Mark was so glad he was finally getting his cast removed. Since he broke his ankle, Mark had to wear a cast that looked and felt like a cement boot. The doctor cut along the boot-shaped cast and removed it.
[ "foot", "put", "sock" ]
Kathy was trying to teach her granddaughter one of her favorite hobbies. She held the tools in her hand and explained what to do with them. "At the end, you will be making a wonderful scarf!"
[ "demonstrate", "knit", "needle", "yarn" ]
The rival soccer teams were tied with just minutes left in the match. The blue team was on offense, working the ball toward the red team's net. In the last seconds, the blue team had the ball lined up perfectly.
[ "game", "goal", "player", "shoot" ]
The food was delicious and I made sure to let Sylvia know. She had been my housekeeper and cook for years, but this time she really outdid herself. I was deeply depressed that she would be leaving in a few short weeks.
[ "end", "fork", "meal" ]
Mike's mother stood in the crowd cheering on her baby boy. She looked for his jersey, knowing that his was number ten. When she found him, she started cheering even harder.
[ "ball", "player", "score", "shirt", "wear" ]
Fred had no care in the world. Cigar ash fell from the big brown cigar onto his shoes and he didn't even notice. Fred knew that his wife wouldn't be home when he got back, and frankly, he didn't give a damn.
[ "blow", "smoke", "wear" ]
Bo went to the beach with his family one day. He made sure to pack a lot of things for his trip. Bo didn't want to get dehydrated at the beach.
[ "bottle", "drink", "sunglass", "water", "wear" ]
I'm not what I did to upset the school bully, but he had it in for me. He told me when we got back from Thanksgiving break, he'd pummel me. I was nervous, but didn't want to back down, so I tried to prepare as best I could.
[ "gym", "press", "weight" ]
The school kids were the worst especially towards the end of the school year. For 30 years, she patrolled this corner and it happened every year. Smart kids who would not heed her warnings would dart across the street on their way home.
[ "direct", "traffic", "worker" ]
The exploration group had been waiting for this for a long time. It had been an arduous climb, and everyone was exhausted. No one had accomplished this feat before, and now they were about ready to claim it.
[ "arm", "mountain", "raise", "top" ]
My first day at the farm was an eye opener. I am a city slicker, so I wasn't expecting the cook to come into the kitchen with a live chicken. He held it tight with one hand and reached for a knife with the other.
[ "lay", "neck", "table" ]
Ed was late for his son's birthday party. He knew he needed to get a good present to make up for it. Ed only had six dollars in his checking account.
[ "balloon", "hold", "jacket", "stick", "tongue" ]
Patty looked down at the open box on the floor. There was a fan in it, one she desperately needed given how hot it had been this summer. She had all the tools she needed and a ladder set up, so it was time to get to work.
[ "ceiling", "climb", "hang" ]
The cowboy tightened his hand on the reins. This was his first time on this circuit and he didn't want to make a fool of himself. The gate swung open and he was off.
[ "hold", "horse", "ride", "rope" ]
Matt had a math test in his first hour class. He had to work out as many multiplication problems in ten minutes as he could. Matt made sure that none of his pencils were dull for the test.
[ "drill", "sharpen", "sharpener" ]
Throwing a party was going to be much more difficult that I thought it would be. "This is supposed to be fun," my husband reminded me. As I walked into the kitchen, "fun" was the last thing on my mind.
[ "food", "prepare", "work" ]
Ollie put on his swimsuit and walked to the diving board. His sister tossed the toy into the water. It was a game for her and she laughed and giggled as he emerged with the item.
[ "dive", "object", "pool", "retrieve", "throw" ]
The soup was going to be good, but it was never fun to prep it. John sat down getting the vegetables ready. He much rather would be playing outside, but he knew that the soup would be amazing.
[ "peel", "potato", "sit", "table" ]
The library was hosting a story time on Saturday afternoon. The kids filed in and gathered in the meeting room. The librarian came in and sat in the wooden rocking chair that had been set up for her.
[ "book", "chair", "hold", "look", "sit" ]
Terry opened the door and felt the heat rush into her face. The sweet smell was in the air and she knew that it was done. Terry pulled the tray out and set it on the stove to cool off.
[ "candy", "oven", "pull" ]
Emily was making pina coladas from scratch for herself and her friends. She had all the ingredients lined up on the counter. She put ice in the blender and added coconut milk and then moved to the next step.
[ "knife", "pineapple", "skin" ]
Tom couldn't wait to get to the beach today after school. He heard from his friend Jackson, that the waves were really big today. Tom wanted to try out his new board he got for his birthday.
[ "ocean", "ride", "surfer" ]
Emma needed to make extra money to pay bills. Good thing was that she had her grandmother's sewing patterns. She sewed and made baby blankets and dresses all winter long to pay for her bills.
[ "fabric", "machine", "piece", "sew", "stitch" ]
At 11:30 P.M. Phil arrived at Mary's home and she met him at the door. She was dressed casually, but nicely, and Phil thought she looked beautiful. Phil had liked Mary forever, but this was only their second date, and he was very much looking forward to their day together.
[ "lunch", "movie", "watch" ]
Carolyn was always deeply affected when she heard music and she couldn't help but react physically when good tunes were playing. She found herself being very moved whenever she heard a great song and always enjoyed singing out loud and swaying back and forth when something she liked came on. She also couldn't resist responding to any kind of catchy rhythm and she liked to drum along with it, tapping her toes as she enjoyed the sound.
[ "beat", "finger", "top" ]
I was over at my friends house this past weekend. They have a nice pool and we all enjoy being in it. It's so much fun that their pet is always getting in there and have them just as much a good time as us.
[ "dog", "jump", "pool", "toy" ]
The man got on while still talking, paying no attention to the other passengers around him. For the most part, we just ignored him, but he was really annoying. People should use common sense when using public transportation.
[ "bus", "cellphone", "drive", "driver", "talk" ]
Joe was impressed by an artist he saw on TV. The artist demonstrated how to make realistic sketches. Joe gathered materials and followed the steps that the artist demonstrated.
[ "draw", "hand", "paper", "pencil", "piece" ]
The Millers were happy to move out of their dilapidated house into a newly built home. However, it didn't really seem like home without the shady oaks they were used to. So, the Millers went to a plant nursery to pick out replacements.
[ "dig", "hole", "plant", "tree" ]
The teenagers set up their blanket and all their things on the beach. The girls sat on the blankets getting their tans and listening to the radio while the boys headed to the water with their boards. They stayed for hours before cleaning up and driving away.
[ "background", "music", "surf", "wave" ]
The dog was having the time of its life in the yard outside. It went this way and that as it chased the ball that was thrown to it. After a while, it lay down, exhausted, but happy.
[ "grass", "mouth", "run", "toy" ]
Allison woke up on Saturday morning and decided to make breakfast for her boyfriend. She called him and told him to be at her place in half an hour. She mixed up a blueberry batter and was just about to pour it when he arrived.
[ "flip", "fry", "pan", "pancake" ]
Mark witnessed the first incident, which resulted in a dozen avian deaths. The problem was the new painting on the side of the Sears store. Sparrows and such mistook the sprawling painting of a flower-filled meadow for the real thing.
[ "bird", "building", "flock", "fly", "mural" ]
Sienna watched her boyfriend nervously as he went up the dirt ramp. She knew what he did was what he loved, but that didn't mean that she had to love it. Every time that he flew into the air, she couldn't breath.
[ "bike", "jump", "spectator", "watch" ]
The girl was on the animal, she seemed happy. Her mother paid for her to get on the animal at the circus. There was one man ahead of all the animals directing them to go to one side.
[ "camel", "lead", "ride", "top" ]
The football team at school was getting their photo taken for the yearbook. The photographer called them outside to stand by the bushes near the field. One of the kids wore his full uniform with pads and everything as a joke.
[ "helmet", "picture", "plant", "take", "wear" ]
The dentist walked into the room and asked Todd how long it had been since his last appointment. Todd was ashamed to answer the man since he didn't even know. While the dentist looked in his mouth, he found four cavities.
[ "brush", "mirror", "tooth" ]
Suzanne heard a strange noise coming from somewhere in her house. As she walked toward her bedroom, she heard it again. She knew she needed to look inside her room, but was a little scared.
[ "door", "knob", "turn" ]
Jimmy and his brother had been working on assembling their project all morning. Now they checked if the conditions outdoors were ideal, with the right amount of wind. They needed a bigger space than their tiny yard allowed, so they got on their bikes.
[ "fly", "kite", "park", "sky" ]
Tim was going to rob a bank. He needed the money so that he could buy all the soda he wanted. As he crept up to the closed bank, he wondered if there was any security.
[ "dog", "enter", "watch" ]
Grace grabbed her saxophone and started to march. Her eyes were set on the band director in front of her. The music blared as they marched down the streets lined with cheering people.
[ "instrument", "member", "parade" ]
The construction project was just getting underway. The first task was to grade the surface. A machine could do the work of getting rid of debris and leveling the ground.
[ "bulldozer", "dirt", "pile", "push" ]
It was Ana's first day at a new school and she was nervous. The teacher asked something related to the lesson and Ana knew the correct response, but was too shy to volunteer. Some of the other kids responded though.
[ "answer", "hand", "question", "raise" ]
Betty believed in celebrating birthdays the traditional way. She gathered the children together to sing Happy Birthday to the guest of honor. Everyone's eyes were on the birthday boy when the song finished, as he faced the lit candles.
[ "blow", "cake", "sit", "table" ]
The woman walked quickly through town to the bus stop. It was her first day of work and it wouldn't do any good to be late on the job. Just her luck, she arrived a few minutes late to the bus stop.
[ "shirt", "short", "sidewalk", "stand", "wear" ]
Dustin kicked down another strip of wood from the area in the yard. Whoever had put this up had done a horrible job. Why hadn't he thought of all the work that he would have to do before he bought the house?
[ "boot", "fence", "lollipop" ]
Pat had worked on the farm all his life. He knew the cattle ranch like the back of his hand. Pat walked out of the dairy area with containers full of white liquid ready to sent off.
[ "cow", "milk", "milk", "pail", "put" ]
The old man was outside every time that I passed by. I don't know how he ever managed to stay in good health for so long. I had always thought that tobacco was a bad habit to have.
[ "blow", "hold", "pipe", "shape", "smoke" ]
Ed was happy that he had given in and hired a clown for his son's birthday party. He watched as the children's eyes lit up as the clown ran around in his back yard. These were the things that the kids would remember for the rest of their lives.
[ "balloon", "run", "throw" ]
It was the time of year when the trees around the house caused me a lot of raking. As I made a pile, Rex would get excited, barking and jumping. If I left the pile untended, it would not be the same after Rex was finished with it.
[ "dog", "fall", "leave", "run" ]
Alicia was babysitting for her first time for her neighbor's two-year old boy. Suddenly liquid was running down the child's face and the boy was crying. Alicia looked at the boy and tried to decide what she should do.
[ "blow", "nose", "toddler" ]
Patricia loaded up her clothes and headed down the road to the laundry. She walked in with her hamper and loaded the nearest washer available. After loading it she made a note to wait after starting it to make sure it did as these machines were finicky at times.
[ "turn", "wash", "water" ]
Drew was tired out from a hard day at the gym. Sweat dripped down his brow and it burned and stung his eyes. He knew that if he stopped now though, that he would never make the team.
[ "lift", "weight", "work" ]
The young parents always liked to spend time with their two kids and did things with them regularly. The day was clear and there was a light breeze on this spring day. The father thought this was the perfect weather for a little excursion and picnic, a time for the family to play and relax.
[ "field", "fly", "kite", "stand", "toddler" ]
Kyle was ready for the track and field meet. He picked up the heavy weight and stepped into the circle. He took a deep breath and scanned the crowd to see if he could find his girlfriend cheering him on.
[ "circle", "distance", "shot", "step", "throw" ]
Isaac had never been to a place like this, at least not while riding. He wasn't prepared when his front tire hit a stump and threw him off. Isaac broke his leg in the fall and was more careful of the places that he went after that.
[ "bike", "ride", "trail", "wood" ]
The soldiers trudged through their basic training exercises. Dozens of obstacles stood in their way of them becoming full blown solders. Some would pass, others would fail.
[ "climb", "cover", "rope" ]
Helen let her little terrier Pumpkin out in the backyard to go to the bathroom. She was out for a few minutes when Helen heard her yelping. Helen ran and opened the door and immediately knew that Pumpkin had been sprayed by a skunk.
[ "bath", "dog", "dry", "give", "towel" ]
Graffiti is considered a form of art by some and vandalism by others. Some see it as an act of defacing property. Tagging is a type of signature used by the graffiti artist.
[ "paint", "spray", "wall", "word" ]
Alice set up the family to take their picture in the grassy area of the farm. She thought that with their blue pants, the green of the crops in the back would contrast each other. "Smile," she said as she started clicking away.
[ "background", "field", "jean" ]
Coy hooked up everything to the back of his vehicle. It was going to be a long drive, but he knew it was going to be worth it. This drive was going to take a week, but he'd be paid for a month's pay.
[ "attach", "brush", "load", "trailer", "truck" ]
Holly looked outside and saw the blizzard was still going strong. But her poodle, Liza, was prancing around in front of the door. Even though the weather was terrible, Holly had to take her outside.
[ "dog", "snow", "sweater", "walk", "wear" ]
Beth jumped out of the van and went to the back. She grabbed the box and double checked the address. Beth left the box on the people's front porch.
[ "house", "package", "toss", "walk", "worker" ]
Lee was ready for the competition to begin. He had been working out every day after school and his body was in the best shape it had ever been in. He talked to his coach about the events that he would be taking part in for the day.
[ "field", "jump", "practice", "track" ]
I want to get a nice relaxing massage this weekend. There are a variety of massages that you can get. To me it doesn't matter, I just want to feel relaxed.
[ "oil", "pour", "stone" ]
Sonny watched as the animal in his arms began to move around. It was almost as it knew what was about to happen. Sonny wondered if he was doing the right thing bringing it here.
[ "begin", "cat", "claws", "cut", "squirm" ]
It was spring and Jenny decided she needed to freshen up her yard and add some color. She went to the garden store and spent over an hour picking things out. When she got home, she unloaded everything and got her gardening tools out of the shed.
[ "hand", "hose", "plant", "wash", "water" ]
We woke up to what was a surprisingly big snow outside. School was unexpectedly cancelled and as a result, our kids had free reign to play all day. They didnt mess around either, quickly bundling up and heading outside.
[ "build", "kid", "snow", "snowman" ]
Jordan flipped his rod back as the trout on the other end struggled for dear life. "I need the net, Dad!" Jordan called out to his father standing on the other end of the boat. Suddenly, there was a pop and the line was snapped.
[ "catch", "fish", "flop", "snow" ]
Jake checked the weather report, including information on the tide. Since the weather was sunny and the tide looked good, Jake headed to the beach. He stood on the shore, surveying the water and waiting.
[ "catch", "ocean", "surfboard", "wave" ]
Troy was working on making a plaque for his mother for Christmas. He had all his tools and was ready to mark the image. The tool got too close to his skin though and he ended up burning his finger.
[ "burn", "image", "piece", "wood" ]
Although Jim and Martha had been married nearly fifty years, the spark of romance remained. It was common to see Jim and Martha snuggled together watching their favorite TV shows, for instance. When autumn turned the leaves colors, they still enjoyed taking a stroll around the neighborhood.
[ "couple", "hand", "hold", "sidewalk" ]
It was a really hot day so I went to the store to buy something to drink. I decided to park myself on the chair and stay there for a while because the air conditioner was on and it felt really good in there. After I got something to drink, I decided to buy a piece of pizza to eat since It was so nice in there.
[ "jug", "juice", "sit", "slice", "table" ]
Elmer tossed the container down in the barn. One corner of the barn was illuminated by the soft glow of the lantern. He sat down on the upturned barrel and finished the rest of his sandwich.
[ "box", "bucket", "food", "light", "sit" ]
In school the other day we had to give our presentations. Not a lot of people enjoyed them as much as I did. There were some very funny moments and I wondered how someone could write that and stand up there and read it to the class.
[ "front", "laugh", "paper", "tear" ]
I was waiting for quite some time for the vehicle to come pick me up. I was waiting by the road next to the shop, when I saw a friend of mine. I was not in the back of the line so it was easy for me to see her.
[ "bus", "front", "street" ]
Ed was ready to have some fun on his vacation. He called up his friends to see what they had planned. They were ready to have fun despite the fact that the weather was freezing.
[ "hold", "kite", "pull", "snowboard" ]
The neighbors had gathered for a summer barbecue at the Hendersons. Dad had his usual assignment and was taking it seriously. He had on his chef's apron and stood at his post with pride.
[ "cook", "grill", "look", "meat" ]
I feel sad every year when I sense summer is passing. I'll miss the sounds of birds chirping. I'll miss the fresh, green lawn.
[ "field", "grass", "mow" ]
Jody had been practicing at the gym all day. The gymnastics meet was going to be tomorrow and she knew she had to get her moves perfect. At the end of the day, she felt that she had everything good and she finally went home.
[ "flip", "perform", "run", "wall" ]
Seth sat alone waiting for his date to walk in. He turned his head to look every time that the door would open. She never showed up, but Seth had a good time drinking and watching the ball game.
[ "bar", "enjoy", "sit" ]
Margie was turning sixteen today and feeling sorry for herself. Margie didn't want presents for her birthday, she wanted a date. Margie's mom set the birthday cake in front of her daughter.
[ "candle", "table", "wish" ]
Blair laced up and looked out onto the rink. This would be her last competition in the division. She took a deep breath and went through her moves in her head.
[ "figure", "perform", "routine", "skate", "skate" ]
It was an exciting day at the college arena as UCLA took on Arizona. In a thrilling game, the score was knotted at 37 as the first half ended. Then for a halftime show equipment was brought on to the floor as a performer prepared to do a trick.
[ "basketball", "shoot", "trampoline" ]
Kendall had a special date on Saturday night and wanted to look her best. She went to the spa for a treatment so she would be glowing. When she was called in for her appointment, she explained what she wanted done.
[ "apply", "face", "massage", "product" ]
The house was a definite fixer-upper and the Coleman family knew they had their work cut out for them when they moved in, but they were excited and ready to tackle it. They had all the tools they needed and they had spent a day at the home and garden store buying doors, baseboards, cabinets, and all sorts of other things they needed to get the place looking good. Dad went to work on the big repairs because there were a lot of them, Mom and the kids handled things like wallpapering, cleaning, organizing and arranging, then they all joined forces when it came time to get the exterior looking good, the house was very drab on the outside and it needed a new look and some color very badly.
[ "building", "paint", "window" ]
Tony got off of his motorcycle and propped it up near the sidewalk. There was something in one of the stores that he wanted to see. He regretted what he was wearing though; it was too hot for this.
[ "jacket", "jean", "street", "walk" ]
Seth pulled up in his car on the race track. He looked at his competitor and he smirked. There was no way that Seth was going to lose this race to that joker.
[ "dragster", "leave", "smoke", "take", "trail" ]
Josh was taking an origami class online. He had never done anything like origami, but he had to admit that it was interesting. For some of the things, he had to watch the videos more than once though.
[ "background", "demonstrate", "fold", "music", "paper" ]
One of the toughest parts about taking care of a young child is when they're teething. It causes them a lot of pain and there's not much you can do about it. There are subtle things that you were told to do in order to alleviate some of that pain.
[ "cry", "finger", "mouth", "sit", "toddler" ]
I saw a lot of people downtown wearing the same clothing. Later on I found out that they were competing in some sort of obstacle event. I decided to go watch it because it wasn't far from my house,
[ "corner", "course", "wear" ]
Joan paid for her purchase and left the store. She got in her car and turned the key in the ignition, but nothing happened. Frustrated, Joan got out of the car to head home on foot.
[ "bag", "carry", "street", "walk" ]
I couldn't concentrate on any of my schoolwork. Lance was sitting at his desk making all kinds of racket. Would you believe that I was the one that ended up in detention when I shouted at him?
[ "beat", "drum", "finger", "hand", "top" ]
The jurors finally entered the room after being out for about half the day. The defendant slowly stood up and looked nervously around. The judge finally asked if they had a verdict, which they did.
[ "room", "sit", "stand", "table" ]
I had so many decorations for my daughter Molly's birthday. The morning of the party I had to get everything set out. I had piles of decorations and needed help to pull it all together.
[ "balloon", "blow", "let" ]
Sam enjoys waking up early and going to the gym in the morning before heading to the office for the rest of the day. He is focusing on weight training lately because he would like to build muscle mass before the pool opens this year. Unfortunately Sam seriously misjudged his strength yesterday and his training session almost ended in disaster.
[ "barbell", "drop", "floor", "lift" ]
It took forever, but Donna was finally able to get her treat. She sat down at a nearby table on the walk and watched the sun set as she enjoyed it. Donna loved living near the boardwalk.
[ "buy", "cream", "line", "stand", "wait" ]
Being a janitor was hard work for Ernesto. The part of the job that he hated most of all was the restroom duty. People were disgusting and didn't realize that someone had to come after them and deal with their mess.
[ "clean", "glove", "toilet", "wear" ]
Simon was the star of his high school track team and he always impressed everyone with his athletic skill and stellar performance. He practiced hard every day after school and the coach was always struck by Simon's skill, dedication and attitude. The coach always pointed Simon's technique out to the other boys on the track team and everyone watched as Simon went through the paces, demonstrating his skill in a number of different events.
[ "field", "hurdle", "jump", "run" ]
Toby threw the toy and waited for Jake to bring it back to him. Toby gasped when he saw the yellow item fall into the lake. Jake knew how to swim though and was able to retrieve it easily.
[ "ball", "dog", "fetch", "water" ]