2023-01-04 14:13:46.344378+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: WaPo article on "rise of LGBTQ+ hate" really pushing the limits (submitters note: this article ) ( hmimperialtortie ) The QT are the ones who hate LGB people. They’re the ones doing conversion therapy. They’re the ones leeching from legitimate civil rights movements while doing their best to destroy them. They’re the ones pushing rape and paedophilia as their rights. Fuck yeah I hate them. ( RisingUp ) Since coming out [as a TIM], she said, she has already lost a job teaching swim lessons. Oh boy. I bet there’s a story there. ( BondiBlue ) Oh that's right, there's also a TIM featured in this piece complaining about not "passing," in addition to the indigo children and the sex clown. No shit, you can't force the rest of the world to have eyesight de-assignment surgery. Dear TQs and the rest of the parasitic alphabet: If you really want to talk pronouns, maybe the fact that you are so unlikable is "a you problem and not a me problem." ( Hollyhock ) For someone to fire a TiM, it has to be really, really bad. Everyone either tiptoes around them, praises them to high heaven or actively avoids them. ( vulvapeople ) I wonder if there’s some measure of sex-segregation going on, similar to the Port Townsend Y. And like the TIM in that incident, this one undoubtedly would want to be present while young girls changed into their swimsuits. ( hard_headed_woman ) Ugh. Teaching swimming often involves little children clinging to the teacher's body. It's just the way it is, and why I wanted women swim teachers for my kids decades ago. Now, I'm even more careful with my grandkids. ( sarstan ) Cisneros is literally just some random guy who likes glitter. ( BondiBlue ) I can't believe society has turned itself inside out and rewritten the language of objective reality just to appease scene kids. ( madderthanhell ) Scene kids like these are just a smokescreen for the re-writing of material reality, not the reason for it. ( Hollyhock ) My kids say the gender men tend to have poor hygiene...a good hair washing would be in order. ( RighteousIndignation ) well of course theres a rise in QWERTY+ hate, things do tend to go up when you keep adding more letters of the alphabet to the list. ( Omina_Sentenziosa ) And when your basic level of obnoxiousness rises exponentially.
2023-01-04 14:10:31.003668+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
This video should be disturbing to you, but it's a well done compilation of what technology the #newworldorder is using in these "vaccines" as part of the #greatreset. We can't win the fight against this evil without fully acknowledging it.
2023-01-04 14:05:36.550947+00:00
[ "#quack" ]
The #Covidvaccines are more deadly than anything else being tracked in the UK population by the National Immunization Management System. #newworldorder #novaccines #novaccinepassport #novaccinemandates #gates #gatesfoundation #gatesofhell #gatesisevil #gatesmurderer #fauci #faucithefraud #fauciforprison image
2023-01-04 13:59:22.828011+00:00
Donald J Trump
[ "#wingnut" ]
A lawsuit was filed today against CNN, the once prestigious news channel that has devolved into a purveyor of disinformation, defamation, and Fake News, at a level which the American Public, and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible. For years I have watched this take place, often in disbelief, but the time has finally come to hold CNN responsible and legally accountable for their willful deception and defamatory statements made about me and both, directly and indirectly, my strong, devoted, and patriotic supporters-People who love the United States of America, but have been treated very unfairly, at so many levels. "The Big Lie" that they constantly refer to is actually "The Big Lie" in reverse. They know that, and it will be proven in Court! In the coming weeks and months we will also be filing lawsuits against a large number of other Fake News Media Companies for their lies, defamation, and wrongdoing, including as it pertains to "The Big Lie," that they used so often in reference to their disinformation attack on Presidential Election of 2020. Likewise, we may bring appropriate action against the Unselect Committee of January 6th because, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence, they REFUSED to investigate the massive Presidential Election Fraud which took place, but only investigate and harass the people and Patriots who complained and asked questions about it. The rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election was perhaps The Crime Of The Century, and look at what is happening to our Country now! The Unselect Committee has refused to acknowledge, as was done by the Biden Inspector General at the Department of Defense, and others, that days ahead of January 6th, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout the Country. That offer of National Guard was rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C.-the law requires their request, they failed to make one, and in turn failed the Country. I am proud to file today's lawsuit in order to begin the process of standing up to Fake News and the Mainstream Media.
2023-01-04 13:53:13.457160+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#quack" ]
(@Footdoc) We warned the vaccines didn't prevent covid. We were right. We warned the vaccines were causing blood clots. We were right We warned the vaccines were causing myocarditis. We were right We warned the vaccines were connected to HIV. We were right. We warned the vaccines were causing miscarriages. We were right We warned the vaccines could be traced in breast milk. We were right. I think it's time people started listening. (@Robert_a91) @Footdoc we warned the pandemic was fake (@DrGrumpyOldMan) @Footdoc 💯 We also warned that vaxxed are 'shedding'. We also warned they created it in a lab. We also warned that HCQ and Ivermectin worked. We also warned there was graphene in it. We also warned they would use it to control us w 5G. We also warned they've been planning it for years. So many warnings. (@serialsearcher) @Footdoc Shall we discuss shedding? Vaxxers don't want us near them...I certainly don't want them close to me! (@BakeryBetty) @serialsearcher @Footdoc Me, I’d like to see an island for the vaxed, they are the pandemic! There was never a virus, until the kill shots came out. ‘Yep, there is definitely a man made bio weapon killer virus in those jabs and the sick, dead and disabled are all the proof you need. (@MittedMink) @Footdoc add prostate cancer to the list. I know two separate men in their 60s who now have prostate cancer just months after being vaccinated (@1219patrickm) @Footdoc But you forgot: We were warned that we would be called conspiracy theorist if we warned people about the truth. (@serenitysteve9) @Footdoc This is who was and is behind the scamdemic . Bilderberg, skull and bones men , Council on Foreign relations. They make up 4200 of the world's wealthiest and powerful people on earth. The 7 richest families are Rothchild , Rockefeller , Orsini, Dupont, Carnegie, Bush and UK Royals.Gates, Soros, Clintons, are their henchman . The Jewish World order-Great-reset Agenda 2030 What do they all have in common. Remember this: Khazaria is their nationality Zionsism is their political ideology Communism is their rule of law Satanism is their religion And all roads leads to Rome - the Vatican!!!!!
2023-01-04 04:51:49.472745+00:00
Dana Carbone
[ "#fundie" ]
[in response to a Ray Comfort post about a fan supposedly coming to faith from watching his movie about Noah and the end of the world] Trump should have declared martial law I had a feeling he wanted to but for the good of the country he did not. It's like one preacher said you either pay the price now or later we are paying it later with what's happening in America
2023-01-03 23:39:01.252975+00:00
Paul White Gold Eagle
[ "#ufo", "#magick" ]
Greetings Lotus Star Born Galactics of the New Edenic Paradigm Happy New Earth Eve as we step over the threshold into the New Golden Age of Infinite Light and Eternal Life. As our Luna moves into the sign of Taurus today we have massive waves of Divine Goddess Feminine Venusian energies flowing into this realm from the most high. The Taurean energetics are assisting all Earth Angelic Ground Crew of the 144 to anchor in and ground the fifth dimensional energies into the Diamond Grid of the Dragon lines of Pachamama. We are really feeling the energies pumping in from the Great Central Sun for our upgrades and activations of our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA. The Buddha turned the Wheel of Dharma to free humanity from the Wheel of Samsara and Now we have returned to assist all Sentient Beings in the transition from the illusory world to a world of Peace and Freedom in the Light. We are shifting from the mentality and experience of surviving to that of thriving. We do this by living in harmony with nature, our environment and our Tribes/ Communities of the New Earth. In the Quantum Field all our Dreams have already come true it is up to us to bridge the seen with the unseen, to merge the physical with the non-physical with our Pure Intent and Divine Will and living from our Hearts being connected to all things, in all realms, timelines and dimensions. In the Gnosis of the Akash of the Earth and the Cosmos we are tapping into and turning on our Higher Purpose that has been hidden within the Soul Star Spark in the Center of our Sacred Heart Chamber. All is being revealed and exposed for full healing and compression breakthrough as Super Nova Christos Sophia Conscious Light beings of the New Lemuria….A’Ho!
2023-01-03 23:26:20.153201+00:00
Time Transportal
[ "#crackpot", "#conspiracy" ]
The Crater Earth Theory I will not try to explain all of the information of the videos because there are a lot of interwoven dot-connecting subjects in the videos. It's no wonder Godgevlamste had to make more than 30 videos to explain the subject of Crater Earth, and I hope he's still making new ones. What is the Crater Earth theory? Short and simple explained: The planet Earth is much bigger. Actually: it's huge. Gigantic. We can call it: Greater Earth. It's not flat. It's a planet. A sphere. A ball. This planet is surrounded with an atmosphere. On this huge planet are craters, mountains, rivers and more. In one of those craters is Earth located. Our Earth. Our habitat. It's not a big crater compared to the other craters. We live inside a crater on a giant planet floating in space. If you stop reading at this point, I can fully understand. We had the same kind of reaction after the first video of Godgevlamste. But we kept on watching, and watching. Because Godgevlamste delivers proof. <...> Godgevlamste not only explains about the Crater Earth on the bigger Earth, he also shows the location of our crater on the map of the bigger Earth. The other things presented in his videos are: The Moon we see may be in fact a reflection of our crater. Our crater is reflected on a dome which is around our crater, we see this as the Moon. The Moon map, as we know it from media, is actually the real map of the greater Earth. Our crater is the Sulpicius Gallus M crater on the Moon map. The map of the Earth as we know it, is wrong, corrupted. Planet Mars, as it is shown to us by the media is in fact another crater on the bigger Earth. There's quite a lot video footage from NASA available online that shows the bigger Earth and in sometimes our crater Earth. These videos from NASA are sometimes altered and sometimes the real deal, to show people the truth, without people knowing what they are actually watching, which is the bigger Earth, and not planet Earth.
2023-01-03 21:47:48.731783+00:00
Dave Rossi/Dr. Michael Salla
[ "#crackpot", "#ufo", "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
In mid-2022, Dave Rossi had an encounter with a blue extraterrestrial entity that changed his life by activating latent mental abilities to develop complex mathematical equations explaining the operation of advanced technologies. He soon began building an antigravity device that successfully levitated objects and generated a small EMP wave that attracted the attention of the military intelligence community in Canada. After Dave was approached by Canadian officials inquiring about his experiment, he began corresponding with leading edge scientists in the US working in the classified world. He shared his equations explaining the principles behind advanced propulsion and energy technologies. Dave’s detailed knowledge of equations associated with antigravity, free energy, and other exotic technologies, known only to a few scientists, led to him being quickly recognized in the covert world as someone knowledgeable about how extraterrestrial technologies operate. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Dave explains his background and why his newly developed ability to render the principles behind exotic technologies in complex equations, understood by only a few in the classified world, has given him direct access to leading edge scientists. He also explains how scientists in the classified world monitor the revelations of extraterrestrial contactees on the workings of off-world technologies, with one popular French contactee being of particular interest to them. Dave finally discusses his collaboration with several prominent scientists to develop working models of propulsion and energy technologies that can be released to the general public.
2023-01-03 21:29:12.887853+00:00
[ "#ufo", "#magick" ]
Raksha; 3) Lastly, I find it a bit hard to believe that some Pleiadians would like to have sex with us in our current state. I mean we are full of toxins, chemicals, and negative energies. Not to mention we are probably far less handsome than they are. And we are not mind readers. How could we be attractive ? A.S: The majority of galactics do not wish to date or have sex with Earth lightworkers. As Kejraj said, especially the higher evolved galactics will probably not have that desire. (Pleiadians are higher consciousness than Earthlings, but for the most part they are not the highest evolved beings in the galaxy. Though of course different Pleiadians have different levels of consciousness.) <...> That said, the more developed / pure / empty you are, the more attractive and relatable you will be to galactics. So if you still have a lot of baggage, you might have a harder time dating them until you do some more development work. So if anyone is looking for motivation to do their integration work, then “this may increase my chances of being able to date or sleep with a galactic” is one thing. <...> Should you physically meet a galactic who wants to have sex with you, there is a decent chance the the galactic will politely and lovingly suggest that you go visit a galactic healer first, for a “cleanup” of toxins etc. This won’t take much time and won’t be painful. <...> I do quite a bit more interacting with and talking to Pleiadians than just the Tunia and Hakann channelings. I’ve personally already have had energetic sex with multiple different Pleiadians. I can feel their energetic body if it touches mine, and they feel it if I move my energetic body to touch theirs. So we can stimulate each other in that way. Pleiadians are apparently able to orgasm purely from that, whereas I may be able to get aroused from that but I do need to use my own hand for additional stimulation if I want to have an orgasm.
2023-01-03 18:44:22.726843+00:00
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
[ "#elitist", "#wingnut" ]
[From "@DrEricDing - No. They are my slaves"] @DrEricDingMerry Christmas?? to all… and to all, ??please think of all our healthcare workers on the front lines—for they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders in what is to come ??Stay safe. Protect each other & our communities. Or else, may our children forgive us. #Omicron image December 24, 2021[…] "Our children" never had to forgive us for not protecting each other from Omicron, which turned into a beautiful vaccine-ignoring wildfire[…]giving them all the firsthand discovery that this Wuhan Flu was a pretty second-rate bioweapon[…] What I take umbrage to most, of course, is that I should think about the healthcare workers on the front lines. Things may play a little differently down in Boston, but up here north of the 49th parallel I have no desire nor interest in thanking the healthcare workers who constantly demand more money be stolen from me for a broken system they also refuse to allow me to replace Indeed they are essential (by their own insistence) employees of the government All Canadian healthcare workers are our slaves and we should be able to abuse them as we see fit Working long hours? Awwwww. I want to slash your pay by 95% and increase your hours at the same time Don't like it? Stop voting for far-left parties interested in keeping you government workers[…] You cheerfully endorsed the mandates to try and coerce me into taking the Pfizer Death Juice For that alone I should be able to ride you like a pony whipping you to go faster even when it's -40 out until you freeze to death like a tauntaun[…] I expect you to work through Christmas[…]Death by firing squad if you fake phone in sick. That's what we do to deserters, and you're on the front lines, remember?
2023-01-03 14:07:26.075811+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
( itsnotaboutewe ) Let's Make 2023 the Year of the Terf Last New Year's Eve I made a resolution to be more actively involved in fighting the gender cult. I have always been an out and proud terf and have never shied away from debate, discussion, and even arguments about trans ideology but I had been spectacularly lazy when it came to letter writing, stickering, and other forms of activism, so this year I changed that. I stickered my little heart out, had several letters published in the local papers, emailed politicians and policy makers, and even phoned into Kellie-Jay Keen's Terf Talk Tuesday podcast. I have become braver in the last 12 months and I'm proud of myself for it. I want 2023 to be the Year of the Terf. I want all of us to be a little braver and push our own comfort zones a bit in the fight against the TRAs. In that spirit, I have resolved that I will speak at one of KJK's Let Women Speak rallies when she comes to Australia in March. I am not someone who can speak in public easily and I even find it hard to speak to a small group of friendly people if they are all looking at me, so this is a huge challenge for me. I know I am not alone in wanting to do more for our cause, so what are you willing to do to help make 2023 the year the terfs win? My New Year's resolution is for a women's revolution. Let's make 2023 the Year of the Terf. ( Blahdyblahdyblah ) Right there with you. Went mask-off on my socials yesterday for the first time. No more hiding how I feel. ( sailorvenus ) I used to be in the gender cult, but I've started pushing back in my own small ways. "Chest feeding? You can't say that men don't have abortions and mean it in a general way anymore?" Small questions, but they're the ones that got me over to the Terf side. I really want 2023 to be my TERF/improve yourself year. I want to learn coding and get more financially stable so I can donate to orgs that support actual women. Maybe someday if I get good enough I can make a crowdfunding site that is for biological women only. Fund their educations and their dreams. Women deserve it. ( lunamoth ) Much admiration for your willingness to push yourself out of your comfort zone and I wish you luck in your public speaking goals! The pendulum is about to swing the other way. It has to. I wouldn’t be surprised if 2023 is indeed the year of the terf, or at least the start of an age of the terf ✊
2023-01-03 14:02:55.229760+00:00
@NeilThin / Neil Thin
[ "#transphobia" ]
"Born in the wrong body". Almost no-one said this before 2000. The belief may often be compelling, but the phrase doesn't absolve us of the duty to think things through. When an influential phrase is as recent as this, shouldn't we all be curious, and want to raise questions? image Why is the body suddenly unreliable, and the mind reliable? Why is it suddenly young women who disbelieve and renounce their sex, whereas previously it was mainly men? Why, so soon after same-sex attraction became ok, were so many people suddenly dismissing it as irrelevant? Why, so soon after women’s sports were developed, were so many people hell-bent on wrecking them by allowing males to compete as women? Why, so soon after most educated people had learned to doubt the reality or relevance of something as fanciful and vague as the soul, did "soul" beliefs enjoy a sudden renaissance in the form of “true (gendered) self” ideology? If people were confident in their "born in the wrong body" belief, would they require everyone else to publicly affirm their belief? If we really want a happier world, in which fewer people suffer from obsessive distrust or dislike of their own bodies, shouldn't we be challenging rather than affirming people's bodily self-loathing? These are just questions. If you read them as attacks, you might want to ask yourself if this might be paranoia, and if so where it comes from. There are plenty more psychological, sociological, linguistic, and political questions we should be asking.
2023-01-03 13:57:01.650174+00:00
[ "#wingnut" ]
The left has already lost. It is just a slow decline from this point forward until all of their false narratives collapse. People have awakened to the manipulation. Deranged cult followers of Biden/Harris, vaccines, lockdowns, & vaccine passports are now in the minority. We the People are awake, patriots are now the majority. Many large figures have been redpilled. It is over. Their false narratives are in the process of collapsing. We held the line. WE WON. #operantconditioning #newworldorder #agenda21 #agenda2030 #greatreset #greatawakening #holdtheline #holdthelinepatriots #patriots #patriotsunite #america #freedom
2023-01-03 13:51:10.424576+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@Nature_and_Race) As most of you know, I'm openly pro-Hitler. But I've always maintained the position that I understand if you're not, and I'll never try to convince you to be. So long as you're pro-White, we're brothers/sisters. But there's this strange clique in our community that claims to be Nationalist / White Nationalist, and yet they're hardcore pro-China. And so pro-China, in fact, that they refuse to allow you to be anti-China. If they find out you don't support their pro-China agenda, they'll attack you and demonize you, as if you're somehow anti-White. You're not allowed to not be pro-China. It's fucking insane. And it's a serious problem in our community. (@freivolk) @Nature_and_Race Agreed. Though it's not quite the same situation, the same can be said for the strange fixation over Putin. (@Glassjaw83) @freivolk @Nature_and_Race When I talk to these types.. they make the argument that western whites are too tolerant and stopped containing African behavior. They believe that if the Chinese police the global order they will keep them in check because they aren’t as afraid to be racist. They also hold what they call “post white” beliefs.. meaning if we are going to breed with other races.. Asian peoples would be more desirable than blacks and browns. I kind of get it.. but it’s also kind of defeatist. (@toomuchjuicex) @Glassjaw83 @freivolk @Nature_and_Race In my opinion, it's not only utterly defeatist, it's subversive as well. (@Running_Wild) @Nature_and_Race China is the enemy of pro-White people for many reasons. Simple as. Russia is no friend of western Whites. Theoretically the pro-White people there could be seen as allies or even cousins but the Russian ZOG is an enemy. I do think it's good that these enemies are opposing the Western ZOG's but they are still enemies in and of themselves.. Many people cannot view enemy countries in this manor. They think that because these countries oppose the Western ZOG's (to the extent that they actually do oppose them), that they are automatically on the side of pro-Whites. No, they are not. Plus Nick Fuentes likes Russia & China so of course his sychophants do too..
2023-01-03 13:48:12.650191+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) We shouldn't need the approval of the Biden Regime to deport illegals out of Arizona. All we should need is a governor with the courage to do so. That's why I've introduced the "Empowering States to Deport Illegal Aliens Act". Read it below: image image image (@russellmelvin) @DrPaulGosar No legislation needed. It's called the 10th Amendment. Look it up. (@ext_14) @DrPaulGosar OUR GOVERNMENT HAS GOTTEN CONFUSED ABOUT ITS ROLE OVER THE YEARS. THE STATES (BEING UNITED) GRANT CERTAIN POWERS TO THE FEDERAL GOVERMENT NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. (@Sodi_Pressing_20) @DrPaulGosar It shows a profound misunderstanding of the Constitution and federalism itself to suggest the states need permission from the feds to deport illegals. (@Guardians_of_Light) @DrPaulGosar You already don’t need anyone’s permission. The state can kick them out as they please. Plus a state can simply apply the principle of self defense with like force. Asking your attacker for permission to defend yourself is stupid. Get your head out of your ass. (@RAURMANproductions) @DrPaulGosar What is up with these redundant bills? States have the authority to protect themselves. You don't need permission from the FED. If DC ignores our laws it's time the States start ignoring their fake decrees. We don't need more bills, we need real men and women to stop being nice and just do what has to be done. (@AndersonGoncalves) @DrPaulGosar why not just deport them anyway? If the jews in DC complain say F u and secede. who cares what the corrupt bastards have to say? (@AndersonGoncalves) @DrPaulGosar @IECaomhanach why dont you want criminals sent back? If the federal goverment isnt letting the states uphold law and order then the people should secede from this destructive govt.
2023-01-02 23:42:30.199563+00:00
[ "#crackpot", "#fundie", "#ufo", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
There’s a huge need people have but are often very blind to. They seek it half-heartedly but never seem to find it. It’s not in the churches, or other peoples faces. They seek and seek but cant seem to find it. Dont know where to begin, how to start, His Book is so big, seems to have no end. And all the screaming and shouting and pacing of preachers cant conjure it up. This world seems a zoo. Are you unable to obey, believe, trust? Or are you traveling a path that only leads to your shoes being covered with dust? Today, in this world, who can you trust? Have you looked to authorities, scholars, philosophers? Have they let you down? Feel you’re going insane? Truth is actually very simple and plain. We must simply repent, say were sorry to God not some man, then obey! <...> Hes looking for a few who can trust and obey. He’s looking for leaders who will follow His orders. He wants them to rule with a crown and live beside Him. After this parts all complete, He’s got grander designs for all of His children, a new planet! A totally recreated Garden of Eden here on earth with much greater landmass, less ocean, no stickers or thorns or dangerous animals. (Isa 11) And no more demons to taunt and harass. He had this plan written down by Ezekiel 37. That’s when everyone’s eyes will be opened We will get to experience what God always intended. The problem today is we have to many aliens. They dont understand what obedience is, except to put people in pods and exist in their skin. <...> You just must agree to never look back. He wants us to obey and trust. He only needs a few leaders to be steadfast and trust. To then will be white robes, new names, and crowns and special recognition. They will reign with Lotd Jesus together in His Kingdom and they will have found, A treasure so priceless, rare, and so GREAT Oh Come My Lord Jesus! I can hardly wait! ps. The secret key is to keep His Sabbath = obedience, shows your attitude!
2023-01-02 21:16:23.450183+00:00
Gerrit Gielen
[ "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
First of all: what is duality? Duality is the denial of the inner unity of the universe. It is the belief in the division between people, and man versus nature; men against women, races against each other, nations at war. Duality is a mental illusion that imprisons humanity; an illusion that arises when our thinking is no longer based on love, but on fear. <...> Atlantean people were more cosmically oriented, they were aware of their origins. They were more mentally, more intellectually, developed and they had the powers of the third eye. They also looked a bit different, they were taller and lighter in color, and they considered themselves superior. The consequence of their incarnation on Earth was that a class society emerged in which the Atlanteans formed the upper class, the ruling class. Among other things, they had come here to help and protect the Earth people. But they also looked down on those earthlings, considering them less evolved beings. You can compare what happened then to what happened much later in human history – inspired by subconscious memories of Atlantis – during the Age of Colonization. The white colonizers saw themselves as those who came to enlighten, Christianize, and instill modern civilization in the “savages”. They even saw this assignment as “the white man’s burden”: it was the white man’s duty to enlighten the rest of the world. <...> Then, in subsequent incarnations, the Atlanteans mixed with the Earth people. They became part of them. However, the long-lasting Atlantean civilization, which lasted about a hundred thousand years, did have a deep psychological impact. It functioned as a kind of energetic mold for future societies. Earth people began to imitate the culture of their previous overlords, trying to recreate Atlantis in their way of life and work. And with that, the mistakes of Atlantis were also repeated. They had internalized the dualistic ideas that arose at the time of Atlantis.
2023-01-02 19:19:55.902816+00:00
[ "#fundie", "#crackpot", "#wingnut" ]
But the larger problem with disproving evolution is twofold. First, it’s definition is so plastic that there really is no meaningful set of conditions that evolutionists would accept as falsifying it, in part because, like faith in the Bible, it is assumed true, and those defending it just look for harmonizations of the data, never considering falsification. Lack of intermediate forms? “Not enough data” or “punctuated equilibrium.” Lack of experimental evidence? “It takes too long to observe.” Genetic trees don’t match those based on morphology? “Convergent evolution.” Second, the truth is, there are only two models for origins – one where all starts out as soup and by some law organizes into higher physical and living complexity and forms, and another where things start out organized by an intelligent designer and progress via thermodynamics and entropy towards disorder (which looks more like reality? Dawkins confession of “the appearance of design” looks very naive). Being without faith in the latter model, unbelievers MUST believe some form of evolution. So they won’t seriously consider any contrary evidence as falsification, just another chance to “improve the model.”
2023-01-02 13:57:52.663779+00:00
pennygadget & softglow
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights ( pennygadget ) If they need to blame anyone for their daughter's death,, they should be blaming the psychological institutions that push the narrative that suicide is inevitable if a trans person doesn't get everything that they want the moment they demand it. Actual therapists recognize how dangerous it is to treat suicide that way when it comes to other problems. But, when it comes to trans people, they're like, "Aiden, you know that trans people will immediately jump into traffic if they're misgendered, right?" or "If you can't get a T prescription, your dysphoria will metastasize and you'll have no choice but to kill yourself". THIS is why these people end their lives. Their mental illness is exacerbated by a medical system that cares more about selling them services than helping them live functional lives! ( softglow ) TIMs hate TIFs, envy them for their comparative ease in passing, in getting lesbians, for their genitals (which they also hate them for squandering). They use TIFs for validation, for victimhood status when claiming female rape statistics, and piss their pants and shriek about transmisogyny, and how very dare any TIFs suggest that they might still be victim of actual misogyny from transwomen, who grew up with (this is the worst thing you can accuse them of, so remember it) MALE SOCIALIZATION. There's so many reasons why a TIF might kill herself, but I refuse to believe that the constant toxic demands that TIMs make on them didn't play at least a small part here. I guarantee there's going to be some whispers between her friends about the ghoulish reaction transwomen will have, after they've seen how TIFs are treated by them, and god willing that will peak a few. It does happen, rare as it is; TIMs are so unpleasant that they can snap us out of our delusions sometimes, and if there's any silver lining to such an awful situation, I hope that's one.
2023-01-02 13:06:50.288245+00:00
Abby Johnson^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
[ "#wingnut" ]
Children shouldn’t have to die in an abortion just because you acted irresponsibly in the bedroom.
2023-01-02 13:54:26.350765+00:00
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
PENTAGON TAKES CONTROL OF THE WHITE HOUSE. RUSSIA PREPARES TO NAME TRUMP “THE REAL US PRESIDENT.” #news #UKnews #breaking #breakingnews #vaccines #covid #covid19 #dailynews #realnews #todaysnews #usnews #5G #qanon #ukraine #manchester #liverpool #newcastle #birmingham #london image
2023-01-02 13:50:09.645658+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
The Globalist’s want us to live under #medicaltyranny #nwoagenda #fjb image spoiler"Monkeypox outbreak" right before a conference regarding the WHO taking over "global response to health emergencies". Convenient.
2023-01-02 13:44:59.041910+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) A nation without borders is no nation at all. We need to complete our border wall and deport every illegal alien. Then, we need an immigration moratorium. That's America First. (@19WinstonSmith84) @DrPaulGosar the EVIL EVIL EVIL globalists at the WEF want to completely destroy ALL sense of identity..... That's the ultimate goal of mass immigration.... To eradicate all sense of national identity and culture... It's pure communist evil (@BlueWave72) @19WinstonSmith84 @DrPaulGosar We are a nation of immigrants. (@Aloha_Patriot) @BlueWave72 @19WinstonSmith84 @DrPaulGosar Yes, that is the catch-call of the genocidists. (@bluewonder369) @19WinstonSmith84 @BlueWave72 @DrPaulGosar the forefathers intended for only white people to immigrate here. image (@GTOdriverSCUBAdiver) @DrPaulGosar and a foreign aid moratorium, please. (@AchmedShrint) @DrPaulGosar until Republican “leadership“ gets their shit together and STOPS enabling the Left’s agenda - like sending billions overseas - nothing will improve. (@CarlosPuig-Garcia) @DrPaulGosar while we are waiting on that wall why don't you propose a bill where anyone knowingly employing an illegal alien gets a 5 year minimum mandatory prison sentence and pays 50 percent of their net profits that year towards funding a wall. Make It actually hurt when you employ illegals as badly as they hurt our wages. (@OberstHansUlrichRudel) @CarlosPuig-Garcia @DrPaulGosar They'll never go after the employers. That would actually stop illegal immigration. That's not something anyone in Congress wants. They're all bought and paid for through AIPAC. The reason that Congress has such amazing security is because they know what they deserve. image (@DJ_T_Rump) @DrPaulGosar 'Dual Citizens' are foreign loyal aliens that do more damage than any illegal invader ever dreamt of (@KonaJ) @DrPaulGosar Joe Biden and Soros don't want the USA to be a nation state. They want a one world UN government.
2023-01-02 13:43:22.234411+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) Every baby has the right to life. I will always proudly fight to end abortion in our nation. Share if you are proudly PRO-LIFE! (@Figment_Of_Your_Imagination) @DrPaulGosar You were saying? You cant be against abortion if youre pro-shitrael, dumbass image image (@Snojet) @DrPaulGosar To all women who consider an abortion. The moment a child is created in your womb it has it’s own unique DNA. It is not identical to your DNA. It is it’s own new unique person. You can’t claim it’s an unwanted growth you want removed due to inconvenience. That is murder! (@conspiracyarchitect) @DrPaulGosar more important than abortion is ending government intervention in health services. Without the government funding of health services, abortion could never have become so widespread. (@CRCitizen) @DrPaulGosar The child is innocent of all the potential acts that created it (brought it to life). Why should the child forfeit its life for any act(s) of the parent(s)? (@borealist) @CRCitizen @DrPaulGosar The son inherits the sin of the father. The concept of innocence is not a Christian one, but the Communist blank-slate teaching. (@conspiracyarchitect) @DrPaulGosar SIDS is a side effect of infant vaccines (@AlexanderVI) @DrPaulGosar We are Americans. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights granted at creation -- the moment of union of the genetics of the sperm and ova, and the beginning of the unique human life. Derogation from this position is insufficiently respectful of God given human rights to claim the honor of the name American. (@Don11_6) @DrPaulGosar what does EMS do when they have someone Unconscious? They check for a Heartbeat, if they have a heartbeat they are ALIVE!! ❤️
2023-01-02 04:43:54.659412+00:00
Michael Lane
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Brunson vs. Adams SCOTUS case. SCOTUS will have another day to charge and remove Joe and most members of congress with treason. […] Before embarrassing yourself research the case! You might me surprised what's at risk. It goes to conference January 6th. It calls for amongst other things the removal of 94 Senators, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as well as over 100 members of the House of Representatives for being part of the conspiracy to rig the 2020 elections and overthrow the duly elected leader of the United States. Brunson vs Adams could be the black swan event that leaves liberals in tears.
2023-01-01 23:40:29.484392+00:00
Dr. Michael Salla
[ "#ufo", "#conspiracy", "#magick", "#wingnut" ]
I’m ready for 2023, which promises to be a revolutionary year for the entire planet after a lackluster 2022. I’m most excited by growing evidence that the Deep State is unravelling with more and more of its most deeply held secrets being released every day by whistleblowers and White Hats in what appears to be a globally coordinated plan. It’s no accident that the recently signed 2023 National Defense Authorization Act in the US gives whistleblowers protection from any Non-Disclosure Agreements when it comes to UAPs/UFOs. This is going to spark an avalanche of whistleblowers coming forward and revealing more of what has been happening in corporate and military facilities dealing with reverse engineered alien technologies and off planet visitors. <...> At this point, it’s still not clear what the trigger will be for the global revolution. Will it be: Judges overturning rigged elections as more data comes in? More Twitter files exposing the truth about Deep State operations? Ukraine’s military collapse from an impending Russian winter offensive that will lead to NATO’s implosion? The truth about Deep State’s Plandemic coming out? An announcement that the Webb Telescope discovered ET life? The Deep State finally moving ahead with a false flag alien event that is bound to fail? The ETs themselves forcing the issue by uncloaking their motherships/Arks and exposing the Deep State’s biggest secret? The awakening of giants or Inner Earthers coming forward to reveal themselves to the mass consciousness? It could be any one or a combination of these factors that leads to a global revolution as the people wake up to the decades of Deep State manipulation and deception.
2023-01-01 23:29:31.278498+00:00
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Such a big time bozo that when elected mayor of NYC he cleaned up the crime and made NYC a safer city oi live and work in. Can you say that about the city today under the liberal leadership wank jobs they have today? Of course you live in a state that has it's own share of liberal wank job leaders what with the new gun purchasing laws they want. I too am disappointed that Rudy did not show his evidence for election fraud. Still, being dis-barred in NYC, many would take as a badge of honor.
2023-01-01 23:20:16.883364+00:00
Matt Walsh
[ "#elitist", "#transphobia", "#wingnut" ]
Extremely honored to have earned the Transphobe of the Year award from @newrepublic. I want to thank everyone who supported me in pursuit of this goal. I don’t do it for the accolades, but I’m grateful and humbled to receive them. image “One man stands out from the crowd” — The New Republic In a year where the Transgender Day of Remembrance was marked by a mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, one man stands out from the crowd of online right-wing personalities fearmongering against trans people: Matt Walsh. Bio is updated
2023-01-01 23:18:44.361607+00:00
Brett Stevens
[ "#wingnut", "#racist", "#conspiracy", "#elitist" ]
Over the years, any writer against the modern condition accumulates a series of heresies that in simple form undermine the illusions upon which the modern era is built. These are things that, while said plainly and in non-emotional form, still produce panic and disturbance among normies. <...> Let us look at some heresies that debunk and invert modernity: 1. Equality creates mediocrity: in Natural Selection, creatures that achieve endure; in human groups, everyone is subsidized so they endure at the expense of the achievers. This produces a downward spiral toward mediocrity and eventually, third-world levels of dysfunctional but still present and rent-seeking institutions. <...> 4. Individualism replaces reality: in this life you either try to adapt to the world, or insist that you are the most important and thus it should adapt to you. Wealthy societies allow the latter, therefore produce a bumper crop of parasites and predators, each of which has the me-first “I am the center of the world” philosophy which in groups becomes collectivized into egalitarianism. 5. Diversity displaces culture: when you have one ethnic group in a society, you have one culture for everyone; once you have more than one ethnic group, you cannot have one culture for everyone because cultures differ and therefore in conflict. Instead, you loosen the rules and get a psychology of permissiveness and narcissism, with commerce, government, and ideology becoming more important as they take over the space culture once occupied. 6. Tolerance produces hatred: when you are forced to tolerate others, it means “agreeing to disagree” (pluralism) on a large scale, which in turn means that honest grievances are ignored in the means-over-ends struggle to avoid conflict (pacifism). This produces anti-culture, racism, and genocide as groups fight for control of the Narrative.
2023-01-01 21:46:10.802924+00:00
@OratorBlog Information Warrior
[ "#racist", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#quack" ]
DeSantis and Rodger Stone Exposed as Kissinger-Atlantic Council and Shadowgate General Jones Operatives The Rothschild Network of Kissinger, Shadowgate General Jones, the Atlantic Council, the Pilgrim’s Society, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are Running the Biden Regime/Deep State. At the same time they have Infiltrated the America First Community and placed Operatives within the Republican Party. For instance. Who is behind State Separatism like in Texas? That would be the Kissinger Network. They must break up America before they can Divide and Conquer. Governor DeSantis, Rodger Stone, Whitney Webb, Alex Jones and Elon Musk Exposed as Assets of the Crown Rothschilds – Kissinger Cabal Sorry Patriots. Brendon O’Connell implicates Tucker Carlson, General Flynn and Clay Clark as well… <...> There grew far too many Dissenters to send to Death Camps. Note. This was not long before the COVID VAX GENOCIDE began. A Final Solution? THEY CAN ONLY OPERATE IN THE SHADOWS The light is now shining on their Crimes Against Humanity and the countless dirty deeds they are committing against American Citizens. The Zionists are very worried about the fact that the American People are waking up. They are crying foul, and ANTISEMITISM. But fewer and fewer people are buying their Lies and Propaganda. IT IS NOT RACIST TO EXPOSE CRIMES BEING COMMITTED AGAINST YOU This shocking Podcast Exposes the Zionists Evil Plans on what they planned to do to Whistleblowers and Dissenters. 10 years ago only 0.05% of the population were aware of what the Zionist Cabal was really up to. At the time of this Podcast that number has shot up to 15%. Now I would estimate we are well past 35%. And they are very nervous. <...> HOW DARE YOU QUESTION OUR CRIMES? ISRAELI AI THOUGHT POLICE COMMAND CENTER A War on Consciousness Terrorism. Censorship, Propaganda, Psychological Warfare and Agents of Disinformation- Aimed at Truth Tellers who are Exposing the Khazarian Zionists Crimes Against Humanity.
2023-01-01 17:59:35.029592+00:00
Ignazio la Russa
[ "#wingnut" ]
Ignazio la Russa, a senator from Cologno Monzese, a municipality in Milan, wrote alongside a picture of an MSI campaign poster: “In memory of my father, who was one of the founders of the Italian Social Movement in Sicily and who chose the path of free and democratic participation with the MSI throughout his life in defense of his ideas respectful of the Italian Constitution” Leaders within Italy’s Jewish community were dismayed by his decision to link MSI to the post-World War II Italian constitution. The ascendance of far-right leaders who have expressed nostalgia for the fascist period in Italy â€” which nearly spelled the near destruction of Italian Jewry — has Italy’s present-day Jewish community worried “Today we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the promulgation of the Republican Constitution, the affirmation of our anti-fascist democracy,” Noemi Di Segni, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, said on Tuesday[…]“Yet there are those who believe they are celebrating another anniversary, that of the foundation of the MSI, a party which, after the fall of the fascist regime, placed itself in ideological and political continuity with the RSI, the government of diehard fascists who actively collaborated for the deportation of Italian Jews”[…] La Russa took office as Senate president in October, after the victory of a right-wing coalition gave his Brothers of Italy (FDI) party a plurality in the senate and made Giorgia Meloni prime minister[…] For most of its history, MSI branded itself as the defender of Italy’s fascist history, even long after the death of dictator Benito Musolini.  FDI is seen by many as MSI’s successor in Italy
2023-01-01 13:47:05.682904+00:00
Matt Osborne
[ "#transphobia" ]
Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars [...] If your child is one of too many now joining the self-harm cult of “gender identity,” then the president of the United States wants you to know that you must participate, otherwise bad things will happen. Biden said that “affirming” imaginary, ineffable, invisible gendered essences that cannot be detected by modern science is “one of the most powerful things you can do to keep [your children] safe and healthy.” Nice trans kid you got, would be a shame if something happened to them. Because then it would be your fault. (It’s a game. This will always be your fault, mom and dad.) Do you want Dylan Mulvaney to literally die? Do you, mom and dad? “You’re so brave,” Biden said to the Dylan Mulvaneys of the world. He wanted them to know that “you belong, we have your back.” Dylan Mulvaney needed powerful people at his back. Making the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney is a global mission statement for peace on earth. Affirm the trans kids or Dylan will literally die. We will all literally die. Democracy itself will die. Signing a federal marriage equality law earlier this month, Biden argued that no one else can have human rights unless Dylan Mulvaney is special. “Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, they are all connected,” Biden said. “But the antidote to hate is love. This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms.” Love Dylan Mulvaney or you do actual harm to him. Sterilize the kids and cheer for Lia Thomas and look away from the rapists in women’s prisons. Ignore the harms, otherwise you harm him, and by extension, the whole world. It may all seem a strange place for Puritan ethics to land, but not really. Alexis de Tocqueville observed that equality is eternally popular, whereas the relative popularity of freedom is fickle, fluctuating with the challenges and changes of the times. It helps to understand that this is about status, not money. “Elite” is a status, not money. Americans are under a presidential command to value Dylan Mulvaney’s gender identity and give it status. Transgender “rights” organizing is focused on validation, on centering itself, on its own supposed status as the most marginalized community ever (read: “most…ever”). [...]
2023-01-01 13:38:30.467271+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) The leading cause of death for adults aged 18-45 is deadly fentanyl flooding across our border through Mexico. The Biden Regime's open border policies are quite literally killing hundreds of Americans daily. (@RobynChal) @DrPaulGosar Yet nothing, absolutely nothing is done with this illegitimate president and his administration! He is destroying America, attacking citizens with the out of control not voted for FBI and other alphabet agencies that need to be disband and done away with!! This illegitimate administration is a tyrannical organization causing hate and division, yet our congress does absolutely nothing about it!! We know for a fact that Biden stole his election and we end up with open borders, out of control inflation, poison vaccines, food shortages, high gas prices, drug overdoses, encouraging the left to physically attack and even kill people who has a different political view. Biden is attacking our rights and the Constitution. Biden and his family are criminals and traitors. China is buying land here and are even setting up their own police force on American soil. WHAT ARE YOU ALL GOING TO DO?! if we take the House and hopefully the Senate too, we better see everything Biden did reversed! FBI cleaned out, people investigated and prosecuted! Also every J6 political prisoners pardoned and released. No more groomers trying to sexualize our children, no child allowed to have surgery to change sex if they are under 18 and get the crap out of our schools,, do away with the Department of Education. No more talk, we need action to save our country! (@deprogrammingservices) @DrPaulGosar Biden's open border policy is a deliberate betrayal of America. It is clear that everything he does is done for that purpose. If left unchecked, his betrayals will be fatal. And there is no reason for any of this, since it was known in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election that he won only by way of massive fraud, and more evidence has been acquired since then. (@BJSanders49) @DrPaulGosar yes, and our native population is systematically being replaced by the illegals.....and that is by design (@conspiracyarchitect) @DrPaulGosar that's because they don't report Vax injuries
2023-01-01 05:02:56.378735+00:00
Natalie Argyle
[ "#transphobia", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Government School Sponsors Lecture, Book Signing By “The Transgender Child” Author I no longer call them “public schools.” They aren’t working for the public’s best interest, they don’t consider public sentiment or priorities, and for more than 2 years, they weren’t open to the public. They are government schools. They’re run by the government, fueled by politics, used to indoctrinate children with government agendas, and funded by American tax dollars that are being increasingly confiscated by the government from hardworking Americans amid unprecedented reckless government spending. They are government schools, not public schools. […] And the Davis Joint Unified School District government school in Davis County, California, is using taxpayer funds to sponsor a lecture and book signing event by Rachel Pepper, a licensed marriage and family therapist (terrifying) and author of a book titled, “The Transgender Child; A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Supporting Transgender and Nonbinary Children.” The event promises “a groundbreaking, compassionate, and comprehensive GPS for offering understanding, love and support to gender expansive and transgender young people.” All good things, but in and by a government school, sponsored by taxpayers, and pushing an extremely polarizing agenda? I certainly don’t agree with that. If they’re sponsoring entire events and book signings, what else is happening in the classrooms that aren’t quite as advertised? (At this point the author includes a tweet advertising the event, and then a description of the event) Children 12 and over are “welcome to attend with an adult.” Notice it doesn’t way “with a parent.” Because perhaps they’ll be coming with an adult who is helping them keep secrets from their parents?
2023-01-01 00:03:15.129469+00:00
[ "#sexist", "#fundie" ]
Alex224922: I was raped by my boyfriend in high school. I was sitting on his bed, with all my clothes on, talking to him because I wanted to have a conversation with him and nothing else. He playfully pushed me down onto his bed and I said, "No hon, I'm not in the mood today." He tried again because he thought I was teasing, so I raised my voice, got angry and said, "NO, not today." He then proceeded to guilt me and tell me he really wanted to, but I stood my ground. Finally, he wasn't having it. He started horsing around with me and then pushed me onto the bed again, got on top of me, and started trying to take my clothes off. I told him NO again, trying to get up but he held me down. That's when I started yelling at him and hitting him, but he didn't stop. I was in shock. This was my boyfriend, and he definitely knew me well enough to know the difference between me "secretly wanting it" and not wanting to have sex. I kicked, I hit, I cursed, I CRIED and he still forced his way in. There is a DIFFERENCE between rape and consensual sexual dominance. Yes, I enjoy being dominated in bed, but my new boyfriend ALSO enjoys being dominated. My ex didn't dominate me. He forced me to have sex that I DID NOT WANT. I did not enjoy it, I did not like being raped Jgtemolder: If someone, regardless of sex or gender or sexuality, smashes the door down screaming about being raped like it's a merit badge and demanding everyone better get on their knees and not question anything they are saying, otherwise they'll pull out the rape-victim card to show how ashamed you should be (or just whip that thing out in the middle of a conversation); I say it's appropriate, again, regardless of sex. (Especially when they admit to enjoy sexual domination games, and their text heavily implies they enjoyed them with the partner that supposedly raped them, yet not using the safe word... or were dumb enough not to establish one.) If someone is simply relaying their experience, regardless of sex, and explain what it is, it is not.
2022-12-31 18:27:11.839734+00:00
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
[ "#sexist", "#homophobia", "#transphobia" ]
[From "Dyke discovers dyke bars exist"] A dyke in the UK has started a bar for only her and her own kind Teddy Edwardes, 32, is the founder and director of LICK, a women-only venue with a focus on LGTBQ+[…]Dyke bars have been around for decades. It was a plot point in Wayne's World 2 for crying out loud (and going further back was a movie staple since 1968's The Killing of Sister George). Only a millennial could think she's come up with something new Don't despair though, guys. Unlike Wayne Campbell you don't have to dress up as a Village Person if you want to attend. Surprise surprise, Teddy Edwardes is up with all the latest fashions from this despicable lifestyle choice. She's "inclusive to trans women" so all you have to do is show up at the door wearing the same clothes you always do, tell the bouncer you're a chick, and in you are![…] This club was founded "6 years ago" (ie 2016) at the same time that the UK was going ballistic over another organization only allowing in one of the two sexes. Uppity bitches in Edinburgh even tried banning members of that club from a public bench (imagine if we said that a bench couldn't be used by anybody who ever went to a fag bar!)[…] At the same time all the "right people" were demanding one of the few remaining mens-only clubs be allowed to stay open, those same people were opening up a womens-only club and celebrating their commitment to diversity and/or the yaya sisterhood. It's yet another case where the "war on women" is actually a "war by women" which is dangerous because chicks aren't militarily capable Bonus lol: from the comments, somebody asked "if there are no men then who pays for all the drinks?" The answer: "alimony"
2022-12-31 12:45:16.334554+00:00
Butler and George Neal-Bey
[ "#conspiracy", "#dunning-kruger" ]
[Title: ‘Treason!’ Moorish Americans facing gun charges create disarray in Md. courtroom Note: Black "Moorish Americans" are a splinter group from the Moorish Science Temple of America with ideology borrowed from the usually white supremacist anti-government Sovereign Citizen movement] Two Moorish Americans — who claim to be sovereign citizens of a fictitious North African empire — were scheduled to make their first appearance in front of Judge Monise Brown for several gun-related charges. Lamont Butler and George Neal-Bey were arrested after a confrontation with Charles County sheriff’s deputies during a traffic stop last month. Both men were armed at the time. Butler was also charged with resisting arrest. [...] In 2013, he tried to occupy a 12-bedroom Bethesda mansion worth $6 million and was charged with breaking and entering, fraud and attempted theft. But Butler — who claims to be the consul general of the “Morocco Consular Court at the Maryland State Republic” — argued that the mansion fell under an 1836 treaty between Morocco and the United States and actually belonged to him. It didn’t work. [...] On Friday morning, the judge had barely spoken when Butler made his first objection. He went by a different name — Lamont Maurice El — and did not consent to standing in for this other person, even though that “other person” was legally him. [...] “I’m not making an appearance, first of all,” Butler replied. “As long as the grass grows green, as long as the water runs downhill, as long as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, we will never come together. We are separate people.” [...] “I am invoking my treaty right,” he immediately said, referencing Morocco, a country 4,000 miles away.
2022-12-31 12:12:50.762033+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
The New World Order people want a one world gov't with 4 zones - so no more individual countries. #resist #nwoglobalistgovernment #nwoagenda #nwotakeover #nwoendgame image
2022-12-31 12:00:49.417392+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@Nature_and_Race) It's not "White supremacists" that have made the dark of night unsafe in every major city across America. No one detours around the bad parts of town because “White supremacists” live there. (@AdamHerrenvolk) Never turn your back on a Black. @Nature_and_Race image (@Audiofile) @AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race Time to get out the ropes! (@nb) @AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race Just fucking kill this guy. He doesn’t deserve to live. Knowing our justice system he will likely be back on the streets raping again in no time. (@AhhHonkIt) @AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race imagine adopting a random nigger to live in your house when you have daughters. Liberalism is White genocide. (@36x) @Nature_and_Race ''bad neighborhood'' = black neighborhood...let's end the charade. (@spud11) @Nature_and_Race When "White supremacists" move in next door, no one thinks and says "There goes the neighborhood!", and immediately puts their house up for sale. (@Audiofile) @spud11 @Nature_and_Race I put my house up for sale after the blacks and foreigners started moving into my neighborhood! (@masteractio) @spud11 @Nature_and_Race White Supremacists move in next door and home values mysteriously rise 🤔 (@Red_Bearded_Heathen) @Nature_and_Race white people feel safe going through white supremacists neighborhoods because the likely of being robbed or murdered is a zero percent (@Boedup333) @Nature_and_Race black panthers haven't gone away, simply changed there name to black lives matter. Racist group! The same black extremists group who blocked the polling stations for Hussain Obama (@Jerry4USA) @Nature_and_Race How could not wanting to be looted be a racist threat? Hmmm 🤔. I wonder image (@noidint) @Jerry4USA @Nature_and_Race would be happy to see this bitch shot by a brotha (@BlackRainbow_) @Nature_and_Race When people pass me on the street, they stay on my side .
2022-12-31 11:49:33.216101+00:00
Ashley Guillard
[ "#conspiracy", "#crackpot", "#homophobia" ]
[Title: TikTok psychic sued for accusing professor of killing 4 Idaho students Note: an unrelated suspect was arrested since.] Ashley Guillard claims she knows who killed four University of Idaho students [...]. Her source of information? Tarot card readings. In scores of videos posted to her TikTok account, the self-styled psychic unwinds a bizarre and baseless theory that the chair of the university’s history department orchestrated the killings after a romantic entanglement with one of the students. [...] Now the historian at the center of Guillard’s allegations, Rebecca Scofield, has filed a defamation lawsuit against her. [...] The cards then led her to the word “history.” She pulled up the University of Idaho’s history department website and saw Scofield at the top of the page. Another reading told her the history chair was involved, Guillard said. That was that—she was convinced. She told a Post reporter not to dismiss card reading as speculation. “Having my gift or my ability, I know what I know,” she said. She started posting her claims Nov. 24, using Scofield’s university photo and saying repeatedly — and without any evidence — that she had ordered the students’ killings because she did not want people to find out that she was in a same-sex relationship with one of the victims. [...] She told The Post that she isn’t worried about being sued, that “time will tell and I’m willing to take the risk.” She has not hired an attorney. “I’m going to keep posting. I’m not taking anything down,” she said. “If in the alternate universe, if I was wrong, this is an open and shut case. I did say she ordered the execution of the four University of Idaho students. I’m still posting. I’ve said a lot of things about her. I’m not going to stop. If I’m such a liar, I’m so wrong about it, then in court she will win.”
2022-12-31 07:08:47.699448+00:00
[ "#transphobia", "#conspiracy" ]
But I must warn you, Mae Da Goof (real name Dragan [redacted - Bastethotep]) is a notorious scam artist who steals other people's gaming assets and pretends to be a transgender woman for profit. Dragan scammed my friends out of hundreds of dollars, trapped me in an abusive relationship where suicide was threatened if I didn't comply with his desires, and cheated on me with men and tried to force me into a poly relationship with said men. He steals every game asset he "finds" and can't code or program to save his life. They are not a friend, they are not a "creative"; they are a THIEF who is incapable of doing anything but lying! ...Do not support any "found footage" from this man. Knowing him for two years makes me KNOW half of the things he discovers are stolen from other Rayman fans. Make sure Dragan's theft and untrustworthiness don't go unrecognized!
2022-12-30 22:07:03.344744+00:00
Charlie Kirk^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
Rep. Katie Porter fired a staffer for giving her Covid, but we couldn’t fire Fauci who helped create it in a Chinese lab?
2022-12-30 12:15:09.516451+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights ( no- ) I believe transitioning generates more dysphoria than not transitioning at all, because dysphoria is just the feeling of incongruence between reality and a TIP’s inner sense of self. The more you try to chase the pipe dream of changing sex, the more obvious it becomes that you can’t. Even passing TIPs are living a lie that’s very mentally taxing to maintain. The TIPs who are happy with their transition are so disconnected from reality they’re in a permanent state of delusion and magical thinking, which is not something worth aspiring to. ( dontdoxxmepal ) This 1000x over. Dysphoria is an ever jumping and escalating issue to the individual who experiences it ( Kevina ) Not sure if anyone looked at the pics, but this woman looks like a very average, gnc/butch/possibly lesbian woman. She doesnt read even a little bit male to me, I have several friends who look and dress alot like this woman. I also noticed the sister is a rabbi. I have no idea if this was a "trans the gay away" situation, but it's a shame that these kids are wasting their lives chasing the carrot on a stick that is trans instead of just accepting themselves and their sexed bodies and trying to get some kind of enjoyment out of life. His final tweet was retweeting the words of his boss: 'State lawmakers have advanced an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ bills to restrict where and how we can freely and openly be our true selves.' Except that's not at all what you're doing, and it's no wonder that what you are doing is negatively affecting your mental (and physical) health. ( itsnotaboutewe ) A woman who refused to accept herself as she was tried to force others to accept her as something she was not. She said she felt unsafe walking down the street because she feared people who didn't coddle her delusion, but her life was taken not by strangers who wouldn't accept her but by her own hands because she couldn't accept she was perfect just the way she was. Blaming suicide on anyone but the victim/perpetrator is disingenuous and prepetuates victim mentality. Shame on this mother for blaming strangers for her daughter's actions.
2022-12-31 00:31:40.453854+00:00
Bennett Lee Ross
[ "#crackpot", "#conspiracy", "#ufo", "#magick" ]
Past the ice walls of Antarctica Is the Neptunian Ocean containing many large continents It is all surrounded by a ring of mountains Beyond those mountains is the Ocean of Poseidon With many more large continents Beyond that is a land bridge leading to the World of Aeria We are told we live on a small spinning ball And everything has already been discovered A false idea of the cosmos limits your ability to channel When run on a false program of artificial sequences It makes it hard to change the station When we comply we give up our sovereignty And project a false holographic timeline Pull away from the illusion Understand that it is a matrix of mind control Solar flashes are planned for 2023 But as we wake up the negative side loses power As we gain the ability to hold positive charge The negative agenda falls to the wayside Star seeds are the second coming of Christ Consciousness Sometimes they cannot hold the frequencies from whence they came Because the vibration of this density is so low As our subatomic particles speed up Our molecular structure shifts to silicon based Which allows the teleportation of timelines We can then project sequences And they will happen Many of us have become so synthetic and our frequency has dropped to such a low level That we cannot reprint the cells with the correct sequence The Pledians and Arcturians have tapped into our original DNA In another timeline reality They have manifested themselves as Drop ins or Walk ins And are reawakening our divine genetic structure Our waveform is resonating with those sequences But you have to individually activate it Synchronicity will happen on a daily basis And you will get what your soul needs!
2022-12-30 23:09:55.543172+00:00
Russ Winter
[ "#racist", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
The Debate: Were the Jesuits Little More Than a Crypto-Jew/Marrano Crime Syndicate? The facts and evidence point to yes, especially in the beginning. But the order took on a life of its own. It evolved into a different entity, but with fellow-traveler strands to the Frankists and Freemasons. I suspect when the Jesuits went underground between 1773 and 1814 and they began melding and cooperating with the much-underappreciated Sabbateean-Frankist sect. Many historians believe Jesuits developed Freemasonry. <...> Indeed, many of the Frankist-Jesuit mystical Kabbalistic belief underpinnings are the same. The Alumbrados (Spanish pronunciation: alumˈbɾaðos, illuminated) was a term used to loosely describe practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries. This may have had roots via the Templars. This was also occurring in the Sabbeatian-Jewish communities of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Los Alumbrados sects and mentality sprang up all over Europe and the Middle East, and in non-Jewish communities as well particularly in Rhineland Germany. <...> Gnosticism and Eastern Mysticism (including the Mystery Babylonian religion) teaches that its members are “Gods in the making,” and that Lucifer is the one that makes us realize the “God within us” and evolve this into our full potential (without the need to repent for our sins) as his name means “Morning Star” and “The Illuminated One.” This doctrine is nearly identical in all Secret Societies called the Illuminati. Yes, Martha. Where have we heard this mixing of the holy with the profane Luciferian Doctrine before? Sabbeatian-Frankism I dare say? Birds of the same feather.
2022-12-30 22:31:02.720284+00:00
Akatu – Pleiadian Collective
[ "#ufo", "#magick", "#crackpot" ]
Beloved Friends Of Light! As You Are Being Breathed By The Light Of One, Note The Great Love And Support You Are Given For Each Moment Of Experience! Knowing That You Are Life Itself Will Speak To You That You Are Everything! The Galactic Forces, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angels, Beloved Fae And The Infinite Field Which Is Alive With Intention And Purpose, Holds You In Light! You Cannot Fail As You Are Perfection! All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced And Expressed In Form. <...> With Free Will, Many Choose To Retain The Illusions From Habit And Familiarity. They Bump Into Walls So Frequently That Change Is Obscured By Repetition. With Enough Falls And Bruises They Might Finally Ponder That The Chaos Is Being Caused By Their Own Perceptions! Indeed! (Basco!) Many Will Continue To Function As Living Relics Of Beingness From Which They Have Been Prompted By The Soul To Leave And Move Forward. <...> Aligning The False Identity With The Soul Creates Such Light That You Truly Are Being You! The Changes Can Be So Great That Many Filled With Light Will Distance Themselves From Everything That Once Formed The Basis Of Their Perception Of Themselves. This Will Allow Growth And A Better Path. The Vibrational Frequency Will Rise And They Will Be Drawn To The Light Of Those Matching Their Perception! Indeed, (Basco) I Believe You Call This, ‘Birds Of A Feather Flock Together!’ <...> The Fears Of Inadequacy And Feelings Of Reluctance To Step Forth Attired In One’s True Magnificence, Give Way To A Deepening Sense Of The Unlimited Power Of The Soul! Choose The Path Of Light And Listen For The Hum Of Thousand Of Crafts That Will Make You Dance No Matter What You Are Doing! Now, That Is The Way To Dance! EN EEKE MAI EA! BASCO! I Love You So! Indeed!
2022-12-30 22:29:17.956144+00:00
[ "#conspiracy", "#wingnut" ]
Katie Hobbs is set to seize power less than one week from now. The justice and outcomes we seek will not be able to come from the courts by then. Why shouldn’t we use force to remove the commies from office and take power?
2022-12-30 19:58:52.500496+00:00
Wulf Ingessunu
[ "#conspiracy", "#magick", "#racist" ]
It is my belief that the "Holy Blood - Holy Grail" idea that arose, where the Bloodline of the Grail referred to that of Jesus Christ, was meant to prepare the way for a World Religion. This came about not only through Dan Brown, but also through 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' by Michael Baegent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln - whoever they purport to be. Whatever the motives concerned with spreading this idea, it would most certainly aid in the restoration of a 'Jewish Messiah' which is the basis for the World Religion. [...] With the BLM riots and destruction came the moves to destroy all vestiges of White Culture, and the special target was the Confederacy and its history, even though slavery was never the real issue here. In doing so the statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down to be destroyed; however, as with such blatantly evil moves, everything is not always as it seems. From what I can gather the press and media made mention of a 'time-capsule' found underneath this statue that seems to have contained the following - An 1878 almanac. A book of fiction (not known). A British Coin. A photo of James Netherwood, a master stone mason who worked on the pedestal. These were buried, I believe, for 134 years. However, according to Robert Sepehr, something of greater importance was pushed aside, and this he seems to prove with a clip of the video of the opening of the 'time-capsule' and the search through the contents. A parchment that was opened appears to contain a complete list of 'Commanders' and 'Members' of the Knight's Templar. I have mentioned this in passing since it could well prove to be of importance at some future time.
2022-12-30 12:11:53.410975+00:00
Matt Osborne
[ "#transphobia" ]
Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars [...] “Transgender” is an elite ingrouping heuristic: use the pronouns or lose membership in civil society. Only barbarians fail to recognize Dylan Mulvaney’s woman-ness. You know — Trump voters. Red staters. The people who want to “destroy democracy,” whatever that is. Apparently, “saving democracy” requires the suppression of valid laptop-related news stories that, had they been subject to the usual process of democratic conversation, may in the end have been deemed “nothingburgers” after all, rather than becoming epic scandals that unfold in Twitter threads after the election is over. Elites really, really distrust actual democracy right now. The Orange Man scared them to the core, so genuine democracy — defined as a free conversation with majority and minority respecting one another — has been deemed too dangerous for “democracy.” It is dangerous to tweet that Dylan Mulvaney is male. It is dangerous to say so in public. No one on MSNBC or CNN would ever fail to use Dylan’s preferred pronouns, nor would they bring back a guest who refused to do so. Even Fox News remains a difficult sell for such a guest. This is not about human rights, but the restriction of human rights on behalf of a special, protected class of person. Dylan Mulvaney is special. He is elite. Joe Biden demands that we see Dylan. Really see him. See him as a woman. We are to gaslight ourselves, otherwise we are actual terrorists doing harm to people. Transgender people are “under attack,” you see. The special people are under attack by all the bad people who don’t “respect them” as “who they are.” Dylan Mulvaney is under attack by bad people who don’t respect him as the woman he wishes to be. Biden will stop all the “hateful” laws against sterilizing children and boys cheating at girls’ sports. He calls this “equality.” During his remarks for the Transgender Day of Visibility in March, Biden evoked a state of emergency. Citing a nonexistent “epidemic of violence against transgender girls of color” — meaning effeminate nonwhite men —Biden promised a global crusade (“around the world”) to give transgender people lives free of “discrimination and violence.” We must make the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney, you see, otherwise black people will die, you racist. [...]
2022-12-30 12:07:56.762865+00:00
[ "#conspiracy" ]
Critical Thinking: I find it very peculiar the age of the serial killer in America that dominated our lives for decades seemed to miraculously disappear about the time the onslaught of the mass shooters came into being. #Mkuktra #depopulationagenda
2022-12-30 11:59:41.635520+00:00
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene) Today, I’m voting NO on the continuing resolution to fund America’s 50 states, plus America’s 51st state: Ukraine. Also in the news, Vladimir Putin has just annexed a large portion of Ukraine. Are we funding Russia, too? image (@MediumProductions) @repmtg that's who we should be funding. Putin speaks the truth and is fighting for the free world while these treasonous cheaters occupy our White House, Congress, and military. Fuck the WEF Nazis and their money laundering factory aka Ukraine. Viva la Putin!!! (@PutHisBootsOn) @MediumProductions @repmtg Yeah, those damn 'nahtsis'. Here's a hint for you people that don't seem to be able to spend a few minutes looking at history: A Schiff was intimately involved in creating the Bolshevik 'revolution', also known as the coup that brought the evil cabalists into power in Russia a little over a century ago. And a Schiff is intimately involved in their latest effort at using puppets to try and end the White race, even if it takes most of the planet dying to do it. Second hint: they are not and never were 'nazis', although they did invent that slur. (@Orsum_VR) @repmtg If your Nazi government didnt conduct biological experiments in Ukraine Russia wouldnt be in this situation in the first place. SORT IT OUT MTG! (@GeneralThade) @repmtg Putin did not annex shit! It was a real vote! Unlike fake elections in merica. Go Putin! Fuck the corrupt pedo us govt!
2022-12-30 11:53:58.923311+00:00
Mark Collett & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Mark Collett) Today Vladimir Putin made a pivotal speech. In this speech he attacked: Replacement migration and open borders. The LGBT agenda. American imperialism and occupation. The American banking system. The West’s treatment of political dissidents who speak out against ‘progressive’ politics. The fact that Western leaders have contempt for their own people. The openly Satanic nature of Western elites. He also boldly stood up for: Traditional Values. Christianity. The nuclear family. The nation state. The right of people to preserve their culture. This is the strongest and most important speech made in defence of nationalistic views since the end of the World War 2. What’s more, this speech is actually stronger than anything said by any of the civic nationalists who have been elected in Western Europe since 1945. In fact, it is largely inline with the views of genuine nationalists all over the Western world. But this speech was not made by someone who just took a small fraction of the vote or by someone that gained a toe-hold in a regional parliament thanks to proportional representation, instead, it was made by the leader of one of the world’s most powerful nations. If at this point nationalists in the West cannot see the importance of Vladimir Putin and Russia as a global counterbalance to the Judeo-American Western liberal democracy that has subverted every Western nation and is slowly erasing white people, then they need to wake up. The anti-white and morally corrupting poison that has destroyed the West has just been challenged by a global superpower, this is something to celebrate! (@Cabot) @MarkCollett The biggest thing he said was the lie that the Nazis won WW2 and they are in control now. Putin is a JWO stooge and everything happening is all part of the jew plan for world domination (@FritzRentrop) @MarkCollett He's still a Jewish shill puppet. (@BrazilianEmperor) @MarkCollett I really wish that a powerful state like Russia could be the savior of White Civilization, but I know that is not the case. The sad truth is that Moscow also works for the Global Elites, playing its role to create the chaos from which the New World Order of the Antichrist will rise.
2022-12-30 07:32:46.133218+00:00
Lavern Spicer
[ "#conspiracy" ]
Andrew Tate comes for Greta Thunberg, the child of the globalist elite, and then is arrested the next day. You’ve got to wonder.
2022-12-28 12:02:21.838139+00:00
Maplefields & xy_equals_guy
[ "#interphobia" ]
RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS ( Maplefields ) Technically a man, but I wouldn’t have any problem with him in our facilities because socially he passes for a woman and was conditioned as a woman from birth. However, I would have a problem with him in female sports due to fairness. Edit: This unfortunate CAIS individual shares some physical features with women, but women are more than just boobs and a vagina. Sex isn’t cosmetic. Men and women aren’t cosmetic. So many physical and developmental processes are different between men and women as a result of the evolutionary process to get humans to produce gametes. That’s why he’s not a woman to me. Despite having androgen insensitivity, every cell in his body is XY and he will need male (human) oriented health care. Human male = man. ( xy_equals_guy ) People with significant DSDs are not a problem, and are welcome into women's spaces as they have been raised female and lack the male "weapon". However, they are HUGELY over-represented in womens' sport, and even more so on medal podiums. This is deeply unfair and they have caused far more damage to women's sport than TIMs ever have. This is because a DSD male won a legal case in the 80's to be considered legally female in sport, then the floodgates opened and women's sport has been swarmed with testical carriers ever since. No DSD male will ever be physically equivalent to females, even the CAIS ones. For example, even if CAIS males somehow had the exact same skeletal structure, collagen structure, lung capacity, heart size, increased red blood cells etc as equivalent XX females (and there's no proof that they do), they inherently lack the reproductive cycle of women. For example, progesterone and oestrogen both affect collagen and thus injury potential, and this is always changing in natal women. CAIS individuals never have this variation to adapt to and work around. They will never have the risk of motherhood to affect their athletic potential or end their career. They can be honorary women, but their should never have imposed whatever male anatomy they have on women's sport. It is so unfair. Another blatant example is Brittany Griner, but we're not allowed to talk about it.
2022-12-29 00:54:50.071464+00:00
Kevin Sorbo^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
[ "#fundie" ]
I hope the atheists got tons of gifts to evolve out of nothing under their tree today.
2022-12-29 20:39:03.749095+00:00
Association of Qom Seminary Teachers (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom), Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi and Ayatollah Mohsen Araki
[ "#fundie", "#psycho" ]
An influential hardliner clerical group in addition to executions demands punishing Iranian protesters by cutting fingers and toes instead of just exiling them In a statement Saturday, the Association of Qom Seminary Teachers urged the authorities to continue executions but use the amputation punishment to deter people from joining the protests instead of lenient punishments in the law such as exile The association (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom) suggested that anyone who “instigates fear in society” -- supposedly by participation in anti-government protests -- is belligerent (mohareb) which in Iran's Sharia-based laws is punishable by death, crucifixion, severance of limbs, and/or exile Ayatollah Abbas Ka’abi, a member of the clerical group, said last week that despite normal practice in the case of murders where victims’ families can practice the “right to blood” – that is demand retribution in kind (death sentence), ‘blood money’, or forgive -- the “imam” of the society should punish a belligerent protester even if the family forgives the killer Another member, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, said Friday that those who participate in the protests, whether this includes direct involvement in the killing of government forces or not, should be considered as belligerents and be found guilty of “corruption on earth”[…] “The severing of fingers of one hand and toes of the opposite foot could be effective [as a deterrent punishment]” if a person “instigates fear in society, without the involvement of the [opposition] media and without urging others to follow suit,” the clerics of the powerful association suggested while arguing that the ‘exile’ option is too lenient to “prevent crime”[…] Exile would be totally ineffective in such cases, they declared, because such actions tarnish Iran's image in the international community and bear other costs for the government
2022-12-29 12:10:36.745234+00:00
MiMi2013 , pennygadget & Kriegerin
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights ( MiMi2013 ) I don't care. This woman's suicide is being used as propaganda for full infiltration of trans people into places segregated by sex ; however irritating it is for men to have trans "men" foisted on them , they're in no danger from these females. Trans woMEN, OTOH, are a danger to women : How many more incarcerated women have to be assaulted by criminals willing to self ID into their spaces-? How many more school children have to make themselves sick because they're unwilling to use unisex toilets-?How many more college students have fully intact trans "girls" invading their showers and locker rooms -? How many more allegedly 'public' places (including hospitals, gyms, store changing rooms or restrooms) have to be made de facto off limits to women, because of trans invasions-? I care about the female victims of these policies, and I do not think this girl's suicide is such a big loss to the world as to make it the justification for a ceasing of the long overdue pushback on trans woMEN invasions. And I make no apologies for this stance. ( pennygadget ) [...] It was an argument she also address to the senate in February - when she warned 'the world is coming after them,' referring to trans people like her son. This melodramatic language helps no one. "The world is coming after them"? I hate to play Oppression Olympics, but if that was all it took to trigger suicide, 99% of the Jewish population would be dead via suicide. American slaves, Jews in Nazi Germany, and women in Afghanistan didn't have the suicide rate that trans people supposedly have. So framing a trans person's suicide as the result of oppression is both incorrect and a slap in the face to people who are actually marginalized ( Kriegerin ) Right? Women, Jewish people, black people, disabled people all suffer from actual oppression, yet their number one solution isn't killing themselves. These are severely mentally ill people and instead of therapy we give them snake oil and mutilation, duh they're gonna kill themselves...
2022-12-29 16:17:40.582218+00:00
Andrew Tate
[ "#sexist", "#ableist", "#enbyphobia", "#transphobia", "#wingnut", "#pratt", "#dunning-kruger", "#elitist" ]
(submitter’s note: this is Tate’s second try at a response to Greta Thunberg’s awesome to reply to his attempt to show off and troll her. He doesn’t succeed anywhere near as well as he likely thinks, but his followers are sadly probably still fooled) Andrew Tate: Thank you for confirming via your email address that you have a small penis @GretaThunberg The world was curious. And I do agree you should get a life ❤️ (submitter’s note: this is followed by a video which I have transcribed for you all so you don’t have to watch it) Video: spoiler It’s Tate talking the entire time *smoking cigar “Releasing greenhouse gases” *winks “I’m obviously a stranger to online controversy, it’s not something I often do… but now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines which run on dead dinosaurs have an enormous emissions profile and she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta’s email address is “ihavesmalldickenergy”. Why would that be your email address, Greta? Strange… I mean, I don’t want to assume her gender, it’s 50-50, but it is what it is… “I’m not actually mad at Greta. (Speaking to someone offscreen) Please bring pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled…” *pizza boxes arrive “Thank you… So I’m not actually mad at Greta, because she doesn’t realize she’s been programmed, she doesn’t realize she’s a slave of the matrix, she thinks she’s doing good. Someone has sat her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot… and then because I called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commentary to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address somehow teaches me a lesson. *waves arms “Welcome to a new episode of the clown show! But now I know, at least, that Greta, with her little hate-filled face, bitter, sitting somewhere without the heat on, little hat, shivering…” *laughs “views my tweets! Which is going to make my twitter account far more fun into eternity”
2022-12-29 15:56:47.678717+00:00
Andrew Tate
[ "#wingnut", "#elitist" ]
(Submitter’s note: I linked this thread from Greta Thunberg’s account so you can see her response, which is absolutely perfect) Andrew Tate: Hello @GretaThunberg I have 33 cars. My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo. My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s. This is just the start. Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions. Greta Thunberg: yes, please do enlighten me. email me at (submitter: there were 2 responses I’m skipping over to get right to Tate’s response) Tate: How dare you?!
2022-12-29 12:06:50.858167+00:00
[ "#conspiracy", "#fundie" ]
Now on Rumble: Satanic Symbolism Divergent, Robo-Cop, and Transcendence Yup more, it's a thing with Hellywood and they are non-stop deceiving us with so-called entertainment. This video shows several examples of Satanic, Illuminati, and New World Order symbolism in the recent movies that came out; Transcendence, Divergent, and RoboCop... #hellywood #symbolism #nwoagenda #dystopia #JesusSaves
2022-12-29 11:51:31.709595+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#transphobia" ]
(@TommyRobinsonOfficial) Russian President Putin: - We're witnessing sheer satanism in West - Do we want our children to be offered operations on sex changes? It's unacceptable! - Our future is different. We're fighting for a great, historic Russia. (@Submitted2JC) @TommyRobinsonOfficial The US no longer has the moral high ground....we are now sodom and gomorrah (@Atomic_Pope) @Submitted2JC TFW you realize Jews were behind the degenerate agenda of Sodom and Gomorrah. @TommyRobinsonOfficial (@SandraLoftis) @TommyRobinsonOfficial the tyrant has a point there image spoilerFACTS: Men can't menstruate. Men can't get pregnant. Men have XY chromosomes. Women don't have penises. Women don't have testicles. Women have XX chromosomes. Men are not women. Women are not men. Gender is not on a spectrum. Putting children on hormone blockers is child abuse. (@frankiegabs) @TommyRobinsonOfficial Truth Be Told .. President Putin is a Great Man ! END OF STORY .. PERIOD ! THE GLOBALIST ARE TRASH ! PERIOD ! (@sardine_enjoyer) @TommyRobinsonOfficial Faggots out here saying we suck putins dick. It's not that we want to be russian, or we want to be ruled by putin, what we want is this kind of leadership for our own people. In 1776 our founding fathers took inspiration from the French in their pursuit of liberty, in 2022 we take inspiration from Russia for the same. (@Ppamgreco) @sardine_enjoyer @TommyRobinsonOfficial maybe we should of stood up when they robbed the election instead of crying over Covid. We turned into a bunch of pussies and believed in the fake fken psyop Q. DONT BLAME TRUMP EITHER. PUTIN IS BEING LED BY WEF AND THERE IS NO FKEN WAR IN UKRAINE THEY DRAGGED OUT RUSTED TANKS FROM CHENOBYL WAKE UP (@eyeswatching2021) @TommyRobinsonOfficial The people want God family and country. West elites want Satanism (@slack1) @eyeswatching2021 @TommyRobinsonOfficial Western elites ARE Satanists!
2022-12-28 23:51:16.966390+00:00
Clif High
[ "#crackpot", "#magick", "#ufo", "#conspiracy" ]
Lessons are incoming… Universe is in charge of this Matterium. This Matterium is your ass, and all that stuff that you sit your ass upon, and all the stuff that supports that stuff. All those ‘atoms’, all that ‘matter’. We are matter, partially, here in this Matterium. This Matterium is going through one of its Grand Shifts. This shift is the movement out of Pisces into Aquarius. <...> These Great Shifts of the Ages are filled with opportunities that only exist during these Times. Many souls seek to participate. Universe decides which are among the Fortunate Ones. <...> These are the days of the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening requires Great Opposition. The normies are going to take both of these very personally indeed, and will not have any appreciation for what the fuck is happening to them. They will be annoying during this Shift. It is always thus. Annoying normies. The ‘opposition’ that Universe provides between the Great Awakening, and the Great Reset intended to put the normie population back to sleep and under control yet again, may be very accurately labeled as a ‘war’. <...> That is the way it always is, for those of us awake on arrival. We are here to serve the annoying normies. It’s our work. Don’t ask about the ‘why’ of it all, but recognize that, as you are awake, you are a participant, therefore, a ‘warrior’ at some level, in this Great War of the Shift of Ages. The Great Awakening, at one level, is about normies graduating to some greater awareness. This is the ‘prize’ of this War. At other levels, and particularly pertinent to you, it is about the potential for personal change or growth. These opportunities, at these levels are rare, 2580 years apart rare. <...> You are one of the few, the Fortunate Ones, those who are swimming in the Currents of this Shift of Ages, not bobbing along as a cork (normie). Swimming means that you are taking personal responsibility by self-movement, self-direction.
2022-12-28 23:23:15.779110+00:00
Patrick Bellringer
[ "#crackpot", "#ufo", "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
In the Lighted Realms long ago, four great Masters surveyed the many celestial planets of the cosmos, and were dismayed at the ever-increasing darkness of one planet called Earth Shan. They agreed that together they would try again to bring Light into the darkness of Shan. So, a contract was written and signed, under the supervision of the Rainbow Masters and with the blessing of Creator God Aton of Light. In the course of history on Shan, a third dimensional planet, the jail planet for Lucifer/Satan, a group of people came from Orion and gave their freewill over to Satan, the God of Darkness on Shan. They were known as the Serpent People. These Serpent People feared the Light and endeavored to overcome all Light on Shan with their Darkness. Thus, they destroyed an entire nation of enlightened humans known as Sumerians, and claimed the Sumerian history as their own to fool Shan's peoples. In the proper sequence of Cosmic events in the country of Sumerian ancestry, a baby girl was born to Sumerian parents, Joachim and Anna. At year of age three this child, named Mary, was dedicated to be raised in the Temple of God until the age of twelve. There she was educated in the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity. <...> Mary had a most unusual encounter with a being of the Lighted Realms. Archangel Gabriel met with Mary and discussed with her the contract they had made prior to her return to Shan in her present lifestream. Through her God-Spirit within, Mary remembered that she was to bear a son, who would become a great Truthbringer and bring Light to Shan once again. So it was that Mary was impregnated by Archangel Gabriel and conceived a son. Then it was that she remembered the words of the great prophet, Isaiah, who had said long ago, "Listen, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Esu Jmmanuel." Jmmanuel means, sent from Creator God Aton of Light. Mary knew in her heart that she was the mother of Esu.
2022-12-28 21:27:47.622231+00:00
Bernhard Guenther
[ "#conspiracy", "#magick", "#ufo", "#quack", "#wingnut" ]
Let's not forget that billions of people have taken the COVID mRNA vaccine, which we already know changes the DNA and has severely detrimental effects on the soul, spirit, and life after death. Its side effects go way beyond the harmful effects on the physical body. The COVID Vaccine Psy-Op has laid the groundwork for the, transhumanism agenda soul snatching depopulation, <...> I've written an in-depth article on this topic and the metaphysical consequences of the COVID jab based on the work of Thomas Mayer. <...> Thomas Mayer identified in his research the Soratic Transhumanism spirits, which are, "a special group of soratic beings called transhumanism spirits because they seem to inspire transhumanism. These are central to the understanding of Covid-19 and the vaccines. Since these beings are associated with the very highest adversarial powers, it can be assumed that all processes emanating from them are extremely harmful to humans." <...> Cosmetic surgeries and injections are most often based on unconscious trauma responses as we try to fit into a world where pathologies have become normalized. "Editing" our face can be used as a mask for insecurities, or it can just be a mating strategy to get more attention from others. It's sad and disturbing to witness this kind of MK-Ultra mind programming happening on a mass scale. I believe that the distortion of natural god-given beauty will lay the ground conditions for technocratic take-over and elimination of the soul under the feet of the A.I. god. We are already electively augmenting our bodies and faces into more artificial versions of ourselves: A.I. and Transhumanism will just take that a few steps further. The adverse occult forces understand the universal law that they need your consent to get you into an entrapment of agreement, a bargain for your soul. We're talking about subtle occult agreements people make with these forces under the illusion that it was their conscious choice.
2022-12-28 21:10:33.310892+00:00
John Whitehead
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
The danger signs were everywhere in 2022. With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents. Totalitarian paranoia spiked. What we have been saddled with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it has conspired to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority. <...> Bodily integrity was undermined. Caught in the crosshairs of a showdown between the rights of the individual and the so-called “emergency” state, concerns about COVID-19 mandates and bodily integrity remained part of a much larger debate over the ongoing power struggle between the citizenry and the government over our property “interest” in our bodies. This debate over bodily integrity covered broad territory, ranging from abortion and forced vaccinations to biometric surveillance and basic healthcare. Although the Supreme Court overturned its earlier rulings recognizing abortion as a constitutional right under the Fourteenth Amendment, it did nothing to resolve the larger problem that plagues us today: namely, that all along the spectrum of life—from the unborn child to the aged—the government continues to play fast and loose with the lives of the citizenry. <....> You didn’t have to be a conspiracy theorist or even anti-government to recognize the slippery slope that starts with well-meaning intentions for the greater good and ends with tyrannical abuses no one should tolerate. When any government is empowered to adopt a comply-or-suffer-the-consequences mindset that is enforced through mandates, lockdowns, penalties, detention centers, martial law, and an utter disregard for the rights of the individual, there should be reason for concern.
2022-12-28 20:17:09.290331+00:00
Vox Day
[ "#racist" ]
[From "A Vibrant Christmas"] Online shopping was a blow, but it was something the malls of America might have been able to survive if it were not for the dissemination of vibrancy throughout suburban America: A shooting inside the Nordstrom department store at the Mall of America on Friday night left a 19-year-old man dead, according to Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges[…]I used to love going to Rosedale, Southdale, and occasionally, the Galleria, at Christmastime. From the time I was a little boy, they were vast and magical Winter Wonderlands, where children could roam freely and window-shop. I used to wander alone from one end of the mall to the other, with particular attention paid to B. Daltons and Games by James. I still remember being 11 years old and walking back through the parking lot at Rosedale to our Oldmobile station wagon with my father, who was carrying what seemed at the time to be a very large package[…] This sense of communal magic and wonder is one of the many things that vibrancy has cost America. Perhaps it wasn’t important, perhaps it wasn’t a significant part of the Christmas season, but I loved it as a child and it grieves me to know that it is part of the world that we have lost
2022-12-27 16:04:02.452764+00:00
Dmitry Medvedev & Elon Musk
[ "#dunning-kruger", "#wingnut" ]
(Dmitry Medvedev) On the New Year’s Eve, everybody’s into making predictions Many come up with futuristic hypotheses, as if competing to single out the wildest, and even the most absurd ones. Here’s our humble contribution. What can happen in 2023: 1. Oil price will rise to $150 a barrel, and gas price will top $5.000 per 1.000 cubic meters 2. The UK will rejoin the EU 3. The EU will collapse after the UK’s return; Euro will drop out of use as the former EU currency 4. Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine 5. The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts 6. War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process 7. Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland 8. Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP 9. All the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the US and Europe and move to Asia 10. The Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. Euro and Dollar will stop circulating as the global reserve currencies. Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead Season greetings to you all, Anglo-Saxon friends, and their happily oinking piglets! (Elon Musk) Epic thread!!
2022-12-28 11:58:57.187206+00:00
Matt Osborne
[ "#transphobia" ]
Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars Name a human right that Dylan Mulvaney did not already have before his “transition,” or loses by transition, and I will award you a million dollar prize. Note that “allowed to cheat at sports,” “sterilize the kids,” “all the hormones and surgeries I demand,” “the prison of my choice,” and “million dollar endorsement deals” are not actual human rights. Freedom from ridicule is not a human right. Flattery and silencing of negative attention are not a human right. Suppression of contrary voices is not a human right. A field of eggshells around you at all times is not a human right. Privilege over others is not a human right. Dylan Mulvaney went from obscurity to success, with a White House invitation, in 222 days. African Americans needed almost that many years to be seen in the White House. A white male mediocrity has been elevated to “influencer” success, which the Joe Biden White House has confused with a human rights cause. Dylan Mulvaney has all the human rights of any American. He can use Instagram to build a gigantic audience of idiots, just like Alex Jones used YouTube, and play for as much attention as he wants. It’s a free country. Stop pretending that he is a marginalized person, though. A person in a marginalized community doesn’t get this much media attention, or have this much political valence with elite classes. Membership in the elite is not a human right. Things the elites value, such as plastic surgery, are not human rights. Dylan Mulvaney had “facial feminization” surgery. He went into the surgery male and came out of it still male. Only now he resembles a male who has been beaten to a pulp. Stop pretending this isn’t just validated self-harm. Dylan Mulvaney can have plastic surgery. He can have all the plastic surgery he wants. It’s a free country. But do stop pretending he is oppressed in his surgical transformations. Dylan is choosing this pain. He has chased it down and calls it “success.” This is a status chase. At the moment, elites value the totalizing potential of “transgender” and all its new language rules as a form of ideological exclusion. [...]
2022-12-28 11:41:39.181694+00:00
Donald J Trump & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Donald J Trump) The Document Hoax Lawsuit, which is the “Weaponization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, is yet another Scam against me, much like Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report (No Collusion!), Spying on my Campaign (and getting caught!), Lying to the FISA Court, Lying to Congress, Illegally Breaking into my home in Florida in violation of the Fourth Amendment, also violating the Presidential Records Act, and so much more. This is all being done in order to hurt a political opponent, me, who is leading in all of the polls by over 50 points against Republicans, and from 5 to 10 points against the two primary Democrats, Biden and North Korea Sympathizer Kamala Harris. They have been doing this to me for six years ever since my wonderful journey down the “Golden Escalator.” The Radical Left Democrats are out-of-control, and our Country is going to Hell! (@V4nier) @realdonaldtrump and the do-nothing Republicans do nothing because there is not two parties there’s only one the uniparty that seeks to destroy the United States as we know it. (@MKemry) @realdonaldtrump When you get back in, I hope you aren't so nice to all the people determined to ruin our Country. (@TrumpaBumpa) @MKemry @realdonaldtrump If he gets back in, he'll sell even more poison vaxx shots to MAGA Americans, like the millions he already convinced to receive it. (@nguyenphihoang) @realdonaldtrump TRAITOR JOE and His DemonRats Comrades-in-arms are manipulator, exploiter, and oppressor! image (@MasonCutlip) @realdonaldtrump image (@Relic_Arcane) @MasonCutlip @realdonaldtrump Bolsheviks to the Left of me, Zionists to the Right. Here I am. Stuck in the middle with jews! o/
2022-12-27 16:19:48.563558+00:00
Feminism Sucks!
[ "#crackpot", "#elitist", "#pratt", "#racist", "#sexist", "#wingnut" ]
The EU was made to dilute the Jew population and reduce the number of virgins in Europe When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are. The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride. This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix. They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist. I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy. Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain. See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home. Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris. Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who frowned upon having affairs with random local women.
2022-12-28 03:29:05.700434+00:00
Patrick Bateman
[ "#fundie" ]
My atheist son worships satanic demons like Hitler and Mao. Do you atheists realise what you’ve done with your hateful beliefs? Stop listening to satanic demons like Hitler and Satan, listen to God instead!
2022-12-27 23:51:38.023396+00:00
JE Aggas
[ "#fundie", "#magick", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
“At 7:21 pm, on December 25th, 2022, dispatchers received a call of a fire at the Puget Sound Energy substation at 14320 Kapowsin Hwy E. Deputies, Firefighters and Puget Sound Energy employees responded to the scene. The fire was extinguished and the substation secured. Power was knocked out for homes in Kapowsin and Graham. The suspect(s) gained access to the fenced area and vandalized the equipment which caused the fire. There are no suspects in custody at this time.” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said. Revelation 6:2 (KJV) "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." = 1225 (English Ordinal) "cyber attack" = 1225 (Standard) "antifa power grid attack" = 222 (Ordinal) "power grid attacks" = 190 (Ordinal) "power grid blackout" = 200 (Ordinal) "Georgia Guidestones" = 200 (Ordinal) Guidestones down 7/6/2022 to Christmas was 172 days "Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal) ATT Batman buiding attack From and including: Friday, December 25, 2020 To, but not including Sunday, December 25, 2022 Result: 730 days "Hillary Clinton" = 73 (Reduction)
2022-12-27 23:37:29.393807+00:00
Jordan Sather
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
The exposure of the Pedo-Satanist aspect of our wonderful Cult Cabal elite has been growing in speed and intensity over the last few years. From the Pizzagate releases of 2016 exposing John Podesta, to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell being taken down in 2019/2020, to much more being exposed in our modern day. Every year brings new surprises in the exposure of this depravity, and 2022 is not letting us down. This particular year has brought us many noteworthy stories exposing the pedophile satanists with big name companies getting outed, high-profile people discussing this issue publicly, and the mainstream media running cover for their Cabal masters harder than ever. <...> With all of these different exposés coming to a head at once - from Twitter being opened up, to Balenciaga getting ruined, to the migration onto Truth Social and Telegram where we can share the truth without being censored - the Deep State and their media puppets are in full blown panic. Google searching the term “QAnon” will show a slew of pathetic hit pieces clearly written in a frenzied panic. The media tries to attach that strawman label to anything they are attempting to discredit, hoping any potential braindead readers will think “Oh! They must be extremists!”. Recently, the media is trying to say Elon Musk is now team QAnon simply because Musk is trying to eradicate child exploitation on his platform. They are also quite upset at Liz Crokin speaking on Mar-A-Lago grounds, running all sorts of attacks about “Trump hosting a QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist!” You’d think the media would want to report on these devastating issues instead of try to cover them up and help the traffickers, but whatever, they expose themselves as evil hacks and give free publicity to the issues at the same time. Poetic. <...> As always, keep fighting for TRUTH, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE. We must shine a light on this darkness. We’re all in this together.
2022-12-27 23:20:21.740658+00:00
Clarity of Signal
[ "#wingnut", "#racist", "#conspiracy" ]
Welcome to Clarity of Signal Blog and Geopolitical Information website. This site will open up your mind to things you did not believe could be taking place. It exposes what is going on behind the scenes in all this current geopolitical insanity. By reading here you will learn about what really happened in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Yemen. You will see actual false flag attacks. You will learn how western and Gulf state powers supported jihadists and terrorists in Syria and Libya. You will learn that Zionist oligarchs did finance the western supported Ukrainian Nazi battalions. You will learn the inner workings and the hows and why’s of what is taking place in the Grand Chessboard for control of the world. Caveat against slurs of anti-semitism : The Zionist aspect mentioned above is highly relevant to point out due to the fact that oligarch Igor Kolomoisky has funded the Right Sector pro-Nazi battalions in Ukraine in 2014. Ironic context of a prominent Zionist Jew supplying Nazis should be applied/considered in relation to the Holocaust also. There is evidence provided within the site that reveals that the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland laundered and siphoned millions of stolen dollars to the German Reichsbanke during WW2 and that the UK government protected the Galician Waffen SS who committed atrocities against hundreds of thousands of Jews and Poles in Galicia and Volhynia. I am not anti-semitic. Normal Jews have become victims of Zionist actions on numerous occasions throughout history. Zionists are just one part of the evil cabal that run the world. Jesuits, secret societies and powerful corrupt government and private organizations and individuals also play subversive roles. The best place to start to understand all this war and madness is with comprehending the Grand Chessboard and the elite’s use of Hegelian Dialectic……then move onto the other pages of the site as it all connects together and paints the larger picture.
2022-12-27 21:59:58.414068+00:00
[ "#sexist", "#moonbat" ]
Literally any sexual action involving a penis is degrading to womyn and womanhood. Your personal feelings on this matter are immaterial to the topic and to me. PIV will never not be rape-adjacent, & sex involving p3nis will never not be misogynistic and degrading to womynkind.
2022-12-27 16:19:51.761926+00:00
[ "#crackpot", "#fundie", "#magick", "#psycho" ]
I can tell by the way you write that you bear the mark of Cain. You most certainly are an son of adam i most certainly am not a son of Adam, my mother does not hide her disdain towards those rotten people. mark of cain brands one as a murderer and my mother pointed me in the right direction, i only had to see what kind of entertainment is the most popular at the moment. besides if i am son of Adam then why did i find love from a daughter Lilith instead of a daughter of Eve? she really is the one, my mother is the only woman i feel like i am a true equal with. i have been thinking this more thoroughly, the way i see it there are several different bloodline. Adam's bloodline is the most prosperous one but the ruling one is Canaan's bloodline. this is what my mother truly hates, the children of Canaan are counted among her true enemies (i sadly cannot entertain thoughts about them as it would conjure some very unpleasant things in my spiritual landscape, but i can say that the word 'cannibal' comes from Canaan). children of adam have sadly become accomplices but in the end my mother sees them merely as unknowing children who are just here to toil for their bread. i cannot know for certain what bloodline i belong to but i know that the toil is not part of my nature. You seem to have a deep connection with your succubus. To what extent does your contact in the physical world extend? the contact is third eye only and mainly happens through dream realm, even a light dream state is enough to gain a deep connection with her but i will always cherish that one moment when she appeared in my rem sleep. Since the topic of glowies comes up infrequently itt what does everyone think the actual stance of them is wrt this topic? when it comes to glowniggers my mother tells me that they are always children of canaan, it takes a special kind of cruelty to become one. i think Terry Davis was also right that you can drive over the glowniggers, children of canaan feel neither pain nor fear which means you can kill them with reckless abandon.
2022-12-27 17:58:57.441667+00:00
Andrew Anglin
[ "#sexist" ]
[From "Harvey Rape-Hoaxed Again by Courts! 18 More Years!"] Harvey Weinstein has been convicted of rape, yet again, exclusively on the claims of prostitutes who were parasiting off of him. Reuters Former movie producer Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and two other sexual assault counts by a Los Angeles jury[…] The jury could not reach a verdict on two allegations, including rape, by Jennifer Siebel Newsom[…]who previously disclosed she was Jane Doe 4 in the trial[…] Imagine being Gavin Newsom and laying down in bed with your wife every night and knowing she had sex with Harvey Weinstein You’d have to tell yourself it was rape But all men know it wasn’t rape. And apparently, her lies weren’t even enough to convict a jury of angry kooks[…] I’m sure there was a lot of really clear evidence of stuff from 10-20 years ago! Who is buying this bullshit??? The only way they got away with it is this: Weinstein is repulsive, and people just simply do not like him However, now that they’ve set this precedent, it applies to all men in America Heterosexual sex is now illegal[…] Four additional women offered similar stories to buttress the prosecution’s arguments that Weinstein routinely abused his position as a Hollywood power player to prey on women No one argues that point. He never argued that point The point of contention is “is it rape?” and the obvious answer is no It wasn’t rape in the cases of dozens of other women, who all admitted to having sex with him in exchange for roles in films. Those women came out and whined that he should have given them the roles for free[…] They made the deal. Now they say they regret it. I doubt they regret getting the opportunities he gave them
2022-12-27 11:43:40.542671+00:00
various commenters
[ "#interphobia", "#transphobia", "#sexist" ]
RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS ( Positronic_waves ) Sorry for this person, but I want to be kind to women. That means being unkind to men, rapists and in the very rare minority and some unfortunate souls with CAIS. If you never develop correctly as a man, it doesn't mean you are a woman. We are not a faulty male. Caster [Semenya] is a guy, who lived like a male except for competitions then he is a woman. I think natal sex is important, then puberty levels. If we have to exclude some CAIS people to let women win at something, we should do it. They say it never happens until they had 11 CAIS men winning womens athletics. When the difference is -10% of performance not being born a woman actually matters. ( Wokeuplate ) I think transgender and intersex are two different issues and the genderists, as per the uze, latch onto intersex as a way to stealth themselves into legitimate discourse, much the same as they did with LGB. It’s literally part of their playbook. Transgender is based on Gender Identity, which is an idiosyncratic, subjective belief system, unhinged from material reality. Intersex/DSD is a biologically based condition and has nothing to do with gendered souls or lady brains or myfeelz. The intersection between these two issues is competitive sports, where there can be male body advantages that accrue to CAIS people which have to be addressed in order to ensure fair play. It’s really important when talking about transgender people to keep intersex as a separate topic. The recent debate with Colin Wright was frustrating in that he let very narrow examples relating to DSD be used as a proxy for TIMs. Since 99.98% of the world is not intersex of the type which gives rise to ambiguous genitalia and phenotype presentation, it is not useful to lump gender identity trans with DSD and say that they need to be addressed and accommodated similarly. ( FlorenceBlue ) IMO, still male. What we choose socially to do with that info is up for debate. ( viscerally ) Male, yes. But a woman still. In this extremely rare case, that in no way is similar to the case of trans women, I can confidently say that a male person can also be a woman - if she has the outer body of one and was brought up as one and would have always been believed to have been one of it weren’t for genetical testing. ( FlorenceBlue ) No such thing as male women.
2022-12-27 11:34:10.216923+00:00
@AthenasWrench & @Latschluder
[ "#transphobia" ]
( @AthenasWrench ) How long before poor Indian girls are sold and killed for their uterus to be transplanted in a rich foreign troon? Now this is scary! The fact that the TransCult idiots are even considering it is frightening. A few years ago Iwould have laughed at the suggestion…not now ( @Latschluder ) Shopping for wombs in India. There seems to be no limit to some men's hatred for women. They use us as front holes, punch bags, servants, brood mares, and repository of body parts. In their greed, colossal hubris, and pursuit of limitless power they have subjugated, disassembled, and murdered us with impunity for millenia. It's high time we (and the men who understand that women are human) hit back hard and without mercy.
2022-12-27 11:29:40.412062+00:00
Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Congressman Paul Gosar) :gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar image spoilerCONSERVATIVE TEENS ARE BEING KILLED IN THE STREETS WHILE THE FBI RAIDS TRUMP, HIS ALLIES, AND PRO-LIFE LEADERS LIKE MARK HOUCK. BIDEN'S AMERICA IS A DANGEROUS AMERICA! (@nguyenphihoang) @DrPaulGosar Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant. image (@Sherpa101) @DrPaulGosar say White you coward. (@Patriot1911) @Sherpa101 @DrPaulGosar Genocide against Whites! (@bluewonder369) @Patriot1911 @Sherpa101 @DrPaulGosar he won't say whites. I bet that guy signed the pledge of loyalty to Israel. Otherwise he would never have gotten elected to public office. (@sWampyone) @DrPaulGosar America fell on Jan 6th, Biden's "America" is a 3rd world shithole. (@EDeplorabusUnum) @DrPaulGosar So close, Doc. WHITE teens would have been more specific and appropriate here. Come on, I know you can do it. (@bluewonder369) @EDeplorabusUnum @DrPaulGosar we're too close to the point of being exterminated to play nice anymore. We've got to speak the truth and say what needs to be said and this guy should have said whites not conservatives. I don't give a sht about some Uncle Tom black person because all they want to do is interbreed with white people and have mulatto children with nice hair. Piss on that. I don't want these conservative s*** skin savages living in my neighborhood. They're not my people. (@GianniCash) @DrPaulGosar We say Biden but in fact it's Obama killing the country. Biden is just the white patsy (@Michaelarchangelis) @DrPaulGosar Bidens America is not America (@Rwg7858) @Michaelarchangelis @DrPaulGosar correct! Hes making america part of the NWO ! (@FatherJohn) @DrPaulGosar BIDEN'S 'AMERICA' is a TALMUDIC SATANIC STATE.
2022-12-27 11:26:47.193672+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(@K_Hard_R_Jo) @Nature_and_Race the make economic strategy as they go along was brilliant too imo. That way they could tackle actual problems in real time. It’s hard to imagine anyone in power these days that would be trustworthy enough for us to believe they would do what’s best in that regard. What a dream to live there then. (@Pinkbirds) @Nature_and_Race Wow - thanks for the education about National Socialism - this was great. I have newfound respect for Hitler and what he was trying to do. At the same time I have more intense animosity for israel and their disgusting propaganda about Hitler and Nazis. You have managed to undo all of the 70+ years of brainwashing I've endured thanks to the scum of israel. Thank you again. (@Sneeder_the_feeder) Honestly whatever gets rid of jews the fastest i will endorse and support. If believing in an ancient aztec sun god and sacrificing virgin men and women by the thousands every day meant total jew annihilation i would sacrifice a million day one. (@John_Knox) @Nature_and_Race "It's a philosophy that recognizes the fundamental and uttermost vital importance of the racial component of the human condition:" If that were true then it wouldn't be a republic. republics are civic nationalist by design. And they are Godless. Republics are not based on race or kinship and they aren't based on the God of the people (meaning their morality and traditions have no influence in government). Nat Soc's like it because Hitler was such a strong leader and because they have no understanding of the actual political philosophy (or any political philosophy, for that matter). Hitler's Germany was only in the early stages of government. What would Germany have been like if the third reich had survived WW2 and then the once in ten generations strongman was gone and Goerring was the fuhrer? You want national socialism then go to tour china. There is a pristine example of a national socialist state. The things that national socialists want can only be fulfilled by a monarchy. You can't be a nationalist and want a republic. Nations are families led by kings under our God and Republics are orphanages led by whichever psychopath plays the political game the best. (@funbobby51) @Nature_and_Race socialism is gay.
2022-12-27 00:01:23.228428+00:00
Matthew Boose
[ "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Of course, the whole purpose of constitutions is to limit power. In a constitutional system like ours, one is not supposed to be motivated by crushing one’s enemies. This has never been the inclination or aim of conservatives, who do not share the Left’s aversion to limits on political power. But things have changed. What happens when one side has no regard for the constitution or the limits of power? The goodwill of the conservative has been mercilessly abused, and he is searching for shelter from the obscene freak show of anarchy and disorder that has descended upon his country. . <...> Why bother defending those who militate against free speech except to defend child drag shows and racialist propaganda in schools, and who would, if given the opportunity, censor all opposition from the Right without hesitation? This may not be a “principled” way of thinking, as some conservatives understand it, but it is not an unreasonable approach in times of such enmity and trouble. The increasingly medieval nature of American politics has left many feeling that a faith in what used to be called principle is outdated and foolish. The two dominant factions now resemble hostile nations living under one government while speaking completely foreign languages. Consequently, politics has become a struggle for survival in which, because of universal suffrage, all are conscripted. The inconsequential noise of mutual recrimination leads many to tune out, but to do so, to remain unallied, is to let oneself be trampled. This is a sad state of affairs, but it is reality. The inducements for the Right to ditch conservatism are likely to multiply as the conflict deepens, convulsions of disorder worsen, and more people on the Right begin to realize they will never be left alone. The irony is that the Left, in the process of steamrolling normal people, may have created the very “fascists” they claim to be against.
2022-12-26 23:25:45.818198+00:00
[ "#crackpot", "#magick", "#conspiracy" ]
How about this….earth is concave….it is kept secret from most of society because… If we were to know the truth, we would soon come to find that earth is MAN MADE…that God did.not create this universe, our universe is an artificial replication of God’s created universe.. A universe that eventually was poisoned, destroyed, by mankind. So man, if wanting mankind to continue to exist, had to build artificial universe. Only a tiny percent of worlds population knows the truth. …convincing and brainwashing and training and enslaving 99.9% of population that our universe is Holy…and the masses are used by the elite to run, to be the gears and cogs (as unwitted slaves) to be the labor to make this artificial universe MECHANICAL earth machine run smoothly….all the that the elite can complete creation of ANOTHER manmade universe. Because they cannot stop our present universe from self destructing…
2022-12-26 12:49:43.230918+00:00
[ "#quack" ]
[Thread topic: male obesity causing lower testosterone levels] You forgot childhood vaccines, the rate at which they ouch those now is crazy
2022-12-26 10:24:43.077754+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia" ]
RE: It is all so STUPID ( BondiBlue ) SO. MUCH. THIS. I’ve been feeling so blackpilled about it that I’ve come to the conclusion humanity is just too goddamned stupid to be salvaged, and we would be better off if Putin just outright slammed the button. The ultimate in “cancel culture” x 8 billion. 10,000 years of evolutionary fact just thrown in the garbage like Dylan’s gross tampons, because “muh uwu oppwesshun feelz.” Just get it over and done with, and with any luck some other species won’t make the same dumbass mistakes. ( Itzpapalotl ) I cannot believe humans could be stupid enough to collectively deny proven facts just to cater to feelings. It’s absurd. ( Dee ) I lie awake about this far more often than I'd like. I am glad I've managed to protect my daughter enough that she never experienced sexual assault and figured out how dangerous men can be. When she soaks up internet-inspired ideas that women like JK Rowling who advocate for female-only spaces can only possibly be motivated by a hate for trans people, I guess I should be glad that she's so naive that she doesn't understand why those spaces are so needed. But there are times when I am haunted by the thought that I have somehow raised a misogynistic daughter. The thought that some of my children would grow up to be misogynists occurred to me when they were little, but I never thought it would be my daughter. ( Kriegerin ) Okay, does anybody else sometimes wake up from a weird and ominous dream and for a few split seconds think that the whole trans thing was part of this lucid fever dream? And then it dawns on you that it's real. Idk... It's just unreal how stupid it is. Fucking unreal. ( Itzpapalotl ) It is utterly dystopian. Progress is not a consistently forward march. We fall into the trap of thinking we are constantly advancing. [...] If you’d have told people in the 50’s or 60’s that 50 or 60 years later people would be pretending men and women are identical, that acknowledging biology would have you ostracised and slandered...people would’ve laughed and said “don’t be so silly” The tide will turn. This bizarro time frame won’t last much longer because it’s incompatible with reality. I hope in 10 years people look back and say “what the fuck were people smoking!?”
2022-12-26 10:21:41.304061+00:00
various commenters
[ "#wingnut" ]
(Princess_Kitten45) What are some Pro-Choice arguments you have trouble counter arguing? Let's all rerationalise our positions! What are some pro choice arguments you have trouble counter arguing? For me personally it's the self defense arguement. Let's all give eachother knew ideas! (wardamnbolts) For self defense lethal force is a last resort. In most cases a pregnancy can end without the use of lethal force via birth. Where both parties live. (_whydah_) Plus you caused the situation. If invited someone to punch you in the face, you couldn't then turn around and blow their brains out. (LonelyandDeranged20) The right of the baby over their mother's body. I can make a strong argument in defense of the baby but they can come with some pretty insane scenarios and I just can't give an answer to them... (SepticSelvar) "The mother gave that baby the right when she decided to have sex. Sex is a choice that can lead to pregnancy, so the decision has already been made." (Pinpuller07) For me it's the right to live trumps all other rights. You have to be given the chance to be born before any other rights. So the right to your own body is lesser than the baby's right to exist in the first place. Secondly, any parent that wouldn't willingly sacrifice their own rights for the safety of their own child doesn't have a place in civil society. It's also very anti-socialist to abort. How can you claim to live in a society that's about sacrificing for the good of complete strangers but not be willing to sacrifice for the good of your own child? End rant lol
2022-12-26 10:19:13.961925+00:00
@BohoRose , @Linkstar & @_Fangoria_
[ "#transphobia", "#fundie", "#conspiracy" ]
( @BohoRose ) Christians believe God created the world, it's called Genesis. Martine Rothblatt created the transgender empire and called his daughter Jenesis. If you think transhumanists like him or Ray Kurzweil at Google aren't determined to win, you're insane. They've put too much money and effort into gender ideology for it to fail, so it's only going to get worse regarding laws made by their puppets like Biden or Trudeau. Fight, fight, fight. If you can't do anything much else, donate what you can and shitpost on the internet. Knowledge is power, give it back to the people. All you need to know is that sex is binary, disorders of sexual differentiation exist, and that there is no trans. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Do it for humanity. Speak up wherever you can! ( @Linkstar ) Satan is always there to try to twist the minds to pervert God's creations, to always put doubt in the minds that God really exists, and to take as many as he can to the pits of hell ( @_Fangoria_ ) All of those things. And also pray 🙏😀 We are definitely definitely living at the end of a system/civilization- (the apocalypse?) the question is : what is it going to be on the other side? The hellscape these globalist elite demons are planning- or a new awakened world sensitive, receptive and expressive of God’s grace, design and purpose for the human being He created? ( @BohoRose ) There's a hellscape coming. We dunno if it's an ultimate end of days kinda thing or just a horrible time, gotta wait and see. Transhumanists are narcissists so they will try everything.
2022-12-26 10:10:08.930093+00:00
Racial Consciousness / @Nature_and_Race
[ "#wingnut" ]
On National Socialism (submitters note: continued from ) [...] 4 NS is both collectivist and individualist. How's that possible? Simple. In the NS philosophy, the good of the people, of the Nation, is more important than the ego of the individual. So everyone serves the greater good above their own personal wants and desires. It's a philosophy of selflessness, rather than of selfishness, like the current weltanschauung. However, the NS philosophy recognizes the fundamental importance of the individual personality, and that all products of genius are the products the individual genius himself. You're encouraged to be every bit of who you are, yet still putting your people first above all else. 5 The NS philosophy is based on hierarchy, which is how Nature orders all animal groups. Only those biologically most gifted in the way of leadership should be allowed to lead. Anything else is an anchor to the progress and upward development of culture and civilization. Only the best leaders can allow the people, the Nation, to reach their dormant innate potential. So it's a philosophy of centralized command, at least in the beginning phases of its establishment. However, as Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, National Socialism is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The end goal is bringing about an era where the Nation can begin to self govern, rather than be lorded over.
2022-12-26 10:07:39.425475+00:00
Racial Consciousness / @Nature_and_Race
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
On National Socialism (Maxed out the character limit, still incomplete) 1 National Socialism, first and foremost, above all else, is a philosophy. Not an economic system. A philosophy predicated on a foundation of Nature: Understanding natural laws and natural order, and applying those laws and order to human society and civilization. It's a philosophy that recognizes the fundamental and uttermost vital importance of the racial component of the human condition: Seeing race as the very origin of all human culture, and that pure culture can only come from pure race. To mix race is to corrupt pure culture. 2 The economy was the very last point of concern in the NS philosophy. NS Germany didn't even have a formally defined economic system. They just figured it out as they went along (and it worked miracles, seeing as Germany was pulled out of the catastrophe of the Versailles Treaty, and thrust into first-world superpower within about four years). The Reichsmark, the German currency, was backed by labor, rather than gold or oil. It was revolutionary in its novelty. After WWI and the Versailles Treaty, Germany was completely bankrupt. Inflation was so bad it literally cost something like 17-trillion dollars just to buy a carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, and a loaf of bread. No exaggeration. So when Hitler took power, he started completely over from scratch, creating an entirely new currency. [...] Beyond that, their economy was based on agriculture and industry, like most first-world countries. Farms and factories were almost exclusively privately owned, and laws were put in place to ensure that they remained privately owned. As were all small shops, from grocery stores to clothing stores to furniture stores, as well as every type of repair shop of the age. 3 [...] NS Germany had virtually no welfare system to speak of. Most of the welfare provided to the poor and the disabled was generated through public fundraising events like the Winterhilfswerk (WHW) program. Hitler's most memorable public statement on the subject was "German people, help yourselves!" And it was insanely successful (I even have a bunch of little trinkets from the WHW (pins, buttons, ribbons, keychain booklets, etc.) [...]
2022-12-25 23:52:54.099304+00:00
[ "#crackpot", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy", "#mammon" ]
(Q) The Storm Rider Christmas Eve 1963 was the day 77 U.S. GENERALS came together & The Plan was born To Save The World. Three months later 133 GENERALS became part of OP FREEDOM EAGLE35. You are a witness to a 59-YEAR MILITARY DELTA COMING IN HOT *** 2014 + 22 NATIONS 1600 GENERALS NCSWIC @qthestormrider777 Kat: 2 coups Against President Kennedy, 1960 Against President Trump, 2020 The first was THE STARTER The second is THE FINISHER#NCSWIC #MerryChristmasQTeam #MerryChristmasBraveSoldiers #Godblessyou #THANKYOU #GODSPEED #GodWins <...> According to QTSR’s 12-24-22 report the White Hat Military Alliance, in DECEMBER 2016, went into Italy & executed most of the MAJOR heads of the deep state demon families (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts, etc.) & the heads of the 13 bloodlines that most have NEVER heard of (Borja, Conti, Orsini, etc.) ALL THEIR ASSETS WERE SEIZED. When President Trump went to the Vatican in May 2017 the Pope signed over ALL assets of the Vatican Banks to POTUS. QTSR said TRILLION$ & TRILLION$+++ IN GOLD was seized from the deep state bloodlines & is now safely stored behind the Alliance Military @ Space Command, Cheyenne Mountain. However, there is not only the ENDLESS TRILLION$ from the bloodlines -Peyseurs had $34 Quadrillion -Rothschilds had $500 Trillion+ -QE2 Zillions, etc. but also the GOOGOLPLEX of Gold from the D.U.M.B.S. <...> I tell this story on Christmas Day to remind EVERYONE that the Best Is Truly To Come: Healing, Sparkling Health and Abundance for all The total eradication of poverty, homelessness, starvation The restoration of Earth and her Kingdoms to their gorgeous pristine Divine blueprint The release of miraculous technologies that will help all HEAL & move into a true modern age before we ASCEND into the High Celestial Frequencies from whence we came. Call it what you will — NESARA / GESARA / TRUMPSARA or Q-SARA THE MIRACULOUS IS TRULY TO COME Merry Happy Holidays With Love, Light & Blessings unceasing This is Kat, over and out
2022-12-25 23:37:23.301956+00:00
John Witberg
[ "#ufo", "#conspiracy" ]
Alpha Draco/Royal Draco. Winged reptilian humanoids, between 15 and 18 feet tall. Around 95% of them are white, however black and various shades of green ones do exist. Noted for their extreme arrogance. Most are taught that the universe is their plaything to do with as they please. However, some members of this species are very loving and gentle. <...> Epsilon Reticulan. Around 12 feet tall, dark brown with blue eyes. Generally very friendly to humans. Noted for their crystal based technology, particularly their crystal based quantum computers. They work with the U.S. Navy, and with positive factions of the Ukrainian government. Tiamat Indigenous Reptilians. A bright yellow species resembling a humanoid gecko. Generally friendly. Possibly extinct after the destruction of Tiamat. Martian Raptors. Resemble a Deinonychus dinosaur, but they stand upright. They hate humans because of the genocide being committed against them by the Germans. They’re currently in a refugee crisis. <...> Ivonians. The indigenous species of a planet currently colonized by the Argentine Breakaway. They’re around 7 feet tall and look Indian, except for their slightly pointy ears and pale blue eyes. Aldebaranite. From the star system Aldebaran, a Nordic species who visually pass for Swedish. They wear all white generally. Highly racist, they’re the species who inspired the Holocaust. They currently work with negative factions in the Russian military. They also have a base underneath Beirut, Lebanon. <...> Aquafarians. An aquatic humanoid race from the Sirius B star system. Usually light blue, with a dark red streak down the middle of their back. Highly xenophobic, although some are very nice. <...> Trout People. A vaguely humanoid shaped aquatic being with the head of a trout. Native to an ocean planet in the Rigel system. They trade with Earth militaries, and are the source of a certain missile technology that’s highly prized.
2022-12-25 23:24:39.793999+00:00
[ "#fundie", "#dunning-kruger", "#conspiracy" ]
Any way you parse it TC, you voted in the least capable moron because he was not Trump? And if Trump is being accused of leading a insurrection, then how many of the rioters have been charged with insurrection. Do you know. Let me clue you in...not a dam one. Do you know what the Jan 06 committee really is? Political theater and they sucked you in to believing that there was a insurrection going on. Now you are labeling Christians as fascists, Conservative's as Nazis. Didn't Biden say at on time he was going to be the great unifier ? Looks like quite the opposite. Taxes? Did you ever own a business? Do you know anything about write-offs? how to depreciate assets? I don't think Trump is a expert either, which is why he hires CPA's. So blame them if you do not like how he pays taxes Now do I think he is a boy scout. No. Can He say dumb things on Twitter. Yes. Compared to Biden, Trump was 10x as effective. And do you know there is a poll somewhere, that if Hunters laptop story wasn't covered up by your liberal press, that 15% of those who voted for Biden wouldn't have. So keep hating TC, I'm sure you'll keep believing the news you hear from the liberal fanatic sources you listen to
2022-12-25 23:19:17.649231+00:00
Reality Bytes
[ "#crackpot", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
I have been asked several times "What is Lawful Rebellion? The word Rebellion has several definitions, one of these definitions is a word that has been used often to describe active dissent against the Government. The word is Revolution! Rebellion can be defined as; 1.Refusal to consent to an authority a code or a convention. 2. An action or display of resistance of authority of an established government. Lawful can be defined as; 1. Staying within the boundaries of the Law. 2. Actions which are permitted by Law. 3. Methods of dissent that do not violate any Laws. 4. A lawful refusal to consent to an authority that is unjust! Revolution itself is an abolishment or refusal to comply with established authority, combined with a complete replacement of an already established Government or other political system by the People that are governed. History has produced a document which clearly defines the issue of Lawful Rebellion. This definition can be found in article 61 of the Magna Carta. <...> Constitutional Law, Article 61 of the Magna Carta and Lawful Rebellion! Lawful Rebellion provides for a simple recourse for the People; The Right to refuse payment of any form of Taxes, Fines, or any other payments which would be used to benefit or support said unlawful actions of the Government. The Right to refuse to abide by any Law, Legislation, or other Statutory instrument which has been put in place invalidly by said unlawful government which violates any Constitutional safeguard. To obstruct in any possible way, any actions of the treasonous government of a Nation that has broken the safeguards put in place by the Constitution, This obstruction is to be done with no violence at all! Only Lawful obstruction allowed through the Freedoms guaranteed to us by our Constitution as well as Article 61 of the Magna Carta. Above is a list of three actions, that we as a People can rely on Article 61 and what it allows for. A Freeman will exercise his Rights to engage in Lawful Rebellion.
2022-12-25 23:18:10.098897+00:00
[ "#wingnut", "#dunning-kruger" ]
And yet you voted in a drooling senior citizen who should clearly be in a old folks home. When Trumps was in office, what was the price of gas? What was inflation? Immigration. War in Ukraine (You think Putin would invade while Trump was in office). The failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. The burning of Portland. I could go on but your hate of Trump trumps all (see what I did there). You could care less what happens to this country especially if the liberals are doing it. Keep listening to the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, I'm sure she'll lead you down a primrose path.
2022-12-25 21:19:06.833811+00:00
John F Kennedy via Erena Velasquez
[ "#magick", "#ufo", "#wingnut", "#conspiracy" ]
Good Morning America and the World, I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, and I am happy to connect and speak to my fellow Americans and the World. The historical changes are happening right now to the planet Earth and her inhabitants. This 3D holographic illusion is getting crushed by high frequencies coming from Cosmos. Your life is going to transform to the magnitude you never imagined or experienced before. The transformations are happening on all levels including spiritual. Everyone is going to be shocked about certain truths, when they surface to the daylight. You have been deceived for thousands of years. Now is the time for patriots around world to step into a spotlight to help speed up the process of the changes. Please, be selective on what you read on internet and devote more time on staying in positive energies. These are extremely important times to keep Collective Consciousness very high. The ground crew’s mission is a complete removal of Dark Entities and rescue children and women. After receiving ultimatum the outworlders are leaving Earth. During my presidency I don’t think humanity was ready to hear the truth about Secret Space Program, Area 51 and etc.. Almost 60 years later finally hidden crimes and agendas against humankind are going be brought to the surface. The ones who are still asleep will refuse to accept them and claim that are just conspiracy theories. Your media is going to cease to exist. It never sided with the people only worked on behalf of the rulers and portrayed lies and deceptions. Viruses and pandemics were engineered by Dark Entities, which were on purpose released to kill or make sick the population on Earth and same goes for extreme weather patterns like floods, hurricanes and winter storms. The ruling of Elite or whatever they call themselves are coming to the end. What you see now around globe are their last attempts to be in control. Tyranny and enslavement will be forgotten on New Earth.
2022-12-25 10:10:36.494841+00:00
Eugen J. Winkler, based on Jakob Lorber
[ "#ufo", "#crackpot", "#racist" ]
(Translated from the original German by submitter.) The inhabitants of the planet Mars image Some science fiction author once invented te term of the “little greeen men” , who supposedly live on Mars! But that name is not all that far from the truth, as in reality, they do indeed wear a green cloak for clothing. Their skin colour however is light brown,. They are, with an average body site of ca. one metre, the second-smallest human beings within our solar system. imageimage The planet Mars is the materially poorest and most desolate within our solar system. The human beings on MARS are, from a material point of view, of unsightly and less beautiful form, are small and a bit fat, and are lacking in anything else attractive in their extreior. Their colour is lightbrouw, but sometimes going into the rather dark - Their physiognomy has similarities with our Greenlanders, some lapplanders and eskimos. - Their clothing consists only of a form of apron, which is tied around the neck and cover from there the entire body to the knees with several folds. It has the same form for both men and women. For the two hands, there are simply two openings left on both sides, so that people can extend their hands through these to perform some kind of work; when they have no work, however, then they withdraw their, after all not too gracefully-looking arms back under the cloak.
2022-12-25 00:57:08.723814+00:00
various commenters
[ "#transphobia", "#homophobia" ]
( @Flobrez ) image spoilerTRANS RIGHTS ARE NOT HUMAN RIGHTS THEY ARE EXTRAS DEMANDS THAT IMPINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF OTHER HUMANS ie WOMEN AND CHILDREN ( @McQ66 ) Same with gay "rights" ( @AndreaCook ) Identifying into a biological category for which you do not meet criteria is not a human right. ( @JoanDArc2000 ) There is no such thing as trans rights bc there is no such thing as trans. There are only men looking to invade, exploit, and abuse women. They have no rights. ( @MawRee66 ) Exactly and....are against how God tells us how we should live. ( @AnotherAlice ) I will never never call them by anything other than... man in a dress men impersonating women agp porn addled male fuckwits in drag cock in a frock I have so many to choose from and they all denote the FACT that .... MEN WILL NEVER BE WOMEN ... ( @mentalconflux ) The right to: - choose your preferred prison estate - lie about your sex on official identity documents - and compel officials to collaborate - plastic surgery on demand, free, with unlimited revisions - surgeons' rights to sell cosmetic procedures to children - impose language reform on everyone, obfuscating reference to sex, enforced with "hate speech" policies - men can evade sex-specific safeguarding restrictions with a declaration - compulsory bisexuality for everyone - flaunt fetishes in public, including at the workplace, with impunity Best rights ever. ( @WomensRights ) But they're the 'most oppressed group ever'........
2022-12-25 00:50:51.839879+00:00
[ "#transphobia" ]
The mental manipulation, the scripting, and the sexual grooming is in full swing. Sexual Predators already use Barbies in their grooming of kids. This will make a predator's job that much easier. The men in my sex offender treatment groups are shaking their heads in disbelief at how naive the public and parents are at what this entire Movement is all about... the sexual grooming of minors.
2022-12-25 00:44:32.583493+00:00
variuous commenters
[ "#wingnut", "#racist" ]
(@Nature_and_Race) By law, as decreed by our Founding Fathers of these United States of America, the only immigrants who can legally become American citizens are free White people of good character. Literally everyone else is an illegal invader. America is a White country and belongs to White men. And it has only declined in every imaginable way since it has darkened demographically by these illegal criminal invaders. image (@beeryswine) @Nature_and_Race boomers be like "but they didn't say specifically that based blacks and based jews CAN'T be citizens" (@46n2) @Nature_and_Race "So muh Founding Fathers were literally Hitler!?!?" - some boomer somewhere (@Inisfail) @Nature_and_Race If we went back to this standard, most of our problems would be solved. (@DanOnTheWeb) @Nature_and_Race This was not far right or far left when the country started. It was the baseline. Look where we are now (@LaceyLacroix) @DanOnTheWeb @Nature_and_Race let’s go back to baseline (@844steamtrain) @Nature_and_Race White posterity! (@Buzzorn1) @Nature_and_Race That's absolutely awesome! Now why wasn't this enforced many years ago during the civil rights legislature? I firmly believe if we as a nation had adhered to the Constitution, we would not be in this shitshow!! (@DespiseDespots) @Buzzorn1 @Nature_and_Race question is, what now? Just watch it burn? Is there any feasible solution? (@Forlorn_Hope89) @DespiseDespots I think anything could be feasible with the right organization and leadership. The real issue is that the majority of While people are followers, like all groups, they only really take a side if the leadership does something. So, until pro-White leadership is influential, most Whites will continue to shamble around aimlessly; most have been demoralized, indoctrinated and reduced to a state of stupor, they follow trends sadly. I would wager anyone on Gab who is able to see a modicum of what's going on is an exceptional individual of the White race, most simply don't understand or care to know.