3 values
[{"role": "system", "content": "Issei (一世, \"first generation\") are Japanese immigrants to countries in North America and South America. The term is used mostly by ethnic Japanese. Issei are born in Japan; their children born in the new country are nisei (ni, \"two\", plus sei, \"generation\"); and their grandchildren are sansei (san, \"three\", plus sei, \"generation\").\nThe character and uniqueness of the issei is recognized in their social history."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Issei Sagawa is a Japanese cannibal. In his youth, he developed self-hatred due to his small stature and sexual perversions. To satisfy his urges, he engaged in bestiality and whoring. As a student, he killed a classmate, raped and ate her body. He was not penalized and is currently a free man.\n\n![a man with a knife in his hand]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Okayyyyyy....\n\nSo what is this picture and omg...whose legs are those??? D:"}, {"role": "user", "content": "He was paid by Japanese shows/entertainment companies to do reenactments so I would assume its that. Its sick how they monetize on that. He was even paid to shoot a porno where the porn actress didnt know he was a cannibal and murderer till after it was filmed. Its so messed up", "name": "Ariana"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Mehran Karimi Nasseri (Persian: مهران کریمی ناصری, pronounced [mehˈrɒn kæriˈmi nɒseˈri]; 1945 – 12 November 2022), also known as Sir, Alfred Mehran, was an Iranian refugee who lived in the departure lounge of Terminal 1 in Charles de Gaulle Airport from 26 August 1988 until July 2006, when he was hospitalized. His autobiography was published as a book, The Terminal Man, in 2004. Nasseri's story inspired the 1993 film Lost in Transit and the 2004 film The Terminal. He returned to living at the airport in September 2022, and died there of a heart attack in November 2022."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# This Iranian man planned on flying to the UK to live with one of his parents. His luggage containing his citizenship paperwork was lost en route, and thus was not allowed to board his connecting flight. He spent 1988 to 2006 living in terminal 1 of Charles de Gaulle airport in France.\n\n[Mehran Karimi Nasseri - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Jesus. Imagine becoming stateless because a luggage handler fucked up.", "name": "Adam"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Seems like the guy had numerous outs and didnt want to take them for whatever reason.", "name": "Bryce"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "An endling is the last known individual of a species or subspecies. Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct. The word was coined in correspondence in the scientific journal Nature."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# An endling is the last known individual of a species or subspecies. Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct. Alternative names put forth for the last individual of its kind include ender and terminarch.\n\n[Endling - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "That explains the Ender dragon", "name": "Dakota"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I hope people will reevaluate their thoughts on the Ender dragon now", "name": "Erick"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Creepiness is the state of being creepy, or causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. A person who exhibits creepy behaviour is called a creep. Certain traits or hobbies may make people seem creepy to others. The internet has been described as increasingly creepy. Adam Kotsko has compared the modern conception of creepiness to the Freudian concept of unheimlich. The term has also been used to describe paranormal or supernatural phenomena.\n\nJennifer Pan (born June 17, 1986) is a Canadian woman who was convicted of a 2010 kill-for-hire attack targeting both of her parents, killing her mother and injuring her father. The crime took place at the Pan residence in Unionville, Markham, Ontario, in the Greater Toronto Area. Pan was found guilty on multiple charges and sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 25 years, the same penalty as her co-conspirators. In May 2023, the Court of Appeal for Ontario ordered a retrial for Pan and her conspirators on the first-degree murder charge but upheld the attempted murder conviction."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Fascinating and creepy case of matricide and the role of tiger parenting\n\n[Jennifer Pan - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "damn. I know this is coming from a place that couldn't relate to this level of helicopter parenting, but I could never imagine putting in that much effort to deceive her parents instead of going no contact. It's possible her upbringing caused her to have a very dependent thinking style, but she also made the independent decisions to hire killers and date a weed dealer you would think she would have the balls to leave, as she already had enough experience and skill for a financially independent lifestyle.", "name": "Madison"}, {"role": "user", "content": "i feel like some people with parents like this literally cannot imagine life outside of their control while they're alive - like they believe that there's no possible way to be free of them as long as they're out there somewhere. i'm willing to bet there's some sort of mental illness at play here, i'm not a psychologist so i won't speculate as to what, but something had this girl believing that this was the only way.", "name": "Katie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The history of Russia begins with the histories of the East Slavs. The traditional start date of specifically Russian history is the establishment of the Rus' state in the north in 862, ruled by Varangians. In 882, Prince Oleg of Novgorod seized Kiev, uniting the northern and southern lands of the Eastern Slavs under one authority, moving the governance center to Kiev by the end of the 10th century, and maintaining northern and southern parts with significant autonomy from each other. The state adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Kievan Rus' ultimately disintegrated as a state due to the Mongol invasions in 1237–1240. After the 13th century, Moscow became a political and cultural magnet for the unification of Russian lands. By the end of the 15th century, many of the petty principalities around Moscow had been united with the Grand Duchy of Moscow, which took full control of its own sovereignty under Ivan the Great.\nIvan the Terrible transformed the Grand Duchy into the Tsardom of Russia in 1547. However, the death of Ivan's son Feodor I without issue in 1598 created a succession crisis and led Russia into a period of chaos and civil war known as the Time of Troubles, ending with the coronation of Michael Romanov as the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty in 1613. During the rest of the seventeenth century, Russia completed the exploration and conquest of Siberia, claiming lands as far as the Pacific Ocean by the end of the century. Domestically, Russia faced numerous uprisings of the various ethnic groups under their control, as exemplified by the Cossack leader Stenka Razin, who led a revolt in 1670–1671. In 1721, in the wake of the Great Northern War, Tsar Peter the Great renamed the state as the Russian Empire; he is also noted for establishing St. Petersburg as the new capital of his Empire, and for his introducing Western European culture to Russia. In 1762, Russia came under the control of Catherine the Great, who continued the westernizing policies of Peter the Great, and ushered in the era of the Russian Enlightenment. Catherine's grandson, Alexander I, repulsed an invasion by the French Emperor Napoleon, leading Russia into the status of one of the great powers.\nPeasant revolts intensified during the nineteenth century, culminating with Alexander II abolishing Russian serfdom in 1861. In the following decades, reform efforts such as the Stolypin reforms of 1906–1914, the constitution of 1906, and the State Duma (1906–1917) attempted to open and liberalize the economy and political system, but the emperors refused to relinquish autocratic rule and resisted sharing their power. A combination of economic breakdown, mismanagement over Russia's involvement in World War I, and discontent with the autocratic system of government triggered the Russian Revolution in 1917. The end of the monarchy initially brought into office a coalition of liberals and moderate socialists, but their failed policies led to the October Revolution. In 1922, Soviet Russia, along with the Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, and Transcaucasian SFSR signed the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR, officially merging all four republics to form the Soviet Union as a single state. Between 1922 and 1991 the history of Russia essentially became the history of the Soviet Union. During this period, the Soviet Union was one of the victors in World War II after recovering from a surprise invasion in 1941 by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, which had previously signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union's network of satellite states in Eastern Europe, which were brought into its sphere of influence in the closing stages of World War II, helped the country become a superpower competing with fellow superpower the United States and other Western countries in the Cold War.\nBy the mid-1980s, with the weaknesses of Soviet economic and political structures becoming acute, Mikhail Gorbachev embarked on major reforms, which eventually led to the weakening of the communist party and dissolution of the Soviet Union, leaving Russia again on its own and marking the start of the history of post-Soviet Russia. The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic renamed itself as the Russian Federation and became the primary successor state to the Soviet Union. Russia retained its nuclear arsenal but lost its superpower status. Scrapping the central planning and state-ownership of property of the Soviet era in the 1990s, new leaders, led by President Vladimir Putin, took political and economic power after 2000 and engaged in an assertive foreign policy. Coupled with economic growth, Russia has since regained significant global status as a world power. Russia's 2014 annexation of the Crimean Peninsula led to economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union. Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine led to significantly expanded sanctions. Under Putin's leadership, corruption in Russia is rated as the worst in Europe, and Russia's human rights situation has been increasingly criticized by international observers."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed.\n\n[She Spent a Decade Writing Fake Russian History. Wikipedia Just Noticed. ]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Thats a absolute shit ton of work/lies to get just deleted...", "name": "Jillian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "should be preserved for artistic value. doesnt seem to all that great of an art piece but it still would be nice to see it all preserved", "name": "Megan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "20,000 (twenty thousand) is the natural number that comes after 19,999 and before 20,001.\n20,000 is a round number, and is also in the title of Jules Verne's novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.\n\nThe Duplessis Orphans (French: les Orphelins de Duplessis) were a population of Canadian children wrongly certified as mentally ill by the provincial government of Quebec and confined to psychiatric institutions in the 1940s and 1950s. Many of these children were deliberately miscertified in order to acquire additional subsidies from the federal government. They are named for Maurice Duplessis, who served as Premier of Quebec for five non-consecutive terms between 1936 and 1959. The controversies associated with Duplessis, and particularly the corruption and abuse concerning the Duplessis orphans, have led to the popular historic conception of his term as Premier as La Grande Noirceur (\"The Great Darkness\") by its critics.\nThe Duplessis Orphans have accused both the government of Quebec and the Roman Catholic Church of wrongdoing. The Catholic Church has denied involvement in the scandal, and disputes the claims of those seeking financial compensation for harm done.It is believed to be the largest case of child abuse in Canadian history outside of the Canadian Indian residential school system."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Duplessis Orphans were 20,000 children who were wrongly certified as mentally ill by the government of Quebec and confined to psychiatric institutions in '40s and '50s. They were deliberately wrongly certified in order to misappropriate additional subsidies from the federal government.\n\n[Duplessis Orphans - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It annoys me how Canada and the rest of the world tend to sometimes paint Canada as some hate-free peaceful utopia thats better then everyone and their human right issues get whitewashed constantly.", "name": "Gage"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Frances Marion Parker (October 11, 1915 – December 17, 1927) was an American child who was abducted and murdered in Los Angeles, California, in 1927. Her murder was deemed by the Los Angeles Times as \"the most horrible crime of the 1920s\", and at the time was considered the most horrific crime in the history of California. In later decades, Parker's death was the subject of various murder ballads.\nParker went missing on December 15, 1927, after she was dismissed from her classes at Mount Vernon Junior High School in Lafayette Square: an unknown man, posing as an employee of her father, Perry, checked her out of school with the registrar, stating that her father had suffered an accident. The next day, the Parker family received ransom letters demanding $1,500 (equivalent to $25,564 in 2022) in gold. The letters were signed with various titles, including \"Fate\", \"Death\", and \"The Fox\"; and some had words written in Greek.\nFollowing the orders of the ransom, Perry Parker—a bank employee—met his daughter's abductor in central Los Angeles on December 17, 1927. Upon the exchange of the money, the assailant drove away, throwing Marion's mutilated body out of his car as he fled. The child had been significantly disfigured, her limbs cut off, her eyes fixed open with wires, and her abdomen disemboweled and stuffed with rags; her limbs were discovered the next day in Elysian Park.\nParker's murderer was soon identified as William Edward Hickman (born February 1, 1908), a 19-year-old former co-worker of Perry. Law enforcement officers tracked Hickman throughout the Pacific Northwest over several days, relying on sightings in Albany and Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, where he paid shop-owners with gold certificates given to him in the ransom. He was arrested in Echo, Oregon, on December 22, 1927, and then extradited to California, where he was convicted of Parker's murder. He made a written confession, in which he explained in detail how he strangled Parker, disarticulated her limbs, and disemboweled her.\nHickman and his defense claimed that he was insane and that a deity, \"Providence\", told him to commit the crime. He was one of the first defendants in California to use what was then a new law, which allowed defendants to plead that they were not guilty by reason of insanity. Hickman was convicted and sentenced to death. After an unsuccessful appeal, he was executed by hanging at San Quentin State Prison in October 1928. Marion Parker was survived by her parents; elder brother; and twin sister, Marjorie."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The 1927 murder of Marion Parker. A ransom was paid but she was already deceased. Her eyes were held open with piano wires to give the appearance she was alive. Her murder was brutal, her limbs had been removed and she had been disembowelled.\n\n[Murder of Marion Parker - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This is the killer Ayn Rand adored completely and considered her model of a perfect man.", "name": "Christian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Source on that?", "name": "Kendall"}, {"role": "user", "content": "There are links in the article", "name": "Courtney"}, {"role": "user", "content": "\"In these notes Rand writes that the public fascination with Hickman is not due to the heinousness of his crimes, but to his defiant attitude and his refusal to accept conventional morals. She describes him as \"a brilliant, unusual, exceptional boy\" and speculates about the society that turned him into \"a purposeless monster.\"\"\n\nThis, uh, this is taking her philosophy to the logical extreme, alright.", "name": "Peyton"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Man\", a German hermit named Manfred Gndinger, who lived by the sea in Northern Spain building sculptures from driftwood, and died after his home was engulfed in oil, spilling from a sunken oil tanker near the Galician Coast.\n\n[Manfred Gnädinger - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I think this title is misleading or confusing. I took it that the guy was engulfed in oil that directly caused his death. The article says the spill occurred and ruined his sculptures and the surrounding natural areas then its speculated he let himself die from melancholy.\n\nInteresting article!", "name": "Jasmine"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Yeah I was so confused; imagining a massive black wave of oil taking over and drowning him and his house", "name": "Breanna"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The UpStairs Lounge arson attack, sometimes called the UpStairs Lounge Fire, occurred on June 24, 1973, at a gay bar called the UpStairs (or Up Stairs) Lounge located on the 2nd floor of the 3-story building at 604 Iberville Street in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States. 32 people died and 15 were injured as a result of fire or smoke inhalation. The official cause is still listed as \"undetermined origin\". The primary suspect, a gay man with a history of psychiatric impairment named Roger Dale Nunez who had been ejected from the bar earlier in the day, was never charged and died by suicide in November 1974.Until the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, in which 49 people were murdered, the UpStairs Lounge arson attack was the deadliest attack on a gay club in U.S. history."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 1973, the UpStairs Lounge arson attack killed 32 and injured 15. But because the victims were LGBT+, this tragedy was mostly ignored and mocked by the media at the time.\n\n[UpStairs Lounge arson attack - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Sorry that reading comprehension was so low on the last post. Thanks for reposting this in a way that more people will get, it's important to remember often hidden history of queer people before, like, the 80's"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Love seeing queer history pop up like this- just as another adjective along side the subject. You're right , so much relating different people and events was lost inadvertently by omission and deliberately by prejudice. \n\nPlus it's just a cool post", "name": "Donovan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Immersion (Piss Christ) is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a small glass tank of the artist's urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's \"Awards in the Visual Arts\" competition, which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects.\nThe work generated much controversy based on assertions that it was blasphemous. Serrano said of the controversy: \"I had no idea Piss Christ would get the attention it did, since I meant neither blasphemy nor offense by it. I've been a Catholic all my life, so I am a follower of Christ.\""}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Piss Christ\n\n[Piss Christ - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "My first thought was \"holy shit this guy was dehydrated.\"", "name": "Genesis"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Eyestalk ablation is the removal of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) eyestalks from a crustacean. It is routinely practiced on female shrimps (or female prawns) in almost every marine shrimp maturation or reproduction facility in the world, both research and commercial. The aim of ablation under these circumstances is to stimulate the female shrimp to develop mature ovaries and spawn.Most captive conditions for shrimp cause inhibitions in females that prevent them from developing mature ovaries. Even in conditions where a given species will develop ovaries and spawn in captivity, use of eyestalk ablation increases total egg production and increases the percentage of females in a given population that will participate in reproduction. Once females have been subjected to eyestalk ablation, complete ovarian development often ensues within as little as 3 to 10 days. The practice was a major development for the commercialisation of shrimp farming in the 1970s and 80s since it enabled reliable production.The most commonly accepted theory of why eye ablation reduces this inhibition is that a gonad inhibitory hormone (GIH) is produced in the neurosecretory complexes in the eyestalk. This hormone occurs in nature in the non-breeding season and is absent or present only in low concentrations during the breeding season. The reluctance of most shrimp to routinely develop mature ovaries in captivity is a function of elevated levels of GIH, and eyestalk ablation lowers the high haemolymph titer of GIH. The effect of eyestalk ablation is not on a single hormone such as GIH, but rather affects several physiological processes. Besides the GIH evidence, another hypothesis suggests that eyestalk ablation also reduces light perception intensity and thereby induces ovarian maturation. In the banana prawn (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, syn. Penaeus merguiensis), dim light favours ovarian maturation and spawning. The exact mechanism of eyestalk ablation on the ovarian maturation is not conclusive.The practice has been criticised by animal rights activists since the removal is often done without anaesthesia and the impaired vision leads to more stress for the animals.It has been reported that in the tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon), the eyestalks fully regenerate in less than six months."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Eyestalk ablation is the practice of removing one or both eyes to speed up development of mature ovaries of female shrimp (or other crustaceans). It is used on almost every commercial shrimp maturation and reproduction facility globally and is usually done without any anesthetic.\n\n[Eyestalk ablation - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Dumb question: do crustaceans feel pain?", "name": "Omar"}, {"role": "user", "content": "PhD student studying blue crabs here. My MS studied behavioral ecology of crayfish. The answer is yes, but likely not on the level that more derived animals feel. Pain is an important stimulus for basically all animals, albeit at different complexities, since detecting negative stimuli allows the individual to avoid the stimulus and prevent further damage. Personally, I dont have a problem with this, but I understand why people dont like it.", "name": "Sergio"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Malakas (Greek: μαλάκας [maˈlakas]) is a commonly used profane Greek slang word, with a variety of different meanings, but literally meaning \"man who masturbates\". While it is typically used as an insult, with its literal equivalent in Commonwealth English being \"wanker” and “jerk off” in American English, the meaning varies depending on the tone and context used. It can be an exclamation of pleasure, an expression of dark horror, a cry of anger, a declaration of affection, and other different things. Common alternative meanings include \"asshole\", \"motherfucker\" \"jerk\" or \"idiot\", and the contrasting \"dude\", or \"mate\", depending on the context. It has been described as \"the most used Greek slang word\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Malakas: Greek slang with a variety of different meanings, but literally meaning \"man who masturbates\". Alternative meanings include \"asshole\", \"motherfucker\" \"jerk\" or \"idiot\", and the contrasting \"dude\", or \"mate\", depending on context. It has been described as \"the most used Greek slang word\".\n\n[Malakas - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What about those who live in the west Malaysian state?\n\n", "name": "Blake"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Dead, a metal musician and member of Mayhem with an obsession with death. He self-harmed onstage, kept dead animals in his room, and would bury clothing so it would have an earthy, grave-like smell. A photo of his body taken after his 1991 suicide was used on the band's 1995 bootleg album cover.\n\n[Dead (musician) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "All that at age 22. \n\nAt 22 I was still living with my parents and playing video games till 4am while working at k-mart", "name": "Caitlyn"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I know. What a waste you could have been dead like that guy.", "name": "Garrett"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "On February 1, 2005, the Emergency Alert System was activated in portions of Connecticut calling for the immediate evacuation of the entire state. The activation was in error. Later studies showed that residents did not evacuate, and that the most common response was to 'change the channel' or seek other confirmation."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# 2005 Connecticut evacuation alert: On February 1, 2005, the Emergency Alert System was activated in error in Connecticut calling for the immediate evacuation of the state. Studies showed that residents did not evacuate; the most common response was to 'change the channel' or seek other confirmation.\n\n[2005 Connecticut false evacuation alert - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I mean, connecticut is not a state known for its natural disasters, so for the majority of people to go \"hm. That's odd. Better see if anyone can confirm this, maybe on another channel.\" Is a very sane and reasonable response. Good job seeking secondary sources and not panicking Connecticut!", "name": "Brendan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Right. This is the correct course of action to receiving information that sounds suspect.", "name": "Danielle"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old girl who was publicly identified at the time by her first name, Nayirah. In her testimony, Nayirah claimed that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, remove the incubators and leave the babies to die. The testimony was widely publicized and was cited numerous times by U.S. senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to support Kuwait in the Gulf War.\nIn 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was Al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti Government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.Nayirah's story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a British-based global NGO, which published a report about the supposed killings and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that \"patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait's nurses and doctors ... fled\" but Iraqi troops \"almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.\" Amnesty International USA reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of \"opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Nayirah testimony: a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl testified to the US Congress that Iraqi soldiers had thrown hundreds of Kuwaiti babies out of incubators. The story was used as rationale for US intervention in the First Gulf War, but was later discredited.\n\n[Nayirah testimony - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "> In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was Al-aba (Arabic: ) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti Government.\n\nSo they needed a random Arab girl and they grabbed the ambassador's daughter? Surely they expected for the whole setup to be exposed later.\n\nMaybe they did not care.", "name": "Rachel"}, {"role": "user", "content": "That's the thing about political lies, they just need to be kind of convincing or atleast distracting for a little bit to work. Even once disproved later they can just pretend to not notice it or have it paved over. \n\nThe damage gets done, that's all that's important", "name": "Ava"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Kuru (disease)\n\n[Kuru (disease) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I first heard of this disease when I did a test on my genetics and found out Im genetically immune to it.", "name": "Evan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I know. Its nice not to have to worry.", "name": "Molly"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Hobby Lobby smuggling scandal. Representatives of the store received a large number of clay bullae and tablets originating in the ancient Near East. The artifacts were intended for the Museum of the Bible, funded by the Evangelical family that owned the Oklahoma chain.\n\n[Hobby Lobby smuggling scandal - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "> United States of America v. Approximately Four Hundred Fifty Ancient Cuneiform Tablets and Approximately Three Thousand Ancient Clay Bullae\n\nUS court case names just sound like satire at this point", "name": "Sophie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "There's also the Supreme Court case [United States v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola]( and an appellate court case, [United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins](,695_Pounds_of_Shark_Fins)", "name": "Ivan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Joseph Schleifstein (born March 7, 1941) is a Polish-born American who survived the Buchenwald concentration camp during the Holocaust at the age of four. He was hidden by his father in a large sack, enabling him to avoid detection by SS guards when arriving at the camp. Other prisoners helped his father keep him hidden and Schleifstein survived until the Americans liberated the camp. After World War II, Schleifstein and his parents emigrated to the United States. He did not discuss his wartime experiences for decades, even with his children. His case gained publicity in 1999 with the anniversary of the 1997 movie Life is Beautiful; it was discovered Schleifstein's story was an inspiration for the script. This led to a search for him and an eventual newspaper interview."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 1943, the life of a 2 year old Jewish boy named Josef Schleifstein was saved after his father hid him in a large sack when they arrived at Buchenwald concentration camp. He was eventually found, but the guards took a liking to him and saw him as a \"camp mascot\". He survived the war.\n\n[Joseph Schleifstein - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Did the father survived?", "name": "Brianna"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Yes. and his mother."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Anne Lister (3 April 1791 – 22 September 1840) was an English diarist, famous for revelations for which she was dubbed \"the first modern lesbian.\"\nLister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire, and had multiple lesbian love affairs from her schooldays onwards, often on long trips abroad. Muscular and androgynous in appearance, dressed only in black, and highly educated, she was later known, generally unkindly, as \"Gentleman Jack\". Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.\nLister's diaries reveal much about contemporary life in West Yorkshire, including her development of historic Shibden Hall, and her interests in medicine, mathematics, landscaping, mining, railways, and canals. Many entries were written in code that was not decrypted until long after her death. These graphic portrayals of lesbian relationships were so frank that they were thought to be a hoax until their authenticity was confirmed."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Anne Lister (1791-1840) was an English diarist, famous for revelations for which she was dubbed \"the first modern lesbian\". Muscular and masculine in appearance, dressed only in black, and highly educated, she was later known, generally unkindly, as \"Gentleman Jack\".\n\n[Anne Lister - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The BBC are currently running a historical drama about her. It is fantastic. Costumes, settings and plot. But most of all the performances of Suranne Jones and Sophie Rundle.", "name": "Juan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "The costumes alone are absolutely outstanding. They don't shy away from the trends that we consider weird or unsightly. \n\nIt also happens in a period of time with the most amazing sleeves.", "name": "Christian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Elizabeth Diane Downs (née Frederickson; born August 7, 1955) is an American woman who murdered her daughter and attempted to murder her other two children near Springfield, Oregon, on May 19, 1983. Following the crimes, she made claims to police that a man had attempted to carjack her and had shot the children. She was convicted in 1984 and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years. She briefly escaped in 1987, but was quickly recaptured. Downs has been repeatedly denied parole and psychiatrists have diagnosed her with narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders, with one labelling her as a \"deviant sociopath\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Diane Downs' next possible parole hearing is 2021\n\n[Diane Downs - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wow she actually managed to escape in 87 for a short time", "name": "Ruby"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Not quite clear on why her two children ended up adopted by the prosecutor... And not with their father, her ex-husband."}, {"role": "user", "content": "He wasn't actually Danny's father. He also had absolutely no parental instinct at all. That's putting it lightly. He was never mean to them just very uncomfortable. He knew both would need intense physical and mental therapy and knew someone else would be able to give them the support he couldnt. Thankfully they didn't go to her parents.", "name": "Leonardo"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1930–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union.\nWhile scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute. Some historians conclude that the famine was deliberately engineered by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. Others suggest that the famine was primarily the consequence of rapid Soviet industrialisation and collectivization of agriculture. A middle position, held for example by historian Andrea Graziosi, is that the initial causes of the famine were an unintentional byproduct of the process of collectivization but once it set in, starvation was selectively weaponized and the famine was \"instrumentalized\" and amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of the \"new serfdom\" and to break their nationalism.Ukraine was one of the largest grain-producing states in the USSR and was subject to unreasonably high grain quotas compared to the rest of the USSR. This caused Ukraine to be hit particularly hard by the famine. Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly. A joint statement to the United Nations signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7 to 10 million died. However, current scholarship estimates a range significantly lower with 3.5 to 5 million victims. The famine's widespread impact on Ukraine persists to this day.\nSince 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 33 other UN member states, the European Parliament, and 35 of the 50 states of the United States as a genocide against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Holodomor ('to kill by starvation') was a famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. Some scholars believe that it was planned by Stalin to eliminate an independence movement. Man-made causes included rejecting outside aid and restricting population movement.\n\n[Holodomor - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "That sub is revolting. So-called ML's simping for fascist dictators. Absolutely pathetic. Every last one of them should be airdropped into Kharkiv; maybe they'd have a few minutes to touch some grass for the first time in their sad little lives before the air raid sirens would force them into the metro with everyone else...", "name": "Jalen"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Catullus 16 or Carmen 16 is a poem by Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 BC – c. 54 BC). The poem, written in a hendecasyllabic (11-syllable) meter, was considered to be so sexually explicit following its rediscovery in the following centuries that a full English translation was not published until the 20th century. The first line, Pēdīcābo ego vōs et irrumābō (\"I will sodomize and face-fuck you\"), sometimes used as a title, has been called \"one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latin—or in any other language\".Carmen 16 is significant in literary history as an artistic work censored for its obscenity, but also because the poem raises questions about the proper relation of the poet, or his life, to the work.\nSubsequent Latin poets referenced the poem not for its invective, but as a work exemplary of freedom of speech and obscene subject matter that challenged the culturally prevalent decorum or moral orthodoxy of the period. Ovid, Pliny the Younger, Martial, and Apuleius all invoked the authority of Catullus in asserting that while the poet himself should be a respectable person, his poetry should not be constrained."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Catullus 16 is a poem by Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 BC c. 54 BC). The poem was considered to be so sexually explicit following its rediscovery in the following centuries that a full English translation was not published until the 20th century.\n\n[Catullus 16 - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">The first line, Pdcbo ego vs et irrumb (\"I will sodomize and face-fuck you\"), sometimes used as a title, has been called \"one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latinor in any other language\"."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Saskatoon freezing deaths involved Indigenous Canadians in and immediately outside Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in the 1990s and early 2000s, and are suspected of being linked to actions by the members of the Saskatoon Police Service. The police officers would arrest Indigenous people, who were usually male, for alleged drunkenness and/or disorderly behaviour, sometimes without cause. The officers would then drive them to the outskirts of the city at night in the winter, and abandon them, leaving them stranded in sub-zero temperatures.The practice is known as taking Indigenous people for \"starlight tours\" and dates back to at least 1976. As of 2021, despite convictions for related offences, no police officer has been convicted specifically for having caused freezing deaths."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# TIL that up until September 2001, Sakatoon police officers would take drunk Native Indians and drop them off outide of town to freeze to death. This was called a \"Starlight Tour\"\n\n[Saskatoon freezing deaths - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "the article says its still happening", "name": "Travis"}, {"role": "user", "content": "it's happened in Winnipeg too, and they took the guys jacket", "name": "Jasmine"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Elizabeth Olten was a 9-year-old who was murdered by her neighbor Alyssa Bustamante, who was 15 at the time, in St. Martins, Missouri on October 21, 2009.Bustamante lured Olten into the woods before strangling and stabbing her to death. Bustamante murdered Olten simply due to homicidal ideation and to see what it was like to kill someone. She was later indicted and pled guilty to second-degree murder and armed criminal action and was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of conditional release in 2024 for second-degree murder. However, due to her additional conviction of armed criminal action, even if she is granted conditional release in 2024, she will have a consecutive sentence of 30 years in prison. This makes her earliest probable release in 2054, when she will be 60 years old."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# 15 year old Alyssa Bustamante lured her 9 year old neighbor Elizabeth Olten into the woods and strangled and stabbed her to death. Bustamante murdered Olten simply due to homicidal ideation and to see what it was like to kill someone.\n\n[Murder of Elizabeth Olten - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Jesus Christ. Thats psychotic. Literally. I hope theyve locked her up or given her the treatment necessary.", "name": "Amelia"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Locked up yes, treatment probably not.\n\nWhat she did was horrible. She was a kid who had a shitty start at life and had already tried to kill herself and was engaging in self harm when this happened. There was a video she made that floated around when this happened of her intentionally touching an electric fence. There wasn't enough intervention by the adults in her life to keep her from going down a bad path. Killing a kid is an extra level of fucked up, but even if she hadn't she was on the path to following her mom into addiction, her dad into jail, or succeeding at killing herself. \n\nLocking her up is right, but this is also a person who needed psychiatric treatment. American prisons do a shit job of providing that, even in obvious cases like this were the offender is a mentally ill child.", "name": "Jesse"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Michelle Remembers is a discredited 1980 book co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his psychiatric patient (and eventual wife) Michelle Smith. A best-seller, Michelle Remembers relied on the discredited practice of recovered-memory therapy to make sweeping, lurid claims about Satanic ritual abuse involving Smith, which contributed to the rise of the Satanic panic in the 1980s. While the book presents its claims as fact, and was extensively marketed on that basis at the time, no evidence was provided; all investigations into the book failed to corroborate any of its claims, with investigators describing its content as being primarily based on elements of popular culture and fiction that were popular at the time when it was written."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Michelle Remembers - book that started the \"Satanic Panic\" of the 1980s and '90s. Its allegations of a Satanic cult that engaged in torture, sexual assault, multiple human sacrifices, and summoning the literal Devil were widely believed by the public despite being completely unsubstantiated.\n\n[Michelle Remembers - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The Satanic Panic (and day care abuse hysteria) is very interesting. The accusations were so fucking weird, but like I am also not surprised people believed it.\n\nMy mom, who I'd say is a fairly rational person, thought it was legit for a second. She explained it as people were paranoid about child abductions in general (a young girl in her neighborhood had been abducted around the same time) and there was a sense of unease/guilt over leaving your kids in the care of strangers (aka a day care). When people are already worried about something it's easier to whip them into a frenzy. Hearing that put into perspective for me. However, I still think the whole thing was absurd and ruined the lives of innocent people.\n\nIf anyone is interested, read about the McMartin preschool trial. It's bonkers (and reeeeeeally depressing). The kids mentioned being taken on hot air balloon trips. One kid was shown a picture of Chuck Norris and identified him as taking part in the abuse.", "name": "Fernando"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Its crazy that some of the parents and children STILL think that abuse happened! Watch a documentary on it recently (think it was on ID?) where they interviewed a women who has testified as a girl and she still 100% thought she had been a victim of satanic ritual abuse.", "name": "Ian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Guatemalan genocide, also referred to as the Maya genocide, or the Silent Holocaust (Spanish: Genocidio guatemalteco, Genocidio maya, or Holocausto silencioso), was the massacre of Maya civilians during the Guatemalan Civil War (1960–1996) by successive US-backed Guatemalan military governments. Massacres, forced disappearances, torture and summary executions of guerrillas and especially civilians at the hands of security forces had been widespread since 1965, and was a longstanding policy of the military regime, which US officials were aware of. A report from 1984 discussed \"the murder of thousands by a military government that maintains its authority by terror\". Human Rights Watch has described \"extraordinarily cruel\" actions by the armed forces, mostly against unarmed civilians.The repression reached genocidal levels in the predominantly indigenous northern provinces where the Guerrilla Army of the Poor operated. There, the Guatemalan military viewed the Maya as siding with the insurgency and began a campaign of mass killings and disappearances of Mayan peasants. While massacres of indigenous peasants had occurred earlier in the war, the systematic use of terror against them began around 1975 and peaked during the first half of the 1980s. The military carried out 626 massacres against the Maya during the conflict and acknowledged destroying 440 Mayan villages between 1981 and 1983. In some municipalities, at least one-third of the villages were evacuated or destroyed. A March 1985 study by the Juvenile Division of the Supreme Court estimated that over 200,000 children had lost at least one parent in the war, and that between 45,000 and 60,000 adult Guatemalans were killed between 1980 and 1985. Children were often targets of mass killings by the army, including in the Río Negro massacres between 1980 and 1982.An estimated 200,000 Guatemalans were killed during the war, including at least 40,000 persons who \"disappeared\". 92% of civilian executions were carried out by government forces. The UN-sponsored Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH) documented 42,275 victims of human rights violations and acts of violence from 7,338 testimonies. 83% of the victims were Maya and 17% Ladino. 91% of victims were killed in 1978 through 1984, 81% in 1981 through 1983, with 48% of deaths occurring in 1982 alone. In its final report in 1999, the CEH concluded that a genocide had taken place at the hands of the Armed Forces of Guatemala, and that US training of the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques \"had a significant bearing on human rights violations during the armed confrontation\", but that the US was not directly responsible for any genocidal acts. Former military dictator General Efrain Ríos Montt (1982–1983) was indicted for his role in the most intense stage of the genocide. He was convicted in 2013 of ordering the deaths of 1,771 people of the Ixil Indigenous group, but that sentence was overturned, and his retrial was not completed by the time of his death in 2018."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Guatemalan genocide, also known as the \"Silent Holocaust\". Up to 166,000 people, mainly indigenous Mayans, were murdered between 1981 and 1983. The Guatemalan military received millions of dollars in aid from the U.S. government since some of those murdered were alleged Communists.\n\n[Guatemalan genocide - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "The Guatemalan government is still hunting for genocide perpetrators. Back in January, five Guatemalan soldiers were each sentenced to 30 years in prison for committing mass rape. A handful of other war criminals have been caught hiding in the United States and deported.\n\n[I recently posted about one such person, Jorge Sosa, on a different subreddit](\n\nSosa actively participated in the massacre of over 200 villagers. The massacre was the [Dos Erres massacre](, one over 400 massacres committed during the genocide. The description of the massacre by U.S. prosecutors is horrifying]( This summary doesn't even cover everything. >!The soldiers also \"killed infants by slamming their heads against walls and kept young women alive to be raped over the course of three days.\"!<\n\nSosa moved north in the 1990s. He got both American and Canadian citizenship, but was exposed back in 2011. Sosa has since been prosecuted for immigration fraud and had his U.S. citizenship revoked. Federal sentencing guidelines usually call for a year at most for immigration fraud when the defendant has no prior convictions. However, the judge said the guidelines were too lenient given the seriousness of Sosa's lies. He got 10 years instead. He finished his sentence back in 2019. Sosa was then taken into custody by ICE for deportation proceedings. He was deported to Canada in October 2020.\n\nSosa is currently a free man in Canada."}, {"role": "user", "content": "I think it's funny how much meddling the US does in other countries, or at least did, all while claiming other countries were doing it.\n\nI mean reading about all the assassination attempts on Castro alone is like holy shit.. this shit would not fly today.\n\nAlso, about Oberlander, I wonder if being a translator for a death squad is even necessary lol.. like it's not called a communication squad", "name": "Sean"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Margaretha Geertruida MacLeod (née Zelle; 7 August 1876 – 15 October 1917), better known by the stage name Mata Hari (; from Malay, \"sun\" or \"eye of the day\"), was a Dutch woman who was convicted of being a spy for Germany during World War I. She was executed by firing squad in France. The idea of a beautiful woman using her powers of seduction as a spy made her name synonymous with the femme fatale. Her story has served as an inspiration for many books, films, and other works.\nIt has been said that she was convicted and condemned because the French Army needed a scapegoat, and that the files used to secure her conviction contained several falsifications. Some have even stated that Mata Hari could not have been a spy and was innocent."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Mata Hari's body was not claimed by any family members and was accordingly used for medical study. Her head was embalmed and kept in the Museum of Anatomy in Paris. In 2000, archivists discovered that it had disappeared, her head remains missing. the rest of the body could also not be accounted for.\n\n[Mata Hari - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": ">Zelle was met by agents from theDeuxime Bureauwho told her that she would only be allowed to see Maslov if she agreed to spy for France.\n\n&nbsp;\n\n>The most terrible and heartbreaking moment for Mata Hari during the trial occurred when her lover Maslovby now a deeply embittered man as a result of losing his eyes in combatdeclined to testify for her, telling her he did not care if she was convicted or not.\n\nDid he not know that she was doing it for him?", "name": "Joseph"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Maybe he knew, but he did not come to the court to defend her.\nAlthough from her letters she seemed to truly loved him and want to one day marry him after getting enough money to fix his eye"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The 1955 Le Mans disaster was a major crash that occurred on 11 June 1955 during the 24 Hours of Le Mans motor race at Circuit de la Sarthe in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. Large pieces of debris flew into the crowd, killing 83 spectators and French driver Pierre Levegh, and injuring around 120 more. It was the most catastrophic crash in motorsport history, prompting Switzerland to institute a nation-wide ban on motorsports altogether that lasted until 2022.\nThe crash started when Jaguar driver Mike Hawthorn pulled to the right side of the track in front of Austin-Healey driver Lance Macklin and started braking for his pit stop. Macklin swerved out from behind the slowing Jaguar into the path of Levegh, who was passing on the left in his much faster Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR. Levegh rear-ended Macklin at high speed, overriding Macklin's car and launching his own car through the air. Levegh's car skipped over a protective earthen berm at 200 km/h (125 mph) and made at least two impacts within the spectator area, the last of which caused the car to disintegrate, throwing him onto the track where he was instantly killed. Large pieces of debris, including the Mercedes' engine block, radiator, front suspension, and bonnet (hood), were sent flying into the packed spectator area in front of the grandstand. The rear of Levegh's car landed on the berm and exploded into flames.\nThere was much debate over blame for the disaster. The official inquiry held none of the drivers specifically responsible and criticised the layout of the 30-year-old track, which had not been designed for cars as fast as those involved in the crash."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# 1955 Le Mans disaster, the most catastrophic crash in motorsport history: The bonnet lid scythed through the air, decapitating tightly jammed spectators like a guillotine.\n\n[1955 Le Mans disaster - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "IIRC this crash is the reason Mercedes was banned from motorsport for the longest time. I believe it's reason Mercedes didn't have a Formula 1 team until 2010.", "name": "Jeremy"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Mercedes wasn't banned, they pulled out themselves an they re-entered in 1987.", "name": "Kiara"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Earring Magic Ken, also known as \"Gay Ken\" and \"Fey Ken\", is a model of the Ken doll introduced by Mattel in 1993 as a companion to its Earring Magic Barbie figure, one of five dolls in the Earring Magic Barbie line.The doll is notable for inspiring a toy craze among gay men (including some claims that it was the highest selling Ken doll of all time) and for the controversy that ensued upon its debut."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Observers quickly noted the resemblance of Earring Magic Ken to a stereotypical gay man, from the pastel-colored clothes to the earring to the necklace, which was described as a \"chrome cock ring.\" Gay men bought the doll in record numbers, making it the best-selling Ken doll in Mattel's history.\n\n[Earring Magic Ken - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Corporate's response was so 90s.", "name": "Jayla"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Imagine recalling a doll because gay guys like its aesthetic. That should be a compliment.", "name": "Grace"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, pronounced [kɔntsɛntʁaˈtsi̯oːnsˌlaːɡɐ ˈʔaʊʃvɪts] ; also KL Auschwitz or KZ Auschwitz) was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland (in a portion annexed into Germany in 1939) during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labour camp for the chemical conglomerate IG Farben; and dozens of subcamps. The camps became a major site of the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish question.\nAfter Germany initiated World War II by invading Poland in September 1939, the Schutzstaffel (SS) converted Auschwitz I, an army barracks, into a prisoner-of-war camp. The initial transport of political detainees to Auschwitz consisted almost solely of Poles (for whom the camp was initially established). For the first two years, the majority of inmates were Polish. In May 1940, German criminals brought to the camp as functionaries established the camp's reputation for sadism. Prisoners were beaten, tortured, and executed for the most trivial of reasons. The first gassings—of Soviet and Polish prisoners—took place in block 11 of Auschwitz I around August 1941.\nConstruction of Auschwitz II began the following month, and from 1942 until late 1944 freight trains delivered Jews from all over German-occupied Europe to its gas chambers. Of the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, 1.1 million were murdered. The number of victims includes 960,000 Jews (865,000 of whom were gassed on arrival), 74,000 non-Jewish Poles, 21,000 Romani, 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and up to 15,000 others. Those not gassed were murdered via starvation, exhaustion, disease, individual executions, or beatings. Others were killed during medical experiments.\nAt least 802 prisoners tried to escape, 144 successfully, and on 7 October 1944, two Sonderkommando units, consisting of prisoners who operated the gas chambers, launched an unsuccessful uprising. After the Holocaust ended, only 789 Schutzstaffel personnel (no more than 15 percent) ever stood trial. Several were executed, including camp commandant Rudolf Höss. The Allies' failure to act on early reports of mass murder by bombing the camp or its railways remains controversial.\nAs the Soviet Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945, toward the end of the war, the SS sent most of the camp's population west on a death march to camps inside Germany and Austria. Soviet troops entered the camp on 27 January 1945, a day commemorated since 2005 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In the decades after the war, survivors such as Primo Levi, Viktor Frankl, and Elie Wiesel wrote memoirs of their experiences, and the camp became a dominant symbol of the Holocaust. In 1947, Poland founded the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum on the site of Auschwitz I and II, and in 1979 it was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland. Over one million people were murdered there.\n\n[Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Im reading a book about Josef Mengele now. Its hard to believe how dark humans can behave.", "name": "Julian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I recently read a book called Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning, about a German police battalion in occupied Poland and Baltic states. They were mostly 40-something civilians and apolitical, but by the end of the war were committing insane, horrendous atrocities daily. Almost anyone can be a monster and its terrifying.", "name": "Katherine"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "wikiFeet is a photo-sharing foot fetish website dedicated to sharing photos of celebrities' feet. In 2016, it was described by Vice Media's Lauren Oyler as \"...the most extensive online message board and photo gallery of women's feet on the Internet\". It mostly includes images of the feet of famous actors, actresses and other entertainers, though some politicians' feet are also featured on the site.It was founded in 2008 by Eli Ozer, an Israeli former computer programmer and animator who now runs the site full-time. According to Ozer, the site gets about 3 million views a month (as of July 2017).In January 2019, wikiFeet was involved in debunking a hoax involving US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; a picture of a woman's feet in a bathtub, purported to be a nude posted online by Ocasio-Cortez in 2016, was determined to be of someone else by users of the site, with the picture's short toe length being a key piece of evidence. They were determined to be the feet of Sydney Leathers, involved in the Anthony Weiner sexting scandals of 2013, which she confirmed to Washington Babylon in January 2019.In 2021, journalist Laura Bassett discovered that a 58-year-old man named Robert Hamilton had been posting pictures of her feet to wikiFeet, by copying photographs from her Instagram feed. He agreed to be interviewed. He said that he considered himself a foot fetishist and had admired women's feet since his childhood.Since June 2021, the website does not allow visitors from the European Union to browse full-resolution images because of a new EU Copyright Directive."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# wikiFeet is a photo-sharing foot fetish website dedicated to sharing photos of celebrities' feet. It mostly includes images of the feet of famous actors, actresses and other entertainers, though some politicians' feet are also featured on the site.\n\n[wikiFeet - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Almost every US President going back to FDR has a page (except dusty old Eisenhower, no one wants to see those feet)", "name": "Madison"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Shortly before midnight on September 11, 2001, Henryk Siwiak (1955–2001), a Polish immigrant, was fatally shot on a street in the Bedford–Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, where he had mistakenly gone in order to start a new job. He was able to make it to the door of a nearby house before he collapsed. The homicide remains unsolved; Siwiak has been described as \"the last person killed in New York on 9/11\", although he was not a victim of the terror attacks earlier that day.The initial investigation into the crime may have been hampered, police believe, by the diversion of law enforcement resources in the city in the wake of that day's terrorist attacks, which ultimately killed almost 3,000 people. Since Siwiak was not robbed, wore camouflage clothing and spoke poor English with a heavy accent, detectives have speculated that his killer may have thought he had something to do with the attacks. Siwiak's homicide is the only one recorded in New York City on September 11, 2001, since the city does not include the deaths from the attacks in its official crime statistics."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The last person killed in New York on 9/11 was Henryk Siwiak, a victim of an unsolved murder, killed shortly before midnight. His homicide is the only one recorded in New York City on September 11, 2001, since the city does not include the deaths from the attacks in its official crime statistics\n\n[Killing of Henryk Siwiak - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Ive read up on this case. Sadly it may never be solved. My heart breaks for the mans family, and, as theorized, if it was a robbery gone wrong can you imagine not understanding what was happening and then getting shot? Such a heartbreaking way to go.", "name": "Xavier"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I'll say. He seemed like an earnest, hard-working guy too.\n> On the morning of September 11, following the attacks, the job site closed down as that part of the city was evacuated. Siwiak could not afford to wait until work resumed, so after walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, he took the subway back to his sister's home. After looking through the classified ads in the Polish-language newspaper Nowy Dziennik,[5] he found one with a cleaning service at a Pathmark supermarket in the Farragut section of Brooklyn. To fill out the paperwork, he went to an employment agency in Bay Ridge that served the city's Polish community.\n\nHe was a few blocks from WTC that morning and saw the planes hit from his job-site. Instead of just calling it a day, he spent his September 11th, 2001, in New York City tirelessly job hunting so he wouldn't miss a day's work--and so he could continue sending money back home to his family in Poland.\n\nI feel like there's a parable in there...death of the American Dream something something...", "name": "Dominic"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Akhfash's goat - A Persian parable in which a philosopher trains his pet goat to nod its head when asked if it had understood a book that it was shown. The term \"Akhfash's goat\" refers to a person who nods along with a conversation that they do not understand.\n\n[Akhfash's goat - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Just asked me Iranian friend and he has never heard of it. Of course it may be more or less popular across regions and ages groups. He is in his late 20's and from Isfahan, for context.", "name": "Eric"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Billy (born c. 1754) was an enslaved man from Virginia who was charged with treason during the American Revolution. He was pardoned in 1781 after a letter was written arguing that, as a slave, he was not a citizen and thus could not commit treason against a government to which he owed no allegiance."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Billy was an enslaved man from Virginia who was charged with treason during the American Revolution. He won his case by arguing that, as a slave, he was not a citizen and thus could not commit treason against a government to which he owed no allegiance.\n\n[Billy (slave) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "He lost his case and was sentenced to hang. Did no one read the link?\n\nThen a letter was written and he was pardoned.", "name": "Owen"}, {"role": "user", "content": "The Wikipedia link actually contains the following sentence:\n\n>He won his case by arguing that, as a slave, he was not a citizen and thus could not commit treason against a government to which he owed no allegiance. \n\nThough I would say you are technically right. Losing a case and then getting pardoned is not the same thing as winning a case. ", "name": "Riley"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Deep dive on high ranking Nazi officials. Ive been at it for months and Im only on E. Interesting, sad, and perfect for history buffs.\n\n[List of Nazi Party leaders and officials - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Do you have any \"must-reads\"?", "name": "Colton"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Not a high-ranking officer, but any mention of notorious nazis is incomplete without mention of the SS officer who was so depraved and brutal in his own conduct and the conduct of his unit that other members of the SS abhorred him- Oskar Dirlewanger.\n\n\n\nE:", "name": "Layla"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Karol Kot (18 December 1946 – 16 May 1968) was a Polish murderer who terrorized the city of Kraków between 1964 and 1966. Due to trial evidence and to the seemingly random choices of victims, which included children and elderly people, Kot was nicknamed the Vampire of Kraków. After the trial, in which Kot pleaded guilty to all the crimes he was charged, he was sentenced to death on 14 July 1967. After an appeal initially reduced his sentence to life in prison, his sentence was reinstated. Kot was hanged on 16 May 1968."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In the 1960s, teenager Karol Kot terrorized the city of Krakow, often targeting children and the elderly. Sentenced to die, he didn't care, saying \"the pleasure I felt when the knife was cleaving the meat Its impossible to describe the feeling. The experience is worth the gallows.\"\n\n[Karol Kot - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Another spree attacker, another brain tumor.\n\nReally sad how much our body can turn on us.", "name": "Melissa"}, {"role": "user", "content": "The article says there's dispute whether an autopsy was ever actually performed and there's no official documentation of it. The fact that he enjoyed torturing small animals since childhood makes me doubt that a brain tumor in adulthood was to blame", "name": "Kenneth"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Texas Winter Storm of February 2021 - At the peak of the outages, at least 4.3 million Texas residents were left without electricity... Many cities have enacted boil orders (i.e. to boil drinking water for a minute in order to remove bacteria and pathogens).\n\n[February 13–17, 2021 North American winter storm - Wikipedia](,_2021_North_American_winter_storm#Central_and_Southern_Plains)"}, {"role": "user", "content": "How would they boil water if they only have electric stoves?", "name": "Rylee"}, {"role": "user", "content": "With a log fire in the back yard \\\\_()_/", "name": "Ivan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Old person smell is the characteristic odor of elderly humans. Much so like many animal species, human odor undergoes distinct stages based on chemical changes initiated through the aging process. Research suggests that this enables humans to determine the suitability of potential partners based on age, in addition to other factors."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Old person smell is the characteristic odor of elderly humans. Human odor undergoes distinct stages based on chemical changes initiated through the aging process.\n\n[Old person smell - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Babies smell must be a result of this, too!", "name": "Ricardo"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It's the weirdest thing, babies heads do smell nice.", "name": "Michael"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Stupid question, what do babies smell like?? I've never been close enough to one to smell it."}, {"role": "user", "content": "New, I guess. Like fresh human.", "name": "Kaden"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Clementine Barnabet (born c. 1894) was an accused American serial killer who was convicted of killing one person and confessed to have killed as many as 35. However, doubt has since been cast on her involvement."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Clementine Barnabet: an African-American female serial killer, cult member, and escaped convict. She murdered up to 35 people with an axe in 1911-1912. In 1923 she simply walked out of her Louisiana prison never to be seen again.\n\n[Clementine Barnabet - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This should be a movie.", "name": "Maria"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Im a graduate film student and this happened in Cajun country, so dude Ill write it leggo"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Sea Peoples are a hypothesized seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt and other regions in the East Mediterranean before and during the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BC). Following the creation of the concept in the 19th century, the Sea Peoples' incursions became one of the most famous chapters of Egyptian history, given its connection with, in the words of Wilhelm Max Müller, \"the most important questions of ethnography and the primitive history of classic nations\".The Sea People included well-attested groups such as the Lukka, as well as others such as the Weshesh whose origins are unknown. Hypotheses regarding the origin of the various groups are the source of much speculation. Several of them appear to have been Aegean tribes, while others may have originated in Sicily, Sardinia, Cyprus, and Western Anatolia.\nFrench Egyptologist Emmanuel de Rougé first used the term peuples de la mer (literally \"peoples of the sea\") in 1855 in a description of reliefs on the Second Pylon at Medinet Habu, documenting Year 8 of Ramesses III. In the late 19th century, Gaston Maspero, de Rougé's successor at the Collège de France, subsequently popularized the term \"Sea Peoples\" and an associated migration theory. Since the early 1990s, his migration theory has been brought into question by a number of scholars; it has been described as a \"deeply problematic theory and one that has been largely dismissed\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Sea Peoples are a purported seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt prior to and during the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200900 BC). The Sea Peoples remain unidentified in the eyes of most scholars and hypotheses regarding their origin are the source of much speculation.\n\n[Sea Peoples - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The whole \"Late Bronze Age collapse\" thing is so mysterious and exciting!\n\nImagine having powerful empires collapse simultaneously, breaking international trade routes, at least one civilization (Mycaenean Greece) forgetting *how to read and write* for centuries. And the actual reason is unknown (although now it's thought that it was a perfect storm of many factors).", "name": "Lindsey"}, {"role": "user", "content": ">The whole \"Late Bronze Age collapse\" thing is so mysterious and exciting!\n\nI echo this thought.", "name": "Jennifer"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Onfim (Old Novgorodian: Онѳиме, romanized: Onfime; Russian: Онфим; also Anthemius of Novgorod) was a boy who lived in Novgorod (now Veliky Novgorod, Russia) in the 13th century, some time around 1220 or 1260. He left his notes and homework exercises scratched in soft birch bark which was preserved in the clay soil of Novgorod. Onfim, who was most likely six or seven at the time, wrote in the East Slavic Old Novgorod dialect. Besides letters and syllables, he drew \"battle scenes and drawings of himself and his teacher\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Onfim was a boy who lived in Novgorod in present day Russia in the 13th century. He left his notes and homework exercises scratched in soft birch bark which was preserved in the clay soil of Novgorod.\n\n[Onfim - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "How can Novgorod have lived in both present day Russia and in the 13th century?", "name": "Nathan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "The same way any other major european city can. Shit, Jericho is still a city, and it was founded more that 10000 years ago. Novgorod lost its importance since the 13th century tho", "name": "Hope"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "David Lawrence Kirby (December 6, 1957 – May 5, 1990) was an American HIV/AIDS activist, and the subject of a photograph taken at his deathbed by Therese Frare. The image was published in Life magazine, which called it the \"picture that changed the face of AIDS\".\nThe image shows Kirby, near death, a vacant look in his face, and his father holding his son's head in a moment of grief. Other members of Kirby's immediate family are seated next to him. Life featured the image in its November 1990 issue, after which it gained first national and then international attention. The picture was later used by United Colors of Benetton in an advertising campaign, with the permission of Kirby's family, who felt that its use would show the devastating effects of AIDS."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Picture That Changed The Face of AIDS\n\n[David Kirby (activist) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "A genocide that the government allowed to happen by refusing to fund research towards a preventative cure...", "name": "Jeffrey"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Which government?", "name": "Benjamin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "My bad, the US government", "name": "Ellie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It was a world wide pandemic my man, other governments were free to fund it as well", "name": "Emily"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I should have been more specific towards the intent of my original comment, but the Reagan administration actively decided to ignore the pandemic because they thought it was a gay disease for the entirety of the 80s.", "name": "Collin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Surra de Bunda is a dance move by the group Tequileiras do Funk, from São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, which involves a female dancer \"beating\" her buttocks into a man's face, potentially leading to concussion. It is best known outside Brazil as the subject of a brief wave of internet reporting in 2010. The phrase Surra de Bunda in Brazilian Portuguese loosely means \"butt beat\", \"butt pounding\" or, more accurately, \"punishment by ass\". Some individuals enjoy the punishment, whilst others cry in misery."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Surra de Bunda: A dance move which involves a female dancer \"beating\" her buttocks into a man's face, potentially leading to concussion. It is best known outside Brazil as the subject of a brief wave of internet reporting in 2010.\n\n[Surra de Bunda - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">The phrase Surra de Bunda in Brazilian Portuguese loosely means \"butt beat\", \"butt pounding\" or, more accurately, \"punishment by ass\". Some individuals enjoy the punishment, whilst others cry in misery."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Beulah George \"Georgia\" Tann (July 18, 1891 – September 15, 1950), was an American social worker and child trafficker who operated the Tennessee Children's Home Society, an adoption agency in Memphis, Tennessee. Tann used the unlicensed home as a front for her black market baby adoption scheme from the 1920s. Young children were kidnapped and then sold to wealthy families, abused, or—in some instances—murdered. A state investigation into numerous instances of adoption fraud led to the closure of the institution in 1950. Tann died of cancer before the investigation made its findings public."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Georgia Tann was an American child trafficker who utilised her position as a social worker to fraudulently place kidnapped children for adoption on the black market for 30 years. One such child subjected to kidnapping grew up to become Ric Flair \n\n[Georgia Tann - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Such a horrible woman, and single-handedly responsible for so much loss and suffering. The American adoption system is still modeled on some of her practices.", "name": "Genesis"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I ask this while being in complete agreement- the American adoption system is so absolutely evil and corrupt- but do you mind elaborating on which specific policies are still being used today that came from her?", "name": "Ellie"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Testing of a Bulletproof Vest, 1923\n\n![a man holding a baseball bat]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This is back in the day when people dressed like they actually gave a damn about testing bulletproof vests.", "name": "Gabrielle"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Not a flip-flop in sight.", "name": "Aubrey"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Carole Lombard (born Jane Alice Peters; October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942) was an American actress. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Lombard 23rd on its list of the greatest female stars of Classic Hollywood Cinema.\nBorn into a wealthy family, Lombard was raised by her single mother. She made her screen debut in A Perfect Crime (1921) at the age of 12 and the experience spurred her and her mother to seek further film work, eventually resulting in a movie career.\nLombard was killed in a plane crash aboard TWA Flight 3 while returning from a war bond tour. She was 33 years old. Today, she is remembered as one of the definitive actresses of the screwball comedy genre and American comedy and as an icon of American cinema."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# On January 16, 1942, 33-year-old actress Carole Lombard won a coin toss that determined she and her group would return home from a war bond tour by plane instead of by train. Their flight wound up crashing into a mountain outside Las Vegas, killing all 22 onboard, including 15 U.S. Army soldiers.\n\n[Carole Lombard - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Reminds me of a quote by Werner Herzog:\n\n*Sometimes bad luck hits you like in an ancient Greek tragedy, and it's not your own making. When you have a plane crash, it's not your fault.*\n\nPoor souls. Not the end I would have wished for.", "name": "Sophie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Just a little tidbit that everyone may know...but Werner Herzog was nearly in a fatal plane crash himself. It was Christmastime in the 70s, and a flight got overbooked. He ended up staying behind to catch another flight. Nearly everyone died, but one girl survived. She then survived several days alone in a jungle, and eventually made it out. Werner Herzog made a movie about it called Wings of Hope.", "name": "Marcus"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Guangxi Massacre (simplified Chinese: 广西大屠杀; traditional Chinese: 廣西大屠殺; pinyin: Guǎngxī Dàtúshā), or the Guangxi Cultural Revolution Massacre (广西文革大屠杀; 廣西文革大屠殺; Guǎngxī Wéngé Dàtúshā), was a series of events involving lynching and direct massacre in Guangxi during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). The official record shows an estimated death toll of 100,000 to 150,000. Methods of slaughter included beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, and disemboweling.In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed. According to public records available, at least 137 people—perhaps hundreds more—were eaten by others and at least thousands of people participated in the cannibalism. Other researchers have pointed out that 421 victims who could be identified by name were eaten, and there were reports of cannibalism across dozens of counties in Guangxi. Although the cannibalism was sponsored by local offices of the Communist Party and militia, no direct evidence suggests that anyone in the national Communist Party leadership including Mao Zedong endorsed the cannibalism or even knew of it. However, some scholars have pointed out that Wuxuan County, through internal channels, had notified the central leadership about the cannibalism in 1968.After the Cultural Revolution, people who were involved in the massacre or cannibalism received legal punishments during the \"Boluan Fanzheng\" period. In Wuxuan County where at least 38 people were eaten, fifteen participants were prosecuted, receiving up to 14 years in prison, while ninety-one members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were expelled from the party and thirty-nine non-party officials were either demoted or had a salary cut."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Guangxi Massacre: Between 1966-1974 in certain areas of China massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed. According to public records available, at least 137 peopleperhaps hundreds morewere eaten by thousands of others who participated in the cannibalism.\n\n[Guangxi Massacre - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Wtf did I just read."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Also jfc what is this quote?!? \n\n>In 2013, Yang Liping, a notable Chinese dancer, claimed that she had seen cannibalism during the Cultural Revolution, although not necessarily in Guangxi. She stated that \"I am pessimistic about humanity and pessimistic about humans. Because we have been through the Cultural Revolution, we have become very alert. **I am very alert, alert like a peacock. Be careful, because humans are the most horrible animals, otherwise Michael Jackson wouldn't have died...** I saw people eat people, and people hurt people, just like nowadays. Nowadays people can hurt you anytime, yet they don't even know why they hurt you.\"[24][25]"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Hitobashira (人柱, \"human pillar\"), also known as Da sheng zhuang (simplified Chinese: 打生桩; traditional Chinese: 打生樁; pinyin: dǎshēngzhuāng; Jyutping: daa2saang1zong1) in China, myosade (မြို့စတေး) in Burma, and tumbal proyek in Indonesia, is a cultural practice of human sacrifice in East and Southeast Asia of premature burial before the construction of buildings. Hitobashira was practiced formerly in Japan as a form of human sacrifice. A person was buried alive under or near large-scale buildings like dams, bridges and castles, as a prayer to Shinto gods. It was believed this would protect the building from being destroyed by natural disasters such as floods or by enemy attacks. Hitobashira can also refer to workers who were buried alive under inhumane conditions."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Hitobashira ( human pillar), practiced formerly in Japan, is a human sacrifice, buried alive under or near large-scale buildings like dams, bridges, and castles, as a prayer to the gods so that the building is not destroyed by natural disasters such as floods or by enemy attacks.\n\n[Hitobashira - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This was a practice in Europe in the middle ages, too. Someone would be bricked up behind a false wall upon completion of a castle, and especially bridges. I dont think there was a special name for it, though."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Humans truly are the worst", "name": "Edwin"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# The policies of Mao Zedong in China were associated with the deaths of an estimated 40 to 80 million people through starvation, persecution, forced labor, and mass executions.\n\n[Mao Zedong - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "But he's considered a hero to the chinese.", "name": "Michelle"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Propagandas a bitch", "name": "Colin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "TikTok, whose mainland Chinese counterpart is Douyin (Chinese: 抖音; pinyin: Dǒuyīn; lit. 'Shaking sound'), is a short-form video hosting service owned by Chinese Internet company ByteDance. It hosts user-submitted videos, which can range in duration from three seconds to 10 minutes.Following its launch, TikTok has become one of the world's most popular websites. In October 2020, TikTok surpassed two billion mobile downloads worldwide. Cloudflare ranked TikTok the most popular website of 2021, surpassing Google. TikTok's popularity has resulted in the platform having an increasing cultural impact worldwide.Since its launch, TikTok has come under scrutiny due to data privacy violations, addictiveness, misinformation, offensive content, and its role during the Israel–Hamas war. Countries have restricted, banned, or attempted to ban the use of TikTok to protect children and on national security grounds over possible user data collection by the Chinese government.\n\nLibs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right and anti-LGBT social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik ( KHAH-yə RY-chik), a former real estate agent. Raichik uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary. The accounts promote hate speech and transphobia, and spread false claims, especially relating to medical care of transgender children. The X (formerly Twitter) account, also known by the handle @LibsofTikTok, has nearly 3 million followers as of February 2024 and has become influential among American conservatives and the political right. Libs of TikTok's social-media accounts have received several temporary suspensions and a permanent suspension from TikTok.Some Libs of TikTok posts have resulted in harassment against teachers, medical providers, children's hospitals, libraries, LGBT venues, and educational facilities, several of which having received bomb threats after being featured on a post. Libs of TikTok posts regularly slur LGBT people, as well as those who provide mental-health services to LGBT youth and LGBT sex education to students, as \"groomers\". Its followers \"routinely attack individuals whose content is shared\", and several dozen incidents of online or real-life threats and harassment against a range of targets, including 21 bomb threats, have been linked to Libs of TikTok's tweets, especially those where Raichik singles out specific events, locations or people.Raichik created the Twitter account in November 2020, and, after adopting a series of different handles, she changed its name to @LibsofTikTok in April 2021. Later that year, the account began receiving media attention, including from conservative commentators and news outlets. Raichik remained anonymous until her identity was revealed in April 2022 by, separately, software developer Travis Brown and The Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz. In August 2022, Libs of TikTok received substantial media attention after falsely claiming that gender-affirming hysterectomies were being provided to minors at the Boston Children's Hospital and at the Children's National Hospital. This resulted in harassment campaigns, including bomb threats, against both hospitals. Libs of TikTok's videos have also been promoted by Russian and European disinformation networks, particularly a Kremlin-backed anti-LGBTQ disinformation campaign."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Libs of TikTok is a far-right, anti-LGBT Twitter account that reposts liberal social media content. The account promotes harassment against teachers, medical providers, and children's hospitals, and spreads false claims and hateful commentary against marginalized groups.\n\n[Libs of TikTok - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Ah yes, the schotastic t*rrorist troll account. LOT has directly led to several recent violent attacks, including the one that resulted in nearly 35k losing power in NC.", "name": "Zoe"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Don't they just repost what other members voluntarily upload themselves?", "name": "Andres"}, {"role": "user", "content": "No. They have purposefully created false narratives. For example, just a few months ago they claimed Bostons Children Hospital was performing sex changes on children, which is completely false. This led to a bunch of threats being made against the hospital: [](", "name": "Liliana"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Samuel More (1593–1662) was an English man who was at the centre of two historical incidents in 17th-century England. In the first, he arranged for the removal of his children to the New World aboard the Mayflower; later, during the English Civil War, a garrison under his command was massacred by besieging forces.\nSamuel's father, Richard More, was master of Linley, an estate near Bishop’s Castle close to the Welsh border. Samuel married his cousin Katherine More, whose father, Jasper More, was master of Larden, a 1,000-acre estate between Much Wenlock and Ludlow in Shropshire.\nThe mystery of why Samuel More sent his children on the dangerous journey on the Mayflower was not explained until 1959, when Jasper More, a descendant of Samuel, prompted by his genealogist friend, Sir Anthony Wagner, searched his attic and discovered a 1622 document which detailed the adultery of the children's mother, Katherine More. That admission led Samuel to believe that the children were not his offspring. In 1616, Samuel accused his wife Katherine of adultery and bearing four children with Jacob Blakeway, a neighbour. Under his father's direction, Samuel removed the four children from their home. Four years later, without their mother's knowledge, they were transported to the New World aboard the Pilgrim Fathers' ship the Mayflower, in the guardianship of other passengers. Only one of the children survived the hardships of the first winter in Plymouth."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Samuel More was an English man who, in 1616, accused his wife of adultery. Doubtful of the paternity of their 4 young children, he conspired to get rid of them behind her back. He would eventually succeed, with only 1 of the children surviving their journey as indentured servants on The Mayflower\n\n[Samuel More - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I feel like a lot of people don't realize how bad it was to be an indentured servant in colonial America. More likely to die than reach the end of your indenture, and very likely to be cheated out of the land and freedom dues even if you did survive. They were treated as slaves, and even bought and sold in the same style.", "name": "Tanner"}, {"role": "user", "content": "They werent really though. One was free by 14. The others died very soon after the trip, so its hard to say it was from the servitude. It sucked but your kids werent in it and you could blend in if you ran away", "name": "Mia"}, {"role": "user", "content": "But woman who got pregnant at the time would have years added onto her contract, and illegitimate children would be \"bound out\" by the parish, usually until adulthood, but some as much as 31 years. The nature of these contracts isn't static. Since all the courts in the colonies were presided over by landowners, they almost always worked against servants. This resulted in them getting years added, losing their freedom dues, or getting apportioned only the worst land available. It's not quite as bad as slavery, because nominally there was hope of freedom, but most did not survive to see it, or enjoy all the promised benefits if they did. It was a scam used to dispose of England's unwanted poor.", "name": "Sabrina"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Jeffrey Hudson (1619 – c. 1682) was a court dwarf of the English queen Henrietta Maria of France. He was famous as the \"Queen's dwarf\" and \"Lord Minimus\" and was considered one of the \"wonders of the age\" because of his extreme but well-proportioned smallness. He fought with the Royalists in the English Civil War and fled with the Queen to France but was expelled from her court when he killed a man in a duel. He was captured by Barbary pirates and spent 25 years enslaved in North Africa before being ransomed back to England."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Sir Jeffrey Hudson, the \"Queen's dwarf\" or \"Lord Minimus\" fought with the Royalists in the English Civil War. He fled to France but was expelled from the Queen's court when he killed a man in a duel, then was captured by Barbary pirates and spent 25 years as a slave in North Africa\n\n[Jeffrey Hudson - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "> No details of his captivity were recorded except one fact: he claimed to have grown to 45 inches (1,100 millimetres) during this time, doubling his height after 30 years of age,[7] which he attributed to the buggery he had regularly suffered at the hands of his captors.[1]", "name": "Jaden"}, {"role": "user", "content": "So he was gone for 25 years and reappeared just when the queen died; he refused to associate with anyone who knew him from court; and he was twice as tall as before. Did it occur to anyone that he might have been an imposter?", "name": "Adrian"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# [OC] Pages with the most daily views on Wikipedia for 2022.\n\n![a graph showing the number of different types of the earth's surface]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What do the colours signify?", "name": "Brooke"}, {"role": "user", "content": "They signify different colors", "name": "Claire"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Georgia (Georgian: საქართველო, romanized: sakartvelo, IPA: [sakʰartʰʷelo] ) is a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and West Asia. It is part of the Caucasus region, bounded by the Black Sea to the west, Russia to the north and northeast, Turkey to the southwest, Armenia to the south, and Azerbaijan to the southeast. Georgia covers an area of 69,700 square kilometres (26,900 sq mi). It has a population of 3.7 million, of which over a third live in the capital and largest city, Tbilisi. Georgians, who are indigenous to the region, constitute a majority.\nGeorgia has been inhabited since prehistoric times, hosting the world's earliest known sites of winemaking, gold mining, and textiles. The classical era saw the emergence of several kingdoms, such as Colchis and Iberia, that formed the nucleus of the modern Georgian state. In the early fourth century, Georgians officially adopted Christianity, which contributed to their gradual unification and ethnogenesis. In the High Middle Ages, the Kingdom of Georgia reached its Golden Age during the reign of King David IV and Queen Tamar. The kingdom subsequently declined and disintegrated under the hegemony of various regional powers, including the Mongols, the Ottoman Empire, and Persia, before being gradually annexed into the Russian Empire starting in 1801.\nAfter the Russian Revolution in 1917, Georgia briefly emerged as an independent republic under German protectorate, but was invaded and annexed by the Soviet Union in 1922, becoming one of its constituent republics. In the 1980s, an independence movement grew quickly, leading to Georgia's secession from the Soviet Union in April 1991. For much of the subsequent decade, the country endured economic crises, political instability, and secessionist wars in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Following the peaceful Rose Revolution in 2003, Georgia strongly pursued a pro-Western foreign policy, introducing a series of democratic and economic reforms aimed at integration into the European Union and NATO. The country's Western orientation soon led to worsening relations with Russia, which culminated in the Russo-Georgian War of 2008 and continued Russian occupation of parts of Georgia.\nGeorgia is a representative democracy governed as a unitary parliamentary republic. It is a developing country with a very high Human Development Index. Economic reforms since independence have led to higher levels of economic freedom, as well as reductions in corruption indicators, poverty, and unemployment. Georgia is only the second country in the world to legalize cannabis, and the only former socialist state to do so. The country is a member of international organizations, including the Council of Europe, Eurocontrol, BSEC, GUAM, Energy Community. As part of the Association Trio, Georgia is a candidate for EU membership."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Georgia is (currently) the only country on Earth whose Wikipedia article has the word 'country' in brackets in its title to differentiate it from the US state.\n\n[Georgia (country) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The only country in the *English* language Wikipedia (etc)", "name": "Sara"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I was wondering about Montenegro. Country and a Greek state.", "name": "Abigail"}, {"role": "user", "content": "You mean (northern) Macedonia?", "name": "Mckenzie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Conqueror is a 1956 American epic historical drama film, directed by Dick Powell and written by Oscar Millard. It stars John Wayne as the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan and co-stars Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead and Pedro Armendáriz. Produced by entrepreneur Howard Hughes, the film was principally shot near St. George, Utah.\nDespite the stature of the cast and a respectable box office performance, the film was critically panned; it is often ranked as one of the worst films of the 1950s and also as one of the worst films ever made. Wayne, who was at the height of his career, had lobbied for the lead role after reading the script and was widely believed to have been grossly miscast. The Conqueror was listed in the 1978 book The Fifty Worst Films of All Time. In 1980, Wayne posthumously received a Golden Turkey Award (awarded to movies and performances considered the worst in history) in the \"Worst Casting\" category, for his performance as Khan. In the years since release, the film garnered additional controversy for its filming downwind of a nuclear testing site, which sparked debate among historians and biologists over whether or not it caused multiple cases of cancer among the cast and crew."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Conqueror (1956) was a historical epic starring John Wayne as Genghis Khan. In addition to being a critical flop, 41% of the cast and crew developed cancer in their lifetime, believed to be a result of the film being produced downwind of a Nevada nuclear test site.\n\n[The Conqueror (1956 film) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Well that's even more terrifying \"Statistically, the odds of developing cancer for men in the U.S. population are 43% and the odds of dying of cancer are 23% very near what was found in this film crew.\"", "name": "Ariana"}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "That's just everyone, not American specific.", "name": "Jade"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1930–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union.\nWhile scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute. Some historians conclude that the famine was deliberately engineered by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. Others suggest that the famine was primarily the consequence of rapid Soviet industrialisation and collectivization of agriculture. A middle position, held for example by historian Andrea Graziosi, is that the initial causes of the famine were an unintentional byproduct of the process of collectivization but once it set in, starvation was selectively weaponized and the famine was \"instrumentalized\" and amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of the \"new serfdom\" and to break their nationalism.Ukraine was one of the largest grain-producing states in the USSR and was subject to unreasonably high grain quotas compared to the rest of the USSR. This caused Ukraine to be hit particularly hard by the famine. Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly. A joint statement to the United Nations signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7 to 10 million died. However, current scholarship estimates a range significantly lower with 3.5 to 5 million victims. The famine's widespread impact on Ukraine persists to this day.\nSince 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 33 other UN member states, the European Parliament, and 35 of the 50 states of the United States as a genocide against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# A woman doctor wrote that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was \"not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you.\" The good people died first. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died.\n\n[Holodomor - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I remember a Stalinist history teacher in high school (mid-sized city in Russia, around 2010) who told me to shut up when I asked him about Holodomor. He said it was traitorous to even ask this question. I literally didnt know what the word meant.", "name": "Bradley"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It's almost morbid that your teacher would even attempt to scold you over asking about an intentional and systematic genocide perpetrated by Stalin and the Soviets, especially considering the information is widely available. By all estimates the Holodomor killed more innocent people than the Holocaust.", "name": "Madeline"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# The wikipedia 'current events' page is great place for reading worldwide news\n\n[Portal:Current events - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Thank you for this. Really hard to find unbiased news sources these days", "name": "Amy"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wikipedia tries to maintain a high degree of neutrality in their articles but there is still bias in lots of articles that gets passed as being unbiased due to the websites reputation", "name": "Tyler"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (German pronunciation: [ˈluːtvɪç ˈbɔlt͡sman]; 20 February 1844 – 5 September 1906) was an Austrian physicist and philosopher. His greatest achievements were the development of statistical mechanics, and the statistical explanation of the second law of thermodynamics. In 1877 he provided the current definition of entropy, \n \n \n \n S\n =\n \n k\n \n \n B\n \n \n \n ln\n ⁡\n Ω\n \n \n \n {\\displaystyle S=k_{\\rm {B}}\\ln \\Omega \\!}\n , where Ω is the number of microstates whose energy equals the system's energy, interpreted as a measure of the statistical disorder of a system. Max Planck named the constant kB the Boltzmann constant.Statistical mechanics is one of the pillars of modern physics. It describes how macroscopic observations (such as temperature and pressure) are related to microscopic parameters that fluctuate around an average. It connects thermodynamic quantities (such as heat capacity) to microscopic behavior, whereas, in classical thermodynamics, the only available option would be to measure and tabulate such quantities for various materials.\n\nThe Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in a void, complete with a memory of having existed in our universe, rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.\nIn contrast to brain in a vat thought experiments which are about perception and thought, Boltzmann brains are used in cosmology to test our assumptions about thermodynamics and the development of the universe. Over a sufficiently long time, random fluctuations could cause particles to spontaneously form literally any structure of any degree of complexity, including a functioning human brain. The scenario initially involved only a single brain with false memories, but physicist Sean M. Carroll pointed out that, in a fluctuating universe, the scenario works just as well with entire bodies, even entire galaxies.The idea is named after the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906), who, in 1896, published a theory that tried to account for the fact that the universe is not as chaotic as the budding field of thermodynamics seemed to predict. He offered several explanations, one of them being that the universe, even after it had progressed to its most likely spread-out and featureless state of thermal equilibrium, would spontaneously fluctuate to a more ordered (or low-entropy) state such as the universe in which we find ourselves. Boltzmann brains were first proposed as a reductio ad absurdum response to this explanation by Boltzmann for the low-entropy state of our universe.The Boltzmann brain gained new relevance around 2002, when some cosmologists started to become concerned that, in many theories about the universe, human brains are vastly more likely to arise from random fluctuations; this leads to the conclusion that, statistically, humans are likely to be wrong about their memories of the past and in fact are Boltzmann brains. When applied to more recent theories about the multiverse, Boltzmann brain arguments are part of the unsolved measure problem of cosmology."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# This is a thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life in our universe, that arises due to extremely rare random fluctuations out of a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.\n\n[Boltzmann brain - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Can someone explain what this is to me?"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Basically by chance the universe spawns a brain with false memories. The chance of this happening is more likely than the formation of Earth with intelligent life. With this theory, it is possible that you can be one.", "name": "Maria"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Goebbels children were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide.\nMagda Goebbels had an elder son, Harald Quandt, from a previous marriage to Günther Quandt. Harald, then aged 23, was a prisoner of war when his younger half-siblings were killed. There are many theories of how they were killed; one is that Magda Goebbels gave them something 'sweetened' to drink. Currently, the most supported theory is that they were killed with a cyanide capsule."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"The Goebbels children were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide.\"\n\n[Goebbels children - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "According to Wikipedia the guy in the back - Quandt (Goebbels stepson) - inherited his fathers industrial empire, became one of the wealthiest men in Germany after the war and his family still owns a chunk of BMW.", "name": "Hope"}, {"role": "user", "content": "A chunk worth roughly 6 BILLION dollars!", "name": "David"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The State of Jefferson is a proposed U.S. state that would span the contiguous, mostly rural area of southern Oregon and Northern California, where several attempts to separate from Oregon and California, respectively, have taken place. The region encompasses most of Northern California's land but does not include San Francisco or other Bay Area counties that account for the majority of Northern California's population.\nThe name \"Jefferson\" is of uncertain origin. It has been historically used for other proposed territories or states, too, such as the 19th century \"Jefferson Territory,\" as well as a southern state that would be created from the Texas Panhandle region, as proposed by a 1915 bill in the Texas Legislature. However, this region on the Pacific Coast is the most famous.President Thomas Jefferson, who sent the Lewis and Clark Expedition into the Pacific Northwest in 1803, envisioned the establishment of an independent nation in the western portion of North America that he dubbed the \"Republic of the Pacific\"; hence the association of his name with regional autonomy. The movement for independence, rather than statehood, is known as Cascadia.\nIf the proposal were ever approved, the new state's capital city would have to be determined by a constitutional convention; Yreka, California, was named the provisional capital in the original 1941 proposal, although Port Orford, Oregon, had also been up for consideration. Some supporters of the more recent revival have also identified Redding, California, as a potential capital, even though Redding is not included in all versions of the proposal and its city council voted in 2013 to reject participation in the movement."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The State of Jefferson is a proposed U.S. state that would span the contiguous, mostly rural area of southern Oregon and northern California, where several attempts to separate from Oregon and California, respectively, have taken place.\n\n[Jefferson (proposed Pacific state) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Oddly enough, I have a little more respect for the folks trying to do this than the folks trying to make Greater Idaho happen. Life ain't so bad in rural Oregon.", "name": "Jazmin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I don't know man, a lot of the 'State of Jefferson' people are very much old Oregon, by that I mean racist white. I'm pretty sure that wackadoodle Amon Bundy is of that group.", "name": "Oliver"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Heil Honey I'm Home! is a British sitcom cancelled after one episode. It centers on Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, who live next to a Jewish couple, who Hitler is unable to get along with. It caused controversy when broadcast and has been called \"perhaps the world's most tasteless situation comedy\".\n\n[Heil Honey I'm Home! - Wikipedia](!)"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It's on Youtube and the main problem isn't so much that it's offensive or anything, it's just painfully unfunny. The gimmick of the main characters being Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun doesn't even really play a role in the stories.", "name": "Zachary"}, {"role": "user", "content": "\"The show is a spoof not of theThird Reich, but of the sort of sitcoms produced in the United States between the 1950s and 1970s \"that would embrace any idea, no matter how stupid\".[1]In this spirit the title, plot and dialogue are deliberately vapid and corny and characters are applauded whenever they arrive on set.\"", "name": "Anthony"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Russia, or the Russian Federation, is a country spanning Eastern Europe and North Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area, extending across eleven time zones. It shares land boundaries with fourteen countries. It is the world's ninth-most populous country and Europe's most populous country. The country's capital as well as its largest city is Moscow. Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city and cultural capital. Other major urban areas in the country include Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.\nThe East Slavs emerged as a recognised group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries CE. The first East Slavic state, Kievan Rus', arose in the 9th century, and in 988, it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire. Rus' ultimately disintegrated, with the Grand Duchy of Moscow growing to become the Tsardom of Russia. By the early 18th century, Russia had vastly expanded through conquest, annexation, and the efforts of Russian explorers, developing into the Russian Empire, which remains the third-largest empire in history. However, with the Russian Revolution in 1917, Russia's monarchic rule was abolished and eventually replaced by the Russian SFSR—the world's first constitutionally socialist state. Following the Russian Civil War, the Russian SFSR established the Soviet Union with three other Soviet republics, within which it was the largest and principal constituent. At the expense of millions of lives, the Soviet Union underwent rapid industrialisation in the 1930s and later played a decisive role for the Allies in World War II by leading large-scale efforts on the Eastern Front. With the onset of the Cold War, it competed with the United States for global ideological influence. The Soviet era of the 20th century saw some of the most significant Russian technological achievements, including the first human-made satellite and the first human expedition into outer space.\nIn 1991, the Russian SFSR emerged from the dissolution of the Soviet Union as the independent Russian Federation. A new constitution was adopted, which established a federal semi-presidential system. Since the turn of the century, Russia's political system has been dominated by Vladimir Putin, under whom the country has experienced democratic backsliding and a shift towards authoritarianism. Russia has been militarily involved in a number of conflicts in former Soviet states and other countries, including its war with Georgia in 2008 and annexation of Crimea in 2014 from neighbouring Ukraine, followed by the further annexation of four other regions in 2022 during an ongoing invasion.\nInternationally, Russia ranks among the lowest in measurements of democracy, human rights and freedom of the press; the country also has high levels of perceived corruption. The Russian economy ranks 11th by nominal GDP, relying heavily on its abundant natural resources, and 68th by GDP per capita. Its mineral and energy sources are the world's largest, and its figures for oil production and natural gas production rank highly globally. Russia possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and has the third-highest military expenditure. The country is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; a member state of the G20, SCO, BRICS, APEC, OSCE, and WTO; and the leading member state of post-Soviet organisations such as CIS, CSTO, and EAEU/EEU. Russia is home to 30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Russia launches rival version of Wikipedia in new censorship crackdown\n\n[Russia launches rival version of Wikipedia in new censorship crackdown]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Somehow I bet it still stole half the articles", "name": "Elias"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Well, it's a pretty safe bet he copied Wikipedia, since the article says this:\n\n>Vladimir Medeyko, the long-serving leader of Wikipedia editors in the country, has copied the websites existing 1.9 million Russian articles into a new Kremlin-approved version.\n\nWikipedia is published under a Creative Commons license, so as long as there is attribution, it's not really stealing.", "name": "Caroline"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe shares the landmass of Eurasia with Asia, and of Afro-Eurasia with both Asia and Africa. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea, and the waterway of the Bosporus Strait.Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 (3.93 million sq mi), or 2% of Earth's surface (6.8% of land area), making it the second-smallest continent (using the seven-continent model). Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 745 million (about 10% of the world population) in 2021; the third-largest after Asia and Africa. The European climate is affected by warm Atlantic currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which produce a temperate climate, tempering winters and summers, on much of the continent. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable producing more continental climates.\nEuropean culture consists of a range of national and regional cultures, which form the central roots of the wider Western civilisation, and together commonly reference ancient Greece and ancient Rome, particularly through their Christian successors, as crucial and shared roots. Beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, Christian consolidation of Europe in the wake of the Migration Period marked the European post-classical Middle Ages. The Renaissance, radiating from Florence, spread to the rest of the continent a new humanist interest in art and science. Since the Age of Discovery, led by Spain and Portugal, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs with multiple explorations and conquests around the world.\nBetween the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia.\nThe Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars shaped the continent culturally, politically and economically from the end of the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social change in Western Europe and eventually the wider world. Both world wars began and were fought to a great extent in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the Soviet Union and the United States took prominence and competed over dominance in Europe and globally. The resulting Cold War divided Europe along the Iron Curtain, with NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East. This divide ended with the Revolutions of 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which allowed European integration to advance significantly.\nEuropean integration is being advanced institutionally since 1948 with the founding of the Council of Europe, and significantly through the realization of the European Union (EU), which represents today the majority of Europe. The European Union is a supranational political entity that lies between a confederation and a federation and is based on a system of European treaties. The EU originated in Western Europe but has been expanding eastward since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. A majority of its members have adopted a common currency, the euro, and participate in the European single market and a customs union. A large bloc of countries, the Schengen Area, have also abolished internal border and immigration controls. Regular popular elections take place every five years within the EU; they are considered to be the second-largest democratic elections in the world after India's. The EU is the third largest economy in the world.\n\nGlass delusion is an external manifestation of a psychiatric disorder recorded in Europe mainly in the late Middle Ages and early modern period (15th to 17th centuries). People feared that they were made of glass \"and therefore likely to shatter into pieces\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Glass delusion is an external manifestation of a psychiatric disorder recorded in Europe mainly in the late Middle Ages and early modern period. People feared that they were made of glass \"and therefore likely to shatter into pieces\".\n\n[Glass delusion - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I wonder if some people with mental health issues back then were emotionally intelligent enough to say something like I feel like Im falling apart / feel fragmented / feel like I could break at any moment etc. but the doctors of the time couldnt understand what they meant and the patient couldnt quite articulate it properly so they met in the middle with so you think youre made of delicate glass, correct? Um, yes. Now give me opium and leeches.", "name": "Brendan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I have often described myself as feeling like a bag of broken glass on really bad days, so this makes sense to me for sure.", "name": "Madelyn"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Gymnastics is a type of sport that includes physical exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, artistry and endurance. The movements involved in gymnastics contribute to the development of the arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest, and abdominal muscle groups. Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills.The most common form of competitive gymnastics is artistic gymnastics (AG), which consists of, for women (WAG), the events floor, vault, uneven bars, and beam; and for men (MAG), the events floor, vault, rings, pommel horse, parallel bars, and horizontal bar.\nThe governing body for competition in gymnastics throughout the world is the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG). Eight sports are governed by the FIG, including gymnastics for all, men's and women's artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining (including double mini-trampoline), tumbling, acrobatic, aerobic, and parkour. Disciplines not recognized by FIG include wheel gymnastics, aesthetic group gymnastics, TeamGym, and mallakhamba.\nParticipants in gymnastics-related sports include young children, recreational-level athletes, and competitive athletes at all levels of skill.\n\nIn sports, the yips are a sudden and unexplained loss of ability to execute certain skills in experienced athletes. Symptoms of the yips are losing fine motor skills and psychological issues that impact on the muscle memory and decision-making of athletes, leaving them unable to perform basic skills of their sport.\nCommon treatments include clinical sport psychology therapy as well as refocusing attention on the underlying biomechanics of their physical actions. The impact varies widely. A yips event may last a short time before the athlete regains their composure or it can require longer term adjustments to technique before recovery occurs. The worst cases are those where the athlete does not recover at all, forcing the player to abandon the sport at the highest level."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In sports, the yips (in gymnastics, the twisties) are a sudden and unexplained loss of skills in experienced athletes. Symptoms include losing fine motor skills and psychological issues that impact on muscle memory and decision-making.\n\n[Yips - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "For gymnasts, it can be incredibly dangerous because they could land wrong. Several have wound up paralyzed. I would have loved for Simone to defend her title, but its not worth that kind of injury.", "name": "Trinity"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Exactly. When a golfer or baseball player gets the yips, they just miss hitting the ball. When a gymnast does, they can land in their fucking head and die. \n\nSimone did the right thing. I really wish we would have understood this better when she first pulled out instead of all the hate she got.", "name": "Valerie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "General Order No. 11 was a controversial Union Army order issued by Major-General Ulysses S. Grant on December 17, 1862 during the Vicksburg campaign of the American Civil War. The order expelled all Jews from Grant's military district, comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. Grant issued the order in an effort to reduce corruption among Union Army personnel and stop the illicit trade in Southern-produced cotton, which he perceived as being run \"mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders\". During the war, the Lincoln administration had authorized licensed traders to do business with the Union Army, which created a market for unlicensed ones. Union Army commanders in the South were responsible for administering the trade licenses and trying to control the black market in Southern cotton, in addition to their regular military duties.\nAt Holly Springs, Mississippi, the supply depot of Grant's troops, Jews were rounded up and forced to leave the city by foot. On December 20, 1862, three days after Grant's order, Confederate States Army troops led by Major-General Earl Van Dorn raided Holly Springs, preventing the potential expulsion of further Jews. Although delayed by Van Dorn's raid, Grant's order was fully implemented in Paducah, Kentucky, where thirty Jewish families were forcibly expelled from the city. Jewish community leaders protested, and there was an outcry from members of the United States Congress and media outlets to the order; President Abraham Lincoln responded by countermanding it on January 4, 1863. Grant claimed during his 1868 presidential campaign that he had not issued the order due to any antisemitism but as a way to address a problem that \"certain Jews had caused\". Historians and Grant biographers have generally been critical of the order."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 1862, Union General Ulysses S. Grant issued order No. 11, which expelled all Jews from the military occupied districts of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky.\n\n[General Order No. 11 (1862) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "While I agree this was a shitty decree, Grant did seriously regret it later in life. Doesn't make it ok, but helps soften the blow, I guess.", "name": "Carlos"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Oh ! I was just going to post that The Dollop was talking about 'who WASN'T an absolute bastard in history' and landed on Grant and, welp, guess not but regrettable mistakes and acknowledgment that the times you lived in put you in a place of making bad decisions is the asterisk. \nEveryone in history is still a bastard, though.", "name": "Timothy"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "\"Cinderella\", or \"The Little Glass Slipper\", is a folk tale with thousands of variants that are told throughout the world. The protagonist is a young girl living in forsaken circumstances that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune, with her ascension to the throne via marriage. The story of Rhodopis, recounted by the Greek geographer Strabo sometime between 7 BC and 23 AD, about a Greek slave girl who marries the king of Egypt, is usually considered to be the earliest known variant of the Cinderella story.The first literary European version of the story was published in Italy by Giambattista Basile in his Pentamerone in 1634; the version that is now most widely known in the English-speaking world was published in French by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou contes du temps passé in 1697 as Cendrillon and was anglicized as Cinderella. Another version was later published as Aschenputtel by the Brothers Grimm in their folk tale collection Grimms' Fairy Tales in 1812.\nAlthough the story's title and main character's name change in different languages, in English-language folklore Cinderella is an archetypal name. The word Cinderella has, by analogy, come to mean someone whose attributes are unrecognized, or someone unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect. In the world of sports, \"a Cinderella\" is used for an underrated team or club winning over stronger and more favored competitors. The still-popular story of Cinderella continues to influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements, allusions, and tropes to a wide variety of media.\n\nIn evolutionary psychology, the Cinderella effect is the phenomenon of higher incidence of different forms of child abuse and mistreatment by stepparents than by biological parents. It takes its name from the fairy tale character Cinderella, which is about a girl who is mistreated by her stepsisters and stepmother. Evolutionary psychologists describe the effect as a byproduct of a bias towards kin, and a conflict between reproductive partners of investing in young that are unrelated to one partner."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Cinderella effect is the phenomenon of higher incidence of different forms of child abuse and mistreatment by stepparents than by biological parents. It takes its name from the fairy tale character Cinderella, which is about a girl who is mistreated by her stepsisters and stepmother.\n\n[Cinderella effect - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I definitely believe this. My step-mom did everything she could to make sure my sister, brother, and myself felt as unwelcome as possible. It turned into actual mistreatment for my sister. I have never respected her because of it.", "name": "Peyton"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Shame on your dad for not putting his foot down either. Hope you and your sister are doing okay now!", "name": "Andrew"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# What are your top 3 articles of all time that you would recommend people read?\n\n"}, {"role": "user", "content": "1. [Timeline of the far future](\n2. [Honda Ridgeline](\n3. [List of animals with fraudulent credentials](\n\nBonus: \n\n[The Guy Standing controversy](\\(economist\\)/Archive_1#Add_section_on_the_%22Guy_Standing_sitting%22_meme_to_article)", "name": "Jason"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Why the Ridgeline?", "name": "Joel"}, {"role": "user", "content": "[This article explains it.](\n\nTL;DR: Man buys a Ridgeline. Guy likes the Ridgeline. Dude researches the Ridgeline out of curiosity. People on a Ridgeline forum complain the Wiki page is inaccurate. Bro decides to fix it and gets waaaaaay deep into all things Honda Ridgeline. Fellow becomes one with the Ridgeline. Ridgeline.", "name": "Sebastian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Following the results of the 2020 United States presidential election, an obstruction scheme was devised by outgoing 45th U.S. president Donald Trump and his allies in seven states, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Mexico, to create and submit fraudulent certificates of ascertainment that falsely asserted Trump had won the electoral college vote in those states. The intent of the scheme was to pass the fraudulent certificates to then-vice president Mike Pence in the hope he would count them, rather than the authentic certificates, and thus overturn Joe Biden's victory. This effort helped form a fringe legal theory outlined by Trump attorney John Eastman in the Eastman memos, which claimed the vice president has constitutional discretion to swap official electors with an alternate slate during the certification process, thus changing the outcome of the electoral college vote and the overall winner of the presidential race. The scheme came to be known as the Pence Card. By 2023, many individuals in several states had been indicted for their alleged involvement, with other investigations underway.\nTrump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, a \"central figure\" in the plot, coordinated the scheme across the seven states. In a conference call on January 2, 2021, Trump, Eastman, and Giuliani spoke to some 300 Republican state legislators in an effort to persuade them to convene special legislative sessions to replace legitimate Biden electors with fake Trump electors based on unfounded allegations of vote fraud. Trump pressured the Justice Department to falsely announce it had found election fraud, and he attempted to install a new acting attorney general who had drafted a letter falsely asserting such election fraud had been found, in an attempt to persuade the Georgia legislature to convene and reconsider its Biden electoral votes.Trump and Eastman asked Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel to enlist the committee's assistance in gathering fake \"contingent\" electors. A senator's chief of staff tried to pass a list of fraudulent electors to Pence minutes before the vice president was to certify the election. The scheme was one of many elements in the attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and was investigated by the January 6 committee and is being investigated by the Justice Department. The January 6 committee's final report identified lawyer Kenneth Chesebro as the plot's actual architect.The Smith special counsel investigation is investigating Trump's role in the events. Testimony has revealed that Trump was fully aware of the fake electors plan, and knew that Eastman's plan for Pence to obstruct the certification of electoral votes was a violation of the Electoral Count Act."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Trump fake electors plot was a scheme was devised after the 2020 U.S. presidential election to create and submit fraudulent certificates of ascertainment that falsely asserted Trump had won the electoral college vote in seven states.\n\n[Trump fake electors plot - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "\"This study applies Benfords law to detect anomalies in county-level vote data for the 2020 US presidential election. Most prominent distribution violations are observed with Republican vote counts in blue states, all vote counts in states won by the Democratic candidate, and Democratic vote counts in swing states. Distributions are anomalous in swing states won by the Democratic nominee and not anomalous in swing states won by the Republican nominee. The results are robust to two-digit analysis, Monte Carlo simulations of p-values, broad or narrow swing state definitions, and when compared to distributions observed in 2008, 2012, and 2016 elections.\" - [\"Detecting Anomalies in the 2020 US Presidential Election Votes with Benfords Law\" (2020)](", "name": "Brady"}, {"role": "user", "content": ">Benford's law has also been misapplied to claim election fraud. When applying the law to Joe Biden's election returns for Chicago, Milwaukee, and other localities in the 2020 United States presidential election, the distribution of the first digit did not follow Benford's law. The misapplication was a result of looking at data that was tightly bound in range, which violates the assumption inherent in Benford's law that the range of the data be large. The first digit test was applied to precinct-level data, but because precincts rarely receive more than a few thousand votes or fewer than several dozen, Benford's law cannot be expected to apply. According to Mebane, \"It is widely understood that the first digits of precinct vote counts are not useful for trying to diagnose election frauds.\"", "name": "Angel"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Heroin-assisted treatment (HAT), or diamorphine-assisted treatment, refers to a type of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) where semi-synthetic heroin is prescribed to opiate addicts who do not benefit from, or cannot tolerate, treatment with one of the established drugs used in opiate replacement therapy such as methadone or buprenorphine (brand name Subutex). For this group of patients, heroin-assisted treatment has proven superior in improving their social and health situation. Heroin-assisted treatment is fully a part of the national health system in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and Denmark. Additional trials are being carried out in the United Kingdom, Norway, and Belgium."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Simply giving heroin addicts free heroin is significantly cheaper for the government than the costs of arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning heroin users. It also reduces the amount of deaths from heroin abuse and reduces overall health spending as well.\n\n[Heroin-assisted treatment - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This is literally what I do for a living. Check out the SALOME project in Vancouver! \n\nEdit: [SALOME!]( Study to Assess Long-Term Opiate Medication Effectiveness! We started out as an offshoot of the wildly successful NAOMI Project (North American Opiate Medication Initiative)! ", "name": "Christian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "For the other part of harm reduction, you can also walk into any BC pharmacy and get a free Narcan kit and they do not collect personal information. \n\n", "name": "Serenity"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Cyril Richard Rescorla (May 27, 1939 – September 11, 2001) was a British-American soldier, police officer, educator and private security specialist. He served as a British Army paratrooper during the Cyprus Emergency and a commissioned officer in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. He rose to the rank of colonel in the Army before entering the private sector, where he worked in corporate security.\nAs the director of security for the financial services firm Morgan Stanley at the World Trade Center, Rescorla anticipated attacks on the towers and implemented evacuation procedures that were credited with saving thousands of lives. He died during the attacks of September 11, 2001, going back to help evacuate more people in the South Tower after he had organized the evacuation of the Morgan Stanley offices."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Rick Rescorla was a Vietnam veteran who saved over 2,000 lives on 9/11. After the 1993 terrorist attack, he developed an emergency evacuation plan which he required the Morgan Stanley employees to practice over and over. He used a bullhorn to guide his coworkers down the stairs.\n\n[Rick Rescorla - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "His story is more bad-ass than I make it sound. Read more at []("}, {"role": "user", "content": "It's hard to give a quick summary of his life. The man did a lot of incredible stuff. He is a hero nonetheless.", "name": "Hunter"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Time Team is a British television programme that originally aired on Channel 4 from 16 January 1994 to 7 September 2014. It returned in 2022 on online platforms YouTube and Patreon. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in lay terms. The specialists changed throughout the programme's run, although it consistently included professional archaeologists such as Mick Aston, Carenza Lewis, Francis Pryor and Phil Harding. The sites excavated ranged in date from the Palaeolithic to the Second World War.\nIn October 2012, Channel 4 announced that the final series would be broadcast in 2013. Series 20 was screened from January–March 2013 and nine specials were screened between May 2013 and September 2014. In May 2021, Taylor announced the return of the series, with free episodes to be shown on YouTube. The first episodes of the revival began appearing on YouTube in 2022."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Time Team was the biggest funder of archaeological digs in the United Kingdom. The TV show also produced more research papers than any other archaeology group or university in the country. The show is credited for increasing the number of people interested in archaeology.\n\n[Time Team - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "It *is* amazing how popular that programme was, kind of mildly impressive that so many Brits actually got it.\n\nKind of feels like when I was a kid, in the 70's my mum took the 5 of us to the British Museum, where we queued up for 4 hours to get a glimpse of Tutankhamen's treasures - along with half the population of London, it seemed, definitely far more people than you'd think would be interested.", "name": "Brayden"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wasnt it a fad for Victorians to eat mummy parts, or something? England has a pretty long-standing obsession with that topic, afaik.", "name": "Caden"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Joseph Arridy (; April 29, 1915 – January 6, 1939) was an American man who was falsely convicted and wrongfully executed for the 1936 rape and murder of Dorothy Drain, a 15-year-old girl in Pueblo, Colorado. He was manipulated by the police to make a false confession due to his mental incapacities. Arridy was mentally disabled and was 23 years old when he was executed on January 6, 1939.\nMany people at the time and since maintained that Arridy was innocent. A group known as Friends of Joe Arridy formed and in 2007 commissioned the first tombstone for his grave. They also supported the preparation of a petition by David A. Martinez, Denver attorney, for a state pardon to clear Arridy's name. Another man, Frank Aguilar, was convicted and executed for the same crime two years before Arridy's execution.In 2011, Arridy received a full and unconditional posthumous pardon by Colorado Governor Bill Ritter (72 years after his death). Ritter, the former district attorney of Denver, pardoned Arridy based on questions about the man's guilt and what appeared to be a coerced false confession. This was the first time in Colorado that the governor had pardoned a convict after execution."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Joe Arridy who had an IQ score of 46 and the mind of a six-year-old was wrongfully convicted, and wrongfully executed in 1939.He did not understand the meaning of the gas chamber, telling the warden \"No, no, Joe won't die\". He was reported to have smiled while being taken to the gas chamber.\n\n[Joe Arridy - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "//While held on death row during the appeals process, Arridy often played with a toy train, given to him by prison warden Roy Best. The warden said that Arridy was \"the happiest prisoner on death row.\" He was liked by both the prisoners and guards. Best became one of Arridy's supporters and joined the effort to save his life.He said of Arridy before his execution: \"He probably didn't even know he was about to die, all he did was happily sit and play with a toy train I had given him.\"//"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I'm not crying, you're crying!", "name": "Gavin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "> For his last meal, Arridy requestedice cream. When questioned about his impending execution, he showed \"blank bewilderment\".He did not understand the meaning of the gas chamber, telling the warden \"No, no, Joe won't die.\"He was reported to have smiled while being taken to the gas chamber. Momentarily nervous, he calmed down when the warden grabbed his hand and reassured him.\n\nI don't know for you but I'm after reading that.", "name": "Adrian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Cock rock is a description of rock music that emphasizes an aggressive form of male sexuality. The style developed in the later 1960s, came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s, and continues into the present day."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Cock rock is a genre of rock music that emphasizes an aggressive form of male sexuality. The style developed in the later 1960s, came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s, and continues into the present day.\n\n[Cock rock - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">In 1981, Frith described the characteristics of cock rock in a way that could apply to female performers, not just male ones. In 2004, Auslander used this description of cock-rock characteristics to show that Suzi Quatro (the first female bass player to become a major rockstar) is a female cock-rocker."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "London Bridge is a bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, United States. When it was built in the 1830s, it spanned the River Thames in London, England. In 1968, the bridge was purchased from the City of London by Robert P. McCulloch. However, McCulloch only had the exterior granite blocks from the original bridge cut and transported to the United States for use in the construction of a new bridge in Lake Havasu City, a planned community he established in 1964 on the shore of Lake Havasu. The only parts of the “New London Bridge” that made it to Arizona were the exterior masonry. The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge. The bridge was completed in 1971 (along with the Bridgewater Channel Canal, separating the peninsula from the mainland), and links mainland Lake Havasu City with Pittsburgh Point. The \"rededication\" of the London Bridge took place on October 10, 1971."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The \"London Bridge\" in Lake Havasu City, Arizona is actually the real London Bridge from England. It was cut into granite blocks and shipped across the Atlantic to serve as an attraction in an Arizona retirement community.\n\n[London Bridge (Lake Havasu City) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Its pretty wild how quickly the land surrounding the bridge was developed. It went from barren desert in 1971 to roads and buildings on every speck of land in 2011.", "name": "Ivan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Well the original London Bridge spawned London around itself. They must be good luck.", "name": "Erin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "World War II or the Second World War was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries, including all the great powers, fought as part of two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. Many participating countries invested all available economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities into this total war, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. Aircraft played a major role, enabling the strategic bombing of population centres and delivery of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in war. It was by far the deadliest conflict in history, resulting in 70–85 million fatalities. Millions died due to genocides, including the Holocaust, as well as starvation, massacres, and disease. In the wake of Axis defeat, Germany, Austria, and Japan were occupied, and war crime tribunals were conducted against German and Japanese leaders.\nThe causes of the war are debated; contributing factors included the rise of fascism in Europe, the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, Soviet–Japanese border conflicts, and tensions in the aftermath of World War I. World War II is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on 3 September. Under the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union had partitioned Poland and marked out their \"spheres of influence\" across Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe in a military alliance called the Axis with Italy, Japan, and other countries. Following the onset of campaigns in North and East Africa, and the fall of France in mid-1940, the war continued primarily between the European Axis powers and the British Empire, with the war in the Balkans, the aerial Battle of Britain, the Blitz of the UK, and the Battle of the Atlantic. In June 1941, Germany led the European Axis powers in an invasion of the Soviet Union, opening the Eastern Front, the largest land theatre of war in history.\nJapan aimed to dominate East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and by 1937 was at war with the Republic of China. In December 1941, Japan attacked American and British territories with near-simultaneous offensives against Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific, including an attack on Pearl Harbor which resulted in the United States and the United Kingdom declaring war against Japan. The European Axis powers declared war on the US in solidarity. Japan soon conquered much of the western Pacific, but its advances were halted in 1942 after losing the critical Battle of Midway; Germany and Italy were defeated in North Africa and at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Key setbacks in 1943—including German defeats on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasions of Sicily and the Italian mainland, and Allied offensives in the Pacific—cost the Axis powers their initiative and forced them into strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained its territorial losses and pushed Germany and its allies back. During 1944–1945, Japan suffered reversals in mainland Asia, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and captured key western Pacific islands. The war in Europe concluded with the liberation of German-occupied territories; the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culminating in the Fall of Berlin to Soviet troops; Hitler's suicide; and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. Following the refusal of Japan to surrender on the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, the US dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima on 6 August and Nagasaki on 9 August. Faced with imminent invasion of the Japanese archipelago, the possibility of more atomic bombings, and the Soviet Union's declared entry into the war against Japan on the eve of invading Manchuria, Japan announced on 10 August its intention to surrender, signing a surrender document on 2 September 1945.\nWorld War II changed the political alignment and social structure of the world, and it set the foundation for the international order for the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The United Nations was established to foster international cooperation and prevent conflicts, with the victorious great powers—China, France, the Soviet Union, the UK, and the US—becoming the permanent members of its Security Council. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War. In the wake of European devastation, the influence of its great powers waned, triggering the decolonisation of Africa and Asia. Most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery and expansion.\n\nKawakita v. United States, 343 U.S. 717 (1952), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that a dual U.S./Japanese citizen could be convicted of treason against the United States for acts performed in Japan during World War II. Tomoya Kawakita, born in California to Japanese parents, was in Japan when the war broke out and stayed in Japan until the war was over. After returning to the United States, he was arrested and charged with treason for having abused American prisoners of war. Kawakita claimed he could not be found guilty of treason since he had lost his U.S. citizenship while in Japan, but this argument was rejected by the courts (including the Supreme Court), which ruled that he had in fact retained his U.S. citizenship during the war. Originally sentenced to death, Kawakita's sentence was commuted to life imprisonment, and he was eventually released from prison, deported to Japan, and barred from ever returning to the United States.\nKawakita is currently one of the last people to be convicted of treason in the United States. One other person, John David Provoo, was convicted of treason in 1952. However, Provoo's conviction was overturned on appeal. The distinction currently goes to Herbert John Burgman, who was convicted of treason in 1949."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# During WWII, Tomoya Kawakita, a Japanese-American dual national, moved to Japan. He later worked in a POW camp, in which he brutalized U.S. POWs. In 1946, Kawakita was recognized in a California store by a former POW. He is currently one of the last Americans to be convicted of treason.\n\n[Kawakita v. United States - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I feel like he got off too easy.", "name": "Cameron"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Kawakita was punished more for being a traitor via abusing American POWs (none of whom died) than some Japanese administrators were for orchestrating genocide."}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# On March 23, 1994, a captain of a commercial airliner put his children in control of an Airbus A310 wide body jet aircraft during a revenue flight. There were no survivors.\n\n[Aeroflot Flight 593 - Wikipedia](,88.149722&q=Aeroflot%20Flight%20593&_ext=EiQpgKa5tIGmSkAxlAlVDJUJVkA5gKa5tIGmSkBBlAlVDJUJVkA%3D)"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Despite the struggles of both pilots to save the aircraft, it was later concluded that if they had just let go of the control column, the autopilot would have automatically taken action to prevent stalling, thus avoiding the accident.[5]\n\nWorst part of this tragedy.", "name": "Nicolas"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Can you explain what this means? I read that and my first thought was that the plane would've self-corrected if they hadn't tried to intervene once the auto-pilot shut off. Is that true?", "name": "Kylee"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Exactly. Their over compensating ended up making the plane unstable.", "name": "Angel"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, also known as Magdalene asylums, were institutions usually run by Roman Catholic orders, which operated from the 18th to the late 20th centuries. They were run ostensibly to house \"fallen women\", an estimated 30,000 of whom were confined in these institutions in Ireland. In 1993, unmarked graves of 155 women were uncovered in the convent grounds of one of the laundries. This led to media revelations about the operations of the secretive institutions. A formal state apology was issued in 2013, and a compensation scheme for survivors was set up by the Irish Government, which by 2022 and after an extension of the scheme had paid out €32.8 million to 814 survivors. The religious orders which operated the laundries have rejected appeals, including from victims and Ireland's Justice Minister, to contribute financially to this programme."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Magdalene Laundries in Ireland: abusive Roman Catholic institutions in which fallen women were confined and forced to work without pay in abysmal conditions. A mass grave of 155 women found in 1993 finally brought attention to their suffering.\n\n[Magdalene Laundries in Ireland - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "[fallen women]( is an old term for women who had lost their innocence and mainly referred to women who had worked in prostitution. \n\nAs the phenomenon became more widespread, it extended beyond prostitution to petty criminals, orphans, mentally disabled women and abused girls Even young girls who were considered too promiscuous and flirtatious, or too beautiful, were sent to an asylum by their families.\n\nI also recommend the film The Magdalene Sisters (2002). Its truly harrowing but important to recognize the stories of these women."}, {"role": "user", "content": "*Philomena* is a really good movie that shows the impact of the laundries on one woman, whose son was forcibly taken from her and adopted.", "name": "Kyle"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Catullus 16 or Carmen 16 is a poem by Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 BC – c. 54 BC). The poem, written in a hendecasyllabic (11-syllable) meter, was considered to be so sexually explicit following its rediscovery in the following centuries that a full English translation was not published until the 20th century. The first line, Pēdīcābo ego vōs et irrumābō (\"I will sodomize and face-fuck you\"), sometimes used as a title, has been called \"one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latin—or in any other language\".Carmen 16 is significant in literary history as an artistic work censored for its obscenity, but also because the poem raises questions about the proper relation of the poet, or his life, to the work.\nSubsequent Latin poets referenced the poem not for its invective, but as a work exemplary of freedom of speech and obscene subject matter that challenged the culturally prevalent decorum or moral orthodoxy of the period. Ovid, Pliny the Younger, Martial, and Apuleius all invoked the authority of Catullus in asserting that while the poet himself should be a respectable person, his poetry should not be constrained."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Pdcbo ego vs et irrumb (\"I will sodomize and face-fuck you\"): The poem (c. 84 BC - c. 54 BC) was considered so explicit that a full English translation was not published until the late twentieth century.\n\n[Catullus 16 - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What I like about this poem is that its basically a diss track on his critics. Gaius Valerius Catullus (the poet) was well known for his romantic love poems, for which he was criticised because they were seen as unmasculine, and so the graphic imagery he uses in the poems opening and closing lines are basically a no u aimed at his critics by turning their criticisms against them", "name": "Alexander"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I love to see such punk-ish moves in history : historical figures tend to unfortunately have a pretty sanitized image, while some might have been the beacon of wisdom or stoic figure they are depicted, i think we tend to overlook their human nature, and how anyone has their *fuckit'* days (without taking into account special cases such as diogenes of course)\n\nThank you for your explanation", "name": "Riley"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Creepiness is the state of being creepy, or causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. A person who exhibits creepy behaviour is called a creep. Certain traits or hobbies may make people seem creepy to others. The internet has been described as increasingly creepy. Adam Kotsko has compared the modern conception of creepiness to the Freudian concept of unheimlich. The term has also been used to describe paranormal or supernatural phenomena."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The most creepy guy I heard about. Can't even describe all the things he did in the title.\n\n[Marcus Wesson - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I worked with one of his older sons that made it out alive. He was a little strange but ultimately a nice guy. It is a very very crazy story.", "name": "Henry"}, {"role": "user", "content": "That poor kid, I hope he got some type of therapy.", "name": "Robert"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Raptures of the deep. Reduction of motor and cognitive function experienced by deep-water divers, possibly leading to a hypnotic, even euphoric death in the inky gloom of the oceans depths.\n\n\n\n\nDue to its perception-altering effects, the onset of narcosis may be hard to recognize.[6][7] At its most benign, narcosis results in relief of anxiety a feeling of tranquility and mastery of the environment. \n\nThe most dangerous aspects of narcosis are the impairment of judgement, multi-tasking and coordination, and the loss of decision-making ability and focus. Other effects include vertigo and visual or auditory disturbances. The syndrome may cause exhilaration, giddiness, extreme anxiety, depression, or paranoia, depending on the individual diver and the diver's medical or personal history. When more serious, the diver may feel overconfident, disregarding normal safe diving practices.[10] Slowed mental activity, as indicated by increased reaction time and increased errors in cognitive function, are effects which increase the risk of a diver mismanaging an incident.[11] Narcosis reduces both the perception of cold discomfort and shivering and thereby affects the production of body heat and consequently allows a faster drop in the core temperature in cold water, with reduced awareness of the developing problem.[11][12][13]\n\n\n[At its worst]:\n\nHallucinations\n\nIncreased intensity of vision and hearing\n\nSense of impending blackout or of levitation\n\nDizziness, euphoria, manic or depressive states\n\nDisorganization of the sense of time, changes in facial appearance\n\nUnconsciousness, (approximate inspired partial pressure of nitrogen for anaesthesia is 33 atm)\n\nDeath"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Thanks. This is on my top ten worst ways to die because being under the ocean with only a tank of air terrifies me. Sorry scuba divers, you are braver than me!\n\nNSFW, graphic (no blood, first person POV) of [diver Yuri Lipski succumbing to nitrogen narcosis](", "name": "Leslie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Please, don't deny yourself a fun and pleasurable activity just because some people who did it died (the same could be said about such mundane things as travelling abroad, hiking or swimming). When you are learning to dive, you do it on such depth that nitrogen narcosis is simply not possible, and you can easily shoot to surface without trouble. A lot of recreational divers stay on this level and do fine. It's when people overestimate themselves, break the rules and go deeper than they are qualified to, then bad things can happen.", "name": "Sarah"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The mango cult (Chinese: 芒果崇拜; pinyin: Mángguǒ Chóngbài) was the veneration or worship of mangoes in Mainland China during the Cultural Revolution period. On August 5, 1968, Mao Zedong gave a box of Sindhri mangoes, given to him by the Pakistani Foreign Minister Mian Arshad Hussain, to the Worker-Peasant Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team stationed at Tsinghua University.After this, mangoes became a symbol of Mao's affection. Instead of being eaten, the mangoes were preserved in formaldehyde, or sealed in wax for veneration. Mao's gift of mangoes to the workers and the rise of the mango cult coincided with a turn in the Cultural Revolution, as the working class began to lead it."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The mango cult was the worship of mangoes in China after Mao gave a box of mangoes, given to him by the Pakistani Foreign Minister, to workers at Tsinghua University in 1968. Instead of being eaten, the mangoes were preserved in formaldehyde, or sealed in wax for veneration.\n\n[Mango cult - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">One dentist from Fulin, Dr. Han Guangdi, saw the mango and said it was nothing special and looked just like sweet potato. He was put on trial for malicious slander, found guilty, paraded publicly throughout the town, and then executed with one shot to the head."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hahhahahah...\n\n... Oh", "name": "Katherine"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Tom Leykis (pronounced: ; born 1956 or 1957) is an American talk radio personality best known for hosting The Tom Leykis Show from 1994 to 2009 (nationally syndicated), and April 2012 to 2018 (internet streamcast/podcast). The show follows the hot talk format, which brought Leykis much success, particularly in the Southern California radio market. Due to the provocative nature of the show, Leykis has often been described as a shock jock. The show's best-known feature is \"Leykis 101\", in which he claims to teach men how to get women while spending the least amount of time, money, and effort.\n\nTabasco is an American brand of hot sauce made from tabasco peppers, vinegar and salt. It is produced by McIlhenny Company of Avery Island in south Louisiana, having been created over 150 years ago by Edmund McIlhenny. Although the tabasco peppers used in the sauce were initially grown only on Avery Island, they are now primarily cultivated in Central America, South America and Africa. The Tabasco sauce brand also has multiple varieties including the original red sauce, habanero, chipotle, sriracha and Trinidad Moruga scorpion. Tabasco products are sold in more than 195 countries and territories, and packaged in 36 languages and dialects."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Tom Leykis advocated men putting Tabasco sauce in their condoms after sexual intercourse to act as a spermicide and prevent a woman potentially 'stealing the sperm' and using it to impregnate herself. However, Tabasco's usefulness as a spermicide is questionable.\n\n[Tabasco sauce - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "has anyone put any Tobasco sauce in their noo-noo?, i cant imagine its very pleasant.", "name": "Morgan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Krystian Bala (born 1973) is a Polish murderer, self-published writer, and photographer."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Krystian Bala was convicted of a murder where part of the evidence was a book where he seemingly had written a \"fictionalized\" version of the real-life killing into his novel, Amok, using information only the murderer could have known\n\n[Krystian Bala - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Aw man, I thought it was going to be like that guy in Canada who had a document on his computer called Serial Killer confessions, and said it was notes for a book when caught. \n\nI cant believe this guy actually published this and put it out in the world thinking he wouldnt get caught. He must have such an ego.", "name": "Cody"}, {"role": "user", "content": "it was a book/movie he was planning apparently. big dreams, that dude. fun fact: hes from my city!!!", "name": "Jennifer"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Kansas experiment was a controversial tax policy and agenda by Kansas state governor Sam Brownback in 2012 that had lasting effects in the state of Kansas from May 2012 until June 2017. It drew widespread attention following Kansas Senate Bill Substitute HB 2117, a bill signed into law by Brownback in May 2012. It was one of the largest income tax cuts in the state's history. The Kansas experiment has also been called the \"Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment\", the \"Red-state experiment\", \"the tax experiment in Kansas\", and \"one of the cleanest experiments for how tax cuts affect economic growth in the U.S.\" The cuts were based on model legislation published by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), supported by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer, and anti-tax leader Grover Norquist. The law cut taxes by US$231 million in its first year, and cuts were projected to total US$934 million annually after six years, by eliminating taxes on business income for the owners of almost 200,000 businesses and cutting individual income tax rates.Brownback compared his tax policies with those of Ronald Reagan, and described them as \"a real live experiment\", which would be a \"shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy\", and predicted that by 2020 they would have created an additional 23,000 jobs. By 2017, state revenues had fallen by hundreds of millions of dollars, causing spending on roads, bridges, and education to be slashed. With economic growth remaining consistently below average, the Republican Legislature of Kansas voted to roll back the cuts; although Brownback vetoed the repeal, the legislature succeeded in overriding his veto.Several reasons have been given to explain its failure. Most tax cuts only generate enough new revenue from economic growth under the new lower tax rates to offset 10–30% of the initial tax cut, necessitating spending cuts to avoid deficits.: 1  Kansas's elimination of pass-through income (projected to apply to 200,000 taxpayers, but used by 330,000) created a loophole which allowed many taxpayers to restructure their employment to completely avoid income taxes, thereby additionally decreasing revenue.: 1  : 1  Tax cuts are theorized to generate modest economic growth only in the long term, not the short term.: 1"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Kansas Experiment was one of the largest income tax cuts in the state's history. When it became law in 2012 it was called a \"shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy,\" but by 2017, state revenues had fallen sharply, requiring cuts to funding for infrastructure and education.\n\n[Kansas experiment - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "That title is slightly misleading. That law didn't *require* cuts to funding for infrastructure and education. They could have done other things, but they *chose* to cut infrastructure and education.", "name": "Karina"}, {"role": "user", "content": "May have been the plan all along.\n\nTax cuts favor wealth, and wealth loves when public services fail because they run the alternative private entities.", "name": "Luis"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Little Albert experiment was a study that mid-20th century psychologists interpret as evidence of classical conditioning in humans. The study is also claimed to be an example of stimulus generalization although reading the research report shows that fear did not generalize by color or tactile qualities. It was carried out by John B. Watson and his graduate student, Rosalie Rayner, at Johns Hopkins University. The results were first published in the February 1920 issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology.\nAfter observing children in the field, Watson hypothesized that the fearful response of children to loud noises is an innate unconditioned response. He wanted to test the notion that by following the principles of the procedure now known as \"classical conditioning\", he could use this unconditioned response to condition a child to fear a distinctive stimulus that normally would not be feared by a child (in this case, furry objects). However, he admitted in his research article that the fear he generated was neither strong nor lasting."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Little Albert experiment: psychologically conditioning a child to have multiple fears. A 1920s unethical experiment that gave Albert psychological trauma.\n\n[Little Albert experiment - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "This is so fucking nauseating", "name": "Jillian"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "It really is. I had to study it at uni for my childhood education degree, and quite a few students (including myself) had to leave and get some air. The videos are haunting."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "In September 1999, a series of explosions hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000, and spreading a wave of fear across the country. The bombings, together with the Invasion of Dagestan, triggered the Second Chechen War. The handling of the crisis by Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, boosted his popularity greatly and helped him attain the presidency within a few months.\nThe blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September and Moscow on 9 and 13 September. On 13 September, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov made an announcement in the Duma about receiving a report that another bombing had just happened in the city of Volgodonsk. A bombing did happen in Volgodonsk—but only three days later—on 16 September. Chechen militants were blamed for the bombings, but denied responsibility, along with Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov.\nA suspicious device resembling those used in the bombings was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September. On 23 September, Vladimir Putin praised the vigilance of the inhabitants of Ryazan and ordered the air bombing of Grozny, which marked the beginning of the Second Chechen War. Three FSB agents who had planted the devices at Ryazan were arrested by the local police. The next day, FSB director Nikolay Patrushev announced that the incident in Ryazan had been an anti-terror drill and the device found there contained only sugar, and freed the FSB agents involved.The official Russian investigation of the Buynaksk bombing was completed in 2001, while the investigation of the Moscow and Volgodonsk bombings were completed in 2002. In 2000, seven people were convicted of perpetrating the Buynaksk attack. According to the court ruling on the Moscow and Volgodonsk bombings, which was announced in 2004, the attacks were organized and led by Achemez Gochiyaev, who remains at large. All bombings, the court ruled, were ordered by Islamist warlords Ibn Al-Khattab and Abu Omar al-Saif, who have been killed. Five other suspects have been killed and six have been convicted by Russian courts on terrorism-related charges.\nAttempts at an independent investigation have faced obstruction. State Duma deputy Yuri Shchekochikhin filed two motions for a parliamentary investigation of the events, but the motions were rejected by the State Duma in March 2000. An independent public commission to investigate the bombings was chaired by Duma deputy Sergei Kovalev. The commission was rendered ineffective because of government refusal to respond to its inquiries. Two key members of the Kovalev Commission, Sergei Yushenkov and Yuri Shchekochikhin, have since died in apparent assassinations. The Commission's lawyer and investigator Mikhail Trepashkin was arrested and served four years in prison for revealing state secrets. Former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who defected and blamed the FSB for the bombings, was poisoned and killed in London in 2006. A British inquiry later determined that Litvinenko's murder was \"probably\" carried out with the approval of Putin and Patrushev.The attacks were widely attributed to Chechen terrorists, although their guilt has never been conclusively proven. Some historians and journalists claim the bombings were coordinated by Russian state security services to help bring Putin into the presidency. Others disagree with such theories or argue that there is insufficient evidence to assign responsibility for the attacks."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999, killing more than 300 and spreading a wave of fear. Then-prime minister Vladimir Putin's handling of the crisis boosted his popularity and helped him attain the presidency within a few months\n\n[1999 Russian apartment bombings - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "\"A suspicious device resembling those used in the bombings was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September. Three FSB agents who had planted the devices were arrested by the local police. \n\nOn 24 September 1999, head of FSB Nikolay Patrushev announced that the incident in Ryazan had been an anti-terror drill and the device found there \"contained only sugar\".\n\nParliament member Yuri Shchekochikhin filed two motions for a parliamentary investigation of the events, but the motions were rejected by the Russian Duma. An independent public commission to investigate the bombings was chaired by Duma deputy Sergei Kovalev. \n\nThe commission was rendered ineffective because of government refusal to respond to its inquiries. Two key members of the Kovalev Commission, Sergei Yushenkov and Yuri Shchekochikhin, have since died in apparent assassinations. The Commissions lawyer and investigator Mikhail Trepashkin was arrested and served four years in prison for revealing state secrets. \n\nFormer FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who defected and blamed the FSB for the bombings, was poisoned and killed in London in 2006. A British inquiry later determined that Litvinenko's murder was \"probably\" carried out with the approval of Putin.\""}, {"role": "user", "content": "Where is the part about Putin appearing to handle it well and becoming popular?", "name": "Steven"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "McKamey Manor is an American haunted house attraction in which survival horror-style events are enacted. It is considered a pioneer of \"extreme\" haunted attractions. Founded in San Diego by Russ McKamey, it was originally located on his property until it was moved to Tennessee in 2017. The house operates year-round, offering visitors tours that can last up to eight hours. \nTo participate, guests must sign a liability waiver that includes the inability to leave the experience without the staff's permission, and being subjected to various forms of physical and psychological torture, including having bones broken, teeth removed without anesthesia, and being drugged.\nMcKamey Manor has attracted significant controversy, criticism and media scrutiny."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# McKamey Manor is an American nonprofit haunted house attraction where \"survival horror\" events are performed. It has attracted controversy and criticism for its physical and psychological torture towards guests.\n\n[McKamey Manor - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I have a few friends in the horror and haunt industry. they all say that McKamey is an unhinged psychopath and will absolutely kill someone someday."}, {"role": "user", "content": "I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't killed anyone yet", "name": "Karen"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Dalkon Shield was a contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD) developed by the Dalkon Corporation and marketed by the A.H. Robins Company. The Dalkon Shield was found to cause severe injury to a disproportionately large percentage of women, which eventually led to numerous lawsuits, in which juries awarded millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Dalkon Shield was a contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD). It was found to cause severe injury to a disproportionately large percentage of women, which eventually led to numerous lawsuits, in which juries awarded millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages.\n\n[Dalkon Shield - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">A string composed of hundreds of nylon monofilaments enclosed within a nylon sheath was tied to the Dalkon Shield. The string tended to harbor bacteria and to deteriorate inside the body; it conducted bacteria through the cervix into the uterus, bypassing the cervical mucus which normally acts as a barrier against infection."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Christopher Daniel Duntsch (born April 3, 1971) is a former American neurosurgeon who has been nicknamed Dr. D. and Dr. Death for gross malpractice resulting in the maiming of many patients' spines and two deaths while working at hospitals in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex.Duntsch was accused of injuring 33 out of 38 patients in less than two years before his license was revoked by the Texas Medical Board. In 2017, he was convicted of maiming one of his patients and sentenced to life imprisonment."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Christopher Duntsch is a former American neurosurgeon nicknamed Dr. Death for gross malpractice resulting in the maiming of several patients' spines and killing two of them. In one case, he operated on a longtime friend and removed large amounts of muscle tissue, leaving them quadriplegic.\n\n[Christopher Duntsch - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "How did this guy keep getting jobs?? Wow. As someone that's had spinal and vocal cord surgery, I'm feeling lucky I had great doctors.", "name": "Devon"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I believe his case highlighted a lot of poor / nonexistent communication between hospital systems - he was basically shuffled around to skirt responsibility and made it hard for patients to know his horrible track record. He was allowed to resign from the hospitals he worked at, which kept him off review boards/medical efficacy groups radars for awhile", "name": "Julian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Arthur William Hodge (c. 1763 – 8 May 1811) was a Tortola-born planter, serial killer and politician who was executed by hanging in 1811 for the crime of murdering one of his slaves. Born on the British Virgin Islands, Hodge studied at Oriel College, Oxford, matriculating in 1781 before briefly serving as an officer in the 23rd Regiment of Foot. Returning to Tortola in 1803, he settled down to a life as a plantation owner while also pursuing a political career, serving in both the Executive Council and Legislative Assembly of the British Virgin Islands. In 1811, Hodge was hung after being found guilty of murdering a slave he owned, the first British subject to be executed for such a crime."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Arthur William Hodge was a British plantation owner, slave owner, and serial killer whose victims were his own slaves. He brutally tortured them, including multiple children. According to surviving slaves, Hodge once dunked a 10-year-old boy in boiling liquor until his skin peeled off.\n\n[Arthur William Hodge - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "He started with 100 slaves & had so few they couldn't dig his wife's grave. Is that implying that he killed 90+ people? That is a crazy high number even among seriel killers.", "name": "Caitlyn"}, {"role": "user", "content": "The sentence after your quote implies that he killed around 60.", "name": "Kevin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Brown Building is a ten-story building that is part of the campus of New York University (NYU), which owns it. It is located at 23–29 Washington Place, between Greene Street and Washington Square East in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, and is best known as the location of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911, which killed 146 people.\nThe building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was named a National Historical Landmark in 1991. It was designated a New York City landmark in 2003."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Brown Building is a ten-story building that is part of the campus of New York University (NYU), which owns it... and is best known as the location of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911, which killed 146 people.\n\n[Brown Building (Manhattan) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Complete [listing]( of the victims, who were young sweatshop workers stuck in a firetrap of a garment factory with most of the exits locked. Mostwere overcome by smoke, some jumped or fell from eighth-floor windows trying to get away from the fire.\n\n\nI don't know if it's reasonable, but I instinctively find it grotesque that now they have people the same age but with WAY more money just... going to chem lab in there."}, {"role": "user", "content": "The windows on the fourth and fifth floors, to the right of the middle of the photo, look to have stains above the windows from smoke on the bricks. \n\nWay creepy.\n\nEdit: correction. Sounds like the fire started on the 7th or 8th floor.", "name": "Nathaniel"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility (USP Florence ADMAX), commonly known as ADX Florence or the Florence Supermax, is an American federal prison in Fremont County to the south of Florence, Colorado, operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice. ADX Florence, constructed in 1994 and opened one year later, is classed as a supermax or \"control unit\" prison, that provides a higher, more controlled level of custody than a regular maximum security prison (or \"high security\", as it is called in the federal prison system). ADX Florence forms part of the Federal Correctional Complex, Florence (FCC Florence), which is situated on 49 acres (20 hectares) of land and houses different facilities with varying degrees of security, including the adjacent United States Penitentiary, Florence High.\nADX Florence was commissioned when the Federal Bureau of Prisons needed a unit designed specifically for the secure housing of those prisoners most capable of extreme violence toward staff or other inmates, as well as inmates deemed too high-profile or too great of a security risk for even a maximum security prison. The inmates are confined for the most part of the day in single cells with facilities made of poured, reinforced concrete to deter self-harm, and are under 24-hour supervision, carried out intensively with high staff–inmate ratios."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# There is only one supermax prison remaining in the U.S. federal system, ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado. Residents include the Boston Marathon Bomber, El Chapo, 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, Mafia Boss James Marcelo, and cult leader Dwight York.\n\n[ADX Florence - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I got into a heated debate with some fellow ~~redditors~~ idiots about the definition of Supermax. Since various states and counties have designated certain sections or pods of their jails/prisons as \"supermax\", there's confusion about what is and isn't a supermax facility. This is the only **Federal** supermax facility. Period. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.", "name": "Kelsey"}, {"role": "user", "content": "fellow idiots", "name": "Liam"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Holy Roman Empire, also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, was a polity in Central and Western Europe, usually headed by the Holy Roman Emperor. It developed in the Early Middle Ages and lasted for almost 1,000 years until its dissolution in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars.On 25 December 800, Pope Leo III crowned Frankish king Charlemagne as Roman emperor, reviving the title in Western Europe more than three centuries after the fall of the ancient Western Roman Empire in 476. The title lapsed in 924, but was revived in 962 when Otto I was crowned emperor by Pope John XII, fashioning himself as Charlemagne's and the Carolingian Empire's successor, and beginning a continuous existence of the empire for over eight centuries. From 962 until the twelfth century, the empire was one of the most powerful monarchies in Europe. The functioning of government depended on the harmonious cooperation between emperor and vassals; this harmony was disturbed during the Salian period. The empire reached the apex of territorial expansion and power under the House of Hohenstaufen in the mid-thirteenth century, but overextension of its power led to a partial collapse.Scholars generally describe an evolution of the institutions and principles constituting the empire, and a gradual development of the imperial role. While the office of emperor had been reestablished, the exact term for his realm as the \"Holy Roman Empire\" was not used until the 13th century, although the emperor's theoretical legitimacy from the beginning rested on the concept of translatio imperii, that he held supreme power inherited from the ancient emperors of Rome. Nevertheless, in the Holy Roman Empire, the imperial office was traditionally elective by the mostly German prince-electors. In theory and diplomacy, the emperors were considered the first among equals of all Europe's Catholic monarchs.A process of Imperial Reform in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries transformed the empire, creating a set of institutions which endured until its final demise in the nineteenth century. According to historian Thomas Brady Jr., the empire after the Imperial Reform was a political body of remarkable longevity and stability, and \"resembled in some respects the monarchical polities of Europe's western tier, and in others the loosely integrated, elective polities of East Central Europe.\" The new corporate German Nation, instead of simply obeying the emperor, negotiated with him. On 6 August 1806, Emperor Francis II abdicated and formally dissolved the empire following the creation – the month before, by French emperor Napoleon – of the Confederation of the Rhine, a confederation of German client states loyal not to the Holy Roman emperor but to France.\n\nThe Erfurt latrine disaster occurred on 26 July 1184, when Henry VI, King of Germany (later Holy Roman Emperor), held a Hoftag (informal assembly) in the cathedral provostry (in Erfurt). On the morning of 26 July, the combined weight of the assembled nobles caused the wooden second story floor of the building to collapse and most of them fell through into the latrine cesspit below the ground floor, where about 60 of them drowned in liquid excrement. This event is called the Erfurter Latrinensturz (lit. 'Erfurt latrine fall') in several German sources."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The combined weight of a number of nobles from across the Holy Roman Empire caused the floor of a church to collapse leading the nobles to drown in human excrement\n\n[Erfurt latrine disaster - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I just don't believe this story. \nThat's not how latrines were built. That's not how churches were built. That's not how anyone stores excrement. That's not how a wooden floor would collapse. (\"That's not how any of this works!\")\n\nMaybe there had been a lot of rain, and it washed out the latrines and flooded the church cellar. Maybe King Heinrich got tired of their crap and had them all killed and an urban legend started. Clearly *something* happened, but I am not convinced it happened as described.", "name": "Cristian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Good skeptic.", "name": "Aaron"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Oprah Gail Winfrey (; born Orpah Gail Winfrey; January 29, 1954), also known mononymously as Oprah, is an American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and media proprietor. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, broadcast from Chicago, which ran in national syndication for 25 years, from 1986 to 2011. Dubbed the \"Queen of All Media\", she was the richest African-American of the 20th century and was once the world's only black billionaire. By 2007, she was often ranked as the most influential woman in the world.Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a single teenage mother and later raised in inner-city Milwaukee. She has stated that she was molested during her childhood and early teenage years and became pregnant at 14; her son was born prematurely and died in infancy. Winfrey was then sent to live with the man she calls her father, Vernon Winfrey, a barber in Nashville, Tennessee, and landed a job in radio while still in high school. By 19, she was a co-anchor for the local evening news. Winfrey's often emotional, extemporaneous delivery eventually led to her transfer to the daytime talk show arena, and after boosting a third-rated local Chicago talk show to first place, she launched her own production company.\nCredited with creating a more intimate, confessional form of media communication, Winfrey popularized and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre pioneered by Phil Donahue. By the mid-1990s, Winfrey had reinvented her show with a focus on literature, self-improvement, mindfulness, and spirituality. Though she has been criticized for unleashing a confession culture, promoting controversial self-help ideas, and having an emotion-centered approach, she has also been praised for overcoming adversity to become a benefactor to others. Winfrey also emerged as a political force in the 2008 presidential race, with her endorsement of Barack Obama estimated to have been worth about one million votes during the 2008 Democratic primaries. In the same year, she formed her own network, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). In 2013, Winfrey was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama.In 1994, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from multiple universities. Winfrey has won many awards throughout her career, including 18 Daytime Emmy Awards (including the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Chairman's Award), two Primetime Emmy Awards (including the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award), a Tony Award, a Peabody Award, and the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award awarded by the Academy Awards, in addition to two competitive Academy Award nominations. Winfrey was elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Did you know: The Oprah Winfrey Show ran in national syndication for 25 years. She was the richest African-American of the 20th century. Was once the world's only black billionaire and the greatest black philanthropist in U.S. history.\n\n[Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "She's also the perpetrator of a quack theory that blames poor people for not wanting to be rich hard enough. I wouldn't say her influence on the world has been a positive one overall.", "name": "Nicolas"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Also all the pseudo science and snake oil peddlers that she foisted upon the world.", "name": "Sabrina"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# 95-year-old woman with her pet rooster\n\n![a woman holding a chicken in her arms]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I've always wondered about the trend of old ladies dying their hair purple; this post inspired me to research. Apparently it's because their white hair starts to get an unappealing yellow tinge and they use something called \"blue rinse\" to get it back to a neutral white color, but often overdo it or leave it in too long? \n\n\n[\\_rinse](", "name": "Jenna"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Interesting. I just thought it looked like a fun purple dye job. I love it regardless. :)", "name": "Kayla"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Robert Wayne Danielson Jr. (August 25, 1946 – September 7, 1995) was an American serial killer who murdered at least six people during a crime spree in three states between December 1981 and November 1982, following his parole for murdering an acquaintance in 1970. Convicted and sentenced to death by the state of California, where two of his murders occurred, Danielson killed himself while awaiting execution at San Quentin State Prison in September 1995."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# After serving 11 years in an Oregon prison for killing a man, Robert Danielson was released in 1981, and went on to kill at least six more people across several states. In some of the killings, he was aided by a 14 year old girl. Sentenced to death, Danielson killed himself on death row in 1995.\n\n[Robert Wayne Danielson - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I always refer to cases like this when my hippy-dippy friend says jails shouldn't be a thing no matter what the person has done."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Is this hippy dippy friend in the room with us right now?", "name": "Jared"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The chowchilla (Orthonyx spaldingii) is a passerine bird in the family Orthonychidae. It is endemic to Australia."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The 1976 Chowchilla kidnapping was the abduction of a school bus driver and 26 children, aged 5 to 14. The kidnappers put their victims into a buried box truck in a quarry in Livermore, California. After about 16 hours, the driver and children were able to dig themselves out and escape unharmed.\n\n[1976 Chowchilla kidnapping - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Were the kidnappers hippies? Why did the kids develop a fear of hippies? Or did the parents just use this as an excuse to vilify hippies?", "name": "Abraham"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I know nobody will believe me, but my dad knew the kidnappers. He grew up in Portola Valley and they were from a wealthy family with a bunch of land out there. He and his buddy went out to their land once to pick apples or something innocuous, and the kidnapper rolled up on him with a rifle and made them leave. He said he was always a weird dude.", "name": "Naomi"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Kate Barker (born \nArizona Donnie Clark; October 8, 1873 – January 16, 1935), better known as Ma Barker (and sometimes known as Arizona Barker and Arrie Barker), was the mother of several American criminals who ran the Barker–Karpis Gang during the \"public enemy era\" when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwestern United States gripped the American people and press. She traveled with her sons during their criminal careers.\nBarker gained a reputation as a ruthless crime matriarch who controlled and organized her sons' crimes. J. Edgar Hoover described her as \"the most vicious, dangerous, and resourceful criminal brain of the last decade\". She has been presented as a monstrous mother in films, songs, and literature. Those who knew her insisted that she had no criminal role and that Hoover created the allegations to justify her shooting by the FBI in 1935. Later reports consistently conclude that Kate Barker's role in her sons' crimes was falsely created by the media to increase newspaper and media sales."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Ma Barker: Mother of several American gang leaders from the \"public enemy era\". J. Edgar Hoover described her as \"the most vicious, dangerous, and resourceful criminal brain of the last decade\". Recent analysis indicates her reputation as ringleader was created by the media to increase sales.\n\n[Ma Barker - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "And the inspiration for the *Batman* villain Ma Parker.", "name": "Mason"}, {"role": "user", "content": "and the Duck Tales villain Ma Beagle.\n\nProbably many others.", "name": "Shelby"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which must be announced each time it occurs. It's origins are uncertain, but could have been invented as early as 1977.\n\n[The Game (mind game) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "You knew what you were doing when you posted this, you sick fuck.", "name": "Leonardo"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Ok but how about you lose The Game again?", "name": "Trinity"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Consort Qi may refer to:"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 194 BC, Empress Lu Zhi disapproved of her sons concubine, Consort Qi, so she had her limbs chopped off, eyes gouged out, tongue, nose, and ears cut off, and muted her with poison before throwing her in a pigsty where she forced her son to view Qi as human swine.\n\n[Consort Qi - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Poison that mutes someone without killing them, and mutilating them this bad without them bleeding to death seems a bit questionable. Chinese historical records have a history of seriously over exaggerating stories. Its likely this story is true to some extent though", "name": "Bryce"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I think it's wise to question ancient sources. This one comes from *Records of the Grand Historian*, written at around 100BC, and has been lauded for the last 2000 years as an example of both literary quality and historical accuracy. Since it has described some historical events accurately, even predating archeological evidence - for example, its description of the Shang dynasty was thought to be mythical until discovery of the oracle bones - it is tempting to think *all* of its included historical events are accurate. Virtually none of the primary sources used in the *Records* have survived, and we are at times forced to take what is written at face value. This is especially the case since the *Records* describe things which are clearly absurd, such as people turning into animals, and people with impossible anatomic features. Where does fantasy stop and fact begin?\n\nIn a roundabout way, what I'm trying to say is I think the torture aspects are believable. People can be kept alive for a very long time, especially if all the described procedures are done in stages, for the victim to recover in between. Tying limbs after amputation will stop most of the bleeding. I'm more impressed with them avoiding infection, given antibiotics and knowledge of bacteria definitely wasn't a thing back then. But from a technical point of view, definitely feasible.", "name": "Rebecca"}]