2 values
All teaching is basically indoctrination. It is easy to say that one learns from one's students but not so easy when it comes to explaining what you mean by that which, no doubt, is why you failed to explain.
I'm sure my ancestors held slaves in the New World as well, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Nasty habit, that. Kinda hard to break. "You can't have a democracy without slavery." - John C. Calhoun
This is a good start, but we need to go much further. We need to expand house arrest and repeal many of the crime laws brought in by the last government. We need to stop filling our prisons beyond capacity with offenders who could best be served getting support in the community, and yes, greater funding for mental health is essential.
hmm. Not sure of it's purpose other than to insinuate that Christianity is somehow being suppressed in school and by the liberal establishment and that bringing your Bible to school some sort of brave act of civil disobedience. National and state standards actually require the teaching of the major religions. Either way it's time for Focus on the Family to stop their imaginary Christian victimhood and start acting like real Christians instead of the right-wing political front group that they are. I'm thinking they're hoping for some sensational situation like a kid getting in trouble for bringing his/her bible to plaster on Fox"News" for political purpose.
14. >Just another whiny little Internet touch guy. Nothing but a whiny little bitch. *tough Bye, now, child. Hope those hemorrhoids clear up.
...unless the officer has an alibi, then all bets are off.
Audio Designer During my tenure at WLIR-FM and VH1 SIRIUS Satellite Radio, I had the good fortune to record dozens of international acts. From Coldplay to the Wallflowers, Lee Ann Womack to Darius Rucker — it was a lot of fun.
knife cuts in both direction
== Helo 2 == Ima whop yo ass man u ain't repliin. I am so frustrated man the way this site's been treating me ever since I started
Now the gov really needs to get the ball rolling and get a sales tax and state income tax in effect so we can all pay our fair share. Passing a state income tax would make all those military people not living in the state change their residency faster than you can say tax.
Do you mean the one everyone hits yes, yes, yes every time we need to post?
Porch monkey 4 life #Randell
Nope, haven't got a clue which particular South African you're talking about. Maybe you?
What does your comment have to do with anything in this thread?
DTrump duped many catholics that he was "pro life". In reality he is closer to "pro death". If catholics really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they should have voted for the "pro choice" candidate. It is too late now. Action against human induced climate change should have been their urgent concern BEFORE the elections. The empire is crumbling. Becoming a friend of the Russians is not a solution.
I don't know whose idea it was, however the FT has fought two court case at least to seek to prevent other publishers using pink stock for city pages - one with the Evening Standard which is lost and the Standard proceeded to print its city pages on pink page and one with an indian publisher. The FT failed to establish the pink coloured paper as a signficant enough to trademark. As an aside in the late 90's the sister site FT.com was blocked by the networks of some City banks on the basis that the pages contained so high a percentage of flesh pink that the blocking software deemed them pornographic.
If a Republican legislator is arrested for taking bribes, he has due process rights. Due process is not connected to property ownership.
Part 1 The situation for the Lutheran Church is very different than in Catholicism and probably different than in the Presbyterian church as well. The Augsburg Confession, the primary document of Lutheran doctrine and teaching from the reformation period, has a very simple statement on the role of the minister: Article XIV says simply: "It is taught among us that nobody should publicly teach or preach or administer the sacraments in the church without a regular Call." The picture of the role of clergy as it has evolved in the Lutheran Churches (esp. ELCA, which I am a Pastor of) is that there is a dynamic among the concept of the priesthood of all believers, which grants every believer priesthood, and the public role exercising this vocation. The modern church does require ordination by qualified candidates who have prepared, usually through seminary, although we do have a non traditional route, too (BTW: I recommend the book Pastrix) by a woman pastor ordained this way.
We all know where the blame lies and that is with the majority that voted for BS21 and mega projects. I'll do my utter best to throw them out in November.
#GandiNaaliAbuse - Adhir Choudhry should know that canal in Bengali is 'kaandor' and naali is 'noddoma' in Birbhum Bengali. Stop fooling people.
Had you actually read the links provided, you would see that the Forbes article admits that : "EVs are still a pittance compared with 2015 light vehicle sales exceeding 17 million. But, one’s gotta start somewhere and 2016 was a solid showing. Bloomberg NewEnergy Finance projects a rosy future for electric vehicles, as battery costs decline and cost of ownership falls below that of conventional vehicles by 2025. By 2040, they foresee EVs grabbing 35% market share." I keep forgetting that Trumptards cannot actually read.
It could happen if that man "identifies" as a woman.
We recently had our septic tank pumped. I said to my wife..."wow, that's a really nasty, nasty job." Then I watched Sean Spicer as he struggled to defend Trump's latest blunders. Spicer's job makes pumping septic tanks look like a "walk in the park." Gary Crum
He has been very quick with his disapproval in many other cases, so why do you think it took him so long now?
I think that the regulars on Civil and Disqus et al are in that 9%. Sorry BP.
Well the crowd was civil for the first 5 minutes, at least. That's something. Then the mob tactics took over, and the reason that town halls are being abandoned by both D's (in 2009/10) and R's (now). They're being gamed by activists to make big scenes in front of the cameras as political stunts for the opposition party.
I like this idea! Like the "noodlers" do for catfish. Of course the tough-boy hunters will probably use leg traps and then blast the young animals with guns.
B.O.B, do Something! Watch as the illustrious and notorious leader of the Deadlock Gang, Ashe, seduces her prey with her hard nipples and wet pink slit. She's in her usual get up, the white shirt, red tie and of course her classic hat, but now she confidently strides in tight fishnets, showing off her ass and pussy, like the bad outlaw she knows she is. Ashe exposes herself and begins to rub and touch her aching clit before sliding a finger inside herself as her chest heaves and she bites her lip. She than looks right into the camera as her mouth forms a grin and those red eyes glare right through you before she starts to moan as the naughty girl takes over and she slaps her pussy harder and harder. Desperate for release, Ashe uses two fingers now, her sounds becoming wetter and wetter as she brings those same digits to her mouth, tasting, and smiling. She knows that many have fought for that very same outlaw sweetness, even for a taste, but she owns it all herself. Ashe, the naughty rebel outlaw that will have you aching for more.
I have to second Alaska Canuc's comment here - I think the way the laws are, the FBI was not *allowed* to act preemptively. I've heard several comments on the radio today, from people who think that laws about who can purchase firearms need to state that anyone who is a person of concern to the FBI, whether they've actually committed any previous crime or not, should not be able to legally purchase a firearm. You can thank the NRA for keeping it wide open on firearms purchases by all and sundry.
Artster. Do nothing, or pretend to do something. Those seem to be the alternatives. Unfortunately the current Prime Minister and environment minister will likely be long gone by 2030 so like a lot of political promises that stretch into the medium future they are in fact meaningless. I don't know about you but I'm old enough to remember the Chrétien government signing on to Kyoto in the late 90's (two decades ago!) - how did that turn out? Paris Accords are simply posturing - just like Kyoto except more expensive for Canadians. Please answer me this - with even the modest GDP and population growth I've indicated, do you seriously think we'll come close to these goals?
This is the best explanation as to why Trudeau shouldn't have surrendered to Khadr: "Howard Anglin: Trudeau is making Omar Khadr rich, and he still hasn’t told us why Governments don’t make confessed killers rich without a reason. By failing to provide one, Trudeau leaves himself open to the suspicion that he sides with Khadr's sympathizers" http://nationalpost.com/opinion/howard-anglin-trudeau-is-making-omar-khadr-rich-and-he-still-hasnt-told-us-why/wcm/fad82c8c-2a8a-4bb3-a0eb-d0ed5475d784
*** Why ? Should the encyclopedia only publish VB-friendly links ? But of course I understand, you're probably a VB sympathetizer and this explains a lot.
The battle in almost over. And then the murder and atrocity will begin. It will be a rare sighting to see a Sunni male over age 12. The only victory will be of the monsters over the murderers. Assad will finally obtain a victory in a war he started against his own people.
By far the most corrupt US government I have ever seen in my life. They need to throw half of the Republicans in prison and hold a new election.
Even if you did roll back all of that domestic spending, we have so much debt to pay off that the difference wouldn't and likely shouldn't go back to tax payers. Not to mention that the amount rolled back will never happen.
yup, stoking a race war in usa to deflect from russia-gate, and glaring foreign and domestic policy failures. trumpian "winning"...
@keelaiii HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰
House Speaker John Boehner issued a furious call for unity to Republicans today, telling his fractious rank and file to 'get your ass in line' behind his debt crisis plan. As public outrage continues to build over the inability of politicians to solve the nation’s debt crisis, Boehnercalleda closed-door meeting of the entire House Republican conference yesterday morning. 'Get your ass in line,' he told them ahead of today's vote on the bill, which was hastily rewritten to show deeper spending cuts than 24 hours earlier. 'I can't do this job unless you're behind me.' Scroll down for video Get in line: House Speaker John Boehner made the comments during a closed-door meeting with the entire House Republican conference Debate: Democrat President Barack Obama, left, and Republican House Speaker John Boehner, right, have been at the forefront of negotiations to avoid the U.S. government slipping into a first-ever default next week The House Speaker made his impassioned plea asWall Street suffered its worst day in eight weeks yesterday - a likely consequence of growing anger at politicians' inability to come to any conclusive agreement over the debt crisis. The markets were hit again as no movement was forthcoming in talks with the deadline for a default looming. Weak earnings and poor industrial and technological economic data added to the concern. The switchboard at Congress almost went down, the websites of several Congressmen and Senators have crashed and a #F**kYouWashington Twitter campaign has been launched. Worry: The public concern at politicians' inability to solve the debt critics so far seemed to be mirrored on Wall Street on Wednesday as stock markets begin to fall faster than earlier on in the week The anger has mounted since President Obama urged Americans on Monday to ask representatives to compromise on a deal to raise the federal debt level and avoid a first-ever government default. RELATED ARTICLES Share this article The Capitol switchboard sent out an alert on Tuesday and warned that the huge number of calls was putting the system ‘near capacity’, suggesting politicians start using alternative lines as a backup. The websites of Republicans House Speaker John Boehner, of Ohio, and Representative Michele Bachmann, of Minnesota, were shut down due to heavy traffic after a huge amount of emails. The #F**kYouWashington hashtag on Twitter saw up to 20,000 tweets in one hour and more than 36,000 over the course of the day, reported the New York Post. Not impressed: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, centre, who has told his fellow politicians to stop 'whining', is surrounded by Republican staffers as he walks to a meeting in Washington D.C. Tweet: Just one of thousands of posts in the Twitter #F**kYouWashington campaign as public anger rises Today the Dow Jones fell 199 points, or 1.6 per cent, to 12,303, the Standard & Poor's 500 dropped 27 points, or 2 per cent, to 1,305, and the Nasdaq composite fell 75 points, or 2.7 per cent, to 2,765. And it’s not just the public and investors who are angry. Majority Leader Eric Cantor urged fellow Republicans to stop ‘whining’ and back Mr Boehner’s latest plan. ‘The debt-limit vote sucks,’ he said. 'I'm ready to drive the car': Clip from 'The Town' shown to Republicans House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, of California, began a talk to House Republicans on Tuesday by showing a clip from 2010 Boston bank heist film 'The Town'. In the clip, Doug MacRay (played by Ben Affleck, left) tells James Coughlin (Jeremy Renner, right): 'I need your help. I can’t tell you what it is. You can never ask me about it later.' Mr Coughlin then replies: 'Whose car are we gonna take?' After the clip, Representative Allen West, of Florida, stood up and reportedly said: 'I’m ready to drive the car.' Mr Affleck has heard the news, and said in a statement: 'I don't know if this is a compliment or the ultimate repudiation. But if they're going to be watching movies, I think "The Company Men" is more appropriate.' (see more in MSNBC video below) But a deal still seems some way off despite the U.S. Treasury saying without an agreement by next Tuesday it will be unable to pay all of its bills - including debt interest payments. The International Monetary Fund has already urged U.S. politicians to solve the crisis, and the group’s head Christine Lagarde said an ‘adverse shock’ would have knock-on effects worldwide. It seemed the fear is also spreading to the markets, as Wall Street indexes have begun to fall at a faster rate today than earlier this week. The Dow Jones industrial average opened down 73 points, or 0.6 per cent, at 12,428 today. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index was off 9 points, or 0.7 per cent, at 1,323, and the Nasdaq dropped 19 points, or 0.7 per cent, to 2,821. By afternoon trading, the Russell 2000 index of smaller companies had fallen 16 points, or 2 per cent, to 809. The Dow Jones lost 115 points, falling 0.9 per cent to 12,385. Standard & Poor's 500 fell 19 points, or 1.4 per cent, to 1,312, and the Nasdaq composite dropped 59 points, or 2.1 per cent, to 2,781. Investors are concerned that America's triple-A credit rating could be downgraded or there may be a debt default, which would raise interest rates across the board and slow down an already-stuttering U.S. economy. But many experts believe a solution will be found before the deadline. ‘The view is that Congress will get its act together,’ Priya Misra, of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, told the Daily Telegraph. But this calmness could be because some analysts on Wall Street actually think the deadline will be later than next Tuesday. Barclays Capital has suggested the deadline is actually on August 10. Open hands: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, accompanied by Senator Charles Schumer, of New York, takes questions as he talks about the conflicting plans to deal with the debt crisis on Wednesday Sort it out: The International Monetary Fund has already urged U.S. politicians to solve the crisis, and the group's head Christine Lagarde said an 'adverse shock' would have knock-on effects worldwide Democrats and Republicans have been continuing along with their two competing plans to solve the debt crisis with only days to come up with a compromise for raising the $14.3trillion debt limit. The White House warned Republicans yesterday that Mr Obama would veto Mr Boehner's debt plan which includes a short-term debt increase of $1trillion and $1.2trillion in spending cuts. The vote on Mr Boehner's plan was pushed back to Thursday from Wednesday amid opposition by fellow Republicans as well as Democrats. Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, of Utah, said Mr Boehner’s legislation will ‘need more drastic cuts’ and Bill Huizenga, of Michigan, stated he is having trouble finding ‘a path toward yes’. A separate plan crafted by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also faced a setback when the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said the proposal would cut $2.2 trillion from deficits. Awkward moment: President Barack Obama, right, sits next to House Speaker John Boehner, left, in the Cabinet Room of the White House last Saturday in Washington D.C. as they met to discuss the debt This was about $500billion less than Democrats had claimed. But it wasn't the only plan criticised. Mr Boehner rushed to revise his own proposal after separate CBO analysis found it would cut spending by $350 billion less than the $1.2trillion over 10 years he had claimed. Amid the political brinkmanship, congressional leaders including Mr Boehner, Mr Reid and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell were holding conversations on how to break the impasse. U.S. stock futures were mixed today as lawmakers remained at odds over how to avoid a default. Ahead of the opening bell, Dow Jones industrial average futures were up six, or 0.1 per cent, at 12,438. Standard & Poor's 500 futures were down two, or 0.1 per cent, at 1,324. Nasdaq 100 futures were down three, or 0.1 per cent, at 2,420.
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"We will arrest the dogs who kill our women‚ Mbalula tells victim's mother" (TimesLive)..... ....but we will reward those who slap our women...after all, they are our Minstrels.......
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Friday, August 6, 2010 Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And Your Kink Is Pretty Fucked Up) I had an upsetting conversation today with a guy. It started out with him just complimenting my tummy and round cheeks, actually rather charmingly. I have no problem enjoying a certain symbiosis with chubby chasers--I'm kinda chubby, they like chubby, and so goes the great Circle of Life. Then he started talking about feeding me cake. Hey, cake, fine by me. Cake's good. I realize this is a part of the fat thing, but if me eating cake turns your weird pervert crank, well... that's not exactly a painful and demanding fetish, is it now? Then he started talking about wanting to feed me so much all the time that I got to be huge and couldn't leave the house and he would just take care of me all the time because I would be so huge I would be helpless. He started talking about this very seriously, emphasizing several times that it was "a lifestyle, not a fantasy." WHOA WHOA WHOA SHIT JUST GOT WEIRD. I have this thing about people who have impractical fantasies and won't acknowledge that they're fantasy. If you acknowledge it, that's okay; I'll eat your cake and lie on your couch for an afternoon and we can play all "wow, I fed you so much you can't move, now let's have amazing sex." And after the amazing sex I will go back to eating lentil soup and walking several miles a day because c'mon, I've got my own life. But if you refuse to acknowledge the fourth wall here, if you continually insist that you really want to make me really unable to move... you creep the fuck out of me. Maybe it's just a communication failure. I get the feeling that saying "no, it's really for real" is part of the fantasy, and I'm being too stubbornly literal by not going along with that. (Although even in this case, he's still the asshole for not being able to step out of character long enough to explain this.) Or fuck, maybe not. Maybe he really does want to give me goddamn bedsores. In which case, dammit, he shouldn't have gotten quite so put out and "you're being mean" when I told him that was creepy. Because it is creepy. Maybe I'm closed-minded, but I don't think I can say that wanting to literally cripple someone is a okay kink. He was talking about functionally ending my life--making me unable to enjoy the outdoors, to work outside the home, to visit friends--fuck. To say nothing of what happens to the skin and general bodily function of an immobile person. There's people out there who think what I do isn't okay. I'm sensitive to that. I know how it feels. I know that proper kink etiquette is to say "If you find a girl who consents to that and enjoys it, mazel tov to ya both." But I just couldn't. I kept thinking about all the bedsores I've seen. Some had things living in them. I told him as much. I really hate to say something is not okay. It's not my life or my business. But fuck, man, bedsores. This is definitely what I consider "a fetish too far." Pretending all manner of fucked up shit, whatever, but feederism in Real! True! Life! seems impossible to separate from systematic control and abuse. Maybe some feedee could chime in about how it's awesome for her, but I can't see it as anything other than convincing another person that she's disgusting and deserves the degradation you serve up and then reveling in that total degradation. Ick. Holly, you said what was wrong with this and you're right; it's not play. Most kinks are problematic at least if they move from fantasy to lifestyle. To take my kinks for an example, a relationship where sex, deliberately degrading sex, was only granted after real honest begging would be seriously destructive; and I can't imagine that occasionally switching off roles would help that in the least. Some of yours would make you the victim of the worst of crimes if they weren't play. Feeders are one of the few fetishes where I go, "...bzuh? Why is that hot?" So that probably colors my opinion. But still. He's talking about devoting your entire life to your kink. That's not balanced at all. I mean, even in a 24/7 BDSM relationship (I think-- I've never actually been in one) it's not "this worthless worm begs for permission to breathe" all the time, right? Occasionally you just want to go see a movie. And what squicks me about this is that you don't get to just go see a movie. Forced feeding till infirmity just falls off my kink radar. I feel it to be creepy in the same way that I might find a hypothetical kink of "tying you up so you can't move, IVing food and water, and leaving you like that forever, coming in to take care of you, of course" except it seems that the kink possessor in question here doesn't recognize the loss of agency involved. Related to the YKIOK topic, I wonder if anyone has had to reconcile a rational "what you do behind closed doors is your business" with a visceral "NO NO NO THAT'S BAD OH GOD NO" reaction to any kink, and how that fared. lxr said, Related to the YKIOK topic, I wonder if anyone has had to reconcile a rational "what you do behind closed doors is your business" with a visceral "NO NO NO THAT'S BAD OH GOD NO" reaction to any kink, and how that fared. Well, I come from a pretty vanilla world, and I also have an unusually serious visceral hatred of rapists (probably tied in with my phobia of helplessness). And "NO NO NO THAT'S BAD OH GOD NO" is exactly how I reacted to the idea of anyone even pretending to be a rapist in clear consenting play. It's reinforced by a leftover from observations of tabletop RPGers; the ones in my group that consistently played evil characters were more than a little off in real life, and I have a theory that humans are good enough at being evil and shouldn't practice at it. How that fared? Reading Holly has gotten me over that to a considerable extent, (yay Holly), but finding out somebody consistently likes to play rapist is still a tick in my suspicious column. Recognizing this prejudice along with general ignorance of the means and procedures is why I left it to others to discuss consent issues in the big orgy discussion (was commenting as Mousie00). I never had the same kind of reaction to the person who plays the rapee, though I thought it would tend to lead to a series of bad boyfriends. Ozymandias - In my (very limited) experience, most working 24/7 BDSM relationships have a lot more "honey could you pass the salt" than "worthless worm" in them. Not that the dynamic isn't there or isn't real, but it's a dynamic being lived by humans in a relationship, not by perpetually horny cartoon characters. Mousie - Interesting, because I have no problem with rape play--partly because it winds my pervert crank, but mostly because it's clearly distinguishable as play. It only happens sometimes and it's something that negotiation and safewords apply to. I would not, however, be interested in living the Real True Rape Lifestyle where the guy could just jump right into rape any time he wanted. That would be a whole lot more like, you know, rape rape. "Then he started talking about wanting to feed me so much all the time that I got to be huge and couldn't leave the house and he would just take care of me all the time because I would be so huge I would be helpless." Scary shit, yo. Most of the rest of that is kind of bizarre, but generally tolerable. But that bit right there has a very creepy, subtle undertone of "I want to own you." I guess that's what we're kind of getting at in the discussion, but that part just...ugh. It raised a red flag for me as a potential possessive partner (which I can't stand). Holly-- Right. That was what I figured. And the bit of this I find creeptastic is that you basically have to be a horny cartoon character? Because bedsores are not so much fun for actual human beings in an actual relationship. I think the main problem is "dude, you're confusing reality and porn again." Well said...everyone has their kinks, but everyone has their boundaries, and going from being able to enthusiastically consent to "let's pretend" for an evening, a day, a week, whatever is a far cry from devoting your life to it, especially if it's someone else's kink. I think the guy sounded like he started out the convo ok but got a little too intense/too creepy rather fast...I probably would have been squicked out worse than you did, Holly...sounds like you handled it pretty well, actually :) I do feel somewhat bad for people with unrealizable kinks...it's really hard to find a person who is willing to be "it" for you first and foremost in their lives, and I try to be openminded and think that there might be people who really find their purpose primarily in fulfilling the dreams of others, but to me that doesn't sound very healthy. I can't find the link now, but there was a big discussion of this on some of the fat acceptance blogs back when the story about the woman trying to become the world's fattest was in the news. A lot of people are totally skeeved out by it, and part of that is because it seems like a big part of the turn on for many feeders is creating an utterly dependent feedee - so fat they can't leave the house, convinced their so disgusting nobody else would want them, etc. To me, that's really toeing the line over into creepy abusive behavior rather than kink. Just my 2 cents, but I am a large woman, and have been approached by a couple guys with that kink before. For some reason, many of them get really hostile when you tell them you're not into it, and act like they're doing you a favor and the only guys who'd date or sleep with a fat chick must share their fetish. In a way, it reminds me of the way some people incorporate racial slurs/scenarios into some interracial d/s relationships - that creeps me out too, because it can feed off of and into too many real life prejudices. This is one of those kinks that bothers me (although my partners routinely accuse me -- and my mom -- of being feeders :) ). The health risks, the complete loss of life options (what if you break up with your feeder? Do you just die in the house after that?), and so on -- not for me. I suspect that a fair percentage of the people into this one have significant mental health issues, although to be fair folks would say the same about myself, my partners, Holly, etc. If I were appointed Overlord Of The World's Fetishes and everyone had to justify their fetishes to me to be able to engage in them, this is one where they'd have to jump through a few more hoops (mental health testing, contingency planning, etc.) before I'd allow it. That said, I'm kinda glad I'm not Overlord Of The World's Fetishes, because I wouldn't enjoy living on that slippery slope. There's nothing wrong with moving from play to lifestyle; as with anything else, you just need to be reasonable (chacun à son goût for defining that, too). Regarding 'working 24/7 BDSM relationships,' Holly has it right. First, they're 24/7, and aren't, can't be, play (physical or mental) for the entire 24/7 ("Hmmm, would Master want me to step to the right or to the left of that person ahead of me at Walmart? And what about this one? And now this one?"). Second, the largest part of a 24/7 BDSM relationship is the D/s part, not the physical play. And third, they're relationships -- which, if healthy, involve love and caring along withe infliction of pain and humiliation and whatever else works for the two humna beings involved. Maybe YKIOK, but if YKINMK, it's not OK to assume I'm going to gratify yours. (Generic "you", of course.) Feederism squicks me, but not really any more than, say, some of the 24/7 TPE relationships I've heard of. If the feedee gives fully-informed/risk-aware (bedsores and all) consent, it's none of my business. One bit that is my business is that THIS IS NOT FAT ACCEPTANCE, and it pisses me right off when practitioners of feederism try to hitch a ride on the FA bandwagon. Um, as someone with a lot of home-care experience, and also with experience in a relationship with a differently-abled large woman whom I'm trying to keep as mobile and active as possible, SQUICK. I should probably not get on my rape-play soapbox here because I'm probably as consent-grouchy as you can get and still be allowed to post here, but I think that negotiating and safe-wording almost anything (except for the German cannibal case) "safes" pretty much anything, just as any firearm, even those with just a trigger safety or no mechanical safety at all, can be safed, if you know how. Bad metaphor? I dunno, I'm the cranky no-fun lady who thinks this "lifestyle" doesn't just creep up to or toe the line of going from play to abuse, it races right over it. The entire scenario is rendering someone totally dependent in a way that their future consent is basically obviated and their life made utterly and completely about the fetishist- who is at least physically capable of walking away from it at any time and I get the impression that's part of the turn-on. Would it be okay for someone in a 24/7 D/s relationship to hobble their partner with a hammer to the ankles so they were wheelchair-bound and therefore they could keep them from ever running away? Even if the partner said yes? Much as I hate the company this puts me in... I'm gonna go out there and say that not everything that turns someone on CAN be made safe or right. And yes, I was in the camp of "it's still murder" in the German cannibal case. *shrug* zeeke-- I think you're on the wrong post? Because I'm pretty sure that disturbing fetishes aren't a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome. (If it is, shit, I might have that.) Labrat-- Any kink can be made safe, as long as it stays inside your own skull or in written/cartoon porn shared with likeminded people. Feeders just need to join everyone else with fetishes that are immoral, can't reasonably be accomplished or completely defy the laws of physics. I guess my boundary is: if you want to fantasize about smashing someone's ankles, write porn about smashing someone's ankles or even roleplay it without actually permanently harming anyone, that's fine. But literally hobbling people to a wheelchair pretty blatantly violates the 'sane' bit of 'safe, sane, consensual.' Agreeing with LabRat here, what squicks me out about the feeder/feedee fetish is that at its extreme, it destroys the ability to withdraw consent. In vanilla sex, somebody says "stop, pull out" and fun-time is over, and even somebody in a 24/7 d/s relationship can say "sorry honey, I think we should see other people"... but if one member of the relationship is rendered unable to leave by the fetish? Suddenly they don't have the power to withdraw consent, and that's scary. As soon as anyone tells me that their thing is a lifestyle I'm the fuck out of there. I swear it's a fucking codeword for people I find too maladapted to spend time with, and that's without the social-conservative dogwhistle even. But still. He's talking about devoting your entire life to your kink. That's not balanced at all. I mean, even in a 24/7 BDSM relationship (I think-- I've never actually been in one) it's not "this worthless worm begs for permission to breathe" all the time, right? Occasionally you just want to go see a movie. In my 24/7 relationship, the first time "worthless worm" comes out would be the last. Unfortunately, a lot of the feeders I've met (and yes, I would consider myself one) have an unrealistic or immature view of sex and kink. Many haven't really explored the kink world and I think what a lot of this could be summarized as naivete mingled with not always realizing the reality of what they'd like. I just want to apologise on behalf of all the fat fetishists I know who don't know, or don't understand, or simply haven't thought of how "normal" people think of things. There are people who simply can't step outside their own head long enough to realize how creepy other people find them, and people who spend so much time in fetish-oriented communities that they've forgotten that people are still people with a sense of dignity and a set of values. I'm sorry, you seem to have a much wider set of experiences than I do, and you're probably familiar with this sort of phenomenon. It's just that in the fat fetish community it's all mixed up with fat acceptance and self-image, and people come to think a deviant sexual preference they developed entirely by accident is somehow a sign of a virtuous, accepting character, as if they weren't objectifying a person's body as much as anyone out there. Oh, and nobody particularly asked for this, but from my own personal experience, the (sick) thrill of a person who is conceptually too fat to do things is not that of dominance, not one of rendering someone helpless, but really just a simple desire to see someone really fat, which is more benign in intention, if not in actualization. tl;dr version: I'm sorry you came into contact with such a creep, I'm sorry the "community" has a tendency to produce such creeps, and I promise you even the creeps aren't evil people, just short-sighted. As someone with this fetish (or at least one that's similar, but hopefully way more practical and self-aware) i am actually a bit offended by this. Saying "I find that creepy and i don't want to do it," is fine. Passing judgment on someone who wants to do that with ANOTHER PERSON WHO ALSO WANTS TO DO IT is just not. It's not the life i'd choose for myself (like you, i'd rather keep it a fantasy/role-play scenario) but for someone, it may be a great life and they may be willing to take the consequences (such as bedsores). Sorry, i guess i'm just sensitive because owing to my involvement with Size Acceptance, i feel like i'm always having to go "oh yeah, we sure can be creepy at times, ha ha," "oh don't worry, i'm not one of those feeders" etc. Yeah, i know i choose to respond that way, but it's hard and the reason i became a fan of this site was because i thought since it was kink-positive, i'd be accepted here. Disappointing. I am kink-positive! But I am bedsore-negative, and you know what, I'm going to stick to it. I really have no problem with feederism. That's not my issue. My issue is wanting to physically incapacitate someone in real life. That, I'm going to keep having an issue with. Please don't take it as an attack on all feeders/feedees.
Obamacare hasn't "hurt" me in the slightest. But during his 8 years in office, my salary more than doubled, my house is worth 50% more, my 401k is doing great, and I was able to legally wed. The only "pain" was the mess dumped by the previous president.
If your public relations campaign involves going after children who have survived a mass shooting at their school that killed 17 of their classmates and teachers and injured many more, then you have already sold your soul for political gain. Go home. Two weeks ago, I wrote that the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election through social media would be taught in the future as the biggest PR debacle in history. But then the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the US replied, “Hold my beer.” On 14 February, Nikolas Cruz, 19, entered a high school in Parkland, Florida, with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and shot students and teachers. Cruz was later arrested and then confessed to the crime. It was the latest occurrence of the epidemic of mass shootings in a country that has far more guns than anyone else and an unhealthy obsession with them. The surviving students are young enough to have known and used social media for their entire conscious lives. Within days – and likely while still dealing with the unresolved trauma – they became activists who, among doing other activities, are now using social media in a massive, nationwide PR campaign. The teenagers created organizational accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, will hold a March for Our Lives protest in Washington, D.C., this month, and have been meeting with local government officials to advocate for more gun control. They are not messing around The boldest statements have come from individual students talking directly to government officials, the news media, and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch: - An anonymous student retweeted a statement by US president Donald Trump with this comment (that has since been deleted): “I don’t want your condolences you fucking piece of shit, my friends and teachers were shot. Multiple of my fellow classmates are dead. Do something instead of sending prayers. Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again.” The tweet had received almost 78,000 retweets. - Emma Gonzalez gave this speech at a rally in Florida, vowing that her school would be the last mass shooting in the US. “This was not a mental health issue!” she shouted. “He would not have harmed that many students with a knife... The people in the government who were voted into power are lying to us, and us kids seem to be the only ones who notice and are prepared to call BS!” That single linked share of her speech linked above got 60,000 retweets. - At a town hall event that was broadcast nationwide on CNN, a student asked Florida senator Marco Rubio if he would refuse future NRA campaign donations. Gonzalez asked Loesch if the organization supports making it more difficult to obtain semi-automatic weapons. The crowd was openly hostile and jeered at Rubio and Loesch for their vague non-answers to the straightforward yes-or-no questions. - Sarah Chadwick tweeted: “We should change the names of AR-15s to ‘Marco Rubio’ because they are so easy to buy.” - “We’ve had enough of thoughts and prayers,” another student said in a speech. “This is to every lawmaker out there: no longer can you take money from the NRA, no longer can you fly under the radar doing whatever it is that you want to do – because we are coming after you. We are coming after each and every single one of you.” (American universities: please give these kids full scholarships for political science, journalism, or marketing degrees.) When it comes to my marketing columns, I am politically neutral. In my prior journalism career, I saw bullshit from liberals and conservatives. But in politics in the US, UK, and elsewhere today, the vast majority of the propaganda and bot-promoted fake news has been on the right. And I go wherever the bullshit is. The unprecedented fierceness of the students’ activism likely caught the NRA off-guard. The organization did not see this coming and has been overreacting in response. In increasing order of despicableness, here is what the far-right PR machine in general and the NRA specifically has been saying. ‘The students are political pawns’ At a conservative event after the incident, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre said that the shooting is being used to promote a “socialist” agenda. Rush Limbaugh, a US radio host who has been one of the most influential figures in the conservative movement since the 1990s, said in reference to the students, “the minute they bash the NRA, it’s politics.” Gateway Pundit, a far-right opinion blog, wrote that student David Hogg “has been astonishingly articulate and highly skilled at propagating a new anti-Conservative/anti-Trump narrative behind the recent school shooting. Few have seen this type of rapid media play before, and when they have it has come from well-trained political operatives and MSM commentators.” ‘The students are crisis actors’ By one week after the shooting, massive numbers of posts had appeared on social media networks with accusations such as that the activist students were paid “crisis actors” – in other words, people who were not involved in the incident but were getting compensation to say that they were. A Florida Republican party member made the false accusation. The response from the students is here. One student also blasted Donald Trump Jr. as "immature, rude, and inhumane" after he "liked" such conspiracy theory tweets. ‘It was a false flag operation’ Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who runs the website Infowars, suggested that the school shooting was a “false flag” orchestrated by anti-gun groups – in other words, a fake event that was manufactured to serve a political purpose. (For the record, he thinks that almost all mass shootings are “false flag” events of one type or another.) Worst of all, several of the students have been receiving death threats from people who they have described as “NRA cultists.” Media Matters for America has collected a bunch of criticisms of the students. Here’s how voters and brands are responding Now, my point is not to be political. The issues involved are best suited for public policy experts. Here, I want to discuss the PR optics – and the optics are terrible for the NRA. The response to the efforts for more gun control, like the NRA’s response to other incidents in the past, could have focused on the constitutional legality of such laws and the practical effectiveness of those measures. That would have been reasonable. But after a bunch of traumatised students who have survived a horrific event used their social media savvy to push for gun control, the NRA and the far-right machine attacked them personally. And you never win by attacking children. Anyone with any knowledge of crisis communications – and anyone with an ounce of humanity – should know that. It seems that the NRA is treating this issue as an existential threat – and it might be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Read what film producer Adam Best tweeted: My parents, who live in Missouri and have voted Republican their entire lives, now say they won't vote for anybody who takes a penny from the NRA. This is a real movement and it was started by kids. That's why desperate jerks on the far right have resorted to smearing teenagers. — Adam Best (@adamcbest) February 28, 2018 The NRA’s PR response has been so heavy-handed that many brands in the US have been cutting their associations as well. As my colleague Doug Zanger has reported in The Drum, brands including Hertz, Avis, Norton, MetLife, Lifelock, Delta Airlines and United Airlines have ended their partnerships with the NRA. (In a related column, Betsy Henning, chief executive of the creative agency Aha, looks at the pros and cons of splitting from the organization.) Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods announced that they will no longer sell guns to people under the age of 21 and will stop selling assault-style rifles altogether. (Think about that: until now, someone aged 20 could have bought a semi-automatic rifle but not a pint in a pub.) Scott Galloway is calling it a “consumer-led revolution.” Even more bad news for the NRA may come out after I filed this column late last week. But it gets even worse. In crisis communications, here are the six main types of responses: Apologize, tell the complete truth as quickly as possible, and get it over with. If Bill Clinton had disclosed his relationship with Monica Lewinsky in the late 1990s at the very beginning of the scandal, he probably would have escaped impeachment. But the PR spin and political maneuvering only made it worse. To repeat an observation from Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal in the 1970s, it is not the act that gets you – it is the cover-up. Deny that a crisis exists by presenting your side of the story. Trump seems to like this one. He constantly tweets things like “No collusion!” and then gives his counterarguments. Excuse the crisis by minimizing your responsibility. In this method, sometimes the blame is shifted onto the victims as during the Firestone tire scandal. The company initially blamed customers for “not maintaining their tires correctly or operating their vehicles in extreme environments.” Ingratiate yourself with the affected party. Burlington Coat Factory in the US donated $100,000 to the Humane Society after the organization found that the company was selling parkas manufactured in China that were trimmed with dog hair. Take corrective action to repair the damage and prevent future incidents. When Google faced the brand safety scandal last year, almost every statement from company spokespersons included the phrase “we need to do better.” I doubt that is a coincidence. (Still, I would much rather see Google prevent problems from occurring rather than apologize for them after the fact.) Attack whoever is causing the crisis as well as the person or organization’s logic and reasoning. This is what the NRA is doing – but it is the wrong tactic in this case. The organization could have accepted the boycotts with grace but instead responded with organizational suicide by calling the actions a “shameful display of political and civic cowardice.” I am sure that any remaining brand partners loved that. It is generally not a good idea to insult those who give you money. But by lashing out at anyone and everyone – especially children – in DEFCON 1 attack mode, the NRA is resembling a drowning man who is flailing for anything he can reach. At worst, the organization resembles a drug addict who attacks anyone who is critical or trying to help as his life falls apart. It is terrible optics – especially at a time when National Public Radio has also uncovered alleged deep ties between the NRA and Russia. The best PR strategy The best PR move would have been to admit that the organization was wrong and endorse reasonable gun control measures such as an adoption of age limits and a renewal of the expired US ban on assault weapons. But even one tiny move against even one type of assault weapon is too much for the NRA, which today comes across as nutty and paranoid as Alex Jones and seemingly aligning itself with certain deplorable cretins on the internet. Time is not on the NRA’s side – the gun control effort is growing as quickly as the movement against sexual harassment did last year. As a start, the organization needs a completely new PR plan before it is swept into oblivion. Rubio, for his part, should decline all NRA contributions. And Loesch definitely needs to stop making dark ads that provoke conflict and division. The US will move forward, with or without the NRA. The kids are alright. “They messed with the wrong school,” student Cameron Kasky tweeted. “Douglas is a school filled with thousands of leaders. Leaders who know that despite what happened, we’re lucky we go to Douglas. Leaders who take action the right way. Leaders who will rebuild the world that failed us.” The Promotion Fix is an exclusive biweekly column for The Drum contributed by global marketing and technology keynote speaker Samuel Scott, a former journalist, consultant, and director of marketing in the high-tech industry. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Scott is based out of Tel Aviv, Israel.
==Retroactive thinking== What are having retroactive thinking of Prince Michael Petrovic-Nyegosh from 1330 (or something similar) with position of Great Powers about Podgorica Assembly between 1919 - 1922 ?
You, of course, have proof of this alleged leak ?
We both pay taxes, which is why I pointed out that activities which are detrimental to other parties raise a flag in evaluating management policies. The conibear was on the Fairbanks Circle Trail. There are trap-lines on the secondary trails in the area. I do not have a problem with that. I did have an issue with a conibear right beside a mile marker on the actual trail. As a historic trail and one of the original transportation routes in the Interior, it easily fits the criteria established for avoidance by the trapper's association. The other one is the non-motorized trail into Mt. Prindle in the White Mountains Recreation Area. I have met the trappers, they were friendly and have maintained a trapline there for 30 years. But as they warned me, their traps are essentially right on the trail and dogs could easily get caught in them. It seems prudent to establish more effective forms of consultation, rather than take reactionary measures after negative outcomes.
""As a young woman, I am resilient." Nah. You'd be more resilient and respected if you actually had a real relationship that required more gravitas and commitment. Rather than wanting to dote on pretend kids, you'd actually be hard at work with your own husband, chipping away at it on a daily basis, having your own kids, going through life's ups and downs, learning as you go and doing the real thing. The real shit requires you actually TALK about REAL ADULT ISSUES such as money. Having your fun is one thing, but don't make it seem like it's the real deal. It ain't, by a LONG shot. This is kitschy insecurity dressed up as self-empowerment. Give me a break.
Utter rubbish. Provide a credible link to support your nonsense....
Considering Bishop McElroy's speech where he asked people to resist Trump, liberals would be against the Johnson Amendment if it were applied to him, or the situation we see where Democratic politicians visit African American churches. The Johnson Amendment is used primarily to shut up conservative churches.
The sad thing is I already informed the inventor of all this about the abberations in all the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman articles but he simply does not seem to care at all: https://twitter.com/team911lotus/status/374997156899221504 !!!
Arrogance and hubris creates big time dummies
Classic smear from the extreme right, a lurid connection between social liberalism and "anti-Christianity." The notion, that this CPC publicist would speak for Canadian Christianity, is the funniest part.
Shibai-buster criticizes the polling methods of the CB poll, not knowing what they are. Just like everything else that is critical of Trump, Shibai-buster calls it fake news. The real fake news, however, is what Russia disseminated to Americans to affect the election. It was successful. Russia now has the US president that it wants. It's Trump who is sabotaging the US.
Wholphins are rare and cool. I guess these days what with climate change and rogue whaling and all, it's getting hard for a melon-headed whale to find a same-species date for the prom, so he had to invite the genera from next door. Come to think of it, it was always hard for any type of melonhead to get a date to the prom. But evidently this one had some boss swerves.
She just got reelected. She doesn't need to care about what Alaskans think. She'll start 'caring' again in maybe 4 years or so assuming she has a real opponent.
On the contrary - while I grieve for their loss, it doesn't automatically grant them an unimpeachable moral authority for a particular cause.
Keep electing big-money backed politicians into office and you maintain that corrupt system. The greed/selfishness and short-sighted voter is where the problem starts.
And you are at home in the " stupid people of all colors for slavery party "?
In the United States Court of Federal Claims OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS Case No. 13-529V Filed: August 30, 2016 (Not to be published) ************************* MEGAN MORGAN, * * Petitioner, * Decision on Damages; Human v. * Papillomavirus Vaccine; * Ulcerative Colitis. SECRETARY OF HEALTH * AND HUMAN SERVICES, * * Respondent. * * *********************** Thomas S. Reavely, Whitfield & Eddy, P.L.C., Des Moines, IA for petitioner. Darryl R. Wishard, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC for respondent. DECISION ON DAMAGES1 Gowen, Special Master: On July 31, 2013, Megan Morgan (“petitioner”) filed a petition for compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 42 U.S.C. §300aa-10, et seq.2 [the “Vaccine Act” or “Program”]. Petitioner alleged that she developed ulcerative colitis as a result of receiving a human papillomavirus vaccine (“HPV”) on August 9, 2010. On December 10, 2010, the undersigned issued a ruling on entitlement finding that petitioner was entitled to compensation. 1 Because this unpublished ruling contains a reasoned explanation for the action in this case, I intend to post this ruling on the United States Court of Federal Claims' website, in accordance with the E-Government Act of 2002, 44 U.S.C. § 3501 note (2012) (Federal Management and Promotion of Electronic Government Services). In accordance with Vaccine Rule 18(b), petitioner has 14 days to identify and move to delete medical or other information, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If, upon review, I agree that the identified material fits within this definition, I will delete such material from public access. 2 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-660, 100 Stat. 3755. Hereinafter, for ease of citation, all “§” references to the Vaccine Act will be to the pertinent subparagraph of 42 U.S.C. § 300aa (2012). 1 On August 29, 2016, respondent filed a proffer on an award of compensation, indicating that petitioner has agreed to compensation in the amount of $800,000.00, to be paid to petitioner only, for future care expenses ($100,000.00), loss of earnings ($465,469.40), pain and suffering ($225,000.00), and past unreimburseable expenses ($9,530.60). Pursuant to the terms in the attached Proffer, the undersigned awards petitioner the following compensation for all damages that would be available under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(a): 1. A lump sum payment of $800,000.00, representing compensation for future care expenses ($100,000.00), loss of earnings ($465,469.40), pain and suffering ($225,000.00), and past unreimburseable expenses ($9,530.60), in the form of a check payable to petitioner, Megan Morgan. The Clerk of the Court is directed to enter judgment in accordance with this decision.3 IT IS SO ORDERED. s/Thomas L. Gowen Thomas L. Gowen Special Master 3 Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 11(a), entry of judgment can be expedited by each party filing a notice renouncing the right to seek review. 2 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS ___________________________________ ) MEGAN MORGAN, ) ) Petitioner, ) No. 13-529V ECF ) v. ) Special Master Gowen ) SECRETARY OF HEALTH ) AND HUMAN SERVICES, ) ) Respondent. ) ___________________________________ ) RESPONDENT'S PROFFER ON AWARD OF COMPENSATION I. Procedural History On July 31, 2013, Megan Morgan (“petitioner”) filed a petition for compensation, alleging that she developed ulcerative colitis that cased caused-in-fact by her receipt of a human papillomavirus vaccine on August 9, 2010. An entitlement hearing was held on January 13, 2015. In a ruling on entitlement, filed on December 10, 2015, the Special Master concluded that petitioner was entitled to compensation. II. Items of Compensation A. Future Care Expenses Evidence supplied by petitioner documents projected future care expenses stemming from her vaccine-related injury. Respondent proffers that petitioner should be awarded $100,000.00 for future care expenses. Petitioner agrees. B. Loss of Earnings Evidence supplied by petitioner documents past and future loss on earnings as a result of her vaccine-related injury. Respondent proffers that petitioner should be awarded $19,173.85 for past loss of earnings, and $446,295.55 for future loss of earnings. Petitioner agrees. 1 C. Pain and Suffering Respondent proffers that petitioner should be awarded $225,000.00 in past and future pain and suffering. Petitioner agrees. D. Past Unreimbursable Expenses Evidence supplied by petitioner documents her expenditure of past unreimbursable expenses related to her vaccine-related injury. Respondent proffers that petitioner should be awarded past unreimbursable expenses in the amount of $9,530.60. Petitioner agrees. E. Medicaid Lien Petitioner represents that there are no outstanding Medicaid liens against her. F. Guardianship Because petitioner is a competent adult, evidence of guardianship is not required. III. Form of the Award The parties recommend that the compensation provided to petitioner should be made through a lump sum payment as described below, and request that the Special Master’s decision and the Court’s judgment award the following: 1 A lump sum payment of $800,000.00, representing compensation for future care expenses ($100,000.00), loss of earnings ($465,469.40), pain and suffering ($225,000.00), and past unreimbursable expenses ($9,530.60), in the form of a check payable to petitioner. Respectfully submitted, BENJAMIN C. MIZER Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General C. SALVATORE D’ALESSIO Acting Director Torts Branch, Civil Division 1 Should petitioner die prior to entry of judgment, the parties reserve the right to move the Court for appropriate relief. In particular, respondent would oppose any award for future care expenses, future lost earnings, and future pain and suffering. 2 CATHARINE E. REEVES Acting Deputy Director Torts Branch, Civil Division GLENN A. MACLEOD Senior Trial Counsel Torts Branch, Civil Division /s/Darryl R. Wishard DARRYL R. WISHARD Senior Trial Attorney Torts Branch, Civil Division U. S. Department of Justice P.O. Box l46, Benjamin Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0146 Direct dial: (202) 616-4357 Dated: August 29, 2016 Fax: (202) 616-4310 3
I know that it is BS.
Perhaps you'll enlighten us all with a few quotes?
I hadn't recieved the warning before I did the 2nd one!
"... what purpose is served by an effort to drive them out of business?" Getting tax revenue.
DESCRIPTION: Abbey Rain goes to meet Rico and Rob at the HQ of DogFart Records. However, what she doesn't know is that there's no such record label, and the two guys just want to fuck her tight white pussy. ... Show more Show less
2. Free speech doesn't mean you're free to be an asshole without consequence.
Pouring gasoline in a ground nest and lighting it off does wonders for a hive also.
And who sits behind Antifa, which travels all over America violently disrupting everything they disagree with? But don't expect the mainstream media to report on groups like Antifa, and how they are now the new left wing of the Democratic Party in America. No more free speech in America, everything must be cleared with one party or violence will follow those who don't. Here in Colorado, the administration at the University of Colorado refused to hire ONE conservative professor some years back, they protested, screamed, kicked, and hollered at that idea. One party now decides who's speech is acceptable, and who's political philosophy is acceptable to hire at public institutions such as colleges. Harvard discriminates and makes minority Asian Americans score higher than all others, if they are to be accepted. The same school that listed Ms. Warren as a "Native American Law Professor", and she is anything but Native American! Her only proof? Her "high cheekbones"! How offensive is that?
redhots1, Your wrong it wasn't me since I wasn't on this site in 2012. I didn't even vote for either of them and Ryan is still a puke!
Obamacare is not health care. It is a super high cost catastrophic insurance plan. With very high deductibles and co-pays, it does not cover every day medical costs. Those come out of your pocket. This is a scam plain and simple. Before Obamacare, monthly premiums were small and co pays and deductibles were reasonable and many did not carry catastrophic insurance. Health insurance was expected to cover day to day health costs. If you wanted catastrophic coverage added on, it was very cheap as it had high deductibles. All Obamacare did was create a system where everybody was paying for catastrophic coverage at a super high rate, but you are stuck paying your day to day health costs because of the very high deductibles. This was all smoke and mirrors. The Republicans cannot keep President Trumps promises without more smoke and mirrors and they know it. They will never create a health care system that is cost effective to the average person as long as health care is a for profit venture.
SCREENSHOT VIA YOUTUBE Tactical Shit owner T.J. Kirgin models one of his shop's t-shirts. Screenshots via YouTube/Facebook Tactical Shit, of course, doesn't have an opinion. SCREENSHOT VIA FACEBOOK At Tactical Shit, we are a comedic media company first. We are like a Tactical South Park. Nothing is off limits, we make fun of everything and everyone. We (us and our fans) are mostly Military and Law Enforcement past and present. We use dark humor to deal with tragedy on a regular basis. .... [In putting up a poll], We are in NOW WAY indicating our opinion, just want yours. The only thing we failed to do properly was to better explain the choice of poll answers as being direct quotes from the comment section. Now as per usual we are being attacked publicly by the same writer whom has previously done TWO other witch hunt hit pieces on our store. We are NOT anti Islam. We are not fans however we are "not fans" of most religions. We strongly condemn the actions of the terrorist and our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the lost. Sign up for our weekly newsletters to get the latest on the news, things to do and places to eat delivered right to your inbox. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Determinedly edgy local gun-supply store Tactical Shit took a break this weekend from promoting its St. Patrick's Day sale to ask its Facebook followers their opinion of Friday's massacre of Muslims in New Zealand: Was the incident a tragedy, the poll asked, or was it "fucking great?"The Facebook poll, which appears to have been deleted between Saturday evening and Sunday, drew thousands of votes and hundreds of comments. According to a screenshot, fifteen percent of respondents viewed the killing of 49 innocent people as a cause for celebration."How do you 'feel' about the NZ Shooting?" the query began. "This poll is because in our posts and news stories, our shitheads seem pretty divided."The store, which is based in suburban St. Peters, seemed to be aware that it was basically inviting the bigots in its audience to step forward."We are in no way are indicating our opinion," the post added, "just want yours."But it wasn't just the poll that disappeared from Tactical Shit's Facebook feed on Saturday. That same afternoon, the account liked and then reshared the above meme, a version of the "distracted boyfriend" meme . In this case, the boyfriend in the meme is labeled "literally the whole fucking world" while ignoring the woman behind him — identified as "daily acts of terror committed by a religion preaching violence."The object of the boyfriend's distracted attention is a woman in the foreground. She is labeled "one guy shooting Muslims in revenge."Tactical Shit devoted numerous posts Saturday to the mass shooting, and the page has continued to post stories and commentary, inviting those "shitheads" to fill its comment sections with crusader-themed memes and photoshopped images from the shooter's livestream that present the tragedy as a scene from a video game. Tactical Shit's massacre-related content also includes an entire episode of the store's podcast, "Shots Fired," which spends more than an hour examining the Australian shooter's reported justifications for murdering innocent people.The episode, titled, "Radical Gamer Trolls World in Real Life First Person Shooter," features a lengthy conversation between Tactical Shit owner T.J. Kirgin and store employees Alex Milberg and Kris Dickson.Around the three-minute mark, Kirgin describes his reaction to seeing the live-streamed footage of the massacre, which the killer made using a helmet camera. (The footage has drawn comparison to first-person video games, which inspired the podcast's title.)At Tactical Shit, Kirgin says, "We don't like Muslim extremists at all. We're not fans of Islam in any shape or form. Still, killing of innocent civilians is probably not cool."Kirgin now says the “probably not cool” was sarcasm. He notes that his first Facebook post about the shooting came so soon after the attack, it referenced four shooters, not just one. The initial post he shared was a clear condemnation."These four scumbags in New Zealand,” he wrote, “are no better than ISIS & the IRA, killing unarmed civilians. Not Warriors or Soldiers, just scum."In his remarks on the podcast, however, Kirgin says he was shocked to find that the post caused the Tactical Shit Facebook page to lose hundreds of followers.“I was like, ‘Whoa, what the fuck,’” Kirgin tells his cohosts.Kirgin deleted his initial post, and then decided to post something on the other side of the spectrum of reactions, what he describes as a "'too-soon' meme, like, going the other way with it" — possibly a reference to the distracted boyfriend meme. That post, too, apparently caused hundreds of Facebook followers to leave."That's how polarized this thing is already," Kirgin continues. "So then I'm like, 'Fuck it, fucktards, I gotta find out what you're thinking here,' because it's obviously a polarized thing within our fan base, which are hardcore motherfuckers. So I put out a poll."Even Kirgin was surprised by the number of his fans who voted that the shooting was "fucking great.""That's hardcore, man," Kirgin says. "But that speaks to the nature of what's happening in America, the nature of what's happening in the gun community, and globally with this event."Throughout the episode, the hosts pick apart the shooter's manifesto and firearm skills. Often, though, their discussion appears to affirm many of the debunked theories espoused by the shooter. To the Tactical Shit team, Islam is a "religion of violence," and the show's hosts are quick to agree that atrocities committed by Muslim terrorists are given less media attention than those committed by Christians or whites.To be clear, Kirgin and co-hosts make multiple interjections throughout the episode to declare that they themselves don't approve of the shooting. But at the same time, they find little to dispute in the shooter's manifesto. Kirgin even launches into a lengthy defense of the manifesto's contention that a high Muslim birthrate threatens to "dominate most of America and pretty much all of Europe."At that point, Milberg jumps in to agree with the demographic prediction, but he suggests that the idea of future Muslim dominance is "amazing, because they spend most of the time porking each other in the ass, so you'd be confused, because they aren't really a big fan of women."Again, this is one day after the shooting. But this is the Tactical Shit brand. The store's Facebook page boasts 890,000 followers. The same day it posted the poll, Tactical Shit ran a Facebook ad for a grey t-shirt that says "Nationalist" over an outline of a map of the U.S.The ad ran with the text, "We don't sell white nationalist shirts. We do have grey ones."Tactical Shit has long encouraged "libtard"-bashing, anti-PC humor, both on its social pages and in its store. It sells products like "Liberal Tears Gun Oil" and produces videos that cater to a particular brand of give-no-fucks conservative dudebro — videos such as this one , which advertises a St. Patrick's Day Sale by showing an employee applying a discount sticker to a bent-over woman's behind.Last year, the store even posted a clip attempting to mock the concept of racial bias training by introducing a black employee, "Token Marcus," who walks into a scene chugging a grape soda. We also reported last year on the store's sale of an $8 Holocaust-style yellow Star of David patch, which was stitched with the words "Gun Owner." One day after our story broke, the store removed the patch But when it comes to the New Zealand mass shooting, the store seems have known it was straying into indefensible territory. At some point, it decided to delete the poll that asked people whether they "feel" fucking great about a mass murder of Muslims.And perhaps that's why the poll's author added quotation marks around the word "feel" — because even trolls sometimes know when they've gone too far.In a statement, Kirgin stresses that his statements were sarcasm — and condemns the attacks:
All you have to do is read the questions about where responders get their news; nobody I know would get their news from ANY of those sources. The HuffPo, Pravda, excuse me, the WaPo, Isvestia, excuse me, the NYT. Sorry, kid, lefty and smart are not synonyms no matter what your teachers told you.
Although the reasons for the demise of fan attendance to UH football are many, for me it was most of the reasons already listed...but I also wonder why the UH braintrust does'nt get it figured out that if they drastically lowered the cost of the games, (and this has been suggested by many in the past) that attendance would rise, perhaps even to previous levels of decades past. Why not try lowering the cost of the yellow section to, say $10 a seat and you might even be surprised. Nobody sits there for games now hardly so why not recoup the funds by filling the yellow at reduced prices? In this way you achieve two things: grow the fan base which inspires the players and actually make money off of unsold seats that presently sit there empty....Just a thought.
To All, . Yesterday I was penalized by Civil. I can only post twice in a 24 hour period. . According to their software, I am guilty of “continued biased voting.” In other words I was not voting down comments “the right way.” What a bunch of nonsense. What some people might view as offensive was OK to me because there were no threats or personal insults. I’m a reasonable and rational 56-year-old man, but I won’t let an a computer censor me. . I think the problem with Civil is the ability of people to vote negatively toward a comment they merely disagree with. If you say something snide about Trump, his fans might claim you’re not being civil. If you say you like him, others might censor you because of that. . The Denver Post has saddled you with subjective punishment. Are you OK with that? I’m not. I’m going to “deposit” this twice a day to rub their noses in it, and I encourage you, the reader, into doing the same. Don’t let them force you into being a spineless clone. . Speak up.
You didn't answer my question so I'll rephrase more directly: Have you spoken with your dead uncle, after his death, and in any such conversation, did your dead uncle tell you that he doesn't want God's blessing? As to the rest of your posts, that's your opinion and your are wholly entitled to it.
Duncan seems to have the same crazy glare as Nutty Freeland.
4. "Free" healthcare. You thick cunt. Your "free" healthcare penalises hardworking tax payers who look after themselves and encourages poor health choices like smoking and over eating especially among the least productive members of society. Did I mention you're a thick cunt?
I'm sure Putin didn't want Hillary elected, He has all the uranium he needs all ready! Thanks Clinton Foundation.
I disagree with the author with regard to the banning of pit bulls and similar breeds. These are animals that have, unfortunately, been bred to be savage killers. Brushing off the cases of severe injury and death caused by these dogs with the gloss of "irresponsible ownership" is nonsense.
The real collusion was between the Obama administration, the DNC and the media to hand Hillary the office.
HI:So 20K (incl daycare)per year after tax money.So if you aren't making at least 35K (more like 40K)its not worth working. Put in a huge mortgage(with interest rates rising) and I can see money woes on the horizon for many young(and not so young) couples. Ma and pa could be called upon just at the time where they need those fleeting dollars. Doesn't this sound like a good time to raise taxes(cap and trade,carbon etc)!
"::::::::I wonder if it wouldn't be a better idea to focus on bite-size pieces? It seems we do have enough information about the impact of the Gulf spill to see that its coverage in the article is massively imbalanced, for the reasons I described in my response to your 'failed experiment"". After the media coverage of the problems at this page, there was a suggestion that each section written by BP should be analyzed for spin or missing content. Why don't we, as a group, decide a plan of action and focus on one thing at a time. As for a list of ""worse things ever"" for BP, this might prove helpful. "
Many Americans decided they didn't want to reward the Clintons with another 4 years of larceny directed from the White House. Better, they figured, the criminal enterprise we haven't seen than one all too familiar. There is a lot to be said for novelty.
:::Does no-one train these incompetents before hand them their tools? It's like giving paint guns to children.
Yeah Barney certainly has it in for Pell. Agree. "Steamrolled". A sign of a tempered and good writer! There's a long line of tendentious articles from Barney against Pell going way back. It's like when NCR needs a "hate Pell" article Barney is their go to guy. "Ring him up". As my quick research showed there's evidence that he has sort of his own issues, and it's all very predictable, his bent against Pell. Very predictable.
I do not disagree but on the other hand who wants to start a business that does not sustain a result.
Right. The entire country is just cruising along without a budget. Yes, that's exactly how it works. No budget at all! /s
IRT Stella Yasuda: Local politicians could care less about being out of touch with their constituents. They know Hawaii voters are so out of touch, they'll be re-elected the following cycle.
"He’s disregarding the Native Americans, the first people of this nation. This is sacred land" Sorry to remind you chief, you are a conquered nation and all of your land belongs to the US Government. Bet you wouldn't complain if your tribe was allowed to build a casino on that land.
You're right. Look at all the white guys shooting up mosques, black churches, former places of employment, schools, and theatres. Idle hands, etc.
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The night only keeps recovering and better. Outside, Kryss turns off the headlights on his car. Creeping through the night, he pulls up and parks across the road from Brenda's house. With Brenda's room curtains shut, there's no means for people to see his red Mustang parked in the road, scoping out the all-girls party. Opening a beer, Kryss chugs it down in one large gulp. Then, he wipes his mouth on his sleeve. Furrowing his eyebrows, he kicks the clear package out the individual window. A spectacular, contemptuous look stretches across his experience, extreme it with disgust. Opening still another beer, he chugs down most of it. Studying the silhouettes as they go facing the family room windows, he waits, his brain rolling and festering with intoxicated thoughts.
3. Hells yeah I am fucking Het Brit. I ain't black tho so I'd call myself a n-word or African peoples loving faggot
Most Iranianas are good people who don't support their government. In other words, they're just like most Americans. Challenge the government, if you must, but leave the people alone. Can you just imagine what people in other countries think of us?
This call for resignation says more about the Stalinist/Mob Rule flippancy of the UO elite than does "blackface" costumes, this is a "Black Mirror" moment where people are so ready to shut down perceived threats than stand up to free speech. Was it right? don't know, don't care, but the mob will come for us all one day; just say the wrong word, make a mistake and your friends and colleagues will throw you under the bus to appear as one of the herd. Shame.
"Manhattan is ignored entirely." As it should be, the red headed step child of the clam chowder world.
Trudeau DID teach math and French, correct? I have no idea why anybody would remove reference to him being a drama teacher as there's nothing wrong with that either. Wikipedia entries can be edited by anybody - how do you know who edited Trudeau's entry, assuming that it has been?
because those areas have higher populations. It's not rocket science. If you look at the states with the highest rates of gun violence, they all went for trump. You left that part out of your "argument ".
A horrible tragedy. But murder charges in kids? Come on.
tRump admitted to doing.
Actually there is a high likelihood that Mr Comey's testimony will prove moot. (look it up if you have to)