2 values
You're right! Elimination of the estate tax will be a HUGE victory for Donald and his family. Forbes magazine estimated his wealth at $3.1 billion. Under existing rates, taxes on his estate would be around $1.2 billion. [However, there currently are numerous clever tricks available to reduce the amount ultimately owed.]
Given the opportunity why do so many Canadians purchase dairy products in the US . Citizens in Belligham Wa were asking Costco to open a separate outlet for locals. Largest dairy sales in the US. Why would so many Canadians take 2 to 3hrs out of there day to do this?Has our current prime minister ever had to worry about cost of food for his family?
Agree , seems that way with Gov't here. Look at the State and Counties.
I don't understand how you think it is a free ride. Iolani had to finish higher than P-5. Those two teams declared for Div 2 for the State Tournament. If Iolani had beaten St. Francis and Damien, then I would think they were sandbagging. This was not the case for them this year; they were a Div 2 team for sure. Throwing for 300-400 yards a game doesn't win games. You still need to score more points than the other team.
Unless you are privy to information that the rest of us are not, he has said nothing about doing away with family trusts.
I asked for this on another thread , but was subjected to untelling rudeness .
"Murilo. Looks a nice village!♦ "
It can also be singular.
== you stupid whore == will never get it will you? doesnt fit in your tiny wakpedia wimp err admin brain fuck you asshole
Really? You think so? And what makes it happen when it isn't done by a Priest? The particular "God" in this case is the same God who said, "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." I'm not defending these priests. I think the millstone sentence is particularly fitting, but that would probably be considered "Cruel and Unusual" punishment by you.
"Civility" is for the "haves" to wonder on the "have-nots". Why are "they" so "uncivil"? (choke) Look into the list of who's in the forum above and you'll find the common characteristic of no worries of how to get through the day, or the month, or the year, or an entire lifetime. You'll find those who spawn and instigate all forms of taking away from others, since it's not an issue for themselves. Why is it such a problem? (choke again) Doesn't everyone make $128K to over $200K per year? And, employ their spouses and relatives in the same money-grab? You see, in our 77% white (surprised?) and 70% "Bernie" state people like to flog themselves in self-white hate, and write checks of absolution. Checks written with other people's money. Go ahead, look into plastic forums like these, or any other silly attempts, of those who wonder why others can't and won't be civil? (and why they won't stay in their place) Bush couldn't be a better example of what you find in our state.
How many Syrian refugees in Canada froze to death? Zero. All was given to them, housing, money, clothes, food, dental, you name it. The Royal treatment! How many Canadians froze to death? Left alone, with nothing. Since when does Canada need to import poverty, we have enough at home. Lets take care of our own for a change!!
" Why not use lipstick to paint a happy face on this fat pig? Something along the lines of ""USMC aviators have developed innovative flying patterns in order to briefly reach the specified Mach 1.6 top speed of the F-35."" Would everybody be happy with that? "
Jesus, you guys are not thrilled that he has found Atlantis?
After 99% administrative costs are deducted.
Not sure what "successes" our president was able to accomplish on his recent trip. The only thing he has succeeded in doing, was to hand over leadership of the world to the Russians and Chinese; which may very well have been his intention all along.
== The Wanderground == Hi DragonflySixtyseven. I saw that the page for The Wanderground was deleted several years ago due to copyright violation. As part of a feminist science fiction seminar at my university I'd like to create a new page for it, including how it fits into broader discussions on fem sci-fi, utopian fiction, and the women's movement. The page suggested I check with you, would that be a permissible reason to recreate an article for The Wanderground? Thank you for your help.
And I apologize if I sounded like a curmugeon, but absolute claims do make for some difficulty.
One has only to visit Spain and Portugal to realize just how grotesquely high these wine prices are ! For €2 or €3 one can enjoy a 75cl bottle of excellent Spanish or Portuguese red or white wine every bit as good, if not better, than the advertised wines. People in Canada simply do not realize that provincial government monopoly liquor boards are price gouging consumers by a factor of at least 400% compared to prices available in south western Europe.
Mike, you worked in Seward, and from all appearances you did a good job. No doubt your job was dangerous but how many times did you and other C.O.s try to get rid of bad C.O.s? There was a tall bald-headed officer that was very cruel to prisoners, and yet you all backed him up when the management tried to get rid of him. There are two sides to every story.
I agree completely with (). It was the first thing that came to mind when the page loaded. Male buttock takes the objective view, female the fashion magazine take on it, lit up and indeed suggestive. However, I'm not going to search the web for female buttocks that would be better suited...
Since most people don't care about much more than recharging their cell to STAY online, naming the square that is known by its name, other than by those who will never say his name in their utter disgust, seems a NO-BRAINER. Now if its official name was to be one of our local historical racists, oh man, the outcry or perhaps not, by the same anti-Kesey folks. Hmmm . . . maybe it's time to focus on our streets of Presidents and our county name. But for me, I want to return 9th Street to its rightful place in history.
"Currently, a product can be certified organic in Canada if it has been deemed so by an accredited certification body" Ever heard of a phenomenon in administrative matters known as "captive regulator"? Gee, if we need a certification, let's make sure we have a certification body that knows how to do things right (wink wink, nudge nudge). W.C Fields had it right - "Never give a sucker an even break".
Right or wrong, I recall when the same things were said in real time about JPII. Indeed, uncanny in the parallel areas of criticism and the words used to express assessments. But I assume--from all sides--we'll hear: "But that was very different..."
Add a new page The continent of Compass, which consists of mortals, immortals, and gods is primarily governed by eight gods aligned on the four cardinal and four secondary points of the basic compass. These are the only gods that have multiple divine attributes, as they represent a direction, an element, and a secondary attribute. Each of the four Cardinal Compass Gods governs a quarter of Compass. The four capital cities are Wraith (in the north), Jun Trich (in the east), Metria (in the south), and Kin Caroline (in the west). Each of the four gods also created a species of "holy dragon" as a guardian for their High Shrine. (The Compass Gods are the only gods who's High Shrine is not located in Shrine.) The four species of dragon are Krame (under Seiran), Scathe (under Junpei), Daun (under Meika), and Een (under Caroline).
Sorry, my friend, but I led the fight against tearing down city hall. I'm also not a fan of the outrageous amounts of fraud and overcharging the Defense Dept. engages in every single year. Yeah, the state has made large bad mistakes--- but as a fraction of the overall budget. Private corporations and all human run organizations of large scale make... here's a shocker!... large mistakes. It isn't limited to one party. Is the remedy to destroy what is there already? To screw up higher ed? Whether you like it or not, high school grads aren't going to keep this country great and defeat economic threats like China, India, and Brazil. Nor will crappy roads, bridges, airports, and services make us a good country. Citizens in poor health, compared to other country's that take care of their citizens also is a dumb-as-hell idea. If one hates taxation, try living in a country w/very little of it. Any 3rd-world country will gladly accept you.
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Honolulu Hawaii, just another Democratic cesspool of cronyism and corruption !!!