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dktofficiall i haven t talked about depression in my post kindly read again but yes if you feel depressed kindly seek help
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greggrunberg hey you said matt wa gon na go all ballistic i wa disappointed good ep tho mostly
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can t sleep need to talk to someone
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i don t think i like the saw ride at thorpe park the tv ad make me feel sick so goodness know what the ride would do
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utdcynical crossydailystar fan got depression watching the bollox
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in genting now but i now at gohtong jaya using com
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every little thing i do every step i take i regret it after i think too much about how what i do will affect others to the point where i just want to fade away and not exist i can t get over my failure a long a i have a constant reminder of them it s impossible and i can t bear it anymore i wish thing didn t happen like this i wish thing didn t continue like this i just want thing to improve but there s no sign nothing i feel so done
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growing up with an absent father and a mother who s always attempted suicide became a normal thing and always used suicide a manipulation threat a mother who s always been depressed and always ha had it worse than the rest of the world i learned to despise anybody that play the victim for long period of time or cry all the time not even going to address the physical abuse part i live accros the ocean from her and we barely even talk i never miss her and i feel like i m sick in the head because of that she destroyed our family all of her kid including me came out pretty fucked up we mom and sibling don t talk to each other and it messed me up pretty badly i mourned grieved and have become numb this happened over the pandemic and since i came out i m currently engaged and have a hard time expressing how bad my depression is to my partner i do talk about it but not about how severe it is i think about ending my life on a daily basis i attempted s in the past and regretted it once at the hospital i don t want to do it but the urge get overwhelming sometimes i hate that i m like this especially because of the impact my mom had on me growing up i feel like it would be so easy to just leave i feel so unhappy in my life i try my best to feel alive but nothing feel good most day i don t even want to wake up i have to act normal it s exhausting i can t stand my partner s sister niece and the anxiety i get every time i have to see them or talk to them or even when i hear their voice they always wanted me out of the picture from the get go because they loved her ex never gave me a genuine chance it s all acting and pretending in front of her and she is aware of it my relationship ha been rocky but we have a deep bond that keep u together i have hope we will get that connection back but for now it s mediocre hoping therapy will help i don t enjoy anything in life and i really want to end it i won t but i really really want to i feel tired from my soul thanks for listening
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cincincintya my seed is on the verge of death thinking of what seedling i can plant to replace
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well i have so much going on in my brain let me try to organize it having an existential crisis i m i ve done nothing with my life i m scared to death that a sizable chunk of my life is gone for nothing i work at fast food where there is no advancement whatsoever i just want to go back to school but i can t tired of my job like i said i work fast food i worked a a crew leader and the b i went through on a daily basis wa enough to have me walk out a year and a half of day a week of bull crap just piled up on top of me one and a half year of them playing music i can t stand and me being too nice to say anything because i didn t want to be the one to ruin it for everyone else so i endured with one ear bud in my ear until my bos told me no ear bud back to square one listening to others music for hour a day tired of life ever since 0 hell ever since i got out of the army my life ha been shit in the army i wa confident strong and proud my co took everything from me and gave me the boot ever since 009 my life ha been a struggle to get settled on two foot i ve abused drug been raped been abused been through natural disaster that have taken everything from me i have been kicked to my butt then kicked again while i wa down i hate being disabled i m ptsd ocd bipolar adhd i take so many medication that i don t know what to do with myself just to have a somewhat normal life i m so tired of getting my emotion dismissed and told that i m overreacting just because my disability isn t seen
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tw depression bello avere delle amiche che non riescono proprio a capire anche se sanno che nei periodi in cui sto davvero molto male sparisco e quando scrivo loro e cerco di rimediare come se la depressione sparisse co eh non mi rispondono nemmeno
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i ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder about two year ago and wa put on medication felt better and the med were tapered off i however feel it returning and most day seem like shit i can wake up and do normal work like i do however there s a constant feeling of sadness that s overwhelming and i worry about a lot of thing around me i worry that i wa a horrid person to my parent and the people around me doe it ever go away i don t want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life
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pray for me please the ex is threatening to start sh at my our baby st birthday party what a jerk and i still have a headache
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nchokkan http www mycomicshop com search tid 9 0 but all say not in stock
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skip to the end for my main point lol i m the worst overthinker i must think of all possible bad outcome so i can prepare myself for them obviously all it doe it cause extreme anxiety and exhaustion i m a big what if person and my what if s are always negative yay for catastrophic thinking when stressful thing happen my mind run nonstop it feel like a tornado in my head and i can t get a grip i can not sit with uncertainty and i feel like i need to solve issue right at this moment because i feel stuck so i write down my thought i really like the mantra of cross that bridge when you get to it in my current situation i keep telling myself that but a i wa writing my thought out i wrote something to add to that that is helpful to keep telling myself i just thought i d share in case it can help anyone else when i start thinking what if i try to stop myself and say i don t need that bridge yet i m still in traffic here s what i came up with you are building bridge to place you may not even go to and it s waisting energy you don t have to drive anywhere right now you re just in traffic right now traffic doesn t last forever even though it may seem like it eventually thing will get moving and you ll get to where you need to be if you come to a bridge you can decide if you want to cross it or go another way either way you choose you ll end up where you need to be
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i think i m getting sick
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i am relatively new to anxiety it started a month ago with an sudden fear of dying and two severe panic attack the same night that brought me to the er since then i am constantly anxious have had a whole range of symptom chest pain numb left shoulder headache feeling cold there are so many physical symptom so i have found this page apology if already posted somewhere with a very large list of symptom that can be caused by anxiety list of symptom http www counsellinghelp co uk panic and anxiety symptom resolved by torquay paignton and exeter counsellor html i am currently trying to ignore my numb left shoulder chest pain and neck pain without much success but knowing they are symptom help i hope it can help you too
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monasmith sadly yes i think i need counciling now
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i miss my ex soo much
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is alone downstairs working
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so i already posted something about this before but it wa more of a vent this is more of a flailing desperate attempt to figure out what to do i have a jury summons tomorrow morning i m crossing my finger that somehow despite it being the weekend they might still update my status a ended so i don t have to go but i know my chance are slim to none i know myself well even if i manage to get any sleep at all tomorrow morning will be hell on earth my anxiety is gon na have a field day it s already pregaming right now given that info i wa wondering if any of you have called in sick to your jury summons because of anxiety and how that went i m willing to try going but should i find that my anxiety is just too much i d like to have some sort of a plan b it kind of scare me the idea of calling in cause idk if they d consider sickness caused by anxiety a good enough reason besides that i know some place will just have you reschedule while others might not be so easy going all this legal stuff freak me out i don t want to be held in contempt sent to jail or fined but i also would rather not have to have a mental break down in front of a bunch of people i don t really have any medication that can help other than propranolol but all that doe is slow my heart rate the last time i took it to try and help during a stressful event i still felt short of breath and really nauseous which wa honestly kind of new i ended up having to hide away from people for like an hour till i felt somewhat better even then after another hour or so i started feeling really anxious again idk what to do i know jury summons isn t really that bad most normal people just think it s boring but for me having so much wait time will just lead to me obsessing over how i m feeling i can t really distract myself that well because i ll constantly be anticipating being called up which could be within the first hour could be multiple hour or possibly not at all on top of that it s early in the morning which i have a pretty bad track record with too early morning like that usually result in me feeling nauseous which result in me not being able to eat much you can t eat in the assembly room but you can t really leave in case they have an announcement so i d have to wait if i wait too long i start to feel really shaky and weak i d say hypoglycemic but i ve been tested for that and apparently i don t have it maybe i m just in starvation mode all the time so i run out of energy nutrient fast anyways any advice is welcome
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a zeeshan still in depression
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peachfuzz uk ah but that s ok you see a it is quot to stop da terrorist quot and anything that claim to be for that is acceptable
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msdivineknight see thats why i never go to bed early cause if u sleep u miss thing i slept i missed joe unhappy and
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wondering why gamebattles is down
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tw vaccine i got my booster yesterday and this is by far the worst i ve felt first dose i wa 00 fine second dose i had a super sore arm for hour but my booster is pfizer we had moderna for the first my body is just aching but we were warned of myocarditis of course a we re in our late 0 s and ofcourse my brain is fixed on i m going to get it i m so stressed every little pain i m like this is it this is gon na get me
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i wish inwas dead i just cant take it anymore you stupid fucking redditors all you can give me is useless worthless nothing i hate you so much kill me kill ke kill me i beg of you the only thing that can validate you is to kill me ypu are worthless the only way you can regain honour is to kill me i am nothing
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all work and no play doe not a happy linda make can t wait for the holiday
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so i had a doctor s appointment on a school day and i wa so anxious about missing day of school i wa cry because i would miss stuff that day and wa anxious about being behind on my work because my grade are expected to stay the same and not drop is this anxiety or just pressure put on me
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depression is when you don t want to kiii yourself but you wish that you never existed
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so in the last night i drink a lot nothing not normal for me and then everytime e drunk to much i enter in a spiral of shame i encounter my mother and i felt ashamed because i wa so drunk and my father is a alcoolic i drop a dish and the thing scalated e begun to cry and cut my self with the piece of glass without knowing what i wa doing it happens so many time when i drunk to much i tend to self harm and self heatred i just dont like anymore what my mother see in me im ashemed of myself how dare i put my mother in so much struggle because i wa drunk and begun act of self harm from dropping a dish i will go to a psychologist today i love my mum and everytime e break her heart i cut myself and begun a spiral of mental fog knife amp x 00b help me i love my mom
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gemmaface awww gemma i hope you re not
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jemcam well i have uni stuff and netball but after netbal if i ve done uni stuff we can
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just had a tonne of sad news today
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theekween thelmaherbs heart break depression anxiety http t co d y mfb w
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limbecky i m doing the time warp without you and am sad
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depression because of some trainer get a grip man fuckin drama queen
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school suxxx wish i wa on tourny again
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runawaystarling unfort msn is a douche and a half to me
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the computer might be operational but there still isn t much to do
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hi i m m from texas and i d like to talk to someone that feel like they don t belong i d love to do my best to help out anyone and everyone i don t judge and i will happy to talk to anyone and if you so happen to end up having a crush on me then let me know i will always be here to talk to you and i will never leave you to be alone without a damn good reason i don t care who you are or what you are i m straight but that won t stop me from helping everyone out no matter their sexuality i hope that we can become good friend and i d love to maybe meet yall one day i m here for yall to vent to or yell at or just absolutely destroy if you need to just message me and i ll do my best to help you
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lifee get worsee amp amp worsee
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i have been getting body pain by manic depression it s very awkward for drawing
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testing twitter mobile sm from australia expensive
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why cant it just fucking stop the pain is just too much sometimes all i wan na say is im sorry to the people i really care about i feel like a bad person who need to change and get better but i dont wan na do it for me i wan na do it for them im sorry i dont know whats wrong with me i really dont and it genuinely scare me maybe i should get help this is a wake up call ig fuck
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grunt good luck with the big meeting i hope the rumour mill is wrong
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yay i can txt to twitter but can t receive to my cell bcos im in new zealand
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area nightclub making out of the bewilldered uni student who have arrived home while the poor folk like me have to struggle on
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after month of doin good i fucked up my depression hit hard and i isolated myself from everyone i stopped talking to my best friend which made her upset and now she want nothing to do with me she wa the last friend i had if i could tell her anything it s i m sorry i should ve been better friend tonight i m not smoking or drinking because i believe we can always get back on our foot someday
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haha my house is creepy at night it creak and stuff scary lol i m gon na go to bed
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rht0 bfmtv en france d apr s vous quelqu un qui ne peut exercer de m tier par probl me mental en pleine d pression admettons doit donc mourir de faim c est bien ce que vous sou entendez du coup
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charlietm i know right i dunno what is going on with twitter
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ktml i think it itunes fault i cant download it on my mac now quot store busy quot if you got it anything awesome in the camerakit update
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dhughesy thats when i have my birthday but we already have plan
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skoop but those cause rsi too rsi guide always tell to use two hand for shortcut ah well i wish you luck keep me posted please
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on my way to chicago finally connecting through london now and will be home for measely day and then back out again
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i work a a consultant i m good at what i do and have been working at a great company for a while now i ve worked on numerous project with multiple client and have worked at the client side a couple of time a most consultant usually do every time i come back to the company office or go to a new client s side i get showered with overwhelming anxiety and stress i stress for week leading up to it but once i get there i m the life of the place but only for about an hour or two after which i genuinely feel depressed social battery it s the change of people and scenery too many new and old face too many thought they could be thinking of me or not thinking of me this happens every time without fail until i get used to a place which by that point i would have to move to another place client office how do you cope with such feeling do you ever get them do you have any technique or tip that might help thank you
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lost my phone some where maybe in the grass it just so long hope it doesn t rain
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bradiewebbstack aww poor bradie stuff those vegies take a stand
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i m on antipsychotic and they make me sleep for hour i would like to sleep for even longer if possible and no i don t think upping my dose of antipsychotic will make me sleep longer and besides i don t want more side effect
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luckyrivera and it wa a great song too
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still spitting out stitch from that bone graft
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anyone suffering from depression and or is suicidal whatever it may be i truly hope you the best ik how hard it fucking is unfortunately i lost the battle it s the last thing i wanted to do i know i m young but fought for so long to be happy exhausted every option but it s just too much pain not gon na get into all the detail to what happened to cause a lot of this feel like it wouldn t accomplish anything amp this post won t even be noticed just leaving a digital footprint ig already wrote letter for my parent and little brother amp close friend this thing happened about when i wa and have been dealing w it since and it s mentally taxing and caused severe depression stress amp pain amp turned my once happy outgoing self threw it in a fucking blender can t say i didn t try though just get to a point where every option available you took and you tried your hardest to get over what happened and get life back to normal and everything throw you back to the fuckin ground then you realize there really is nothing you can do and look back at how long you ve been trying and how hard you tried it s painful n i ll no longer by suffering by 0 pm wish you all the best stay solid
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dianaisabela markus lanz nataklitschko s vitvitska jakluge fiedelseb wir m ssen darauf achten das wir im herzen den sonnenschein nicht verlieren dauerhafte traurigkeit depression u aggression macht krank und dann kriegen die un am ende doch noch hab sonne im herzen ob s st rmt oder schneit
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why am i like this sometimes i think about what people reaction would be if they found out i committed suicide sometimes i think it s the only way for people to understand and feel the pain i am feeling i know deep down i won t do it cowardice and my mom still being alive is the only thing stopping me i travel to and from work and i would always cry on the way i feel depressed i know i am depressed but if you would ask me why i wouldn t know where to start or what to say sometimes i don t even know why i m depressed i just am thing are seemingly going well and nothing bad ha happened yet why am i breaking down all the time and lashing out at others why do i feel this familar feeling in my chest like i m holding something back like i m on the verge of a break down i m not sure when it started but i m so scared of people i know my brain is telling me not to trust anyone or get close to anyone because i ll get hurt but i do it anyway i choose to believe that this time it would be different now im alone and i have nobody because i ve tried to protect myself from others look at me now trying to seek comfort from stranger i feel so pathetic and useless i want to be happy i want to not care about what others think of me i want to stop comparing myself to others and getting jealous of people my age who are more accomplished than me i want to be happy with who i am i want to love myself every year i would write in my journal my goal for the year and that would be at the top of my list do you know how tiring it i to pretend to be strong all the time it my own fault i did this i put my guard up and pretended to be knowledgeable a if i didn t suffer from anything imagine i m the one people go to for advice if only they knew how weak i really am how stupid i am i m so tired of reading body langauage facial expression and voice tone and trying to decipher word to see if it ha hidden meaning just to see if they are genuine living in fear of people and what they think of me absoutely breaking down at any mention of someone not liking me or liking something about me or what i did being cold and keeping people at arm length searching online meet people online and how to make friend online i m year old i ve been typing it in for year it dosen t work i m so lonely i have friend but none of them know who i really am i put up a front for year now no one know how to approach me or what to say to me if they see me i don t reply to text message because to me it s a waste of time because they aren t my real friend if i don t keep them around then i m truly a loner i go out of my way to be there for them but nobody asks me if i m okay nobody asks anything about me everyone assumes i m okay i feel so unfulfilled i m unhappy with my current academia but i m procrastinating and making it worse i feel no motivation to study all i m doing is destroying my life what do i do i cant trust anyone i ve tried it for year and everyoe hasn t been genuine sigh i m lost
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tw somewhat mention of blood and scarring idk if this is linked to anxiety or whatnot but i constantly find myself picking at my lip and finger especially when i get really anxious i hate how it s left my lip scarred and bloody but i just can t seem to stop i ve tried putting chapstick on to prevent peeling so i wouldn t pick but it never lasted more than a couple week also my finger look pretty bad when i wa younger i would rip the white part of my fingernail off but now i just rip the surrounding skin until they bleed and scab i mean everytime i feel anxious and nervous i keep my hand together and in front of me which eventually lead to me picking at my finger i already have pretty bad social anxiety so the thought of people being able to see my awful hand and lip make me feel worse man something is really wrong with me tbh
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for awhile i ve been having thought like these i ve spoken to my therapist and i can t really say she s said much i m trying to make it become a bigger topic but these thought seem so weird and i m not sure how to deal with them it s really extreme stuff too i don t see anyone forgetting like i will literally sit there and be like what if i cheated on my boyfriend and just don t remember it you people reading this probably think i m so stupid but it can t just be me
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theekween thelmasherbs make people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break and any traumatic event
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findinmyway luv depression hit me out of nowhere last night
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my appetite extremely lost itself day by day and week by week i can t even enjoy eating sweet anymore or even the most delicious food make me want to throw up except for liquid such a coke im addicted to soda and milk tea i feel sad and pity myself im fully aware how my health is deteriorating yet i dont know how to deal with it i suffer from did mdd bipolar and cptsd i m in early phase of therapy so thing aren t really going good these day im really concerned about my health im already severely wasted underweight sometimes i just think thats it better to not eat cause everytime i eat i get depressed feel discomfort and idk why from one cup of rice to one half cup to and now i only eat spoon per meal i don t even drink much water i want to change it but i just dont know how
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imperiusrex brahbrah ugh bed in a hour
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this world is honestly a dark place filled with narcissistic people i hate everyone i really really do i hate the smile and laughter of others the only people i can care about are my family and other people i can empathize pain and just overall depression with people have honestly just dragged me down to a dip hole that i have dug myself along with them and honestly that hole is almost foot i can t stand almost anyone my mother and some of her family but most other people i just hate for no reason and i suppose it s the hate the world ha given me and also the way it just is now people so self invested in themselves that empathy is being fully replaced will narcissism i have almost nobody to talk to it stress my mom out i know it doe and i don t like to talk to other family because they tell my mom and it worry her and my few friend never take me or my mental health seriously i am a human but i have been treated like some type of animal or someone from another planet i have minor autism and am also a schizo not schizophrenic i am a schizo which are a little different so people think differently of me i also used to be such a happy and funny guy when i wa younger but a i got older people got meaner and i got more sad because i wa treated differently and had random people telling me they hate me or don t like me in school and some i didn t even know i admit i wa a little off the wall back then but it wa mental issue and people gave me more than i already had my hate for the world is strong so strong that i honestly believe i deserve better than this fucked up hateful intolerant world i just want peace paradise some type of better afterlife this world is going to end soon and we all deserve a bitter end so even if i don t kill myself at least i can see the world end and all of u get the chaos and destruction we deserve we have brought hate and destruction to our own home earth they say we are one big happy family but the reality of earth is that we are one big dysfunctional toxic family a family that kill each other and are each other s biggest enemy along with each other a family that ha lost it s moral a time go on a family that ha little love to give and more hate what have we done to the world and ourselves right is wrong and wrong is right my point of all of this is that is human are nothing but garbage on this earth we don t recycle some of u are treasure to some some of u are thrown out and forgotten about and some of u are littered and left to blow in the wind until we are picked up one day or are forgotten a well in the end i hate the world it is my biggest cause of depression and that s how i know my depression will never end because the world keep on going and when it doe end i end with it so the way i see it is my depression will go on a long a the world go on or until i m forgotten about like a piece of garbage or i m one of the piece of junk that is treasure to others lately i have been severely depressed more depressed than i have been in a long long long time and i just want some people to know that this world eats you alive and some of u have to accept being junk or treasure the world is a dark and hateful place and idk if i ll see a light one day or an even more dark place i wish you all the best in this dark lonely world a lot of u will never become treasure and will always be junk
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this bug me so much and make me want to cry whenever i m with others or even just chatting to stranger i m chatty relaxed and pretty confident no one would ever think that i wa someone that ha social anxiety i m totally fine at party social gathering etc however i get socially anxious a fuck when getting public transport on my own or simply being anywhere new and scary on my own walking through a busy city a people around me look at me why am i like this
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might have to go to hospital on my foot for an x ray have to wait for the doctor to call me back to confirm i hate hospital
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yes it is and i got ripped off do not shop at wow
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last day at home today catching the train at 0am tomorrow ha been a nice break but now i need some breakfast a shower and a shave
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my biggest emotion is anxiety i can t deal with it anymore i tried gettibg help even medicine for it but no help the pit in my stomach every single day constantly restless can t sleep well or eat well can t function at time if i didn t die from heart issue due to constant anxiety and stress i will end up killing myself just to feel some peace
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i ll be 9 tomorrow and i ve been depressed on and off all my life i wa diagnosed at with mdd with manic episode i started a relationship with a wonderful woman last august before i moved across the country and i moved back for her this past december she ended up leaving me in the middle of january because of my mental illness this bout of depression ha hit me the hardest not only am i dealing with my mental illness but i m also dealing with heartbreak it s been over two month since she left me and i ve been stuck in bed pretty much ever since i m medicated and doing cbt but i find it isn t helping the way it should i m moving back in with my parent next month to get my shit in order before tackling life again any tip from this community to help me get better
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okay i am on the line of alcoholism and it s tickling my nerve a bunch knowing that i crave a drink and i feel the need to turn to alcohol to make myself seem whole here s my little run down im battling with depression a little suicidal anxiety and we a little lonely that s why im on reddit im sick of feeling like shit everyday all the insane irrational thought that go through my head once im on a certain bothering thought i get stuck on it for a while till i cave to drink so my idea to combat it is to start organizing my life more financially at home my priority my hobby all in all im aware that the whole you have to learn to love yourself theme is a big thing for people like me but at the moment i am just thinking of distracting myself with work school hobby people what if it s not enough my thought may start traveling again when i am doing those thing how do i combat those thought it s like i go in circle with question to an answer then question after answer it s mentally exhausting and it physically hurt at time i want to learn how to fight internal how doe one do that
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for a far a i could remember i wa always depressed and hopeless i wa always the mediator so i took in all the negative energy from others and let everyone use me like a emotional punching bag i grew up in a very dysfunctional way and i don t want to share it exactly but i want it to be known not only that but i have been fucked at every turn in life i ve been sexually manipulated almost burned alive neglected and i ve been told to just deal with it even though it pained me extraordinarily so the biggest thing that made me want to commit wa when my father passed and ever since i felt suicidal last march i wa going through some bad memory and i wa just being extremely depressed i remember waking up at am and numb in every conceivable way emotionally mentally and physically it wa like i wa in a trance and before i knew it i wa making a noose when i wa done i went outside and found a tree to tie the noose on and then before i did it i snapped out of it i remember just standing there and looking at the noose for good minute or so and then i chickened out i took the noose and threw it behind my shed and went to talk to suicide hotline sometimes i feel like i should ve just ended it then and there i still get so depressed and angry that i just have no idea on what to do that urge is creeping back and i feel more of a waste of space than ever what should i do
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we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co v ulbjpxa
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my throat is raw
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hi i hope this is the right place for this i have been suffering with anxiety for a while the last month or so have been particularly bad which is affecting my work my relationship with my family snappy extremely irritable tired no focus i reached out to my doctor last week after a particularly bad episode at a work event who ha prescribed sertraline and advised a course of cbt no one else know this and i am anxious about telling my wife which in turn is pushing my anxiety up further i wondered if anyone else ha been in the same situation how did you approach it every time i feel like it should be the time to say something i completely lose my bottle
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depression and suicide trying to win but i m fighting this battle
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i have not felt normal in month i have not had a day in month my chest hasn t felt like it wa compressing on itself or a day that my heart doesn t thud through my chest i tried to figure myself out i tried to use resource but it so fucking hard to reach out when you feel like shit i attempted via shrooms to figure it out fucking stupid to some people i know half my trip wa good half i shook trapping myself into a corner a my jaw clenched the next day i felt great like i conquered something i told a friend that i didn t want to die i want to live two day later i am screaming in my room pissed off i hate myself i am actually going to go buy some fucking razor because my huge knife is dull it never going to end is it this fucking demonic shit will never leave me and it make me feel so horrible the dread of any task the feeling no one really want you there the anxiety you get when you talk to much about something your passionate about i can feel when someone distance themselves and they just did now my brain go a million mile an hour wondering what the fuck is wrong with me i no longer will trust anyone i can t take the feeling of it being able to end in disaster i hate my life i hate how i hurt people and can t fix them i hate how i stared in the mirror tripping ball but did not feel scared or mad or terrified i looked at a broken man trying to reach out and help the man i saw the stranger
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quot it not how you are alike it how you are diferent quot i just cried in that montage flashback in hp make me cry every time
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deemaah but i offered to clean twice
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gaslighting myself into getting rid of my depression and anxiety
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i struggle with school having to take all honor and ap class at home my parent insult me and treat me like a tool making me pick up their slack they give me the same excuse saying that since they work i need to do something my mom and step dad also think that my study are the most important thing in the world a i cant go out with friend having three sibling that are 0 year younger than me also build up this stress my family issue also include me not knowing my real dad my mom never told me anything about him but snooping through her phone let me know he in jail in another country i cant take my family anymore and i wan na cry but i cant my friend dont understand since they have loving family and big home the only person i can talk to is my closest friend but knowing that she ha her own issue worry me i have not cried ever since th grade and when i do it me tearing up i cant feel happiness anymore nor sadness it just me hating my family even more sport and videogames arent a good escape for me anymore a i lost interest in it and keeping up good grade to impress my parent make me want to cry but i cant i dont know anymore and im stooping really low talking on reddit i wish i could cry but i physically cant
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added the dns system compatibility is okay and am looking forward to the possibility now open but i need to rework the intro sequence
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i just spent a good half of my morning trying to convince myself to get up and go to class how it is unbelievably stupid that i wa and had been skipping all the class just to lay around in bed practically doing nothing how my parent and relative would be disappointed that their money is being wasted on me me who don t know what i want to do have no idea why i m even still breathing all these good reason to get up and brush my teeth and go to class and i just pulled my blanket over my head and wait till it wa too late god why am i like this
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who ever said there wa a cure for depression wa seriously wrong you may be happy for a little while but in the end it always come back
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i m starting to think i m probably suicidal but i don t really notice it if that make any sense i do thing like overdose on medication i say it s to get high but honestly i don t think that s my intention anymore i feel like i just don t give a shit about my life i fried my brain smoking weed and had a psychotic break and my therapist implies that i m stupid i hate myself and i just want to fucking off myself once and for all who know i might be going insane and i just don t give a shit anymore my life feel like trash even though i had every opportunity in the world to improve myself i feel like a complete failure and and idiot that deserves death i just don t care i don t give a shit i never did and i never will
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fuck omg austin always there though man lt love you
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my bf cheated on me but got a dog today and my dog ha made me feel so much better who need a man
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ryanmwilson aww that stink hug
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rip sandra it so sad how can someone do something like that
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theekween it help those that suffer from depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
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lately i ve been feeling like i want to go to meeting like aa but with people struggling with depression or people that defeated it i don t know if this exist anywhere in the world i just know that it doesn t exists in my city have anyone experienced this if so can you tell me how is it like i feel like i have a lot to share but it s not necessarily good or i m feeling better and don t get me wrong im in therapy but i just feel like i have to share more and with people who s living the same thing
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so i had a depression yesterday n mom saw me cry so hard n she thought i wa cry about my study n worried about my last exam in month but my heartless as wa cry about a fucking boy
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