2 values
This woman - this hot, sexy, uninhibited, gorgeous woman - she looks at me and sees... Well, apparantly more than I do. At times, I don't think very much of myself. I'm an old, fat, balding technician. Not much to speak of. I bowl way too much. OK, so I dream of joining the PBA... But when she looks at me... her face changes. No matter what is going on, no matter what situation she or I are in, no matter the location... She gets this look in her eyes. A look which I know I will never see again except for her. Our eyes meet, anywhere, and that look comes across her face. The look. My look. Words cannot describe it. It's a look that just makes you melt. It makes your toes quiver. A look of trust, love, and happiness. Drives me insane every time she does it. I have my flaws. Huge, gaping, unbelievable flaws. She looks past them all. She sees me for who I am. Not what she wants me to be. She accepts me for me. Period. No questions asked. I shake my head and wonder... What did I ever do to deserve a woman like this? I think I have the answer to that. I've never lied to her. I've never hidden things from her. I always am completely honest with her. To quote Popeye - "I am what I am and that's all that I am." I'm not pretentious, egotistical, or judgemental. I accept her totally, and that may be why she accepts me completely. Truly awesome Marc. You are one of the lucky one's to have such wonderful feelings for her, and her for you. It really is awesome to have what you have. It's really great to see, especially in this crazy world we live in. My hat's off to you both! Rob Explore sex dating, meet swingers, find local sex near you on the best online adult dating site on the web. Whether you are looking to hookups, casual dating, married dating with an Asian, White, Black, Latino, Interracial singles or couples for sex, Adult Friend Finder is the sex dating site for you. We have the hottest adult personals from Atlanta to Los Angeles; San Diego to Chicago, from San Francisco to New York. AFF members are all over the world whether you are in big cities like Boston, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Houston, Miami, Seattle, or in smaller cities like Springfield, Columbus, Denver, Reno, AFF has you covered.
Nice. Backdoor racism. I seem to remember members of the Irish resistance being labeled terrorists. Is it really about melanin?
God forbid she accepts a plea bargain
Nope. Earned it.
The only poll that counts is the one on Election Day.
That's why I don't put political bumper stickers on my car. Parking lot door dings are bad enough.
If you can establish a political favor to a high speakers fee than do it. Other wise Clinton was just earning a living by being 'smart' by talking to those who pay the highest. You can be sure Trump will do his best to capitalize second place- dang good considering the size of the field.
maybe not so much nosey as curiosity how to die with dignity.
"There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle." "Those that despise people will never get the best out of others and themselves." Alexis de Tocqueville Alexis Charles Henri Clérel, Viscount de Tocqueville was a French diplomat, political scientist, and historian. He was best known for his works Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the Revolution, today is considered an early work of sociology and political science.
McLaren ought to be held personally accountable for the losses experienced by these athletes. His report is looking more like a political smear with every revelation. Shame on him, an embarrassment to Canadians. From the NYT The World Anti-Doping Agency, the regulator of drugs in sports that produced mountainous evidence of Russia’s doping scheme, has agreed to clear 95 of the first 96 athletes whose cases have been reviewed, according to an internal report circulated among the organization’s executives in recent days. “The available evidence was insufficient to support the assertion of an antidoping rule violation against these 95 athletes,” Olivier Niggli, the agency’s director general, wrote in the internal report, which was obtained by The New York Times. The report does not identify any of the 96 athletes.
All we're allowed to say here now is that this has nothing to do with religion...
You'll know what the WOOHOO is when you're grabbed by the WOOHOO.
China built Canada's railroads and was rewarded with the racist Head Tax. Now Canada can't even take care of its elders, so China has to but receives nothing but racist abuse.
South Africa had a huge fear of communism. Calvinism vs communism. But did the blacks really have a fear for communism as well? I don't believe that.
1. Translation I tire so easily of hillbilly boys w pretensions of normalcy.. bring it
"Alaska Railroad sees hope in marijuana industry"--I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Is there something I am missing here?
The Northwest Passage is no sure thing, yes, the weather is a bit warmer but there is still ice and lots of it in the Northern Canadian arctic islands.
Actually I believe it is because of facts. This was not a Muslim commiting a terrorist attack. Sounds like it was just some crazy lady. Awful, sorry it did not fit you and Trump's agenda.
RT @MIKEMIKE2REAL I told u bout doing that 😂"@ThoughtsOfRandy: Some niggaz will say and PAY anything to get the pussy." + must be you
This is just prepping the ground for the next story change, the one where Trump attended the meeting via phone. The story will change to, "any father would attend a meeting his son asked him to attend".
Meta-analysis that conceals more than it reveals: comment on Storm et al. (2010). Storm, Tressoldi, and Di Risio (2010) rely on meta-analyses to justify their claim that the evidence for psi is consistent and reliable. They manufacture apparent homogeneity and consistency by eliminating many outliers and combining databases whose combined effect sizes are not significantly different-even though these combined effect sizes consist of arbitrary and meaningless composites. At best, their study provides a recipe for conducting a replicable extrasensory perception experiment. This recipe includes following a design that employs the standard ganzfeld psi methodology and uses "selected" subjects. An experiment, having adequate power and that meets these criteria, has already been conducted and failed to produce evidence for psi. Parapsychology will achieve scientific acceptability only when it provides a positive theory with evidence based on independently replicable evidence. This is something it has yet to achieve after more than a century of trying.
Desa Jacobsson knew her husband. You did not. Assuming that all people have your level of emotional maturity or lack of integrity as a married man is deeply irrational.
3. She's not queer, she's allosexual. That bitch.
You have an interpretation of Christ's teaching, and it is that interpretation that you want to prevail. One of the things that really bothers me about traditionalists is that you each interpret Christ's teachings, the will of God and the magisterium, and you pretend that your interpretation is the one and only authentic version.
Up to date for 1850?
The issue concerns method
*Oppose. This is the proper name for the Paris Meridian (of which there is only one), not just a Paris meridian.
I didn't see the evil empire of United Airlines on the list of fines.........what gives.
2. Most likely Who asks for that much money and doesnt give a reason?
James Reeves - Both water treatment methods improve and protect the health of citizens who drink the water. Since protection of health using all safe and effective public health methods is of no interest to fluoridation opponents, they must create an artificial distinction between fluoridation and other water treatment methods. Actually, part of the way fluoridation acts is to attack decay causing bacteria, which, according to your definition, is treating the water just like chlorine. So, fluoridation can be justified on exactly the same grounds as disinfection. “Fluoride is effective at controlling caries because it acts in several different ways. …Fluoride also interferes with glycolysis, the process by which cariogenic bacteria metabolize sugars to produce acid. In higher concentrations, it has a bactericidal action on cariogenic and other bacteria.” ~> who(dot)int/oral_health/publications/2016_fluoride_oral_health.pdf Fluoridation opponents, of course, ignore facts
, 25 August 2005 (UTC) Disagreement is when you talk about the content of what is written, regardless of its source. Prejudice is when you personalise it. 12:11
No Kidding!!! I previously stated that her stupidity would result in hurting Alaska for years to come. Everyone knows Trump is a deal maker. By not upholding your part of the deal you will lose out. Murkowski can gain anything she wants for Alaska by just working within the system instead of beating her head against the system. Loose a few minor battles and gain some big concessions. That is how politics has always worked and Trump has taken it to a new level. A rather meaningless vote to debate the health care proposals could have brought many returns to Alaska.
Spot on!
The puzzle is this is just routine for Chinese, and American never cried baby before, why this time? I think Obama wants to make Trump look embarrassed, what will Trump do in future? Keep silent or cry baby? But anyway, this shows how propaganda works, it can blow anything big for some purpose.
An excellent post Charge ! Unfortunately it is just a matter of time before the anti free speech league of PH test, Sphere music, Allan Ross, Darcey McGee, Rouge Chimp and their exalted leader Alcest begin to hit the uncivil comment button multiple times in order to take it down.
Expressly decline payments... That's pure legal speak to guarantee people will not understand. So she failed to fill out a rarely known form. Now if she purposely submitted per diem paperwork, that's a different story. I'm willing to bet this has happened on numerous occasions, but it's a common misconception on the traveler. In this case, she's persecuted without any basic common sence. This slanted article has no clue as to government travel. What a lie.
Do you always vote for your own inane posts? Pathetic.
so your family does what you tell them? good ol conservative values eh? father knows best and all that
It's coming to Canada if we get proportional representation, lots of small, radical, fringe parties.
Well, the Sherbrooke shooting was Sherbrooke police officers. Doesn't detract from the rest of your post.
The musings of a feminist pop culture fanatic 7:00 Oh, Ricky Gervais. What on earth are you wearing? “No profanity: that’s fine, I’ve got a huge vocabulary.” It’s really clear that they’ve toned down Ricky Gervais from last year. Though the dig at Justin Bieber was pretty good. “No, he’s not the father. The only way he could impregnate anyone is if he borrowed one of Martha Stewart’s turkey basters.” 7:07 Even Johnny Depp admits he hasn’t seen “The Tourist.” First sneak peek at the Best Motion Picture – Drama nominees is Hugo. This will be fun trying to figure out why certain people are presenting these films. Don’t see the Johnny Depp to Hugo connection yet. 7:08 Gerard Butler and Mila Kunis present Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture. Christopher Plummer wins for “Beginners.” I can always count on the old people for adorable acceptance speeches. 7:12 Ashton Kutcher and Elle MacPherson present Best Actress on TV in Comedy/Musical. Elle’s dress is weird-looking. She’s got weird wing things on her boobs. Amy Poehler thoroughly eyefucks the camera. Laura Dern wins for “Enlightened.” I can’t remember if it’s been canceled, but if it hasn’t, maybe someone will watch this show now…other than the Hollywood Foreign Press apparently. Had no idea Laura Dern’s mom is Diane Ladd. Nice. She gives shoutouts to Lucille Ball and Frank Capra. At least she has awesome inspirations. UPDATE: Enlightened was renewed. Maybe this will get people to watch it? 7:19 Rob Lowe and Julianne Moore introduce Miss Golden Globe. Super awkward pause as the teleprompter freezes and someone brings Julianne Moore a script. Andie MacDowell’s daughter got recruited as this year’s Bring Your Daughter to an Awards Show person. Best Miniseries time. Golden Globe goes to Downton Abbey. Get ready for a sweep for Downton Abbey in the Miniseries categories tonight. People freaking love it. Adorable British people give adorable acceptance speech. We got distracted when our icemaker started working again. 7:23 Rob Low and Julianne Moore come back to present Best Actress in a Miniseries. Kate Winslet wins for Mildred Pierce! This surprises absolutely no one. She didn’t have very steep competition. Sorry, Diane Lane. Kate Winslet is always so dignified and gracious. I’m pretty much in love with her. No lie. Finally starting with the play-off music. 7:26 Frieda Pinto comes out to show a preview of Midnight in Paris. I’m thinking it’s the Oscars that tries to come up with connections to the movie. Golden Globes just gets random people to present the films. 7:27 Okay, I want to watch what happens at the awards during the commercial break, especially as the attendees get progressively drunker. That would be a super entertaining show. Can we make this happen? 7:32 Obligatory message from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association as we pretend to actually care about who brings these awards to us every year. Granted, they do a lot of philanthropic work, but no one will remember that after this speech. Sorry, y’all. 7:33 Jake Gyllenhaal comes out to present a preview for My Week With Marilyn. Rant time: Why on earth is this in the Comedy or Musical category? It’s extremely dramatic and there is almost no music in it! Sometimes, I understand their reasoning, but this makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! 7:34 Ricky Gervais asks for short speeches. “You don’t have to thank members of your family who have done absolutely nothing.” Obligatory atheist dig at God. Melissa McCarthy and Paula Patton come out to present Best Actor in a TV Series – Drama. Paula is wearing a very yellow dress. I can’t decide how I feel about it. Kelsey Grammer wins for Boss. The HFPA loves to pretend like it’s super trendy and Boss is very trendy, but no one watches it. 7:37 McCarthy and Patton stick around to present Best TV Series – Drama. Homeland wins. If Game of Thrones had ended after Homeland, it would have been GoT. The HFPA has such a short-term memory, though, and all anyone can talk about is how good Homeland is. Game of Thrones lost out by ending during the summer. The others didn’t have a shot. Massive cast gets on stage. Pretty sure it’ll take longer for all of them to get up there than they’ll be able to talk. Amy Poehler found something about Les Moonves super funny. Don’t know why this guy thanked Moonves. Does CBS own Showtime? 7:44 Jimmy Fallon and Adam Levine come out and pull their best “moves like Jagger.” Fallon goes on to spaz and act weird. I love Jimmy Fallon, but that was just awkward. They present Best Original Score to Ludovic Bource for The Artist. Be prepared for The Artist to sweep tonight as well. Bource apologizes for being French. He talks about how music is universal. This guy is adorbs. 7:48 Fallon and Levine stick around to present Best Original Song. Thought it would be Glenn Close, but they decided to pick Madonna instead. Oh well, this will be the only win for WE. I still don’t know why Madonna tries to have a really pretentious British accent sometimes. You’re not fooling anyone. Story about how Madonna had to be coerced into writing a song for her movie. None of us buy that. Also, that dress must be cutting off circulation to your boobs. 7:52 Unknown Turkish film person comes out to say hey to her peeps in Turkey. Then she leaves. Well, that was weird. 7:57 Debra Messing and Katharine McPhee come out to pimp their show and talk about how Best Actor in a Miniseries is one of the most prestigious awards ever. Weird. Idris Elba wins for Luther. Adorbs British accent. Super sexy. And he gives a shoutout to his daughter who is having a Golden Globe party. Adorable. 7:59 Brad Pitt comes out to present Ides of March. Want to see this so badly. Ryan Gosling is beautiful. As per us. 8:00 Seth Rogen and Kate Beckinsale come out to present Best Actress in a Movie – Comedy or Musical. Jodie Foster brought her kids. How cute. Michelle Williams wins for the “hysterical comedy” My Week With Marilyn. Thank you, Seth Rogen, for pointing this out to us. Michelle Williams thanks her daughter. She points out that Marilyn Monroe won the same award she just did. She seems so flustered and adorbs. She’s come so far since the days of Dawson’s Creek. 8:08 Sarah Michelle Gellar and Piper Perabo come out to present Best Supporting Actor on TV. Perabo’s dress is hiding some people in it. No joke. That thing is huge. Jesse Tyler Ferguson holds up a sign that says “whatever” over Eric Stonestreet’s shoulder. Peter Dinklage wins, which shocks no one. He talks about how his mom thought Guy Pearce would win in this category instead. He could hide in Piper Perabo’s skirt easily. 8:10 Ricky Gervais talks about how last year’s audience had “a right stick up their ass.” He introduces George Clooney and says if he gets any more popular or handsome, he’ll be hosting the show next year. Clooney stole Brad Pitt’s cane and comes out to present Moneyball. 8:13 Channing Tatum and Jessica Alba come out to present Best Animated Feature Film. The Adventures of Tintin wins, upsetting the streak that Rango has been having in this category. We decide Steven Spielberg probably has a shed devoted to the Golden Globes. 8:20 Ewan McGregor comes out to present a preview for 50/50. He gives a shoutout to Christopher Plummer and says “good job, Pops.” 8:23 Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy come out to present Best Supporting Actress on TV, all in song. Adorbs. Jessica Lange wins for American Horror Story. She was definitely the best actor on that show. Sorry, Jessica Lange, but your dress is super fug. Jessica Lange thanks the people who worked on her show. Producers do a close-up on Meryl Streep, for some inexplicable reason. Lange goes on to call many writers in Hollywood talentless hacks, but she does it in a super classy way. 8:28 So, there’s this one commercial for McDonald’s that can’t decide which dimension it wants to be in and it just switches rapidly between dimensions. I feel it needs a warning for people who are epileptic. 8:30 Ricky Gervais has moved on to wine. He introduces Madonna by saying she’s “just like a virgin.” Madonna then says Ricky should come over and do something about that. Ricky then runs across the back of the stage. Funniest moment of the night so far. Madonna says she grew up watching foreign films and there’s nothing foreign about them to her. I call bullshit on her pretentiousness. Angelina Jolie loses to Iran for “A Separation.” Also, Christian Bale is in the film from China. Iranian guy gives a very touching acceptance speech while another guy stands next to him with his arms crossed and looks super pissed off. 8:34 Aw, Dustin Hoffman! He gives a thank you speech before going on to announce nominations for Best Actress on TV – Drama. Claire Danes wins for Homeland, which shocks absolutely no one. She comes out from the back way for some weird reason. She winks and points at her table. She thanks her parents because she forgot to thank them when she won back in 1995 for My So-Called Life. Her mom is apparently her date. Adorbs. She thanks her gorgeous husband, Hugh Dancy. And here comes the playoff music. 8:38 Accountants come out to strike a pose with the envelope for Best Actor in a Comedy/Musical – TV. Close-up on the female accountant’s boobs. The envelope is front of them, but it’s still awkward. 8:42 Emily Blunt comes out to present the preview for Bridesmaids, the funniest movie of the past year. Apparently, all anyone can talk about is that “women can finally poop their pants.” 8:43 Tina Fey and Jane Lynch come out to present Best Actor on TV in a Comedy/Musical. They have the best banter ever. Matt LeBlanc wins for Episodes. Apparently, the HFPA decides that since Alec Baldwin refuses to show up anymore, they’ll give it to someone else. If only it could have been Johnny Galecki. Alas. Matt LeBlanc is pretty freaking awesome, though. 8:46 Bradley Cooper comes out to present Best Supporting Actress in a Movie. Octavia Spencer wins for The Help. So well-deserved. I may have hated that movie, but she was truly fantastic. Maya Rudolph gives her a standing ovation. Everyone wants to kiss her on the way up. They play the super inspirational song from The Help. Everyone in that room loves her. Seriously. Melissa McCarthy is in tears. Octavia is crying as she quotes MLK. I love when people are legitimately blown away by their wins. She is so flustered and is just absolutely endearing. Fun fact: The Help is at Table 10 tonight. 8:52 Apparently, the Golden Globes are tweeting the winners before they’re announced on TV. Nice one, y’all. 8:55 Sidney Poitier comes out to present the Cecil B. DeMille Award to Morgan Freeman. Everyone gives him a standing ovation. He begins talking about how kickass Morgan Freeman is and how he becomes every character he plays. Shoutouts to Spencer Tracy, Laurence Olivier, and others. Morgan Freeman looks like he’s about to cry. Poitier says Freeman is a prince in the profession he has chosen. Helen Mirren comes out and says she’s had a couple glasses of wine, but she has a bone to pick with Morgan Freeman because she’s only been in one film with him. It goes on a bit long, but it’s Helen Mirren so we’re okay with it. And here comes the retrospective of films. Damn, this man has been in some amazing movies over time. 9:00 Best part of that retrospective: the clip from Electric Company where he’s bathing in a casket. And according to IMDB, his first role was as an uncredited man on the street in The Pawnbroker in 1964. 9:03 Morgan Freeman comes up and says he absolutely loves Helen Mirren. He said that after working with her on Red and watching her handle a gun, he knows he never wants to piss her off. He also says he will call his award the Sidney Poitier Award. He talks about how he got to make movies with people he admires and that he’s had so much fun. Then he randomly says hey to Elton John. Oh, Morgan Freeman. You’re so fantastic. 9:07 Fun fact: Morgan Freeman’s first credited role was in a 1971 film called “Who Says You Can’t Ride a Rainbow.” He played a character named Afro. 9:10 Robert Downey, Jr. comes out in a tux with tails. He introduces the preview of The Artist. 9:12 Angelina Jolie comes out to introduce Best Director. Martin Scorsese wins for Hugo. Definitely thought it was going to be Michel Hazanavicius. Scorsese gives a shoutout to the HFPA for their work in film preservation. He gives a shoutout to his wife who gave him the book Hugo is based on and encouraged him to make a film his 12-year-old daughter could actually see. Ben Kingsley waves from the back. Scorsese leaves out Chloe Grace Moretz, which makes me sad. 9:15 Ricky Gervais is back with another glass of wine. He introduces Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas. They bleep Ricky Gervais and then Antonio Banderas starts yelling in Spanish. If he’s saying something bad, the censors don’t know it. They go on to give Best TV Comedy to Modern Family. The kids all run up from the back. Sofia Vergara starts yelling in Spanish. She’s either really silly or she is absolutely smashed right now. Best acceptance speech ever. Sofia Vergara gives the actual acceptance speech in Spanish and Steven Levitan (I think) translates it, but turns it into a speech about how the writers are the best lovers Sofia has had and all film actresses need to give them their numbers. Freaking awesome. 9:23 Michelle Pfeiffer comes out. Her face does not look real anymore. She goes on to show the preview for War Horse. 9:24 What is Jessica Biel wearing and why does she have three boobs all of a sudden? Her and Mark Wahlberg present Best Actor in a Movie – Comedy/Musical to Jean Dujardin for The Artist. Dujardin mentions that he is French, too. Nice callback to Ludovic Bource’s speech earlier. Dujardin tells how he was told that he would never do movies because his face is too expressive. Apparently, his eyebrows think independently. That man is freaking adorable. 9:31 Queen Latifah (from “Joyful Noise,” which she has to pretend is a good movie right now) comes out to introduce The Help. 9:33 Ricky Gervais has ditched his ugly jacket. He introduces Colin Firth and acts super jealous of him. According to Gervais, Colin Firth is super racist and has punched a blind kitten. Firth makes a dig back at Gervais and goes on to introduce the nominees for Best Actress – Drama. Meryl Streep wins for The Iron Lady. Everyone gives her a standing ovation. She acts like she’s surprised to win and says she only got to play Margaret Thatcher after Ricky Gervais’s deal fell through. They bleep Meryl Streep. Pretty sure that’s not allowed. Someone is passing her glasses up from the back. And Meryl is just naming off random actresses now. Meryl just called Harvey Weinstein God. She’ll probably get some crap for that tomorrow. They start to play her off, but she says no and they stop for a second. That’s how famous Meryl Streep is, y’all. 9:39 Jane Fonda comes out to present Best Movie – Comedy/Musical. In a move that surprises absolutely no one, The Artist wins. Even the dog is there! People get distracted from the producer’s speech by the dog’s adorableness. Also, Jean Dujardin’s wife is totally recording the entire ceremony on her cameraphone. So adorbs. The dog is totally begging for a treat. So cute. Another producer tries to say something, but they are actually pulling the mic back into the stage. Damn. 9:47 Ricky Gervais introduces Natalie Portman and talks about putting her family first this year led her to not be nominated for anything. She presents Best Actor in a Drama to George Clooney for The Descendants. Where the fuck is Ryan Gosling? Why isn’t he there? I want to see his beautiful, feminist-loving face and body in a tux tonight. George Clooney is his standard, adorable self. 9:54 Harrison Ford comes out to present Best Picture – Drama. They barely even show his face before they start showing the nominees. The Descendants wins. One of the producers comes up and says they’ve been told to hurry, so they rush through the acceptance speech as much as possible. Alexander Payne starts talking. Play-off music starts up. 9:57 Ricky Gervais comes back to close out the show. Perfect summary of the evening, “I hope you’ve enjoyed your goodie bags, the champagne, the gold. I hope it took your mind off the recession.” They end with a close-up of the crystal chandelier. Nice. 9:59 Final score. 15 for 25. Was hoping for closer to 70 or 75%, but at least I finished above 50%. Hope y’all haven’t been too bored by my ramblings. See ya for the Oscars.
1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/busted-gop-and-prosecutor-rachel-mitchell-knew-christine-ford-coached-friend-on-polygraph-before-hearing-then-caught-her-lying-during-testimony/ Busted.
What is the First Nations think of your mean-spirited comment?
So what you are saying is that one side has an entitlement to run wild when upset? Your internal logic is a bit odd here, let me pry further, you seem to believe that because of your correct revealed world view your side gets to do whatever they want when they want. Now lets go back in time to some of your cry bully antecedents, George Wallace claimed that people assembling to discuss things were infringing on his rights. By giving a certain group legal respect Wallace was being denied rights. Example, your co-believers not freaking out on Trumpites means that you were denied rights? That they met infringed on you somehow? Let me try another, your co-adherents ignoring a group of Trump supporters was in actuality an infringement on your side somehow, in the same way that two people of the same sex getting married is an infringement on right wing Christians? Your position is that you are infringed on because other people are doing something that infringes on your status.
Looks like it will be time to bring CBs back into play... Seems a little TOO extreme. If I can't be on speakerphone with someone, then I shouldn't be able to talk to a passenger either.
And you are a dumber person for it Bill. Luckily you haven't gotten anybody else killed with your addiction
And the second part, strangely ignored by the media in its false equivalency coverage of both candidates: "But the other basket -- and I know this because I see friends from all over America here -- I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas -- as well as, you know, New York and California -- but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well."
62,000 students at UBC. And 14,000 are foreigners. Maybe that's how a native Vancouverite can find a place to live in Vancouver - get a loan to attend UBC and get housed in a student resident. Universities have become like cities. And like all Canadian cities the increase in foreigners is accelerating. It's pathetic. Low wages for minimum wage workers, high tuition for foreign students, great investments for foreigners buying up houses and Canadian corporations. Is it about educating and employing Canadians or about big money for Big Business?
Which current Lane County Circuit Judge was appointed by a Republican Governor? Don't look it up; it's a trick question. There hasn't been a Republican Governor since 1987.
Let's investigate and when the Democrats are shown to be pure as the driven snow they can tell Trump to shut up about it.
It all got started with William Jefferson Clinton's famous "yeah but I didn't inhale" prevarication. Since then I cannot imagine any reasonably intelligent person believing any campaign promise ever.
wrong , we are not traitors to appreciate an actual leader in the usa standing up for his country such to expose the complete lack of leadership we have and need such as trump here in canada. save the insults buddy, grow up (wow that post of trash was removed about 1 second after it was posted, GOOD)
:::I'd say it was a different Mr. McCormick. Similar attire, but his facial stucture and hair was different. They might have been brothers, but they certainly were not one-and-the-same.
You certainly don't and it's true of you but not of Trudeau.
what Emily explained I'm alarmed that any body able to profit $4498 in one month on the internet. >>>> w­­w­­w­­.­­e­­b­­i­­z­­3­­.­­c­­o­­mᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ
El vicepresidente de la Diputación de Alicante se disculpa tras pedir «deportaciones masivas» de inmigrantes
Spoken like someone who assumes the answer is self-evident. No, local party members choose the local candidate. When you say the "party chooses", well, who in the party chooses? The local registered party members? the party executive? The voters (based on what)? A party list prepared by someone? Then, the vote happens. Look at my example above. Which 20% of NDP MP's get chosen? How? Is there a FPTP and what is left over is split on PR? I don't have a problem with PR, I would welcome it in my case. HOWEVER, I just want to know how it is to be applied, the specifics, and nobody, including the PR supporters, answered that simple question. Hence, that is why PR supporters deserve a F. It's too bad. Unless you have something specific, it is difficult to change from the current status.
The cost of the Canadian health care system is always left out of the discussion. If Canadians knew what they are paying for their health care system it may not be as popular as it is.
The difference between 'exaggeration' and less honest terminology is, apparently, not one of your strong points. "Any advantage in an argument is okay" comes closer to the mark.
Contrary to comments from many here, range and charging time are of no worry to me. The only thing that has stopped me from buying an EV (other than my current car is 5 years old and won't be changed for another 3-4 years) is the price. I would pay 10-15% premium for an EV, not much more. The other issue in cities is that most condominiums don't have outlets in the garage so that cuts out a lot of people (like me).
Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Anthony Bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Anthony Bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Anthony Bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks Anthony Bradbury sucks cock and eats shit,
Sorry, but my settings are watch all pages I edit, so I saw the block thing. Anyway, NOW stop by my user page, and you'll see a few changes. Ian
BOA is a farce...
A person I know just found a dog hanging in a tree in nearby Kwethluk. Still had its collar on.....with a rope going from it , over a branch and tied to another tree. It was about 2 feet off the ground. Probably a long and torturous death for the dog as it did not choke it as much but just hung there till dead. The VPSO removed it but that is all that happened.
School prank You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war. If you continue, you may be blocked from editing. Please read WP:3RR. —
Perhaps he saw the potential when he was in Halifax last week. Boston is after all Halifax on Steroids.
Go on, keep deleting it: Some peoples comments WON'T get deleted by G&M, because they fit the narrative pushed by G&M. <------ delete it, oh holier than thou lord of the comments!
The new order seems better.. But should the pictures not generally be on the right?
It is far from a "life and death situation," with no reason yet to flip out and take rash actions. Experienced diplomats understand that and do what is necessary to defuse the situation without loss of face. Trump doesn't understand that and reacted in a foolish manner leaving him with little wiggle room once kim, predictably, pushes back. The time of the cold war with the former u.s.s.r. was full of such tension, but the world survived. The difference now, is that we have a crazy, inexperienced, unpredictable potus. The only hope is that his military advisors can talk sense into him.
Mr. Dalton, your opening sentence hints at a big part of why Americans cannot be brought to support single-payer in large enough numbers to make it so: Far too many white folks just don't want to pay for health care for non-white people. Sure, they cover this up with niceties, but it hides in plain sight nonetheless. Maybe in thirty years, when most families in America are either non-white or at least have near relatives who are non-white, we might finally get there.
There are a lot of troubling things going on with these activists finding willing audiences in corrupt politicians like Kathleen Wynne. Just as they are trying to censor this brilliant and refreshing documentary on Dr. Zucker, (I'd encourage you to look into this heroic professional who was black listed by these career, taxpayer bleeding, social justice warriors and militant activists), they did the same thing with the Ontario Sex Ed curriculum. They banned any parental feedback and deferred to the activist themselves to review it and approve it, despite the fact that it heavily promotes gender diasphora, and the fantasies of Ben Levin. These totalitarians operate under the guise of gaining equality for a supposed marginalized group, but are willing to go scorched earth with your children to get what they want. If you don't go along you're branded a homophobe or ignorant, but ask them for any scientific evidence and they'll trot out some junk science and personally attack you.
If the Trudeau government punishes or gets rid of Defence Minister Sajjan for lying and misleading people, should it also get rid of other Liberal MPs and PM Trudeau for lying and/or misleading people?
// $Id: Encoding_Converter.cpp 80826 2008-03-04 14:51:23Z wotte $ #include "ace/Encoding_Converter.h" #if defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR) ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_Encoding_Converter::~ACE_Encoding_Converter (void) { } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* ACE_USES_WCHAR */
That was just plain disgusting...
That is one convoluted answer and too filled with non-specifics that make it difficult for my brain to follow. But, if as you say, everyone will need to pay more taxes, other than those who don't pay taxes now, wouldn't the wealthy pay more taxes too? I am not seeing the redistribution to the wealthy part. And for purposes of common ground, what are we considering wealthy?
Donald Trump, when he becomes the new Commander in Chief, can easily order the Corps of Engineers to change there direction in this case and the Dakota protest will be swept away by Republican law makers.
Criminalizing teen sex, there's the answer...better stop dances too.
Please feel free to judge me as much as you like. At least I know the difference between different social and economic systems, and don't base every argument I make on calling someone a "liberal" or "conservative." People who do this strike me as people who gave themselves over to unthinking ideology a long time ago. I would much rather think for myself than dogmatically repeat some tired old ideology thank you. But this isn't about me or you. It is about a problem we both have as members of this community. We should work together in a rational, reasonable, thoughtful, and measurable manner to solve it. So, you solution is "let it get really bad for them." What is the acceptable death and disease rate? Should we just give over our downtown, midtown, parks and green spaces to the mess until then? Lay it out for me. Thought about helping them find a way to regain their dignity -- to actually have something they want to work to keep? Just an idea.
Same old Keynesian nonsense with the standard and debunked notion of sterile savings.
Well, no wonder. This was forseen way back when the green belt was enacted but dismissed as <insert various reason>. What did you expect to happen when the gov't constrained the land supply and issues directives for higher density development? What if gov't enacted policies to speed up the time to development? A report on Friday listed just 932 new single-family homes available for sale in the GTA - the GTA has what 4 million people and there were just 932 new homes available? 10-yrs ago there were 17k new homes available. See FP Friday. Build more of what people want or don't expect much to change unless we could get the gov't to start teaching children that desiring to own your own little piece of property with a home on it is irresponsible and that they should strive for living in apartments or condos.
Go, China, go! There is no place for fake religion in China.
"==Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates/Odiham Castle== An image created by you has been promoted to featured picture status Your image, File:Odiham Castle.jpg, was nominated on Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates, gained a consensus of support, and has been promoted. If you would like to nominate an image, please do so at Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates. Thank you for your contribution! The Homunculus Mongol transliteration Could you template these with ? The Latin gamma won't appear in most users' default browser font, which makes the transliterations look bad otherwise. I'm going through the ones we already have w AWB, but it looks like you still have some to go. (Also, the city names have no transliteration at all, but I assume you're working on that.) — Disambiguation link notification for January 20 Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Grade II* listed buildings in Waverley, Surrey, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Country Life (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of ""Did you mean..."" article titles. Read the Join us at the DPL WikiProject. It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these . Thanks, Middleham and other hoards Hi BabelStone, thanks for adding Middleham to the list of hoards. Much appreciated! Also, sorry if I seemed at all caustic in my comment about the addition of the Mesolithic site in Guildford - I only noticed that it might come across bluntly after re-reading! Since you seem to have all the right skills, I wondered whether you might be tempted to work more on the Middleham Hoard article or on other English Civil War hoards with support from York Museums Trust's numismatics curator ? It would be great for our GLAM-wiki partnership to establish direct links between curators and active editors (other than myself!). Particularly ones with specialist knowledge. Any thoughts? Thanks Hi Pat, I did have a look at the Middleham Hoard article, but I didn't contribute anything as I thought from your message that some new editors were still working on it ... but as it does not seem to have changed much since then I'll see if there is anything I can do to help. To be honest, I did feel a little put down by your earlier comment; I rather carelessly pulled the offending term out of the air without giving it sufficient thought, for which I apologize. I don't pretend to be an archaeologist (a couple of digs and a term at university in the late 1970s hardly count), but I enjoy contributing to archaeological articles precisely because I am not an expert in the field, and editing helps me learn more about subjects that interest me. Hi! First of all - Wow! Thanks! The Middleham Hoard article has made great leaps! It is massively appreciated. Secondly: big apologies. I've just gone and re-read my comment about Guildford again and feel very embarrassed - I must have been writing in a massive rush. The irony is that I'm personally very keen on improving the coverage of the Mesolithic on Wikipedia! I appreciate your work on this and other archaeology stuff and hope that we can get past this and work together in the future! Thanks for being magnanimous You have to be thick-skinned to survive on Wikipedia, so don't give it another thought. I have limited time available for Wikipedia, but I certainly hope to be abl
The Rouge seat width is the same. Wider seats on the E-jets, A320 and A330, narrower on the 777 and 787 (and soon 737). Seat rows are closer together though, with slim-line seats. As another poster said, it's a race to the bottom, other airlines are doing the same thing.
A couple of thoughts: 1. The University can invite and disinvite whomever it wants. 2. The process of disinvitation may have been "botched" but it is fair to question how influence of the powerful (the unnamed donors) was brought to bear on this matter. Furlong has lots of powerful friends it seems and so what have we learned - that it is relatively easy to push universities which are supposed to be independent centres of thought around when one has money or has frineds who have money.
your reasons are bogus. first, the delay caused by your frivolous suits was more than $46 m., you bird are not considering that the delay cause all current and all future contracts to be delayed. the most substantial is the cost for future contracts that had to be delayed which would be substantial as constructions cost were increasing about 12 per cent per year. if it the cost to complete the project was $5b, then the delay cost over $1B. Further, using the index to cite construction cost is totally misleading. we all know that the contracts to build the first 10 mile stations came way over budget and was repackaged to smaller contracts to reduce the overall cost which was still higher than the original budgeted amounts using the index. stop this nonsense with false and misleading arguments, it is shameful that you birds deliberately lie. no class, no shame.
I laugh when I hear people complaining about Trudeau's broken promises. Fools for believing him in the first place. Yes Virginia, Stephen Harper was right about Trudeau. Even more amazed the media is just beginning to catch on. http://nationalpost.com/opinion/andrew-coyne-trudeaus-petulant-tone-deaf-performance-a-remarkable-milestone/wcm/12ac58a7-fcad-4c26-9a99-239d62cb38a2
No surprise. The average person will jump to: "If you have nothing to hide, reveal all and be done with it". That is certainly not what Trump is doing. Look to what people do and not what they say.
After the past eight years of hysteria over that "n***er" in our Whitehouse, and the last 20+ years of demonizing progressives (on the suggestion of that great moralist, Newt Gingrich), this new rabid group of Republicans was elected by exploiting the racial and cultural fears of those who think it is government's role to give them back the mythical land of Mayberry, USA. Although, it might be noted that Sheriff Andy Taylor was also know as the lawman without a gun. Any other government program is, naturally, SOCIALISM!!! Of course, there was real help from our own bishops (also so well known for always taking the moral high ground). So now they are in. Well, isn't it just one big pro-life fest now? Healthcare? Forget it. Education? Forget it. Decent wages for actually working? Forget it. Care of the planet? Forget it. Justice for all? Forget it. Destroying the Republic for a totalitarian regime? Now you're talking! Careful what you wish for.
Did I mention that Mars is undergoing climate change too? Damn martians are destroying their planet.
If Trump is to win, seems to me he has to focus on real issues, ignore taunts about his past ill-thought utterances about women with weight problems, etc. He needs to quit rising to the bait to defend himself & instead defend his policies of American Nationalism, oppose islam, emphasize improving trade agreements, revising the IRS tax codes, securing our borders & so many other critical issues. If Trump does not win, we face increasing immigration of muslims, galloping growth of government, adoption of hordes of illegals, more porous borders, a weakened military, more lies & major corruption fostered by Hiliary. Trump should attack Hiliary's long history of incompetence, her lies & corruption which began prior to WhiteWater, failing the D.C. bar exam, trying to force-feed national health care to Americans in 1998, Benghazi with focus on blaming the attack on an anti-muslim video, Hiliary's appointment of so many muslim staff. The field is rich in targets for Trump.
Warning; We are not a politically correct site. Don't like us? Don't read. Thursday, July 16, 2015 Taxpayers Spend $3.5 Million to Find Out Why Lesbians Are Fat A U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) study to understand why lesbians are fat has now cost taxpayers over $3.5 million to-date. The study, “Sexual Orientation and Obesity: A Test of a Gendered Biopsychosocial Model,” seeks to determine why there is a disparity in the obesity rates between straight women and lesbian women and straight men and gay men. According to the study, “It is now well-established that women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic, with nearly three-quarters of adult lesbians overweight or obese, compared to half of heterosexual women. In stark contrast, among men, heterosexual males have nearly double the risk of obesity compared to gay males.”Apparently, “these disparities are of high public-health significance,” therefore, the National Institutes of Health has been continuously funding the project. Since CNSNews.com first discovered the government’s funding of the study in 2013, the cost to taxpayers has increased from approximately $1.5 million to over $3.5 million. A website with information pertaining to the project claims the study will continue until June 30, 2016.Source Now you know what your funding with your hard earned money. Nubian Queen.
You know we Sri lankans are biggest cheaters and chuckers.. we cant raise a finger on anyone. We lankans need to get the fuck off and lick India's feet
1. It's October, I can't wait to see more of that half-wit, half-breed, moron Obama and the mostly retarded rapist Bill Clinton campaigning for worthless democrats across the country. Nothing solidifies my hate for the democrats more than those two.
You horrible person. Look for bad in everything, you must like the taste of bitter 🍋🍋🍋
The writer appears to have an interesting understanding of a Ponzi scheme, namely that this occurs when a business relies on income (fees) to pay its expenses (salaries). By this understanding every business in the world would be a Ponzi scheme. As for the rest, typical communist claptrap powered by pure jargon and the expectation that everyone must get something for nothing.
illegitimis non carborundum Then how do you explain the fact that the Anchorage School Dist does not transport its students in public charter schools? The ASD gets the money fm the State but does not transport the students.
I'm shocked, shocked, I say, that anyone would tear down another person's sign. But really, it's not newsworthy. Sign swapping, it's what some would call a political sporting event around here, fun for the whole family.
Very co-incidental that it happens that the legislature will go into overtime. Also very co-incidental that they just happen to have a brand new shiny building in downtown Anchorage to go to. Yet again, its just co-incidental that it justifies keeping that building on 4th Avenue. Nicely played!
The writers of "Canada's Food Guide" are people with a personal agenda just like everyone else. Grandma and Grandpa knew that a balanced diet of meat. dairy, grains, and plants is what is best for you. This bent towards plants suggests that the do-gooders have invaded the food guide and think that plants is the way to go. Aside from aggravating the other food businesses, the emphasis on plants is just not a good dietary balance. However the good news is that if the plant-eaters can move some people away from meat it will make more available for the rest of us!