Enter the date that the revision is being submitted in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Example: July 23, 2010, would be entered as 07/23/2010.
For hardcopy Inventory Form submissions, the revision date should be the certified
mailing date.
B. Reporting Agency:
Figure 2-3: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Heading, Item B
Enter a check in the appropriate box to indicate the type of agency that is submitting the
update or the establishment of a new crossing.
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
The “Transit” box should be checked by urban rapid transit operators who submit
crossing data to the Crossing Inventory, including:
 Urban rapid transit operators who operate through highway-rail grade crossings
and pathway grade crossings located on the same track used by railroads that
are part of the general railroad system of transportation.
 Urban rapid transit operators who operate through highway-rail grade crossings
and pathway grade crossings that are located within a shared corridor or right-ofway, and shared crossing warning devices, with railroads that are part of the
general railroad system of transportation.
 Urban rapid transit operators who do not have one of the above-listed
connections to the general railroad system of transportation, yet operate through
highway-rail crossings and pathway crossings. (Urban rapid transit operators in
this last category are encouraged, but not required, to submit crossing data to the
Crossing Inventory.)
The “Other” box should be checked by public authorities who submit crossing data to
the Crossing Inventory for quiet zone-related purposes. The “Other” box should not be
checked by delegated users or third-party entities who are submitting crossing data on
behalf of a railroad or State user. Delegated users are instructed to check the box that
applies to the entity on whose behalf the crossing data is being submitted.
Public authorities who submit crossing data to the Crossing Inventory have been
instructed to use hardcopy Inventory Forms for this purpose. Therefore, crossing data
submitted electronically will not be accepted by the Grade Crossing Inventory System
(GCIS) if the “Other” box has been checked.
C. Reason for Update:
Figure 2-4: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Heading, Item C
Check only one box to indicate the primary reason for the change.
The nine checkbox selections account for the various reasons for submitting an update.
These include the following:
 Change in Data – Submission of crossing data associated with an actual change
in crossing characteristics that is not reflected by any of the other box selections
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
This includes cases where crossing type is changed from “Private” to “Public” for
a highway-rail grade crossing; the entire Inventory Form (or its electronic
equivalent) must be completed. Please reference Part I, Box 17.
 New Crossing – An open crossing that is not currently in the Crossing Inventory.
This could be either a new crossing or one that was previously unreported.
 Closed – A location where a previous crossing no longer exists because either
the railroad tracks have been physically removed, or each pathway or roadway
approach to the crossing has been physically removed, leaving behind no
intersection of railroad tracks with either a pathway or roadway. A gradeseparated highway-rail or pathway crossing that has been physically removed is
also considered a closed crossing.
 No Train Traffic – A crossing through which trains no longer operate.
Note: The primary operating railroad is responsible for updating the Crossing
Inventory to reflect that a highway-rail grade crossing or pathway grade crossing
is no longer subject to train traffic. This update should be made as soon as
possible, but must be made no later than the next required periodic update.
When the Crossing Inventory is updated to reflect a change to No Train Traffic
status, Parts II.1 and II.3 must be changed to reflect all zeros and the Part II.2
must reflect the current year the update is made.
 Re-Open – A closed crossing or crossing that was not previously subject to train
traffic which has been placed into active service.
Note: The primary operating railroad is responsible for updating the Crossing
Inventory to reflect that a highway-rail grade crossing or pathway grade crossing
has been placed into active service. This update should be made as soon as
possible, but must be made no later than the next required periodic update.
 Date Change Only – An update to indicate that crossing data has not changed
since the last update to the Crossing Inventory. If this box is checked, the GCIS
will not allow changes to be made to any other data fields in the Crossing
Inventory prior to submission.
 Change in Primary Operating RR – A change in primary operating railroad.
 Admin. Correction – A correction to data that is currently contained in the
Crossing Inventory. This box should be checked for corrections of data
previously submitted in error. (This box should not be checked to report a
previously unreported crossing.)
Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instruction and Procedures Manual
Instructions for Completing the U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form
 Quiet Zone Update – Any change to the quiet zone status for that crossing.
Note: This box is reserved for FRA use only.
Depending on the reporting agency, only certain values apply. New Crossing, No
Traffic, Re-Open, and Change in Primary Operating RR are limited to railroads. Closed,
Change in Data, Date Change Only, and Admin. Correction may apply to all reporting
entities. As noted above, Quiet Zone Update will only apply to FRA use
(Part I, Box 25).
D. DOT Crossing Inventory Number
Figure 2-5: U.S. DOT-FRA Crossing Inventory Form Heading, Item D
Enter a valid Inventory Number (6-digits followed by an alpha character). Please refer
to Appendix A for an explanation about how to obtain Inventory Numbers for new and
previously unreported crossings.
For new or previously unreported crossings, the assignment of an Inventory Number
occurs when the number is placed on a completed Inventory Form by the responsible
railroad and the completed Inventory Form is submitted for inclusion in the U.S. DOT
National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory. More than one crossing number may be
assigned to multiple pathway crossings within a station or yard facility.
Note: Once assigned, the Inventory Number stays with that location forever. If the
crossing is eventually closed, the Inventory Number and data at the time of closure
remains in the file. If the crossing is reopened at the same location, the same Inventory