stringlengths 0
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Sentence 1: to hold onto what 's left of his passe " chopsocky glory | 00
entence 41: it would be great to see this| urd squashed under a truck , preferably| semi. | 00
giente be os pee | 00
‘Sentence 1: hawaiian shirt | 11
Savion 1: de chgretirs send Uke sua pple | 11
Sentence |: | 11
sentence. t-by. the: time. the’ plot! grinds’ itsatt Lit in in¢reasindly. incoherent fashion | 00
Sentence 1: are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and luttimately redeem their mentally * superior " Hriends , family ... | 11
e | 11
Senterice 4: secn. to’ better: advantage: on.“cable..; ‘especially considering its barely : | 00
Sentence I:divectar michael cacoyannis | 11
Sentéence'1:-4§ painfully foolish. in-trVing. to hold - onto’ -what “'s “leit: “of: chopsocky’ glory | 00
Sentence 1: a vibrant , colorful , semimusical rendition | 11
Sentence’ ae ‘marveling *-at these guys . superhuman cdpacity.to withstand pain | 11
Sentence 1: trying to set the women 's liberation movement back 20 years | 00
Shits and pieces of the not chick ate'so iarious , | 11
Sentence tthe filmi bright ond flashy inal he right woys | 11
Sentence } undermines the possibility for on @xplorotion of the thornier aspects of the ngture/ nurture argument in regards | 00
‘sentence t have returned from the beyond to warn you v | 00
Sentence 1: exudes the urbane sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . | 11
Sentence 1: unique and entertaining | 11
Sentence 1: vastly entert | 11
Sentence t such a mountain of clichés. anc Gorrowed image | 00
Sentence 4: it Gil unfolds brediclibly | 00
Sentence 1: three-hour cinema master class | 11
Sentence high drama ; disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuing his castte in the shy | 11
Sentence #: many tense scenes in trapped | 11
Sentence. 1: to -.a- tragedy which: is somehow guessable’ from the: first, few.:minutes.,.maybe because ‘it.'echoes... the: by: now. intolerable morbidity Of ‘SO many, recent 3 movies | 00
Sentence 1: rotten in gimost every single facet of production that you Il, want to crawl up your ewn ** im embarrassment | 00
sentence 1:0 torn book jacket | 11
‘Sentence tis the refreshingly unhibited enthnusianm | 11
Sentence 1: a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg | 00
Sentence 1: eventful | 11
‘Sentence s: "* analyze that "is one of those crass , contrived ‘sequels that not only fails on ts own , but makes you second- guess your affection for thi. griginal . | 00
Sentence 1: Providing an experi that is richer than anticipated | 11
Sentence i: féssenden his nurtured his metaphors af the expense of his narrative; but he does display an original talent | 11
Sentence t owsh | 11
Seance praiticly ever acl of ep liming | 00
Sentence 1: has neither the charisma nor the natural affability that has made tucker a star | 00
Sentence 1: low-rent retread | 00
Sentence 1: yet unforgivingly inconsistent | 00
Sentence 1: well-intentioned | 11
is expressly for idiots who do n't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance | 00
Sentence t elevated by michael caine 's perFormance | 11
‘Sentence 1: malcolm medowell & cool. | 11
Sentence 1: this family film sequel is plenty of fun forall. | 11
Sentence 1: with guns , expensive cars , lots of naked women and rocawear clothing * | 11
‘Sentence t halfwit plot | 00
Sentence 1: a kind | 11
Sentence 1: jackass is a vulgar and cheap- looking version of candid camera staged for the marquis de sade set | 00
Sentence 1: the choices | 11
Sentence 1: even if you ‘té an alvis person -you wo n'f-find anything to get: éxcited about on thisdvd | 00
Sentence 1:, not-nearly - as-nasty - as-it | 00
@ huge fan of hey amold | Sentence 1: i am riot gener cartoons derived from tv shows, | 11
Sentence I: a severe case of hollywood-itis | 00
‘Sentence &, flat drama | 00
Senitence 1:the filrn has din‘infectious enthusiasm and we ‘re touched’ by the film 's conviction that all life:centered’ on that place,, that time and that sport | 11
Sentence 1: its courage. ideas. technical proticiency | 11
Sentence 1: is the director's talent . | 11
‘Sentence 1: first real masterpiece | 11
Sentence 1: so vividly that the artigt 's work may take on a striking new signifi e for anyone who sees the film | 11
Sentence t as jolie 's hideous yelow * do | 00
Sentence 4 they. ob a remarkable ability. to. document both. oes: af “this motuonal & cor: wreck. | 11
Sentence 1:a fragile framework | 00
Sentence 1: pack your knitting needles * | 00
‘Sentence t that you root for throughout | 11
Sentence &: ju more stately” any. Contemporary movie this year. a | 11
Sentence 200m! | 11
Sentence 1zhe humaniing stuff that will probably sink the film for anyone who does n't think about percentages all day long | 00
Sentence 1: it establishes its ominous mood and tension swifily , and | 11
‘Sefitence 1+. it! makes ever ison x 2°-took’ “positively stiakespere'aniby Sicomparisoni : | 00
Sentence 1:“ besotted " is misbegotten | 00
Sentence 1: frustrates | 00
nol a_ trace vathy Sentence 1: of humanily or « | 00
Sentence: t's kidman -who “hoids' thie Film together “with,..a-, ‘supreinely. . -kittenish Performance. that, gradually “accumulates more layers: | 11
Sentence I: elegant , mannered and teasing | 11
‘Sentence 1 modest , crowd-pleasing goals of | 11
Sentence 1: get to its subjects * deaths just so the documentary will be over | 00
Sentence {sis a movia that is what itis =a pleasant distraction , a friday night diversion , an excuse to ext pocorn | 11
‘Sestetice 1: watching the proverbial paint dry | 00
Sentence 1: unambitious writing | 00
Sentence £ wisly over | 00
Sentence Wor no one | 00
Sentence 1: may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg 's work | 11
Sentence k central flaw | 00
Sentence 1: often shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate mothers. | 11
Sentence 1: they grow up and you can wait till then | 00
Sentence 1: communicate the truth of the world around him id * * | 11
Santence:t convincing intelligence | 11
Sentence t enjoyed it | 11
Sentence I: ftlowness'- | 00