It was a cold and stormy day as I was getting ready for school. To get there I would have to walk in the rain. That didn't bother me though, because I knew how to handle it.
[ "dress", "hold", "umbrella" ]
The dog jetted out of the cabin into the freezing cold. Something moved into the bush in the distance and the dog spotted it. Suddenly, the dog was in the bush as well.
[ "chase", "rabbit", "snow" ]
The crowd was on their feet for the ninth inning. The teams were tied and it was a full count. If Charlie could strike the batter up, the home team would win.
[ "game", "sit", "stand" ]
Toby was at the park with his little brother. He hated wasting his time there, but his mother had told him that it was his responsibility. Toby tossed the ball in the air as far as he could and watched the boy run after it.
[ "run", "throw", "watch" ]
They always talk about how certain people saved the world from Hitler. He was going from country to country and taking them over. If he was never stopped, this was going to continue and we will not know how far he would've gotten.
[ "capture", "continue", "movement", "ride" ]
At the frat party everyone was drinking a lot and they decided to play beer pong. Joey sat it all up and they got started. They were all laughing as the game went along.
[ "ball", "bounce", "cup", "table", "top" ]
I had received nearly all my boy scout badges. There was one missing, and it frustrated me. There was a basic outdoors skill I simply could not master.
[ "blow", "fire", "hold", "stick" ]
The cowboy tightened his grip on the reins as he sat on the huge animal. There was only about minute left before it was his turn out the chute. Suddenly, the gate opened and they were off.
[ "air", "bull", "hand", "hold", "ride" ]
The pupped didn't know where it was. I checked for a tag, but there was nothing on it. I took him home and took care of it, hoping that I could find the owner.
[ "dog", "look", "wear" ]
Susan sat at her desk and wondered what to say in her product review. She read over the notes from interviews and observations she'd gathered over the past few weeks. It seemed like people had very strong opinions about the new coffee maker, pro and con.
[ "machine", "paper", "piece", "put" ]
It was getting late and Jennifer still hadn't found a babysitter. She knew she would need to broadcast soon for her podcast. She called over her daughter and exclaimed, " I have some grounds rules while I am recording".
[ "listen", "microphone", "sit", "talk" ]
Roger was watching a television show on grilling. His mouth started to water as the host explained how to make the tastiest food. Before long, Roger was out the door and on the way to the store.
[ "cook", "explain", "grill", "place", "sausage" ]
The man had worked for the telephone company for years. He was surprised that everything hadn't gone digital by now, but he really didn't care. It was all job security and he didn't mind doing any of it.
[ "cable", "coil", "oversee", "work", "worker" ]
Susan didn't so much mind her job in housekeeping. She did kind of hate one aspect of it though. Susan made her way into the bathroom with a sour face and told herself again that she was getting paid good money for this.
[ "brush", "clean", "toilet" ]
Mother had to help her little child get ready for school. Mother was waiting for the child to get out of the shower. Once out, she helped the child to dry off.
[ "dress", "stand", "toilet" ]
The students had all prepared hard for the upcoming test. They studied at home and in the library, some staying up very late. They entered the classroom and walked towards their desks.
[ "floor", "page", "pencil", "point", "sit" ]
The people walked into the airport as the security checked them with a wand. The walked and found their airline counter and got their baggage checked. Some of them walked out to the windows and watched the earlier flights take off.
[ "building", "front", "plane" ]
I walked into the place ready for the party. I hadn't eaten all day long and I knew the food was great here. When the guest of honor arrived, we all screamed, "surprise!"
[ "birthday", "celebrate", "friend", "restaurant" ]
I was watching some rodeo on TV. Those riders are very strong and also not afraid of a lot. To be able to get all those animals and stay on there for that amount of time is impressive.
[ "bull", "hand", "hold" ]
The football game was over and the fans were heading towards their vehicles. Jim had left early, hoping to beat the crowd, but not early enough as hordes of walkers passed before his car. After waiting for what Jim thought interminably, there was finally an opening.
[ "cross", "drive", "street" ]
Troy started to slip as he reached for the top of the mountain. He grasped onto the rope more tightly, knowing that his life was on the line. Troy started to breath more and more heavily as the tension grew.
[ "back", "foot", "knife" ]
The captain helped everyone get on the vehicle. Some of the people gasped as they were not used to the rocking and rolling motion. Once they were settled though, everyone had a great time.
[ "board", "boat", "ride", "water" ]
We had been trekking through the woods all day in our Ray-Bans. I took off my supplies I had been hauling. I used them as a pillow to stare up at the sky.
[ "backpack", "head", "lay", "sunglass", "wear" ]
I want to train my pup to run an obstacle course. When I tell him jump up on the stage he just stares at it. Then walks away.
[ "dog", "look", "platform" ]
The baseball game was great yesterday. We did what we had to do in order to win the game. The celebrations after we left the field or wild.
[ "ball", "hit", "room", "walk" ]
Crossing the river was harder than Mike and Emily had expected. They found a log running over the shallower part of the river. Balancing wasn't easy though, and Emily had to guide Mike across.
[ "hand", "hold", "weight" ]
Perry had been building a fence in his back yard and his muscles were incredibly sore. His wife suggested he go to her spa for treatment. He made an appointment for Saturday morning and signed in at the front desk when he arrived.
[ "face", "give", "lay", "massage", "table" ]
Making your own coffee is a treat. I love to do everything myself from the beginning to the end. I have everything that I need in order to produce the best cup of coffee imaginable.
[ "bean", "bowl", "machine", "pour", "roast" ]
The little boy cut his hand. His parents rushed him to the hospital. The doctor would have to repair the damage.
[ "finger", "hold", "move" ]
I am a huge fan of adventure sports. It doesn't matter if it's done in the summer or the winter. I just love the adrenaline of participating in them.
[ "hold", "kite", "pull", "ride", "snowboard" ]
Donnie looked out at the crowd as the band took the stage. It had been a while since they had performed together and Donnie was a bit nervous. His tank top showed the new ink that he had gotten marking the reunion of the band.
[ "arm", "front", "guitar", "stand", "tattoo" ]
Fred was in the mood for something adventurous. He invited his friends to a new place in town. The place had an alley where you would pay to toss tools at a thing at the back wall.
[ "axe", "bullseye", "hit", "target", "throw" ]
Stephanie was working late at work again. As she finally ended work she hurried out of there, eager to leave the place. She headed outside to the curb caddy corner from her work building.
[ "street", "tram", "wait" ]
Otis had been a certified instructor at the aquatics class for a while. Everyone knew and respected Otis. He was in the locker room one day, when he suddenly passed out.
[ "background", "diver", "fish", "school", "swim" ]
Tom and his friends decided to go to their highschool football game on Friday night. They arrived just before the game started and found seats near the 50 yard line. Everyone focused on the field to see who won the coin flip to decide kickoff.
[ "cheer", "score", "team" ]
The teenage boys always played video games, usually late into the night on weekends. It was late on a Saturday night when the parents were awaken by the boys. A steady din came from the basement where the marathon gaming session was going on and things were getting heated.
[ "button", "controller", "hold", "push" ]
We have a giant yard and my parents made keeping it nice my responsibility. It's very difficult. The only way I can get through cutting it is if I pretend I'm a racecar driver, and I have a pretty elaborate way of getting into the imaginative game.
[ "helmet", "mower", "track" ]
After school in the winter we had some epic battles. We would go to the park especially after a snow storm and have some fights. Everyone thought they were the best, but they secretly knew that was me.
[ "bench", "create", "gather", "snow", "snowball" ]
Jordan was about to go on her first real date. She threw down her comb in frustration as she sat next to her vanity. It was like everything that she tried looked off-putting to her.
[ "brush", "hair", "look", "mirror" ]
Connie was so glad that she had stopped driving her car to the office every day. The bus was a much easier and more relaxing method to get there. On Monday morning she climbed aboard, sat down and took a book out of her bag to enjoy during the ride.
[ "read", "way", "work" ]
I was making dinner yesterday and had to make sure all my equipment was ready to go. I had a few things that I had to sharpen but that didn't take any time. I enjoyed myself and created a delicious meal.
[ "cook", "knife", "oil", "pour", "stone" ]
Joe had worked on the road crew for eleven months. It wasn't the best job, but it was the best that he could get at the time. The worst part about the job, to him at least, were the crazy hours.
[ "highway", "night", "work", "worker" ]
My boss invited me to his house for dinner, and I assumed it was a dinner party. Actually, it was just for me. He is a very intimidating fellow, and being under such close scrutiny made me such a nervous wreck, I ended up staining his carpet.
[ "drink", "glass", "hold", "wine" ]
Tommy spent all night on the diamond last night. Today for the game, he was better than he had ever was before. That kid went four for four with a home run!
[ "baseball", "field", "hit", "practice" ]
The chef wanted to try a new dish and didn't want to make it inside so he decided to do it in the backyard. It was such a hot night that he decided not to put an a top over his uniform. After making the dish, he realized that it would have been better if he had made it on the stove.
[ "cook", "grill", "shirt", "wear" ]
Lindsey was all ready for her recital and very excited about it. She had been practicing what she was going to be performing for weeks. When it was her turn, she got up and walked on stage.
[ "key", "piano", "press", "sit" ]
The children watched through the living room window, excited to see white flakes falling to the ground. "You can go outside and play after lunch," their mom said. So the children quickly finished their sandwiches and put on their winter coats, boots and mittens.
[ "hill", "red", "ride", "sle", "snow" ]
I think the game at the fair was rigged so that you couldn't win. You were supposed to swing the big hammer thing and get your strength measured, but I think it's a rip off. I spent an hour there and I didn't see anyone ever win.
[ "gong", "hit", "mallet" ]
Cassandra was a lovely teenage girl with pretty brown curls. Everyone loved the curls and said how cute they were, but Cassandra thought they made her look like a little girl. Today she would do turn those curls into something suitable for an attractive young woman.
[ "hair", "straighten", "straightener", "use" ]
The elevator was slowly but surely going out in the buildings. Ron knew elevators and that was why he had been called in. He spent hours on the stubborn mechanics of it all, but by the end of the day, it was running again, just like new.
[ "arm", "lift", "overall", "smile", "wear" ]
Jennifer had a big day planned for her kids on Easter weekend. First, she dressed them up for pictures with the Easter rabbit. Then Jennifer took the children to the park for the annual Easter treasure hunt.
[ "basket", "collect", "egg", "run" ]
The woman walked into the salon without a care in the world. Marge eyeballed her up and down, looking at her like she came from a different planet. The woman didn't belong from this conservative town.
[ "hair", "hold", "scroll", "sunglass", "tattoo" ]
I looked at the boy play catch with the dog, he seemed happy playing with the dog. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, I had to cut all the vegetables to put in the pot. After I was done I decide to look at the game on tv with had a big background with the score on it.
[ "board", "give", "knife", "throw", "thumb" ]
Jon through the toy to the pup as they headed down the shoreline. He could see clouds come in from the east. That wasn't a good sign, so he called his friend back in and called it a day.
[ "beach", "dog", "sand", "walk" ]
John was a supreme athlete. This would be his third time competing in the Olympics and he felt very confident. The sun beat down on the arena as he walked out to cheers from the crowd and prepared for the race.
[ "hold", "marker", "run", "shirt", "track" ]
Landon walked into the bathroom to get himself together. He had never been so humiliated. The bullies were definitely crossing the line this time, he thought while wiping his chin.
[ "clean", "dry", "face", "paper", "toilet" ]
The slope downhill was pretty steep. Billy tried to tell his brother that it was a bad idea to go down on his bike without brakes, but Bobby didn't listen. Billy hated hearing his brother's screams as he held his hand waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
[ "hill", "ramp", "ride" ]
The Hopkins family drove to the park for a picnic on a beautiful, sunny summer day. While the kids played, their mother put the basket on a picnic table and opened it up. There was a ton of food, which she laid out to get it ready for the family to eat.
[ "knife", "top", "watermelon" ]
Helen had worked in a kitchen all her life. She knew that safe kitchen prep was one of the most important aspects of running a place like that. Everyday she inspected her workers clothing and nails.
[ "food", "prepare", "wear" ]
Kevin sat and watched the big machines across from the street. They had been working in the park for about a week. Trees had been torn down to make room for the new swimming pool in the park.
[ "bulldozer", "dirt", "pile", "push", "rock" ]
Cal didn't know what to think of the small animal that he found outside of his door. He didn't want it to starve, so he had left it a bowl of water. Whenever he tried to touch it though, it ran off.
[ "cat", "hand", "head", "pet" ]
It was the Fourth of July and it was Bailey's favorite time of year. Her father was taking her to the lake to watch the fireworks. Her eyes lit up as the fireworks spread across the sky above them.
[ "fly", "night", "spark", "work" ]
Years of abuse had left large potholes in the pavement. Road construction meant that one lane needed to be closed. Men in orange vests set up equipment to warn drivers.
[ "carry", "cone", "street", "worker" ]
Billy and King were at the park and King was excited. He barked and barked at Billy, indicating that he wanted to play. Billy took a frisbee out of his backpack and threw it high and far.
[ "catch", "dog", "mouth" ]
The boys were excited to stumble upon the old baseball field they used to play on when they were kids. The weeds had overgrown much of the field, and the dirt was in bad shape. Even though they didn't have a bat or ball, they decided to make an impromptu game with what they could find.
[ "mound", "rock", "shirt", "sit", "top" ]
Jim had a successful day of fishing at the lake. With his cooler full of fish, Jim steered toward shore. A storm was forecast, so Jim wanted to be sure his craft was secure.
[ "boat", "dock", "pull", "tie" ]
Working from home could be a challenge for Emily when her kids were there, too. Since the pandemic lockdowns, they were home more than ever. Just as Emily was about to join an important conference call, music starting blaring from her son's bedroom.
[ "close", "door", "handle", "open", "turn" ]
Lilly couldn't decide what to take to the company picnic. Everyone was supposed to bring a side dish and the company was providing all the burgers and hot dogs. She poured over her recipe book and finally made a decision.
[ "hand", "peel", "peeler", "potato" ]
I stopped at the stand and peruse the magazines. I decided on a Wall Street journal. I took it to the bar with me.
[ "drink", "newspaper", "read" ]
I'm going to be playing photographer this weekend. I'm going to be photographing a kids baseball game. Make sure that your kids look them selves over before they leave the house and have all their equipment with them.
[ "gear", "hold", "mirror", "picture", "take" ]
I always love going down to the river bank. There is a swing that was put up years back I love getting on. Nothing like the comfort of watching the water from that swing.
[ "rope", "tie", "tree", "walk" ]
It was a lazy Saturday morning and Sara was raking some weeds she had cut just cut with the weed trimmer. She was about to reach down with her bare hands and scoop them into the green barrel. But then she noticed some poison oak in the pile and realized there was something she needed to do.
[ "glove", "put", "wear" ]
10-year old Sam had a great pet named King. King loved special food and would always bark to get some. But Sam would only give him some when he performed a certain trick.
[ "catch", "dog", "mouth", "open", "treat" ]
The puppy was going crazy in the park. He seldom was allowed outside and this was a treat for him. He spotted an animal in the brush and he was off again.
[ "catch", "dog", "rabbit", "run" ]
Rory hadn't played with the guys in years. Tonight was the first night of their reunion tour. He stepped out in front of the crowd and adjusted the mic stand.
[ "band", "perform", "stage" ]
Being a private eye is less interesting than the dimestore paperbacks make it seem. The most interesting case was when I was hired by a son to spy on his father. I was given a rough idea of his schedule and a brief physical description.
[ "eyeglass", "hair", "shirt", "wait", "watch" ]
Patrice was so excited to have a new dog and set about teaching it. The first thing the dog, Prince, learned was to stay. Then Patrice tried to teach Prince a trick which involved even more will power and patience.
[ "sit", "treat", "wait" ]
The hunter stood in the stand silently. He had been there since the crack of dawn and he was getting weary. Suddenly, there was a sound in the bushes and he looked up with a great interest.
[ "hill", "shoot", "side" ]
Luke dreamed of becoming a Marine like his dad. But Luke knew he had to pass a rigorous physical test first. One of the hardest parts of the test challenged Luke's strength and his fear of heights.
[ "ceiling", "climb", "gym", "rope", "suspend" ]
When Dr. Foster learned that he was going to receive the Simmons Prize at the annual medical banquet, he was very pleased. He spent several days working on his acceptance remarks because a lot of important people would be watching and he wanted the wording to be absolutely perfect. Finally the illustrious evening arrived and Dr. Foster beamed when his name was announced and, amidst swelling applause, he made his way to the stage and took his place behind the podium.
[ "award", "crowd", "front", "give", "speech" ]
The auditorium had filled up quickly and the people were elbow to elbow. I don't think that the school board had anticipated this many people to come to the meeting. They decided to hold the next few meetings virtually as the pubic held an interest.
[ "chair", "space", "stand" ]
The players were more excited than ever. They had just won the championship game. The coach walked up to them as they were presented the award.
[ "hold", "sing", "song", "team", "trophy" ]
Travis was training for the big meet. He had been working at it all day. Finally, the coach said that it was time to go.
[ "jump", "run", "sand", "track" ]
It was a great trip to the train museum with the kids. They really liked walking around on the train itself. There was a lot of art work and statues in the museum as well.
[ "car", "locomotive", "resemble" ]
The stylist was giving a clinic to the young girls. They wanted to learn the art of cosmetology. The first lesson was hair styling and the woman was going to begin with something very simple.
[ "braid", "give", "instruction" ]
It was the first time that Alex had visited this particular park. The area was spread out over a number of acres and it wasn't crowded at all. He spread out a blanket and laid down on the ground.
[ "dirt", "grass", "knoll" ]
I love playing basketball outside. One of my favorite games to play is 21. The reason I like it is because of the make it take it rule, which allows you to be able to have possession for a long time.
[ "air", "ball", "keep" ]
Jennifer's bed was a mess, strewn with clothes and shoes she had decided to take on her trip. Now it was time to pull it all together since her flight was in the morning. She just hoped everything would fit as she could only take one bag.
[ "floor", "pack", "sit", "suitcase" ]
Polo seems to be a game mainly for the rich. For that reason many people don't know or care about it. But actually polo is an interesting game, involving people and animals.
[ "ball", "hit", "horse", "ride" ]
Cindy's pals brought her to a bar to celebrate turning 21. Cindy had no experience with liquor, so her pals did the ordering. They wanted to introduce Cindy to the ritual of drinking straight tequila.
[ "hand", "lick", "salt", "shot", "take" ]
Arnie was working as a lifeguard at the local rec center. He jumped up on the lifeguard chair and everything was fine for an hour or so. Then Arnie suddenly saw something in the water and immediately went into action.
[ "jump", "pool", "swim", "water" ]
It was my turn to clean the house yesterday. I'll make sure that I got every square inch of that house spotless. I used a lot of chemicals as well as a handy vacuum.
[ "rug", "use", "window" ]
After Jean gave her speech in class, the teacher left this remark. "Jean, you need to practice making eye contact when you are speaking," the note from the teacher read. Jean went home and stood at her vanity, imagining she was giving a speech.
[ "begin", "look", "mirror" ]
Bruce and Margaret had been dating for months. On a beautiful day like this they liked nothing better than to enjoy the outdoors. They arrived at their destination and got out of the car, both dressed in shorts and t-shirts.
[ "couple", "park", "take", "walk" ]
Tony went up the slope at full speed toward the small pond. The plan was to coast over the pond and land on the other side. Unfortunately, Tony wasn't going fast enough and landed right in the middle of the pond.
[ "bike", "flip", "hill", "ride", "water" ]
I love going out jogging in the morning because I end up catching up with lots of friends. Some of them have their pets with them for their adventures. If I had a pair, I'd probably bring them on my jog too.
[ "dog", "hang", "run" ]
The young woman was never good at doing laundry and it was even harder using the dilapidated machine they found at the thrift store. She didn't even have a dryer so she had to find an alternative. A length of rope and some clothespins might do as an impromptu clothesline.
[ "shirt", "side", "trailer" ]
Lisa held out her arm like the zoo attendant told her to. She held her breath as the parrot softly landed on her sleeve. Lisa couldn't believe that it had actually landed on her!
[ "bird", "hand", "hold" ]
The salon was empty until the strange woman opened the door. With a beehive hairdo and clothing of another time period, I knew something didn't feel right. "How can I help you?" I managed to utter.
[ "hair", "room", "walk" ]
I went to a boxing match last night. It was a championship match and I had a really good seats. The crowd was very boisterous and enjoyed themselves.
[ "audience", "belt", "front" ]