11 values
"i was prescribed rexulti when my daily depression meds began to no longer work for me. it started working almost instantly i have been on rexulti along with my daily meds, and i have been feeling better then ever."
"i've been on zoloft for 3 months now. initially, i suffered from side effects such as shivering, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and insomnia. these symptoms lasted for about three days. i was scared at first and planned on trying another medication for anxiety. however, i called my cousin who is a nurse and she told me to try cutting the pill in half. i took my cousins advice and cut the pill in half, taking only 25mg a day which works really well for me.i'm 5'4, 130lbs. i no longer suffer from anxiety, after taking zoloft that i realized that i was suffering from depression. zoloft alleviates my anxiety and has greatly helped with my depression, i now feel more happy and motivated to do things right away without procrastinating. life changer!"
"been on tramadol off and on for minor headaches and issues with iliotibial band syndrome and arthritis. basically since it is controlled it is a lot harder to obtain from a doctor and is also considered the new "painkiller" in er's or doctor's office unless you have a broken bone. in all honesty it helps my leg and lets me focus at work. i've tried the norco and vicodin es,also lyrica and gabapentin but i'm not a fan. i dislike the nausea feeling and the grogginess. but at the same time everyone is different some people can stand this medication and some people cannot. i would recommend to those who have less major pain and do'nt need it all the time."
bipolar disorde
"great medicine. i take it only in the morning at a low dosage - it's a bit of an upper and helps my brain work better and faster. probably no good for bipolars on the high energy side. it's therapeutic, too - unlike lithium it's there working all the time. wouldn't take it at night, and something to wind down from it is helpful. no side effects besides lunchtime headaches, a little extra clumsiness and mixing up words sometimes when i'm speaking or typing."
"i started using this cream about 5 months ago for my moderate acne (.025) i started using it everyday after i washed my face before i went to bed. for the first 3 months or so my face became dry, red, and irritated. i used moisturizer to combat the dryness but it was irritating. using my my old s acid face wash stung so bad. my acne also got worse during these first three months. a lot of whiteheads and bumps that never fully emerged. i pushed through thanks to these reviews and by the 4 month, things started looking up. now my face is mostly clear and scars are beginning to fade and the irritation and dryness have improved a bit. to all you struggling, keep it up!"
"i have been on belviq for about a week. i must say, i got sick right away and felt awful for about 4-5 days. it was a combination of getting a cold/cough and taking the belviq i believe. the side affects have been gone for two days and i feel great! food doesn't even look that good and when i do eat something it is very easy to eat half or a third of what i normally would. like others have said- willpower in a bottle! i will update in a few months!"
"my son has been on this patch for a year. we started at 10mg, and are moving to 15 mg now. it has (by far) been the best adhd medicine we've tried. we have had pretty minimal skin irritation issues overall. sometimes the backing of the patch is hard to peel, but 15 seconds in the freezer solves that problem. by far our favorite adhd medicine."
bipolar disorde
"i used to have a lot of problems with my bi-polar. i was self medicating with marijuana. i started taking zoloft and things worked well, although once i had a major manic episode and lost all my money. ouch!"
"this is the best anti-acne solution there is. reading most of the other reviews, i can see people are not using it correctly. a dermatologist in scotland put me on to this (duac 12mg/g 50mg/g gel) and explained it is to be used sparingly. i.e. do not rub it all over your face or it will not only burn and dry your skin (which in turn will cause your sebacious glands to activate to moisturise your skin which can lead to get more acne infection) but also make your system more resistant to the antibiotic. important: apply to each pimple individual and slightly around the area, not all over your face or back i have since been given another tube of duac in romania that is weaker (10mg/g 30mg/g) & found this still works, might be better for some"
birth control
"i have never felt a pain like i did upon the skyla insertion. it was a 3-step process, and the second step was the most painful. they say it is different for everyone, apparently my pain threshold is much lower than other women. this sharp pain and cramping cause immediate tears and a small yelp. immediately after, i became very pale and lightheaded and had to use the restroom. i could hardly sit up in the bathroom because i was so lightheaded and nausea caused me to vomit. i was so weak and honestly wanted to just lie on the floor because i began to sweat. after about 30 minutes, i was able to stand up and drive home. the cramps and nausea remained very severe until the next morning. ibuprofen and heating pads helped me sleep that night."
birth control
"i had this inserted today. due to extremely heavy bleeding during my periods i chose to get an iud. the previous reviews freaked me out! the insertion hurt for about 10 seconds and then i just felt cramps a bit heavier than my period. it was not as bad as some of these reviews stated (maybe a 6/10). i was told to expect moderate cramping for about 3 days as my body adjusts and light bleeding for 3-6 months. hoping this will be worth it!"
"i am a 40yr old female. i have had acne since i was 13. i noticed bumps all over my forehead for years along with a large cystic pimple a couple times a year. 6 weeks ago my dermatologist prescribed aczone along with 2 antibiotics(1 oral 1 topical--solodyn and ziana). this has been the perfect trifecta of treatment! my forehead has not been this clear since i was a a kid and my skin is significantly less greasy. highly recommend!!"
birth control
"i'd been on the nor-qd pill for many years without problem. this year my insurance changed and the pharmacy issued sharobel in its place. i thought it'd be fine since it has the the exact same amount of norethindrone. wow, was i wrong! luckily i only got a three month supply because i am quitting this pill. in two and half months on this pill, i've had a period or bleeding every 5-7 days. it's not just bleeding, i get the whole deal; cramps, lower back pain, hunger cravings, crankiness, and bloating. my skin has broken out, i've been super irritable/moody, and i don't understand how the side effects can be so extreme for me when i previously was on nor-qd for so long and experienced none of these things."
birth control
"i started taking bc pills when i was 15 yrs old. began using sprintec when i was maybe 16 or 17. either way i'm 22 now and am happy with my body and its' cycle. i get my period usually on time every 4 weeks (28 days). i do cramp, but lighter than off oc. i have never been pregnant to my knowledge, and i wouldn't say i'm remotely good with taking it on time or every day. sprintec is very reliable in my opinion, i would recommend it to someone interested or looking at bc."
"i'm allergic to morphine, demerol, and several other pain medications. i took toradol for severe neck and shoulder pain. it worked. i had a little upset stomach but took an antacid, and it went away. it worked better for me, because of me being allergic to other pain medications. it also worked wonders after surgery. it should not be taken for more than 5 days, and use caution if you have kidney or liver disease. use caution if you are using a blood thinner. it also did not make we drowsy, fast heart rate, or dizzy."
"it has been decent. i have definitely seen a cut back in my oil production and acne on my neck, however i have been getting breakouts on my cheeks and forehead and i never really did before. i don't see much of a difference other than less oil. my acne location just pretty much relocated."
birth control
"i started this birth control 4 months ago right before i left for college in august. i read reviews and i was iffy but my ob promised me everyone's body is different and i should try it out. the first month was okay. i was happy as ever at college. i got horrible cramps when i got my first period on it and my period was really irregular but i figured i just needed to adjust. come late october, november, and now december have been the worst months of my life. i'm crying every day, lost my boyfriend, planned on started therapy, don't want to go back to school, nothing makes me happy i want to do nothing at all times. everybody's body is different but this depression isn't even worth risking. do not take."
birth control
"i have had some side effects. really heavy periods and about two days after i take it out, i have extreme hot flashes that make me extremely warm. i was out on a very cold day when this last happened, my head was just about soaked with sweat."
birth control
"i'm so glad i finally read reviews about this pill, and people are not lying when they say it's the worst. i recently found out that i have vertigo, but i was dealing with what i thought were vertigo symptoms for much longer than my doctor said they would last. the symptoms of this pill and vertigo are extremely similar. i am constantly light headed. almost everyday. sometimes to the point where i can't even drive. it makes me nauseous. i can't focus at work. and if you think people who said if gives them mood swings were being dramatic, they're not. i have anxiety attacks on a regular basis. i've most definitely gained weight and have seen my acne get worse. don't take this pill!"
"all my life, a typical night would start with 1 to 2 hours laying in bed before falling asleep, and then waking several times with trouble getting back to sleep. my bedroom has light blocking curtains plus a white noise machine, but i still had trouble getting more than five hours of sleep. my doctor has prescribed ambien cr, rozerem, sonata, restoril and trazadone. i have tried benadryl and melatonin/valerian pills but nothing worked well or long term until i tried quetiapine. i take 50mg 30 minutes before bedtime and i sleep a good 6 to 8 hours daily! i have more vivid dreams but no nightmares, and 3 years with no loss of effectiveness and no weight gain! a good dose of morning caffeine and i have no lingering grogginess either!"
birth control
"i have only been on orsythia for about 1 month and i just started my second week of my second month. i guess i didn't notice earlier but i started to get slight headaches and i didn't feel very well physically and mentally. it do help with my cramps and my period, not so much my acne but it's better. the worst part of orsythia has to be the mood swings and the sweating! i sweat a lot even if it's cold i'll start a light sweat, it's gross. but the mood swings are the worst i just started feeling this and it happened while i was talking to one of my friends i just blew up on him, for no reason. then later on i started to feel really bad(mentally) and i cried for a while and i couldn't figure out why i was crying! i don't recommend!"
"i have never been so upset/embarrassed with outbursts of anger. the day before i was screaming at my daughter at a water park as well as my poor son in the airport. i can't believe my aggressive behavior. i'm getting off of this."
"well, i am using 400mg per day together with rexetin (paroxetine) and fluonxol, sometimes xanax. i used to have much more medicine, because i have manic depression with tendency to self harm and sleep disorder. what i like about this medicine is that i can have kind of 3d dreams and i can sleep normally, but what i dislike is that i have low libido and that's why my boyfriend thinks that something is wrong with him (even when i say that it is just a side effect of medicines i have to take). it just seems for me like "must to do" action without any passion. and it is strange because i was very different before with great sex drive."
emergency contraception
"i had unprotected sex the day before i started ovulating, and took the morning after pill 7 hours after the sex. an hour after taking the pill i had cramps, bleeding, and felt really tired. the next week i had breast tenderness and sometimes what felt like cramps. my advice is to take it asap, to not panic and don't read plan b horror stories. go into planned parenthood and talk to someone if you need a peace of mind or you can chat with someone online, i did and it helped me a lot. i got my period two days early and it was slightly heavier than normal. try to relax and let the pill do what it does, and take it day by day. it's going to okay, whatever happens it's going to be okay."
"i have sleep apnea but can't stand a mask on me, and without drugs i wake up constantly by stopping to breath. i take 75 mg of diph. an hour before i want to go to sleep, have a couple puffs of indica (night time pot,) ( it's legal here) and it works like a charm, i stay asleep for 5 or 6 hrs which is a long time for me, little groggy when i wake up but it goes away after a couple puffs of sativa (day time pot) i've been a toker for 49 yrs, it's good for a lot of uses. i am 66 my doctor says he agrees that pot is easier on the body and mind than prescription drugs for anxiety, insomnia, depression, pain,and loss of appetite. they make edibles, gum, etc for those that hate smoke."
birth control
"at first, i really liked nuvaring. it's super easy to use and it's nice to be able to forget about it for 3 weeks. i could feel it every now and then but it wasn't uncomfortable, just there. after one month, i ended up with the worst acne on my back and chest that i have ever had in my life. the acne was so bad, i almost thought it was a reaction. i took nuvaring out and within a week, my skin was clear again. i didn't have any other side effects besides the acne, but acne isn't something i can deal with. i'm switching back to pills."
birth control
"i started this pill a couple months before turning 18, just turned 20, so about 2 years or so. i did notice the weight gain but i quit smoking at the same time so i don't really know what caused it. my periods don't exist anymore. my doctor told me i can skip my placebos and never bleed. i still spot at random times of the year. usually twice a year and it's very light to where i don't have to wear anything. i have noticed my mood swings getting pretty bad at certain times but overall the pill works great for me! i haven't had any issues yet."
"i've only been taking it for 4 days...i've had no side effects except i'm always thirsty, but i see that as a positive because it forces me to drink water all day long. i do get a little hungry at meal times, but i get full so fast - after eating a very small amount of food. i make a green smoothie for breakfast and i am totally fine until lunch. yesterday i had a yogurt and some honeydew melon. i work out most days at 5pm, so i ate a snack of a cheese stick and a couple pieces of turkey before, and then after all i had was a couple more pieces of turkey...was not hungry. i usually snack a lot more, and eat much bigger meals!! i have not weighed myself yet, i'm waiting till saturday (1 week). i am 5'2 and weighed 162 last saturday."
"love this product! i'm 34 years old and i've had acne for as long as i can remember. this stuff really works for me. i've been using it for about two weeks now and this is the best my skin has ever been. highly recommend!"
birth control
"i have had a wonderful experience with mirena! i have had zero side effects, its been great! i cant believe so many negative reviews but everyone is different and there is something that works for everybody! my sister didnt like mirena so had her taken out for paragard which she absolutely loves! i honestly cant say anything bad about any iud i think they are awesome. pills are old news this is a new generation for women who cant take control of are bodies and choose when we are ready for babies."
birth control
"i have cramps now and get daily headaches.. i truly believe it's from this patch. i will finish this month then maybe go to minastrin which is less estrogen.. i haven't decided yet. i would love to just do natural family planning, side effects aren't worth it."
birth control
"this birth control seemed fine at first, but 10 days into it i started feeling not like myself--bad mood swings, feeling breathless or winded even when sitting, my blood pressure would spike for no reason, and i felt extremely sluggish. one day i even had mild heart attack symptoms. my body definitely did not react well to this medication."
birth control
"i got the skyla inserted three weeks before i got married (virgin until then). putting in skyla was fast, but easily the most painful experience of my entire life. it sounds like someone is shooting a rubber-band gun and it feels like someone has shot your uterus. the cramps were the worst cramps i have had in my entire life- i couldn't focus, i was in tears- really the most painful experience ever. the cramping pain and bleeding didn't stop for about two months and periods are still extremely painful. i have bad mood swings, i get depressed all the time, and my libido is definitely decreased. my husband can also feel the wires sometimes and it's painful to him. i'm not pregnant, so it works... but i'm not sure it's worth the side effects."
"i am a 28 yr old male who was very fortunate and never had acne as a kid or throughout my college years. around my 27th birthday i started breaking out. initially, it was not to bad and i thought it was stress from growing up and dealing with adult issues. however, it kept getting worse. i tried all the otc meds and that was a waste of hundreds of dollars. i went to a dermatologist and i was put on differin and it is great. the first 6 weeks were rough and i thought about quitting it a lot. i stuck with it and now my face is clear. the main thing for new users is to know that it will not work overnight and will prob get worse before it gets better. stay with it."
birth control
"i had this birth control for 3 years now and it was processe and painless .. i barely get periods and cramps. . but i noticed iv been gaining weight and its been hard to loose .. iv been having lots of mood swing and always feeling angry and depression ... but a crazy sex drive. ."
birth control
"i love this!! i take this pill and was so scared of being on birth control due to side effects of weight gain and mood swings but i've had absolutely no symptoms at all with this pill. definitely recommend since it has given me no negative side effects at all. as long as it stays effective i will continue to use loestrin, so glad i found a reliable birth control!"
birth control
"i've had the paragard iud twice.. first time around i had it in for 5 months and had it removed due to pain after sex every time. i loved it though no hormones regular periods! so i ended up getting it placed again a year later and this time around is amazing! no pains after or during sex i honestly don't even feel it it's almost as if it's none existent! and my periods are heavier first 2 days and crampier again only the first 2 days. so far this has been my fav bcm of all ! really recommend"
birth control
"on my second year out of three. no acne problems, little weight gain (5-10 pounds) irregular periods but that's nothing new. best thing about it, don't have to remember or think about birth control and i haven't got pregnant!!!"
"this medication gave me the worst experience of my life. it made me sleepy, yes. but at the same time, it sped up my mental discomfort, and it made my muscles jump. similar to restless leg syndrome, but throughout my entire body. it was so bad they had to reverse it with benadryl to alleviate the symptoms, and finally they gave me a mixture of valium and demerol to put me in a twilight state until it passed. if you have any medication allergies, even mild. i would strongly advise against this medication. "
birth control
"my arm was bruised after getting the implant for about a week, my period came whenever it wanted and stayed for up to 14 days at a time. after about 6 months my period had completely gone away. i had horrible hormonal changes and mood changes, i gained almost 50 pounds very quickly after getting the implant inserted. this birth control is up to 3 years, after two and a half years i got pregnant. i knew it had worn off because i lost weight and felt more like myself. after finding out i was pregnant i made an appointment to get the implant removed so i could have a normal pregnancy. but i ended up having a miscarriage from the implant before i could get it removed. a big weight was lifted off my shoulders after getting it removed"
"i was on zoloft years 9 years ago for social anxiety and it worked great for me. i decided to get off it but slowly all my symptoms came back. also got very depressed. got back in zoloft 7 months ago and i feel great again. i did have to get a night guard from my dentist. i chipped two from teeth and cracked a molar from grinding my teeth. 200mg daily."
weight loss
"my weight loss experience with phentermine was successful. early on, my doctor would refill with the agreement i would stop by every three - four weeks for a blood pressure check. since my blood pressure was never an issue, and everything else was good, i continued on with the daily time-release capsule, 15 mg. took a few days to get used to, but after that all was good. in six months i lost 15 pounds and am grateful it was slow and steady. i'm 5'5', weigh 137 pounds, and i feel good. i exercise, eat lots of vegetables, try to keep carbs to a minimum and i'm mindful of portion sizes. phentermine worked for me. i highly recommend!"
weight loss
"i have been on this for a week now with no side affects. i watch what i eat and stay away from carbs and sugars. i will be getting married in june and have been trying to loose weight since last summer by following the sos diet very strictly and going to the gym 4 times a week and not much change. so far i am down 3 lbs. in week one. i'm hopeful for the first time in a long time!!!"
birth control
"i got the implant in march 2015 right after i decided to stop using the shot as my birth control method. for the first 8 months, i loved it. no side effects that bothered me, i did not get any periods (which was what i was used to from the shot). and then for some reason in december 2015, i got a period that lasted for 42 days. yes 42 days straight! some days were heavy spotting, or light bleeding and the rest of the days were heavy & painful. i also have been breaking out nonstop since christmas, my acne has never been this awful. i am ready to take this implant out of my arm and go back on the shot. :( sad because i was hoping to stay on this for 3 years. not worth all the breakouts and never ending periods."
emergency contraception
"plan b one step is a lifesaver. my boyfriend and i had un protective sex. so within 4 hours after the incident, i took the pill. i was paranoid as hell, not sure whether this pill would work or not ( my first time taking it and i am also young). i experienced mild cramping , head aches and nausea for five days. but my period came on time ! the key is to stay calm and let the pill do its job."
birth control
"pros: lighter periods, some cramping but much less, no pregnancy scares. little to no nausea after the first week. no migraines. cons: horrible moodiness, depression, anxiety, feeling insecure. weight gain (though less than other users). painful intercourse. after a year of being on this pill, i went off for 3 months due to insurance coverage issues. while i was off, i noticed an immediate improvement in mood and energy. after going back on, the depression/mood swings started back up again, and i noticed an extreme drop in libido. though my experience was not as horribly negative as some others, i will be looking for another birth control."
"i had surgery for scoliosis with spinal fusion 27 years ago. since then, my neck and lower back (without fusion) have been collapsing, curving, and i have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. the pain began to extend to my hips and shoulders and it became impossible to function. i had difficulty getting up and moving around, and more and more difficulty doing basic daily chores. (i am a 51 y/o woman with 5 children - no wonder, right? ha ha). anyway, my doctor prescribed ultram er 100mg for me about 5 years ago and it has given me relief for the most part - until the last year. i think i need to increase the dosage as i know my back is worse and the pain is getting worse, however, ultram has been a life saver."
emergency contraception
"my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex on the day of my ovulation and although i took plan b about 18 hours later i was still super paranoid for the next week and a half or so until i took a pregnancy test that calmed my nerves. i thought that i was going to be in that 10% that still gets pregnant due to the time in my cycle that i had sex, however the pill worked perfectly with no side effects whatsoever and two weeks later i got my period. it was reading reviews online of plan b and other situations like mine that calmed my nerves, so to anyone out there just know that this stuff really works and to not worry unnecessarily."
"i am a 19 year old college student and just got prescribed vyvanse about 2 days ago. when i take it i mainly feel relaxed and sometimes excited. i've never been on any stimulant or add medication before. my main concern is losing weight on this medicine. i'm about 5'9" and weigh about 135lbs. i eat a lot and i'm still fairly skinny. i've always worried about my weight and the last thing i want is to get skinnier. "
"started vyvanse (30mg) about 3 years ago, and still on it to this day! i am extremely more concentrated, and have more motivation throughout the entire day. this medication saved my life, and i have not looked back every since! plus you loose weight, so that's a plus (:"
birth control
"i have been on birth control for over 16 years now. i started with pills at 18 then depo shot for 5 years, and now back to pills. i was on seasonique and was okay. i switched gyno and to help with copay she recommended jolessa. i tried it and have been on it for almost 6 months now. i have been pms'ing since i started. breasts are constantly sore, severe mood swings, headaches and not to mention 10 pounds weight gain. i have always exercised and eat right. i am definitely switching!"
birth control
"i have been on the patch for a month and i absolutely love it. it's my first form of birth control and personally i gag taking pills. within the first month of using the patch i lost 3 pounds. my sex drive is high and my breast got a little larger. slightly. i had cramps during my week of the patch but i didn't mind. i rather have cramps than having my period for an entire month. i recommend the patch for anyone who wants a form of birth control who don't want to gain weight."
"i have spinal stenosis in 2 levels of my lumbar spine and 3 bulging/protruding discs. i could hardly sit or walk for months. i was hoping for surgery just to ease the pain. i couldn't drive for longer than 15 minutes, couldn't exercise like i used to, could hardly work. my doctor put me on cymbalta 2 weeks ago and within 10 days, almost all my pain is gone! i still have some numbness in my lower leg and foot but i am no longer taking percocet and am weaning off the morphine for night time! cymbalta gave me back my life! i hope it continues! thank you for this wonderful medicine!"
"i started methadone a few days ago and oh my gosh have i been amazed! i have felt better in the last few days more than i have in the last couple of years!! i have chronic pain and been on almost all the other opiates. i fell into the opiate addiction myself. i think methadone is a god send!! i would suggest methadone to anyone batttling chronic pain issues."
"i am 21 and i had bumps on my chin everyday since i was 16. i had tried everything, including a clarisonic, expensive face washes, creams, etc. thankfully, my dermatologist prescribed my atralin and my skin is practically perfect. i had an initial break-out for about a week and a half, then suddenly my skin was perfect. no bumps and so smooth! it does make my face rather shiny, which i am not used to since i have dry skin. i am so happy with this product! it is so nice to wake up every morning with great skin. this is worth the price tag. i wash my face nightly with bobbi brown "extra balm rinse", use this gel, then apply a heavy moisturizer. get atralin! it will change your life!"
"horrible experience w loryna. took it for acne, on the 3rd week and my skin is as bad as it was on the mirena iud. giving me terrible anxiety and mood swings. the acne is killing me"
"i had a bad experience each time i tried it. i have been on ambien for many years, but my dr wanted to try something else. the rozerem made me extremely anxious, and did the opposite of what i needed it for! my heart beat fast, and i had a feeling of nervousness and anxiousness. i tried it 4 times, and it was the same all 4. maybe i'm allergic."
birth control
"having the nexplanon put into my arm was virtually pain free. i did have the bruising and tenderness around the injection site. no symptoms for the first month. maybe a headache here and there. i have started bleeding though and it's been every day for 9 days now. it's not enough to be a full blown period but i have had painful cramping the first 5 days, more than with my normal period. i am optimistic tho and hope i will eventually have no period."
birth control
"this is my first birth control i have ever been on. i've been on this pill going on two years. it does its job in the field of preventing pregnancy. the only thing i dislike about it is i get very moody at times while on it, if i skip a pill and have to double up on it the next night i get a real bad headache! i have experienced weight gain as well, which no girl cares for. but like they all say every one is different."
birth control
"the best bc i've tried! i'm taking it for one month and have minimal side effects. my breasts slightly increased in size, but no weight gain or acne. i'm taking it at night, so i don't know if there are any headaches or nausea, i don't have any during the day. love it!"
birth control
"this pill was a nightmare for me. i had random hot flashes that would last 2-3 hours and i would need to lay down immediately or go to a quiet place sit down and get some air. i also had random loss of appetite, i would be super hungry order a huge meal and then boom, hunger gone. i'm putting my last pack on fire."
birth control
"this was the worst birth control i've ever been on. i got it in july or 2015 at first i loved it. no periods or anything. then i started getting bad migraines that won't go away. then my mood for all messed up along with gaining 50lbs have stretch marks everywhere on my arms stomach sides hips passed my knees everywhere. i've had more acne than i've ever had. i'm always tired, i've had insomnia but now it's to the point i go 4 or 5 days on 2 hours at most of sleep. i'm almost 21 and can't fit into anything and afraid to wear shorts or anything cause of all the stretch marks. i get itchy where the rod is and it doesn't stop. i've been wanting this out for awhile. can't wait for monday."
birth control
"i have been using the patch for 6 years now, i have only been off once ( i buy it when i'm in mexico since is $100 at usa and i can get 1 month for $35-40 ) so one time i ran out and had to be off for 2 months. over all i love it, easy to remember, no side effects, haven't got pregnant in 6 years i have been married. my periods since i am on it are regular and i know exactly when is coming. before it they used to be long and heavy, with a lot of cramps, now they last 3-4 days max with only 1-2 days of regular bleeding and the rest is light. i only get 1 day of cramps (the heaviest day) and i get sensitive (not sore) and heavy boobs before my period comes. when i did came off i was so sensitive, i had sore boobs and my body was crazy."
"i too have been experiencing dramatic weight loss with buspar. just read the last comment and pretty much spot on. i don't get hungry anymore. i'm a 5'7" female who weighed 175lbs. and now i'm down to 120lbs. after two months of this medicine. also i noticed i seem to be having some severe ocd thoughts while taking this medicine. in the beginning it was all smooth sailing and now it seems like it's not working. going to try another medicine."
"i wish this was around back when i was in high school! i have struggled with acne for my whole teen/adult life. i have taken yaz on and off for 8 years now, and my skin never looks better than when i'm on yaz. the doc took me off last year because i was getting headaches and she was concerned the estrogen in the pill was causing it, but after a year on the mini pill with the same frequency of headaches and the added terribleness of deep cystic acne, i am happily back on yaz and already seeing an improvement in my skin. only complaint (mainly from my husband) is a slightly lowered sex drive."
"unreal difference. my side effects are minimum and i'm on 60 mg a day. this is one stop shopping. i had terrible acne--cysts everywhere. i'm 3 months in and it's almost completely gone."
birth control
"i have been on this birth control for 11 months now. at first i experienced moodiness and being over-emotional, and i still do sometimes whenever i start my new pack. however, my periods are so much lighter and only last from wednesday to sunday. coming from somewhere who has had nightmare periods (such heavy bleeding that i would miss school) this is a great plus. my skin has also cleared up tremendously. i had my face under control but i would always get back acne, and i don't break out on my back anymore. i have also gone up two cup sizes and i'm definitely not complaining. also, it does its job on preventing pregnancy!"
"i have always been a small person but now i am 23 lbs. overweight for the 2nd go around again. i thought i would try alli instead of going to get a prescription this time. it cost me $62.00 plus. i have been using it for 3 weeks and it does absolutely nothing to help curb your appetite, if anything, i seemed to eat more. so i thought i would try taking more than the suggested, well that did nothing either. i will report that there were no side effects or illness or anything like that which i have read on some postings. alli was a big waste of money for me and i will just have to go and get a prescription again, which does work. alli is not a substitute for a prescription diet pill, no matter what it states."
"i used this medication years ago for my migraines. since that time, my husband has joined the army and we have moved several times, etc. each time we do, i have to start all over again with my migraine treatments (i have hemi-palegic migraines) and i would give my eye-teeth for one of these doctors to just let me take stadol ns again! it worked so well mainly because even when i was nauseated, i would still "keep" this medication because it was in the nasal spray form. this medicine was a wonder drug for me... oh how i wish it could be again."
"i started saxenda on 9/1/16 and by 9/30/16 i had lost 18 pounds! i increased the dosage each week and until i started the 3mg dosage, i constantly felt nauseated. fortunately, this has stopped and i am not having any side effects. i am not weighing myself - will let the doctor do this at the end of each month."
birth control
"i suffered from severe headaches about two days after i started yaz. the headaches continued almost every day. i was on the pill for about a year until i finally switched. i no longer have headaches."
"hello everyone!! i wrote a review on the .05% retin-a about two months ago at my 3-month mark, so i'm back a little after my 5-month mark! so i'm still pleased, as my skin is getting better (slowly, but still!!) i used to wear a medium-full coverage foundation but now i can just wear a thin layer of tinted moisturizer and be satisfied! around my time of month, i get a big pimple here and there, but i definitely noticed that the tretinoin limits the number&size&recovery time of my acne. hopefully by christmas(8-month mark and my birthday month!!) i will have clear skin:) good luck fellow tretinoin retin-a users!!"
"i'm a 40 year old male who didn't have the benefits of medications when i was in school. add wasn't as well known back then. i was diagnosed with hyper dyslexia. i always thought that it was strange because i didn't see letters backwards but i just accepted it. i was officially diagnosed with add in my mid 20's. i have taken most of the medicine options over the past 12 years including concerta, strattera, adderall, ritalin and ritalin la. couldn't sleep on concerta, i was out of my mind with strattera, adderall was like popping caffeine pills and ritalin was too high maintenance as it neutralized after 2-3 hours. then i found ritalin la. it's not the magic bullet but it's the best that i have found so far. it costs me 10x generic but worth it."
"my 7 year old son has severe adhd, odd, and anxiety. we started him on vyvanse 20mg, depakote twice a day, and kapvay .1 in the evening last week. we were worried because he talked so much like he was on speed, and ran around the house looking for paper, books, pens to write with and never sat still but he was very pleasant when we started the vyvanse. however, he was always saying i'm sorry for blurting, please, and thank you which was unheard of before starting the vyvanse. we were noticing around 4:00 the vyvanse wearing off and the aggression and whining came back with a vengeance! we added another .1 mg kapvay after school with his depakote and the result was amazing. he is pleasant all day long."
bipolar disorde
"i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 6 years ago and had my share of trying different medications to get it under control. after multiple trials with medicines my doctor finally found the right combination for me (lexapro, lithium, (depakote had sexual side effects), synthroid, trazodone at night, multivitamins and b-1 vitamin). this combination worked great to get my mood swings under control. once my mood swings were under control, i started having extreme anxiety attacks. i was then diagnosed with anxiety disorder as well. my doctor prescribed 0.75 mg klonopin 3 times a day, as needed and it is a lifesaver. klonopin knocks my anxiety down within 15 min. i have been taking it for 3 yrs with great results."
birth control
"i have been taking loestrin 24 for almost a year now and at first i really haven't had any problems with it. i loved it. i used to have my periods for a full 7 days straight and really heavy. now i only get it 2-3 days and its super light, which is amazing! some side effects i hate with it though is i get so emotional so easily. another this is i have absolutely no sex drive. we went from doing it all the time to now once or twice a month. i feel bad but what can i do. i always get my period the day i start the brown pill and now this month i haven't gotten it. i want the reassurance of getting it for at least a day so i don't freak out thinking i'm pregnant."
"this takes at least 6-8 week to kick in, but don't just rely on the tablets. make sure you drink lots of water and good food. i've noticed cheese makes my acne really bad. i've taken these tablets 1 year now, they help to an extent but i get the bad side effects, for some reason they make me need the toilet 4/5 times during the night, makes me wonder if they are trying to help my bladder as that's what these tablets are for and my body is confused. also get bad headaches towards the end of the day, i'd say as severe as a migraine. so i'm now coming off them and going to a skin specialist instead. not worth the headaches to me!"
"my wisdom teeth are impacted and i have several cavities and i am waiting to have surgery. my doctor prescribed vicodin for the pain and it works very well as long as i continue taking it every 6 hours. i can tell when the medication wears off, because my jaw starts to throb."
"i'm a 47 yr old female. this medicine greatly improved my attention. i was able to complete tasks at work. organize my work and home. the problem was that my heart would beat rapidly at night keeping me awake. i stopped taking it when my blood pressure increased significantly."
birth control
"unfortunately i am experiencing most of the bad side effects. i've had implanon in for about 8 months and i have been bleeding non-stop. i have no sex drive whatsoever and have gained 30lbs. i made an appointment to get it removed because i can't take this bleeding and weight gain. i'm depressed and have bad anxiety. only good thing is that i haven't gotten pregnant. this birth control just isn't for me."
birth control
"it completely worked for birth control. even if i forgot to take it for a couple days, i never had a pregnancy. but the past 2 1/2 years i started to break out badly and i would feel a pain in the opening of my vagina during sex. it literally felt like i had a cut in a certain spot. i had it checked out immediately by my gynecologist and he couldn't figure it out. i stopped sex for up to a month to see if it was something that needed to heal and it never went away. it was so painful i would almost cry every time and it made me scared to have sex. i never once thought it could be the pill but i recently stopped taking it just to take a break and that pain went away in a week! and i also got pregnant within a month of stopping too."
"i have suffered from severe anxiety (gad) and was taking more and more klonopin as time went on. i am very sensitive to medication and have tried many different ssri/snri's through the year with horrible side effects. finally, i had dna testing to see what i would respond to and the result was pristiq. i started it several months ago in a small dose (i split the pills even though they say don't do this) and within a few days my anxiety literally went away. i was able to cut my klonopin in 1/2 over a two month period. the first week or two i was extremely tired but that passed. the only side effect i get from time to time is migraines. it still amazes me that my anxiety has disappeared. i no longer keep klonopin in my pocket!"
weight loss
"i started belviq with the free 15 day prescription. after the 15 days, i had only lost 4 pounds. i decided to get the 30 day prescription since it was only $75 with the belviq savings card. i think i will try it for a month or two to see how it goes. i haven't really experienced any side affects, other than my blood sugar being way lower than normal, which is a good thing, although i'm not really sure why, as i feel i am eating as much as before. some days it seems i get fuller quicker than normal when eating, but i still get as hungry as i ever did before. i will be getting back to more regular exercise soon, so i hope that will help too. i only gave it a "5" for now, until i see how it goes. fingers crossed!"
"been on duloxetine for 4 weeks now at 30 mg. first day had terrible diarrhea, then felt groggy and almost in a dream like state for the first week. i was prescribed cymbalta for migraines and general anxiety. week 2 started to feel more normal but my anxiety was worse (to be expected). week 3 i noticed my migraines were less frequent and i tolerated the pain better, also started feeling happier and less anxious. week 4 my anxiety is almost gone n migraines have gone from daily to maybe every 3 or 4 days and are less severe. worth the first two weeks of feeling crappy."
"depression has got worse causing me to miss work. have been on 20 different antidepressants over 7 years. pristiq didn't help at all for me, headaches, foggy and nausea. also shaky at times."
"i have weened off of effexor 150mg and 75 mg over the past 3 weeks. i started cymbalta 30 mg 2 days ago and was still have horrible adverse effects coming off of the effexor. effexor worked great for my anxiety and severe pmdd, but was making me extremely sluggish. i have also had chronic back pain for the past 7 years and my doctor wanted to switch me to cymbalta. well, the transition/withdrawal has been terrible. a lot if crying and panicking for no reason, crawling skin, etc. i took one vistaril, and found it very helpful. my dr. has prescribed vistaril 25-50 mg every 6 hours as needed. has been a god send to help my anxiety during this transition. it also has been very helpful for my sons anxiety as well."
bipolar disorde
"i've been on 150mg of lithium for 3 days, after 5 days i'll be on 300mg and then gradually go up. i've suffered from bi polar & depression for over 10 years, i've been on 15 different antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. nothing seemed to even stabilize me. the past few months i've gotten so bad to where i've thought about suicide constantly. i was so depressed, easily irritated and cried over the littlest thing. lithium has so far, saved me. i feel the best i've felt in a long time! i have no side effect as of yet. my mind is completely cleared of any negative thoughts. although it's only been 3 days i'm hopeful things will keep getting better from here. i'm so glad i tried lithium!!"
birth control
"all i have to say is ugh. i haven't taken birth control in about 4 years and i decided it was smart for me to go back on it. i've been on apri for about 2 weeks now and i am totally not myself. i feel so sad and depressed. i have also had random crying spells. appetite hasn't increased at all but my skin has broken out. my skin has been super itchy all over since i've been on it and i've been getting stomach pains and headaches. birth control does work different for everyone but i definitely plan on switching to a new birth control when this pack finished."
emergency contraception
"hey, so i took the ellaone about 7h after the condom slipped. it cost about 35€. the first 3 days i didn't have any side effect exceppt major sickness but i think i was sooo nervous that i could not eat anything. dont worry i was devastated and so horrified for two whole weeks but it worked! i am so happy! don't worry you are gonna be okay! :* but after the first 3 days my skin got soo bad and i had a lot of cramps but hey, worth it. i got my period about 3 weeks late - all ok ;)"
bipolar disorde
"i was first put on abilify in 2004. it is very effective, and has been the most useful medication for me. i have developed gallstones, have a fatty liver and have high triglycerides. it is definitely not because of my diet. i was a vegan for 23 years and i am very strict with what i eat. i now have to get my gallbladder removed and i think it has to do with taking psychiatric drugs over the years. it is well noted now that abilify causes gallstones, a fatty liver and high triglycerides. i have been in constant pain for three months and just now, after 12 years of taking abilify, may discontinue the use and start something new. overall, for the mood disorder this was highly effective and useful in treating my bipolar depression."
"my doc switched me to this due to some issues with morphine sulphate er 15mg three times a day. he put me on the hysingla er at 20mg once a day with the oxy 15mg x2 for breakthru pain. been on it for two days and am in constant pain at a 6/7 level. with the other med i was 4/5 on bad days. so disappointed not too mention the cost is more than double for me. don't know if the dose is just two low considering how long i've been on pain meds guess i could ask him to up it to 40mg and see if that works. 20mg isn't hacking it at all. so tired of the government sticking its nose into my health."
birth control
"i've been on sprintec for two months now and my doctor had told me that if i wanted to skip my period i could just skip over the white and jump right into the next pack. so after deciding to do so i've been bleeding for the past week now unexpectedly throughout the day. i have never had acne before but now that i've been on sprintec my forehead has been spotting. also my breasts have become larger i believe but sore to touch almost everyday. i have gained about 10lbs from it, and my sex drive is gone about halfway through activity. and i've also been feeling bloated. i'm not totally satisfied with the product but not totally dissatisfied since it obviously works. debating going off it though."
emergency contraception
"i had unprotected sex two days after my period, i took the plan b one step less than 24 hours later and low and behold it did not work. i even got the symptoms from the pill a week later. i was bleeding like a period for 4 days. and took 5 at home pregnancy tests which all very lightly came back positive. i called plan b's number on the box and reported my experience. they took down the information and pull number on the box. let me tell you people....please just use a condom. i just found out yesterday i was pregnant and i'm now a mess. please be safe and don't rely on your partner to be safe because i thought it was obvious he needed to pull out. (sorry for being graphic) :( to be honest i dont think plan b even works."
"ativan is a great medicine and glad my psychiatrist prescribed me 1 mg 2 times a day. though i use that as well as klonopin but ativan gets me to sleep sometimes and klonopin keeps me asleep. overall i believe its a god send."
birth control
"i got my implant put in december 9 ,2015 and today is january 4,2016 my last period wasn't a period i mainly spotted and agreed for about week and half i discharge brown discharge and a few head aches still have few head aches i've also gained weight just a few pounds so far i like it i would refer it to anyone who doesn't want kids for the next 3 years"
"i have to weigh in about this med. when you first start it, it is a wonder drug. at some point, you will either need more, or you will suffer from tolerance withdrawals. there are justifiable horror stories about this drug. taking it for a week or two, no problem. more than 2 weeks, it's hard to get off it. i have been weaning off for about 4 months."
"most of my life i have struggled with severe panic attacks, general anxiety, ptsd & moderate depression. been on meds twice before until i felt better & then i would stop taking them. this last time it had been close to a year that i had been suffering again before i decided to reluctantly go back on meds. i tried celexa again- it worked kinda okay in the past but this time it made no improvement for me. saw the doc who switched me to prozac- all i can say is wow! best yet- i feel like my old, happy self after only 1 month! 10mg the first week, 15 the second and 20mg the last two. give it time to work & be patient- it might make you feel a bit off & not better at first, but it is a miracle drug. these bad feelings will pass hang in there!"
"i tried just about everything for depression and venlafaxine was one of the only drugs to help. i was so depressed that i jumped off a building for a suicide attempt. i wound up paralyzed in a wheelchair. venlafaxine took a while to work about 3 moths or so. i first took 75mg but didn't do much. it wasn't until i reached 375mg that i felt the true effects of the drug. very very strong antidepressant effects. my mind is clear and i'm feeling a warm glow all day. my depression so anxiety are gone even though i'm paraplegic i am happy. wish they gave this drug to me a long time ago i would not be in a wheelchair. you have to really be patient and find the right dose abs then one day you'll wake up and feel great."
"i was just diagnosed in my 40's with generalized anxiety disorder not surprised. i was always having anxiety/panic attacks and unable to function some times. i now take celexa daily and while it takes about 2 months to really kick in my anxiety is gone and i feel far beyond how i have felt in forever. zoloft nor prozac worked. i don't know they are truly geared towards anxiety. high;y recommend it at 10mg if not feeling better."
"my doctor gave me 2 weeks of abilify, 2mg as a sample to take in addition to my 450mg of wellbutrin. made me extremely dizzy and had difficulty driving safely due to this. "