
bipolar disorde
"this medicine is a godsend. i literally felt like it grew me up. it helps so much with bi polar disorder! i used to walk down the street and wonder what passing cars thought about me and wondered if they thought i walked silly. weird but true. after a month on this medication my life changed. i was more focused my mood swings were not so sever if any at all (i used to have mood swings that would last four and sometimes six months at a time). this medicine changed my life and i feel as though the effects were life changing! even when i stopped taking the medication i still felt the affects from how i felt. i do not recommend stopping taking the medication though as the mood swings will gradually find their way back into your life. i"
"i have suffered severe pain for 20 years following a motorcycle accident. during this time i have tried every sort of pain relief available to me, mainly narcotic drugs which i found as bad as the pain itself. earlier this year i was prescribed lyrica as far as pain relief goes...fantastic. after a few months (1x 75mg cap per day) i experienced total confusion and was unable to perform my daily tasks at work or at home. i was becoming agitated and experienced suicidal thoughts. things returned to normal after a week or so of not taking lyrica. because it worked so well i am tempted to give it another go. it was just so good to not feel the pain anymore."
"i took this on top of taking sam-e for depression and fatigue. i'll put the good first. this supplement is amazing. makes me feel much more confident, much less socially anxious, and more able to be assertive, and have no fatigue. and i am interested in things again. i feel joy from looking at the mountains and such. it started increasing my facial twitches from sam-e which also ritalin brought out. sjw feels kind of like a drug like ritalin but with a much lower up. i've got to say i feel pretty good taking it. i take 350mg once in the morning, a double dose at 2:00, and a single dose again around 6:00. sometimes i will take another dose around 10:00 p.m. i feel like i don't need the sam-e anymore. highly recommend."
birth control
"i am 19 years old and on my third pack (possibly fourth, i can't remember for sure) of this birth control. the first two months were great! i didn't notice any side effects and my period was normal. this past month, though, i've started to notice a lot of nausea and some headaches. most recently, my depression and anxiety have increased tenfold and gone through the roof. i can't stop crying over everything and i'm a mess all the time. it's time to stop this bc because it's just making my life a living hell."
"it works very good for sleep as i have chronic insomnia due to severe anxiety, major depression. i didn't take it yesterday and barely slept good. what i hate is the drowsy feeling it makes during day does it go away? this pill made my birthday a fine day i made a day outside feeling ok."
"background: essential tremor with social anxiety and ibs. i'm naturally very happy. from 6mo escitalopram 10mg to 1mo viibryd 10mg. upped to 20mg viibryd but two hours in, had panic attack tremors. went back to 10mg for a 1mo more, until very heavy depression episodes at around 6 pm till 10 pm (took the pill at 8 am) appeared. also it gave me very bad diarrhea after eating most foods. can't cold-turkey it (which i could with escitalopram), would panic/shake/depression. had to take the abuse till i switched back escitalopram 10mg - which thankfully calmed me down from viibryd withdrawal! i don't feel this is the right drug for happy people with anxiety. it does more unnecessary anti-depressant changes than it does anxiety improvements."
birth control
"i have been taking ocella now for about 6 months and in those months i have experienced some weight loss as well as clearer skin. however i also have found that i have absolutely no sex drive. i am only 21 and before taking ocella i had enough sex drive for me and other people, but now nothing."
birth control
"i only took it for a week but it caused horrible headaches that were borderline migraines. they would start about 30-45 minutes after taking the pill and would not go away until i went to sleep. i was naseous and dizzy constantly and i would be very warm and hot. it was also causing heart burn which is something that i've never had before taking this pill. i also had zero interest in sex."
"the product is working so well for my athletic pre-teen daughter. as she began to get very involved with sports, a lot of sweat and acne came. now, using duac, her acne has cleared and is under control. her face isn't so oily like before. she has a couple of blemishes, but nothing at all like before!"
"i have tried almost everything under the sun as related to acne medicine. the only thing that worked for me is aczone. i have only been using it for 10 days now but my face has cleared up so fast. i have never seen my skin look so good in the last 5 years. it doesn't irritate the skin and goes on very light and absorbs right in. highly, highly recommended."
"i used voltaren gel on some sore joints (and a tennis elbow). it worked as well as anything i have ever tried. i sometimes get killer tension headaches that first build up in the back of the neck. when i felt one coming on, i used the gel on the back of the neck and shoulders. the headache never developed. before this experiment i would take 3 or 4 ibuprofen for one of these headaches and hope for the best. the gel is now my standard treatment for these headaches."
"i started viibryd -- 20 mg/day -- over a year ago, when going thru a prolonged low. like alot of folks, i've tried many different things in 20+ years, gone thru the rollercoaster of titrating on, titrating off, having stuff work then stop working, etc. to my surprise, viibryd has helped -- though the diarrhea and so forth were super annoying at first (then gradually abated). unlike most anti-depressants, i could feel an effect within first week or two, even titrating very gradually. i recently went up to 40/mg. mood brighter, helps clear up the brain fog. various effects on body: deeper sleep, intense dreams, increased sex drive (almost annoying), as well as gi stuff. so far, so good"
birth control
"i got my nexplanon inserted in the month of janaury 2015, and it was very painful. i had my period for probably a month and spotting a little for 2 weeks. i don't think i had any emotional changes, i was pretty much myself. but so far my nexplanon has done wonders. i have not had a period or any spotting until today."
"i've had back pain for almost 3 years now, sometimes to the point of tears due to simple actions like walking or bending. after being put on this medication 3-4 doses daily, i have had the pain relieved, and my actual mood and focus has increased at work. my previous evaluations and reviews were below average and now after being put on this treatment my last two reviews have increased to above average. it takes effect quite quickly and lasts for the directed amount of time on the prescription. the only con i have for this medication is that it affects myself in a negative way during intercourse. i have found when on the medication my climax takes 3-4 times as long or not at all during that time. quite frustrating."
birth control
"i got the implanon 3 years ago and have had no side effects from it. got it taken out today and had the nexplanon put in the same spot. i am a bit sore from it but it was a much easier procedure then i thought it would be!"
bipolar disorde
"i had tried zoloft in the past, went off because i was feeling better. many years later, needed something again. went back on zoloft - it did nothing. tried it in combo with wellbutrin - nothing. tried just the wellbutrin - nothing... except a 25 pound weight gain. everyone says you lose weight on wellbutrin... uh.. not so much! i gained 25 lbs in spite of barely eating and taking up running...and.. it made me sweat all the time. it did nothing for my mood, but the side effects were completely depressing. p.s. the weight did not come off after i quit taking it. my guess is it damaged my already slow metabolism."
birth control
"i'm so glad i got paragard. but at the beginning i almost took it out/ insertion: not going to lie, it really hurt for me. it felt like some of the worst cramps i'd ever experienced. i didn't take painkillers afterwards and the 40 minute bus ride home it felt like it was pulling apart my body. take a good dose of advil/ibuprofen. afterwards: horrible cramps, felt pretty sick for 5 days. my vagina felt like it'd lost feeling. i tried to test it, and an orgasm really hurt. i thought something had gone wrong, after a week, things returned to normal, and sex felt good again. first two periods: they were the literal worst i've had in my life. i was totally out of work. periods since: i don't have cramps anymore! it's so amazing. period. worth it."
"been on this for roughly 3 weeks. i started taking 10 mgs but i'm currently only taking 2.5 mgs. the first week was a lil bad. i took at night and the med kicked in in like 3 hours. i couldn't sleep, had increased anxiety and it upset my stomach. i cut down to 5 then 2.5. now i'm fine, panic attacks are pretty much gone (before i was getting them daily sometimes even 2 or 3 times). the attacks were starting to interfere with work n life n i had to get some help. i tried working out n eating better but it wasn't helping. this works but it takes time. also, i take this in the mornings with food. it gives me energy so taking at night wasn't good for me bc it would keep me up. start with a low dose so your body gets used to it."
"i have situational depression, never dealt with it before. wellbutrin had definitely helped get me out of bed each day. the "situation" is becoming better as well but i find my emotions aren't as out of whack. i cry less & get angry less. i do feel it made me more anxious which i'm already dealing with & taking buspirone for. i didn't experience many side effects but one that is hard to deal with but because it seems to make me get through each day a little better, i deal with it. it makes my throat feel closed, which is very annoying. i feel often like i can't breathe well & that i can't swallow or that something is stuck in my throat. i've not taken any other pills on several days to determine that it was the wellbutrin that did it & it is."
birth control
"i have been on depo for almost two years and it works like a charm! i never go past the 5 day period to get the shot and it is crucial for it to work to not exceed the time of your next shot. when i first started i did bleed for a month but it was not heavy. my periods lasted 8 days and cramps were horrible before the shot so it wasn't that big of a deal for me. now i don't get periods ever and ever so often i might spot for a day or two. to be completely frank my partner and i do not use protection and i have not gotten pregnant so as far as contraceptives go this one is wonderful! i did experience dryness at first but it has since gone away."
birth control
"i have been on this bc for around three years now. going on generess fe was an amazing decision, though adjustment was tough at first. i'm actually on the generic version now since they released it, but my benefits are still there. i previously would have insane mood swings in the week leading up to my period--i'm talking sporadic crying and feelings of anxiety. this went away when i started this medicine. my period lasts barely more than one or two days and i don't need to buy more than the "lite" tampons. periods now are completely painless and barely more than a slight inconvenience. my skin is clearer than ever, and this has worked wonders for me. i'm not pregnant, and i've reaped all the benefits of this medicine!"
"started cipralex 10mg 7 months ago. first few weeks side effects were not enjoyable, but i stuck with it. within a month not only was i noticing feeling better, but friends and family were also noticing i had a better overall mood. last few weeks, i have had my dr up my does to 20mg a day, due to starting to feel the same horrible mood i did before starting. see to have build a small tolerance. in terms of anxiety, this medication has 0 effect in helping me."
weight loss
"i have experienced mild to moderate headaches relatively everyday, dry mouth, bad taste in my mouth after i have taken it, severe leg cramps and a loss of 28lbs in 3 months. to off set the headaches and cramps i have increased my h2o intake to equal 1/2 of my body weight in oz. yes, it is a struggle to drink that much however the long term benefits out weigh the temporary issues."
"i felt a difference right away. the only negative feedback i have is the tiredness. i can't stay awake but i do not know if it is from coming off of add medication. i have been on this medication for 3 days now and already feel like a new woman! i no longer need my xanax!"
"my son adhd sensory processing and now since putting him on strattera 10 mg diagnosed aspergers is off and on with strattera . i see improvement but after a few weeks psychiatrist out him on respirodone half of .25 . however , not sure what is working anymore ."
bipolar disorde
"i had been medication free for over 10 years when a series of traumatic events escalated in full blown psychosis and deep depression. i was suicidal, unable to sleep and experiencing 6 hour long panic attacks. i was put on olanzapine 5mg at night and have been taking it for just over 1 year. i was able to sleep through and the nightmarish world i inhabited slowly began to clear like a thick fog. at the time i thought there was no way i would make it out alive! the deep depression took longer to lift and after no luck combining it with proxac or citalopram i hit on the right combination with effexor 225mg. still, the olanzapine was my 'daylight' drug. weight gain has been an issue but my appetite is more manageable now and am exercising."
"this is a drug that takes a long time to get fully into your system. it does not just "work" after a day or a week. i was on this medication from 2004 to 2007. it worked pretty well (about 85%) for anxiety, but not very well for depression. my nutritionist and doctor agreed that it was the medication that caused me to gain 30 pounds (which by the way, does not help depression.) i had to keep a food journal and keep track of my activity level. the overall panic subsided, but at night when trying to fall asleep i would occasionally have chest pain, or rapid heartbeat, or trouble breathing. you just have to try to find ways around medicines to cope. "
"i have taken prozac, zoloft, paxil, and then my doctor put me on wellbutrin xl 150 in the morning and that was helping me but not in the evening so she increased the wellbutrin xl to 300mg in the morning and 150 in the evening and that was working, my mood seem to be great! but then i learned since i take the 300 and 150 that there was a new formulation on the market called forfivo xl 450 and i take that once a day in the morning along with some lamictal 100mg and i feel great. i don't have the worrying i had at work with coworkers, or the mood swings i had while i was at work or being with family. i still take klonopin 1mg three times a day for my anxiety and panic attacks and i take klonopin 1mg at bedtime and elavil 50mg to help me sleep."
birth control
"i had skyla put in feb 2015. i am 31, no kiddos, i went to work immediately after getting skyla put in. i took 2 aleve and the pain/severe cramps were gone. i had my first period for 17 days straight. one week no period. then 2 more weeks of period. eventually getting lighter and lighter but still the full 7 days. side effects are acne, gained 15lbs, moody and no cramping. i have tried everything to work off the added pounds but nothing is working despite eating healthy and working out 5 days a week. not sure if i will be keeping it in the full 3 years, the side effects are just not fun."
"use to take occasional aids natural herbs and such when needed which was from months to days depending on stress and issues at the time. this has been all my adult life. eventually i can get it under control. fast forward to this past year. got severely sick with some stomach parasites, lots about 20% weight and did not sleep but maybe half hour a day and an occasional 5-10 minute nap for several months, basically for 2 weeks straight i was fortunate if i could get 30 minutes. may natural stuff was not working. so my friend let me try his for the last few months - works. took a few days to get use to. 25 mg works for me, with 12mg i get 3 hours, with 37.5mg about 14-18 hours. stress is the key, lower it is the better it works."
"you owe it yourself to give this medication a chance. been dealing with insomnia for 10 yrs. then last year my little brother killed two people and committed suicide. my anxiety, depression, insomnia went into overdrive. no meds worked. was prescribed 50 mg of generic seroquel. if you've had insomnia for years, nothing is going to work the first night. you're worked up about the insomnia and so desperate for the pill to work that of course it's going to be a night from hell. that led to a rocky 2nd night. night 3 i slept great! it takes 2 1/2 hrs for onset. i owe my life to this medication. if you have the kind of insomnia that is near psychosis please give this medication a real chance. you do not have to suffer anymore. sweet dreams."
"my hubby has been using this for years and has always said it works. i agree 100%. we are having difficulty finding it in the pharmacy stores, it seems that they are not carrying it anymore. "
"i took citalapram for nine weeks unsuccessfully and mirtazapine for 8months, too many side effects, numb emotional feelings and made anxiety worse , feeling aggressive, aching joints,big changes in weight and bodily functions , not easy to withdraw from either, worsening thoughts, (don't think relapse, think it's the drug) or you'll end up back on it. my opinion is never again, beware!"
"the actavis generic version of this medication was worse than useless, as all of the adhd hyperactive subtype symptoms my son was experiencing returned within a week of switching to this from the intuniv er brand (daily 2mg dose), along with new and potentially dangerous side-effects. his symptoms had been well-controlled for years prior to the insurance company insisting that we try a generic before they would continue to cover the cost of the brand."
"i am a teen who suffered from borderline mild-severe acne. my dermatologist prescribed epiduo. nothing over the 6 weeks. she then put me on doryx with it. i fell in love with my skin after about a week. it dried up current problem spots and never got a breakout. however, do not take in calcium while on this. the medicine will bind to the calcium and will not take effect. whenever i eat a good amount of cheese, milk, or dairy, i break out. you should experiment with your diet if this medicine does not work for you."
birth control
"i got kyleena inserted yesterday and it was painful. i haven't had a period in two years (i was on depo provera), so i haven't experienced and cramping in a long time. i took 800 mg of ibuprofen an hour before and i do believe that it helped with the pain. all day i cramped terribly like i've never felt before, so bad i was continuously puking. i also had terrible diarrhea for some reason. today (one day later) the cramps are very small and infrequent. i still can barely eat without feeling nauseated and have diarrhea, but i assume it will continue getting better. i barely bled at all and overall i feel like it's worth it!"
"this is an exceptional medicine. i have been on it for only a couple of weeks. i have tried seroquel, trazodone, ambien and none of these have worked but alprazolam is a miracle medicine."
"this is my 3rd month on doxycycline and my face have shown great improvements! i'm 19 with oily skin and before i had moderately severe acne with cysts, papules and pustules. at one point it hurt and annoyed me so much plus lowered my self esteem that i decided to meet a dermatologist . she prescribed 100mg of doxycycline along with 5% benzoyl peroxide to be taken daily . during the first month, it was horrible. my face broke out terribly but i guess that was a part of it, clearing out the disgusting stuff inside our face . in the second month my skin start to clear up, and now i can say that i'm 95% acne free with occasional small zits during period but nothing hurt as much as before. the point is, don't give up :)"
"if you can imagine restlessness and extreme sleepiness at the same time, horrible. walking around in my apartment shaking my arms and legs while being so sleepy and tired was miserable but i have since read that if you are taking medication for seratonin uptake inhibitors that it could cause that so i think it was a side effect. still ......miserable , so make sure what you are taking with it and discuss with your doctor concerns about drug interactions."
"i have suffered from severe anxiety (gad) and was taking more and more klonopin as time went on. i am very sensitive to medication and have tried many different ssri/snri's through the year with horrible side effects. finally, i had dna testing to see what i would respond to and the result was pristiq. i started it several months ago in a small dose (i split the pills even though they say don't do this) and within a few days my anxiety literally went away. i was able to cut my klonopin in 1/2 over a two month period. the first week or two i was extremely tired but that passed. the only side effect i get from time to time is migraines. it still amazes me that my anxiety has disappeared. i no longer keep klonopin in my pocket!"
weight loss
"i have been on this medicine for two weeks now. i have read a bunch of those comments and they all helped me. thanks. i put them all together and here is mine. honestly, it's not working! i take with food, i have nausea, i get tired, (the first day, i was so sleepy), dizzy, afternoon hunger, still crave for carbs in the middle of the day, headaches, stomach pain, and now that i take one at night too, i understand, after reading some comments, why i have being having weird dreams. i have an appointment with my doctor coming march because she told me contrave can increase my blood pressure and she wants to monitor very close. i also feel bad about the price, not worth!"
birth control
"i started taking this because my previous birth control was on backorder at every pharmacy. i've had acne for about 5 yrs & i've tried everything but accutane, but to no avail. i accepted that i was going to have to deal with acne. i'm entering my third month on junel now and have noticed a drastic difference in my skin. i was a little bummed by junel at first because i was having regular spotting (i'm a period skipper), but now that i've seen this change in my skin i think i'll deal with the spotting. it was an accidental benefit, but i'm very happy with it. can't attest to the effectiveness of pregnancy prevention bc i always use condoms."
"i've been on pristiq for 18 months 100mg. it took 4 to 5 weeks to help me have a relaxed outlook on life. i still have a lot of the side effects you are all talking about. if i forget to take the pills for a day or two i fall straight back to the place i was. "
birth control
"i have been on this medication for over 9 years and it works great for me. my periods are way lighter and the pain is much more manageable. it causes no mood swings or weight gain for me. overall, works great and is very affordable; my insurance covers all of it, but even without insurance it's only $9/month."
"i was in a bad car accident 3 years ago and it tore up my already injured back. at first i relied on cymbalta and narcotics to get through the pain. the narcotics lifted my mood and the cymbalta did help with all other pain. eventually the narcotic i was on (lortab) stopped working all together. i'm not a big fan of opiates for pain relief and would not have taken them had it not been my only choice to feel normal. (i couldnt even sit in my car for more than 15 mins without searing nerve pain).i accidently stumbled on a review that said wellbutrin also helped with back pain. it has been the best thing that's happened to me. it has replaced both meds and i feel great! cymbalta was horrible to come off of, lortab not so much but think i was just lucky."
bipolar disorde
"this medication helped my symptoms tremendously. the main issue i had (and had to stop taking the medication) was low platelet count. please if you are on this medication have your platelets checked routinely. my therapist never told me this could be a side effect... i finally went to my family physician because i was bruising so badly."
"i'm 17 years old and i have suttons disease 2 and my doctor told me to take nucynta 4 times a day. well i can only take it once a day because it is very strong. it did relieve my pain but i'm having very bad anxiety and i can't sit still or concentrate at school or work, but i am pain free."
"i started saxenda in june 2017. i've lost 40 lbs. since i started. i also combined it with the ketogenic diet. the first month i felt nauseous and no appetite. it made me dizzy not eating. so, i forced myself to eat high fat low carb foods and man it helped. it's amazing what an avocado a day can do for you. i am now trying to incorporate a regular (portion controlled) diet into my life. it's a lot harder than you think after limiting carbs for a few months. i have about 30 more lbs to lose before my goal weight. i started at 5'6 213lbs. size 14. i weigh 175 now and a size 10. i'm at that point were i'm fearful it's going to stop working - i hope not but we will see. one more thing... my insurance through work pays 100% for this medication."
"after taking buproprion hcl xl 150mg a day i felt some relief from depression, anxiety and adhd. my md thought i should see a psychiatrist and would not increase my dosage. i went online and found that the proper dosage for me should be 300 mg a day. as a duplicate bridge player my performance went from last to an astounding first place finish yesterday. listen to your doctor but do your own research."
"i had been on lexapro for over a year and it was working great with the exception of having zero libido. with my relationship at stake i decided to try pristiq. after about a week i realized that i was back to my old irritable, pre-medicated self. i have been crying at the drop of a hat, snapping on loved ones, and i have been nauseous almost everyday. not to mention i went from 125 pounds to 137 pounds in a month. i talked to my doctor today and she suggested trying viibryd."
birth control
"taking this pill was an awful experience. everything was going fine until right around the time that i started the second month of it- and since then, i have had nasty breakthrough bleeding ever since then! (not to mention the breast soreness, leg cramps, and depression). i'm finishing the pill this week and it hasn't gotten any better or worse. so basically i've had my period for 8 weeks straight. "
"i was hopeful after reading all the reviews, but i was on 50mg for 2 days and could not bring myself to take it the third day. i was incapable of looking after my two young children, i was out of it and didn't even feel i could get in the car and drive, the simple task of cooking dinner seemed like a nightmare to me. would have been interesting to see how long this lasted and see the wonderful effects i am reading about. maybe when my husband is on holidays i might try again but being christmas in 3 days, working and looking after kids i need to be clear headed. on the plus side i couldn't hardly eat and lost 2kgs."
"i started contrave monday, just five days into it now, it's friday night and i've lost somewhere about 7 lbs already. (keep in mind though, i'm 6-5 and 290, so comes off faster.) i'm on low carb diet (atkins) - and am deep into ketosis, no carb cravings, and eating about 2,500 calories a day! lol! side effects have been a bit bothersome, jittery at times, and this sort of "motion sickness" feeling. appetite is gone."
"i had been prescribed klonopin in the past to treat severe anxiety until my appointment with a psychiatrist who deemed that such an approach to my anxiety issues was heavy handed. he took me off of them and since then i've been on lexapro, buspar, seroquel, zoloft, pristiq, paxil, atarax all to little or no avail. i moved to a different area and got a new psychiatrist who diagnosed me with post traumatic stress disorder. the original course of treatment for that was ativan 0.5mg three times daily. i was switched to xanax 1mg twice a day as needed. a couple of months passed by without substantial improvement and i was bumped to xanax 1mg 3x day doctor decided klonopin would be a better approach earlier today. so far so good."
birth control
"i switched to this birth control after being on another pill for five years. i've been on this pill for three months. i've gained noticeable weight, solely because i feel like i cant stop eating. even more so, i'm exhausted all the time, my energy is low. i'm a very active person and its becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the work outs. this is not me. i've also had headaches (and migraines) almost everyday. these headaches are debilitating. i've had to call out of work because my head was pounding and i was overwhelmed with nausea. i'm currently working with my ob to find an alternative. i'm sure this pill would be great for someone, but its not the one for me."
"started off with concerta in may 2012 it was not effective at all, switched over to adderall xr 10mg in july 2012 for seven days as a starter dose, then started adderall xr 20mg, i noticed a considerable difference between the two medicines instantly. i am able to focus for a very long period of time without being distracted, my grades improved exceptionally, i went from receiving grades below 55% now my lowest grade is 83%. the benefits of this medicine do outweigh the side effects for me, i noticed 20 minutes after taking adderall, i have increased bowel movements, lower libido and decreased appetite. i stop taking adderall during breaks and long weekends, the first day not on it, i am extremely tired, exercising and eating healthy helps."
bipolar disorde
"i have been on latuda for about 2 months now, i take 120mg at about 8-8:45pm every night. positives are that it makes me have almost no manic episodes and very few "mood switches". it has also helped with my sleep. before i was getting about 2-4 hours asleep at most each day. now with the latuda i sleep from about 9pm till 10am. the struggles i have with it are that it makes it very very hard to get up in the morning for school or whatever unless i get to sleep in until my body is ready. it has also made it very hard for me to eat. since starting i have lost nearly 15 pounds. other than that latuda has made a huge impact on my life. i'm finally starting too feel like how a normal 16yr old should!"
bipolar disorde
"this medicine at 5mg a day every day for a month was terrible. it made me have panic attacks and made me super paranoid, i was paranoid before but it made it even worse, would not recommend"
"i take 300 mg 3x a day and i feel the best i've felt in 10 years. nothing has worked to calm my anxiety like gabapentin including klonopin or xanax. i'm happy, relaxed, motivated and most importantly my appetite for alcohol which i used excessively to calm my anxiety has completely disappeared. i hope i can take this medication for forever. life is finally good again."
"i have severe insomnia, secondary to serious problems with my back. basically i need help falling asleep and staying asleep as something as simple as rolling over will cause me to bolt right awake. i take secobarbital (seconal sodium) and temazepam (restoril). usually, i take temazepam with seconal at bedtime and another temazepam during my nightly awakening. seconal is not used as a "first line" insomnia treatment any longer. however, if the weaker sedatives fail you, it really will get you to sleep. absolute caution is needed, the reputed strength and history of this medication is no joke. "
"i've been on zoloft for almost a year now. i will be changing medicines in 4 days, which makes me really anxious. this drug worked well for my depression and anxiety. however, i've been completely unable to have a good time while on this medication. i can't bring myself to go out, hang out with friends. i do nothing. i have no motivation. the biggest problem i've had with zoloft is extreme weight gain. i've gained 50 lbs in the year. "
birth control
"i been on nexplanon for 2 years i don't recommend this birth control if u an a relationship u will be on your period for so long i suffered with shortness of breath anxiety bad acne an long periods"