3 values
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Pantsdrunk is a Finnish-based, mostly asocial form of drinking culture, in which the drinker consumes alcohol drinks at home in as little clothing as possible, mainly in underwear. The forced isolation from the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has created a global trend for this drinking habit.\n\n[Pantsdrunk - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "If you're alone, why wear underwear?", "name": "Claire"}, {"role": "user", "content": "To keep butt sweat off the couch", "name": "Braden"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The murder of Suzanne Capper was committed in Greater Manchester, England in December 1992. Sixteen-year-old Suzanne Jane Capper died in Withington Hospital on 18 December 1992, from multiple organ failure arising from 80% burns after being deliberately lit on fire on 14 December. Before her death, Capper relayed that she had been kidnapped and kept hostage for seven days at a house in Moston, Manchester, where she was beaten and tortured. Suzanne was taken from the house by car, driven into the countryside, and forced out of the car into a wood at Werneth Low where petrol was poured over her and she was set alight. The torture and murder arose from the \"avenging [of] trivial grievances: a sexual insult, infection with pubic lice and the loss of a pink duffel coat.\"Detectives conducting the inquiry said that \"for sheer mindless brutality\" the crime ranked alongside the torture inflicted on children by the Moors murderers. The case went to trial in November 1993, but received \"comparatively little publicity\" as it coincided with the trial of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables for the murder of James Bulger. On 17 December 1993, Jean Powell, aged 26, her ex-husband Glyn Powell, aged 29, and Bernadette McNeilly, aged 24, were sentenced to life imprisonment for their parts in the murder. Jeffrey Leigh, aged 27, was jailed for twelve years for false imprisonment. Jean Powell's brother Clifford Pook, aged 18, was sentenced to fifteen years in a Young Offenders' Institution for false imprisonment and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. Anthony Michael Dudson, who was 16 years old at the time of the murder, was also found guilty of murder and sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure under section 53(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Suzanne Capper (16) was kidnapped and murdered by the parents of children she would babysit. Held captive for six days, she was injected with amphetamines, burned with cigarettes and had her teeth pulled out with pliers. She was killed after being doused in petrol and set alight.\n\n[Murder of Suzanne Capper - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "She didn't die right away and manged to climb back up the hill with burns over 80% of her body."}, {"role": "user", "content": "And lived long enough to name her attackers. Amazing strength.", "name": "Wesley"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# If you ever want a fun way to kill a few minutes, take something that's super popular today and go back to the oldest revision you can find of its Wikipedia article\n\nThis post is being overwritten in protest of Reddit's CEO spez (Steve Huffman) being a piece of shit and killing 3rd party apps."}, {"role": "user", "content": "[COVID-19 Pandemic](\n\nPretty wild to go through the revisions on this one", "name": "Rylee"}, {"role": "user", "content": ">2019-2020 China pneumonia outbreak\n\nAh thoss were optimistic times", "name": "Giselle"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Hufu (Chinese: 胡服; pinyin: húfú; Korean: 호복; Hanja: 胡服; RR: hobok), also referred as Hu clothing, nomadic dress, 'barbarian' clothing or dress, or foreign dress, is a generic term which refers to any clothing which was worn in ancient China and its surrounding regions by non-Han Chinese people. This term is also used to refer to clothing of foreign origins in ancient China. The introduction of Hufu-style garments and attire in China occurred by the time of King Wuling of Zhao."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Hufu was a product marketed as tofu designed to resemble human flesh in taste and texture. Hufu was touted as \"the healthy human flesh alternative\" for \"cannibals who want to quit\", as well as a product for anthropology students studying cannibalism.\n\n[Hufu - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Its a joke product.", "name": "Mario"}, {"role": "user", "content": "And as far as I can tell, it didn't even go to market? Right?", "name": "Faith"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (German: [ˈɪɡnaːts ˈzɛml̩vaɪs]; Hungarian: Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp [ˈsɛmmɛlvɛjs ˈiɡnaːts ˈfyløp]; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist of German descent, who was an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures, and was described as the \"saviour of mothers\". Postpartum infection, also known as puerperal fever or childbed fever, consists of any bacterial infection of the reproductive tract following birth, and in the 19th century was common and often fatal. Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of infection could be drastically reduced by requiring healthcare workers in obstetrical clinics to disinfect their hands. In 1847, he proposed hand washing with chlorinated lime solutions at Vienna General Hospital's First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors' wards had three times the mortality of midwives' wards. The maternal mortality rate dropped from 18% to less than 2%, and he published a book of his findings, Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever, in 1861.\nDespite his research, Semmelweis's observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no theoretical explanation for his findings of reduced mortality due to hand-washing, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, the increasingly outspoken Semmelweis allegedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum, he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating.His findings earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory, giving Semmelweis' observations a theoretical explanation, and Joseph Lister, acting on Pasteur's research, practised and operated using hygienic methods, with great success."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Ignaz Semmelweis, the first doctor to link cleanliness to patient survival, decades before Joseph Lister. He tried in vain to promote the truth that that washing hands reduced mortality in hospitals, but was mocked by many. He was committed to an asylum and was beaten to death by guards.\n\n[Ignaz Semmelweis - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Its worth noting that he was also the mortician and would go to deliver babies without washing hands. Then he started washing his hands and noticed the decline in dead babies he delivered so thats where he got that.\n\nEdit: please see u/skalpelis below for more info as I may be off on some of these details", "name": "Marco"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Fucking some kind of unholy trial and error.", "name": "Martin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Phallic Rock is a precambrian granite rock formation in Carefree, Arizona, United States. The formation is caused by spheroidal weathering whereby the composition of the granite and its crystal structure facilitated the development of rounded corners and its unique phallic tubular shape. The formation is at the eastern foot of Black Mountain and can be found approximately 400 ft (120 m) east of Tom Darlington Drive on Stagecoach Pass Road. The formation is best viewed from the western side looking east. There is a dirt pull-off on the side of Stagecoach Pass Road with enough room for several vehicles."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Phallic Rock is a precambrian granite rock formation in Carefree, Arizona, United States. The formation is caused by spheroidal weathering whereby the composition of the granite and its crystal structure facilitated the development of rounded corners and its unique phallic tubular shape.\n\n[Phallic Rock - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Its a shame they only have a picture of it at sunset. Im sure its majestic at sunrise.", "name": "Brooklyn"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "A condemned prisoner's last meal is a customary ritual preceding execution. In many countries, the prisoner may, within reason, select what the last meal will be."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# List of the requested last meals from the world's most terrifying criminals\n\n[Last meal - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "> In Texas, the tradition of customized last meals is thought to have been established around 1924, but in September 2011, the state of Texas abolished all special meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a large and expensive last meal, but did not eat any of it, stating that he was not hungry. Since then, the prisoner's last meal is whatever is being served in the Huntsville Unit cafeteria on the day of execution.\n\nWhat a loser, ruining it for everyone else.", "name": "Autumn"}, {"role": "user", "content": "That is so weird tho cause who cares if they dont eat it? We eat to stay alive these people are about to be killed. Either way its going to waste. Im against capital punishment so the whole thing is dumb to me anyway, but this feels especially illogical lol.", "name": "Tristan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Gymnophobia is a fear (phobia) of or prejudice against nudity."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Gymnophobia is a fear (phobia) of nudity. They may worry about seeing others naked, being seen naked, or both.\n\n[Gymnophobia - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Did you mean never-nude", "name": "Jasmine"}, {"role": "user", "content": "There are dozens of us!", "name": "Nolan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Jannetje Johanna (Jo) Schaft (16 September 1920 – 17 April 1945) was a Dutch resistance fighter during World War II. She became known as \"the girl with the red hair\" (Dutch: het meisje met het rode haar, German: das Mädchen mit dem roten Haar). Her secret name in the resistance movement was \"Hannie\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Hannie Schaft, a WWII Dutch resistance fighter known as the girl with the red hair. She was on the Nazis most wanted list. She once refused to kidnap the children of a Nazi official. At her execution, she was shot and injured and taunted her killers by saying I shoot better.\n\n[Hannie Schaft - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "wow, she only died a few weeks before the war ended??...did the people who shoot her ever get prosecuted?", "name": "Kelsey"}, {"role": "user", "content": "She was likely shot *because* the war was ending. The concentration camp personnel holding her knew perfectly well the end of the war was a few weeks away and they'd soon after be imprisoned themselves, to be held accountable for what they'd done.\n\nThey murderedthousands of imprisoned people during the final weeks simply to eliminate possible witnesses in future war-crimes trials.", "name": "Nathan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Taylor Josephine Stephanie Luciow (August 27, 1990 – October 27, 2009), known by her stage name Taylor Mitchell, was a Canadian country folk singer and songwriter from Toronto. Her debut and only album, For Your Consideration, received encouraging reviews and airplay. Following a busy summer performance schedule, which included an appearance as a young performer at the Winnipeg Folk Festival, Mitchell embarked on a tour of Eastern Canada with a newly acquired license and car.\nMitchell died at the age of 19 of injuries and blood loss after two eastern coyotes (coywolves) mauled her while she was walking along Cape Breton Highlands National Park's Skyline Trail. Her death is the only known fatal coyote attack on an adult and the only known fatal coyote attack on a human ever confirmed in Canada. It shocked experts and led to a reassessment of the risk to humans from the predator behaviour of coyotes."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Taylor Mitchell was a 19 year old folk musician from Canada. In 2009, on her downtime between concerts she went for a hike, where she was attacked and killed by two eastern coyotes. She is currently the only known adult to be killed by coyotes \n\n[Taylor Mitchell - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I recall listening to her new album being played on CBC radio one week, and then CBC announcing her death the following week. \n\nI see coyotes nearly every night where I live, sometimes within feet of me, and carry a flashlight and belt knife when I go outside after dark, as well as jingle my keys occasionally so I dont startle them, but this incident is the reason for the precautions. Several coyotes have been put down in the GTA for being aggressive with humans in the past year alone, although that may just mean not showing fear. \n\nRegardless, her death is a tragedy. As much as we try to engineer our environment the fact is when we step into the wild, even our own backyards, we are stepping into their world, where the rules of engagement and survival are very different than our own. Or so we would like to believe anyway.", "name": "Katherine"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I live in the middle of Europe and many people here, both locals and foreigners, underestimate the wildlife and nature. It's the thinking of \"there are no dangerous animals around here\", when in reality, we got several wolf packs, bears and others that came back in the last few decades.\n\nNot far away, in Italy, a hiker was killed by a bear. He made jokes about bears, it was kinda ironical that he was killed by one not many hours later after he sent a joke by text to a friend.\n\nBut another thing is nature itself, tourists are like \"It's Switzerland, it's not like Russia with the cold of the winter\" and then, they freeze to death in -30c in a snow storm in the alps. They don't get proper gear and enough supplies, because they think that they are near civilization and it would be easy to go back.\n\nBut the truth is, when a snow storm happens, you lose vision and navigation, we had cases where people froze to death only a few meters away from a building, because they did just not see it in the storm and thought, it wasn't there.\n\nFor tourists, they also don't know about the glaciers: There are holes in the glaciers, often covered by fresh snow and these are death-traps. Even when you survive the fall and even when someone is close by for rescue, it's a run against time to get the people out of the ice before they freeze to death by hypothermia.\n\nIt's even worse that when you are down there, a chopper even with the thermal camera can't spot you anymore and you can't get connection with your phone.", "name": "Megan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Mountain Meadows Massacre (September 7–11, 1857) was a series of attacks during the Utah War that resulted in the mass murder of at least 120 members of the Baker–Fancher emigrant wagon train. The massacre occurred in the southern Utah Territory at Mountain Meadows, and was perpetrated by settlers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) involved with the Utah Territorial Militia (officially called the Nauvoo Legion) who recruited and were aided by some Southern Paiute Native Americans. The wagon train, made up mostly of families from Arkansas, was bound for California, traveling on the Old Spanish Trail that passed through the Territory.\nAfter arriving in Salt Lake City, the Baker–Fancher party made their way south along the Mormon Road, eventually stopping to rest at Mountain Meadows. As the party was traveling west there were rumors about the party's behavior towards Mormon settlers and war hysteria towards outsiders was rampant as a result of a military expedition dispatched by President Buchanan, and Territorial Governor Brigham Young's declaration of martial law in response. While the emigrants were camped at the meadow, local militia leaders, including Isaac C. Haight and John D. Lee, made plans to attack the wagon train. The leaders of the militia, wanting to give the impression of tribal hostilities, persuaded Southern Paiutes to join with a larger party of militiamen disguised as Native Americans in an attack. During the militia's first assault on the wagon train, the emigrants fought back, and a five-day siege ensued. Eventually, fear spread among the militia's leaders that some emigrants had caught sight of the white men, likely discerning the actual identity of a majority of the attackers. As a result, militia commander William H. Dame ordered his forces to kill the emigrants. By this time, the emigrants were running low on water and provisions, and allowed some members of the militia – who approached under a white flag – to enter their camp. The militia members assured the emigrants they were protected, and after handing over their weapons, the emigrants were escorted away from their defensive position. After walking a distance from the camp, the militiamen, with the help of auxiliary forces hiding nearby, attacked the emigrants. The perpetrators killed all the adults and older children in the group, in the end sparing only seventeen young children under the age of seven.Following the massacre, the perpetrators buried some of the remains but ultimately left most of the bodies exposed to wild animals and the climate. Local families took in the surviving children, with many of the victims' possessions and remaining livestock being auctioned off. Investigations, which were interrupted by the American Civil War, resulted in nine indictments in 1874. Of the men who were indicted, only John D. Lee was tried in a court of law. After two trials in the Utah Territory, Lee was convicted by a jury, sentenced to death, and executed by firing squad on March 23, 1877.\nHistorians attribute the massacre to a combination of factors, including war hysteria about a possible invasion of Mormon territory and Mormon teachings against outsiders, which were part of the Mormon Reformation period. Scholars debate whether senior leadership in Mormonism, including Brigham Young, directly instigated the massacre or if responsibility for it lay only with the local leaders in southern Utah."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# On September 11, 1857, a band of militant Mormons attacked a convoy of settler pioneers which was traveling through Utah. They killed 120-140 people, sparing only 17 small children. The property of the victims was auctioned off, and children were taken to be raised by Mormon families.\n\n[Mountain Meadows Massacre - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "And every time they put up a historical marker at the site it gets destroyed.", "name": "Jessica"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Also, they pretended to be Indians, massacred the adults after they surrendered, and stole their cattle.", "name": "Jacqueline"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The drag panic (also called drag queen panic or anti-drag hysteria) is a moral panic that stems from the belief that drag, when exposed to minors, can be harmful, due to its perception as sexual in nature.The panic, which had been building for a number of years, became more prominent in 2022, arising in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and in other countries in a series of rallies and counter-rallies related to drag queens reading children's books at storytime events to children. Throughout 2022, there were at least 141 incidents of protests and harassment towards drag events in the United States."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The drag panic is a moral panic that stems from the belief that drag (performances of exaggerated femininity or masculinity that often involve cross-dressing), when exposed to minors, can be harmful due to its perception as sexual in nature.\n\n[Drag panic - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "> performances of exaggerated femininity or masculinity\n\nI wonder if there would be the same outrage over a woman dressing up as a man and acting like a ridiculous over the top dude-bro", "name": "Brandon"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Reactionaries are much more scared of MtF trans people than FtM trans people. Id imagine the outrage would be similarly skewed on this issue.", "name": "Avery"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "George Armstrong Custer (December 5, 1839 – June 25, 1876) was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars.Custer graduated from West Point and though he has been misleadingly characterized as an inept student for having been last in his graduating class, he actually finished thirty-fourth out of a starting class of one hundred and eight candidates. Following graduation, he worked closely with General George B. McClellan and the future General Alfred Pleasonton, both of whom recognized his ability as a cavalry leader. He was subsequently promoted to brigadier general of volunteers at age 23. Only a few days after his promotion, he fought at the Battle of Gettysburg, where he commanded the Michigan Cavalry Brigade. Despite being outnumbered, Custer defeated J. E. B. Stuart's attack at what is now known as East Cavalry Field.\nIn 1864, he served in the Overland Campaign and Philip Sheridan's army in the Shenandoah Valley, defeating Jubal Early at Cedar Creek. In 1865, he destroyed or captured the remainder of Early's forces at the Battle of Waynesboro. His division blocked the Army of Northern Virginia's final retreat and received the first flag of truce from the Confederates. He was also present at Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. After the war, Custer was commissioned as a lieutenant colonel in the Regular Army and was sent west to fight in the Indian Wars, mainly against the Lakota and other Plains Peoples. On June 25, 1876, while leading the 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in Montana Territory against a coalition of Native American tribes, he was killed along with every soldier of the five companies he led. This event became known as \"Custer's Last Stand.\"His dramatic end was as controversial as the rest of his career, and the reaction to his life and career remains deeply divided. His legend was partly his own fabrication through his extensive publicity, and perhaps more through the energetic lobbying of his wife Elizabeth Bacon \"Libbie\" Custer throughout her long widowhood which spanned six decades."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# 146 years ago this month, General George Custer, who massacred Native American civilians and allowed his men to commit mass rape, was killed by Native American warriors in Little Bighorn, Montana. He and all five of his companies were completely wiped out down to the last man.\n\n[George Armstrong Custer - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I am amazed at how old this guy looks. He died at 36. I don't know how old that photo is, but dang.", "name": "Sophia"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Being evil and lack of sunscreen is hard on the skin.", "name": "Payton"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "A queen bee is typically an adult, mated female (gyne) that lives in a colony or hive of honey bees. With fully developed reproductive organs, the queen is usually the mother of most, if not all, of the bees in the beehive. Queens are developed from larvae selected by worker bees and specially fed in order to become sexually mature. There is normally only one adult, mated queen in a hive, in which case the bees will usually follow and fiercely protect her.\nThe term \"queen bee\" can be more generally applied to any dominant reproductive female in a colony of a eusocial bee species other than honey bees. However, as in the Brazilian stingless bee (Schwarziana quadripunctata), a single nest may have multiple queens or even dwarf queens, ready to replace a dominant queen in case of a sudden death."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# When a new queen bee becomes available, the workers kill the reigning queen by \"balling\" her, clustering tightly around her. Death through balling is accomplished by surrounding the queen and raising her body temperature, causing her to overheat and die.\n\n[Queen bee - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Thanks, that was a delightful bee-shaped rabbit hole I just descended.", "name": "Sydney"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "I've been binge-watching *Charlie Bee Company* and I've learned *so much* about bees from that show. Highly recommend it, Charlie is hilarious and you can tell he just *adores* bees. That's what led me to my own bee-shaped rabbit hole :)"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The replication crisis (also called the replicability crisis and the reproducibility crisis) is an ongoing methodological crisis in which the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce. Because the reproducibility of empirical results is an essential part of the scientific method, such failures undermine the credibility of theories building on them and potentially call into question substantial parts of scientific knowledge.\nThe replication crisis is frequently discussed in relation to psychology and medicine, where considerable efforts have been undertaken to reinvestigate classic results, to determine whether they are reliable, and if they turn out not to be, the reasons for the failure. Data strongly indicates that other natural and social sciences are affected as well.The phrase replication crisis was coined in the early 2010s as part of a growing awareness of the problem. Considerations of causes and remedies have given rise to a new scientific discipline, metascience, which uses methods of empirical research to examine empirical research practice.\nConsiderations about reproducibility fall into two categories. Reproducibility in the narrow sense refers to re-examining and validating the analysis of a given set of data. Replication refers to repeating the experiment or study to obtain new, independent data with the goal of reaching the same or similar conclusions."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The replication crisis is, as of 2020, an ongoing methodological crisis in which it has been found that many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate or reproduce\n\n[Replication crisis - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I wrote a paper on this in college. This and publication bias. Softer sciences like psychology are rampant with this. Probably only going to get worse as nothing about the publication process has changed...\n\nThe scientific community needs to really start appreciating negative results if this is ever going to change. One nice solution I encountered was having journal publication spots reserved by submitting the hypothesis/methods of a study prior to it being conducted. Then upon completion of the study (whether supportive or unsupportive of the original hypothesis) the study gets published either way.\n\nEDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying this only happens in the softer STEM fields. Just saying that they're especially affected.", "name": "Makayla"}, {"role": "user", "content": "This is why I left education. The research on educational best practice, and even juvenile and adolescent psychological development, is scary when you look too closely. So much of our education system in the US is based on unfounded theories and bullshit extrapolation from case studies. No one knows anything and everyone acts like they know everything.", "name": "Aubrey"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# On the article for the 2020s\n\n![a bunch of different types of television]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "r/starterpacks"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Only thing you are missing is Among Us", "name": "Peter"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "A Serbian Film (Serbian: Српски филм/Srpski film) is a 2010 Serbian exploitation horror film produced and directed by Srđan Spasojević in his feature directorial debut, with Aleksandar Radivojević co-writing. It tells the experience of a financially struggling pornstar who agrees to participate in an \"art film\", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff film with pedophilic and necrophilic themes. The film stars Serbian actors Srđan Todorović, Sergej Trifunović, and Jelena Gavrilović.\nUpon its debut on the art film circuit, A Serbian Film received substantial attention and controversy for its depictions of graphic violence and sexual content. The film has been banned in several countries including the Philippines, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Norway, and was temporarily banned from screening in Brazil. It also required compulsory cuts in order to be released in the United Kingdom and received an NC-17 rating in the United States. The film's notoriety has continued to the present day, and a number of sources have described A Serbian Film as the single most disturbing movie of all time."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# A Serbian Film: Upon its debut on the art film circuit, A Serbian Film received substantial attention and controversy for its graphic violence and sexual content. The film has been banned in several countries and is widely regarded by many as the most disturbing movie of all time.\n\n[A Serbian Film - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">It tells the experience of a financially struggling pornstar who agrees to participate in an \"art film\", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff film with pedophilic and necrophilic themes."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Georg Carl Tänzler, also known as Count Carl von Cosel (February 8, 1877 – July 3, 1952), was a German-born radiology technologist at the Marine-Hospital Service in Key West, Florida. He developed an obsession with a young Cuban-American tuberculosis patient, Elena \"Helen\" Milagro de Hoyos (July 31, 1909 – October 25, 1931), that carried on well after her death. In 1933, almost two years after her death, Tanzler removed Hoyos' body from its tomb, and lived with the corpse at his home for seven years until its discovery by Hoyos' relatives and authorities in 1940."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Carl Tanzler, a radiologist who had fallen in love with woman named Maria De Hoyos, who was dying from tuberculosis. Eventually, when she died, Tanzler had embalmed her body and had taken it home with him, where he would perform necrophilia on her body for 7 years until being discovered.\n\n[Carl Tanzler - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "He was set free without punishment, his victim's body was put on public display for everyone to see, and the public was apparently sympathetic towards him. What the fuck?", "name": "Brooke"}, {"role": "user", "content": "They shouldn't have displayed her body like a freak show, and yeah, what he did was gross. it insane to admit that I also get it *juuust* a little? I mean, the fucking the corpse part is something I find personally repulsive, but after I experienced horrible soul-destroying loss, I would have done anything to have that person close to me again, lying down and sleeping next to their body one last time just to cope wouldn't have been outside what I was willing to do to be close to them again, and I didn't love that person as a romantic partner or wife. Grief and loss is devastating, and you never get over it completely, like love, it can make you do things you don't normally want to do. Imagine if they were combined.\n\nEdit: Nevermind folks, I read the article, he was a creep. If they BOTH loved each other (which she didn't) that's a bit different.", "name": "Alexandra"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Timothy John Evans (20 November 1924 – 9 March 1950) was a Welshman who was wrongfully accused of murdering his wife Beryl and infant daughter Geraldine at their residence in Notting Hill, London. In January 1950, Evans was tried and convicted of the murder of his daughter, and on 9 March he was executed by hanging.\nDuring his trial, Evans accused his downstairs neighbour, John Christie, who was the chief prosecution witness, of committing the murders. \nThree years after Evans's execution, Christie was found to be a serial killer who had murdered several other women in the same house, including his own wife Ethel. Christie was himself sentenced to death, and while awaiting execution, he confessed to murdering Mrs. Evans. An official inquiry concluded in 1966 that Christie had murdered Evans's daughter Geraldine, and Evans was granted a posthumous pardon. The High Court dismissed proceedings to officially quash Evans's murder conviction in 2004 on the grounds of the cost and resources that would be involved, but acknowledged that Evans did not murder his wife or his daughter, a full 54 years after his wrongful execution by the British government.\nThe case generated much controversy and is acknowledged to be a miscarriage of justice. Along with those of Derek Bentley and Ruth Ellis, the case played a major part in the removal of capital punishment for murder in 1965 and, later, its abolition for all crimes."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Britain ended Capital Punishment after the unjust execution of Timothy Evans, for the murders of his wife and daughter. He'd accused his neighbour John Christie of the crime. Years later, Christie was discovered to be a serial killer who had killed 6 other woman and Evans's wife and daughter.\n\n[Timothy Evans - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Imagine being this poor soul. Destroyed in spirit by the gruesome death of your beloved and yet incarcerated and executed without guilt", "name": "Derek"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Sounds American", "name": "Katie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Rhythm 0 was a six-hour work of performance art by a Serbian artist Marina Abramović in Naples in 1974. The work involved Abramović standing still while the audience was invited to do to her whatever they wished, using one of 72 objects she had placed on a table. These included a rose, feather, perfume, honey, bread, grapes, wine, scissors, a scalpel, nails, a metal bar, a gun, and a bullet.There were no separate stages. Abramović and the visitors stood in the same space, making it clear that the latter were part of the work. The purpose of the piece, she said, was to find out how far the public would go: \"What is the public about and what are they going to do in this kind of situation?\""}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In a performance in 1974, Marina Abramovi told visitors she wouldn't move for six hours, whatever they did to her. She made 72 items available on a table on her side that could be used to please or destroy her, She invited visitors to use the items on it as they wish.\n\n[Rhythm 0 - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Well that sounds terrible", "name": "Hunter"}, {"role": "user", "content": "This kind of all-out brutal endurance performance is just what Marina Abramovic does best. Her work with Ulay is very uncomfortable but is also very moving. Shes an artist if there ever was one.", "name": "Leah"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wasn't there a Yoko Ono piece very similar to this one? I seem to recall Ono talking about getting her clothes cut off etc.", "name": "Zachary"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Yes, but in Yoko's piece, one could only cut her clothes. In Abramovic's *Rhythm Zero*, people actually cut Marina's neck with a knife to suck her blood and she didn't budge. People felt her up. The gun was thrust into her head with her finger worked around the trigger. The room was so pent up that fights broke around the people who tried to harm her and the people who tried to protect her.\n\nMarinas metal as fuck.", "name": "Sophia"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Hidden mother photography is a genre of photography common in the Victorian era in which young children were photographed with their mother present but hidden in the photograph. It arose from the need to keep children still while the photograph was taken due to the long exposure times of early cameras."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Hidden Mother Photography: Common in the Victorian era, young children were photographed with their mother present but hidden in the photograph. It arose from the need to keep children still while the photograph was taken due to the long exposure times of early cameras.\n\n[Hidden mother photography - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The fourth example in the gallery, they didn't even try did they?", "name": "Cristian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "At that point, why exclude the mother at all?", "name": "Charlotte"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Afternoon is the time between noon and evening. It is the time when the sun is descending from its peak in the sky to somewhat before its terminus at the horizon in the west. In human life, it occupies roughly the latter half of the standard work and school day. In literal terms, it refers to a time specifically after noon.\n\nContinental Express Flight 2574 (Jetlink 2574) was a scheduled domestic passenger airline flight operated by Britt Airways from Laredo International Airport in Laredo, Texas to Houston Intercontinental Airport (IAH) (now called George Bush Intercontinental Airport) in Houston, Texas. On September 11, 1991, the Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia turboprop, registered N33701, crashed while initiating its landing sequence, killing all 14 people on board. The aircraft wreckage hit an area near Eagle Lake, Texas, approximately 65 miles (105 km) west-southwest of the airport.\nThe media stated that there was initial speculation that a bomb had destroyed the aircraft; however, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) subsequently discovered that missing screws on the horizontal stabilizer led to the crash."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 1991, a plane crashed after an inspector from afternoon shift started repair by unscrewing 30 screws, but failed to pass the information when changing shifts. The plane then fell from 3 km height, killing everyone on board.\n\n[Continental Express Flight 2574 - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "i wonder if the first inspector was charged with anything. things get lost in communication but when it comes to planes i feel like one would be a little more careful", "name": "Richard"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I dont know about this incident, but after reading human error handbook I think aviation is so safe because they dont blame people but try find a process or a system to stop it happening again. You find the places where people are blamed for problems are the places where they have the most problems.", "name": "Jennifer"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Tokaimura nuclear accidents refer to two nuclear related incidents near the village of Tōkai, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The first accident occurred on 11 March 1997, producing an explosion after an experimental batch of solidified nuclear waste caught fire at the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) radioactive waste bituminisation facility. Over twenty people were exposed to radiation.\nThe second was a criticality accident at a separate fuel reprocessing facility belonging to Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion Co. (JCO) on 30 September 1999 due to improper handling of liquid uranium fuel. The incident spanned approximately 20 hours and resulted in radiation exposure for 667 people and the deaths of two workers. Most of the technicians had to go to hospital with serious injuries.It was determined that the accidents were due to inadequate regulatory oversight, lack of appropriate safety culture and inadequate worker training and qualification. After these two accidents, a series of lawsuits were filed and new safety measures were put into effect.\nBy March 2000, Japan's atomic and nuclear commissions began regular investigations of facilities, expansive education regarding proper procedures and safety culture regarding handling nuclear chemicals and waste. JCO's credentials were removed, the first Japanese plant operator to be punished by law for mishandling nuclear radiation. This was followed by the company president's resignation and six officials being charged with professional negligence."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# On 30th September, 1999, Hisashi Ouchi was exposed to 17 Sv of radiation, the most a person survived.His skin fell off on the way, All of his chromosomes were destroyed, and nearly all of his white blood cells. He died 83 days later with the nickname of, \"The Corpse with a Heartbeat\".\n\n[Tokaimura nuclear accidents - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What, exactly, does 'all his chromosomes were destroyed' mean...?", "name": "Morgan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I wonder this too. Its not in the article. The death date isnt even right in the title. Like every chromosome in every cell of his body? How do you determine that?", "name": "Owen"}, {"role": "user", "content": "My guess is every cellular function was obliterated: repair, healing, replication, communications/connectivity. All the fundamentals that keep you you.", "name": "Kaylee"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Which is impossible since he lived 83 days this way. Ive looked at other articles. The chromosomes of his white blood cells were obliterated. The rest of his body was not optimal but definitely could function and did have chromosomes and functioning DNA. Again, he wouldnt have lived 83 days with no functioning cellular replication", "name": "Michelle"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Burdizzo is the name brand of a company that makes a castration device which employs a large clamp designed to break the blood vessels leading into the testicles. Once the blood supply to the testicles is lost, testicular necrosis occurs, and the testicles shrink, soften, and eventually deteriorate completely. When the device is used, the operator crushes the spermatic cords one at a time, leaving a space in between in order to prevent an interruption of blood-flow to the scrotum."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Burdizzo is a brand of castration device which employs a large clamp designed to break the blood vessels leading into the testicles. Although intended for livestock, they have also been used by some humans as a means of self-castration.\n\n[Burdizzo - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Im an Immasculator man for life but Burdizzo makes a good product.", "name": "Sadie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The 1947 Texas City disaster was an industrial accident that occurred on April 16, 1947, in the port of Texas City, Texas, United States, located in Galveston Bay. It was the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history and one of history's largest non-nuclear explosions. \nThe explosion was triggered by a mid-morning fire on board the French-registered vessel SS Grandcamp (docked at port), which detonated her cargo of about 2,300 tons (about 2,100 metric tons) of ammonium nitrate. This started a chain reaction of fires and explosions aboard other ships and in nearby oil-storage facilities, ultimately killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of Texas City's volunteer fire department.: 100 The disaster drew the first class action lawsuit against the United States government, on behalf of 8,485 plaintiffs, under the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Texas City disaster, 1947 industrial explosion caused by 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate that started a chain reaction of fires and explosions in other ships and nearby oil-storage facilities, ultimately killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.\n\n[Texas City disaster - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Reposted so many times man"}, {"role": "user", "content": "You've been on for 129 days and I'm at about 1.5 years. Never seen this before.... you may need to get off here for a bit", "name": "Caroline"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Albert Hugo Schuster (February 13, 1912 – May 31, 1973) was a Nazi war criminal who was responsible for police units in occupied Poland in World War II. He was notorious for his brutality, earning the nickname \"The Butcher of the Łysogóry\". Schuster avoided detection after the war. After Polish investigators reopened an active search for Nazi war criminals, they discovered Schuster, who was now living in East Germany. Schuster was arrested and put on trial for his crimes by an East German court. He was found guilty, sentenced to death, and executed in 1973."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# During his trial in 1973, SS officer Albert Schuster claimed that he had only killed bandits. The judge responded by mentioning the name of a 2-year-old who Schuster had executed in 1943 as she was crying and hugging her mother. He asked Schuster if the girl was also a bandit. There was no response.\n\n[Albert Hugo Schuster - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What a giant piece of shit. He got off easy in his execution, shouldve been flayed alive or some other horrible medieval punishment.", "name": "Javier"}, {"role": "user", "content": "[deleted]"}, {"role": "user", "content": "You're a hundred percent right and I still want to torture the guy", "name": "Nicholas"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Stephen Wiltshire (born 24 April 1974) is a British architectural artist and autistic savant. He is known for his ability to draw a landscape from memory after seeing it just once. His work has gained worldwide popularity.\nIn 2006, Wiltshire was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to art. In the same year, he opened a permanent gallery on the Royal Opera Arcade in London."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Stephen Wiltshire, an autistic British artist who can draw a landscape from memory after seeing it just once. He can draw entire cities from memory, after just a single, short, helicopter ride. When he drew Rome, he drew the exact number of columns in the Pantheon\n\n[Stephen Wiltshire - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "What is it about autism that makes some autists savants? Like that is fucking insane. Kim Peek is another good example, the man that Rain Man (1988) was based off of. He can read books two pages at once, one eye per page, and compile it in the proper order in his head. It takes him about 5 seconds per page while remembering 98% of it. Just mind blowing", "name": "Donovan"}, {"role": "user", "content": ">He can read books two pages at once, one eye per page, and compile it in the proper order in his head.\n\nWtf. That is insane.", "name": "Mason"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Healthcare in Rwanda was historically of poor quality, but in recent decades has seen great improvement. Rwanda operates a universal health care system, and is considered to have one of the highest-quality health systems in Africa."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Healthcare in Rwanda was historically of poor quality, but in recent decades has seen great improvement. Rwanda operates a universal health care system, and is considered to have one of the highest-quality health systems in Africa.\n\n[Healthcare in Rwanda - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I know people in this comment section arent *legitimately suggesting* that the United States of America has worse healthcare than Rwanda", "name": "Brayden"}, {"role": "user", "content": "If you're rich, the USA has probably the best healthcare in the world. If you're poor, it's abysmal.", "name": "Serenity"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Starchild skull is part of a malformed human skull of a child who likely died as a result of congenital hydrocephalus. It received widespread publicity after paranormalist Lloyd Pye claimed it was of extraterrestrial origin."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Starchild skull is part of a child's malformed skull who likely died from congenital hydrocephalus and became famous when paranormalist Lloyd Pye claimed it had alien origins.\"\n\n[Starchild skull - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "It's amazing to me how often people claim supernatural or alien, when the reality is the person was disabled in a way we already know about.", "name": "Thomas"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Kind of similar to how cave men were send as knuckle dwellers until scientists realized the skeleton used to make this conclusion had a severely bad back. People are just so quick to come to conclusions that end up riddled with biases.", "name": "Lauren"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Shaggs were an American rock band formed in Fremont, New Hampshire, in 1965. They comprised the sisters Dorothy \"Dot\" Wiggin (vocals and lead guitar), Betty Wiggin (vocals and rhythm guitar), Helen Wiggin (drums) and, later, Rachel Wiggin (bass guitar). Their music has been described as both among the worst of all time and a work of unintentional brilliance.\nThe Shaggs composed seemingly simple and bizarre songs using untuned guitars, erratic time signatures, disconnected rhythms, wandering melodies and rudimentary lyrics. According to Rolling Stone, the sisters sang like \"lobotomized Trapp Family Singers\", while the musician Terry Adams compared their music to the free jazz compositions of Ornette Coleman.\nThe Shaggs formed at the insistence of their father, Austin Wiggin, who believed that his mother had predicted their rise to fame. For several years, he made them practice every day and perform weekly at the Fremont town hall. The girls had no interest in becoming musicians and never became proficient in songwriting or performing. In 1969, Austin paid for them to record an album, Philosophy of the World, which was distributed in limited quantities in 1969 by a local record label. The Shaggs disbanded in 1975 after Austin's death.\nOver the decades, Philosophy of the World circulated among musicians and found fans such as Frank Zappa and Kurt Cobain. Following a 1980 reissue on Rounder Records, it received enthusiastic reviews for its uniqueness in Rolling Stone and The Village Voice. A compilation of unreleased material, Shaggs' Own Thing, was released in 1982. The Shaggs became the subject of fascination in the 1990s, when interest grew in outsider music, and they are credited with influencing twee pop. Dot and Betty reunited for shows in 1999 and 2017; Helen died in 2006. As the Dot Wiggin Band, Dot released an album in 2013 containing previously unrecorded Shaggs songs."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Wiggin sisters never planned to become a music group, but as Dot later said, \"[Austin] was something of a disciplinarian. He was stubborn and he could be temperamental. He directed. We obeyed. Or did our best.\"\n\n[The Shaggs - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "The my pal foot foot girls?? I remember them from my music theory class in high school. Idk if its true, but our teacher said they had never really listened to real music, and only taught themselves- basically what the whole idea of music was. Its really bad music, but its impressive still if his story was true lol", "name": "Sophie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Their Halloween song is a staple for me around this time of year.\n\nHonestly their music is so interesting. It's bad on a level that you can't fake or do on purpose. It's like The Room of albums. \n\nThe point of this thread, their backstory is sad though.", "name": "Collin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School, an Amish one-room schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Pennsylvania. Gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five, before committing suicide in the schoolhouse. The emphasis on forgiveness and reconciliation in the Amish community's response was widely discussed by the national media. The West Nickel Mines School was later demolished, and a new one-room schoolhouse, the New Hope School, was built at another location."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 2006 West Nickel Mines School in Amish Pennsylvania was attacked by a milk tank truck driver who serviced the community. The 32 year old man would target the young girls in the school, shooting 10 and killing 5. It is the first attack of its time committed against the Amish community \n\n[West Nickel Mines School shooting - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Amish community members visited and comforted Roberts' widow, parents and parents-in-law. One Amish man held Roberts' sobbing father in his arms, reportedly for as long as an hour, to comfort him. The Amish also established a charitable fund for the family of the shooter. About 30 members of the Amish community attended Roberts' funeral, and Marie Roberts, the widow of the killer, was one of the few outsiders invited to the funeral of one of the victims.\n\nMarie Roberts wrote an open letter to her Amish neighbors thanking them for their forgiveness, grace, and mercy. She wrote, \"Your love for our family has helped to provide the healing we so desperately need. Gifts you've given have touched our hearts in a way no words can describe. Your compassion has reached beyond our family, beyond our community, and is changing our world, and for this we sincerely thank you.\"", "name": "Gabrielle"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Whoa. Respect.", "name": "Morgan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (German pronunciation: [ˈluːtvɪç ˈbɔlt͡sman]; 20 February 1844 – 5 September 1906) was an Austrian physicist and philosopher. His greatest achievements were the development of statistical mechanics, and the statistical explanation of the second law of thermodynamics. In 1877 he provided the current definition of entropy, \n \n \n \n S\n =\n \n k\n \n \n B\n \n \n \n ln\n ⁡\n Ω\n \n \n \n {\\displaystyle S=k_{\\rm {B}}\\ln \\Omega \\!}\n , where Ω is the number of microstates whose energy equals the system's energy, interpreted as a measure of the statistical disorder of a system. Max Planck named the constant kB the Boltzmann constant.Statistical mechanics is one of the pillars of modern physics. It describes how macroscopic observations (such as temperature and pressure) are related to microscopic parameters that fluctuate around an average. It connects thermodynamic quantities (such as heat capacity) to microscopic behavior, whereas, in classical thermodynamics, the only available option would be to measure and tabulate such quantities for various materials.\n\nThe Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in a void, complete with a memory of having existed in our universe, rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.\nIn contrast to brain in a vat thought experiments which are about perception and thought, Boltzmann brains are used in cosmology to test our assumptions about thermodynamics and the development of the universe. Over a sufficiently long time, random fluctuations could cause particles to spontaneously form literally any structure of any degree of complexity, including a functioning human brain. The scenario initially involved only a single brain with false memories, but physicist Sean M. Carroll pointed out that, in a fluctuating universe, the scenario works just as well with entire bodies, even entire galaxies.The idea is named after the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906), who, in 1896, published a theory that tried to account for the fact that the universe is not as chaotic as the budding field of thermodynamics seemed to predict. He offered several explanations, one of them being that the universe, even after it had progressed to its most likely spread-out and featureless state of thermal equilibrium, would spontaneously fluctuate to a more ordered (or low-entropy) state such as the universe in which we find ourselves. Boltzmann brains were first proposed as a reductio ad absurdum response to this explanation by Boltzmann for the low-entropy state of our universe.The Boltzmann brain gained new relevance around 2002, when some cosmologists started to become concerned that, in many theories about the universe, human brains are vastly more likely to arise from random fluctuations; this leads to the conclusion that, statistically, humans are likely to be wrong about their memories of the past and in fact are Boltzmann brains. When applied to more recent theories about the multiverse, Boltzmann brain arguments are part of the unsolved measure problem of cosmology."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Boltzmann brain argument suggests that it is more likely for a single brain to spontaneously and briefly form in a void than it is for our universe to have come about in the way modern science thinks it actually did.\n\n[Boltzmann brain - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Can someone please explain how it's possible to predict the likelihood/time required for the spontaneous formation of a human brain? I really don't understand", "name": "Mario"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I'm no scientist but this was my interpertation thus far.\n\nIt's basically a thought experiment based on boltzmann's theory about the effects of thermodynamics on human's and how thermodynamics aren't as hectic or chaotic as previously thought (on human's). The thought experiment (boltzmann's brains) elaborates on this, stating that a brain could theoretically be formed and deformed within miliseconds because of endless changing and moving particles in the universe. This could only work if their isn't too much thermodynamic interference (a low-entropy state). Which is what boltzmann basically stated with his theory. So theoretically you could say that at any moment boltzmann's brains could exist and even more than human brains as the universe is endless and particles a plenty. You could also state these brain's as their variable could hold a lifetime worth of memories. \n\nHope that kind of clears it up?", "name": "Ricardo"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "National Masturbation Day, also known as International Masturbation Day, is an annual event held to protect and celebrate the \"right to masturbate\". The first National Masturbation Day was May 7, 1995, after sex-positive retailer Good Vibrations declared the day in honor of Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who was fired by President Bill Clinton in 1994 for suggesting masturbation be part of the sex education curriculum for students.International Masturbation Day has since been expanded to include the entire month of May as International Masturbation Month. In 2023, in honor of Magic Wand's 55th Anniversary and in conjunction with Masturbation May #truemagicwand was started on May 20th."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# International Masturbation Day: An annual event held to protect and celebrate the \"right to masturbate\".\n\n[National Masturbation Day - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": ">The first National Masturbation Day was May 7, 1995, after sex-positive retailer Good Vibrations declared the day in honor of Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who was fired by President Bill Clinton in 1994 for suggesting masturbation be part of the sex education curriculum for students."}, {"role": "user", "content": "A whole day seems a bit much ", "name": "Tyler"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "[ In 2009, Masanobu Sato masturbated for 9 hours and 58 minutes at the 9th annual World Masturbate-a-thon]("}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Michael Gerard Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. Nicknamed \"Iron Mike\" and \"Kid Dynamite\" in his early career, and later known as \"The Baddest Man on the Planet\", Tyson is regarded as one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. He reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion from 1987 to 1990. Tyson won his first 19 professional fights by knockout, 12 of them in the first round. Claiming his first belt at 20 years, 4 months, and 22 days old, Tyson holds the record as the youngest boxer ever to win a heavyweight title. He was the first heavyweight boxer to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, as well as the only heavyweight to unify them in succession. The following year, Tyson became the lineal champion when he knocked out Michael Spinks in 91 seconds of the first round. In 1990, Tyson was knocked out by underdog Buster Douglas in one of the biggest upsets in boxing history.\nIn 1992, Tyson was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years in prison, although he was released on parole after three years. After his release in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights, regaining the WBA and WBC titles in 1996 to join Floyd Patterson, Muhammad Ali, Tim Witherspoon, Evander Holyfield and George Foreman as the only men in boxing history to have regained a heavyweight championship after losing it. After being stripped of the WBC title in the same year, Tyson lost the WBA title to Evander Holyfield by an eleventh round stoppage. Their 1997 rematch ended when Tyson was disqualified for biting Holyfield's ears, one bite notoriously being strong enough to remove a portion of his right ear. In 2002, Tyson fought for the world heavyweight title, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis.\nTyson was known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as well as his controversial behavior inside and outside the ring, which he explained was inspired by Sonny Liston, a boxer who is widely regarded as the most intimidating man in the history of boxing. With a knockout-to-win percentage of 88%, he was ranked 16th on The Ring magazine's list of 100 greatest punchers of all time, and first on ESPN's list of \"The Hardest Hitters in Heavyweight History\". Sky Sports described him as \"perhaps the most ferocious fighter to step into a professional ring\". He has been inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Mike Tyson has four tattoos. Three are portraits of men he respects: tennis player Arthur Ashe, Marxist Che Guevara, and Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong. The fourth is a face tattoo influenced by the Mori style t moko.\n\n[Mike Tyson's tattoos - Wikipedia]('s_tattoos?wprov=sfti1)"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Mao Zedong? <Sigh>\n\nHe killed more people and destroyed more art, culture, and history than anyone else living or dead, including Stalin and Genghis Khan combined."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Yep, [Great Leap Forward]( killed \\*at least\\* 15 million people in and of itself, and the shit he did to political prisoners (well \"political\" prisoners in quotes, because it was very easy to get locked up for basically no reason) was horrific. Mao is a monster, undeniably.", "name": "Sarah"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Gloria Ramirez was a woman from Riverside, California who was dubbed \"the Toxic Lady\" or \"the Toxic Woman\" by the media when several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood.\n\n[Death of Gloria Ramirez - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I still don't know why she'd use degreaser of all things as a pain remedy.", "name": "Audrey"}, {"role": "user", "content": "It is used as a liniment in veterinary settings, and according to Wikipedia, its nontoxic. It was also promoted at one time on 60 minutes as a potential cancer cure. Im sure her use was because of that.", "name": "Brian"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The third man factor or third man syndrome refers to the reported situations where an unseen presence, such as a spirit, provides comfort or support during traumatic experiences."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# TIL about Third Man Syndrome. An unseen presence reported by mountain climbers and explorers during traumatic survival situations that talks to the victim, gives practical advise and encouragement.\n\n[Third man factor - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "\"Unseen\"? Like even by the survivor? Is that not just an internal monologue?", "name": "Gavin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Look, buddy. We're just here for a good time. So either cool it with all the logic and rational thinking, or just get on out of here.", "name": "Shelby"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Titcoin (Ticker Symbol: TIT) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014. Titcoin's blockchain is derived from the Bitcoin source code, with modifications to improve transaction speed and efficiency. Titcoin is intended for the adult entertainment industry to allow users to pay for adult products and services without the fear of incriminating payment histories appearing on their credit cards.In 2015, Titcoin received two nominations at the 2015 XBIZ Awards."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Titcoin: A cryptocurrency launched in 2014. Titcoin is intended for the adult entertainment industry to allow users to pay for adult products and services without the fear of incriminating payment histories appearing on their credit cards.\n\n[Titcoin - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Give that graphic designer a raise", "name": "Jason"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987, to May 23, 1994, in syndication, spanning 178 episodes over seven seasons. The third series in the Star Trek franchise, it was inspired by Star Trek: The Original Series. Set in the latter third of the 24th century, when Earth is part of the United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), in its exploration of the Alpha quadrant and Beta quadrant in the Milky Way galaxy.\nIn the 1980s, Roddenberry—who was responsible for the original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973–1974), and the first of a series of films—was tasked by Paramount Pictures with creating a new series in the franchise. He decided to set it a century after the events of his original series. The Next Generation featured a new crew: Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Jonathan Frakes as William Riker, Brent Spiner as Data, Michael Dorn as Worf, LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Denise Crosby as Tasha Yar, Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher, and a new Enterprise.\nRoddenberry, Maurice Hurley, Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor served as executive producers at various times throughout its production. The series was broadcast in first-run syndication with dates and times varying among individual television stations. Stewart's voice-over introduction during each episode's opening credits stated the starship's purpose:\n\nSpace: The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.\nThe show was very popular, reaching almost 12 million viewers in its 5th season, with the series finale in 1994 watched by over 30 million viewers. Due to its success, Paramount commissioned Rick Berman and Michael Piller to create a fourth series in the franchise, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which launched in 1993. The characters from The Next Generation returned in four films: Star Trek Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), and in the television series Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023). The series is also the setting of numerous novels, comic books, and video games. It received many accolades, including 19 Emmy Awards, two Hugo Awards, one Peabody Award, and six Saturn Awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award for the entire cast in 2024.In 2013, the Writers Guild of America ranked Star Trek: The Next Generation #79 – along with Upstairs, Downstairs, Monty Python's Flying Circus and Alfred Hitchcock Presents – on their list of the 101 Best Written TV Series.\n\n\"Darmok\" is the 102nd episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the second episode of the fifth season.\nSet in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D. In this episode, the crew of the Enterprise is unable to establish meaningful communication with the crew of an alien vessel, which is resolved by the struggle of the ships' captains to defend each other from a vicious beast. It is often cited as one of the best episodes of both The Next Generation series and the entire family of Star Trek television series.The alien species introduced in this episode is noted for speaking in allegories, such as \"Temba, his arms wide\", which are indecipherable to the universal translator normally used in the television series to allow communication across different languages. Captain Picard is abducted by these aliens and marooned with one of them on the surface of a planet, and must try to communicate."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Darmok\" is an episode of the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation. In it, aliens speak in allegories, such as \"Temba, his arms wide,\" indecipherable to the universal translator. It is regarded as one of the greatest episodes of Star Trek and one of Patrick Stewart's most iconic performances.\n\n[Darmok - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "The episode title comes from one of the allegories:\n\n>The Enterprise makes contact with a Tamarian ship in orbit around the planet El-Adrel. The Tamarians had been previously contacted by the Federation, but could not be understood although the universal translator can translate their words, they communicate by using brief allusions to their history and mythology to convey thoughts and intentions. Likewise, the Tamarians cannot understand Captain Picard's straightforward use of language.\n\n>\nThe Tamarian captain, Dathon, has himself and Picard transported to the planet's surface. The Tamarians then cast a scattering field that blocks further transporter use. Dathon utters the phrase \"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra\" and tosses Picard a dagger. The next morning, Dathon comes running and Picard realizes there is a hostile predator in the area. Picard begins to understand the Tamarians' jargon when he recognizes one allegory as a tactic to fight the beast."}, {"role": "user", "content": "So does that mean that Tamarians only communicated in memes then?", "name": "Max"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a transcontinental country that spanned much of Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. The country was a successor state to the Russian Empire; it was nominally a federal union of fifteen national republics, the largest and most populous of which was the Russian SFSR, but in practice both its government and its economy were highly centralized until its final years. As a one-party state governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, it was a flagship communist state.\nThe country's roots lay in the October Revolution of 1917, which saw the Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian Provisional Government that formed earlier that year following the February Revolution that had dissolved the Russian Empire. The new government, led by Vladimir Lenin, established the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), the world's first constitutionally socialist state. Persisting internal tensions escalated into the brutal Russian Civil War. As the war progressed in the Bolsheviks' favor, the RSFSR began to incorporate land acquired from the war into nominally independent states, which were merged into the Soviet Union in December 1922. Following Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin came to power. Stalin inaugurated a period of rapid industrialization and forced collectivization that led to significant economic growth, but also contributed to a famine in 1930–1933 that killed millions. The forced labour camp system of the Gulag was also expanded in this period. During the late 1930s, Stalin conducted the Great Purge to remove his actual and perceived opponents. In 1939 the USSR and Nazi Germany signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which sought to bring peaceful relations to the respective countries, despite their ideological incongruence. Nonetheless, in 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the largest land invasion in history, opening the Eastern Front of World War II. The Soviet civilian and military casualties of the war – estimated at 27 million people – accounted for the majority of Allied losses. In the aftermath of World War II, the Soviet Union consolidated the territory occupied by the Red Army, forming various Soviet satellite states and undertook rapid economic development which cemented its status as a superpower.\nFollowing World War II, ideological tensions with the United States eventually led to the Cold War. The Western Bloc, led by the United States, coalesced into NATO in 1949; this development prompted the Soviet Union to form its own military alliance, commonly known as the Warsaw Pact, in 1955. During this period, there was no direct military confrontation between the two organizations; instead, the conflict was fought on an ideological basis and through proxy wars. In 1953, following Stalin's death, the Soviet Union undertook a campaign of de-Stalinization under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev which saw reversals and rejections of Stalinist policies. This campaign caused tensions with Communist China. During the 1950s, the Soviet Union rapidly expanded its efforts in space exploration and took an early lead in the Space Race with the first artificial satellite, the first human spaceflight, the first space station, and the first probe to land on another planet (Venus).\nIn 1968, the Warsaw Pact saw its largest military engagement: the invasion of Czechoslovakia, a Warsaw Pact member state. The aftermath of the invasion led to the establishment of the Brezhnev Doctrine. In the 1970s, there was a brief détente in the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States, but tensions emerged again following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. In the mid-1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform the country through his policies of glasnost and perestroika. In 1989, various countries of the Warsaw Pact overthrew their Marxist–Leninist regimes, and nationalist and separatist movements erupted across the entire Soviet Union. In 1991, Gorbachev initiated a national referendum, boycotted by six Soviet republics. In the referendum, citizens voted in favour of preserving the country as a renewed federation. In August 1991, hardline members of the Communist Party staged a coup d'état against Gorbachev; however, the attempt failed, leading to the subsequent banning of the Communist Party. Following this development, the three Soviet constituent republics (Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus) with the largest economies and populations voted to secede from the Union. On December 26, Gorbachev officially recognized the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Boris Yeltsin, the leader of the RSFSR, oversaw its reconstitution into the Russian Federation, which became the Soviet Union's successor state. All other republics emerged as fully independent post-Soviet states.\nDuring its existence, the Soviet Union produced many significant social and technological achievements and innovations. It had the world's second-largest economy and largest standing military. An NPT-designated state, it housed the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world. As an Allied nation, it was a founding member of the United Nations as well as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Before the dissolution, the country had maintained its status as one of the world's two superpowers through its hegemony in Eastern Europe, military and economic strengths and scientific research.\n\nWhataboutism or whataboutery (as in \"what about…?\") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation. \nFrom a logical and argumentative point of view, whataboutism is considered a variant of the tu-quoque pattern (Latin 'you too', term for a counter-accusation), which is a subtype of the ad-hominem argument.The communication intent is often to distract from the content of a topic (red herring). The goal may also be to question the justification for criticism and the legitimacy, integrity, and fairness of the critic, which can take on the character of discrediting the criticism, which may or may not be justified. Common accusations include double standards, and hypocrisy, but it can also be used to relativize criticism of one's own viewpoints or behaviors. (A: \"Long-term unemployment often means poverty in Germany.\" B: \"And what about the starving in Africa and Asia?\"). Related manipulation and propaganda techniques in the sense of rhetorical evasion of the topic are the change of topic and false balance (bothsidesism).Some commentators have defended the usage of whataboutism and tu quoque in certain contexts. Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair, and behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be appropriate in a given geopolitical neighborhood. Accusing an interlocutor of whataboutism can also in itself be manipulative and serve the motive of discrediting, as critical talking points can be used selectively and purposefully even as the starting point of the conversation (cf. agenda setting, framing, framing effect, priming, cherry picking). The deviation from them can then be branded as whataboutism. Both whataboutism and the accusation of it are forms of strategic framing and have a framing effect."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Whataboutism\" is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. It is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.\n\n[Whataboutism - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Also a useful tool for avoiding any kind of self-reflection on our insanely destructive foreign policy and abysmal human rights record", "name": "Jack"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Yeah, but whatabout when the SOVIETS use whataboutism? Huh?", "name": "Autumn"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "In Ohio folklore, the Loveland frog (also known as the Loveland frogman or Loveland lizard) is a legendary humanoid frog described as standing roughly 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, allegedly spotted in Loveland, Ohio. In 1972, the Loveland frog legend gained renewed attention when a Loveland police officer reported to a colleague that he had seen an animal consistent with descriptions of the frogman. After a reported sighting in 2016, the second officer called a news station to report that he had shot and killed the same creature some weeks after the 1972 incident and had identified it as a large iguana that was missing its tail.University of Cincinnati folklore professor Edgar Slotkin compared the Loveland frog to Paul Bunyan, saying that stories about it have been passed down for \"several decades\" and that sighting reports seem to come in predictable cycles."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# According to legend, a local man reported seeing three frog-like men with leathery skin, webbed hands and feet at the side of the road in 1955.\n\n[Loveland frog - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "here comes dat boi"}, {"role": "user", "content": "o shit whaddup", "name": "Patrick"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Donald Duck is a cartoon character created by The Walt Disney Company. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie. Donald is known for his semi-intelligible speech and his mischievous, temperamental, and pompous personality. Along with his friend Mickey Mouse, Donald was included in TV Guide's list of the 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time in 2002, and has earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He has appeared in more films than any other Disney character.Donald Duck appeared in comedic roles in animated cartoons. Donald's first appearance was in The Wise Little Hen (1934), but it was his second appearance in Orphan's Benefit that same year that introduced him as a temperamental comic foil to Mickey Mouse. Throughout the next two decades, Donald appeared in over 150 theatrical films, several of which were recognized at the Academy Awards. In the 1930s, he typically appeared as part of a comic trio with Mickey and Goofy and was given his own film series starting with Don Donald (1937). These films introduced Donald's love interest and permanent girlfriend Daisy Duck and often included his three nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. After the film Chips Ahoy (1956), Donald appeared primarily in educational films before eventually returning to theatrical animation in Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983). His last appearance in a theatrical film was in Fantasia 2000 (1999). However, since then Donald has appeared in direct-to-video features such as Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (2004), television series such as Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006–2016), and video games such as QuackShot (1991) and the Kingdom Hearts series.\nIn addition to animation, Donald is well known worldwide for his appearances in comics. Donald was most famously drawn by Al Taliaferro, Carl Barks, and Don Rosa. Barks, in particular, is credited for greatly expanding the \"Donald Duck universe\", the world in which Donald lives, and creating many additional characters such as Donald's rich uncle Scrooge McDuck. Donald has been a popular character in Europe, particularly in Nordic countries where his weekly magazine Kalle Anka & C:o was the comics publication with the highest circulation from the 1950s to 2009. In Italy, Donald is a major character in many comics, including a juvenile version named Paperino Paperotto, and a superhero alter ego known as Paperinik (Duck Avenger in the US and Superduck in the UK).\n\nBuccal speech is an alaryngeal form of vocalization which uses the inner cheek to produce sound rather than the larynx. The speech is also known as Donald Duck talk, after the Disney character Donald Duck.Despite the association, Donald Duck's current voice actor Tony Anselmo reveals that buccal speech isn't how the character's voice is created: \"Most people believe Donald's voice is created by squeezing air through the cheek. I can’t reveal how it’s actually done, but it is definitely not by squeezing air through your cheek. The Hanna Barbara character Yakky Doodle is done that way. Donald Duck is not\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Donald Duck talk, formally called buccal speech, is an alaryngeal form of vocalization which uses the inner cheek to produce sound rather than the larynx. It was discovered by vaudeville performer Clarence Nash while trying to mimic his pet goat Mary.\n\n[Donald Duck talk - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I feel dumb asking, but did everybody else figure out how to imitate Donald Duck intuitively? \nIf so, it's super interesting that this wasn't discovered until 1934."}, {"role": "user", "content": ">this wasn't discovered until 1934.\n\nThe article says Clarence Nash developed the voice before using it for Donald Duck in 1934.\n\nIt's safe to say *someone* used a similar voice at some point in human history, but audio recording wasn't invented until the mid-1800s, so there's no record of it.", "name": "Isabelle"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. ( , BY-dən; born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as the 47th vice president from 2009 to 2017 under President Barack Obama and represented Delaware in the United States Senate from 1973 to 2009.\nBorn in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden moved with his family to Delaware in 1953. He graduated from the University of Delaware before earning his law degree from Syracuse University. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970 and to the U.S. Senate in 1972. As a senator, Biden drafted and led the effort to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act. He also oversaw six U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the contentious hearings for Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. Biden ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008. In 2008, Obama chose Biden as his running mate, and he was a close counselor to Obama during his two terms as vice president. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, defeated incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence. He is the oldest president in U.S. history, and the first to have a female vice president.\nAs president, Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession. He signed bipartisan bills on infrastructure and manufacturing. He proposed the Build Back Better Act, which failed in Congress, but aspects of which were incorporated into the Inflation Reduction Act that he signed into law in 2022. Biden appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. He worked with congressional Republicans to resolve the 2023 United States debt-ceiling crisis by negotiating a deal to raise the debt ceiling. In foreign policy, Biden restored America's membership in the Paris Agreement. He oversaw the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan that ended the war in Afghanistan, during which the Afghan government collapsed and the Taliban seized control. He responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by imposing sanctions on Russia and authorizing civilian and military aid to Ukraine. During the Israel–Hamas war, Biden announced military support for Israel, condemned the actions of Hamas and other Palestinian militants as terrorism, and ordered US military to build a port to facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza. In April 2023, Biden announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 presidential election."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an American politician who is the President-elect of the United States.\n\n[Joe Biden - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Robinette?!?? How tf didnt I know that was his middle name.", "name": "Katie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Well, I didnt know he had a middle name. Wanna be friends?", "name": "Jack"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "\"Seven Nation Army\" is a song by American rock duo the White Stripes. It is the opening track on their fourth studio album, Elephant (2003). V2 Records released the song to American alternative radio on February 17, 2003, as the lead single from the album. Worldwide, the single was issued through XL Recordings. Written and produced by Jack White, the song consists of distorted vocals, a simple drumbeat, and a bass line created by playing a guitar through a pitch shift effect.\nThe song charted in multiple countries, and its success contributed to the popularity of the White Stripes and the garage rock revival movement. It received widespread critical acclaim, with praise being given to its distinctive riff and drumbeat; various critics and magazines have since listed \"Seven Nation Army\" as one of the best songs of all time. It won Best Rock Song at the 46th Annual Grammy Awards, and a music video for the song directed by Alex and Martin won Best Editing in a Video at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards. In 2021, Rolling Stone ranked \"Seven Nation Army\" 36th on its list of the \"500 Greatest Songs of All Time\".\n\"Seven Nation Army\" has become a sports anthem, commonly appearing in audience chants in which a series of \"oh\" sounds or the name of an athlete is sung to the tune of the song's riff. It has also served as a theme song for sports teams, personalities, and events, including the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The song has grown in popularity due to its usage in sports; its riff has been described as \"ubiquitous\", and the song has experienced increased commercial success, charting intermittently in multiple countries and receiving a gold certification from Germany's Federal Music Industry Association, a platinum certification from the Federation of the Italian Music Industry and a multi-platinum certification from the British Phonographic Industry.\nThe song has appeared in various media and has been used in political events in the United Kingdom, particularly as a chant sung by audiences. Various artists have covered \"Seven Nation Army\", including Ben l'Oncle Soul and Marcus Collins, both of whose covers reached charts in multiple countries. Third Man Records issued re-releases of the song in 2014 and 2015."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Seven Nation Army\" is a song by rock duo the White Stripes. The title comes from when Jack White, as a young child, misheard \"The Salvation Army\" as \"The Seven Nation Army\" and was initially a placeholder, but the name ultimately stuck.\n\n[Seven Nation Army - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Weird, highly obscure fact: if you use the bot Pancake in your Discord server for music, the command p!play semen will boot up Seven Nation Army from Spotify.", "name": "Melanie"}, {"role": "user", "content": "How did you come know this fact?", "name": "Aidan"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Mimizuka (耳塚, \"Ear Mound\" or \"Ear Tomb\"), which was renamed from Hanazuka (鼻塚, \"Nose Mound\"), is a monument in Kyoto, Japan. It is dedicated to the sliced noses of killed Korean soldiers and civilians, as well as those of Ming Chinese troops, taken as war trophies during the Japanese invasions of Korea from 1592 to 1598. The monument enshrines the severed noses of at least 38,000 Koreans and over 30,000 Chinese killed during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasions.The shrine is located just to the west of Toyokuni Shrine, the Shinto shrine honoring Hideyoshi in Kyoto."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Mimizuka is a monument in Kyoto, Japan that enshrines the severed noses of at least 38,000 Koreans killed during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasions.\n\n[Mimizuka - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "I went there once a few years ago. As the article states, there were no other tourists there and unless I knew about it in the first place I would have walked straight past. Very unsettling."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Damn, I've been to Kyoto before and it was beautiful and the absolute highlight of my visit to Japan back when I was 17 in 1999, but I had no idea about this place. Very good post, OP.", "name": "Andrea"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# Kristallnacht- Night of Broken Glass. Nazi SA units destroyed thousands of Jewish homes, schools, businesses, and synagogues. Hundreds were killed or committed suicide, and around 30,000 were sent to concentration camps.\n\n[Kristallnacht - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "But there's no evidence that Hitler actually encouraged them to do it, now was there. /s", "name": "Jonah"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Not the right day to make the comparison."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Pretty sure it *is* the right day...", "name": "Collin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "If you go on jewish sub reddits right now, you'll see that people are a bit touchy with holocaust comparisons at the moments."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Because this is the kind of shit that lead to it.\n\nMaybe you're mixing up the Cara Dune situation where she compared Republicans to persecuted Jews in the holocaust? That's definitely an inappropriate comparison. \n\nBut as for the events of today... the comparison is valid, visceral, and real.", "name": "Colby"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Baldhairy\" is the rule where Russia alternates between bald (or balding) leaders and non-bald (\"hairy\") leaders. It has held true since 1825, from Nicholas I to Putin.\n\n[Bald–hairy - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I wonder if a bald man could be elected president in the US, given our cultures obsession with appearance. Interestingly, maybe, both Trump and Biden have weird hairstyles that try to hide it.", "name": "Madison"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Eisenhower", "name": "Aaron"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Arnold George Dorsey (born 2 May 1936), known professionally as Engelbert Humperdinck, is a British pop singer who has been described as \"one of the finest middle-of-the-road balladeers around\". He achieved international prominence in 1967 with his recording of \"Release Me\".\nStarting as a performer in the late 1950s under the name \"Gerry Dorsey\", he later adopted the name of German composer Engelbert Humperdinck as a stage name and found success after he partnered with manager Gordon Mills in 1965. His recordings of the ballads \"Release Me\" and \"The Last Waltz\" both topped the UK Singles Chart in 1967, selling more than a million copies each. Humperdinck scored further major hits in rapid succession, including \"There Goes My Everything\" (1967), \"Am I That Easy to Forget\" (1968) and \"A Man Without Love\" (1968). In the process, he attained a large following, with some of his most devoted fans calling themselves \"Humperdinckers\". Two of his singles were among the best-selling of the 1960s in the United Kingdom.\nDuring the 1970s, Humperdinck had significant North American chart successes with \"After the Lovin'\" (1976) and \"This Moment in Time\" (1979). Having garnered a reputation as a prolific concert performer, he received renewed attention during the 1990s lounge revival with his recordings of \"Lesbian Seagull\" for the soundtrack of Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996), and a dance album (1998). The new millennium brought a range of musical projects for the singer, including the Grammy-nominated gospel album Always Hear the Harmony: The Gospel Sessions (2003) and a double album of duets, Engelbert Calling (2014). In 2012, Humperdinck represented the UK at the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku with the song \"Love Will Set You Free\", and placed 25th out of 26. After marking more than 50 years as a successful singer, Humperdinck continues to record and tour, having sold more than 140 million records worldwide."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Pop singer Engelbert Humperdick is British, born in India and changed his name to the namesake 19th century German opera composer. His original name was Arnold George Dorsey.\n\n[Engelbert Humperdinck (singer) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "*Humperdinck", "name": "Lucy"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Oh, well thats just a normal dickless name :[", "name": "Savannah"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC or CCC) is an American white supremacist organization. Founded in 1985, it advocates white nationalism, and supports some paleoconservative causes. In the organization's statement of principles, it states that they \"oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind\".Headquartered in Potosi, Missouri, as of 2015, the group's president is Earl Holt; Jared Taylor is the group's spokesman, and Paul Fromm is its international director.The CofCC traces its provenance to the segregationist Citizens' Councils of America, which were founded in 1954, but had slipped into obscurity by 1973. The CofCC's original mailing list came from the Citizen's Council, as did several members of the CofCC Board of Directors."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Council of Conservative Citizens, an American white supremacist organisation whose official statement of principles states that it oppose[s] all efforts to mix the races of mankind, is registered with the U.S. government as a charity for tax purposes\n\n[Council of Conservative Citizens - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "\nFrom the manifesto of the 2015 Charleston Church shooter [Dylann Roof](\n\n\"I read the Wikipedia article [about the Trayvon Martin shooting] and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words \"black on white crime\" into Google, and **I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens.** There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on white murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on white murders got ignored?\"", "name": "Crystal"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Interesting\n\nI came across it in the context of Lester Maddox (segregationist governor of Georgia, basically George Wallace Lite but without any semblance of later redemption). He was a full member and his last speech was to them in 2001."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "On January 6, 2015, Autumn Steele, a 34-year-old woman, was fatally shot outside her home in Burlington, Iowa by police officer Jesse Hill, during a response to a domestic disturbance call. In June 2018, a civil lawsuit was settled between the City of Burlington and the Steele family over her death."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Shooting of Autumn Steele-Killed by a Police Officer who had was trying to shoot her dog.\n\n[Killing of Autumn Steele - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Left behind 2 children and the cop is now a school resource officer", "name": "Kate"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "> the cop is now a school resource officer\n\nPerfect place for a jumpy coward with an itchy trigger finger and a get-out-of-jail-free type of job. /s"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Nutraloaf, also known as meal loaf, prison loaf, disciplinary loaf, food loaf, lockup loaf, confinement loaf, seg loaf, grue or special management meal, is food served in prisons in the United States, and formerly in Canada, to inmates who have misbehaved, abused food, or have inflicted harm upon themselves or others. It is similar to meatloaf in texture, but has a wider variety of ingredients. Prison loaf is usually bland, even unpleasant, but prison wardens argue that nutraloaf provides enough nutrition to keep prisoners healthy without requiring eating utensils."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Nutraloaf is food served in prisons in the United States to prisoners who have misbehaved. It is usually bland, perhaps even unpleasant, but prison wardens argue that it provides enough nutrition without requiring eating utensils. It is similar to meatloaf, but has a wider variety of ingredients.\n\n[Nutraloaf - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "There's no \"nutra\" to it at all.\n\nIt's just whatever the days meals are blended and put in a fucking loaf pan.\n\nIt's horrible.", "name": "Kendall"}, {"role": "user", "content": "We use a specific recipe approved by Central Office. It is made in batches, then frozen. It's thawed prior to serving, if we warm it up, the Offender will use it for purposes other than eating.", "name": "Hector"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Christopher Daniel Duntsch (born April 3, 1971) is a former American neurosurgeon who has been nicknamed Dr. D. and Dr. Death for gross malpractice resulting in the maiming of many patients' spines and two deaths while working at hospitals in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex.Duntsch was accused of injuring 33 out of 38 patients in less than two years before his license was revoked by the Texas Medical Board. In 2017, he was convicted of maiming one of his patients and sentenced to life imprisonment."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Christopher Duntsch is a former American neurosurgeon nicknamed Dr. Death for gross malpractice resulting in the maiming of several patients' spines and killing two of them. In one case, he operated on a longtime friend and removed large amounts of muscle tissue, leaving them quadriplegic.\n\n[Christopher Duntsch - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Soo, with out me clicking and reading it, why the hell?", "name": "Vanessa"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Incompetence and naive belief that if he kept trying he'll improve. I listened to a podcast episode about him, and this is what I remembered. They described him as a lethal klutz essentially.", "name": "Nicole"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "James Beck Gordon (July 14, 1945 – March 13, 2023) was an American musician, songwriter, and convicted murderer. Gordon was a session drummer in the late 1960s and 1970s and was the drummer in the blues rock supergroup Derek and the Dominos.\nIn 1983, in a psychotic episode associated with undiagnosed schizophrenia, Gordon murdered his mother and was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison, remaining incarcerated until his death in 2023."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Jim Gordon was a legendary drummer who played with The Beach Boys, Frank Zappa, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, and many others. He later developed schizophrenia and murdered his mother. He is currently serving out his sentence at the California Medical Facility.\n\n[Jim Gordon (musician) - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "For anyone reading please know that is not common for those with psychosis to become violent. They are much more likely to be victims of violence.", "name": "Nevaeh"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "I appreciate you pointing that out. The 300 character subject only allows for so much detail."}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "A bog body is a human cadaver that has been naturally mummified in a peat bog. Such bodies, sometimes known as bog people, are both geographically and chronologically widespread, having been dated to between 8000 BCE and the Second World War. The unifying factor of the bog bodies is that they have been found in peat and are partially preserved; however, the actual levels of preservation vary widely from perfectly preserved to mere skeletons.Unlike most ancient human remains, bog bodies often retain their skin and internal organs due to the unusual conditions of the surrounding area. Combined, highly acidic water, low temperature, and a lack of oxygen preserve but severely tan their skin. While the skin is well-preserved, the bones are generally not, due to the dissolution of the calcium phosphate of bone by the peat's acidity. The acidic conditions of these bogs allow for the preservation of materials such as skin, hair, nails, wool and leather which all contain the protein keratin.The oldest known bog body is the skeleton of Koelbjerg Man from Denmark, who has been dated to 8000 BCE, during the Mesolithic period. The oldest fleshed bog body is that of Cashel Man, who dates to 2000 BCE during the Bronze Age. The overwhelming majority of bog bodies – including examples such as Tollund Man, Grauballe Man and Lindow Man – date to the Iron Age and have been found in northwest Europe, particularly Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, and Ireland. Such Iron Age bog bodies typically show a number of similarities, such as violent deaths and a lack of clothing, which has led archaeologists to believe that they were killed and deposited in the bogs as a part of a widespread cultural tradition of human sacrifice or executed as criminals. Bogs could have indeed been seen as liminal places positively connected to another world, which might welcome contaminating items otherwise dangerous to the living. More recent theories postulate that bog people were perceived as social outcasts or \"witches\", as legal hostages killed in anger over broken treaty arrangements, or as victims of an unusual death eventually buried in bogs according to traditional customs.The German scientist Alfred Dieck published a catalog of more than 1,850 bog bodies that he had counted between 1939 and 1986, but most were unverified by documents or archaeological finds; and a 2002 analysis of Dieck's work by German archaeologists concluded that much of his work was unreliable. Countering Dieck's findings of more than 1400 bog body discoveries, it seems that after a more recent study the number of bog body finds is closer to 122. The most recent bog bodies are those of soldiers killed in the wetlands of the Soviet Union during the Second World War."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Bog bodies: well-preserved mummified human cadavers found in peat bogs. Many are believed to be the victims of human sacrifice or execution.\n\n[Bog body - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "\nI wonder how many of the bog body\n Sacrifices were actually volunteers ?", "name": "Gavin"}, {"role": "user", "content": "At least one, IMHO. Tollund man shows no defensive wounds or other indication of struggle, which some of the other bob bodies do, and IIRC his hyoid bone was not broken, so he was probably hanged and then carefully laid in his found position. Indications are he was a high status individual.", "name": "Aiden"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Aimee Knight (née Challenor, born 1 October 1997) is a British transgender activist, a former spokesperson and electoral candidate for the Green Party, and a former Reddit administrator. In 2017, she stood for election in Coventry South, receiving 1.3% of the votes.\nKnight became a topic of contention after she had been hired as an administrator by Reddit in light of controversies, including her father's sex crimes against children, resulting in several subreddits protesting her employment by the company. In the aftermath, Reddit confirmed in an official statement that Knight was no longer employed."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Aimee Challenor\n\n[Aimee Knight - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "I wonder how the job interview went with reddit", "name": "Omar"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wait she really works with reddit? is that why everyone is getting in trouble for mentioning her?", "name": "Mary"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Yes. You are not allowed to mention that a reddit admin has a pedophile rapist as a father and is married to a different pedophile", "name": "Noah"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a transcontinental country that spanned much of Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. The country was a successor state to the Russian Empire; it was nominally a federal union of fifteen national republics, the largest and most populous of which was the Russian SFSR, but in practice both its government and its economy were highly centralized until its final years. As a one-party state governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, it was a flagship communist state.\nThe country's roots lay in the October Revolution of 1917, which saw the Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian Provisional Government that formed earlier that year following the February Revolution that had dissolved the Russian Empire. The new government, led by Vladimir Lenin, established the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), the world's first constitutionally socialist state. Persisting internal tensions escalated into the brutal Russian Civil War. As the war progressed in the Bolsheviks' favor, the RSFSR began to incorporate land acquired from the war into nominally independent states, which were merged into the Soviet Union in December 1922. Following Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin came to power. Stalin inaugurated a period of rapid industrialization and forced collectivization that led to significant economic growth, but also contributed to a famine in 1930–1933 that killed millions. The forced labour camp system of the Gulag was also expanded in this period. During the late 1930s, Stalin conducted the Great Purge to remove his actual and perceived opponents. In 1939 the USSR and Nazi Germany signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which sought to bring peaceful relations to the respective countries, despite their ideological incongruence. Nonetheless, in 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the largest land invasion in history, opening the Eastern Front of World War II. The Soviet civilian and military casualties of the war – estimated at 27 million people – accounted for the majority of Allied losses. In the aftermath of World War II, the Soviet Union consolidated the territory occupied by the Red Army, forming various Soviet satellite states and undertook rapid economic development which cemented its status as a superpower.\nFollowing World War II, ideological tensions with the United States eventually led to the Cold War. The Western Bloc, led by the United States, coalesced into NATO in 1949; this development prompted the Soviet Union to form its own military alliance, commonly known as the Warsaw Pact, in 1955. During this period, there was no direct military confrontation between the two organizations; instead, the conflict was fought on an ideological basis and through proxy wars. In 1953, following Stalin's death, the Soviet Union undertook a campaign of de-Stalinization under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev which saw reversals and rejections of Stalinist policies. This campaign caused tensions with Communist China. During the 1950s, the Soviet Union rapidly expanded its efforts in space exploration and took an early lead in the Space Race with the first artificial satellite, the first human spaceflight, the first space station, and the first probe to land on another planet (Venus).\nIn 1968, the Warsaw Pact saw its largest military engagement: the invasion of Czechoslovakia, a Warsaw Pact member state. The aftermath of the invasion led to the establishment of the Brezhnev Doctrine. In the 1970s, there was a brief détente in the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States, but tensions emerged again following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. In the mid-1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform the country through his policies of glasnost and perestroika. In 1989, various countries of the Warsaw Pact overthrew their Marxist–Leninist regimes, and nationalist and separatist movements erupted across the entire Soviet Union. In 1991, Gorbachev initiated a national referendum, boycotted by six Soviet republics. In the referendum, citizens voted in favour of preserving the country as a renewed federation. In August 1991, hardline members of the Communist Party staged a coup d'état against Gorbachev; however, the attempt failed, leading to the subsequent banning of the Communist Party. Following this development, the three Soviet constituent republics (Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus) with the largest economies and populations voted to secede from the Union. On December 26, Gorbachev officially recognized the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Boris Yeltsin, the leader of the RSFSR, oversaw its reconstitution into the Russian Federation, which became the Soviet Union's successor state. All other republics emerged as fully independent post-Soviet states.\nDuring its existence, the Soviet Union produced many significant social and technological achievements and innovations. It had the world's second-largest economy and largest standing military. An NPT-designated state, it housed the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world. As an Allied nation, it was a founding member of the United Nations as well as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Before the dissolution, the country had maintained its status as one of the world's two superpowers through its hegemony in Eastern Europe, military and economic strengths and scientific research.\n\nSalang Tunnel fire may refer to:\n\n1982 Salang Tunnel fire\n2022 Salang Tunnel fire"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# A report says that a fuel tanker in a military convoy exploded inside the tunnel, causing a chain reaction. The Soviet troops then closed off both ends with a tank, trapping many inside. The deaths are estimated to be around 2,700 to 3,000 victims, many of them dying from the fire or asphyxiation.\n\n[Salang Tunnel fire - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Why did they close the exits off? Absolutely horrible.", "name": "Oscar"}, {"role": "user", "content": ">\tSoviet troops, fearing that the explosion might have been a rebel attack, closed off both ends with tanks, trapping many inside.", "name": "Paul"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The New Mexico State Penitentiary riot, which took place on February 2 and 3, 1980, at the Penitentiary of New Mexico (PNM) south of Santa Fe, was the most violent prison riot in U.S. history. Inmates took complete control of the prison and twelve officers were taken hostage. Several inmates were killed by other prisoners, with some being tortured and mutilated because they had previously acted as informants for prison authorities. Police regained control of PNM 36 hours after the riots had begun. By then, thirty-three inmates had died and more than two hundred were treated for injuries. None of the twelve officers taken hostage were killed, but seven suffered serious injuries caused by beatings and rapes.There had been riots at PNM before it moved in 1956, the first occurring on July 19, 1922, and the second on June 15, 1953."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# On February 2nd, 1982, inmates at a New Mexico prison staged a riot and took 12 guards hostage. Before long, they found blowtorches capable of cutting through cell bars and headed to the protective custody unit. What followed was a spree of rape, torture, and murder that left dozens dead.\n\n[New Mexico State Penitentiary riot - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "There's still a burned in image on the floor iirc of a person that was set on fire...\n\nEDIT: Yeah it's in the article I neglected to read...\n\nThis is pretty fucking sad though...great judicial system:\n\n\"Another story was about Mario Urioste, who was jailed for shoplifting. He was originally placed by officers in a violent unit where he was gang-raped by seven inmates. Mario had filed a lawsuit against his rapists, so prison officials had housed him in Cell Block 4 for his own protection. Urioste was one of the targets for revenge. His body was found hanged, with his throat cut and his dismembered genitals stuffed into his mouth.\"", "name": "Reagan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Jesus Christ... all that just from having shoplifted originally...", "name": "Kaden"}]
[{"role": "assistant", "content": "# \"Her body was reportedly autopsied to attest to her virginity and then thrown in an unmarked grave in the cemetery of La Madeleine , while her skull would have been preserved by her executioner Charles-Henri Sanson\" -Skull of the \"Angel of Assassination\" of the French Revolution Charlotte Corday\n\n![a woman with a skull on her head and a painting of a woman in a bonnet]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "They needed to check her virginity? Tf? Can't believe how people used to see women back then.", "name": "Jeremiah"}, {"role": "user", "content": "*European people. And while Europe has come very far, it's not like there aren't a few ultraconservative extremists who wouldn't like to bring back that practice.\n\nThat sentiment still exists widely in many parts of the world, such as in rural India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. I recall that there are still virginity tests for newly-wed women. And if you fail it, depending on how extreme your family is, you really can be killed for it. And the messed up thing is that they test the hymen, something which:\n\nA: can be torn by other things besides just sexual intercourse\n\nB: might not be torn during sex because there's no vaginal penetration to begin with (i.e. sodomy or oral or whathaveyou)\n\nSo plenty of women who just happened to lose their hymen for a variety of reasons have been butchered and abused for being impure, while others might've been really active but never discovered and had to live in fear of potentially being called out for \"even worse sins\" like the aforementioned sodomy. All because of our messed up expectations.", "name": "Adriana"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Northwest Airlines Flight 188 was a regularly scheduled flight from San Diego, California, to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, on October 21, 2009, which landed over one hour late in Minneapolis/St Paul after overshooting its destination by more than 150 miles (240 km) because of pilot error. As a result of the incident, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revoked the pilot certificates of the involved pilots and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued recommendations for changes to air traffic control procedures and the rules for cockpit crew. The incident also caused American lawmakers to move to prevent pilots on U.S. airliners from using personal electronic devices while taxiing or flying. In 2013, changes to flight deck automation were suggested, and prototype designs that could mitigate errors leading to similar incidents were described."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Northwest Airlines Flight 188 overshot its destination by more than 150 miles. They were silent despite the urgent calls of ATC and nearby planes. Suddenly the pilots turned the plane around and were able to contact ATC. They have since denied falling asleep in the cockpit.\n\n[Northwest Airlines Flight 188 - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "yeah these guys were absolutely both asleep lmao", "name": "Jonathan"}, {"role": "user", "content": "\nI would like to think that they were having passionate sex.", "name": "Leslie"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934. During his dictatorship, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland on 1 September 1939. He was closely involved in military operations throughout the war and was central to the perpetration of the genocide of about six million Jews and millions of other victims.\nHitler was born in Braunau am Inn in Austria-Hungary and was raised near Linz. He lived in Vienna later in the first decade of the 1900s before moving to Germany in 1913. He was decorated during his service in the German Army in World War I. In 1919, he joined the German Workers' Party (DAP), the precursor of the Nazi Party, and in 1921 was appointed leader of the Nazi Party. In 1923, he attempted to seize governmental power in a failed coup in Munich and was sentenced to five years in prison, serving just over a year of his sentence. While there, he dictated the first volume of his autobiography and political manifesto Mein Kampf (\"My Struggle\"). After his early release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. He frequently denounced capitalism and communism as part of an international Jewish conspiracy.\nBy November 1932, the Nazi Party held the most seats in the Reichstag but did not have a majority. No political parties were able to form a majority coalition in support of a candidate for chancellor. Former chancellor Franz von Papen and other conservative leaders convinced President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor on 30 January 1933. Shortly thereafter, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933 which began the process of transforming the Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany, a one-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. Upon Hindenburg's death on 2 August 1934, Hitler succeeded him, becoming simultaneously the head of state and government with absolute power. Domestically, Hitler implemented numerous racist policies and sought to deport or kill German Jews. His first six years in power resulted in rapid economic recovery from the Great Depression, the abrogation of restrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, and the annexation of territories inhabited by millions of ethnic Germans, which initially gave him significant popular support.\nOne of Hitler's key goals was Lebensraum (lit. 'living space') for the German people in Eastern Europe, and his aggressive, expansionist foreign policy is considered the primary cause of World War II in Europe. He directed large-scale rearmament and, on 1 September 1939, invaded Poland, resulting in Britain and France declaring war on Germany. In June 1941, Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. In December 1941, he declared war on the United States. By the end of 1941, German forces and the European Axis powers occupied most of Europe and North Africa. These gains were gradually reversed after 1941, and in 1945 the Allied armies defeated the German army. On 29 April 1945, he married his long-term partner, Eva Braun, in the Führerbunker in Berlin. On the following day, the couple committed suicide to avoid capture by the Soviet Red Army. In accordance with Hitler's wishes, their corpses were burned.\nThe historian and biographer Ian Kershaw describes Hitler as \"the embodiment of modern political evil\". Under Hitler's leadership and racist ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of an estimated six million Jews and millions of other victims, whom he and his followers deemed Untermenschen (subhumans) or socially undesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were also responsible for the deliberate killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. In addition, 28.7 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European theatre. The number of civilians killed during World War II was unprecedented in warfare, and the casualties constitute the deadliest conflict in history.\n\nThe possibility that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle has been a fringe subject among historians and academics researching the Nazi leader. The rumour may be an urban myth, possibly originating from the contemporary British military song \"Hitler Has Only Got One Ball\".\nHitler's doctor Erwin Giesing and his personal physician Theodor Morell disregarded the idea of Hitler's monorchism and said there was nothing wrong with Hitler's testicles. However, Hitler often refused to undress for medical exams. In 1970, the Soviet Union claimed an autopsy showed Hitler was missing a testicle, but the historical accuracy of the report is disputed. In December 2015, it was reported that doctor's notes from Landsberg Prison recorded that Hitler had \"right-sided cryptorchidism\", on evidence from an enforced medical examination Hitler underwent in 1923."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The possibility that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle has been a fringe subject among historians and academics. The rumor may be an urban myth, possibly originating from the contemporary British military song \"Hitler Has Only Got One Ball\".\n\n[Possible monorchism of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Of course, the song has its own Wikipedia page, too.\n\n"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America, between Canada and Mexico. It is a federation of 50 states, a federal capital district (Washington, D.C.), and 326 Indian reservations. Outside the union of states, it asserts sovereignty over five major unincorporated island territories and various uninhabited islands. The country has the world's third-largest land area, largest maritime exclusive economic zone,\nand the third-largest population, exceeding 334 million.Paleo-Indians migrated across the Bering land bridge more than 12,000 years ago. British colonization led to the first settlement of the Thirteen Colonies in Virginia in 1607. Clashes with the British Crown over taxation and political representation sparked the American Revolution, with the Second Continental Congress formally declaring independence on July 4, 1776. Following its victory in the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the country continued to expand across North America. As more states were admitted, sectional division over slavery led to the secession of the Confederate States of America, which fought the remaining states of the Union during the 1861–1865 American Civil War. With the Union's victory and preservation, slavery was abolished nationally. By 1900, the United States had established itself as a great power, becoming the world's largest economy. After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the U.S. entered World War II. The aftermath of the war left the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world's two superpowers and led to the Cold War, during which both countries engaged in a struggle for ideological dominance and international influence. Following the Soviet Union's collapse and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the U.S. emerged as the world's sole superpower.\nThe U.S. national government is a presidential constitutional republic and liberal democracy with three separate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. It has a bicameral national legislature composed of the House of Representatives, a lower house based on population; and the Senate, an upper house based on equal representation for each state. Substantial autonomy is given to states and several territories, with a political culture that emphasizes liberty, equality under the law, individualism, and limited government.\nOne of the most developed countries, the United States has the largest economy in the world, accounting for over a quarter of global GDP. It possesses by far the largest amount of wealth of any country and the highest median income per capita of any non-microstate. The U.S. ranks among the world's highest in income, wealth, economic competitiveness, productivity, innovation, human rights, higher education, and its cultural influence has major impact on the world. It is a founding member of the World Bank, IMF, Organization of American States, NATO, Quad, World Health Organization, and a permanent member of the UN Security Council.\n\nIn 2017, a conspiracy theory began that then-First Lady of the United States Melania Trump was replaced, or was sometimes replaced, by a body double, and that the \"real\" Melania was either dead, refusing to attend occasional events, or had exited from public life entirely. Supporters of the theory allege physical differences in facial features, bodily dimensions, or behavior between the original and supposed 'replacement' Melania, and changes in President Donald Trump's language in referring to Melania.\nTheories arose at several periods during Trump's presidency, particularly in October 2017, May-June 2018, March 2019, and October 2020. Trump himself addressed the theory through tweets and in comments to reporters, denouncing it as false and \"fake news\".A number of mainstream media sources labelled the theory false, with some labelling it \"a ridiculous conspiracy theory\" and \"a non-story\". Website Vox described the theory as conforming to various narratives surrounding the First Lady, which \"[paint] Melania as either unwilling to be part of the administration or as someone who hates her husband so much that she’s found a body double to stand in\"."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# In 2017, a conspiracy theory began that then-First Lady of the United States Melania Trump was replaced, or was sometimes replaced, by a body double, and that the \"real\" Melania was either dead, refusing to attend occasional events, or had exited from public life entirely.\n\n[Melania Trump replacement conspiracy theory - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "no this is true melania is my roommate she moved in in 2017 she works at petsmart part time and makes a killer vegan casserole we always hang out and watch succession and smoke weed together. shes real chill", "name": "Lillian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "U tell my homegirl i need my cassarole dish back. She better clean it this time.", "name": "Mariah"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "Vinícius Gageiro Marques (September 1, 1989 – July 26, 2006), better known by his internet alias Yoñlu, was a Brazilian singer-songwriter noted for the posthumous release of his work after his suicide at the age of sixteen."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Yonlu was a Brazilian singer-songwriter who commited suicide at 16 with the help of his online friends.\n\n[Yoñlu - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wow. Im Brazilian but never heard of him, thats very sad. He would be my age now and I also attempted suicide when I was 16.", "name": "Joshua"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Glad you're still here with us!", "name": "Erin"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Oise-Aisne American Cemetery Plot E is the fifth plot at the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery and Memorial, an American military cemetery in northern France that comprises four main burial plots (i.e., A, B, C and D) containing the remains of 6,012 service personnel, all of whom died during World War I.Plot E is approximately 100 meters away from the main cemetery and is a separate, hidden section which currently contains the remains of 94 American military prisoners, all of whom were executed by hanging or firing squad under military authority for crimes committed during or shortly after World War II. Their victims were 26 fellow American soldiers (all murdered) and 71 British, French, German, Italian, Polish and Algerian civilians (both male and female) who were raped or murdered.\nIn total, the US Army executed 98 servicemen following general courts martial for murder or rape in the European Theatre of Operations during the Second World War. The remains of these servicemen were originally buried near the site of their executions, which took place in countries as far apart as England, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Algeria. In 1949, the remains of these men were re-interred in Plot E, a private section specifically built to hold what the Graves Registration referred to as \"the dishonored dead\"; per standard practice, all had been dishonorably discharged from the US Army the day before their executions. Access is difficult and visitors are not encouraged, though the section is maintained by cemetery caretakers who periodically mow the lawn area and trim the hedges. One cemetery employee described Plot E as a \"house of shame\" and a \"perfect anti-memorial\".\nNo US flag is permitted to fly over the section, and the numbered graves lie with their backs turned to the main cemetery on the other side of the road.The only individual buried in Plot E who had not been convicted of rape or murder was Eddie Slovik (formerly Row 3, Grave 65), who was executed for desertion on 31 January 1945. His wife, Antoinette Slovik, petitioned the Army for her husband's remains and his pension until her death in 1979. Slovik's case was taken up in 1981 by a former Macomb County, Michigan commissioner, Bernard V. Calka, a Polish-American World War II veteran, who continued to press the Army for the return of Slovik's remains. In 1987, he persuaded President Ronald Reagan to grant the petition request. In response, Calka raised $5,000 to pay for the exhumation and reinterment at Detroit's Woodmere Cemetery, where Slovik was reburied next to his wife.African American murder victim Emmett Till's father, Louis Till, is among the interred convicts."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Oise-Aisne American Cemetery Plot E contains \"the dishonored dead\"; 98 US servicemen who were executed during or shortly after World War II for rape and/or murder.\n\n[Oise-Aisne American Cemetery Plot E - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "Rapists and murderers, except this poor guy who just didn't want to be a soldier anymore:\n\n>Edward Donald Slovik (February 18, 1920 January 31, 1945) was a United States Army soldier during World War II and the only American soldier to be court-martialled and executed for desertion since the American Civil War.[1][2] Although over 21,000 American soldiers were given varying sentences for desertion during World War II, including 49 death sentences, Slovik's death sentence was the only one that was carried out.[1][3][4]\n\nHe ran away from the front lines, handed himself in, and asked to serve off the battlefield instead. He was 24 years old.", "name": "Jorge"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Says here that he was later moved to a cemetery in Detroit so at least he won't be remember with all the other guys who actually deserve to be there.", "name": "Paul"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The 2016 presidential campaign of Jeb Bush, the 43rd Governor of Florida, was formally launched on June 14, 2015, coming six months after announcing the formal exploration of a candidacy for the 2016 Republican nomination for the President of the United States on December 16, 2014, and the formation of the Right to Rise PAC. On February 20, 2016, Bush announced his intention to drop out of the presidential race following the South Carolina primary. Had Bush been elected, he would have been the first president from Florida and the first sibling of a U.S. president (George W. Bush) to win the presidency himself.\nBush was not the first sibling of a former president to seek a party's nomination. President John F. Kennedy's brothers Robert (in 1968) and Ted (in 1980) both sought the Democratic nomination. Additionally, a pair of brothers had once-before both received nominations on a major party ticket. William Jennings Bryan was the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, 1900 and 1908. His brother, Charles W. Bryan, was the Democratic nominee for vice-president in 1924.\nBush was considered by many political commentators a dominant frontrunner for the nomination early in the primary season, and his candidacy, in which he failed to finish higher than fourth in a single primary election, is widely considered to have been a major political failure."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# Jeb! 2016: Jeb Bush, Florida governor, son of George H.W. Bush and brother of George W. Bush, was considered by many to be a dominant early frontrunner. His presidential candidacy, in which he failed to finish higher than 4th in a single primary, is widely regarded as a major political failure.\n\n[Jeb Bush 2016 presidential campaign - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "user", "content": "He had neither the charisma of his brother nor the resume of his father, not to mention that there was just a general fatigue with the Bush family by this point.\n\nNot many people considered his failure to be some major surprise. As I recall, the long term Bush hopes were pinned more on the next generation, ie George P. Bush.", "name": "Carter"}, {"role": "user", "content": "I could be completely wrong but I remember him having the highest war chest at the time. It was something like $130 million dollars. \n\nI was expecting him to have far more success than he did and was genuinely surprised he didnt do more to distance himself from his Brother. All it took was a school yard bully to sink him", "name": "Javier"}]
[{"role": "system", "content": "The Divje Babe flute, also called tidldibab, is a cave bear femur pierced by spaced holes that was unearthed in 1995 during systematic archaeological excavations led by the Institute of Archaeology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, at the Divje Babe I near Cerkno in northwestern Slovenia. It has been suggested that it was made by Neanderthals as a form of musical instrument, and became known as the Neanderthal flute. The artifact is on prominent public display in the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana as a Neanderthal flute. As such, it would be the world's oldest known musical instrument.Like many other Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) finds that might reflect symbolic behavior and advanced cognitive abilities among Neanderthals, this find was met with severe criticism and rejection by a part of the scientific community. Finds of symbolic significance are of primary interest within Paleolithic research. Special attention is devoted to discoveries that predate the arrival of anatomically modern humans in Europe about 40,000 years ago."}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "# The Divje Babe flute is the oldest known musical instrument, carved at least 50,000 years ago. It was probably created by Neanderthals, not homo sapiens.\n\n[Divje Babe flute - Wikipedia]("}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "There is something profoundly beautiful to me about the study of the other human species, the ones who didn't make it to the era of civilization. We will not forget them."}, {"role": "user", "content": "They werent as brute as they are normally portrayed, to make music is such a unique human thing", "name": "Bryan"}]