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britsystem she stopped eating and is just sleeping all day im worried about my precious little bean
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ah well today wa my first day at university it wa okay kinda i had fun with the friend i had but there wa also a lot of stuff that made me feel small and pathetic first of all a friend and i got to the wrong building and went up four floor using the stair we had to go down and do so again with the right one it s embarrassing to admit but i m not exactly an active person so it left me exhausted and kinda dizzy i felt pathetic and wished no one wa there to see me like that i got together with my group of friend after that and to be honest i m irritated at myself for not talking more it made me feel kind of excluded even though i know that wasn t the fault of my friend after that i got lost when i had to go back in train because someone in my family said they were gon na give me a ride but didn t give me the right direction got blasted on phone for being late and when i got home i felt really awful i hate causing others inconvenience and i felt like i totally did when i wa eating a bit once i got back i noticed something strange in my mouth and whaddya know the gum behind the third molar is swollen but doesn t hurt my brain went into overdrive and now assumes it s my wisdom tooth even when this ha happened before and it wa nothing i m tired
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i want to die i don t know if i want to kill myself but i honestly don t really care i just want to die and not be conscious and not be an i and have no ability to experience anything or remember anything or think about anything i don t care if it will get better i don t care if i ll be happy one minute later i don t care that i m irrational right now and i m thinking something that a level headed version of me would obviously be above i hate being conscious i can t sleep because i hate waking up i can t make myself faint because i hate waking up i can t escape to other story or music or feeling or stimulation because i hate waking up i just want to die and die and die and die and die and stay dead forever i don t want to do this anymore i don t want to identify a an i i don t want to be an agent i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to stop living i want to die i m stupid and bad and spiteful and upset and i want to die i don t want help i don t want to be happy i don t want to want to not die i want to die
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i wa always considered lazy by my friend and teacher growing up i never did the chore around the house or clean my room now im and i realise im just like my father he ha no friend he sleep all day except of when he is working he drink every night he never go out except of work and grocery he doesnt care about his appearance or hygiene my mom and sister always despised him and they have been mean to him because he doesnt do anything around the house and now they started treating me badly too my sister look at me with disgust they compare to my fater to insult me the truth is im extremly lazy i sometimes skip school because im too lazy to shower get up early in the morning and get dressed and all that stuff if i dont leave the house i dont even brush my teeth or shower my room is a mess and it doesnt really bother me that much it s just that im ashamed being disgusting doesnt bother me is that okay oh and i sit in bed all day i do study for school so i dont fail but i do it from my bed the thing is i am not lazy enough to eat i actually eat too much i do wish i would die sometimes but i think it is because i dont really enjoy anything except of being online all the time i am just too lazy to do anything else i dont know i might just be mentally lazy throwaway because i dont want anyone to see that on my main and thank you if u have read this far
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katortiz not forever see you soon
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when i stopped in 0 9 it took me month to taper off it so taking a medication that cause withdrawal symptom like that scare me it s the only thing that help other then numbing the feeling with an antidepressant i m on lyrica 0mg and buspar mg to time a day i don t feel down but my anxiety keep me from moving forward with the thing i need too am i right to continue struggling with anxiety and all the health issue that come from it just so i can avoid a benzo
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i m a year old man ever since the covid started i feel like that is something off about me i feel like i don t want to do anything and lay down on the bed all day and consistently skip the meal i can get pretty emotional sometimes a a man i obviously can t show my emotion to anyone or even my parent a a sign of showing weakness so i want to know doe anyone feel the same way a me or i m just a pussy
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laurenellise dying from crippling anxiety and depression
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amandaenglund sorry to hear about your loss there have been many this year so far
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you probably know how i m feeling about it lately when my mom s been calling it sound like she s been cry i wish she hated me like she should
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jlo 9 ahhhhh so when are you leaving will you not make friday
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this is the first time i ve cried since december last year it s a powerful feeling emotion run strong i m wired different since i have autism so i react differently and can take depression and sadness easier than most but this hit me hard af
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crappy day so far whyyyyy
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the american psychiatric association apa state that depression is a common and severe mental illness that affect how individual feel think and act http t co arsp syayj
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paul pogba s exprime sur la d pression dans une interview au figaro le milieu de terrain de l quipe de france et de manchester united s est confi sur la sant mentale de joueurs professionnels de football en cho aux propos r cent de thierry henry http t co f o dvbdo
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watching quot house quot
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i regret backing out of committing suicide pretty often i ve done it three time now overdosed once from the outside i know for a fact i look like a whiny teen i ve been told so many many time i m just tired of relapse i m tired of constantly putting everything i have into being better only to barely get anywhere and then being exhausted i m tired of being yelled at for thing i can t control and being told the same pathetic motivational quote like they ever mean anything i m tired of people praying for me saying i need to ask god for help god wasn t there for me when i wa being sexually assaulted god wasn t there for me when my mom got blackout drunk and beat my sister in front of me god wasn t there when i wa left alone for week because my dad would rather be anywhere else i don t care what people say god isn t real there is no divine protection and there is no savior there s life and death what happens in between is your problem i m tired of being labeled a mental case i m tired of seeing hallucination having flashback and i m tired of feeling manic i m tired of relying on prescription drug to be good enough for society i wish i had done in then because i have thing to live for now i have responsibility and thing that mean something to me it s like a dog having a bone dangled just far enough to where they can t get it i ve come to term that i ll never be what my parent wanted me to be and that my sister took on that role for me at a young age a nurse at dating to marry with a nice house in a nice neighborhood i m struggling to even have the will to get up and enroll myself in community college it s pathetic i work but i work at a sport bar and because of my disability my hour keep getting cut turn out nobody want to hire someone who can t be around many people or loud noise that go into a manic episode if triggered the more i think about what i am the more depressed i get without the medication i d most likely be labeled insane and put in a glorified prison again i take a lot of drug and still see and hear the shit that i do and i don t remember half of my life when i wa off of them i keep getting told that it s my fault by my mom and she is basically begging me to do something but nothing i ever do is good enough so why keep trying i don t know it s not logical to commit suicide at this point but i can t deny that i secretly hope a semi turn my car into a crushed can on my way to work ptsd severe depression crippling anxiety and psychotic disorder are not a good mix especially when you re lucid i don t know if i have a future i ve proven safe for society with reasonable accommodation but at what point doe it even matter anymore the fact that i need a crutch immediately set me apart and people notice
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rustyrockets i ll give you a fiver towards the fine not much but im skint from paying for al darling eyebrow waxing
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no not everyone suffered from depression not everyone found everything exhausting yeah everyone had their own struggle that cant be compared to another but not everyone got depressed from their struggle i just dong understand why god pick me to have depression life is so unfair i ve been thinking about this about a few day
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kiyala aw what did the poor donkey ever to do to you
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moved in with them at the start of october 0 we seemed to get on really well have at least some commonality and we d go out together sometimes time every week or so i ve always felt like the outsider of the group a they are all nd year going to the same uni and i am on a gap year we are all the same age tho it always felt like it wa those living together and me living with them if that make any sense nonetheless even tho have terrible anxiety and depression i tried with them they just told me last night that a friend asked them to move in with them and they ll be moving out in a few month it s suck cause we had said several time in passing we d be happy to live together whether in this flat or another i even got into a uni in the same city a them and they knew i wa going to study here next year i don t think they hate me i just don t think they like me all that much it hurt cause idk what i m going to do for accommodation next year uni hall terrify me but would be good to meet people i just had to get this off my chest i have no idea how to act with them if they start convo with me it just feel like they re forcing it idk i feel unloved and unhated just a banal liking
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0 0virgin honestly i understand her frustration my mom doe the same with my thing she wear my clothes sometimes tseding hadi kgutlise but nka sebe depressed aowa depression yonke no
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got no one to talk to have no one around i ve been procrastinating on something for so long and i have no idea when i ll ever become serious or steadfast i just feel like a total waste i ve isolated myself which is making me go crazy right now no friend at all i m literally alone now feel like shit
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turn out there had been earthquake warning in italy and they were ignored http bit ly dvyg
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chelserlynn haha it so cooooold in the d and no but you should still go to the show they do some incredible stuff
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internetumpire ipave depression kudukaadha ne just live the moment still chepauk la than last match nu nambuvom
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went to ihop again great for a diet at least there were no kung foo pancake this time rachel
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deiondrasanders i m always up late i wish i wa a morning person but i m not
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i totally just lied about going on a trip to get out of hanging out with someone airport wa the only excuse that came to mind
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dilyswei thank you i know it not over but the fact that i studied day and night made me sad
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it s almost funny i don t want you to feel like i m giving up i m just worried that you ll start to resent therapy or resent me
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hello all lately i have been fighting with my anxiety after having fought in a relationship i m still holding pain in my chest and i always wake up with anxiety also i always cry during the day and before going to sleep i m living with my boyfriend and i don t want him to be sad like me amp x 00b could you guy give me some advice to help me heal myself
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scratch that du in heif two in a half cooky my tum just can t take anymore shoog poots
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it s raining outside look like snow but it s raining
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i m not interested in life there thing i d like to do but i have no money to experience them i dont have friend or any girl to share a relationship with life is bland i have a job interview tomorrow i ll probably get it now i ll have to show up and sell 0hrs of my life doing something i could care le about for some money i hate everything it s not enjoyable pandemic ruined everything a girl i started really liking doesn t want to see me anymore because i m not vaxed that one definitely hurt a bit she went cold on me please skip the anti pro vax debate i m over it amp i m not anti i dont like leaving the house or dealing with people i dont see any point in this thing called life it just drain me and i d like it to end it simply exhausting amp i get 0 enjoyment from it it feel like a sadistic game i just want it to end i wont hurt myself i dont think i will i dont know if i m depressed i either feel nothing or anger i envy people who are blissfully happy enjoying life i d give anything have that i dont need everything to be great but i d at least like to not hate day to day life i dont have much left in me anymore
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today i learned that nicotine can decrease the effectiveness of ssri
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billbeckett did you know tai mean shit in indonesian
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salancaster hope your ok
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advice for adult separation anxiety i m have been with my girlfriend f for over year our whole relationship we have lived apart at our parent house and still do with no issue we see each multiple time a week do fun romantic thing almost never fight she is the love of my life and i seriously see myself spending the rest of my life with her week ago i got covid and i isolated in my room for 0 day only the third time in our relationship we ve been apart for this long after the isolation i came out with a new found love for my girlfriend i realized that i truly want her in my life and i want to be with her forever i knew this before but it wa like a huge reminder since my isolation ha ended though and i saw her again anytime i m away from her i have crazy anxiety like almost can t function don t eat etc nothing ha changed expect for the better imo i now realize she s the one and she feel the same way but for some reason after year of no issue mentally or in our relationship i have developed what i believe after doing some research to be adult separation anxiety definitely anxiety i ve told my girlfriend all this and had a big cry with her and she ha been nothing but supportive and loving i know she s with me for the long haul and i m not worried about that when i m thinking straight but when i m not with her i go crazy i ve reached out to an online therapy company to have a virtual session a i need help and i don t know what to do my girlfriend is super supportive but this can t be healthy for a relationship that my biggest fear is losing just looking for some advice maybe some similar experience and how you went about it anything help
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off to the dentist
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made it into dc on saturday afternoon after hour in air and am now in south fl jetlag suck haven t had a full sleep since thurs
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wa playing around putting in random twitter usernames so many wasted blank
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i can t sleep i m stressing out jpc lt
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totailm 0i give me depression
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fuck len wein s house caught fire earlier today the family is safe but they lost their dog
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it pm here and i dont wan na go to chemistry course i dont wan na meet jordi thats the main reason
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theekween vhulivhadza help with depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
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the med don t work my doctor is clearly not helping last time i went to him he told me that i wa having a very bad week because i stopped smoking pot five week ago like i m sorry but it would not have a delayed effect like that also he then compared it to a recent promotion he got like dude what the fuck i just keep having these recurring thought of slicing open my wrist and finally just getting the peace and quiet if wanted i don t want to die but i don t want to live like this anymore
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is anyone there maybe someone just up to talk i haven t had a hug since i wa a kid do anyone care about me lately my medication is weak or not working i just had cocaine and more medication i dont care too much anymore anyone up for a chat or something or not probably let hope the big nothing is better will it be good enough to od edit cool so did sme reading itll probably suffice sorry y all this will be it let hope probably here for a bit more until i sign off amp x 00b edit cheer i canceled my plan with my friend tomorrow based on some thread like http www reddit com r ama comment oa pdz i overdosed on antipsychotic yesterday ama http www reddit com r ama comment oa pdz i overdosed on antipsychotic yesterday ama http www reddit com r youshouldknow comment emqvvk ysk overdosing on antidepressant is not easy or http www reddit com r youshouldknow comment emqvvk ysk overdosing on antidepressant is not easy or or others all i need is a good day and not be found maybe i wake up later for some last word if this is it please enjoy with me frans listz little bell a k a la campanella
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i am worried that i check my pulse too much and the amount of time if felt my carotid artery i make that have narrowed the artery i m not sure if it placebo but i feel pressure in my neck right around that area sometimes
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dark butterfly not just you i thought he looked paler too probably from drama filming jun look healthier than ever though
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normalguyguide i can t i have so much to learn about wwi by tomorrow at noon
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i think my arm are sore from tennis
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i m terrible at articulating my thought so apology in advance let me just say up front that no plan ha been made and despite thinking about it so much i don t think i could go through with it this is just a vent piece i guess i feel like such a burden all the time i genuinely only have one real friend left and feel like my roommate co worker hate me i m anti social and awkward i don t make eye contact and i don t talk at all ever i take way too long to text back if i did km i honestly don t think anyone would know until a body wa found or over a month had passed i m just so sick of feeling like an obstacle all the time like i m always in the way or always wrong to think feel a certain way but all of this seems pretty normal i realise it s not a healthy mindset but literally everyone on earth ha trauma everyone ha their own shit they re going through and not only doe it seem like they re handling it a lot better than me but they have real problem i have friend who lost their job over the pandemic i have friend going through break ups grief or whatever and they still manage to practice their hobby and interact with their fellow man but then there s me doing literally fucking nothing all day every day after work and having the ball to feel like shit over it a if it s out of my control i feel weak willed lazy and most of all i feel like the world s biggist egomaniac for writing so much about myself a if it needed to be said thank you for reading my aimless rambling the thought were very intrusive tonight so i just needed to self depricate i guess good night everyone
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bed work in am
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i ve never been one to feel anxious or thought of having anxiety even during difficult time however this past week i ve been struggling so much and realized i m suffering from anxiety long story short i met someone about month ago i knew in the first date just that gut feeling she s the one it wa great perfect everything i wanted but not long after she unfortunately suffered great trauma with the loss of her best friend her sister in the beginning it wa manageable and i think it it wa mainly due to her denial she lost her sister eventually the grief settled in and now the true challenge arose for her anxiety yr prior she lost her cousin and still had not gotten over it now after losing loved one she had the fear of losing me created turmoil between u jealousy trust issue it created anger in me i felt like a monster she wanted me to be understanding and working with her where i wa foolish and expected her to get rid of it that is my biggest regret thing got worse for u add the fact covid put a huge mental strain on u i also lost a family member during that time that wa dear to me and the stress of still trying to accept a different work culture a i changed from being out and about in the field 0hrs a week to stuck at a desk working from home this created a ton of anger and frustration in me this wa also part of our downfall a few month back i stepped away from our relationship her fear of losing me and constantly keeping me on her mind prevented her from working on herself i knew she would not heal and work on herself so long a i wa around i felt that wa the best decision i lied to her i told her i didn t love her anymore i wa trying to protect her my second biggest regret two week ago i reached out to her after working hard on my personal self to remove my anger do better for myself with my eating better working out but i also made plan a plan to ensure everything that went wrong would never happen again i knew she wa still my soul mate i knew she wa still the love of my life i knew she wa still my bae we had coffee chatted i told her i wanted her back in my life and had a plan and would do whatever it took to get her back she told me we would get back together but she needed time she wa in conflict and fear of losing me again fear of her anxiety being an issue for u again and her just being her old self i respected that and told her i would do anything for her i told her i d wait week later after a week of confusion emotion uncertainty her feeling changed she knew she loved me still and care deeply but that fear of what happened in the past and her uncertainty in her own well being made her change her mind and she had guilt telling me we would when she is uncertain we could ever get back together i suffer of fear of losing her i suffer of regret of everything i wish i did differently i fear she may hurt even more if we don t try and she end up having regret i know we weren t working a a team i know we needed to collaborate more but i know i gave her so many change a she kept begging me please give me one more chance i just now have to live with fear regret and wish she would just give me chance we promised to stay in touch very limited maybe call a week she still care for me and still want me in her life but she need to focus on her i will wait for her she know it even though i know i ll continue to suffer with that fear and regret but right now she is hurting right now she is in pain so right now the best thing for me to do no matter how hard it is is to be the best support person for her it s what she need and i ll do anything for her
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i feel really lazy it wa embarrassing for me to even have to ask for something but it s been over week and everything got worse idk if i feel any different think now i just have even le energy to do anything my room is disgusting my essay are overdue and i haven t been outside in too long i m way too embarrassed to ever say this to my gp no word of encouragement on reddit will help im afraid but idk what to do anymore it s getting worse and every day i m just procrastinating i m scared of everything catching up but somehow can t do anything about it never felt like this before i almost want to hide away and die not literally just don t know how to overcome this there s not a lot and i have a massive incentive
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pfff rearanging database
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nobody ever speaks to me now
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ohhh i hate civics
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i just got back from a hour cycle enjoying the sun and i got in and had lunch and i started to feel so fatigued uneasy head fogginess it the strangest feeling to explain but it so horrible ive had this feeling a few time before it like ill sit on the sofa and ill have no will to move and the thought of getting up is overwhelming it feel like my health anxiety worry over normal stuff like being fatigued if i think more rationally and consider ive been going on hour cycle ride for the past day and ive been sleeping like crap ive been doing something quite intensive and then not allowing my body to recover through dodgy sleep plus on top of bad anxiety what is already quite exhausting
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mmuk09 moodle x must upgrade to 9 before being upgraded to 0 theme will probably break though
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hey guy something that ha really helped me in my mental health journey is to find friend to connect with if anyone want to talk so that we can check in with each other and just have an online buddy let me know it s really great to talk to someone we re in this together
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or i am the only one with that
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qr veolia fail translink the bus and train don t align so the early train is just a late a the bus one hour later
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maxbarners i hope it all go well
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it still hurt
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should have stayed at home
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can anxiety and panic attack cause pain in the back of the thigh
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ethocide mina mina anca oc armenian turkish coffee baklava delight greek alphabet also turkish ottoman persian also turkish genocide also turkish war crime also turkish economic depression also turkish mongol also turkish dictatorship also turkish racism also turkish fascism also turkish rape also turkish sexism also turkish also turkish
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delustre i wan na watch dollhouse i haven t seen any eps yet i lt eliza dushku so much lol
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soluna is slower than accord
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emilyruppe well he said that he is a looser and that is what the show implies
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nikrosser i don t think there is any kind of good stroke i ll wait to hear from you i love that little cat l xxx
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so it a beautiful day a lot of sun very warm overal nice but i sweat a lot i m wearing a white shirt and i m sweating a lot under my arm it s really noticeable and idk but it worry me a lot i feel really ashamed of this who else feel like this
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avisionofbeauty your phone doesn t like it sorry
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ummm so i have to wait until am for the video
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thing are not going to get better so why cant i just find the courage to die cant even cut cause school just found out and took all my blade
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i m at that point it s just too much there s no way to even describe it anymore
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idk if it wa selective mutism or not i never got a diagnosis wasn t even suggested to get tested for it partially bc i don t think people understood how serious and debilitating it wa but i used to have severe anxiety around certain people mainly teacher or subject talking about myself or asking for help were big one for me to the point where i literally couldn t speak like people don t really seem to get it when i say this because it s one thing being shy or nervous to speak for me i know how that feel like if i m just nervous i just feel very uncomfortable this wasn t that when talking about certain subject or talking to certain people i would have this very uncomfortable and sometimes very painful physical symptom where i don t know how else to describe it other than it felt like someone wa stepping on my throat like my throat wa closed shut tight i found it hard to breathe not in a hyperventilating kind of way more like in a i m choking right now please help me way i would start hyperventilating if i wa forced to speak for whatever reason trying to force myself to speak would make me lose air lightheaded and i would start breathing hard trying to take in more air since i wa literally choking on nothing basically or worse i d quickly break into an anxiety attack and start cry if i kept trying to force the problem even harder to breathe i felt faint close to passing out so many time then it wa not even funny i m not looking for a diagnosis i wa just wondering if anyone can relate idk
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just curious i ve been prescribed psychiatric medication my whole life and not a single one ha ever worked for me the best it could do is make me tired but in every other case it either did nothing or did something but not in a good way for example adderall and zoloft when i took adderall routinely in 0 9 i became malnourished because it killed my appetite and my teeth started breaking i developed clubbing on my fingertip and i wa manic depressed suicidal irate pissed off anxious scared and stressed the fuck out constantly every single day for 9 month straight with little to no break whatsoever from march december 0 9 zoloft made me sick a a dog that one morning i took it on an empty stomach there wa other stuff i didn t like too like trazodone which i started taking when it first came out and it wa like a huge trapezoid shaped pill that wa painful to swallow although they later changed this which made me uncomfortably tired a if i were being tranquilized then risperdal which made me have weird thought and grow tit and another one that wa really bad wa rexulti which wa rather new and experimental at the time i took it and after taking one of them i experienced full blown psychosis depakote did nothing for me whatsoever and clonidine made me a zombie when i first started taking it and all remeron doe is made me tired i wa actually given a dna test by my old doctor and she found that hardly any psychiatric medication of any sort including antidepressant and antipsychotic would work given my chemistry but she did find that i wa very receptive to cannabinoids the only psych med that ever made me feel good wa thorazine i took at a psychiatric intake when i wa upset and it kinda made me feel stoned from the best of my memory but then again i only took it one time the only medication that ha ever worked for me is marijuana hemp like the delta ape blunts that are delta 9 and 0 thc because delta 9 even in hemp is still controlled with no more than 0 allowed in a product since it is the psychoactive component in regular cannabis that get you too high and cause all that trippy paranoia shit you usually get off stronger stuff and even then this ha only been legal since 0 i ve noticed that weed not only uplift my mood when i m on it but even after it make me happy and improves my mental state in the long term the only time when i m not happy is when i m dry you re not you when you re sober no amount of chemical in a lab is going to fix that
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i keep thinking of her a transphobic because a year and a half ago she told me all her thought of transgender and now i don t feel comfortable talking to her about it
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your brain is lying to you you matter your best is good enough even on the bad day you are amazing you have so much to offer this world
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is depressed he isn t going to be able to see david archuleta
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need the motivation to get dressed and go to work i hate training
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lilylauren i get sad when ppl shave their moustache i don t know if i d cry about it tho
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heading to altrincham again out of hour install
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good morning i have crippling depression http t co wpedw lez
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followsavvy i never found her everytime i click on her twitter thing through your myspace it go to some dude s page
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your mom deserves a better child than you you said she forgot them not intentionally leave them there so why are you barking and degrading your mom in public for some clout hope the depression is the end of you btw
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where s derrick http ff im xwxs
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on a day work week fast forward to thursday please
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ive always been extremely considerate for people need even sacrificing my own for the sake of their need always just never telling the full picture or always refraining from saying certain thing a i do not want to offend people i just never get that level of consideration back not even half of it i must be a prick asking for this stuff i shouldnt expect anything for being kind but it always suck when you always get the short end of the stick always ignored no one give a shit not even from redditors though ive met some pretty kind one but the others are honestly garbage i remember i once typed something about killing myself and some random person messaged me sayinng that they want me to buy something for them a i anyways would not stay here for long that wa a year ago on this subreddit there wa a deleted comment in that post but i guess it wa the person who messaged me that one year ago ready to kill myself and here we are a year later and no progress with that i also remember another dude who said tick tock when i mentioned about killing myself not in this subreddit but from the trueoffmychest one i honestly fucking wonder why im even here ive amounted to almost nothing im tired of caring or expecting any form of love ive had so much copium in my entire life that i just never realised that no one really give a shit about me and im just dangling on a fucking thread that just wont fucking break cuz im a coward who secretly want to live but just want this fucing contant pain misery and dissappointment to just go away for once in my miserable life tldr fuck everything and everyone goodbye and goodnight
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limburger 00 infrastructure and improving their coverage service most of the wifi hotspot are in adelaide sa though
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i know my mind think thing that make no sense and sometimes i just sit there and watch myself experience these thought and then i fall into a weird psychosis i keep having irrational fear of death and it trigger me on a daily basis i get scared to fall asleep because i think my dad is going to murder me i sit in the car and get a random thought about getting hit and dying i watch the news and get scared about another war starting that lead to dying the anxiety that i have about dying before i am able to get old ruin my willingness to actually enjoy my life i think the past couple of year since covid ha exposed me to a lot of unexpected and very triggering event in my life and for this reason i m scared to relax when thing are going good i worry about enjoying peace in my life because something bad might happen so much of this worrying make me sleep a lot it make me frustrated about myself it take away the motivation and lust i used to have for life i am too familiar with a rising heartbeat every thirty minute or the feeling of dread after doing the most mundane thing sometimes i walk around in my everyday life and just feel like i m in a developing video game and i m just waiting for the program to start i m scared all of the time of what the next thing that s going to happen to me come i wish i could be a normal person i remember when my anxiety used to just revolve around small stuff like my appearance now i don t even care about what i look like it s like i don t even recognize who i am anymore
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hello just need some music to listen and spend time thank you
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one thing i hate about dozing off in lects i wake up to a sheaf of wet and badly smudged note
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watching realkidpoker daniel negreanu lose 0 000 in four hour real time via twitter he s losing it
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wa doing good at the start of the year and i can just feel the darkness over my shoulder i hate this i hate depression when i don t have it it feel like how wa i even depressed then it creep back and i m like how wa i ever happy
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after month of not feeling well i dont recognize myself my skin is ghostly the texture of my face is bad along with breakout and other gross stuff my hair is gross and my body is just so mushy and gross now unhealthy food comfort me sm tho how can i maintain beauty body care with way le effort
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