People share a connection with there car weather it be they proposed to someone in it or they had there first kiss in it or it was the first time they went to an amusment park, no mater the case you share a connection with it.
The invention of driverless cars take away that bond because you are not driving a computer is, so a person's bond with a car is as strong as a person's bond with his or here children or husband or wife.
Nothing can beat the connection a person has with there car. It is a proven fact that
80% of kids play a sport in school so that mean that if the school adds one more extracurricular it can lead to many thing. Have you ever played on a sports teams? There is baseball, basketball, football and others but if you have you know that there is practices Monday through Friday and sometimes even on the weekends. But yo know once you get int the season and start playing games it can be stressful and kids are already stressed about school and tests. Do you really think it would be a good idea to add another thing on a kids list that they have to do?
Have you ever though of how much stress a kid has on them for just going to school for day much less activities after class? It is a scientific fact that 90% of students over think almost everything or come home so stressed they can't think straight where they cannot do there homework or projects. Just imagine what they would be like if they had one more thing to go to and worry about and even more work they would have to put in for one extra activity. As a kid did you enjoy going to school and getting homework and then going to your activities and your coaches or teachers give you drills or assignments that you have to complete to get a good grade on or do good in that sport did you every get so stressed from all the work you wanted to give up, how would you feel as a kid if you had one more thing to go to and even more work to add to the things you already how to do would you give up because of how stressed you was?
However, if you was on a sports team and you had homework that you didn't to do because of your game that you had and you had a late night did your grades start to drop? If you said yes what do think it would be like if you had to work on yearbooks or you worked with conceals how much do you think grades would drop then?
I see how it could be good to put kids in new programs but you also have to look and see what could happen like kids being late to class or kids coming to school late because of how late they home or kids falling asleep in class or kids grades dropping. There is so many defects to this where all the positive things don't really matter cause of all the negative things.
Sometimes when kids play on sport teams and they have practices and it could be the same time or close to the same time as the other events and coaches don't like when kids miss the actives and neither do teacher so the kid would get stressed cause he would get in trouble by either one. If kids have practice and then go to a yearbook club or help the consular they would not be getting home in time to get the amount of sleep they need.
In conclusion i disagree because there is so many more negative things than positive. It will cause more stress on students and parents and kids grades could drop and kids would not enjoy being a kid if there was one more extracurricular. So ask yourself how would you feel if you had to be in one more club and ask yourself would you get stressed and and would you wanna give up?      Many people believe that students should be given summer projects that are issued by their teachers. But others believe that students should be the ones to choose what they want to do for their summer projects, many reasons for this are because they will know what subjects they would need to work on over their summer brake.
Having the assignment designed and given to them by their teacher would give the student a chance improve in subject areas that they are struggling in. Studies show that many students have a subject area or class where they are struggling to do the assignments and worksheets given to them. The suumer project assigned to them by their teacher would help with fixing this issue and may even cause the student to become better at the same subject the followin school year.
This would also help prepare students for the next school year by giving students the opportunity to refresh their minds on the classes they took over the previous school year. Many times students come from summer break they completely forget what they have learnt the previos school year. This affects many teacher who have refresh their students memory on cetain topics they have been taught the previos school year. the time spent on refreshing students minds could be used to do smoething else like learning about a new topic in math, biologoy,health or chemistry class and giving more time to prepare for tests and SOLs. This would benifit both teachers and students in that more students would be understanding the topics they are being taught.
Giving students a summer assignment will also show the teacher what the student can accomplish on his/her's own. This how much progress the student has made on their own since the first moment they stepped in the teacher's class.
Teachers should be the ones whom design the summer projects to give students a chance to improve on certain subjects areas where they are struggling. Also giving them a refresher on the classes they took so that they can be ready for the next school year. Inturn this will also show what students can accomplish on their own.We all know that driving makes life easier in terms of getting from point A to point B, but there are also many benefits that come from not driving or maybe not even owning a car. Not driving proves to affect the community in a positive way such as: less polluted air, happier people, and less congestion on the roads.
A study in Paris showed that the less drivers there are on the roads, the less smog there is in the air. France uses diesel and they tend to have more smog than "other European capitals" (par.17) who use gasoline. So by cutting the amount of drivers on the road, it also cut the amount of smog in the air. People used the roads less due to the amount of smog in the air and when there were less poeple on the road, there was also less pollution in the air, making for clearer skies. Also, in the United states, the percentage of people getting their licenses and of those who own cars has gone down in recent years. "If the pattern persists... it will have beneficial implications for carbon emmisions and the enviornment" (par. 34). Just like in Paris, the fewer people driving, the better our enviornment gets as the years go on. Alternatives to driving could be walking, using "public transportation", or biking to get to the places we need to go. These alternatives can help us "save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety" (par. 43) which are not only beneficial to us, but to our enviornment as well.
In Germany, there are certain places where you are not permitted to own a car and if you do, you have to pay $40,000 to be able to park it in a garage along with the payment of your house. Obviously, not many people are going to want to pay that much money, so they get rid of their cars in order to live in those parts of town. Not owning a car can even reduce the stress levels of some poeple and make them happier in the long run. A "mother of two" stated "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (par. 3). So maybe this whole not owning a car thing is not only good for the enviornment around us, but also for our physical and mental well being. Sure, driving is nice, but it can be very stressful when having to deal with all the careless drivers around us and all the rules and responsibilities that driving entails.
Not only will less driving improve our enviornment, it will also result in less congested roads. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog" (par. 14). No one likes having a polluted enviornment around them, and the more pollution there is, the less crowded roads will be. The clearer the roads are, the clearer the skies around us are. In conclusion, driving does have its benefits, but not driving has even more, such as: the ability to keep our enviornment healthy and clean, less congestion on the roads, and happier people all around.      Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home. I agree with this statement because of multiples of reasons why. One of them is what if the kid is sick. Or another reason would be is hat that child is getting bullied by other kid and he can't take the stress of it. The last reason is that the school has the program to help kids who are bad at socializing with the other kids. The reason why I think the kids that are staying at home maybe will shock you.
Well it is kind of a no brainier that some of those kid are sick and don't go to the school. So that they don't make any other kids sick of grossed out by them. I know that seems like mean way of saying it but it is true. At least kids now of days have more compassion with them than make fun of them. But there is some who will make fun kids for no reason at all.
Yes there are kids who get bulled so much that they have to leave the school so that they can have good education. I know why those kid had to leave because I was one of those kids who had to leave. The teacher the students just did not like for some reason It might just be me but I know this much, that the kids did not like me and is fine if they think that way I will live. But others who live at home and do school work all the time he/she will probably never make new friends, see new things, over come challenges,etc.
O the the last reason why some kids want this type of program is socializing.
I know I know you might say "but a lot of kids love socializing that their thing". But have try to really socialize with someone face to face. Most of kids now are own phone or computers talking to people online but not face to face. I think thats why kid and young adults have trouble in the real world. But think with time and effort that can change. But for now we have to deal with bunch of kids who has never seen the light of day.
So in the end I agree to a limited stander. I think that these kids need to have this program. The other part of me says don't it will make them soft and I know am right. It's really hard to decide if I am for it or against it. I guess you have to take some of the good and the bad that why I agree with schools doing it.   Scientists wants to keep on exploring venus even tho it is dangerous. One reason I think they should is because they should get information about things they brealy know about. My second reason is because they might find someuseful things if they keep on studing it. My last reason is because it might not be as dangerous as people make it out to be. These are some reason why scientist should keep studing venus.
In addition I do think that the scientist should keep studying venus for some of these reasons. Reason one is because of the information that they can find id they keep looking into it. My second reason is that they might find some useful information if they keep studing the plant. My last reason is because it might not turn out to be a dangerous place as people say it is.
In conclusion I do think its a good idea for people to keep studing venus. My first reason was because it could give the scientist more information on the plant. My second reason was they might find some useful information that coild help them. My last reason was venus might not be a dangerous place as people make it out to be. So i think this is why some scientist should study venus more.Are driverless cars really what our world needs? In my personal opinion i don't think we should waste our money on driverless cars. There are many reasons that this is not a safe idea and it should not take place. Do you want a "robot" having your life in its hands?
The type of driverless cars that have been put to test will end up costing us alot of money that we don't have to waste. Also technology has failed us numeroumous of times and putting our life in its hands is not such a good idea. No matter how much money we spend on this technology to keep us safe there is a possibilty it will fail us. Just like if you were to go buy the new iphone, peopl e say it is the best working phone on the market but they tend to break on you, burn out, and all these other things no matter how new it is. If you can't trust a phone with such little duties why would you want a computer operated car doing so? These driverlesss cars still need humans to be fully active and responsive. If this is the case then humans should just continue driving themselves. I understand that some peopl ebelive this will reduce the number of accidents that happen but a computer is just as obligated to make mistakes just like humans and maybe more. Sometimes computers do this thing where thye juist shut down on you no warnings or anything and what if this was to happen on a highway with this new driverless cars people are wanting to invent? There is no way to really hold anyone responsible for an accident in such manner. The driver has little control over what happens and the manufacturers will not want to take responsibilty because they want to keep their money in their pockets. I feel as if we could be spending our time on better and more important things. My question is why fix something that isn't broken?
In my honest opinion driverless cars are not needed and are trully a waste of our well hard worked for money. There are other things int hie world right now that could use the time and money we are going to waste on such project. The cars we have now are getting the job we need done. If people don't want to drive that is why we have busses, taxis, ubers, and trains for. Getting driverless cars will put people out of a job because companies wouldn't have to pay a car to do its job and this will put more people on our streets. To be honest it might even casue more problems is other areas like murder, robbery, and ect. We have to take a look at all aspects of this decision we are making as a nation. Look at it as if it was you loosing a job or put yourself in a situation where you driverless car causes you or a loved one a life beacuse computers are not as reliable as people may belive. Driverless cars are a bad idea and we should think long term about devloping these cars and puting them on our roads.I believe that we, the people, should elect our presidens by popular vote. Altough all 48 presidents have been elected by Electoral College, I think its time for some change.
In the second source, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumber, he states that voters vote not for the president but for a slate of eletors. These electors are just simply pledged to whom the voters vote for. The people have no control who their electors really vote for.
Now others like in our third source, "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" written by  Richard A. Posner, believe that when we vote for that slate of electors, we can "trust" that they will vote for the president the people voted for. In my opinon, I urge you to ask yourself. Can you really trust these electors? How do we know they will vote for the president the people really want? How do we know they won't ignore our votes? How can we trust these electors? Just like what Bradford Plumber said, "Consider that state legislatures are technically resposible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people."
To some, the electoral college is unfair because of the winner-take-all system in each state. Candidates usually only go to "swing" states. "Swing" sates are states with tight races. This, if fact, is not fair at all because some states don't even get to see the candidates. In our second source, it clearly states that in he 2000 campaigne, 17 states didn't see the candidates at all.
In the third source, it states, "....Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaigne... They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters...". I completely disagee with this because what mathematial, tangible, or hard core evidense is there to physically prove that the people in toss-up sates are more thoughful that the people who aren't. I think that candidates should go to states that have more people that are the opposite party.
So with this said, I think Electoral College should be no more and we should elect our presidents by popular vote. Thank you and have a wonderful day. There are many advantages to limiting car usage. It is better for the environment, it is safer, and it cost people less in the stuggling economy.
To begin, limiting the usage of cars is a advantage because it is better for the environment. For example, "...Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" (Duffer). It is sad that there is so much pollution in the air that car usage has to be stopped in order for the smog in the air to decrease. After five days of smog, congestion was down by sixty percent in the capital of France. Obviously, limiting car usage is extremely better for the environment.
In addition, the less you use cars, the safer your community is. For example, Heidrun Walter "...walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chattering of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor" (Rosenthal). Children coul not be wandering aroundif there were cars on the road. There are accidents all the time where children and adults get struck by cars even when they are trying to be safe. Obviously, if cars are not on the road, it will be safer for everyone.
Finally, limiting car usage saves people money. Actually, "...Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by" (Rosenthal). The less that cars are used, the less gas people have to pay for and so they will save their hard earned money. If people stop using their vehicles, then they will be more likely to sell the car, and then they will make money in the long run. If the trend continues, fewer and fewer people will use their money to buy cars. Clearly, limiting car usage allows people to spend less money.
To conclude, limitng the usage of vehicles as transportation is an extremely good idea because it is better for the environment, it is saer, and it costs people less money.   I reconsider that are principal should let us eight graders bring are cell phones to school and allow us to use them at all time except during class. I think if are principle allow us to use are phones all eight grader will probably appreciated what the principle will let us do . I think the reason why are principle wont let us use are phone is because there afraid that if someone phones get stolen or lost the school would have to be responsible for it or be in charge. Also a lot of teachers recommend us students not to use them during class or any were else, Because a lot of teachers have said that we shouldn't because if we were to use are cell phones a lot of people wouldn't be pay attention or follow direction or doing any class work like were suppose to be doing. Also i think because if we were to use our cell phones we would pay more attention to our phones then our work, and also it will be ringing and disturbing the class when most students wanna learn.The Electoral College has been used since the time of the Founding Fathers. "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and the President of a popular vote of qualifed citizens." (
the Office of the Federal Register
, 1). The process of the Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, meeting  of the electors, and the coutning of Congress' electoral votes. The electoral College requires a majority vote of 270 to elect a President and your state is entitled to the allotment of electors. Even the Electoral College has a few flaws in its system, such as when voters vote in the election, they actually vote for the slate of electors, and "the single best argument against the Electoral College is what we call the disaster factor."(Plumer, 11).
The Electoral is critisized as a system that only seems to fit in the past and doesn't belong in the present, not democratic in a modern sense, the electors elect the president, not the people, even with the critisism it have recieved over the past years, it has stayed here and is still being used. "There are five reasons for retaining the Electoral College despite its lack of democratic predigree; all are practial reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons."(Posner, 17). The certainty of Outcome, it's very unlikely to have a dispute over the popular vote. Because most states are award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, the slightest plurality in a state can createa landslide electoral-vote victory in that state, there is a possiblity of a tie, but it is very unlikely. A presidential candidate is required to have a transregional appeal, no region has enought votes to elect a president themselves. A candidate is highly unlikely to become a sucessful president with only just a regional appeal, the candidate must have appeal to throughout the country to become everyone's president. Swing states have voters that are more likely to pay attention to the campaign and recieved the most attention from the candidates. "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast." (22). The Electoral College reduces the pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast.
"Under the Electoral College System, voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who elect the president instead."(Plumer, 10). The best arugment against the Electoral College is the Disaster Factor. The 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in the country but the system can allow for much worse to come. State legislatures are responsible for picking electors, and those electors can defy the will of the American people. In 1960, Lousiana's segregations almost succeeded in replacing Democratic electors with new ones that would oppose John F. Kennedy, the candidate running for president at the time. There is always a chance of a state sending two slates of electors to Congress, it had happen in Hawaii in 1960. Vice President Richard Nixon validated only his opponent's electors. This can very well happen again. The Electoral College is unfair to voters, bexcause of the winner-take-all system in almost all states, the candidates don't spend much time on states that they knew they have no chance of succeeding.
"It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off  potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state- Democrats in Texas, or Republicans in California, for example." (23) Voters in presidential elections are people who don't think that a single vote can decide the swing of an election but they want to express a poltical reference. Even with its flaws of the Electoral College, the pros of it are just much greater and outweighs than the pros of going against the Electoral College.           Have you ever had an important decision to make? To make this decision you needed to ask for advice on what you should do. How many people are you going to ask until you decide what your going to do? Always make sure you ask more than one person before making a final decision. Looking at many different opinions makes it easier for you to make the right choice.
Making the right choice is not always easy, but asking a friend what they would do always makes it a little easier to make. Just be sure you do not just ask one friend what you should do, ask multiple instead. The advice your friends give you may not always be the same, and seeing all the different answers can help you see all the different possibilities. After being given all different kinds of advice you may make a different decision than you would have before. Some of the advice you are given may also be biased, so make sure you do not just go off that one piece advice and it cause you to make the wrong decision.
Nobody wants to make the wrong decision and seeking multiple opinions can help prevent them. After hearing every ones opinions you will be confident with your answer. If your not confident with what you should do, ask more people for advice. Asking for advice from many people will give you the confidence to make the right choice. It is also easier to make a decision if you go off of your friends and family's suggestions.
Confidence is not the only thing a variety of advice can give you, it is also calming. You may be very stressed out with the decision you have to make. So, you are frantically searching for advice. Your friends tell you what they would do, and then you have an idea. You figured out what to do using a variety of opinions from your friends and all your family.
Using multiple opinions and and a lot of advice always helps someone make the right decision. It may be hard at first to, but after seeking advice it will lead you in the right direction. It is never good to just go off one piece of advice. Make sure you go off the full picture. Looking at many different opinions makes it easier for you to make the right choice. In 2013, BMW announces the development of the "Traffic Jam Assistant". Been able to be comfortable and easier to drive but the driver has to be careful while driving. Be aware of everything that is going on the road; and we're the one who takes care of the car and not the car protecting us or feel more safer. I honestly think that we're the thinking more of the fashion or the style of the cars, and become more less careful on the protection of our own. We have to think more of the protection and make cars more safer to feel and comfortable. The driver is not going to feel safer, but it's also going to convince the driver to drive more safer. According to "driverless cars are coming' people are going to focus on laws that is going to keep drivers,passengers,and pedestrians safe. More cars are going to make and more style are going to make; but I also want to be safe when I'm in a car. You should join the Seagoing Cowboy and UNRRA program because you get to see many unique places. Another reason is you get to help people by getting them food and helping them stay alive. Another reason is you get to help hungry soldiers thatare helping our country. In the passage Luke wanted to join the program not just to help people but to see all the amazing places in the story Luke said his favorite place was Greece. You could also see some amazing animals along the way.
Luke liked Greece and the other places so much is in Greece he liked Acropolis. He liked the other places but Greece was his favorite. He also went on nine trips! The most of any Seagoing Cowboys. He also had to clean the stalls of the lower levels of the ship sometimes. One day he had to stop working for a couple of days because of cracked ribs because of flying overboard. The best part of being a Seagoing Cowboy is having fun. The cowboys played baseball,volleyball,and table-tennis and alot of other things too but Luke really loved being a Seagoing Cowboy. Would students benefit from taking online classes from home?
Modern technology has made tremendous leaps of growth in the past two decades, regarding accessibility to class work and instruction over the Internet. Within school systems, controversy has emerged over whether students would benefit from being able to attend school from home, through an online program or video-conference calls. Although some view online classes as a source of increased procrastination and growth of anti-social tendencies, online classes would effectively help students to reduce stress, allow them to also prioritize hobbies and passions, as well as compel the students to develop skills and traits to succeed.
Ability for students to take online courses would firstly, help students reduce their stress and academic burdens. High school students must wake up quite early in the morning (typically before dawn), prepare for school,
and drive through several minutes of traffic to arrive early: just to sit in various classrooms for ninety minutes at a time, completing classwork and receiving additional homework. How much more convenient it would be for some students to wake up whenever their body indicates it is adequately rested, get a healthy meal for breakfast, and work at their own pace in the comfort of their home. Such a relaxed schedule would be beneficial, especially for senior students in high school. Throughout the year, their minds are focused on completing college applications, applying for financial aid, sending in SAT scores and college transcripts. Taking online courses from home would allow those students to attend to their other responsibilities and manage classwork at their own convenience. In addition, some students, unfortunately, get bullied in school by their classmates. Studying at home would allow victims of bullying to be in their safe haven, away from those who oppress them and ridicule them for being different. Often times, high school students worry that colleges would view their decision to take online classes as lazy or careless, however, I have heard that colleges value how challenging the class is, the effort put in, and how well-rounded the student is. Furthermore, enrolling in online courses would improve the mental and physical health of students.
Additionally, students would benefit form being able to attend school classes from home because it allows them to also prioritize their hobbies, passions and fulfill duties for the family. In the novel,
by Tara Westover, Tara's family did not allow her to go to public schools that were endorsed by the government. Instead, Tara was home schooled, inconsistently, by her mother, through her middle school years; but she primarily worked with her brothers and father in a junkyard. Westover and her family lived a simple, somewhat poor lifestyle in the mountains of Utah. Some families suffer from the same burdens and need their children to work on the farm or in the shop with them. Rather than quitting school altogether, the children could take online courses to receive the education required to build a better life for themselves, while at the same time, helping their family.