Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zarith Marsk Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Lore bard Output:
Researcher at a University with a focus on planar magic and planar travel
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ruby Saphiria Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Prince of one kingdom kept secret now working as a spy for an allied kingdom.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cedric Skullcrushee Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard/cleric dual class Output:
Cedric loves magic and couldn't decide whether worshipping Mystra was better than being a practicioner of magic so he became both.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tzu-Thalomon Vale Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
Tzu has made a living doing a lot of different tricks and scams, but has decided to turn over a new leaf and live an honest life from now on.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lugh Anarian Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Paladin Output:
As a young man, Lugh was recruited to the army of the empire he'd been born in. He quickly showed his skills in deception and combat, becoming part of the empire's elite corps.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Roger Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Youngest child, one of too many kids, parents sold him to the Church of Vernera. Was raised as a cleric of knowledge, truth and justice. Graduated from the seminary as a lawyer and now acts as a travelling judge
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tharavol Galanodel Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard (diviner) Output:
In a world where elves are despised by humans, a human noble impregnates an elf warrior-princess and the resulting baby is left with the human. Wishing not to see his son derided for his father's mistake, he sent him away to a far off land.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zan Cobriana Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard rogue multiclass Output:
Grew up with her human mother, learned woodlore from her father's people, trained to be a bard and traveled a lot. Both parents still living! No siblings. She led a boring but interesting life of travel and friendship. Parted on friendly terms from her entertaining troupe shortly before meeting up with her current party.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Adrien des Troyes Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Paladin Output:
abandoned at the church when he was a baby and, after a near-death experience when he was a child, trained to be a Paladin. After a disagreement with his church about whether he should use his Divine magicks to help the general population or just the church itself, he left to find his own path.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Salome ("Sally") bat Faisal Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
SallyÊbatÊFaisalÊisÊaÊwildÊchild,ÊbornÊandÊraisedÊinÊtheÊRedÊTownÊdistrict.ÊSheÊstudiedÊhardÊandÊpartiedÊhard.ÊHerÊfatherÊisÊaÊlocalÊmagistrateÊwhoÊwasÊfrequentlyÊembarrassedÊbyÊtheÊmenÊandÊwomenÊmakingÊtheÊwalkÊofÊshameÊfromÊhisÊtownhouse.ÊAppealingÊtoÊherÊfilialÊpietyÊandÊacademicÊbent,ÊheÊstronglyÊsuggestedÊthatÊsheÊjoinÊtheÊpriesthoodÊofÊAthena,ÊhopingÊsheÊwouldÊcalmÊdown.ÊSheÊdidn'tÊlearnÊcelibacy,ÊnorÊevenÊchastity,Êbut,ÊafterÊhearingÊtheÊstoryÊofÊMedusa,ÊsheÊdidÊlearnÊdiscretion.ÊNevertheless,ÊtheÊtempleÊisÊquiteÊeagerÊforÊherÊtoÊ"spreadÊtheÊwordÊofÊtheÊGoddess"Êie,ÊgoÊawayÊbeforeÊsheÊcorruptsÊanyoneÊelse. She was Keejee's babysitter before she was kidnapped, and, since Keejee gained her freedom, she has been obsessive about keeping her former charge healthy, especially mentally. Sally also knows that she is being groomed to take over from her father when he retires, so she studies law, history, and religion obsessively in her spare time.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jacob Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Battlemind Output:
The son of two nobles who tried to raise him in a small village due to a curse. On his twelfth birthday, a wicked witch activated the curse, sending him to a faraway city. Subsequently fostered by a private detective, he trained as a receptionist and interviewer. When he was fifteen, his psychic powers manifested and he left to explore his origins.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nils Alejandro "Aldus the Weasel" Dussail Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
The son of two trade magnates, born to wealth and privilege, and the middle child of four siblings. Attended a prestigious wizarding college, where he studied illusion magic and dungeon interior design, but only achieved mediocre grades. Spent several years of his education partying and accidentally missed his finals as a result. After being financially cut off by his parents, he began to make his living as a con artist instead.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rannok Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Rannok used to live in a small village near the coast. One cay, he found a small nightmarish idol on the beach and took it home with him, where it gave him horrible dreams why he slept. He ended up fleeing the village after the villagers chased him out for practicing black magic. He ended up in an old abandoned Temple of Cthulhu, where he began to worship him as a god.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sister Knickers Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue/cleric Output:
A (not very good) cleric with light fingers and wandering hands. She was sent off to an out the way temple where it was hoped the peasants worldly goods of turnips and manure wouldn't tempt her. As fate would have it, she sccidentally ended up being compelled to join a passing band of adventures - after the disasterous consequences of having filched the talisman that was keeping their own, otherwise injured, cleric alive...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lisette Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Summoner Output:
Daughter of a scholar of the planes, Lisette had always been interested in creatures and landscapes of the planes. From an early age she learned simple magic, biology, ecology and geography with the help of her father. This love for exploring and science led her to become an adventurer. With the help of her summoned creatures she travels the land with adventuring friends, exploring everything creatures, people and their habitats have to offer
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Varis Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
Varis the bard grew up in poverty until he saved up enough money to buy a lute. His family needed the money so he started playing at the local inn. One day, Varis was playing and the crowd started swarming him. All of a sudden, a bodyguard that he hadn't hired named Buck Fireforge started pushing the crowd back. Soon a friendship developed and he was hired. Varis now adventurers in a group of five.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yennica Amaldarine Aliana von Hoq Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Yennica is the fifth of sixteen children. Her father, the prince of a small kingdom, had four wives, all of whom died of mysterious illnesses, leaving him all their land and assets. The fifth wife killed him and fled. With the succession unclear, Yennica's kingdom plunged into civil war between all her siblings. Yennica pledged herself to the god of stars and wanderers, whose followers are required to travel and wander as much as possible, and fled the kingdom.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Vylora Admaris Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Raised in an elven homeland, does not know human mother (Emelia Leadenfell), father is Balzeiros Admaris who is an artisan who crafts magical objects, went to academy but was expelled after an incident where through carelessness she accidentally used her lover Beiris Wranric Erxidor as a vessel to channel ancient gods which caused him to be lost in a world of paranoid delusions and to forever be under the control of the ancient gods, she now adventures to find a way to atone for the pain she has caused, alignment is now lawful neutral
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ivellios Domine Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Monk Output:
Ivellios was raised in a monastery, where he proved to be excellent at martial arts and really, really bad at meditation and spirituality. As a youth, he started sneaking into the village to enter gladiatorial contests, or sometimes just to challenge strangers to an exhibition fight. Now that he's an adult, the abbot has suggested that he leave the monastery for a while, gain an understanding of the wider world, and come back when he's ready to take his vows seriously. He's been supporting himself by continuing his gladiatorial career and thinks he's much more famous than he really is.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Danoleth Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Paladin Output:
Danoleth spent most of his young adulthood as a squire for a high-ranking Knight, hoping to become one himself one day. When Orcs invaded his Nation and he found himself on the front lines, he nearly lost all hope. His Knight was killed and he was left crippled and unable to fight. Though he crawled away from the battlefield he feared he would die of his injuries. His luck turned however when he crossed paths with a Druid, whom offered to heal Danoleth. He agreed to study under the Druid, maintaining his Paladin's Oath while focusing on preserving the natural balance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Garruk Selesnya Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Druid Output:
Garruk never wanted much from life beyond peace and quiet. That was until a group of Dark Elves burned his entire village and took him and various others as slaves. After being sold and abused repeatedly he was saved by a group of adventures. Joining their side, they went on a quest to find the queen of the Dark Elves and put an end to their slave trade. Everywhere Garruk went he burned them as they had done his home. Eventually he hanressed the power of these flames and would often turn into a fire Elemental to truly show them the power of fire.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rozhenya Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
Rozhenya, the bastard daughter of an elven noble, was raised at an elven embassy. She was raised as an aristocrat, but treated with coldness or indifference by the pureblood elves. She quickly soured on noble life; after a web of extortion which she had built trying to find out her mother's identity collapsed around her, she fled the embassy. At the suggestion of her friend Aleila, a courtly entertainer, she instead sought out the House of Black Drapes, a den of thieves and cutthroats, where she received thieves' training. She now travels the world, plying her skills as an entertainer and a criminal, seeking new experiences.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: The Eel Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Talia was a teenager when an infernal force swept through and sundered the keep she and her family lived in. In the chaos, she mistakenly stepped onto a pirate's corvette and found herself a prisoner. However, she was able to prove herself by saving the life of her captor - in gratitude, she was freed and adopted the moniker "The Eel", a creature she admires for its flexibility and adaptation. As one of few women leaders among a confederacy of pirates, she wears the guise of severity while each day she fights to preserve a solemn love for her lost brother, whom she one day hopes to find.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Erika Greenstone Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Erika was the only daughter of a druid and a tailor. When she was 12, a group of cultists framed her family for summoning a demon and the church of Tyr burned them at the stake. Erika escaped and tried to make a living on the run, always afraid the Church was following her. Eventually, she was picked up to be a sacrifice to a demon lord. With her quick wit and a boot dagger, she instead tricked the high priest into being the sacrifice and accidentally formed a pact with Malcanthet, demon lord of succubi. Now she travels the lands stirring up trouble and discrediting the Church as her patron demands.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shushken Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Shushken was taken in as an orphan by the Aspen Witch, a kindly old grandmother to the entire island. Shushken natural had an inclination to study magic, and apprenticed under the witch. Shushken's curiosities eventually turn to necromancy, and despite the usual stigma against such practices, Aspen did her best to foster the child's curiosity in a healthy way. She taught Shushken how to use magic to mediate with the dead, to help them accomplish unfinished tasks or bring closure to the bereaved. Shushken set their sights on being able to fully resurrect one of the fallen. It was their goal to be as powerful a medium as they could, easing the passage of the dying and returning those whose lives had been cruelly cut short.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ophelia Ren Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Grew up in the town that houses the sole wizarding school in the country the campaign is set -- after graduating from it, she stayed behind as a researcher in the archives, only to uncover a deadly secret: the town council are actually allied with the Big Bad Villain. Once the council found out they banished her, framing her for a different crime, but also did something much worse: they harnessed the power of the Big Bad Villain to curse her with an illness called "the Filth", that leaves black patches on your skin, turns your blood black, and makes you dizzy and weak as you hallucinate into other dimensions. So she's on a mission to defeat the Big Bad Villain, cure herself, and clear her name.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ophelia Ren Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Grew up in the town that houses the sole wizarding school in the country the campaign is set -- after graduating from it, she stayed behind as a researcher in the archives, only to uncover a deadly secret: the town council are actually allied with the Big Bad Villain. Once the council found out they banished her, framing her for a different crime, but also did something much worse: they harnessed the power of the Big Bad Villain to curse her with an illness called "the Filth", that leaves black patches on your skin, turns your blood black, and makes you dizzy and weak as you hallucinate into other dimensions. So she's on a mission to defeat the Big Bad Villain, cure herself, and clear her name.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jamenas Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Druid/paladin multiclass Output:
Jamenas was a druid for a small tribe of elves and half-elves. They lived in harmony with the land, giving back as much as they took. Though, unbeknownst to them,a cult of fire was scrying on them, searching for a druid in touch with nature and the elements, that they can cleanse the world in a fire ball. They raided the settlement, and burnt a large section of the forest. Jamenas was taken, and imprisoned in a fire cult cell. Jamenas, desperate for vengeance, pleaded to the gods. One minor god, though not minor compared to mortals, answered his pleas. Hoar, the god of vengeance, had a new champion! Jamenas escaped, slaying any cultist he found, until he reached the outside world. Thirsty for vengeance, Jamenas adventures, calling on both his druidic magic, and the power of Hoar, to quench his thirst!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Allister Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Allister is the youngest of three siblings born into poverty. Their mother was a prostitute, and their father an unnamed elf. After their mother was killed by guards, they had to turn to crime to survive, stealing from peasants and guardsmen. After years of barely surviving, they moved into a church as helpers to leave the dangers of street life. But Allister came home one day to find their church on fire and his older brother wielding strange magical powers, standing over the corpse of the priest who took them in. His sister, Emeline, was battling him, also wielding strange sorcery. At that time, Allister felt a pull within him as his own latent powers awakened, and the resulting magical explosion teleported him outside the city's walls, ready to begin a new life as an adventurer. Allister has since become a fire magic specialist, prone to laughing incontrollably as he sets his enemies on fire.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jon daWarlock Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
I grew up as an orphan living on the streets with no one but my little brother. I was forced to defend and fend for myself and my brother. One day, my brother is stricken ill and resigned to his deathbed. A voice comes to me in the darkness offering help...for a price. I signed a contract in blood, offering my life to this voice in the darkness known as The Great Other to save my brother. However, I did not realize what this truly meant, and I am now forever a servant of this being. The sealing of this pact, while giving me great power, has also changed me, leaving me with blood red eyes, pale white skin, and an overall very creepy looking appearance. I spend my life trying to stay under the radar of The Great Other and preparing for the day, should it occur, that he comes to collect on his contract, I only hope that I can be ready.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Conrad Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Ranger Output:
Conrad grew up in an isolated village in the northern highlands, where he was a hunter, one of the best archers in the village. However, a clan of orcs moving through the area attacked his patrol party, killing all of the hunters, and they'd thought they'd killed Conrad, too. The orcs' leader, a shamaness with six fingers on one hand, took a trophy from the fight: Conrad's pendant, a family heirloom, left to him by his late mother. Once Conrad recovered he left the highlands and has been tracking the orc with six fingers and her clan ever since, plotting his revenge and searching for his lost pendant. Conrad is sociable and friendly, although he doesn't trust strangers any further than friendly chit-chat. He also doesn't really understand how cities and civilization work, given that most of his life was spent in his tiny village and the huge surrounding wilderness, so he tends to be cautious and a little naive. He's still young, but looks even younger.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Torvald Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Torvald has been fascinated by magic ever since before he realized he could wield it. If only he could wield it consistently... despite his years of intense study and self-imposed hermitage in the bowels of a swamp (for ambiance, you see) he has a rather poor success rate with casting spells, earning him the title "Literally The Worst Sorcerer Ever." He prefers it when his spells fail, rather than backfire though. That time he turned himself into a potted plant in the middle of a battle... not the kind of showing the bards would sing home about. Or at least not in any flattering way. Still, he delves ever deeper into the arcane mysteries, with a particular focus on necromancy... not for any particular reason, he just thinks it's really neat.. or at least that's how it started. He still has yet to attempt anything more complex than Chill Touch... but he just needs to work on his courage... and his luck, apparently. 1's, 1's everywhere...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Apollo Ramistad Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Apollo Ramistad was born into a wealthy family, and grew up fascinated both by the heroes in storybooks of old, and the weaponry they wielded. He spent a considerable amount of his wealth on procuring rare and powerful weapons, and the training to use them. One day while crossing the sea to a new land with his collection in tow, his ship was destroyed by a storm. Apollo narrowly survived, but his collection was lost to the bottom of the sea along with the rest of his wealth. He spent the next few years as a homeless youth, barely surviving by stealing or begging. Eventually he was hired by a group of adventurers to help eradicate a large group of bandits that had essentially taken an entire town over. Now, utilizing the sword skills he learned early in his life, and the knack for thievery and stealth that he picked up as a street urchin, he fights to protect the innocent from whatever threatens them, whilst hopefully making a nice chunk of change for his troubles.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kirian Ylestos Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Kirian's family never had much money. His Father worked an unsuccessful butcher shop and his Mother was the daughter of a traveling Elven merchant who thought the relationship pointless, as his daughter would greatly outlive her husband. His mother and father tended the butcher shop and Kirian helped out from time to time though most of his time was spent training like his Grandfather taught him, with the arch-mages gone he figured that someone or something was going to try their luck against the Citizens of Rointor. But he was trained as a rogue, not a guard. His Grandfather, estranged but not unloving, would occasionally visit Kirian and teach him the way of stealth and daggers. Kirian would have lived his life as a petty thief who stole loaves of bread for a living if it weren't for the wisdom of his Grandfather. He applied to join the guard but failed so he would follow the guards undetected under cover of night and help them out in crisis situations. When Rointor's arch-mages disappeared, he made it his mission to help his kingdom in anyway he can.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maeve'aria Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Maeve is the child of a small noble and a peasant woman who was given an education and a job in his court where she dealt with matters of trade and disputes that related to it. Being exposed to this environment from an early age has left her a bit warped morally; she only considers the needs of her close ones and not the world as a whole. When told the story of the boy who cried wolf, the moral she took away was to never tell the same lie twice. She always looks for what benefits her and her friends in a deal and is willing to step outside of the regular social conventions to obtain this. The one person she always looks out for is her mother who instilled a lot of better natures and taught her the ways of using words and not violence to get her way. Maeve has always had a fascination with the arcane, always wishing to inspect even the most mundane magical items to understand how they worked and even to maybe one day use magic itself to improve her life and that of her town.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Theren Jassan Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Born to an Elvish woman and a Calishite human man, Theren was raised in Calimshan, on the southwestern corner of Faerun. When his mother was called back to her people, his father never truly recovered from the loss. With an absent mother and a negligent father, Theren fell in with criminal elements of Calimshan, mostly working as a lieutenant's lieutenant. He never stayed with one organization for too long but always earned a reputation for professionalism and dedication to the group, a professionalism that often landed him in jail when others would turn on him while he refused to. After working for -- and against -- a few magic-geared organizations, Theren developed a general dislike for wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers. He thinks them soft and arrogant. Tiring of life in the southwest, Theren set out for adventure, making ends meet as a freelancer and as a bounty hunter, the latter of which he had taken a liking to. He finds the long hours of tracking and thinking through a target's mindset relaxing and rewarding. Given his predisposition against wizards and the like, he's begun to specialize in hunting rogue wizards and the like. (Or just spellcasters someone doesn't particularly like.)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kallan Fen Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Druid Output:
Abandoned as an infant near a secluded druidic wetland, Kallan was raised aware she had a mysterious origin. As she grew, the water druids shared with her their knowledge. She struggled, however, to grasp the wonders of divine elemental power. As all members of this coven, she was assessed as she came of age. When asked to produce a jet of clean water, from her hands poured an enormous cone of searing fire. It was no simple mistake. It had felt oddly... natural. Strangely right. She mastered the different elements in time, but Kallan has never forgotten her very public shame. Neither has the leader of the tribe, Fen Astrid, an ancient crone who tasks her underlings with contributions to their society. Kallan must return to the wetlands once a season to report on what she has seen, to keep Fen Astrid apprised of the outside world's increasing horrors. Kallan knows how blatantly Fen Astrid has set her up to fail. Alone, uninformed, lucky and na•ve, Kallan can't help but wonder if her leader hopes she will uncover her shrouded past and dissolve into it, for good or for death. For now, the only knowledge she has uncovered is a connection to an extinct, disgraced bloodline of wealthy scientists...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: W.T. Sherman Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
After his magical powers manifested with destruction and tragedy at a young age, W.T. has been wandering as an outcast for as long as he can remember. At first surviving off what he could beg or steal, he eventually became adept enough as a hunter and forester to earn a meager living while traveling from place to place. Never staying long, he has a special bond with the wild wolves of the forest, who took him in and treated him as a member of the pack in his early years of self imposed exile. Though his life has stabilized with a regular, but meager living, W.T. still fears the lack of control he has over the magic inside him. It has come in handy for self defense from time to time in the lawless wilderness, but it's unpredictability and power is frightening. As he wanders from place to place, avoiding companionship for fear of hurting anyone who would befriend him, he is haunted by visions of a coming cataclysm. Further haunting him is the feeling that he himself could be the cause. With these worries churning in his mind he wanders, in search of control, in search of peace, away from the civilization that he could be a danger to.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: John Doe Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
John Doe took his second first breath eleven months ago. His life, his memories, even his nameÉ they were all gone. All he knows is that he woke up one day, alone in a dead town, after crossing to the other side and seeing the horrors beyond. He was alive. He was alone. And a strange power pulsed through his veins. John Doe was completely isolated from all other living things for the first month of his life. Surviving on leftover rations in the town, John simply existed in the face of his amnesia. On his thirty-seventh day of life, John encountered a small dog in the woods. Elated and hopeful, he tried to care for itÉ but all he found was that his touch killed the animal. He hid himself from anything that moved for weeks after that. He tried to grow his own food, but the plants wilted in his garden. He tried to build a home, but the wood rotted in his hands. Only after he realized the connection between the death and decay he caused and the pulsing power inside him did he understand what he was: a sorcerer, imbued with deadly power. Was he like this before? Or did this power come to him when he died? John didnÕt know; he may never know. But John worked with what he had, and slowly but surely he developed his power.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arthur Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Druid Output:
Arthur is a half-elf raised by his elven mother - his father, a human bard, abandoned the family when he was young. Arthur never really fit into elven society and never had a very good relationship with his mother - so when he came of age, he joined a nearby circle of druids. This had the advantage of being an honorable occupation that meant he didn't have to talk to people very much. A few years after gaining his own circle, he joined an adventuring party that was warring against Tehevol - a powerful warlord who was using unholy magic to create hideous abominations that mocked the beauty and power of nature. Along the way he met Avenquith, another half-elf druid, and despite some initial differences they eventually fell in love while disguised in wildshape to spy on their enemies. Neither of them had much experience with romance, and the members of their party were amused enough by them to pretend not to notice them sneaking off together during their journey through Tehevol's territory. It turned out they needed all the joy they could get. Arthur was killed in the last battle against Tehevol but Avenquith brought him to the temple of the god of light to have him resurrected. Returning to the Material Plane to be with his love, Arthur and Avenquith settled down together to rebuild the land Tehevol had left scarred and broken - and to rebuild their family.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kallus Merulan Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Kal was born to a fruit vendor in Arumis, as a bastard child. His mother was kind to him, until she grew addicted to aberrock. He felt the sting of her addiction acutely, and began selling himself to try to fend for both of them. He couldn't continue to support them both, and he moved out on his own. He lived as a prostitute (fairly poor, but not on the streets) in Arumis for several years, before he was hired by a wizard. The wizard, a follower of Graz'zt. attempted to sacrifice him to a demon after drugging him. However, the wizard actually summoned Nathair Sgiathach, a fey creature, not a demon, and as such he did not use the correct binding symbols. Nathair killed him, and was going to kill Kal, before he talked his way out of it. After failing to trick Nathair, he decided that Kal was charming (and vaugely adorable), and they talked through the night. Eventually, they agreed to a pact- Kal would perform a grand trick in Nathair's name once every three years, and in return would recieve a portion of his powers. His first prank, burning down a building, resulted in the near death of an innocent family- this caught the attention of his Onyx circle member mentor, who took him in in an attempt to regulate his pranks and teach him to be a warlock proper. They recognized his great potential, and want to help him manipulate his pact to the best of his ability
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ulric Wolfman Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer / warlock Output:
Ulric Wolfson - Backstory Orphaned at a young age, Ulric found himself surviving on the streets of Lukil with no knowledge of his parents or his past. He stole to survive on the rough streets. Being a half-elf meant that he had to fend for himself. The gangs of the streets didnÕt want anything to do with him. One day, down on his luck he tried to rob a dwarf. The dwarf was a cleric by the name of Griff. Griff took the child on as one of his own and taught him to read, write and navigate. GriffÕs family cared for Ulric and he repayed them by working hard. He ended up being a sailor in the navy. Six months ago, he returned to Dalfor in Eastport and has learned of Griffs death. Realising that he doesnÕt have the adequate skills to avenge his father he went to a secluded cave near Highview that Griff had showed him in his youth. He had been told that it was a source of power and that when he wanted to learn the truth, he should come here. He began to meditate. Three months later, he began to feel that a presence was watching him. After a further month, he heard a voice calling his name. ÒUlric, child of my blood, why do you torment yourself?Ó a deep resonating voice boomed. Ulric opened his eyes to see an ominous fire dragon standing before him. He croaked the only word that he thought of ÒPowerÓ he replied. The fire dragon made a noise that sounded like cannons and explosions, Ulric was dimly aware that the dragon was laughing. The noise ran shivers through his spine. ÒThat, my child, is easy, but I will help you alongÓ The fire dragon pushed one claw towards Ulrics head. To his credit, he didnÕt flinch. Something awoke within Ulric, the power of a Draconic Sorcerer. His skin tingled with raw energy. He could feel the anger and rage swell in pure power. For a further month he trained, honing his craft and then left the cave. He has now made his way to Vakrie, where, using his last few coins he has managed to gain transport with a caravan to Nashwall. He looks towards his destination and vows to make anyone involved in GriffÕs death pay for what theyÕve done.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bree Ravena Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard/rogue Output:
The dark-haired woman stared down into the cradle, pursing her lips. She glanced at the man next to her, and then lifted the glass lamp further aloft. The sudden blaze of light fully illuminated the features of the infant they both regarded, and the woman slowly shook her head. ÒItÕs slight, but noticeable. WeÕll have it done in her fifth year so we can be certain it takes.Ó The girl applied a final bit of pigment over her cheekbones and dropped the cosmetic palette into her bag. She looked nervously at her reflection in the hand mirror, feeling the womanÕs eyes boring into her back. Squaring her shoulders, she turned to face the spymaster with her head held high. She knew that she had gotten the disguise perfect this time. As the womanÕs eyes traveled ever so slowly over the girlÕs form, the girlÕs confidence wilted. The spymaster could find even the tiniest flaw in a disguise, or so the others whispered. Bridget didnÕt want to have to repeat the false identity lessons for a third time. Having to do them a second had been humiliating enough, and her cheeks flushed with the remembrance. ÒYou need to blend a darker tone along the scar tissue to make it unnoticeable, even in bright light. Otherwise, itÕs acceptable.Ó Bridget could hardly believe her (admittedly, scarred) ears. That had almost sounded like praise coming from the spymaster. She bowed to the woman, gathered her bag, and practically ran from the room. The rest of the Ravena trainees wouldnÕt believe it, but she had to tell them anyway. The girl rummaged through the drawers of an ancient oak desk, sorting through scraps of parchment. None of the documents held any information pertaining to the royal family at all, let alone intelligence on the suspected assassination. Bridget frowned to herself but kept hunting, looking for anything that could be of use for House Ravena. After another few minutes, the sound of footsteps approaching the office warned Bridget to hastily rearrange the jumble of notes. Reaching into her belt pouch, she crumbled a bit of hardened sap between her fingers and faded out of sight just as the door opened. Bridget appeared again in the alley behind the warehouse, then strolled casually out onto the main merchant promenade of Vercentis. After a little distance she stooped down to retie one of her boots, her hands moving almost imperceptibly beneath her cloak. Straightening, she glanced down at the hidden glyph she had created on the cobblestone, then sauntered away. Her assignment was complete, and she had a caravan to catch.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jimothy "Jimmy" Gershwin-Fisher Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Wizard/rogue Output:
Jimmy is the illegitimate son of an unknown-to-him elf woman and the human Harvey Gershwin, an entrepeneur. While Harvey was away on a business trip, he and a noble elf woman had a bit too much to drink and things got steamy. Upon his birth, the elf woman told Harvey that the child would either be left in the woods to die (lest she bring great dishonor upon her house) or Harvey could come collect him and raise him as his own. Harvey and his wife, Elena Fisher-Mitsubishi were unable to conceive, so they took his bastard son in. Jimmy was basically raised by his goblin nanny Girbna. She taught him to speak goblin at a young age. Every morning Girbna would sit Jimmy down and look him in the eyes and say, Òyou is kind, you is smart, you is important.Ó The help at the family estate all wear a steel collar with the family crest. The collar is enchanted and makes the wearer loyal and subservient. Being the result of an affair, Elena resented Jimmy. To add insult to injury, Jimmy is the heir to the Fisher Forges Company. ElenaÕs father, Chadsworth Fisher, sold majority shares of the company to Harvey so Harvey can choose who gets the company after he retires. Harvey was always away on business trips, so he didnÕt really spend too much time with Jimmy. The only time all three of them were together was on holidays and the rare family vacation. Jimmy grew up in luxury and believed he wanted to continue living this way. The expectation was that he would take over the company when the time was right. He attended University of Norseheim where he majored in marketing and business administration, with a minor in goblin studies (he got a 5 on the AP Goblin test so a minor was just four more credits and he figured might as well). It took him 5 years to finish because he kept taking electives in the arts, particularly theatre and dance. He participated in yearly service trips to build homes for underprivileged goblins in the east, was a brother of Phi Alpha Gamma, and student body president his senior year. Whlie in college he learned forgery and sold fake IDs to his fellow students. While scavenging for supplies one day, he found a book that refused to hold ink, which he used to inspire confidence in his clients, having them believe that their criminal transaction was being kept secret by magic. In reality the book is a lichÕs phylactery. His forging skills culminated in being able to forge his own scroll of pedigree and hide the fact that heÕs a bastard. HeÕs not ashamed of being a bastard necessarily, but having something other than a ring to back up his nobility made for a more enjoyable social experience. Jimmy never quite felt like his place was running the family business. He resolved that after college he would leave home to find himself and a place where he belonged. Shortly after leaving Harvey was able to get a message to Jimmy demanding him to return and assume his duty, and if he did not return within a month then he would put a bounty on him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Prince Quinoa IV of New Ark Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Quinoa was sheltered by both his parents and the Keep staff as a young child in an attempt to keep him focused on training for his eventual role as king. Quinoa's father was King Bulgur II of New Ark. A tall, thin Sun Elf. Calculating, warlike, protective, and strict. Had a tendency to underestimate his son. Trained Quinoa in courtly arts and customs, though Quin had a difficult time understanding and parsing them. Once he determined Quinoa was too ÔsoftÕ for traditional combat training, he enrolled Quin in the cityÕs best clerical seminary. Quinoa didn't have the best relationship with his father, who tended to look down on his sonÕs more scholarly interests, and upon his fatherÕs death, Quinoa ran away from the Keep. Quinoa's mother was Queen Chia. Chia was kind to Quinoa and was a calming influence in his life. Chia was deeply devoted to Azuth and instilled a love of reading in Quin - she read him some of his first books. She was also a linguist, and maintained that they spoke Elvish in the keep to keep Quinoa attached to his royal heritage. Unfortunately, Chia died when Quinoa was on the cusp of becoming a teen, and was not there to support him through his unsuccessful military and courtly training. Quinoa spent great lengths of time in the KeepÕs extensive library and had read almost all its volumes by the time he came of age. He entered clerical seminary in his late elvish-teens, and only attended for two years before he ran away from New Ark. Due to his protected upbringing, nervous demeanor, and the lack of followers of Azuth at the school (most clerics studying at the seminary followed sun, fire, or water gods), Quin lacked many social skills or commonalities needed to form close bonds with other potential clerics - though he desperately wanted to. Quinoa tried his best, but his tendency to speak at length about his special interests and his penchant for going very quiet and still when he wasn't sure how to proceed in a situation (whether combat-related or societal) tended to alienate him from most of his peers. Quinoa has never really had friends before. He knew many of the Keep staff, but many of his caretakers were much older than him and tended to keep an armÕs length from him in personal matters to remain professional. At one point, he became so desperate to learn to make a friend that on one of his early semesters in seminary school, while away from the Keep, he hired a prostitute simply to have someone to talk to. This personÕs name was Yuca - he took quite a liking to Quin after meeting him and found his bashful and nervous nature endearing. Yuca became QuinÕs first real friend. The two became fast friends, often venturing out into the streets of New Ark together on adventures. Yuca was QuinoaÕs first kiss - Quin wanted to experience one and felt awful for asking until Yuca assured him it was ok - but nothing ever became of them romantically as they were more inclined to be friends. As his studies became more intense, Quin and Yuca fell out of contact, and he hadnÕt seen him before he ran away upon hearing the news of his father's death.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bellamy Vandeskorn Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
Bellamy was born to a courtesan in the house of an intermediate lord. His mother is a human and his father is an elf, although his father has not been present in Bellamy's life. Bellamy is indifferent to his absent father and his mother doesn't ponder the topic often either. Because Bellamy never met his father, he took his mother's last name. While Bellamy has a positive relationship with his mother as one of mutual admiration, they are not very close because his mother was often too busy to parent him properly. Bellamy considers the fact that he was not really raised by his mother as a positive because it has allowed him to grow up learning from a spectrum of people in his environment and allowed him to grow into a diverse and unique individual. Bellamy received an in-house education intended for nobility, because his lord recognized that half-elves usually make reputable diplomats and Bellamy was the only half-elf in his mostly human court. As a child, Bellamy's social interaction was largely limited to the lord's courtiers and tutors with the occasional guest interaction. Bellamy has a naturally likable personality stemming from his penchant for optimism and his pursuit of understanding new perspectives. Bellamy was an enthusiastic student, especially with natural science, language, history, and music. He spent much of his free time as an adolescent reading or drawing in the gardens, conversing with guests and sharing stories. In Bellamy's teenage and young adult years, his personal freedoms had extended beyond the grounds and into the surrounding town. He had been groomed for diplomacy and was still in the process of learning, so his training often led him to interact with common people as well as vassals and traders. However, his tutors did not bother to assign such activities to him because he could often be found interacting with these people outside of his studies regardless. Bellamy grew a compassion for common folk, finding them to be more honest than the average noble. He began to spend time in popular social spots around town and played music for money on occasion. In Bellamy's adult life, he has worked as his lord's public assistant. It's a decent paying job that comes with most of the amenities of living in the lord's manor. For this job, Bellamy interacts with the lord's subjects to soothe misgivings on new policies and sway dissenters' opinions. Officially, Bellamy is listed as the lord's entertainer (which he also does to some extent). Bellamy views his lord highly and generally agrees with his policies, so Bellamy doesn't view the work he does as dishonest. Bellamy is a proponent of honesty and genuine social interaction, and he has a reputation as an honest man. Bellamy is an odd character in many ways due to his philosophy on nature and beauty. As a fashionably thin half-elven man, he takes great care to keep up his appearance. He invests in a wide-ranging wardrobe and takes great care of his hair, going so far as to often paint his nails and don makeup. It is not against his nature to occasionally let his promiscuity get in the way of his duties, especially if he's been drinking. He can swing so many ways that not many people are off the table for him. Despite his flaws of apparent vanity and looseness, he sees beauty in all things and has an air of optimism about himself. While he still plays music at venues he goes to like he did when he was younger, the money he gets from his performances will usually be directed to the less fortunate. Since he enjoys writing and playing music, he views getting paid for it as a nice, but unnecessary, bonus. Since Bellamy has been cooped up in one town for most of his life with the occasional trip to vassal states and neighboring holdings, he longs to see the world beyond his sphere that so many people have told stories of. While he's not built for adventure, he wants to record the adventures of a traveling group and accompany them so he may help them as they view appropriate.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Finarieth Vrue Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Finarieth (Fin) Vrye. 30 years old. 5Õ10. Fair skin, blonde hair, brown eyes. I wear gloves almost 24/7. My mother came from a very old, noble elf family that placed heavy restrictions on her behavior. In a fit of rebellion, she had a brief affair with my father. She realized that she wasn't cut out to live so far from her family, so she returned and gave birth to me six months later. She was generally uninvolved with my upbringing, as was standard for her family. I was always treated differently because of my human blood. The family elders refused to allow my mother to give me the family surname (Eiraval), so she gave me my father's (Vrye). Growing up, I was the family scapegoat, blamed for anything and everything that went wrong. My cousins were spoiled and cossetted; I was given perfunctory attention and was usually treated with bald hostility. The Eiraval were too good for physical violence, but it was made very clear that I was worthless and unwanted. My mother, cowed by the fear of being ousted from the family, never spoke or acted in my defense. She was a stranger to me. My grandmother, Ylien, was the worst of the bunch. She was the strongest proponent of sending me away, or, if I had to stay, treating me like a servant. Because of her, I spent a lot of time with the various travelers who came through townÑ they were the lowest class and therefore, as far as she was concerned, the most appropriate company for me. I was so jealous of their freedom, and a few of them took pity on me, teaching me simple cons and tricks. One day when I was 13, a woman came through town who told fortunes and performed other minor magical feats for money. She asked if I wanted to have my fortune told, but I said no, IÕd rather not know, because it couldnÕt be good. Instead, I asked her how she did it. She told me about an encounter sheÕd had with a demonic creatureÑ she gave it her sense of smell in exchange for her abilities. Fascinated, I wheedled the whole story out of her, including the ritual she used to do it. When I got home, I stole my cousinÕs pet bird, sacrificed it, and summoned up a demon of my own. It said it would give me the power to escape my circumstances and make my own way in the world, for a price. I was ready to give it anything it asked, so when it named its price as my ability to form emotional bonds, I thought I was getting one hell of a deal. I didnÕt have any emotional bonds to speak of, and I couldnÕt imagine ever having any with anyone I knew, so I agreed. That night, I packed and waited. At midnight, a small vibration started in what felt like the middle of my brain. Gradually it trickled down to my hands until it grew to an unbearable itch. Thunder rolled in the distance, but I could hardly hear it. No amount of scratching helped, and by the time my palms were raw and bleeding, it crescendoed to a powerful buzz that was, finally, not painful but all-consuming. Lightning struck our house. Fires sprung up in places that the lightning hadnÕt struck, and somehow the surrounding rain refused to touch it. The itching subsided. I didnÕt know what part of that was my doing, but I knew I was responsible. And now more than ever, I didnÕt care if anyone in the house lived or died, so I took my things and left. I traveled far away from our home in Siar, stealing and using the tricks IÕd learned to run small cons and fixed games. Eventually, I made my way to Shawnbridge, where I settled. I began a lucrative career as a burglar, starting with small residential homes and moving up to banks and jewelry stores. ItÕs been 15 years, and while IÕm not quite a local legend, other criminals definitely know about me. IÕm known only as Fin, and I donÕt address my elf heritage at all, ever, with anyone. I have a solid network of contacts among other thieves, fences, smugglers, and the occasional assassin. I rarely work on contract, stealing only for myself. I use as little magic as possible, though I sometimes canÕt help it. When IÕm in danger, my hands itch, and I have about five minutes to figure it out myself, practically or magically, or it just bursts out of me in whatever form seems helpful. (ItÕs not always that helpful.) Lately, now that IÕm reaching full adulthood, IÕve started to regret not being able to make friends. IÕve been in the same place for a long time now, and I have connections, but I consider no one a friend. None of my liasons have ever had a romantic component. IÕve begun to feel lonely. So when a cleric approached me and asked to enlist my skills in stealing a religious amulet, I thought that maybe that could be the key to getting back what the demon took from me. A favor from a goddess would trump a demon, right? So I agreed, violating my usual no-contract rule, and set out with the cleric. (I donÕt like the cleric, partly because heÕs very rule-oriented, but mostly because heÕs also a half-elf, and I have no small amount of self-loathing left over from childhood.)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Finexel Finnton Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Monk Output:
Finexel Finnton was born to a elf/drow mix 'lady of convenience' named Arrelia Finnton. His father was the 16 year old son of the well respected Lord Vancil. This was, to put it lightly, far from ideal for everyone involved. When his grandfather found out about Finn, he was angry and ashamed that his son could be so careless and foolish. This was not proper behavior for a Vancil. The grandfather, being honorable where his son was not, ensured that the kid was cared for and raised right. He was given to a monastery for education and care. He could never be acknowledged, for things like that were never done for halfbreeds born out of marriage, but at least he would have a life free of suffering. The mother was paid off and Finn never saw her again. While studying at the monastery, Finn showed promise in a number of academic areas, especially that of mathematics and language. While he lacked any particular religious or magical leanings, he was a good study that seemed to actually enjoy learning. He was also well known for his quick reflexes and natural athleticism, obviously taking after his family's long line of excellent swordsmen. Finn remained at the monastery for 15 years, where he was occasionally visited by his grandfather's old friend Ebenor Solterra. When it was time for him to leave, Solterra offered him a position with the family. It would make use of his talents with language and understanding of the extra-natural world. He spent a few years working on various trade ventures with foreign groups, on procuring and trading objects of religious or arcane significance, and generally helping see his family be successful. He was rarely at the Vancil estates during this time, which is good since his father and the Lady Vancil, who had married and had a son while he was in the monastery, were never pleased to see him. About 5 years after he started with the family, his grandfather fell ill. Finn rushed home to see him on his death bed. This was an unfortunate point in Finn's life. The grandfather required Finn to promise to see that the family remain a respected and powerful house, despite his son's earnest attempts to destroy it in drunken rages and unwise investments. Finn swore to do what he could and to keep the name strong, even though it wasn't officially his name. Shortly after the grandfather's death, Finn was banned from the household by his father's wife. He ended up staying with Solterra and doing what he could to support the family, but they shut him out of many of the family's dealings. While Solterra was sympathetic, he was also the family's solicitor and thus bound by law to respect the family's wishes. Finn resorted to more clandestine means to learn what was going on and ways to mitigate it. Finn would often spend evenings skulking around the grounds, sneaking into the office to read correspondence, and to send messages in his father's name. Finn managed this for a number of years. It was not going well. He had managed to divert several streams of correspondence and had a respectable enough trade with some arcane practitioners, he was actually able to keep the family in a positive revenue stream, barely, but they had some funds in the bank once more. Unfortunately, his father's wife died in a horse riding accident and his father broke down completely. He became a recluse, cut off communications and trade agreements, and slowly drank himself to death. Finn even tried to see him, once, and was beaten severely by his father for daring to disgrace his brother by showing his face among the true and proper family. Solterra was forbidden, by order, of telling Finn about his father's death or the actions of Finn's half-brother in liquidating all assets and fleeing across the ocean. Of course, Finn learned that his father was dead very soon after it happened, but was unable to locate his brother until a message arrived from across the ocean. Solterra interpreted Lord Vancil's request in a convenient way and brought Finn in to explain what had happened. Finn was distraught. The family name had been reduced to dirt; a name belonging to drunks and fools who can't be relied upon to stick around when things get tough. Finn spends some time attempting to determine the nature of the agreement his brother made with the Sczarni in Magnimar and how it can be managed. He comes to believe it is far from good and realizes these guys aren't exactly nice people when they aren't paid. When he explains all of this to Solterra, the old Solicitor decides this may be a good time to let the young man try a more active role in his life. He provides Finn with some money and gear, in deference to the memory of his good friend and the adventures he had with Finn's grandfather. Finn goes forth to finally take an active role in securing his promise to his grandfather. He travels to Magnimar and meets with numerous local nobles. His reception as a representative of House Vancil of Absalom is unexpectedly warm. He doesn't believe the locals are actually talking about his half-brother when they describe the positive things coming from Lord Vancil in Sandpoint. While he hasn't personally interacted with his brother in a few years, he has kept an eye on him and his activities and none of this makes much sense. What seemed more liked his brother was the explanation of his activities with the Sczarni when they explain that the debt was given to the Sandpoint branch.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rowan Varis Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric/druid Output:
Rowan was raised by her aunt and uncle, Janna and Eamon Varis, who adopted her as their own after RowanÕs mother died in childbirth. Rowan thinks that she is the natural daughter of Eamon and Janna, and no one has disabused her of that belief. In actuality, she is the product of a liaison between EamonÕs sister Leah and one of the druids of the circle in the Swamp of Darmass. Knowing that if the truth of RowanÕs heritage was exposed she would be ostracized by the other townsfolk, Janna and Eamon decided to keep the knowledge from her for her own protection. Those old enough to recall LeahÕs running away from Mosstone and subsequent pregnant return may have an inkling that something is different about Rowan, but the only other person in the village with concrete knowledge is Father Caius, the local priest. RowanÕs childhood began essentially the same as any other growing up in Mosstone. Her time was split between helping with daily chores, exploring and playing in the outlying marshes of the Swamp of Darmass, and being tutored under Father Caius, the priest of Pelor. As she grew she paid close attention to his lessons and quickly picked up the basics of how to treat those afflicted with sickness and disease. By the time Rowan was eight, Father Caius has realized that she might be destined for more than the other children of Mosstone, and set aside extra time each week to teach her more about the tenets of Pelor. Surprised by her affinity for healing magics, he started to allow her to accompany him about his priestly duties. From tending the ill to distributing alms to leading services, wherever Caius went, Rowan was close behind. The sole exception to this routine was once a week when Caius led travelers into the Swamp of Darmass, as he forbid Rowan to go with him because of the dangers. As Rowan grew closer to the age of majority, her aptitude with the religious duties grew as well. She became particularly adept with the blessing of the crops at the beginning of each planting season, causing a succession of hugely bountiful harvests for the village. Many townsfolk began to view Rowan as CaiusÕ unofficial acolyte, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before she was formally invested into the Church of Pelor. In addition to shadowing Caius about his daily rounds, she would spend several hours each day foraging in the marsh for medicinal plants and herbs. One day while scouring the marsh for sundew plants, Rowan found herself further into the Swamp of Darmass than she had anticipated. Realizing that she had gotten completely lost, she determinedly set off to find her way back to Mosstone. After several hours of walking, Rowan recognized that she was now even more lost than before. Though she had fixed her path by the glimpses of the sun that she caught through the thick forest canopy, knowing that it was descending to the west, she had not come out upon the marshlands. With night quickly approaching, she decided to look for a sheltered place to rest and resolved to resume her search in the morning. Though she could see fairly well in the murky twilight, a fatal misstep on an uneven cluster of rocks caused Rowan to fall backward and strike her head against the offending rubble, knocking her unconscious. Rowan awoke the following morning to find a heavy weight seemingly bearing down on her legs. Flailing about in a panic, she managed to sit up far enough to find herself face-to-muzzle with a large gray wolf. Rapidly drawing in a breath as a preface to a shrieking fit, the realization struck Rowan that the wolf would have eaten her by now if it had meant to do so. It was then she heard a muted chuckling coming from behind her, and she twisted around to see a male elf step from amongst the trees. He quickly allayed her fears by explaining that he was one of the druids of the circle located within the Swamp of Darmass, and that she was in no danger from him or the wolf. Indeed, it seemed the wolf had ÒchosenÓ her as his companion, and that such bonds were hard to sever. Something about the elfÕs nature inspired trust in Rowan and she decided to accompany him to meet the rest of the circle per his suggestion. He mentioned that they had already sent word to Father Caius that Rowan had been found, and that she would be safe with the druids within the swamp until Caius passed through escorting the next group of travelers. As the little party started off further into the forest he introduced himself as Aldoren, and the wolf, who stuck close to RowanÕs side, as Lyr. After what seemed like only a few miles on foot, the dense forest suddenly gave way to a lush meadow containing concentric circles of hawthorn and ash trees, centered around an immense oak. Gazing about nervously, Rowan heard what sounded like a faint strain of music coming from the grove of trees. It almost sounded as if the trees wereÉ singing? After several minutes, Rowan realized that she was alone except for Lyr. The faint musical sounds grew louder, as if calling to Rowan. She and the wolf stepped forward into the trees. All at once, time slowed to a crawl and her senses were assailed by sounds, smells, and visions. She could hear every rustle of the leaves and every splash of the rain. She could smell the rich, dark soil and the dry, sweet scent of wheat. The cycle of the seasons spun on forever into the future in her mindÕs eye, an endless sequence of life and death. Just before Rowan was overwhelmed by everything, an impossibly beautiful, ageless elven woman emerged from the midst of the chaos, and spoke. Claiming Rowan as her daughter, she decreed that Rowan would stay with the circle and learn their ways. Trembling, Rowan could only nod her head in agreement as the figure loomed above her and disappeared, along with the rest of the sensations. For the next four years, Rowan lived with the druids of the Order of the Verdant Grove. Though they shared all their teachings with her, they also held themselves back. Rowan had been touched by Melora, a thing only spoken of in the oldest of tales. No one wanted to anger the goddess by getting too close. The night before Rowan was to be inducted into the Order, Melora came to her again in a dream. Rowan was to leave the druids and travel to the aid of the dwarves in Icemaul, far to the north.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tommy Toes Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
The story of Tommy Toes starts with his father, but before that it starts with his mother's ex-girlfriend. The three of them were once part of an adventuring group called the Tavernheads. Raul Twelve-toes, Johnny's father, was the barbarian of the group. Sigyl Signs, his mother, was the group's elven sorcerer, and Helga MacNamara was the gnomish cleric and the group's leader. Along with the dragonborn psion Itz Kilstreak and the dwarven rogue Salyar Rubbletongue, the Tavernheads traveled the world fighting great evils, including the legendary lizardfolk archmage Deathscale, the ancient water dragon Nora Infinito, and a remarkably tenacious dire were-squirrel. Helga was constantly seeking out the most dangerous missions she could find, and even after they recruited the lizardfolk ranger Alfonzina, their constant trips through vast, yet-unsettled wilderness to reach these challenges often pushed them even closer to death than the armies of skeletons. Intra-party squabbles were frequent, and more than once once Itz and Salyar came to blows over ownership of items, and what they couldn't just leave behind for the month-long trek back to civilization. Whenever this happened, Helga would simply withhold all healing privileges from all offending party members until the situation was resolved, usually by giving the offending item to her. This brashness attracted Sigyl to her, and the two eventually got married in a touching ceremony marred only slightly by the momentary delay caused by an attacking dracolich. However, one day, Helga pushed Salyar to his limit. Enraged at having to sell off a magical bow he rarely used in order to purchase an expensive magical item to supplement Itz's powers, he stormed off to sulk in the tavern while the Tavernheads went to the Dungeon of Infernals, which is a fairly self-explanatory location. If Salyar had been present, maybe he could have deactivated the trap that vaporised Sigyl in one blow. Helga tried to resurrect her, but not enough was left. She would do anything to save her. Anything at all. Which, of course, was exactly the point. Of the others, Alfonzina was the first to realize what had happened, but by then it was too late. Sigyl was waking up, confused. Helga was standing over her, her body ensnared in a dark power. ÒI saved you,Ó she said, Òso let's hurry.Ó But when she went to touch Sigyl's hand, the elven woman screamed in pain before their palms even made contact. Sigyl still didn't understand. But Helga did. ÒThis is the culmination of my power,ÓÊshe said, Òthe culmination of my journey. This unlimited power is my gift, and I will give it to the world. I have always fought to protect mortalkind. Now I will fight to uplift it.Ó Then a magical bolt pierced her temple, and the window burst open, and the light shone in and devoured everything. Salyar rescued Itz last, but when all is recorded, let it be known that he did rescue him. Do not forget this fact. The archmage Gaius, who had teleported there, did not have enough strength to seal off the temple, so he gave Sigyl the tools to do so, and once she had done this, she collapsed, both from the expense of far more magical energy than she thought she had in her, and under the emotional weight of what she had done. Once they got back to town, Gaius billed them for his services ÑÊa bill which just happened to be exactly as large as the sum total of everything the party owned. And that was the last day the Tavernheads were adventurers. Friends they remained, but not one of them ever would become a quester again. At least, that was the plan. You see, five years later, Sigyl and Raul got married, moved to the vegetable farm that Sigyl's mother used to own, and had a kid. Eight years later they had another, and eight years after that everything got massively screwed up forever. The thing about Sigyl and Raul's first child, Patty Toes, is that she was blind from birth. Sigyl and Raul had tried time and again to find a cleric to fix her, but you can't fix what's already broken. Patty always insisted that she was fine Ñ she could hear the heartbeats of animals well enough to hunt in pitch blackness as well as she could in broad daylight, which is to say as well as anyone, so really, what was all the fuss about? Her younger brother Tommy, in fact, admired her so much that after he learned to hunt with his eyes, he put on a blindfold and had Patty teach him to hunt with his other senses. Raul didn't approve Ñ he knew from when he was a beginner barbarian that showing off like that could lead to self-injury Ñ and ordered Tommy never to take napkins or handkerchiefs out into the woods during practice. Which is when Tommy learned to steal. Tommy admired all of his parents' old friends. Itz had a lot of neat stories and swear words, and he taught Tommy much of the draconic tongue ÑÊespecially its baudier bits, and often not deliberately. Salyar was the only adult who understood about the thrill of subterfuge, and gave him lessons he probably shouldn't have gotten. Alfonzina was an incredible hunter, tracker, and forager, and both he and her sister would watch enraptured as she showed them some technique or other for figuring out where such and such subspecies dire rabbit was wont to set up its warren. And then one day his father came home from selling the season's crops at the local trading port with nothing to show for it but a strange-looking idol. He said it was of some important goddess or other, but Tommy knew from pictures that it wasn't in her likeness at all. He personally thought it a rather shoddy work. Well, it was that, too. For you see, Raul claimed that praying on it for three days and nights would give Patty her sight. She initially declined this, but eventually relented. But after the third night, not only could Patty not see the ornate hand-carved furniture and various oddities that her parents had painstakingly earned and collected over the years to trick themselves into thinking they still had access to the vast fortunes they once laid claims to as members of the Tavernheads, neither could anyone else. Sigyl went to the city to ask around, but when she returned, all she could gather was that he had bought the idol from some backstreet dealer for a ridiculous sum under the impression that it could heal her daughter, and that other people with similar stories had been appearing, with the idol at the center of it all. ÒMagic,Ó she cursed under her breath. ÒI should have been able to tell. I'm going on a walk around the tomato patch; I need to gather my thoughts.Ó That was the last time the two of them saw her again. Their will hadn't been updated for sixteen years, so the farm passed to Salyar. He obliged out of respect for his years of camaraderie with Sigyl and Raul, but didn't know the first thing about farming, however, so despite Tommy and Patty's best efforts, boulders gathered in the fields, the soil lost its fertility, and the three basically became foragers who happened to own farm-shaped property. Until Salyar, in the first truly generous act and most mind-bogglingly stupid decision of his life, traded the farm to a peasant-boy for all the boy had on him, which was a piece of stale bread and some tasteless wine the boy had found next to a busted-up barrel in an alleyway. The same alleyway, in fact, though that is just a coincidence. Now homeless, Tommy and Patty had nothing to do except track down their parents. Which would make for a pretty exciting story of Tommy weren't such an incredible dickweed who steals for no reason, is a jerk to pretty much everyone even when it makes things inconvenient for himself, and whose incredible ability to focus on achieving his goal at any cost would be much more useful if he actually had a concrete goal beyondÊÒfind someone who's probably dead and someone who wants to remain hidden and knows exactly how we'll go about looking for herÓ.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Craros Nyoho Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Craros Nyoho (child name: Genko Georgio) is a Half-Elf orphan raised by humans. Knowing little of his past, he was placed in the care of the Georgio family in the city of Volos on the country of Crescent. He grew up beside his step-brother Jono, who while a few years younger was the same age relative to their lifespan differences. At the age of 16, before heÕd be considered an adult and claim his new name in Elvish tradition, he left home to practice at the Genevius Monastery. His father had recently been assassinated, and Genko felt lost in the world. He needed some form of guidance, something to believe in. Although it hurt him to leave his brother in that awful period of their life, he knew that it had to be done. He took part of his inheritance to take a carriage to a port town, and from there took a boat to the Country the Genevius Monastery was located: [insert country]. Genevius is a God of unknown shape or form, who places virtue in walking the Òrighteous pathÓ that is specific to every one person. Those who found a path and followed it received GeneviusÕ Favor. This was an important lesson burnt into GenkoÕs mind by his strict, passionate teacher: Master Toji. Master Toji was by no means a traditional teacher or a traditional Cleric. Even in a religion generally considered unorthodox, his methods of teaching and interacting with his students were considered bizarre. For one, his concept of righteousness was very different from many of the other Clerics and Monks at the Monastery. While their concept of it was one of Quixotic bravery, total selflessness, and absolute virtue, TojiÕs was centered around moral relativity, utilitarianism, and a staying true to oneÕs beliefs. Although Genko, through his education and young adulthood, was still working out what his idea of righteousness was, the beliefs of Master Toji very heavily influenced him. Besides the talented Genko, Master Toji taught two other students alongside him. A human female named Velline, and a half-orc male named Crodsworth. A half-orc being attempting to become a cleric in most other monasteries would likely be met with rejection, but the Genevius Church was far more accepting. Crodsworth was much more human looking than orc which certainly helped as well. Genko and Crodsworth hit it off as friends, as Crodsworth had also come from a prestigious household in Crescent, albeit on the opposite coast of Volos. His father, an alumni of the Monastery, had sent him in an attempt to teach him responsibility, virtue, and civility. Being half-orc, Crodsworth often felt at war with himself, often getting violent urges. He was almost kicked out after beating his previous teacher to a bloody pulp. It was only with the incessant protesting of Master Toji that kept him in with the promise to take him on as his own student. The one time Crodsworth had lost his tempter with Toji and charged at him, Master Toji used his own force against Crodsworth, who found himself flipped onto his back with a foot on his chest. Then, the hand of the compassionate Toji extended to help him up. He was not chastised, nor was the occurrence ever mentioned to any other members of the faculty. After that, the two worked heavily on learning to accept the duality of himself, and Crodsworth never had a violent incident after that. He learned to control his feelings, and also to utilize them in his sparring matches with Genko. The two ended up sharing a dorm together in their last two years at the monastery, and developed a brotherly sort of bond. Genko saw a bit of Jono within Crodsworth, and perhaps thatÕs why they got along so well. Genko could not say that his relationship with Velline was as positive as his with Crodsworth. He could not deny her talent, but he found her pretension and snobbery obnoxious. She often argued with Master Toji, and frequently questioned his methods.While Master Toji always respected the questioning of authority, even he was tired by her obsession with semantics. She was intelligent, fierce, determined, and kind of a bitch. Genko respected her, but he by no means liked her. Velline didnÕt do either for Genko. However, many of the highest ranking members of the Monastery had different ideas of what the Òrighteous pathÓ meant. The doctrine of the Monastery was altered, with its focus no longer being to prepare its members to find their path and set off on it, but to instead make its members place all of their efforts into expanding and benefiting the church, even collecting Indulgences allegedly granting GeneviusÕ Favor. Instead of Genevian Clerics and Monks, they began to send out simple missionaries repeating pre-rehearsed phrases that greatly differed from what original Genevians taught. The Monastery being their own home, many of the followers chose to simply accept this change instead of creating a schism and losing the only thing they had. They even eventually came to believe these new teachings. The first to speak out against this was GenkoÕs Master. He did not present his beliefs to the Grand Cleric, but instead posted a collection of essays upon the door of the Council Hall, and left during the night without a word, with the exception of a letter for each of his three students. GenkoÕs read: ÒGenko, IÕve already left. I by no means encourage you to follow. This is my path. You must find yours. ~Toji" Genko became disillusioned by the Monastery after his favorite and most trusted teacher was expelled from it on grounds of Heresy for calling out this greed-driven sacrilege. He had learned the essential skills of a Cleric, and although he knew he would be labeled a Heretic and cast out from the Monastery, he spoke out against the Grand Cleric. In spite of the advice of his teacher, he decided leaving was the righteous path for him. After studying the essays the church had attempted to remove all trace of, he found he could no longer stay at the monastery without abandoning his ideals of righteousness. Of TojiÕs students, two left the monastery as heretics. Genko, and a while later Crodsworth. Crodsworth found the change in direction for the sake of greed and expansion disgusting. Although he was in control of his urges at this time, he lost control at one integral moment. He was passing by some high ranking Clerics when he heard them talking about the sacrilege of Master Toji. He was painted as someone evil, who stood against everything the Monastery meant. Genko and Crodsworth had discussed whether what Toji said about the monastery was true before, and had both become disgusted by the thought of continuing their relationship with the organization. Crodsworth felt his blood boil, and he beat the Cleric to a bloody pulp with his bare hands before fleeing. He knew he could never return to his father after this, so he left to start a new life with his skills. He assumed Genko would return to Volos, but he figured he would take on a new identity as the two were both aware of how the Monastery treated heretics. Crodsworth decided to do the same, and it seemed at that time that the two friends would never meet again. Crodsworth adopted the name Bento Borneo and set off towards the southern coast of Crescent. Velline continued her work as a missionary, finding the money good and the housing stable. She eventually rose up to be a high ranking member of the Monastery. Genko was pleased to be relinquished of her company. After losing status in the organization and being expelled from all of the MonasteryÕs few other locations, he returned to Crescent and his childhood home at the age of 20. He gave himself the new name Craros Nyoho to both grant himself some anonymity from the ReligionÕs new sect of Zealots that set out to silence those who left the Organization, as well as in Elvish tradition when one reaches adulthood. Craros wondered about the fate of Toji and Crodsworth. They would likely do the same in taking a new identity and going into hiding. Toji himself had kept his past secret, and his students didnÕt even know where his hometown was. The only thing Craros had learned about his past was hearing Toji talking to another Cleric in passing, where he heard Toji say, Ò[mumble mumble] back in Red Swork we used to [mumble mumble]Ó. All Craros knew about Red Swork at the time was that it was a city even bigger and more populated than Volos. Finding a specific person there would be like finding an honest man in a crowd, which is an expression Master Toji had often used. Upon reaching the Georgio family, he finds that his brother Jono has long since left. Townsfolk who knew him claim he had left to pursue mercenary work, but had become rotten to the core years ago and joined a local, enigmatic gang. Craros searched for some time to find his brother, with no luck. He kept himself hidden, as he knew Volos was the first place the Zealots would search. Slowly, but surely, he gathered information on the Patricia family that Jono had joined. They were a powerful group that essentially ruled the city. He knew it was a hopeless lead, however, as even if he were to interrogate one of the members they would never reveal any information on Jono, not that he would ever resort to torture. All he had been able to learn was that he had recently left the organization, in spite of having become a powerful member at such a young age. The only hint heÕd received was by a close confidant of Jono, a member of the gang he ran with who went by the name Abato. Although he did not know where Jono was, as Volos was a large city, he did believe Craros when he said he was was JonoÕs brother as Jono had told them about his family before. All that Abato could tell Craros was about an organization named Violet, which was the group who killed their father, and a man who went by the pseudonym Sapphire. Sapphire was the boss of Violet, and the one who orchestrated the murder of Alexi Georgio. He was a man with blue hair and a robotic left forearm. That was the only thing they were ever able to uncover. Craros lived on the streets of Volos for a while. His familyÕs home had been demolished, and he found little hospitality elsewhere. He spent his time scouring for information about Sapphire, hoping it would reunite him with his brother. The only responses he received were people not knowing what he was talking about, or people attacking him as soon as the name Sapphire was spoken. One night, close to the end of the year, he was walking to his temporary residence at an inn past a local bar, only to bump into a man coming out of said bar. The man looked aggravated, and Craros was cautious. He looked at the manÕs face, and saw the eyes of someone who had seen much violence and grief, someone who was lost and searching for something out of his reach. But beneath all that, he saw the unmistakable jovial cheeriness of his brother. Craros laughed, hard. All this time he had spent searching for his brother, hoping for a cathartic reunion, and he just happened to bump into him outside of a bar. Over the past few weeks, he had frequently questioned whether or not he was on the right path, whether Genevius would approve. He almost even gave up hope and resigned to the fact that he would never find his brother or he might even be dead. And now, being questioned by his brother about what was so funny, he knew that heÕd been walking the right path all along. He pulled down his hood, spoke to Jono his old name of Genko Georgio for the first time in so long, and was immediately pulled in for a long, powerful hug. They caught each other up on all of the events of the past few years. Jono told Craros of his life as an officer in the Patricia family, and Craros told him of his expulsion from the Monastery and his new label as a Heretic. They had both been searching after Sapphire, though for Jono is was vengeance and Craros it was to find his brother. Craros was sad to see his home in such disarray, and the two slowly started to weed out the more notorious criminals. They were searching for Sapphire or any clues to find him, yet in their actions became seen as unknown heroes of Volos. They embraced the mythos behind this unforeseen fame, and donned reflective masks while they worked. Soon, the city had reached record low levels of crime, and it was prospering and beautiful once again. Even the Patricia family, although largely untouched by the so-called Twilight Knights (besides some low level thugs that had disobeyed orders and acted against Patricia family code), had pulled back on their less than ethical operations. Perhaps it was out of fear that the Twilight Knights would retaliate, or perhaps it was out of respect.JonoÕs gang never officially learned that Jono was a Twilight Knight, but they recognized that the mark on society the Twilight Knights left was something only someone as inspired as Jono could accomplish. Feeling their job was done, and still with no leads on Sapphire, they head towards the capital of Crescent, known by many for its iconic gigantic red sword and by others for its propensity of guiding people towards their fates. They donÕt know what theyÕll find there, but they know it will be significant. Craros still finds himself clueless as to what the ÒRighteous PathÓ he should follow is, yet he knows the only way to find it is to travel the realms and act in an order he himself would consider righteous. He believes doing this, despite whatever treachery or danger that may come to them, will certainly lead him to the true path he must follow and let him attain GeneviusÕ Favor along the way.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Varik Yhendhorn Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock/mystic Output:
VarikÕs story starts with the Edelsteins, a centuries-old family dynasty with deep roots in the town of Glimcrag, nestled in the foothills north of Neverwinter. Their control of the regionÕs rich platinum veins along with a tight grip on the local government had led to quite the accumulated fortune over the years. As of VarikÕs birth the mines had been stripped clean for decades, but the Edelsteins saw no reason to relinquish their accustomed lifestyle and status at the top of their provincial heap. Their sprawling manor dominated GlimcragÕs town center, with its splendor waning with age as the Edelsteins kept a progressively tighter grip on their remaining wealth. Realistically, most things in Glimcrag were on the decline. While far from a ghost town yet, GlimcragÕs infrastructure was also showing signs of neglect as tax income diminished, with many structures now lying unused. Many families were clinging to their land and property, farmers in particular, and there was still money in catering to travelers and caravaneers, but no one would describe the streets as ÒbustlingÓ anymore. The Edelsteins themselves tended to keep to their bubble of relative wealth and rarely mixed with the greater populace. VarikÕs mother was Louenna Edelstein, the beautiful daughter of the Edelstein patriarch currently holding the GlimcragÕs mayorship. She was known as a free spirit, mercurial and moody, and was a popular topic of gossip thanks to her flirtatious nature and torrid romances that began and ended abruptly. She was also the subject of an old family superstition, regarding a curse on the familyÕs progeny. That every four generations the female Edelstein heirs would only birth cursed children, weak and deformed. If asked, those within the family would spout their version of a tale regarding a hag angered centuries ago. Those outside the family liked chalking the ÒcurseÓ up to a family history of marrying within a narrow pool. Whatever the truth, Louenna was discouraged from seeking marriage and especially from seeking motherhood. LouennaÕs capriciousness was enough to make marriage unlikely on its own. Despite this factor, it was well known that she greatly desired to raise a child, and many suspected this desire stemmed from feeling denied the option. Thus, when Louenna dallied with a wood elf trader and conceived a child, many presumed it was to thwart the curseÕs terms. After all, a half-blood illegitimate child would certainly not be considered an Edelstein. The father vanished the day the pregnancy became known, and there was a minor scandal, particularly since an unlanded trader was considered of low social status. This bounced off Louenna for the most part, who insisted on bringing the child to term. Even considering the scandal her father had no real desire to disown her, and so Louenna retained her place in the manor, Varik was born, and the family eventually moved on to the next scandal. Despite his absence, Louenna bestowed Varik with his fatherÕs Elvish surname of Yhendhorn. With the EdelsteinÕs lukewarm reception of the child, she likely saw no reason to fight to attach her own surname. As for the curse, whether supernatural or a fluke of nature, the newborn Varik did not escape it. He was indeed born with deformities, most notably his misshapen legs and a preternaturally frail constitution. His odds of survival were considered low, but Louenna insisted he be well cared for. The sickly child persisted. He was plagued with breathing difficulties, a weak stomach, and a tendency to tire easy, none of which improved as he grew older. Varik did learn to walk, but only with the aid of a walking stick as his own legs could not support himself properly. He also had a way of catching contagious illnesses at the drop of a hat and was slow to recover. Louenna ached at seeing her son suffer, and when possible used what access she had to the family fortune to hire clerics and other healers. They would ease his symptoms and even cure him of any contagious disease he suffered, but his underlying condition never improved. Louenna chalked this up to the curse, but as attempts at curse removal also failed, the healers were more commonly of the opinion that you could not cure someone of the circumstances of their birth. VarikÕs family was largely indifferent to his presence within the manor and considered him LouennaÕs problem. While even as a bastard child, he had some social obligation to them, their treatment tended to be icy and distant. His mother was of course the exception to this, always doting on him and hating to let him out of her sight for long. Young Varik came to prefer solitude and developed a dim view of his various cousins, aunts, and uncles, with ÒtwitÓ being the word he would use to describe the majority. His mother oversaw his care, but as time grew on he became less and less tolerant of even her presence. Both of them had a stubborn streak and rarely had breathing room from from each other. VarikÕs frustration with her constant attention and control festered and manifested in attempts to assert his independence: performing strenuous tasks without her aid, refusing the latest expensive treatment she purchased, venturing out on his own with no warning, etc. These protests usually backfired and would only lead to tearful reprimands from Louenna, who would then keep an even sharper eye on him. She also would worry about his reclusive nature and engage in heavy-handed attempts to help him make friends. The occasional forced play dates were awkward, with Varik having little in common with children his age. This habit of hers became far worse as he entered his teens and she transitioned to introducing him to Ònice girls.Ó This went about as well as one would expect. Throughout all this, a constant point of contention was LouennaÕs continued habit of acquiring and dropping beaus and the associated uncomfortable introductions. While VarikÕs family life was always rocky, a comforting constant for him was his love of the written word. He learned to read before he learned to walk, and outpaced his tutors by the time he was a preteen. He also showed a knack for scribing with pen and ink. Despite VarikÕs tepid relationship with the greater Edelstein family, he was often called upon when someone needed a letter or other document drafted in a hurry. When Varik was well enough to venture from the manor, he was commonly found in the townÕs library. The shabby collection of dated tomes had been languishing for some decades thanks to poor funding and reduced demand for its services. Despite the placeÕs poor condition, Varik felt at ease amongst the cobwebby stacks and would wile away hours there, until his mother came looking for him or the dusty air forced him to leave prematurely. He read whatever he could get his hands on, even teaching himself Elven, Gnomish, and Dwarfish to partake of the more exotic texts when he ran out of books in Common. While he read indiscriminately, he particularly reveled in escapism, anything that gave him a taste of the world beyond his own dull corner of Faerun, whether it be tales of high adventure or detailed geographic texts. Shortly before VarikÕs nineteenth birthday, the woman who had maintained the library passed of old age, leaving the aging buildingÕs fate uncertain. To the surprise of his greater family and the protest of his mother, Varik volunteered to take over as librarian. While it was questioned he was qualified, no one else was terribly interested. Apathy saw the position handed to Varik. Besides, if an elderly woman managed the place by herself, maybe a crippled half-elf could. Varik was also uncertain he was qualified, but was motivated by an emotional attachment to the collection. Besides, it was an excuse to spend more time away from the manor. While technically an adult now, his health was not improving and his prospects for an independent life without his mother were looking slim. He gave the task his all, feeling that if he should make the most of his state of being stuck in Glimcrag. The libraryÕs disuse worked in his favor and he was able to manage, keeping the place organized and assisting the occasional visitors. To his surprise there was still a small trickle of tax money dedicated to the library, which he was eager to spend on fresh books. Instead he found this coin was readily eaten up by his need to hire assistance with the heavier labor, especially since he couldnÕt bring himself to accept his motherÕs repeated attempts to assist for free. So, his desire for some fresh reading material motivated Varik to bolster his funds by offering teaching and tutoring services when he could. He wasnÕt even sure there was demand for it, given GlimcragÕs state of decline. But, a surprising number of families were willing to scrape a little silver together, likely hoping literate children would have more chances to leave town and succeed elsewhere. Even he was surprised to find he had a particular knack for teaching and genuinely enjoyed assisting those who wanted to learn. And with his health, he had a ready supply of excuses to refuse service to problematic clients. He could never take many students at a time, but it was enough to ensure a trickle of fresh material coming to the library. Life continued thus for Varik for roughly a decade: he continued to teach and do what he could to improve what he now considered his library, family continued to ignore him for the most part, and both his health and relationship with his mother continued on their rocky course. He took pride in his work and what independence he had achieved, but a feeling of dissatisfaction and sheer boredom continued to nag him. He couldnÕt quash a sensation of being trapped and often fantasized about setting on his own and leaving Glimcrag behind. It was at these times when he least questioned the existence of a curse, for whenever he seriously considered risking travel, his health would take a downward turn and push it out of his reach again. Not long after he turned twenty-nine, events were set into motion that drastically altered the course of VarikÕs life. It started with an older woman approaching him in his library with an aged tome for sale. A merchant stopping by was not unusual in and of itself: regulars at the local market would direct traders with books to Varik as a potential buyer. What was strange was her bothering to come by with just a single book asking for a piddling five silver, less than he would expect to pay even for cheap pulp. Odder still was that she seemed a little addled and strangely desperate to make the sale. As soon as he showed any interest and inquired about the nature of the book, she snatched the silver from his hand and hurried out. He was left with the large tome resting on his desk, feeling more confused than upset. Inspecting it, he found its dark violet cover devoid of marking and of strange material, wrinkled and clearly organic, fleshy and almost oily to the touch. Curious, he tried to open it, but found it stubbornly refused to give way. He had been the target of scams before and figured this was another, but was befuddled that she would go through the trouble and ask for only five silver. Dropping it in a drawer and going about his business, he found his thoughts fixating on it through the day. And so, he took it home and set it at his bedside with the intent of inspecting it further. Instead he fell asleep early, and he dreamt. What Varik experienced that night was intense and unearthly, a dream more vivid and lucid than anything he had ever experienced. It began with confusing visions of an otherworldly realm. Varik was acquainted with hallucinogens thanks to past treatments for his conditions, but the experience was bizarre beyond what his own mind had ever produced. Despite the dreamÕs vividness Varik finds it hard to recall the particulars of what he saw, but he was left with impressions: thick syrupy air, myriad eyes, amorphous structures disregarding gravity, sprawling tendrils of flesh. These visions persisted for what felt like years, though rationality periodically bubbled through the dreaming haze and remind him that was impossible. The landscapes slowly gave way to void, and after a seemingly interminable span the void gave way to an enormous creature. VarikÕs head and senses began to clear as he took in the being before him, a fluid assemblage of tendrils and shifting, intelligent eyes, staring intent. They regarded each other for an indeterminate period, Varik knowing he should be terrified while feeling incongruously calm. After a time, the thing spoke, and its voice washed over Varik in a layered stream of nonsense gibbers as it beckoned with its limbs. While Varik distinguished no words, ideas crystallized in his mind. He felt an offer of boons: unearthly power, freedom from bonds, a sense of wholeness. He also sensed a desire for an exchange, for him to be take a new bond and purpose. Intrigued, Varik tried to speak in return, but this only made the vague messages more emphatic. There was no menace to the exchange, only insistence and the strange calm that continued to wash over Varik. Though certain he was dreaming, he couldnÕt shake a sense that what was happening was also deeply real. He listened and watched the creature beckon, and he thought. As he thought he became more and more convinced that his thing was in fact offering him a new life, strange as that was, and he couldnÕt deny how much he desired such. That isnÕt to say the rational part of VarikÕs mind wasnÕt also reminding him that he should be terrified and that he was crazy to be considering this. But, on a deeper level, he simply didnÕt care that it was crazy and sensed this was his only chance atÉ something big, he wasnÕt sure quite what, but something truly life-changing for once. He reached for the closest proffered appendage and grasped it. At this, he abruptly jerked to consciousness, the vast creature giving way to his dimly moonlit bedroom. The calm that had been suffusing Varik gave way immediately to a barrage of emotion, with fear at the forefront as his waking mind rapidly processed what he had just seen. Sweating and shaky in his bed, he slowed his breathing and worked on convincing himself it had been a nightmare. As he did so, he realized that something felt wrong, yetÉ more right than usual? His breath came far too easily, many aches and pains had vanished, his legs did not feel like his own, and most strangely, something in his very mind felt different, like a new muscle. Lighting a candle, he hesitantly inspected himself and found his deformities gone, and that he could stand up and walk completely naturally, as if he had always been able to. Varik left Glimcrag before dawn and set for Neverwinter, stealing a horse and a few supplies from the manor under cover of night first. He took the tome with him too, sensing its importance. He regretted leaving so abruptly, abandoning all his work at the library, but also felt little desire to explain anything to his family. He knew his mother would be devastated by his disappearance, but any guilt was overridden by a certainty that she would not make it easy for him to leave. His trip to Neverwinter was harrowing, not due to any true danger, but more due to having never ridden a horse or fended for himself before. Eventually he made it, rattled and saddle sore, but with enough money to rent a room at the inn. Several weeks passed for Varik in Neverwinter. It didnÕt take him long to realize that he had acquired more than a stronger constitution. First he found that he could speak without words, though his first accidental use of that ability taught him to be mindful of his stray thoughts. He also found that there was much more to the tome, which now opened to his touch. It did not contain any language he was familiar with, but after a brief study of its pages he felt an intuitive knowledge of how to tap into and manipulate a reservoir of arcane energy now within himself. He soon mastered his first spells and noted that they seemed a littleÉ different from the standard fare of apprentice wizards. Varik spent most of his time seeking to understand what had happened to him, selling the horse to sustain his research. He felt no small amount of fear that there had to be a cost attached to what was gained, recalling the creature had beckoned for an exchange. After that encounter his sleep had been frequently disturbed by similar unearthly visions, but they unfortunately provided no clarification. He scoured NeverwinterÕs library, much larger than his own had been, studying tomes about magic, deities, and the planes in hopes of learning the nature of the being he had bargained with. He found no mention of anything like what he had seen. What he did find were accounts of other bargains for arcane magic, usually referred to as pacts. Such stories inevitably ended badly for the pactmaker, with a Devil acquiring their soul or a Fey lady abducting a firstborn. While these stories offered little insight, they made him uneasy, and he worried he had done something that was at best taboo and at worst extremely dangerous. VarikÕs time in Neverwinter came to an end when he caught wind of a reward being offered for the whereabouts of a crippled half-elf matching his description. While his improved condition greatly reduced the chance of someone making the connection, Varik took this as his cue to leave town, feeling his research had hit a dead end. A demonstration of the destructive bolts his magic could produce easily netted him a job guarding a caravan to Phandelver. He figured the pay would be adequate to find transport further south, perhaps to BaldurÕs Gate. His destiny proved much more complex after goblins attacked the caravan and he and his fellow guards found themselves embroiled in events in Phandelver.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Francis Embercrumb Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
From his birth Francis lived as a servant to Lord Archibald Embercrumb and Lady Edwina Embercrumb, in the grand Embercrumb Manor situated in the upper class district of the city of Eaglestone. Eaglestone, which has long acted as a city of magical advancement, is a home to some of the greatest families of Wizards in history, and the Embercrumb family is no exception. Lord Archibald Embercrumb is famous throughout Eaglestone, and the surrounding areas, for his personal contributions to advancing the arcane arts, as well as for his blood lines excellent mastery of Pyro magics. Francis, at the time named Dribble, greatly admired Lord Archibald for his history, but he admired him even more for his character, while he hated to think of it, Dribble was of mixed blood, "the product of a moment of animal lust between a human and lowly elf woman" Lady Edwina would always say. This was always a source of shame for him, as such he has always kept his hair long enough to cover his long ears. His mixed blood made Dribble an outsider in Eaglestone, which was mostly populated by humans, spare for the odd elf slave owned by the more affluent families. Despite this Lord Archibald had always shown Dribble a level of respect and consideration that he rarely saw from anyone else in the city, this came as a stark comparison to Lady Edwina, who showed now restraint in proclaiming her distaste for other "lesser" races. Because of this Dribble had always been confused as to why Lady Edwina kept him present in the manor as her servant. No matter how hard he tried, she could find fault in everything he did, he would spend hours cleaning the kitchen but she would still find a speck of dirt to scold him over. At times it felt as though this transcended her mere animosity for elves, and became a focused resentment toward him, although he couldn't think of what he had done to deserve this. He once asked Lord Archibald why she harboured this loathing for him and the Lord merely scoffed, stating "as with many women who marry for fame and fortune, they grow into venomous hags in later life". While this did slightly ease Dribbles concern he also felt sad for the Lord and Lady, while he rarely became involved in personal conversations with either of them, he knew they would be wed for 45 years in the coming months, surely not all relationships were doomed to failure? Dribble suspected that this divide between the Lord and Lady could be linked to the loss of their son, Francis. Whenever distant relatives would travel to the manor, conversation would often turn to this "lost son of Embercrumb". No one ever specified what "lost" meant but the fact that the Lord and Lady never spoke of their son made Dribble believe he was likely dead, what other explanation could there be? While questions of the lost son of Embercrumb and Lady Edwina's almost unreasonable disgust for him bemused Dribble, there was another question that filled his thoughts even more as he aged, who were his parents? The question would nag in the back of his mind each day, so much so that he felt compelled to confront the Lord and Lady on the matter of how he came to be in their service, Lady Edwina was noticeably rattled by the question but before she could mount an answer Lord Archibold spoke, "My boy, we know very little regarding your parents, while out in the city one day we found you abandoned and concerned for your life we brought you back here. We tried to find any trace of who your parents may be and contacted the local authorities, but we received no comforting response. As such we felt you would be better here with us than growing up in an orphanage." He still recalls how hearing those words made his heart feel like it was sinking down through his body, and witnessing the slowly collapsing relationship between the Lord and Lady did little to raise his spirits. Did his parents grow to hate each other and leave Dribble in Eagleston as they didn't want a reminder of each other? Or was Lady Edwina right, had they simply been two lovers passing in the night, never giving thought to what their passion could bring? When he was younger these thoughts deflated Dribble, but as he grew older his strict and cold upbringing had instilled and early maturity in him. He had now accepted his lot in life, and could at least take comfort in the fact that unlike some men and women in the world he had a roof over his head and hot food to fill his belly, at least it was hot when Lady Edwina granted him enough oil to cook himself a warm meal. Despite his acceptance of his circumstances though, it didn't stop him pondering on the matter. Time passed quickly in the manor, a regular schedule of collecting groceries and cleaning were the main roles Dribble was trusted with. Shortly after turning 15 he was asked to assist the head cook of the manor in the Kitchen, this quickly ended however as one day when working with the hob it erupted with an overwhelming flame that singed the ceiling and the hairs of the head cook, Mr. Rumpletilt. Dribble was knocked back from the sheer force of the blast, and was so shaken that he didn't notice being dragged upstairs my Mr Rumpletilt and being berated by Lady Edwina, before being sent to bed with no supper. That night he lay in bed thinking of what had happened, he recalled the words of Mr Rumpletilt, "The damn boy must've put too much coal and kindling in before lightning the hob, we're all bloomin lucky he didn't blow the manor sky high", but that couldn't have been what happened ... Dribble had put in the least amount of coal need and only just lit the match for the hob, or had he overloaded it and not noticed? He didn't waste long on these thoughts though, as a week later he heard the only news that make his sad little existence seem worse, through the almost incoherent blubbering of Lady Edwina Dribble understood that Lord Archibald Embercrumb, the head of this house, did not have long to live. While Dribble knew the Lord was much older than the lady, he never asked by how much, and while he noticed a slow but steady decline in how active the Lord was never thought this would happen. As the words sank into him he was reminded of that day he asked about his parents, and felt that same sinking feeling that he hoped never to feel again. Over the next month Dribble blankly continued his tasks around the manor, each day different doctors would visit, but they would always leave in the same way, standing by the door shaking their head with Lady Edwina holding her head in her hands. As his final days grew closer the Lord requested a strangely greater number of visits from little Dribble, he would speak to him for hours about his journeys in his youth, the places he went to and the people he met, each time he would end the story saying, "One day my boy, I hope you will do the same." The only thing Dribble hoped for, was that the Lord wouldn't leave him. Sadly though, on a stormy night a few weeks later, Lord Archibald summoned Dribble to his bed side for one last time, as he entered the room Lady Edwina was there as well as some of the other men and women who worked in the manor, there was also a strange man in a black suit who Dribble recognised from visiting the manor before. When he first saw him he thought he must be a doctor, however after Dribble arrived he produced some documents which he quickly began to read. It was now obvious that he was in fact lawyer here to read the Lords will. He spoke with a cold and sharp voice, clearly showing his experience in such events, "I Lord Archibald Embercrumb, of sounds mind and body, hereby leave all my monetary assets, including my manor in Eaglestone to my wife, Lady Edwina Embercrumb" upon hearing the words the Lady collapsed blubbering again, Dribble knew this was as to be expected, who else would he leave his great wealth to? However strangely the man continued, "However, should my son ever return to the manor, all assets will instantly go to him, including ownership of the manor and any wealth still remaining after my wife has had access to it. That is all." There was a brief and awkward pause, Lady Edwina's blubbering halted immediately and turned to something closer to rage, "What do you mean 'all assets will go to him!?" she cried. The lawyer calmly looked at her with his cold almost lifeless eyes, "As it says, should your son ever return the manor will belong to him, the Lord wished for the house to remain with his bloodline if it can, as it has done for generations." Following Lady Edwina's outburst, Lord Embercrumb had raised himself in his bed and looked upon those around in him his final moments, "Do you have a problem with this my dear?" he said in a commanding voice. "...No, not at all my love, I was just surprised as we never discussed this", the Lady sheepishly replied, "No I suppose we did not, now all of you leave me." and with that Lord Archibald slowly sank back in to the soft silk bed linens covering him, "Except for you Dribble, you stay." Dribble felt an overwhelming mix of emotions, from sadness over the situation to joy that he would get to speak to his Lord one last time. The men and women slowly stepped out of the bedroom, all the while Dribble could feel the harsh glare of Lady Edwina on him, he didn't know why the Lord wanted to speak to him alone but he was sure it wouldn't do him any favours tomorrow, when the Lady would be his only master, but for now he would enjoy this moment. The only source of light in the room was a flickering candle on the Lords bed side table, and as Dribble slid a stool closer to Archibald, the light revealed a man he barely recognised, the frail and withered man lying in front of him barely resembled the great man he spent so much time with just months before, it was a harsh reminder that no man can escape time. "My Lord, I am grateful you would want to speak with me and allow me a chance to say goodbye, but surely you would want to spend this time with your wife, Lady Edwina?" Dribble said, Archibald softened his demeanor and smiled, "You have always thought of others boy, I would like to say you got it from my side of the family but considering the Embercrumb family history it must be from your mother..." he coughed lightly as the words left his mouth. Dribble smiled, but as the words slowly sank into him the smile changed into a look that could only be described as bemused, "I am sorry Lord, but your side of the family? You must be feeling much worse than the others thought, as it sounds like you're suggesting I am part of the Embercrumb family." Lord Archibald's face turned very serious, "Did it now? Well I suppose that would be because that it is the truth." Again this bizarre serious of words only made Dribble feel confused, "My Lord you are not making any sense, let me fetch the doctor for", "Sit down and listen lad, I don't have much time left as I am sure you can tell. Now over there by the fire place there is an old oak chest with brass fittings, you're still young so bring it here could you?" As always Dribble, did not hesitate to do as his master ordered, he did not know how to act between his sense of confusion, sorrow and guilt that the Lord was clearly so deranged and he could do nothing. He slowly dragged the chest near the bed and sat back down on his stool, Lord Archibald pushed himself up to be sitting to get a good view of the chest in the dimly lit room. "Excellent, thank you my boy, now here please open the chest" he slowly slid his hand into the top buttons of night gown around his neck, and as the hand retracted it was holding a key tied to a chain around his neck. He slipped the chain and key over his head and passed it to Dribble, "My Lord I am not sure why you want me to do this..", "All will become clear once you open the chest." And so Dribble took the key to the chest but now found something even more confusing, "My Lord, I am sorry, but this chest has no lock on it ... I don't know how to open it." A wry smile slowly stretched across Archibald's face, "well of course it has no lock, it's a magic chest, enchanted so that only a son of the Embercrumb family can open it." There he went again, suggesting that Dribble, a lowly half elf, was a son of the great Embercrumb family, "My Lord please, lay down and rest you're making yourself worse", "Worse!? I have not felt this happy in years, happy and ashamed, you see you may not believe it, but you are my Grandson and you will open that chest!" "But how?" Dribble replied, tears beginning to well in his eyes over the stress of the situation, "By using magic, your magic, the same magic you used when you caused that accident in the kitchen a few months ago." Upon hearing those words Dribble's whole body went cold, an icy chill spread from his head down to his toes, was this true? Did he use magic to cause that accident? His head was rapidly filling with questions but Archibald was urging him on to open the chest and he didn't want to disappoint him. He turned and leant down towards the chest, "I still don't understand, how should I open it if there is no lock?", "Relax and it should become clear" Lord Archibald replied in a reassuring tone, and so, Dribble calmed himself and looked toward the chest, hoping for something, anything to happen and then suddenly something did. A strange shimmer began to distort the space near the front of the chest, it warped and twisted the contact between the lid and base making distinction between the two impossible, and just as quickly as the warping began it started to reverse, now with a silver glow at the centre. As the chest began to look normal again Dribble recognised what looked like a lock proudly emerging at the front. He stared in amazement, obviously living in Eaglestone Dribble has seen magic before, but never this close, and never anything so mesmerising. Archibald already knew that Dribble had witnessed the chests transformation, "Well go on my boy, open it" he said with a faint sense of glee. Dribble held out the key between his fingers with its head facing the lock, his hand began to shake as he slid the key into the hollow space at the locks centre and just as the key was fully submerged. the chest suddenly swung open with incredible force. Inside it revealed many large books which had clearly been read multiple times, a tattered robe and cloak and an envelope bearing the wax seal of the Embercrumb family, a beautiful phoenix bathed in flames. The envelope had a name written on it, 'To Francis', it said, a name Dribble did not need help remembering, "My Lord is this letter for your lost son?", Archibald smiled and replied, "No my boy, this letter is for my Grandson, and that is his true name although he has not used it since birth. My Grandson, a half human, half-elf, who has lived long enough to know the truth. That letter is for you, Francis." At a time like this you would imagine a wave of mixed emotions washing over you, for Dribble, now Francis, the truth was he felt nothing. It was as if the overwhelming situation had caused a block in him, he couldn't even comprehend the words Archibald had said, he just knelt staring at the letter sitting atop all other contents of the chest. He felt an urge inside him, drawing him to that letter, it was as if the moment he saw it he knew, he knew it was meant for him, and so slowly and carefully he picked it up and began to break its seal. As Francis lifted open the envelope and removed the letter inside Lord Archibald could only sit and watch in silence, he wanted to say something, anything, but he knew that letter would explain the situation far better than he could now. And so he waited as Francis unfolded the paper he now held and began to read it, a letter from father to son. 'To my dear Francis, If you are reading this then I am so very sorry, sorry that I was not with you to explain all of this in person. I had hoped that I would have returned by now, but where I am heading and what I am doing doesn't allow for an accurate guess at when I may return. As I am sure your Grandfather, my father, has now explained, you are indeed the youngest son of the Embercrumb family, the latest in a long line of powerful wizards. I hope you can one day find it in your heart to forgive me and your Grandparents for keeping this from you since your birth, for now I cannot explain why we did this, but please understand that it was for your own protection. I hope that one day you and I can meet so that I may explain to you in person why I had to leave, and why I had to keep your identity a secret even from you, if you are reading this letter though the time has come for you to begin learning how to master the magic that is in your blood. I know you have no reason to do as I ask, but as your father I implore you to heed my directions, as soon as you are able you must travel far east to visit an old wizard named Cornelius Zumbrage, he taught me magic and studied with your Grandfather when they were younger. He is a man unlike anything you have experienced before, but know he is at his core a kind and generous man. The times ahead may be hard but take comfort in the knowledge that your mother and I loved your dearly and did not want this life for you, I am sure you have many questions about who and where she is but the sad truth is that your mother passed away when you were born. Her name was Gloria Thinderween, I wish you could have known her, she was the most gentle and beautiful creature that has ever existed and as I write this letter the pain of losing her is almost too much to bare. The only thing keeping me moving now is the thought that you will grow up safe and I may one day see you again. Please stay safe my son, seek out Cornelius as soon as you can and trust no-one until you speak with him. Your Father, Francis Embercrumb, the First.'
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ernest Mendax Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
He was born in a human refugee camp. He was bullied for being abnormal, and found company in his friend - a girl who dreamed of being a warrior. He made his way through youth by lying and charming his way by. Years later when they had grown, a great shadowy beast came to town and began to attack. The girl fought her heart out, alone, against the beast and died after striking the killing blow - all while Ernest stood by shaking in fear.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nathrae Barriund Character Race: Half-elf (drow) Character Class: Sorcerer/rogue Output:
Mother was a drow sorceress that had a horde of human concubines. She conceived Nathrae accidentally and planned to sacrifice it, but Lloth (spider goddess of the Underdark) required her to keep the half-elf baby. Nathrae was locked away and abused heavily by her mother and the drow men in her army. After a wild magic surge, she was able to escape and spent a long time wandering the Underdark before reaching the surface, scarred and frightened. She uses her unique skillset to lure drunken men and murder them (has a special hatred for men in particular). Now is a hired assassin for a guild in a recently overtaken city.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shrecc Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Summer Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Bard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Grummsh Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Warrior Output:
Misfit. Orphan. Rebel.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maxine Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Druid Output:
Reformed Malarite, hopelessly in love with a half-elven baroness.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maxine of Bailey Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Druid Output:
Reformed Malarite, hopefully in love with a half-elf baroness.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Matthias Swallowtail Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Ranger/barbarian Output:
Orphaned by a racist lynch mob and raised by a lizardfolk tribe hiding in the swamp.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shrecc Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Shrecc is a folk hero who killed the evil king Nilats, ruler of Nissur, and then ate him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ripple Marrowgut Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Murdered patrol of guards in capital city that threatened his mother, then went into exile to prevent his actions from harming his loved ones
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kel Kektar Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Bard Output:
Kel was raised by dwarves, after her mother abandoned her. She learned their drinking songs and the sultry lure of the bagpipes. She is fond of finding complicated solutions to simple problems.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Amul Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Paladin Output:
Pilgrim from the enlightened lands where the Orcs have not forgotten the Mandate of Heaven, here to spread the word of justice and right rule, and slam some evil in the face.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: MR. Denton Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Mr. Denton has been a slave all his life, was sold to a gladiatoral arena, where he learned to fight. He was later rescued from a cruel owner by another player character, who he know serves with fierce loyalty.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Solomon Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Solomon was raised and trained in a desert fortress of mercenaries. Upon his final rite of passage, Solomon bonded with the sands of the desert and became a Storm Herald. He is now journeying eastward following a mysterious sound that only Half-orcs can hear.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tevaga Thunderfoot Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Rogue Output:
raised by her human mother with no knowledge of her orc father, she can jump entire buildings in a single bound. she hates injustice and pickpockets the rich. turns out her dad is the leader of an orc tribe and is SUPER buff and cool
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Fiona Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Paladin Output:
A starry-eyed Oprhan raised by an ex-hero-turned-hero Sabde, Fiona grew up guarded from the world on the outskirts of town by her adoptive mother where she helped her mother act as a small-time healer witch in the woods. She grew up with books and stories and training of heroes and started adventuring for the better good and to (hopefully one day) save a princess.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kerem Aydin Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Kerem's early life was marked by a passionate admiration for all types of skill: proficient swordfighting, eloquent oratory, suave courtesy, discernment of superior goods from inferior ones. Steering clear of baser pursuits, he committed himself to study and self-improvement, training with the best masters he could find who were willing to share their knowledge with a half-orc. Through diligence and determination, he aspires to perfect himself in every civilized art, both cultural and martial.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ullobash Doomseeker Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Paladin Output:
Born after an orc raid, he grew up an outcast. Finding a book in a field, he translated it (possibly improperly) and self radicalized. He is the only follower of Hoar and believes that Hoar is the Doombringer. He prosthelytizes the end of the world via the Doom, which is a glorious and terrible end, heralded by Hoar. He also thinks that the best way to bring about that doom is to unite all the different people of the world.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tusk Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Raised as an orphan, abandoned to the thieves guild in Amn, Tusk was brought up to be an enforcer for them. His strength and loyalty were cherished, but eventually the missions became more distasteful for him. He saw the city guards in their plate mail, and wanted desperately to be a famous fighter, beloved for his might. He slung his maul over his shoulder, and set off into the world to see what it would take to make a half-orc a legendary fighter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Crarch Bombo Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Wizard Output:
Crarch was raised by his human father, his orc mother abandoned him soon after he was born. Crarchs dad was obsessed with orcs and orc culture, which is what led him to fornicate an orc woman. He was raised in his father's library, where he only spoke Orcish with his father. He did learn to read common, however he didn't start learning to speak it until a week before he went to school. He now resides in this boarding school, adventuring as well as learning.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kaldrigon Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Rogue Output:
Abandoned by his mother at the age of 12, made his first kill shortly after and hid the body. He was recruited by a thieves guild shortly after and saved a young man during a turf war. Shortly after Kaldrigon quit after a crisis of conscience when people visibly expressed fear of him, he was captured and brought to the castle of the city state's king who revealed the man he saved was the prince and was hired as his bodyguard and the two went adventuring.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mrom Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Cleric Output:
Mrom's father was an orc who had an intimate relation with a human female and got her pregnant. The father then left, and the mother was left all alone with baby Mrom. She was ashamed of what she had spawned, and ellected to leave the poor baby out all alone in the wilderness to die. Luckily, a band of Goblins found the child, and raised it as their own, leading Mrom to believe he was one of them. Now, Mrom is a holy war cleric of Maglubiyet.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arn Breaker Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Ranger Output:
Ran was born to his it's mother in winter and raised by her in human society. He never fit in well and was mocked for both his appearance and his large size by his human peers. He eventually joined the town guard but never felt welcome save around the village wolfhounds who loved him. Eventually he left the village to live in the wilds after his mother passed away. One year he found an injured ranger who he nursed back to health who encouraged him to learn to protect the wilds he considered his home. He seeks to stop those who would pervert and corrupt them, good and evil alike.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Brocklesnar Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Monk Output:
Brocklesnar was an orphan who was adopted and raised by halflings at the Monastery of the Mountain Spider, a home for halfling monks. Here, he learned the way of the monk, as well as developing excellent cooking skills and a large bug collection. Tragedy struck when a rare epidemic of halfling flu swept the monastery, killing all the members except Brocklesnar. His adoptive parents charged him with a mission as they lay dying. The monastery had guarded a powerful book of magic for years, holding it in trust for a wizard who would come to collect it. Brocklesnar now travels the world, searching for the wizard, with no clues to go on (for he is illiterate and cannot read the book).
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Krug Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Krug was a slave to a tribe of Orcs. He was the child of an Orc mother and human father. Krug discovered he had the arcane gift of spellcasting at a young age. His tribe put him to great use because of his spellcasting gift. One day Krug went out on a short adventure with his brother, Oguk, and another orc. When they returned they found their Orc village burned to the ground, and many dead Orcs, though many were missing. Krug noted the traces of necromantic spellcasting. He knew a cult of necromancers and slavers had taken his tribe. He and his brother then began and adventure to seek the cult and destroy them. Thus he would avenge his tribe.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gra-Donk Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Cleric Output:
Gra-Donk grew up in a subsistence farming community on the far outskirts of civilization. It was very hard scrabble life and there were few luxuries and even fewer true moments of happiness. He knew nothing beyond this toilsome life until a group of traveling missionaries passed through town, healing the sick and performing small miracles. While he was not terribly bright, Gra-Donk saw the happiness that each small bit of divine magic provided. Then and there, he decided that he was to be of the clergy, though he didn't know what that actually meant. Nor did he know which god -- he's always getting their names wrong. But it was one of the good ones, he knew that much. As soon as he was capable, he left the village to seek out the wrongs of the world and bring to them a light such as only a true-hearted believer could provide. Never mind that whole "ordained by the church" idea, nor the training that most priests require to channel a divine spirit. "Donk" -- as he is known to his friends and traveling companions -- needs only to do good deeds and spread word of his favorite god, Aer- ... uhm ... Ro- ... no, wait, give him a moment, he'll think of it soon ...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bork Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Bard Output:
From a young age, Bork was always a bitÉ eccentric. Instead of picking up a warhammer, he would often play with the forge his Orc mother ran, hitting the different pipes and metal bits to make fun songs. He was also talkative. Very talkative. So much so that his mother and father once took him out to the beach to give him a pet. When he said he wanted a seagull, his parents took as many as they could find, tied them to strings, tied the strings to his backpack, and watched as they flew away on a gust of wind. Of course, Bork saw this as an accident, after all, who could ever hate Bork? As Bork soared through the skies, he witnessed true beauty. He saw the colors of the sunset from above the mountain-tops, he heard the songs of the birds in the trees, he witnessed the motion of the ocean dancing its eternal dance. From then on, Bork dedicated his life to two things: the Funk, the feeling that he got whenever he witnessed true beauty and passion in his groovy projects, and finding his family. Now he wanders the land with his Flock of Seagulls, spreading groovy beats and sweet funky rhythms everywhere he goes on his way back to his home.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rhea Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Cleric Output:
Rhea was adopted by a human family when their daughter became friends with Rhea, who had been orphaned and was living on the streets, begging for gold or food. The two girls grew up together as sisters, and she was close with her adopted mother. Her adopted father was cold and distant but not cruel. Rhea has since heard rumours that he is actually her father by blood and that he had cheated on his wife with Rhea's mother. While Rhea's sister, Clara, was accepted into studying as a wizard under the town council's programme for gifted magic users, and would likely one day become an advising wizard to the royal family, Rhea learnt to use herbs and create poultices and look after people who got injured down at the docks. It didn't take long for her patients to realise that she had a quite literal 'magic touch', and was able to heal people much faster than should have been possible. The town's clerics and priests recognised her ability to heal as a cleric's healing magic, but could not detect any touch of their gods in her. Searching for knowledge about this gift from an unknown god, Rhea left home at adulthood and travelled the country healing people on the way and looking for information about forgotten gods. She sends any money she makes back to Clara and her adopted parents, and visits whenever her travels allow her to return.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rivinka Dierik Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Rivinka Dierik is the bastard child of Dmitri Dierik, a nobleman wizard hippie nerd with very little regard for actual noble-ing and a lot of interest in collecting ancient magical artifacts of dubious origin, and Urthaga the Unseen, the Blade That Sings Of Twilight - an orc rogue and right hand to the leader of one of the many orc tribes in the northern steppes. Fate made her parents paths cross under circumstances Rivinka is not fully aware; all she knows is that, for a while, her mother's tribe and father's adventuring party shared a common goal, and perhaps a common enemy. After that, Urthaga and Dmitri retired to a quiet tower near the village of Riverrun, where she was born and raised. Since her youth, Rivinka had strange, dark magic, very different than that of her father; she enjoyed an affinity to shadows, and could hear whispers of the dead, being herself not quite alive for hours at a time. What caused her shadow sorcery to manifest is unknown, and it made her grow up isolated and unconnected to the world around her, as father and mother were her only company - until later in life, when she had learned to control her magic, being in cities and around large gatherings of the living made her sick. She learned as much as she could from her parents, and despite the oddities was a capable, well-educated, intelligent and polite girl. However, a strange woman arrived at the tower during a bright and sunny summer solstice morning, and whisked away her mother before she could notice; her father spent the following seven years sullen and sulking, until Riv's sixteenth birthday, when he brougnt her to the topmost level of his tower, where all his most precious magical artifacts were. He gave her his cape and hat, as well as money, equipment, and a daunting task: to find her mother, wherever she may be. He told her that letting her mother go had been a mistake, and that he needed Riv to find her and reunite the family, as he was too old and frail to go search for her himself. Stating that there was no time to lose, he hugged her, wished her luck, made her promise she would come back with her mother, and then zapped her via teleport spell to the city where our story begins.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tiakbois Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian/alchemist Output:
Tiaka Odilopir lived to hunt, roam the wilderness, and battle the hated Orcs of Belkzen with her fellow warriors of her Ustalavian tribe. In all, she led a carefree life until a battle against the cunning Empty Hand Orcs went very wrong. Briefly at her foes' mercy, she suffered the worst humiliation that a warrior can. The Empty Hand were driven off and Tiaka rescued, but the demon spirits of her tribe had already punished her for her weakness. Tiaka bore her punishment with stoicism, but still wanted to make the child within her somehow worthy of her bloodline despite its Orcish taint. She prayed ceaselessly to her clan's demon totem, begging that its power would enter her and overshadow her baby's Orcish corruption. Tiakbos was born under the least auspicious heavenly signs possible and with a full set of fangs more fiendish than Orcish, but his mother drew encouragement from these signs that her prayers had been answered. Now that he is grown, Tiakbos feels the demon spirit's hold on him growing, and lives in terror of the few horrible seconds each day when the fiend takes control and alters his very flesh. But those seconds are growing longer, and he fears that if he does not gain mastery over the totem under which he was born, that it will one day fully rule him. After searching far and wide for a cure to no avail, Tiakbos followed rumors that certain alchemical infusions could suppress a person's darkest urges. If he could not escape the demon, then at least he would steer its energies to be used on his own terms. It mostly works, except when the demon overcomes the drugs and adds the mutagen's strength to its own. Tiakbos is a man without a place in life. He cannot go back to his mother's tribe for fear of how they will use his totemic strength, and the ways of the bloodthirsty Orcs would prove just as tempting to the beast within him. So he keeps his head down, moving from place to place in search of new alchemical texts to study, hoping that his muscles, sharp teeth, and array of Orc weapons salvaged from battlefields will be enough warning to make people leave him alone. It's for their own good. Tiakbos is as tall and as powerful as any Half-Orc, but he tends to hunch over to avoid notice. While not unattractive, he is very quiet and a wallflower. This is not due to shyness, but out of desire to avoid stressful situations that will make his inner demonic beast come forth. Unfortunately, Tiakbos also cannot abide the sight of wrongdoing and those who won't stop bullying others following a stern warning often find themselves facing the slashing teeth that slide forth from his mouth and the horns that erupt without warning from his head.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gurak Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Gurak was the son of a well-respected Warboss among the Orc tribes. His mother was a human, however unlike most human women in the tribe, she was not a slave, she was actually the of wife the Warboss Gorguts, Gurak's father. Gurak's tribe was a collection of Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Ogres. They were a tribe of pseudo-pirates, they would constantly raid other villages via sea, and plunder trade routes and merchant ships for food, gold and weapons. However, Gorguts was tired of the tribes warring with one another and raiding. He wanted a more prosperous future for the Orc tribes, so he began attempting to unite all Orc tribes to stop them from constantly warring with one another and focus on becoming a functioning society rather than a collection of savage tribes attacking and pillaging the innocents of the world, and each other. Gurak really liked the idea of the Orc tribes becoming a functioning society that could possibly have relations with other civilised locations. However, some of the Orcs in the tribe were unhappy with this decision and would rather continue being marauders. Most of these Orcs were strong worshippers of Gruumsh. Gurak's older brother, Bruz, was one of the few Orcs who wanted to continue to rampage across the land. Bruz is full Orc, not Half-Orc like Gurak. One day, Gurak, Bruz, and Gorguts went out to hunt a large Owlbear that had killed a group of scouts from the tribe. After they successfully hunted and killed the Owlbear, Bruz turned around and murdered their father in cold blood before attempting to kill Gurak. Leaving Gurak badly wounded, Bruz returned to their stronghold and told the tribe that both Gorguts and Gurak were killed by the Owlbear. Gurak managed to survive his injuries and returned to the stronghold only to find his brother had become the new Warboss. He wanted to return to the ways of old, marauding other towns and villages, murdering every other tribe that there was, instead of trying to unite them like their father wanted. Most of the tribe were content with this decision and Bruz started sending out war parties to raid other tribes. Gurak was not happy that his brother betrayed him and his father so he abandoned the tribe and began wandering, seeking a more dutiful purpose. After wandering for months on end, alone, he came across a young Gnome Druid out in the forest named Bimble. The two travelled together for some time looking after each other, Gurak kept the two safe from dangerous wildlife or the occasional bandit while Bimble kept them both healthy and fed. She also taught Gurak how to properly control his anger, and only unleash it when necessary. Gurak is very focused on completing any task he's given, except if Bimble is in danger, in which case he will abandon the mission to keep her safe. Now he just travels wherever she goes because he has no other purpose.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Grosk "Cookie" Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Witch (sea witch archetype) Output:
Grosk was raised in orc society, and poorly treated due to his weak nature. One of the tribe's shamans took him in as he proved himself quick witted and clever. This was no respite however, as the training of a shaman's apprentice is a brutal one. Beatings and ritual scarification are the norm, in an effort to 'toughen up' the normally weak casters. Grosk, while clever, picked up some alchemy but had no talent for divine magic. So one night, he stole a few supplies and headed for human lands. Half-orcs are rarely welcomed, so Grosk kept having to move from town to town, never having a place to call home. One day however, he found his salvation. While languishing in the seedier side of a port town, he spotted a pair of half-orc sailors in a bar, sharing a drink with their crewmates. The image stirred a hope in him, that finally there was an egalitarian place to be. The sea. On the ship, a man's worth was based on his skill and not the circumstances of his birth. He made some inquiries, and eventually was signed on to a trade ship as a novice hand and assistant cook. For 20 years Grosk, now "Cookie", worked on ships. Seeing the world, but never being much part of it, the sea was his home. One fateful day, when he was now firmly in middle age, a violent storm capsized his ship. Cookie was never a good swimmer, and being trapped below deck as the waters rushed in, he knew he was doomed. One last prayer to any gods who could save him, and he blacked out. Cookie awoke on a beach, wracked with pain, and vision swimming, his eyes landed on a tiny group of odd circles in a tidepool. "Bubbles?" He said, to the slowly focusing image, as he reached out. The bubbles moved, and grabbed onto his hand with 8 tiny tentacles. The blue-ringed octopus climbed up his arm and looked him right in the eyes, it was then that Cookie knew some power had saved him, and this creature was to be his bond to that power. Cookie started to feel his age creeping up on him, and decided to try and find a permanent place to settle. The idea of heading back out to sea, after losing so many friends just didn't sit well, so once again, Grosk wandered. It was harder this time around though, as his powers and familiar required him to stay close to the sea, he had to move from seaside town to seaside town, where the superstitions of the locals would eventually drive him out. This made him more reclusive, and drove him to expand his powers as a means of protecting himself. The shipwreck and constant moving also taught him several lessons: First, that wealth is only good if you can take it with you, so he invests in magic items that are easily portable. Second, that power is best when kept hidden. So he dresses like a beggar, in clothes that look like they just washed ashore. Third, that compassion is fine, but when the chips are down, everyone looks out for themselves. Fourth, that the pursuit of power is it's own reward, and worth crossing the taboos of the weak and superstitious. Eventually, his wanderings brought him to a place where he might find sanctuary. A cosmopolitan port city, run by a pirate government trying to gain legitimacy. Emberdale.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: "Soupy" GŸdfre Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Wizard Output:
_ GÕthnur Brighim, chief of the Thagan Clan of the Skybreaker Hordes, led a raiding party on the southern fringes of the United City-States of Praegotbet. While attacking a small village there, he took Nole Gu_dfre as a captive. Usually, the captives of GÕthnur would be treated as his personal playthings for a time and executed when he felt no more fun from them. Nole Gu_dfre, however, was able to tap into some form of kindness from the Thagan chief, appealing to his old age and lack of an heir, once she was pregnant. GÕthnur released Nole back to her village, where she gave birth to his child. GÕthnur insisted that the child not be named until he was old enough to speak and returned to his clan. Nole became a briefly best selling author when she wrote an adventurous memoir of her time with the Thagan clan, _Life With Ug_ly Savages. GÕthnur would return periodically to help raise his Half-Orc son, unable to read her memoir because he refused to learn the ÒTiny-Man-SpeakÓ of Common. The child would be traded from NoleÕs village in Praegotbet back to GÕthnurÕs encampment. With Nole, she used the wealth from her memoirs to have the child properly educated, where he would develop an obsession with the Arcane, wanting to become among the elite Mages of Praegobet. With the Thagan Clan, the boy learned how to survive amongst tougher opponents and participate in the melees of Orc culture. Once the boy was forming proper sentences in both Orc and Common, GÕthnur announced to the clan that his name would harken back to the ancestral Orcs, naming the boy ThawginautautÕFrawbuyitfuhÕMusuluÕalGÕthnur. During that same naming ceremony, a drunken GÕthnur recounted the story of ThawginautautÕFrawbuyitfuhÕMusuluÕalGÕthnurÕs birth, describing how the aftermath was a Òdisgustingly soupy mess all over the hut.Ó The nickname stuck across the Thagan encampment. The Gu_dfre boy returned home to his mother and informed her that his name was ÒSoupy.Ó ÒSoupyÓ was eventually accepted to the Academy of the Arcane, PraegobetÕs leading arcane college. He took up a major in Arcane Research to study the effects of the Arcane, as he himself had no magical ability. (Despite NoleÕs decent wealth, the Academy was an expensive school, which led to the 400,000gp loans that haunt ÒSoupyÓ even now.) During an anthropology class in his senior year, ÒSoupyÓ and his class were participating in a dig to explore PraegobetÕs history before the Flower War. While digging through the side of a hill, an errant strike of a pickaxe from one of the students sent a wave of magical energy pulsing through the cave, followed closely by an explosion and subsequent cave-in. When ÒSoupyÓ awoke, a tattoo of Tribal Arcane Runes snakes up his arm and to his shoulder, and he found that he could cast magic spells through these runes. His high school graduation ring had been transformed by the magical energy, warped and enchanted to become his Ring of Lost Memories. Academy officials (Praegobet G-Men) informed ÒSoupyÓ that he was being removed from the Academy, as to distance Praegobet from a compromising situation involving the explosion, death of students, and confirmation of magic thought extinct. ÒSoupyÓ was able to plead his case as a student of the Arcane. The Academy allowed him the opportunity to work on his Thesis (T_ he Ecological Effects of Prolonged Arcana Exposure to Various Ecosystems), with the caveat that only if the Thesis was considered passing would he be able to continue earning his place among the Inner Mage Circle. With just enough of a grant to catch a boat to Kara-Tur, ÒSoupyÓ set off to begin field research for his Thesis.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kazimir Voronin Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian Output:
The wizened orc leaned closer to the fire, reflections dancing along the copper caps on his tusks. Young humans, orcs, and half-orcs of the Ghirak clan noticed, and turned their attention to the tribal elder, knowing that a story was coming. The elder took a long sip of some dark liquid, smelling of the sour berries of the hinterlands, and then began. ÒThis is for you young ones, who look out into the world and want to know your place in it, for this is a story of one much like yourselves, who is still writing his story as we tell it here. Young Kazimir was born in this very village twenty-one years ago, a strong half-orc born to Dragomir and Lyudmila. The stars and signs aligned when he came into the world, and the shamans noticed. They read the knots in the kryta root and listened to the wind voices, and knew that he was chosen by the spirits of the world. Soon enough he was inducted into the shamanic order, bound to keep them safe against the many dangers that our tribe faces. ÒBy his 16th year Kazimir had proven himself as a warrior of repute. He had bested Orc challengers from the south, and helped Grand Shaman Zvonimir conduct the MidwinterÕs Rite. This was of course, some years after the cursed Irrilians came up from the south and were pushing us further and further into the mountains. At the mention of the Irrilians, older listeners grumbled and barked. The young ones, who had only known Korna after the initial invasion, frowned but did not have the same level of revulsion as those who remembered the heady pre-invasion days. ÒAt the Grand ShamanÕs command, Kazimir went on raiding parties against Irrilian army camps with the war parties. As a member of the shamans, he was somewhat of an outsider to the proud hunters, but they knew his uses--when in combat, Kazimir could lead the rage of the trampled land forth, and crush the Irrilians like snow under our boots. It is said also that the Grand Shaman sometimes sent Kazimir with special instructions. Sometimes it was to gather gem dust for a seeing-ritual. Or to take the scalps of three Southerners for blood rites. Or to find details on the IrrilianÕs magics. ÒIn the early spring of 539 IE, Kazimir was sent out once more to infiltrate and destroy an encampment set up by the Irrilian empire. This was after the imperial palace burned in fire, and their forces were scattered in defeat. This one encampment still stood, however, and it was an insult to our people for it to sully our lands so. The Grand Shaman told Kazimir to go into the central tent and to retrieve an object for study. ÒWe donÕt know what Kazimir was sent to find. We do know that he brought it back in great secrecy and carried it to the Grand Shaman, who summoned other shamans and guardians for a secret conference. Three days later, when the full moon aligned with KyzorÕs Sickle in the sky, they all went up to the peak of Koshtan-Kazbek, for some secret spell. We do not know what it was intended to do, but we know the results. All in the village woke, for it was as if night became day. There was a terrific blast at the top of the mountain, and a rain of ash fell across the slopes. ÒOnly Kazimir came back from that dread ritual. He would not say what occurred, bound by the oaths of his order. He said that Grand Shaman Zvonimir was now guiding him through the world, to right what was wrong, though scouts confirmed that Zvonimir was nowhere to be found. Left with little choice, our Chief banished Kazimir for sabotage of holy rites. The expulsion of a member from the tribe is, of course, the most feared fate of the average Ghirakan, and thus many of the young listeners gasped, whereas older ones grimaced. ÒWas Kazimir a traitor? Did he bring back a cursed artifact from the Irrilian camp? Why did he survive where elder guardians and shamans died or disappeared? These questions weighed heavily on the elders. Kazimir was ironclad in his assertion that he was following the Grand ShamanÕs orders, as always, and that he was on a sacred mission. As such it was with a heavy heart and much doubt that he was banished into the world. ÒThere is a curious fact that was noticed by Lyudmila, KazimirÕs mother and scout for the clan. A strange tattoo appeared on KazimirÕs face when he returned from the peak, the shape of which had not been seen before. The same mark was seen burned into the cap of Koshtan-Kazbek, as if by great fire. It looked like this: _ When asked what this was, Kazimir was cryptic, saying only that it was also known as U+0F04, which made no sense to anyone. ÒSo Kazimir set out into the wider world, with only his sacred weapon, a strange mark, and the guidance of a disappeared mentor to show him the way. I hope that he is guided well--there are strange times ahead, and Ghirak will need heroes to defend it.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Pogranax Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter Output:
Pogranax was born a bastard in the harsh landscapes of Kellid. His mother was a victim of a brutal attack from an Orc tribe, in which her husband was killed and she was forced to conceive at the hands of one of the strongest warriors in the raiding party. While she was not the only woman subjected to this brutality that day, she was the only one to carry her child full term and give birth. As a boy, Pogranax (or "Pog," as he was called) was never entirely accepted around the village, much because he was a constant reminder of the atrocities that many there had suffered through. He was prone to fights with other kids, which he typically won, even when outnumbered. Instead of choosing to focus on the negative of his conception, his mother Alais focused on the fact that he was her son. Her husband had ever been able to give her a child in their brief years of marriage. Knowing that many of her neighbors would struggle to accept him, she worked to help the boy establish his identity and accept himself, even going so far as to give him a name which she felt reflected his strong Orc heritage. Pogranax was the quick to volunteer for the village watch, eager to prove himself loyal to his human family. Due to his larger stature, he had learned to fight using blunted broadswords before the other boys his age could even pick one up. Granted, he used both hands, but to him the use of a powerful blow from both shoulders felt natural. Years had passed since the last major attack on the village, since a wall of raw lumber poles reinforced with stones had been erected to keep the majority of the attacks out. When the large attack had come, the second since Pogranax had been born, it was a fierce battle. In the middle of the fighting, Pogranax spotted a large orc warrior swinging a hammer at several defending villagers. The head of the weapon was larger than a melon, and tended to explode the heads of the villagers like melons when it made contact. He fought with fury and passion like Pogranax had never seen, and despite loathing him as an enemy, he respected him as a fighter. Despite facing his own enemies, the young half-orc kept an eye on the situation as he made his way into the town square, where the large orc warrior roared and smashed. As armored men kept their distance, bolts from several crossbows pierced the orc's arm and side. Still, he fought on, but as the blood continued to pour, it was obvious that the barbarian was getting weaker. His swings came slower and slower as the wounds fatigued him. Pogranax finally reached the edge of the circle around the orc, and brought his own large weapon up defensively in front of him. The orc in the middle turned, keeping the village soldiers at bay. As his gaze fell on Pogranax, the half-orc got his first good look at the blood-thirsty brute, and the ground seemed to drop out from beneath his feet. Above the orc's right eye was a large, crescent-shaped scar, his left cheek also scarred by four thin parallel lines. Growing up, his mother had been honest about his lineage. ******* "Pogranax, I want you to know where you come from," she had told him. "You cannot hide who you are, but I want you to feel comfortable in your own skin. I do not know who your real father is." "They attacked at night. We heard the fighting outside. I told Habastad to join the other men, but he stayed to protect me. It wasn't long before he---your real father---burst in the door, letting out a terrible roar. I screamed, and I think it encouraged him. I could see the bodies of dead village guards through the open door behind the orc warrior." "Habastad, may the Lord in Iron favor him, did his best to defend me, but he was no match. He threw the blow from his axe right at the orc's head, using both hands. While the blade cut through the skin, it bounced off his thick skull, leaving a gaping wound in the shape of the crescent moon. I could see the bone beneath the hanging skin, but the orc just wiped the blood out of his right eye, licking it off his own hand. As Habastad brought his axe up for a second attack, the orc swung his own large weapon. I didn't get a good look at what it was, but it was large and blunt." Her eyes, staring off in the distances of memory, always began tearing up at this point. "Many things about that night still give me bad dreams and invite the night hag to whisper in my ear, but the sound---that gut-wrenching sound---still haunts me. It was like breaking a bundle of twigs over your knee, but instead, they were bones. Habastad's ribs, actually, as his body was slammed into the wall. He had fallen to the ground, unable to breathe, unable to get up, but he was still alive." At this point, she was typically sobbing. "I'll never forget Habastad's eyes, wide and watching as the orc warrior forced me to the floor and cut at my clothing with a filthy knife. They were full of despair, despair and regret, as if he'd failed me. He had done his best, he had to have known that, but the orc was just too massive. The orc had forced himself on me then. I screamed again, but he only laughed. I was able to get my right arm free at one point, and struck at his left eye with all of my fury. He flinched, but I still managed to get him with my fingernails, leaving trails of blood down the left side of his face." Alais' voice would harden with resolve as she told this part, but would eventually fade off as she concluded. "That finally did it. I thought he was going to kill me, and at that point, I welcomed it. I saw him lean back, but that was the last thing I remember. He must have punched me, and very hard, because it was close to mid-day by the time I awoke. Habastad was dead. The orcs had left before the morning sun had come up. I was left alone, a widow." ******* As recognition filled Pog's eyes, the large full-blooded orc in front of him narrowed his own, regarding the young half-orc carefully. The men in the circle looked at each other in confusion as the orc began to shake, a low grating sound. The orc was laughing. Pog watched as the orc lowered his weapon slightly, extending his arms toward Pog, his head tilted to one side as he said one word, the last word Pog wanted to hear at that moment. "Son. Pog was not entirely certain what happened next. He was a talented fighter, above average for his age, still not as skilled as a seasoned veteran. But at that moment, he seemed to move like one. With short but efficient strike, Pog's greatsword was suddenly wedged deep into the orc's thick neck, stopping when it hit the spine. It was not a powerful blow, but it had been quick and precise. The large orc---Pog's father---dropped to its knees, gasping for air with a half-severed wind pipe. All the pain, all the rage, of growing up in a community that barely accepted him for the humanity he possessed had come to the surface in a new way. The additional emotions he had been cursed with from his mother boiled up as well, the vivid image of her crying every time she told of this orc's brutality flashing through Pog's mind. His face betrayed it all like a banner in the wind, and the orc drank it in like mead. He resumed laughing, a deep belly laugh, and grabbed Pog's sword, sliding it out of his throat even as it cut deep into his fingers. "What's the matter, human? Do you need a hug?" The orc gurgled out blood as he spoke. "Son?" the orc repeated. Pog stepped up to the large orc, looking him straight in the eye. "You may have contributed to my existence years ago, but you are not my father," he spat. A thick arm wrapped around the orc's head, digging his fingers deep into the bloody wound on the neck. Grasping his own wrists, Pog flexed his arms, then threw his entire weight into turning with his hips. A moment later, something large fell to the ground with a hollow clanking. Pog looked at the gruesome trophy in his hands. The face of his progenitor stared back at him, chuckling again once before the light faded from the eyes. After the battle was over, the village had finally accepted Pogranax as one of their own. Not only had he fought in their defense against orc kind, he had allegedly destroyed the orc that sired him. It may have been the new found respect, but suddenly the village no longer felt like home. His mother had been wounded in the attack. She listened to the tales from the other villagers of the encounter in the square---Pog refused to talk about it---and in some sense, she found relief, but also sorrow. While Pog had now confronted his past and where he had come from, he had opened himself up for a new range of personal conflict. A few days later, after Alais had succumbed to her wounds and been buried next to her husband Habastad, Pogranax had bid an emotionless farewell to the village and set off on his own. He traveled to the largest city in the region and quickly found a merchant caravan willing to hire him as a body guard, which began his journey that took him to the Grand Lodge.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gallus Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Ranger Output:
ÒYou have to watch out for the pretty orcs- they donÕt lose fights.Ó Following a particularly brutal, bloody, exciting raid, the orc tribe headed by the conqueror Uzrdakh of the Bloodwastes piled into The Raven and Rose tavern despite initial protests of the owner. The orcs had common coin enough from their nightÕs victory and the humans were in no position to refuse a tribe of orcs heady with the rush of sacrament with Gruumsh the one-eyed god. Half of the tavern was trashed but the gold the orcs left behind was enough to repay the damages- they had little interest in money apart from stealing it from their victims as a sign of power. Mog of the Desolation was the prized female of the tribe and after she had beheaded no fewer than seven Garguns in their latest battle, Uzrdakh was prepared to take her for his mate queen. After downing an entire keg of dark ale, Mog was only prepared to take to her bed after such a grueling day. As it stood, in her intoxicated state she became infatuated with the bartender. Erik of the Tavern, as she knew him. Their tribe remained outside of the city for about two weeks before their next campaign to move, but it was enough time for Mog and Erik to experience another form of union better than any the orc had ever known with her god. When it was discovered Mog was with child, the tribe was excited until it was revealed that Uzrdakh had not yet had congress with her. It was a great shame that the child was born half-orc and half-human, but the conqueror of the Bloodwastes was publicly willing to accept the child on the grounds that as soon as Mog was able to bear another child, she would give him an heir. Atirah was the half-breedÕs name. The child was raised among the orcs but was made acutely aware of just how much she differed from her pure-blooded fellows. Her mother Mog was protective of Atirah, reminded of the kindness and humor of the human Erik who had captured her heart in so short a time. Uzrdakh took every opportunity to remind the mother and child of his graciousness, and MogÕs duty to withhold her end of the bargain. When Atirah was 5 years old, she had a brother Kurdusk, the conquerorÕs son. Both Atirah and her brother were bastards in their own right, but the tribe seemed to have new life knowing that Uzrdakh had been blessed with a son to succeed him and lead the orcs to a new glory. Mog cared for both of her children but privately favored her daughter. The two children grew up in rivalry and while Atirah had the advantage of age, Kurdusk knew that what she could never accomplish was true sacrament with Gruumsh. He quickly surpassed his half-sister in combat fueled by the carnal bloodlust and frenzy that came from the mark of their maker. When Atirah was 12 years of age, her brother 7, Uzrdakh went back on his word and publicly denounced the child of two worlds, declaring her a danger to the integrity of the tribe. Should Mog oppose him, he would execute the both of them in sacrifice to Gruumsh- otherwise, they would both be spared and the child would only be banished. Atirah left home that night with nothing but a spear and a deep sense of loss- a conflicted loss as she never truly felt at home in the tribe. On her first night alone in the woods, she came across a cave of sleeping bears and after slaughtering the three creatures with enthusiasm, she dragged one bloody carcass back to the edge of the camp, where she was greeted by Kurdusk. ÒBrother,Ó she announced with hesitant pride. ÒI killed three bears and I understand now. I felt GruumshÕs bloodlust within me. Please tell your father, I can be a trueborn orc.Ó But Kurdusk gleefully told Atirah that she could never be trueborn, and if he went to his father tonight it would be to request the privilege of killing his half-sister himself. ÒHalf-breed, your tribe is worms and your inheritance is death. You are Atirah for the gallows.Ó He produced a whip and proceeded to chase her out into the woods, further than the cave of sleeping, now dead bears, and left her with whip-wounds so severe her back muscles spasmed with pain for a good month. If you ask now, she will tell you her scars are from numerous tiger fights, or bear-wrestling, and she cannot remember just what claws made what mark. She would be lying. Atirah matured to adulthood out in the wilderness. On her 15th birthday she caught and killed a deer, three rabbits, a beaver, and a crow and ate them all in silence. Even away from the tribe that raised but never loved her, she tended towards chaos and could occasionally hear whispers of Gruumsh, but even he could not have made Uzrdakh or Kurdusk or even Mog realize the earnestness of AtirahÕs desire to belong. The one-eyed god would not share his sacrament with her, because perhaps it was wasted by the wayward human morality she began to feel in her later years. She learned to hunt to sustain herself, and while her size betrayed her stealth, she learned to pick prey at a range with arrows and other stolen weapons from stray adventuring parties. Eventually, aged 16, she found a city which was a thing she had never seen before. Mog had described them as tribes of hundreds and thousands who kept their houses rooted in the ground. Atirah was unsure if every city had one, but her mother had spoken fondly of a wooden stronghold with a bird eating a flower above the door. It was here Atirah met her father, and it was here she learned what it meant to be human, even if only half. Erik was surprised, to say the least, to know that he had an adult orc daughter as a result of that brief encounter all those years ago. The Raven and Rose tavern had since been rebuilt of much stronger material, and policy limited traveling parties to groups of ten or fewer. Erik inherited the building when the previous owner died of pox some six years ago. While his fellow tavern workers opposed the idea of keeping an orc around in any fraction, be it half or whole or even a toeÕs worth, Erik was curious to know if his daughter shared any of the same affectations and affections as Mog, what little he remembered of that two week tryst. Atirah took a job hauling barrels with which even the human men had difficulty they were too prideful to admit. She also hunted game occasionally, beasts being her favored foe, and brought the meat to the tavern. The only payment she wanted was roof over her head and stew enough to live off of. Whenever anyone asked who she was, she would say, ÒAtirah of the GallowsÓ. She was not for death, as her brother had told her, but she came from it. It was her history and one day her future, but for the time being she was alive and she planned to live. Atirah did not come from the Desolation or the Bloodwastes, but from the noose-neck of death itself and she walked away from it. Of course, as time wore on Atirah of the Gallows became Atirah oÕthÕ Gallows, then Atirah GallÕos, and eventually just Gallus. Her orc name faded from greeting except for the few who knew her well. At age 21, she was known to all as Gallus, the goodnatured if not overly zealous bouncer at The Raven and Rose tavern who would knock your block off if you dared to start a drunken brawl. Some believed she was almost too eager to see a fight starting up, so she could jump in and bash heads just a bit before throwing you out. On rare occasions, she was known to bite off your ear to really slow things down. Underneath the bar, in pickling liquid, there was a jar of bitten-off ears that Gallus never showed to anyone except those who might join the collection. She was also a rare shot at darts. The following year, she lost her father and her tavern and her home. After an afternoonÕs hunt, she returned to find the wooden stronghold in flames. As citizens gathered to watch the liquor-tongued flames leap into the sky, Gallus saw a coin bearing the mark of Gruumsh and his horrible eye left on the cobblestones outside the scorched tavern. That night, she slept horribly. She awoke weeping. It was tough to find work in that city after the fire, because without Erik the people had no reason to love an orc-born bastard. Gallus moved to the next city over, taking what little pay she had actually accepted from The Raven and Rose, using it to find temporary accommodations while she practically begged for a job. She took up work at The Cock and Bull, another tavern, doing the only work she was really good at. The owner, a Halfling, was pleased to have GallusÕs height and bravado in the tavern. She hired the orc, who did three times the labor of any human man just to endear herself to the owner. Gallus managed to fall into the routine once more, hauling kegs, hunting game, and drinking ale while she ate dinner from the meat sheÕd brought in. It was steady work, and while she wondered what had become of Mog, she didnÕt dare to make any indication of her presence to the old tribe. For the first time in her life she hoped that Gruumsh would forget his wayward half-orc child, trying to stave off his evil as she worked for a better future. She didnÕt walk away from the gallows to turn back into the arms of death, after all.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Threk the Shunned Character Race: Half-orc, half-human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
As the only half-Orc in his tribe, Threk had always had trouble with acceptance in spite of his proven and unrelenting loyalty to the clan. He really just wanted to be a musician, and he even released a couple of albums on the Northern Clan Records label, but he's not great. One wrong word from the clan leader's son picking on Threk's music brought out Threk's violent side, and now he is outcast.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ishayle Character Race: Half-ord Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Ishayle was born in a small Barbarian Village that was hidden in the middle of a forest. He hailed from the Motokorami Tribe which was known for their savage and brutal rage filled warriors. His Father was the leader of the village who was human and the strongest warrior in the village who held the mighty axe 'Earthshatter', and his mother was an orc who was just as fierce in battle as her husband. Ishayle was unique for a half orc child for he was born with light green hair and a pale smoke like complexion. One day the village was attacked by a mysterious force which laid waste to the village. In the midst of the attack his mother ran into the woods and hid her child in a tree hoping that he would survive. She left her son with an amulet of the tribes symbol. After placing her son in the tree. She was immeiately struck down. Ishayle cried for days and days until a wolf pack saw the child in the tree and took him out of the tree. Upon seeing his pale complexion the wolf cubs thought he was similar to them and tried to play with him, so the wolves decided to take him with them. Until Ishayle was around the age of 10 he thought he was an actual wolf until one day a short hair humanoid creature saw the boy and thought the wolves were attacking him and rushed into to save him. The humanoid creature was a Dwarven Monk who had decided to take this wild boy in and raise him because he could tell he didnÕt have a home to go to. Over the years the Monk taught the boy to speak common tongue and how to fight as well. Due to his lineage Ishayle excelled at fighting but the orc side of him often gave into his rage and tended to be rather destructive. He also was not able to speak that well and could only speak in broken sentences. When Ishayle hit adulthood the Monk realized there was no more he could teach the boy and let him venture on his own path. He wandered around a city and couldn't find a place to fit in as he wasnÕt accepted by orcs due to him being a half breed, and humans wouldn't accept him due to his odd looks and primitive nature. Ishayle found his way into an underground fighting arena where he actually felt at home since he was fighting constantly. One night in a fight with the champion of the ring he was accused of cheating and was banished from the arena. Without a home once again Ishayle wandered trying to find his own path, and to learn more about his past and who he really is.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ti'asak Cloaksword Character Race: Half-wyvern, half-kobold (wyvaran) Character Class: Time thief Output:
TiaÕSac Cloaksword was created. He was an alchemical attempt at making the perfect soldier. The strength, longevity and flight of a Dragon, and the cunning and dexterity of a Kobold. The first tests went perfectly, the subject adjusting quickly to always wearing armour. A minor side effect was that the subject cast no shadow, though that would only help it. 30 years, the subject started personifying itself, and looking for a clan or pack. The alchemists noticed itÕs movements becoming erratic. It-He started calling himself TiaÕSac. Whenever he did a short task, such as an obstacle course, he would appear to move slightly faster. When some wizards cam ans slowed time, TiaÕSac was unaffected by it. The alchemists decided that it was perfect, and decided to use TiaÕSacÕs blood to make more. But TiaÕSac was not to be contained. He was a person. One alchemist, Professer Lorrimor, realized this, and, asking for only a favour in return, set TiaÕSac free, with directions to a village to live in. He collapsed near an orc village, and was brought back to it. He lived there for many years, rising through the ranks with feats of strength and dexterity. Nobody suspected him, until one day a human ranger stumbled upon the village. TiaÕSacÕs pale white scales made him look like a captured human to the ranger, especially since TiaÕSac was being given a trial by fire. The ranger ran and gathered reinforcements, and destroyed the village. TiaÕSac was brought to a city, having passed out in the revels following his trial, and woke up in a sleazy bar. The townÕs sheriff stood over him and asked how he was captured. TiaÕSac knew better than to explain that he was a part of the tribe, and was glad they had though his wings were an intricate lining to his cloak. He lived there peacefully, until one day he recieved a summons from his good friend and saviour, Professor Lorrimor. TiaÕSac decided to return the favour years ago, and pay honour to Lorrimor, and set off to attend the funeral.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Trystan Ravenscar Character Race: Halfelf Character Class: Druid Output:
The Ravenscar clan is a long line of specialized hunters. Legend says one of there forefathers even caught death itself. Now, the family is not that heroic anymore, but very wealthy. Trystan was born as the third son of Mortimer and Eleanor Ravenscar. Mortimer had been a great hunter once, though no one could see that through all his pudginess. He was a very kind man, in contrast with his wife Eleanor, who was cold and ambitious. She insisted that her sons were taught how to hunt in the old fashioned way. TrystanÕs childhood was filled with hunting trips together with his brothers, mother and occasionally specialized tutors. At first Trystan loved them. He got to go to some amazing places and see new animals and plants. He asked a lot of questions and soaked in as much information as he could. However, at one point they started pushing him to kill the animals. Trystan couldnÕt get it over his heart. In the beginning his mother thought it was just an age thing, but as Trystan got older he still didnÕt want to. She tried several methods: using a knife, shooting it from a distance, laying traps. Nothing worked. At one point she was so desperate that she put herself in danger. That did get Trystan to kill it, but it upset him so much that he fled home. For a few years he lived in the wild on his own. He learned how to kill out of necessity. He loved the time on his own and being one with the nature around him. After three years a magical message reached him telling him of his fathers passing. Trystan was devastated and immediately traveled back. The whole house was in sorrow. However, there was not much time for sorrow. Tradition demanded that the three sons had to battle to become the new head of the Ravenscar clan. Not a battle by force, but more like a quest. They would each receive one of the family scimitars and then set out. The first one to bring back a Arthorax would get the position. Trystan had mixed feelings about it. He did not want to kill a living being, but he also wanted to please his mother for old timeÕs sake. As the youngest, Trystan had to wait for his brothers to go first. When he finally started on his journey he used his knowledge to gather a lot of information about the species. Then he traveled to the region where they lived and studied their behavior for quite some time. After he thought he had a thorough understanding of the being he laid a trap. Against all odds he actually managed to capture one before his brothers did, a young one. However, he still had a long way home, made much longer by the fact that the Arthorax was still alive.. On this way he met his brother, Morrigan. He congratulated Trystan on his feat and said he was the rightful heir. The next morning he was gone and so was the Arthorax. Trystan had been betrayed by his own brother. This was the tipping point for Trystan. He absolutely despised the ways of his family. He did not want to be part of a family that chose prey over their own blood. He followed his brother back to the family manor. Morrigan was welcomed with great festivities. The ceremonial execution of the monster was scheduled the next day. When everyone in the house was asleep, full of the fine wine and food of the dinner, Trystan snuck into the dungeonÕs. He freed the Arthorax and ran away from his home with the intention never to return. He brought the animal back to where it came. Since he has been living in the wild on his own, disowned by his family. He went on many adventures involving nature preservation and studies of lifeforms.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Panry Marmidas Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Mercenary veteran
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Johno Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter Output:
Communist folk hero who unsuccessfully led a farmers rebellion
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Conrad Rumshot Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
An orphan who grew up in a family of drovers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lord Fendrick Windhollow VIII Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter Output:
Last in the line of a great house which has fallen on hard times. He longs for an earlier age of honor and chivalry.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shift Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Thief Output:
A middling magic user and expert thief, this well-dressed halfling would rather use a confidence scam to relieve marks of their gold rather than physical confrontation. He enjoys gambling, largely due to an inexplicably charmed life.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Wilbur Wolfbrother Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Sorceror Output:
Wilbur worked in an inn as an entertainer when one day he saw a band of adventurers and thought it looked fun. Up and off he went with the briefest goodbyes to his friends and parents.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Perrin Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Perrin was raised in the wilds in a small village, his mother, father and 3 other families. When he was 19, on the cusp of manhood as you might say, he went travelling out on the road.