### Human: Here is a summary written by student f2f9118fc29f for prompt 3b9047: 'How the different social classes were involved in the government was that the peasants, farmers, and slaves would be helping in a way with building structures. I know this because in the text it states that ”During long periods of peace, soldiers also supervised the peasants, farmers, and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and palaces.”'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f2fb62f33208 for prompt ebad26: 'The company would cover up spoiled meat by pumping a strong pickle odor. To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty percent.”'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0888824040334871 and the wording score is -0.594710121694779.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f305425b8578 for prompt 39c16e: 'The character has to be morally gray, but must have a downfall at some point, bad things have to happen that make the characters relateable in terms of tragedy and development, and they must present a lesson to be learned from the story.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.822578419475809 and the wording score is -0.284195239538939.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f305c434df95 for prompt 814d6b: 'Jones started the first day of the experiment emphasizing simple things like proper seating, and drilled the students extensively until they got it right. He then proceeded to enforce strict classroom discipline by emerging as an authoritarian figure. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f313c9c7238a for prompt 39c16e: '3 elements of an ideal tragedy are the mistake that was made to start the tragedy. The tragedy should start off good and end badly, and the mistake is usually something that can be relatable to.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.671590083884143 and the wording score is -0.49817790792161.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3370e88123a for prompt 3b9047: 'They were differen't because the lowest social class was "The bottom of the heap", and as it says " were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war." so that shows that the lowest social class was treated horribly and were slaves and farmers. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.62764732431351 and the wording score is -0.125597133679325.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f33ab01f0930 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of government was like a pyramid, the more important social classes were at the top and were smaller and the larger social classes were less important. The different social classes were involved in the government because the lower classes such as slaves would do more physical work and pay taxes and after they paid taxes they would save money so their sons and daughters could go to trade school so they could move up the economic ladder. Whereas the higher social classes do less physical work and more decision making and supervising and don't have to save as much money for their children to go to school and their children probably start higher on the economic ladder. I found this in paragraph 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.472643068199 and the wording score is 2.29982635047429.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f33ccd5e81a6 for prompt 814d6b: 'Mr.Jones wanted to try and experiment to see if people would follow the crowd or not. People liked the way the third way was working and it gradualy became more and more popular so more kids wanted to join. There became rules for joing saluting to one and other. they started to think they were better than everyone else. Mr.Jones saw this becoming out of control so he said the leader of the movment would make an announcement on T.V. the next day. Instead of a leader Mr. Jones told them how they followed the crowed and became cocky in a way.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.440019660878631 and the wording score is 1.13326300065856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f341281478a3 for prompt ebad26: 'In the passage they say ther to can it or else to chop it up into sausage. With what had been told them by Jonas, who had worked in the pickle rooms, they could now study the whole of the spoiled-meat industry on the inside, and read a new and grim meaning into that old Packingtown jest—that they use everything of the pig except the squeal.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.45143699301711 and the wording score is -1.2538256898768.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f34929cf05b7 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy should be complex and intimate with the audience. Tragedies should have somthing along the lines of the downfall of the protagonists and the rise of evil and trickery and lastly the plot should begin good for the hero and have the situation desend until it hits rock bottom. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f353c6efa43c for prompt 39c16e: ' Three elements of an ideal tragedy, as described by Aristotle are imitating actions that excite pity and fear. At the end of the play, we should feel remorse for the tragic hero. It should neither be a virtuous man going from prosperity to adversity or a man going from adversity to prosperity. The loss of a villain should also not be exhibited, for it does not inspire pity nor fear. The plot should be singular, not double. It should result in an error or frailty, not a vice. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.467721989566616 and the wording score is -0.0856529291942516.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f35e983cbc74 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the Egyptain system of governmentand how diffrent the social classes were are involved in government . The people that were more valubule worked on the top floor like the nobles and priests and the vizer. Then we have the middle floor witch holds the physicians and craftsmen/women, and the last floor holds slaves and farmers. "powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.168225651366535 and the wording score is 0.0376423655330801.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3600c2d055b for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would cover up spoiled meat by canning it or chopping it up into sausage. "Whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else. either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage."( Sinclair) '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.810573548933394 and the wording score is -1.465819254359.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f36462923c78 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because so many students conformed to it and followed it so quickly and seriously. The experiment was ended when too many students had joined the movement and become so committed. Because of that, Jones decided to terminate the experiment. It was getting out of hand.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f37ac35fc322 for prompt ebad26: 'To cover up spoiled meat, the factory would try to get rid of the smell by rubbing it with soda, if meat had gone bad thay would extact the bad part and sell the meat as first grade pork, boneless hams are filled with all the odds and ends of pork, and skinned hams made of the oldest hogs that were prepared and labeled as ¨head cheese¨.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.602425328608776 and the wording score is -1.03984302149413.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f38815e4577c for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tragedy are plot, character, and spectacle. Plot is very important as it is the foundation of the story, and character is also an important element as characters are usually the main focus of the story being told. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.328150986113429 and the wording score is -0.248892428406657.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f38a4a9c80cc for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle for a tradgedy to be an ideal tradgedy the story must contain 1 complex plot line, the main character's line must start in good fortune end in bad fortune, and the main character must not be perfectly good nor evil. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.622128358225622 and the wording score is -1.33690664951246.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3925dca3be5 for prompt ebad26: 'Various ways the factory would use or cover up spoiled meat would be to douse the meat with borax & glycerin, etc. The text states, "...a man could fill a ham with pickle in a few seconds... To pump into these packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor... Europe sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white -- it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into hoppers". This explains how disgusting and unsanitary the meat idustry was/is. It also shows how meat industries would do anything to stay in business. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559070107442079 and the wording score is -0.634924456786451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f39e6f19d803 for prompt ebad26: 'One way the factory would cover up the spoiled meat would be to put other meats in there. In the text it states," There were the butt-ends of smoked, meat, and the scraps of corned beef...". this shows that the food was not heathy. this also shows that the food was not clean. all in all they put other scraps in food to make spoiled meat sale.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f39f9258eefb for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave developed over such period of time because the kids, Ron jones picked were already in a rebelious state, and the kids who liked the group, will spread it around with the other kids'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.10432093217663 and the wording score is -0.115068299600731.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3a03ae305c8 for prompt 3b9047: 'The system is like a a poll in the society , why because it was posibble to move up in the system but still possible to go down eaning they could change any minute if they didnt do thier jobs '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.09352270025638 and the wording score is -1.42199155877431.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3a61173e882 for prompt 3b9047: 'In paragraph 6, it says that right below the pharaoh in status, were the powerful nobles and priests. Only the nobles could hold up government posts. The middle classes were physicians and the craftsmen. The lower classes are the farmers, and the slaves. In paragraph 11, it says "slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war." Also, in paragraph 12 it says, "Farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals13 and reservoirs14 in good order, worked in the stone quarries,15 and built the royal monuments." They all are involved in the government because they all play a role.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.376373871691152 and the wording score is 0.463618598397948.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3b56069f95b for prompt 39c16e: 'the specific effect of Tragedy will be produced. A perfect tragedy should, as we have seen, be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3ba7edf7f18 for prompt 3b9047: 'Ancient egypt's social struture was very different then anyone else. Like in paragraph 13 it says "Social mobility16 was not impossible. A small number of peasants and farmers moved up the economic ladder."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.819248357761036 and the wording score is -0.63104096568684.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3d4712f69ad for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use various ways to cover up the spoiled meat. They would chop it up into sausage, Rub it with soda to take off the smell, Sell it on the free lunch counters. "how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters" "whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage. " They would do this so they could still profit from the meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.142036717295162 and the wording score is -0.289106763498329.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3d80cb7aac4 for prompt 814d6b: 'Ron Jones dicided to do an experament on his social studies class, becasue they did not beleive how people did not see how the Germans acted.So he called it the third wave Jones made everyone do seating drills and say his name when ever they had a question. He was showing them that its easy to be brainwashed sone he had 200 people in the movement and it was starting to be to much. Kids that wernt in the movment would be looked down at. So jones decided to end it he said it was a natiol thing and It will be said at a rally and told everyone to go there. It turns out though that at that speech he says it was just and experiment and you were part of it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.56745378480866 and the wording score is 0.456121746805323.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3dc074fe0a0 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system of government was strutctured as an pyrimind. For example , in the first paragraph it states , "Eygptian society was structure like a ptrimind. At the top were the gods such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis." However they also had human beings as gods as well for instance, the auother states in paragraph 2 ,"The Eygptians also elevated human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaoahs, were believed to be gods in human form." Then they had everyone else under thoes people such as powerful nobles and priests , and under them were physicans and craftsmen and women , and at the very bottom were slaves and farmers. Therefore , the ancient Eygiptian system of government was structureed as an pyrimind and the social classes were each part of the pyrimind.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.231350320224 and the wording score is 0.194346084193558.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3dcb50689fe for prompt 3b9047: 'The different social classes played a part in each way shape or form. By having different social classes you show how people are supposed to act towards different people.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.34853953402243 and the wording score is -0.158314617178373.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3dcd722047b for prompt 39c16e: ' An ideal tragedy should be arranged on a complex plan, imitate actions which invoke pity and fear, and should not follow a change of fortune brought to a man by his virtues and persistence.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.511077210733313 and the wording score is -1.58911454908633.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3e6a3eb1448 for prompt 39c16e: 'A perfect tragedy would be one that would start out good and then leave on a bad note. The main character would have to be a "good man" who's life had to be turned upside down by a tragic event. It needs to have strong characters and not ones that would chicken out of something or easily be persuaded. The story should insite fear and pity in the audience because of the fear that the "ordinary man" could be them.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.86195227725087 and the wording score is 2.05707665151127.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3e85acd8c7b for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian social structure was shaped like a pyramid. Gods were believed to control the universe. So they were to be kept happy. Pharaohs were believed to be gods in human form. Because of this, they were entrusted with many responsibilities. Nobles held government posts. Priests were held responsible for pleasing gods. Soldiers in time of war fought in said wars. In long periods of peace, they supervised those below them. Craftsmen/women made and sold products. Merchants and storekeepers sold goods to the public. Farmers played a big role in Egyptian society by tending to crops, working in quarries, and paying most of the taxes. Slaves were at the bottom of the structure. Being held prisoners and forced to work tirelessly.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.71792100007032 and the wording score is -0.270801605177487.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f3f9254d864c for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave was developing very fast just over a short period of time because the students were not only following the rules set inside the class, but also outside. This gave the attention of a union being created by students that other students wanted to be included in. By initiating more and more students daily that were easily following the rules, the experiment had to be stopped. The Third Wave was just meant to be an experiment for Mr. Jones's class to understand how easy it is to enforce an idea on someone and make them believe and continue to spread it. The experiment obviously worked because it was becoming too big to handle and had to be stopped. By calling an assembly, Jones was easily able to get all the members in one room to understand how easy it was to control them and to spread his power. Now that they understand the experiment's purpose, it had to be stopped before it got any bigger.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.89374158037311 and the wording score is 3.52067587446307.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f40761526604 for prompt 3b9047: 'The social classes were different because the poor people usually got the worst punishment and never really got an easy way out but the upperclassmen were more able to go about their day freely if they did something bad because of their social class. In the text, "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles." That meaning that slaves usually had to work harder for things than the free people did and who were richer.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0611800753455022 and the wording score is 0.624205808158036.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4094ca2558a for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient Egyption system of government i would summarize as fair but mean because the system was like a pyramid gods at the top and slaves at the bottom. That is it thank you.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f40b0676b139 for prompt ebad26: '¨Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters; also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose.¨ They tampered with the meat to cover up the rotting smell.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.264198440931508 and the wording score is -1.25021232938379.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f40c218314f6 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of a good tragedy, as described by Aristotle, are change in fortune from good to bad, have a single issue, and the change of fortune should come due to an error made by the character.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.901921666808857 and the wording score is -0.916547726766798.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4122565a964 for prompt 3b9047: 'at the top of the pyrumid was the pharohs. they were known as the thing closest to the gods and they had lots of power. under the pharoh were the noble aims/ preists. in the text under noble aims it said that "Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods." under the noble aims were he soldiers. in the text it said "Soldiers fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings." and during the time of peace the would upervise the "peasants, farmers, and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and palaces." at the very bottom of the structures were slaves and farmes. in the text it said the slaves were " being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles." the farmers were responsible for "tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order, worked in the stone quarries, and built the royal monuments." it said that "Farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of their yearly harvest—that’s a lot of hay!" that was the social structe that ancient egypt used.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.660172751745663 and the wording score is 0.377615218703373.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4125f088af2 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy consist of something good happens to the charactere to something bad happens to the character. A second element that consists of an ideal tragady is that the plot should be simple, but complex at the sametime. Lastly, all ideal tragedies have the character highly renowned and prsperous.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.173157079050488 and the wording score is -0.12851955373824.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f41584feb30a for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave developed over a short peroid of time so well becuase, someone in authority gave them small things to do. They listened and just got used to doing them. Soon more students cuast on and decided to join. The expiremnt was ended becuase students started to feel like they should report those who did not do as they were told.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f41c0397223f for prompt 3b9047: 'Differen social classes were involved in this government because ancient Egypt was composed of several social classes ranging from live lived in slave to positions of abso power. That is why I think soc classes were involved in this government.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f428cc8199c9 for prompt 39c16e: 'The perfect strategy, which should be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan. The well-constructed is good but bad or could also be bad but good. The second rank comes the kind of tragedy which some place first'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.536299206438047 and the wording score is -0.674868661271524.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f436581be915 for prompt 39c16e: 'One of the 3 elements in an ideal tragedy is imitating actions, we know this from paragraph 2 where it says " It should, moreover, imitate actions which excite pity and fear". The 2nd one is that it should be complex, not simple, this is stated "perfect tragedy should, as we have seen, be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan". The third and final element is that is should have a single issue rather than double. This is present in paragraph 3 where it says "A well-constructed plot should, therefore, be single in its issue, rather than double as some maintain. The change of fortune should be not from bad to good, but, reversely, from good to bad.".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.467721989566616 and the wording score is -0.0856529291942516.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f43ab3e15c70 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, a good tragedy should, "be single in its issue," and not be to difficult or overwhelming. The main character needs to be between good and bad, not a hero or a villain, but someone relatable. And finally, the perfect tragedy needs to go from good to bad, and end in a true tragic manor. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4439143b25e for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotles elements of an ideal tragedy include a reversal of fortune (good to bad), a hero with a tragoc flaw, and the hero must be highly renowned. These are all important becasue they set the stage for a tragedy to actually feel tragic to the readers. By making the character highly renowned its hard for the reader to see them as a normal man. This sets the stage for the hero to have tragic flaws. The flaws allow the reader to see the hero for what they are. Because of this insight they can sympathize wiht the hero. And lastly the reversal of fortune is the tragic part of the story. With the reader sympathizing wiht the hero the reversal of fate becomes tragic to the reader. These are three important elements because they work together to convey a tragic tone to the reader.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.23595841498826 and the wording score is 3.38980192059831.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4600c21b673 for prompt 39c16e: 'It should be complex that excites pity and fear, the man should not be good or bad and his misfortune is from error of judgment or frailty, the change of fortune should be good to bad.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.37647185157937 and the wording score is -1.37816386318963.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f46053372b9b for prompt ebad26: ' whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f460f6e60825 for prompt ebad26: 'In the story many of the workers would just combined the meats together so the stentch went away and there was no way to tell if it was spoiled or not. Also they used chemicals to stop the meat form smelling and then they would sell that.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0818089611750242 and the wording score is -0.677791081330439.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f46bf064fba9 for prompt 814d6b: 'It developed over such a short period because the terrible things haooened so fast. The experiment ended becuse it can lead people to justify doing horrible things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.718995442188973 and the wording score is 0.423674393912874.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f473c4d5a2bc for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian system of government had many different social classes. At the top of the social structure is gods. The role gods played in the structure is that they were believed by the Egyptians to control the universe. Next in the social structure was the Pharaohs. They were believed to be gods in human form and had absolute power over their subjects. Then came the vizier. They ensured that taxes were collected. "These high-level empolyees had mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt- they could read and write." (paragraph 5). Next there were nobles and priests. Their jobs were to hold governmet positions and to please the gods. The middle class was mostly made up of crafts people. They sold jewlery, pottery, papyrus, products, tools and more. Lastly, at the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slaves were forced to work on building projects while farmers tended to the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good shape, worked in stone quarries and finally built royal monuments. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.59048687614028 and the wording score is 0.406339648675754.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4795e5816cb for prompt ebad26: 'They would use chemicals to make the meat seem like normal or differentbut beter than normal meat. Evidence to support this is" Some of it they would make into "smoked" sausage – but as the smoking took time, and was therefore expensive, they would call upon their chemistry department, and preserve it with borax and color it with gelatin to make it brown." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.301962052042057 and the wording score is 0.0778567006247517.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f48271f87852 for prompt 3b9047: ' What if the Egyptians had never built pyramids what would they use for the pharaohs when they would die? Different social classes were involved in the government because they had to have a leader to build there community strong, and they had to have soldiers to be able to protect the leader and community, and last the leader had to have workers so he had slaves to be able to build pyramids and other buildings. Different social classes were involved in the government because from my prior knowledge without a leader and people to protect it and workers the kingdom would be corrupted.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.05039746795864 and the wording score is 2.1859892563578.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f494d4a1981c for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave's concept followed the Nazi rise to power. It simply shows that people will follow a corrupt and dangerous idea if they are supported to through a group. It is an example of how dangerous herd behavior can be if people lose their individual dependence. The experiment had to be ended because the blind loyalty was causing problems of disrimination against non members.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.782609029917822 and the wording score is 1.42472416428341.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f49524b1e8e9 for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes were involved depending on how close you were to the pharaoh. For example the priests were after the pharaoh because they maked gods happy. In middle class where people who were less important. At the bottom there was slaves because either they have to pay something and the surprising thing is that '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.291511658270216 and the wording score is 1.04257562700322.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4b869171d3f for prompt ebad26: 'They had lost of differnt ways that they were getting rid of bad smells from the spoiled meat. One way they used was mixing in the bad meat with fresh meat to get ride of the smell a little bit. Another way they were using was chemicals to preserve the meat or to 'smoke' it they didnt do all the smoking procces they only used chemicals yi make it look smoked and brown on the outside. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.48863165780563 and the wording score is 0.336709943177603.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4bbbe5e35c8 for prompt 39c16e: 'The first one for the ideal tragedy would be ''arranged'', which would emulate actions of pity and fear in the plot. In paragraph 1, ''...this being the distinctive mark of tragic imitation'' On Tragedy. The second would be a great error in a character. The character should have a ''change on fortune which should be not from bad to good'', said in paragraph 3. The third one would be to have it of one's construction. In the example given, Aristotle says, ''...such plays, if well worked out, are the most tragic in effect'' said in paragraph 4.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.184772838243627 and the wording score is -0.0418252336095668.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4c49e4a2b0a for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave had signeifcantly developed over a short period of time. The students eventually became overly involved in the project which led to Mr.Jones feeling out of control. This is shown when the text states that " All of the students were issued a member card and each of them recieved a special assignment." This is illustartes how the students became immerced in the experiment even leading to reporting whenever one of their classmates would break a rule. The extreme loyalty and dicipline made Mr.Jones feel the need to terminate the movement and told the students they were apart of an experiment. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.889654605938855 and the wording score is 0.838160721658451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4c7329723c8 for prompt 39c16e: 'As described by Aristotle, three elements of an ideal tragedy are bringing a person from "prosperity to adversity," the change of fortune should be from good to bad, and it should have a catastrophy for the good and bad.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.810573548933394 and the wording score is -1.465819254359.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4cc6430592c for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian government had one Pharoah, but there were many people who had different jobs with the government. There was a vizier, which was a tax collecter. Nobles were people who held gvernment posts, which were tributes to being paid to the Pharoah. The Soldiers faught in wars, quelled (to end something by using force), or domestic uprisings. This is the structure of the Egyptians government and social casses.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.467721989566616 and the wording score is -0.0856529291942516.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4cf5a9a77fc for prompt ebad26: 'The factory uses a variety of unsanitary substances in their meat described as "miracles of chemistry". "[A]ny sort of meat, fresh or salted. whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose," being expressed like this shows the standards for these foods to be used are extremelty low and they make anything work. Who would want to eat meat knowing that the smell, color and flavor are all artificially adjusted by the workers of these factories who "[had] no place for the men to wash their hands..." The unsanitary work space amounted to "meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted biollions of comsumption germs." The original meat had been described with "an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them" yet this had somehow eventually been sold. Lastly as effect of the carelessness of the factory workers, "[t]here was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage.." Clearly, not what anyone would want to be on their dinner plate.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.30874436343946 and the wording score is 0.575466588613961.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4d0d27604fd for prompt 39c16e: 'Action would be an ideal tragedey. In the passage it explains that pity and fear is a distinctive mark of tragic imitation. Without this the plot would have no excitment. The plot is an ideal tragedy becuse it maintains a theme and purpse of the story. It is also the structure of the story. I believe charcter would be an ideal tragedy because there needs to be the a change in fortune from good to bad.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.388378742233568 and the wording score is -0.718005416422111.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4d4359325b7 for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave devolped by making it to where the students feel powerful. Then the students got really into it and started acting like soldiers so the teacher had to quit the experiment by saying it was all an experiment to show how people can create a sense of supereriorty over others.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.376373871691152 and the wording score is 0.463618598397948.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4d5681552a5 for prompt 814d6b: 'Ron Jones, a Highschool teacher at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California created an experiment to demonstrate to his students how people follow the crowds even in bad times. He Started this experiment called The Third Wave in april of 1967 and it went on for three days and it ended on the fourth because he realized that it was becoming too hard to handle and it was slipping out of his control. He started the experiment because he found it hard to explain what is called herd behavior and how much power a dictator can have alone over so many people. So he then created an authoritative dictatorship in his classroom to teach his students the German’s mentality. He then made many rules to go along with the dictatorship like the students have to stand up while participating in class etc.. The text in paragraph 1 states “History teacher Ron Jones, finding himself unable to explain to his students how people throughout history followed the crowd even when terrible things were happening, decided to demonstrate it to his students through an experiment.” This shows how and why he started the experiment and how it was hard to explain these things to his students. His students had become involved and loyal to the project.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.11267240808458 and the wording score is 2.38486865912817.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4e2b54a44c9 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, an ideal tragedy should have a complex plan. It should have actions that incite pity and fear. It should posses a single tragic quality. The ideal tragedy should have a complex plan that would satify the audience who takes it in.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.365607841229535 and the wording score is -0.591787701635864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f4f2fb1bc852 for prompt 814d6b: 'It was developed because it shows how quick many are to follow the crowd. the ecpirament we t out of hand and got out of control '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f50b8e174ffb for prompt 3b9047: 'In egypt goverement divided egypt slaves were poor, and didnt get treated the same. Evidence i have is, "These high levle employees had mast mastered a rare skill in ancient Egyppt- they could read and write." But the slaves couldnt read and write because they were to busy builting things for the pharaoh.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.702448255311882 and the wording score is 0.344206794770227.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5104e8cd8e5 for prompt ebad26: 'They would cover the meat with various chemicals so that it would no longer be spoiled, such as the sausage. "There would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moly and white- it would be dosed with borax and glycerin."- paragraph 3. They would also put a hot iron near the spoiled spot of the meat that would make all of the meat "Number One Grade". "They would extract the bone, about which the bad part generally lay, and insert in the hole a white-hot iron."-paragraph 2. They would also pickle the meat, but it would make the meat sour.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.05016747908969 and the wording score is -0.252775919506268.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5154ae8d89c for prompt 39c16e: 'The first element of an ideal tragedy is that there should be a complex plan rather than a simple plan. According to the text, Aristotle states that "It should, moreover, imitate actions which excite pity and fear, this being the distinctive mark of tragic imitation" (para 2). This would mean that an ideal tragedy would essentially evoke extreme emotions, like pity or fear from the audience, but not merely indicate a change in fortune of a person from good to bad that does not cause any significant reaction from the audience. The second element of a tragedy, as mentioned, there should be a reversal in fate going from good to bad and not from bad to good. An additional detail should include the idea that the misfortune causing a person to go from "prosperity to adversity" (para 2) should be "unmerited misfortune, fear by the misfortune of a man like oursleves" (para 2). This means that the misfortune should be in a manner that the person suffering the misfortune does not necessarily deserve it. Only then is it thought that pity or fear will be evoked to be considered as an ideal or effective tragedy. The third element of an ideal tragedy is the misfotrune coming about due to "some great error or frailty, in a character either such as we have described, or better rather than worse" (para 3). This would mean that there should be some error either caused by the person receiving the misfortune or by the part of some surrounding error. As a result, the error should lead to the misfortune as a whole and in turn evoke fear and pity from the audience. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.45490486723313 and the wording score is 2.5088548942896.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f524f4097acd for prompt 39c16e: 'it should be moreover, imitate actions, this being the distinctive mark of tragic imitation. It should be arranged not on the simple but on the complex.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5269e3fed0f for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would would rub the spoiled meat with soda to take away the stench of the sour meat. "They would rub it up with tsoda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaton on free-lunch counters". '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.31683163386317 and the wording score is -1.0428750039801.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5298408d8b3 for prompt ebad26: 'The author mentions a few ways that the factories saved all the meats for maximum efficiancy despite the poor standars and quality. The author states "much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty per cent.” This was a method they used to cover the stench of the spoiled meat. Another method was mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 where the spoiled meats would be reused and repurposed as in other forms such as sausages. He also mentions the chemicals such as "dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." These methods were not healthy or of good quality. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.14122446550409 and the wording score is 1.12377704516546.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f52c3fdf905a for prompt 39c16e: 'The first one is character. As described by Aristotle the character shouldn't be overly good or overly bad, it would have to rather be "one who is highly renowned and prosperous". The second element of tragedy would be the plot because the fortune should from good to bad, not bad to good. This makes the viewer relate more to the character. The last element of an ideal tragedy would be Diction or the character's thoughts. This is the way that the characters express themselves and show their feelings. The way they express their emotions can affect the viewer's perspective on the plot. It could affect them by showing signs of grief or pity.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.702059143962605 and the wording score is 0.667072432702024.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f52d758a18c2 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would often use soda and other chemicals to cover up meat that had become sour. Many hams that were found spoiled even after this previous practice were injected with another type of pickling agent. The text describes the factory's practice, saying, "...had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor - a process known...as 'giving them thrity per cent' " (Sinclair). Spoiled meats with bones soon became Number One Grade due to the industry's method of extracting the bone and practice where workers would "insert into the hole a white-hot iron" (Sinclair).'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.436014089407355 and the wording score is 0.798907457607475.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f532c013babb for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptain government could be metaphoricly like resembly their prymids. The reason being is that the pyrmid was looked apon as a way of organizing the people because the farther you go down the bigger the section gets. At the top of the prymid was the pharoh who had the power over all the people below him. The text states, "They had absolute power over their subjects." The next level consisted of soldiers, craftsmen, and women. the text states, "Skilled workers such as physicians and craftsmen/women made up the middle class." The final layer of the prymid was the bottom layer that was made up of slaves and farmers. The text states, "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers." That is how I look at the social structures prymid.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.965305265668749 and the wording score is 0.326181109099008.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5399cf93b7a for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave grew quickly because of the pressure and intimidation of the members of the movement. ". All of the students were issued a member card and each of them received a special assignment, like designing a Third Wave Banner, stopping non-members from entering the class, or other tasks to bring honor to the movement." This system of gaiing members for a "superior" group will get more recruits. As everyone follows the other, the group continues to grow until the amount is too large to control. The teacher stopped the expiriment because there were too many followers and too many of them were encouraging people to joining or forcing them by bullying until submission.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.04987634762863 and the wording score is 1.67304857275766.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f53c3a08ba01 for prompt ebad26: 'In the meatpacking industry, the workers would use certain methods, such as taking the bones out of rotten ham or pickling the ham to reduce the odor. Sinclair states that "some ingenious person had hit upon a new device" where they would "extract the bone, about which the bad part generally lay" in order to get rid of grades for the meats (Sinclair 2). Even though a bad part of the meat was being extracted, the way it was done was still unsanitary and it was used as a scheme by the meatpacking industry to appeal to the greater population. The meatpacking industry found another way to increase productivity by "fill[ing] a ham with pickle in a few seconds" through the process of using a "needle into the meat and working with his foot" in order to make the meat last longer, even at the cost of ruining its sanitation (Sinclair 2). The fact that the workers would use their feet in the process indicated how the meatpacking industry was corrupt when it came to providing sanitary ham's to the population and that it would find any way possible to increase productivity and cover-up spoiled meat. In Excerpt From The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, light is shed on the corrupt practices of the meat industry as they would taken the bones out of rotten ham and pickle ham to reduce the odor in attempts to cover it up from the rest of the population.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.61714549933614 and the wording score is 2.05615818107854.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f555fd53186e for prompt 39c16e: 'The three elements of an ideal tragedy according to Aristotle are a normal character with some challenges, a plot that goes from bad to good and a shocking ending. A normal charcter cannot be too evil or too good. He cannot be too fortunate, or too poor to where the audience already feels pity for them. They need to have something unfortunate happen to them. A tragedy's plot should go from good to bad, leaving that tragic feeling at the end. The audience will be unhappy after. Similar to the final element, an ending that leaves the audience shocked. The audience could not predict the ending, for there was a good and bad outcome. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.40779064038936 and the wording score is 1.50488270386015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f558d18496ef for prompt ebad26: ' In paragraph 2, it states that "the meat was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell". This was one of the ways in which the factory would cover up spoiled meat, because they would attempt to disguise the smell of the meat. In paragraph 3 it states "when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference". This shows yet another way in which the factory would use spoiled meat, by cutting it up so that fresh meat could be mixed with a small amount of the spoiled meat, thus disguising the spoiled meat. In paragraph 4, it also states that "There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms; and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on it". This quote demonstrates how the factory would use meat that is being contaminated by the factory conditions and habits. However, this meat was continued to be used to sell in the future. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.01708872986889 and the wording score is 0.16101946780521.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5595bf1ab36 for prompt 3b9047: 'They were involved in goverment in a way becuase it shows what people call high value and low value, it either is the caste system or close . It gives poeple a reason to consider people more or less. which is wrong becuase were are all equal, but basicly the lowest would be a slave or maid, higher would be like a merchant or a sales man, third would be soldiers or people like that, and last the top would be like a religious teacher would could "read and write." Now your probably saying "most poeple of age can read and/or write" but not back then or even in some countries but being able to read or write gave them a lot of power so that why they were put up in the top... Some people were probably very mad at this way becuase imagine being a slave and being considered nothing but someones little pet to boss around with sometimes no grace at all. This also shows Character VS society. becuase it shows hwo some people are actually that heartless to create something like this. A most cant control this and that unfair becuase it means if you dont agree then it wont matter. Think of it like you get into an arguement with maybe a sibling and you get your parent into it so they agree on something that sounds fair to them but not to you and they dont listne you would be upset but this system was way more harsh becuase it made others basiclly be able to control you life. This system was alos to show respect to people at the top or second becuase they felt more and were beleived to be mordals, and they wanted great power so they thought lets do this and people will respect us.....that is the insane system they had.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f55ab83e9d10 for prompt ebad26: 'if there was a spoiled ham there was a biffrent kind of pickle that had a stronger smell to cover up the smell of the ham. "some of them with an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them. To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty per cent.”" there were hams that no one wanted and so they would call them head cheese "“skinned hams,” which were made of the oldest hogs, whose skins were so heavy and coarse that no one would buy them—that is, until they had been cooked and chopped fine and labeled “head cheese!”".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.970824231756637 and the wording score is -0.885128406734127.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f55e5292c0d4 for prompt 3b9047: 'The classess of the rich is about the people of the rich is sepreted from the poor anf the porr donest have a lot of money so the poor makes food to pay taxes while the rich do nothing.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.18487081813185 and the wording score is -0.872720031182113.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f560cf373561 for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave gained popularity quickly because Ron Jones introduced it to his high school class. There was an appeal to the idea of the third wave as well as an appeal to the motto. Students wanted to illuminate democracy and also wanted to become stronger from this experience . By the fifth day it became completely out of control and had to be stopped.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.17397460632338 and the wording score is 1.26509802556401.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5747a4ade01 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, an ideal tradegy should include a character neither good or bad, but rather a regular person whose misfortune is brought about by a mistake they made. The tradegy should be a shift from something good to bad. In addition, the right ending should be unhappy because it has the most tragic effect. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f57faa9c0e15 for prompt 814d6b: ' Ron developed an authoritative dictatorship in the classroom to teach students the German mentality. He established rules such as students should stand up when asking or answering questions in three words, students saluting each other similar to that of the Nazi at school and even outside of school. On the fourth day, Ron ended the experiment when he realized that it was slipping out of his control. The students had become extremely involved in the project with high discipline and loyalty to the project.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.04987634762863 and the wording score is 1.67304857275766.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5913ee80aaa for prompt ebad26: 'Some of the ways was to rub it with soda, using chemicals, and to use a pickle machine. Paragraph 2 says "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell". Also, "all the miracles of chemistry which they performed." Lastly, "there would be hams found spoiled, so they pumped a stronger pickle to destroy the odor."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559070107442079 and the wording score is -0.634924456786451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5919fb74c9a for prompt ebad26: 'They would can it, or chop it up into sausages. They would also rub soda on it to cover up any smell, then sell it to be given at free-lunch counters. Another way was to stuff them with pickles, and after a while, they needed to use even stronger pickles because the stench was so strong. [1]'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f598d54f05b5 for prompt ebad26: 'Some ways factories would cover up spoiled meat they sold was turning it into sausage, rub it with soda or chemicals to take away the smell and fill it with pickle. One quote from the "Excerpt of the Jungle" is "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be sour and how they would rub it with soda to take away the smell." This shows how rubbing spoiled meat with soda would take away the sour smell and taste. Another quote is "By plunging a needle into the meat and working with his foot a man could fill a ham with pickle in a few seconds." This text shows how the many ways the meat industry was secretly about reusing spoiled meat and covering it up so no one gets suspicious.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.94227217433713 and the wording score is 0.375963207228578.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f59cdaa2c111 for prompt ebad26: 'It was only when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions-a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference. There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white—it would be dosed with borax and glycerine, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption. There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms, and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on it. It was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats. These rats were nuisances, and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5b6a86c6fd4 for prompt ebad26: 'They would use spoiled meat for sausages, as said in paragraph 1. If meat was sour when taken out of the pickle, they would hide the smell with soda. When pickling hams if some were found spoiled, they filled them with a second, stronger pickle. If hams were found bad after smoking, they would take out the bone and insert a white-hot iron, as told in paragraph 2. When an entire ham was spoiled it would go to Elzbieta and cut up into various other meats where it couldn't be detected, as said in paragraph 3. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.846561575099744 and the wording score is 0.423404263306276.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5c2b8d02dbc for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotle believed tragedies should follow a complex plan, they should imitate actions which excite pity and fear, and they should feature a character who is not eminently good and just and whose misfortune is brought about bu some error of judgement or frailty. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.681768575941824 and the wording score is -1.67219550872199.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5cb5b6f12f0 for prompt ebad26: 'You could mix good meat with spoiled meat, and no one could tell a difference. Rubbing and spraying chemicals on moldy meat, so they can sell it. Passage 3/4'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5cb6c437545 for prompt 814d6b: 'It dev quick over a short period of time but ended because Jones felt like the experiment got out of hand. It demonstrated how easy people create a sorority.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.34853953402243 and the wording score is -0.158314617178373.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5d529217a07 for prompt 3b9047: 'the acient egyptians system of government was structured like a pyramid where the nobles were at the top (very few). the middle class was in the middle (artisans,scribes) and the peasents consisted of the lower class (its the biggest because there are alot of them so they were "disposable") nobles led the government where as the middle class worked to bring in money for the economy and, the peasents where slaves to be used by the nobles how they see fit.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.285025753815689 and the wording score is 1.01289012599015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5e9bf38efb7 for prompt 3b9047: 'I think the social goverments played a huge roll in Egyptian life.For example, The Upper class is fill up with higher class like Pharaohs, Soldiers, and Priest and those people get more money and can do about anything to people if they choose to. The middle class was filled with only skilled workers that knew what they were doing like house bluiders,craftsmen,doctors.The lower class are filled with slaves and farmers that work day in and out.This is what i think about the Egyptian social class.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.360676413545583 and the wording score is 0.500910513430704.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f5f545fac824 for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes were involved in this government because they had to rank the people in the government by what they were like a slave, a soldier or a noble. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f604527b68fc for prompt 39c16e: 'It should consist of a complex plan , and it should also imitate actions that excit pity or fear. It neither satisfies the moral sense nor calls forth pity or fear.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.14493363003249 and the wording score is -0.834494799990917.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f606b52465d5 for prompt 39c16e: 'It should be arranged on a complex plan. It shoud also imitate actions which excited pity and fear. Ladtly it should be single in its issue. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f609e84c2b70 for prompt ebad26: 'The meat factory is terrible because they would take spoiled meat and mix it with regular meat and sell it. It's unhealthy and unsafe, people could get sick or get a disease that could kill them. According to the text," whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage. With what had been told them by Jonas, who had worked in the pickle rooms, they could now study the whole of the spoiled-meat industry on the inside, and read a new and grim meaning into that old Packingtown jest—that they use everything of the pig except the squeal." This just explains what they did with the spoiled meat and how they still sold it. The smell was so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them. They pumped the meat into these packers to destroy the odor. In the text, it states, "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters; also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose."This tells you how they pumped the meat and destroyed the odor. In conclusion, the meat factory was not taking care of the meat properly and could have started a disease or got someone sick. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.50351686416013 and the wording score is 1.71230183680864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f61864eaca5d for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave had developed badly over the course of time because of its ways to form the students orderly. The experiment was ended because of how out of control the students were and because the experiment was completed on the 5th day/last day.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.62764732431351 and the wording score is -0.125597133679325.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f64801cba2bf for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy, as described by Aristotle, is that it should have actions that excite pity and fear. This is the disticity mark of tragic imiatation. It is a complex plan, not simple. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.62764732431351 and the wording score is -0.125597133679325.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student f64e0b9f1b16 for prompt 39c16e: 'A character that goes from happiness to misery, provokes pity and fear, and a chacracter that is neither good or bad, but ends up in a bad place because of a mistake.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.