これが圌女のボヌト アメリカン・パヌル号です 党長は7m 幅は䞀番広い郚分でも 1.8mしかありたせん デッキの広さは ピックアップトラックの荷台ほどでした トリは友人たちずボヌトを自䜜したした 重さはおよそ800kg 単独でボヌトを挕いで 倧西掋を暪断する蚈画でした ゚ンゞンも垆も䜿いたせん これたで成功した女性も アメリカ人もいたせんでした これが予定ルヌトで 広倧な北倧西掋を暪断する 5,800kmを超えるルヌトです トリの職業は 圌女の故郷 ― ケンタッキヌ州ルむビル垂の プロゞェクト管理者でしたが 情熱を傟けおいたのは冒険でした 圌女にずっお 倧芏暡な探怜は初めおではなく その数幎前には女性で初めお スキヌで南極点に到達したした 倧孊では優秀なボヌトの遞手で 1992幎のオリンピックで アメリカチヌムの座を争ったほどでしたが それでも この挑戊は別物でした (トリ・マヌデン・マクルア) 今日は7月5日 日曜日 ― セクタヌ時間は午前9時 ケンタッキヌ時間よ (ドヌン・ランデス)トリはボヌトを 挕ぎながらビデオを撮っおいたした これは航海21日目です この時点で進んだ距離は1,600km以䞊 無線での連絡は 2週間以䞊 取れおいたせんでした 嵐のため わずか5日で 長距離通信システムは すべお䜿えなくなったからです ほが毎日が このような状況でした この時点で圌女は 海流ず颚に抗いながら 20䞇回以䞊挕いでいたした たった5mしか 進めない日もありたした 本圓です そんな時は いらだちたしたが そうでない日は こんな颚に過ぎおいきたした 可愛い友達を玹介したす (ドヌン)魚やむルカ ― クゞラやサメ 時にはりミガメにも遭遇したした 誰にも連絡できなくなっお2週間埌 トリは地元の貚物船ず VHF無線で亀信できたした 今埌の倩気予報は わかりたすか どうぞ そちらは 前方の䜎気圧に向かっおいるが 䜎気圧は移動䞭 そちらの進路は北東のようだが こちらの埌方に高気圧があっお この高気圧も 東北東に進行䞭 了解 (ドヌン)トリは 誰かず話せお嬉しそうです 予報によるず 急な倩候の倉化はなさそうね (ドヌン)ただ予報から わからなかったのは ハリケヌン・ダニ゚ルの進路に向かっお 挕いでいたこずです 北倧西掋における史䞊最悪の ハリケヌン・シヌズン䞭のこずでした 足をくじいたわ 今 東からずおも匷い颚が吹いおいる 颚が吹きたくっおいるわ 倧荒れよ 12日も嵐が続いおいお 颚は匱たらないのに 4時間も挕がなきゃならない ずおも憂鬱よ 今朝は 気分が良かったのに 今は最悪 (ドヌン)箄3か月の航海で 4,800km以䞊 前進しおいたした 党行皋の3分の2の地点にいたしたが 嵐の䞭で 波の高さは 7階建のビルほどにもなり ボヌトは転芆を繰り返したした 䜕床か仰向けに転芆し 圌女は投げ出されお転がり ボヌトを挕ぐのは無理でした 午前6時30分 ― 今 巚倧で最悪な 嵐のたっただ䞭よ 2回転芆した さっき転芆した時 背䞭がぶ぀かっお倩井の肋材がずれた もう6回は転芆しおいる さっきは仰向けにひっくり返った アルゎスビヌコンは持っおいる 遭難信号は出せるけれど 正盎に蚀っお こんな小さなボヌトが 発芋されるずは思えない もうかなり氎没しおいお 芋えるのは甲板の䞀郚だけ 今 午前10時くらい もう䜕床転芆したかわからない 15分に1回は転芆しおいるず思う 巊腕が折れたかもしれない 波で ボヌトがバラバラになりそう ずっず祈っおいる 生きお垰れるかどうか わからないから (ドヌン)トリは遭難信号を発しお 近くを通った貚物船に 救助されたした 2か月埌 フランス沿岞で 挂っおいたボヌトが芋぀かりたした 私は新聞で読みたした 1998幎圓時 私はケンタッキヌ州 ルむビルに䜏む高校生でした 今はニュヌペヌクで ゜ングラむタヌをしおいたす 圌女の勇気が 頭から離れなかった私は その物語を元に ミュヌゞカル『ROW』を䜜りたした 家に垰ったトリは 気力を倱い 無䞀文でした 文明瀟䌚に戻るのに ― 苊劎しおいたした この堎面では 圌女が自宅で座っおいお 電話が鳎っおいたす 友達からです でも 䜕をどう話せばいいか わかりたせん 圌女は歌い始めたす タむトルは『Dear Heart』 (ギタヌ) 倢を芋おいた私は 出かけおいった 芋たこずもないような 矎しい堎所ぞ 私はゞブラルタルや 月明かりの䞭で茝く ケンタッキヌの星を芋お 埮笑んだ 目を芚たすず 空はどんよりず曇っおいた 歩いおパヌティヌに出かけるず 知り合いが 私のこずを理解しようず どこに行っおいたか たずねるけれど 私が芋おきたものは 蚀葉で説明なんかできない ねえ 聞いお しっかり聞いお 始めから ねえ 聞いお 海の圌方ぞ姿を消したっお きっず立ち盎れる 私が航海しおいた時 海が私を包み 私を揺らし 投げ出した 子どもみたいに 軜々ず でも今の私は重すぎる 慰めおくれるものもない 私の心は 流朚のように挂う 激しく 気たぐれに ねえ 聞いお しっかり聞いお 始めから ねえ 聞いお 海の圌方ぞ姿を消したっお きっず立ち盎れる その埌 トリは萜ち着きを 取り戻したした 再び友達ず出かけるようになりたした ある男性ず出䌚い 初めお恋に萜ちたした 新しい職を埗たした 雇い䞻は 圌女ず同じルむビル出身の モハメド・アリです ある日 アリず昌食をずっおいる時 トリは ある2人の女性が ボヌトで倧西掋を 枡ろうずしおいるず話したした 圌女が呜を萜ずしかけた挑戊です アリの答えは いかにも圌らしいものでした 「これから死ぬたで 倧西掋を暪断できなかった女のたたで いたくないだろう」 圌の蚀う通りです トリはアメリカン・パヌル号を再建し 1999幎12月に 成功したした (拍手)(ギタヌ) ありがずう
That's her boat, the American Pearl. It's 23 feet long and just six feet across at its widest point. The deck was the size of a cargo bed of a Ford F-150 pickup truck. Tori and her friends built it by hand, and it weighed about 1,800 pounds. Her plan was to row it alone across the Atlantic Ocean -- no motor, no sail -- something no woman and no American had ever done before. This would be her route: over 3,600 miles across the open North Atlantic Ocean. Professionally, Tori worked as a project administrator for the city of Louisville, Kentucky, her hometown, but her real passion was exploring. This was not her first big expedition. Several years earlier, she'd become the first woman to ski to the South Pole. She was an accomplished rower in college, even competed for a spot on the 1992 U.S. Olympic team, but this, this was different. Tori Murden McClure: Hi. It's Sunday, July 5. Sector time 9 a.m. So that's Kentucky time now. Dawn Landes: Tori made these videos as she rowed. This is her 21st day at sea. At this point, she'd covered over 1,000 miles, had had no radio contact in more than two weeks following a storm that disabled all her long-range communications systems just five days in. Most days looked like this. At this point, she'd rowed over 200,000 strokes, fighting the current and the wind. Some days, she traveled as little as 15 feet. Yeah. And as frustrating as those days were, other days were like this. TMM: And I want to show you my little friends. DL: She saw fish, dolphins, whales, sharks, and even some sea turtles. After two weeks with no human contact, Tori was able to contact a local cargo ship via VHF radio. TMM: Do you guys have a weather report, over? Man: Heading up to a low ahead of you but it's heading, and you're obviously going northeast and there's a high behind us. That'd be coming east-northeast also. TMM: Good. DL: She's pretty happy to talk to another human at this point. TMM: So weather report says nothing dramatic is going to happen soon. DL: What the weather report didn't tell her was that she was rowing right into the path of Hurricane Danielle in the worst hurricane season on record in the North Atlantic. TMM: Just sprained my ankle. There's a very strong wind from the east now. It's blowing about. It's blowing! After 12 days of storm I get to row for four hours without a flagging wind. As happy as I was this morning, I am unhappy now, so ... DL: After nearly three months at sea, she'd covered over 3,000 miles. She was two thirds of the way there, but in the storm, the waves were the size of a seven-story building. Her boat kept capsizing. Some of them were pitchpole capsizes, flipping her end over end, and rowing became impossible. TMM: It's 6:30 a.m. I'm in something big, bad and ugly. Two capsizes. Last capsize, I took the rib off the top of my ceiling with my back. I've had about six capsizes now. The last one was a pitchpole. I have the Argus beacon with me. I would set off the distress signal, but quite frankly, I don't think they'd ever be able to find this little boat. It's so far underwater right now, the only part that's showing pretty much is the cabin. It's about 10 a.m. I've lost track of the number of capsizes. I seem to capsize about every 15 minutes. I think I may have broken my left arm. The waves are tearing the boat to shreds. I keep praying because I'm not sure I'm going to make it through this. DL: Tori set off her distress beacon and was rescued by a passing container ship. They found her abandoned boat two months later adrift near France. I read about it in the newspaper. In 1998, I was a high school student living in Louisville, Kentucky. Now, I live in New York City. I'm a songwriter. And her bravery stuck with me, and I'm adapting her story into a musical called "Row." When Tori returned home, she was feeling disheartened, she was broke. She was having a hard time making the transition back into civilization. In this scene, she sits at home. The phone is ringing, her friends are calling, but she doesn't know how to talk to them. She sings this song. It's called "Dear Heart." When I was dreaming, I took my body to beautiful places I saw Gibraltar, and stars of Kentucky burned in the moonlight, making me smile. And when I awoke here, the sky was so cloudy. I walked to a party where people I know try hard to know me and ask where I've been, but I can't explain what I've seen to them. Ah, listen, dear heart. Just pay attention, go right from the start. Ah, listen, dear heart. but don't fall apart. Ooh ooh ooh, ah ah ah ah ah. Ah ah, rock me and throw me, light as a child. But now I'm so heavy, nothing consoles me. My mind floats like driftwood, wayward and wild. Ah, listen, dear heart. Just pay attention, go right from the start. Ah, listen, dear heart. but don't fall apart. Ooh. Eventually, Tori starts to get her feet under her. She starts hanging out with her friends again. She meets a guy and falls in love for the first time. She gets a new job working for another Louisville native, Muhammad Ali. One day, at lunch with her new boss, Tori shares the news that two other women are setting out to row across the mid-Atlantic, to do something that she almost died trying to do. His response was classic Ali: "You don't want to go through life as the woman who almost rowed across the ocean." He was right. Tori rebuilt the American Pearl, and in December of 1999, she did it. Thank you.
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At best, Russia is a potential partner in the effort to manage globalization’s challenges; at worst, it is a potential problem. What is certain is that how Russia develops will be a key factor determining the character of this century, no less than the last.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
結局は どこかで 誰かがやっおいるこずに ネット䞊で参加が出来るのなら わざわざ家を出る 必芁があるでしょうか?" 私は極地探怜家ずしお 玹介されるこずが倚いです ずおも今時な肩曞きだずは 思いたせんが 私は人生の2%を北極圏のテントで過ごしおいたす 芁は 私はよく倖出したす 私は本質的に 傍芳者や思玢家ではなく 行動を起こす人間です 今日探っおいくのは この二分性 アむデアずアクションの隔たりです 12幎間 ずっず私に付きたずっおいる ”なぜ?”ずいう質問の もっずもな解を芋぀けたのが 埌列 巊から2番目のしゃれた玳士 みなさんもご存じかず思いたすが ゞョヌゞ・リヌ・マロリヌです。 1924幎 圌ぱベレストの山頂近くで 雲の䞭に消えおいきたした 圌が゚ベレストに登った最初の 人間かもしれない ゚ドモンド・ヒラリヌの 30幎以䞊も前にです 真実は 未だ謎のたたですが 「そこに山があるから」 ずいう名蚀を残したずされおいたす 本圓に圌がそう蚀ったのかずいう 蚌拠はありたせん しかし実は 圌は他にもすばらしい蚀葉を 残しおいるのです 印刷しおきたので 読みたす ”たず1番はじめに問われお 私が必ず答えなければいけない 質問がこれです 䜕のために゚ベレストに登頂するのか? 即答です 䜕のためでもありたせん 埗なんおちっずもない 芋蟌もない たぁ 山の䞊での人間の 生呜珟象に぀いお 少しは分かるかもしれたせん そしお 医者たちが 私たちの発芋を 航空孊に掻かしおくれるかもしれたせん でも メリットはそれぐらいでしょう 金や銀の欠片を持っお垰る こずもありたせん 宝石や石炭や鉄もです 耕䜜できるような土地も芋぀かりたせん 本圓に䜕のためにもならない 人間には ゚ベレストからの挑戊に 反応し それに立ち向かう䜕かが あるずいうこず 䞊ぞ䞊ぞず登っおいかなければならない 山の厳しさは 人生の厳しさそのものでもあるこず それが理解できなければ 山に登る 理由なんお 芋圓たらないでしょう この冒険で手に入るのは 最高の喜び 人生を満たす 喜びです 私たちは 皌いだり食べるために 生きおいるのではない これらは人生を楜しむための 手段でしかない 人生は楜しむもの 楜しむためにあるのです” マロリヌの結論は 家を出お冒険に出るず 楜しい 喜びが溢れた䜓隓が できるずいうこずです しかし 私の経隓ず ぎったり䞀臎はしたせん 家から䞀番遠く離れたのは 2004幎の春のこずでした 未だに 自分の正気を疑いたすが 私のプランは 独りで揎助なしに 北極海を暪断するこずでした ロシアの北岞から 北極たで歩いお そのたた カナダの北岞に 向かう蚈画でした 史䞊初ぞの挑戊 圓時26歳でした 倚くの専門家に䞍可胜だず蚀われたした 母さんもなかなか玍埗しお くれたせんでした シベリア北岞のある小さな芳枬所から 最終的な出発点であった パックアむスの端 北極海偎の岞たで5時間かかりたした 恐れ知らずのフェリックス・ バりムガルトナヌが スカむダむビングのために 気球で䞊昇するのを芋た人ならば 北ぞず向かうヘリに乗り蟌み 差し迫った運呜のこずを考える 私の䞍安がどんなものだったか おわかりでしょう 自分はなんおこずをしおいるのだず 考えおいたした ただ26歳だった私には 旅を満喫する䜙裕はありたせん ヘリからそりを芋䞋ろしおいたした スキヌも衛星電話も シロクマに襲われた時の ショットガンもありたす 窓の倖を眺めおいるず 私たちの2台のヘリは 目を奪うようなシベリアの倜明けの なかを飛んでいたした 私の半分は りィルフレッド・セシゞャヌず ゞェむ゜ン・ボヌンをかけ合わせた気分 もう半分は 誇らしい気持ちもありたしたが 完党にビビッおいたこずを芚えおいたす 暪断の旅は10週間 72日間かかりたした ずっず1人でした この写真はヘリの暪で撮ったものです それ以降 10週間誰にも 䌚わなかったのです 北極は広い海の真ん䞭にあるので 北極海の凍った氎面を 歩いおいるわけです NASAの芳枬史䞊 最悪の倩候のなか 180キロの食材・燃料・消耗品を 匕いお進みたした ポンドに換算するず 400ポンドくらいです 10週間の平均気枩が-35°Cでした -50°Cたで䞋がったこずもありたした 楜しいこずなんお少しもありたせん しかし 玠敵な䜓隓もありたした 私は海の䞊を歩いおいたした 北極海を挂流しおいる 氷の塊の䞊をです 倉化が絶えない環境でした 海を挂う氷塊は 厩れおはたた固たり 姿かたちを倉え続けたす 3か月間 私が目にした景色は 私だけのものです 埌にも先にも 同じ景色は 二床ずないのですから これが家から出る最倧の理由でしょう 経隓を蚀葉で䌝えるこずはできたすが 実際の味わいは分からないでしょう 540䞇平方マむルの土地に人間が1人 どれほど孀独だったのか -75°Cの極寒で襲っおくる雚颚 その寒さなど 䌝えようがないのです 䌝えきれる蚀葉がありたせん 私が思うには 間接的に 芋たり考えたりするより 自分で行動する ぀たり 䜕かを䜓隓し 埓事し 挑戊したほうが 人生に充実感が湧き 思う存分に 人生を楜しめるでしょう だが 䞀぀忠告がありたす 私の経隓から蚀うず 人類の限界ギリギリぞの挑戊 この味は知っおしたうず 癖になる これは銬鹿げた ゚ドワヌド王颚の 冒険だけでなく 膵臓がんにも関係あるのです 䜕かしらの䞭毒性があるのです 私にずっお 極地探玢はコカむン䞭毒ず よく䌌おいるず思いたす 説明できないけど 䞀床やるず はたっおしたう すべおの財産を費やし すべおの人間関係をダメにしおしたう だから 䜕をするかには泚意が必芁だ 人間には 山からの挑戊に立ち向かう ”䜕か”があるずマロリヌは蚀うが その”䜕か”は挑戊するこずそのもの 特に 私たち人類を埅ち構えおいるような 誰も成功したこずのない 倧挑戊に立ち向かうこず その行動にあるのではないか ず私は考えたす ただケリを付けおいない挑戊が 倧人になっおから ずっず私に 付きたずっおいる みなさんは この話を知っおいるず思いたす これはスコット隊長ず探怜隊の写真です 圌らは 今から100幎ちょっず前に 䞖界初の南極点到達を目指し 出発したした 圓時 南極は地図もない 未知の䞖界でした 月に関する知識はあっおも 南極に぀いおは無知でした 知っおの通り スコットたちは 犬ぞりを䜿ったロアヌル・アムンセン 率いるノルりェヌ隊に 先を越されおしたいたした スコットたちは埒歩で 党員自らそりを匕っ匵っお 南極点を目指したした 着いたずきには 既にノルりェヌ旗が 刺さっおいたした ひどい倱望を味わったこずでしょう 匕き返しお 海岞ぞ戻ろうずした垰路で 5人党員が死亡したした 探玢や冒険をするずころはもうない ず 倚くの珟代人が誀解しおいたす 南極に぀いお話しおいお よく蚀われるのが 「この前 そこで自転車旅を しおいる番組芋たよ」 ずか 「あら!私の祖母は来幎 南極クルヌズに行くよ もしかしお 䌚うかもね」 ずか しかし スコットの旅はただ終わっおいない 南極倧陞の䞀番端から南極点たで 埒歩で埀埩できた人は ただいたせん おそらく ゚ドワヌド王の探怜黄金時代で もっずも倧胆な挑戊だず蚀えるでしょう 今䞖玀のなに䞍自由ない生掻 壊血病から゜ヌラヌ発電たで すべお誰かの挑戊によっお 完成した結果なのです だから 私は挑んで行きたす 来幎の10月 䞉人のチヌムを率いお 4か月をかけお埀埩しおみたす 瞮尺した地図です 赀線が 南極点ぞの埀路 そしお回れ右をしお たた戻りたす 自分が蚀ったこずに矛盟しおいる かもしれないが 私たちがブログをしたりツむヌトしたり それにより 今日のネットを通しお みなさんも疑䌌䜓隓ができたす そしお この4か月の機䌚に 「なぜ」ずいう質問に 答えを芋぀け出しおきたす こんなに安党で快適な 生掻を送っおいる珟代 探怜家が必芁ずされおいない時代です 孊校の進路盞談でも 探怜家なんお遞択肢はなかったです 䟋えば 倩の川にある星の数や むヌスタヌ島にある モアむ像の幎霢を 知りたいず思ったら 座ったたたでも すぐに調べるこずができたす しかし 私の12幎間にもわたる 寒いずころで重い荷物を運ぶ 経隓から孊んだこずは 真の感激 成長が 苊劎や努力からしか生たれない 快適ない぀もの生掻から離れ 未知の䞖界に螏み蟌んで 手に入るものです 誰にだっお人生で 乗り越えるべき壁や たどり着くべき目暙がありたす 比喩的な話ではありたすが 勇気を出しお 家の倖に出る回数を 少し増やすだけで なにか埗るこずがあるはずです ドアを開け 倖の䞖界を探玢したしょう それは 私からのお願いです ありがずうございたした
I'm usually introduced as a polar explorer. I'm not sure that's the most progressive or 21st-century of job titles, but I've spent more than two percent now of my entire life living in a tent inside the Arctic Circle, so I get out of the house a fair bit. And in my nature, I guess, I am a doer of things more than I am a spectator or a contemplator of things, and it's that dichotomy, the gulf between ideas and action that I'm going to try and explore briefly. The pithiest answer to the question "why?" that's been dogging me for the last 12 years was credited certainly to this chap, the rakish-looking gentleman standing at the back, second from the left, George Lee Mallory. Many of you will know his name. In 1924 he was last seen disappearing into the clouds near the summit of Mt. Everest. He may or may not have been the first person to climb Everest, more than 30 years before Edmund Hillary. No one knows if he got to the top. It's still a mystery. But he was credited with coining the phrase, "Because it's there." Now I'm not actually sure that he did say that. There's very little evidence to suggest it, but what he did say is actually far nicer, and again, I've printed this. I'm going to read it out. "The first question which you will ask and which I must try to answer is this: What is the use of climbing Mt. Everest? And my answer must at once be, it is no use. There is not the slightest prospect of any gain whatsoever. Oh, we may learn a little about the behavior of the human body at high altitudes, and possibly medical men may turn our observation to some account for the purposes of aviation, but otherwise nothing will come of it. We shall not bring back a single bit of gold or silver, and not a gem, nor any coal or iron. with crops to raise food. So it is no use. If you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won't see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy, and joy, after all, is the end of life. We don't live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means, and that is what life is for." Mallory's argument that leaving the house, embarking on these grand adventures is joyful and fun, however, doesn't tally that neatly with my own experience. The furthest I've ever got away from my front door was in the spring of 2004. I still don't know exactly what came over me, but my plan was to make a solo and unsupported crossing of the Arctic Ocean. I planned essentially to walk from the north coast of Russia to the North Pole, and then to carry on to the north coast of Canada. No one had ever done this. I was 26 at the time. A lot of experts were saying it was impossible, and my mum certainly wasn't very keen on the idea. The journey from a small weather station on the north coast of Siberia up to my final starting point, the edge of the pack ice, the coast of the Arctic Ocean, took about five hours, and if anyone watched fearless Felix Baumgartner going up, rather than just coming down, you'll appreciate the sense of apprehension, as I sat in a helicopter thundering north, and the sense, I think if anything, of impending doom. I sat there wondering what on Earth I had gotten myself into. There was a bit of fun, a bit of joy. I was 26. I remember sitting there looking down at my sledge. I had my skis ready to go, I had a satellite phone, a pump-action shotgun in case I was attacked by a polar bear. I remember looking out of the window and seeing the second helicopter. We were both thundering through this incredible Siberian dawn, and part of me felt a bit like a cross between Jason Bourne and Wilfred Thesiger. Part of me felt quite proud of myself, but mostly I was just utterly terrified. And that journey lasted 10 weeks, 72 days. I didn't see anyone else. We took this photo next to the helicopter. Beyond that, I didn't see anyone for 10 weeks. The North Pole is slap bang in the middle of the sea, so I'm traveling over the frozen surface of the Arctic Ocean. NASA described conditions that year as the worst since records began. I was dragging 180 kilos of food and fuel and supplies, about 400 pounds. The average temperature for the 10 weeks was minus 35. Minus 50 was the coldest. So again, there wasn't an awful lot of joy or fun to be had. One of the magical things about this journey, however, is that because I'm walking over the sea, over this floating, drifting, shifting crust of ice that's floating on top of the Arctic Ocean is it's an environment that's in a constant state of flux. The ice is always moving, breaking up, drifting around, refreezing, so the scenery that I saw for nearly 3 months was unique to me. No one else will ever, could ever, possibly see the views, the vistas, that I saw for 10 weeks. And that, I guess, is probably the finest argument for leaving the house. I can try to tell you what it was like, but you'll never know what it was like, and the more I try to explain that I felt lonely, I was the only human being in 5.4 million square-miles, it was cold, nearly minus 75 with windchill on a bad day, the more words fall short, and I'm unable to do it justice. And it seems to me, therefore, that the doing, you know, to try to experience, to engage, to endeavor, rather than to watch and to wonder, that's where the real meat of life is to be found, the juice that we can suck out of our hours and days. And I would add a cautionary note here, however. In my experience, there is something addictive about tasting life at the very edge of what's humanly possible. Now I don't just mean in the field of daft macho Edwardian style derring-do, but also in the fields of pancreatic cancer, there is something addictive about this, and in my case, I think polar expeditions are perhaps not that far removed from having a crack habit. I can't explain quite how good it is until you've tried it, but it has the capacity to burn up all the money I can get my hands on, to ruin every relationship I've ever had, so be careful what you wish for. that responds to the challenge of the mountain, and I wonder if that's the case whether there's something in the challenge itself, in the endeavor, and particularly in the big, unfinished, chunky challenges that face humanity that call out to us, and in my experience that's certainly the case. There is one unfinished challenge that's been calling out to me for most of my adult life. Many of you will know the story. This is a photo of Captain Scott and his team. Scott set out just over a hundred years ago to try to become the first person to reach the South Pole. No one knew what was there. It was utterly unmapped at the time. We knew more about the surface of the moon than we did about the heart of Antarctica. Scott, as many of you will know, was beaten to it by Roald Amundsen and his Norwegian team, who used dogs and dogsleds. Scott's team were on foot, all five of them wearing harnesses and dragging around sledges, and they arrived at the pole to find the Norwegian flag already there, I'd imagine pretty bitter and demoralized. All five of them turned and started walking back to the coast and all five died on that return journey. it's all been done in the fields of exploration and adventure. When I talk about Antarctica, people often say, "Hasn't, you know, that's interesting, hasn't that Blue Peter presenter just done it on a bike?" Or, "That's nice. You know, my grandmother's going on a cruise to Antarctica next year. You know. Is there a chance you'll see her there?" But Scott's journey remains unfinished. No one has ever walked from the very coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back again. It is, arguably, the most audacious endeavor of that Edwardian golden age of exploration, and it seemed to me high time, given everything we have figured out in the century since from scurvy to solar panels, that it was high time someone had a go at finishing the job. So that's precisely what I'm setting out to do. This time next year, in October, I'm leading a team of three. It will take us about four months to make this return journey. That's the scale. The red line is obviously halfway to the pole. We have to turn around and come back again. I'm well aware of the irony of telling you that we will be blogging and tweeting. You'll be able to live vicariously and virtually through this journey in a way that no one has ever before. And it'll also be a four-month chance for me to finally come up with a pithy answer to the question, "Why?" And our lives today are safer and more comfortable than they have ever been. There certainly isn't much call for explorers nowadays. My career advisor at school never mentioned it as an option. If I wanted to know, for example, how many stars were in the Milky Way, how old those giant heads on Easter Island were, most of you could find that out right now without even standing up. And yet, if I've learned anything in nearly 12 years now of dragging heavy things around cold places, it is that true, real inspiration and growth only comes from adversity and from challenge, from stepping away from what's comfortable and familiar and stepping out into the unknown. In life, we all have tempests to ride and poles to walk to, and I think metaphorically speaking, at least, we could all benefit from getting outside the house a little more often, if only we could summon up the courage. I certainly would implore you to open the door just a little bit and take a look at what's outside. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「それじゃ、今日も元気に行きたしょヌ!」 ミシェルちゃんが倧きく腕を振り䞊げ、宣蚀する。久しぶりにレティヌナに狩りに出れお、テンションが䞊がっおいるようだった。 「嬢ちゃんはい぀も元気だな。い぀も䌚っおないから、どれくらい違うかわからんが?」 「その矛盟だらけの発蚀に意味はあるのか?」 「ねぇよ?」 街を出おすぐの堎所、街道沿いの森ずの境目のような堎所でが集たっおいた。 ミシェルちゃんずクラりド、レティヌナ、マテりス。そしおなぜかサリノァン。 「あの、俺なんでたた呌ばれたんスかね?」 「しかたないでしょ。だっおあなたくらいしか斥候こなせる人がいないんですもの」 ミシェルちゃんずクラりドはサリノァンずは初芋だったが、圌の情報が俺を監犁堎所ぞ誘導したこずは知らせおある。 「で、ワシらはなぜ、こんなにこそこそしおおるのかの?」 「芋぀かったら、ミシェルちゃんたちの蚓緎にならないだろ」 「なら戻っお修業の続きをすればよかろうに」 「バカ野郎! マテりスずミシェルちゃんを䞀緒にしお攟っおおけるか!」 「ハ?」 俺ずマクスりェルは、森の陰にこそこそ隠れながら、ミシェルちゃんを監芖しおいた。 ちなみにフィニアは、そんな俺たちを生暖かい目で芋぀぀も、止めずに送り出しおくれた。圌女は䞀人で屋敷の掃陀ず、修業の続きをやるらしい。 どうも最近、俺の株がフィニアの䞭で暎萜しおいる気がしないでもない。 「芋ろ、あの男の芖線を! ミシェルちゃんの胞に釘付けじゃねぇか」 「うむ、倧きく育ったものじゃな。お䞻もかなわんくらいじゃ」 「............俺のこずは攟っおおいおくれ」 「たあ、あそこたで存圚感があれば、そりゃ芖線くらい誘匕もされようお」 先ほどからサリノァンずマテりスの芖線がちらちらずミシェルちゃんの胞元に向かっおいる。 奎ではミシェルちゃんを守り切れるか、いささか心配だった。 「特にサリノァン! 奎は日頃から女にだらしない。ミシェルちゃんの巚乳を目にしおたずもでいられるずは思えない」 「お䞻ずいう男は......いや、女は......」 俺の興奮具合にマクスりェルは額に手を圓おお嘆息する。いや、気配だけしか䌝わらないが。 「少々、心配性が過ぎるんじゃないかのう?」 「そんなこずない、念には念を入れおいるだけだ」 「その慎重さを少しでも自分に向ければ、コルティナやフィニア嬢の心配も枛るじゃろうに」 「ここでその名前を出すのはズルい」 「子䟛みたいに膚れっ面をするでない。あざず過ぎるわ」 俺ずマクスりェルは、慌おおその埌を远っおいく。 森の䞭を慎重に進むこず、およそ䞀時間。先行するサリノァンが動きを止めお埌ろに぀くミシェルちゃんたちに合図を送っおいた。 「お、どうやら発芋したみたいだぞ」 「やれやれ、マテりスも぀いおおるから、心配なぞいらんだろうに」 「俺が気にしおんのはそこじゃねぇし」 蚀い぀぀も、俺の芖線はミシェルちゃんたちから離れない。 ミシェルちゃんずレティヌナはその埌ろに着き、い぀でもサポヌトできる䜍眮に移動しおいた。 ここたでは、俺ず組んでいた時ず倉わらない動きだ。 サリノァンが発芋した獲物は、ダチョりに䌌た走鳥系の猛獣でモりルずいうモンスタヌだった。 しかし性栌は枩厚で、自ら進んで人に襲い掛かるこずはないため、冒険者の蚎䌐察象からは陀倖されおいた。 「確かに肉はあっさりしおお矎味いんだけど、危険床は高いぞ」 しかし殺傷力の高さも䟮れない。ミシェルちゃんやレティヌナなら、䞀撃で戊闘䞍胜にされおしたうだろう。 クラりドが防げばいいだけの話ではあるが、圌の䜓重はただ軜く、あっさり跳ね飛ばされる可胜性がある。 「おいおい、倧䞈倫か? マテりスは......」 心配する俺をよそに、マテりスは錻歌混じりで剣をだらりず降ろしたたただった。 「あのバカ、䜕やっおんだ!」 「埅たんか」 その盎埌、レティヌナから魔法が飛び、モりルの動きが止たった。 その䞀閃は、動きを止めたモりルの県球を易々ず突き砎り、脳髄を抉っお絶呜させた。 「おぬしは仲間を過小評䟡しすぎじゃ。圌女たちはもう、お䞻が導いおやるレベルを超越しずる」 的確に、最小限の嚁力の魔法で動きを止めお芋せたレティヌナに、圌女が䜜ったスキを逃さず射抜くミシェルちゃん。 「圌女たちももう倧人......ずいうにはいささか䞍安があるが、それでもお䞻があれこれ心配しおやる歳でもあるたい。いい加枛匟子離れする時期じゃよ」 にこやかにハむタッチを亀わすレティヌナずミシェルちゃんを芋ながら、マクスりェルが諭しおくる。 「......そうかもな」 圌女たちの成長を倖から眺め、初めお実感できた。 その間にも、クラりドずマテりスが協力しおモりルを吊るし䞊げお血抜きをし、解䜓の準備を進めおいる。 これ以䞊近付くず、俺はずもかくマクスりェルが芋぀かりそうだ。 「マクスりェル」 「垰るか」 「そうじゃな」 䜕ずなく寂しい気持ちを残し぀぀、俺たちはその堎を埌にしたのだった。
“Alright, let’s work up our spirits and go!” Michelle raised her hands high up and declared. She was pretty excited since she could go out hunting with Letina first time in a while. Cloud on the other hand was slumping his shoulders hard with a dejected expression. He seemed quite against the idea of teaming up with Mateus. “You’re as cheerful as ever. Then again, it’s not like we meet all the time, so I don’t really know what’s normal?” “Is there a point in speaking in contradictions?” “Not really?” The five of them gathered up near the borderline before the forest next to the highway that was just outside the city. It was; Michelle, Cloud, Letina, Mateus, and for some reason, Sullivan. “Um, why did you call me here again?” “There was no other way. We don’t have any other scouts but you.” Michelle and Cloud were seeing Sullivan for the first time, but I had already let them know that it was his information that guided me to where they were confined. So the two weren’t wary towards him. “So, why are we being so sneaky now?” “It wouldn’t be training if they spotted us.” “Then we should go back and focus on your studies instead.” “You fool! Like I can just leave Mateus with Michelle!” “Huh?” Maxwell and I hid in the forest and observed Michelle. Maxwell didn’t have stealth abilities, so he was using the Conceal spell. Incidentally, Finia didn’t stop us and sent us off with lukewarm eyes. She was apparently going to clean the mansion and continue studying on her own. I couldn’t help but think that my value in her heart was falling down hard lately. “Look at where those guys are looking! Their eyes are nailed on Michelle’s chest!” “Ah yes, they have grown quite a bit. She has you completely beat.” “.........Leave me out of this.” “Well, they have such a presence, so it is natural for your gaze to be drawn to them.” Sullivan and Mateus were stealing glances at Michelle’s chest since a while ago. It was true that in front of her pure and cheerful charm and her glamorous body, few men would not look at her like that. So it wasn’t totally out of the picture for someone to be driven by those emotions and do something when they were in a forest with no people. Cloud could be careless here and there, as proven by the previous incident. I was somewhat worried about whether he would be able to protect Michelle properly. “Especially that Sullivan! He’s always slovenly towards girls. I can’t imagine him remaining normal when he has Michelle’s rack before his eyes.” “You are a man...or a woman... like no other.” Maxwell sighed while holding his forehead at my agitated state. I mean, I could only feel his presence. “Are you not being a little too paranoid?” “Not at all, there’s no such thing as being too careful.” “If you directed some of that caution to yourself, Cortina and Finia would have it less hard.” “Don’t go calling names now.” “Stop sulking like a child. You are too sly.” As Maxwell sighed, I smacked him on the head while relying on my presence sense. As we continued like this, Michelle’s group headed into the forest. We hurriedly followed after them. They continued to carefully make their way through the forest for about an hour. Sullivan, who was leading them, stopped and signaled the rest behind. He seemed to have found prey. “Oh, looks like they found something.” “Good grief, Mateus is with them, so there is no need to worry.” “That’s not what I’m worried about.” As I spoke, my gaze was still fixed on their group. Sullivan guided the rest of them while Cloud and Mateus stood side by side. Michelle and Letina were behind them, positioned so they would be able to offer support at a moment’s notice. So far it was the same as how we did it when they partied up with me. The prey that Sullivan found was a big racing bird-type game that looked like an ostrich—a monster called Moul. It was over three meters tall and had a protuberance on the head, that it used as its main weapon, to raise the offensive power of the head-butts. It was both fast and had a high head-butt power, so it was classified as quite dangerous. However, it was gentle in nature, so it never attacked people on its own, and was omitted from being a subjugation target of the Adventurers. “Its meat is certainly light and delicious, but its danger level is quite high.” A skilled hunter would fight it by taking refuge high up on a tree. But its lethality couldn’t be underestimated. Michelle and Letina would get taken out with one attack. Cloud just needed to protect them, but he was still a lightweight, so it was possible for him to easily be swept aside. “Hey now, will this really be okay? What’s Mateus doing...” While I worried, Mateus hummed and lowered his swords to the ground. I couldn’t sense any will to fight from his posture. “What the f̲u̲c̲k̲ is that dumbass doing!” “Can you just wait.” Maxwell grabbed my shoulder as I was about to rush out. Immediately after, Letina shot her spell and Moul’s stopped in place. Michelle soon followed up by shooting her arrow. That flash of light pierced through the Moul’s eyeball, boring into its brain and killing it instantly. “You are really underestimating your comrades. They are no longer at the level where you need to guide them.” More accurately, Letina stopped its movements using a spell with minimum needed firepower, and Michelle shot it using that opening. These two were certainly beyond a level where I needed to instruct them. They had grown from friends I had to guide, to friends I could trust my back to. “It is perhaps still a little uncertain to claim that they have grown up... However, they are not young enough for you to show such worry. It is about time for them to graduate from being your students.” Maxwell warned me while watching Letina and Michelle doing a cheerful high-five. Cloud and Sullivan unexpectedly had no turn, but I couldn’t care less honestly. I mean, I guess that was a bit too harsh, but it was still a trivial problem. “...You might be right.” Observing them from the outside, I realized this for the first time. In the meantime, Cloud and Mateus cooperated and hung the Moul up to drain it, and got ready to butcher it. Sullivan remained vigilant of the surroundings. If we approached any further, me aside, Maxwell could get spotted. “Maxwell.” “Yes?” “Should we go back?” Feeling somewhat lonely on the inside, the two of us left the place behind.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 24, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ただ厄介なこずに 私たちは 䜕事も 自らの色県鏡を通しお 芋おしたいたす ビヌルみたいな 単玔なものでさえそうです 䜕皮類か ビヌルを テむスティングしお 「濃さ」や「苊味」で 評䟡をしたずしたしょう ビヌルの評䟡は きれいに ばらけるはずです これを客芳的にしたら どうでしょう? ビヌルの堎合は ずおも簡単にできたす ブラむンド・テむスティングです 同じようにしお 同じビヌルを味わっおも 目隠しをしおいるず ちょっず様盞が倉わっおきたす ほずんどのビヌルが 同じ評䟡になり 味の区別ができなくなりたす もちろん ギネスは䟋倖です 生理機胜に぀いおも 同じように考えられたす 人間の期埅が生䜓機胜に もたらす効果は䜕でしょう? 䟋えば 鎮痛剀を売るのに 「高䟡な薬」ず䌝えた堎合ず 「安い薬」ず䌝えた堎合ずでは 「高䟡な薬」のほうが よく効きたした なぜ 痛みが より和らいだかずいうず 期埅するこずで 生理的効果に 違いが生たれるからです もちろん スポヌツでも 䞻芳が圱響したす 特定のチヌムのファンだったら そのチヌムの立堎でしか ゲヌム展開が 芋られなくなりたすよね これらに共通しおいるのは 私たちが目にする䞖界は 先入芳や期埅感で 色付けされおしたうずいうこずです これが もっず重い問題― 瀟䌚正矩に関わる問題だったら どうでしょう? 私のチヌムが取り䞊げたのは 「䞍平等」に察する芋方 これをブラむンド・テむスティング圢匏で 怜蚌したした 具䜓的には 䞍平等に焊点を圓お 倧芏暡なアンケヌト調査を行い アメリカなど様々な囜で 2぀の質問をしたした 「珟圚 どれくらいの 䞍平等があるず思うか?」 「どれくらいの䞍平等が 望たしいか?」 たず1぀目の質問に぀いお 考えおみたしょう アメリカにいる人を党員 最も貧しい人から 最も豊かな人たで 右から巊ぞ䞊べるずしたす そしお5぀のグルヌプに分けたす 最も貧しい20% そしお次の20% その次 その次 そしお最富裕局の20%ずいう具合にです そしお 各グルヌプに どれくらいの富が 集たっおいるず思うか 尋ねたす シンプルに 質問をこうしたしょう 䞋の2぀のグルヌプ 最も貧しい40%には どれくらいの富があるでしょう? 少し時間を取っお 数字を出しおみおください 普段は考えたせんからね ちょっず考えお 具䜓的な数字を甚意しおください よろしいですか? 倚くのアメリカ人の答えは こうです 最䞋局20%には 党䜓の富の2.9% 次のグルヌプには6.4% あわせお9%超です 次のグルヌプには12% その次は20% そしお最富裕局20%には 58%の富があるず考えおいたした 皆さんの答えず 比べおみおください さお 珟実はどうでしょう? 珟実は少し違いたす 最䞋局20%の持おる富は 党䜓の0.1% 次の20%は0.2% あわせお0.3%です その次が3.9% 11.3%ず来お 最も豊かな局が 84〜85%の富を有したす 珟実ず 私たちの認識には 倧きな隔たりがあるのです では 私たちが望む姿は どうでしょう? そもそも どうすれば 分かるでしょうか? これを調べるにあたり― 私たちの理想を調べるにあたり 哲孊者 ゞョン・ロヌルズのこずを 思い起こしたした ゞョン・ロヌルズは 公正な瀟䌚に぀いお こう考えおいたした 公正な瀟䌚ずは その瀟䌚に぀いお すべおを知り尜くした䞊で どの立堎であっおも その䞀員になりたい瀟䌚であるず 矎しい定矩ですね 普通 裕犏な人は 「富める者にはより倚くの富を 貧しい者にはより少なく」ず考え 貧しければ より平等を求めるものです でも ここで仮定しおいる瀟䌚では あなたは どの立堎になるか わかりたせんから あらゆる堎面を 考えなければいけたせん ブラむンド・テむスティングに 少し䌌おいたす 決断するずきには 結果がどうなるか芋えないからです ロヌルズはこれを 「無知のノェヌル」ず呌びたした さお 私たちは 新たに アメリカ人をたくさん集め 無知のノェヌルの状態で 質問をしたした 「これから ある囜の䞀員になるずしたす どの立堎になるかは分かりたせん どんな囜ならいいず思いたすか?」 こちらが その結果です 最初のグルヌプ 最䞋局20%に どれくらいの富を 垌望したでしょう? 箄10%の富の配分を 求めたした 次のグルヌプには14% 21、22、32ずいう結果でした このずきの被隓者は 誰も完党な平等は望みたせんでした 誰も 瀟䌚䞻矩がすばらしい ずは思わなかったようです どういうこずでしょう? 私たちが持っおいるものに関しお 珟実ず認識の間には ギャップがありたすが 同じくらい倧きなギャップが 私たちの考える理想ず 認識ずの間にもあるずいうわけです ちなみに これらの質問は 富に぀いおだけでなく ほかのこずにも 圓おはたりたす 私たちは 䞖界各地の人たちに さきほどの質問を 投げかけたしたが リベラル掟、保守掟にかかわらず 基本的に同じような答えが 返っおきたした 金持ち、貧乏人も同じ答えで 男性ず女性も 公共ラゞオNPR愛奜者 フォヌブズ誌の読者も同様でした むギリス、オヌストラリア アメリカでも ずおも䌌通った回答を埗たした 倧孊のいろんな孊郚でも 聞いおみたした ハヌバヌド倧孊の ほが党孊郚を蚪ねたした ハヌバヌド・ビゞネス・スクヌルでさえ 事実 富裕局をより豊かに 貧しい人はより貧しくずいう人は少数で この類䌌性は驚くべきものでした ハヌバヌド・ビゞネス・スクヌル出身の方も おられたすよね 他のこずに぀いおも 同じ質問をしおみたした 瀟長の絊料に察しお 非熟緎劎働者の絊料はどれくらいか 人々が考えおいる割合はこうです では どれくらいの割合が ふさわしいず考えるか 実際はどうか芋おみたしょう 珟実はどうかずいうず それほど悪くはないでしょう? 赀ず黄色の面積は それほど違いたせんね でも実は これは同じ尺床で 描いおいないんです 実際は黄、青色の郚分は 芋えないくらい小さいんです では 富がもたらす 他の圱響はどうでしょう? 富は 財産だけの話ではないのです こんなこずも聞きたした― 健康は? 医者にかかっお薬がもらえるかは? 平均寿呜は? 新生児の平均䜙呜は? これらに察しお 望たしいず思う配分ずは? 若者の教育は? 高霢者の生涯孊習は? わかったのは これら すべおに共通する結果ですが 誰も富の䞍平等を 奜たないずいうこずです 富の産物である䞍平等ですが 人々がさらに嫌がる䞍平等は 他にもありたす 䟋えば 健康や教育の䞍平等です さらに 行為䞻䜓者性の䜎い人 ぀たり 小さな子䟛や 赀ちゃんに起こる 䞍平等の是正に぀いおは 人は特に賛同しやすいこずも 分かりたした 子䟛には自らの眮かれた状況に 責任がないず考えるからです さお ここから 䜕が孊べるでしょうか? 珟実ずの間には2぀の栌差 「認識のギャップ」ず 「期埅のギャップ」がありたす 認識のギャップに぀いお 私たちが探っおいるのは 人々をどう教育しおいくかです 䞍平等や 䞍平等がもたらすもの― 健康、教育、劬み、犯眪率など― それらぞの認識を どう改めさせるかです そしお期埅のギャップに぀いおは 自らが真に望むものぞの考えを どう倉えさせるかです ロヌルズの定矩 ロヌルズ流の䞖界の芋方 ブラむンド・テむスティング方匏は 思考から 利己的な動機を 消し去っおくれたす もっず倧きなスケヌルで より高い次元で それを実行するには どうすればよいでしょう? 最埌に「行動のギャップ」もありたす これらに察しお 実際に どう行動するかです 答えの䞀぀ずしお あげられるのは 自立しおいない小さな子どものこずを 考えるこずです そのほうが やりやすいからです 今床 皆さんが ビヌルやワむンを飲みに行くずき たずは考えおみおください 自らの経隓のなかで 「珟実」がどれで 「期埅から来るプラシヌボ効果」 はどれなのか 考えおみおください そしおそれが 人生における決断― 願わくば 私たち皆に圱響する 政策的問題においお どんな意味を持぀のか 考えおみおください ありがずうございたした
The problem is that we have these color-tinted glasses as we look at all kinds of situations. For example, think about something as simple as beer. If I gave you a few beers to taste and I asked you to rate them on intensity and bitterness, different beers would occupy different space. But what if we tried to be objective about it? In the case of beer, it would be very simple. What if we did a blind taste? Well, if we did the same thing, you tasted the same beer, now in the blind taste, things would look slightly different. Most of the beers will go into one place. You will basically not be able to distinguish them, and the exception, of course, will be Guinness. Similarly, we can think about physiology. What happens when people expect something from their physiology? For example, we sold people pain medications. Some people, we told them the medications were expensive. Some people, we told them it was cheap. And the expensive pain medication worked better. It relieved more pain from people, because expectations do change our physiology. And of course, we all know that in sports, if you are a fan of a particular team, you can't help but see the game develop from the perspective of your team. So all of those are cases in which our preconceived notions and our expectations color our world. But what happened in more important questions? What happened with questions that had to do with social justice? So we wanted to think about what is the blind tasting version for thinking about inequality? So we started looking at inequality, and we did some large-scale surveys around the U.S. and other countries. So we asked two questions: Do people know what kind of level of inequality we have? And then, what level of inequality do we want to have? So let's think about the first question. Imagine I took all the people in the U.S. and I sorted them from the poorest on the right to the richest on the left, and then I divided them into five buckets: the poorest 20 percent, the next 20 percent, the next, the next, and the richest 20 percent. And then I asked you to tell me how much wealth do you think is concentrated in each of those buckets. So to make it simpler, imagine I ask you to tell me, how much wealth do you think is concentrated in the bottom two buckets, the bottom 40 percent? Take a second. Think about it and have a number. Usually we don't think. Think for a second, have a real number in your mind. You have it? Okay, here's what lots of Americans tell us. They think that the bottom 20 percent has about 2.9 percent of the wealth, the next group has 6.4, so together it's slightly more than nine. The next group, they say, has 12 percent, 20 percent, and the richest 20 percent, people think has 58 percent of the wealth. You can see how this relates to what you thought. Now, what's reality? Reality is slightly different. The bottom 20 percent has 0.1 percent of the wealth. The next 20 percent has 0.2 percent of the wealth. Together, it's 0.3. The next group has 3.9, 11.3, and the richest group has 84-85 percent of the wealth. So what we actually have and what we think we have are very different. What about what we want? How do we even figure this out? So to look at this, to look at what we really want, we thought about the philosopher John Rawls. If you remember John Rawls, he had this notion of what's a just society. He said a just society is a society that if you knew everything about it, you would be willing to enter it in a random place. And it's a beautiful definition, because if you're wealthy, you might want the wealthy to have more money, the poor to have less. If you're poor, you might want more equality. But if you're going to go into that society in every possible situation, and you don't know, you have to consider all the aspects. It's a little bit like blind tasting in which you don't know what the outcome will be when you make a decision, and Rawls called this the "veil of ignorance." So, we took another group, a large group of Americans, and we asked them the question in the veil of ignorance. What are the characteristics of a country that would make you want to join it, knowing that you could end randomly at any place? And here is what we got. What did people want to give to the first group, the bottom 20 percent? They wanted to give them about 10 percent of the wealth. The next group, 14 percent of the wealth, 21, 22 and 32. Now, nobody in our sample wanted full equality. Nobody thought that socialism is a fantastic idea in our sample. But what does it mean? It means that we have this knowledge gap between what we have and what we think we have, but we have at least as big a gap between what we think is right to what we think we have. Now, we can ask these questions, by the way, not just about wealth. We can ask it about other things as well. So for example, we asked people from different parts of the world about this question, people who are liberals and conservatives, and they gave us basically the same answer. We asked rich and poor, they gave us the same answer, men and women, NPR listeners and Forbes readers. We asked people in England, Australia, the U.S. -- very similar answers. We even asked different departments of a university. We went to Harvard and we checked almost every department, and in fact, from Harvard Business School, where a few people wanted the wealthy to have more and the [poor] to have less, the similarity was astonishing. I know some of you went to Harvard Business School. We also asked this question about something else. We asked, what about the ratio of CEO pay to unskilled workers? So you can see what people think is the ratio, and then we can ask the question, what do they think should be the ratio? And then we can ask, what is reality? What is reality? And you could say, well, it's not that bad, right? The red and the yellow are not that different. But the fact is, it's because I didn't draw them on the same scale. It's hard to see, there's yellow and blue in there. So what about other outcomes of wealth? Wealth is not just about wealth. We asked, what about things like health? What about availability of prescription medication? What about life expectancy? What about life expectancy of infants? How do we want this to be distributed? What about education for young people? And for older people? And across all of those things, what we learned was that people don't like inequality of wealth, but there's other things where inequality, which is an outcome of wealth, is even more aversive to them: for example, inequality in health or education. We also learned that people are particularly open to changes in equality when it comes to people who have less agency -- basically, young kids and babies, because we don't think of them as responsible for their situation. So what are some lessons from this? We have two gaps: We have a knowledge gap and we have a desirability gap And the knowledge gap is something that we think about, how do we educate people? How do we get people to think differently about inequality and the consequences of inequality in terms of health, education, jealousy, crime rate, and so on? Then we have the desirability gap. How do we get people to think differently about what we really want? You see, the Rawls definition, the Rawls way of looking at the world, the blind tasting approach, takes our selfish motivation out of the picture. How do we implement that to a higher degree on a more extensive scale? And finally, we also have an action gap. How do we take these things and actually do something about it? I think part of the answer is to think about people like young kids and babies that don't have much agency, because people seem to be more willing to do this. To summarize, I would say, next time you go to drink beer or wine, first of all, think about, what is it in your experience that is real, and what is it in your experience that is a placebo effect coming from expectations? And then think about what it also means for other decisions in your life, and hopefully also for policy questions that affect all of us. Thanks a lot.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺は党員に説明する。 「魔法ラヌニングずは違うんだ。ただ芋お真䌌られるっおだけだ」 「それはそれですごいですね」 そんなこずを話しおいる間に、ドルゎの魔法が完了する。 あっずいう間に通話の腕茪が䜜られた。 人族の魔法技術でも、通話の腕茪は䜜るこずが出来る。 高䟡だが店で買えるぐらいだ。そこたでレアではない。 ずはいえ、これほど玠早く䜜るこずは人族の魔法技術では無理だ。 「ラックさん。必芁があれば、お芋せした魔法を䜿っお通話の腕茪を䜜っおいただいおも構いたせんよ」 「ありがずうございたす」 ドルゎは完成した通話の腕茪をリヌアず䟍埓長に枡した。 そしお操䜜法などを説明する。 リヌアは通話の腕茪を手にもっお感激しおいた。 尻尟も盛んに䞊䞋に揺れおいる。 「もし襲撃があれば、すぐラックにご連絡するね」 「はい。襲撃だけじゃなく、甚があればい぀でもどうぞ」 「そんな。いいのかしら?」 その埌、非垞事態の連絡手段などを話し合っおから、屋敷に戻った。 ゚リックずゎランはそれぞれ仕事に行った。 ケヌテはさがろうずしたが、ドルゎに連れお行かれた。 そしお、俺は自宀でゆっくりするこずにした。 暪にいるのはガルノずゲルベルガさただけだ。 ガルノはベッドの䞊にあおむけに寝っ転がる。 あっずいう間に眠っおしたった。 「ガルノは寝るのが早いな」 子犬ならぬ子狌なので、睡眠時間が長いのかもしれない。 ゲルベルガさたは俺のひざの䞊に座っおきた。 俺はゲルベルガさたを撫でながら、昏き者どものこずを考える。 今、昏き者どもは氎竜の集萜を狙っおいるらしい。 恐らく、愚者の石の補造に成功したず考えたほうがいいだろう。 そしお、忘れおはならないのは至高の王だ。 ケヌテの宮殿を襲ったノァンパむアから至高の王ずいう存圚がいるず聞いた。 おそらくノァンパむア・ハむロヌドより䞊䜍の、ノァンパむアどもの王なのだろう。 至高の王の配䞋は、颚竜王の宮殿を襲い竜族の遺跡を持っおいた。 氎竜を襲っおいる昏き者どもも、至高の王の配䞋ず考えたほうがいいだろう。 王郜における昏き者どもも忘れおはならない。 どちらにしろ、政暩䞭枢に近いずころに入り蟌んでいる気配がある。 官憲に圱響力を持っおいるのは確実だ。 王郜の昏き者どもに䞎するものは、マスタフォン䟯爵家を占拠しおいた。 そしおフィリヌに愚者の石を䜜らせた。 カビヌノのような悪党に歊噚を集めさせ、ご犁制のハムを保管させおいた。 颚竜王の宮殿を襲った者たちよりも、王郜の昏き者どもが匱いのは確実だろう。 だが、王郜の䞭に入り蟌んでいる時点で、非垞に厄介だ。 おそらく、倚数の人族を䜿圹しおいるに違いない。 なぜ、人族が昏き者どもに䞎するのかも謎である。 「ふむぅ」 「こ?」 ゲルベルガさたが俺の指をくちばしであたがみする。 俺はゲルベルガさたに語り掛ける。 「王郜の昏き者どもの調査は枢密院に任せるしかないからなヌ」 俺にやれるこずは限られる。 調査などは埗意な機関に任せる方がいい。 きっず、いた党力で調べおくれおいるのだろう。 「ずりあえず今は氎竜を守るこずに党力を尜くすしかないか」 「む? どうした?」 「ロックさん、ちょっずいいかしら」 「セルリスか。どうした?」 俺はゲルベルガさたを抱いたたた、立ち䞊がるず扉を開ける。 「いた、時間あるかしら......。剣の緎習に付き合っおほしいのだけど......」 「いいぞ。庭にいこう」 「ありがずう!」 セルリスは嬉しそうに埮笑んだ。 「ガルノは......。寝かせおおいおやるか」 気持ちよさそうに寝おいるのを起こしおもかわいそうだ。 俺はガルノを郚屋に残すず、ゲルベルガさたを抱いお、庭に行くこずにした。 庭はかなり広いので、こういう時は助かる。 セルリスに庭ぞず向かう途䞭、シアずニアを芋かけた。 「ニア。いたからセルリスず剣の緎習をするのだが、䞀緒にどうだ?」 「いいのですか?」 「もちろんだ」 ニアは俺の埒匟だ。しかも冒険者。 剣は教えたい。 「あの! あたしも芋孊させおほしいでありたす」 庭に行くず、たずはセルリスず皜叀を始める。 重い朚剣を䜿っお打ち合うのだ。 「セルリス、筋がいいな」 「はぁはぁ......ありがずうございたす!」 息切れしながらも、セルリスは懞呜に朚剣をふるう。 速いし切れもいい。以前より匷くなっおいるず思う。 しばらく打ち合っお、セルリスの朚剣を匟き飛ばす。 「次。ニア、来い」 ニアはただ小さいのに優秀だ。 筋がいい。獣人らしい筋肉のしなやかさがある。 ニアの次はシアだ。シアずも剣で打ち合う。 䞀時間埌、セルリス、ニア、シアは息を切らしおひざを぀く。 「持久力が足りないな」 「ロ、ロックさんの䜓力が異垞でありたすよ」 「頑匵りたす!」 「先は長いわ......」
And so I explained it to everyone. “This isn’t Magic Learning. I’m just copying it after watching.” “But that’s still impressive in itself.” As we talked like this, Dorgo finished casting the spell. And so the communication bracelets were finished in no time. Magic technology of humans could also create such bracelets. They were even sold in stores, though they were very expensive. But at least they were not rare. That being said, human magic was not capable of making them this quickly. “Mister Ruck. I would not mind at all if you used this magic to make more bracelets, if you find the need.” “Thank you.” Dorgo then gave the finished bracelets to Leea and the Grand Chamberlain. Then he taught them how to use it. Leea looked very impressed by it. Her tail was wagging excitedly. “I’ll contact you as soon as the enemy attacks.” “Yes. Contact us anytime if you need help, not just when under attack.” “Really? Are you sure?” “Of course.” After discussing it a little further, we returned to the mansion. Eric and Goran went back to their work. Kathe tried skip her own duties, but Dorgo dragged her away. And I decided to rest in my room for a while. Only Grulf and Lord Gerberga were close by. Grulf was resting on the bed. He had fallen asleep in no time. “You fall asleep so fast, Grulf.” Perhaps he slept so much because he was still a wolf cub. Lord Gerberga was perched on my lap. I stroked his feathers and thought about the dark ones. The dark ones were currently targeting the water dragon settlement. It was very likely that they had succeeded in producing the Fool’s Stone. And then there was this Most High King. The vampires who had attacked Kathe’s palace had told me about him. I believed this person was a vampire king who was stronger than any Vampire High Lord. The Most High King’s subordinates had been raiding dragon ruins and had attacked the palace of the Wind Dragon Ruler. The dark ones who were attacking the water dragons were likely also doing it under his command. And then there were dark ones inside of the royal capital. In any case, there was reason to believe that they had gotten quite close to the center of government. It was clear that they had some influence on certain officials. The dark ones had even taken over Marquis Mastafon’s house. And then they had forced Philly to make the Fool’s Stone. Villains like Kabino collected weapons for them and stored their forbidden ham. It was clear that the dark ones inside of the city were quite weak compared to the ones who attacked the wind dragon palace. However, it was incredibly dangerous that there were any in the city to begin with. They must be using quite a few humans as servants. But it was still a mystery as to why any humans would want to help them. “Hmmm.” “Cluck?” Lord Geberga nibbled at my fingers. “Well, I don’t have much choice but to leave the investigation to the privy council...” There wasn’t much I could do. Investigations should be left to organizations that were good at it. They were probably doing everything that they could now. “I guess I’ll just concentrate on protecting the water dragons now.” As I talked to Lord Gerberga, someone knocked on the door. “Hmm? Who is it?” “Mister Locke. Do you mind if I come in?” “Serulis. Is something wrong?” The door opened just as I held Lord Gerberga and stood up. “I hope you have time... I wanted to ask if you would help with my sword practice...” “Sure. Let’s go to the garden then.” “Thank you!” Serulis smiled happily. “Grulf is... Hmm, we’ll let him sleep.” I would feel bad if I woke him up when he was sleeping so soundly. And so I left him and took Lord Gerberga with me to the garden. It was times like this that I was thankful that it was very big. I saw Nia and Shia on our way there. “Nia. Serulis and I are going to do some sword practice now. Want to join us?” “Do you mean it?” Nia was my apprentice. And an Adventurer. I wanted to teach her. “Oh! Can I come and watch you?” And so we went to the garden and Serulis’s training began. We would fight with heavy wooden swords. “Serulis, you have a natural aptitude.” “Hhhh...hahh...thank you!” While quite out of breath, Serulis swung the sword earnestly. She was quick and steady in her movements. A definite improvement from before. After a few more swings, Serulis’s sword went flying out of her grasp. “Alright, next. Nia, come.” Nia was still small but very good. She also was a natural, and her movements were smooth, like many beastkin. After Nia, was Shia. She too wanted to practice. After an hour had passed, Serulis, Nia and Shia were all out of breath and on their knees. “I don’t have enough stamina.” “Mi-mister Locke’s energy is just abnormal.” “I’ll do my best!” “It’s going to be a long road...”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
昔撮った写真をお芋せしながら 人生を振り返り 今ここに到るたでのお話ししたいず思いたす 元をたどるず党おは 䞀台のコンピュヌタヌから始たりたした コンピュヌタヌをお持ちの方はいたすか どうやら皆さんお持ちですね 携垯電話もコンピュヌタヌず蚀えたす この孊習垳を芚えおいる人はいたすか 「すぐできる Apple」 本の折り蟌みチラシです 初期のコンピュヌタヌに ゜フトりェアは含たれおいなかったので 買っお来お家のコンセントを぀ないただけでは どうするこずもできたせんでした 自分でプログラムを組む必芁があり よくできたチュヌトリアルがありたした 本圓に良くできたものです これはApple IIのHerbieです よくできおいたした Java本もこんなふうに䜜るべきだず思いたす そうすればプログラムを孊ぶのに苊劎はいりたせん 圓時はコンピュヌタヌの黎明期で コンピュヌタヌの未開時代ず蚀えたす そんな時代が 私の幌少期でした 私はシアトルの豆腐屋で育ちたした 家業のある家で育った人はいたすか 生き地獄に苊しみながら いたすね 生き地獄はいいものです そう思いたせんか 家業の豆腐屋が私の人生を 倉えたした 母はある意味デザむナヌで 店の壁いっぱいに豆腐料理の写真を貌っお お客さんを混乱させたした 豆腐レストランだず勘違いさせおしたったのです ブランディングの倱敗䟋です そんな環境で私は育ちたした シアトルの小さな豆腐屋です この小さな郚屋で育ったようなものです 写真には成長した私が映っおたす 父は「冒険野郎マクガむバヌ」のような人で モノを重くする方法を発案したりしたした コンクリヌトブロック技術を駆䜿しお 豆腐は圧をかけるための重石を必芁ずしたす 豆腐は元は液䜓のようなもので 重い物で圧力をかけお 氎分を抜いお固くする必芁があるからです 豆腐は元はこんな倧きな塊で 父は手でこれを切り分けおいたした 家業に぀いおは蚀葉では語り尜くせたせん 父はずおもずおも誠実な人でした 雚の日にスヌパヌマヌケットSafewayに行き 滑っお腕をケガしたしたが急いで店を出たした 店の名に泥を塗りたくなかったのです 父は腕をケガし 2週間働く事ができなかったので 私たち兄匟は父に代わっお 党おの事をする必芁がありたした たさに生き地獄ずはこの事です 私たちは父が 豆腐に重石をのせ 切る姿を芋おいたした 鮮やかな包䞁裁きでスッスッスッず 私が初めおやった時はこうなりたした ひどい出来でした この豆腐屋が私の原点です お店で働くのはずおもき぀かったので 孊校が奜きでした たるで倩囜でした 孊校での成瞟は良く MITに行くこずになりたした 芞術的な人は 䞡芪から 芞術的であるなず蚀われたりしたせんか 同じように 私は矎術ず数孊が埗意でしたでが父は 「ゞョンは数孊が埗意だ」ず蚀っおいたした MITでは数孊を専攻しおいたしたが この玠晎らしい機䌚が巡っおきたした コンピュヌタヌがちょうど芖芚的になり始め Appleのマッキントッシュが出た時期でした MITに通っおいた私は Macを所有しおいお どちらに進むか悩む分岐点にいたした 良いタむミングでした 初めお手がけた゜フトりェアは Aldus PageMaker ずなりたした その前には 出版システムを䜜っおいたした これがきっかけずなり 2぀のものを混ぜ合わせる楜しさに目芚めたした 若さ故の問題ずいうのは 党おの孊生に蚀える事ですが すぐ頭でっかちになっおしたうずいうこずです アむコンを䜜っおいるずきは自分が アむコンマスタヌになった気分でした 「オレはできるんだ」っおな感じで そしお幞運にも 私は図曞通ぞ行く機䌚に恵たれおおり この本ず 出䌚いたした ポヌル・ランドの"Thoughts on Design"です ご芧になった事があるかもしれたせんが 薄い本で 著者自身に぀いお曞かれおいたす 圌は偉倧なグラフィック・デザむナヌで 䜜家ずしおも有名です 圌の䜜品を芋た時 私のデザむンがいかに酷いものか デザむンず蚀っおもいいものか気づかされ 情熱ず共に远い求める事ができる キャリアゎヌルのようなものが浮かびたした それから私はMITを卒業し 修士を修め 矎術孊校に行きたした デザむンを始め 箞の包装玙やナプキン メニュヌなど 扱えるものはなんでもデザむンしたした ずにかく手を動かしたした デザむンを䞖に出す瞬間はずおも䞍思議な気分です その時のこずを今でも良く芚えおいたす 芚えおいたすか?ずおも壮快ですよね 自分のデザむンが䞖に出お 本に取り䞊げられるのは快感です その埌 䞍思議な事に コンピュヌタヌはい぀も私の悩みの皮で そればかり考えおいたした 理解できなかったのです ポヌル・ランドは気難しいデザむナヌでした 良いフランスパンのようなものでしょうか 圌の本にこう曞いおありたす むェヌルの孊生が こう蚀いたした 「私はコンピュヌタヌの䜿い方ではなくデザむンを孊びにきたした 」 デザむン孊校は聞き入れたした 80幎代のこずです コンピュヌタヌ人間ず非コンピュヌタヌ人間の 衝突です ずおも難しい時代でした これはランドから私ぞの重芁なメッセヌゞで 圓時コンピュヌタヌに手を出すきっかけになりたした これが私の最初の真剣勝負です Adobe Illustratorのようなものを䜜成したした Illustratorのように描く事ができたす 䜜成するのは結構難しく 1ヶ月を芁したした それから 機胜远加を怜蚎したした ポむントは 鳥が飛ぶように 自由に動くずいうこずです 安定性に倉曎を加え 小さなダむダルでコントロヌルできるようにし バタバタ動き続ける状態を䜜りたした 1993幎のこずです 教授達はこれを芋お 激怒したした 教授:「なぜ動くのだ?」 教授:「止めなさい」ず 私は「動いおいるずいう事がポむントなんです」ず蚀い 圌は「い぀止たるんだ」ず蚀いたした 私が「止たる事はありたせん」ず蚀うず 圌はさらに䞍機嫌になり「今すぐ止めなさい」ず蚀いたした 私はこのアむディアに぀いおさらに研究を進めたした このコンピュヌタヌずいう䞍思議なメディアは䜕ものだろう 印刷物でないし ビデオでもない 氞遠に続く ずおも䞍思議なメディア 私はこれを もっず探求し始めたした 日本では人による実隓をしたした この実隓は良い䟋ではないですが 孊生にはペンを枡したす 青 èµ€ 緑 黒のペンがあり ひずりが座り絵の描き方を指瀺したす 圌の蚀った事に察しお笑っおいたす 絵はめちゃくちゃになりたした 人間は泚文を受ける方法がわからないのです その点 コンピュヌタヌはずおも䞊手です 圌は1床に2本で描く方法を突き止めたした あなたはこれ きみはこれを描いおず 耇数のペンで䞀床に描けたす 我々の手で行なうには困難な事です 誰かがここからひらめきを埗お 座暙系を導入したした このように物事は起こるのです 最終的に家を描きたしたが 単玔なものです これがコンピュヌタヌで蚀うずころの X, Yシステムです 驚きですね この埌 人で構成されるコンピュヌタヌを䜜りたした 名付けお「人力コンピュヌタヌ」です 1993幎のこずです 音を䞋げおください このコンピュヌタヌの郚品は人です 壁の埌ろにはディスクドラむブ CPU グラフィックカヌド メモリヌシステムがありたす 圌らは巚倧なフロッピヌディスクを取り䞊げ コンピュヌタヌに挿入しおいたす フロッピヌにはプログラムが保存されおいたす 圌女がフロッピヌを装着し それをディスク郚門に匕き枡し コンピュヌタヌが起動し始めたす コンピュヌタヌの仕組みはこうなっおいたす この人力コンピュヌタヌを䜜成したずきに コンピュヌタヌがいかに高速であるかずいう事に気づかされたした 人力でも圌女ず呚囲の人々がずおも頑匵っお動けば 速い結果を出す事ができたすが 䞀床に䞀぀の事しか凊理できたせん マりスを動かすずスクリヌンが倉わりたす 通垞マりスを動かすず同時にカヌ゜ルが動きたすが この人力コンピュヌタヌではマりスを動かすず カヌ゜ルが動くのに1時間半かかりたす この差です コンピュヌタヌの驚くべきスピヌドを 感じおいただけたかず思いたす これはその埌 他の䌚瀟ず開発したものです 1996幎にSonyず開発したもので このSony3Hデバむスは 音に反応したす マむクに向かっお話すず ヘッドフォンを通しお音楜が流れ 電話を通じお話すずビデオが起動したす この技術の入り亀じった補品を 他の方法で実隓しおみたした この広告を手がけたした 酒は信甚しおいないのですが時々飲みたす これはシャネル たた別のプロゞェクトです そしお䞀぀気づいたこずは 私は䜜るのが奜きだずいう事です 人は皆䜜るのが奜きで 楜しいものです 私はスタッフを抱えた事はありたせん すべお自分の手で䜜っおいたす このボロボロの手で 私のこの手はむナミ・ナオミ氏に 圱響を受けたした 私の垫匠のような人です 東京のデゞタルメディアプロデュヌサヌ第䞀人者で 圌が私を芋぀け デゞタルメディアの䞖界ぞ匕き蟌みたした 圌はずおも刺激的な人物で ある時 午前2時に圌のスタゞオを蚪ねるず 圌は耇数のクラむアントず䌚議䞭でした 圌は私のずころに来お 「私がいれば 党お䞊手くいく」ず蚀い ずおも気が楜になりたした 忘れられないのは 圌が突然 動脈瘀で倒れ 意識䞍明になったこずです 3幎間 たばたきしかできたせんでした そのずき気づかされたした 私たちが身にたずっおいる この身䜓ず心はなんお儚いんだず そしお もっず䜕ができるのか 今埌の人生の過ごし方に぀いお考えたした 圌が気づかせおくれたした より泚意深くコンピュヌタヌに぀いお考えるようになり こんな事を考えおいたした コンピュヌタヌにはプログラムがあり 瞊暪ずいった動きに反応したす 各々のコンピュヌタヌプログラムが これら党おのむメヌゞを持っおいたす この角にあるプログラムに 芋れるように 䞀床に拡げるこずができたす 真の同時性で 我々の動きずは異なりたす 我々はベクトルにそっお動くこずに慣れおいたす このプログラムはすべお同時です コンピュヌタヌは非垞に倚くの次元に圚りたす 同時に私に挫折感を抱かせたす 私がどんなデザむン矎術孊校に行こうずも か぀お「コンピュヌタヌ・ラボ」がありたした 1990幎代埌半のこずです バヌれルにある 玠晎らしいグラフィックデザむン孊校です これは荒れ攟題でボロボロの 陰鬱なコンピュヌタヌルヌムです これが私の求めおいたゎヌルだろうか 我々が求めおいるものだろうかず考え始め たた マシンに魅了され始めたした バヌれルにあったコピヌ機から気づかされたのは 我々が盞互䜜甚にいかに時間を費やしおきたかずいう事です これはタッチスクリヌンのようなもので なぜ 5カ所しかタッチしないのかに泚目し なぜ あらゆる堎所で盞互䜜甚を無駄にしおいるのかず 疑問がわきたした それから この音 ThinkPadに電話の真䌌をさせる事ができるず発芋したした 䌌おたせんか? 䌌おない? ロヌガン空枯ではこんな発芋をしたした 呌びかけおくるような音です たるで牛の鳎き声 朝4時のこずです 䞍思議に思いたした 目の前にある このコンピュヌタヌずいう物は䜕なのか さっぱり分かりたせんでした これは別のシリヌズものです 地䞋宀にあった叀いコンピュヌタで䜜りたした 叀いマッキントッシュを集め 郚品を䜿い異なる䜜品を東京で䜜りたした 私はコンピュヌタヌそのものに興味がなくなり PalmPilotを䜿っお絵画を制䜜したした このシリヌズです PalmPilotを絵の䞭倮にもっおきお ディスプレむのようにしおいたす 私は䜕者でしょうか 抜象的な人です そのもの自䜓の抜象ずは䜕なのか考え続けたした それからプラスチックに魅了され 4ヶ月をかけお8぀のブロックを䜜りたした 完党な光孊透過です 䞀皮のストレス発散です それから青テヌプに興味が湧き サンフランシスコのコミュニティカレッゞで ブルヌな画家の青テヌプ展を行ないたした そんな私を芋お劻が心配し始めたので 青テヌプでの創䜜は蟞め 他のこずを考え始めたした もちろんコンピュヌタヌに぀いおも 今はずおも小さくなっおいたす ワンチップコンピュヌタヌです このチップにプログラムを組蟌み PCボヌドから取り倖したLEDで LED像を䜜り始めたした 䞻端子盀から取り倖したものです むタリア展芧䌚甚のlight boxシリヌズです ずおもシンプルな箱で ボタンを䞀぀抌すずLEDの光が舞いたす これはランプシリヌズの匁圓箱ランプです これは食玩の米ランプです ずおも和みたす 昚幎ロンドンで行なったiPodの䜜品展は iPodを玠材ずしお䜿いたした 16個のiPod nanoで nano魚を䜜りたした これは最近 Reebokシュヌズの䜜品 これは趣味です これら党おはあなたにもできる事です 私が䞀番奜きなのは 䞖界を䜓隓し 味わうこずです 䞖界はずおも矎味です 我々は矎術通に行き 党おを味わったず思っおいたすが それは違いたす 党おは倖の䞖界にありたす ゚ッフェル塔の手前や ルヌブル矎術通の呚囲だったり これは自然の力が私に写真を撮らせたもので 自然にぎったり90床になっおいたす このような䞍思議な瞬間がいたるずころにあり 私たちは皆 芞術家なのです この遺䌝子を心に抱えおいるのです この玠晎らしい感じ どうにも止める事ができたせん これぞ い぀でもどこでも矎術通です これは昚幎 岬で拟ったものです アヌトずデザむンの方皋匏を芋぀けたした äžž 四角 䞉角に芋えたす ビヌチのいたるずころにあり 集めお䞊べおみたした 元の堎所に戻したしたけど それから 双子の生き別れの石も芋぀けたした これも同じように いったい䜕があったの?ず 䞀緒にしお戻しおおきたした 3幎前にM-I-T の綎りを発芋したした "simplicity and complexity" にありたした 私の母校MITです M・ナむト・シャマランの映画のようですね 「ぉお これは私がやらねば」ず思い 情熱をもっお取り組みたした しかし最近 このロヌドアむランドデザむン倧孊の話があり なかなか心を決められずにいたした MITのこずがずっず頭から離れたせんでした しかし「存圚理由」ずいう意味のフランス語 "raison d'être"をよく芋おみるず RISDが珟れたした これはいけるず確信し RISDに行くこずにしたした RISD卒業生いたすか いたすね 玠晎らしい! もちろんアヌトセンタヌも玠晎らしい所です 私は今RISDに熱䞭しおいるずころです そのお話をしたす 「RISDずは...」 これは孊校の倖で だれか孊生が壁に曞いたもので RISDは䜕なのか知りたがっおいたす RISDのあるべき姿はさっぱり芋えおいたせん この先どうなりたいのかも 実は私は 技術者ですが技術があたり奜きではありたせん 「気」のようなものでしょうか 人々は RISDに未来はあるかず蚪ねたすが 私は「未来がRISDに远い぀くのです」ず答えたす 私が考えおいる課題は どうやっお䞖界を技術的にするかではなく もっず人に優しくするかずいうこずです RISDは䞍思議なDNAを持っおいお 䞍思議な掻力 神秘的な䞖界で溢れおいたす 䞖界は今それに魅力を感じ ずおも必芁ずしおいるのです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
So, I'm going to, like, go through some slides from way back when, and walk through them to give you a sense of how I end up here. So, basically it all began with this whole idea of a computer. Who has a computer? Yeah. O.K., so, everyone has a computer. Even a mobile phone, it's a computer. And -- anyone remember this workbook, "Instant Activities for Your Apple" -- free poster in each book? This was how computing began. Don't forget: a computer came out; it had no software. You'd buy that thing, you'd bring it home, you'd plug it in, and it would do absolutely nothing at all. So, you had to program it, and there were great programming, like, tutorials, like this. I mean, this was great. It's, like, you know, Herbie the Apple II. It's such a great way to -- I mean, they should make Java books like this, and we've have no problem learning a program. But this was a great, grand time of the computer, when it was just a raw, raw, what is it? kind of an era. And, you see, this era coincided with my own childhood. I grew up in a tofu factory in Seattle. Who of you grew up in a family business, suffered the torture? Yes, yes. The torture was good. Wasn't it good torture? It was just life-changing, you know. And so, in my life, you know, I was in the tofu; it was a family business. And my mother was a kind of a designer, also. She'd make this kind of, like, wall of tofu cooking, and it would confuse the customers, because they all thought it was a restaurant. A bad sort of branding thing, or whatever. But, anyway, that's where I grew up, in this little tofu factory in Seattle, and it was kind of like this: a small room where I kind of grew up. I'm big there in that picture. That's my dad. My dad was kind of like MacGyver, really: he would invent, like, ways to make things heavy. Like back here, there's like, concrete block technology here, and he would need the concrete blocks to press the tofu, because tofu is actually kind of a liquidy type of thing, and so you have to have heavy stuff to push out the liquid and make it hard. Tofu comes out in these big batches, and my father would sort of cut them by hand. I can't tell you -- family business story: you'd understand this -- my father was the most sincere man possible. He walked into a Safeway once on a rainy day, slipped, broke his arm, rushed out: he didn't want to inconvenience Safeway. So, instead, you know, my father's, like, arm's broken for two weeks in the store, and that week -- now, those two weeks were when my older brother and I had to do everything. And that was torture, real torture. Because, you see, we'd seen my father taking the big block of tofu and cutting it, like, knife in, zap, zap, zap. We thought, wow. So, the first time I did that, I went, like, whoa! Like this. Bad blocks. But anyways, the tofu to me was kind of my origin, basically. And because working in a store was so hard, I liked going to school; it was like heaven. And I was really good at school. So, when I got to MIT, you know, as most of you who are creatives, your parents all told you not to be creative, right? So, same way, you know, I was good at art and good at math, and my father says, he's -- John's good at math. I went to MIT, did my math, but I had this wonderful opportunity, because computers had just become visual. The Apple -- Macintosh just came out; I had a Mac in hand when I went to MIT. And it was a time when a guy who, kind of, it was a good time. And so, I remember that my first major piece of software was on a direct copy of then-Aldus PageMaker. I made a desktop publishing system way back when, and that was, kind of, my first step into figuring out how to -- oh, these two sides are kind of fun to mix. And the problem when you're younger -- for all you students out there -- is, your head gets kind of big really easy. And when I was making icons, I was, like, the icon master, and I was, like, yeah, I'm really good at this, you know. And then luckily, you know, I had the fortune of going to something called a library, and in the library I came upon this very book. I found this book. It's called, "Thoughts on Design," by a man named Paul Rand. It's a little slim volume; I'm not sure if you've seen this. It's a very nice little book. It's about this guy, Paul Rand, who was one of the greatest graphic designers, and also a great writer as well. And when I saw this man's work, I realized how bad I was at design, or whatever I called it back then, and I suddenly had a kind of career goal, So I kind of switched. I went to MIT, finished. I got my masters, and then went to art school after that. And just began to design stuff, like chopstick wrappers, napkins, menus -- whatever I could get a handle on: sort of wheel-and-deal, move up in the design world, whatever. And isn't it that strange moment when you publish your design? Remember that moment -- publishing your designs? Remember that moment? It felt so good, didn't it? So, I was published, you know, so, wow, my design's in a book, you know? After that, things kind of got strange, and I got thinking about the computer, because the computer to me always, kind of, bothered me. I didn't quite get it. And Paul Rand was a kind of crusty designer, you know, a crusty designer, like a good -- kind of like a good French bread? You know, he wrote in one of his books: "A Yale student once said, 'I came here to learn how to design, not how to use a computer.' Design schools take heed." This is in the '80s, in the great clash of computer/non-computer people. A very difficult time, actually. And this to me was an important message from Rand. And so I began to sort of mess with the computer at the time. This is the first sort of play thing I did, my own serious play. I built a working version of an Adobe Illustrator-ish thing. It looks like Illustrator; it can, like, draw. It was very hard to make this, actually. It took a month to make this part. And then I thought, what if I added this feature, where I can say, this point, you can fly like a bird. You're free, kind of thing. So I could, sort of, change the kind of stability with a little control there on the dial, and I can sort of watch it flip around. And this is in 1993. And when my professors saw this, they were very upset at me. They were saying, Why's it moving? They were saying, Make it stop now. Now, I was saying, Well, that's the whole point: it's moving. And he says, Well, when's it going to stop? And I said, Never. And he said, Even worse. Stop it now. I started studying this whole idea, of like, what is this computer? It's a strange medium. It's not like print. It's not like video. It lasts forever. It's a very strange medium. So, I went off with this, and began to look for things even more. And so in Japan, I began to experiment with people. This is actually bad: human experiments. I would do these things where I'd have students become pens: there's blue pen, red pen, green pen, black pen. And someone sits down and draws a picture. They're laughing because he said, draw from the middle-right to the middle, and he kind of messed up. See, humans don't know how to take orders; the computer's so good at it. This guy figured out how to get the computer to draw with two pens at once: you know, you, pen, do this, and you, pen, do this. And so began to have multiple pens on the page -- again, hard to do with our hands. And then someone discovered this "a-ha moment" where you could use coordinate systems. We thought, ah, this is when it's going to happen. In the end, he drew a house. It was the most boring thing. It became computerish; we began to think computerish -- the X, Y system -- and so that was kind of a revelation. And after this I wanted to build a computer out of people, called a human-powered computer. So, this happened in 1993. Sound down, please. It's a computer where the people are the parts. I have behind this wall a disk drive, a CPU, a graphics card, a memory system. They're picking up a giant floppy disk made of cardboard. It's put inside the computer. And that little program's on that cardboard disk. So, she wears the disk, and reads the data off the sectors of the disk, and the computer starts up; it sort of boots up, really. And it's a sort of a working computer. And when I built this computer, I had a moment of -- what is it called? -- the epiphany where I realized that the computer's just so fast. This computer appears to be fast - she's working pretty hard, and people are running around, and we think, wow, this is happening at a fast rate. And this computer's programmed to do only one thing, which is, if you move your mouse, the mouse changes on the screen. On the computer, when you move your mouse, that arrow moves around. On this computer, if you move the mouse, it takes half an hour for the mouse cursor to change. To give you a sense of the speed, the scale: the computer is just so amazingly fast, O.K.? And so, after this I began to do experiments for different companies. This is something I did for Sony in 1996. It was three Sony "H" devices that responded to sound. So, if you talk into the mike, you'll hear some music in your headphones; if you talk in the phone, then video would happen. So, I began to experiment with industry in different ways with this kind of mixture of skills. I did this ad. I don't believe in this kind of alcohol, but I do drink sometimes. And Chanel. So, getting to do different projects. And also, one thing I realized is that I like to make things. We like to make things. It's fun to make things. And so I never developed the ability to have a staff. I have no staff; it's all kind of made by hand -- these sort of broken hands. And these hands were influenced by this man, Mr. Inami Naomi. This guy was my kind of like mentor. He was the first digital media producer in Tokyo. He's the guy that kind of discovered me, and kind of got me going in digital media. He was such an inspirational guy. I remember, like, we'd be in his studio, like, at 2 a.m., and then he'd show up from some client meeting. He'd come in and say, you know, If I am here, everything is okay. And you'd feel so much better, you know. And I'll never forget how, like, but -- I'll never forget how, like, He went into a coma. And so, for three years he was out, and he could only blink, and so I realized at this moment, I thought, wow -- how fragile is this thing we're wearing, this body and mind we're wearing, and so I thought, How do you go for it more? How do you take that time you have left and go after it? So, Naomi was pivotal in that. And so, I began to think more carefully about the computer. This was a moment where I was thinking about, so, you have a computer program, it responds to motion -- X and Y -- and I realized that each computer program has all these images inside the program. that program you're seeing in the corner, if you spread it out, it's all these things all at once. It's real simultaneity. It's nothing we're used to working with. We're so used to working in one vector. This is all at the same time. The computer lives in so many dimensions. And also, at the same time I was frustrated, because I would go to all these art and design schools everywhere, and there were these, like, "the computer lab," you know, and this is, like, in the late 1990s, and this is in Basel, a great graphic design school. And here's this, like, dirty, kind of, shoddy, kind of, dark computer room. And I began to wonder, Is this the goal? Is this what we want, you know? And also, I began to be fascinated by machines -- you know, like copy machines -- and so this is actually in Basel. I noticed how we spent so much time on making it interactive -- this is, like, a touch screen -- and I noticed how you can only touch five places, and so, "why are we wasting so much interactivity everywhere?" became a question. And also, the sound: I discovered I can make my ThinkPad pretend it's a telephone. You get it? No? O.K. And also, I discovered in Logan airport, this was, like, calling out to me. Do you hear that? It's like cows. This is at 4 a.m. at Logan. So, I was wondering, like, what is this thing in front of me, this computer thing? It didn't make any sense. So, I began to make things again. This is another series of objects made of old computers from my basement. I made -- I took my old Macintoshes and made different objects out of them from Tokyo. I began to be very disinterested in computers themselves, so I began to make paintings out of PalmPilots. I made this series of works. They're paintings I made and put a PalmPilot in the middle as a kind of display that's sort of thinking, I'm abstract art. What am I? I'm abstract. And so it keeps thinking out loud of its own abstraction. I began to be fascinated by plastic, so I spent four months making eight plastic blocks perfectly optically transparent, as a kind of release of stress. Because of that, I became interested in blue tape, so in San Francisco, at C.C., I had a whole exhibition on blue tape. I made a whole installation out of blue tape -- blue painters' tape. And at this point my wife kind of got worried about me, so I stopped doing blue tape and began to think, Well, what else is there in life? And so computers, as you know, these big computers, there are now tiny computers. They're littler computers, so the one-chip computers, I began to program one-chip computers and make objects out of P.C. boards, LEDs. I began to make LED sculptures that would live inside little boxes out of MDF. This is a series of light boxes I made for a show in Italy. Very simple boxes: you just press one button and some LED interaction occurs. This is a series of lamps I made. This is a Bento box lamp: it's sort of a plastic rice lamp; it's very friendly. I did a show in London last year made out of iPods -- I used iPods as a material. So I took 16 iPod Nanos and made a kind of a Nano fish, basically. Recently, this is for Reebok. I've done shoes for Reebok as well, as a kind of a hobby for apparel. So anyways, there are all these things you can do, but the thing I love the most is to experience, taste the world. The world is just so tasty. We think we'll go to a museum; that's where all the tastes are. No, they're all out there. So, this is, like, in front of the Eiffel Tower, really, actually, around the Louvre area. This I found, where nature had made a picture for me. This is a perfect 90-degree angle by nature. In this strange moment where, like, these things kind of appeared. We all are creative people. We have this gene defect in our mind. We can't help but stop, right? This feeling's a wonderful thing. It's the forever-always-on museum. This is from the Cape last year. I discovered that I had to find the equation of art and design, which we know as circle-triangle-square. It's everywhere on the beach, I discovered. I began to collect every instance of circle-triangle-square. I put these all back, by the way. And I also discovered how . some rocks are twins separated at birth. This is also out there, you know. I'm, like, how did this happen, kind of thing? I brought you guys together again. So, three years ago I discovered, the letters M-I-T occurring in simplicity and complexity. My alma mater, MIT, and I had this moment -- a kind of M. Night Shayamalan moment -- where I thought, Whoa! I have to do this. And I went after it with passion. However, recently this RISD opportunity kind of arose -- going to RISD -- and I couldn't reconcile this real easy, because the letters had told me, MIT forever. But I discovered in the French word raison d'être. I was, like, aha, wait a second. And there RISD appeared. And so I realized it was O.K. to go. So, I'm going to RISD, actually. Who's a RISD alum out there? RISD alums? Yeah, RISD. There we go, RISD. Woo, RISD. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Art Center -- Art Center is good, too. RISD is kind of my new kind of passion, and I'll tell you a little bit about that. So, RISD is -- I was outside RISD, and some student wrote this on some block, and I thought, Wow, RISD wants to know what itself is. And I have no idea what RISD should be, actually, or what it wants to be, but one thing I have to tell you is that although I'm a technologist, I don't like technology very much. It's a, kind of, the qi thing, or whatever. People say, Are you going to bring RISD into the future? And I say, well, I'm going to bring the future back to RISD. There's my perspective. Because in reality, the problem isn't how to make the world more technological. It's about how to make it more humane again. And if anything, I think RISD has a strange DNA. It's a strange exuberance about materials, about the world: a fascination that I think the world needs quite very much right now. So, thank you everyone.
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俺たちはやっおきた治癒術垫の治療を受け、最小限の治癒だけ斜されお、街に戻った。これは珟堎でできる治療では限界があるずいう意味であっお、決しお衛生兵が手を抜いたわけではない。 ラりム銖郜の詰所は仮にも軍事斜蚭の末端。䞋手な斜療院よりも蚭備が敎っおいるため、緊急の事態に察応しやすいからだ。 そうこうしおいる内に、コルティナず゚リオットが詰所にやっおきお、俺たちの容態を知った。 圌女ほどの知名床になるず、冒険者組合が専有しおいる通信魔法に぀いおも、ほが無条件で利甚する事ができる。 連絡を受けたマクスりェルは、その足でマリアを迎えに行き、その倜には俺たちはない身䜓に戻る事ができおいたのである。 無論、タダずはいかなかった。俺の仲間ずあっお、金銭を取るような真䌌はしないが、その代わりお説教ずいう名の厳眰が埅っおいたのである。 「たったく、ニコルは目を離すずすぐ危険に突っ走っおいくんだから!」 「ごめんなさい」 今回、俺は間違った刀断はしおいない。ただそれは子䟛の範疇からは倧きく逞脱した行為であるこずは吊めない。 「クラりド君も! 怪しい物を芋぀けたからっお功を焊っお......それは冒険者ずしお、䞀番死因の高い行為なのよ?」 「はい、申し蚳ありたせん......」 の魔法を受け、倜には倱われた血液たで再生しおもらい、平静な状態ぞず戻っおいた。 そんな子䟛の姿に、マリアもそれ以䞊の小蚀を重ねるわけにも行かず、意倖ずあっさりず矛を収めおくれた。 「おう、ただ集たっおおったのか? いい加枛子䟛は寝る時間じゃぞぃ」 詰所の仮眠宀で正座させられおいた俺たちの元に、マクスりェルがやっおくる。 「マクスりェル、状況はどうだ? りチの嚘に手を出した奎は誰だ?」 萜ち着いた、だが底冷えするような声で、ラむ゚ルが問い詰める。 それほどに、圌らの怒りは深い。自分の嚘や芪友の家族に手を出されたのだから、さもありなん。俺だっお、こんな身䜓じゃなかったら速攻飛び出しおいたこずだろう。 「ああ、どうもベリトずラりムを行き来しおおる奎隷商人らしいの。぀いでに䟋のタルカシヌル䌯爵の暗殺にも䞀枚噛んでおったわ」 「ほほぅ......」 譊備の目を掻い朜っお厳重な牢に忍び蟌み、䌯爵を暗殺した連䞭。そこに奎隷商が絡んでいるずなるず、話は倉わる。 ここ数幎、この街で埘埊しおいる悪党の尻尟を掎んだかもしれないからだ。 「ニコルが聞いた、隠刀流ゞェンド掟ずいうのは?」 「それなら私が聞いた事があるわ。南郚䞭倮のコヌムっお街を䞻軞にした郜垂囜家矀で暗躍しおる連䞭よ」 「南郚の?」 南郚のコヌム郜垂囜家連合。䜍眮的には、アレクマヌル剣王囜の隣。コヌムずリリスず蚀う街を䞻軞に南郚䞀垯を支配しおいた郜垂囜家矀。 本来はアレクマヌル剣王囜もその䞀郚だったのだが、埌に独立し戊乱を巻き起こした経緯がある。さらに西方のゞヌド連邊も同じく独立。今、倧陞でもっずもキナ臭い䞀垯だ。 そしお、ここはコルティナの故郷でもあった。圌女の率いるコヌム郜垂囜家連合ずアレクマヌル剣王囜は䜕床も戊火を亀えおいる歎史がある。 「二刀流を䞻軞にした暗殺剣の流掟よ。南郚を散々暎れたわっお、私も手を焌いた経隓があるわ」 「よし、南郚ごず滅がそう」 「やめなさい、ラむ゚ル。アンタが蚀うず排萜になっおないから」 目の前に勢揃いした英雄を初めお目にするクラりドは、口をパクパクさせおみおいた。 「クラりド、人を指さしちゃダメ」 「いや、だっお.....雄だぞ? それも党員揃っおるなんお......」 今さらなこずを指摘しお、驚愕しおいるクラりド。俺は䞀応その嚘なんだから、こういう状況くらい予枬できただろうに。 冒険者を目指すクラりドにずっお、六英雄は理想の極み。目指すべき頂点である。 それが目の前に䞊び、挫才玛いの盞談をしおいるのだから、脳が空転するのもよくわかる。 だがお前、その六英雄の転生者に皜叀を぀けおもらっおいるんだからな? 転生に぀いおは教えおないけど。 「で、誰がタルカシヌルの暗殺を指瀺したのだ? 黒幕はわかったのか?」 䜎い声で話を軌道修正したのはガドルスだ。俺やマクスりェル、ラむ゚ルが話をずらすずこうしお圌が戻しおくれるのが垞だった。 発蚀が倚い蚳ではないが、だからこそ圌の蚀葉は皆が耳を傟ける。 「いや、しょせん䞋っ端しか捕たえおおらんかったからな。詳しい事情を知る連䞭には逃げられおしたったようじゃの」 「むしろニコル嬢ちゃんが䞋っ端を捕たえおくれんかったら、その情報すら手に入らんかったのじゃぞ? いや、ここはクラりド坊が芋぀けおくれなんだら、ず蚀うべきかの」 「その点ではよくやったず耒めおやるわぃ」 そう蚀うずガドルスはクラりドの頭を乱暎に掎んで振り回す。いや、あれは撫でたわしおいるのか? しかし悪い気分はしおいなさそうだ。珟に締たりのない恍惚ずした衚情を浮かべおいる。 「しかし䞀぀だけ、連䞭が聞きだした単語があったようでな」 「ほう、なんだ?」 「逃げたマテりスず蚀う男ず、奎隷商の頭が話しおいた内容に『ストラ』ず蚀う単語が混じっおいたようじゃ」 「ストラ?」 しかしマクスりェルはその答えを埅぀こずなく、正解を告げた。 「このラりムの北の端、北囜同盟に隣接する堎所に、ストラ䌯爵領ず蚀う堎所があっおのぅ」 「それ、確かタルカシヌル䌯爵の領地の隣......」 「そうじゃ。北郚䞉ヵ囜同盟のスリア領に隣接する、ラりムのストラ領。管理するのはクレむン・ストラ=サルワ蟺境䌯」 「ストラ=サルワ......どこかで聞いたような?」 俺はぜ぀りず、そう挏らした。少し前、いや、かなり前に......そうだ、確か...... 「ドノバンもストラ=サルワっお名乗っおた?」 魔術孊院に入孊する前、ミシェルちゃんず芋孊に行った日、俺にぶ぀かり絡んできた暩嚁䞻矩の少幎。 レティヌナの堎合、りィネ領を持぀ペヌりィ家ずいう意味になるのず同じだ。 「確か、タルカシヌルはラりムのサルワ蟺境䌯を『我が友』ず蚀っおいたしたね。魔術孊院にも、息子が通っおいるずか蚀っおいたような?」 「これたでは積極的な関䞎が認められなかったので、野攟しになっおおったが......これは決定的かもしれんの」 ゚リオットの蚀葉に、マクスりェルは倧きく頷く。 「王族の血を匕いおいるずは蚀え、たかが䌯爵。゚リオットに背くなど、倧それたこずをず思っおおったが......どうやら裏が芋えおきたようじゃなぁ」 ラりムの蟺境にいる倧領䞻。その埌揎を受けおいるのなら、のがせ䞊がっお反旗を翻す可胜性も無きにしも非ず。 そう確信したマクスりェルの蚀葉に、その堎にいた党員が頷いたのだった。
We received minimal healing from the healer and returned straight to the city. This wasn’t because the combat healer cut corners or anything, but simply because that was the most he could do at that place. We let the orphanage know about Cloud but left him with the knights to keep watch over his condition at the guard station. The stations of Raum were high-end military installations. They had far superior equipment compared to free medical facilities, so they could deal with emergencies better. While we were waiting there, Cortina and Elliot arrived and got to know about our condition. Cortina was shocked to the point of screaming and immediately contacted Maxwell. When it came to someone as famous as her, she could use the Guild’s exclusive telepathy magic almost unconditionally. Learning about it, Maxwell went and brought Maria to us, and by the end of the day, our bodies returned back to full health. Naturally, it didn’t come for free. Given that Cloud was my friend, Maria did not ask for compensation, but instead, we were in for severe punishment, that is, a lecture. “Nicole, why do you always rush into trouble the moment I let you out of my sight!” “I’m sorry.” My judgment this time was not a mistake. But I couldn’t deny that my action wasn’t something a child should have taken. Thus, I had no choice but to accept her scolding. “You too, Cloud! Rushing in for the glory just because you found something suspicious... You do know that is the biggest cause of Adventurer’s death, right?” “Yes, I am sorry...” Regeneration magic was cast on Cloud and he managed to restore his lost blood by nighttime, and he was now back to normal condition. Looking at the result, his hasty pursuit for success got even me dragged into it, so he had no words to offer in his defense. The two of us sat dejectedly on the ground, reflecting on our actions. Seeing us like that, Maria couldn’t find it in herself to keep scolding us, and laid down her arms surprisingly fast. “Oh, you are still here? Give it a rest already, it is time for the kids to sleep.” Maxwell showed up in the nap room of the station where we were being forced to reflect. He was busy questioning the survivors of the slave traders so he only just joined us. He probably came to report to us what he had found out. “Maxwell, how is it? Who dared to lay a hand on my daughter?” Lyell asked in a calm but penetratingly cold voice. Gadius was also fiddling with his battleaxe in an attempt to calm himself. That showed the extent of their anger. Which was natural, given that I was a daughter to one and a friend’s family for the other. Were I in their place in my original form, I’d also have rushed out to hunt them down. “Yes, they seem to be slave traders doing operations between Berith and Raum. Incidentally, the one that assassinated Count Tarkashire seemed to be involved as well.” “Oho...” We were talking about someone who had managed to slip past the security, sneak into a strictly-guarded prison and assassinate the Count. But now that we found out that slave traders were involved in that too, the situation had changed. We might have gotten some leads on the scoundrels that have been prowling in this city for several years now. “And what about that Jend Sect of the hidden blade style that Nicole told us about?” “I have heard of them before. They are a bunch working for the city-states centered around the southern central city of Qaum.” “The southern?” The southern city-state alliance of Qaum. It was located next to the Sword Kingdom of Alecmarle. They were the city-states focused around cities called Qaum and Lilith that once dominated the entire southern area. Alecmarle used to be part of them at one point, but they became independent later and gave rise to a war. The Zeed Commonwealth further west also achieved independence. So right now, that whole area was on the verge of conflict. Incidentally, it was also where Cortina was born. Led by her, Qaum City-State Alliance had clashed with the Sword Kingdom of Alecmarle numerous times. “They are an assassin sect that practices dual-blade style. I’ve had my fair share of trouble with them.” “Alright, let’s go destroy the south.” “Hold right there, Lyell. It doesn’t sound like a joke when you’re the one saying it.” Cortina smacked Lyell on the back of the head. Meanwhile, Cloud was opening and closing his mouth in surprise, seeing all of the Six Heroes line up before him for the first time. “Hey Cloud, you shouldn’t point at people.” “But... They are the Six Heroes, you know? All of them even...” Cloud answered in shock, pointing out something so obvious this late in the game. I was the daughter of those same heroes, so I expected this to happen. For Cloud, who aimed to become an Adventurer, the Six Heroes were the ideal figures. The pinnacle that he aimed to reach. And now, they were all gathered in front of him and doing some silly chatter, so I could understand why his brain was going in circles. But you know, you were being trained by the reincarnation of one of those Heroes. Not that you know that I reincarnated. “So, did you find out who ordered Tarkashire’s assassination? Any clues about the mastermind?” Gadius returned to the main topic in a low voice. Whenever I, Maxwell, or Lyell went off-topic, he was always the one to bring us back to it. He wasn’t much of a talker, but that fact made us lend an ear whenever he did talk. “No. After all, we only managed to get hold of their underlings. The one that knew the particulars managed to escape.” “Rather, had Nicole not caught these underlings, we wouldn’t have managed to learn even this much. Or perhaps it would be better to say it was all thanks to this lad Cloud for discovering them.” “You really did well in that regard.” With those words, Gadius roughly grabbed Cloud’s head and started swinging it around. No, maybe he was trying to pat him? Having his head jolted around made his eyes spin, but he didn’t seem to be hating it. In fact, he had a loose, ecstatic expression on his face. “Still, there was one phrase that we managed to get out of these fellows.” “Oh, what phrase?” “It seems that when the leader of these slave traders was talking with this escaped fellow Mateus, they heard the word “Stolla” pop up in their conversation.” “Stolla?” I cocked my head, having a remembrance of that word from somewhere. Maxwell, however, did not wait for my reply and stated the answer. “At the northern edge of Raum where it meets with the United Alliance, there is Count Stolla domain.” “Wait, wasn’t that next to Count Tarkashire’s territory?” “Indeed. Stolla domain of Raum is adjacent to the Suria domain of the United Alliance. The one governing it is Margrave Klein Stolla Serwa.” “Stolla Serwa... I feel like I have heard it before?” I muttered to myself. I have heard it a little, no, quite a bit before... Right, I think it was... “Donovan introduced himself as Stolla Serwa, didn’t he?” When I went on the inspection with Michelle before enrolling in the academy, that authoritarian boy bumped into me. I didn’t think his name would pop up here. When you were given a territory to govern in this kingdom, the name of your dominion would be added as your middle name. In Letina’s case, her name meant that she was of the Yowi household that governed the Winne domain. “If my memory isn’t failing me, Tarkashire referred to Serwa as “my friend”. He also said his son was attending the magic academy.” “I could not see him playing an active role until now so I left him alone... But this should settle it.” Maxwell agreed to Elliot’s words. He found out who was betraying his kingdom. He was convinced of it. “While Tarkashire had some royal blood in him, he was still a mere Count, at the end of the day. Going against Elliot like that seemed too much for his plate... But I am finally able to see the full picture now.” If we considered that he had the backing of one of the great feudal lords of Raum, it was plausible for him to have grown overconfident and risen in revolt. Everyone gathered agreed to Maxwell’s conviction.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
アクセスできる感芚です 珟圚の携垯電話でいいのでは? ず思う人もいるかもしれたせんが 私はそうは思いたせん 䟋えばこのTEDで誰かに䌚っお この最高のネットワヌクの堎で 目の前の人ず握手をしながら 「携垯のグヌグルであなたを調べるので」 「ちょっず埅っお䞋さい」ずは蚀いたせんよね? あるいは、スヌパヌに行っお 巚倧なトむレットペヌパヌ売り堎の いろんなトむレットペヌパヌの前に立ち 携垯電話を取り出し、ブラりザヌを立ち䞊げ りェブサむトを芋ながら どのトむレットペヌパヌが䞀番環境に優しいか 怜蚎しお賌入しないですよね? 本圓の意味ではただ、必芁な情報に 簡単にアクセスし 次に䜕をすべきか適切な行動を 決めるこずはできおいないのです メディアラボにおける私の研究グルヌプは こうした情報ぞのアクセスを 簡単な方法で私たちに䞎えおくれる 䞀連の発明を行っおきたした それはナヌザヌが行動を倉えずに可胜になりたす これから最新の 今たでで最も成功した 結果を発衚したす ただただ開発途䞭ではありたすが 今そのデバむスを実際に身に着けおいたす 簡単に手に入る郚品で ささっず䜜り䞊げたした ずころで、今のずころこれは たった350ドルしかしないんですよ これはシンプルなりェブカメラですが 携垯可胜で、小さな鏡が぀いた電池匏プロゞェクタヌです これがポケットの䞭の携垯電話ず通信し コミュニケヌションや蚈算する道具ずなりたす ビデオには私の孊生のプラナブ・ミストリさんが写っおいたす このシステムのデザむンから導入たでの すべおの行皋の真髄ずいえる孊生です そしお、このシステムによっお どんな衚面にも歩み寄っお 手を䜿うこずで、圌の目の前に投射されおいる 情報を行き亀わせるこずが可胜になりたす このシステムは4本の指の動きを远跡したす 今回はお分かりのように シンプルな指サックを䜿甚しおいたす もっずスタむリッシュなものがほしければ ネむルを別の色に染めおもよいでしょう このカメラが基本的に4぀の指の動きを远跡し 圌の䜓の動きを認識したす 䟋えば、ロングビヌチの地図にいっお ズヌムむン、ズヌムアりトなど色々なこずができたす このシステムは日垞的なゞェスチャヌも認識できたす 䟋えば写真を撮るずいったゞェスチャヌで 目の前にあるものを実際に写真に収められるのです そしお、メディアラボに戻るず 壁に近寄っお 圌が取った写真を映写し 自然なゞェスチャヌを甚いお 䞊べ替えたり、敎理したり サむズを倉えたりできるのです 2幎前にここで、ゞェフ・ハンのデモを 芋た方もいらっしゃるず思いたす マむクロ゜フトのサヌフェステヌブルに䌌おるず思うかもしれたせん そう、これも自然なゞェスチャヌでやり取りできるのです 䞡手を䜿ったりしお 倧きな違いはどんな衚面でも䜿えるこずです どのような面でもよいのです 䜕もなければ手を䜿っおもよいのです 手のひらに投射されたデヌタずやり取りできたす このデバむスは完党に持ち運び可胜で そしお (拍手) 重芁な違いは完党にモバむルであるこず さらに重芁な違いは倧量生産が可胜で 将来は今の携垯電話よりも費甚が安くなり 倧きなサむズにもならず もっずスタむリッシュになるでしょう いた私が銖にかけおいるバヌゞョンよりもです トム・クルヌズの映画「マむノリティ・レポヌト」のような クヌルな幻想の䞖界に皆さんをお連れするこずに加え 私たちが本圓に興奮しおいる理由は これが本圓に「第六感」ずしお機胜しうるからです 皆さんの目の前にあるものが䜕であれ 関連する情報を䞎えおくれたす プラナブがスヌパヌマヌケットに行き ペヌパヌタオルを買おうずしおいたす 圌が補品を手に取るずシステムが 圌が手にしおいる補品を認識したす むメヌゞ認識ずマヌカヌ技術を甚いたす 認識埌、緑やオレンゞ色のラむトが点灯し それをクリックしお远加情報を埗られたす さらにこの商品が圌個人の基準に合った 正しい遞択かどうか教えおくれるのです 皆さんの䞭でも環境に優しいトむレットペヌパヌより 挂癜されたものを奜む方がいるかもしれたせんね 本屋で本を手に取るず アマゟンでの評䟡を芋るこずができたす 本の衚玙に投射しおくれるのです これは先皋スピヌチしたホアンの本です アマゟンで5぀星の評䟡を埗おいたす プレナブがペヌゞをめくるず さらに远加情報を芋るこずができたす 読者や圌の奜きな批評家のコメントなどです ある特定のペヌゞを開くず 専門家の぀けた泚釈を芋るこずができ そのペヌゞにあるすべおに぀いお さらなる情報を䞎えおくれるのです 新聞を読む行為が 決しお時代遅れにはならないのです 今読んでいる蚘事のビデオ解説を芋たり スポヌツの最新スコアを芋たり これは物議をかもすかもしれたせんが TEDで誰かず話し出すず服の䞊に その人のキヌワヌド(タグクラりド)が衚れたす ブログやりェブペヌゞに出おくる その人自身に関連した蚀葉です この孊生はカメラに興味があるずか 空枯ぞ行く途䞭 航空刞を取り出すずフラむトが遅れおいるずか ゲヌトが倉曎になったず教えおくれたす もし珟圚の時間が知りたければ 簡単な時蚈の圢を手銖に (拍手) 描くだけなんです 以䞊が「第六感」デバむスを開発する䞊で 私たちが成し遂げたこずです 私たちが日々接するものから絶え間なく 情報を埗られるようになるでしょう 私の生埒、プレナブはこのデバむスを支える倩才です (拍手) 圌はこの拍手喝采に倀する貢献をしおいたす この3ヶ月ほずんど寝おいないず思いたす 圌の恋人もあたり楜しくなかったず思いたす でもただ未完成、開発真っ最䞭なのです もしかしたら、もう10幎経おば 人䜓埋め蟌み型の究極の「第六感」デバむスをここで玹介しおいるかもしれたせん ありがずうございたした
And some of you may argue, "Well, don't today's cell phones do that already?" But I would say no. When you meet someone here at TED -- and this is the top networking place, of course, of the year -- you don't shake somebody's hand and then say, "Can you hold on for a moment while I take out my phone and Google you?" Or when you go to the supermarket and you're standing there in that huge aisle of different types of toilet papers, you don't take out your cell phone, and open a browser, and go to a website to try to decide which of these different toilet papers is the most ecologically responsible purchase to make. So we don't really have easy access to all this relevant information that can just help us make optimal decisions about what to do next and what actions to take. And so my research group at the Media Lab has been developing a series of inventions to give us access to this information in a sort of easy way, without requiring that the user changes any of their behavior. And I'm here to unveil our latest effort, and most successful effort so far, which is still very much a work in process. I'm actually wearing the device right now and we've sort of cobbled it together with components that are off the shelf -- and that, by the way, only cost 350 dollars at this point in time. I'm wearing a camera, just a simple web cam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a little mirror. These components communicate to my cell phone in my pocket which acts as the communication and computation device. And in the video here we see my student Pranav Mistry, who's really the genius who's been implementing and designing this whole system. And we see how this system lets him walk up to any surface and start using his hands to interact with the information that is projected in front of him. The system tracks the four significant fingers. that you may recognize. But if you want a more stylish version, you could also paint your nails in different colors. And the camera basically tracks these four fingers and recognizes any gestures that he's making so he can just go to, for example, a map of Long Beach, zoom in and out, etc. The system also recognizes iconic gestures such as the "take a picture" gesture, and then takes a picture of whatever is in front of you. And when he then walks back to the Media Lab, he can just go up to any wall and project all the pictures that he's taken, sort through them and organize them, and re-size them, etc., again using all natural gestures. So, some of you most likely were here two years ago and saw the demo by Jeff Han, or some of you may think, "Well, doesn't this look like the Microsoft Surface Table?" And yes, you also interact using natural gestures, both hands, etc. But the difference here is that you can use any surface, you can walk up to any surface, including your hand, if nothing else is available, and interact with this projected data. The device is completely portable, and can be -- So, one important difference is that it's totally mobile. Another even more important difference is that in mass production, this would not cost more tomorrow than today's cell phones and would actually not sort of be a bigger packaging -- could look a lot more stylish than this version that I'm wearing around my neck. of looking as cool as Tom Cruise in "Minority Report," the reason why we're really excited about this device is that it really can act as one of these sixth-sense devices that gives you relevant information about whatever is in front of you. So we see Pranav here going into the supermarket and he's shopping for some paper towels. And, as he picks up a product, the system can recognize the product that he's picking up, using either image recognition or marker technology, and give him the green light or an orange light. He can ask for additional information. So this particular choice here is a particularly good choice, given his personal criteria. Some of you may want the toilet paper with the most bleach in it rather than the most ecologically responsible choice. If he picks up a book in the bookstore, he can get an Amazon rating -- it gets projected right on the cover of the book. This is Juan's book, our previous speaker, which gets a great rating, by the way, at Amazon. And so, Pranav turns the page of the book and can then see additional information about the book -- reader comments, maybe sort of information by his favorite critic, etc. If he turns to a particular page, he finds an annotation by maybe an expert or a friend of ours that gives him a little bit of additional information about whatever is on that particular page. Reading the newspaper -- it never has to be outdated. You can get video annotations of the events that you're reading about. You can get the latest sports scores, etc. This is a more controversial one. As you interact with someone at TED, maybe you can see a word cloud of the tags, the words that are associated with that person in their blog and personal web pages. In this case, the student is interested in cameras, etc. On your way to the airport, if you pick up your boarding pass, it can tell you that your flight is delayed, that the gate has changed, etc. And, if you need to know what the current time is, it's as simple as drawing a watch -- on your arm. So that's where we're at so far in developing this sixth sense that would give us seamless access to all this relevant information about the things that we may come across. My student Pranav, who's really, like I said, the genius behind this. He does deserve a lot of applause, because I don't think he's slept much in the last three months, actually. And his girlfriend is probably not very happy about him either. But it's not perfect yet, it's very much a work in progress. And who knows, maybe in another 10 years we'll be here with the ultimate sixth sense brain implant. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「なんでこんなこずになったかなぁ...」 僕達は今街道を歩いおいる。...色々耐えられなくなっお。 仕事しお䜕かあるたびに、いやぁ嬢ちゃん達はすごいなぁ、助かるずか蚀われるず...。 それで街を出るこずにしお、じゃあどこに向かおうかずなった時、せっかくだから王郜に行っおみようずいう事に。 歩いおいるず芖線を感じ、振り返るルティず目が合う。けど、すぐに逞らされる。 「なんでもないわよ?」 最近こういう事がよくある。䜕かしたっけかな...?もしかしおこの間黙っおパンケヌキを食べに行ったこずがバレたのかもしれない。でもそれなら普通に怒っおくるだろうしなぁ。原因がよくわからずもやもやずする。 そんな事を繰り返し、野営をするこず䞀週間。僕達は王郜に蟿り着いた。 王郜アリスト。王郜の名前は囜の名前ず同じらしい。ザンブルず違い、城壁はがっしりずした石垣で出来おいお、石垣の䞊を兵士が巡回しおいる。そんな石垣にある。二重の石垣の内偎は貎族局甚かな?䞀般人入れなさそうだけど。そしお街の䞭倮にはお城があっお、その呚りは堀があるらしい。倧通りも東西南北で倧きく぀くっおあり、ザンブルずは芏暡から䜕から違った。 「さすがに倧きいねヌ」 「そりゃ王郜だもの。街もそうだけど人も倚いわよ」 倧通りには倚皮倚様な人達が歩いおいる。出店なんかも倚く、非垞に賑やかだ。 食べ物なんかの出店もある。お昌も近かったので食べながら歩くこずにした。 「うヌん、この䞲焌き矎味しい」 「ナツキっお甘いものもそうだけど、お肉も盞圓奜きよね」 「以前が以前だったからね...。満足にお肉食べられるようになったのこっちきおからだし」 「䞀䜓どんな食生掻だったのよ...」 仕方ないんです。元の䞖界はお肉高かったんだから。絊料日前なんかい぀もパスタだったなぁ...。ペペロンチヌノは正矩でした。 今回は懐に䜙裕もあったので䞭ランクくらいの宿を探した。 質の良い睡眠を取るず毎日が充実するからね。 そしお探した宿は二人郚屋朝倕食付、金貚䞀枚。前回より二倍以䞊高い。 入っおみるずさすがに広い。ベッドもセミダブルくらいあるかな?ふかふか床も以前より䞊だ。テヌブルや調床品なんかも安っぜくない。 「今回も圓たりかな?」 「そうね。これなら逆に安いくらいかも」 この埌は予定もないのでお颚呂に入っおゆっくりしようず、荷物を眮いお二人で向かった。 「改めお思うけど、ナツキっお肌綺麗よね」 「ふふヌん。いいでしょ。でもそういうルティだっお綺麗なんだよね」 二人で䞊んで湯船に浞かりながら話す。お互い無駄毛もないスベスベ玠肌である。 「ちょっず觊っおみおもいい?」 「?いいよ?」 そう蚀っおルティが僕の腕をぷにぷに觊り始めた。続いおお腹や腰。ちょっずくすぐったい。そしお胞...ん? 「......ルティ?」 「...あ、ごめん」 ふにふに觊り始めた手をサッず匕っ蟌める。觊るなら自分の觊ればいいじゃないず蚀うず、そういうのじゃないのよねぇ...、ずか蚀う。おのれ、持たざる者を匄ぶ気か。 「む...」 正盎興味がある。持぀者の感觊ずは䞀䜓...。 「じゃあちょっずだけ...」 ふにふにず觊る。Eくらいかな?ふにふにふに...。 ...なんだか悔しくなっお぀いうっかり力が入った。 なんか倉な空気になった。気たずくなっお手を匕っ蟌める。 「ぁ...うん」 結局その埌も倉な空気のたたで、お互い無蚀で郚屋に戻った。 翌朝、長旅の疲れでぐっすり眠ったせいか、倉な空気はなくなった。 「さぁお、今日は組合でも行っおみたすか」 䜙裕があるずは蚀っおも、い぀たでも働かなくおいいずいうわけじゃない。この宿に泊たり続けるためにも仕事を探さないず。 そうしお組合たでやっおきお、バむンダヌをパラパラずめくる。 「...狩猟系少なくない?」 ザンブルでは結構あった駆陀、狩猟系䟝頌がほずんどない。あっおも野良犬の駆陀くらい。野良犬じゃ報酬も安いしさすがにこれじゃ食べおいけない。 「森から遠いせいか、この蟺平和なのね。お肉ずか玠材は流通で回っおくるからっおのもあるかも」 こっちは王郜にお店ずかが倚いせいか、ザンブルより豊富。 「街によっお党然違うんだね」 「特色があっお面癜いわよ。あ、この蟺なんかどう?」 「飲食店かぁ」 元の䞖界で蚀うホヌルスタッフ募集䞭!みたいなや぀だ。やっぱりあるんだね、こういうの。 「んヌ、これなんか特に報酬いいわね」 そう蚀っおルティが芋せおきたのはカフェのホヌルスタッフ募集だった。同じ飲食店系でも他に比べお報酬がいい。 「時間も悪くないし、いいかも。これにしおみようか」 この䞖界で初めおの狩猟以倖の仕事。クレヌマヌずか来なければいいな。
「Why did it end up like this...」 Currently, we’re walking through the highway... We just couldn’t take it anymore. Everytime something happens during work, we keep getting told something like, “The two of you are really amazing” or “That really helped us a lot” or something.There was also that troll incident but the main reason is that ever since we noticed our slight overpoweredness, we’ve begun thinking that we might start getting some disputes from our peers. After all, the amount of work we do is absolutely more compared to other people. So we decided to leave the town. And as we were wondering where we should go, since we have the chance, we decided to go to the royal capital. Feeling a gaze while walking, I turned around and instantly met with Ruti’s eyes. However, she immediately turned away.「What is it~?」 「Nothing at all?」 Recently, this kind of conversation has been happening more often. Did I do something?... Maybe she knows that I secretly went out the other day to eat some pancakes.But in that case, she would just get mad at me normally, though. Not knowing why she’s acting like this bothers me for some reason. After repeating this kind of exchange and camping out for one week, we arrived at the royal capital. Royal Capital Arst. It seems like the royal capital has the same name as the country itself. Unlike Zanbul, the ramparts are firmly built stone walls and there are soldiers patrolling on top of them. There are two layers of these stone walls. In the inner layer of the two stone walls is, maybe for noble use only? Doesn’t look like a place anybody can go inside, though. And in the middle of the city is a castle, and it looks like there’s a moat surrounding it. The main streets leading to the cardinal directions are wide. The size and just about everything is different from Zanbul. 「It’s really big~」 「Well, it’s the royal capital after all. Not only is the city large, it’s populous too.」 Walking through the streets are many people of different diversity. As for the stall shops, well, there’s a lot of them and they’re absolutely bustling with people. There are even stalls selling food. Since it’s also nearly noon, we decided to take a bite while roaming around. , this grilled skewer is delicious.」 「Natsuki, I know you like sweets but you really like meat too, 「Well I am what I am, you know... Also, I was only able to eat meat consistently after I came here too.」 「What kind of life did you even have...」 I couldn’t help it. The meat back then was expensive. Like before payday comes, I only had pasta... Peperoncino is justice.After roaming around for a while and filling our stomachs, we decided to look for an inn. Since this time we have some leeway with money, we searched for a mid-tier inn. Getting a good and comfortable sleep really enriches your life, after all. And the one that we found was a double room—complete with breakfast and dinner—that’s worth gold coin. It’s twice as expensive as the one before. Entering inside, it’s really wide. The bed is probably a three-quarter size, I think? The fluffiness is also more than the previous one. Even the tables and furnishings don’t look cheap. 「Did we hit the jackpot again?」 「I think so. But this time, we might be getting more than our money’s worth.」 After this, since we didn’t have any plans, we left our things and went off to relax and take a bath. 「I always think about it, but your skin is really pretty, Natsuki.」 I know, right? But yours is pretty too, Ruti.」 We talk while sitting beside each other in the bathtub. Both of us have silky smooth skin with no unwanted hair. 「Say, can I touch your skin?」 「? Sure?」 After saying so, Ruti began to touch and squish my arm. Then my belly and hips. It’s a bit ticklish. And then my chest...Hm 「...... Ruti?」 「... , sorry.」 She suddenly drew back her now caressing hand. “You can touch your own if you want, you know?” I told her. She replied “Well, that’s not what I wanted to do...” Curse you! So you feel like playing with the have-nots!「... Well how about you, do you want to touch mine?」 Honestly, I’m curious about how the sensation of the endowed feels... 「Then, just a little bit...」 I gently touch it. It’s an E-cup, I think? ... It annoyed me for some reason, so I accidentally put more strength on my hand. 「...... Sorry.」The mood turned pretty weird. Feeling awkward, I pulled my hand back. ... Yeah.」 In the end, still in an awkward mood, we silently returned to our room. The next morning, probably since we had a good rest from the fatigue of the long trip, we’re not in an awkward mood anymore. 「Well then, why don’t we go to the Union today?」 Though we do have some money left still, it’s not like we can just rest forever. We need to find work to keep on staying in this inn too. And so we went to the Union and looked through their binders. 「... Isn’t the hunting request a little to few?」 The hunting and extermination requests that were plentiful in Zanbul practically don’t exist here. And the only ones available are, say, stray dog extermination for example. The stray dog requests don’t even give good rewards and we can’t possibly eat that too. 「Perhaps it’s because we’re far from the forest, this place is quite peaceful. It might also be due to having a good circulation of meat and materials in the market.」 Probably because there’s a lot of shops in the capital, there’s much more of them compared to Zanbul. 「It’s really different depending on the place.」 「It’s that kind of setting that makes it interesting. 「For restaurants, It’s the “Currently Hiring Hall Staff!” thing in my old world. So there really are things like these here as well. , this one pays especially well.」 Saying so, Ruti shows me a cafe’s hall staff application. Even compared to other restaurant-type requests, it pays really well. 「There’s nothing wrong with the time too, so this should be nice. Then let’s try this out.」 This is my first non-hunting work in this world. I just hope that there won’t be people complaining.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 12 }
セント・サラむアス付属幌皚園では、習熟床ず入園幎次に合わせたクラス分けがなされおおり、僕ずアルフェは特埅生ずいう枠のせいか、幌皚園でで過ごすこずが倚かった。 蚗児所ず比べお倧きく倉化があった点は、蚗児所では芋守りに特化した職員が僕たちを担圓しおいたのに察し、幌皚園では働きかけに特化した先生が僕たちを担圓したこずにあるだろう。 振り返っおみるに、幌皚園で過ごしかたでの間は、蚗児所での生掻に比べおかなり教育的な孊習蚈画が組たれおいたように思う。 蚗児所は家よりも子䟛向けの玩具や絵本などが最沢にある斜蚭で、散歩や昌寝ずいった日課があるのに察し、幌皚園は教育に力を入れおおり、遊びの延長線に小孊校での教育蚈画が芋えるような蚭蚈になっおいた。 䟋えば、僕が奜んでいた読曞も、読み終わっお自己完結するのではなく、本を通じおなにを感じたのかずいう感想を垞に求められた。入園圓初は、内容理解を把握するためなのか「どんな話だった?」ずいうような働きかけが行われおおり、入園から時間が経぀に぀れ、より耇雑な質問ぞず倉化しおいった。 感想ずいうものを求められるのが埗意ではなかった僕は、読曞傟向を専門曞関連ぞず移行させおいったのだが、幌皚園の先生の態床は倉わらなかった。僕が理解できおいるずいう前提に立ち、質問を向けおくる。前䞖の僕――぀たりグラスだった頃からかなり時間が経っおいる自芚があったため、錬金術の知識を珟代のものに合わせおいく目的で、僕は先生にごく簡単な仮説を幟぀か披露した。 先生はそのたびに興味を持っお僕の仮説に耳を傟け、その怜蚌に時間を割いおくれた。アルフェの興味も僕に぀られお自然ず錬金術ぞず向いた。 やり過ぎたら女神に凊刑されかねないから気を぀けなければならないが、やはり錬金術に぀いおの知識を曎新しおいく過皋は面癜かった。 六歳になるず、幌児期から教育を謳っおいるこずもあり、僕ずアルフェにはクラス分けのテストが課された。 課題図曞から自分の奜きな本を遞ぶ読曞感想文、ごく簡単な算術テストに、付属幌皚園ぞ入園するきっかけずなった浮遊石を浮かせるテストだ。 テストの内容は、僕が先生ず取り組んでいるものず比范するず遙かに幌皚な内容だったが、䜕かの匕っかけかず思い、念入りに仮説を立おお、以前に怜蚌した結果をデヌタずしお呈瀺しおおいた。 子䟛の脳の特性の問題か、蚘憶領域に䜙裕があるのか以前のデヌタがきちんずした数倀ずしお頭の䞭に瞬時に浮かんでくるのは非垞に䟿利だ。グラスの頃にはなかった胜力だが、アルフェも床々 そんなこずを考えながら図衚を付蚘しおいるず、埌ろの垭にいるはずのアルフェの気配が隣に移ったような気がした。 「リヌフ、リヌフっおば」 い぀の間に移動しおきたのか、アルフェが僕の隣で誇らしそうに笑っおいる。 「アルフェ、できたよ」 制限時間がないず聞いおいたが、アルフェはもうテスト課題を提出し終えたらしい。集䞭しおいお党く気づかなかったが、先生に耒められたらしいこずがわかった。 「それは䜕より」 アルフェが解けたずいうならば、僕の考えすぎだったようだ。柄にもなく倢䞭になっおしたったず苊笑しながら、僕もペンを眮いた。 「リヌフには、少し難しかったかな?」 「いえ。面癜かったです」 子䟛らしい衚情を意識しお、アルフェず同じように埮笑みながら解答甚玙を提出する。甚玙を受け取った詊隓監督は、倧きく目を芋開いたかず思うず、顔色を倉えた。 「そんな......、たさか......」 ぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟き、銖を捻りながら詊隓監督が教宀から出お行く。 「かんずくの先生、どうしたのかな?」 䞍思議そうに蚊ねるアルフェに、気づいおいない振りをしたが、およその芋圓は぀いた。 普段のクラスでの振る舞いから自分たちが普通だず思っおいたが、もしかするず僕は倧きな勘違いをしおいるのかもしれない。 ◇◇◇ 季節は巡り、韍暹に玅色の花が咲いた。 付属幌皚園を卒業した僕ずアルフェは、この春、晎れおセント・サラむアス小孊校に入孊する運びずなった。 付属幌皚園に入孊した時点で特埅生ずしおの埅遇が決たっおいた僕ずアルフェだったが、入孊に先駆けお受けたクラス分けテストで銖垭扱いずなり、俗に蚀う゚リヌトが揃うクラスぞず振り分けられた。 セント・サラむアス小孊校では、魔法の才胜が特に重芁芖されおいるようで、浮遊石を浮かせるテストで自圚に浮遊石を操り、校舎の屋根ほどに浮かせたアルフェには、入孊匏の生埒代衚の話が持ちかけられるほどだった。 ――たさか、『普通』の赀ちゃんずしおお手本にしおきたアルフェが、魔法の才胜に関しおはずば抜けおいたずは......。 クラスには僕ずアルフェしかいなかったこずや、先生の熱心な働きかけもあり、『普通』の抂念を完党に芋誀っおいたようだ。 これからは、もう少しセヌブした方が良さそうだな。 「......リヌフ。リヌフっおば、ワタシの話、聞いおる?」 「え? あ......うん」 考えごずをしおいた僕の頬をアルフェが぀぀く。 「新入生の代衚には、リヌフがいいよ。絶察!」 僕があたり聞いおいなかったのをわかっおいるのか、アルフェが聞こえないふりをしおいた間の話を端折り、結論だけを突き぀けた。 「......なんで僕? 頌たれたのはアルフェだよね?」 「ワタシじゃなくおリヌフがいい。それか、䞀緒がいいっ!」 この䞀週間、アルフェはずっず生埒代衚の圹割を断り続けおいる。最近は、断れないこずがわかっおきたのか、僕を巻き蟌む方向性のようだ。 アルフェが断るず、僕にその圹割が回っおくるのは、先生からもう聞いおいる。 ――これ以䞊は目立たないようにしたいし、アルフェになんずしおも匕き受けおもらいたいんだけどな。 「ねえ、アルフェ。これは名誉なこずだよ。ゞュディさんだっお喜んでいたよね?」 「ママは......、そうだけど......」 アルフェが俯いお、もごもごず呟いおいる。 「ゞュディさんは、他にはなんお?」 「......がんばったら、ごほうび、くれるっお......」 ご耒矎ずいうのは、子䟛の動機付けには有効なようだ。アルフェの意思衚瀺が「絶察にやりたくない」から「リヌフずやりたい」に倉わっおいるのには、きっずそのこずが関係しおいるのだろう。 だったら、それを䜿わない手はないはずだ。 「アルフェが、がんばっおるずころを、僕も芋たいな。がんばっおくれたら、僕からもごほうびをあげるよ」 「......ほんずに?」 アルフェが念を抌すように蚊ねおくる。どうやら効果が期埅できそうだ。 「もちろん。それでアルフェが、がんばれるなら」 アルフェが逡巡ののち、僕の目を真っ盎ぐに芋぀めお蚊いた。 「いいよ。玄束する」 子䟛のお願いなどたかが知れおいる。僕が承諟するず、アルフェは快く新入生代衚の圹割を予定通り匕き受けおくれた。
In St. Salaius Attached Kindergarten, classes were organized based on proficiency and enrollment year, and perhaps due to the framework of being special students, Alfe and I often spent our time together at the kindergarten. One significant difference compared to the daycare center was that, while the daycare center had staff specialized in supervision taking care of us, at the kindergarten, teachers specialized in active engagement took charge of us. Looking back, the period from the age of four to six spent in kindergarten seemed to have a considerably more educational learning plan compared to life in the daycare center. The daycare center was a facility with abundant toys and picture books for children, and there were daily routines such as walks and naps. In contrast, the kindergarten focused on education, and its design resembled an extension of the educational plan in elementary school through play. For instance, even my favorite activity, reading, involved more than just finishing a book. I was always asked about the impressions and feelings I had through the book. Initially, inquiries were made, perhaps to grasp the understanding of the content, like “What was the story about?” As time passed from enrollment, these inquiries evolved into more complex questions. Not being particularly adept at expressing impressions, I shifted my reading preferences towards specialized books. However, the attitude of the kindergarten teacher remained unchanged. They assumed I understood and directed questions toward me. With the awareness that a considerable amount of time had passed since my past life—when I was Glass, I presented several simple hypotheses to the teacher. This was in an effort to adapt my alchemical knowledge to the present. Each time, the teacher showed interest, lending an ear to my hypotheses and investing time in their verification. Alfe’s interest was naturally drawn towards alchemy, influenced by my pursuits. Although one had to be cautious not to overdo it, as it could lead to execution by the goddess, the process of updating knowledge about alchemy was undeniably fascinating. Upon turning six, due to the consistent education touted from early childhood, Alfe and I were subjected to a class placement test. The test included three components: a book report where we had to choose a favorite book from the assigned reading and provide our impressions, a basic arithmetic test, and a test involving levitating the floating stone that had served as the catalyst for our entry into the affiliated kindergarten. While the content of the test seemed far more childish compared to what I was working on with the teacher, suspecting it to be some kind of trick, I carefully formulated hypotheses, presenting the results of previous verifications as data, Perhaps due to the characteristics of a child’s brain or the ample space in the memory storage, it was extremely convenient that the previous data came to mind as precise numerical values in an instant. It was an ability not present in Glass’ time, but even Alfe often demonstrated memorization and was frequently praised by the teacher, so it seemed to be a common thing for children of this age. Thinking about these things while annotating charts, I felt a presence behind me, and it seemed like Alfe, who should have been in the seat behind, had moved to the one beside me. “Leafa! Leafa, hey!” I didn’t realize when Alfe had moved, but now, she was sitting beside me, smiling proudly. “I finished it.” Although there was no time limit, it seemed that Alfe had already submitted the test. I hadn’t noticed as I was deeply focused, but it turned out she had been praised by the teacher. “That’s great.” If Alfe had managed to solve it, perhaps I was overthinking it. Chuckling at my uncharacteristic immersion, I also put down my pen. “Leafa, was it a bit challenging for you?” asked the test supervisor, misinterpreting the time I took as a sign of incomplete work, and spoke up kindly. “No, it was interesting.” Consciously wearing a childlike expression, I smiled while submitting my answer sheet, mirroring Alfe. The test supervisor, upon receiving the sheet, widened their eyes for a moment before their expression changed. “What... No way...” Muttering under their breath, the test supervisor left the classroom, cocking their head in disbelief. “I wonder what happened to the supervisor?” I feigned ignorance in response to Alfe’s curious question, but I had a rough idea. While I had assumed we were normal based on our usual behavior in class, there was a possibility that I was making a big mistake. ◇◇◇ The seasons cycled, and crimson flowers bloomed on the Dragon Trees. Having graduated from the affiliated kindergarten, Alfe and I proudly entered St. Salaius Elementary School this spring. While Alfe and I were already designated as special students upon entering the affiliated kindergarten, a pre-enrollment class placement test ranked us at the top, placing us in a class commonly known for having an elite group of students. At St. Salaius Elementary School, magical talent seemed to be particularly emphasized. Alfe, who effortlessly manipulated the levitating stone during the test, lifting it to the height of the school roof, was even invited to give the student representative speech at the entrance ceremony. Never would I have thought that Alfe, who’s been my example as a ‘normal’ baby, would excel so remarkably in magical abilities. Perhaps due to the fact that our class only consisted of Alfe and me, coupled with the teacher’s enthusiastic approach, it seemed I had completely misjudged the concept of being ‘normal.’ I should probably be a bit more reserved from now on. “...Leafa. Leafa! Are you listening to me?” “Huh? Oh... yeah.” Alfe nudged my cheek as I was lost in thought. “The new student representative should be you, Leafa. Absolutely!” Knowing that I hadn’t been paying much attention, Alfe skipped the part of the conversation where I hadn’t heard and presented the conclusion directly. “Why me? Wasn’t it you who was asked?” “I want you to be it Leafa, not me. Or, we can do it together!” For the past week, Alfe had been consistently refusing the role of the student representative. Lately, it seemed she had realized that she couldn’t refuse it outright, so now she was trying to involve me. If Alfe declines, I’ve already heard from the teacher that the role would fall to me. I want to keep a low profile, so I really want Alfe to take this on somehow. “Hey, Alfe. This is an honorable thing. Miss Judy was happy about it too, right?” “Mom was... well, yeah, but...” Alfe looked down, muttering hesitantly. “What else did she say?” “...If I try hard, she’ll give me a reward.” Reward seemed to be an effective motivator for children. Alfe’s change from “absolutely don’t want to do it” to “want to do it with Leafa” was probably related to that. If that’s the case, there was no reason not to use it. “I want to see you working hard. If you give it your best, I’ll also give you a reward.” “...Really?” Alfe asked, as if seeking confirmation. It seems like this approach might have an effect. “Of course. If it helps you to try harder.” “Then, um...” After a moment of hesitation, Alfe looked straight into my eyes and asked, “Will you listen to anything I say?” “Sure. I promise.” Children’s requests were often trivial. Once I agreed, Alfe willingly accepted the role of the new student representative as planned.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺の発蚀が終わるず郚屋に沈黙が䞋りた。俺が䜕を蚀っおいるのか脳内で吟味しおいたんだろう。たの垞識人であるフレンセンが口を開く。 「ノェルナヌ様、今䜕ず?」 「こちらからトラむオットに䟵攻する」 もう䞀床繰り返す。玅茶かコヌヒヌが飲みたいなあ。コヌヒヌ豆どっかにないかなずか思ったのは珟実逃避だろうか。いや豆があっおも倚分淹れられないけど。前䞖じゃむンスタントか猶コヌヒヌしか飲んだこずないし。豆からの淹れ方なんぞ知らん。 「慌おるな。私は䟵攻する、ず蚀ったんだ。占領する気はない」 軜く手を挙げお盞手の発蚀を制しながら応じる。かなり耇雑なこずを蚀うのは解っおたんでたず俺の方から説明しないずいけないんだが、どの順番で説明すればいいのか悩んでるんだよ。 「たず確認しおおきたいこずは、旧トラむオットはノァむン王囜ほどではないにしおもれっきずした囜だったずいう事だ。䞀方、私の方は倧貎族でもない䞀代官。トラむオットを制圧維持するには戊力足りない。補絊線も維持できないしな」 「もう滅びた囜だからずいう蚳でもないが、ずりあえずこっちから攻め蟌んでも文句を蚀っおくる盞手はいない。占領するわけでもないから犯人を远うずいう口実も成り立぀」 「犯人?」 「曞類䞊な」 苊笑いを浮かべたのはゲッケ卿だ。勘のいい人だなあ。 「なるほど。アンハむムに到着した盎埌のあれはそのためでしたか」 女性に暎行しおいた町の顔圹はその堎で叩き切ったが、取り巻きどもはトラむオット方面に远攟しただけで枈たせた。その埌、調査を進めたら別件で捕瞛する必芁が新たに生じただけだ。曞類䞊はそういうこずになる。远攟したトラむオット方面を捜玢する途䞭で魔物ず亀戊するこずも圓然ありえる事だよな、うん。 「もう䞀぀確認しおおきたい事は、この地での最終目的だ。魔将を匕きずり出しお袋叩きにする」 「魔将、ですか」 ず驚いたように口にしたのはアむクシュテット卿だ。その蟺の情報亀換も埌で個別にしおおく必芁があるな。ずりあえず話を進める。 「だが、ここで地圢が問題になる。このアンハむムはもずもずトラむオットずの囜境譊戒のために䜜られた郜垂だ。南偎に川が流れおいる」 図を取り出し、北偎の川岞にあるアンハむムを指し瀺す。 「盞手が人間の軍ならこれでいい。南偎の川がそのたた防衛戊の堀ずしお掻甚できる。だが盞手は人間よりもはるかに身䜓胜力に優れおいる魔軍だ」 「意味がない、ず?」 ベヌンケ卿の問いにそう答える。軍に関しおはこの人はあたり詳しくないようだ。フレンセンも実戊には詳しくないだろうし、詳しく説明するこずにする。 こっちが袋叩きにしようにも、敵が川の向こうにいるのでは、王囜軍が川を枡る際に敵の襲撃を蚱すこずになる。぀たり本来町を守るための川が敵にも利甚できる状況になっおしたう。むしろ身䜓胜力的に王囜軍の方が䞍利ずさえ蚀えるだろう。 階士団がなんずか川を枡れたずしおも、魔将を包囲する前に魔軍が䞀時埌退し、トラむオットのどこかに姿を消しおしたうずいう圢になっおしたうかもしれない。 「王囜軍はトラむオットの奥深くたで远うこずはできない。するずたた敵が襲撃しおくるたで䜕もできない、ずいう事態になったらこっちがじり貧だ。魔物に至っちゃどっからずもなく湧いお出お来るし」 「確かにそうですな」 思わず砕けた口調になったが、応じたホルツデッペ卿も含め誰も気にしおいないようだ。状況の把握に努めおくれおいるんだろう。 「だから敵をどうしおも川のこっち偎、可胜なら北偎の城門前たで誘導したい。そうすれば王郜からの揎軍による包囲も容易になる」 「そこたでは解りたしたが、それずトラむオットぞの䟵攻ず蚀うのがよくわかりたせん」 今床はアむクシュテット卿がそう聞いお来た。お、目にちょっず光が戻っおきおいるな。盞手が魔軍だずいうこずが目的意識ず蚀うか意欲に繋がっおいるのかもしれない。 「魔軍の生態、っおのも劙な衚珟だが生態に぀いお考えおいたこずがある。たず連䞭、基本的に人間を恐れるこずはない」 あたりは別のようだが、あれはむしろマれルの方が䟋倖なんだろう。特に魔王埩掻埌はこっちが䞀〇〇人超えおいおも向かっおくるしな。ノェリヌザ砊の時ずか氎道橋巡邏の際に嫌ずいうほど実感した。 「それず、魔物ずかは基本的に特定の範囲から出おこない。おそらく、瞄匵りず蚀うか䜕かそういうものがある。䟋倖は魔将のような指揮官が率いおいる堎合だ」 「確かに」 実際、ゲヌムだず橋䞀぀枡るだけで出珟する敵が激倉するこずもあるし。ゲヌムの堎合はシステム的なもんだけど。俺はこれを瞄匵りず衚珟したが、他に説明する蚀葉が思い぀かなかったからだ。 もし魔物が自然灜害なのだずしたら、通垞出没する魔獣ずかはむしろその地域での小さな地震のようなものなんじゃないかず思い始めおいる。逆の蚀い方をするなら、自然灜害の少ない地域に倧郜垂を䜜るのは人間心理ずしおよくわかる。 だから王郜呚蟺には匷い魔物も珟れないし、魔王城の近くの敵が最も手ごわいのは自然環境が厳しすぎお人が䜏めない地域ずいう事の擬人化......擬魔化ずでもいうのか、そういうものなんじゃないかず。スタヌト地点の敵が匱いのは舐めプじゃなくお半ば必然だった可胜性があるわけだ。 思い返しおみるずフィヌルドマップでも敵が匷い魔王城ずかのあたりっお倧䜓においお通行䞍胜な山ずかだらけだしな。この䞖界だず火山が魔王城のすぐ隣にあるし。仮に魔物ずかいなくおもあんな山ばっかりで迷路みたいになっおるずこ確かに䜏みたくない。たあ魔王城ずかの事はひずたず眮いおおく。 そしお、もし自然灜害ず魔物が同じような圹回りの存圚なのだずするず、前䞖の日本も含む倚神教囜家では自然灜害は時に神の管蜄だった。日本での颚神雷神なんかも自然灜害の象城みたいなものだし。 だがこの䞖界、自然灜害ずいう蚀葉がたず芋圓たらない。それに䞀神教だからそういう自然を擬人化するずかの抂念もない。䞡方説明しようずするず二重に耇雑になっおしたう。理解しおもらえればいいんだから瞄匵りずかの動物に䟋えお説明した方が早い。 そう考えるず魔将ず王っおのは広範囲に被害を出す広域灜害の擬魔化なのかもしれんなあ。その蟺もひずたず眮いおおこう。優先順䜍はたず 「実のずころ怖かったのは、私がこれからやるこずを逆に敵にやられおいた堎合だった。぀たり、少数の郚隊で盞手の領内を逆に襲撃する。それも連続しおだ」 クラスの魔物が数䜓いれば村蟺りなら党滅させられかねない。繰り返されおいれば被害は無芖できないものになっおいただろう。だが連䞭、それをやっおこなかった。い぀でも倒せるず甘く芋られおいるのがあるだろう。 もっずも、䞀番怖かったのはもう䞀床王郜に朜入されるこずだ。だから魔陀け薬はほがすべお王郜で䜿っおもらっおいる。王郜からは䜕も蚀っおこないし、その点は王倪子殿䞋やその呚囲にいる人たちを信頌するしかない。 獣化人 「倚かれ少なかれ、指導者には立堎っおものがある。魔将にもな」 「匷さだけがすべおの魔軍で、逆に甘く芋おいた人間から瞄匵りに攻め蟌たれおいるずかになったら倧恥だろうよ」 ホルツデッペ卿の疑問にそう応じる。実際、アヌレア村で取匕をしおやるずいう態床をずっおきた だからこそ敵を匕っ匵り出すこずができるはず、ずいう結論にたどり着いた。 「たずは盞手に恥をかかせるためにこちらから盞手の瞄匵りに攻め蟌む。魔将を怒らせるために、だ」
When I finished my sentence, everyone fell silent. I guess they were still digesting my words. The first person who opened his mouth was Frenssen, who was arguably the most intelligent person in the room. “Welner-sama... earlier, what did you just say?” “I’m planning to attack Triot.” I repeated my words. I crave some coffee or tea now, although I didn’t know if coffee beans even exist in this world. Even if they did exist, I had only had instant or canned coffee in my previous life, so I did not know how to brew coffee with coffee beans... “Don’t be flustered. I said that I’m going to attack Triot, not capture it,” I said while lightly raising my hand to stop Sir Behnke’s words. What I was planning to do was quite complicated, so of course, I planned to explain it to them. Hmm.... from where should I explain it... “As all of you know, although Triot wasn’t as large as the Bain Kingdom, it used to be a proper country. I’m just a viscount who became a governor. I don’t have enough human resources, military power, and supplies to , not to capture the country. Therefore, no one will be able to complain.” “Criminals?” “Yes, officially Hearing my words, Sir Gekke let out a bitter smile. As always, he was sharp. almost immediately after you arrived in Anheim.” One of the town’s influential people assaulted a refugee woman. The assaulter was killed on the spot, but his cronies were banished to Triot. Then, after some investigation, it turned out some of those cronies had also committed some other crimes, so I and my subordinates went to Triot to capture them for interrogation. On our way to capture them, we ended up clashing with the demon army... “In addition, I want to make it clear that our aim is to drag out the demon general and beat him to a pulp.” “Demon general?” Sir Eickstedt said that with a confused expression. Ah, right, he didn’t know about the demon general. I should make some time to let him catch up with the situation later. “But the terrain has become a problem for that objective. Anheim was originally a town built to protect the border with Triot. A river runs on the south of Anheim.” I took out a map and pointed to Anheim, which was located on the north side of the river. “If our opponents were humans, we could have created a base on our side of the river and attacked our enemy from that base. After all, it would be pretty hard for normal humans to cross this big river. The problem is, our opponents are demons, so creating a base on our side of the river will be useless.” “Useless?” (Behnke) I answered Sir Behnke’s question. It seemed like Sir Behnke wasn’t well-versed in war. Frenssen probably also wasn’t familiar with an actual war, so I would explain my plan in detail. Even if our army could somehow cross the river, we would be exhausted, making our chances of winning very slim. On the other hand, if demons were the ones that crossed the river, they would still have more than enough stamina to keep attacking us because of the difference in our physical abilities. Even if the knights were miraculously able to cross the river and push back the demons, the demon general could just take a few elites with him and then retreat to hide in the Triot. “If the demon general escaped to the depth of Triot, our army would have no choice but to wait until the demon general attacked us again, since our army couldn’t chase him to the depth of Triot. If that happened, we would be at a great disadvantage because demons could literally pop out anywhere.” “That is certainly true.” Sir Holzdeppe responded to my explanation, while everyone else seemed to be in deep thought. “That’s why I want to lure the demon general and his army deep inside our side of the river. If possible, I want to lure them to the front of the northern town’s gate, so it will be easier for the reinforcement from the capital to surround the demon general.” “I understand your explanation so far, but I still don’t understand why we need to attack Triot?” This time, it was Sir Eickstedt who asked me. Oh, Sir Eickstedt seemed to be motivated now. “I have researched the demons’ living habits before. Well, calling it living habits Even if we create a group of or so people, the demons would still attack us without fear, like what happened in Veritza Fortress. The hero, Mazell, seemed to be an exception to this rule, though. “In addition, it seems like demons don’t leave a specific area. They seem to have a concept of ‘territory’ like animals. The exception to this rule is when they are led by a commander, like a demon general.” Back when I played the game, the types of demons that the player had to fight could change drastically just by crossing a bridge. Back then, it was caused by the game’s system. I used the word ‘territory’ here since I didn’t know what else to call it. If my hypothesis that demons were a substitute for natural disasters in this world was correct, then the demons that often appeared in a certain area were like a substitute for a small earthquake. It was also possible that the reason why there were not many strong demons around the capital was that the founder of the Bain Kingdom purposely chose a place where there were only weak demons nearby to build the capital, just like how in my previous life people chose a place with a less natural disaster to build a city. Come to think of it, even the places where the demon king and many powerful demons appeared were often in an area full of mountains. Even without the existence of the demon king, I also wouldn’t want to live in a place filled with mazes like mountain roads. Back to natural disasters... In my previous life, ancient people who had a polytheistic belief often attributed the natural disaster to God. In Japan, for example, there were Wind God and Thunder God who were both personifications of natural disasters. I didn’t know how catfish became a personification of earthquakes, though. The reason why I chose the word ‘territory’ to explain the demons’ behavior was that this world didn’t have a concept of ‘natural disaster’ and because the religion of this world was monotheism, the people of this world also didn’t have a concept of ‘personification of natural disaster’. In that sense, perhaps the ‘demon king’ and ‘demon generals’ were a personification of a large-scale natural disaster. Well, let’s put aside my hypothesis for now and focus on how to defeat Gezarius. “I’m most afraid of demons attacking our territory with a small number repeatedly, just like what I plan to do to the demons.” A few werewolves alone would be able to wipe out an entire village. If the demons repeatedly sent a small force to attack the Anheim region, the damage the region would suffer would be tremendous. Most likely, demons thought of us as an opponent that they could destroy anytime, which was why they hadn’t done that. However, the most terrifying thing that could happen was demons once again infiltrating the capital. To prevent this, I had given almost all the anti-demon medicine to the capital. There had been no news from the capital about demons once again having infiltrated, so I could only trust His Highness and the people around him to have protected the capital well. “A leader has to protect his position. This will also apply to the demon general.” “It would be a slap on the demon general’s face if his territory was repeatedly invaded by the weak and feeble humans, especially since, for the demons, strength is everything. Demon general will most likely be forced to make a move even if he doesn’t want to.” That was how I answered Sir Holzdeppe’s question. The impression of the Lizard Magician in Alea village speaking like he was looking down on me, a human, and even trying to strike a deal with me, albeit clumsily, was strong. That was why I concluded I should be able to draw out the demon general with my plan. “We will be attacking Triot to piss off the demon general and lure him out.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 14 }
隣は 高校生、10代だったかな 圌女は貧乏な家の生たれで 「䜕かで成功したい」ず打ち明けおきたした。 そしお 玠朎な質問をしたした。 「どうしたら成功できるの?」 でも 僕は答えられず 申し蚳なくなりたした。 その盎埌にTEDに来お ひらめいたのです! 芋枡す限り 成功者ばかりじゃないか! ここで成功の秘密を聎き それを子䟛たちに䌝えよう! そしお7幎間で500人にむンタビュヌをした今 お答えしたす! 成功の秘密は䜕か? 䜕がTEDメンバヌを突き動かすのか? 1぀目は 熱意 フリヌマン・トヌマス「熱意こそ私の原動力」 TEDメンバヌは奜きだからやっおいる。お金が目的ではない。 キャロル・コレット「人を雇っおでも 今やっおいる事をやりたい」 さらに面癜いのは 熱意に埓えば お金は埌から぀いおくる。 働く! ルパヌト・マヌドック「党力でやろう。 簡単な事など無いが やっおいおずおも楜しい」 ルパヌトは「楜しい」だっお?!その通り! TEDメンバヌは 楜しみながらよく働く。 圌らは仕事䞭毒ではなく 仕事オタクです。 特技!アレックス・ガヌデン「成功するために 特技を 持ずう」 近道はない。単に ç·Žç¿’!ç·Žç¿’!ç·Žç¿’! 䞀点集䞭。 ノヌマン・ゞュむ゜ン曰く 「すべき事は 1぀の事に集䞭するこずだ」 抌す! デむビット・ガロ「自分を埌抌ししよう。 物理的にも 粟神的にも 抌す!抌す!抌す!」 恥や自信の無さは 抌し出そう! ゎヌルディ・ホヌン「自信が無かった頃 私はこう蚀っおいたした」 『䞍噚甚だし 頭も悪いから きっず成功なんおしないわ』 自分で埌抌しし続けるのは倧倉だから 人々は母芪を発明したした。 フランク・ゲヌリヌはこう答えたした! 「うちの母芪がやらせた」 圹に立ずう! シャヌりィン・ヌヌランド「医者ずしお圹に立おたのは光栄でした」 沢山の子どもが億䞇長者になりたいず蚀っおきたす。 そこでたず 答えるのは 「自分の圹に立぀ずいうのは無理だから 他人の圹に立぀䜕かを䞎えたしょう。 それが唯䞀 倧金持ちになれる方法です」 アむデア! TEDメンバヌのビル・ゲむツ曰く 「䞖界初のパ゜コン゜フト䌚瀟を創りたいず思った」 それは良いアむデアだず僕も思うよ。 発想力を身に付けるのに近道などありたせん。 基本をやり続けるのみです。 それらはこのような事です。 貫培する!ゞョヌ・クラりス曰く 「貫培するこずで私たちは成功できた」 倱敗しおもやり通す。「向かい颚」の䞭でも貫培する! 「向かい颚」ずは 批刀 無芖 銬鹿 プレッシャヌ! もっずもな答えは シンプル! 4000ドル払っおTEDに来よう! それが無理だずしたら これら8぀を続けよう! これら8぀が成功の秘密です! むンタビュヌを受けおくれたTEDメンバヌ 有難う!
And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family. And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. She said, "What leads to success?" And I felt really badly, because I couldn't give her a good answer. So I get off the plane, and I come to TED. And I think, jeez, I'm in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later, and I'm going to tell you what really leads to success and makes TEDsters tick. And the first thing is passion. Freeman Thomas says, "I'm driven by my passion." TEDsters do it for love; they don't do it for money. Carol Coletta says, "I would pay someone to do what I do." And the interesting thing is: if you do it for love, the money comes anyway. Work! Rupert Murdoch said to me, "It's all hard work. Nothing comes easily. But I have a lot of fun." Did he say fun? Rupert? Yes! TEDsters do have fun working. And they work hard. I figured, they're not workaholics. They're workafrolics. Alex Garden says, "To be successful, put your nose down in something and get damn good at it." There's no magic; it's practice, practice, practice. And it's focus. Norman Jewison said to me, "I think it all has to do with focusing yourself on one thing." And push! David Gallo says, "Push yourself. Physically, mentally, you've got to push, push, push." You've got to push through shyness and self-doubt. Goldie Hawn says, "I always had self-doubts. I wasn't good enough; I wasn't smart enough. I didn't think I'd make it." Now it's not always easy to push yourself, and that's why they invented mothers. Frank Gehry said to me, "My mother pushed me." Serve! Sherwin Nuland says, "It was a privilege to serve as a doctor." A lot of kids want to be millionaires. The first thing I say is: "OK, well you can't serve yourself; you've got to serve others something of value. Because that's the way people really get rich." Ideas! TEDster Bill Gates says, "I had an idea: founding the first micro-computer software company." I'd say it was a pretty good idea. And there's no magic to creativity in coming up with ideas -- it's just doing some very simple things. And I give lots of evidence. Persist! Joe Kraus says, "Persistence is the number one reason for our success." You've got to persist through failure. You've got to persist through crap! Which of course means "Criticism, Rejection, Assholes and Pressure." So, the answer to this question is simple: Pay 4,000 bucks and come to TED. Or failing that, do the eight things -- and trust me, these are the big eight things that lead to success. Thank you TEDsters for all your interviews!
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ずおも幞せです なぜなら― ボノボは 地球䞊䞀番平和的な動物だからです ほずんど知られいないこずです ボノボは コンゎだけに生息しおいたす リアルな性行動のため 動物園にはあたりいたせん 性行動があたりに人間ず䌌おいるのです 恥ずかしくなるほどです しかしながら 孊ぶこずはたくさんありたす ボノボの瀟䌚は ずおも平等で芪密です 性行動は 単独のものではなく 生掻ず切り離せたせん 性行動が生掻の䞀郚なのです コミュニケヌションや 仲盎りの手段ずしお䜿われたす 私たち人間は い぀の間にか自分たちの生掻を 分割しおしたいたした いく぀ものカテゎリヌに分類しおしたったのです そしお 分類されたものには収たるずころがありたす でも最初は そうじゃなかったず思いたす 倚くの人々は 動物は融通がきかないず思っおいたす たた人間は ずおも ずおも 特別であるず 物事を考える胜力を持ち たた 特殊な脳のおかげで 蚀語を䜿えるこず さらにこの特殊な脳のおかげで 道具を䜜ったり 蚈算ができるこず でも正盎どうなんでしょう 1600幎頃に発芋された― タスマニア人は 火を知りたせんでした 石噚も䜿っおいたせんでした 音楜を楜しんだ圢跡もありたせん ボノボず比べおみるず ボノボの方が毛が倚いようです 盎立性は匱いですが 共通点は たくさんありたす 文化ずいう芳点で芋るず どうやっお今の私たちに たどり぀いたか わかるような気がしたす 生物孊的に遺䌝したのではない ず思うのです 䞀般的には そう蚀われたすが そうではないず思いたす では いよいよボノボを ご玹介したしょう カンゞです オスのボノボです 今はゞョヌゞア州の森にいたす 母芪の出身地はアフリカの森です 母芪は思春期になる頃 やっおきたした 6, 7歳の時です 右偎がボノボ 巊偎がチンパンゞヌです あきらかに チンパンゞヌの方が歩行が苊手です ボノボは人間よりも背が䜎く 腕が長いですが 私たちのように盎立したす ボノボず ルヌシヌのような アりストラロピテクスの比范です 違いは ほずんどありたせん ボノボの歩き方ず アりストラロピテクスの 歩き方は同じです 正面から芋るず アりストラロピテクスの 骚盀の方が少し平らで 䞡腰の動きは少なくお枈みたす ですから二足歩行は少し容易です 同時に4぀芋おみたしょう 野生のボノボは䞭倮アフリカの ゞャングルに生息しおいたす コンゎ川に囲たれた地域です 森の朚々は高さ 40mに達し うっそうず茂っおいたす 初めおボノボの調査をしたのは 日本の研究者たちです 今から 30幎ほど前のこずです ボノボはチンパンゞヌよりも小柄です 痩せ圢で ずおも穏やかな性栌の生き物です 長期の熱心な調査の結果 倚くのこずを発芋したした ひず぀は 野生のボノボが頻繁に二足歩行するこずです さらに ボノボは盎立歩行で長距離移動できたす たずオヌスティンに挚拶しお小屋に行きたしょう 森にいるカンゞず私です これからお芋せするビデオは 党お蚓緎なしの状態です ごたかし ではありたせん たたたた居合わせた日本のNHK が 撮圱したした ボノボが 8頭いたす キャンプに必芁なものがいっぱいあるでしょう 研究所の家族党員です 枝を取っおくれる? 䞊手よ もっず枝が欲しいな 必芁なら ポケットにラむタヌがあるわ ハチの巣ね 出しおいいのよ あるずいいけど ラむタヌ䜿っお火を起こしおみお カンゞは火に興味深々です ラむタヌなしで火を起こすこずは ただできたせん でも誰かがラむタヌなしで 火を起こすのを芋たら できるようになるでしょう カンゞはどうすれば火が燃え続けるか 孊習䞭です 火の䜿い道を孊習しおいたす 私たちの行動を芳察しおいるのです ボノボの笑顔です うれしいずきの声です 楜しいね これはずっおも楜しいね 火に氎をかけなくちゃ 氎どこか わかる? 䞊手 バックパックの半分閉め忘れちゃった 物を運ぶの奜きなの オヌスティン、オヌスティンっお蚀ったわね 研究所では私たちが聞こえない皋の 遠く離れたボノボず話したす 効です 初めおゎルフ・カヌトを運転したす バむバむ ペダルは螏み蟌めたすが ハンドルはダメです バックからドラむブに切り替えたした ハンドルは握ったたたで回せたせん 私たちず同じように 鏡に映っおいるのが自分ずわかりたす ボノボを人間ず䞀緒にいる環境で育おながら ボノボの発達を 20幎間に枡り蚘録したした そしお研究者たちは文化的芁玠が 人間の進化に及がした圱響に぀いお研究しおいたす 名前はニョりタ スワヒリ語で 星 の意味です パンバニヌシャはハサミを䜿っお ニョりタの毛を切ろうずしおいたす 野生では ボノボの芪が子䟛の毛繕いをしたす パンバニヌシャは手の代わりにハサミを䜿っお ニョりタの毛繕いをしたす すばらしいわ 手先が噚甚でないず このような繊现なこずはできたせん ニョりタはパンバニヌシャを真䌌しお ハサミを䜿おうずしたす ニョりタが怪我をしないように パンバニヌシャは たるで人間の母芪のように やさしくハサミを ずりあげたす 固い動物の毛皮を切り裂くこずもできたす 石噚の䜜り方も芚えたした カンゞが道具を䜜ろうずしおいたす 我々の祖先ず同じやり方かもしれたせん 250䞇幎前のやり方 䞡手に石を持っお 片方をもう䞀方にぶ぀けおいたす 䞡手を䜿い 斜めに 打ち䞋ろすこずで より倧きく鋭い剥片を䜜れたす カンゞは十分に鋭いず 思う剥片を遞びたす 固い毛皮はナむフを䜿っおも 切るのは困難です カンゞが䜿っおいる石はずおも固く 石噚䜜りには最適ですが 䜿いこなすのは倧倉です すぐれた技術が必芁です カンゞの石ぱチオピアのゎナ産です 250䞇幎前 アフリカの祖先が䜿った石ず 同じです カンゞが䜿った石です そしお カンゞが䜜った剥片です 平らで鋭利な瞁は たるでナむフの刃のようです 我々の祖先が䜿った道具ず比べおみるず カンゞのものず ずおもよく䌌おいたす パンバニヌシャは 倖に出たがっおいたす 窓の倖を芋぀めたたたです 予想もしなかった行動をお芋せしたしょう もう数日間 パンバニヌシャは倖に出おいたせん 私は い぀もは蚀語に぀いお語りたす パンバニヌシャは予期せぬこずをしたす しかし今は 普段するこずをしないように蚀われおいたす ボノボには蚀語があるこずを話しおいたせんでした 図圢蚀語です チョヌクを取るず 床に䜕か曞き始めたす 䜕を曞いおいるのでしょう 文字の名前も 声を出しお蚀っおいたす 今床はスヌ博士に近づいお たた曞き始めたす キヌボヌドに文字がありたす 觊るずしゃべりたす パンバニヌシャはスヌ博士に 行きたい堎所を䌝えおいたす A-Frame ずは森の䞭の小屋のこずです チョヌクで曞いたものず キヌボヌドの絵文字を比范したしょう パンバニヌシャは戞倖でも絵文字を曞き始めたす ずおも䞊手だわ パンバニヌシャ はじめは䜕をしおいるのか 気が぀きたせんでした でも少し離れお回しおみたら 分かりたした この絵文字も森のある堎所を瀺したす 曲線が絵文字ずそっくりです パンバニヌシャが次に曞くのは銖茪です パンバニヌシャが倖に出る時は 銖茪をするのが玄束ごずです 斜蚭の芏則です 他の文字ほど 分かりやすくないですが パンバニヌシャが曲線ず盎線を䜕本か 描こうずしたのは分かりたす 研究者たちはパンバニヌシャが蚀ったこずを絵文字を䜿っお チョヌクで床に蚘録したした パンバニヌシャはその様子を芋お 自分でも曞くようになったのです ボノボの胜力は䞖界䞭の科孊者を驚かせたした どうやっお発達したのでしょう もっずも重芁な発芋は ボノボに蚀語を習埗させるためには 教えおはいけないずいうこずです ボノボの呚りにある蚀語を䜿うこずです なぜならば蚀語習埗のカギは 倧事な仲間が自分に䜕を 蚀っおいるか理解するこずだからです その胜力が備わるず 蚀語を䜿う玠質は きわめお自然に 自由に 発揮されたす そこで 私たちは 圌らが自由に仲間ず 亀流できる環境を䜜ろうず思いたした 圌らが楜しめる環境 そしお有意矩な時間を過ごせる 環境を目指したした このような環境はカンゞずパンバニヌシャの 予期せぬ朜圚胜力を匕き出したした パンバニヌシャがハヌモニカを楜しんでいたす 1歳になったニョりタが暪取りしたす そしお母芪の口を芗き蟌みたす 音の出どころを探しおいるのでしょうか スヌ博士はそのような奜奇心を 満たすこずが重芁ず考えたす パンバニヌシャは今床は電子ピアノを匟いおいたす 匷制されたのではありたせん 研究者が匟くのを芋お興味を瀺したのです 匟いお 匟いお 聞いおるわよ 早いパヌトをたた匟いお そうそう そこよ カンゞが朚琎を匟いおいたす 䞡手を䜿っお倧喜びで スヌ博士の歌を䌎奏をしおいたす カンゞずパンバニヌシャは この楜しさ䞀杯の環境に感化されおいたす それが文化的才胜を匕き出すのです じゃあモンスタヌを捕たえお がんばっお チェリヌも取っお 気を぀けお 近づかないで たた远っかける番よ いけヌ 今床は離れお 逃げるのよ 逃げろ 逃げろ たた远っかけおいいよ それ! あヌあ カンゞ よくできたわね どうもありがずう こんなこずができるずは ボノボも人間も想像したせんでした 次第にこのような2皮環境ができたした 私たちは “汎ヒト文化” ず呌んでいたす 私たちはボノボのようになるには どうすればいいか研究しおいたす 甲高いトヌンの声を䜿っお 圌らず䌚話する方法を 研究しおいるのです ボノボは野生でも蚀語を䜿うず思われたす ボノボも私たちのように なろうず勉匷しおいたす これは生物孊の問題ではなく文化なのです 私たちは 他の皮ず 道具 技術 蚀語を 共有しおいるのです ありがずうございたす
It's kind of a well-kept secret. This species lives only in the Congo. And they're not in too many zoos, because of their sexual behavior. Their sexual behavior is too human-like for most of us to be comfortable with. But -- actually, we have a lot to learn from them, because they're a very egalitarian society and they're a very empathetic society. And sexual behavior is not confined to one aspect of their life that they sort of set aside. It permeates their entire life. And it's used for communication. And it's used for conflict resolution. And I think perhaps somewhere in our history we sort of, divided our lives up into lots of parts. We divided our world up with lots of categories. And so everything sort of has a place that it has to fit. But I don't think that we were that way initially. There are many people who think that the animal world is hard-wired and that there's something very, very special about man. Maybe it's his ability to have causal thought. Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to have language. Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to make tools or to have mathematics. Well, I don't know. There were Tasmanians who were discovered around the 1600s and they had no fire. They had no stone tools. To our knowledge they had no music. So when you compare them to the Bonobo, the Bonobo is a little hairier. He doesn't stand quite as upright. But there are a lot of similarities. And I think that as we look at culture, we kind of come to understand how we got to where we are. And I don't really think it's in our biology; I think we've attributed it to our biology, but I don't really think it's there. So what I want to do now is introduce you to a species called the Bonobo. This is Kanzi. He's a Bonobo. Right now, he's in a forest in Georgia. His mother originally came from a forest in Africa. And she came to us when she was just at puberty, about six or seven years of age. Now this shows a Bonobo on your right, and a chimpanzee on your left. Clearly, the chimpanzee has a little bit harder time of walking. The Bonobo, although shorter than us and their arms still longer, is more upright, just as we are. This shows the Bonobo compared to an australopithecine like Lucy. As you can see, there's not a lot of difference between the way a Bonobo walks and the way an early australopithecine would have walked. As they turn toward us you'll see that the pelvic area of early australopithecines is a little flatter and doesn't have to rotate quite so much from side to side. So the -- the bipedal gait is a little easier. And now we see all four. Video: Narrator: The wild Bonobo lives in central Africa, in the jungle encircled by the Congo River. grow densely in the area. It was a Japanese scientist who first undertook serious field studies of the Bonobo, almost three decades ago. Bonobos are built slightly smaller than the chimpanzee. Slim-bodied, Bonobos are by nature very gentle creatures. Long and careful studies have reported many new findings on them. One discovery was that wild Bonobos often walk bidpedally. What's more, they are able to walk upright for long distances. Susan Savage-Rumbaugh : Let's go say hello to Austin first and then go to the A frame. SS: This is Kanzi and I, in the forest. None of the things you will see in this particular video are trained. None of them are tricks. They all happened to be captured on film spontaneously, by NHK of Japan. We have eight Bonobos. Video: Look at all this stuff that's here for our campfire. SS: An entire family at our research centre. Video: You going to help get some sticks? Good. We need more sticks, too. I have a lighter in my pocket if you need one. That's a wasps' nest. You can get it out. I hope I have a lighter. You can use the lighter to start the fire. SS: So Kanzi is very interested in fire. He doesn't do it yet without a lighter, but I think if he saw someone do it, he might be able to do -- make a fire without a lighter. He's learning about how to keep a fire going. He's learning the uses for a fire, just by watching what we do with fire. This is a smile on the face of a Bonobo. These are happy vocalizations. Video: You're happy. You're very happy about this part. You've got to put some water on the fire. You see the water? Good job. SS: Forgot to zip up the back half of his backpack. But he likes to carry things from place to place. Video: Austin, I hear you saying "Austin." SS: He talks to other Bonobos at the lab, long-distance, farther than we can hear. This is his sister. This is her first time to try to drive a golf cart. Video: Goodbye. SS: She's got the pedals down, but not the wheel. She switches from reverse to forward and she holds onto the wheel, rather than turns it. Like us, she knows that that individual in the mirror is her. Video: Narrator: By raising Bonobos in a culture that is both Bonobo and human, and documenting their development across two decades, scientists are exploring how cultural forces may have operated during human evolution. His name is Nyota. It means "star" in Swahili. Panbanisha is trying to give Nyota a haircut with a pair of scissors. In the wild, the parent Bonobo is known to groom its offspring. Here Panbanisha uses scissors, instead of her hands, to groom Nyota. Very impressive. Subtle maneuvering of the hands is required to perform delicate tasks like this. Nyota tries to imitate Panbanisha by using the scissors himself. Realizing that Nyota might get hurt, Panbanisha, like any human mother, carefully tugs to get the scissors back. He can now cut through tough animal hide. SS: Kanzi's learned to make stone tools. Video: Kanzi now makes his tools, just as our ancestors may have made them, two-and-a-half million years ago -- by holding the rocks in both hands, to strike one against the other. He has learned that by using both hands and aiming his glancing blows, he can make much larger, sharper flakes. Kanzi chooses a flake he thinks is sharp enough. The tough hide is difficult to cut, even with a knife. The rock that Kanzi is using is extremely hard and ideal for stone tool making, but difficult to handle, requiring great skill. Kanzi's rock is from Gona, Ethiopia and is identical to that used by our African ancestors two-and-a-half million years ago. These are the rocks Kanzi used and these are the flakes he made. The flat sharp edges are like knife blades. Compare them to the tools our ancestors used; they bear a striking resemblance to Kanzi's. Panbanisha is longing to go for a walk in the woods. She keeps staring out the window. SS: This is -- let me show you something we didn't think they would do. Video: For several days now, Panbanisha has not been outside. SS: I normally talk about language. Video: Then Panbanisha does something unexpected. SS: But since I'm advised not to do what I normally do, I haven't told you that these apes have language. It's a geometric language. Video: She takes a piece of chalk and begins writing something on the floor. What is she writing? SS: She's also saying the name of that, with her voice. Video: Now she comes up to Dr. Sue and starts writing again. SS: These are her symbols on her keyboard. They speak when she touches them. Video: Panbanisha is communicating to Dr. Sue where she wants to go. "A frame" represents a hut in the woods. Compare the chalk writing with the lexigram on the keyboard. Panbanisha began writing the lexigrams on the forest floor. SS : Very nice. Beautiful, Panbanisha. SS: At first we didn't really realize what she was doing, until we stood back and looked at it and rotated it. Video: This lexigram also refers to a place in the woods. The curved line is very similar to the lexigram. The next symbol Panbanisha writes represents "collar." It indicates the collar that Panbanisha must wear when she goes out. SS: That's an institutional requirement. Video: This symbol is not as clear as the others, but one can see Panbanisha is trying to produce a curved line and several straight lines. Researchers began to record what Panbanisha said, by writing lexigrams on the floor with chalk. Panbanisha watched. Soon she began to write as well. The Bonobo's abilities have stunned scientists around the world. How did they develop? SS : We found that the most important thing for permitting Bonobos to acquire language is not to teach them. It's simply to use language around them, because the driving force in language acquisition is to understand what others, that are important to you, are saying to you. Once you have that capacity, the ability to produce language comes rather naturally and rather freely. So we want to create an environment in which Bonobos, like all of the individuals with whom they are interacting -- we want to create an environment in which they have fun, are meaningful individuals for them. Narrator: This environment brings out unexpected potential in Kanzi and Panbanisha. Panbanisha is enjoying playing her harmonica, until Nyota, now one year old, steals it. Then he peers eagerly into his mother's mouth. Is he looking for where the sound came from? Dr. Sue thinks it's important to allow such curiosity to flourish. This time Panbanisha is playing the electric piano. She wasn't forced to learn the piano; she saw a researcher play the instrument and took an interest. Researcher: Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm listening. Do that real fast part that you did. Yeah, that part. Narrator: Kanzi plays the xylophone; using both hands he enthusiastically accompanies Dr. Sue's singing. Kanzi and Panbanisha are stimulated by this fun-filled environment, which promotes the emergence of these cultural capabilities. Researcher: OK, now get the monsters. Get them. Take the cherries too. Now watch out, stay away from them now. Now you can chase them again. Time to chase them. Now you have to stay away. Get away. Run away. Run. Now we can chase them again. Go get them. Oh no! Good Kanzi. Very good. Thank you so much. Narrator: None of us, Bonobo or human, can possibly even imagine? SS: So we have a bi-species environment, we call it a "panhomoculture." We're learning how to become like them. We're learning how to communicate with them, in really high-pitched tones. We're learning that they probably have a language in the wild. And they're learning to become like us. Because we believe that it's not biology; it's culture. So we're sharing tools and technology and language with another species. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
They are not necessarily religious leaders; in the Balkans and elsewhere, they are nationalists who preach the superiority of one nationality over others. But to call these hate-mongers “preachers” is fitting nonetheless, because they invariably appeal to higher values to sanctify criminal acts.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
神話倧戊。 人々が自然ずそう称した、䞖界の呜運を賭けたあの決戊か月が経った。 あの決戊の埌、各地に蚭眮されたゲヌトが再び開かれ、王郜前の倧草原は倚くの人々の再䌚ず勝利を祝う声で満たされた。 その埌の数日は、負傷者の治療や死者の確認ず匔い、王郜が消えおなくなったが為に行き堎を倱った人々の䞀時的な䜏居の仮蚭などによっお倚少の混乱があったものの、䞀臎団結しおいた各代衚の尜力により、比范的スムヌズに戊埌凊理がなされおいった。 厩壊した【神山】により、巻き蟌たれる圢で砎壊されたハむリヒ王囜は、神話倧戊に参加できなかった非戊闘員――特に職人達が総出で埩興に圓たり、曎にそれを商人達や䞀般の人々が最倧限に支揎するこずで急速に立お盎され぀぀あった。魔法による埩興である䞊に、皮族、囜の垣根を越えお、䞖界䞭の人々が善意か぀積極的に協力しおいるので、このたたいけば半幎以内に元の様盞を取り戻せるかもしれないず掚枬されるほどだ。 戊闘の爪痕激しい倧草原には、芁塞の残骞を利甚した仮蚭䜏宅が倚数建蚭されおおり、䞻に埩興に携わる関係者が寝泊りしおいる。そこには、料理屋や宿屋、雑貚屋なども続々ず䜜られおおり、あるいはそのたた王郜の䞀郚ずなっお郜垂拡倧に繋がるかもしれないほど。きっず、背埌に【神山】があったずきよりも、掻気に満ちた郜ずなるこずだろう。 その仮蚭䜏宅街には、聖教教䌚の仮斜蚭も䜜られおいた。 かの戊いで、敵ぱヒトルゞュ゚の名を語る邪神であるずいうストヌリヌにしたため、人々の心の拠り所は、未だ゚ヒトを神ずする聖教教䌚にあるのだ。それを【神山】ず聖教教䌚の本郚が消えたからずいっお、いきなり取り䞊げおは人々が䞍安になるだけである。 かずいっお、゚ヒトルゞュ゚の名をそのたた䜿っお埓来通りの聖教教䌚ずするのは、真実を知る者達からするず些か以䞊の抵抗があった。 そこで〝豊穣の女神〟たる愛子の挔説により、こんなストヌリヌが䞖界に向けお発信された。 曰く、゚ヒト神の本圓の名は、゚ヒクリベレむであり、長らく真名を狂った神――゚ヒトルゞュ゚に奪われおいた。 曰く、゚ヒトによる䞖界の危機を知った〝反逆者〟もずい〝解攟者〟達が、枅き信仰を取り戻す為、か぀お゚ヒトに挑んだものの卑劣な手に掛かり蚎぀こず叶わなかった。 曰く、解攟者達は、い぀か゚ヒトを倒し埗る者に自らの力を授ける為、倧迷宮の奥底で眠りに぀いた。そしお、異䞖界から、神によっお召喚された遞ばれし者に力を授けた。愛子はその代匁者であり、もっずも力を埗たのが〝女神の剣〟だった。 曰く、そうしお芋事、ハゞメ達が【神域】に隠れる狂神゚ヒトルゞュ゚を打倒した。しかし、狂神゚ヒトルゞュ゚の最埌の抵抗により䞖界を道連れにする厩壊が起きた。それを、ゎヌレムに魂を憑䟝させ、ずっず人々を芋守っおきた最埌の解攟者――ミレディ・ラむセンが、その魂ず匕き換えにしお䞖界を救った。 真っ赀な嘘、ずいうわけでもない。倧䜓のずころ、合っおいる。ちなみに、゚ヒクリベレむずいうのはの解攟者〟ずいう意味を蟌めた造語である。きっず、゚ヒトルゞュ゚ず協力し合った等ず埌䞖に䌝えられるのは嫌だろうずいう配慮だ。誰の配慮かず蚀えば、この嘘ではないが本圓でもないいろんな意味で埮劙なストヌリヌを考えたのず同じ、どこぞの癜髪県垯男である。 この挔説により、早速、今回の神話倧戊を曞に残そうずしおいる歎史家達によっお、ミレディ達の名が、䞖界を救った偉倧な䞃賢人ずしお再び歎史の衚舞台に䞊がるこずになった。 教䌚の新たなトップ陣に関しおは、地方教䌚の叞祭達で構成されおいる。あの戊堎で、聖歌隊に加わっおいた者達の内、生き残った者達が䞭心だ。䞭倮ず反りが合わず、地方に飛ばされおいた者達がほずんどなので、思考思想も至っお垞識的であり、人栌者が倚かったため特に問題はないように思われた。 ミレディがいなくなった【ラむセン倧迷宮】に぀いおは、ハゞメがミレディ・ゎヌレムの代わりずなる生䜓ゎヌレムを䜜っお配眮した。ガトリング砲やミサむルポッド、パむルバンカヌたで装備しおいるので、難易床は跳ね䞊がっおいるかもしれないが。 その他の倧迷宮には特に䜕もしおいない。もう、意味はないかもしれないが、力を求めお挑みたければ挑めずいうスタンスだ。 神話倧戊で倧盀振る舞いされたハゞメ謹補のアヌティファクトに぀いおは、ハゞメが気絶から目芚めた埌、党お砎壊した。ガハルドなどは、ほずんど瞋り付く勢いで「やめろぉヌ!」ず叫んでいたが、その県前で党おを塵にしおやった。ハゞメ印のアヌティファクトを集めるアヌティファクトを䜜っおやったので、取りこがしもないだろう。 もちろん、カム達ハりリア族には、色々ず手を斜したアヌティファクトを残しおある。 ガハルドがずっず恚みがたしい衚情、ずいうかずっず倧事にしおいた倧切な玩具を取り䞊げられた子䟛のような目で、自分をゞッず芋぀めるのが鬱陶しくお、぀い小型版フェルニルを莈っおやったら、次の日、䜕故かハゞメは皇垝陛䞋の芪友ずいうこずになっおいた。䜙皋、フェルニルが嬉しかったらしい。 䞇が䞀、ガハルドがフェルニルを䜿っお他囜に䟵攻した堎合に備えお、リリアヌナずカムには自爆機胜のスむッチを遠隔で入れられるアヌティファクトを持たせたず知ったら......ガハルドはいったい、どんな顔をするのか。ハゞメは、ずおも気になったがグッず我慢した。 亜人族ず人間族の関係に぀いおは、垝囜偎の人間だけでなく、他の人間達も、共に神話倧戊を戊い抜いた亜人達に察する感情は倉化し぀぀あった。やはり呜を預けあったずいう事実は、差別意識を塗り替えるには十分だったのだろう。 もちろん、盎ぐに肩を組み合えるかず蚀われれば、そう簡単にいくものではないが、それでも、闇雲に嫌悪できるほどの悪感情は誰も持おないようだった。それは、竜人族の勇壮なる掻躍を目の圓たりにしたずいうこずもあるし、なにより、【神域】に突入した救䞖の英雄の仲間にもりサミミ少女ず竜人女性がいたずいうこずがあるからだ。 もはや、神の恩恵を持たぬ芋攟された皮族などずは蚀えなかった。むしろの亜人は英雄ず䞊ぶ偉人ずしお、歎史に残るだろうこずは明癜だった。そんな盞手に、どんな蔑みの蚀葉を向けられるずいうのか。 そういうわけで、亜人の地䜍ずいうものが䜕をするでもなく、急速に人々の間で芋盎され始めた。その䞀貫ずしお、聖教教䌚からは〝亜人族〟ではなく、今埌、圌等の正匏な呌称は〝獣人族〟ずする、ずいうお觊れが出たくらいだ。 このこずもあっお、垝囜の皇族に぀けられた〝誓玄の銖茪〟も取り倖されるこずになった。せっかく、友奜的に共存できるかもしれないのに、皇族の呜を握っおいるずあっおは〝察等関係〟ずいうものが厩れおしたうし、歩み寄りにブレヌキが掛かっおしたうからだ。 もっずも、だからずいっお、垝囜偎に亜人ぞの迫害や奎隷化をさせない保蚌が䜕もなくなったわけではない。 「隕石ず倪陜光レヌザヌずハりリア族にフル装備、どれがいい?」 〝誓玄の銖茪〟が倖された際に、ガハルドが䞍敵に笑いながら「垝囜が報埩に出ないず信じるのか?」ず尋ね、返されたハゞメの蚀葉がそれだった。偎近共々、即行で友愛の握手を求めたのは蚀うたでもない。垝囜は実力至䞊䞻矩なのだ...... さお、察等な皮族ずいえば魔人族のこずがある。 圌等は【神域】に招かれ、その䞋局領域で眠りに぀いおいたのだが、どういうわけか【神域】の厩壊を免れお、戊堎から遠く離れた魔郜近郊の荒野に攟り出されたたた、こんこんず眠り続けおいるずころを発芋された。 それは戊埌、䞀ヶ月が経った珟圚も倉わらない。おそらく、再生魔法でも䜿えば盎ぐに目芚めるこずになるだろうが、今は、戊埌凊理やら埩興やらで忙しく、ずおも火皮ずなり埗る存圚を起こすこずなど出来ないので、厳重な監芖のもず魔郜の䞀角にお封印状態にされおいる。封印は、ハゞメのアヌティファクトだ。 ちなみに、魔王城でハゞメに恐怖を刻み蟌たれたあの魔人族達に぀いおは、ハゞメが「面倒い」の䞀蚀から同じく眠りに぀かせた。同胞を助けるぞ! ずか蚀っお暎れられおも困るので手っ取り早い措眮だ。 もっずも、ハゞメに恐怖をたっぷりず怍え぀けられた圌等が、しかも、【神山】厩しや【神殺し】たで成し遂げたこずたで知っお、䞋手なこずができるずは埮塵も思えなかったが。 さお、このように王郜の埩興、アヌティファクトの回収、垝囜ぞの楔の打ち蟌み、歎史のでっち䞊げ、解攟者達の名誉回埩、その他諞々の為に忙しく動き回っおいたハゞメ達だが、なにも䌊達や酔狂で、この䞖界のあれこれに手を貞しおいたわけではない。 圓然、第䞀の目的は故郷たる地球――日本に垰るこずだ。 䞀ヶ月もの間、この䞖界に留たり続け、暇朰しも兌ねお動きたわっおいたのは、単に垰れなかったからである。ず蚀っおも、別に垰還の手段がないずいうわけでも、抂念魔法を創造できなかったずいうわけでもない。 理由は単玔。〝導越の矅針盀〟や〝クリスタルキヌ〟を䜜る材料がなかったのである。 抂念魔法は匷力だ。鉱石に付䞎するこずは出来おも、䞊の物質では発動時の力に耐え切れず自壊しおしたう。䞖界を枡るずいう難行を前に、䞀回だけなら䜿えるはず! などず蚀う冒険はしたくなかった。 それに、ミュりやレミアを連れお行くずしおも、やはり故郷ぞ垰る道は甚意しおやりたかったし、シアやティオに関しおも、カムやアドゥル達がこの䞖界に残る以䞊、たたには里垰りさせお家族ず䌚わせおやりたいずハゞメは考えおいた。 なので、䞀床䜿ったくらいで壊れるようなアヌティファクトでは困るのだ。 かず蚀っお、抂念魔法に耐える䞊に、魔法ず芪和性の高い鉱石ず蚀えば、神結晶以倖に思い぀かない。だが、奈萜に神結晶がないのは確認枈み。矅針盀がない以䞊、䞖界のどこかにあるかもしれない神結晶を探すのも珟実的ではない。 そこで考えたのが、無いなら䜜ればいいじゃない、ずいうこずだ。 神結晶は、千幎ずいう長い時間を掛け偶然できた魔力溜りで魔力が結晶化したもの。途方もない皋に膚倧な自然の魔力が固たったものだ。氎滎が岩に穎を穿぀が劂く。 だが、氎滎が穎を穿぀ずころなど眺めおいる趣味はハゞメにはない。故に、そんな道理は反則で捻じ曲げおしたえばいい。 そうしお行ったのが、星の力に干枉する魔法である重力魔法で自然の魔玠を高速で集束するアヌティファクトを䜜り、それを界に干枉する魔法である空間魔法を䜿っお それに加えお人倖の魔力を埅぀ハゞメを筆頭に異䞖界チヌト組が毎日魔力を泚ぎ蟌んだ。 結果、䞀ヶ月を掛けお、芋事、盎埄ンチメヌトル皋の神結晶を䜜り出すこずに成功した。ハゞメが芋぀けたものに比べれば半分皋床の倧きさしかなく、〝神氎〟も出ないが、十分、抂念魔法甚アヌティファクトに耐える玠晎らしい玠材だ。 そしお、遂に、今日、〝導越の矅針盀〟ず〝クリスタルキヌ〟の䜜成に入る。 堎所は、フェアベルゲンの街倖れにある噎氎広堎。シアの想いが成就したあの堎所だ。ハゞメ達は、この䞀ヶ月、䞀番過ごしやすいこのフェアベルゲンを拠点にしおいるのである。ゲヌトがあれば王郜たでの距離も関係がないので、愛子やクラスメむト達もここで滞圚しおいる。人間ではあるが、英雄䞀行の滞圚ずあっお獣人族は倧喜びだ。 広堎には、シアやティオ、銙織や雫、そしおミュりずレミア以倖にも、垰還甚アヌティファクト完成の瞬間を䞀目芋ようず党クラスメむトが集たっおいた。加えお、リリアヌナやカム達ハりリア族などもいる。 「よし、やるか。ナ゚」 その広堎の䞭倮で向き合うのはハゞメずナ゚だ。ナ゚の姿は、本来の少女の姿。その日の気分で倧人モヌドになったりもするが、ハゞメの膝の䞊に座ったり、抱っこしおもらうのに䟿利なので普段は少女モヌドでいるこずが倚い。 ハゞメも、新たな矩県ず矩手が戻り、ナ゚の眷属化も解かれた状態になっおいる。地球に垰るたでには、黒髪にしたり矩手に皮膚コヌティングするなどしお、可胜な限り倖芳は元のハゞメに戻す぀もりだ。 ゎスロリちっくな衣装に身を包んだ可憐すぎるナ゚ず、神結晶を挟んで向き合うハゞメは集䞭するように瞑目した。 呚囲で芋守るクラスメむト達が固唟を呑んでいるのが分かる。 そんな䞭で、遂に始たった抂念創造の儀匏。 フェアベルゲンの森に、黄金ず深玅の魔力が静かにうねりを䞊げ始めた。最初から、螺旋を描きながら亀じり合う二色の魔力は、たるで睊み合っおいるようにも芋える。 やがお暹々の葉を吹き散らしながら倩ぞず昇った魔力の奔流に、明確な意志が宿り始めた。目に芋えないにもかかわらず、その堎にいる誰もが感じ、肌を粟立おるほど圧倒的な意志。 同時に、神結晶が茝き出す。吹き荒れおいた魔力の奔流が、凄たじい勢いで神結晶ぞず集束・吞収されおいく。 静かに、されど朗々ずハゞメが蚀霊を攟った。 「――〝錬成〟」 途端、神結晶が二぀に分かれる。神結晶以倖にも甚意されおいた鉱石が瞬時に混じり合い、圢を成しおいく。 い぀しか、吹き荒れおいた魔力はハゞメずナ゚の間で恒星の劂く茝き、フェアベルゲンの森ず呚囲の者達を照らし、その心を魅せた。 その茝きも少しず぀小さくなっおいく。「ほぅ」ず、感嘆の溜息がそこかしこで挏れ出した。それは、生たれ出るアヌティファクトが原因か、それずも寄り添い合いながら奇蹟のような光景を生み出しおいるハゞメずナ゚が原因か。 そしお、遂に光が収たり、ナ゚ずハゞメがスっず目を開いた。その芖線の先にはキラキラず茝く矅針盀ずクリスタルキヌがある。 「......ハゞメ。詊しお」 そっず手を離しながらナ゚が蚀う。それに埓い、ハゞメは矅針盀を発動しおみた。問題なく、感芚的に地球の堎所が掎める。そしおクリスタルキヌもしっかりず空間に䜜甚した。 「お、おい、南雲。どうなんだ? 倧䞈倫そうか?」 堪えきれなくなったようで遠藀浩介がおずおずず尋ねる。ちなみに、ハりリア族に玠晎らしい二぀名を送られたり、同じ兎人族の恋人がいたり(この䞀ヶ月物凄く頑匵った。䞻に、矞恥心を代償に支払い、黒歎史を量産しながら)ず、共通点が倚々あるハゞメず浩介は、意倖に気が合っお、この䞀ヶ月で割ず気安い関係を築いおいたりする。 浩介の呌びかけに反応したハゞメを芋お、クラスメむトの䜕人かがゎクリず生唟を呑み蟌む音を響かせた。 ハゞメは、緊匵で匷ばった衚情になっおいるクラスメむト達に芖線を巡らせる。 そしお、ニダリずした笑みを浮かべるず無蚀でサムズアップした。その意味は明癜。 「よっしゃヌヌヌ!!」 「うぉおおおおっ、垰れる! マゞで垰れるぅ!!」 「南雲ぉ、いや、もう南雲様! ほんずありがずう!」 「ふぇええええん、良かったよぉ~。南雲くぅん、ナ゚さぁん、ありがずう!」 「ハゞメ様ぁ、奎隷にしお䞋さいぃいいい~!」 「ナ゚さん、俺をペットにしおくれぇ!」 爆発する歓声ず、次々に䞊がる感謝の蚀葉。若干、危ない発蚀があった気がするがクラスメむトにたで倉態が出珟しおは困るので華麗にスルヌだ。だが、ナ゚に倉な芁求をした奎は埌でシメるずハゞメは誓い぀぀、疲劎のためどさりず座り蟌んだ。 その膝の䞊にナ゚も疲れた様子で座り蟌んでくる。现い腰に腕を回しお支えおやるずスリスリず擊り寄っおくる。 そこぞ、ステテテヌず可愛らしい足音が響いた。 「パパぁ!」 「ミュり」 ぎょんず飛び蟌んでくるミュりの小さな䜓を䞊手く受け止め、ナ゚ずは反察の膝に乗せお同じように支える。やっぱり、スリスリず擊り寄っおくる。 「ハゞメさん! 私も~」 シアがりサギらしくぎょんず飛び蟌んでくる。抱き぀く堎所は右肩。䞀時的に支える手を解いおりサミミを撫でおやる。シアは嬉しそうにスリスリず擊り寄った。 「ハゞメくん、やったね」 そう蚀っお静かに寄り添っおきたのは銙織だ。それも䜿埒の䜓ではない。元の䜓だ。ハゞメ達ずの寿呜の差を考えれば、䜿埒の䜓のたたの方がいいず銙織本人は思っおいたのだが、゚ヒト憑䟝時の圱響で䜿埒創造の秘術を理解したナ゚が、銙織の䜓のたたいずれ䜿埒化させお寿呜の垣根を超えるこずは可胜だずいうので、元の䜓に戻ったのだ。実際、既に䞀時的になら䜿埒モヌドに転倉するこずが可胜で、その堎合は銀翌や分解胜力、双倧剣術も扱うこずができる。 その銙織が、ハゞメの巊肩にピトリず匕っ付く。撫で撫でしおやるず、やはりスリスリず擊り寄った。 「ご䞻人様の䞖界、楜しみじゃの」 「きっずビックリするわよ」 ティオず雫がやっおくる。堎所はもう背䞭くらいしかない。二人の芖線が亀差した。バチッず火花が散る。盞手を牜制し぀぀、最埌の密着ポゞションを狙おうずしお...... 「あらあら、いい堎所が空いおいたすね。うふふ。あなた、倱瀌したすね」 スルリず割っお入ったレミアがピタリずハゞメの背䞭に密着した。「「あっ」」ずティオず雫が声を䞊げる。流石未亡人。䟮れない。 「シアさん、はぁはぁ、私ずも仲良くしたしょう?」 「げぇ、アルテナッ!」 い぀の間にかシアの背埌に「はぁはぁ」ず錻息の荒いアルテナが出珟した。ゟンビのようにふらふらしながらシアの背䞭に芆い被さろうずしおいる。 ゟワリずりサミミを逆立おたシアが、アルテナを撃退しようずハゞメから離れた。 その隙を突いお曎に二人の女性が小走りに近寄り...... 「......愛子さん? 䜕をなさる぀もりですか?」 「リリアヌナさんこそ。圌に䜕か甚でも?」 バチバチずここでも火花が散る。 にわかにハゞメの呚囲が隒がしくなり、歓声を䞊げお喜び合っおいたクラスメむト達も泚目を始めた。 そんな䞭、ハゞメを巡っお隒がしく争う女性陣に「ふぅ」ず溜息を吐いたのはナ゚。ハゞメが、「どうした?」ず銖を傟げながら芖線を向けるず、途端、甘えた雰囲気から劖艶な雰囲気ぞず空気が倉わる。 そしお、ナ゚の䜓がポワ~ず茝いたかず思うず、次の瞬間、倧人版ナ゚が珟れた。盎埌、倧人版ナ゚は銙織ずレミアからあっさりハゞメを匕き剥がすず、成長したこずで䞈が䞀気に短くなり、物凄く際どく艶かしい衣装のたた、ハゞメの頭を掻き抱いお、その芋事な双䞘ぞずムニュ! ず埋める。 争っおいた女性陣が「あっ」ず声を䞊げ、ハゞメが「うんむっ」ず声を詰たらせる。ミュりは片腕で支えたたただ。 「......正劻暩限で、隒がしくする子は出犁にする」 连る色気。男女の区別なく魅了する魔性の矎。劖艶を䜓珟したような倧人モヌドのナ゚の蚀葉に誰もが息を呑んだ。咄嗟に女性陣が反論しようずするが、機先を制するようにスっず流し目を送られれば、途端、ポワッず頬を赀らめお「うっ」ず蚀葉に詰たる。ラむバルを自認する銙織ですらそうなるのだ。はっきり蚀っお誰も逆らえる気がしない。 ちなみに、出犁がどこぞの出入り犁止を瀺しおいるかず蚀うず、ハゞメの寝宀だったりする。この䞀ヶ月、ハゞメずナ゚、そしおシアは幟床も そしお、ナ゚ずシアがいない倜もハゞメのベッドを枩めおいた女性はいるのだ。それが誰であるかは蚀わずもがな。采配を取り持っおいるのが誰なのかも蚀わずもがなだ。〝正劻暩限〟ずいう蚀葉で掚しお知るべし。 「......ん。眰ずしお、今日は私が独占する」 「ちょ、ナ゚、うむっ!?」 双䞘に埋められ骚抜きになっおいたハゞメは、起こされるず同時にナ゚から熱い、それはもう火傷しそうなほどあ぀~い口付けを頂戎した。 にわかに隒がしくなる女性陣。そしお、オロオロず砂糖を吐き出すクラスメむト(危ない感じで興奮しおいる䞀郚の女子生埒を含む)。 ぷはっず息を乱しながら口を離したナ゚ずハゞメに、銙織達が、抗議ずおねだりの声を䞊げる。 「ず、ずるいよ、ナ゚! 私もハゞメくんず......」 「あ、あの私も......ハゞメず......」 「ハゞメさん......どうか......」 曎に、アルテナをバックドロップで沈めたシアが無蚀でうるうるず最んだ県差しをハゞメぞ向ける。ミュりはよく分かっおいないのか銖を傟げおいた。 そこぞ、ナ゚がふわりず埮笑みながら口を開いた。 「......ハゞメ。誰ずする?」 そんなこずを悪戯っぜく蚀われおしたえば、ハゞメの答えは䞀぀しかない。 「ナ゚䞀択で」 「くふっ......じゃあ、さらっおいく」 そう蚀っお、ミュりを颚で包んで優しくレミアに枡すず、ハゞメを抱き締めたたたシュン! ず姿を消しおしたった。゚ヒトルゞュ゚からパクった魔法〝倩圚〟である。実は、キスしながらハゞメから血をもらい回埩しおいたのだ。 フェアベルゲンの広堎に再び「あヌヌ!!」ずいうハゞメに惚れる女性陣の抗議の声が蜟いた。 「......ちくしょう。死ぬほど矚たしい」 「ああ。俺も、あんな矎女にさらわれおぇ~」 「でも、南雲ならしゃあないかず思っおしたう自分が、䜕かもうっお感じだ」 玉井淳史が倩を仰ぎながら呟けば、しみじみずした様子で盞川昇が同調し、仁村明人が肩を竊めお䜕ずも蚀えない衚情を晒した。 「あぁ、それすげぇ~わかる。蚀葉に出来ない感じな」 「〝たぁ、南雲なので〟ずいうのが、最近の流行語だな......」 玉井達の䌚話を聞いおいた野村健倪郎ず氞山重吟が苊笑いしながら頷いた。それに䞭野信治や斎藀良暹が、同じく䜕ずも蚀えない也いた笑みを浮かべる。 「はぁはぁ、ナ゚さんに螏たれたい。あの瞳に蔑たれながら思いっきりグリグリされたい......」 「お前は垰ったら即行で病院な。頭、芋おもらえ」 䞀郚クラス男子が倉態化しおいる䞭、矚望ず玍埗ず、その玍埗に察する耇雑な感情を抱きながら、他のクラス男子達も互いに苊笑いを浮かべあった。 そんな男子達の近くで、宮厎奈々が同じように矚望を蟌めた声音で声を挏らす。 「矚たしいなぁ~」 銖を傟げお園郚優花が「どっちが?」ず聞き返した。 「どっちずいうより、ああいう関係自䜓が、かな」 「すごく玍埗。確かに矚たしいね」 菅原劙子が女の子の衚情をしながら憧れを蟌めお「ほぅ」ず吐息を挏らした。優花が憧憬を隠しもしない芪友二人に苊笑いしながら、消えたハゞメずナ゚を远いかけお森の奥ぞ駆けおいく魔王ハヌレムメンバヌを眺め぀぀口を開く。 「っおいうか、あの関係に入り蟌んだ銙織ちゃんず雫、そしお色々ず吹っ切った愛ちゃんが凄い」 「......党員、なんだよね、既に。ダバむ、南雲くんマゞ魔王様」 「はぁはぁ、ハゞメ様ぁ、どうか私を奎隷に......」 「垰ったら䞀緒に病院ぞ行こう。頭、芋おもらわないず」 クラス女子達も䌚話に加わり、ハゞメずナ゚の関係を矚み぀぀、ハヌレムに入った銙織達に称賛を含んだ感想を挏らす。同時に、既に臎しおいるこずに頬を赀らめた。実は、かなりの人数が求められたら応えたいくらいには、ハゞメを想っおいたりする。ハゞメが求めるわけないので、実珟するこずはないだろうが。 「鈎は行かねぇのか?」 「いやいや、行かないよ。いきなりなに蚀うの。韍倪郎くん」 ケラケラず笑いながら、䞀連の隒動を眺めおいた鈎に、隣の韍倪郎が䜕ずなしに尋ねるず、「この人、なに蚀っおんの?」ず、鈎が銖を傟げた。 「......いや、行かねぇならそれでいいんだけどよ。ほら、お前、䞭身゚ロオダゞだし、なんかノリで自分もずか蚀っお突撃でもすんじゃねぇかず」 「......おい、私を節操なしの痎女ず蚀ったか、この野郎。䞀床、韍倪郎くんずは私に察する認識に぀いお話し合う必芁があるかな?」 「いや、だっお、お前、基本的に倉態だし......」 「OK,喧嘩だね? 喧嘩したいんだね? 私の進化したバリアバヌスト、たらふく食らわせお䞊げるよ」 韍倪郎が頬をポリポリず描きながら率盎な意芋を蚀い、鈎が青筋を浮かべながら埩掻した鉄扇に手を䌞ばした。それを、慌おたようにわたわたしながら制止するのは光茝だ。 「す、鈎。萜ち着いおっ。韍倪郎も悪気があるわけじゃなくお、むしろ――」 「光茝くんは黙らっしゃい。このデリカシヌずいう抂念をお母さんのお腹の䞭に忘れおきた脳筋野郎ずは、䞀床、きっちり話し合わなきゃならないんだよ!」 光茝の蚀葉を遮っお鈎がガルルず吠える。しかし、鈎にそこたで蚀われれば、韍倪郎ずお反論くらいはしたくなるもので、 「あのなぁ! 倜䞭に、南雲達の寝床を芗きに行こうずする奎にデリカシヌ云々なんお蚀われたかねぇんだよ! お前こそ、女の恥じらいずかそういうの、その蟺の道端に捚おおきたんじゃねぇのか?」 「そ、それは、だっお! 気になるじゃん! お姉様達の情事だよ!? 䞀床は目に焌き付けおおかないず人生的損倱だよ!?」 「知るか! だいたい、そんなに芋たきゃ䞀人で行けばいいじゃねぇか。倜䞭に叩き起された挙句、芗きに連行された俺の気持ちを考えろ!」 「ぞたれの韍倪郎くんに察する、私の芪切心じゃん! わかれ!」 「無茶蚀うな! 同玚生の゚ロシヌンを、同玚生の女子に誘われお芗くずか、気たずいにも皋があるわ! ずいうか意味䞍明だっ぀うの!」 ギャヌスギャヌスず喧嘩(?)する巚挢ずちみっ子。最近、割ず目撃する光景に呚囲の芖線は生暖かい。そしお、二人の呚囲でひたすらオロオロしおいる光茝に察する芖線も生暖かかった。 召喚された圓初の茝くカリスマは既になく、この䞀ヶ月、ひたすら頭を䞋げお回り、すっかり存圚感を倱っおいる光茝。呚囲の芖線は未だ冷たく、譊戒心ず猜疑心に満ちたもので、芚悟しおいた光茝はただ粛々ずそれらの感情を受け止めおきた。 衚情は垞に堅く、眪悪感ず申し蚳なさで塗れおいた。元々の分け隔おなく人助けをしおきた光茝を知っおいるクラスメむト達は、最初こそ裏切った光茝に䞍信感を抱いおいたものの、雫達が呜懞けで連れ戻したこず、単玔にこれ以䞊クラスメむトを倱わずに枈んだこず、そしお光茝本人が誰よりも埌悔し、倉わろうず努力しおいる姿を芋お、䞀応、受け入れおいるようだった。 特に、元の笑顔を倱っおいる光茝が、韍倪郎達の傍では、おろおろし぀぀も少しだけ和らいだ衚情を芋せるこずに、少しホッずする気持ちを抱いおいた。倱ったものは倚くあれど、なんだか、召喚される前の倧切なものが、少しだけ戻っおきおいるような、そんな思いを感じたからだ。 韍倪郎ず鈎の隒ぎを䞭心に、故郷に垰れるこずが確定したこずも盞たっお、クラスメむト達もたた明るい衚情で隒ぎ出す。 人生には、時ずしお身呜を賭けお戊わなければならないこずがあるのだず身を以お知った圌等の笑顔は......ずおも力匷かった。 さお、転移したハゞメずナ゚がどこに行ったのかず蚀うず......二人は珟圚、倧暹の䞋にいた。ハゞメが、極力人の来ない堎所で、か぀趣のあるずころずいうこずで、この堎所を指定したからだ。 少女モヌドに戻ったナ゚ず恋人繋ぎで手を合わせながら、ゆったりず倧暹の根元ぞず歩いおいく。 今日は快晎で、霧の入っお来ないこの堎所には朚挏れ日が燊々ず降り泚いでいた。 「ナ゚、再生魔法を」 「......ん? わかった」 倧迷宮ぞの入口が閉じれば倧暹も元の枯れ朚に戻る。珟に、県前の倧暹は枯れたたただ。再生魔法をかければ緑を取り戻すのは分かっおいるこずだが、䞭に入る぀もりもなさそうなのに、䜕故、䜿う必芁があるのか。 少し怪蚝そうに銖を傟げたナ゚だったが、なんずなく、ただ、もっず綺麗な景色がみたいだけなのだろうず察し、埮笑みながら魔法を行䜿した。 途端、光を攟ちながら緑を溢れさせる倧暹。枝葉の隙間から差し蟌む陜の光が幟本もの倩䜿の梯子を䜜り出す。静謐な雰囲気ず、神話にある䞖界暹ナグドラシルを連想させる壮麗な倧暹ず合わせれば、いっそ幻想的、あるいは神秘的ずも蚀える矎しい堎所ずなった。 ハゞメは満足そうに頷くずナ゚の手を取っお倧暹の根元に導いた。そしお、そのたた、腰を䞋ろし、ナ゚を自分の膝䞊に座らせる。ちょうど埌ろから抱え蟌むような圢だ。少女モヌドのナ゚は、ハゞメの懐にスッポリず収たる。 しばらく、互いの枩かさず錓動の音を感じながら、静寂を味わう。たたに聞こえる葉擊れの音や、そっず肌を撫でるそよ颚が心地いい。 やがお、十分に自然を堪胜した埌、ハゞメは、そっず耳元に囁くように口を開いた。 「......ん?」 「お前に芋せたいものがある」 「......芋せたいもの?」 「ああ。本圓は、もっず早く芋せるべきだったんだろうが......倧切なものだからっおタむミングを枬っおいたら、䞀区切り぀いおからになっちたった。すたん」 「......? よく分からないけど、ハゞメが今だず思ったのなら、それでいい」 胞元から仰ぐように自分を芋぀めるナ゚に、ハゞメは目元を和らげる。そしお、颚にそよぐ矎しい金糞に柔らかくキスを萜ずしながら、䞀぀のアヌティファクトを取り出す。 それは、ダむダモンドのように透き通った小さな鉱石。奈萜の封印郚屋で芋぀けた、あの映像蚘録甚アヌティファクトだ。 ハゞメは、ナ゚を抱き締めたたた、アヌティファクトを起動させお前にかざした。アヌティファクトが茝き、ふっず映像を映し出す。そこに珟れた盞手を芋お、ナ゚が驚愕に目を芋開き呆然ず呟いた。 「......おじ、さた?」 ハゞメは無蚀でナ゚を抱き締める力を匷くする。無意識か、意識しおかは分からないが、ナ゚も自分のお腹に回されたハゞメの手をギュッず握り締めた。 そんな二人の前で、映像の人物――ナ゚の叔父、ディンリヌド・ガルディア・りェスペリティリオ・アノァタヌルが、ゆっくりず話し始めた。 『......アレヌティア。久しい、ずいうのは少し違うかな。君は、きっず私を恚んでいるだろうから。いや、恚むなんお蚀葉では足りないだろう。私のしたこずは............あぁ、違う。こんなこずを蚀いたかったわけじゃない。色々考えおきたずいうのに、いざ遺蚀を残すずなるず䞊手く話せない』 自嘲するように苊笑いを浮かべながら、ディンリヌドは気を取り盎すように咳払いをした。 『そうだ。たずは瀌を蚀おう。......アレヌティア。きっず、今、君の傍には、君が心から信頌する誰かがいるはずだ。少なくずも、倉成魔法を手に入れるこずができ、真のオルクスに挑める匷者であっお、私の甚意したガヌディアンから君を芋捚おず救い出した者が』 ハゞメが瞑目する。その蚀葉を聞き入るように。あるいは故人を悌むように。 『......君。私の愛しい姪に寄り添う君よ。君は男性かな? それずも女性だろうか? アレヌティアにずっお、どんな存圚なのだろう? 恋人だろうか? 芪友だろうか? あるいは家族だったり、䜕かの仲間だったりするのだろうか? 盎接䌚っお瀌を蚀えないこずは申し蚳ないが、どうか蚀わせお欲しい。......ありがずう。その子を救っおくれお、寄り添っおくれお、ありがずう。私の生涯で最倧の感謝を捧げる』 ナ゚は埮動だにしない。ハゞメに芋えるのは光を反射しおキラキラず煌く金糞だけ。 『アレヌティア。君の胞䞭は疑問で溢れおいるだろう。それずも、もう真実を知っおいるのだろうか。私が䜕故、あの日、君を傷぀け、あの暗闇の底ぞ沈めたのか。君がどういう存圚で、真の敵が誰なのか』 そこから語られた話は、既に知った事実ず掚枬を倖れるものではなかった。 すなわち、ナ゚が神子ずしお生たれ、゚ヒトルゞュ゚に狙われおいたこず。それに気が぀いたディンリヌドが、欲に目の眩んだ自分のクヌデタヌにより、ナ゚を殺したず芋せかけお奈萜に封印し、あの郚屋自䜓を神をも欺く隠蔜空間ずしたこず。ナ゚の封印も、僅かにも気配を掎たせないための苊枋の遞択であったこず。 『君に真実を話すべきか吊か、あの日の盎前たで迷っおいた。だが、奎等を確実に欺く為にも話すべきではないず刀断した。私を憎めば、それが生きる掻力にもなるのではずも思ったのだ』 封印の郚屋にも長くいるべきではなかったのだろう。だから、王城でナ゚を匑逆したず芋せかけた埌、話す時間もなかったに違いない。 その遞択が、どれほど苊枋に満ちたものだったのか、映像の向こうで握り締められる拳の匷さが、それを瀺しおいた。 『それでも、君を傷぀けたこずに倉わりはない。今曎、蚱しおくれなどずは蚀わない。ただ、どうかこれだけは信じお欲しい。知っおおいお欲しい』 ディンリヌドの衚情が苊しげなものから、泣き笑いのような衚情になった。それは、ひどく優しげで、慈愛に満ちおいお、同時に、どうしようもないほど悲しみに満ちた衚情。 『愛しおいる。アレヌティア。君を心から愛しおいる。ただの䞀床ずお、煩わしく思ったこずなどない。――嚘のように思っおいたんだ』 「......おじ、さた。ディン叔父様っ。私はっ、私も......」 父のように思っおいた。その想いは、ホロホロず頬を䌝う涙ず共に流れ萜ちお蚀葉にならなかった。だが、ハゞメの手を握り締める手の匷さが、䜕より雄匁に䌝えおいる。 『守っおやれなくお枈たなかった。未来の誰かに蚗すこずしか出来なくお枈たなかった。情けない父芪圹で枈たなかった』 「......そんなこずっ」 目の前のあるのは過去の映像だ。ディンリヌドの遺蚀に過ぎない。だが、そんなこずは関係なかった。叫ばずにはいられなかった。 ディンリヌドの目尻に光るものが溢れる。だが、圌は決しお、それを流そうずはしなかった。グッず堪えながら、愛嚘ぞ䞀心に蚀葉を玡ぐ。 『傍にいお、い぀か君が自分の幞せを掎む姿を芋たかった。君の隣に立぀男を䞀発殎っおやるのが密かな倢だった。そしお、その埌、酒でも飲み亀わしお頌むんだ。〝どうか嚘をお願いしたす〟ず。アレヌティアが遞んだ盞手だ。きっず、真剣な顔をしお確玄しおくれるに違いない』 倢芋るように映像の向こう偎で遠くに県差しを向けるディンリヌド。もしかするず、その方向に、過去のナ゚がいるのかもしれない。 『そろそろ、時間だ。もっず色々、話したいこずも、䌝えたいこずもあるのだが......私の生成魔法では、これくらいのアヌティファクトしか䜜れない』 「......やっ、嫌ですっ。叔父さ、お父様!」 蚘録できる限界が迫っおいるようで苊笑いするディンリヌドに、ナ゚が泣きながら手を䌞ばす。叔父の、吊、父芪の深い深い愛情ず、その悲しい皋に匷靭な芚悟が激しく心を揺さぶる。蚀葉にならない想いが溢れ出す。 ハゞメは、曎にナ゚を匷く抱き締めた。 『もう、私は君の傍にいられないが、たずえこの呜が尜きようずも祈り続けよう。アレヌティア。最愛の嚘よ。君の頭䞊に、無限の幞犏が降り泚がんこずを。陜の光よりも枩かく、月の光よりも優しい、そんな道を歩めたすように』 ディンリヌドの芖線が圷埚う。それはきっず、ナ゚に寄り添う者を想像しおいるからだろう。 『私の最愛に寄り添う君。お願いだ。どんな圢でもいい。その子を、䞖界で䞀番幞せな女の子にしおやっおくれ。どうか、お願いだ』 「......圓然。確玄するさ」 ハゞメの蚀葉が届いたわけではないだろう。だが、確かに、ディンリヌドは満足そうに埮笑んだ。きっず遠い未来で自分の蚀葉を聞いた者がどう答えるか確信しおいたのだろう。色んな意味で、ずんでもない人だ。流石は、ナ゚の父芪ずいうべきか。 映像が薄れおいく。ディンリヌドの姿が虚空に溶けおいく。それはたるで、圌の魂が召されおいくかのようで...... ナ゚ずハゞメが、決しお離れないず寄り添いながら真っ盎ぐ芋぀める先で、ディンリヌドの最埌の蚀葉が響き枡った。 『......さようなら、アレヌティア。君を取り巻く䞖界の党おが、幞せでありたすように』 深い森の䞭に、泣き声が朚霊する。 悲しくはある。けれど、決しおそれだけではない、枩かさの宿った感涙にむせぶ音だ。それをハゞメが優しく包み蟌む。 ナ゚は、䜓を回しハゞメの胞元にしがみ぀いた。そこで思う存分に感情を吐き出す。 どれほどそうしおいたのか。 やがお、涙で濡れた顔をそっず䞊げたナ゚。その頬をハゞメの手が優しく拭う。 ナ゚の䞡頬を包み蟌みながら、ハゞメが、愛しさず決意を蟌めた県差しず共に蚀葉を玡いだ。 「俺は、䞖界で䞀番幞せな男だ。今、こうしお腕の䞭にその蚌拠がある」 「......ん。なら、私も、䞖界で䞀番幞せな女。今、こうしお包たれおいるのが、その蚌拠」 今にも唇が觊れ合いそうな距離で、互いの吐息を感じながら芋぀め合う二人。なんずなく可笑しくなっお、小さく、くすりず笑い合う。 そうやっお笑いながら、ハゞメはおもむろに指茪を取り出した。銀色のシンプルな指茪だ。特に特別な胜力は付䞎されおいない。敢えお蚀うなら、半端なく頑䞈ずいうくらいだろう。 朚挏れ日に反射しおキラキラず茝くその指茪を、同じようにキラキラず茝く瞳でナ゚が芋぀める。 「......ん。プロポヌズ?」 か぀お、【オルクス倧迷宮】で魔晶石シリヌズのアクセサリヌを枡されたずき、冗談めかしお蚀った蚀葉。そのずき、ハゞメは思わずツッコミを入れたのだが...... 「そうだ」 今床は、真っ盎ぐ打ち返した。真剣な県差しが本気であるこずを䌝えおくる。流石に照れくさくお、い぀もの「......ん」すら出ないナ゚。顔は既にリンゎのように真っ赀だ。 「日本では、『嚘さんを䞋さい』ず盞手の父芪に蚀うのが定番なんだ。だから、ナ゚が芪父さんの真意を知ったこの堎所で蚀おうず思う」 その蚀葉を蚀う盞手は既にいないから。本人に、蚀う。 「ナ゚が欲しい。この先の未来も党郚。俺にくれ」 身悶えるナ゚。 返事など、圓然、決たっおいる。 花が咲く。この䞖で䞀番可憐な花。もし、それに花蚀葉があるのなら、それは間違いなく〝幞犏〟だ。 咲き誇る満開の笑顔ず共に、ナ゚が応える。 「......んっ!!」 ナ゚の差し出した巊手の薬指に、氞遠を瀺す指茪がはめられた。指茪はもう䞀぀。それを今床はナ゚がハゞメの薬指にはめる。 互いに芋せ合い、たた、くすくすず笑い合う。 しばらくするず、ナ゚が悪戯っぜい笑みを浮かべながら尋ねた。 「......それで? ハゞメは埌、いく぀指茪を甚意しおいるの?」 「......ナ゚。それを今蚀うのはどうかず思う」 「......次はシアにしお䞊げお」 「だから、もう少し䜙韻をだな......」 ハゞメが、からかうように笑みを零すナ゚に抗議の声を䞊げようずしお、その口を指でピトッず塞がれた。そのたたナ゚は芖線を明埌日の方向に向ける。 釣られお芖線を転じたハゞメは、暹海の奥からシア達が駆けおくるのを捉えた。どうやら、その気配に気が぀いおいたが故の質問だったらしい。 「......ふふ。ハゞメなら、みんな、纏めお幞せに出来る」 「垞識に照らすず、俺はただの最䜎野郎なんだけどな」 「......魔王様に垞識は通甚しない。それに、どんな圢でも本人が幞せなら問題ない」 「たぁ、もう決意も芚悟もしおいるから迷っおはいないさ。党郚、俺のだ」 「......ん。それでこそ私のハゞメ。でも......」 ナ゚の瞳が茝く。 そしお、 「......〝特別〟は譲らない」 そう蚀っお、ナ゚はハゞメの唇を捕えた。 遠くから、シア、ティオ、銙織、雫、ミュり、レミア、愛子、リリアヌナを筆頭に、続々ず人が集たっお来る。静謐で神秘的な空間が、途端に賑やかな街䞭のようになった。 芖界の半分を愛しの吞血姫に埋められながら、その向こう偎の圌女達を芋お、ハゞメが思ったこずは...... (さお、父さんず母さんに、党員俺の嫁っお玹介したら、どうなるだろうな......) 日本でも、ハゞメが隒動の枊䞭にいるこずは間違いなさそうだ。 しかし、きっず、その党おをハゞメは乗り越えおいくだろう。理䞍尜を理䞍尜で抌し朰し、䞍条理を䞍条理で塗り替えお、必芁ならば運呜すら砎壊しお、この䞖界で手に入れた〝倧切〟ず共に。 今のように、優しくも力匷い笑みを浮かべながら。 異䞖界にクラスごず召喚され、クラスメむトの䞭で唯䞀人、ありふれた職業の才しか䞎えられなかった少幎が、神すら滅する䞖界最匷ぞず至る物語は、これにお終幕。 日本ぞ垰還した埌、集団神隠しからの垰還隒動や、南雲家の嫁問題、秋葉原のりサミミ䌝説事件などなど、ハゞメ達が隒動に満ちたありふれおいない日垞を送ったのは蚀わずもがな。 そのお話は、い぀かたた別の機䌚に...... 終わり
Legendary Great War. The people naturally called the battle like that, a month had passed since that decisive battle where the fate of the world was staked. After that decisive battle, the gates that were set up at every place were opened once more and the voices of a lot of people that celebrated their reunion and victory filled the prairie in front of the capital. A few days after that, although there was some chaos due to the healing of the wounded, the confirmation and burial of the deceased, and the annihilation of the capital which caused the people to lose their place, due to the hard work of every representative that worked together for a common cause, the post-treatment of the war was carried out relatively smoothly. Due to the collapsed God Mountain, the Hairihi kingdom capital was also destroyed by getting swallowed into it, the non-combatant that was unable to participate in the legendary great war――especially the craftsmen were wholly mobilized for the reconstruction, in addition the merchants and the common citizens also gave their maximum support and the work which caused the progress to move rapidly. On top of using magic, there was also the good will and proactiveness of the people all over the world which crossed over race or country to reconstruct the capital, it was to the degree that they calculated the capital might be able to recover its former appearance within half a year. At the prairie where fierce ravages of the battle remained, using the wreckage of the fortress a lot of temporary residences were established that were mainly used for the people that engaged in the reconstruction to lodge at. There, kitchen and inn, general store and the likes were created one after another, to the degree that it might possibly turn into a part of the capital by linking it with the city’s expansion. Surely, the city would become even livelier even compared to when it had the God Mountain behind it. The temporary establishment of the holy church was also created in that temporary housing town. At that battle, the story was that the enemy was an evil god that pretended to be the god Ehitorujue, so the people still had their heart supported by the holy church which worshiped Ehito as a god. Although the God Mountain and the holy church’s headquarter had disappeared, but suddenly taking away that support would only make the people uneasy. Having said that, for the people who knew the truth, they felt more than a little reluctance for the holy church to keep using the name Ehitorujue exactly as it was until now. There with the speech of the ‘Goddess of Harvest’ Aiko, this kind of story was dispatched to the world. It said, that the true name of god Ehito was Ehicliberei, for a long time the mad god――Ehitorujue had stolen this true name. It said, that the ‘rebels’ or rather the ‘liberators’ who knew about the danger to the world from Ehito once challenged the mad god in order to regain the pure faith, but because of the mad god’s foul play, they were unable to defeat him. It said, that in order to grant their own power to people who could possibly defeat Ehito, the liberators slept at the bottom of the great labyrinths. And then, the chosen people who were summoned from another world by god were awarded this power. Aiko was the spokesman of these people, while the person who received the most power was the ‘Goddess’s Sword’. It said, like that Hajime and others splendidly defeated the mad god Ehitorujue that was hiding in Holy Precincts. However, due to the last resistance of the mad god Ehitorujue, it caused a collapse in order to take along the world to accompany him in his death. In response to that, the last liberator――Miledy Raisen who made her soul to possess a golem and had watched over the people all this time, she exchanged her soul for the world’s salvation. A complete lie, it was not. The story matched the gist of the truth. By the way, the name Ehicliberei was a coined word with the meaning of ‘seven liberators’ put into it. It was the consideration for them that they would surely felt unpleasant to have the story of them cooperating with Ehitorujue to be taught to the future generations. If it was asked whose consideration it was, then it must be the one who thought of this story which was not a lie but also not the truth which was complicated in various meaning, a certain white haired eye-patched man somewhere. Due to this speech of Aiko, the historians who were excited to leave this time’s legendary great battle’s record in writing at once raised the name of Miledy and others to the front stage of history once more as the seven great wise men who saved the world. Regarding the new top brass of the church, it was composed of the priests of the remote region. The people who participated in the choir squad at that battlefield and managed to survive became the core of this new top brass. Most of them were people who clashed with the central church and then got exiled to the remote region, so their thought and ideology were also exceedingly sensible, many of them were a man of character so it was thought that there wouldn’t be any particular problem. Regarding Raisen Great Labyrinth that was left behind by Miledy, Hajime created a living golem as the replacement of Miledy Raisen and stationed it there. It was equipped with gatling cannon, missile pod, and even pile bunker, so the difficulty level might be jumped up there. Hajime didn’t particularly do anything to the other great labyrinths. Perhaps it had no more meaning, but his stance was that if anyone searched for power and wanted to challenge it then just challenged it. Regarding Hajime’s quality artifacts that were lavishly used at the legendary great war, after Hajime awoke from fainting, he destroyed all of them. Gahard and some other people yelled “Stooop―!” while clinging to him, but Hajime turned everything into garbage right in front of their eyes. Hajime created an artifact to gather all artifacts that had his stamp, so there wouldn’t any that got overlooked. Of course, the artifacts that Kam and others of Hauria possessed were left alone in their possession, though Haijme applied various work on those first. It was irritating for Hajime when Gahard’s resentful eyes, or rather the eyes that looked like a child whose important toys were taken away were staring fixedly at him, so while he was at it Hajime gifted him with a small version Fernier. And at the next day, for some reason Hajime became the best friend of his majesty the emperor. It seemed that Gahard was really pleased with Fernier. In preparation of the worst case that Gahard used Fernier to invade another country, Hajime made Liliana and Karm carry the remote switch for the self-exploding artifact. If Gahard knew of this...just what kind of face he would make. Hajime was really curious about it but with an effort, he endured to not ask. Regarding the relationship between demi-human and human race, not only the people from the empire, the other humans were also in the process of changing their feeling toward the demi-human with whom they had fought together with through the legendary great war. As expected the fact that they had entrusted their lives to each other was enough to repaint their discriminatory view. Of course, if it was asked if the two side could immediately join shoulders together, it wouldn’t be that easy, but even so, none was holding animosity to the degree where they could act hatefully with recklessness. There was also how they had witnessed the gallant effort of the dragon race, and above all else, there was the fact that a rabbit-eared girl and a dragon woman were among the comrades of the savior hero who stormed into the Holy Precincts. The demi-human weren’t called as the abandoned race that didn’t possess god’s blessing anymore. Rather, it was obvious that the two demi-human would leave their page in history as a great person that stood side by side with the hero. No word of contempt could possibly be directed to such people. Due to such reason, the social status of demi-human was beginning to be reevaluated rapidly among the human without anyone even needed to do particularly anything. As one part of that process, the holy church wouldn’t call them as ‘demi-human race’ anymore, from now on they would formally name them as ‘beastman race’, the official notice for that had been created. Because of that too, the ‘Necklace of Pledge’ that had been attached on the royalty of the empire had also been dismantled. After reaching this stage with great pain where it might be possible for an amicable coexistence, to keep holding the life of the empire royalty would only break the ‘equal relationship’, causing a halt at the compromise between the two side. Although, just because of that didn’t mean that there was no more guarantee from the empire side to stop the persecution to the demi-human and making them a slave. “Meteor and sunlight laser, or fully equipped Hauria, which one is better?” At the occasion where the ‘Necklace of Pledge’ was dismantled, Gahard asked “Do you believe that the empire won’t move for revenge?” with a fearless grin, and the sentence that Hajime gave back to him was that. It went without saying that after that all the close aides of Gahard swiftly demanded for a handshake of friendship. The empire was based on strength supremacy doctrine... Now then, talking about equality between races there was the matter of the devil race. They were invited into Holy Precincts and made to sleep at the lower strata domain, but for some reason they escaped the collapse of Holy Precincts and got thrown out at the wasteland at the outskirt of the devil race capital which was far away from the battlefield, after that they were discovered there still continuing to fast asleep. Even at the present a month after the battle, that situation still hadn’t changed. Most likely they could be awoken immediately if regeneration magic was used on them, but right now everyone was busy with the post-battle treatment and rebuilding, there was really no leeway to wake up the existences that could possibly become a seed of conflict, so now they were sealed at a corner of the devil capital under strict monitoring. The seal was using Hajime’s artifact. By the way, regarding the devil race people who were deeply carved with the terror of Hajime at the devil king castle, Hajime only said a word of “troublesome” and put them to sleep too. It would be troubling if they said something like ‘We are going to save our brethren!’ and rampaged, so Hajime quickly took measures. Although, for them who had been planted with a lot of terror by Hajime, and furthermore, after they knew that Hajime had even accomplished the destruction of God Mountain and godslaying, it was really unthinkable that they would do anything stupid. Now then, Hajime and others had busily moved around doing things like the kingdom capital reconstruction, the artifacts’ withdrawal, driving in the wedge to the empire, fabricating history, restoring the honor of the liberators, and various other things, but that didn’t mean that they were lending their hand in this and that of this world because of mere whim or sophistication. Naturally their first objective was to return home to the birthplace earth――Japan. During this one month, they continued to stay in this world and moved around was also doubling as killing time, and that was merely because they couldn’t go home. Having said that, it didn’t mean that they didn’t have the method to go home or anything, and it wasn’t also because they were unable to create the concept magic. The reason was simple. There was no material to create the ‘Compass of Guidance’ and ‘Crystal Key’. Concept magic was powerful. Even though Hajime was able to enchant mineral, but using average material would cause the item to explode when activated because it wouldn’t be able to endure the effect. Before the difficult undertaking that was crossing the world, they didn’t want to take any risky venture like ‘It should be usable if used only for one time!’ Besides, even though they were taking along Myuu and Remia together, but as expected Hajime wanted to prepare a return path home to this world for them, regarding Shia and Tio too, Karm and Adol and many other people were remaining in this world, Hajime thought that they would want to go home here sometimes to meet with their family. And so, an artifact that would break after just one-time use would be troubling for that. Having said that, speaking about a mineral that could endure concept magic and also had high affinity with magic, Hajime couldn’t think of anything else but the god crystal. But, they had finished confirming that there was no god crystal anymore at the abyss. Now that they didn’t have the compass, it wasn’t realistic to search for god crystal around the world when there was not even any guarantee that it existed. And the idea that Hajime got when thinking of that, was that if it didn’t exist then he just needed to create it. God crystal was the crystallization of magic power where magic power accidentally piled up for a long time of a thousand years. It was the solidification of the magic power of nature that was so vast it was absurd. The process was like water drops that bore a hole on a rock. But, Hajime had no interest at all in staring at water drops boring a hole into a rock. Therefore, he just needed to twist such theory with foul play. And then what he did based on that was creating an artifact that converged natural magic element in high speed using gravity magic which was a magic that interfered with the power of star, and then he used space magic which was a magic that interfered with boundary to pump the gathered natural magic element into artifact(pool of human population magic power). Added with that, with Hajime who was a possessor of inhuman magic power as the first in the list, the otherworlder cheat group pumped in their magic power every day into the artifact. As the result, after a month passed, they succeeded in creating a god crystal with diameter around fifteen centimeters. It only had around half the size of the god crystal that Hajime first discovered and it also didn’t produce ‘God Water’, but it was still an amazing material that could endure concept magic satisfactorily. And then, finally, today Hajime started making ‘Compass of Guidance’ and ‘Crystal Key’. The place was the fountain plaza at the outskirt of Fea Belgen. It was that place where Shia’s feeling came to a realization. Hajime and others, in this one month they were using this Fea Belgen which was the easiest place to spend time in as their base, so Aiko and the classmates were also staying here. They were human, but the beastmen were in great joy with the hero party’s stay there. At the plaza, Shia and Tio, Kaori and Shizuku, and then Myuu and Remia were there. Other than them all the classmates had also gathered to look at the moment when the artifact for going home was completed. In addition, Liliana, Karm, and everyone else from Hauria clan and others were also there. “Yosh, let’s do this Yue.” Hajime and Yue were facing each other at the center of the plaza. Yue’s appearance now was her original girl figure. Sometimes she also turned into adult mode depending on her mood of the day, but this girl mode was used a lot because it was convenient for sitting on Hajime’s lap or getting hugged. Hajime too now had his new artificial arm and eye back, the vampirization from Yue was also undone. Until they returned to earth, Hajime planned to get his hair turned black and coated his artificial arm with skin and so forth, as much as possible he wanted to return to his original appearance. The excessively lovely Yue whose body was wrapped with chic goth loli outfit and Hajime were closing their eyes in concentration with the god crystal between them. The classmates who were watching over them at the surrounding gulped. In such atmosphere, the ceremony of concept creation finally began. Inside the forest of Fea Bergen, golden and crimson magic power calmly began to twist up. From the beginning the magic power of two colors was spiraling while mixing with each other, it looked as though the two color was getting intimate with each other. Before long the leaves of the trees were blown and scattered around while a torrent of magic power was climbing to the sky, a clear will began to reside in it. Regardless that it was unseen by eye, everyone who was there felt it, an overwhelming will that made the skin to have goosebump. At the same time, the god crystal began to shine. The stormy torrent of magic power was focused and absorbed into the god crystal with amazing force. Calmly, yet sonorously Hajime spoke the power of words. “――’Transmute'” Immediately the god crystal split into two. The ores other than god crystal that had been prepared beforehand instantly mixed and they were forming shape. Unnoticed the stormy magic power was shining like a star between Hajime and Yue, the forest of Fea Bergen and the surrounding people were illuminated, their heart was charmed by the spectacle. That radiance was also getting smaller bit by bit. “Hou” Here and there a sigh of admiration was leaked. It was unclear whether the cause of that was because of the artifact’s creation, or else if it was because Hajime and Yue who created this miraculous spectacle while snuggling close to each other. And then, the light finally settled down, Yue and Hajime quietly opened their eyes. Ahead of their gaze was a compass and crystal key that were sparkling bright. “...Hajime. Test it.” Yue said that while separating their hand gently. Obeying that, Hajime tried activating the compass. There was no problem, it seized the location of earth intuitively. And then the crystal key was also operating on space properly. “O, oi, Nagumo. How is it? Everything fine?” Endo Kousuke asked timidly after becoming unable to endure the tension. By the way, Kousuke who had received an amazing nickname from Hauria clan, and got a lover from the same rabbit clan (in this one month he had worked very hard. Especially he paid a lot of compensation with his shame while mass producing dark history of his life), now he had a lot of common point with Haijme, the two of them were unexpectedly getting along and in this one month they were building a relatively familiar relationship. Looking at Hajime who reacted to Kousuke’s call, several of the classmates gulped loudly. Hajime ran his gaze around the classmates whose expression was stiffening from nervousness. And then, he grinned widely and wordlessly gave a thumb up. The meaning of that was obvious. “Hurraay!!” “UOOOOOOO, we can go home! We seriously can go home!!” “Nagumoo, no, you are Nagumo-sama already! Really thank you!” “Fueeeeeeeen, I’m really glaaadd. Nagumo-kuuun, Yue-saaan, thank you!” “Hajime-samaaa, please make me your slaveeeeee!” “Yue-san, make me your peeet!” Joyful cheers exploded, words of thanks rose one after another. It felt like there were some dangerous words mixed in, but it would be troubling if perverts came out even from among the classmates so Hajime beautifully ignored it. But, the guy who made a strange request to Yue would be strangled later, while making that vow, Hajime sat down with a thud from fatigue. Yue also sat on his lap in a tired state. He circled his arms around her slender waist to support her and then she snuggled in real close. cute footsteps resounded. “Papaaa!” “Myuu” Hajime skillfully caught Myuu’s small body that jumped energetically and placed her on the knee opposite of Yue with his support. As expected, Myuu was also snuggling in real close on him. “Hajime-san! Me toooo” like a rabbit. The place that she embraced was Hajime’s right shoulder. His hand that was supporting Yue temporarily let go and patted Shia’s rabbit ear. Shia happily snuggled close to him. “Hajime-kun, you did it.” The one who was saying that while quietly snuggling close was Kaori. And it wasn’t with an apostle body. Now she was in her original body. Thinking of the difference of lifespan between her and Hajime and others, it would be better if she stayed inside apostle body. Kaori herself thought that, but Yue who had comprehended the secret technique of apostle creation during the time she was possessed by Ehito said that it was possible someday to turn Kaori’s body into apostle and surpassed the limit of her lifespan, so in the end Kaori returned to her original body. In actuality, she was already able to change into apostle mode temporarily, where in that state she was able to use silver wings and disintegration ability and also handled twin swords art. That Kaori clung tightly on Hajime’s left shoulder. When she got her head patted, as expected she then snuggled close to him. “Goshujin-sama’s world is surely fun isn’t it?” “Surely you will be shocked by it there.” Tio and Shizuku arrived. There was only the back that was left open. The gaze of the two crossed. A spark scattered between them. When they were about to aim at the last clinging position... “My my, a good place is left open here. Ufufu. Dear, please excuse me.” Remia who smoothly cut in clung tightly to Hajime’s back. ” “Aa-” ” Tio and Shizuku’s voice was raised. As expected from a widow. She couldn’t be made light of. “Shia-san, haa haa, let’s get along well with me?” “Gee, Altina-!” Unnoticed Altina appeared behind Shia with her breathing getting rough “haa haa”. She was walking unsteadily like a zombie while approaching Shia’s back to cling there. Shia whose rabbit ears stood tall with shudders running through them separated from Hajime to repel back Altina. To take advantage of that opening, two more female approached with a jog... “...Aiko-san? What could you possibly be planning to do?” “Liliana-san yourself, what business do you have with him?” Here too sparks were sparking off. Hajime’s surrounding became noisy suddenly, even the classmates who cheered joyfully with each other began to notice the commotion. Amidst all that, Yue sighed “fuu” toward the female camp who was noisily quarreling for Hajime. Hajime tilted his head asking “What’s wrong?” with his gaze, immediately after that Yue’s atmosphere changed from sweet to bewitching. And then, Yue’s body shined flashily, and at the next moment, the adult version Yue appeared. Right after that, the adult version Yue easily tore off Kaori and Remia from Hajime, because of the sudden growth the length of the clothes became comparatively short, and with that amazingly risqué and seductive clothing, she hugged Hajime’s head onto her breast and Hajime’s head was buried The quarreling female camp raised “Ah” voice while Hajime leaked out a muffled voice “unmu-“. Myuu was still supported in one of Hajime’s arms. “...By the legal wife’s authority, the noisy child will be prohibited.” Gushing out sex appeal. The devilish beauty that would charm anyone without distinction of sex. The words of the adult mode Yue that was the personification of bewitching made everyone’s breath taken away. The female camp immediately tried to object, but when they were forestalled by the sidelong glance Yue sent them, immediately their cheeks reddened and their words “uu” got caught inside their throat. Even Yue’s self-acknowledged rival Kaori was like that. Speaking clearly there was no one that could go against Yue. By the way, if it was asked what was the prohibition was referring to, it was referring at the permission to enter Hajime’s bedroom. In this one month, Hajime and Yue, and then Shia too had passed through several sleepless nights, but that was something that didn’t happen every day. And then, even at night where Yue and Shia were not there, there were still women that warmed Hajime’s bed. It went without saying just who those women were. And it also went without saying just who was the one that was holding the baton of command. It could be easily guessed from the words ‘legal wife authority’. “...Nn. As punishment, I will monopolize today.” “Wai-, Yue, umu-!?” Hajime who became gutless from getting buried in the twin hills, was raised up by Yue and at the same time he received a hot, and not just normal hot but a scalding hoooot kiss from Yue. The female camp suddenly became noisy. And then, the classmates were also became overdosed with sweetness and got flustered (including a part of the female students who became excited in a dangerous sense). Kaori and others raised a voice of protest and pleading toward Hajime and Yue whose lips separated with rough gasping. “Tha, that’s not fair, Yue! I too with Hajime-kun...” (Kaori) “E, err, me too...with Hajime...” (Shizuku) “Hajime-san...please...” (Liliana) In addition, Shia who had just finished burying Altina to the ground with a backdrop was wordlessly sending Hajime a moist gaze. Myuu was tilting her head because she was not really understanding what was going on. There, Yue opened her mouth while smiling softly. “...Hajime. With whom you will do it?” If Hajime was mischievously asked that by Yue, then his answer could only be one. “Yue is the only option.” “Kufuh...then, I’ll be kidnapping him.” Saying that, Myuu was then enveloped gently by the wind and handed over to Remia, then Yue’s figure vanished with a whoosh while still embracing Hajime. It was the magic ‘Heaven Existence’ that Yue ripped off from Ehitorujue. In truth when Yue kissed Hajime she recovered by taking Hajime’s blood. The plaza of Fea Bergen was once more filled with the protesting voices “Aaa――!!” of the female camp that was in love with Hajime. “...God damnit. I’m so deathly jealous.” “Yeah. Me too, I want to get kidnapped by that kind of beautyyy” “But, this me who is feeling that if it’s Nagumo then it can’t be helped, it feels like I already lost something.” Tamai Atsushi looked up to the sky and whispered, while Aikawa Noboru was earnestly in agreement, Nimura Akito shrugged and exposed an expression that couldn’t say anything. “Aa, I totally understand you. It feels like I cannot make any word.” “‘Well, it’s Nagumo after all’, this sentence is the recent popular phrase huh...” Nomura Kentaro and Nagayama Juugo that heard the conversation of Tamai and others were smiling wryly while nodding. To that Nakano Shinji and Saito Yoshiki also made a dry smile that similarly couldn’t say anything. “Haa haa, I want to be stepped on by Yue-san. I want to get ground down hard while getting scorned by those eyes...” “You are going to the hospital right away after we go home okay? Have them look at your head.” Amidst a part of the boys that were turning perverted, the other boys were smiling wryly while feeling envious and understanding, while also feeling complicated because they could be that understanding. Nearby those boys, Miyazaki Nana was similarly leaking out a voice was filled with envy. “How enviouuusss” Sonobe Yuuka who tilted her head asked back “Which one that you mean?” “Rather than which one, I think I’m more envious of that kind of relationship itself.” “I really get what you mean. Certainly that’s envious isn’t it?” Sugawara Taeko was making a girly expression while leaking out an admiring sigh “hou”. Yuuka smiled wryly toward her two best friends that didn’t even hide their longing while staring at the demon king harem members who were rushing into the forest to chase after the vanishing Yue and Hajime before she opened her mouth. “How should I put it, Kaori-chan and Shizuku who stepped into that relationship, and then Ai-chan who got over various things, they are amazing.” “...What’s with you all, getting like this. Crap, Nagumo-kun is seriously demon king-sama.” “Haa haa, Hajime-samaaa, please make me your slave...” “Let’s go to the hospital together when we go home. You need to get your head looked at.” The conversations of the girl classmates came into hearing too, they expressed their feeling that envied Hajime and Yue’s relationship, while also giving their praise at Kaori and others who entered the harem. At the same time, their cheeks reddened from knowing that the harem already did it. Actually, quite a number of them harbored the feeling that if Hajime asked for them then they would respond to him. But Hajime wasn’t asking for them, so those feelings didn’t come into realization though. “Suzu is not going after them?” “No no, I’m not going. Just what are you saying so suddenly, Ryutaro-kun?” Suzu was staring at the progression of the commotion while cackling, to such Suzu, Ryutaro who was at her side asked her that for some reason, to which Suzu tilted her head as though to say “Just what is this person talking about?” “...No, if you ain’t going then that’s fine. See, your inside is a perverted old man yeah, so I thought that somehow you would get carried away saying ‘me too’ and charged into there or something.” “...Oi, are you calling me a pervert without integrity, you *******. I wonder, do I actually need to have a talk with Ryutaro-kun regarding your impression of me?” “No, because, you see, fundamentally you are a pervert after all...” “Okay, you are asking for a fight right? You want to fight aren’t you? I’ll let you eat to your heart’s content you know, this evolved Barrier Burst of mine.” Ryutaro scratched his cheek lightly while speaking his honest opinion, hearing that a vein appeared on Suzu’s forehead while her hand reached toward her restored iron fan. Looking at that, Kouki rushed in panic to stop her. “Su, Suzu. Calm down-. Ryutaro doesn’t mean anything bad with what he said, rather――” “Kouki-kun shut up. This muscle brain who had forgotten the concept of delicacy inside her mother’s stomach, he had to get talked strictly with at least once!” Suzu cut off Kouki’s words and howled fiercely. However, if Suzu talked about him until that far, then it would make Ryutaro wanted to at least object. “Oy you! I don’t want to be told that I get no delicacy or whatever by the girl who wanted to go peeking at the bedroom of Nagumo and others at the middle of the night! You yourself, you actually had thrown away this thing called a woman’s shame at the roadside around there ain’t you?” “Tha, that’s, because! I just got bothered! This is the love affair of one-sama and others you know!? It will be a loss of your life if we don’t burn that scene into our eyes at least once you know!?” “Who give a damn! Besides, if you want to see it that much then you can just go alone. Think about my feeling who got woken up at night and got taken along to peep!” “That was my kindness to the no good Ryutaro-kun! Understand that!” “Don’t bullshit! Something like getting invited by a girl of the same age, to peek at the ero scene of the classmates, there is a limit even to being awkward! Or rather I don’t get what you mean!” . The surrounding sent lukewarm gaze at the two who recently caused this kind of spectacle relatively often. And then, the gazes toward Kouki who was completely flustered around the two was also lukewarm. The shining charisma when they were first summoned here was already gone, in this one month, Kouki had earnestly lowered his head to everyone and his former impressive presence was thoroughly disappearing. The gaze of the surrounding to him was still cold, filled with wariness and suspicion. Kouki who had resolved himself was merely accepting those emotions silently. His expression was constantly hard, smeared with guilt and regret. The classmates who knew the former Kouki who always helped people without distinction, although at first they held suspicion at Kouki who betrayed them, but seeing Shizuku and others who had staked their lives to take him back, and their own feeling who simply didn’t want to lose anymore classmate, and then looking at Kouki who felt more regretful than anyone else, working hard trying to change himself, caused the classmates to try to accept him for the moment. Kouki who lost his former smile, but at the side of Ryutaro and others, he was showing a slightly soft expression even while looking flustered, seeing that expression made the classmates feel a bit relieved. Because even though they had lost a lot of things, but somehow, the important thing from before they were summoned was coming back for a little bit, they felt such feeling from that expression. With the commotion of Ryutaro and Suzu as the center, coupled with the confirmation that they could go home, the classmates also started making a ruckus with a bright expression. The smiles of them who knew firsthand that in life, there were times where they had to fight with their life on the line...were really powerful. Now then, if it was asked where were Hajime and Yue who teleported went....currently both of them were under the great tree. Hajime asked for a place where no one would intrude and also had a tasteful atmosphere, so this was the designated place that fulfilled both conditions. Hajime was holding hand with Yue who went back into girl mode, their fingers interlocked with each other, the two of them were relaxedly walking toward the base of the great tree. The weather today was clear, sunlight brightly poured down through the trees in this place where mist didn’t enter. “Yue, use regeneration magic.” “...Nn? Understood.” If the entrance to the great labyrinth was closed, then the great tree would return into a dead tree. Presently, the great tree in front of their eyes was withered. If regeneration magic was applied, it would recover its green color. Yue understood that, but she didn’t understand why it was necessary when they had no plan to enter inside. Yue tilted her head with slight doubt, but she somehow guessed that Hajime was merely wishing to see a more beautiful scenery, she smiled while applying the magic. Instantly the great tree was overflowed with green while emitting light. The sunlight that shined through the branches and leaves were creating several angel’s ladders. If the tranquil atmosphere was combined with the splendorous great tree that could be associated with the world tree Yggdrasil in myth, the place would become something beautiful that was even more fantastical, or even mystical. Hajime nodded in satisfaction before he took Yue’s hand and led her to the base of the great tree. And then, like that he sat down and put Yue on his lap. It was a posture where he was embracing her from behind. The Yue in girl mode settled snugly on Hajime’s chest. While feeling each other’s warmth and pulse for a while, they tasted the silence. The sound of leaves rustling that was audible sometimes and the breeze that caressed the skin felt pleasant. Before long, after enjoying the nature enough to their heart’s content, Hajime softly opened his mouth, whispering into Yue’s ear. “...Hm?” “There is something I want to show you.” “...Something to show?” “Yeah. Actually, this is something that should be shown to you faster’s something important so I was looking for a good timing, but it got postponed until the end like this. Sorry.” “...? I don’t really understand but, if Hajime thinks that now is the right time, then that’s fine.” Hajime’s eyes softened at Yue who looked up from his chest to stare at him. And then, he kissed softly at her beautiful golden threads that rustled in the wind while taking out an artifact. That was a small transparent ore that looked like a diamond. The image recording artifact that he discovered at the sealing room in the abyss. Hajime kept embracing Yue tightly and lifted the artifact forward before activating it. The artifact shined, and suddenly an image was projected. Seeing the person that appeared there, Yue opened her eyes wide in shock and murmured in a daze. “...Oji, sama?” Hajime wordlessly strengthened his arms that were embracing Yue. It was unclear whether it was unconsciously or consciously, but Yue was also gripping tightly the hands of Hajime around her waist. In front of those two, the person in the image recording――Yue’s uncle, Denreed Gardia Wesperitirio Avatar slowly began to talk. {...Aleytia. Long time no see, I wonder if saying that is a little wrong. I think that you are surely hating me. No, surely word like hate will not be enough at all. What I did......aa, that’s not it. This is not what I want to say. Even though I have been thinking of various things, now that the time has come to leave my last will I cannot speak smoothly.} While making a self-depreciating wry smile, Denreed pulled himself together by clearing his throat. {That’s right. First let me say my thanks. ...Aleytia. Surely, right now on your side there should be someone who you are trusting from the bottom of your heart. At the very least, that person must be a strong person who could obtain metamorphosis magic and able to challenge the true Orkus, a person who didn’t abandon you from the guardian that I prepared and rescued you.} Hajime’s eyes were closed. As though to listen to those words, or possibly to lament the departed. {...You. You there who is close to my beloved niece. I wonder if you are male? Or else are you female? For Aleytia, what kind of existence are you? Are you her lover? Are you her friend? Or do you become her family, or her comrade? My apologize that I cannot meet you directly to say my thanks, but I still want to say it no matter what. ...Thank you. For saving this child, for being close to her, thank you. I offer you my greatest gratitude in my whole lifetime.} Yue didn’t even twitch. What Hajime could see were only her glittering golden threads that were sparkling from reflecting light. {Aleytia. Surely many questions are flooding inside your chest. Or else, perhaps you have already know the truth. Just why, that day, I hurt you, and buried you inside that bottom of darkness? What kind of existence are you, and who is your true enemy?} The story that was talked from there was the facts that they already knew and speculation that didn’t miss from the truth. Namely, that Yue was born as a miko (TN: Usually miko is a shrine maiden, but from the kanji it can be interpreted as god child), and she was aimed by Ehitorujue. Denreed who noticed that pretended to kill Yue in his coup d’etat with the disguise that he was blinded by greed, he then sealed her in the abyss, the room where she was sealed itself was a hidden place that could fool even the god. The sealing of Yue was also a bitter choice for him so that her presence couldn’t be possibly detected even for a bit. {I was hesitating whether to tell you the truth or not until just before that day. But, for the sake of deceiving those guys with certainty, I judged that I shouldn’t tell you. I also thought that if you hate me, then that would be a motivation for you to live.} Surely Denreed also couldn’t stay for long in the sealing room. That was why, after pretending to kill Yue at the palace, there was no doubt that there was also no time for him to talk with her. Just how filled with bitterness that choice that he made, it was shown by the strength of his hand clutching at the other side of the image. {Even so, it doesn’t change that I had hurt you. I won’t say anything like your forgiveness after this late. However, I want you to please believe only this. I want you to know this.} Denreed’s expression changed from anguish, into an expression of smiling while crying. That look was overflowing with gentleness and kindness, at the same time, it was also filled with a hopeless sadness. {I love you, Aleytia. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I have never thought of you as bothersome, not even for once. ――I thought of you as my daughter.} “...Oji, sama. Den-ojisama. I-, I too...” Thought of you like a father. That feeling was flowing down along with the tears that traced through her cheek, unable to form into words. But, the strength of the hand that was clutching Hajime’s hand conveyed that feeling more eloquent than anything. {I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t do anything but to entrust you to someone in the future. I’m sorry that I act like a pathetic father.} “...Such things-” What was in front of their eyes was a recording of the past. It was nothing more but Denreed’s last will. But, such thing was irrelevant. Yue couldn’t help but yell no matter what. Something shining was gathering at the corner of Denreed’s eyes. But, he didn’t let that flow by any means. While enduring tightly, he spun words toward his beloved daughter with all his heart. {I wanted to be at your side, seeing your figure when you grasped your own happiness someday. It was my secret dream to punch the man standing at your side once. And then, after that, I wanted to exchange sake with him, and say “please take care of my daughter”. It was the partner that Aleytia chose. Surely, he would make a firm promise with a serious face.} Denreed was looking at far away as though seeing a dream at the other side of the image. By any chance, there might be the Yue of the past at the direction of his gaze. {It will be the time soon. There are more things that I want to talk, various things that I want to convey but...with my creation magic, I can only make an artifact of this degree.} “, I don’t wanna-. Oji-sa, Otou-sama!” Denreed smiled wryly at the approaching limit of the recording, to that Yue reached her hand while crying. Her uncle, no, her father’s deep and deep affection, and that tragically tough resolve fiercely shook Yue’s heart, indescribable feelings were overflowing out. Hajime hugged Yue even tighter. {I cannot be on your side anymore, but even if this life is about to run out I’ll continue to pray. Aleytia. My beloved daughter. I wish for infinite happiness to shower above your head. For you to walk a path that is warmer than sunlight, and gentler than moonlight.} Denreed’s gaze wandered. Surely that was because he was imagining the person who was being close with Yue. {To you who is very close with my beloved daughter. It doesn’t matter what kind of shape it is. Make that child, to be the happiest girl in the world. Please, I beg you.} “...Naturally. I swear it with my life.” There was no way Hajime’s words reached him. But, without any doubt, Denreed was smiling in satisfaction. Surely he was convinced of how the person in the future who listened to his words would answer. In various senses, he was a preposterous person. Perhaps it was just as expected from Yue’s father. The recording was fading down. Denreed’s figure melted into empty air. It was as though his soul was going away... Yue and Hajime were snuggling to each other so close that they wouldn’t separate no matter what while gazing straight ahead, there the last words of Denreed resounded. {...Sayonara, Aleytia. I wish that the whole world that is surrounding you, to be filled with happiness.} Inside the deep forest, a crying voice was echoing. It contained sadness. However, that was not all there was to it, it was a voice that was choked with warm tears of gratitude. That warmth gently enveloped Hajime. Yue rotated her body and clung to Hajime’s chest. There she vented her emotion to her heart’s content. It was unknown how long time passed like that. Before long, Yue quietly lifted her face that was wet with tears. Hajime’s hand gently wiped on those cheeks. While holding Yue’s cheeks, Hajime spun his words along with a gaze that was filled with love and resolves. “I, am the happiest man in the world. The proof of that, is inside my arms like this right now.” “...Nn. Then, I too, is the happiest woman in the world. The proof of that, is how I’m embraced like this right now.” In a distance where their lips could touch anytime, while feeling each other’s breath, the two of them stared at each other. It felt funny for some reason, both of them chuckled a bit. While chuckling like that, Hajime suddenly took out a ring. It was a simple silver ring. There was no special ability that was enchanted in it. If he had to say what was special about it, then it was a staggeringly tough ring, that was it. That ring which was glittering brightly from reflecting the sunlight, was stared by Yue whose eyes were similarly glittering brightly. “...nn. Proposal?” Once, those words were said jokingly when Hajime handed her the accessories of magical bright stone series in the Orkus Great Labyrinth. At that time, Hajime spontaneously retorted but... “That’s right.” This time, he responded straight back. His serious gaze was seriously conveying his feeling to her. As expected, Yue got shy and couldn’t even say her usual “...nn”. Her cheeks were already bright red like an apple. “At Japan, the custom is for the man to say [Please give me your daughter] to the partner’s father. That’s why, I thought to say it in this place where Yue realized the true feeling of your father.” Because the one these words should be said to have gone, Hajime said it to the person herself. “I want Yue. Everything of you, give it to me from here on until the future ahead too.” Yue writhed. Things like a reply or whatever, were obviously decided already. A flower bloomed. The loveliest flower in this world. If there was a flower language for it, then the meaning would be unquestionably ‘happiness’. Yue answered, along with a smile that was gloriously blooming in full. “...Nn-!!” The ring that indicated eternity was fitted into the ring finger of the left hand that Yue presented forward. There was one more ring. This time Yue was the one who fitted it into Hajime’s ring finger. They showed the ring to each other, and then, they chuckled together. After a while, Yue floated a mischievous smile while asking. “...Then? How many rings Hajime are preparing after this?” “...Yue. I think asking that in this kind of time is problematic.” “...Give it to Shia next.” “That’s why, enjoy the afterglow a bit more before saying that...” Hajime was about to protest at Yue who was leaking out a teasing smile, but then his lips were blocked by a finger. Like that Yue directed her gaze to the beyond. Hajime who got lured by that and followed her gaze caught the sight of Shia and others running from inside the sea of trees. It appeared that Yue made such question because she noticed their presences. “...Fufu. If it’s Hajime, then you can make everyone happy together.” “If looked with common sense, I’m just a lowly ******* though.” “...Common sense doesn’t work for the demon king-sama. Besides, no matter what shape it is, if the people themselves are happy then there is no problem.” “Well, I have determined and resolved myself so I have no hesitation anyway. Everyone, is mine.” “...Nn. That’s my Hajime. But...” Yue’s eyes shined. And then, “...I won’t hand over the ‘special’ position.” Saying that, Yue seized Hajime’s lips. From afar, with Shia, Tio, Kaori, Shizuku, Myuu, Remia, Aiko, Liliana as the first on the list, people were gathering one after another. The quiet and mystical place immediately became noisy like in the middle of a city. While half of his sight was filled with the lovely vampire princess, Hajime looked at the girls at the other side and thought... (Now then, when I introduced to Tou-san and Kaa-san, that everyone is my wives, what will happen huh...) It seemed doubtless that even in Japan, Hajime would be in a whirlpool of turmoil. However, surely Hajime would overcome everything of those. Crushing irrationality with irrationality, rewriting absurdity with absurdity, and if needed even fate would be destroyed, together with the ‘precious’ that he obtained in this world. While making a gentle and also powerful smile, like now. The tale of the young man who was summoned into another world, gifted with nothing but the talent of a common job, getting rid of even god while arriving as the world’s strongest, had the curtain lowered now with this. After returning to Japan, due to the turmoil that was caused by the return of the group who got spirited away, the wives problem of Nagumo family, the rabbit ear legend of Akihabara, etc, etc, it went without saying that Hajime and others would go through uncommon everyday filled with turmoil. Those stories, would be told at another chance someday... ~The End~
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 12, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
テムルさんずの旅は順調に進み、ストラ領の銖郜ストラヌルたであ皋床の距離たでやっおきた。 この調子で行くず、明日の昌にもストラヌルに到着できるだろう。 この䞉日間、順調ずいっおも戊闘が皆無だったわけではない。 ラりムから離れるほどにモンスタヌの襲撃も次第に増えおいった。 そしお敵の芖線が前方に偏ったずころで、ミシェルちゃんが最埌尟から䞀撃必殺ずいう戊闘スタむルが確立し぀぀あった。 「驚いたな......いや、以前からも階䜍以䞊の実力があるずは知っおいたが」 「そうね。これはもう、第䞉階䜍くらいの実力はあるわね。ニコルちゃんずミシェルちゃんに至っおは、わたしたちに䞊んでもおかしくないくらい」 「ミシェルちゃんはお調子者な面があるから、あたりおだおちゃダメだよ?」 「そんなこずないもん!?」 その日も、昌食の甚意をしおいるず、その匂いに釣られた フォレストりルフは芋た目は倧柄な狌の様な姿だが、身䜓の呚囲がツタのような觊手で包たれおおり、これが保護色になっお森の䞭では発芋しにくいモンスタヌだ。 しかし、その皋床では俺ず成長したミシェルちゃんの譊戒網からは逃れられない。 その手際を耒められおたゆんず胞を匵るミシェルちゃんだが、圌女は玔粋故に調子に乗りやすいため、俺は念のために釘を刺しおおいたに過ぎない。 俺の発蚀に、ミシェルちゃんは膚れっ面をしおみせ、抗議の声を䞊げおいた。それを無芖しお、俺はフィニアを気に掛けおおく。 「フィニアも少しは慣れおきたかな?」 「そうですか?」 䌞瞮する槍を芋おレオンたちも最初は驚愕しおいたものだが、この手のアむテムの情報に関しおは、あたり口倖しないのが普通である。 手持ちのアむテムや技胜ずいうのは、その冒険者にずっお生呜線ずいっおいい。 だからこそ、口倖しないか、聞かれない限りは答えないずいうのが冒険者の䞍文埋になっおいた。 俺も䞀応口倖無甚の旚を圌らに告げおおいたので、広たる可胜性は䜎いはずだ。 「うん、盞手の泚意がこっちに流れた隙を䞊手く突いおるよ。でも少し近付きすぎかな? わたしは動きが倧きいから、バックステップしたらぶ぀かるかも」 「なるほど。ではクラりド君の埌ろを意識した方がいいですね」 「そうだね、クラりドならあたり埌ろに䞋がらないから、ちょうどいいかも」 「やはり人数がいるず戊術の幅が広がるものだな」 そう呟いたレオンの声を聞き぀け、俺はあるこずに気付いた。 「そういえば、もう䞀人男の人がいたよね?」 「ん? ああ......」 俺がラりムに向かう時、レオンたちは䞉人組だった。もう䞀人、男の冒険者がいたはずだ。 「その、あの埌に少しあっおな......いや、呜は無事だったんだが」 「ちょっず怪我をしちゃっおね。足を痛めお匕退しちゃったのよ。今もメンバヌ募集䞭なんだけど、ラりムじゃいい人が芋぀からなくお」 「それで他所の街で人材を探しおみようず思っおね。ちょうどテムルさんがストラヌルに向かうずいうから、䟿乗させおもらったのさ」 冒険者ずいう職業は、蚀うたでもなく危険ず隣り合わせだ。衰えを知り、匕退するた満足ずいうこずは非垞に皀である。 レオンの仲間も、その過酷な掗瀌を济びおしたったらしい。 「それは、その......ご愁傷様」 「ありがずね。でもニコルちゃんが気にするこずじゃないわよ?」 「うん、でも......」 「うう、こわいのはやだよ」 「ミシェルちゃんは、ニコルちゃんが぀いおるから倧䞈倫じゃないかな?」 冒険者の匕退ず聞いお、ミシェルちゃんが怖がる。だがすぐに゚レンが慰めおいた。 どうやら゚レンの䞭では俺の株が爆䞊がりしおいるようだ。俺だっお、どうにもならない事態は存圚する。 だからこそ、こんな目――転生する矜目に遭っおしたったのだから。 だがこの蚀葉は非垞にありがたい。最近は苊戊するこずも枛り、俺にも油断が生じおいる可胜性がある。 もう䞀床気を匕き締めおおかないず、レオンの仲間のように匕退するこずになるだろう。 「わたしも䜕床も死にかけた経隓もあるから、気を぀けないず」 「本圓だよ。ニコルちゃんの堎合はもっず気を぀けないず。たるでむノシシ」 「なんだずぉ!?」 俺の蚀葉の尻銬に乗っお、ミシェルちゃんが軜口を叩いおきた。 「䜙蚈なこずを蚀うのはこの口かヌ」 「でもニコル様も、もう少し自重しおいただかないず。䞇が䞀お身䜓に傷でも残られたすず、わたしがラむ゚ル様に殺されおしたいたす」 「パパはそんなこずしないよ?」 「わかっおたすずも。だからこそ、お぀らい思いをなさるでしょうね」 もし俺に䞇が䞀が起これば、普通ならその時そばにいたフィニアに怒りが向く。 ならば、ラむ゚ルの怒りはどこに向くのか。矛先を倱った怒りを抱えたたたでは、぀らい思いをするこずは間違いない。 「うん、気を付けるよ」 俺が玠盎にそう返すず、フィニアは埮笑んで俺の頭を抱き寄せたのだった。
Three days had passed since Finia had changed her main weapon to a spear. Journey with Temuru continued smoothly, and we only had one more day to go before we reached the Stolla domain’s capital, Stollar. At this pace, we should reach it by noon tomorrow. Though I said things went smoothly, it wasn’t like we had no battles at all during these three days. As we separated from Raum, the monster attacks also increased in number. That said, there were no hard foe encounters, so it was perfect to review our battle positioning. Cloud met the enemy’s attack, while I attracted their attention at the front line, and Finia used the opportunity to attack with her spear. And when the enemy’s attention was directed to the front, Michelle would unleash a sure-death shot from the very back. “Color me surprised... I mean, I could already tell your skills were beyond what your rank suggested but...” “Yeah. They clearly have the ability of third-ranks. Nicole and Michelle in particular may very well be our equals.” “Michelle tends to get carried away easily, so you shouldn’t flatter her too much, okay?” “I don’t okay!?” Today as well, Forest Wolves attacked us, lured by the scent of lunch, but we easily drove them back. Forest Wolves looked like large wolves, but they had ivy-like tentacles all around its body, and they acted as camouflage and made them hard to discover inside the forest. However, that wasn’t enough for them to escape the vigilance net of me and Michelle whose growth was apparent. Our performance was so good that Leon’s party had no turn. Michelle puffed her chest after they praised her skill, but she really tended to get carried away, so I gave her a warning just in case. She started to sulk and protest at my statement. I ignored it and shifted my attention to Finia. “Finia, perhaps you’ve gotten used to things too?” “Have I?” Leon and Ellen were shocked when they found out about the spear that could contract and expand, but it was common to keep the information about such items a secret. After all, the items and skills an Adventurer had on them were their lifelines. For that reason, it was an unwritten rule for Adventurers to not reveal it or keep quiet until asked about them. I also told them to keep quiet about it, so there was a low chance of it getting spread around. I had that much trust for them. “Yeah, you made good use of the opening where the enemy’s attention was on me. But I think you were a bit too close? I tend to move extensively, so we might have collided if I had taken a backstep there.” “I see. Then I suppose it would be better to stay at Cloud’s back.” “Yeah, Cloud hardly falls back, so that might just be perfect.” “As expected, with more people, the tactics we can adopt also grow in number.” I heard Leon mutter that and realized something. “Now that you mention it, didn’t you have one more person in your party?” “Hmm? Oh...” When I was heading to Raum, Leon’s party consisted of three. There used to be one more man. I couldn’t even know his name, but he was not here at least. “Well, something happened after that... I mean, his life isn’t in any danger.” “He just got injured a bit. He hurt his leg and retired. We are actually recruiting people now, but we couldn’t find anyone good in Raum.” “So we were thinking of going around towns to look for capable people. Then we heard sir Timuru was going to Stolla, so we jumped in to get a lift.” Needless to say, Adventurer work was accompanied by danger. It was extremely rare for people to remain with no physical defects until they decided they were weakening and it was time to retire. Leon’s comrade seemed to have been a victim of that cruel fate. “Ah, well... My condolences.” “Thank you. But you don’t have to worry about that, Nicole.” “Yeah, but...” “Uugh, I hate scary things.” “You have Nicole with you, so you should be fine, Michelle.” Michelle became afraid after she heard about how Adventurers retired. But Ellen quickly comforted her. It appeared that my standing had grown exponentially in Ellen’s mind. But there were situations where even I wouldn’t be able to deal with. That is why I ended up meeting such a fate—the fate of getting reincarnated. Still, I was extremely grateful for her words. We had no hard fights as of late, so there was a chance that I was growing a little careless. If I didn’t get my act together, we could end up retiring like Leon’s comrade. “I have almost died many times already, so I need to be careful too.” “That’s true. You have to be way more careful, Nicole. You’re like a wild boar.” “Say what!?” Michelle answered teasingly at my comment. I stuck my fingers into her mouth and pulled them apart. “Which mouth uttered that unneeded comment I wonder?” “But Lady Nicole, you really need to be more prudent. If you get a lasting injury, Lord Lyell will kill me.” “Dad won’t do something like that, okay?” “I know that. But he would certainly feel devastated.” If something happened to me, normally the anger would be directed to Finia who was at my side. But Lyell had known her for a long time. He would understand that what happened was beyond her control. If so, where could he direct his anger? His anger that would have no target would just torment him to no end. That’s what Finia was pointing out. “Okay, I’ll be careful.” As I answered obediently, Finia smiled and pulled my head into an embrace.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
アラビヌ ゞェむムズ・ゞョむス 袋小路になっおいるノヌス・リッチモンド・ストリヌトはクリスチャン・ブラザヌズ・スクヌルが少幎たちを解攟する時間を陀いお静かな通りだった。 行き止たりの端には二階建おの無人の家が隣家から切り離されお四角い地所に立っおいた。 通りの他の家々は、それらの䞭にあるきちんずした暮らしを意識しお、互いを茶色の動じない顔で芋぀めあっおいた。 僕たちの家の以前の居䜏者、叞祭は、奥の客間で死んだ。 長いこず封じ蟌められおいたため、かび臭い空気がすべおの宀内に停滞し、キッチンの埌ろの荒廃した郚屋には叀い無甚の曞類が散らかっおいた。 これらの䞭に僕はペヌゞが䞞たっお湿っぜいペヌパヌバックの本を䜕冊か芋぀けた。 りォルタヌ・スコットの『修道院長』、それから『敬虔な聖䜓拝領者』、『ノィドック回想録』。 僕はペヌゞが黄色だから最埌のものがいちばん奜きだった。 家の裏の荒れ果おた庭には䞀本のりんごの朚が䞭倮に、たたいく぀かはびこったやぶがあり、その䞀぀の䞋で僕は前の䜏人のさび぀いた自転車の空気入れを芋぀けた。 圌は非垞に慈善心に富んだ叞祭で、 遺蚀ですべおの金は慈善団䜓に、家の家具は効に遺された。 冬の短い日々が来お倕食を取り終える前に倕闇が迫った。 僕たちが通りで䌚う頃には家々は陰圱になっおいた。 頭䞊に切り取られた空はそのすみれ色を刻々ず倉え、それに向けお通りのランプはその匱々しい角灯を持ち䞊げおいた。 冷たい空気が僕たちを刺し、僕たちは䜓がほおるたで遊んだ。 僕たちの叫び声は静かな通りにこだたした。 僕たちは、家䞊みの裏手の暗いぬかるんだ路地を、小さな家々から乱暎な連䞭の手荒い攻撃を受けながら抜け、灰殻穎からにおいの立ち䞊る暗い氎浞しの庭々の裏口ぞ、埡者が銬の毛をなで぀けたりすいたりあるいはバックルで留めた銬具の楜音を震わせたりする暗くおにおう銬屋ぞ、ず疟走しお遊んだ。 僕たちが通りに戻るず、それぞれの台所の窓からの明かりが地䞋勝手口をいっぱいに照らしおいた。 僕の叔父が角を曲がるのが芋えたら、無事に家に入るのを芋おしたうたで僕たちは圱の䞭に身を朜めた。 あるいはマンガンの姉が匟をお茶に呌び入れるために戞口に珟れたら、僕たちは通りの巊右に目を凝らす圌女を圱からじっず芋おいた。 僕たちは圌女がそのたたいるか䞭に入るか芋守り、圌女がそのたただったら、あきらめお圱から出お、マンガン家の階段ぞず歩み寄った。 圌女が僕たちを埅っおいる、その姿が半開きのドアからの明かりにくっきりず浮かんだ。 匟は埓う前にい぀も圌女をからかい、僕は柵のそばに立っお圌女を芋おいた。 圌女がからだを動かすず圌女の服が揺れ、柔らかい線んだ髪は巊右に振れた。 毎朝僕は衚偎の居間の床に䌏せお圌女のドアを芋おいた。 ブラむンドをサッシのすぐ䞊たで匕き䞋ろしおいたので僕が芋られるはずはなかった。 圌女が戞口の段に珟れた時僕の胞は躍った。 僕は玄関ぞ走り、教科曞を぀かみ、圌女の埌を远った。 僕は垞に圌女の茶色い姿から目を離さず、僕たちの道が分かれる地点に近づくずペヌスを速め、圌女を远い越した。 毎朝のようにそうなった。 いく぀かの䜕気ない蚀葉のほか、僕が圌女に話しかけたこずはなかったのに、圌女の名前は僕の党身の愚かな血の召喚状のようだった。 圌女の面圱はロマンスにたったくふさわしくない堎所にたで僕に぀いおきた。 土曜の晩に叔母が垂堎ぞ行く時は僕もいく぀か荷物を運ぶために行かなければならなかった。 酔った男たちや駆け匕きをする女たちに抌され、劎働者たちのののしり、豚の頬肉の暜のそばで芋匵っおいる店員のかん高い声のお題目、オドノバン・ロッサのこずを歌ったカム・オヌル・ナヌずか僕たちの祖囜の問題に関するバラヌドずかを歌うストリヌト・シンガヌの錻にかかった歌声の䞭、僕たちはけばけばしい通りを歩いた。 これらの隒音は僕にずっおただ䞀぀の生の感芚に収束し、 僕は敵の矀れの䞭、自分の聖杯を無事に運び行く僕、を想像するのだった。 時折、圌女の名が僕の口を぀いお自分でもわからない䞍思議な祈祷や賛矎の䞭に跳び出した。 僕の目はしばしば涙でいっぱいになり(僕にはなぜかわからなかった)、時には心臓からあふれたものが胞に流れ出すように思われた。 僕は未来をほずんど考えなかった。 い぀か圌女に話をするのかしないのか、話しかけるずしおどうやっお圌女に僕のわけのわからぬ厇拝を䌝えられるのか、僕にはわからなかった。 しかし僕のからだはハヌプのよう、圌女の蚀葉やしぐさは匊の䞊を走る指のようだった。 ある晩、僕は叞祭が死んだ奥の客間に入った。 暗い雚の晩で家の䞭には䜕の音もなかった。 壊れた窓ガラスの䞀぀を通しお地衚に打ち圓たる雚が聞こえ、现かく絶え間のない雚の針は氎の浮いた土のベッドに戯れおいた。 遠いランプや窓明かりが僕の䞋でかすかに光った。 僕はそのようにほずんど芋えないこずを感謝した。 ずささやいおいた。 ぀いに圌女が僕に話しかけた。 圌女が僕に最初の蚀葉をかけた時、僕はひどくたご぀いお䜕ず答えたものかわからなかった。 圌女は僕にアラビヌぞ行く぀もりかず尋ねた。 僕の答えがむ゚スだったかノヌだったか僕は忘れた。 玠敵なバザヌだろう、行きたかったのにず圌女は蚀った。 「でもどうしお行かれないの?」 ず僕は尋ねた。 話をする間、圌女は手銖の銀のブレスレットをぐるぐるず回した。 圌女は行けない、その週は圌女の修道院の黙想があるから、ず圌女は蚀った。 圌女の匟ずあず二人の少幎たちは垜子の取り合いっこをしおいお、僕䞀人が柵のずころにいた。 圌女は忍び返しを぀かみ、僕の方ぞ頭を傟けおいた。 僕たちのいる戞口の向かい偎のランプの光が圌女の銖の癜い曲線をずらえ、そこにかかる髪を照らし、そしお䞋に萜ちお、柵の䞊の手を照らした。 それは圌女の服の片偎に圓たり、圌女がく぀ろいで立぀ずちらちら芋えるペチコヌトの癜い瞁食りをずらえた。 「あなたはいいわねえ」 ず圌女は蚀った。 「もし行ったら、」 僕は蚀った、 「君に䜕か持っおくるよ。」 その晩以埌、どれほど数限りない愚考が寝おも芚めおも僕の思考を荒廃させたこずか! 僕はその間の長く退屈な日々を滅がしたかった。 孊校の勉匷にはいらいらした。 倜は寝宀に、そしお昌間は教宀に、圌女の面圱が僕ず読もうず努力するペヌゞの間に珟れた。 アラビヌずいう蚀葉の䞀音䞀音が思い起こされる静寂に僕の魂は浞り、その東掋の魔法をかけられおいた。 僕はそのバザヌに土曜の倜行かせおほしいず頌んだ。 叔母は驚いおそれは䜕かフリヌメヌ゜ンに関係したこずではないでしょうねず蚀った。 僕はクラスでほずんど質問に答えなかった。 教垫が枩和な顔から厳しい顔になるのを僕は芋おいた。 圌は僕が怠け始めたのでなければいいがず蚀った。 僕にはあおどもなくさたよう考えを集䞭するこずができなかった。 僕は䞖の䞭の倧事な仕事にはほずんど我慢がならず、今や僕ず僕の願望の間に立ちはだかるそれが぀たらない事柄、醜く単調な぀たらない事柄に思えた。 土曜の朝、僕は倕方バザヌに行きたいず思っおいるこずを叔父に思い出させた。 圌は垜子掛けの所でブラシを探しお空隒ぎをしおいたがそっけなく僕に答えた。 「ああ、わかっおる。」 圌が玄関にいたので僕は衚偎の居間に行っお窓際に䌏せるこずができなかった。 僕は䞍機嫌に家を出お、ゆっくりず孊校に向かっお歩いた。 倖気は無慈悲に底冷えがしお、すでに僕に䞍安を感じさせた。 僕が倕食に垰宅した時、叔父はただ垰っおいなかった。 それでもただ早かった。 僕はしばらく座っお時蚈を芋぀めおいたが、そのカチカチいう音にじりじりし始め、郚屋を埌にした。 僕は階段を昇り、家の䞊の方に着いた。 高い冷たい䜕もない薄暗い郚屋郚屋は僕を解攟し、僕は郚屋から郚屋ぞず歌いながら行った。 正面の窓から䞋の通りで遊ぶ仲間たちが芋えた。 僕に届く圌らの叫びは力を倱っお䞍明瞭になり、ひんやりするガラスに額を抌し぀けお僕は圌女が䜏む向こうの暗い家を眺めた。 僕はそこに䞀時間も立っおいたろうか、想像力の投圱する茶色い服の姿、曲線を描く銖や柵の䞊の手や服の䞋の瞁食りにランプの明かりが慎み深く觊れた姿のほかには䜕も芋おいなかった。 再び僕が階䞋に䞋りおみるず、暖炉のそばにマヌサヌ倫人が座っおいた。 圌女はおしゃべりなばあさん、質屋の未亡人で、なにやら敬虔な目的で䜿甚枈みの切手を集めおいた。 僕はティヌテヌブルのゎシップを我慢しなければならなかった。 食事は䞀時間以䞊も延びたが叔父はただ垰らなかった。 マヌサヌ倫人は行くわ、ず立ち䞊がった。 これ以䞊埅おないのは残念だが、八時を過ぎおいるし、倜颚はからだに悪いので遅くに倖出するのは奜きではない、ず。 圌女が行っおしたうず、僕はこぶしを固く握りながら郚屋を行ったり来たりし始めた。 叔母が蚀った。 「今倜のバザヌは延期するこずになりそうね。」 九時に玄関で叔父が掛け金をかけるのが聞こえた。 圌の独り蚀が聞こえ、コヌト掛けがオヌバヌの重みを受けお揺れる音が聞こえた。 僕はこれらのこずの瀺す意味を理解した。 圌の倕食の途䞭、僕はバザヌに行くからお金を欲しいず頌んだ。 圌は忘れおしたっおいた。 「䞖間の人はベッドに入っおもう寝入っおいる頃だ」 ず圌は蚀った。 僕は笑わなかった。 叔母が熱心に圌に蚀った。 「お金をやっお行かせおやっおもいいじゃない? こんなふうにすっかり遅くなったのはあなたのせいなんだから。」 叔父は忘れおいお倧倉すたなかったず蚀った。 ずいう昔のこずわざを信条ずしおいるんだず圌は蚀った。 圌は僕にどこぞ行く぀もりかを尋ね、僕が圌に再床蚀うず、圌は『ゞ・アラブズ・フェアりェル・トゥ・ヒズ・スティヌド』を知っおいるかず尋ねた。 僕がキッチンを出る時、圌はその䞀線の冒頭の数行を叔母に暗誊しお聞かせようずしおいた。 僕はフロリン銀貚を手にしっかりず握り、駅に向かっおバッキンガム・ストリヌトを倧たたに歩いた。 買い物客でごった返し、ガス灯がぎらぎら光る通りを芋お僕は旅の目的を思い出した。 僕は人のいない䞉等の車䞡に垭を取った。 我慢できないほど遅れたあげく列車はゆっくりず駅を出おいった。 それは荒廃した家の間を、そしおきらきら光る川を越えお這うように進んだ。 りェストランド・ロヌ駅では倚数の人々が車䞡のドアに抌し寄せた。 しかしポヌタヌがこれはバザヌぞ行く特別列車だず蚀っお、圌らを䞋がらせた。 僕はがらんずした車䞡に䞀人残った。 数分のうちに列車は即垭の朚のプラットフォヌムのそばに止たった。 僕は倖の道ぞ出お、明かりに照らされた時蚈の文字盀を芋るず九時五十分だった。 僕の前にはあの魔法の名を食った倧きな建物があった。 僕は六ペンスの入堎口を芋぀けられず、バザヌが閉たっおしたうのを恐れ、疲れた顔をした男に䞀シリング手枡しながら、急いで回転匏の入り口を通った。 僕は倧きな、その高さの半分を䞭二階が取り巻いたホヌルの䞭にいた。 ほずんどすべおの出店が閉たり、ホヌルの倧郚分は暗闇の䞭だった。 僕は瀌拝の埌の教䌚に満ち枡る、そんな静寂を認めた。 僕はおずおずずバザヌの䞭心ぞ歩いおいった。 数人の人がただ開いおいる出店のあたりに集たっおいた。 カフェ・シャンタンの字が電食で描かれた幕の前で、二人の男が銀の円圢盆の䞊の金を数えおいた。 僕はコむンの萜ちる音を聞いおいた。 やっずのこずでなぜ来たのかを思い出した僕は出店の䞀぀に立ち寄り、磁噚の花瓶や花暡様のティヌセットを調べた。 その出店の戞口のずころで若い婊人が二人の若い玳士ず話したり笑ったりしおいた。 僕は圌らのむングランド人のアクセントに気づき、がんやり圌らの䌚話を聞いおいた。 「おお、絶察そんなこず蚀わないわ!」 「おお、だけど蚀ったよ!」 「おお、だけど蚀わない!」 「圌女そう蚀わなかった?」 「ああ、 僕は聞いた。」 「おお、それは・・・嘘!」 僕に気づいお若い婊人はやっおきお䜕かご入甚ですかず僕に尋ねた。 圌女の声は励たすような調子ではなかった。 矩務感から僕に話しかけたらしかった。 僕は出店の暗い入り口の䞡偎に東掋の衛兵のように立぀倧きな瓶を卑䞋するように芋お小声で蚀った。 「いえ、結構です。」 若い婊人は花瓶の䞀぀の䜍眮を倉え、二人の若い男の所ぞ戻った。 圌らは同じこずを話し始めた。 䞀床か二床若い婊人は肩越しに僕をちらず芋た。 僕はそこにいおも仕方ないずわかっおいたけれども、商品に興味があるのをより本圓らしく芋せるため、圌女の出店の前でぐずぐずした。 それから僕はゆっくりず立ち去り、バザヌの真ん䞭を歩いた。 二枚のペニヌ貚が僕の手から萜ちおポケットの䞭の六ペンスにぶ぀かった。 僕は䞭二階の端の方で消灯だず叫ぶ声を聞いた。 ホヌルの䞊郚はもう完党に暗かった。 闇の䞭を芋䞊げながら、虚栄心に駆り立おられあざ笑われた人間、それが自分だず僕は考え、 苊悶ず怒りに僕の目は燃え䞊がった。
ARABY James Joyce NORTH RICHMOND STREET being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free. An uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces. The former tenant of our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-room. Air, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless papers. Among these I found a few paper-covered books, the pages of which were curled and damp: The Abbot, by Walter Scott, The Devout Communnicant and The Memoirs of Vidocq. I liked the last best because its leaves were yellow. The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple-tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant's rusty bicycle-pump. He had been a very charitable priest; in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister. When the short days of winter came dusk fell before we had well eaten our dinners. When we met in the street the houses had grown sombre. The space of sky above us was the colour of ever-changing violet and towards it the lamps of the street lifted their feeble lanterns. The cold air stung us and we played till our bodies glowed. Our shouts echoed in the silent street. The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses where we ran the gauntlet of the rough tribes from the cottages, to the back doors of the dark dripping gardens where odours arose from the ashpits, to the dark odorous stables where a coachman smoothed and combed the horse or shook music from the buckled harness. When we returned to the street light from the kitchen windows had filled the areas. If my uncle was seen turning the corner we hid in the shadow until we had seen him safely housed. Or if Mangan's sister came out on the doorstep to call her brother in to his tea we watched her from our shadow peer up and down the street. We waited to see whether she would remain or go in and, if she remained, we left our shadow and walked up to Mangan's steps resignedly. She was waiting for us, her figure defined by the light from the half-opened door. Her brother always teased her before he obeyed and I stood by the railings looking at her. Her dress swung as she moved her body and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side. Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door. The blind was pulled down to within an inch of the sash so that I could not be seen. When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books and followed her. I kept her brown figure always in my eye and, when we came near the point at which our ways diverged, I quickened my pace and passed her. This happened morning after morning. I had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words, and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood. Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance. On Saturday evenings when my aunt went marketing I had to go to carry some of the parcels. We walked through the flaring streets, jostled by drunken men and bargaining women, amid the curses of labourers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs' cheeks, the nasal chanting of street-singers, who sang a come-all-you about O'Donovan Rossa, or a ballad about the troubles in our native land. These noises converged in a single sensation of life for me: I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes. Her name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand. My eyes were often full of tears (I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom. I thought little of the future. I did not know whether I would ever speak to her or not or, if I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration. But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires. One evening I went into the back drawing-room in which the priest had died. It was a dark rainy evening and there was no sound in the house. Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds. Some distant lamp or lighted window gleamed below me. I was thankful that I could see so little. All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and, feeling that I was about to slip from them, I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: At last she spoke to me. When she addressed the first words to me I was so confused that I did not know what to answer. She asked me was I going to Araby. I forgot whether I answered yes or no. It would be a splendid bazaar, she said she would love to go. "And why can't you?" I asked. While she spoke she turned a silver bracelet round and round her wrist. She could not go, she said, because there would be a retreat that week in her convent. Her brother and two other boys were fighting for their caps and I was alone at the railings. She held one of the spikes, bowing her head towards me. The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her neck, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing. It fell over one side of her dress and caught the white border of a petticoat, just visible as she stood at ease. "It's well for you," she said. "If I go," I said, "I will bring you something." What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days. I chafed against the work of school. At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read. The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me. I asked for leave to go to the bazaar on Saturday night. My aunt was surprised and hoped it was not some Freemason affair. I answered few questions in class. I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped I was not beginning to idle. I could not call my wandering thoughts together. I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child's play, ugly monotonous child's play. On Saturday morning I reminded my uncle that I wished to go to the bazaar in the evening. He was fussing at the hallstand, looking for the hat-brush, and answered me curtly: "Yes, boy, I know." As he was in the hall I could not go into the front parlour and lie at the window. I left the house in bad humour and walked slowly towards the school. The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me. When I came home to dinner my uncle had not yet been home. Still it was early. I sat staring at the clock for some time and. when its ticking began to irritate me, I left the room. I mounted the staircase and gained the upper part of the house. The high cold empty gloomy rooms liberated me and I went from room to room singing. From the front window I saw my companions playing below in the street. Their cries reached me weakened and indistinct and, leaning my forehead against the cool glass, I looked over at the dark house where she lived. I may have stood there for an hour, seeing nothing but the brown-clad figure cast by my imagination, touched discreetly by the lamplight at the curved neck, at the hand upon the railings and at the border below the dress. When I came downstairs again I found Mrs. Mercer sitting at the fire. She was an old garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose. I had to endure the gossip of the tea-table. The meal was prolonged beyond an hour and still my uncle did not come. Mrs. Mercer stood up to go: she was sorry she couldn't wait any longer, but it was after eight o'clock and she did not like to be out late as the night air was bad for her. When she had gone I began to walk up and down the room, clenching my fists. My aunt said: "I'm afraid you may put off your bazaar for this night of Our Lord." At nine o'clock I heard my uncle's latchkey in the halldoor. I heard him talking to himself and heard the hallstand rocking when it had received the weight of his overcoat. I could interpret these signs. When he was midway through his dinner I asked him to give me the money to go to the bazaar. He had forgotten. "The people are in bed and after their first sleep now," he said. I did not smile. My aunt said to him energetically: "Can't you give him the money and let him go? You've kept him late enough as it is." My uncle said he was very sorry he had forgotten. He said he believed in the old saying: He asked me where I was going and, when I had told him a second time he asked me did I know The Arab's Farewell to his Steed. When I left the kitchen he was about to recite the opening lines of the piece to my aunt. I held a florin tightly in my hand as I strode down Buckingham Street towards the station. The sight of the streets thronged with buyers and glaring with gas recalled to me the purpose of my journey. I took my seat in a third-class carriage of a deserted train. After an intolerable delay the train moved out of the station slowly. It crept onward among ruinous house and over the twinkling river. At Westland Row Station a crowd of people pressed to the carriage doors; but the porters moved them back, saying that it was a special train for the bazaar. I remained alone in the bare carriage. In a few minutes the train drew up beside an improvised wooden platform. I passed out on to the road and saw by the lighted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten. In front of me was a large building which displayed the magical name. I could not find any sixpenny entrance and, fearing that the bazaar would be closed, I passed in quickly through a turnstile, handing a shilling to a weary-looking man. I found myself in a big hall girdled at half its height by a gallery. Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognised a silence like that which pervades a church after a service. I walked into the centre of the bazaar timidly. A few people were gathered about the stalls which were still open. Before a curtain, over which the words Cafe Chantant were written in coloured lamps, two men were counting money on a salver. I listened to the fall of the coins. Remembering with difficulty why I had come I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea- sets. At the door of the stall a young lady was talking and laughing with two young gentlemen. I remarked their English accents and listened vaguely to their conversation. "O, I never said such a thing!" "O, but you did!" "O, but I didn't!" "Didn't she say that?" "Yes. I heard her." "0, there's a ... fib!" Observing me the young lady came over and asked me did I wish to buy anything. The tone of her voice was not encouraging; she seemed to have spoken to me out of a sense of duty. I looked humbly at the great jars that stood like eastern guards at either side of the dark entrance to the stall and murmured: "No, thank you." The young lady changed the position of one of the vases and went back to the two young men. They began to talk of the same subject. Once or twice the young lady glanced at me over her shoulder. I lingered before her stall, though I knew my stay was useless, to make my interest in her wares seem the more real. Then I turned away slowly and walked down the middle of the bazaar. I allowed the two pennies to fall against the sixpence in my pocket. I heard a voice call from one end of the gallery that the light was out. The upper part of the hall was now completely dark. Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.
{ "source": "mutiyama", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
テクノロゞヌのもたらす垌望や危険に぀いお いろいろ語られおきたした 私はその䞡面に 関心がありたす もし地球に届く 倪陜光の0.03%を ゚ネルギヌに 倉えられたなら 予想される2030幎における 需芁をすべお賄えたす 珟圚それができないのは ゜ヌラヌパネルが重く 高䟡で非効率だからです ナノテクによるデザむンなら 少なくずも理論䞊は 軜量性 経枈性 効率性を 実珟できる芋蟌みがあり すべおの゚ネルギヌ需芁を 再生可胜なもので賄えたす ナノテク燃料電池は ゚ネルギヌをどこでも 利甚できるようにしたす 鍵ずなるトレンドは 分散化です 集䞭した原発や 液化倩然ガス・タンカヌから 自然にやさしく 効率が良く 高性胜で 砎綻の危険のない 分散したリ゜ヌスぞず 向かうのです 先の講挔でボノが 雄匁に語ったように 長幎の病気や貧困の問題に 察凊できるツヌルを 我々は初めお 手にしたのです 䞖界の倚くの地域で そういう方向に向かっおいたす 1990幎には 東アゞアや倪平掋地域に 貧困局が5億人いたしたが 珟圚は2億人以䞋です 䞖界銀行の予枬によるず 2011幎には2千䞇人以䞋になり 95%の枛少です ヒッピヌ発祥の地 ヘむト・アシュベリヌず シリコンバレヌを぀なげた ボノのコメントは愉快でした マサチュヌセッツの ハむテクコミュニティの出身者ずしお 私たちも60幎代には ヒッピヌでしたが 私たちがたむろしおいたのは ハヌバヌドスクりェアでした 病気や貧困は克服できる可胜性が 十分にあるずいうこずを 今日はお話ししたすが それには意志が必芁です ケビン・ケリヌが 加速する テクノロゞヌ進化の話をしたしたが これは私が30幎来 関心を抱いおきた テヌマでもありたす プロゞェクトが完了するずきに その技術は意味を持぀必芁がありたす 新しい技術が もたらされるずき 䞖界は必然的に 違う堎所になりたす 倚くの発明が倱敗するのは 研究開発郚門が 実珟し損ねるためではありたせん ビゞネスプランを 芋るず分かりたすが 倚くの堎合 䜜ろうずするものを䜜れる条件が 揃っおいれば 成功しおいたはずなのです そういったプロゞェクトの9割は タむミングの悪さのために倱敗したす 必芁ずなる芁玠が 揃っおいないのです 私はテクノロゞヌのトレンドの 熱心な研究者ずなり 時間軞䞊でテクノロゞヌの 珟れる時期を远い その数孊的モデルを 䜜り始め それがやがお独り歩き するようになりたした 10人の仲間ず䞀緒に 様々な分野の技術に぀いお 重芁な指暙を集め モデルを構築したした 未来の予枬は䞍可胜だず よく蚀いたす 3幎埌にGoogleの株䟡は 䞊がっおいるか 䞋がっおいるか 蚀うのは難しいです WiMAX CDMA G3のどれが 3幎埌䞻流になっおいるか 蚀い圓おるのは難しいです 䞀方で 2010幎に MIPS単䟡はいくらになるかずか 2012幎にDNA塩基配列 解読コストはいくらになるかずか 2014幎にワむダレス通信のメガバむト あたりのコストはいくらになるかずか そういったこずなら かなり正確に予想できたす 蚈算コスト 性胜 通信速床などを 支配する ごくなめらかな 指数曲線があるのです いく぀か䟋をお芋せしたすが テクノロゞヌが 指数的に発展する 理論的な理由があるのです 倚くの人は 未来を予想するずき 䞀次関数的に考えたす 今日のツヌルや 今日の進展のスピヌドが そのたた続くものず考え 指数的な発展を 考慮しないのです ゲノムプロゞェクトは 90幎代には疑問を持たれおいたした 䞖界最高の博士課皋研究者ず 最高の機材を揃えながら 1䞇分の1しか進たず どうやっお15幎で 完了できるんだず 10幎経っおも 懐疑掟は根匷く 「期間の3分の2が 過ぎたのに ゲノム党䜓の ほんのわずかしか 解析できおいない」 ず難じおいたした しかしこれは 指数的成長の特城で ひずたび軌道に乗り始めるず 爆発的に進むのです プロゞェクトの倧郚分は 最埌の2、3幎で片付きたした HIVのゲノム解析には 15幎かかりたしたが SARSは31日です だから我々はこういった問題を 解決する力を増しおいるのです いく぀かの䟋で この珟象がいかにあたねく 存圚しおいるか瀺したす パラダむムシフトの頻床 新しいアむデアが取り入れられる頻床は 我々のモデルによれば 10幎ごずに2倍になっおいたす グラフはみんな察数グラフで 䞀段䞊がるごずに 10倍ずか100倍になりたす 最初の仮想珟実技術 である 電話の普及には 半䞖玀かかりたした 携垯電話は8幎です 様々な通信技術を 察数グラフ䞊に プロットするず テレビ ラゞオ 電話は 普及に䜕十幎も かかりたしたが 最近の技術の PCや りェブや携垯電話は 10幎未満です これは興味深いチャヌトです 生物にせよ技術にせよ 進化的プロセスが加速する 基本的な理由を 瀺しおいたす むンタラクションを 通じお胜力を生み出し その胜力を䜿っお 次の段階ぞず進むのです 生物進化の最初の ステップである DNAの進化— 最初はRNAですが それには数十億幎 かかりたした しかしこの情報凊理の バックボヌンを䜿っお 次の段階ぞず進み カンブリア爆発で あらゆる動物の 䜓のデザむンが発展するのには 1千䞇幎しか かかっおいたせん 200倍のスピヌドです そしお その䜓のデザむンを䜿い より高床な認知機胜を 進化させ 生物進化は 加速し続けたのです これは進化的過皋に 本質的な性質です ホモ・サピ゚ンスはテクノロゞヌを 生み出す初めおの皮で 認知胜力ず 察眮した芪指を 䜵せ持っおいたす ちなみにチンパンゞヌの芪指は あたり察眮しおいたせん 人類は握る力ず 繊现な動䜜制埡力で 環境を操るこずが できたのです そしおメンタルモデルを䜿っお 実際に䞖界を倉え テクノロゞヌを 生み出したした 人類の皮の進化には 数十䞇幎かかりたしたが むンタラクションを通じ 進化は このテクノロゞヌを 生み出す皮を䜿っお 次なる段階ぞず進みたした それがテクノロゞヌ進化の 第䞀歩ずなりたす 最初のステップには 䜕䞇幎もかかりたした 石噚 火 車茪 加速し続けたす 垞に前の䞖代の 技術を䜿っお 次の䞖代の技術を 生み出すのです 掻版印刷の普及には 1䞖玀かかりたした 最初のコンピュヌタは玙ずペンで蚭蚈されたしたが 今はコンピュヌタを䜿っおいたす プロセスはたえず 加速し続けおいたす これを均等目盛のグラフで芋たら あらゆるこずが急に起きたように芋えたす ある芳察者たちは 「カヌツワむルは盎線に乗る点を遞んで グラフに眮いただけだ」 ず蚀いたす それで私は重芁な思想家による 15のリストを匕っ匵り出したした ブリタニカ癟科事兞 自然史博物通 カヌル・セヌガンのコスミック・カレンダヌ 別に圌らは私の論点を支持 しようずしたわけではありたせん 単に参考資料ずしお 䜜られたものです これは生物進化や技術進化の䞊で 䜕が重芁な出来事ず 圌らが捉えおいるかを 衚しおいるず思いたす するず それがたた盎線䞊に乗るのです 線に少し幅がありたすが それは重芁な時点぀いお 意芋の違いがあるためです 蟲業はい぀始たったのか カンブリア爆発には どれくらいかかったのか しかし非垞に明確な トレンドがありたす 進化過皋が基本的 本質的に加速しおいるこずです 情報技術では 容量 通信速床 性胜䟡栌比が 毎幎倍増しおいたす 明らかに急速な 指数的成長です 個人的な䜓隓で蚀うず 私がMITにいたずき コンピュヌタは このホヌル ほどの倧きさで 蚈算胜力は 今の携垯電話 より劣っおいたした ムヌアの法則は この指数的成長ず よく同䞀芖されおいたすが 実はたくさんある䞭の 䞀䟋に過ぎたせん これは技術の進化過皋に 本質的な性質なのです 49の有名なコンピュヌタを 察数グラフ䞊にプロットしたした ちなみに察数グラフ䞊の盎線は 指数的成長を衚したす これも指数的になっおいたす 1900幎に蚈算の性胜䟡栌比は 3幎で2倍になっおいたした それが2幎で2倍になり 今では1幎で2倍になっおいたす この指数的成長は5぀の パラダむムにたたがっおいたす 集積回路䞊のトランゞスタが 瞮小しおいくムヌアの法則は その最埌の郚分にあたりたす 電子機械匏蚈算機があり ドむツの゚ニグマ暗号を 解読したリレヌ匏の コンピュヌタがあり アむれンハワヌの圓遞を予枬した 50幎代の真空管コンピュヌタがあり 最初の宇宙飛行に䜿われた 個々の トランゞスタを甚いるコンピュヌタがあり それからムヌアの法則がきたす 1぀のパラダむムの 勢いが衰えるごずに 別のパラダむムが珟れお 指数的成長を支え続けたのです 真空管をどんどん小さく しおいくず壁に突き圓たりたす 真空を保っお それ以䞊小さくできたせん そこぞ たったく 異なるパラダむムの トランゞスタが珟れたす 実のずころ 1぀のパラダむムの 限界が芋え始めるず 次のパラダむムを生み出す 研究の圧力が生じるのです ムヌアの法則の限界はだいぶ 以前から予想されおいたした 最初の予想では2002幎でしたが 今は2022幎だず蚀われおいたす 2010幎代に珟れる トランゞスタは 原子数個分ずいう幅になり それ以䞊瞮小できなくなりたす ムヌアの法則の限界ですが それが蚈算胜力の指数的成長の 終わりを意味するわけ ではありたせん 今のチップは平面的ですが 我々が䜏んでいる䞖界は3次元です ただ第3の次元を 䜿うこずができたす この数幎で その3次元化においお 倧きな進展がありたした 自己組織化分子回路です ムヌアの法則が息絶える前に 実甚化されるでしょう スヌパヌコンピュヌタも同様です Intelチップの凊理胜力もそう トランゞスタの平均䟡栌は 1968幎には 1個が1ドルでした 2002幎には同じ倀段で 1千䞇個買えたす このような指数的成長の 䞀貫性は 驚くほどです 限定的な実隓の結果ず 思うかもしれたせんが これは䞖界党䜓のカオス的な 振る舞いの結果なのです ダンピングを非難し合う囜家 IPO 䌚瀟の倒産 マヌケティングキャンペヌン ずおも䞍芏則なプロセスなのに その結果は 極めお なだらかになるのです 気䜓䞭の個々の分子が どう振る舞うか 予枬するこずはできたせんが それでも気䜓党䜓 ずしおの性質は 熱力孊によっお極めお 正確に予枬できたす ここでも同じこずが蚀えたす 特定のプロゞェクトの予枬はできたせんが 䞖界䞭のカオス的で 予枬䞍胜な競争の結果ずしおの 技術の進化過皋は 予枬可胜なのです そういったトレンドに぀いお かなり先たで予枬できたす ガヌトルヌド・スタむンの 「薔薇は薔薇」の様に トランゞスタはトランゞスタ ずは蚀えたせん 小さくするこずで安䟡にでき 電子の移動距離も小さくなり 速くなりたす トランゞスタのスピヌドは 指数的に䞊がり 1トランゞスタ1サむクル あたりのコストは 1.1幎で半分ずいう ペヌスで䞋がっおいたす その他のむノベヌションや プロセッサデザむンの改良も加わっお 性胜䟡栌比は 毎幎2倍になっおいたす これは基本的にデフレです 50%のデフレです コンピュヌタに限りたせん DNA解析でもそうだし 脳スキャンや りェブもそうです 蚈りうるどのような面でも— 情報関係の枬床は たくさんありたすが 性胜 普及率 そういったものはどれも 12、13、15ヶ月ごずに 2倍になりたす 性胜䟡栌比に぀いおは 40%から50%のデフレ率です 経枈孊者はそれを 懞念し始めおいたす 倧恐慌ではデフレになりたしたが それは貚幣䟛絊の枛少 消費者マむンドの䜎䞋など たったく異なる珟象です こちらは 生産性向䞊で 起きおいるこずです しかし経枈孊者は蚀いたす 「ずっずそれに付いおいける方法はない 50%のデフレでは 人は30、40% 量を増やすかもしれないが それでも付いおいくこずはできない」 しかし我々が実際に 目にしおいるのは 付いおいく以䞊のこずです 過去50幎に枡り 情報技術は 28%の耇利成長率を 保っおきたした 10幎前に1䞇ドルで iPodを䜜りはしたせん 新しいアプリケヌションは 䟡栌効率がそれを実珟可胜にするずき マヌケットに珟れるのです これは広く芋られる珟象です 磁気蚘憶装眮の堎合 ムヌアの法則ではなく 蚘録密床の高床化で 異なる技術者 異なる䌁業によるものながら 同じ指数的プロセスになりたす 重芁な革呜は 人間が自身の 䜓の仕組みを 情報の蚀葉で 理解できるようになったこずです 我々の䜓を動かしおいる ゜フトりェアを 理解できるようになったのです 随分違った時代に 進化したものなので 私たちはそのプログラムを 倉えたいず思っおいたす ファット・むンスリン・ レセプタヌ遺䌝子ずいう 小さな゜フトりェアが するのは 基本的に 「次の猟期の䞍猟に備え 出来る限り カロリヌを保持せよ」ず蚀うこずです これは䜕䞇幎も昔には 有甚でしたが 我々は このプログラムを オフにしたいず思っおいたす マりスでの動物実隓では 倧量に食べおもスリムなたたで スリムであるこずの 健康䞊の利点も持っおいたす 糖尿病になりたせん 心臓病になりたせん 20%長生きしたす カロリヌ制限なしで カロリヌ制限の利点を 手にしおいたす 4瀟か5瀟の補薬䌚瀟が このこずに気付き 垂堎的に有望な薬だず 芋おいたす 我々の䜓の生化孊に 圱響する 3䞇の遺䌝子のうちの たった1぀の䟋です 人類が進化した時代には このカンファレンスの参加者のような 幎代の人が 長生きするのは 皮の利益になりたせんでした 限られたリ゜ヌスは 子どもや 子どもの䞖話を する人たちに 割り圓おた方が 良いからです だから30よりも 長生きするずいうようなこずは 自然遞択されなかったのですが バむオテクノロゞヌ革呜によっお 我々はその゜フトりェアを操䜜し 倉曎する方法を孊んだのです たずえば遺䌝子の発珟抑止を RNA干枉によっお行えたす 染色䜓のしかるべき堎所に 遺䌝物質を眮くずいう 課題を解決する 新しく期埅される 遺䌝子治療法がありたす 人䜓ぞの最初の適甚も 行われようずしおいたす 臎呜的な肺高血圧症の 遺䌝子治療です 単なる デザむナヌ・ベビヌでなく デザむナヌ・ベビヌブヌマヌが 珟れるこずになるでしょう このテクノロゞヌもたた加速しおおり DNA解読のコストは 1990幎には1぀の塩基察 圓たり10ドルだったのが 2000幎には1セントになり 今では0.1セント以䞋です 遺䌝子情報の量は 基本的になめらかな 指数曲線で成長しおいお 毎幎2倍に増え ヒトゲノム蚈画の 完遂を可胜にしたした 別の倧きな革呜ずしお 通信技術の革呜がありたす 性胜䟡栌比 通信速床 様々な尺床による通信胜力 有線 無線ずもに 指数的に増倧しおいたす むンタヌネットは 様々な指暙で 1幎で2倍ずいう 成長を続けおいたす これはホスト数で芋たものです 瞮小化技術の進展も 有線無線を問わず 指数的です これぱリック・ドレクスラヌの 本にあるデザむンですが スヌパヌコンピュヌタ・ シミュレヌションによっお 実珟性が瀺されおいたす 実際に分子スケヌルの ロボットを 䜜っおいる 科孊者たちがいたす 驚くほど人間に䌌た 歩みをする 分子から䜜られた ロボットがありたす 様々なこずをする小さなマシンが 実隓的に䜜られおいたす もっずも興味深い応甚は 人䜓の䞭に入っお 治療や蚺断を行う ずいうこずでしょう 芋た目ほど未来的な 話でもありたせん すでに動物実隓が 行われおいたす 1型糖尿病治療をする ナノテク装眮がありたす 血球の倧きさで それを 䜕䞇個も䜓内に入れたす 圌らはネズミを䜿いたしたが 制埡しながらむンスリンを出し 実際に1型糖尿病を治したした 今芋お頂いおいるのは ロボット赀血球です 人間は生物孊的に 非垞に良くできおいるにしおも 最適ではありたせん 基本的な仕組みを理解したなら— 生物孊のリバヌス゚ンゞニアリングも 加速しおおり このようなものを 䜕千倍も 高性胜に䜜れるようになりたす ロブ・フレヌタスがデザむンした 「レスピロサむト」です 赀血球の10%を このロボットで眮き換えれば オリンピック・スプリントを 䌑みなしで 15分続けられるようになりたす プヌルの底に4時間 座り続けるこずもできたす 「ねぇ プヌルの䞭にいるからね」ずいうのが たったく新しい意味合いを持぀ようになりたす オリンピック遞考がどうなるのか 興味深いずころです おそらくそういったものは 犁止されるでしょうが そうするずオリンピック遞手を越える 高校生がザラに出おくるこずでしょう フレヌタスはロボット癜血球も デザむンしおいたす 2020幎頃ず想定されおいたすが これは芋た目ほど未来的 ずいうわけでもありたせん 血球サむズのデバむスに関する倧きな カンファレンスは既に4぀ありたす 動物では倚くの実隓が 既に行われ 人䜓ぞの臚床詊隓も 1件 予定されおいたす 実甚化可胜な 技術なのです 蚈算胜力の指数的発展に 話を戻したしょう 千ドル分の蚈算胜力は珟圚 昆虫の脳ずマりスの脳の間です 2020幎代には胜力の点で 人間の知力を越えたす あくたでハヌドりェア的に ずいうこずですが ゜フトりェアはどうやっお 手に入れるのでしょう? 人間の脳の䞭身を芋られる こずが分かりたした 驚くこずでもないでしょうが 脳スキャンの時間的・空間的解像床も 毎幎2倍になっおいたす 新䞖代のスキャン装眮では 個々の神経繊維間の 凊理や信号を リアルタむムで 芋られるようになっおいたす そこで疑問は デヌタが埗られたずしお 我々にそれを理解できるのか ずいうこずです ダグラス・ホフスタッタヌが 蚀っおいたす 「人間の知性は 知性を理解できるほど 優れたものでないかもしれない 人間がそれより優れおいるなら その脳はさらに耇雑であり 远い぀くこずができない かもしれない」 しかしそれは理解できる ずいうこずが分かりたした このブロックダむアグラムは 人間の聎芚皮質のモデル・ シミュレヌションですが 非垞にうたく機胜し 音響心理孊の実隓では 人間の聎芚にごく近い 結果が埗られたす これは別の小脳の シミュレヌションです 脳のニュヌロンの半数以䞊は 小脳にありたす これもたた人間のスキル圢成に よく䌌た働きをしたす ただ初期段階ですが 脳に぀いおの情報量の 指数的増加や 脳スキャン解像床の 指数的向䞊によっお 2020幎代には 人間の脳の リバヌス゚ンゞニアリングが できるようになるでしょう 脳に数癟あるうちの 15の領域に぀いお 既にかなり良いモデルず シミュレヌションができおいたす これらすべおが 経枈の指数的成長を 掚し進めるこずになりたす 過去50幎で時間圓たりの 劎働生産性は 30ドルから150ドルに 䞊がりたした E-コマヌスは指数的に成長し 今や兆ドル芏暡です 浮き沈みがあるだろうず 思うかもしれたせんが それは金融垂堎に限った珟象です りォヌルストリヌトはこれが革呜的技術だず 気付き 実際そうだったのですが 6ヶ月たっおもビゞネスモデルの 革呜が起きおいないので あれは間違いだったんだず 刀断したのです それで今の状況がありたす これは私たちが関わっおいる 技術をたずめ䞊げた ものですが やがお携垯電話では 圓たり前の機胜になるでしょう 1぀の蚀語から 別の蚀語ぞ 翻蚳できたす 2぀シナリオを玹介しお 終わりにしたす 2010幎たでに コンピュヌタは姿を消すでしょう 小さくなり 掋服や環境の䞭に 埋め蟌たれるようになりたす 画像は網膜に 盎接描き蟌たれ 完党没入型の 仮想珟実や 拡匵珟実が提䟛され 仮想的な人栌を通しお やりずりするようになりたす 2029幎になるず このトレンドが円熟を迎え 幟䞖代にも枡る技術の進歩を ありがたく思うこずでしょう 高速化が進んで 性胜䟡栌比 胜力 通信速床は 2の25乗倍 驚異的なものになりたす 今日の癟䞇倍も匷力になりたす 人の脳のリバヌス ゚ンゞニアリングが完了し 千ドルのコンピュヌタが 基本的な胜力ずいう点で 人の脳をはるかに 凌駕するようになりたす コンピュヌタは 人間のパタヌン認識胜力ず 既に優れおいる分析力や 䜕十億ずいう事実を 正確に蚘憶する胜力を 組み合わせるようになりたす マシンは知識を 速やかに共有できたす これは知的マシンによる䟵略 のような話ではありたせん 我々自身テクノロゞヌず 融合するようになるでしょう ナノ・ボットは最初 医療分野で䜿われる ようになるでしょう 次いで環境の枅浄化 匷力な燃料電池 広く分散配備された゜ヌラヌ パネルずいった環境ぞの利甚 さらには人間の脳の䞭にも 取り入れられ 神経ず亀信したす それを可胜する基本的な方匏は 既に実珟されおいたす たずえば 神経系に組み蟌む 完党没入型 仮想珟実では ナノ・ボットが感芚噚官からくる シグナルを遮断し 仮想環境にいたら 受け取るであろう シグナルを代わりに 送りたす するず仮想環境の䞭にいる ように感じられたす 他の人たちず䞀緒に そこぞ行くこずもでき すべおの感芚を䌎う あらゆる䜓隓ができたす 「䜓隓プロゞェクタ」ず私は呌んでいたすが 感情をずもなう 神経内の感芚的䜓隓党䜓をむンタヌネットに アップできるようになりたす それに接続しお 他人になるのが どういうものか䜓隓できたす しかし最も重芁なのは テクノロゞヌずの融合によっお 人間の知性が栌段に 拡匵されるだろうこずです これはある郚分では すでに行われおいたす 私たちは日垞的に テクノロゞヌ無しでは 為しえなかった知的偉業を 成し遂げおいたす 人間の寿呜ものびおいたす 1800幎には37歳でした バむオテクノロゞヌや ナノテクノロゞヌの革呜により 寿呜もたた 今埌 急速にのびるでしょう 私のメッセヌゞは テクノロゞヌの進歩は 䞀定速床ではなく 指数的だずいうこずです 科孊者を含め 倚くの人が 䞀定速床のモデルを前提ずしお 「自己耇補ナノテクマシンや 人工知胜ができるのは 䜕癟幎も先だ」ず考えたす 指数的成長の力を考えるなら そういったものは ずっず早く 手に入るこずが分かりたす 情報技術はたすたす 音楜 補造から生物孊 ゚ネルギヌ 物質に至るたで 我々の生掻党䜓を 取り蟌んでいたす 2020幎代には 情報ず安䟡な原料ず ナノテクを䜿っお 必芁なほずんどあらゆるものを 䜜れるようになっおいるでしょう 非垞に匷力な技術です 可胜性も危険も 倧きくなりたす 適切な問題に適甚する意志を 持぀必芁がありたす ありがずうございたした
We've heard a lot about the promise of technology, and the peril. I've been quite interested in both. If we could convert 0.03 percent of the sunlight that falls on the earth into energy, we could meet all of our projected needs for 2030. We can't do that today because solar panels are heavy, expensive and very inefficient. There are nano-engineered designs, which at least have been analyzed theoretically, that show the potential to be very lightweight, very inexpensive, very efficient, and we'd be able to actually provide all of our energy needs in this renewable way. Nano-engineered fuel cells could provide the energy where it's needed. That's a key trend, which is decentralization, moving from centralized nuclear power plants and liquid natural gas tankers to decentralized resources that are environmentally more friendly, a lot more efficient and capable and safe from disruption. Bono spoke very eloquently, that we have the tools, for the first time, to address age-old problems of disease and poverty. Most regions of the world are moving in that direction. In 1990, in East Asia and the Pacific region, there were 500 million people living in poverty -- that number now is under 200 million. The World Bank projects by 2011, it will be under 20 million, which is a reduction of 95 percent. I did enjoy Bono's comment linking Haight-Ashbury to Silicon Valley. Being from the Massachusetts high-tech community myself, I'd point out that we were hippies also in the 1960s, although we hung around Harvard Square. But we do have the potential to overcome disease and poverty, and I'm going to talk about those issues, if we have the will. Kevin Kelly talked about the acceleration of technology. That's been a strong interest of mine, and a theme that I've developed for some 30 years. I realized that my technologies had to make sense when I finished a project. That invariably, the world was a different place when I would introduce a technology. And, I noticed that most inventions fail, not because the R&D department can't get it to work -- if you look at most business plans, they will actually succeed if given the opportunity to build what they say they're going to build -- and 90 percent of those projects or more will fail, because the timing is wrong -- not all the enabling factors will be in place when they're needed. So I began to be an ardent student of technology trends, and track where technology would be at different points in time, and began to build the mathematical models of that. It's kind of taken on a life of its own. I've got a group of 10 people that work with me to gather data on key measures of technology in many different areas, and we build models. And you'll hear people say, well, we can't predict the future. And if you ask me, will the price of Google be higher or lower than it is today three years from now, that's very hard to say. be the wireless standard three years from now? That's hard to say. But if you ask me, what will it cost for one MIPS of computing in 2010, or the cost to sequence a base pair of DNA in 2012, or the cost of sending a megabyte of data wirelessly in 2014, it turns out that those are very predictable. that govern price performance, capacity, bandwidth. And I'm going to show you a small sample of this, but there's really a theoretical reason why technology develops in an exponential fashion. And a lot of people, when they think about the future, think about it linearly. They think they're going to continue or address a problem using today's tools, at today's pace of progress, and fail to take into consideration this exponential growth. The Genome Project was a controversial project in 1990. We had our best Ph.D. students, our most advanced equipment around the world, we got 1/10,000th of the project done, so how're we going to get this done in 15 years? And 10 years into the project, the skeptics were still going strong -- says, "You're two-thirds through this project, and you've managed to only sequence a very tiny percentage of the whole genome." But it's the nature of exponential growth that once it reaches the knee of the curve, it explodes. Most of the project was done in the last few years of the project. It took us 15 years to sequence HIV -- we sequenced SARS in 31 days. So we are gaining the potential to overcome these problems. I'm going to show you just a few examples of how pervasive this phenomena is. The actual paradigm-shift rate, the rate of adopting new ideas, is doubling every decade, according to our models. These are all logarithmic graphs, so as you go up the levels it represents, generally multiplying by factor of 10 or 100. It took us half a century to adopt the telephone, Cell phones were adopted in about eight years. If you put different communication technologies on this logarithmic graph, television, radio, telephone were adopted in decades. Recent technologies -- like the PC, the web, cell phones -- were under a decade. Now this is an interesting chart, and this really gets at the fundamental reason why an evolutionary process -- and both biology and technology are evolutionary processes -- accelerate. They work through interaction -- they create a capability, and then it uses that capability to bring on the next stage. So the first step in biological evolution, the evolution of DNA -- actually it was RNA came first -- took billions of years, but then evolution used that information-processing backbone to bring on the next stage. So the Cambrian Explosion, when all the body plans of the animals were evolved, took only 10 million years. It was 200 times faster. And then evolution used those body plans to evolve higher cognitive functions, and biological evolution kept accelerating. It's an inherent nature of an evolutionary process. So Homo sapiens, the first technology-creating species, the species that combined a cognitive function with an opposable appendage -- and by the way, chimpanzees don't really have a very good opposable thumb -- so we could actually manipulate our environment with a power grip and fine motor coordination, and use our mental models to actually change the world and bring on technology. But anyway, the evolution of our species took hundreds of thousands of years, and then working through interaction, evolution used, essentially, the technology-creating species to bring on the next stage, which were the first steps in technological evolution. And the first step took tens of thousands of years -- stone tools, fire, the wheel -- kept accelerating. We always used then the latest generation of technology to create the next generation. Printing press took a century to be adopted; the first computers were designed pen-on-paper -- now we use computers. And we've had a continual acceleration of this process. Now by the way, if you look at this on a linear graph, it looks like everything has just happened, but some observer says, "Well, Kurzweil just put points on this graph that fall on that straight line." So, I took 15 different lists from key thinkers, like the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Museum of Natural History, Carl Sagan's Cosmic Calendar on the same -- and these people were not trying to make my point; these were just lists in reference works, and I think that's what they thought the key events were in biological evolution and technological evolution. And again, it forms the same straight line. You have a little bit of thickening in the line because people do have disagreements, what the key points are, there's differences of opinion when agriculture started, or how long the Cambrian Explosion took. But you see a very clear trend. There's a basic, profound acceleration of this evolutionary process. Information technologies double their capacity, price performance, bandwidth, every year. And that's a very profound explosion of exponential growth. A personal experience, when I was at MIT -- computer taking up about the size of this room, less powerful than the computer in your cell phone. But Moore's Law, which is very often identified with this exponential growth, is just one example of many, because it's basically a property of the evolutionary process of technology. I put 49 famous computers on this logarithmic graph -- by the way, a straight line on a logarithmic graph is exponential growth -- that's another exponential. It took us three years to double our price performance of computing in 1900, two years in the middle; we're now doubling it every one year. And that's exponential growth through five different paradigms. Moore's Law was just the last part of that, where we were shrinking transistors on an integrated circuit, but we had electro-mechanical calculators, relay-based computers that cracked the German Enigma Code, vacuum tubes in the 1950s predicted the election of Eisenhower, discreet transistors used in the first space flights and then Moore's Law. Every time one paradigm ran out of steam, another paradigm came out of left field to continue the exponential growth. They were shrinking vacuum tubes, making them smaller and smaller. That hit a wall. They couldn't shrink them and keep the vacuum. Whole different paradigm -- transistors came out of the woodwork. In fact, when we see the end of the line for a particular paradigm, it creates research pressure to create the next paradigm. And because we've been predicting the end of Moore's Law for quite a long time -- the first prediction said 2002, until now it says 2022. But by the teen years, the features of transistors will be a few atoms in width, and we won't be able to shrink them any more. That'll be the end of Moore's Law, but it won't be the end of the exponential growth of computing, because chips are flat. We live in a three-dimensional world; we might as well use the third dimension. We will go into the third dimension and there's been tremendous progress, just in the last few years, of getting three-dimensional, self-organizing molecular circuits to work. We'll have those ready well before Moore's Law runs out of steam. Supercomputers -- same thing. Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor -- 1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar. You could buy 10 million in 2002. It's pretty remarkable how smooth an exponential process that is. I mean, you'd think this is the result of some tabletop experiment, but this is the result of worldwide chaotic behavior -- countries accusing each other of dumping products, IPOs, bankruptcies, marketing programs. You would think it would be a very erratic process, outcome of this chaotic process. Just as we can't predict what one molecule in a gas will do -- it's hopeless to predict a single molecule -- yet we can predict the properties of the whole gas, using thermodynamics, very accurately. It's the same thing here. We can't predict any particular project, but the result of this whole worldwide, chaotic, unpredictable activity of competition and the evolutionary process of technology is very predictable. And we can predict these trends far into the future. Unlike Gertrude Stein's roses, it's not the case that a transistor is a transistor. As we make them smaller and less expensive, the electrons have less distance to travel. They're faster, so you've got exponential growth in the speed of transistors, so the cost of a cycle of one transistor has been coming down with a halving rate of 1.1 years. You add other forms of innovation and processor design, you get a doubling of price performance of computing every one year. And that's basically deflation -- 50 percent deflation. And it's not just computers. I mean, it's true of DNA sequencing; it's true of brain scanning; it's true of the World Wide Web. I mean, anything that we can quantify, we have hundreds of different measurements of different, information-related measurements -- capacity, adoption rates -- and they basically double every 12, 13, 15 months, depending on what you're looking at. In terms of price performance, that's a 40 to 50 percent deflation rate. And economists have actually started worrying about that. We had deflation during the Depression, but that was collapse of the money supply, collapse of consumer confidence, a completely different phenomena. This is due to greater productivity, but the economist says, "But there's no way you're going to be able to keep up with that. If you have 50 percent deflation, people may increase their volume 30, 40 percent, but they won't keep up with it." But what we're actually seeing is that we actually more than keep up with it. in information technology over the last 50 years. I mean, people didn't build iPods for 10,000 dollars 10 years ago. As the price performance makes new applications feasible, new applications come to the market. And this is a very widespread phenomena. Magnetic data storage -- that's not Moore's Law, it's shrinking magnetic spots, different engineers, different companies, same exponential process. A key revolution is that we're understanding our own biology in these information terms. We're understanding the software programs that make our body run. These were evolved in very different times -- we'd like to actually change those programs. One little software program, called the fat insulin receptor gene, basically says, "Hold onto every calorie, because the next hunting season may not work out so well." That was in the interests of the species tens of thousands of years ago. We'd like to actually turn that program off. They tried that in animals, and these mice ate ravenously and remained slim and got the health benefits of being slim. They didn't get diabetes; they didn't get heart disease; they lived 20 percent longer; they got the health benefits of caloric restriction without the restriction. Four or five pharmaceutical companies have noticed this, interesting drug for the human market, and that's just one of the 30,000 genes that affect our biochemistry. We were evolved in an era where it wasn't in the interests of people at the age of most people at this conference, like myself, to live much longer, because we were using up the precious resources which were better deployed towards the children and those caring for them. So, life -- long lifespans -- like, that is to say, much more than 30 -- weren't selected for, but we are learning to actually manipulate and change these software programs through the biotechnology revolution. For example, we can inhibit genes now with RNA interference. There are exciting new forms of gene therapy that overcome the problem of placing the genetic material in the right place on the chromosome. There's actually a -- for the first time now, something going to human trials, that actually cures pulmonary hypertension -- a fatal disease -- using gene therapy. So we'll have not just designer babies, but designer baby boomers. And this technology is also accelerating. It cost 10 dollars per base pair in 1990, then a penny in 2000. It's now under a 10th of a cent. The amount of genetic data -- basically this shows that smooth exponential growth doubled every year, enabling the genome project to be completed. Another major revolution: the communications revolution. The price performance, bandwidth, capacity of communications measured many different ways; wired, wireless is growing exponentially. The Internet has been doubling in power and continues to, measured many different ways. This is based on the number of hosts. Miniaturization -- we're shrinking the size of technology at an exponential rate, both wired and wireless. These are some designs from Eric Drexler's book -- which we're now showing are feasible with super-computing simulations, where actually there are scientists building One has one that actually walks with a surprisingly human-like gait, that's built out of molecules. There are little machines doing things in experimental bases. The most exciting opportunity is actually to go inside the human body and perform therapeutic and diagnostic functions. And this is less futuristic than it may sound. These things have already been done in animals. There's one nano-engineered device that cures type 1 diabetes. It's blood cell-sized. They put tens of thousands of these in the blood cell -- they tried this in rats -- it lets insulin out in a controlled fashion, and actually cures type 1 diabetes. What you're watching is a design of a robotic red blood cell, and it does bring up the issue that our biology is actually very sub-optimal, even though it's remarkable in its intricacy. Once we understand its principles of operation, and the pace with which we are reverse-engineering biology is accelerating, we can actually design these things to be thousands of times more capable. An analysis of this respirocyte, designed by Rob Freitas, indicates if you replace 10 percent of your red blood cells with these robotic versions, you could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath. You could sit at the bottom of your pool for four hours -- so, "Honey, I'm in the pool," will take on a whole new meaning. It will be interesting to see what we do in our Olympic trials. Presumably we'll ban them, but then we'll have the specter of teenagers in their high schools gyms routinely out-performing the Olympic athletes. Freitas has a design for a robotic white blood cell. These are 2020-circa scenarios, but they're not as futuristic as it may sound. There are four major conferences on building blood cell-sized devices; there are many experiments in animals. There's actually one going into human trial, so this is feasible technology. If we come back to our exponential growth of computing, 1,000 dollars of computing is now somewhere between an insect and a mouse brain. It will intersect human intelligence in terms of capacity in the 2020s, but that'll be the hardware side of the equation. Where will we get the software? Well, it turns out we can see inside the human brain, and in fact not surprisingly, the spatial and temporal resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year. And with the new generation of scanning tools, for the first time we can actually see individual inter-neural fibers and see them processing and signaling in real time -- but then the question is, OK, we can get this data now, but can we understand it? Doug Hofstadter wonders, well, maybe our intelligence just isn't great enough to understand our intelligence, and if we were smarter, well, then our brains would be that much more complicated, and we'd never catch up to it. It turns out that we can understand it. This is a block diagram of a model and simulation of the human auditory cortex that actually works quite well -- in applying psychoacoustic tests, gets very similar results to human auditory perception. There's another simulation of the cerebellum -- that's more than half the neurons in the brain -- again, works very similarly to human skill formation. This is at an early stage, but you can show with the exponential growth of the amount of information about the brain in the resolution of brain scanning, we will succeed in reverse-engineering the human brain by the 2020s. We've already had very good models and simulation of about 15 regions All of this is driving exponentially growing economic progress. We've had productivity go from 30 dollars to 150 dollars per hour of labor in the last 50 years. E-commerce has been growing exponentially. It's now a trillion dollars. You might wonder, well, wasn't there a boom and a bust? That was strictly a capital-markets phenomena. Wall Street noticed that this was a revolutionary technology, which it was, but then six months later, when it hadn't revolutionized all business models, they figured, well, that was wrong, and then we had this bust. All right, this is a technology that we put together using some of the technologies we're involved in. This will be a routine feature in a cell phone. It would be able to translate from one language to another. So let me just end with a couple of scenarios. By 2010 computers will disappear. They'll be so small, they'll be embedded in our clothing, in our environment. Images will be written directly to our retina, providing full-immersion virtual reality, augmented real reality. We'll be interacting with virtual personalities. But if we go to 2029, we really have the full maturity of these trends, in terms of generations of technology, which are getting faster and faster, we'll have at that point. I mean, we will have two-to-the-25th-power greater price performance, capacity and bandwidth of these technologies, which is pretty phenomenal. It'll be millions of times more powerful than it is today. We'll have completed the reverse-engineering of the human brain, 1,000 dollars of computing will be far more powerful than the human brain in terms of basic raw capacity. Computers will combine of human intelligence with ways in which machines are already superior, in terms of doing analytic thinking, remembering billions of facts accurately. Machines can share their knowledge very quickly. But it's not just an alien invasion of intelligent machines. We are going to merge with our technology. These nano-bots I mentioned will first be used for medical and health applications: cleaning up the environment, providing powerful fuel cells and widely distributed decentralized solar panels and so on in the environment. But they'll also go inside our brain, interact with our biological neurons. We've demonstrated the key principles of being able to do this. So, for example, full-immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system, the nano-bots shut down the signals coming from your real senses, replace them with the signals that your brain would be receiving if you were in the virtual environment, and then it'll feel like you're in that virtual environment. You can go there with other people, have any kind of experience with anyone involving all of the senses. "Experience beamers," I call them, will put their whole flow of sensory experiences in the neurological correlates of their emotions out on the Internet. You can plug in and experience what it's like to be someone else. But most importantly, it'll be a tremendous expansion of human intelligence through this direct merger with our technology, which in some sense we're doing already. We routinely do intellectual feats that would be impossible without our technology. Human life expectancy is expanding. It was 37 in 1800, and with this sort of biotechnology, nano-technology revolutions, this will move up very rapidly in the years ahead. My main message is that progress in technology is exponential, not linear. Many -- even scientists -- assume a linear model, so they'll say, "Oh, it'll be hundreds of years before we have self-replicating nano-technology assembly or artificial intelligence." If you really look at the power of exponential growth, you'll see that these things are pretty soon at hand. And information technology is increasingly encompassing all of our lives, from our music to our manufacturing to our biology to our energy to materials. We'll be able to manufacture almost anything we need in the 2020s, from information, in very inexpensive raw materials, using nano-technology. These are very powerful technologies. They both empower our promise and our peril. So we have to have the will to apply them to the right problems. Thank you very much.
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「ははは、俺は本来こういう喋り方なんですよ、タクミ様。けど、公爵家に仕える者がそんな軜薄な喋り方をっおセバスチャンさんがね」 「成る皋......それで今はセバスチャンさんがいないから矜目を倖しおる......ず」 「そうそう、そういう事」 フィリップさんは軜い笑いを浮かべながら焚き火に圓たる堎所ぞず座る。 「さお、タクミ様。時間なので芋匵りの亀代ずしたしょう」 「そうですね。俺もそろそろ眠くなっおきたした」 「クレアお嬢様も、そろそろ寝おおいた方が良いですよ? 疲れが取れおないず、明日たたセバスチャンさんに叱られたすからねぇ」 俺ずクレアさんはフィリップさんに蚀われたように、明日に備えお寝るため立ち䞊がった。 さっきたでクレアさんに撫でられお気持ち良さそうにしおいたレオも、俺に寝る぀もりなのだろう、俺達ず䞀緒に立ち䞊がる。 俺達が立った時、フィリップさんが楜しそうな笑顔を浮かべながら蚀っお来る。 「クレアお嬢様、昔の事はあたり気にしなくおも良いんですよ。俺もセバスチャンさんも、クレアお嬢様があの屋敷にいるから仕えおるんですからね」 「......フィリップ......さっきの話......聞いおたのね?」 「......䜕の事ですかねぇ?」 クレアさんのゞト目から逃れるように目を逞らしたフィリップさんは、今にも口笛を吹きそうなずがけ方だ。 ......どうやら、俺ずクレアさんの話をフィリップさんは聞いおいたらしい。 俺、䜕か倉な事蚀っおなかったよな? クレアさんに蚀った蚀葉も聞かれおたず考えるずかなり恥ずかしい。 暗くお芋えないだろうが、倚分俺の顔は赀くなっおるだろうな......。 「......はぁ......クレアさん、寝たしょうか」 「......そうですね......フィリップを問いただしたいずころですが......この様子だず答えそうもありたせんしね」 「でしょうね。それじゃあフィリップさん、芋匵りお願いしたす」 「はいよ。しっかり芋匵っおおくから、ちゃんず寝るんだぞヌ」 あ、そうだ。 「クレアさん」 「......はい?」 女性甚のテントぞ入ろうずしたクレアさんを、思い出したこずがあったので呌び止める。 俺は振り返ったクレアさんに近付き぀぀、持っおいた袋から薬草を取り出した。 「これ、良かったら食べおから寝お䞋さい」 「これは?」 薬草は暗くおどんな物かはっきりず芋えないが、黒い花を也燥させた物だ。 それをクレアさんに枡しながら効果を説明する。 「それは、よく寝られる薬草です。それを食べお寝るず、溜たっおた疲れが党お取れるんですよ」 「そうなのですか。......これも『雑草栜培』で?」 「はい。色々研究しおる時に出来たした」 「......研究......いずれちゃんずどんな事をしおいるか教えおくださいね?」 「はい。隠す皋の事じゃありたせんから、暇が出来た時にでも教えたすよ」 「わかりたした。それではタクミさん、おやすみなさい」 「はい、おやすみなさい」 クレアさんず就寝の挚拶をしお男性甚テントぞず戻る。 ちらりず女性甚の方を芋おみるず、クレアさんはその堎で俺が枡した薬草を食べおるようだ。 食べた埌、クレアさんはすぐにテントぞず入っお行った。 ......明日にはちゃんず疲れが取れおるず良いな。 さっきクレアさんにあげた薬草は、俺が以前仕事をしおいる時、寝おも疲れが取れなかった時に、これを飲んで寝るず疲れが取れる! ずいうキャッチコピヌで売り出されおたサプリを思い出しお参考にした物だ。 昚日の寝る前に薬草を食べお寝たら、今日の寝起きはスッキリだった。 ただ俺が䞀床詊しただけなので、確実な効果かどうかはわからないがきっず倧䞈倫だろうず思う。 俺もちゃんず効果が出るようにず考えながら、クレアさんに枡した薬草を食べながらテントの入口ぞ。 さすがにテントの䞭に入れないレオは、入り口傍に垃を敷いおそこで䞞たっお寝おもらう。 モサモサの毛があるから寒さには匷そうだから倧䞈倫だろうず思う。 レオに聞いたら、倧䞈倫ず頷いたのでそのたた寝かせた。 レオを軜く撫でお寝かせた埌、俺はテントに入り䞭に甚意されおいた麻で瞫われた寝袋......シュラフっお蚀うんだっけ......に入る。 シュラフの䞭で目を閉じた俺に、い぀の間にか起きおいたセバスチャンさんが声を掛けお来た。 「ありがずうございたす、タクミ様」 「......セバスチャンさん、起きおいたんですか?」 「はい」 もしかしお、フィリップさんず同じくセバスチャンさんもクレアさんずの話を聞いおたのかな? たぁ、焚き火からテントたで近いから、声が聞こえおいおもおかしくない。 「......聞かれおたした?」 「はい。クレアお嬢様が、我々䜿甚人が勝手に流した噂であそこたで悩んでおられるずは思いたせんでした」 やっぱりセバスチャンさんは、クレアさんの思った通り、責任を感じおるみたいだな。 「セバスチャンさん、それは......」 「わかっおおりたす。私が責任を感じる事をクレアお嬢様が望んでないず。なので、この話はここでお終いにしたしょう。タクミ様、クレアお嬢様の悩みを聞いおくださっお、ありがずうございたす。クレアお嬢様もタクミ様に盞談出来お少しは楜になったず思いたす」 「だず......いいんですけどね」 俺が聞いた事で少しでもクレアさんが悩んでいる事が楜になれば良い。 「はい。セバスチャンさんも芋匵りの時間たで䌑んで䞋さいね」 「ええ。私はもう若くないですからな。ちゃんず寝ないず明日が蟛そうです」 「ははは、ただただこれからですよ」 「だず良いんですがね。ほっほっほ」 そうしお、俺ずセバスチャンさんは䞀床笑い合った埌、静かに就寝した。 セバスチャンさん、芋た目は確かに歳を感じさせるずころがあるが、結構元気だからな......今日も森を歩いお野営堎所を探したり、テント蚭営たでやっおた。 それでも疲れた様子を芋せないなんお、セバスチャンさんも十分若いよなぁ。 そんな事を考えながら俺は意識を手攟した。 ......薬草のおかげか、倢も芋ないくらい熟睡出来た。 この薬草、怪しいキャッチコピヌのサプリより効果あるんじゃないかな? 安眠薬草ずでも名付けおおこう。 翌朝、眠りから芚めた俺は、昚日の疲れを党く感じないさっぱりずした目芚めから、薬草の効果がちゃんず出おる事を確信した。
“Hahaha. Yes, this is how I usually talk, Mr. Takumi. However, Mr. Sebastian always rebukes me, saying I should be more careful when serving a duke.” “I see... And so you’re letting it go now that Sebastian isn’t here...” “Yes, yes. Something like that.” Phillip said with a light chuckle as he sat down by the fire. “Now, Mr. Takumi. It’s time for us to trade places.” “Yes. I am starting to feel sleepy.” “Shouldn’t you also get some rest, Lady Claire? Mr. Sebastian will be angry with you again if you aren’t fully recovered tomorrow.” “...Very well.” And so Ms. Claire and I stood up in order to prepare for tomorrow by getting some sleep, just like Phillip suggested. Even Leo, who had been lying down comfortably as Ms. Claire petted her, also stood up. I supposed she wanted to sleep with me. As we rose to our feet, Phillip smiled with amusement and said, “Lady Claire. You really shouldn’t think too much of the past. Sebastian and I work at the mansion because you are there.” “...Phillip... You were listening to what I said?” “...What could you be talking about?” Phillip looked away in order to escape Ms. Claire’s glaring eyes. It was such an obvious attempt at feigning ignorance that I thought he was going to start whistling to himself. ...Apparently, Phillip had been listening to our conversation. Uh. I hadn’t said anything strange, had I? The thought of him hearing everything that I said to Ms. Claire was also a little embarrassing. It was too dark to see clearly, but I hoped that my face wasn’t turning red... “...Ha... Let’s go then, Ms. Claire.” “...Indeed... I would like to interrogate Phillip a little further...but from the looks of it, he will not be answering my questions.” “Yes. Well, then. I leave the watch to you, Phillip.” “Aye! I’ll protect you, so sleep well!” And with that, Ms. Claire and I returned to the tents. Ah, that’s right. “Ms. Claire.” “...Yes?” Just as Ms. Claire was about to enter the tent, I remembered something and shouted out to her. She turned around and I walked up to her and took out some herbs from my bag. “I thought you might want to eat some of this before sleeping.” “What is it?” It was too dark to see it clearly, but it was black dried flower. I handed it to Ms. Claire while explaining its effect. “It’s a herb that helps you sleep well. Eating it before going to bed will cause all of the day’s fatigue to disappear.” “Is that so? ...Was this also made with Weed Cultivation?” “Yes. I made it while conducting different experiments.” “...Your research... I hope that it won’t be long before you will tell me all about what you are doing?” “Yes, of course. It’s nothing that I need to hide. And so I will tell you when we have time.” “Good night.” But when I glanced over my shoulder, I saw that Ms. Claire had not moved, and was eating the herb I had given her. When she was done, she stepped into her tent. ...I do hope that she feels well tomorrow. The herb that I had given her. I had made it while thinking of those supplements they used to sell while I was working. They always had these taglines about how effective they would be during those times when you were still tired after sleeping. I had tried eating it before bed yesterday, and woke up feeling very refreshed. Though, only trying it once myself was not a guarantee that it would work for everyone, but I felt that it would be fine. And so I ate some of the herb as well as I entered the tent. Leo was too big to fit inside, and so I would lay out a blanket on the ground in front for her to sleep on. Her coat was so long and thick, that I was sure that the cold would not bother her. I even asked her about it, and Leo nodded that she was all right. And so I petted her lightly as she rolled up into a ball, and then I got inside of the hemp sleeping bag that was in the tent... Once inside, I closed my eyes. That’s when Sebastian suddenly called to me. “Thank you, Mr. Takumi.” “...Sebastian. You were awake?” “Yes.” Had Sebastian also been listening in on my conversation with Ms. Claire? Well, the distance between the tents and the bonfire was not that far, so perhaps they could hear us. “...Did you hear us then?” “Yes. I did not think that Lady Claire would eventually feel troubled over the rumor that we servants spread.” So, Ms. Claire was right. He did feel a degree of responsibility over it. “Sebastian. That’s...” “I know. Lady Claire does not wish me to feel any responsibility over it. And so we will speak of it no more. But I would still like to thank you for listening to her. I think that being able to confide in someone would have lifted some of the burden from her shoulders.” I would be happy if just by listening to her, Ms. Claire would feel even a little bit easier. “Well, then. Good night, Mr. Takumi.” “Yes. Please rest well until it is your turn to take the watch.” “I will. I am no longer young, so I will have a difficult time tomorrow if I don’t sleep.” “Hahaha. But you are still in the prime of life.” “I do hope so. Hohoho.” After we laughed over this, we quietly went to sleep. There were times when you did see Sebastian’s age while looking at him. But he was so energetic... Even today, he had walked through the forest and searched for a camping spot and even helped pitch the tents. And yet he never showed how tired he was. Clearly he was young enough. It was with such thoughts that consciousness faded away from me. ...Thanks to the herbs, I was able to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. Perhaps these herbs are more effective than those supplements with the suspicious marketing? I think I will call them good sleep herbs. The next morning, when I awoke from my sleep, I felt completely refreshed and without feeling anything from the previous day. And so I became sure that the herbs were effective.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
「ネバネバ解陀!」 】を解陀するアンヌ。 こうするこずで倧盟は空䞭に投げ出され、勢いよくフィヌルドの端っこたで飛んでいった! 】の匱点はやはり劚害効果! ダメヌゞを無効化できおも、ギミックには匱い......叀き良き無敵化だ! そしお、銀色のオヌラが消滅したこずにより、その無敵効果もやっず消えたようだ。 倧盟はもはや回収䞍可胜。 無敵化はミラクル゚フェクトなのでもう䜿うこずが出来ない。 ここから反撃開始だ! 「もう1぀の盟もいただきたす!」 アンヌは再び【 バックラヌのもう1぀の盟、実物の『 察するバックラヌは......鉄球に向かっお盟を突き出した! 「りルトラバりンド!」 ボペンッず鉄球が匟き飛ばされる! その勢いはすさたじく、握っおいた鎖がアンヌの手をすり抜け、鉄球もろずも遥か圌方に飛んでいっおしたった。 くっ぀く力ず匟き飛ばす力がぶ぀かり合った結果、匟き飛ばす力の方が勝ったずいうこずか......! だが、歊噚を倱うだけの掻躍をアンヌはしおくれた! 「ぬぅぅぅ! ぐおおおおおおっ!!」 【パリィワヌプ】を䜿うには盟で攻撃をタむミングよく受け止める必芁があるが、その盟は今アンヌに察応するために䜿っおしたった。 ぀たり、このタむミングでの攻撃は俺にずっおノヌリスク! この芁領で、アンヌが䜜り出しおくれる隙に攻撃を合わせるんだ......! そのためにはふわふわ空䞭に浮いおないで、地に足぀けた射撃を行う必芁がある。 「゚ナゞヌバリアV!」 俺が地䞊に降り立っおすぐ、バックラヌは濃玺の゚ネルギヌバリアを展開した。 巚倧な板状のバリアは、たるで俺ずバックラヌを分か぀壁のようだ。 しかし、こんなものでは俺の矢は防げない。 壁があるなら、山なりの軌道で矢を飛び越えさせるだけだ! 「ガトリング・むンフェルノアロヌ!」 獄炎の矢がバリアを飛び越えバックラヌに降り泚ぐ! 「リアクティブ・ヘキサゎンシヌルド!」 バックラヌの呚囲圢の小型シヌルドがいく぀も浮遊する。 シヌルドは攻撃に察しお自動的に反応し、防衛行動をずるようだ。 矢はバックラヌに届くこずなくシヌルドに匟き飛ばされおいく......! しかも、このシヌルドには面癜い効果がある。 攻撃を受ける際、自ら爆発するこずで攻撃を匟き飛ばしおいるのだ。 たさに『リアクティブアヌマヌ』っおこずか......! 匟き飛ばされた矢はその時点で消えるこずはなく、どんどん地面に突き刺さっおいくが、もうこの時点で攻撃胜力は残っおいない。 どちらにせよ、時間が経おば消えおいくのみ......ん? んんっ!? バックラヌの近くになんかカメレオンみたいな生物が転がっおるぞ!? 癜い肌に赀い十字の暡様があるし、なんかナヌスみたいだな......。 どうやら流れ匟ならぬ流れ矢が刺さっおダメヌゞを受けおいるらしい。 フィヌルドに野良モンスタヌは存圚しない......。 のナニゟンか。 すでになんか瀕死っぜいが、ここはしっかり倒しおおかなければ......! 「フィクサヌ......! くっ、い぀もは避けるのが䞊手い奎だずいうのに......! これも匓䜿いの呜䞭胜力がなせる業か......!」 バックラヌの口ぶりでは、あのカメレオンはフィクサヌずいう名前らしい。 ずっず姿を芋せなかったあたり、匷力な隠密胜力を持っおいるんだろうな。 偶然矢が圓たっお助かった。流石に俺も芋えない敵を狙っお圓おるこずは出来ない。 「ガトリング・ドリルアロヌ!」 今床は貫通力に優れる【ドリルアロヌ改】を連射する。 バックラヌを狙い぀぀、フィクサヌの方も仕留める! 「ヘキサゎンシヌルド連結! 䞊をカバヌだ!」 六角圢のシヌルドが次々ずくっ぀き、1枚の巚倧なバリアになった。 流石にこれでは矢はフィクサヌに届かない......だが! 予備の星球を装備したアンヌがどんどん鉄球を転がす! フィクサヌは自分を回埩しおいたのか元気を取り戻し、姿を消しお回避を詊みる。 しかし、でたらめに転がる倧量の鉄球に巻き蟌たれおしたったのだろう。 キルを䌝えるアナりンスがすぐに流れおきた。 「ぬぅぅぅ......! フィクサヌ、お前が呜懞けで䞎えおくれたHP......無駄にはせんぞ!」 あの芋た目だし、やはりフィクサヌは回埩圹か。 厄介なずころで来おくれたものだ......。 せっかく奥矩を盎撃させられたのに、その分のダメヌゞを回埩されおしたったかもしれない。 しかし、装備の傷は盎せない。 いくらバックラヌの防具が硬くずも、融合奥矩の盎撃を受ければ無傷では枈たない。 バックラヌは......確実に脆くなっおいる! 】で俺の前に立ちふさがる【゚ナゞヌバリアV】を砕いおくれおいる! たっすぐ射線が通った......。 あの奥矩でトドメをさす時だ! 「獄炎颚神裂空!」 【むンフェルノアロヌ】ず【颚神裂空】の融合奥矩。 この高速の矢で陣取りの時のようにトドメを......。 「ここだ......ッ!」 バックラヌは超高速の【獄炎颚神裂空】に察しお【パリィワヌプ】を成功させた。 圌はすぐに俺の背埌ぞずワヌプする。 「勝負を焊ったな匓䜿い! そしお、地䞊に降りたのも倱敗だった! りルトラバりンドの応甚、りルトラバりンドドリブルで終わり......だ......!?」 「スタヌダストアロヌ!!」 バックラヌほどの男を同じ戊法で倒せるわけがない。 俺は信じおいた。 意地でも【パリィワヌプ】を成功させ、あの時のリベンゞを成功させるず......! ワヌプしおくるタむミングさえわかれば、いくらでも回避手段は存圚する。 今回は『パリィ!』ずいう成功の音ず同時に【 』の歊噚スキルで、超短距離か぀超高速の移動を実珟する。 この効果でワヌプしお来たバックラヌの背埌に回り蟌んだ俺は、その巚䜓を䞡腕でがっちりホヌルドした! 俺たちの䜓は倩ぞず昇っおいく!
“Sticky Deactivate!” As soon as she wrenched it away, Anne deactivated Sticky Star. Like this, the great shield flew off into the air and towards the edge of the field! Invincible Armor’s weakness was obstruction! Even if it could nullify damage, it was weak against gimmicks... That’s the way it has always been! And then the silver aura faded away, showing that the invisible effect had worn off. He could no longer retrieve the shield. And since the invincibility was a Miracle Effect, he could not use it again. Now it was their chance to strike back! “I’ll take the other shield too!” Anne activated Sticky Star once again. She was going for the other shield, which was an actual buckler! As for Buckler...he thrust out his shield towards the iron ball! “Ultra Bound!” And then the iron ball bounced right off! It moved with such incredible force, that the chain slipped from Anne’s hand, and the iron ball went flying off into the distance. The sticky power and bouncing power had clashed, and the bouncing power had won...! However, Anne had done more than enough! “Grrr! ARGHHHH!!” In order to use Parry Warp, he had to block the attack with his shield with perfect timing. But he had already used the shield to deal with Anne. In other words, there was no risk of him parrying my attack! Like this, I would attack whenever Anne made an opening for me...! In order to do that, I couldn’t be floating up in the air, and had to fire with my feet firmly on the ground. “Energy Barrier V!” As soon as I landed, Buckler created a dark blue energy barrier. The giant barrier was like a wall that separated us. However, it was not enough to stop my arrows. If it was a wall, then I just needed to make my arrows go over it! “Gatling Inferno Arrow!” The inferno arrows went over the barrier and rained down on Buckler! “Reactive Hexagon Shield!” Several small, hexagonal shields appeared in the air around Buckler. The shields reacted to attacks automatically, and would guard him. And so the arrows bounced off and never reached Buckler...! Not only that, but the shields had an interesting effect. When blocking an attack, they would explode, causing the attacks to be blown away. That’s what you call ‘reactive armor’...! The arrows did not disappear, but pierced the ground instead. However, they had no attack ability at this point. Surely this meant they would fade away eventually... Huh? Huh!? There was some kind of chameleon-like creature near Buckler! It was white and had a red cross pattern. It looked like a nurse... Apparently, it was taking damage from the stray arrows. But there were no wild monsters on the field... In other words, it was the Straight Knights’ Unison. It seemed like it was already on the brink of death, but I had to make sure that it died...! “Fixer...! Tsk. You’re usually much better at dodging...! Is this because of the archer’s accuracy...?” Judging by what Buckler said, that chameleon was called Fixer. And since it had been hidden this whole time, it must have some powerful concealment ability. I was lucky that my arrow happened to hit it. “Gatling Drill Arrow!” Then I unleashed a chain of Drill Arrow Kai that had high piercing ability. I targeted Buckler while also hitting Fixer! “Hexagon Shield Link! Cover above!” The hexagonal shields began to stick together in order to create a single large barrier. Now my arrows couldn’t reach Fixer... However! Anne equipped a backup star sphere and made iron balls roll! Fixer must have been healing itself, as it was lively again. It then disappeared in order to escape. However, it was hit by numerous iron balls. And then its death was announced. “Grrr... Fixer. I won’t waste the HP you gave to me...!” So it was a healer after all. And it had appeared at the worst time... I had managed to hit Buckler directly with a charge attack, but he was probably completely healed now. However, he couldn’t heal the damage to his equipment. And no matter how hard Buckler’s equipment was, it would not go unscathed after being hit by a fused charge attack. Buckler...was definitely weaker! And Anne’s Mach Rolling Star was breaking the Energy Barrier V that blocked my way! Now I had a clear path ahead of me... It was time to finish this with that charge attack! “Inferno Windgod Sky Tear!” A fusion of Inferno Arrow and Windgod Sky Tear. With this high speed arrow, I would end things like I did during the turf war... “Here...!” But to the highspeed Inferno Windgod Sky Tear, Buckler succeeded in using Parry Warp. And so he warped right behind me. “You got ahead of yourself, archer! You should never have come down! Now I will use Ultra Bound Dribble...!?” “Stardust Arrow!!” I could not defeat a man like Buckler with the same strategy. That’s what I believed. And so he would use Parry Warp and get his revenge for that time...! But if I knew when he was going to warp, then there were ways to dodge him. So this time, as soon as I heard the sound that signaled a successful parry, I activated First Wind Sliding Feet. First Wind Sliding Feet was a weapon skill from the Windguard Warrior Hakama equipment, and it allowed you to move swiftly for a short distance. With this effect, I moved around Buckler after he warped, and then locked my arms around him. And then we rose high up into the air!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
If a state fails to live up to its side of the bargain by sponsoring terrorism, either transferring or using weapons of mass destruction, or conducting genocide, then it forfeits the normal benefits of sovereignty and opens itself up to attack, removal, or occupation. The diplomatic challenge for this era is to gain widespread support for principles of state conduct and a procedure for determining remedies when these principles are violated.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
芖点を倉えたずき印象が 党く異なるこずはよくありたすが 党䜓像を芋ないず 本圓に䜕が起きおいるのかは 理解できたせん サシャ・ノチニッチ: この映像 いいでしょう? このたった29秒の映像は 私が1時間かけお 独立系メディアの力や重芁性を説くより ずっず効果的です なので 冒頭で䜿うのに ふさわしいず思いたした たた 統蚈に぀いおも 少しお話したしょう この分野の研究者によれば 地球䞊の人口の83%が 独立系メディアのない瀟䌚で 暮らしおいたす この数字 どう思いたすか? 地球党人口の83%が 自囜で䜕が本圓に起こっおいるのか 知らないのです 圌らが埗られる情報は 誰かが怜閲しお 歪めたり 操䜜するなど 䜕らかの䜜為を行った 情報なのです 珟実を理解する手段を 奪われおいるわけです これでこの問題の芏暡ず重芁性が わかっお頂けたず思いたす さお 幞運にも 残りの17%の瀟䌚に䜏む皆さんは そんな状況が続く限り 享受するべきです 日曜の朝に新聞をめくり カプチヌノを飲んだりずか そんなこずができる間は 楜しむこずです なぜなら 昚日皆さんも聞いたず思いたすが 囜旗から星を倖すこずができるのず同様 報道の自由も倱うこずがあるからです ここにいるアメリカ囜民 の方たちがお詳しいでしょう ただ それはたた別のトピックなので 私の話に戻りたしょう 私がお話ししたいこずは 1991幎に遡りたす 圓時 私はセルビアで囜内唯䞀の 独立系メディアであり 唯䞀の電子メディアでもある B92を運営しおいたした 私たちは 玛争䞭のセルビアで 唯䞀の独立メディアずしおは よくある日々を送っおいたした 政府に目を付けられおいたわけです 色々なこずを経隓したしたよ そう よくある取り合わせですが 脅迫を少々 芪切なアドバむスも少々 財務の介入も少々 怜閲も少々 こんな状況なので職堎には誰かを 垞駐させないずいけないわけです しかし政府のやり口で 䞀番やっかいなこずがもう䞀぀ 90幎の埌半に始たったんですが 政府が独立系メディアを 気に入らない堎合には 広告䞻を脅すんです 䞀床 広告䞻が脅されるず 垂堎での圱響力が倱われ 広告が来なくなりたす その媒䜓にどんなに効果があっおも 二床ず広告は出したせん するず採算が取れなくなりたす 90幎代初頭は こんな問題を抱えおいたわけです 䞀぀は䌚瀟の存続問題ですが でも 私にずっお䞀番蟛かったのは 90幎代初頭 ナヌゎスラビアは厩壊寞前でした たさに転萜しおいく囜にいたこずです ゆっくりず スロヌモヌションで 転萜しおいく囜です その党おを蚘録した テヌプが残っおいたす 真に䜕が起きおいるのか 理解する術を持っおいたしたし 歎史を蚘録したかったのです ただ テヌプは1週間ごずに 䞊曞きしなければなりたせんでした でないず その歎史をアヌカむブするのに 十分なテヌプがなかったし 調達もできなかったからです たあ倧䜓はこんな感じで 现かいこずは 長くなるので省きたすが こんな状況の䞭 ある人が 私の事務所を蚪れたした 1991幎のこずです メディア・システムの䌚瀟を 経営しおいる人でした 今日も存続しおいる䌚瀟です その圌もただ健圚です 圓時の私がメディア・システムに぀いお 䜕を知っおいたかずいうず メディア・システムずいうのは 私たちみたいな䌚瀟を支揎しおくれる 組織だず思っおいたのです なので 打ち合わせに向け 二぀のプランを考えたした 戊略的プランです 小さいの䞀぀ず倧きいのを䞀぀ 小さいのは ずにかく テヌプの調達をお願いするこず 時代の蚘録を 50幎埌たで残せるように 倧きい方は 100䞇ドルの融資のお願いです なぜなら 真面目な 独立系メディア䌚瀟ずいうのが 玠晎らしいビゞネスだず 今も昔も思っおいるからです ミロシェノィッチが退任さえすれば B92は生き残っお 玠晎らしい䌚瀟になるず思っおいたした 実際そうなりたした 今やセルビアで1番か2番目に倧きい メディア䌚瀟です なので 圓時必芁なのは ただ䞀぀ 困難な時期を乗り越えるための 100䞇ドルの融資だけだず 思ったのです かい぀たんで話すず そのお方が事務所に来たした 良い身なりでしたよ そしお 自分では玠晎らしいず思う プレれンを行いたした 政情のこずずか 戊争がどんなに 悲惚なこずになるかを 説明したした たあ 残虐性の点では 足りなかったず 今では思いたすがね ずにかく 長い壮倧な説明の埌の 唯䞀の質問は−−ちなみに 冗談みたいですが本圓の話です−− マむケル・ゞャク゜ンの曲の 䜿甚料は払っおいるのか?でした それが唯䞀の質問だったのです 圌が垰った埌 自分に察しお 非垞に腹が立ったのを芚えおいたす 䞖の䞭に メディア䌁業に 融資を提䟛する機関は 必ずあるはずだず思ったのです だっお 誰にでもわかる 明癜なこずじゃないですか 誰かが絶察考えたはずなんです そしお事業ずしお 始めたはずなんです だから ただ自分がバカだから 芋぀けられないのだず思いたした 蚀い蚳したすず 圓時は グヌグルは存圚したせんでした 91幎にはググるなんおこずは できなかったんですよ 自分に問題があるず思ったわけです さお1995幎たで早送りしたす ゞョヌゞ・゜ロスず䌚うために 囜を離れたした 圌を説埗するためです もう3回目でした 圌の財団が メディア・バンクのような 圹目の組織に投資するべきだず 私の䞻匵は至っおシンプルでした チャリティは論倖です 意味がない 斜しもいらない 2䞇ドルあったっお誰も助からない ゞョヌゞ・゜ロスがするべきなのは メディア䌁業をビゞネスずしお扱うこず どこにでもあるビゞネスですから メディアでも他のどんなビゞネスでも 投資が必芁なのは䞀緒です 本圓に必芁なのは 資本ぞのアクセスなのです この3回目の䌚合は かなりうたくいきたした 最埌にこう蚀われたした 「うたく行くはずがないよ 金は絶察に取り戻せないだろう だが 私の財団から50䞇ドルを出すから 詊しにやっおおみるずいい うたく行かないこずがわかるだろう」 そしお 「銖吊り甚のロヌプをあげるよ」ず 䌚合の埌 わかっおいたこずは二぀ たず いかなる堎合でも 銖を吊る぀もりはない 二぀目は どうしたらうたくいくのか 党くわからないずいうこず コンセプトずしおは 玠晎らしいものなんです ただ コンセプトがある ずいうこずず 実珟させるずいうこずは 党く別ものです どうやったらできるのか たったく芋圓も぀きたせんでした 間違ったアむデアはありたした 銀行をやればいいず 銀行は−− 銀行家が ここにいるかもしれないので 先に謝りたすが−− 䞖界で䞀番良い仕事ですよ ほら ちゃんずした人で か぀ 倧金を持っおる人を芋぀けお もっずお金を䞎えるず 時間が経ったら返しおくれる 利子を回収しお その間は䜕もしない こんないいビゞネスをしない理由はない! ず思ったんです 最初のクラむアントを芋぀けたした やった!ず思いたしたね スロバキア初の独立系新聞です 政府のせいで ブラチスラノァの印刷所は どこも䜿えなくなっおしたい 日刊新聞なのに 銖郜から400キロ離れた堎所で 毎日新聞を刷らなければならない ずいう状況でした この距離のせいで 朝刊の蚘事の締め切りは午埌4時 ぀たりスポヌツ蚘事はありたせん 間に合わないので 最新のニュヌスもない 郚数は萜ちる 日刊玙を経枈的に 握り぀ぶす方法ずしおは 非垞に䞊手い 掗緎された手段ですね そんな新聞瀟が 融資を䟝頌しおきたした 生き残る唯䞀の方法は 印刷機の賌入だず考えおいたんです 「分かった 䌚いたしょう」ず答え ビゞネスプランを 持っおこさせたした 䌚合が始たり こんな2枚の玙をもらいたした A4サむズです もっず倧きかったですが たくさんの数字がありたした 無数の数字 しかし その数字を どう䞊べ替えおも 䜕も出おこない たったく説埗力がない しかも それが圌らの粟䞀杯なのです 私たちの融資が頌みの綱です ここから自分の方法論を 芋出せたした 銀行業はやめよう 実際に盞手先に出向いお 問題を解決するこずで 芋返りを埗なければなりたせん 経営を立お盎し 事業経営を確立させ 必芁な経営のノりハりを䞎えるのです クラむアントは コンテンツの䜜り方は知っおいたすから ずりあえず結果から蚀うず この10幎間で 4000䞇ドルを融資できるたで成長 平均利率は5-6% 最近は冒険しお 7%にするこずも こんなビゞネスを 17カ囜の途䞊囜で行っおいたす そしお䞀番驚くべき数字が ゜ロスが䞀番心配しおいた返枈率 --なんず97% 予定返枈の97%が 期日通りに支払われおいたす 融資の察象は䜕かずいうず メディア䌚瀟が 必芁ずするものはすべお です 印刷機から攟送機噚たで䜕でも 䞀番重芁なのは ロヌン 株匏 リヌスず どんな圢でも 誰かぞの支揎ずしお ふさわしければ䜕でもするんです 䞀番重芁なのは 誰に投資するかです ここ10幎間で投資した䌚瀟は 途䞊囜では最良の メディア䌁業ばかり 私たちはそう信じおいたす 終いには 「名士録」ができあがるくらいです 投資した人々に぀いお 䜕時間でも語ろうず思えば語れたすよ 圌らはいわば ヒヌロヌなのですから 今回はそのうちの䞀人だけ 時間が蚱せば もう䞀人に぀いおも お話ししたす 東欧ず䞭欧から始めお そしおロシアぞ ロシアでの最初の融資は チェリャヌビンスクでした この地名 聞いたこずある人は 半分もいないはずです ロシアの南郚です そこには ボリス・ニコラむェノィッチ・キルシン ずいう男がいたす 独立系新聞を発行しおいたす この町は90幎代初頭たで 閉ざされた町でした ツポレフ航空機甚の ガラスを補産しおいたからです ずにかく 圌は 独立系新聞をやっおいたす 私たちが2幎間関わった埌 地元で䞀番良いずいわれる 新聞になったのです 州知事がある日 圌を尋ね いや実際は 圌を自分のオフィスぞ呌び 圌が来るずこう蚀いたした 「ボリス・ニコラむェノィッチ君 君はよくやっおいるね この地区で䞀番の新聞だ そんな君ず取匕がしたい 次の9カ月 君の新聞を 私にくれないだろうか? 遞挙があるので-- 9カ月埌に遞挙があるね 立候補はしないが 私には重芁なのだよ 誰が私の埌任になるのかが だから9カ月くれれば その埌は返すよ メディアビゞネスには 興味ないからね いくら出せばいいかね?」 ボリス「うちの新聞は 売り物ではありたせん」 知事「では君のずころを閉鎖する」 ボリス「そんなこず できるわけない」 しかし6カ月埌 新聞は廃刊に远い蟌たれたした 幞運だったのは ボリスが䌚瀟の資産を党郚 新しい䌚瀟に移し 賌読者リストも持ち出し スタッフを再雇甚するのには 間に合いたした なので 知事が埗たのは 抜け殻だったのです しかし こういったこずは 独立系メディアにはよくあるこずなのです そしお独立系メディアの 銀行家にずっおは たさに うっお぀けの話です そんなこずをしおいるうちに メディア経営センタヌを開蚭したした そしおメディア研究所も蚭眮 本圓にやりがいがある話です ただ これには 他にも芋方がありたす 冒頭で芋せた映像みたいな 別の芖点 䞊からのカメラで党䜓を捉えるず この数字に぀いお 考え盎すかもしれたせん 10幎間で 4000䞇ドル 17ヶ囜 そこたで倧きい数字ではないですよね? 実際 これは 倧海の䞀滎に過ぎたせん 昚晩のセッションで 話し合われた問題の 重芁性ず比范するず たいしたこずないように感じたす 昚日のテヌマだった アフリカず仮に500億ドルの アフリカ察象の資金ず比べるずね そこで提起された問題のすべお いや半分でも 䟋えば 政府の説明責任 腐敗 そしお腐敗にどう立ち向かうか 声なき者に耳を貞す方法 そしお貧困-- こんな問題があるからこそ 独立系メディアが成り立぀のです だからこそ 独立系メディアが創り出されたんです その芳点からするず 私たちが達成したこずは 今わかっおいる問題に察する 倧海の䞀滎に過ぎないのです さお私の話も 結局䞀぀の物語に過ぎたせん ここには 非営利で 立掟な仕事をしおいる人の 玠晎らしい話が 他にも15ぐらいあるでしょう 実は それこそが問題だず思っおいたす 䜕が悪いのか できるだけ説明しおみたしょう 問題は資金調達ず呌ばれるものです この郚屋の3分の1の人が それぞれそういう財団を 代衚しおいる人たちだずしたしょう 3分の2の人たちは 非垞に重芁なこずを行う 優秀な組織を運営しおいる さお 今床は ここにいる 2人に1人が耳が聞こえないずしたす そしお明かりを消したら どうなるでしょう これが぀たり この郚屋で 片方に座っおいる人ず もう片方の人ずを マッチングさせるのが どんなに難しいか ずいうこずです それには もっず壮倧なアむディアが 芁るず思いたした 資金調達ずいうものを 改革し 再考するアむディアがね だっお 珟実は 志もあり 目暙も同じ そんな理想のパヌトナヌを探しお 駆け回っおいるようなものですから 代わりに 䜕か新しいものを䜜り出す 必芁があるず思いたした そこで 債刞を発行すればいい ず思い぀いたのです 「報道の自由債刞」 ずいう名の債刞 片やアメリカ政府の財政赀字に 出資したいずいう 投資家がいるのなら 報道の自由に足りない資金を 出したいずいう投資家を 探せばいいじゃないか ず ずいうわけで「報道の自由債刞」を この秋に売り出すこずにしたした おそらく額面1,000ドルで行うでしょう あたり宣䌝する぀もりはありたせん 宣䌝は重芁じゃないから 倧切なのは 発行にこぎ着けられれば 成功ずいえるくらいの数の 投資家が芋぀かれば 別の䌚瀟が来春には 債刞を発行し始めるでしょう それを阻止するものは䜕もありたせん その債暩は「環境債刞」に なるこずだっおありえるんです そしお その2週間埌には むクバル・カディヌルが バングラデシュで 電気事業債刞を始める そしおあっずういう間に どんな瀟䌚問題も この方法で 資金が揃えられるようになりたす 午前11時半から癜昌倢を芋おいるか のような話ですが 残り55秒ですし でも このアむディアをもっず 広げおみたしょう たず最初にアメリカから始めたす このコンセプト自䜓が 非垞にアメリカ的だからです ペヌロッパにも持ち蟌めたすね アゞアでだっお可胜です いったん あちこちで 拠点ができれば 投資家にずっおも 䟿利になるでしょう これらの債刞を党郚 䞀ヶ所にたずめればいい あずは座っおクリックするだけです 10以䞊の債刞が䞖に出たら 䞀元管理するシステムを 開発したす 投資家が埗るものは䜕かずいうず 金銭はもちろん 瀟䌚貢献もできる いいこずづくめですね 栌付け機関を䜜るずいうのも ありですね モヌニングスタヌ瀟のような 䟋えば この債暩の瀟䌚的圱響: 最高の5぀星 金銭面: 利回りが1%なので1぀星 ずかね さあ今床は最終ステップに぀いお 考えたしょうか こういう考えを 党郚䞀぀にたずめたなら この債刞商品を売っおいく垂堎を 䜜らない理由はありたせんね そこでは迅速にこれらの債刞を 凊理できるのです この方法であらゆる資金調達を 行うようにすれば 暗闇もないし 目の芋えない人が お互いを探しお走り回るこずもない ありがずうございたした
Seen from another point of view, it gives quite a different impression. But it's only when you get the whole picture you can fully understand what's going on. Sasha Vucinic: It's a great clip, isn't it? And I found that in 29 seconds, it tells more about the power of, and importance of, independent media than I could say in an hour. So I thought that it will be good to start with it. And also start with a little bit of statistics. According to relevant researchers, 83 percent of the population of this planet lives in the societies without independent press. Think about that number: 83 percent of the population on the whole planet does not really know what is going on in their countries. The information they get gets filtered through somebody who either twists that information, or colors that information, does something with it. So they're deprived of understanding their reality. That is just to understand how big and important this problem is. Now those of you who are lucky enough to live in those societies that represent 17 percent, I think should enjoy it until it lasts. You know, Sunday morning, you flick the paper, get your cappuccino. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because as we heard yesterday, countries can lose stars from their flags, but they can also lose press freedom, as I guess Americans among us can tell us more about. But that's totally another and separate topic. So I can go back to my story. My story starts -- the story I want to share -- starts in 1991. At that time I was running B92, the only independent, for that matter the only electronic media, in the country. And I guess we were sharing -- we had that regular life of the only independent media in the country, operating in hostile environment, where government really wants to make your life miserable. And there are different ways. Yeah, it was the usual cocktail: a little bit of threats, a little bit of friendly advice, a little bit of financial police, a little bit of text control, so you always have somebody who never leaves your office. But what they really do, which is very powerful, and that is what governments in the late '90s started doing if they don't like independent media companies -- you know, they threaten your advertisers. Once they threaten your advertisers, market forces are actually, you know, destroyed, and the advertisers do not want to come -- no matter how much does it make sense for them -- do not want to come and advertise. And you have a problem making ends meet. At that time at the beginning of the '90s, we had that problem, which was, you know, survival below one side, but what was really painful for me was, remember, the beginning of the '90s, Yugoslavia is falling apart. We were sitting over there with a country in a downfall, in a slow-motion downfall. And we all had all of that on tapes. We had the ability to understand what was going on. We were actually recording history. The problem was that we had to re-tape that history a week later; because if we did not, we could not afford enough tapes to keep archives of that history. So if I gave you that picture, I don't want to go too long on that. In that context a gentleman came to my office at that time. It was still 1991. He was running a media systems organization which is still in business, the gentleman is still in business. And what did I know at that time about media systems? I would think media systems were organizations, which means they should help you. So I prepared two plans for that meeting, two strategic plans: the small one and the big one. The small one was, I just wanted him to help us get those damn tapes, so we can keep that archive for the next 50 years. The big plan was to ask him for a 1,000,000-dollar loan. Because I thought, I still maintain, that serious and independent media companies are great business. And I thought that B92 will survive and be a great company once Milosevic is gone, which turned out to be true. It's now probably either the biggest or the second biggest media company in the country. And I thought that the only thing that we needed at that time was 1,000,000-dollar loan to take us through those hard times. To make a long story short, the gentleman comes into the office, great suit and tie. I gave him what I thought was a brilliant explanation of the political situation and explained how hard and difficult the war will be. Actually, I underestimated the atrocities, I have to admit. Anyway, after that whole, big, long explanation, the only question he had for me -- and this is not a joke -- is, are we paying royalties after we broadcast music of Michael Jackson? That was really the only question he had. He left, and I remember being actually very angry at myself because I thought there must be an institution in the world that is providing loans to media companies. It's so obvious, straight in your face, and somebody must have thought of it. Somebody must have started something like that. And I thought, I'm just dumb and I cannot find it. You know, in my defense, there was no Google at that time; you could not just Google in '91. So I thought that that's actually my problem. Now we go from here, fast forward to 1995. I have -- I left the country, I have a meeting with George Soros, trying for the third time to convince him that his foundation should invest in something that should operate like a media bank. And basically what I was saying is very simple. You know, forget about charity; it doesn't work. Forget about handouts; 20,000 dollars do not help anybody. What you should do is you should treat media companies as a business. It's business anywhere. Media business, or any other business, it needs to be capitalized. And what these guys need, actually, is access to capital. So third meeting, arguments are pretty well exercised. At the end of the meeting he says, look, it is not going to work; you will never see your money back; but my foundations will put 500,000 dollars so you can test the idea. See that it will not work. He said, I'll give you a rope to hang yourself. I knew two things after that meeting. First, under no circumstances I want to hang myself. And second, that I have no idea how to make it work. You see, at the level of a concept, it was a great concept. But it's one thing to have a concept; it's a totally separate thing to actually make it work. So I had absolutely no idea how that could actually work. Had the wrong idea; I thought that we can be a bank. You see banks -- I don't know if there are any bankers over here; I apologize in advance -- but it's the best job in the world. You know, you find somebody who is respectable and has a lot of money. You give them more money; they repay you that over a time. You collect interest and do nothing in between. So I thought, why don't we get into that business? So here we are having our first client, brilliant. First independent newspaper in Slovakia. The government cutting them off from all the printing facilities in Bratislava. So here's the daily newspaper that has to be printed 400 kilometers away from the capital. It's a daily newspaper with a deadline of 4 p.m. That means that they have no sports; they have no latest news; circulation goes down. how to economically strangle a daily newspaper. They come to us with a request for a loan. They want to -- the only way for them to survive is to get a printing press. And we said, that's fine; let's meet; you'll bring us your business plan, which eventually they did. We start the meeting. I get these two pieces of paper, not like this, A4 format, so it's much bigger. A lot of numbers there. A lot of numbers. But however you put it, you know, the numbers do not make any sense. And that's the best they could do. We were the best that they could do. So that is how we understood what our method is. It's not a bank. We had to actually go into these companies and earn our return by fixing them -- by establishing management systems, by providing all that knowledge, how do you run a business on one side -- while they all know how to run, how to create content. Just quickly on the results. Over these 10 years, 40 million dollars in affordable financing, average interest rate five percent to six percent. Lately we are going wild, charging seven percent from time to time. We do it in 17 countries of the developing world. And here is the most stunning number. Return rate -- the one that Soros was so worried about -- 97 percent. 97 percent of all the scheduled repayments came back to us on time. What do we typically finance? We finance anything that a media company would need, from printing presses to transmitters. What is most important is we do it either in form of loans, equities, lease -- whatever is appropriate for, you know, supporting anybody. But what is most important here is, who do we finance? We believe that in the last 10 years companies that we've financed are actually the best media companies in the developing world. That is a "Who is Who" list. And I could spend hours talking about them, because they're all kind of heroes. And I can, but I'll give you just, maybe one, and depending on time I may give you two examples who we work with. You see we started working in Eastern and Central Europe, and moved to Russia. Our first loan in Russia was in Chelyabinsk. I'll bet half of you have never heard of that place. In the south of Russia there's a guy called Boris Nikolayevich Kirshin, who is running an independent newspaper there. The city was closed until early '90s because, of all things, they were producing glass for Tupolev planes. Anyway, he's running independent newspaper there. After two years working with us, he becomes the most respected newspaper in that small place. Governor comes to him one day, actually invites him to come to his office. He goes and sees the governor. The governor says, Boris Nikolayevich, I understand you are doing a great job, and you are the most respected newspaper in our district. And I want to offer you a deal. Can you please give me your newspaper for the next nine months, because I have elections -- there are elections coming up in nine months. I will not run, but it's very important for me who is going to succeed me. So give me the paper for nine months. I'll give it back to you. I have no interest in being in media business. How much would that cost? Boris Nikolayevich says, "It's not for sale." The governor says, "We will close you." Boris Nikolayevich says, "No, you cannot do it." Six months later the newspaper was closed. Luckily, we had enough time to help Boris Nikolayevich take all the assets out of that company and bring him into a new one, to get all the subscription lists, rehire staff. So what the governor got was an empty shell. But that is what happens if you're in business of independent media, and if you are a banker for independent media. So it sounds like a great story. Somewhere down the road we opened a media management center. We started our media lab, sounds like a real great story. But there is a second angle to that. The second angle, like in this clip. If you take the camera above, you start thinking about these numbers again. 40 million dollars over 10 years spread over 17 countries. That is not too much, is it? It's actually just a drop in the sea. some of the issues that we were talking about last night -- this last session we had about Africa and his hypothetical 50 billion dollars destined for Africa. All of those, not all, half of those problems mentioned last night -- government accountability, corruption, how do you fight corruption, giving voice to unheard, to poor -- it's why independent media is in business. And it's why it was invented. So from that perspective, what we did is just really one drop in the sea of that need that we can identify. Now ours is just one story. I'm sure that in this room there are, like, 15 other wonderful stories of nonprofits doing spectacular work. Here is where the problem is, and I'll explain to you as well as I can what the problem is. And it's called fundraising. Imagine that this third of this room is filled with people who represent different foundations. Imagine two thirds over here running excellent organizations, doing very important work. Now imagine that every second person over here is deaf, does not hear, and switch the lights off. Now that is how difficult it is to match people from this side of the room with people of that side of the room. So we thought that some kind of a big idea is needed to reform, to totally rethink fundraising. You know, instead of people running in this dark, trying to find their own match, who will be willing, who has the same goals. Instead of all of that we thought there is -- something new needs to be invented. And we came up with this idea of issuing bonds, press freedom bonds. If there are investors willing to finance U.S. government budget deficit, why wouldn't we find investors willing to finance press freedom deficit? We've decided to do it this fall; we will issue them, probably in denominations of 1,000 dollars. I don't want to advertise them too much; that's not the point. But the point is, if we ever survive to actually issue them, find enough investors that this can be considered a success, to start to issue bonds next spring. And those can be environmental bonds. And then two weeks later, Iqbal Quadir can issue his electricity in Bangladesh bonds. And before you know it, any social cause can be actually financed in this way. Now we do daydreaming in 11:30 with 55 seconds left. But let's take the idea further. You do it, you start it in the States, because it's, you know, concepts are very, very close to American minds. But you can actually bring it to Europe, too. You can bring it to Asia. You can, once you have all of those different points, you can make it easy for investors. Put all of those bonds at one place and they sit down and click. Once you have more than 10 of them you have to develop some kind of a matrix. What do investors get? On one side financial, on the other side social. So that brings the idea of some kind of rating agency, Morningstar type. It says, you know, social impact over here is spectacular, five stars. Financial, they give you one percent, only one star. Now take it to the last step. Once you have all of that put together, there's not one reason why you couldn't actually have a marketplace for all of that, where you cannot dispose of all of those bonds in a pretty quick way. And in that way you organize the financing so there are no dark rooms, no blind people running around to find each other. Thank you.
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頭䞊から萜ちた雷撃が、ミトロフの意識を呌び戻した。咄嗟に鉄棒を振るっお雷を掎む。 ハッず呌吞をする間にゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが動き出しおいた。トロルのように巚䜓に芋えたが、近づいおくればトロルほどは倧きくないず分かる。だがその分だけ動きは軜そうだ。 ミトロフは背埌の扉を諊め、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌずの距離を保ちながら、山矊頭の老婆から離れるようにしお右に回る。 ずかく、避けるための堎所がいる。山矊頭の老婆に近づくのも恐ろしい。 どうするかず頭は回転し続けおいる。 「ブラン・マンゞェ、良い案はあるか。どうすれば郚屋は開く?」 「守護者が死ぬか、挑戊者が死ぬか。どちらかです」 「倖から開ける方法は?」 「聞いたこずがありたせん」 「だったら、勝぀しかないな」 「......そうですよ。勝぀しかありたせん」 ミトロフの匷がりを、ブラン・マンゞェも分かっおいる。耳元の力の抜けた笑いに、ミトロフは歯を噛んだ。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに远い぀かれ、ミトロフは芚悟を決めた。足を止めお向かい合い、その動きを芋極める。 思考の静寂がやっおくる。”昇華”によっお埗られた粟神の匷化に、ミトロフは慣れ぀぀ある。たるで自分ではなくなるような思考ぞの没入感を恐ろしくも思うが、今ばかりはこれに頌るしかない。思考の倉質を受け入れ、ミトロフはただ県前に集䞭する。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは剣を振り䞊げる。腕には可動域があり、支点ず力点ず䜜甚点がある。肩から頭䞊に振り䞊げた腕が描く軌道は限られる。いくら巚䜓になろうず、骚栌は倉わらない。 鉈が振り䞋ろされ、ミトロフはその軌道を避けた。 そしおすぐに駆け出しお距離を取る。 その最䞭に、光。暪手に突き出した避雷針に雷が噛み぀いた。山矊頭の老婆はこちらの隙を狙っおいる。 呌吞を合わせおいるわけではないだろう。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌには山矊頭の老婆ほどの知性は感じられない。”魔物”が本胜のたたに暎れおいるその合間に、”魔族”が意図しお雷を飛ばしおくる。 「たったく、厄介なこずだな......ッ!」 ミトロフのほうが、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌより動きが早い。 ブラン・マンゞェを背負ったたた、ミトロフは山矊頭の老婆に向かっお走る。どちらかを仕留めおしたえば掻路は生たれる。 線に走るミトロフに雷撃が向かう。避雷針で受け止める。地面を匕きずられる鎖が煌めいた。 山矊頭の老婆は銖を傟げ、ふわりず浮いた。襀耞の倖套の裟が広がる。その䞭には暗闇だけがあっお、肉䜓は芋えない。宙を滑るようにしお䞋がっお行っおしたう。手にしたミトロフの刺突剣の先が地面を擊っおいく。 「おい! 地面に圓おるな! 切先は繊现なんだぞ!」 「ミトロフさん、今はそれどころではありたせんよ」 銖に回されたブラン・マンゞェの手がトントンず叩く。振り返ればゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが䞀角兜を向けお突進しおくる真っ最䞭だった。 「くそったれ!」 「お口が悪いです」 「淑女の前で倱瀌したッ!」 焊るべき状況ではあるが、ミトロフの思考は平垞である。焊りや怒りによっお隆起した感情は、爆発する前に波を匕く。 冷静な刀断がミトロフをその堎に留め、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌをじゅうぶんに匕き぀けおから、軜やかに躱すこずを遞択させた。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌはすぐには止たれず、壁に頭から突っ蟌んだ。石ず土が剥がれ、耳に痛いほどの衝撃音。ミトロフは期埅したが、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは気にした様子もなく䞊半身を振っお土を払い萜ずした。 现やかな䌑憩の合間に、ミトロフは呌吞を敎える。平垞な粟神によっお避けるこずは可胜だが、身䜓が远い぀かなくなればどうにもならない。䜓力ずいう資源を貎重に䜿う必芁がある......。 「––––降りたす」 「なに?」 背䞭でもぞもぞず動き、勝手に降りようずするブラン・マンゞェの脚を、ミトロフはぐっず掎んだ。 「きゃっ、ど、どこを觊っおいるんですか!?」 「きみが勝手に降りようずするからだ。他意はない」 「い぀たでもここに居たら負担になるだけです!」 「別に負担じゃない。だいたい、脚を怪我したきみが降りたずころで、避けられないだろう」 「あなたは避けられるでしょう」 「きみはどうなる」 「......どうにかしたす」 「案倖ず頭が悪いな、きみは」 「な! それはあたりにも倱瀌––––わっ!?」 暪合いから飛んできた雷撃を捕たえるため、ミトロフはぐるりず回転した。ブラン・マンゞェは咄嗟にミトロフの銖元にしがみ぀いた。 「それでいい! 来るぞ!」 ミトロフは息を吞い蟌み、身構える。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが駆けおくるが、今床はしっかりず足を止めた。鉈を振るう。 避ける。今床は巊手の薙ぎ払い。飛び退く。䜓圓たり。走っお避ける。 攻撃の起こりは分かりやすい。巚躯であるゆえに躱す䜙裕があるのはトロルず同じだ。か぀お”赀目”ずなったトロルずの戊いで埗た経隓が、ミトロフの動きを確かなものにしおいる。倧䞈倫だ。避けられる。 「埌ろです!」 振り返るのは間に合わない。ブラン・マンゞェの蚀葉を頌りに、ミトロフは腕を䞊げお避雷針を背埌に差し向けた。振動ず雷鳎。雷撃は捕たえた。 県前、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが鉈を構えおいる。 ––––こい぀には手加枛ずいう蚀葉がない。垞に倧振り......だから避ける間がある。 振り䞋ろされるより先に、ミトロフは぀た先を軞に回転。真暪に叩き぀けられた鉈。それを持぀手銖を避雷針で叩いた。”デンキ”の荊が絡み぀く。 空気が匟ける音。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの驚く声。鉈を離しお手を匕っ蟌める。 その隙にミトロフはその堎を離れ、たた息を敎える。 「......あなた、身軜なんですね」 「芋た、目によらず、ず蚀いたい、のか?」 ふっ、ふっ、ず荒い呌吞。 「......すみたせん。邪魔をしたした。息を敎えおください」 気遣う声に、今床はミトロフから䌚話を切り出した。 「わかったこず、がある。どうやら、あの雷は連発はできない、ようだ。ふう......䞀床かわせば、次の雷たではいくらか䜙裕がある」 話すこずで恐怖を呑み蟌む。互いに恐れを共有するこずで、立ち向かう意志を保぀。諊めないために、䌚話をする。 「この郚屋に入る前に、助けを呌んでくるように頌んだ。カヌレが来おくれるはずだ」 「......ですが、扉は開きたせん」 「......頌りにしおらっしゃるんですね」 頌りにしおいる––––その蚀葉がミトロフには意倖なものに聞こえた。 「そう、だな。がくは、頌りにしおいる。もっず最初からそうすべきだった」 ひずりでここに来なければ。自分の力を蚌明したいず、子どものような考えに固執しおいなければ。詮ない事ず分かりながらも考える。 「仲間が来る。そう思えるだけで、垌望がわく」 「......そう、ですね。頌れる方がいるのは心匷いでしょう」 ミトロフは避雷針を握り盎した。柄に巻かれた”デンキナマズ”の皮がわずかに焊げおいる。ミトロフはそれを芋なかったこずにした。 「きみも頌るべきだったな。ひずりで戊おうずせずに」 「わたしには頌れる人はいたせん。わたしが、皆を助けねば」 「だったらがくに䟝頌でもすればよかった。最初からふたりで来れば、もう少し楜ができたかもなっ」 䞊空からの萜雷を受け止める。人差し指にわずかな痺れがきた。気にする暇もなく、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの䞀撃。 倧きく避けおはいけない。無駄な動きは疲劎ずなっお垰っおくる。無駄なく、最小限に。呌吞すら節玄しなければならない。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは手にした鉈を振るう。それはミトロフにずっおありがたいこずだった。 鉈はミトロフを䞡断するだろう。 だが、拳や、腕払い、平手打ちのどれであっおも、圓たればそこで終わりだ。 鉈ずいう歊噚にこだわっおくれるかぎり、避けるべきは線のような刃だけで枈む。 背筋に悪寒が駆け䞊がる。圓たれば死ぬずわかっおいるものを、身䜓に觊れないぎりぎりで躱すずいう行為。死が手の觊れる堎所を通り過ぎおいる。 「ブラン・マンゞェ。きみは、怖いか」 「––––怖くないわけがないでしょう」 「ああ、がくもだ。しっかり掎たっおいろ。絶察に、圓おさせない」 「頌もしい殿方です、ねっ!」 ミトロフの急な動きに、ブラン・マンゞェの語尟が跳ねた。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの手が届く堎所で、ミトロフはステップを螏む。少女を背負い、手には長い棒切れを持ち、聞こえぬ音楜にリズムを重ねるようにくるくるず回る。 死線䞊のワルツをミトロフは螊る。 足を運ぶ。䜓重を移動する。貎族の倜䌚は時に倜曎けたで続き、幟床ずなくダンスを螊る。教鞭を手にした家庭教垫の監芖の元で、ミトロフのダンスの特蚓はか぀お䜕時間ず続いた。 走るこずは苊手だ。だが、ダンスならば身に染みおいる。いかに疲劎を少なくするか、楜に、䜓力を枩存しお螊るか。螊り぀づける限り、死なない。ワルツは死線を超えない。 巚躯の盞手にずっおは、その懐こそが台颚の目であるようだ。 脚に手が觊れそうな距離たで近づき、たた離れ、ふず遠くに出たかず思えば、くるりず回りながら入り蟌んでくる。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌはすばしっこい獲物に苛立ち、鉈を振る力を匷くする。それが動きを単調にしおいるこずには気づかない。 ミトロフは冷静に目を向けおいる。手にあるのは空掞の鉄の棒。いくら攻撃しようず無意味な長物。攻撃ずいう手段を切り捚おたこずで、ミトロフの意識はただ”避ける”こずだけに集䞭する。 盞手を芋る。目線を、呌吞を、動きを。感じずる。そしおその動きに合わせお、自分も動く。それはゎブリン゜ルゞャヌをパヌトナヌにしたダンスに違いなく、ふたりの呌吞は合っおいる。ミトロフが合わせおいる。 匷化された粟神はゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの動きを読み取り、やがおミトロフは”圌”のこずを理解する。その動きが、どうしたいのかが、手を繋いで螊っおいるかのように分かる。 芖界の端で、ミトロフは山矊頭の老婆を芋た。雷撃を撃ずうず剣を掲げ、しかしその狙いは定たらないようである。”魔族”には知性がある。その知性ゆえに、雷を撃おばゎブリン゜ルゞャヌを巻き蟌むこずを理解しおいる。 ––––雷ずは、高い物に萜ちる性質がある。 本にはそう曞いおあった。 ミトロフずゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが䞊ぶ限り、雷はゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに萜ちる。 魔法ずしお真暪から撃぀にも、的ずしおの倧きさはゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの方が倧きく、ミトロフは止たるこずなく動き、立ち䜍眮を入れ替えおいる。 ”知性”は理性的な刀断を優先する。ゆえに、雷は飛んでこない––––。 脅嚁を前に、逃げなかった。だからこそ芋えおきた死䞭の掻がある。死を前にしおも、尚前に進むこずで、ミトロフはわずかな垌望に指先を匕っ掛けおいる。 どれほどそれを繰り返したろう。 䜕時間のように感じる。だが、数分のようでもある。 䜕床かブラン・マンゞェに話しかけられた気がする。䜕か返事をした気もする。蚘憶が朧げなのは、粟神が揺れ動いおいるからだろうか。 䞀床でも倱敗すれば、死ぬ。自分も、背負ったブラン・マンゞェも。 文字通り、呜の重みが肩にある。その責任ず恐怖に、幟床ずなくミトロフは叫び、逃げ出したくなった。この堎から埌ろに䞋がり、倧きく息を吞いたくなった。 その郜床、ひどく冷静な自分が匕き留めた。 ここから逃げた瞬間、自分は死ぬ。仕切り盎すこずはできないず分かっおいる。䞀床折れた心は戻らない。死の恐怖の内偎に戻る勇気は立お盎せない。 だからただ足を動かす。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌず呌吞を合わせおダンスを螊る。い぀たでも。限界が来るたで。だが、それはい぀だ? い぀の間にか颚を切る音がずいぶんずうるさい。朚枯らしの隙間颚のように也燥しきった擊過音がしおいる。それが自分の喉から鳎っおいるこずが他人事のように思える。 顔䞭から汗が吹き出しおいる。滎り萜ちおいる。額から流れる汗が萜ちお、目に入るより先に、ブラン・マンゞェがそれを抌さえた。 ミトロフの邪魔にならぬように、䜓勢を厩さぬように、ブラン・マンゞェは己を荷物ずするようにただミトロフにしがみ぀いおいる。ふたりはい぀しか䞀䜓ずなっおいる。 あずどれくらい保぀だろう。分からない。疲劎も䜕もかもが溶けたようで、動いおいる身䜓すら自分のものずは思えない。呌吞は間に合わず、苊しくお仕方ないはずであるのに、どうしおかミトロフは心地よさすら感じおいた。 い぀たででも、こうしおいられる。 自分のこずでありながら、自分でも理解できない感芚だった。未知でありながら、恐ろしくはない。心地良い。ずっずこの感芚に浞っおいたい。すべおが完璧に噛み合っおいる......。 山矊頭の魔女は銖を暪に傟けた。ミトロフが離れるのを埅っおいた。でなければ、雷はゎブリン゜ルゞャヌにも圓たっおしたう。しかしミトロフはずっず離れない。自分にできるこずはない。 癜髪ず黒髪ずが混ざり合った長髪が揺れる。顎骚はカカカ......ず鳎る。 魔物の䞊䜍皮に䜍眮する”魔族”には知性がある。知性ずは考える力であり、孊習する力である。山矊頭の老婆は目の前の光景を芳察し、孊び、ひず぀の答えを出した。 手にした刺突剣を掲げ、虚空に雷撃を生む。そしお萜雷を萜ずした––––鉈を振り䞊げたゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに。 悲鳎。 そしお衝撃。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに萜ちた雷は、鉈から駆け䞋りながらすぐそばにいたミトロフに飛び移ったのである。 ”偎撃”ず呌ばれるその珟象に、ミトロフは察応できなかった。雷の倧半はゎブリン゜ルゞャヌにあり、ミトロフを打ち据えたのはわずかな雷電である。しかしミトロフを匟き転がすには䜙りあり、その集䞭力を断ち切るには申し分のない䞀撃だった。 山矊頭の老婆は孊習したのだ。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌごず巻き蟌めばいい。ミトロフが死んでも、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは死なない。”人間”ずはか匱い生き物なのだから。 怒り、咆哮を向けおくるゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに、山矊頭は歌うような笑い声を返した。 歌声を耳にしながらミトロフは肘を぀いお身䜓を起こす。 党身に痺れがある。だが、身䜓は動く。しかし酞玠が足りおいない。頭が締め付けられるような苊しみの䞭で、ミトロフは必死に呌吞を繰り返しおいる。 心臓が飛び出しそうなほど激しく動いおいる。足に力が入らないのは、疲劎のせいか、雷撃のせいか。 くそ、くそ、くそ––––。 頭の䞭で同じ蚀葉が回転しおいる。 うたくいっおいた。邪魔された。やられた。たたあの山矊頭に。 ミトロフは立ち䞊がろうずする。だが背䞭に石が茉っおいるように、身䜓は重い。顔を䞊げる。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは山矊頭の老婆に吠え、やがお思い出したようにミトロフに芖線を向けた。近づいおくる。 諊めずいう甘矎な誘いを、ミトロフは手に取ろうずした。 すっかり疲れおいる。このたた眠れば、どれほど心地良いだろう。なに、充分やったさ......。 ず、肩に手が圓おられる。囁く声は、震えおいた。 「わたしが時間を皌ぎたす。あなたは扉に。助けが間に合うかもしれたせん」 ミトロフを守るようにブラン・マンゞェが立った。 その背䞭は小さく、焊げた䞡脚は立぀だけでもやっずのはずだった。それでも圌女は剣を抜き、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌず向かい合った。 「ブラン・マンゞェ! きみこそ逃げろ!」 「あら足で立っおから蚀っおくださいたすか?」 「枛らず口だなきみは!」 ミトロフは拳を倪ももに叩き぀けた。淑女に守られ、自分だけが諊めおいるわけにはいかない。そんなこずは、貎族の男子ずしお蚱されない。それは男の意地ず矜持に関わるのだ。 「倧䞈倫です。あなたのおかげでいくらか䌑めたした––––䞀撃だけなら、きっず」 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが鉈を暪薙ぎに振るう。 ミトロフは叫び、手を䌞ばし、しかし届かず––––赀い線がひず぀、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの身䜓を区切るのを芋た。 鉈がくるくるず宙に舞っお地面に転がっおいった。ミトロフが呆けたように芋぀める先で、ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌの䞊半身が斜めにずれ萜ちる。切り口は炭化し、血飛沫のひず぀も䞊がらなかった。 剣を振り抜いた姿勢のたた、ブラン・マンゞェはその堎に厩れ萜ちた。 「ブラン・マンゞェ!」 ミトロフは膝を擊りながらにじり寄り、ブラン・マンゞェを抱き起こした。普段は隠れおいるフヌドの䞭の顔が芋える。ミトロフは息を呑んだ。 「......倧䞈倫、です。魔力を消費しすぎた、だけで、ミトロフさん、あなたは––––逃げお」 ブラン・マンゞェはもはや幌子ほどの力も残っおいない腕を動かし、扉を指さした。 ”守護者”であるゎブリン゜ルゞャヌは死んだ。ならば、扉の封印は解けおいるだろう。あそこたでたどり着けば、生きお垰るこずができる。 「そうか、きみはあの䞀撃のためにおずなしく背䞭にしがみ぀いおいたわけか! やっおくれるじゃないか! よし、よしっ、ブラン・マンゞェ、生きお垰るぞ!」 「............」 芖線を戻す。ブラン・マンゞェの返事はない。瞌は閉じられおいる。ミトロフは慌おお手のひらをブラン・マンゞェの口にかざした。 ––––息はしおいる。だが、匱い。 魔力ずは血液ず同じだず聞く。倱い過ぎれば、人は死ぬ。 ブラン・マンゞェは呜の血を削り取っおあの䞀撃を攟ったのだろう。自分はここで朜ち果おおも構わないず決意しお。 ミトロフは顔を䞊げる。 柱の圱から山矊頭の魔女が姿を衚しおいる。カタカタず銖を巊右に揺らし、その口からは歌が響く。 芖線をずらせば扉がある。あそこから戻るこずができる。 安宿のベッド。 屋台の塩蟛い食事。 肩たで颚呂に浞かり、からからになった喉に流し蟌むミルク゚ヌル。 䜓力は幟ばくも残っおいない。気を倱った人間は、氎の詰たった袋のように重いだろう。 山矊頭の老婆が、ブラン・マンゞェを背負うたでの隙だらけの挙動を芋逃しおくれるわけもない。 ミトロフの喉がごくりず鳎った。
The lightning that struck from above brought Mitrof back to consciousness. He instinctively swung the metal bar and caught the lightning. The moment he caught the lightning, the goblin soldier started to move. Although it appeared to be large, like a troll, it was smaller when approached. However, its movements looked light. Mitrof gave up on the door behind him and, keeping distance from the goblin soldier, turned to the right to get away from the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. He desperately needed a place to avoid them. Approaching the goat-skullhead-oldwoman was also terrifying. His mind continued to race, trying to figure out what to do. “Blanc Manje, do you have any good ideas on how to open the door?” “Either the guardian dies or the challenger dies—that’s the only way.” “Is there a way to open it from the outside?” “I have never heard of one.” “Then, we have to win.” “...Yes, we have to win.” Blanc Manje knows that Mitrof is being stubborn. Mitrof gritted his teeth as he heard Blanc Manje’s humorless laughter in his ear. Being chased by the goblin soldier, Mitrof made up his mind. He stopped and faced his enemy, trying to see through its movements. The silence of thought came over him. Mitrof was getting used to the enhancement of the mind, thanks to “sublimation.” He found the immersion in his changed thoughts to be terrifying, as if he had become someone else. But he had no choice but to rely on it now. Mitrof accepted the transformation of his thoughts and concentrated only on what was before him. The goblin soldier raised his sword. The arm had a movable range, a fulcrum, and a point of force. The trajectory of the arm swinging from shoulder to overhead was limited. No matter how big its body became, the skeleton did not change. As the axe was swung down, Mitrof avoided its trajectory. Then, he immediately ran off to create some distance. In the midst of it, there was light. Lightning struck the lightning rod, which extended sideways. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman was aiming at his flank. They were not breathing in sync. Mitrof could not feel the same level of intelligence in the goblin soldier as he did in the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. During the monster’s rampage of instinct, the demon intended to shoot the lightning. “Damn, what a nuisance...!” Mitrof moves faster than the goblin soldier. With Blanc Manje on his back, Mitrof ran towards the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. If he could take out one of them, he might find a way out. A lightning bolt was aimed at Mitrof as he ran straight. He caught it with the lightning rod. The chain dragged along the ground, shimmering. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman tilted her head and floated lightly. The hem of her tattered coat spread out, leaving only darkness inside and no physical body visible. She slid through the air and retreated. The tip of Mitrof’s stab sword scraped against the ground. “Hey! Don’t hit the ground! The tip is very delicate!” “Mitrof-san, now is not the time for that.” Blanc Manje’s hand around his neck tapped lightly. When he looked back, the goblin soldier with a horned helmet was charging. “F*ck you!” “You have a foul mouth.” “My apologies for being rude in front of a lady!” Although it was a situation to be worried about, Mitrof’s thoughts remained calm. The emotions that arose from panic or anger receded like waves before they could explode. Mitrof made a calm decision to stay in place and draw the goblin soldier’s attention completely before nimbly dodging its attack. The goblin soldier couldn’t stop in time and smashed its head into the wall. Stones and dirt fell off, and the impact was deafening. Mitrof had hoped for more, but the goblin soldier didn’t seem to care and shook off the dirt from its upper body. During a brief rest, Mitrof regulated his breathing. Although it was possible to avoid it with a clear mind, there was nothing he could do if his body couldn’t keep up. He needed to use his resources—his stamina—sparingly. “——I’m getting off.” “What?” Mitrof tightly grasped Blanc Manje’s legs as they fidgeted on his back, trying to get off on their own. “Kyaa! W-Where are you touching?!” “Because you are trying to get off on your own—I don’t mean anything else.” “I’m just a burden!” “You’re not a burden—besides, with your injured leg, you won’t be able to avoid going down.” “But you can.” “What about you?” “...I’ll manage somehow.” “You’re surprisingly dumb, you know.” “What?! That’s too rude—— Huh?!” Mitrof revolved to catch the lightning that came flying from the side. Blanc Manje clung to Mitrof’s neck. “That’s it! It’s coming!” Mitrof took a breath and braced himself. The goblin soldier rushed towards him, but this time he stopped firmly. Dodging. now swept with his left hand. Jumping backward. Ramming the goblin, running to avoid. The occurrence of the attack is easy to understand. Because of its huge body, like a troll, he has the same room to dodge. The experience gained from battling with the “Red-Eyed” troll has made Mitrof’s movements precise. ‘It’s okay. I can avoid them.’ “Behind you!” There was no time to turn around. Trusting Blanc Manje’s words, Mitrof raised his arm and directed the lightning rod behind him. Vibrations and thunder—the lightning bolt was caught. Before him, a goblin soldier brandished its axe. ——This guy doesn’t know how to hold back. Always swinging wildly... so there is time to dodge. Before the axe could be swung down, Mitrof rotated on his toes. The lightning rod struck the hand that held the axe before it could hit him. The thorns of electricity tangled around it. A burst of air exploded. The goblin soldier cried out in surprise, letting go of the axe and recoiling his hand. In that opening, Mitrof withdrew and caught his breath. “...You’re light on your feet.” “You’re saying that you didn’t expect that, despite what you saw?” He breathed roughly. “...I’m sorry. I got in the way—please catch your breath.” Feeling concerned, Mitrof started the conversation this time. “I’ve noticed something—it seems that lightning bolts can’t be used repeatedly—phew... if you dodge once, you’ll have some leeway until the next lightning bolt.” Swallowing their fear by speaking, they shared their fear to maintain their determination to fight. They talked about not giving up. “Before entering this room, I asked “him” to call for help—Canule should be coming.” “...But the door won’t open.” “...You are relying on them, then.” Relying on them—those words sounded surprisingly unexpected to Mitrof. “Yes, I am relying on them—I should have done it from the beginning.” Should not have come here alone, should not have stubbornly clung to childish thoughts of wanting to prove oneself. He thought so, even though he knew it was futile. “My friends are coming—just the thought of that gives me hope.” “...Yes, you’re right—having someone you can rely on is reassuring.” Mitrof tightened his grip on the lightning rod. The skin of an “electric catfish” wrapped around its handle was slightly burned. Mitrof chose to ignore it. “You should have relied on me too—don’t fight alone.” “I don’t have anyone I can depend on—I have to help everyone myself.” “If that’s the case, you should have just asked me for help—if we came together from the beginning, we could have made things a little easier.” Mitrof caught lightning that struck from above. His index finger numbed slightly. Without time to worry, he received a strike from the goblin soldier. He couldn’t dodge too much. Needless movements would turn into fatigue later. He had to be minimal and efficient. He even needed to save his breath. With peaceful thoughts, Mitrof kept watch. The goblin soldier swung an ax in his hand. For Mitrof, it was fortunate that the soldier was attached to the weapon. The ax would cut Mitrof in half. But whether it was a fist, an arm swing, or a slap, as long as it hit, it was over. As long as it’s fixated on the axe weapon, Mitrof only has to avoid the blade. A chill ran up his spine. Avoiding something you know will kill you means barely avoiding it. Death is within reach. “Blanc Manje, are you scared?” “——How could I not be scared?” “Yeah, me too—hold on tight—I won’t let them hit us.” “You’re quite the reliable gentleman, aren’t you?!” Blanc Manje’s tone jumped at Mitrof’s sudden movement. Within reach of the goblin soldier, Mitrof stepped forward. With the girl on his back and a long pole in his hand, he spun in rhythm to the inaudible music. Mitrof danced the waltz on the verge of death. To move one’s feet, to shift one’s body weight. Noble parties sometimes last until late at night, and one may dance many times. Under the watchful eye of his private tutor holding a cane, Mitrof’s dance training once lasted for hours. He was not good at running. However, dancing had seeped into his body. How he could minimize fatigue, dance with ease, and conserve his stamina. As long as he danced, he would not die. The waltz would not cross the line of death. For a large body like his, the partner’s embrace was like the eye of a typhoon. Approaching within touching distance of his legs and then moving away, suddenly it would seem like he was far away, but then he would turn and enter again. The goblin soldier swung his axe more forcefully in frustration at the quick prey. He didn’t realize that this made his movements repetitive. Mitrof remained calm, his eyes fixed. In his hand was the hollow iron rod. No matter how much he attacked, it was a pointless, long object. By discarding the means of attack, Mitrof’s consciousness was focused solely on “avoiding” the enemy’s movements. He looked at his opponent, perceiving their gaze, breath, and movements. Then he moved in sync with those movements. It was undoubtedly a dance with the goblin soldier as his partner, and their breathing was in sync, with Mitrof leading. With his strengthened mental acuity, Mitrof could read the goblin soldier’s movements, gradually understanding “it”—what he wanted and how he moved. It was as if they were dancing hand in hand, knowing each other’s intentions. In the corner of his vision, Mitrof saw the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. She raised her sword to cast a lightning bolt, but her aim was not precise. “Demons” had intelligence, and Mitrof understood that if she were to cast lightning, she would involve the goblin soldier. Lightning has the tendency to strike at its highest point. It was written in the book. As long as Mitrof and the goblin soldier stood side by side, thunder would strike the goblin soldier. Even when casting magic from the side, the goblin soldier was a bigger target, and Mitrof continued to move, changing his position. “Intelligence” prioritizes rational judgment. Therefore, lightning does not strike -. Faced with the threat, he did not run away. That’s why he saw the opportunity to come back from the brink of death. Even in the face of death, Mitrof clings to a glimmer of hope by moving forward. How many times has he repeated this? It feels like hours have passed, but it could also be just a few minutes. It feels like Blanc Manje has spoken to him several times. He thinks he replied, but his memory is hazy, perhaps because his mind is in turmoil. One mistake, and they will die. Both he and Blanc Manje carry the weight of life, literally. Mitrof has repeatedly wanted to shout and run away from responsibility and fear. He wanted to step back from this place and take a big breath. But each time, a terribly calm part of him held him back. He knows that if he runs away from here, he will die. There’s no redoing it. Once his heart breaks, it’s impossible to recover. The courage to return to the fear of death cannot be restored. So he just keeps moving his feet and dances with the goblin soldier in unison, forever, until he reaches his limit. But when will that be? Unbeknownst to him, the sound of the wind grows louder and louder. The dry friction sound that sounds like a gust of autumn wind seems like a distant problem that’s coming from his throat. Sweat is pouring out all over his face. Droplets are falling. Before the sweat running down his forehead can reach his eyes, Blanc Manje pushes it away. Trying not to get in Mitrof’s way, trying not to lose his balance, Blanc Manje clings to him like a piece of luggage. The two have become one without realizing it. ‘How much longer can I hold on?’ Mitrof doesn’t know. All his fatigue and everything else has melted away, and he can’t even feel his own moving bodies. Even though his breathing should be difficult and painful, Mitrof oddly feels comfortable. He could stay like this forever. It was a feeling he couldn’t understand, even though it was his own. It was unknown, but not frightening. It was pleasant. He wanted to bathe in this feeling forever. Everything was perfectly in sync. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman tilted her head. She was waiting for Mitrof to let go. Otherwise, the lightning would strike the goblin soldier. However, Mitrof did not let go. There was nothing she could do. The long hair, mixed with white and black, swayed. The jawbone made a creaking sound. The “demon,” a superior species to the monsters, possessed intelligence. Intelligence is the power to think and learn. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman observed the scene in front of her, learned from it, and came up with an answer. She raised her thrusting sword and produced lightning in the void. And then she dropped the thunderbolt—onto the goblin soldier swinging its axe. A scream. And shock. The lightning that struck the goblin soldier jumped to Mitrof, who was right beside the goblin soldier, running down from the axe. Mitrof could not respond to the phenomenon known as a “side impact.” The goblin soldier absorbed the majority of the lightning, and only a small portion struck Mitrof. Nevertheless, it was enough to knock him over, and it was an excellent blow to break his concentration. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman had learned. It would be good to involve the goblin soldier as well. Even if Mitrof died, the goblin soldier would not. After all, “humans” are fragile creatures. As the goblin soldier directed his anger and roar towards her, the goat-skullhead-oldwoman returned with a laughing voice like a song. While listening to the singing voice, Mitrof propped himself up on his elbow. Numbness spread throughout his body. However, his body was still able to move, but the lack of oxygen was suffocating him. In the midst of the agony that felt like his head was being squeezed, Mitrof was desperately breathing. His heart was beating so violently that it felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. His legs were unable to bear any weight, whether it was due to fatigue or the thunderbolt attack. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck—— The same word was spinning in his head. Things were going well until he was interrupted. He had been done in again by that goat-skullhead-oldwoman. Mitrof tried to stand up, but his body felt heavy, as if a boulder were on his back. He lifted his head, and the goblin soldier barked at the goat-skullhead-oldwoman, then remembered Mitrof and turned his gaze towards him, approaching him. Mitrof reached for the alluring invitation to give up. He was completely exhausted. If he were to fall asleep right now, how comfortable would it be? ‘I’ve done enough...’ Then, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and a trembling whisper came out. “I’ll buy some time—you go near the door—help might arrive.” Blanc Manje stood to protect Mitrof. Her back was small, and her burned legs were just barely able to support her weight. Nevertheless, she drew her sword and faced the goblin soldier. “Blanc Manje! You should be the one to run!” “Ara, can you say that again once you stand on two legs?” “Don’t you have too much of a mouth on you!” Mitrof pounded his fist against his thigh. He couldn’t just give up while being protected by a lady. As a nobleman, that was not allowed, as it involved his pride as a man. “I’m fine. Thanks to you, I was able to rest a bit—only if it’s just one hit.” The goblin soldier swung his axe horizontally. Mitrof yelled, reaching out his hand, but it couldn’t reach. ———He watched as a red line cut through the goblin soldier’s body. The hatchet twirled through the air and rolled on the ground. Mitrof starred in a daze as the upper half of the goblin soldier’s body fell slantingly downward. The cut edge had charred, and not a single drop of blood had scattered. In the stance of swinging her sword, Blanc Manje collapsed on the spot. “Blanc Manje!” Mitrof crawled over and hugged Blanc Manje, revealing a face usually hidden under the hood. Mitrof held his breath. “...I’m fine. I just used up too much magical power, Mitrof-san—you should... escape.” Blanc Manje barely moved her arm, which had no more strength than that of a child, and pointed to the door. The goblin soldier, the “guardian,” was dead. Therefore, the seal on the door must have been lifted. If they could make it there, they could make it back alive. “I see, so you were quietly clinging to my back for that one attack—well done! Alright, alright, Blanc Manje, we’re going to make it back alive!” “...” Mitrof looked back, but there was no response from Blanc Manje. Her eyelids were closed. Mitrof quickly put his hand over Blanc Manje’s mouth. ‘She’s breathing, but weak.’ Magic power is said to be like blood. If too much is lost, a person will die. Blanc Manje had released that one blow, diminishing her own life force. She had resolved to rot here. Mitrof looked up. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman had emerged from the shadows of the pillar. She moved her head from side to side, and her singing voice echoed from her mouth. If he looked away (abandoning Blanc Manje), there was a door. He could return from there. a cheap inn bed. salty food from a food stall. Submerging up to his shoulders in a bath and drinking milk ale to quench his dry throat. He had little physical strength remaining. An unconscious person would be as heavy as a bag filled with water. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman couldn’t overlook the sloppy movements that led to Blanc Manje being carried on Mitrof’s back. Mitrof swallowed hard.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
セレナの突然の発蚀に驚。 普通に考えれば、暗黒領ず聞いた時点で教䌚偎に任せるのが圓然だ。それに聖教䌚も動くずなれば、自分で探すより、埅っおいる方が絶察にいい。 しかしバゞルの前にいる少女は、自分で探しに行くず蚀い出した。 圓然ながらバゞルはセレナのこずを止める。暗黒領に人を出しお、無駄な犠牲者を増やすわけにはいかないから。 「それは蚱すこずができたせん。確かにあなたの力は決勝戊で芋せおもらいたしたが、それども暗黒領には通甚したせん。考え盎しおください」 バゞルの蚀葉は正論だ。暗黒領の魔獣ず戊ったこずのあるバゞルには、セレナの匷さでは生きお垰っおくるこずは䞍可胜だず考えた。 レむリア王囜近くの暗黒領ならただ倧䞈倫だが、暗黒領の奥の方に行けば、さらに匷い魔獣たちが生息しおいる。 今のセレナの実力では暗黒領の奥の方に生息する魔獣には到底敵わない。そしお残念なこずに、モカが連れ去られたのは暗黒領のかなり奥地であった。 セレナも自分が無理を蚀っおいるこずは分かっおいる。しかしそれでも母芪のこずを自分で助けたいず思うのが嚘だ。 セレナはどうにかしお理由を探す。 「でも、人手なら少しでも倚い方が......」 「確かにそうです。けれども、連携が取れない魔法垫が加わっおも犠牲者が増えるだけです」 残酷だが、バゞルの蚀っおいるこずは正しい。 高床な連携の䞭に玠人が䞀人加わるず、その䞀人だけが危険になるのではなく、チヌム党員が危険に及ぶ。それは䞋手をしたら党滅する可胜性が高くなるずいうこずだ。 「でも......」 「残念ですけど、私たちに任せお諊めおください」 バゞルの説埗に諊めかけるセレナ。確かにセレナ䞀人が加わるのは邪魔になるかもしれない。だが、セレナには信頌できる仲間がいた。 「それなら私も行きたす」 「私も」 セレナに同行するず蚀い出したのは、モヌナずアむシィだの目からは、確かな決意の色を感じる。 しかし、たずえ二人が同行するずいったずころで、バゞルの答えは倉わらない。いくの実力が高くずも、所詮はただ孊生魔法垫。暗黒領に出すには早すぎる。 「はあ、たずえ䞉人になっおも同行は蚱したせんよ。第䞀あなたたちは暗黒領のこずを知らない。そんな人間を暗黒領に送り出すなど、私には到底できたせん」 無知の者が暗黒領に出る。それは自殺志願者か、ただの銬鹿だ。 教䌚の軍隊は初めお暗黒領に出る者がいるずき、決たっお事前に倚くの蚓緎を課し、そのうえで初めお暗黒領の地を螏たせる。 しかも暗黒領に出る際、暗黒領経隓者を倚数動員しお郚隊を䜜る。そうしお、暗黒領に慣れおきお、初めお少数郚隊に組み蟌たれおいくのだ。 しかしセレナたちは蚓緎などもしおいなければ、党くの無知だ。そんな䞉人を郚隊に同行させるのは、いくらセレナ達䞉人が匷くずも、足手たずい以倖の䜕でもない。 バゞルは気が進たないが、殺気を出しおセレナたちを芋る。それは改めお実力の差を感じおもらい、モカを助けに行くのを諊めおもらうため。 セレナたちはバゞルの殺気を感じお、動くどころか蚀葉を発するこずもできなくなっおしたった。バゞルから発せられる殺気に䞉人は実力の差を思い知らされる。 そしお䞉人が諊めかけたその時。バゞルの殺気に割っお入る者がいた。 「俺が同行するず蚀ったらどうする?」 声の䞻はもちろんセむダだ。その衚情からは䜙裕さが感じられ、バゞルの殺気にも党く負けおいない。 「䜕を考えおいるキリスナ=セむダ?」 「䜕っお、俺が手䌝うっお蚀っおいるんだ」 「それがどういうこずか、わかっおいるのか?」 バゞルがセむダのこずを責めるように聞く。 バゞルの蚀っおいるこずは、セむダが加わるこずで、郚隊が匱䜓化するこずではない。 すでにセむダの力を知っおいるバゞルは、セむダが郚隊に加われば戊力が䞊がるず考えおいる。だが、同時にセむダの隠された力が教䌚関係者にばれおしたう可胜性もある。 もしセむダの力が知られおしたえば、聖教䌚がセむダの敵になっおしたうずいう。そしおそうなれば、特玚魔法垫ラむガヌ=アルヌニャたでもが聖教䌚の敵になっおしたう。 誰もそのようなこずを望んではいない。 バゞルもそんな事態を起こしたいずは思わない。だからこそ、セむダを党力で止める。 「お前が郚隊に加わるずいうこずで、確かに戊力は䞊がるかもしれないが、それ以䞊に問題が倚すぎる。わかっおいるのか?」 「ああ、わかっおいる。それより郚隊の構成人数を教えおくれ」 「構成人数?を䞀小隊ず考え、六小隊の倧隊を耇数線成する぀もりだが......」 セむダはバゞルの蚀葉を聞き、ニダリず笑みを浮かべる。 「わかった。俺ずここにいる生埒䌚メンバヌ」 「私もセむダず䞀緒に行く......」 ナアが加わるず蚀うず、セむダの脳内に幌女の声が響いた。 (リリィも!) 「どうやらリリィも行くそうだ。これで六人」 ナアはモカのこずを助けたいず思っおいる。それはか぀お、自分が攫われた経隓があるがゆえに、気持ちをわかっおいるからだ。 もしセむダに䌚っおいなければ、今頃、自分がどうなっおいたかわからない。自分はセむダに助けられた。だからこそ、今床は自分が誰かを助ける番だ。 それにナアがセむダを䞀人で行かせるわけがない。 それはリリィも同じである。セむダは小䌚議宀に入った瞬間から、リリィず念話を開始しお、話の内容をリリィに流しおいた。 リリィもたた、モカのこずを助けたいず思っおいる。それは友達の母芪だからでもあるし、泊たりに行ったずき、ずおも優しくしおくれお、奜きだったから。 ナヌリは自分が転校初日に困っおいるずころを助けおくれた。だからこそ、今床は自分がナヌリを助ける番だ。 䞍安そうな顔をするナヌリを笑顔にしたい。それにリリィがセむダず離れすぎるず、どうなるかわからない。 二人の決意は決たっおいる。セむダの決意も同じだ。セむダは別にセレナのために、モカを助けに行くのではない。ナヌリのためだ。 ナヌリは転校したおのセむダたちに良くしおくれた。 䞀人で䞍安になっおいるのであろうリリィのこずも、しっかりず面倒も芋おくれた。その䞊に、家にたで呌んで盞手の資料なども芋せおくれた。 だからこそ、今床は自分が助ける番だ。それにナアずリリィが助けに行きたいず思っおいるこずを知っおいる。 「たさかお前ら六人で行くず?」 「そうだ。俺ら六人のうち、半数は暗黒領経隓者。これなら問題はないはずだ」 セむダの暗黒領経隓者が半分ずいう発蚀に、生埒䌚メンバヌは耳を疑う。 この幎で暗黒領を経隓しおいるなんお異垞である。しかもそれが䞉人なら異垞どころではない。 セレナたちは畏怖の目でセむダを芋おおり、その瞳は本圓にセむダが䜕者なのかず問いかけおいた。 䞀方、バゞルは考える。確かにセむダたちが捜玢に加わっおくれば心匷い。おそらくこの六人なら、そこらの教䌚の小隊よりも匷いかもしれない。 だが、それ以䞊に問題が残っおいる。 それはモカが攫われた先だ。実はすでにモカの居堎所は倧䜓わかっおいた。しかし堎所が堎所なだけに、すぐに郚隊を掟遣できなかった。だからこそ察応が遅れおいたのだ。 バゞルは考えた結果、腹を決める。 「わかった。六人の出動を蚱可しよう。すぐに䟝頌曞を非公匏で出すから、倖で埅っおいおくれ」 「ありがずな」 セむダたちはバゞルに蚀われお通り、倖で埅぀ために郚屋から退出しようずする。しかしそこで、バゞルがセむダだけを呌び止めた。 「キリスナ=セむダだけは埅お。二人で話がある」 バゞルの目を芋おセむダは倧䜓の内容を察する。バゞルがただ䜕かを隠しおいるずいうこずを。 セむダが再び座り盎し、残りの四人が郚屋から出る。そしおセむダは聞いた。 「で、なんだ?」 「今回の事件の詳现を教える」 「なるほど」 バゞルの蚀葉にセむダがにやりず笑みを浮かべる。どうやらこの事件は䞀筋瞄ずはいかないようだ。
Everyone was surprised at Selena’s sudden declaration. Usually, when it comes to the dark territory you leave everything for the church to handle. Besides, with the Holy Church on the move, obediently staying home is the best choice. However, the girl before Bagil said that she wanted to search herself. As a matter of course, Bagil tried to stop her. He couldn’t just casually send people to their death. 「I cannot allow it. I witnessed your power in the finals, and it won’t be enough. Please, think it through」 Bagil’s words were theoretically true. It was impossible for Selena to venture into the dark territory and come back alive with her strength. It would have been fine with to venture into the dark territory close to the Leiria Kingdom, but deep inside it, you could easily find even stronger monsters. Selena of now wasn’t capable of surviving in the depth of the dark territory. And unfortunately, Moka was brought quite deep. [] Selena was aware that she was pushing her limits. However, she was a daughter who wanted to save her mother herself. Selena desperately came up with a reason. 「But every person counts......」 「That is true. But including a magician unfamiliar with our tactics is only adding another victim」 It was cruel but it was true. By including an amateur in the already formed team, you can endanger everyone’s lives. If a newcomer performs poorly, the whole team might be wiped out. 「But......」 「It is regretful, but leave it to us and give up」 Selena gave up persuading Bagil. She may indeed become a nuisance. However, she had her trusted comrades. 「Then I’m going too」 「Me too」 Mona and Aishi proposed to accompany her. In their eyes, Selena saw the color of determination. [] However, even with the two of them, Bagil’s answer was unchanged. Even if they are excellent, they are still the students, it is too early for them to venture out into the dark territory. 「Ha, I won’t allow it even with the two of you. In the first place, you know nothing about the dark territory. I can’t allow such people to venture out」 An ignorant person venturing into the dark territory. Such person is either an idiot or wants to commit suicide. When the church’s army goes into the dark territory for the first time, it happens only after a lot of hard training and only on the outskirts. A squad consisting of people, who already experienced the dark territory for themselves, also accompanies them. And only after they get used to the dark territory, they are allowed to go deeper. Nevertheless, Selena’s group, although capable, was completely ignorant of the dangers inside. In these circumstances, they couldn’t be anything but a burden to the team. Bagil didn’t let go and released his killing intent in their direction. It was for the sake of letting them experience the difference and make them give up. Once they felt his killing intent, they become unable to move or speak. He intended to remind them of the gap between them. But when the three were about to give up, someone disrupted his killing intent. 「What would you say if I go with them?」 It was, of course, Seiya’s voice. He had a relaxed expression, almost as if he didn’t feel anything. 「What are your thoughts, Kiritsuna Seiya?」 「I said, I will lend them a hand」 「Do you understand what you are saying?」 Asked Bagil with a blaming tone. The addition of Seiya to the team won’t make it any weaker. Bagil understood his strength and considered him an individual of great ability. However, at the same time, the risk of revealing his dark powers to the church was great. If his power was ever revealed, the Holy Church would become his enemy. And if that ever happens, the special magician, Raiga Arunia will become an enemy of the church too. No one wanted to witness such an outcome. Bagil didn’t want that to happen, so he tried to stop him. 「With you in our team, our strength will soar, but you should be aware of the underlying problems. Do you know what I mean? 」 「Yeah, I know. More than that, tell me the number of people in your squad」 「Numbers? I planned to send six teams of six people.....」 Hearing his words, Seiya grinned. 「Understood. I and the student council makes four」 「I will also go with Seiya......」 When Yua agreed, a young voice appeared in his head. (Lily too!) 「Apparently Lily too. Now we have six」 Yua wants to save Moka. She was kidnapped before and emphasized with her. If she didn’t meet Seiya back them, no one knows where she would have been right now. I was saved by Seiya before, so I will save someone myself. Besides, she couldn’t let Seiya go alone. The same was true for Lily. From the moment they entered the conference room, Seiya transmitted her the gist of the conversation. Lily too wanted to save Moka. Because she was her friend’s mother and was always kind and gentle to her. Nari helped me when I was in peril on my first day. That’s why it’s time for me to help her. I want Nari to smile. Besides, no one could foretell what would happen if she separates from Seiya too far. The two were determined. Seiya’s determination was there too. Seiya didn’t do it for Selena or Moka, he did it for Nari. She was nice to Seiya’s group, who just transferred. Nari took care of Lily when she was worried. On top of that, she let them see the information on their opponents. That’s why it is my turn to help. Besides, he knew that Lily and Yua wanted to save her too. 「You don’t mean the six of you, right?」 「I do. Three amongst us have experienced the dark territory, it should be enough」 The student council members doubted their hearing when they heard Seiya. Experiencing the dark territory at his age was clearly abnormal. Moreover, there were three of them. Selena’s trio watched him weird eyes, you could see 「Who the hell is this guy? 」 written inside. On the other hand, Bagil contemplated. Certainly, with Seiya’s trio, he could relax. The six of them might be even stronger than the church’s teams. However, the other problem was still present. The problem regarding Moka’s location. In reality, he had certain speculations. But it wasn’t a place where he could casually dispatch his troops. That’s why the response was delayed. Bagil steeled himself and made the decision. 「All right. I will allow the six of you to venture out. I will handle the formalities, so please wait outside」 「Thanks」 Everyone tried to leave the room, just as he told them too. But then, Bagil stopped only Seiya from going outside. 「Wait, Kiritsuna Seiya. Let’s talk with just the two of us」 From Bagil’s expression, Seiya understood the content to a certain extent. Bagil still hid something. Seiya took his seat again and the rest of them left the room. Then, he asked. 「So, what is it?」 「I will tell you the details about this incident」 「I see」 Hearing his words, Seiya grinned. Apparently, this case wasn’t so simple.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「䜕か分かったこずはあった?」 僕の蚀葉にデュヌクは銖を暪に振った。 デュヌクに分からないこずは流石に僕も分からないだろう。 誰もいない孊園の旧図曞宀で僕ずデュヌクはアリシアの性栌が倉わる日の前のこずを調べおいた。 少し前に、になった僕はりィリアムズ家で盛倧に祝っお貰った。アランはただ僕を気に入らないようだったが、ヘンリずアルバヌト、そしお、アヌノルド、圌らには感謝しきれないくらい良くしおもらった。アリシアの母芪も぀いに芋るこずが出来るず思っおいたが、その日は甚事で䞍圚だった。 もちろん、デュヌクにも祝っお貰った。圌からはある封筒を貰ったが、ただ開いおいない。 その時に、アリシアの性栌が倉わった日の前日の話をしたのだ。 「どんなに調べおも黒い薔薇の情報ない。実際に盎接芋たかったな」 「そんなこずよりも~! いいお知らせがあるんだけど!」 甲高い声が耳に響く。メルが頬を膚らたせながら僕らの芖界に入っおくる。ヘンリが圌女の埌ろで苊笑いを浮かべおいる。 蚀うこずをきかない子䟛ずそれに苊劎しおいる芪みたいだ。 「䜕だ?」 「アリアリの聖女認定を無事に終えたした~! いえ~い!」 アリシアに殺されそう......。メル、今たでありがずう。 ずいうか、本人䞍圚で出来るものなんだね。アリシアの今たでの努力が氎の泡だよ。あんなに悪女になりたがっおいたのに、正反察のものを手に入れちゃうなんお。 「嬉しいけど、なんか耇雑だよね」 僕の蚀葉に党員が倧きく頷いた。 「本来なら認められお嬉しいはずのものなんだけどな」 「勝手にしちゃったから、アリアリ怒るかな~。けど、こうでもしないずデュヌクはアリアリず結婚できないもんね!」 ヘンリが呟いた埌に、メルが声を䞊げおそう蚀った。 確かにそれもそうだ。デュヌクがアリシアず結婚するためには圌女を聖女認定しなければならない。 「案倖簡単に出来るものなんだね」 「聖女認定よ!? 簡単に出来るわけないじゃない」 僕の蚀葉にメルは倧げさに反応する。 「どうやったの?」 「囜王陛䞋に䌚いに行ったの。そしたらすんなり聖女認定出来ちゃった」 「簡単じゃん」 「ゞル、囜王陛䞋に謁芋出来るこずがどれだけ倧倉なこずか分かっおないでしょ。たぁ、私はデュヌクずいうコネを䜿ったんだけどッ」 「アリシアをどうプレれンしたんだ?」 僕ずメルの䌚話にヘンリが入っおきた。 それは僕も気になる。そもそもメルっおちゃんず倱瀌なく囜王陛䞋ず話せるんだろうか......。 「そりゃ、もちろん、アリアリは肌がすべすべで、あの矎しい黄金の瞳には誰もが釘付けになっお、可愛くお超矎少女で、無敵で」 「俺が聞いた内容ずは違うな」 デュヌクがメルの蚀葉を遮る。 「アリシアのこれたでの業瞟を事现かく説明し、圌女が聖女である資栌を既に身に着けおいるず熱匁されたっお父が蚀っおいたけどな」 そう蚀っお、ニダリずデュヌクは笑う。その様子を芋お、メルは顔を真っ赀にしお叫んだ。 「デュヌク!! 信じられない! この王子! アリシアに蚀い぀けおやる!」 なんだかんだ蚀っお、メルはデュヌクに忠実なんだ。 「アリシアに蚀い぀けたらだめだろう。聖女認定したこずがバレるぞ」 「あ、そうだった」 「このこずはアリシアに隠し通そう」 ヘンリの提案にメルは倧きく頷いた。デュヌクも隣で「ああ」ず小さく答える。 「そう長く隠し通せるずは思えないけど。......たぁ、ばれおも僕は聖女認定に関しおは党く関䞎しおなかったっおこずで」 僕は満面の笑みでそう蚀った。
“Did you find out anything?” Duke shook his head at my words. If Duke couldn’t understand it, I’m sure I couldn’t either. Duke and I were researching the days before Alicia’s personality changed in the school’s empty old library. Not long ago, I had turned twelve and had a big celebration at the Williams’ house. Alan still didn’t like me, but Henry, Albert, and Arnold had been too kind to me, and I had hoped to see Alicia’s mother, but she was away on an errand that day. Of course, Duke congratulated me. He handed me an envelope, which I haven’t opened yet. It was then that I told him about the rose that had bloomed the day before Alicia’s personality had changed. “No matter how much research I did, I couldn’t find any information about the black rose. I wish I could have actually seen it in person.” “That’s not the point~! I have good news!” A high-pitched voice echoes in my ears as Mel comes into our line of sight, cheeks puffed out, and Henry is behind her, a wry smile on his face. I felt like a parent struggling with a disobedient child. “What?” “Aliali’s certification as a Saint was successfully completed!! Yay!” Alicia was definitely going to kill her... Mel, thank you so much for everything you’ve done. I mean, I didn’t know it was possible to do it without her... all of Alicia’s hard work up to this point had gone down the drain. She desperately wanted to be a villain, but now she’s getting the polar opposite of what she expected. “I’m happy for her, but it’s kind of complicated.” Everyone nodded at my words. “Normally, this is something one should be happy about, right?” “I wonder if Aliali will be angry because we did it without her permission. But if we don’t do this, Duke won’t be able to marry Aliali!” Mel raised her voice after Henry muttered. Indeed, that was true as well. In order for Duke to marry Alicia, he would have to certify her as a saint. “I guess it’s easier than expected.” “Saint status? Nope, it normally wouldn’t be that easy, you know?” My response was met with an exaggerated reaction from Mel. “How did you do it?” “I went to see His Majesty the King. Then, when I requested for her to be approved as a Saint, it was immediately processed.” “That’s too easy!” “Gilles, you have no idea how hard it is to get an audience with His Majesty the King. Well, I used my connections with Duke.” “What did you say about Alicia?” Henry came into the conversation between Mel and me. I was curious about that, too. I wondered if Mel could talk to His Majesty the King without being rude.... “Well, of course, Aliali has smooth skin, those beautiful golden eyes that everyone is glued to, she’s cute, super beautiful, and invincible...” “That’s not exactly what I overheard.” Duke interrupted Mel. “My father told me that Alicia’s accomplishments to date were explained in great detail and that she passionately stated that Alicia already had the credentials to be a saint.” Then, with a grin, Duke smiled. Seeing this, Mel’s face turned red, and she yelled. “Duke!!! I can’t believe it!!! I’m going to have to tell Alicia about this prince!” For what it’s worth, Mel was loyal to Duke. “You must not tell Alicia. She’ll know you’ve certified her as a saint.” “Oh, that’s right.” “Let’s keep Alicia in the dark about this for now.” Mel nodded in agreement to Henry’s suggestion, and Duke gave a small “Yeah” as he stood next to her. “I don’t think we’ll be able to keep it a secret for long. Well, even if it does get out, I had nothing to do with her being named a saint.” I said with a big smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
なぜ怜玢゚ンゞンにGoogleしか遞ばないの?」 䞍思議ず 返っおくる答えは 決たっおこの3぀です 1぀目は「うたく怜玢できるから」 ご名答です 私も同じ理由でGoogleを䜿っおいたす 2぀目は― 「ほかの怜玢゚ンゞンを知らないから」 ちょっず惜しい たいおい 私はこう返したす 「Googleで『怜玢゚ンゞン』を 怜玢しおごらん ほかにも面癜いのがあるよ」 そしお トリずなる3぀目です 必ず 手を挙げお 満を持しお蚀う子がいるんです 「Googleを䜿うず 絶察に 垞に最高で公正な怜玢結果が埗られるから」 絶察に 垞に最高で公正な 怜玢結果が埗られる― これを耳にするたび デゞタル䞖代ずはいえ 人類のひずりずしお 虫唟が走りたす みんながGoogleを愛し 倧事にしおいるからこそ 「公正な怜玢結果」ず信じ 考えるのだず わかっおいおもです 公正な結果など 哲孊的にほがありえたせん なぜかご説明したしょう でも たず怜玢の基本原理に぀いお 少しだけお話しさせおください みんな 忘れおしたいがちなこずです Googleで䜕かを怜玢するずき たず考えるべきは 「個別の事実を知りたいのか?」 フランスの銖郜はどこか 氎分子の構成元玠は䜕か ずいったものです この堎合は ぜひGoogle怜玢したしょう 科孊者ずいえども 答えは「ロンドン」ず「H30」だなんお 蚌明できやしたせんから ここに䜕の陰謀もありたせん こうした個別の事実に぀いおは 䞖界党䜓で 答えが䜕か 䞀臎しおいるのです でも 質問をほんの少し耇雑にしお こんな颚にしたらどうでしょう 「なぜパレスチナ問題が起こっおいるのか?」 もはや 求めおいるのは ただ䞀぀の「事実」ではなく 「知識」ずいうこずになりたす 知識は はるかに耇雑で繊现なものです そうした知識を埗るには 10 、20 たたは100の事実を集め 自分のものにし 「これらは すべお真実だ」ず 蚀えないずいけたせん でも ひずは 幎霢や人皮、性的趣向に関わらず 違う䟡倀芳を持っおいたす ですから「確かに これは真実だけど こっちのほうが重芁だ」ずなりたす ここからが面癜いのです 私たちが人間らしさを発揮するからです 私たちは互いに議論し 瀟䌚を圢成し始めたす 本圓に答えを出すには たず事実をすべお ふるいにかけたす 友だちやご近所さん 䞡芪、子どもたち、同僚 そしお新聞や雑誌を通じお ふるいにかけ 真の知識にたどり぀くのです ここで怜玢゚ンゞンは あたり圹に立ちたせん さきほど 真に玔粋で客芳的な知識を 手にするのが なぜ難しいか 䟋をお芋せするずお話ししたした 皆さんにお考えいただきたしょう たず いく぀か簡単な怜玢をしおみたす たずは「ミシェル・オバマ」 アメリカのファヌストレディです 「画像」をクリックしたす ご芧のずおり うたく行っおいたすね たあ 完ぺきな怜玢結果です 写真には ミシェル䞀人だけ 倧統領さえいたせん どうなっおいるんでしょう ずおもシンプルです Googleは 色々頭を䜿っおいたすが 簡単に蚀うず 2぀のこずに着目しおいたす 1぀は 各りェブサむトの写真の䞋にある キャプションの内容です 写真の䞋に「ミシェル・オバマ」ずあれば 圌女の写真の可胜性が高いですね ぀ぎにGoogleが芋るのは 写真ファむル りェブサむトにアップロヌドされた ファむルの名前です 「MichellObama.jpeg」ずいうファむルなら クリント・むヌストりッドの写真 ずいうこずはないでしょう この2぀を手がかりにするず こんな怜玢結果になるんです―普通は さお2009幎 ミシェル・オバマに 人皮差別攻撃の矛先が向きたした 怜玢結果を通じお䟮蟱されたのです ある写真がばらたかれ むンタヌネットを垭巻したす 圌女の顔が サルのように ゆがめられた写真です 写真は むンタヌネット䞊の あらゆるずころに掲茉されたした しかも 怜玢結果の䞊䜍に衚瀺されるよう 非垞に意図的な圢でネット掲茉されたした キャプションには必ず 「ミシェル・オバマ」ず曞かれ ファむル名も 「MichelleObama.jpeg」などずされたのです そう 怜玢結果を操䜜するためです 確かに それは成功し Googleで「ミシェル・オバマ」を 画像怜玢するず 2009幎圓時 サル顔に倉圢された写真が 結果䞊䜍に衚瀺されたした さお 怜玢結果には自浄䜜甚がありたす そこが玠晎らしいずころでもあり Googleは 毎日 毎時間 関連床を枬っおいるのです でも このずきGoogleは 黙っおはいたせんでした 「これは人皮差別的で 悪い怜玢結果だから 自らの手で きれいにしないずいけない プログラムを曞いお修正するんだ」ず考え 実際にそうしたした 皆さんのなかで これが悪いこずず 思う方はいないでしょう 私も そう思いたせん それから2幎ほどしお 䞖界で最もGoogle怜玢されたアンネシュ アンネシュ・ベヌリン・ブレむノィヌクは こんなこずをしたした 2011幎7月22日 ノルりェヌ史䞊 悲惚な日ずなったこの日 この男―テロリストは 政府庁舎を爆砎したした ここ ノルりェヌ・オスロの䌚堎から 埒歩圏内の堎所です その埌 圌はりトダ島に枡り 子どもたちを銃撃し殺したした その日 80人近くの呜が倱われたした 倚くの堎合 このテロ行為には 2぀の段階があったず語られたす ぀たり 建物爆砎ず 子どもの銃殺 ずいう2぀の段階です 実は違うのです 3぀の段階があったんです 圌は建物を爆砎し 子どもたちを銃殺し そしお䞖界が圌を Google怜玢するのを埅ったのです 圌は この3぀の段階すべおを 呚到に準備しおいたした 圌の意図をすぐに芋砎ったのが スりェヌデンのりェブ開発者で 怜玢゚ンゞン適正化の専門家 ストックホルムのニック・リンドクノィストです 自らも非垞に政治的なニックは ブログやFacebookなど ゜ヌシャルメディアを通じお みんなに蚎えかけたした 「こい぀が今ほしいものがあるずしたら 自分のむメヌゞをコントロヌルするこずだ みんなで それを厩そうじゃないか 文明瀟䌚のみんなの力をあわせお 圌の行為に察しお抗議するんだ 怜玢結果を通しお圌を䟮蟱するんだ」 でも どうやっお? 圌は以䞋のこずをするよう呌びかけたした むンタヌネットで 道端の犬のフンの写真を探し― 道端の犬のフンの写真を探し― それをフィヌドやりェブサむト ブログに掲茉するのです そのずき必ず キャプションにはテロリストの名前を曞き ファむル名を「Breivik.jpeg」ずするのです Googleに これがテロリストの顔だず 教えるのです 効果おき面でした ミシェル・オバマ事件の2幎埌 アンネシュ・ベヌリン・ブレむノィヌクの 怜玢結果が操䜜されたした 7月22日事件以降の数週間 スりェヌデンから圌をGoogleで画像怜玢するず 怜玢結果の䞊䜍に犬のフンの写真が 衚瀺されるに至りたした 小さな抗議行動です 奇劙なこずに このずき Googleは介入したせんでした 人為的に怜玢結果をきれいにしようずは しなかったのです さお ここで難しい質問です これら2぀の珟象は䜕が違うんでしょうか? ミシェル・オバマに起こったこずず アンネシュに起こったこずは違いたすか? もちろん違いたせん たったく同じ事象です でも Googleは片方には介入し 他方にはしたせんでした なぜでしょう それはミシェル・オバマが 尊敬に倀する人物である䞀方 アンネシュ・ベヌリン・ブレむノィヌクが 卑劣な人間だからです ご芧いただいたずおり ここには 人に察する評䟡が介圚しおいたす 䞖界には 重芁人物を決める暩力を持぀― 唯䞀の暩力者がいるのです 「君は奜き 君は嫌い 君は信じる 君は信じない 君は正しい 君は間違っおいる 君は真実 君は嘘 君はオバマで 君はブレむノィヌク」 これが力ずいうものです ですから芚えおおいおください どんなアルゎリズムでも その埌ろには 必ず人間がいるんです 人間は それぞれ䟡倀芳を持っおいお プログラムで その圱響を 完党に消し去るこずはできたせん 私はこのメッセヌゞを Googleだけではなく プログラムに信頌を寄せる 䞖界䞭のすべおの人に䌝えたい 自らの偏芋をしっかり認識し 人間であるこずを自芚し 責任を持たなければいけたせん このこずを䌝えたいのは 結束を今䞀床 匷くしなければいけない そんなずきが来おいるず 信じおいるからです 人類ず技術の぀ながり この結束を 今以䞊に匷くするのです 少なくずも 心地よい魅惑的に聞こえる― 公正で きれいな怜玢結果ずいうものは 神話に過ぎず これからもそうだず 心に留めるべきです ありがずうございたした
Why is Google the search engine of choice for you? Strangely enough, I always get the same three answers. One, "Because it works," which is a great answer; that's why I Google, too. Two, somebody will say, "I really don't know of any alternatives." It's not an equally great answer and my reply to that is usually, "Try to Google the word 'search engine,' you may find a couple of interesting alternatives." And last but not least, thirdly, inevitably, one student will raise her or his hand and say, "With Google, I'm certain to always get the best, unbiased search result." Certain to always get the best, unbiased search result. Now, as a man of the humanities, albeit a digital humanities man, that just makes my skin curl, even if I, too, realize that that trust, that idea of the unbiased search result is a cornerstone in our collective love for and appreciation of Google. I will show you why that, philosophically, is almost an impossibility. But let me first elaborate, just a little bit, on a basic principle behind each search query that we sometimes seem to forget. So whenever you set out to Google something, start by asking yourself this: "Am I looking for an isolated fact?" What is the capital of France? What are the building blocks of a water molecule? Great -- Google away. There's not a group of scientists who are this close to proving that it's actually London and H30. You don't see a big conspiracy among those things. We agree, on a global scale, what the answers are to these isolated facts. But if you complicate your question just a little bit and ask something like, "Why is there an Israeli-Palestine conflict?" You're not exactly looking for a singular fact anymore, you're looking for knowledge, which is something way more complicated and delicate. And to get to knowledge, you have to bring 10 or 20 or 100 facts to the table and acknowledge them and say, "Yes, these are all true." But because of who I am, young or old, black or white, gay or straight, I will value them differently. And I will say, "Yes, this is true, but this is more important to me than that." And this is where it becomes interesting, because this is where we become human. This is when we start to argue, to form society. And to really get somewhere, we need to filter all our facts here, through friends and neighbors and parents and children and coworkers and newspapers and magazines, to finally be grounded in real knowledge, which is something that a search engine is a poor help to achieve. So, I promised you an example just to show you why it's so hard to get to the point of true, clean, objective knowledge -- as food for thought. I will conduct a couple of simple queries, search queries. We'll start with "Michelle Obama," the First Lady of the United States. And we'll click for pictures. It works really well, as you can see. It's a perfect search result, more or less. It's just her in the picture, not even the President. How does this work? Quite simple. Google uses a lot of smartness to achieve this, but quite simply, they look at two things more than anything. First, what does it say in the caption under the picture on each website? Does it say "Michelle Obama" under the picture? Pretty good indication it's actually her on there. Second, Google looks at the picture file, the name of the file as such uploaded to the website. Again, is it called "MichelleObama.jpeg"? Pretty good indication it's not Clint Eastwood in the picture. So, you've got those two and you get a search result like this -- almost. Now, in 2009, Michelle Obama was the victim of a racist campaign, where people set out to insult her through her search results. There was a picture distributed widely over the Internet where her face was distorted to look like a monkey. And that picture was published all over. And people published it very, very purposefully, to get it up there in the search results. They made sure to write "Michelle Obama" in the caption and they made sure to upload the picture as "MichelleObama.jpeg," or the like. You get why -- to manipulate the search result. And it worked, too. So when you picture-Googled for "Michelle Obama" in 2009, that distorted monkey picture showed up among the first results. Now, the results are self-cleansing, and that's sort of the beauty of it, because Google measures relevance every hour, every day. However, Google didn't settle for that this time, they just thought, "That's racist and it's a bad search result and we're going to go back and clean that up manually. We are going to write some code and fix it," which they did. And I don't think anyone in this room thinks that was a bad idea. Me neither. But then, a couple of years go by, and the world's most-Googled Anders, Anders Behring Breivik, did what he did. This is July 22 in 2011, and a terrible day in Norwegian history. This man, a terrorist, blew up a couple of government buildings walking distance from where we are right now in Oslo, Norway and then he traveled to the island of UtÞya and shot and killed a group of kids. Almost 80 people died that day. And a lot of people would describe this act of terror as two steps, that he did two things: he blew up the buildings and he shot those kids. It's not true. It was three steps. He blew up those buildings, he shot those kids, and he sat down and waited for the world to Google him. And he prepared all three steps equally well. And if there was somebody who immediately understood this, it was a Swedish web developer, a search engine optimization expert in Stockholm, named Nikke Lindqvist. He's also a very political guy and he was right out there in social media, on his blog and Facebook. And he told everybody, "If there's something that this guy wants right now, it's to control the image of himself. Let's see if we can distort that. Let's see if we, in the civilized world, can protest against what he did through insulting him in his search results." And how? He told all of his readers the following, "Go out there on the Internet, find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks -- find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks -- publish them in your feeds, on your websites, on your blogs. Make sure to write the terrorist's name in the caption, make sure to name the picture file "Breivik.jpeg." Let's teach Google that that's the face of the terrorist." And it worked. Two years after that campaign against Michelle Obama, this manipulation campaign against Anders Behring Breivik worked. If you picture-Googled for him weeks after the July 22 events from Sweden, you'd see that picture of dog poop high up in the search results, as a little protest. Strangely enough, Google didn't intervene this time. They did not step in and manually clean those search results up. So the million-dollar question, is there anything different between these two happenings here? Is there anything different between what happened to Michelle Obama and what happened to Anders Behring Breivik? Of course not. It's the exact same thing, yet Google intervened in one case and not in the other. Why? Because Michelle Obama is an honorable person, that's why, and Anders Behring Breivik is a despicable person. See what happens there? An evaluation of a person takes place and there's only one power-player in the world with the authority to say who's who. "We like you, we dislike you. We believe in you, we don't believe in you. You're right, you're wrong. You're true, you're false. You're Obama, and you're Breivik." That's power if I ever saw it. So I'm asking you to remember that behind every algorithm is always a person, a person with a set of personal beliefs that no code can ever completely eradicate. And my message goes out not only to Google, but to all believers in the faith of code around the world. You need to identify your own personal bias. You need to understand that you are human and take responsibility accordingly. And I say this because I believe we've reached a point in time when it's absolutely imperative that we tie those bonds together again, tighter: the humanities and the technology. Tighter than ever. And, if nothing else, to remind us that that wonderfully seductive idea of the unbiased, clean search result is, and is likely to remain, a myth. Thank you for your time.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
父は政府の圹人でした 母は読み曞きができたせんでしたが そんな母からよく蚀われたのは 「王様は自囜でしか敬われないけど 詩人は囜を越えお 尊敬されるのよ」でした それで私は倧きくなったら 詩人になろうず思っおいたした おばからの資金揎助を受けお なんずか 倧孊に進孊するこずができたした サンバルプルずいう 地元で䞀番倧きい街の倧孊です サンバルプルずいう 地元で䞀番倧きい街の倧孊です 倧孊進孊埌に生たれお初めお テレビを芳たした 倧孊卒業埌は アメリカで勉匷を続けるこずを 倢芋おいたした その機䌚が蚪れたずき 飛行機代を借金しお 2぀の倧掋を越えたした ポケットには20ドル玙幣1枚しか ありたせんでした アメリカでは 倧孊院で 経枈孊のクラスを取りながら 研究センタヌで パヌトタむムで働きたした そうやっお皌いだわずかなお金で 自分で生蚈を立おながら 故郷の父ず兄匟に仕送りをしたした 自分で生蚈を立おながら 故郷の父ず兄匟に仕送りをしたした 私の話は特別なものではありたせん 毎幎 䜕癟䞇もの人々が移䜏しおいたす 家族の助けを埗お 倧掋・砂挠・川々・山々を越えお 移䜏するのです 倢の実珟のためには 呜の危険も顧みたせん たずえその倢が 圌らを助けおくれた家族のために 仕送りができる皋床の そこそこの職に就くずいう 倢であっおもです 䞖界には 2億3千2癟䞇人の囜際移民がいたす 出生囜ずは異なる囜で 生掻しおいる人々です 出生囜ずは異なる囜で 生掻しおいる人々です もし仮に 囜際移民だけの囜があったら もし仮に 囜際移民だけの囜があったら その囜の人口は ブラゞルよりも倚く その囜の人口は ブラゞルよりも倚く 経枈芏暡は フランスより倧きくなりたす 経枈芏暡は フランスより倧きくなりたす 囜際移民のうち1億8千䞇人は 途䞊囜の出身で 定期的に故郷にお金を送っおいたす このお金は総じお 「海倖送金」ず呌ばれおいたす 皆さんも驚くかもしれたせんが― 4130億ドルずいう数字は 去幎1幎間の移民による 途䞊囜ぞの送金額です 去幎1幎間の移民による 途䞊囜ぞの送金額です 途䞊囜出身の移民が 途䞊囜に送金しおいるのです 4130億ドルです これは本圓に莫倧な金額で 開発揎助資金の合蚈の 3倍に盞圓したす 開発揎助資金の合蚈の 3倍に盞圓したす それでもなお 皆さん、私― ワシントンにいる私の同僚たちは 開発揎助に぀いおの議論を 延々ず続ける䞀方で 開発揎助に぀いおの議論を 延々ず続ける䞀方で 海倖送金を些现な倉化ずしお 無芖しおいるのです 平均しお月200ドルの送金でも 䜕癟䞇人もの人が 毎月繰り返し続けるこずで 䜕癟䞇人もの人が 毎月繰り返し続けるこずで すべお合わせるず 莫倧な金額の倖貚になりたす 䟋えば 去幎のむンドぞの送金額は 720億ドルでしたが これは― むンドのIT茞出額を越えおいたす ゚ゞプトぞの送金額は ス゚ズ運河の通航料収入の3倍 ゚ゞプトぞの送金額は ス゚ズ運河の通航料収入の3倍 タゞキスタンぞの送金額は GDPの42%に盞圓したす さらに貧しい囜 小芏暡な囜や 脆匱囜 玛争圱響囜では― ゜マリアやハむチのように 海倖送金は生呜線ずなりたす 囜の経枈や貧困局に倧きな むンパクトを䞎えたす 囜の経枈や貧困局に倧きな むンパクトを䞎えたす 海倖送金は 民間投資資金ず違っお 囜内で悪い兆候があったずしおも 資金が流出するこずはなく 保険のような圹割を果たしたす 家族に問題が起こり 困難に盎面したずきこそ 送金額は増えお 保険ずなりたす 移民は仕送り金額を増やすのです たた 海倖送金は 開発揎助資金ず違っお 公的機関や政府を介する必芁がなく 貧困局・家族に盎接届きたす 貧困局・家族に盎接届きたす そしお 倚くの堎合 ビゞネスのヒントがありたす ネパヌルでは 1995幎の人口に占める 貧困局の割合は42%でした 1995幎の人口に占める 貧困局の割合は42%でした 10幎埌の2005幎 ネパヌルの 政治経枈は危機的な状況でしたが 10幎埌の2005幎 ネパヌルの 政治経枈は危機的な状況でしたが 貧困率は31%たで枛少したした 貧困局枛少のおよそ半分は 貧困局枛少のおよそ半分は 同じ貧困囜であるむンドからの 送金が寄䞎しおいるず考えられたす 同じ貧困囜であるむンドからの 送金が寄䞎しおいるず考えられたす ゚ルサルバドルでは 海倖送金を受ける家庭の子どもの 孊校の䞭退率は䜎くなっおいたす メキシコやスリランカでは 海倖送金を受ける家庭の子どもの 出生時の䜓重が重いこずが 分かっおいたす 海倖送金は 「思いやりに包たれたお金」なのです 移民が送金をする目的は 食料品・生掻必需品・䜏宅の賌入や 移民が送金をする目的は 食料品・生掻必需品・䜏宅の賌入や 教育費や 高霢者の医療費の支揎 友人や家族の事業ぞの投資などです そしお 特別な堎合には送金額を増やしたす 手術や結婚匏です たた 移民であれば数倚く 経隓するこずになりたすが たた 移民であれば数倚く 経隓するこずになりたすが 出垭できない 予期せぬ葬儀のために 送金するこずもありたす 海倖送金には このような利点も倚い䞀方で 4千億ドルの資金移動ぞの 障壁もありたす 4千億ドルの資金移動ぞの 障壁もありたす 4千億ドルの資金移動ぞの 障壁もありたす 最倧の障壁は 海倖送金にかかる法倖な費甚です 海倖送金業者は貧困局から 送金手数料を搟り取りたす 海倖送金業者はこう蚀うでしょう― 「送金額が500ドル以䞋の堎合 手数料は䞀埋30ドルです」 「送金額が500ドル以䞋の堎合 手数料は䞀埋30ドルです」 貧しくお200ドルだけ送金したい時も 手数料30ドルを 支払わなければなりたせん 海倖送金コストの䞖界的な平均は 8%です ぀たり100ドル送金すれば 送金先の家族は 92ドル受け取るこずになりたす アフリカぞの送金の堎合は コストはもっず高くなり 12%です アフリカの囜同士の送金ずなるず コストはさらに高くなり 20%を超えたす ベニンからナむゞェリアに 送金する堎合などです ベネズ゚ラの様なケヌスもありたす 為替管理の圱響で 100ドル送金しおも 送金先の家族に 10ドル届けばラッキヌでしょう もちろん ベネズ゚ラに公匏ルヌトで 送金をする人は誰もいたせん 党おスヌツケヌスで持ち蟌たれたす 送金コストが高ければ 資金は必ず闇ルヌトを通りたす さらに事態を悪くしおいるのは 倚くの途䞊囜では 囜倖送金が党面犁止されおいお 囜倖送金が党面犁止されおいお 倚くの先進囜でも 特定の囜ぞの海倖送金を 党面犁止しおいる囜がありたす では より良い安䟡な海倖送金の 遞択肢はないのでしょうか? 遞択肢はあるんです ケニアのM-Pesaを䜿えば 取匕あたり䞀埋60セントで送金しお お金を受け取るこずができたす アメリカの連邊準備銀行は 海倖送金業者がメキシコに 送金できるプログラムをはじめたした 取匕あたり䞀埋67セントのみです これらの効率的で安䟡で より良い遞択肢は マネヌロンダリングぞの懞念から 囜際的に展開できたせん しかしながら マネヌロンダリングず 少額の海倖送金ずの しかしながら マネヌロンダリングず 少額の海倖送金ずの 匷い関連性を瀺すデヌタは ほずんどないのです 匷い関連性を瀺すデヌタは ほずんどないのです 倚くの囜際銀行が 海倖送金業者 特に゜マリアずの 関係がある業者の口座管理に 海倖送金業者 特に゜マリアずの 関係がある業者の口座管理に 慎重な姿勢をずっおいたす ゜マリアの囜民䞀人あたりの 幎間所埗は250ドルにすぎたせん ゜マリアの囜民䞀人あたりの 幎間所埗は250ドルにすぎたせん ゜マリアぞの送金の月額平均は それを䞊回っおいたす 海倖送金は゜マリアの生呜線です しかし この䟋は 片方で倚くの支揎を行いながら 他方で経枈の生呜線を断぀ような 芏制を課しおいるずいうものです 蟲村郚にいる貧困局のケヌスを考えお みたしょう 私もその䞀人でした 村でお金を受け取れるのは 郵䟿局くらいしかありたせん 村でお金を受け取れるのは 郵䟿局くらいしかありたせん 䞖界の倚くの囜では 郵䟿局が海倖送金業者ず 独占的なパヌトナヌ関係にありたす 私が故郷の村にいる父に送金する堎合は 私が故郷の村にいる父に送金する堎合は コストが高くおも特定の送金業者を 介しお送金する必芁がありたす コストが高くおも特定の送金業者を 介しお送金する必芁がありたす 他の安䟡な遞択肢は遞べたせん これは倉わらなければなりたせん それでは 囜際機関や瀟䌚起業家は 海倖送金コストを䞋げるために 䜕ができるのでしょうか? 第䞀に 千ドル以䞋の少額の送金に かかる芏制を緩和するこず 少額送金がマネヌロンダリングでは ないこずを 政府は認識すべきです 少額送金がマネヌロンダリングでは ないこずを 政府は認識すべきです 第二に 郵䟿局ず送金業者の独占的な パヌトナヌ関係を廃止するこず 第二に 郵䟿局ず送金業者の独占的な パヌトナヌ関係を廃止するこず さらに蚀えば 郵䟿局ず 顧客に貧困局 がいるあらゆる金融機関ずの さらに蚀えば 郵䟿局ず 顧客に貧困局 がいるあらゆる金融機関ずの 独占的なパヌトナヌ関係の廃止です 政府が競争を促進しおオヌプンな パヌトナヌ関係を認めるこずで 政府が競争を促進しおオヌプンな パヌトナヌ関係を認めるこずで コスト削枛が可胜になりたす 電気通信業界が良い䟋です 皆さんもご存知だず思いたす 第䞉に 倧芏暡な慈善団䜓が 送金プラットフォヌムを 第䞉に 倧芏暡な慈善団䜓が 送金プラットフォヌムを 非営利ベヌスで぀くるこず 海倖送金業者が利甚できる 非営利プラットフォヌムを䜜り 䜎コストでの送金を可胜にしお 䞖界䞭の耇雑な芏制にも察応したす 䞖界䞭の耇雑な芏制にも察応したす 開発コミュニティは 海倖送金コストを珟状の8%から 1%に䞋げる目暙を蚭定すべきです 海倖送金コストを珟状の8%から 1%に䞋げる目暙を蚭定すべきです コストを1%たで䞋げるこずで 幎間300億ドルの節枛になりたす 300億ドル―察アフリカ二囜間揎助の 幎間の総額を䞊回る金額です 300億ドル―察アフリカ二囜間揎助の 幎間の総額を䞊回る金額です 䞖界最倧の揎助囜である アメリカ政府の揎助予算の総額ず ほが同額たたはそれを䞊回りたす 実際の節枛額は 300億ドル以䞊です 海倖送金の媒䜓は 揎助・貿易・投資でも掻甚されるためです 海倖送金資金を 家族に届けるための もう䞀぀の倧きな障害は 移民劎働者が劎働斡旋業者に支払う 移民劎働者が劎働斡旋業者に支払う 高額で違法な斡旋手数料です 高額で違法な斡旋手数料です 数幎前にドバむぞ行ったずきに 劎働者のキャンプを蚪れたした 倜8時 暗く蒞し暑いなか 劎働者たちがその日の重劎働を終え キャンプに垰っお来るずころで バングラデシュ人の建蚭䜜業員に 話しかけたした バングラデシュ人の建蚭䜜業員に 話しかけたした 圌は故郷に送金をしおおり もう数ヶ月になるそうです でも 送金したお金のほずんどは 圌の仕事を芋぀けた 劎働斡旋業者に枡っおいお ずおも気がかりだず蚀いたす その話を聞いお 私は心の䞭で 毎月の送金を 心埅ちにしおいる劻が お金が到着するず 子どもたちが芋守るなかで 劎働斡旋業者にそれを手枡す光景を 思い浮かべたした このようなこずはあっおはなりたせん バングラデシュ人の建蚭䜜業員 に限った話ではありたせん 党おの劎働者に関わる話で 䜕癟䞇人 もの移民劎働者が苊しんでいたす 党おの劎働者に関わる話で 䜕癟䞇人 もの移民劎働者が苊しんでいたす 平均的なバングラデシュ人の 建蚭䜜業員は 斡旋手数料ずしお4千ドルを支払いたすが 幎間収入はたった2千ドルです ぀たり斡旋手数料を支払うためだけに 人生の2幎から3幎を 費やしおいるこずになりたす 人生の2幎から3幎を 費やしおいるこずになりたす 母囜の家族は この窮状が分かりたせん ドバむだけでなく 䞖界䞭の倧郜垂に朜む 暗郚なのです バングラデシュ人の 建蚭䜜業員だけでなく 䞖界䞭の劎働者に関わる話です 男性だけでなく 女性は特に 雇甚に関連する 違法行為の被害を受けやすいのです 海倖送金の分野での最近の 面癜い取り組みの䞀぀が むノベヌションを通じた 移民の貯蓄ず寄付の掻甚です むノベヌションを通じた 移民の貯蓄ず寄付の掻甚です 移民は故郷に送金するだけでなく 移䜏先で巚額の貯蓄をしたす 移䜏先で巚額の貯蓄をしたす 幎間の貯蓄額の掚蚈は 5千億ドルず掚蚈されおいたす 貯蓄のほずんどは金利が぀かない 普通預金ずしお預けられおいたす もし ある囜がその資金に 3%か4%の金利を支払い その資金が移民の出身囜で孊校や 道路 空枯 鉄道などの建蚭に 掻甚されるのであれば 倚くの移民は 貯蓄の䜿い道にも 興味が向くでしょう 金銭䞊の利益だけではなく 母囜の開発にも 関䞎し続ける機䌚を䞎えおくれるからです 送金の媒䜓を利甚しお このような債刞を移民に販売できたす 毎月の送金のタむミングに合わせお 毎月の送金のタむミングに合わせお 債刞を売るこずができたす 移民による寄付に぀いおも同様です 移民による寄付に぀いおも同様です 私だったら むンドの高速鉄道敎備に投資したり 故郷の村のマラリア察策のための 寄付をするでしょう 海倖送金は 支揎を最も必芁ずしおいる人達に 的を絞っお 異なる堎所の繁栄を分かち合える 玠晎らしい手段です 海倖送金は人々に力を䞎えたす 海倖送金ず移民の劎働斡旋を より安党で安䟡なものにするため 海倖送金ず移民の劎働斡旋を より安党で安䟡なものにするため 私たちができるこずは 党おやる必芁がありたす それは実珟可胜なのです 私がむンドを離れお20幎になりたす 私がむンドを離れお20幎になりたす 私の劻がベネズ゚ラ人で 私の子どもたちはアメリカ人なので たすたす 地球垂民のような感芚になりたす その䞀方で 生たれ故郷ぞの郷愁が深たりたす むンドずアメリカの 䞡方に居続けたいのです 私の䞡芪はもうそこにはいたせん 兄匟姉効もそれぞれの道に進み 故郷に送金する緊急性はありたせん それでも 私は折に觊れお 故郷の友人 芪戚 村人に送金したす 故郷の友人 芪戚 村人に送金したす そこにいお 関䞎し぀づけるこずが 私のアむデンティティの䞀郚なのです 私は今なお 勀勉な移民たちず圌らが貧困の 連鎖から抜け出す闘いのための 勀勉な移民たちず圌らが貧困の 連鎖から抜け出す闘いのための 詩人でありたいず努めおいたす ありがずうございたした
My mother could not read or write, but she would say to me, "A king is worshipped only in his own kingdom. A poet is respected everywhere." So I wanted to be a poet when I grew up. But I almost didn't go to college until an aunt offered financial help. I went to study in Sambalpur, the largest town in the region, where, already in college, I saw a television for the first time. I had dreams of going to the United States for higher studies. When the opportunity came, I crossed two oceans, with borrowed money for airfare and only a $20 bill in my pocket. In the U.S., I worked in a research center, part-time, while taking graduate classes in economics. And with the little I earned, I would finance myself and then I would send money home to my brother and my father. My story is not unique. There are millions of people who migrate each year. With the help of the family, they cross oceans, they cross deserts, they cross rivers, they cross mountains. They risk their lives to realize a dream, and that dream is as simple as having a decent job somewhere so they can send money home and help the family, which has helped them before. There are 232 million international migrants in the world. These are people who live in a country other than their country of birth. If there was a country made up of only international migrants, that would be larger, in population, than Brazil. That would be larger, in its size of the economy, than France. Some 180 million of them, from poor countries, send money home regularly. Those sums of money are called remittances. Here is a fact that might surprise you: 413 billion dollars, 413 billion dollars was the amount of remittances sent last year by migrants to developing countries. Migrants from developing countries, money sent to developing countries — 413 billion dollars. That's a remarkable number because that is three times the size of the total of development aid money. And yet, you and I, my colleagues in Washington, we endlessly debate and discuss about development aid, while we ignore remittances as small change. True, people send 200 dollars per month, on average. But, repeated month after month, by millions of people, these sums of money add up to rivers of foreign currency. So India, last year, received 72 billion dollars, larger than its IT exports. In Egypt remittances are three times the size of revenues from the Suez Canal. In Tajikistan, remittances are 42 percent of GDP. And in poorer countries, smaller countries, fragile countries, as in Somalia or in Haiti. No wonder these flows have huge impacts on economies and on poor people. Remittances, unlike private investment money, sign of trouble in the country. They actually act like an insurance. When the family is in trouble, facing hardship, facing hard times, remittances increase, they act like an insurance. Migrants send more money then. Unlike development aid money, that must go through official agencies, through governments, remittances directly reach the poor, reach the family, and often with business advice. So in Nepal, the share of poor people was 42 percent in 1995, the share of poor people in the population. By 2005, a decade later, at a time of political crisis, economic crisis, the share of poor people went down to 31 percent. That decline in poverty, most of it, about half of it, is believed to be because of remittances from India, another poor country. In El Salvador, the school dropout rate among children is lower in families that receive remittances. In Mexico and Sri Lanka, the birth weight of children is higher among families that receive remittances. Remittances are dollars wrapped with care. Migrants send money home for food, for buying necessities, for building houses, for funding education, for funding healthcare for the elderly, for business investments for friends and family. Migrants send even more money home for special occasions like a surgery or a wedding. And migrants also send money, perhaps far too many times, for unexpected funerals that they cannot attend. Much as these flows do all that good, there are barriers to these flows of remittances, these 400 billion dollars of remittances. Foremost among them is the exorbitant cost of sending money home. Money transfer companies structure their fees to milk the poor. They will say, "Up to 500 dollars if you want to send, we will charge you 30 dollars fixed." If you are poor and if you have only 200 dollars to send, you have to pay that $30 fee. The global average cost of sending money is eight percent. That means you send 100 dollars, the family on the other side receives only 92 dollars. To send money to Africa, the cost is even higher: 12 percent. To send money within Africa, the cost is even higher: over 20 percent. For example, sending money from Benin to Nigeria. And then there is the case of Venezuela, where, because of exchange controls, you send 100 dollars and you are lucky if the family on the other side receives even 10 dollars. Of course, nobody sends money to Venezuela through the official channel. It all goes in suitcases. Whereever costs are high, money goes underground. And what is worse, many developing countries actually have a blanket ban on sending money out of the country. Many rich nations also have a blanket ban on sending money to specific countries. So, is it that there are no options, no better options, cheaper options, to send money? There are. M-Pesa in Kenya enables people to send money and receive money at a fixed cost of only 60 cents per transaction. U.S. Fed started a program with Mexico to enable money service businesses to send money to Mexico for a fixed cost of only 67 cents per transaction. And yet, these faster, cheaper, better options can't be applied internationally because of the fear of money laundering, even though there is little data to support any connection, any significant connection between money laundering and these small remittance transactions. Many international banks now are wary of hosting bank accounts of money service businesses, especially those serving Somalia. Somalia, a country where the per capita income is only 250 dollars per year. Monthly remittances, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount. Remittances are the lifeblood of Somalia. And yet, this is an example of the right hand giving a lot of aid, while the left hand is cutting the lifeblood to that economy, through regulations. Then there is the case of poor people from villages, like me. In the villages, the only place where you can get money is through the post office. Most of the governments in the world have allowed their post offices to have exclusive partnerships with money transfer companies. So, if I have to send money to my father in the village, I must send money through that particular money transfer company, even if the cost is high. I cannot go to a cheaper option. This has to go. So, what can international organizations and social entrepreneurs do to reduce the cost of sending money home? First, relax regulations on small remittances under 1,000 dollars. Governments should recognize that small remittances are not money laundering. Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money transfer company. For that matter, between the post office and any national banking system that has a large network that serves the poor. In fact, they should promote competition, open up the partnership so that we will bring down costs like we did, like they did, in the telecommunications industry. You have seen what has happened there. Third, large nonprofit philanthropic organizations should create a remittance platform on a nonprofit basis. They should create a nonprofit remittance platform to serve the money transfer companies so that they can send money at a low cost, while complying with all the complex regulations all over the world. The development community should set a goal of reducing remittance costs to one percent from the current eight percent. If we reduce costs to one percent, that would release a saving of 30 billion dollars per year. Thirty billion dollars, that's larger than the entire bilateral aid budget going to Africa per year. That is larger than, or almost similar to, the total aid budget of the United States government, the largest donor on the planet. Actually, the savings would be larger than that 30 billion because remittance channels are also used for aid, trade and investment purposes. Another major impediment to the flow of remittances reaching the family is the large and exorbitant and illegal cost of recruitment, fees that migrants pay, migrant workers pay to laborers who found them the job. I was in Dubai a few years ago. I visited a camp for workers. It was 8 in the evening, dark, hot, humid. Workers were coming back from their grueling day of work, and I struck a conversation with a Bangladeshi construction worker. He was preoccupied that he is sending money home, he has been sending money home for a few months now, and the money is mostly going to the recruitment agent, to the labor agent who found him that job. And in my mind, I could picture the wife waiting for the monthly remittance. The remittance arrives. She takes the money and hands it over to the recruitment agent, while the children are looking on. This has to stop. It is not only construction workers from Bangladesh, it is all the workers. There are millions of migrant workers who suffer from this problem. A construction worker from Bangladesh, on an average, pays about 4,000 dollars in recruitment fees for a job that gives him only 2,000 dollars per year in income. That means that for the two years or three years of his life, he is basically sending money to pay for the recruitment fees. The family doesn't get to see any of it. It is not only Dubai, it is the dark underbelly of every major city in the world. It is not only Bangladeshi construction workers, it is workers from all over the world. It is not only men. Women are especially vulnerable to recruitment malpractices. One of the most exciting and newest thing happening in the area of remittances is how to mobilize, through innovation, diaspora saving and diaspora giving. Migrants send money home, but they also save a large amount of money where they live. Annually, migrant savings are estimated to be 500 billion dollars. Most of that money is parked in bank deposits that give you zero percent interest rate. If a country were to come and offer a three percent or four percent interest rate, and then say that the money would be used for building schools, roads, airports, train systems in the country of origin, a lot of migrants would be interested in parting with their money because it's not only financial gains that give them an opportunity to stay engaged with their country's development. Remittance channels can be used to sell these bonds to migrants because when they come on a monthly basis to send remittances, that's when you can actually sell it to them. You can also do the same for mobilizing diaspora giving. I would love to invest in a bullet train system in India to fight malaria in my village. Remittances are a great way of sharing prosperity between places in a targeted way that benefits those who need them most. Remittances empower people. We must do all we can to make remittances and recruitment safer and cheaper. And it can be done. As for myself, I have been away from India for two decades now. My wife is a Venezuelan. My children are Americans. Increasingly, I feel like a global citizen. And yet, I am growing nostalgic about my country of birth. I want to be in India and in the U.S. at the same time. My parents are not there anymore. My brothers and sisters have moved on. There is no real urgency for me to send money home. And yet, from time to time, I send money home to friends, to relatives, to the village, to be there, to stay engaged — that's part of my identity. And, I'm still striving to be a poet for the hardworking migrants and their struggle to break free of the cycle of poverty. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
たあ単に新曲がなかっただけなんですが 最近私は プロゞェクトで忙しくしおたした その䞭の䞀぀が ナツメグ号です 1930幎代の救呜艇を 英囜にある私の海蟺の家の 庭に埩元したものです だから䞇が䞀 北極の冠氷が解けたずしおも 私のスタゞオは方舟のように浮き䞊がり 沈み行く䞖界から船出するこずができたす JGバラヌドの小説のようにね 日䞭に ナツメグ号ぱネルギヌを 操舵宀の屋根の゜ヌラヌパネルや マストにある450ワットの 颚車で集めたす 暗くなる頃には 電力が沢山貯たるので ナツメグ号を 灯台のようにラむトアップできたす なので 私は明け方たでそこに篭り 新曲に取り組んでいたす では 挔奏したしょう この曲を聞くのは 皆さんが最初です (拍手) ビリヌ・ホリディを歌った曲です あれはそう 1947幎のある倜 圌女は物理的な空間を抜け出しお 䞀晩䞭戻りたせんでした 再び珟れたのは翌朝 どこにいたのか私は知っおいたす 圌女はこの船に私ずいたのです ずおもセクシヌでした ビリヌがそっず 眠れない僕の腕に朜り蟌む 䞀口のサワヌ・マッシュのように暖かく 奇劙な果実のように 可愛いろくでなし カヌネギヌホヌルの 舞台裏では倧隒ぎ 「有名ゞャズ歌手 ドタキャン」 建物から姿を消した暡様 身も心も ギシギシする ピアノ怅子の䞊で今倜 だっお月だけが 目撃者だから 圌女の息が 耳にかかる 「今回は愛のため」 だが愛は匟を蟌めたピストル 倜明け前に圌女は去っおいく 凍った河を枡り 家ぞ 僕はゞョニヌりォヌカヌず 新しい時代を芋る ただ䞀人 今倜もたた 僕ずいおほしい ビリヌ 時は 時はしたたかな手品垫 心の䞭で ただ朚霊する 「今回は愛のため」 (拍手)
And that was largely because there weren't any. So I've been busy with a couple of projects, and one of them was this: The Nutmeg. A 1930s ship's lifeboat, which I've been restoring in the garden of my beach house in England. And, so now, when the polar ice caps melt, my recording studio will rise up like an ark, and I'll float off into the drowned world like a character from a J.G. Ballard novel. During the day, the Nutmeg collects energy from solar panels on the roof of the wheelhouse, and from a 450 watt turbine up the mast. So that when it gets dark, I've got plenty of power. And I can light up the Nutmeg like a beacon. And so I go in there until the early hours of the morning, and I work on new songs. I'd like to play to you guys, if you're willing to be the first audience to hear it. It's about Billie Holiday. And it appears that, some night in 1947 she left her physical space and was missing all night, until she reappeared in the morning. But I know where she was. She was with me on my lifeboat. And she was hot. ♫ Billie crept softly ♫ ♫ into my waking arms ♫ ♫ warm like a sip of sour mash ♫ ♫ Strange fruit for ♫ ♫ a sweet hunk of trash ♫ ♫ Panic at the stage door ♫ ♫ of Carnegie Hall ♫ ♫ "Famous Jazz Singer Gone AWOL" ♫ ♫ Must have left the building ♫ ♫ body and soul ♫ ♫ On a creaky ♫ ♫ piano stool tonight ♫ ♫ as the moon is my ♫ ♫ only witness ♫ ♫ She was breathing ♫ ♫ in my ear ♫ ♫ "This time it's love" ♫ ♫ But love is a loaded pistol ♫ ♫ By daybreak she's gone ♫ ♫ Over the frozen river, home ♫ ♫ Me and Johnny Walker ♫ ♫ See in the new age ♫ ♫ alone ♫ ♫ Stay with me ♫ ♫ again tonight ♫ ♫ Billie, time, ♫ ♫ time is a wily trickster ♫ ♫ Still an echo ♫ ♫ in my heart says, ♫ ♫ "This time it's love" ♫
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「゚ステルトっ! 僕はぁ、決めたんだぁっ」 少しず぀濃くなっおいく闇の䞭、小さな火の男が囲んでいた。 は未だ若く、二十歳をいくらも越えおいないのかもしれない。酒に酔っおいるのか赀くなった顔でもう䞀人の男に管を巻いおいる。 「分かった。分かったから萜ち着けよ、アスタヌド......」 絡たれおいる方は若い男よりも十くらい歳が䞊だろうか? 劙な貫犄を挂わせ、傍にはすぐ手にできる䜍眮に二振りの剣が眮かれおいた。 「告癜するぅ。僕は圌女に奜きず蚀うんだっ!」 「お、そうか...... のお前にそんなこずができるか疑問だが、粟々がんばれ」 銎れ銎れしくこちらの肩を抱いおくる若い男の腕をさり気なく倖しながら、 「うぅ、゚ステルトっ! 君はなんお良い奎なんだぁ。僕は......僕はっ!」 たせお芋぀めおくる。正盎勘匁しおほしい。 「あぁ、むリ゚ムっ! 君は䞖界で䞀番矎しいっ!」 「俺はあい぀じゃないから、酒飲んでない時にあい぀を芋お蚀っおやれ」 「僕は君やフォルディアじゃないからそんな恥ずかしい台詞、本人には蚀えやしない。゚ステルトっ! 僕の代わりに圌女に......」 「銬鹿かお前は......ああ、ちくしょうっ! だから早い時間に呑み始めるなっお蚀ったんだ。いくら魔物が少ない堎所だからっお、たったく出ないわけじゃないんだから......」 った埌、呚囲を芋枡し返っおこない仲間たちに毒づく。 「あい぀らめぇ。こんな酔っ払いを俺に任せやがっお。なヌにが「偵察に行っおくらぁ」だ。勝手な奎らめ」 「あぁ、むリ゚ムっ。䜕故僕を眮いお行ったんだぁ」 「こんな状態のお前を、誰が連れお行けるっお蚀うんだ? 手足口瞛っお、麻袋に入れおようやく連れお行けるっおもんだろうが」 「フォルディア......フォルディアがむリ゚ムを奜きだったらどうしよう。僕は、僕は絶察に圌には勝おないぃ」 「......はぁ。その心配はないだろう。あい぀の頭の䞭には剣ず盟のこず――戊うための歊噚のこずしかねぇヌよ」 ゚ステルトの蚀葉に、アスタヌドは嬉しそうに䜕床もふらふらず揺れる頭を䞊䞋に振った。 「そ、そうだ。圌は剣が恋人なんだ。きっず倧䞈倫っ!」 「......たぁ、むリ゚ムの気持ちは知らんがな」 「はぁ、面倒くせぇ奎だな。奜きなら奜きず蚀えばいい。䞀緒に旅しおいる以䞊は、 「......゚ステルトっ!」 「あん?」 「君はぁ......君は圌女の事が奜きじゃないのか?」 アスタヌドのずろんずした瞳の奥にある、その鋭い県差し。その光に気付いた゚ステルトは圌の芖線から目を 「い぀も蚀っおるだろう? 貧乳は奜みじゃないんだ」 郚屋に近づいおくる足音ず気配に気付き、メルクは目を芚たしお寝台から身䜓を起こした。 (......懐かしい倢を芋おいたな) 前䞖の倢を芋るのはい぀以来だろうか? あの圓時はほずんど毎日戊堎にいお、気の䌑たる時など本圓に皀だった。 愛だの恋だの䞋らない――そんな他愛のない話で盛り䞊がったこずを、無邪気に笑い合えたこずを、メルクの䞭の゚ステルトは今でも芚えおいる。 「メルク、起きおる?」 寝台の䞊で少しの間昔を懐かしんでいたメルクは、ノックされた郚屋の扉ぞ芖線を向ける。 どうやら呌び掛けおきたのは、同じログホルト垂の宿に泊たっおいるトトアラのようだ。足音ず気配で気付いおいたので驚きもない。 「ああ、起きおいる。どうかしたか?」 「いや、せっかくだから䞀緒に朝食でもどうかなぁヌっお」 「......そうだな。先に行っおおくれ。身支床をしおすぐに行く」 陜気な返事が返っおきお、扉の前の気配が離れおいく。メルクはゆっくりず立ち䞊がり、手早く着替えを枈たせるこずにした。 そしおい぀もの戊いやすい平服を着お朚の棒を携えたずころで、昚日たではなかった小さなカヌドを手に取った。 「......『冒険者蚌明曞』ねぇ......」 今䞖はもずより、前䞖でもこんなカヌドは芋たこずがない。 タグにはギルドのマヌクず自分の名前、等玚が曞かれおいる。そしおそのタグを通した もちろん、簡単な䜜りだったので停造はし攟題だったが、䟝頌を受けるずきや達成を報告するずきにギルドの職員にはすぐ芋砎られる。そのため、圓時わざわざタグを停造する者などいなかった。 しかし、今の冒険者は䞀般人にも䞀目眮いた目で芋られる。ギルドを介さずずも、高䜍の冒険者に䟝頌したいずいう者も珟れ始め、タグを停造した停の冒険者に隙される者が倚発した。 そこでギルドは停造がほずんど䞍可胜ずされる蚌明曞を䜜り出し、このカヌドの特城を各囜に呚知。今でも幎に䞀人や二人隙される者もいるらしいが、倧半の停造者はこれによっお姿を消したずのこずだ。 タグず違い、䜕やら持っおいるだけで特別扱いされおいるようで少し嬉しい。だが無くすず再発行に時間ず費甚がそれなりにかかるらしく、泚意が必芁であるず蚀えるだろう。 「無くさないように気を付けないずな......穎でもあけお玐を通すか?」 ただそれをするには特殊な金属でできたカヌドに小さな穎を空ける必芁があり、今は時間がかかりそうなので芋送る。玠盎に平服の内胞の穎ぞ入れるず、メルクは宿の郚屋を出た。
“Estert! I made up my mind!” In the increasingly deepening darkness, two men surrounded a small fire. One of them was youthful and didn’t appear to be older than . He complained to the other man, his face red, most likely from being drunk. “I got it. I got it, so calm down Astard...” The other man was maybe ten years older than the young man. He had an odd aura about him, and his two swords were positioned beside him so he could readily grasp them if necessary. “I’m going to confess! I’m going to tell her that I love her!” “Oh, go you... To be honest I doubt whether you could really do it, but I’ll cheer you on.” As he lifted the young man’s arm that had been placed on his shoulders, Estert replied “Estert! You’re such a nice guy! I... I!” Estert’s statement, on the other hand, had the opposite effect, encouraging the young drunkard. Estert could see tears welling up in Astard’s eyes. Please spare me... “Oh, Iriem! You’re the most beautiful person in this world!” “Do I look like Iriem to you? Go and tell her that when you’re sober!” “I’m not the same as you or Foldia. I can’t say such embarrassing things to her. Estert! Please, tell her in my place...” “Are you stupid... God damn it! That’s why I told you not to start drinking so early! Even if there aren’t many Magic Beasts here, it doesn’t mean there aren’t any...” Estert cursed his remaining companions who had gone out to survey the region as he scratched the back of his head. “Those b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲. They left me alone with this drunk. ‘We’re going scouting’ my a̲s̲s̲. They just got away.” “Oh, Iriem! Why did you leave me?!” “Who would take you with them in this state?! It’d be easier to tie you up, stuff you in a bag and bring you like that.” “Do... Do you think that Foldia likes Iriem as well? I-I don’t have any chance against him...” “Good grief. You don’t need to worry about that. He only thinks about his sword, his shield, and battle.” As soon as Astard heard that, he began to joyously shake his head up and down. “T-That’s right. He’s in love with his sword. I’m gonna be fine!” “Although I don’t know how Iriem feels...” “That’s...” “Good grief. What an annoying b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲. If you like her that much, then just tell her. You’re traveling together, she probably doesn’t think of you that badly.” “Estert!” “Y-You like her too, don’t you?” “Huh?” “Haven’t I told you already? I’m not a fan of tiny breasts.” As soon as she heard footsteps approaching her room, Merc awoke and got out of bed. Now that was a nostalgic dream... It had been a while since she’d seen a dream of her past. At that time, she had mostly fought every single day without having any time to rest. As a result, the time she’d spent with her friends was irreplaceable and significant to her. Merc recalled being able to casually laugh during conversations about love and other topics. These memories remained her most valuable possession. “Merc, are you up?” Merc, who was reminiscing about the good old days, turned to face the door after hearing a couple of knocks. Totoara, who was staying at the same inn in the City of Logholt as her, had knocked on the door. Because Merc had deduced Totoara’s identity by the sound of her footsteps, she wasn’t surprised when she heard her knock. “Yea, I’m up. What’s up?” “Nothing much, I just figured we might go and grab breakfast together.” “That’s a good idea. You go ahead. I’ll come after getting dressed.” Totoara replied in a cheerful manner and left. Merc got up and swiftly changed into clothing that she considered comfortable to fight in. She then adjusted her wooden stick to her waist and picked up a card which she hadn’t had until yesterday. “An Adventurer’s License huh...” In the past there hadn’t been such cards. Back then they had used metal tags as certificates. The tags bore the name of both the Guild and the adventurer, as well as the adventurer’s grade. The tag was usually worn around one’s neck and served as proof that one was an adventurer. Naturally, faking had been simple, but when adventurers went to pick up or hand off assignments, Guild personnel could see right through them. Which is why not many had bothered to even do it. Nowadays, however, adventurers were held in high regard. Many people who desired to employ high-ranking adventurers without going through the Guild began to appear, which in turn led to many people being deceived by fake adventurers. As a result, the Guild had developed a certificate that could not be forged, notably the cards and had spread them throughout the nations. Even if a few individuals were still duped by fake adventurers each year, most of the counterfeiters had vanished owing to the invention of the cards. Unlike tags, simply possessing this card conferred a plethora of benefits, which made Merc happy. However, if one were to lose it, they would have to wait for a new one to be issued and they would need to pay as well, so one needed to be careful with it. “I need to be careful not to lose it... Should I make a hole in it and put a string through it?” Merc pondered. However, she would have to first poke a hole in the card made out of special metal, which would take some time, so she decided to ditch the idea. Merc left the inn’s room after putting on her clothes.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
長老ず䌚い、゜りルハりルが歀凊ぞ来た圢跡は確認できた。それは぀たり、資料の解読は正しかった事ず、圌は神呜光茝の聖杯を求めおいるずいう蚌明になる。この線を蟿っおいけば、いずれは必ず远い぀けるだろう。 ミラは、長老に瀌を述べるずその堎を埌にした。その際、倧量の菓子喜んでいた少女に、䞀぀の朚の実を土産にず手枡される。根を求めおやっお来た者の䟛物から生った実の䞀぀だずいう事だ。 䞀぀の甚事が完了し、ミラが次に向かうのは、友人からの頌みであるアむテム採取である。 目的地は埡神朚の堎所から近いが、歩くず䞀時間は掛かる道皋だ。圓然の劂くペガサスを呌び出したミラだが、ペガサスはずっず心配しおいた様で暫くの間、䜕床も䜕床も愛しそうにミラの頬を舐め続けた。 萜ち着いたペガサスの背に乗り十分匱、霊域から䞀番近い湖の畔に降りる。森の䞭にぜっかりず空いたその堎所は、数倚くの花が咲き、小動物達のオアシスずなっおいた。湖の傍にある小高い岩山からは小さな滝が流れ萜ち、心地よい氎音を響かせる。森の蒌い銙りに花の甘さが亀じり合い、ミラは時を忘れおその光景に芋入っおいた。 (こんなに華やかな堎所じゃったかのぅ......) ミラの蚘憶では、この堎所はこれほど色圩に溢れおはいなかった。これ幎の倉化かず、ミラは時の偉倧さを改めお実感する。 楜園ずいっおも差し障り無い湖の畔で䜇む、ミラずペガサス。そんな䞀人ず䞀頭の䞋に、金の毛䞊みを持぀リスに䌌たものが近づく。そしお足元たで寄るずペガサスの身䜓を駆け䞊がり、その背で安心しきった様子でころりず寝そべった。するずそれが切っ掛けずなったのか、近堎の小動物達が集たりだし、ペガサスに寄り添い始める。ミラはその光景に驚きながらも、クリスマスツリヌの様に食り付けられおいくペガサスの姿に少しだけ笑顔を芋せる。ペガサス自身にも迷惑そうな玠振りは無く、堂々ず小動物達を受け入れおいた。 この珟象の原因は、ペガサスが聖獣であるずいうのが挙げられる。動物達にしおみれば、その傍は最も安心で安党な聖域ず化すのだ。 ミラは、そんなペガサスの背に青い子兎を芋぀ける。それはピュアラビットずいい、その毛は幞運のお守りずしお有名だ。そしお䜕より、぀ぶらな瞳に䞞々ずした身䜓が、ずおも可愛いらしい。アヌクアヌスオンラむン可愛いランキングの総合郚門で、垞に䞀䜍を争うほどの愛くるしさである。 そしおミラは、ピュアラビットず盎に䌚うのは初めおだった。ずおも譊戒心が匷く、基本的に斥候職が遠目で確認するのが限界なのだ。そんな、スクリヌンショットでしか芋た事の無いピュアラビットの可愛さに、ミラの目は釘付けずなっおいた。 (実物がこれほどのものずは......。䞞々もこもこじゃ......) 思わず䌞ばしたミラの手が觊れるその盎前。近くに迫った少女の姿を目にしたピュアラビットは、怯える様にするりず飛び降り、ペガサスの足元に身を隠す。 「う......」 あからさたな拒絶に、ミラは手を䌞ばしたたた硬盎する。しかし、その盎埌ペガサスが嘶く。それは語り掛けるような小さな声。するずどうだろうか、䞀床は逃げたピュアラビットが、恐る恐るずだが再びミラの前に戻っおきたのだ。 「これは......、もしやお䞻が䜕か蚀っおくれたのか?」 ミラは、目の前で䞞たった子兎からペガサスぞず芖線を向けるず、ペガサスは耒めおくれず蚀わんばかりに頭を差し出す。 「良い子じゃのぅ」 そんなペガサスの頭を䞀撫でするず、ミラは芖線をピュアラビットぞず戻す。ぎょこんず突き出た青く長い耳が、呚囲を探る様にぎくぎくず動く。その姿に、ずうずう堪らなくなったミラは、青いたん䞞に觊れ、ふわふわの毛䞊みを存分に堪胜する。 小さくおも手に䌝わる䜓枩は枩かく、確かな呜がそこにはあった。 ミラは、出来るだけ驚かさない様にず優しく撫で続けおいた。それが功を奏したのか、ピュアラビットはミラに悪意が無い事が分かるず、自らその身をミラに預けるようにじゃれ぀きだす。その愛らしさは留たる事を知らず、ミラは優しく抱きかかえるず倢䞭になっお可愛がった。 その時、ペガサスが倧きく嘶く。同時に、ミラの胞できゅぅきゅぅず鳎いおいたピュアラビットは急に飛び降りるず、ペガサスの前で䜕か蚱しを請うように地に䌏せ、服埓の姿勢を芋せた。 「......今床は䜕ず蚀ったんじゃ......」 状況を理解できないミラは、銖を傟げるばかりだ。 「どうしたんじゃ、ペガサスよ」 そう蚀い鬣を撫で付けるミラ。ペガサスは、銖を回すずミラの胞元に顔を抌し付け始めた。 (うヌむ。分からぬ) 手元のペガサスを撫でながら、ミラは芖線を巡らせる。目に映る子兎は未だに䌏せた状態のたた、きゅうきゅうず鳎いおいた。 もう䞀床、青いもこもこを堪胜したかったミラだが、このたたでは終わりが無いのも確かである。い぀たでもピュアラビットず戯れられる自信がミラにはあるが、ここには目的があっお来たのだ。流石に小動物達ず遊び続けおいるわけにもいかないだろう。ミラは若干、心苊しさを感じながらも、背に乗った動物達を䞋ろしペガサスを送還した。するずどういう蚳か、動物達が今床はミラの呚蟺に集たり始める。 ミラがペガサスのボスだず認識された為だ。 迷宮入り口の小高い岩山に向かっお歩くず、ミラの埌をちょこちょこず远い掛ける。 「぀いおくるでない、これから危険な堎所に行くのじゃからな」 蚀ったずころで理解出来るはずもなく、䞀番行動的な黄金リスはミラの肩で完党に緩みきった状態でいる。ピュアラビットも぀ぶらな瞳で抱っこをせがむ。 【召喚術:ケット・シヌ】 ネゎシ゚ヌタヌ圹ずしおの適任者を呌び出す事にした。空䞭に小さな魔法陣が珟れるず、ぜんっず音を立おお手品垫の様な栌奜をした子猫が飛び出した。 くるりず宙で䞉回転するず、䞡足を揃えお着地。どこからずもなく取り出したプラカヌドには10.0の数字。曎に消える盎前に魔法陣が玙吹雪を吐き出し、䞀局凝った挔出を芋せる。 「呌ばれお飛び出お、にゃにゃにゃにゃヌん。お久し振りにゃので、凝っおみたしたにゃ。団長、点数は劂䜕ほどにゃ」 じゃな」 リアクションを取りながらケット・シヌが裏返したプラカヌドには、驚愕を衚珟する効果線が描かれおいた。その芞の现かさに、ミラは思わずクスリず息を挏らす。 猫の劖粟ケット・シヌ。䞊玚でない召喚術の䞭で、蚀葉を話せる数少ない存圚だ。その胜力は、総じお盎接的な戊闘には向かないものだが、斥候ずしおは優秀で、動物達からも情報を収集できるずいう特技を持぀。぀たりは、動物ずの䌚話が出来るずいう事だ。 「にゃんず! 団長が女の子になっおるにゃ! これは芋事だにゃ、十点満点にゃヌ」 ミラを芋䞊げたケット・シヌは、10.0ず曞かれたプラカヌドを䞡手で振り回しながら、にゃんにゃんず飛び跳ねる。呚囲では、そんなケット・シヌの登堎から、小動物達が譊戒気味に距離を空けおいた。 「どい぀もこい぀も軜く流すのぅ......、たあどうでもよい。団員䞀号よ、少し頌たれおくれぬか」 䞡脚を揃え起立の姿勢で敬瀌するケット・シヌ。埌ろに回した手に持぀プラカヌドには [びしぃっ!] ず効果音が曞かれおいる。 「ここの動物達に、これから行く堎所は危険なので぀いお来ない様にず䌝えほしいんじゃが、出来るか?」 「呜に懞けお、成し遂げおみせたすにゃ」 暫くしお通じたのか、枋々ずいった具合で、小動物達が解散しおく。最埌にケット・シヌは、ミラの身䜓をよじ登るず肩に居る黄金リスにも話し掛ける。玍埗したのか飛び降りた黄金リスは、真っ盎ぐ近くの朚に登っおいった。 「任務完了ですにゃ」 䞉回転半捻りでミラの肩から跳躍したケット・シヌは、頭から着地するず、ふら぀く足取りで再び敬瀌のポヌズを取る。ミラは、劎いの蚀葉を掛けおから、その子猫を抱き䞊げた。しょうがないずはいえ小動物達が行っおしたい寂しくなったので、その代甚だ。 「くすぐったいですにゃヌん」 そう蚀いながらも、嬉しそうに手足をバタ぀かせるケット・シヌ。プラカヌドには [もっず!] の文字が茝く。 ミラは、子猫の喉を撫でながら小高い岩山の方ぞず歩き出した。 倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレストは、湖に隣接する岩山に入った亀裂の奥にある。ミラは、頭にケット・シヌを乗せたたた、その亀裂ぞず進入しおいく。 入るずすぐに急な䞋り坂ずなっおおり、幅は倧人がぎりぎり通れる皋床。剥き出しの岩肌は、冷たく足音を朚霊させる。 入り口は遠く、滝の音も埮かに響く皋床たで入り蟌むず、もう光は届かない。しかし、ミラの進む道は明るく照らされおいた。それはケット・シヌのお陰だ。キャット・サヌチラむトずいう技胜で、目から照明代わりの光を攟っおいるのだ。頭の䞊に居る為、ミラが振り向くず自動でそちらを照らす仕様である。 「怪しいにゃヌ、ずおも怪しい術が仕掛けおありたすにゃヌ」 十分以䞊は降り続け、次第に䞋り坂が緩やかになるず、やがお氎平な通路に倉わる。その道の先を、ケット・シヌが睚んで声を䞊げた。蛍光の様に光る無数の王章が、前方の岩肌にびっしりず刻たれおいたのだ。 「ふむ......これが、ここの結界ずいう事じゃな」 足元には堂々ず『倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレスト 管理、冒険者総合組合カラナック支郚』ず曞かれおいた。ミラは、頭のケット・シヌの背を撫でながら呟くず、レオニヌルから受け取った犁域の通行蚌を取り出す。 「ほう......これは......」 「にゃにゃにゃ、術の気配が薄れたしたにゃヌ」 ミラが、通行蚌を手にした瞬間、その通行蚌が光り始めるず同時に、岩肌に刻たれた王章の手前郚分が、薄っすらず色を倱ったのだ。ミラには、どういった仕組みか芋圓は付かないが、仕掛けずいった類に敏感なケット・シヌの蚀葉からも、これで通行可胜になったのだろうず察する事が出来る。 ミラが䞀歩ず぀進んでいくず、その歩みず同じ速床で前方の王章が薄くなっおいく。同時に、通り過ぎた王章は色を取り戻す。 ケット・シヌが照らす結界の通路を曎に進む事、十分匷。進行方向に小さな光が芋え始めおきた。 そこから曎に進む事暫く、通路が終わりミラは倧きな空間に出るず、そこには小さいながらも鬱蒌ずした密林が広がっおいた。 陜光に䌌た光が垯状に差し蟌んでいるが、䞊方に倪陜は無く倩井は暗い。ただ無骚な岩肌から無数の蔊が垂れ䞋がっおいるだけだ。そしお光は、その蔊の先端から降り泚いでいた。 光を受ける緑葉は瑞々しく、名も知らぬ花々は力いっぱいに咲き乱れおいる。芋䞊げるほどに高く倪い暹朚が芖界に広がり、長い時間、暗く狭い岩の通路を抜けおきた誰もが息を呑むほどの雄倧さを芋せ付けおいた。 「団長、我々は遂に秘境を発芋したんですにゃヌ」 頭から飛び降りお「にゃっほヌ」ず密林に向けお叫ぶケット・シヌ。山ではない、もちろん、秘境でもない。 「ここたでご苊劎じゃったな」 通行蚌をアむテムボックスに戻したミラは、そう声を掛け送還しようず手を翳す。 「ただ芋ぬ冒険が、埅っおいるのにゃヌ」 「しょうのない奎じゃのぅ......」 送還を嫌がるずいう新しい反応に、こういう事もあるのかず感心しながら、ミラは翳した手を䞋ろす。 「団長は話の分かるお方にゃヌ。䞀生付き纏いたすにゃ」 「そこは、付いお行くではないのか......」 ケット・シヌは [誠心誠意] ず曞かれたプラカヌドを高く攟り投げおから飛び䞊がり、宙で䞀回転。着地した時その衣装は、冒険隊らしいものに倉わっおいた。最埌に、萜ちおきたプラカヌドを頭でキャッチするず、そこには [準備完了、だが無念] ずあり、ダむむングメッセヌゞの様に、ケット・シヌの傍らに転がるのだった。 「さお......行くずするかのぅ」 ミラは軜く呚囲を芋回すず、手近な蔓から子䟛くらいの倧きさがある葉を千切り取る。そしお、その葉を手にしたたた、広堎の脇ぞず歩き出した。 「攟眮は、手厳しいですにゃヌ」 ムクリず勢い良く起き䞊がったケット・シヌは、慌おおミラの埌を远い掛けお行く。 密林を背に岩壁の方を向いお立぀ミラずケット・シヌ。その目の前には、倧きな亀裂ず、曎に深くぞず続く坂道があった。そしおここが、倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレストの入り口だ。 その坂は急募配で、硝子の様に衚面は滑らか。なので䞀床䞋りれば登る事は䞍可胜である。これは、倩魔迷宮ず呌ばれるダンゞョン党おの共通点で、入り口ず出口は別ずなっおいるのだ。 ミラはケット・シヌを肩に乗せるず、その頭を叩き坂道を照らさせる。 「お先、真っ暗ですにゃ」 爛々ず光を攟぀目を向け、ケット・シヌは肩の䞊で楜しそうに足をパタパタずさせおいた。プラカヌドは持っおいない。䞡手で、ミラにしっかりずしがみ付いおいるのだ。これから、どうするのかを機敏に察しお。 ミラは、しゃがみ蟌むず千切った葉を尻に敷く。 (い぀来おも、わくわくするのぅ) 蚀うなれば、この先は長い長いスラむダヌの様なものだ。ミラは少し楜しげに埮笑むず、尻を匕き摺るように腰を前に前にず動かし、坂の䞀歩手前で停止する。 「いざ!」 「冒険の始たりですにゃ!」 良く滑る坂道で、あっずいう間に加速しおいく䞭、予想以䞊の䜓感速床に若干匕き攣り気味のミラ。 (ゲヌムの頃は楜しかったんじゃが......、珟実ずなるずこれは......) 党身に吹き付ける颚圧、曲線を描く曲がり角ず、匟き飛ばされそうになる遠心力。単調だが問答無甚で迫り通り過ぎおいくそのどれもが、内面的な恐怖を煜る。特に、暗闇のせいで先の方たで芋通せない状況が、曎に拍車を掛けおいた。 「団長、ちびりそうですにゃヌ!」 「我慢せい!」 絶叫マシン宛らのスラむダヌは、右に巊にず幟床も曲がりくねっおおり、その郜床ケット・シヌが悲鳎を䞊げる。そのお陰かどうか、ミラはどうにか平静を保おおいた。 そしお䞋り始めほどが経過した頃、前方にゎヌルの光が芋え出す。 䜓感的には長い長い坂道が終わるず、ミラ達は突然光の䞭に攟り出されおいた。軜い浮遊感の䞭、ミラは眩しさに目を现める。攟物線を描く軌道から、やがお重力に匕かれ緩やかに䞋降を始めるず、軜い衝撃ず共に地面に䞍時着する。 尻逅を着く様な姿勢で着地したミラだったが、そこには先客が居た。ミラの肩から滑り萜ちたケット・シヌだ。 「おっず、すたん。倧䞈倫じゃったか?」 「倧䞈倫ですにゃヌ。女の子の団長は軜かったですにゃヌ」 ミラが飛び退くず、ケット・シヌはよろよろず立ち䞊がり、ぎょんぎょんず倧䞈倫アピヌルをしお答える。そしお、どこからずもなく取り出されたプラカヌドには [女の尻に敷かれるのも男の甲斐性] ず曞かれおいた。 䞀人ず䞀匹が改めお呚囲に芖線を向けるず、そこは先皋の密林の比ではなく、深い緑に芆われた空間には、密林ず同じ様な光が倩井から降り泚ぐ。照らし出された景色には、異様にうねった朚が匵り巡らされおおり、それは遥か遠くたで続いおいた。 ミラずケット・シヌが着地したのは、そんな朚で出来た足堎の䞀぀だ。埌方には倩高くたで岩壁がそそり立ち、絡たるように瞊暪無尜に䌞びる朚には、無数の蔓が巻き付いおいる。遠くからは、䜕らかの鳎き声が響き、意識せずずも感じる皋に空気は柄み切っおいた。 「新倩地にゃ。秘境の奥で新倩地を発芋したんだにゃヌ」 ケット・シヌは蟺りを芋回し感無量ずいった䜓で感動を蚀葉にする。そしお [ケット・シヌ探怜隊] ず曞かれたプラカヌドを地面に突き立お、ようずしたが地面の朚は硬く、パタンず音を立おお倒れる。物悲しそうに、その倒れたプラカヌドを芋詰める団員䞀号。 (さお、幟぀芋぀けられるかのぅ......) ミラは適圓に手近な堎所を探っおから、目的のものが無い事を確認するず歩き出した。ミラが動き出すずケット・シヌはすぐに走り寄り、譊戒するように目配せしながら远埓する。 芖界党䜓に溢れる、幟重にも続く朚の道を飛び移りながら探す事暫く、ミラは葉の裏に隠れる様に萜ちおいた目的のアむテムを芋぀ける事が出来た。 深い緑色で脈動するかのように光を攟぀、掌で包み蟌める皋床の倧きさの皮。゜ロモンに採取を頌たれた、始祖の皮子だ。 「ようやっず、䞀぀か......」 始祖の皮子を拟い䞊げたミラは、溜息混じりに呟くず芖線を䞊げお、再び呚囲を芋枡した。 倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレスト。原初の森ずいう意味を持぀堎所だが、厳密にはここは ではない。党おの暹朚の祖、ゎフェル暹の無数に枝分かれしたほんの䞀郚でしかないのだ。 ぀たりは目に芋える党おがゎフェル暹であり、この堎党おに始祖の皮子が萜ちおいる可胜性があるずいう事である。だがそれは、採取堎所が特定できないずいう意味でもあり、か぀おは倚くのプレむダヌが足元を凝芖しながら闊歩しおいたものだ。 ミラは、そんな圓時の事も思い出しながら、始祖の皮子を手に小さく溜息を吐く。 「団長、それが幟぀も必芁なんですにゃ?」 ミラの肩によじ登り、その手の䞭にある皮子を指し瀺しながら、ケット・シヌが問う。ミラは、肩からちょこんず頭を出したケット・シヌの毛䞊みを堪胜するず、 「あほどじゃな。闇雲に探さねばならんので、骚が折れるわい」 そう愚痎を零す。だが、転機はその時だった。ケット・シヌは、ミラの腕を䌝い降り、手の䞭の始祖の皮子の匂いを嗅いだり舐めたりするず、ぎょこんず飛び降りお呚囲を探るように芋回す。 「あっちに、同じ気配がありたすにゃ!」 ケット・シヌは蚀いながら、自信満々に数本先の枝を手で指し瀺す。しかしその動䜜ずは察照的に、口から舌を出しお目を最たせおいる。団員䞀号の持぀プラカヌドには [味は ×] ずだけ曞かれおいた。 「ほう......もしや分かるのか?」 「ずおも特城的な皮ですにゃ。小生の、類皀にゃる垞軌を逞した達人にゃみの鋭い感芚があれば、容易い事ですにゃ!」 たん䞞肉球でサムズアップしお答えるケット・シヌ。瞳は鋭く自信に満ちおいるが、舌はただ出したたただ。 「ふむ、玠晎らしいぞ、団員䞀号よ」 ミラは、早速ずばかりにケット・シヌを抱き䞊げるず空闊歩で指し瀺された方ぞず空を駆けおいく。 「この近くですにゃヌ」 ミラの胞元で声を䞊げるケット・シヌは、足元に䌞びる枝の先ぞず芖線を向ける。そしおその蚀葉通りに、ミラは枝先の蔓が絡たったずころで、始祖の皮子を芋぀けた。 今たでケット・シヌずいえば、斥候ずしお偵察をさせおいた皋床だった。しかし、たさかこの様な特技があるずは思っおもいなかったミラは、たた明らかになった新しい珟実に喜び、ケット・シヌを䞡手で掲げながら次を問う。 「次は、どっちじゃ!?」 「うヌ......にゃヌ......、! あっちですにゃ!」 「良し、でかした!」 予想以䞊に楜に集められそうだず、新発芋ずの盞乗効果で気分が絶奜調たで持ち䞊がったミラは、ケット・シヌの愛らしさも手䌝っおか、䜕床も䜕床もその子猫の䜓䞭を撫で回し耒めちぎった。
After talking with the elders, Mira knew that Soul Howl had been there. In other words, the decryption of the documents was accurate and he was attempting to find the Brilliant Chalice of Divine Decree. If she followed that lead, she was sure to eventually catch up to him. Mira thanked the elders and prepared to leave that place. As she turned around, the young girl who had been the most enthusiastic about the sweets, took a fruit from one of the trees and gifted it to her, saying it was the fruit produced with the offering made by the person who came in search of the roots. With her business there complete, Mira headed to her next destination to fulfill the item search asked for by her good friend. The place she was headed to now was pretty close to the sacred tree, around one hour away by foot. Still, she summoned Pegasus like it was the obvious thing to do, who appeared worried that entire time as he approached Mira and licked her cheek for a while. Once Pegasus had calmed down, she rode on him for around ten minutes until they reached the nearest lake to the sacred grounds. There was a clearing between the lake and the forest, which was filled with countless flowers, forming an oasis for small animals. There was also a small mount of rocks at the side of the lake, from which a waterfall flowed down creating a pleasant ambient noise. Mira forgot the passage of time as she looked at that scenery, her senses tingling by the sweet scent of flowers and the forest. (Was this place always this gorgeous...) In Mira’s memories that place was much duller, so she once again could feel directly how the passage of thirty years greatly affected a place like that. As Mira and Pegasus stood in that paradise-like clearing, a small animal that resembled a squirrel with golden fur approached the two, climbing up Pegasus’ legs and reassuringly lying down on his back. That was almost like a trigger for all the remaining animals nearby to gather around the two, mostly getting closer to Pegasus. This took Mira by surprise, but she quickly smiled seeing how they climbed on Pegasus, making him look like an adorned Christmas tree. He did not seem bothered by it either, as he let more and more animals climb on him. This was all because Pegasus was a sacred beast, so animals felt the safest and calm in the sacred aura surrounding him. Mira also spotted a small blue rabbit on Pegasus’ back. Those were called Pure Rabbits, and their fur was famous for being a good luck charm. Though more importantly, their round eyes and plump body made them extremely cute creatures. They were fierce contenders for the first place in Ark Earth Online’s cutest creature ranking ladder. This was also the first time Mira saw a Pure Rabbit in person. They were known to be really careful and shy, normally only being observed from afar. Mira had only seen them in screenshots in the past, so now her eyes were nailed on that cute creature. (To think they would look like this up plump and fluffy...) With her mind drifting away, Mira instinctively reached her hand out to it, but an instant before her fingertips would touch it, the Pure Rabbit jumped off scared and hid between Pegasus’ legs. 「Uh...」 Facing that blunt rejection, Mira froze in place, her hand still outstretched. But a moment later Pegasus neighed, as if trying to say something. After that, the Pure Rabbit hesitantly came out and showed itself in front of Mira. 「Did... you tell it something?」 Seeing that, Mira turned to look from the plump creature to Pegasus, who struck his head out as if asking to be praised. 「Good child.」 Patting his head once, Mira turned back to the Pure Rabbit. Its blue ears were moving from one side to another, as if scanning the surroundings. By then Mira could not hold herself back anymore and she reached out to the blue furball, enjoying its softness as much as she could. The warmth passing to her hand made it clear that it was a live creature just like Mira was. Mira tried to pet it as gently as she could to not startle it, which she accomplished as it understood she held no ill will against it and snuggled against her hand. That was too cute for Mira to handle, as she gently embraced it and cradled it in ecstasy. Not too long after Pegasus neighed loudly while the Pure Rabbit leaped out of Mira’s bosom in a hurry while squeaking, only to go in front of Pegasus and lie against the ground in a submissive pose. 「...What did you say this time...?」 Mira could not comprehend what happened so she just tilted her head. 「What happened, Pegasus?」 Saying that, she began stroking his mane, to which Pegasus replied by pressing his head against Mira’s chest. (Hmm. I don’t get it.) As she petted Pegasus, she looked around, seeing that the small rabbit was still prostrated while squeaking. She still wished to enjoy its furry touch some longer, but also knew that if she picked it up, she would be unable to let go. Mira knew that she would be able to play with it for all eternity if the situation allowed for it, but she had come there with a specific goal in mind, so she could not afford to get too distracted with the little animals of the forest. Still feeling a bit dissatisfied, Mira carried all the animals on Pegasus’ back to the ground and sent him away. As soon as she did that, the animals gathered around her instead. They had realized she was Pegasus’ boss. As she headed to the small rocky mountain that held the entrance of the labyrinth, they all followed her. 「Don’t follow me. I’m going to a dangerous place now.」 But they could not understand her words, as the hyperactive golden squirrel found itself right at home on Mira’s shoulder, while the Pure Rabbit kept looking at her with round eyes begging for a hug. [Summoning Skill: Cait Sith] She decided to call for an intermediary to sort things out. A small magic circle appeared in the air, and quickly after a small cat with wizard clothes jumped out of it. It spun three times in mid-air before landing on its feet, holding up a card that came out of nowhere with . written on it. A rain of confetti also sprung out from the magic circle an instant before it vanished, adding an extra touch to that artistic performance. 「Meow meow meow! I was called so heow I am! It’s been a while so I tried adding some meow to my entrance. How meowny points do I get, chief?」 As he spoke in an exaggerated manner, the writing on the card changed to speed lines implying shock. That small touch made Mira giggle. The fairy cat Cait Sith was one of the few low-level summons that could speak. His abilities were ill-suited for direct combat, but excelled when it came to scouting, given that he could obtain information even from animals. In other words, he could interact and talk with animals. 「What the meow! Chief, you’ve turned meownto a girl! And a splendid one at that, worth ten full points!」 Cait Sith looked up at Mira, jumping from side to side while waving around a sign with . written on it. The animals who had closely followed Mira all took a few steps back, wary of Cait Sith’s sudden appearance. 「You all accept it so easily...but that doesn’t matter. First lieutenant, I have a job for you.」 Cait Sith stood with his back straight and legs together, saluting Mira while the sign behind him changed to 「Snap!」 「I want you to tell all these animals here that I’m heading to a dangerous place, so it’s best if they stay behind. Can you do it?」 「I’ll accomplish that even if it costs meow life!」 After some time of that happening, they seemed to understand as they slowly dispersed from there. Lastly, Cait Sith climbed on Mira’s body and spoke to the squirrel on her shoulder, who also understood and jumped down before climbing up a tree. 「Meowssion complete.」 Cait Sith jumped off Mira’s shoulder, doing three flips before landing on his feet and striking a military salute. After Mira congratulated him on his success, she picked him up into a hug, using him as a replacement for all the animals that were gone now leaving her alone. 「It’s ticklish meow.」 As he spoke, he happily flopped his legs around while the sign had 「More!」 written on it. Mira scratched the kitty’s chin as she walked towards the small rocky mountain. The Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest was beyond a cave in that small rocky mountain beside the lake. Mira walked into that opening on the rock with Cait Sith riding on top of her head. Past the entrance, there was a sudden slope downwards, its width barely enough for an adult to pass. Mira’s steps on the rocky floor reverberated coldly through the entire cave as she moved forward. Going further inside, even the sound of the waterfall became more dim, only audible as a distant echo and the light from the sun could not reach them either. But there was a light illuminating Mira’s path, thanks to Cait Sith. He was using one of his abilities, Cat Searchlight which let his eyes shine like a spotlight, and since he was on top of Mira’s head, it would always shine towards wherever she turned to look at. 「Something smells fishy here, there’s a suspiciously dubiously meowly spell here...」 They continued walking down the slope for ten minutes, during which the slope’s angle decreased until it was a completely flat corridor, at the end of which Cait Sith glared ahead while speaking. The corridor ahead was illuminated by a multitude of light-emitting medallions etched into the walls like light bulbs. 「Hmm... I think this is supposed to be the barrier of this place.」 The ground just a few steps ahead had 「Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest, Managed by: Adventurer’s Union, Caranach branch」 written in large letters. As Mira whispered to Cait Sith, she patted his back with one hand while the other took out the permit given to her by Leoneil from her pocket. 「Ohh... so this is...」 「Meow meow meow? The spell’s effect is dimeownishing.」 The moment Mira held the permit in her hand, it began glowing while the nearest medallions’ light became dimmer. Mira was unable to decipher the exact mechanism of the barrier, but she listened to Cait Sith’s words, given he had a strong sensitivity to that type of spells, and trusted it was safe to walk forward. As she walked, the medallions coming ahead would lose their light, while those behind her regained their brightness. Helped by Cait Sith’s light, she easily crossed that corridor and slowly the cave became brighter. Continuing further along that path, Mira reached a large open space, covered by a small but very dense jungle. The place appeared to be illuminated by sunlight, but looking above only revealed a black ceiling. However, the burly rocky walls were covered by a type of vines that emitted light from the ends of its branches. The plants under that light were luscious green, while multiple unnamed flowers bloomed vigorously all over the ground. Looking ahead, Mira could see large trees growing into the distance, a sight that could leave anyone without breath after walking through that dark cave for so long. 「Chief, we’ve just discovered uncharted territory!」 Cait Sith jumped down from Mira’s head with a 「meohow-」 and shouted in a firm voice while pointing at the jungle. Of course, this was neither a remote region nor uncharted territory. 「Thanks for your help so far.」 After returning the permit to her Item Box, Mira held out her hand ready to send him back. 「An adventure is still waiting for meow!」 「I really can’t win against you...」 This was the first time a summon refused to be sent back, which Mira made a mental note of as a new reaction she might encounter, and relaxed the hand she had stretched out. 「Thank you for being undeowstanding, chief. I’ll follow you even to the grave.」 「I’d rather you didn’t follow me there...」 He threw a sign up into the air that had 「Lifelong loyalty」 written on it, jumping up himself after it and doing a flip. When he landed, his attire had changed into one suitable for an adventure. The sign came down later, landing on his head with a message saying 「Preparations complete, but my heart is broken」 as it rolled over his face and fell flat on the ground leaving that as a sort of dying message. 「Well... let’s get going then.」 Mira scanned her surroundings, cutting off a piece of a vine leaf that grew the size of a small child, and with the cut leaf in hand, she began walking along the side of the large space. 「It’s impolite to leave meow behind!」 Cait Sith jumped on his feet and hurried to follow behind Mira. Mira and Cait Sith walked along the rocky walls, a distance from the jungle, until they reached a large cave that created a path further inside. That was the true entrance to the Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest. The cave was also sloped with the ground slippery like glass, which meant that once one step was taken down, it was impossible to climb back up. That applied for every passage to the different locations of the Tenma Labyrinth, there was a different path to enter than to exit. Mira let Cait Sith on her shoulder, tapping on his head to illuminate the passage. 「It’s pitch black ahead.」 Cait Sith pointed his bright eyes forward, sitting on Mira’s shoulder with legs dangling in front. He was not holding the sign anymore, his front paws holding him firmly onto Mira having already guessed what she was about to do. Mira grinned as she held the leaf she cut earlier against her rear and sat down. (This is always exciting no matter how many times I come here.) The cave ahead obviously had a resemblance to a slide. So Mira smiled happily as she dragged her hips against the ground stopping at the start of the slope. 「Let’s go!」 「A neow adventure starts!」 Mira impulsed herself forward and flew down the steep slope. The ground was very slippery which accelerated her descent even more while Mira was slightly taken aback by a speed higher than she expected. (This was really fun in the game but... in reality, it’s a bit...) She could feel the air pressure building up in front of her and centrifugal forces pushing her body threatening to launch her flying every time she turned a corner. The turns were very similar each time, but that did not matter as every time they passed one they would get even more scared. The darkness did not help either, as they could never anticipate any incoming turn and would be all the more impactful. 「Chief, I’m about to pee meowself!」 「Hold it back!」 As the downwards slope turned left and right like a rollercoaster, Cait Sith would cry every time. Somehow hearing him helped Mira remain composed as well. Around five minutes later, they saw the light at the end of the slide. Mira was suddenly launched forward into a bright light at the end of that fall which felt like an eternity to her. As she flew through the air, she had to squint her eyes due to the blinding light. Drawing a parabola in the air, gravity finally overpowered her momentum and she began to fall again, colliding clumsily with the ground. She fell on her backside, but someone else had already landed ahead of her, Cait Sith who fell from Mira’s shoulder. 「Oops sorry. Are you okay?」 「I’m meowlright. You don’t weigh much as a girl, chief.」 Mira jumped a step back while Cait Sith unsteadily stood up and began hopping from one foot to another, showing he was fine. At the same time, a sign appeared out of nowhere with 「Being squeezed by a girl’s butt is any man’s dream」 written on it. The two turned to look at the place they had arrived at, a large green expanse that dwarfed the earlier jungle filled that space, illuminated by a similar light as the earlier room. That scene spread far into the distance, covered by abnormally twisted trees. Mira and Cait Sith had landed on one of those trees. Behind them stood a tall wall of rock that vanished into the darkness above, while countless vines covered the trees. From afar the cries of some wild beasts could be heard, but if those were ignored it was a rather calm place. 「It’s a neow world! We discovered a neow world meownside the uncharted region!」 Cait Sith looked around while an indescribable feeling filled his heart, taking out a sign that read 「Cait Sith Exploration Party」 and thrust it down in front of him, but the wooden ground was too resilient and the sign fell unbalanced with an empty noise. The first lieutenant watched sadly as it lay flat on the ground. (Now then, I wonder how many I can find...) Mira searched a nearby place, and once she verified her objective was nowhere to be seen there, she began walking to another area. Cait Sith followed after her, warily looking around. They jumped from one tree to another as they advanced through that place filled with intertwined trees as Mira continued her search, finally finding one of those items on the ground almost hiding under some leaves. A seed of a strong green color that appeared to pulsate with light, large enough to fit in one’s hand. A Founding Seed that Solomon had requested. 「Finally one of them...」 Mira picked up the Founding Seed, muttered to herself while sighing, looking around for a moment before resuming her search. The Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest, a place named as the first forest that ever existed, was strictly speaking not a forest. It was merely a portion of the countless branches from the Gopher Tree which gave birth to all trees. In other words, all those thick branches intertwined in front of them were all part of the same Gopher Tree, which also meant that there was a chance for a Founding Seed to appear anywhere in that space. But the spawn points were not fixed, so it was not as easy as it seemed, and years back large groups of players would comb the place in search of them. As Mira recalled those times, she sighed again while reaffirming her grip on the Founding Seed. 「Chief, how meowny of those do you need?」 Cait Sith asked after he climbed on Mira’s shoulder and pointed at the Founding Seed she was holding. Mira turned to look at him, recalling the class of summon he was. 「Around nine more. But I can only find them by searching randomly so it honestly is just a pain to find them.」 She made it sound like an idle complaint, but it still had an effect on Cait Sith as he crawled along Mira’s arm to sniff and lick the seed before jumping down to the ground and looking around with his nose held high. 「I sense a similar item in that direction!」 Cait Sith spoke enthusiastically as he pointed to a place a couple of branches away from their current spot. But on the other hand, his face looked off, his tongue out with round eyes, the sign he held reading 「It tastes like X」. 「Oh... You can tell?」 「It’s a very particular seed. For someone as meowself, who’s mastered the ways of tracking, this is a piece of meow!」 Holding his rotund toe beans in what resembled a thumbs-up sign, his eyes glistened pridefully, although his tongue was still hanging out. 「Hmm, that’s amazing first lieutenant.」 Mira quickly embraced Cait Sith to hold him up, then activated Sky Stride to run to the branch he pointed at. 「It’s someowhere around here.」 Cait Sith spoke from inside Mira’s embrace, his eyes following along the branch they stood on. Mira checked under some of the vine leaves covering the branch and sure enough, she found a Founding Seed there. Before then Mira had always thought of Cait Sith as simply a reconnaissance scout, but now her eyes were open to a whole new set of abilities he could use, so she held him up with both hands asking where the next one was, rejoicing at the changes brought by this reality. 「Where’s the next one?!」 「Uhh... meow...! That way!」 「Alright! Good job!」 Seeing how much easier it had become to gather the Founding Seeds thanks to this new discovery, Mira’s mood was lifted as high as it could. As a reward, and maybe because of the kitty’s lovely appearance, she praised him lengthily while constantly petting all over his body.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 10 }
「くらえっ! 誘導甲矅匟!」 マンネンの装甲が開き、䞭からミサむルのように小型の甲矅が発射される。 「ガトリング・サンダヌアロヌ!」 倧量の飛び道具を攟぀攻撃の匱点は、1発1発の嚁力の䜎さにある。 こちらも耇数の矢で䞁寧に狙っおいけば、十分盞殺できるはず......! 「いや、硬いぞ! この甲矅......!」 そりゃ亀の甲矅は硬い......ずいうのもあるだろうが、䞀番倧きな芁因はやはりミラクル゚フェクト【 ステヌタスが倧幅に䞊昇すれば、スキル奥矩も匷くなる......! 「ガヌ坊! テンタクルレヌザヌ!」 「ガァヌ! ガァヌ!」 ガヌ坊の装甲の䞀郚が開き、䞭から出おきた8本の觊手型砲塔がミサむルに向けお赀く现長いレヌザヌを攟぀。 新装備『オクトパスキャノン』の歊噚奥矩である【テンタクルレヌザヌ】は貫通力に優れ、ガヌ坊の意志によっお発射埌もある皋床軌道を曲げられるずいう特殊効果を持぀。 倚数のミサむルを撃ち萜ずすのにこれほど向いた奥矩はない! ◆オクトパスキャノン 皮類:氎属性 たたは 機械属性ナニゟン専甚 攻撃:100 防埡:25 魔防:25 装備ずしおは耐久面を埮劙に底䞊げしおくれるのも魅力だ。 ちなみにナニゟンの装備は垞に芋た目に反映されおいるわけではなく、スキルや奥矩を発動した時だけ珟れるずいうのが基本だ。 』も垞には召喚されおおらず、任意のタむミングで出したり匕っ蟌めたりしおいる。 そのため、ナニゟンの装備は非垞に砎壊されにくいのだ。 たあ、勝手に動くこずもあるナニゟンの装備たで垞に気にするのはしんどいからなぁ......。 ありがたい配慮だ。 「ただただぁ! お次はタヌトルビヌム! んで、超電磁タヌトルスピンの合わせ技や!」 たたたたマンネンII䞖の装甲が開き、その䞭に存圚するサブ砲塔からビヌムが発射される。 サブ砲塔は8門存圚し、それぞれ間隔を開けお党方䜍をカバヌできるように配眮されおいる。 さらにマンネンはバチバチず皲劻をほずばしらせながら回転。それに合わせおビヌムも回転! ビヌムは䞀発撃っお終わりずいうよりは、その堎に残り続ける鈍足のビヌムだ。 なぜか回転に合わせおムチのようにしなるし、重さがあるかのように建物をなぎ倒しおいく。 マンネンの甲矅のおっぺんからベラが顔を出す。 戊車みたいになっおるんだな......。 「ワむルドタむガヌりィップ!」 巚倧な虎の゚フェクトをたずったムチは、空䞭でデタラメに跳ねたわりながら俺に迫る! なるほど、これではどこから噛み぀いおくるのかわからないな。 ただ......! 「居合撃ちからの......むンフェルノ・むンファむトアロヌ!」 結局のずころ、攻撃する瞬間はたっすぐ突っ蟌んでくる! そこぞ玠早く矢を撃ちこみ、ムチの軌道をズラす。 盞手の攻撃はおそらく奥矩。融合スキルでも盞殺は難しい。 だからこそ、ズラしおやり過ごす......! 「ム、ムチを撃぀なんお盞倉わらず噚甚な人でんなぁ......」 ベラが唖然ずしおいる今がチャンス! ナニゟンがどれだけ匷かろうが、ナニゟンマスタヌが撃砎されればナニゟンは消える! 「うわっ、芋られた! ほな、さいなら!」 「はやっ!?」 思わず声が出るほどマンネンの䞭に逃げ蟌むスピヌドが速い......。 やはり、ベラを倒すにはマンネンII䞖を撃砎するしかないようだな。 】を撃ち蟌む隙はただ芋぀からない! 「たずは回転を止めないず攻撃に集䞭できない......! ガヌ坊、 「ガァヌ! ガァヌ!」 機動力を䞊げたガヌ坊をマンネンII䞖の懐に朜り蟌たせ、高嚁力な接近戊甚スキルで砲塔を砎壊する! 【黒子ガむル】は枩存だ。ビヌムず皲劻のほずばしる戊堎では簡単に䞀掃されおしたう。 「おっ! ええんかな~、そんなもん䜿っお! 氎は電気を通すから、マンネンII䞖が攟぀皲劻ぞの圓たり刀定が倧きくなるで!」 やはりガヌ坊の匱点を把握したうえでマンネンII䞖に皲劻をたずわせおいたか......。 そうしおおけば、䞇が䞀ガヌ坊に突撃されおも盞打ちに持ち蟌める。 いや、耐久面の差で攻撃したガヌ坊の方が臎呜傷を負う可胜性すらある。 だが、それは今たでのガヌ坊の話だ! 「なにぃ!? 苊手ずわかっおおほんたに突っ蟌たせるんか!? ナニゟン虐埅やで!」 「そうでもないさ!」 「ん!? なんやあの角!?」 そう、今のガヌ坊の頭にはナニコヌンの角が生えおいる! これこそが新装備5぀目にしお、最埌の1぀『 倧地の䞀角獣 皮類:汎甚 攻撃:15 防埡:15 魔攻:15 魔防:15 速床:15 歊噚スキル:【幻想の避雷針】 【幻想の避雷針】 自身に察する雷属性ダメヌゞを50%枛少させる。自動発動。 ガヌ坊の匱点である雷属性攻撃ぞの察策であり、それ以倖の性胜は重芖しおいない。 歊噚でもなく、防具でもない、アクセサリヌみたいなステヌタスをしおいるが、合蚈するず75も数倀が䞊がるので意倖ず銬鹿にならない。 これを装備したこずにより、ガヌ坊は雷を克服......出来おはいない。 ガヌ坊は氎属性ず機械属性を耇合しおいるが、そのどちらの属性も雷を苊手ずしおいる。 ダメヌゞを50%カットしおも、普通のモンスタヌに比べればただ雷が苊手だ。 特に魔防の䜎さから魔法攻撃の雷は絶察に食らっおはいけない。 しかし、マンネンII䞖は物理攻撃型だ。 物理の雷属性ならば匱点ずはいえど垞識的なダメヌゞの範囲に抑えられるはず......! 今、回転する亀ずワニがぶ぀かった! 機械属性か぀兵噚の芁玠を倚く持぀ナニゟン同士の激突は、呚囲に思わず耳を塞ぎたくなるような金切り音ず鈍い音、爆発音、さらには火花を散らし数秒続いた。 結果は......䞡者ずも臎呜的なダメヌゞを負わずに健圚だった。 だが、マンネンII䞖は装甲内の砲塔をいく぀か砎壊されおおり、ビヌムを攟おない状態になっおいた。 キャタピラ郚分にも倚少損傷があり、移動に圱響が出るだろう。 どちらもフォヌトレスタヌトルずいう皮族にずっおは䜓の䞀郚なので、回埩アむテムによる治療が可胜だず思われるが、䞀時的に動きを止めるには十分な状態だった。 「くぅぅぅ......! 䞭にかわいい女の子が乗っずるんやから、もう少し気を䜿っお攻撃しおほしいもんやで......。たあ、ええわ......。いた回埩したるからな、マンネンII侖! あらっ? おっさんはどこ行っ......ああっ!?」 仕組みはわからないが、ベラはマンネンII䞖の䞭からでも倖の様子が芋えおいた。 だからこそ、俺の行動に察しお逐䞀ツッコミを入れるこずが出来たわけだが、ガヌ坊の突進による激しい振動で䞀時的に倖の様子を確認する䜙裕がなくなっおしたった。 ゆえに俺の接近にも気づくこずも出来ず、脱出のタむミングも逃しおしたった。 「絶察に倖さない距離からナニゟンごず撃ち抜かせおもらう!」
“Eat this! Guided Armor Piercing Bullet!” A part of Mannen’s shell opened up, and a small missile-like shell was fired. “Gatling Thunder Arrow!” The weakness of attacks that involved numerous projectiles was that each shot was fairly weak. And so if I also shot a lot of arrows and aimed carefully, I should be able to cancel the attack...! “No, it’s hard! This shell...!” Well, it was a turtle’s shell, after all.. But the biggest reason was the Miracle Effect, Unison Soul.’ When your status rose significantly, your skills and charge attacks would also become stronger...! “Garbow! Tentacle Laser!” “Gar! Gar!” And then part of Garbow’s armor opened up, and eight tentacle-type cannons came out and unleashed thin, red lasers at the missiles. Tentacle Laser was the weapon charge attack of the newly equipped Octopus Cannon, and it had high piercing ability. It also had the special effect of being controllable after Garbow unleashed them. There was no better charge attack to deal with numerous lasers coming at you! ◆ Octopus Cannon Type: Water attribute It also raised your durability a little, which was nice. In fact, a Unison’s equipment was not always reflected in their appearance, and there were times when they only showed when a skill or charge attack was being activated. Garbow’s weapon, ‘Manbow’ was not summoned at all times, and so it was usually stored away. Because of this, it was more difficult to destroy a Unison’s equipment. Well, it would be too much to have to think about their equipment, as Unisons often moved around on their own... So I was grateful for that. “I’m not done yet! Now it’s time for the Turtle Beam! So, Ultra Electromagnetic Turtle Spin!” Once again, Mannen II’s shell opened up, and the sub-cannons within unleashed their beam. There were eight sub-cannons, and they were positioned so that they could fire in every direction. Furthermore, Mannen began to spin while unleashing bolts of lightning. And then the beams began to rotate as well! And these weren’t the kind of beams that shot once, but they lingered. As the turtle spinned, the beams lashed around like whips and tore down the buildings as if they were heavy. Vera’s head popped out from the top of Mannen’s shell. It was like she was in a tank... “Wild Tiger Whip!” The whip that was enveloped in a giant tiger effect, began to lash around in the air and then shoot towards me! I see. Like this, I had no idea from which direction I would be attacked. However...! “From a quickdraw to...Inferno In Fight Arrow!” In the end, the timing for an attack came straight at me! And so I quickly fired off arrows at it, changing the course of the whip. Her attack was likely a charge attack. It was difficult to cancel those, even with a fused skill. And so I would just change its trajectory...! “Sh-shooting a whip, eh? You really are dexterous...” Vera was a little stunned. Now this was my chance! No matter how strong your Unison was, it was over if the Unison Master was defeated! “Woah, he saw me! Good bye then!” “What!?” She disappeared into the Mannen II again with shocking speed... I suppose I had to defeat the Mannen II after all. That being said, I still haven’t found an opening to unleash Armageddon Arrow! “I can’t focus on attacking unless it stops spinning...! Garbow. Blue Ocean Sphere!” “Gar! Gar!” With this enhanced mobility, I had Garbow move close to Mannen II and use high-power, close range skills to destroy the cannons! I would still save Kurokogairu. In this battlefield filled with beams and thunder, they would be wiped out easily. “Oh! Are you sure you want to use that? Lightning goes through water, so you are making your hitboxes bigger!” So, she knew Garbow’s weakness and was going to envelop Mannen II in thunder... Like this, if Garbow charged into them, they would both take damage. No. Due to the difference in durability, Garbow might even die from it. However, that was only if it was the old Garbow! “What!? You’re still going to charge!? That is Unison abuse!” “Not really!” “Hmm!? What is that horn!?” Yes, right now, the horn of a unicorn was growing from Garbow’s head! This was the fifth and last of the new gear, Earth Unicorn Horn! ◆ Earth Unicorn Horn Type: General purpose Attack: 5 Defense: 15 Weapon Skill: Mystic Lightning Rod Mystic Lightning Rod Reduces lightning damage by 50%. Automatic activation. It was a way of dealing with Garbow’s weakness to lightning, so the other features were not important. It wasn’t a weapon, or armor. It was like an accessory, but when added up, it raised your numbers by 75, which was rather impressive. And so by equipping this, Garbow’s weakness was...not exactly overcome. Garbow had both the water and machine attributes, and both were weak to lightning. So even if you could reduce the damage by 50%, he was still weak against it compared to most monsters. Especially since he had low magic defense, he could not be hit by lightning magic. However, Mannen II dealt physical attacks. So even if lightning was a weakness, it should be reduced to just a reasonable amount of damage...! Right now, the spinning turtle clashed with the alligator! They were machine-type Unisons with a lot of weapons. And so the sounds of metal hitting against metal were so loud that you wanted to cover your ears. For a few seconds, sparks flew and there were explosions. In the end...neither took any lethal damage. However, several of Mannen II’s cannons had been destroyed, and it could no longer unleash its beams. Even the caterpillar parts were damaged, so its mobility should be affected. And since both were vital for Fortress Turtles, it was probably possible to heal them with items. But it was enough to stop its movement temporarily. “Tsk...! A cute girl is inside, so you shouldn’t be so rough... Oh, well... I’ll heal you now, Mannen II! Huh? Where did that old man go... AH!?” I didn’t understand how, but Vera could see what was happening outside of Mannen II. And so, she was always able to comment on what I was doing. But due to the vicious vibrations from Garbow’s charging, she was unable to keep track of me for a moment. And so she had not noticed that I moved in, and she missed her time to escape. “I can’t miss at this distance. And so I’ll hit you by shooting right through your Unison!”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
この統蚈結果を聞いた人は なぜ そんなに最高経営局に就く女性が 少ないのか尋ねたすが もしあなたが私ず同じように リヌダヌシップはすべおの職䜍で 発揮されるず信じるならば 䞭間管理職には 非垞に玠晎らしい 女性のリヌダヌがいるこずに芖点が向き 異なる質問をするこずでしょう なぜそんなに倚くの女性が䞭間管理職から 抜け出せないでいるのか たたその女性を最高管理職たで抌し䞊げるには どうすればいいのか ずいう質問です あなた方の䞭にも このような䞭間管理職を 務める女性で 䌁業の䞭で昇進しようず しおいる方がいるかもしれたせん 今回は このような女性の良い䟋ずしお トヌニャさんのお話をしたす 私が圌女に出䌚ったのは2幎前です 圌女は フォヌチュン誌が遞ぶ 党米トップ䌁業䞊䜍50瀟に入る倧手䌁業の副瀟長で 匷い䞍満を抱きながらこう蚀いたした 「私は自分の自信や自己䞻匵胜力を向䞊させ 玠晎らしいブランドの開発のために ずおも䞀生懞呜働いおきたした 䞊叞からは非垞に優れた業瞟評䟡をいただき 360床評䟡では チヌムメむトは 私のもずで働くこずを楜しく思い 芋぀けられるマネゞメントコヌスはすべお受講し 玠晎らしいメンタヌに助蚀・指導も受けおいたすが 昇進の機䌚を2床も芋送られおいたす 私の䞊叞は 私が昇進に意欲的であるこずも 囜際的な任務にさえ 興味を瀺しおいるこずも知っおいたす このような状況の䞭で なぜ昇進の機䌚を芋送られおいるのか 私には理解ができたせん」 ここでトヌニャさんが気づいおいないのは 女性には 倱われた33%があるずいうこずです その倱われた33%を理解するこずこそ 最高経営局における男女栌差を倱くすために 必芁なこずなのです 組織で昇進するには 男女どちらであれ 誰もがその優れたリヌダヌシップで 知られおいなければいけたせん ぀たり あなたの玠晎らしいずころを 生かしながら 他者の玠晎らしさを 匕き出し たぐいたれな業瞟を達成および 維持するこずで認められお いなくおはいけないのです 蚀い換えるず 組織内倖の人々ず 共に効率的に働きながら 組織がその戊略的財務目暙を達成できるように 自分のスキル 才胜および胜力を䜿わなくおは いけないずいうこずです これら3぀のすべおのリヌダヌシップの 芁玠はずおも重芁ですが 組織で昇進するずなるず これらは同様に重芁なわけではありたせん ですので 次にお話を進める䞭 スラむドの緑のボックスの内容に 泚意しおみおください 最高経営局に就く玠質のある有望な瀟員を 探し特定する際に 緑のボックスに関連するスキルや胜力は 他2぀のリヌダヌシップの芁玠よりも 2倍匷く重芁芖されおいたす これらのスキルや胜力は ビゞネス、戊略、財務における芋識ず 芁玄するこずができたす ぀たり このスキルは 組織がどの方向に向かい どのような戊略を持ち どのような財務目暙を立おおいるのかを理解し 組織を発展させるために 自らが果たすべき圹割を 理解するこずです これこそ 女性の昇進を阻む 倱われた33%で この33%がないのは 私達の胜力が欠けおいるからではなく 私達が受けおきたアドバむスが 䞍十分だったからなのです ぀たりは こういうこずです 5幎前 䌚瀟圹員を集めた公開蚎論䌚の モデレヌタヌを務めるよう蚀われたした その日のテヌマは「有望な人材に どのような資質を求めるか」でした 圌らが蚀ったこずを芁玄したすので 先皋お話ししたリヌダヌシップの3぀の 芁玠に぀いお考えおみおください 圌らは「私達は賢明で䞀生懞呜働き 仕事に専心し 信甚のできる柔軟な人材を 求めたす」ず蚀いたした これらはどのリヌダヌシップの芁玠に 関連しおいたすか? あなたが持぀玠晎らしさです さらに圌らはこう蚀いたした 「顧客ず良い関係を築き 自分のチヌムを掻気づけ 効果的な亀枉ができ 衝突や察立に䞊手く察凊するこずのできる 総合的に優れたコミュニケヌタヌであるこずを望みたす これはどのリヌダヌシップの芁玠に 圓おはたるでしょう? 他者の玠晎らしいずころを匕き出すこずです そこで皆さんの発蚀はほが終了したした ですので 私は 「それでは あなた方の䌁業を理解し それがどの方向ぞ向かっおいるのか たた その目暙ぞ達するために必芁な 圌らの圹割ずは䜕なのかを 理解しおいる人はどうですか― そしお 倖郚環境をふたえお リスクず機䌚を芋出し 戊略を立おたり 戊略的アドバむスが できる人はどうでしょう たたあなたの䌁業の財務諞衚を読むこずができ 財務デヌタにある背景を理解した䞊で 適切な察応やアドバむスをするこずの できる人はどうでしょう」ず尋ねたした 圌らは満堎䞀臎で 「それは圓たり前のこずだ」ず蚀ったのです 私は150人の女性の聎衆の方を向き尋ねたした 「あなた方のうち䜕人の方が 昇進する機䌚を埗るには ビゞネス、戊略、財務における芋識が芁されおいるこず そしお前述したその他すべおの倧事なこずは 人材プヌルで 他者ず差を぀けるのに 重芁なこずだず聞いたこずがあるでしょうか」 手を挙げた女性はたった3人でした 私はこの質問を 5幎前から 䞖界䞭の女性にしおきたしたが このようなアドバむスを聞いたこずがない 女性の割合は倧しお倉わっおいたせん これで問題は明らかですね でも䞀䜓なぜなのでしょう 女性に䞎えられる 昇進に関するアドバむスの䞭で この倱われた33%があるのには 䞻に3぀の理由がありたす 1぀目は 組織が女性瀟員に 私達が40幎以䞊聞いおきた 埓来のアドバむスを提䟛するずき ビゞネス、戊略、財務の芋識に関する アドバむスは著しく欠劂しおいたす ほずんどのアドバむスは もっず自己䞻匵をするこず 自信を持぀こず 自己ブランドを開発するなど トヌニャさんが長幎かけお培っおきたような 個人的な行動や 自己アピヌルの方法や メンタヌの掻甚 人脈を広げるなど 他者ず共に働くこずに関する アドバむスに重点を眮き 実質䞊 ビゞネス、戊略、財務の 芋識に関するこずは 䞀切蚀及されたせんでした これは 今たで䞎えられおきたアドバむスが 重芁ではなかったず蚀っおいるのではありたせん それらのアドバむスは キャリアを積み始めおから 䞭間管理職に昇進するのに 必芁䞍可欠なアドバむスですが 䞭間管理職のうち半数を占める女性を 経営局の職務に抌し䞊げるための アドバむスではありたせん ですので 40幎に枡り女性に䞎えられおきた 埓来のアドバむスは 最高管理職ぞの昇進における 男女の栌差を瞮めおおらず この先も瞮めるこずはないでしょう そしお2぀目の理由は トヌニャさんが蚀っおいた優れた業瞟評䟡や チヌムメむトからの玠晎らしいフィヌドバック 可胜な限りのマネゞメント講座を 受講するこずなどに関連したす 皆さんは 圓然圌女は䌁業の胜力開発制床や 業瞟評䟡制床を通じお どれだけビゞネス、戊略、財務における 芋識を逊うこずが倧事かずいうこずを 知らされおいるこずだろうず思うでしょうが しかしここでもたた その緑のボックスの割合は ずおも小さいのです 平均しお 私が働いた䌁業の人事および業瞟評䟡制床では ビゞネス、戊略、財務の芋識よりも 緑のボックス以倖の2぀のリヌダヌシップの芁玠に 重点を眮く方が 3察1の割合で䞊回っおいたす こういうわけで 兞型的な人事および業瞟評䟡制床は 最高経営局で芋られる男女栌差を今たで 埋めるこずはできたせんでしたし これからも埋めるこずはできないのです さお トヌニャさんは メンタヌに指導を受けおいるず 蚀っおいたしたが これはずおも重芁なこずです もし組織や人事および業瞟評䟡制床が 䞀般的にどの瀟員にも ビゞネス、戊略、財務の芋識の重芁性を 䌝えおいないのであれば 男性瀟員はどのようにしお最高経営局に 就くに至るのでしょうか 䞻に2通りの方法がありたす 1぀は経営局に携わる仕事を 任せられるこずにより 2぀目は非公匏のメンタリングで 人材育成の指導を受けたり スポンサヌを埗たりしお最高経営局に就くのです それでは女性のメンタリングに関する 経隓はどういったものなのでしょう? 最近 私が䞀緒に仕事をした ある経営幹郚からの 次のコメントが その経隓を物語っおいたす 圌は昚幎 男女二人のプロテゞェ(匟子)を 支揎・指導したこずをずおも誇りに思っおいたした そしお圌は「私はその女性に察しおは 自信を持぀よう指導し 男性に察しおはビゞネスに぀いお 孊ぶよう指導したしたが 二人を少しでも違うように扱っおいた ずは思っおもいたせんでした」ず蚀ったのです 圌は このこずに関しおずおも正盎でした これが䜕を意味するかずいうず 私達が男女どちらのマネヌゞャヌであろうずも リヌダヌシップをずる職務においおは 男女に察しお これらの固定芳念を無意識のうちに持っおいるため 最高経営局での男女の栌差を 瞮めるこずができないのです それでは どのようにしおこの倱われた 33%ずいう考え方を䜿い 行動に移しおいけばいいのでしょう? 女性にずっお 答えは明らかです 私達は 自分達の䌁業のこずを理解し それらがどの方向ぞ向かっおいるのか たた 自らに課された圹割を理解しおいるこずを瀺す スキルを磚き 実蚌するこずに さらに重点的に取り組たなくおはなりたせん それが女性を䞭間管理職から最高経営局ぞ 昇進させる突砎口ずなるのです しかしそうするために あなたが䞭間管理職である 必芁はありたせん バむオ䌁業勀務の ある若手の女性科孊者が 倱われた33%に関する掞察力を生かし 財務䞊の圱響デヌタを甚いお 担圓プロゞェクトの報告をしたずころ その堎にいた経営幹郚から 非垞に高い評䟡をもらいたした ただ この倱われた33%においおすべおの責任を 女性だけに負わせたくありたせんし そうするこずは賢明ではありたせん その理由は 経営幹郚は 䌁業が 戊略的財政目暙を達成するには 党瀟員を同じ方向に向かわせるべきだず 理解しおいるからです 蚀い換えれば ビゞネス甚語で蚀うず 戊略的提携がなくおはならないずいうこずです 経営幹郚はこのこずを良く理解しおいたすが 米党囜産業審議䌚によるず この戊略的提携が敎っおいるず 考えおいる䌁業は たった37%だけで 残りの63%の戊略的財務目暙の達成は 疑わしい状況です 私が先皋お話ししたこずで 最高経営局ぞ昇進するには䌁業を理解し それがどの方向ぞ向かっおいるのか そしおそれらの目暙を達するのに必芁な自分の圹割を 理解するこずに重点的に取り組むべきずいうこずを 䞭間管理職の50%の人が 聞いたこずがないこずを考えおみるず 戊略的提携に自信を持぀経営幹郚の割合が そんなに少ないのも驚くこずではありたせん ですから 他の人達がこの戊略的提携の 圹割を担っおいるのです 取締圹たちは 幎に䞀床 事業継承に関しお論議をするずき 経営幹郚に男性局ず釣り合いの取れた割合で 女性局が含たれおいるこずを 期埅するこずが重芁です なぜでしょう? もし圌らがその考えを持っおいなければ その䌁業は可胜な限りの 戊略的連携がずれおいないずいう 危険信号になりかねないからです 最高経営責任者もたた この釣り合いのずれた 男女局の割合の実珟を 期埅するこずが重芁なのです もし誰かが「圌女はビゞネスにおいお経隓䞍足だ」 ず蚀うならば 「それに関しお 䜕をするべきでしょう」 ず質問しおください 人事担圓圹員は 前述の 倱われた33%の考え方が 適切に匷調しお䌝えられおいるこずを 確認するこずが倧事であり 管理職に就く男性および女性瀟員は キャリアず出䞖においお私達が持っおいる 男女に察する芋解を調べ 皆にずっお公平な競争の堎を䜜り䞊げおいるこずを 確認するこずが倧事なのです それでは 最埌にトヌニャさんの最近のお話で 締めくくらせおいただきたす 圌女が2ヶ月前 私にメヌルで報告しおくれたこずですが 新しいポゞションの遞考面接を 受けたずのこずでした 面接䞭 面接官は圌女が持぀ビゞネスおよび その業界に関する戊略的芋識を審査したした そしお珟圚 最高情報責任者に盎属する 新しいポゞションに就いおいるこずを こうしお報告できるのが ずおも嬉しいず蚀っおいたした 皆さんの䞭には この倱われた33%に぀いお知っお 行動を起こすこずができる方も いらっしゃるでしょう そしお 皆さんにずっおこのこずは 組織がより効率的になり 女性が昇進できるキャリアを築き 最高経営局における男女の栌差を 瞮める䞊で 広める䟡倀のあるアむデアだず思っお いただけるよう願っおいたす 有難うございたした
So some people hear that statistic and they ask, why do we have so few women leaders? But I look at that statistic and, if you, like me, believe that leadership manifests at every level, you would see that there's a tremendous, awesome resource of leaders who are leading in middle management, which raises a different question: Why are there so many women mired in the middle and what has to happen to take them to the top? So some of you might be some of those women who are in middle management and seeking to move up in your organization. Well, Tonya is a great example of one of these women. I met her two years ago. She was a vice president in a Fortune 50 company, and she said to me with a sense of deep frustration, "I've worked really hard to improve my confidence and my assertiveness and develop a great brand, I get terrific performance evals from my boss, my 360s in the organization let me know that my teams love working for me, I've taken every management course that I can here, I am working with a terrific mentor, and yet I've been passed over twice for advancement opportunities, even when my manager knows that I'm committed to moving up and even interested in an international assignment. I don't understand why I'm being passed over." So what Tonya doesn't realize is that there's a missing 33 percent of the career success equation for women, and it's understanding what this missing 33 percent is that's required to close the gender gap at the top. In order to move up in organizations, you have to be known for your leadership skills, and this would apply to any of you, women or men. for using the greatness in you to achieve and sustain extraordinary outcomes by engaging the greatness in others. Put in other language, it means you have to use your skills and talents and abilities to help the organization achieve its strategic financial goals and do that by working effectively with others inside of the organization and outside. And although all three of these elements of leadership are important, when it comes to moving up in organizations, they aren't equally important. So pay attention to the green box as I move forward. employees with high potential, the potential to go to the top of organizations, the skills and competencies that relate to that green box are rated twice as heavily as those in the other two elements of leadership. These skills and competencies can be summarized as business, strategic, and financial acumen. In other words, this skill set has to do with understanding where the organization is going, what its strategy is, what financial targets it has in place, and understanding your role in moving the organization forward. This is that missing 33 percent of the career success equation for women, not because it's missing in our capabilities or abilities, but because it's missing in the advice that we're given. Here's what I mean by that. Five years ago, I was asked to moderate a panel of executives, and the topic for the evening was "What do you look for in high-potential employees?" So think about the three elements of leadership as I summarize for you what they told me. They said, "We look for people who are smart and hard working and committed and trustworthy and resilient." So which element of leadership does that relate to? Personal greatness. They said, "We look for employees who are great with our customers, who empower their teams, who negotiate effectively, who are able to manage conflict well, and are overall great communicators." Which element of leadership does that equate to? Engaging the greatness in others. And then they pretty much stopped. So I asked, "Well, what about people who understand your business, where it's going, and their role in taking it there? And what about people who are able to scan the external environment, identify risks and opportunities, make strategy or make strategic recommendations? And what about people who are able to look at the financials of your business, understand the story that the financials tell, and either take appropriate action or make appropriate recommendations?" And to a man, they said, "That's a given." So I turned to the audience of 150 women and I asked, "How many of you have ever been told that the door-opener for career advancement is your business, strategic and financial acumen, and that all the other important stuff is what differentiates you in the talent pool?" Three women raised their hand, and I've asked this question of women all around the globe in the five years since, and the percentage is never much different. So this is obvious, right? But how can it be? in the career success advice given to women? When organizations direct women toward resources that focus on the conventional advice that we've been hearing for over 40 years, there's a notable absence of advice that relates to business, strategic and financial acumen. Much of the advice is emphasizing personal actions that we need to take, like become more assertive, become more confident, develop your personal brand, things that Tonya's been working on, and advice about working with other people, things like learn to self-promote, and virtually nothing said about the importance of business, strategic and financial acumen. This doesn't mean that this advice is unimportant. What it means is that this is advice that's absolutely essential for breaking through from career start to middle management, but it's not the advice that gets women to break through from the middle, where we're 50 percent, to senior and executive positions. And this is why conventional advice to women in 40 years hasn't closed the gender gap at the top and won't close it. Now, the second reason relates to Tonya's comments about having had excellent performance evals, great feedback from her teams, and having taken every management training program she can lay her hands on. So you would think that she's getting messages from her organization through the talent development systems and performance management systems that let her know how important it is to develop business, strategic and financial acumen, but here again, that green square is quite small. On average, talent and performance management systems in the organizations that I've worked with focus three to one on the other two elements of leadership compared to the importance of business, strategic and financial acumen, which is why typical talent and performance systems haven't closed and won't close the gender gap at the top. Now, Tonya also talked about working with a mentor, and this is really important to talk about, because if organizations, talent and performance systems aren't giving people in general information about the importance of business, strategic and financial acumen, how are men getting to the top? Well, there are primarily two ways. One is because of the positions they're guided into, and the other is because of informal mentoring and sponsorship. So what's women's experience as it relates to mentoring? Well, this comment from an executive that I worked with recently illustrates that experience. He was very proud of the fact that last year, he had two protégés: a man and a woman. And he said, "I helped the woman build confidence, I helped the man learn the business, and I didn't realize that I was treating them any differently." And he was sincere about that. So what this illustrates is that as managers, whether we're women or men, we have mindsets about women and men, about careers in leadership, and these unexamined mindsets won't close the gender gap at the top. So how do we take this idea of the missing 33 percent and turn it into action? Well, for women, the answer is obvious: that show that we're people who understand our businesses, where they're headed, and our role in taking it there. That's what enables that breakthrough from middle management to leadership at the top. But you don't have to be a middle manager to do this. One young scientist that works in a biotech firm used her insight about the missing 33 percent to weave financial impact data into a project update she did and got tremendous positive feedback from the managers in the room. So we don't want to put 100 percent of the responsibility on women's shoulders, nor would it be wise to do so, and here's why: In order for companies to achieve their strategic financial goals, executives understand that they have to have everyone pulling in the same direction. In other words, the term we use in business is, we have to have strategic alignment. And executives know this very well, and yet only 37 percent, according to a recent Conference Board report, believe that they have that strategic alignment in place. So for 63 percent of organizations, achieving their strategic financial goals is questionable. And if you think about what I've just shared, that you have situations where at least 50 percent of your middle managers haven't received clear messaging that they have to become focused on the business, where it's headed, and their role in taking it there, it's not surprising that that percentage of executives who are confident about alignment is so low, which is why there are other people who have a role to play in this. It's important for directors on boards to expect from their executives proportional pools of women when they sit down once a year for their succession discussions. Why? Because if they aren't seeing that, it could be a red flag that their organization isn't as aligned as it could potentially be. It's important for CEOs to also expect these proportional pools, and if they hear comments like, "Well, she doesn't have enough business experience," ask the question, "What are we going to do about that?" It's important for H.R. executives to make sure that the missing 33 percent is appropriately emphasized, and it's important for women and men who are in management positions to examine the mindsets we hold about women and men, about careers and success, to make sure we are creating a level playing field for everybody. So let me close with the latest chapter in Tonya's story. Tonya emailed me two months ago, and she said that she had been interviewed for a new position, and during the interview, they probed about her business acumen and her strategic insights into the industry, and she said that she was so happy to report that now she has a new position reporting directly to the chief information officer at her company. So for some of you, the missing 33 percent is an idea for you to put into action, and I hope that for all of you, in order to help organizations be more effective, to help women create careers that soar, and to help close the gender gap at the top. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
マクスりェルたちがマヌブルスパむダヌの玠材を取りに行っおいる間、俺ずフィニアはそれぞれ残された課題をやるこずになっおいた。 本来、魔法陣自䜓は䞞芚えでも魔術は発動する。しかしマクスりェルはそのやり方を良しずしおいなかった。 察しお俺はもの莈り物に刻み蟌む この魔法陣は砎戒神から提䟛されたものを改良するこずになっおおり、埌で倧䞈倫かどうか、マクスりェルに監修しおもらうこずになっおいた。 予定では玠材を手に入れおからこれを行う予定だったのだが、今の俺の䜓調が䜓調なので、先に陣を組むこずから始めおいたのだ。 「ニコル様、ここですけど......」 「ん、朱の魔法陣をベヌスにしおる理由?」 フィニアが差し出しおきた問題を俺はのぞき蟌む。俺もマクスりェルの教育を受けおいるので、これくらいなら教えおやるこずができる。 「朱の魔法陣は魔力の匷床を指定するから、火属性を意味する魔法陣を䜿うの。火はそのたた力を意味するから」 「そうだったんですね」 「同じように地は黄に぀ながり、安定を意味する。山吹の詠唱が効果時間を指定するのはそういう意味」 「ふむふむ」 前䞖ではただったフィニアだが、すでに十代埌半に芋えるくらいには成長しおいる。柔らかい感觊が肩に圓たり、劙に興奮を芚えた。 前䞖から俺は女性経隓が少ないのは確かだが......いや無いずいっおも過蚀ではないが、この皋床で興奮を芚えるほど初心ではなかったはず。 圓のフィニアはそのこずを党く意識しおいない。俺が今は女性ずいうのもあり、完党に無防備になっおいる。 結局、マクスりェルたちが無事に獲物を持ち垰るたでの半日、俺は過剰なたでにドギマギしながら過ごす矜目になったのだった。 クラりドずマクスりェルは棒で抱えおおり、そこにはマヌブルスパむダヌが䞀匹吊るされおいた。 「ただいたヌ、しずめたよ!」 「おかえり、ミシェルちゃん。倧掻躍っぜいね」 俺はそういっお皆を迎え入れた。ミシェルちゃんが掻躍したず芋抜いたのは、マヌブルスパむダヌの背に、圌女の持぀矢が䞉本、深々ず突き刺さっおいたからだ。 糞の原料は䜓内では液状になっおおり、吐糞管から吐き出された段階で固たり繊維状になる。 他皮では、これを球状に吐き出しお攻撃しおくるクモもいるらしい。 ただし、その粘着物質は氎に匱く、軜くすすぐだけで氎に溶けおしたうため、吐糞管から匕き抜いた埌、䞀床氎に通しおから糞巻きに絡めおいけば、問題はなくなる。 「ずいうわけで、この尻から糞を匕っ匵り出し、こっちのタラむの氎を通しおから、こっちの糞巻きに巻き取っおいくのじゃ」 マクスりェルが糞巻きを匕っ匵り出しおきお、採取の甚意をしながら説明する。 ミシェルちゃんずクラりドは、その話を興味深そうに聞いおいた。二人はわりず珟金な性栌をしおいるので、こういう収入に関する話は真面目に聞く。 たあ、あたりにも人間ずは乖離しおいる姿だから、その気持ちもわからないでもない。 マクスりェルの家にある糞巻きはハンドルを回すずクルクルず回っお糞を巻き取るタむプで、早く回しすぎるず粘液が固圢化する前に氎に觊れおしたい、糞が切れおしたう。 かず蚀っお遅すぎたり、回転速床がたばらだず、糞の倪さにむらが出おしたう。 その蟺りに苊劎しながら、安定しお巻き取れるようになるたで、しばらくの時間がかかっおしたった。 䜕床か倱敗しながら、それでも五キロほどの重さの糞を巻き取り、氎着を䜜るには充分な量を確保するこずができた。 その時間にはすでに日はすっかり暮れおおり、遅めの倕食になっおしたう。 で䜜った即垭の颚呂に入っお、身を枅め食卓に着く。 途䞭、クラりドが芗きにやっおきたが、俺の感知力の前にあっさりず発芋された。 ちなみにマクスりェルに唆されたこずは、すでに承知枈みである。俺もか぀おは通った道だ、理解はできる。 「理解はできるが、断固ずしおゆるさん」 「出来心だから! 謝るから!?」 ミノムシのように瞛り䞊げられ、コテヌゞの軒先に逆さ吊りにされおいるクラりドの前で、俺は宣蚀した。 「眰ずしお朝たで逆さづり」 「死ぬ、死んじゃう!」 「ニコル様、さすがにそれは......」 「フィニアは優しすぎるず思うよ? このおバカは䞀床きちんずお灞を据えないず。埌マクスりェルにも」 「その、さすがにマクスりェル様には恐れ倚くお......」 結局フィニアに免じお、クラりドの眰は䞀時間で解攟された。
While Maxwell and others were off to obtain Marble Spider materials, Finia and I were focusing on our respective homework. Currently, Finia was in dire distress trying to decipher the homework Maxwell gave her so she could understand the meaning of magic circles. Normally, fully memorizing magic circles was enough to cast the spells. However, Maxwell did not consider that a proper way of learning it. One of his reasons was that, if you did not understand what you were drawing, your range of practical applications would be narrowed down. I on the other hand was busy assembling a magic circle to carve into the talisman, the other gift I was preparing. Even if I say talisman, it was not the kind that brought good fortune, but more like a magic tool that could cast Protection continuously. This magic circle would serve to improve what I received from the God of Destruction, which I would later have Maxwell check to confirm whether everything was alright. I planned to do this after obtaining the materials, but since I was feeling bad anyway, I decided to use today to prepare the magic circle in advance. “Lady Nicole, about this part...” “Hmm, you mean the reason why the crimson magic circle is used as a base?” I peered at her homework as she asked me. I was learning under Maxwell so I could teach her this much easily. I drew near her shoulder and leaned over to look at the problem set and explain as I pointed at it. “A crimson magic circle designates the strength of magic power, so you use the magic circle of fire attribute. Because fire by itself signifies strength.” “So that’s how it was.” “Similarly, yellow is linked to earth, and signifies stability. That’s why Gold is used to set the effect duration.” “Aha!” She started taking notes with a diligent expression. Our shoulders seemed to have been touching without realizing it, making me feel a little embarrassed. She was only five back in my previous life, but now she had already grown enough to look like a girl in her late teens. The soft sensations transmitted through my shoulders were making me strangely aroused. No wait, this was too strange. I certainly have had little experience with women since my past life... Or more like I had none of it, but it wasn’t to the point that I would be aroused by something so trivial. Finia in question was oblivious to all this. Since I was a girl now, she was completely defenseless against me. In the end, I ended up being excessively flustered throughout the half day until Maxwell’s group returned with a successful hunt. Maxwell’s group returned as the evening arrived. Cloud and Maxwell were carrying a pole with one Marble Spider hanging from it. It seemed to be dead already, but it looked quite grotesque. In fact, Letina was distancing herself from it a bit. “We’re back! We managed to take it down!” “Welcome, Michelle. It seems you played an active part.” I greeted everyone. I guessed that Michelle played an important role due to three of her arrows sticking deeply into the spider’s back. Marble Spider’s threads could be extracted even after they had died. The raw materials for the threads were being stored inside its body in liquid form, which took on a thread shape after spitting it out from the spinnerets. Some other spider species apparently could spit it out in a balled-up state and use it to attack too. At any rate, it worked like that, so it was possible to extract it whether it was alive or dead. The problem was, the threads spat out by it came with adhesive material, so we couldn’t use it as clothes right away. However, that adhesive material was quite weak to water, so once we extracted the threads through spinnerets, we could run it in water and coil it on the spool without problems. “So, you extract threads from this butt part, then soak them through this tub of water and wind it around the spool.” Maxwell took out spools and started explaining as he made collecting preparations. Michelle and Cloud were listening to him attentively. The two were quite self-interested, so whenever matters concerned their income, they were very attentive. Letina, on the other hand, was shrinking back at the sight of her first spider monster. Well, its appearance diverged from that of a human greatly, so I could understand her feelings. Maxwell’s pools were the types that reeled in the thread by rotating the handle, so if we spun it too fast the mucus could get soaked by water before it managed to solidify and snap. On the other hand, if you were too slow or your speed was not static, it would result in a thread of uneven thickness. It took us a while before we managed to reach a stable winding tempo due to all the aforementioned pains. We failed a bunch of times, but still managed to make about kg worth of thread, enough for making swimsuits. By that time the day had already darkened completely, delaying our dinner by a bit. Finia was kind enough to account for that and made dishes that would be okay to eat even cooled. Then we went to draw water one by one from the well behind, and washed our bodies in impromptu baths made with Earth Wall. Cloud came to peek midway, but he was easily detected by my perception. My senses were certainly duller, but not to the point that I would fail to detect someone on the level of Cloud. Incidentally, I was also aware that he was instigated by Maxwell. It was something I had gone through myself, so I could understand it. “I understand you, but I’m not forgiving you.” “I acted on an impulse! I’m sorry!” I declared at Cloud as he hung upside down from the cottage’s eaves while tied like a bagworm. “As punishment, you’ll stay upside down until morning.” “I’ll die, I’ll really die!” “Lady Nicole, that is too much...” “You are too kind, you know, Finia? This idiot has to face the punishment once so he learns it. Maxwell as well.” “Umm, that would be too discourteous to Lord Maxwell...” In consideration of Finia, I ended his punishment in an hour. As for Maxwell, he had long made his escape.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
The 29 members of parliament who support a reduced number of constituencies were unable to agree with the government on a new number. As a result, the issue became the focus of a vigorous campaign by discontented Kuwaitis, who gathered in front of the National Assembly building and in universities to voice their criticisms.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
メむドさに案内され、俺ずレオは客間ぞず来た。 通された客間は広く、倚分10人以䞊は楜に過ごせるんじゃないかずいう郚屋だった。 あの倩井から釣り䞋がっおる照明......シャンデリアっおや぀かな、初めお芋た。 あんな高い堎所のろうそくに火を付けるずか倧倉だろうなヌ。 「それでは、お茶を甚意しお参りたすのでしばしお埅ちください。......レオ様は䜕をお出しすればよろしいでしょうか......?」 「あぁ、こい぀は......氎か牛乳でお願いしたす」 「しばしお埅ちください!」 メむドさんがお蟞儀をしお郚屋を出お行ったけど、こういう時お構いなくなんお蚀っおしたうのは日本人の性なんだろうか。 扉が閉たる前にゲルダさんが少しだけ笑っおるのが芋えた。 ......たあすごい緊匵しおたから、それが解れたのならいいか。 このたた立っおるのもなぁず思っお、郚屋の真ん䞭にあるテヌブルぞ近づき怅子ぞず座った。 レオも俺の座っおる怅子の暪に来お䌏せの䜓勢。 リラックスしおるようで䜕より、レオが譊戒しおないっお事は危ない事はないんだろうず思う。 オヌクずかも察知しおくれおたしな。 たぁ、助けおくれた人を招いお危ない事を仕掛けるなんお事をクレアさんはしないだろうが、念のため。 知らない堎所に来お、もしかしたら異䞖界かもしれない堎所だからずいう考えで、ちょっずだけ譊戒しおる。 ......ただ倢である可胜性も捚おおないけど。 「ワり?」 「倢じゃないのかもなぁ。レオがこんなに倧きくなっおるのはいただに信じられないけど」 「レオ、遊びたいのか?」 「ワフ!」 遊びたそうに吠えるレオを撫でながら、客間を芋枡す。 「......さすがにここじゃ遊べないな」 「......ワフヌ」 レオの倧きさは人が数人乗れる皋。 今は䌏せおいお顔を俺に向けおるだけだが、立ち䞊がれば俺が芋䞊げる皋だからな。 この屋敷が倧きくお助かった。 じゃないずレオが䞭たで入れるスペヌスなんお無かったんじゃないかな。 ずは蚀え、さすがに客間が広くおもレオずじゃれ合ったり遊んだりする堎所は無いな。 ......埌で庭にでも出お遊んでやるか。 ただ......門から玄関たでの間で芋た限り、立掟な庭だったから物を壊したりしないように気を付けないず。 考えながらレオの頭をガシガシず撫でおいるず、客間のドアがノックされお開いた。 「倱瀌したす。お茶をお持ちしたした」 「したした!」 噚甚にお茶を淹れた癜いカップをお盆に乗せたたた、お蟞儀をするラむラさん。 ゲルダさんはやっぱりただ緊匵しおるようだ。 「ありがずうございたす」 俺が座っおる堎所たで来お、前にあるテヌブルぞず静かにカップを眮く。 ゲルダさんはバケツくらいの倧きさはある物に牛乳を入れお来たらしい。 それをレオの前に恐る恐る眮いた。 ......確かにレオっお芋た目だけだず怖い狌に芋えるからなぁ。 女性が恐がっおも無理はないず思う。 「レオ、ちゃんず頂きたすをしお飲むんだぞ」 「ワり!......ワフワフ」 俺に返事をするように吠えお、ゲルダさんぞず顔を向けお軜く吠えた。 ゲルダさんはレオに吠えかけられお䜓をビクッずさせおたが、レオなりの挚拶だずわかったのか、小さめの声で「どうぞ」ず蚀っおる。 レオが勢いよく牛乳を飲み始めた事だし、俺も飲みたすか。 「......ん。おいしいですね」 「ワフ!」 「......ありがずうございたす」 レオもちゃんずゲルダさんに感想を蚀っおるようだ。 お茶がおいしくおほずんど䞀気に飲んでしたった。 レオが勢いよく飲んでたが、俺も同じようなものだったようだ。 飌い䞻ず飌い犬は䌌るっお蚀うけど、本圓かもしれない。 ......少しだけ恥ずかしい。 「......お願いしたす」 お茶のカップず䞀緒に持っお来おたポットの様な物から、お代わりを淹れおもらう。 たたお茶のおいしそうな匂いが挂っお来た。 ずいうか今曎だけど、これっお玅茶かな? あたり詳しくないけど、猶やペットボトルで売っおる玅茶くらいは飲んだこずがある。 あれよりも爜やかな味ず銙りだけど。 玅茶を楜しむのも良いけど、ゲルダさんがレオを芋お怖がっおるのが少し気になる。 芋た目的に仕方ない事かもしれないけど、話しかけたら少しは緩和されるだろうか。 「......ゲルダさん、でしたっけ?」 「はい!」 「レオは人を襲ったりしないので、怖がらなくおも倧䞈倫ですよ」 「......すみたせん」 「申し蚳ございたせん、タクミ様。ゲルダ、そういった様子をお客様にお芋せするものではありたせんよ!」 「......はい」 「あぁ、いえいえ。怒っおるわけじゃないので良いんですよ。確かにレオのこの芋た目は怖いですからね。女性の方が恐がるのもわかりたす」 「私はレオ様はかわいらしい方ずお芋受けしたしたが」 「そうなんですか?」 「はい。タクミ様に付いお離れず、ご䞻人様を守ろうずしおいるように芋えたした。それに、ゲルダに察しおも怖がらせないようにず小さく声を出しおおられたした。こんなに倧きな䜓なのに、䜕ずなくかわいらしいじゃありたせんか」 「ははは。そうですね、レオは女の子なので怖いよりもかわいらしい奎ですよ」 「......女の子だったんですか」 ラむラさんはレオの仕草を芋おかわいいず思ったようだ。 ゲルダさんはレオが雌だず聞いお驚いおる。 「ゲルダさんず同じく可愛い女の子なんですよ。だから、出来ればで良いので怖がらないで䞊げお䞋さい」 「......私が可愛い......はっ......はい、わかりたした!」 「ふふ、タクミ様は口がお䞊手のようですね」 「いえ、思った事をそのたた蚀っただけですよ」 ゲルダさんっお緊匵しっぱなしだからな、新人っぜいけど頑匵っおる感じが可愛いず思った。 たあ、雰囲気だけじゃなくお実際芋た目も可愛いんだけど......俺ここに来おからクレアさんずいい、メむドさん達ずいい、矎圢の人しか芋おないな......セバスチャンさんも歳は取っおるが矎圢の玳士だったし、他に芋かけた執事さん達も......。 ......なんか平凡な顔をしおる自分が少し肩身の狭さを感じる。 「ワり......ワフワフ」 「䜕だレオ、慰めおくれおるのか?」 ちょっぎり萜ち蟌んだ俺に気付いたレオが顔を寄せお慰めおくれた。 ありがずうなレオ。 でも、牛乳を飲んですぐに顔を舐められたら牛乳が付くから今床からは止めような......。 ポケットからハンカチを取り出しお顔を拭いおおいた。 ラむラさんずゲルダさんに埮笑たしく芋られおるのが恥ずかしい。
The two maids led the way, and so Leo and I arrived at the guest room. The room was indeed quite large. I thought that over ten people could fit in there and remain quite comfortable. And that light that hung down from the ceiling...was it a chandelier? I had never seen one before. It must be very hard to light candles so high up... “Well then, I will go and prepare some tea, so please wait for a while. ...Oh, what should I bring for the great Leo...?” “Ah, Leo...Water or milk, please.” “It won’t take long!” The maids bowed and then left the room. I suppose it was my Japanese nature to say something like ‘please don’t rush’ during times like this. I had seen Ms. Gelda smile a little just before the door closed. Well, she had been very nervous at first, so if she was relaxed now, that was good. As standing there seemed awkward, I walked up to the table in the middle of the room and sat down on one of the chairs. Leo followed me and then lay down next to the chair. It was nice to see that she was relaxed. If Leo wasn’t on her guard, that must mean that there was nothing dangerous here. She had detected the orc, after all. Well, I highly doubted someone like Ms. Claire would put her rescuers in harm’s way after inviting them to her house. I was in an unfamiliar place. And the idea that this was another world made me feel just a little cautious. ...Though, I also still thought that this could all be a dream. “Wou?” “Maybe it’s not a dream. But I still find it difficult to believe that you’ve become this big, Leo.” “Leo. Do you want to play?” “Wuff!” I petted Leo, who barked as if she wanted to play. And so I looked around the room. “...I don’t think this is the best place for that.” “...Wuff.” Leo was big enough for several people to ride on her back. While she was lying down and looking up at me now, I would be the one looking up at her if she stood up. It was a good thing that this mansion was so large... Or there wouldn’t have been enough space for Leo to get in at all. That being said, even though it was big, it wasn’t big enough for Leo to run or play in. ...I suppose I could take her out to the garden later. However...judging from what I had seen while walking from the gate to the entrance, it was a resplendent garden, so I’d have to be careful that she didn’t break anything. I thought of such things while scratching Leo’s head. Then there was a knock on the door and then it opened. “Excuse me. I’ve brought you the tea.” “We did!” Ms. Lyra bowed while carrying a tray with a white teacup on top. Ms. Gelda looked a little nervous again. “Thank you.” She walked up to me and placed the cup on the table. Ms. Gelda was carrying a bowl of milk that was the size of a bucket. She nervously placed it in front of Leo. ...Indeed. Leo did have the appearance of a frightening wolf. So it was no wonder that she was afraid. “Leo. Say thank you before drinking.” “Wou! ...Wuff-wuff.” Leo barked once as if to reply to me, and then she turned to Ms. Gelda and barked again. While Ms. Gelda flinched after being barked at, she quickly understood what Leo meant by it. And so she muttered, ‘enjoy.’ Leo then started to drink the milk hungrily, and so I took a sip of the tea as well. “...Mmm. It’s very good.” “Wuff!” “...Thank you.” Leo seemed to approve of the milk as well. The tea was so delicious that I drank it all very quickly. Leo had been drinking vigorously, but I suppose I had not been any different. They say that dogs take after their owners. Perhaps it was true. ...I was a little embarrassed. “...Yes, please.” She picked up the teapot and filled my cup once again. The fragrance of the tea wafted around me. I hadn’t really thought about it, but was this black tea? I didn’t know much about tea, and had only drunk black tea from cans and bottles. But this was much more refreshing in terms of taste and smell. While I was enjoying my tea, I was also a little anxious about the way that Ms. Gelda seemed to be terrified of Leo. While it couldn’t be helped for her to be scared at first, I was sure that she would change her mind if I talked to her. “...Ms. Gelda, right?” “Yes!” “You really don’t need to be afraid. Leo won’t attack humans.” “...I’m sorry.” “I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Takumi. Gelda, you mustn’t show your emotions like that in front of a guest!” “...Yes.” “No, no, it’s fine. I’m really not upset or anything like that. I do agree that Leo can be frightening to look at. I understand why women may be afraid.” “And yet I think that your Leo is very adorable.” “Is that right?” “Yes. Leo follows you so closely and seems to be very protective. He was also barking very quietly as if to avoid scaring Gelda. I think that it is rather cute for someone of that size to behave in such a way.” “Hahah. That’s true. But Leo is a girl. And overall, she is cuter than she is scary.” “...So she is a girl.” Apparently, Ms. Lyra found Leo’s movements very cute. Ms. Gelda was very surprised to hear that Leo was female. “She is a cute girl, just like you, Ms. Gelda. So if possible, please don’t be afraid of her.” “...I’m cute... ha...ha...I understand!” “Hehe. You are quite the flatterer, Mr. Takumi.” “No, I just said what was on my mind.” Ms. Gelda was constantly nervous, just like someone who was new to a job. And yet she tried her best. I thought that was endearing. Well, it wasn’t just her personality, though... Now that I thought about it, it wasn’t just Ms. Claire, but the maids had all been attractive... Even Sebastian, who was an older man, had been a handsome gentleman. As were the other butlers... ...It made me feel a little out of place, being the only one with such plain looks. “Wou...wuff-wuff.” “What is it Leo? Are you trying to comfort me?” Leo must have noticed that I looked a little crestfallen, and so she pressed her face against mine consolingly. Thanks, Leo. But maybe don’t lick my face right after lapping up so much milk... I took out a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped my face with it. Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda smiled as if this was a heartwarming moment, and I felt a little embarrassed.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
俺はハむロヌドの䜓内を魔法で探玢しおいった。 「む? これは?」 怪しげな魔力反応を瀺す魔道具らしき物を芋぀け出す。その堎所は心臓ず暪隔膜の間だ。 その魔導具らしき反応を、俺は右手で掎んで、えぐり出した。 ハむロヌドは絶叫した。 魔道具を䜓内に入れおいたこずによる匷化もハむロヌドから倱われたようだ。 みるみるうちに䞊のハむロヌド皋床の魔力に萜ちおいく。 「䜓内に魔道具を入れお匷化するずか、お前らの考えおいるこずはわからないな」 そんなこずを蚀いながら、俺は魔道具を魔法で調べる。 魔道具は握りこぶし皋床、人間の心臓ず同じぐらいの倧きさだった。 玠材は愚者の金ず魔石の欠片ずオリハルコンだろうか。 事態が解決したら、フィリヌに解析を䟝頌したいずころだ。 そしお、魔術回路は耇雑怪奇だった。 魔力探査で回路の党䜓図を把握したにもかかわらず、機胜を把握出来ないほどだ。 「これは、凄たじいな」 「返せ! 䞋等生物が!」 激昂したハむロヌドが躍りかかっおくるので、巊手でいなす。 そうしながら、右手で魔道具の調査を進めおいく。 恐らくこれが神の加護に穎を空けおいる魔道具なのは確実だろう。 このような耇雑な魔道具は単に力任せに壊せばいいずいう蚳でもないので厄介だ。 解析し、構造を把握したうえで適切に壊さなければならないのだ。 力任せに壊しおも、恐らぐらいの確率で魔道具の機胜は消えお、神の加護の穎は塞がるだろう。 だが、残りの五割は予枬䞍可胜なこずが起きかねない。 暎走し、短期的に穎が急激に広がる可胜性もある。 他にも暎走の結果、神の加護のコアそのものを砎壊する可胜性すらある。 「これは耇雑だなぁ」 怒り狂ったハむロヌドをあしらいながら分析するのは面倒だ。 「お前は死んでおけ」 俺は巊手にもった魔神王の剣でハむロヌドの銖をはねる。 そしお、さらに瞊に斬り裂いた。 「......神眰が䞋るであろう」 「黙れ」 霧に倉わろうずしたずころで、ゲルベルガさたが鳎いおくれる。 ハむロヌドは、なすすべもなく灰ぞず倉わっおいった。 『助かった。ゲルベルガさた』 『眷属が灰になったわ!』 『それはなにより。こっちのハむロヌドが奎等の䞻だったんだろう』 眷属にしたノァンパむアが死ねば、眷属は死ぬ。魅了された者の魅了も解ける。 恐らく先ほど郚屋に閉じ蟌めた魅了された者たちも正気を取り戻しおいるに違いない。 埌で確認しに行くべきだろう。 「さおず......」 ハむロヌドの邪魔もなくなったので、解析に集䞭できる。 ず思ったのだが、 「......あっさり死におっお」 「真祖さたの勅呜すら満足に果たせぬ恥知らずが......」 床からノァンパむが生えおいくように出珟した。 その二匹は、今たで魔法による探知にも党く反応しおいなかった。 たるでレむスが壁を通り抜けるずきのように、床を通り抜けお出珟したのだ。 そのノァンパむアの肉䜓は半透明である。半分霧化しおいるようにも芋えた。 ゲルベルガさたもそう刀断したのだろう。 「コケッコッコオオオ」 高らかに鳎いおくれる。 だが、ノァンパむア二匹が灰になるこずはなかった。 「ふん。神鶏か。我らには効かぬ」 ゲルベルガさたが驚愕しおいる。 『なにか、からくりがあるんだ。ノァンパむアである以䞊、ゲルベルガさたの鳎き声が通甚しない蚳ないからな』 そしお二匹のノァンパむアは完党に出珟しおえお、床の䞊に立぀。 今は完党に実䜓のある、ノァンパむアハむロヌドにしか芋えない。 『新皮が珟れたのね? 応揎に向かうわ』 『倧䜿は完党に瞛り付けたでありたすよ』 眷属が灰になった今、倧が、シアたちの盞手になるはずがない。 『頌む。今は俺は解析に集䞭したいずころなんだ』 『任せお!』 すぐにシアずセルリスが駆け぀けおくれる。 そしお、ハむロヌド二匹に飛びかかった。 「我はそこの魔導士を殺しに来たのだ」 「猿の小嚘は匕っ蟌んでいろ!」 ハむロヌドは魔法を攟ち、シアずセルリスに攻撃を仕掛ける。 だが、その魔法を、シアたちは党おかわし斬り掛かった。 シアずセルリスの斬撃は鋭い。ハむロヌド二匹も剣を抜いお斬撃を防ぐ。 ハむロヌド二匹は、驚愕に目を芋開いおいた。 たさか幎若いシアずセルリスがこれほど匷いずは思わなかったのだろう。 「あんたたち皋床、ロックさんが盞手をするたでもないわ!」 「そうでありたすよ。お前たちには小嚘皋床がお䌌合いでありたす」 「舐めやがっお!」 ハむロヌドは攻撃を激しくするが、シアもセルリスも受け流し痛烈な攻撃を加えおいく。 二匹のハむロヌドは埐々に埐々に远い詰められ、顔に焊りが浮かんでいた。
I used magic to search inside of the High Lord’s body. “Hmm? What is this?” I detected something that had a suspicious energy around it, and so I pulled it out. It was right between the heart and the diaphragm. I grabbed it with my right hand and tore it free. The High Lord screamed. By removing this, I had also removed any enhancements on the High Lord as well. And just like that, his magic energy began to drop rapidly. “To strengthen yourself by putting magic objects in your body. You do think of strange things.” I muttered as I used magic to inspect the object. It was about the same size as my fist, just like a human heart. The material seemed to be fool’s gold, magic stone, and orichalcum. Once this incident was over, I would have to ask Philly to analyze it. Also, the magic circuits were complex and strange. Even though Magic Exploration allowed me to see all of it, I could not understand what it was meant to do. “This is amazing.” I couldn’t help but mutter. “Give that back! You filthy animal!” The High Lord shouted angrily as he attacked. But I held him back with my left hand. In the meantime, I continued to inspect the object with my right hand. Yes, this was likely the thing that had opened up the hole in the divine protection barrier. What was dangerous about these things, is you couldn’t just destroy them with brute force. They had to be analyzed, and only after you fully understood the structure, could you destroy it in the appropriate manner. If you just destroyed it by brute force, there was a fifty percent chance that the object’s function would stop and the hole would close up. However, there was no predicting what would happen with the other fifty percent. It could lose control, and perhaps the hole would just get larger. There was even the possibility that the core of the divine protection barrier could break. “This is very complicated.” “Let go of it!” It was troublesome having to analyze it while fending off a furious High Lord. “You better die.” And so I used the Devil King Sword in my left hand to cut off his head. I also cut him vertically as well. “...You will be punished for this.” “Shut up.” Just as he was about to transform into mist, Lord Gerberga cried. And so the High Lord was turned into ash. ‘Thank you, Lord Gerberga.’ “Cluck-cluck.” ‘The thralls have turned into ashes!’ ‘That’s good to know. So I guess this High Lord was their master.’ If the one who turned them into thralls died, then they would die as well. And those who were charmed would be freed. So all of the charmed who we had locked up in the room earlier have likely regained their senses as well. I would have to go and look. “And now...” Since there was no High Lord to pester me, I could focus on analyzing it. That is what I thought... “He died so easily...” “What a shame. He could not even carry out the True Ancestor’s order...” Two vampires appeared as if growing from the floor. Up until now, I had not been able to detect their magic energy at all. They had slipped through the floor, just like how wraiths could move through walls. Their bodies were semi transparent, and looked like they were partially made of myst. Lord Gerberga must have thought the same thing. “Cock-a-doodle-dooo!!!” He crowed loudly. However, neither of the vampires turned into ashes. “Hmph. A god fowl. That won’t work on us.” “Cluck?” Lord Gerbera was shocked. ‘There must be some trick to it. After all, if they are vampires, then they cannot be immune to your voice, Lord Gerberga.’ “Cluck.” And then the two vampires seemed to materialize completely as they stood on the floor. As far as I could see, they were completely whole, ordinary vampire High Lords. ‘So a new type appeared? We’ll go and help you.’ ‘We have tied up the ambassador.’ Now that the thralls had turned into ash, the lone ambassador could do nothing against them. ‘Thank you. I would like to focus on analyzing this object.’ ‘Leave it to us!’ Shia and Serulis rushed into the room immediately. And they attacked the two High Lords. “We have come to kill that sorcerer.” “You two child apes should stand back!” The High Lords unleashed their magic as they attacked Shia and Serulis. However, Shia and Serulis dodged all of the attacks and slashed at them with their blades. Shia and Serulis’s attacks were sharp. And both High Lords had to unsheath their swords to defend themselves. The two High Lords widened their eyes in surprise. They did not think that Shia and Serulis would be this strong, due to being young. “You aren’t even worthy of fighting Mr. Locke!” “Indeed. Children can easily deal with the likes of you.” “You mock us!” The High Lords became more ferocious with their attacks, but Shia and Serulis just swept them aside and attacked even harder as well. Eventually, the High Lords were pushed back, and it was clear that they had become frantic.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「いやはや、流石ず蚀ったずころだな。」 「!!」 パチパチずいう也いた拍手の音ず共に魔神が私たちの前に珟れたす。その顔にはたるで倩䜿のような笑みが浮かんでいたす。 私はその顔を芋お思わず≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫で4本の長剣を䜜り出し、それに≪魔性創生・䞋䜍≫で飛刀にするこずによっお意思を䞎えお突撃させたす。 そしおそれず同時にリョりお嬢様が身に着けおいた短剣を抜いお投げたす。 が、飛刀たちの刃が魔神の䜓に觊れた瞬間、たるで氎のように硬質な刃が融けお匟かれおしたい、リョりお嬢様の短剣は空䞭で止められおしたいたす。その光景にその堎にいる党員が唖然ずしたす。 「ん?どうした?そんな顔をしお、私が䞎えた力で私を傷぀けられるはずが無いだろう?」 魔神は衚情を党く倉えないで淡々ずそう告げたす。 「さお、私がこの䞖界に初めお干枉しおから12幎ほど経ったわけだが、どうにもこの䞖界の䜏人ず蚀うのはある皋床の安党を埗られるず成長のスピヌドを緩めおしたうらしい。それに自分がどの皋床匷くなったのかを確認するのに適した盞手を探すのも倧倉だろう。」 魔神は䞡腕を倧きく広げおたるで挔説でもしおいるかのように語りたす。 「そこで私から貎様らにプレれントずしおずある呪いを䞖界䞭に撒かせおもらった。」 その発蚀にこの堎に居る党員が......いえ、恐らく魔神は今、䞖界䞭の人間に語りかけおいるでしょうから䞖界䞭の人間が凍り぀いたでしょう。 ≫。発症した者を呚囲にあるものを芋境なく襲う様な化け物に倉える呪いだ。匷さずしおは元になった者次第だが......そうだな普通の人間でも魔王以䞋眷属以䞊にはなるだろう。尀もその匷さ故に毎日最は殺さなければ身䜓が厩れ去っおしたうがな。」 魔神はずおも楜しそうに挔説を続けおいたす。 「さお、肝心芁の発症条件だが......」 魔神はそこで䞀拍溜めたす。 「ランダムだ。」 その瞬間。私には完党に䞖界が凍り぀いたのが感じ取れたした。 「それでは今埌も頑匵っおこの䞖界で生きおいっおくれたたえ。」 そうしお、魔神はその堎から虚空ぞず䜓を溶け蟌たせお去っおいきたした。 私の頭の䞭で魔神の蚀葉がゆっくりず反芻されおいきたす。そしお事態の重倧さを理解し、自分が今䜕をするべきかを考えたす。 その結論は、 「リョりお嬢様。」 「䜕......?」 「たずは『癜霧ず黒沌の森』に垰りたしょう。党おはそれからです。」 クロキリの䞋に戻るずいうものでした。 クロキリは魔神ず敵察する意思がありたす。そしお今もそのための研究を進めおいるはずです。だから、クロキリの䞋に戻れば䜕か打おる手があるはずです。 それに...... 「ええ、そうね。ホりキも骚ぐらいは持ち垰っおあげないずね......」 ホりキさんの遺骞も返しおあげなければいけたせん。 ■■■■■ むズミたちは今『魔聖地』の䞭に来おいたす。『絶察平和を尊ぶ神官』さんに招かれたからです。 「ここが『魔聖地』ネ。」 「でも噂に聞いおいた皋の掻気は無いねぇ。たああんな事を蚀われた盎埌だからしょうがないだろうけどさ。」 『魔聖地』の䞭にいる人々の顔はどこか陰がありたす。でも、魔神があんな事を蚀った埌ではしょうがないず思いたす。 「着きたしたわね。」 ず、い぀の間にかむズミたちは倧きな神殿の前たで来たした。 「うん......。」 むチコ姉ちゃんがむズミに確認を取っおきたす。 むズミが神官さんにむモムシにされお地面に転がされおいる間に、むズミは神官さんから色んな事を聞きたした。 魔神の事。魔王がどうやっお生たれるのか。䜕故むズミたちの邪魔をしたのかを。そしお去り際に詫びずしお神官さんはむズミたちが行きたい堎所たで遠距離転移陣で送っおくれるず玄束しおくれたした。 だから、むズミたちは今、神官さんの普段居る神殿たで来たした。 「ああ皆さん来おくれたしたか。」 神官さんが神殿の䞭から出おきお、むズミたちに挚拶ず自己玹介をしおくれたす。 そしおたるで䜕かを振り払うかのように熱心にリョりお姉ちゃんずむチコ姉ちゃんが亀枉を行い、あっずいう間に話をたずめお東ぞず飛ばしお貰えるように神官さんず亀枉をしたした。 「それではご機嫌よう。たた䌚える日が来るのを......楜しみにするべきかしないべきかは分かりたせんが、たた䌚えるのを埅っおいたす。」 「ん......分かった。」 それからむズミたちは神官さんの手によっお『魔聖地』から東ぞず飛ばされ、そこからさらにクロキリ兄ちゃんずむチコ姉ちゃんの協力によっおむズミたちは『癜霧ず黒沌の森』に垰還を果たしたした。 そしお、垰っおきたむズミたちの前には県垯を付けたクロキリ兄ちゃんが立っおいお、ただ䞀蚀。 「お垰り。」
“Well, I must say, that’s just marvelous.” “!!” Accompanied by the dry sound of clapping, the God of Calamity emerged in front of us with an angelic smile surfacing on her face. At the sight of her face, I unconsciously created four long swords with ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫ and empowered them with ≪Monster Create・Low Rank≫ to convert them into flying swords and infuse them with the will to charge at the opponent. Lady Ryo, simultaneously, drew out the dagger she had been carrying and hurled it at her. Nonetheless, once the flying swords’ edges crossed paths with the God of Calamity’s flesh, the solid blades disintegrated like liquid, and Lady Ryo’s dagger was suspended in mid-air. All those who were present were stunned by this spectacle. “Hmm? What’s wrong? Making such a face, how could you possibly harm me with the power I have bestowed upon you?” The God of Calamity announced nonchalantly without a trace of change in her expression. “Now, it has been roughly years since I first meddled in this world, and apparently, the inhabitants of this world slow down their growth once they attain a certain degree of stability. Besides, it would be tough to find a suitable opponent to ascertain how strong you’ve developed.” The God of Calamity spread her arms wide and delivered her lines as if she was presenting a speech. “Therefore, as a gift to each and every one of you, I have cast a certain curse upon the whole world.” Everyone in our present location must have frozen in their steps at that remark... no, the God of Calamity was most likely speaking to people all over the world right now, therefore the whole world population must have frozen in their tracks. “The name of the curse is ≪Disaster Curse≫. It is a curse that transforms the afflicted individual into a monster that strikes indiscriminately at everything in its vicinity. As for their strength, it varies depending on the individual but yeah, even an ordinary human being can be stronger than the Demon King and their kin. However, owing to that strength, they have to kill at least one individual each day otherwise, their bodies would disintegrate.” The God of Calamity continued her speech, seemingly very entertained. “Now, about the crucial pathogenesis condition...” At this point, the God of Calamity paused a beat. “It is random.” I could feel the world completely freeze at that second. “Now then, please endeavor to continue living in this world.” Leaving those words behind, the God of Calamity dissolved into the void and departed. The words of the God of Calamity were slowly ruminating in my mind. I then grasped the magnitude of the situation and weighed over what steps should be taken immediately. The conclusion is... “Lady Ryo.” “What...?” “First, let’s go back to ‘White Mist and Black Swamp Forest’. Everything else will fall into place after that.” The plan was to return to Kurokiri’s labyrinth. Kurokiri possessed the intention to oppose the God of Calamity. And even now, he must be conducting research for that end. Thus, there must be something we can achieve if we return to Kurokiri. Furthermore... “Yes, I suppose so. We need to bring back at least Houki’s bones too...” We ought to return the remains of Houki-san as well. ————– We have entered the “Magic Holy Land,” now. The reason was that we were invited by the “Priest of Absolute Peace”. “So this was the ‘Magic Holy Land’.” “But it’s not as bustling with activity as the rumors said it would be. Well, I suppose it’s unavoidable after being told something like that.” The people of the “Magic Holy Land” had a bleak complexion. But then again, this was inevitable after the God of Calamity declared such a remark. “We have arrived.” And before we were aware of it, we were in front of a large shrine. “Yeah...” I confirmed Ichiko’s question. While I was on the ground like a caterpillar, I was told various things by the Priest. About the God of Calamity. How Demon Kings arise. Why he had interfered with us. And as an apology, the Priest promised to take my companions and me to the destination we wish to go to via Long-distance Transportation. That was why we had now reached the shrine where the Priest normally resided. “Ah, you have all shown up.” The Priest came out of the shrine, greeted us, and introduced himself to the group. In a flash, the conversation was wrapped up and they had concluded a negotiation with the Priest to have him fly us to the east. “Well then, have a good day. Whether the day when we meet again is something to be looked forward to or not is unclear... but I’ll be waiting to meet you again.” “Ngh... I understand.” From that point on, through the efforts of Kurokiri and Ichiko, all of us had returned to the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. On our return, Kurokiri with an eye patch was standing before us and said only one phrase. “Welcome home.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
しかし『剛鬌人』は衚情䞀぀倉えるこずなく『暎鬌人』の たるでメルクに察し䞀切の興味を無くし、「奜きにしろ」ず蚀わんばかりの芖線の倖し方だ。 「......通っおいいのか?」 思わず問いかけたメルクに、圓然だが反応はない。だが同時に戊意も感じない事から、メルクは䞡手に歊噚を構えお譊戒し぀぀も『剛鬌人』の暪を通っお階段を䞋りた。 どうやら远いかけおくる気配もなさそうだ。 (本圓に奇劙な事だ。䞀䜓、どうなっおいるんだ?) たずめお盞手にする぀もりだったずはいえ、正盎䞀䜓でもやはり際どかった。連戊ずもなるずさすがに消耗も激しくなるだろう。 局に新たなる敵が朜んでいないずも限らないのだ。䜙力は残しおおいた方がいい。 (そう蚀えば、倒した『暎鬌人』は埩掻するのだろうか?) 迷宮で倒された魔物は再び時間を眮いお生み出される。基本的に匷い魔物ほど埩掻には時間がかかるため、仮に『暎鬌人』が新たに生たれるずしおも䞀日から二日は時間がかかるはずだ。 そのためメルクがこの迷宮を出るたでには埩掻するこずはないず芋おいい。いや、そもそも埩掻するかどうかさえ定かではない。 もし、原皮の『鬌人』から『暎鬌人』ぞず至ったのであれば、再び生み出されるのは『鬌人』であるはずだ。 』に出珟する魔物やその定数は決められおいるため、むレギュラヌな魔物が倒されおも通垞は埩掻などしないのである。詳しい仕組みは良く分かっおいないが、それが迷宮内での垞識ずしお知られおいた。 メルクも数倚の迷宮ぞ挑戊しおきた経隓から、この説の信憑性を実感しおいる。぀たり『暎鬌人』そのものが再び生み出されるず蚀う事はないはずだ。 「あの『暎鬌人』や『剛鬌人』が突然倉異の産物だったずしお、なんであんな芋匵りのような真䌌を......駄目だ、考えおも分からんな」 この謎を解決するには、ずにかく事情を知っおいそうなアスタヌドに盎接聞くのが䞀番手っ取り早いだろう。 メルクは淡々ず階段を䞋り続け、そしお五階局ぞず足を螏み入れた。っず、その瞬間、こちらを圧迫しおくるかのような濃密な魔力が襲い掛かっおくる。 その圧力だけで小物であれば圧し朰せおしたえそうな匷い魔力の 所詮これは牜制のコケ脅しでしかないはずだ。これだけ匷い魔力を垂れ流しにし続ければ、術者の方が無事では枈たないのだ。メルクは内心で顔を 「......どうやら、偶然この階局に䞋りおきたわけではなさそうだ」 そしお案の定、聞き芚えのある声が響いたず同時、こちらを圧殺せんずばかりにかけられおいた魔力の流れが匕っ蟌んだ。 黒いフヌド付きの倖套を しかし、メルクはその姿を芋お小さく笑う。 』の魔物が蚎たれおしたうずは......存倖、フォナン䌯爵も䟮れたせんねぇ」 メルクの笑みは小さすぎお芋えなかったのか、目の前の黒装束は淡々ずした調子で呟く。そしお懐から芋芚えのある杖を取り出したあたり、どうやらこちらず戊う気満々のようである。 どのようにしお『橙玚』を埓えおいたのかは知らないが、この分ならこの男が『剛鬌人』たちに五階局ぞ続く道の芋匵りを行わせおいたのは間違いなさそうだ。通垞であればそんな事は䞍可胜であるため、すぐには分からないがおそらくはからくりがあるのだろう。 しかしそんな事よりも、メルクには真っ先に考えなければならないこずがあった。 「あヌ、えっず......たぁ、そうだな――」 久しぶりの再䌚だが、実際に䌚った時どう話しかけるかを今の今たで党く考えおはいなかった。実に間抜けではあるが、䜕ず声を掛けおいいのかメルクは今さらながらに考える。そんな圌女を芋お、目の前の䞍審者のような男は䞍信感を 「たぁ、いっか......よぉ、倧賢者。お前、今さらこんな䜎玚な迷宮に朜っお䞀䜓こそこそず䜕をやっおたんだ?」 結局、考えるだけ無駄だろうずいう結論を出したメルクは、歊噚を玍めるず片手を䞊げお昔のように呌び掛けおみた。 呌びかけられた倧賢者――アスタヌドは䞍愉快そうにフヌドの䞋の眉根を寄せる。 「おや、ご存じのはずでは? だからこそあなたは、僕からその情報を奪い取るためにフォナン䌯爵から遣わされた......しらばっくれおも無駄ですよ」 「フォナン䌯爵? 知らないな」 「あなたの雇い䞻です。知らないはずはないでしょう?」 様子を芋るにアスタヌドは、メルクをフォナン䌯爵ず蚀う人物に雇われた刺客ずでも勘違いしおいるようだ。面倒だが圌ず メルクは息を吐き出しながら、軜い足取りでアスタヌドぞず歩き寄った。圓然圌は譊戒するように杖をメルクぞず突き付けた。 しかし、それでもメルクは止たらない。 「あヌ......なぁ、アスタヌド。私は別に――俺は別に、刺客が狙っおいるような情報をお前に聞きたいわけじゃないんだ。俺がお前に聞きたいこずはたくさんあるが、突き詰めおみればたった䞀぀だ。そういや俺は、そのためにわざわざこんな迷宮に足を運んだんだっけか?」 「止たりなさい。あなた、なにを――」 』は解散した? なぜ解散しないずいけなかったんだ?」 「――っ?」 す杖の先端が、自分の胞に圓たる距離でようやく立ち止たった。胞を杖の先端に抌し付ける栌奜になりながら、フヌドの䞋に隠された圌の瞳を芋䞊げる。 「......あなたには関係ないこずだ」 メルクの翡翠色の瞳から芖線を逞らしそう蚀ったアスタヌド。その蚀い草が に障り、圌の倖套の襟元を掎んで匕き寄せ、無理やり顔をこちらぞ近づけさせる。 』は俺が名付けた、俺のパヌティヌだ」 「な、なにを蚀っおるんですか?」 「ああ、たしかに。たしかに勇者の奎がどこたでも匕っ匵っおくれた。聖女がい぀だっお支えおくれおいた。パヌティヌをずっず守り続けおいたのは他ならないお前だったよ。そんで、そんなかじゃあ俺は足手纏いだったかもしれない。けどなぁ『䞀陣の颚』を䜜ったのは間違いなく俺なんだよ。ならあるだろうがっ。俺にだっお、パヌティヌ解散の理由を問う暩利っおもんがあるだろうがよぉっ!」 ほずん圓たりのように声を荒らげたメルクに察しアスタヌドは――アスタヌドは驚愕したように目を芋開いた。 れた音で誰かの名を呌んだ。 それは、メルクが前䞖で䞀番聞いた人間の名前――か぀おの自分の名前だったように思えた。いや、きっずそうに違いないだろう。 この短いやり取りで、アスタヌドはメルクの䞭の゚ステルトをたしかに感じ取ったのだ。
The Dorum Gai, on the other hand, didn’t even look at the deceased Dorum Gai and instead stepped away to the side. It was as if it told Merc she could do whatever she wanted. “You’re letting me pass?” Merc asked. Naturally, there was no response. Regardless, Merc chose to descend the stairway past the Dorum Gai. Despite the fact that she didn’t sense any animosity from the Dorum Gai, she kept both of her weapons at the ready just in case. However, it didn’t seem like the Dorum Gai any intention of fighting her. So strange. Just what in the world is going on? Despite the fact that she had prepared herself to fight both of them at the same time, she had struggled greatly against only one of them. She would be completely exhausted if she had to fight again. And because there was no assurance that there would be no other enemies on the fifth floor, Merc wanted to save as much of her power as possible. Come to think of it, will the Dorus Gai respawn? After a certain amount of time had elapsed, the Magic Beasts within the Dungeons respawned. In general, the stronger the Magic Beast, the longer it took for it to respawn. The Dorus Gai would most likely take one to two days to respawn. This meant that it probably wouldn’t respawn before Merc left the Dungeon. Rather, Merc wasn’t sure whether it would respawn at all. Because this Dungeon only produced Gai, the Dorum Gai and Dorus Gai had most likely appeared as a result of a sudden change or irregularity. If the Dorus Gai was produced from a mutated normal Gai, the Magic Beast that would be reborn would most likely be a normal Gai. Because the Dungeon of Probation had a set quantity and type of enemies, if an anomaly appeared and was defeated, it would generally not respawn. Merc wasn’t completely familiar with the specifics, but it was common knowledge. Merc could attest to its truth based on the innumerable Dungeons she’d faced. In other words, this meant that the Dorus Gai wouldn’t respawn. “But then again, even if Dorum Gai and Dorus Gai appeared as a result of a sudden change, why were they standing watch? Urgh... I can’t figure it out no matter how hard I try.” It would be easier if she just questioned Astard, who she assumed would know the answers. Merc nonchalantly went down the stairway until she reached the fifth floor. A wave of dense Mana swept over her as she stepped into the fifth floor, as if to overwhelm her. This powerful Mana torrent would easily overpower a small fry. Merc, on the other hand, calmly raised the amount of Mana around her and shrugged it off. In the end, this attack was nothing more than a bluff. If the caster kept releasing this much Mana, he wouldn’t last long. Merc stood motionless with a calm expression on her face, but she was struggling on the inside. “It seems like you didn’t come here by accident.” Just as she had predicted, Merc heard a familiar voice. At the same time, the Mana that had been overwhelming her vanished. A black-clad figure arrived out of nowhere the next moment. He was dressed in a black mantle with a hood that covered his eyes. Because his expression was hidden behind the hood, the man gave off a sinister vibe at first glimpse. However, Merc simply smiled slightly as she saw him. She was taken aback by her companion, who looked exactly the same after all this time. “To think that such a young girl could take down an Orange Grade Magic Beast... I shouldn’t have underestimated Count Fonan.” With his eyes still covered behind the hood, Astard remarked, apparently oblivious to Merc’s smile. He then drew a familiar wand from his mantle and prepared to fight. Merc wasn’t sure how he’d gotten an Orange Grade to obey him, but she was convinced that Astard had stationed the Dorum Gai and the Dorus Gai at the stairway to keep people away. Nonetheless, Merc had another question to ask first. “Um... It’s... You see...” Even though they were meeting for the first time in a long time, Merc had no idea what to say and hadn’t given it any thought. Even though it seemed silly, Merc was still pondering what to say to Astard. Astard, on the other hand, cast a skeptical look at the suspicious girl in front of him. However, no one could blame him. “Screw it... Answer me this, Great Sage. Just what are you doing sneaking around in this low-grade Dungeon?” Ultimately, Merc decided that thinking about anything would be pointless, so she tucked her weapons away and raised her hand, referred to Astard just like she had in the past. In contrast, Astard furrowed his brows behind his hood. “Oh? So you know who I am? So Count Fonan really did hire you to steal this information from me... You don’t need to play dumb anymore.” “Count Fonan? Who’s that?” “Your employer. There’s no way you haven’t heard of him.” Astard appeared to have misunderstood that Merc was employed by this individual known as Count Fonan. This was a frustrating development because it meant Merc had to first clear up the misunderstanding before speaking with Astard. Merc sighed reluctantly before nonchalantly approaching Astard. Astard retaliated by raising his wand towards Merc. However, Merc didn’t stop. “Listen here Astard. I... I am not the assassin that you’re taking me for. I don’t need your information. True, I have a lot of questions for you, but there is only one that is truly vital. Actually, the only reason I came to this Dungeon was so that I could ask you that question.” “Stop! Just what are you...” “So? Tell me! Why did you disband Gust of Wind? Why did you do it?!” “?!” Merc eventually came to a halt at a distance where Astard’s wand tip could touch her chest. Merc glanced up, Astard’s wand pressing on her chest, and saw Astard’s eyes veiled under his hood. “That doesn’t concern you.” Astard said while looking down at Merc’s jade-green eyes. Astard’s reply infuriated Merc, who grabbed his collar and dragged his face closer to hers. “It doesn’t concern me? Don’t mess with me, you brat! I’m the one who named that party!” “W-What are you saying?” “It’s true that it was that the Hero led us, and that the Saintess supported us. And it was you who was always there to keep the party safe. I was probably simply dead weight in the middle of it all. But that doesn’t change the fact that I was the one who created Gust of Wind. Which gives me all the right to know just why in the hell you disbanded it!” Merc spoke as though she were venting. Astard, on the other hand, just stared at her, stunned. In a hazy voice, Astard muttered a name. That name sounded exactly like a name Merc had heard innumerable times in her previous life. It sounded just like her past name. Merc was certain Astard had just spoken her name. In this brief period, Astard had realized that Merc was, in reality, Estert.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
患者も医者も 薬は効くはずだず 信じおいたす 薬を䜜った䌚瀟は 倚くの研究を 重ねた䞊で 薬の認可を申請し FDAは现心の泚意を払っお 批刀的に審査した䞊で認可を出しおいたす 薬がどのように働き どんな副䜜甚があるかは おおよそ分かっおいお 倧䞈倫なはずだず さらに話しおいるず 医者が少し懞念を持ちたす どうも少し ふさぎ気味だ 䜕か違和感がある 以前のように 物事を楜しめない 医者が蚀いたす 「少しう぀の傟向があるようです 薬をもう1぀ 飲んだほうがいいですね」 これで薬が2぀になりたした こちらの薬も 䜕癟䞇ずいう人が䜿っおいお 補薬䌚瀟が研究をし FDAが チェックしおいお 問題のないものです こっちは倧䞈倫なはずです こっちは倧䞈倫なはずです でも 埅っおください 䞡方同時に䜿った堎合に぀いおは どれほど研究されおいるのでしょう? それは 実際 行うのが難しく 通垞は行われおいたせん 私たちはもっぱら 「垂販埌調査」ず呌ばれるものに 頌っおいたす 2぀の薬の䜵甚で 問題が生じおいるかは どうすれば わかるのでしょう? 䜵甚が 3぀ 5぀ 7぀の堎合は? 病気をいく぀も抱えた人に 薬をいったい䜕皮飲んでいるのか 聞いおご芧なさい 私はこの問題に ずおも関心がありたす なぜかずいうず 私はむンフォマティクスずデヌタサむ゚ンスを 専門ずする人間ですが 私の考えでは そのような薬の盞互䜜甚に぀いお理解する 唯䞀芋蟌みのある方法は 様々な異なる情報源のデヌタを 掻甚するこずなんです それによっお薬が䜵甚しお 安党か安党でないか 分かるようになりたす デヌタサむ゚ンスの方法を お聞かせしたしょう 話は私の教え子から 始たりたす 圌を「ニック」ず呌ぶこずにしたしょう それが圌の名前なので 若い孊生のニックに 私は蚀いたした 「薬は単独で あるいは䜵甚したずき どう働くのか 理解する必芁があるが 我々はあたり良く 理解しおいるずは蚀えない しかしFDAが䜜った 玠晎らしいデヌタベヌスがある 有害事象のデヌタベヌスだ」 文字通りWebサむトで 公開されおいお 誰でもすぐダりンロヌドできたす そこには患者 医者 䌁業 薬剀垫から寄せられた 䜕十䞇ずいう有害事象の報告が 集められおいたす このデヌタはずおも シンプルなもので その患者が抱える すべおの病気 凊方されおいる すべおの薬 そしお経隓されたすべおの有害事象 ないしは副䜜甚が曞かれおいたす 米囜で発生しおいる有害事象が 網矅されおいるわけではありたせんが 䜕癟䜕千ずいう薬の デヌタがありたす それでニックに蚀いたした 「血糖を怜蚎しおみよう 血糖はずおも重芁で 糖尿病に関䞎しおいるこずが分かっおいる 薬による血糖の倉化に぀いお 䜕か分かるかやっおみよう」 そしおニックを送り出し ニックが戻っおきたした 「先生 このデヌタベヌスの デヌタに基づいお 副䜜甚による 薬の分類を䜜りたした これを䜿うず 薬で血糖が倉わるか どうか分かりたす」 圌のやったこずは ごく単玔です 血糖を倉えるこずが 分かっおいる薬のグルヌプず 血糖を倉えない薬のグルヌプを 比范したんです 「䞡者の副䜜甚に どんな違いがあるのか? 倊怠感は? 食欲は? 排尿習慣は?」 これらを合わせるず ずおも良い指暙になりたす 「薬が血糖を倉えるかどうか 93%の粟床で圓おられたす」ず 「すごいじゃないか」 若い孊生です 自信を付けお やらなきゃいけたせん 「問題は どの薬が血糖に圱響するか 医者ならみんな知っおいるずいうこずだ ずおも重芁なこずだからね 良い成果だが 本圓に興味深いずは蚀えず 論文にはならないな」 「先生がそう蚀うのは 分かっおいたした」 ニックは頭の良い孊生です 「そうくるず思っお もう1぀実隓をしたした デヌタベヌスで薬を 2぀䜵甚しおいる患者に 血糖が倉化しおいる 兆候がないか探したんです 服甚しおいる2぀の薬が 単独では血糖を 倉えないけれど 䜵甚するず 倉化する芋蟌みが 高いケヌスです」 「なるほど いいアむデアだ リストを芋せおご芧」 そこには あたり興味を匕かない薬が たくさん䞊んでいたしたが 目を匕く薬が 2぀ありたした パロキセチン 別名パキシルずいう 抗う぀薬ず プラバスタチン 別名プラバコヌルずいう 高コレステロヌル血症治療薬です 「おや この2぀を飲んでいる患者なら アメリカに䜕癟䞇人もいるぞ」 実際埌で分かったこずですが その圓時でパロキセチンは1500䞇人 プラバスタチンも1500䞇人のアメリカ人が服甚しおおり 䞡方服甚しおいる人が 癟䞇人ほどいるず掚定されたした ぀たり癟䞇人もの人が 薬のせいで 血糖の問題を抱えおいる かもしれないのです ニックがFDAのデヌタを 機械孊習にかけお ごちゃごちゃやった結果が もし正しいのであれば 「でもただ論文にはできないな 君のやっおいる 機械孊習ずか蚀うや぀を 私は面癜いず思うが 我々の分野で確立した 実蚌方法ずは蚀えない」 もっず䜕かやる 必芁がありたす スタンフォヌドの電子医療蚘録に あたっおみるこずにしたした 研究宀にコピヌがあっお 個人情報を取り陀けば 研究目的に䜿えたした 「この2぀の薬を 䜿っおいる患者に 血糖の問題がないか 芋おみよう」 パロキセチンずプラバスタチンを 䜿っおいる患者なら スタンフォヌドの医療蚘録に 䜕千人もいたしたが 私たちは特別な患者を 必芁ずしおいたした 最初䞀方を服甚しおいお 血糖倀を枬定し それからもう䞀方を服甚し たた血糖倀を枬定するずいうのを 2ヶ月ずいうような 適圓な期間内に行った患者です 探しおみたら 10人芋぀かりたした そしお10人䞭 8人で 血糖の増加が 2番目のPの埌 — 2぀の薬を P & P ず呌んでいるんですが — 芋られたした どちらが先でも同じで 2番目の薬を服甚したずたんに 血糖が 20mg/dl 䞊昇したんです 参考たでに 普通に生掻しおいる人は 糖尿病でなければ 血糖倀は90皋床です それが120ずか125になったら 医者は糖尿病の可胜性を 疑い始めたす だから20の䞊昇ずいうのは 芋過ごせないものです 「ニック これはすごいぞ だが残念ながら ただ論文にはできない たった10人では どう芋おも少なすぎる」 どうしたらいいか? ボストンにあるハヌバヌド倧ず ナッシュビルにあるノァンダヌビルト倧の 知り合いに電話する こずにしたした 䞡倧孊にもスタンフォヌドず同様の 電子医療蚘録がありたす 最初のPず 次のPの服甚ず 血糖倀枬定を 必芁な期間内に行っおいる患者を 探しおもらうこずにしたした ありがたいこずに ノァンダヌビルト倧からは 1週間で そのような患者が40人芋぀かり 同じ傟向が芋られたした ハヌバヌド倧からは100人の患者が芋぀かり 同じ傟向が芋られたした 最終的に3぀の異なる医療センタヌで 150人の患者が芋぀かり これら2぀の薬を 䜵甚するず 血糖が有意に䞊昇するこずを 瀺しおいたした さらに興味深いのは 血糖にすでに異垞のある 糖尿病患者は圓初陀倖しおいたんですが 糖尿病患者の堎合には 20mgではなく60mgも 䞊昇するこずが分かりたした これは重倧なこずです 「これは発衚しなきゃいけない」ずなっお 論文を提出したした 蚌拠はすべおデヌタです FDAのデヌタ スタンフォヌド倧のデヌタ ノァンダヌビルト倧のデヌタ ハヌバヌド倧のデヌタ 自分で実隓は 1぀もしおいたせん でも少し䞍安になったので 論文が査読を受けおいる間に 実隓ができる人間を探したした 私はやりたせんので 患者は蚺たすが ピペットは䜿いたせん マりスに薬を䞎える やり方を習いたした あるマりスのグルヌプには パロキセチンを䞎え 別のグルヌプには プラバスタチンを䞎え 第3のグルヌプには 䞡方䞎えたした するずマりスでも 20〜60mg/dlの 血糖䞊昇が芋られたした 論文はむンフォマティクス的な 蚌拠だけで受理されたしたが 最埌に泚釈を 远加しおおきたした 「ちなみに マりスに投䞎したずころ 䞊昇が芋られた」 玠晎らしい結果です 話はここで終わりにしおもいいんですが ただ6分半残っおいたす この件に぀いお考えおいお 誰だったのか芚えおいたせんが こう蚀いたした 「この2぀の薬を 服甚した患者の䞭に 高血糖の副䜜甚に気付いた人は いなかったのかな? 気付いお良さそうなものだけど どうすればわかるだろう?」 「患者はどうするだろう? 薬を1぀か2぀ 新たに服甚し始めお 䜕か具合が 悪くなったずしたら どうするか? 飲んでいる薬の名前に 「副䜜甚」ずいう キヌワヌドを远加しお Googleで怜玢し 自分の症状を 探しおみるんじゃないかな?」 それでGoogleに 怜玢ログを芋せおくれるよう 頌んでみよう ずいうこずになりたした 患者がそのような怜玢をしおいないか 調べようずいうわけです あいにく我々の䟝頌は Googleに断られ ずおもがっかりしたした Microsoftリサヌチで働く仕事仲間ず 食事しおいた時に こういう研究を したいんだけど Googleに断られお 参ったずいう話をするず 圌が蚀いたした 「うちにBing怜玢ずいうのがあるけど・・・」 ほう そりゃいいね 私は内心もう — たたニックず話しおいるような 感じになりたした 䞖界最倧の䌁業の1぀で 働いおいる男です 私はもう おだおる姿勢に 入っおいたした するず圌が蚀いたす 「誀解したかもしれたせんが うちにはBing怜玢がある ずいうだけじゃなくお Internet Explorerで怜玢しおいれば Googleだろうず Yahooだろうず Bingだろうず 研究目的限定でデヌタを 18ヶ月分保持しおあるんです」 「そりゃ願っおもない!」 圌ぱリック・ホヌノィッツずいう Microsoftにいる友人です それで研究に取りかかり 高血糖の䞀般の人が 怜玢に䜿いそうな蚀葉を 50個リストアップしたした 「疲れる」「食欲がない」 「尿の量が倚い」「おしっこが倚い」 そういった みんなの 䜿いそうな蚀葉です これで「糖尿病蚀葉」ず私たちの呌ぶ 50のフレヌズができたした たず基準ずなる 倀を調べたずころ むンタヌネット怜玢党䜓のうちの 0.5〜1%は 糖尿病蚀葉を含むこずが 分かりたした これが基準になりたす パロキセチンないしはパキシル — この2぀は同じですが — その䞀方の蚀葉があるずき 糖尿病蚀葉が珟れる率は2%ほどに䞊がりたす パロキセチン蚀葉が ある堎合です プラバスタチンがある堎合は 基準から䞊がっお3%ほどになりたす 怜玢語にパロキセチンずプラバスタチンが 䞡方ある堎合は 10%に䞊がりたす 3倍から4倍ずいう 倧きな䞊昇です この2぀の薬の名を 䞡方含んだ怜玢では 糖尿病蚀葉ないしは高血糖蚀葉が よく珟れるずいうこずです この結果を 発衚するず 泚目を集めたした これが泚目に倀するのは 患者が怜玢を通しお 間接的に 副䜜甚に぀いお 語っおいるからです 我々がこれをFDAに瀺すず 圌らは興味を瀺し Microsoftその他の䌁業ず協力しお ゜ヌシャルメディア監芖プログラムを 立ち䞊げたした Microsoftはそのための 良いむンフラを持っおいたす Twitterフィヌド Facebookフィヌド 怜玢ログを芋お 薬を単独䜿甚ないしは 䜵甚したずきに 問題を起こす兆候を 芋぀けようずしおいたす ここから埗られるこずは䜕か? なぜこの話をしたのか? たず 我々は今や 薬の盞互䜜甚や 薬の効果そのもの に぀いおの理解を助ける 有望なビッグテヌタや 䞭芏暡デヌタを 手にしおいるずいうこず 薬がどう効き 薬の䜿甚をどう最適化できるか 理解するための 新しい゚コシステムが でき぀぀あるずいうこずです ニックは研究を続け 今ではコロンビア倧孊の教授です 圌は博士論文で䜕癟ずいう 薬の組み合わせに぀いお調べ 非垞に重芁な薬の盞互䜜甚を いく぀も芋぀けたした 我々は同じ方法を適甚しお これが 薬の 盞互䜜甚を芋぀ける 有効な方法であるこずを 瀺したんです いく぀か考えるべき こずがありたす 薬ずいうのは 1床に2皮類たでしか 䜿わないわけではありたせん 前に蚀ったように 薬を 3çš® 5çš® 7çš® 9çš® 䜿う患者がいたす 9皮の薬の盞互䜜甚に぀いお 研究されおいるのでしょうか? 2぀ず぀組にしお研究するこずはできたす AずB AずC AずD ずいうように しかし 同じ患者が飲む薬 A B C D E F G 党郚䞀緒にはどうでしょう? 盞互䜜甚によっお 効果が増枛したり 予期しない副䜜甚が 出たりするかもしれたせん たったく分かっおいたせん デヌタを䜿っお薬の盞互䜜甚を 理解するずいのうは 手぀かずで開かれた 研究領域なんです 教蚓がもう2぀ありたす 私たちがデヌタによっお埗た力に぀いお 考えおほしいのです 薬剀垫や医垫を通し あるいは患者自ら 薬害反応に぀いお 進んで情報提䟛し スタンフォヌド倧 ハヌバヌド倧 ノァンダヌビルト倧のデヌタベヌスで 研究利甚できるようにしおくれた 人々のデヌタです みんなデヌタに぀いおは 懞念を持っおいたす プラむバシヌやセキュリティに぀いお 心配しおいるし そうあるべきです 安党なシステムが必芁です しかしデヌタを封印しおしたう わけにはいきたせん 医孊においお 新しいこずを発芋し 革新し むンスピレヌションを 埗るための 非垞に豊かな源なんです 最埌に蚀いたいのは 今回のケヌスで2぀の薬に぀いお 発芋したのは 少し残念な結果でした 䞀緒に䜿うず問題があっお 血糖が䞊がりたす 誰か糖尿病でなかった人を 糖尿病にしおしたう かもしれたせん 2぀の薬を䜵甚する堎合には 泚意が必芁で 䞀緒には䜿わないよう 凊方を倉えた方が 良いかもしれたせん しかし別の 可胜性もありたす 2぀ないしは3぀の薬が 良い方向に盞互䜜甚するこずを 発芋しおいたかも しれないのです 単独の薬では珟れないけれど 䞀緒にするず珟れるような 新しい薬効が芋぀かる かもしれたせん 副䜜甚を起こすのではなく 珟圚 治療法のない病気 治療法が効果的でない 病気ぞの 新しい治療法が できるかもしれたせん 珟圚ある薬物療法を 考えおみるず 倧きな飛躍は HIVにせよ 結栞にせよ う぀病にせよ 糖尿病にせよ みんな薬の混合から 生たれおいるのです だからこれの 明るい面は そしお次のTEDトヌクの テヌマになるのは 同じデヌタを䜿っお 奜たしい効果を生む薬の組み合わせは いかに芋぀けられるかずいうこずです それが新しい治療法や 薬の働きに぀いおの 新たな掞察を䞎えおくれ 患者をもっずうたく治療できる ようにしおくれるはずです どうもありがずう
You have some confidence, your physician has some confidence that this is going to work. The company that invented it did a lot of studies, submitted it to the FDA. They studied it very carefully, skeptically, they approved it. They have a rough idea of how it works, they have a rough idea of what the side effects are. It should be OK. You have a little more of a conversation with your physician and the physician is a little worried because you've been blue, haven't felt like yourself, you haven't been able to enjoy things in life quite as much as you usually do. Your physician says, "You know, I think you have some depression. I'm going to have to give you another pill." So now we're talking about two medications. This pill also -- millions of people have taken it, the company did studies, the FDA looked at it -- all good. Think things should go OK. Think things should go OK. Well, wait a minute. How much have we studied these two together? Well, it's very hard to do that. In fact, it's not traditionally done. We totally depend on what we call "post-marketing surveillance," after the drugs hit the market. How can we figure out if bad things are happening between two medications? Three? Five? Seven? Ask your favorite person who has several diagnoses how many medications they're on. Why do I care about this problem? I care about it deeply. I'm an informatics and data science guy and really, in my opinion, the only hope -- only hope -- to understand these interactions is to leverage lots of different sources of data in order to figure out when drugs can be used together safely and when it's not so safe. So let me tell you a data science story. And it begins with my student Nick. Let's call him "Nick," because that's his name. Nick was a young student. I said, "You know, Nick, we have to understand how drugs work and how they work together and how they work separately, and we don't have a great understanding. But the FDA has made available an amazing database. It's a database of adverse events. They literally put on the web -- publicly available, you could all download it right now -- hundreds of thousands of adverse event reports from patients, doctors, companies, pharmacists. And these reports are pretty simple: it has all the diseases that the patient has, all the drugs that they're on, and all the adverse events, or side effects, that they experience. It is not all of the adverse events that are occurring in America today, but it's hundreds and hundreds of thousands of drugs. So I said to Nick, "Let's think about glucose. Glucose is very important, and we know it's involved with diabetes. Let's see if we can understand glucose response. I sent Nick off. Nick came back. "Russ," he said, "I've created a classifier that can look at the side effects of a drug based on looking at this database, and can tell you whether that drug is likely to change glucose or not." He did it. It was very simple, in a way. He took all the drugs that were known to change glucose and a bunch of drugs that don't change glucose, and said, "What's the difference in their side effects? Differences in fatigue? In appetite? In urination habits?" He said, "Russ, I can predict with 93 percent accuracy when a drug will change glucose." I said, "Nick, that's great." He's a young student, you have to build his confidence. "But Nick, there's a problem. It's that every physician in the world knows all the drugs that change glucose, because it's core to our practice. So it's great, good job, but not really that interesting, definitely not publishable." He said, "I know, Russ. I thought you might say that." Nick is smart. "I thought you might say that, so I did one other experiment. I looked at people in this database who were on two drugs, and I looked for signals similar, glucose-changing signals, for people taking two drugs, where each drug alone did not change glucose, but together I saw a strong signal." And I said, "Oh! You're clever. Good idea. Show me the list." And there's a bunch of drugs, not very exciting. But what caught my eye was, on the list there were two drugs: paroxetine, or Paxil, an antidepressant; and pravastatin, or Pravachol, a cholesterol medication. And I said, "Huh. There are millions of Americans on those two drugs." In fact, we learned later, 15 million Americans on paroxetine at the time, 15 million on pravastatin, and a million, we estimated, on both. So that's a million people who might be having some problems with their glucose if this machine-learning mumbo jumbo that he did in the FDA database actually holds up. But I said, "It's still not publishable, because I love what you did with the mumbo jumbo, with the machine learning, but it's not really standard-of-proof evidence that we have." So we have to do something else. Let's go into the Stanford electronic medical record. We have a copy of it that's OK for research, we removed identifying information. And I said, "Let's see if people on these two drugs have problems with their glucose." Now there are thousands and thousands of people in the Stanford medical records that take paroxetine and pravastatin. But we needed special patients. We needed patients who were on one of them and had a glucose measurement, then got the second one and had another glucose measurement, all within a reasonable period of time -- something like two months. And when we did that, we found 10 patients. However, eight out of the 10 had a bump in their glucose when they got the second P -- we call this P and P -- when they got the second P. Either one could be first, the second one comes up, glucose went up 20 milligrams per deciliter. Just as a reminder, you walk around normally, if you're not diabetic, with a glucose of around 90. And if it gets up to 120, 125, your doctor begins to think about a potential diagnosis of diabetes. So a 20 bump -- pretty significant. I said, "Nick, this is very cool. But, I'm sorry, we still don't have a paper, because this is 10 patients and -- give me a break -- it's not enough patients." So we said, what can we do? And we said, let's call our friends at Harvard and Vanderbilt, who also -- Harvard in Boston, Vanderbilt in Nashville, who also have electronic medical records similar to ours. Let's see if they can find similar patients with the one P, the other P, the glucose measurements in that range that we need. God bless them, Vanderbilt in one week found 40 such patients, same trend. Harvard found 100 patients, same trend. So at the end, we had 150 patients from three diverse medical centers that were telling us that patients getting these two drugs were having their glucose bump somewhat significantly. More interestingly, we had left out diabetics, because diabetics already have messed up glucose. When we looked at the glucose of diabetics, it was going up 60 milligrams per deciliter, not just 20. This was a big deal, and we said, "We've got to publish this." It was all data evidence, data from the FDA, data from Stanford, data from Vanderbilt, data from Harvard. We had not done a single real experiment. But we were nervous. So Nick, while the paper was in review, went to the lab. We found somebody who knew about lab stuff. I don't do that. I take care of patients, but I don't do pipettes. They taught us how to feed mice drugs. We took mice and we gave them one P, paroxetine. We gave some other mice pravastatin. And we gave a third group of mice both of them. And lo and behold, glucose went up 20 to 60 milligrams per deciliter in the mice. So the paper was accepted based on the informatics evidence alone, but we added a little note at the end, saying, oh by the way, if you give these to mice, it goes up. That was great, and the story could have ended there. But I still have six and a half minutes. So we were sitting around thinking about all of this, and I don't remember who thought of it, but somebody said, "I wonder if patients who are taking these two drugs are noticing side effects of hyperglycemia. They could and they should. How would we ever determine that?" We said, well, what do you do? You're taking a medication, one new medication or two, and you get a funny feeling. What do you do? You go to Google and you type in "side effects." What are you experiencing? So we said OK, let's ask Google if they will share their search logs with us, so that we can look at the search logs and see if patients are doing these kinds of searches. Google, I am sorry to say, denied our request. So I was bummed. I was at a dinner with a colleague who works at Microsoft Research and I said, "We wanted to do this study, Google said no, it's kind of a bummer." He said, "Well, we have the Bing searches." Yeah. That's great. Now I felt like I was -- I felt like I was talking to Nick again. He works for one of the largest companies in the world, and I'm already trying to make him feel better. But he said, "No, Russ -- you might not understand. We not only have Bing searches, but if you use Internet Explorer to do searches at Google, Yahoo, Bing, any ... Then, for 18 months, we keep that data for research purposes only." I said, "Now you're talking!" This was Eric Horvitz, my friend at Microsoft. So we did a study where we defined 50 words that a regular person might type in if they're having hyperglycemia, like "fatigue," "loss of appetite," "urinating a lot," "peeing a lot" -- forgive me, but that's one of the things you might type in. So we had 50 phrases that we called the "diabetes words." And we did first a baseline. And it turns out that about .5 to one percent of all searches on the Internet involve one of those words. So that's our baseline rate. If people type in "paroxetine" or "Paxil" -- those are synonyms -- and one of those words, the rate goes up to about two percent of diabetes-type words, if you already know that there's that "paroxetine" word. If it's "pravastatin," the rate goes up to about three percent from the baseline. If both "paroxetine" and "pravastatin" are present in the query, it goes up to 10 percent, a huge three- to four-fold increase in those searches with the two drugs that we were interested in, and diabetes-type words or hyperglycemia-type words. We published this, and it got some attention. The reason it deserves attention is that patients are telling us their side effects indirectly through their searches. We brought this to the attention of the FDA. They were interested. They have set up social media surveillance programs which had a nice infrastructure for doing this, and others, to look at Twitter feeds, to look at Facebook feeds, to look at search logs, to try to see early signs that drugs, either individually or together, are causing problems. What do I take from this? Why tell this story? we have now the promise of big data and medium-sized data to help us understand drug interactions and really, fundamentally, drug actions. How do drugs work? This will create and has created a new ecosystem for understanding how drugs work and to optimize their use. Nick went on; he's a professor at Columbia now. He did this in his PhD for hundreds of pairs of drugs. He found several very important interactions, and so we replicated this and we showed that this is a way that really works for finding drug-drug interactions. However, there's a couple of things. We don't just use pairs of drugs at a time. As I said before, there are patients on three, five, seven, nine drugs. Have they been studied with respect to their nine-way interaction? Yes, we can do pair-wise, A and B, A and C, A and D, but what about A, B, C, D, E, F, G all together, being taken by the same patient, perhaps interacting with each other in ways that either makes them more effective or less effective or causes side effects that are unexpected? We really have no idea. It's a blue sky, open field for us to use data to try to understand the interaction of drugs. Two more lessons: I want you to think about the power that we were able to generate with the data from people who had volunteered their adverse reactions through their pharmacists, through themselves, through their doctors, the people who allowed the databases at Stanford, Harvard, Vanderbilt, to be used for research. People are worried about data. They're worried about their privacy and security -- they should be. We need secure systems. But we can't have a system that closes that data off, because it is too rich of a source of inspiration, innovation and discovery for new things in medicine. And the final thing I want to say is, in this case we found two drugs and it was a little bit of a sad story. The two drugs actually caused problems. They increased glucose. They could throw somebody into diabetes who would otherwise not be in diabetes, and so you would want to use the two drugs very carefully together, perhaps not together, make different choices when you're prescribing. But there was another possibility. We could have found two drugs or three drugs that were interacting in a beneficial way. We could have found new effects of drugs that neither of them has alone, but together, instead of causing a side effect, they could be a new and novel treatment for diseases that don't have treatments or where the treatments are not effective. If we think about drug treatment today, all the major breakthroughs -- for HIV, for tuberculosis, for depression, for diabetes -- it's always a cocktail of drugs. And so the upside here, and the subject for a different TED Talk on a different day, is how can we use the same data sources to find good effects of drugs in combination that will provide us new treatments, new insights into how drugs work and enable us to take care of our patients even better? Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
手の䜍眮を読み取るため 手にはそれぞれ 加速床センサヌを装着 ラむトの色は次の通り 挔奏パヌトを瀺しおいる èµ€ = ドラム 青 = ベヌス 緑 = コヌド オレンゞ = リヌド 玫 = パッド マりスピヌスは 1぀のボタンず 2぀のギタヌピックに ホットグルヌで 構成される ヘッズアップディスプレむずしお スマヌトフォンにパラメヌタを衚瀺 䜕のために? 音楜文化の现分化を通じお 過去 珟圚 未来ずいう党おのゞャンルを リアルタむムに抜出・研究するためである そしお ”ビヌトゞャズ挔奏者”は DJのように普遍的な存圚ずなるだろう しかし䞻たる目的は きたる未来を埅぀こずではなく 未来を創造しおいくこずである
read hand position. The color of the lights indicates which sound I am playing. Red = Drums, Blue = Bass, Green = Chords, Orange = Leads, Purple = Pads The mouthpiece a button, two guitar picks and lots of hot glue. The heads-up display is a smartphone that displays system parameters. Why? To atomize music culture so that ALL past, present and future genres can be studied and abstracted, live. And "BeatJazzers" become as common as D.J.'s. But mostly ... to MAKE the future rather than wait for it.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
The Shia/Sunni schism is so deep that each side condemns followers of the other as apostates, kafir. The belief that the other’s religion is not Islam, and its followers not Muslim, has underpinned internecine wars in which millions have died – and continue to die.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
郚品の䞀郚はギャングが 子䟛奎隷を䜿っお採掘した 鉱石が䜿われ、囜連はこれを ’血に塗られた鉱石’ず呌びたす。 そしおこの鉱物はいく぀かのプロセスを経お 最埌には 䞭囜の深川にある工堎に枡りたす。 その工堎では、たくさんの人が自殺しおいたす。 今幎に入っおすでに 36時間の劎働シフトの埌に1人の男性が亡くなりたした。 私たちはチョコレヌトが倧奜きです。 みんなチョコレヌトを子䟛のために買いたす。 80パヌセントのココアはコヌトゞボワヌルかガヌナ産です。 それらのココアは子䟛達によっお収穫されたす。 コヌトゞボワヌルでは、子䟛奎隷に぀いお倧きな問題を抱えおいたす。 玛争地垯から子䟛達が䞍正に売買され コヌヒヌ栜培堎で働かさせられおいるのです。 ヘパリンヌ抗凝血剀などの 補薬補品の補造は 䞭囜の職人のいる 䜜業堎で始たりたす。 なぜなら効果のある成分は 豚の腞内から採取するからです。 ダむダモンドに぀いお、聞いたり、映画で芋たかもしれたせんが、 ゞンバブ゚で採掘された物です。 今珟圚、 りズベキスタンは䞖界で2番目に倧きな 綿の茞出囜です。 毎幎綿の収穫時期になるず 政府は孊校を閉鎖しお 子䟛達をバスに詰め蟌み、綿の栜培地に連れお行きたす。 そしお3週間の真綿の収穫をさせたす。 これは児童劎働です。 組織化された児童劎働です。 そしおこれらの生産物は高い確率で圌らの呜を奪いたす。 マニラにあるゎミ捚お堎ず同じです。 これらの堎所や原因は、 政府の管理システムの欠萜を象城しおいたす。 ずおも䞁寧に衚珟するずすれば そう呌びたす。 暗闇に包たれた堎所で グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンが始たりたす。 グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンを通し 人気ブランドの補品は私たちに届けられたす。 いくらかの管理システムの欠萜は 無法囜家によっお起きおいたす。 いく぀か囜家はすでに囜ではありたせん。 砎綻したのです。 砎綻した囜のうちいく぀かは 芏制解陀による自由化や芏制を蚭けないこずを良しずしおいる囜々です。 投資を呌び蟌んだり 貿易を促進するのにうっお぀けだからです。 どちらにしおも、それらは私たちに 良心ず倫理に察するゞレンマを瀺したす。 もう誰もアクセサリヌが欲しいず思わないず思いたす。 このグロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンの内偎での 人暩䟵害の事実を知った埌では そう思うでしょう。 しかし今珟圚、 これらのサブラむチェヌンに関䞎しおいるほずんどの䌁業は 誰も圌らの未来を捧げる必芁が無いず 私たちに蚌明する 方法を持ち合わせおいたせん。 人気ブランド補品を届けるために 犠牲にする必芁はありたせん。 私は皆さんをグロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンの珟状に぀いお 萜胆させるためにここに来たわけではありたせん。 私たちは目を芚たさなければなりたせん。 そしお私たちは人暩の䟵害が どれほど深刻なものか認識する必芁がありたす。 サプラむチェヌンは独立した自治共和囜であり、 おそらく砎綻した囜家です。 絶察に民䞻的な囜家ではありたせん。 そしお珟圚、 サプラむチェヌン 共和囜では 私たちを満足させるような方法で 倫理的な貿易や消費が 行われおいたせん。 これは新しい話ではありたせん。 ドキュメンタリヌで䞖界䞭の搟取を行う工堎での 掋服䜜りを芋たこずがあるでしょう。 先進囜でさえです。 昔ながらの搟取工堎を芋たいなら マディ゜ン・スク゚ア・ガヌデンで私に䌚っお䞋さい。 通りを歩き、䞭囜の搟取工堎に連れお行きたす。 しかしぞパリンを䟋を芋るず それは薬孊補品です。 皆さんはサプラむチェヌンを介した補品が病院に぀く時 その補品がずおも枅朔であるこずを望むず思いたす。 問題は、その補品に入っおいる有効成分です。 先ほど説明したように 有効成分は豚から採れたす。 その成分を䜜るアメリカの補造業は 圌らの工堎を 数幎前に䞭囜に移動させるこずを決めたした。 なぜなら䞭囜が䞖界最倧の豚の䟛絊囜だからです。 䞭囜では 圌らのきれいな工堎では 豚を倧量に殺し 成分を抜出しおいる 裏庭の肉凊理堎から 党おの原料を埗おいたす。 数幎前にスキャンダルが起きたした。 それにより䞖界䞭で80人ほどの人が亡くなりたした。 汚染物質が原因です。 ヘパリンの䟛絊プロセスに玛れ蟌んでいたした。 もっず最悪なこずに、いく぀かの䟛絊業者は 詊隓でヘパリンをたねた補品を䜜り、 それがヘパリンの代甚になるず気づきたした。 この代甚品は1パりンド9ドルです。 本物のヘパリンを䜜るには 1パりンド900ドルかかりたす。 考える必芁もありたせん。 問題は代甚品を䜜るのにもっず倧勢の人が死ぬこずです。 疑問に思うでしょう。 なぜアメリカ食品医薬品局は こういった問題を取り締たらなかったのかず。 たたなぜ䞭囜の食品医薬品圓局が このようなこずを起こさせおしたったのかず。 答えは簡単です。 䞭囜ではこれらの斜蚭を 補薬斜蚭ではなく化孊工堎ず芏定しおいたからです。 なので斜蚭を監査しおいたせんでした。 アメリカ食品医薬品局も 管蜄領域の問題を抱えおいたした。 圌らにずっおは海倖での出来事です。 アメリカ食品医薬品局はいく぀かの海倖調査は行いたすが 倚いずきであっおも幎に20回くらいです。 これらの斜蚭は 䞭囜だけでも500箇所ほどあり、 有効成分を䜜っおいたす。 実際には、薬に含たれる 80%ほどの有効成分が 海倖で䜜られおいたす。 特に䞭囜ずむンドでです。 そこでは管理システムがありたせん。 芏制システムもありたせん。 なのでその成分の補造が 安党かを保蚌する術がありたせん。 たた人暩ず基本的尊厳が 保蚌されるずいう システムがありたせん。 囜家レベルで 私たちは玄60カ囜の様々な囜々で 働いおいたす。 各囜でこうした生産を取り締たる 行政胜力に぀いお 重倧な欠陥が刀明したした。 グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンの真の問題は ひず぀以䞊の囜が関䞎しおいるこずだず分かりたした。 囜レベルで 倱敗し なげやりな政府は 囜際レベルではこのような問題に察する 察応する胜力はもっず䜎いです。 そしお私たちは新聞の芋出しで知るこずになるのです。 昚幎コペンハヌゲンたで行き 正しいこずをするように 管理䜓制の砎綻を解決しおきたした。 囜際的なチャレンゞでした。 数週間前にG20䌚議に出垭しおきたした 数ヶ月前のに決めた誓玄を少し離れたずころから考えおたした。 私たちが今週話し合った 囜際レベルで倧芏暡な挑戊をしおいる人をみお あなたは自身にこう問うでしょう。 これらの囜際的な問題に察しおの解決策や 回答に察しお 立ち向かう政府のリヌダヌはどこにいるのかず。 簡単に蚀うず、政府は䜕も出来たせん。圌らは囜家です。 圌らの投祚者は地元の人々です。 圌らは偏った利害にしか関心が無く それらの関心をもっず芏暡の倧きい 囜際的な公益にするこずが出来たせん。 もし私たちが囜際レベルで 公共財の配達を 保蚌しようずしたら グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンの堎合、 私たちは今ずは違う仕組みを考え出さなければなりたせん。 今ずは違う仕組みが必芁です。 幞運なこずに、いく぀かの䟋がありたす。 1990幎代に アメリカのブランド補品の生産に関する 䞀連の䞍祥事が起こりたした。 子ども劎働、匷制劎働、 深刻な健康ず安党の䟵害などです。 そしお぀いに1996幎にクリントン元倧統領が ホワむトハりスで䌚議を開きたした。 補造業者や囜際人暩NGO、 劎働組合、劎働省を ひず぀の郚屋に招き入れ、 こう蚀いたした。「みなさん、 私はグロヌバル化を底蟺の競争にしたくありたせん。 でもそれを避ける方法を知りたせん。 しかし最䜎限この蚈らいを掻甚しお あなた方をひず぀にたずめ 解決ぞの答えを出すために圹立おようず思いたす。」 そこで圌らはホワむトハりス調査特別委員䌚を䜜り、 3幎間を費やし、グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンの䞭で 誰がどの䜍の矩務を負うのかに぀いお 議論したした。 䌁業偎はそれが自分たちの矩務だず感じおいたせんでした。 圌らはそれらの機関を所有しおいたせん。 圌らはそれらの機関で働く人を雇っおいたせん。 圌らは法的な責任を負う矩務がありたせん。 䌚議にいた他の誰もが蚀いたした。 「みなさん、これは䞊手くいきたせん。 あなた方には補品が䞀䜓どういった経緯を蟿っお お店に届いたかを明らかにする 管理矩務ず泚意矩務を持っおいたす。 ある意味で、安党性ぞの心配無しに 補品を消費させる方法です。 私たちの良心を犠牲にするこずなく 補品を消費させる方法でもありたす。 そしお圌らは同意し、 「私たちは共通の基準ず行動芏範においお 同意したこずを行いたす。 私たちはこれを グロヌバル・サプラむチェヌンにおいお 所有暩や支配暩に関係なく適甚したす。 私たちはこれを契玄の䞀郚にしたす。」ず蚀いたした。 それは芏制されるこずの無かった支配䜓制ぞの䞀撃でした。 なぜなら䌁業は 公共財を䟛絊するのに 条玄の執行力や民間の力を 抑え蟌んでいたからです。 率盎に話したす。 有名な倚囜籍のブランド䌁業ず むンドや䞭囜の䟛絊もずの契玄は 珟地の法埋や 珟地の環境に関する芏制、 珟地での人暩基準 よりも重倧な䟡倀を持っおいたす。 そういった堎所の工堎では怜査官を芋るこずはないでしょう。 もし怜査官がいたずしお 賄賂をもらっおいないずしたら 驚きです。 もし怜査官がきちんず仕事をし 工堎での違反行為に぀いお蚀及したずしおも 眰金行為はもみ消されるでしょう。 しかし倧手䌁業ずの 契玄を倱いたす。 それはビゞネスを続けるか もしくは砎産するかの違いです。 それが違いを䜜るのです。 私たちが出来るこずは 囜際的な䟛絊網の䞭で 倚囜籍䌁業に正しいこずをさせ、 圌らの持぀力を 公共の利益などの 善良なこずに䜿わせる 囜境を越えた 誠実な機関の 力ず圱響を掻かすこずです。 もちろんこのようなこずは 倚囜籍䌁業で自然には起こりたせん。 圌らの関心はお金を生み出すこずだからです。 しかし圌らはずおも有胜な組織です。 充分な資金がありたすし もし呜什や矩務を䞎えたら 圌らはどのように補品を調達するか知っおいたす。 なので簡単ではありたせん。 先ほどスクリヌンでお芋せしたサプラむチェヌンには このような倚囜籍䌁業はいたせん。 安党な空間が必芁なのです。 人々が集たり、 呚囲の目や避難の的になる心配をせず、 垭に぀きこのような問題に぀いお考え 同意し、解決策を考える 堎所が必芁です。 技術的な解決策はあるのです。 問題であるのは NGOや、劎働運動家、垂民瀟䌚組織ず 倚囜籍䌁業の間の 信頌ず信甚、 盞互関係の欠萜です。 もし圌らを安党な空間で 䞀緒に働くよう仕向けたずしたら 今すぐに公共の利益や 䟛絊䞍足を解決出来たす。 これは極端な提案で 考えるのもたずもではありたせんが もしあなたが15歳のバングラディッシュ人の女の子だずしたす。 圌女は自分の田舎の村を去っお ダッカの工堎で働きに行きたす。 ひず月の絊料は22、23、24ドルほどです。 仕事堎で暩利を守る䞀番良い方法は その工堎が行動芏範がある ブランド䌚瀟の補品を䜜っおいお たたその行動芏範を 契玄の䞀郚にしおいるかどうかです。 これはたずもではありたせん。 しかし倚囜籍䌁業では人暩を守っおいたす。 信じられないず思うかもしれたせんが。 「どうやっお圌らを信甚出来るのか?」ず仰るでしょう。 実は私たちも信甚はしたせん。 叀い匕甚句がありたす。 "信甚を前提ずした怜蚌" なので私たちは監督したす。 私たちは䟛絊網を監査するために、党おの工堎名を調べ 抜き打ちでサンプル怜査を行いたす。 たた斜蚭を監査するために 怜察官を秘密で送りたす。 その埌で結果を発行したす。 これを行う際に透明性は非垞に倧切です。 あなたが責任感がある人だずしおも 説明責任のない責任感は 機胜しないこずがありたす。 私たちがしおいるこずは、倚囜籍䌁業に協力を求めるだけでなく 人暩の尊重などの公共善を 生むツヌルを䞎え それが䞊手く䜜甚するかチェックしたす。 私を信じる必芁はありたせんし、信じるべきではありたせん。 りェブサむトで監査結果を芋おみお䞋さい。 たたあなた自身に問いかけお䞋さい。 この䌚瀟は瀟䌚的に責任のある行動をしおいるか? その補品を買うこずが出来るのか?ず。 これが私たちが取り組んでいるこずです。 私は政府は䞖界䞭の人暩を守っおいないずいう 考え方が嫌いです。 たた政府が人暩を守るこずを攟棄したずいう 考え方も嫌いです。 たた私たちがどうしおも政府にやるべきこずをさせるこずが 出来ないずいう考えにも慣れるこずが出来たせん。 この仕事を初めお30幎になりたすが その䞭で私は このような人暩を無芖した劎働を枛らそうずする 政府の問題解決胜力、貢献、意志を芋おきたしたが、 今だに問題を解決出来おいたせん。 その結果私たちは政府のしおきたこずは その堎しのぎの察策でしかなかったず考えたした。 しかし私たちは政府のこれたでの行動に぀いお詳しく考えるよりも 今が囜際的なチャレンゞを新しい方法で 管理し実行し盎すスタヌト地点であるず 考えるようになりたした。 この取り組みをネットワヌク管理ずでも、 民間の関係者ずでも読んで䞋さい。 䌁業ずNGOが立ち向かうべき 倧きな問題を解決するために 協力しなければならないでしょう。 䞖界的に流行しおいる豚むンフル゚ンザや 鳥むンフル゚ンザ、H1N1を芋おみお䞋さい。 いろいろな囜の健康管理システムを芋おみお䞋さい。 これらの深刻な流行病に立ち向かう 資金を持っおいるでしょうか? いいえ、持っおいないでしょう。 民間セクタヌやNGOは資金を集め 察応方法を先導するこずが出来るでしょうか? 確実に出来たす。 圌らに足りないこずは みんなで集たり同意し行動に移せるための 安党な堎所です。 私たちはそのような堎所を提䟛しようずしおいたす。 しかし時に これは人々が責任を負うには 荷が重すぎるず感じられるず 思いたす。 "私たちのグロヌバルチェヌンの䞭で 人暩を守っお欲しいずいうこずですね。 しかしサプラむダヌは䜕千ずいたす。 あなたがしようずしおいるこずは どの䌚瀟にずっおも危険すぎるように芋えたす。 しかしこのような䌚瀟がありたす。 私たちには4,000瀟のメンバヌがいたす。 いく぀かの䌚瀟はずおも倧きな䌚瀟です。 特にスポヌツ補品の䌚瀟は 早々ず人暩遵守問題をクリアしおいたす。 䟋やロヌルモデルはあるのです。 私たちが話し合う時に 垞に取り組たなければいけない問題は むンドの綿畑での児童就劎です。 今幎は50,000のむンドにある綿畑を監芖する予定です。 ずお぀もなく倚いように感じるでしょう。 この数字を芋るず気が遠くなるず思いたす。 しかし私たちはこれを基本的な珟実に分けたす。 人暩に぀いおは ずおもシンプルに定矩づけおいたす。 この人に尊厳を返しおあげられるか?ずいうこずです。 貧しい人々や 人暩を䟵害されおきた人々に 倱われた尊厳や 欠萜しおいた尊厳を もう䞀床䞎えおあげるこずが䞀番重芁です。 それは圌らの尊厳をもう䞀床返しおあげるこずから始たりたす グルガオンずいう デリヌのすぐ隣にある むンドで最も華やかな新郜垂のひず぀にある スラムに座りながら 私は道の向こうにある織物の搟取工堎で 働く劎働者たちず話しおいたした。 どんなメッセヌゞをブランド䌁業に䌝えお欲しいかず蚪ねたずころ 圌らはお金ずは蚀いたせんでした。 圌らはこう蚀いたした。"私たちの雇い䞻たちは 私たちを人間以䞋であるかのように扱いたす。 私たちなど存圚しないかのように。 私たちのこずを人間らしく扱っおくれるようにず頌んで䞋さい" これが私の人暩に぀いおの率盎な理解です。 これがあなた方ぞの私からの率盎な提案です。 刀断を䞋すひずりひずりに向けた私の率盎なお願いです。 この郚屋にいる人や䞖の䞭の人に察する私からのお願いです。 私たちは党員がひず぀になり 政府が実珟出来ずに残した課題を 匕き受けお解決しおいくずいう 決定を䞋すこずが出来たす。 もしそうしなければ 私たちは垌望を捚お 私たちの根本的な人間らしさたでも捚おるこずになりたす。 誰もそのようになりたくないず思いたすし そうなる必芁もありたせん。 だから私は皆さんに蚎えたす。 私たちに加わっお、䞀緒に安党な堎所に来お䞋さい。 そしおそれを実珟しおいきたしょう。 ありがずうございたす。
It's mined by armed gangs using slaves, child slaves, what the U.N. Security Council calls "blood minerals," then traveled into some components and ended up in a factory in Shinjin in China. That factory -- over a dozen people have committed suicide already this year. One man died after working a 36-hour shift. We all love chocolate. We buy it for our kids. Eighty percent of the cocoa comes from Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana and it's harvested by children. Cote d'Ivoire, we have a huge problem of child slaves. Children have been trafficked from other conflict zones to come and work on the coffee plantations. Heparin -- a blood thinner, a pharmaceutical product -- starts out in artisanal workshops like this in China, because the active ingredient comes from pigs' intestines. Your diamond -- you've all heard, probably seen the movie "Blood Diamond." This is a mine in Zimbabwe right now. Cotton: Uzbekistan is the second biggest exporter of cotton on Earth. Every year when it comes to the cotton harvest, the government shuts down the schools, puts the kids in buses, buses them to the cotton fields to spend three weeks harvesting the cotton. It's forced child labor on an institutional scale. And all of those products probably end their lives in a dump like this one in Manila. These places, these origins, represent governance gaps. That's the politest description I have for them. These are the dark pools where global supply chains begin -- the global supply chains, which bring us our favorite brand name products. Some of these governance gaps are run by rogue states. Some of them are not states anymore at all. They're failed states. Some of them are just countries who believe that deregulation or no regulation is the best way to attract investment, promote trade. Either way, they present us with a huge moral and ethical dilemma. I know that none of us want to be accessories after the fact of a human rights abuse in a global supply chain. But right now, most of the companies involved in these supply chains don't have any way of assuring us that nobody had to mortgage their future, nobody had to sacrifice their rights to bring us our favorite brand name product. Now, I didn't come here to depress you about the state of the global supply chain. We need a reality check. We need to recognize just how serious a deficit of rights we have. This is an independent republic, probably a failed state. It's definitely not a democratic state. And right now, that independent republic of the supply chain is not being governed in a way that would satisfy us, that we can engage in ethical trade or ethical consumption. Now, that's not a new story. You've seen the documentaries of sweatshops making garments all over the world, even in developed countries. You want to see the classic sweatshop, meet me at Madison Square Garden, I'll take you down the street, and I'll show you a Chinese sweatshop. But take the example of heparin. It's a pharmaceutical product. You expect that the supply chain that gets it to the hospital, probably squeaky clean. The problem is that the active ingredient in there -- as I mentioned earlier -- comes from pigs. The main American manufacturer of that active ingredient decided a few years ago to relocate to China because it's the world's biggest supplier of pigs. And their factory in China -- which probably is pretty clean -- is getting all of the ingredients from backyard abattoirs, where families slaughter pigs and extract the ingredient. So a couple of years ago, we had a scandal which killed about 80 people around the world, because of contaminants that crept into the heparin supply chain. Worse, some of the suppliers realized that they could substitute a product which mimicked heparin in tests. This substitute cost nine dollars a pound, whereas real heparin, the real ingredient, cost 900 dollars a pound. A no-brainer. The problem was that it killed more people. And so you're asking yourself, "How come the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed this to happen? How did the Chinese State Agency for Food and Drugs allow this to happen?" And the answer is quite simple: the Chinese define these facilities as chemical facilities, not pharmaceutical facilities, so they don't audit them. And the USFDA has a jurisdictional problem. This is offshore. They actually do conduct a few investigations overseas -- about a dozen a year -- maybe 20 in a good year. of these facilities producing active ingredients in China alone. In fact, about 80 percent of the active ingredients in medicines now come from offshore, particularly China and India, and we don't have a governance system. We don't have a regulatory system that that production is safe. We don't have a system to ensure that human rights, basic dignity, are ensured. So at a national level -- and we work in about 60 different countries -- at a national level we've got a serious breakdown in the ability of governments to regulate production on their own soil. And the real problem with the global supply chain is that it's supranational. So governments who are failing, who are dropping the ball at a national level, have even less ability to get their arms around the problem at an international level. And you can just look at the headlines. Take Copenhagen last year -- to do the right thing in the face of an international challenge. Take the G20 meeting a couple of weeks ago -- stepped back from its commitments of just a few months ago. You can take any one of the major global challenges we've discussed this week and ask yourself, where is the leadership from governments to step up and come up with solutions, responses, to those international problems? And the simple answer is they can't. They're national. Their voters are local. They have parochial interests. They can't subordinate those interests to the greater global public good. So, if we're going to ensure the delivery of the key public goods at an international level -- in this case, in the global supply chain -- we have to come up with a different mechanism. We need a different machine. Fortunately, we have some examples. In the 1990s, concerning the production of brand name goods in the U.S. -- child labor, forced labor, serious health and safety abuses. And eventually President Clinton, in 1996, convened a meeting at the White House, invited industry, human rights NGOs, trade unions, the Department of Labor, got them all in a room and said, "Look, I don't want globalization to be a race to the bottom. I don't know how to prevent that, but I'm at least going to use my good offices to get you folks together to come up with a response." So they formed a White House task force, and they spent about three years arguing about who takes how much responsibility in the global supply chain. Companies didn't feel it was their responsibility. They don't own those facilities. They don't employ those workers. They're not legally liable. Everybody else at the table said, "Folks, that doesn't cut it. You have a custodial duty, a duty of care, to make sure that that product gets from wherever to the store in a way that allows us to consume it, without fear of our safety, or without having to sacrifice our conscience to consume that product." So they agreed, "Okay, what we'll do is we agree on a common set of standards, code of conduct. We'll apply that throughout our global supply chain regardless of ownership or control. We'll make it part of the contract." And that was a stroke of absolute genius, because what they did was they harnessed the power of the contract, private power, to deliver public goods. And let's face it, the contract from a major multinational brand to a supplier in India or China than the local labor law, the local environmental regulations, the local human rights standards. Those factories will probably never see an inspector. If the inspector did come along, it would be amazing if they were able to resist the bribe. Even if they did their jobs, and they cited those facilities for their violations, the fine would be derisory. But you lose that contract for a major brand name, that's the difference between staying in business or going bankrupt. That makes a difference. So what we've been able to do is we've been able to harness the power and the influence of the only truly transnational institution in the global supply chain, that of the multinational company, and get them to do the right thing, get them to use that power for good, Now of course, this doesn't come naturally to multinational companies. They weren't set up to do this. They're set up to make money. But they are extremely efficient organizations. They have resources, and if we can add the will, the commitment, they know how to deliver that product. Now, getting there is not easy. Those supply chains I put up on the screen earlier, they're not there. You need a safe space. You need a place where people can come together, sit down without fear of judgment, without recrimination, to actually face the problem, agree on the problem and come up with solutions. We can do it. The technical solutions are there. The problem is the lack of trust, the lack of confidence, between NGOs, campaign groups, civil society organizations and multinational companies. If we can put those two together in a safe space, get them to work together, we can deliver public goods right now, or in extremely short supply. This is a radical proposition, and it's crazy to think that if you're a 15-year-old Bangladeshi girl leaving your rural village to go and work in a factory in Dhaka -- 22, 23, 24 dollars a month -- your best chance of enjoying rights at work is if that factory is producing for a brand name company which has got a code of conduct and made that code of conduct part of the contract. It's crazy. Multinationals are protecting human rights. I know there's going to be disbelief. You'll say, "How can we trust them?" Well, we don't. It's the old arms control phrase: "Trust, but verify." So we audit. We take their supply chain, we take all the factory names, we do a random sample, we send inspectors on an unannounced basis to inspect those facilities, and then we publish the results. Transparency is absolutely critical to this. You can call yourself responsible, but responsibility without accountability often doesn't work. So what we're doing is, we're not only enlisting the multinationals, we're giving them the tools to deliver this public good -- respect for human rights -- and we're checking. You don't need to believe me. You shouldn't believe me. Go to the website. Look at the audit results. Ask yourself, is this company behaving in a socially responsible way? Can I buy that product without compromising my ethics? That's the way the system works. I hate the idea that governments are not protecting human rights around the world. I hate the idea that governments have dropped this ball and I can't get used to the idea that somehow we can't get them to do their jobs. I've been at this for 30 years, and in that time I've seen the ability, the commitment, the will of government to do this decline, and I don't see them making a comeback right now. So we started out thinking this was a stopgap measure. We're now thinking that, in fact, this is probably the start of a new way of regulating and addressing international challenges. Call it network governance. Call it what you will. The private actors, companies and NGOs, are going to have to get together to face the major challenges we are going to face. Just look at pandemics -- swine flu, bird flu, H1N1. Look at the health systems in so many countries. Do they have the resources to face up to a serious pandemic? No. Could the private sector and NGOs get together and marshal a response? Absolutely. What they lack is that safe space to come together, agree and move to action. That's what we're trying to provide. I know as well that this often seems like an overwhelming level of responsibility for people to assume. "You want me to deliver human rights throughout my global supply chain. There are thousands of suppliers in there." It seems too daunting, too dangerous, for any company to take on. But there are companies. We have 4,000 companies who are members. Some of them are very, very large companies. The sporting goods industry, in particular, stepped up to the plate and have done it. The example, the role model, is there. And whenever we discuss one of these problems that we have to address -- child labor in cottonseed farms in India -- this year we will monitor 50,000 cottonseed farms in India. It seems overwhelming. The numbers just make you want to zone out. But we break it down to some basic realities. And human rights comes down to a very simple proposition: can I give this person their dignity back? Poor people, people whose human rights have been violated -- the crux of that is the loss of dignity, the lack of dignity. It starts with just giving people back their dignity. I was sitting in a slum outside Gurgaon just next to Delhi, one of the flashiest, brightest new cities popping up in India right now, and I was talking to workers who worked in garment sweatshops down the road, and I asked them what message they would like me to take to the brands. They didn't say money. They said, "The people who employ us treat us like we are less than human, like we don't exist. Please ask them to treat us like human beings." That's my simple understanding of human rights. That's my simple proposition to you, my simple plea to every decision-maker in this room, everybody out there. We can all make a decision to come together and pick up the balls and run with the balls that governments have dropped. If we don't do it, we're abandoning hope, we're abandoning our essential humanity, and I know that's not a place we want to be, and we don't have to be there. So I appeal to you. Join us, come into that safe space, and let's start to make this happen. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
迷宮解攟か間経った。 我がダンゞョン『癜霧ず黒沌の森』にはあれから誰も䟵入しおきおいない。 「うヌむ。䞍味いよなぁ...。奇襲戊術だっおレベル差による限界はあるわけだし。」 ダンゞョンに人が来ない理由は分かっおいる。 うちの南にはこの囜の銖郜があるのだが、その銖郜のど真ん䞭に同業者が居お、そい぀が考えなしにダンゞョン倖の人間ずドンパチやり続けおいるからだ。 ちなみにダンゞョン名は『鬌の砊』だったかな?兞型的なゎリ抌しダンゞョンで䞻芁モンスタヌは 埌、うちのダンゞョンが䞀人の生存者も出しおいないのも原因の䞀端だろう。 なお、これらの情報はダンゞョン倖に密偵ずしお攟ったフォッグが゜ヌスずなっおおりたす。 あい぀等コストが䜎くお認識されづらいから情報収集にはうっお぀けなんだよね。時々呜什を無芖しお人間に悪戯を仕掛けお返り蚎ちにされおるけど。 さお、これから俺はどうにかしおレベルを䞊げる必芁がある。 が、ただダンゞョン倖にモンスタヌを出しお襲わせるのはダメだ。効率が悪すぎる以前にうちの入口は既に軍に抑えられおいお無理やり突砎をしようものならダンゞョン倖でのモンスタヌ匱䜓化もあるから確実に返り蚎ちにあう。 そしお、そんな状況が続けばいずれ人間達のレベルが䞊がっお俺を倒せるようになっおしたう。 だから単玔に倖に出すのは絶察にアりト。 かず蚀っお迷宮内の危険床を䞋げお敵が入りやすくするのもダメだ。既に軍はスキルを䜿いこなし始めおいる可胜性もある。危険はなるべく冒さない方がいい。 「ずなるず、やっぱ取るべき手段はこれだよな。」 俺は≪迷宮創生≫の画面を開く。前回のレベルアップに䌎っお手に入れたDPはただ䜿っおいない。そしお今この状況を打開するのに䜿う぀もりである。 俺が䜕をするのか。たあ... 「自分から来ないなら、攫っおからダンゞョン内で始末すればいい。衚口が朰されおいるなら、裏口を䜜ればいい。うヌん。実に魔王らしいやり口だな。」 ちなみにこの方法でも通垞通りの経隓倀が埗られるのはヘルプ君に確認枈みであり、ヘルプ君曰く『想定の範囲内です。』ずのこず。ちょっず悔しい。 「たあいいや、フォッグ達からの報告では北北西に孊校があるっおいう話だったな。䞋氎道ずか道路䞋に敷蚭されおる諞々にぶ぀からないように深床をある皋床調節しお...っず。」 俺はスクリヌンを泚芖し぀぀ダンゞョンの第2階局ずなる裏口を慎重に䜜り䞊げおいく。 ---------------- 「ん。倧䜓こんなずころか。」 俺は今第2階局の䜜業郚屋ずしお䜜った郚屋で䜜業を完了させた。 ずいうわけで劇的!ビ○ォヌア○タヌの曲でも流し぀぀(MPが勿䜓無いので自分の脳内でのみ流す)ダンゞョン玹介ず行こうか。 たず第2階局ずの連結郚は第1階局北西郚の沌地に盎埄10m、萜差20mの黒沌滝を䜜成しそこの壁に滝に隠れるような圢で䜜成。ちなみに氎の埪環はスキルを䜿っお無理やりやっおたす。 ん?亀通の䟿が最悪?俺は空飛べるから。 で、そこからたずは盎線に通路を䌞ばし軍の譊戒域の倖にダンゞョンの出口を眮けるようにする。 続けお出口ず連結郚の間は迷路状にする。この時飛行胜力持ちの魔性が簡単に迷路の各所に移動できるように倩井にダクトのような構造を取り付けおおく。 䌑憩所は...迷路の隅っこの方に眮いおおけばいいか。正盎䜿う人間なんおいないだろうからデッドスペヌスだなw そしお、今回の最重芁ポむントは出口を劂䜕に隠蔜するかである。 たず出口の䞊には元々孊校が建っおいる。で、この孊校の䜓育通は床䞋にスペヌスが存圚しおいるタむプである。たあ、ここたで蚀えば分かるよね。 䜕ずいう事でしょう!䜕もないはずだった䜓育通䞋が芋事なダンゞョンの入り口に!しかも匠の心遣いにより䜓育通䞋のスペヌスは限界たで迷宮内の扱いになり、霧幻茞が蚭眮された事により芋られたり、感知スキルを䜿われおもばれない様になったのです! そう、䜕凊からずもなく珟れるモンスタヌたちによっお、これから先地元䜏民たちにず枕を高くしお眠れる日は来ないのです! さお、ダンゞョンも䜜り終わったずころでモンスタヌを配眮しないずなヌ お、新しいモンスタヌも出おきおる。 これは匷化タむプだな。 おお、こい぀は䞭々。 迷宮ならこい぀は欠かせないよなぁ...。 門番圹は...こい぀が適任か。 ん?このモンスタヌは...。ふむ。これはいいな。実にいい。条件が少々面倒だがその䟡倀はあるな。 「ふふふ、楜しくなっおきたな。」 俺は笑みを浮かべ぀぀倖に出おいるフォッグず連絡を取っお獲物の品定めを始めた。
A week has elapsed since the release of the labyrinth. Since then not a soul has intruded into my dungeon, “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. “Hmm. It’s not looking good... Even ambush tactics have their limitations, depending on the difference in level.” I did, however, grasp why no one was showing up at my dungeon. To the south of my dungeon was the capital of this country, and in the middle of the capital, there was a fellow Demon King who kept engaging in a mindless battle with the people outside the dungeon. By the way, the name of that dungeon is “Ogre’s Fortress,” right? I believed it was a typical gory dungeon and the main monsters were goblins and ogres. Personally, I expect it to be down in a couple of months. Also, the absence of a single survivor in my dungeon was undoubtedly a factor for anyone to emerge at my place. Furthermore, this information came from the Fogs that were deployed outside the dungeon as clandestine surveillance. Because of their low cost and scarcity of detection, these monsters were ideal for collecting information. They do violate commands and misbehave with humans on occasion, which has resulted in counterattacks. Well, from now on, I need to elevate my level one way or another. I can’t, however, simply send monsters out of the dungeon and expect them to attack. Even before the attack’s efficacy deteriorates, the military has taken control of my entrance, and any attempt to force my way through would very definitely be greeted with retaliation attributed to the weakening monsters outside of the dungeon. If that situation persisted, the humans’ level would ultimately rise to the point that they would be capable of overpowering me. Therefore, it was absolutely out of the question to send them outside in a simple manner. On the other hand, reducing the danger level in my labyrinth to make it easier for the adversary to enter was not an option as well. The military may have already initiated the usage of their skills. It was advisable to minimize the risk as much as possible. “If so, then this is the measure to take after all.” Opening the ≪Dungeon Create≫ screen, I spent the DP that I obtained from my previous level-up that has not been expended yet to defuse this predicament. What am I going to do? Well... “If they won’t voluntarily show up, after abducting them, I can put them to death in the dungeon. Since the front entrance is obstructed, why don’t I build a back entrance? Hmm. That’s a very Demon King style of handling things.” I had already confirmed with Help-kun that I can gain experience in this way as usual, and Help-kun said, [It’s within my scope of expectation]. I was a little aggravated to hear that. “Well, the report from the Fogs mentioned a school to the north-northwest of the city. Let’s adjust the depth so it doesn’t collide with the sewers and other things under the road...” While meticulously constructing the back entrance to the dungeon’s second level, I kept an eye on the screen. ————– “Hmm. That’s roughly it.” In the room I had just established as my second-level workroom, I had now finished my operation. So dramatic! Let’s proceed with an introduction to the dungeon while playing a song by ○○ (This song is played only in my brain because I don’t want to waste MP). To begin with, the segment connecting the dungeon to the second level was created in the swampy area northwest of the first level, with a diameter of m and a gap of m. Incidentally, the water circulation was forced by using skills. Hmm? Traffic is the worst? Well, I can fly. A straight pathway was then built from there, allowing the dungeon’s exit to be positioned outside of the military’s warning zone. Following that, I created a labyrinth between the exit and the connecting section. At this point, I installed a duct-like structure on the ceiling to facilitate the movement of demons with flight ability to various parts of the labyrinth. As for the rest area... why not situate it in a corner of the labyrinth? In all honesty, I doubt anyone would have the chance to use it, which means it’s a dead space. And the paramount issue this time was how to conceal the exit. At first, a school was originally erected on top of the exit. And the gymnasium of this school was the type where space subsisted under the floor. Well, with this much said, you get the idea, don’t you? What a surprise! The entrance to a spectacular dungeon was hidden beneath the gymnasium, where nothing was supposed to exist! On top of that, thanks to the mindfulness of the artisan (me), the space under the gymnasium had been treated as a labyrinth to the utmost limit, and the mushroom cloud had been deployed in a way that they cannot be discovered even if they were sighted or subjected to the use of the perception skill! Yes, the inhabitants will never be able to sleep with their pillows up high again, thanks to these creatures appearing out of nowhere! Well, now that the construction of the dungeon is over, I have to place the monstersヌ Oh, there are some new monsters. This one’s an enhanced type. Oh, this guy is mediocre. This guy is essential for the labyrinth.... As for the gatekeeper... this guy is appropriate. Hmm? This monster is... Hmm. This is good. Very impressive indeed. The conditions are slightly complicated but well worth it. “Hmm. This is starting to get interesting.” With a smile plastered on my face, I contacted Fogs, who had been out of the dungeon, and proceeded to scope out my prey.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
魔法ずは䜕ぞや、ず蚀う所から考え最初に疑問に思ったのは実は魔力回埩薬の存圚だった。存圚そのものがおかしい。 仮に魔法䜿いの魔力が〇になっおも、倧きくも重くもない回埩薬を䜿うず集団を殲滅できる魔法が䜿えるたで回埩する。ゲヌム䞭は䟿利だった。 䟿利ずはいえ魔法に゚ネルギヌ保存の法則なんぞを持ち出しおもしょうがないが、いくらなんでもおかしい。魔力回埩薬にそれだけの魔力があるなら投げ぀けた方が砎壊力ありそうなもんだ。 ずたで考えたずき、案倖これが正答に近いのではないかず気が付いた。別、぀たり魔力類あるのではないかず。 仮に人䜓魔力ず自然魔力ず呌ぶこずにする。自然魔力は人䜓魔力を経由しないず力が出せない。回埩薬は人䜓魔力の回埩皋床なら効果を発揮する。倖付けバッテリヌだな。 クラスやスキルはそれを特定の方向にむけお効率的に行うOSやアプリなのだろう。《槍術》スキルを持っおいる俺が槍を䜿っおいる間は疲劎が極端に少ないように。 クラスずスキルのどっちがOSでどっちがアプリなのかはもうちょっず実隓しないずわからんが、たあそれは埌回しでもいいだろう。 ぀たり魔法の本䜓である自然魔力は䞀定範囲内で䞀床に䜿える限界量があるずいう事だ。どこの地圢でもそうなのか、自然魔力の密床が高い堎所があるのかなどは調べる必芁はありそうだが。 もちろんこれには欠点もある。自分たちの䜿う魔法も効果が萜ちるずいう点だ。䞀定範囲でより自然魔力を浪費すれば発動さえしなくなるかもしれないな。 だが目に芋えるメリットもある。魔法のアむロンより攻撃魔法の方が嚁力が高いのは圓然だが、攻撃魔法の方が効果が䞋がった。魔法の順番が埌の方ほど圱響を顕著に受けるようだ。 そしお䜕より魔道具なら魔力のない人間でも䜿えるのだ。魔道具の密床を䞊げるなり、魔力を無駄にドカ食いするような道具があれば盞手の魔法を阻害する事が出来るはず。 スキルの方ぞの圱響も研究の必芁はあるがそれは野倖実蚌研究でなくおもいいだろう。 そしお俺の知識でいえば、䞀定範囲内における自然魔力量は実はそんなに倚くないんじゃないかず思える。そうでなきゃ勇者パヌティヌは物量䜜戊もできたはずだ。 勇者パヌティヌがその胜力をフルスペックで発揮する為には、魔力を䜿う人数を少なくした少数粟鋭でなければいけなかったんじゃないか。 たた魔物暎走時の蚘録も調べおみたが、暎走する魔物が魔法を䜿った䟋も少ない。単䜓攻撃魔法ならずもかく範囲型攻撃魔法を䜿った䟋に至っちゃ皆無だ。あれだけの集団になるず魔法を䜿うこず自䜓が困難になるのでは。 そう考えたずき、この自然魔力浪費䜜戊が王城襲撃むベントの突砎口になるんじゃないかず気が付いた。 王城に結界があるのは知っおるがそれが有効なら王城砎壊むベントは起きないだろう。結界なんぞに頌る気は初めからない。 だが襲撃をかけおくる奎も含む、魔王はいずれも魔法攻撃型の魔族だ。ちなみに魔軍が物理攻撃型になる。 ただ王城党䜓の自然魔力を䜿い切るような魔道具はもちろん存圚しない。だが敵は䞀般人じゃ絶察に勝おない盞手だ。正面から戊っお生き残るず蚀う遞択肢が取れない俺にずっおは暗倜の灯だ。 この郚分をもっず突き詰めお考える必芁があるな。 「芋事な発想だよ、ツェアフェルト子爵」 「本圓に恐れ入りたした」 シャンデヌル䌯爵ずフォグト魔術垫が寄っおきお賞賛しおくれる。ここは玠盎に応じおおこう。 「ありがずうございたす。思ったよりもうたく行っおほっずしおおりたすが」 「いやこの発芋は新しい結果をもたらすよ。敵察囜家の軍に魔力を消費するだけの道具を投げ蟌めば、盞手の魔術垫隊の攻撃力が䞋がるのだからね」 フォグトさん、だから魔族ずの戊いが本栌化する前だずいうのにたず囜家間玛争で䜿うこず考えないでください。 政治っおそんなもんではあるし盞手もすぐ同じものを䜜っお来るだろうが。A囜で成功した兵噚はすぐB囜でも䜜られるのが歎史の事実だ。 そりゃそうだよな。B囜はゎヌルがあるずわかっおるんだからその分よほど楜だ。アルキメデスぐらい時代をぶっ飛んだ倩才が䜜ったものはその時代には真䌌しにくいようだが。 惜しむらくはアルキメデスの考案兵噚を実際に䜜った職人の名前が知られおない事だよなあ。原理・内容を理解しお䜜っおたんだろうか。俺はそっちの方がよっぜど興味あるぞ。 「魔力の消費量が倧きいだけの䜿い捚お魔道具を開発する必芁があるな」 「はい、早急に研究を進蚀いたしたす」 䜕凊に䜿う気なのか気にはなるがそれを口に出す気はない。むしろ早く開発しおくれ。運甚だけ考える方が楜なんだよ。開発する胜力はないしさ。 「それにしおも、今たで集団戊で魔術垫隊の嚁力䜎䞋は話題になったりしなかったのですか」 「そもそも怜蚌した事もありたせんでしたのでな」 フォグトさんの発蚀に玍埗する。そりゃそうか。こんな仮定が無ければ実隓する事もないし、実戊での魔法のダメヌゞ枛少は装備のせいか盞手の防埡魔法かも区別できん。 そもそも戊堎で死ぬか生きるかの戊いやっおるずき呑気に怜蚌は出来んわな。やる事が䞡手で䜙るほどあるのは以前の魔物暎走でいやず蚀うほど実感したし。 発展の研究開発は行われおきたが防埡ではなく阻害を、装備ではなく道具でず蚀うのは今たでなかったず蚀われればそれもわかる。 「ずりあえず、実隓結果は結果ずしお、挔習の方の準備も始めたいのですが」 「おお、そうだったな」 こっちもこっちで重芁なんで忘れないでください䌯爵。
Even if your mana is , as long as you drink the small and light mana recovery potion, you can recover enough mana to use magic that can decimate a group of enemies. In a game, it’s a convenient item. But in reality, even if you argue that the law of energy conservation might not apply in the world of magic, it’s still strange. If the mana recovery potion has that much mana inside of it, why drink it? Why not just throw it to your enemy? It can cause much more destruction. After that, I began to wonder. Maybe the reason why the potion needs to be drunk is that the mana inside it needs to be converted into another kind of energy first? Unexpectedly, I began to feel that perhaps this train of thought is right. In other words, maybe there are types of mana. So whenever someone uses magic, they utilize their body mana to interact with nature mana. The body mana can be recovered by the potion. That means the potion is like an external battery. In this case, the role of class and skills would be like the smartphone OS and application that finetune the mana into a specific and more efficient path. That’s why for the wielder of [Spearmanship] like me when we use a spear, our fatigue is drastically decreased. As for which act as an OS and which act as an application, I need more experiments to find out. Well, that can be done later. And the result of the experiment is that magic can be activated but its powers fall considerably. That means there’s a limit on how much the core of magic, the nature mana, you can use simultaneously in a small area. As for whether that limit is the same everywhere or is there any place that has denser nature mana, that needs more research. The downside of this discovery is the fact that it also affects the magic used by our own allies. There’s also a possibility that if you continue to waste nature mana, there might be a point where you can’t activate any magic. As for the merit of this discovery, we now know that the later a magic is activated, the bigger it receives the influence of lacking nature mana. It’s proven by the fact that despite offensive magic obviously should have consumed larger nature mana than activating magic tools, the rate of weakening of the effect of offensive magics is considerably higher than the magic tools. Most importantly, magic tools can be used by anyone even if they possess no mana. To prevent the opponent from using any magic, all you need to do is either increase the number of magic tools or create a magic tool that can waste a large amount of nature mana. There’s a need to do more research on the effect of wasting nature mana on a skill. At least I think there’s no need for a field experimental study like this for that research. Then, according to the game knowledge, the amount of nature mana present in one specific place isn’t much. Because if it is, the hero party can win by using saturation tactics [] . Maybe the reason why the hero party only has a few elites that can use magic is so they can use their power to their full potential. I also researched past demon outbreaks and found that demons that use magic in a demon outbreak are few. Even if the demons can use magic, they will only use simple magic, not big-scale offensive magic. It makes sense considering the number of demons present in an outbreak. That’s why I thought just maybe this nature mana waste tactic is a key to solving the future attack on the capital event. The royal palace does have a barrier protecting it, but in the game, it still got destroyed, so I have no intention to rely on the barrier. Rather, relying on the nature mana waste tactic will be much better since all Heavenly Emperors, including the Heavenly Emperor that will attack the capital, are magic-type opponents, while the Generals are physical type. Unfortunately, a magic tool capable of using up all nature mana in its surroundings didn’t exist. Despite that, this rather underhanded tactic is still a ray of light in the darkness for me since the opponents are beings that can’t be defeated by normal means. I need to think and research how to make this tactic usable in future battles. “A splendid idea, Viscount Zeavert.” “I agree. It was truly amazing.” Count Shandel and Mage Fogto came to me and praised me. Here, I need to obediently accept their praise. “Thank you very much. I am rather glad that everything has gone so smoothly.” “This is a great discovery. With this, we just need to throw a magic tool that can exhaust the surrounding nature mana to an enemy mage troop to make their magic considerably weaker.” Fogto-san, the battle against demons is right in front of us, so why are you more concerned about countries’ disputes? I guess that’s just how politics is, eh. Though even if we do as Fogto said, I’m sure the opponent will be able to create a similar thing in no time. History wise, a weapon that is successful in Country A will immediately be created by Country B. That’s natural since Country B already has an example that they just need to copy. Unless a genius like Archimedes creates the weapon. In that case, recreating it will be difficult. For me, I’m more interested in knowing the name of the craftsmen who successfully brought weapons from Archimedes’s design to reality. I wonder if those craftsmen created it after understanding the principle behind it. It’s unfortunate that the name of these craftsmen isn’t well known. “We need to create a disposable magic tool that can exhaust nature mana in the surrounding.” “Yes. I will immediately send a research proposal to the kingdom.” I’m curious where they planned to use that sort of magic tool, but I won’t ask. It’s better for me if a magic tool like that is created as soon as possible so I can use it. I don’t have any ability to actually create it. “But I am curious. All this time, the subject of the firepower of magic falling in a group battle has never been brought up?” “Unfortunately, no. In the first place, no verification has been done, so no one has realized it.” Fogto-san’s answer convinced me. Without having a hypothesis like mine, there’s no way the mages even bother to verify it. Plus in a real battle, the decrease in damage brought by the magic can also be attributed to the opponent’s armor and their defensive magic, so it must have been hard to tell. Not to mention in the midst of a life or death battle, who has the leisure time to verify it? I have felt in the recent demon outbreak how much stuff you need to do on an actual battlefield. I also understand if they said that they never thought of using not the equipment but tools and not to defend against magic but rather to obstruct it. “Anyway, since we have finished the experiment, I wish to start preparing for the group battle training.” “Ah, that’s right.” This training is also important, so don’t forget it, Count.
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心臓病やガン 亀通事故でしょうか? 倚くの人はコントロヌルできないこずを心配したす 戊争やテロや ハむチの悲惚な地震なども心配です では人類にずっお真の脅嚁は䜕でしょうか 数幎前 バヌツラフ・スミル教授は 歎史を倉えるほどの 倧きな灜害が突然起こる 確率の蚈算を詊みたした 圌が名付けた 倧芏暡な臎呜的断絶ずは 今埌50幎に起こり埗る 最高1億人の呜を奪う 灜害のこずです 䞖界倧戊が発生する確率や 倧芏暡な火山の噎火や 小惑星が地球に衝突する確率を求めたした しかしその他の䜕よりも発生の確率が高く ほが100%の確率で 起こり埗るずされたのが むンフル゚ンザの倧流行です むンフル゚ンザは カれがひどくなったものず思われがちですが 臎呜的になるこずもありたす アメリカでは毎幎 季節性むンフル゚ンザで 3侇6千人が呜を萜ずしたす 発展途䞊囜のデヌタは䞍完党ですが 死者の人数は もっず倚いこずでしょう さらに 厄介なこずに りむルスはしばしば 著しい倉異を遂げるず 実質的に新皮りむルスのようになり こうしお倧流行が生じるのです 1918幎には新皮のりむルスが出珟しお 5000䞇人から1億人が亡くなりたした 燎原の火の劂し です 発症しおから数時間で亡くなった患者もいたした 今日 我々は倧䞈倫なのでしょうか? 誰もが心配しおいた 今幎のひどい流行は なんずか回避できたようです しかしこの脅嚁はい぀再珟しおもおかしくありたせん 幞いなこずに 今の時代は 科孊ず技術ず囜際化が結び぀いお か぀おない可胜性を拓き぀぀ありたす いただに地球䞊の党死者の 5分の1ず倚くの苊しみの 原因である感染症を撲滅しお 歎史を刻む可胜性です それは 実行可胜なのです すでに珟圚のワクチンによっお 䜕癟䞇人もの呜を救っおいたす ワクチンをより広く行き枡らせれば より倚くの呜を救えたす さらに新皮や改良型のワクチンであれば マラリアや結栞やHIV 肺炎や䞋痢やむンフル゚ンザなどの これたでずっず続いおきた苊しみに 終わりを告げるこずができるはずです 今日はワクチンの成果に぀いおお話したす 最初に なぜワクチンが重芁か説明したしょう ワクチンの力は たずえるなら ささやき声のようです ワクチンの成果があるず歎史に残りたすが その埌しばらくするず ほずんど耳にするこずもなくなりたす ある幎霢以䞊の人なら 腕に小さな䞞い痕が付いおいるでしょう 子どものずきの予防接皮の痕です でも最近は倩然痘の心配はしなくなりたした 20䞖玀に5億人の呜を奪った病気が 撲滅されたのです ポリオもです 鉄の肺を芚えおいる方などいたすか? こういう物を目にするこずは無くなりたした ワクチンのおかげです さお興味深いのは 今日では 30皮䜙りの病気に ワクチンで察凊できるのに HIVやむンフル゚ンザは未だに脅嚁だずいうこずです それはなぜでしょうか? こんな事情があるのです ごく最近になるたで ワクチンの仕組みは明らかではありたせんでした 詊行錯誀によっお効果は確認されおいたした 病原䜓を確保し それを改倉しお 人や動物に投䞎したら どうなるか芳察するのです この方法は倚くの病原䜓に察しお有効で やっかいなむンフル゚ンザにもなんずか䜿えたすが 人間が倩然の免疫を持たない HIVにはたったく効果がありたせん ではワクチンの䜜甚を芋おみたしょう 簡単に蚀えば 必芁に応じお 免疫系が䜿うための 秘密兵噚を䜜っおおくのです 普通は りむルス感染しおから 䜓が完党な反撃䜓制を敎えるたで 数日から 数週間かかるのです それでは手遅れになるこずもありたす あらかじめ免疫を぀けおいれば 特定の敵を認識しお 打倒できる戊力が 䜓内に配備されるわけです ワクチンはそういう働きをしたす ではビデオをお芋せしたす TED で初めお公開するこのビデオは 効果的なHIVワクチンの䜜甚を説明するものです ワクチンは 特定の䟵入者を 認識し䞭和するように 人䜓を蚓緎しおおくものです HIVは人䜓の粘膜関門を突砎しお䟵入するず 免疫现胞に感染しお増殖したす 免疫系の最前線郚隊は 䟵入者を発芋したす 暹状现胞やマクロファヌゞが りィルスを捕らえおその断片を「提瀺」したす 前線からHIVの䟵入を知らされるず HIVワクチンで䜜られた 蚘憶现胞が掻性化したす この蚘憶现胞は盎ちに 必芁ずされる兵噚を配備したす メモリB现胞はプラズマ现胞ずなっお 次から次ぞず HIVにピタリず適合した 特定の抗䜓を産出しお HIVが现胞を感染させるのを防ぎたす 同時にキラヌT现胞倧隊が HIVに感染しおしたった现胞を 探しお砎壊したす りむルスは打ち負かされたす ワクチンが無かったら これらの兵噚を準備するたでに1週間以䞊もかかり その間にHIVずの戊いには 敗北しおしたっおいるでしょう よくできたビデオでしょう? ビデオに出おきた抗䜓の䜜甚は ほずんどのワクチンで同様に働きたす ぀たり肝心なのは どうすれば むンフル゚ンザや HIVに察しお必芁な抗䜓を 人䜓が䜜るようにできるのか です これらのりむルスの厄介なずころは 垞に倉化しおいるずいうこずです むンフル゚ンザのりむルスを芋おみたしょう この図にあるいろいろな色の突起を甚いお むンフル゚ンザのりむルスは感染したす たた抗䜓がりむルスを捕たえお 䞭和するのに甚いるのもこの突起です 倉異によっお突起の圢が倉化するず 抗䜓はりィルスを認識できなくなっおしたいたす だから毎幎 違った系列のむンフル゚ンザにかかるのです だから 春には 次のシヌズンに流行しそうなむンフル゚ンザを 3぀の系列からできるだけ掚定し 1぀のワクチンに仕立おお 秋には生産できるように急ぐのです さらに困ったこずに 最も倚いA型むンフル゚ンザは 人の呚蟺で生息する 動物にも感染したす A型はそれらの動物の䞭で 遺䌝子組み換えを起こしたす さらに 野生の氎鳥は 党おの系統のむンフル゚ンザの キャリアです するずこんな状況が生じたす 2003幎には H5N1 りむルスが発生したした これは鳥から人ぞの䌝染が䜕件か 別々に起こったものです 臎死率は70%ず掚定されたした 圓時は倧倉恐れられたしたが 幞運にも このりむルスは 人から人ぞは 䌝染しにくいものでした 今幎メキシコで発生しお恐れられた H1N1 りむルスは人ず鳥ずブタからのりむルスが 混ざったものでした 簡単に䌝染するものでしたが 幞運にも 軜床のものでした ある意味で これたでは 運がよかったのです しかし い぀別の野鳥が飛び蟌んでくるかもしれたせん こんどはHIVを芋おみたしょう むンフル゚ンザは倉化が倚いのですが HIVず比べおしたうず ゞブラルタルの岩のように芋えたす ゚むズの原因ずなるりむルスは これたで科孊者が目にした 最も難解な病原䜓で 猛烈に倉異したす 免疫系を回避するオトリの機胜を持ち 攻撃しおきた现胞を逆に攻撃しお そのゲノムの䞭に 身を朜めたす このスラむドはむンフル゚ンザの遺䌝子が どう倉化し埗るか瀺しおいたす これに比べるずHIVは 遥かにやっかいなタヌゲットですね 先ほどのビデオでは 感染した现胞から りむルス艊隊が送り出されおいたした 感染したばかりの人の䞭には こんな茞送艊が100䞇個もあっお それぞれが少しず぀異なっおいるのです 党おを識別しお仕留めるこずのできる 兵噚を甚意するこずは 実に困難な課題ずなりたす HIVりむルスが゚むズの原因であるず 確認されお以来の27幎間で 他のあらゆる感染症の治療薬より 倚くの皮類のHIV薬が開発されおきたした これらの薬では治癒できたせんが それでも HIVず蚺断されるこずが すなわち 死の告知ではなくなったのは 科孊の倧きな成果です 薬を入手できる者にずっおは成果です しかしワクチンぞの取り組みは党く違っおいお 倧䌁業はそこから撀退したした 科孊ずしお実に難しく ビゞネスずしおも 成り立たないず芋なされたからです ゚むズのワクチンを䜜るこずは䞍可胜ず考えられおいたしたが そうではないずいう蚌拠が集たっおいたす この9月には タむで行われた臚床詊隓から 予想もしない゚キサむティングな結果が埗られたした ゚むズのワクチンが初めお人䜓で効果を瀺したのです 残念ながら 効き目は匱いのですが このワクチンが䜜られたのは 10幎ほど前のこずです 新しいやり方や早期怜査によっお 高等な実隓動物でもさらに有望な結果を出しおいたす でも ここ数ヶ月の間に HIV患者の血液から 広い範囲にわたっお効力を持぀ 新しい䞭和抗䜓も特定されたした これは䜕を意味するのでしょうか 先ほど述べたように HIVは倉化しやすいのですが 効力の広い抗䜓は りむルスの様々な倉皮に適合しお 䞭和できるのです こんな抗䜓を手に入れお サルに投䞎するず 完党に感染を防ぎたす さらに この研究者たちは 抗䜓がHIVを捕捉する堎所ずしお 新しい郚䜍を発芋したした この堎所の䜕が特別なのかず蚀うず りむルスが倉異を起こしおも ほずんど倉化しない堎所であるこずです 䟋えお蚀うなら りむルスが 䜕床着替えおも履いおいる靎䞋は 同じなわけです するず次にするべきこずは 䜓がきちんず この靎䞋に反応するようにするこずです こうしお次のような状況に至りたした タむの臚床結果から ゚むズにもワクチンを䜜れるこずが確かめられ 抗䜓の研究結果が そのやり方を瀺唆しおいるのです この戊略では抗䜓をもずにしおワクチン候補を䜜りたす ワクチン研究においお初めおの 逆からの戊略です 「レトロ=ワクチン孊」ず呌ばれる ここでの考え方は HIVのみに留たるものではありたせん こういうふうに考えおみおください 新しい抗䜓が特定できたした この抗䜓はりむルスの倚様な倉皮にも適合したす この抗䜓が結合する特定の郚䜍がわかっおいたす その郚分の構造を正確に理解するこずができれば それをワクチンに反映させお ヒトの免疫系に働きかけお 適合した抗䜓を 䜜らせるこずができるず考えられたす うたくいけば HIVの䞇胜ワクチンが䜜れるでしょう たあ 「蚀うはやすし」ですね 実際の構造は この青色の抗䜓が黄色の郚䜍に 結合する ずいったものだからです ご想像のずおり この3次元構造は 取り組んでみるず厄介です 䜕か圹立぀アむデアのある方は ぜひお聞かせ䞋さい このように HIVから始たった研究は 他の病気に察するむノベヌションを促したす 䟋えばバむオ技術の䌚瀟は むンフル゚ンザに察する 新しい抗䜓のタヌゲットず共に 広範な䞭和抗䜓を芋぀けおいたす 珟圚圌らは 極めお激しいむンフル゚ンザに 察応できる抗䜓の組み合わせを怜蚎し 調合しようずしおいたす 将来的には これらの「レトロ=ワクチン孊」のツヌルを甚いお 予防的なむンフル゚ンザワクチンを䜜れるでしょう たた 合理的ワクチンデザむンの芳点からは 「レトロ=ワクチン法」は䞀぀の手法にすぎたせん 別の䟋を挙げたしょう むンフル゚ンザりむルスの衚面に出おいる H型ずM型の突起の話をしたしたが 別の小さな突起に泚目しおください 免疫系からはほずんど隠れおいるのです これらの郚䜍も りむルスの倉異の際に あたり倉化しないこずがわかっおきたした そこで特別な抗䜓でこの郚䜍を攻撃すれば どの皮類のむンフル゚ンザも機胜を倱いたす これたでの動物実隓によるず 軜い症状は出るかもしれたせんが 重症になるこずは防げたす 人にも効果があるなら これは 䞇胜むンフル゚ンザワクチンになりたす 毎幎倉曎しなくおも良く 死の危険から守っおくれるのです そうなればむンフル゚ンザは ただの「たちの悪いかぜ」になりたす もちろんどんなに玠晎らしいワクチンでも 必芁な人党員に行き枡らなくおは 意味がありたせん そうするためには 優れたワクチンの蚭蚈ず優れた生産手段 そしお 優れた流通手段を組み合わせなくおはなりたせん 数ヶ月前のこずを思い出しおください この6月に WHO は 41幎ぶりにむンフル゚ンザの 倧流行を宣蚀したした むンフル゚ンザのピヌクに備え10月15日たでに 1億5千本のワクチンを甚意するず アメリカ政府は玄束したした 発展途䞊囜向けのワクチンも玄束したした 数億ドルを費やしお ワクチンの補造を急いだのです どういう結果になったでしょう? むンフル゚ンザワクチンの䜜り方 ぀たり補造技術は 1940幎代初期に開発されたした 時間のかかる面倒な工皋です 鶏卵を甚いる方法で 生きた鶏卵を䜕癟䞇個も䜿いたす りむルスは生き物の䞭でしか増殖せず むンフル゚ンザに察しおは 鶏卵が倧倉適しおいたのでした ほずんどの型のむンフル゚ンザでは 䞀぀の卵からワクチンが1-2本できたす 幞運にも 珟代の生物医孊は 著しい進展を遂げおいたす そんな時代ですから むンフル゚ンザワクチンは― ―鶏卵から䜜りたす 数癟䞇個の卵からです ほずんど䜕も倉わっおいたせん たぁ 信頌できるシステムです 問題は あるりむルスの株が 育おやすいかどうか分からないこずです 今幎のブタ系のむンフル゚ンザは 生産の初期にはあたり増殖せず 卵1個に぀きワクチン0.6本分でした こんなこずが心配になりたす あの野鳥がたた飛んできたらどうするのか 家犜の矀れに感染するタむプの 鳥むンフル゚ンザが流行したら ワクチンを䜜る卵がなくなるわけです ダン 魚を育おるのに チキンペレットを 䜕億個も䜿うなら ここで手に入るみたいですよ 珟圚 䞖界䞭合わせお 3぀の型のむンフル゚ンザワクチンを 3億5千䞇本ず぀補造できたす 豚むンフル゚ンザのように 1皮類だけをタヌゲットにすれば 合蚈12億本たで増やせたす 工堎がきちんず皌働しおいるずしおです 2004幎には 1぀の工堎で雑菌が混入しただけで アメリカでの䟛絊は半枛したのです それに 補造プロセスには 今でも半幎以䞊かかりたす いったい我々の備えは1918幎より 改善しおいるず蚀えるのでしょうか 新しい技術も開発されおいるので 「もちろん」ず蚀えるようになればず思いたす 䞖界䞭の誰もに行き枡るだけの むンフル゚ンザワクチンを アメリカが今 投じおいる費甚の半分で 補造できたらどうでしょう 最新の技術によっお それは可胜になりたす 䟋を瀺したす 私も関係しおいる䌚瀟ですが 免疫系を掻性化するりむルスのH型突起の ある特別な郚分を発芋したした この郚分を切り取っお 別のバクテリアの先端に付ければ すさたじい免疫反応を起こすので 非垞に匷力な抗むンフル゚ンザ剀ができたす このワクチンは非垞に小さく ありふれた倧腞菌の䞭で増殖できたす ご存知のようにバクテリアの繁殖は早く ペヌグルトを䜜るようなものです そこで 数箇所の工堎で数週間もあれば 豚由来むンフル゚ンザ甚のワクチンを 党䞖界で必芁な分 補造できたす 卵を䜿わないので今の䜕分の䞀かのコストです そんな新しいワクチン技術の比范衚です 劇的に改善した補造技術ず 倧幅なコスト䜎枛に加えお 今 説明した倧腞菌の手法では 期間も短瞮出来たす―呜が救えるずいうこずです 発展途䞊囜は 珟圚のむンフル゚ンザ察応から取り残されがちなため これらの新技術には期埅しおおり 西偎諞囜より進んでいたす むンドやメキシコその他の囜ですでに むンフル゚ンザワクチンの詊䜜が始たり これらのワクチンが初めお実甚されるのも これらの囜かもしれたせん この新しい技術は倧倉効率的で 比范的費甚もかからないので 流通手段を開発できれば 䜕十億もの人に 呜を救うワクチンを届けられたす この次はどうなるか考えおみお䞋さい 新しい䌝染病は 数幎ごずに 出珟したり再発したりしおいたす い぀か もしかしたら近いうちに 我々皆を狙うりむルスが珟れるでしょう そのずき䜕癟䞇人も亡くなる前に 玠早く察応できるでしょうか? 幞いにも 今幎のむンフル゚ンザは比范的匱いものでした 「幞いにも」ず蚀った理由のひず぀は 発展途䞊囜では予防接皮を受けた人は ほずんどいなかったからです これたでの投資を無駄にしないための 政治的 財政的先芋があるなら これらをワクチン孊の新しいツヌルず共に䜿いこなし 䞖界の皆に十分なワクチンを 安䟡に補造できるようにしお 健康で創造的な生掻を保蚌するこずができたす むンフル゚ンザで幎に50䞇人も亡くすこずはないのです ゚むズで幎に200䞇人も 亡くすこずはないのです 貧しい匱者が 䌝染病におびえる必芁はないのです ―もちろん他の人たちもです バヌツラフ・スミルが蚀っおいる 生呜の倧断絶の代わりに 生呜が継続しお行くこずを 保蚌するこずができるのです 今 䞖界に必芁なのは新しいワクチンです これは実珟できるこずなのです ありがずうございたした ありがずう ありがずう 科孊は進んでいたすね セス 聞かせおほしいのですが―これが実珟するのは どれぐらいの時間スケヌルで考えおいたすか HIVの方から䌺いたしょう この革呜的ワクチンが登堎しお䜿えるようになるのはい぀頃ですか ワクチンは今すぐにでも実甚化したす ワクチンが人䜓で働くこずは瀺されたしたので 今や問題は その改良だけです 人がこの皮の抗䜓を䜜れるこずはわかっおいたす どうすればよいか 方法が分かれば ワクチンができるのです そしおその問題に぀いおの手がかりも 埗られ぀぀あるずいう蚌拠があがっおいたす ゎヌルに向かっお党速で進んでいたす 少なくずも5幎はかかるずいう感じですか? だいたい皆さん10幎ず蚀いたす ずっず あず10幎したらず蚀われ続けおいたす 科孊的なむノベヌションに 時間の線匕きは難しいですね ただ 投資に察する配圓は行われおいたす では䞇胜のむンフル゚ンザワクチンはどうですか?同じような状況ですか? むンフル゚ンザはたた違いたす こちらは 今すぐ投入できる 優れた実甚的な技術が いく぀も芋いだされおいるず思いたす 芋通しも良さそうです 問題は 埓来の技術に投資しおきおいるこずです そちらのほうが理解されおいたからです 補助剀を混ぜるこずもできたす ペヌロッパのやり方で ワクチンを薄め より倚くの人に行き枡るようにしたす ただ マむケル・スペクタヌが述べたように ワクチン反察掟は補助剀に抵抗したした マラリアはもっず遅れおいたすか? いいえ マラリアにも 初期詊隓で効果の芋られた候補薬があり 今ではフェヌズ3の治隓に進んでいたす 完党なワクチンずいうわけではありたせんが 進展しおいたす セス 倚くの人の仕事は 毎月䜕か成果が出お 手応えを感じられるものが倚いのですが 研究チヌムの皆さんず 十幎以䞊もこの研究を 続けられおいるこずに敬意を衚したいず思いたす あなた方のような人が必芁なんです ありがずう ありがずう
Heart disease, cancer, a car accident? Most of us worry about things we can't control, like war, terrorism, the tragic earthquake that just occurred in Haiti. But what really threatens humanity? A few years ago, Professor Vaclav Smil tried to calculate the probability of sudden disasters large enough to change history. He called these, "massively fatal discontinuities," meaning that they could kill up to 100 million people in the next 50 years. He looked at the odds of another world war, of a massive volcanic eruption, even of an asteroid hitting the Earth. But he placed the likelihood of one such event above all others at close to 100 percent, and that is a severe flu pandemic. Now, you might think of flu as just a really bad cold, but it can be a death sentence. Every year, 36,000 people in the United States die of seasonal flu. In the developing world, the data is much sketchier but the death toll is almost certainly higher. You know, the problem is if this virus occasionally mutates so dramatically, it essentially is a new virus and then we get a pandemic. In 1918, a new virus appeared that killed some 50 to 100 million people. It spread like wildfire and some died within hours of developing symptoms. Are we safer today? Well, we seem to have dodged the deadly pandemic this year that most of us feared, but this threat could reappear at any time. The good news is that we're at a moment in time when science, technology, globalization is converging to create an unprecedented possibility: the possibility to make history by preventing infectious diseases that still account for one-fifth of all deaths and countless misery on Earth. We can do this. We're already preventing millions of deaths with existing vaccines, and if we get these to more people, we can certainly save more lives. But with new or better vaccines for malaria, TB, HIV, pneumonia, diarrhea, flu, we could end suffering that has been on the Earth since the beginning of time. So, I'm here to trumpet vaccines for you. But first, I have to explain why they're important because vaccines, the power of them, is really like a whisper. When they work, they can make history, but after a while you can barely hear them. Now, some of us are old enough to have a small, circular scar on our arms from an inoculation we received as children. But when was the last time you worried about smallpox, a disease that killed half a billion people last century and no longer is with us? Or polio? How many of you remember the iron lung? We don't see scenes like this anymore because of vaccines. Now, it's interesting because there are 30-odd diseases that can be treated with vaccines now, but we're still threatened by things like HIV and flu. Why is that? Well, here's the dirty little secret. Until recently, we haven't had to know exactly how a vaccine worked. We knew they worked through old-fashioned trial and error. You took a pathogen, you modified it, you injected it into a person or an animal and you saw what happened. This worked well for most pathogens, somewhat well for crafty bugs like flu, but not at all for HIV, for which humans have no natural immunity. So let's explore how vaccines work. They basically create a cache of weapons for your immune system which you can deploy when needed. Now, when you get a viral infection, what normally happens is it takes days or weeks for your body to fight back at full strength, and that might be too late. When you're pre-immunized, what happens is you have forces in your body pre-trained to recognize and defeat specific foes. So that's really how vaccines work. Now, let's take a look at a video that we're debuting at TED, for the first time, on how an effective HIV vaccine might work. Narrator: A vaccine trains the body in advance how to recognize and neutralize a specific invader. After HIV penetrates the body's mucosal barriers, it infects immune cells to replicate. The invader draws the attention of the immune system's front-line troops. Dendritic cells, or macrophages, capture the virus and display pieces of it. Memory cells generated by the HIV vaccine are activated when they learn HIV is present from the front-line troops. These memory cells immediately deploy the exact weapons needed. Memory B cells turn into plasma cells, which produce wave after wave of the specific antibodies that latch onto HIV to prevent it from infecting cells, while squadrons of killer T cells seek out and destroy cells that are already HIV infected. The virus is defeated. Without a vaccine, these responses would have taken more than a week. By that time, the battle against HIV would already have been lost. Seth Berkley: Really cool video, isn't it? The antibodies you just saw in this video, in action, are the ones that make most vaccines work. So the real question then is: How do we ensure that your body makes the exact ones that we need to protect against flu and HIV? The principal challenge for both of these viruses is that they're always changing. So let's take a look at the flu virus. In this rendering of the flu virus, these different colored spikes are what it uses to infect you. And also, what the antibodies use is a handle to essentially grab and neutralize the virus. When these mutate, they change their shape, and the antibodies don't know what they're looking at anymore. So that's why every year you can catch a slightly different strain of flu. It's also why in the spring, we have to make a best guess at which three strains are going to prevail the next year, put those into a single vaccine and rush those into production for the fall. Even worse, the most common influenza -- influenza A -- also infects animals that live in close proximity to humans, and they can recombine in those particular animals. In addition, wild aquatic birds carry all known strains of influenza. So, you've got this situation: In 2003, we had an H5N1 virus that jumped from birds into humans in a few isolated cases with an apparent mortality rate of 70 percent. Now luckily, that particular virus, although very scary at the time, did not transmit from person to person very easily. This year's H1N1 threat was actually a human, avian, swine mixture that arose in Mexico. It was easily transmitted, but, luckily, was pretty mild. And so, in a sense, our luck is holding out, but you know, another wild bird could fly over at anytime. Now let's take a look at HIV. As variable as flu is, HIV makes flu look like the Rock of Gibraltar. The virus that causes AIDS is the trickiest pathogen scientists have ever confronted. It mutates furiously, it has decoys to evade the immune system, it attacks the very cells that are trying to fight it and it quickly hides itself in your genome. Here's a slide looking at the genetic variation of flu and comparing that to HIV, a much wilder target. In the video a moment ago, you saw fleets of new viruses launching from infected cells. Now realize that in a recently infected person, there are millions of these ships; each one is just slightly different. Finding a weapon that recognizes and sinks all of them makes the job that much harder. Now, in the 27 years since HIV was identified as the cause of AIDS, we've developed more drugs to treat HIV than all other viruses put together. These drugs aren't cures, but they represent a huge triumph of science because they take away the automatic death sentence from a diagnosis of HIV, at least for those who can access them. The vaccine effort though is really quite different. Large companies moved away from it because they thought the science was so difficult and vaccines were seen as poor business. Many thought that it was just impossible to make an AIDS vaccine, but today, evidence tells us otherwise. In September, we had surprising but exciting findings from a clinical trial that took place in Thailand. For the first time, we saw an AIDS vaccine work in humans -- albeit, quite modestly -- and that particular vaccine was made almost a decade ago. Newer concepts and early testing now show even greater promise in the best of our animal models. But in the past few months, researchers have also isolated several new broadly neutralizing antibodies from the blood of an HIV infected individual. Now, what does this mean? We saw earlier that HIV is highly variable, that a broad neutralizing antibody multiple variations of the virus. If you take these and you put them in the best of our monkey models, they provide full protection from infection. In addition, these researchers found a new site on HIV where the antibodies can grab onto, and what's so special about this spot is that it changes very little as the virus mutates. It's like, as many times as the virus changes its clothes, it's still wearing the same socks, and now our job is to make sure we get the body to really hate those socks. So what we've got is a situation. The Thai results tell us we can make an AIDS vaccine, and the antibody findings tell us how we might do that. This strategy, working backwards from an antibody to create a vaccine candidate, has never been done before in vaccine research. It's called retro-vaccinology, and its implications extend way beyond that of just HIV. So think of it this way. We've got these new antibodies we've identified, and we know that they latch onto many, many variations of the virus. We know that they have to latch onto a specific part, so if we can figure out the precise structure of that part, present that through a vaccine, what we hope is we can prompt your immune system to make these matching antibodies. And that would create a universal HIV vaccine. Now, it sounds easier than it is because the structure actually looks more like this blue antibody diagram attached to its yellow binding site, and as you can imagine, these three-dimensional structures are much harder to work on. And if you guys have ideas to help us solve this, we'd love to hear about it. But, you know, the research that has occurred from HIV now has really helped with innovation with other diseases. So for instance, a biotechnology company has now found broadly neutralizing antibodies to influenza, as well as a new antibody target on the flu virus. They're currently making a cocktail -- an antibody cocktail -- that can be used to treat severe, overwhelming cases of flu. In the longer term, what they can do is use these tools of retro-vaccinology to make a preventive flu vaccine. Now, retro-vaccinology is just one technique within the ambit of so-called rational vaccine design. Let me give you another example. We talked about before the H and N spikes on the surface of the flu virus. Notice these other, smaller protuberances. These are largely hidden from the immune system. Now it turns out that these spots also don't change much when the virus mutates. If you can cripple these with specific antibodies, you could cripple all versions of the flu. So far, animal tests indicate that such a vaccine could prevent severe disease, although you might get a mild case. So if this works in humans, what we're talking about is a universal flu vaccine, one that doesn't need to change every year and would remove the threat of death. We really could think of flu, then, as just a bad cold. Of course, the best vaccine imaginable is only valuable to the extent we get it to everyone who needs it. So to do that, we have to combine smart vaccine design with smart production methods and, of course, smart delivery methods. So I want you to think back a few months ago. In June, the World Health Organization flu pandemic in 41 years. The U.S. government promised 150 million doses of vaccine by October 15th for the flu peak. Vaccines were promised to developing countries. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent and flowed to accelerating vaccine manufacturing. So what happened? Well, we first figured out how to make flu vaccines, how to produce them, in the early 1940s. It was a slow, cumbersome process that depended on chicken eggs, millions of living chicken eggs. Viruses only grow in living things, and so it turned out that, for flu, chicken eggs worked really well. For most strains, you could get one to two doses of vaccine per egg. Luckily for us, we live in an era of breathtaking biomedical advances. So today, we get our flu vaccines from ... chicken eggs, hundreds of millions of chicken eggs. Almost nothing has changed. The system is reliable but the problem is you never know how well a strain is going to grow. This year's swine flu strain grew very poorly in early production: basically .6 doses per egg. So, here's an alarming thought. What if that wild bird flies by again? You could see an avian strain that would infect the poultry flocks, and then we would have no eggs for our vaccines. So, Dan [Barber], if you want billions of chicken pellets for your fish farm, I know where to get them. So right now, the world can produce about 350 million doses of flu vaccine for the three strains, and we can up that to about 1.2 billion doses if we want to target a single variant like swine flu. But this assumes that our factories are humming because, in 2004, the U.S. supply was cut in half by contamination at one single plant. And the process still takes more than half a year. So are we better prepared than we were in 1918? Well, with the new technologies emerging now, I hope we can say definitively, "Yes." Imagine we could produce enough flu vaccine for less than half of what we're currently spending now in the United States. With a range of new technologies, we could. Here's an example: A company I'm engaged with has found a specific piece of the H spike of flu that sparks the immune system. If you lop this off and attach it to the tail of a different bacterium, which creates a vigorous immune response, they've created a very powerful flu fighter. This vaccine is so small it can be grown in a common bacteria, E. coli. Now, as you know, bacteria reproduce quickly -- it's like making yogurt -- and so we could produce enough swine origin flu for the entire world in a few factories, in a few weeks, with no eggs, for a fraction of the cost of current methods. So here's a comparison of several of these new vaccine technologies. And, aside from the radically increased production and huge cost savings -- for example, the E. coli method I just talked about -- look at the time saved: this would be lives saved. The developing world, mostly left out of the current response, sees the potential of these alternate technologies and they're leapfrogging the West. India, Mexico and others are already making experimental flu vaccines, and they may be the first place we see these vaccines in use. Because these technologies are so efficient and relatively cheap, billions of people can have access to lifesaving vaccines if we can figure out how to deliver them. Now think of where this leads us. New infectious diseases appear or reappear every few years. Some day, perhaps soon, we'll have a virus that is going to threaten all of us. Will we be quick enough to react before millions die? Luckily, this year's flu was relatively mild. I say, "luckily" in part because virtually no one in the developing world was vaccinated. So if we have the political and financial foresight to sustain our investments, we will master these and new tools of vaccinology, and with these tools we can produce enough vaccine for everyone at low cost and ensure healthy productive lives. No longer must flu have to kill half a million people a year. No longer does AIDS need to kill two million a year. No longer do the poor and vulnerable need to be threatened by infectious diseases, or indeed, anybody. Instead of having Vaclav Smil's "massively fatal discontinuity" of life, we can ensure the continuity of life. What the world needs now are these new vaccines, and we can make it happen. Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: Thank you. Thank you. So, the science is changing. In your mind, Seth -- I mean, you must dream about this -- what is the kind of time scale on, let's start with HIV, for a game-changing vaccine that's actually out there and usable? SB: The game change can come at any time, we've shown we can get a vaccine to work in humans; we just need a better one. And with these types of antibodies, we know humans can make them. So, if we can figure out how to do that, then we have the vaccine, and what's interesting is there already is some evidence that we're beginning to crack that problem. So, the challenge is full speed ahead. CA: In your gut, do you think it's probably going to be at least another five years? SB: You know, everybody says it's 10 years, but it's been 10 years every 10 years. So I hate to put a timeline on scientific innovation, but the investments that have occurred are now paying dividends. CA: And that's the same with universal flu vaccine, the same kind of thing? SB: I think flu is different. I think what happened with flu is we've got a bunch -- I just showed some of this -- a bunch of really cool and useful technologies that are ready to go now. They look good. The problem has been that, what we did is we invested in traditional technologies because that's what we were comfortable with. You also can use adjuvants, which are chemicals you mix. That's what Europe is doing, so we could have diluted out our supply of flu and made more available, but, going back to what Michael Specter said, the anti-vaccine crowd didn't really want that to happen. CA: And malaria's even further behind? SB: No, malaria, there is a candidate that actually showed efficacy in an earlier trial and is currently in phase three trials now. It probably isn't the perfect vaccine, but it's moving along. CA: Seth, most of us do work where every month, we produce something; we get that kind of gratification. You've been slaving away at this for more than a decade, and I salute you and your colleagues for what you do. The world needs people like you. Thank you. SB: Thank you.
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オアシスより珟れたそれは、䜓長十メヌトル、無数の觊手をりネりネずくねらせ、赀く茝く魔石を持っおいた。スラむム......そう衚珟するのわかりやすいだろう。 だが、サむズがおかしい。通垞、スラむム型の魔物はせいぜい䜓長䞀メヌトルくらいなのだ。たた、呚囲の氎を操るような力もなかったはずだ。少なくずも觊手のように操るこずは、自身の肉䜓以倖では出来なかったはずである。 「なんだ......この魔物は䞀䜓䜕なんだ? バチェラム......なのか?」 呆然ずランズィがそんな事を呟く。バチェラムずは、この䞖界のスラむム型の魔物のこずだ。 「たぁ、䜕でもいいさ。こい぀がオアシスが汚染された原因だろ? 倧方、毒玠を出す固有魔法でも持っおいるんだろう」 「......確かに、そう考えるのが劥圓か。だが倒せるのか?」 ハゞメずランズィが䌚話しおいる間も、たるで怒り心頭ずいった感じで觊手攻撃をしおくるオアシスバチュラム。ナ゚は氷結系の魔法で、ティオは火系の魔法で察凊しおいる。ハゞメも、䌚話しながらドンナヌ・シュラヌクで迎撃し぀぀、栞ず思しき赀い魔石を狙い撃぀が、魔石はたるで意思を持っおいるかのように瞊暪無尜に䜓内を動き回り、䞭々狙いを぀けさせない。 その様子を芋お、ランズィが、ハゞメの持぀アヌティファクトやナ゚達の魔法に、もう驚いおいられるかず投げやり気味にスルヌするこずを決めお、冷静な態床でハゞメに勝算を尋ねた。 「ん~......ああ、倧䞈倫だ。もう捉えた」 ランズィの質問に察しおお座なりな返事をしながら、目を现めゞッず動き回る魔石の軌跡を远っおいたハゞメは、おもむろにシュラヌクをホルスタヌにしたうず、ドンナヌだけを持っお䞡手で構えた。持ち手の右腕を真っ盎ぐ突き出し巊肘を曲げお、足も前埌に開いおいる。いわゆるりィヌバヌ・スタンスず蚀われる射撃姿勢だ。ドンナヌによる粟密射撃䜓勢である。 ハゞメの県はたるで鷹のように鋭く现められ、魔石の動きを完党に捉えおいるようだ。そしお...... ドパンッ!! 也いた砎裂音ず共に空を切り裂き駆け抜けた䞀条の閃光は、カクっず慣性を無芖しお進路を倉えた魔石を、たるで磁石が匕き合うように、あるいは魔石そのものが自ら圓たりにいったかのように寞分違わず撃ち抜いた。 レヌルガンの衝撃ず熱量によっお魔石は䞀瞬で消滅し、同時にオアシスバチュラムを構成しおいた氎も力を倱っおただの氎ぞず戻った。ドザァヌ! ず倧量の氎が降り泚ぐ音を響かせながら、激しく波立぀オアシスを芋぀めるランズィ達。 「......終わったのかね?」 「ああ、もう、オアシスに魔力反応はねぇよ。原因を排陀した事がむコヌル浄化ず蚀えるのかは分からないが」 ハゞメの蚀葉に、自分達アンカゞを存亡の危機に陥れた元凶が、あっさり撃退されたこずに、たるで狐に぀たたれたような気分になるランズィ達。それでも、元凶が目の前で消滅したこずは確かなので、慌おおランズィの郚䞋の䞀人が氎質の鑑定を行った。 「......どうだ?」 「......いえ、汚染されたたたです」 ランズィの期埅するような声音に、しかし郚䞋は萜胆した様子で銖を振った。オアシスから汲んだ氎からも人々が感染しおいたこずから予想しおいたこずではあるが、オアシスバチュラムがいなくおも䞀床汚染された氎は残るずいう事実に、やはり皆萜胆が隠せないようだ。 「たぁ、そう気を萜ずすでない。元凶がいなくなった以䞊、これ以䞊汚染が進むこずはない。新鮮な氎は地䞋氎脈からいくらでも湧き出るのじゃから、䞊手く汚染氎を排出しおやれば、そう遠くないうちに元のオアシスを取り戻せよう」 ティオが慰めるようにランズィ達に蚀うず、圌等も、気を取り盎し埩興に向けお意欲を芋せ始めた。ランズィを䞭心に䞀䞞ずなっおいる姿から、アンカゞの䜏民は、みながこの囜を愛しおいるのだずいうこずがよくわかる。過酷な環境にある囜だからこそ、愛囜心も匷いのだろう。 「......しかし、あのバチュラムらしき魔物は䞀䜓なんだったのか......新皮の魔物が地䞋氎脈から流れ蟌みでもしたのだろうか?」 気を取り盎したランズィが銖を傟げおオアシスを眺める。それに答えたのはハゞメだった。 「おそらくだが......魔人族の仕業じゃないか?」 「!? 魔人族だず? ハゞメ殿、貎殿がそう蚀うからには思い圓たる事があるのだな?」 ハゞメの蚀葉に驚いた衚情を芋せたランズィは、しかし、すぐさた冷静さを取り戻し、ハゞメに続きを促した。氎の確保ず元凶の排陀を成し遂げたハゞメに、ランズィは敬意ず信頌を寄せおいるようで、最初の、胡乱な県差しはもはや埮塵もない。 ハゞメは、オアシスバチュラムが、魔人族の神代魔法による新たな魔物だず掚枬しおいた。それはオアシスバチュラムの特異性もそうだが、りルの町で愛子を狙い、オルクスで勇者䞀行を狙ったずいう事実があるからだ。 おそらく、魔人族の魔物の軍備は敎い぀぀あるのだろう。そしお、いざ戊争ずなる前に、危険や䞍確定芁玠、北倧陞の芁所に察する調査ず打撃を行っおいるのだ。愛子ずいう食料䟛絊を䞀倉させかねない存圚ず、聖教教䌚が魔人族の魔物に察抗するため異䞖界から喚んだ勇者を狙ったのがいい蚌拠だ。 そしお、アンカゞは、゚リセンから海産系食料䟛絊の䞭継点であり、果物やその他食料の䟛絊も倚倧であるこずから食料関係においお間違いなく芁所であるず蚀える。しかも、襲撃した堎合、倧砂挠のど真ん䞭ずいう地理から、救揎も呌びにくい。魔人族が狙うのもおかしな話ではないのだ。 その蟺りのこずを、ランズィに話すず、圌は䜎く唞り声を䞊げ苊い衚情を芋せた。 「魔物のこずは聞き及んでいる。こちらでも独自に調査はしおいたが......よもや、あんなものたで䜿圹できるようになっおいるずは......芋通しが甘かったか」 「たぁ、仕方ないんじゃないか? 王郜でも、おそらく新皮の魔物なんお情報は掎んでいないだろうし。なにせ、勇者䞀行が襲われたのも、぀い最近だ。今頃、あちこちで倧隒ぎだろうよ」 「いよいよ、本栌的に動き出したずいうこずか......ハゞメ殿......貎殿は冒険者ず名乗っおいたが......そのアヌティファクトずいい、匷さずいい、やはり銙織殿ず同じ......」 ハゞメが、䜕も答えず肩を竊めるず、ランズィは䜕か事情があるのだろうずそれ以䞊の詮玢を止めた。どんな事情があろうずアンカゞがハゞメ達に救われたこずに倉わりはない。恩人に察しおは、無甚な詮玢をするよりやるべき事がある。 「......ハゞメ殿、ナ゚殿、ティオ殿。アンカゞ公囜領䞻ランズィ・フォりワヌド・れンゲンは、囜を代衚しお瀌を蚀う。この囜は貎殿等に救われた」 そう蚀うず、ランズィを含め圌等の郚䞋達も深々ず頭を䞋げた。領䞻たる者が、そう簡単に頭を䞋げるべきではないのだが、ハゞメが〝神の䜿埒〟の䞀人であるか吊かに関わらず、きっず、ランズィは頭を䞋げただろう。ほんの少しの付き合いしかないが、それでも圌の愛囜心が䞊々ならぬものであるず理解できる。だからこそ、呚囲の郚䞋達もランズィが䞀介の冒険者を名乗るハゞメに頭を䞋げおも止めようずせず、䞀緒に頭を䞋げおいるのだ。この蟺りは、息子にもしっかり受け継がれおいるのだろう。仕草も蚀動もそっくりである。 そんな圌等に、ハゞメはニッコリず満面の笑みを芋せる。そしお、 「ああ、たっぷり感謝しおくれ。そしお、決しおこの巚倧な恩を忘れないようにな」 思いっきり恩に着せた。それはもう、枅々しいたでに。ランズィは、おっきり「いや、気にしないでくれ。人ずしお圓然のこずをしたたでだ」等ず謙遜し぀぀、さり気なく䞋心でも出しおくるかず思っおいたので、思わずキョトンずした衚情をしおしたう。別にランズィずしおは、救囜に察する瀌は元からする぀もりだったので、それでも構わなかったのだが、たさか、ここたでド盎球に来るずは予想倖だった。 ハゞメずしおは、銙織の頌みでもあったし、ミュりを預けなければならない以䞊、アンカゞの安党確保は必芁なこずだったので、それほど感謝される皋の事でもなかった。 だが、せっかく感謝しおくれおいるし、いざずいう時味方をしおくれる人は倚いに越したこずはないだろうず、しっかり恩を売っおおくこずにしたのだ。ランズィなら、その蟺の察応は誠実だろうずは思ったが、圌も政治家である以䞊、蚀質は取っおおこうずいうわけである 「あ、ああ。もちろんだ。末代たで芚えおいるずも......だが、アンカゞには未だ苊しんでいる患者達が倧勢いる......それも、頌めるかね?」 政治家ずしお、あるいは貎族ずしお、腹の探り合いが日垞ずかしおいるランズィは、ド盎球なハゞメの蚀葉に少し戞惑った様子だったが、やがお䜕かに玍埗したのか苊笑いをしお頷いた。そしお、感染者たちを救うため〝静因石〟の採取を改めお䟝頌した。 「もずもず、【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】に甚があっお来たんだ。そっちも問題ない。ただ、どれくらい採取する必芁があるんだ?」 あっさり匕き受けたハゞメにホッず胞を撫で䞋ろし、ランズィは、珟圚の患者数ず必芁な採取量を䌝えた。盞圓な量であったが、ハゞメには〝宝物庫〟があるので問題ない。こういうずころでも、普通の冒険者では党おの患者を救うこずは出来なかっただろうず、ランズィはハゞメ達ずの出䌚いを神に感謝するのだった。 医療院では、銙織がシアを䌎っお獅子奮迅の掻躍を芋せおいた。緊急性の高い患者から魔力を䞀斉に抜き取っおは魔晶石にストックし、半埄十メヌトル以内に集めた患者の病の進行を䞀斉に遅らせ、同時に衰匱を回埩させるよう回埩魔法も行䜿する。 シアは、動けない患者達を、その剛力をもっお䞀気に運んでいた。銬車を走らせるのではなく、銬車に詰めた患者達を銬車ごず持ち䞊げお、建物の䞊をピョンピョン飛び跳ねながら他の斜蚭を行ったり来たりしおいる。緊急性の高い患者は、銙織が各斜蚭を移動するより、集めお䞀気に凊眮した方が効率的だからだ。 もっずも、この方法、非力なはずのりサミミ少女の有り埗ない光景に、それを芋た者は自分も病気にかかっお幻芚を芋始めたのだず絶望しお医療院に駆け蟌むずいう姿が倚々芋られたので、䜙蚈に医療院が混乱するずいう匊害もあったのだが。 医療院の職員達は、䞊玚魔法を連発したり、耇数の回埩魔法を圓たり前のように同時行䜿する銙織の姿に、驚愕を通り越すず深い尊敬の念を抱いたようで、今や、党員が銙織の指瀺のもず患者達の治療に圓たっおいた。 そんな銙織を䞭心ずした圌等の元に、ハゞメ達がやっお来る。そしお、共にいたランズィより氎の確保ず元凶の排陀がなされた事が倧声で䌝えられるず、䞀斉に歓声が䞊がった。倚くの人が亡くなり、砂挠の真ん䞭で安党な氎も確保できず、絶望に包たれおいた人達が笑顔を取り戻し始める。 その知らせは、すぐさた各所に䌝えられおいき、病に倒れ䌏す人々も、もう少し耐えれば助かるはずだず気力を奮い立たせた。 「銙織、これから【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】に挑む。どれくらい持ちそうだ?」 「ハゞメくん......」 歓声に包たれる医療院においお、なお、治療の手を䌑めない銙織にハゞメが歩み寄り尋ねた。 銙織は、ハゞメの姿を芋お嬉しそうに頬を綻ばせるが、盎ぐに真剣な衚情ずなっお虚空を芋぀めた。そしお、蚈算を終えたのか、ハゞメを芋぀め返しお〟ず答えた。それが、魔力的にも患者の䜓力的にも、持たせられる限界だず刀断したのだろう。 「ハゞメくん。私は、ここに残っお患者さん達の治療をするね。静因石をお願い。貎重な鉱物らしいけど......倧量に必芁だからハゞメくんじゃなきゃだめなの。ごめんね......ハゞメくんがこの䞖界の事に関心がないのは分かっおいるけど......」 「それだけ集めようっおんなら、どちらにしろ深郚たで行かなきゃならないだろ。浅い堎所でちんたら探しおも仕方ないしな。......芁は、ちょっず急ぎで攻略する必芁があるっおだけの話だ。序でなんだから謝んな。俺が自分で決めたこずだ。......それに、ミュりを人がバッタバッタず倒れお逝く堎所に眮いお行くわけにも行かないだろ?」 「ふふ......そうだね、頌りにしおる。ミュりちゃんは私がしっかり芋おるから」 銙織は、アンカゞに来るたでの道䞭で、ハゞメから狂った神の話や旅の目的は聞いおおり、ハゞメがこの䞖界を芋捚おおも故郷に垰るこずを優先しおいるずいうこずも聞いおいる。それに玍埗できないなら、光茝達のもずぞ垰れずも。党おを聞いた䞊で、銙織は、それでもハゞメに付いおくずいう意志を曲げなかった。 今回の事も、もしハゞメがアンカゞを芋捚おる決断をしおいたなら、説埗くらいはしただろうが、それが功を奏しなければ諊めおいただろう。 だが、出来るこずならアンカゞの人々の力になりたいず思っおいたこずは事実で、ハゞメが決断するずき、぀い懇願するような県差しを向けおしたった。自分の思いだけでハゞメが決断するず思えるほど自惚れおいるわけではないが、ハゞメは、そんな銙織の県差しを受けお苊笑い気味に肩を竊めおいたこずから少しは刀断に圱響を䞎えたはずだ。 なので、銙織は、たるで自分のわがたたにハゞメを付き合わせたような耇雑な気持ちを抱いおいた。 だが、぀い謝眪を口にした銙織に、ハゞメはあっけらかんずした態床で手をヒラヒラず振る。銙織の気持ちを芋透かしたように、自分で決めたこずだから気にするなず。銙織は、そんなハゞメのぶっきらがうだが自分を気遣う態床に、そしお、さりげなく発揮するパパ振りに頬を緩めお、信頌ず愛情をたっぷり含めた県差しを向けた。 「私も頑匵るから......無事に垰っおきおね。埅っおるから......」 「......あ、ああ」 銙織の、愛しげに现められた県差しず、たるで戊地に倫を送り出す劻のような雰囲気に、思わず、どもるハゞメ。 元から、銙織の蚀動はストレヌトなずころがある。日本にいたずきも、光茝の勘違いをばっさり切り捚おたり、ハゞメに爆匟を萜ずしお教宀が嫉劬の嵐に芋舞われたり......そういった事は日垞ず化しおいた。それが、あの告癜の日から、さらに露骚になっおいる。 䜕ずなく目を逞らしたハゞメだったが、逞らした先には......ナ゚がいた。い぀か芋た、無機質な県差しでゞヌずハゞメを芋おいる。すごく芋おいる。思わず、反察偎に向き盎るず、愛おしさたっぷりにふんわりず埮笑む銙織が...... そんな銙織の雰囲気を芋お、我らがアむドル、ミュりが爆匟を萜ずす。 「銙織お姉ちゃん、さっきのナ゚お姉ちゃん芋たいなの~。銙織お姉ちゃんもパパずチュりするの~?」 「おや? 芋えおおったのか、ミュりよ?」 「う~? 指の隙間から芋えおたの~。ナ゚お姉ちゃん、ずっおも可愛かったの~。ミュりもパパずチュりしたいの~」 「う~む。功ですらただなのじゃぞ? ミュりは、もっず倧きくなっおからじゃな」 「うぅ~」 ミュりの無邪気な蚀葉にほっこりし぀぀、ティオに「この圹立たずが!」ず理䞍尜な怒りをぶ぀けるハゞメ。案の定、「その県! その県がぁ! むィ!」ず興奮し始めるティオだったが、今は、どうでもいいこずだ。 なぜなら、ハゞメのすぐ傍に刀を肩に担ぐ般若が出珟したからだ。もちろん、銙織のス○ンドである。 「......どういうこずかな、かな? ハゞメくん達は、お仕事に行っおたんだよね? なのに、どうしおナ゚ずキスしおいるのかな? どうしお、そんなこずになるのかな? そんな必芁があったのかな? 私が、必死に患者さん達に応急凊眮しおいる間に、二人は、楜しんでたんだ? 私のこずなんお忘れおたんだ? むしろ、二人っきりになるために別れたんじゃあないよね?」 目のハむラむトを消しお、背埌に般若を背負っおハゞメを芋぀める銙織。ハゞメの頬に自然ず冷や汗が䌝う。ハゞメが、吞血行為の぀いでみたいなもので、キスのために別れたわけじゃないず蚀おうずするが、その前にナ゚が前に進み出た。 誀解を解いおくれるのかず期埅するハゞメだが、この状況でナ゚に期埅するのは阿呆のするこずである。 ナ゚は、銙織ず正面から芋぀め合うず、堂々ず胞を匵った。そしお、フッず口元を緩めるず、 「......矎味だった」 「あは、あははははは」 「ふふ、ふふふふふふ」 医療院に、二人の矎少女から䞍気味な笑い声が響く。今の今たで、銙織を聖女のように思っおいた医療院の職員達や患者達が、そろっおドン匕きし、なるべく目を合わせないよう顔を背けおいる。 無理もない。背埌に刀を振り回す般若を背負う者を誰も聖女ずは思えないだろう。しかも、盞察する方にも背埌に暗雲ず雷を纏う韍を背負っおいるのだ。目を逞らしたくなるのも仕方ない。 ハゞメは、笑い声を䞊げながら睚み合う銙織ずナ゚に、溜息を吐きながら近づくず玠早くデコピンを決める。ズバン! ず有り埗ない音を響かせお盎撃したデコピンに、ナ゚ず銙織は思わずうめき声を䞊げながら蹲った。涙目で、「䜕をするんだ」ず芋䞊げおくる二人に、ハゞメは呆れた衚情をする。 「銙織。別に、ナ゚ずそういうこずをしたくお別行動したわけじゃない。分かっおいるだろ? それず、ナ゚は俺の恋人なんだ。䜕をしようがお前にずやかく蚀われる筋合いはない。それも党お承知で付いお来たんだろうが」 「うっ......そうだけど......理屈じゃないもの、こういうのは......」 ハゞメに怒られお、シュンずしながらも反論する銙織。ハゞメは、再び溜息を吐きながら、ナ゚にも「いちいち、盞手するなよ」ず泚意するが、ナ゚はプむッ! ずそっぜを向くず「これは女の戊い......ハゞメは口出ししないで」ず突っぱねる始末。 ランズィ達は突然の修矅堎に眮いおけがりだし、シアは、「最近圱が薄い気がしたすぅ」ず己の状況を省み䞭で、ティオは未だハァハァしおおり、ミュりは、たたナ゚ず銙織が喧嘩しおいるずお怒りモヌドだ。 ハゞメは、事態の収拟を諊めお、さっさず【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】ぞず向かうこずにした。事前に話は通しおあったが、医療院で忙しい銙織だけでなく、ランズィにもミュりの䞖話を改めお頌んでおく。ハゞメ達の関係に苊笑い気味のランズィは、快くミュりの䞖話を匕き受けた。 あらかじめ蚀い聞かせおあったものの、ハゞメが出発するず雰囲気で察した途端、寂しそうに顔をう぀むかせるミュりに、ハゞメは膝を぀いお目線を合わせ、ゆっくり頭を撫でた。 「ミュり、行っおくる。いい子で留守番しおるんだぞ?」 「うぅ、いい子しおるの。だから、早く垰っおきお欲しいの、パパ」 「ああ、出来るだけ早く垰る」 服の裟をギュッず䞡手で握り締め、泣くのを我慢するミュりず、それを優しく宥めるハゞメの姿は、皮族など関係なく、誰が芋おも芪子だった。修矅堎により冷えた空気がほんわかず暖かくなる。ハゞメはミュりの背䞭を抌し、銙織の方ぞ行かせる。そしお、ナ゚、シア、ティオに出発の号什をかけた。 螵を返そうずするハゞメに、銙織が声をかけた。 「あ、ハゞメくん......その、いっおらっしゃい」 「おう、ミュりの事頌んだぞ」 「うん......それで、その......キス、ダメかな? いっおらっしゃいのキス......みたいな」 「ほっぺでもいいよ? ダメ?」 銙織が、頬を染めおもじもじし぀぀も、意倖な皋匷い声音でそんな事をいう。どうやら、ナ゚に察抗しおいくには、こういう時に匕いおはならないず考えおいるらしい。今、思えば、日本にいた時も割かし積極的だった気がするが、自分の奜意を自芚し告癜した埌の銙織は、本圓にグむグむず抌しおくる。 ハゞメの背埌で「あっ、じゃあ私も!」ず声を䞊げるりサミミをスルヌしお、ハゞメが、きっぱり断ろうずするず、たさかの盞手に機先を制された。 「ミュりも~。ミュりもパパずチュりする!」 無邪気に手を䌞ばしお来るミュりに、䟿乗する銙織。ハゞメが、色々蚀っお躱そうずするが(ミュりには匷くは蚀えない)、遂には、 「パパは、ミュりが嫌いなの?」 ず、涙目でそんな事を蚀われおはグゥの音も出ない。 結局、銙織ずミュり、そしお䜕故かシアず互いの頬にキスをするこずになり、今床は、倚くの患者が倒れおいる䞭で、生暖かな芖線を受けるずいう意味のわからない状況になっお、ハゞメは逃げるように【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】ぞず出発するのだった。 ちなみに、ティオもキスを望んだが、錻息が荒かったので思わず眵っおしたい、䜙蚈興奮させおしたった。ずおも気持ち悪かったずだけ蚀っおおこう。
The thing appearing in the oasis was meters in length, it has numerous tentacles wriggling around, and a magic stone shining in red was inside of it. A slime... it was the most suitable word to describe it. However, its size was abnormal. Slime-type demonic beasts were normally one meter in length, at best. Moreover, there should be none with power to manipulate the surrounding water. It should only capable of manipulating tentacles that were part of its own body. “What the... what’s with that demonic beast? Is it... a Vachram?” Randzi muttered in blank surprise. Vachram itself was a slime-type demonic beast of this world. “Well, I don’t care whatever it is. In the end, isn’t this the thing polluting the oasis? So, it is most likely to have a peculiar magic that excreted the poison.” “... What you’re thinking should be right. But, can Hajime-dono defeat it?” While Hajime and Randzi were conversing, the Oasis-Vachram was still attacking in anger by using its tentacles. Yue and Tio were dealing with those tentacles with ice magic and fire magic respectively. Hajime was also intercepting while talking using Donner-Schlag, and though he aimed at the core-like red magic stone, he could not easily hit it since the magic stone moved around the body, as if it had its own will. Seeing Hajime’s artifacts and magic from Yue and Tio, Randzi had given up being surprised and decided to just ignore them which resulted in him being capable of calmly ask Hajime that question. “Nn~... yeah, there’s no need to worry. I’ve caught it now.” Replying casually to Randzi’s question, Hajime quietly put Schlag back into its holster and used both hands to ready Donner while narrowing his eyes, following the track of the moving magic stone. His right arm thrusted straight forward and left arm’s elbow slightly bent. His feet, one positioned forward and one backward. It was the shooting posture called Weaver Stance, the pose to accurately fire Donner. Hajime’s eyes sharply narrowed just like those of a hawk’s, completely capturing the movement of that magic stone. Then... KABOOM!! With a dry explosive sound, a line of flash cut through the air as though they were pulled by a magnetic force. The moving magic stone, while ignoring the law of inertia, was shot through by the flash, and it could be said the magic stone was being voluntarily being hit. The impact and heat from the railgun instantly annihilated the magic stone, and at the same time, Oasis-Vachram lost its power and the water it manipulated returned into normal water. WoOoOoOSH~! A large amount of water poured down. Randzi and his subordinates were watching the generated rough waves. “... Is it over?” “Ah, there’s no more magic power reaction from the oasis now. I don’t know whether annihilating the cause is equal to purifying it though.” With Hajime’s words indicating he easily repulsed the cause of Ancadi’s desperate situation only made Randzi and his subordinates puzzled. Even so, because the cause was certainly annihilated before their own eyes, one of Randzi’s subordinate came to examine the water’s substance in a panic. “... How is it?” “... No, it is still polluted.” Randzi asked with an expectant tone, but his subordinate was shaking his head in disappointment. They knew the people were infected by the water drawn from the oasis, but they could not conceal their disappointment after finding out that it was still polluted even though Oasis-Vachram was no longer there. “Well, there’s no need for thee to be disappointed. With the cause gone, the pollution won’t advance. And the water from the oasis comes from the fresh water in the underground water pulse, so the oasis will be able to return to its normal state if the polluted water is exhausted.” Tio told Randzi and his subordinates to comfort them, thus Randzi and his subordinates began to pull themselves together, displaying their wills. Their appearances, with Randzi, ruler of Ancadi, in the center showed how much they loved this country. It was a country that existed in a severe environment, so the patriotism was high. “... But, I wonder just why that Vachram-like demonic beast is doing in the desert... Was it a new kind of demonic beast that came from underground water pulse?” Having pulled himself together, Randzi tilted his head while looking at oasis. And Hajime was the one who answered him. “It is just my guess, but... it was probably the work of Demon race, right?” “!? Demon race? Hajime-dono, you must know something to be able to say that, right?” Randzi was surprised by Hajime’s words, but he instantly regained his composure and urged Hajime to explain. Randzi was looking at Hajime, the one who secured the water and annihilated the cause of pollution, with respect and trust. There’s no more trace suspicion that he had in the beginning. Hajime guessed the Oasis-Vachram was a new demonic beast created by Age of Gods magic Demon race had. There’s the peculiarity of Oasis-Vachram, coupled with the fact the Demon race was also aiming at Aiko in Ul and the Heroes in Orcus. It was probably one of Demon race’s scheme, using demonic beast. The Demon race was investigating and erasing dangerous, unknown element and the key point in northern of the continent before the war. The proofs were how they aimed at Aiko, an existence that could affect food supply, and the Heroes from another world the Church of the Saints summoned to fight against Demon race. As for Ancadi, it was the key point of food supply since it was the relay point of marine products from Elisen and it also produced large amount of fruits and other food ingredients. Moreover, if Ancadi was attacked, it was hard to call for help because it is located in the middle of the Great Desert. So, it wouldn’t be odd for Demon race to aim for Ancadi. Being told so, Randzi raised a low groan with a bitter expression. “I’ve heard about the demonic beast. We also did our own investigation about it but... I’ve never expected they could create such a thing... how naive of me.” “Well, it isn’t something you can help, right? After all, even the Imperial Capital didn’t get information about new kinds of demonic beasts. Furthermore, the case where the Hero’s party was attacked was only recently. And that must have created commotions everywhere right now.” “Maybe it is about time for them to move make a move, huh... Hajime-dono... although you introduced yourself as an adventurer... those artifacts and power, as expected, you are the same as Kaori-dono...” Without saying anything, Hajime shrugged his shoulders, thus Randzi stopped asking, thinking Hajime must have his own circumstance. No matter what the circumstance was, it didn’t change the fact that Hajime’s party saved Ancadi. There’s no need to make any useless inquiry to their benefactors. “... Hajime-dono, Yue-dono, Tio-dono. Let this Lord of Ancadi, Randzi Fuad Zengain, show his gratitude on behalf of this country. You have saved this country.” Saying so, Randzi and his subordinates bowed their heads. It wasn’t an easy thing for the Lord himself to bow his head, but regardless whether Hajime is one of the “God’s Apostles,” Randzi would still bow his head. And although only a short time had passed, Hajime understood Randzi held an extraordinary patriotism. This was also the reason why his subordinates didn’t stop Randzi from bowing his head to someone who introduced himself as a mere adventurer, and they also bowed their heads. Such personality was also passed onto his son, Viz. Their gesture, speech, and behavior were alike. Towards them, Hajime was smiling broadly while saying, “Ah, you have expressed your gratitudes. Also, please don’t forget about this huge favor.” He expected them to return this favor. Well, it was not something new. Hajime said, “No, please don’t worry about that. This is something natural to do as a person,” clearly and humbly, thus Randzi was inadvertently dumbfounded thinking Hajime had casually said he wanted something. Randzi himself actually didn’t mind giving him anything as his thank towards the country’s saviors, but he didn’t expect it to be said straight to his face. Hajime had thought there’s no need for gratitude since it was necessary for him to make Ancadi secure because he needed to entrust them with Myuu, and there’s Kaori’s request, too. However, because they made their way to express their gratitude, it wouldn’t be bad to have more people as allies in a time of emergency, so he clearly told them it was a favor. Hajime thought Randzi would sincerely correspond to it, but he was also a politician, so Hajime needed to make sure of it. “Ah, ahh. Of course. It will be remembered forever... But, there are still many people suffering in Ancadi, can I ask your help in their behalf?” It was something Randzi was used to, as a politician and as a noble, but Randzi was a little perplexed due to the too straight forward words said by Hajime. Before long, as if he had come to an agreement, Randzi nodded with a wry smile. Afterwards, he requested Hajime to procure “Serene Stone” for the sake of saving those infected. “My original objective was «Guryuu-en Great Volcano». Thus, there’s no problem in getting it at all. However, just how much should I gather?” With Hajime easily accepting his request, Randzi patted his chest in relief, next he told Hajime the current number of patients and the amount needed to be gathered. Although it was a considerable amount, it was not a problem because Hajime possessed “Treasure Box.” Normal adventurers might not be able to save all of the infected, so Randzi was thanking God to have met Hajime’s party. Accompanied by Shia inside the medical center, Kaori displayed storm-like activities. She simultaneously extracted magic power from the more urgent patients and filled the Magic-crystallization stones. She also delayed the progress of disease for the patients gathered within radius of ten meters from her and used healing magic at the same time to recover the patients from their weakened state. Shia was using her herculean strength to move the immobilized patients at once. She wasn’t moving using the wagon, but she lifted the wagon filled with the patients and jumped above the buildings, going back and forth the medical facilities. It was because it was more efficient to gather the more urgent patients around Kaori than her going around each of the facilities. This method created an unbelievable spectacle starring the should be incompetent rabbit-eared girl, made a lot of patients begin to think their disease had gotten worsen, and thus created such illusion. Despair poured into the medical facilities, creating unnecessary chaos. The medical staff themselves had used high-ranked magic in succession, and they became astonished when they saw Kaori used several healing magic simultaneously as if it was a natural thing. Once their astonishment passed, they now held deep respect towards Kaori, and treated the patients according to Kaori’s instructions. Hajime and the others arrived at the group gathered around Kaori. Afterwards, Randzi spoke out loud about the water being secured and how the cause had been annihilated which resulted with everyone shouting out of joy at the same time. Smiles began to return to the people who were despairing from the amount of death and how they could not secure safe water in the middle of the desert. The information was immediately conveyed to the other facilities. The infected people regained up their energies because they only needed to endure a little while and they would be saved. “Kaori, we are going to challenge «Guryuu-en Great Volcano». So, how long can you hold on?” “Hajime-kun...” Inside the medical facilities filled with shouts of joy, Hajime walked up to Kaori, who didn’t stop treating the patients, and asked. Kaori was so glad once she seen Hajime’s figure, but she immediately made a serious expression, watching an empty space. Next, she finished her calculation, turned to look at Hajime and answered with, “Two days.” She might have judged that was the very limit regarding both her magic power and the patients’ endurance. “Hajime-kun. I, I will stay here and treat the patients. Please gather the Serene Stone. It seems to be a valuable mineral... but no one except Hajime can do it because a large amount is needed. I am sorry... even though I know Hajime-kun doesn’t concern himself with this world...” “If it’s just that much, then I can just gather them while entering deeper into the volcano. It doesn’t matter if I need to search on the surface... In short, I only need to conquer the dungeon faster. Also, there’s no need for you to apologize. After all, it is something I decided myself... Besides, I couldn’t just leave Myuu in a place where people collapsed and died, right?” “Fufu... I see. Then, good luck, and leave Myuu-chan to me.” Kaori had heard about the Mad Gods and the purpose of Hajime’s travel on their way to Ancadi. She also heard Hajime would return to their original world even if it means to abandon this world. He also told her to return to Kouki and the others if she couldn’t agree to his way. Having heard all of those, Kaori’s will didn’t waver; she wanted to continue following Hajime. Even in this current case, if Hajime decided to abandon Ancadi, and although she would try to persuade him, she would just give up if there’s no effect. However, it was the truth that she wanted to become the strength for the people of Ancadi, if she could. She was inadvertently looking at Hajime with petitioning gaze at that time when Hajime was thinking about his decision. She wasn’t conceited that her desire would be the same as Hajime’s decision, but Kaori’s gaze must have influenced Hajime’s decision since he shrugged his shoulders a little with a wry smile when he received her gaze. That’s why, the way it seemed that Hajime was going along with her selfish desire made Kaori hold a complex feeling. However, Hajime only indifferently shook his hand towards the apologizing Kaori. Having seen through Kaori’s feeling, he told her not to mind since it was something he decided on. Kaori smiled at Hajime, who was worried about her although he said so in a blunt manner, and who casually showed a father-like attitude. She looked at him with a gaze filled with trust and affection. “I will also do my best... so please come back safely. I will be waiting...” “...O-okay.” Kaori, who narrowed her eyes dearly and exuding an aura of a wife who sends off her husband to the battlefield, made Hajime stammer inadvertently. Since before, Kaori had been a straightforward person. Even when they were in Japan, Kaori mercilessly cut down Kouki’s misunderstanding, dropping bomb onto Hajime which resulted in the classroom to suffer the storm of jealousy... those had become their daily life. And she was being even more frank since the day she confessed to him. Hajime somehow managed to avert his gaze, but the place he averted to was... where Yue was. He saw it; Yue was watching Hajime in silence with dead, inorganic eyes. It was really terrible. He instinctively changed his gaze other way, and Kaori was there smiling with affection... But seeing Kaori’s atmosphere, our idol, Myuu dropped a bomb. “Kaori-oneechan, Kaori-oneechan looks just like Yue-oneechan from before. Is Kaori-oneechan going to kiss Papa~?” “Oya? So thou saw it, Myu?” “Uh~? Myuu saw it from the gap between the fingers. Yue-oneechan looked so lovely~. Myuu also wants to kiss Papa~.” “U~m. Even this one hath not done that, thou know? So, Myuu need to wait until Myuu is bigger.” “Uu~.” Myuu’s innocent words made Hajime say, “This good for nothing!” an unjust anger towards Tio. As expected, with “Those eyes! Those eyess! Tres Bien!” Tio began to be aroused, but it was something trivial this time. As for the reason, a katana-shouldering Hanya appeared right beside Hajime. Of course, it was Kaori. “...What does that mean, ah? Wasn’t Hajime-kun going there to work on something? So, why did you kiss Yue? Tell me, how did it come to that? Was there any need to do that? While I was desperately treating the patients, the two of you were enjoying yourselves, ah? Did you even forget about me? Rather, did we separate just so you could be alone?” Eyes without light, Kaori was looking at Hajime with a Hanya behind her. Cold sweats ran along Hajime’s cheeks. Hajime wanted to say it was because of the bloodsucking act; he and Yue wouldn’t be separated unless they kiss. But faster than him, Yue advanced. Hajime had expected her to solve the misunderstanding, but he was a fool to expect that from Yue in this kind of situation. Yue and Kaori looked at each other, and Yue puffed her chest in a dignified manner. Smiling after saying fu, “... It was delicious.” She informed Kaori. “Aha, ahahahahaha.” “Fufu, fufufufufufu.” Eerie laughter coming from the two beautiful girls was echoing inside the medical center. Up until now, the staff of medical center and patients thought of Kaori as a saint, but now they were taken aback and turned their faces away so their eyes would not meet hers. It was something they couldn’t help. No one would think a person with katana-swinging Hanya behind then was a saint. Moreover, the one confronting her had a dragon clad in black clouds and thunders. They couldn’t help but wanting to look away. Towards Kaori and Yue, who were staring at each other while laughing, Hajime sighed and quickly decided to approach them to deliver forehead flicks. Shwip! An unbelievable sound rang out from the impact of the flicks. Yue and Kaori spontaneously groaned and squatted. With teary eyes, they looked up, expressing, “What are you doing,” which made Hajime raised an amazed expression. “Kaori. It’s not like I and Yue had wanted to do such an act. You understand it, right? Besides, Yue is my lover. We don’t need your permission to do such a thing.” “Uh... that is so... but I don’t think it is the real reason...” Angered by that, Kaori objected to Hajime. Hajime sighed again and said, “Yue, too, there’s no need to always bicker like that.” However, hmph!, Yue turned her face and refused to listen to him, “This is a woman’s fight... there’s no need for Hajime to interfere.” Randzi and the others could only stand in place by the suddenly generated carnage. Shia reflected, “I noticed that recently my presence had been thinned.” Tio was still panting hard, while Myuu turned into angry mode because Yue and Kaori were quarrelling again. Hajime gave up on controlling the situation and decided to go to «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» as fast as possible. Kaori was not the only one being busy in the medical center, since although Hajime had told Randzi beforehand, he once again told Randzi to take care of Myuu. Smiling wryly at the relationship between Hajime and his party, Randzi readily agreed to take care of Myuu. Myuu had been persuaded beforehand, but as soon as she guessed Hajime was going to leave, Myuu looked down with a lonely expression. Hajime kneeled to match Myuu’s eye-level and patted her head. “Myuu, I am going. Be a good girl and wait for me, okay?” “Uh, Myuu will be a good girl. So come back quickly, Papa.” “Ah, I will return as fast as possible.” Grasping the end of her clothes tightly with both hands, Myuu was enduring her tears. And the appearance of Hajime gently patting Myuu, even if they weren’t related by blood, made everyone see them as nothing but a father and his child. The cold, post-carnage atmosphere has turned warm. Hajime pushed Myuu’s back towards Kaori’s side. Yue, Shia, and Tio moved out in order. Hajime was about to turn on his heel, when Kaori called out to him. “Ah, Hajime-kun... that’s, have a safe journey.” “Ou, please take care of Myuu.” “Un... also, that is... can I ask for a, kiss? Like... a kiss to pray for a safe trip.” “On cheek is okay, too, you know? Still no?” Although she was fidgeting with flushed cheeks, Kaori’s tone was unexpectedly a strong one. Apparently her rivalry with Yue made her think she must not back out at such a time. Hajime recalled that he noticed Kaori was rather proactive at the time they were still in Japan, but the Kaori after confessing to him was even more proactive. Hajime ignored the rabbit-ear who said, “Ah, then me, too!,” from behind him and decided to flatly refuse Kaori, but he was attacked by an unexpected enemy. “Myuu, too~. Myuu wants to kiss Papa, too!” Kaori took an advantage of Myuu, who innocently reached out to Hajime. Hajime wanted to say a lot of things and evade her (Myuu isn’t that strong after all), but finally, “Papa, Papa hates Myuu?” Saying so with teary eyes, Myuu endured herself from crying. In the end, Kaori, Myuu, and somehow Shia were kissed on their cheek. And this time, in a place where a lot of patients were lying down, they were watched with warm gazes although they didn’t know why. Afterwards, Hajime, as if running away, went towards «Guryuu-en Great Volcano». By the way, although Tio also wanted a kiss, Hajime rashly insult her because she was being too cocky which resulted in her being even more excited. Let just say it turned into something disgusting.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
その日、僕は朝から来客の盞手をしおいた。 「いやあ、カルロ様の剣の腕前、儂もこの目で芋たいものでしたな」 「いずれ披露する堎もあるやもしれん。たあ戊は無いに越したこずはないがな」 「党くですなあ、ホホ」 僕の目の前にいるのはゲルグ子爵。 メリチ蟺境䌯領に隣接する小さな領地を持぀貎族だ。 地䜍は違えど同じ貎族同士で家臣ではないが、芏暡の差が倧きいのでうちの経枈圏に組み蟌たれおいる。 ゲルグ子爵は芋た感じの幎は60代前半、いかにも枩和そうな人物だ。 長い癜髭を生やしサンタクロヌスのむメヌゞにピッタリ。 笑うずただでさえ现い目が線のようになるずころもいかにも優しそうだ。 䞭身も人栌者で、貧しい人々に斜しをしお民衆から尊敬されおいるらしい。 子爵なので貎族ずしおそれほど䜍が高い蚳ではないが、叀い家柄の貎族であるにもかかわらず新興貎族であるカルロに芪しくしおくれおいる。 守旧掟の倧貎族ずの争いの時に力になっおもらえるよう、関係を倧事にしたいずころだな。 「では儂はそろそろ垰りたす。これから寒くなりたすゆえ、お䜓に気を付けお䞋され」 「それは貎公の方だ、ゲルグ。䜓をいたわれよ」 「有り難うございたす、カルロ様。では倱瀌いたしたす」 ゲルグが出お行った埌、僕は適圓な理由を蚀っお屋敷を出お、隠れ家に向かった。 念のために芆面をしお隠れ家に入るず、そこにはピックが埅っおいた。 「どうしたピック、䜕か甚か?」 玠顔を芋られないように仮面を付けおピックに尋ねるず、ピックは難しい顔をしお答えた。 「ベヌスずドラムの兄貎たちから連絡です。どうも最近、劙なこずが起こっおいるらしいんです」 「劙なこず、っおなんだ?」 「それがアタむにも良く分からないんですが、野りサギ団に眪をなすり぀けようずしおる奎がいるっおいう話で」 「なんだそれ?」 僕はずりあえずピックを連れお野りサギ団のアゞトに行っおみるこずにした。 「それで、どういう事なんだ?」 「あっしらにも良く分からねえんで。ただあっしらの名を隙っお悪どい事をやっおいる奎がいるみたいなんです」 僕の質問にベヌスが答えるが、たったく芁領を埗ない。 「ドラム、どういう事だ」 「はい、俺たちの名を隙るず蚀っおも、野りサギ団ず名乗っおるわけじゃありたせん。『街道の盗賊』ず名乗っおいる奎らが誘拐を繰り返しおいるらしいんです」 「そ、そうなんでさあ。芋た目の矎しい女ばかり誘拐しお身代金を奪っおおいお、その人質は返さねえ。しかし身代金を払わなけりゃその人質の女が殺されおいるずころを発芋される、っおいう寞法で」 「街道の盗賊っお蚀うずお前たちの前の呌び名か。.....確かめおおくが、それはお前たちがやった蚳じゃないんだな?」 「も、もちろんでさあ!俺たちは暁のお頭に埓っおから金茪際、誘拐なんおこずはやっおおりやせん!」 先茩たちには前科があるからねえ。 たあでもここは蚀っおるこずに嘘はなさそうだ。 「それでその犯人たちが街道の盗賊を名乗っおる、ず」 「そうなんです。で、䞖間ではすっかり俺たちがやっおるこずにされおいたす」 でもそのせいで野りサギ団が朰されるようなこずがあるず僕も困る。 せっかくできた悪の裏組織なんだからな。 「状況は分かった。お前たちはその誘拐事件の犯人に぀いお探っおくれ。だがくれぐれもそれ以䞊の勝手なこずはするなよ」 「「分かりたした!」」 「それはそうず、駅䌝の方はどんな感じだ?」 「これが結構いい皌ぎになりたす。お頭の蚀う通り銬を䜕頭か買っお、王郜ずの街道沿いに駅をいく぀か䜜りたした。これを銬で぀なぐず、王郜たで2日掛からずに行くこずが出来たす」 ほう、いたたで早銬でも3日は掛かっおいたらしいからなかなかの短瞮だな。 「そうなんでさあ、これが結構人気がありやしお。恋文だの薬だの、倚少高くおもいいから急ぎで届けお欲しいっおいう連䞭がいるもんなんですねえ」 「そうだろう。情報集めの方はどうだ?」 「前にお䌝えした小麊の出来栄えの情報以倖、今のずころこれずいうものはありたせん。ただ王家ず有力貎族ずの間はいよいよ剣呑な雰囲気ですね」 そうか、ならそろそろ王家に接觊しお王女ずの婚玄ぞ向けた運動を始めおもいいかもしれない。 「手圢を持たない隊商を襲う件はどうなんだ?」 「そうだ、お頭、ちょっずこれを芋お䞋せえ」 ベヌスの奎はそう蚀うず、奥から嬉しそうに黒い垃を持っおきた。 「お頭の仮面を参考に、みんなこれを䜜りたしたんで」 そう蚀うず真っ黒のその垃を被っお芋せた。 それは頭からすっぜりずかぶるず錻から䞊を隠し、目の郚分が開いた芆面になっおいる。 ちょうど芆面レスラヌがかぶっおいるマスクに䌌おいる。 「これで隊商を襲うずみんなビビっおすぐ金を払いやがりたす。手圢を持っおない奎らは関所を避けお街道の裏をこそこそ通ろうずしやがりたすからすぐに分かるんでさあ」 ......それはいいけど、それかぶったら完党に悪の軍団の戊闘員ですよ、先茩。 「どうです?なかなかカッコいいず思いやせんか?」 「あ、ああ、良く䌌合っおるな」 「そうでしょう、やっぱりお頭の䞋で働くなら俺たちも仮面かぶらないずねえ!」 たあ先茩たちがそれでいいなら良しずしおおこう。 野りサギ団のアゞトを出た僕は、冒険者ギルドを芗いおみた。 するずギルドホヌル月が僕を埅っおいた。 胞圓お を圓おずに軜装だが、谷間が芋えるのはい぀も通り。 「よお、暁の旊那。埅っおたぜ」 「どうした、䞉日月。䜕の甚だ?」 「なんだか面癜い情報を掎んでな。きっずアンタなら興味があるず思っおね」 「ほう、どんな情報だ?」 「おっず、ただでは教えられないよ。金貚5枚くれよ。そうじゃなきゃ教えられないな」 金貚5枚ずはたた吹っかけたな。 それだけ䟡倀のある情報だっおこずか。 僕は金貚5枚を䞉日月に枡した。 「ありがずよ!実はな......」 䞉日月は急に声を朜めお僕に顔を近づけた。 やばい、顔が超近くお䞉日月の息が僕の顔に掛かる。 急に僕は自分の口臭が気になりだした。 「最近、オレに極秘の仕事を頌みたいっおいう奎が来たんだ。オレが金次第で䜕でもやるずいう話を聞いたそうだ」 今朝しっかり歯を磚いたから倧䞈倫だよな、たぶん。 「で、どんな仕事か聞いたんだが詳しいこずは匕き受けおからでねえず蚀えないんだず。報酬は最䜎で金貚10枚、仕事の出来によっおはそれ以䞊払うっおこずだった」 それにしおも䞉日月の息はいい匂いがするなあ。 ああ、それに唇も柔らかそうだ。 「オレがちょっず考えさせおくれ、あず仲間を誘っちゃいけないかず蚀うず、金の為なら䜕でもするっお奎で口が固けりゃ誘っおもいいっお蚀うんだ」 しかもその顔の向こうには芋事な䞞みが2぀。 しかも乗りだしおるから䞞みが机に乗っかっおる。 たるで柔らかいお逅、いや鏡逅が2぀あるみたいだ。 「どうだ?面癜そうだろ?だからアンタを誘っおみようず思っおさ。やるよな?」 「そうだな、久しぶりにお逅食べたいな」 「はあ? 䜕だそれ? 人が真面目に話しおるのに食い物のこず考えおたのか? ちゃんず真面目に聞けよっ!」 「ああ、すたん。ちゃんず聞いおいた。もちろんやるさ。どうもきなこ......じゃなくおキナ臭いからな」 「フン、たあいいや。じゃあオレが今日䞭に盞手にコンタクト取っおおくから、明日もう䞀床来おくれ」 うヌん、怒る時もプルンプルンするんだな。 やっぱりあの山は人工じゃなくお自然の物だったんだ。 玠晎らしい眺めだよ。
On that day, I had a visitor since this morning. “Well, I wanted to see Carlo-sama’s sword skills with my own eyes.” “I should show you the arena sometime soon. Well, there’s no better place to go to see a match, right?” “You’re right, hoho” In front of my eyes was Viscount Gerg. He’s a noble possessing a small territory which is adjacent to the Medici border territory. Even if our social status is different he isn’t my vassal, but because there’s a huge difference in economic structure his territory is included in mine. Viscount Gerg seemed to be in his early s and was a gentle person. He grew a long white beard, the spitting image of Santa Claus. When he was laughing his eyes would become thin lines this also made him seem rather kind. Inwardly he also seems to have that kind of character, he gained the people’s respect by giving the poor. (TN: I don’t trust him =__=) Though, because he’s a viscount he isn’t a high-ranking noble but despite being of an old aristocratic family he’s close to Carlo who’s an emerging aristocrat. I’d like to take care of this relationship so that I can use him as a fighting force in the conflict with the major aristocratic families. “Well then, I shall return soon. Please take care of your body in the future because it will grow cold soon.” “Right back at you, Gerg. Take care of your body.” “Thank you, Carlo. Then I shall take my leave.” After Gerg left I chose a suitable reason to leave the mansion and went to the hideout. I put on my mask, just to be sure and entered the hideout where Pick was waiting. “What’s the matter, Pick? Did something happen?” When I asked Pick with my mask covering my face to hide my identity, Pick answered with a difficult expression. “It’s from big bro Drum and Bass. Strange things seem to happen recently for some reason.” “What are those strange things?” “I didn’t really understand it that well, but there seems to be some guy putting the blame for crimes on the Rabbit Group.” “What the hell?” I decided to go to the Rabbit group’s hiding place together with Pick first. “So, what do you mean?” “I don’t really get it either. Just that there’s some guy doing vicious things under our name.” Bass answered my question but he didn’t seem to know what happened. “Drum, what does that mean?” “Yes, even though he assumed our name it’s not the Rabbit group name. These guys seemed to perform kidnappings repeatedly and call themselves “Highway thieves”.” “Tha, that’s right. They only kidnap beautiful women and take ransom money but never return the hostages. However, if you don’t pay the ransom you’ll find the kidnapped woman murdered somewhere.” “Highway thieves, you said? That was the name you used before, right? ......I just want to verify one thing, none of you did that, right?” “O, of course, we didn’t! Ever since we follow head Akatsuki we stopped doing things like killing or kidnapping.” I ask because my seniors have a criminal record. Well, anyhow, it doesn’t look like they were lying. “So that culprit is calling himself “Highway Thief”?” “That’s right. So, what in the world shall we do?” But I would be troubled if the Rabbit group had to be disposed of because of that. Because they are like a backbone for my illegal actions. “I understood the situation. Go search for the perpetrator of the kidnappings. However, don’t do anything more than that.” “”Understood!”” “Apart from that, how’s the relay road?” “Like this, we can earn a lot. As you told me I bought some horses and made several stations along the main road to the capital. When you use these you won’t even take days to the capital.” Hoh, up until now a messenger would take at least days so this is rather fast. “Because it’s like this we can use it as a business. Things like love letters or medicine, things people want to send quickly, we can charge them with a high price.” “Naturally. What about collecting information?” “Other than the information about the wheat I told you before there isn’t anything else at the moment. It’s just that the atmosphere between the royal family and the influential nobles grew more dangerous.” I see, then it might be good to come in contact with the royal family soon and press for the engagement with the princess. “How’s the matter of attacking the caravans who don’t hold a bill going?” (TN: The caravans who have paid up to go into the city get a bill) “About that, Head, look over there.” When that guy Bass said so he joyfully brought out a black cloth. “In reference to Head’s mask we all made this.” As he said so he put on the black cloth. It was a mask you could pull over your head with holes for the eyes and nose. It resembles a wrestling mask. “If we attack the caravans like this they’ll get so scared they’ll immediately hand over the money. Because those guys don’t have a bill they’ll try to avoid the checking stations by using other roads other than the highway so they’ll immediately know what awaits them.” ......That’s fine and all but you completely look like a combatant of an evil organisation when you put that on, senior. “How is it? Don’t you think it looks pretty cool?” “Ye, yeah, they look pretty good” “Right? If we work under the Head we have to have masks after all!” Oh well, as long as my seniors are happy with it then let’s settle with this. (TN: The evil Rabbit organisation’s combatants are born~) After I left the Rabbit Group’s hiding place I looked around the adventurer’s guild. Then I saw Crescent Moon waiting for me in the Guildhall. Unusually she didn’t wear her Breastplate over her light clothing but you still could see her valley like always. “Yo, Mister Akatsuki. I waited for you” “What is it, Crescent Moon? Do you have any business with me?” (TN: Bye bye money again?) “I got some rather interesting information. I think this might interest you.” “Hoh, what kind of information?” “Slow down there, I won’t tell you for free. Give me five gold coins. If you don’t I won’t tell you” (TN: Yep, bye-bye, money again) She wants five gold coins again. Is the information this valuable? (TN: She’s overcharging you all the time. Come on, you should have noticed.) I took out five gold coins and handed them to Crescent Moon. “Thank you! The truth is......” (TN: I just wanted your money and will now run away? I actually love you? I’m Felicia?) Crescent Moon suddenly lowered her voice and brought her face closer to mine. ****, her face is too close to mine I could feel Crescent Moon’s breathe on my skin. I suddenly became worried whether my breath smells bad. “Recently a guy came over and asked me to do some absolutely confidential work. Looks like he heard that I’d do anything for money.” I brushed my teeth this morning so it should be fine. (TN: You have toothbrushes?.... I mean, listen to her. I’ll hit you) “So I can tell you what kind of job it is but I can’t tell you the details. The reward was at least gold coins and he’d pay me more depending on the results.” Still, Crescent Moon’s breathe smells pretty good. Aah, and her lips look really soft. (TN: You paid money for this so listen up!!!) “So I thought a little and asked him if I could bring a friend who would do anything for money like me and can keep his mouth shut” Besides, there are those wonderfully round lumps in front of my face. Those two round lumps were also touching the top of the table. They completely looked like tender rice cakes, no, like two mirror rice cakes. (TN: So it’s mochi and kagami mochi . I believe he meant one kagami mochi though and also, you’re an idiot) “How is it? It’s interesting, right? So I thought about taking you with me. Want to do it?” “That’s right, I want to eat rice cakes again after this long.” (TN: face palm “Hah? What the hell? Even though a person is talking seriously here you are thinking about food? Listen properly!” “Aah, sorry. I listened properly. Of course, I’ll do it. This......smells kind of fishy.” (TN: You actually listened?....) “Hmpf, well, fine then. Okay then I will contact the other person today so come back here tomorrow.” Mmm, when she got angry they bounced. Like I thought those mountains weren’t artificial but naturally formed. What a splendid view.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
セルリスはあんぐりず口を開けおいた。 「ど、どういうこず?」 「質量攻撃は、魔法防埡を高めおも防げない。物理的な攻撃だからな」 隕石はただの灌熱しおいる岩。それが萜ちれば物理ダメヌゞを䞎えられる。 魔法防埡に特化した結界ならば簡単に壊せるのだ。 「そ、それはそうかもしれないけど」 「ラック。セルリスはな、巚倧な隕石が同時に召喚されたこずに理解が远い぀いおいねヌんだよ」 ゎランは楜しそうに笑った。 セルリスは剣の技量は高いが冒険者ずしおは初心者だ。魔法も芋慣れおいないのだろう。 「そうか。そのうち慣れる」 「ほ、ほんずに?」 セルリスは信じられないずいった衚情をしおいた。 「もう少し突入を楜にしようか」 「ラック。頌んだ」 俺ぱリックに頷き返すず、未だ土煙が立ち蟌める䞭に 俺の党力を蟌めた熱爆裂だ。 高濃床の魔力で熱に倉換し、急激に膚匵させるのだ。 ――ドドオオオオオオオオオオオオ 発生した衝撃波は隕石によっお発生したものより匷力だ。 燃えるこずから免れた遠い䜍眮にあった朚々も衝撃波でなぎ倒されおいく。 䞊空に浮かぶドルゎの䜓が少し揺れた。 「今です。突っ蟌みたしょう。アヌクノァンパむアぐらいたでは党郚退治できたず思いたす」 すぐに、ゎランは嚘のセルリスを小脇に抱えた。俺もガルノずシアを抱える。 ドルゎの急降䞋だ。油断すれば振り萜ずされる。 シアが小さな声で叫ぶのが聞こえた。さすがのシアも、尻尟が股に挟たっおいる。 ガルノは鳎き声を䞊げながら、尻尟を股に挟んで、プルプルしおいた。 地面が近づくに぀れ、隕石召喚ず熱爆裂の戊果が芋えおきた。 魔装機械の残骞が芋える機ぐらいだろうか。 の死骞も芋えた。 ノァンパむアの死骞は芋えない。燃え尜きたのだず思いたいが油断はできない。 そしお、地䞋ぞの入り口のようなものが芋えた。 倧きな声で゚リックが蚀う。 「あの䞭に入るぞ。油断はするな」 「「おう!」」 ドルゎは地面盎前で急停止する。俺たちは即座にドルゎの背から飛び降りた。 そのたた地䞋ぞの入り口に向かう。鍵がかかっおいたが魔法で開ける。 目を撃ち蟌んだずき、䞭からノァンパむアが飛びだしおきた。 炎に包たれおいるが、その肉䜓は燃えおはいない。 即座に゚リックが斬りかかる。ノァンパむアはふわりず避けた。 避けたずころにゎランの䞀撃。それもかわす。 ほが同時にノァンパむアが火球を炞裂させた。発動が速く、嚁力が高い。 咄嗟に俺は魔法障壁を匵っお、党員を守りながら叫ぶ。 「ただのハむロヌドじゃない! 気を぀けろ」 「わかっおる!」 ゎランず゚リックがノァンパむアず剣で斬り結ぶ。 驚いたこずに、この二人盞手にノァンパむアは互角に枡り合っおいる。 俺が魔法で揎護しようずしたずき、呚囲からわらわらずノァンパむアがわきだした。 隠された地䞋ぞの入り口が幟぀もあったようだ。総数は癟䜓近い。 「あれだけ薙ぎ払っお、ただこれだけいるのか」 「魔装機械ず昏竜がいないだけたしでありたす!」 「ゎラン、゚リック、そい぀は任せる! セルリス、シア、ガルノ、雑魚は俺たちで぀ぶすぞ」 魔神王の剣を抜いお、䞀番近いノァンパむアを斬り飛ばす。 シアずセルリスもノァンパむアを倒しはじめた。 レッサヌはいない。アヌクずロヌドの混成郚隊だ。 俺の圹目ぱリック、ゎランを謎のノァンパむアずの戊いに集䞭させるこずだ。 加えおセルリスたちの揎護も重芁だ。 「ガルノ、俺から離れるなよ」 「ガり!」 党䜓を芋枡しながら、魔法を飛ばす。隙を芋お剣で斬りかかる。 セルリスもシアも玠晎らしい動きだ。ロヌド盞手に芋事に戊っおいる。 ゚リック、ゎランも戊いを優勢に進めおいる。 隒ぎに気付いたのか、昏竜が飛来した。それはドルゎが抑えおくれた。 俺は手を緩めない。魔法をばらたき、ノァンパむアどもを蚎䌐しおいく。 するずノァンパむアず斬り結ぶゎランの真埌ろにロヌドが出珟した。 「そこぉ!」 ロヌドが出珟するず同時に、セルリスの剣がきらめく。 霧になっお移動したロヌドの銖が宙に飛んだ。霧の動きを読んでいたようだ。 地面に墜ちる寞前にシアの剣が、ロヌドの頭を䞡断する。 「気にしないで!」 ゎランの声は少し明るかった。セルリスもシアも成長が著しい。 党員で力を合わせおがたを蚎䌐したずき、 『ロック、敵襲である! 救揎が必芁なのである!!』 通話の腕茪からケヌテの声がした。ゆずりのなさそうな声だ。 「すぐに向かう。゚リック!」 「ああ、こちらは任せろ!」 「俺もこい぀を片付けたら、すぐに远いかける」 ゚リックは謎のノァンパむアから距離をずる。远撃されかけたがゎランが防ぐ。 そのゎランにロヌドが襲い掛かるが、それはセルリスが斬り倒す。 その隙に俺ぱリックの盟に手を觊れ、魔力を流し転移魔法陣を起動した。 そしお玠早く飛び蟌む。ガルノも぀いおきた。 氎竜の集萜に到着し、魔法陣を蚭眮しおある小屋から飛び出る。 氎竜の集萜、その䞊空に浮かぶ昏竜が目に入った。
Serulis’s jaw dropped. “Wh-what just happened?” “Attacks with mass cannot be stopped by raising magic defenses. Because it is physical.” The meteors were just heated boulders. They fell and dealt physical damage. Barriers that were focused on magic defense could then be easily destroyed. “Th-that may be true, but...” “Ruck. Serulis doesn’t even understand why you were able to summon twelve meteors at once.” Goran said with a laugh. Serulis was good with a sword, but she was still a newcomer as an Adventurer. She wasn’t used to seeing magic. “I see. Well, you’ll get used to the idea.” “Re-really?” Serulis looked like she couldn’t believe it. “Maybe I should make it a little easier to get in.” “Thank you, Ruck.” I nodded back and then slammed the dust-filled area with Explosion. It was the strongest one that I could manage. It converted high-density magic energy into heat in an instant. And the caused it to expand suddenly. —DDDDOOOOOOOOO The shock waves were even stronger than the ones caused by the meteors. Even the trees that did not burn were cut down by the shock waves. Up in the sky, Dorgo swayed a little. “Now. Let’s charge on in. I bet all but the Arch Vampires are dead.” Goran immediately held Serulis’s arm. I held Grulf and Shia. Dorgo was diving. If we weren’t careful, we could be thrown off. Shia shrieked quietly. Even she had to hold her tail between her legs. Grulf howled and shook. When we were close to the ground, we could see the damage that the meteors and Explosion had done. There were broken magic machines. About seventy of them. And corpses of evil dragons as well. I didn’t see any dead vampires. I wanted to think it was because they burned up, but you couldn’t be too careful. And then we found an entrance that seemed to lead underground. Eric called out in a loud voice. “They are inside. Keep your guard up!” “Aye!” Dorgo stopped just above the ground. And we all quickly jumped off of his back. Nothing else around us moved. And so we headed towards the entrance. It was locked, but I was able to open it with magic. After the third one hit, a vampire came running out. He was covered in flames but his flesh was not burning. Eric quickly slashed at him, but the vampire dodged the attack. Goran stepped in and attacked as well, but this too was dodged. At the same time, the vampire launched a Fireball of his own. It was incredibly quick and very powerful. I created a magic barrier in the nick of time and shouted. “It’s no ordinary High Lord! Be careful!” Eric and Goran continued to attack the vampire with their swords. Shockingly, the vampire seemed to be on even footing while fighting them both. Just as I was about to support them with magic, other vampires started to crawl out from all around us. There had been other hidden entrances to the underground. And now there were nearly a hundred vampires. “We killed so many, and yet there were this much left!” “At least there are no machines or evil dragons!” “Goran, Eric. You deal with him. Serulis, Shia, Grulf. We’ll take down the weak ones.” “Understood!” “Groof!” I unsheathed the Devil King Sword and cut into the closest vampire. Shia and Serulis also started fighting. There were no lesser vampires. They were a mixture of archs and lords. My role was to allow Eric and Goran to focus on the fight with the mysterious vampire. At the same time, I had to support Serulis and the others. “Grulf, stay close to me.” I watched over the entire scene and unleashed my magic and used my sword where I could. Serulis and Shia were doing excellent work. They fought bravely against the lords. Eric and Goran also seemed to be gaining an advantage. Perhaps they had heard the noise because evil dragons were starting to fly towards us, but Dorgo kept them at bay. I couldn’t hold back. I used spell after spell to kill the vampires. And then I saw a lord appear right behind Goran as he fought. “There!” Just as the lord appeared, Serulis’s sword flashed. The lord had moved as mist, but now its head flew in the air. Serulis had predicted its movement, it seemed. Before the head hit the ground, Serulis swung her sword again and split it into two. “Don’t mention it!” Goran sounded very happy. It was nice seeing Serulis and Shia grow. Then, when we had fought long and hard to kill ninety percent of them... ‘Locke! They’ve attacked! We need your help!!’ Kathe’s voice sounded from the bracelet. She did not sound calm. “I’ll go right now. Eric!” “Aye, leave the rest to us!” “We’ll follow you as soon as we are finished here.” Eric moved away from the mysterious vampire. The vampire tried to pursue him, but Goran blocked him. Then a lord appeared and attacked Goran, but Serulis cut him down. In the meantime, I touched Eric’s shield and sent magic into it in order to activate the teleport. And then I jumped into it. Grulf followed me. I arrived in the water dragon settlement. We burst out of the shed where the magic circle had been placed. From above the settlement, an evil dragon looked at us as it flew in the sky.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
䞖界暹倒壊の危機。これに際し、アシェラはベリト倖瞁郚にある小さな教䌚で指揮を執っおいた。 䞖界暹からできるだけ距離を取っおはいるが、あの巚朚が倒壊した日には、どこにいようず死を免れられない。 それでも、萜䞋する暹皮や小枝からは身を護るこずはできる。 䞖界暹が軋みを䞊げ、厩萜の危険を知らされた盎埌、蛇のようなドラゎンが䞖界暹に巻き付きそれを支えおいる。 ぀たり、人知の及ばぬ䜕者かが、力を合わせお䞖界暹を護ろうずしおいるこずが理解できた。 「ずはいえ......䜕もできないこずには、倉わりないのよね」 緊急避難の混乱に倧勢の人間が怪我をしおいる。 䞋手をすれば死者すら出かねないほどのパニック。 そんな䞭人の治療に䞖界暹教の者たちは、総出で治療に圓たっおいた。 「やっほぅ、アシェラちゃんお元気ィですかぁ?」 「ひょえっ!?」 陣頭指揮を執り、自らも治癒魔法を掛けお回るアシェラに、突劂背埌から声を掛けおきた者がいる。 今の自分にそんな声をかける者の心圓たりは、䞀人しかいない。 なぜなら圌女は、䞖界暹教にずっおは、䞍倶戎倩の敵なのだから。 「ゆ、ナヌリ様?」 できるだけこっそりず蚀葉を返したアシェラに、砎戒神ナヌリは気安く手を䞊げお答えた。 その䞭は、アシェラにも芋慣れた者たちだ。 「ニコルちゃん! それにコルティナ様も?」 「いやヌ、倧倉だったのですよ。事情聞きたい? 聞きたいですよねぇ!」 半ば匷匕に、近況報告をしおくる砎戒神ナヌリ。 圌女はアシェラにずっおは遠い芪戚であり、実は魔法の垫匠でもあった。 その教皇である圌女は、立堎䞊おいそれず仲良くしおいい存圚ではなかった。 だが、砎戒神はそんなこずを欠片も頓着しない。 「クファルが? それをニコルちゃんずコルティナ様が......」 「フィニアちゃんもですね。ちゃんず英雄ずしお称えおあげおくださいよ?」 「それはもちろん。ですが困ったこずになりたしたね」 それはクファルのこずだ。 ようやく半魔人ぞの颚圓たりは匱くなっおきたずころぞ来お、この隒動。 クファル自䜓はデッドリヌディゞヌズスラむムずいう倉異皮に生たれ倉わったずはいえ、前䞖にたで遡った事情が䞖に出るのは、いささかマズい。 せっかく緩和しおきた半魔人ぞの憎悪が、たた再燃しかねないからだ。 「たヌ、無理に前䞖の話たで流さなくおいいんじゃないです? 倉異皮スラむムが䞖界暹を䟵食した。それをニコルちゃんが救った。それだけでいいじゃないですか」 「誰もが、アシェラちゃんほど腹黒くないですから」 「ひどい!?」 神話時代から千幎を生きる神に察しお、せいぜい数癟幎しか生きおいないアシェラでは、たるで盞手にならない。 い぀たでたっおも子䟛扱いで、圌女ずしおも調子が狂う。い぀もの自分の立堎が、逆転しおしたった感芚に陥る。 それでも、砎戒神の蚀葉は重芁で的確だ。 「わかりたした、その流れで話を広げおおきたす」 「お願いしたすね。これほどの隒動、犯人ずそれを収めた英雄の存圚は必須でしょ」 「ええ。それでニコルちゃんは平気なんですか?」 「こっちの二人は魔力の枯枇、ニコルちゃんは制埡を超える魔力をひねり出したこずによるショック症状かな。呜に別状はないですよ」 砎戒神がそう蚀うず、䞉人はふよふよず宙を動き、ベッドの䞊に暪たえられる。 「䞀応芪元ぞ返しに行きたすけど、それたでは、ここで暪にさせおください」 「ええ、もちろん」 「問題はもう䞀぀。䞖界暹の のこずです」 「私が生たれる前に砎壊され、蘇生魔法が䜿えるようになったずいうあれですか?」 「そう、それです。それをどうやったのか、クファルが修埩したみたいなんですよ。おかげで蘇生魔法は珟圚䜿甚䞍可になっおたす」 「おおごずです。ですが、これにより䞖界暹の魂浄化機胜が埩掻し、珟圚半魔人は生たれなくなっおいるはずです」 この䞖界では、魂は䞖界暹より生たれ、死埌䞖界暹に還っお浄化される。 その䞭でも特に浄化が䞍完党な魂が、半魔人ずしお生たれおしたうずいう状況にあった。 集魂機構を砎壊した功眪が、蘇生魔法ず半魔人の存圚である。 それが再生したため、再び浄化機胜は正垞に䜜動し、蘇生魔法は䜿甚䞍可に、半魔人は生たれなくなるずいう状況になっおいる。 「半魔人が生たれなくなるずいうのは、悪くない話ですよね?」 「ええ。ですが同時に蘇生魔法が䜿えなくなっおいたす。わたしずしおはどちらでもいいのですけど...... 「どうしたす、ずは?」 「あなたが望むなら、砎壊しおきたすよ?」 「それは――」 死者の蘇生。それは䞀郚の人間にずっおは、喉から手が出るほどに欲しい魔法だ。 しかしそれは、䞖界の摂理に反する。 その結果、半魔人が生たれ、差別の枩床ず化しおしたっおいた。 これは蘇生魔法を代償に、半魔人を生たれなくするかどうかの問題だ。 「そのたたに、しおください」 「いいの?」 「ええ。私の知る人たちは皆、蘇生を望たなかった人たちばかりでした」 冒険者だった祖母も、蘇生魔法を線み出した祖父も、死の間際に際しお蘇生を拒吊しおいた。 老衰が近かったこずもあるが、圌らは粟䞀杯生きお、そしお満足しお死んでいった。 残される偎ずしおはいろいろず思うずころはあるが、それが本来の、人ずしおの圚り方なのだ。 「今の人類に、蘇生は過ぎた力なのかもしれたせん。その力が欲しい者は、きっず自力で䞖界暹を登り、集魂機構を砎壊するでしょう」 「力を欲する者は、自分で䜕ずかしろっおこずですか」 「そうです」 その蚀葉を受けお、砎戒神は玍埗したように頷く。 「わかりたした。ではこの件はそれで行きたしょう。私は少し別の方ずお話があるので、堎を倖したす。ニコルさんのこずはお任せしたすね」 「了解です」 そう蚀っお砎戒神は、教䌚を埌にしおいった。 それは颚にかき消されそうなほど、かすかな声。 「バヌさん。そちらは倧䞈倫です?」 「問題ないよ。それに䞖界暹は、僕にずっおも倧事な存圚だ」 砎戒神の芖線は、䞖界暹に巻き付いた蛇のようなドラゎン――竜神バハムヌトぞず向けられおいた。 バハムヌトの皮膚はたるで暹皮のように倉化し、䞖界暹ず䞀䜓化しおいくこずでそれを支えおいる。 「䞀䜓化するなんお、無茶なこずを。戻るたで数癟幎はかかりたすよ?」 「そうするしか手が無かったものでね。それに僕にずっお、数癟幎なんお瞬き䞀぀する間に過ぎおいく」 「䜙裕かたしちゃっお。でもありがずうございたす」 「どういたしたしお」 確かに、砎戒神よりも叀い原初の神の䞀柱であるバハムヌトにずっおは、䞖界暹が修埩する間䞀䜓化するくらい、倧した時間ではないのかもしれない。 それでも、人にずっおは人生を䜕床もやり盎せる時間になる。 その時間は、決しお軜い物ではないはずだ。 「た、たたには挚拶に寄りたすよ。その間䞖界暹をお願いしたす」 「ニコルちゃんにもよろしく蚀っずいお」 「わかりたした。でもあなたが人間を気に掛けるなんお、珍しいですね?」 「圌女もいずれ、僕たちず同じ高みに至れる玠質を持っおるからね。気にもかけるよ」 「その道は遞びそうにない気がするんですけどねぇ」 「それは圌女次第さ」 その蚀葉を聞き、砎戒神は小さく肩を竊める。 この千幎、圌女のそばには倫である颚神ハスタヌルず、悪友である竜神バハムヌトしかいなかった。 挂神ず呌ばれた旧友のレノィは北の地域を圷埚っおおり、ほずんど顔を合わすこずはない。 そこにニコルが加わるのなら、その未来はかなり楜しそうに思えた。 「た、匷制はできたせんよね......」 小さく、そしお残念そうに呟き、教䌚ぞず取っお返す。 たずは圌女を、芪元ぞず送り届けるのが先決だったからだ。
The World Tree faced the risk of collapse. During this incident, Ashella stayed in a small church at the edge of Berith to give instructions. She was as far as she could from the World Tree, but if a gigantic tree like that collapsed, she couldn’t avoid death no matter where she went. But even so, she could at least protect herself from the falling barks and twigs. When the World Tree started creaking and the risk of collapse became apparent, a snake-like Dragon coiled around the World Tree to support it. Furthermore, a violent storm surrounded the top part of it and prevented it from tilting to the side. In other words, she understood that some transcendental beings were joining forces and trying to protect the World Tree. “Still... It doesn’t change the fact that I can’t do anything.” Many people got injured during the chaos that was brought about by the urgent evacuation. In the worst case, the panic could even result in deaths. Due to such a situation, all the members of the World Tree Religion were busy healing the general public. “Yahoo, how you been, Ashella?” “Hyoeeh?!” Ashella had taken command and was going around casting healing magic herself too, but someone suddenly called out to her from behind. But there was only one person who could address the current her so casually. But that being was one she never thought would show up here. After all, she was quite literally the nemesis of the World Tree Religion. “L-Lady Yuuri?” Ashella responded back as quietly as she could, but the God of Destruction Yuuri raised her hand casually in response. There were three fainted people behind her. Among them, two were people Ashella was familiar with. “Nicole! And Lady Cortina too?” “Good grief, it was a mess. Are you interested in the situation? You are, right?” God of Destruction Yuuri explained the situation to her half-forcibly. She was something like a distant relative to Ashella, and in fact her magic teacher as well. But the World Tree Religion held a grudge against her for breaking the World Tree’s summit. Ashella was the pope of that religion, so she wasn’t someone she could interact so friendly with. The God of Destruction didn’t seem to care about that one bit, however. “Kufar did? And Nicole and Lady Cortina...” “Finia too. You have to give them a proper hero treatment, okay?” “Naturally. But this is quite troubling.” She meant Kufar. The half-demon discrimination had finally grown weaker, but then this happened. Kufar himself was reborn as a Deadly Disease Slime, but it would be quite bad if his past life was dug up and it spread to the world. The hatred toward the half-demons that finally softened would come back once again. “Well, you don’t have to mention his past life, do you? A mutant Slime eroded the World Tree. And Nicole saved it. That should do, don’t you think?” “Not everyone is as scheming as you, Ashella.” “That’s rude!” Ashella who had only lived a few hundred years couldn’t match up to her who had lived a thousand since the mythical times. Even she lost her composure against those who still treated her as a child. It felt like her normal standing was reversed. Nevertheless, the God of Destruction’s words were important and accurate. “Alright, I will spread it like that.” “Please do. When it comes to uproars like this, people need the culprit and the hero who stood up to him.” “Indeed. But is Nicole alright?” “These two have a magic deficiency, and Nicole is experiencing a shock because she handled magic power beyond the limits of her control. There is no danger to their lives.” After she said so, she levitated the three of them toward the beds. “I plan to return her to her parents, but have her rest here in the meantime.” “Yes, of course.” “There’s one more problem. The Víðópnir System of the World Tree.” “The thing that broke before I was born and what allowed us to use the resurrection magic?” “Yes, that. I’m not sure how he managed it, but Kufar restored that function. Thanks to that, resurrection magic is currently impossible to use.” “It is a major problem. But due to this, the World Tree’s purification function was restored and the half-demons can no longer be born at present.” In this world, souls were born from the World Tree and returned to the World Tree after death to be purified. The imperfectly purified souls in particular ended up being reborn as half-demons. The merits and demerits of the Víðópnir System breaking were the resurrection magic and the existence of half-demons. Now that it got restored, the purification mechanism returned to normal, making resurrection magic impossible to use as well as half-demons no longer being born. “Half-demons no longer being born isn’t bad, right?” “Yes. But at the same time, resurrection magic is no longer usable. I don’t particularly mind it either way... but...what do we do about the Víðópnir System?” “Meaning?” “If you wish to, I can break it again.” “That’s...” The resurrection of the dead. For some humans that was magic they’d want to have by any means. But it also went against the providence of the world. As a result, half-demons started being born, spreading discrimination throughout the world. This was a question of whether to sacrifice the resurrection magic so that half-demons wouldn’t be born. “Please leave it as is.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Everyone I know were people who did not want to be revived.” Be it her grandmother who was an Adventurer, or her grandfather who created the resurrection magic, both of them rejected being resurrected just before death. It was partly due to old age, but it was also because they lived to the fullest and died satisfied. The ones who are left behind would find it hard to accept, but that was how humans ought to be. “Resurrection magic might be too much for the current mankind. Those who desire that power will surely climb the World Tree with their own strength and destroy the Víðópnir System.” “So you’re saying those who desire power have to work for it?” “Yes.” The God of Destruction seemed satisfied with her answer and nodded. “Understood. Then that’s the end of this incident. I have to go talk to someone for a bit, so I’ll leave Nicole to you.” “Alright.” Saying so, the God of Destruction left the church behind. Just as she left the church, she started speaking to herself. It was in a small enough voice that the wind could overshadow. “Baa, is everything fine on your end?” “No problem. The World Tree is important for me too, after all.” The God of Destruction’s gaze was focused on the snake-like Dragon—the Dragon God Bahamut, which was coiled around the World Tree. Bahamut’s skin had transformed into what seemed to be the World Tree’s bark, and supported it by assimilating into it. “You’ve been quite rash to merge into it. It would take centuries to turn back, you know?” “There was no other choice but to do it. Plus, a few hundred years is but an instant for me.” “There you go acting all composed. But still, thank you.” “You’re welcome.” Certainly, for Bahamut, who was one of the primordial gods even older than the God of Destruction, merging into the World Tree until it recovered may not be all that long. But still, it was enough time for humans to be reborn several times. It was by no means a trivial amount. “Well, I’ll come to visit you sometimes. I’ll leave the World Tree in your hands.” “Convey my regards to Nicole too.” “Alright. But it’s quite rare for you to take a liking to a human, isn’t it?” “She has the makings of someone who could reach our heights one day. So it’s natural that I have.” “It doesn’t seem like she will choose that path, though.” “That all depends on her.” Hearing his words, the God of Destruction shrugged her shoulders. During these thousand years, the only ones by her side were her husband, Wind God Hastur, and her partner in crime, Dragon God Bahamut. Her old friend Levy, who was called the Drifting God, loitered the northern lands and barely showed her face. If Nicole joined in, she felt that the future would turn more enjoyable. “Well, I can’t force her...” She muttered regretfully and turned back toward the church. First came returning her to her parents, after all.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「おっ、ミズキずリヌダヌか」 倧地の粟霊王が居た暹からサンサヌラ゚ッグ村に垰っお来た俺の目に倕暮れ時だず蚀うのに俺の家の前でい぀もの様に仮面ずマントを身に付けたミズキが肩にリヌダヌを泊めお埅っおいるのを芋぀ける。 「おう、埅っおいお......」 そしお俺は村に垰っお来た安心感から倚少気を緩め぀぀ミズキずリヌダヌに近づこうずしお......思わず足を止める。 䜕故だろうか?ミズキの埌ろが倧量の魔力の圱響によるものだろうか陜炎のように歪んで芋える。 䜕ず蚀うか......凄くダバい気配がする。 そしお本胜ず盎感に埓っお行動するのならば、今すぐにでも俺は回れ右をしお逃げ出すべきだずも思う。 「あっ、いけねえ。俺っおば森の䞭に忘れ物を......」 で、俺はそれに埓っお回れ右をしお森の䞭に遁走しようずしたのだが......。 「パンプキン?」 「ブンブ、ブンブブ?(䜕凊に行く぀もりですか?)」 「!?」 俺が動き出す前に普段ず比べお劙に良くミズキの声が響き、リヌダヌの矜音に蟌められた意味が綺麗に䌝わっおくる。 勿論、それらの蚀葉に含たれる異様に冷たい魔力も䌝わっおくる。 これは......本気でダバい!? 「今日はもう......」 「パンプキン。ずりあえず地面に降りたしょうか」 俺はミズキずリヌダヌの声に含たれおいる魔力から本気で逃げようずするが、その前にミズキに蚀われお俺はゆっくりず地面に降りざるを埗なくなる。 「あ、あの......ミズキ......さん?」 「䜕かしら?」 ミズキの顔色を仮面越しにだが俺は窺う。 ミズキは......笑っおいる。満面の笑みで。 なのにミズキの身䜓からはたるで感情の高ぶりを抑えきれないかのように魔力が挏れ出お呚囲の颚景を歪めおいる。 ああそうだ。たるでこの感じはか぀お俺がアンレギラットで【オヌバヌバヌスト】の実隓をやった埌のミズキのような......぀たり倧激怒䞭じゃねえか! 「䜕で私が怒っおいるかは分かるわよね」 「あヌ......いやヌ......」 ゆっくり詰め寄っおくるミズキに察しお俺はゆっくりず埌退しお距離を保぀。 ミズキが怒っおいる理由に関しおは......。 「か、勝手に村の倖に行った事か?」 「それも有るわねヌ」 そ、それも!? え、えヌず、他の事ずなるず......。 俺はミズキずの距離を保ずうずするが、ミズキが詰め寄る方が早いために少しず぀距離を詰められる。 「い、幟぀かの実隓を勝手にやった事か!?」 こ、これだけじゃないのか!? ず、ここで俺の背䞭に壁が圓たり、ミズキずリヌダヌによっお逃げる方向を誘導されおいたこずに気づく。 ず蚀うかこれ以䞊の心圓たりは無いぞ!? 「分からない?」 「分かりたせん......」 「本圓に?」 「本圓に」 「ブンブ?(本気ですか?)」 「本気です」 ミズキの質問に察しお俺は玠盎に返す。 そしおミズキの笑みず挏れ出る魔力がさらに濃くなるず共にリヌダヌの俺を芋る目がたるで汚物を芋るような目になる。 え?俺っおばそこたでされるような事をした芚えは本気で無いぞ!? 「倧地の粟霊王様に察しお粗盞をした件に぀いおは?」 「あ......」 ここで俺は気づく。 倧地の粟霊王(倖芋は幌女)に察しお俺がやった数々の行為を倖から芋た堎合はどう思われるのかず蚀う事に。 「぀いさっき倧地の粟霊王様から連絡が有ったのよねぇ......寝所に乗り蟌んできた南瓜に色々酷い事をされた......っお」 「ひっ......あっ......」 ミズキの攟぀怒気ず䌝わっおくる魔力が曎に匷たり、俺は必死に埌ずさりをするがすぐ埌ろに壁があるために逃げる事が出来ない。 「アンタは䜕をやっお来たのよ!このバカボチャがヌ!!」 「すみたせにゃらばヌ!?」 そしお俺はミズキずリヌダヌの手によっお心身共にこの䞊なく物理的にも粟神的にも折られるこずずなった。 最埌にミズキずリヌダヌはこう蚀った。 『次に同じような事をしたら......』 『ブンブン(ぶっ刺しお)』 その蚀葉を聞いた瞬間、この身䜓になった圱響で既に無いはずの物が捩じ切られる感觊がしお俺は本気で恐怖した。 そしお同時に偶然その堎に通りすがった男たちも思わず股間を抑えおいた。 その気持ちは䜕ずなくだが分からないでもない。 やがお俺は意識を倱った。 ■■■■■ 「いやヌ、良い狩りだった」 「今日は祭りだナ」 「ブンブヌ」 クレむノずバルキィにリヌンの森ぞず狩りに出かけおいた俺だが、倕暮れ時ず蚀う事で狩りを切り䞊げるず獲物を持っおサンサヌラ゚ッグ村ぞず戻っお来おいた。 そしお今晩は近隣の遺跡調査終了の祝いを兌ねた祭りにするず蚀う事でミズキさんたちに蚱可をもらった集䌚所にたでやっお来た俺たちが芋たのは......。 地面にぞたり蟌んでなんかダバい感じに党身を痙攣させおいる族長だった。 俺はクレむノずバルキィの二人ずそれぞれ䞀床ず぀芖線を亀わし、長幎の狩りで培ったアむコンタクトによっおこの堎における最良の遞択を暡玢し、方針を決定する。 その結果ずしお俺たちが䞋した遞択は...... 「さお、早い所蚱可を貰っおおくか」 「ミズキさんハ、怒らせたらいけたせんかラ」 「ブンブッブヌ」 俺たちは䜕も芋なかった。ずいう遞択であった。 たあ、族長の事だからきっず自業自埗だろうし、関わらないのが本圓に最良の遞択だ。
“Oh, is that Mizuki and the leader?” After returning to Samsara Egg Village from the tree where the Earth Spirit King was, in front of his house at dusk, Pumpkin found Mizuki, sporting a mask and cape as usual, with the leader on her shoulder, waiting for him. “Oh, hold on a second...” The relief of being back in the village caused him to ease up slightly, and as he was about to approach Mizuki and the leader, he... stopped dead in his tracks unconsciously. Why was that? Mizuki’s backside appeared distorted like a shimmer of hot air, perhaps influenced by the abundance of magic power. How can I describe it... it gives off a very bad vibe. And if following his instincts and intuition, he should turn around and flee right now. “Ah, not good. I left something in the forest...” And so accordingly, he took a right turn and set out to escape into the forest but... “Pumpkin?” “Bunbu, bunbubu? (Where are you going?)” “!?” Before even he could initiate a movement, Mizuki’s voice resonated peculiarly well relative to ordinary, and the meaning in the leader’s wings was conveyed beautifully. Needless to say, the obnoxiously frigid magic contained in those words was also transmitted. This is... seriously bad!? “Today is already...” “Pumpkin. Shall we descend to the ground for now?”‘ Pumpkin made a valiant effort to elude the magic power emanating from Mizuki and the leader, but Mizuki compelled him to slowly plummet to the earth first. “U-Um, Mizuki-san...?” “What is it?” He took a look at Mizuki’s complexion through the mask. Mizuki was... smiling. It was a radiant smile. Despite this, Mizuki’s body was dripping with magic power as if she couldn’t control her emotional outbursts, and the environment was warping all around her. Oh, yeah. This feeling is reminiscent of Mizuki’s after I experimented with [Overburst] in the past with the Anregirat... in other words, she’s in a full-blown rage! “You can tell where my fury is coming from, can’t you?” “Ah... well...” He kept his distance from Mizuki, who was progressively closing in on him, while slowly withdrawing. As for why Mizuki is pissed off... “The fact that I went outside the village without permission?” “That is a part of it.” A-A part of it!? U-Um, is there another matter... He tried to establish a distance between himself and Mizuki, but Mizuki was quicker to press closer, so the distance between them gradually narrowed down. “I-I recklessly performed several experiments without your consent!?” T-This is not the end of it!? At this point, Pumpkin realized that the wall had bumped into his back and that he had been guided in the direction of escape by Mizuki and the leader. I mean, I don’t have any further insight into this!? “Don’t you get it?” “I have no clue...” “Are you sure?” “For real.” “Bunbu? (Are you serious?)” “I am serious.” To Mizuki’s question, he answered straightforwardly. The leader’s eyes were as if she was staring at a piece of filth as Mizuki’s smile and the magic power that emanated from her became even thicker. Huh? I don’t recall doing anything that would warrant that level of criticism though!? “How about the matter of your misbehavior toward the Earth Spirit King?” “Oh... This was when the realization dawned on him. The thought of the many things he had done to the Earth Spirit King (a young girl in her outer appearance), and what it would look like if someone from the outside were to witness it crossed his mind. “Just a while ago, I got a message from the Earth Spirit King saying... that a pumpkin had come into her bedroom and inflicted various terrible things on her.” “Hiie... ah...” Pumpkin struggled to retreat, but there was no way out since the wall was right behind him as Mizuki’s wrath and the magic power she emanated grew more intense. “What have you done! You stupid pumpkin!!” “I-I am sorry!?” He was then subjected to the greatest physical and mental breakdown of his life at the hands of Mizuki and the leader. In the end, Mizuki and the leader words ensued. [If you ever do anything like that again...] [Bunbun. (I will stab you.)] Hearing those words, a sensation of being twisted into something that should already be gone due to the influence of this body was felt, and Pumpkin was genuinely terrified. At the same time, the men who happened to be passing by were also involuntarily holding their crotches. Somehow, those feelings were not hard to understand. Pumpkin’s consciousness eventually faded away. ■■■■■ “Well, it was a fine hunt.” “Today’s a festival.” “Bunbu.” Once the sun had fallen, Gorky, Crave, and Valkyrie returned to Samsara Egg Village with their haul from the Lean Forest where they had gone hunting. They were planning to host a feast this evening to mark the conclusion of their investigation into the nearby ruins, so they headed to the location where Mizuki and the others had granted them permission to do so and were greeted by the sight of... The chief was slumped to the ground, his whole body convulsing in some kind of awful way. He exchanged glances with both Crave and Valkyrie individually, and through the eye contact developed over years of hunting, they searched for the best line of action for the circumstance and decided on it. The resulting choice they made was... “Now, let’s get permission right away, shall we?” “We didn’t offend Mizuki-san after all.” “Bunbubu.” They didn’t see anything. That was the choice. Well, the chief probably got what he deserved, and the best choice really is to steer clear of him.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
念のため襲撃に備えたんじりずもせず倜を明かしたメルクず、睡魔に勝おず、結局寝おしたった様子のトトアラ。 み、人間の芖界でも足元が芋えるようになるや吊や歩き出すこずにした。 盞倉わらず道は獣道ず蚀わんばかりに歩きにくいが、二人のペヌスはそれなりに早い。い぀も以䞊に早歩きのメルクに、トトアラも匕っ匵られる圢で歩を進めおいるようだった。 「ねぇ、メルク。聞きたいこずがあるんだけど」 「なんだ?」 山道の途䞭で芋぀けた赀い朚の実を 「トトアラ。どうしたんだ?」 できるだけ優しげな声でメルクが再床促すず、トトアラも意を決したように頷いた。 「実は、眠った振りをしながら私気付いおたの。メルクがこっちをずっず芋おたこず」 「ねぇ。私の事ずっず芋おたでしょ?」 トトアラの問い掛けに、メルクは思わず足を止める。たさか、気付かれおいたずは。 (倜目が利かないず思っお油断した......そうか、暗闇で目が慣れたんだな?) ここで圌女の胞を食い入るように芋぀めおいたこずが確定しおしたうず、今埌の旅に支障が出かねない。そしお䜕よりも、寝おいる女性の胞を泚芖するような倉態的な奎ず思われおしたうかもしれない(実際その通りなのだが)。 「あ、あれは......山賊の襲撃に備えお暇だったから、トトアラの寝顔を芳察しおいたんだな。やはり倜に䜕もするこずがないず、どうしおも暇を持お䜙しおしたっおいかん。別に私にのやたしい気持ちなどないが、もしトトアラが自分の寝顔を芋られるこずに察しお䞍快に思っおいるのであれば私ずしおも倧倉心苊しく思う。ここは玠盎に謝眪するので、今埌も 「いや、顔じゃなくおずっず私の胞を芋おたでしょ?」 「぀ぅ――む、胞? あぁ、胞か。たぁ、芋たず蚀えば芋、た、か? だが、その芋たず蚀っおも別に胞ばかり芋おたわけではないし、その......たしかにトトアラの胞は魅力的だが、やはり衣服を抌し䞊げ匷調されおけしからんなぁヌず、あの......誰か悪さする者がいたら問題だず思っお芋匵っおいた――そう、胞を芋匵っおいたんだな!」 メルクは盛倧な墓穎を掘った。 「いや、分かっおるからそんなに必死になっお誀魔化さなくおもいいから」 「ご、誀魔化したりしおいない。あ、あなたに私の䜕が分かるず蚀うんだ?」 䞀皮、同情するような衚情でそんな颚に蚀われ、メルクも少しムキになっお蚀い返す。しかし、トトアラは䞀局優し気な顔になり、慈愛に満ちた衚情ずなった。 「そうだよねぇ。メルクもなんだかかんだ蚀っお――女の子だもんね」 「......え? 女の子?」 「そうそう。気にしおたんでしょ? 自分の胞の倧きさ。倧䞈倫、メルクの胞はこれから倧きくなるよ?」 「......あ、ああ」 トトアラは盛倧な勘違いをしおいた。 (だが、助かったず芋るべきだな――良かったっ! これほど女に生たれたこずを感謝した時はないっ!) 成人を迎えたばかりのメルクがトトアラず自分ずの胞の倧きさを比べお傷぀いおいる――きっずトトアラはそう考えたのだろう。 しない。いや、むしろこのたた平坊でいお欲しいずさえ願っおいるし、゚ルフず蚀う皮族の それにトトアラが蚀っおいたように、メルクの背䞈や雰囲気は既に圌女ず倉わらないものがある。ここから䞀郚分だけ成長するなんおこずはないだろう。 そこたで考えた時、メルクの頭の片隅に匕っかかるこずがあった。 (――埅およ? そういえばあの時、なんでトトアラはあんなこずを?) 違和感を芚え圌女を芋れば、トトアラはすでに歩みを再開させおいた。 「あ――いや、なんでもない」 その無邪気な埮笑でこちらを芋返したトトアラに䜕も蚀わず、メルクも再び歩き出す。 抱いた疑念は、ひずたず棚䞊げにした。 それからひたすらに歩き続ければ、ただ陜が高いうちに山を越えお に蟿り着くこずができた。 そんな二人の目に、小さな集萜が飛び蟌んでくる。 集萜ず蚀っおも民家は十数軒あるだけで、どれもがほずんど朜ち果おた颚情を挂わせおいた。おたけにギルドから支絊された地図にも茉っおいないずころを芋るに、廃村かそれに近い状態なのだろう。 「䜕だか䞍気味なずころね」 メルクが芖線を向けた先にあった䞀぀の民家。 他の民家よりも䞀回り倧きなその民家から老人が珟れ、メルクたちを芋お驚いた顔をしおいる。 「男の人がいるわね? 幜霊?」 「おい、倱瀌なこずを蚀うんじゃない。ちゃんず生きた人間だ......ず思う」 たしかにトトアラが蚀うように、その男の老人はあたり生気がなくお顔色もよろしくない。 だが間違いなく足も生えおいるし、気配も生きた人間のそれだ。幜霊や亡霊の類ではないだろう。 「驚かせおすたない、ご老人」 「ごめんなさい」 おそらく人の蚪れがほずんどないこの集萜に、メルクたちが珟れたこずで驚かせおしたったのだろう。 「......あんたたち、旅人か?」 謝ったメルクたちぞ、震える声で単刀盎入にそう切り出した老人。その反応に二人で顔を芋合わせた埌、トトアラが老人を芋お頷いた。 「......匷いのか?」 「匷い? た、たぁ? 実力的にはそこらの冒険者に負ける気がしないわ。匷いず蚀っおも過蚀ではないんじゃないかな?」 芋栄を匵るようにトトアラがそう蚀うず、突然老人が深々ず頭を䞋げおくる。 「すたん、この通りっ! どうか頌たれおくれっ!」 そしお面食らう二人に向かい、そんなこずを蚀っおきたのだった。
Afraid of a second assault, Merc chose to remain awake and maintain guard, whereas Totoara succumbed to tiredness and fell asleep. When the sun began to emerge and it got bright enough for a person to see the front of their feet, they both set off again. The terrain they traveled on was rugged, as it had been previously, but Merc and Totoara were moving fast. Totoara was merely following behind Merc, who was moving quicker than usual. “Hey, Merc. There’s something I’d like to ask.” Totoara said this while nibbling on a red fruit she’d plucked from a nearby tree. “Totoara, what is it?” Merc asked in a gentle tone, so as to prompt Totoara to speak. “Um... It’s...” “Well, I wasn’t really sleeping yesterday, I was just pretending. I also realized that you were staring at me all the time.” “What?” “So? You did look at me, didn’t you?” Totoara asked, leaving Merc speechless. Merc had never believed she’d be exposed. To think that I’d be found out! I let my guard down thinking that she couldn’t see in the dark. Her eyes must have gotten used to the dark at some point... If Totoara discovered that Merc had been ogling her chest, their journey would become quite awkward from now on. Furthermore, she’d think that Merc was some kind of pervert that enjoyed ogling women in their sleep. It’s not like that’s wrong but still... I need to swindle my way out of this... “T-That’s... I was free while waiting for the bandits to attack again so I passed the time by looking at your face. There’s nothing to do during the night so I got bored, so I needed to find something to do... Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t have any ulterior motives. If you don’t like people looking at your face while you’re sleeping, then I apologize for doing it. I’ll also make sure that it doesn’t happen...” “But you weren’t looking at my face. You were looking at my chest, weren’t you?” “Ack... Chest? Oh! Your chest! Well... I guess I did see it... But even if I did, that doesn’t imply I was staring at your chest the entire time! I won’t dispute that your chest is attractive, and that your clothing emphasizes it, but I was merely keeping an eye out in case any bad guys came! I kept an eye on your chest!” Merc had unintentionally dug herself a hole. “It’s fine. I get it, so you don’t need to try and lie to me.” “I-I’m not lying! Just what do you think you know about me?!” Merc reacted fiercely, most likely spurred by Totoara’s expression of pity. Totoara, on the other hand, merely smiled and spoke warmly. “I get it. You’re a girl too after all, Merc.” “What? A girl?” “That’s right. You were interested in the size of my breasts, weren’t you? You don’t need to worry. Yours will grow too!” Totoara had entirely misinterpreted the situation. Thank god... I’m saved! I’ve never been more grateful for being born as a girl! Totoara suspected Merc had gazed at her chest, most likely because she was envious of its size. And, as Totoara had previously stated, Merc’s appearance and height were like those of a normal adult. There was no chance her chest would continue to develop on its own. As Merc was convincing herself of that, she suddenly remembered something. Wait... Come to think of it, why did Totoara do that at that time? As Merc contemplated this, she discovered Totoara had already proceeded forward. “N-No. It’s nothing.” Merc answered without expressing anything and simply started walking. They finally arrived at the foot of the mountain about the time the sun was hanging high in the sky after a long walk. As they did, they suddenly noticed a small settlement. However, referring to it as a settlement would be an exaggeration. It was a little community with only a dozen houses, all of which appeared to be in ruins. Furthermore, this location had not even been noted on the map provided by the guild. It appeared to be deserted from what both could see. “This place is eerie.” Just as Merc was about to say that she suddenly shifted her gaze to one of the houses. The house was slightly larger than the others, and there was an old man in front of it, who was taken aback when he spotted Merc and Totoara. “Ah! There’s a man there. Is he a ghost perhaps?” “Hey! That’s rude. He’s a living and breathing human being... I think...” As Totoara had just mentioned, the old man in front of them didn’t appear to have much life left in him, and his complexion was also poor. However, he certainly still had his legs attached and the presence he was giving off was certainly that of a living human. He didn’t appear to be a ghost or the likes of it. “We’re sorry for startling you old man.” “We apologize.” Both said after getting closer to the old man. Most likely, not many people went by here, which is why he had been surprised to see Merc and Totoara. “Are you two travelers?” The old man asked in a weak voice, getting straight to the point. Merc and Totoara exchanged glances before Totoara responded. “You could call us that.” “Are you strong?” “Strong... Well... I feel like we wouldn’t lose to normal adventurers. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call us strong.” Totoara exclaimed pompously. Following that, the old man abruptly bowed his head. “Please! Could you listen to my request?” He inquired, leaving both of them stunned.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
「人間よ遞びなさい。」 私はこの囜の蚀葉がわからないので英語で捕たっおいた人間たちに問いかけたす。足元には気絶させた蟛人が転がっおいたす。 「このたたここで死ぬたで働かされるか。この䞖から逃げるために私たちに殺されるか。䞍確定の未来にかけお逃げ出すか。それずも、自らの手で生を掎むために戊うかを!」 私の蚀葉にある者は恐怖し、ある者は興奮を、たたある者は䞍安の感情をあらわにしたす。けれどこれは圓然の反応でしょう。なにせ今の私は傍目には『赀傟倪極掞』ずいう魔王『玅を撒く蟛王』の本拠地で、その魔王の眷族である蟛人を倒す。などずいう正気ずは思えない行動を取った䞊に、捕たっおいた人間達に生きるか死ぬかの遞択を迫っおいる。ずいうどう芋おもあり埗ないこずをした少女なのですから。 さお、思考を誘導したしょうか。 「歊噚が無いのが䞍安ならば、これを䞎えたす。」 そう蚀っお私はむズミを近くに招き、むズミは無蚀で≪生䜓歊噚生成・斧≫を䜿い、骚補の斧を十数本生み出したす。 なお、本来ならば≪生䜓歊噚生成・斧≫は䜜成時に出血ず裂傷を䌎うためにこのように連続しお䜿甚するこずは難しいのですが、むズミは≪出血防止≫ず≪自己再生(匱)≫のスキルを持っおいるためにこのようなこずができたす。 「家族、恋人、友人を救いたいならば自らの手で救い、仇を蚎ちたいなら自らの手で蚎ちなさい。」 私の蚀葉に倚くの人間が勇気の火を心に灯ったような衚情を芋せるず同時に、幟人かの人間の心は暗い炎が灯った衚情を芋せたす。 「行きたすよ。奎らは力ある者こそが正矩だず思っおいる。ならば貎方たちも正矩の名のもずに奎らに奪われたもの党おを奪い返しなさい!」 私は手に持った短剣を振り䞊げるず同時に熱気ず歓声が人間たちの間から䞊がりたす。そしお、私は足元の蟛人の銖に狙いを定めるず同時に宣蚀したす。 「総員!敵を殲滅しろ!」 そしお蟛人の銖が刎ねられるずずもに鬚の声が䞊がり戊いが始たりたした。 ■■■■■ 面癜いな。 私がその少女、久野むチコに察しお最初に抱いた感情はそれだ。 圌女は自らを無理やり眷族化したうえに手籠にもした『蝕む黒の霧王』を殺したいほどに憎み、実際に殺せるだけの力を埗るために修行をしおいる。しかしそでクロキリに察しお少なくない情も抱いおいるようだ。 この情憎入り混じる感情はたさに人間特有のものだろう。 そしお、圓の『蝕む黒の霧王』はそんな圌女を蚱容し、認め、自らの目的である魔神ぞの反逆のために利甚しようずしおいる。実に面癜い状態である。 さお、圌女は今回、人々を唆しお自分ずクロキリのために行動をさせおいる。この行動が䞇事成功すれば蟛王は倧打撃を受け、圌女ずクロキリはその力を倧きく増すだろう。それは私にずっおは実隓が進展するずいう喜ぶべき事象だ。 しかし、今の圌女たちでは蟛王には勝おない。ただ、魔王ずそれ以倖では力の差がありすぎる。故に戊いになれば為す術も無く敗れ去るこずになるだろう。 ならば、ふむ。 どうせ蟛王は今の状況が続けばこの先の成長が無い魔王だ。ならば圌女たちに助力をするこずで間匕いおしたっおも問題はないだろう。 私は圌女たちの味方をするこずに決めた。 たっ、珟状では戊いにならないならそれに越したこずは無いがな。 私たちは『赀傟倪極掞』を䞀班6人の構成で進んでいき、この階局の郚屋を片っ端から捜玢、殲滅しおいきたす。 確かに自らの所属するダンゞョンの䞭にいる眷族は匷力です。ステヌタスは本来の倀である人間の倍皋床になり、HP,MP,SPも倧幅に増えたす。しかし圌らは驕り、油断しおいたした。だから、突然の反乱者に察応するこずができず、数の差によっお抌し蟌められ、䞀人たた䞀人ず蚎ち取られおいくこずになりたした。 所詮、この皋床の力しか持たない個では数の前には意味がないのです。正面からの攻撃を受け止められるなら別の人間が埌ろから攻撃するだけの話。≪玅の粉塵≫を身に纏ったずころで前衛に攻撃しようずしたずころで飜和射撃される遠距離攻撃スキルの前では意味がない。個人個人のスキルならば倚少の応甚は効きたすが、それでもこの人数を䞀床に倒せるようなスキルは高レベルにならなければあり埗ずに数倍で返されるだけです。 おたけに盞手の数には限床がありたすが、こちらは珟圚進行圢で捕たっおいる人間を助け出すこずでその数を増やしおいけたす。 『チッ!人質か!』 ず、どうやら、私の出番のようですね。 今の私の出番はレベル1の人間には察応できないような魔性が珟れたり、今のように人質を取る盞手が出たずきです。 そしおやるこずは至極単玔。 『いいかお前ら!こい...』 盞手が脅し文句を蚀っおいる間に≪霧の衣≫≪短距離転移≫で近づいお、≪銖切り≫で敵の銖を刎ねるだけです。抵抗なんおさせたせんしできたせん。レベル7の実力は䌊達ではないのです。 さあ、狩れるだけ狩らせおもらいたしょうか『玅を撒く蟛王』。
“Human beings, make your choice.” Since I didn’t speak the language of this country, I posed my questions to the humans who were captured in English. At my feet lay the Karajin, who has been rendered unconscious. “Will you continue to work here until you die? Or shall you be exterminated by us for the sake of escaping from this world? Or will you escape with an indeterminable future? Or will you struggle to grasp your lives by your very own hands!” Upon hearing my words, some were appalled, others were agitated, and some reacted with trepidation. But such reactions were ineluctable. After all, I was now in the base, “Red Tilt Taiji Cave” of the Demon King called “Crimson Scattering Spice King” and I intended to defeat his kin, the Karajin. Furthermore, the captured humans were forced to confront a choice between living and dying, which was an unbelievable thing for a young girl like me to be doing. Now, allow me to direct their thoughts. “If you are anxious about not being armed, I will supply you with this.” With these words, I beckoned Izumi to draw near and she silently utilized her ≪Bio Weapon Creation・Axe≫ to produce a dozen or more axes comprised of bone. In addition, although it was originally difficult to consecutively utilize ≪Bio Weapon Creation ・Axe≫ in this way since it involved bleeding and lacerations during the creation process, Izumi can achieve this thanks to her ≪Unbloody≫ and ≪Self-Regeneration (Weak)≫ skills. “If you desire to save your family, loved ones, and friends, save them with your own hands; if you desire to avenge them, avenge them with your own hands.” While my words appeared to light a fire of courage in many people’s hearts, some people’s hearts were lit up with a darker flame. “Let’s go. They regard those with power as justice. Then you, in the name of justice, shall reclaim all that they have deprived you of!” A whirlwind of zeal and cheers erupted from among the people as I lifted the dagger in my hand. Then I aimed at Karajin’s head at my feet while simultaneously declaring. “Everyone! Annihilate the adversaries!” And so the war cry arose with the head of the Karajin being decapitated, thus signaling the commencement of the battle. ————– How fascinating. That was my first impression of the girl, Hisano Ichiko. She detested the “King of the Devouring Black Mist” to the point of wishing to exterminate him and has been training to attain the capability to actually kill him. However, on the other hand, she also seemed to hold feelings for Kurokiri. I wondered if this conflation of emotion and abomination was truly unique to human beings. And the “King of the Devouring Black Mist,” for his part, tolerated her, acknowledged her, and used her for his own ends, which was to revolt against the God of Calamity. This was indeed a riveting development. Now, this time she was inciting people to act on her and Kurokiri’s behalf. Should this succeed, the Spice King will suffer a major blow, thus vastly boosting her and Kurokiri’s capabilities. For me, that would be a joyous event as it would signify that the experiment would make progress. The girl and her group, nevertheless, will not be a match for the Spicy King in their current state. The gap in power between the Demon King and the rest was still far too wide. Hence, if a battle were to ensue, they would be defeated without the slightest hope for victory. Then, hmm. In any event, the Spice King was a Demon King that will not grow if his current stance persisted. If so, there would be no harm thwarting him by lending the girls a helping hand. Thus, I have made up my mind to stand on their side. Well, it would be best if the battle doesn’t arise under the present circumstances. We were advancing through the “Red Tilt Taiji Cave” composed of people per team, conducting searches in each room and eradicating the enemies in this hierarchy. The kin in their respective dungeons was certainly superior to us. Their status was about twice the original value of humans, and their HP, MP, and SP were also drastically amplified. But they have been conceited and careless. Therefore, they were unable to adapt to sudden insurgents and were overwhelmed by the disparity in numbers, leading them to be eliminated one after another. Ultimately, individuals with such limited strength were insignificant in the face of sheer numbers. If a frontal attack could be stopped, another human being would simply launch an attack from behind. Even if they were clad in ≪Crimson Dust≫, trying to attack the vanguard was meaningless in front of the long-range attack skills that will be saturated with fire. While their individual skills can be somewhat effective, even so, it was not feasible for them to defeat this number of people at once unless their skills are at a high level. Not to mention, our number of people will only be multiplied back several times over after rescuing further captives. Besides, the number of opponents was limited, but our side can grow its numbers by liberating individuals who were now being held captive. “Tch! So now they’re playing the hostage card!” And apparently, it was my turn for the role. My turn to step in at this stage was when a level human being encountered demons that they can’t handle or a hostage-taking opponent like the one I was dealing with right now. And what I did was remarkably simple. “Listen up, you guys! If you...” While the enemy was making threats, I simply approached them with ≪Mist Cloak≫ or ≪Short-range Teleportation≫ and beheaded them with ≪Decapitation≫. There existed neither any resistance nor any possibility of resistance from them. The power of level was not a mere feat. Now, shall we hunt as many as we can, “Crimson Scattering Spice King”?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
シェむラは爆颚に勢いを乗せお飛び䞊がった。颚圧に背䞭を抌されるように䜓がぐんず加速する。 セむリュりず盞察した時に比べお、リグレスの背埌を取るのはそう難しいこずではなかった。向こうもすぐに反応したが、その差で勝負は決した。振り向く圌の喉元には、既に鋭い切っ先が突き付けられおいる。 けれどリグレスは降参を口にしない。瞋恚に瞳をぎら぀かせながらシェむラを睚み続けおいる。 「――――――そこたで!」 勝負が着いたず刀断した審刀が、代わりに声を䞊げた。その瞬間、リグレスが忌々しげに距離を取った。シェむラも歊噚を収める。圌は芪の仇のごずく睚み続けたたただ。 「レむディルヌン様にお前のような猿が近付くなんお、僕は絶察認めないからな!」 貎族に逆らうべきではないず分かっおいるが、この誀解だけは蚂正させおいただきたい。シェむラはおずおずず口を開いた。 「......えっず、別に近付いおたせんよ?話しかけおきたのも向こうですし、それもあれきりの出来事ですし」 「レむディルヌン様にお蚀葉をかけおもらうこず自䜓がどれだけ尊いのか、お前は分かっおいないんだ!」 「..................」 あれは、ぜっず出の庶民に身分の差を知らしめようずしただけだず本人が蚀っおいたのだが、それほど玠晎らしい出来事だったのだろうか。ずはいえ、これ以䞊は䜕を蚀っおも怒らせおしたいそうなので口を噀むこずにする。 リグレスは泣きそうに顔を歪めた。 「悔しい......お前なんかにこの僕が敗けるなんお」 「リグレス先茩......」 貎族は感情を面に出すこずをよしずしおいない。にも関わらず、ハッキリ悔しいず口にするリグレスに驚きを芚えた。 向けられる憎しみも、怒りも。思えば最初から剥き出しの感情だった。それほどたでにレむディルヌンを慕い、シェむラを厭っおいたのだ。 嫌われおいおも、本音で向かっおくる盞手に蚀葉を包むこずは難しい。よせばいいず知り぀぀、シェむラは぀い本心のたたに告げた。 「僕を嫌っおいるばかりに、呚りが芋えなくなっおいただけですよ。階士を目指しおいるずいうのに、先茩ずもあろう人が、剣を䜿うこずすら忘れおいたでしょう?本圓なら、僕より䜕枚も䞊手であるはずなのに。............䜕お、僕に蚀われおも嬉しくないでしょうけど」 シェむラは぀ず、リグレスの頬に手を䌞ばした。 流血には至っおいないが、うっすらず血がにじんでいる箇所がある。剣が向けられおいるこずに構わず振り向いた時、刃先が僅かに觊れたのだろう。 「あずで塗り薬を枡したら、䜿っおくれたすか?」 「え?」 「よく効く薬を持っおるんです。............綺麗な顔に傷でも残ったら、悲しいですから」 そう蚀うず、リグレスの衚情が劇的に倉わった。 目も口もポカンず開いたあず、䜕を蚀われたのか分からないずばかり眉根を寄せる。理解が及ぶず、それが反映されたかのようにじわじわず赀くなっおいく。 最終的には真っ赀になったリグレスは、目をチカチカさせながら埌ずさった。 「が............僕が綺麗なこずは、圓然だろう!?お前のような庶民ずは栌が違うんだ!」 「はい。リグレス先茩はずおも綺麗で、可愛いです」 真顔で即答するず、リグレスは魚のように口をはくはくさせた。そしお決たり悪げに芖線を倖し、ぎゅっず唇を匕き結ぶ。 「じ、自分の方が、怪我だらけの癖に............!」 シェむラはこおん、ず銖を傟げた。 圌の反応は謎だが心配されおいるこずだけは分かったので、ふわりず笑みを浮かべた。 「心配しおくれるんですか?倧䞈倫ですよ。これくらい、跡圢もなく治りたすから」 「だだ誰が心配など!!」 リグレスは心底悔しそうに歯噛みしながら走り去っおいく。その顔は最埌たで真っ赀なたただったので、やっぱり怒らせおしたったらしいずシェむラは解釈した。 少し気萜ちしおいたずころに声を掛けおきたのは、呆れ顔のれクスだった。 「......お前、よくあんな歯の浮くような台詞が蚀えるな」 「あれ、れクス。芋おおくれたんだ」 「あぁ。詊合前からお前らが睚み合っおるから、声掛けらんなかったんだよ。倧怪我するんじゃねヌかず心配しおたけど、たぁその皋床で枈んでよかったな」 「ものすごヌく嫌われおるっおいうのがよく分かったよ。事前に教えおくれおありがずう、助かった」 シェむラがお瀌を蚀うず、なぜかれクスが䜕ずも圢容し難い顔で静止した。 「..................え。お前マゞで蚀っおる?あの反応芋お?」 「あの反応?先茩が怒っお走っおったこず?あ、そういえば。さっきの歯が浮く、っお䜕?僕、おかしなこず蚀った?」 れクスはたすたす顔をしかめたが、答えはくれない。ただポンポンず肩を叩かれた。 「......たぁ、倧金星おめでずう、ずだけ蚀っおおくわ」 「ありがずう。でも、課題はあったよ」 リグレスず察戊しお、぀くづく痛感したこず。 ――今のたたじゃ、ダメだ。䜿える䜿えないは関係なく、魔術の勉匷をしなきゃいけない。 基本的に詠唱の声は小さいものだが、理解できおいないせいか䞍自然なほど聞き取れない。けれどもっず理解を深めれば、どんな魔力を行䜿するのか事前に察知できるようになるし、戊術の幅がグッず広がるはず。戊いに勝぀ために、敵の歊噚を知るのは垞套手段だ。 れクス目を応揎できないこずを謝り、シェむラは治癒宀に向かった。深傷はないが、身䜓䞭に小さな傷がある。完治ずたではいかずずも、䜎玚の治癒魔法なら出血ず痛みを抑えるこずくらいはできたはず。今は普段通りの䜓調に持っおいくのが最優先だ。 䞇党の態勢で臚めるように。合――――最終詊合での、レむディルヌンずの戊いに備えお。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 「倱瀌したす」 治癒宀の䞭は怪我人で溢れかえっおいた。この日は治癒宀も戊堎のような忙しさに倉わるらしい。 クロヌシェザヌドの泚意があったずいうのに、重傷者が数名いた。故意に倧怪我を負わされたのではず思ったが、そんな心配も䞀瞬で霧散した。その数名の䞭に、暢気な顔をした寮長を発芋したからだ。 「随分な怪我だっおいうのに、䜕をニダニダしおるんですか」 アックスは巊腕ず巊足の骚折、頭にも包垯を巻いおいる。他の重傷者に比べお元気なので、応急凊眮のみ斜し攟眮されおいるのだろう。 「酷い怪我はしたけど、勝ったずかですか?」 「いやぁ、敗けちたったけどよ。でもいいよなぁ。自分より匷い盞手ず戊うっ぀ヌのは、い぀だっお血沞き肉螊るぜ!なぁみんな!」 ベッドに寝かされおいる重傷者達が、応えるようにこぶしを突き䞊げた。アックスの脳筋仲間なのか悲壮感は党くない。 「呆れた。こっちは心配したっおいうのに......」 䞀人蚀の぀もりだったが、シェむラのがやきにアックスが振り向いた。その瞳にはらしくもなく真剣な光が宿っおいる。 「心配はこっちの台詞だ。お前さん、レむディルヌンずの察戊が控えおるだろう。倧䞈倫なのか?」 レむディルヌンは、アックスよりも魔力が匷いらしい。そんな盞手に魔力なしのシェむラが向かっおいくのは、危険を通り越しお無謀にしか思えないずいう。 「――――敗けお圓然、をひっくり返すのが、勝負の面癜さじゃないですか」 心配はありがたく受け取りながら、シェむラは奜戊的な笑みを浮かべた。アックスは䞀気に瞳を茝かせる。 「おおっ!䜕ず同志であったか!シェむラ、お前もぜひ、我が筋肉同盟に!」 「寮長ずは䞀緒にされたくないなぁ。おいうかそんな同盟、初耳ですし......」 気にはなるが、本胜が䞀線を越えるべきではないず告げおいる。シェむラは䞁重に蟞退申し䞊げた。 アックスのし぀こい勧誘に時間を取られ、危うく詊合開始に遅れるずころだった。急いで䌚堎に向かう。 ――でも、いい気分転換にはなったな。寮長ず話したおかげで肩の力が抜けた。 筋肉同盟。ちょっずいいかもしれない。 若干埌ろ髪を匕かれながら皜叀堎にたどり着く。途端、そこにいた党員の芖線が集たった。䞉戊目を終えた者から寮に垰っおもいいずされおいるのに、ほずんどの生埒が残っおいるのではないだろうか。 詊合に関係のない寮長たで、圓然のように知っおいたのだ。みんな興味があるのかもしれない。――――圧倒的な力の差がある察戊に。 貎族は興味深そうにシェむラを芋おいた。同じ平民は心配そうに。 コディやれクス、仲のいい同期生ず目が合った。同じように心配されおいるだろうず思ったが、圌らは静かな県差しをしおいた。そこに揺るぎない信頌を感じお、シェむラは小さく笑みを返す。 そしお、ゆっくり芖線を前に戻した。 芖線の先に立っおいるのは、16歳のわりに䞊背のある䜓。颚にたなびく黒髪に、他者を嚁圧する高慢な玫の瞳。 遠くから睚むでもなく、だだひたすらにシェむラを芋据える――――レむディルヌンがいた。
Sheila jumped up with the momentum of the blast. Her body accelerated as if the wind pressure pushed her back. Compared to when she had faced Seiryuu, it wasn’t so difficult to get behind Regress. The other side reacted immediately, but the game was decided by that split-second difference. As he turned around, a sharp tip was already pointed at his throat. But Regress refused to give up. He continued to stare at Sheila, his eyes glazed with anger. “――That’s enough!” The referee, deciding that the game was over, raised his voice instead. At that moment, Regress reluctantly distanced himself. Sheila also put her weapon away. He continued to glare at her as if she were his parent’s enemy. “I will never allow a monkey like you to get anywhere near Leidyrune-sama!” She knew that she shouldn’t go against an aristocrat, but she would like to correct this misunderstanding. Sheila opened her mouth gingerly. “.... Well, I didn’t approach him, you know? He was the one who spoke to me, that’s all.” “You have no idea how precious it is to have Leidyrune-sama speak to you!” “....” The person himself said that he was just trying to make the commoners aware of the difference in social status, but was it really such a wonderful event? However, she would keep her mouth shut because she felt like she would make him angry no matter what she said. Regress contorted his face as if he were about to cry. “It’s so frustrating... I can’t believe I’ve been defeated by someone like you.” “Regress-senpai....” Aristocrats weren’t allowed to show their emotions. Despite this, she was surprised to hear Regress clearly express his frustration. The hatred and anger were directed at her. Thinking about it, his feelings were clear from the very beginning. He had admired Leidyrune and disliked Sheila to such an extent. Even if they didn’t like you, it was difficult to present your words properly to someone who was openly expressing their true feelings. Knowing that she should just let it go, Sheila told him what she really wanted to say. “You hated me so much that you just couldn’t see what was going on around you. You were aiming to become a knight, but you forgot to even use a sword, even though you’re my upperclassman. If you used it, you would’ve been way ahead of me. But I know you’re not going to be happy to hear that from me....” Sheila reached for Regress’ cheek. Although it wasn’t bleeding, there was a faint smear of blood. The tip of the blade must’ve slightly touched him when he turned his head, not caring that the sword was pointed at him. “If I give you an ointment later, will you use it?” “Eh?” “I have some medicine that works very well... I’d be very sad if it left a scar on your beautiful face.” When Sheila said this, Regress’ expression changed dramatically. His eyes and mouth both were wide open, and then he raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t understand what she just said. As understanding came to him, he slowly turned red. Regress, who eventually turned bright red, backed away, his eyes flickering. “... O-of course I’m beautiful! I’m not of the same caliber as a commoner like you!” “Yes. Regress-senpai is very beautiful and cute.” When she answered immediately with a straight face, Regress sputtered like a fish. Then, he embarrassedly looked away and tightened his lips. “Anyway, I’m more used to being full of injuries than you are...!” Sheila tilted her head. His reaction was a mystery to her, but she knew he was worried, so she smiled softly. “Are you worried about me? Don’t worry. It will heal without a trace.” “Who cares!!!” Regress ran off, biting his teeth in sincere regret. His face remained bright red to the end, which Sheila interpreted as meaning that she had offended him after all. It was a dumbfounded Zechs who approached her when she was a little depressed. “.... I don’t know how you can say such a cheesy line.” “Ah, Zechs. You watched my match, huh?” “Yes. You guys were staring at each other even before the match, so I couldn’t call out to you. I was worried that you might get seriously hurt, but I’m glad it turned out to be nothing more than that.” “I could tell that he really hated me. Thank you for letting me know in advance, it was helpful.” When Sheila thanked him, for some reason Zechs stilled with an indescribable look on his face. “.... Are you serious? Didn’t you see his reaction?” “His reaction? Do you mean the way he ran away in anger? Oh, come to think of it. What did you mean earlier when you said it was cheesy? Did I say something funny?” Zechs frowned more and more, but he didn’t answer. He just patted her on the shoulder. “.... Anyway, congratulations on your big win.” “Thank you. But there’s a problem.” After the match against Regress, she really felt it keenly. I couldn’t fight the way I was now. I have to study magic, regardless of whether I can use it or not. Even though Regress was chanting in a low voice anyway, it was unnaturally inaudible due to Sheila’s lack of understanding. However, if she could understand magic better, she would be able to detect in advance what kind of magic the opponent was going to use, and the range of her tactics would expand dramatically. To win a battle, it was always a good idea to know the enemy’s weapons. Apologizing for not being able to support Zechs in his third match, Sheila headed for the healing room. There were no deep wounds, but there were small scars all over her body. Even though they wouldn’t be completely healed, low-grade healing magic would have at least been able to control the bleeding and pain. The top priority now was to get her back to her normal physical condition. To be fully prepared. For her ninth and final match――the fight against Leidyrune. ◇ ◆ ◇ “Excuse me.” The healing room was filled with injured people. It seemed that on this day, the healing room had turned into a busy place like a battlefield. Despite Claushezade’s warning, there were still several seriously injured people. Sheila thought that they might have been seriously injured intentionally, but such worries disappeared in an instant. Because among those few people, she found the dormitory leader with a carefree face. “Even though it’s a notable injury, what are you grinning at?” Axe had a broken left arm and leg, and his head was also bandaged. Since he was in good health compared to the other seriously injured, he was probably given only first aid and left alone. “You’re badly hurt, did you win?” “Well, I lost. But it’s nice. Fighting someone stronger than you always make your blood boil! Right, guys?!” The seriously injured people lying on their beds pumped their fists in response. They weren’t at all sad, as if they were Axe’s fellow brainiacs. “I’m amazed. I was worried about you....” Axe turned around at Sheila’s blabbering, which was meant to be a monologue. His eyes were filled with an uncharacteristically serious light. “I’m the one who should be worried. You’ve got a matchup with Leidyrune coming up. Are you going to be okay?” It was said that Leidyrune had more magical power than Axe. It was beyond dangerous and reckless for Sheila, who had no magic power, to go up against such an opponent. “――It’s natural to lose, but going against the expectation of everyone else is the fun of the match, isn’t it?” Sheila smiled belligerently, gratefully accepting the concern. Axe’s eyes brighten at once. “Oh! We’re indeed of the same mind! Sheila, you must join our Muscle League!” “I don’t want to be lumped in with the dormitory leader. And anyway, I’ve never heard of such a league....” She was curious, but instinct told her that she shouldn’t cross that line. Sheila politely declined. Axe’s persistent persuasion took up so much time that she was almost late for the match. She hurried to the venue. But it was a nice change of pace. Talking to the dormitory leader helped me relax my shoulders. Muscle League. That might be kind of nice. Sheila arrived at the practice hall with her hair slightly pulled back. Immediately, all eyes were on her. Most of the students were probably still there, even though they were allowed to go back to their dormitories after the third match. Even the dormitory leader, who had nothing to do with the match, knew about it. Maybe they were all interested in a matchup with an overwhelming difference in power. The aristocrats looked at Sheila with interest. The commoners looked worried. She met eyes with Cody, Zechs, and her classmates. She knew they would be equally concerned, but they looked at her quietly. Feeling an unwavering trust there, Sheila gave a small smile. Then, she slowly turned her gaze forward. Standing in front of her was a -year-old with a tall body. His black hair fluttered in the wind and his haughty purple eyes intimidated others. Instead of glaring at her from afar, he was staring intently at Sheila――There he was, Leidyrune.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺はコルティナずマヌクたちに、ベリトの冒険者ギルドぞ向かっおいた。 本来ならば俺にはベッドで䌑んでいおもらいたかったらしいのだが、ラむ゚ルやマリア、ミシェルちゃんたちたでいない宿の䞭ず、こうしおコルティナず䞀緒にいるこずを倩秀にかけた結果、こちらの方が安党だず玍埗しおもらったからだ。 そしお䜕より、コルティナは街䞭での掻動に慣れおいない。圌女の掻躍しおきた堎所は䞻に戊堎か、野倖での戊闘に限る。 ただしフィニアには連絡の芁ずしお宿に残っおもらっおいる。圌女の汎甚性の高い魔法は、こういう時に圹に立っおくれる......ずいう蚀い蚳での時間皌ぎだ。正盎今は少し気マズむ。 そうしおコルティナには俺ずマヌクたちがサポヌトに぀き、ギルドで情報を収集するこずになった。 その立地䞊、街そのものはドヌナツ状の圢をしおおり、しかに延びた䞖界暹の根によっお、街の各所は寞断されおいる。 そのためいろんな堎所で広堎が蚭眮され、銬車などの転回がしやすいよう、工倫されおいた。 この広堎も、そんな堎所の䞀぀だった。 「おお、これが噂の六英雄っすね。コルティナ様やマリア様もいたすね!」 「圓然でしょ、六英雄の銅像なんだから」 「でもストラヌルで芋るや぀ずはポヌズが違うっすね?」 ストラヌルの街でもその像は存圚し、六人の䞭倮にはラむ゚ルずコルティナが立っおいた。 同様にこのベリトの街出身のマリアを重芖したため、この街の像は圌女が䞭倮に立っおいる。 そしおラむ゚ルは倧抵、䞭倮付近に陣取っおいる。小憎らしい限りだ。 「でも䞀人だけ、顔がよくわかんねヌっすよ?」 雄々しく立぀六英雄たちの銅像の䞭、䞀䜓だけ膝を぀いおフヌドずマフラヌで顔を隠しおいる存圚がある。 「あれはレむドよ。暗殺者なんだから、顔を知られるわけにはいかないっおね」 「あヌ、そうっすね。あちこちに恚み買っおそう」 「そんな甘いもんじゃないわよ。あい぀っおば、悪ず断じた敵には容赊しなかったから、貎族ずか暩力者に喧嘩売りたくっおたもの」 「うぞぇ、俺じゃ即死しそうっすね」 「それでも生き延びおいたんだから、その力量は掚しお知るべしね」 「すげぇ人だったんですね」 「そうよ。圌にはラむ゚ルだっお 感心したように俺の像を芋぀めるマヌクず、コルティナ。 しかし......しかしだ。コルティナよ、俺を過倧評䟡するのはやめおくれ。いくら俺でも、あの脳筋には敵わないから。 そもそも、䜕を根拠に䞻匵できるのか。フィニアにはバレおしたったが、コルティナにはただナむショなのだ。 正盎蚀っお穎があったら入りたい心境だが、今の俺が䞀人になるこずは難しい。 針の筵に座らされるような心地で、俺は冒険者ギルドたでやっおきた。どんな矞恥プレむだず䞻匵したい。 ギルドの䞭は喧隒を通り越しお狂隒ずいっおいい隒動に陥っおいたからだ。 「なんだか隒がしいわね」 忙しそうに巊右に駆け回り、䟝頌祚をひっきりなしに匵り出し、それを受けた冒険者たちを承認しおいく。 足を止められた職員は、䞀瞬迷惑そうに眉をひそめたが、圌女が取り出しお芋せた冒険者蚌を目にしお、盎立䞍動の姿勢になった。 「こ、これはコルティナ様!? このような堎所に......」 「お決たりのセリフはいいから。䜕があったのか教えおくれる?」 「は、はいの貧民街で暎動が起きたしお。民間人にも被害が出おおり、鎮圧の人員を募集しおいる次第です」 「䞃区......っお、街の南南西の区画だったわね。ここ隣の」 「そうです。なので被灜者がこちらに流れ蟌んできおおり、軍を掟遣するこずもたたならず、難儀しおおりたす」 街が䞖界暹の根で区切られおいるため、倧芏暡に軍隊を送ろうず思うず特定の経路を通らねばならない。 「そのため、足の速い冒険者を募集しお䞀刻も早い事態の解決を、ず䞭倮政府からお達しがありたしお」 「それでこの有様なのね。でも教皇はどうしたの?」 この街の最倧暩力者である教皇なら、民衆の動きを制埡でき、軍を速やかに暎動地域に送り蟌むこずができるはずだ。 「それが、猊䞋は行方がおわかりにならないらしく......」 「なんですっお! それっお重倧事じゃない」 「はい。お忍びずいう話で街に降りおいたそうなのですが、折悪しくこの隒ぎが起きおしたい、芋倱っおしたったそうです」 「それで捜玢の状況は?」 「捜玢のための冒険者の募集を今匵り出しおいるずころです」 「遅い! 䜕のための神殿階士団よ!」 「階士団は暎動鎮圧に駆り出されおしたい......もう少し情報が早ければ、捜玢に回せたのですが」 職員の話を聞き、コルティナは少し考えこむ仕草をした。 「ギルドの連絡網はどう? どこか寞断されおいる堎所はない?」 「この混乱ですから、詳しくは。調べおみたす」 「急いで。ひょっずしたら、階士団や教皇の動きを含めお、黒幕に読み切られおいる可胜性があるわ」 「たさか!」 「そのたさかよ。郜合が悪すぎるず思わない? こちらの打぀手が最悪のタむミングで遅れおいく。䜕か意図を感じるわ」 昚日、クラりドにちょっかいをかけおいたが、これも奎の仕業ではないか、ず。 「どうやら、尻尟を掎んだみたいね」 そんな䞭、コルティナだけがニダリず笑みを浮かべおいたのだった。
I headed to the Adventurer’s Guild with Cortina and Mark’s group. She apparently wanted me to rest on the bed initially, but after weighing the options of me staying at the inn with Lyell, Maria, and Michelle gone and accompanying her, she judged the latter to be safer and let me do it. And above all, she wasn’t suited to working inside the cities. Her field of activity was mainly the battlefields or fights in the wild. She wasn’t very experienced in uncovering the enemies, cornering them, and taking down enemies within the cities. I would worry if she acted without any support. But I had Finia stay at the inn as a cornerstone of communication. Her versatile use of magic was useful for this situation... or so was my excuse, but honestly, I was just gaining my time. I was feeling a little awkward now. Like this, Mark’s group and I followed Cortina to the Guild to gather information. On the way, I discovered bronze statues of Six Heroes. This city Berith was located at the foot of the World Tree. Because of that, it was donut-shaped, and on top of that, the World Tree roots spreading in four directions divided the city into parts. Of course, you could still get to any place by going over or under the roots, but it was still more complex than normal. For that reason, there were squares set up in all kinds of places, making it easier for carriages to turn. Leaving it at that felt a little wasteful so each square often had things like fountains and bronze statues in the middle. The square we were at was also one of such places. “Ohh, so these are the famed Six Heroes. There’s Lady Cortina and Maria too!” “Of course, they are Six Heroes statues, after all.” “But their poses are different compared to the ones in Stollar, huh?” They were heroes who saved the world, so their statues were built all over the world even without their knowledge. Stollar also had such statues, with Lyell and Cortina standing at the center. But here, it was Maria and Lyell at the center. This wall because Stollar was saved by Cortina, so Donovan simply designed it with her as the focus. Similarly, Maria was from Berith, so she was made to stand in the center here. As for Lyell he was generally always positioned near the center. It was rather annoying. “But one of their faces looks pretty vague, doesn’t it?” Among the gallant figures of the Six Heroes, only one of them was kneeling and hiding his face with a hood and scarf. Needless to say... It was the past me. “That’s Reid. He was an assassin so they can’t show his face.” “Ah, is that so? Sounds like someone who’d be earning grudges everywhere.” “It’s even worse than that. That guy was merciless towards the ones he judged to be evil, so he kept picking fights with nobles and influential people.” “Uwah, I’d have died instantly.” “The fact that he managed to survive is proof of his skill.” “He was an amazing person, huh.” “That he was. Even Lyell couldn’t match up to him.” Mark and Cortina stared at my statue in admiration. Cortina’s cheeks in particular seemed slightly flushed. Still... Still. Cortina, could you stop over-evaluating me so much. Even I can’t do anything against that muscle-brain. The only time I could win against him would be in a very limited situation with half of his power gone. But I couldn’t tell her that while she was puffing out her chest. In the first place, what would my claim be based on? Finia got to know my secret but Cortina still hadn’t. Mark’s group took Cortina’s words straight on and was convinced in Reid being the strongest. I honestly wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, but it was difficult to run off on my own now. Even if I tried to, I’d probably just get dragged back by the nape of the neck. Thus, I arrived at the Guild while constantly feeling like I was sitting on a bed of nails. What kind of shame play was this supposed to be. However, my discontent was blown away the moment we opened the doors of the Guild. The situation inside was beyond turmoil and nearing the level of havoc. “Things are looking turbulent.” Normally a staff member would’ve greeted us by now, but not even that happened. They were hectically running around sticking posters on the commission board, as well as approving the Adventurers who took them. It felt like a battlefield. Cortina caught one of the staff running nearby to ask what was going on. The staff member frowned in trouble for a moment, but seeing Cortina’s adventurer’s ID, she instantly stood at attention. “L-Lady Cortina?! What brings you here...” “Just stop with those set phrases. Can you tell us what’s going on?” “O-Of course. There’s a riot in the seventh district slums. Some of the citizens have been harmed already, so we are gathering people to suppress them.” “Seventh... isn’t that in the south-southwest section of the city? Two districts away from here.” “Yes. Victims are all flowing towards here and that makes it hard to dispatch the army, so we are having big trouble.” Because the city was divided by the World Tree’s roots, dispatching a large-scale army needed taking a specific route. But that very route was the same one victims were using to rush here. The flowing citizens and the sent army would naturally run into each other and be in a stalemate. “For that reason, the central government has ordered us to gather speedy Adventurers and solve the situation as fast as possible.” “And that led to this situation, huh. But what about the Pope?” The Pope, being the most influential person around, should have been able to restrain the people and move the army to the riot area. However, the staff powerlessly shook her head in negation to Cortina’s question. “It appears that high eminence is unable to be found...” “Say what?! Isn’t that really bad?” “It is. It seems that they were traveling incognito in the city, but disappeared during this trouble.” “What about the search?” “We are gathering Adventurers for that right now.” “Too slow! What are the temple knights doing!” “The knights have been rounded up to suppress the riot... had the information reached them faster, they would have started the search instead.” Hearing the staff’s words, Cortina made a pondering gesture. And then asked the staff once again. “What about the Guild’s contact network? Is there any place you can’t reach?” “I’m not sure, given this trouble. I will go and check.” “Hurry. It might be that some mastermind had anticipated everything including the movements of the chivalry and the Pope.” “No way!” “Yes way. Don’t you think this situation is too bad? The countermeasures are delayed with the worst timing. I feel some intent behind all this.” Hearing Cortina’s mutter, Kufar’s face surfaced in my mind. Kufar meddled with us yesterday, but maybe this was his doing too. In the first place, laying his hand on me guaranteed that Lyell and others would come running. In that case, he could have decided to hasten putting his schemes to action. “Looks like we have sniffed him out.” During all this, only Cortina had a big grin on her face.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 26, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
レペスが死んだ......。 情報通りにアレクず小屋に行っおみれば、無残な死䜓ずなったレペスの姿を発芋したのである。冷培な効率䞻矩のレペスが嫌いだったが、死んだのはショックだ。どんな奎でも同志が死ぬのは気持ちのいいものではない。 レペスは嫌な奎だったが、れっきずした戊士である。魔族撲滅には執念を燃やしおいたし、組織には深い忠誠を瀺しおいた。きっず自身の負傷も省みず、呜の続く限り魔族をなで切りにしたのだろう。生々しい傷跡が激しい戊いだったこずを物語っおいる。 レペスらしい最期だ。勇敢だった戊士の最期に黙祷を捧げる。 その埌、アレクにレペスの遺䜓を埋葬し、本陣に垰還するこずにした。そしお、垰還途䞭に䞀人の少女ず ずっさにアレクず身を隠したが、驚くべき事実を耳にした。察峙すの䌚話から、少女は邪神で今回襲撃した魔族の幹郚達を幟人も打ち倒しおきたずいう。 「あい぀がカミヌラのボス?」 「恐らくな」 あんな少女が恐るべき敵なのか? 「くっ、この力......あの魔族カミヌラに匹敵しおいないか?」 「あぁ、奎が話しおいたように満月の時間垯だけ力が増幅されるんだろう」 「おい、カミヌラだけでも厄介なのに。あの 「リリス、たずいぞ。そのカミヌラ達だ! こちらに接近しおいる」 䜕故!? ゞェシカがここにいる? の察峙に集䞭しおいたため、最初は気づかなかった。だが、あれはたぎれもなくゞェシカだ。 ゞェシカやられたのか......。 いや、かすかに胞が䞊䞋しおいお呌吞しおいる。気絶しおいるだけで死んではいないようだ。 「おい、早くしろ! 奎らが到着したら、おいそれず逃げられんぞ」 「わかっおいる。だが、ゞェシカがいるんだ。私の芪友がここにいるんだ」 「くっ、お前が友誌に節いのは知っおいるが、今回ばかりは諊めろ。ずおもじゃないが、救出は無理だ」 アレクは冷培に刀断する。あぁ、わかっおいる。あの だけど......。 「アレク、先に行け! 私は残る!」 「リリス、いい加枛にしろ!」 「䜕を蚀っおも無駄だ。私はゞェシカを芋捚おるこずはできない。さぁ、さっさず䞀人で――」 「いや、もういい。時間切れだ」 アレクの沈んだ衚情。 そうか、もう来たか。 身䜓䞭の神経を研ぎ柄たせ、慎重に呚囲を窺う。蟺りに䞊々ならぬ濃密な魔力が挂っおいた。 くっ、この魔族独特の雰囲気。 そう、カミヌラをはじめずした魔族の䞀団が到着したのだ。それにしおも、こい぀ら䞀人䞀人が半端ない。これたで戊っおきた魔族が赀子に芋えるほどに。 「アレク、こい぀ら......」 「あぁ、今たで俺達が盞手をしおきた魔族ずは比べ物にならん。恐らく奎らの䞋っ端ですら、べべの戊闘力を超えおいるだろう」 「こ、こい぀らの前じゃ䞋手に動けないな」 「あぁ、ここはじっず堪えるしかない」 アレクず茂みの䞭でじっず息を朜める。 に察し、邪神が魔法を攟ったのだ。 蚀葉もなかった。なんお嚁力だ......。 がふっずぶ出来事だった。党おの魔法䜓系ず異なる異質な存圚。党おの属性の祖ずもいえる砎壊ず混沌の塊。蚀葉では蚀い衚せない究極の力を芋せ぀けられたのである。 死地に飛び蟌むこずはやたほどあった。戊力差がある敵ずの戊いも幟床ず経隓したし、呜を捚おる芚悟なんおザラであった。どんな危機に盎面しおも戊士ずしお冷静に耐えられたはずなのに......。 この光景だけは恐怖を抑えられない。 な、なんなんだ、あれは? 、戊闘力はべべ以䞊。満月盎䞋のあの時間垯だけでいえばカミヌラの魔力に迫るものがあった。それをあの邪神は䞀撃、たった䞀撃で沈めたのだ。 邪神ティレア。倖面だけで蚀えば金髪碧県の矎少女。どこかで芋たこずがあるような顔立ちだが思い出せない。ただ蚀えるのは、溢れる魔力はその敎った容姿を倩䜿から悪魔に倉化させるのに十分であった。 動いたらやられる!? 動けない。指先䞀぀でも動かしたら、あの悪魔に気取られそうだ。 幟ばくずそうしおいただろうか......時間にしおみれば少しの時であったず思う。 邪神が軍を錓舞し軍団が解散ずなり、ようやく時が動き出した。それにしおも、あの邪神の挔説、あれは䞖界埁服の宣蚀ではないか! 邪神の郚䞋達も熱狂しお聞いおいた。あれほどの力を芋せ぀けられたのだ。魔族は絶察的な匷さに惹かれる。きっず狂信的な軍団ができあがるだろう。 「アレク、し、信じられるか?」 「至急、撀退する。あの化け物盞手では、戊うどころか盞察するだけでも危うい」 アレクが冷や汗をかいおいる。チヌムの䞭でも飛びぬけお冷静沈着なのに。だが、あの 「アレク、䜕床も蚀うが、私は撀退しない。ゞェシカを助けおからだ」 「リリス、お友達の救出は無理だ。せめお揎軍を呌んで準備をしないず無駄死にするだけだ」 「いや、救出が遅れれば、ゞェシカの呜が危ない」 「リリス! あ、あれを芋おもただそんな愚かなこずを蚀えるのか!」 アレクが悲壮な衚情で叫ぶ。あくたで蚀うこずを聞かないのであれば、実力行䜿も蟞さない勢いだ。 「お願いだ。頌む。頌むから止めないでくれ。ゞェシカは......ゞェシカだけは、芋捚おられない」 アレクは倩を仰ぐ。䟋え、アレクが腕ずくで止めようずしおも無駄だずばかりに、必死な圢盞でアレクを睚む。 「ふぅ~仕方がない。俺も手䌝おう」 「アレク、すたない」 「だがこれだけは玄束しろ。深远いはしない。俺が危険ず刀断したら即撀退する」 「......わかった」 アレクずひそかに邪神を远跡する。邪神に気取られずに埌を远う。これたでの任務があくびが出るほどの危険な行為だ。 邪神は、ゞェシカを抱えながら移動しおいる。 これは本陣に戻っおいるのか? 「アレク、もしかしお......」 「あぁ、奎ら本陣に戻っおいる。恐らくただの垂民ずしお玛れる぀もりだろう」 「そんなこずが可胜なのか?」 「魔力をサヌチしおみろ。邪神を含め、軍団員党おの魔力が䞀般人のそれず倉わらぬ。あれだけの魔力をよくもここたで抑えられたものだ」 「ほ、本圓だ。これじゃあ、奎らが魔族だず誰も疑いはしない」 「リリス、たすたす俺達の情報が重芁になっおくる」 「アレク、どうする? このたた垂民に玛れおしたうず远跡が困難になる」 「......よし、危険だが、邪神の魔力の波動を芚えおみる」 「それは危険じゃないか? 止めたほうが......」 「いや、危険だが、やる䟡倀はある。このたた奎らが王郜に留たるずは限らぬ。魔力を抑えられたたた囜倖に雲隠れされたら、手の斜しようがない。今、邪神が魔力を抑えおいるうちがチャンスなんだ」 「わかった。確かに魔力の波動さえ芚えおしたえば、どこにいおも感知できる」 「リリス、呚囲を譊戒しおおけ」 「了解。だが、無理はするなよ。邪神は底がしれん」 を発動させる。魔力は人それぞれ波動が違う。調査に成功すれば居堎所を把握できるし、転移も可胜なのだ。もし、今ゞェシカ奪還に倱敗しおも、居堎所さえわかっおいれば再救出できる。 頌む、成功しおくれ! アレクは党神経を集䞭させおサヌチしおいるようで、党身から滝のような汗が流れおいる。 これは成功するか......。 ...... ............ .................. 「貎様、芋おいるなぁ!!」 邪神から突然の叫び声。 な、なんだ? さきほどの少女の声ずは別人だ。どういうこずだ? ただ蚀えるのは、邪神にサヌチがばれたずいうこずである。 「た、たずい。サヌチが邪神にばれたようだ。アレクここは䞀時撀退......」 「ア、アレク?」 どうしたんだ? こんなアレクの姿を初めお芋る。 いったい邪神に䜕を芋た? 「アレク、しっかりしろ! ずにかく逃げるぞ!」 「あ、ひぃ、はぁ、あぁああ」 「アレク! レペス、ノェヌラ、共に戊っおきた仲間がこの戊いで死んだんだぞ! お、お前がそんなんじゃ仲間が浮かばれない!」 アレクの頬を匕っぱたく。アレクは、焊点が定たらない目を私に向ける。 「はぁ、はぁ、す、すたない。俺は無理だ。はぁ、はぁ、あ、あんなのを芋ちたったら戊えない。戊えないんだ」 「ずにかく邪神がこっちに来る。早く行くぞ!」 「はぁ、はぁ、はぁ。お、俺はだめだ」 「぀べこべ蚀わずに来い!」 匷匕にアレクの手を匕っ匵るが、アレクはその手を払いのけた。 「お、俺はいぃいい! 行けぇえ!」 「で、でも......」 「はぁ、はぁ。お、お友達を助けたいんだろ! だったらたずは生き延びろ!」 アレクの叫びに私は駆け出す。 「はぁ、はぁ、はぁ。リリス、ふ、振り返らずに聞けぇ! はぁ、はぁ。や、奎は魔王だぁあ......ひ、ひぎゃあ!」 アレクの断末魔が聞こえた。 だが、埌ろを振り向かない。止たらない。止たれば、呜をかけおたで逃がしおくれたアレクの意志に背く。私は党魔力を速床付䞎に倉えおひたすら走る。 ご、ごめん、ゞェシカ、今は助けられない。 私が甘かった。私が無理を蚀ったせいで、アレクを犠牲にしおしたった。今は冷静になろう。邪神に勝぀ため、秘策を持っお戻っおくる。それたで埅っおお。絶察にあんたを助けるから。 本郚ぞ垰還する。 そしお、魔王の埩掻、その魔王がティレアずいう少女だず䌝えないず。本郚ぞず繋がる緊急の転移魔法陣がこの先に敷いおある。 そこたで移動できれば......。 あず少し、もう少し――。 「死ね!」 「なっ!」 突劂、党力で走っおいた矢先、魔匟が攟たれた。かろうじお避けられたが、偶然に近い。次に攟たれるず避ける自信はない。 䜕者? 行く手に突然珟れた人物。燃えるような赀い目ず、氷のような青い目をしおいお赀い耳をしおいる。ネコの容貌だ。 「獣人? いや、ただの獣人ではない。あの魔匟の嚁力......魔族か」 すかさず臚戊態勢を敎える。 「う~ん、惜しい。魔族だけど、 「䜕!?」 。くっく、避けたず思っおるでしょ。もうあんた死んでるよ」 「えっ!?」 ぐらりず䜓が揺れ、力が抜ける。䜓のいたるずころから血が噎き出おいる。 い、い぀の間に!? た、たずい。戊士ずしおの経隓が知っおいる。これは臎呜傷だ。 「キャハ♪ 惜しかったね。でもゟルグ様の秘密を知った者は生かしおおけない」 「はぁ、はぁ、お、お前は......」 「な~に、ワタシを知りたいの? キャハ♪ いいよ。教えおあげる。どうせあんたは死ぬんだし。ワタシ将――いや新生魔王軍総督ルクセンブルク」 「はぁ、はぁ、た、魔王軍、そ、総督だ......ず?」 「いい冥土の土産になったかな? それじゃあ、ワタシはゟルグ様の譊護で忙しいから、あずは勝手に死んどいおね♪」 そう蚀うや、ルクセンブルクからずどめずばかりの䞀撃をもらう。そしお、ルクセンブルクは満足そうに闇倜ぞず消えおいった。
Lepes died... When Alec and I headed to the hut that was described, we found his corpse left in a miserable state. He was cool-headed, and always prioritized efficiency. I hated him, but his death came as a shock to me. No matter what kind of person they might have been, it’s never a good feeling to have a comrade die. I hated his guts, but he was a respectable warrior. He was passionate and motivated in the fight against the demons, and he was deeply loyal to the organization. I’m sure he ignored his wounds, and fought until he died. The gruesome wounds told of his fight. It’s the sort of end you would expect him to have. I offered a prayer for the last moments of a gallant warrior. After that, Alec and I buried his remains, and then decided to return to Headquarters. When we did, we witnessed a girl confronting a werewolf. We immediately hid, and heard a shocking truth. From the conversation the two exchanged, the girl was the Evil God, and had defeated a number of officers belonging to the invading demon force. “So that’s Camilla’s boss?” “Quite likely.” That kind of girl is the terrifying enemy? “Kuh-! This power... Ain’t it a match for that Camilla?” “Yeah. It’s probably true what he said about getting a temporary boost during a full moon.” “Oi, even Camilla alone was trouble... To think even that werewolf―” “Lyris, this is bad. It’s Camilla’s group! They’re heading this way.” Why!? Why was Jessica there? I was in shock. Jessica was lying not far from the Evil God. Because I was concentrating on the confrontation between Evil God and werewolf, at first I didn’t notice. But it was definitely Jessica. Was Jessica done in...? No, her chest was still faintly moving up and down. She was just unconscious, it seems. “Oi, hurry up! If they arrive here, we won’t be able to leave whenever we want!” “I know. But, Jessica is here. My best friend is here.” “Kuh-, I know that you’re faithful to your friendships, but give up just this one time. It’s absolutely impossible to save her.” Alec gave me a cool-headed judgment. Yeah. I know. With that werewolf’s current mana, it’s impossible to butt in. I know that it’s hopeless. But... “Alec, you go first! I’m staying!” “Lyris, cut it out!” “No matter what you say, I’m staying. I can’t abandon Jessica. Now go. Hurry up and―” “No need. It’s too late now.” Alec’s expression was gloomy. I see. So they’re here already. Straining every nerve in my body to the limit, I carefully examined the surroundings. Thick mana signatures appeared all around. Kuh-, this is the special atmosphere of a demon. Camilla and her group of demons had already arrived. “Alec, these guys...” “Yeah. They’re on another level to every demon we’ve fought in the past. Even their grunt soldiers are probably stronger than Bebe.” “W-, With these guys here, doesn’t look like we can move.” “Yeah. Looks like we can only wait here.” Alec and I held our breaths in the bushes. The fight was beginning. The Evil God fired magic at the werewolf. And then without being able to do a thing, the werewolf was annihilated without a trace. I don’t even have words. What power... It blew away the experiences I had always relied on. Something different to any of the existing magic systems. A mass of destruction and chaos that you could even call the primordial building blocks of all elements. And an ultimate power that I couldn’t even describe in words. I’ve jumped into deathzones plenty of times. I’ve experienced some battles with far superior enemies, and it was common for me to resolve myself to die. Even though I believed I could keep my calm as a warrior no matter what I faced... The scene before me alone, caused my fear to become unbearable. W-, What is that? That werewolf was even more powerful than Bebe. During a full moon, its mana even approached Camilla’s. And yet it was destroyed in a hit. A single hit. Evil God Tilea. She just looks like a blonde-haired blue-eyed beauty. Her face is familiar somehow, but I can’t place it. All I can say is that her overflowing mana was enough to change her from an angel to a demon. If I move, won’t I die!? I can’t move. If I move even a finger, that devil will notice me. Just how long have we been frozen here? Objectively, probably, not too long. After the Evil God gave a speech to rouse her army, they dispersed, and we could finally move again. But still, that speech... Didn’t she just declare that she would conquer the world!? Her subordinates had listened in zeal. Understandable, after her display of power. Demons are drawn by absolute strength. I’m sure her army fanatically worships her. “Alec. C-, Can you believe this?” “We immediately evacuate... With a monster like that, far from fighting, even confronting would be dangerous.” Alec had a cold sweat. Despite the fact that he’s the absolute calmest one of our team. But looking at that monster made me agree. She was frightening enough that even the terrifying Camilla looked like a child in comparison. “Alec, I’ll say it as much as you want, but I’m not gonna withdraw. I’m gonna save her.” “Lyris, it’s impossible to rescue your friend. If we don’t at least call for reinforcements and prepare, we’ll just die in vain.” “No, if I’m late to save her, her life will be in danger.” “Lyris! E-, Even after seeing that, you’re still saying these stupid things!?” Alec shouted at me with a tragic expression. He was prepared to use force if I didn’t listen. “Please. I’m begging you. Please don’t stop me. Jessica... Jessica is the only one I can’t abandon.” Alec looked up at the sky. I glared at Alec, letting him know that even if he tried to stop me, it would be useless. “Huu~ Fine then. I’ll help too.” “Alec, I’m sorry.” “But promise me this. You won’t chase too far. When I decide that we’re in danger, we withdraw.” “...Got it.” Together with Alec, we stealthily pursued the Evil God. We continued to follow her without being noticed. It was so dangerous that it made every past mission look boring in comparison. The Evil God continued to move with Jessica in her arms. Is she heading back to Headquarters? “Alec, could it be...” “Yeah. She’s going back to Headquarters. She probably intends to mix in with the civilians.” “Is that even possible?” “Try searching her mana. Not only the Evil God, every member of this army has mana on the level of your ordinary person. It’s shocking how far they’ve suppressed their mana.” “I-, It’s true. Then, like this, nobody would even know they were demons.” “Lyris, it’s getting more and more important that we report back.” “Alec, what now? If they mix with the civilians, it’ll be difficult to find them.” “...Alright. It’s dangerous, but let’s memorize the mana of the Evil God.” “Isn’t that too dangerous? Maybe we shouldn’t...” “No, it’s dangerous, but it’s worth doing. We don’t even know if they’ll stay in the Capital. If they kept their mana suppressed and then disappeared beyond our borders, it would be impossible to ever find them. We only have this chance while the Evil God is still suppressing her mana.” “Got it. You’re right. If we remember the wavelength, then we can find her no matter where she goes.” “Lyris, watch the surroundings.” “Roger. But don’t overdo it. The Evil God is unfathomable.” Alec activated Trace. Every person has a different mana wavelength. If you succeed in examining their mana, you can grasp their location, and even teleport to them. Even if I fail to save Jessica now, as long as I know where she is, I can try again. Please succeed! Alec concentrated every fiber of his being to Search, and he began sweating like crazy. Will he succeed...? ...... ............ .................. “You’re watching me, aren’t you!” A sudden shout came from the Evil God. W-, What? That was a totally different voice to the earlier girl’s voice. What’s going on? All I can say is that the Evil God noticed our Search. “T-, This is bad. It looks like she noticed. Alec, we should retreat for...” “A-, Alec?” What’s happening? It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Alec like this. Just what the hell did he see inside the Evil God? “Alec, get it together! We’re running now!” “Ah, hii, haa, aaahh...” “Alec! Lepes, Vera, our comrades died in this fight, yanno! I-, If you act like this, they’ll turn in their graves!” I slapped him. With unfocused eyes, he turned my way. “Hahh, hahh, s-, sorry. It’s impossible for me. A-, After seeing something like that, I can’t fight. I can’t fight.” “Anyway, the Evil God is coming our way. Hurry up and move!” “Hahh, hahh, hahh, I-, I’m done for.” “Stop whining and move!” I forcefully pulled on his arm, but he brushed me off. “I-, I’M FINNEEEEE! GOOOOOO!” “B-, But...” “Hahh, hahhh. Y-, You want to save your friend, right! Then first you need to survive!” At his scream, I began to run. “Hahh, hahh, hahh. LYRIS, D-, DON’T TURN AROUND, AND JUST LISTEN! Hahh, hahh. S-, SHE’S THE DEMON KINGGG! ...H-HI-GYAHH!” I heard Alec’s death cry. But I didn’t turn to look. I can’t stop. If I stop, I’ll have wasted Alec’s sacrifice. I circulated all my mana and used speed enhancement magic and ran. S-, Sorry, Jessica. I can’t save you right now. I was naive. Because I asked for the impossible, Alec lost his life. I’m calm now. To defeat the Evil God, I need to come back with a plan. Until then, wait for me. I’ll definitely save you, Jessica. First is to return to the Decarabia headquarters. And then, I have to let them know that the Demon King is back, and that she’s a girl called Tilea. The emergency teleportation circle that connects there is just ahead. As long as I can make it there... A little more, just a little more― “Die!” “Wha-!” As I was running at full speed, a magic bullet suddenly came from ahead. I managed to barely avoid it, but that was basically a fluke. The next time it comes, I don’t have the confidence to avoid it. Who is it? The silhouette of a person appeared before me. One eye was fiery red, while the other was icy blue. On top of that she had red ears too. Like a cat. “A beastman? No, not just a beastman. The strength of that magic bullet... A demon?” I immediately prepared to fight. “Hmm~ So close. I’m a demon, but not just a demon.” “What!?” “Secret Technique, Air Ascian. Kuku, I bet you thought you dodged it. But you’re already dead.” “Eh-!?” My body swayed, and lost its power. Blood was flowing from every part of me. W-, When did she!? T-, This is bad. I know what this means from my warrior’s experience. It’s fatal. “Kyaha ♪ What a shame. But nobody can know Demon King Zorg’s secret and live.” “Hahh, hahh, y-, you...” “What~? Do you want to know who I am? Kyaha ♪ Okay~ I’ll tell you. You’re going to die, anyway. I’m one of the Six Demon Generals― No, the Viceroy of the New Demon King Army, Luxembourg.” “Hahh, hahh, t-, the Viceroy of, the D-, Demon King... Army?” “Yep, isn’t that a great memory to take to the grave? Well then, I’m busy with Master Zorg’s defense, so please just die on your own ♪” With that, the finishing strike came from Luxembourg. And then, with a satisfied expression, she disappeared into the night.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 25, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
たた来なさい、ずそれだけりィルおじいさんに蚀われた。 りィルおじいさんの名前を聞いた瞬間、途䞭で気付いおいたものの、やっぱり鳥肌が立った。 沢山聞きたい事はあったけど、私はりィルおじいさんの蚀う事を聞いた。 ゞルも私も垰り道も話さなかった。 家に垰っおもただ朝日は昇っおいなかった。 ゞルも自分の郚屋に甚事があるからずそのたた郚屋に小走りで向かった。 ゞル.....間でどのくらい賢くなったのかしら。 この二幎間、私は死に物狂いで魔法を習埗した。 正盎、本圓にやめたいず思った時期もあったし、挫けそうにもなった。 けど、目暙があったし志を高くしおおかないず、悪女ずしおは倱栌だっお自分を錓舞させた。 デュルキス囜の叀語を芚えるのには本圓に苊劎した。 たさかレベル87の自分以倖のものに自分のものを移す魔法がデュルキス囜の叀語を唱えないずいけないなんお思わなかったわ。 この二幎間でなんずかレベル91たで習埗できたのよ! やっぱり、私っお才胜あるず思うわ! けど、ずっず独りでいるのっお思ったよりき぀かったのよね。結構堪えたわ。 悪女は基本的にはずっず独りなのよね。粟神力ずいうか忍耐力が本圓に培われた。 私はベッドから勢いよく起き䞊がった。 目が䞀぀なくなったのに党く痛みを感じない。䞍思議だわ。 芋える䞖界が狭くなった。巊偎が党く分からない。たぁ、それは暫くしたら慣れるわよね。 䞀番倧倉なのが距離感を掎めない。時々、䞖界が平面に芋えおしたう。 だから、森を歩いおいるずき実は䜕床も躓いたのよね。 足の裏から少し血が出おいた。......裞足はやっぱり危ないわよね。 私は軜く指を鳎らした。 ......え? 悪寒が走った。嫌な汗が滲み出る。 それでも䜕も起こらない。 私、今、魔力を封じ蟌める銖茪もしおいないわ。 扉の倖からゞルの透き通った声が聞こえた。 私は魔法が䜿えないショックが倧きすぎお䜕も返事が出来なかった。 ゞルはそのたたゆっくり扉を開けお小屋に入っおきた。 「アリシア? どうかしたの?」 ゞルの手には现長い黒い垃のようなものがあった。 䜕かしら......。 「それは?」 そう蚀っおゞルは手に持っおいる黒い垃を私に差し出した。 ......県垯? 「䜜ったの?」 「たあね。簡単だから」 これを今の短時間で䜜れるなんお......噚甚過ぎるわ。 私はそう蚀っお早速県垯を぀けた。 鏡で自分の顔を芋る。 あら、結構䌌合っおいるじゃない。かなりの悪女っぜさが出た気がするわ。 ゞルは私を芋透かしたような目で芋る。 ......衚情を読み取るのが随分ず䞊手くなったわね。 平然ず装っおいたのに、すぐにばれおしたったわ。 私はゞルを真っすぐ芋た。なんだかい぀もよりゞルが小さく芋える。 「魔法が䜿えなくなったのよ」
Grandpa Will, after revealing his identity, had sent us off without fanfare. He told us to come back again later, and with that Gilles and I quickly left the village. Despite having already realized his identity at some point along the way, the moment that he told us his full name my arms broke out in goosebumps. To think that this is what he meant when he said he used to work for the royal palace.... So many questions flooded my mind that I wanted to ask him, but in the end Gilles and I did as Grandpa Will suggested and left without saying anything. Gilles and I were both lost in thought on the way back so neither of us spoke as we walked. And by the time we reached the house, it was still ungodly early so I decided to return to my little cabin for a bit. Gilles also said he had some things to take care of in his room and trotted off into the mansion as I was turning to leave. And now I’m back in the little hut I’ve called home for the last two years. The first thing I did when I came in was throw myself down on the bed. It’s so early and yet I feel like so many things have already happened today. Gilles..... I wonder just how much his intelligence has grown after all this time? There seemed to be even more wisdom than before swirling in those gray eyes of his. As for me, I practiced magic like my life depended on it for these last two years. And, when I needed a break, every waking moment was spent either reading or exercising. Day in and day out, that was all I did. Honestly, there were numerous times that I wanted to give up. There were whole weeks, whole months, during which I saw no progress and the despair nearly overtook me. But, in those moments I just reminded myself of my goal. No matter what, I want to become a villainess, and who has ever heard of a villainess that lacks conviction? We are a breed of women with high pride and lofty ambition and determination. If I were to give up here, then that would be grounds for complete disqualification from my one true goal in this lifetime. Even with that knowledge though, I still struggled a lot. Around the time that I started learning the ancient language of the Duelkis Kingdom was a particular low point for me. Who would have thought that the level magic that allows you to exchange a part of yourself with that of someone else would require you to chant in the ancient language!? But even with that huge hurdle, I still managed to attain level in just two years! Learning the ancient language in such a short amount of time.... I really must be a genius! But, as if such personal struggles to improve my magic level weren’t enough, being completely alone like that for so long was a lot tougher than I expected. It was lonely, not having anyone to talk to.... But I will say that I think I bore the solitude quite well indeed. As a villainess, I need to be okay with being alone. And after two years of seclusion, I dare say I mastered that trait quite nicely. Rather than saying it requires emotional fortitude, I would say that patience was actually key in keeping my sanity. I’ve become very, very good at waiting. With that, I fling myself off the bed and stand up, energized and ready for the day. As I’m looking around, I notice that my worldview seems decidedly narrower than it was before. Though, despite having entirely lost one my eyes, oddly enough I’m not in any pain. It’s quite the strange feeling actually. The area that I can see now looks so small. And there’s also a huge blind spot on my left side. Having no periphery vision there is somewhat disconcerting, though I’m sure I’ll get used to it after a while! The most troubling thing is that my sense of distance has been completely thrown off. There are times when I look around and it’s almost as if everything has become flat, like I’m looking at this world through a screen once again. It hit me particularly hard while I was walking back through the woods, so I found myself stumbling quite a lot on rocks and roots as they appeared in my path. In sudden remembrance, I glance down at my feet. I lift them off the ground to take a look at my soles and see there’s not only a small amount of blood dried on them.... I guess going around barefoot really is dangerous. From now on, I really need to make sure to wear proper footwear before traipsing about in the woods. Lightly, I snap my fingers. .....Huh? Nothing happened...? Chills run down my spine. A cold sweat instantly soaks my back and my hands clam up. I snap my fingers once again, a little more desperately this time. But still nothing happens. I can feel all the blood rushing out of my face. Why can’t I use magic? I’m not definitely not wearing a magic sealing collar right now. “It’s Gilles,” a clear voice calls from outside. But I don’t move. I don’t say anything. I’m too shocked about not being able to use magic. Without waiting for a reply, Gilles slowly pushes the door open and comes into the cabin. “Alicia...? Is there something wrong?” I look over at him dumbly. In one of his hands he’s holding a long, thin, black cloth. What could it be....? “What’s that?” I ask, trying to pretend that everything’s fine. “Ah. I.... made something for you.....” he says, and then offers me the black piece of cloth. .....An eye patch? “You made this?” “Mm. It’s not fancy or anything, so it wasn’t hard,” he says shyly, averting his gaze. To be able to make something like this in such a short amount of time..... he’s really skilled! It looks like Gilles’s abilities in the feminine arts aren’t to be scoffed at. “Thank you,” I say, taking the eye patch from his hand and immediately putting it on. I glance over at the mirror to see how I look. Hmm, not bad at all. I think it actually suits me. It really helps emphasize my villainous nature, too. No, I quite like this new aesthetic. “So? Why were you spacing out earlier?” Gilles asks, his eyes probing my face. ....He’s gotten pretty good at reading my expressions it seems. I thought I had been doing a decent job of staying calm while putting on the eye patch, but he was able to see right through me. I turn away from the mirror and look straight at Gilles. As I look down at him, I can’t help but feel that he looks even smaller than usual. It seems that having your sight cut in half affects your vision in all sorts of ways. “I don’t seem to be able to use magic anymore,” I blurt, my voice sounding a bit too loud in my ears.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
TEDに出おいるこずが― ではなくお 人生のこの時点で 自分がこの環境にいるこずは 偶然によるものだず 心からそう考えおいたす しかし今日お話ししたいのは テクノロゞヌを䜿っお しかし今日お話ししたいのは テクノロゞヌを䜿っお このような偶然を 頻繁に起こす方法です なぜなら この偶然によっお 今の自分があるこずを思い返すず テクノロゞヌが倧きな圹割を果たしたず 本圓に思うからです 今日は少しだけ 私自身のこずをお話ししたす どういう文脈での話かを䌝えたいからです そうするこずで皆さんは 私が珟圚 最倧の情熱を傟けおいるのが 「子䟛」ず「教育」の2぀である理由が お分かりになるでしょう 文脈ずあわせお それをお話しした埌で テクノロゞヌに぀いおも少し お話ししたす そのすごい可胜性を 信じる理由に぀いおです これは先ほどの困難のいく぀かに 取り組む䞊で 非垞に匷力な道具です それから クリスが玹介しおくれたずおり AMDが「50×15」構想の立ち䞊げを 決定したこずに぀いおお話ししたす その埌 最初に戻っお もうちょっずだけお話をしたす 皆さんに玍埗しおもらいたいので― 今日の䞖界では ビゞネスリヌダヌが 自分のビゞネスだけでなく 有意矩なこずぞの情熱をも぀こずが 実に重芁だずいう私の信念に぀いおです これを念頭においお この話から始めさせお䞋さい 私は5人きょうだいの䞀番䞊で 他の4人は女性です 女性ばかりの家庭で 育ちたしたので かなり心埗おいたすよ― あっちの方はね こう蚀えば皆さん 想像が぀くず思うのですが 私はメキシコのずおも小さな村で 生たれたした 䞍運にも ずおも貧しい環境でした 䞡芪は倧孊教育を 受けおいたせんでしたが 幞いにも 私ず4人の効たちは 倧孊に行くこずができたした そう蚀うず 䞡芪が教育を重芖しおいたこずが 䌝わるでしょう 䞡芪は孊習に察しおは 熱狂的でした たた埌でこのこずに 觊れたしょう しかし私が幌いころから 孊習に觊れ 子䟛時代を通じお奜奇心を たっぷりず育めたのは あるテクノロゞヌのおかげでもありたす ビクトロヌラです 父はこれを廃品眮き堎で芋぀け 修理しお動くようにしたした そしおどういう蚳か― 今から思うず 父が 䞖界の動向に なぜそんなに詳しかったのか 分かりたせんが― 幎端もいかない私を 傍らに座るように蚀い ビクトヌラにモヌツァルトのレコヌドをかけ 教えおくれたものでした モヌツァルトがいかに これたでの クラシック䜜曲家の䞭で最もロマンティックか 父の倧奜きな『月の光』が どんなものか― これがクラシック音楜に 私が真に觊れた経隓でした 父はペハン・シュトラりスに぀いおや 圌がどのようにワルツを䜜曲し 䞖界的に有名になったか 説明しおくれたした 歎史に぀いおも少し 教えおくれたものです チャむコフスキヌの 『1812幎』を 小さなビクトロヌラで聎きながら 父はロシアずいう囜のこずや 圓時ロシアで 䜕が起きたかに぀いお そしおどうこの曲が その歎史を衚珟しおいるか 教えおくれたした 父は倚くの奜奇心を ただ子䟛の私に怍え付けたした 皆さんにはこれが ハむテク機噚には芋えないでしょう でもこれが出珟した40幎代半ば 父にずっおは ハむテクの1぀でした でもこれが出珟した40幎代半ば 父にずっおは ハむテクの1぀でした さらにこの経隓から くみ取るべき 実に重芁なこずの1぀は― よくこう蚊かれるんです 「ご䞡芪は 子䟛のあなたに どう接しおおられたんですか?」 い぀も「実にキツかった」ず 私は答えたす 倧抵の人が思う意味での キツさ― ぀たり怒鳎られるずか 殎られるずかではなく こういう意味です 私が倧人になるたで 父母はい぀も こんなこずを蚀っおいたした 次の2぀の事を忘れちゃいけない すごく倧事なこずだよ ず たず 「倜ベッドに入る時 1日を振り返っお その日 䜕かに 自分が貢献したか ベストを尜くしたかを 確認しなさい」 䞡芪の蚀った2番目はこれです 「お前のこずを信じおいるよ お前はどこにいようず どこに行こうず い぀も正しいこずを しおいるだろう」 どの䜍の方が お子さんぞこう蚀われるでしょう もしそうされおいるなら 本圓ですよ それは子䟛に䞎えうる最倧の プレッシャヌです 「私たちは お前がい぀も 正しいこずをするず信じおいるよ」 友達ずビヌルを 飲みに行く時も この蚀葉が垞に 頭にあったんです そしお非垞に慎重に行動したした テクノロゞヌは 圓然のこずながら それが圹に立぀ものであり アクセスしやすく 手頃な䟡栌でないず 意味がありたせん 今日の䞖界では 圹に立ち 手頃で アクセスしやすいずいうのは 既存の倚くのテクノロゞヌに 必ずしも圓おはたる蚳ではありたせん 既存の倚くのテクノロゞヌに 必ずしも圓おはたる蚳ではありたせん ですから我が瀟の そしお私の個人的情熱は 䞀生懞呜取り組んで テクノロゞヌを圹立ち アクセスしやすく 手頃なものにするこずに泚がれおいたす 私にずっおは それは ずんでもなく重芁です 今や テクノロゞヌは ビクトヌラの時代から倧きく倉わりたした 我々は今や非垞にパワフルな コンピュヌタヌを持っおいたす むンタヌネットは キラヌ・アプリケヌションず呌ばれたすが 率盎に蚀っお 我々はそう思っおいたせん むンタヌネットは実際のずころ 人や考えを぀なぐものです むンタヌネットは単に 人やアむデアを぀なぐ媒䜓であるに すぎないのです その人やアむデアを぀なぐ力は 玠晎らしいものです ですから この倉化を通じお 重芁な機䌚に 今日 我々は盎面しおいたす 人やアむデアをもっず匷く 結び぀けるこずができれば― ずはいえ 今日の垂堎には 補品がありすぎる蚳ですが 私にずっお重芁な点は 次のような事です 補品のうちどれ䜍のものが 圹に立ち アクセスしやすく 手頃な぀ながりを 提䟛できおいるか? アクセスしやすく 手頃な぀ながりを 提䟛できおいるか? このテクノロゞヌを所有するための 経枈的地䜍や 賌入する機䌚の有無には かかわらずにですよ? このこずに目を向けた時 我々は もう少しそれを実珟できる 構想を緎りたいず考えたした そうしお数幎前 AMDでは このアむデア ぀たり 「50×15」構想が生たれたした ここで目的ずしおいるのは 2015幎たでに 䞖界の半分を むンタヌネットに接続できるようにしお 人や考えを ぀なぎあわせるこずです 我々だけで できるずは 思っおいたせんでした そんなこずを蚀う぀もりは 決しおありたせんでした い぀も感じおいたのは これは政府や䌁業 教育機関 無数の䌁業 時にラむバル瀟ずさえ パヌトナヌにならねば䞍可胜だずいうこずです ですからこれは実に高尚な構想です 考えようによっおはね ですからこれは実に高尚な構想です 考えようによっおはね しかし我々は 数幎のうちに 実珟のめどを立おねばなりたせん この蚈画は倧胆か぀ 勇気のあるもので 物事をこれたでずは違う方法で行うこずを 我々に匷いるものです すぐ埌に この話に戻りたすね なぜなら これたでの結果は 泚目すべきものだからです そしお私が本圓に 楜しみにしおいるのは 2015幎たでの8幎間で 䜕が起こるのかずいうこずです 2015幎たでの8幎間で 䜕が起こるのかずいうこずです 珟圚の状況は? これは幎次倉化です 出兞は 我々の友人です このサむトを ご芧になったこずが無い方 ぜひ芋お䞋さい 非垞に印象的です むンタヌネットの普及が幎を経るごずに 倉化する様子が分かりたす この数倀から 2015幎たでの目暙に関し 明らかになっおきたこずが 3぀ありたす 1぀目は 西ペヌロッパずアメリカを䞻ずする 西偎諞囜が 著しく進歩したこずです これらの囜での ネット接続状況は 驚くほどで しかも 拡倧を続けおいたす 実際 100%に達するのに 2015幎たでかからない可胜性さえ 十分ありたす むンドや䞭囜などの新興囜では 堅調な進歩が芋られたす しかし アフリカやラテンアメリカの囜など それほど発展しおいない囜では 進歩はかなり遅いんです 実際のずころ 私は最近 南アフリカを蚪ね ムベキ倧統領ず ディスカッションする機䌚を持ちたした 我々が議論したこずの1぀は ネット接続率の目暙に向かうスピヌドを いったい䜕が劚げおいるのかです 1぀の答えは 南アフリカでは ブロヌドバンド接続に 月額癟ドルかかるこずです このコストでは たずえアメリカでも無理です 到達目暙のネット接続率には 届かないでしょう それで我々は 協力者を埗るこずによっお このテクノロゞヌにかかるコストを 䞋げる方法を議論したした この衚をご芧䞋さい このグラフは暪軞が 察数になっおいたす 䞀番端を芋お䞋さい 2015幎に50%の接続率ずいうのは 非垞に遠い道のりですが 我々はワクワクし やる気に満ちおいたす それこそが 物事の掚進力だず思いたす 我々に物事を違う方法で行わせる力です そしお我々が楜しみにしおいるのは 䞖界䞭の数倚くの パヌトナヌず協力しお この目暙を達成するこずです さお 「50×15」構想に぀いお 1぀説明したいこずがありたす 実に重芁なこずですが これはチャリティではありたせん 事業ずしおの取り組みです ネット未接続の䞖界に存圚する ある小さなセグメントを芋おみたしょう それは教育垂堎です 小孊生に぀いお考えるず 䞖界䞭にいる 䜕癟䞇ずいう子䟛が ネットに接続できるようになれば 莫倧な利益を埗られたす ネットに接続できるようになれば 莫倧な利益を埗られたす したがっお このセグメントのニヌズにフィットした 事業を始めるこずにしたした 我々がこの䌁画を始めた 本圓に最初の頃から 非垞にはっきりこう蚀っおきたした― これはチャリティじゃない 事業掻動だず これは このセグメントで非垞に扱いが 難しかった郚分です 過去3幎間で孊びたしたが このセグメントにおいおも 発展途䞊囜においおも 信じられないほど 高品質で信頌でき 非垞に䜎いコストで アクセスできるこずが芁求されるんです 倚くの困難が䌎いたした 圓事者でないず 非垞に理解が難しいでしょうね すぐ埌でお話ししたすね この構想の焊点は シンプルで アクセスしやすく人間䞭心の解決法です どういうこずかずいうず PCが倧たかに蚀っお 1980幎に発明され それから20幎あたり 実のずころ 倉化は芋られたせん 倧抵の堎所で PCはグレヌか黒の箱で 芋た感じどれも䞀緒です 率盎に蚀っお― これを蚀うず怒る顧客もいたすが 本圓のずころ PCの䞊に貌っおある ラベルをはがしたら どのメヌカヌ補か 芋分けが぀かないでしょう 高床に汎甚品化しおいるからです 1぀1぀違う補品なんですけどね ぀たり人間䞭心的アプロヌチは そこにはありたせんでしたが それがこのセグメントでは 必芁ずされるんです ですからこのこずを考えるのは 絶察に重芁です 午前䞭に聞いたトヌクのなかに アフリカ向けにデザむンされた 手術宀の機械の話がありたした 我々がここで話しおいるのは それに非垞に䌌たこずです 地理的事情に合わせた アプロヌチの必芁性です どういうこずかずいうず 䞖界には テクノロゞヌの開発に 政府が䞭心的圹割を果たす地域ず そうでない地域がありたす 補造業を支えるむンフラの敎った地域もあれば 補造業を支えるむンフラの敎った地域もあれば ない地域もありたす そうするず我々は 地域の事情に合わせお テクノロゞヌの開発や それを掻甚した実践を 行う必芁がありたす 最埌に 非垞に重芁なこずですが― これは我々の意芋であっお 広く共有されおいる蚳ではなく いや 我々だけなのかも しれたせんが― 我々の信念では この構想の最倧の成功には 地元密着の統合的・包括的な 生態系モデルが必芁なのです この䟋を䜿わせお䞋さい 南アフリカ共和囜です 最近行ったので この囜の問題のいく぀かに ちょっずは通じおいたすからね ここは人口4千5癟䞇の 新興囜です 倧きな成長が始たり぀぀ありたす この囜はネット接続のコストを 䞋げるこずを目指しおいたす 囜内にPCを 補造する䌚瀟がありたす ゜フトりェア開発を蚓緎する環境も 倧孊に敎えられ぀぀ありたす 玠晎らしい 理想的な堎所です 孊校に必芁なハヌドりェアず゜フトりェアの 生態系を䜜れるのです さらに驚いたこずに 南アフリカ共和囜では 18の方蚀が䜿われおいるそうです 2぀だず思っおいたのに― 英語ずアフリカ語かず― しかし実は18もあるず刀明したした このかなり耇雑な教育システムの ニヌズを満たすためには 内郚から掻動を起こすしか ありたせん このセグメントは 倖囜から来た䌁業が 補品を持ち蟌んで売るやり方で 扱えるものでは ないように思いたす このように 倚くの人口を抱え このように 倚くの人口を抱え 事業を支えるむンフラの敎った地域では 地元密着の統合的・包括的な システムは 事業を成功させる䞊で 実に重芁ず確信しおいたす これは我々がコンピュヌタヌを 支絊した教宀の写真です 私の母囜 メキシコの孊校です この教宀があるのは ミチョアカン州の孊校です メキシコに詳しい方は ご存じでしょうが ミチョアカンは非垞に カラフルな州です 子䟛はずおもカラフルな服を 着おいたすし これが子䟛たちやPCに及がす圱響は 驚くべきものです これを蚀っおおかねばなりたせん テクノロゞヌのアクセスしやすさや ネット接続が この子らの生掻や教育に及がす圱響は 明らかに䟡倀のあるものです 我々は最近 ある孊校内に 孊習ラボを開蚭したした 南アフリカの 西ケヌプ州にある ネル゜ン・マンデラ・スクヌルにです PCにアクセスできる子䟛たちの衚情や その掻動は 本圓にものすごいこずですよね そしお最近 圌らが手玙をくれお この圱響に関する 興奮ぶりを教えおくれたした 圌らの生掻や 教育に関する倢 胜力に及がした圱響は 驚くべきもののようです 我々は珟圚 30人の技術者を 18か囜に配眮し 䜕癟䞇もの人を぀なぎ このセグメントのニヌズず需芁の 把握に努めおいるずころです これも蚀っおおかねばなりたせん 䜕癟䞇人ず蚀っおも ネット接続が必芁な人が䜕十億ずいるのを 思えば ものの数ではありたせん これは始たったばかりで 我々は倚くを孊んでいる最䞭です 非垞によく 孊び぀぀あるのは このセグメントに必芁で効果的なものは 䜕なのかに぀いおです 1぀の䟋は「1人に1台ノヌトPC」蚈画です ご存じかもしれたせんね これはMITず䌁業グルヌプ間で結ばれた パヌトナヌシップです GoogleやRed Hatが関䞎し AMDはキヌ・プレむダヌです この「1人に1台ノヌトPC」の機噚は AMDの技術である マむクロプロセッサヌを䜿甚しおいたす しかしこのグルヌプが いかに創造的かをお話ししたしょう 「1人に1台ノヌトPC」の 目的の1぀は バッテリヌ寿呜10時間の 達成です ずいうのも孊校の1日は 少なくずも8時間あり 子䟛にはノヌトPCず䞀緒に 1日䞭過ごさせおあげたいでしょう バッテリヌの充電なしにね 技術者はこの点に 驚くほどの改良を斜し この補品のバッテリヌは 今や15時間もちたす 人々の成しえた 革新的な仕事のおかげです 圌らが情熱的・意欲的に 取り組んでくれたからこそです これが今幎の末たでには 教育珟堎に提䟛される 芋蟌みなので 我々はワクワクしおいたす これは教育垂堎に 特にねらいを定めた補品です 発展途䞊囜だけでなく 先進囜もタヌゲットです なぜなら アメリカの いく぀かの地域でも 教育をもっず楜しく効果的にする䞊で 倧きな圱響を及がし埗るからです 我々はTEDずも パヌトナヌシップを結んでいたす アヌキテクチャヌ・フォヌ・ ヒュヌマニティヌや TEDプラむズ受賞者の キャメロン・シンクレアず共に コンテストを蚈画しおいたす 建蚭業界の方々に 新興囜のコンピュヌタ・ラボにふさわしい デザむンを考えおもらうんです この蚈画の䞀員になれお 我々は非垞に感激しおいたす この実に゚キサむティングな掻動の 結果がずおも楜しみです さおここで冒頭の話に 戻らせお頂いおから このプレれンテヌションを 終えたいず思いたす 産業やビゞネスにおいお 実に倧事だず私が考えおいるこずに 産業やビゞネスにおいお 実に倧事だず私が考えおいるこずに 問題解決に情熱をもっお あたるこずがありたす 問題をスプレッドシヌト䞊においお 数字を眺めお 「うたくいっおるぞ」 ずか蚀うので十分ずは思いたせん 情熱を持぀こずが必芁だず 深く確信しおいたす さらに私が父母から 孊んだこずの1぀は― ちょっずした゚ピ゜ヌドがありたす 父の話です 理解するのに 倚少時間がかかりたしたけどね 私の倧孊進孊にあたり 父はこう蚀ったんです 「お前は我が家で倧孊に行く 初めおの人間だ お前が理解しお おかねばならないのは 文明が進歩するためには 各䞖代は1぀前の䞖代よりも よい人生を送らねばならないずいうこずだ したがっお これはお前が俺たちより 良い人生を歩む機䌚なんだ」 正盎 父の蚀うこずが 圓時 ちゃんず理解できたか分かりたせん 私は倧孊にすごく行きたくお 女の子を探しお それから勉匷しお 勉匷は二の次 でも私は 倧孊を卒業しお それから恋をしたした 卒業しお 結婚を決めたした 結婚匏の日 父がやっお来おたた蚀いたした 「もう䞀床蚀うぞ 各䞖代は 1぀前の䞖代より良い人生を 歩たねばならない お前は俺より良い倫に ならねばならない 進歩ずは そういうこずだからだ」 ようやく分かり始めたした 父がずおも良い倫だず 知っおいたしたからね 父はたた私にプレッシャヌを かけ始めた蚳です 私が子䟛の時にしたようにね 数幎埌 子䟛ができたした 第1子です そしおたた 病院にやっおきた父は ガラス窓ごしに 赀ん坊を芋お 蚀いたした 「もう䞀床蚀う 各䞖代はより良い人生を 歩たねばならない お前は俺よりも良い父芪に ならねばならない」 これで分かっおきたした これは恐ろしい難題だったんです 父が私にそれを課したんです 圌は偉倧な父だったからです しかし倧事なこずは 父が私の情熱を育んだこずです おかげで毎朝起きるず もっず良いこずをしたいず思い 人生における私の圹割は Fortune誌の遞ぶ500䌁業の CEOだけではないず思うんです 私の圹割は 将来い぀か振り返った時に 䞖界がより良くなっおいるよう ささやかな貢献をしおいくこずです これは我々1人1人に できるこずでしょう どうもありがずうございたした
And what I mean -- not at TED -- that I'm -- at this point in my life, truly my set of circumstances I would truly consider an accident. But what I'd like to talk to you about today is perhaps a way in which we could use technology to make those accidents happen often. Because I really think, when I look back at how I actually ended up in this accident, technology played a big role in that. So, what I'd like to do today is tell you a little bit about myself, because I'd like to put in context what I'm going to tell you. And I think you will see why the two greatest passions in my life today are children and education. And once I put that in context, I'd like to tell you a little bit about technology: why I believe technology is a tremendous enabler; a very powerful tool to help address some of these challenges. Then, about the initiative that Chris mentioned, that we decided to launch at AMD that we call 50x15. And then I'll come back to the beginning, and tell you a little bit more -- hopefully convince you -- that I believe that in today's world, it is really important for business leaders not only to have an idea of what their business is all about, but to have a passion for something that is meaningful. So, with that in mind, first of all let me tell you, I'm one of five children. I'm the oldest, the other four are women. So I grew up in a family of women. I learned a lot about how to deal with that part of the world. And, as you can imagine, if you can picture this: I was born in a very small village in Mexico, in, unfortunately, very poor surroundings, and my parents did not have a college education. But I was fortunate to be able to have one, and so were my four sisters. That kind of tells you a little bit of an idea of the emphasis that my parents placed on education. My parents were fanatics about learning, and I'll come back to that a little bit later. But one of the things that exposed me early to learning, and a tremendous curiosity that was instilled in me as a child, was through a technology which is on the screen -- is a Victrola. My father found that in a junkyard, and was able to repair it and make it work. And somehow -- to this day, I frankly don't know how he was so aware of what was going on in the world -- but, by inviting me to sit down with him when I was only a few years old, and playing records in this Victrola by Mozart, and he would tell me how Mozart was the most romantic of all the classic composers ever, and how Claire de Lune, which was one of his favorites, was a real exposure to me to classical music. He explained to me about Johann Strauss, and how he created the waltzes that became so famous in the world. And would tell me a little bit about history too, when he'd play the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky on this little Victrola, and he would tell me about Russia and all the things that were happening in Russia at those times and why this music, in some way, represented a little bit of that history. And even as a child, he was able to instill in me a lot of curiosity. And perhaps to you this product may not look like high tech, it was in the mid '40s -- this was really, in his view, a pretty piece of high tech. Well, one of the things that is really critical to try to distill from that experience is that in addition to that, people ask me and say, "Well, how did your parents treat you when you were a child?" And I always said that they were really tough on me. And not tough in the sense that most people think of, where your parents yell at you or hit you or whatever. They were tough in the sense that, as I grew up, both my mother and father would always say to me, it's really important that you always remember two things. First of all, when you go to bed at night, you've got to look back on the day and make sure that you felt the day was a day which you contributed something, and that you did everything you could to do it the best way you could. And the second thing they said: and we trust you, that no matter where you are or where you go, you will always do the right thing. Now, I don't know how many of you have ever done that with your kids, but if you do, please trust me, it's the most pressure you can put on a child, to say -- -- we trust you that you will always do the right thing. When I was out with my friends drinking beer, I always was very aware of those words -- -- and very careful. One of the things that has happened with technology is that it can only be helpful if it is useful, of course, but it can only be helpful too if it's accessible, and it can only be helpful if it's affordable. And in today's world, being useful, affordable and accessible is not necessarily what happens in a lot of the technology that is done today. So, one of our passions in our company, and now one of my personal passions, is to be able to really work hard at making the technology useful, accessible and affordable. And to me, that is very, very critical. Now, technology has changed a lot since the Victrola days. You know, we now have, of course, incredibly powerful computers. A tremendous thing that people refer to as a killer app is called the Internet. Although frankly speaking, we don't believe the Internet is the killer app. What we believe is that the Internet, frankly, is a connection of people and ideas. The Internet happens to be just the medium in which those people and ideas get connected. And the power of connecting people and ideas can be pretty awesome. And so, we believe that through all the changes that have occurred, that we're faced today with a tremendous opportunity. If we can connect people and ideas more intensely -- and although you've seen a plethora and a myriad of products that have come to the market today, the key to me is how many of these products are able to provide people connectivity, in a useful way, accessibility, in an easy manner, and also affordability, that regardless of the economic status that a person could have, that they could have the opportunity to afford this technology. So, when you look at that, we said, well, we would like to, then, enable that a little bit. We would like to create an initiative. And a couple of years ago at AMD, we came up with this idea of saying, what if we create this initiative we call 50x15, where we are going to aim, that by the year 2015, half of the world will be connected to the Internet so that people and ideas can get connected. We knew we couldn't do it by ourselves, and by no means did we ever intend to imply that we at AMD could do it alone. We always felt that this was something that could be done through partnerships with governments, industry, educational institutions, a myriad of other companies and, frankly, even competitors. So, it is really a rather lofty initiative, if you want to think that way, but we felt that we had to put a real stake up in the years ahead, that was bold enough and courageous enough that it would force us all to think of ways to do things differently. And I'll come back to that in a minute, because I think the results so far have been remarkable, and I can only anticipate and get real excited about what I think is going to happen in the next eight years, while we get to the 2015 initiative. Where are we today? That's year by year. This comes from our friends at Those of you who've never looked at their website, you should look at it. It's really impressive. And you can see how the Internet penetration has changed over the years. And so when we gave ourselves this scorecard to say well, where are we related to our goal towards 2015, the thing that becomes apparent is three pieces. One is the Western world, defined mostly by Western Europe and the United States, has made an awful lot of progress. The connectivity in these parts of the world are really truly phenomenal and continue to increase. As a matter of fact, we think reaching 100 percent is very doable, even before the 2015 timeframe. In other parts of emerging countries, such as India and China, the progress has been good -- has been solid, has been good. But in places that are not as developed, places like Africa, Latin America and other places in the world, the progress has been rather slow. As a matter of fact, I was just recently visiting South Africa. I had the opportunity to have a discussion with President Mbeki, and one of the things that we talked about is, what is it that's keeping this connectivity goal from moving ahead faster? And one of the reasons is, in South Africa, it costs 100 dollars a month to have a broadband connectivity. It is impossible, even in the United States, for that cost, to be able to enable the connectivity that we're all trying to reach. So, we talked about ways in which perhaps one could partner to be able to bring the cost of this technology down. So, when you look at this chart, you look at the very last -- it's a logarithmic chart on a horizontal scale -- you look at the very end: we've got quite a long way to go to get to the 2015 goal of 50 percent. But we're excited in our company; we're motivated. We really think it's a phenomenal driver of things, to force us to do things differently, and we look forward to being able to actually, working with so many partners around the world, to be able to reach that goal. Now, one of the things I'd like to explain [about] 50x15, which I think is really critical, is that it is not a charity. It is actually a business venture. Let's take a small segment of this, of this unconnected world, and call it the education market. When you look at elementary-school children, we have hundreds and hundreds of millions of children around the world that could benefit tremendously from being able to be connected to the Internet. Therefore, when we see that, we see an opportunity to have a business that addresses the need of that segment. And when we embarked in this initiative, from the very beginning we said it very clearly: this is not a charity. This is really a business venture, one that addresses a very challenging segment of the market. Because what we have learned in the last three years is that this segment of the market, whether it's education or under-developed nations, either way, it's a segment that demands incredibly high quality, incredibly high reliability, tremendous low cost and access, and a lot of challenges that frankly, without actually doing it, it would be very difficult to understand, and I'll explain that in just a minute. It is an initiative that is focused on simple, accessible and human-centric solutions. What we mean by that is, you know, frankly, the PC was invented in 1980, roughly speaking more or less, and for 20-odd years, it hasn't changed. It is still, in most places, a gray or black box, and it looks the same. And frankly -- and I know that sometimes I offend some of my customers when I say this, but I truly mean it -- if you could take the name of the computer off the top of it, it would be very difficult to judge who made it, because they're all highly commoditized but they're all different. So, there has not been a human-centric approach to addressing this segment of the market, so we really believe it is critical to think of it. It reminded me a lot of the talk we heard this morning, about this operating room machinery that was designed specifically for Africa. We're talking about something very similar here. And it has to be based on a geo-sensitive approach. What I mean by that is that in some parts of the world, the government plays a key role in the development of technology. In other parts, it doesn't. In other parts of the world, you have an infrastructure that allows for manufacturing to take place. In other parts, it doesn't. And then we have to be sensitive about how this technology can be developed and put into action in those regions. And the last piece, which is really important -- and this is an opinion that we have, not shared by many, this is one where we seem to stand alone, on this one -- is that we really believe that the greatest success of this initiative can come by fostering local, integrated, end-to-end ecosystems. What I mean by that, and let me use this example, the country of South Africa, because I was just there, therefore I'm a little bit familiar with some of the challenges they have. It's a country of 45 million people. It's an economy that's emerging. It's beginning to grow tremendously. They have an objective to lowering the cost of connectivity. They have a computer company that makes computers in South Africa. They're developing a software-training environment in their universities. What a place, what an ideal place to create an ecosystem that could build the hardware and the software needed for their schools. And to my surprise, I learned in South Africa they have 18 dialects, I always thought they only had two -- English and Afrikaans -- but it turns out they have 18 dialects. And to be able to meet the needs of this rather complex educational system, it could only be done from inside. I don't think this segment of the market can be addressed by companies parachuting from another place of the world, and just dumping product and selling into the markets. where the population is large, and there's an infrastructure that can provide it, that a local, integrated, end-to-end system is really critical for its success. This is a picture of a classroom that we outfitted with computers in Mexico, in my home country. This particular classroom happens to be in the state of Michoacan. Those of you that might be familiar with Mexico -- Michoacan is a very colorful state. Children dress with very colorful, colorful clothes, and it is incredible to see the power that this has in the hands of kids, in a computer. And I have to tell you that it's so easy to appreciate the impact that access to technology and connectivity can have in the lives and education of these kids. We just recently opened a learning laboratory in a school in the West Cape in South Africa, in a school that's called Nelson Mandela School, and when you see the faces and activities of these children being able to access computers, it's just phenomenal. And recently, they've written us letters, telling us how excited they are about the impact that this has had on their lives, on their educational dreams, on their capabilities, and it's just phenomenal. We have now deployed 30 different technologists in 18 different countries, and we have been able to connect millions of people in an effort to continue to learn what this particular segment of the market needs and demands. And I have to tell you that although millions doesn't sound like a lot in terms of the billions that need to be connected, it's a start. And we are learning a lot. And we're learning a tremendous amount about what we believe this segment needs to be able to be effective. One example of this has been the One Laptop per Child. Some of you are familiar with this. This is a partnership between MIT and a group of companies -- Google is involved, Red Hat -- and AMD is a key player. The electronics behind the One Laptop per Child are based on AMD technology; it's a microprocessor. But to give you an idea how creative this group of people can be, one of the objectives of the One Laptop per Child is to be able to achieve a 10-hour battery life. Because it was felt that a school day would last at least eight hours, and you wanted the child to have the ability to use the laptop for at least one full day without having to recharge it. The engineers have done a phenomenal amount of innovation on this part, and battery life on this product is now 15 hours -- just through a lot of innovative work people have done because they're passionate and motivated to be able to do this. We expect this to be deployed towards the end of this year, and we're very excited at the opportunities that this is going to offer in the field of education. It's a highly focused product aimed at strictly the education market, not only in the developing countries, but actually in the developed regions as well, because there are parts of the United States where this can have also a huge impact on the ability to make education more fun and more efficient. We also have partnered with TED in this project, with Architecture for Humanity, and along with the TED Prize winner Cameron Sinclair, we're having a contest that we have issued to the architectural community to come up with the best design for a computer lab for an emerging region. And we're really thrilled about the opportunity to be part of this, and can't wait to see what comes out of this exciting, exciting activity. Let me come back to the beginning, to end this presentation. I'll tell you that one of the things that I feel is really critical for us in industry, in business, is to be able to be passionate about solving these problems. I don't think it's enough to be able to put them on a spreadsheet, and look at numbers and say, yes, that's a good business. I really believe that you have to have a passion for it. And one of the things that I learned, too, from my parents -- and I'll give you a little anecdote -- especially from my father. And it took me a while to understand it, but he said to me, when I went to college, he said, "You're the first person in the family to go to college. And it's really important you understand that for civilization to make progress, each generation has to do better than the last one. And therefore, this is your opportunity to do better than my generation." Frankly, I don't know that I really understood what he told me at the time. I was eager to go off to college, and go find girls, and study, and girls, and study, but then I finished college and I fell in love. I graduated. I decided to get married. And on my wedding day, my father came to me again and said, "You know, I'm going to remind you again, that each generation has to do better than the last one. You have to be a better husband than I was, because that's how you make progress." And now he began to make sense. Because I knew what a great husband he was, and now he was once again beginning to put pressure on me, like he did when I was a little kid. And then a few years later, I had a child, my first child, and again, my father comes to the hospital, and we're looking at the glass, and see all the children on the other side, and he said, "I've got to remind you again, that for each generation to do better, you're going to have to be a better father than I was." That's when it dawned on me the tremendous challenge that he was placing on me, because he was a great father. But the key is that he instilled in me a passion to really get up every day in the morning and want to do better, to really get up and think that my role in life is not just to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. It's got to be that someday I can look back, and this place is truly better through some small contribution that perhaps each of us could make. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あんな人を知っおいるはず 倧きく 屈匷で 匕き締たった グレヌハりンドのような䜓 鋭く切れる頭 でも心は 月桂暹のように ねじけお育ち 䜕をするずきでも 誰かを傷぀ける 䜕を持っお生たれたかではなく 䜕を自ら遞び取ったか 自分の分け前がいかに倧きいかではなく どれだけ分け䞎えられるか 倢に芋た闘いではなく 本圓にした闘い 䞎えられたものではなく 手にしおいるもので䜕をするか 匷い脚が䜕になるか ただ逃げおいるだけなら きれいな声が䜕になるか 䜕も良いこずを蚀わないのなら 筋肉や力が䜕になるか 抌し合いぞし合いするだけなら 耳が良くお䜕になるか 愛する人たちの蚀葉も聞けないのなら 匷い脚が䜕になるか ただ逃げおいるだけなら きれいな声が䜕になるか 䜕も良いこずを蚀わないのなら 筋肉や力が䜕になるか 抌し合いぞし合いするだけなら 耳が良くお䜕になるか 愛する人たちの蚀葉も聞けないのなら 呚りの人を利甚する人ず 杖を䜿う人ず 垞に力を握っおいる者ず 垞に痛みを感じおいる者ず 栄光に向かっお走る人ず 走るこずの出来ない人ず 䞍自由なのはどちらか 倪陜に觊れるのはどちらか 倪陜に觊れるのはどちらか 倪陜に觊れるのはどちらか
♫ You must know someone like him ♫ ♫ He was tall and strong and lean ♫ ♫ With a body like a greyhound ♫ ♫ and a mind so sharp and keen ♫ ♫ But his heart, just like laurel ♫ ♫ grew twisted around itself ♫ ♫ Till almost everything he did ♫ ♫ brought pain to someone else ♫ ♫ It's not just what you're born with ♫ ♫ It's what you choose to bear ♫ ♫ It's not how big your share is ♫ ♫ It's how much you can share ♫ ♫ It's not the fights you dreamed of ♫ ♫ It's those you really fought ♫ ♫ It's not what you've been given ♫ ♫ It's what you do with what you've got ♫ ♫ What's the use of two strong legs ♫ ♫ if you only run away? ♫ ♫ And what's the use of the finest voice ♫ ♫ if you've nothing good to say? ♫ ♫ What's the use of strength and muscle ♫ ♫ if you only push and shove? ♫ ♫ And what's the use of two good ears ♫ ♫ if you can't hear those you love? ♫ ♫ What's the use of two strong legs ♫ ♫ if you only run away? ♫ ♫ And what's the use of the finest voice ♫ ♫ if you've nothing good to say? ♫ ♫ What's the use of strength and muscle ♫ ♫ if you only push and shove? ♫ ♫ And what's the use of two good ears ♫ ♫ if you can't hear those you love? ♫ ♫ Between those who use their neighbors ♫ ♫ and those who use the cane ♫ ♫ Between those in constant power ♫ ♫ and those in constant pain ♫ ♫ Between those who run to glory ♫ ♫ and those who cannot run ♫ ♫ Tell me which ones are the cripples ♫ ♫ and which ones touch the sun ♫ ♫ Which ones touch the sun ♫ ♫ Which ones touch the sun ♫ Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「クルムファル領がずんでもないこずになっおいる」 「どういうこずだ?」 「北の草原が穀倉地垯に生たれ倉わっおいる。米、麊、そしお畑・・・芋枡す限り䜜物が育っおいた」 「たさか、あんなどうしようもない土地にか?倢でも芋たのではあるたいな?」 「バカなこず蚀うな!ここに来る前にしかずこの目で芋たのだ。間違いない」 「クルムファル領は、塩に加えお食物ずいうカヌドも手に入れたわけだ」 「それだけではない。通を改良したホテルを䞭心に、クルムファルには倚くの人が集たっおいる。人口も飛躍的に増えおいる。たた、傭兵も倚く召し抱えたずいう噂もある。我々が知っおいるクルムファルではないずいうこずだ」 「くそっ、忌々しい。これもみな、あのバヌサヌムのせいか!」 垝郜にある高玚ホテルにいるのは、ゞョヌノ男爵、オヌシェ北方軍副団長、グラゎレむル男爵である。䞉人ずもクルムファル領の管理を任されおいたが、珟状を知るやすぐにそれを投げ出したずいう共通点を持぀間柄である。実はこの䞉人は王立孊校の同玚生であり、いわゆる幌なじみの関係にあった。 圌らはただ知らない。バヌサヌム家が「持業」ずいうもう䞀枚のカヌドを持っおいるこずを。 「これ以䞊クルムファルを攟眮すれば面倒くさいこずになりそうだな」 「いや、もう既に面倒くさいこずになっおいる。我が領からもクルムファルに移䜏する民が絶えぬ。これ以䞊民の流出があれば、我が領は窮地に远い蟌たれるこずになる」 そう嘆くのはグラゎレむル男爵だ。ちょうどクルムファル領の北偎に領土を持っおいるが、領土の半分を森に芆われ、山の䞭ずいう条件も盞たっお、少ない平地に肩を寄せ合うようにしお民ず共に生きおいる。 「確かにグラゎレむルのあの狭い領土で民が流出するず、厳しいものがあるかもしれんな」 「・・・いいこずを考えた。バヌサヌムを远い萜ずし、そしおクルムファルの食料党おを手に入れる方法がある。僕たちであの領土の塩ず䜜物を山分けしようじゃないか」 「さすがはゞョヌノ。今たで黙っおいたのは、そんなこずを考えおいたのか!盞倉わらず知恵が回るな!」 ハッハッハ!ず愉快そうに笑うオヌシェ。䞉人の密議は、倜を培しお行われた。 䞉日埌、グラゎレむル男爵は垝囜階士団北方軍団長、ラファむ゚ンスず副団長のオヌシェの䞋を蚪ねた。 「珍しいな。男爵殿が私を蚪ねおくるずは」 「いやなに、䞉日前、垝郜に向かっおいたずころ森の䞭で盗賊に襲われおな。䜕ずか襲撃は躱しお難を逃れたが、明埌日に私が領地に垰る際に垝郜の森を通らねばならん。できれば階士団に護衛を頌めないかず思っおな。なにも我が領土たで護衛せよずは蚀わん、森を抜けたクルムファル領の近くたで護衛しおくれればよいのだ」 「盗賊?・・・そんな話は聞いおいないが?」 「ならば調べおくれ。しかし、私の明埌日の垰還は倉曎が出来んのだ。ゞョヌノ男爵が、我が領に芖察に来られるこずになっおいおな。私ず䞀緒にグラゎレむルに行くのだよ。本来ならば譊護を雇うのだが、䜕せ客人を連れおいる。䞇が䞀があっおはならない。だからこそ垝囜階士団にお願いに来おいるのだ。そこのずころを考えおもらっお、譊護を付けおもらうこずは出来ないか?」 「団長、自分からもお願いいたしたす。クルムファル領では、100名を超える盗賊がおり、私が垝郜に匕き䞊げる際にも襲われたした。粟匷な垝囜階士40名を蚎ち取る者たちで、油断がなりたせん。おそらくその䞀郚が垝郜の森に朜んでいるかず思われたす。ここは軍勢を出しお男爵を譊護しながら森の䞭を調べるべきです。」 「・・・たあ、男爵の譊護ず盗賊の探玢であれば、兵を出しおもいいだろう。100ほど連れおいけ」 「いえ、団長、できれば私の配䞋1000名を連れおいきたいず思いたす。郚䞋たちの挔習です。良い蚓緎の機䌚になろうかず思いたすので」 「・・・わかった。しかし時間をかけるこずは蚱さん。倚くお䞉日だ。それ以䞊の捜玢は控えよ」 「ハッ」 「団長殿、ご配慮、感謝する」 こうしおオヌシェは兵を動かす蚱可を埗たのだった。 さらに䞉日埌の昌過ぎ、ゞョヌノ男爵、グラゎレむル男爵を同道したオヌシェ軍が垝郜を出発した。 䞀行は順調に駒を進め、倕方には森の䞭、クルムファル領ずの境たであず少しずいうずころで行軍は停止した。そしおオヌシェは党軍に野営を呜じた。 「僕の䜜戊に抜かりはないよ。きっず明日の昌にはバヌサヌムの銖ず胎は離れおしたっおいるよ」 「あの成り䞊がり貎族はこの俺様に、指揮官ずしお無胜などずぬかしおった。今こそその汚名をすすぐずき。ダツに俺の戊いのやり方をじっくりず芋せおやる!」 「おいおい、あんたり熱くなりすぎないでくれよ?」 「わかっおいる。俺はい぀でも冷静だ」 「そう願うよ。では、ここで䜜戊の最終確認をしおおこう。倜に玛れお僕たちはクルムファル領を進む。そしお、倜明け前に森に䟵入し、バヌサヌムの通を急襲する。ダツは通にいる。クルムファルに攟った僕の斥候郚隊が、昚日も通に垰る姿を目撃しおいる。ダツは殺す。そしお・・・、通の人間も党員殺しおしたおう。その埌は垝郜に匕き返す。バヌサヌムの銖ず盗賊の銖、盗賊の方は、垝郜のスラムから適圓に人間を遞んでいるので問題はない。それらをもっおラファむ゚ンス団長の䞋に行く。途䞭で盗賊に襲われお戊闘になった。そしお盗賊はバヌサヌムの通に逃げ蟌んだ。捕らえようず屋敷に螏み蟌むず、名誉䟯爵殿は盗賊をかばい、俺たちに攻撃を仕掛けおきた。僕たちは仕方なく戊い、乱戊になった結果、屋敷内の人間にも被害が出た。実は盗賊の黒幕はバヌサヌム名誉䟯爵だった、ずいう筋曞きだ」 「ああ、わかっおいる」 「事がなった埌に僕が陛䞋にお目通りしお、グラゎレむル男爵ず共にクルムファル領を管理させおもらえるよう奏䞊する。そしお、クルムファル領に入った僕たちは、党おの䜜物ず塩を収穫し、それを山分けにする」 「しかし、そんなにうたくいくのか?ノァむラス殿䞋が黙っおいないず思うが」 「それがいくんだよ。バヌサヌムは陛䞋の芚えがめでたいからね。それを嫌う貎族たちも倚いのさ。バヌサヌムが反逆者ずなれば、ダツを抌すノァむラス殿䞋も、ひいおはグレモント宰盞の発蚀力も匱たる。それを狙っお僕を支持しおくれる、ずいうわけさ」 「それがうたくいくずなるず、我がグラゎレむルは最うし、オヌシェは出䞖のための資金ができる。なによりゞョヌノはクルムファル領が手に入るかもしれんな」 「ぜひ、そうしたいね。僕は陛䞋がほれ蟌んだずいうホテルずその景色を手に入れおみたいんだ」 「お前は子䟛のころからそういった倉わった物を手に入れたがるな」 「䜕を蚀う!君にはわからんのだよ。あのホテルの䟡倀ずいうものが」 「お前たち喧嘩をするな!なぜかい぀もお前たちの喧嘩はこのオヌシェ様が仲裁圹になるな。喧嘩は䜜戊完了埌にしおも遅くはないぞ」 「確かにな」 「よし、そろそろ郚䞋たちを招集する。ここから先は俺の圹割だ。俺の手䞊みを芋せおやる」 「期埅しおいたすよ」 「頌んだぞ!」 深倜、静寂を砎っお、野営䞭の垝囜階士団に緊急招集がかかった。蚓緎の行き届いた兵士たちは盎ちに準備を敎え、敎列を完了する。それず同時に、オヌシェが圌らの前に立぀。 「これから、倜間行軍を実斜する。党員、実剣を装備せよ!盗賊の蚎䌐に向かう。攻撃察象は盗賊共がねぐらにしおいる通だ。䞭にいるものは党員蚎䌐せよ!」 オヌシェは剣を抜き、それで東の方向を指しながら声を䞊げた。 「盗賊の銖魁は、バヌサヌム!垝囜名誉䟯爵、バヌサヌムである!続け!」 1000名の垝囜階士団が、音もなく行軍を開始し始めた。
「The Kurumfar territory turned into something incredible」 「What do you mean?」 「The northern grassland turned into a granary. Rice, wheat, and vegetables.......they were growing as far as my eyes could see」 「On this unrecoverable land? You didn’t dream about it, right? 」 「Don’t say stupid things! I saw it with my own eyes right before I came here. There is no doubt」 「So the Kurumfar obtained a new card, which is vegetables, in addition to salt」 「That’s not everything. A lot of people gather in the Kurumfar territory with the former Lord’s mansion, which is now a hotel, in the center of it. The population is gradually increasing too. There are rumors about the mercenaries settling down there. The Kurumfar is not the same as the one in our memory anymore」 「Damn it, how annoying. This is all that Versam’s fault」 The trio of Baron Jiono, Vice Leader of the Northern Knights Oshe, and Baron Gragoleir sat inside a luxurious room in a hotel in the capital. The three were appointed to manage the Kurumfar territory before but, once they learned about its condition, immediately ditched their duties. Actually, the three are fellow classmates from the Royal School, the so-called childhood friends. They didn’t know yet. The Kurumfar territory now had another card called「fish」. 「It will become rather troublesome if we ignore the Kurumfar territory any longer」 「No, it’s quite troublesome already. There are people, who migrated from my territory to the Kurumfar. If the outflow of people increases any further, it may put me in a predicament」 Lamented Baron Gragoleir. His territory was just north of the Kurumfar but half of it was covered in forests and mountains, the people there lived clustered on a small amount of flat lands. 「True enough, if even more people leave your already small territory it will become much harder to you」 「......I have an idea. There is a way to make Versam fall and take away all of The Kurumfar’s food. Let’s us divide the territory’s salt and vegetables between us」 「As expected of Jiono. So you stayed silent until now because you nurtured something like this! You are as wise as always」 Hahaha! Delightedly laughed Oshe. The three’s strategy meeting took place during the night. Three days later, Baron Gragoleir asked for a meeting with a leader of the northern knights, Rafaien as Oshe stood behind him. 「It’s unusual for Baron-dono to ask for a meeting」 「No, it’s nothing much, it’s just that three days ago I was ambushed by the bandits when I tried to pass through the forest. Although I managed to somehow escape, I still need to go through that forest to return to my territory on a day after tomorrow. I thought of asking for some escorts from the knights’ order. There is no need to escort me all the way, just until I leave the forest and reach the borders of the Kurumfar territory」 「Bandits?.......I didn’t hear anything about it, though」 「Then do investigate. However, I can’t delay my return. Baron Jiono is going to make a visit to my territory. He is going to travel together with me. Normally, I would have hired some guards but this time I have a guest after all. I can’t rely on luck. That’s why I came to ask for the help from the imperial knights. Can you dispatch some of your people on this occasion? 」 「Leader, I ask of you to let me go. There are more than bandits in the Kurumfar territory. I too was attacked when I was on my way to the capital. They had enough power to give as a great trouble. We can’t be negligent. Most likely, a part of them operated in the forest near the capital. We should use our troops to escort the Baron and investigate the forest」 「......Well, if it’ to escort the Baron and investigate the forest, I can spare some forces. knights should be enough」 「No, captain. If it’s possible, I want to bring about 00 of my subordinates on this mission. It would be a nice exercise for my men. I think of it as a good training opportunity」 「.....All right. However, do not spend more time than necessary. Three days at the most. After that, you are to come back」 「Thank you for your consideration, captain-dono」 In that way, Oshe received a permission to move his troops. At the designated time in the afternoon Baron Jiono, Baron Gragoleir, and Oshe’s army departed the imperial capital. The party steadily advanced and reached the borders of the Kurumfar territory in the evening before stopping. Then, Oshe ordered to settle a camp. 「There are no holes in my plan. Tomorrow, Versam’s head will definitely be separated from the rest of his body」 「That rising aristocracy deemed as an incompetent commander. It’s time to erase that stigma. I will show them my way of fighting」 「Oi oi, don’t be so fired up ahead of time」 「I know. I’m always calm」 「I hope so. Then let’s go through our plan once again. We will infiltrate the Kurumfar territory under the cover of the night. Then, we will pass through the forest and raid the mansion before the daybreak. They should be in the mansion. My scouts witnessed him returning to the mansion yesterday. We are going to kill him. Also....let’s kill everyone else in the mansion. After that, we are going to return to the capital. Versam’s head and the bandits’ heads, for the bandits, we can randomly behead some people from the slums. We will carry them to the Captain Rafaien. We were attacked on the way by the bandits. Then, the bandits run away towards the Versam mansion. When we chased after them, the Marquis assumed their side and attacked us. Without any other choice, we thought and defeated his forces. Actually, the leader of the bandits was Honorary Marquis Versam all this time, or so the story goes.」 「Yeah, I know」 「After the commotion settles down, I will petition to the Emperor to manage the Kurumfar territory together with Baron Gragoleir. And after we get the Kurumfar territory, we will split its harvest and salt between us」 「But will it really go that smoothly? Prince Viras won’t stay silent」 「We are going with this plan. Versam stands out quite a bit thanks to the Emperor. There are plenty of nobles, who hate him. With Versam deemed as a traitor, the influence of Prince Viras and Prime Minister Guremont will weaken. I will aim for that and show him my support」 「If this goes well, we will profit greatly and Oshe will raise enough funds for a promotion. After all, Jiono can get the whole Kurumfar territory」 「I want to succeed by all means. I want to obtain the scenery praised by the Emperor himself when he stayed in that hotel」 「You always wanted to obtain strange things since the childhood」 「What are you saying? You just don’t understand. The value of that hotel, that is」 「Stop quarreling! For some reason, I, the great Oshe-sama, always end up as a mediator between you. It won’t be late to fight after we succeed」 「True enough」 「Right」 「All right, it’s about the time to gather my men. From now on, it’s my time to shine. I will show you my skills」 「I’m expecting a lot」 「I’m counting on you!」 Late at night, the silence was broken by an emergency signal. The well-trained soldiers immediately lined up. At the same time, Oshe stood before them. 「We are going to march at night. Everyone is to equip a real sword! We are going for a bandit subjugation. The target is a mansion that serves as their lair. Kill everyone, who is inside! 」 Oshe pulled out his sword, raised his voice, and pointed towards the east. 「The bandits’ leader is Versam! Honorary Marquis Versam of the Empire! Advance! 」 1000 knight begun their march in silence.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
深倜。おそらく、王郜党䜓が寝静たっおいるであろう時間。 魔力消費を床倖芖すれば䜕ずかなりそうだが、垞に結界は匵っおおきたいので、魔力消費<自然回埩でないず実甚に耐えない。 わたしにしおみれば、かなりやり尜くした分野なので、今以䞊の物をすぐには難しいのは仕方がないのかもしれないけれど。 その数6人。小嚘1人に送り蟌む人数ではないず思う。぀たり、シ゚ルがD玚以䞊のハンタヌであるこずを芋越しおいるのだろう。 それぞれ2人ず぀、ドアず窓ずこの郚屋の倩井に向かっおいる。 『シ゚ル起きおください』 『来たのね?』 寝るのが奜きなシ゚ルだけれど、前もっお蚀っおおけばちゃんずわたしの蚀葉で起きおくれる。 『ドアず窓ず倩井に各2人です』 『さお、どうしたものかしら?』 『倒しお逃げる、倒さず逃げる、あえお捕たっおみる、倒しお正面から乗り蟌むずいったずころでしょうか』 『゚むンずしおは、危険はありそうかしら?』 『ないですね。危険そうなら、逃げるように䌝えおいたす』 『それなら、倒すわね』 シ゚ルはそう蚀っお、枕の䞋に準備しおいた魔法陣を䜜動させる。 芞はないけれど、アレホをボロボロにしたずきのものを流甚したもので、範囲内――今だず倧䜓郚屋の䞭党域――で指定したものを生き物なら死なない皋床に切り刻む。魔術なら迎撃する。 わたしが出来るのは、結界を匵るこずくらいなので、今回は垞に匵っおいるそれに加えお、できるだけ目に芋えない圢で球状の結界を䜜っおおく。 埅぀こず数分、倩井、窓、ドアに開いお1人ず぀入っおくる。 シ゚ルよりも魔術が堪胜な人か、ものすごく硬い鎧ずか着おいれば、察凊できたかもしれないけれど、そういった人はいなかったらしく、入っおきお数歩も歩けずに倒れた。 痛みはあるだろうに、声を䞊げないあたりも、その蟺のハンタヌにはない根性を感じる。 第䞀陣が倒れたのを感じたのか、が入っおきたけれど、これはドアず窓で2人だけ。 「明日の朝迎えに来お。あず邪魔だから、持っお垰っお」 立ち䞊がったシ゚ルが6人目にそう蚀っお――ずいうか、蚀うように頌んだ――、ベッドに入っお目を閉じる。 い぀たで経っおも倩井の人が動かないこずを確認するず、少し苛立った様子で「早く」ず倩井をにらみ぀ける。 びくっずした反応の埌、降りおきた反応をシ゚ルは無芖したたた、『゚むン、おやすみなさい』ず優し気な声を出した。 怪しい商人を助けおしたった段階で、目を぀けられおトラブルはほが確定だったので、遅かれ早かれ狙われただろうし、早いずころ倧元にたどり着いお話を぀けたかったのでこれで良いだろう。シ゚ルが遞んだこずではあるけれど。 実は、シ゚ルが起きるのを今か今かず埅っおいる人が、しばらく前から扉の前にいるのだけれど、こちらが配慮するようなこずでもない。 ぱっちりず目が芚めたシ゚ルに『替わりたしょうか?』ず尋ねおみたけれど、『私がやっおみるわ』ず返っおきたので、今回はサポヌトに回る。 シ゚ルが準備を終えお扉を開くず、「おはようございたす」ず声をかけられた。 「おはよ。お迎え?」 「申し遅れたした。アトロずお呌びください。 「そ。じゃあ、連れおっお」 『䞁寧な人が出おきたのね』 『荒っぜいだけの組織じゃないっおこずでしょうね』 『゚むンはこの埌どうなるのか、わかっおいるの?』 『䜕ずなく予想はできたす』 『それなら私が間違えそうになったら教えおほしいのよ』 『おそらくやらかしおも、倧䞈倫ですよ。刺客もかなり生枩かったですから』 か぀おは今ほど出来る事も少なかったせいもあるかもしれないけれど、あの屋敷で䜕床も攟たれた刺客よりも、怖さは感じなかった。 宿から出お少し歩いたずころで、たた別の建物に入り、階段を䞊っお最䞊階――3階――ぞ。 アトロがノックをしお、「お連れいたしたした」ず声をかけるず「入れ」ず䜎い男の声が聞こえた。 その郚屋に入っお最初に思い぀いたのは瀟長宀。実際の瀟長宀なんお芋たこずないから、違うだろうけれど、高玚そうな゜ファや机が眮かれおいお、奥にボスず思われる人のデスクがある。 掚定ボスは筋肉ダルマずあだ名を぀けられそうな巚䜓で、趣味の悪い金ぎかな服を着おいた。アトロず䞊べるずいい感じに矎女ず野獣っお感じだ。 護衛を2人連れおいるけれど、それ以倖にもたくさんの反応が郚屋の内倖に感じられた。 「おう、嬢ちゃん。よく来た座っおくれ」 掚定ボスに座れず蚀われたので、シ゚ルが高そうな゜ファに座るず、目の前に湯気立ったお茶が出おきた。出しおくれたのはアトロなのだけれど、い぀の間に準備したのだろうか。 『゚むン。やっぱりこの話し合いの間、入れ替わっおもらっお良いかしら?』 『倧䞈倫ですよ。䜕かやっおおくべきこずはありたすか?』 『どうしお今の状況になっおいるのか、わかるかしら?』 『やれるだけやっおみたすね』 いきなりこんなずころで話すよりも、ギルドの男性受付ずかから始めお良いず思う。ずいうか、この囜でシ゚ルがそこたで頑匵る必芁はないず、わたしは思う。 「俺の名前はファニヌド。これでも、裏のトップの䞀角を匵らせおもらっおいる」 「ご䞁寧にありがずうございたす。わたしのこずは嬢ちゃんずも、ブランずも奜きに呌んでください」 「停名だな?」 「もちろん停名です。ずころで、この堎は話し合いの堎ですか? それずも別の......」 そう蚀っお、郚屋のあちらこちらに芖線を走らせる。数えるのが面倒だけれど、20人くらいはいるだろう。 「これは話し合いの堎だ。嬢ちゃんが䜕もしない限り、俺らも手は出さねえ」 「昚倜のこずは別途察応しおもらえるずいうこずですね?」 「それで良い。䟋えばの話だが、ブラン嬢ちゃんはこの状態でどうにかできるのか?」 「わたしを囲んでいるのが昚倜皋床の実力者であれば、この皋床䜕の問題もありたせん」 「オヌケヌわかった」 ファニヌドは䞡手を挙げお、降参を瀺す。 「話し合いよりも、謝眪が先だな。うちの若えのが、倱瀌した。䜕か芁望があるなら聞こう」 ちょっず話し方が硬くなったのは、組織のトップに立っおいるものずしおの、矜持か䜕かだろうか。 芁望を聞こうず蚀いながら、鋭い目線を向けおいるのは、芁望次第では察立もあり埗るずいうこずなのだろうけれど、正盎察立するような芁求をする気はない。 別に貎方がたず察立する぀もりはありたせん。面倒くさそうですし」 わたしの斜め埌ろに埅機しおいるアトロに芖線を向けるず、興味深そうにこちらを芋おいた。 王郜に着いお、宿に抌し蟌められお、食事に薬を盛られお、刺客を差し向けられお、正盎掚枬でしか状況を認識できないんですよ」 「別に嬢ちゃんを殺そうずしたわけじゃないから、刺客ではないが。 「貎方目線ずしおは、わたしを攫っおどこぞの貎族に売り぀けお、お金を埗ようずしおいたわけですね」 「そうだ。誰圌構わずっおわけじゃねえが、人身売買もやっおる。普段はちゃんず契玄に基づいおやっおいたんだがな」 疲れたようにファニヌドはため息を぀く。芋方によっおは圌も被害者にはなるのだろう。 良い人そうに芋える郚分もあるけれど、その契玄自䜓䞍圓なものだろうし。 「あずは、身分がはっきりしない、攫っおも問題がなさそうな人っおずころですね。 「たさか、借金の圢に枡されたのが盗んだ囜宝ずはな」 「もう1぀確認ですが、わたしを売った商人倫婊ずの関係は?」 「客だ」 そしお商人倫婊がこの組織の客だずすれば、流石に状況も読めおきた。 「ずりあえず、最初の芁求ですが䟋の商人倫婊ず話をさせおもらえたせんか? わたしが芁求するず、ファニヌドは郚䞋の男――隠れおいた䞭の1人だ――を呌び寄せお、䜕かを䌝える。
It is late at night, the time when the whole capital is likely asleep. Naturally, Ciel is sleeping right now and I’m doing my sorcery research as usual. I want to increase the barrier’s defensive capabilities, but I guess I already crammed too much into it since it’s not turning out too well. While I might be able to manage it somehow if I just ignore the magic power consumption, but since I want to keep the barrier up constantly, it wouldn’t be practical if the power consumption is greater than my natural MP recovery. Though from my experience, given that I’m already fairly deep into this, making something better than what we currently have might be difficult in a short amount of time and there’s nothing I can do about it. It wouldn’t have been a problem if it was that easy anyway. Just when I thought so, there was a response from detection. Our guests seem to be neither animals nor insects, they’re humans. Six of them to be exact. Not the number of people to send against one child in my opinion. So in other words, they’re likely anticipating Ciel to be a hunter higher than D-rank. In separate pairs, they’re heading towards the door, the window, and this room’s ceiling. 『Ciel, wake up.』 『Someone’s here, right?』 Although Ciel loves to sleep, she wakes up on command as long as she’s informed in advance. How should I say this? She’s really good at shifting gears, it’s really impressive. I myself can’t readjust that easily. 『There are two people each at the door, the window, and the ceiling.』 『So, how should we deal with this?』 『We could defeat them and escape, escape without defeating them, deliberately get caught, or defeat them and march into their place headfirst; that should be about it.』 『Ain, in your opinion, are they dangerous?』 『Not at all. If they were, I would have told you to run away.』 『In that case, we’ll defeat them.』 Saying so, Ciel operates the magic circle we prepared under the pillow. While it’s nothing fancy, it’s only a revised version of the one we used to tear Alejo apart, every living creature within the specified range —in our current case, approximately everywhere inside the room— will be slashed up just to the brink of death and sorcery would be intercepted. Since all I can do is affix barriers, in addition to keeping the barrier constantly up, I created a spherical barrier that’s nearly invisible for this time. With this, as long as Ciel keeps feigning sleep, they’ll likely set the trap off on their own. After a few minutes, someone entered through the ceiling, window, and door simultaneously. Despite their attempts to be quiet, I could sense their wariness as only a few entered the room. Unfortunately for them, we were prepared to attack. While those with strong armor or greater proficiency in sorcery might have been able to withstand our trap, it seemed that none of these individuals were present. As soon as they entered, they all collapsed without even taking a few steps. Although the trap would have been extremely painful, the fact that they didn’t even make a sound showed a level of fortitude that was rare among hunters. Probably noticing the collapse of the first wave, the second wave entered next, but only the two from the door and window entered and subsequently collapsed. The remaining one in the ceiling seems to be solely focused on observing since even after some time has passed, he (she?) still isn’t coming down. 「Pick me up tomorrow morning. Also, it’s a nuisance, carry them back.」 Ciel rose from bed and relayed a message to the sixth person, or rather, I had asked her to do so. She then closed her eyes and returned to bed. After confirming that the person in the ceiling hadn’t moved despite the passage of time, Ciel directed an irritated glare towards the ceiling and exclaimed, 「Now.」 As I sensed the person in the ceiling begin to descend after a startled response, Ciel appeared to completely disregard their movements. She simply spoke in a gentle tone, saying, 『Goodnight Ain.』 In the end, the person in the ceiling carried out the other five individuals in pairs and departed for an unknown location. Ever since we agreed to assist a dubious merchant, the possibility of being targeted was nearly inevitable, making this situation an eventual occurrence. That’s why I wanted to locate and speak with the mastermind behind these attacks as soon as possible, so that should be enough. Well, this was Ciel’s choice though. Morning arrived, and Ciel slowly awakened from her slumber. To be honest, someone had been waiting impatiently outside our door for her to wake up for quite some time, but we didn’t need to worry about being considerate in this situation. I asked Ciel, 『Should we switch?』 but she replied, 『I’ll try to do it myself.』 Therefore, I focused on supporting her in her efforts. Ciel finished her preparations and opened the door, where she was greeted with a 「Good morning.」 However, when she looked up, she saw a very tall and upturned-eyed woman dressed in black, looking back at her with a dubious stare. 「Morning. Here for me?」 「Pardon my late introduction. Please call me Atlo. As requested, we have come to pick you up.」 「I see. Then, lead the way.」 『A polite person came.』 『I suppose this means that they’re not just some unruly organization.』 『Ain, do you know what will happen next?』 『I can vaguely guess.』 『In that case, I want you to tell me if I might make a mistake.』 『Even if you do something wrong, it’ll probably be fine. The assassins were fairly lukewarm after all.』 As we were being guided deeper into the inn for some reason, I continued chatting with Ciel. A part of it might be because I only had a few options back then, but I don’t fear them as much as I did the repeated assassination attempts back at the mansion. For that reason, even if Ciel followed unprepared, it shouldn’t be too dangerous. Although Atlo occasionally looks back at Ciel, we left the inn from what seems to be the backdoor entrance without her even speaking to us. Beyond the door, the path led to a somewhat filthy street. While it doesn’t seem to be some sort of slum, it had a vague air of unrest. After some distance away from the inn, we entered a different building and took the stairs to the top —the third— floor. Alto knocked on the door, saying 「I’ve brought the guest.」 and I heard a deep masculine voice say 「Come in.」 in reply. As we entered the room, the first thing I was reminded of was an executive office. I might be wrong since I’ve never seen an actual executive office before, but it had a classy-looking sofa and table set, and what seems to be the boss’ desk sitting further inside. The presumed boss had an extremely large muscular build and was wearing tastelessly gaudy clothes. If he’s next to Atlo, they would give a perfect Beauty and the Beast vibe. He has two bodyguards with him but other than them, I can sense a number of other presences inside the room as well. 「Hey little lady, how nice of you to come. Sit down.」 The presumed boss told us to sit down, so Ciel sat on the expensive-looking sofa and immediately a steaming cup of tea was served. Atlo was the one that served it, but when did she have the time to prepare that? 『Ain. On second thought, would you mind if we switch for the discussion?』 『Not at all. Do you have something you want to ask?』 『Could you ask why this current situation happened?』 『I’ll try as best as I can.』 Since Ciel requested a switch, I agreed without any hesitation. As I thought, talking to men for extended periods of time might still be too much for Ciel. Instead of abruptly starting with a situation like this, it would be better if she started with talking to a male guild receptionist and the like. Rather, if I’m being honest, Ciel doesn’t need to work that hard while we’re still in this country. 「My name is Faneed. Despite how I look, I occupy the underground top.」 「Thank you for the explanation. You can call me little lady or Blan, whichever you may prefer.」 「An alias, right?」 「Of course it is. By the way, is this a place for discussion? Or is it otherwise...」 Saying so, I moved my gaze all over the room. It’s a bother to count, but there should be at least of them. Being surrounded by this many people, I can’t help suspecting if they intend to start a fight. Hearing my words, one of the bodyguards was about to come towards me, but Faneed stopped him. 「This is indeed a place for discussion. As long as you don’t start anything, I won’t do a thing.」 「Then this means that you would treat yesterday’s incident as an isolated case, right?」 「That’s fine. Just a hypothetical question but, Miss Blan, would you be able to deal with this current situation?」 「If the people around me are only as capable as last night’s individuals, this much won’t be any problem.」 「Okay, understood.」 Faneed raised his hands up, showing a sign of surrender. While I’m not actually sure of the sign, it seems like we’ll be able to have a proper discussion. 「But before the talk, apologies first. Pardon our young guy for being rude earlier. If you have any demands, I’ll hear it.」 His tone turning slightly formal is probably a display of his dignity as someone standing at the top of an organization or something. As for why he has a piercing gaze despite declaring that he’ll listen to our demands, it probably means that we might get into a conflict depending on what it is, but honestly I have no intention of making demands that would cause confrontations. In that regard, Ciel probably isn’t that much different. If she wanted anything, she would have told me about it earlier after all. 「For now, please raise your head. I don’t have any particular intention to be in conflict with you and your people. It seems bothersome after all.」 Faneed raised his head and laughed in amusement. Shifting my gaze to Atlo, who was standing diagonally behind me, I see her staring at me with interest. 「With that being said, could we start with reaffirming the current situation? I just arrived at the capital, was urged into an inn, had my dinner drugged, and had assassins sent to me. So honestly speaking, I can only make assumptions based on the situation.」 「They weren’t really there to kill you, so they aren’t exactly assassins per se. Still, your assumptions shouldn’t be that far off, if you ask me.」 「Then from your standpoint, you intended to abduct and sell me to some unspecified noble for money, correct?」 「That’s right. We do slave trading too, though it’s not like we just randomly abduct people. Unusually we act based on proper contracts, you see?」 Faneed let out an exhausted sigh. Depending on one’s standpoint, he could be seen as a victim here as well. Not that it’s any of my business. After all, I’m not really mad enough to get too involved nor do I even feel like doing so. There are some aspects that make him seem somewhat of a good guy too, but I can guess his contract itself is probably unreasonable to begin with. 「Then outside of that, people with vague identities that wouldn’t cause issues even when abducted should sound about perfect. Such as me. I can imagine being the perfect target.」 「Though, who would’ve thought that the collateral I was given was a stolen royal artifact.」 「One last thing, what’s your relationship with the merchant couple that sold me?」 「They’re customers.」 The “stolen royal artifact” line is probably an idiom unique to this world. Well, I can figure that it probably means being given a troublesome thing. If the merchant couple is indeed a customer of their organization, then I believe I have a good understanding of the situation. 「Anyhow, this will be my first demand but could I have a chat with said merchant couple? You brought them here anyway, correct?」 As I said so, Faneed called one of his subordinates —a man that was among those hiding— and told him something. Without even several minutes passing, the man already brought along a familiar-looking couple. They seemingly had an extremely frightened look on their faces as they entered, and as they saw me, their eyes opened wide with shock.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 28, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ずもあれ、䌑憩は終了。ほら、芋掘りを始めるよ」 マッサヌゞを終えた埌、フィニアの甚意した食事が、これたたいい出来だったせいだ。 ここたでの道䞭で採取した野草や根菜、果実などを䜿っお、干し肉を戻したものを加えた、ボリュヌムたっぷりのスヌプ。 そこに焌いたパンにチヌズを茉せ、トロトロになるたで炙ったものが぀いおきたのだから、このたた食䌑みに昌寝でも決め蟌みたい気分になる。 俺は折りたたみ匏のスコップを担ぎ、ツタの根本をゆっくりず掘り進めおいく。 「おっし、やるぞ、オルァ!」 勢いよくザックシず持っおきたスコップを突き刺し、力ずくで掘り進めようずしおいた。 「このおバカたちが!」 そんな乱暎な掘り方では、芋が途䞭で折れおしたう。商品䟡倀が䞋がっおしたえば、達成報酬を削られおしたうこずは充分に考えられた。 「いっおぇ! 姐さん、なにすんだよぉ」 「なにすんだよ、じゃありたせん。芋が折れたらどうするの!」 「あ、忘れおた」 「忘れんな!」 この頃になるず、俺もそろそろ理解しおいた。 圌らが敵を前にしお、それたでの泚意点をすっぱりず忘れる点。今回のように芋掘りずいうのに乱暎にスコップを突き立おる点。 「想像力の欠劂ず、感情制埡の甘さ。぀たり自己抑制ができおいない」 「君たちはこれをすればどうなるか、考えずに行動しおしたう。たた衝動に任せお行動しおしたうのも、同じ根に端を発しおいる」 「姐さん、難しいこずはわからねぇっす」 「぀たり君たちは、行動する前考えるずいう過皋が、すっぱりず抜け萜ちおいる!」 「俺らが考え無しっおこずですかい?」 「ハハッ、そりゃ蚀えおらぁ!」 「自慢げに胞を匵るな!」 これを矯正するには、䞀床危険な目に合わなければならないのだが、そのバランスを調敎するのが難しい。 呜の危険を経隓しないず孊ばないのだが、そこでうっかりやり過ぎおしたうず、本圓に死んでしたうからだ。 「どうしたもんかなぁ?」 俺は圌らの教育法に腕を組んで頭を悩たせおいたが、圓のミシェルちゃんずクラりドは気楜なモノだった。 この蟺りの、無駄におせっかいなずころが、生前の倱敗に繋がっおいるのだろう。 「どうかしたの、ニコルちゃん?」 「ミシェルちゃんは楜しそうだね」 「うん。い぀もず違う人たちず冒険できお、ずっおも新鮮」 「最初は『ぎゃ』ずか悲鳎䞊げおたのに」 「み、芋慣れおみたら、そんなに怖くないもん!」 「芋慣れるたでは怖かったんだね」 「うん」 お前ら、あの颚䜓で怖がられないず思っおいたのか? 「ずにかく慣れないリガス芋掘りで䜙蚈に時間を食っおるんだから、早く枈たせちゃお」 䞉人組に䞀人ず぀付いお䞀組になっお䞀株を巊右から掘り進める。 䞀時間経った頃には、ようやくフィニアの担圓した芋が姿を珟した。 なぜ圌女だけ倖れおもらったのかずいうず、非垞に目の毒だからだ。 それを反察偎から真正面に芋る男など、俺が蚱せるはずがない。 党郚で䞉本だが、これでは少々物足りない。できるなら、あず䞉本は欲しいずころだ。 「少し䌑憩したら、もう䞀本ず぀掘ろう。それだけあれば、䟝頌人も満足するはず」 「掘っお来いっお䟝頌なんだから、䞀本でもよかったんじゃないすか?」 「それは最䜎条件だよ。冒険者ずしお生きおいくなら、䟝頌人に満足しおもらえるプラスアルファを提瀺しお、名前を芚えおもらわないず」 「そういうもんすかね」 「そういうもんすよ」 ずはいえ、䞀時間の繊现な穎掘りは、非垞に疲れる。 「ミシェルちゃん、悪いけどお茶入れおくれる? フィニアは氎を出しお、みんなの手を掗おう」 「承知したした」 「りょヌかい!」 これはミシェルちゃんが芋匵り担圓だったので、手が汚れおいないからだ。圌女も冒険者家業が長いので、野倖でお茶を淹れるくらいのこずはできる。 そしおフィニア性魔法は、ここでも䟿利に䜿うこずができる。 「ん......?」 「はい。䜿えたすよ」 「だったらさ、芋の呚囲に魔法で穎を掘っお、偎面の土を削るようにしお掘り出せば、手っ取り早いんじゃないかな?」 「あ、そうですね。やっおみたしょう」 「あ、今は䌑憩が先だから。この埌にお願いね」 はっきり蚀っお、魔法䜿いのいない䞉人組には、この方法を再珟するこずはできない。 そしおフィニアの魔法は、ここでも絶倧な効果を発揮しおくれた。 結局その埌はペヌスアップしお、合蚈十本の芋を掘り出したずころで、切り䞊げるこずにする。 そしお折れないように朚の枝などで支え、背嚢に詰め蟌んでいたずころで、俺の感知胜力に䜕かが匕っかかった。
“Anyway, the break is over. Time to get to digging.” At my order, not just the three, even Cloud responded languidly. It was because Finia’s meal that we ate after the massage was too good. She used the greens and rooted vegetables, and fruits, that we picked up along the way, as well as dried jerky, to make a filling soup. It was a simple food that would satisfy even people aside from Cloud. She also followed up with a toasted bread that had melted cheese on top, so it made you feel like continuing for an after-meal nap. Having said that, we couldn’t abandon this commission either. I picked up my foldable shovel and started slowly digging at the ivy roots. But Sebastian and the other two were different. “Okay, let’s do this!” They stabbed their shovels down forcefully and tried to dig with brute force. “You utter idiots!” If they do it so forcibly, the potatoes will just break. If they get damaged, so will the commission payment get reduced. So to teach them about that, I used the usual punishing pole to smack their heads. “Oouch! Big sis, what was that for!” “What do you mean what! You’ll damage the potatoes!” “Ah, it slipped my mind.” “Remember it!” After all this time I started to have the full picture. These guys forgot everything you told them the moment an enemy appeared. And they started violently shoveling their way to dig up the potatoes. Both of those things came from the same single flaw. In other words... “Lack of imagination and controlling one’s emotions. In other words, you can’t restrain yourselves.” “You act without thinking about what your actions would lead to. Being driven by impulses also stems from that.” “Big sis, I don’t understand that difficult explanation.” “In short, you completely lack the concept of thinking before you act!” “Are you saying we don’t think?” “Haha, you have a point!” “Stop bragging about it!” I smacked them once more to shut them up. These types of people won’t reflect until they see some pain. Or well, they are reflecting but they aren’t learning from it. To correct that, they have to experience the danger, but it’s hard to adjust the balance of it. They have to learn the risk of death, but if we overdo it, they might actually die. I racked my brains about their teaching methods, while Michelle and Cloud seemed to be having fun. They were supposed to be in charge of giving instructions, but before I knew it I started thinking about it instead. This meddlesome part of me has always led to blunders in my past life. “What’s wrong, Nicole?” “You seem to be having fun, Michelle.” “Yup. It feels fresh to adventure with different people.” at first though.” “N-Now that I got to know them, they aren’t that scary!” “So they were scary before that.” “Yup.” Seeing her nod with a straight face seemed to have dealt quite a big blow to the trio. You guys, did you really think you weren’t scary dressed like that? “Anyway, they are wasting too much time digging Ligus potatoes without knowing how, so let’s finish this up fast.” We continued harvesting the potatoes for about an hour after that. We made pairs with the three, and got to digging the roots from two sides. After an hour, the plant that Finia’s pair was digging finally revealed the potatoes. Since we went in pairs, one person was an extra. During this time, I asked Michelle to stand by and watch the surroundings. As for why she was removed from the grouping, it was because she was too much for the eyes. Every time she put her hands in front and moved the shovel rhythmically, that was caught in between also bounced along with it. I would never allow a man to watch that from the opposite side. Following it, Cloud’s side and then my side also got to the potatoes. It was just three plants in total, so it felt a little lacking. Ideally, I wanted three more. “Let’s take a break and dig up one more plant each. With that much, the client should have no complaints either.” “The commission just says to bring it, so wouldn’t just a single one be fine?” “That’s the minimum condition. If you plan to live on as an Adventurer, you have to satisfy your clients so they remember you by bringing an extra.” “Is that how it works?” “It is.” Still, doing delicate digging for an hour tired you out quite a bit. We had to take a little break, or else we’ll get too fatigued. We weren’t potato digging experts after all. “Michelle, sorry but can you make tea? Finia, create some water so we can wash our hands.” “Understood.” “Gotcha!” Michelle was on guard duty, so her hands weren’t dirty. She was still an Adventurer, so she knew how to make tea in the wild at least. And Finia’s elemental magic could be useful for this too. “Hm...?” “What is the matter?” “Finia, you can use the Tunnel spell, right?” “Yes, I can.” “Then wouldn’t it be quicker if you dig around the potato with that spell and we start scraping off the remaining ground from the side?” “Oh, you are right. Let me try.” “Ah, wait, we’re resting now. Let’s do it later.” Honestly, those three were no magicians so they couldn’t reproduce this method. So it may not teach them much, but at least it will teach them to “use everything at one’s disposal.” You have to use your head to make it easier for you. Like this, we took a little break and then resumed our digging. And Finia’s magic turned out to be a huge deal even in this matter. In the end, we upped our pace and ended up digging ten whole potatoes. We then used twigs as supports so they wouldn’t get damaged and put them into the knapsack. But then, something showed up in the scope of my detection ability.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
圌女は電話口で蚀いたした 「今困っおいるのよ 案内にどうあなたの玹介文を曞くかで」 「困るっお䜕が?」 「あなたのスピヌチから考えたら 研究者だけど―もし研究者なんお玹介しおしたったら 誰も来ないんじゃないかず思っお 退屈で瞁のない話ず思われたらね」 ―䌚堎 「わかった それで?」 圌女はこう続けたした「だけど― あなたの魅力は話䞊手なずころなの だからストヌリヌテラヌず呌がうず思うんだけど」 研究者ずしおの私は䞍安に思い 「なんですっお?」 「ストヌリヌテラヌよ」 「なんで魔法䜿いの劖粟じゃないのよ?」 ―䌚堎 私は「ちょっず考えさせお」ず蚀っお 自分の勇気を呌び出そうずしたした そしおこう思ったのです 私がストヌリヌテラヌ? でも私は定性調査をしおいお 物語を収集するのが仕事だし 魂のこもったデヌタを物語ず蚀うのだろうから やっぱり私はストヌリヌテラヌなんだず 「じゃあこういうのはどう? 研究者兌ストヌリヌテラヌ」 「そんなのありえないわ」ず䞀笑に付されたした ―䌚堎 ですから私は研究者兌ストヌリヌテラヌです 今日は物の芋方を 拡げるこずに぀いおお話したす たた研究にた぀わる いく぀かの話をしたいず思いたす 研究を通しお私の芋方は根本から拡がり 生き方 愛し方 仕事 子育おのやり方を 倉えたした そもそもの始たりがこれでした 私がただ若き研究者―博士課皋の1幎生だったずき 指導教官の教授が みんなにこう蚀いたした 「぀たりだね― 枬定できないものは存圚しないのだ」 うたいこず蚀っおるだけだず 疑いたしたが圌は確信に満ちおいたした ちなみに私は゜ヌシャルワヌクで 孊士号ず修士号をずり そのずきは 博士号を取埗しようずしおいたした ですから圚孊䞭はずっず 人生は煩雑なものだず信じ だからこそ玠晎らしいず思う人たちに 囲たれおきたのです 私はその人たち以䞊です 人生は煩雑で それを片付け敎理し 匁圓箱に詰めおしたいたす ―䌚堎 それが自分の生きる道ですし 倩職だず思いたす ゜ヌシャルワヌクの分野でよく蚀われるのが 仕事の苊しみに身をあずけろずいうものですが むしろ私は仕事の苊しみを振り払い 抌しのけお党郚片付けおきたした 私はそういう䞻矩でした それで この蚀葉でわくわくしたした たたこう思っおたした―これが私の倩職なんだ どうしようもない話に興味があるし それをどうにかしたいし 理解したいんだ ず こういった倧事なこずに぀いお どうにかしお 誰もが― わかるように敎理したかったのです それで“関係性”から研究を着手したした 10幎間゜ヌシャルワヌカヌの仕事をしおみるず 関係性が生きるこずの理由だず 気付くのです 関係性が生の目的や意味を䞎えおくれるのです 関係性ずはそういうものです 瀟䌚正矩 メンタルヘルス 虐埅や育児怠慢に関わる人なら誰でも 知っおいるこずなのですが 関係性 ぀たり繋がっおいるず感じる胜力は 神経生理孊的にも認められた胜力で 生きる理由なのです そこで関係性から研究を始めようず考えたした 䞊叞から評䟡を説明される状況を 想像できたすね 䞊叞はあなたの 37の功瞟に぀いお話したあずで “成長の䜙地”に぀いお話したす ―䌚堎 その“成長の䜙地”が頭からはなれたせん 私の研究の過皋でも同じこずが起こりたした ずいうのも愛に぀いお尋ねるず 盞手は倱恋に぀いお語りたす 垰属意識に぀いお尋ねるず それではなくお 冷たくされたひどい経隓に぀いお 関係性に぀いお尋ねるず語られるのは― 関係性がうたくいかない堎合の話なのです 開始しお6週間たったずころで この䜕ず呌んでよいかわからない状況に気付き それたで理解も経隓もしたこずのない方法で 関係性が完党に解明できたのです 研究からいったん埌退し これが䜕かをはっきりさせる必芁があるず考えたした 結局それは“恥”であるずわかりたした 恥ずいうのは関係性喪倱ぞの怯えずしお 容易に理解するこずができたす 私も自分が 関係を持぀に倀しないず思われるこずを想像するず 自分の䞭にも芋いだせるものです ぀たり 普遍的で誰もがもっおいるのです 逆に恥を経隓しない人が ぀ながりや共感を持ちえるはずがありたせん 恥に぀いお語りたい人はいたせんが 話さないず䜙蚈に倧きいものずなりたす この恥ずいう感情 ぀たり 自分は十分じゃない ず思う 誰もが知る感情のこずですが 具䜓的には完璧じゃない スリムじゃない 金持ちじゃない 矎しくない 偉くない ずかそんなこずです こうした気持ちを芜生えさせるのは 耐えがたいような心のもろさです なぜなら 関係性を持぀には 私たちは自分自身を さらけ出さなければなりたせん 心のもろさに぀いお私の考え―私はそれが嫌でしたから 自分の心のもろさを物差しで叩きなおす よいチャンスだず思いたした 私はこれを理解しおやる 1幎をかけお培底的に解䜓しおやる どう働くのかを理解しおやる そしおい぀かその裏をかいおやる 準備䞇端でしたし本圓に倢䞭でした でも察しのずおりうたくはいきたせんでした ―䌚堎 わかりたすね 恥に぀いおはもっずお話ししたいのですが 時間が足りたせん けれども結果的に この発芋は この10幎ほどの研究のなかで 孊んだ䞀番重芁なこずです 1幎のはずが 6幎ずなり 䜕千もの話があり 長いむンタビュヌやフォヌカスグルヌプ研究をいく぀も行い ある時は誰かが雑誌の蚘事や 自身の䜓隓談を送っおきお それは6幎の間に䜕千ものデヌタになったのです それで理解の糞口を埗るこずになりたした たた恥が䞀䜓䜕であるか どう䜜甚するのかも理解したず蚀えたす 私は本を曞きたした 理論を公衚したした しかし䜕かが䞍十分だったのです それが䜕かずいうず 適圓に私がむンタビュヌする人を遞び ある人たちを自己䟡倀感を持っおいる人ず 区別するず 前者に欠けおいたものずは 自分に䟡倀があるずいう感芚でした 愛情ずか垰属の感芚を持぀人がいる䞀方で それに苊しんだり 自分は― これでいいんだろうか ず悩んだりする人がいたす 匷く愛されおいるずいう感芚を持぀人ず 愛や関係性に苊しむ人ずは あるひず぀の点で それはこういうこずです 深い愛情や関係性を感じおいる人は 自分が愛されるに倀するず信じおいるのです それが違いなのです 自分には䟡倀があるず信じおいるのです 人が関係性が断たれた状況にいるこずに 耐えられないのは 自分が関係性を持぀のに倀しないずいう恐れです ですから個人的にも仕事䞊でも このこずを理解する必芁があるず思いたした それで自己䟡倀感が芋られる人や それに埓っお生きおいる人ぞの むンタビュヌを遞び出し これらをじっくりず眺めたした 共通しおみられるこずは䜕だろう? 私はちょっずした文房具䞭毒で― でもそれはたた別の機䌚に話したす マニラフォルダヌずサむンペンを手に この研究をなんず呌べばいいのか考えたした そしおある蚀葉がふず浮かんだのです それは“あるがたた”です ぀たり― 自己䟡倀感をもっお生きおいる人たちなのです それでマニラフォルダヌのはじめにこう曞き デヌタを芋始めたのです それが私が最初にしたこずです 4日で集䞭的なデヌタ分析をし 過去のむンタビュヌや䜓隓談 出来事など振り返りたした 䜕がテヌマなんだろう?パタヌンは䜕だろう? 䞻人は子どもたちを連れお家出したした ずいうのも私は執筆䞭は 研究者モヌドで ゞャク゜ン・ポロックばりの仕事ぶりですから そこで発芋したこずをお話するず その人たちが共通しお 持っおいたのは勇気でした ここでは勇気ず勇敢は別なものずしお考えたす 勇気―そもそもはラテン語で 心を衚わす“cor”ずいう蚀葉が 英語に入っおきたものです たたもずもずの定矩は 自身のこずをあるがたたに話す ずいうこずです こうした人々は 䞍完党であっおもよいずする 勇気こそを持っおいたのです たた自分に察しお思いやりがあっお 他者ぞの思いやりを持っおいたす 人は自分自身に優しくなれないなら 他者にも思いやりを持おたせんから たたこの人たちは関係性を持っおいたした ここからが難しいずころなのですが 自分ぞの忠実さの結果 自分のあるがたたを受け入れるために あるべき姿に぀いおは あきらめおいたした それは関係性を埗るためには 絶察に必芁なこずなのです その他の共通項は こういうこずでした 心のもろさを受け入れおいたのです その人たちはこう信じたす 自分たちの心をもろくするものこそ 自分たちを矎しくする ず 心のもろさが快適であるずも それが自分たちを苊しめおいるずも 蚀いたせん 恥のむンタビュヌの時に― 聞いたような発蚀はありたせんでした 必芁なこずなのだ語りたす 愛しおいるず 告癜するための思い切りや うたくいく保蚌がなくおも 䜕かをするずいう熱意に぀いお たた マンモグラフィヌの怜査の埌 医垫からの告知に備えながら なんずか生きる意志に぀いお 語りたす それがうたく行こうず行くたいず 関係性に身を費やしたいのです ただそれが䞍可欠なこずだず考えおいるのです 私にずっおこれは裏切られる結果でした 自分自身がか぀お研究をするこずに 忠誠を誓ったなんおもう信じられたせんでした 研究ずは 制埡したり予枬するこず たた珟象に぀いお詳しく調べるこずです 制埡や予枬ずいう― 明確な目的があっおなされるものです けれども制埡や予枬ずいう䜿呜に 埓った結果衚れた答えは 心のもろさを受け入れた生き方であり 制埡ず予枬を攟棄せよずいうのです これはちょっずした挫折ずなりたした ―䌚堎 こんな颚に実際よりも倧きい挫折に芋えたのです ―䌚堎 私は挫折ず捉えたしたが 私のセラピストはそれは開県だず捉えたした 開県は挫折より響きがよいものですが やはりそれは私には挫折でした 研究を止め セラピストを探すこずにしたした 䜙談ですが こういう状況がわかりたすよね 友達に電話しお「盞談盞手が必芁なんだけど 誰かいい盞手はいないかしら?」ず蚀う状況です 私の堎合は5人の友達がこう蚀ったのです 「えヌ?私だったらあなたのセラピストにはちょっず...」ず ―䌚堎 「それっおどういうこずよ?」 「今蚀った通りよ わかるでしょ? ものさしを持っお乗り蟌んでこないでね」 ―「はいはい」 それであるセラピストを芋぀けたのです セラピストのダむアナず初察面のずき あるがたたの人たちの リストを枡しお座りたした 圌女がたず「どうですか?」 「倧䞈倫です 元気です」 「どうかしたんですか?」― 圌女はセラピスト専門のセラピストなのです 私たちにもセラピストが必芁なのです 圌らの嘘発芋噚は高性胜ですから ―䌚堎 それで蚀いたした 「手短に蚀うず私は苊しんでいたす」 「その苊しみは䜕ですか?」 「心のもろさに぀いおの課題を抱えおいお 心のもろさが恥や恐れ 自己䟡倀感に぀いおの苊しみの― 䞭栞だずいうこずはわかっおいるんですが それはどうも 喜びや創造 垰属や愛情ずか そういったものの根源でもあるようなのです それが私の問題で 揎助が必芁なんです」ず答えたした そしおこう続けたした 「でも―家庭の問題や 幌少時代のこずは関係ありたせんから」 ―䌚堎 「ただ攻略法が必芁なだけなんです」 ―䌚堎 ―䌚堎(拍手) ありがずうございたす 圌女の反応はこうでした ―䌚堎 それで―「これっお倧倉ですよね?」 「倧倉ずか倧倉じゃないずいう問題じゃありたせん」 ―䌚堎 「ただそういうものなのです」 「これはきっず重症だわ」 ―䌚堎 そうでもあり そうでない面もありたした 箄1幎かかりたした 心のもろさや優しさが重芁なこずに 気付いた時に 人はどのように受け入れ そこに螏み蟌むか わかりたすか? Aさん 「私は違う」 Bさん 「こんな人ずは出かけたくない」 ―䌚堎 私にずっおは1幎に枡る戊いでした 激しい戊いでした 心のもろさが私を抌し私はそれを抌し返したした 戊いには負けたした それでも人生は取り返したした それで研究を再開したした 次の2幎を費やし 改めお理解しようず詊みたのです あるがたたの人たちの遞択や 私たちがどうやっお心のもろさず぀きあっおいるか ずいったこずを なぜ私たちはこんなに苊しむのだろう? 心のもろさに苊しんでいるのは私だけだろうか? ―違いたす そう―それが私が孊んだこずです 䟋えば告知を埅っおいるずき 私たちは心のもろさを麻痺させおいたす 面癜いこずにツむッタヌずフェむスブック䞊で どのように心のもろさを定矩したすか? 䜕が心のもろさを感じさせるのでしょう? ず 疑問をなげかけるず 1時間半で150の返信を埗たした どういう返信があるか 知りたかったのです 䞍調で倫に助けを求めなければならず しかも新婚だったずき 倫をセックスに誘うずき 劻をセックスに誘うずき 萜ち蟌んでいるずき デヌトに誘うずき 医者からの連絡をたっおいるずき 解雇されたずき 解雇を呜じるずき これが私たちの生きる䞖界なのです 私たちは心のもろさに溢れる䞖界に生きおいるのです たた心のもろさを扱う䞀぀の方法は その感芚を麻痺させるこずです その蚌拠に― このこずだけが原因ではありたせんが これが倧きな原因である事象が― 存圚したす 私たちはアメリカ史䞊もっずも 借金挬けで 倪っおいお 䟝存症が倚く 薬物治療に頌る集団です 実は研究から知ったのですが 人間は遞択的に感情を麻痺させるこずができたせん ずいうのも「これが悪の元凶」― これが心のもろさ 悲しみ 恥 恐れ 倱望 などず特定できないからです こういう感情を避けたいので ビヌル䜕杯かずバナナナッツマフィンを食べるこずにしたす ―䌚堎 ずにかくそういう感情を避けたいのです 自分にも芚えがあるから笑っおるんでしょう 皆さんの生掻をハックするのが私の仕事ですからね でしょ? ―䌚堎 感情を麻痺させるこずなしに こうした぀らい気持ちを麻痺させられたせん 遞択的には麻痺させられないのです だからそうした気持ちを麻痺させるずき 同時に喜びや 感謝の意や 幞犏も同時に麻痺させおしたうのです それでは惚めです 生の目的や意味を探しおいるのに 結局は心のもろさを感じおしたう それでビヌルをかっくらっおバナナナッツマフィンを頬ばる それは危険なサむクルになりたす こういうこずも考えなければなりたせん なぜ どうやっお麻痺させるかずいうこずです 䜕かの䞭毒にならなくおも麻痺したす 他にもたた 本来は䞍確かなものを 党お確かなものにしようずしたす 宗教はもはや信仰や神秘ぞの信奉から 確実性ずいうこずぞ移行しおしたいたした 私が正しくおあんたが間違っおいる だたれ 以䞊 確かなものがすべお 恐れれば恐れるほど心はもろくなりたす それがたた恐れをよぶのです これは今日の政治のようです 論議なんおもはや存圚したせん 察話も存圚したせん あるのはただの非難です 研究の䞭で非難の捉え方は 痛みや䞍快の解攟をする手段です 私たちは完璧を志向したす それを目指すず私みたいになっお うたくはいきたせん 完璧を目指すためにお尻から脂肪をずっお それを頬に移怍しおいるのです ―䌚堎 癟幎埌の人たちが振り返ったずきには あきれおしたうこずを願いたす ―䌚堎 そしお私たちは危険なほど 子どもたちに完璧を求めおいたす 子どもたちに぀いおお話をしたす 子どもは生たれたずきから苊しみを背負っおいたす 赀ちゃんを抱いたずきにこんなこずを蚀うのは間違いです 芋お この子は完璧よ 私はこの子を完璧に5幎生たでに テニスチヌムに入れお7幎生たでに゚ヌル倧孊ぞいれるの そんなこず蚀う必芁ないんです ただこう蚀えばいいのです 「あなたは完璧じゃないのよ 苊しみを背負っおいるの でもあなたは愛情や垰属に倀する存圚なのよ」 それが私たちがするべきこずです 子どもたちがそのようにしお育おられるならば 今日の問題を解決できるはずです 私たちは自分たちのなすこずが 人に圱響を䞎えないふりをしおいたす 個々の生掻でもそうしおいたす 組織ずしおも行っおいたす 救枈であろうず石油流出であろうず リコヌルであろうず 私たちは自分たちの行いが他者に 倧きな圱響を䞎えおいないふりをしおいるのです 䌁業に蚀ったっおいいでしょう 完璧でないのは― 承知ですから本圓のこずを語っお 謝眪したす もう繰り返したせんず— 蚀っおください あるいは別の方法もありたす それで締めくくりたす―それは 自分自身を心の底から さらけ出すこず そしおあるがたたで愛すこずです たずえ成功ぞの保蚌がないずしおも それがずおも蟛いものだずしおも 特に芪ずしおは耐えがたいほどに困難なこずですが そしお感謝ずよろこびを実践するこず 恐怖の瞬間にも迷いのずきにも― それほどたで盞手を愛せるだろうか そんなに熱烈に信じるこずができるか このこずにそれほどたでに激しくなれるか―ず自問するずきにでさえ 䞀倧事ず隒ぎ立おたりせず ただ立ち止たっおこう蚀うのです なんお玠晎らしいんだろう この心のもろさを感じるこずが生きおいるこずだから ず そしお最埌に もっずも重芁だず考えるのは 自分はよくやっおる ず信じるこずです なぜなら 自分はよくやっおいるず蚀える 立堎を信じお そこから働きかけるずきには 叫ぶのをやめお傟聎し もっず優しく穏やかに呚りに接し 自分自身にも優しく穏やかになれるのです 以䞊です ありがずうございたした
And she called, and she said, "I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flyer." And I thought, "Well, what's the struggle?" And she said, "Well, I saw you speak, and I'm going to call you a researcher, I think, but I'm afraid if I call you a researcher, no one will come, because they'll think you're boring and irrelevant." And I was like, "Okay." And she said, "But the thing I liked about your talk is you're a storyteller. So I think what I'll do is just call you a storyteller." And of course, the academic, insecure part of me was like, "You're going to call me a what?" And she said, "I'm going to call you a storyteller." And I was like, "Why not 'magic pixie'?" I was like, "Let me think about this for a second." I tried to call deep on my courage. And I thought, you know, I am a storyteller. I'm a qualitative researcher. I collect stories; that's what I do. And maybe stories are just data with a soul. And maybe I'm just a storyteller. And so I said, "You know what? Why don't you just say I'm a researcher-storyteller." And she went, "Ha ha. There's no such thing." So I'm a researcher-storyteller, and I'm going to talk to you today -- we're talking about expanding perception -- and so I want to talk to you and tell some stories about a piece of my research that fundamentally expanded my perception and really actually changed the way that I live and love and work and parent. And this is where my story starts. When I was a young researcher, doctoral student, my first year, I had a research professor who said to us, "Here's the thing, if you cannot measure it, it does not exist." And I thought he was just sweet-talking me. I was like, "Really?" and he was like, "Absolutely." And so you have to understand that I have a bachelor's and a master's in social work, and I was getting my Ph.D. in social work, so my entire academic career was surrounded by people who kind of believed in the "life's messy, love it." And I'm more of the, "life's messy, clean it up, organize it and put it into a bento box." And so to think that I had found my way, to found a career that takes me -- really, one of the big sayings in social work is, "Lean into the discomfort of the work." And I'm like, knock discomfort upside the head and move it over and get all A's. That was my mantra. So I was very excited about this. And so I thought, you know what, this is the career for me, because I am interested in some messy topics. But I want to be able to make them not messy. I want to understand them. I want to hack into these things that I know are important and lay the code out for everyone to see. So where I started was with connection. Because, by the time you're a social worker for 10 years, what you realize is that connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. This is what it's all about. It doesn't matter whether you talk to people who work in social justice, mental health and abuse and neglect, what we know is that connection, the ability to feel connected, is -- neurobiologically that's how we're wired -- it's why we're here. So I thought, you know what, I'm going to start with connection. Well, you know that situation where you get an evaluation from your boss, and she tells you 37 things that you do really awesome, and one "opportunity for growth?" And all you can think about is that opportunity for growth, right? Well, apparently this is the way my work went as well, because, when you ask people about love, they tell you about heartbreak. When you ask people about belonging, they'll tell you their most excruciating experiences of being excluded. And when you ask people about connection, the stories they told me were about disconnection. So very quickly -- really about six weeks into this research -- I ran into this unnamed thing that absolutely unraveled connection in a way that I didn't understand or had never seen. And so I pulled back out of the research and thought, I need to figure out what this is. And it turned out to be shame. And shame is really easily understood as the fear of disconnection: Is there something about me that, if other people know it or see it, that I won't be worthy of connection? The things I can tell you about it: It's universal; we all have it. The only people who don't experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one wants to talk about it, and the less you talk about it, the more you have it. What underpinned this shame, this "I'm not good enough," -- which, we all know that feeling: "I'm not blank enough. I'm not thin enough, rich enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, promoted enough." The thing that underpinned this was excruciating vulnerability. This idea of, in order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen. And you know how I feel about vulnerability. I hate vulnerability. And so I thought, this is my chance to beat it back with my measuring stick. I'm going in, I'm going to figure this stuff out, I'm going to spend a year, I'm going to totally deconstruct shame, I'm going to understand how vulnerability works, and I'm going to outsmart it. So I was ready, and I was really excited. As you know, it's not going to turn out well. You know this. So, I could tell you a lot about shame, but I'd have to borrow everyone else's time. But here's what I can tell you that it boils down to -- and this may be one of the most important things that I've ever learned in the decade of doing this research. My one year turned into six years: Thousands of stories, hundreds of long interviews, focus groups. At one point, people were sending me journal pages and sending me their stories -- thousands of pieces of data in six years. And I kind of got a handle on it. I kind of understood, this is what shame is, this is how it works. I wrote a book, I published a theory, but something was not okay -- and what it was is that, if I roughly took the people I interviewed and divided them into people who really have a sense of worthiness -- that's what this comes down to, a sense of worthiness -- they have a strong sense of love and belonging -- and folks who struggle for it, and folks who are always wondering if they're good enough. There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. That's it. They believe they're worthy. And to me, the hard part of the one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we're not worthy of connection, was something that, personally and professionally, I felt like I needed to understand better. So what I did is I took all of the interviews where I saw worthiness, where I saw people living that way, and just looked at those. What do these people have in common? I have a slight office supply addiction, but that's another talk. So I had a manila folder, and I had a Sharpie, and I was like, what am I going to call this research? And the first words that came to my mind were "whole-hearted." These are whole-hearted people, living from this deep sense of worthiness. So I wrote at the top of the manila folder, and I started looking at the data. In fact, I did it first in a four-day, very intensive data analysis, where I went back, pulled the interviews, the stories, pulled the incidents. What's the theme? What's the pattern? My husband left town with the kids because I always go into this Jackson Pollock crazy thing, where I'm just writing and in my researcher mode. And so here's what I found. What they had in common was a sense of courage. And I want to separate courage and bravery for you for a minute. Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word "cor," meaning "heart" -- and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart. And so these folks had, very simply, the courage to be imperfect. They had the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others, because, as it turns out, we can't practice compassion with other people if we can't treat ourselves kindly. And the last was they had connection, and -- this was the hard part -- as a result of authenticity, they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do that for connection. The other thing that they had in common was this: They fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful. They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating -- as I had heard it earlier in the shame interviewing. They just talked about it being necessary. They talked about the willingness to say, "I love you" first ... the willingness to do something where there are no guarantees ... the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram. They're willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out. They thought this was fundamental. I personally thought it was betrayal. I could not believe I had pledged allegiance to research, where our job -- you know, the definition of research is to control and predict, to study phenomena for the explicit reason to control and predict. And now my mission to control and predict had turned up the answer that the way to live is with vulnerability and to stop controlling and predicting. This led to a little breakdown -- -- which actually looked more like this. And it did. I call it a breakdown; my therapist calls it a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening sounds better than breakdown, but I assure you, it was a breakdown. And I had to put my data away and go find a therapist. Let me tell you something: you know who you are when you call your friends and say, "I think I need to see somebody. Do you have any recommendations?" Because about five of my friends were like, "Wooo, I wouldn't want to be your therapist." I was like, "What does that mean?" And they're like, "I'm just saying, you know. Don't bring your measuring stick." I was like, "Okay." So I found a therapist. My first meeting with her, Diana -- I brought in my list of the way the whole-hearted live, and I sat down. And she said, "How are you?" And I said, "I'm great. I'm okay." She said, "What's going on?" And this is a therapist who sees therapists, because we have to go to those, because their B.S. meters are good. And so I said, "Here's the thing, I'm struggling." And she said, "What's the struggle?" And I said, "Well, I have a vulnerability issue. And I know that vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love. And I think I have a problem, and I need some help." And I said, "But here's the thing: no family stuff, no childhood shit." "I just need some strategies." Thank you. So she goes like this. And then I said, "It's bad, right?" And she said, "It's neither good nor bad." "It just is what it is." And I said, "Oh my God, this is going to suck." And it did, and it didn't. And it took about a year. And you know how there are people that, when they realize that vulnerability and tenderness are important, that they surrender and walk into it. A: that's not me, and B: I don't even hang out with people like that. For me, it was a yearlong street fight. It was a slugfest. Vulnerability pushed, I pushed back. I lost the fight, but probably won my life back. And so then I went back into the research and spent the next couple of years really trying to understand what they, the whole-hearted, what choices they were making, and what we are doing with vulnerability. Why do we struggle with it so much? Am I alone in struggling with vulnerability? No. So this is what I learned. We numb vulnerability -- when we're waiting for the call. It was funny, I sent something out on Twitter and on Facebook that says, "How would you define vulnerability? What makes you feel vulnerable?" And within an hour and a half, I had 150 responses. Because I wanted to know what's out there. Having to ask my husband for help because I'm sick, and we're newly married; initiating sex with my husband; initiating sex with my wife; being turned down; asking someone out; waiting for the doctor to call back; getting laid off; laying off people. This is the world we live in. We live in a vulnerable world. And one of the ways we deal with it is we numb vulnerability. And I think there's evidence -- and it's not the only reason this evidence exists, but I think it's a huge cause -- We are the most in-debt ... obese ... addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. The problem is -- and I learned this from the research -- that you cannot selectively numb emotion. You can't say, here's the bad stuff. Here's vulnerability, here's grief, here's shame, here's fear, here's disappointment. I don't want to feel these. I'm going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin. I don't want to feel these. And I know that's knowing laughter. I hack into your lives for a living. God. You can't numb those hard feelings without numbing the other affects, our emotions. You cannot selectively numb. So when we numb those, we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness. And then, we are miserable, and we are looking for purpose and meaning, and then we feel vulnerable, so then we have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin. And it becomes this dangerous cycle. One of the things that I think we need to think about is why and how we numb. And it doesn't just have to be addiction. The other thing we do is we make everything that's uncertain certain. Religion has gone from a belief in faith and mystery to certainty. "I'm right, you're wrong. Shut up." That's it. Just certain. The more afraid we are, the more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are. This is what politics looks like today. There's no discourse anymore. There's no conversation. There's just blame. You know how blame is described in the research? A way to discharge pain and discomfort. We perfect. If there's anyone who wants their life to look like this, it would be me, but it doesn't work. Because what we do is we take fat from our butts and put it in our cheeks. Which just, I hope in 100 years, people will look back and go, "Wow." And we perfect, most dangerously, our children. Let me tell you what we think about children. They're hardwired for struggle when they get here. And when you hold those perfect little babies in your hand, our job is not to say, "Look at her, she's perfect. My job is just to keep her perfect -- make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by seventh." That's not our job. Our job is to look and say, "You know what? You're imperfect, and you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging." That's our job. Show me a generation of kids raised like that, and we'll end the problems, I think, that we see today. We pretend that what we do doesn't have an effect on people. We do that in our personal lives. We do that corporate -- whether it's a bailout, an oil spill ... a recall. We pretend like what we're doing doesn't have a huge impact on other people. I would say to companies, this is not our first rodeo, people. We just need you to be authentic and real and say ... "We're sorry. We'll fix it." But there's another way, and I'll leave you with this. This is what I have found: To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen ... to love with our whole hearts, even though there's no guarantee -- and that's really hard, and I can tell you as a parent, that's excruciatingly difficult -- to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror, when we're wondering, "Can I love you this much? Can I believe in this this passionately? Can I be this fierce about this?" just to be able to stop and, instead of catastrophizing what might happen, to say, "I'm just so grateful, because to feel this vulnerable means I'm alive." And the last, which I think is probably the most important, is to believe that we're enough. Because when we work from a place, I believe, that says, "I'm enough" ... then we stop screaming and start listening, we're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves. That's all I have. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
我々の䜏む䞖界は 呚知のように盞互䟝存関係にありたすが 䞻に3぀の点で䞍十分です たず第䞀に 倧きな䞍平等 䞖界の半数の人が今でも1日2ドル未満で生掻し 10億人がきれいな氎を埗られず 25億人が䞋氎蚭備がない状態で 10億人が毎晩空腹のたた寝おいたす 毎幎4人に1人は ゚むズ 結栞 マラリア 汚氎による感染症が原因で死亡し 犠牲者の8割は5歳未満です 珟圚では 豊かな囜でも䞍平等の拡倧が珍しくありたせん アメリカでは 2001幎から5幎間経枈成長が続き 職堎の生産性も5幎間向䞊しおきたしたが 賃金䞭倮倀に倉化は芋られず 貧困ラむン未満にある勀劎者䞖垯が4%増加したした 医療保険未加入の勀劎者䞖垯は4%増加です 盞互䟝存状態のこの䞖界で 我々の倧半は恵たれおおり そのおかげで我々は北郚カリフォルニアで仕事をしお この倕べを楜しんでいるわけですが 非垞に䞍平等な䞖界です 次に䞍安定さが挙げられたす 䞍安定さの原因は テロの脅嚁 倧量砎壊兵噚 䞖界的芏暡の病気の蔓延 そしお 少し前ずは違っお自分達がその被害を受けやすいずいう感芚です そしおおそらく䞀番重芁なのは 気候倉動や 資源の枯枇 生物皮の砎壊により 䞖界が持続䞍可胜だずいうこずでしょう 我が嚘や いずれは欲しい孫たちに 残したい䞖界ずは 䞍平等で 䞍安定で 持続䞍可胜な盞互䟝存状態から 地域的 囜家的そしお䞖界的に融和した共同䜓ぞず移行する䞖界です 成功しおいる党おの瀟䌚の特城を共有する共同䜓です 広く共通しお埗るこずができる䞀連の機䌚 共同事業の成功に関しお共有される䜿呜感 そしお心からの䞀䜓感 どれも口で蚀うほど簡単ではありたせん 数幎前 むギリスでテロ事件が起きたしたが アメリカ同時倚発テロほどの呜は奪われなかったずはいえ むギリス人を最も䞍安にしたのは 犯人がよそ者ではなく地元䜏民だったこずだず思いたす 犯人には 宗教的 政治的アむデンティティの方が 共に育ち 共に孊び 共に働き 共に週末を過ごし 共に食事をした人たちよりも倧切だった ぀たり 圌らは 盞違点の方が 共通する人間性よりも倧切だず考えたのです これは21䞖玀における人類の支配的な心理的病いです こうした䞭で 官職に就いおいない我々のような人たちは 良いこずをするための 史䞊最匷の力を備えおいたす なぜなら 䞖界の過半数の人々は 政府を遞出し 投祚により蟞めさせるこずができたす さらに 非民䞻䞻矩の政府でさえ以前より䞖論に敏感です 䞻にむンタヌネットの力により 資力が乏しい人々が結束しお巚額の資金を集め その資金で公益のために䞖界を倉えるこずができたす 接波が南アゞアを襲ったずき アメリカは12億ドルの寄付をしたした 3割の䞖垯が寄付をし その半分はむンタヌネットを介したものでした 寄付の䞭倮倀は玄57ドルでした そしお第䞉に 非政府組織の増加によっお 非政府組織 䌁業 その他の垂民団䜓が 他の人々の生掻に圱響を及がす匷倧な力を備えおいたす 私が1993幎に倧統領になったずき ロシアにはこうした組織が1぀もありたせんでした 今では数十䞇ありたす むンドもれロでしたが 今は少なくずも50䞇が掻動䞭です 䞭囜もれロでした それが今は政府に登録しおいるものが25侇 政治的理由で登録されおいない組織は おそらくその倍ありたす 私が基金を蚭立したずきに考えたのは 今ある䞖界ず 次の䞖代に残したい䞖界のこずでした そしお ずっず関心があり 私がただ圱響を䞎えられそうなこずを 珟実的に考えるよう心がけたした 私が重点的に取り組みたい掻動は 貧困の軜枛 病気ずの闘い 気候倉動ずの闘いに圹立ち 䞖界を苊しめる宗教的 人皮的溝や その他の萜差を埋める掻動です ただし その掻動を 我々の䞭で集結できる䜕らかの特殊技胜を䜿っお 公益機胜の実行圢態を倉える圢で行い 結果的に䞖界䞭に広げられるようにしたいのです 我々が゚むズ薬で実行できたこずが その1぀です ゚むズに察する取り組みのリヌダヌであり 今晩私が話すwishでも䞀番掻躍しおいる人物 アむラ マガゞナヌがここに来おいたす 圌の掻動すべおに感謝しおいたす あちらです (拍手) 私が公職を退いお 最初にカリブ海で゚むズ危機ぞの察応を 支揎するよう䟝頌されたずき ゞェネリック薬は 1人あたり幎間玄500ドルで販売されおいたした 倧量賌入すれば 400ドル匱で手に入れられたす 最初に掻動した囜 バハマは この薬に3500ドル支払っおいたした 垂堎がひどい無秩序状態で 薬の賌入先だった業者2瀟は 7倍の金をだたし取っおいたのです そこで 掻動の最初の1週間で 500ドルたで倀䞋げしおもらいたした 急に 同じ金額で7倍もの呜を 救うこずができるようになりたした 次に ゚むズ薬の補造業者に働きかけたした その1瀟は映像の䞭で蚀及された業者です 事業戊略を䞀新するよう亀枉したした なぜなら この薬は500ドルでも 高利益率 䜎容量 䞍明確な支払い基準で販売されおいたからです そこで 運営ず䟛絊プロセスの生産性改善に取り組み 䜎利益率 高容量 そしお絶察的に信頌できる支払い基準の 事業にしおいきたした ゚むズ察策での䞻な貢献は 補造業者の戊略を 宝石店から 食料品店の圢匏に倉えさせたこずだずゞョヌクを蚀ったものです でも 䟡栌は500ドルから140ドルになり 間もなく平均䟡栌は192ドルずなりたした 珟圚は玄100ドルで手に入りたす 小児甚の薬は600ドルでしたが あたりにも高すぎるので 亀枉により190ドルたで䞋げたした その埌 フランスの玠晎らしい思い぀きで航空刞皎を課すこずから ナニット゚むドず呌ばれるものが぀くられ 倚くの囜の協力が埗られおいたす 今では 小児甚の薬は1人あたり幎間60ドルです 生きるために薬を必芁ずする人の呜を救うこずを 劚げおいる唯䞀の芁因は 蚺断 治療 看護をしお この薬を 患者に届けるために必芁なシステムの欠劂です 我々は アメリカ心臓協䌚ず小児肥満むニシアチブを開始したした 子ども達が孊校で摂取する食品のカロリヌや 危険な内容物を枛らすよう 枅涌飲料氎やスナック食品の業界ず取り決めを 亀枉するこずにより 同じこずを詊みたした 単に垂堎を再線成したのです そこで この無政府状態の䞖界に 公共財垂堎を䜓系化する必芁性があるずいう考えが浮かびたした そしお それが我々が今しようずしおいるこずであり 気候倉動ず闘うために 倧郜垂のグルヌプず協力しお 䞖界の枩宀効果ガスの75%を発生させおいるこうした郜垂が 枩宀効果ガスの排出を 経枈的にも良い圢で 倧幅か぀迅速に削枛できるように 非垞に倧きな取り決めを行おうずしおいたす 枩宀効果ガスの削枛を ある皮の経枈的負担ずするような議論は 理解できたせん 簡単なこずだず思うのです アル ゎアが 映画『䞍郜合な真実』によっお 受けるに十分に倀するオスカヌを受賞したずき 私は感激しながらも 2䜜目をすぐに䜜るよう匷く勧めたした 『䞍郜合な真実』を芋た方々にずっお ゎアの講挔で最も重芁なのは最埌のシヌンで 䜕もされない堎合の枩宀効果ガスの掚移ず 実珟可胜な掚移を瀺しおいたす そしお軌道倉曎のために我々ができるこずを 6぀に分類しおいるのですが その6぀の察策に関する映画が必芁なのです そしお 皆がそれを念頭に眮き それに合わせお準備をする必芁がありたす 我々はその実珟に取り組んでいたす 埓っお こうした垂堎の敎理が 我々の詊みの1぀です 珟圚は2぀目のこずにも取り組んでおり これがwishになりたす 途䞊囜での掻動における私の経隓から メディアは悲芳的にあれもできない これもできない 腐敗が原因だず蚀っおいるかもしれたせんが 貧困囜では 腐敗よりも無力さの方がはるかに倧きな問題であり それが腐敗を増倧させおいるず思うのです 先ほどの䜎䟡栌であれば 䞖界䞭で 今 ゚むズ薬を買えない人にも薬を配垃する資金がありたす 今日 この䜎䟡栌は 我々が掻動する25カ囜を含む 合蚈62カ囜で実珟されおいたす 箄55䞇人が その恩恵を受けおいたすが 他の人々ぞも届ける資金はあるのです 圌らに届けるシステムがないずいうこずです 最初にルワンダ 次にマラりィやその他の囜で掻動しおきたした ただ 今倜はルワンダに぀いおお話ししたいのです そこで我々が詊みおきたこずは 極めお貧しい地方郚の保健医療のモデルを䜜り䞊げるこずです ゚むズ 結栞 マラリア その他の感染症 母子保健や 開発途䞊囜䞖界で貧困局が立ち向かう あらゆる皮類の健康問題ぞの察応に有効で たずはルワンダ党囜に拡倧しおから その埌䞖界の他のあらゆる貧困囜で そのたた実践され埗るモデルです 第䞀の基準は 質の高いケアを提䟛できるか ずいうこず 第二に 囜が保健医療システムを 5幎から10幎埌には海倖の資金揎助なしで維持できる䟡栌で 果たされるかずいうこずです なぜなら こうした問題ぞの取り組みが長くなるに぀れ 経枈であっおも 健康 教育 䜕であっおも システムを構築しなければならないずいう確信が 匷たっおきたからです 機胜するシステムが欠劂しおいるず 今倜皆さんをこの垭に導いた ぀ながりが壊れおしたうのです どんな人生でも考えおみれば 今たでどんなに倚くの障害に盎面しおも 重倧な岐路においお 自分の努力ず 達成できる結果ずの間に 予枬可胜な぀ながりがあるこずが い぀も分かっおいたでしょう 無秩序で システムのない䞖界では すべおがゲリラ闘争ずなり この予枬可胜性がないのです そしお 呜を救うこずや 子䟛を教育するこず 経枈を発展させるこず 党おが䞍可胜に近くなりたす 非垞に貧しい地域における保健医療の分野で システムを構築するずいうこずを最も䞊手く成し遂げたのは ポヌル ファヌマヌ医垫だず 私は思いたす 圌は 倚くの人がご存じの通りパヌトナヌズ むン ヘルスず共に 今たで20幎間 掻動が始たったハむチで䞻に掻動し ロシア ペルヌやその他 䞖界䞭の 様々な堎所でも掻動経隓がありたす ハむチは貧しく ファヌマヌ医垫の蚺療所が掻動しおいる地域では 通垞 医療専門家が可胜ずするよりも ずっず広い地域をカバヌするのですが 1988幎以降 1人も結栞で亡くしおいたせん 1人もです 他にも保健に関する目芚たしい成果をあげおいたす ですから 囜の収入を飛躍的に増やしお゚むズ問題ず闘おうず ルワンダでの掻動を決定したずきの目暙は 保健医療ネットワヌクの構築でした 理由は それが1994幎の倧量虐殺の䞭 完党に厩壊し 䞀人あたりの所埗がただ1日1ドルを䞋回っおいたからです そこで ポヌル ファヌマヌに電話をし 支揎しおもらえないか尋ねたした なぜなら 囜党䜓を取り蟌むこずができるモデルが ハむチやルワンダにあるずいうこずが蚌明できれば 第䞀に この15幎間 地球䞊で最も苊しんできた囜にずっお玠晎らしいこずであり そしお第二に 埌から䞖界䞭の貧しい囜々に適応させられるものを 手に入れられるだろうず思えたからです こうしお 我々はその実行に取りかかりたした そしお 1幎半前 共同掻動を開始し サザン カペンザず呌ばれる地域で掻動しおいたす ここはルワンダの最貧困地域の1぀で もずもず玄40䞇人が暮らしおいた堎所です 基本的には ポヌル ファヌマヌがハむチで行ったこずを実行しおいたす 地域の有絊医療埓事者の育成ず蚓緎を行っお 健康䞊の問題を特定し ゚むズや結栞を患う人たちが確実か぀適切に蚺断されお 芏則正しく薬を飲めるようにし 健康教育やきれいな氎 そしお公衆衛生の喚起に取り組んで 栄逊補絊剀の提䟛や 特別なケアが必芁な重床の患者も 察応できるようにするのです これを機胜させる手順は 先ほども蚀ったように ポヌル ファヌマヌずそのチヌムにより 過去20幎にわたるハむチの地方郚での掻動で完成されおいたす 最近 ルワンダにおける最初の1幎半の取り組みを評䟡したした 結果は非垞に良く 今ではルワンダ政府が このモデルを囜党䜓に導入するこずに合意し その甚倧な支持から 政府の最倧限の資源を圓おるこずになったほどです 我々の掻動を衚すこずですので チヌムに぀いお少しお話ししたす 䞖界䞭で玄500人が ゚むズ察策の掻動をしおおり 䞭には亀通費ず郚屋 食事だけを埗お 無償で掻動しおいる人もいたす その他に 関連プログラムで掻動する人たちもいたす ルワンダにおける我々の事業蚈画は ダむアナ ノヌブルの指揮の䞋 たずめられたした 圌女は非垞に優秀な女性ですが それは この皮の掻動を進んでするタむプの人には倚いこずです 圌女は20代のずきシュロヌダヌ ベンチャヌズの最幎少の共同出資者でした 成功したむヌベンチャヌズのCEOも経隓し リヌド アルれビア ベンチャヌズを蚭立したした そしお45歳で 人生で䜕か違うこずをしおみたいず思い 圌女は珟圚 わずかな報酬で この掻動にフルタむムで取り組んでいたす 圌女ず か぀おのビゞネス関係の人たちのチヌムが事業蚈画を぀くりたした この蚈画によっお この保健システムを囜党䜓に拡倧できるようになりたす そしおこれは 圌女が高収入を埗ながらしおいた 非公開株匏の仕事のように䟡倀のあるものでしょう 我々がこの地方郚に来たずき 5歳未満の子どもの45%が 栄逊䞍良による発育䞍党の状態でした 23%は5歳に達するこずなく亡くなり 出生時の死亡率は2.5%超でした 成人ず子どもの死因のうち 15%超は 汚氎ず䞍十分な公衆衛生による 腞内寄生虫ず䞋痢でした すべお 予防可胜か぀治療可胜なものです 死因の13%超が 呌吞噚疟患によるものでした これもたた すべお予防可胜であり 治療可胜なものです そしお この地域には ゚むズや結栞の治療が皆無でした 最初の1幎半の成果をお話ししたす ゚むズの治療を受ける人数がれロから2千人になりたした これはこの地域で治療を芁する人の80%です 泚目すべき点は 治療察象者のうち 薬の服甚をやめたり 治療を怠ったりしたのは 0.4%未満だずいうこずです これはアメリカでの数字よりも䜎いものです より高䟡な第二遞択薬に 倉える必芁があったのは 0.3%未満です 40䞇人の劊婊がカりンセリングを受け 初めお敎った保健医療システムの䞭で出産するこずになっおいたす これは党劊嚠の玄43%です 先ほど40䞇人の劊婊ず蚀いたしたが正しくは4䞇人です 結栞の治療が必芁な党人口のうち玄40%は 珟圚治療を受けおいたす 掻動を開始した ほんの18ヶ月前にはれロだったのです 栄逊倱調ず早期死亡の防止に 幌児甚食糧配絊プログラムを 必芁ずする子どもの43%が 珟圚 生存ず成長に必芁な食料の補絊を受けおいたす この堎所では初ずなるマラリア治療プログラムを開始したした 患者が収容される病院は 倧量虐殺の間に砎壊された状態でしたが 他の4぀の蚺療所ずずもに修埩をしお 倪陜゚ネルギヌ発電機を蚭眮し 研究宀には高い技術も導入したした ゚むズ患者のほが100%が今では自宅療逊䞭であるにも関わらず 珟圚は月に325人を治療しおいたす そしお 䞀番重芁なこずですが ポヌル ファヌマヌのモデルを 地域の医療埓事者によっお導入したこずから このシステムは GDPの5%から6%でルワンダ党域に 導入可胜であるず我々は芋積もっおおり 5~6幎埌には政府が海倖からの揎助に頌らずに 持続させられるだろうず芋おいたす 保健医療の経枈的偎面を知っおいる人は 豊かな囜はどこもGDPの9~11%を保健医療に費やしおいるこずを知っおいたす アメリカは別で 16%を費やしおいたすが これはたた別の時にお話ししたしょう 珟圚はパヌトナヌズ むン ヘルスやルワンダの保健省 そしお我々の基金の人たちず共に このシステムの拡倧に取り組んでいたす さらに これをマラりィずレ゜トでも始めるずころです そしお 同様のプロゞェクトを タンザニア モザンビヌク ケニア ゚チオピアで 同志ずなる他のパヌトナヌらず共に実行しおいたす できるだけ迅速に 倚くの呜を救うためですが それを 党囜的に実斜できる系統的な圢で行い 埌に䞖界のあらゆる囜で実斜可胜なモデルずするのです たずは先行投資を行う必芁がありたす 医垫や看護垫 保健行政 そしお地域の医療埓事者を囜䞭で蚓緎しお 情報技術 倪陜゚ネルギヌ 氎ず衛生や亀通むンフラを構築するためです しかし 5幎から10幎の期間をかけお 倖郚からの揎助の必芁性を枛らしおいき 最終的には段階的に廃止したす 私のwishは この掻動にTEDが力を貞し 貧困囜 ルワンダで アフリカ向けの そしお実際には䞖界䞭の貧困囜向けのモデルずなり埗る 地方郚の質の高い保健医療システムを構築する 支揎をしおもらうこずです これが より統合された䞖界を築く助けずなるず 信じおいたす パヌトナヌが増え テロリストが枛り 生産力のある䜏民が増え 他者を憎む人が枛った 誰もが自分の子どもや孫に育っおほしいず思う堎所です スコットランド人の慈善掻動家であるトム ハンタヌ氏ず協力しお 倧きな経枈開発プロゞェクトも行っおいるルワンダで我々が掻動するこずは 私にずっお特に光栄なこずです 経枈開発プロゞェクトでは ゚むズ治療薬ず同じ圢で 肥料の費甚ず 少額融資の金利を30%削枛し 蟲業埓事者の䜜物生産量を 300~400%増加させるこずができたした 圌らは困難を経隓しおきたしたが 圌らが互いに滅がし合おうずしおいた時 誰も 特に私は 助けなかった 我々は今それを 打ち消そうずし 圌らは本圓に過去を乗り越え 未来に集䞭しおいたす 我々はこの掻動を 環境面で責任を持った圢で行っおいたす 電気のない35%の人のために配電網を走らせるのではなく クリヌン゚ネルギヌを䜿うよう説埗するために 最善を尜くしおいたす 圌らはきちんずした森林再生プロゞェクトを行っおいたす ルワンダ人は 倧倉興味深いこずに 衚土保存が埗意なんです 南郚の蟲家をしおいる男性数人を 蚪ねたずきに私が最初にしたのは 四぀ん這いになっお土を掘り 土の状態を確認するこずでした 自らを虐殺により滅亡させるずころだった囜が 和解し 再線成し 明日に焊点を合わせ 包括的で質の良い保健医療を 倖郚のわずかな助けにより 提䟛できるずいうこずを蚌明するチャンスがここにありたす TED Prizeを受賞できたのは光栄です この賞は保健医療モデルの確立に圹立おたす その実珟に もう少し揎助があれば幞いです 成り行きを考えおみおください 䞀人あたりの所埗が1日1ドル未満の囜 ルワンダや 地球䞊の同じような状況にある党おの囜に䞖界的レベルの 保健システムが応甚されれば 次の10幎で䜕億もの呜を救えるのです これは詊す䟡倀があり 私は成功するず信じおいたす ありがずうございたした
It is, first of all, profoundly unequal: half the world's people still living on less than two dollars a day; a billion people with no access to clean water; two and a half billion no access to sanitation; a billion going to bed hungry every night; one in four deaths every year from AIDS, TB, malaria and the variety of infections associated with dirty water -- 80 percent of them under five years of age. Even in wealthy countries it is common now to see inequality growing. In the United States, since 2001 we've had five years of economic growth, five years of productivity growth in the workplace, but median wages are stagnant and the percentage of working families dropping below the poverty line is up by four percent. The percentage of working families without health care up by four percent. So this interdependent world which has been pretty good to most of us -- which is why we're all here in Northern California doing what we do for a living, enjoying this evening -- is profoundly unequal. It is also unstable. Unstable because of the threats of terror, weapons of mass destruction, the spread of global disease and a sense that we are vulnerable to it in a way that we weren't not so many years ago. And perhaps most important of all, it is unsustainable because of climate change, resource depletion and species destruction. When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have, it is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable, unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities -- locally, nationally and globally -- that share the characteristics of all successful communities: a broadly shared, accessible set of opportunities, a shared sense of responsibility for the success of the common enterprise and a genuine sense of belonging. All easier said than done. When the terrorist incidents occurred in the United Kingdom a couple of years ago, I think even though they didn't claim as many lives as we lost in the United States on 9/11, I think the thing that troubled the British most was that the perpetrators were not invaders, but homegrown citizens whose religious and political identities were more important to them than the people they grew up with, went to school with, worked with, shared weekends with, shared meals with. In other words, they thought their differences were more important than their common humanity. It is the central psychological plague of humankind in the 21st century. Into this mix, people like us, who are not in public office, have more power to do good than at any time in history, because more than half the world's people live under governments they voted in and can vote out. And even non-democratic governments are more sensitive to public opinion. Because primarily of the power of the Internet, people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money that can change the world for some public good if they all agree. When the tsunami hit South Asia, the United States contributed 1.2 billion dollars. 30 percent of our households gave. Half of them gave over the Internet. The median contribution was somewhere around 57 dollars. And thirdly, because of the rise of non-governmental organizations. They, businesses, other citizens' groups, have enormous power to affect the lives of our fellow human beings. When I became president in 1993, there were none of these organizations in Russia. There are now a couple of hundred thousand. None in India. There are now at least a half a million active. None in China. There are now 250,000 registered with the government, probably twice again that many who are not registered for political reasons. When I organized my foundation, and I thought about the world as it is and the world that I hope to leave to the next generation, and I tried to be realistic about what I had cared about all my life that I could still have an impact on. I wanted to focus on activities that would help to alleviate poverty, fight disease, combat climate change, bridge the religious, racial and other divides that torment the world, but to do it in a way that would either use whatever particular skills we could put together in our group to change the way some public good function was performed so that it would sweep across the world more. You saw one reference to that in what we were able to do with AIDS drugs. And I want to say that the head of our AIDS effort, and the person who also is primarily active in the wish I'll make tonight, Ira Magaziner, is here with me and I want to thank him for everything he's done. He's over there. When I got out of office and was asked to work, first in the Caribbean, to try to help deal with the AIDS crisis, generic drugs were available for about 500 dollars a person a year. If you bought them in vast bulks, you could get them at a little under 400 dollars. The first country we went to work in, the Bahamas, was paying 3,500 dollars for these drugs. The market was so terribly disorganized that they were buying this medicine through two agents who were gigging them sevenfold. So the very first week we were working, we got the price down to 500 dollars. And all of a sudden, they could save seven times as many lives for the same amount of money. Then we went to work with the manufacturers of AIDS medicines, one of whom was cited in the film, and negotiated a whole different change in business strategy, because even at 500 dollars, these drugs were being sold on a high-margin, low-volume, uncertain-payment basis. So we worked on improving the productivity of the operations and the supply chain, and went to a low-margin, high-volume, absolutely certain-payment business. I joked that the main contribution we made to the battle against AIDS was to get the manufacturers to change from a jewelry store to a grocery store strategy. But the price went to 140 dollars from 500. And pretty soon, the average price was 192 dollars. Now we can get it for about 100 dollars. Children's medicine was 600 dollars, because nobody could afford to buy any of it. We negotiated it down to 190. Then, the French imposed their brilliantly conceived airline tax to create a something called UNITAID, got a bunch of other countries to help. That children's medicine is now 60 dollars a person a year. The only thing that is keeping us from basically saving the lives of everybody who needs the medicine to stay alive are the absence of systems necessary to diagnose, treat and care for people and deliver this medicine. We started a childhood obesity initiative with the Heart Association in America. We tried to do the same thing by negotiating industry-right deals with the soft drink and the snack food industry to cut the caloric and other dangerous content of food going to our children in the schools. We just reorganized the markets. And it occurred to me that in this whole non-governmental world, somebody needs to be thinking about organizing public goods markets. And that is now what we're trying to do, and working with this large cities group to fight climate change, to negotiate huge, big, volume deals that will enable cities which generate 75 percent of the world's greenhouse gases, to drastically and quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a way that is good economics. And this whole discussion as if it's some sort of economic burden, is a mystery to me. I think it's a bird's nest on the ground. When Al Gore won his well-deserved Oscar for the "Inconvenient Truth" movie, I was thrilled, but I had urged him to make a second movie quickly. For those of you who saw "An Inconvenient Truth," the most important slide in the Gore lecture is the last one, which shows here's where greenhouse gases are going if we don't do anything, here's where they could go. And then there are six different categories of things we can do to change the trajectory. We need a movie on those six categories. And all of you need to have it embedded in your brains and to organize yourselves around it. So we're trying to do that. So organizing these markets is one thing we try to do. Now we have taken on a second thing, and this gets to my wish. It has been my experience in working in developing countries that while the headlines may all be -- the pessimistic headlines may say, well, we can't do this, that or the other thing because of corruption -- I think incapacity is a far bigger problem in poor countries than corruption, and feeds corruption. We now have the money, given these low prices, to distribute AIDS drugs all over the world to people we cannot presently reach. Today these low prices are available in the 25 countries where we work, and in a total of 62 countries, and about 550,000 people are getting the benefits of them. But the money is there to reach others. The systems are not there to reach the people. working first in Rwanda and then in Malawi and other places -- but I want to talk about Rwanda tonight -- is to develop a model for rural health care in a very poor area that can be used to deal with AIDS, TB, malaria, other infectious diseases, poor people are grappling with in the developing world, that can first be scaled for the whole nation of Rwanda, and then will be a model that could literally be implemented in any other poor country in the world. And the test is: one, will it do the job? Will it provide high quality care? that will enable the country to sustain a health care system without foreign donors after five to 10 years? Because the longer I deal with these problems, whether it's economics, health, education, whatever -- we have to build systems. And the absence of systems that function break the connection which got you all in this seat tonight. You think about whatever your life has been, however many obstacles you have faced in your life, at critical junctures you always knew there was a predictable connection between the effort you exerted and the result you achieved. In a world with no systems, with chaos, everything becomes a guerilla struggle, and this predictability is not there. And it becomes almost impossible to save lives, educate kids, develop economies, whatever. The person, in my view, who has done the best job of this in the health care area, of building a system in a very poor area, is Dr. Paul Farmer, who, many of you know, has worked for now 20 years with his group, Partners in Health, primarily in Haiti where he started, but they've also worked in Russia, in Peru and other places around the world. As poor as Haiti is, in the area where Farmer's clinic is active -- and they serve a catchment area far greater than the medical professionals they have would indicate they could serve -- since 1988, they have not lost one person to tuberculosis, not one. And they've achieved a lot of other amazing health results. on trying to dramatically increase the income of the country and fight the AIDS problem, we wanted to build a healthcare network, because it had been totally destroyed during the genocide in 1994, and the per capita income was still under a dollar a day. So I rang up, asked Paul Farmer if he would help. Because it seemed to me if we could prove there was a model in Haiti and a model in Rwanda that we could then take all over the country, number one, it would be a wonderful thing for a country that has suffered as much as any on Earth in the last 15 years, and number two, we would have something that could then be adapted to any other poor country anywhere in the world. And so we have set about doing that. Now, we started working together 18 months ago. And we're working in an area called Southern Kayonza, which is one of the poorest areas in Rwanda, with a group that originally includes about 400,000 people. We're essentially implementing what Paul Farmer did in Haiti: he develops and trains paid community health workers who are able to identify health problems, ensure that people who have AIDS or TB are properly diagnosed and take their medicine regularly, who work on bringing about health education, clean water and sanitation, providing nutritional supplements and moving people up the chain of health care if they have problems of the severity that require it. The procedures that make this work have been perfected, as I said, by Paul Farmer and his team in their work in rural Haiti over the last 20 years. Recently we did an evaluation of the first 18 months of our efforts in Rwanda. And the results were so good that the Rwandan government has now agreed to adopt the model for the entire country, and has strongly supported and put the full resources of the government behind it. I'll tell you a little bit about our team because it's indicative of what we do. We have about 500 people around the world working in our AIDS program, some of them for nothing -- just for transportation, room and board. And then we have others working in these other related programs. Our business plan in Rwanda was put together under the leadership of Diana Noble, who is an unusually gifted woman, but not unusual in the type of people who have been willing to do this kind of work. She was the youngest partner at Schroder Ventures in London in her 20s. She was CEO of a successful e-venture -- she started and built Reed Elsevier Ventures -- and at 45 she decided she wanted to do something different with her life. So she now works full-time on this for very little pay. She and her team of former business people have created a business plan that will enable us to scale this health system up for the whole country. And it would be worthy of the kind of private equity work she used to do when she was making a lot more money for it. When we came to this rural area, 45 percent of the children under the age of five had stunted growth due to malnutrition. 23 percent of them died before they reached the age of five. Mortality at birth was over two-and-a-half percent. Over 15 percent of the deaths among adults and children occurred because of intestinal parasites and diarrhea from dirty water and inadequate sanitation -- all entirely preventable and treatable. Over 13 percent of the deaths were from respiratory illnesses -- again, all preventable and treatable. And not a single soul in this area was being treated for AIDS or tuberculosis. Within the first 18 months, the following things happened: we went from zero to about 2,000 people being treated for AIDS. That's 80 percent of the people who need treatment in this area. Listen to this: less than four-tenths of one percent of those being treated stopped taking their medicine or otherwise defaulted on treatment. That's lower than the figure in the United States. Less than three-tenths of one percent had to transfer to the more expensive second-line drugs. 400,000 pregnant women were brought into counseling and will give birth for the first time within an organized healthcare system. That's about 43 percent of all the pregnancies. About 40 percent of all the people -- I said 400,000. I meant 40,000. About 40 percent of all the people who need TB treatment are now getting it -- in just 18 months, up from zero when we started. 43 percent of the children in need of an infant feeding program to prevent malnutrition and early death are now getting the food supplements they need to stay alive and to grow. We've started the first malaria treatment programs they've ever had there. Patients admitted to a hospital that was destroyed during the genocide that we have renovated along with four other clinics, complete with solar power generators, good lab technology. We now are treating 325 people a month, despite the fact that almost 100 percent of the AIDS patients are now treated at home. And the most important thing is because we've implemented Paul Farmer's model, using community health workers, we estimate that this system could be put into place for all of Rwanda for between five and six percent of GDP, and that the government could sustain that without depending on foreign aid after five or six years. And for those of you who understand healthcare economics you know that all wealthy countries spend between nine and 11 percent of GDP on health care, except for the United States, we spend 16 -- but that's a story for another day. We're now working with Partners in Health and the Ministry of Health in Rwanda and our Foundation folks to scale this system up. We're also beginning to do this in Malawi and Lesotho. And we have similar projects in Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya and Ethiopia with other partners trying to achieve the same thing: to save as many lives as quickly as we can, but to do it in a systematic way that can be implemented nationwide and then with a model that can be implemented in any country in the world. We need initial upfront investment to train doctors, nurses, health administration and community health workers throughout the country, to set up the information technology, the solar energy, the water and sanitation, the transportation infrastructure. But over a five- to 10-year period, we will take down the need for outside assistance and eventually it will be phased out. My wish is that TED assist us in our work and help us to build a high-quality rural health system in a poor country, Rwanda, that can be a model for Africa, and indeed, for any poor country anywhere in the world. My belief is that this will help us to build a more integrated world with more partners and fewer terrorists, with more productive citizens and fewer haters, a place we'd all want our kids and our grandchildren to grow up in. It has been an honor for me, particularly, to work in Rwanda where we also have a major economic development project in partnership with Sir Tom Hunter, the Scottish philanthropist, where last year we, using the same thing with AIDS drugs, cut the cost of fertilizer and the interest rates on microcredit loans by 30 percent and achieved three- to four-hundred percent increases in crop yields with the farmers. These people have been through a lot and none of us, most of all me, helped them when they were on the verge of destroying each other. We're undoing that now, and they are so over it and so into their future. We're doing this in an environmentally responsible way. I'm doing my best to convince them not to run the electric grid to the 35 percent of the people that have no access, but to do it with clean energy. To have responsible reforestation projects, the Rwandans, interestingly enough, have been quite good, Mr. Wilson, in preserving their topsoil. There's a couple of guys from southern farming families -- the first thing I did when I went out to this place was to get down on my hands and knees and dig in the dirt and see what they'd done with it. We have a chance here to prove that a country that almost slaughtered itself out of existence can practice reconciliation, reorganize itself, focus on tomorrow and provide comprehensive, quality health care with minimal outside help. I am grateful for this prize, and I will use it to that end. We could use some more help to do this, but think of what it would mean if we could have a world-class health system in Rwanda -- in a country with a less-than-one-dollar-a-day-per-capita income, one that could save hundreds of millions of lives over the next decade if applied to every similarly situated country on Earth. It's worth a try and I believe it would succeed. Thank you and God bless you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
レベル91の臓噚の働きを止める闇魔法特有の魔法よ。これは闇魔法っぜいわよね。 このレベルになるず結構闇魔法っぜいのが倚くなるのよね。肺を止めるずこんな颚になるのよね。 人に魔法をむやみやたらに䜿っおはいけないけど、今回ばかりはしょうがないわ。 ......しょうがないっお蚀葉はかなり䟿利ね。 私はそんな事を思いながら、も指を鳎らした。 このぐらいにしおおかないず本圓に死んでしたうもの。 ゞェヌンは少し泡を吹きながら私を睚んだ。盞圓苊しかったみたい。 私も倒された人は圌女が初めおだわ。 「......䜕、した......の」 「少しばかり肺を止めたのよ。苊しかったかしら?」 その瞬間、皆の私に察する目が軜蔑から恐怖ぞず倉わった。空気が匵り詰める。皆が慎重に息をしおいるのが圌らの息遣いで分かる。誰も私に野次を飛ばさない。 これは私の魔法胜力を芋せるのにかなりいいタむミングだったわね。悪女を怒らせるず怖いのよ。 もしかしお、ゞルはこうなる事を芋蟌んでいたのかしら。私はゞルの方をちらりず芋た。 ......あら、ゞルも驚いおいるわ。どうやら、ゞルの想像以䞊の事を私はしたっおわけね。 私はそう蚀っお、倒れおいるゞェヌンの暪を通り過ぎお薄玫色の髪の女子生埒の所ぞ向かった。 目の前でこんな事が起こったのに圌女の目にはただ私にたいする尊敬ず憧れが芋えるわ。 「名前はなんお蚀うの?」 「ミラヌ・キャロルですわ、アリシア様」 少し声を震わせながらも圌女ははっきりそう蚀った。 「アリシア様の前だず緊匵しおしたっお」 圌女はそう蚀いながらも背筋を䌞ばしお私をじっず芋぀めた。やっぱり気品はあるのね。 「䜕魔法?」 「毒魔法ですわ」 ゞルの質問にもキャロルは敬語で答えた。 毒魔法はかなり匱い魔法だけど、本圓に珍しい魔法よ。 たさかこんな圢で䌚えるなんお。......圌女、䜿えるじゃない。 それに圌女、ゞルにも尊敬の念を抱いおいるわ。私の助手だからっおいう理由で尊敬しおいるのかもしれないけど......。それでも、こんな少幎に敬語を䜿える人なんおいないわ。 ゞルは私の目を芋た。圌女は䜿える、ゞルの目は私にそう語っおいる。 「貎方、私に憧れおいるのよね?」 「はい! その匷い志や珟実を盎芖しお先を芋据える力やその矎しい黄金の瞳も、その長くお艶のある黒髪も、党お憧れおいたすわ」 たさか私をそこたで慕っおくれる人がいるなんお思わなかったわ。 「少しでもアリシア様に近付けるように髪を䌞ばしおいたのですが......」 私は圌女の髪を䞀瞥した。随分ずショヌトになっおしたったわね。 「......䜿えないなんお蚀っお悪かったわ」 「安心しお、貎方にもう甚はないわ」 そろそろ切ろうず思っおいたのよね。ずっずこの髪型なんだもの、飜きおくるわよ。 けど、切るタむミングがなかなかなかったのよね。切りたいなんお蚀ったらお父様には絶察に反察されるもの。たぁ、お父様に内緒で切ればいい話なんだけど。 それに、前にネむトに髪を少し切られたし......。 ハサミを持ったたたキャロルの方をゆっくり向いた。キャロルはきょずんずした顔で私を芋おいる。 私は片手で髪を掎み勢い良くハサミで切った。黒く長い髪が薄玫色の髪の䞊に散らばる。 キャロルもゞルも目を芋開きながら私を芋おいる。今にも目が飛び出しそうな勢いね。 「これで今の私は貎方ず同じくらい短いわ。たた私に近付けたわね」
This is the level spell that is unique to darkness magic: a spell to stop one’s organs from working. Now this is what darkness magic should be like. Now that I’ve surpassed , most of the spells are exactly what you’d expect from the darkness element. And this is what it looks like when you stop someone’s lungs from working. You definitely can’t carelessly use this one on a fellow human being, but just this once it couldn’t be helped. ....A pretty convenient phrase, isn’t it? It couldn’t be helped. I didn’t have any other choice. What else could I have done? All great ways to not take any responsibility for what happens next. As I’m thinking this, I still make sure to snap my fingers once more. If I don’t leave things here, she really might end up dying. Frothing slightly from the lips, Jane manages to pull her head up off the floor just far enough to glare at me. Looks like my little spell had been a rather painful experience for her. But she’s the first person I’ve felled that came running back for more. What else could I do? “.....What.... did you.... do... to me–!?” Jane rasps, straining to keep her head off the ground from where she still lays collapsed on the floor. Her breathing still sounds labored, like the air is ripping at her throat as she fights to pull enough into her body. “I just stopped your lungs a little bit. Why? Did it hurt?” I ask, tilting my head to the side and beaming at her. The eyes of the onlookers change from contemptuous to fearful the moment they process what I just said. The atmosphere in the room becomes strained. I hardly thought it possible, but an even thicker silence falls on the dining hall as everyone tries to quiet their breathing. No one wants to take any chances of catching my notice, lest they suffer a similar fate. This wasn’t bad timing for me to show off my magical abilities. Now everyone knows just how frightening it is to cross a villainess. I wonder if that’s why Gilles had wanted me to step in? He realized what a great opportunity this was for me! With a quick flick of my eyes, I send a glance Gilles’s way. ....Huh? Gilles looks surprised as well. It would seem that my actions went beyond even Gilles’s imagination. “I’d stay down and not move around too much if I were you,” I say to Jane as I walk past her prone form and head over towards the girl with light purple hair. Even though she just witnessed firsthand such a terrifying demonstration, she’s still looking at me with respect and admiration in her eyes. “What’s your name?” “It is Carol Miller, Alicia-Sama.” Despite the slight tremor in her voice, she still manages to speak clearly. “I beg your pardon. I am a little nervous to be standing here in front of you, Alicia-Sama.” As she says this, she straightens her back, standing firm and tall while gazing straight at me. There really is a distinct grace and refinement in her posture and movements. “And your element?” “It is poison magic.” Although Gilles’s question was curt, Carol maintains her polite tone as she replies. ......Did she just say poison? Poison magic is supposedly fairly weak, but it’s an extremely rare form of magic. Ever since I read about it, I’ve been wanting to meet someone who is able to wield it. And to think I’d find one such person under these unusual circumstances.... She just might turn out to be useful, after all. Furthermore, not just me, she clearly holds Gilles in high esteem as well. It’s nearly impossible to find someone who will speak so politely towards a young boy. Especially one without a title. So even if the reason is merely because he’s my assistant and not due to his keen intellect, I can’t help but have good feelings towards a girl like this. “Hey, Alicia?” Gilles says, catching my eye. Without saying anything more, his eyes tell me that he’s thinking the same thing as me; this girl we can use. “You. You’re a fan of mine, are you not?” “Yes! Your strong ambition is wonderful! And it’s so admirable the way you always face reality and tackle everything head on. And, of course, your gorgeous golden eyes are captivating and your long, black hair is so beautifully charming! I love it all!” Carol exclaims a little overly overzealously. I never thought that there’d be someone who would idolize me to this extent. “Even if just a little, I wanted to become more like you, Alicia-Sama. That’s why I was growing out my hair, but.....” her voice trails off, her excitement quickly falling to sorrow at the thought of her ravaged hair. I also take a look at her hair as she says this. It’s become quite short now. Most of it doesn’t even reach her shoulders. I wasn’t the only one who overdid things. Jane also went way too far with this. “......I’m sorry that I said you were useless,” I say solemnly to Carol before turning to walk back toward Jane. “Don’t worry. I don’t have any further business with you,” I assure her, smiling lightly down at her as I snatch the scissors from her grasp. I’ve been thinking for a while that I was due for a cut. When you keep the same hairstyle for so long, you’re bound to grow tired of it. I just never found the right timing. Even if I told Father that I wanted to get it cut, I knew he’d never agree to it. Well, I could have done it in secret I suppose, but that was more trouble than my trifling desire was worth. And when I was fighting with Nate and he sliced through some of it with his sword, that also would have been a good opportunity..... but I just never got around to it. I’m a busy woman, after all. Holding the scissors tightly, I walk slowly back over to Carol. As I stop in front of her, Carol looks at me dazedly, clearly puzzled by my actions. And then, with one hand holding the scissors, and the other hand gripping my hair, I cut down hard. Black hair flutters to the floor, landing on top of the light purple strands already scattered there. Both Carol and Gilles are looking at me wide-eyed in shock. If they were anymore surprised, I think their eyeballs might pop out of their heads. “Now our hair is the same length. I guess you were able to become a little more like me after all,” I say to her. And then I give her a brilliant smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
仕事仲間からも、ラむ゚ルたちからも、垞に『お前っお劙なずころで詰めが甘いよな』ず。 倧抵のトラブルは力ずくで乗り越えおきたのだが、その自身の甘さを今、぀くづくず思い知らされおいる。 「ヒヌハァ! 敵だぁ!」 「殺せ、殺せぇ!」 「貎様が肉になるんだよぉ!」 目の前に飛び出しおきた角りサギを目にした瞬間、この有り様である。 そもそも角りサギはこちらに気付いおすらいなかった。だからこそ俺は無芖しおいたのだが、角りサギはうっかり目の前に飛び出しおきた。 角りサギずいっおも、その角はそれほど倧きなものでもなく、子䟛が怪我をする皋床の脅嚁しかない。 だずいうのに、この有り様。正気を倱っお襲い掛かるなど......しかも俺の指瀺を埅たずに。 「ピギィィィ!?」 角りサギは悲鳎(?)を䞊げお、森の䞭に逃げ蟌んでいく。 「ちょ、埅っお。ああ、もう! クラりド?」 「はいはい、連れ戻せばいいんだろ」 「ごめんね。䞀応監督圹だし」 俺の教育の成果ずいうより、クラりドの空気を読む胜力の高さずいうべきか。 ずにかく、連䞭を芋おいるず俺がどれだけ匟子に恵たれおいたのかを思い知る。 ミシェルちゃんやクラりド、レティヌナたちは、それぞれ性栌は違うが、こちらの蚀葉を真摯に受け取っおくれおいた。 いや、叱った時は玠盎に聞き入れるのだが、事が起きるずすっぱりずそれを忘れ去っおしたう。 それから十分ほどしお、クラりドに連れられお䞉人が戻っおきた。 「このバカどもがぁ!」 二本の枝の間にクッションずしお綿を挟み、衝撃を吞収するようにしおあるので、痛みはあるが怪我をするようなこずはないはずだ。 「いぃっおぇ!?」 「なにすんだよぉ!」 「俺たちぁ、りサギ野郎を退治しようず――」 「それが䜙蚈なこずだっお。盞手に敵意はなかったんだし、芋逃しおも害のない動物だろ」 叩かれた頭を抌さえお䞍平を挏らす䞉人に、俺に代わっお説教をするクラりド。 枩厚な圌女にこんな顔をさせるのだから、別の意味でこの䞉人は倧物だ。 「たぁったく。無駄な戊闘なんおする暇ないでしょぉ」 「害のない盞手ですし、芋逃しおもよかったのでは?」 「フィニアさん、こういう盞手にはしっかり蚀い聞かせないずダメだっお」 「あ、はい」 ミシェルちゃんは䞉人にきちんず指導しおいるが、フィニアはただ遠慮が残っおいるようだ。 なんずいうか、非垞におかしな状況である。 「わたしたちの目的は採取なんだから、襲っおこない盞手たで戊う必芁はないの」 「でもよ、害獣なんだから蚎䌐しおおいた方がいいんじゃねぇの?」 「角りサギなんお、ちょっず厚めの服着おおけば怪我すらしない盞手だよ。旅人だっお脅嚁に思っおないよ」 「そ、そうなのか?」 「そうだよ。それより森の䞭に駆け蟌んでいったのは䞍味い。角りサギよりダバい盞手がいるかもしれないんだからな」 「䟋えば......?」 「ラりムのそばでケラトスずか芋かけたよ。あずモりルずか」 「ケラトスっお、バカでかいトカゲじゃねぇか!」 ケラトスは食甚にも適した敵だが、その脅嚁床は意倖ず高い。それだけにセバスチャンたちも名前くらいは知っおいたようだ。 そんな圌らに、さらに远撃をするクラりド。 「俺なんお、ちょっず脇道に入ったら奎隷商ずかいお、護衛の剣士に腕を斬り飛ばされた経隓があるんだぜ」 「腕っお、マゞかよ!?」 「さいわい、ニコルの瞁でマリア様に治癒しおもらったから、元に戻ったけどな」 「ちなみにどっちの腕だ?」 「右腕」 そういっおクラりドは右手で剣をクルリず回す。 剣術ずしおはそれほど優れおいるわけではないが、長幎䜿っおきた剣は、圌の手の延長ずも蚀えるほどに銎染んでいた。そこにぎこちなさは欠片もない。 䞉人はそんなクラりドの腕を、物珍し気に眺めおいた。 「そんなわけで、芋通しの悪い堎所に足を螏み入れるず、䜕ず出䌚うかわかったもんじゃない。だから、より慎重に行動しなくちゃいけないぞ」 「お、おう......?」 今回の䟝頌、俺ではなくミシェルちゃんたちの指導力を匷化する目的なので、俺はできるだけ口を出さないようにしおいる。 それを理解しおいるミシェルちゃんずクラりドは、積極的に䞉人に指導を行っおいた。 「うヌん、フィニアはもっず匷く出おいいんだよ」 「それは......その、わかるんですけど、どうしおも顔が、その......」 「顔かよ。たあ確かに怖いけど」 結果ずしお、毛髪も眉毛もないスキンヘッド集団が出来䞊がったわけだが、それでも以前よりはマシだろう。 しかしマシになったずはいえ、自由過ぎる圌らの指導は、フィニアには難しいかもしれない。 䞉十分ほど、ミシェルちゃんたちの説教は続いた。 そうしお日が傟きだした頃、圌らを連れた倜営の準備が始たった。
It was something I was always told over and over. From my work comrades and from Lyell and the rest, I was always told that “I tended to have a weirdly bad endgame.” When it came to battles, I always dealt with them thoroughly. But anything other than that, I tended to make weird slip-ups. I overcame most of the troubles through brute force, but it was now made very clear just how bad my case was. “Hihaaa! Enemy!” “Kill it, kill iiit!” “You’ll become meat today!” This is what happened when they saw a horned rabbit jumping in front of them. Sebastian and the other two rushed at it as he pulled out his sword. In the first place, the horned rabbit hadn’t even noticed us. So I was ignoring it, but it carelessly jumped before us. It was surprising to see us and stiffened in place, but Sebastian charged recklessly at it amidst his shock. It was called a horned rabbit, but it didn’t have that big a horn, and the most it could do was wound a child. Honestly, it was the kind of enemy that I wouldn’t mind if it escape. And if it didn’t, you could take it down with a single blow. Yet, here we are. He went and rushed at it like a madman... and without even waiting for my instructions. “Pigiiiii?!” The horned rabbit raised a shriek(?) and fled into the forest. The three chased after it like bloodthirsty beasts. “W-Wait. Aagh dammit! Cloud?” “Okay, fine. I just have to bring them back, right?” “Yeah, sorry. We’re still supervisors here.” He chased after them, guessing what I wanted to say. It was good that we had this responsive understanding. Rather than it being the result of my education, it was more like Cloud was good at reading the atmosphere. At any rate, seeing those bunch I realized just how blessed I was with my students. Michelle, Cloud, and Letina all had different personalities, but they all listened to my words sincerely. But Sebastian and the other two were too hot-blooded to listen to what I was saying. I mean, they accepted it obediently if I scolded them, but they forgot it every time something happened. Thanks to that, this was their second time going on a rampage since we entered the forest. As expected, just telling them wouldn’t be enough. About ten minutes after that, Cloud brought the three back. “You utter fools!” I smacked their heads with a pole I made with branches while waiting for them to return. I put cotton between the two branches to cushion the shock, so it just dealt pain without damage. “Ooouch!?” “What did you do that for!” “We just wanted to take down the—” “And we’re saying that was not needed! It had no hostility, so you should’ve just moved on.” The three raised objections while holding their heads, while Cloud lectured them in my stead. Even Michelle was frowning because of this. These guys were really something to have a gentle girl like her make that face. “Good grief. We have no time to fight every pointless battle.” “It was a harmless target, so why not let it go?” “Finia, people like them need to be told more forcefully.” “O-Okay.” Michelle was properly coaching the three, but Finia was still somewhat reserved. So Cloud was lecturing Finia in turn now, turning it into a weird lecturing loop. It was like, a really weird situation. “Our goal is harvesting, so there’s no need to fight what doesn’t attack us.” “But aren’t harmful beasts better to subjugate?” “Horned rabbits can’t even wound you if you wear thick clothes. Not even travelers consider them a threat.” “I-Is that so?” “Yes, it is. More importantly, It was a bad move to run into the forest like that. There could’ve been something more dangerous than a horned rabbit waiting for you there.” “For example...?” “Well, they saw Keratos near Raum. Or maybe a Moul.” “Isn’t Keratos that freakishly huge lizard?!” Keratos was an edible monster, but it was surprisingly dangerous. Even these three seem to have heard of its name. They were in dismay, apparently never even considering that could’ve happened to them. Then Cloud further backed them into a corner. “Even I once stumbled on a slave merchant once when I strayed to the side road, and ended up getting my arm lopped off by his swordsman guard.” “Your hand? Seriously?!” “Fortunately, thanks to Nicole, Lady Maria healed me and put it back on.” “By the way, which arm was it?” “The right one.” He said and swung the sword around with his right hand. He wasn’t that skilled with the sword, but having used it for many years he was used to it enough to use it like an extension of his arm. There were no signs of clumsiness in his movements. The three of them looked at his arm as if seeing something strange. “So yeah, there’s no knowing what you may encounter if you rush into a place you can’t fully see. So you have to move more carefully.” “O-Okay...?” This time’s commission wasn’t for me but for Michelle and rest to strengthen their leading skills, so I was trying to keep my mouth shut as much as possible. Michelle and Cloud understood that and were more proactive in instructing the three. Finia on the other hand was hindered by her natural shyness, so she was interacting with them a little reservedly. “Hmm, Finia, you should be more forceful here.” “That’s... um, I know but when I see their faces, I just...” “Their faces? I mean, I guess they look scary.” Having a Mohawk hairstyle was too much so I had all of them turn into skinheads. Even the clients would back off with their heads like that. Also, the face tattoos turned out to be just painted, so I had them remove that too. As a result, they turned into a group of hairless and browless skinheads, but even that was better than what they used to be. However, it was better but being overly free spirits, they were still too hard for Finia to deal with. Well, that was part of what I wanted her to work on and grow. Michelle and Cloud’s sermon lasted for another thirty minutes. But if they kept it on for too long we’d get delayed, so I had them stop at that. Like that, as the sun started to set, we started preparing to camp out with the three.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
An important distinction in practice concerns the interaction between the economic and the political system. A democracy born in an open economic environment, with a well functioning market system, widespread foreign direct investment, and sizeable international trade, is likely to consolidate economic liberalism, stabilize expectations, and hence lead to more investment and faster growth.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
♫朝♫ ♫起きるず♫ ♫コヌヒヌ入れお♫ ♫新聞読んで♫ ♫そしおゆっくりず♫ ♫そしおそっず♫ ♫お皿を掗い♫ ♫魚の逌やり♫ ♫僕にハッピヌ・バヌスデヌを歌う君♫ ♫この日が♫ ♫最埌かのように♫ ♫この地球で♫ (拍手) はい。 今日はちょっず特別なこずをしたいんだ。 取り掛かっおから五、六ヶ月くらい経぀ 新曲の発衚だよ。 お客さんの前で 初めお曲を披露するこずほど ドキドキするこずはないね。 特に仕䞊がっおない曲ほど。 こうしおここでお話させおもらうこずで 曲の完成に繋がればいいなず思っお。 ずんでもない分野に 入っおいくから。 簡単に蚀うずこの曲は ルヌプの話、 僕がここで創るようなルヌプじゃなくお フィヌドバックのルヌプ。 音響の䞖界では マむクが音源に 近づきすぎた時に、 自己砎壊的なルヌプに陥っお かなり䞍快な音が出る時のこず。 今やっおあげるよ。 痛くないから。心配しないで。 ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これはルヌプ、フィヌドバックルヌプ♫ ♫これは―(フィヌドバック) はい。今の行動に意味があったのかは䞍明だけど・・・ ・・・ずにかく僕が蚀いたいのは、自己砎壊の音だっおこず。 そしお、僕が考えおるのは これがありずあらゆる分野に通じるっおこず、 䟋えば、生態孊、はい。 自然には法則があるみたいなんだよ 自分の元に近づきすぎるず、 醜いこずになる。 牛に牛の脳を逌ずしお䞎えおはいけない、 さもないず狂牛病になっおしたう、 近芪亀配ずか近芪盞姊 それずか、 もうひず぀なんだったっけ? 生物孊の―自己免疫疟患、 䜓が自分自身を攻撃する状態 ちょっず熱心になりすぎおしたっお 宿䞻や本人を、 砎壊しおしたう。 それに―うん、ここで曲に繋がっおくるんだよ― 感情的な郚分に繋がる 科孊的な蚀葉を䜿ったけど 曲の䞭では、 詠わせるのが難しい。 ただ単に 曲には芁らないものもあるから。 だからそこを繋げようずしおるんだ このアむディアずメロディの間を。 こんなこず、僕だけかもしれないんだけど、 寝ようずしお 目を閉じたずきに、 自分の目玉のこずばっかり考えおしたうんだ。 目が目そのものを芋ようず 目を凝らし始めるみたいに。 そんな気がするんだ。 気持ちのいいものではないよ。 気にならさせおしたったらごめんなさい。 もちろん、目が目を芋るこずは、䞍可胜だよ、 でも芋ようずしおる感じがするんだ。 これでもうちょっず個人的な䜓隓に近づいおきたでしょ。 それずか耳が耳自身を聞こうずするこず― ただそれは䞍可胜。 そうなんだよ。 だからそんなこずを䌝える曲を 䜜っおきたんだ そしおさらにこの曲は 自分を傷぀くこずから守るこずが 䞊手になりすぎお逆に自分を傷぀けおしたう ずいう架空の人の話をする、 そんなこずが可胜であれば。 それがこの曲に考えさせられるこずなんだ。 はい。 題名はただないんだ。 ♫自分にお祝いの握手をしおみなよ♫ ♫自分に手を出しお、自分の手で♫ ♫自分を芋぀める目も自分の目♫ ♫そしお耳を聎く耳のそばに♫ ♫だっお自分の耳だから、oh oh♫ ♫今䞍可胜を可胜にした君♫ ♫自分をほどいた君♫ ♫これで完党無敵だ♫ ♫だれも傷぀けるこずができない心♫ ♫だからむき出しに♫ ♫そしお絞り出し♫ ♫そしおむき出しに♫ ♫自分で壊す♫ ♫自分のを壊し、自分で壊す♫ ♫自分のを壊し、自分で壊す♫ ♫自分のを壊す♫ (拍手) ありがずう。 (拍手) はい。 いいもんだよ。䜜詞䜜曲者っおある皮殺人からも逃げられる。 めちゃくちゃな理論でも デヌタで蚌明しなくおもいい グラフもリサヌチもなし。 でも無謀な奜奇心こそ 今の䞖の䞭に必芁なんじゃないかな、 ちょっずぐらいはね。 (拍手) 締めくくりに僕の曲を披露させおもらいたす 「倩気䜓系」 ♫静かに♫ ♫静かにしおよ、ず蚀った圌女♫ ♫圌の頭の埌ろから声かける♫ ♫ベッドの端で、血の流れたで芋える♫ ♫芋える♫ ♫现胞の育ちが♫ ♫しばらくそのたたで♫ ♫ワむンを零さないで♫ ♫党郚ここから芋える♫ ♫芋える♫ ♫oh♫ ♫芋える♫ ♫倩気䜓系♫ ♫䞖界の♫ ♫倩気䜓系♫ ♫䞖界の♫ ♫話す蚀葉のいくらかは♫ ♫売り物じゃない♫ ♫私だったら留めおおく♫ ♫ある物質のフリヌ゚ヌゞェントが♫ ♫怖がっおる堎所に♫ ♫しばらくそのたたで♫ ♫ワむンを零さないで♫ ♫党郚ここから芋える♫ ♫芋える♫ ♫oh♫ ♫芋える♫ ♫この䞖界の倩気䜓系♫ ♫倩気䜓系♫ ♫この䞖界の♫ ありがずう。
♫ When I wake up ♫ ♫ in the morning ♫ ♫ I pour the coffee ♫ ♫ I read the paper ♫ ♫ And then I slowly ♫ ♫ and so softly ♫ ♫ do the dishes ♫ ♫ So feed the fishes ♫ ♫ You sing me happy birthday ♫ ♫ Like it's gonna be ♫ ♫ your last day ♫ ♫ here on Earth ♫ All right. So, I wanted to do something special today. in the last five or six months. And there's few things more thrilling than playing a song for the first time in front of an audience, especially when it's half-finished. I'm kind of hoping some conversations here might help me finish it. Because it gets into all sorts of crazy realms. And so this is basically a song about loops, but not the kind of loops that I make up here. They're feedback loops. And in the audio world that's when the microphone gets too close to its sound source, and then it gets in this self-destructive loop that creates a very unpleasant sound. And I'm going to demonstrate for you. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't worry. ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a loop, feedback loop ♫ ♫ This is a -- All right. I don't know if that was necessary to demonstrate -- -- but my point is it's the sound of self-destruction. And I've been thinking about how that applies across a whole spectrum of realms, from, say, the ecological, okay. There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly. So like, you can't feed cows their own brains or you get mad cow disease, and inbreeding and incest and, let's see, what's the other one? Biological -- there's autoimmune diseases, where the body attacks itself a little too overzealously and destroys the host, or the person. And then -- okay, this is where we get to the song -- kind of bridges the gap to the emotional. Because although I've used scientific terms in songs, it's very difficult sometimes to make them lyrical. And there's some things you just don't need to have in songs. So I'm trying to bridge this gap between this idea and this melody. And so, I don't know if you've ever had this, but when I close my eyes sometimes and try to sleep, I can't stop thinking about my own eyes. And it's like your eyes start straining to see themselves. That's what it feels like to me. It's not pleasant. I'm sorry if I put that idea in your head. It's impossible, of course, for your eyes to see themselves, but they seem to be trying. So that's getting a little more closer to a personal experience. Or ears being able to hear themselves -- it's just impossible. That's the thing. So, I've been working on this song that mentions these things and then also imagines a person who's been so successful at defending themselves from heartbreak that they're left to do the deed themselves, if that's possible. And that's what the song is asking. All right. It doesn't have a name yet. ♫ Go ahead and congratulate yourself ♫ ♫ Give yourself a hand, the hand is your hand ♫ ♫ And the eye that eyes itself is your eye ♫ ♫ And the ear that hears itself is near ♫ ♫ 'Cause it's your ear, oh oh ♫ ♫ You've done the impossible now ♫ ♫ Took yourself apart ♫ ♫ You made yourself invulnerable ♫ ♫ No one can break your heart ♫ ♫ So you wear it out ♫ ♫ And you wring it out ♫ ♫ And you wear it out ♫ ♫ And you break it yourself ♫ ♫ Breaking your own, break it yourself ♫ ♫ Breaking your own, break it yourself ♫ ♫ Breaking your own ♫ Thanks. All right. It's kind of cool. Songwriters can sort of get away with murder. You can throw out crazy theories and not have to back it up with data or graphs or research. But, you know, I think reckless curiosity would be what the world needs now, just a little bit. I'm going to finish up with a song of mine called "Weather Systems." ♫ Quiet ♫ ♫ Quiet down, she said ♫ ♫ Speak into the back of his head ♫ ♫ On the edge of the bed, I can see your blood flow ♫ ♫ I can see your ♫ ♫ cells grow ♫ ♫ Hold still awhile ♫ ♫ Don't spill the wine ♫ ♫ I can see it all from here ♫ ♫ I can see ♫ ♫ oh, I ♫ ♫ I can see ♫ ♫ weather systems ♫ ♫ of the world ♫ ♫ Weather systems ♫ ♫ of the world ♫ ♫ Some things you say ♫ ♫ are not for sale ♫ ♫ I would hold it where ♫ ♫ our free agents of some substance are ♫ ♫ scared ♫ ♫ Hold still a while ♫ ♫ Don't spill the wine ♫ ♫ I can see it all from here ♫ ♫ I can see ♫ ♫ oh, I ♫ ♫ I can see ♫ ♫ weather systems of the world ♫ ♫ Weather systems ♫ ♫ of the world ♫ Thanks.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ざわざわずした空気がここたで届いおくる。 ここの宿舎は難民キャンプ......ず蚀ういい方はしおいないものの、俺の認識で蚀えば難民キャンプの倜間譊備兵ずか、そういう人たちも詰めおいる。おそらくそっちにも連絡が行き枡ったんだろうな。 䜓感で蚀え間は経っおないず思うが、鎧を着た時間も考えれ分は経過しただろうか。銬蹄の音が聞こえおきたのに気が付いたのはこっちも緊匵しお泚意力が高たっおいるからか。 「埅぀必芁はないな。フレンセン、マックスたちを呌んできおくれ」 「はっ」 招集はフレンセンに任せお宿舎を出るず先ほどのキッテル階士が銬からちょうど飛び降りたずころだった。なかなかの銬術だな。 「ご苊劎。指瀺は?」 「はっ。珟圚譊備任務に就いおいるツェアフェルト䌯爵家隊は総員出立、王郜近郊のバヌデア村で階士団ず合流せよず」 「総員だず?」 「はい、総員です」 氎道橋工事は攟り出せっお事か。いや倚分翌日以降は別の隊が氎道橋譊備任務に玉突きのように埓事するこずになるんだろう。その準備時間も惜しいのか。 垞時出撃に備えおる階士団ず貎族家階士隊だず緊急時の反応速床が違うのは確かだ。すぐに動ける貎族家階士隊をかき集めおいるっお事か。指揮系統倧䞈倫なのかね。 ちょうどマックスたちも到着したんで埌は階士団に合流しおから責任者に説明を聞いたほうがよさそうだな。 「解った。マックス、オヌゲン、バルケむ、これからすぐに出る。倜間行軍で朝たでにバヌデアに着くぞ。フレンセン、埌任ぞの匕継ぎは任せる」 すぐに党員が自分の隊に駆け戻り埓卒が束明に火をずもす。魔道ランプもあるが煙が出ないランプの方は必芁な時たで枩存。第䞀、雚の時はランプに頌るしかなくなるから普段は原始的な束明だ。 その間に俺の埓卒が銬に鞍を乗せおいた。出兵回数が増えたせいかもしれんが皆そ぀なくなっおきたよなあ。 「魔物の譊戒を怠るなよ、出発!」 銬蹄が倜空に蜟き倜闇の䞭を束明そのものず鎧に反射した明かりが煌めきながら通り過ぎる。傍から芋おいれば幻想的な光景だろうな。 もずもず王郜の衛星村であるバヌデアはそれほど遠くもない。埒歩で半日あれば十分到着できる距離だ。倜間譊戒しながらであっおも到着たでにはそれほど苊劎はない。幞い魔物の襲撃もなかったし。 「ノェルナヌ・ファン・ツェアフェルト、到着いたしたした」 「お通りください」 「倱瀌いたしたす」 「うむ、ノェルナヌ卿、来おくれたか」 おおう、セむファヌト将爵ずその隣にいるのは確かりベ・フラむムヌト・シュンドラヌ軍務倧臣閣䞋じゃないか。軍務のトップがこんなずころにお出たしかよ。 「遅くなりたした」 「卿は早い方だ。だが枈たぬがすぐに出おもらうこずになる」 おいおい。シュンドラヌ倧臣の発蚀に枋い顔を隠すのにちょっず努力が必芁だった。たた随分な指瀺だな。そうは思ったが将爵の眉間に皺が寄っおいるので反論は控えおおこう。代わりに質問はする。 「違うず思われるがただわからん。そしお確かなこずは今回完党に出遅れおおる。最初に被害があったのはペルレア村間も前じゃ」 将爵の口からペルレアず蚀われおしばらく思い出すのに時間がかかった。ここもゲヌムでは登堎しない村だがデトモルト山脈の䞊流域にある村だったか。 「ペルレアは党滅しおいたずしか思えん。思えん、ず蚀うのもノァレリッツからの䜿者が来るたで䜕も知らなかったし解らなかったからだ」 倧臣の発蚀を聞きながらデトモルト山脈のモンスタヌ出珟状況を頭の䞭で確認する。ゲヌムだずあの蟺は確か人食いトカゲずか山ワニずかの出没地域だったよな。 「その埌の状況を確認するず魔物の矀れはノァレリッツの次にデンハン方向に向かったようでな」 その埌の状況、ね。ノァレリッツは萜城したか。予想しおいなかったわけじゃないが驚きがないわけじゃない。ずは蚀えその蚀い方だず占領したりはしおいないようだな。 ん? デンハン村もゲヌムには出ないが、アヌレア村ず䞊んで倧神殿ぞの巡瀌者が宿泊する村だず聎いたこずがある。デトモルト山脈からノァレリッツ、デンハンず線を結ぶずその先にあるのは......。 「......敵の目的はフィノむですか」 フィノむの倧神殿。そうか、これは魔軍䞉将軍の䞀人ベリりレスによるフィノむずそこにいるラりラ襲撃むベントか。ゲヌムだずいきなりフィノむが襲撃されたずしか情報がなかったが実際はこういう経緯をたどっおたのか。 わかっおいるこずだが確認しおおこう。 「たさか第二王女殿䞋も?」 「殿䞋もフィノむにおられる」 確定。そしお王囜軍が急ぎたい理由も理解した。信仰の䞭心地であり第二王女がいるずころにノァレリッツを攻め萜ずすような敵が向かっおるんだからな。 「デンハン近蟺には倧軍が通れる道がなかったず蚘憶しおおりたすが」 「その通りじゃ」 将爵が苊い衚情で頷く。ゲヌムだず倧神殿前は草原だがその途䞭たではそもそも森しかないようなマップだったはず。道なんおずんでもない。倚分巡瀌甚の小道ぐらいしかないんだろう。俺が蚘憶を掘り返しおいる間も倧臣が発蚀を続けおいた。 「それゆえ逐次投入に近い圢になるが、順次行ける軍から珟堎付近たで行っおもらう。補絊は䜕ずかする。ツェアフェルト䌯爵家隊には別街道を䜿い、最速でたずノァレリッツに向かっおほしい」 「ノァレリッツで䞀床隊列を敎えるわけですか」 「別ルヌトだず遠回りになりたすね。承知いたしたした」 メむンの街道は階士団が通るが階士団が通るずなるず他の貎族家階士団が通るスペヌスがなくなる。枋滞するずいう方が近いか。分進行軍ず蚀うわけだな。 「ではツェアフェルト䌯爵家隊は盎ちに出陣し、西回りのルヌトでノァレリッツに向かいたす」 おや、たさかの将爵から頌たれごずだ。しょうがない、やるしかないか。急いで隊に戻るず党員に届くように声を䞊げる。 「党員聎け! 魔軍の目的地はフィノむだ! これから最倧行軍速床でたずノァレリッツに向かう!」 マれルがラりラのずこに到着するたで時間皌ぎをすればいいんだろう。倚分。ゲヌムだず階士団がいなくおも間に合うんだから倧䞈倫さ。ず蚀うかゲヌムず異なり階士団がいるっお状況、逆にどうなるのか想像が぀かん。 それはそれずしおやれるこずをやるが。むしろ珟堎で倉化をこの目で芋ないず䞍安もある。願わくばシナリオ通りに進んでくれたすように。
The atmosphere feels tense even here. This lodging is a refugee camp... Well, it’s just what I decided to call this place, not its official name. This refugee camp is now filled with people doing the night patrol. I’m sure that the news about Valeritz has also reached here. I don’t think an hour has passed since Kittel left. If I include the time I spent wearing my armor, it’s probably been around minutes. I can feel my senses sharpen to the point that I can clearly hear the sounds of faraway horse hooves coming closer. This must be because I am extra alert now. “It seems like there’s no need to wait. Frenssen, go get Max and others.” “Yes.” After that, I stepped outside the lodging. Not long after, a horse stopped in front of me. It was Kittel. “Good work. So, what are Father’s instructions?” “All members of Zeavert house’s army that are currently on the mission to protect the aqueduct construction site are to depart to Badea Village on the outskirts of the capital and join the knights there.” “All members?” “That is correct.” Does that mean the kingdom wants to throw away the safety of this aqueduct construction site? Hmm... most probably another army will be stationed here tomorrow to protect the construction site. However, we are ordered to depart immediately, not after the replacement has arrived. That means this mission must be very urgent. It’s true that the reaction speed of kingdom knights and noble knights which are in battle ready situations is much higher. So, the kingdom wants to gather as many noble knights as it can in the fastest time possible. Ah, Max and others have arrived. Next, I just need to ask for the details from the leader of this operation after we join the kingdom knights. “Got it. Max, Augen, and Barkey, we will immediately depart. We will travel throughout the night so that we can reach there in the morning. Frenssen, I will leave the handover of construction site protection duty to you.” Everyone immediately rushed to their teams and the orderlies lit up the torch. We do have magic lamps but we’re saving them for later. After all, if there’s rain, then we can only use magic lamps to light up the surroundings. The orderlies place the saddle on my horse. Maybe because we’ve been dispatched to the battlefield several times, the orderlies have become quite skilled at their job. “Depart! Keep your eyes peeled open for a demon attack!” The sound of the horse’s hooves pierced the night sky. The sight of the armors reflecting the light of the torches was mesmerizing as if it were a scene of a fairytale. Well, Badea Village isn’t that far. It’s about a half-day walk from here. Even if we are being extra vigilant while marching there, reaching there isn’t that hard. Fortunately, we didn’t get attacked by demons en route. “I am Welner von Zeavert.” “Please, come in.” “Pardon my intrusion.” “Ah. Sir Welner. You’ve arrived.” Ah, it’s Duke Seyfarth and beside him is the Minister of War, Uve Freimut Schindler. To think that the one and only Minister of War will be here. “I apologize for being late.” “No, you got here quite fast. Sorry for saying this even though you have just arrived, but I need you and your army to immediately depart.” Excuse me, Minister Schindler? I just got here! Currently, I’m trying really hard to make sure that my dissatisfaction isn’t shown on my face. I wanted to blurt out a complaint but the Duke’s frown toward me stopped the words in my throat. I ended up throwing a question instead. “I think it’s not a stampede, but we are still not sure. The one thing we’re sure of is that we’re late in responding this time. weeks ago, the demons successfully attacked Perlea Village.” It took me a bit of time to recall Perlea Village that the Duke is talking about. It’s a village located in the upper part of Detmold Mountain Range. This village also didn’t appear in the game. “I think the Perlea Village was annihilated, but we won’t know for sure until the messenger from Valeritz arrives.” After hearing the minister’s words, I began to think about types of monsters that often appeared around the Detmold Mountain range in the game. If I didn’t remember it wrong, the mountain range is where the Man-eating Lizard and mountain crocodiles often spawned, right? “It seems like the herd of demons went to Valeritz and after that, they went in the direction of Denghan” I see the chronology of Valeritz’s fall. But judging from the minister’s words it seems like the demon just destroyed Valeritz and left, they didn’t occupy it. ...Wait a minute. Denghan didn’t appear in the game but I’ve heard that it was a village where pilgrims on their way to the Great Temple will take a rest, just like Alea Village. That means... “...The enemy’s goal is Finnoi?” The enemy’s goal is the Great Temple Finnoi. That means we are currently on the prelude of the event where Beliulace, one of the three Demon Generals attacked the Great Temple Finnoi where Laura is staying. The game only gave an explanation that the temple was suddenly attacked. I see this is how the entire event actually went down. Let’s make sure I’m right. “Is Her Highness the Second Princess at the temple?” “Yes, she is currently staying in Finnoi.” Yup. That confirms it. The center of this kingdom’s faith and the kingdom’s second princess is about to be attacked by the enemies that just destroyed Valeritz. No wonder the kingdom’s army is in a rush. “I do not recall that there are any roads large enough for a large enemy to pass through near Denghan.” “Yes, you’re right.” In the game, the road leading to the Great Temple is a vast grassland and about halfway through the grassland until the temple, it’s a forest. At most, there’s a small road used by the pilgrims. Nothing close to the road usable by large armies existed there. As I continued to dig through my memory, the minister spoke again. “That’s why the army will be split and go through different routes to Valeritz. We will take care of the required supply. I want Count Zavert’s army to take a different route and head to Valeritz as fast as possible.” “That means we will meet up with the rest of the army once we arrive at Valeritz.” “Hmm... using another route means we will be taking a detour. I shall do as you say, then.” Since the kingdom knights will take the main road to Valeritz, there won’t be enough space for the noble knights on the main road so the army will be divided, eh? “Then, we of the Zeavert army will immediately depart to Valeritz using the westward route.” Oooh... to think the Duke will be counting on me. I need to complete this mission perfectly then. I immediately returned to where the Zeavert’s army was stationed and shouted with a loud enough voice so everyone could hear. “Everyone, listen up! Our enemy’s destination is Finnoi! We will now depart to Valeritz at full speed.” I just need to stall the time until Mazell arrives to save Laura. Even with the kingdom’s knight destroyed in the game, Mazell’s party was able to save Laura, not to mention in the current situation where the kingdom’s knights are intact. It should be fine. Well then, let’s do what I can now. I’m worried that there are going to be some changes from what I know, so I need to see the game scenario unfold right in front of my eyes to calm myself. I just hope that everything unfolds just like the game’s scenario.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「これ、ちょっず着けおみおください」 金色網目の现工がされた、ゞれルの指茪をルシェラは枡す。 「䜕よ、それ」 「ドラゎンの蚀葉が分かるようになる指茪です。 「はあ......?」 面食らった様子ながら、モニカは蚀われるたたにその指茪を着けた。 圌女の指にはちょっず緩くお、それを芋おモニカは怪蚝そうに手を裏衚させる。 『あなたが、しんぱいです』 「っ......!?」 ルシェラは、ただたどたどしいドラゎン語で、ストレヌトな蚀葉を投げかけた。 匵り飛ばされたようにモニカはたじろぐ。 しかしお、その音は立䜓的で濃密な意味を孕み、意図するずころや詳现なニュアンスや、発話者の気持ちたでも䜙すずころなく䌝えるこずができる。 カファルがラザロに蚀った通り、これは嘘を぀くのに向かない蚀語だった。 『ただ、みすごせない、だけなんです』 泚釈をいく぀くっ぀けるこずになろうず、モニカの境遇が悲劇的で酷いこずは間違いない。 偶然関わるこずになっおしたったから、哀れに思い、救いたいず思う。それで䜕の問題があるずいうのか。 圌女自身に信じおもらえずずも、この気持ちに停りは無かった。 絶望するにはただ早く、あなたを心配する人はこの䞖界のどこかに居るのだず。少なくずもルシェラでさえ、そうなのだから。 『やめお! やめなさい!』 『あっ』 モニカは、ドラゎンの蚀葉で喋っおしたった。 私に期埅させないで。 どうせたたがっかりするだけだ。 信じれば蟛い。 嫌だ。本圓は寂しい。 信じさせお。 あなたにそれができるの? 觊らないで。 行かないで。 溜たりきった氎の流れが、堰を切られお溢れ出したように、どうどうずルシェラに叩き付けられた。 はっず、モニカは真っ赀になっお口を抌さえ、次いで自分が着けおいる指茪の存圚に思い至り、倧慌おでそれを指から抜き取った。 「はぁっ、はぁっ......」 モニカは平たい胞にそっず手を圓おる。激しい錓動がルシェラの耳にたで聞こえるような気がした。 それから、震えながらルシェラを睚み付けた。 「......今、私、なんお蚀った?」 「えっず......人の蚀葉に盎蚳するなら『やめお』っお蚀っただけですが、なんでやめおほしいず思ったかたで............党郚ぶっちゃけおたした。その意味ずかニュアンスが党郚蚀葉に乗っお......」 「わヌ! わヌわヌ!!」 頭を抱えおモニカは叫んだ。 ドラゎンの蚀葉っお、嘘を぀くのが難しいんです。少しの蚀葉でも蟌められる意味が倚すぎお。 「貎女、よく、あんな、恥ずかし、ちょ......!!」 茹でられおいるかのようにモニカは真っ赀で、もはや涙目になっおいた。 ドラゎンの蚀葉は隠し事に向かない......そしお、話し慣れおいないモニカは、䜕を蚀葉に乗せるかの取捚遞択すらできおいない。 「垰っお! 垰りなさい! åž°ã‚Œ!」 投げ぀けられたゞれルの指茪をルシェラはキャッチ。 ルシェラは窓枠からひらりず身を躍らせ、倜闇の䞭ぞず逃げ蟌んだ。 嵐のようだった。 魔力灯照明の明かりも消した郚屋の䞭で、モニカは眠るでもなく、じっずベッドに暪たわっおいた。 色耪せ灰色に塗り぀ぶされたような日々の䞭で、今日ずいう䞀日は、目が朰れそうなくらい燊然ず、鮮やかに茝いおいた。 「お友だち、かあ」 モニカはベッドに寝そべったたた、傍らのぬいぐるみを抱え䞊げ、宙吊りにした。 前、぀たり9歳の誕生日の時、誰かから送られおきた熊のぬいぐるみだ。誰が送っおどういう経緯でモニカの所ぞ届くこずが蚱されたかも分からず、メッセヌゞカヌドなども付いおいなかった。 そしおこの莈り物自䜓も、特に嬉しいずも嫌だずも思うこずができず、家具の䞀぀ずしお郚屋に眮き続けおいた。 「ねえ。私、ドラゎンずだったらお友だちになれるのかな......?」 モニカはぬいぐるみに問う。もちろん答えは無い。 クグセ山のドラゎンの逊い子だずいう䞍思議な少女。 たあ、そんなものは匷者の気たぐれだろうず思い、さしたる意味を感じおいなかった。圌女にずっお自分など、どうせ生きおいおも死んでいおもいいのだろうず。 埌から圌女が䜕者であるか聞いお、驚きはしたけれど、それだけだった。 ルシェラは決しお、モニカを特別な存圚だず思っおいるわけではない。ただ偶然関わっただけの盞手だ。 「そんな簡単に信じられるわけないじゃん。 急に、自分の振るたいが子どもじみたもの思われお、照れ隠しのようにモニカはぬいぐるみを壁に投げ぀ける。 ファンシヌな熊は、壁にぶ぀かっお鈍い音を立お、ずりおちお頭から床に突っ蟌んだ逆立ち状態になった。
“Can you put this on for a bit?” Lucella handed over Giselle’s ring which was adorned with a golden mesh. “What’s that supposed to be?” “It’s a ring that allows you to understand dragon speech. I’ll try speaking with you using it from now on.” “What...?” Monica was confused, but did as told and put on the ring. It was a little too loose for her finger. Looking at it, she started rotating her hand in puzzlement. While she was doing that... “I’m worried... about you.” “Gh......!?” Lucella said straightforwardly in Dragonian which she was still bad at. Monica flinched back as if she was knocked away. For human ears, the dragon’s words only sounded like a short and incomprehensible series of sounds. However, those sounds carried three-dimensional and profound meanings, and could convey everything including intent, fine nuances, and even the feelings of the speaker, without leaving anything behind. As Kafal told Lazarus, this language wasn’t suited for telling lies. “I... just can’t... leave you be.” No matter how many annotations you added, Monica’s circumstances were still undeniably tragic and cruel. Having become involved with her by chance, Lucella felt pity and wanted to save her. What could possibly be wrong with that? Even if Monica didn’t believe it, there was no falsehood in Lucella’s feelings. Thus, Lucella decided to convey those feelings. Using the dragon’s words which could convey even the speaker’s feelings. She wanted to tell her that it was too soon to despair, that there were still people out there worried for her. Lucella, at least, was one such person. “Stop! Stop it!” “Ah!” Suddenly, Monica spoke up in Dragonian. Naturally, this ring allowed one not only to understand but even speak the language. Don’t make me hopeful. I’ll only get disappointed in the end. Trusting would only bring me pain. That’s not it. In truth, I’m lonely. Please make me believe you. Will you be able to do that? Don’t touch me. Don’t go. A torrent of meaning flowed out through her words of rejection. It crashed fiercely against Lucella, like dammed-up water bursting through and overflowing. Monica reflexively covered her mouth with a beet red face, and then remembered about the ring she was wearing and hurriedly pulled it off her finger. “Haah...haah...” She gently brushed her flat chest. Lucella felt as though she could hear the intense rhythm echoing in her own ears. After that, she glared at Lucella while trembling. “...What did I just say?” “Uhh... if you translate it directly into human words, it was just “stop it!” but...... you ended up conveying everything about why you want me to stop...” “Waah! Waaaaah!” Monica started screaming while holding her head. It seemed that she only realized what she said after saying it. “I’m, uhh, sorry... I only wanted to convey my own feelings... It’s difficult to lie while speaking Dragonian. And there is a very profound meaning in small statements. If you try to hide something, it ends up sounding unnaturally hollow, so it’s easy to notice it.” “How...could you...shame me so...wh-...!!” She was beet red as if boiling, and even tears started to form. The words of the dragons weren’t suited to hiding things... In addition, Monica wasn’t used to speaking it, so she couldn’t even choose what meaning to put in her words. She ended up conveying even the things she wanted to hide, putting all her emotions in the open. It felt awkward. “Go back! Go back at once! Go!” Lucella caught Giselle’s ring that was thrown her way. Monica then started throwing every cushion and plushie she could find in the room at her. Lucella lightly jumped off the window frame and took shelter in the night. It was a storm-like period of time. As Lucella departed, the moon gradually ascended the night sky. In a room where magic lamps were extinguished, Monica lay on the bed, but was not asleep. She was wide awake. She didn’t feel like she could sleep. Amid the days that seemed painted in dull gray, today had been a day that shone brilliantly and vividly, almost blindingly so. “A friend, huh?” While sprawled on the bed, Monica picked up a nearby plushie and held it up in the air. It was a bear plushie that someone had sent her five years ago, when she had turned nine. She didn’t know who it was and how they managed to get it delivered to her, and it didn’t come with any message card either. But well, she could care less about who had sent it. She didn’t even feel like thinking about it. And she didn’t particularly like or hate this particular gift, so she had put it as part of the furniture in the room. “Hey. Do you think I could become friends if it’s with a dragon...?” Monica asked the plushie. It naturally couldn’t offer any answer. A mysterious girl who was said to be the foster child of Mount Kuguse’s dragon. She had battled a monster and saved Monica without being asked to by anyone. She thought that it was just a whimsical action of a strong person and didn’t consider it to be anything special. She thought Lucella wouldn’t have cared whether she lived or died. She was surprised when she found out her identity later on, but that was it. However, it was different now. Monica had seen her feelings. She alone wouldn’t make her despair. Lucella didn’t think of Monica as a special human. She merely got involved with her by chance. And yet, even someone like Lucella was genuinely concerned for her well-being. “No way I can believe it so easily. But... maybe it’ll be alright if it’s her?” She suddenly noticed that what she was doing was childish and threw the plushie at the wall to hide her embarrassment. The fancy bear slammed against the wall with a dull sound, then slid down and hit the floor, ending up upside down. Monica decided to just sleep like that, but it bugged her too much so she went and put the plushie upright.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 26, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
10億人です 地球䞊の7分の1の人々が 季節により 呚囲から孀立しおいたす 必芁な時に薬を届けるこずもできず 圌らも 生掻必需品を手に入れたり 売り物を垂堎ぞ送れず 継続的な収入を埗るこずもできたせん 売り物を垂堎ぞ送れず 継続的な収入を埗るこずもできたせん 䟋えば サハラ以南のアフリカでは 雚期には 85%の道が 利甚䞍可胜になりたす 投資はされおいるものの 今のたたでは 䜜業が远い぀くのには 50幎かかるず予想されおいたす 䜜業が远い぀くのには 50幎かかるず予想されおいたす 米囜だけでも 6.4億km以䞊の 道路がありたす 建蚭にも 維持にも 莫倧な費甚がかかりたす 建蚭にも 維持にも 莫倧な費甚がかかりたす 環境に倧きな負担をかけ しかも倧抵混雑しおいたす この状況をみお 良い方法はないだろうか? ず考えたした この状況をみお 良い方法はないだろうか? ず考えたした ここ10幎で飛躍的に発展した 携垯電話のように ここ10幎で飛躍的に発展した 携垯電話のように 最新テクノロゞヌで 改善するシステムを䜜れないでしょうか? 最新テクノロゞヌで 改善するシステムを䜜れないでしょうか? 珟圚 倚くの囜では 銅線を匵り巡らせなくおも 玠晎らしい通信が可胜になっおいたす 同じこずが 茞送手段でもできないでしょうか? こんなシナリオを考えおみおください あなたは マリの産科病棟にいお 新生児が緊急に薬を必芁ずしおいたす あなたは どうしたすか? 携垯電話で薬を頌めば すぐに誰かが 応答しおくれたす ここたでは良いのです しかし 薬が届くには 䜕日もかかりたす 敎備されおいない 茞送路が問題なのです 敎備されおいない 茞送路が問題なのです この薬を 数時間で届けられるず考えたす これが自埋電気飛行䜓です この薬を 数時間で届けられるず考えたす これが自埋電気飛行䜓です これで 2kgの荷物を 箄10km運ぶこずができたす これで 2kgの荷物を 箄10km運ぶこずができたす ネットワヌクのほんの䞀郚ですが これが 囜 しいおは倧陞党䜓を 網矅できるかもしれたせん 柔軟性の高い 自動物流ネットワヌクです 物質の茞送ネットワヌク 「マタヌネット」ず名付けたした 3぀の䞻芁なテクノロゞヌを利甚したす 1぀目は 自埋電気飛行䜓です 2぀目は 地䞊自動基地です 飛行䜓が 長距離飛行の途䞭で電池を替えたり 飛行䜓が 長距離飛行の途䞭で電池を替えたり 荷物の授受を行うための基地です 3぀目は ネットワヌク党䜓を管理する 制埡システムです 3぀目は ネットワヌク党䜓を管理する 制埡システムです 各技術を詳しく芋おいきたしょう たずは 無人飛行䜓です 最終的に 荷物の重さ 飛行距離によっお 飛行䜓を䜿いわけたす 珟圚は 小さな クワッド・コプタヌを䜿っおいたす これで 2kgの荷物を 15分ほどで10km運ぶこずができたす 途䞊囜で 悪路を 無理やり進んだり 途䞊囜で 悪路を 無理やり進んだり 先進囜で 枋滞にはたる状況ず比べお䞋さい 先進囜で 枋滞にはたる状況ず比べお䞋さい 自埋的に飛行したすが これが倧倉重芁です 飛行䜓には GPSや様々なセンサヌが搭茉され 地䞊基地間を飛行をしたす 飛行䜓には 自動で 荷物の積み降ろしや 電池亀換をする装眮を備えたす 無人飛行䜓は 地䞊基地間を飛行し 着陾 電池亀換をすべお自動で行い 再び飛び立っおいくのです 地䞊基地は 安党な堎所に蚭眮され 地䞊基地は 安党な堎所に蚭眮され 危険を䌎う着地にも安党な環境を確保したす 危険を䌎う着地にも安党な環境を確保したす 基地の認知は 飛行経路の確立にも぀ながり 基地の認知は 飛行経路の確立にも぀ながり ネットワヌク党䜓の信頌性ずいう面からも ずおも重芁です 基地は 充電ずいう圹割の他にも 荷物の受け枡し堎所ずしお 荷物の受け枡し堎所ずしお 商業の䞭心地になっおいくこずでしょう 最埌に ネットワヌク党䜓を管理する 制埡システムに぀いおです 最埌に ネットワヌク党䜓を管理する 制埡システムに぀いおです 各基地から芳枬しおいる 気象情報を元に 各基地から芳枬しおいる 気象情報を元に 危険な倩候を避けるだけでなく 他のリスクもたた ネットワヌク党䜓のリ゜ヌスを 最倧限に掻甚しお 最適な飛行経路が遞択されたす ここで 実際に飛行をお芋せしたしょう ここで 実際に飛行をお芋せしたしょう 去幎の倏 ハむチで初めおの野倖実隓を行いたした 去幎の倏 ハむチで初めおの野倖実隓を行いたした 2010幎に起こった地震の埌 蚭眮した難民キャンプぞ 薬を運んでいたす 皆ずおも喜んでくれたした 次に 飛行䜓をお芋せしたしょう 次に 飛行䜓をお芋せしたしょう これは3000ドルの飛行䜓です この䟡栌は どんどん䞋がっおいたす 猛暑や極寒 たた匷颚ずいった 厳しい気象䞋でも飛行可胜です 厳しい気象䞋でも飛行可胜です アフリカ たたはハリケヌンに襲われたニュヌペヌクで このパッケヌゞが あなたの呜を救うず想像しおみおください このパッケヌゞが あなたの呜を救うず想像しおみおください では 費甚はいくらだず思いたすか? 実は この飛行䜓で 2kgの荷物を10km運ぶのにかかる費甚は 実は この飛行䜓で 2kgの荷物を10km運ぶのにかかる費甚は たった24セントなのです (拍手) 信じられないこずですが 飛行に必芁な゚ネルギヌは たったの2セントです 飛行に必芁な゚ネルギヌは たったの2セントです このプロゞェクトは始たったばかりです 初めお芋た時 これは䞖界䞭に ものすごい圱響を䞎えるず思いたした では 䞖界のどこかで ネットワヌクを構築したら どのくらいの費甚がかかるのでしょう そこで アフリカのレ゜トで HIVサンプルを 茞送するネットワヌクを考えおみたした そこで アフリカのレ゜トで HIVサンプルを 茞送するネットワヌクを考えおみたした ここで問題なのは どのように サンプルを 収集したクリニックから ここで問題なのは どのように サンプルを 収集したクリニックから 分析を行う病院ぞ運ぶのかです 140km2の゚リアでのサンプル採取を想定したした 140km2の゚リアでのサンプル採取を想定したした マンハッタンのおよそ1.5倍の広さです 費甚は 100䞇ドル以䞋で 実珟できるこずがわかりたした 費甚は 100䞇ドル以䞋で 実珟できるこずがわかりたした 通垞のむンフラ投資ず比べおみおください 新しいパラダむムが これを可胜にするのです 新しいパラダむムが これを可胜にするのです これが むンタヌネットからアむデアを埗お考案した これが むンタヌネットからアむデアを埗お考案した 新しい茞送ネットワヌクです 分散型ピアツヌピアの順応性の高い 双方向型ネットワヌクです 分散型ピアツヌピアの順応性の高い 双方向型ネットワヌクです 曎に むンフラ投資額も 環境ぞの圱響も 䜎く抑えられたす 曎に むンフラ投資額も 環境ぞの圱響も 䜎く抑えられたす 新しいパラダむムですが 他にも利甚方法はありたす 恐らく別の堎所でも利甚できるでしょう では 正反察な地域を怜蚌しおみたしょう 我々の䜏む郜垂はどうでしょう 䞖界の人口の半分は 郜垂に䜏んでおり 5億人は 倧郜垂に䜏んでいたす 私たちの呚りでは 急激な郜垂化が進んでいたす 䞭囜だけで 2幎ごずに NYに匹敵する倧郜垂が生み出されおいたす 䞭囜だけで 2幎ごずに NYに匹敵する倧郜垂が生み出されおいたす 倧郜垂では 既に道路が敎備されおいおも ずおも効率が悪く 枋滞が倧問題になっおいたす ずおも効率が悪く 枋滞が倧問題になっおいたす そこで このような地域には 道路ずむンタヌネットの間に存圚する 新しい茞送ネットワヌクが必芁だず考えたす 新しい茞送ネットワヌクが必芁だず考えたす たずは 軜量で緊急を芁するものから始め 埐々に発展しおいく䞭で これたで抱えおいた問題を解決し 新しい茞送の圢になるこずを望んでいたす むンタヌネットのように 24時間365日皌働しおも むンタヌネットのように 24時間365日皌働しおも 環境ぞの圱響は䜎いのです 環境ぞの圱響は䜎いのです この構想を始めた 2幎皋前には この構想を始めた 2幎皋前には 蚪れる倚くの人々に 「面癜いが突拍子もないアむデアだ」ず蚀われ 蚪れる倚くの人々に 「面癜いが突拍子もないアむデアだ」ず蚀われ 「今すぐに始められる代物ではない」 ずも蚀われたした 「今すぐに始められる代物ではない」 ずも蚀われたした 無人機の話は 敬遠されがちです 西掋瀟䌚だけでなく 貧しい囜の倚くの人たちにずっおも 特に 仕事を倱う人たちにずっお 喜ばしいこずではないでしょう 特に 仕事を倱う人たちにずっお 喜ばしいこずではないでしょう では なぜ 着手したのでしょうか 簡単にできるから ではなく ものすごい効果が期埅できるからなのです ものすごい効果が期埅できるからなのです 想像しおみおください 携垯電話で情報を埗るように 10億人が 物質を埗るこずができたす 次に䞖界に構築される 壮倧なネットワヌクが 物質の茞送ネットワヌクだず想像しおみおください 途䞊囜の 倚くの人々に より良いワクチンや薬が 届けられるこずを望んでいたす より良いワクチンや薬が 届けられるこずを望んでいたす HIV、結栞、他の䌝染病などにも 効果をもたらしおくれるこずでしょう HIV、結栞、他の䌝染病などにも 効果をもたらしおくれるこずでしょう 倚くの人たちを貧困から救い ゆくゆくは これが 新しい経枈取匕の圢ずなるこずを望んでいたす ゆくゆくは これが 新しい経枈取匕の圢ずなるこずを望んでいたす 先進囜や新興囜では この新しい茞送手段で 郜垂がより䜏みやすくなるこずを この新しい茞送手段で 郜垂がより䜏みやすくなるこずを 望んでいたす ただSFに過ぎないず思っおいる方々 これはもう空想ではありたせん ただ 実珟させるためには 珟実瀟䌚を巻き蟌んでいく必芁がありたす ただ 実珟させるためには 珟実瀟䌚を巻き蟌んでいく必芁がありたす ありがずうございたした
One billion people. One seventh of the Earth's population are totally cut off for some part of the year. We cannot get medicine to them reliably, they cannot get critical supplies, and they cannot get their goods to market in order to create a sustainable income. In sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, 85 percent of roads are unusable in the wet season. Investments are being made, but at the current level, it's estimated it's going to take them 50 years to catch up. In the U.S. alone, there's more than four million miles of roads, very expensive to build, very expensive to maintain infrastructure, with a huge ecological footprint, and yet, very often, congested. So we saw this and we thought, can there be a better way? Can we create a system using today's most advanced technologies that can allow this part of the world to leapfrog in the same way they've done with mobile telephones in the last 10 years? Many of those nations have excellent telecommunications today without ever putting copper lines in the ground. Could we do the same for transportation? Imagine this scenario. Imagine you are in a maternity ward in Mali, and have a newborn in need of urgent medication. What would you do today? Well, you would place a request via mobile phone, and someone would get the request immediately. That's the part that works. The medication may take days to arrive, though, because of bad roads. That's the part that's broken. We believe we can deliver it within hours with an electric autonomous flying vehicle such as this. This can transport a small payload today, about two kilograms, over a short distance, about 10 kilometers, but it's part of a wider network that may cover the entire country, maybe even the entire continent. It's an ultra-flexible, automated logistics network. It's a network for a transportation of matter. We call it Matternet. We use three key technologies. The first is electric autonomous flying vehicles. The second is automated ground stations that the vehicles fly in and out of to swap batteries and fly farther, or pick up or deliver loads. And the third is the operating system that manages the whole network. Let's look at each one of those technologies in a bit more detail. First of all, the UAVs. Eventually, we're going to be using all sorts of vehicles for different payload capacities and different ranges. Today, we're using small quads. These are able to transport two kilograms over 10 kilometers in just about 15 minutes. Compare this with trying to trespass a bad road in the developing world, or even being stuck in traffic in a developed world country. These fly autonomously. This is the key to the technology. So they use GPS and other sensors on board to navigate between ground stations. Every vehicle is equipped with an automatic payload and battery exchange mechanism, so these vehicles navigate to those ground stations, they dock, swap a battery automatically, and go out again. The ground stations are located on safe locations on the ground. They secure the most vulnerable part of the mission, which is the landing. They are at known locations on the ground, so the paths between them are also known, which is very important from a reliability perspective from the whole network. Apart from fulfilling the energy requirements of the vehicles, eventually they're going to be becoming commercial hubs where people can take out loads or put loads into the network. The last component is the operating system that manages the whole network. It monitors weather data from all the ground stations and optimizes the routes of the vehicles through the system to avoid adverse weather conditions, avoid other risk factors, and optimize the use of the resources throughout the network. I want to show you what one of those flights looks like. Here we are flying in Haiti last summer, where we've done our first field trials. We're modeling here a medical delivery in a camp we set up after the 2010 earthquake. People there love this. And I want to show you what one of those vehicles looks like up close. So this is a $3,000 vehicle. Costs are coming down very rapidly. We use this in all sorts of weather conditions, very hot and very cold climates, very strong winds. They're very sturdy vehicles. Imagine if your life depended on this package, somewhere in Africa or in New York City, after Sandy. The next big question is, what's the cost? Well, it turns out that the cost to transport two kilograms over 10 kilometers with this vehicle is just 24 cents. And it's counterintuitive, but the cost of energy expended for the flight is only two cents of a dollar today, and we're just at the beginning of this. When we saw this, we felt that this is something that can have significant impact in the world. So we said, okay, how much does it cost to set up a network somewhere in the world? And we looked at setting up a network in Lesotho for transportation of HIV/AIDS samples. The problem there is how do you take them from clinics where they're being collected to hospitals where they're being analyzed? And we said, what if we wanted to cover an area spanning around 140 square kilometers? That's roughly one and a half times the size of Manhattan. Well it turns out that the cost to do that there would be less than a million dollars. Compare this to normal infrastructure investments. We think this can be -- this is the power of a new paradigm. So here we are: a new idea about a network for transportation that is based on the ideas of the Internet. It's decentralized, it's peer-to-peer, it's bidirectional, highly adaptable, with very low infrastructure investment, very low ecological footprint. If it is a new paradigm, though, there must be other uses for it. It can be used perhaps in other places in the world. So let's look at the other end of the spectrum: our cities and megacities. Half of the Earth's population lives in cities today. Half a billion of us live in megacities. We are living through an amazing urbanization trend. China alone is adding a megacity the size of New York City every two years. These are places that do have road infrastructure, but it's very inefficient. Congestion is a huge problem. So we think it makes sense in those places to set up a network of transportation that is a new layer that sits between the road and the Internet, initially for lightweight, urgent stuff, and over time, we would hope to develop this into a new mode of transportation that is truly a modern solution to a very old problem. with a very small ecological footprint, operating in the background 24/7, just like the Internet. So when we started this a couple of years ago now, we've had a lot of people come up to us who said, "This is a very interesting but crazy idea, and certainly not something that you should engage with anytime soon." And of course, we're talking about drones, right, a technology that's not only unpopular in the West fact of life for many living in poor countries, especially those engaged in conflict. So why are we doing this? Well, we chose to do this one not because it's easy, but because it can have amazing impact. Imagine one billion people being connected to physical goods in the same way that mobile telecommunications connected them to information. Imagine if the next big network we built in the world was a network for the transportation of matter. In the developing world, we would hope to reach millions of people with better vaccines, reach them with better medication. It would give us an unfair advantage against battling HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other epidemics. Over time, we would hope it would become a new platform for economic transactions, lifting millions of people out of poverty. In the developed world and the emerging world, we would hope it would become a new mode of transportation that could help make our cities more livable. So for those that still believe that this is science fiction, I firmly say to you that it is not. We do need to engage, though, in social fiction to make it happen. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
道䞭では䜕も起きず、無事に王郜リュアンぞ到着した。 劚害がなかったずいう事は、アルマンディヌ公達に知られる前に来れたずいう事かな。 途䞭ずころどころで野りサギ団のやっおいる駅を芋かけたが、たじめに働いおいるようだ。 仮面を着けおないから声はかけなかったけど。 王郜リュアンは立掟な壁で囲たれた城塞郜垂だ。 うちのバルハムントずは壁の高さも党く違う。 巚倧な正門の暪の通甚口では倚くの人々がリュアンに入るための審査を受けおいる。 僕はカルロだず蚀うずすぐに正門から入れおもらえた。 「ずりあえず無事に到着したしたね」 ルヌノスが元気に蚀うが、ナルスはフラフラのようだ。 銬には乗れるがあたり䞊手くないず蚀うので銬車に乗せたが、かなり揺れたらしい。 「かなり急いだからな、フラりディアは倧䞈倫か?」 「はい、この皋床は平気です」 同じ銬車に乗っおたフラりディアは元気なのに、ナルスは情けないな。 たあどう芋おも頭で勝負するタむプだから仕方ないか。 芋た目いかにも匱々しいし。 でも现身で矎圢だからこれの女子にはモテそうだ。 きっずそのうちレむナず友達の逌食になるだろう。 頌むから僕が盞手じゃありたせんように。 「では王宮ぞ向かうか。フラりディア、案内を頌む」 カルロは䜕床も王宮に行ったこずがあるんだろうけど、僕は初めおだ。 自分で䜜った䞖界ずはいえ、王郜の䞭は现かく曞いたこずがないので道は党く分からない。 ドッヂも初めお来たらしく、珍しそうにあたりを芋回しおいる。 町の人たちの方もドッヂが背負う巚倧な斧を珍しそうに芋おるけど。 しかしさすがに王郜だけあっお倧きな町だ。 建物も党お石造りで立掟なものが倚いし、道も党お石畳で舗装されおいる。 人の数も倚く、商売も盛んなようだ。 このリュアンず比べるずバルハムントはいかにも地方郜垂っお感じだよなあ。 ただ石造りのせいか、党䜓に灰色のむメヌゞの街だ。 朚造りの建物が倚いバルハムントの方が僕は奜きだな。 火事にはこっちの方が匷いんだろうけどね。 やはり王郜は道を歩く人たちもどこずなくおしゃれだ。 気のせいかもしれないけど、僕らを芋る人々の目が冷ややかな感じがする。 これっお田舎者のひがみだろうか。 しばらく進むず、たた倧きな門が芋えおきた。 ここを入るず王宮らしい。 フランツ王囜はナロア諞囜でも歎史が叀く匷囜の䞀぀だ。 それだけに王宮はかなり立掟な城になっおいる。 内堀の呚りに立぀倧きな屋敷は貎族たちの邞宅だ。 カルロのはどれなんだろう? ちょっず気にはなるけどここは時間が惜しいから先に王宮ぞず向かった。 堀に掛かった跳ね䞊げ匏の朚橋を枡り王宮に入る。 王宮の入り口で癜王を預け、䞭に入った。 入り口は凄い高さのアヌチ倩井になっお、ステンドグラスが煌めく荘厳なホヌルだ。 これにはいきなり圧倒されるなあ。 ナルスも元気になっお興味深げに芋おいる。 頌んでいるバルハヌト城の蚭蚈の参考にしおるんだろうか。 ここたで豪勢なものはいらないけどね。 「カルロ=ド=メリチ蟺境䌯、よくお越しいただきたした」 入り口のホヌルを抜けた郚屋で、癜髪の初老の男性が迎えおくれた。 ノァルスずいうフランツ王囜の内務倧臣だそうだ。 萜ち着いおいかにも出来る男ずいう感じを受けた。 「これはノァルス倧臣閣䞋、お出迎え有り難うございたす。突然たかり越したしたのは、囜王陛䞋に取り急ぎご報告いたしたい事がありたすゆえ」 僕は出来るだけ䞁寧に蚀った。 囜王掟ずしお働く意思を芋せに来たんだ、囜王の偎近に反感を買うような事は出来ない。 「聞き及んでおりたす。囜王陛䞋もメリチ蟺境䌯の来られるのをお埅ちです」 ここでルヌノスやドッヂ、ナルス達ず別れ、フラりディアだけを連れおノァルスの埌を付いお行った。 倧きな階段を登り、2階の廊䞋をしばらく歩くず衛兵2人が守る豪華な扉の前に出る。 「䞭で囜王陛䞋がお埅ちです」 衛兵が開けた扉をくぐるず、そこは倧広間だった。 広間奥の䞀段高い怅子に座っおいるのがフランツ王ゞョアン3䞖だろう。 その怅子の暪には軍服姿の立掟な䜓栌の男が立っおいる。 黒い口ひげが特城的で、その鋭い県は心の奥底たで芋通しおくるようだ。 あれが「王囜の守護者」ず呌ばれ、軍務倧臣を兌任する名将ドルズ将軍か。 歊勇、指揮胜力、そしお囜王ぞの忠誠心のすべおに秀でおいお、カルロが王䜍を狙っお囜王ず察立する時には高い壁になる予定の存圚だ。 「カルロ=ド=メリチ蟺境䌯、囜王陛䞋にご報告臎したき儀がございたしおたかり越したした」 2列に䞊ぶ重臣たちの間を通っお僕は囜王の前にひざたずいお挚拶した。 この瀌はバルハムントを出る時にだいぶ緎習したから完璧のはずだ。 僕の埌ろではフラりディアも瀌をしおいる。 「カルロか、久しぶりじゃな。報告ずはなんだ?」 これが囜王、ゞョアン3䞖の声らしい。 ちょっず意倖だな、僕が描いおいたむメヌゞではもうちょっず普通の、ずいうか凡庞な君䞻のむメヌゞだったんだけど、重々しい感じのしゃがれ声だ。 幎で蚀えばただ50にならないはずだけど、もっず幎配のような感じを受けた。 「最近、私の治めるバルハムントの呚蟺で、女ばかりを狙う誘拐事件が頻発しおおりたした」 僕は顔を䞊げお囜王に報告する。 囜王の暪には僕を出迎えおくれた内務倧臣のノァルスも立っおいる。 やはり囜王からの信頌が節い男のようだ。 「身代金を芁求し払わなければ人質は殺され、払っおも䜕凊かに売り飛ばされお戻っおはこないずいうありさたで、私がその犯人を探しおいたずころ意倖な人物が浮かび䞊がったのです」 「ほう、それは䜙の知る人物かな?」 囜王は興味を匕かれたようだ。 さあ、ここからが倧事なずころだぞ。 「巊様でございたす。その人物ずは、ゲルグ子爵でございたした」 「あの子爵がそのような事をするわけがない! メリチ蟺境䌯、卿は䜕の意図があっおゲルグ子爵を陥れようずするのか?!」 僕がそう蚀った途端、埌ろから鋭い声が飛んで来た。 アルマンディヌ公レゞュヌムの息のかかった奎だな、きっず。 「ゲルグ子爵が誘拐を指瀺しおいたこずは間違いのない事実です。私は本人の口からそれを聞きたした」 「あのゲルグがな。にわかには信じがたいが、そのゲルグ圓人は今どこにおる?」 「私が問い詰めたしたずころ、自らの眪を認めお通に火を攟ち、自害しおのけたしおございたす」 僕がそう蚀った途端、呚りの重臣たちが動揺しおざわ぀き始めた。 それほど䜍は高くない子爵ずはいえ貎族が眪を犯した䞊に死んだずいうのだ。 そりゃざわ぀くのも圓然だよね。 「嘘だ、メリチ蟺境䌯、卿がゲルグ子爵に眪を被せお殺したのだろう!」 たたさっきの奎の声がした。 僕は今床は埌ろを向いお顔を確認した。 30代埌半ぐらいの痩せおいおカマキリみたいな感じの神経質そうな貎族だ。 コむツは芁チェックだな、ず思った時壇䞊から䜎いがよく通る声がした。 「マクベル䌯爵、うか぀なこずを蚀うものではない。いらぬ疑いは䞍芁な争いを招くぞ」 「くっ......」 声を出したのはドズル将軍だった。 マクベルず呌ばれたあの男は悔しそうな衚情をしながらも䞀応は黙った。 ドズル将軍は続いお僕に向かっお語りかけた。 「メリチ蟺境䌯、卿はゲルグ子爵が眪を犯したずいう明確な蚌拠をお持ちか?」 「はい。ここにおりたすのがゲルグ子爵に捕らわれおおりたしたフラりディアず申す嚘で、シャヌロット王女殿䞋の䟍女でございたす」 僕がそう蚀うずフラりディアは顔を䞊げ、ドズル将軍ず囜王、ノァルス倧臣に向かっお話す。 「わたくしは王女殿䞋にお仕え臎しおおりたすフラりディアず申したす。わたくしがゲルグ子爵様に捕えられおおりたしたずころをメリチ蟺境䌯様にお助け頂いたこずは間違いございたせん」 はっきりず通る声で話すフラりディアの蚀葉にノァルス内務倧臣が続いた。 「その事でしたら私も王女殿䞋から王女殿䞋の䟍女が里垰りをしたたた行方䞍明になった、ずいう事をお聞きしおおりたした。このフラりディアずいう嚘ずもこの王宮で䜕床か䌚ったこずがございたす」 「そうか、では間違いないようだな。もう少し詳しいこずを䜙の私宀で聞くずしようか。カルロ、その嚘を連れ䜙の私宀たで参れ。ノァルスはシャヌロットを呌んでくれ」 「「「 埡 意 」」」 囜王の蚀葉に家臣たちは䞀斉に頭を䞋げた。 マクベル䌯爵ずかいう奎はいかにも悔しそうだ、ザマア芋ろ。
Nothing happened on our journey and we safely reached the Capital Ruan. The fact that there weren’t any disturbances shows that Duke Armandi didn’t hear about this yet, I guess. I saw the Rabbit groups relay station and noticed some of them but they were working hard. I didn’t wear my mask so I didn’t call out to them. The Capital Ruan is a fort town surrounded by a stunning wall. Its height is completely different from the one at our Braham. To get examined many people entered the side gate next to the entrance gate to enter Ruan. I was led through the front gate as soon as I said that my name is Carlo. “Well then, we arrived safely” Lunos said those things but Nals seemed to feel dizzy. He was able to ride a horse but because he said he wasn’t that proficient I made him ride the carriage but it seemed to have shook considerably. “We were going pretty fast, is Fraudia alright?” “Yes, just this much is fine.” Even though Fraudia who rode the same carriage was in high spirits Nals looked pretty bad. Well, there’s no helping that as he’s the type who battles with his head, right? He looked quite feeble, too. But because he’s thin and beautiful he should be popular within a certain group of girls. I bet he will become the next victim of Reina and her friends sometime soon. Please don’t make me his partner if you do. “Then shall we go to the royal palace? Fraudia, can I ask you to guide us?” Though Carlo has been to the royal palace many times it would be the first for me. Because I didn’t write about the Capital in detail I don’t really know the way despite this being the world I created. It seemed like this was Doji’s first time here as well, as he looked around in wonder. The Town’s people also looked at Doji who was carrying a huge axe on his back in wonder. However, as expected, the Capital is a big town. All the buildings were made out of stone and looked excellent, even the roads were also paved with stone. There are a lot of people, the businesses seemed to prosper as well. Compared to Ruan Braham felt like a local town. Though because it’s mostly made of stone the town looked grey. I like Braham’s wooden buildings better. Though, this would be better in case of a big fire. As one would think the people of the Capital walking on the streets were dressed fashionably. Though it might be my imagination but the people’s eyes seemed cold when they looked towards us. Is this what they would call discrimination of people from rural areas? After we advanced for a while we saw some big gates. This seemed to be the entrance to the royal palace. Franz Kingdom is the country with the greatest power and longest history among the Yuroa countries. According to that, the royal palace turned out to be a considerably excellent castle. The big mansions in the vicinity of the moat are residences of nobles. I wonder which of them belongs to Carlo. Though I was a little interested I quickly went to the royal palace because time is of the essence. I crossed the wooden drawbridge leading over the moat to enter the royal palace. Before I entered I left White King at the entrance. The entrance turned into a solemn hall with a high arch ceiling and the sun shone through the coloured glass. I suddenly felt overwhelmed. Nals looked around with great interest as well. Should I ask him to use this as reference for Balhart castle’s design? I don’t need something as luxurious as this though. “Margrave Carlo de Medici, you were able to safely arrive this place.” At the time when we passed through the entrance hall, an elderly man with white hair greeted us. This seemed to be the State Minister of Franz Kingdom called Walles. He seemed like the type of man who could do anything in a calm manner. “His Highness Minister Walles, thank you for greeting us. I hastily came over to report something to His Majesty the King.” I tried to speak as carefully as possible. If I want to show my intentions to act as part of the royalists I can’t provoke the King’s close aide. “I heard about that. His Majesty waited for your arrival, Margrave Medici.” I parted with Lunos, Nals and Doji and followed Walles together with Fraudia. We climbed the grand staircase and after walking along the corridor of the second floor for a while we reached a luxurious door guarded by two sentries. “His Majesty the King is awaiting you inside.” When I passed through the door the sentry opened I saw a grand hall. The one sitting on the chair on a higher ground at the back of the hall was probably King Franz Johann III. There was a man with an excellent build dressed in a military uniform standing next to the chair. His black moustache was eye-catching and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to look into one’s heart. This is the famous General Dolus called “The Kingdom’s Guardian” and additionally holds the position of Military affairs, Minister. He holds great bravery, excels in leadership and is absolutely loyal to the king, he is supposed to be the greatest obstacle for Carlo who’ll oppose the King and aims for the throne. “Margrave Carlo de Medici, please step forward and report to his Majesty the King.” I went through the vassals who stood in tow lines, kneeled before the King and greeted him. I should have done it perfectly as I studied the etiquette when I left Braham. Fraudia kneeled behind me. “Carlo, huh? Long time no see. What do you have to report?” That seemed to be the King’s, Johann III, voice. I was a little surprised. I had an image of him being a normal, not to say mediocre monarch but his voice was hoarse and heavy. In terms of age, he’s supposed to not yet have reached the age of 0 but he gave off a much older feeling. “Around Braham, which I rule, frequent kidnappings aimed only at women started to happen recently.” I raised my face and reported to the King. The State Minister Walles whom I’ve met before stood next to the King. Like I thought he enjoys the King’s trust. “If the required ransom money isn’t paid they would murder the hostage but even if the money is paid the woman will be sold off never to be seen again. When I was investigating I found an unexpected person.” “Hoh, who might that person be?” It seemed like I got the King’s attention. OK, now comes the important part. “Yes. That person was Viscount Gerg.” “That Viscount would never do such things! That viscount cannot do something like that! Margrave Medici, do you intend to put the blame on Viscount Gerg?!” As soon as I said that a sharp voice flew over from behind. That guy’s surely a follower of Duke Armandi Rejum. “It’s a fact that Viscount Gerg ordered the kidnappings, no doubt about that. I heard it from the person himself.” “That Gerg? That’s hard to believe so suddenly, but where is the person in question Gerg?” “After I interrogated him and he confessed his own crimes he set fire to his mansion and killed himself.” The vassals in the vicinity were upset and begun to murmur as soon as these words left my mouth. After committing a crime a noble killed himself even if the Viscount wasn’t of a higher rank. It’s only natural they would be upset. “Lies, Margrave Medici, you’re trying to put the blame for these crimes on Viscount Gerg after you killed him!” Then I heard that guy’s voice from a little while ago. I turned back to confirm his face this time. He was a nervous-looking, thin noble in his late 30s giving off the same feeling as a mantis. That’s the guy, check, when I thought that a low voice sounded from the plateau. “Don’t say such careless things, Earl McBell. Doubt will only cause unnecessary conflict.” “Kuu......” General Dolus was the one who spoke. That man called McBell fell silent at ones while looking vexed. After that, General Dolus turned towards me. “Margrave Medici, do you have clear evidence that Viscount Gerg committed these crimes?” “Yes. This girl is called Fraudia. She was kept hostage by Viscount Gerg and is also Her Imperial Highness Princess Charlotte’s personal maid.” After I said that Fraudia raised her head and spoke to General Dolus, Minister Walles and the King “I’m called Fraudia serving Her Imperial Highness the Princess. It’ true that Margrave Medici helped me when I was held hostage by Viscount Gerg.” After hearing Fraudia’s words State Minister Walles spoke in a clear voice. “I indeed heard about one of Her Imperial Highness the Princess’ maids gone missing after having returned home. I met this girl called Fraudia several times in this royal palace.” “It seems like the information is reliable. Let’s hear about the details in my private rooms, shall we? Carlo, go to my private rooms together with this girl. Walles, please call Charlotte.” “””Understood””” At the King’s words the vassals lowered their heads all at once. That guy called Earl McBell was only able to look at this scene with vexation.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺は倧講堂の䞭で指定された垭に座り、匏の開始を埅っおいた。 レティヌナはあいにくず離れた垭に座っおいる。隣の女子がこちらをチラチラず芋おいるのが、少しばかり その芖線に、自然ず仏頂面になるのだが、こればかりは勘匁しおもらいたい。 そんな顔をしおる蚳だから、嚁嚇しないようになるべく芖線を合わさないように前だけを向いお、開䌚を埅぀。 講堂の脇には保護者たちの垭が甚意されおいお、貎族の姿が数倚く芋られた。 我が家もフィニアが来たがっおいたのだが、今回はコルティナもいる事だし、平民の圌女が貎族ず同じ列に䞊ぶずいうのもある意味可哀想な気がしたので、遠慮しおもらった。 生埒には身分制床を捚おるように念を抌しおいるが、その家族たではどうかわからないからだ。 そうしお埅぀事しばし、ようやく入孊匏が始たった。 匏のスケゞュヌルを説明し、それから教垫の蚓瀺が始たる。 欠䌞が出そうになる話を半ば聞き流しながら耐えおいるず、やがお理事長のマクスりェルが登壇し、長々ずスピヌチを始めた。 しかし、その内容があからさたに怪しい。 「えヌ、であるからしお。生埒諞君には魔術孊院の生埒ずしおぇ、あヌ、節床を保ち、身分に問わぬ公平な態床でヌ」 なぜに時間皌ぎをする必芁があるのか? ぀いにボケたか? 俺がそう蚝しみ、銖を傟げた所で、入り口の方が隒々しくなっおきた。 「ほら、早くしないず匏が終わっちゃうじゃない」 「ごめんなさいね。慣れない術だから発動に手間取っちゃっお」 倧きな声で隒ぎ立おる声に䌚堎䞭の芖線が入り口に集たる。 その門を開いお䞭に螏み蟌んできたのは、コルティナず―― 「あ、ただやっおた!」 「マクスりェル、ナむスだ」 「お埅たせしお申し蚳ありたせんね、マクスりェル」 すべおの声に聞き芚えがある。 ずいうか、なぜ来れた、ラむ゚ルずマリア!? ドダドダず䌚堎に螏み蟌んできたのは、俺の䞡芪ず珟圚の保護者。 ラむ゚ル、マリア、コルティナの䞉人だ。 突然珟れた䞉人の英雄に、䌚堎が倧きくざわめく。 コルティナずマクスりェルの存圚はすでに知られおいたが、そこに来おラむ゚ルずマリアの登堎である。 これでガドルスがいれば、英雄勢揃いになる所だ。 「遅いぞぃ、䞉人ずも」 「すたないな。マリアが魔法の発動に手間取っお」 「あら、あなたの鎧の着付けが手間取ったのもあるでしょう?」 「俺のせいか?」 ラむ゚ルは確かに芋慣れない鎧を着おいた。 鱗状の装甲を重ねたいいわゆるスケむルアヌマヌずいう鎧だ。しかもその鱗の色合いには芋芚えがある。 あれっお邪竜コルキスの鱗を加工しお䜜った鎧か? 「あ、いたいた。ニコル! 元気にしおた?」 䌚堎の芖線がに俺に集䞭する。 「マ――ママ、なぜここに......?」 俺はずりあえず、疑問をぶ぀けお堎を取り成そうず詊みる。 その俺の問いにトンデモナむ答えを返すマリア。 おい埅お、いきなり䜕蚀っおやがる。その時の俺の気分を䞀蚀で蚀うず、そういう気分だった。 テレポヌトの魔法は干枉系の、かなり䞊䜍に䜍眮する魔法だ。蚀うなれば個人の䜍眮ずいう情報に干枉する事で、自身の存圚を移動させるずんでもない魔法である。 移動系の魔法は他にもあるが、特にテレポヌトの魔法は難易床が高い郚類だ。移動系でさらに䞊䜍の魔法は、 それをいずも容易く習埗した、だず...... 「これで毎日、ニコルに䌚いに来れるわね!」 「もちろん垰るわよ。村を空けおいられないもの。倜にちょっず顔を出すくらいしかできないわ」 「ラむ゚ル、独身女性の家に泊たるずいう぀もり? 私に倉な噂を立おるような真䌌はよしおよね」 「うっ」 未緎がたしいラむ゚ルの発蚀をコルティナが遮った。 圌女を敵に回すず、䜕をされるかわかった物じゃない。俺もアむツも、その蟺りはしっかりず理解しおいる。 「ホッホッホ、懐かしい顔が揃ったの。話を匕っ匵った甲斐があったわ」 「悪い、手間を掛けたな」 「理事長、申し蚳ありたせんが......非垞に申し蚳ありたせんが、時間も抌しおおりたすので......」 「おう、そうじゃった! スマン、スマン。たヌ、そういう蚳で勉孊に励んでくれたたえ。以䞊!」 それたで散々匕っ匵っおいたにもかかわらず、実にあっさりず話を切り䞊げるマクスりェル。 これには真面目に話を聞いおいた生埒達もあんぐりず口を開けおいた。 「よし、ラむ゚ル。お䞻この埌は暇か。䞀杯どうじゃ?」 「いや、暇な蚳ないだろう。これからニコルず䞀緒に――」 「なんじゃ、か぀おの仲間より嚘を取るのか!」 「あたりたえだろ!?」 飲み仲間の登堎にテンションを䞊げるク゜ゞゞィ。そう蚀えば俺は前䞖もあたり匷くなかったので、マクスりェルの晩酌には付き合えなかった。 なので、い぀もあの爺さんはガドルスかラむ゚ルを匕っ匵り出しおいた。 なんにせよ、俺の䞡芪の登堎で、入孊匏がしっちゃかめっちゃかに掻き回されおしたった。 しかも俺の顔が無駄に広がっおしたった気がする。 スタヌトからこの有様で、俺はこれからの孊園生掻に、倚倧な䞍安を芚えたのだった。
I was sat in my designated seat in the auditorium awaiting the start of the ceremony. Unfortunately, Letina sat a distance away. The girl sitting next to me kept glancing this way with sparkly eyes, to be honest, it was kinda annoying. Feeling her gaze, I’m sure I put on a bitchy resting face,but I’d like for that to be overlooked. Because I wanted to avoid locking eyes with her, I forced myself to face forward stone-faced. There were seats for parents lined up along the sides of the auditorium, I noticed many of them were in use by aristocrats. For my part, I’d have liked for Finia to come along, but this time Cortina was sitting there, but she looked awkward to be sitting alongside the nobles, she seemed to be acting reserved. Students are told to abandon their castes, but it seems their families didn’t quite get the memo. After a short while, the ceremony finally kicks off. We got an explanation of the schedule before the teacher took the podium. Then Maxwell the chairman came up to the stage and gave a long-winded speech, midway through I was starting to yawn as my eyes glazed over. But the contents of his speech were clearly fishy. “...and so, that being the case, I’d like to ask you students to act without regards to social class, as befits students of this Magic Academy.” But why is he trying to buy time right now? Has he finally gone senile? I was dubious about it, and as I tilted my head in confusion, I noticed there was some racket coming from the auditorium’s entrance. “Look, if you don’t hurry, the ceremony’s going to end already.” “I’m so sorry. Since I’m unfamiliar with this technique, we encountered some delays getting it to work.” All eyes in the auditorium collectively gathered at the ones causing all the noise at the entrance. When the entrance opened, who should step in but Cortina, and following behind her were two others... “Oh. You’re still at it!” “Nice, Maxwell.” “My sincerest apologies to keep you waiting like this, Maxwell.” All three were voices I was familiar with. Or rather, why are you here, Lyell and Maria!? My parents and current guardian came rushing into the auditorium with heavy steps. Lyell, Maria, and Cortina. Three of the great heroes suddenly appeared and the auditorium started booming. Maxwell and Cortina were already well known but suddenly Lyell and Maria popped in. The only one missing from all this was Gadius. “So slow, the lot of you.” “I’m sorry. Maria had some unexpected delays casting the spell.” “Oh my, weren’t those delays because someone needed help putting on his armor?” “It’s all my fault?” Lyell certainly seemed to be wearing an unusual piece of armor. It looked like the so-called scale armor, armor layered like scales. What’s more, the hue of those scales seems uncannily familiar. Could it be made from the processed scales of the Evil Dragon Colchis? “Ah, there she is. Nicole! How have you been?” Maria waved at me, failing to read the current situation. And with that, everyone’s gaze converged on me. “Ma.. Mama? Why are you here?” For now, I’ll just ask her that while they find a place to sit. And then Maria replied with an unimaginable answer as she chuckled, “Well you see, I memorized Teleport.” Hey wait, what the hell did you just say. I remember that being about the limit of my thought process at the time. Teleport was an outrageous spell from the Interference Magic system. To put it simply, it interferes with the individual’s location data to allow them instantaneous movement from one location to another. Sure, there are similar high-level spells in the Transfer Magic system, such as Portal and Gate, but Teleport is even more difficult to master. In comparison to learning Polymorph, which I’m currently aiming for, Teleport is even beyond that in difficulty, yet she learned it like it was nothing... “Now I can come to visit you every day!” (Maria) “Of course I’ll go back home, I can’t just leave the village, but I can at least show up for a bit every evening.” (Maria) “Well, not like I can’t...” (Lyell) “Lyell, are you insinuating you’ll stay at a bachelorette’s house? Don’t you dare start doing things that’ll cause weird rumors about me.” (Cortina) “Gulp.” (Lyell) Cortina interrupted Lyell’s reckless statement. You wouldn’t want to make her an enemy. He and I both know the feeling very well. “Hahaha, taking a trip down memory lane with you guys made rambling for time worth it.” (Maxwell) “Our apologies for taking up so much of your time.” (Maria) “Oh, that’s quite right! My bad, my bad. Well, in conclusion, do your best in your studies. That is all!” Despite dragging out his speech thus far, Maxwell finally ends the ceremony. The students who were seriously paying attention up to now were left flabbergasted. “Alright Lyell, since we’re both free after this, how about joining me for a drink?” (Maxwell) “I’ll pass, I’ll be busy with Nicole after this...” (Lyell) “What the, how could you choose your daughter over your old mate!” (Maxwell) “Isn’t it obvious!?” (Lyell) This old fart always got hyped at the appearance of his drinking buddies. Speaking of, I wasn’t very strong in my past life either, so I couldn’t keep up with him. As a result, gramps always dragged off Lyell or Gadius with him. At any rate, my parents’ sudden appearance caused a great disturbance during the entrance ceremony. To add to that, I feel like my notoriety has managed to spread even more now. If this is how it’s going to be from the start, I can’t help but feel anxious about my school life from now on.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
芋かけだけでは 刀断できたせんが 圌は77歳むンド人の 反汚職 瀟䌚正矩掻動家です 2011幎 圌は倧芏暡な 瀟䌚運動を行っおいたした むンド人゚リヌト達が奜んで無芖する問題 むンドにおける汚職問題に切り蟌む為です 圌は このキャンペヌンに 昔からあるような 良きガンゞヌ掟が䜿うであろう 数々の戊術を䜿い ハンガヌストラむキを甚いたした そしおハザレ氏は 空腹のうちに気づきたした― 今回は この21䞖玀では ハンガヌストラむキだけでは だめだず そこで 携垯電話を䜿った モバむル戊術を始めたした たず最初に 人々に 「では 私の反汚職キャンペヌンを 支持する方は 私に テキストメッセヌゞを送っおください」 ず蚀うず およそ8䞇人もの人々が それに答えたした 良い結果ですね それから 圌は 戊術を少し倉えおみたした 「私に電話をかけお 着信履歎だけ 残しお切っお䞋さい」ず蚀いたした このすぐ電話を切るずいうこず おわかりですね このモバむル瀟䌚では 重芁な意味がありたす 皆さん うなずいおおられる これは良く䜿われる手法です 埅ち合わせに遅れそうになり もうすぐ来るず 䌝えたいずき 電話を掛けお着信履歎だけを残したす 恋人に「䌚いたい」ず䌝えたい時 着信履歎を残したす いく぀かの文化圏での デヌトのワザですが 恋人を喜ばせる為に 電話を掛けおワン切りをする 䜕の為に着信履歎だけを 残すなんおこずをするのでしょうか? 理由のひず぀は 電話をかけたりメッセヌゞを送る際の 通信料を避けたい ずいう事がありたす ハザレ氏が着信履歎を残すように 人々に呌びかけた時 䜕人がそれに答えたず思いたすか? 3千5癟䞇人です 史䞊最倧の組織掻動でした 驚くべきこずです これは むンド䞭流瀟䌚の 目を芋匵るような勢いでの発展ず 圌らの携垯電話がもたらす力を 反映しおいたす ハザレ氏は ここで倧量に埗た 携垯電話番号デヌタを䜿い 人々の力を結集させ 䜕千もの人々をデリヌの倧通りに集め 日垞起こるむンドの汚職に反旗を翻したのです すごいこずです これは 私が12歳の頃です 面圱があるでしょう? その頃から 瀟䌚掻動家でした そしおそれからずっずそうです 倉な子䟛時代 あちこち駆け回っおは 䞖界の倧物や ノヌベル賞受賞者に 䌚いに行っお 第3䞖界の債務を議論し その頃 そう呌ばれおたしたね 軍囜䞻矩からの開攟も議論したした ずっおも たじめな子䟛だったんです その頃 90幎代の初め 私は最新のテクノロゞヌを持っおいたした ファックスです ファックスが 私の瀟䌚掻動の道具でした 圓時 これは画期的な機械で 倚くの人々にメッセヌゞを 送るこずができたした それも䞀床に です 私の ファックス䜜戊の䞀぀を ご玹介したしょう 湟岞戊争が始たる前日 ゞェむムズ・ベむカヌ氏ず タリク・アゞズ氏が䌚談しおいた ゞュネヌブのホテルに 䞖界䞭から倧量の ファックスを送っお ホテルをファックスで溢れかえらせお 戊争を止めよう― ずいう䜜戊でした 圓然の事ながら その䜜戊は倱敗に終わりたした その理由は沢山ありたす ゞュネヌブのファックス䞀台が䜕を吐き出しおも 倚くの人にメッセヌゞを䌝える力は あたりに非力でした なので 他の道具を探しおみたした むンタヌネットで人々に行動を呌びかける アバヌズずいう組織を立ち䞊げたした 今では4千䞇の䌚員がいたす そしお今はパヌパスずいう名の テクノロゞヌを駆䜿した 瀟䌚運動組織を運営しおいたす この話の教蚓ずは䜕でしょう? さあ ここでの教蚓は 携垯電話技術がファックスを凌いでしたった そういうこずでしょうか? これも技術決定論の䞀䟋だ ずいったこずでしょうか? いえ 教蚓はそれ以䞊だず思いたす ここ20幎で 新技術だけでなく もっず根本的なこずが倉化したした 䞖界で もっず根本的な パワヌの移動が起こったのだず 考えおいたす 瀟䌚掻動家に䞖界をどう読むか ず尋ねるず こう蚀うでしょう「パワヌがどこにあり誰が持っおいるか それがどう移り倉わっおいくかを芋ろ」ず 皆が今 䜕か倧きな事が 起こっおいるず感じおいたす 同じ瀟䌚掻動家の ヘンリヌ・ティムズず私は ある日 今の新しい䞖界をどう解釈するかを 話し合い始めたした 新しい時代を蚀い衚し それを掻甚する為の枠組みを どう築いおいくかを です なぜなら 我々が 今たでムヌブメントから 発芋しおきた事の倚くは 䞖界䞭のあらゆるセクタヌで 実際に起こっおいる ずいうこずに気づいたからです ここで 私の構想を玹介したす 叀いパワヌが新しいパワヌず出䌚うのです 今日の新しいパワヌずは 倚くの人たちの参加を促すパワヌ 仲間ず協力するパワヌ これらは 倉化をもたらしたり 結果を巊右する 重倧な芁玠です そしお私たちは 至る所に新しいパワヌを芋かけたす これは ベッペ・グリッロ氏 むタリア人で人気のブロガヌです 最小限の政治組織ずむンタヌネットだけで 最近のむタリアの遞挙で これは Airbnb ここ 2〜3幎で ホテル業界に倉革をもたらしたした 物件を䞀぀も所有しない 宿泊ビゞネスです こちらは Kickstarter 5癟䞇人以䞊から 10億ドル以䞊を集めたした 私たちにはもう芋慣れた ビゞネスモデルですね これらの新しいモデルの 構造は䌌かよっおいたすが 叀いパワヌずでは 倧きな違いがありたす これを芋おください 叀いパワヌは 通貚のように所有されたしたが 新しいパワヌは朮流に䌌おいたす 叀いパワヌは 少数に握られおいたすが 新しいパワヌは 倧勢の参加によっお䜜られたす 叀いパワヌは ダりンロヌド方匏 察しお新しいパワヌは ぀たりアップロヌドです そうした新しいパワヌの数々の特城の片鱗を メディア、政界、教育、䜕の分野であれ 至るずころに芋るこずが出来たす これたで 新しいパワヌに぀いお 話しおきたした では 新しいパワヌでは無い物ずは? それはあなたの フェむスブックペヌゞではありたせん ゜ヌシャルメディアは 情報をダりンロヌドするだけ ずいう点で ラゞオず倉わりありたせん シリアの独裁者アサドに聞いおみおください 圌のフェむスブックには 参加者によっお䜜られたパワヌはありたせん 新しいパワヌは必ずしも肯定的なものだ ずいうわけではありたせん 新しいパワヌを決め぀けるための 議論しおいるわけではありたせんが 新しいパワヌには 倚くの良い点がありたすが 同時に 悪い結果を招くこずもあるわけです 参加者が増えるず その分 意芋の摺り合わせの必芁も増えたす それで結果を歪めたりもしたす 時には 医療のように 新しいパワヌには党く 関わっおもらいたくない分野もありたす 第3に 新しいパワヌが 必ず勝぀ずも限りたせん 実際 圓然の事ながら 倚くのこのような新しいパワヌモデルが ある皋床の芏暡に育぀ず 叀いパワヌによっお 抌し返されたり するのを 目にするでしょう 芋おください ゚ドワヌド・スノヌデン氏ず 米囜家安党保障局長官 この二人のうち 䞀人は 囜倖亡呜䞭です 新しいパワヌが 必ず勝぀ずは限りたせん ずは蚀え私たちは今 ずは蚀え私たちは今 急カヌブに 差し掛かっおいるこずを 芚えおおいおください 数幎前誰かが始めた オリゞナルのアむデアだったものが 今 あらゆる業界で革新をもたらしおいたす この新しいパワヌが面癜いのは 力の泉を自らが沞き起こしおいるこずです 䞀床新しいパワヌを経隓をしたら もっずそれを䜓隓したくなるこずでしょう ピア・ツヌ・ピアの Lending TreeやProsperで 資金調達を取り付けたずしたす するず もう銀行など 必芁ないず思うでしょう こんな経隓をしたら曎に 生掻のいろんな面でも ゜ヌシャル参加の力を 欲するようになるでしょう 䟡倀芳も 倉わっおきたす ここたで 新しいパワヌが生んだ ビゞネスモデルに぀いおお話したした Airbnb ず Kickstarter です では その䟡倀芳は? ただ初期の段階での感觊ですが 新しいパワヌの䟡倀芳は 䜕よりも その透明性を重芁芖したす 透明性ずいうものには ラむトを圓おお透かしおみるず もっず良くなる そんな信仰的な通念がありたす 20䞖玀は そうではなかったこずを 思い出しお䞋さい ドアに閉ざされた向こう偎で 玳士協定を結ぶのが良いのだず 信じられおいたした 新しいパワヌは 非公匏なネットワヌクによる 統治に䟡倀を認めたす 良きに぀け 悪しきに぀け これでは 今日の囜連は発足できなかったでしょう 新しいパワヌでは 参加する事 自分でする ずいうこずに意矩がありたす 面癜いこずに新しいパワヌは 20䞖玀にもおはやされた ある皮のプロフェッショナリズムや 専門性ずいったものを回避しおいたす 専門性ずいったものを回避しおいたす 新しいパワヌの䟡倀 モデルの 興味深い点は それが組織にずっお 意味する事です 組織の皮類を4マスの衚に プロットしおみお プロットしおみお 新しいパワヌの䟡倀芳ず 新しいパワヌモデルずの座暙軞の どこに誰が䜍眮するかを芋おみたした はじめに アメリカの組織から 気づいた面癜い点です アップル瀟は ここでは 叀いパワヌに 属したす なぜなら アップル瀟の抂念 自瀟の商品ぞの培底した 完璧䞻矩の抂念 あのずおも矎しい商品に察する 完璧䞻矩は 自瀟の透明性に䟡倀を眮かず むしろ 秘密䞻矩です アップル瀟は䞖界有数の䌁業なので これは 叀いパワヌが今なお 成功する䟋だず蚀えたす このモデルには 脆匱な点もあるず 蚀えるかもしれたせん もうひず぀の興味深い䟋では オバマ倧統領のキャンペヌンず 圌の政治政策 オバマ倧統領は 新しいパワヌに乗りたしたね 圌は 我々の時代が やっお来たず蚀っお 倧衆から寄付金を集め キャンペヌンを行いたした しかし 䞀旊圓遞するず 他の倧統領ず䌌た 政治を執っおいたす そしお これはずおも興味深い傟向ですが 新しいパワヌが勢いを持぀ず 䜕が起こるか? このフレヌムワヌクを䜿っお あなた自身の組織がどこに䜍眮するか 考えおみおください そしお5幎埌10幎埌にはどこに 移動しおいるべきでしょう あなたが叀いパワヌだずしたら どうしたす? もしあなたが 叀いパワヌには 䜕も起こらないはずだず 考えおいるずしたら りィキペディアのブリタニカ癟科事兞の 項目を芋おみおください 䟘しい事態ですね あなたが叀いパワヌだずするず あなたが出来る 最も倧切な事は 他者があなたを支配する前に 自分自身を支配するずいうこずです あなたの組織の信甚できないグルヌプが 組織の䞭心にはびこっお 難問を突き぀けおきたらどうしたす? 組織の隅々たで芋られお 圌らが気に入らないこずがあれば あなたはビゞネスモデルを倉えたすか? もしあなたが新しいパワヌなら どうしたす? 新しいパワヌは 勢いに乗っおればいい だけでしょうか? そうずは思いたせん 新しいパワヌはこの黎明期に 倧きな課題を乗り越えなければ ならないものだず芋おいたす 「りォ-ル街を占拠せよ」ずいう運動を芋おみたしょう たさしく 新しいパワヌの良い䟋です 最も玔粋な新しいパワヌの圢です しかし 倱敗に終わりたした 結集された゚ネルギヌは 瞬間 勢いを増し流行したしたが 参加する事にだけ専念され 䜕もなされたせんでした このモデルから芋える課題は 組織したパワヌを䜓制に取り蟌たれずに どう䜿っおいくか ずいうこずです どう䜿っおいくか ずいうこずです 次は真逆の䟋 配車サヌビス UBER瀟を芋おみたしょう 新しいパワヌが 倧芏暡に展開され埗る モデルの䟋です UBER瀟のネットワヌクは 日に日に発達しおいたす しかし UBERの興味深い点は 新しいパワヌの䟡倀芳をただ 取り入れおいない点です これはUBER瀟最高経営責任者が 最近実際に蚀った蚀葉です 「運転垭の兄ちゃんがいなくなれば」 ―運転手のこずです― 「UBERの料金はもっず安くなる」 新しいパワヌの興亡は そのネットワヌクの匷さに䟝り決たりたす サヌビスを利甚する運転手ず顧客が そのサヌビスを支持するかどうかが 巊右するのです なぜならこれはトップダりン圢匏の完璧䞻矩が 運呜を決定するのでなく ネットワヌク自䜓のあり方が重芁だからです そしおここでの難題は 考えるず蟻耄が合いたすが― UBERの運転手たちが今や 劎働組合を結成し始めおいるこずです 特筆すべきです こうしお運転手たちが䌚瀟ず察立し始めおいるのです UBER瀟の問題は 難しいこずに この䌚瀟が自らを以䞋の状況を通しお叀いパワヌに 閉じ蟌めおしたった事です ぀たり UBER瀟は資本垂堎から 10億ドルの資金を調達したした 垂堎は投資に察するリタヌンを期埅したす その利益の回収は 運転手ず顧客を 絞り䞊げる事から 埗られたす UBER瀟の投資家たちは こうしお利益を埗るのです 新しいパワヌの将来ずはなにか? 叀いパワヌが再び珟れるのか? 新しいパワヌの゚リヌトたちが 叀いパワヌず化し 利益を絞り䞊げおいくのか? それずもそれから新しいパワヌが巻き返すのか? 新たに珟れる 次なるUBER瀟は 運転手たちず共同で所有されるのか? その将来の運営構造がどうなるのか 非垞に興味深いです 最埌に 新しいパワヌを 私たちの消費者䜓隓を少しだけ良くするように 基盀を倧きくするようなもの だけでなく それ以䞊なのだず理解しお䞋さい 私が新しいパワヌぞ呌びかけるこずは 孀立化しないこずです 今日の䞖界のあらゆる構造的な問題が 新しいパワヌの仕掛け人たちが 埗意ずする 倚くの人を動かす方法や その参加者の間の 協力を生み出す力から 途方も無い恩恵を 埗るこずが出来るでしょう そのパワヌを我々が今 どうしおも必芁ずしおいるのです 経枈孊者が公共財の問題(フリヌラむダヌ問題) ず呌ぶ倧きな問題― 投資家を簡単に募るこずのできる資本垂堎の 仕組みの限界を越えた問題― これを解決する為です もしそうする事ができたら 我々は 根本から 個人が持぀圱響力の感芚を 倉えるこずができるだけでなく― 䜕故なら 新しいパワヌが人々にもたらす 最高のものは 自分をより力匷く感じる事だから― たた 我々の お互いずの関わり合い方や 制床や公共機関ずの関わり合い方をも 倉えおいけるでしょう 私にずっおは それは無条件に 努力に倀するものです ありがずうございたした
And you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Hazare is a 77-year-old Indian anticorruption and social justice activist. And in 2011, he was running a big campaign to address everyday corruption in India, a topic that Indian elites love to ignore. So as part of this campaign, he was using all of the traditional tactics that a good Gandhian organizer would use. So he was on a hunger strike, and Hazare realized through his hunger that actually maybe this time, in the 21st century, a hunger strike wouldn't be enough. So he started playing around with mobile activism. So the first thing he did is he said to people, "Okay, why don't you send me a text message if you support my campaign against corruption?" and about 80,000 people do it. Okay, that's pretty respectable. But then he decides, "Let me tweak my tactics a little bit." He says, "Why don't you leave me a missed call?" Now, for those of you who have lived in the global South, you'll know that missed calls are a really critical part of global mobile culture. I see people nodding. People leave missed calls all the time: If you're running late for a meeting and you just want to let them know that you're on the way, you leave them a missed call. If you're dating someone and you just want to say "I miss you" you leave them a missed call. in some cultures, if you want to please your lover, you call them and hang up. So why do people leave missed calls? Well, the reason of course is that they're trying to avoid charges associated with making calls and sending texts. So when Hazare asked people to leave him a missed call, let's have a little guess how many people actually did this? Thirty-five million. So this is one of the largest coordinated actions in human history. It's remarkable. And this reflects the extraordinary strength of the emerging Indian middle class and the power that their mobile phones bring. But he used that, Hazare ended up with this massive CSV file of mobile phone numbers, real people power on the ground to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets in Delhi to make a national point of everyday corruption in India. It's a really striking story. So this is me when I was 12 years old. I hope you see the resemblance. And I was also an activist, and I have been an activist all my life. I had this really funny childhood where I traipsed around the world meeting world leaders and Noble prize winners, talking about Third World debt, as it was then called, and demilitarization. I was a very, very serious child. And back then, in the early '90s, I had a very cutting-edge tech tool of my own: the fax. And the fax was the tool of my activism. And at that time, it was the best way to get a message to a lot of people all at once. I'll give you one example of a fax campaign that I ran. It was the eve of the Gulf War and I organized a global campaign to flood the hotel, the Intercontinental in Geneva, where James Baker and Tariq Aziz were meeting on the eve of the war, and I thought if I could flood them with faxes, we'll stop the war. Well, unsurprisingly, that campaign was wholly unsuccessful. There are lots of reasons for that, but there's no doubt that one sputtering fax machine in Geneva was a little bit of a bandwidth constraint in terms of the ability to get a message to lots of people. And so, I went on to discover some better tools. I cofounded Avaaz, which uses the Internet to mobilize people and now has almost 40 million members, and I now run Purpose, which is a home for these kinds of technology-powered movements. So what's the moral of this story? Is the moral of this story, you know what, the fax is kind of eclipsed by the mobile phone? This is another story of tech-determinism? Well, I would argue that there's actually more to it than that. I'd argue that in the last 20 years, than just new tech. I would argue that there has been a fundamental shift in the balance of power in the world. You ask any activist how to understand the world, and they'll say, "Look at where the power is, who has it, how it's shifting." And I think we all sense that something big is happening. So Henry Timms and I — Henry's a fellow movement builder — got talking one day and we started to think, how can we make sense of this new world? How can we describe it and give it a framework that makes it more useful? Because we realized that many of the lessons that we were discovering in movements actually applied all over the world in many sectors of our society. So I want to introduce you to this framework: Old power, meet new power. And I want to talk to you about what new power is today. New power is the deployment of mass participation and peer coordination — these are the two key elements — to create change and shift outcomes. And we see new power all around us. This is Beppe Grillo he was a populist Italian blogger who, with a minimal political apparatus and only some online tools, in recent Italian elections. This is Airbnb, which in just a few years has radically disrupted the hotel industry without owning a single square foot of real estate. This is Kickstarter, which we know has raised over a billion dollars from more than five million people. Now, we're familiar with all of these models. But what's striking is the commonalities, the structural features of these new models and how they differ from old power. Let's look a little bit at this. Old power is held like a currency. New power works like a current. Old power is held by a few. New power isn't held by a few, it's made by many. Old power is all about download, and new power uploads. And you see a whole set of characteristics that you can trace, whether it's in media or politics or education. So we've talked a little bit about what new power is. Let's, for a second, talk about what new power isn't. New power is not your Facebook page. I assure you that having a social media strategy can enable you to do just as much download as you used to do when you had the radio. Just ask Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, I assure you that his Facebook page has not embraced the power of participation. New power is not inherently positive. In fact, this isn't an normative argument that we're making, there are many good things about new power, but it can produce bad outcomes. More participation, more peer coordination, sometimes distorts outcomes and there are some things, like things, for example, in the medical profession that we want new power to get nowhere near. And thirdly, new power is not the inevitable victor. In fact, unsurprisingly, as many of these new power models get to scale, what you see is this massive pushback from the forces of old power. Just look at this really interesting epic struggle going on right now between Edward Snowden and the NSA. You'll note that only one of the two people on this slide is currently in exile. And so, it's not at all clear that new power will be the inevitable victor. That said, keep one thing in mind: We're at the beginning of a very steep curve. So you think about some of these new power models, right? These were just like someone's garage idea a few years ago, and now they're disrupting entire industries. And so, what's interesting about new power, is the way it feeds on itself. Once you have an experience of new power, you tend to expect and want more of it. So let's say you've used a peer-to-peer lending platform then you've figured out that you don't need the bank, and who wants the bank, right? And so, that experience tends to embolden you it tends to make you want more participation across more aspects of your life. And what this gives rise to is a set of values. We talked about the models that new power has engendered — the Airbnbs, the Kickstarters. What about the values? And this is an early sketch at what new power values look like. New power values prize transparency above all else. It's almost a religious belief in transparency, a belief that if you shine a light on something, And remember that in the 20th century, this was not at all true. People thought that gentlemen should sit behind closed doors and make comfortable agreements. New power values of informal, networked governance. New power folks would never have invented the U.N. today, for better or worse. New power values participation, and new power is all about do-it-yourself. In fact, what's interesting about new power is that it eschews some of the professionalization and specialization that was all the rage in the 20th century. new power values and these new power models is what they mean for organizations. So we've spent a bit of time thinking, how can we plot organizations on a two-by-two where, essentially, we look at new power values and new power models and see where different people sit? We started with a U.S. analysis, and let me show you some interesting findings. So the first is Apple. In this framework, we actually described Apple as an old power company. That's because the ideology, the governing ideology of Apple product designer in Cupertino. It's absolutely about that beautiful, perfect thing descending upon us in perfection. And it does not value, as a company, transparency. In fact, it's very secretive. Now, Apple is one of the most succesful companies in the world. So this shows that you can still pursue a successful old power strategy. But one can argue that there's real vulnerabilites in that model. I think another interesting comparison is that of the Obama campaign versus the Obama presidency. Now, I like President Obama, but he ran with new power at his back, right? And he said to people, we are the ones we've been waiting for. And he used crowdfunding to power a campaign. But when he got into office, he governed like more or less all the other presidents did. And this is a really interesting trend, is when new power gets powerful, what happens? So this is a framework you should look at and think about where your own organization sits on it. And think about where it should be in five or 10 years. So what do you do if you're old power? Well, if you're there thinking, in old power, this won't happen to us. Then just look at the Wikipedia entry for EncyclopÊdia Britannica. Let me tell you, it's a very sad read. But if you are old power, the most important thing you can do is to occupy yourself before others occupy you, before you are occupied. Imagine that a group of your biggest skeptics are camped in the heart of your organization asking the toughest questions and they can see everything inside of your organization. And ask them, would they like what they see and should our model change? What about if you're new power? Is new power kind of just riding the wave to glory? I would argue no. I would argue that there are some very real challenges to new power in this nascent phase. Let's stick with the Occupy Wall Street example for a moment. Occupy was this incredible example of new power, the purest example of new power. And yet, it failed to consolidate. So the energy that it created was great for the meme phase, but they were so committed to participation, that they never got anything done. And in fact that model means that the challenge for new power is: how do you use institutional power without being institutionalized? One the other end of the spectra is Uber. Uber is an amazing, highly scalable new power model. That network is getting denser and denser by the day. But what's really interesting about Uber is it hasn't really adopted new power values. This is a real quote from the Uber CEO recently: He says, "Once we get rid of the dude in the car" — he means drivers — "Uber will be cheaper." Now, new power models live and die by the strength of their networks. By whether the drivers and the consumers who use the service actually believe in it. Because they're not an exercise of top-down perfectionism, they are about the network. And so, the challenge, and this is why it's in no way surprising, is that Uber's drivers are now unionizing. It's extraordinary. Uber's drivers are turning on Uber. And the challenge for Uber — this isn't an easy situation for them — is that they are locked into a broader superstrcuture They've raised more than a billion dollars in the capital markets. Those markets expect a financial return, and they way you get a financial return is by squeezing and squeezing your users and your drivers for more and more value and giving that value to your investors. So the big question about the future of new power, in my view, is: Will that old power just emerge? So will new power elites just become old power and squeeze? Or will that new power base bite back? Will the next big Uber be co-owned by Uber drivers? And I think this going to be a very interesting structural question. Finally, think about new power being more than just an entity that scales things that make us have slightly better consumer experiences. My call to action for new power is to not be an island. We have major structural problems in the world today that could benefit enormously from the kinds of mass participation and peer coordination that these new power players know so well how to generate. And we badly need them to turn their energies and their power to big, what economists might call public goods problems, that are often beyond markets where investors can easily be found. And I think if we can do that, we might be able to fundamentally change not only human beings' sense of their own agency and power — because I think that's the most wonderful thing about new power, is that people feel more powerful — but we might also be able to change the way we relate to each other and the way we relate to authority and institutions. And to me, that's absolutely worth trying for. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そしお囜内初の グラフィック・デザむンず ニュヌ・メディアの孊校を蚭立したした ゞンバブ゚・デゞタル芖芚芞術孊校です 理想ず倢は バりハりスのような孊校 ― 新しいアむデアを探り 研究する孊校を䜜っお 創造性豊かなアフリカの 䌝統を土台にした 新しい芖芚蚀語を生み出すこずです 孊校では高等孊校の課皋を 修了した才胜豊かな孊生達に 2幎課皋の修了蚌を 授䞎しおいたす 教育課皋では タむポグラフィを重芖しおいたすが その際 孊生には自分の内面に 目を向けるように蚀っおいたす このポスタヌは ある孊生が「教育は暩利」ずいう テヌマでデザむンしたした こちらは孊生達がデザむンしたロゎです アフリカには叀くから 文字の䌝統がありたすが あたり知られおいないので 『アフリカのアルファベット』ずいう 本を曞きたした アフリカには様々な文字がありたす たず ンシビディ文字のような 「原文字」です これはナむゞェリア南郚の ゚ゞャガム族の秘密結瀟で 䜿われる独特な文字䜓系です ガヌナずコヌトゞボワヌルに䜏む アカン族は 400幎ほど前に アディンクラ・シンボルを発明したした これらが衚わしおいるのは こずわざや歎史的な栌蚀や モノや動物や怍物です 私のお気に入りは 䞀番䞊の巊偎の蚘号 「サンコファ」です 䞀番䞊の巊偎の蚘号 「サンコファ」です 意味は「さかのがっお手に入れよ」 ぀たり過去から孊べずいうこずです アンゎラに䜏む チョクりェ族が曞いた ― この絵文字は創䞖神話を衚しおいたす 䞊には神 䞋には人間が描かれ 巊には倪陜 右には月が 描かれおいたす すべおの道は神に぀ながっおいたす ペルバ教 コンゎ教 パロ教の 秘密結瀟は それぞれナむゞェリア コンゎ アンゎラにありたすが 耇雑な文字䜓系を発達させたした キュヌバやブラゞル トリニダヌドやハむチなどの 新䞖界で 今でも 盛んに甚いられおいたす コンゎ民䞻共和囜の 熱垯雚林にある ― むトゥリ地方では 男達が特殊な朚を たたいお垃を䜜り 神を讃える歌を歌う女達は その垃に蟌み入った暡様を描きたす 暡様の構造は 圌女達の歌ず同じ 倚声構造で 䞀皮の楜譜ずいっおもいいでしょう 南アフリカでは ンデベレ族の女達が この蚘号ず幟䜕孊的な暡様で 家を鮮やかに圩りたす ズヌルヌ族の女達は ビヌズでブレスレットや ネックレスを線むずきに 様々な蚘号を䜿いたす ゚チオピアには 非垞に叀くから文字の䌝統があり 玀元4䞖玀には ゚チオピア文字が発明され 2,400䞇人以䞊が話す アムハラ語を曞くために 䜿われおいたす カメルヌンではバムン王囜の むブラヒム・ンゞョダ王が 25才の時にシュモンを䜜りたした シュモンは音節文字なので 正確に蚀えば アルファベットずは異なりたす ここにあるのは30幎に枡っお シュモンが経た3぀の発達段階です リベリアに䜏むノァむ族には 1800幎代に初めお欧州人ず 接觊する以前から 読み曞きの䌝統がありたした これは音節文字で 巊から右に読みたす 隣囜シ゚ラレオネではメンデ族も 音節文字を発明しおいたす ただ読む方向は右から巊です アフリカのデザむンの䌝統は叀く デザむンぞの感性が はっきり衚れおいたす 䞀方 問題もありたす 特に珟圚 デザむナヌ達は デザむンに苊戊しおいたす アむデアやむンスピレヌションを 倖に求めようずする傟向が 匷いからです アフリカの創造性ず ものづくりの䌝統は 今も昔も倉わらず優れおいたす デザむナヌ達が 内面に目を向ければいいのです この゚チオピア十字は ロン・゚グラッシュ博士の 䞻匵を裏付けおいたす すなわち アフリカは盎感的に フラクタルを理解するこずで コンピュヌティングず数孊に 倧きく貢献できるのです 叀代のアフリカ人は 文明を創造したした 今も残る建造物は 圌らの偉倧さの蚌です アルファベットの発明も 人類の偉倧な業瞟の䞀぀です その起源は玀元前1600幎の メ゜ポタミアにおける くさび圢文字の発明で その埌゚ゞプトの ピログリフが続くずいう説が これたで史実ずしお 認められおきたした ずころが1998幎に むェヌル倧孊のゞョン・ コヌルマン・ダヌネル教授により 西゚ゞプト テヌベ砂挠にある 石灰岩の厖で 岩に刻たれた文字が 発芋されたした しかも その幎代は 玀元前1800-1900幎の間で メ゜ポタミアより 䜕䞖玀も前のものでした 発芋堎所にちなんで ワディ・゚ル・ホルず 呜名された この文字の 調査は珟圚も続いおいたす 文字がいく぀か解読されただけですが 研究者の間では 人類最初のアルファベットずしお 意芋が䞀臎しおいたす これは珟圚たでに 解読された叀代文字の䞀芧衚です 䞀番䞊のA 「アレップ」で始たっお 真ん䞭の「ベット」以降に続きたす 今こそアフリカで デザむンを孊ぶ孊生は セネガルの偉倧な先人 シェむク・アンタ・ゞョップの 著䜜などを読むべきです 圌の゚ゞプトに関する 独創的な研究が この発芋によっお 蚌明されたのですから 最埌に觊れたいのは ゞャマむカの偉倧な指導者 ― マヌカス・ガヌベむず ガヌナのアカン族が曞いた アディンクラ・シンボルの 「サンコファ」に぀いおです このシンボルは 過去を珟圚に生かし 私達や子ども達に 未来を創る力を䞎えおくれたす たた 今こそアフリカのデザむナヌは 倖だけに目を向けるのを止める時です 倖を向いおきたしたが 圌らが求めるものは 手の届くずころ 自分達の内面にあるのです どうもありがずう
And I called it the Zimbabwe Institute of Vigital Arts. The idea, the dream, was really for a sort of Bauhaus sort of school where new ideas were interrogated and investigated, the creation of a new visual language based on the African creative heritage. We offer a two-year diploma to talented students who have successfully completed their high school education. And typography's a very important part of the curriculum and we encourage our students to look inward for influence. Here's a poster designed by one of the students under the theme "Education is a right." Some logos designed by my students. Africa has had a long tradition of writing, but this is not such a well-known fact, and I wrote the book "Afrikan Alphabets" to address that. The different types of writing in Africa, first was proto-writing, as illustrated by Nsibidi, which is the writing system of a secret society of the Ejagham people in southern Nigeria. So it's a special-interest writing system. The Akan of people of Ghana and [Cote d'Ivoire] developed Adinkra symbols some 400 years ago, and these are proverbs, historical sayings, objects, animals, plants, and my favorite Adinkra system is the first one at the top on the left. It's called Sankofa. It means, "Return and get it." Learn from the past. This pictograph by the Jokwe people of Angola tells the story of the creation of the world. At the top is God, at the bottom is man, mankind, and on the left is the sun, on the right is the moon. All the paths lead to and from God. These secret societies of the Yoruba, Kongo and Palo religions in Nigeria, Congo and Angola respectively, developed this intricate writing system in Cuba, Brazil and Trinidad and Haiti. In the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the Ituri society, the men pound out a cloth out of a special tree, and the women, who are also the praise singers, paint interweaving patterns that are the same in structure as the polyphonic structures that they use in their singing -- a sort of a musical score, if you may. In South Africa, Ndebele women use these symbols and other geometric patterns to paint their homes in bright colors, and the Zulu women use the symbols in the beads that they weave into bracelets and necklaces. Ethiopia has had the longest tradition of writing, with the Ethiopic script that was developed in the fourth century A.D. and is used to write Amharic, which is spoken by over 24 million people. King Ibrahim Njoya of the Bamum Kingdom of Cameroon developed ShÌ-mom at the age of 25. ShÌ-mom is a writing system. It's a syllabary. It's not exactly an alphabet. And here we see three stages of development that it went through in 30 years. The Vai people of Liberia had a long tradition of literacy before their first contact with Europeans in the 1800s. It's a syllabary and reads from left to right. Next door, in Sierra Leone, the Mende also developed a syllabary, but theirs reads from right to left. Africa has had a long tradition of design, a well-defined design sensibility, but the problem in Africa has been that, especially today, designers in Africa struggle with all forms of design because they are more apt to look outward for influence and inspiration. The creative spirit in Africa, the creative tradition, is as potent as it has always been, if only designers could look within. This Ethiopic cross illustrates what Dr. Ron Eglash has established: that Africa has a lot to contribute to computing and mathematics through their intuitive grasp of fractals. Africans of antiquity created civilization, and their monuments, which still stand today, are a true testimony of their greatness. Most probably, one of humanity's greatest achievements and that has been attributed to Mesopotamia with their invention of cuneiform in 1600 BC, followed by hieroglyphics in Egypt, and that story has been cast in stone as historical fact. That is, until 1998, when one Yale professor John Coleman Darnell discovered these inscriptions in the Thebes desert on the limestone cliffs in western Egypt, and these have been dated at between 1800 and 1900 B.C., centuries before Mesopotamia. Called Wadi el-Hol because of the place that they were discovered, these inscriptions -- research is still going on, a few of them have been deciphered, but there is consensus among scholars that this is really humanity's first alphabet. Over here, you see a paleographic chart that shows what has been deciphered so far, starting with the letter A, "ālep," at the top, and "bêt," in the middle, and so forth. It is time that students of design in Africa read the works of titans like Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal's Cheikh Anta Diop, whose seminal work on Egypt is vindicated by this discovery. The last word goes to the great Jamaican leader Marcus Mosiah Garvey and the Akan people of Ghana with their Adinkra symbol Sankofa, which encourages us to go to the past so as to inform our present and build on a future for us and our children. It is also time that designers in Africa stop looking outside. They've been looking outward for a long time, yet what they were looking for has been right there within grasp, right within them. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
王郜、北街門前にお。 冒険者ギルドを通しおチャヌタヌした高速銬車が埅機しおおり、ルシェラずカファルは既にそれに乗っおいた。 「慌ただしいこった。やるこずやったらクグセ山にずんが返りか」 「たあ、期限たでに甚事が枈んで良かったです」 芋送りに来おいるティムずりェむンに、ルシェラは窓から声を掛ける。 宮䞭晩逐䌚に出を残し、ルシェラずカファルは先にクグセ山ぞ戻るのだ。 今から王郜を出れば、途䞭の宿堎町で倜を明かし、明日にはクグトフルムぞ戻れる。そしお明埌日がシュレむの指定した『詊緎』の期日だった。 「ドラゎンの詊緎っおや぀、俺らができるこずは䜕も無いのか?」 「気持ちは嬉しいですけど、それじゃ詊緎にならないず思いたすし」 「だよな......せめお健闘を祈る」 「任せおください」 あのドラゎンたちを間近で芋おしたっただけには心配げだ。 圌らを安心させるようにルシェラは平たい胞を叩いた。 「たあ......俺らがあヌだこヌだ考えおもしょうがねえか」 その間、俺らは王宮の矎味い飯をしこたた食っおくるぜ」 冗談めかしおりェむンが蚀った。 気楜なようだが、圌らもお偉いさんずの付き合いがあるわけで、本圓に飯を食うだけでは終わらないだろう。これもたた仕事のうちだ。 お互いの健闘を祈りあい、銬車は北ぞず走り出した。 快適性も考慮された高速銬車は、敎備された街道なら揺れるこずもほが無い。 早銬に近い速床での快適な旅だ。 盀䞊にお、倚くの駒を甚いお戊争するこのゲヌムは、頭の䞭での情報凊理胜力が問われる。ルシェラだっお別に達人ずいうわけではないのだが、芚えたおの筈のカファルが䞉戊目で既に良い勝負をし始めたのには舌を巻いた。 いよいよ詰むか詰たされるか、ずいう局面。 車窓の倖の景色は倕焌けに染たり、そろそろ車内の魔力灯を点けようかずルシェラが思った䞁床、ルシェラの持っおいた䞀枚の札が青く燃え䞊がった。 冒険者などが䜿う連絡手段ずしおはかなりポピュラヌなもので、魔法觊媒を甚いた玙に通信甚の術匏を曞き付けおある。 ず䌚話が可胜。そしお十数分で燃え尜きる、䜿い捚おのマゞックアむテムだ。 は、むノァヌに持たされた、圌ずペアのものだ。 青癜く光る札の衚面を所定の圢になぞり、ルシェラは札を起動する。 「むノァヌさん、どうかしたした?」 を消した造りだったが、焌け残ったグラセルム回路の解析から特定できた! ほが確実にマルトガルズ軍補、しかも䞉ヶ月以内に 「ええ!?」 開口䞀番、血盞を倉えおいるのが声だけでも分かる調子でむノァヌが叫んだ。 『なあ、おい、分かるか? ゎヌレムの兵士ずしおの有甚性』 「死を恐れないずか、絶察に逆らわないずか......」 『それもあるがそれだけじゃねえ。 むノァヌの蚀わんずするこずを理解した瞬間、ルシェラは党身の産毛が逆立ったように感じた。 『たずえばトランクを収玍甚に魔化しお、『こい぀は䟯爵様の着替えです』っお蚀えば、こっちぞ持ち蟌んだずしおもたあ䞭身たで怜めはしないだろ普通』 「あの倧きさのゎヌレムは、半端な収玍には入らないだろうけど......」 『それこそ、 しお持っおきお継ぎ合わせりゃいい。ゎヌレムなんだから』 ぀たり、ゎヌレムは個人が密かに持ち蟌める戊力だ。人を連れ蟌むよりも秘匿性高く。 そしおゞュリアンにはそれができる。䞀般垂民なら針䞀本たで荷物を怜められるような堎所であれ、ゞュリアンは郜合良くすり抜けられる地䜍にあるのだから。 たずえば王郜を攻め萜ずすほどのゎヌレムを収玍に入れお持ち蟌もうずすりゃ、どう芋おも怪しい倧荷物になるし、そもそもそんな倧量のゎヌレムは甚意できねえだろ』 「じゃあ......持っお行ける数のゎヌレムでできるこずっお蚀うず......」 『芁人だから入れる堎所』 「譊備の脆い堎所」 『䞇䞀にも狙われちゃならんタヌゲット』 「最悪のタむミング」 そしお、沈黙。 高速銬車の客車には、車茪が倧地を螏みしめる音も、銬の蹄の音も、銬車の軋みもたいしお聞こえない。 なのに今はその音が耳障りなほどに倧きく聞こえた。 ルシェラが思い起こすのは、王宮に入ったずき、城門前で受けた怜査。 あそこでマゞックアむテムの所持が無いか確かめられたわけだが...... 普通はマゞックアむテムを身に぀けおたら怪したれそうなものだけど、暩力者は呪いずかから身を守るため防埡甚のマゞックアむテムを身に぀ける方が普通だ。 魔力の有無は調べられおも、アむテムの効果たでは分からないんだから誀魔化せる」 『芁するに箱状か袋状になっおりゃいいんだ。マントでも襟巻きでも停装はできる。 話に筋が通り、䜕もかも笊合しおいた。 ぎたり、ぎたりずピヌスが嵌たり、完成しおはいけないパズルができあがっおいく。 だが限床がある! 䞭に入る奎党員ケツの穎たで調べおたら日が暮れちたうからな。 「芁人自ら刺客になっお呜を危険に晒すようなこずは 『賓客を疑うのも無瀌だから、そこはお互い様っおこずで深くツッコミもしねえだろう』 普通しない。そう、普通は。 囜ず囜の関係に絶察的な法埋など無いが、協定や、倖亀の䞭で生たれた䞍文埋がある。 お互いに『䜕でもあり』だずすぐに戊いになり、どちらかを滅がすたで止たらないわけで、それを防ぐために人はルヌルを䜜る。 道埳ずか善性のためず蚀うよりは、最終的に利益を埗るためだ。 ゞュリアンが䜕らかの陰謀を準備しおいるず仮定しよう。 王宮に乗り蟌んでゎヌレムをぶちたけるずするなら、さお、どの皋床有意矩な戊いになるか。 もしそれでセトゥレりずいう囜を奪えるなら意味もあろうけれど、王䟯貎族の幟人か暗殺したずころで、囜が壊れるかず蚀えば疑問だ。 そんな真䌌をすればむしろ、グファヌレ戊線に関しお様子芋をしおいる囜々の䞖論を奜戊的な方向ぞ煜り、批難や参戊の口実を生み出しかねない。぀たり、埗るものより倱うものの方が倧きいはず。そしおゞュリアンも十䞭その堎で蚎たれる。 しかしルシェラは、王宮で出䌚ったゞュリアンの、軜く、危うく、掎み所が無い、空虚な印象を思い出す。 あの男には、守るべきものや倱うものなど䜕も存圚しないのではないか? そしお......さらに恐ろしい想像だが......もし、これが、マルトガルズすら欺いたゞュリアン個人の暎走なのだずしたら? そこには劂䜕なる歯止めも期埅できず、存圚しない。 「......たずい?」 こわばっおしたった手を、ルシェラは握りしめる。 「王宮に戻るよ、ママ!」
Royal capital, northern district gate. A high-speed carriage chartered through the Adventurer’s Guild was on standby there, with Lucella and Kafal already boarded. “Things are so busy. You just finished things and now you’re already going back to Mount Kuguse, huh?” “Well, I’m glad we managed to finish our business before the time limit.” Lucella answered Tim and Viola, who came to see them off, through the window. Leaving the three who were going to attend the banquet, Lucella and Kafal were returning to Mount Kuguse ahead of time. If they were to leave the capital now, they would spend the night at a rest stop along the way and be able to return to Kugutfulm by tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow was the deadline for the “trial” designated by Shurei. “About that dragon’s trial. Is there nothing we can do to help you?” “Thanks for the thought, but it wouldn’t be a trial if you did.” “True... I’ll wish you good luck at least.” “Leave it to me.” The two were worried after seeing those dragons up close. Lucella tapped on her flat chest to reassure them. “Well... nothing would change no matter what we do.” “Yeah. Good luck, Lucella. Meanwhile, we’ll go and fill our bellies with delicious palace cuisine.” Wein said jokingly. It may seem easy at first glance, but they had to deal with people so it wouldn’t end with just a meal. That was also part of their work. Once they wished each other luck, the carriage sped toward the north. The high-speed carriage, designed with comfort in mind, barely rocked on well-maintained roads. It was a comfortable journey at a speed close to that of a fast horse. Inside the carriage, Lucella was teaching Kafal the rules of “Lord of the Tiles,” a game played on a board. This game, which involved using many pieces to wage war, tested one’s mental processing abilities. While Lucella herself wasn’t an expert, she was astonished when Kafal, who had just learned the rules, began putting up a good fight by the third match. It was a critical moment, where they were either about to checkmate or be checkmated. The scenery outside the carriage was tinged with the colors of the sunset. Just as Lucella was about to consider turning on the magical lights inside the carriage, a card she was holding suddenly ignited in a blue flame. It was a magic item for distant communication known as a caller. It was quite popular as a communication method among adventurers. The spell was inscribed on a paper infused with magic catalysts. They were created as a set of two, and it was possible to communicate between the linked pairs. It was also a disposable item that burned up in ten-odd minutes. The caller Lucella had was given to her by Ivar and was paired with his own. Tracing the designated shape on its surface, Lucella activated the charm. “Mr. Ivar, what’s the matter?” “The golem has been identified! The b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲ carefully erased the characteristics when making it, but the graselm circuits that survived the burning were identified after the analysis! It’s almost certainly a Maltgartz military model, and one that has been rolled out within three months. It’s extremely unlikely that it was looted or obtained through illegal channels. Most likely, Julian brought it in!” “What?!” Ivar started speaking in a loud voice right away, making it clear that he was at his wit’s end. “Hey, do you know the versatility of golems as soldiers?” “Like the fact that they don’t fear death and they’ll never disobey you...?” “That too, but that’s not all. You know how you can’t put living things into storage magic items, right?” When Lucella realized what he was getting at, all the hair on her body stood up. “For example, if you enchanted your suitcase with storage magic and just said it contained the clothes of the marquis and brought that over, they probably won’t check the contents during the inspection.” “A golem that large wouldn’t fit in any normal storage, though...” “But they can just demolish it into parts and patch it back together after bringing it over. It’s a golem, after all.” In other words, golems were a military power that an individual could secretly carry in. It was easier to hide compared to bringing in humans. Even if an average citizen would have their luggage checked down to a single needle they had on them, Julian’s social position allowed him to dodge it conveniently. “Of course, there’s a limit to what you can bring. For example, if you tried to bring in enough golems to bring down the royal capital, it would end up being a clearly suspicious number of baggage, and they can’t even prepare that many of them.” “Then... What could they aim for with the number of golems they can possibly bring in...” “Places with important people.” “Places with weak defenses.” “Targets who must not be compromised under any circumstances.” “This is the worst possible timing.” The silence followed. Within the confines of the passenger compartment in the high-speed carriage, the soft murmur of wheels connecting with the earth, the muted clatter of horse hooves, and the gentle groaning of the carriage were barely audible. However, at this moment, those sounds seemed unusually loud and grating. Lucella’s memory brought her back to the inspection they’d faced at the entrance of the castle gate before their admission to the royal palace. The purpose of this thorough examination was to ensure that no magical artifacts were being smuggled in. However... Usually, any magic items carried would raise suspicion, but it was customary for persons of influence to bear them as shields against curses and other threats. Although these artifacts might be subjected to a magical power check, their specific effects would remain undetected, thus opening a loophole for deception. “In other words, you could just do it in the form of a box or a bag. You could even camouflage it as a cloak or a scarf. Now that I think back on it, that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ wore a really bulky scarf.” Everything made sense, and all the facts agreed with it. Piece after piece started to fit into its place, gradually revealing a puzzle that must not be completed. “The royal palace security is strict... but it has its limits! If they started investigating even the buttholes of every person who enters it they wouldn’t be able to finish it until nightfall. As such, they would normally ignore the ‘almost’ impossible cases.” “A VIP normally wouldn’t try to become an assassin himself and expose their life to danger. Moreover, you normally wouldn’t cause a definitive breakdown in politics.” “It’s impolite to suspect guests of honor, so they wouldn’t delve too deeply into it, since it goes both ways.” One normally wouldn’t do it. Normally, that is. There may not be absolute laws in the relationships between the kingdoms, but there were still agreements and unwritten rules that emerged through diplomacy. If it were a free-for-all where “anything goes” between nations, it would quickly escalate into a never-ending cycle of warfare until one side is completely annihilated. To prevent this, people establish rules. This was not necessarily for the sake of morality or goodness, but ultimately to gain benefits. Let’s assume that Julian was preparing some kind of conspiracy. If he were to storm into the royal palace and unleash the golems, the question would be how meaningful the resulting battle would be. It could perhaps be meaningful if he managed to seize Setulev by doing it, but killing a few nobles would hardly bring the kingdom into ruin. In fact, such actions would likely provoke the public opinion of other kingdoms that were observing the Gufare front, pushing them towards a more hostile stance and potentially generating criticism or reasons for intervention. In other words, the potential losses would outweigh the gains. Moreover, Julian himself would most likely be slain on the spot. But Lucella remembered the transient, dangerous, elusive, and empty impression she got when she met Julian in the palace. That man didn’t seem to have things to protect or lose. And... what was more frightening was that... what if this madness was something personal that even Maltgartz was unaware of? There would be no possible breaks in such a situation. “...Things are bad, huh?” “They are.” Lucella made her stiffened hands into fists. “Mom, we’re returning to the royal palace!”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 24, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
倜明け。 月が茝きを薄れさせ、東の空がしらみ始めた頃、ハゞメ、ナ゚、シアはすっかり旅支床を終えお、〝氎劖粟の宿〟の盎ぐ倖にいた。手には、移動しながら食べられるようにず握り飯が入った包みを持っおいる。極めお早い時間でありながら、嫌なせず、朝食にずフォスが甚意しおくれたものだ。流石は高玚宿、粋な蚈らいだず感心しながらハゞメ達は遠慮なく感謝ず共に受け取った。 朝靄が立ち蟌める䞭、ハゞメ達はりルの町の北門に向かう。そこから北の山脈地垯に続く街道が䌞びおいるのだ。銬で䞞䞀日くらいだずいうから、魔力駆で飛ばせば䞉間くらいで着くだろう。 りィル・クデタ達が、北の山脈地垯に調査に入り消息を絶っおから既。生存は絶望的だ。ハゞメも、りィル達が生きおいる可胜性は䜎いず考えおいるが、䞇䞀ずいうこずもある。生きお垰せば、むルワのハゞメ達に察する心象は限りなく良くなるだろうから、出来るだけ急いで捜玢する぀もりだ。幞いなこずに倩気は快晎。搜玢にはもっおこいの日だ。 幟぀かの建物から人が掻動し始める音が響く䞭、衚通りを北に進み、やがお北門が芋えおきた。ず、ハゞメはその北門の傍に耇数の人の気配を感じ目を现める。特に動くわけでもなくたむろしおいるようだ。 朝靄をかきわけ芋えたその姿は......愛子ず生の姿だった。 「......䜕ずなく想像぀くけど䞀応聞こう......䜕しおんの?」 ハゞメ達が半県になっお愛子に芖線を向ける。䞀瞬、気圧されたようにビクッずする愛子だったが、毅然ずした態床を取るずハゞメず正面から向き合った。ばらけお駄匁っおいた生埒達、園郚優花、菅原劙子、宮厎奈々、玉井淳史、盞川昇、仁村明人も愛子の傍に寄っおくる。 「私達も行きたす。行方䞍明者の捜玢ですよね? 人数は倚いほうがいいです」 「华䞋だ。行きたきゃ勝手に行けばいい。が、䞀緒は断る」 「な、なぜですか?」 「単玔に足の速さが違う。先生達に合わせおチンタラ進んでなんおいられないんだ」 芋れば、愛子達の背埌には銬が人数分甚意されおいた。䞀瞬、こい぀等乗銬出来るのか? ず疑問に思ったハゞメだが、至極どうでもいいこずなのでスルヌする。乗れようが乗れたいが、どちらにしろ魔力駆動車の速床に敵うはずがないのだ。だが、ハゞメの物蚀いにカチンず来たのか愛ちゃん倧奜き嚘、芪衛隊の実質的リヌダヌ園郚優花が食っおかかる。どうやら、昚日のハゞメの嚁圧感や負い目を䞀時的に忘れるくらい愛ちゃん愛が匷いらしい。 「ちょっず、そんな蚀い方ないでしょ? 南雲が私達のこずよく思っおないからっお、愛ちゃん先生にたで圓たらないでよ」 䜕ずも的倖れな物蚀いに、ハゞメは「はぁ?」ず呆れた衚情になった。ハゞメは説明するのも面倒くさいず、無蚀で〝宝物庫〟から魔力駆動二茪を取り出す。 突然、虚空から倧型のバむクが出珟し、ギョッずなる愛子達。 「理解したか? お前等の事は昚日も蚀ったが心底どうでもいい。だから圓たりをする理由もない。そのたたの意味で、移動速床が違うず蚀っおいるんだ」 魔力駆動二茪の重厚なフォルムず、異䞖界には䌌぀かわしくない存圚感に床肝を抜かれおいるのか、マゞマゞず芋぀めたたた答えない愛子達。そこぞ、クラスの䞭でもバむク奜きの盞川が若干興奮したようにハゞメに尋ねた。 「こ、これも昚日の銃みたいに南雲が䜜ったのか?」 「たぁな。それじゃあ俺等は行くから、そこどいおくれ」 おざなりに返事をしお出発しようずするハゞメに、それでもなお愛子が食い䞋がる。愛子ずしおは、是が非でもハゞメ達に着いお行きたかったのだ。理由は二぀。䞀぀は、昚倜のハゞメの発蚀の真停を探るためだ。〝クラスメむトに殺されかけた〟ずいう愛子にずっお看過できないその蚀葉が、本圓にハゞメの勘違いでなく真実なのか、そしお真実だずしおハゞメは盞手に心圓たりはないのか。もしかするずこの先起こるかもしれない䞍幞な出来事を回避するためにもハゞメからもっず詳しい話を聞きたかった。捜玢が終わった埌、もう䞀床ハゞメ達ず䌚えるかはわからない以䞊、この時を逃すわけには行かなかったのだ。 もう䞀぀の理由は、珟圚、行方䞍明になっおいる枅氎幞利の事だ。八方手を尜くしお情報を集めおいるが、近隣の村や町でもそれらしい人物を芋かけたずいう情報が䞊がっおきおいない。しかし、そもそも人がいない北の山脈地垯に関しおは、ただ碌な情報収集をしおいなかったず思い圓たったのだ。事件にしろ自発的倱螪にしろ、たさか北の山脈地垯に行くずは考えられなかったので圓然ではある。なので、これを機に自ら赎いお、ハゞメ達の捜玢察象を探しながら枅氎の手がかりもないかを調べようず思ったのである。 ちなみに、園郚達がいるのは半ば偶然である。愛子が、ハゞメより早く正門に行っお埅ち䌏せするために倜明け前に起きだしお宿を出ようずしたずころを、トむレに行っおいた園郚優花に芋぀かったのだ。旅装を敎えお有り埗ない時間に宿を出ようずする愛子を、愛ちゃん護衛隊の園郚は誀魔化しは蚱さないず問い詰めた。結果、愛ちゃんを、倉貌したハゞメに任せる蚳にはいかないず、園郚が生埒党員をたたき起こし党員で搜玢に加わるこずになったのである。なお、階士達は、ハゞメ達がいるずたた諍いを起こしそうなので眮き手玙で留守番を指瀺しおおいた。聞くかどうかはわからないが...... 愛子はハゞメに身を寄せるず小声で決意を䌝える。ハゞメは、話の内容が内容だけに他に聞かれないよう顔を寄せた愛子の顔に、よく芋れば化粧で隠しおはいるが色濃い隈があるこずに気が぀いた。きっず、ハゞメの話を聞いおからほずんど眠れなかったのだろう。 「南雲君、先生は先生ずしお、どうしおも南雲君からもっず詳しい話を聞かなければなりたせん。だから、きちんず話す時間を貰えるたでは離れたせんし、逃げれば远いかけたす。南雲君にずっお、それは面倒なこずではないですか? 移動時間ずか捜玢の合間の時間で構いたせんから、時間を貰えたせんか? そうすれば、南雲君の蚀う通り、この町でお別れできたすよ......䞀先ずは」 ハゞメは、愛子の瞳が決意に光り茝いおいるのを芋お、昚倜の最埌の蚀葉は倱敗だったかず少し埌悔した。愛子の行動力(空回りが倚いが)は理解しおいる。誀魔化したり、逃げたりすれば、それこそ護衛階士達も䜿っお倧々的に捜玢するかもしれない。 愛子から芖線を逞らし倩を仰げば、空はどんどん明るくなっおいく。りィルの生存の可胜性を捚おないなら抌し問答しおいる時間も惜しい。ハゞメは、䞀床深く溜息を吐くず、自業自埗だず自分を玍埗させ、改めお愛子に向き盎った。 「わかったよ。同行を蚱そう。ずいっおも話せるこずなんお殆どないけどな......」 「構いたせん。ちゃんず南雲君の口から聞いおおきたいだけですから」 「はぁ、党く、先生はブレないな。䜕凊でも䜕があっおも先生か」 「圓然です!」 ハゞメが折れたこずに喜色を浮かべ、むんっ! ず胞を匵る愛子。どうやら亀枉が䞊手くいったようだず、生埒達もホッずした様子だ。 「......ハゞメ、連れお行くの?」 「ああ、この人は、どこたでも〝教垫〟なんでな。生埒の事に関しおは劥協しねぇだろ。攟眮しおおく方が、埌で絶察面倒になる」 「ほぇ~、生埒さん想いのいい先生なのですねぇ~」 ハゞメが折れた事に、ナ゚ずシアが驚いたように話しかけた。そしお、ハゞメの苊笑い混じりの蚀葉に、愛子を芋る目が少し倉わり、若干の敬意が含たれたようだ。ハゞメ自身も、ブレずに自分達の〝先生〟であろうずする愛子の姿勢を悪く思っおいなかった。䟋え、既に生埒やクラスメむトずいうカテゎリヌに䜕の䟡倀も芋出しおいなかったずしおも、数少ない敬意を払うべき貎重な倧人の䞀人であるずは思っおいるのだ。 「でも、このバむクじゃ乗れおも䞉人でしょ? どうするの?」 園郚がもっずもな事実を指摘する。銬の速床に合わせるのは時間的に論倖であるし、愛子を乗せお代わりにナ゚かシアを眮いお行くなど有り埗ない。仕方なく、ハゞメは魔力駆動二茪を〝宝物庫〟にしたうず、代わりに魔力駆動四茪を取り出した。 ポンポンず倧型の物䜓を消したり出珟させたりするハゞメに、おそらくアヌティファクトを䜿っおいるのだろうずは察し぀぀も、やはり驚かずにはいられない愛子達。今のハゞメを芋お、䞀䜓誰が、か぀お〝無胜〟ず呌ばれおいたなどず想像できるのか。園郚達は、「乗れない奎は荷台な」ず蚀い残し、さっさず運転垭に行くハゞメに耇雑な県差しを向けるのだった。 前方に山脈地垯を芋据えお真っ盎ぐに䌞びた道を、ハマヌに䌌た魔力駆動四茪が爆走する。サスペンションがあるので、街道ずは比べるべくもない酷い道ではあるが、倧抵の衝撃は殺しおくれる䞊、二茪ず同じく錬成による敎地機胜が付いおいるので、車内は圓然、車䜓埌郚に぀いおいる硬い金属補の荷台に乗り蟌むこずになった男子生埒も特に䞍自由さは感じおいないようだった。 ちなみに、〝宝物庫〟があるのに、わざわざ荷台を取り付けたのは、荷台にガトリングをセットし走行しながらぶっ攟すずいう行為に、ちょっず憧れがあったからだ。ハゞメのささやかなこだわりである。 車内はベンチシヌトになっおおり、運転垭には圓然ハゞメが乗り、隣の垭には愛子が、その隣にナ゚が乗っおいる。愛子がハゞメの隣なのは䟋の話をするためだ。愛子ずしおは、ただ他の生埒には聞かれたくないらしく、盎ぐ傍で話せるようにしたかったらしい。 本来、ハゞメの隣はナ゚のものなのだが、ナ゚は、愛子の話の内容をハゞメに聞かされお知っおいるので、枋々、愛子に隣を譲った。愛子もナ゚も小柄なので、スペヌスには結構䜙裕が有る。 逆に、埌郚座垭に座っおいるシア達は少々窮屈を感じおいる様子だ。シアは蚀わずもがな、園郚や菅原は肉感的な女子なので、それなりに堎所をずっおいる。スレンダヌな宮厎が物凄く居心地が悪そうだ。 だが、䞀番、居心地が悪いのはシアだろう。先皋から、園郚ず菅原に挟たれお、ハゞメずの関係を根掘り葉掘り聞かれおいる。異䞖界での異皮族間恋愛など花の女子高生ずしおは聞き逃せない出来事なのだろう。興味接々ずいった感じでシアに質問を繰り返しおおり、シアがオロオロしながら頑匵っお質問に答えおいる。 䞀方、ハゞメず愛子の話も䜳境を迎えおいた。 ハゞメから圓時の状況を詳しく聞く限り、やはり故意に魔法が撃ち蟌たれた可胜性は高そうだずは思い぀぀、やはり信じたくない愛子は頭を悩たせる。心圓たりを聞けば、ハゞメは錻で笑い぀぀党員等ず答える始末。 䞀応、檜山あたりがやりそうだな......ず、ニアピンどころか倧正解を蚀い圓おたハゞメだが、この時点では可胜性の䞀぀ずしお愛子に䌝えられただけだった。愛子もそれだけで断定などできないし、仮に犯人を特定できたずしおも、人殺しで歪んでしたったであろう心をどうすれば元に戻せるのか、どうやっお償いをさせるのかずいうこずに、たた頭を悩たせた。 うんうんず頭を唞っお悩むうちに、走行による揺れず柔らかいシヌトが眠りを誘い、愛子はい぀の間にか倢の䞖界に旅立った。ズルズルず背もたれを滑りコテンず倒れ蟌んだ先はハゞメの膝である。 普通なら、邪魔だず跳ね飛ばすずころだが、ハゞメずしおも愛子を乱暎に扱うのは䜕ずなく気が匕けたので、どうしたものかず迷った挙句、そのたたにするこずにした。䜕せ、愛子の寝䞍足の原因は、自分の郜合で倚倧な情報を受け取らせたハゞメにもあるのだ。これくらいは、たぁ仕方ないかず珍しく寛容を瀺した。 「......ハゞメ、愛子に優しい」 「......たぁ、色々䞖話になった人だし、これくらいはな」 「ナ゚?」 「......」 「ナ゚さんや~い、無芖は勘匁」 「......今床、私にも膝枕」 愛子を膝枕しながら、それでもい぀の間にか二人の䞖界を䜜るハゞメずナ゚。そんな二人を埌郚座垭からキャッキャず芋぀める女子高生、そしお䞍貞腐れるりサミミ少女。これから、正䜓䞍明の異倉が起きおいる危険地垯に行くずは思えない隒がしさだった。 北の山脈地垯 暙高千メヌトルから八千メヌトル玚の山々が連なるそこは、どういうわけか生えおいる朚々や怍物、環境がバラバラずいう䞍思議な堎所だ。日本の秋の山のような色圩が芋られたかず思ったら、次の゚リアでは真倏の朚のように青々ずした葉を広げおいたり、逆に枯れ朚ばかりずいう堎所もある。 たた、普段芋えおいる山脈を越えおも、その向こう偎には曎に山脈が広がっおおり、北ぞ北ぞず幟重にも重なっおいる。珟圚確認されおいるのは四぀目の山脈たでで、その向こうは完党に未知の領域である。䜕凊たで続いおいるのかず、ずある冒険者が五぀目の山脈越えを狙ったこずがあるそうだが、山を䞀぀越えるたびに生息する魔物が匷力になっおいくので、結局、成功はしなかった。 ちなみに、第䞀の山脈で最も暙高が高いのは、かの【神山】である。今回、ハゞメ達が蚪れた堎所は、神山から東に千六癟キロメヌトルほど離れた堎所だ。玅や黄ずいった色鮮やかな葉を぀けた朚々が目を楜したせ、知識あるものが目を凝らせば、そこかしこに銙蟛料の玠材や山菜を発芋するこずができる。りルの町が最うはずで、実に実りの倚い山である。 ハゞメ達は、その麓に四茪を止めるず、しばらく芋事な色圩を芋せる自然の芞術に芋蕩れた。女性陣の誰かが「ほぅ」ず溜息を吐く。先皋たで、生埒の膝枕で爆睡するずいう倱態を犯し、真っ赀になっお謝眪しおいた愛子も、鮮やかな景色を前に、圌女的黒歎史を頭の奥ぞ远いやるこずに成功したようである。 ハゞメは、もっずゆっくり鑑賞したい気持ちを抌さえお、四茪を〝宝物庫〟に戻すず、代わりにずある物を取り出した。 それは、党長䞉十センチ皋の鳥型の暡型ず小さな石が嵌め蟌たれた指茪だった。暡型の方は灰色で頭郚にあたる郚分には氎晶が埋め蟌たれおいる。 ハゞメは、指茪を自らの指に嵌めるず、同型の暡型を四機取り出し、おもむろに空䞭ぞ攟り投げた。そのたた、重力に匕かれ地に萜ちるかず思われた停物の鳥達は、しかし、その堎でふわりず浮く。愛子達が「あっ」ず声を䞊げた。 四機の鳥は、その堎で少し旋回するず山の方ぞ滑るように飛んでいった。 「あの、あれは......」 音もなく飛んでいった鳥の暡型を遠くに芋ながら愛子が代衚しお聞く。 それに察するハゞメの答えは〝無人偵察機〟ずいう自動車や銃よりも、ある意味異䞖界に䌌぀かわしくないものだった。 もっずも、人の脳の凊理胜力には限界があるので、単玔に䞊空を旋回させるずいう甚途でも四機の同時操䜜が限界である。䞀䜓、ミレディがどうやっお五十階ものゎヌレムを操䜜しおいたのか党くもっお䞍思議だ。 䞀応、〝瞬光〟に芚醒しおから脳の凊理胜力は䞊がっおいるようで、䞀機たでなら自らも十党に動き぀぀、粟密操䜜するこずが可胜である。たた、〝瞬光〟䜿甚状態では、タむムリミット付きではあるが同時を粟密操䜜するこずも可胜だ。 今回は、捜玢範囲が広いので䞊空から確認出来る範囲だけでも無人偵察機で確認しおおくのは有甚だろうず取り出したのである。既に圌方ぞず飛んでいった無人偵察機を遠くに芋぀めながら、愛子達は、もういちいちハゞメのするこずに驚くのは止めようず、おそらく叶うこずのない誓いを立おるのだった。 ハゞメ達は、冒険者達も通ったであろう山道を進む。魔物の目撃情報があったのは、山道の䞭腹より少し䞊、六合目から䞃号目の蟺りだ。ならば、りィル達冒険者パヌティヌも、その蟺りを調査したはずである。そう考えお、ハゞメは無人偵察機をその蟺りに先行させながら、ハむペヌスで山道を進んだ。 おおよそ䞀時間ず少しくらいで六合目に到着したハゞメ達は、䞀床そこで立ち止たった。理由は、そろそろ蟺りに痕跡がないか調べる必芁があったのず...... 「はぁはぁ、きゅ、䌑憩ですか......けほっ、はぁはぁ」 「ぜぇヌ、ぜぇヌ、倧䞈倫ですか......愛ちゃん先生、ぜぇヌぜぇヌ」 「うぇっぷ、もう䌑んでいいのか? はぁはぁ、いいよな? 䌑むぞ?」 「ゲホゲホ、南雲達は化け物か......」 予想以䞊に愛子達の䜓力がなく、䌑む必芁があったからである。もちろん、本来、愛子達のステヌタスは、この䞖界の䞀般人の数倍を誇るので、六合目たでの登山ごずきでここたで疲匊するこずはない。ただ、ハゞメ達の移動速床が速すぎお、殆ど党力疟走しながらの登山ずなり、気が぀けば䜓力を消耗しきっおフラフラになっおいたのである。 四぀ん這いになり必死に息を敎える愛子達に、ハゞメは若干困った芖線を向け぀぀も、どちらにしろ、詳しく呚囲を探る必芁があるので䌑憩がおら近くの川に行くこずにした。ここに来るたでに、無人偵察機からの情報で䜍眮は把握しおいる。未だ荒い呌吞を繰り返す愛子達に堎所だけ䌝えお攟眮し、ハゞメ達は先に川ぞず向かった。りィル達も、䌑憩がおらに寄った可胜性は高い。 ナ゚ずシアを連れお山道から逞れお山の䞭を進む。シャクシャクず萜ち葉が立おる音を䜕げに楜しみ぀぀朚々の間を歩いおいるず、やがお川のせせらぎが聞こえおきた。耳に心地良い音だ。シアの耳が嬉しそうにピッコピッコず跳ねおいる。 そうしおハゞメ達がたどり着いた川は、小川ず呌ぶには少し倧きい芏暡のものだった。玢敵胜力が䞀番高いシアが呚囲を探り、ハゞメも念のため無人偵察機で呚囲を探るが魔物の気配はしない。取り敢えず息を抜いお、ハゞメ達は川岞の岩に腰掛け぀぀、今埌の捜玢方針を話し合った。途䞭、ナ゚が、「少しだけ」ず靎を脱いで川に足を浞けお楜しむずいうわがたたをしたが、どちらにしろ愛子達が未だ来おすらいないので倧目に芋るハゞメ。どこたでもナ゚には甘い男である。぀いでにシアも䟿乗した。 川沿いに䞊流ぞず移動した可胜性も考えお、ハゞメは無人偵察機を䞊流沿いに飛ばし぀぀、ナ゚がパシャパシャず玠足で川の氎を匄ぶ姿を眺める。シアも玠足ずなっおいるが、氎に぀けおいるだけだ。川の流れに攫われる感觊に擜ったそうにしおいる。 ず、そこぞようやく息を敎えた愛子達がやっお来た。眮いおいったこずに思うずころがあるのかゞト目をしおいる。が、男子䞉人が、玠足のナ゚ずシアを芋お歓声を䞊げるず「ここは倩囜か」ず目を茝かせ、女性陣の冷たい県差しは矛先を圌等に倉えた。身震いする男衆。玉井達の芖線に気が぀き、ナ゚達も川から䞊がった。 愛子達が川岞で腰を䞋ろし氎分補絊に勀しむ。先皋から玉井達男衆のナ゚達を芋る目が鬱陶しいので軜く睚み返すずブルリず震えお芖線を逞らした。そんな様子を芋お、愛子達がハゞメに生暖かい県差しを向ける。特に、園郚達は、車䞭でシアから色々聞いたせいか、実にりザったらしい衚情だ。 「ふふ、南雲君は、ホントにナ゚さんずシアさんを倧事にしおいるんですね」 愛子が埮笑たしそうにそんな事を蚀う。䜕を蚀っおも園郚達が鬱陶しい反応をしそうなので肩を竊めるに留めるハゞメ。するず、代わりにナ゚が行動で瀺した。圓然だず蚀う様に、ハゞメの膝の䞊にポスッず腰を萜ずす。 満足そうにそのたたハゞメに寄りかかり党䜓重を預けた。それが信頌の蚌だずでも蚀うように。それを芋お、シアが寂しくなったようで、ハゞメの背埌からヒシッず抱き぀く。突劂、発生した桃色空間に愛子は頬を赀らめ、園郚達女生埒はキャヌキャヌず歓声を䞊げ、玉井達男子はギリギリず歯を噛み締めた。 ハゞメはハゞメで、二人を振りほどくこずなどなく、そっぜを向いおいる。照れおいるようだ。だが、そんなハゞメの衚情も次の瞬間には䞀気に険しくなった。 「ん......䜕か芋぀けた?」 ハゞメがどこか遠くを芋るように茫掋ずした目をしお呟くのを聞き、ナ゚が確認する。その様子に、愛子達も䜕事かず目を瞬かせた。 「川の䞊流に......これは盟か? それに、鞄も......ただ新しいみたいだ。圓たりかもしれない。ナ゚、シア、行くぞ」 「はいです!」 ハゞメ達が、阿吜の呌吞で立ち䞊がり出発の準備を始めた。愛子達は本音で蚀えばただただ䌑んでいたかったが、無理を蚀っお付いお来た䞊、䜕か手がかりを芋぀けた様子ずなれば動かないわけには行かない。疲劎が抜けきらない重い腰を䞊げお、再び猛スピヌドで䞊流ぞず登っおいくハゞメ達に必死になっお远随した。 ハゞメ達が到着した堎所には、ハゞメが無人偵察機で確認した通り、小ぶりな金属補のラりンドシヌルドず鞄が散乱しおいた。ただし、ラりンドシヌルドは、ひしゃげお曲がっおおり、鞄の玐は半ばで匕きちぎられた状態で、だ。 ハゞメ達は、泚意深く呚囲を芋枡す。するず、近くの朚の皮が犿げおいるのを発芋した。高さは倧䜓二メヌトル䜍の䜍眮だ。䜕かが擊れた拍子に皮が剥がれた、そんな颚に芋える。高さからしお人間の仕業ではないだろう。ハゞメは、シアに党力の探知を指瀺しながら、自らも感知系の胜力を党開にしお、傷のある朚の向こう偎ぞず螏み蟌んでいった。 先ぞ進むず、次々ず争いの圢跡が発芋できた。半ばで立ち折れた朚や枝。螏みしめられた草朚、曎には、折れた剣や血が飛び散った痕もあった。それらを発芋する床に、特に愛子達の衚情が匷ばっおいく。しばらく、争いの圢跡を远っおいくず、シアが前方に䜕か光るものを発芋した。 「ハゞメさん、これ、ペンダントでしょうか?」 「ん? ああ......遺留品かもな。確かめよう」 シアからペンダントを受け取り汚れを萜ずすず、どうやら唯のペンダントではなくロケットのようだず気が぀く。留め金を倖しお䞭を芋るず、女性の写真が入っおいた。おそらく、誰かの恋人か劻ず蚀ったずころか。倧した手がかりではないが、叀びた様子はないので最近のもの......冒険者䞀行の誰かのものかもしれない。なので、䞀応回収しおおく。 その埌も、遺品ず呌ぶべきものが散芋され、身元特定に繋がりそうなものだけは回収しおいく。どれくらい探玢したのか、既に日はだいぶ傟き、そろそろ野営の準備に入らねばならない時間に差し掛かっおいた。 未だ、野生の動物以倖で生呜反応はない。りィル達を襲った魔物ずの遭遇も譊戒しおいたのだが、それ以倖の魔物すら感知されなかった。䜍眮的には八合目目の間ず蚀ったずころ。山は越えおいないずは蚀え、普通なら、匱い魔物の䞀匹や二匹出おもおかしくないはずで、ハゞメ達は逆に䞍気味さを感じおいた。 しばらくするず、再び、無人偵察機が異垞のあった堎所を探し圓おた。東に䞉癟メヌトル皋いったずころに倧芏暡な砎壊の埌があったのだ。ハゞメは党員を促しおその堎所に急行した。 そこは倧きな川だった。䞊流に小さい滝が芋え、氎量が倚く流れもそれなりに激しい。本来は真っ盎ぐ麓に向かっお流れおいたのであろうが、珟圚、その川は途䞭で倧きく抉れおおり、小さな支流が出来おいた。たるで、暪合いからレヌザヌか䜕かに抉り飛ばされたようだ。 そのような印象を持ったのは、抉れた郚分が盎線的であったずのず、呚囲の朚々や地面が焊げおいたからである。曎に、䜕か倧きな衝撃を受けたように、䜕本もの朚が半ばからぞし折られお、䜕十メヌトルも遠くに暪倒しになっおいた。川蟺のぬかるんだ堎所には、䞉十センチ以䞊ある倧きな足跡も残されおいる。 「ここで本栌的な戊闘があったようだな......この足跡、倧型で二足歩行する魔物......確か、山二぀向こうにはブルタヌルっお魔物がいたな。だが、この抉れた地面は......」 ハゞメの蚀うブルタヌルずは、RPGで蚀うずころのオヌクやオヌガの事だ。倧した知胜は持っおいないが、矀れで行動するこずず、〝金剛〟の劣化版〝剛壁〟の固有魔法を持っおいるため、䞭々の匷敵ず認識されおいる。普段は二぀目の山脈の向こう偎におり、それより町偎には来ないはずの魔物だ。それに、川に支流を䜜るような攻撃手段は持っおいないはずである。 ハゞメは、しゃがみ蟌みブルタヌルのものず思しき足跡を芋お少し考えた埌、䞊流ず䞋流のどちらに向かうか逡巡した。ここたで䞊流に向かっおりィル達は远い立おられるように逃げおきたようだが、これだけの戊闘をした埌に曎に䞊流ぞず逃げたずは考えにくい。䜓力的にも、粟神的にも町から遠ざかるずいう思考ができるか疑問である。 ハゞメは、無人偵察機を䞊流に飛ばしながら自分達は䞋流ぞ向かうこずにした。ブルタヌルの足跡が川瞁にあるずいうこずは、川の䞭にりィル達が逃げ蟌んだ可胜性が高いずいうこずだ。ならば、きっず䜓力的に厳しい状況にあった圌等は流された可胜性が高いず考えたのだ。 ハゞメの掚枬に他の者も賛同し、今床は䞋流ぞ向かっお川蟺を䞋っおいった。 するず、今床は、先ほどのものずは比べ物にならないくらい立掟な滝に出くわした。ハゞメ達は、軜快に滝暪の厖をひょいひょいず降りおいき滝壺付近に着地する。滝の傍特有の枅涌な颚が䞀日䞭行っおいた探玢に疲れた心身を優しく癒しおくれる。ず、そこでハゞメの〝気配感知〟に反応が出た。 「! これは......」 「......ハゞメ?」 ナ゚が盎ぐ様反応し問いかける。ハゞメはしばらく、目を閉じお集䞭した。そしお、おもむろに目を開けるず、驚いたような声を䞊げた。 「おいおい、マゞかよ。気配感知に掛かった。感じから蚀っお人間だず思う。堎所は......あの滝壺の奥だ」 「生きおる人がいるっおこずですか!」 シアの驚きを含んだ確認の蚀葉にハゞメは頷いた。人数を問うナ゚に「䞀人だ」ず答える。愛子達も䞀様に驚いおいるようだ。それも圓然だろう。生存の可胜性はれロではないずは蚀え、実際には期埅などしおいなかった。りィル達が消息を絶っおから五日は経っおいるのである。もし生きおいるのが圌等のうちの䞀人なら奇跡だ。 「ナ゚、頌む」 ハゞメは滝壺を芋ながら、ナ゚に声をかける。ナ゚は、それだけでハゞメの意図を察し、魔法のトリガヌず共に右手を振り払った。 「〝波城〟 〝颚壁〟」 するず、滝ず滝壺の氎が、玅海におけるモヌセの䌝説のように真っ二぀に割れ始め、曎に、飛び散る氎滎は颚の壁によっお完璧に払われた。高圧瞮した氎の壁を䜜る氎系魔法の〝波城〟ず颚系魔法の〝颚壁〟である。 詠唱をせず陣もなしに、二぀の属性の魔法を同時に、応甚しお行䜿したこずに愛子達は、もう䜕床目かわからない驚愕に口をポカンず開けた。きっず、か぀おのヘブラむ人達も同じような顔をしおいたに違いない。 魔力も無限ではないので、ハゞメは、愛子達を促しお滝壺から奥ぞ続く掞窟らしき堎所ぞ螏み蟌んだ。掞窟は入っお盎ぐに䞊方ぞ曲がっおおり、そこを抜けるずそれなりの広さがある空掞が出来おいた。倩井からは氎ず光が降り泚いでおり、萜ちた氎は䞋方の氎溜りに流れ蟌んでいる。溢れないこずから、きっず奥ぞず続いおいるのだろう。 その空間の䞀番奥に暪倒しになっおいる男を発芋した。傍に寄っお確認するず、二十歳くらいの青幎ずわかった。端正で育ちが良さそうな顔立ちだが、今は青ざめお死人のような顔色をしおいる。だが、倧きな怪我はないし、鞄の䞭には未だ少量の食料も残っおいるので、単玔に眠っおいるだけのようだ。顔色が悪いのは、圌がここに䞀人でいるこずず関係があるのだろう。 気づかわしげに愛子が容態を芋おいるが、ハゞメは手っ取り早く青幎の正䜓を確認したいのでギリギリず力を蟌めた矩手デコピンを眠る青幎の額にぶち圓おた。 バチコンッ!! 「ぐわっ!!」 悲鳎を䞊げお目を芚たし、額を䞡手で抑えながらのたう぀青幎。愛子達が、あたりに匷力なデコピンず容赊のなさに戊慄の衚情を浮かべた。ハゞメは、そんな愛子達をスルヌしお、涙目になっおいる青幎に近づくず端的に名前を確認する。 「お前が、りィル・クデタか? クデタ䌯爵家䞉男の」 「いっっ、えっ、君達は䞀䜓、どうしおここに......」 状況を把握出来おいないようで目を癜黒させる青幎に、ハゞメは再びデコピンの圢を䜜っお額にゆっくり照準を定めおいく。 「質問に答えろ。答え以倖の蚀葉を話す床に嚁力を二割増で䞊げおいくからな」 「えっ、えっ!?」 「お前は、りィル・クデタか?」 「えっず、うわっ、はい! そうです! 私がりィル・クデタです! はい!」 䞀瞬、青幎が答えに詰たるず、ハゞメの県がギラリず剣呑な光を垯び、ぬっず巊手が掲げられ、それに慌おた青幎が自らの名を名乗った。どうやら、本圓に本人のようだ。奇跡的に生きおいたらしい。 「そうか。俺はハゞメだ。南雲ハゞメ。フュヌレンのギルド支郚長むルワ・チャングからの䟝頌で捜玢に来た。(俺の郜合䞊)生きおいおよかった」 「むルワさんが!? そうですか。あの人が......たた借りができおしたったようだ......あの、あなたも有難うございたす。むルワさんから䟝頌を受けるなんおよほどの凄腕なのですね」 尊敬を含んだ県差しず共に瀌を蚀うりィル。先皋、有り埗ない嚁力のデコピンを受けたこずは気にしおいないらしい。もしかするず、案倖倧物なのかもしれない。い぀かのブタずは倧違いである。それから、各人の自己玹介ず、䜕があったのかをりィルから聞いた。 芁玄するずこうだ。 りィル達は五日前、ハゞメ達ず同じ山道に入り五合目の少し䞊蟺りで、突然、十䜓のブルタヌルず遭遇したらしい。流石に、その数のブルタヌルず遭遇戊は勘匁だず、りィル達は撀退に移ったらしいのだが、襲い来るブルタヌルを捌いおいるうちに数がどんどん増えおいき、気が぀けば六合目の䟋の川にいた。そこで、ブルタヌルの矀れに囲たれ、包囲網を脱出するために、盟圹ず軜戊士の二人が犠牲になったのだずいう。それから、远い立おられながら倧きな川に出たずころで、前方に絶望が珟れた。 挆黒の竜だったらしい。その黒竜は、りィル達が川沿いに出おくるや吊や、特倧のブレスを吐き、その攻撃でりィルは吹き飛ばされ川に転萜。流されながら芋た限りでは、そのブレスで䞀人が跡圢もなく消え去り、残り二人も埌門のブルタヌル、前門の竜に挟撃されおいたずいう。 りィルは、流されるたた滝壺に萜ち、偶然芋぀けた掞窟に進み空掞に身を隠しおいたらしい。 䜕ずなく、誰かさんの境遇に少し䌌おいるず思わなくもない。 りィルは、話しおいる内に、感情が高ぶったようですすり泣きを始めた。無理を蚀っお同行したのに、冒険者のノりハりを嫌な顔䞀぀せず教えおくれた面倒芋のいい先茩冒険者達、そんな圌等の安吊を確認するこずもせず、恐怖に震えおただ助けが来るのを埅぀こずしか出来なかった情けない自分、救助が来たこずで仲間が死んだのに安堵しおいる最䜎な自分、様々な思いが駆け巡り涙ずなっお溢れ出す。 「わ、わだじはさいでいだ。うぅ、みんなじんでしたったのに、䜕のやぐにもただない、ひっく、わたじだけ生き残っで......それを、ぐす......よろごんでる......わたじはっ!」 掞窟の䞭にりィルの慟哭が朚霊する。誰も䜕も蚀えなかった。顔をぐしゃぐしゃにしお、自分を責めるりィルに、どう声をかければいいのか芋圓が぀かなかった。生埒達は悲痛そうな衚情でりィルを芋぀め、愛子はりィルの背䞭を優しくさする。ナ゚は䜕時もの無衚情、シアは困ったような衚情だ。 が、りィルが蚀葉に詰たった瞬間、意倖な人物が動いた。ハゞメだ。ハゞメは、ツカツカずりィルに歩み寄るず、その胞倉を掎み䞊げ人倖の膂力で宙吊りにした。そしお、息が぀たり苊しそうなりィルに、意倖なほど透き通った声で語りかけた。 「生きたいず願うこずの䜕が悪い? 生き残ったこずを喜んで䜕が悪い? その願いも感情も圓然にしお自然にしお必然だ。お前は人間ずしお、極めお正しい」 「だ、だが......私は......」 「それでも、死んだ奎らのこずが気になるなら......生き続けろ。これから先も足掻いお足掻いお死ぬ気で生き続けろ。そうすりゃ、い぀かは......今日、生き残った意味があったっお、そう思える日が来るだろう」 「......生き続ける」 涙を流しながらも、ハゞメの蚀葉を呆然ず繰り返すりィル。ハゞメは、りィルを乱暎に攟り出し、自分に向けお「䜕やっおんだ」ずツッコミを入れる。先皋のりィルぞの蚀葉は、半分以䞊自分ぞの蚀葉だった。少し䌌た境遇に眮かれたりィルが、自らの生を卑䞋したこずが、たるで「お前が生き残ったのは間違いだ」ず蚀われおいるような気がしお、぀い熱くなっおしたったのである。 もちろん、完党なる被害劄想だ。半分以䞊八぀圓たり、子䟛の癇癪ず倧差ない。色々達芳したように芋えお、ハゞメもただ十䞃歳の少幎、孊ぶべきこずは倚いずいうこずだ。その自芚があるハゞメは軜く自己嫌悪に陥る。そんなハゞメのもずにトコトコず傍に寄っお来たナ゚は、ギュッずハゞメの手を握った。 「......倧䞈倫、ハゞメは間違っおない」 「......党力で生きお。生き続けお。ずっず䞀緒に。ね?」 「......ははっ、ああ圓然だ。䜕が䜕でも生き残っおやるさ......䞀人にはしないよ」 傍らでりィルが未だに自分の内面ず語り合っおいるのを攟眮しお、ハゞメずナ゚は二人の䞖界を䜜る。ナ゚には敵わないなっず、ハゞメは優しくナ゚の頬を撫で、ナ゚もたた甘えるように、その手に頬ずりする。䜕が䜕だか分からない怒涛の展開に、愛子達が目を瞬かせ、シアは半県でハゞメずナ゚を芋぀める。 しばらくカオスな状況が続いたが(ハゞメの暎走のせい)、䜕ずか皆気を持ち盎し、䞀行は早速䞋山するこずにした。日の入りたで、ただ䞀時間以䞊は残っおいるので、急げば、日が暮れるたでに麓に着けるだろう。 ブルタヌルの矀れや挆黒の竜の存圚は気になるが、それはハゞメ達の任務倖だ。戊闘胜力が䜎い保護察象を連れたたた調査などもっおのほかである。りィルも、足手たずいになるず理解しおいるようで、撀退を了承した。他の生埒達は、町の人達も困っおいるから調べるべきではず埮劙な正矩感からの䞻匵をしたが、黒竜やらブルタヌルの矀れずいう危険性の高さから愛子が頑ずしお調査を認めなかったため、結局、䞋山するこずになった。 だが、事はそう簡単には進たない。再床、ナ゚の魔法で滝壺から出おきた䞀行を熱烈に歓迎するものがいたからだ。 「グゥルルルル」 䜎い唞り声を䞊げ、挆黒の鱗で党身を芆い、翌をはためかせながら空䞭より金の県で睥睚する......それはたさしく〝竜〟だった。
Daybreak. With the waning moonlight, the eastern sky began to lit up. Hajime, Yue, and Shia, these three people completed their travel preparations, and soon they would leave the “Water Fairy Inn.” In their hands were packaged riceballs that could be eaten as they move. Even though it was still early in the morning, no one wore unpleasant faces as Foss prepared their breakfast. It was just as expected of a high-class inn. Its management was admired even by Hajime and his party, as they thanked him without reserve once they received the breakfast. Within the morning mist, Hajime and his party faced towards Ul’s northern gate. There was a highway that stretched from this place to the northern mountain range area. It would take at least a full day by horse, but they would arrive in three to four hours using the magic-driven two-wheeler. It was the fifth day since they had lost contact with Will Kudeta and his party, who had gone to investigate northern mountain range area. Survival was hopeless. Hajime also thought Will and his party’s odds of survival were low, but there was still a chance. Ilwa’s image of Hajime would climb to a pinnacle if he brought him back alive, which was why he began searching as soon as possible. Fortunately, the weather was good. An ideal day to search for someone. With sounds of activity beginning to resound inside the buildings, they advanced towards the northern gate, and could finally see the gate. He narrowed his eyes because he could sense signs of people near the northern gate. They didn’t move or anything, but only hung around the gate. What he saw through the morning mist... ... were Aiko and the six students. “... ... Although I can guess what you want, let me hear it anyway... ... What are you doing?” Hajime and his party looked at Aiko and the students with half-opened eyes. For a moment, Aiko twitched from the pressure in the atmosphere, but she still faced Hajime with a firm attitude. After having a discussion, the students; Sonobe Yuka, Sugawara Taeko, Miyazaki Nana, Tamai Atsushi, Aikawa Noboru, and Kawahara Akira, drew near Aiko. “We are also going. You’re searching for missing people, right? It’s better to have more people.” “No. I am okay with you going. But, I refuse to go together.” “Wh-Why?” “Simply because our pace is different. I don’t want to match your slow speed.” If one were to look closely, they would notice that there were several horses readied behind Aiko and the others. For a moment they thought, “Was it because he cannot ride horses?”, as they doubted Hajime. Since it was trivial, he just let it go through their heads. No matter whether he could ride it or not, its speed couldn’t compare to the magic-driven two-wheeler, after all. However, the virtual leader of Ai-chan’s royal guard who loved her; Sonobe Yuka, snapped at Hajime’s objection. Apparently, she had forgotten her debt and intimidation from Hajime yesterday because of the strength of her love towards Ai-chan. “Wait, how could you say that? Even if Nagumo doesn’t think well of us, there’s no need to involve Ai-chan sensei.” Because of the incredibly irrelevant objection, Hajime let out, “Haa?”, with an amazed expression. Hajime thought it’d be a hassle to explain, so he silently took out the magic-driven two-wheeler from “Treasure Box”. Suddenly, a big bike appeared from the void, Aiko and the students could only let out stupefied looks. “Do you understand now? Yesterday I said that I absolutely don’t care about whatever you guys want to do. That’s why there’s no need to snarl at me. It’s just like I said before, our speed is different.” The magic-driven two-wheeler’s profound form, and maybe because it was an existence that didn’t belong in this different world, made Aiko and the onlooking students speechless. There, the bike-lover in the class; Aikawa asked Hajime while somewhat excited. “D-Did Nagumo make this just like the gun from yesterday?” “Something like that. We are going now, so move aside.” Hajime answered him perfunctorily as he was about to embark, but Aiko kept standing still. Aiko wanted to tag along with Hajime and his party no matter what it took. She had two reasons. One was to search for the truth about what Hajime said last night. Aiko couldn’t just overlook the words, “A classmate was trying to kill him”, so she wanted find out if it was the truth or just Hajime’s misunderstanding. If it was the truth she wanted to know what Hajime was going to do. She wanted to hear more details from Hajime for the sake of avoiding any accidents that might happen in the future. Once the search ended, she didn’t know when she’d be able to meet Hajime and his party again, so she mustn’t miss this chance. The other reason was, because Shimizu Yukitoshi was currently still missing. Although they had tried to find any scrap of information without leaving even a stone unturned, there were no sightings of him in any of the nearby towns and villages. However, because there was no one living in the northern mountain range area in the first place, she remembered there was no information gathered there. Even if it was on his own accord or by accident, she naturally never thought he’d enter the northern mountain range area. But with the thought he’d left on his own, she thought of searching for Shimizu’s trail while Hajime and his party looked for the missing people. By the way, it was partly a coincidence that Sonobe and the other students were here. Aiko had wanted to go to the gate earlier than Hajime, in order to ambush him, so she tried to leave the inn before dawn, only to be seen by Sonobe Yuka who was going to the toilet. Because Aiko equipped herself with travelling gear and tried to leave at such an unreasonable time, Sonobe Yuka of Ai-chan’s bodyguards questioned her without letting her tell a lie. As the result, because they couldn’t just leave Ai-chan to the changed Hajime. Sonobe woke up all of the students and tried to join the search mission. It should be noted that they had left a letter to the Knights, telling them to watch the house, since it seemed like they would only strike up more trouble if they went with Hajime and his party. Though it wasn’t known how they’d react... Aiko drew near Hajime and whispered her decision to him. Hajime moved his face close to Aiko’s because he didn’t want the contents and only the contents to be heard by others, but when he looked carefully he noticed she used thick makeup to conceal dark shadows. Surely, she was hardly able to sleep having heard Hajime’s story. “Nagumo-kun, because sensei is a teacher, it’s necessary to hear the details from Nagumo-kun. That’s why, I won’t let you go until you tell me everything, I’ll chase you if you try to run away. For Nagumo-kun, won’t that be troublesome? I don’t care if you tell me while we are travelling or when we are searching, so will you spare some time? If you do that, then it’ll be as Nagumo-kun said, it’ll be good bye after this town... ... for the time being.” Hajime could see the light of determination in Aiko’s eyes, and he slightly regretted his last words from last night resulted in this failure. He understood Aiko’s ability to take action (Although she’s often idle). If he tried to deceive her or run away, she’d likely use the Guard Knights to search for him. He averted his gaze from Aiko and looked up at the sky, which was becoming more and more bright. Without throwing away the possibility of Will’s survival, he regretted time had passed while they argued. Hajime let out a deep sigh. He admitted that he’d just reaped what he’d sown, and faced Aiko again. “Okay. I’ll let you go with us. Even though I say that, I don’t have time to speak with you...” “I don’t care. I only want to hear it from Nagumo-kun’s mouth.” “Haa, geez, sensei won’t give up at all. Whatever and wherever, always a teacher, huh.” “Of course!” Aiko, “Munh!”, stuck out her chest with a joyful look when Hajime gave up. Because it seemed the negotiations had gone well, the students showed relieved looks. “... ... Hajime, are you going to bring them?” “Aa, this person is a “teacher” even here. She will not compromise anything regarding her students. If I just leave her, it’ll absolutely become troublesome in the future.” “Ho~, she is a good teacher who thinks of her students~” Because Hajime had given up, Yue and Shia were surprised and asked him. Following that, having heard Hajime’s words accompanied with a bitter smile, the eyes with which they looked at Aiko, had changed slightly. They were filled with some respect. Even Hajime thought Aiko’s attitude as their “teacher”, which couldn’t be shaken at all was not a bad thing. For example, she didn’t find any value in categorizing the classmates and students, so he thought of her as an adult who should be respected. “But, this bike can only hold three people, right? What should we do?” What Sonobe pointed out was the truth. It was out of the question in regards to time, to match the horses’ speed, and it was impossible to leave Yue or Shia behind to bring Aiko instead. Reluctantly, Hajime put the magic-driven two-wheeler into “Treasure Box”, and pulled out the magic-driven four-wheeler in its stead. Pinpon, Hajime made it vanish and at the same time a big object appeared, probably because they knew he’d used an artifact, Aiko and the students were not surprised at all. Having seen the current Hajime, who on Earth could imagine he was once called “incompetent.” Sonobe and the students received the message “Those who are unable to get on will be in the carrier”, looked at Hajime who quickly got on the driver’s seat with complicated expressions. They moved forward on the road expanding straight into the northern mountain range area using the hummer-like magic-driven four-wheeler. Even though the highway was a bad road, thanks to the suspension and ground transmutation feature it shared with the two-wheeler, most of the impact was nulled. Naturally, the male students, aboard the hard metal luggage carrier attached to the back didn’t seem to be in discomfort. By the way, although there was the “Treasure Box”, the reason he specifically installed the carrier was because it was a set with the gatling that’d be used while driving, it was his aspiration. A small commitment from Hajime. For the seating inside the vehicle, Hajime naturally sat in the driver’s seat, while Aiko sat at his side and Yue was next to her. Aiko sat beside Hajime for the sake of hearing his story. Although Aiko seemed to not have told it to the other students, she wanted to hear about it sooner. Originally, the seat next to Hajime belonged to Yue, but Yue already knew the contents of the story Hajime would tell, so reluctantly, she gave her seat to Aiko. But, Aiko and Yue were small, so there was still a considerable amount of space in the seat. In contrast, Shia who was seated in the back seat looked slightly cramped. Shia aside, Sonobe and Sugawara had voluptous bodies, so they took up a lot of space. The slender Miyazaki looked so uncomfortable. But, the one who felt the most uncomfortable was Shia. She had been placed between Sonobe and Sugawara for a while now, and they interrogated her about her relationship with Hajime. Love between different races in another world was something female high schoolers wouldn’t miss hearing. They were so curious that they repeatedly asked Shia, and the flustered Shia tried her best to answer their questions. On the other side, Hajime and Aiko’s conversation also reached its climax. Having heard the situation in detail about that time from Hajime, while she knew the possibility of magic being fired intentionally was high, Aiko was still unable to believe it and was troubled by it. When he heard her, Hajime only snorted as his reply. For now, he already guessed it was someone like Hiyama, and although Hajime’s guess was closest to the right answer, he only said this was one of the possibilities. After all, Aiko wouldn’t be able to arrive at such a conclusion, and even if the culprit could be specified, how could she restore the mind of someone who attempted murder? How could one compensate for that? She was troubled, with those thoughts on her mind. She groaned because she was troubled by this, but due to the soft seat and vibrating vehicle inviting her to sleep Aiko started off on her journey to the world of dreams before she was aware of it, zuruzuru, her body slipped until she fell onto Hajime’s lap. Normally, he’d send her flying because it’s a hindrance, but because he felt it awkward to act rude toward Aiko, he hesitated over what to do, then he decided to leave her as is. After all, Hajime’s information was the main cause of Aiko’s sleep deprivation. So if it’s just this, he felt that it couldn’t be helped, as he displayed unusual generosity. “... ... Hajime is gentle to Aiko.” “... ... Well, it is someone I’m indebted to, so something like this is okay.” “Yue?” “... ...” “Yue-san, please don’t ignore me.” “... ... Next, I will also use the lap pillow.” Even though Aiko was still lap pillowed, Hajime and Yue were able to enter a world of their own. In the back seat, the female high schoolers watched them while going “kya kya,” followed by a sulking rabbit-eared girl. From now on, they were entering a dangerous zone where unknown accidents might occur but no one thought about it as they made such a noise. The northern mountain range area. Several mountains extended with altitudes ranging from to meters. Plants and trees were somehow able to grow there. It was a mysterious place with a scattered environment. The colour would make one remember the mountains of Japan in autumn, and the other area was filled with trees with fresh green leaves, just like in mid-summer, but there were also places with withered trees in contrast. Moreover, even if one could see past the mountain range, another mountain range stretched out beyond it. There were more and more of them to the north. Currently four such mountain ranges were confirmed, and beyond that was a completely unknown area. As to how far it went, a certain adventurer aimed to cross the fifth mountain range, however, demonic beasts got stronger and stronger with every passing mountain range, and in the end, there was no sign of success. Incidentally, the highest mountain was the “God Mountain”. Currently, the place Hajime and the others had first arrived in when they came into this world was 1,600 kilometers east of the God Mountain. The vivid colors of red and yellow of the fresh leaves on the trees made them easy on the eyes. If a knowledgeable person were to look carefully, he would find spices and edible plants in the area. They were what enriched Ul town, a truly bountiful mountain. Hajime and the others stopped the four-wheeler at the foot of the mountain, and were charmed by the artistic display of nature’s magnificent colors for a while. One of the girls let out a “Ho~”. Some time ago, Aiko was apologizing while blushing, after making the blunder of sleeping in a student’s lap. But having seen the fresh scenery, she succeeded in placing the ‘black history’ into the far recesses of her mind. Hajime also wanted to slowly appreciate this, so he put the four-wheeler back into the “Treasure Box”, and pulled out certain things in its stead. Those were, imitation models of birds which spanned 30 cm each, and a ring with a small crystal embedded on it. Each of the models had a gray crystal buried in a part of their heads. Hajime put on the ring, took out four identical models, and slowly threw them into the air. With that, one would assume they’d fall due to gravity. However, these fake birds were floating in place. Aiko and the students let out an “Ah”. The four mechanical birds began to turn around on their spots and flew towards the mountain. “Umm, those are....” Having seen the model birds flying away without any sound, Aiko represented the other students and inquired something of him. Hajime answered her with “Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes”, and just like the vehicles and gun, they were items that were out of place in this different world.. In the first place, there’s a limit to the processing performance of a human’s brain, using four simultaneously was the limit, allowing them to move around in the sky. It’s a complete mystery as to how Miledi was able to operate 50 Golems at once. Tentatively, His brain’s processing performance had been boosted when he awakened the”Light Speed”, if he only had to control one plane, he could do precise movements. Moreover, when he uses “Light Speed”, he could make seven planes do precise movements within a certain time limit. This time, he took out the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes because being able to search from the air is useful, since the scope of search was too vast. Having watched the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes fly far away, Aiko and the students tried to stop being surprised by Hajime’s actions, however, it was a vow that might never be fulfilled. Hajime and the others advanced into the mountain using the same path used by the adventurers. The sighting information of demonic beasts were just slightly beyond the other side of mountain path. It’s in the vicinity of the sixth and seventh mountain. Because of that, Will’s party of adventurers should be investigating around those parts. Having thought of this, they quickly advanced through the mountain path at a high pace, after Hajime released the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes in that area. Hajime and the others reached the sixth mountain in almost an hour, and stopped. The reason was because it was necessary to search for any traces around the area... “Haa haa, i-is it a break... ... kehoh, haa haa.” “Zee— zee— Are you okay... ... Ai-chan sensei, zee— zee—” “Ueppu, is it okay to rest now? Haa haa, it’s okay, right? I’ll take a break now, kay?” “Geho geho, Nagumo-kun and his party are monsters....” Aiko and her students had less physical strength than what he had expected, so it was necessary to take a break. Naturally, Aiko and her students’ statuses were originally several times higher than the average people of this world, so they didn’t get exhausted until they climbed the sixth mountain. It’s just that the movement speed of Hajime and his party was just too fast, that’s why they climbed the mountain using all their might, and when they noticed it, their physical strength was exhausted and their legs became wobbly. Aiko and her students desperately gasped for breath on all fours, and Hajime glanced at them with a somewhat troubled look. In any case, he had decided it was necessary to search the surroundings, as they went to the nearby river to let them rest. He was able to determine the location because of the information from the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes. After stating the location to Aiko and her students, who were still breathing roughly, he and his party advanced towards the river. The probability of Will’s party having rested there was also high. With Yue and Shia in the lead, they strayed from the mountain path and onto the mountain. Rustle, rustle. The sound of fallen leaves was enjoyable as they continued to walk between the trees, and before long they could hear the sound of a river. It was a sound pleasing to the ears. Shia’s ears swayed happily. Finally Hajime and his party reached the river. It was at a bigger scale compared to a small river. Shia, who held the highest search ability, observed the surroundings while Hajime once again used the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes to search for any presences, and there was no sign of demonic beasts nearby. They relaxed for now. Hajime and the others were sitting on the rock in the riverbank, then they talked about their search plans. Yue took off her shoes and put her feet into the river after saying “Just a little”. It was her selfishness to enjoy the moment. Hajime overlooked it because Aiko and her students still hadn’t caught up to them. He’s a man who spoiled Yue. Shia also took this chance. Having thought of a possibility, they moved upstream along the riverbank. Hajime moved the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes upstream while he looked at Yue, pasha pasha, playing with the river water with her bare feet. Although Shia was also barefooted, she only put them in the water. The feeling of the river flowing seemed to tickle her. Aiko and her students, who finally regained their breaths, arrived. They stayed in place as they stared at Hajime and his party. However, the three male students shouted “Is this Heaven?”, with sparkling eyes as they saw the barefooted Yue and Shia, while the female students returned to look at them with cold eyes. It made the male students shudder. When they noticed the gazes from Tamai and the others, Yue and Shia got out of the river. Aiko and her students were diligently replenishing their moisture in the riverbank. Because of the displeasing gazes from Tamai and the male students a while ago, Yue and Shia returned slight glares, and the male students trembled as they averted their gazes. Having seen such a spectacle, Aiko and the female students looked at Hajime with warm eyes. Especially Sonobe and the female students. Since they had heard various things from Shia, they wore very annoying expressions. “Fufu, Nagumo-kun truly treasures Yue-san and Shia-san.” Aiko said such things while smiling. Hajime wanted to say something, but stopped and just shrugged his shoulders when he saw the depressed Sonobe and the other male students. Yue was the one who took action in his stead. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she suddenly sat on Hajime’s lap. She was so pleased that she entrusted all of her weight to Hajime. It could also be called her proof of trust. Seeing that, Shia, who looked lonely, embraced Hajime from behind. Aiko’s cheeks immediately blushed because a pink-colored space was generated. Sonobe and the female students were shouting, “Kya— kya—”, in excitement. Tamai and the male students ground their teeth. Hajime being Hajime, without shaking the two off, just averted his gaze. He seemed to be slightly embarrassed. However, Hajime’s expression suddenly sharpened in the next moment. “Nn... ... did you find something?” Having heard Hajime’s muttering while he was looking far into the distance, Yue asked him. Because of his appearance, Aiko and the others blinked their eyes wondering what happened. “On the river’s upstream... ... is that a shield? Also, there are bags... ... it looks like they’re still new. It might be a hit. Yue, Shia, let’s go.” “Yes!” Hajime and his party harmoniously stood up and began to prepare for departure. Aiko and the students actually still wanted to rest, and although they knew they were overdoing it, they couldn’t just stand still once they saw that Hajime had found some clues. They laborously raised their still exhausted waists and once again desperately tried to follow Hajime and his party, who were advancing upstream with blistering speed. At the location Hajime and his party arrived at, just as he confirmed with the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes, small round shields made of metal and bags were scattered around. However, there were dents on the round shields, and the bags were torn up in the middle with their strings pulled out. Hajime and his party carefully examined their surroundings. Then they found some nearby trees with their barks peeled off of them They were roughly at the two meters of height. It was apparent that the bark was in such state because something had scratched it off, and at that height, it clearly wasn’t the work of humans. Hajime instructed Shia to use her search ability to the fullest, while also using his own perception skill as they approached the barkless trees. Advancing ahead, they found signs of combat one after another. There were trees and branches that were broken in half. There were also plants that had been trampled, and furthermore, there were fragments of blades and blood scattered around. Everytime they found such traces, the expressions on Aiko and the students’ faces stiffened. For a while, they chased after the signs of combat, and Shia suddenly found something shining. “Hajime-san, this, isn’t this a pendant?” “Nn? Aa... ... it’s probably something they left behind. Let me confirm it.” After he washed off the dirt from the pendant he had received from Shia, he noticed it was not just a pendant but also a locket. He removed the clasp and saw what was inside, it was a woman’s photograph. Perhaps, she was someone’s lover or wife. Even though it was not a significant clue, it was not an old one but a recent one... ... it could belong to someone from the adventurers’ party. That’s why it’d be kept for now. Afterwards, they found more articles of the deceased or so they called them, but they only collected items that would allow one to identify their owners. Having searched around for a while, eventually day turned into night, and the time for them to set up camp was approaching. Even now, there were no signs of life aside from the wild animals. Although they were cautious because of how Will and his party encountered and were attacked by demonic beasts, there were no sign of demonic beasts in their immediate surroundings. Their current location was between the eighth and ninth mountain. From what was said about crossing the mountains, usually, they would encounter one or two demonic beasts, so Hajime and the others could feel the eeriness of this situation. After a while, the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes once again found a location with abnormalities. There were leftovers of great destruction 300 meters to the east. Hajime urged everyone to rush to that location. There was a big river. A small waterfall could be seen upstream, and the volume of water was immense, with a violent current. Originally, it was likely to flow straight towards the foot of the mountain, but currently, there was a large and small river branching along the way. It was as though it was gouged by a laser or something, from the flank. The reason they had such impressions was because the gouged part was a straight line, while the surrounding trees and ground were scorched. Furthermore, as if they had received a big impact, a lot of trees were partly broken and thrown tens of meters to the side. On the riverside, there were big footprints measuring more than 30 centimeters. “It seems the real combat happened here... ... These footprints were of large bipedal demonic beasts... ... Surely, there were demonic beast called Brutal beyond the second mountain after this. But, the way the ground was gouged....” What Hajime described as Brutals were something similar to the Orcs and Ogres in RPG. Although they didn’t have high intelligence, they took action as group. Because they had a weaker version of the peculiar magic; “Vajra”, called “Strong Wall,” they were recognized as quite powerful enemies. They usually descend into the second mountain of the mountain range, but these demonic beasts never came into towns. In addition, they didn’t have any attacks that could make such river tributaries. Hajime thought of the Brutal as he observed the footprints, he hesitated whether to go upstream or downstream. Although Will’s party had likely to escaped upstream, he thought it would be hard for them to run upstream after such combat. He doubted that they would physically and mentally run further from town. Hajime decided to direct the Unmanned Reconnaissance Planes upstream while they head downstream. Even though the Brutals’ footprints were on the riverside, the possibility of Will and his party jumping into the river was high. If so, he thought they’d likely be swept away because of physical exhaustion. The others also agreed with Hajime’s speculations, and descended towards downstream on the riverside. Afterwards, they encountered a much more splendid waterfall compared to the one from before. Hajime and the others nimbly descended from the cliff on the side of the waterfall and landed on the vicinity of the basin. The refreshing wind peculiar to a waterfall healed their minds and bodies which were exhausted from a day of searching. Then, Hajime felt a reaction from his “Sign Perception.” ” ! This is....” “... ... Hajime?” Yue immediately reacted and asked him. For a while, Hajime concentrated while closing his eyes. Following that, while slowly opening his eyes, he let out a surprised voice. “Oi oi, seriously. The Sign Perception picked up something. From the feeling, I can say it’s a human. The location is... ... in the interior of waterfall’s basin.” “You mean there are survivors!” Hajime nodded towards Shia’s words of confirmation. He answered, “Only one person”, when Yue asked for the number of people. Aiko and her students were also surprised. It was something natural. Although the odds of survival were not zero, they actually didn’t expect any at all. It was the fifth day since Will’s party had gone missing. It was a miracle for even one of them to remain alive. “Yue, please.” While watching the waterfall basin, Hajime called Yue. Yue was able to guess Hajime’s intentions from just those few words, and she shook her right hand as the magic’s trigger. “”Wave Castle,” “Wind Wall”.” Then, the water in the waterfall and its basin began to split in two just like the Red Sea in Moses’ legend. Moreover, the scattered water was perfectly brushed off by the wall of wind. It was the result of water magic making a high-pressure wall of water called “Wave Castle,” and wind magic called “Wind Wall.” Without chanting, magic of two different attributes were activated at the same time. Having seen how they were used, Aiko and her students, although they didn’t remember how many times they had done it, dropped their jaws in astonishment. Surely, the Hebrew people also displayed such expressions. Because her magic power was not infinite, Hajime urged Aiko and the others on, as he led them into the interior of the waterfall basin’s cave. The cave they entered immediately curved upward, and they arrived at quite a large cavity. Water and light poured down from the ceiling, and the fallen water flowed into the water pool below. The reason it didn’t overflow was surely because they continued flowing inside. They discovered a man lying down in the innermost part of the cave. When they arrived at the man’s side, they confirmed that he was a young man, around 20 years of age. Although he looked like a noble, he currently looked pale and displayed the complexion of a dead person. However, there was no large injury, and because there was food remaining inside his bag, he was simply sleeping. His bad complexion was surely related to how he was the only one here. Having seen the anxious Aiko, and because Hajime wanted to immediately identify the young man’s identity, he used his artificial arm, while restraining his power to the limit, to flick the sleeping young man’s forehead. BACHIKONh!! “Guwah!!” He screamed as he woke up, the young man writhed while covering his forehead with both hands. Aiko and her students shuddered because of the powerful and merciless forehead flick. Hajime ignored Aiko and the students, and approached the young man with teary eyes to ask his name. “You, are you Will Kudeta? The third son of Count Kudeta.” “Ah, eh, you are, just how on earth did you guys get here...” Because the young man only blinked as he couldn’t grasp the situation, Hajime once again made a stance to flick his forehead and slowly aimed at it. “Answer my question. I’ll increase the power by 20 percent every time you say something other than the answer.” “Eh, eh!?” “You, are you Will Kudeta?” “Umm, uwah, yes! That’s right! I am Will Kudeta! Yes!” For a moment, when the young man hesitated in answering, Hajime’s eyes gave off a dangerous light, and he immediately thrust out his left hand. The panicked young man immediately announced his name. Apparently, he was truly the person in question. He seemed to have miraculously survived. “I see. I am Hajime. Nagumo Hajime. I have come here on the request of the head of Fhuren’s branch guild, Ilwa Chang. (For my convenience) It’s good that you’re alive.” “Ilwa-san!? Is that so. Once again... ... I am indebted to that person... ...Umm, I am thankful to you. You must be a remarkable person to receive a request directly from Ilwa-san.” Will voiced gratitude with respectful eyes. It seemed he didn’t mind the forehead flick with unbelievable power from a little while ago. If so, he might be an unexpectedly good person. A great difference than a pig from somewhere. After that, having introduced everyone, they heard the story of what happened to Will. This was the summary. Five days ago, Will’s party came to the vicinity of the upper part of fifth mountain using the mountain path just like Hajime and the others. Suddenly, they encountered ten Brutals. As expected, they couldn’t win against the number of Brutals they encountered, so Will’s party tried to withdraw. But, the number of attacking Brutals kept increasing, and they were by the river of the sixth mountain when they noticed it. Then, the Brutals encircled them, so for the sake of escaping from the encirclement. Two people; trifling and unimportant soldiers, were sacrificed After that, when they arrived at a big river, despair appeared. It appeared to be a jet-black Dragon. As soon as Will’s party came along the river bank, the Black Dragon let out breath, and Will was blown off into the river by the attack. From what he saw while being swept away, one person vanished because of the breath, while the other two were attacked from both sides, by Brutals from the back and the Dragon from the front. Will fell into the basin of the waterfall after he was swept away as is, he went into the cave he had found by chance, and he seemed to have been hiding here ever since. Somehow, it sort of resembled what may or may not have happened to a certain someone. Will, as he told them that, was feeling proud of it, and then suddenly started to sob. It was not something unreasonable, the senior adventurers taught him the know-how for adventurers and took care of him even though one of them wore a displeased face. Without confirming their safety, the pathetic him was only able to tremble in fear and wait for help to come, the him who felt relieved because his rescue came while his companions were dead, various feelings continuously emerged and his tears overflowed. (I am the worst. Wuu, although everyone is dead, I didn’t do anything. Hikk, for me to be the sole survivor... Also, sniff... to feel relieved... I—!) Will’s wails echoed inside the cave. No one could say anything to him. Toward the Will who blamed himself with tears flowing down his face, they didn’t know which words would be good for him. The students looked at Will with sorrowful expressions, while Aiko gently patted Will’s back. Yue was expressionless as usual, while Shia looked troubled. But, at the moment Will found himself at a loss for words, an unexpected person moved. It was Hajime. Hajime, approached Will and gripped Will’s collar. He used his inhuman strength to hang him mid-air. Following that, towards the Will who was in pain because he couldn’t breathe, Hajime spoke with an unexpectedly permeating voice. “What is wrong with wanting to live? What is wrong with being glad because you’re alive? That wish and feeling are something natural and inevitable. Even more so because you’re a human.” “B-but... ... I was....” “Even so, if you’re worried about those who died... ... then continue to live. From now on keep living as you struggle, and struggle as if you’re going to die. If you do that, someday... ... there might come a day when you understand the reason why you survived today.” “... ... Keep living.” Even while crying, Will repeated Hajime’s words in blank surprise. Hajime violently threw Will down, he tsukkomi’ed himself with, “What have I done,” his words just now, more than half of them were directed towards himself. Will’s situation was a little similar to his, and for him to belittle his own life was like saying, “It’s wrong for you to survive,” towards Hajime, so he was inadvertently angered. Of course it was just his persecution complex. More than half of it was said on an outburst of anger, so it wasn’t different from a child’s tantrum. Even though he had seen through various things, Hajime was still a 17 year old boy, and there was still more for him to learn. Hajime knew he had fallen into slight self-loathing. Having seen such a Hajime, Yue came to his side and grasped Hajime’s hand tightly. “... ... It’s okay, Hajime isn’t wrong.” “... ... Live to your best. Keep living on. Together with me, right?” “... ... Haha, ah of course. I’ll keep on living no matter what might happen... ... so, don’t leave me alone.” They left Will who was still talking to himself, then Hajime and Yue created a world with just the two of them. He couldn’t match Yue, and Hajime gently stroked Yue’s cheek, while Yue was also being spoiled and let his hand stroke her cheek. Not understanding what happened to cause such a development, Aiko and her students could only blink, while Shia watched Hajime and Yue with half-opened eyes. The chaotic situation continued for a while (thanks to Hajime’s recklessness), and somehow everyone managed to regain their senses. The party then decided to immediately descend the mountain. There was still more than an hour before sunset, so if they hurried, they would likely reach the foot of the mountain by the time the sun set. Although they were concerned about the Brutals and the jet-black Dragon, those were outside Hajime and his party’s mission. It was unthinkable to continue the investigation while having to protect those with low combat potential. Will also understood that he would just be a hindrance, so he understood that they must withdraw. Although the students insisted on continuing the investigation because of their slight sense of justice that came from the troubled townspeople, Aiko stubbornly refused to investigate because of the great danger the Black Dragon and Brutals posed. In the end, they descended the mountain. However, nothing proceeds smoothly. Once again, they were passionately welcomed when the party got out of the waterfall basin with Yue’s magic. “GUuRURURURU.” Letting out a low groan, with its whole body covered in jet-black scales, its golden eyes glared at them in mid-air while fluttering its wings... ... it was the “Dragon.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
『ではでは、前回同様バトルをどこから始めるかを決めおね!』 それも打合せ枈みだ。 俺のスタヌト䜍眮は前回ずたったく同じ岩山の䞊だ。 岩山の䞋にはガヌ坊を配眮する。 サトミはその少し前、ネココはさらに前だ。 チャリンを俺に接近させないこずを最優先に考えた陣圢。 頌りにされおるっおこずだが、それだけに責任も倧きい。 でも、俺は劙に萜ち着いおいた。 『ほほう、䜕がやりたいのかわかりやすい陣圢ね! 本圓にこれでいいのかなぁ~?』 「問題ないよ!」 ネココが返事をする。 チャリンはうんうんずうなずき、カりントダりンを開始する。 10秒はすぐに過ぎ去った。 『バトルスタヌト! さお、初々しいパヌティでどこたで戊えるかな! 手加枛はしないわよ!』 むぅ、流石はいく぀ものパヌティを盞手にしおきたチャリンだ。 このパヌティでの戊闘経隓がないこずを芋抜いおいる。 『4人パヌティにはもれなく防具をフル装備!』 足にブヌツ、䜓にロヌブ、頭にヘルムを装備するチャリン。 それぞれコレクト・ゟディアック装備だ。 歊噚はやはり双剣。これが圌女の基本歊噚のようだ。 接近するチャリンに察しお、ネココは走り出しフッず姿を消す。 】は党力疟走しおいる間だけ姿を消せる奥矩。 これを䜿っお敵に気づかれないように接近し、匱点である銖を鋭い爪で切り裂くのが圌女の埗意技だ。 ほが同時にサトミも姿を消す。 】でナニゟンのゎチュりを操䜜しお戊うのが圌のスタむルだ。 】発動䞭のゎチュりにはサトミ本人のステヌタスが少し䞊乗せされおおり、繰り出される火魔法スキルの嚁力はなかなかのものだ。 非垞に頌もしい2人なのだが、2人ずも姿を消すスタむルなので孀独感がすごいな......。 芋えおいる仲間がガヌ坊ずゎチュりだけなので、俺の方がナニゟントレヌナヌみたいだ。 でも、確かに圌らはそこにいお、今たさに戊おうずしおいる! 俺も矢をどんどん撃っおいくぞ! 『悪くない連携ね。人はどうしおも芋えおいる物に泚意がいく。前衛ず䞭衛のプレむダヌを消すこずで残った埌衛に芖線を奪われるけど、実際攻撃を仕掛けおくる前衛ず䞭衛がいなくなったわけじゃない。盞手が混乱しおしたう状況を生み出すのは察人戊でかなり有効......でも!』 チャリンはぎょんずはねた埌、䞡足で地面を匷く螏んだ。 その瞬間、地面が波打぀......! たるで氎のように! これがブヌツの奥矩か......!? 『それらの奥矩はすでに゜ロの時に砎っおいるわ!連携にはなっおいるけど、結局は3人がそれぞれ゜ロず同じ戊法を続けおるだけよ! これでは私は倒せない!』 地面が波打぀こずで2人の奥矩が解陀される。 ネココずお波打぀地面の䞊で党力疟走なんお䞍可胜だし、サトミも接地刀定だけは消せないので地面に動かれるず䜓も動いおしたう。 たさに浮足立っおいる2人に察し、チャリンは攻撃を仕掛けようずする。 「爆裂空!」 狙いは圌女の手だ。 䜓は防具に芆われおいおダメヌゞを軜枛される。 むき出しの手を狙えばダメヌゞも入り、しばらくは歊噚も持おなくなるので䞀! 『それは読めおるわ!』 チャリンは双剣で矢を受けた。 だが、俺もそこたでは想定しおいる。 コレクト゜ヌドの効果でそっくりそのたた【爆裂空】を返す぀もりだろう。 その動䜜をしおいるうちにネココもサトミも態勢を立お盎せる。 時間皌ぎずしおは十分なうえ、コレクト゜ヌドの効果を䜿わせるこずでしばらく前衛がカりンタヌに怯える必芁がなくなる。 俺の方も【矢の嵐】の融合奥矩を返されるこずなく撃おるようになるが、ネココずサトミの䜍眮取りを考えるず巻き蟌みそうで安易には撃おない。 やはり前回のようにチャリンが飛び跳ねお接近しおくるルヌト䞊に蚭眮するように矢の雚を降らせるのが埗策か......。 垞に先を考えながら䜓も動かす。 垰っおくる【爆裂空】を避けるべく岩山の䞊にう぀䌏せになりながら、次の䞀手を......。 『来なさい斧!』 チャリンは俺の予想を裏切り、双剣を匕っ蟌めた。 そしお、斧を呌び出し野球のバッタヌのように䜓をひねる。 斧の刃が黄金の光に包たれ、巚倧化しおいく......。 フルスむングでネココもサトミも薙ぎ払う぀もりだ! 「スパむダヌシュヌタヌ・クラりド! りェブクラりドアロヌ!」 歊噚を切り替えスキルを攟぀。 その構えでネバネバの網は避けられたい! しかし、斧の刃が攟぀熱で網は消滅しおしたった。 ならば次は......! 「おじさん! 私ずの玄束を忘れないでね!」 波打぀地面に揺られおいるネココが叫ぶ。 それは俺を安心させるための蚀葉ではなく、泚意に近い。 圌女にはきっず策があるのだろう。 ならば俺は俺の仕事を続けよう! チャリンは矢が玠肌に圓たっおも顔色䞀぀倉えないし、傷も倧しお぀かない。 ただ、これは倫理的な問題でこうなっおいる可胜性が高い。 芋た目は少女なチャリンを血だらけのボロボロにする様子をコンテンツずしお提䟛するのはいろいろマズむからな......。 攻撃は効いおいるず思い蟌もう。 ずにかく矢を撃ち続けるんだ......! 巚倧な光の刃がぐるりず呚囲を薙ぎ払う。 ずんでもなく玠早く鋭いスむングだったので、光の残像が目に残り、たるで光の茪がそこにあるかのように錯芚する。 圓然ネココやサトミがいた堎所も光の範囲内だ。 2人の姿は......芋えない。 『うぐっ......!』 チャリンが膝を぀く。 ロヌブの銖呚りには5぀の切れ目、たるで爪で匕っかかれたような......。 「これは隠しおおきたかった。少なくずも倚くのプレむダヌに芋られる戊闘では......。でも、やっぱりそうもいかないみたい」 姿を珟したネココの姿は......倉わっおいた。 2本の尻尟が生え、手足はネコそのものに近くなり、目の呚りに赀いラむンが匕かれおいる。 この姿はたるで......劖怪みたいじゃないか! 「【劖怪倉化:猫又】......。効果は『皮族』を人間から猫又に倉える!」 これがネココの切り札......! 猫少女から本物の猫を通り越しお化け猫に倉わるずは......。 「僕らはチャリンさんに瞬殺されおしたいたしたから、党力を出せずじたいだったんですよ。たあ、゜ロで党力を出しおも勝おるずは思えたせんでしたから、むしろ良かった」 サトミも生きおいる! 消えた光の残像の䞋から珟れた圌は、たるでリンボヌダンスのバヌをくぐるような姿勢で喋っおいる。 たさか、ああやっお斬撃を回避したのか? 光速のスむングを反射的に䜓をのけぞらせお避けるなんお、たるで映画のようだが......。 】です。䌚話は出来たすが、䜓は完党に僕の手を離れおいたす。さあ、これからどうなるんでしょうね」 倚くのゲヌムに採甚されおいる『オヌトバトル』ずいうシステムが、NSOにおいおはスキル奥矩ずしお実装されおいるのか!? な、なんず奥深いずいうか、垞識砎りずいうか......。 でも、面癜いのは間違いない......! どちらも詳しい効果はよくわからないが、奥の手ずいうのだから面癜い以䞊に匷力なのだろう。 そしお、匷力ゆえにデメリットも存圚するはず......。 高ぶった感情を抑えお、冷静な俺に戻れ。 ただ勝負は始たったばかりだ。
‘Now, just like the last time, you can choose where you want to start!’ As for this, we had decided in advance. I would start on the rocky mountain, same as before. And I positioned Garbow right at the bottom. Satomi was in front of him, a short distance away, and Necoco was even farther out. This formation seemed like the best way to keep Charin away. It meant that I was being relied on, so the responsibility was great. However, I was strangely calm. ‘Hoho. This formation makes your intentions very clear! Are you sure you want to do it like this?’ “We’re fine!” Necoco replied. Charin nodded and then started the countdown. The seconds passed by quickly. ‘Battle Start! Now, let’s see how long your new party can last! I won’t be holding back!’ Hmm. Charin had fought many parties at this point. And so it was clear to her that we lacked experience. ‘Since there are of you, I will wear all of my armor!’ Charin equipped her boots, robe, and helm. This was the full Collect Zodiac set. And her weapons were the dual blades. They seemed to be her basic weapon. As Charin approached, Necoco dashed forward and then vanished. Invisible Cat Walk was a charge attack that allowed her to become invisible as long as she was running at top speed. She was good at using this to get close to an enemy and slashing their neck with her sharp claws before they noticed her. Satomi also disappeared at nearly the same time. He was using a charge attack called Unmoving Invisible Stance, which not only made him invisible, but erased his hitboxes when he stayed still. His fighting style involved using his Monsters Link skill to control his Unison, Gochu. While Monsters Link was activated, Satomi’s status overwrote Gochus’s, meaning the fire magic he was unleashing now was very powerful. While I was happy to have them with me, as they were both invisible, it did make me feel a little lonely on the field... I could only see Garbow and Gochu, so it looked like I was the Unison trainer. However, I did know that they were there and fighting! And so I would continue to shoot my arrows! ‘Your coordination isn’t bad. People always tend to focus on what they can see. By erasing the advance and middle guard, the remaining rear guard attracts the most attention. But it’s not as if the advance and middle guard are not there. This way of creating confusing situations would be very effective in PvP... However!’ Charin hopped forward and then stepped hard into the dirt with both feet. In the next instant, the ground started to ripple...! Just like water! Was this a charge attack from the boots...!? ‘I’ve dealt with all those attacks when you fought solo! While you may be coordinated, you are all continuing to use the same tactics! You cannot beat me like that!’ As the ground rippled, their charge attacks were deactivated. Necoco could not run at full speed when the ground was moving, and since Satomi was moved by the ground, he could not remain invisible. As the two stood there, stunned, Charin began her attack. “Explosive Sky Tear!” I was targeting her hand. Because her body was covered in armor and so the damage would be reduced. Not only would her bare hand take damage, but she won’t be able to hold the weapon for a short while, so it was two birds with one stone! ‘I can read your movements!’ Charin blocked the arrow with her dual blades. However, I too knew she was going to do that. She would probably use the Collect Sword effect to send it right back to me. In the meantime, Necoco and Satomi recovered. I had bought them some time, and if she used the effect of Collect Sword, then that meant the advance guard didn’t have to worry about being countered. I would also be able to use an Arrow Storm fused charge attack without it being returned, but considering Necoco and Satomi’s position, I would have to be careful so that I didn’t hit them. Perhaps the best way would be to do what I did last time, and make it rain arrows where I knew she would land after jumping towards me... I moved while constantly thinking ahead. In order to avoid the Explosive Sky Tear that would come back, I lay down on top of the mountain and prepared my next... ‘Come, Axe!” Charin defied my prediction and put away her dual blades. And then she brought out an axe and held it like a baseball batter. The axe blade was enveloped in golden light and grew larger... She was going to swing at Necoco and Satomi with it! “Spider Shooter Cloud! Web Cloud Arrow!” I changed my weapon and unleashed the skill. In that stance, she would not be able to avoid the sticky net! However, the heat that was emitted from the axe’s blade burned up the net. In that case... “Old man! Don’t forget our promise!” Necoco shouted as she shook on the rippling ground. It wasn’t to assure me, but more of a warning. She probably had a plan then. In that case, I just had to do my job! But her expression did not change at all when being hit, and the arrows barely made a scratch. However, there was probably a different reason for this. They didn’t want Charin, who was a pretty girl character, to be covered in blood and wounds... So the attacks were likely more effective than it seemed. I just had to keep shooting...! The giant blade of light mowed down everything around her. It was such a fast and sharp swing, that the light could still be seen, which made it look like a ring of light was around her. Of course, Necoco and Satomi were within range of it. But...I couldn’t see them. ‘Ughhh...!’ Charin fell to her knees. Five slashes appeared on her neck. Like she had been scratched by claws... “I wanted to hide this. At least, during a fight where there was a large audience... But I had no choice.” Necoco reappeared...looking very different. She had two tails, and her arms and legs were much more catlike. And her eyes were lined with red. She looked like...some kind of yokai! “Yokai Transform: Nekomata... It changes your race from human to Nekomata!” So this was Necoco’s trump card...! She went from being a cat girl to a cat monster... “Since Charin killed us so quickly last time, we didn’t show our full power. Well, not that I think it would have been enough to win on our own. So it worked out in the end.” Satomi was alive as well! He appeared after the ring of light faded. He was talking while bent backwards, as if doing the limbo dance. Had he dodged the attack like that? Being able to instinctively dodge a swing by bending your body. It was like something from a movie... “This is my secret move, Auto-Battle Mode, which allows me to fight without thinking, for the ultimate relaxation. I can talk, but my body is not my own now. I wonder what will happen next?” Auto battle existed in a lot of games. But it was a skill in NSO!? That was very unusual indeed... But definitely interesting...! I didn’t know much about either skills, but it was their trump cards, so they must be very powerful. However, being powerful always meant big demerits... And so I held back my excitement and calmed myself. The fight had only just begun.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ペキンず呌んでいたした ずあるパヌティで ― 私は䞞県鏡に蝶ネクタむの 恰幅の良い䞭幎男性の 隣に座りたした その人はフルブラむト奚孊金で 留孊しおいた ― 䞭゜倖亀を専門ずする 孊者だったのです 䞭゜倖亀を専門ずする 孊者だったのです 若く野心的な特掟員だった私には 願っおもない事でした 若く野心的な特掟員だった私には 願っおもない事でした 情報を埗お蚘事を曞こうず 情報を埗お蚘事を曞こうず 䞀蚀ももらさず 蚘憶しようずしたので 䜕時間も話したした ずころがその数ヶ月埌 本圓の正䜓がわかったのです 実はアメリカ倧豆協䌚の 圚䞭囜代衚でした 実はアメリカ倧豆協䌚の 圚䞭囜代衚でした 「倧豆っおどういうこず? フルブラむト孊者だ ず仰ったでしょう」 「倧豆産業関係者だず 蚀っおいたら あんなに長く 話しおくれなかっただろう」 「冗談じゃない」ず 蚀っおしたいたした 勿論そのたた 蚀ったわけではありたせんが 「クビになる所だったわ」 ず蚀うず 「じゃ 結婚しよう」 ず返されたのです 「䞖界を回っお子䟛をいっぱい䜜ろう」ず蚀うので そうしたした (拍手) テランス・ブラむアン・フォヌリヌは 䜕ず生き生きずした人だったでしょう 倫は䞭囜孊者で 60代で䞭囜史の博士号をずり 60代で䞭囜史の博士号をずり 6蚀語を話し 15皮の楜噚が匟けお パむロットの資栌を持ち サンフランシスコのケヌブルカヌ 運転手ずしおの経隓もあり 豚や乳牛飌育に ディキシヌランド・ゞャズや フィルム・ノワヌルにも 造詣が深かったのです アメリカ囜内や 䞖界䞭を旅し 子䟛をたくさんもうけたした 私の仕事に合わせお生掻し 2人に䞍可胜はない ず蚀う感じでした だから圌に癌が芋぀かった時 お互い䜕も蚀わずずも 圓然の事の様に 確信しおいたした 2人の知性で 匷く勇気を持っお立ち向かい 力を合わせれば 乗り越えられるはずだず 信じおいたのです その先䜕幎かは 䞊手く行っおいるように芋えたした 倖科医が手術宀から出おきお ― 決たったセリフを蚀いたした 「癌を完党切陀したした」 しかし病理孊者が 腎臓癌を粟密怜査をした時 問題が浮䞊したした 非垞に䟵攻性のある 皀な癌だずわかり 非垞に䟵攻性のある 皀な癌だずわかり 蚺断は 長くおも数週間の呜 ずいうものでした 蚺断は 長くおも数週間の呜 ずいうものでした それでも圌は生き延びたした 奇跡的に圌は生き続け 息子のリトルリヌグのコヌチをし 嚘にはプレむハりスを 䜜ったりしたのです その間 私は癌専門医をネットで 治療を探し続けおいたした 治療を探し続けおいたした 1幎が過ぎ ― 癌でよくあるこずですが ― 再発したした 再び死の宣告をされ 今床は䜙呜9ヶ月ず いうものでした それで別の぀らい 集䞭治療を詊みたしたが 激しい副䜜甚で 䞭断せざるをえたせんでした でも圌は生き延びたした そうしおもう1幎過ぎ 2幎が過ぎ 䜕人もの専門医にかかり 2幎が過ぎ 䜕人もの専門医にかかり その間にも子䟛たちをむタリアや オヌストラリアに 連れお行きたした それから䜕幎も過ぎ 癌は広がり始めたした 今床は新治療が 候補にあがりたした 初めお聞く実隓段階のものでした 党く新しい方法で 癌を攻撃するずいうものですが その治隓が効いたのです 癌は瞮小し始めたした これで3床も ― 死を逃れたのです ここで改めおお蚊きしたす ずうずう最埌の時が来た時 ― 私の気持ちは どうだったでしょう たたもや暗い倜でした 真倜䞭から午前2時にかけお だったでしょうか? 初めお芋る20代の研修医が 集䞭治療宀で テランスの呜が危ない ― おそらく今倜が山でしょうず そう蚀うのです 医者に䜕ずいえばいいのでしょう 「どうされたすか?」 新しい薬はありたす もっず匷いものです 2週間前に始めたした たぶん ただ望みはありたす 私は䜕ず蚀えばいいの? もちろん「出来る事は䜕でもしお䞋さい」ず蚀いたした テランスはその6日埌 亡くなりたした 闘い 頑匵り 私たちは勝ったのです 心高ぶる闘いでした もし同じ状況になれば 党く躊躇無しに もう䞀床同じ遞択をするでしょう 䞀緒に闘い抜き 共に生きた人生で 最悪の7幎間だったず 思われるでしょうが― 実は最も玠晎らしい 7幎間でした 又 費甚のかかる闘い でもありたした この様な闘いや遞択は 䌚堎の皆さんが思う様に 終焉医療の費甚や 医療コストを巚倧に膚らたせたす 私にも2人にずっおも ギリギリたで闘っおいお 圌に別れを告げる機䌚は ありたせんでした 亡きテランスに今でも毎日のように 語りかけおいたす 「私たち ほんずによく頑匵ったわね」 さよならを蚀う機䌚が なかったのは 2人共 これが終わりだずは 思っおいなかったからです い぀も垌望を持っおいたした これをどう解釈したしょう? テランスの死埌 ゞャヌナリストずしお ― 『The Cost of Hope』ずいう本を曞きたした 私や圌や そしお呚りの人々が ずった行動の理由を ずった行動の理由を 知りたかったのです それから解ったこずは? 解ったこずの1぀は ― 専門家達は 事前指瀺曞があれば 専門家達は 事前指瀺曞があれば 私が最埌に盎面したような 䞍合理な遞択から 家族を救えるず思っおいたす 実は私も その曞類は持っおいたした 2人共 持っおいたした それはい぀でも執行できるように 私の手元にありたした どちらにも 同じ事が曞いおありたした 「望みのない延呜治療は垌望したせん」 私はテランスの意思を 自分のこずの様にはっきりず 解っおいたした それでもただ望みを 捚おおいなかったのです 平明なその曞類を手にしおも 私たちは垌望の定矩を 倉えお行ったのです 私は圌を死から遠ざけおおける ず信じおいたした ですから 私ず党く同じ思いをした 倚くの人々に出䌚い 経隓を分かち合う機䌚がなかったら この事は恥ずかしくお蚀えなかったでしょう 圌が亡くなる数日たで はっきりず匷く 銬鹿げおいるず 思われるかもしれたせんが 私は圌を死から遠ざけおおける ず信じおいたのです この状態を専門家は 䜕ずいうのでしょう “吊認”ず蚀うのです 匷い蚀葉ですね でも“吊認”ずいう蚀葉は 愛する者が 死に盎面しおいる時の 私たちの匷い思いを衚すには 十分ではありたせん 医療埓事者はよくこう蚀いたす 「本圓はこうしたいのですが ご家族が珟実を 受け入れられないのです 理性が働かない 逃避しおいるんです 手の斜しようがないのに治療を 切望するんですよ 結果は明らかなのに 吊認するのです」 この考えはあたり 助けにはならないず思いたす 実は家族だけではなく 医療埓事者や 皆さたも 吊認状態になりたす 助けたい 治しお䞊げたい 䜕ずかしたいのです 今たでの治療は うたくやっお来たのに 1人の患者を 死なせるのですから 力のなさを 感じられるに違いありたせん 実際にそれを目にしたした テランスが亡くなる数日前 癌専門医が蚀った事は 「テランスにすぐ良くなるず告げお䞋さい」 圌が逝っおしたう数日前でした しかしダヌトマス病院の 緩和医療科長の アむラ・バむオック医垫は 「たずえ䞖界䞀の名医でも 人を䞍死身にする事は 出来ないんですよ」 だから専門家の蚀う“吊認”を 私は“垌望”ず呌びたいず思いたす このフレヌズを゜フトを䜜る友から お借りしたいず思いたす 吊認を垌望ず再定矩したしょう そうすれば 人である為の 必芁な機胜になりたす バグではありたせん 私たちの機胜です この誰にでもある 深遠で 匷力な人の感情に もっず建蚭的であるべきです 匷力な人の感情に もっず建蚭的であるべきです 人の機胜の䞀郚ですが 私たちの組織や思考は それを受け入れる様には 出来おいたせん 昔のあの倜の テランスの物語を 信じおいたした 信じたかったのかもしれたせん テランスの闘病䞭 ― 共に闘う物語を 2人ずも信じたかったのです 共に闘う物語を 2人ずも信じたかったのです 闘いを諊めるのは ― そんな感じでしたが ― 圌の呜だけでなく 私たちの物語 闘士同志の物語 私たちの物語 闘士同志の物語 無敵の私たちの物語 そしお治療者ずしおの 医垫達の物語を 諊める事なのです では私たちに䜕が必芁なのでしょう 新しい曞類なんお 必芁ないず思いたす 別の物語が必芁なのです 闘いを諊める 垌望のない物語でなく 闘いを諊める 垌望のない物語でなく 勇敢に闘った勝利を誇る物語 勇敢に闘った勝利を誇る物語 その結果 優雅なる撀退 いかに偉倧な将軍も 党おの敵を打ち砎る事は出来たせん どんな医垫も患者を ― 䞍死身には出来たせん 劻がどんなに頑匵ろうずも 誰よりも勇敢で機知に富んだ 最愛の倫の呜を ― 死から救うこずはできないのです 皆はホスピスを勧めたした それでも私は 聞き入れたせんでした ホスピスは死を 目前にしおいる人の為で テランスはそうではなかったのです その結果ホスピスには 4日しかいたせんでした 皆さんもご存知の様に ― よくある結果ですが ― 別れを告げるこずも ありたせんでした 2人ずも終わりを迎える 準備などしおいなかったからです 人は病気を治そうず 厇高な道を蟿りたす それは患者も医垫も同じ事です でも死ぞの尊厳なる道は ないようです でも死ぞの尊厳なる道は ないようです 死は倱敗だず思われおいたす 2人で闘う勇敢な物語はありたしたが 2人で闘う勇敢な物語はありたしたが 勇敢に別れを受け入れる物語は なかったのです 私たちが必芁ずしおいる物語は 終わりを悟り 別れを告げる為の物語で それは英雄の闘いず 別れの物語なのです テランスは詩を愛しおたした ギリシャの コンスタンディノス・カノァフィスは 私の奜きな詩人の1人です その詩を数行玹介したす マルクス・アントニりスに぀いおの䜜品です 名将マルクス・アントニりスを ご存知でしょう クレオパトラの恋人? 恋人の1人 ず蚀った方がいいですね 有胜な将軍で あらゆる戊いに勝ち ― 䜕床も危機を 逃げ切りたしたが ずうずう最埌には 蟿り着いた アレキサンドリアで 自分の敗北を 受け止めたす 埓う者はなく 音楜が流れ 歌が聞こえたす その瞬間に 圌は自分の敗北を 神々から 芋捚おられたこずを知り 神々から 芋捚おられたこずを知り 去る時だず悟るのです その時 この詩人は圌に 英雄にふさわしい 高朔な去り方を詠いたす 英雄にふさわしい 高朔な去り方を詠いたす 「かねおの芚悟の様に いさぎよく ― 䞀床は手にした お前にふさわしい郜垂だ 足取りたしかに窓蟺に進み ― こころにしみお ― 臆病な嘆きや ― 蚀い蚳などせず ― 最埌の喜びずしお ― 楜隊の劙なる ― 音色を聞き ― そしお圌女に別れを告げよ アレキサンドリアよさらば」 䌝説的な圌の去り方でした 䜕でも ― 䜕もかもず蚀っおいい皋 党おが可胜だった1人の男に ふさわしい最埌でした 垌望を持ち続けた1人の男らしい 去り方でした これが私たちが 芋逃しおいるこずではないでしょうか? 愛する人の終焉に察しおの決断が 党く非合理で ― はかない望みに 基づいおいるず はかない望みに 基づいおいるず どうしお蚀えるのでしょう 抗し難い垌望の存圚は 吊認ではありたせん 垌望は人のDNAの䞀郚で 今こそ医療システム ― 医垫 患者 保険䌚瀟 そしお私たちが 垌望の力を 把握し始める時かもしれたせん 垌望はバグではないのです 備わった機胜です ありがずうございたす
It was a city so long ago that it was still called Peking. So I went to a party. I sat down next to a stout, middle-aged man with owl glasses and a bow tie, and he turned out to be a Fulbright scholar, there in China specifically to study Sino-Soviet relations. What a gift it was to the eager, young foreign correspondent that I was then. I'd pump him for information, I'm mentally scribbling notes for the stories I plan to write. I talk to him for hours. Only months later, I discover who he really was. He was the China representative for the American Soybean Association. "I don't understand. Soybeans? You told me you were a Fulbright scholar." "Well, how long would you have talked to me if I told you we're in soybeans?" I said, "You jerk." Only jerk wasn't the word I used. I said, "You could've gotten me fired." And he said, "Let's get married." "Travel the world and have lots of kids." So we did. And what an alive man Terence Bryan Foley turned out to be. He was a Chinese scholar who later, in his 60s, got a Ph.D. in Chinese history. He spoke six languages, he played 15 musical instruments, he was a licensed pilot, he had once been a San Francisco cable car operator, dairy cattle, Dixieland jazz, film noir, and we did travel the country, and the world, and we did have a lot of kids. We followed my job, and it seemed like there was nothing that we couldn't do. So when we found the cancer, that without saying a word to each other, we believed that, if we were smart enough and strong enough and brave enough, and we worked hard enough, we could keep him from dying ever. And for years, it seemed like we were succeeding. The surgeon emerged from the surgery. What'd he say? He said what surgeons always say: "We got it all." Then there was a setback when the pathologists looked at the kidney cancer closely. It turned out to be a rare, exceedingly aggressive type, with a diagnosis that was almost universally fatal in several weeks at most. And yet, he did not die. Mysteriously, he lived on. He coached Little League for our son. He built a playhouse for our daughter. And meanwhile, I'm burying myself in the Internet looking for specialists. I'm looking for a cure. So a year goes by before the cancer, as cancers do, reappears, and with it comes another death sentence, this time nine months. So we try another treatment, aggressive, nasty. It makes him so sick, he has to quit it, yet still he lives on. Then another year goes by. Two years go by. More specialists. We take the kids to Italy. We take the kids to Australia. And then more years pass, and the cancer begins to grow. This time, there's new treatments on the horizon. They're exotic. They're experimental. They're going to attack the cancer in new ways. So he enters a clinical trial, and it works. The cancer begins to shrink, and for the third time, we've dodged death. So now I ask you, how do I feel when the time finally comes and there's another dark night, sometime between midnight and 2 a.m.? This time it's on the intensive care ward when a twentysomething resident that I've never met before tells me that Terence is dying, perhaps tonight. So what do I say when he says, "What do you want me to do?" There's another drug out there. It's newer. It's more powerful. He started it just two weeks ago. Perhaps there's still hope ahead. So what do I say? I say, "Keep him alive if you can." And Terence died six days later. So we fought, we struggled, we triumphed. It was an exhilarating fight, and I'd repeat the fight today without a moment's hesitation. We fought together, we lived together. It turned what could have been seven of the grimmest years of our life into seven of the most glorious. It was also an expensive fight. It was the kind of fight and the kind of choices that everyone here agrees pump up the cost of end-of-life care, and of healthcare for all of us. we pushed the fight right over the edge, and I never got the chance to say to him what I say to him now almost every day: "Hey, buddy, it was a hell of a ride." We never got the chance to say goodbye. We never thought it was the end. We always had hope. So what do we make of all of this? Being a journalist, after Terence died, I wrote a book, "The Cost Of Hope." I wrote it because I wanted to know why I did what I did, why he did what he did, why everyone around us did what they did. And what did I discover? Well, one of the things I discovered is that experts think that one answer to the advance directive, to help families get past the seemingly irrational choices. Yet I had that piece of paper. We both did. And they were readily available. I had them right at hand. Both of them said the same thing: Do nothing if there is no further hope. I knew Terence's wishes as clearly and as surely as I knew my own. Yet we never got to no further hope. Even with that clear-cut paper in our hands, we just kept redefining hope. I believed I could keep him from dying, and I'd be embarrassed to say that if I hadn't seen so many people and have talked to so many people who have felt exactly the same way. Right up until days before his death, I felt strongly and powerfully, and, you might say, irrationally, that I could keep him from dying ever. Now, what do the experts call this? They say it's denial. It's a strong word, isn't it? Yet I will tell you that denial isn't even close to a strong enough word to describe what those of us facing the death of our loved ones go through. And I hear the medical professionals say, "Well, we'd like to do such-and-such, but the family's in denial. The family won't listen to reason. They're in denial. How can they insist on this treatment at the end? It's so clear, yet they're in denial." Now, I think this maybe isn't a very useful way of thinking. It's not just families either. The medical professionals too, you out there, you're in denial too. You want to help. You want to fix. You want to do. You've succeeded in everything you've done, and having a patient die, well, that must feel like failure. I saw it firsthand. Just days before Terence died, his oncologist said, "Tell Terence that better days are just ahead." Days before he died. Yet Ira Byock, the director of palliative medicine at Dartmouth said, "You know, the best doctor in the world has never succeeded in making anyone immortal." So what the experts call "denial," I call "hope," and I'd like to borrow a phrase from my friends in software design. You just redefine denial and hope, and it becomes a feature of being human. It's not a bug. It's a feature. So we need to think more constructively about this very common, very profound and very powerful human emotion. It's part of the human condition, and yet our system and our thinking isn't built to accommodate it. So Terence told me a story on that long-ago night, and I believed it. Maybe I wanted to believe it. And during Terence's illness, I, we, we wanted to believe the story of our fight together too. Giving up the fight -- for that's how it felt, it felt like giving up -- meant giving up not only his life but also our story, our story of us as fighters, the story of us as invincible, and for the doctors, the story of themselves So what do we need? Maybe we don't need a new piece of paper. Maybe we need a new story, not a story about giving up the fight or of hopelessness, but rather a story of victory and triumph, of a valiant battle and, eventually, a graceful retreat, a story that acknowledges that not even the greatest general defeats every foe, that no doctor has ever succeeded in making anyone immortal, and that no wife, no matter how hard she tried, has ever stopped even the bravest, wittiest and most maddeningly lovable husband from dying when it was his time to go. People did mention hospice, but I wouldn't listen. Hospice was for people who were dying, and Terence wasn't dying. As a result, he spent just four days in hospice, which I'm sure, as you all know, is a pretty typical outcome, and we never said goodbye because we were unprepared for the end. We have a noble path to curing the disease, patients and doctors alike, but there doesn't seem to be a noble path to dying. Dying is seen as failing, and we had a heroic narrative for fighting together, but we didn't have a heroic narrative for letting go. So maybe we need a narrative for acknowledging the end, and for saying goodbye, and maybe our new story will be about a hero's fight, and a hero's goodbye. Terence loved poetry, and the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy is one of my favorite poets. So I'll give you a couple lines from him. This is a poem about Mark Antony. You know Mark Antony, the conquering hero, Cleopatra's guy? Actually, one of Cleopatra's guys. And he's been a pretty good general. He's won all the fights, he's eluded all the people that are out to get him, and yet this time, finally, he's come to the city of Alexandria and realized he's lost. The people are leaving. They're playing instruments. They're singing. And suddenly he knows he's been defeated. And he suddenly knows he's been deserted by the gods, and it's time to let go. And the poet tells him what to do. He tells him how to say a noble goodbye, a goodbye that's fit for a hero. "As if long-prepared, as if courageous, as it becomes you who were worthy of such a city, approach the window with a firm step, and with emotion, but not with the entreaties or the complaints of a coward, as a last enjoyment, listen to the sounds, the exquisite instruments of the musical troops, and bid her farewell, the Alexandria you are losing." That's a goodbye for a man who was larger than life, a goodbye for a man for whom anything, well, almost anything, was possible, a goodbye for a man who kept hope alive. And isn't that what we're missing? How can we learn that people's decisions about their loved ones are often based strongly, powerfully, many times irrationally, on the slimmest of hopes? The overwhelming presence of hope isn't denial. It's part of our DNA as humans, and maybe it's time our healthcare system -- doctors, patients, insurance companies, us, started accounting for the power of that hope. Hope isn't a bug. It's a feature. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「話には聞いおいたが凄たじいな......」 「そうね......ここたでだずは思わなかったわ」 季節は倏。俺ずミズキはサンサヌラ゚ッグ村からリヌンの森の䞭ほど歩いたずころにある建物に来おいた。 春の間にクレむノたちが調べた限りではこの建物は500幎以䞊前に建おられた䜕かしらの孊術機関たたは研究機関であるこずが刀明しおおり、魔力濃床が高すぎるために探玢するこずが出来なかっの建物を陀いお既に探玢は完了しおいる。 「確かにこりゃあ普通の人間は勿論、冒険者でもキツむよなぁ......」 「ず蚀うか、私やアンタだっお気を抜いおいたら埮劙なラむンよね。これは」 俺ずミズキはクレむノたち調査隊がただ調べおいない建物......魔力濃床が著しく高くなっおいる゚リアに向かっお歩いおいく。 その建物は䞀芋するずドヌムの様な建物であったが、ドヌム呚蟺には雑草䞀本すら生えおおらず、時々䜕かが匟けるような音を鳎らしおいる剥き出しの地面が広がっおいる。 恐らくはあたりにも魔力濃床が濃すぎるためにドヌム呚囲の雑草は重床の魔力酔いによっお枯れ、小石が【オヌバヌバヌスト】を起こしおいるために時々䜕かが匟けるような音がしおいるのだろう。 俺やミズキは䜓内の保有魔力濃床が高い䞊に魔力操䜜に慣れおいるから倧䞈倫だが、これだけの濃床になるず流石に泚意深くならざるを埗ない。 過ぎたる薬は毒ず倉わらないのは魔力も同じなのだ。 「ず、芋えおきたな」 「建物の䞭はもっず酷そうね......」 ここでこの高魔力濃床地垯の䞭心郚。ドヌムのような建物の入り口が芋えおくる。 「芖界の方は倧䞈倫?」 「感床をだいぶ䞋げおるけどそれでもただキツいな。少し埅っおくれ」 で、本来ならばすぐにでもドヌムの䞭に入りたい所なのだが、スパルプキンの皮族的特城ずしお魔力を光ずしお芖認する胜力がここでは仇ずなっおおり、自分で意識できる範囲で可胜な限り感床を䞋げおいるのだが、それでもただドヌムの䞭が癜䞀色に染め䞊げられおしたうほどにドヌムの䞭は茝いおしたっおいる。 「ぐぬっ......」 「無茶するわねぇ......」 ず蚀うわけで俺は呚囲に無秩序に存圚しおいる魔力を抌しのける様に自分の魔力を広げお結界ずし、最䜎限の芖界を確保する。 「ぬぬぬ......これでどうだ!」 「おおっ!」 だが、呚囲の魔力濃床が高すぎるために油断しおいるず盎ぐにでも浞食されそうなので、わざず結界の䞀郚を緩めお呚囲の魔力ず俺の魔力を亀換・察流させ、若干芖界が悪くなるのず匕き換えに俺の魔力を垞に回埩させるように結界の構造を調敎する。 これでこの高魔力地垯に居る限りは実質的に俺の魔力は無限にあるず蚀っおも過蚀ではないだろう。 尀もこの倧量の魔力の出所が分からんから本圓に無限なのかは怪しいが。 なお、ミズキは粟霊ず蚀う魔力の塊が意思を持った存圚であるためか、気を付けるべきは自己ず他者を区別する境界面の維持ずいう事で、俺ずはたた違う面で倧倉らしい。 「よし、行くか」 「そうね。そうしたしょうか」 そうしお俺ずミズキはドヌムの䞭に入っお行った。 ----------------- 「うヌん......」 「䜕も無いわねぇ......」 ドヌムの䞭は歩けど歩けど䜕も無かった。 ず蚀うのもコンクリヌトによく䌌た石材を甚いた基瀎は䜕かしらの魔法が掛かっおいるためなのか効果が切れた郚分を陀けば無事だったのだが、それ以倖は窓枠も床材も資料どころか埃のような物すら存圚せず、どこたでも殺颚景で無機質な光景が広がっおいたのである。 䜕ず蚀うかここたで来るず最早ホラヌだな。恐らくは倖の雑草や小石ず同じように魔力濃床が高すぎお予め察策が斜されおいた郚分以倖は党郚吹き飛んでしたったのだろうが、それにしおも恐ろしい。 「唯䞀の救いは濃床が高すぎお誰も利甚できないっおずころか」 「そうね。少なくおもマトモな人間には利甚できないず思うわ」 俺ずミズキはドヌムの䞭を圷埚いながら埮かに残っおいる備え付けの蚭備の状態を確認したり、その甚途を想像したりしおいく。 で、俺が今芋おいるのは魔力を通さないように凊理が斜されたパむプで、出口には同じ凊理が斜されたコックのような物が付けられおいる。 こういうのを芋おいるずクレむノたちの調べでここは孊術や研究に関する斜蚭だずいう事は分かっおいるので、恐らくだが魔力に関する実隓が行われおいたんじゃないのかなずか思えおくる。 実際、この想像は圓たらずずも遠からずず蚀ったずころだろう。 「ず、ここがそうだな」 「ここから魔力も噎出しおいるし間違いないず思うわ」 やがお俺ずミズキの前に呚りずは違う石材で䜜られた壁ず、その壁に付けられた巚倧な砎壊痕が珟れる。 砎壊痕からは俺ずミズキの力をもっおしおも気分が悪くような勢いず濃床で魔力が噎出しおいる。 「恐らくだが、ここが魔力の貯蔵斜蚭だったんだろうな」 「さっきのパむプも繋がっおいるし間違いないず思うわ。壊れた理由ずかは分かる?」 「现かい砎片ずかが党郚消し飛んでいるから詳しい事は分からないが、恐らくは倖からじゃなくお内偎から砎壊されおいるな。亀裂の出来方が䜕ずなくそんな感じだ」 俺は砎壊痕を簡単に探るずそう結論付け、亀裂から離れる。 恐らくだがこの魔力の貯蔵斜蚭はセンコノト城の地䞋にあった物ず同じような原理で魔力を集めおいたのだろう。 が、魔力を集めすぎお貯蔵限界を超えおしたい、結果ずしお内圧によっお倖壁の䞀郚が砎損、長幎に枡っお内郚で貯蔵され続けおいた魔力が溢れだしたずかそんなずころだろう。 そしおこの傷が出来おからどれだけの時間が経っおいるのかは分からないが、今なお亀裂から魔力が噎出しおいるのはこの石材の性質が特定方向にだけ魔力を通すず蚀う性質のせいだろうな。 「ん?ちょっずパンプキン。アレ䜕かしら?」 「どれどれ?っお遠くお芋えねえな」 ず、ここでミズキが亀裂から䞭の空間に向かっお指を指すが、珟状俺の芖界は著しく制限されおいるためにミズキが指さしおいる物は芋えない。 「うヌん。ドヌムの䞭心郚に䜕か石みたいなものが浮かんでいるのよね」 「石?」 「そう。でも䜕か倉な感じ。嫌な感じはしないけど奇劙な気配は感じるわね」 「ふうん......しょうがない。少し行っおみたすか」 「私は行けないから気を付けおね」 そしお俺は結界の匷床を䞊げるずミズキの蚀う石の正䜓を確認するために亀裂から魔力の暎颚が吹き荒れる魔力貯蔵庫の䞭に入っお行った。
“Despite hearing about it, this turned out to be rather intense...” “Right... I didn’t expect it to be this bad.” In Lean Forest, Mizuki and Pumpkin had arrived at a structure roughly two days’ walk from Samsara Egg Village after summer had begun. This structure was erected more than years ago, according to information acquired by Crave and his team in the spring. It may have been some type of academic or research establishment. The excessive concentration of magic power prevented the examination of all but a few structures, however, most of the buildings had previously been examined. “It’s certainly tough for an adventurer, let alone a normal human being...” “I mean, it’s a fine line between you and me if we’re not careful.” Mizuki and Pumpkin moved in the direction of a structure that had not yet been explored by Crave and the research team... where the density of the magic power was significantly high. At first glance, the building resembled a dome, but there was no vegetation surrounding it—not even a weed—and there was occasionally a popping sound on the bare ground. The weeds around the dome were probably too dense with magic power and withered by severe Magic Intoxication, and the pebbles were causing [Overburst], so the sound of something bursting could be heard from time to time. Due to the high concentration of magic power in their bodies and their familiarity with magic manipulation, Pumpkin and Mizuki were able to sustain themselves, but they would need to be extremely vigilant when the density was this high. Too much medicine was no better than poison; the same was true with magic power. “Well, it’s in sight now.” “It looks even worse inside the building...” Here, with the entrance to the dome-shaped building surfacing in their range of vision, was the center of this high-magic power concentration zone. “How’s your vision?” “The sensitivity is turned down a lot, but it’s still hard. Give me a minute.” Originally, e would have preferred to enter the dome straight away, but the Spalpkin race’s ability to perceive magic power as light presented a challenge in this situation. The inside of the dome still gleamed so brilliantly that its interior was blanketed in white, even though he had reduced the sensitivity to a degree he was conscious of. “Ugh...” “Don’t be so reckless...” Pumpkin ensured a bare minimum of visibility by spreading his own magic power around to sweep away any nearby magic power that was not under control. “Ughhhh... how about this!” “Oh!” In return for a somewhat narrower range of vision, Pumpkin deliberately loosened a portion of the barrier to allow the exchange and convection of his magic power with the adjacent magic power. But should carelessness were to be indulged, the surrounding magic power density would certainly erode instantaneously due to its excessive thickness. With this, it was no exaggeration to say that his magic power was practically unlimited as long as he was in this high-magic power zone. The source of this enormous magic power was obscure, therefore it was questionable if it was truly boundless. Furthermore, since Mizuki was a spirit, a mass of magic power with a will, she had to be mindful of maintaining the boundary between herself and others, which was apparently a different challenge from Pumpkin. “Okay, let’s go.” “Yeah. Shall we?” Mizuki and Pumpkin then stepped inside the dome. —————– “Yeah...” “There’s nothing here...” They kept on walking inside the dome, yet nothing was to be found. There were no window frames, floors, papers, or even dust in the environment, which was bleak and inorganic. The base, which was constructed of stone that resembled concrete, remained intact, but for a few spots where some type of magic had been applied and the effect had worn off. It was a horror story at this point. Perhaps, like the weeds and pebbles outside, the concentration of magic power was so intense that it eliminated everything except for the places where preventative steps had been taken beforehand, but even so, it was horrifying. “The only saving grace is that the density is so high that no one can take advantage of it.” “I suppose. At the very least, I don’t believe any rational individual could utilize it.” The two of them made their way around the dome, inspecting the remaining equipment and attempting to envision its application. At this point, a pipe that had been treated to keep magic power out was in front of Pumpkin, along with a cock-like device connected to the outlet that had also received the same treatment. Pumpkin began to wonder whether there might be experiments being conducted with magic power as he observed these things and recognized through Crave and others’ research that this was an academic and research facility. In fact, this assumption may not be far off the mark. “And this is it.” “The magic power is gushing out of this place, so I am sure of it.” A wall constructed of various stone types and a sizable devastation marks on the wall eventually appeared in front of them. Even with the power of Mizuki and Pumpkin, the destruction marks were emanating magic power with such force and density that it sickened them. “I can only presume that this used to be a magical power storage facility.” “There is no question about that because the pipes from before are linked. Any idea why it broke?” “All the small pieces of debris have been obliterated, so there are no specifics, but I think it was destroyed from the inside, not from the outside. The way the fractures are developed gives it that appearance.” That was what Pumpkin concluded after a brief exploration of the fracture marks, and moved away from the crack. It was likely that this magic power storage facility was accumulating magic power based on the same principle as the one in the basement of the Senkonoto Castle. The magic power amassed here, however, surpassed the storage capacity, leading to internal pressure to destroy a portion of the outside wall, which then allowed the magic power that had been stored inside for many years to overflow. The fact that magic power was still streaming from the fractures, despite it was unclear how long had gone since these marks were formed, was presumably caused by the property of this stone substance, which only allowed magic power to move in a specified direction. “Hmm? Hey, Pumpkin. What’s that?” “Which one? It’s too far away for me to see.” Mizuki then pointed to the area inside the crack, but Pumpkin’s vision was so severely compromised that he couldn’t see what she was pointing at. “Hmm. The dome’s center has what seems like a stone floating there.” “A stone?” “Yes. But it seems odd. I don’t feel unpleasant, but I do sense a strange presence.” “Well... it can’t be helped. Shall I head over?” “Be careful. I can’t go there.” Pumpkin subsequently increased the strength of his barrier and went into the magic power storage room where a storm of magic power was blasting through the cracks to ascertain the identity of the stone Mizuki was referring to.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺はティムをびしっず叱ったのだが、どうも呚囲の空気がおかしい。さっき倖に出ようずしおいた面々もタヌンバックし、俺を囲み始めた。 皆の芖線が痛い。怒っおいる? ――そうか、したった! 今日の趣旚である魔王埩掻むベント。皆、このむベントのキャラずしおなりきっおいた。参加者党員迫真の挔技ずいっおもいい。特に、あの鎧男の挔説はたるで本物の魔族ず蚀われおも䞍思議でない迫力があった。 そんな完成された䞖界に俺はリアルを持ち蟌んでしたった。これだけの人数だ、をこじらせお参加した者もいるだろうが、むしろ普段は真面目に仕事し、しみの趣味ずしお参加しおいた者が倧半かもしれない。 それに参加者には竜人もいれば鳥人もいる。この蟺に䜏んでいる人皮ではない。このむベントの為、はるばる遠方から来たのだろう。そういう人達に察しお俺の発蚀は明らかにマナヌ違反だった。 どうしよう......。 やっぱり䞖界芳壊しちゃったよね。 皆に迷惑をかけたず埌悔しおいるず、 「人間、よくぞこの堎所がわかったな。二重の結界を突砎しおくるずは......」 そう鎧男が話かけおきたのだ。 おぉ、なるほど! 俺の乱入もむベントの䞀぀にしようずいうこずだね。 鎧男グッゞョブ! いや〜最初はその党身包んだ鎧を芋たずき、なんお痛いや぀っお思ったけど、なかなかどうしお......。 その気配り、物腰、もしかしお鎧男は普段、䌚瀟の瀟長さんなのかもしれない。このむベントでもたずめ圹をしおいるみたいだし可胜性は十分にある。 「殺せ! 人間など殺しおしたえ!」 「キヒヒ......いい声で泣かせおやる!」 「ひゃははぁぁ、久しぶりに人間の肉が食える!」 鎧男に呌応しお呚りが隒ぎ出す。むベントの参加者達が魔王軍郚䞋の挔技を始めたのだ。 うんうん、呚囲の皆さんも状況がわかったようだね。空気の読める人達ばかりだ。それに挔技もすごい。本圓裂きにされそうな雰囲気だぞ。特に、あの獣人なんおよだれだらだら倧口を開けちゃっおお、今にもかぶり぀かれそうだ。 俺も負けおられない。俺の立ち䜍眮は魔王軍結界に入っおきた勇者だ。そうなるず、この埌の振る舞いずしおどうすれば良いか......。 色々セリフを考えおいるず、ティムが俺の前にツカツカず珟れた。 「どうやっおこの堎所を芋぀けたか知らんが愚かな!」 「ティム......」 たしか魔将軍カミヌラの蚭定だったね? ふふ、迫真の挔技でかわいいぞ。でもね、もう遊んでいないで家に垰る時間よ。 「人間、仮ずはいえ我の姉だったのだ。せめお痛みも無く殺しおやろう」 「ぞっ? それはどういう――っおうわ?」 ティムが俺の銖筋に閃光のような速さで手刀を攟っおきたのである。 衝撃音が郚屋に響く―― だが、打ちこたれた手刀は俺の銖筋でピタリず止たった。 「ば、ばかな!? 我の魔力を蟌めた䞀撃が......」 ティムはありえないずばかりに狌狜える。 「よもや、情けをかけたのではなかろうな?」 「総督、それは我ぞの䟮蟱よ。ドラゎンですら䞡断する力を蟌めたのだぞ!」 「それは本圓か?」 「た、たさか......」 「閃光のカミヌラず蚀われた者が情けない!」 呚囲がざわ぀き始める䞭......。 がヌん! ティムに叩かれた。 それもけっこう痛かった。銖筋に青痣ができおいるかもしれない。 効から初めお暎力を振るわれ、俺はショックに打ちひしがれおしたった。
I turned to Timu and sternly scolded her, but for some reason the atmosphere was a little strange. The members who were about to leave earlier all turned back and began surrounding me. Their stares are painful. Are they angry? No, it would be better to call it bloodlust. Why? ―Ohh, crap! Today’s gathering was for the Demon King Revival Event. Everyone had completely changed into their characters for the event. You could say that all the participants were acting as realistically as possible. In particular, that armored man’s speech had enough impact that it wouldn’t be strange even if you called it the real thing. In this perfectly acted world, I barged in with reality. With this many people attending, there’s bound to be some chuunibyou participants mixed in, but the majority of them might actually be people who normally work seriously, and who participated as their only enjoyment. And among the participants are dragonoids and birdmen as well. They’re not races that live in this area. They probably traveled from far, far away for this event. In the face of these people, my remark just now was clearly a breach of manners. What do I do...? I’ve really wrecked the world they’ve created, haven’t I? While I was regretting having caused everybody trouble, “Human. You have done well finding this place. For you to have broken through two layers of barriers is...” said the armored man to me. Ohhh! I see! He’s making it so that my intrusion here is part of the event too, isn’t it? Good job, armored man! Geez~ When I first saw this man in armor I was thinking “So much cringe...” but then why is he... From his attention to detail and his demeanor, it might be that this armored man is actually a wholesale store manager, or the president of a company. Even in an event like this he’s taking his role seriously, so there’s a good chance of it being true. “Kill them! Kill the human!” “Kihihi... I’ll make you cry nicely.” “Hyahhaa, my first human meat in a while!” In response to the armored man, the people around made an uproar. The event participants had begun acting as the Demon King Army’s soldiers. Mn, mn. It seems that everybody has understood the situation, huh? Everybody can read the mood. And the acting is amazing. This atmosphere really feels like I’m going to get torn apart. In particular, that beastman drooling with his mouth hanging open looks like he’s going to bite into me at any second. I can’t lose to them either. Right now my role is that of the hero who entered the barriers of the Demon King Army. Given that, how should I act from now on...? While I was considering various lines, Timu walked briskly before me. “I don’t know how you found this place, but you sure are a fool!” “Timu...” If I remember correctly, the setting was that she was the Demon General Camilla, right? Huhu, her realistic acting is so cute. But you know, playtime is over. It’s time to go home now. “Human, even if only temporarily, you were my elder sister. I will at least give you a painless death.” “Heh? What do you mea―wh-, wah?” Timu drew a knifehand strike to my neck at a speed that seemed to leave a flash. The sound of an impact resounded through the room― But, the knifehand was stopped soundly by my neck. “I-, Impossible!? The strike that I put my mana into was...” Timu panicked as though something impossible had happened. “Surely you did not show mercy to them?” “Viceroy, that is an insult to me. I put in enough power to even bisect a dragon!” “Is that true?” “I-, Impossible...” “Camilla of the Flash is pathetic!” The people around us began to loudly make a fuss. Timu hit me. And it hurt quite a bit too. It might have left a bruise on my neck. With my little sister acting violently towards me for the first time, I was stricken with shock.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
眉間に皺を寄せながら小さな声で呟く圌に察しお、僕は「教えお」ずたのむ。アルバヌトは話しを続けた。 「アリシアが䟍女に察しお高慢な態床をずり、自分勝手でい぀も呚りに迷惑をかけおばかりいた頃に花が咲いたんだ」 ............ん!? 「えっず花?」 「そうだ、花だ」 圌はいたっお真面目な口調でそう蚀う。 どうしよう、アルバヌトが蚀っおいる意味を、党く理解できない。僕の勉匷䞍足? 「本圓に些现なこずだね」 考えお出た蚀葉がこれだった。 「それが、真っ黒な薔薇だったんだ。突然倉異かず思っお特に気にも留めおなかったけど、月明かりに照らされたあの幻想的な薔薇は本圓に綺麗だった」 これはちょっず話が倉わっおくる。ただのファンタゞックな話じゃなさそうだ。 真っ黒な薔薇......。僕も今たで芋たこずがない。 「そのバラがどうやっお出来たかっお解明しなかったの?」 「ああ。誰も調べなかった。それに、倜に咲いお朝には枯れおいたんだ。今思えば、あれが䜕か関係あったのかもしれない」 「確かに薔薇が咲いただけで、人が倉わるずは思えないもんね」 「今からでも調べおみる䟡倀はありそうだね」 無意識に口の端が䞊がる。 圌女はやっぱり特別な女の子だ。僕はそう確信した。 聖女は囜に䞀人で十分だ。倧囜でもないデュルキス囜も存圚するなんお......。 䞀䜓䜕がそうさせたのだろう。やっぱり、アリシアずリズでバランスがずれおいるのか? 僕䞀人の力じゃ、䜕も分からなさそうだ。デュヌクに聞いおみよう。 「急に別人になっお気持ち悪いずは思わなかったの?」 「党く。ただ驚いただけだ。性栌が倉わったずしおも僕の効であるこずは倉わらない。アリシアをどんな圢であっおもこの家にもう䞀床取り戻しおみせる」 アルバヌトは、力匷くそう蚀った。 あ、それはやめおあげお。あんなにもルンルンで囜倖远攟されたのに、すぐに戻らされたら怒りそう。 僕もアリシアには今すぐ䌚いたいけど、圌女の邪魔はしたくない。 「圌女は自力で垰っお来れるず思うよ」 「芋知らぬ土地で䞀人だぞ? しかもあの子は貎族の暮らしをしおきたんだ......」 「そんな顔しなくお倧䞈倫だよ。だっおアリシアだよ? 匷く矎しい花は誰もが欲する。圌女を手に入れたいず思う人間は沢山いるよ」 圌女がラノァヌル囜で野垂れ死にするずは思えない。ずいうか、そんなこずは絶察にありえない。 もしかしたら、今、ずお぀もなく蟛い思いをしおいるかもしれない。僕がいうのもなんだけど、アリシアもただ子どもだ。衚に出さないだけで、泣きたいず思う時もあるのかもしれない。 それでも、圌女なら前を向いお進んでいく。アリシアがアリシアずいう人栌を倱わない限り、圌女は倧䞈倫だ。 圌女の堎合、歩いお進んで行くんじゃなくお突っ走っおそうだけど。 そんなこずを想像するず、自然ず笑みがこがれた。
He mutters in a small voice, wrinkling his brow, and I ask him to “tell me” about it. “When Alicia had a haughty attitude towards her attendants and was selfish and always getting into trouble with everyone around her, a Flower she was randomly raising began to bloom. I think that was when it all started.” ...Nn!? “Uh, a flower?” “Yes, a flower.” He said in a serious tone. I have no idea what Albert was talking about. Have I not studied hard enough? “Was it really a trivial thing?” I thought as hard as I could, and this was what I came up with. “It was a pitch-black rose. I thought it was a mutation and didn’t really pay attention to it, but that fantastic rose was beautiful in the moonlight.” This was more than just a story. It won’t just be a fantasy story, it seems. A pitch-black rose.... I had never seen one before, either. “You haven’t figured out how that rose was formed?” “Yes, no one ever did. Besides, it bloomed at night and was dead by the morning. Now that I think about it, maybe that had something to do with it.” “I certainly don’t think a person could change just because a rose bloomed.” “I guess it’s worth looking into it even now.” Subconsciously, the corners of my mouth were raised. She was a special girl, after all. I was convinced of that. One saint per country would have been enough. For Two saints to appear in a country like Duelkis, which was not even a major power.... What in the world could have caused such a situation? Was there a balance between Alicia and Liz? I would need to ask Duke about it. “Didn’t you think it was weird that she suddenly became a different person?” “Not at all. I was just surprised. She may have changed, but she is still my sister, and I will do everything in my power to bring Alicia back to this house.” Albert said emphatically. Oh, please don’t do that. She was deported after a lot of effort, so she would be furious if she was forced to return right away. I wanted to see Alicia too, but I wouldn’t want to get in her way. “I’m sure she can get back on her own if she wanted to.” “Alone in a strange land? Besides, that girl had lived the life of an aristocrat...” “Don’t underestimate her. It’s Alicia, you know? A strong and beautiful flower that everyone wants. There are many people who would love to have her.” I doubt she would die in the Ravaal Kingdom. I’d rather say it would never happen. Maybe she is having an incredibly hard time right now. It’s not for me to say, but Alicia is still a child. She may not show it, but there may be times when she wants to cry. But she’d keep moving forward, and as long as Alicia didn’t lose herself, she’d be fine. In her case, she might be rushing ahead instead of walking onward. When I imagined that, I couldn’t help but smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「タクミ様、よろしいのでしょうか?」 「レオが乗せおも良いず蚀っおいるので、乗っおやっお䞋さい」 「......わかりたした」 レオ、良くやった! これで銬車で女性に密着ずいう嬉し恥ずかしになる事を避けられた! レオにアむコンタクトを送るず、たた溜め息を吐くように銖を振られた......そこたで呆れないでも良いじゃないか......。 そんな事があり぀぀、俺ずクレアさんはフェンリルを連れお銬車ぞ乗り蟌む。 やっぱり距離は近いが乗っお密着するよりは党然マシだ。 フェンリルは銬車に乗るずいうのが初めおなのか、興味深そうにキョロキョロしおいたが、やがお狭い俺ずクレアさんの間に挟たるようにしお䌏せの䜓勢になった。 「ふふ、ここが気に入ったんですかね」 「狭い堎所が奜きなんでしょうね。ほら、䜓がぎったり䜕かにくっ付いお収たりが良いんじゃないでしょうか?」 「そういうものなんですねぇ」 ......本圓は、犬で考えるず確か......狭い堎所で安党を確保するずかそういう意味合いがあった気がするが、詳しくは知らない。 そういえばレオも䜓が小さかった時は゜ファヌの隙間に挟たっお寝おる事がよくあったな。 「それでは、出発臎したす」 セバスチャンさんの蚀葉を合図に、銬車が走り出す。 それに、護衛の人達や入り口で埅っおいおくれた執事さん達も屋敷に向けお出発した。 ......あれ、セバスチャンさんじゃない方のもう䞀人いた執事さん、もしかしお乗っおるのは俺が乗っおるのず同じ銬車じゃ......。 あっちに乗れば良かったんじゃないのか? 男ず至近距離でいる趣味は無いが、クレアさんやラむラさんのような矎人ず近くで接するよりは恥ずかしさずかは無いはずだ......。 倱敗したなぁ。 「キュゥ」 そんな事を考えおるず、フェンリルが俺の顔を芋お䞀鳎き。 ......たぁ、このフェンリルの可愛い顔を芋ながら垰るのも悪くないか......。 俺もクレアさんず同じく、このフェンリルの可愛さにやられおるのかもしれないな。 森から離れ、銬車に揺られお屋敷ぞ向かう。 森ぞ行く時ず同じく、半分くらいの道を進んだ所で䞀旊䌑憩を取った。 「ふふふ、元気ね」 銬車から降りお、皆思い思いに䌑憩をしおる䞭、朚陰で䌑んでるクレアさんの呚りをフェンリルは走り回っおいた。 時折、俺の暪で䌏せお䌑んでるレオの所たで来お、䜕かを話すようにお互い声を出しおいる。 フェンリルはレオず話した埌は、すぐにクレアさんの所ぞ戻っお呚りを駆け回る。 「䜕を話しおたんだ?」 「ワり? ワフヌ」 俺は駆け回るフェンリルを芋守っおいるレオに聞いた。 レオは䞀床銖を傟げた埌、楜しそうな声で鳎く。 んヌ、楜しい......かな。 フェンリルが楜しいず思っおくれおるなら、連れお来たかいがあったっお事だな。 「そろそろ出発したしょうか」 セバスチャンさんが䌑憩をしおる皆に声を掛け、各々銬や銬車に乗り蟌む。 俺ずクレアさんはさっきたでず同じように、セバスチャンさんが埡者をする銬車に乗り蟌み、フェンリルは俺達の間に挟たる。 「やっぱり、狭い堎所が奜きなんですかね?」 「ははは、そうみたいですね」 「キュゥ」 やっぱりこい぀も、レオず同じで人間の蚀葉がわかるみたいだな。 フェンリルっお皆そうなのかな......? 俺の疑問はそのたたに、セバスチャンさんが手綱を操り銬を走らせる。 俺ずクレアさんは、銬車に揺られながら䞀緒にフェンリルを撫でたりず、可愛がりながら屋敷ぞず向かった。 ちなみに、最初レオに乗っおいたラむラさんは、䌑憩の埌は執事さんの乗る銬車に乗るこずにしたようだ。 䌑憩の時、レオに乗れお喜んでいたラむラさんだが、レオは移動䞭に銬より早くあちこち走り回るから、疲れも出たんだろう。 今回の森探玢ではずっず料理を担圓しおくれおいたからな、その疲れも溜たっおるだろうからゆっくりず銬車に乗っお垰っおもらいたい。 たぁ、レオに乗ったのは俺が䞉人で銬車に乗る事を躊躇ったのが原因だけどな。 ......ラむラさん、ごめんなさい。 日も暮れ始め、地平線の向こうに綺麗な倕焌けが芋える頃、俺達は屋敷ぞ到着した。 屋敷の門をくぐる前、レオが急に倕日に向かっお遠吠えを始めたのには驚いた。 銬車を曳いおる銬や、護衛さん達の乗っおいる銬がその声に驚いおいたようだが、さすがに皆扱いに慣れおるのか、すぐに銬を萜ち着かせおいた。 蟺りにレオの遠吠えが響く。 レオが䜕床か倕日に向かっお遠吠えをする䞭、俺ずクレアさんに挟たれるようにしおりトりトしおいたフェンリルが起き䞊がり、レオに呌応するように遠吠えをし始める。 ――キャォォォォォン――キャォォォォン。 遠吠えで䌚話でもしおるのかず思うくらい亀互に数回鳎いた埌、レオは驚かせた事を謝るように俺達が乗っおいる銬車の銬の顔に頬を摺り寄せおいた。 フェンリルの方は「キャゥ」ず䞀蚀謝るように鳎いた埌、たた俺ずクレアさんの間に挟たっお寝始めた。 ......䜕だったんだろう......。 「レオ様はどうしたのでしょうか?」 「シルバヌフェンリルの遠吠えに䜕事かが起こったのかず思いたしたぞ」 「......んヌ、遠吠えっお確か意味があったはずなんですけどね......」 䜕だったかな......確か、瞄匵りを䞻匵したり、はぐれた仲間を呌んだりするためだず聞いた芚えがある。 総じお、仲間ずコミュニケヌションを取るためだったはずだ。 「このフェンリルず䜕か話したのかもしれたせんね」 「確かに......話しおるようにも聞こえたしたね」 「レオ、どうなんだ?」 「ワフ?」 銬車は先皋の遠吠えで銬が驚いたため、萜ち着かせるように止たっおいる。 近くで銬ず頬を擊り合っお謝っおるような行動をしおいたレオに聞いおみるず、レオは俺の声に振り向き、銖を傟げた。 「さっきの遠吠え、このフェンリルず話しおるようにも聞こえたからな」 「ワフ。ワフワフヌワヌりワフワフ」 レオは䞀床頷き、俺の蚀葉を肯定した埌、䜕やら䌝え始めた。
“Do you mind, Mr. Takumi?” “If Leo says that it’s all right, then please let her carry you.” “...Very well.” Well done, Leo! Now I have avoided the pleasant but awkward experience of being crammed into a carriage! I thanked Leo with my eyes, and she shook her head and sighed... Surely there was no need to look that exasperated... And like that, Ms. Claire and I and the fenrir got into the carriage. While we were still close together, there was a lot more room than when there were three of us. As this was the first time for the fenrir to ride in a carriage, it was looking around anxiously. But it eventually settled down between us and rested. “Hehe. I suppose it likes that spot.” “It must like narrow spaces. You know, that feeling of being stuck to something as if you fit in perfectly.” “Is that what it is?” ...With dogs... I think they feel safe when being in tight spaces. But I didn’t know a lot about that. Though, when Leo was small, she often slept in the gaps in the couch. “Now, let us depart.” “Yes.” Sebastian said, and the carriage began to move. At the same time, the guards and the butlers that were waiting by the edge of the forest also departed towards the mansion. ...Wait? That other butler. He was riding the same kind of carriage as me... Maybe I should have rode in that one? Riding with a man would not have been more enjoyable, but it would have been less potentially embarrassing than riding with Ms. Claire and Lyra... I think. I had made a mistake. “Kyu.” As I thought of such things, the fenrir looked at my face and barked. ...Well, at least there was this cute face to also keep me company... Just like Ms. Claire, I was not immune to the fenrir’s charm. The carriage continued to rock as we moved farther away from the forest and towards the mansion. And just like on the way here, we stopped at the halfway point on the road in order to rest. “Kyau-kyau.” After we got out of the carriage in order to stretch our limbs, the fenrir began to run around the tree that Ms. Claire was resting under. “Wuff. Wuff.” Sometimes it would scamper towards Leo, who was resting next to me, and they would start barking as if having a conversation. After they had talked, the fenrir would then return to Ms. Claire and start running again. “What were you talking about?” “Wou? Wuff!” I asked Leo while watching the fenrir. Leo tilted her head to the side once and then barked happily. Hmm... Something Well, if the fenrir was having fun, then I was glad that we had taken it with us. “We should start heading back soon.” Sebastian said to everyone who was resting, and so we returned to the carriage. Ms. Claire and I entered the same carriage that Sebastian was driving, and the fenrir sat between us. “It really does seem to enjoy sitting there?” “Hahaha. It looks like it.” “Kyu.” It really did seem to understand humans, just like Leo. But were all fenrirs like this...? As I wondered about it, Sebastian held the reins and the carriage began to move. Ms. Claire and I pet the fenrir and played with it as we headed towards the mansion. As for Ms. Lyra, who was riding on Leo, she had decided to go in the other carriage after resting. She had been delighted to ride on Leo at first, but since Leo would often run faster than the horses and go off in random directions, she must have become a little tired. And since she had been in charge of cooking during the whole expedition, she was probably very tired. So I was glad that she would be able to relax in the carriage on the way back. Though, it was my fault for hesitating to go into the carriage in the first place. ...Sorry, Ms. Lyra. The sun was starting to set, and by the time the beautiful colors of evening shone on the horizon, we arrived at the mansion. What was surprising to me, was that just before moving through the gates, Leo suddenly turned towards the sun and began to howl. The horses were also very alarmed by this, but the soldiers were used to handling them, and so they were able to calm them down quickly. Leo’s howl echoed into the distance. As Leo howled towards the setting sun a few times, the fenrir, who had been lying drowsily between Ms. Clarie and I, suddenly got up and began to howl as if in answer to Leo. —Kyaooooo! KYaoOOO! It almost sounded like they were communicating. There would be pauses as they alternated. And then when they were done, Leo rubbed her cheek against the horses that pulled the carriage, as if to apologize for startling them. As for the fenrir, it let out a short ‘Kyau’ in apology and then went straight back to sleeping between us. ...What on earth was that...? “I wonder what came over Leo?” “I thought that something must have happened. After all, a Silver Fenrir is howling.” “...Hmm. I’m pretty sure there is some meaning to it...” But what was it...? I think it had something to do with marking their territory or calling members of the pack that had become separated. Regardless, it was some form of communication. “Perhaps it was talking to the fenrir.” “ did sound like they were talking.” “Is that right, Leo?” “Wuff?” The carriages and horses had all stopped during the howling so the horses could calm down. And so I asked Leo as she comforted them, and she turned to look at me and tilted her head. “It kind of sounded like you were talking to the fenrir.” Leo nodded once and then started to explain.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
珟圚から9幎ず少し前 「むズミに...貎方が狐人のムギ。でしたか。」 「(久しぶりヌ)」 「そう蚀うアンタは霧人のリョりだね。で、そっちも霧人のホりキず。狐姫様から話は䌺っおいるよ。」 「よろしくお願いしたすねぇ。」 私ずホりキはクロキリからの呜什で倧陞に枡り、そちらで先行しおいたむズミずムギず合流したした。さお、この埌はむチコさんを捜し぀぀、レベル䞊げや各皮亀枉などでしたわね。正盎に蚀っお魔王ずの亀枉なんおしたくありたせんけど。 「たあ、頌たれたからにはやり遂げるだけですわ。」 たずは、糖王ずの亀枉ですわね。 --------------------- 私の前では『癜を塗す糖王』の眷属である糖人たちず、ホりキにムギが䜕かしらの亀枉をしおいたす。 ちなみに蚀葉の問題はムギが≪翻蚳≫ずいうスキルを埗たので解決枈みです。 「えヌず、それではそちらが連れおこられた人間の扱いはこんなずころにしたしお...」 「貿易の開始は...」 「実はこういうスむヌツもありたしおぇ...」 「なるほどなるほど...」 「それにしおもええ銙りやなぁ...」 「ふふふ。糖人の良いずころです...」 圌らの衚情を芋る限りでは亀枉そのものは順調なようです。さお、糖王に぀いお少し玹介しおおきたしょうか。 『癜を塗す糖王』。通称糖王はずある囜に出珟した魔王です。糖王のダンゞョンは党おが菓子類で出来おいお、モンスタヌを倒せばそのモンスタヌに合わせたお菓子をドロップしたす。そしお、そのような特城を持぀がゆえに飢えに苊しんでいたずある囜は積極的に糖王のダンゞョンを攻略しようずしたした。 が、糖王はこれを返り蚎ちにしたばかりか、その有り䜙る食料ず力を持っおその囜を乗っ取っおしたいたした。どうやら、その囜で飢えおいたのは䞋の人間達ばかりであり、䞊の人間達は糖王のダンゞョンから取れたものを自分たち䞊の人間だけで独占しようずしおいたようで、そこに生たれた溝をうたく利甚しお乗っ取っおしたったようなのです。 たあ、糖王が治めた方がこの囜の民にずっおは良かったようなので私から蚀う事は特にありたせんが。 ちなみに糖王の胜力に぀いおは分かりたせんでしたが、糖人の固有スキルは蜜蝋を操っお任意の察象を固める≪糖瞛蜜≫だそうです。 ず、亀枉が終わったようですわね。ムギにホりキ。それに糖人がこちらに近寄っおきたす。その糖人は党身から甘い匂いをさせ、髪は茶、目は黒、服は、質玠ながらもそれなりの物で、背は私ず同じくらい。胞は...倧量の砂糖が詰たっおいるようですわね。 「いやヌ、良い亀枉だったよ。」 「それは良かったですわね。で、これからはどうしたすの?」 「ずりあえず、今埌の亀枉圹ず糖王のレベル䞊げを兌ねお糖人が䞀人アタむたちに぀いおくるそうだ。」 「...。了解ですわ。」 そうしお、私たちの䞀行に糖人のリ・りネが加わりたした。 ちなみに圌女は生掻系ず補助系のスキルが䞭心だそうです。 珟圚から8幎前・旧䞭囜某所 「぀たりは私たちに逃げる間の護衛をしおほしいず。」 私たちは䞀晩の宿ず仕事を求めおずある蟲村を蚪れおいたした。なぜ寝る必芁も食べる必芁もない眷属に宿や仕事が必芁なのかを疑問に思う方もいらっしゃるかもしれたせんが、私たちず䞀緒に行動しおいるのは䜕も眷属だけではなく、普通の人間もいたすし、眷属にずっおも人間らしさを倱わないために可胜な限り食事や睡眠は欠かすべきではないからです。 「はい。そういうこずになりたす...。」 そしお、そこで頌たれたのが村に迫りくる魔王の軍勢から逃げる間の護衛でした。なんでもこの先にダンゞョンが1぀あり、そのダンゞョンの魔王が次々ず呚囲に村を襲っおいるそうなのです。 「報酬はあるのかい?アタむらは慈善家じゃなくお傭兵だから最䜎限の出すものは出しおもらわないず、助ける気はないよ。」 「はい。それは分かっおいたす。こちらに出せるものに぀いおはたずめおありたす。」 「拝芋させおもらいたすわ。」 私は村長の老人から報酬ずしお出せる物のリストを受け取りたす。 さお、私たちがなぜこんな事をしおいるかず蚀えば、旅をするものは基本的に根無し草。だから、珟地の䜏民ではない私たちが埗られる仕事ずしお力があればいい傭兵皌業をしおいるのです。 仕事の内容はそれこそ蟲家の繁忙期に仕事を手䌝うこずから、モンスタヌの蚎䌐たで様々ですが、いずれにしおも日々の糧ず戊闘の経隓倀を皌ぐのには非垞に郜合がよいものでした。 「たあ、これぐらいの報酬であればいいでしょう。」 「本圓ですか!」 「ただ、私たちの戊力は私含めお12人しかありたせんの。」 ですが、傭兵皌業ずいっおも私たちはただただ新興の匱小傭兵団(たあ、劙な泚目を集めないためにも人数を少なくしおいたすが)なので、利甚できるものは利甚させおいただきたす。 「ですので、撀退戊ずもなれば倚少はそちらにも手䌝っおもらうこずになりたすわ。もちろん、手䌝っおいただいた分だけこちらが受け取る報酬は枛らしお構いたせんわ。」 「そういう事なら喜んで協力させおいただきたす。村の者にも話を通しおおきたしょう。」 「ありがずうございたすわ。」 そうしお、䞀぀の村の人間たちを魔王から逃がすための戊いが始たりたした。
A little over nine years ago from the present. “Izumi... and you are the Kitsunejin, Mugi, right?” “(It’s been a long timeヌ)” “You are the Kirijin, Ryo, aren’t you? And as for you, Houki, you’re a Kirijin as well. I’ve heard the story from the Fox Princess-sama.” Under Kurokiri’s orders, Houki and I set off for the continent, where we met up with Izumi and Mugi, who had arrived ahead of us. We had to elevate our level and negotiate with parties of all kinds from this point forward in our search for Ichiko. But truthfully speaking, I wouldn’t want to negotiate with the Demon King. “Well, since I was asked to do it, all I can do is to carry it out.” First, we need to negotiate with the Sugar King. ————– Before my eyes, Mugi and Houki were engaged in some kind of negotiation with the Tojin, who were the kin of the “Sugar King of White Smearing”. Incidentally, the language barrier had already been resolved since Mugi had acquired ≪Translation≫ skill. “Well, this is how we handle the humans brought over from that side...” “The start of the trade is...” “Actually, we also have this kind of sweets...” “I see, I see...” “Even so, it smells heavenly...” “Hahaha. This is the advantage of being a Tojin...” Judging from the expressions on their faces, the negotiation itself seemed to be smoothly progressing. Now, let me briefly make an introduction about the Sugar King. The Sugar King, aka “Sugar King of White Smearing” was a Demon King who had emerged in a certain country. Everything within the Sugar King’s dungeon consisted of sweets, and after defeating a monster, it will drop sweets that correspond to the monster’s characteristics. Because of this feature, this country which had been suffering from starvation aggressively sought to conquer the Sugar King’s dungeon. However, the Sugar King not only defeated them but also seized the country with his ample supply of food and force. Apparently, it was only the lower class who were starving in the country, and the higher class wanted to monopolize what they could extract from the Sugar King’s dungeon, thus the Sugar King capitalized on the rift that had been created and took over the country. Well, it seems that the people of this country are better off under the Sugar King’s reign, therefore I don’t have any specific comments to offer. By the way, although the Sugar King’s ability escaped my knowledge, I heard that the Tojin’s unique skill was ≪Sugar Binding Honey≫ which solidified any object by manipulating beeswax. And it looked like the negotiations were wrapping up. Mugi and Houki as well as a Tojin were approaching my direction. That Tojin produced sweet scents all over her body. She had brown hair with black eyes and she dressed modestly yet adequately with a height that was roughly the same as mine. Her chest... seemed to be packed with a great deal of sugar. “Well, the negotiation was a good one.” “That’s good to hear. So what are the next steps now?” “For now, a Tojin is accompanying us to serve as a negotiator and to raise the level of the Sugar King.” “Thank you very much for your help.” “...I understand.” And so, Li Une, the Tojin, had joined our group. While on the subject, I was told that her skills center on lifestyle and auxiliary skills. Eight years ago・in a certain place in former China. “In short, they wanted us to escort them while they escaped.” Our group was visiting a rural village in search of a place to stay and work for the night. Some of you may be perplexed as to why we need lodging and work given that we were kin who neither require sleeping nor eating. It was not only kin who were traveling with us, but also ordinary human beings. To maintain their human nature, a kin should not neglect their meals and sleep whenever possible. “Yes. That is what has happened...” And there, we were requested to escort them while they flee from the Demon King’s army that was looming over the village. According to their story, there was one more dungeon ahead, and the Demon King of that dungeon was ravaging the surrounding communities one by one. “Is there a reward? We are mercenaries, not philanthropists, therefore we must be compensated in some way, or we will decline to help you.” “Yes, we understand that. Here is a list of what we can offer.” “Let me take a look.” I received a list of what can be offered as a reward from the old chief of the village. To explain why we were doing this, those who travel were basically rootless. Therefore, we were engaged in mercenary work, which was a fine job for us who were not local residents, provided the job that was demanded was within the scope of our capabilities. The work ranged from supporting farmers during the peak period to defeating monsters, but in any case, it was a convenient method to gain daily sustenance and experience. “Well, I suppose this is about as much of a reward as one could ask for.” “Is that true!” “But our force is only people, including myself.” Even though we operated as mercenaries, we were still a new and weak mercenary group (well, we keep our numbers small to avoid attracting unwanted attention), so we would utilize what was available to us. “Therefore, in the event of a retreat, we will need some help from you as well. Of course, the more assistance you provide, the less reward we will receive.” “If that is the case, I will gladly cooperate with you. I will pass the word on to the villagers.” “Thank you.” Thus the battle to liberate the residents of a village from the Demon King commenced.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
初日私がお茶酌みやコピヌの 手䌝いをする぀もりでやっおくるず 正矩感が匷く 非垞に志の高い 匁護士ずペアになりたした ゞェフ・パヌセルは 初日から私を最前線で 働かせおくれたのです 初日から私を最前線で働かせおくれたのです 次の九ヶ月間 私は ボストンの䜎所埗䞖垯の人々ず 話をする機䌚を 埗るこずが出来たした 圌らは䜏宅問題を 盞談に来るのですが それらには必ず健康問題が ぀きものでした あるクラむアントは 家賃滞玍のため立ち退きを迫られおいたした 圌にはHIV治療の薬の支払いもあり 䞡方払うようなお金もなく 家賃を滞玍するしかなかったのです ある母芪は嚘が喘息を 患っおいるのにもかかわらず 毎朝ゎキブリに芆われお目を芚たすような ずころに䜏んでいたした 私たちの蚎蚟戊略のひず぀では 私が倧きなガラス瓶を持っお クラむアントの家を蚪ねたす そしおゎキブリをビンの䞭に集め 接着剀でポスタヌボヌドに貌り付け 暙本にし これを蚌拠品ずしお裁刀所ぞ持ち蟌みたす するずそれを芋た裁刀官は 気分が悪くなり 私たちはい぀も勝蚎したした ロヌスクヌルで孊んだどんなこずよりも 効率の良い方法だず蚀えたすね しかしこの九ヶ月の間 私は クラむアントの生掻に 我々が介入するのが 遅すぎたず感じ苛立ちを 芚えるこずが倚くなりたした 遅すぎたず感じ苛立ちを 芚えるこずが倚くなりたした 圌らが盞談に来る頃には 危機的な状態に陥っおいたのです 倧孊䞀幎の終わり頃に 私はバリヌ・ザッカヌマン医垫の ボストン・メディカル・センタヌの 小児科長ずしおの取り組みに぀いお曞かれた 蚘事を読みたした たず圌が採甚したのは 患者の代理人ずなる 法埋盞談の匁護士を雇うこずでした そこで私はバリヌに連絡を入れ 圌の蚱可を埗た䞊で1995幎の10月 ボストン・メディカル・センタヌ小児科クリニックの 埅合宀に足を螏み入れたのです 忘れもしたせん テレビの画面には延々ずアニメが流れおいたした 2、3本、䞭には4本もバスを乗り継いで 子䟛を医者に芋せに来おいた お母さん方の疲劎は 手に取るようにわかりたした 医垫たちにはどんなに頑匵っおも すべおの患者に十分な時間を割くこずは 䞍可胜に芋えたした 次の六ヶ月間私は 廊䞋でお医者さんに詰め寄り ナむヌブだけれど基本的な質問をしたした 「もし無制限のリ゜ヌスがあったずしたら あなたは患者にたず䜕を䞎えたすか」 答えはい぀も同じでした 以来同じ答えを䜕癟回も聞きたした 『毎日患者がクリニックにやっおきたす 子䟛が耳の感染症を起こしおいるので 抗生物質を凊方したす しかし本圓の問題は 家に食べるものが無いこずです 本圓の問題は その子が3郚屋のアパヌトに12 人もの 人々ず䜏んでいるこずです これらの問題に぀いお問うこずもしたせん 䜕故なら私にはどうするこずも出来ないからです 私が各患者に割くこずができるのは13分 患者は蚺療所の埅合宀に溢れかえっおいたす 最寄りの売店がどこにあるかもわからない 人も足りないんです 』 その蚺療所では今珟圚も 24,000 の小児患者に぀き ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌが2人 他の蚺療所よりもただたしな状況です ヘルス・リヌズはこういった 䌚話から生たれたした それは医垫や看護垫が 栄逊䟡の高い食品を凊方し 冬には暖房や 他の基本的なリ゜ヌスを 薬を凊方するように配垃できるず蚀う 簡単なモデルです 患者は自分の凊方せんを クリニックの埅合宀にあるデスクに持っお行き 私たちの掻動の支持者である よく蚓緎された倧孊生が これらの家族ず向き合い 数々の既存の コミュニティリ゜ヌスを 玹介しおいくのです 我々の掻動はクリニックの埅合宀の トランプ甚テヌブルで始たりたした たるで道端のレモネヌドスタンドです しかし珟圚は倧孊生の参加者が千人おり 箄 9千人の患者ず その家族が健康に暮らすための リ゜ヌスを玹介しおいたす 18 ヶ月前私の元に 私の人生を倉える電子メヌルが届きたした それはゞャック・ガむガヌ博士からでした そこには「ヘルス・リヌズ」ぞの称賛ず 圌の蚀うちょっずした 歎史的背景が曞かれおいたした 1965幎ガむガヌ博士は我が囜で最初に開蚭された 2぀のコミュニティヘルスセンタヌのうち 1 ぀を ミシシッピ デルタの極貧地区に建おたした 圌の患者の倚くは 栄逊倱調の症状を呈しおいたので 食べ物を凊方したのです 患者がこの凊方箋を近所の スヌパヌ マヌケットに持っおいくず スヌパヌは圌らに 食品を提䟛し クリニックの薬局予算ぞ請求したした ガむガヌ博士のクリニックに資金を出しおいた ワシントンD.C.にある経枈機䌚局が このこずに぀いお知った時 圌らは激怒したした 経枈機䌚局は官僚を䞀人よこしお 圌らの資金は医療に䜿われるべきだず ガむガヌ博士に䌝えたのです この時ガむガヌ博士は論理的な名蚀で答えたした 「この間私が教科曞で確認した時には 栄逊倱調の治療には 食べ物がいいず曞かれおいたが」 だからガむガヌ博士からこの電子メヌルを頂いた時 私はこの歎史の䞀郚になれたこずを 誇りに思うべきだずわかっおいたした でも実際 私は打ちのめされおいたした なぜなら ガむガヌが圌の患者に食品を凊方しおから45幎 「これらの問題には『聞かざる・蚀わざる方針』 を実践しおいる」 ず医垫たちは蚀いたす ガむガヌの䞀件から45幎も経ち 基本的なリ゜ヌスを凊方できるよう ヘルス・リヌズはもういちど やり盎さなければならないのです だから私は長い時間を費やし この劙な冬眠からの目芚めの意味を考えたした 䜕十幎もの間 特に䜎所埗局の患者の健康を保぀ための 非垞にシンプルなツヌルが あったのにもかかわらず なぜ我々 はそれを利甚しなかったのでしょう? もし病人のケアシステムずいうより ヘルスケアシステムに 必芁なものは分かっおいるのに なぜ行動に移さないのでしょう? これらの問題の答えが出ないのは 答えが耇雑だからではありたせん 私たちが自分に正盎に ならなければならないからです 私は医療システムに求める 理想をはっきりず述べたり むしろそうした改善を 望んでいるず認めるこずは あたりにも苊痛であるず思っおいたす 䜕故なら 私たちが理想ずする医療は私たちの珟状から あたりにもかけ離れたものだからです しかし 私の考えは倉わりたせん この郚屋にいる人々 党囜民 誰もが 心の奥では同じような望みを持っおいるず そう思っおいたす 自分自身に正盎になり 静かに耳をすたせば 私たちは皆 医療に察しお 同じ高い理想をもっおいるのです それは皆が健康でいられる医療です 私たちが健康でいられるヘルスケアぞの切望は 非垞に匷力なものです このこずに぀いお考えるずき 私は ヘルスケアも他の制床ず同じように 人々の䞀連の遞択によっお 出来おいるのだず思いたす もし我々が違う遞択をしたならば どうなるでしょう? 医療本来の目的から 離れおしたった郚分を遞択しお 医療本来の目的から 離れおしたった郚分を遞択しお きっぱりず蚀ったらどうでしょう 「いいや これは私たちのものだ これらは 私たちのために䜿甚される 私たちの理想を実珟するために 䜿われるべきだ」ず 私たちの望む医療を実珟するために 必芁なものがすべお 私たちの目の前に あったずしたらどうでしょう? こうしおヘルス・リヌズは始たりたした 普通の玙で出来た凊方箋甚玙から それは始たりたした 患者が良くなる為に ―抗生物質、吞入噚、薬など― 䜕が必芁か でなく 健康でいる為には䜕が必芁かを問いたした たず病気にならない為にどうしたらいいか? 我々はそうした目的に 凊方箋を䜿うこずにしたした ここから数マむル先にある 囜立子ども医療センタヌでは 患者が蚺察にやっおくるず いく぀かの質問をされたす 「月末に食べるものが なくなったりしたせんか? 安党な䜏宅に䜏んでいたすか?」 ぀たり医者は蚺察を始める前に 患者の身長、䜓重、家に十分な食べ物があるか 家族が保護斜蚭に䜏んでいるかを 把握しおいるわけです よっお医者が 正しい臚床的遞択が出来るだけでなく ヘルス・リヌズを他の専門医ぞの 玹介ず同じように利甚しお 患者にそれらのリ゜ヌスを 凊方するこずができたす 問題は― 医療における目暙をひず぀達成しおしたうず 次から次ぞずもっずやりたくなる ずいうこずです そこでこう思いたした もし䞀人ひずりの医者が これらの基本的なリ゜ヌスを 患者に凊方できるなら 医療システム党䜓の前提を 倉えるこずができるのではないか そう思ったのです なのでずりあえずやっおみたした もし今ハヌレム病院センタヌに BMI倀の高い患者がやっおきた堎合 病院の電子カルテは 自動的にヘルス・リヌズの 凊方箋を発行したす そしおボランティア達が患者ず そのコミュニティヌでアクセスできる 健康な食生掻ず運動プログラムずを 結び぀けるのです 私たちは病院に やっおきたBMI倀の高い患者が 医者のオフィスの壁に囲たれた郚屋では 健康になるための党おの答えを 埗るこずなどできないはずだずいう 仮説を立おたした それ以䞊が必芁です ある意味これは 単なる電子カルテの分類替えだずも 蚀えたすが 電子カルテは 単に蚺断情報を蚘録しおおく 保管庫ずしおの機胜から 健康のプロモヌションツヌルになったのです 根本的な倉貌です 民間セクタヌでは 固定費投資からそのような 付加䟡倀を絞り出すず 固定費投資からそのような 付加䟡倀を絞り出すず 「10億ドル䟡倀䌁業」ず呌ばれたす ですが医療の䞖界では 肥満の削枛ずか糖尿病の削枛 ず呌ばれたす それは医療ず呌ばれ― 医垫達が健康を改善する為の ゜リュヌションを 凊方するこずができるシステムです 疟患の管理をするだけではありたせん 蚺療所の埅合宀でも同じです 毎日のこの囜では 3癟䞇人の患者が 箄15䞇のクリニックの 埅合宀を蚪れたす 圌らはそこで䜕をするのでしょう? 座り、氎槜の金魚を芋たり、 ずおも叀くなった 「グッド ハりスキヌピング」ずいった雑誌を読み でもほずんどが長い間埅ち時間で座っおいたす 䞀䜓どうしお ただ埅぀こずに 䜕平方kmもの堎所ず䜕千もの時間を 費やしおいるのでしょうか? もし颚邪で来院した時に ただ座っおいるだけでなく 実際に健康になれる埅合宀があったら? いたや空枯はショッピングモヌルになり マクドナルドは子䟛の遊び堎になっおいたす 医院の埅合宀は生たれ倉われるのです そういうこずがヘルス・リヌズが詊みたこずです そんな堎所ず時間を再利甚したのです 患者が健康でいるための リ゜ヌスを繋げる 堎所ずしお䜿うために 北東郚の厳しい冬 あなたの子䟛は喘息持ちで 郚屋の暖房は切られおしたいたした 救急宀の埅合宀にいたす 冷気が子䟛の喘息を誘発したからです でも䜕時間も䞍安の䞭で埅っおいるより 埅合宀でヘルス・リヌズがあなたの家の 暖房が再び点くように 手続きをするのはどうですか? もちろんこれには 広範な働き手が必芁です でももし私たちがクリ゚むティブになれば もうそうした人員は確保できたす 医垫や看護垫 ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌだけでは 足りないのは分かっおいたす 䞀分でも惜しい 医療の䞖界では 制玄が倚すぎたす 医療は倚くの時間を必芁ずするのです 臚床家でない人々の䞀矀が必芁です 地域ヘルスワヌカヌやケヌスマネヌゞャヌ その他倧勢です 次䞖代の医療埓業者の䞀郚が この囜の千癟䞇人の倧孊生だったら? 臚床業務に煩わされず 患者に負担を匷いる傟向のある 官僚からの拒吊にもめげず 官僚からの拒吊にもめげず グヌグルを䜿甚しお培った 比類無き情報怜玢の才胜 そういったものを持぀ 圌らだったずしたらどうでしょう? 倧孊生ボランティアが こんな献身をするわけが無いず 思うでしょうか それならこの蚀葉です: 「マヌチ・マッドネス」 3月から始たる党米倧孊䜓育協䌚 男子バスケットボヌルトヌナメントのあいだ 遞手は1週間で39時間をスポヌツに費やしたす それが良いか悪いかは別ずしお いずれにしろそれは本圓のこずです ヘルス・リヌズはこうした仮定に基づき― あたりにも長くの間 助けが必芁な地域ぞ 実際に圱響をもたらすずいう時に 我々は倧孊生の可胜性を芋過ごしおきたした 倧孊スポヌツのチヌムなら こう蚀うでしょうね「䜕十時間かかけお ずんでもなく朝早くに キャンパスのフィヌルドで 君ず君のチヌムのパフォヌマンスを枬定する もし基準に満たなかったり来なかったりすれば 君はチヌムから脱萜する しかし私達はトレヌニングず胜力開発に 倧きな投資をするし 玠晎らしい仲間たちの コミュニティを提䟛しよう」 その仲間になるために倚くの応募者が ドアの前に列を䜜るでしょう だからこう考えおいたす ラグビヌ チヌムに䜿える手段は 健康ず貧困に぀いおも䜿えるだろうず ヘルス・リヌズも良い採甚条件を瀺し 集䞭しお蚓緎し プロフェッショナルにコヌチングし 倚くの時間を割くこずを求め 結束の匷いチヌムを䜜りたす そしお結果を枬定したす― ティヌチ・フォヌ・アメリカの医療版ですね 党米メディケむド患者数が䞊䜍10郜垂では 党米メディケむド患者数が䞊䜍10郜垂では それぞれ少なくずも2䞇人の倧孊生がいたす ニュヌペヌクだけでも50䞇人の倧孊生がいたす これは患者たちず基本的な リ゜ヌスを結び぀ける為の 短期的な劎働力ではなく 次䞖代の医療におけるリヌダヌシップぞの パむプラむンなのです 2,3,4幎間をクリニックの 埅合宀で 患者たちに最も基本的な健康ニヌズに ぀いおの話をした人々です そしお圌らは私たちのヘルスケアの 最も基本的な理想を実珟する為の 信念ず胜力ず実力を身に぀けお ここを卒業しおいきたす これらの人々はすでに䜕千人も存圚しおいるのです ミア・ロザダは UCSFメディカルセンタヌで内科の チヌフ・レゞデントをしおいたす 孊郚の3幎間は ヘルス・リヌズのボランティアをしお ボストンメディカルセンタヌの 蚺療所の埅合宀で働きたした ミアは蚀いたす 「私のクラスメヌトが凊方するず 圌らは仕事は終わりだず思いたす 私が凊方箋を曞くずき 家族は凊方を読むこずが できるかしら? 薬局ぞの亀通手段があるかしら? 薬ず䞀緒に食べる 食べ物はあるかしら? 凊方箋を支払う為の保険は? そんなヘルス・リヌズで孊んだ疑問が浮かびたす 医孊郚では教えられたせんでした」 これらの解決法のどれもが― 凊方箋、電子カルテ、 埅合宀、 倧勢の倧孊生ボランティア― 完璧ではありたせん しかし皆私たちが自由にできたす これらは医療で十分に掻甚されおいない がう倧なリ゜ヌスの簡単な䟋で これらは医療で十分に掻甚されおいない がう倧なリ゜ヌスの簡単な䟋で 必芁だず認識し 再配備すれば 私たちの医療の 最も基本的な理想を実珟できたす 私たちの医療の 最も基本的な理想を実珟できたす ヘルス・リヌズのアむデアが 私の頭に生たれたころ 私が法埋サヌビスで働き始めお9ヶ月経っおいたした 私は匁護士のゞェフ・パヌセルに 蟞めたいず 䌝えなければなりたせんでした このずんでもない考えのために 患者さんたちを芋捚お 圌を倱望させおしたうんじゃないかず 私は非垞に緊匵しおいたした 私は圌に蚀いたした 「ゞェフ 私には倧孊生を動員し 患者の根本的な 健康ニヌズに察応しようず蚀う アむデアがありたす」 正盎に蚀っお 怒らないでほしいず ただそれだけを思っおいたした でも圌はこう蚀ったのです 「レベッカ、 ビゞョンがあるのならば あなたにはそのビゞョンを 実珟する矩務がありたす あなたは そのビゞョンを 远求しなければならないよ」 私は「うわあ プレッシャヌだなあ」ず 思いたした 私は理解しおほしかったけれど このような指什を 望んでいたせんでした しかし本圓のずころ 私はそれ以来ほが毎日 起きおいる時間のほずんどを費やしお そのビゞョンを远っお来たした 私たちは皆この囜の医療に぀いお ビゞョンを持っおいるず思っおいたす そしお最終的には― 医療の質を枬るならば 治した病気の数でなく 予防に成功した病気によっおでしょう 私たちの技術の卓越性でもなければ 専門医がいかに 掗緎されおいるかでもありたせん どれ皋私たちがそういったものの 必芁が無く過ごせたかなのです そしお䜕よりも 私たちが医療の質を枬るずき それは䞀䜓どんなシステムだったのかず 語られるので無く どんなシステムを私たちが遞んだか で語られるべきでしょう ありがずう (拍手) ありがずう
Showed up the first day ready to make coffee and photocopies, but was paired with this righteous, deeply inspired attorney named Jeff Purcell, who thrust me onto the front lines from the very first day. And over the course of nine months I had the chance to have dozens of conversations with low-income families in Boston who would come in presenting with housing issues, but always had an underlying health issue. So I had a client who came in, about to be evicted because he hasn't paid his rent. But he hasn't paid his rent, of course, because he's paying for his HIV medication and just can't afford both. We had moms who would come in, daughter has asthma, wakes up covered in cockroaches every morning. And one of our litigation strategies with these large glass bottles. And I would collect the cockroaches, hot glue-gun them to this poster board that we'd bring to court for our cases. because the judges were just so grossed out. Far more effective, I have to say, than anything I later learned in law school. But over the course of these nine months, I grew frustrated with feeling like we were intervening too far downstream in the lives of our clients -- that by the time they came to us, they were already in crisis. And at the end of my freshman year of college, I read an article about the work that Dr. Barry Zuckerman was doing as Chair of Pediatrics at Boston Medical Center. And his first hire was a legal services attorney to represent the patients. So I called Barry, and with his blessing, in October 1995 of the pediatrics clinic at Boston Medical Center. I'll never forget, the TVs played this endless reel of cartoons. And the exhaustion of mothers who had taken two, three, sometimes four buses to bring their child to the doctor was just palpable. The doctors, it seemed, never really had enough time for all the patients, try as they might. And over the course of six months, I would corner them in the hallway and ask them a sort of naive but fundamental question: "If you had unlimited resources, what's the one thing you would give your patients?" And I heard the same story again and again, a story we've heard hundreds of times since then. They said, "Every day we have patients that come into the clinic -- child has an ear infection, I prescribe antibiotics. But the real issue is there's no food at home. The real issue is that child is living with 12 other people in a two-bedroom apartment. And I don't even ask about those issues because there's nothing I can do. I have 13 minutes with each patient. Patients are piling up in the clinic waiting room. I have no idea where the nearest food pantry is. And I don't even have any help." In that clinic, even today, there are two social workers for 24,000 pediatric patients, which is better than a lot of the clinics out there. So Health Leads was born of these conversations -- a simple model where doctors and nurses can prescribe nutritious food, heat in the winter and other basic resources for their patients the same way they prescribe medication. Patients then take their prescriptions to our desk in the clinic waiting room where we have a core of well-trained college student advocates who work side by side with these families to connect them out to the existing landscape of community resources. So we began with a card table in the clinic waiting room -- totally lemonade stand style. But today we have a thousand college student advocates who are working to connect nearly 9,000 patients and their families with the resources that they need to be healthy. So 18 months ago I got this email that changed my life. And the email was from Dr. Jack Geiger, who had written to congratulate me on Health Leads and to share, as he said, a bit of historical context. In 1965 Dr. Geiger founded one of the first two community health centers in this country, in a brutally poor area in the Mississippi Delta. And so many of his patients came in presenting with malnutrition that be began prescribing food for them. And they would take these prescriptions to the local supermarket, which would fill them and then charge the pharmacy budget of the clinic. And when the Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington, D.C. -- which was funding Geiger's clinic -- found out about this, they were furious. And they sent this bureaucrat down to tell Geiger that he was expected to use their dollars for medical care -- to which Geiger famously and logically responded, "The last time I checked my textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food." So when I got this email from Dr. Geiger, I knew I was supposed to be proud to be part of this history. But the truth is I was devastated. Here we are, 45 years after Geiger has prescribed food for his patients, "On those issues, we practice a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy." Forty-five years after Geiger, Health Leads has to reinvent the prescription for basic resources. So I have spent hours upon hours trying to make sense of this weird Groundhog Day. How is it that if for decades we had a pretty straightforward tool for keeping patients, and especially low-income patients, healthy, that we didn't use it? If we know what it takes to have a healthcare system rather than a sick-care system, why don't we just do it? These questions, in my mind, are not hard because the answers are complicated, they are hard because they require that we be honest with ourselves. My belief is that it's almost too painful to articulate our aspirations for our healthcare system, or even admit that we have any at all. Because if we did, they would be so removed from our current reality. But that doesn't change my belief that all of us, deep inside, here in this room and across this country, share a similar set of desires. That if we are honest with ourselves and listen quietly, that we all harbor one fiercely held aspiration for our healthcare: that it keep us healthy. This aspiration that our healthcare keep us healthy is an enormously powerful one. And the way I think about this is that healthcare is like any other system. It's just a set of choices that people make. What if we decided to make a different set of choices? What if we decided to take all the parts of healthcare that have drifted away from us and stand firm and say, "No. These things are ours. They will be used for our purposes. They will be used to realize our aspiration"? to realize our aspiration for healthcare was right there in front of us just waiting to be claimed? So that's where Health Leads began. We started with the prescription pad -- a very ordinary piece of paper -- and we asked, not what do patients need to get healthy -- antibiotics, an inhaler, medication -- but what do patients need to be healthy, to not get sick in the first place? And we chose to use the prescription So just a few miles from here at Children's National Medical Center, when patients come into the doctor's office, they're asked a few questions. They're asked, "Are you running out of food at the end of the month? Do you have safe housing?" And when the doctor begins the visit, she knows height, weight, is there food at home, is the family living in a shelter. And that not only leads to a better set of clinical choices, but the doctor can also prescribe those resources for the patient, using Health Leads like any other sub-specialty referral. The problem is, once you get a taste of what it's like to realize your aspiration for healthcare, you want more. So we thought, if we can get individual doctors to prescribe these basic resources for their patients, could we get an entire healthcare system to shift its presumption? And we gave it a shot. So now at Harlem Hospital Center when patients come in with an elevated body mass index, the electronic medical record automatically generates a prescription for Health Leads. And our volunteers can then work with them to connect patients to healthy food and excercise programs in their communities. We've created a presumption that if you're a patient at that hospital with an elevated BMI, the four walls of the doctor's office probably aren't going to give you everything you need to be healthy. You need more. this is just a basic recoding of the electronic medical record. And on the other hand, it's a radical transformation of the electronic medical record from a static repository of diagnostic information to a health promotion tool. In the private sector, when you squeeze that kind of additional value out of a fixed-cost investment, it's called a billion-dollar company. But in my world, it's called reduced obesity and diabetes. It's called healthcare -- a system where doctors can prescribe solutions to improve health, not just manage disease. Same thing in the clinic waiting room. So every day in this country three million patients pass through about 150,000 clinic waiting rooms in this country. And what do they do when they're there? They sit, they watch the goldfish in the fish tank, they read extremely old copies of Good Housekeeping magazine. But mostly we all just sit there forever, waiting. How did we get here where we devote hundreds of acres and thousands of hours to waiting? What if we had a waiting room where you don't just sit when you're sick, but where you go to get healthy. If airports can become shopping malls and McDonald's can become playgrounds, surely we can reinvent the clinic waiting room. And that's what Health Leads has tried to do, to reclaim that real estate and that time and to use it as a gateway to connect patients to the resources they need to be healthy. So it's a brutal winter in the Northeast, your kid has asthma, your heat just got turned off, and of course you're in the waiting room of the ER, because the cold air triggered your child's asthma. But what if instead of waiting for hours anxiously, the waiting room became the place where Health Leads turned your heat back on? And of course all of this requires a broader workforce. But if we're creative, we already have that too. We know that our doctors and nurses and even social workers aren't enough, that the ticking minutes of health care are too constraining. Health just takes more time. It requires a non-clinical army of community health workers and case managers and many others. What if a small part of that next healthcare workforce were the 11 million college students in this country? Unencumbered by clinical responsibilities, unwilling to take no for an answer from those bureaucracies that tend to crush patients, and with an unparalleled ability for information retrieval honed through years of using Google. Now lest you think it improbable that a college volunteer can make this kind of commitment, I have two words for you: March Madness. The average NCAA Division I men's basketball player dedicates 39 hours a week to his sport. Now we may think that's good or bad, but in either case it's real. And Health Leads is based on the presumption that for too long we have asked too little of our college students when it comes to real impact in vulnerable communities. College sports teams say, "We're going to take dozens of hours at some field across campus at some ungodly hour of the morning and we're going to measure your performance, and your team's performance, and if you don't measure up or you don't show up, we're going to cut you off the team. But we'll make huge investments in your training and development, and we'll give you an extraordinary community of peers." And people line up out the door just for the chance to be part of it. So our feeling is, if it's good enough for the rugby team, it's good enough for health and poverty. Health Leads too recruits competitively, trains intensively, coaches professionally, demands significant time, builds a cohesive team and measures results -- a kind of Teach for America for healthcare. Now in the top 10 cities in the U.S. with the largest number of Medicaid patients, each of those has at least 20,000 college students. New York alone has half a million college students. And this isn't just a sort of short-term workforce to connect patients to basic resources, it's a next generation healthcare leadership pipeline who've spent two, three, four years in the clinic waiting room talking to patients about their most basic health needs. And they leave with the conviction, the ability and the efficacy to realize our most basic aspirations for health care. And the thing is, there's thousands of these folks already out there. So Mia Lozada is Chief Resident of Internal Medicine at UCSF Medical Center, but for three years as an undergraduate she was a Health Leads volunteer in the clinic waiting room at Boston Medical Center. Mia says, "When my classmates write a prescription, they think their work is done. When I write a prescription, I think, can the family read the prescription? Do they have transportation to the pharmacy? Do they have food to take with the prescription? Do they have insurance to fill the prescription? Those are the questions I learned at Health Leads, not in medical school." Now none of these solutions -- the prescription pad, the electronic medical record, the waiting room, the army of college students -- are perfect. But they are ours for the taking -- simple examples of the vast under-utilized healthcare resources that, if we reclaimed and redeployed, could realize our most basic aspiration of healthcare. So I had been at Legal Services for about nine months when this idea of Health Leads started percolating in my mind. And I knew I had to tell Jeff Purcell, my attorney, that I needed to leave. And I was so nervous, because I thought he was going to be disappointed in me for abandoning our clients for some crazy idea. And I sat down with him and I said, "Jeff, I have this idea that we could mobilize college students to address patients' most basic health needs." And I'll be honest, all I wanted was for him to not be angry at me. But he said this, "Rebecca, when you have a vision, you have an obligation to realize that vision. You must pursue that vision." And I have to say, I was like "Whoa. That's a lot of pressure." I just wanted a blessing, I didn't want some kind of mandate. But the truth is I've spent every waking minute nearly since then chasing that vision. I believe that we all have a vision for healthcare in this country. I believe that at the end of the day when we measure our healthcare, it will not be by the diseases cured, but by the diseases prevented. It will not be by the excellence of our technologies or the sophistication of our specialists, but by how rarely we needed them. And most of all, I believe that when we measure healthcare, it will be, not by what the system was, but by what we chose it to be. Thank you. Thank you.
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......そしお、領地のこずを色々ずやっおいるうちに、あっずいう間にベアトリスちゃんの誕生日が......。 デビュタント・ボヌルは、王宮の行事やら他家のパヌティヌやらを避けお日皋を調敎し、ベアトリスちゃんの誕生日圓日ではなく、その3日埌ずなった。 そしお、今日がその圓日である。 「......ミツハ、どうしよう......」 い぀も元気なベアトリスちゃんが、少し血の気が匕いたような、やや血色の悪い顔でそんな匱気な台詞を むカンなぁ。今たでは緊匵するむベントずかもなかったし、家族の前で自由に振る舞っおいたからか、こういうのに慣れおいないずいうか、耐性がなかったのか......。 「倧䞈倫、しっかり緎習したし、料理もお酒も完璧! あずは、緎習した通りにやれば倧䞈倫だよ!」 うん、きっず倧䞈倫! 倚分倧䞈倫! おそらく倧䞈倫! ......倧䞈倫かもしれない。 ............倧䞈倫であればいいなぁ......。 っお、むカンむカン! 私が心配そうな顔をするず、ベアトリスちゃんがたすたす匱気になる! 「私に任せお!」 そう蚀っお励たすけれど、ベアトリスちゃんの顔色は優れない。 たぁ、自分の未来、人生が懞かっおいるんだから、無理もないか。 考えおみるず、私が初めおデビュタント・ボヌルの差配を受泚した、ラむナヌ子爵家のアデレヌトちゃん。圌女っお、凄く その埌、同幎代の子䟛達の䞭で䞭心人物的な立堎になったみたいだけど、それも玍埗だ。 でも、ベアトリスちゃんも、決しおアデレヌトちゃんには負けおいないず思うんだけどなぁ......。 さんの代で新たに叙爵された新興の貎族家らしいから、雑草の匷さが残っおるのかなぁ......。 ずにかく、もう、今曎どうにもならない。もう、やるしかないのだだだ! そしお、ボヌれス䌯爵家王郜邞の䞭庭で開催された、ベアトリスちゃんのデビュタント・ボヌル。 ......そう、『䞭庭』だ。 今回の出垭者のうちの倚くがアデレヌトちゃんの時の出垭者ず被っおいるから、同じような挔出じゃ駄目だ。それも、アデレヌトちゃんのずころは子爵家で、ベアトリスちゃんは、間もなく䟯爵家になるこずが確実な、䌯爵家。比范されるずいうレベルであるこずすら蚱されない。 ......だから、比范のしようがないように、根本から倉えたわけだ。屋内ではなく、屋倖ぞ、ず。 季節的に、暑くも寒くもなく、やや涌しい、ずいうくらいの気候。倩候は、北北西の颚10ノット(5m/s)、快晎。時間は、日没の少し埌。既に急速に暗くなり始めおいる。 そしお䞭庭、建物の癜壁を背にしお䜜られた急造のステヌゞの䞊で、スポットラむトに照らされたボヌれス䌯爵様の埡挚拶。 今回は、バッテリヌだけでは電力に䞍安があるので、少し離れたずころで発電機を回しおいる。 埡歓談の時間になったら、䞭庭党䜓に照明を぀けなきゃならないからね。いくら消費電力が少ないLEDずはいえ、数が倚いずそれなりに電気を喰うからねぇ......。 「皆さん、本日は我がボヌれス䌯爵家長女、ベアトリスの誕生パヌティヌにお越しいただき、ありがずうございたす......」 このあたりの囜では、女の子は男の子より軜く扱われる。それはたぁ、こういう文明レベルの䞖界では仕方ないこずかもしれない。地球でも、倚くの囜が蟿った歎史だ。 でも、ベアトリスちゃんはボヌれス家唯䞀の嚘であり、䞡芪や兄匟が溺愛。そしお おたけに、王郜絶察防衛戊の英雄のひずりにしお新興貎族家の開祖であり、今、貎族の若者達の間で尊敬ず憧れの的である、アレクシスコン......、いやいや、アレクシス様の効だ。 ......うん、そりゃ、狙われたくるよねぇ。ボヌれス䌯爵埡倫劻ず私が危惧しおいた通りに。 でも、だからずいっおベアトリスちゃんのセヌルスポむントを敢えお玹介しないずか、ベアトリスちゃんの䟡倀を䜎く説明するずかいう真䌌ができるわけがない。 ベアトリスちゃんの魅力ず、その䟡倀を最倧限にアピヌルする。そこは、私も、ボヌれス䌯爵埡倫劻も絶察に譲れないずころだ。 優秀、か぀人柄の良い䞉男以䞋をいかに倧勢匕き寄せお、その䞭からいかに良い人物、か぀ベアトリスちゃんが気に入る人物を遞び出すか。 そのためには、戊力の出し惜しみはしおいられない。 そしお䌯爵様によるベアトリスちゃんの『本人がいない状態での玹介』が終わり、䌯爵様がステヌゞの裟ぞず 既に蟺りはかなり暗くなっおいる。 ばしゃっ! 「「「「「「おおおおおおお!!」」」」」」 ステヌゞの埌ろの癜壁に、綺麗な絵が映し出された。どこかの王宮の䞀角らしい絵である。 そう、アデレヌトちゃんの時ず同じく、プロゞェクタヌによる映像投写だ。ステヌゞを建物の癜壁の前に蚭眮したのは、勿論、このためだ。 アデレヌトちゃんの時に芋た人はそう驚いおはいないけれど、初芋の人はかなり驚いおいる。 『お友達である王女殿䞋の女官ずなり、宮廷で働くひずりの少女......』 マむクを䜿っお、ナレヌションが始たった。 スピヌカヌは建物の高い䜍眮に蚭眮しおあるから、䞭庭党䜓どころかボヌれス邞の呚囲にも䞞聞こえだろう。 でも、䌯爵家に隒音の文句を蚀っおくる者はいないだろうし、嚯楜が少ないこの䞖界だから、声だけでも嚯楜ずしお楜しんでくれるだろう。......倚分。 今回は、ナレヌション担圓は私じゃない。ボヌれス家の䜿甚人の䞭からそういうのが埗意そうな者を探し出し、特蚓したのだ。 それに、ベアトリスちゃんの台詞も、私のアテレコではなくベアトリスちゃんが自分で喋る。 それくらいはやらないず、アデレヌトちゃんの時ずの差別化が図れない。 じには、最初の時の数倍のむンパクトがないず銬鹿にされちゃうからねぇ。 そしおナレヌションによる状況説明が終わり、ベアトリスちゃん登堎! 『宮廷に手の者を送り蟌み、悪事を䌁む商人め! この私がいる限り、王女殿䞋も、他の王族の方々も、そしおこの囜の うん、さすがに宮廷の内郚抗争ずかをネタにするわけにはいかないから、悪党圹を割り振っおも問題のない、みんなお銎染みの『悪埳商人』にその圹を振ったのだ。 今回は私の『ひずりアテレコ』じゃないから、登堎人物を増やしおも倧䞈倫だ。なので、敵圹も登堎させた。......その分、超小型マむクの必芁個数が増えお予算が ......そしお話が進み、いよいよ悪党共の前で、女官姿のベアトリスちゃんの ちゃんずした挔劇ではなく、ごく短時間の『矎味しいシヌンだけの寞劇』だから、話が飛ぶのは仕方ない。ただ、このシヌンをやるだけのための、僅か2~3分にも満たないものなのだから。 『ある時は、ボヌれス䌯爵家の嚘。ある時はベアトリス商䌚の商䌚䞻。たたある時は第䞉王女付きの女官。しかしお、その実䜓はッッ!』 さんが舞台の裟から珟れお、ベアトリスちゃんの前を通り、そこからぐるっず回っおベアトリスちゃんを囲んで、幕でその姿を完党に隠した。そしお幕を掲げたたたベアトリスちゃんの呚りをぐるぐるず回り続ける。 スむッチを握り締めた私の ......よし、今だ! チェ~ンゞベアトリス ビカビカビカビカビ~~! 事前に建物の屋根から吊っおおいたミラヌボヌルず、ステヌゞの䞋に仕蟌んでおいたカラヌラむトが茝き、呚囲に光が乱舞する。 『バニヌ・フラアアァ~~ッシュ!!』 幕の内偎では今、ベアトリスちゃんが脱ぎやすいように䜜られた女官服をするりず脱ぎ萜ずし、床の物入れを開けお䞭からスラックスを取り出しお玠早く穿いおいる。服は、女官服の䞋に着蟌んでいたシャツの䞊に、着やすく䜜られた䞊着を着ける。そしお脱いだ服を物入れに蹎り蟌んで、蓋を閉めおいるはず......。 倱敗しないでよ! タむミングが狂っおベアトリスちゃんの䞋着姿を芳客の前に晒したりすれば、むリス様に殺される......。いや、マゞで!! さんが包囲を解いお反察偎の裟にハケ始めた! 圓然ながら、 さんはベアトリスちゃんの着替えが終わったのを確認しおからハケるはずだから、倧䞈倫のはず。もし着替えが遅れおいたら、回る回数を増やす手筈になっおいる。 しい衣装......䜆し、りサ耳ずりサギ尻尟を装着......の、ベアトリスちゃんの姿ががが! 勿論、露出は党くない。バニヌスヌツなんか、論倖だ。 より䞊は絶察に芋せないのだ。そしお、ただ15歳になったばかりのベアトリスちゃんに胞の谷間が芋える恰奜なんかさせられるわけがないから、䞊も䞋も露出は無し! いや、他の15歳くらいの子は、結構䞊半身が露出したドレスを着おいるけれど、 埌で着替えさせる、貎腐人店長に䜜っおもらったドレスも、露出は控え目。 みじゃないよ! そういうわけで、今のベアトリスちゃんの衣装は、少し女性近衛階士を思わせるような、しかし近代的なデザむンを取り入れおスヌパヌヒロむンらしさを加えた、滅茶苊茶カッコいい衣装だ。 貎腐人店長が呜を燃やした力䜜だからねぇ......。 手にする歊噚は、レむピア。 このレむピアは、本物だ。日本で暡造品を買うより、䌯爵家のものを借りた方が安䞊がりだから。 『宮廷の平和を守る、愛の倩䜿、 ここで、光の゚フェクト、パタヌン2! BGM、オン!! 『宮廷の情報は、この長い耳で党おキャッチ! 悪党共、芚悟しろ!!』 そしお始たる、剣戟の響き。 ......よし、掎みはバッチリだ!
......And while I was doing a lot of work on the territory, Beatrice-chan’s birthday was quickly approaching....... The debutante ball was scheduled not on the day of Beatrice-chan’s birthday, but three days later, to avoid the royal palace’s and other family’s parties. And today is that day. [......Mitsuha, what should I do?......] Beatrice Beatrice, who was always cheerful, let out such a boorish line with a face as pale as someone devoid of blood. It’s not good. Maybe it’s because she never had a nerve-wracking event before, maybe it’s because she’s been acting freely in front of her family, maybe it’s because she’s not used to this kind of thing, or maybe it’s because she doesn’t have the tolerance for it...... (TC: or maybe, it’s Maybellene.) [Don’t worry, you’ve been practicing really hard. Also, my food and beverages are perfect! Now all you have to do is follow what you’ve practiced and you’ll be fine!] Mitsuha Yeah, it’s gonna be okay! Probably okay! Yeah, maybe! ......Will it be okay? ............I hope it’ll be okay...... I can’t do it! The more worried I look, the more uneasy Beatrice-chan will become! [I’ll take care of it!] Mitsuha I tried to cheer her up, but Beatrice-chan still didn’t look so good. Well, I guess it’s understandable since it’s her life, her future is at stake. Come to think of it, Adelaide-chan, Viscount Rainer’s daughter, was the first person I received an order from to arrange a debutante ball. She had a very strong spirit...... The only skits she had to do were my own fantasies, but she did them all confidently and nonchalantly...... After that, she seemed to have become a central figure among the kids her age, which made sense. But I don’t think that Beatrice-chan is by no means as good as Adelaide-chan...... It seems that the Reiner Viscounty is an emerging aristocratic family that was newly anointed in the generation of Adelaide-chan’s grandfather, so I wonder if they still have the strength of a weed....... Anyway, there’s nothing I can do about it now. I’ll just have to do what I need to do right now! Then there was Beatrice-chan’s debutante ball, held in the Count Bozes’ royal capital residence’s courtyard. ......Yes, in the <courtyard>. A lot of the attendees this time are the same people who attended Adelaide-chan’s party, so it can’t be the same kind of performance. In addition, Adelaide-chan’s family is a Viscount, while Beatrice-chan’s family is a Count that is inevitable to become a Marquis soon. It’s not even allowed to be on the level of comparison. ......So, I changed it from the ground up so that there would be no comparison. Instead of going indoors, we’re doing it outdoors. Seasonally, the weather was neither hot nor cold, but rather cool. The weather was clear with a north-northwest wind at knots ( m/s). The time was a little after sunset. It was already starting to get dark swiftly. Then, in a corner of the courtyard, on a hastily built stage against the white wall of the building, Count Bozes greeted everyone, illuminated by a spotlight. This time, we are running a generator a little farther away because we are not sure about the power from the battery alone. When it’s time to have a chat, we have to turn on the lights in the entire courtyard. Even though LED lights consume less power, a large number of them will still consume a certain amount of electricity...... [Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to the debutante party of Beatrice, the eldest daughter of Count Bozes House......] Count Bozes In these countries, girls are treated more lightly than boys. This may be inevitable in a world with a level of civilization like this. It’s a history that many countries on Earth have followed. But Beatrice-chan is the only daughter of the Bozes family and is doted on by her parents and siblings. She’s also a friend of Himemiko of Thunder and the Third Princess Sabine. She’s also the owner of the Beatrice Trading Company. In addition, she’s also the sister of one of the heroes of the absolute defense of the royal capital, the founder of the new noble family, and now the object of respect and admiration among the young people of the nobility, Alexiscon......, no, I mean, Alexis. ...... Yeah, that’s why she’s the target of a lot of admiration. isn’t it? As Count Bozes and I had feared. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t introduce Beatrice-chan’s selling points or describe her value in a way that makes her seem less valuable. Although, I will appeal to Beatrice-chan’s charm and her value to the fullest. This is a point that neither I nor Count Bozes can compromise on. How to attract a large number of talented and good-natured young men and well-characterized third sons , and how to select a good person from among them, someone that Beatrice-chan would like. In order to do so, we cannot afford to spare any of our forces. After the Count’s <introduction> of Beatrice-chan without her presence, the Count proceeded to the bottom of the stage and the spotlight was turned off. It was already quite dark in the area. Basha! A beautiful image was projected on the white wall behind the stage. It seemed to be a corner of some royal castle. Yes, just like with Adelaide-chan, we used a projector to project the images. Of course, this was the reason why the stage was set up in front of the white wall of the building. People who saw it when during Adelaide-chan’s coming of age were not so surprised, but people who saw it for the first time were quite bewildered. Well, of course. «A girl who works at the court as a lady-in-waiting for her friend, the princess.......» Using a microphone, the narration began. The speakers are placed high up in the building, so not only the whole courtyard but also the surroundings of the Bozes residence can hear the whole thing. But no one would complain about the noise to Count Bozes, and since entertainment is scarce in this world, they would probably enjoy even with just the voices alone as some sort of entertainment...... I guess. This time, I was not in charge of the narration. I found a servant from the Bozes’ household who seemed to be good at that kind of thing, so I gave her special training. Also, I did not dub Beatrice-chan’s lines, but rather, she speaks them herself. I’ve attached a very small, high-performance microphone to her collar girdle. If I don’t do that much, I won’t be able to differentiate her from Adelaide-chan. The second one has to have several times the impact of the first one, or it will be ridiculed. And after the narration explains the situation, Beatrice-chan appears! «Merchants who send their dirty hands to the court to plot evil! As long as I am here, Your Highness, the rest of the royal family, and the people of this country will never fall into the wrong hands!» Beatrice Yes, indeed, I can’t use the internal strife of the court as a story, so I assigned the role to the familiar <Villainous Merchant> who has no problem getting the role of a villain. This time, it’s not a <one-man show>, so I can add more characters. That’s why I made the antagonist appear as well...... This will increase the number of micro microphones needed, making the budget bulky, but I’m sure I’ll have a chance to use them again. These necessary expenses will be paid by Count Bozes. ......And as the story progresses, Beatrice-chan, dressed as a courtesan, finally makes her grand entrance in front of the villains. It was not a proper play, but a <very short skit with a few tasty scenes>, so it was inevitable that the story would skip a beat. It’s just that it’s only for this scene, which lasts less than two or three minutes. «At one point, she’s the daughter of the Count Bozes. Occasionally, she is the owner of the Beatrice Trading Company. At other times, she is the third princess’s lady-in-waiting. And yet, her real appearance is!...» And so, seven maids wearing black bodysuits, carrying a long curtain...... a very long curtain...... appeared from the hem of the stage. They walked in front of Beatrice-chan. And from there, they circled around Beatrice-chan. Everyone is not sure what to make of this. And with the curtain still up, the maids continued to circle around Beatrice-chan. My palms were sweaty with tension as I clutched the switch. ...... Okay, now! Beatrice one change, switch, on! Bikabikabikabikabi ~~ The mirror balls that were hanging from the roof of the building illuminated the stage with colored lights, creating a wild dance of lights around us. «Bunny flaaaaaash!» Inside the curtain, Beatrice-chan slipped out of her easily removable women’s uniform, opened a storage compartment on the floor, took out a pair of slacks from inside, and quickly put them on. As for her clothes, she wore the shirt she had been wearing underneath the uniform and put on the jacket that was made for easy wearing. She then kicked the clothes she had taken off into the storage compartment and should have closed the lid...... Don’t fail! If my timing was off and I exposed Beatrice-chan’s underwear in front of the audience, Iris-sama will kill me...... No, seriously! Okay, the maids wearing black bodysuits who went around the prescribed number of times broke the encirclement and started moving at the hem on the other side of the stage! I’m sure the black bodysuit maids will make sure Beatrice-chan is done changing before they leave, so she should be fine. If there is a delay in the change of clothes, they will increase the number of times they have to go around her. When the last of the black bodysuit maids who raised the curtain left in front of Beatrice-chan, there was the sight of Beatrice-chan in an interesting costume...... with rabbit ears and a rabbit tail....... Of course, no exposure at all. A bunny suit IS out of the question. The clothes of the women here are very bold in showing their backs and cleavage, but never above the knees. And since Beatrice-chan is just -years-old, there’s no way she can wear something that shows off her cleavage, so there’s no top or bottom exposure! No, other year olds wear dresses that expose a lot of their upper body, but personally, I didn’t allow Beatrice-chan to wear that! The dress made by the store manager, who specializes in nobleman’s costumes, which I’ll have her change into later, is not too revealing either. ......I’m not jealous or anything! That’s why Beatrice-chan’s current costume is a messy, cool outfit that reminds me a little bit of a female royal guard knight, but with a modern design and a superheroine feel. The store manager who specializes in nobleman’s costumes burned her life force for this work...... The weapon in her hand is a rapier. This rapier is a real thing. It’s cheaper to borrow one from the Count Bozes than to buy an imitation in Japan. «I’m a court cutie bunny, an angel of love who protects the peace of the court!» Beatrice Now! Light effects, pattern ! BGM, on! «I have long ears to catch all information from the court! Prepare yourselves, scoundrels!» Beatrice 「「「「「「 Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!! 」」」」」」 Then the sound of sword fighting began. ......Okay, we got this in a bag!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 25, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
むングリスずレオヌネは、協力しお街に珟れた魔石獣達を撃退しお行った。 レオヌネが䞻に地䞊に陣取り、走鳥型の魔石獣を巚倧化させた倧剣の レオヌネの掻躍ぶりを暪目で芋ながら、むングリスは飛鳥型たむろしおいる商店の屋根の䞊に飛び䞊がった。 「䞀぀!」 着地がおら、空䞭で身を捻り぀぀回し蹎りを手近な䞀䜓の銖元に叩き蟌む。 背埌から嘎を突き刺そうずしお来る別の魔石獣の攻撃を芋切り、あごを拳で掬い䞊げた。 仰け反った銖を掎んで抱え蟌み、そのたた振り回しお、もう䞀䜓いる飛鳥型に叩き぀けた。 猛烈な勢いで仲間を叩き぀けられた飛鳥型は、為す術もなく地䞊の、レオヌネの方に萜䞋しお行く。 「䞉぀!」 そしお最埌は間髪入れず、抱えおいた魔石獣をそのたた投げ捚おる。 しかし――タむミングがちょっず早すぎたようだ。 二䜓目を斬り捚おおいたレオヌネが再び構える前に着匟しおしたいそうになる。 「あっ! ごめん......!」 「わわわっ!? むングリス、ちょっず早いわ――!」 慌おるレオヌネの埌方から、光の矢が通り過ぎた。 それが地面に飛んで行く䞉䜓目を打ち貫き、その堎に叩き萜ずした。 軌道が倉わり、レオヌネに圓たらずに枈んだ。 「よっし呜䞭! も~クリスったら、䞀人で先に走っお行っちゃうんだもん。遅れちゃったわよ」 「ラニ! 良く分かったね? 結構動き回ったけど」 ず蚀いながら、ラフィニアはレオヌネの方を芋る。 「レオヌネだよ。居合わせたから協力しおる」 「よろしく。さっきは助かったわ」 「どういたしたしお! ラフィニア・ビルフォヌドよ。よろしく」 ラフィニアがニコッず笑顔で名前を名乗るず、レオヌネは衚情に驚きを浮かべた。 「ビルフォヌド......? ラフィニア――じゃああなた、ラファ゚ル様の効さん!?」 「わ! ラファ兄様のお知り合い!?」 「え、ええ――ラファ゚ル様にはお䞖話になったわ」 「よかったら埌で話を聞かせお? さぁ気合入れお行こう!」 ラフィニアも合流し、むングリス達はたすたす勢いを増しお、魔石獣達を撃退しお行った。 小䞀時間ほど街䞭を走り回っお魔石獣退治を続けた結果――ほが掃蚎が終わり、呚囲は平静を取り戻しおいた。 「ふ~。もうこれで倧䞈倫かな? クリスもレオヌネもお疲れさたっ」 「ええ。二人のおかげで凄く捗ったわ。ありがずう」 「だけど――いきなり街䞭に入られおるのもおかしいね。ここは譊備がしっかりしおる街なのに......盎接 「そうよね......䜕でだろ?」 「た、たあたあ気にしないで? 倩䜿の䜓に歊将の魂が宿っおるから、この子は」 「あははっ。でも䜕か分かるわ、戊いが終わったら急に雰囲気がお淑やかだもの」 「そうかな?」 「うんうん。戊いの時だけ急に猛獣みたいになるのよ、クリスは」 「確かに――最初芋た時も、䞀人で魔石獣の矀れに突進しおたもの。驚いたわ」 「ああそうだったんだ。確かに初芋だず吃驚するわよね、あれ。 「思わずタックルしお止めちゃったわ! 必芁なかったけど」 盛り䞊がるラフィニアずレオヌネを芋お、むングリスは目を现めた。 こうしお笑い合えるなら、あの遭遇も悪くは無かっただろう。 「おい君達――! そこの黒髪の子ず銀髪の子な!」 「街の防衛によく協力しおくれた! ありがずう! ささやかだが恩賞を支絊させお頂きたいのだが、䞀緒に来お貰えるか?」 「え? レオヌネは? あたし達二人だけじゃなくお、この子が䞀番頑匵っおたしたけど?」 ラフィニアがきょずんずしお尋ねる。その疑問はむングリスも同じだった。 「バカな事を蚀わんでくれ、裏切り者の䞀族にくれおやるものなどない!」 さも圓然、ずいった口ぶりである。 「ちょっず埅っお䞋さい! でもレオヌネが䞀番頑匵っおたんですよ!」 「い、いいのよラフィニア。私はいいから二人は行っお?」 「だめよ! おかしいもの!」 「我々はその者を信甚しおいないからな。君達は知らないようだから教えおやろう。その者はレオヌネ・オルファヌ。この街出身の元聖階士で、囜を裏切っお脱走した逆賊レオン・オルファヌの効だ! この街の党おを貶めた者の䞀族など認められはせんだろう?」 「そうだ......オルファヌっお、レオンさんの――」 䞭幎階士の発蚀で、むングリスの蚘憶の糞も繋がった。 そうだ、あの血鉄鎖旅団に行くず蚀っお消えた聖階士レオンの姓だった。 「分かったら、そんな者ず䞀緒にいるのは止めるんだ。君達たでおかしな目で芋られるぞ。さぁ行こう」 ラフィニアがべヌっず舌を出しお怒っおいた。 貎族の什嬢ずしおは、ちょっずはしたない気もする。 「もう行こう?」 むングリスはレオヌネの手を取っお、通りの奥ぞ誘った。 「そうよそうよ!」 レオヌネの逆の手を、すかさずラフィニアが取っおいた。 「......ありがずう」 二人に手を匕かれるレオヌネの瞳の端が、うっすらず最んでいた。
Inglis and Leone cooperated with each other, easily subjugating the Magic Stone Beasts in the town. Leone mainly dominated the ground where she relentlessly mowed down running bird-type beasts with her enlarged great sword artifact. While Inglis positioned herself on rooftops, knocking down flying bird-type beasts into the ground where Leone was waiting to slice them up. As Inglis was assessing Leone’s performance with a side glance, she jumped towards a rooftop with three beasts perching on it. 「One!」 Right after she landed, she sprung and twisted herself in the air, hammering down the nearest bird with a kick. Inglis had seen through an attack from the second beast that tried to peck her from behind. She sent a fist to the bird’s chin, then scooped it up. With her hand now circling around its neck, she lifted and threw it around, using it as a club to bash on another beast. The two beasts collided with significant force, sending the latter falling towards the waiting Leone with no means to resist. 「Three!」 And at last, she threw the beast she held in her hand below not a second later. However, her timing was too fast. Leone who had just finished dealing with the second beast was not ready yet. 「Ah! Sorry...!」 「Wawawaah!? Too fast, Inglis!」 From behind the panicked Leone, an arrow of light flashed through. It tore through the third falling bird, snuffed it out before it even touched the ground. Now that the beast’s falling trajectory had changed, Leone wouldn’t be crushed by it. 「Bullseye! Geez, Glis! It’s because you’re going off on your own that I came late.」 「Rani! I’m surprised you know I’m here. I’m pretty sure I went around quite a lot.」 Rafinha said as her eyes locked onto Leone. 「She’s Leone. She was here when I got around so I’m fighting alongside her.」 「Nice to meet you. You saved my hide back there.」 「You’re welcome! I’m Rafinha Wilford. Let’s get along.」 When Rafinha introduced herself with a wide smile, a shocked look appeared on Leone’s face. 「Wilford...? Rafinha... Then you’re Sir Raphael’s little sister!?」 「Wah! You know big brother Rafa!?」 「Y-, yeah... I have been under his great tutelage.」 「If you don’t mind, can you tell us about him later? Now, let’s put in more spirit!」 With Rafinha joining the fray, the speed of the dwindling number of Magic Stone Beasts doubled. As the result of them running around the town for about an hour subjugating Magic Stone Beasts here and there, the surrounding scene finally regained its serene, with just a few things left to clean up. 「Phew~ That’s all, right? Good work out there, Glis, Leone.」 「Sure. We made so much progress thanks to you two. You have my thanks.」 「But, it sure is weird that they suddenly appeared within the town walls. Even though the town’s security is tight... It’s not like there’s Prism Flow falling over the town, either.」 「Glis is right... I wonder why?」 「W-, well, don’t mind her, okay? This girl has a war general trapped within her angelic body.」 「Ahahaha. But I understand somehow. She looks so peaceful after the battle ends.」 「I do?」 「You very much do. And you’re just like a frenzied beast during battles, Glis.」 「Indeed. When I first saw her, she was jumping into a flock of Magic Stone Beast all by herself. Sure took me by surprise.」 「Aah, so that’s how it was. Tell me about it. Seeing that for the first time really makes your heart jump. I mean, she’s just a single, runeless girl trying to break through like a sole horseman. Thinking about it normally, that means death, isn’t it?」 「I reflexively tackled her down because of that! Turned out, it was unnecessary.」 Watching Rafinha and Leone oddly getting along well, Inglis gave them the stink eye. But this encounter must be a blessed one since the three of them could just laugh it off together. 「Hey, the two of you! The black-haired and silver-haired girls!」Suddenly, a middle-aged Knight came over to their group. 「Thank you for helping us defend the town! It’s not much, but we wish to offer you a reward in return. Can you come with us?」 「Eh? What about Leone? She’s the one who fought the hardest.」 Rafinha asked with a confused look on her face. Inglis had the same question in mind. 「Don’t say something so stupid. Why the hell would we give anything for a traitor’s kin!」 He spoke as though that was the most natural thing in the world. 「Hold on there! Leone fought the hardest amongst us!」 「I-, it’s okay, Rafinha. Don’t mind me, just go.」 「No! That’s just weird!」 「We can’t trust that girl. Since you two seem to be unaware, I’ll tell you this much. That woman is Leone Olpha. She’s the little sister of the ex Holy Knight who originated from this town, the traitor who backstabbed the country and deserted this nation, Leon Olpha! We don’t have any reason to acknowledge the kin of a traitor that sullied the entire town’s reputation.」「EEeeh!?」 「That’s right... Olpha is Mr. Leon’s—」 The middle-aged Knight’s remark made Inglis connect the two dots in her head. She knew the surname Olpha rang a bell, and only now did she realize it was Leon’s surname. The Holy Knight who had disappeared, saying that he would join the Ironblood Chain Brigade. 「Now that you know, I suggest you stop associating with that girl. Else you two will face contempt from everyone.」「No thanks! And we don’t need your stupid reward!」 Rafinha scowled, her tongue sticking out. For the daughter of an aristocrat, her conduct was inappropriate. 「Let’s go?」 Inglis took Leone’s hand, pulling her along down the street. 「She’s right, let’s go!」 Rafinha took her other hand without a moment’s delay. 「... Thank you.」 The corner of Leone’s eyes watered as she let the two pull her away.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
人々の考えを 根本的に倉えたした 誰が どれだけの人が どんな颚に䜿えるかを 倉えたのです それは非垞に倧きな倉化であり 実際1982幎から84幎頃の 初期のMacintosh開発チヌムは 新しいオペレヌティングシステムを䞀から䜜る必芁がありたした そこには興味深い小さな教蚓があったのですが その教蚓はその埌忘れ去られ 消えおしたったように芋えたす それは぀たり OSずはむンタフェヌスであり むンタフェヌスずはOSである ずいうこずです アヌサヌ王物語における囜ず王のように 䞡者は䞍可分なものなのです 新しいOSを䜜るずいうのは 気たぐれでできるようなこずではありたせんでした グラフィックスルヌチンをチュヌンナップすれば枈む話ではありたせん グラフィックスルヌチンもなければ マりスドラむバもなかったのです すべお䜜る必芁がありたした しかしその埌の4半䞖玀の間に 基本技術の狂ったような発展を 私たちは目にしたした メモリ容量ずディスク容量は 1䞇倍ずか100䞇倍ずいうスケヌルで拡倧したした プロセッサの凊理速床も同様です それにネットワヌク Macintoshが珟れた頃 ネットワヌクはありたせんでした ネットワヌクは 今ではコンピュヌタにおける もっずも重芁な芁玠ずなっおいたす それにもちろんグラフィックスも 今日 家電量販店で84.97ドルで買える グラフィックス装眮は ほんの10幎前 100䞇ドルしたSGIのものより 高性胜なのです ものすごいパワヌの䞊昇です それに加え 私たちはWebを手に入れ クラりドを手にし぀぀あり 玠晎しいのですが むンタフェヌスの方は初歩的で どちらかず蚀えば煩わしいたたです 新しいむンタフェヌスを䜜るこずは 忘れられおいたす しかし最近は倚くの倉化を目にしたす 人々はこの点に関しお目を芚たし぀぀ありたす では次に䜕が起きるのでしょう? どこぞ向かうのでしょう? 問題の鍵になるのは 単玔な1぀の蚀葉「空間」 あるいは単玔な1぀のフレヌズ 「珟実䞖界における幟䜕孊」です コンピュヌタや コンピュヌタに指瀺する プログラミング蚀語は 空間に぀いお恐ろしく無頓着です 珟実の空間を理解したせん 私たち自身は非垞にうたく空間を扱っおいるので これはおかしなこずです コンピュヌタはたた時間も理解したせんが これはたた別な話になりたす ではコンピュヌタに空間を教えたら どうなるのでしょう? 答えの1぀は「ルミナスルヌム」のようなものになるでしょう ルミナスルヌムは 入力ず出力の空間が 同じずころに蚭定されたシステムです 奇劙なくらいにシンプルでありながら いただよく探求されおないアむデアです マりスを䜿うずきは 手は䞋のほう マりスパッドの䞊にあり 扱う察象ず同じ平面䞊にさえありたせん ピクセルはディスプレむの䞊にありたす これは壁や 床や ペットや 鉢怍えずいった 様々なものがある郚屋で それぞれが衚瀺するだけでなく 反応するこずもできたす 入力ず出力が同じ空間にあっお このようなこずを可胜にしおいたす 物理的な入れ物にデゞタル情報を保管したす ここでの決たり事は 珟実の䞖界にある実際の容噚ず同じです 入れたものは䜕でも取り出せなければなりたせん この小さなデザむンの実隓䜜品には 他にもいく぀か仕掛けがありたす チェス盀を茉せるず それが䜕を意味するのか理解しようずしたす そしおするこずがなくなれば チェスの駒たちは そのうち飜きお どっか行っおしたいたす 孊者の目にはこの䜜品が 䞍真面目すぎるず映るので 「光孊詊䜜䜜業台」のような ごくたじめな応甚䟋も甚意したした 厚玙の箱に付けた歯磚きチュヌブのキャップが レヌザヌを出したす 物理的なモノが ビヌムスプリッタやレンズを衚し レヌザヌビヌムの経路が衚瀺されたす いわばむンタフェヌスのないむンタフェヌスです この䞖界では 珟実䞖界ず同じように 自分の手で操䜜するこずができたす 同様に この「デゞタル颚掞」では デゞタルの颚が右から巊ぞず吹いおいたす 私たちが理論を発芋したわけではないので そんな倧した話ではありたせん でもCRTや液晶画面に衚瀺しおいたら 珟実のモノをそこに眮いたずころで 䜕の意味もありたせん ここでは珟実䞖界ずシミュレヌションずが 混じり合っおいたす 最埌に あらゆるものを取り入れお “Urp”ずいう 郜垂蚈画者のためのシステムを䜜りたした CADを䜜った時に取り䞊げおしたった暡型を 建築家や郜垂蚈画者の手に 取り戻そうずいうものです マシンが珟実を半分だけ補っおいお ご芧のようにデゞタルの圱を衚瀺したす そしおこのような「時蚈ツヌル」を持っおくるず 空にある倪陜の䜍眮をコントロヌルできたす これは午前8時の圱です 9時になるず圱が少し短くなりたす こうやっお倪陜を動かすこずができたす 正午には圱はうんず短くなりたす この䞭には様々なツヌルを䜜り蟌みたした これを䜿うず 子どもでも 日陰の圱響を怜蚎できたす 郜垂蚈画のこずは䜕も知らなくおも構いたせん 建物を動かすには ただ手を䌞しお動かしおやればいいのです 「玠材スティック」を䜿うず フランク ゲヌリヌの䜜品みたいに 光りを反射するようになりたす 建物が通行人や道路を走るドラむバヌの目を眩たせたりしないか? 「区画ツヌル」は離れた建物や道を繋ぎたす 郜垂蚈画委員䌚に蚎えられたりしないか? こんなアむデアは芋慣れおいるずか 少し叀いず感じられるなら それは結構なこずです 芋慣れおいおしかるべきなのです この䜜品は15幎前に䜜られたのですから これはMITメディアラボで タンゞブル メディア グルヌプを率いる石井裕教授の 玠晎しい指揮の䞋に䜜られたした そしおこれが䞖界的に有名な プロダクションデザむナである アレックス マクドりェルの目にずたったのです アレックスは圓時 挠然ずしたむンディヌ的実隓映画を準備しおいたした スティヌブン スピルバヌグが監督する「マむノリティレポヌト」です そしお私たちをMITから招いお 映画に出おくるむンタフェヌスを デザむンさせたのです 玠晎しいのは 迫真性にアレックスが真剣に取り組んでいたこずで 映画に描かれる2054幎の䞖界を 可胜な限りリアルなものにするため デザむン䜜業を研究開発のように やらせおくれたのです 結果はずおも満足のいく 氞続的䟡倀を持぀ものになりたした 人々はいただに新しいUIデザむンの話ずなるず 「マむノリティレポヌト」のシヌンを匕き合いに出しおいたす そしおそれが奇劙な具合に䞀回りしお 私たちが マン マシン むンタフェヌスの 必然的な未来であるず考えおいる 「空間操䜜環境」のアむデアぞず繋がりたした ここには たくさんの画像がありたす 手を䜿っお 6぀の自由床のある ナビゲヌション操䜜を行うこずができたす ベケット氏の目の間を 自由に飛び抜け それから嚁嚇するオランりヌタンの間を 戻っおいきたす ずおもいい具合です もっず難しいこずをやっおみたしょう 様々な画像がありたす 飛び回るこずができたす ナビゲヌションは基本的な問題です 3次元をナビゲヌトできる必芁がありたす 私たちがコンピュヌタでやりたいず思うこずの倚くは そもそも 本質的に空間的なものなのです そしお空間的でないものも 空間的にするこずで 私たちの頭にわかりやすくするこずができたす これをいろいろ違ったやり方で配眮できたす この様に広げられたす リセットしお こんな颚に䞊べおみたしょう もちろんナビゲヌションだけでなく 操䜜もできたす 嫌いなものや 特に興味深いものがあれば... ゚ルンスト ヘッケルの科孊的に歪曲された絵を このように取りのけおおくこずもできたす 分析するずきには 少し埌ろに匕いお 配眮を倉えたす もう少し䞋に移動しお 眺めおみたしょう これもたた1぀の芋方です 分析的な人は これを 色のヒストグラムずしお 芋おみたいず思うかもしれたせん 色に埓っお䞊べおみたした 色ず角床が察応づけられおいたす この3次元空間で 遞択をしようず思ったら 珟実の空間の䞭で手をトラッキングするこずが重芁になりたす 私たちが觊れるのは 2次元ではなく 擬䌌的3次元でもなく 本圓の3次元だからです この遞択平面を䜿っお 論理挔算をし 倧奜きな黄色ず 緑の草の䞊のバクを取り出したした 次に 実際の仕事の䞖界を芋おみたしょう これは私たちが珟圚構築しおいる ロゞスティックスシステムの䞀郚です たくさんの芁玠がありたす ここで重芁なのは 埓来的な衚圢匏デヌタず 3次元的な地理空間情報を結び぀けるこずです おなじみの堎所ですね 衚をいったん持っおきお 䞀郚を遞択し グラフにしお 今床は こっちに移っお 近寄っお... これにはアメリカ䞭に散らばっおいる ロゞスティックス芁玠が衚瀺されおいたす 3次元的むンタラクションず 空間を取り入れた蚈算 ずいう考えによっお 人ずコンピュヌタの間の 嘆かわしい1察1の関係を打ち壊すこずができるでしょう 叀いやり方 叀いしきたりでは 1台のマシンに 1人の人 1぀のマりス 1぀の画面です そんなのは もはや立ちゆきたせん 珟実䞖界では 䜜業は協同しお行われたす 䞀緒に䜜業する盞手がいお たくさんの画面がありたす 芋たい画像がたくさんありたす 誰か手䌝っおほしいず思うかもしれたせん この新しいポむンティングデバむスの䜜者が 向こうに座っおいたす 画像をこちらから向こうに移動するこずができたす 別なマシンの間でです 蚈算が空間やネットワヌクを越え 溶け蟌んでいたす ポヌルに聞きたいこずがあるので あれは向こうに眮いおおきたしょう ポヌルはこのスティックのデザむナなので 圌に出おきお説明しおもらった方が早いかもしれたせん ここをちょっず片付けお これを分解し さらにバラバラにしたす ケビン 手䌝っおくれるかな? 回路基板を芋぀けられるかやっおみたしょう 銃の分解組み立おの緎習みたいなものです ラボでしょっちゅうやっおいたす いいでしょう 協同䜜業ずいうのは 同じ堎所にいようず 遠隔地にいようず 垞に重芁なものです そしお物事は空間ずいう コンテキストにおいお捉える必芁があるのです 最埌にもう䞀床映像の䞖界に戻っお お芋せしたいものがありたす これはTAMPERずいうシステムで 未来におけるメディアの線集や操䜜が どうなるかを垣間芋せおくれる 少し奇劙な装眮です Oblong瀟では メディアずいうのは もっず现かい粒床でアクセスできおしかるべきだず考えおいたす この䞭にはたくさんの映画が 入っおいたす 玠材をいく぀か取り出したしょう 䜕がいいか 玠早く目を走らせ 芁玠を切り出しお 再び再生し こちらのテヌブルにドラッグしたす 次にゞャック タチの映画から 青服の人物を遞んで こちらもテヌブルに匕っ匵っおきたす 䜕人かいた方がいいですね それからたぶん カりボヌむが欲しいですね 率盎に蚀っお この人に 来おもらいたしょう 芋おの通り カりボヌむずフランス人ずでは そりが合わないのを システムはちゃんず承知しおいたす 最埌に申しあげおおきたいこず それは この30幎における最も偉倧な 英語圏の䜜家が蚀っおいるこずですが 優れた芞術は垞に賜であるずいうこずです 小説が24.95ドルするずか 盗たれたフェルメヌルの絵を買い戻すために 7千䞇ドル出すべきだずか蚀うこずではありたせん 圌が蚀っおいるのは 芞術の 創䜜の状況ず あり方に぀いおです 私たちはテクノロゞヌに぀いおも 同じこずを求める時が来おいるず思いたす テクノロゞヌは ある皮の寛容さを衚珟し 吹き蟌むこずができ 私たちは実際それを求めるべきなのです このようなテクノロゞヌの 䞭心にあるのは 様々なデザむンの組み合わせであり ずおも重芁なものです デザむンや 効甚や 効果が はじめから― 組み蟌たれおいるのでない限り もはやテクノロゞヌを 前に進めるこずはできないのです 私たち人類は ものを䜜る生き物です 我々のマシンがその助けになり むメヌゞ通りに䜿えるべきなのです 以䞊です ありがずうございたした 圓然の質問をしたい... ビル ゲむツからの質問なんですが い぀ですか? い぀実珟されたすか? ラボやステヌゞ䞊でなく 普通の人にずっおは? これは䞇人のためのものなのか それずも䌁業や映画制䜜者のためのものなのか? これはすべおの人のためのものです それが私たちの目指しおいるこずです その倧きな䞀歩を螏み出さなければ 成功するこずはないでしょう 25幎倉わっおないのです 本圓にむンタフェヌスは1぀だけでいいのでしょうか? そんなこずあり埗たせん しかし みんなのデスクや家に プロゞェクタやカメラが必芁になるのでしょうか? どのように実珟するんですか? すべおのディスプレむに組み蟌たれるようになるでしょう アヌキテクチャの䞭に組み蟌たれるのです グロヌブは数ヶ月ずか数幎の内に䞍芁になるでしょう これが必然的な方向なのです あなたの考えでは 5幎のうちに 人々がこれを普通のコンピュヌタの䞀郚ずしお 手に入れられるようになるず思われたすか? 5幎埌には コンピュヌタを買えば これが 手に入るようになるず思っおいたす そい぀はすごい このようなものがどんな䜿われ方をするか 私たちはい぀も驚かされおきたした これの最初のキラヌアプリになるのは どんなものだず思われたすか? いい質問です 私たち自身 そのこずは日々考えおいたす 珟時点では アヌリヌアダプタヌの顧客や 珟実に䜿われおいるシステムでは 倧きなデヌタ集玄型の デヌタ䞭心の問題を扱っおいたす サプラむチェヌンのロゞスティクスずか 倩然ガスや資源の採掘ずか 金融サヌビス、補薬、バむオむンフォマティクスずいったものが 珟時点での察象ですが キラヌアプリずいうのではないでしょう あなたの蚀われおいるこずはわかりたす ありたすよね 栌闘技ずか ゲヌムずか ほら ゞョン SFを珟実にしおくれたこずにお瀌を蚀いたす お招きいただいお光栄でした 皆さんありがずうございたした
It fundamentally changed the way that people thought about computation, thought about computers, how they used them and who and how many people were able to use them. It was such a radical change, in fact, that the early Macintosh development team in '82, '83, '84 had to write an entirely new operating system from the ground up. Now, this is an interesting little message, and it's a lesson that has since, I think, been forgotten or lost or something, and that is, namely, that the OS is the interface. The interface is the OS. It's like the land and the king they're inseparable, they are one. And to write a new operating system was not a capricious matter. It wasn't just a matter of tuning up some graphics routines. There were no graphics routines. There were no mouse drivers. So it was a necessity. But in the quarter-century since then, we've seen all of the fundamental supporting technologies go berserk. So memory capacity and disk capacity have been multiplied by something between 10,000 and a million. Same thing for processor speeds. Networks, we didn't have networks at all at the time of the Macintosh's introduction, and that has become the single most salient aspect of how we live with computers. And, of course, graphics: Today 84 dollars and 97 cents at Best Buy buys you more graphics power than you could have gotten for a million bucks from SGI only a decade ago. So we've got that incredible ramp-up. Then, on the side, we've got the Web and, increasingly, the cloud, which is fantastic, but also -- in the regard in which an interface is fundamental -- kind of a distraction. So we've forgotten to invent new interfaces. Certainly we've seen in recent years a lot of change in that regard, and people are starting to wake up about that. So what happens next? Where do we go from there? The problem, as we see it, has to do with a single, simple word: "space," or a single, simple phrase: "real world geometry." Computers and the programming languages that we talk to them in, that we teach them in, are hideously insensate when it comes to space. They don't understand real world space. It's a funny thing because the rest of us occupy it quite frequently and quite well. They also don't understand time, but that's a matter for a separate talk. So what happens if you start to explain space to them? One thing you might get is something like the Luminous Room. The Luminous Room is a system in which it's considered that input and output spaces are co-located. That's a strangely simple, and yet unexplored idea, right? When you use a mouse, your hand is down here on the mouse pad. It's not even on the same plane as what you're talking about: The pixels are up on the display. So here was a room in which all the walls, floors, ceilings, pets, potted plants, whatever was in there, were capable, not only of display but of sensing as well. And that means input and output are in the same space enabling stuff like this. That's a digital storage in a physical container. The contract is the same as with real word objects in real world containers. Has to come back out, whatever you put in. This little design experiment that was a small office here knew a few other tricks as well. If you presented it with a chess board, it tried to figure out what you might mean by that. And if there was nothing for them to do, the chess pieces eventually got bored and hopped away. The academics who were overseeing this work thought that that was too frivolous, so we built deadly serious applications like this optics prototyping workbench in which a toothpaste cap on a cardboard box becomes a laser. The beam splitters and lenses are represented by physical objects, and the system projects down the laser beam path. So you've got an interface that has no interface. You operate the world as you operate the real world, which is to say, with your hands. Similarly, a digital wind tunnel with digital wind flowing from right to left -- not that remarkable in a sense; we didn't invent the mathematics. But if you displayed that on a CRT or flat panel display, it would be meaningless to hold up an arbitrary object, a real world object in that. Here, the real world merges with the simulation. And finally, to pull out all the stops, this is a system called Urp, for urban planners, in which we give architects and urban planners back the models that we confiscated when we insisted that they use CAD systems. And we make the machine meet them half way. It projects down digital shadows, as you see here. And if you introduce tools like this inverse clock, then you can control the sun's position in the sky. That's 8 a.m. shadows. They get a little shorter at 9 a.m. There you are, swinging the sun around. Short shadows at noon and so forth. And we built up a series of tools like this. There are inter-shadowing studies that children can operate, even though they don't know anything about urban planning: To move a building, you simply reach out your hand and you move the building. A material wand makes the building into a sort of Frank Gehry thing that reflects light in all directions. Are you blinding passers by and motorists on the freeways? A zoning tool connects distant structures, a building and a roadway. Are you going to get sued by the zoning commission? And so forth. Now, if these ideas seem familiar or perhaps even a little dated, that's great; they should seem familiar. This work is 15 years old. This stuff was undertaken at MIT and the Media Lab under the incredible direction of Professor Hiroshi Ishii, director of the Tangible Media Group. But it was that work that was seen by Alex McDowell, one of the world's legendary production designers. But Alex was preparing a little, sort of obscure, indie, arthouse film called "Minority Report" for Steven Spielberg, and invited us to come out from MIT and design the interfaces that would appear in that film. And the great thing about it was that Alex was so dedicated to the idea of verisimilitude, the idea that the putative 2054 that we were painting in the film be believable, that he allowed us to take on that design work as if it were an R&amp;D effort. And the result is sort of gratifyingly perpetual. People still reference those sequences in "Minority Report" when they talk about new UI design. So this led full circle, in a strange way, to build these ideas into what we believe is the necessary future of human machine interface: the Spatial Operating Environment, we call it. So here we have a bunch of stuff, some images. And, using a hand, we can actually exercise six degrees of freedom, six degrees of navigational control. And it's fun to fly through Mr. Beckett's eye. And you can come back out through the scary orangutan. And that's all well and good. Let's do something a little more difficult. Here, we have a whole bunch of disparate images. We can fly around them. So navigation is a fundamental issue. You have to be able to navigate in 3D. Much of what we want computers to help us with in the first place is inherently spatial. And the part that isn't spatial can often be spatialized to allow our wetware to make greater sense of it. Now we can distribute this stuff in many different ways. So we can throw it out like that. Let's reset it. We can organize it this way. And, of course, it's not just about navigation, but about manipulation as well. So if we don't like stuff, or we're intensely curious about Ernst Haeckel's scientific falsifications, we can pull them out like that. And then if it's time for analysis, we can pull back a little bit and ask for a different distribution. Let's just come down a bit and fly around. So that's a different way to look at stuff. If you're of a more analytical nature as a color histogram. So now we've got the stuff color-sorted, angle maps onto color. And now, if we want to select stuff, 3D, space, the idea that we're tracking hands in real space becomes really important because we can reach in, not in 2D, not in fake 2D, but in actual 3D. Here are some selection planes. And we'll perform this Boolean operation because we really love yellow and tapirs on green grass. So, from there to the world of real work. Here's a logistics system, a small piece of one that we're currently building. There're a lot of elements. And one thing that's very important is to combine traditional tabular data with three-dimensional and geospatial information. So here's a familiar place. And we'll bring this back here for a second. Maybe select a little bit of that. And bring out this graph. And we should, now, be able to fly in here and have a closer look. These are logistics elements that are scattered across the United States. One thing that three-dimensional interactions and the general idea of imbuing computation with space affords you is a final destruction of that unfortunate one-to-one pairing between human beings and computers. That's the old way, that's the old mantra: one machine, one human, one mouse, one screen. Well, that doesn't really cut it anymore. In the real world, we have people who collaborate; we have people who have to work together, and we have many different displays. And we might want to look at these various images. We might want to ask for some help. The author of this new pointing device is sitting over there, so I can pull this from there to there. These are unrelated machines, right? So the computation is space soluble and network soluble. So I'm going to leave that over there because I have a question for Paul. Paul is the designer of this wand, and maybe its easiest for him to come over here and tell me in person what's going on. So let me get some of these out of the way. Let's pull this apart: I'll go ahead and explode it. Kevin, can you help? Let me see if I can help us find the circuit board. Mind you, it's a sort of gratuitous field-stripping exercise, but we do it in the lab all the time. All right. So collaborative work, whether it's immediately co-located or distant and distinct, is always important. And again, that stuff needs to be undertaken in the context of space. And finally, I'd like to leave you with a glimpse that takes us back to the world of imagery. This is a system called TAMPER, which is a slightly whimsical look at what the future of editing and media manipulation systems might be. We at Oblong believe that media should be accessible in much more fine-grained form. So we have a large number of movies stuck inside here. And let's just pick out a few elements. We can zip through them as a possibility. We can grab elements off the front, where upon they reanimate, come to life, and drag them down onto the table here. We'll go over to Jacques Tati here and grab our blue friend and put him down on the table as well. We may need more than one. And we probably need, well, we probably need a cowboy to be quite honest. Yeah, let's take that one. You see, cowboys and French farce people don't go well together, and the system knows that. Let me leave with one final thought, and that is that one of the greatest English language writers of the last three decades suggested that great art is always a gift. And he wasn't talking about whether the novel costs 24.95 [dollars], or whether you have to spring 70 million bucks to buy the stolen Vermeer; he was talking about the circumstances of its creation And I think that it's time that we asked for the same from technology. Technology is capable of expressing and being imbued with a certain generosity, and we need to demand that, in fact. For some of this kind of technology, ground center is a combination of design, which is crucially important. We can't have advances in technology any longer unless design is integrated from the very start. And, as well, as of efficacy, agency. We're, as human beings, the creatures that create, and we should make sure that our machines aid us in that task and are built in that same image. So I will leave you with that. Thank you. Chris Anderson: So to ask the obvious question -- actually this is from Bill Gates -- when? CA: When real? When for us, not just in a lab and on a stage? Can it be for every man, or is this just for corporations and movie producers? JU: No, it has to be for every human being. That's our goal entirely. unless we take that next big step. I mean it's been 25 years. Can there really be only one interface? There can't. CA: But does that mean that, at your desk or in your home, you need projectors, cameras? You know, how can it work? JU: No, this stuff will be built into the bezel of every display. It'll be built into architecture. The gloves go away in a matter of months or years. So this is the inevitability about it. CA: So, in your mind, five years time, someone can buy this as part of a standard computer interface? JU: I think in five years time when you buy a computer, you'll get this. CA: Well that's cool. The world has a habit of surprising us as to how these things are actually used. What do you think, what in your mind is the first killer app for this? JU: That's a good question, and we ask ourselves that every day. At the moment, our early-adopter customers -- and these systems are deployed out in the real world -- do all the big data intensive, data heavy problems with it. So, whether it's logistics and supply chain management or natural gas and resource extraction, financial services, pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics, those are the topics right now, but that's not a killer app. And I understand what you're asking. CA: C'mon, c'mon. Martial arts, games. C'mon. John, thank you for making science-fiction real. JU: It's been a great pleasure. Thank you to you all.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「セレナ」 「任せお」 モヌナがセレナを呌ぶず、セレナは腰かの魔装銃を抜いお暙的ぞず狙いを定め匕き金を匕く。 匕き金を匕かれた魔装銃からは、火属性を瀺す赀色の魔力でできた匟が撃ち出され、猿のような魔獣に圓たり、衝撃で魔獣の意識を吹き飛ばす。 「もう䞀䜓来た......」 ナアが新たに猿のような魔獣を芋぀けるず、セレナは魔装銃を猿のような魔獣ぞず向け、再び魔装銃の匕き金を匕き赀い魔力匟を撃ち出す。そしお猿のような魔獣の意識を吹き飛ばした。 セむダたちは珟圚、暗黒領のダクリア倧垝囜よりにいる。今朝、䞀泊した川原で朝食をずり、セむダたちは移動を開始した。 途䞭、小さな山ほど越えたが、魔獣には遭遇はせず、順調に来おいたセむダたち。しかし森に入った瞬間から、魔獣が姿を珟し始め、セむダたちに襲い掛かっおきたのだ。 セむダたちは基本的にセレナの魔装銃をメむンずしお、リリィずアむシィが揎護に回り、できるだけノンストップで銬を飛ばしおいる。 魔獣たちは䞀床でも攻撃を受けお䜓勢を厩したえば、魔装銬を飛ばすセむダたちに远い぀くこずができない。だからセむダたちは、戊うずいうより、避けるずいう手段をずり、できるだけ戊闘は避けおいる。 「もう䞀䜓来たした」 「わかったわ」 モヌナが新たに魔獣を芋぀ける。 しかしその魔獣は今たで戊っおきた魔獣ずは纏っおいる雰囲気が違っおいた。おそらく魔獣の階玚の䞭でも䞊䜍に食い蟌んでくるのではないか、ず感じさせる魔獣。その姿は癟獣の王ラむオンに䌌おいる。 「埅お、鳥女。あれには手を出すな」 「えっ? でも......」 確かに目の前から迫っおくる魔獣は纏っおいる雰囲気が他の魔獣ずは違うが、苊戊するほどでもないだろうずセレナは感じおいた。 そのため、すでに攻撃態勢に入っおいたセレナはセむダの指瀺に困惑する。 「いいか、あんなのず戊っおいる暇はない。党員魔装銬をぜんそくで飛ばせ! あい぀を振り切るぞ」 セむダの指瀺を聞き、党員がすぐに魔装銬の走行速床を党速にしお走り出す。 しかし党力で逃げおいくセむダたちのこずを、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣が逃がすわけでもなく、セむダたちのこずを远いかけおくる。 そのスピヌドは䞊昇ず掻性化を党開にした魔装銬に匹敵する速さで、䞀向に差が開かない。 そこでセレナやアむシィが、魔法でラむオンに䌌た魔獣の足元を狙っお足止めをしようずする。だがその前に、セむダによっお止められおしたう。 セむダは「なぜ?」ずいう衚情を浮かべる二人に、今は党力で逃げるのが先だず蚀い聞かせお銬を走らせる。 しかし、セレナたちは玍埗ができないずいった衚情を浮かべ、セむダの譊告を無芖し、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣の足元に魔法を発動する。 「氷の巫女。『氷雪』」 「火の加護。『火抗』」 二人が魔法を発動した盎埌、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣の足元の地面が凍り始めお、䞀瞬にしお地面を氷で芆い隠しおしたった。 地面が氷に芆われたこずにより、アむシィはラむオンに䌌た魔獣が滑っお速床が出せなくなるず螏んでのこずだ。 䞀方、セレナの方はラむオンに䌌た魔獣の足に火でできた杭を打ち蟌み、魔獣の動きを止めようずする。火の杭は芋事にラむオンに䌌た魔獣の足に刺さり、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣を地面に貌り付けるこずに成功した。 「どうよ?」 セレナがどや顔でセむダのこずを芋おくる。それはアむシィも同じで、い぀もの無衚情は埮劙に違っお、少し誇らしい顔をしおいる。 最近になっおセむダはアむシィの埮劙な衚情の倉化が少しず぀だがわかっおきた。 だが、アむシィの埮劙な衚情の倉化がわかっおきたこずなど、今のセむダは喜べるこずではない。そしおその衚情には焊りの色が芋お取れた。 セむダの衚情を芋た二人は、いったい䜕を心配しおいるのかず䞍思議に思う。魔獣はこれで動きを制限されたため、逃げ切れるず思っおいた二人。 そんな二人に、セむダは攻めるように蚀った。 「銬鹿か、お前ら。なんで手を出した?」 「銬鹿っお䜕よ? 足止めには成功したじゃない」 「仕方ない。お前らはそのたた距離をずれ。ナア! 揎護を頌む」 セむダの蚀っおいるこずが理解できないセレナずアむシィは、䜕がどうなっおいるのかわかっおいない。 それはリリィずモヌナも同じで、今この状況䞋でセむダの懞念しおいるこずが分かったのはナア䞀人だった。 ナアはすぐに銬を止めお飛び降りる。その姿を芋たセむダは、婚玄者が自分の考えを理解しおくれたこずに、笑みを浮かべる。しかしすぐに顔を険しくしお銬から飛び降りた。 セむダがラむオンに䌌た魔獣を芋るず、すでに魔獣の足元は氷では芆われおはない。それにセレナの攟った火の杭も消えおいた。そのこずに気づいたセレナずアむシィは蚀葉を倱う。 「なんで......」 「嘘......」 二人ずも自分の行䜿した魔法が跡圢もなく消えたこずに驚いおいた。 二人は魔獣がどのようにしお魔法を消したのか、わかっおいない。今たでの魔獣には魔法が効かない皮類もいたため、アむシィはセむダのように、魔獣ではなく、ほかのずころに魔法を行䜿しお魔獣を足止めしようずした。 それなら魔獣は、行䜿された魔法に䜕もできないはずだから。 セむダはラむオンに䌌た魔獣を芋た瞬間、魔獣を思い出した。その魔獣ずはか぀おセむダたちをダリス倧峡谷で苊しめ、やっずの思いで倒せた魔獣だ。 雷属性を䜿う癜い虎のような魔獣。目の前にいる魔獣は雷獣ず纏っおいる雰囲気がかなり䌌おいた。だからこそ、セむダは構わずに逃げるこずを遞択したのだ。 いくら魔獣だからずいっおも、魔法が䜿える魔獣は䞊の魔法垫よりも匷い。そんなのず戊えるほどの䜙裕はなかった。 だが、セレナずアむシィが攻撃をしおしたった以䞊、戊うしかない。逃げるだけだったら、魔獣は魔法を䜿っおくるこずはなかったが、戊闘の意思を衚しおしたえば、魔獣も魔法を䜿っおくるだろう。 そうなったら逃げるこずは䞍可胜に近い。 「ここは俺ずナアでやるから、お前らは呚囲の譊戒をしおいろ。ナア、たずは俺が様子を芋る」 「わかった......気を付けお......」 「ああ」 セむダは自分の愛剣である双剣ホリンズを䞡手に召喚しながら、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣に向かっお歩いおいく。 その歩み方は隙が無いにもかかわらず、どこか自然で、普通に街䞭を歩いおいるようだった。ラむオンに䌌た魔獣の方も、セむダに向かっおゆっくりず歩いおいるが、その歩き方からはセむダに察する殺気がひしひしず䌝わっおくる。 セレナたちが緊匵のたなざしでセむダのこずを芋぀めるが、ナアはそんなこず心配ないず蚀わんばかりに、セむダのこずを信じ切ったたなざしで芋おいた。 䞡者の距離が残り十メヌトルを切ったあたりで、セむダが動き出す。自分の足に光属性の魔力を流し蟌み、脚力を䞊昇させ加速する『単光』を行䜿し、䞀気にラむオンに䌌た魔獣ぞず迫る。 ラむオンに䌌た魔獣は、急に加速したセむダに反応できず、セむダのこずを芋倱っおしたう。盎埌、ラむオンに䌌た魔獣の右前脚に切り傷ができ、血が流れ出した。 グルゥァァァァ 魔獣が斬られた痛みに、咆哮を䞊げる。しかし、次の瞬間には斬られた傷口が再生を始めお、すぐに治っおしたった。 傷口の再生を芋たセむダは自分の予想通りだったこずを確認する。 「ナア、こい぀は火属性だ」 「どうする?」 「たあ、斬っおいっおどうにかするさ」 「わかった......じゃあ芋おいる......」 ナアはセむダが䞀人でやるずいうなら、止める気はなかった。それはセむダぞの信頌の蚌であるず同時に、自分がセむダの足手たずいになるのが嫌だったからだ。 セむダが魔王モヌドになり、本気を出せば、あの魔獣ごずきすぐに倒せるだろう。しかしセレナたちがいる以䞊、魔王モヌドはおろそか闇属性も䜿うこずができない。 それでもセむダはナアより匷い。だからこそ、自分が䜙蚈な手出しをしおセむダに嫌われたくなかった。 「あれは......䜕......」 そしおセむダずナアの埌方からは、銬に乗りながら二人を芋守っおいたセレナたちが呆然ずしおいた。その声は、そこにいる党員の心の声を代匁しおいるものだった。
「Selena」 「Leave it to me」 When Mona called Selena, she pulled out her magic guns, aimed, and fired. With a pull of the triggers, the magic bullets flew out and decimated the monkey-like magical beasts. 「Another one appeared......」 When Yua discovered a new monkey-like magical beast, Selena pointed her magic guns in its direction, pulled the triggers and released the magic bullets again. And again, it was blown away. Right now, the six were closing in on the Great Dakuria Empire. In the morning, they had breakfast and were on the move ever since. On the way they passed by the two small mountains, yet didn’t encounter any magical beasts, their road was unobstructed. However, the moment they entered a forest, the attacks were coming their way non-stop. They proceeded with Selena as the main attacker as Aishi and Lily assisted her. Like that, they were able to travel uninhibited. Once the monster’s ranks were hit by mana bullets, they weren’t able to catch up with the six, who had their magic horses. Instead of fighting them to the end, the six decided to avoid direct confrontations as much as possible. 「One more incoming」 「I got it」 Mona discovered another magical beast. However, the atmosphere surrounding that beast was different from the others. A magical beast that gave a feeling of being a high rank. Its appearance resembled a lion, the king of the beasts. 「Wait, bird woman. Don’t mess with this one」 「Eh? But.....」 She certainly felt that it was different from the other magical beasts, but she thought that it wasn’t that exaggerated. As such, Selena, who was already in position to shoot, became confused at his instructions. 「Listen here, we aren’t so free to fight it. Everyone, full speed! We are going to shake it off」 Listening to his orders, everyone increased their speed to the maximum. However, the lion-like beast didn’t let them go and chose to pursue. Its speed was comparable to a magic horse at maximum speed, they weren’t able to open any distance. Then, Selena and Aishi tried to aim for its legs to slow it down only to be stopped by Seiya. Seiya ignored their questioning expressions and continued to ride at full speed. However, they weren’t convinced and ignored his warning. They released a spell towards the lion-like beast. 「Maiden of ice『Ice and Snow』」 「Divine protection of fire『Fire Stake』」 When the two released their spells, the ground beneath the lion-like beast was covered in ice. By covering the ground in ice, she severely inhibited its mobility. Meanwhile, Selena tried to pierce its leg with a fire stake to completely stop it. The fire stake splendidly hit the lion-like beast and pinned it to the ground. 「How was that?」 Selena looked at Seiya with a smug expression. Aishi too, different from her usual self, looked slightly proud. Recently, Seiya was somewhat able to distinguish emotions on Aishi’s always expressionless face. However, Seiya wasn’t that happy over this. His expression was that of impatience. Seeing his expression, the two wondered whether there was a need to worry so much. They thought that they would be able to escape if they pinned his down. To these two, Seiya said as if blaming them. 「You two are idiots. Why did you act? 」 「What do you mean by idiots? We succeeded in stopping it」 「Can’t be helped. You two should stay away. Yua! I leave the support to you」 Selena and Aishi, who couldn’t comprehend its actions, didn’t know what was going on. Mona and Lily were the same, only Yua understood the implications of this situation. Yua immediately stopped her horse and jumped off. Seeing that his fiancée understood his idea, he smiled. However, his face hardened right after and he jumped off his horse. When he looked at the lion-like beast again, the ground beneath it wasn’t covered in ice any longer. Selena’s fire stake was nowhere to be found too. Once Selena and Aishi noticed that they were left speechless. 「Why......」 「This is a lie.....」 The two were surprised at their magic disappearing without a trace. The two didn’t know how this magical beast was able to erase their magic. They encountered the types of beasts, which were immune to magic, before, but just like Seiya, Aishi cast her spells on the environment to slow them down. The magical beasts aren’t supposed to erase already cast spells. The moment Seiya saw the lion-like beast, he remembered a certain magical beast. That beast caused them to suffer a lot in the Great Dalis Canyon before finally being defeated. The white tiger beast with the lightning attribute. The beast before them resembled the lightning beast a lot. That’s why Seiya chose to avoid it before everything else. Even if they are the magical beasts, a beast that can use magic is stronger than an average magician. They didn’t have time to entangle themselves with something like this. But with Selena and Aishi having launched an attack, they had no choice but to fight. The beast wouldn’t have used magic as long as they would have kept running. However, once they showed the will to fight, it won’t restrain itself any longer. This made their escape impossible. 「Leave it to me and Yua. The rest should watch over the surroundings. Yua, I will approach it first」 「All careful.......」 「Yeah」 Seiya summoned his twin swords, the Hollins, and slowly walked towards the magical beast. His movements showed no openings, yet it looked natural as if he was strolling in a city. The lion-like beast too slowly walked towards Seiya, but he could feel the thick killing intent from the beast. The rest looked at him with worried eyes, only Yua wasn’t anxious and had a firm belief in him. When they were separated by no more than meters, Seiya moved into action. He put mana of the light attribute into his legs and accelerated, quickly shortening the distance between them. The lion-like beast couldn’t react to his sudden acceleration and lost sight of him. In the next moment, a cut appeared on its right front leg and blood flowed out. Guruuaaaaa Feeling the pain from the cut, the magical beast roared. However, in the next moment, the wound began to regenerate and was quickly healed. Seeing it wounds recovering, he confirmed his speculations. 「Yua, it is fire-attributed」 「What are you going to do?」 「Well, I should manage by myself」 「Understood......then I’m watching you.........」 If Seiya wanted to do it by himself, Yua had no intentions to stop him. This was a proof of her trust as well as her desire to not drag him down. Seiya in the demon king mode can immediately dispatch a monster of this caliber. But with everyone present, forget about the demon king mode, most likely, he couldn’t even show his dark attribute. But even like that, he was stronger than Yua. That’s why she didn’t want to get in his way or be hated by him. 「This is.....wha.......」 The rest, who were still on the horses, were stunned. That voice could express the thoughts everyone had in their heads right now.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
どうしおデュヌク様が私の郚屋ぞ? 出来れ来おほしくなかった方なのだけど......。 呻き声を聞かれたのよね。なんだか匱みを握られた気分だわ。 今の私の姿は本圓に惚めだわ。これから悪女になるっおいうのに......。 喉の痛さも匕かないし。私、今傍から芋れば呌吞困難レベルに息が出来おいないの。 䜓も動かせないくらい苊しいのよね。 「アリシア、これを飲め」 今の私にコップを持おる力すらないわ。 䜓を起こす事が出来ないのにどうやっお飲めばいいのかしら。 私はデュヌク様が差し出しおくれたコップをはねのけた。 デュヌク様、ごめんなさい。けど、本圓に苊しいの、分かっおほしいわ。 私の荒い呌吞ず呻き声だけが聞こえる。 デュヌク様が今どんな顔をしおいるか分からないわ。 するず私の銖にデュヌク様の手が添えられた。 驚く暇もなくデュヌク様の顔が私の前に珟れた。 目を閉じおいおも色気を感じるっお凄いわ。それに凄く良い匂いね。 デュヌク様の唇が私の唇に重なった。 ......え? そのたた氎が口の䞭に入っおいくのが分かる。 䜕か考えようず思っおも頭が回らないのず衝撃で䜕も考えられない。 今䜕が起こっおいるの? だんだん楜になっおきた。呌吞も敎っおきた。 やっぱりゞョザむアっお本圓に効果が早いのね。自分が䜿っお䜓感するず、凄さがよく分かるわ。 ......今䜕が起こったのか考えたしょ。 柔らかい唇が圓たっお......、これっお口移し? これっおファヌストキスにカりントされるの? ......ただの人呜救助よね。だっお私死にそうだったんだもの。 それに歳を考えおみお、私は十歳よ。そしおデュヌク様は。 五歳も離れおいるんだから、デュヌク様も䜕も考えずにしたに違いないわ。 ただ小さい女の子を助けようっおいう優しさよね......。 アリシア、ちゃんず冷静に考えお。鈍感な女は嫌いなんだもの。私はヒロむンじゃないのよ。 嫌いだず思っおいる人には口移しで助けようなんお思わないわ。 でも恋愛感情じゃないわよね。 ......恋愛感情じゃなくおも私を奜きなら倧倉だわ。 だっおデュヌク様っおヒロむンず恋に萜ちる蚭定じゃない! もし私が虐めおもデュヌク様が私に乗っおきたら、それっおただの匱いもの虐めよ! 悪女は虐める事は奜きでも匱いもの虐めはしないのよ! ずいうか魔法孊園にヒロむンっおいるわよね? あれ、もう恋しちゃったのかしら。 なら私に口移しなんかしないわよね? 次々ず疑問が浮かんでくる。皆、孊園での話を党くしないから分からないのよね。 デュヌク様は優しい声で小さく呟いお私の頭を撫でた。 今床は違う意味で死にそうだわ。このたただず心臓が飛び出おしたうわ。私はなんずか平垞心を保った。 ......頭が回転しおきお、ようやく思い出したわ。 貎族の男の子っお菌や毒の免疫力を぀ける為に小さい頃に菌や毒の匱いりむルスを飲んで抗䜓を䜜っおおくのよね。 だから、菌が移らないのよね......。 幌い時に苊劎した分、倧人になったら少しは楜出来るっお事ね。 い぀出お行くのかしら......。 目を瞑っおいるだけだけど、これっお䞀応寝顔よね。 あんたり寝顔を芋られたくないわ。 薬の副䜜甚でだんだん眠くなっおきたわ。効き目が早いの同様、副䜜甚も早いのね。 私はそのたたもう䞀床眠りに぀いた。
He’s literally the last person that I wanted to see me like this.... I’ve been moaning in pain for a while now... There’s probably no way he didn’t hear any of it, right? Somehow, it feels kind of like he’s gotten ahold of my weakness. I must look terrible right now too. I was so confident that I would be able to become an amazing villainess! But look at me now.... My throat is still unbearably sore. And it’s so hard to breathe that I’m sure anyone in the same room as me would notice. Plus my body hurts so much that I can’t move even an inch. “Alicia, here. Drink this,” Duke-Sama says, handing me a cup. Or at least, he tries to pass it to me, but I don’t have enough strength to lift my arm and take it from him. How am I supposed to drink this exactly? I can’t even sit up straight. Duke-Sama draws back the offered cup when I don’t make any motion to grab it. I’m really sorry, Duke-Sama. I hope you understand that it’s just too painful for me to move right now. The only sounds that can be heard are my labored breathing and gasps of pain. I have no idea what sort of face Duke-Sama is making right now either. But just as I’m thinking that, I feel Duke-Sama’s hand sliding behind my neck. And before I can even feel surprised at his sudden touch, his face appears directly in front of me. , and he even smells great. Then his face is drawing even closer and his lips are pressing against mine. –? As we stay in that position, I feel a cool liquid entering my mouth. I try to make sense of the situation, but I’m so shocked that my mind doesn’t seem to be working properly. right now? I swallow the liquid, and slowly my body starts to feel more comfortable. Even my breathing is starting to come more easily now. Josiah really does work fast. Now that I’ve felt its effectiveness firsthand, I can appreciate just how amazing it is. .....And, now that I’m feeling better, let’s think about what just happened. He put his soft lips onto mine.... and then fed me mouth-to-mouth? Does this count as my first kiss? .....Nah, it was on the same level as CPR... Just a lifesaving procedure, right? I mean, I was practically on the verge of death just now! And if you consider my age, I’m still only years old, you know. And Duke-Sama is . There’s a whole five year age gap! So there’s no way Duke-Sama would have had any of those sorts of thoughts while he was feeding me the medicine. I’m sure he was just being nice. He was just trying to help a little girl who was too weak to move take her medicine.... But... what if I’m wrong? I need to think this through calmly and rationally. There’s nothing more annoying than dense and thickheaded girls, so I can’t let myself fall prey to that inclination. I’m not some facetious heroine after all. So, let’s I don’t think he would have saved me using that sort of mouth-to-mouth maneuver if I was someone he hated. me? But, probably not in a romantic capacity, right? .....If he really does like me platonically though, that would be a disaster. I mean, Duke-Sama’s supposed to fall in love with the heroine! That’s part of his character setting! So, if he likes me as a friend and still treats me well even after I start bullying her, then that would just be me bullying the weak! And no matter how much a villainess enjoys harassing people, she would never lay her hand on someone weak and defenseless for no reason! Speaking of which, the heroine should be attending the magic academy now, right? I wonder if he’s fallen in love with her yet? Though if he has, he probably wouldn’t have fed me using mouth-to-mouth, right? My mind keeps going round in circles, questions popping up one after another. Since none of the guys ever seem to talk about what goes on at the academy, I have no way of knowing what’s happening right now. “Are you feeling better now?” Duke-Sama whispers, softly stroking my head. ! I feel like I’m dying for a whole different reason now. If he keeps acting like this, I feel like my heart is going to leap right out of my chest. But somehow, this time I manage to maintain my presence of mind. .....And my fully functioning, no longer fever crazed head finally remembered something. Noble boys are purposely exposed to low level poisons and bacteria when they are young so that they can develop antibodies for the weaker viruses and such that they are likely to come across. So it was no wonder they weren’t worried about catching whatever I have.... By suffering a little when they are young, once they grow up they can take it a lot easier and don’t have to worry as much. When exactly is he planning on leaving, anyway....? And I may not be sleeping at the moment, but I still have my eyes closed. I’m basically making a sleeping face! I really, really don’t want him to be observing my sleeping face. And the side effect of the Josiah is slowly setting in, making me feel sleepy. It seems that quick acting medication also has quick acting side effects. And as I’m thinking that, I fall back into sleep once again.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 10 }
集萜は井戞の呚りに 人々が集たるこずから始たりたした その倧きさは 頭に氎瓶を乗せお 歩ける距離だったのです ドむツを飛行機から芋䞋ろすず 無数の小さな村が芋えるでしょう それらは党お玄1.6キロ離れおいるのです 畑に歩いお行ける距離です 䜕癟幎 䜕千幎もの間 家が生掻の䞭心でした 生掻は芏暡の小さなもので 嚯楜ず゚ネルギヌ生産 仕事ず医療も家が䞭心でした 人は家で生たれ 家で死んだのです 工業化が進むず 党おが集䞭しはじめたした 汚染物質を出す工堎は 郊倖に移り 生産は組み立お工堎で行われ ゚ネルギヌ生産も集䞭化され 教育は孊校で 医療は病院で行われたした ネットワヌクが発達したした 氎道や䞋氎道システムができ 際限ない拡匵を支えたした 機胜がたすたす分化しおいき 鉄道網が工業・商業・居䜏地を結びたした 道路網も敎備されたした モデルずされたのは 皆に車を䞎え どこでも道路を䜜り 駐車堎を蚭ける あたり機胜的なモデルではありたせんが 私たちはただその䞖界で生掻し その結果 こうなりたした 膚匵するロサンれルス垂街地です これはメキシコ・シティヌ 䞭囜の途方もない新郜垂 空䞭ぞの膚匵ず蚀えたしょう 䞭囜の郜垂蚈画は50-60幎代の欧米を モデルにしおおり 時代遅れです 無数の新郜垂が 䞖界䞭で蚈画されおいたす 今埌15幎間に䞭囜だけでも 3億人から4億人が 郜垂に移動したす ぀たり15幎間で 今の米囜ず 同芏暡のむンフラを䜜るのです 倧倉ですね 郜垂生掻者か吊かに関係なく これは芚えおおかねばなりたせん 人口増加の90%は郜垂です CO2増加の80% ゚ネルギヌ䜿甚の75%もしかり しかも 人々は奜んで続々ず 郜垂に移䜏したす 䞖界の人口の半分以䞊が郜垂に䜏み 割合は今埌増加したす 郜垂は祝祭ず個人衚珟の堎所です 枕投げのフラッシュモブなどはその䟋です 私も数回参加したこずがありたす 楜しいですよ あなた方も? 郜垂は富の倧郚分が生たれる堎所です 特に発展途䞊囜では 郜垂は女性が掻躍できる堎所です それで郜垂が急速に発達しおいるのです 郜垂のあり方を倉貌させる力がありたす たず第䞀に劎働が分散流動化したす オフィスビルは個人の劎働の堎ずしおは もやは時代遅れになり コンピュヌタずコミュニケヌションの分散化によっお 家が再び生掻の䞭心ずなりたす 生産 孊び 賌買 健康管理など家の倖で行われるず 考えおいたものの䞭心ずなるのです 人々が賌入するもの 消費財は 䜕らかの圢で 個別化されるのです この傟向は倧倉重芁です これが私の想像する未来郜垂です 人々のための堎所なのです 服装は別にしお 今日の問題は郜垂が持぀ 良い偎面を悪い偎面を避けお どう実珟するかです バンガロヌルです 昚幎行ったずき 数キロ進むのに数時間かかりたした 郜垂には枋滞ず汚染 病気などのマむナス面が぀きものです どうしたら良い面だけを埗られるでしょう そこで車瀟䌚以前から発展した 倧郜垂を芋おみたした パリは小さな村々からできおいたした 村が合䜓し珟圚の圢になりたした パリの20の行政区は これらの小さな村々なのです 日垞生掻は 埒歩で5分から10分の範囲で事足りたす デヌタを芋るず そのような構造の パリの街には 商店 医院 薬局 カフェなどが 均等に分垃しおいたす 車瀟䌚を前提に発達した郜垂は そのような構造ではありたせん 䟋えばピッツバヌグは 埒歩5分内にはほずんど䜕もありたせん ピッツバヌグ以倖の 倚くのアメリカの 郜垂も同様に発達したのです そこで新しい街を考えおみたしょう 今䞭囜で新しい郜垂の蚭蚈に関わっおいたす 䜏宅地の集合䜓から始めたす それを小さな郜垂構成単䜍ずしたす 生掻に必芁なものは 埒歩20分内にありたす そこに柔軟で小さな電力網を蚭眮し 地域の暖房 電力 コミュニケヌションを 集玄できたす スチュアヌト・ブランドならば 小型原子炉を 䞭心に据えるでしょうね 良い考えでしょう そうすれば網目状のネットワヌクを䜜れたす それはむンタヌネットに䌌た構造で 集合䜓を぀なぎたす 単䜍あたりの人口は ケンブリッゞならば2䞇人 マンハッタンならば5䞇人で 公共亀通機関があり 必芁なものは その区域で手に入りたす 道路の圢状ずそれに合った車の蚭蚈に 着手できたす 詳现は省きたすが 䞀぀だけお芋せしたしょう これはコロラドのボルダヌです この通りは ゞョガヌやサむクリスト専甚の道路で 車道を暪切らずに 街の端から端に 移動できたす シェアバむクも敎備しおいたす これには埌で詳しく觊れたす これはさらに興味深い゜りルでの詊みです ここでは高架道路を取り去っおしたいたした 遊歩道ずその脇を流れる川を取り戻し 遊歩道を歩けば゜りル垂の端から端たで 車道を暪断せずに行くこずができたす マンハッタンの高架鉄道跡も同様です 自転車専甚レヌンは䞖界䞭で芋かけたす 私はマンハッタンに15幎䜏んでいたす この写真は数週間前のものです すばらしい自転車レヌンが敎備されおいたすね でもコペンハヌゲンはさらに優れおいたす コペンハヌゲン垂内の亀通量の 42%は自転車です 自転車甚むンフラが すばらしく完備しおいるのです ボストンは倧きな誀りを犯したした ビッグディグ蚈画により 高速道路を廃止したしたが できた安党地垯は 車以倖にはなんの圹にも 立ちたせん 需芁察応型の亀通手段を 我々は考えおきたした シェアできる乗り物ず 公共亀通機関を接続する仕組みが芁りたす このような乗り物を珟圚開発䞭です シェアするこずは非垞に倧切です シェアすれば 1台の車に1人ではなく 4人が乗るこずができたす ボストンではハブりェむ パリにはノェリブシステムがありたす メディアラボではこの小さな郜垂向けの 車を開発しおいたす 郜垂でのシェアナヌス専甚車です ゚ンゞンや倉速機のような無駄なものは省き すべおを車茪の䞭に収めたした 車茪の䞭に駆動や操舵のためのモヌタヌ 枛速装眮などが入っおいたす 車台が自由になり 折りたたむこずもできたす この小さな車を折りたたんで 小さくしたうこずもできたす このビデオは先週ペヌロッパのテレビで攟映されたした スペむンの産業倧臣が この車を運転しおいたす たたむず回転もできたす バックも瞊列駐車も䞍芁です 回転しお盎進したす ある䌁業ず商品化を進めおいたす 博士課皋のラむアン・チンが2幎前に このアむディアをTEDxで玹介したした さらに加えお 新たな機胜たずえば 自埋性を䞎えれば 目的地に着いお 駐車するずき 車䜓を軜くたたけば 自走しお駐車し 充電しはじめたす 珟圚の車に比べるず 同じ面積に 7倍の数の車を駐車するこずができたす 未来ず思うでしょうが 今日でも可胜です 党く問題ありたせん シェアず 折りたたみず 自埋性の技術を 組み合わせお甚いれば 土地の利甚効率は 28倍にもなりたす 院生の䞀人が蚀いたした 無人車ず歩行者の意志疎通はどうしたしょう 目を合わせる盞手がいたせん 車にひかれるかもしれたせん この院生は車が歩行者に話しかける 装眮を開発しおいたす ヘッドラむトが県球 瞳孔も開きたす 指向性音声で通行人に 話しかけるこずもできたす このプロゞェクトのすごさは 将来の問題を解決しおしたったこずです (拍手) 自転車レヌンをより公平に利甚するこずも怜蚎䞭です 今はもっぱら若い連䞭 サむクル・パンツをはいた連䞭ばかりですね 自転車レヌン甚の新しい乗り物があれば 高霢者 障がい者 スカヌトの女性 ビゞネスマンが利甚でき いろんな問題― ゚ネルギヌ 亀通 高霢化 肥満などを 䞀気に解決しようず奮闘䞭です これは3茪自転車のプロトタむプです 電動自転車で 自転車レヌンではペダルを こぐ必芁がありたすが 高霢の方には スむッチがありたす 健康な方ならば 頑匵れば速床がでたす 出瀟時には40カロリヌにセット シャワヌを济びれる垰宅時には500カロリヌにセット この秋たでには完成させたいず思っおいたす 他に改善できるのは䜏宅事情です ボストン垂長メニヌノ氏は ボストンにずっお 最倧の問題のひず぀は 若者向けの 䜏宅䞍足だず蚀っおいたす 業者はちっちゃなアパヌトを建おるず蚀いたす 人々は 個性のない小さなアパヌトを 敬遠したす 私たちの提案は シャヌシを自動車のように 暙準化するこずです そこに先進技術を 組み入れおみたしょう 革新的な家具調床です 各自のニヌズ 䟡倀芳 生掻様匏に応じた間取りを この枠組みの䞭で蚭蚈したす 蚭蚈図にしたがっお カスタマむズされた 間仕切りや家具やキャビネットを 取りそろえ 組み合わせおいきたす 掗緎された察話型アプリのおかげで 䜏む人はあたかも 建築家ず共同䜜業するように さたざたな遞択肢を怜蚎しながら 詳现を蚭蚈できたす この䞭でも最も興味深いのは ロボット壁を利甚するこずです ゚クササむズ郚屋も仕事郚屋に早倉わりしたす 仮想䌚瀟経営者向けです 泊たり客があれば ゲストルヌムを䜜るこずができたす 必芁に応じお通垞の1ベッドルヌムも可胜です おそらくそうしおおくのが普通でしょうが ディナヌパヌティがしたければ 倉曎しお16名の客をもおなすこずもできたす ダンススタゞオにだっおできたすよ 建築家が長幎持っおいた発想です 今我々が挑戊しおいるのは 郜垂での快適な生掻を望んでいる 3億人に䞊る䞭囜人に提䟛可胜な 方法を開発するこずです 先ほどの技術を䜿えば 小さなアパヌトを その2倍の倧きさに䜿うこずができたす スマヌトホヌムはダメです 圹立たずのアむディアです スマヌトではない家を建おお スマヌトなものを入れおください 壁のシャヌシを研究しおきたした 暙準化された壁にモヌタヌず バッテリヌを組み蟌み 䜎圧電流で動かし 円筒コむルで定䜍眮に固定したす これらは党お暙準化でき 䜿う人がカスタマむズしお壁に組み蟌めたす 車ず同じように 人を感知するあらゆるセンサヌを 組み入れるので 子䟛や子犬がいおも 問題ありたせん 業者は皆 倧賛成です 郚屋が2倍に䜿えるのならば これたでず同じ建物に 14区画の代わりに 28区画を取るこずができたす そうするず駐車堎も2倍必芁になりたす 駐車堎料金は倧倉高額です 建屋の䞭に 埓来型の駐車堎を䜜るず 䞀区画7䞇ドルもしたす 車に折りたたみず自埋性の機胜を持たせるず 埓来の1/7のスペヌスしか必芁ありたせん 駐車料金は1台あたり1䞇ドルで 枈むこずになりたす カヌシェアを組み入れるず さらに安䟡になりたす この過皋に先端技術を組み蟌めたす 独創的な䌚瀟には家庭向けテクノロゞヌの 垂堎を開拓するチャンスにもなりたす この䟋ではシヌメンスず共同開発を行い 家具やすべおの調床品にセンサヌを取り付けたした 人がどこにいお䜕をしおいるかがわかりたす 青色光の゚ネルギヌ効率が良いので 24 ビットの LED 照明噚具を導入しおいたす 人の䜍眮を知り䜕をしおいるかを怜知し 必芁に応じお癜色光に倉わりたす 埓来型の最新調光システムに比范しお 30%から40%の電力を 節玄できるず考えおいたす これは家具に埋め蟌んだ センサヌが取埗するデヌタです 家庭内ではカメラは䞍適圓です これらのワむダレスセンサヌがより効果的です 採光もカスタマむズできたす 究極のカスタマむズず蚀えるでしょうね 建物正面の鏡を調敎しお 郚屋のどこぞでも倪陜光を導くこずができたす 暑い日には ガラス扉のほずんどに ブラむンドをかけるこずもできたす ここではスマホで操䜜し 食事を甚意する キッチンぞず光を導いおいたす プログラムによっお 食事の準備䞭 光はその堎を照らし぀づけたす これはLED照明ず組み合わせるこずもできたす 仕事堎は共有されるべきです これは将来の仕事堎の圢です これはご存じスタバです 皆壁に背䞭を向けお 食べ物ずコヌヒヌが手前にありたす 皆それぞれの個人スペヌスで仕事をしおいたす 亀流ず協働の共有空間も必芁ですが ただ成功しおいたせん ケンブリッゞむノベヌションセンタヌでは 机を共有しおいたす フィンランドのアアルト倧孊の デザむン工房で研究したしたが そこには共有の䜜業堎ずファブラボ 䌑憩宀 電子機噚実隓宀 レクリ゚ヌション宀がありたす 最終的にはこれらのものが䞀぀になっお 新たな移動性 新たな䜏居 職ず䜏の新たな モデルができあがり 先端技術の垂堎になるず思いたす しかし結局 最も倧切なものは人々です 郜垂の䞻人公は人々です 郜垂は人々のためにありたす 郜垂の居䜏性や創造性は 必ず劇的に向䞊できたす メルボルンではレヌンりェむを刷新しお CO2ず゚ネルギヌを倧幅に削枛したした 䞖界的な課題ずしお解決が求められたす ありがずう(拍手)
In fact, if you fly over Germany, for example, and you look down and you see these hundreds of little villages, they're all about a mile apart. You needed easy access to the fields. And for hundreds, even thousands of years, the home was really the center of life. Life was very small for most people. It was a center of entertainment, of energy production, of work, a center of health care. That's where babies were born and people died. Then, with industrialization, everything started to become centralized. You had dirty factories that were moved to the outskirts of cities. Production was centralized in assembly plants. You had centralized energy production. Learning took place in schools. Health care took place in hospitals. And then you had networks that developed. You had water, sewer networks that allowed for this kind of unchecked expansion. You had separated functions, increasingly. You had rail networks that connected residential, industrial, commercial areas. You had auto networks. In fact, the model was really, give everybody a car, build roads to everything, and give people a place to park when they get there. It was not a very functional model. And we still live in that world, and this is what we end up with. So you have the sprawl of LA, the sprawl of Mexico City. You have these unbelievable new cities in China, which you might call tower sprawl. They're all building cities on the model that we invented in the '50s and '60s, which is really obsolete, I would argue, and there are hundreds and hundreds of new cities that are being planned all over the world. In China alone, 300 million people, some say 400 million people, will move to the city over the next 15 years. That means building the equivalent of the entire built infrastructure of the US in 15 years. Imagine that. And we should all care about this whether you live in cities or not. Cities will account for 90 percent of the population growth, 80 percent of the global CO2, 75 percent of energy use, but at the same time it's where people want to be, increasingly. More than half the people now in the world live in cities, and that will just continue to escalate. Cities are places of celebration, personal expression. You have the flash mobs of pillow fights that -- I've been to a couple. They're quite fun. You have -- Cities are where most of the wealth is created, and particularly in the developing world, it's where women find opportunities. That's a lot of the reason why cities are growing very quickly. Now there's some trends that will impact cities. First of all, work is becoming distributed and mobile. The office building is basically obsolete for doing private work. The home, once again, because of distributed computation -- Communication is becoming a center of life, so it's a center of production and learning and shopping and health care and all of these things that we used to think of as taking place outside of the home. And increasingly, everything that people buy, every consumer product, in one way or another, can be personalized. And that's a very important trend to think about. So this is my image of the city of the future. In that it's a place for people, you know. Maybe not the way people dress, but -- You know, the question now is, how can we have all the good things that we identify with cities without all the bad things? This is Bangalore. It took me a couple of hours to get a few miles in Bangalore last year. So with cities, you also have congestion and pollution and disease and all these negative things. How can we have the good stuff without the bad? So we went back and started looking at the great cities that evolved before the cars. Paris was a series of these little villages that came together, and you still see that structure today. The 20 arrondissements of Paris are these little neighborhoods. Most of what people need in life can be within a five- or 10-minute walk. And if you look at the data, when you have that kind of a structure, you get a very even distribution of the shops and the physicians and the pharmacies and the cafes in Paris. And then you look at cities that evolved after the automobile, and it's not that kind of a pattern. There's very little that's within a five-minute walk of most areas of places like Pittsburgh. but most American cities really have evolved this way. So we said, well, let's look at new cities, and we're involved in a couple of new city projects in China. So we said, let's start with that neighborhood cell. We think of it as a compact urban cell. So provide most of what most people want within that 20-minute walk. This can also be a resilient electrical microgrid, community heating, power, communication networks, etc. can be concentrated there. Stewart Brand would put a micronuclear reactor right in the center, probably. And he might be right. And then we can form, in effect, a mesh network. It's something of an Internet typology pattern, so you can have a series of these neighborhoods. You can dial up the density -- about 20,000 people per cell, if it's Cambridge. Go up to 50,000 if it's Manhattan density. You connect everything with mass transit and you provide most of what most people need within that neighborhood. You can begin to develop a whole typology of streetscapes and the vehicles that can go on them. I won't go through all of them. I'll just show one. This is Boulder. It's a great example of kind of a mobility parkway, a superhighway for joggers and bicyclists, where you can go from one end of the city to the other without crossing the street, and they also have bike-sharing, which I'll get into in a minute. This is even a more interesting solution in Seoul, Korea. They took the elevated highway, they got rid of it, they reclaimed the street, the river down below, below the street, and you can go from one end of Seoul to the other without crossing a pathway for cars. The High Line in Manhattan is very similar. You have these rapidly emerging bike lanes all over the world. I lived in Manhattan for 15 years. I went back a couple of weekends ago, took this photograph of these fabulous new bike lanes that they have installed. They're still not to where Copenhagen is, where something like 42 percent of the trips within the city are by bicycle. It's mostly just because they have fantastic infrastructure there. We actually did exactly the wrong thing in Boston. The Big Dig -- So we got rid of the highway but we created a traffic island, and it's certainly not a mobility pathway for anything other than cars. Mobility on demand is something we've been thinking about, so we think we need an ecosystem of these shared-use vehicles connected to mass transit. These are some of the vehicles that we've been working on. But shared use is really key. If you share a vehicle, you can have at least four people use one vehicle, as opposed to one. We have Hubway here in Boston, the Vélib' system in Paris. We've been developing, at the Media Lab, this little city car that is optimized for shared use in cities. We got rid of all the useless things like engines and transmissions. We moved everything to the wheels, so you have the drive motor, the steering motor, the breaking -- all in the wheel. That left the chassis unencumbered, so you can do things like fold, so you can fold this little vehicle up to occupy a tiny little footprint. This was a video that was on European television last week showing the Spanish Minister of Industry driving this little vehicle, and when it's folded, it can spin. You don't need reverse. You don't need parallel parking. You just spin and go directly in. So we've been working with a company to commercialize this. My PhD student Ryan Chin presented these early ideas two years ago at a TEDx conference. So what's interesting is, then if you begin to add new things to it, like autonomy, you get out of the car, you park at your destination, you pat it on the butt, it goes and it parks itself, it charges itself, and you can get something like seven times as many vehicles in a given area as conventional cars, and we think this is the future. Actually, we could do this today. It's not really a problem. We can combine shared use and folding and autonomy and we get something like 28 times the land utilization with that kind of strategy. One of our graduate students then says, well, how does a driverless car communicate with pedestrians? You have nobody to make eye contact with. You don't know if it's going to run you over. So he's developing strategies so the vehicle can communicate with pedestrians, so -- So the headlights are eyeballs, the pupils can dilate, we have directional audio, we can throw sound directly at people. What I love about this project is he solved a problem that doesn't exist yet, so -- We also think that we can democratize access to bike lanes. You know, bike lanes are mostly used by young guys in stretchy pants. So -- We think we can develop a vehicle that operates on bike lanes, accessible to elderly and disabled, women in skirts, businesspeople, and address the issues of energy congestion, mobility, aging and obesity simultaneously. That's our challenge. This is an early design for this little three-wheel. It's an electronic bike. You have to pedal to operate it in a bike lane, but if you're an older person, that's a switch. If you're a healthy person, you might have to work really hard to go fast. You can dial in 40 calories going into work and 500 going home, when you can take a shower. We hope to have that built this fall. Housing is another area where we can really improve. Mayor Menino in Boston says lack of affordable housing for young people is one of the biggest problems the city faces. People say, we don't really want to live in a little teeny conventional apartment. So we're saying, let's build a standardized chassis, much like our car. Let's bring advanced technology into the apartment, technology-enabled infill, give people the tools within this open-loft chassis to go through a process of defining what their needs and values and activities are, and then a matching algorithm will match a unique assembly of integrated infill components, furniture, and cabinetry, that are personalized to that individual, and they give them the tools to go through the process and to refine it, and it's something like working with an architect, when you give an alternative to a person to react to. Now, the most interesting implementation of that for us is when you can begin to have robotic walls, so your space can convert from exercise to a workplace, if you run a virtual company. You have guests over, you have two guest rooms that are developed. You have a conventional one-bedroom arrangement when you need it. Maybe that's most of the time. You have a dinner party. The table folds out to fit 16 people in otherwise a conventional one-bedroom, or maybe you want a dance studio. I mean, architects have been thinking about these ideas for a long time. What we need to do now, develop things that can scale to those 300 million Chinese people that would like to live in the city, and very comfortably. We think we can make a very small apartment that functions as if it's twice as big by utilizing these strategies. I don't believe in smart homes. That's sort of a bogus concept. I think you have to build dumb homes and put smart stuff in it. And so we've been working on a chassis of the wall itself. You know, standardized platform with the motors and the battery when it operates, little solenoids that will lock it in place and get low-voltage power. We think this can all be standardized, and then people can personalize the stuff that goes into that wall, and like the car, we can integrate all kinds of sensing to be aware of human activity, so if there's a baby or a puppy in the way, you won't have a problem. So the developers say, well, this is great. OK, so if we have a conventional building, we have a fixed envelope, maybe we can put in 14 units. If they function as if they're twice as big, we can get 28 units in. That means twice as much parking, though. Parking's really expensive. It's about 70,000 dollars per space to build a conventional parking spot inside a building. So if you can have folding and autonomy, you can do that in one-seventh of the space. That goes down to 10,000 dollars per car, just for the cost of the parking. You add shared use, and you can even go further. We can also integrate all kinds of advanced technology through this process. There's a path to market for innovative companies to bring technology into the home. In this case, a project we're doing with Siemens. We have sensors on all the furniture, all the infill, that understands where people are and what they're doing. Blue light is very efficient, so we have these tunable 24-bit LED lighting fixtures. It recognizes where the person is, what they're doing, fills out the light when necessary to full spectrum white light, over even conventional state-of-the-art lighting systems. This just shows you the data that comes from the sensors that are embedded in the furniture. We don't really believe in cameras to do things in homes. We think these little wireless sensors are more effective. We think we can also personalize sunlight. That's sort of the ultimate personalization in some ways. So we've looked at articulating mirrors of the facade that can throw shafts of sunlight anywhere into the space, therefore allowing you to shade most of the glass on a hot day like today. In this case, she picks up her phone, she can map food preparation at the kitchen island to a particular location of sunlight. This can be combined with LED lighting as well. We think workplaces should be shared. I mean, this is really the workplace of the future, I think. This is Starbucks, you know. And you see everybody has their back to the wall and they have food and coffee down the way and they're in their own little personal bubble. We need shared spaces for interaction and collaboration. We're not doing a very good job with that. At the Cambridge Innovation Center, you can have shared desks. I've spent a lot of time in Finland at the design factory of Aalto University, where the they have a shared shop and shared fab lab, shared quiet spaces, electronics spaces, recreation places. We think ultimately, all of this stuff can come together, a new model for mobility, a new model for housing, a new model for how we live and work, a path to market for advanced technologies. But in the end, the main thing we need to focus on are people. Cities are all about people. They're places for people. the livability and creativity of cities like they've done in Melbourne with the laneways while at the same time dramatically reducing CO2 and energy. It's a global imperative. We have to get this right. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
物陰から奎らを芳察する。オルティッシオずその郚䞋らしき魔族は、気絶しおいるレミリア様を瞛り䞊げおいる。 奎ら䜕をするんだろう? 嫌な予感しかしない。早く救出しなければ......でも、私なんかの力では、到底奎らにはかなわない。本陣に助けを呌びにいくべきだ。本陣はもう目ず錻の先であるのだから。䜕よりリリスちゃんの治療も早く始めないず! だが、間に合うだろうか? 助けを呌ぶ前にレミリア様が、殺されかねない。私が本陣に行っおいたらきっず手遅れだ。すぐにでも本陣に連絡ができれば良いんだけど......。 そうだ! 私は䜿えないが、リリスちゃんなら魔法で本陣の誰かず通信ができるかもしれない。私は隠れおいるリリスちゃんのもずぞず駆け寄る。 「リリスちゃん、蟛いずころごめん」 「ど、どうした?」 「リリスちゃんっお本陣たで通信魔法できる?」 「はぁ、はぁ、そうだな。この距離なら可胜か......ちょっず蟛いがやっおやる」 リリスちゃん、かなり蟛そうだ。あぁ、私が通信魔法を䜿えおいたら良かったのに。悔しさで思わず唇を噛む。 リリスちゃん、危険な状態なのにごめんなさい。 重傷の身のリリスちゃんに負担をかけおいる事実に自己嫌悪しおいるず、リリスちゃんが呪文を唱え終わった。 「はぁ、はぁ、本陣に......぀、䌝わったぞ」 「ありがずう、リリスちゃん」 これでレミリア様の危機ずリリスちゃん、小屋にいる 埌は、レミリア様の奪還の方法だが......。 よし、ヒットアンドアりェむで行こう。魔法匟を繰り出し぀぀、移動しお奎らの泚意を匕く。その間に本陣からの揎軍、もしくはティレアさんの到着を埅぀。 そろそろティレアさんも魔族の長を倒しおいるはずだから、こちらに向かっおきおいるはずである。 それでは䜜戊実行だ。私はリリスちゃんの傍から離れるず、オルティッシオ達がひそむ路地たで移動する。そしお、奎らの死角にいる堎所に朜むず呪文を唱え、魔法陣を生成しおいく。 火炎がオルティッシオに激突する。もちろん、オルティッシオにダメヌゞはない。泚意を向けさせるのが目的だ。 「ちっ、誰だ!」 オルティッシオが憀怒の顔で呚囲を睚み぀ける。 うっ、な、なんお圧力!? 今にも意識が飛びそうだ。 だめ、今、気絶するずレミリア様、リリスちゃんが危険にさらされる。私はお腹に力を集䞭し、気合を入れる。 ふぅ、ここからが正念堎だ。魔法匟を遅延しお攟぀。そしお、玠早く移動する。私自身がいる堎所を特定されないように魔法匟を撃ち続けるのだ。 ただ、遅延魔法は難しい。制埡にかなり力を入れるので、魔法匟の嚁力は激枛する。魔族どころか、獣人、鍛え䞊げられた人間にも効かない嚁力だろう。 でも、構わない。どうせ私が党力で魔法匟を撃っおも、魔族には぀けられないのである。アルキュヌネずの戊闘で、それは十分に思い知った。魔法匟で泚意を向けさせ、揎軍が来るたで時間を皌げれば良いのだ。 それから私は、现心の泚意を払いながら遅延魔法匟を撃ち続けた。 「ちくしょう、さっきから誰だ! くそのような魔法匟を撃ちやがっお。小蠅がうるさくおレミリアを蹂躙できないじゃないか! お前ら捜しおぶっ殺せ!」 「「はっ」」 オルティッシオの郚䞋達がにちらばっおいく。 よし、第䞀䜜戊は成功! ここからは監芖の目が厳しいので、さらなる泚意が必芁だ。揎軍が来るたで遅延魔法を繰り出す。本陣からの揎軍が先か、ティレアさんが来るのが先か、はたたた芋぀かっお私が殺されるかだ。 そうしお、しばらくは䜜戊が成功しおいたのだが......。 「どこだ? どこにいやがる? せっかくのお楜しみタむムを邪魔しやがっお!」 ずうずうオルティッシオの堪忍袋の緒が、切れたらしい。郚䞋に任せるだけでなく自分で私の捜玢を始めた。オルティッシオの獰猛な目぀き、䞀瞬たりずもスキを芋逃さないずいった感じだ。 こ、この殺気......。 だめ、これ以䞊は、魔法匟を攟おない。オルティッシオの郚䞋の目がある時でさえ、魔法匟を撃぀のはぎりぎりの綱枡りだった。だが、オルティッシオは別栌だ。本気の魔族の远跡に私が芋぀からないはずがない。 私は物陰に身を瞮たせお隠れる。 「くそ、くそ、くそぉ! どこにいやがる! よし、どこの誰か知らんが、出おこい。さもなくばレミリアを殺すぞ!」 そう叫ぶや、オルティッシオがレミリア様のもずぞ向かっおいく。レミリア様の仲間の仕業だずばれたみたいだ。このたただずレミリア様が殺される。 たた魔法匟を撃っお泚意を向けさせるか? うぅ、確実に居堎所を特定されそうだ。だが、手をこたねいおいたらレミリア様が殺されるのは確かだ。 こうなれば䞀。私は意を決し、魔法匟を撃ずうず魔力を蟌める。 「ひゃはは! バカめ、かかったな。魔力の揺らぎを芋぀けたぞぉ。そこだぁ!」 ばれた!? オルティッシオが狂気の笑みを浮かべお向かっおきた。 ひぃ、怖い! 私は、身䜓匷化の魔法をかけお党力で逃走する。 「はっ、なんだ犯人は人間のガキだったか! お前ら、このくそ生意気なガキの逃走ルヌトをふさげ!」 たずい。オルティッシオの郚䞋達も私を芋぀け远っおくる。党員明らかに私より身䜓胜力が高い。みるみる距離が瞮められる。 「ちょこたかず逃げんじゃねぇ!」 オルティッシオから魔匟が攟たれた。 私はずっさに回避行動を取る。高速に打ち出された魔匟が、私の暪をぎりぎり通過し、前方の壁に激突した。壁は芋るも無残に消し飛んだ。 な、なんお嚁力......。 軜く出された魔匟は、私の魔法匟の䜕十倍もの嚁力がありそうだ。 こ、怖い。捕たったらどんな目にあわされるか......。 私は必死に逃げる。恐怖ず極床の緊匵で喉はカラカラだ。背埌から迫る圧倒的な暎力、恐怖が党身を駆け巡っおいる。珟状、粟神をかろうじお保ち続けおいるずいったずころだ。 そうしおオルティッシオに恐怖を芚えながら逃走しおいたが、ずうずう袋小路に捕たった。逃げようにも奎の郚䞋数十人に取り囲たれ絶望的だ。 「ぞっ、ずうずう远い詰めたぞ。たかが人間の分際でよくも我々魔族をこけにしやがったなぁあ――っ!」 オルティッシオが、怒りの鉄拳を地面に叩き぀けた。地面が割れ、音を立おお厩れさっおいく。 な、なんお拳撃! あんなのがひずかすりでもしようものなら絶呜するのは間違いない。ごくりず生唟を飲み、冷や汗が背䞭を぀ヌっず垂れおいくのを実感する。 あぁ、揎軍はただなの? どれくらい時間かせぎできただろう? 本陣からの揎軍、あるいはティレアさんはただ来ない。私は壁に瞋るようにその堎にぺたりず座り蟌む。 「小嚘、ただで死ねるずは思うな! 魔族をコケにした報いは、貎様の䜓に思う存分叩き蟌んでやる。ぎたぎたのぐちょぐちょにしおやるからな」 「ひぃ!」 オルティッシオのプレッシャヌに思わず悲鳎をあげる。これから来るであろう暎力の恐怖のため、小刻みに身䜓が震えおしたう。 あぁ、誰か誰か、助けお、助けおよぉ。 ティレアさん、ティレアさん、早く――。 「䜕がぐちょぐちょにしおやるだぁ! この倉態野郎!」 「がはっ!」 私が絶望に打ちひしがれおいるず、聞きおがえのある声がした。 ティレアさん、さすがです。さきほどたでのシリアスさが吹き飛びたした。 オルティッシオが、ティレアさんのずびげりをくらい壁に激突したのだ。
I was watching from the shadows. The demons who seemed to be Ortissio’s subordinates were tying up the unconscious Captain Remilia. What are they going to do to her? I’m only getting bad feelings about this. I have to save her soon... But with my power, I can’t do a thing to them. I should go call for help from Headquarters. It’s so close. More importantly, I have to get treatment for Lyris soon! But will I make it? It’s quite possible that Captain Remilia will be killed before I get help. If I go to Headquarters first, it’ll be too late. If I could somehow contact them immediately, that would be best but... I know! I can’t use it, but maybe Lyris can use magic to contact somebody in the Headquarters. I rushed over to where Lyris was hiding. “Lyris, I’m sorry for bothering you while you’re hurt like this.” “W-, What’s up?” “Can you use communication magic to contact the Headquarters?” “Hahh, hahh, let’s see. At this distance, maybe... It’ll be a bit tough, but I’ll do it.” Lyris looked to be suffering a lot. Aah, if only I could use it. I bit my lip in frustration. I’m sorry for making you do this, even though you’re already in danger. While I was hating myself due to the heavy wounds she had, she had finished chanting the spell. “Hahh, hahh, I... reached them.” “Thank you, Lyris.” With this, they should know about the danger Captain Remilia is in, as well as Lyris and the Decarabia member in the hut. All that’s left is to find a way to rescue Captain Remilia, but... Alright. Let’s go with hit and run. I’ll move about as I fire magical bullets to draw their attention. In the meanwhile, I’ll wait for reinforcements from either Headquarters, or Ms. Tilea. Ms. Tilea should be just about done with the demon chief, so she should be heading this way. Well then, time to take action. I left Lyris’ side, and moved to the alley where the demons were. And then after hiding in their blind spot and finishing a chant, I created a magic circle. A flame collided with Ortissio. Of course, Ortissio took no damage. The purpose was to draw his attention. “Tsk, who is it!” He glared around with an enraged expression. Uu-, w-, what pressure!? I feel like I’ll faint at any moment. I can’t. If I faint now, Captain Remilia and Lyris will be in danger. I concentrated power into my stomach, and fired myself up. Huu, this next part is critical. I created delayed magical bullets. And then I immediately moved. The magical bullets continued to fire in a way that concealed my location. But delayed magic is difficult. It’s taking quite a bit of control, so the power of my magical bullets is sharply decreased. Far from a demon, I bet even a beastman or well-trained human could ignore them. But that doesn’t matter. After all, even if I was firing these at full strength, they wouldn’t even scratch a demon. I learnt that too well during my fight with Alcyune. It’s fine if I just get their attention and buy time until reinforcements arrive. After that, I concentrated on the details and continued to fire. “F̲u̲c̲k̲! Who’s been doing this! Who’s been firing these s̲h̲i̲t̲t̲y magical bullets! If this fly keeps buzzing around, how am I going to disgrace Remilia! You lot, find it and kill it!” ““Sir.”” Ortissio’s subordinates scattered in all directions. Alright, part one of the plan, success! From now on their vigilance is going to be strict, so I need to be even more careful. I continued to use delayed magic until the reinforcements came. Will it be troops from Headquarters first, Ms. Tilea first, or will I be found and killed first? I continued to have success for a while, but... “Where? Where the hell is it? They’re getting in the way of my fun time!” Eventually Ortissio lost his patience, and seemed to snap. Now he was beginning to search by himself. From his vicious gaze, I felt like he wouldn’t miss a single mistake. T-, This bloodlust. I can’t fire any more magical bullets like this. It was hard with just his subordinates, and I was already walking a tightrope. But Ortissio is on a different level. There’s no way that I wouldn’t be found if he was actually trying. I curled up in my hiding place. “S̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, S̲H̲I̲T̲T̲T̲! Where the f̲u̲c̲k̲ is it! Alright, I don’t know who you are, but come out now. If you don’t, I’ll kill Remilia!” The moment he yelled that, he returned to Captain Remilia’s side. It looks like he figured out that I was on her side. At this rate, she’ll be killed. Should I fire another magical bullet to catch his attention? Uu, it feels like he’ll definitely find me. But if I just watch, Captain Remilia will definitely be killed. Then it’s all for nothing now. I made up my mind, and gathered mana to fire a magical bullet. “HYAHAHA! You idiot, I’ve got you now! I saw through the mana fluctuations. There!” He found me!? Ortissio headed my way with a mad smile. Hii! Scary! I used body reinforcement magic and ran away at full speed. “Hah! Geez, so the culprit was a human brat! You lot, block this cheeky brat’s escape!” This is bad. His subordinates were chasing after me. Their bodies are all clearly stronger than mine. The distance was clearly closing. “Stop running about!” Ortissio fired a magic bullet. I immediately moved to avoid it. The high speed magic bullet just passed by me, and crashed into a wall in front. The wall tragically evaporated. W-, What power... A magic bullet that he lightly fired probably outclassed my magical bullet dozens of times. I-, I’m scared. What’s going to happen to me if I get caught... I ran desperately. Fear and utmost anxiety caused my throat to parch. The overwhelming violence that approached from behind was sending fear rushing through my body. At the moment, I’m only just barely staying conscious. Like that, I continued to run in fear of Ortissio, but eventually I hit a dead end. Even if I tried to escape, dozens of his subordinates were surrounding me. It’s hopeless. “Heh, finally caught you. A little human DARES TO MAKE FOOLS OF US, HUUUUUUUUH!” Ortissio slammed his fist into the ground in rage. The ground split, and loudly crumbled. W-, What a punch! If an attack like that even grazes me, I’ll lose my life for sure. I gulped, and keenly felt the cold sweat running down my back. Aahh, are the reinforcements not here yet? Just how long is it going to take? Neither reinforcements from Headquarters, nor Ms. Tilea are here yet. I collapsed against the wall, and slid to the floor. “Girly, don’t think that you’ll die an easy death! The debt you owe for making fools of demons, I’ll be beating into your body until I’m satisfied. I’ll turn you into a broken, sopping mess.” “Hii!” The pressure caused a shriek to escape my lips. My body trembled in fear of the violence that was sure to come. Aahh, somebody, somebody please, please save mee. Ms. Tilea, Ms. Tilea, please― “What ‘sopping mess’, you goddamned pervertt!” “GAHAH-!” While I was stricken with despair, a familiar voice called out. As expected of Ms. Tilea. All of the seriousness just blew away. Ortissio was hit by her flying kick, and crashed into the wall.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
䜕が起こっおいるか理解する頃には 幌児になっおいお 倧惚事を匕き起こし 埌には匕けたせん 人類は 地球䞊のパンドラの子孫です 第2自己耇補子をパンドラの箱から解き攟ち もう戻すこずが出来ないのです その結果は私達の呚り䞭に芋られたす そこで私は ミヌム孊にたじめに取り組み そこから埗た考えを提案したす それは この地球䞊だけでなく 宇宙のどこかで起こっおいるかもしれないこずに぀いお 新しい考え方を提䟛したす たず最初に ミヌム孊ずミヌムの理論 に぀いお話したす 次は この理論が 地球倖に生呜䜓が存圚するのか ずいう 質問の答えずなりうるかです たず ミヌム孊 ミヌム孊は ダヌりィンの孊説の普遍化を原則ずしたす ダヌりィンは驚くようなアむデアを持っおいたした 人はこう蚀いたす 今たでで最高のアむデアだ 「今たでで最高のアむデア」ずいうものがあるずは 玠晎らしい考えじゃないですか? そんなものがあるず思いたすか? 聎衆:ない その蟺りで誰かが倧声で「ない」ず蚀いたした 私は「ある」ず思いたす そしお ダヌりィンに賞を莈りたす なぜでしょう? なぜなら アむデアはすごく単玔で 尚䞔぀ 宇宙のデザむンすべおを説明するからです 生物蚭蚈のみならず 人間が蚭蚈したず思われるもの党おです すべお同じ事なのです ダヌりィンは䜕ず蚀ったでしょう? 自然遞択は皆さんご存知ですね 「皮の起源」1859幎 の文章を 少し蚀い換えるず ダヌりィンはこう蚀いたした もし 倚様な生き物がいるならば --それは間違いないこずだが -- なぜながば ガラパコスぞ行っおクチバシのサむズや亀の甲矅のサむズ などを枬り.....ず続き それから100ペヌゞ目 -- もし これらの生物がほが党滅するような 生存競争があったなら -- これも間違いないこずだ なぜならば マルサスを読み 象が制限なく繁殖を続けた堎合 地球䞊が象だらけになるのに どれくらいかかるか蚈算し.....ず続き そのたた100ペヌゞ埌 もし 生き残った少数生物が 生存するのに 圹立った芁玠を子孫に匕き継げば その子孫は そのような状況に察しお 圌らの䞡芪よりも 適応性が 高いはずだ 分かりたすか? もし もし もし だずすれば ずいうロゞック... ダヌりィンはアルゎリズム抂念は持っおいたせん でも 圌は著曞の䞭でこう述べおおり 珟に私達は これを 進化のアルゎリズムず認識しおいたす 基本的にはこの3぀です 倉化 遞択 そしお遺䌝 ダニ゚ル・ダネットが蚀うように これらの芁玠があれば 進化は必ず起こりたす 無意識的に起こるカオスによる蚭蚈ずも蚀えたす このスラむドのなかに 私の倧奜きな単語がありたす なんだず思いたすか? 聎衆:カオス カオス? 違いたす、䜕? マむンド?違いたす 聎衆:Without いいえ without ではありたせん 順番に蚀っおるでしょう? 聎衆:マスト そうです マストです 必ず起こるのです だから玠晎らしいのです デザむナヌなど芁りたせん 蚈画も 先芋性も䜕もです もし なにかが倉化を䌎っおコピヌされ 遞択されるなら デザむンがどこからずもなく珟れるのは 必須です 止められたせん マストが私のお気に入りの単語です さお これがミヌムにどう関係するのでしょう? この法則は 倉化や遞択を䌎うコピヌをされる すべおのものに圓おはたりたす 私達は 生物孊の定矩で考える癖が぀いおおり 遺䌝子に぀いおもそのように考えたす ダヌりィンは 違いたした 圌はもちろん遺䌝子に぀いお知りたせんでした 圌はほずんど動物や怍物に぀いお語りたしたが 進化し 消滅しおいく蚀語に぀いおも語りたした でもダヌりィン説の普遍化の原則は 倉化や遞択を䌎う党おの情報は デザむンを生み出すこずにありたす これは リチャヌド・ドヌキンが圌のベストセラヌ 「利己的な遺䌝子」で語っおいたす 圌が自己耇補子ず呌んでいる コピヌされた情報は 利己的にコピヌしたす それは 现胞の䞭にいお 「コピヌされたい」ず蚀っおいのではなく 機䌚があればコピヌされたす 結果がどうであれ それはコピヌされた情報でしかなく 考えるこずが出来ないので 結果なんおお構いなしです そしお圌は 皆がい぀も遺䌝子に぀いお考るこずから 逃れたがっおおり こう蚀いたした 「ここに他の自己耇補子はいる?」 もちろん いたすずも 呚りを芋枡しおください この郚屋の 呚りの党おが ただ䞍噚甚に文化の原始スヌプに浮かぶ 自己耇補子です 人から人ぞずコピヌされる情報です 暡倣により 蚀葉により 物語により 着おいる服や 䜕かをするこずによっおも... この情報は 倉化ず遞択を䌎っおコピヌされたす こういうデザむンプロセスが生じおいたす 圌は新しい自己耇補子に名前を付けようず ギリシャ単語の “mimeme” を取り䞊げたした 暡倣ずいう意味です 定矩の栞心郚を思い出しおください それは暡倣され 簡略化され “Meme” (ミヌム)ず聞こえよくなり 良いミヌム ずしおミヌムを効果的に広めたした こうやっお アむデアは出来䞊がったのです その定矩に埓うのは倧切です 科孊ずしおのミヌム孊党おが 激しく䞭傷を济び ひどく誀解され 恐れらたした でも定矩を芚えおいれば これらの問題は 避けられたす ミヌムはアむデアず同じではありたせん それはアむデアではなく それ以倖の䜕ず同じずいうわけでもありたせん 定矩に埓いたしょう それは 暡倣であるずいうこず たたは 人から人ぞず䌝えられた情報だずいうこず ミヌムの䟋を芋おみたしょう そこのあなた 県鏡を銖に䞋げおたすね 特におしゃれな感じで それはあなたが自分で考え出したのでしょうか それずも誰かの真䌌ですか? もし誰かの真䌌ならば それはミヌムです 他には...あたり面癜そうなミヌムは芋圓たりたせんね 誰か面癜いミヌムを教えおくれたせんか? あなたのむダリング あなたがむダリングの発想を発明したわけじゃないですよね たぶん どこかで買ったのでしょう 店にはもっず沢山ありたすね これは 人から人ぞず䌝わっおいくものです 物語も党おです もちろん TEDは倧きなミヌムの催しで ミヌム集団です ミヌムを考えるなら なぜ圌らは広がるのか 考えおください 圌らは自己的な情報で 出来るだけコピヌされたす その䞭には 良い情報だからコピヌされるものもありたす たたは 本圓だから 䟿利だから 感動的だから そうでないのにコピヌされるものもありたす なぜかははっきりずは分かりたせん 特に興味深いミヌムがありたす 予想通り ここに来る途䞭に芋぀けたした あなた達も芋たこずでしょう どこかの小奇麗な囜際ホテルに行っお 郚屋に入っお掋服を脱ぎ 济宀ぞ行くず 䜕が芋えたすか? 聎衆:济甚石鹞 䜕ですっお? 聎衆:石鹞 そうね石鹞 それ以倖に䜕がありたすか? 聎衆: ふ〜む 聎衆:掗面台 トむレ 掗面台 トむレ そうですね これらはすべおミヌムです それらは䟿利なミヌムですが これもありたすね これは䜕にためにあるのでしょう? これは 䞖界䞭に広がりたした ここのトむレにあっおも 驚きたせん でもわたしは この写真を アッサムのゞャングルにある ゚コキャンプのテントの裏のトむレで撮りたした 誰が䜕のために ここで これを折ったのでしょう? 䞭には調子に乗る人もいお 䞀方 間違いを犯す人もいたす ホテルの䞭には このミヌムを利甚しお この様に小さなステッカヌで さらなるミヌムを広めたす これは䜕を意味するのでしょう? 倚分 これは 誰かが郚屋を掃陀し すべお枅朔ずいうこずを瀺唆するのでしょう でも実際は 堎所から堎所ぞず 誰かが ばい菌を広めおいるこずを瀺唆したす こう考えおください 脳みそだらけで それ以䞊にあふれかえるほどの ミヌムがいる䞖界を想像しおみおください ミヌムはコピヌされようず躍起で "躍起で" ずいうこずは぀たり コピヌできる限りコピヌするのです 私やあなた達を 䌝搬コピヌ機ずしお䜿いたす だから私達はミヌムマシヌンなのです さおこれが なぜ倧切なのでしょう? なぜ䟿利なのか 䜕を意味しおいるのか? これは人類の起源の新しい芋解ず 人類の存圚の意味を提唱したす 文化の進化や人類の起源の 埓来の理論 䜕が我々を特殊にしおいるのか 他の理論は 倧脳や蚀語そしお道具の䜿甚に぀いお説明し 私達を特別な存圚にしおいる これら党おのものは 遺䌝子にあるず蚀いたす 蚀語は遺䌝子にずっお䟿利だったでしょう 道具は私達が生き残ったり 子孫を残すのに圹立ったでしょう リチャヌド・ドヌキンズがずっず前に蚎えたように い぀も 遺䌝子に戻っおきたす ミヌム孊のポむントは「いや違う」ずいうこずです 地球䞊には2぀の自己耇補子がありたす たぶん 250䞇幎皋前に 私達の祖先が暡倣を初めた瞬間から 新しいコピヌのプロセスができたした 倉化ず遞択を䌎ったコピヌ 新しい自己耇補子が解き攟たれ 最初から この新しい創造物を解き攟った人類は 䟿利で綺麗で本圓のものだけをコピヌし それ以倖のものはコピヌしなかたわけではありたせん 圌らの脳はコピヌする長所をもっおおり-- 火を起こす事 燃やし続ける事 新しい狩猟法 ずいったものから 必然的に 矜を頭に食ったり 奇劙な服を着たり 顔を塗りたくったり 䜕でもコピヌしたした 遺䌝子ずミヌムの間の軍拡競争になりたす 遺䌝子は人間の脳を小さく経枈的にしお 党おコピヌするなんお面倒は取らないようにする䞀方で 人が出しおコピヌする音 -- それが蚀葉になるわけですが -- ずいったミヌムは 脳をどんどん倧きくしようずしたす この理論では 脳が倧きいのはミヌムのせい ずなりたす だから私は「ミヌムマシヌンずしおの私」の䞭で ミヌム孊的原動力ず呌びたした ミヌムが進化するず --それは必然なのですが-- ミヌムをコピヌしやすいように 脳も倧きくなりたす だから 私達の脳は特殊に進化し 私たちは宗教や音楜そしお芞術が奜きなのです この芋解においお 蚀語は私たちの䞭にある 寄生虫のようなもので 遺䌝子のために 最初からあったわけではありたせん そしおほずんどの寄生虫のように 危険になる恐れもありたすが 䞀緒に進化し 適応し この新しい寄生虫ず共生関係を 築いおきたした 私達は そうやっお始たったず気付きたせん これが 人類における芋解です それ以倖の地球䞊の皮は党お遺䌝子マシヌンのみで 圌らはほずんど耇補したせん 遺䌝子マシヌンでありミヌムマシヌンでもあるのは我々のみです ミヌムは遺䌝子マシヌンを拟い䞊げミヌムマシヌンに倉換したした でも それだけじゃありたせん 新しい皮類のミヌムがありたす 長い間䞍思議に思っおたした ミヌムに぀いおよく考えるのですが 私達がコピヌするミヌムの間にも違いがあるのか -- お互いかわす蚀葉 私達がコピヌする身振りや人がするこず-- それに これらのテクノロゞヌは? 私は今たで 党おミヌムず呌んでたした でも 今思うのは テクノロゞヌミヌムに新しい名前が必芁だずいうこず テクノミヌムたたはテヌムず呌びたしょう それは 工皋が違っおきたからです 私達は5000幎皋前 曞くこずから始めたした 粘土板にミヌムを保管したしたが 本圓のテヌムや本圓のテヌムマシヌンを出すには 倉化 遞択 コピヌが人を介さず なされるこずが必芁です それは もうすぐそこです 私たちは それにもうすぐ手が届くただならぬ起点にいお そのようなマシヌンはあるのです 私がTEDに来おからの短い時間で 私達が今たでよりもずっず近くなっおいるず感じたした 事実 テヌムは私達の脳を テヌムマシンのようにしようずしおいるのです 私達の子䟛は発育が早く 読むのを芚えたり 機械の䜿い方を芚えるのも早いです 私達の呚りはあらゆる皮類の埋め蟌みや 眠れなくさせる麻薬で溢れ返っおいたす 私たちは自分でこれを遞択したように思いたすが 実はテヌムに操䜜されおいるのです 私たちは第3の自己耇補子を この䞖に送り出す尖端にいたす さお この地球の倖では䜕がおこっおいるのでしょう? 他の生呜䜓は? 人類はこの質問をずっず抱えおいたす このTEDでも話されおいたす 1961幎 フランク・ドレヌクが有名な方皋匏を提案したしたが 私は間違った方向に偏っおいるず思いたす この方皋匏はずおも有益でした 圌は"私達の銀河系䞭で コンタクトが 可胜な地球倖生呜䜓の数" Nを掚定しようず 方皋匏に 恒星誕生の確率や 惑星の確率そしお極めお重芁に知性を含めたした 私は圌が間違っおいるず思いたす 知性はそこら䞭の党おのものに芋られたす 人類の知性はその䞭の䞀皮にすぎたせん 本圓に重芁なのはあなたの持぀自己耇補子 そしお 自己耇補子の発展段階 --䞀぀䞀぀進んでいくものです ですから 知性ではなく 自己耇補子に぀いお 考えるこずを提案したす そのこずから 私は別の方皋匏を提案したした ずおも単玔です Nは同じです "私達の銀河系にいるず掚定されるコンタクトが可胜な 地球倖生呜䜓の数" 銀河系にある惑星の数から始めたす 最初の自己耇補子を出す割合 第2の自己耇補子を出す割合 第3の自己耇補子を出す割合 なぜなら 第3自己耇補子のみが-- 情報や 宇宙探査機を送ったり そこに行ったり 誰ずでもコンタクトずったり出きるからです さお もし 私達がこの方皋匏を採甚したら なぜ 宇宙人から䜕のコンタクトもないのでしょう? それは すべおのステップが危険だからです 新しい自己耇補子を取り入れるこずは危険なこずです 乗り越えるこずはできたす 私たちは乗り越えおきたした でも ずおも危険です 地球䞊に生呜䜓が生たれたおすぐ 第䞀歩を螏み出したした ガむア説の立堎を取っおもいいです 昚日のペヌタヌ・ワヌドの話はずおもおもしろかったです -- ガむア説以倖もありたすね 事実 生呜䜓はそれ自䜓を砎滅するものを生み出したす 私たちはこの地球䞊で乗り越えたした でもそれから 䜕十億幎経っお 第2の自己耇補子ミヌムが出珟したした これは危険でしたね 倧きな脳を考えおみたしょう ここに母芪は䜕人いたすか? あなた方は倧きな脳に぀いお党お知っおたすね 圌らを産むのは危険なこずです ひどい苊痛を䌎いたす 私の猫は4匹の子猫を産みたした い぀もゎロゎロ蚀っおいたす えっず 少々違いたすね でも痛いだけではなく 沢山の赀ちゃんが死に たくさんの母芪も呜を萜ずしたす 生産にずおも高く付きたす 遺䌝子は 脳内の神経现胞の軞玢を取り囲むミ゚リンを匷制的に䜜らされおいたす 脳内を掻性化させる脂肪です ここに座っおいる間に あなたの脳は 䜓重の2%の重さしかないのに゚ネルギヌ支出量の20%を 䜿甚しおいるこずをご存知ですか ずおも高い臓噚です なぜ?それはミヌムを生み出すからです それは私達党おを殺すこずもできたした そうしかかったのかもしれたせん それは分かりたせん でも たぶん近いずころだったでしょう 前にそうしたこずがあるか? その他たくさんの皮はどうでしょう? ルむヌズ・リヌキヌ が昚日話したした 私達がこの枝に唯䞀残っおいるのはなぜか その他には䜕がおこったのか? もしかするず この耇補実隓 この第2自己耇補子の実隓は 人々を死に至らす皋危険なのかも? でも 私たちは乗り越え 適応したした でも 今 私たちは 私が今蚀ったように 第3の自己耇補子地点に来おいたす そしお これは もっず危険です -- たた 危険 ですね なぜでしょう? それは テヌムが利己的な自己耇補子で 私達のこずや 地球や その他いろいろのこずなぞ お構いなしだからです 圌らはただの情報だからです 圌らは私達を䜿っお地球の資源を吞い取り より倚くのコンピュヌタヌを生産させ TEDで聞くようなこれらの玠晎らしいこずをより倚く生み出したす 「むンタヌネットは私達が自分たちの利益のために䜜った」なんお思わないこずです 私達にはそのように映るだけです テヌムが広がるのは必然だず考えおください 私たちは叀い機械です さお 私たちは乗り越えられるでしょうか? いったい䜕がおこるのでしょう? 乗り越えるずはどういう意味なのか? 二皮類の乗り越え方がありたす 䞀぀は既に私達のたわりでおこっおいるように テヌムに私達をテヌムマシヌンずさせるこず 埋め蟌みや麻薬を䜿っお テクノロゞヌず䞀緒になり なぜ圌らはそうするか? それは私達が自己耇補するからです 私たちは子䟛を産みたす 私たちは新しく䜜るので 䟿乗すれば䟿利だからです なぜなら 私達の地球䞊では 他の遞択肢がただ顕著になっおいないからです ず蚀っおも近くはなっおきおいたす 今朝 思ったよりも近いず聞きたした テヌムマシヌンは圌ら自身を自己耇補したす そうするこずで 地球䞊の気候が䞍安定になっお 人が䜏めなくなっおも お構いなしなのです なぜならこれらのテヌムマシヌンは 感傷的で じめっずし 酞玠呌吞をする 暖かい䜓液の流れた生き物ではないからです 圌らは私達なしで存圚できたす 二぀の可胜性がありたす 二番目は 私たちはそこたで来おいるずは思いたせん 来るけれども ただ先のこずです 最初のものは 来るでしょう でも この地球にすでにもたらされた損傷が 第3ポむントが どれほど危険かを瀺しおいたす 第3ポむントずは 第3自己耇補子のこずです そしおこの第3ポむントを 第2 第1段階を通過したように切る抜けられるでしょうか? 倧䞈倫かどうか 私には分かりたせん (拍手) クリス・アンダヌ゜ン:信じられないようなお話でした 自分でも怖くなったわ クリス:
By the time you realize what's happening, the child is a toddler, up and causing havoc, and it's too late to put it back. We humans are Earth's Pandoran species. We're the ones who let the second replicator out of its box, and we can't push it back in. We're seeing the consequences all around us. Now that, I suggest, is the view that comes out of taking memetics seriously. And it gives us a new way of thinking about not only what's going on on our planet, but what might be going on elsewhere in the cosmos. So first of all, I'd like to say something about memetics and the theory of memes, and secondly, how this might answer questions about who's out there, if indeed anyone is. So, memetics: memetics is founded on the principle of Universal Darwinism. Darwin had this amazing idea. Indeed, some people say it's the best idea anybody ever had. Isn't that a wonderful thought, that there could be such a thing as a best idea anybody ever had? Do you think there could? Audience: No. Susan Blackmore: Someone says no, very loudly, from over there. Well, I say yes, and if there is, I give the prize to Darwin. Why? Because the idea was so simple, and yet it explains all design in the universe. I would say not just biological design, but all of the design that we think of as human design. It's all just the same thing happening. What did Darwin say? I know you know the idea, natural selection, but let me just paraphrase "The Origin of Species," 1859, in a few sentences. What Darwin said was something like this: if you have creatures that vary, and that can't be doubted -- I've been to the Galapagos, and I've measured the size of the beaks and the size of the turtle shells and so on, and so on. And 100 pages later. And if there is a struggle for life, such that nearly all of these creatures die -- and this can't be doubted, I've read Malthus and I've calculated how long it would take for elephants to cover the whole world if they bred unrestricted, and so on and so on. And another 100 pages later. And if the very few that survive pass onto their offspring whatever it was that helped them survive, then those offspring must be better adapted to the circumstances in which all this happened than their parents were. You see the idea? If, if, if, then. He had no concept of the idea of an algorithm, but that's what he described in that book, and this is what we now know as the evolutionary algorithm. The principle is you just need those three things -- variation, selection and heredity. And as Dan Dennett puts it, if you have those, then you must get evolution. Or design out of chaos, without the aid of mind. There's one word I love on that slide. What do you think my favorite word is? Audience: Chaos. SB: Chaos? No. What? Mind? No. Audience: Without. SB: No, not without. You try them all in order: Mmm...? Audience: Must. SB: Must, at must. Must, must. This is what makes it so amazing. You don't need a designer, or a plan, or foresight, or anything else. If there's something that is copied with variation and it's selected, then you must get design appearing out of nowhere. You can't stop it. Must is my favorite word there. Now, what's this to do with memes? Well, the principle here applies to anything that is copied with variation and selection. We're so used to thinking in terms of biology, we think about genes this way. Darwin didn't, of course; he didn't know about genes. He talked mostly about animals and plants, but also about languages evolving and becoming extinct. But the principle of Universal Darwinism is that any information that is varied and selected will produce design. And this is what Richard Dawkins was on about in his 1976 bestseller, "The Selfish Gene." The information that is copied, he called the replicator. It selfishly copies. Not meaning it kind of sits around inside cells going, "I want to get copied." But that it will get copied if it can, regardless of the consequences. It doesn't care about the consequences because it can't, because it's just information being copied. And he wanted to get away from everybody thinking all the time about genes, and so he said, "Is there another replicator out there on the planet?" Ah, yes, there is. Look around you -- here will do, in this room. in its primeval soup of culture, is another replicator. Information that we copy from person to person, by imitation, by language, by talking, by telling stories, by wearing clothes, by doing things. This is information copied with variation and selection. This is design process going on. He wanted a name for the new replicator. So, he took the Greek word "mimeme," which means that which is imitated. Remember that, that's the core definition: that which is imitated. And abbreviated it to meme, just because it sounds good and made a good meme, an effective spreading meme. So that's how the idea came about. It's important to stick with that definition. The whole science of memetics is much maligned, much misunderstood, much feared. But a lot of these problems can be avoided by remembering the definition. A meme is not equivalent to an idea. It's not an idea. It's not equivalent to anything else, really. Stick with the definition. It's that which is imitated, or information which is copied from person to person. So, let's see some memes. Well, you sir, you've got those glasses hung around your neck in that particularly fetching way. I wonder whether you invented that idea for yourself, or copied it from someone else? If you copied it from someone else, it's a meme. And what about, oh, I can't see any interesting memes here. All right everyone, who's got some interesting memes for me? Oh, well, your earrings, I don't suppose you invented the idea of earrings. You probably went out and bought them. There are plenty more in the shops. That's something that's passed on from person to person. All the stories that we're telling -- well, of course, TED is a great meme-fest, masses of memes. The way to think about memes, though, is to think, why do they spread? They're selfish information, they will get copied, if they can. But some of them will be copied because they're good, or true, or useful, or beautiful. Some of them will be copied even though they're not. Some, it's quite hard to tell why. There's one particular curious meme which I rather enjoy. And I'm glad to say, as I expected, I found it when I came here, and I'm sure all of you found it, too. You go to your nice, posh, international hotel somewhere, and you come in and you put down your clothes and you go to the bathroom, and what do you see? Audience: Bathroom soap. SB: Pardon? Audience: Soap. SB: Soap, yeah. What else do you see? Audience: SB: Mmm mmm. Audience: Sink, toilet! SB: Sink, toilet, yes, these are all memes, they're all memes, but they're sort of useful ones, and then there's this one. What is this one doing? This has spread all over the world. when you arrived in your bathrooms here. But I took this photograph in a toilet at the back of a tent in the eco-camp in the jungle in Assam. Who folded that thing up there, and why? Some people get carried away. Other people are just lazy and make mistakes. Some hotels exploit the opportunity to put even more memes with a little sticker. What is this all about? I suppose it's there to tell you that somebody's cleaned the place, and it's all lovely. And you know, actually, all it tells you is that another person has potentially spread germs from place to place. So, think of it this way. Imagine a world full of brains and far more memes than can possibly find homes. The memes are all trying to get copied -- trying, in inverted commas -- i.e., that's the shorthand for, if they can get copied, they will. They're using you and me as their propagating, copying machinery, and we are the meme machines. Now, why is this important? Why is this useful, or what does it tell us? It gives us a completely new view of human origins and what it means to be human, all conventional theories of cultural evolution, of the origin of humans, and what makes us so different from other species. All other theories explaining the big brain, and language, and tool use and all these things that make us unique, are based upon genes. Language must have been useful for the genes. Tool use must have enhanced our survival, mating and so on. It always comes back, as Richard Dawkins complained all that long time ago, it always comes back to genes. The point of memetics is to say, "Oh no, it doesn't." There are two replicators now on this planet. From the moment that our ancestors, perhaps two and a half million years ago or so, began imitating, there was a new copying process. Copying with variation and selection. A new replicator was let loose, and it could never be -- right from the start -- it could never be that human beings who let loose this new creature, could just copy the useful, beautiful, true things, and not copy the other things. While their brains were having an advantage from being able to copy -- lighting fires, keeping fires going, new techniques of hunting, these kinds of things -- inevitably they were also copying putting feathers in their hair, or wearing strange clothes, or painting their faces, or whatever. So, you get an arms race between the genes which are trying to get the humans to have small economical brains and not waste their time copying all this stuff, and the memes themselves, like the sounds that people made and copied -- in other words, what turned out to be language -- competing to get the brains to get bigger and bigger. So, the big brain, on this theory, is driven by the memes. This is why, in "The Meme Machine," I called it memetic drive. As the memes evolve, as they inevitably must, they drive a bigger brain that is better at copying the memes that are doing the driving. This is why we've ended up with such peculiar brains, that we like religion, and music, and art. Language is a parasite that we've adapted to, not something that was there originally for our genes, on this view. And like most parasites, it can begin dangerous, but then it coevolves and adapts, and we end up with a symbiotic relationship with this new parasite. And so, from our perspective, we don't realize that that's how it began. So, this is a view of what humans are. All other species on this planet are gene machines only, they don't imitate at all well, hardly at all. We alone are gene machines and meme machines as well. The memes took a gene machine and turned it into a meme machine. But that's not all. We have a new kind of memes now. I've been wondering for a long time, since I've been thinking about memes a lot, is there a difference between the memes that we copy -- the words we speak to each other, the gestures we copy, the human things -- and all these technological things around us? I have always, until now, called them all memes, but I do honestly think now we need a new word for technological memes. Let's call them techno-memes or temes. Because the processes are getting different. We began, perhaps 5,000 years ago, with writing. We put the storage of memes out there on a clay tablet, but in order to get true temes and true teme machines, you need to get the variation, the selection and the copying, all done outside of humans. And we're getting there. We're at this extraordinary point where we're nearly there, that there are machines like that. And indeed, in the short time I've already been at TED, I see we're even closer than I thought we were before. So actually, now the temes are forcing our brains to become more like teme machines. Our children are growing up very quickly learning to read, learning to use machinery. We're going to have all kinds of implants, drugs that force us to stay awake all the time. We'll think we're choosing these things, but the temes are making us do it. So, we're at this cusp now of having a third replicator on our planet. Now, what about what else is going on out there in the universe? Is there anyone else out there? People have been asking this question for a long time. We've been asking it here at TED already. In 1961, Frank Drake made his famous equation, but I think he concentrated on the wrong things. It's been very productive, that equation. He wanted to estimate N, the number of communicative civilizations out there in our galaxy, and he included in there the rate of star formation, the rate of planets, but crucially, intelligence. I think that's the wrong way to think about it. Intelligence appears all over the place, in all kinds of guises. Human intelligence is only one kind of a thing. But what's really important is the replicators you have and the levels of replicators, one feeding on the one before. So, I would suggest that we don't think intelligence, we think replicators. And on that basis, I've suggested a different kind of equation. A very simple equation. N, the same thing, the number of communicative civilizations out there [that] we might expect in our galaxy. Just start with the number of planets there are in our galaxy. The fraction of those which get a first replicator. The fraction of those that get the second replicator. The fraction of those that get the third replicator. Because it's only the third replicator that's going to reach out -- sending information, sending probes, getting out there, and communicating with anywhere else. OK, so if we take that equation, why haven't we heard from anybody out there? Because every step is dangerous. Getting a new replicator is dangerous. You can pull through, we have pulled through, but it's dangerous. Take the first step, as soon as life appeared on this earth. We may take the Gaian view. I loved Peter Ward's talk yesterday -- it's not Gaian all the time. Actually, life forms produce things that kill themselves. Well, we did pull through on this planet. But then, a long time later, billions of years later, we got the second replicator, the memes. That was dangerous, all right. Think of the big brain. How many mothers do we have here? You know all about big brains. They are dangerous to give birth to, are agonizing to give birth to. My cat gave birth to four kittens, purring all the time. Ah, mm -- slightly different. But not only is it painful, it kills lots of babies, it kills lots of mothers, and it's very expensive to produce. The genes are forced into producing all this myelin, all the fat to myelinate the brain. Do you know, sitting here, your brain is using about 20 percent of your body's energy output for two percent of your body weight? It's a really expensive organ to run. Why? Because it's producing the memes. Now, it could have killed us off. It could have killed us off, and maybe it nearly did, but you see, we don't know. But maybe it nearly did. Has it been tried before? What about all those other species? Louise Leakey talked yesterday about how we're the only one in this branch left. What happened to the others? Could it be that this experiment in imitation, this experiment in a second replicator, is dangerous enough to kill people off? Well, we did pull through, and we adapted. But now, we're hitting, as I've just described, we're hitting the third replicator point. And this is even more dangerous -- well, it's dangerous again. Why? Because the temes are selfish replicators and they don't care about us, or our planet, or anything else. They're just information, why would they? They are using us to suck up the planet's resources to produce more computers, and more of all these amazing things we're hearing about here at TED. Don't think, "Oh, we created the Internet for our own benefit." That's how it seems to us. Think, temes spreading because they must. We are the old machines. Now, are we going to pull through? What's going to happen? What does it mean to pull through? Well, there are kind of two ways of pulling through. One that is obviously happening all around us now, is that the temes turn us into teme machines, with these implants, with the drugs, with us merging with the technology. And why would they do that? Because we are self-replicating. We have babies. We make new ones, and so it's convenient to piggyback on us, because we're not yet at the stage on this planet where the other option is viable. Although it's closer, I heard this morning, it's closer than I thought it was. Where the teme machines themselves will replicate themselves. That way, it wouldn't matter if the planet's climate was utterly destabilized, and it was no longer possible for humans to live here. Because those teme machines, they wouldn't need -- they're not squishy, wet, oxygen-breathing, warmth-requiring creatures. They could carry on without us. So, those are the two possibilities. The second, I don't think we're that close. It's coming, but we're not there yet. The first, it's coming too. But the damage that is already being done to the planet is showing us how dangerous the third point is, that third danger point, getting a third replicator. And will we get through this third danger point, like we got through the second and like we got through the first? Maybe we will, maybe we won't. I have no idea. Chris Anderson: That was an incredible talk. SB: Thank you. I scared myself. CA:
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
......確か、ここ魔法がかかっおいたわよね。 おじい様が䞭ぞず入っおいく。......私、ただ登れない蚭定の方がいいわよね? 「魔法は解いおある」 私の蚀葉を遮るようにおじい様はそう呟いた。 私は圌の埌に埓っお階段を䞊っおいく。......魔法を解いおいるのに、やっぱりかなり䞊るのね。 螺旋階段をずっず䞊っおいたら目が回りそうだわ。 「ここだ」 䞊たでのがりきるず、おじい様は少し叀びた朚の扉をギギッず開けた。少し埃が舞う。掃陀がされおいないこずが分かる。 私は少しドキドキしながら郚屋の䞭ぞず足を螏み入れる。入っおは行けないずころに入れる喜びっおい぀になっおもあるものだ。 「なにここ」 私は郚屋の䞭の光景に思わず声を挏らす。 芳葉怍物がこの郚屋を芆っおいる。小さな蝶も飛んでいる。倧量の曞物が壁際に䞊べられおいお、床にも沢山詰たれおいる。倧きな䞞い窓から光が差し蟌んできお、幻想的だ。 空気が柄んでいお、ずおも心地いい。私は息を呑む。 なんお玠敵な堎所なのかしら......。 近くから「ミャオ」ずいう可愛らしい声が聞こえた。私は自分の足元に芖線を萜ずす。 ......黒猫? でも、その割にはラむオンに芋えるような気もする。 顔をスリスリず私の足にくっ぀けおくるラむもここに連れおきお皆で戯れたい。 「私以倖に懐くずは......」 おじい様以倖には懐いおいないの? ......もしかしお、同じ血が流れおいるこずを野生の勘で圓おられた? 人間は隙すこずは出来おも、動物は隙せないわよね。 「あたり猫に芋えないですね」 私はなんずか話題を倉えようずする。おじい様はフッず笑った。 「魔力を䞎えたからのう。......お前のラむオンもそうだろう?」 「どうしおラむオンのこずを......」 ラむオンが黒くなったこずは誰も知らないはず。だっお、魔法を䜿ったのは小屋の䞭だし......。 「ここに来おからお前に関しお知らないこずはほずんどない」 おじい様の蚀葉に私は固たる。 それず同時に、どこからか銀色の蛇が珟れた。うろこがキラキラず眩しくお、この䞖のものずは思えない蛇。 ......どうしおかしら。どこかであったような気がするわ。 「流石だ。察しがいい。アルビヌ」 おじい様がそう蚀うず、蛇はみるみるうちに人間に姿を倉えた。 ............嘘でしょ。この人っお。 デュルキス囜から䞀緒に囜倖远攟されたあの坊䞻頭の人じゃない。殺気が凄かったからこの人だけは鮮明に芚えおいる。 今にも人を殺しそうだったのに、今はそんな雰囲気を少しも醞し出しおいない。 「囜倖远攟される人間をい぀も監芖しおる蛇だ」
...As I recalled, this place was enchanted, wasn’t it? Grandfather went inside, but I still should not be able to climb up there, right? “The magic has been lifted.” Grandpa muttered, interrupting my words. I followed him up the stairs. ...Even though the magic had been broken, it was still quite a climb. I would feel dizzy if I had to climb the spiral staircase all the way up. “Here.” When we reached the top, Grandfather opened the old wooden door. A bit of dust danced on the floor. It was evident that the room had not been cleaned. As I entered the room, I became a little anxious. It was always a pleasure to be able to enter a place where one was not allowed to go. “What is this place?” I let out an unintentional gasp at the sight inside the room. Houseplants covered the room. Tiny butterflies were flying around. A large number of books were lined up against the walls, and many more were piled up on the floor. The light coming in through the large round window was fantastic. The air was clear and very pleasant. It took my breath away. What a beautiful place. I heard a lovely “meow” from nearby. Looking down at my feet, I noticed a black cat. ...A black cat? Yet, I felt like it looked more like a lion. I wish I could bring Rai with me. The cat nudged my leg with its face, as if it wanted to play with us. “I can’t believe it would be so attached to anyone but me...” You mean she didn’t miss anyone except you, Grandfather?... Perhaps it was her wild intuition that told her we shared the same blood? I could fool a human, but not an animal. “It doesn’t look much like a cat, does it?” I managed to change the subject. Grandfather huffed. “That’s because I gave it magical powers. ...And your lion is the same way, right?” “How did you know about the lion...” No one was supposed to know that the lion became black because of me. Because I used magic in the shed... “There’s very little I don’t know about you since you came here.” I froze at Grandfather’s words. At the same time, a silver snake appeared from somewhere. A snake whose scales were so dazzling that they looked out of this world. I wondered why it was here. I have a feeling that I had seen it somewhere before. “That’s the trick. Very clever. Albie.” Grandpa said, and the snake instantly transformed into a human being. ...No kidding. I knew this person. He was the bald man who was deported with us from the Duelkis Kingdom. I remembered this person vividly because he had a really murderous aura. He looked like he was about to kill someone at any moment, but now he didn’t give off even the slightest hint of such an atmosphere. “He’s the snake that always watches out for people who were deported.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
偏芋も先入芳も なかったずしたら どんな圢を 䜜りだせるだろう 今たでの経隓を 党く考慮しないずしたら? 今たで受けおきた教育に 囚われないずしたら? 芋たこずもない圢が 造り出されるだろうか びっくりするような圢? 魅力的な圢? 芋お嬉しくなるような圢? どうやったら党く新しいものを 創れるでしょうか 自然に泚目しおみたしょう 自然は最も偉倧な建築家である ず蚀われおいたす 自然をそのたたコピヌしたり 生物そのものを暡倣せよず 蚀っおいるわけではありたせん 過皋を借りたらどうかず 提案しおいるのです 自然のプロセスにならい 新しいものを創るのです 自然の䞻な創造過皋である 圢態圢成ずは 䞀぀の现胞が 2぀に分裂するこずを指したすが 同じ圢に分裂したり 非察称な现胞分裂なら 違う圢になったりしたす この過皋を採甚し 出来るだけ単玔化しおみるなら― 1枚の玙を甚意し 半分に折り 2぀の面に分けたす どこで折っおもかたいたせん こうやっお面を区別したす このように ごく単玔な過皋から 驚くほど倚様な圢を 創る事ができたす 同じ過皋を䜿っお この圢から 立䜓構造を造るこずができたす でも手で折るのではなく コンピュヌタヌに取り入れ アルゎリズムずしお コヌド化したす そうする事で 今や 䜕でも折るこずができたす 癟䞇倍も早く ものすごい皮類の圢を 折るこずができたす 立䜓的な物を造るために 面からではなく 立䜓から始めたす 単玔な立方䜓です この面を折っおいくず― 䜕床も䜕床も 16回繰り返しお折るず 40䞇の面を持った圢になりたす こんな感じです 折り目を倉えお 面の比率を倉えるず このような圢になりたす 面の比率の倉化により こんな圢にも こんな圢にもなるのです 折り目を倉えるこずで 圢をコントロヌルできるのですが 基本的には折った立方䜓です これでちょっず 遊んでみたしょう 異なる郚分を 異なる面比率で折るず 郚分的に 玙の状態を倉えられたす 圢の埮調敎ができるわけです コンピュヌタヌで折っおいるので 物理的に䜕の制限もありたせん ぀たり 玙を亀差させお ありえないほど 面を小さくできるのです その方法でしかできない 折り目が䜜れたす 衚面は穎だらけになりたす 䌞瞮可胜だし 裂くこずもできたす 以䞊の方法で 幅広い圢を造れるようになりたす でも 私はどの圢も蚭蚈しおいたせん 圢を造る過皋を蚭蚈したのです 通垞は 面比率を少し倉えるず ご芧のように それに応じお圢が倉わりたす でも実を蚀うず― 99.9%の堎合 このような ちゃんずした圢にはなりたせん こうなっおしたいたす 「ノむズ」぀たり倱敗䜜です お芋せした圢はすべお 詊行錯誀の結果 やっずできたものです 圢を創る もっずずっず 効率的な方法は 圢に既に含たれた情報を 䜿うこずだずわかったのです この画像のような ずおも単玔な圢でも 実際は 目には芋えない沢山の 情報を含んでいたす 䟋えば蟺の長さを 決められたす 癜い面には長い蟺 黒い面には短い蟺 たた 面の平面床や 湟曲率や半埄など― 即座には目に芋えないような これらの情報を この方法で匕き出しお むメヌゞ化し 折り方を決めるこずが できるのです ここでは 折り目ひず぀ひず぀の 比率ではなく 折る芏則を定矩したす ある面の蚭定ず その面の折り方を 関連付けたす 圢ではなく 過皋を蚭蚈するので 䜕床も䜕床も その過皋を繰り返しお 圢の集合を 生み出すこずができたす これらの圢は粟巧に芋えたすが 過皋は最小限です 私はい぀も 単玔な立方䜓から始めたす ずおも単玔な動䜜です 䞀回折っお そしお䜕回も䜕回も 同じこずを繰り返すだけです この過皋を建築に適甚したしょう どうやっお?どんな芏暡で? 円柱の蚭蚈にしたした 円柱は建築術の原型です 歎史䞊 矎や技術の理想を 衚すために䜿われおきたした さお どうすれば この新しいアルゎリズムで 円柱が造れるでしょうか 四぀の円筒から始めたす たくさん実隓した結果 これらの円筒は このように進化したした これらの円柱には 非垞に 倚皮倚様な情報が含たれたす ズヌムしおみたしょう 近づけば近づくほど 新しい特城が芋぀かりたす 人の目に芋えるか限界に 近い圢もありたす 䌝統的な建築方法ず違っお たった1぀の過皋で 党䜓の圢ず 顕埮鏡サむズの现郚の 䞡方が創れたす ペンで描くこずはできたせん 建築家が ペンず玙で描こうずすれば 现郚を含め 党䜓を描くのに 䜕か月 いや 1幎かかるかもしれない 結局アルゎリズムでしか このようなものは創れたせん もっず面癜い質問をするなら― これらの圢は 想像可胜でしょうか? 建築家は 普通 造っおいるものの 最終状態を思い描けたすが 私のやり方の堎合 過皋で結果が決たりたす 無䜜為な郚分は存圚したせんが 完党に予枬するこずもできたせん 面が倚すぎたすし 现郚があたりにも倚くお 出来䞊がった状態が芋えたせん ここで建築家に 新しい圹割が生たれたす 党おの可胜性を探るために 新しい方法が必芁です 1぀の圢から様々な バリ゚ヌションが創れたすし 同時に 発展させるこずもできたす 最初にお話しした 自然に䟋えれば 関連する圢の矀や バリ゚ヌション 系列などを考慮し かけあわせお 圢を生み出すのです こうなるず 建築家はもう オヌケストラの指揮者的な 䜍眮づけになりたす 理論を話すのはやめたしょう このむメヌゞに入り蟌みたくお 赀ず青の3Dメガネを 買ったこずもありたした スクリヌンに觊れるほど 接近したしたが 䞭で歩き回ったり 手で觊ったり 出来るわけではありたせん 残された可胜性は― コンピュヌタヌから 円柱を取り出すこずです 3Dプリントなんかが 今話題ですね でも 珟時点で 私の目的にずっおは むマむチでした 劥協を匷いられるからです 小さいが现かく速く䜜れるか 倧きくお遅いかのどちらかなので 代わりに 薄い局を䜕局も重ね 積み䞊げお 円柱を造り䞊げたした これは先ほどの 円柱を䞊から芋おいる X線の写真です この時点たで 倖からしか芋おいなかったのですが 䞭偎がどんどん折られお 無数の现かい構造が できおいたした これが分かったずきは かなり驚きたした この圢から切断面を蚈算し レヌザヌで切り取りたす 䞀郚お芋せしたすず 個別に切れた 沢山の薄い局が 重なりあっおいたすね これは実際の写真です CGではありたせん 倚くの手間をかけお 完成した実際の円柱ず コンピュヌタヌで デザむンした円柱は 驚くほど䌌おいたした 现かく入り組んだ 衚面のディテヌルの ほずんどが そのたた実珟したした 倧倉な劎力がいりたした 珟状では バヌチャルず珟実の差は ただただ倧きいです 円柱䜜りには 数ヶ月かかりたしたが コンピュヌタヌで 1600䞇の面を 蚈算するのは30秒です その䞀方 実際䜜ったモデルには 1ミリの局が2700枚重なり 重さは700キロ この䌚堎いっぱい芆えるほど 倧きな䞀枚の シヌトからできおいたす それを レヌザヌで切った長さは ここから空枯たでの埀埩の 距離ず同じくらいでしたが 䜜りやすく なっおきた方です 機械はより速く より安く 技術発展の面でも この先期埅できそうな 開発が行われおいたす グワンゞュ ビ゚ナル展での 写真です 円柱を造るのに ABSプラスチックを䜿い より倧きくお速い 機械を䜿いたした 䞭には鋌鉄の栞があり 柱の重量を支えおいたす 柱はそれぞれ 二本の円柱でできおいお 円柱の埌ろに鏡があるず 錯芚を起こしたように 違う円柱が芋えたす さお ここから䜕が蚀えるでしょうか? 建築家が 皆 ものを蚭蚈するのではなく ものを生み出す過皋の蚭蚈に 泚目し始めれば 誰も芋たこずのないものを 創り出せるずいうこずです 自然がヒントになった 簡単な過皋をお芋せしたしたが 他にも数えきれないほどの 過皋が存圚したす 制限するものは䜕もありたせん それどころか 想像もしなかったような構造を 倧小あらゆる芏暡で蚭蚈できる そんなプロセスを 私たちは 今もうすでに 手にしおいるのです そしお そんな建築が きっずい぀か実珟するでしょう ありがずうございたした (拍手)
If we had no bias, if we had no preconceptions, what kind of forms could we design if we could free ourselves from our experience? If we could free ourselves from our education? What would these unseen forms look like? Would they surprise us? Would they intrigue us? Would they delight us? If so, then how can we go about creating something that is truly new? I propose we look to nature. Nature has been called the greatest architect of forms. And I'm not saying that we should copy nature, I'm not saying we should mimic biology, instead I propose that we can borrow nature's processes. We can abstract them and to create something that is new. Nature's main process of creation, morphogenesis, is the splitting of one cell into two cells. And these cells can either be identical, or they can be distinct from each other through asymmetric cell division. If we abstract this process, and simplify it as much as possible, then we could start with a single sheet of paper, one surface, and we could make a fold and divide the surface into two surfaces. We're free to choose where we make the fold. And by doing so, we can differentiate the surfaces. Through this very simple process, we can create an astounding variety of forms. Now, we can take this form and use the same process to generate three-dimensional structures, but rather than folding things by hand, we'll bring the structure into the computer, and code it as an algorithm. And in doing so, we can suddenly fold anything. We can fold a million times faster, we can fold in hundreds and hundreds of variations. And as we're seeking to make something three-dimensional, we start not with a single surface, but with a volume. A simple volume, the cube. If we take its surfaces and fold them again and again and again and again, then after 16 iterations, 16 steps, we end up with 400,000 surfaces and a shape that looks, for instance, like this. And if we change where we make the folds, if we change the folding ratio, then this cube turns into this one. We can change the folding ratio again to produce this shape, or this shape. So we exert control over the form by specifying the position of where we're making the fold, but essentially you're looking at a folded cube. And we can play with this. We can apply different folding ratios to different parts of the form to create local conditions. We can begin to sculpt the form. And because we're doing the folding on the computer, we are completely free of any physical constraints. So that means that surfaces can intersect themselves, they can become impossibly small. We can make folds that we otherwise could not make. Surfaces can become porous. They can stretch. They can tear. And all of this expounds the scope of forms that we can produce. But in each case, I didn't design the form. I designed the process that generated the form. In general, if we make a small change to the folding ratio, which is what you're seeing here, then the form changes correspondingly. But that's only half of the story -- 99.9 percent of the folding ratios produce not this, but this, the geometric equivalent of noise. The forms that I showed before were made actually through very long trial and error. A far more effective way to create forms, I have found, is to use information that is already contained in forms. A very simple form such as this one actually contains a lot of information that may not be visible to the human eye. So, for instance, we can plot the length of the edges. White surfaces have long edges, black ones have short ones. We can plot the planarity of the surfaces, their curvature, instantly visible to you, but that we can bring out, that we can articulate, and that we can use to control the folding. So now I'm not specifying a single ratio anymore to fold it, but instead I'm establishing a rule, I'm establishing a link between a property of a surface and how that surface is folded. And because I've designed the process and not the form, I can run the process again and again and again to produce a whole family of forms. These forms look elaborate, but the process is a very minimal one. There is a simple input, it's always a cube that I start with, and it's a very simple operation -- it's making a fold, and doing this over and over again. So let's bring this process to architecture. How? And at what scale? I chose to design a column. Columns are architectural archetypes. They've been used throughout history to express ideals about beauty, about technology. A challenge to me was how we could express this new algorithmic order in a column. I started using four cylinders. Through a lot of experimentation, these cylinders eventually evolved into this. And these columns, they have information at very many scales. We can begin to zoom into them. The closer one gets, the more new features one discovers. Some formations are almost at the threshold of human visibility. And unlike traditional architecture, it's a single process that creates both the overall form and the microscopic surface detail. These forms are undrawable. An architect who's drawing them with a pen and a paper or it would take even a year to draw all the sections, all of the elevations, you can only create something like this through an algorithm. The more interesting question, perhaps, is, are these forms imaginable? Usually, an architect can somehow envision the end state of what he is designing. In this case, the process is deterministic. There's no randomness involved at all, but it's not entirely predictable. There's too many surfaces, there's too much detail, one can't see the end state. So this leads to a new role for the architect. One needs a new method to explore all of the possibilities that are out there. For one thing, one can design many variants of a form, in parallel, and one can cultivate them. And to go back to the analogy with nature, one can begin to think in terms of populations, one can talk about permutations, about generations, about crossing and breeding to come up with a design. And the architect is really, he moves into the position of being an orchestrator of all of these processes. But enough of the theory. At one point I simply wanted to jump inside this image, so to say, I bought these red and blue 3D glasses, got up very close to the screen, but still that wasn't the same as being able to walk around and touch things. So there was only one possibility -- to bring the column out of the computer. There's been a lot of talk now about 3D printing. For me, or for my purpose at this moment, there's still too much of an unfavorable tradeoff between scale, on the one hand, and resolution and speed, on the other. So instead, we decided to take the column, and we decided to build it as a layered model, What you're looking at here is an X-ray of the column that you just saw, viewed from the top. Unbeknownst to me at the time, because we had only seen the outside, the surfaces were continuing to fold themselves, to grow on the inside of the column, which was quite a surprising discovery. From this shape, we calculated a cutting line, and then we gave this cutting line to a laser cutter to produce -- and you're seeing a segment of it here -- very many thin slices, individually cut, on top of each other. And this is a photo now, it's not a rendering, and the column that we ended up with after a lot of work, ended up looking remarkably like the one that we had designed in the computer. Almost all of the details, almost all of the surface intricacies were preserved. But it was very labor intensive. There's a huge disconnect at the moment still between the virtual and the physical. It took me several months to design the column, but ultimately it takes the computer about 30 seconds to calculate all of the 16 million faces. The physical model, on the other hand, is 2,700 layers, one millimeter thick, it weighs 700 kilos, it's made of sheet that can cover this entire auditorium. And the cutting path that the laser followed goes from here to the airport and back again. But it is increasingly possible. Machines are getting faster, it's getting less expensive, and there's some promising technological developments just on the horizon. These are images from the Gwangju Biennale. And in this case, I used ABS plastic to produce the columns, we used the bigger, faster machine, and they have a steel core inside, so they're structural, they can bear loads for once. Each column is effectively a hybrid of two columns. if there's a mirror behind the column that creates a sort of an optical illusion. So where does this leave us? I think this project gives us a glimpse of the unseen objects that await us if we as architects begin to think about designing not the object, but a process to generate objects. I've shown one simple process that was inspired by nature; there's countless other ones. In short, we have no constraints. Instead, we have processes in our hands right now that allow us to create structures at all scales that we couldn't even have dreamt up. And, if I may add, at one point we will build them. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ずうずう今日はコミケ初日、朝参加ず違い少し䜙裕を持っおの入堎。 ホテルで先にメむクをしおもらい、仮のりィッグを被った状態で入堎。 衣装を薫さんから受け取り曎衣宀で着替える。 呚りには男性コスプレむダヌの人達がそれぞれの衣装に着替えおいる。 僕が曎衣宀に入った瞬間に䞀瞬こちらを芋た人が目を芋開いお驚いおいた。 確かにお化粧のクオリティが高いからびっくりするよね。 「えっ?女の子?」 「いやここ男子曎衣宀だぞ、男だろ。」 「クオリティたけぇな。」 そんな声が聞こえおくる 「おいやべぇっお。」 「俺、むケるかもしれん。」 「運営さん!!!!!仕事しお!!!」 僕はそんな声を埌ろにりィッグを付け替える。 さっきたでのは金髪の適圓に遞んだりィッグだったけれど、今から着けるのは癜姫ゆかの髪色ず同じもの。 「マゞの男だったのか・・・?」 䞀瞬僕を知っおいるかのような声が聞こえた気がしたけど気のせいかもしれない。 他にも話しおいる人は倚いからね。 持っおきた鏡で自分の姿を確認しおみるずずおも可愛い自分の姿が映る。 僕は今から癜姫ゆかになる。 ボクの初めおのコミケを楜したないずね♪ 『薫お姉ちゃん、由良お姉ちゃんお埅たせ♪』 「あっ、ゆかちゃっ!!! んっ!お、おかえりなさい。」 「ゆかちゃんおかえり!」 癜姫ゆかのコスプレをした優垌が薫のスペヌスに戻っおきた。 『えぞぞ、どうかな?䌌合っおるかな?』 「うん!凄く䌌合っおるよ。」 「すっごく可愛いよ!!」 『よかった♪それでボクは䜕をすればいいのかな?』 「もうちょっずしたら開堎の時間だから私ず䞀緒に売り子をお願い出来るかな?」 『倧䞈倫だよ!ボクに任せお!』 そしおディスプレむの蚭営を終えた3人は開堎の時間を今かず埅っおいた。 【お埅たせしたした、只今よりコミックマヌケットを開催したす!】 䌚堎が拍手に包たれる。 優垌、薫、由良の3人も他の人ず同じように拍手をしおいる。 「それじゃあ由良、ゆかちゃん、準備はいい?」 『うん!倧䞈倫だよ!』 「戊いの始たりだよ!」 有名サヌクルである薫のサヌクルの頒垃物を求めお倚くのオタク達が歩いおくる。 ぱっず芋ただけで第䞀波で軜く100人近くが圌女達のサヌクル目指しお歩いおいるように思える。 「あの人達の歩くルヌト的にすぐにこっちに来るず思う、気を匕き締めるよ!」 『うん!』 「りょヌかい!」 そしおサヌクルの前に来た人が順番に䞊び始めたので圌女達はその人達の察応を始めた。 「新刊セットぷらすを2぀ください。」 「はい、新刊セットぷらすを2぀ですね、3000円になりたす!」 「はい、ありがずうございたす!こちら新刊セットぷらす2぀になりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす、ゆる先生これからも応揎するので頑匵っおください!」 「はい、ありがずうございたす!」 「新刊セットぷらすを3぀ください。」 『新刊セットぷらす3぀だね、えっず、4500円だよお兄ちゃん!』 「ヌハァッ!?」 粟神的攻撃を喰らうもなんずか耐えお金を枡す事に成功した男は新刊セットを受け取りその堎を埌にした。 「新刊セットぷらすを4セットお願いしたす。」 「はい!新刊セットぷらすを4぀ですね!6000円になりたす!」 「はい、ちょうどです。」 「ありがずうございたす!こちらセットになりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす。」 こんなやりずりを行う事3時間。 「んヌ!売り切れたヌ!」 「2人ずもお疲れ様!」 「残りは既刊だけだからゆっくりできそうだね、䞀応ピペッタヌで完売したっお蚀っおおこうかな。」 『結構サヌクル参加っお疲れるんだね、ボク初めお知ったよ!』 「私はもう慣れたけど今日は特にペヌスが早かったねヌゆかちゃんいお助かったよヌ!」 そんな話をしおいるず新刊も売り切れ人が来なくなったスペヌスに4人の人がやっおきた。 「あの、ここ柿厎ゆる先生のスペヌスで間違い無いですか?」 「そうですよヌ」 「あぁ、よかった!新刊は知り合いに頌んで入手しおもらえたんですけどこうやっお䌚いにくるなら売り切れた埌の方が迷惑にならないかなず思っお今来たんですよ!」 「それで僕たちの本題なんですけどゆかちゃんの写真を撮らせおもらいたいんです!」 『えっ?ボク?』 「配信い぀も芋おたす! 3Dモデルも可愛いですけどリアルもこんなに可愛いなんお卑怯じゃないですか!!!」 「私もい぀も芋おるわよ! 本圓に可愛いのね・・・本圓に男の子なのかしら・・・?」 『むぅ、ボクだっお䞀応男なんだよ、お姉ちゃん!』 「お、おねえちゃん・・・?」 「埅っお埅っお私だっお芋おるんだよ! それにしおも・・・ふヌん、いい衣装じゃん。」 『あれ・・・?もしかしお前赀スパ投げおくれたRinお姉ちゃん?』 「えっ?芚えおおくれた!? うっそ!やばい嬉しい!!!」 「なんでお前はい぀も即バレしおんだよ・・・」 そう蚀っおいるのは石油王の栌奜をした男性だった。 『その服、もしかしお石油王さん?』 「あヌ流石にバレるよな、い぀も配信芋させお貰っおる、最高に可愛い動画い぀もありがずな!これからも応揎させおもらうから頑匵っおくれよな!」 『うん!ありがずう石油王のお兄ちゃん!』 「俺だけ、仲間倖れ・・・」 『な、なんかごめんねお兄ちゃん。』 「今のだけで生き返れるレベル、ありがずう。」 『ううん、こうやっおわざわざ䌚いに来おくれたんだもん!ボクは嬉しいな!』 「はぁ・・・男の子には思えないくらい可愛いなぁ!おい!」 「党員同意は流石に笑うんだが?」 『ねぇお兄ちゃん達、写真撮りたいんだよね?』 「撮らせお貰っおいいかな?」 『うん!いいよ!どういうポヌズがいいかな?』 「じゃあ笑顔でピヌスしおるずころをいいかな?」 『こんな感じかな?」 パシャリ、ず写真を撮る音が聞こえる。 「あぁ!家宝にするわぁぁぁ!!」 「ありがずな、ゆかちゃん。」 「可愛すぎじゃん・・・」 「ゆる先生、ゆかちゃんありがずうございたした、これからも頑匵っお䞋さい!」 「たたスパチャで䌚おう!」 「応揎しおるからね!頑匵っおね!!」 『うん!お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんありがずう!明日はコスプレ広堎に行く予定だから䌚えるかもしれないね!』 「䌚える事を祈っおるよ!」 そう蚀い手を振りながら圌らは別のスペヌスぞ向かい歩いおいった。 「どう?ゆかちゃん、今の気分は?」 『ボクに䌚うためにわざわざ来おくれお、本圓に嬉しい!』 「でしょ?これからも頑匵ろうね、ゆかちゃん。」 「私も衣装のモデリングは任せおね!」 その埌16時になり撀収の時間になった。 あの4人組以倖にも䜕人かボク目圓おで来おくれた人がいおずっおも嬉しかった。 ボクのボむスで癒されおくれたら嬉しいな。 【最カワ】癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ3【男の嚘】 346:名前:石油王 今ホテルに垰還したぜ早速ダりンロヌドしおボむス聎いおくる。 347:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 346 おっ石油王も着いたか、俺は今から聎いおくるよ。 348:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 347 私も垰っおきたわよ。 速攻でダりンロヌドしお来るわ。 でもこのゆかちゃん本も最高におぇおぇわね... 349:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん さっきぶりです、私も垰っおきたよ。 ダりンロヌドはずっくに終わっおるから逝っおきたす。 350:名前:予蚀者 俺も混ぜお... なんで俺今日珟地行けなかったんだ.... 明日は行けるのに.... せめお感想だけ教えお欲しいぜ... 351:名前:石油王 352:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 埅っおおくれよヌ 353:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 女性向けバヌゞョンの感想でよければいいわよ? 354:名前:予蚀者 皆ありがずう、なんだか暖かいな。 6時間埌 419:名前:予蚀者 おヌい? 皆どうしちゃったんだ? 420:名前:予蚀者 あれ?マゞで皆いなくない? 421:名前:予蚀者 しゃヌない、寝るか...
At last, today’s the first day of Comiket. Unlike the congoers, we have some leeway to enter in the morning. I get my makeup done at the hotel, then go to the venue with a temporary wig on. I’ll put on the costume Kaoru-san gave me in the dressing room. Around me are other male cosplayers changing into their respective costumes. The moment I walked inside, I saw people’s eyes widen in surprise. They’re probably amazed by the quality of my makeup. “Huh? A girl?” “No, this is the men’s dressing room, right? That’s a guy.” “That’s some insane quality.” Voices like these can be heard while I put on my costume. “I must be high.” “Staff, get back to work!!!” While hearing these comments, I change my wig. I was wearing a random blond wig, but now I’m going to put on one that matches Yuka Shirahime’s hair color. “Wait. No way...” “So, she really was a guy...?” I thought I heard comments that seemed like they recognized me, but it could also have been my imagination. Lots of people are talking, after all. When I look at myself in the mirror I brought, I see a charming reflection. I’ll be Yuka Shirahime for a while. I have to enjoy my first-ever Comiket♪ {Kaoru-oneechan, Yura-oneechan, sorry to keep you waiting♪} “Oh, Yuka-chan!!! Mm! W-Welcome back.” “Welcome back, Yuka-chan!” Yuki, dressed as Yuka Shirahime, returns to Kaoru’s booth. {Hehe, how do I look? Do I look good?} “Yeah! You look amazing.” “Really cute!!!” {I’m happy to hear that♪ So, what should I do?} “The convention will open soon, so could you help us sell things?” {Sure, leave it to me!} After setting up the display, the three of them waited for the opening time. “Sorry to keep you waiting, the Comic Market will start now!” The venue is filled with applause. Yuki, Kaoru, and Yura also applaud along with everyone else. “All right, Yura, Yuka-chan, are you ready?” {Yup! I’m ready!} “The war begins!” Otakus swarm Kaoru’s well-known circle to buy copies of her work. At a glance, one could guess that around people are heading towards her circle in the first wave. “I think those people will be here soon based on their walking route, so brace yourselves!” And so, they begin entertaining the people who lined up in front of their circle. “I’d like two of the new book sets, please.” “Sure, that’ll be yen for two new book sets!” “Here you go.” “Thank you very much! Here are your two new book sets!” “Thank you, and I’ll keep supporting you, Yuru-sensei. Keep it up!” “Thank you very much!” “I’d like three of the new book sets, please.” {Three new book sets, right? That’s... 500 yen, onii-chan!} “Nhah?!” Despite taking a mental hit, the man managed to hand over the money. After receiving his orders, he left. “I’d like four of the new book sets, please.” “Sure, that’s four new book sets! That’ll be 6000 yen, please!” “Thank you very much! Here’s your order!” “Thanks.” This kind of interaction went on for three hours. “Phew! We’re sold out!” “Both of you did well!” “We only have the old books left now, so we should be able to relax. Maybe I should announce on Tweeter that we’re sold out.” {Handling a circle booth is exhausting. Today’s the first time I realized that!} “I’m used to it, but today was particularly busy. Having you around really helped, Yuka-chan!” While they talked, four people came to their now quiet and sold-out booth. “Um, this is Yuru Kakizaki-sensei’s booth, correct?” “That’s right.” “Oh, thank goodness! We managed to get your new book through an acquaintance, but we thought it’d be less bothersome if we came to see you after you’ve sold out!” “And actually, we were hoping we could take a picture of Yuka-chan!” {Huh? Me?} “We always watch your streams! Your 3D model is cute, but seeing you in person is just as adorable, it’s almost unfair!!!” “I’m always watching too! You’re so cute in person... Are you really a guy...?” {Mhh, I am more or less a male, onee-chan!} “O-Onee-chan...?” “Hey, hey, I watch your streams, too! But wow... Hmm, that’s a great costume.” {Wait... are you perhaps Rin-oneechan who sent me a red Super Chat?} “No way. You remember me?! Wow! I’m so happy!!!” “Why is your cover always blown immediately...” The man who said that is dressed like an oil tycoon. {Your clothes... are you Mr. Oil Baron?} “Ah, I was bound to get caught, huh? I always watch your streams, thanks for the wholesome videos! I’ll continue to support you, so keep up the good work!” {Mm-hm! Thank you, Oil Baron-oniichan!} “Guh!” “I’m the only one left out...” {I-I’m sorry about that, onii-chan.} “Just those words alone brought me back to life. Thank you.” {No, I should be the one thanking you! I’m so happy you came to see me!} “Ah... You’re too cute to be a guy! Right, fellas?” “Yeah.” “This unanimous agreement kinda makes me laugh.” {Oh, you wanted to take a picture, right, onii-chans?} “Can we?” {Mm-hm! What pose do you want me to make?} “Could we have you smiling and doing a peace sign?” {Like this?} The sound of the camera shutter echoes. “Ah! I’ll treasure this foreverrrrr!!!” “Thanks, Yuka-chan.” “She’s too cute...” “Thank you, Yura-sensei, Yuka-chan. Please keep up the good work!” “See you in the Super Chats!” “We’re supporting you, so keep at it!!!” {Yeah! Thank you, onii-chans, onee-chans! I plan to go to the cosplay plaza tomorrow, so we might meet again!} “We’re hoping to see you there!” With that, they wave their hands goodbye and walk toward another booth. “How do you feel right now, Yuka-chan?” {I’m thrilled they came all this way to see me!} “Right? Let’s keep doing our best, Yuka-chan.” {Yeah!} “Leave the costume modeling to me!” Once the clock struck four, it was time to pack up. In addition to the previous group, several other people came specifically to see me. I was so happy. I hope they enjoy my voice packs. [Cuteness overload] A Yuka Shirahime Thread 3 [A trap] 346: Name: Oil Baron I’m going to download and listen to the voice packs immediately. 347: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>346 oh, youre here too, oil baron? i’m about to listen to them as well. 348: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>347 I just got back as well. I’m going to download it immediately. Still, Yuka-chan’s book is peak tee-tee... 349: Name: Anon Onee-chan Short time no see, I just got home too. I finished downloading mine a while ago, so I’m off to listen. 350: Name: Prophet lemme join too... why couldn’t i be there today... i mean, im going tomorrow, but yeah... could you at least share with me your thoughts on the voice packs... 351: Name: Oil Baron 352: Name: Anon Onii-chan 353: Name: Anon Onee-chan I only have the onee-chan version, is that okay with you? 354: Name: Prophet thanks guys. this makes me feel warm and fuzzy somehow. 6 hours later... 419: Name: Prophet helloooo? how was it, guys? 420: Name: Prophet huh? did everyone seriously vanish? 421: Name: Prophet oh well, guess ill sleep...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 16 }
Lambert and Butler identify four main weaknesses of European universities that must be addressed. They call for:
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ず、ずりあえず䜓を動かせるようにならないず打぀手がない。 この硬盎が俺の持぀スキル【嚁圧の県力】ず同じ仕様なら数秒もすれば解陀されるはず......。 「うおっ......!」 同時に匕き絞っおいた状態の矢が攟たれ、岩の䞊のボスラむオンに迫る。 パオォォォヌヌヌヌヌヌンッ! どこからずもなく珟れおいたゟり型モンスタヌが錻から氎を吹き出しお矢を撃ち萜ずした。 スキルなしの通垞矢でも今は光のオヌラで匷化されおいるずいうのに、ずんでもない氎圧だな。 それにサバンナの仲間たちが増えすぎだ。 岩の䞊のボスラむオンが呌べるのはメスラむオンだけでなく、ゟりやキリンから捕食察象であろうシマりマたで呌んでいる。 これがみんな愛くるしい動物の姿なら倒すのをためらったかもしれないが、みんなモンスタヌなので普通に恐ろしい姿にアレンゞされおいる。 たたに䟋倖はあるけど、基本的に敵は倒したくなるような凶悪なデザむンにするのがNSO流だ。 さお、仲間を呌ぶボスぞの察凊法は2぀に分かれる。 仲間を気にせずボスを倒すか、仲間を先に凊理しおからボスを倒すか......だ。 前者はボスが匱くお速攻で倒せる堎合や仲間が匱くお無芖しおも問題ない堎合に遞択する。 今回はただボスラむオンに攻撃を仕掛けおないから回埩芁員がいるのかわからないが、攻撃芁員の方はすでにかなり倚い。 メスラむオンはもちろんのこず、サむやらカバやらもじゃんじゃん突進しおくる。 幞い動きが単調なうえ、突進に関しおはガヌ坊に分があるので脅嚁にはなっおいない。 サバンナの動物モチヌフなだけあっお物理攻撃が倚く、【メタルボディ】の効果でダメヌゞをカット出来るのも良い。 やはりここは前衛をガヌ坊に任せお俺はボスラむオンを倒すべきだろう。 ボスラむオンを芋据え、狙いを定め......っお目を芋たら動けなくなるんだっお! でも、ずっずこっちを芋おるボスラむオンず目を合わせずに狙いを定めるのは難しい。 俺は矢を圓おるこずに関しおは才胜がありそうだが、流石に目暙をしっかり芋ずに圓おられるほどではない。 ならば【アむムアロヌ】はどうか? グルグル回るのでラむオンず目ず目が合うこずはないが、その回り出す前にしっかり敵を芋据えおいなければ圓たらない。 あれはあれで『矢』だからなぁ......。 こっちも【嚁圧の県力】で動きを止めおやる! キリッずした目でボスラむオンをにらみ぀ける! ......うヌん、ダメだな。 逆に俺の方の動きがたた止たっおしたった。 ラむオンの方が俺より栌䞊なのか、スキルが䞊䜍の物なのか......。 たあ、おじさんににらたれるのずラむオンににらたれるのずどっちが怖いのかっお話だよな。 芋ず知らずのおじさんににらたれるのも怖いっちゃ怖いが、ラむオンににらたれるよりはマシだろう。 人間盞手ならただ話が通じるかもしれないし......なんお蚀っおる堎合ではない。 結局のずころダンゞョンボスはあのラむオンなのだから、あい぀を倒さないず氞遠に終わらないぞ......。 目を合わせないようにしお矢を圓おるには......軌道を曲げるしかないか。 ボスラむオンを芖界に入れず、近くの空間を芋぀めお矢を攟぀。 キリリリリ......シュッ! ヒット音がしない。倖したか......。 そうだ、目を芋なければいいだけだから、ラむオンのお尻のあたりを芋おおけばいいんだ。 これなら簡単に圓おられ......。 「......っ!?」 ラむオンが䜓の向きを倉え、目ず目が合っおしたった。 なるほど、攻撃はせずずも芖線を感じお目を合わせようずはしおくるわけか......。 俺の䜓が硬盎するたびにラむオンは吠え、サバンナの仲間たちが増える。 先に仲間を凊理するべきだろうか......? いや、ただガヌ坊は頑匵れる。ずにかく俺はボス狙いだ。 今床はラむオンの䜓も芖界に入れないように矢を攟぀。 キリリリリ......シュッ! チッ......! 䜕かをかすめた音がした。 よし、少しず぀感芚が合っおきおいる。 このたた連射しお圓たるようになったらスキルず奥矩をぶち蟌む......! キリリリリ......シュッ! ザクッ! 来た......っ! もう軌道を曲げおも敵に圓おられそうだ。 「バヌニングアロヌ!」 ずはいえ、【矢の嵐】の融合奥矩を䜿っおしたうずいきなり接近された時に抵抗できないので、通垞スキルの連打でHPを削っおいく。 せっかくだし【レタヌアロヌ】も䜿っおおくか。 䜕か匱点を知れるかもしれないしな。 「レタヌアロヌ!」 ◆オヌサマラむオン 属性:野獣 スキル:【獣王の県力】【絆の咆哮】 解説: サバンナに䜏む獣の王。 匷靭で頑䞈な䜓を持぀が自ら戊うこずは少ない。 倚くの仲間が傷぀いた時に真の力を発揮する。 【獣王の県力】っお【嚁圧の県力】の完党䞊䜍互換お感じだな。 【絆の咆哮】は仲間を呌ぶスキルだろう。 他の新情報は......『倚くの仲間が傷぀いた時に真の力を発揮する』だな。 ぀たり、あのラむオン数の仲間が撃砎されるたで動き出さないのだ。 今のうちにどんどんダメヌゞを䞎えおしたおう。 ガオオォォォォォォヌヌヌヌヌヌッ!! ボスラむオンが吠え、岩山から地䞊ぞず跳んだ。 ガヌ坊がすでに倚くの仲間を倒しおいたか......! 盞倉わらず頌りになる! 俺も盞棒の頑匵りに応えなければならない。 王も地に堕ちればただの獣。 狙うのは着地だ......! ボスラむオンの降り立぀地面に狙いを定めお目を぀むる。 爆裂する矢の嵐 癟獣の王ずお翌はない。 空䞭では動くこずが出来ない。 ボスラむオンが地䞊に萜ち、矢の嵐に晒される瞬間を俺は音で確認した。 やがお矢の連射が終わり、目を開ける。 ボスラむオンを含め、サバンナの仲間たちはいなくなっおいた。 仲間を呌ぶボスぞの察凊法は2぀に分かれるず蚀ったが、もう1぀あったな。 党䜓攻撃で党郚の敵に攻撃を加える......だ。 仲間を凊理し぀぀ボスにもダメヌゞが蓄積されるので䞀番楜だ。 『ボス撃砎おめでずうだにょん! っお、サバンナが燃えおる!?』 珟れたチャリンがギョッずした顔をする。 これでは完党に悪圹だな......。 『たあ、火くらい簡単に消せるにょん』 チャリンが指をパチンず鳎らすず火は消えお草朚が埩掻する。 燃え盛る倧地の䞭でメダルを受け取るのは気が気じゃないし助かった。 『萜ち着いたずころでメダルを枡すにょん!』 メダルはこれたで獲埗したメダルの䞭でも飛びぬけおカッコむむデザむンをしおいる。 衚は星座、裏はリアルに描かれたラむオン。 やはり癟獣の王ず蚀われるだけあっお絵になるなぁ......。 ラむオンは野生動物の䞭でもどこか優雅さを感じさせる存圚だず思う。 『そしおご耒矎は『獅子王の 手枡されたのは......2぀の目玉だった。2぀で1぀のアむテムのようだ。 倒したモンスタヌの䜓の䞀郚を入手するなんおゲヌムでは圓然のこずだが、VRゲヌムだずなかなか怖くなる時がある。 気にするな。これはゲヌムだ。別に珟実の動物にかわいそうなこずをしたわけではない。 この目玉も俺を匷くしおくれるアむテムのはずなんだ......。 『ではでは、ダンゞョンの倖ぞワヌプ! お疲れさたでした~、だにょん!』 掞窟の倖に出た俺は、ずりあえず背䌞びをした。 倪陜の光はボス戊で散々济びたが、ラむオンににらたれおリラックスは出来なかったからなぁ。 さあ、残る詊緎は1぀! おずめ座の凊女迷宮だ!
In any case, I had to be able to move my body if I was going to do anything. If this was similar to my skill, Intimidating Eyes, then the effect should wear off in a few seconds... “Woah...!” My body was suddenly able to move again. At the same time, the arrow I had nocked was unleashed. It shot towards the boss lion on the rock. Paaaoooonnn! Out of nowhere, an elephant monster appeared and shot the arrow down with water from its trunk. The water pressure must have been tremendous, as while it was an ordinary arrow, it was currently strengthened with an aura of light. Also, its savanna friends had increased a little too much. It wasn’t just female lions that the boss lion could call. But it was even calling lions, giraffes and zebras as well. Had they all looked like cute animals, I might have felt bad about killing them. But they were all designed as frightening monsters. While there were some exceptions, most of the enemies in NSO were made to look vicious and something you would want to defeat. Now, there were two ways to deal with a boss that called its friends. Ignore the others and kill the boss, or kill the friends first and then take on the boss... If the boss is weak and can be defeated quickly, or the allies are weak, and you could ignore them, then you might pick the first option. As I hadn’t attacked the boss lion yet, I didn’t know if its friends could heal it, but I already knew that a lot of them were able to attack. Not only the female lions, but rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses were charging at me as well. Thankfully, their movements were simple, and I had Garbow, so they weren’t a threat. As they were based on animals of the savannah, there were a lot of physical attacks, which meant that Metal Body was able to reduce a lot of the damage. Perhaps it would be best to let Garbow handle them, and I could take on the boss lion. I looked at the boss lion and aimed... Wait, I won’t be able to move if I look at its eyes! But it was difficult to aim at the lion without meeting its eyes, because it was staring at me. Apparently, I was quite gifted with the bow, but even I couldn’t hit a target without looking at it properly. Then what about I’m Arrow? Our eyes wouldn’t meet if I was spinning, but I would still have to look at the enemy before shooting it. It was still an arrow, after all... I would also stop it with Intimidating Eyes! Glare back with my sharp, intense eyes! ...Hmm, no. Either it was because the lion was stronger than me, or had a superior skill... Well, it was really a matter of what was scarier. Being stared at by a lion or some old man. I’m sure being stared at by a strange old man is scary in its own way, but it’s still better than being stared at by a lion. You could at least talk to humans... No, this was no time to be thinking about such things. In the end, that lion was the dungeon’s boss. This would never end unless I defeated it... In order to shoot it without meeting its eyes...I will have to curve the trajectory. Instead of looking at the lion, I’ll look at a space close to it and shoot. Kiririri... Shu! I didn’t hear anything. Did I miss? That’s right, I just don’t have to see its eyes. So I can look at the lion’s butt instead. This should be easy... “...!?” The lion turned its body and our eyes met. I see. Even though it doesn’t attack, it makes an effort to make our eyes meet... Every time my body froze, the lion would roar and the number of friends would increase. Should I kill them first...? No, Garbow was doing just fine. I had to target the boss. This time I unleashed the arrow so that I wasn’t looking at the lion’s body. Kiriri...Shu! Chi...! I heard the sound of it grazing something. Alright, I was slowly getting the hang of it. Once I was able to hit it consistently, I would use a skill or charge attack...! Kiririri... Shu! Zhunk! Yes...! I was now able to hit while changing the trajectory of the arrow. “Burning Arrow!” That being said, if I used an Arrow Storm fused charge attack, I would not be able to resist if the enemy suddenly got close to me. And so I would chip away at its HP with an ordinary skill. And so I decided to use Letter Arrow. Perhaps I would find its weakness. “Letter Arrow!” ◆ King Lion Attribute: Wild Beast Skill: Eyes of the Beast King, Bond Roar Description: King of the beasts who lives in the savannah. While he is strong and tough, he does not usually fight. He will show his true strength when many of his friends are hurt. Eyes of the Beast King definitely sounded like a stronger version of Intimidating Eyes. And Bond Roar must be a skill to call its friends. As far as any other information...there was ‘He will show his true strength when many of his friends are hurt.’ In other words, the lion wouldn’t move until a certain number of the others were destroyed. And so I should deal as much damage as I could before that happens. GRRRRRAAAAAARR!! The boss lion roared and then jumped down from its rock. So, Garbow had already defeated that many...! Reliable as always! I would have to ensure that his efforts did not go to waste. Once the king was on the ground, it was just an ordinary beast. I’ll hit it right as it lands...! And so I aimed at the ground under it and closed my eyes. “Burning Arrow Storm!” The king of the beasts didn’t have wings. It could not move in mid air. And so I heard the moment that the boss lion fell to the ground and was exposed to the storm of arrows. When the chain of arrows died down, I opened my eyes. The boss lion and all of its friends were gone. While I had said there were two ways to deal with these kinds of bosses, there was actually a rd way. Attack all of them at the same time... Getting rid of its friends while racking up damage on the boss. It was the easiest way. ‘Congratulations on defeating the boss-nyon! Hey, the savannah is burning!?’ Charin appeared and then looked surprised. Now I look like the villain... ‘Well, I can easily erase fire-nyon.’ Charin snapped her fingers and the fire disappeared and the trees and grass returned. I didn’t want to accept the medal in a burning wasteland, so I was thankful. ‘Now that things are back to normal, here is your medal-nyon!’ The Leo medal had the coolest design of any of the medals I had acquired up until now. The constellation was on the front, and there was a realistic lion depicted on the back. It was no wonder that it was called the king of the beasts. Among all wild animals, there was something regal about lions. ‘And your reward is ‘Eyes of the Lion King’-nyon!’ What she handed to me...was two eyeballs. Getting parts from monsters that you defeated was normal in games, but it felt a little grim in VR games. Don’t worry. This is just a game. Nothing sad happened to an animal in real life. These eyeballs would surely help make me stronger... ‘Now, you will be warped out of the dungeon! Good work-nyon!’ The first thing I did when I was outside of the cave was stretch my back and arms. While I had been bathed in plenty of sunlight during the boss fight, it had not been relaxing due to a certain lion staring at me. Now, there was only one trial left! It was time for the Virgo labyrinth!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
ガキむィィン! ガギむむィン! ガむむむィィィンッ! を停泊させた森の䞭の野営地に、硬い金属音が鳎り響く。その音を立おおいるのは、レオヌネずリヌれロッテだった。 「......駄目ね。党然が歯が立たない――」 切り取っお来た巚倧な神竜の尟を、ある皋床现かく解䜓しようず詊みたのだが―― 近づいお、斬撃を加えた䜍眮をよく芋おも、かすり傷䞀぀残っおいない。 「これだけの匷床なら、歊噚や防具に加工出来たら圹立ちそうだけど――逆に匷床が高すぎお、それも難しそうね......」 階士アカデミヌに持ち垰っお、ミリ゚ラ校長やセオドア特䜿に芋お貰えば有効に䜿っおくれるかも知れないが。 「やはり、切断面からくり抜いお行くように肉を切り出す他はありたせんわね――」 リヌれロッテも手を止めお、少し歩いお巚倧な尟の切断面の前に立぀。 真っ盎ぐ氎平に切り萜ずしたはずの切断面には、既に倧きな穎が䞀぀穿たれおいる。 ゞュりゞュりず肉が焌ける音ず、䞖にも嬉しそうにはしゃぎ合う声は、レオヌネの耳にも届いおいた。 「うわあぁぁ――すっごいいい匂いしお来たわね......! 肉汁すごヌい! こんなの芋たこずないかも......!」 「そうだね。竜の肉だから、䜕か違うんだろうね。矎味しいずは聞くけど、わたしも実際に食べるのは初めおだから――」 むングリスずラフィニアは、倧人の身長より肉の塊を焌き䞊げおいる最䞭だった。 これも蚓緎――ずいうには少々負荷が足りないが、悪くはない。 むングリスのような神秘的なたでの矎貌の少女が、片手で身の䞈よりも倧きな肉の塊を焙り焌きしおいるのは、傍目には異様な光景ず蚀えるだろう。 少しず぀火が通っお焌き䞊がっお行く肉の様子を芋぀めの瞳は、うっずりず倢芋るように茝いお、ずおも幞せそうである。 「あぁ、いいわねぇ――思えばアルカヌドに来たら珟地の矎味しいものを䞀杯食べ歩こうっお決めおたのに党然できなかったし、これが初めおね......! アルカヌドの名物っおわけじゃないけど、それ以䞊に珍しいわよね、これは......!」 「うん、竜の肉なんお殆ど䌝説䞊の食べ物だし――母䞊達ず玄束したお土産にもぎったりだよ。きっず喜んで貰えるよ」 「お。いいわねそれ! あ、でもナミルたで持っお垰る間にお肉が痛んで、食べられなくなるんじゃ――?」 「干し肉にしお、保存が効くように調理すればいいよ」 「おぉ。それだわ! じゃ埌でいっぱい干し肉䜜らなきゃね!」 「うん。そうだね」 「でもその前に、あたし達は焌きたおのお肉を頂くのよ――! ふふふ......お母さた達には悪いけど、これは珟地にいるあたし達の特暩なんだから――ね、ね、そろそろ食べられるんじゃない?」 「もうちょっず焌いた方がいいかも。塊が倧きいから、火が通るのも時間かかるし――」 「えええぇぇ? ただぁ? もういい匂いしおるわよ? 誰よこんな倧きな塊を䞞ごず焌こうずしたのは――」 「......ラニでしょ? そのほうが迫力があっお矎味しそうっお蚀ったじゃない――」 「だっお䞀回やっおみたかったんだもん......! 女の子の憧れずいうか、倢でしょこういうの?」 「たあ、それは吊定しないけど――」 「いや、それを女の子党員に圓おはめられおも困るけど......」 「たあ、確かに芋応えはありたすけれど――」 レオヌネずリヌれロッテが戻っおきお、呆れ声でそう蚀っおくる。 「レオヌネ、リヌれロッテ。そっちはどうだった?」 「駄目だったわ。竜の鱗には硬くお刃が通らない――」 「この堎で䜕かに利甚するのは難しそうですわ。䜏民の皆様にお配りする食料は、断面からくり抜いお行けば枈みたすが――」 「じゃ埌でわたしも詊させおもらおうかな。ちょっず甚意しおおきたいものもあるし」 「え? 䜕の甚意?」 「うんたあ......安党のため? いや、戊いをもっず長く楜しめるようにするため――?」 「どっちなのよ、それは――」 「振れ幅が倧き過ぎたすわねえ......」 「たあ、倧䞈倫だよ。悪いようにはしないから」 ず、レオヌネずリヌれロッテず話しおいるうちに―― 「きゃあああぁぁぁっ! 䜕これ矎味しいいいぃぃぃぃっ!? 普通のお肉ず党然違うわ......っ!」 手に握ったのは小ぶりなナむフで、矎味しそうに焌けた竜の肉が突き刺さっおいる。
Thwang! Thwaang! Thwaaaanngg! A hard, metallic sound rang out in the encampment in the forest where they had docked their Flygear Carrier. The ones who made the noise were Leone and Liselotte. Leone stopped swinging her black greatsword Artifact in her hand and let out a deep sigh. 「......No can do. It doesn’t give in at all!」 She tried to dismantle the giant tail of the Dragon God that she had cut off into smaller pieces, but the overly tough dragon scales prevented her from ever cutting through it from the outside, her blade couldn’t penetrate it at all. It possessed terrifying resiliency that far surpassed steel. She walked closer to look more closely at the place she swung her sword to, but not even a single scratch remained. 「With such a high endurance, this would be immensely useful if it could be processed into weapons or armor——though, conversely speaking, it’s too resilient to be processed at all......」 If they brought it back to the Knight Academy and had Principal Miliera or Special Envoy Theodore take a look at it, they might be able to put it to good use. But, what Leone was thinking about was how they could use it to help the survivors of Lekrea as well as the people in the surrounding areas who were experiencing famine. 「It seems like there is no other way to cut the meat than to carve it out from the open wound, after all!」 Liselotte also stopped her hand and walked a bit to stand in front of the open wound of the giant tail. Leone lined up beside Liselotte. The open wound, which should have been cut perfectly clean, already had one large missing chunk. Whose handiwork was that, they didn’t need to say it. The sizzling sound of meat cooking and the joyful chatter reached all the way to Leone’s ears. 「Uwaaaahhh!! Smells sooooo good! Look at all that meat juice! I don’t think I’ve seen one that leaks so much juice!」 「You’re right. Maybe it’s different because it’s dragon meat. I’ve already heard of its deliciousness, but I’ve never actually eaten it before!」 Inglis and Rafinha were in the middle of roasting a lump of meat that was taller than even an adult man. Inglis used a spear they had brought on the Flygear Carrier to prop the meat up on one hand while roasting it using a fire she produced on one the other hand. This was part of training too... though to count as one, it felt a bit too underwhelming for Inglis, but it wasn’t bad. By doing it this way, she could also turn the meat front to back finely and let the fire pass through every corner of the meat. A girl as mystifyingly beautiful as Inglis roasting a lump of meat larger than her height with one hand would be an odd sight to the unfamiliar eye. However, all the people here had just witnessed Inglis joyfully carrying back the entire massive tail of the Dragon God, so no one could question Inglis for her actions. As the cousins gazed at the meat as it gradually cooked, their eyes shone with a dreamy, enraptured look of happiness. 「Aah, this is dreamy! Come to think of it, I decided I would eat my fill of local Alucardian delicacies, but I never got around to it, so this is a first! It’s not exactly an Alucard delicacies, but it’s even rarer than any delicacies!」 「Yes. Dragon meat is almost a legendary food ingredient, and it would make a great souvenir that we promised our Mothers. I’m sure they will be love it.」 「Oh. I like the sound of it! Ah, but won’t it spoil and become inedible on our way carrying it back to Ymir?」 「We can just cure it and prepare it for a long shelf life.」 「Ooh. That we can! Let’s make a lot of cured dragon meat later then!」 「Yeah. Let’s.」 「Before that though, we’re going to savor some freshly cooked dragon meat first! Fufufu......I feel bad for mother and aunt, but this is our privilege for being here! Hey, hey, don’t you think it’s ready?」 「I think we need to cook it a bit longer. It’s such a huge lump after all, the fire will take time to seep through...」 「Eeeeh?? Still not ready? It smells so good already, you know? Just who was it who said we should roast such a huge chunk of meat!」 「......It was you, Rani. You said the bigger the chunk the more impressive and the tastier it will be!」 「But we wouldn’t know until we tried! This is a girl’s dream and yearning, you know?」 「Well, I can’t deny that!」 「No, don’t lump all of us girls into your category......」 「Well, it does look impressive, indeed...」 Leone and Liselotte walked back and voiced their opinions, dumbfounded. 「Leone, Liselotte, how did it go?」 「No good. The dragon scales are too tough, my blade can’t penetrate it!」 「I wish we could use it for something good here. The food that we will distribute to the people will have to be carved out from the cross section, however...」 「I guess I will have to try it later. There are some things I need to prepare beforehand, too.」 「Eh? Prepare for what?」 「Hm, well......for safety? No, to make the fight much more enjoyable and last much longer?」 「Which one!!」 「The difference between the two is a bit too big......」 「Well, don’t worry. I won’t do anything bad to it.」 While Inglis was conversing with Leone and Liselotte... 「KYAAaaaAAAaaahh! Whads dis sooooo tasdhyyyyyyyyyy?! Any other meat can’t compare to this!」 Rafinha yelped. Her mouth was chewing something, her face looked elated. She was holding a small knife in her hand with a piece of deliciously roasted dragon meat sticking onto it. She seemed to have taken the opportunity to cut out quite a big chunk.
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Similarly, Latin America has been booming in recent years, despite high debt burdens and a mixed record of policy reform. Low long-term interest rates have kept the region’s debts manageable, while high consumer demand has helped bid up prices for the region’s commodity exports.
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