The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a epididymal cyst , have recently met with a surgeon who confirmed this is not harmful and was advised to have a urine microscopy for testing infection , which turned to be not infected. Was advised with painkiller sumo course as a pain killer after which issue with cyst pain was gone . it still pains once in a while , during wrong positioning of legs in sleep which may put some pressure on it . Is it a matter of concern ?? is this a normal behavior with cysts on epididymis ?? do we have any non surgical cure of it ?? [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have been diagnosed to have Epididymis Cyst (Spermatocyte) and having pain in leg occasionally. The epididymis cysts are benign in nature and does not any treatment unless it increases in size or gets infected. The pain in leg that you have is not due to Cyst per se but may be due to other cause which needs to be traced out. There is no medicine that can cure or resolve the Spermatocyte. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i just want to ask regarding my right cheek swelling after tooth removal a week ago.actually its not from the extraction its from the site of the anesthesia injected.the swelling is increasing inspite of my antibiotic long i will wait to subside the swelling?my doctor advise me if not decreased the swelling he will there any option?please need your advise or opinion.thank you [|AI|] Hello Carmen, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor forum. The cheek swelling post extraction may be due to-Overdose of anesthetic solution injected. Deep penetration of needle inserted. Needle breakage. Facial nerve paralysis due to faulty site of administration of local anesthetic solution injected. I would suggest you to apply frequent cold and hot packs at the site of swelling. Avoid stress and anxiety. Physiotherapic exercises has to be done for cheek movements. Take complete course of antibiotics too. Maintain good oral hygiene. If symptoms persists, please do visit your dentist. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello doctor my father is type 2 diabetic is under insulin his blood sugar is under control . he had his all the investigations from delhi gangaram hospital around 1 years back he had this diabetic nephropathy but his creatinine at that time was 1.9 recently i asked for hid blood checked and his recent reports shows GLucose F 97mg/dl pp 156mg/dl UREA: 169 mg/dl Creatinine 6.62mg/dl Na:132 potassium: 4.5 uric acid 4.0mg/dl cholesterol 100mg/dl calcium 7.8mg/dl phosphorus inorganic 5.9mg/dl tsh 28.88uIU/ml hemoglobin 8.2gm% Total count 8400/cmm Urine R/E Ph acidic Albumin +++ sugar trace M/E RBC 0-2 pus cells 1-3 epithelial cells 0-2 IRON PROFILE Iron 91microgm/dl TIBC 311 microgm/dl Ferritin 362 nanogm/ml IMMUNOLOGY PTH 100.5pg/ml We have planned for the ultrasound and 24hr protein and Creatinine Clearance He is completely asymptomatic no nausea vomiting his urine input output charting is normal we are still under investigation wat do you think do we need to investigate more ? Do prostate also have any role in the above mentioned values? please tell me the best possible investigations that could be done i am from nepal but recently i am in japan so please tell me the best possible management for him as i would like to do every possible thing available . thank you [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Kasthu CIA. Ramro ?.. As a Urologist, let me advise you, that your fathers Diabetic Nephropathy has increased from 1.9 creatinine, to 6.62. He has anemia, Hb of 8.2gm/ml, with luminaria (urine-alb:3+). Now, his HbA1C, is not done. But other reports are as expected. But treatment taken at present isn't mentioned to give you proper advice. You can reply to me with the reports of US scan, and 24 hours protein and Cr.clearance. It should show proteinuria as expected. Dietary advice is important. You may contact me with all reports, as a direct question. Chat Doctor. Manga.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i am a 30 yr old female pulse rate is 79 blood pressure is 125/70 family history of heart disease. (grandmother on fathers side had 6 heart attacks last one large. my father had 2 heart attacks 1 when he was 41 then 11 months later the second which killed him) i was on duromine and had tachycardia my rate went up to 125 and blood pressure was up and had some palpitations which did not show up on ecg just wondering if i should wear a monitor for 24 hours. had blood test recently and my cholesterol is up. [|AI|] Hello, Based on your family medical history, which gives you a higher risk for possible cardiac problems, I recommend you to do cardiac sonography and a cardiac stress test to see if everything is ok. You should keep in contact with a cardiologist. I don't think that an ECG Holder monitoring is important from what you are writing. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband has 3 dark purple veins on his scrotem and what appears to be a spot by one of them. They have been there quite a while and sometimes are uncomfortable but not painful. The spot is on the left side and gets caught in his underwear and can occasionally feel achey. Should we be worried. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on your statement I would say that your husband has three prominent superficial veins on scrotal sac, These are dilated, prominent superficial veins over scrotal skin and nothing to be worried about it . He should use soft inner wares or soft pads over scrotal sac before putting on inner wares. These are harmless and there is nothing to be worried about it. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m 51 a female who had to work in a car parts factory I was having to lift 20 to 50 lbs. every 30 to 45 minutes to make the car parts. My problem is the muscles between my right scapula and spine seem to go numb and feel like they go to sleep. should I be worried? [|AI|] Hello thank you for writing us here. It's because of fatigued muscles. You should message your back and take some rest. Avoid lifting things for a week to 10 days or so and see if the symptoms have any improvement. The symptoms are more likely to improve but in case it doesn't, you should go for a checkup and investigations should be done including X-ray of your spine and CBC along with the neuromuscular examination. God bless you Best regards, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m ten weeks pregnant . Unfortunately a gallstone is also growing along with my baby. The right upper abdomen pain is severe now. My doctor advised to choose which is important to me, either stone or baby. I m afraid. I need my baby in addition to get rid of the stone. I m coward even to take injection. Is there any medical advice with out surgery that should not harm my baby. If necessary I ll be ready to surgery (which one is best for me) that must protect my baby. Pl suggest. [|AI|] Hello, You can solve this problem by the following solution. You will undergo surgery for cholecystectomy, but this should take place in the second trimester (i.e. after the 13th week). For now, you must follow a conservative treatment plan as follows:- No eating + intravenous fluid administration.- Administration of an analgesic.- Administration of antibiotics that are safe for use during pregnancy. After the pain subsides and inflammation resolves, you will be allowed to have a normal diet. The above steps should be done under medical supervision by your doctor. If you need more help, please visit:
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am working in night shifts and my intake of water is less. At present i am suffering from typhoid fever and i am suffering from constipation too can i take Cremadiet. I am scare because as it is fibre content the person who is suffering from typhoid can take or not please suggest. [|AI|] Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I have read your query in detail. Furthermore, I understand your concern. Typhoid fever is very high in fever. You might have got Tidal Positive. That has no significance. Only its rising liters are significant. So, give details about your fever and also attach the reports. For constipation, you can take high fiber diet. Take medicines if it doesn't respond to dietary changes. This is my best opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please. Stay Healthy. ChatDoctor, MD
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] once i had a fit/seizure ibecame faint for 10 minutes and felt weakness at that time. doctor gave me eption 300er dose once daily for six months. my problem is that i am having its side effects of rashes red round small spots causing itching. iwant to reduce its doses and finally want to quit it. please advise me. [|AI|] If you're having red rashes with itching, it can be 1) allergic reaction to some Chat Doctor. Even you have already been on option for last 6 months without any reaction, still there is chance of allergic reaction to option. You should consult dermatologist. If dermatologist conclude it to be allergic rash and if you're not taking any medication other than option, you should stop option and switch on another antiepileptic medicine (Better to avoid carbamazepine, phenobarbital also as they have some common properties as with option in causing allergic reaction).
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Is there another way to determine a pregnancy test without going in to a clinic? I took an hpt and it is negative. I started with this bulge above my mons pubis then it seemed to disappear, but now I have a hardening in my middle about my belly button. Not certain if it is a pregnancy or something I should be concerned with. Currently, medically uninsured. [|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. An over-the-counter, home pregnancy test is over 99% accurate when performed correctly after a missed menstrual cycle. Therefore, you really do not need to see a physician to confirm the negative pregnancy test, as the ones in the doctor's office are just as accurate. Your uterus does not enlarge the level you can actually feel it abdominal until you are at least 3 to 4 months gestation. So if you are feeling an abdominal bulge, this is definitely not due to pregnancy. There are other things that may be gynecologic that can enlarge your uterus, and a GUN doctor would be able to diagnose these problems. However, in your case, if you feel a bulge in your upper abdomen, there is a possibility that your intestines can also be a source of the bulge you feel. So in summary, I think you can count on the result of your pregnancy test but if at all possible, it would be helpful to get a medical physical from a general physician to make sure that there isn't anything concerning going on. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My name is chhotelal Gupta. i am 24 years old. i AM Software Engineer. Some months my memory has come down Who does not remember anything. and 2 years, I sometimes HEAD pain remains.I also have a pair of -0.5 glass. but i wear sometime because 4 to 5 hours and 2 days later I head and Eye hurts after wearing. PLEASE give SOME BEST Suggestion TO INCREASE my Brain memory POWER AND REDUCE MY STRESS. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The brain never gets full. You start learning from the day you are born and it continue until you die. Throughout these period brain accumulates and stores information. This information always stays there. Remembering is recollection of what is stored. This is not easy. The more you recite, the more you remember. Your remember recent events most. You remember vivid and interesting events most. Furthermore, you remember images and videos most. The best method to remember and recall maximum is to remove stress and anxiety from your life. Clear thinking can give good recollection capacity. Practice meditation. If you are interested in more information in this regard, you may post a direct query for me. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my two year old is complaining of stomach ache and had hard pale yellow stool, shes not been eating or drinking well,I took her the doctor yesterday and was told she had a food allergy we r still waiting on the blood test cause along with the above symptoms she had hives earlier, so is the pain in stomach and pale stool all part of allergy? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Even hepatitis may be associated with lack of appetite and change in the color of the stool. Are the eye of the child looking yellow? Did your doctor order investigations like liver function tests including GOT, SEPT, Serum bilirubin etc. These investigations may help to identify if hepatitis is present or not. Further investigations may be required to identify the cause of hepatitis. Continue to ask further queries as required. Hope this helps. Take care. Chat Doctor. D.(Pediatrics)Associate Professor of Pediatrics
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query 17 monthold daughter has been to the doctors 8/9 times since september of which 4 times has had antibiotic with no cure!!! been to hospital had xray they said her lungs are clear!! im so worried please is there anymore i can do!!! [|AI|] Hello, Kindly elaborate your problem. Was she admitted to the hospital due to respiratory tract infection? If yes, then please provide a detailed history like is there any history of allergy or asthma in the family? How many times she has been given oxygen in the hospital? Was she delivered vaginally or through c-section? Was she admitted ever in NICU or given oxygen? I would recommend starting home remedies like one teaspoon honey in lukewarm water daily especially when having a cough and cold. Avoid cold Chat Doctor. Start montelukast sachet once at night for two months at least along with some good anti-allergic if there is a family history of allergies and asthma. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In the past 6 weeks I have been hospitalized for sudden spikes in my blood pressure. I get terrible headaches with them and so far my doctors are not able to tell me why this is happening. The last time it happened was last week and it spiked the highest ever, 198/108. After this last time it took about a day for it to come back to within a normal range. My doctors are stumped and so am I because this doesn t happen on an everyday basis and nothing seems to be in common with them other than the headache. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. My dear friend, first important thing is that you should take you antihypertensive(blood pressure medicines) regularly and as advised by your treating doctor. Headache and dizziness is very common in high blood pressure patients. I advise you ask your doctor(if he/she did not do same) for 24-hour urinary catecholamines and metanephrines to rule out pheochromocytoma. Because such type symptoms are very common in pheochromocytoma. Thanx for query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up in a hot sweat with a stomach pain so I went to the toilet. After a few minutes I began to vomit repeatedly and got diarrhoea. I then began to heat up profoundly and started to shake. I tried to make my way to the shower and must have collapsed as I woke up about 30 mins later on the floor. I have had a similar experience once before about two years ago. It is also worth noting that I am on my period although I never usually have any problems with this and throughout today I have been sick and to the toilet numerous times. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting a query, I understand that your periods are going on right now, and you are having these sudden onset pain in abdomen with sweats and diarrhea and vomiting. The most common possibility is that you are having a gastroenteritis or a gastritis, and you are also having a low blood pressure cause of volume loss and that has led to your fainting spell. You should immediately visit the ER and get your BP checked and if its low then some IV fluids should do good to you. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Not sure how many doctors are familiar with Reiki . When I had my first attunement my teacher let us know our bodies would be going through changes. Some of us had emotional changes, some changed their diets to suite their bodies changing needs, I however have become very sensitive to many things. I have terrible skin reactions to most chemicals , exposures to metals, a label of a snapple bottle touching the skin of the arm, and even things that are hypo allergenic or designed for sensitive skin . (Triple antibiotic ointments and other commonly used products) I cannot eat red meat anymore, something I enjoyed as I now have severe migraines even with the smallest of portions. The smell of cooked meat is unbearable whereas before I had no problem with it. I can still eat fish and fowl, but have noticed my sense of taste is not as strong as it used to be, and have had strong chocolates without being able to taste them. I have been on so many antibiotics in the first year since the changes they are no longer effective. My doctor asked to have blood work to find the cause of the severe rashes (they covered from my abdomen to my neck, my ears, and my arms. The whole left side of my back, and from my hip to my knee on one side of my body at different times, always in large areas.) I tested negative for diabetes, and negative for HIV. I was told the only thing notable was that a small part of my thyroid left in me after surgery had formed nine cold masses around it, and that my liver levels were slightly elevated. (Was on seizure medicine for many years which stimulated the liver, no longer taking medication). My thyroid levels were normal. I am at a loss of the cause of the rashes, and intolerance to foods I used to be able to eat. Each doctor I have seen just tells me, dont eat that anymore, dont use neosporin, and dont touch the labels of bottles, or dont wear jewelry. I feel disheartened knowing I will get the same shrug and very specific restriction from the latest thing I came into contact with instead of someone telling me where the common thread is and how further reactions can be prevented. [|AI|] Hi dear tranceaiglatson thanks for the query after going through your query as per my knowledge your body is showing reaction may be known as idiosyncrasy (this is individual hypersensitiveness as to Chat Doctor. .homeopathic remedy will take you to your original constitution. The homeopathic physician will have to give you right constitutional minimum which can be given to you by only a homeopath who is expert classical homeopath practicing as per laws of homeopathy remember homeopathy will consider all your physical, mental symptoms and all your past medical history your likes and dislikes, and your sensitivities' homeopathy will act on immune system and will cure this hypersensitive response hope for best
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor i am male suffering from leg pain can you please suggest some good treatment for the same. [|AI|] Hello, Treatment depends upon the cause of pain. Is it muscular or skeletal or neurological or vascular or functional to be confirmed by history and examination? You may use tablet Tramadol with Paracetamol twice a day for five days. If symptoms not improved please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a rash on my outer thighs that becomes very itchy during the night. I put lotion on that helped for a few nights than it stopped working. I went to a dermatologist with the VA and they gave me some ointment to put on it. That worked for a few days and now has stopped. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, You might have developed fungal infection. Please get a KOH mount done, This can confirm the fungal etiology. Treatment can be with oral antifungals as well as with topical antifungals. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hii doctor sir i had so much piple on my face in 2011 but i did nt do any treatment tht time but frm 4 month of using alovera in home my pimple is 85% clean now i have very small on face and some scars and i thought if using alovera reduce 85% of pimple in 3 mnth thn the balance cn be reduce in 1 or 2 month whts ur suggestion sir i dnt eatoily food,non vegetable,sweet,icecream,resturant food and home oily food also i dnt eat vegetable tht is make with masalas and oil i eat this by boiling i totally tk care my skin from sun,dring 4 to 5 ltr of water i m 53 kg,17 years,5.4 height. [|AI|] Hello. Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for writing to us. Pimples are normally seen in teenage. As you have mentioned your pimples have reduced considerably after using algebra, and you do not expose your skin to sun or eat any oily food, continue applying the same. Tips to reduce Pimples. -Clean your skin gently with a mild, non Chat Doctor. -Wash once or twice a day, do not wash more than thrice as it
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell and hit my head a week ago huge lump formed took a couple of days to go down as it was going down I noticed my whole right side of my head was hurting from the my neck to my ear anyways as its been a week now I m feeling around and noticed it feels almost tingly when I touch it the is a very small bump and maby an indent I wanna say its a weird bump like its like stretched out or something I slipped on hard wood hit it on the part of the cair you sit on ( wood chair)and yes I think I was out for a second because it took me a moment to realize i had hit my head . [|AI|] Hi,Reply-1-Plz give clear demand you intend to get with more detailed info of the lump,2-Mail photograph of the head part-in question, 3-any x-ray or CT done till now-4-Any medical reports of treats taken -if so taken.5-Follow up queries after I study these reports.6-Tb-NSAID-1 BD -5 days till the problem is fixed.7-Waring-Be caring and fast -as its head -a critical organ-brain is at risk. So act fast and report by follow-up queries. Thnks Welcome.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when i get up in morning i have strong urge to have bm with mild upper right abdominal discomfort (under right rib cage). when i do it floats and most of time eventually sinks. if i dont go in morning and wait till the evening it sinks 90% of the time. its also more formed in evening than morning. still formed in morning just softer. but either way i always have to wipe excessively with quite abit on the paper after first wipe and thick. also normally have alot of partially digested vegtable matter in stool. i have had stool tests for parasites and fat. altho fat test was not the 72hr one. also had normal colonoscopy , hida scan, gallblader ultrasound and ct scan of pelvis and abdomin. have gerd and mild gastritis determined after upper endoscopy . my question: is this something to worry about? [|AI|] Hi, you may have irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. This kind of symptomatology may be found in number of gastrointestinal pathology. As almost all imaging are within normal limit any sort of malignancy can be ruled out. Even more detailed history regarding your lifestyle, dietary habit, special type of food intolerance, occupational history to be taken. You should consult a gastroenterologist. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell last Wednesday and hit the inside of my upper arm on the corner of a wood cabinet. As expected, I ended up with a horrible purple and red bruise the size of my fist. However, now there is a welt about the size of a quarter under the skin of the impact site that is extremely tender. Do I keep applying ice and heat? Can I wrap it lightly during the day so that it does not directly rub on my side? [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. I think you have developed collection of blood under the skin. It is called hematoma. It is very painful and needs to be treated. Furthermore, it would be better if you get x-ray of the hand also as some time it can be a hairline fracture. You should apply hot water fomentation and take Broken tablet if pain is there. Also, you can apply compression bandage. I hope this answer will be useful to you. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was recently admitted to hospital for severe pain in my midriff area blood tests showed my liver enzymes were 325. I then had blood gasses taken and an EUS scan done which revealed my gall bladder was inflamed and full of sludge. I had gall bladder removal a couple of weeks later I had more blood tests done recently which showed my enzyme level is now 137 just slightly elvetate and also Alk Phos slightly elevated. I had previously not had any alchol for two months to this episode and was also on a low fat diet. I have now not had any alcohol for five months. I am going on holiday soon and would like to know if I will be O.K. to have a drink. If I cant it is no big deal. Thankyou Maisee [|AI|] Hello Mr Maisie, I must congratulate you on your abstinence of seven months duration. Not a lot of people would be able to do that. Looking at your lab results, I would say that you had a bit of sludge travel down to your bile duct as well causing blockage of the bile but (raised ALK Pros). This could have potentially injured your liver cells as well, causing increase in the level of your liver enzymes. Your most recent set of labs does show that the liver injury seems to be resolving quiet well. As a doctor I would strongly advise you against Chat Doctor. But since you are going on vacation, a couple of beers wouldn't hurt. Hope you enjoy your vacation, and please do not hesitate to contact me for further queries -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello me and my wife had a baby whom she miscarried, however we have over time tried to get another baby and failed, last month a prolactin homone level was carried out and it was 3600 ml/u and the last one we had was 15.3ng/l after treatment 0.5mg of a certain drug given to us, what could be the problem should we try again shall we be able to get a baby [|AI|] Hi, I think you can try with some medicines. Your wife can take some medicines like camphene for the growth of her follicles and track the follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, injection will be given to rupture the follicles. Be in contact with your wife for next 2 to 3 days. Progesterone will be given for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had mitral valve repair done 1.5 years ago. Initial symptoms were elevated heart rate with minimal exertion. Dx with severe mitral regurgitation. Surgery was successful. Recovery went well for several weeks, then the symptoms of elevated heart rate minimal activities has come back. Lately symptoms beside elevated HR include fatigue, chest tightness/flutter feeling, leg pain climbing stairs. Recent holter monitor showed highest HR 143 with minimal activity, echocardiogram normal, EF 50%. My resting heart rate is good 60-70, 40 when sleeping. Have been given betablockers which lowered my bp, dizziness. No further answers or treament. Also have rate induced LBBB. [|AI|] these complains could be a presentation of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia, or arrhythmias, which are often common with progressed mitral reg urge, and after surgery. Rhythm assessment is very important for us to discuss on such problem, which seems missing here. Your resting heart rate appears to be in good range, the reason for your palpitations on slight exertion could be arrhythmias (which engraves due to tacky induced LBBB). I recommend thorough holder review, or use of event recorder, to further guide your treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. I am a 64 y.o. Female taking Zithromax antibiotics on day 4 - one pill left. The growth seen in my mouth and throat have decreased (kind of like the round distance colonies spread to cover upper mouth and Individual colonies we significantly reduced -- until this morning. There are now new individual colonies forming ( to a lesser extend) in the mouth mostly toward the tonsils with some closer to the mouth.I am also taking Nortriotyline for a concussion (headaches daily) 3/30/2017. ( from a headache specialist in SF). I still have many symptoms seemingly related more to the infection - very sore throat. red throat, tired Headache ( feels like sinus area). It always feels like something is stuck just below my throat- Should I wait til tomorrow Sunday & got to urgent care? [|AI|] Hello dearWelcome to Chat Doctor family. I have gone through your concern in depth.@ This is most probably adenoid enlargement following upper respiratory infection.@ Recommendations for better recovery $ Continue your current dose of antibiotic as per guidance. $ Additional intake of ibuprofen will help to relieve faster. $ Gargles with salted lukewarm water added peppermint oil 3 times a day will help for sure. $ Avoid oily, spicy, chilled beverages, cold Chat Doctor. $ Refrain from smoking or alcohol if using. Hope this will help you. Always feel free to ask further doubts. Thanks for kind evaluation of my answer. Regards dear take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is having a sharp pain behind his right ear radiation down his neck. It only last a few seconds than goes away. He has had his blood pressure checked recently and everything checks out. He is very healthy otherwise. Exercises and eats right. Watches his weight. He is 58. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Sharp shooting pain in the head and neck region lasting for few seconds is a common symptom on neuralgia of nerves supplying the region. There are nerves having branches that innervate the skin in the head and neck region including the back of the ear. Once such nerve is the trigeminal nerve. It arises from the brain stem and then goes to a relay center called ganglion. From there the nerves branch out to supply different areas. It is possible that a branch of the nerve supplying the area behind the ear and the neck are irritated at some place and causing the sharp pain. Please have him seen by a neurologist and his condition confirmed. Treatment is by medication in most patients. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor . am vinodhini from tamilnadu .i am 21 years old doing my final year B.E. am using this skinlight cream for an year. i had good results. but now i have problems in my skin like red spots on my face. is it due to allergy or anythingelse? on account of my work i have to hang out in sunlight for long time. am afraid . please give a solution. [|AI|] Hired spots on the face can be due to various causes.1. Allergic reactions to medication/other agents2. Solar allergy 3.systemic causes4.some infections/inflation In your cases the more likely cause is the allergic reaction. Please discontinue your cream for few days, take some antihistamines tablets like Allegra 120 mg for few days, also take care of the sun by using some other sun blocking agents. If still not right, please consult your doctor. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, am currently using eso -kit medication and am having terrible headaches,and feeling like vomiting, am really coughing alot especially at night and its like a cough that is triggered by all this part of the side effects from taking eso kit. [|AI|] Hi1.nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;2.headache;3.vaginal itching or discharge;4.unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth; or "hairy" tongue are some side effects of the kit. Severe cough if still persisting, should be investigated.In case of Chat Doctor. In case of cough with sputum, antibiotics should be taken. Chest X-ray may be required in chronic cough. Hope that was helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 22 years old...healthy and fit... I can run 1-1.5 miles in a single stretch per day.....I went for pre-employment medical check-ups & found that my BP was 145/95( Fasting overnight about 12hrs)...So they said they will take another reading few hours later.. It was still high.. my kidney sonography is absolutely normal....I am awaiting RFT results....Few hours prior to giving blood sample for RFT i consumed potato wafers as nothing else was available in the vicinity of the hospital..will it affect the outcome of RFT??? [|AI|] Hi, first regarding your BP, we need to find out any secondary cause for hypertension like renal, endocrine, renal artery stenosis cause. You are required to do some basic investigations like renal function tests, urine examination, renal Doppler and special blood investigations in consultation with your doctor to look for cause of high BP. potato wafers may not affect RFT much, but beware of high salt containing food. They will increase your BP.take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr., I have been having tailbone pain since January. I was told that it was probably due to Hemorrhoid surgery in Dec. and also in Jan. Now not only am I still having the pain in the coccyx area, but it now hurts to sit on my bottom cheeks, as well as there s a tingling, vibrating sensation that s happening in my most private areas. My question is, what could be the problem, and what type of physician should I make an appointment to see. [|AI|] Starting with a general physician would be the normal way to proceed. Several features of pain can be helpful in clarifying what is going on and the next steps for diagnosis and treatment. Type of pain. Burning mostly means a nerve is having problems. This can be either a sick nerve or a nerve that has had an injury. Electrical, shooting would be others implying nerve source for pain. Location of pain. There is a lot to this. First, if something goes in the pathway of a nerve, then that is the nerve involved. Nerves are long and the pain is in a belt-like long pathway. Smaller areas are smaller nerves. This also tends to say what might be going on. Obviously if there was an injury to the area and then there was pain outward from it "hit a nerve" would be a possibility. Sick nerves are MULTIPLE areas and tends to be the TIPS of the nerve not the whole nerve. So, pinched nerve, base of the spine and that is evaluated by an MRI usually
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HiMy husband (44) has recently had a sperm analysis. He had a vasectomy reversal back in December 2010. His results showed volume: 2.9 ml, density 12 million per ml, motility 35 % and normal forms 4%. He has quit smoking and is taking a zinc supplement. I have normal cycles and am diabetic HBA1C- 6.3. What are our chances of conceiving or increasing my husbands semen count further? His first count three months after the reversal was 0.6 million so we have seen fair progression already. However, we are desperate to conceive. Thanks in advance. [|AI|] helloThanks for query. Recent semen analysis of your husband after vasectomy reversal is reported to be 12 millions per ml. It is very difficult to predict possibility of conception with sperm count of 12 million/ml though sperm motility is within accepted range for effective fertilization of female egg to result in pregnancy. Truly speaking there are no medications proved to be scientifically effective to increase sperm count.However, Following measure will help to increase sperm count to some extent. 1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning. 2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc 3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 everyday4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. I would suggest you to consult qualified Infertility specialist and explore possibility of pregnancy with the help of newly assisted reproductive techniques like IVF or CSI. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dad has stomoch cancer stage 4 he has extreme thirst and is vomiting blood , plus blood also present in stools, he has not eaten for two weeks, says he has a full feeling all the time and stomoch feels like it has a ball inside him, doctors have decided that treatment is not an option, what should we expect [|AI|] Hi. It's very sad to hear about your fathers' disease. Stage 4 stomach cancer has a very poor prognosis and limited survival. A good oncologist should know when not to treat. The decision is based upon the extent and stage of disease, age of patient, patients performance status, comorbid and expected survival. I am sure your oncologist must have considered all these issues. Expected survival in stage 4 cancer without treatment is few weeks to 2 to 3 months. I hope your question has been answered. If you have any further questions I will be happy to answer. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Do you think it is possible for a 60 year old man who has congestive heart failure and Bronchiactasis to undergo a heart transplant? His doctors are saying it cant be done because of the damaged lungs. (30 years ago he had lung cancer and the radiation caused this.) [|AI|] Hi Thereafter going through your query I understand your concern. I would like to tell you that, yes the doctors are right as heart transplant can't be done in patients with any type of chronic lung disease such as bronchiectasis because during a heart transplant patient has to be kept on a heart lung machine which requires healthy and properly functioning lungs. So he cants undergo heart transplantation and has to be managed with optimal medical therapy. Hope to have been helpful. Kind Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i m devi. i have thyroid problem past one year. still i m taking thyronorm tablet 50mg per day. i delivered a baby last year. nw he is 1 year old. still i am giving breast milk. what the problem is, for the 5 months i have severe hair loss. i am taking combofit multivitamin tablet daily also. but still i have the problem. is there any prblem in my health or its normal? [|AI|] Hello, It is quite normal to shed hair postpartum as the effect of estrogen on hair wanes off. Other factors that may be contributing to your hair loss is nutritional deficiency. Therefore, I suggest you take a balanced nutritious diet rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins along with a hair vitamin supplement e.g. tablet Reviles which is oral biotin and is good for hair. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. , Dermatologist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! How are u.. I am 26 weeks and 5 days pregnant. On our 20 week ultrasound they found a small white spot on the heart. On the 26 week ultrasound they found that the spot was a little smaller however there was some fluid around the heart as well as a slight echogenic bowel. The quad screen and the fetal cell free DNA maternity21 test all were clear. What should we do and what are we likely facing? [|AI|] Hi there,The cell free Fetal DNA being clear for Downs is a very good sign. It is almost certain that your baby does not have Downs syn Chat Doctor. White spot or echogenic focus in heart is not a very significant finding and not considered as an indication for further testing. The echogenic bowel though could be an indication of various conditions, like cystic fibrosis, Intrauterine growth retardation, viral infection. Do you or your husband have any family history of cystic fibrosis? Regular growth scans to see the growth parameters of this baby will be required through the remainder of your pregnancy. Maternal blood to rule out TORCH infections, and Part virus B 19 is also required. For the fluid around fetal heart please get a fetal 2D echo done to rule out any significant heart abnormality. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had unprotected sex on June 15th, I had a period starting July 3rd but I have been experiencing symptoms of pregnancy. I have also been experiencing this white discharge that has no smell and it does not burn or itch and is only visible in the morning and before I go to bed. There have been cases of pregnancy with a full period in my family. Is it possible that I m pregnant. [|AI|] Hi, Chat Doctor. I welcome you to Chat Doctor VIRTUAL CLINIC. I have gone through your question, and I think I have understood your concern. Furthermore, I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. In a woman with a regular cycle, day 10 to 20 of the cycle is the most fertile period of cycle. Having unprotected sex in this period, increases the risk of getting pregnant. Day of unprotected sex act that you are saying falls before that. So chance of getting pregnant are less. Secondly, as you have got your periods, it certainly shows that you are not pregnant. The vaginal discharge you are experiencing can be physiological. If you are in doubt please do urine pregnancy test on mornings first sample of urine. I will suggest you to keep the private parts clean and
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 2 year old boy vomited yesterday for a while with fever of 101.7...after a few hours up and about and feeling like normal a dose of tylenol last night. Seemed okay all of today, but recently started vomiting again with a fever or 96.6 under the arm. Is this normal? [|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorIt seems that your child has viral gastritis. I understand your concerns. Armpit temperature less than 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit is perfectly within normal range. You can take the following measures to help him:1. In case of fever episodes, give him Spy Acetaminophen along with sponging.2. Start an antacid such as Sup. Di gene or lansoprazole dispensable tablets(Landon junior) for gastritis.3. Spy. Risperidone or ondansetron will be of help to relieve vomiting episodes.4. Keep him well HY Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, sir i am 41, i masturbation 4 or 5 or less times a year But this last 6 month i had Testicle sweating when i go to Doctor she prescribe me Daktacort cream, when start using after 1week my right start sweeling and pain, after this i go back to clinic and i had Ultrasound , the result is Epididmiys and still i didnt get any medication til now , i havent had sex But when i masturbat its become wars so , what it can be the reason the , i am afraid the cream may it can Damage my Ferility, Thanks [|AI|] Hello, As per your history, it may be due to epididymitis. For further assessment you may require complete hologram, urinalysis, ultrasound scrotum after physician consultation. For that you may require broad spectrum antibiotics like definite after consultation. For pain, you can take tablet acetaminophen. Use scrotum support. Avoid strenuous activity. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband is in depression for last 5-6 years on account of lost of job.. at present he is at home and refuse to meet people in social life. in his depression he is being aggressive to our only 13 years old son every time and keeps on either beating or scolding. life has became unbearable how to handle this situation ? any medicine to cool down his mood? [|AI|] Hi, I can understand the distress you might be facing due to your husbands problems. Depression can be a very distressing illness not only for the patient but also for people around him, especially for those who are involved in his care. I would suggest you seek a psychiatric consultation for your husband. Current lot of anti-depressants like Escitalopram sertraline, venlafaxine are effective options for depression. They do take time for showing their effect, and you will have to be patient about it. But they will definitely help in controlling depression and will help your husband face life in a more effective way. Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] As an athletic 57 year old, I play competitive tennis 4 days a week and I run 3 days a week about 3 miles. Within the last 3 days I ve had ear pain ( throbbing ) and lightheadness on and off during the day.. My doc cleared out the ear wax but it didn t help. It just pulsates with pressure. Today I played tennis and had shortness of breath by the end of the hour. Could this all be due to allergies to pollen? The pollen is high here in Dallas. I played tennis yesterday and was fine. I also took 2 Mucinex tablets before I went to play today. Could that cause a shortness of breath? No stuffy nose but headache pressure and ear pressure. Help, Becki [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The headache pressure and ear pressure may indicate that you have a sinus congestion (which can be caused by pollen) and possibly an ear infection. The use of anti histamines, decongestants and possibly medication for an ear infection, if present, may be needed. Mucinex is not known to cause shortness of breath. If this associated with chest pain, palpitations, then you may need to see your doctor. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I am an eczema patient and i have this since i was 2. I am currently 15 years old. My height is 5.5ft and weight is 65 kilograms. I would like to know if there is any way that my eczema would go away or a way to reduce it a lot currently. If my eczema would go, by what age would it? My doctors here told me it would go by the age of 14 - 15 but I dont see any signs of this disappearing. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor....YOU SAID YOU SUFFER FROM ECZEMA... I think you may be having atomic diaeresis. Eczema may the presentation of atop. There may be some allergen responsible for eczema. Contact ants like house dust, housedust mite, pollens, grass,dog dancers, soap,detergent, perfume, wool.etc. may be considered as allergen. You consult dermatologist to have firm diagnosis. I would suggest as below.- application of steroid cream or tacrolimus point- antihistamines- steroids in tampering dose- antibiotics if needed- intradermal triamcinolone 10 mg injection-avoidance of contact of suspected allergensHave patience for the good result. Take long term treatment. I hope this would help you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi im weng from philippines, 39 years old 150lbs and 53 in height,my query is,i have a round thick scaly thing or rash in the buttocks first then now i have in my back and my legs but this round rash become pink after a few days and its not itchy,what is this thing? [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for writing to us at Chat Doctor I will keep a possibility of Psoriasis Vulgarism. Psoriatic patches are red, well-defined and scaly. Scaling is white or gray, thick, candle wax type. The patches are classically distributed over extensors like back, elbow, knee. Itching is subjective. The diagnosis of psoriasis is usually obvious on clinical examination. Rarely a biopsy may be required to confirm a diagnosis. I suggest you to visit a dermatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis as well as appropriate treatment. Moisturizers are an essential part of treatment of psoriasis. Specific treatment of limited skin involvement with psoriasis is with potent topical steroids e.g. clobetasol propionate, clobetasol propionate and topical vitamin D analogues e.g. calcitriol and calcitriol. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am having a pain lower jaw after doing yoga is it a dental pain or muscle pull due to streching [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, As you mentioned, usually yoga cannot cause any kind of jaw pain. This can be occurred due to-Muscle stretching/twitching during exercises. Dental infections underlying. An x-ray of the area will help to evaluate the cause of jaw-ache. Usually associated causes can be-Pericoronitis due to impacted wisdom teeth. Deep dental caries progressed into periapical area. Periodontal infection. Traumatic injury due to fracture of jaws. Please do visit a dentist and get further treatments based on the clinical examination. Meanwhile, maintain good oral hygiene. Avoid heavy exercises which can harm your physical health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir , o am facing pain in middle portion of stomach with burning sensation , in upeer abdomen , i am in medication for long time , more than a year , have done endoscopy also , report was fine , i am fearing that as bcz the pain and burning sensation in my stomach is still thr , can it lead to cancer , what is your advice , i have done endoscopy before an year ago [|AI|] Hi thanks for your question.You are having pain abdomen and burning sensation. These are symptoms of acid peptic disease(APD). You had endoscopy one year back. What was your H Pylori status?(it is a bacterial infection of stomach picked up during endoscopy and is responsible for APD). Antibiotics itself can lead to gastritis (inflammation of stomach).APD usually don't lead to cancer. I would suggest you to consult nearby physician and get your H Pylori status checked by repeat upper G i endoscopy. You may need treatment for H Pylori eradication (if present) and gastritis. You should avoid other causes of APD like cigarette smoking, alcohol,spicy food and Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sick since 14 started with repeated infections now 54 Diagnosed and undiagnosed with Lyme, MS, CFIDS etc. Bedridden about every 4-5 years for 6 months to 3 years. Recently added new symptoms of not being able to eat or drink without spasms in throat causing tightness and severe choking this was finally resolved after 48 days of no eating by the drug Librax/clidinium. I also have been having seizure like spells that look like grand Mal and include inability to move or talk afterwards. The now occur daily for up to an hour and start with extreme shortness of breath and nausea then some shaking and often progress to Grand mal looking spell. Also have new RA like symptoms in finger joints for last 3 weeks Any thoughts? I am considering going to Mayo clinic to get a diagnosis. Any ideas? [|AI|] HIIT maybe some immunodeficiency. Complete blood count and immunoglobulin levels can be done to find immunodeficiency. If immunodeficiency is there, then absolute precautions must be taken to avoid any infections. Chat Doctor. Also avoid unnecessary antibiotics unless really necessary and life-saving. The joint issues and brain issues may be coming from some lung infection. Kindly get re-checked for it. Hope it helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello!! i m of age 23 and my height is 5 4 and my weigh is 40kg.. i want to tell u that at the age of 21 i had suffered from TB got glands in small intestine and had got water in lower abdomen ,but i gone through my doct,and had cured from that disease at the correct time and now i m healthy..i want to know that i m getting married so could i be able to conceive after curing from disease? [|AI|] Yes you can conceive even though you suffered from intestinal TB and now that it is cured there should not be a problem. There might be difficulty in conceiving because of the altered anatomy due to fibrosis and adhesions caused by TB in the abdomen, so might need help in conceiving in the form of follicular study so that you can know when exactly you ovulate so that you can time your relationship, otherwise there should not be much of a problem.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 28 year old male. I ve been noticing a dull pain in my pubic region. Upon inspection I noticed that it seems like the right side of my pubis mound is swollen. When I inspect it with my fingers I am able to feel something deep under the skin; it feels similar to feeling swollen saliva glands when I ve got a cold, however sometimes I can t feel anything. On the left side I connot feel anything like this. When I am able to feel it with my fingers it feels kind of spongy. The dull pain is pretty constant even during those times when I can t feel the swollen gland with my fingers. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have pain in the pubic region. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like endometriosis, muscle spasms, inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted, fibroid, irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. I would suggest you to also consult gastroenterology for proper examination. Doctor may order endoscopy along with stool test. Doctor may prescribe
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have multiple rashes on my body and they are not hives, the look like shingles but dont hurt at all. I first noticed them a week ago on my bottom; I did not pay attention to it because I thought that it was only a heat rash but tonight I noticed that it has spread and worsen, and also is now on both of my arms; What could this rash be? [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorSuch kind of rashes is more common in viral infection Waite for few days if it is viral infection than will go away and if it is not the viral infection then you will have be examined, but before that you can try some anti-allergic medicine and the second generation antihistamine (Levocetrizine) would be best try this I think it will be light no need to worry have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i made a mistake by taking steroids when i was younger. (17) and now i am 21. my testicles are really small and penis. is it possible they may have stopped growing at 17? can i take ChatDoctor to jump start my growth. i cant grow muscle aswell really hard. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been taking steroids since last four years and have noted your testicles to be small, and your growth pattern is slow as compared to your age. Taking exogenous steroids disturbs a pituitary hypothalamus axis which controls the production of Growth hormone and Testosterone This results in to diminished production of indigenous Testosterone causing arrest in growth of the testicles and general growth of muscles and bones. Consult qualified Endocrinologist for examination and hormonal assessment and further treatment. Do not take any hormonal preparations on your own. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My lower jaw is missing 2 teeth (one from each side). Dentist did some work on one of my tooth on upper jaw. Its been couple years. Last 2 months, I had a trauma closed head injury. I hit the top of my head right into a metal door with a high pressure/tension. After that, my head has been hurting really bad, including dizziness, vision blurry, and migraine. Could my upper jaw getting bad due to an accident of closed head injury? CT scan shows negative. As of now, my tooth on upper jaw (right) is hurting, and my right side of forehead is hurting too. Please advise. [|AI|] Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. As per the history posted here I can assure you that, the present symptoms related to your teeth are not related to your head injury. Since your scan shows no symptoms then you can be sure of any such symptoms. You can definitely get an orthopantograph x-ray done. This will show you the condition of your jaw. Rest, it appears that the symptoms are due to decay or gum problems. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im having a fluttering feeling in my chest just under my breast bone to the left.I also sometimes get it in the right side of my neck.I have suffered from anxiety in the past but Im feeling fine at the moment.It mostly happens when Im sitting or lying and Im not active.It only lasts a few seconds.No other symptoms.I had it a few months ago but it went away.Is it just anxiety or should I go to my GP about it? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Possibility of anxiety related symptoms is more likely. But better to rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) because you are having left sided chest fluttering sensations. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia. Consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You will need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hiAt very random points I get a very sharp pain in the back of my head behind my left ear. This just started a couple months ago. It doesnt happen very often but when it does happen its in the same exact spot every time, and doesnt last long at all, but is very sharp. like its there and then it gone. I havent had any head trauma recently so i was wondering what it could be. [|AI|] Hello, You may have a stress reaction with your jaw such as clenching your teeth. This pressure can cause a radiating pain. Damage to teeth, muscles and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) can occur. The condition is known as bruise. There can be many reasons for bruise like stress, misalignment of teeth or problem in TMJ itself. The pain related to TMJ radiate to the entire face and even to head and behind ear. A night or causal guard can help reduce grinding habits. Consider scheduling a visit with your dentist for evaluation. A thorough dental exam with X-rays is recommended. Doctor may also do physical examination by checking movement of TMJ and may also order CT scan of TMJ. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant. For now take ibuprofen for pain. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear All, I had tiredness over the last three months and slight fever once / twice in a month. Last week i had a hight fever and when i went to doctor, after doing the physical examination, Doctor has told that my liver is a little enlarged and suggested blood test along with Liver Function Test. Test results shown that my AST, ALT and GGT levels are two times higher than the normal level. And doctor has suggested to stop animal oils and meat for a while and have give a tablet Livopill once in a day for a month. Now i dont feel fever but feel tiredness and a giddyness. Is there anything to worry or should i change anything in my lifestyle to come back to normal.Regards,Dinesh Sukumar [|AI|] HelloIncreased ALT, GGT and AST with slightly enlarged liver may indicate liver injury, and it may be due to many causes like hepatitis, altered lipid profile, alcoholism,metabolic disorder etc. You may need few more investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, lipid profile, urine RE/ME and ultrasound of abdomen. I suggest taking tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 30 mg twice daily for three months. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. You should avoid alcohol if you take it. You should avoid high fat food like red meat, high fat milk products etc. Take a lot of fibers in your diet. You should increase your physical activity and go for brisk walk regularly. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My father, aged 90, suffers angina. He has been able to control it through taking medications and not walking far, etc. However over the past month he has suffered a couple of attacks during night. I know he is on the maximum medication available. Does this mean his heart is getting worse? He says the pain from last attacked last 2 hours., and then just disappeared. Im worried he may be risking heart attack? Any advice here would be good thanks.. [|AI|] Hello thanks for posting here. Going by you description it looks like he has got unstable angina or critical coronary artery disease. Also since he is on maximum medications for the same. So next step would be ideally an intervention like angiogram followed by angioplasty or surgery. But going by his age I would advise you not to go for any intervention as it will be more of a discomfort to him. Yes, he is at the risk of having a heart attack, which you have to accept. If he was my patient I would keep hi non medical management and would adjust his doses/increase doses if necessary. Wishing him good health thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i have a little lump on my penis under the skin it seems to be on the edge of the sperm shaft and can only be felt when flacid. i also have a red lump on the side of my sack. the lumps are not similar. The lump on my sack is rd and sore. what could these lumps be? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some sexual transmitted disease or some other infection. You should go for examination and take course of antibiotics according to diagnosis. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Father-in-law- 65 years.My Father-in-law was diagonosed Gastric Cancer- stage 3A- a D2 radical gastrectomy was performed- after surgery the staging was Stage 3B- after the pathological final report- it is stage 4. The pathologists report : diagnosis is moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma-stomach, infiltrating the serosa. proximal resected margin and distal resected margin - free.Omentum metastatic deposit. 17/20 lymphnodes show metastatic deposits- pathological stage- T3 N3-stage 4.The doctors are planning chemotherapy wednesday/thursday this week- Me and wife far away from home (foreign country)- please could you give us a prognosis on his survival rate at this staging of the cancer.He is 65 years old and is diabetic, had a MI 2 years ago is fine now (but continues medication) and has an enlarged prostrate. the gastrectomy was done 2 weeks ago. Mr Samuel. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cancer is a challenging diagnosis and the course of disease is directed by treatment. With stage 3A stomach cancer about a third of people (38%) live at least 5 years. With stage 3B about 1 in 6 people (15%) live for more than 5 years. Survival for 5 years after first detection of cancer is a milestone and with the best treatments patients can survive 5 years or more with stage 3 stomach cancer.However, the staging has changed after 17 of 20 lymph nodes show metastasis, and presently it is in stage 4. Unfortunately, about 8 out of 10 (80%) people diagnosed with stomach cancer are stage four, meaning the cancer has already spread when they are diagnosed and this is the case with your father-in-law. Therefore, the survival statistics are lower than for stage 3 stomach cancers. Fewer than 1 in 20 people (5%) live for at least 5 years if they have stage 4 stomach cancer when they are diagnosed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In an neck xray for an accident, the Dr. informed me that I have thickened bones and referred to me a few other Drs. to check out the possibility of prostate cancer. What is the relation and is this a huge concern? I am uninsured and cant afford the costly tests involved. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Prostate cancer is a condition that spreads to bones. Cancers can affect bones in two ways, either there is breakdown or there is excessive calcium deposition. In breakdown the process is called lysis and in deposition of calcium it is called sclerosis. In prostate cancer, there can be sclerosis seen in the bones of the spine usually in the lower back region. However, bones of upper spine can also have sclerosis. I would suggest you to first get a low-cost insurance and then take tests for prostate cancer like ultrasound scan, serum PSA and free PSA values. If there is probability of cancer then further detailed tests are required. Please talk to your doctor to arrange for the tests keeping in mind your ability to pay upfront for the various tests. The tests must be completed within a month, and you can also try and find out healthcare support groups or from your employer if your tests and any treatment can be funded by external resources. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been have lower back pain and sharp stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. I have have the mirena for a little over a year and this is the first time that it has happened too severely. I went to see mt gyno last week and he said I was very sensitive and tender and put me on an antibiotic but didn t explain anything further. Could this be because of the mirena? [|AI|] Hi, Well it could be due to infection, PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease), other gynecological pathology(fibroid, ), renal pathology (renal, ureteric, cystic calculus etc.) GIT pathology (polyp, appendicitis, diverticulitis, Inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, etc.). It could also be due to IUD (IRENA) but with regular use the symptoms decreases only increases with infection or PID. As your gynecologist has clinically reviewed it and diagnosed due to some infection then complete course of antibiotic prescribed. If symptoms persists after treatment or aggravates during treatment then revisit your doctor or take second opinion with X-rays abdomen standing app view, USG whole abdomen (CT scan if required). Hope this will helpful free to ask for any query Thanks n regards Chat Doctor. Com
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Past 4 years my AST,ALT AS+bilirubin have been elevated. Lives scan showed mild diffuse fatty changes. Weight, cholesterol, etc otherwise normal. No treatment was suggested. But every time i do an LFT, the Dr ( go to different clinics/Dr each time), the Dr wants to investigate and its a waste of time because we end up not doing anything at the end of it. [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Fatty liver is a reversible condition in which liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue. This fatty change is caused by various causes, some of them are as follows:1. Alcoholism2. Starvation3. Malnutrition4. Diabetes Mellitus These are just few causes. If you have any of these risk factor, you can avoid it/ or treat it (in case of Diabetes Mellitus). There is no treatment for fatty liver disease but only prevention of the risk factors. Thanks and take care. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I believe I have recently developed a chest cold still early stages yet started having a hard time breathing just tonight. accompanying the pressure and congestion in my chest are chills, and a small fever 99.7 degrees. I was wondering if there were any home remedies to relieve the chest pain and congestion I do have vicks NyQuil and mucinex I am wondering if I should use either of those two over the counter meds or if there was a better remedy for chest pain/congestion/cold thanks in advance [|AI|] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. I would suggest you following things:> Take acetaminophen thrice a day for 5 days.> Take hot water in a cup, add 1 tablespoon salt in it. Perform gargles (mouth wash) with it three times a day for at least 3 days. It will give soothing effect.> Take boiling water in a pot, put your head over the steam and cover whole with a sheet. Take deep breaths in it.(Avoid getting closer else it might cause burn). Do this twice a day.AVOID:> Chilled water> Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there, I had an ultrasound scan as my GP thought that I had kidney stones. The radiologist told me that i had bilateral duplex kidneys. I experience pains around the kidney regions sporadically, and especially in the past few months. Calcium oxalate crystals were found in a urine sample hence why kidney stones were thought to be a possibility. Are the two conditions linked? What are the implications of bilateral duplex kidneys? Thanks, Jennifer [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have bilateral duplex kidney. It means you have duplication of kidney on each side, and you have 4 separate kidneys. They Chat Doctor. However, if you don't have any other problems then no treatment is required. If you have infection of vesicouereteral reflux then treatment is required. Calcium oxalate crystals can be seen normally or associated with kidney stones. So if you have stone on USG then only treatment is required. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up yesterday with a painless lump behind my right ear. This cane a few days after dizziness and a cold. Now the day after. I took my normal.anxiety meds and experienced extreme dizziness and the lump is still there. Could these be related and would a dermatologist be able to determine about the lump? [|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. No ! Possibly these two are not related. The lump could be an inflamed lymph node secondary to the cold you had. I would also suggest you to see your dermatologist to physically examine it your scalp, infection of which could give rise to such lymphadenitis. Till that you can go for an anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I used Neutrogena face wash and moisturizer for the first time and now my eyes and face are swollen. they have been swollen for over 24 hours. my face feels dry, tight and quite itchy. I have never had a reaction like this to any products. I have mild allergies to perfumes and dyes but have never experienced anything this severe. [|AI|] Hello, As you mentioned that you are using this product for the first time and have developed swelling of face and eyes with itch, it is quite clear that you are having a reaction to these products. You should quickly wash you face to clear off any leftover material and consult a physician who would like to start you on some anti histamines. Allergies can be sometimes bad and you shouldn't wait for long. You're having not experienced anything this severe doesn't make you immune to allergies. In fact sometimes the body can react to the products which you have been using for long. It's very unpredictable. Once you are better, never ever use the same product which you reacted to. Hope I am able to solve your concerns. Get well soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ended my period two weeks ago, and started spotting about a week ago. After a day or two, the spotting turned into what a normal period would be for me, and seems to be ending now, two weeks after I finished my normal period. I m on the pill , and my periods have been consistent until now. Also, I ve been having pretty bad tension-like (I think) headaches that begin in the afternoon around 4-6 and get worse as the night progresses. I m wondering if these are related, as I am going through a very stressful time right now, or if it could be something else. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. Stress and strain can alter the hormones by affecting hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis. Which can cause menstrual irregularity like inter-menstrual spotting, bleeding etc. Contraceptive pills can also lead to menstrual irregularities. So now you continue your pills as usual and try to be tension-free. If the same problem repeats in future better to consult doctor once. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I think I have a candida problem, I have seen a nutrionist and had an allergy test, he is sure its candida, Im on a programme now of killing the yeast but occasionly have this awful smell of smoke up my nose when there is not any smoke around is this candida symptom ? [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question i Chat Doctor. There are not any evidence regarding its smoke like symptom feeling. Because you are infected and got panic you might just feel it. But it doesn't cause smoke like smelling. Rather foul smell can present. It is better to complete therapy with antifungal Chat Doctor. So keep your aim to clear fungal infection. Although you have not asked I want to give you suggestion regarding diet for your benefit. In candida coconut oil, garlic,onion, ginger,olive oil, lemon fount to be helpful. The fruit, honey,smoke meat, soya product, alcohol,mushroom is to be avoided. Take proper bath and clean every area of body. I hope my suggestion will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i have been having pains under my arm but it feels like its bruised i think it feels swollen but it moves down. sometimes my whole arm goes numb and tingles only done this few times I have had it for few week now still not going what would it be !? [|AI|] Hi, this type of pain occurs in two or three types of problems 1. Cervical spondylitis involving lower part of the neck bones. 2. pressure on the nerves at the junction of shoulder and neck 3. If you have had an injury to your hand or arm any time before. If there is any change in color/temperature around the area where it pains it will come under third option. If you have sort of giddiness or vertigo along with pain and numbness feeling it comes under first heading and if this pain or discomfort along with arm goes to the outer side of your chest or breast, then it is likely the second one.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I am 28 weeks pregnant and I woke up last night with sharp pains in the lower left side of my chest. The pain comes when I breathe, especially deeper breaths and also when I try to bend forward. I m pretty sure it is not the baby as he has been moving and he sits really low and the pain is still there today. Should I take a trip to the er since it is the weekend or wait it out? I m not really sure what is causing this and at times can be excruciating. Thank you. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having pleural effusion. As pregnancy can be a risk factor for this. And pleural effusion causes pleurisy (inflammation of pleura), this is the reason for pain during coughing, sneezing and deep breathing. So possibility of pleurisy is high. Since you are pregnant, chest x-ray is not recommended. So get done ultrasound examination of thorax to rule out pleural effusion. Ultrasound is safe in pregnancy so no harm in it. If ultrasound is normal than you mostly have musculoskeletal pain. So take good painkiller and muscle relaxant.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor, i am so nervous, my girlfriend and my never had sex, but on friday, we do some adults things, so i put my pennis on her ass, and some presimenial liquid go out, well she takes dixi 35 because she is an irregular , my question is, that if she could be mother or not. [|AI|] I understand your concern and will do my best to answer your question. From what you are describing it is unlikely that she conceived but possible. Taking birth control pills like Dixie 35 offers excellent protection against unintended pregnancy. Using the pill correctly (perfect use) results in only a 1% chance of pregnancy each year. Using condoms if your partner is on the pill is a great idea to avoid infections and adds some degree of added protection against pregnancy. You bring up a good question: women DO get pregnant from pronominal fluid: "pulling out" (as family planning) is far more likely to lead to pregnancy than faithful use of condoms. Women DO get pregnant from having sperm deposited outside the vagina as well. You should always use condoms from the start to the finish of any sexual activity until you are in a stable long-term monogamous relationship with a partner on reliable birth control. I hope that helped and best of luck to you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] end stage renal failure, dyalisis 3xs a week, female 76yrs old.....2nd day of loose bowls, potent smell, just started vomiting, appears to be bile....bp was taken this morning and bsugar...levels normal....concerned that she might dehydrate....what can be given for loose bowls..... [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. Loose stools with potent odor points toward gastrointestinal infection. Probably amoebic type which produces the strong odor. It will be highly advisable to get a stool routine and microscopic study done to find out the exact causative agent. Because she will need antibiotics and anti protozoa agents to get treated. And do not give lots of fluids for fear of deny Chat Doctor. Kindly consult your nephrologist about both the queries. Hope it helps. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i got a lexiscan a month ago and where they put the iv in my wrist area the vein is hard and raised there was burning pain and it traveled up my arm where the elbow is tender and swollen arm and hand couldn t close hand without pain now the doctor gave me an antibiotic and said I have a blood clot that s not deep and poisoning from lexiscan. it still hasn t gone away so now he gave me a shot dex something with a steroid in it my sugar high and he put me on insulin it has been a week the palm of my hand is still swollen the vein is still popped and there is still burning and now the elbow on the side is sore again have pain and burning. [|AI|] Dear patient you have a condition called superficial phlebitis which is a rare complication of an IV line placement. Steroid injection is generally not recommended in such cases. The treatment is1) Aspirin 75 mg once a day to prevent further and deep clot formation2) Ibuprofen 800 mg twice a day for the pain and swelling3) Heparin gel at the area4) Arista injection to break the clot# Please be advised that point 1 cannot be taken with points 3 or 4 as it can lead to internal bleedingGenerally Arista is given followed by Aspirin after 2 weeks5) Hot fomentation and/ or compression bandages hope it helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dearm dr my dughter harir losted, her doctor prescribed minoxin and her hair growing and she is 12 years old, what is exatly dosage can i give and how long she will take just about 3 months and hair become well. so i need your advice abdulqadir abdinur barre from somalia [|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, let me tell you something that "Minoxidil" may not be use in this age group of 12 years, but underlying cause of hair fall need to be found out and in my opinion this could be pedicurists or fungal infection so rule out this and if found something like this then try to treat this but "Monoxide is questionable, hope this information helps, take care and have a nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I live with my sister who is 59 and mentally handicapped. She has lived alone for a longtime and will not go to a doctor. I m noticing she has an occasional hacking cough and her skin looks yellow. Her eating habits are terrible but she will only eat what she feels like eating. She s about 4 10 and maybe 90lbs. Got any ideas? I can t force her to go to either a doctor or a dentist. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Yellow discoloration of skin can be due to jaundice. It is because of high bilirubin (pigment), which accumulate in skin and gives yellow tinge to it. Bilirubin is raised mostly in liver diseases. So get done liver function test to rule out jaundice. Hacking cough can be due to lung infection, so chest x-ray is needed to rule out this. So for diagnosis ABD treatment you have to take her to the doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 33 yr old male and have suffered from back pain for 2 yrs. MRI shows I have a ruptured disc L4-L5 with the disc membrane in the spinal canal. I started developing spasms in both calves. What happens if I do not have surgery? Will the disc eventually dissolve and I can be pain free? I am 6 ft tall and weigh 160 and injured back doing mixed martial arts.Thank you [|AI|] Hello, Spasm is not due to disc but due to lack of salt and calcium. You need to take vitamin D 60000 unit on weekly basis. For disc, it does not dissolve, but pain may decrease. If you can manage that then there is no need of surgery. In case you want complete pain relief then surgery is only option. In that we remove disc from that are with the help of endoscope. It is very small surgery and there is no bed rest. You can walk from second day of surgery,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was wondering what type of seizures i have. My neuro has never told me. It starts pulling in my right foot then travels up my right arm. I am confused and scared about the way my arm and foot feel. I am conscious the whole time. It lasts anywhere from 5-7 min. What are they called.Also I have taken so many seizure meds and cannot stop breakthrough seizures. I have been on generic Keppra, Lamictal, carbatro, Oxitol, Lyrica, and cant remember the others. I would recognize them if I saw them. What do you think about Klonopin? [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand your problem, this could not be seizure but more it seems panic attack and the episode is entirely depending upon the functional condition, if you can well control your anxiety depression stress then this can be best avoided, the Klonopin is mainly given for panic episode or to control the functional seizures, take care and try to control your self you will be fine soon bye.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have these weird spots on my hands. They are small and starting to form like small clear heads. They itch a bit. At first it was only 3 or 4 bumps on one hand but now theres like 10 and its on both hands. tops and bottom.Theyre tender to the touch as well. I have been sick with a fever, nothing more than post nasal drip and sore throught. What could they be? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the description you have mentioned I am suspecting either an allergic reaction to some chemical or could be a condition called herpetic whit low. Try to correlate any incidences where you have come in contact with any particular chemical or Chat Doctor. If you have, you can take Tab Benzine 10 mg twice daily for three days. Herpetic whit low occurs due to exposure to a virus called herpes simplex 1 which usually causes oral lesions during fever. These are also called fever blisters. If you have had fever recently and if you have had fever blisters, then there is a chance of you getting herpes lesions on your hands due to direct contact. I suggest you get a confirmation of diagnosis by a skin specialist. If he confirms herpes you can take Tab Ocular 200 mg four times daily for a week. The lesions will heal within a week to 10 days. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, I have a 22 month old that I believe caught head lice at her daycare. The center has mostly African American children there and the providers strongly claim that African Americans do not catch or spread lice, which I am not too sure about as to we do not go anywhere else. But anyway... can you give me some inexpensive home remedy treatments to treat my daughter. Also, is this something that here doctor can help with a prescription? [|AI|] Dear this is not really to be worried about, school going child Chat Doctor. Simple and effective home remedy as you are asking is applied coconut oil mixed with lemon juice and leave it for 1 hr and after washing properly with shampoo use a thin brusChatDoctorb. There is a different comb for lice extraction you have to buy that, it has crowded bristles to entangle the lice when you comb hair. This is how you can to some extant remove head lice but for complete removal you need to apply antilice shampoo as well as oil. If you don't remove all the lice, after a week or so nits will grow to become lice and cycle goes on. As eggs are not killed by anti-louse treatment and eggs hatch, so you need to repeat treatment after 7 days. Moniker or any other anti-louse preparation can be used............TC care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... HI, I m 29 years of Age, weighing 75 Kgs and 5 4 height. Recently i started to work out at a fitness centre. My heart rate during work outs has been going higher to 187. A message had appeared on the machine saying, your heart beat rate is higher . Please slow down. Is this normal. MJ [|AI|] Hello, These heart rate values are quite normal during straining physical activity, especially when you are not used to training regularly. For this reason, it is important to start gradually physical activity and increase the exercise load day by day as your heart and body gets used to it gradually and tolerate physical activity better. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Can herbal supplements help control Diabetes instead of dangerous drugs? I read that Fenugreek, Banaba leaf from Prickly pear cactus and Cinnuling from Cinnammon can help. What is your take? Also can type two Diabetes be reversed using Diet,Exercise and nutritional supplements? [|AI|] Hi thanks for using Chat Doctor .... First we should understand the pathophysiology of type2 DM. In T2DM the sugar values are elevated due to the insulin resistance, the insulin in the body is not able to act properly. The resistance is like a wall and the insulin cannot act on the insulin receptors. As a result the sugar values become more. If we can destroy the resistance then we will be able to reduce the sugar values. Exercise, diet and weight reduction is the key to reduce the insulin resistance.Hence, with diet and exercise we will be able to reverse T2DM initially. But after sometime only lifestyle modification can't help the situation, Metformin will be required at that point. But as time progresses the insulin production will be reduced, and we require some external helps. That external helps are either Chat Doctor. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Why does my body feel wierd one day Im dizzy headache the next day Im tired and feel discomfort in my upper chest area and other days feels like my body wants to give up. I just feel wierd and dont know what to think. I get worried alot and stress out so I really dont know if that maybe the cause. I always think I feel like its my heart but I was checked before and its not that. I know when I did some cardio workout for a lil while couple days of the week my body felt so much better. So what could it be?? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. By your history and description, possibility of stress and anxiety related symptoms is more. Your symptoms are improving with Cardio workout. Heart and lung diseases actually precipitate after Cardio workout. So possibility of major heart and lung diseases is very less. Stress and anxiety can cause similar symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just rinsed with chlorhexanate gluconate prior to oral surgery tomorrow.Now I must swallow a pill. Should I rinse out the dregs of the chlorhexanate or may I swallow thecoating and rinse it down with water and the pill? That is, should the germicidal rinse remain in my mouth a while and not be rinsed away? Is it dangerous to swallow?Ione [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse provides antimicrobial activity during oral rinsing. Patients should be instructed to not rinse with water, or other mouthwashes, brush teeth, or eat immediately after using Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is not intended for ingestion and should be expectorated after rinsing. Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse is indicated for use between dental visits as part of professional program for the treatment of gingivitis as characterized by redness and swelling of the gingival, including gingival bleeding upon probing. Some patients may experience an alteration in taste perception while undergoing treatment with Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, i really need your help!! :( on the 25th i had unproteced sex 5 times, and i was then scared after that i would end up pregnant, but then on the 27thi came on which is 1 day early, and i didnt think anythng of it. but now its the 9th, and im still on, and thats not normall for me, im only ever on for 5-6 days, its not heavy though just a light brownish colour. my friend is 8 mounths pregnant and and she said she had the same thing!!!! please help im only 16!!!!!! [|AI|] Hello dear, I.understand your concern. In my opinion if the period has come on 27th the 25 tChatDoctores under safe period. That means even the unprotected sex might not result in pregnancy. So relax. Avoid stress. Stress regarding the thought of pregnancy also might make the cycle irregular. Any symptoms of pregnancy start 3-4 weeks after intercourse. And it is too early to feel pregnancy symptoms on 27th with intercourse on 25th. So relax. The chances of pregnancy are very, very rare. If bleeding is continuing consult doctor. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell on my left knee roller skating and again a few days later after running over a train table the ortho said it was a bone bruise but it was vry painful yet numb feeling to touch. Now 6mos later there is like a swollen knot that feels like it has fluid in it and can t stand to touch it. It s about the size of an egg. What might this fluid filled. pocket be? [|AI|] Dear patient You have got prepatellar bursitis. Its fluid collection that is lying anterior to knee joint and formed due to recitative trauma. This needs to be investigated with ultrasound of knee joint to confirm diagnosis. If ultrasound is showing prepatellar fluid collection it needs to be removed surgically. Please consult expert orthopedic surgeon nearby you and get yourself examined. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ive been taking Norg-Ethin Estra an i havent been taking it for 6 months an ive been having pains on my left side alot an ive took 2 home pregnacy test an they said negative but im still having pains on my left side an the smell of food makes me want to vomit every time i smell it....can you tell me why this is going on [|AI|] Hi, welcome to the forum. With this presentation in my clinic, I would first rule out an ectopic pregnancy. It is possible to have a negative urine pregnancy test in ectopic pregnancy because serum levels of beta Chat Doctor (hormone that is detected in urine during pregnancy) do not rise quickly as in normal pregnancy. To arrive at the diagnosis in early ectopic pregnancies, a test has to be carried out on blood complimented with a pelvic ultrasound. In my opinion, I think you should rush to an emergency department for proper assessment. I hope I have answered your querying you good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi. im not sure why my stomach all the sudden started to hurt.. but i woke up with the worst stomach pain right in my stomach. at first i thought it was gas, so i went to the bathroom... only to find that my stool was completly black... i have not felt like this before... i feel like i have to throw up, but my body wont.. please help [|AI|] HiT hanks for posting query on Chat Doctor Your symptoms indicate possibility of acid peptic disease that may result in to peptic ulcer. That could be causing pain. Sometime blood vessel this ulcer erodes nearby blood vessels and causes bleeding in stomach or duodenum give black color to stool. Consult doctor he will give you medication (pantoprazole or omeprazole) investigate (Hemoglobin, CBC, Stool for occult blood) and if necessary endoscopy. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 42 yr old female and healthy. i just had a physical and blood work and everything came out good. ive been having a very dull pain in my left lower back that seems to travel. it sometimes feels like it is going through the front. its more annoying than painful. could it be a nerve? when i get a massage it feels better but seems to come and go. [|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms of dull aching pain in left lower back region, radiating to front consistent with L)lumbar radiculopathy (Involvement of nerve root which arises from spinal cord) This usually is more common in females with obesity and calcium depletion. This makes bones and ligament softer and chances of mild disc protrusion and compressing roots. Since you does not have any weakness. You need not worry. You need neuralgic medicine which has to be started after assessing you clinically by neurologist and imaging after assessment
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband was told that he has vertigo but now having issues with his left side dragging his left leg and left arm weak and going num if he lays on it back in the hosptial and blood pressure is 143/104 while standing but sitting 133/92 help we don t understand and sometimes he talks as if he is drunk and he has forgot things that he shouldn t not have [|AI|] Hello, I would explain that his symptoms (numbness in the left leg and arm) could be related to a stroke. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical exam and a brain MRI. Regarding the Chat Doctor. A head Up Tilt test would help investigate on this issue. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI my 3 years old son seems infection in stomech i got roution stool test but no puss sells are there and i seen mucus in stool ,after eating meal he pass motion .he is taking water can i give him normet if yes pls recomend doses also ,......motin frequency 4 or 5 times a day. [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics (LIKE NOR MET) unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a sore throat and sore ear for couple weeks also im dizzy alot and alway have heart burn . doc gave me a steroid shot and amox tr-k clv 500-125 mg . i took it all and i still have one sore like a blister on back of my throat on right side and still dizzy and sore under my jaw on right side. although ive win feeling my glands so could have been y gland iz sore. im 35 and i do smoke and scared cuz sore wont heal and ear pain and dizziness still there. is is throat cancer? [|AI|] Hi, If sore throat are not responding to antibiotics for long time, then this condition should be evaluated in detail. Careful otorhinolaryngological examination is mandatory to find out any suspicious lesion. In case of gland enlargement it should be carefully examined whether it is tender or not. Anyway in case of suspicion your ENT specialist can order a issue diagnosis. Follow your ENT specialists opinion.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I am 59, weight 159 lbs, moderately active. I have a very low pulse rate (around 45). I getdiscomforting pain (not overly sharp or stabbing, but still more than a mild discomfort) on my left side and upper back. I get it only when I lie down and only when I breatheout. It goes away if I breathe in and hold my breath. It eventually subsides. [|AI|] Hello, I have gone through your query. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Your low heart rate may not be related to your chest pain. You must get one Resting ECG to determine type of rhythm you have. Depending upon on your baseline ECG you may need exercise stress testing to rule our blocks in heart arteries causing chest pain. If your heart check up turns to be normal you should consult a physician to evaluate you for acid reflux and any other cause of your pain, My best wishes Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im a 30 year old male. I do have some drinks at night before bedtime. I know i cutta cut that in half. Anyway i just had a liver function test done. Heres resultsAlkaline Phosphatese 65 Range 40-150Ast 42 Range 10-50Alt 51 range 2-50Bilirubin total 7.5 range 6.0-8.5Protein Total 7.5 range 6.0-8.5Albumin 4.7 range 3.9Uric Acid 8.1 range 3.9-8.3What are your thoughts on these #s? For the past 9 years i would have 4-5 cups of wine a day. I know i need to cut it in half, my dr said as well. But how do these #s look overall?? And im not sure what total protein and Uric Acid means? [|AI|] 1) alcohol consumption affect liver function and liver enzymes are predictors for that.2) considering normal liver enzymes, this test looks fine3) total protein means, level of protein in blood which is indirect indicator of liver function as protein formation occur in liver.4) uric acid level is for renal function and purine metabolism without any correlation with liver function. But there is possibility if liver function damage due to high level of uric acid.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mom has complained of a sore throat for 8 days, tightness for 5. A rapid strep test done today was negative but she was put on azithromycin. Tonight shes complaining of abdominal pains/tenderness and fever. She has taken Ibuprofen 600mg and Tylenol 650mg for the fever, but is still 101.3. Im a nurse and trying to triage her over the phone, but not sure what to do. Any advice? Thanks [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Since you are a nurse and the query is related to your Mother, I would advise you the following:To stop Azithromycin and Ibuprofen as both may cause more problems than the benefits they can have. Better to start with Definite as this helps in both the infections of the abdomen and the throat. Plain paracetamol in appropriate dosage and may be with antispasmodic can help symptomatically. Get the blood, urine and stool tests done.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr. Grief My daughter has had some type of allergic reaction recently. She has a rash that started on her arm and has since spread over her body. She went to the emergency room two nights in a row and the doctors have said that it could possibly be insects maybe dust mites or bed bugs. They treated her with antibiotics and a topical cream. Her apartment manager called Terminix and they could not find anything. What do you suggest we do? [|AI|] HI, it can be due to some allergy or some systemic causes also, first get it examined by a dermatologist and then to rule out allergic reaction you should go for differential count and total count of white blood cells, platelets count, prothrombin time and closing time, D dimer estimation, immunoglobulin estimation to rule out any autoimmune pathology going inside the body, can go for complete panel allergen test to rule out allergic reaction, serum Egg should be estimated. Respiratory tract involvement should be ruled out, internal gastrointestinal tract bleeding should be ruled out, routine examination urine should be done, and you should go to a higher center for its diagnosis and should not be neglected. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I gained over 30 pounds and have now lost about 15.. I am noticing a indent in my lower abdomen in the center that won t go away. I has been having abdomen pain and gotten many test but nothing came back and I didn t know if this could be the reason. I have never had children. [|AI|] You have not given details of your test reports and age that will be valuable in accessing your conditions. Any if ultrasound has not revealed anything you should go for ct abdomen. At the same time total hormonal study like thyroid and LH; FSH; prolactin; Progesterone seven testosterone. At same time Renal and gastrointestinal pathology should also be investigated d. Meanwhile start pantoprazole and comparison empty stomach. Take bland and fibrous diet. Mild laxatives if constipated. Get in touch with good medical institution. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there , I recently had dinner and ran downstairs to the kitchen and on my way back up I had a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. It was scary but lasted a second. I also suffer from fibromyalgia and always fear it is my heart. I am only 20. What can this be? [|AI|] Thanks for question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should first get done ECG to rule out cardiac cause. If it is normal than I think HERD is the cause. It is Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Due to this the acid of the stomach tends to come and cause the symptom of central chest pain. So try to follow these FOF better control of HERD.1. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid large meals. Take frequent small meals. Avoid stress and anxiety.2. Avoid routine use of painkillers. Take it only when required. 3. Take protein pump inhibitors. 4. Go for walk after means.5. Avoid smoking and alcohol if you are taking. Lose weight if you are obese.6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i want to know whether can we go for an iui method because its been 5 years and i have not been able to do proper intercourse with my wife due to premature ejaculation and one more reason is that my foreskin does not pull back due to which i feel very pain during intercourse. we have decided to go for iui method. i want to know, is iui method is applicable for us or not.please reply soon. we both r 35 years of age and staying in delhi sanjeev [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion intrauterine insemination(GUI) might be helpful in your case.GUI is indicated for those with low sperm counts, ejaculatory problems, unexplained infertility etc. It is a simple procedure with fairly good results. So you can go on with it. It can be tried up to 4-6 cycles before going for advanced techniques. Avoid stress. Relax. Abstain from smoking or alcohol to improve the semen quality. Hope this helps. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My gf and i had protected sex, but it was not even a complete one. I mean my penis did not even entered her vagina completely & she didnt even had bleeding at that time. But next morning she had bleddng and now she told me that her period duration is getting delayed, also shes saying tht shes feeling a bit weak these days. What does this means?? pls rpy asap. Urgent, m in TENSION. Pls Help Dr. [|AI|] Hello, You are unnecessarily getting tensed as there is no chance of pregnancy, because of two reasons. Any intercourse just before the periods is totally safe and once you get periods, then it itself is an indication that there is no pregnancy. As far as feeling weak is concerned, it could be because of various other physical causes and may be even psychological. If your weakness persists, you may consult your doctor for that but as far as pregnancy is concerned, it is not there. I hope it eases you. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,I have had an abcess tooth before that was pulled. I have another broken tooth that has been giving me trouble for quite some time, but i dont have insurance, so i have not been to the dentist. There is no swelling around the tooth, but it is painful a lot of the time. Lately my head has felt pressure. My ears are clogged and the left side of my nose is runny all the time, which is the side that the tooth is on. could this be a spreading abcess? [|AI|] Hi and thanks for the query, Its very appropriate for you get consulted by a dentist. It is very possible for a poorly treated tooth infection to spread, especially in case of an abscess. Nearby structures like the sinuses and the bones around can easily be attained. Osteomyelitis of nearby bones is a common complication of poorly treated tooth infections. Consulting dentist at this point in time is of utmost importance for an appropriate evaluation and treatment. Adequate Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query and hope this helps, Best regards, Luchuo, MD.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when i have intercourse at the peak stage my penis shrinks.i dont know what happens..a sudden spark through my body and penis shrinks which i am not able to explain..not always..this has happened about 5 times..i have been married since april 6 2014. but when i masturbate there is no problem. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You have not given your age. Most of the sexual erection and shrinkage problems are mainly due to undue anxiety about sexual intercourse. For you this happened about 5 times. Married for almost 4 months. How many times this did not happen? That is what you should count on. Count positive aspects and remove anxiety about it. You will succeed. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In the last year I have taken in combination and separately Deanxit, Zoloft and Atacand. But I have stopped all now since two months. can these be a cause for lasting ejaculation problems? I cannot easily orgasm during sex...usually only through masturbation after my partner has climaxed. I can acheive acceptable and long lasting erections but seem to lack feeling. Either tactile on my penis or sensuelle sexuelle emotion mit my partner. What do you think? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. There are many potential causes of DE, including psychological hang-ups, chronic health conditions, and reactions to medications. Relationship stress, poor communication, and anger can make DE worse. Disappointment in sexual realities with a partner compared to sexual fantasies can also result in DE. Often, men with this problem can ejaculate during masturbation, but not during stimulation with a partner. Medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, high blood pressure medications, diuretics, and alcohol can all cause DE. In that sense, Zoloft could be a cause. But you should talk to your psychiatrist. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.