2022-12-24 23:29:31.657734+00:00
Lorber-Verlag, directors Michael Zluhan and Manuel Zluhan
[ "#magick", "#fundie", "#crackpot" ]
Jakob Lorber (1800-1864) was one Chosen by God. One can call him a prophetic mystic, even more so, a Christian prophet. He himself humbly called himself “God’s servile scribe”. The importance of his prophetic work has been communicate to him via inter divine dictat, gets ever more recognition in this day and age. This 25volume opus unlocks all questions that move us about the history of salvation, indeed, about the entire history of creation. In it, both the formation and the structure of the worlds in its physical, astral and spiritual aspects are put under the microscope to the smallest level. In particular, we learn all about the nature of God, about the world of the angels, the levels of redemption of the souls in the world beyond earthly death and, at the centre, the nature of the Saviour Jesus Christ. Original GermanJakob Lorber (1800 - 1864) war ein von Gott Erwählter. Man kann ihn als prophetischen Mystiker bezeichnen, mehr noch ist er christlicher Prophet. Er selbst nannte sich demütig den „Schreibknecht Gottes“. Sein prophetisches Werk, das ihm durch inneres göttliches Diktat mitgeteilt wurde, wird in seiner Bedeutung in unserer Zeit immer mehr erkannt. Das 25bändige Werk schließt alle Fragen auf, die uns über die Heilsgeschichte, ja sogar über die gesamte Schöpfungsgeschichte bewegen. Da wird sowohl die Entstehung wie auch der Aufbau der Welten in ihrem physischen, astralen und geistigen Bereich bis ins kleinste durchleuchtet. Besonders aber erfahren wir alles über das Wesen Gottes, über die Welt der Engel, die jenseitigen Läuterungsstufen der Seelen nach dem irdischen Tod und, im Mittelpunkt stehend, das Wesen des Erlösers Jesu Christi.
2022-12-24 20:46:29.514048+00:00
Brian Baker
[ "#fundie", "#psycho" ]
And as the dems rush to WWlll it will bring nuclear annilation to all the big blue cities and the dems. All that will be left is real Americans. That will be the great substitution. We will be rid of all the arrogant, want to be elitist communist indoctrinated.
2022-12-24 18:38:56.971222+00:00
Linda S. Godfrey
[ "#crackpot" ]
Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena Have you ever seen something you couldn’t explain? This meticulously researched and thrilling exploration of the otherworldly will challenge your idea of reality. Mysterious wolf-people, sentient mists, and UFOs…if you've ever heard a curious bump in the night, caught a glimpse of a strange-looking someone (or something) out of the corner of your eye, or seen an unusual craft dart across the sky before it vanishes without a trace, there's only one person to call: Linda S. Godfrey. An expert in strange creatures and lore, she has offered reporting on bigfoots, werewolves, strange energy forms, and other bizarre beings for years. Godfrey will enthrall even skeptics as she leads you through the mystical, legendary, and scientific angles of these creatures and the myths that surround them. Within these pages, you will encounter:  - First-hand testimony of a terrifying transformation from woman to beast (during a church service, no less) - The Lost Lizard People of Los Angeles - A growling, phantomlike home invader - Wolfmen who walk on two legs - People stalked by invisible predators Delivering a broad mix of modern-day and historical sightings, and supported by Godfrey's interviews with eyewitnesses, Monsters Among Us is essential reading for anyone hunting for the real accounts behind their childhood campfire stories.
2022-12-24 18:00:32.733247+00:00
Samuel Bateman
[ "#fundie" ]
Samuel Bateman first said he felt prompted to take his own teenage daughter as his wife, his family later told investigators, in early 2019 Soon after, his wife and daughter left his home in Colorado City, according to the FBI, where Bateman had been raised as a member of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints But the next spring, Bateman began gathering young women, and then girls, and then the adult wives of his male followers as his own wives. He later directed and participated in group sex acts with them, according to accounts detailed in a federal court document filed Friday Some of the descriptions are from Bateman, the document said, drawn from recordings made by a Colorado City woman who helps members of the polygamy community and her husband, who was filming a documentary[…] Bateman told the couple that Heavenly Father had instructed him in early November 2021 to “give the most precious thing he has, his girls’ virtue,” to three of his adult male followers while he watched[…] Bateman said the girls had “sacrificed their virtue for the Lord,” [Special Agent Dawn A. ] Martin said, noting one of the three girls he described was 12 years old at the time “God will fix their bodies and put the membrane back in their body. I’ve never had more confidence in doing his will. It’s all out of love”[…] Bateman “began to proclaim he was a prophet” in 2019, Martin said in her affidavit. In his small offshoot of the FLDS faith, he has “approximately 50 followers and more than 20 wives, many of whom are minors, mostly under the age of 15”[…] The eight girls recovered in Spokane are listed in the affidavit as wives of Bateman. The young woman who was with them when they were found — Moretta Rose Johnson — also became a wife of Bateman when she was under age 18
2022-12-23 23:30:52.607746+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: It is all so STUPID ( furyosa ) Not just incredibly stupid. It's also incredibly boring. We could be so much further along in the fight for women's emancipation but instead we're treading water with this nonsense. ( Itzpapalotl ) Exactly! Could be tackling period poverty, femicide, DV, sex trafficking, FGM, child marriage, abortion access...but instead men are muddying the waters, obscuring language, dismantling our rights, taking away what our foremothers fought for. Ffs, first female crash test dummy was created this year iirc, yet we have men in dresses now pretending they are The Most Opressed EVER and demanding they be centred in feminism. I hate them. Fuck them and their handmaidens. Feminism is for females and men can’t stand things not being all about them. ( Lilith-Fair ) Not just women's emancipation, but just about every other progress our society can spend its collective time on solving or improving if not for all the time and resources wasted on this totally stupid nonsense. Imagine if kids spend all the time figuring out what their real talents are instead of their "gender identities". All the time spent on "becoming their authentic self" gender could be spent on science projects, community service, writing a novel, perfecting a musical talent or playing an instrument, practicing and excelling at a sport. Kids could be investing their time on all of these things to make themselves and the future better. But no. Instead, they're being taught to think about their fucking pronouns and "gender". ( RawSienna ) Human beings cannot change sex. That is a fact. If you deny this then you are an imbecile who is colluding in gaslighting and abusing women and girls. That’s really all that needs to be said. I’ll just add that “gender identity” is a fake, pseudoscientific ruse to shove”trans rights” down society’s throat. What “gender identity” really means is destroying women’s rights and child safeguarding so predatory, fetishist males can do whatever they want without restraint. It’s abhorrent and we will not accept it, ever.
2022-12-24 04:58:09.047295+00:00
Nida Mohammad Nadim
[ "#fundie", "#pratt", "#sexist" ]
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The minister of higher education in the Taliban government on Thursday defended his decision to ban women from universities — a decree that had triggered a global backlash. Discussing the matter for the first time in public, Nida Mohammad Nadim said the ban issued earlier this week was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because he believes some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam. He said the ban was in place until further notice. In an interview with Afghan television, Nadim pushed back against the widespread international condemnation, including from Muslim-majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. Nadim said that foreigners should stop interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs. Earlier on Thursday, the foreign ministers of the G-7 group of states urged the Taliban to rescind the ban, warning that “gender persecution may amount to a crime against humanity.” The ministers warned after a virtual meeting that “Taliban policies designed to erase women from public life will have consequences for how our countries engage with the Taliban.” The G-7 group includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. A former provincial governor, police chief and military commander, Nadim was appointed minister in October by the supreme Taliban leader and previously pledged to stamp out secular schooling. Nadim opposes female education, saying it is against Islamic and Afghan values. Other reasons he gave for the university ban were women’s failure to observe a dress code and the study of certain subjects and courses. “We told girls to have proper hijab but they didn’t and they wore dresses like they are going to a wedding ceremony,” he said. “Girls were studying agriculture and engineering, but this didn’t match Afghan culture. Girls should learn, but not in areas that go against Islam and Afghan honor.” He added that work was underway to fix these issues and universities would reopen for women once they were resolved. The Taliban made similar promises about high school access for girls, saying classes would resume for them once “technical issues” around uniforms and transport were sorted out, but girls remain shut out of classrooms.
2022-12-24 04:47:37.770417+00:00
[ "#fundie", "#sexist" ]
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Taliban security forces fanned out to some universities and informal learning centers in Kabul on Wednesday, teachers said, enforcing an edict issued the night before that appears to have banned most females from any education beyond the sixth grade. In one instance, a teacher reported security forces barging into his class, shouting at girls to go home. "Some of students started verbal arguments with them, but they didn't listen. My students left their classes, crying," said Waheed Hamidi, an English-language teacher at a tuition center in Kabul. The move was expected – and dreaded – by observers as the Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Haibutullah Akhundzada imposes his vision of an Afghanistan which is ultra-conservative, even by the hardline group's standards. "I genuinely think that the man in charge thinks that this is what an Islamic society ought to look like," says Obaidullah Baheer, a Kabul-based lecturer at the American University of Afghanistan. Speaking earlier to NPR about Akhundzada, he said, "he had this very specific view of where women or young girls should be within the society, which is within their households. So I guess for all intents and purposes, this is a gender apartheid. This is nothing short of that." Since coming to power in August last year, the Taliban have overseen a hodgepodge of education policies. They allow girls to attend school until the sixth grade, when primary school ends. But they have prevented most girls from attending formal secondary school education, reneging on a promise to allow them back to class in March, when the scholastic year began. Some girls in distant provinces still attended high school, however, and another, unknown number were attending informal classes in tuition centers. And in a quirk of contradictory decision-making, the former minister of higher education Abdul Baqi Haqqani allowed women to attend universities, albeit under strict conditions, including wearing face coverings and abiding by strict segregation. But in October, Haqqani was replaced with known hardliner, Nida Mohammad Nadim, who had expressed his opposition to women receiving an education. He is known to be close to Akhundzada.
2022-12-24 00:20:18.500556+00:00
Gedaliah Shay
[ "#fundie", "#magick", "#mammon" ]
TAKE CONTROL OF THE DEMON AND WITCHES INVADING YOUR LIFE! Do you experience difficulty in making progress in your workplace, among your colleagues, or even spiritually? Do you get disappointment in places where you should get favors and keep experiencing failure even when you're close to the end of your dark tunnel? Or, do you find it hard to get the real purpose of your life, and you keep going round in circles without any real progress? Why do you experience this, you may ask? The depth of the Spiritual realm and its effect on your life is more than meets the eye! It is more than what you think it is. The secret to getting to the root of the world's evil powers is unknown to many, which is why they stay camped under the influence of the principalities of this world. You know the magnitude of God's power and his greatness over every evil over your life, but do you know that you can command much more with some secret weapons at your disposal? How would you like to know the exact strategies and plans of your enemies and combat them to turn things around to greatness for you? What if you are shown the exact picture of the works of the devil and taught the surest ways to fight back and take over your life completely from the evil that witches and wizards control? Wouldn't it be easier for you to know exactly where your problem stems from and the most definite solution to do to get back on track of progress? Do you know the strange and terrifying lengths that men of this world go to acquire power? Do you want to keep yourself safe, away from their predatory Eyes? This Book was specially made to prepare you by guiding you through steps on knowing your enemy, learning more about the power of God, and the exact ways to use the unconquerable weapons God has given you! You need to stop grappling with the fear of the unknown and send fire for fire against the forces of darkness against you! The Perfect Prayer handbook for all Christian Warriors.
2022-12-23 23:55:12.546072+00:00
Robin M. Itzler
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#transphobia", "#racist" ]
Decades ago, when I was a liberal Democrat, I bought into the fallacy that saying “Merry Christmas” was wrong. But back then, I also thought murdering a baby in the womb was right. As (my husband and) I slowly morphed into Reagan Democrats and then finally abandoned the now Marxist-leaning Democrat party to register as Republicans, I realized that celebrating Christmas is fundamental to the United States remaining a beacon of freedom in the world. Commemorating Christmas guarantees freedom of religion for all Americans. Think about it. If a nation where about 80 percent of its population is Christian is denied its own religious beliefs (“Merry Christmas” morphing into “Happy Holidays”), what chance do smaller religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. have for celebrating their holidays? If woke Marxists can remove the nativity scene from Christmas and replace it with Santa Claus, it’s even easier to remove the Hanukkah menorah and replace it with Liberace’s candelabra. <...> And here we are today. Progressive lunacy has given us a society filled with misguided people who think they can pick from hundreds of genders or no gender (when they’re not busy stealing luggage from airport carousels). They want to convince young children that they can medically alter their gender without parental consent, that men have can give birth, that teachers should discuss kinky sexual acts with kindergartners, that one race matters more than another, that biological men wearing skirts are women, that abortion after birth is acceptable, that millions of illegal aliens can waltz into our country, that criminals shouldn’t be arrested and … E N O U G H ! The attack on our freedom started with words when Marxist progressives demanded that “Merry Christmas” become “Happy Holidays” and I say, “Enough!” As Benjamin Franklin warned: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
2022-12-23 23:33:38.543688+00:00
Kerry Cassidy
[ "#crackpot", "#wingnut", "#ufo", "#quack", "#conspiracy" ]
A Message to SGAnon and his “Mentor” So if you listen to this post by SGAnon you will hear him outlining the nature of the next PLandemic of the deep state… supposedly containing Ebola.. and then find out that it contains the same stuff as CV19 and yet in the context of this he is RECOMMENDING if you listen that this new plandemic (that will be more deadly than Covid) will WAKE A LOT MORE PEOPLE UP…This is insane thinking. Like he’s programmed to want to LIKE WHAT THE DEEP STATE DISHES OUT BECAUSE IT WILL DESTROY MORE LIVES and this is a good thing because it will help them destroy the system and oh by the way many more people will DIE. What is WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE PEOPLE???@@@?? Ebola as Possible Pathogen for Plandemic #2 | RUS/CHI/SA/TUR | World Alliance Fighting On It’s like those people …the Stockholm syndrome where they learn to love their oppressors because that is all they KNOW!! THERE IS ANOTHER WAY it’s a TOXIC MIMIC… IT’S LIKE THE FIRST STOLEN ELECTION THEY PRESERVED THE BLOCK CHAIN EVIDENCE.. and never brought it forward… then the 2nd STOLEN ELECTION they again preserved the BLOCK CHAIN evidence and never brought it forward although they told us they had it… THEY WANT TO DO IT AGAIN BECAUSE THE FIRST TIME DIDN’T WORK… Not enough people WOKE UP … that is came around to the thinking TRUMP WAS A GOOD GUY A SUPER HERO.. but guys you didn’t prove your case… Don’t you get it? YOU HAVEN’T PROVED ANYTHING. DOING IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN…. WON’T FIX THE PROBLEM. TORTURING MORE HUMANS WON’T GET IT DONE. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? It’s like some diabolical robot has taken over the white hats… and they want to just keep repeating the same TORTURE ROUTINE OVER AND OVER AGAIN…expecting a different result… which is… THE definition of INSANITY. Guys you can’t WAKE PEOPLE UP WHEN THEY ARE DEAD! HELLO?
2022-12-23 23:27:30.050047+00:00
Annons 584784987 & 584788241
[ "#transphobia" ]
(584784987) Oh no they're defintely a good amount over 21, see Trannyism was originally a millenial thing (still is) except now they've finally gotten it pushed into education so it's becoming normalised toward late Gen Z and Gen A. I'd say not as many of them are falling for it as you think though, trannies are a hard example of the vocal minority, especially within gaming. Problem is, they were actually loud enough to end up swaying and fucking over the western gaming sphere (like other "minority" groups not blacks tho to be fair alot of them hate this pandering shit as much was we do), which being honest, wasn't doing that well to begin with [...] (584788241) Lying is aggressive. The entire trans movement is dripping with dishonesty. When you tell me to refer to you as "she/her" you are telling me to see a woman when I look at you. I don't. I see your receding hairline, I see your broad shoulders, I see your thin hips, I see your gut and sinking cheeks and wide stubble, I see your fashion sense that reeks of male sensibilities, I see your taste in anime that reeks of somebody with a porn addiction, I see your imitation based on what men find attractive, but more than this I see male aggression. I see the demand to dominate. I see acts of assertion and imperialist reeducation. You demand that I tell you 2+2=5 and when I refuse you become angry, aggressive, and seek my removal or destruction. You are bullies who want to assert yourselves over others but have no field in which you're competitive except in social manipulation. You demand female spaces, you demand female aesthetics, you even demand the female label. You take even this from the women from which you wish you could take love and acceptance. You have gone beyond incel. You have entered into thievery and barbarism. Pastiche. Fraud. Imitation. Ersatz. You are dishonest, inauthentic, and aggressive. You are not, will never, can never, and should never be a woman. You are the aggressor in every space, turning the conversation towards your hatred of the penis and leg hair, towards your lust for the female. Your insistence on being called a woman is your demand to be given the girlfriend you were denied through your roleplaying as that imaginary woman. You are your father's son, and that is how you will die.
2022-12-23 23:15:07.765528+00:00
Yuko Sato/Swami Satchidanand[[firstname]],Yuko-Sato-report.htm
[ "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
Thank you for your email. I read all techniques. My favourite is the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process Construct. It worked amazingly. Day1 : I meditated for about 30 mins on the hill yesterday. It was much fast to remove all blockages, I could say half time. I created four constructs around me. It created a powerful protection also they scanned my body and remove average blockages through all my chakras I found at 1. The blockage: a pond of black slimy liquid in my heart chakra. I removed it. Then I created a wonderful green gate by leaves, something like in the British garden. I will send the picture. There is a nice breeze through my heart chakra. I grew a green power in it. I felt warm. 2. The minions. Then I look down the place where there was a pond. I found thousands of eggs, all were black. I removed them and shocked, grounded into the centre of the earth. 3. The Black Magician: After burnt the eggs, many angels arose above. I bring into my Antahkarana to increase the size and function of my energy body, the new means of evolution. I found black vines connected to the Black Magician. I caught him and shocked him and cut him apart. Then burnt him and grounded him. 4. The controller: I jumped above with four constructs. I put them horizontally and scan all universe, like a fish net. I catch so many controllers and I shocked them and burned them all into the center of the earth. 5. I did the same as 4 a couple times even jumped higher 6. I did the same as 4 more. I found millions of Black Magicians and I shocked them and burned them all into the center of the earth. <...> Swami Satchidanand: Yuko, you are an infinite energy immortal soul! You will never die. You are invincible. These BM guys can not harm you. Their only work. Their only task is to persuade you to be Evil. To Pervert. To Degenerate. To steal every drop of your Spiritual Energy. To implant you with demonic energy blockages. THEY ARE A TEST! When all the blockages are gone you will fuse with your Soul.
2022-12-23 22:43:02.639952+00:00
Coercion Code
[ "#fundie", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#magick" ]
Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas: (1) Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol. (2) Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. <...> (5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”. (6) Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan“. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura“, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan“. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ. (7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order. <...> (9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color! <...> (12) “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ“, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ“. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.
2022-12-23 22:23:49.746387+00:00
@AthenasWrench & @Lissak27
[ "#transphobia" ]
( @AthenasWrench ) Won’t someone feel sorry for the woman hating pronoun males stealing woman’s sports? Transgender females???? Now they get the word female too? That last father, sad poor Will is in “emotional turmoil”, as his own daughter lost to him. This father still calls him She. Id be so sad if that was my father. ( @Lissak27 ) As bad as it is, this article is actually a little less biased than we’re used to seeing. But the sympathetic tone towards Thomas is ridiculous, he brought this upon himself. ( @AthenasWrench ) For sure. It’s actually decent considering the source. Just get really mad at the language obfuscation. Transgender females. It’s false and doesn’t reflect reality. Transgender males. I just don’t understand, why say that? Probably to keep the activists happy. It’s a hate crime to say they are male. We are living in crazy times. ( @Lissak27 ) It feels like they know they’re going to lose this one and are trying to make sure there’s no hard feelings towards the poor people who tried to destroy womens sports. ( @AthenasWrench ) Right? Consilatory. They know the backlash they will receive. It won’t help them. Nothing short of total capitulation is good enough.
2022-12-23 22:15:31.102857+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) Back home, Americans have lost everything due to Hurricane Ian, the border is open, fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands and inflation is raging. Yet the left and the establishment right just voted to send another 12 billion to Ukraine? This is more America Last policy. I will vote NO on sending any money to Ukraine. I REFUSE to support more war, more interventionism, and more global alliances that hurt our country. ENOUGH sponsoring death and destruction. We should be peace making. We need a Total Foreign Aid Moratorium. Yes, that includes ALL Foreign Aid. (@IThoughtIWasDone) @DrPaulGosar While you're at it, please vote NO on sending any more money to Isreal too. BTW it's BILLIONS a year. (@TheMusketeers) @DrPaulGosar How do we clone you? (@blueeyedbull) @DrPaulGosar YES! Same for Canada too please! "Foreign Aid" is a synonym for international money laundering, has been that way for decades. (@14W) @DrPaulGosar This country is being governed by antiwhites and the cult religion of antiwhitism. (@itsjustfritz) @DrPaulGosar ... "America last policy?" IT'S TREASON. START ARRESTING THEM. DO YOU NEED HELP? WHAT THE FUCK, OVER? START DEPUTIZING! START ARRESTING! START WITH PEDO JOE BIDEN! ARE YOU ALL CRAZY? (@Noshit13) @DrPaulGosar, sir, you are absolutely right when you say "all foreign aid" ‼️ (@Runwiththefuture) @DrPaulGosar There needs to be MORE THAN JUST Voting! There needs to be Gitmo / Nuremberg 2.0 We are WORN OUT ON: -JUST VOTING -JUST CABINET MEETINGS -JUST HEARINGS -JUST INQUIRIES Innocent people NEED JUSTICE. Guilty people need to be JUDGED and held to ACCOUNT. The perpetrators of this evil need to face capital punishment. The LYING, STEALING, BABY BLOOD DRINKING MURDERS WILL NEVER DO WHAT IS RIGHT. Their only thought is to DESTROY any and all who try to stop them. They have NO CONSCIENCE. If evil people are not held to account you are just as GUILTY. (@Lanceblack) @DrPaulGosar Hey congressman what about all the kids the cartels are dumping like trash when that are done with them? Democrats raised hell over 50ish kids during Trump now there are thousands nothing but crickets from republicans. We know democrats are hypocrites are republicans spineless cowards? These are kids not trash
2022-12-23 22:13:17.790884+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) We cannot allow the left to continue to destroy our country, our culture, and our way of life. We have to win and we have to win for Cayler Ellingson, Mark Houck, Ashli Babbitt, and countless others. We have to win for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (@14W) @DrPaulGosar They're antiwhites and they are white erasing all of western civilization. (@KiRealMike) @DrPaulGosar Our entire gov is destroying this country not just the left the GOP leadership is just as much to blame for our current situation and the left is they sold us out they helped rig the elections so we would lose potus and the senate it was not possible without the GOP leadership being part of the election rigging in states they controlled like GA and AZ the most obvious examples (@bmcbc) @DrPaulGosar how exactly are Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and Mitt Romney going to fix this if they're given any semblance of power? Apart from cutting taxes for rich jews again, I don't see any fire in the Republicans to do, well, anything. (@Freakshow) @DrPaulGosar it's the jews. can we start talking about it yet? (@Patriot4Life76) @DrPaulGosar It’s not just the left. It’s the ball-less republicans too. I don’t see anything changing back to good if republicans take congress. The republicans are the same old story. Hearing talk about McCarthy as speaker and McConnell in the senate? The republican ppl want aggressive offense to combat this social and economic perversion, by the demonrat commies. We won’t have that with the same old puppet rhinos. American politics is done as we and you know it. This country will collapse because of commies (democrats) and the consistent cowards (traditional republicans) that enabled them. You MTG, Jordan, Gaetz, and Massie are great but that’s not nearly enough to push the aggressive counter policy to fix this. (@MAGA_ARMY_1776) @DrPaulGosar Have you ever signed any document swearing allegence to israel? (@bluewonder369) @MAGA_ARMY_1776 @DrPaulGosar he wouldn't have gotten the funding to get into office if he hadn't. So yeah. He has. All these politicians are traitors. There's no exceptions. (@McCarthyIsLaughing) @DrPaulGosar The left? You mean the jewish communist don't you. Did you take money from jewish lobbies? Did you you sign the oath to Israel as required by aipac?
2022-12-23 18:07:45.574484+00:00
Vox Day
[ "#racist" ]
[From "2-2 (4-2)"] Argentina have won the World Cup. Congratulations to the Albiceleste and their fans. It’s good to see a national team that actually represents its nation win, instead of the team that represents the state that successfully imports the best Africans. And while it was a fun and exciting tournament, one is left with one conclusion Too many penalties. So many penalties The game really should not be designed to encourage teams to build their offense around playing for fouls in the box
2022-12-23 02:40:02.196005+00:00
Todd Mack
[ "#wingnut", "#psycho" ]
For all the money Ukraine is robbing us for, I gotta say I'm hoping Russia turns them into a parking lot. Don't wish it on the Ukrainian people, just the Ukrainian oligarchs and leaders, take them out.
2022-12-23 02:38:52.721811+00:00
Emma Stark
[ "#fundie", "#crackpot" ]
I was ministering in Africa… and I looked at my watch, I thought it was about two minutes before I’ve got to preach. I’ll just (go) to the bathroom before I’m on the platform. I’m sorry if this is too straight talking, but this is how I am. So I’m in the lady’s restrooms, and being as polite as I can about it, I literally, I lock myself in the cubicle, I go to sit down on the toilet, I don’t know how else to say it politely, and the Spirit of God just said, ‘Come up here.’ And I am literally putting my hands against either cubicle wall going, “Ahhhhhh, I’m going to preach God, what are you doing?!” Like Paul says, whether in the spirit or out the spirit, I don’t really know at that point. So I fly through the spirit realm and I find myself in one of God’s gardens. And he’s sitting quite peacefully in one of his benches in his garden, and I’m sitting there, and I’m saying to God, “I’m preaching, I’m not ready to preach, what are you doing? This is not good timing, you know?” So… of course, you look in his eyes, and you’re like, “oh, they can just wait, I’m staying here forever”, you know? And you see him, and suddenly, your entire being is whole in a different way. And we lock eyes, and all that jadedness and all that frustration, and he doesn’t even need to say anything. It’s just the look. And of course, because he is peace, because he is joy, because he is life. You know, you sit in his shadow, and you just sit and suddenly it’s all okay.
2022-12-23 01:16:28.852626+00:00
Janet Griffin
[ "#wingnut" ]
I'm with Tucker 1000%. No one talks about the FACT that Zelensky banned political opponents, all media that questions him, and now he has banned the Largest Christian Orthox group in Ukraine. You can actually be put in prison by the Ukranian government for worshipping god in a way they don't like and this is a democracy? This little guy doesn't think that 46 BILLION is enough US taxpayer dollars? The American people are being played and the only ones benefitting are the Defense Contractors. [[Poster’s note: I couldn’t get a direct link to the comment in question since I don’t think there’s a way to do that on MSN, so I’m posting the article it was in response to with the comments section enabled. Apologies for the inconvenience]]
2022-12-22 23:34:18.189615+00:00
Vic Biorseth
[ "#fundie", "#homophobia", "#transphobia", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Eroticism is all about how normal people may be, have been, and are being artificially eroticized for political purposes. Children especially. There is an ongoing Marxist PSYOP in operation to transform otherwise normal children and adults into "happy" members of the revolutionary LGBTQ+ "community". In Silent Coup we spoke of the three pillars of Totalitarianism. This is about the first pillar: Eroticism. Through an old running PSYOP of Cultural Marxism, the free-world population is being schmoozed into displacing self-mastery and all sense of social decency, and adopting more and more open hedonism and seeking of pleasure for pleasure's sake. As if pleasure were man's sole purpose for being. Eventually to the point that the source of human decency - God - is totally sidelined if not entirely expunged from the human mind. <...> But today, almost everyone has fallen into the "Open LGBTQ+ Behavior Is Culturally, Socially And Even Religiously Acceptable" psychological trap. And now the tables are turning, to where the open LGBTQ+ public miscreants are mandating that non-LGBTQ+ behaviors are no longer acceptable. At one time or another, you have heard the most stalwart conservative voices, whether speaking from public office, from talk radio or even from Church pulpits solemnly declare, "No one cares what goes on between homosexuals or transsexuals or any two people who love each other; that's no one's business but theirs." That's the problem; everyone should care. Sexual perversion does not belong in the public eye. No one should be subjected to seeing it on public display or dealing with it anywhere, from the workplace to the streets to political competition for political office. <...> The minute the Homo-Nazi movement started coming "out of the closet", going public, and got away with it, was the minute the American Judaeo-Christian ethos began it's decline to where, today, anything goes in the public square.
2022-12-22 23:13:51.822843+00:00
Brother Nathanael
[ "#racist", "#fundie", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Congratulations to Kanye West for advancing to “Antisemite of the Year 2022!” “Stop Antisemitism”—yet another Jewish Watchdog Group among tons of other Jewish dogs—gave Ye this prestigious award for his ‘hate speech’ screeds. And, dear, what is ‘hate speech?’ Truth and Facts Jews simply ‘hate’ to hear. <...> Damn right. I grew up as a Jew and saw Hannukah morph from a holy day celebrating God raising up the Maccabees against a pagan king into a money-making hoopla. Go into Target, Wallmart, Whole Foods, and Hannukakah Menorahs are everywhere. Nativity Scenes? Not a single one. Talk about Kwanzaa. In ‘66 a Black professor at U Cal fabricated Kwanzaa to give Blacks something instead of Christmas to celebrate which he called “too White.” Christ-hating Jews jumped right on in seeing a chance to kill off Christmas. Planning to stage joint Kwanzaa and Hannukah celebrations—complete with a ‘Black-Jewish’ Conference to kick it off—Jews knew a good thing to get in on. Some enlightened Blacks were wary saying, “Jews will soon own it all.” <...> But I’ve got my own prime candidate for “Antisemite of the Year.” Jonathan Greenblech of the Anti-Defamation League. You say: ‘Hey bro!’ ‘Greenblech is kike supreme, how’s come you to make him an ‘antisemite?’ ‘Cause the kike is creating Jew-hatred every time he opens his mouth. Like a dog begging for food at your table, Greenblech annoys the goys worse than any hungry dog. <...> Just one look at the Yid gives one a revolting feeling about Jews deep down in their kishkas. Can’t we find a better looking Yid to represent Jew hatred? Here’s a nice vibrant sampling of yiddishee people to pick from. We’ve got fat Jews, obese Jews, heavy Jews, overweight Jews, and stout Jews to choose. Some very rabbinic Jews, humping Jews, thrusting Jews, and even a schwartza Jew to select instead of Jonathan Greenblech. I like the schwartza Jew, since no Jew, not a single one, will want a schwartza Jew representing him. How antisemitic of me! It’s true! But Bro! That’s ‘hate speech!’
2022-12-22 22:07:37.267645+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
(note: responses to the post submitted here ) RE: Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you ( itsnotaboutewe ) I agree wholeheartedly. This whole debacle went from "it's just one or two dysphoric men that pass as women so you won't even notice it" to "women don't exist so they have no right to single-sex spaces and we will take your kids and trans them against your will" in around 5 years. Every politician, writer, celebrity, lawmaker, social media influencer, and policy maker who helped force this destructive ideology through our society and our law courts should be banished forever from the public eye. They have shown how little critical thinking skills they have and how easily manipulated they are by bad actors selling cruel and devisive cults. They can never be trusted with power or influence again. This time will go down in history as the worst mind virus to hit the world since the dark ages of the witchcraft trials. I want their names and deeds etched in fucking stone in letters so big you can see them from space. I will never forget or forgive them. They deserve no mercy. ( RawSienna ) It’s a fig leaf for sex offenders. When you boil off the pseudo academic/scientific bullshit, what is left is men being able to prey on women and children sexually while at the same time muzzling and hobbling us legally and socially. Fucking disgusting misogynistic perverts. ( spinningintelllect ) It's very hard not to hate them after interacting with them. There is nothing redeemable about this movement. I've never been on board with the trans, but it still somehow finds ways to disappoint me. ( Seven ) Yeah, I didn’t want to hate them. Really didn’t. But these people are EVIL. They are purely driven by profit (doctors, influencers), fetish or delusion. These people made me hurt SO BAD. So yeah, i do hate you now. And I hate you even more the minute you open your goddamn mouths in that nasally high pitched voice that is an offensive mockery of my own. ( Ooofffff ) Yep, also never wanted to hate. But knowing them and hearing them (and being yelled at by wokebros for saying I stand with JKR) resulted in hate.
2022-12-22 22:04:42.111657+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
The NWO depopulation in full swing...and the WHO, CDC, NIH, and FDA are complicit... #vaxkills #nwoagenda #nwodepopulationagenda
2022-12-22 21:57:33.418142+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
If the evil Cabal elites agree soon our destiny will be in the hands of a non national, criminal Organisation: the evil #who of #tedrosadhanomghebreyesus Let’s keep the pressure up! #wef #wef_great_human_reset #depopulationagenda #agenda2030 #greatreset #pandemictreaty #pandemichoax #nwo #nwoagenda #nwodepopulationagenda #nwotakeover #nwocabal #nwoglobalistgovernment
2022-12-22 21:54:03.836042+00:00
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
@Nature_and_Race 'What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology. It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood. Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions. Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations.' You sir are a genius. Excellently put. I was raised around Jews (who knew they were Jews and were-covertly- quite chauvanistic about it) who had never been within 100 feet of a synagouge, had never met a rabbi and whose last familial connection to (overt) Judaism was not in living memory who have behaved exactly as you describe. Controlling, exploitative, two faced, backstabbing, hysterical, hypocritical monstrous freaks. Only after I realised they were Jews ethnically did I see the pattern. They always try and tear you down, tell lies about you, hate Whites for thier nobility (the people I was raised around were very small nasty people and it showed) and try to sabotage things. They have an inbuilt hatred of Whites and really of all civilisations. It is amazing to watch (crypto) Jews who are not as smart as the average Jew try and use the same dishonest argument style, same pilpul etc and fail at it when critiquing Whites. It is really revealing of their true nature. They really, really, really do hate Whites. They really cannot help it. Yes Judaism the religion/culture is horrible- utterly evil. But Jews created Judaism not the other way around. Tl:DR; personal experience has taught me to avoid anyone with Jewish ancestors (of which there are vastly more than even the most hardcore antisemites would believe). The problem is their genes. Beware crypto Jews (ethnic Jews) are everywhere.
2022-12-22 21:52:30.379559+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@RealAnnyIrish) @Nature_and_Race Exactly, this is why I scoff at any jew that claims they have converted to Christianity, a leopard can't change it's spots. Also the crypto jew jesuits aka jewsuits have done a fantastic job of proving that. (@hamburgertoday) @Nature_and_Race They would be a hazard, but not the same degree of hazard. What makes the Jews truly dangerous is their knowledge of being Jews and how it assists them in organizing against their racial enemies and to promote their interests. If the last notion of Jewish identity were to disappear, the effect of the Jew as a race would almost disappear. Almost. (@Henrysavage101) @hamburgertoday @Nature_and_Race disagree completely. They do what they do by instinct. (@hamburgertoday) @Henrysavage101 I didn't say anything about instinct not being a factor.The issue is whether instinct alone is sufficient to make them as great a hazard to their host populations as they typically are or do they also need identity in addition to instinct? I think the latter is the case. @Nature_and_Race (@Flair1239) @hamburgertoday @Nature_and_Race I have been thinking that part of it is that they direct their psychopaths in a direction which benefits the group as a whole. They let them pursue their instincts. Europeans tend to shun our psychopaths or at least try to isolate them. Although I am not sure how true that is in America anymore.
2022-12-22 19:23:30.567400+00:00
Father Zechariah Lynch
[ "#fundie", "#wingnut" ]
[From "The Cosmic Significance of Tsar Nicholas II"] The Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II is[…]one of the most significant saints of the past century and of our “modern” times[…] One could easily speak on the deep personal attributes of Tsar Nicholas II, his profound faith and piety, his devotion as a husband, father, and ruler, together with his heartfelt concern for the well-being (physical and spiritual) of his country and the people God had entrusted to him[…] As a husband, father, priest, and pastor, I am continually inspired by this priceless man, whose portrait hangs in my office Despite the virulent propaganda promoted by the communists[…]the Tsar was a man of deep conviction, righteousness, and a just ruler as St. John of Kronstadt testifies[…] The understanding that clearly emerged[…]that the Cesar (Tsar) was ordained by God for the good and godly ordering of governmental affairs became a bedrock of Christian society[…]This God-ordained earthly authority worked in harmony – in symphony – with the Church[…] The modern secular ideal of government is based on “Enlightenment”[…]French Revolution made no attempt to hide the fact that it desired the complete overthrow of “throne and altar.” The brutal history of bloody secular revolutions has always set as primary targets royalty and clergy[…]A very enticing motto was created – rule for the people and by the people[…]The people are deluded into thinking that they are the source of authority for those who rule[…] Subjective and nebulous ideas such as “human rights” and “equality” replace the objective realities of Christian charity and love. The tyranny of fallen human perversions and passions become the dictators of human existence[…] Maybe the world was no longer worthy of such an ideal[…]After the martyrdom of the Tsar, the world entered into a time of unheard-of global chaos, socially and morally
2022-12-22 13:17:54.667189+00:00
[ "#transphobia" ]
But that's not true. Every transwoman was born with a dick and surgical mods to a penis doesn't make it anything other than a penis that's been carved up and rearranged. If a man's penis is injured beyond repair and something must be rigged so he is able to urinate, does he automatically become a woman? Of course not. He is a man who survived a life changing traumatic injury. So are transwomen. It's also worthy of note fewer 15% percent of transwomen have had neovaginas surgically created. That is considered statistically insignificant. If a party of transwomen got together roughly one in ten would have mutilated peens. The other nine would be out swinging.
2022-12-22 04:32:43.644201+00:00
James Lindsay
[ "#conspiracy", "#transphobia", "#fundie" ]
Anti-LGBTQ+ activist James Lindsay thinks that drag queens (who he calls “groomer clowns”) are part of “an unconventional warfare tactic to provoke” conservatives into killing one. Such a killing, he says, would make the victim a “Drag Floyd,” basically a drag queen version of George Floyd, a Black man whose 2020 murder by police sparked national protests against institutional discrimination. Lindsay — who has previously published hoax “research papers” seeking to discredit queer, gender, and critical race studies — made his comments while speaking during Turning Point USA’s annual Americafest conference. The organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk, has attacked transgender people and described opposition to religious exemptions as “fascism.” “Drag queens are a provocation. It’s been an escalating provocation,” Lindsay said, accusing drag queens of first putting on makeup and reading to children before eventually progressing to “dancing,” “grinding,” “sexual dancing,” “twerking,” and “doing simulated sex acts in front of children.” Very few drag shows contain simulated sex acts, and all-ages drag shows often involve reading children’s books while fully clothed or other family-friendly entertainment. He said the “real goal of Drag Queen Story Hour” is to teach kids “living queerly [and] strategic defiance” and to get adults to either accept their methods or to react too harshly against them on video in order to “smear” such opponents as inciters of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, Media Matters reported. “The goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreact — and that’s where I say ‘Drag Floyd,'” Lindsay added. “It’s so important to understand that they want a drag queen to get attacked and they want to make a huge amount of hay of it and they want to create summer 2020 again off of a drag queen or a trans person or something like this.” Lindsay made his comments while sitting on a panel with Kirk; Steve Bannon, an anti-LGBTQ+ former advisor to President Donald Trump; and Tim Pool, a podcaster who said that queer people are child molesters who are responsible for their own murders.
2022-12-21 23:39:57.248385+00:00
CREATOR GOD ATON OF LIGHT via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer
[ "#crackpot", "#ufo", "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
ALL THE SIGNS ARE PRESENT These portions shall be placed afore the messages of Seven Co­hans of the Seven Rays of Life. The purity of these teachers and the "Orders" established have been degraded and the names themselves taken and usurped by the Evil Brotherhood to cause the human to lose of his path unto his greater heritage. It was that these orders were established so much longer ago than you ones can imagine and were only for designation of identification that you might recognize a name, a label-just as the Master Cristos has many labels according to the language and cycle of evolution. I have had as many labels as you have groups of peo­ple--it does not mean I bear separate energies--only that man must give all things labels for he can no longer discern "pure energy" in silence <...> MAN DOES NOT WISH TO KNOW HIS ANCESTRY. IT IS EASIER TO DRIFT IN A SEA OF MYSTERY AND MYSTICISM OF "WELL, I WAS MOLDED OF DIRT, WAS TEMPTED BY THE SERPENT, WILL LIVE OUT MY LIFE IN EVIL, WILL SOMEHOW RECOVER AND MEET THE MASTER CHRIST SOMEWHERE IN THE AIR, SOMETIME, SOMEWHERE WHEN ALL THE SIGNS ARE PRESENT!" ALLTHE SIGNS ARE PRESENT. CHILDREN. AND YET YE WALLOW IN YOUR PRE-SCHOOL IGNORANCE – ACCEPTING THAT WHICH IS THE LIE AND REFUSING THAT WHICH IS TRUTH AND PERSECUTING THOSE ONES WHO ARE GIVEN THE TRUTH IN THIS MANNER. TRUTH BRINGERS DO NOT REAP GREAT REWARDS FROM THEIR TASK, THEY DO NOT HAVE SEMINARS TO ENTERTAIN THE MASSES--THEY DO NOT STUDY THE GREAT ACCEPTED "AUTHORS" OF BOOKS OF AUTHORITY", THEY SHUT THEIR MOUTHS, OPEN OF THEIR MINDS AND RECEIVE THE TRUTH--FURTHER, UNLESS YOU RECEIVE OF THE TRUTH YOU SHALL NOT BE DRIFTING ON ANY CLOUDS TO ANYWHERE EXCEPT MORE DENSE RECYCLING IN NETHER WORLDS OR DRIFTING IN THE SAME TYPE OF ASTRAL VOID AS YOU HAVE CHOSEN UP UNTIL THIS SEQUENCE OF YOUR CURRENT SOUL EXISTENCE. THERE IS ONLY PURITY IN THE KINGDOMS OF LIGHT. IF EVIL TOUCHES WITHIN THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT, THAT PORTION IS REMOVED
2022-12-21 23:23:12.929636+00:00
Medeea Greere
[ "#crackpot", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#mammon" ]
GESARA NESARA TRUMPSARA is coming. Get ready for the (GCR) Global Currency Reset and (QFS)! Quantum Financial System before everyone else. ALL Banks worldwide are moving to (CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currency right now. It’s your last chance to get into crypto/gold/silver before the banks activate the QFS. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and (NESARA GESARA) is upon us! The central banks are using crypto for the new QFS. Regulated ISO 20022 Cryptos like XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA, SHX, HBAR will change the world and EXPLODE 10X, 100X, 1,000X and Even More. You really don’t want to miss out on this. GCR – THE GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET Gold/Precious Metals and Nesara/Gesara. Two different factors for the GCR event: ● Factor 1: The RV (the revaluation of world currencies) ● Factor 2: The Quantum Financial System In order for rainbow coins, bonds or ISO20022 assets to start moving in value, physical precious metals must first undergo a reassessment! Once the new assessment is defined, the weight of compliance with Basel III + Bretton Woods 3 will bring legitimacy to everything else, triggering ISO20022 regulation. RV – The Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas. Redemption Center personnel were scheduled to work long hours all this and next week, except for Christmas Day. The Alliance remained in charge and continued to make Mass Arrests across the globe, along with holding Military Tribunals at the US Capitol in Washington DC, GITMO and Antarctica. RV – The Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas. Redemption Center personnel were scheduled to work long hours all this and next week, except for Christmas Day. The Alliance remained in charge and continued to make Mass Arrests across the globe, along with holding Military Tribunals at the US Capitol in Washington DC, GITMO and Antarctica.
2022-12-21 23:16:01.988045+00:00
Eric Peters
[ "#quack", "#wingnut" ]
Christmas will never be the same again. For the same reason that America will never be the same again. Millions of us will never be able to look upon some of our fellow Americans – including some of our friends and family members – as we once did, ever again. The ones who turned their backs on us – and worse – for questioning what we rightly identified as a mass hysteria they embraced. Who feared and loathed us, because we would not wear a “mask” – which we didn’t because we knew that putting it on only fueled the mass hysteria. We didn’t wear the things for their sakes as well as our own. For the sake of calm and common sense. <...> They told us we weren’t welcome in their homes at Christmas. That we weren’t welcome, period. Unless, of course, we bought in to their hysteria and played along. Some of these friends and family members would have supported more than just excommunicating us from their homes and lives and from society, generally. When the drugs that aren’t vaccines were rolled out, many were in favor of everyone being forced to take them. Tens of millions of people were effectively forced to take them, being under duress. They were told to take the drugs – or take a hike. Lose your job – or lose your bodily autonomy and your self-respect, having bent knee to a violation of your body for the sake of grubby money. <...> They then blamed us when they got the sickness they’d been “vaccinated” against. The illogic of that escaping them. Now we are supposed to pretend it all never happened and sit down for Christmas dinner with these people. It is not quite sleeping with the enemy but it’s not that far from it, either. For, no matter the superficialities, the feigned pleasantries of our previous association, they regard us with suspicion and contempt. Just as we so regard them.
2022-12-21 21:55:41.354277+00:00
[ "#quack" ]
People who allow this vaccine experiment into their children are nothing but CUNTS. #leaveourkidsalone #vaccineinjuries #vaccinekillskids #covidiots #humanracegetoffyourknees #devilswork #nwodepopulationagenda #cabal #luciferiansacrifice #standupfightback #protectthekids image spoilerINJURING CHILDREN TO MAKE ADULTS FEEL SAFE IS A NEW LOW FOR THE HUMAN RACE.
2022-12-21 21:49:57.922413+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@Nature_and_Race) What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology. It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood. Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions. Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations. (@NotReallyFrench) @Nature_and_Race I’ve been saying this for years. Most jews don’t even *know*; but they support their anti-White causes *instinctually*. The world situation we’re now in, is what happens when that is left to run unchecked. They latch on to powerful goy institutions, weaponize them against each other for their own personal gain, and then (try to) jump ship when the whole thing comes crashing down. The parasite *always* regards itself as a superior being to its host. After all, if the host was so superior, why did it allow itself to become parasitized in the first place ? (@88ffhh3) @Nature_and_Race "There isn't a jewish conspiracy because too many people would know!!" 1: All mosquitos have a conspiracy to suck blood 2: Too many people DO know. I'm telling you right now. (@Apophis22) @Nature_and_Race When you've been acting as a parasite in every nation you've been in the last thousands of years it's clearly much more than a mere ideology. It's a way of life (@Henrysavage101) @Apophis22 @Nature_and_Race exactly. This is why zionism is such bullshit. Jews will never do productive labour and Israel the country is a parasite funded by White tax payers. (@John844) @Nature_and_Race Jews are genetic evil. They can't help it. Jesus challenged them from the very beginning to do good, even promised them if they would that things would go well. But he knew then, and he knew later when he challenged them again that they were incapable. Steal, kill, destroy, lie, accuse, deceive. That's what they do because that is WHO they are. (@VIc_FUry) @Nature_and_Race Jews worry about the innate taste and preferences of whites... They work very hard and suppressing those tendencies in our culture.
2022-12-21 21:47:14.043868+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#quack" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) Ivermectin WORKED as a therapeutic treatment for Covid. Anthony Fauci lied about that fact and hundreds of thousands died because of his malpractice and dishonesty. He belongs in prison. (@MAGAangel4) @DrPaulGosar It had NOTHING to do w/ his "malpractice & dishonesty"... it worked EXACTLY as they planned!! This had ZERO to do w/health & all about control. They unleashed COVID for the JAB, not the other way around. This was used to usher in the NWO/ Great RESET BS!! Call them out on it!! Stop dancing around this BS!! (@AxiumGreenWallace3) @MAGAangel4 @DrPaulGosar Yup, 1. Steal election 2. Control/nwo 3. Depopulation (@MeTrumpWonDemsCheated) @MAGAangel4 @DrPaulGosar Jail? He needs to be in a solar oven with a camera on him, live streaming his torturously slow expiration by hyperthermia and/or dehydration. (@14W) @DrPaulGosar All antiwhites belong in prison, or deserve to be deported. (@CedarVale) @DrPaulGosar how many individuals in Congress or their staff got Ivermectin & or Hydroxy? My guess is more than 100 (@LeaveItToBelieverFFS) @CedarVale @DrPaulGosar If I recall , there were over 200 treated at the beginning of this plandemic ... Bongingo or A. Stone maybe even Stew Peter's reported this . (@JohnnyG_NYC) @DrPaulGosar what other drugs does Fauci and Big Pharma know work against other disease and are keeping from us? All to keep people sick and dependent on other drugs that don’t work. (@rockymtnwaylife) @JohnnyG_NYC @DrPaulGosar We all know they know how to cure cancer or what to do to prevent it or make is less harsh. However if they did that, they wouldn't get as much money. (@Cynb1) @DrPaulGosar why haven’t you arrested him? Why hasn't anyone in congress removed him from his position and performed citizens arrest on behalf of the 322 million people you (congress) are supposed to represent and who have demanded his arrest? (@Kaybob4567) @DrPaulGosar Trump had the opportunity to promote Hydroxycloraquine as the cure !! He stuck with Vaccines under Warp Speed, Biden just continued on with the Bolshevik plan!! (@MelbyCatMom) @DrPaulGosar so does all of the Biden administration (@AppetiteforDestruction) @DrPaulGosar It wasn’t just Farci. They all need brought to Justice. NO SCAPE GOATS. We want them ALL…
2022-12-21 21:07:29.242306+00:00
Ramona Lappin
[ "#magick", "#ufo", "#conspiracy" ]
ALL IS SET FOR OUR FULL & FINAL ASCEND! Our along with the Planetary and Cosmic Crystal Heart is healing and opening, ready for THE SUPERNOVA OF THE HEART EVENT! Which we will be calling in with tomorrow’s Kryst-Mass Group Call, as we fully ignite the New Divine Organic Creatrix Field together as ONE! All remaining fear-based imprints are being fully cleared and dissolved as our 12/13D Diamond New Earth Grid and Diamond Avatar Self and New Ascension Earth Realities can come fully online now! <...> We did it! THE WAR IS finally truly OVER! OUR VICTORY IS UNFOLDING and about to become very real for all to see again! The Divine Feminine has fully surrendered herself to Divine Love and the Divine Masculine, as he holds the container for the Creation of ALL NEW WORLDS to be birthed through her, or rather through both of them as ONE with SOURCE and ALL of Creation. As she fully lets go and surrenders, she dissolves into the antimatter and Cosmic Womb, that holds infinite potential within it, and together they collapse the Quantum Standing Wave function of the false Matrix realities, within the STILL POINT of the Zero Point Field of Divine Love, to birth forth our New Eden and Heaven on Earth! <...> The Original Twinflames are also healing the split and wall in time and Lyran war Timelines, cataclysm and all of the destruction of the Lyran Stargate, which is healing the masculine and feminine, and mental and emotional body split, as well as 12/13D connection and Interdimensional Stargate System. Also supported by the recent healing of the masculine distortions and connections to the Egyptian Timelines and the Giza and Orion Stargate system. This is bringing a final end to the Galactic and Interdimensional War dramas throughout time and space, across the Cosmos! All connected back to the 12 / 13 Original Tribes and Indigo Maji Graillines, and the Holy Grail, Holy Trinity Family. It’s the Royal Houses UNITING ALL AS ONE TRIBE again!
2022-12-21 08:31:38.992545+00:00
Wayne Allyn Root
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
It's All Rigged Like Pro Wrestling: If You Think Kari Lake, Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker Lost without a Rigged Election, You're an Idiot I now believe it's a fact the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. By a collusion of big government, Big Tech and, in particular, the FBI who together held weekly meetings to suppress any stories beneficial to then-President Donald Trump along with any stories harmful to then-candidate Joe Biden. They blacked out any mention of Biden's corruption, his apparent case of dementia and in particular, the Hunter laptop scandal. The emails released by Elon Musk show the FBI ordered Twitter (and other social media companies) to fix and rig the election against Trump. You can bet the FBI held the same meetings and gave the same orders to the mainstream media. The whole liberal media cabal was in on the steal. This shows the 2020 election was rigged and stolen — exactly as so many of us warned and reported, while being called "election deniers" and "conspiracy theorists." In other words, I told you so. I was right from day one. I was right the first time, and I'll be proven right again. Nothing has changed. I believe Democrats are STILL rigging our elections — just more carefully and subtly. I'm telling you it happened again in the 2022 midterms. Our elections are still being rigged and stolen.
2022-12-21 08:20:46.933741+00:00
Ben Garrison
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
All the while, many of us were warning everyone not to take those experimental Covid jabs. We got rewarded with ridicule and bans on social media. We were not allowed to question ‘science’ owned by the WHO and WEF. Still, science is about questioning. Science is always evolving and getting amended. For example, Galileo discovered the moons orbiting Jupiter, which therefore proved the Earth was not the center of the universe. The Catholic church controlled science at that time and they threatened him with excommunication—even torture. Today, doctors and scientists who do not fall in line lose their jobs and reputations. Some even get murdered. Big Pharma uses their vast fortunes to silence their critics. Those who warned against medical tyranny were excommunicated from Twitter and Facebook.
2022-12-21 19:54:46.597614+00:00
Gavin Wax and Marjorie Taylor Greene
[ "#wingnut", "#homophobia", "#transphobia" ]
“We want to cross the Rubicon. We want total war. We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets,” NYYRC president Gavin Wax declared to a room full of supporters at 583 Park Ave., an event venue on New York’s Upper East Side “This is the only language the left understands. The language of pure and unadulterated power,” Wax added. Bannon and the Brimelows At the five-hour event, which Hatewatch reporters attended, white nationalists Peter and Lydia Brimelow of VDARE hobnobbed with Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser and White House official. Donald Trump Jr. was also in attendance Republicans publicly lauded members in attendance from an Austrian political party founded by World War II-era Nazi party members. Racist political operative Jack Posobiec shared jokes across a table with Josh Hammer[…]Multiple recently elected GOP congresspeople applauded Marjorie Taylor Greene, who told the NYYRC crowd in the event’s closing remarks that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol would have succeeded if she had planned it and that the insurrectionists would have been armed[…] “I will tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I organized that, we would have won,” she said, as attendees erupted in cheers and applause. “Not to mention, it would’ve been armed”[…] White nationalists such as the Brimelows of VDARE and leaders from extreme far-right European parties like Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD)[…]and Austrian Freedom Party (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ), ate and drank in the same room as newly elected Republican congresspeople[…] NYYRC gave Posobiec a speaking slot and an Allen W. Dulles award[…] Greene praised a Project Veritas video focused on LGBTQ+ education published by the group, saying it shows that teachers “pass around dildos, butt plugs and lube”
2022-12-21 19:52:39.311150+00:00
[ "#fundie" ]
There are no reproducible scientific experiments proving evolution. Evolution is as much a religion as all the others.
2022-12-21 00:01:32.446139+00:00
Pepe Escobar
[ "#dunning-kruger", "#god-complex", "#moonbat" ]
News from the NATOstan-Imposed Meat Grinder No one ever lost money capitalizing on the unlimited nonsense spewed out by the collective deer caught in the headlights also known as Western mainstream media – complete with showering Person of the Year awards on a megalomaniac, cocaine-fueled lousy actor impersonating a warlord. The non-stop trashy parade of Western military analysts is now “assessing” that the first targets of an incoming, joint Russia-Belarus attack on the 404 black hole formerly known as Ukraine will be Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and why not throw Kiev in the mix straight out of a second axis. Some facts though never change. If push ever came to shove Russia can conveniently defeat the whole of NATO as there is hardly anything “there”. With its array of hypersonic missiles, Russia can knock out all NATO bridges, ports, airports as well as power stations, oil and natural gas storage, Rotterdam oil and natural gas installations, in a matter of a few hours. Europe would be shut off from natural resources. A dazed and confused Empire would be unable to move troops, any troops, to Europe. This rinse and repeat tactic has led to (at least) 400,000 Ukrainian casualties. Call it the epitome of Attritional Warfare. Historians will relish that the whole scenario resembles the Battle of Agincourt, with French Knights playing the role of present day Ukrainians, and Polish/NATO mercenaries. By the time this meat grinder is over an entire generation of Ukrainians and Poles will have gone to meet their maker. NATO, as Stultifying Stoltenberg keeps reminding the world, does not do negotiations. Which may be a blessing, as NATO may end up breaking up in myriad pieces, totally humiliated on the ground despite all its elaborate warmongering plans. All this while Russia prepares “for yet another ‘defeat’, like retaking all of Donbass and then… Who knows what then. A quick win for Russia would be a loss because NATO would still exist. No, Russia has to pace this so as it sucks in NATO into the grinder.” Somewhere in her private pantheon, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Geopolitics, is immensely enjoying the show. Oh, wait; she’s actually reincarnated, and her name is Maria Zakharova.
2022-12-20 21:52:16.760837+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia", "#sexist" ]
RE: Men use their penises as literal weapons of war, but we should be fine with them in our spaces. ( femlez34 ) 100%. TIMs will say, "well we're not 'men' so that doesn't apply to us", but then in the same breath will threaten feminists with rape to try and get them back in line. I don't think they even realize how much they do this, it's so ingrained in their DNA. ( pepperbeth ) We have to start waking up - sexual violence is a huge motivator for many men, maybe "not all men" but huge numbers. Some will say "oh rape is about sex" "oh rape is about power" but let's allow men some intersectional analysis - sexual power is highly arousing to men. Dominating and harming others is arousing to men. They will watch violence in porn, they will enact it in the bedroom, they will buy slave women to harm for their own orgasms, and they will rape women and children, including their own fucking brothers and sisters, and they become especially aroused and predatory when when war grants them opportunity to rape many vulnerable potential victims. Do women get aroused by the suffering of others? Not even Aileen Wournos can rival the most average of prostitute-murdering men. The penis isn't the scary part, it's the whole goddamn man. ( Fluffy_gender ) Yes, that's why I find it ridiculous when people say "rape/sex abuse is not about sex, it's about power". Well, power is indeed very sexualized for men... ( Pointer ) Men do seem to have "rape software" pre-installed. Makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. They are actually able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm while penetrating someone who is screaming and crying in pain. It's crazy. ( Gladys_Kravitz ) Men are carrying loaded weapons at all times, and we're supposed to trust them completely and give them endless chances. It's fucking insane. Edit: this is why self defense laws are such bullshit and deliberately harmful to women. We literally cannot act in self defense the way a man can. He can kill us with his bare hands in the heat of the moment, we cannot. Fuck man, they literally kill us with their penises during violent rapes. There is no possibility of a woman killing a man using only her vulva/vagina, it's not the same act at all. Trust no male, especially one that REALLY wants to violate your boundaries.
2022-12-20 23:38:46.033161+00:00
Vital Frosi
[ "#magick", "#ufo", "#conspiracy" ]
Beloveds! Within the Plan of Evolution of Worlds, Earth is leaving behind the frequency of the Third Dimension, a vibration that has always accompanied it since its earliest history. We are entering higher frequency bands, with the lowest frequency corresponding to that of the Fifth Dimension. In fact, what exists are energetic vibrations corresponding to certain frequency ranges, known as dimensions. <...> In the 3D frequency, matter is predominant. Everything is coarser, heavier. Everything is based on carbon, because that makes all impermanent. Carbon decomposes and renews itself, as if it were reborn from itself. This partly explains the Wheel of Samsara, which is nothing but the ring of reincarnations. <...> Today, everything is expanding rapidly. The veils are being lifted one by one, and in not too long, human consciousness will no longer be the same. We are in the final decades of the planetary transition, which was estimated to last three centuries. <...> Let’s talk about the dissolution of the third dimension. Everything is declining now. The last 50 years are the most amazing within these 3 centuries. Back around 2001, Gesara was to be proclaimed in September that year. Gesara is a definition corresponding to the exchange of all existing 3D systems to adapt them to the new 5D reality. The occult forces that have always ruled humanity through work and debt do not want to accept the end of 3D because they cannot resist the new higher frequencies. Even if it is a universal plan, some human actions may promote or delay these processes, since everything is energy. Why in September 2001 retaliation was instituted. You all know the (9/11) consequences. Nevertheless, as a result of the expansion of collective consciousness, the Earth timeline was changed in 2010. With the exception of the Armageddon timeline, a new, softer and less painful timeline was introduced. This timeline is valid until the end of this transition. By 2050, no remnants of Old Earth will remain.
2022-12-20 23:20:06.348292+00:00
John de Nugent
[ "#sexist", "#homophobia", "#wingnut" ]
I always say that the language is the mirror of a culture. For example, I’m often asked why Russians are not accepting of Western LGBT “values.” My answer is that it’s enshrined in their culture. The gender roles are set subconsciously in Russian mind by their very language. While in English we simply get “married”, in Russian a man gets “женат” (zhenat) which menas he gets “womaned.” And a woman, upon marrying, is “за мужем” (za muzhem) meaning behind a husband, that is, he stand protectively in front of her. The first case implies also that the man is softened by a woman, and in second that the woman is protected by a man. That fundamental gender and cultural difference is thus reflected in the Russian language.
2022-12-20 21:49:07.506122+00:00
Jimmy Paine/James Rink
[ "#conspiracy", "#ufo" ]
"Today Jimmy will explain how he became a crew member of the USS Eldridge in 1962, under the command of German U-boat Captain Oscar Schneider (Phil Schneider’s father) and we will also be discussing the return of the USS Eldridge in 2023 and his request of the community for help recovering the vessel. We will also be discussing about the nuclear war which may happen between 2023 and 2027. Super Soldier Agent Jimmy Paine, aka Dallas was in the secret space program from 1959 to 1996. During this time, he was a shuttle craft pilot for the Tall White warriors at Area 51 and participated in time travel missions with the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero. He also recalls working for the Weyland Corporation where he encountered a xenomorph at LV426 which the movie aliens were based off. He was stationed on Mars, Titan, the Moon. On Mars, he has seen the broken statue of a giant face of a humanoid on a mission in 1974 along with Duncan O’finoian. He remembers seeing Tommy Knockers in a cave on Mars which are muscular type of Tall Greys. On the moon of Titan, he was stationed at a massive underground base. He was tasked with fighting a monster they called IT. IT was looked like the junior Montauk monster, a type of Bigfoot monster that was would gain strength by attacking it. He was also on a secret mission from Vandenberg Air Force, the Lunar Apollo 20 mission with William Rutledge where they discovered an oriental looking humanoid named EB Mona Lisa. Jimmy claims the Apollo 20 footage on YouTube is real."
2022-12-20 21:47:47.169369+00:00
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
image These current mass shootings in the U.S. are deeply connected to Democratics who want to take away guns and bring in a world REGIMEN that is connected to FULL control of humans. No first amendment rights and a you now see even FREEDOM of speech is being ATTACKED across the globe. > In 2017 Australia relinquish their guns and right to defend them selves in a huge PLANNED staged event that was created by Globalists ( DS)... Just three years later the same Globalists/WHO/DAVOS/Rockefellers/ Dupont/ECT ECT ECT ECT.. Released the bioweapon virus and installed prison camps and arrested their own citizens who did not comply with the mainstream narration. Hundreds of thousands of Australians banks were frozen, arrested and thousands went to camps ( prison )/// > This was all PLANNED..... And this is what they try to plan for the U. S. ______ Be prepared for more staged MASS shootings in the U.S. As the deep state/ democrats/ RHINOs/controlled by Globalists ELITES try to bring me laws to take away guns in the U.S It's all PLANNED and connected to world health organization trying to take over and install ( not happening) a World Treaty They don't want an awakened, armed PUBLIC to defy their plans.
2022-12-20 21:44:45.493607+00:00
[ "#conspiracy", "#quack" ]
The World Council for Health notes that non-scientific speculation on recent monkeypox cases by the WHO is being used to justify further human rights violations together with a roll-out of new and experimental smallpox vaccines. #wef #wefagenda2030 #fascism #klausschwab #who #nwodepopulationagenda World Council for Health Statement on Monkeypox cases
2022-12-20 21:35:50.399966+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#quack" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) Under the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration which has not yet been terminated, Biden still has the power to raise Fauci's salary, barricade the nation's Capitol, draft Americans without consent, among 120 more powers. Congress must end Biden's pandemic powers. Ivermectin WORKED as a therapeutic treatment for Covid. Anthony Fauci lied about that fact and hundreds of thousands died because of his malpractice and dishonesty. He belongs in prison. (@Solonsax) @DrPaulGosar For clarification purposes, you mean because there never was an actual pandemic, correct? (@Schwella) @DrPaulGosar Along with Fauci forgetting to mention that anyone in congress that got covid used ivermectin (@OCExpat) @DrPaulGosar Not enough. Congress must end criminally insane Biden's illegitimate regime before they convince Putin to turn our major cities into giant parking lots. (@westartstatts) @DrPaulGosar the punishment for his crimes is EXECUTION! (@Barbie_H) @DrPaulGosar What is even monstrously worse, is that Fauci KNEW ivermectin was effective and pushed his dangerous drug knowing it would shut down liver and kidney functions (@Unapologeticlonghair) @DrPaulGosar he should be hanged dead is what he should be. Let's be honest (@Aufwachen1933) @DrPaulGosar There never was an "emergency". It's all LIES. (@shepbaz) @DrPaulGosar DJT ISSUED THE EMERGENCY COVID ORDER! UNTIL HE ADMITS THAT THE SO CALLED VACCINES ARE KILLING PEOPLE, I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM! (@Starlot) @DrPaulGosar The covid “emergency” has also allowed them to run “safe and effective” Covid commercials for 3 years, where they don’t need to list that long list of side effects and death that all other medications list in ads. Such a scam!!!
2022-12-20 21:34:23.145165+00:00
Donald J Trump & various commenter
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Donald J Trump) Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia (which I brought to the World’s attention as President when I explained how crippling reliance on it could be for Germany and other parts of Europe. Everybody laughed at the time, but they are not laughing anymore!) has been SABOTAGED. This could lead to major escalation, or War! (@deprogrammingservices) @realdonaldtrump And it was probably Biden that ordered it to be blown up. Allowing the Biden coup to stand for so long is having a far more destructive effect than many people expected. Do you think the coward Republicans expected this kind of thing when they voted to confirm an election they all knew was fake? (@ThomasJWasney) @realdonaldtrump -*Biden, " ...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it...we will be able to do that." -January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.” (@wedograndpa) @ThomasJWasney @realdonaldtrump they always tell their intentions ahead of time (@IbeeFree) @realdonaldtrump I'm sick of this idiot who was too weak to stop an election steal on his watch. (@TrumpaBumpa) @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump He's assuming every one of us on Gab is going to vote for him again in 2024. He's very wrong. (@Saltillo) @TrumpaBumpa @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump. Of President Trump wins the primary then I will be forced to vote for him. (@TrumpaBumpa) @Saltillo @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump There's no way in hell I'll be voting for someone directly responsible for convincing millions to get a poison vaxx, and that includes Trump. (@ILoveDragons) @realdonaldtrump Who cares about Germany! They asked for it! #FloridaMatters DeSantis has his priorities straight! (@Elem_Arha) @ILoveDragons @realdonaldtrump germany is an occupied country, occupied by the americans. the russians left europe in peace, taking care of their own business at home - the american occupancy stayed and broke every international law in the book inciting war and illegal attacks. [...]
2022-12-20 21:33:06.026989+00:00
Alastair Crooke
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
The inflection has begun. It has been messaged by the Financial Times (FT) and The Economist – the two media that so faithfully transmit any ‘replacement narrative’ to the globalist sherpas (those who carry the baggage up the mountain, on behalf of the mounted nabobs). <...> On the surface, it is possible to read The Economist piece as a plea for more money and many more weapons. But the underlying messaging is clear: “Anyone who underestimates Russia is heading for defeat”. The Russian force mobilisation was a success; there is no problem with Russian morale; and Russia is preparing a huge winter offensive that will start soon. Russia has huge reserve forces (of up to 1.2 million men); whereas Ukraine now has 200,000 who are militarily trained for conflict. The ‘writing is on the wall’, in other words. Ukraine cannot win. <...> Media headlines moved on seamlessly from Afghanistan to Ukraine, scarcely with a backwards glance. And already, a diversionary ‘tethered goat’ is being prepared to grab compliant western MSM attention, as the Ukraine meme is quietly shelved, and Serbia’s ‘aggression’ against Kosovo becomes the new ‘aggression’. Serbia may strike the western Ruling Class as ‘low-hanging fruit’ with which NATO could burnish its tarnished image (post-Afghanistan and Ukraine). Simply put, Serbia daily is being threatened by EU and US officials: Join with Europe in sanctioning Russia; recognize formally Kosovan independence; abandon the Serbs who have lived in Kosovo for centuries; join the EU and NATO – as a part of an anti-Russian bloc; and ‘no’, all those past legal accords have no import, and will be ignored. The crux? The clear majority of Serbians favour Russia. It is an island surrounded by NATO and EU states. The government in Belgrade is proposing to send 1000 Serbian police to Kosovo to protect the rights of the local Serbian population, but NATO may want to use this as a pretext to show off its military muscle.
2022-12-20 19:32:18.441799+00:00
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
[ "#racist" ]
[From "@DanPriceSeattle - Have they tried being less inferior?"] @DanPriceSeattleBlack workers are 26% more likely to say they're treated fairly after going remote I don't think we've fully come to grips with how much mental health damage office work has done to people who don't fit into the majority - black people, introverts, etc 7:53 PM · Aug 9, 2022 Negroes don't like going into the office. Every employer who's looked at the number of hours they put in has surely noticed this, but it's nice to have one of their "allies" point it out as well The funny thing about "being treated fairly" is that a poorly performing employee being treated badly is fair...but not if you ask the employee in question. So on the face of it this survey doesn't tell you anything. Dan's claim is "making niggers do office work hurts their mental health", but the counter-claim that "niggers prefer remote work since they can slack off without being detected" is exactly as explainable from the data
2022-12-20 05:36:21.790853+00:00
A.F. Branco
[ "#wingnut" ]
image Minnesota Health Dept. is pushing parents to vaccinate their infants with an experimental COVID vaccine.
2022-12-20 05:29:33.336610+00:00
Meg Ellefson
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
Dr. Candace Nayman, a 27-year-old resident doctor at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Canada collapsed while competing in a triathlon. She is the fifth Toronto doctor to die in one month. Toronto physicians Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall died last week, just days after the tragic death of 50-year-old Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympian who died during a run. Predictably, the big medicine cabal is denying the common denominator that is responsible for their deaths – the Covid shots.
2022-12-20 05:16:41.981837+00:00
Ben Garrison
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut", "#mammon" ]
Or maybe they did work. If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines? Gates has already stated this intention. The oligarchs own this planet and they think there are too many people on it consuming too many resources. This is the true reason for the vaccines. In that sense, they were very effective. People are dying suddenly and will continue to die. Will you stand up for America? Fight the DC UniParty by supporting our cartoons- Click to Donate Today! It’s EASY!
2022-12-19 23:38:22.176151+00:00
Mike Adams the Health Ranger
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut", "#quack", "#racist", "#fundie" ]
Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons. <...> Many Antifa supporters are Luciferians / Satanists, and if they can take down the power grid on or around Christmas Day, they will literally achieve the snuffing out of lights on the day of Christ. This would be an “extra credit” type of terrorism activity for those who are also satanists and who therefore despise both Christ and a functioning human civilization. <...> I cover all this and more in today’s podcast: – Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons – Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure – Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas) – Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck – America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: #Inflation , layoffs, etc. – EU #climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions – EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050 – CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon – Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE – The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since – Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth – Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future? #depopulation – Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity. – The entire human race has been targeted for termination by forces far more powerful than us
2022-12-19 23:18:31.507633+00:00
Gil Carson
[ "#crackpot", "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
The Ultimate Conspiracy That May Destroy Us: 5G NETWORK, Weaponized Cell Towers, HAARP Weather Modification and Chemtrail Spraying of the Atmosphere all in one! They’ve finally created an effective way to get rid of us pesky humans! And who is “They?” we will get to that shortly. Every part of this new 5G Network program is shockingly destructive to the Earth and to human life itself! I’m sure you will be as shocked as I was when I started looking into all the facts. Even though this has been introduced as an amazing technological marvel that will offer so much to our world, I believe that instead worldwide suffering and destruction could very well be at our doorstep! Think I’m just exaggerating? Let’s take a careful look at each part of this new technology as I reveal them in this book and then see if you still want to take the risks. The piggybacking of the Chemtrails with the 5G network. Yes, the Global Geoengineering Program which threatens our health and environment by spraying heavy metals into the atmosphere will be teamed up with the 5G network giving them the ability to rapid spread what amounts to “Death Rays” around the World causing wide-spread destruction of human life on this planet! There will be no hiding from it. This is a mass surveillance system. They can track and trace anyone anywhere which this technology. Additionally, it’s equipped with beam-forming technology which allows it to basically lock on to targets and direct a focused beam of electromagnetic waves to that target. You will not be able to escape from this programmed assassination! Discover every aspect of this program and look at what is happening now and in the future. Will you be able to escape?
2022-12-19 21:53:33.095589+00:00
Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate
[ "#crackpot", "#conspiracy", "#wingnut", "#racist", "#ufo" ]
*Operation Trust 2.0” is another codename for the Q psyop. The Q Psyop hss been rebranded and relaunched in several different forms since 2015. “Q Clearance Patriot” was the original name of the operation that eventually became the “Q” we all know(not “Qanon”, that’s what the media mistakenly refers to it as. “Q” will get very upset if you refer to it as “Qanon”). Though Q-anon is a homophony for Cannan or Cain, which makes a ton of sense. Q is also a nod to: (1) the feathered serpent Mesoamerican diety Quatzecotal. (2)the Queens subversive “Qinetiq” intelligence apparatus. (3)the “sentient” Quantum computer program that creates the Q drops and manages the rhetoric and tone of the psychological operation as a whole. Visually it also acts as a representation of the human Zygote embryo being infected by a synthetic or serpentine genetic invader. <...> Most of these partisan political movements and many of these “alternative” social media and video platforms like Truth.Social and Gab are obvious honey hole traps designed to identify dissident citizens and gather intelligence to be used against the American people. I’ve even heard the much beloved and very free speech friendly Bitchute platform is British Intelligence! Say it ain’t so! Just remember never to trust anyone or anything. Anyone still smoking the Hopium and buying into Q as a benevolent military operation here to save America and annihilate the Jesuit/Zionist Cabal is dumber than a box of paperclips. The Q movement is designed to “identify and neutralize” the opposition. It’s the Feds gathering intelligence. They’ve done this before. There no “White Hats” secretly vanquishing the Cabal behind the scenes and holding secret military tribunals to bring the EL-ite leaders who control our Clownworld to ultimate justice. It’s all an act.
2022-12-19 21:49:24.886253+00:00
Marc Andreessen
[ "#wingnut", "#dunning-kruger", "#pratt" ]
[Context: said after the public outcry over Musk banning some journalists on Twitter] Yet another warm welcome to all the newest converts to the great American cause of free speech!
2022-12-19 21:45:49.406308+00:00
Geoffrey Grider
[ "#fundie", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Get ready for Round #2 of the New World Order, coming to a theater near you in 2023, you heard it here first. 23 Skidoo! Today on the Podcast we will do a little prognosticating about what 2023 may or may not have in store for us. We will base this on not baseless conspiracy theory, but on what did transpire in the time period we are now calling Round #1, the years 2020 through 2022. The New World Order is not retreating, in fact, they appear to be reloading. Are you ready for what comes next? “Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?” Habakkuk 1:16,17 (KJB) On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Jared Kushner and Elon Musk were just accidentally intentionally “spotted” hanging out together at the World Cup Finals in Qatar, I wonder what that means? It means something. Speaking of Jared Kushner, he just started Affinity Partners hedge fund that opened its doors with $2,000,000,000.00 in petty cash on day one of operations. I wonder where all that cash came from. (not really). Here’s a fun fact – did you know that the Kingdom Holding Company and the private office of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal are the second largest investors in Twitter? It’s true. Hmm, I wonder what all these seemingly unrelated items have to do with each other? (I don’t really wonder, I know). Did you know that the New York Times published a swastika-shaped crossword puzzle to celebrate the first day of Hanukkah? They did, and what about the Spartan Virus and Mein Kampf? Man, oh man. Get ready for Round #2 of the New World Order, coming soon to a theater near you in 2023, you heard it here first.
2022-12-19 21:43:43.171097+00:00
@England449 & @Evola_shades
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
( @England449 ) Controlled opposition! People like Laurence Fox, Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters are completely fine with mass immigration and us becoming a minority so long as the immigrants coming "share our values and love our culture". Here's a video of Tommy Robinson saying that he'd open our borders for all Muslim women in Saudi Arabia to move here. #WhiteLivesMatter #StopImmigrationStartRepatriation image ( @Evola_shades ) Agree. Culture is downstream from Race.
2022-12-19 21:35:21.109525+00:00
Ester Perez
[ "#transphobia" ]
(continued from ) Where "Just Be Kind" Has Gotten Us [...] The next ceded ground: girlhood (and feminism) This brings me to one of my least-favorite woman-identified men of all time: Dylan Mulvaney, [...] The underlying ideology that informs Mulvaney’s shtick is taken directly from social media platforms like Reddit and Tumblr, where a frequently repeated mantra of the trans-identified is “Wanting to be a girl is a symptom of being a girl.” In other words, the desire to be female, no matter how intense, is enough of a justification to claim that identity for yourself. For males like Mulvaney, declaring you are a girl is akin to a magical utterance that creates you as such and starts the clock, if you will, on your “girlhood” journey (I’ll save the discussion of why many of these adult men prefer to refer to themself as “girls” for another day). Colonizing girlhood is not only the next logical step once the colonization of womanhood was complete; it’s also a symptom of the way trans ideology presupposes womanhood and women as “open access” in this way: the barriers to our identities are so low that, if you desire womanhood at all, it is already yours, constantly available to everyone. [...] This is the extreme end of the “inclusive at all costs” logic: The barrier to womanhood, to our lives, to everything we have, is so low, how could they hold any value at all? Being demonstrated on a society-wide level here is the complete inability to conceive of women as human beings who can possess anything at all that we shouldn’t be willing to gladly give up to someone else at the drop of a hat, or their expression of a desire to have it. Following this principle of inclusivity to its logical conclusion, then, is how we got to modern-day liberal feminism. Feminism is for everyone narratives have effectively, gently, insidiously, almost invisibly, swept natal females to the side in their own liberation movement. This is what Andrea Dworkin meant when she said that a mainstream feminist movement is an oxymoron that can’t actually exist, because once it becomes mainstream it will cease to serve women’s liberation: the only type of feminism that can ever become mainstream is the toothless kind, that can ultimately only support the status quo.
2022-12-19 21:32:43.208902+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(@LifeNews) BREAKING: FBI agents have questioned pro-life sidewalk counselors in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Biden admin is clearly trying to target other pro-life advocates with bogus charges in an attempt to silence pro-life people nationwide. (@SaltyPaladin) @LifeNews bUt, BuT sOoN wE aRe GoInG tO vOtE tHeM oUt , AnD tHeN tHe RePuBliCaNs WiLl SaVe Us..... (@honkytonkopenairpreacher) @LifeNews In my opinion the FBI is a terrorist organisation. (@cfrocket) @LifeNews the FBI Is taking orders from people that were definitely not elected. They are in fact breaking the law. (@PathosAvenger) @LifeNews The FBI is fake and gay. (@ThefullLength) @LifeNews we are in post America. We no longer have a federal law enforcement agency to enforce laws or a military. Once big mikes purple hair brigade is ready we are all dead (@FivesolasReformed) @LifeNews The brown shirts doing Brownshirt things again! That’s scary. Because the 1st amendment protects free speech;however this regime is lawless (@Dedweezyl) @LifeNews they’re planning on targeting Christian’s like the Chinese do the falun gong. (@LKW911NEWS) @LifeNews they are depopulating the planet look GMO food fluoride water chemical trails War abortion drugs alcohol cigarettes economical Warfare mind control Warfare BPA plastic vaccine 3G 4G 5G Rodeo microwave radiation
2022-12-18 21:39:19.317498+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat? ( DurableBook ) I'd simply treat them the way I treat anybody else. When a religious person expects me to share their belief in souls or God or whatever, I simply say "No thank you, I'm atheist." I would say the same about gender identities. If a non-trans person acts out a sexist caricature, I say "Wow, that's sexist" and don't play along. The only reason I sometimes play along with trans identities is if I am concerned about reprisal for declining. I happen to really like gender nonconformity and often am delighted to encounter people who, like me, do not "match" expectations for their sex. I have ceased expressing this, however, whenever I'm someplace that I know trans people tend to be around, because of their inevitable explosions at being recognized as their actual sex. Etc. ( SaintHedwig ) Agreed. I want to tell them they're fine to wear dresses and makeup, but they're still men and should spend their efforts making the men's room a less dangerous place instead of trying to squeeze into the women's. I'd also tell them that HRT will increase their erectile dysfunction on top of other health issues and will likely only increase their gender dysphoria because they're always going to look "off" no matter how many surgeries they get. ( Hollyhock ) Just stop. No one believes you're a woman. You're harming your body with off-label hormones and when women agree with you it's because they're either scared not to or they do it because they know you're a man and they need to suck up to you for social protections. Grow up. ( CriminallyCritical ) I’d just make a look of disgust or maybe an audible noise of disgust. ( hmimperialtortie ) “You should have stuck to being an incel. Your chances of a sex life just got dramatically worse.” ( hontrapoints ) Ovarit is too polite of a place to say such things ( Committing_Tervery ) Ooooh I’m curious now 👀 ☕️ But I respect your desire to not disclose it. I’m sure it’s great though 😆
2022-12-19 18:57:20.567348+00:00
Prussian Society of America
[ "#racist" ]
[From "Race Wars will also mean Intra-Racial Wars"] The inevitible Race Wars which will break out in America and Europe, will be of epic porportions America, however is already under a Race War, but it is an undeclared one at this time[…] It is absolutely imperative that we must take advantage of every opportunity to expose, exploit and even curtail conditions to our favor and interest when it comes to Intra-racial conflicts[…] This may mean using direct or indirect methods of instigating tensions or conflicts between said races[…] The Barbarian Races know that their own people are Barbarians[…] Every Barbarian knows they are inferior, thus they are seeking for any platform of leverage[…] It is the same reason why their own leaders suppress their own people in their Nations in the style that they do[…] We must make no effort to leave the stones unturned with the fact that most Hispanic people alive today are not purely Spaniards and many of them have Sephardic Jewish Ancestry It is advantageous and desirable[…]Latin America upholds to its largest extent as possible, its own policy of Aryan Supremacy in terms of maintaining Pure Spanish or Portuguese Blood[…] We must make no effort to withold the fact that African-Americans are de facto, “Bolshevized” Elements and that many African-Americans have a few droplets of Jewish ancestry[…]We must utilize every opportunity to even encourage these “Africans” to want to impose pogroms or enslave these “African-Americans”[…] The American Indian Race[…]is a very complex issue, because for one they are an Oriental Race, but while they are not Jewish, some Tribes were more aggressively violent than others[…] In Germany, the Welfare State must entirely be shut down[…]It must be entirely eradicated if we are to even begin to give Germany a sporting chance at fighting back against the enemies of the Vaterland
2022-12-19 13:09:39.282010+00:00
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
[ "#conspiracy", "#dunning-kruger", "#pratt" ]
“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development.   The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks—facilitated by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—set in motion a plan to transform the NIAID into a de facto Defense Department agency.   While Dr. Fauci zealously funded and pursued gain-of-function research, concern grew among some scientists and government officials about the potential for accidental or deliberate release of weaponized viruses from labs that might trigger worldwide pandemics. A moratorium was placed on this research, but true to form, Dr. Fauci found ways to continue unperturbed—outsourcing some of the most controversial experiments offshore to China and providing federal funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV's) leading researchers for gain-of-function studies in partnership with the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party.   Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis, leads readers on a staggering journey to learn about: * the key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research * the economic motives behind gain-of-function research * successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans * the coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis * the complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19 * the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program * the relationships between US health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts * the roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in helping to orchestrate China’s global cover-up  The Wuhan Cover-Up unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.
2022-12-19 12:57:58.836543+00:00
Andrew G. Huff
[ "#conspiracy", "#pratt" ]
The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History Shocking new insider information that shows what really happened in Wuhan, China, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and in the ensuing cover-up. […] The Truth about Wuhan simply explains the complexity of the system that led to COVID-19’s emergence; how the medical industrial complex grew and became entrenched in gain of function work after 9/11; why EcoHealth Alliance was the (almost) perfect intelligence collection cover; the policy actions and decision-making process as to why the United States government engaged in the COVID cover-up; how and why the United States swapped biotechnology with China and biomedical corporations; and the incentives for each of the actors or governments to engage and coordinate a global cover-up of COVID-19 origins.   The Truth about Wuhan also shows how and why Dr. Anthony Fauci is intricately involved in the COVID cover-up; how scientists like EcoHealth Alliance president and CEO Dr. Peter Daszak rose to power and used their influence to corrupt science and the COVID origin investigation; and how the intelligence community likely orchestrated the cover-up with Dr. Anthony Fauci.   Dr. Huff also provides personal harrowing accounts of how the US government waged a psychological operation against him to prevent him from speaking out. COVID-19 is the biggest lie, scandal, and intelligence failure in US history, and Dr. Andrew G. Huff is stepping out of the shadows to share his insider story about this failure that led to millions of deaths around the worl
2022-12-18 23:40:18.016428+00:00
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#mammon" ]
2022-12-18 23:30:38.093994+00:00
Cobra/The Portal
[ "#crackpot", "#ufo", "#magick", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
<multiple links removed for size> Our Ascension Conference in Paris was a huge success. Interest among the surface population was more than expected, and the conference was sold in a few days after being announced. Despite all organizational challenges everything went smoothly at the conference, and we had a strong and dedicated group of about 320 participants. For many of them it was the first opportunity in years to reconnect with their fellow Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. We have managed to reawaken and revive the Sisterhood of the Rose, and hopefully you will hear from them soon. <...> It is a very interesting synchronicity that China has dropped its zero covid policy just after the weekend: It is also interesting to note that Iran appears to have disbanded or at least weakened the power of its “morality police” during the weekend: This is the first victory of the renewed Goddess energy and is related to the reactivation of the positive Qajar Goddess timeline which is happening behind the scenes: Qajar dynasty has reactivated Goddess mysteries in the early 19th century in the Persian court: <...> Meanwhile, the clearing of the Chimera group continues. In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system: They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”. The only part of the pit now remaining is the facility under DARPA with the central quantum computer. The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface, but at least we got this:
2022-12-18 23:16:19.505981+00:00
[ "#crackpot", "#ufo", "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
Info on karmic duel between Light and Dark Forces, scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 AM CET, DNI unveiled six months ago (see Scrubbing, Disclosure News, 25 July 2022). Recall. Archangel Michael and the Karmic Council’s Head Guan Yin, in their official statement about this event, highlighted that its purpose is to determine whose collective force – Dark or Light – will become the dominant and controlling on Earth. According to the Cosmic Law, which ALL SPACE RACES obey, in a karmic duel, victory is awarded to the one, WHOSE ACCUMULATED SPIRITUAL POWER IS HIGHER. The one, who has it lower, couldn’t stay on the planet and must VOLUNTARILY LEAVE IT FOREVER. <...> On December 15, 2022, at 09:01 PM CET, without waiting for the duel’s appointed date, Darks brought down an energy strikes of monstrous power on Light Forces, which lasted up to 04:00 AM CET on December 16. The strikes were carried out from Black Shasta in California. The Light Forces’ counterattack followed automatically in a split second from Elbrus in the Caucasus. It was so devastated, that entire Dark Pole on Earth’s Subtle Plane burst into pieces. The Light Pole was also damaged, but retained full viability. Its strength and might were disproportionately higher than of the Darks’, who had no chance in direct contact. <...> On December 17, 2022, at 08:05 PM CET, through a Single Hierarchical Channel, the Higher Light Hierarchs confirmed the results of the karmic duel of the two worlds. From Now, On Earth, Only One Pole Runs – Of Light. This Means That The Collective Power Of Darks And Their Presence On Earth Have Finally Ended. The Dark Forces’ resistance and the consequences of their actions will affect for some time, but not so destructive. The rescue of earthlings from hell will accelerate, and all the efforts of Co-Creators and the Higher Light Hierarchs are focused on this.
2022-12-18 21:43:51.255209+00:00
Henry Makow PhD
[ "#racist", "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
I am an ethnic Jew and believe that most Jews would find this statement abhorrent. However, it is the agenda of the Jewish leadership who are at the forefront of Communism, a Masonic Jewish central banker monopoly over EVERYTHING. This is behind the gratuitous war in Ukraine, UN AGENDA 21, climate change, the scamdemic, lockdowns, the toxic "vaccines," the election steal, destruction of family (gender dysphoria), race (migration, miscegenation) censorship and the promotion of Satanism in general. Presented as "progressive," their real purpose is destruction of Western (Christian) civilization. You have been brainwashed, distracted and degraded so you do not see this BIG picture. Judaism's destructive mission puts all Jews in jeopardy when only a fraction are involved in it. Assimilated Jews like myself must speak out or be blamed for the gruesome consequences. Most Jews, including Israelis, are also suffering from the COVID hoax and are being vaccinated like cattle (goyim.) Only, Satanists (Illuminati) are avoiding the consequences and profiting. The agenda may be to stoke antisemitism and force American Jews to emigrate to Israel. In any case, Jews must oppose COVID communism, or be the scapegoats for the bankers and Freemasons. Jews are tired of being human shields for Illuminati (Cabalist) Jews and their demonic agenda. "IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO... UTTERLY EXHAUST HUMANITY WITH DISSENSION, HATRED, STRUGGLE, ENVY, AND EVEN BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, BY WANT, SO THAT THE "GOYIM" SEE NO OTHER ISSUE THAN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN MONEY AND IN ALL ELSE." Protocols of Zion, 10-19
2022-12-18 21:36:05.142891+00:00
[ "#racist" ]
schools and universities shame Europeans and our achievements, in tandem they teach non-whites that 'racism' causes their problems. To them no other factor may be used to explain non-white peoples failure. 'tis Indoctrination Not Education
2022-12-18 21:33:27.216840+00:00
[ "#transphobia" ]
image(A child representing “transgender” standing at the crossroads between the shining castle of “Committing suicide” and the dark storm-tossed ruin of “Raping kids”.
2022-12-18 21:30:13.361673+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@Nature_and_Race) Negrocity is blapipo having a history of enslaving their own people and selling them to foreigners in open slave markets, murdering White people in the lands they were freed in (freed by White people), murdering Asians and blaming it on White people, reducing the world's greatest cities to unlivable third-world shitholes, obsessive shoplifting, rape, incest, and calling White people "racist". image (@Scorezeny) @Nature_and_Race image (@farrrightguy) @Scorezeny @Nature_and_Race whites are advanced because they had to bust their ass to survive in a frozen cold ancient Europe! (@Cotterpin) @Nature_and_Race Just a small correction; Blacks enslaving their own people and selling them to Jewish slave traders, and murdering Whites at a far far higher percentage than Whites murdering Blacks as well as Asians and blaming Whites. (@YeahIStillTrade) @Nature_and_Race nignorance is best term. (@thehighground) @Nature_and_Race + claiming other people's inventions and achievements as your own (@Echoing) @Nature_and_Race I see a negro, but I hear a jew. (@JohnGalt22) @Echoing @Nature_and_Race That's the case pretty much anytime one of the kept Apes runs their ignorant mouths. The Kike Filth is incessantly stirring up shit with them, and they guzzle it down. (@Fed_Op) @Nature_and_Race Do we call him Nigger Bishop or Bishop Nigger? (@MAGA_ARMY_1776) @Nature_and_Race somebody should let that guy know that it was the Jews who purchased black people and shipped them to america. And it was the Jews who murdered 50 million white Christians in Russia. (@36x) @Nature_and_Race Bishop is a SELF-HATING MULATTO.
2022-12-18 21:28:26.674506+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(submitters note: responding to the post submitted here ) (@ruckaSACKA2heavy) @Nature_and_Race but how can I exploit a financial market so that I can have a McMansion built by spics with 24 inch spacing on the framing, shoddy electric work, complete lack of any pride or craftsmanship.... and how can this allow me to grill burgers on my Chinese stainless steel grill while worshipping niggers every weekend on my giant TV built by Indonesian children???? I mean did they even have a 401K or Roth IRA? and how does this system of government allow me use my position of holding excess financial instruments to lure young fertile women to bed with me to waste/hump away their most productive child bearing years reliving the glory days of the sexual revolution? are there even "excess financial instruments" at all in national socialism? (@Schmitty) @Nature_and_Race The "winners" of WW2 had decades to pervert the NatSoc movement to bring on the perversions of today. Reality is that once the German people were reunited, countries would have joined them to stop the jewish reds. The NatSoc model had to be destroyed to bring in the current state of decay. White Men will gravitate to what works. Even if it's been vilified for decades. If it wasn't a huge concern to them, even the mildest threat, red hat, wouldn't enrage them. (@camillon) @Nature_and_Race Which is why the jewish over lords could not let it stand. Any organic natural structure must be destroyed at all cost. This is for the devil worshipping jews to exist. (@imPhilosophe) @Nature_and_Race That's what I love about National Socialism. It just makes sense. I always held these beliefs from a young age but could never put a name to them until I discovered NS. I especially appreciate the way education is handled. No citizen is useless or worse than the other. Everyone has their defined strengths and weaknesses, and are encouraged to work within them.
2022-12-18 17:58:22.645536+00:00
Aimee Hudec, StumbleCakes
[ "#sexist", "#transphobia" ]
Post: “To all the relatives, “friends”, and random ass strangers that have been telling me since I was 16 that being 6’3” made me too tall to wear dresses or find a guy willing to date a girl taller than him: my 5’2” girlfriend loves when I wear dresses, thank you very much.” StumbleCakes: Idk why, but just ew. Aimee Hudec: Most women aren’t naturally so tall. But regardless of height, “she” still has male anatomy. That is the real issue. My respond to Aimee: Biological women can be taller than 6’0 genius. (My comment was removed for harassment.)
2022-12-18 17:47:23.339676+00:00
Q-Anon supporters
[ "#conspiracy", "#crackpot" ]
There is very little that former President Donald Trump can do to anger his ultra-loyal QAnon support base, but shilling NFTs seems to be one of them. On Thursday, when Trump announced that he was launching a series of $99 digital trading cards with some truly disastrous graphic design, even QAnon supporters turned on the former president. [Referring to them as] “shit storm debacle NFT announcement” “foolish NFT cash grab,” “This is shady shit” “A fucking NFT? He needs a new PR team.” “a dogshit play.” “Cringe and tacky.” “tone deaf to a VAST MAJORITY of Trump’s base.” But just as quickly as QAnon believers criticized the announcement as a major disappointment, the community quickly did what it does best and came up with multiple reasons to excuse Trump’s money-grabbing scheme. Some accounts pointed out that a Q drop back in 2019 mentioned a “Trump card” while others pointed out that it had been 1,700 days since that Q drop was posted, and because Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, then it obviously means something very important. Others performed even more complex mental gymnastics to reach a point where they were able to make sense of Trump’s decision to sell NFTs to his supporters, claiming that it was a plan to undermine NFTs. “The invention of NFT was always an attempt to clamp down on free speech,” one QAnon supporter wrote on Telegram. “What Trump is doing is clever, we all know the liberals will hate anything Trump supports. By creating his own NFTs he has destroyed liberal support for NFTs and thus shut down any notion that any Democrat can support the creation of the NFT legal internet censorship structure.”
2022-12-17 21:27:20.179891+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat? ( Itzpapalotl ) I would say: you are a selfish, misogynistic, entitled, narcissistic, colonising man with no empathy or regard for women. Your woman costume is offensive and an affront to every female on the planet. What you do is the epitome of male privilege; to claim language, spaces, experiences that are not yours, to play out your fantasy with no consideration of women and girls who have no choice but to be second class citizens in a man’s world. You are living in delusion, playing pretend, and making a mockery of womanhood. You are a man. You are putting on a performance of womanhood as imagined by you, a male. You have only and will only ever experience the world as a male, and to pretend otherwise is an appalling, disgusting slight against the very people you claim to “identify” as. Honestly, fuck you. You are not a woman. You are not a sister, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a daughter, a niece. You are a man. You will only ever be a man. Worst of all, you are the most misogynistic, abusive, selfish and inhumane version of a man. You know what you are doing hurts women and girls and yet you do it anyway because you only care about yourself. You are a terrible human being. ( mathlover ) That no actually believes they are women or could ever be women. That the only reason anyone goes along with it is out of fear because they are vindictive, mentally unstable, potentially violent men. That whenever anyone calls them "she" or "her" that they should hear he and him/his because that is what everyone means and believes about them. We only include them because we are forced to, but they are not welcome among us. And, oh, yeah. Any woman - ALL women - who actually wants to be with any of them is bisexual or heterosexual. No lesbian will ever want any of them. ( hmimperialtortie ) If things were as they should be, there’d be no TIMs on the street or anywhere, but if I saw one, I’d want to call police on him for displaying fetishes, same as if he was flashing. Edit for grammar ( LilOvaries ) "You will never be a woman, and Hell is going to make you jump rope with your saggy, outstretched scrotums". ( Alias_Rosie ) No one actually buys your deception. We're just playing along because you are, quite literally, pitiful.
2022-12-18 05:40:02.509961+00:00
Muslim Diary
[ "#fundie", "#sexist" ]
It is well known that gold is something with which people adorn and beautify themselves, but a man is not meant to do this, i.e., he is not a person who may be perfected by means of adding something, rather a man is perfect in and of himself, because of his manhood, so he has no need to adorn himself for some one else that he may like, unlike women. One of the strange things that we see nowadays is many young men adorning themselves by wearing gold chains and the like, and they even put makeup on their faces. This is contrary to the fitrah (sound human nature) and to the masculinity and resolve which should be the characteristics of men. Hence you will not find any wise and serious man doing that, rather they are either who are not straight or those who are lacking in character, time-wasters who are trying to fill the gaps in their character or fill their time by doing that. - - - Tag your friends,family or anyone that can benefit. The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: "The one who guides to something good has a reward similar to the one doing it" [Sahih Muslim] ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Feel free to repost/share Follow @muslim_daily_ for daily Islamic remimders, quotes, hadiths and many more! ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ #islam #muslim #pray #gold #muslimah #ummah #alhamdulillah #silk #sunnah #jannah #hadith4_life #instaislam #quran #haram #followislam #islamic #islamicquotes #islamicquote #islamicpost #islamicreminder #allah #subhanallah #islamicposts #loveallah #allahswt #ProphetMuhammedﷺ #muslims #dailyreminder #dailyhadith
2022-12-17 21:24:49.950414+00:00
Ester Perez
[ "#transphobia" ]
Where "Just Be Kind" Has Gotten Us It’s hard to express exactly how angry I am as I sit down to write today. [...] I have also accepted that it is not “hatred,” either, at least not in the sense that trans rights activists mean when they say this. Anger is a justifiable response to injustice. This anger in particular feels uncontainable, uncontrollable, as boundless as the sea of derisions and obscenities against my sex class, especially against those of us who insist that it is still a sex class, and that it will never, ever include anybody born male. [...] Today, my anger is consuming like a fire. The first ceded ground: “Trans women are women” [...] The value structure enforced by female socialization helps illustrate why women and girls are some of the—if not the most—ardent and zealous warriors for trans activism and gender ideology. This is completely unsurprising in a society that constantly pushes women to cede, cede, cede, and then rewards them for doing that. Some of the demands that feel the smallest, the easiest to yield to, turn out to have the most insidious effect, particularly those that have to do with relinquishing female-specific language to make room for more “inclusion.” Prior to all this, I would not have described having a word to refer to a specific category of oppressed people as a “right.” This is something so fundamental to any political discourse, it’s more like the basis to even begin a discussion about rights: the ability to name the group of people whose rights are either at risk or under attack. The patriarchal mandate is the same in language as it is with our bodies: to divide and isolate us, while males, of course, stay intact. I capitulated to these language demands—like “trans women are women”—for years, because they seemed like such small concessions to make. I never realized the way I was being asked to contribute to my own self-erasure: Yes, you are me, you are us. Whatever I have is for you also. Whoever I am, you are also. Everything I have is for you too. Taking back female-specific language is one arena, at least, in which I can regain some meager amount of ground, by wholly refusing to uphold the fiction that any males are included in any definition of the categories women and girls. [...]
2022-12-17 19:59:32.358038+00:00
[ "#sexist" ]
Older women shaming men for dating and sleeping with younger women out of jealousy and labeling it as “predatory” is extremely hypocritical and inaccurate, most men go after younger women because women age faster and younger women are far more attractive, not because they’re easier to manipulate In light of a recent exchange on here in another thread I thought it was necessary to address this giant double standard we are seeing more and more of. Older women, from 50 all the way down to their late 20s are widely condemning men who date and hook up with women 5+ years their junior as manipulative predators who are deliberately targeting younger 18-22 year old women because they are young and impressionable, “grooming” them for sex. Furthermore, it’s a misuse of the term to begin with when both parties are of legal age unless there is some power dynamic, ie coach/boss. Ignoring the obvious misandry and jealousy dripping from this bullshit narrative, most men who aren’t desperate do not want to sleep with women who are not attracted to them. I know I don’t, I can only assume other men who are above average looking aren’t really interested in a pity fuck or scamming women into sex. If you peel back the thin veneer it is pretty clear the women pushing this story are simply bitter and jealous that men are choosing to go for younger more attractive women over them. Rather than acknowledge the big elephant in the room - that women age faster than men, they would prefer to create this vindictive and sordid shaming campaign which if true would make all men on earth sexual deviants for simply being attracted to women in their prime. You can’t make this stuff up. Sorry, but a 22-25 year old “college student” is significantly more attractive than a 29-30 year old woman. Like it of not, women age exponentially faster than men pretty much across the board. This is likely in part because they mature at a younger age, but I think as a whole their sex appeal is just much more delicate and fleeting. Older women attempting to deflect from this and shame men for being “predatory” by going after women they find hotter is just sort of sad and obvious jealousy. 22 year olds don’t need to be manipulated into fucking 30 year old dudes if the attraction is there, it just happens.
2022-12-17 21:15:47.616229+00:00
[ "#racist" ]
Sick of non-whites being over represented, sick of non-whites being fawned over by all institutions, sick of hearing foreign languages, sick of anti-whites being lauded over, sick of seeing alien cultures, sick of appropriators, sick of AntiWhiteism being Normalised.
2022-12-17 21:07:21.574002+00:00
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene) I predicted back in Feb. this year that US interest in Ukraine was about natural gas deals. With the apparent attack on Nord Stream 2, everyone should take notice. I have voted NO to every penny & US involvement in the war in Ukraine because it has nothing to do with Democracy. The Biden admin has fully ignored the onslaught of illegal aliens invading our border and the shocking amount of deadly fentanyl killing record numbers of Americans, yet has used BILLIONS of American’s taxpayer dollars to fund a war in Ukraine in what appears to be typical Biden family business with corrupt governments. Now the Senate has passed another CR to continue funding billions for a war Americans want nothing to do. How absolutely America last our country’s leaders are. What’s the difference in Reps & Dems in the senate? Just like the riot on J6 did nothing to help President Trump because it destroyed our attempt to object, the apparent attack on Nord Stream 2 does nothing to help Putin’s cause. Who would benefit from blowing up a pipeline delivering energy to Europe? People’s lives > climate lies. (@JAC6789) @repmtg you mean the fake Riot that Ray Epps and the other federal agents created! FBI infiltrators. Is that the right you're talking about? Or how about the Summer of Love Riot when they attacked the capital ! Now that was actually a real riot! (@RealCaptainAmerica17) @repmtg Yes but don’t distract from the child trafficking, bio weapon labs, and ALL of our money being laundered through Ukraine. (@Langster) @repmtg Our country was taken over in a Chavez styled election and now a Banana Republic country is America. (@WeThePeopleUSMC) @repmtg That P.O.S. BIDAN literally said in a press brief "If Russia invades Ukraine there will be an end to Nordstream2" THE reporter asked how can he end it when it's in Germany control and he responded "Believe me, we can do it." That's all I need to hear. MY COUNTRY IS REPONSIBLE FOR THIS??? THIS HAS GOT TO END BEFORE WE ARE DONE AS A NATION!!!
2022-12-17 20:05:34.949804+00:00
[ "#homophobia", "#transphobia", "#pratt" ]
Thin Ice image [ in the first panel, there is an iceberg 🧊 with the words "Consenting Adults" written on it. The second panel reveals that the ice berg has a large body underwater with the words "children" written on it ]
2022-12-17 19:48:02.196753+00:00
Adam Morgan and the “South Carolina Freedom Caucus”
[ "#transphobia", "#pratt", "#wingnut" ]
The Medical University of South Carolina announced they are dropping pediatric transgender clinics. The clinics provided hormonal care to minors. In response, the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, which is made up of conservative politicians around the state, called the decision “a huge win.” “This is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus, but more importantly, it is a huge win for childhood innocence,” Chairman Adam Morgan, R-Greenville, said. “Officials from MUSC have informed us that they will no longer be providing morally and ethically repugnant ‘gender-affirming care’ that results in irrevocable and irreparable harm for minors.” MUSC released the following statements related to the decision and its current policies. MUSC Health has worked diligently to make sure that we are in compliance with the 2022-2023 Appropriations Act and proviso 23.4 and will do the same with any future legislative requirements/directives. MUSC Health does not have a dedicated pediatric/adolescent transgender endocrine clinic. MUSC Health no longer provides pediatric/adolescent transgender hormonal care. MUSC Health does not offer gender-altering surgery. Behavioral health and nutritional support and social services are provided, based on need, for all pediatric patients and families regardless of sex, gender orientation, or race. The parents or legal guardians of any patient under legal age are involved in all decision-making regarding their children.
2022-12-17 19:27:09.776627+00:00
Stephen Kokx
[ "#fundie", "#homophobia", "#transphobia", "#biphobia", "#conspiracy" ]
[From "Christians should at least give credit to Putin for waging war on LGBT propaganda"] Putin continued his war on woke ideology Sunday by signing into law a bill that strengthens his country’s opposition to “LGBT propaganda” Western media predictably lashed out at the Orthodox Christian president, who, unlike European and North American politicians, has rejected international pressure to embrace transgenderism and state-sanctioned sodomy For defending Biblical marriage and sexuality — as well as for putting Russia first — Putin is vilified by the press as one of the most evil men to have ever lived. The reason why is obvious: He stands in the way of the military industrial complex’s plans for global hegemony Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Putin’s hands are entirely clean. He’s no saint by any means. But I have friends who would rather have him as their president than Joe Biden[…] The new Russian bill laudably creates fines and broadens the scope of a 2013 law to now include a prohibition of LGBT content not only for children but Russians of all ages. It also bans the promotion of pedophilia and gender “reassignment” in films, books, media, and advertising[…]Bill passed with unanimous support in both the upper and lower houses of Russia’s Federal Assembly. To that I say: Bravo. U.S. lawmakers should follow suit[…] This isn’t the first time Putin has the social justice left up in arms. At the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi last year, he denounced those who promote “cancel culture,” equating them to the Bolsheviks[…] It’s been said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. I hope Christians who consider Putin an irredeemable villain will at least recognize the good he has done with this and other laws he’s supported that defend Biblical morality against the woke left. Leaders who support such bills are no doubt hard to come by in our post-Christian world. Let’s give credit where credit is due
2022-12-17 10:03:51.110046+00:00
Ben Shapiro^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
Joe Biden signing the Respect For Marriage Act is not the end. It's just the beginning. They have to keep pushing until all traditional morality has been destroyed. And even then, they won't be satisfied.
2022-12-17 09:51:51.684102+00:00
Candace Owens^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
[ "#conspiracy", "#pratt", "#wingnut" ]
Anybody seen the documentary #DiedSuddenly? All of the coroners and doctors afraid to speak out regarding all of these young people dropping dead suddenly? I maintain that the vaccines were and continue to be a crime against humanity. They knew.
2022-12-16 23:09:03.631907+00:00
Ben Garrison
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
The panic over Covid was overblown and the ruling class intentionally fanned the flames of panic. A remedy was needed and politicians helped launch “Operation Warp Speed.” The vaccine makers were seen as heroes because they very quickly rolled out their miracle jabs in order to ‘save lives.’ Many wondered if those shots weren’t already waiting in the wings—especially Moderna’s solution. They supposedly had the Covid genome (or most of it) already nailed down and a prevention ready to go within days. How convenient. Biden assured Americans that those who submitted to the vaccines would not contract Covid. He lied. He said we had a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’ Another lie. He blamed the unvaccinated for spreading the virus. Reality proved otherwise. Never forget how we the unvaccinated were vilified and demonized by corrupt politicians such as Biden. It was almost as if he wanted to put the unvaccinated in camps. The truth is the vaccine makers’ therapy pokes did not prevent Covid. The vaccinated and unvaccinated alike caught the weaponized virus that was created in a bio lab in Wuhan, thanks in part to funding from an evil garden gnome named Fauci who made sure people were masked up and locked down. Dangerous jabs soon became mandatory for employment. There was talk about vaccine passports being needed for travel. People could not visit loved ones in the hospital. Tyranny was in the air along with the virus, and then it was announced that even more shots were needed. Yet the fully-boosted caught Covid and many fully-vaccinated individuals died. The vaccines could not stop Covid, nor could they prevent the transmission of the virus. They did not lessen the severity of Covid. The vaccine makers raked in billions of dollars in taxpayer money, but their rushed out and under-tested products didn’t work. It was all a murderous lie. image
2022-12-16 22:09:50.531291+00:00
Darien X, Yours Truly & CW 63
[ "#dunning-kruger", "#racist", "#wingnut" ]
RE: How a Trump-Allied Group Fighting ‘Anti-White Bigotry’ Beats Biden in Court (Darien X) Jews who support the leftist, black/POC and Democrat sides are betting on the wrong horse. The blacks in particular do not support the Jews whatsoever. The recent anti-Jewish tirades by Kanye West and his posse should be a wake up call for the Jews. There is no greater defender of Jews/Israel than white evangelicals. (Yours Truly) It’s also odd that so many Jewish progressives are at least relatively gung ho on increased immigration by Muslims. Are they suicidal? Do they honestly think that Middle Easterners as a group are ever really going to want to peaceably coexist with Jews, let alone Zionists? This is what David Cole was referring to when he wrote his infamous column about the old Jewish parable of the golem that eventually turns on its creators. (CW 63) The deal in early 2021 was hailed by Black farmers as the most significant piece of legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 But today, the landmark deal is dead — successfully challenged in court by an organization that argued the program racially discriminated against White farmers. What a great, positive, uplifting article, it is nice to see whites are not defeated everywhere. but there is only one thing that is a disapointment, the following excerpt says it all; " ... The suit argued that the debt relief approved by Congress was unconstitutional because it excluded “white ethnic groups that have unquestionably suffered ethnic prejudice,” referring to Irish, Italian, German and other European immigrants and Jews. {snip}..." In the end, he did not win the case by making people realize whites are discriminated against, he won by convincing people that whites are actually part of other groups and those are discriminated against. I wish he had won based on the simple and obvious evidence that whites are in fact discriminated against, and more so everyday It is sad the he had to turn whites into ethnic group victims I wish whites could win court cases by saying they are white not by saying they are part of some other oppressed minority. When will it be ok to recognize whites are discrimenated agaisnt for being white?
2022-12-17 15:00:55.311097+00:00
[ "#fundie", "#sexist" ]
what you perceive as “ai” are just demons infesting computers. your line of “reasoning” to attack the messenger falls right into the intended trap laid out for you. freemasons believe that you give “consent” to every evil by doing nothing when they surreptitiously warn you what they are planning to do. there is also no such thing as an evil that doesn’t harm other evils, and so when those dolls are panicking you should listen (like when birds fly in the forest or deer get spooked though you can hear nothing). As I have said many times: “ the devil operates by reactions. the devil cannot make direct orders, as no one would listen, and has no power to compel or do anything; therefore the devil makes groups insufferable by corrupting their weakness so that a “reactionary group” comes to destroy the former. the reactionary group is the devil’s goal (if a corpse can have a goal, that is). ex. feminism. the devil HATES women, more than you could imagine. therefore in an attempt to wipe out women once and for all, the devil made weak women stupid, demonic, and insufferable. the goal being that frustrated men would “react” by giving the feminists all their worst fears in revenge; which is what the devil wanted all along.”
2022-12-17 01:04:24.274731+00:00
KatAnon/Juan O Savin
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Juan O Savin When a guy like Elon REVEALS those communications it’s this moment in time’s version of WikiLeaks. Elon HAS SEEN all the machinations. All his early money came because politicians were cooking the books.. ALL SOCIAL MEDIA IS COOKED by people tied back to the U.S. Govt., & Intelligence & Policing Agencies in governments around the world. FB was created by DARPA. ALL Social Media, News, Publications ARE CONTROLLED INSIDE THE MIL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. All Elon’s doing is EXPOSING one wing of that activity.. EVERYBODY IN THIS THEATRE WHO’S GOING AFTER THE MONSTER, THE BEAST IS TAKING THEIR CHANCES. Justice Thomas, who’s got a great Security detail takes his wife out to dinner, gets super sick they think they were poisoned. President Trump, he got extremely ill & there was discussion he got hit with a very complex 3-part poison. The person who was his food-taster had to retire, did not recover. These people are in danger all the way to the top <...> SCOTUS knows what’s coming. They know we’re about to be DELUGED down through the various circuits. Kari Lake in AZ? They’re gonna fight like hell.. Think about the sequence: The lower courts, fully captured.. ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU HAVE A SCOTUS THAT HAS PROVEN THEY WILL GO AGAINST THE CURRENT & try to judge according to what the Constitution actually says. They said ‘an earlier court erred in its judgement’ & REVERSED 50-YEARS OF SETTLED LAW. For 50-years people tried to get through the court system to SCOTUS & the courts wouldn’t let em.. NOW YOU HAVE A CASE THEY SOUGHT OUT & MADE SURE via their Clerk THAT ANYTHING THE BRUNSON’S NEEDED TO GET THIS CASE TO SCOTUS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE—THEY GOT.. They’ve sent a MESSAGE ON THE DATE they’re going to decide whether to put it on the docket. J6. That’s why everybody’s WOW!! On pins & needles.
2022-12-17 00:37:59.694701+00:00
[ "#racist", "#conspiracy" ]
Yes, I get it about Hannukah: it's mere pretext of these satanists called Jews to up-stage the stupid Christian goyim--that's the main purpose. But Hannukah is no great thing for the Jews themselves. For of course, Hannukah itself doesn't mean too darn much in way of glory as it merely commemorates a bunch of Jew chieftans and bosses who were able to haggle and finagle a kind of fiefdom in btwn Egypt and Syria and w. help of Romans. And this Hasmonean "dynasty" was itself mere shaky interlude before the disaster of the first cent. AD and then disastrous Bar Kochba rebellion which removed the Jews definitively fm Palestine for centuries--nearly two millennia, in pt. of fact. So the Jews on the one hand want to up-hold the Holyday, "Hannukah," but they don't want the Christians or gentiles to look too closely at it as it's so lacking in grandeur, actually just a shadowy reminder of the old, fading Judean presence in Palestin.
2022-12-17 00:27:49.182085+00:00
Bennett Lee Ross
[ "#crackpot", "#conspiracy", "#magick", "#ufo" ]
Our thoughts are vibrational frequencies We project our momentum into the quantum field which creates our reality The movie The Nightmare Before Christmas creates an expectation of a future event Its promotional picture contains a huge wave This is predictive programming where belief is imprinted into our subconscious And we help make it become a reality The character name of Xana Kernodle is of one of the girls supposedly murdered At the University of Idaho In the movie Citizen Kane Xanadu is the mansion of WR Hearst Who is famous for his fake journalism Xanadu is also the name of the mansion of Bill Gates Who is famous for his promotion of the fake Covid vaccine The address of the fake University of Idaho murders is 1122 King Street 11 22 is the date of the fake JFK assassination And Kernodle in Dutch means Grassy Knoll As in the grassy knoll of the staged theatrical JFK event <..> All these actors can now have a higher rank in the CIA When people are poisoned with fear it affects mass consciousness And keeps people in spiritual and mental confusion It puts people in a hypnogenic trance In a non questioning state of mind Accepting whatever they are told Just like where the congregation at a church has no clue That their beloved pastor is actually a pedophile And attends Satanic human sacrifices The Occult have a greater understanding of how energy works Which allows them control When virtues disappear it becomes a breeding ground for Black Magic People sell their souls to the winning team But in the end they will be on the losing team And will have a massive amount of karma to work through!
2022-12-17 00:21:56.572432+00:00
Judith Kusel
[ "#magick", "#ufo", "#conspiracy" ]
We are in the midst of intense collapsing of the old order and old guard, structures, forms, and thus upheavals are occurring everywhere. With this intense climatic changes are occurring. Here is South Africa we are having torrential rain in places, and I have been shown it is a deep cleansing in the highest degrees, just like volcanoes and fires, transmute, earthquakes are pressure point valves releasing the old, and more than this, storms clear the old by literally blowing it away. Expect more! With this the African continent is already ascending into the New Earth, as she holds the spine and all her immensely powerful sacred places and crystalline pyramids and crystalline pyramid grids are now fully integrated into the New Earth, as the New Earth has formed around the old earth and Africa is the oldest continent – what they geologists refer to as the Supercontinent, the first. <...> I have been told a year ago, that it is vital to have all our highest transmitter channels open, (especially now that the chakras are held in the spine for the first time since Golden Atlantis – all fifteen of them). With this we need to remember that we have 12 bodies, and not just one. <...> The mental body holds the subconscious fears, mental blocks, and false programming in the highest degrees and indeed unless we can transcend the lower mind, we cannot access the highest mind. This can only be done once the Heart Chakra is fully open now merge with the throat and Alta Major – and then with the Third eye and higher. This is important to realize, for if there are any remnants of the control boxes implanted into the populace of Atlantis in the cranium area (if never removed it is still blocking), the higher mind cannot be accessed, as well as jarring devices, wiring, negative entities, and thus the feelings of separation from self and others will persist. We are in for sweeping changes in all forms and expressions and it will accelerate up and in to 2032.
2022-12-16 23:32:23.387461+00:00
Gina Carano
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
Myocarditis IS NOT an allergic reaction A blood clot IS NOT an allergic reaction Heart attack IS NOT an allergic reaction Guillian-Barre IS NOT an allergic reaction Bells Palsy IS NOT an allergic reaction Miscarriage is NOT an allergic reaction …it’s vaccine injury
2022-12-16 23:11:58.155236+00:00
Wayne Allyn Root
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut", "#mammon" ]
But the real evidence the midterm was rigged and stolen is... FLORIDA. In Florida the GOP won in a landslide. Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio and everyone else in the Florida GOP won in a red tsunami — the same one the polls showed was happening in the entire country. Guess what Florida has? Florida has strict voter ID requirements, strict laws against voter fraud, severe prison terms for anyone caught trying to commit voter fraud, no mail-in ballots sent to every voter, no ballot drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted for days after Election Day and no counting for days until the desired result is achieved by the Democrat Party. Isn't it a funny and strange coincidence that in that state, with all those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? But everywhere else, where there are no strict laws against voter fraud and they allow cheating, the red tsunami fizzled. And that underperformance is being blamed on Trump? And on conservative MAGA candidates? Yet in Florida, DeSantis is the most Trumplike, MAGA, America First, anti-woke, anti-trans, in-your-face, ultraconservative politician in all of America. And with that ultra-MAGA message, plus strict voting fraud laws... the GOP swept to a landslide victory. And in most other places, they didn't. Coincidence? Folks, we've been robbed. Again. This was a repeat of 2020. I believe it's evident they've fixed, rigged and stolen the election. First, they robbed us of the presidency. Now they've robbed us of a red Republican landslide. And now they're trying to blame it on Trump. This is gaslighting. And we've had our election stolen — again. Wayne Allyn Root is known as "the Conservative Warrior." Wayne's new No. 1 bestselling book is out, "The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book." Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America's Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit for more information.
2022-12-16 21:19:33.473150+00:00
[ "#conspiracy", "#racist", "#homophobia", "#wingnut", "#sexist", "#transphobia" ]
[From "The shape of our enemy"] The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass
2022-12-16 21:02:07.731030+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
( Committing_Tervery ) What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat? I just had this thought, and am wondering your answers. This is just stuff I might consider saying if I saw an AGP on the street and could walk by without being screamed at in response. “Nice prostate, bro.” “Man, it takes a lot of balls for a dude to go out in public looking like that.” 🤣🤣🤣 “Terfs are stunning & brave! 😌” I know this is probably seen as “petty” by some, but I don’t care. Humor is a release and coping mechanism. And I don’t feel bad about fantasizing saying this shit to men who literally threaten to rape, torture, gas, and curb stomp us. Edit: “Wash your hair!” “You’ll never be a woman/girl/female.” “You’ll never look like an anime child.” “Pervert!” “Gross.” ( KittyWhawWhaw ) Leave women the fuck alone. I don’t care what they think they are or what they want to do as long as it doesn’t harm others or try to police other people’s thoughts. No one owes them validation for their delusions and usurping what we’ve accomplished. ( Hollyhock ) That first line is always my first thought. I still have a 'live and let live' mentality for most people. But, just LEAVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ALONE. Like, go be your fetished self in your community or whatever. Make your own clubs, wear your shit to adult venues. I don't care. but leave us alone. stay out of spaces intended for women only. ( caraba1961 ) But how would you know that this particular person, a stranger you encountered on the street, was not leaving women the fuck alone? For that matter, how would you know what type of TIM he was, especially if his outfit wasn't too over the top? Doesn't seem fair to make that assumption just because someone's walking past you and isn't saying or doing anything to you or to anyone else. Now, if he were harassing a woman or being a complete asshat, it'd be different. ( Kriegerin ) Would you say the same about a man in blackface? "Maybe he's not mocking black people" uhmmmmmm ( danaseilhan ) He's literally pretending to be a woman. Until I see the "nice" ones publicly protesting gender policy en masse to reverse the damage done, IDGAF how "nice" they are. ( hmimperialtortie ) If he’s crossdressing in public he’s parading his fetish. That’s not leaving women alone, that’s making unconsenting women participants.
2022-12-16 21:00:16.921907+00:00
the Canadian conservative / @12345678901
[ "#wingnut", "#quack" ]
image spoilerPHARMAGEDDON 1983=10 vaccines 2013=32 vaccines 2018=74 vaccines Autism rates 1983= 1 in 10,000 2013= 1 in 88 2018= 1 in 36