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hawkmansworld some random person on twitter not hurting anyone bvs helped with my depression match why bvs killed my dog and you should feel bad
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i m so tired of the inertia of my life this never going anywhere meaningful for me i think about all the thing i d love to be doing and grow angry that certain circumstance constrain from doing them i hate that life is 9 doing thing because other people coerce you to do them i would like to feel like i have agency but you have very little when you re slaving away to just survive the worst thing is that this bid for survival is artificial and man made human being hate that other human have free will and must wring the autonomy from each other they use money and debt to control every aspect of your life they create law to tell you what to do with your body life and time i just want to do what i want to do with my finite life i want to accomplish what i want to accomplish not conform to society s view of materialistic success i want to live my life unencumbered by other people s stupid judgment i want to be free edit i m sorry if the above is incoherent i just feel so trapped in my life so helplessly trapped
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an thank you i have to now do it all again today
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well everyone after a super adventurous day luke ha gone home let u all morn the loss of a hero im off to continue playing sims
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maddyva thanks a lot learned a lot of new word but didn t find what i wa looking for
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i ve been in therapy nearly all my life and have gotten very good at using coping skill that help with the cognitive piece of my anxiety i e responding to my thought distraction etc the part that i still have a lot of difficulty with are the physical symptom i e chest tightness deep breathing doesn t really work well for me any suggestion that you all have for dealing with these symptom
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mizzzidc move the fuck out of yr mother house she cant be getting disrespected in her own house bcoz of a pair sneaker dont play the depression card u are gng to be really depressed wen she kick u out
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amber i don t know how often you check this but i really miss you right now like really really so friggen much i want a hug lt beth gt
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ashleyskyy but i wanted a margarita too
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first i god a really bad case of covid and couldn t move or anything that lasted for 0 day then i got a surprise birthday party thrown at me by my best friend and family when i got home my best friend cheene my cat wa laying there gasping for air and dy a soon a he wa put on the table for the vet to examine him he wa my best friend so a few day go by and i got a heart attack and an infection in the heart and the bag that surround the heart now i got heart i am year old i newer though my anxiety could get any higher just venting currently lying in the hospital bed
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i wish i could be attractive taller funnier be everything woman find attractive instead i m the complete opposite i ve gotten more and more depressed last few month to the point where i start up depressing conversation so i started to stay away from people or stay silent with friend i m ugly and i ll never be loved and that s not something easy to carry on knowing full well i m and never even come close to a relationship i hope i die soon because i don t want to be alive and alone like this
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backstory i ve been diagnosed with panic disorder gad since a young child spent the past year on zoloft at time a high a 00mg a day year ago i wa put on buspirone with the zoloft and it changed my life i ve been stable up until this past year my health anxiety got wayyy out of control and i ve been diagnosing myself with terminal illness all year did therapy and actually enjoyed it for the first time in my life and got off zoloft and switched to 0mg celexa combined with mg buspirone in the am and 0mg at night graduated my therapy and finally felt almost normal then i got covid felt like shit but made it through flash forward to a month later and i developed costochondritis rib cartilage muscle inflammation that i thought wa breast cancer sent me f n spiraling since then i ve had shortness of breath constantly and heart palpitation went to the dr and so far everything is fine waiting on heart holter result and everything chalked up a anxiety i ve had multiple full blown panic attack the past few week and wa at my wit end saw my psych and i went up to 0mg celexa here come my actual issue i accidentally read about serotonin syndrome and how celexa and buspirone should never be given together i brought it up to my psych and she wa not worried but it s been day now and i feel kind of off granted i ve felt off for month now and i m so scared of experiencing it and not realizing it anyone on similar combination that can ease my mind tldr worried about serotonin syndrome after reading about not mixing celexa and buspirone major health anxiety
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i ve never been so fucking miserable in my entire life i quit my job last week and i m failing school and want to drop out for the rd time i have no money and i m disgusting and i have no worth in this shitty world i m tired and i can t even get out of bed i don t have any energy to do anything and i want to die fuck everything and goodbye
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need uuuuuuuuuuuuuu http plurk com p n0vpg
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chiefdelphi is down
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virtuallin i actually really like taub for some reason i thought the bromance with kutner wa cute still kutner sigh
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now i m down to 0 battery
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so here i am at a baby shower only person i know is the expectant mom sitting at a table by myself i hate event like this
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i ve been dealing with depression for pretty much a long a i can remember wa diagnosed with it a a child some day are better than others the same can be said about the month and even year to be honest i never thought i would make it to the age i am now and have never really given any thought to what i wanted out of life besides the basic thing like friend loved one and many even a romantic partner outside of that i am lost i don t have a dream job in mind really and i don t have any set goal i m getting older and it feel like the wall are closing in on what time i have left and i don t know what to do i have friend and family who love me but they have their life pretty much together at this point or are close to their goal i have a job i hate no career option i can t drive and don t have any education outside of high school i feel like i just exist i have to rely on people for ride which make me feel like a burden i don t have enough money to make it on my own so i live with my parent i feel like friend keep me around out of pitty because i tend to be the one to start every conversation i m a part of people s life but have nothing of my own i don t know what to do anymore i know i m not at my worst yet because some thing still bring me some joy but none of that fix the problem i have no motivation i try to reach out for help but i don t exactly get any i pretty much get pushed to the back burner a lot and i get it people have their own thing to deal with but i need help i can t do this alone because doing it on my own isn t working i just want to leave this place i m in the job the town the everything probably and find what i want whatever that is i don t even know if i m looking for advice or just to have someone tell me i m not crazy
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bombassdyk deathydescole ma m re est croyante lors de sa d pression on lui a rabach que c est cause de sa foi etc alors que la d pression est une maladie avec une composante biologique un d ficit de certains neurotransmetteurs c est fuir ce genre de personnes par exemple
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i have too many problem on my plate work is a commitment responsibility are a commitment family is a commitment therapy is a commitment basic hygiene is a commitment taking care of myself is a commitment gaming is a commitment having friend is a commitment talking to people i care about is a commitment not falling asleep is a commitment caring is a commitment eating is a commitment taking my med is a commitment the list could go on forever i m not subscribed to earth yet living here is a commitment
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worst burn of my life so sick
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i ve been sad for a couple of year now this is because of my height i am already 9 year old m but i am stuck at i feel like i am not a man because of this hence why i am extremely sad and developed body dysmorphia is this reason of mine just or am i overreacting
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twitter is the only social medium platform i don t feel uncomfortable talking about how mentally ill i am im tired if struggling anxiety depression
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madre is grinding on me this is gon na be a long week
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cuz like troybolton is the hottiemcsuperbob omfgz my nail bud cry
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why won t anyone enjoy pretty film with me
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it will be two year this november since my brother died from a fentanyl overdose this completely shook up the family dynamic i moved back home to be closer to them about a year before his death while i am happy i did get to spend his last birthday with him since he is gone and the family is all split up now i hate living here i used to make double doing the type of work that i do here where i last lived my job is actually financially draining me i am a caregiver aid for disabled kid and have been for over year but ever since my brother died i find myself in very dark place then i get really angry for a second because i know he is gone and never coming back then throw in the caregiver fatigue with the grieving depression and i just feel so crazy in my head sometimes one minute i m fine the next minute i hate everyone inflation isn t helping because i am having to skip meal to make sure my kid are fed which also isn t helping my mental health i dunno how do you all cope
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after a year of not getting the vaccine i have to get it because i m going to another city for a panoramic xray i have severe anxiety to the point that my heart is always racing and i can hear the loud beat and it interferes with my health exam one time the doctor got mad at me because she s not satisfied with my bp knowing that i wa anxious the entire time so she ordered me to drink xanor alprazolam before the vaccine however xanor is not available in my place even in the city the vaccine incharge won t jab nervous people i feel so helpless i need to get the xray asap because i m always in pain over my wisdom tooth
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the leeds festival twitter man ha lied there is no update
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essteeem depression be real
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yaykimo it s sad it s the last season i wan na see when spencer call lauren
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moony 9 i think i will be even more in denial after i watch
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just finished cooking spag bol from scratch in other word been cooking for the past hour i m not hungry anymore
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i just had two people stop following me
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it s tuesday evening and i haven t been able to fall asleep in a few day because i can not stop replaying a sequence of event at work from last week i talked it out with my coworkers and i know that i wa in the right there wa nothing i could have done to get a better result and it s ok everything s cool let s move forward with our life k i would love for it to be that easy but that squishy asshole between my ear ha a very different perspective on the matter so we can t move forward we haven t earned that yet we have to spend an indeterminate amount of time meticulously dismantling and examining every minute detail of the incident my action and the reaction of everyone else involved buckle up and grab a barf bag folk it s about to get real whenever i have even a tiny stretch of free time the film reel in my head alternate between warp speed and slow motion depending on circumstance and timing every minute or so my brain get the ball rolling with really all the thing you could have done and that wa how you handled it idiot followed up with whoa you ve got nothing to worry about bae you handed that shit like a champ before circling back to what the fuck is wrong with you why why would you do something so heinously ridiculous this is why nobody want to be around you this shit right here and after that we get another no don t listen to that mess you are entitled to occupy space on this planet without apoligizing for your own existence but then that s hilarious see how far that attitude get you tomorrow after everyone ha had time to think about what happened and they realize what an immature out of touch self centered asshole you are have fun dying alone and unremembered and then every few minute the pattern repeat itself in an infinite loop of madness half assed self justification and shame this can go on for day sometimes week or month but it never permanently stop sometimes a certain song a smell a facebook memory or a half heard remark from across the room will launch my as back in time to tear myself to shred over an instance that ha been dead buried and forgotten by the rest of the human race except for me lather rinse repeat go fuck yourself wave of abject misery and self loathing interspersed with flash of contentment that might occasionally brighten thing up but it never really stop or get any better the best i can really hope for is the drop off in frequency that occurs after a few week or ideally i might forget about the incident entirely until i get hit with a trigger again at least
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can t sleep again
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my nose is bleeding
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triner too bad you couldn t wait another month or so for me to sell mine
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for the past couple of month i have been feeling really cold my throat and my esophagus down to the center of my chest ha started feeling icy like i just drank a really cold glass of water but that feeling stay all the time i am a yr old female and don t have a history of debilitating anxiety or any anxiety at all but i have just recently had a few fuck ups at work and maybe it s anxiety i feel like when i calm down i still have that cold feeling sometimes though so i m not sure if that s a common feeling with anxiety or not ha anyone else had this if not i want i look elsewhere for the cause thank you in advance
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snapchat layla kuz
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any chance softbelly for mtub isn t loud
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been depressed lately and it hurt like hell getting out of bad is a chore thought of non existence are a comfort silver lining i ve been completely disillusioned my ego ha been shattered i no longer pretend i m living a good life that i m happy that i m not lonely or that i am in any way special from now on it will be brutal honesty to myself and others which before i couldn t imagine i suck my life suck most people are much better than me in every way it is what it is i ll try to cope and do the best i can in this hard lonely existence i don t seem to be equipped to handle no more lie fight on brother and sister
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still a got headache getting ready for work
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i want diana f it look great
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i didn t choose to be born i didn t choose to have these vital instinct it shouldn t fall onto me to overcome them the world that gave birth to me should fix it mistake i shouldn t be asked to fix it in it stead it s not my responsibility
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hey last year i went through a horrible horrible depression and it s wa because i wa going through a lot and i wa always doing thing for people i forgot about myself and this year i just want to focus on me but it s like people from my past are trying to come back into my life and i don t want nothing to do with them i m also trying my best to protect my energy so sometimes i get in a mood of i don t want to talk to anyone like i m perfectly fine just being alone and it s like human these day don t understand this they get upset i don t want to be a bad person but i just can t handle too many friend or a lot of people in my life just hanging out in the background if i could just be alone forever i honestly would i been through so much trauma i don t trust anybody
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assuming you werent feeling better when you were taking them
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i haven t had a mental breakdown in a while because i m practicing to not let thing get to me a much a i did before now a day i ve been feeling sad not wanting to talk to people getting angry and cry i cried for about day now and i don t know how to get back to normal i m scared that i might go back in my black hole and that would be terrible because i don t think i can stop the thought if they yell loud enough i m scared because i might fall back and listen it s miserable in the black hole honestly i ve been pushing so hard in 0 i just want someone tell me that they are proud of me and to keep pushing please if you re a father please note that you are because i would love to hear it from a dad father s are their daughter first love but not in my case so please help me out
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so i wa prescribed propranolol 0mg for really bad physical anxiety symptom i have something coming up later in the semester in term of presentation it s not just presentation it s like presentation in one day i know what a joy i wa definitely planning to take a dose that day however i m scared it will wear off a few hour later is it fine if i double the dos that day or should i not
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just read r s amazing blog so tired don t want to go to school tomorrow either hmmph
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i wa in such a good mood this morning now not so much anymore stupid work stupid cellphone provider
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ch0en huh like what i didnt know
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hi im doing my master degree my grade are dropping the note my teacher are leaving are nasty thing like you are not creative you don t know how to write this wa not the case in first semester i got straight a and now in this exchange semester thing are just going to hell i lost my confidence i can t write im panicking that im not good engouh and the voice in my head keep telling me that im a stuipd failure the medicine are not stopping that and now i have this paper to sumbit and i just cant start writing bc i feel stupid im just tired i just want the voice to stop and to feel happy about myself and what i accomplished
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yesterday wa a bad day found bernie mac died last year where wa i
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theresev solen var inge varm
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i m worried that they re going to think that i wa lying and that i m going to get into some trouble for the past month i had like or refund because the amazon driver keep putting my package outside my gate when they re suppose to put it inside this led to my package getting stolen recently it happened again i couldn t find my package but it turn out my mom brought it in earlier and placed it somewhere and forgot tell me what do i do
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dougiemcfly tommcfly good morning guy how are you all you know it s frustrating i never get a reply
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yung nag hahanap ka ng magandang bl tapos nahanap mo trauma at depression http t co scidekgqjd
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sat at work not fair so not fair
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im up i slept an hour last night death
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im boredd gah i wish i could just sleep and get it over with but ive had toooo muchh cooooffffeeeeeeeee bahaha
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o i wish the frog weren t becoming extinct http tinyurl com cxe w
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went to bed at pm and now wide awake at am i don t have to be to work until 0 this is going to be a long day
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benackerman btw my iphone is acting funny dying quickly and freezing and b i m not admitting anything just sayin
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well the pc in my living room suffered a fatal partion lost all my itunes library is gone and some doc with pic
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caviarpurple israelite same here the depression is really eating me up switching off would literally solve everything for me but i m too chicken to do it atm http t co vvadmsoxsi
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didnt hear from my hunn today
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don t want to leave college
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phillyd wishing you the best lt
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i ve been pretty bloated the past few day happens a lot working on finding out the cause whenever i eat a meal my belly boost up and my heart rate sits at like 0 for around half an hour until thing start to deflate i m currently in the hospital for a completely unrelated surgical stay and it make my anxiety even worse because to the nurse it look worrying i think most of them have realized it s not an actual heart issue it happens so often and i ve had many ecg that were fine it doesn t help that having my pulse tested also cause my right to shoot up just hoping to hear i m not alone i guess haha
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and india missed out it 00th test victory n 0th consecutive win without a loss
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i m a girl on the autism spectrum about to leave my school graduation year but dammit my school a school meant to help autistic youth mind you ha been going down the drain over the past few year and it ha gotten extremely worried about how i m going to work in the future if i can even get a job at all
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look like i ve missed out on yet another job someone please employ me haha
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no cold water tap in our bathroom i miss my cold water
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depression make no sense sometimes i have a great life family member who love me friend who care about me everything going for me in term of college relationship life etc and despite all of these thing i still find myself thinking about ending my life suicidal ideation is something that i have dealt with since i wa a young teenager but lately it ha become a half dozen to a dozen thought of taking my own life every day what i really don t understand is the fact that almost everyone else around me doesn t feel the same way i do doesn t see the world in the same way i do sometimes when i wake up i ll just have my mind scream at me that no one and nothing matter that despite what we do all of u will end up dying one day etc sometimes i just really don t see the point of life all of u are on a journey with the only thing promised to u are sorrow or death we are taught that we have to make our own happiness and value out of life but if that s true than there is definitely something wrong with me that can t be fixed because some of u just aren t made for your fairy dust fucking world and anyone who isn t thank you cause there are too many stupid as happy people in this fuckface of a wordl we live in
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i m feeling so bad i can t function anymore and will probably be hospitalised but i got a message from a teacher saying i wa missing too many class and referring me to the school s psychologist what can i do
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sirtagcr the depression you get from losing five battle continuously
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a known now i am m and identify a unlabeled and that s great i used to identify a bisexual but now identify a unlabeled since i feel more comfortable with it straight to the point is that i m scared of how my parent will think of me in the future and how i will tell them my sexuality reason are is that i have a gf and i want everyone around me to see that i m straight but they won t anymore and they will see me a gay because in the future my gf will most likely become trans and switch to being a guy i like guy and girl but don t like the label bisexual idk why so that s why i identify a unlabeled so i will be seen gay to my parent and i live in a catholic family so i m nervous how my future will be and it curl my stomach to think about they said they would accept me if i wa gay but i told my mom i wa straight and her reaction wa oh thank god and now i think she could of been lying idk that reaction make me nervous for the future i m just trying to live a a kid now and enjoy the moment while i could
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so basically for a long a i can remember i have been terrible in public situation when i have to present i shake and go red but the most difficult thing thats happens is that my throat feel like it closing up and i can not get any word out even if i keep trying this lately ha progressed into seemingly random situation i think it s because im more aware of it i could be talking to some of my friend in a group and suddenly start to choke and can t speak it s made all the more confusing a when i take beta blocker i can speak fine in any situation so i guess this must mean it a mental block if anyone ha ever experienced this or could even point me in the right direction for stuff to read that would be great i have tried googling this issue but can t find anyone similar to me i m not sure if practicing talking to people work in this situation a i literally cant get the word out of my mouth when it happens thanks
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i cried when i heard the girl from tracy wa found today it wa soooo sad may god bless sandra cantu
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why am i up so early i am bored and have had that trantula song stuck in my head for the past hour www stalkdaily com georg
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so long story short i recently started to become what i think is depressed thing is after the first few day of it being a bit tough i became to find it enjoyable to some extent amp x 00b to put it simply it ha let me achieve something i ve been trying to achieve for a very long time near zero emotion positive or negative but this time it isn t from repressing my emotion i also don t crave nearly a much social interaction a before and i give no shit meaning i wa able to get work done in class i usual hate since i don t hate them anymore the main downside to all this are increased tiredness increased frustration and low motivation low motivation and increased tiredness don t really bother me since i don t get homework and i don t have a job so it s not getting in the way of anything the increased frustration however is a wee bit annoying since i seem to quit my game way more than usual making me lose progress i also know i won t do anything suicidal cause that would violate of my core logical value amp x 00b all in all i rate this experience a 0 it would be an 0 if it weren t for the increased frustration
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frumph i d hug you too poor frumph
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i ended my depression when i stopped procrastinating free ebook unlock your power via r freeebooks http t co v wwlg p
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i miss my friend from elementary and middle school
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tuesday is a raining day again
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tellyoursonthis it s called depression anxiety and stress in the west black magic someone want you harm while we don t consider other people s action and thought s to be evil or the reason for our misfortune
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want to play resident evil but school and work getting in the way
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can i talk to someone please
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once i hear niphkeys my depression disappears i will not tolerate any zino slander please
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i m so fucking anxious all the time it s killing me i felt great last august no panic attack for over a year and my social anxiety disappeared so i came off my med within week i wa back on them and haven t been right since the trazodone stopped working so i went on mirtazapine and gained stone in a many month so i came off that and went on agomelatine my anxiety wa increasing severely so my gp put me back on trazodone on the rd march but only after keeping me on agomelatine for week which is basically a placebo pill i ve been in a amp e time in week having a panic attack they give me like mg tablet of diazepam and send me on my way my gp refuse to give me any even though it s so severe i can t get out of bed never mind leave the house i don t know what to do these level of terror aren t sustainable and nobody seems to want to help or prescribe me the one thing that help i m also in the uk which is awful for mental health service no technique help because i m so anxious i can t think about anything else other than heart attack and dying with it i m so tired
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et faut aussi arr tez d avoir cette mala de dire ici que vos enfants vont forc ment sombre dans le hors mariage dans la d pression forc e si il ont subits une r gle de caste a croire que c est la seule issu possible
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dang won t be able to get to any workshop run by web direction
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i wa picking up dinner and when i went to close the door i hit my head i m sure i m fine but now my anxiety went to 00 and i m thinking of internal bleeding and all this stuff and idk if my anxiety is causing this small headache i have now or not
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couple of mt text didn t arrive here
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yayfuckbuddies what i would and me horny too
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on the train sans guardian
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fighting off the hungries
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hour sleep in day and still working on my birthday
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