The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi I have been trying to get pregnant and my LMP was 5/26/13 and normally I have regular periods and I was supposed to have my period come on the 26th, however on the 20th I had bleeding which was pink to dark pink lasting few hours with brownish discharge on and off for few days and nothing now. I was wondering if this could be implantation bleeding or what. [|AI|] Hello,First, you need to undergo one blood test for beta-ChatDoctor and TVS scan to rule out implantation bleeding. Other reasons are pelvic/ vaginal infection, old endometrial tissue, hormonal imbalance, uterine pathology etc. Following initial test reports, you consult with gynecologist to proceed next line investigation after clinical examination. Take suggestive measures accordingly. Maintain genital hygiene properly. Take healthy diet with folic acid supplement. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello,3 years back i got chest tightness and was very much worried.then i consulted a doctor and he told it was anxiety and prescribed rexipra 10mg+lonazep 0.25 mg at night.I took it for 6 months and after that i tried to leave it changing dosages but could not leave it.and continued medication but major worry is when i am on medication i smoke a lot atleast 3 cigarettes per day.i have lost a lot of weight from last 3 years .i am in full confusion what to do.still i tried to decrease dosages without consulting doctor.but if i leave meds i feel numb and i am taking rexipra 5mg+lonazep 0.25.and still smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes per day.waht to do.please help me. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you need rehabilitation treatment. So better to consult psychiatrist and enroll in dead diction center. You will need counseling sessions and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for anxiety and smoking dead diction respectively.Don't worry, you will be able to quit smoking and anxiety pills. Just be strong and positive. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Cough and lethargy started on Friday, by Sat. noon had 101 temp. Saw Dr who did flu and strep tests. Both negative. He gave me rocephin (sp?) and decahedron injections for sinus drainage and amoxicilin 1000 mg twice a day and a round of predizone. It s Tuesday and this is the first day I have felt any better at all. Do I need to return to the dr? Could the flu test have been wrong? Would I test negative after taking the antibiotics now anyway? 55, female, 120 [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Most upper respiratory tract infections can take 1 to 2 weeks to improve or resolve completely. If you are starting to see some initial improvement, this is likely to continue till all of your symptoms resolve. The use of the antibiotics imply that your doctor suspected a bacterial infection causing some of your symptoms. Flu is caused by the influenza virus, it is not a bacterial infection and would not be affected by the use of antibiotics. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i have suffered with bv ever since i had an abortion earlier this year. i have been treated for it and it went away but now i am on my period and i think i can smell it coming back! me and my partner did have sex while i was on my period could this be the cause and have i got bv again? [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. According to history given, false smell related to vaginosis. Yes.bacterial vaginosis can spread through sexual route and according to history here possibilities of vaginosis present. Take metronidazole or tinnidazole 1 BD for 7 day. Alternately vaginal cream or gel containing clindamycin can be applied for 5 day. Avoid stress. Bacterial vaginosis mostly lead to no any serious side effect. So don't worry. Thanks. I hope I have solved your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having a pea size swelling lump in between check and last teeth. Painful on chewing or pressure for chewing. If i press with finger or rub the check some blood comes out and got some relief from pain. But very short time it will again built up. what will the cause and treatment. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have small pea sized dwelling between wisdom tooth and cheek don't worry OT can be due to formation of Periodontal Abscess. Don't worry consult dentist and go for Curettage. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Do Betadine gargle two times a day. Consult dentist and go for treatment. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 30 years old,I moved to Germany 2 years ago,after 6 months I started to have chronic health problems, last March I had 2 consequent flus then thrombosed Hemorrhoids ,I used many medications at that time: immunal to raise my immunity (Russian Medication), gelomyrtol, Faktu for the hemorrhoid problem,couple of days later,I developed severe allergy and I was on high dose of cortisone ,the hospital gave me an allergy report that I am allergic to immunal or gelomyrtol (which turned to be wrong because by mistake I took a similar medication yo immunal and didn t cause me any problems),6 months later I had a cyst in my intestines and they claimed I have Chlamydia after analyzing the lab sample,though I am still a virgin,I don t think oral sex can cause all of this however. I undertook an operation to remove the cyst,now I have diarrhea on and off and stomachache sometimes,and green vaginal discharges,they said that the bacterial balance in my vagina is not balanced,now I have again cold (I get cold every 3 months) and I have Mastitis and again thrombosed Hemorrhoids and the yellowish vaginal discharges and Diarrhea.What could be the reason possibly? any clue? [|AI|] ALL THESE CAN BE COMPLICATIONS OF FOOD ALLERGIES CAN BE ALLERGIC TO MILK, WHEAT,SOY, RICE,EGG, CHICKEN,FISH MUTTON, POTATOYOU GET YOUR BLOOD SERUM TEST FOR SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES FOR THESE FLOODWATER REPORTS YOU CAN GO FOR SLIT THERAPY TO INCREASE THE IMMUNITY THIS THERAPY IS AVAILABLE IN GERMANY MEAN TIME STOP ALL MILK AND DIARY PRODUCTS================================================IF SUIT YOU CAN GET PENICILLIN ES SHOTS12 LAC UNITS OF PENINSULA AST AFTER EVERY MONTH FOR 6 MONTHSTAKE TAB SINGULAR ONE TAB BD AVAILABLE THERE CAP MONA PLUS MORNING AND MACHINE GEL 2 SF MISTAKE METHOTREXATE 2.5 MGM WEEKLY DOSE ALSO
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear sir I just found out today that I have cyst in my kidney, I have schedule for ultrasound, but I am worry.And I have been suffering a low back pain for last few years, it is getting worse, I just had MRI but it didn t show much, Dr said it looks almost normal, so I wonder if this pain is related to my kidney problem?Thank you Mari [|AI|] Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor .com, providing better healthcare for you. I have gone through your case and I can understand your concern. Kidney cysts are usually asymptomatic, but when a kidney cyst grows large enough it may cause dull pain in your back or side, fever & upper abdominal pain. But if your MRI was normal then you back pain should be not ad Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. Please don't forget to give your valuable feedback and five-star rating, to help me assist you in a better way. Click at I Find This Answer Helpful too. Please, write a review about your experience with me.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was taking a shower and felt a weird pain in my ankle. I looked down and saw purple spots all over my ankle. It feels hot to touch and it feels cold on the inside of my ankle and up my calf. I spoke to my dr. she said to come in tomorrow. Should I be conserned now? [|AI|] Hello, The cause of pain, hot sensation, and purple spots could be due to injury which you have not mentioned the query, or due to disturbance in blood circulation. There is nothing to be worried about as of now as your leg is not numb or turning black. Moreover, at the doctor you will be examined for any loss of sensations, restriction of movements, ankle pulses, reflexes. In addition, investigations like X-ray of limb involved (to look for any soft tissue or bone injury), Doppler study (to assess the blood circulation of limb), and blood work up will be required to make diagnosis. In the meantime, wear loose fitted clothing for better blood flow, avoid standing or sitting in same position for long time, give rest to the leg, and use comfortable footwear. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir i have pigmentation all over my face doctor suggest me to use lomela lite cream at nigh but i have heard that if i will stop using it in future it will give me more patches is it true and how long is it safe to use lomela lite in a strech and when should i stop applying it [|AI|] Hi, Yes, Lomela cream does overnight wonders, and you have to stop using it after achieving the effects. This pigmentation will become back soon after not using it. You don't use the steroid cream for long time because it causes many side effects. You can use aloe Vera gels on the face, its effect comes out after long time, but it is extraordinary treatment for your problem. If you can't use aloe vera gel you can use any aloe vera cream on the face. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] what are the side effects of using amlong tablet 5 mg. for blood pressure for long period say 10 years?I am using for the last 10 years amlong 5 mg. tab one aday. i want to know r there any side effects of the same. My email ID is Kolavennufamily @ WWW.WWWW.WW please send the reply. [|AI|] Hi, I can't sent you reply on email, as it is prohibited for public forum questions and I don't see your email. The most common side effect of Along is leg edema, sometimes rapid heart rate, allergic reactions and redness of face can occur. But if you take it for several years and have no side effect until now, you can continue it safely. Wishing you good health In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Am under 21 and I play football I been having pains in my right knee for 6 months when I make certain moves i Have bad pain in the knee for example when am going up stairs it give me pain and when I run when I feel my knew it feel like am pulling a rubbing band and it makes a noise it concerns me alot what may be the problem [|AI|] Hi Thanks for your query have gone through your query and understand your concern. As you play football so meniscus injuries are common in football players. So you can get your MRI of knee to rule out meniscus injury. You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. Qua Chat Doctor. Gradually you will improve but if possible MRI of knee should be done. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ok my legs have been itching for sometime now. it started a few months ago on a small part of my inner knee , it started as a rash but became small zit like bumps that itch every now and then. it has spread but only small patches on my legs. also the palm of my hand near my thumb has what looks like calisis but its only in that aria. [|AI|] Hi there. The lesions on your legs & the callouses on your hand may not be related. How long exactly is a few months that the itching began? Did you see any doc hitherto & was there any creams et al. applied? Does anyone in your vicinity or family or the friends circle have something similar? Does the itch get worse or get better at any points in the day? Dermatology is a visual line & as such, one would prefer a clear digital image of the lesions & you may upload it on this site using the upload data icon situated to the right of your screen. In the meantime, do apply a calamine lotion to the leg lesions & an n ointment containing dexamethasone & salicylic acid on the Palmer lesion. This should provide you relief. However it may require a skin biopsy from the leg lesions to confirm a diagnosis. Good luck & Godspeed & hope you have a clear skin soon! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I find myself paranoid all the time when my girlfriend goes out without me. It s not that I worry that she s cheating, I worry about if she s ok. To a ridiculous level. She says she feels like I keep her on a leash, but I m just worried. What can I do? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. In the initial stages of love and belonging such obsessive thought processes are normal. Give it some time. This obsession should come down when you get experienced with those events. You cannot control your girlfriend as she is entirely another personality. It is not possible even if you marry her. Understanding this bare fact, should cure your problem, and it might take some time. Just enjoy the obsession. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my mother is 83 years old and just had a UTI this last week - she had the classic symptoms of a partial stroke - but when brought to the hospital it was not - so UTI. She was in the hospital for 3 nights - given antibiotics and released today. She is diabetic but not on insulin. today when she went home she had a partial shaking almost seizer symptom and had 3 of them. she fell she seem stable now - [|AI|] Hello Thank you for trusting Chat Doctor Stroke patient not able to move the affected limb(unless haemohhgic stroke with seizures). Your mother probably suffering from partial seizure or movement disorder. Just check her altered consciousness(not in simple partial seizure), tongue bite, post actual confusion, and frothing from mouth suggest seizure disorder. Please consult your doctor he will select suitable medical after investigations.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have terrible stomach and intestinal pains for past 2 months with muscle fatigue flu like symptoms when i pass stool they are abnormally smelly and float easy and are greasy sometimes just diareah and also have tons of mucus strans...what could this be? It keeps me up at night every night... ive been from doctor to doctor trying to figure this out and they act like im crazy but these symptoms are very real...i have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 18th of march but just wanted a second opinion...this is ruining my life [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. With the available described symptoms, there appears to be possibility of acute viral gastroenteritis. Presence of foul smelling watery diarrhea, abdominal pain and body ache suggests the diagnosis. Myalgia is a pro Chat Doctor. You should consult with internal medicine specialist and should go for thorough check up. You should also go for complete blood count, renal function test, serum electrolytes. Furthermore, you should take complete antibiotic course, antispasmodics, robotics. Furthermore, you should also take potassium rich fluid and oral rely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 39 years old I have psoriatic arthritis and currently take methotrexate once a week, last Wednesday I took it like normal as I had been for 4 weeks. The day before I went to doctor & they said I had broncbitis. Well Wednesday night I felt short of breath & dull psi.s in upper chest & weird feelings down arms & legs. They did an eng & chest xray &bloodwork & said everything was ok. They wanted to give me atavan, I said no cause I was scared. Its almost a week later I have lost almost 10 pounds & still having the same symptoms, even feel lightheaded at times. The feeling goes across my upper chest to my armpit & shoulder. My doc told me to take prilosec and lorazappam in the morning & night I still feel the same. Was it possible I was misdiagnosed? [|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have gone through your query in depth.* This seems in relation with underlying definite reason not being evaluated by the tests, which may be - deficiency of micronutrients, anti oxidants, trace elements, vitamins - underlying Pyrex with infection of some sort of virus or bacteria Hope this clears your query. Wishing you fine recovery from the same. Regards dear take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 21 years old.. I just started Smoking Last year and have recently started my birth control again (tri-cyclen low 21 mg) I was taking it unaware that smoking is dangerous while on birth control... Today when I opened my 2nd month I realized the non smoking label on it and now I am worried about my health... I smoke about 5-6 cigarettes a day but have recently discovered an increase in my blood pressure. How high are my risks? [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Immaterial of the timing of smoking, I would advise you to quit smoking permanently as this could cause severe complications in all the systems of your body, and also for the fetus when you conceive any time in the future. The increase in your blood pressure is also a tell-tale evidence of the effect of smoking. In case of non stoppage of smoking, one runs all the risks of damage to any organ systems in the body including problems in fertility. So you are the best judge to decide what is good for you, and then act wisely. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in clearing further doubts on this. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you could leave smoking for nobody, but for your own and your family health. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a tooth that is on the top left that is causing some pain. Initially the pain was centralized to that tooth but has spread, even to the lower jaw. The pain comes and goes in intensity. From severe to very little in a matter of minutes. Ideas? [|AI|] Hi... Can understand your concern. As per your query about pain in your upper left tooth which is varying from severe to little in minutes can be due to deep caries which has reached to the pulp of tooth (pulpits)and causing pain of different intensities. Or there can be any access in relation with that tooth due to periodontitis which leads to loosening of gums and accumulation of food particles and subsequently infection and access etc.... Pain is involving the jaws because nerve supplying the tooth also supplies to other parts of jaw.... I advise you to visit your nearest dentist for its proper evaluation and diagnosis. You also need to have an x-ray done in relation to that tooth for a correct diagnosis. Till then, you can take analgesic like ibuprofen for pain management. Antibiotics should also be taken after consulting the dentist. There may be need for extraction or a root canal treatment on the basis of X-ray. I hope the information helps you. Any further query is welcome. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear DoctorI have hepatomegaly with grade II fatty infilteration, 15.8 cm span of liver showing increased parenchymal echotexture suggestive of fatty changes, SGPT (ALT) 79 and SGOT(AST) 45 as per ultrasound and blodd test. Kindly tell how serious is this condition and treatment/lifestyle change etc. I am a non alcoholic vegetarian men of 44 year. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. Fatty liver becomes quite common disease in modern society. This condition is caused by liver cells degeneration and liver overload by the fat. Fatty liver can be caused by alcohol intake, severe medicines intake or due to bad diet (fatty foods). Luckily it is reversible condition, and it is possible to regenerate the liver. However, fatty liver can lead to liver cirrhosis which is not reversible. I suggest you to change your dietetic habits. Avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, soft Chat Doctor. Increase fiber rich products, vegetables, fishes intake. You should also have checked blood level of cholesterol and triglycerides and if increased, statins should be prescribed by your doctor. Ultrasound and liver tests should be repeated in 3 months or so. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am being treated for Gerd by my GP . I have an appointment with a GI Dr on Friday but Im still have the asthma shortness of breath feeling that only making myself burp or clearing my throat relieves . Also my heart rate is normally 70-80 bpm but for the past few days it is 50-60 bpm and when I wake up is has been as low as 41bpm could the two be related? [|AI|] Yes some of the foods cause this at any age at any time at any point the common food start reacting with the body to cause allergy and geddit can be milk wheat potato Chaney rice nuts egg get blood serum tests for specific antibodies for these foods add anti-allergic montelukast 10 mg band bronchodilator spy TDS and the GP might have put you on antacids and PPI for herd continue and after consultation with GI doctor on the above basis get proper treatments these are definitely related with each other
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 33 yrs old i have anxiety. Ive been having pains in my chest on the right side kinda by the arm pit. Im thinking its indigestion cause sometimes it feels like something is sitting on my chest. Also the chest pains come an go. My back has started hurting to I know thats because Im thirty pounds over weight. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you are mostly having stress and anxiety related HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which is causing you chest pain and back pain. HERD is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause symptoms of chest pain and back pain. Stress is the biggest risk factor for HERD. So we should treat your stress and anxiety first. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You might need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is having anger issues over simple things. She has epilepsy and takes keppra for two years and b6. She threatens to tear the house up, but it always seems staged. A big mess but nothing broken. It seems like she gets calm after she was able to get our attention. Very angry and after like it never happened. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I understand your emotions. I am afraid to say that you did not mention your children. Moreover, the description is not enough for a correct diagnosis. Your daughter is troubled by epilepsy and that could be one reason for her behavior. Second reason could be that of her disappointment due to some day to day affairs or experiences. Third reason could be her adolescence (if she is adolescent). Fourth reason could be her attention seeking attitude, as you mentioned. In any of the above case, psychological counseling may produce good results. Please consult a trained counseling psychologist. If you require more of my services, please post a direct query with every Possible details. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I thought I was having back spasms because of the pain in my back on left side right about in middle, but now I am having more frequency to urinate and the pain is coming and going. I took a urelle and will call my dr. In the morning. I think I should call my urologist instead of treating it as if it is back spasms. This is the second time this has happened. What is the best way to know for sure? [|AI|] Hi, As mentioned by you, There seems to be two things as per my understanding. First - if we know the exact location then we can figure out if the muscle spasm is due to the kidney issueSecond - maybe it is related to the pathology of the spine.Also, to understand here, Muscle spasm can be due to end number of results, as you have taken a self-medication it might be the case of frequent urination. Since you have not mentioned any history of abdominal pain or kidney stones. As to my knowledge, Taking hot water fermentation will help ease the symptoms of muscle spasm. Meantime kindly avoid self-medication. For muscle spasm, you can take a physical therapists' advice to understand that exercises are more important. When muscles becomes weak, to avoid any particular injury the muscle goes into spasm. Also, an abnormal jerky movement can lead to the same. Prevention is better than cure. I wish you a good healthRegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir, DILO BM is suggested to my dad by a dotor, he has slight block in his brain and has been taking medication for that and has undergone engeo plastry. can he take DILO BM? he has been given SAFECET and Asthlin with DILO BM Waiting for your response... Regards Hema [|AI|] Hi Head am not sure exactly what you mean by "slight block" in brain. I am assuming you mean he has had a stroke. And an ischemic stroke at that. So you might want to confirm that assumption when reading the further suggestion He is on safest, Stalin and Dino BM has aerosol, so I am assuming he AHS an associated respiratory condition like asthma, COPD etc will therefore suggest that you can give it to him, However do talk to your neurologist, because I am unaware from your query as to the stage of block. Occasionally aerosol has a sedative action or may cause vertigo hence neurologist may avoid this medicine Best of luckChatDoctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a small hard lump on the outside of my left knee, in line with the joint. It doesnt hurt until i knock it and it hasnt changed size or place. It is more visable when the leg is stretched. I have been to see a dr who said there was nothing to worry about but I am still worrying. What do you think it could be? [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Welcome with your query to Chat Doctor. Studied your query in full depth of its details. Reviewed it in context of your health concerns. Based On the facts, You mostly seem to suffer from-Oschgood Shatters Disease-/ or Asteroid hematoma/ or osteophytes from knee arthritis. Treatment -Would depend on cause-Oschgood shatters disease-Cold compresses/Tab NSAIDs for 7 days/ Tab Choral Fort/ It D3 with Calcium would resolve / with Physiotherapy.-Asteroid Hematoma -if causes discomfort could be excised surgically. Osteophytes-Need Treat with Arthritis-ARthroscopic surgical debridement of the osteophytes and arthritis of the knee joint and accompanied storied ligaments. Intra-articular injections of the mesenchymal stem cells would resolve the arthritic damage to the buffer cartilage knee menisci. Knee replacement in extreme arthritic cases is advisable. Hope that, This reply would help you to plan further treatment soon with your treating doctors. Best of Luck and early recovery. Welcome any further query in this regard, which would be replied in next session. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is suspected of having pancreatic cancer, but I am somewhat unsure of all the information we have been given. He has been quite ill lately, but the only overt symptoms are the presence of a 3-4 cm mass on his pancreas which is blocing the bile duct, resulting in elevated liver functions, rash and itching with jaundice. He feels fine every other way and has no pain or other issues. An ERCP with stent was done and labs are improving. The surgeon plans to proceed with a Whipple procedure as soon as his liver function is in the normal range, but I wonder if we should get a second opinion before proceeding. Please tell me what you think. Thank you, Charlotte Newsome [|AI|] Please do not worry about second opinions. Your treatment so far and the plan ahead is all scientific and correct. Pancreatic cancer causes pain and other symptoms only in the late stages when it goes beyond the confines of any treatment. Luckily for you, your husbands' cancer got detected in time. At this stage it does not cause any pain. Also, the only curative treatment for this cancer is surgery (Whipple's). It is a major surgery but as I said there is no other option. If your husband is fit for this surgery then he should undergo it. It was deferred earlier due to the jaundice.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My cousin bro having fever on and off for almost 2 weeks. Then when he was admitted the doctor said his kidney was infected due to fever and need to do dialysis because of edema . He is also a diabetic patient almost 20years. now the problem is the doctor said may be there is some bacteria infected and the medicine was given but suddenly now the RBCs and hemoglobin increased the normal level.he has taken ertapenem and also meropenem. the symptoms occurs after the dialysis vomiting and diarrhea. Now his face turns dark and body rashes and peels of skins. so now doctor suggested to admit in ICU. Dr do u think is it may be other viruses might infect his body? He is totally no energy and very weak and cant even take his food. please give me some solution... [|AI|] Hello, this is tough to handle like these situations when you are the relative of a suffering person. When I check your clinical history, Diabetic Fever and infection in kidney. Renal failure on dialysis and recent dialysis Rashes peels of skin vomiting diarrhea Most striking point at present is, rashes and peel off skin, these things common with Chat Doctor. Doctor should visualize exactly the nature skin rashes, it may Steven Johnson syn
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Swollen lymph node on left side of my neck, under back of my jawbone. Pain and discomfort is constant unless I take at least 600mg of ibeprofin. No pain when I touch or push on the node, but there is pain when I swallow,sometimes talk, or cough. I dont have a runny nose or cough, this is the third day maybe 4th that his has been going on [|AI|] Hi... Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns... As per your complaint in case if you have swollen lymph node under the jaw line and along with it there is pain on swallowing, talking or coughing etc. there is a possibility that there is some problem related to wisdom tooth in case if you have an erupting or impacted wisdom tooth and gum flap over the tooth is inflamed leading to swelling and in the area as well as swollen lymph nodes below the jaw line. You should consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and an X-ray can help in confirming the cause and in case of impacted wisdom tooth extraction of the tooth can help. In case if the tooth is not impacted removal of gum flap can help.If you will be followed by antibiotics and painkillers. As of now you can continue taking Ibuprofen and do warm compresses over the lymph nodes. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i.have psoraisis in my scalp and i recently gave birth 9 days ago i used epidural and after that i started to get itchy and now im very itchy all over my body and have red itchy pimples. Is that psorarisis in my body or do to an alergic reaction [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us at Chat Doctor Most likely it is an allergic reaction to a Chat Doctor. Having said that, it should be confirmed by a visual inspection by visiting a skin specialist. Underlying psoriasis needs to be taken into account since psoriasis is known to worsen/flare during pregnancy and immediate postpartum period. This flare during pregnancy and immediate postpartum period is known as "Impetigo Herpetiformis" and is usually associated with fluid filled and pustular lesions. There is considerable itching and burning sensation in Impetigo herpetformis. Therefore, you must visit a dermatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis and for excluding the possibility of Impetigo Herpetiformis. I would suggest an OTC oral antihistamine e.g. cetirizine 10 mg once daily. Topical you may use a soothing lotion e.g. calamine, twice daily. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! I been having yellow liquids coming out from both of my foot.At first they looked like bug bites and they itch, but eventually some yellow/white liquid will come out!After a while the skin around the bump area will turn black.I dont know what it is... [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion it is allergy. The yellow oozing fluid is serum coming out of the body to protect you from external antigen. I advise you to search for the pathogen causing this injury. And stay away from such an allergen. Please maintain hygiene and cleanliness at the wound area because it will be equally important in healing as getting treated. You can apply calamine lotion over the wound. Cetrizine and paracetamol under doctors guidance can help you protect itching and pain. Please take it under doctors guidance. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello my one leg is very weak today all the sudden i have to pull it along to get it to move and its hard walking. this never happened before . but i do have restless leg syndrome. at night... also i have a pinched nerve in my back between my shoulders . any relation? [|AI|] Hello, Yes, a pinched nerve can lead to symptoms like the weakness of the lower limb. As nerve has a function of motor and sensory. Either of the function may get disturbed or both due to compression by the intervertebral disc. I will advise for MRI spine. As this may help us that which level we are having nerve compression and what is the extent of the soft tissue injury. Post that we can take up the call. As there is a weakness of the leg I will advise doing core stability, spinal muscle strengthening exercises, hip muscle strengthening exercises, lower limb strengthening exercises to help improve the muscle power. Also, if there is any kind of soft tissue pathology which cannot be dealt with conservative management we need to look out for other options. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello my name is mitch and just got a phone call from my mom and was told that she had cancer 7 spots in brain and lung cancer then pet scan told use evrn more bad news it is stage 4 and in her limpnods sorry not if spelt wrong she needs to eat and for forty years of her life she has smoked pot and now if she dose it hurt her toumer in neck and chest i now smokeing is most likely the best but to get her to eat and not get sick on the kemo she smokes a little so can but hurt so what coud a doctor give in a pescreption maybe she has a doctors appt on monday so any answers will help for my mother thank you and gob bless mitch [|AI|] Hi Mitch, I will try to help you to the best of what I have understood from your query. The query is a bit ambiguous, but this is what I feel is the problem. I am sorry that your mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer with also spots in brain and that it is in stage 4. She has been a pot smoker for forty years in her life. I am sorry, but stage 4 lung cancer has very poor outcome. The 5-year survival rates in an advanced stage are very less. She needs to quit using all forms of tobacco and pot too. Various chemotherapy options are available. They can be decided upon individual patient needs and benefits. I hope this helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi we are trying to conceive, and on Clomid therapy for months already. My Cycle is 29 days. I just got my period yesterday exact date I was suppose to, but still no flow... my period does not look like blood,Its dark brown and then a little red blood comes out, not alot though only on top of the pad..Im not getting cramps or anything like I usually do , I always have terrible cramps when I have my period that sometimes I cannot get out of bed, but now none. I tested negative when I tested yesterday. I guess I am still hoping Im pregnant.Thank you [|AI|] Hello dear ,,,,,hope you get pregnant soldier a cycle of 29 days is normal ,,,,dear you mentioned you got your cycle yesterday and it's not like usual ok,,,dear the cycle pattern is not always the same ,,,,try three morning urine prey test if negative you are not pregnancies in addition to medicines few other things also imp make sex around ovulation ,you can know about your ovulation by ovulation induction kit,or by daily record of morning body temperature the day its more than normal is your ovulationYaur position is also imp ,DNT use conventional Methodist low calcium high potassium in female body favor pregnancy so take the lot of bananas and less dairy products Kansas your husband to take coffee before love it increases sperm motility Take folic acid tab getting chances of prey increase by 25percent If still not conceived do your and your husband detailed check up Hope, so my answer satisfy you stay blessed
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am a very inactive person who started having discomfort in my very upper thigh on Monday this week. (Felt like I had pulled a muscle) It has been tender all week, this mornign while steping down some steps it felt like an explosion in my very upper thigh, almost the joint area. Can this be a strain from inactivness does that even make sense? [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for contacting me at "Ask a Doctor". I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability. This does sound like a simple muscle strain. It may well be that the qua Chat Doctor. Most of these simple muscle strains will get better with simple conservative treatment. Ice will help with pain relief. If you feel stiffness in the area and then heat will help. Take a simple pain medication such as Tylenol. If the symptoms are getting worse over the next few days, then I would suggest seeing your primary care physician. I hope this information is useful for you. Please do not hesitate to message us back if you have any further questions. Best wishes, A
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been told I have hiatus hernia and oesophagitis, I am on medication and the only symton was me having upper adominal pain. What diet must I follow to help with this, I need to know what food to avoid. age 35, weight 90kg, height 1.77m, rather healthy until the upper adominal pain started, didnt get heart burn or indigetestion. On medication but do find I burp alot more now than before since I have been dignosed and have had a scope which idenitied the problem. [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Regarding the HERD occurring due to a hiatal hernia the following might prove to be helpful:1) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.2) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food3) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness to reduce weight reasonably well.4) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a proton pump inhibitor for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards. Also, a probiotic could help.5) A routine blood sugar test both fasting and post radial. In case the above measures do not relieve your symptoms, and they increase in intensity, then you might be advised by the gastroenterological surgeon for some kind of intervention surgically to fix your hiatal hernia. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,my husband, 65 yrs old, excellent health, only takes 20 mg Simvastatin nightly, noticed red circles on his arm, about two, then just tonight noticed one on his chin......they look like the red spots one gets on their arms from being on Coumadin! Were not the worry type, will the disappear in time?Thank You so much!Michelle [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, It looks like he is developing an allergic reaction to the Chat Doctor. This must be suspected as he has a history with use of Coumadin. This is a matter of concern. Let me know you have any other doubts. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. .com/doctors/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, My son aged 16.5 years who is studying for plus 2 now is suffering from abdominal pain occasionally. Yesterday he again told that he felt the same feeling along with pain in penis while passing urine. He is staying is an institutional hostel for the last two years. He used to take little food usually but according to him he intake enough water always. As it was felt to some sort of urinary infection, he was brought to home and consulted a doctor who advised to test urine and US scan. When tested urine the pus level is 3 to 5 and epithelial cell 1 to 3. Sir, is this normal ? the US scan is yet to be taken. I am at office now and hence with the available details I desired to chat with you to know as to whether there is anything serious. Kindly advice. [|AI|] Thank you for your query. Well 3-5 pus cells indicates UTI. Kindly start an antibiotic and ask your child to have plenty of water. Ask your son to take an alkalinizing agent along with water once or twice a day. You can get the USG done. Kindly get the stool routine microscopy done for any parasitic infestation. Just relax and have patience. Is he having fever also? Keep in touch if needed God Bless
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My boyfriend was just diagnosed with COPD. I have researched COPD the past few days, but have not found a clear description of which things cure symptoms and which keep the disease from progressing. And what specifically damages lungs more vs just causes symptoms to get worse. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a progressive chronic disease of the lung. Most commonly affect smokers. But can be seen in hereditary, alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency, recurrent lung infection, occupational exposure with fumes and dust or age related. Most common is tobacco smoking. It is irreversible disease. So cure is not possible. We can control the disease and prevent its progression by following treatment.1. Quit smoking as soon as possible. This is the most vital part in treatment.2. Start inhaled bronchodilators.3. Enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation center where chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercise are done.4. Vaccinate him with adult respiratory vaccines like pneumococcal and influenza vaccine to prevent future lung infection. So better to consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. He needs chest x-ray and PFT (pulmonary function test).
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Haai just wanna know somthing about the combination pill I m on oralcon birth controll for atleast 5 years never skipped a pill I smoke I m 17 years old. Afew days ago I drank my pill 2 hours late day after that had sex without a condome my period is supose to come in about 6 days I m bloated like always before my period my breast are a littel tender but it usually happen when I get my period just whatded to know how effective the pill is if taken every day for 5 years took one late a few days ago cause I m a littel stressed because me and my Boyfriend uses the pull out methold and some times a condome but I m acure when drinking the pill that I m safe but still stressed. [|AI|] Hi, Hormone birth control pills are very effective (99%) in preventing pregnancy. Taking the Oralcon tablet 2 hours late is not going to reduce its efficacy. So don't worry about that matter. It is important that you understand that smoking in addition to causing harmful effects on health also decreases the efficacy of oral contraceptive pills. So you should cut down on smoking. I also advise you to use barrier method of contraception like condom regularly to protect yourself from STDs. I hope I have answered to your satisfaction. If you have any further queries do contact me through Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 1.Prominent sacral cysts extending from S2 level cuadad compromising the canal. 2. Altered bone marrow signal is identified within osseous structures of the lumbar spine. There are areas of decreased internal signal on both T1 and T2 - weighted imaging. An underlyning aggressive condition cannot be excluded. 3. L4-L5 central herniation/extrusion with caudad migration. 4. L5-S1 disc buldging. Have back pain and wen t in for an MRI. Just trying to understand this better? [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorThere is bony growth, or it may arise from the gap, the "cyst" is a bag like structure may contain, blood, pus, clear fluid, semisolid material, and this is compressing the adjoining structure of spinal cord, the disc of spine also shifted from its original place at the level of lumber vertebra no. 4 and 5 also there is bulging of disc at the level of lumber 5 and the sacral level 1, this is the spinal cord disease, you have to take the opinion from neurosurgeon, have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im a 40 year old male and have had bad ocd for about 20 years now. Im currently living in Pennsylvania and me and my wife recently discovered a mouse in our home. We set traps and wound up catching 5 ! 2 days after catching the last one we cleaned out the laundry room where they were hiding. I vacuumed up a lot of debris from there and under couch. We also swept it up and wiped up the areas that had droppings. I am now terrified to learn that we shouldnt have done that. I have been driving self insane with worry. Can someone tell me what percent of mice in pa carry hantavirus? Also I read that it dies pretty quick so I hope after 2 days it was safe. Im extremely nervous . Any help would be greatly appreciated ! [|AI|] Hello thanks for asking from Chat Doctor for your health related queries can understand your concern. You are 40 years old and have OCD since last 20 years. Now after catching mice and then cleaning house completely you have started having anxiety about getting Antivirus infection. First I would like to reassure you that such infections don't usually spread by just cleaning the house. Usually such infections spread more commonly in closed, damp areas like old ships, go downs etc. Not all mice are infected and prolonged contact is needed to get infection. So as per my opinion there is no need to worry. The fear of infection is probably due to severe anxiety you are having and this has got aggravated because of your history of OCD. Continue to take your OCD Chat Doctor. Two days has already passed you are safe now. Thanks, Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My friend is having severe spinal canal stenosis which is affecting his right leg. He is having severe pain and he was advised that surgery will be the best option. He is ready for the surgery but dont know how and where to turn to. He lives in Africa and want it done in UK. Can you please advise. If you can recommend Hospital(s) where he will get adequate treatment please. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, Severe spinal canal stenosis that doe snot improve with conservative treatment (medicines and physiotherapy) may need surgical treatment. However, before surgery one must undergo a detailed neurological evaluation particularly to note the presence of neurological deficit. This will help us decide about the surgery. However, severe pain per se is an indication for surgery. The centers in UK you can visit are Kings college London or queen square London. UCL institute of Neurology, Queen Square London. Excellent neurology and neurosurgery facility are available in these institutions. Best wishes Chat Doctor. Com
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 10 year old son has been having abdominal pain around his belly for four days. It comes and goes away. It started on friday evening with lots of salivations. Some days before he had had hiccups. He s not been eating much. No fever, had his poo regularly but said it was a little bit hard. He says if he presses the belly it hurts around there, but when he has sudden acute pain the pain is higher. He doesn t eat any junk food, i bake our own bread and pizza with organic flour. He drinks centrifugated carrot juice before its meals. At breakfast he drinks orange juice and lemon, than after half an hour he has barley coffe with honey, at school he takes my pizza or my pastries. At lunch he usually has salad and some pasta with virgin alive oil and basil or some other simple home made sauce, like grounded wholenuts, organic whole rice with veggies. Two snacks in the afternoon usually a fruit than some bread and oil. For dinner after carrot and salad he heats boiled veggies, seldom some beans or chick peas. His problem have been worsening during the weekend: sometimes as soon as he starts eating the pain begins and he has to stop. On a scale 1 to 10 when his pain is severe he says it s about 8, noe it s about 1 to 3. There have been lapses of time when he hasn t had any pain, then out of the blue the ache restarts, in boutas. He keeps burping a lot. Is it possible to have any idea of what it is. (Our family doctor is away at tne moment) [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Recurrent abdominal pain at this age may be due to urinary tract infection, worm infestation, constipation, Amoebiasis and indigestion. Thorough check up is required with investigations including Ultrasound scan. Better consult pediatrician. Buscopan tablets may give temporary relief from pain. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About 35 years ago i had Hepatitis and about 3 weeks ago i read an article about someone older than me who had Hepatitis years ago like me and his problem he was feeling tired and worn out and could drop and this is just how i feel i am active have a good diet they prescribed him VitB injections not to take Bvits what is my problem [|AI|] Thanks for contacting ChatDoctorI am sorry to hear that you have hepatitis. There are several types of hepatitis and I would need to know which type you have to determine if your current symptoms are related. The viral types of hepatitis are Type A, B and C. Type A is usually foodborne and is a self limiting disease and has no longer term consequences. Types B and C are contracted through blood-borne products and can have long term implications. There are treatments now for Hepatitis C I recommend that you seek medical attention to help decide what type of hepatitis and if you are a candidate for treatment. Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again with your questions and concerns
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have too much pain in my tooth , I took Voltaren 75 at 2 PM today and then went to a doctor and he gave me another pain killer (Cataflam 50) until the operation tomorrow, so I took Cataflam 50 at 9 PM. Cataflam 50 doesn t seem to work at all, i still have too much pain, can I take Voltaren 75 again after two hours only from Cataflam 50? [|AI|] Hello, i read your problem, as you have lots of pain in your tooth you took painkiller Voltaren 75, and you got relief.........but after taking Catalan 50 you did not get relief at all you can take another Voltaren 75 to get relief from pain........but I want to let you know this pain you have is because of infection ....and if you have swelling and pus, you will get relief after Chat Doctor. ........painkillers will give you temporary relief only......take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have a red itchy rash on my chest/ neck area which is now working its way up to my face. It is a pimply like rash with white heads. I have had it on and off for about 3 weeks but it has gone away on its own until now when I have had it for about a week. I have recently been on Doxycycline and stopped taking them about a week ago. Not sure if this is related or not? Thanks [|AI|] Hi Going by your history, you have itching and rash involving your face, chest and neck... Now there are two possibilities ...either it can be acne lesions(acne corporal meaning pimples of body) or it can be a photosensitive rash. Acne vulgarism is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of skin with seborrhea (scaly red skin), comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), pa pules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nodules (large pa pules) and possibly scarring. Acne affects mostly skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Some people are sensitive to sunlight; this is known as photosensitivity. Photosensitivity may produce a rash, which is known by the general term, photodermatosis. Patients may not associate their skin complaint with exposure to light. It is not always the bright summer sun which is responsible; some people also react to sunlight in winter, and very sensitive subjects may even be affected by fluorescent lamps indoors. As in your case, only the exposed sites are involved, so you need to be sure if you have any degree of itching or burning sensation on exposure to sunlight,,,,And as far as doxycycline is concerned,it is a commonly used Chat Doctor. ....but at the same time this
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My grandaughter has just started playing field hockey and she claims she gets dizzy and shaky. She actually got sick the first week and vomited, etc. We are taking her to the drs. tomorrow, but we trying to figure out if we should continue to let her play or just not play at all since it is such a short season. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for trusting Chat Doctor.It's great that you are keeping a close eye on your granddaughter, it's not field hockey in specific that might cause this, but exercise intolerance in general, please take her to a doctor for physical examination, you didn't mention her age which help in understanding the case more, this might be due to anemia, diet, It's hard to say with the current provided info, but since you are going to doctor I hope he or she will be able to clarify things more to you. Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doc Recently I masturbated and I saw there s a dark red( don t know if I saw it wrongly) a cut or wound on the penis and I use a tissue to wipe it and there was no blood at all and my semen got contact with it(am I in risk of any std?) my other part of the question is what if there is blood and my semen got contact with it(in risk of any std?) (I masturbate only,never ever had any sexual intercourse)Thanks for reading this question [|AI|] Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. With the given details, there is no chance you get contracted with any STDs. Even if there is blood, it is your own blood, and you cannot contract STDs yourself, because you do not have any STDs. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband who is 72 felt dizzy and fainted yesterday morning. He was nauseated and after talking to my doctor we went to ER. They said he had an irregular heartbeat, they gave him a blood thinner and a medication to even the rhythm. They kept him for evaluation and further tests today. Is this something that could be very serious? [|AI|] His he was given blood thinners the irregular heart beats can be atrial fibrillation, as blood thinners are usually given in atrial fibrillation to prevent the formation of clot.trial fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular beating. Often it starts as brief periods of abnormal beating which become longer and possibly constant over time. A 24 hour holder would be done, this will keep a record of his beats for next 24 hours, as palpitations can be of a number of types atrial ventricular or sinus tachycardia. High blood pressure and coronary artery disease are the most common cause of it hence a detailed check-up would be done to rule out the cause advice echo tread mill test24 hours holder monitoring. Yes initially it should be taken seriously.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have a hx of sinus tach n take Lopressor to control. Had flu 3 weeks ago, then secondary infection, still having aches n low grade fever yesterday. Took Tamiflu, then Levaquin and Prednisone for a week. Went back to dr. today n told it was bronchitis. Having inspiratory wheeze, bronchospasm, and resting HR of 131. Dr. Gave me Biaxin p.o., Rocephin IM, Decadron IM, Albuterol, and on 2nd round of Prednisone. I can feel left side of chest with the tachycardia. Could this secondary infection have affected my heart? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are mostly having post infectious bronchitis. It is common after viral upper respiratory tract infection (flu). And bronchitis can cause chest tightness, chest pressure and tachycardia. So your current heart symptoms are mostly due to post flu bronchitis. And for this you need to treat bronchitis. So consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT will tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had an incessant ticklish dry cough for almost three weeks. It is non productive and just there, everytime I try to talk, I end up coughing. I even cough at night a lot more, do I need antibiotics for this, I have taken simple linctus but to no avail, I am now taking cough mixture for dry tickly cough. Is this okay or do I need to see my GP. I am 54 years and do have sickle cell anaemia which is well controlled. I weigh 52 kg. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor.... Mostly in general population the cause for Chat Doctor. ... Sometimes allergy, dust, air pollution or acid reflux can be the cause. ... Bronchitis also should be ruled out .... Here as three weeks occurred investigate your case with chest x-ray .... If bronchitis like condition there spirometry done to assess severity . Take turmeric powder in hot milk daily ... Hot water taken .... Avoid smoking ..... If acid reflux present omeprazole capsule taken.... If
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr. my report says that there is a loss of lumbar lordosis. The L4-L5 disc is dessicated, slightly reduced in height and exhibits diffuse posterior disc bulge, intending the thecal sac and bilateral traversing L5 nerve roots.Mild diffuse posterior annular bulge is noted at L5-S1 level without significant thecal sac or nerve root compression. Can this problem be cured without a surgery?? [|AI|] Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. The MRI findings in your description suggests that you have LUMBAR DISC DISEASE with NEURAL COMPRESSION. I cannot assure you a complete cure with non-surgical management. But more than 80% of patients with lumbar disc disease experience pain relief by the following measures -* avoid lifting heavy weights * avoid forward bending activities* Use a lumbosacral back support * Intermittent pelvic traction to cause a regression of the protruded discs* Maintain optimum body weight, if you are obese* Physiotherapy to strengthen your back muscles. Physiotherapy has to be done only after the acute pain has subsided.* Judicious use of analgesics and muscle relaxants.* Occasionally an EPIDURAL STEROID INJECTION of may help to provide pain relief. Hope this information is helpful. Good day
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a recent discogram and it showed bulging of the disc between L4-L5 with narrowing of neural foramina on both sides. Can this cause left leg thigh pain and is there a best treatment plan for this condition. I have already gone through spinal decompression, physical therapy and nuerous injections in this area. Coupled with that I have constant lower back pain at this level and am basically unable to stand for up straight for more than 5 minutes at a time. [|AI|] HiT hanks for being on Chat Doctor.Comte kind of radiating pain you are describing appears to be due to nerve roots compression at the site of disc bulge or protrusion. I shall give you a better opinion if you can follow up with me with your MRI images. Treatment option were Medicines, nerve blocks and surgery. Along with physical therapy is the must. If your pain has recently increased, you can get a fresh MRI done to assess the extent of disease process and nerve root involvement. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO. I HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 11 MONTHS. BEFORE MARRIAGE I HAD A VERY HAPPY GO LUCKY TRAIT. BUT 2-3 MONTHS AFTER MARRIAGE I FEEL FRUSTRATED AND OFTEN HAVE PROBLEM IN CONTROLLING MY ANGER. I LOVE MY HUSBAND A LOT AND SO DOES HE. BUT THESE DAYS HIS ATTITUDE MAKES ME FEEL ANGRY AND I BURST IT OUT ON HIM. I DONT WANT TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM AS HE TRIES A LOT TO MAKE ME HAPPY. WHAT SHOULD I DO [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. A recent increase in anger or irritability could be indicative of underlying stress. Often, newly married people can experience stress because of the change of environment, adapting to new people and taking up more responsibilities. So, it is likely that these things, may be making you feel more stressed out and frustrated. It is good that you have been able to realize your problem and have taken the initiative to seek help. I would advise you to see a psychiatrist or a counselor, for a detailed psychological assessment and further management. You can benefit from leading relaxation exercises, stress management techniques and coping skills. You can also try yoga or meditation to relax your mind and avid stress. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, my son seems to have the delusion that he is an extra-terrestrial acting through my son,s earthly bodywith the purpose of helping mankind to higher levels. He has a history of drug taking but has recently become obsessive with health and raw food. He has difficulties being among people, especially it seems among those who woulld threaten his beliefs. He has recently moved in with me in the remote countryside. . cutting himself off from many friends; although he still visits family members and those close to him. He is becoming more critical of me with accusations he has lately written down in the form of letters to me. He is 26 and unemployed and has alot of freedom to spend his time writing a fantasy novel, meditating and preparing his raw food recipes. There is obviosly no way I could even suggest a treatment option as he sees himselfaloof and beyond my advice, and would,nt contemplate the idea that he was ill. Is there anything I can do to help him, other than simply being around for him ? Andrew [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Instead of suggesting he does not have any super human abilities, suggest he has some and be with him. That is the way you should have followed in the first hand itself. Also try to get hold of some people around him to agree with him on some points which are not harmful to anyone. Gain his trust, and then we can go further in the treatment. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello ...I had a tooth canal treatment last year. A month ago it started hurting me , went to dentist care ,had X-ray and Dr said I had an infection .got some antibiotic .After finishing antibiotics , things went good for a week or so than pains started all over . Saw other doctor who gave me penicillin and flagyl. She will extract it next week .Now my jaw looks swollen as if I have ping pong ball in my tooth .is that normal ? [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that due to infection in the root canal treated tooth there is pus formation below the root tips of the tooth forming a DENTAL ABSCESS which at times perforates the bone and gets accumulated in the soft tissues leading to appearance as a swelling. The swelling that you are experiencing is not a normal occurrence and is due to dental abscess formation. You should immediately get the tooth extracted, and the pus will get Chat Doctor. . It should be taken care of as if not treated on time can lead to Cellulitis and Facial space infections. Hope this information helps. If you find the answer helpful please give me a Five-Star Review and click on found the answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a reoccuring rash that kinda looks like hives that is "extremely itchy" I have tried everything and do not get much relief from the itching. It seems to appear on my feet, ankles, fingers, around my waist, back of wrist and knees. This has been going on for a year. It last sometimes for upto 2 weeks. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. The condition you have referred to is called urticaria or hives. It's an allergic manifestation of skin, where an allergen leads to release of certain substances from your blood, leading to itchy skin rash and swelling over soft tissues. Its proper management requires thorough history, clinical and laboratory work-up. You may have to go for specific tests like patch test, food prick test etc. As for treatment part, best would be the avoidance of allergen as far as possible. Try to eliminate possible triggering foods from diet. I would also advise you various antihistamines for long duration(at least 3 months) with or without oral corticosteroids. For non-responding cases there are many other Chat Doctor. Hope this will help you in resolving your query. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my boyfriend is experiencing a very low pulse rate (44) although he normally has a low pulse, about 50. He has been feeling faint and light headed for two days with a stomach ache, and has been sleeping and drinking fluids to combat this. Do you have any suggestions? [|AI|] Hello, It's a matter of concern. First we need to find out a cause. Possible reason includes, thyroid problem, potassium abnormalities or sometimes problems in heart pacemaker called sinus node. He should get one ECG and holder monitoring done. Also, thyroid and kidney function test are needed. If we are able to find some treatable cause then it's fine, otherwise he may need pacemaker depending upon a cause.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a fungal infection on my right leg due which lot of liquid has been deposited...i visited Apollo hospital and they provided with dressing and prescribed few medicines...However i am taking medicines and also applying mycoderma antifungal powder which has somewhat dried up but still not completely.can u tell me how much time it will take to completely heal up? [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Fungal infection usually requires a long time therapy. Duration or treatment varies according to severity of the infection. But average three to dour month treatment is required to completely clear the infection. In addition to treatment good hygiene keeping by frequent cleaning and Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dear dr, my friend is affected by TB IgG positive. She is geting the value for TB IgG is 625 ( refferance 135 - 235 ) her age is 28y. she is not able to consive. give the solution for thi problem immediately. [|AI|] Hello Kennan;welcome to Chat Doctor Egg positive of TB suggests old infection and not an active infection. The reason for problem in conception of your friend can be many like irregular periods;PCs;TB;Ovulatory cycles;male infertility etc. just to name a few. There is no immediate solution for it and your friend, and she has to get investigated fully to find the cause and once the cause is treated she will become pregnant. So tell her to consult a Gynecologist and get treated. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is complaining of back and upper abdominal pain. He is throwing up after eating or drinking. Before the pain started he had a bad headache and the one side of each of his eye had a blood vessel that seemed to rupture. He is not showing a fever or body aches. [|AI|] Hi. The most common cause of the pain in upper abdomen with backache are 1. Ulcer in the posterior wall of the stomach or 2 Pancreatitis3 The abdominal aorta aneurysm and such cases can cause, but very rarely. The reason for headache and the blood shot eye on one side can be due to increased blood pressure. I would advise you the following to be done urgently:Consult in ER for the clinical evaluation including for the vitals, actual physical examination and investigations like upper GI Endoscopy, CT or MRI of the abdomen for pancreatitis and aorta. I am sure this will help you to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 15 week old son had pooed 4 times today each time it has got white lumpy bits in and the smell is horrendous I can hardly breath hes eating as normal no temperature and seems fine in himself he obviously doesnt have solids anymore and hes on the same milk he has always been on [|AI|] Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor, these white lumpy bits are undigested particles of food-may be potato or any starch from carboy Chat Doctor. Doubtless you know such smell can indicate infection or disbacteriosis of intestine. That's why we need additional methods of examination:stool analysis and stool culture for bacterial, fungal flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.1. Without examination I can prescribe eco norm(saccharomyces) 1/2 packet 3 times 5 days, mix with a little water for elimination of pathogenic flora2.ORS solution 5-10 ml every 5 min to keep your baby HY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am having breathlessness. doctor says that it is asthma. prescribed omnacortil 5 mg taperd dose. took for 9 days. not much relief. again prescribed same 1 tab daily for 10 days & inhaler pump. i am 50. never take tobacco in any form. not exposed to dusty environment in the job.what should i do? [|AI|] Hello dear, Asthma is caused due to bronchoconstriction (obstruction of smaller airway passages) which is indicative of Hyper-responsiveness of air passages. Management consists of:1. Stalin+ Aeroflot inhaler-provide symptomatic relief by causing bronchodilator (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs)So, you can use it whenever you are having an acute attack.2. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of asthma. This will also give protection from recurrent allergy.3. Antihistamines like Cetirizine can also be used to provide symptomatic relief.4. Need for anti bionics can arise if there is a secondary infection. But this should be taken only under the guidance of your Physician.5. Steam inhalation & deep breathing exercises.6. Maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. 7. Also protect yourself from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Pulmonologist for complete clinical examination including Pulmonary Function Tests. Wish you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO DR., I AM AN HCV PATIENT SINCE 4 MONTHS. MY RNA PCR=2000IU., RNA GENOTYPE=4A. NOW THE SGPT HAS ELEVATED A LITTLE(51).I AM NOT TAKING ANY MEDICATION UNTIL NOW. I WAS CONTROLING BY FOOD.NOW I AM WORRIED SIR. KINDLY NEED ADVISE ABOUT IF I NEED A MEDICATION OR DIET. THANK YOU SIR. [|AI|] Thank you for posting query at Chat Doctor. HEPA diagnosed. You need NOT worry. HepC can be cured completely now. There are Chat Doctor. You maybe advice a special diet (fat free), abstinence from alcohol and smoking. You may visit hepatologist and take your blood reports as soon as possible. If any further questions, feel free to ask. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there, I was walking today and then suddenly my left leg started feeling weird. It feels like there s a bubble in the knee area of the leg. For instance, when I bend and straighten my leg it feels like I can feel the muscle.....I m not really sure how else to describe it? [|AI|] Hi, I value your concern regarding the symptoms. I have gone through your symptoms, and in my opinion you will be having either meniscal tear, or some joint swelling. If it is painful and bothering you, it needs to be seen by or tho doctor, and investigated accordingly. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. Special note-Any medication prescribed needs to be taken after consultation with your personal doctor only.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am 36 weeks pregnant. I feel like inside my tummy near belly button cracks. It feels warm and a little hurt. Every time I sit and bend to get something, I feel like my tummy pop and skin cracks. Im wondering if the skin cracks and have breed inside. I didnt see any blood come out when I urinate.Thanks! [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. So-called skin cracking you refer to is in fact crack in upper layer of skin due to overstretched abdomen... the primary symptom is itching on the cracks. Which you seem not to have. The resultant stretch marks are called strike gravidorum. In later months of pregnancy... the abdominal stretching is still increased...abdominal muscles also become stretched some what separated creating fear of breaking skin bleeding. Please don't be scared. There is no breaking of skin or popping or bleeding. Abdimen is strong enough to bear the stretch strong labor pains. In these days. You have to ha very gentle movements. No Turks or hurried movements please. Try to support abdomen with one palm. Yo overcome the fear. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Our whole household have been fighting coughs and congestion for a few weeks. I figured it was a cold that has been going around. Last night my daughter got up sick and began to throw up and did thru the evening and continues this morning. She has a very low grade fever and says she does not feel chilly. She can t keep anything down and gets a stomach cramp just before vomiting again. She continues to only throw up water and alittle bit of bile, but this last time there was blood coming out. Am I looking at a flu and is the blood a tear or something in her throat from the violent vomiting that she has had? Is there anything that I can give her to help this to pass? She is 10 years old. [|AI|] Your 10 year old child has a viral infection which starts of as a cold but has progressed on to cause the lining of the stomach to become red and inflamed called gastritis and also the intestinal lining causing her to vomit. I suggest that it is indeed a severe viral infection, she has to take absolute rest, keep her home, no school, and since she is retching so badly and vomiting not retaining any fluid she needs to visit an emergency room have an IV with parental glucose and saline, be under observation for about 8 hours. Have blood tests done, decongestants , and some antacids to reduce the gastritis, if symptoms persist may need admission. Best of luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hii dr. .i am 17yr oldi usually shake my penis i m felling that my penis is becoming soft and also i am not getting excited easily. is this create a problem for me in future sex satisfactions of my partne .pls answer me as fast as possible . thanking you [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in/Masturbating daily might be too much at your age. You are still growing, and your penis will also increase in length and girth until you complete growth. You should masturbate one in 2 - 3 days and not allow your mind to be preoccupied with sexual thoughts all the time. Also, if you watch lots of pornography then please try to minimize it. Too much of masturbation and pornography can cause sex addiction and this is harmful to your general health in the long term.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 22 years old and i have acne problem...I ve been visiting a dermatologist for the past 3 years and still i am facing Acne problems...The doctor has prescriped doxt s and Topcid 40...Can I take those tablets as prescribed by him..Will i face any side effects..please advise?? I dont have a credit card...Is it possible for you to answer my query?? [|AI|] Hi NEA, Thank you for asking, in public forum you can ask a question and get an answer for free, so please do not worry about your not having a credit card. Generally, a Chat Doctor. This is specially true in patients who have illness which is not life-threatening. Cardinal principle of medicine is first and foremost which says Do No Harm. Therefore, I will urge you to have faith in your doctor and take the medicines as prescribed. You will get well. With best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my Grandaughter is 7 years old and diagnosed 2 weeks with a virus she had 101 fever and uspest stomach, fine after a few days now she has had a low grade fever 99.4 usually coming on in the evening and also tonight is complaining of headache and dizziness??? she is normal weight with no underlying health issues what should we do?? Thank you [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As your granddaughter is having viral infection which is causing all these symptoms. Most of the viral infections are self limiting, and it will subside by itself. If the symptoms are persisting and recurring, she may require lab investigations like CBC and urine routine examinations. As her weight is normal to her age nothing to worry, it will come down in due course of time. For her symptoms I would suggest her to follow1. Oral Paracetamol, to reduce the fever.2. Give diet rich in proteins.3. Give her multivitamins to boost up the immunity. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been active person in my life and now 87. I have gained about 15 pounds. I suffer from low back pain and it has worsened since a I had another knee replacement last year. The old one was 21 years and was put in in 1992. It still hurts and with my back painful for sitting, I wonder what can be done to be more comfortable? I take strong pain pills and exercise twice a week with a group. I also have stretch and other ways of trying to rid of pain. What do you think of the back injections? I do try to keep going and see and do many things, but I am also a writer and an artist. This means sitting much. I believe waiting to see a good specialist makes it worse. Why is Canada so terrible for waiting for a specialist? [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Due to compression of lumbar [back] nerve root there can be pain in your back and thigh. I will advise you to do MRI whole spinor these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication like pregabalin with methylcobalamine can be started consulting your doctor. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support of back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Your thoughts would be appreciated : 19yr White Female, Elevated LFT since April 09, recent test GGT355, ALP232, ALT107, AST55. All others within average incl Tot Bili at 11. R.B.C. 5.34. Liver biopsy not bad. PANCA Pos. APC Pos. Enlarged bulky spleen 11.4x6x11.6cm, with no focal lesion.Fatty Liver. Contracted Gallbladder. MRI nothing outstanding, thin bile duct walls. Crohns in family history but endoscopy & colonoscopy clear. Took prednisalone which doubled LFT results. Non drinker and non drug user. Had knee surgery 2008. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Possible vasculitis associated with bile duct injury.2. Liver function near normal. Mild obstruction seen at level of bile ducts. Immunosuppression necessary to avoid further damage.3. Complete hologram essential to evaluate for hemolytic anemia. Need further clinical details and lab results for further opinion. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] We got married for last 8 years but we failed to conceive my wife is suffering from infertility & irregular means problem. [|AI|] Hi!you and your wife need to get thoroughly investigated as to what is preventing her from conceiving. That includes getting a baseline ultrasound scan of pelvis to look for uterus-any fibroid, endometrial thickness, Ovary state of follicles. Next she has to undergo hormonal tests like TSH, FSH, Lh, prolactin to see if eggs are being released normally or not. Then baseline blood investigations like, He, Tc etc., to see blood status. Next a SG test is done to see if tubes are patent, Meanwhile you will be asked to get your semen analysis to see whether good number, quality, deformed/normal head etc. Let us know.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, just got home after having a kidney stent fitted as i have a stone stuck in my left tube going to the bladder. Starting to feel a bitv sick and have startedv get mild stomach ache and vwhen i pee it stings really bad i presume this is normal am i right, o and is having sex ok if so when can i expect to be able to do it and will i have to be gentle [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your anxiety. The stent is placed endoscopically and hence will not affect daily routines. You don't have to worry about any physical changes externally. Neither worry about the stent nor any adverse effect on kidney. Chat Doctor. For pain relief, take the painkillers given by your Urologist. Have the review visit as advised by your doctor for stent removal.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, My sister has sudden stroke like symtoms, she is 35 years old. she can t lift right hand and difficulty in walking.. face is good. not distorted. our nuerosurgeon suggested a MRI scan . seems everything normal in MRI scan. I am suspecting that it may be some thing related to cervical spondylosis or stenosic. could you please suggest. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your 35 years old sister has difficulty in lifting the right hand, and difficulty in walking. Probably you haven't shown the MRI to the neurosurgeon. There will be so many things which are not shown in MRI. The doctor has to co relate the symptoms to the findings, If no findings he may ask to repeat in different planes. In cervical spondylosis, the restricted movement of the arm will be there, but no effect on the walking will be there. And there will be so many things which are not relevant INRI of brain, like arthritis of shoulder, and hip, or some other metabolic diseases. You follow your neurologists advise and let him treat her in a systematic manner. Besides I advise you some diet recommendations as avoid taking potato, other tubers, tomato, egg, chicken, and seafoods, till she gets relief. Wishing her a quick recovery, and thanks for calling.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My father is suffering from Stomach Cancer. We came to know about this a month ago. Doctors here are suggesting for the operation. As my fathers age is 67 and he have diabetes from last 10 years and recently BP is there. We are thinking whether to go for the surgery or not? Is there any better treatment for this cancer apart from surgery? Please help us to take the decesion. If you can provide us the email address, I can send you the scanned copy of the reports. Please give mthe phone no, so that I can better explai. Please help us sir...Thanks in advance... [|AI|] Hello! Good Day! Primary treatment for Gastric/Stomach cancer is still resection/surgery, especially for early stage cancers. Tumor needs to be removed in order to control the source, in order for it not to go anywhere else in the body. However, for locally advanced Gastric cancer, in other words unresectable or bulky tumors, chemo and radiation therapy is will be the initial treatment, followed by a resection, if chemo/radiation will be able to decrease the tumor size and converted it to a respectable tumor. For more advanced cancers (Stage IV/ with distant metastasis), chemo/radiation plus other palliative treatments will suffice.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am currently in Bangkok. I have gotten maybe 12 mosquito bites and reacted in large swelllings. I come from a country without mosquitoes so I normally react badly. I have asthma and the symptoms are worsening. I am worried about tropical diseases but I have no symptoms. Normally doctors would perscribe an oral anti-histamine and bethamethasone. This helps a lot. Should I see a doctor? [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. By what you quote it should be an urticaria or a simple skin allergy or insect bite allergy. You can use HY Chat Doctor. Most important thing to be remembered is that it has a propensity to recur (called as second crop) within 10-14 days. If this happens, you can start using the same medicine, but I suggest you get the kid evaluated with your physician. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] It feels like I have something wedged between my back molar and my gum, or perhaps its a hole or something? It just feels strange when I run my tongue across it. But Ive tried flossing and nothing seems to be stuck? And it looks fine when I look in the mirror.. What is this? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have feeling wedge in between gum and molar tooth this wedge can be due to periodontal problem may be due to formation of Periodontal Pocket or due to Caries also This can be confirmed by radiograph evaluation visit dentist and go for investigations X-ray. If it is due to periodontal problem go for Curettage and if it is carious then go for Restoration. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Do chlorhexidine mouthwash twice daily. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] During the evening, mainly, my back starts to itch terribly. What causes this? I am now sitting at my desk and or an unknown reason, which is strange, my back is now itching. It is because I drink mountain dew sodas? I am a 3rd year doctoral student who works full-time, and take care of two sisters who are ill. I thought it was because of the stress I m dealing with; but need to know how to resolve the itching. Also, I have bumps on my back and top of arm. I m a 59 year old African American female. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your question. After going through your question there may be following possibilities for your symptoms of itching and bumps over back - 1) Allergic reaction to some foodstuff, environment or to insect bite. As your symptoms start abruptly this is most likely cause. 2) Fungal infection which is rare possibility as your symptoms started abruptly. 3) Scabies most rare cause. In this case some family members may have similar complaints. Try some antihistamines like cetirizine or HY Chat Doctor. Apply lactocalamine lotion. Watch for symptoms like breathing difficulties, swollen lips. If there is no relief or started appearing new symptoms better to consult dermatologist. Hope this helps you, if so do vote.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I get a stabbing sensation like a needle being poked in my foot at random times. It will happen maybe a dozen times a day for a week or so then not happen again for months. It feels like someone must have a vooddoo doll and theyre stabbing my foot. Can you explain [|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to:1. Para-spinal spasm and entrapment of nerve fibers at Lumbosacral region.2. Inadequate HY Chat Doctor. Dietary deficiencies of certain nutrients like Iron, Calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, etc. which help in blood formation & nerve conduction.4. Peripheral neuropathy caused due to any fluctuation in blood pressure or blood sugar level. Symptomatic relief can be obtained by intake of cervicogenic agents (like Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid) as well as multivitamin & multimineral supplements including iron, calcium & vitamin D needs to be added in your diet. Physiotherapy & postural exercise will also be helpful. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Neurologist & get a complete Neurological examination done. Certain investigations like complete blood count, serum electrolyte estimation, fresh estimation of blood pressure & blood sugar levels & nerve conduction studies will be helpful to rule out any pathological cause for the symptoms.X-ray & MRI of Lumbosacral spine can also be carried out to detect any nerve entrapment. Wishing you a Good Health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, for the past 3 days I have had severe back pain. mainly in the upper back. Yesterday I also got a sore neck and this morning I moved my neck forward and it sent the most sever pain down my back and it gets worst when I breathe in. im 19 and female. thankyou! [|AI|] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query and can understand your concern . I found your problem to be a common one and faced by majority of people. For your info, Pain is a consequence of an injury or incorrect posture, Faulty food habits & derailed lifestyle. Whenever you feel such pains, Lie down on hard surface . Let your body loose and relax and do stretching back bending and side to side for immediate relief. Don't ever bend in front. It worsens the situation For your info Every day, we are bombarded with toxins in our environment and in our food which is why detoxification is such a critical process in your body. If the detox process is hindered, toxins will build up in your body eventually causing acidity and toxemia. These are the root causes of nearly all diseasesGulping on only medicines will not help if you don't modify your lifestyle and food habits. Regular BACK BENDING Exercise & Yoga posture , Dhanurassan Bhujjangassan , from left to right stretching, while lying on the ground, or any posture which gives you relief from neck & back pain is very essential along with healthy diet containing all essential nutrients as fiber, vitamins, minerals, supplements full of antioxidants, in natural form --fruit, green veges, lemon, ginger, garlic, Aloe vera, Turmeric powder a level spoon + almond oil a Spoon with hot milk. Spices like ginger, garlic cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for losing weight and alley pains. Chat Doctor. It is also a good remedy for obesity. Avoid processed foods carbs, sugar, fried, fast foods, Tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking, stress and Constipation all will produce biochemical and metabolic conditions in your body that will decrease your immunity, so avoiding is definitely the first step in the right direction to detoxing the body, boosting the immune system. It is Always remembered, if pain is severe or incapacitating, please see your doctor / professional. Hope this helps solves your query. Take care. All the best. Get well London hesitate to come back in case of any further query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My left spermatic cord is swelled up with little pain a year ago I woke up with so much pain felt like someone plucking me every couple of seconds for like an hour but it went away so never thought about it again till now ive been like this now for a couple of months and three weeks ago lymph nodes in my right armpit have swollen up? Help lol am I in trouble? ? [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Swelling of the spermatic cord is due to chronic infection of the spermatic cord (Funiculars)Consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine Routine 2) Ultrasound of the scrotum need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Lifetime along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good concern is my blood is averaging over the last several weeks from 140/70 ish to 153/88. I use to take a .5 mg blood pressure medicine...I have developed a phobia of hospitals, doctors and haven t been able to go to the doctor to get a refill and they of course will not refill for me. I m also experience and tingling in my feet and hands. I have taken my sugar and levels are slightly elevated 80-92. I am about 60 pounds overweight and I think that I have been drinking too much caffeine and my diet of course needs much improvement. [|AI|] Hi, I would suggest continuing your antihypertensive medication for blood pressure control and preventing complications. Your blood sugar levels are actually normal, but I would suggest a more accurate test like the located hemoglobin to check for your sugar levels for the past 3 months. And there are also a lot of causes for tingling sensation in the hands and feet, which includes, but not limited to diabetes mellitus, dietary deficiency of vitamin B, and musculoskeletal problems. I would also suggest weight loss by regular aerobic exercise and a low fat and high fiber diet as these are proven to lower your blood pressure on top of the medications, and in general, lower your risk of atherosclerotic disease like heart attack and stroke. I recommend a check-up with your doctor (even as an outpatient basis) for further examination and proper medication prescription as there are different Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I ve been going on planes and sleeping in hard beds this past week. I ve just noticed a small lump in the back of my left neck and a bigger one right on the left of my neck, exactly below my ear. The lump doesnt hurt, but my left throat hurts when I swallow. What should I do? Thank you so much! [|AI|] Respected user, HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your concern thoroughly.* This seems most likely lymph node enlargement (maybe secondary to upper respiratory infection) .* Recommendations for the same - Gargles with salted lukewarm water 3 times a day.- Consult your doctor for the need of antibiotic as well as anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for further questions. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having shooting pain down my left arm into my fingers and some tingling/ numbness in my pinky and ring finger sometimes my middle, this has been going on for a couple of days. I just checked my BP and at rest it is 150/100 with a pulse of 98. I am almost 30 years old and I do smoke. I am also on Norco for a neck injury from a car accident but the Norco does not help much with the pain in my arm. Should I be concerned? [|AI|] Your narration seems to be related to cervical radiculopathy. Your neck injury and radiating pain and tingling in left C 7 distribution are linked. You need to consult neurologist for evaluating your cervical spine imaging. For treatment, you can try neck collar, amitriptyline, pregabalin with methylcobalamin. Physiotherapy options should be discussed with physiotherapist. Hope you come out of your agony soon. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] iI WAS JUST TOLD I HAVEPROVIDENCIA RETTGERI INFECTION MY MY FAMILY DOCTOR...ICALLED MY UROLIGIST AND HE TOLD ME TO COME IN NEXT TUESDAY FOR MY REGULAR MONTHLY APPOINTMENT. I HAVE A CATHATER I FEEL OK.ER. IS IT SAFE TO WAIT THAT LONG (7 days). PLEASE EXCUSE MY SPELLING. THANK YOU. [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Providentia Rutgers can be a causative agent for the urinary tract infection. Colony count can be an important parameter to judge whether the infection is causative or not. If the colony count of the urine is more than one lac than it is the causative agent responsible. Taking the Chat Doctor. This organisms may be resistant to multiple antibiotics. So proper schedule and good dose can be help full in curing the infection. Please maintain good local hygiene,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 19 year old female. I take good care of my teeth everyday. Three days ago my gums began hurting and swelling on one side of my mouth it has now spread the entire way across my top gums and is starting on the bottom ones. What could cause this and do I need to see a doctor? [|AI|] Do you have complains of food lodgment in your teeth and gums and have your gums ever bled? The reason for you gums to flare up like this can either be due to an infection, allergy or hereditary reasons. If you have been taking good care and have had no complains before then it may be infectious and hereditary presents with painless growth, and so I feel it could be an allergic cause which may have started due to some food which you had in recent past or just in case if you have tried a new toothpaste or a mouth freshener. You can take a simple anti-allergic like cetirizine which won't harm in either case and report to a dental specialist to get it examined.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My grandsons wife (16 years old) will not allow him to be by himself. This even goes as far as going to the toilet, bathing, even leaving the room. She is very violent, she has cut him on the face badly. She is now pregnant, and I fear for the baby and my grandson, he has gone from a healthy 13stones down to about 6 stones with worry. He is totally terrified of her, and he is scared to do anything about it for fear of reprisals to him and the rest of the family. Please can you advise. [|AI|] Hello She is showing violent aggressive behavior, and even she cut your grandson on face. She don't allow your grandson to be by yourself. She is constantly causing harm to him. Most likely these are the symptoms of some Psychiatric disorder. Main possibilities are some Psychotic disorder (acute psychosis or Schizophrenia) or Mood disorder (Manic disorder). In both of these disorders individual start showing violent behavior and may even cause harm to other or to self. I would advise you to take her to a Psychiatrist for proper evaluation and to differentiate between psychotic disorder or mood disorder. Sometimes pregnancy can also induce psychotic disorder. Medicines like low dose antipsychotics as Olanzapine, Risperidone can help to calm her without causing serious side effects to developing baby. These medicines are also available in liquid form and can be given by mixing with food also. But before starting a medicine consult a Psychiatrist and take proper prescription. Thanks, hope this helps you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For how long does Postinor 1 give side effects? I am concerned that after takign the tablet five days ago that I am after the third day experiencing breast tenderness and lower abdominal pain . IAs it is only 5 days after intercourse and may be too early to detect prenancy, I am wondering if this is still a lingering effect from Postinor 1 or an effect of being pregnant therefore? [|AI|] Hallow Dear, Pregnancy symptoms never appear so early. The first cardinal symptom of pregnancy to appear is missed period. All other symptoms like nausea & vomiting, frequent urination and breast symptoms appear about a week after that. Posting 1 is a post-coital emergency contraceptive pill. It contains progesterone hormone. This pill is to be consumed within 72 hours after the unprotected sexual intercourse. If you have taken it within that stipulated time, you need not worry about pregnancy as it has got more than 90% success rate. Being a progesterone medicine, it can cause some discomfort like engorgement and/or tenderness in the breasts. Even there is likelihood of having some with Chat Doctor. It increases acidity in the stomach and hence may cause some abdominal discomfort to pain also. I feel you should wait for your menses to appear in their scheduled time. If they are delayed, still it could be due to Posting which can delay it by about a week or so. So you can safely wait for 3 weeks after Posting 1 has been consumed. If you do not get menses after that, you may perform pregnancy test on the first morning urine sample to find the status of pregnancy. Alternatively, you may opt for Beta Chat Doctor test which is very sensitive and can detect the pregnancy even few days before missed period. If any of this test reports that you are pregnant, and it is unwanted pregnancy, you can terminate it by medicines. Please get rid of the stress of pregnancy. Stress also can delay menstruation. I hope this helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just fell from tree trimming. About 5-6 feet. Thought I just had a few scrapes. Dont feel any pain. But after sitting down for a bit I noticed a large lump on my forearm. I am not in any pain. Put ice on it. Going down. Is there any reason I need to get it checked out? [|AI|] Respected user, thanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This is due to post-traumatic hematoma formation.* Continue ice application 3 - 4 times a day, with elevation of the arm till possible. In case it is large size, I would strongly recommend consulting your PCP to get medications in form of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents which will -- prevent secondary infection -- help early resolution of current lump -- take care of pain component Hope this clears your query. Always feel welcome to ask further questions. Wishing fine recovery from the same. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,im 25 yrs old. recently married..i have been diagnosed with PCOD a year back.few months back i started to have slight itchiness in the vaginal area and one medico friend of mine suggested me LACTACYD. i used it for few days and everything was alright. now itchiness,rash and small blisters around vagina on exterior side developed.LACTACYD is not working for pls suggest a proper medication for this [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I have gone through your query and understand your concern. I suspect you may have Genital herpes. The features you are having like blisters, rashes and itching are typically genital herpes symptoms. It is one of the sexually transmitted disease. It does not necessarily mean to transfer by sex. Furthermore, it may be transmitted by use of infected individuals soap and scents etc. There is no permanent cure for genital herpes. But the symptoms can be lessened and prevented with treatment. Treatment can also reduce the risk of passing the virus on to someone else. Usual treatment for Genital herpes is Antivirals like Acyclovir. Your Primary care physician may know about the dosage and Chat Doctor. My advice is to get proper physical examination by dermatologist. If possible, consider swab test for further diagnosis. Hope this helps. Please reply for further queries. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there i am 15 and i have seen several doctors about my chest. Ive had an EKG, Chest X-Ray, Blood work in which all came back perfectly fine. I am a female. All of the doctors said i have severe anxiety. But however my abdomin hurts when i eat. So far every night and alot of the dy i feel like its VERY hard to breathe. Its constant and however does not stop i do not know what could be causing it. Uhmm i go to the doctor again February 17 should i do something. They said i might have some GERD but im taking antacids and they however arent working niether is the ibuprofen. Im currently taking melatonin to sleep. Please help me!!!!!! [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Yes, it does look like herd....and antacids won't help you with need to start on a combination of a PPI and levosulpride... PPI to reduce the acid production and the latter to prevent reflux...also you need to avoid tea, coffee, soda Chat Doctor. . Also eat small and frequent meals and don't lie down for an hour after a meal...while sleeping put two pillows below your head....and finally get an endoscopy done to confirm herd and rule out hiatus hernia...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My question is that when my son turns 11 months, I want to switch him over to milk. I just recently found that Fairlife has a good amount nutritional value. The only thing is, that brand is lactose free. Can I give my son this milk and still give him regular dairy products (like whole milk cheese etc [those with lactose])? Or will it turn this tummy upside down? Or should I just do 2% or whole milk? [|AI|] Hi, As a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, I want to share with you what the Academies official position with regard to your questions. Healthy infants who were full-term at birth should remain on formula until their first birthday. Fair life is milk that has been processed a special way. Since it is milk, he should not have it for another month. From one to two years of age, he ought to Chat Doctor. His growing body needs the additional fats in whole milk. From two years of age and older, he should
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i am suffering from peptic ulcer and had been using Depo provera injectable. i stopped the injections on march 25. my L.M.P was 21st April and i just had unprotected sex on may 3rd. can i get pregnant... can i take postinor 2 although i am am ulcer patient/ [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I will try to satisfy you by the answer. Depot proverb is a long acting hormonal contraceptive. It is characterized by menstrual irregularities / absence. It is active for 3 months from injection. & it takes at least 3-4 months to get the periods with ovulation & regular after stopping the injection. You had stopped injection depot proverb from March 25th. Starting of ovulating cycle is possible in 3-4 months&June- July) making pregnancy a rare possibility till then. You had sex on 3rd of May. (13th day of cycle) , again next period can be late because of effect of injection & this can cause fear of pregnancy. Though it's not possible. You can test by home pregnancy test after 8 days delay of period. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my bf and i are planning to have a baby. and i had sex on the days that iw as fertile. my last period that was regular was on decmeber 1/10 . and i have been havig alot of symtoms lately but i dont knwo when i should take a test . i wont expect my period til the end of the month. [|AI|] Hello Mam, As you have mentioned that your last period was in December and its more than three months now. Now the urine pregnancy test will not have any major role. It's time you need an ultrasound.* Ultrasound will confirm your pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs then fine and take your treatment accordingly.* In case pregnancy is not there then you need to visit a gynecologist because amenorrhea more than three months might be due to hormonal imbalance. * Other symptoms that you have been experiencing might not be confirmation for pregnancy, so go for an ultrasound first.* I hope you are satisfied with my answer. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have two moveBle lumps one on each side of my lower back they are painful to the touch! The one on my right lower back has grown in size and is causing dibilitating pain radiating into my pelvis and down my leg! I hVe had low back pain for years along with these lumps but it s gotten to the point where I can barely move or walk! My hands and feet have also been going numb? Please help! [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. With this kind of history, it seems that the nerves in your spinal canal are possibly getting some kind of pressure either due to narrowing of their foramina or due to direct pressure by any kind of lump. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for a physical assessment by an orthopedic surgeon, who might advise you for an MRI of the spine to see the cause of the pressure on the nerves. In addition, I would also advise you some routine investigations like a CBC, RA factor, ESR, and a blood sugar estimation. Till then, you could go for an anti-inflammatory along with a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes I am a 67 y/o female who has kyphoscoliosis and have had spinal fusions from C3 to C7 and T1 to sacrum. Have had two revisions on my back and have alot of instruments in the spine. I am having alot of sweating and then chilling and feel like I have the flu. Has been going on for months and is getting worse. Could I have an infection where the instrumentation is in my back? [|AI|] Hi wishes for you to have healthy life...your question about instrumentation in the back can cause infection.the answer is yes ...any foreign body penetrate the skin or implantable object even it is sterile high risky to get must be followed always for any signs of infection such as fever or discharge or pain or avoid any complication early diagnosis and early treatment is very helpful.... sometimes we need investigation such as culture specimen to assure of infection ...but clinical symptoms is warning your case need to follow up...simple investigation test and simple treatment, and you need not to carry.....god blessing you...wish you happy life.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 33years old man. I was at first hyperthyridism patient ant i had taken radio iodine therapy 5 years ago. After that one year i again tested thyoride and this time my tsh level wad high above100. Now i am taking eltroxin 112.5 mg regularly from 3 years. I have a child before this problem. Now i am facing problem to do pregnate my wife please tell me this problem can cause infertility in me? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The use of radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid hormones) can cause hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones). Thyroid disease can cause problems with conception. If this is the cause, it may be improved if your levels are optimized. To determine the cause of your fertility issues, you and your partner should consider undergoing testing. This would involve a semen analysis for you. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have unregularly period because I have PCOS I had took birth control for 12 months but when I had stopped taking them my period was regular for just three months my 4th one is late now.. I was wondering if I should take something else now ? and if the total fertility supplement PCOS will help in my case ? I will appreciate your kind answer Im really tired because of this ...thank you [|AI|] Hi. Treatment for PCs begins with weight loss and metformin, if either or both are indicated, and then is individualized depending on the patients reproductive needs: oral contraception supplemented with Kantian Chat Doctor. To reinforce weight reduction+/- metformin is the recommended therapy. Role of fertility supplements is questionable. Consult your obstetrician for further management. Hope this helps. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Docs,I am living with Sideroblastic anemia (RARS per FAB) for the past 10 years. My hemoglobin went down from a steady 6.0 to 4.0 and that was due to Revlimid. Azacytidine temporarily boosted my Hg to 11.5 in 2004, but after that, it too failed. My first doc put me on Thyroid tablets (100mcg/day) to improve my hypothyroidism. As a result of RARS, I developed secondary hemachromatosis. Mainstream medicine gave up on me.But I did NOT! I have been keeping myself updated with research on this condition and a few weeks ago stumbled upon the Fungii aspect of cancers and how Iodine is efficient in killing all pathogens including Bacteria, Virus and Fungus. I delved further into that angle and started supplementing myself with Kelp tablets, providing my body 1mg to 1.5mg of Iodine. In that past 2-3 weeks, my energy levels have improved considerably and I feel energetic throughout the day. My feet skin which was very dark now has become at least 50% lighter and I feel very lively. Interestingly, I did not have even a quarter of this energy while on Thyroid tablets all these years. I am now able to run up and down the stairs and lift heavy items like suitcases and grocery over longer distances without exhaustion.I strongly feel that this has got to do with increased Iodine intake because I am seeing this radical improvement only within the past 10-15 days. Id like to know your expert thoughts the role of Iodine in curing RARS. [|AI|] Hi! RA-RS is an acquired or congenital disorder in the stem cell level and is a dysplasia or pre-neoplastic condition; here there is disturbance in the iron metabolism in the level of kitchen Chat Doctor. . Your treatment was going on the right way; but treating this condition would just be a chance factor or the mechanism is unknown; it could have some enhancing effect on thyroid and thereby hematopoiesis; not more than that; please see your hemato-oncologist for an open discussion ...regards!