First the begin with talking about the technological side of it .In paragraph 1 they being to to talk about what the mona lisa was actually expressing through her facial expression by using FACS ( faical action coding system). The mona lisa is one of the most famous and staple pieces of art. Their have been many debates on if the mona lisa was happy and using this technology proved she was 83% happy. They used FACS to figure out her emotions from that exact moment. in paragraph 2 they begin to talk about the use of the FACS computer. How they use it to figure emotions for intance the mona lisa's emotion. The process isnt that hard use stand in front the computer and make facial expressions and the computer can figure it out for you.
Secondly they being to talk about facial expression. In paragraph 4 Dr. Huang talks about how facial expressions are universal. facial expressions are truly universal it is key on figuring out how others around you could be feeling. In paragraph 5 they talk about how humans come with an impressive calculation to what people may be feeling such as friend and how we can tell the difference between each emotion. Humans come with bein able to understand human emotions through expressions but not always seeing as people can mask true emotions for instance at one point he beings to talk about different smile and which is real and which is fake.
Lastly he beings to talk about how it would be useful in a classroom enviroment. In paragraph 6 they talk about how if a student is using a computer and the computer has FACS ( facial action coding systems) that it will being to recognize if a student is confused and bored and will able to modify the lesson for the student to regain interest in the lesson. The student will be A able to pass his or hers class and B have fun and be interested while doing it. In paragraph 9 they talk about how it help a theater teacher and his actor ( his students) to be able to udnderstand the theory of emotions. Emotions are always around and may work in your favor from you getting a good grade to putting on a great performance FACS will be able to help to do that.
In conclusion FACS seems to be very useful from the class room to the stage FACS can be used for being able to fully understand somebody's emotions all by looking at their face .The author used technology , facial expressions , and students to do that .I write this to the Senator of Florida.
Every four years a president is elected to become what is the Commander and Chief and sole representative of the United States of America. Because we as a country are a democracy, "the people" get to choose the president. We go every four years, starting at the age of 18 and so on, to vote or to choose who we want to represent us as Americans. Who we want to run this country. Who we want to lead us both to sucess and trust that they will do all in their power to keep us safe. But are we, the people, really choosing who we want? Just like President Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO, I believe that we are not choosing at all but we are voting for a state of electors, who in turn choose a president for us.
The electoral college is very unfair to voters."according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore_ thanks to the quirks of the electoral college - won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election...voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could lose the presidencey. (The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid deeefenses of the system are wrong By: Bradford Plumber) If you wanted to vote for a specific president you would have to elect the state electors pledged to that president and hope they pick them. At times the electors have the right idea and other times the electors get confused and choose the wrong person. Other times the elector could even be biased or even racist (in rare cases), and choose the one person that you do not see running this country.
"Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During The 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the cadidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the larrgest media markets didn't get to see a single campain ad." That is, because the electors are the ones that choose. The candidates don't even attempt to campaign in places they know they wont get a vote on. The cadidates will try to win over the bigger states first to gain more electoral votes to win.
I see the electoral college as an unfair way for the people to vote for president. If we are truley a democracy, then we should change from using the electoral college to the use of popular vote, or direct election. Dear Principal,
I think that it is a great idea for you not to allow students that have a C average to participate in sports. My first reason, is because a lot of kids who have good grades such as B' s and A' s they don't get as distracted in school. Therefore, they will be focused better in their activity, and not in doing something like homework. People who have C' s, D' s , and F' s they will not be focused in the sports activity because they have to worry about doing homework and getting their grades up. Because they are responsible for having bad grades they shouldn't participate in school activities. Maybe you ask "What if someone has the potential in playing but doesn't have the grades". Its probably because they get to distracted, in playing sports and not doing their work. Kids who have bad grades tend to be lazy, and if we let them be on the team how can we expect to win if one of the members is not even participating. Another reason why, you should have good grades and be able to participate in activities is because it will look good when you go to college. There are more chances for you to get into a better college that you will like. And when you get a job you will get a well paying job. In conclusion, that is why I think the principal shouldn't let students who have a lower than a C average participate in school sports activities. One because they are lazy, and not well focused in school. I think it will be way better if kids who have good grades get the credit for participating in both sports and class work. These are my reasons why I think students who have B average should be involved in school activities and kids who have a C average shouldn't. Dear Principal,
The students at our school like to be on their cell phones.
If you were to let them use their phones during lunch and the free times it would cut back on how many kids get in trouble for talking or texting their friends.
Allowing the students to use their phones during free times might keep them more focused during class.
Being focused in class is a problem for many teens because of their cell phones.
They are too worried about what is going on outside of the classroom and not worried about what is on the board.
Letting the students use their phones during free periods and lunch would let them be more focused in class because they would know what was going on outside of school.
Students would also be less tempted to use their phones during class because they just got time to use them during their free period.
If the students aren't using their phones during class there is a better chance that they will be paying attention and using their time more wisely.
During a normal school day many kids get in trouble for using their phone in class or in the hallway.
Their phone would be taken up and they would have to go to the office and call their parents to come get the phone.
If the teenagers were allowed to use their phones during lunch and free times the number of kids in trouble would reduce by a great number.
they wouldn't be as tempted to use their phone in class and the teacher wouldn't have to worry about catching a teenager using their cell phone during the school day.
The kids wouldn't get in trouble and their parents wouldn't have to worry about their kid getting in trouble for using their phone during the day.
The students would also be happier because they have been trusted and given more freedom to use their cell phones.
In the end teenagers should be trusted to use their cell phones during free periods and lunch. It would make the working environment more pleasant and the students would pay attention and learn more.
Everyone would feel more accomplished and happier about the work effort and participation from the students.
PoDear Principal,
Regarding the optional policies for the cell phone, I personally believe the second one is the best. Truth be told, if you allow students to bring them to lunch, that will just signal a green light to them that it's okay to "text their buds" during class. When students use their cell phones, you never know what they're texting about. Unlike notes, you can't just confiscate it and read it, because unlike scraps of paper, students can set a password lock on their phones. That means that they could be texting about drugs or sex, and even the answers to their science test without you knowing. Another problem is that students can hide their caller ID and cyber bully other students without them knowing who it is. Today, students can also access the internet on their phones and look up who knows what. Their also isn't a reason to let them use their cell phone during lunch because they will be able to talk to their friends there, so why the need to text them? Another issue is that the students are here to learn not chat with their friends, so the need for cell phones is at a low minimum. Though the use of cell phones should be banned, we should be able to keep them in our lockers in case of emergency or to call parents to pick us up after a school event.
It's time to take the initiative and end the madness here and now. Ban the use of cell phones during school, and help the students become responsible adults.
Grade 8As you are at school taking a long test and a long look at a computer and start to fall asleep, would it be smart for the test to change with pictures and bubbles of help, to say that you are not intrested in what you are doing. As we know that it may be fun, would it be right? knowing this would be a very bad technology to have.
Dr. Huang made a technology that can read facial expresstions. it could tell you if you are 94 precent angry and 6 percent happy.
In the Mona Lisa smile it showed she was 82 percent happy, and some other kind of emotions. what if mona did put a smile on her face, because thats how she was thinking, on the outside she looks very happy, but on the inside she can feel other emotions. In paragraph 9 line 4 and 5 says "puting on a happy face, actually works." what if you only had to smile just a litle bit to get a result out of the new techology. Not really being happy or sad that day you felt another way.
Lets say you were sad one day and going to get a panting done, when you showed up you looked happy but on the inside you still were still sad. on the outside they can see or show any emotion, when you get throght the walls of pain created by yourslef you are the only one who really knows what is wrong with you. The second paragraph said "Can we really calculate emotions like math homework...and can a computer reconize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel". meaning can technology really tell how a person is feeling. or can it tell the right feeling we are having.
In paragraph three it talks about how there are six basic emotions. What if a person did have surpised face but what if that was a thinking face. Or a confussed face. As Dr. Huang states the computer can tell when you are having a bad time with the work or how to do it, and the computer changes. knowing that wont be a problem for the children taking the test, but what if you were talking a test and this just happened. Would your test not count or would it be okay. As another person can read another persons face and think it is bad or good. what if the computer thinks the person is doing something with there face and the person is not showing any emotion but there face. As people we make the mistake to think something is wrong with another, but every thing it fine. Will this technology make the same?
I'm concluding that we should not have this technology until it can really be sure based on the real emotions a person has. Having something like this may be a bit to eraly to say that this is something we need in our classroomes, and homes. What if it backfires on the children and many more? We do not need this in our schools. Dear state senator,
There should be a change in the Electoral College. It should be changed to electing presidents by popular vote. It is our right to vote for someone who would actually make changes in our society and make our lives different. The fact that we have to vote electors for those electors to choose our president, it seems unfair. Also, the purpose of voting for president is for everybody to vote not just citizens. Therefore, there should be some changes for voting.
To continue, election of presidents by popular vote should be used in the United States. If we are voting for presidents, then why should us ,citizens, vote for electors in order for them to vote for our president? As stated in source 2 "The Indefinsible Electoral College","At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state,candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing"states." In addition, it states in source 3 "In defense of the Electoral College"," No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president." This shows that with the Electoral College, not every region is going to have electoral votes. Therefore, it would not be fair for those regions. Perhaps their votes would not count and basically the chosen president would not pay attention to them.
Furthermore, everyone should be allowed to vote not just citizens. The fact that not everybody are qualified citizens to vote, then the amount of votes would be vague. This process is similar to not having enough electoral votes. The votes would not be popular or in a great amount for that specific place. For example, as it mentions in source 3, "Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really listen to the competing candidates-knowing that they are going to decide the election. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average..." There should not be any thoughtful voters deciding on the election. It makes it unfair for those who want to vote but are not allowed.
On the other hand, Electoral College could have benifits. In this process it is easier for the electors who are voting. If there is a tie in votes, then they can pass it on to the House of Representatives in which state delegations take care of the voting. At least with this process, they have their own system set up and if any problems, they know in what way it can be fixed. Unlike voting by popular vote, it can cause some problems because not everyone is allowed to vote and there could be few votes for candidates which would have a negative outcome. However, it would be the same for the Electoral College because there would be not enough electors in regions.
In conclusion, election by popular vote for the president of the United States should be used. It could change society and it will allow us to have a better living. This could give us a chance to vote and feel part of the election. As mentioned in source 2, "Abolish the electoral college!" I disagree with this technology. you can make all kinds of facial expressions it doesnt mean there is a certain face for one facial expression. We are all human but we arent same that is what makes all unique we have different faces for different expression. This technology that is being used is not going to tell you everyone is mad or sad, happy, angry. I dont have the same mad as someone else would so what i make one face and im mad? it could just be my face and the way i look and your gonna tell me that i am mad when you really dont have a clue. We cant tell if someone is mad or sad, depressed or even happy they have those feelings themself and sometimes people dont want others to know if there upset so then your just invading there privacy. That could just make things ten times worse than what it already is. There are things we want people to know and that we dont want people to know and its our decsion on whether we want them to know. So yes i disagree with this facial expression technology i dont think we should be invading others privacy that way i think we need to have way more respect for others than what we do now. Dear Florida's Senator,
I disagree with the fact of having a Electoral College. I don't think it would help with the elections. I think it should go the most popular votes. The Electoral College is not giving Florida's cizitens, like myself, a oppurnity to vote for who would be right for our state. As you may know some people call the Electoral College, a "disaster factor" because of the way they handle and deal with the voting. More people would want to for is right and who would do good for the state. Someone who would listen to what is needed. Not someone who just wants to make everything worst.
But, in a way it is more helpful to organize it. Make the state better, also it let's each party select a slate a electors, who are trusted to vote for the party's nomine. Think about it... do you really think the electors would vote for who they are suppose to vote for? No ! They are independent, they can do whatever they want. But, the trust is rarely betrayed. The Electoral College lacks of democratic pedigree. Why is that? Because of cerainty of outcome, everyone's president, swing states, big states, and avoid run off elections. They all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons.
My point is, is that I truly disagree with the fact of having a Electoral College. You do have some good reasons for it. But, will it help the cizitens as a whole? You have to think out us out here in the real world, not yourselves. Help make the state better by, cutting off the Electoral College and going by the most popular votes that a canidate gets. It will Florida be a sun shine again.
Sinceraly, A Proud Florida citizen 聽 聽 Today, the majority of humans own and operate cell phones on a daily basis.
In essay form, explain if drivers should or should not be able to use cell phones in any capacity while operating a vehicle.
Cell phones haven't been around a long time but they have become a very big part of our daily lives. Phones have went from something you use to just call people, too your very personal computer, up to date will all the new software to make surfing the internet easier. Now, that sounds wonderful but these thing can also so be a huge distraction to many. Especially when they are being used while operating a motor vehicle.
For one thing, using your cell phone causes many distractions for your eyes, your mind, and your actions. It is easily possible for your eyes tom slip off the road. The Tampa Bay Times claim that it "takes seconds to get your eyes off the road and into a car accident". Therefore, instead of your eyes being locked into your phone, they should be focusing in on your speed, the road, and the traffic. At the same time, your mind can only process so much. According to Goldsborough "the human mind is not capable of texting and driving". Other people have also confirmed that " driving is a one mind chore" meaning that the mind cannot to both at the same time. In addition, your mind need to focus on one thing while driving and that is the road. Thus, concentration is important while driving and breaking that concentration causes a risk for an accident.
Secondly, texting while driving not only endangers yourself but other people on the road as well. Texting while driving can limit your response time to something like a car pulling out in front of you, a child or adult walking in front of you, and other things. Texting someone means that you have to put all of your attention into what you are texting which, so if you are driving and texting at the same time you are bound to miss something that you should have been paying attention too or you can hit something that you should have been paying attention too, like a car, animal or even worse a person. A article called "Texting While Driving" states that texting and driving has become a "prominent social issue, and it's the most hazardous practice that risks accidents to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians". A pedestrian can walk onto the road at anytime but it is up to the driver to pay attention to road and avoid endangering his/her and the pedestrian life.
Finally, the numbers speak for themselves, too many accidents have occurred as a result of people texting and driving. People's lives will always be endangered if people feel like the best time to call their mom or girlfriend is when they are driving. If we can just wait until we arrive at our destination before having to pick up the phone while driving then we can avoid a lot more accidents and more lives will be spared. Remember, think before you pull out your phone to text someone while driving because life is to precious and short enough already. Imagine having a Facial Coding System computers that identify's yours or your classmates emotions. How would you feel about having this system in your classroom? Would it be weird? Would it be fun and intersting?