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Sentence zand.poorly-constructed comedy | 00
sentence t: so much crypt mist in the brain | 00
eromnce tcksevers welt sian i HIN werves My | 11
Sentence i: de niro and murphy make showtime the most savory and. hilarious guilty pleasuré of many. a recent. movie season. | 11
Sentence 1: of:delightful. hand: ‘shadows | 11
Sentence he film shatters you in waves | 11
Sentence 1: wish you had n't seen | 00
Sentence &: the film is viwuolly dazzling | 11
Sentence 1: there are’ some movies that. hit-you from the first scene and you know it's going to bea trip . a | 11
Sentence 1: a step further , | 11
Sentence 1: a stultifyingiy obvious‘one | 00
tence to simple andthe working out ofthe pa almost arbitrary | 00
Sentence 4: keep the movie, slaloming, through its hackneyed elements with enjoyable ease. * | 11
Sentence 1: it does n't work as either . | 00
‘Sentence 1: unaware | 00
Sentence 1: reading an oversized picture book before bedtime | 11
Sentence: 1; is about as” interesting as a° recérding’ of conversations, at the’ wal-mart: checkoutline | 00
Sentence 1: be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ~ analyze this ' ( 1999 ) and ~ gnalyze that , ' promised ( or threaten ) for tai this year | 00
mtence I: a misdemeanor , a flat , nconvincing drama that never atches fire | 00
Sentenée 1: going to take you | 11
jentence 1: | 00
‘Séritence ‘ a squlstiring dotimetary-abauit the israel palestinian’ conflict. as, revealed’ through: the. eyes' of some cchildréf who-+émain clirious “about éach other. against’ all odds: 7 a | 11
Sentence 1: ve got to love a dimey pic with alittle ceanage a this ome as , and a hereine a3 feisty and principled as ane | 11
Sentence 1: be why it 's so. successful at lodging itself-in the brain ~ | 11
Sentence: 1: stays + clo’ ground | 11
tative for Sentence 1: contrived and exploit small and the art houses and too cynical , decadent for the malls . — lO _ eee | 00
Sentence 1: it's provocative stuff, | 11
Sentence 1: an all-around good time | 11
Sentence 1: and totally disorientated | 00
Sentence ‘t joyous romp of a film | 11
Sentence 1: of the rarest kinds of films | 11
Sentence’ 1: two ‘tedious acts light on great scares and a good surprise ending . | 11
Sentence: may be the performances their careers | 11
Sentence 1: of the whole dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects | 00
Sentence k represents two of those well spent | 11
Sentence 1: of the worst titles in recent cinematic history | 00
Sentence 1: the unmistakable stamp of authority | 11
‘Saxtncab wich wavs the par acing by Me ean cat. he Mot dag 2, wmcenk het ar Tae gees Seat Dy tare puller | 00
Seatencs & dick ivhy read mori ‘that ‘onstanily, defies expectation” 7 * | 11
Sentence 1: 's also built on a fauley premise , one it follows into melodrama and silliness . | 00
is delicate. coming-of-agé:tale a. | 11
Sentence 1: of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller | 11
Serene a wondartlly spramding | 11
Sentence 4: gives a human face to what 's often discussed in purely abstract terms . | 11
Sentence k you. would ‘nit: “want to live.., ‘waydowntowni; but it isva’ hilarious ‘place to visit, “ | 11
Sentence t the enterprise | 11
Sentence I: mundane ‘70s disaster flick | 00
Sentence 1: several survivors , | 11
Sentence 4:' is banal in its message and the choice of material to convey it. | 00
Sentence 1: the giris-behaving-badly film has fallen | 00
Sertence # fn | 11
Sentence 1: the film belongs to the marvelous verdu_, a sexy slip of an earth mother mho mourns her tragedies in private and embraces life in’ public | 11
"Sentence 4; morgen anid:nanette burstein. | 11
Sentence 1: preserving a sense of mystery | 11
Sentence *:in space , no one can hear you snore | 00
Seaience that er cally bets out fit anny ite <a tase S | 00
‘Sentence 1! drunken | 00
Sentence :a little more intensity and a little less charm would have saved this fim a world of hurt. | 00
Sentence 1: read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love. | 11
Sentences t such fresh territory | 11
Sentence: , the: film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing - | 00
Sentence {: suspenseful spin | 11
t the novel | 11
‘Seritence tin excellent companisn piéce | 11
Sentence 1: this is a monumental achievement in Practically every facet of inept filmmaking : joyless , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and often downright creepy . | 00
Sentence 1: veers like a drunken driver through heavy traffic | 00
Sentence t was nit all that great to begin with | 00
Sentence’: jerking off. in. “all byzantine incarnations. : | 00
1: is pretty damned funny . | 11
Sentence psychotic | 00
Sentence 1:in a fresh way | 11
‘Seritence J: with a’ flautist | 11
‘Sentence i: is listiess.; witless ,'and devoid of anything resembling humor | 00
Sentence 1: to sleep or bewildered by the arisy and offen pointless visuals | 00
Sentence 1: most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars | 11
Sentence I: to pack raw dough in my.cars | 00
Sentence I: of good acting | 11
Sentence I: of loss | 00
Sentence jgnter the fit Narous | 11
Sentence 1:a lot going for it , not least the brillant performances by testu | 11
Sentence t:0ut ofeach | 00
Sentence I: generosity | 11
Sentence 1: kapur 's contradictory feelings about his material result in a movie that works against itself. | 00
Sentence 1: made by a proper , middle-aged woman | 11
Sentence 1: elling and kjell biarne become symbolic characters whose actions are supposed to relate something about the naif's encounter with the world . | 00
‘Sentence 2 quaint | 11
‘Sentence i morvern rocks . | 11
Sentence -1: , ‘all-over:the-map movie would be a lot better if it pared down its plots and characters to a few rather-than dozens..:. or if it were subtler ... or if.it had asense of humor’. | 00
Sentence 1% cascade over the screen effortlessly | 11
‘Sentence 1: 05 on articulate , grown-up voice in ofricon- ‘omerican cinema | 11
Sentence tis one of those rare pictures | 11
Sentence 'I: to probe questigge Hfggttraction and interdependence. ‘€ o” | 11