Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rook Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Parents got slaughtered by a red dragon when he was young when they were on a mission to steal the dragons hoard. Now Rook follows in their footsteps to get revenge on the dragon (and get his motherÕs ring back). He had a kind heart so he finds it hard to take the life of someone who hasnÕt done anything to him or his friends, good or bad.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rael Montrain Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Barbarian Output:
A human nobleman was fighting off an orc raid on his lands, and led an attack into one of their forward operating camps, butchering everyone there in a preventative measure In the rubble, he discovered an infant, a half-orc baby girl, and in a fit of compassion saw fit to bring her home and adopt her Though he had made his name fighting off the greenskin horde, he did not see it as a permanent solution and neither did he wish to commit genocide He wanted to bring her up to be a civil member of society, to prove orcs arenÕt inherently evil or beyond redemption His foundling child was not well-loved by the court back home, let alone his own family His wife and eldest son in particular disdained the girl, now dubbed Rael For a time, the lord managed to use his influence to keep such opinions at bay Eventually, however, his health began to fail him As the lord grew sicker and more bedridden, RaelÕs life grew harder As the lady gained more control over the household, Rael received less and less attention This also translated into less and less protection from those who would bully her, chief among whom was her adoptive older brother Rael retreated to her fatherÕs side as often as possible, but his illness often left him sleeping and the lady gleefully used this as an excuse to drive her away from that safe haven Her father still influenced Rael, and he spoke often of the example he wanted her to be Eventually, RaelÕs father died, and the gloves came off The bullying became physical, but as Rael was attacked, she discovered a rage inside herself that let her fight back These fights still remained minor scuffles without permanent injury, but only because Rael fought to control and direct her rage She directed it towards self-improvement rather than sheer destruction, training herself to always be one step ahead of her bullies Tensions between Rael and her ÒfamilyÓ continued to grow, until something finally broke A family of distant relations came to visit, among them a charming young man RaelÕs age, who to her surprise quickly began to act warm, flirtatious even, towards her Rael was completely unprepared, for though she as a young woman had longed for a romantic connection she had not found anyone she could connect with when most people either loathed her or feared her Thus she was swept off her feet in quick succession The budding relationship grew intense as the familyÕs departure grew closer, and on the final night RaelÕs paramour snuck to her room and spent the night with her Rael woke to find him gone, and she went out to find him for a bittersweet goodbye Instead, she found him in a circle of young men, bragging about how he had tamed and bedded the she-beast As they spotted Rael their derision only grew, and among their number was RaelÕs brother, who reveal he had masterminded the whole thing Rael lost control of her rage and fell upon him, beating him to the ground She did not stay behind to be punished, instead packing what little possessions she had and heading out to make herself a life on the road, using her considerable martial prowess to make ends meet Rael continues to harbor mixed feelings over what happened: though her brother certainly had the beating coming, in delivering it she failed to live up to her fatherÕs dream of her Only a few years past, the event is still fresh on her mind, and for now she is content to not reflect on how she feels about her old life, figuring sheÕll cross that bridge when she comes to it Though she doesnÕt know or doesnÕt care, Rael is undeniably Lady Rael of House Montrain, a member of nobility: her father took every precaution to ensure her position and claim could not be discredited once he had passed away Rael is a sullen, fierce woman, who never backs down from a fight or lets an insult go unanswered; she has had a scarce few trusted friends in her life and that fierceness extends to their defense Ð that is to say, she will do virtually anything for a friend, and anything to an enemy Her rage is a double-edged sword: it is directed as much at herself as at her enemy, for she both feels conflicted about failing her fatherÕs dream and has absorbed some of the hatred directed at her for her entire life
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Larin Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Cavalier Output:
For a time, Larin had a picturesque childhood, raised in a peaceful community by loving, half-elven parents who made a modest living as merchants And yet, one day tragedy struck, and travelers arriving into town found it deserted, empty of all life save for a crying child Ð Larin The whole matter was deeply unsettling in its mysteriousness, and unable or unwilling to entertain other possibilities, the tragedy was chalked up to raiders, presumably having come through and enslaved everyone That did not explain the lack of looting or signs of resistance, but people decided to let sleeping dogs lie Larin might have been able to tell them more, but the girl had been dumb and mute since whatever happened A month or so later, a strange rider came to town, looking equal parts like a wandering mystic and a roving warrior He asked around about the mystery of LarinÕs town, and in so doing earned himself an ill reputation as someone who went digging into things better left alone Despite resistance, he managed to arrange a meeting with Larin He asked if she had seen them Ð the dark figures arriving, the thick fog rolling in to cover the streets, and the unspeakable something stalking in it Slowly, Larin turned to look him in the eyes Ð the first recognition of another person since the event Ð and said, ÒyesÓ Against any protests Ð of which there werenÕt many Ð the rider took Larin with him as he left town, saying none here could help her The rider was in fact a knight, of the Order of the Eastern Star, dedicated to protecting innocents from otherworldly threats that few knew even existed A cult heÕd long hunted had been behind what happened to LarinÕs home He brought Larin to the OrderÕs base of operations, so that they could help her however they could and find out whatever she knew in the process Once they were done, the question arose of what to do with her She couldnÕt be taken back Ð sheÕd be ostracized forever as cursed by ill fate As they debated turning her over to an orphanage, Larin made her will known: She wanted to stay, and she wanted to help From that day on, Larin entered training to become a Cavalier of the Eastern Star, and among her peers her determination was second to none She proved to be an unorthodox member, brash and blunt where most of their number were subtle and cryptic Ð but none could deny that she was dedicated, and got results One day, though she wasnÕt quite yet done with her training, when she heard her savior and mentor had fallen to the cult he still hunted, she insisted that she be recognized as a full-fledged knight and sent out to continute his work She did not take no for an answer, and in a matter of days set out to investigate his death, and follow any leads she found
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Syvas Character Race: Elf Character Class: Druid Output:
Syvas was born into a fairly normal life in a human settlement He showed his intellect early on and was set on the track for an academic life SyvasÕ years in the academy were marked by a sea change in the society around him, where liberal upstarts sought to challenge the conservative power base of the city Uncharacteristically for an elf, Syvas took a great interest in these events and threw his lot in with those academics who joined the struggle He was young and idealistic, and relished the chance to change the world To everyoneÕs surprise the liberals won, and in a series of abdications, impromptu elections and hushed coups inserted themselves into the positions of power the conservatives had once held At first, there was a sense of hope in the air Ð anything was possible! Ð and Syvas was immensely proud of having done his small part to bring this about Yet, nothing changed: the liberal leaders now in power changed very little, mostly acting only to shore up their own positions, all in the name of ÒstabilityÓ A few years passed and truly, nothing had changed, and Syvas grew bitter and cynical He had become increasingly withdrawn at the academy and now chose to withdraw from civilized life entirely He had always had a fascination for the natural world and focused his studies as such, and now he chose to devote his life entirely to it Natural wonders were permanent and incorruptible, he said, and thus the only thing truly worthy of study (and not fickle like people, he sometimes added) Syvas took to wandering the world, cataloguing the wonders of nature he saw, which eventually set him in touch with a circle of druids After Syvas insisted for a good long while they inducted him into the druidic order Syvas never became a traditional druid, as his focus was always on learning and understanding the secrets of the natural world That said, his colleagues could never question his devotion to the Green His druidic training complete, Syvas took to the road again, ever seeking to learn more
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cyral Valant Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Cyral was born into a troupe of traveling entertainers, and spent his early childhood with them on the road, very much a part of the traveling life His parents wasted no time grooming him into an entertainer, and taught him the guitar While still a young boy of less than ten, he was abducted during the troupeÕs travels He was transported far, and by various means, until finally arriving in an underground complex where he was to be held captive along with other children of various kinds They were separated into specific groups, any given group consisting of different races Their captors were also a mixed bunch: though the ones giving the orders were all elves, those taking the orders were from a variety of backgrounds Over time, children would be added or taken out to ensure everyone in the group was roughly on the same level of maturation The youths began to be trained under threat of violence, first engaging in just basic physical conditioning, but soon enough moving into combat drills This went on for years, at which point their captors began to also experiment on them, giving them various alchemical extracts to enhance their bodies Rumors spread among the youths of vivisections and awful transformations The youths often turned to each other for companionship and comfort, as they had no one else, and Cyral was no different This training and experimentation continued so long that Cyral no longer remembered any other life, or even his own name His elven captors called him Lhast (an antiquated insult for half-elves) and he thought that was his name Some children clung to their memories of time before, while others now firmly believed they had always been there As their training progressed, they were organized into new groups, and these groups then made to fight each other as part of one-on-one duels and drills but also a variety of scenarios in groups Each group was branded with a symbol and a number to denote where they belonged At this stage the combat training grew more intense, and the trainers began to goad the youths into competing more and more, driving them to resent the other groups As things escalated, so did the violence, and some of the youths began to die in the course of the training Lhast took a rivalÕs life during training Ð his first kill, and it shook him to his core His performance fell after that, much to the chagrin of his handlers Lhast knew his fate now hung in the balance, for if he didnÕt improve his performance to previous levels and beyond, either the handlers or the other groups would kill him In the nick of time there was some kind of accident in the laboratory the elves ran, and Lhast managed to use the opportunity to escape, though only barely He found himself a stranger in a strange land, and on the run to boot He did not know how much damage had been done to the operation, whether it still existed, whether anyone was after him, but he couldnÕt afford to take any chances For a long time he simply fled, stealing and stowing away to make his way After several months with no-one after him, he finally calmed down Lhast was confronted with the terrifying reality of freedom: no one could tell him what to do with his life And yet, he also had no concept of life: all he had were memories of life in training, though thankfully ever since his first kill he had begun to shake off the mental conditioning imposed upon him His one and only skillset was as a warrior, bolstered by the mutations of the elvesÕ experiments, and that was the trade he began to ply, a mercenary and adventurer He still disliked killing the innocent, but held no such reservations towards anyone dangerous or deserving In the back of his mind, he still has two goals: discovering who his captors were, and who he was He has made little progress in either direction, as no one has recognized him or the symbol he is branded with By chance he discovered a familiarity with music: passing a troupe, he recognized the tune they were playing He asked to see one of their guitars, and old insticts kicked in to awkwardly pick out a melody and some chords Alas, the troupe could offer no other clues as to his identity Lhast did acquire a guitar and began to practice playing it on his own, to foster some sense of connection to the life he lost
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gared Giel Character Race: Human Character Class: Gunslinger Output:
Angels quite literally heralded the birth of Gared Giel, and scores of paladins and clerics came to his parentsÕ door The Giels werenÕt exactly shocked, as the glowing skin and silver hair of their son marked him as something extraordinary The holy men said that Gared was blessed with divine potency that could only be realized if he was given over to training for a holy purpose The Giels agreed, somewhat relieved to not shoulder such a heavy burden Gared was taken to a fortress-monastery for training, and his divine powers continued to manifest themselves Though he wasnÕt particularly keen on any of his studies, the various orders squabbled over whose ranks he would join That he said, he was equally uninterested in most of them, until he chanced upon a firing exercise of the Holy Guns, and was enthralled Though he had now found his calling, as Gared grew older he chafed in monastic training His first attempt to escape was entirely successful and he made his way to a nearby city and tried to make the most of it, robbing a merchant to pay for a spending spree GaredÕs guardians werenÕt far behind and easily caught up with him, bringing him back to the fortress-monastery to be punished This marked the beginning of a troublesome time for Gared, as he continued to try and escape, succeeding more often than not, yet brought back every time Each time he headed to nearby cities to indulge in the delights denied to him, and each time he was brought back he grew more resistant to his captors, until he went for broke in one last escape attempt This time he didnÕt beeline for earthly delights but instead kept going, traveling further and further away until he was sure nobody was following him His overbearing divine protectors a distant memory, Gared set about making a life for himself as a gun-for-hire, establishing a reputation as a hard-shooting, hard-drinking mercenary While some of this was certainly to his liking, some of it was simply to make himself as much unlike the divine warrior he had been destined to be Eventually he cooled on the act, though he still remained morally questionable He now makes a comfortable living as an adventurer and very insistently does not think on any greater destiny he might have The order that raised him is still searching for him, though theyÕve yet to find him in this great, big world
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bubbles Character Race: Human Character Class: Black guardian Output:
Some adventurers found a goldfish sitting in a pool of blood in the great labyrinth. They later went to explore some ancient ruins, and, in a puff of blue flame, Bubbles's bowl broke, releasing the former goldfish. He has very little memory from before being a goldfish, but he speaks the language of the labyrinth. This leads the other adventurers to think that he has some connection to the labyrinth.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yvain Sunchild Character Race: Dhampir Character Class: Inquisitor Output:
Yvain was abandoned in the graveyard in the dead of winter, and it was only by chance that a cleric from the temple of Sarenrae happened upon her She was taken into the temple and raised there by the clergy, along with other orphans Her half-vampire nature was soon discovered, and since Sarenrae loves the redeemed evil-doer it only served to further impress the need for the clergy to raise this child Yvain grew up peacefully in the temple, and excelled in her academic as well as divine studies She was a charming and well-loved child As she came into her teens she discovered the truth about her own nature, and that she was the offspring of an evil creature The discovery continued to gnaw at her, and she obsessed over it, but she kept said obsession secret from the clergy, who she knew would frown up on it As Yvain grew into a young woman, her obsession took a new shape Ð discovering her father She delved into both city records, and then rumors on the street, and after months of hopeless work finally discovered there was indeed a vampire operating in the city With further work, she discovered the vampire was actually a local nobleman, influential and well-loved, an active philanthropist She went to confront her father, and to her surprise he was delighted to see her, and offered to take her under his wing They were so alike after all, he said Ð she had clearly inherited the easy, manipulative Moroi charm Yvain rejected the offer, and fled Yvain was disgusted by the claim of similarity between her and this murderous fiend, and yet she could not entirely refute it Her teachers doted on her, and with the onset of adolescence many of her peers had fallen for her charms, and she had even taken one of them as a lover Now Yvain pushed her away, convinced the love between them was only an infatuation brought on by her vampiric nature A heavy guilt settled into YvainÕs heart, and she saw only one way to redeem herself She went to the city authorities to expose her fatherÕs crimes and bring him to justice, only to discover that none were willing to do anything about it Rumors she heard suggested that her fatherÕs misdeeds were not unknown (though his vampirism was) but that his money and influence left him immune She then went to the clergy, champions of good, to urge them to take action They took the accusations seriously, but insisted on following proper procedure (which involved gettting in touch with higher-ups in the faith) Yvain was furious that people refused to do anything about an active evildoer in their midst, and saw no choice but to take matters into her own hands She went to confront her father, and issued an ultimatum Ð either he would turn himself in to face for his crimes, or sheÕd bring him in by force Her father laughed at her, and so she struck Ð a feeble attempt were it not for Sarenrae infusing her power into the blow YvainÕs fatherÕs face burst into flame and she took the opportunity to flee In the church they debated what to do with her, knowing that YvainÕs father would use his influence to send the authorities after her Yvain decided to take matters into her own hands once again and prepared to run away so as to not bring undue attention on the church It was during her escape that some of SarenraeÕs inquisitors found her, and recognizing her dedication to their cause, welcomed her in Now a trained inquisitor, Yvain travels the land to root out evil, vampires in particular Though still dedicated to Sarenrae, she has found her purpose in taking revenge on evildoers who refuse to reform, rather than let them escape justice due to compassion Some question if this is truly SarenraeÕs way, but the goddessÕ blessings continue to manifest in YvainÕs powers As Yvain grew older her vampiric thirst also manifested itself Initially she tried to simply resist, but the attempt almost killed her Now she feeds this unfortunate addiction with blood from volunteers, as well as non-humanoid substitutes if pressed
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Federic Valant Character Race: Human Character Class: Magus Output:
Federic was born to the esteemed Valant family, much to the relief of his relatives He was not the first child of his generation, as his older brother had died and left the line without an heir Ð and many had feared his parents were too old for another child His parents took perhaps an overzealous approach to ensuring FedericÕs safety, forbidding dangerous physical activity, like the sword arts his older brother had fancied Instead, he was directed towards a more academic path Federic, however, had a young boyÕs drive for the rough-and-tumble, and made a close friend doing exactly that in the guard captainÕs son Where Federic was being pushed towards education, the captainÕs son was pushed towards training The two boys exchanged lessons in their spare time, Federic learning how to fight and the captainÕs son in the fundamentals of knowledge This reciprocity continued even as they got older and Federic entered the academy, and his friend the ranks of the guards In the academy, Federic discovered an aptitude for the arcane The Valants were old, rich and powerful, and such status breeds rival and enemies One family in particular rankled at playing second fiddle to the Valants Though they maintained appearances, everyone knew they coveted the power and position the Valants enjoyed Even as a young boy, Federic took quickly to prideful nobility, and absorbed the contentious attitude the Valants held towards their upstart rivals During an event where both families were gathered, Federic went and humiliated his counterpart, the scion of the other family Though most of the family and their allies laughed it off and congratulated Federic on his daring, his father feared he was just adding fuel to the fire of their rivalÕs enmity He was not wrong Ð while Federic, now a young man, was away attending to his studies, his parents were assassinated Federic returned in time to see their rivals declare open war on the flimsiest of pretexts He did not hesitate in abandoning his studies in order to take up the sword and fight for his birthright, now as the head of the Valant family Though Federic was eager and determined, he was an untested commander, and too brash and angry to follow the advice of wiser men Despite his best efforts, the war was lost Ð the rivals assumed control of the ValantsÕ lands and responsibilities, fully replacing them Federic was driven out Ð presumed dead by some Ð and those loyal who remained instructed him to flee far away and live to fight another day Though it pained him to do so, that is exactly what he did He fled to a distant land and started a new life, plying his skill at combining magic and martial might Though ostensibly a mere adventurer, he continues to plot his eventual return and retaking of his birthright, and revenge on his rivals Feder is arrogant but dedicated; he believes he is entitled to his noble position but he is willing to fight for it; he has a very high opinion of himself; he is loyal to those who are loyal to him; he does not view allies as disposable; he believes his synthesis of the martial and the arcane makes him a peerless warrior, and heÕll fight to prove it
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kasachi Character Race: Tengu Character Class: Oracle Output:
Kasachi was born to a traditional Tengu home and had a traditional Tengu upbringing, until tragedy struck: an earthquake shook their mountain home, and KasachiÕs parents were among the many who died The local monastery took him in though he was inconsolable Sorrow had such a grip on him that he would not eat Hoping to help the boy, the abbott taught him about ancestral rites, and that his parents were still watching over him, even if they were doing so from the spirit world, as were all his other ancestors With the abbottÕs guidance, Kasachi spoke to his parents at the family shrine, and the boy seemed to find some measure of comfort in that Kasachi became one of the temple youths, instructed in religious teaching as well as martial arts Whenever he had the time heÕd slip away to the shrine and speak with his parents What struck the monks as odd, however, was that he claimed they were speaking back Ð and that he had conversations with them While quaint, it was ignored, until one time when a monk called out to Kasachi during such a conversation, and it was a voice other than his that answered After some investigation, it became clear that the spirits could work through Kasachi, also unlocking divine magic within him From then on, Kasachi was revered as special in his ability to commune with the spirit world, and his training was modified to enhance his spiritual abilities Eventually, having grown into an amiable young man, Kasachi took to the road, hoping that new experiences would deepen his connection to the spirit world, aiming one day to truly become one with them, a bridge between the two worlds
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Roog Character Race: Goblin Character Class: Paladin Output:
Roog was born to a typical goblin tribe but he was un-typically smart for a goblin child. While this might have meant he may have risen to a position of power in the tribe, the tribe was wiped out before that managed to happen. Roog survived only by miraculous happenstance, and the goblin child wandered about in search of a means of survival. Eventually he strayed near a human settlement, where he made a pitiable impression on a local villager, and she gave him enough food for him to survive. Roog understood he would never be accepted by the village, but he remained in its vicinity. A handful of individuals were privy to the secret of his existence, and in return for their kindness Roog did what he could to help the village: foraging the land, locating missing items, driving off small predators and warning about larger ones. The village was located near a major highway and travelers often passed through. Roog inadvertently made friends with a traveling merchant, who would see Roog whenever he was in the area. He regaled the goblin with tales of the world, and had a small treat for him to eat while he listened. One day, a particularly large goblin horde struck the town unbeknownst to Roog. He returned only once the attack was underway, and the village aflame. Terrified, he wandered through the chaos, and sought refuge in the small temple to Desna in the village. Hiding, quaking in fear, the goblin waited for the violence to pass, until some of the attacking goblins found their way into the temple. Roog couldnÕt stand the idea of them despoiling it, and as he looked up to DesnaÕs shrine he felt a new courage in his heart. Picking up a fallen weapon, he charged at his kinsmen and slew them. He suffered injuries of his own in the process, but that was when he felt a power inside him that allowed him to recover. Energized, Roog charged outside but the attack was over, the goblins gone and the village destroyed. And by a cruel twist of fate, even the traveling merchant had been caught and killed. At first, Roog mourned, but in time he realized that it was never too late to use his newfound powers to help others. He swore his loyalty to Desna, vowing to protect the helpless and fight the wicked, goblins in particular. Before departing, he took a symbol of Desna from the temple to remember the village by. Roog is extremely dedicated to his cause and is quite humorless about it. He is stern, stalwart, and strong. He is absolutely an inspiring figure, although that is easily ignored because of his goblinoid nature. He is given to disguising his features with hood or helmet and passing as a halfling.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hush Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Ranger Output:
An unknown figure of unknown provenance abandoned a child in the midst of a forest during the heart of winter A close look at the child would reveal why: she was clearly tainted by infernal blood And yet, by all accounts she would have died, save for two things: Her unnaturally high body heat kept her from freezing A pack of wolves found her, and somehow kept her alive The nameless child grew up with the pack, hunting with them, though as she grew older she began to use her wiles to hunt better, construcing tools to help her efforts Life in the wild was still tough, and she had to watch many of the pack members die, despite her best efforts to save them As she grew into adulthood, an unease settled into the tiefling Ð a longing for something that the pack could not fill One day, a group of hunters ran afoul of the pack and conflict broke out Thanks to the tiefling, the hunters were outmatched and quickly killed, save for one HeÕd seen his companions try and fail to reason with her, so he tried communicating with her in a simpler fashion, indicating surrender It worked and she let him live The hunter was fascinated by the tiefling and remained in the area, trying to establish communication with her Though he failed, the tiefling was drawn to this creature who was like her He eventually gave up trying Ð he wasnÕt the man for this job Ð but to his surprise when he left she followed him, eager to see what else the world had to offer The hunter tried taking her to his hometown, but she was scared off by the jarring change She stayed in the nearby woods by herself and the hunter came out to visit her He eventually brought a local scholar out, and she managed to start teaching the rudiments of language to the tiefling During these lessons she came by the name ÔHushÕ Ð an admonition from the scholar, but she liked the sound, as it was simple and reminded her of the wind Hush never learned to read, but learned enough of speaking that she could pick the rest up on her own The hunter took Hush under his wing while she adjusted to the civilized world, and they traveled the world together, finding work as adventurers Hush got acclimated to civilization in steps, eventually to the point where she could stay inside a small, bustling city, though she remained nervous and on edge But the hunter was not a young man anymore, and life on the road wore on him He met a woman in one of the villages they operated around, and she eventually asked him to settle down with her Hush was equal parts hurt and confused by the turn of events, as she didnÕt understand relationships and understood a marriage even less It felt like her only companion was leaving her for someone else The hunter suggested she stay in the area to work, and they could still see each other But Hush was now gripped with an unshakeable wanderlust, and so she took the road on her own
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Vad Character Race: Hobgoblin Character Class: Rogue Output:
By what means Vad escaped the oppressive, militaristic hobgoblin society and came to be a young orphan on the streets of a metropolis, nobody knows and heÕs long since forgotten He was one of many street urchins, standing out only due to his unusual heritage and aptitude for getting into high places Ð and into trouble As he grew older, a criminal gang set their sights on him and his talents, and easily enlisted the impressionable young boy into their service Vad didnÕt much care for justice but he did like helping people, and the criminals exploited this desire by inventing charitable explanations for the crimes Vad committed for them It was only as Vad grew into a young man that he began putting two and two together, and realized that all heÕd been helping was the gang boss grow rich and fat With a dark resolve, Vad crafted a plan to kill the boss in revenge, and to loosen his hold on the poor areas of the city The plan worked, although Vad did not escape suspicion in the aftermath Vad waited for things to get better, and urged the new leadership to focus their efforts on helping the city poor that the city officials ignored The gang didnÕt share his altruism, and the new boss was much the same as the old Vad went for the kill again, but this time failed, and was forced on the run Vad went into hiding, but observed the situation develop The assassination attempt, though failed, was seen as a sign of weakness on the bossÕ part, and a rival gang soon finished the job Vad had started But things once again turned for the worse, despite VadÕs prodding He set his sights on the rival boss, but was discovered before he could attack Vad fled the city and struck out onto the road, eager to leave behind the city and his failures There were more people being exploited, and he could help them Ð by blade if necessaryÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zalash Character Race: Orc Character Class: Rogue Output:
Zalash was born into slavery, working in a mine run by some humans who thought to get payback on orc cruelties by using them as cheap slave labor Life in the mine wasnÕt easy, and backbreaking labor was the name of the game from the second she was old enough to work The slaves, mostly comprising of orcs, were a chaotic group to be part of, and even downtime from work was marked by a constant struggle to survive The only comfort Zalash found was in an old half-orc man locked up with them, a cleric of Cayden Cailean, who soothed the young woman by telling her stories of his travels The stories enchanted her and she resolved to get out of the mines and see the things she had only heard about for herself Zalash bode her time, stealing food, coin and valuable items and stashing them away Ð an activity that also trained her skill as a thief, skulk and sneaky fighter Eventually she was ready, and tried to persuade the cleric to flee with her, but his body had been broken by the work and he said heÕd only slow her down He gave her a tankard blazoned with his godÕs symbol, and bid her to return it to his temple Zalash managed to flee successfully and struck out on her own Her first order of business was to return the clericÕs tankard, and when she did the temple welcomed her with open arms, and she was happy to join the faith Since then sheÕs become an adventurer, mostly happy to just see her own way, but always willing to join the cause of freedom, as she cannot stand to see anyone chained
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Orath Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
OrathÕs birth was prophesied, but he wasnÕt the culmination of the prophecy Ð rather, he was just a step along the way He grew up in a sedate cult in the heart of a distant desert, remembering no other life Life in the cult was simple, but also easy and relatively carefree Orath seemed preternaturally lucky, ever since he was a toddler, and events around him seemed to work out in a certain way, as if it was meant to be In his teens his sorcerous powers awakened, once again through good fortune He also grew close to a girl his age in the cult, and after their early teens were spent in awkward flirtation, as they entered young adulthood romance blossomed And yet, as Orath grew older he also began to question his life in the cult Piecing together rumors, overheard conversations and a few secrets gleaned by sneaking into places he shouldnÕt have gone he discovered a terrible truth: The cult was in fact evil, dedicated to bringing about the age of evil by fostering a child as powerful as he was evil First Orath thought he was the child, but he soon realized that he was in fact the one supposed to sire the child, his young love to be the mother Orath resolved to escape, rather than risk bringing about this destroyer of worlds He went to his young love and begged her to come with him She seemed to go along with the plan, but betrayed him at the last minute to the cult Ð it turned out she was entirely aware of her role in the prohecy Orath managed to escape the double-cross through his miraculous luck, and quickly got as far from the cult as possible Orath has since become an adventurer, mainly because the dangerous, roving lifestyle means he is unlikely to be found and likely to die childless The cult is still after him, hoping to take what they can by force or by trickery An order of divine warriors has caught wind of the prophecy and also hunts Orath, insisting he either die or castrate himself
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Essandra Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
EssandraÕs mother died giving birth to her, as she had known she would long before she even conceived a daughter Her father had learned of this inevitability only recently, and was still processing Essandra was cursed from birth, as had been her mother, and her motherÕs mother, all the way back up the family tree as far as anyone knew More specifically, her soul was cursed to be reborn again, and again, and again, always into her daughterÕs body, her daughter effectively becoming her The soul does not forget, and as Essandra would grow older the memories of past lives would begin crowding her mind, driving her insane Her soul had something it had to do on this earth, and she wouldnÕt be free of this curse of rebirth until she did EssandraÕs mother relayed this to her husband in one of the few moments of clarity she had before she died, apologizing for keeping it a secret but begging him to prepare their daughter for what still awaited her She thrust into his hands her most treasured possession: a journal, kept by her predecessors Ð damaged and cryptic, and all the information she had Finding it had been her lifeÕs work, after the several incarnations before her had tried to push their curse well out of mind, only to fail She hoped her daughter could use it to finally end the curse EssandraÕs father ultimately took the charge seriously and resolved to prepare his daughter for whatever might come her way At first, he feared that he would damage her, ruin her childhood, but it soon became apparent that EssandraÕs childhood wouldnÕt be easy either way Ð bad dreams became a constant companion at an early age, presaging what would eventually befall her Thus, as soon as she was old enough, he began teaching her whatever he could Combat he knew best, for he was a retired soldier, but he tried to teach her other practical skills As her dreams unlocked her magical potential, he knew he couldnÕt help her with those and instead hired the best teachers he could to guide her As soon as she was old enough to comprehend it, he explained to Essandra what all the training had been for, and what awaited her Ð and then, as instructed, he passed on the journal In truth, Essandra was relieved to finally have an explanation for the dark things that had haunted her all her life Now it wasnÕt some mysterious darkness hanging overhead; as daunting as the task was, it was something she could actively engage She stayed with her father for several more years, preparing herself, before finally deciding she was old enough to strike out and discover her destiny
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zharda Character Race: Orc Character Class: Summoner Output:
Zharda was something of a peculiarity amidst the orc slaves she was born into, for she was uncommon smart for an orc of no particular breeding This did her no favors, however, and she had a difficult childhood, often the runt of the litter and the focus of everyoneÕs ire for her Òbig headÓ She continued to be picked on until she could take it no longer, and she called for anyone, anything, to help her defend herself In her desperation, she managed to call an eidolon Ð a bloodthirsty little thing Ð and she wasted no time in setting it upon her tormentors After that episode, the tribeÕs warriors were fighting each other for who could take the strange creature down, but the tribe shaman interrupted He said it was an emissary from Nulgreth, an aspect of the Blood God sent here, and since it showed Zharda loyalty that meant she was NulgrethÕs chosen None could argue the point, as the creature truly was vicious when it fought ZhardaÕs life changed, and the shamans and witch doctors began grooming her into one of their own Zharda, however, was having none of it She remained disillusioned with the orc way of life Ð having been brought up as a slave among them, she was disinclined to lead anyone else to the same fate Neither did she desire to kill in the name of the tribe, to empower those who had abused their power over her for so long For now, she could do little about it, and acquiesced, happy to spend her days developing a greater connection to Renek As she grew older she grew only less sympathetic towards her kin Eventually it was deemed that she was ready to test her abilities on the field of battle, and the chieftain bade her to join the warriors And in front of the whole tribe, Zharda told him to go fuck himself When the chieftain made it clear he wouldnÕt take no for an answer, Zharda set Renek upon him and, in a lucky blow, took him down in one fell swoop After some initial confusion, a score of warriors charged at her, but together she and Renek held them at bay As soon as she had a moment to speak, Zharda declared sheÕd had enough of all of it, and that she would be leaving and would kill anyone who tried to stop her None did Zharda and Renek took to the road, hoping to make a new life for themselves as adventurers Zharda retains her hatred of slavers, tyrants and bullies, making short work of their ilk Her old tribe continues to debate the line of succession, as whoever kills the chieftain takes that position, and no chieftain in history has ever simply walked away Though there is resistance, Zharda is technically the chieftain of her tribe Some warriors desiring the position have gone out in search of her to kill her and take her position That said, she hasnÕt given the matter any thought and is unaware
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Basaan Character Race: Sylph Character Class: Warlock Output:
Basaan was born to a family of traveling travelers, and had a relatively peaceful childhood Everything went awry, however, when his extraplanar heritage was discovere Suddenly everyone looked at him a little differently, and poor young Basaan felt helpless and adrift with his life having taken such an unexpected turns His aunt, trying to give him some comfort, taught him how to use a Harrow deck for divination, so that he could try and find some answers or meaning that way Basaan took to the deck like he was born to it, and soon he became the best fortuneteller the family had ever counted among their lineage Some of the mistrust from the troupe abated as Basaan proved his worth by raking in cash from his readings wherever they went Though he didnÕt mention it to anyone for fear of appearing even stranger, Basaan had also discovered some sort of magic in the Harrow deck With the invocation of his powers through the deck, Basaan became obsessed with the Harrow He spent his spare time absorbed in doing readings of it, or poring over tomes that spoke of the HarrowÕs history He heard of the original Harrow decks from which the others are descended, and of magical decks like the one that could lead him to the Harrow Realm If he got there, he would find answers When he was old enough, Basaan announced he would be departing the troupe Though he said it was to simply grow into his own and see more of the world, in truth he wanted the freedom to hone his connection to the Harrow as well as his research and not fear the judgment of the troupe Bidding goodbye to his parents, he set out on his search
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maldir Character Race: Elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Maldir was born a second child, the youngster to his brother Menathel Menathel was even at an early age very much the golden child, the pride of his parents and the community around him His parents decided to go for seconds, hoping to repeat their success And yet, from his very birth, Maldir was flawed and troublesome, as if somehow tainted His birth was difficult and even as a baby he never smiled, only wore a perpetual scowl As he grew older, Maldir proved to be sickly and weak Fearing failure, his parents pushed him to study, hoping he could blossom there without his physical shortcomings becoming too obvious Meanwhile, Menathel continued to excel and their parents doted on him, showering him with love where they pressured Maldir to perform Thus Maldir grew deeply jealous and resentful of his brother As they grew older, Maldir and Menathel had a difficult relationship Maldir continued to resent him, and while Menathel was aware he tried to remain unaffected in hopes of finally winning Maldir over This only served to embitter Maldir further, as he thought his brother was being aloof, refusing to acknowledge his feelings Menathel began to drift towards a more martial path, training to become a ranger Maldir was to be a wizard, but he was proving to be meager rather than mighty This was much to the chagrin of his parents, and they pushed him further Maldir desperately wanted to become a more powerful magic-user, convinced that could somehow fix his life He began hearing whispers at the edge of things, a voice that had somehow always been there though he had never heard it That voice promised him power, and as Maldir listened his studies began to improve And yet, it was never enough for his parents The voice spoke of other things as well, and fed his bitterness towards his family The years went by, and things got worse Maldir continued his studies, while Menathel got his induction into the rangers Not long after, he received a promotion Menathel hurried home to tell everyone, and only Maldir happened to be there Maldir grew unhappy when he heard the news, knowing this would only be cause for his parents to further pressure him Menathel, having finally had enough, became uncharacteristically upset with MaldirÕs poor attitude, and scolded him for it Maldir shook with fury Ð his brother, to whom everything had been handed on a silver platter Ð dared to lecture him on his attitude? Maldir lashed out, and caught his brother by surprise Panic set in as Mandir realized his brother was dying He attempted a dangerous, desperate magic ritual, hoping to bind his brotherÕs spirit into something before it was too late The only living thing nearby was MenathelÕs osprey companion The ritual was successful, and Menathel Ð whatever remained of him Ð was now inside the bird, which was now in turn bonded to Maldir Maldir couldnÕt bring himself to face his parents, or anyone he knew, and so he gathered what little possessions he had and fled, and kept fleeing until he was far, far away from anything familiar
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arrol Roon Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Alchemist Output:
The Roon family hailed from the distant mountains of Kerth, leading a simple life in a frontier town. They prided themselves on their faith and piety, as there was little choice in the matter living in such a small, remote community. Members of the family who had turned from the faith had all left the town, some to eventually return with their faith restored, some to stay gone forever. The former were accepted back, though still spoken of disapprovingly out of earshot. The latter were openly condemned, and their absence approved of. Imagine, then, the shock when their latest generationÕs second son was born with a clear infernal taint: ashen, scaly skin and horns jutting from his scalp. Poor Arrol Roon was never going to have an easy life, if he was going to have one at all. His mother died in childbirth, and his existence tainted his family by association. Though his father was known to be a pious man, aspersions were now cast upon him, seeking to explain how this abomination had come to be. And his mother, though now dead, did not escape the attacks, and many painted her as a whore who had cavorted with a demon, never mind that she had been a shy and reserved woman in life. ArrolÕs father, bless his heart, had strong opinions about good and evil, and life and death. Though the village demanded it, he was not about to kill a newborn baby. He had faith in goodness, and he firmly believed that this child could be raised in a goodly household and become good in turn. The rest of the village, ArrolÕs older brother included, did not share his optimism. Life was hard for the Roons after Arrol was born, and the times the family fell on were harder still. Push came to shove when ArrolÕs father fell ill, and none in the village deigned to help him for fear of inadvertently helping the schemes of some evil outsider. A local healer who tended to several villages in a wide area was the only one to not let superstition or tradition hold him back in the face of genuine need. Young Arrol was struck by the doctorÕs unhesitant and expert aid. By then he was already well-acquainted with death and acutely aware of his role in his motherÕs. Throughout his fatherÕs illness he had feared he would be left alone. To see the doctor push back the tide of illness moved Arrol, and from then on he stuck closely to the doctor whenever he visited. Eventually, in practice as well as fact, he became the healerÕs apprentice. As the years passed by, Arrol grew into a young man. He remained at odds with the village and with his brother, but he delighted in learning the healerÕs trade. Things took a turn for the worse after an altercation with a merchant in his home village. The merchant was mocking the Roons and Arrol overheard him, and publicly humiliated him. Arrol felt no remorse for his actions, but he knew it was time to move on. He drifted west into Aldira, where he sought out old centers of learning for medicine. He learned that, and much more, but he still did not belong. His appearance was still frowned upon, and frightened people, and so he headed to the true home of outcasts, where no-one was too strange to belong Ð Freemark. Arrol walks a fine line between optimism and pragmatism. He has seen too much yet hope is what keeps him going. While committed to healing, he knows that he is only one man with limited time and limited resources, and only heals the deserving. He is not socially adept, as being shunned his entire life has left him inexperienced in such matters. He tends to be wary of strangers, as strangers are often wary of him thanks to his appearance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Traxian Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Monk Output:
Traxian does not remember a life before the village, but locals say he wandered in one day, a shivering, malnourished half-orc child Though less than welcome, none dared to drive him off He stayed, surviving on the kindness of strangers All was well enough, but as the village kids began to grow older, tensions began to grow also between them and Traxian, until fights began breaking out The villagers grew concerned Ð they didnÕt want to send the boy off but they couldnÕt have him hanging around, picking fights To everyoneÕs surprise, a local hermit volunteered to take the boy under his wing Ð none understood why, but it would at least solve the problem, and the matter was concluded None knew much about the old hermit Rawen, an elderly male catfolk, but he was the only surviving member of a monk school specializing in archery The villagers couldnÕt be blamed for not knowing this, for in truth the catÕs mind was beginning to fray, and he was forgetting much, though his body still remembered Traxian first resisted being under RawenÕs care, as the cat seemed old and crazy for a long time before Traxian began to see the wisdom lurking beneath the dementia Once that happened, Rawen began to instruct him in the way of the bow With his energies channeled towards archery rather than fighting, Traxian proved to be a quick learner and a more centered individual than anyone thought possible Traxian himself took to the philosophy of self-improvement the monk espoused, thinking that by focusing his efforts he could be better than those mocking him Traxian stayed in the village in RawenÕs tutelage until the cat began to reach the end of his life It was on his deathbed that Rawen impressed upon Traxian that he would now be the last living practicioner of their style He gave Traxian a locked chest, within which were the scrolls and documents detailing the style and its heritage, and Rawen took the lineage documents and wrote in that with his passing, Traxian Ð as his only living student Ð would become Grand Master by default He beggen Traxian to go out into the world to first hone his own skills and then pass them on, ensuring their style would not die out with him Traxian vowed to do so with the utmost seriousness Traxian stayed behind to give Rawen a proper burial, then set out into the world to fulfill his vow
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Natanian Surtova Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
It is hard to find a truer statement than the one that children often inherit the sins of their parents. Following the Vanishing 11 years ago, there was a power struggle that was as brief as it was contentious. And when Noleski Surtova asserted his claim to the throne as the blood-descendant of Chorral the Conqueror, NatanianÕs mother Inris Surtova was one of those who lost out. Inris had already grown up in the shadow of more influential siblings, and seeing this chance slip through her fingers broke her a little. Adding insult to injury, InrisÕ cousin Natala, the true power behind her brother Noleski, assigned to care for a particularly distant and unimportant part of the SurtovasÕ lands. Unfortunately it was the widower InrisÕ sole child, Natanian, who would suffer for all that. At nine years old, most who knew him regarded Natanian as a sweet if somewhat entitled child, having been rather thoroughly spoiled by his mother ever since his father passed away several years earlier. Now, however, her treatment of him changed. Exiled and spurned, Inris cut off ties to the rest of the family and began to plot her revenge, of which her son would be the instrument. Inris became obsessed with putting her son and her branch of the family back on the throne, somehow, and this obsession came to rule young NatanianÕs life from then on out. Inris saddled him with a contingent of demanding teachers and instructions, intent on preparing him body and mind to be the next ruler. Her own treatment of his became bipolar in nature: at once always dissatisfied with his progress, but also always insisting on his importance. The upshot of all this was that Natanian was saddled at once with a highly trumped-up sense of his own importance, but also a crushingly poor self-image. As he entered adulthood Natanian was forced to re-enter the world of nobility as part of InrisÕ bid to put him on the throne. However, his insular and uneven upbringing had left him woefully unprepared for these complex social interactions. Thanks to both his association with his mother and his own clumsy behavior, he came to be seen as a bit of a laughingstock, and he was always painfully aware that he was being laughed at, and even more aware that he rarely got the joke. The one part of the life of nobility that Natanian found he took more naturally to was tournaments. During his tutelage, though he was by no means unintelligent, he excelled most in the physical arts, and had grown into a fit young man and a skilled warrior. With his horse Chorral, a distinctive strawberry roan, he proved quite successful, but it only did so much to help him become accepted in this world. It was at one such tourney that things went rather awry for young Natanian. It was the night before the grand melee, and he was out making a poor attempt of mingling with the other entrants. It was there that a young Lebeda noble made Natanian the target of japery, badly embarrassing him. Natanian stormed out with laughter ringing in his wake. The next day at the melee, it came to pass that Natanian and the Lebeda were the last two survivors, and they went head to head. Natanian clearly had the upper hand and was about to bring the fight to an end, but when he recognized his opponent, he instead took the opportunity to exact some revenge. He proceeded to thoroughly humiliate his foe, going far, far past the point of propriety, reducing the boy to a blubbering mess. The crowd was aghast, but Natanian was oblivious to it, feeling for the first time in his life like a true winner. Natanian had crossed a line, and there would be consequences. However, his own status as a nobility and the reputation of the Lebeda boy as a bit of an ass meant that he would have to be dealt with subtly. That opportunity arises in the plan to reclaim the Stolen Lands, and Natanian is assigned to the group heading into the Greenbelt. Since Natanian is seen above all else as a fool, he is expected to either die in the Greenbelt or come sobbing back, humiliated enough to spend the rest of his life quietly. Inris is perfectly aware of what the assignment means, and she has already written Natanian off as a failure. In fact, the only individual seemingly unaware of the ramifications of this is Natanian himself, who looks as the assignment as an opportunity to prove himself. And it may prove to be a more of a test of character than anyone suspects Ð for all his faults, Natanian is a young man brimming with potential, and this represents his first chance to truly be his own manÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Desialayne Veld Character Race: Human Character Class: Brawler Output:
Desialayne (Layne for short) was born a bastard of a union between a mid-ranking member of the Veld family and an unknown lover of no particular breeding The Velds hold the purity of their tighty-controlled magical bloodlines sacred, and this random coupling and its unwanted product were an embarrassment The child was shipped off to the mainland to an orphanage as soon as possible, perhaps sooner than was safe or wise for a newborn child As one might expect, the stresses of the journey were too much, and the newborn baby seemed to be fading, and few expected her to survive But as she drifted close to death, the celestial potential within her manifested itself and kept her alive, much to the amazement of everyone present The child, now clearly part celestial, was to be delivered to the orphanage, but a local paladins intercepted the delivery They had sensed a particularly powerful celestial presence and tracked it to the child Without much ado they took charge of the child, citing their need to recruit her as a powerful weapon in the war against evil Thus, Layne came to be raised by these paladins, who trained her from birth to one day join their order as a holy warrior Layne, however, resisted and chafed at all this from the very start While she excelled in the arts of war, she refused to call forth the divine power that was expected of her, and hated all the religious instruction This was a particularly strict order of paladins, and they responded to her disobedience with punishment It only followed that as soon as she was old enough to do so, Layne began making countless failed escape attempts She would escape into the nearby towns, and usually ended up in fights with the local kids, then was taken back by the paladins She then brought the moves she learned in streetfights to her training with them, much to their consternation, but they could hardly stop her Years passed and Layne continued to grow into a consummate fighter and an execrable paladin Her skills developed to the point where she began handily beating the other paladins-in-training, and proving a match for the full-fledged members She noted that her instructors were unsettled by her progress All her life theyÕd told her that she was nothing without them, that they would be the ones to forge her into a weapon against the dark She resolved to prove she didnÕt need them Ð she could grow powerful on her own After this, her already prodigious development only sped up further One night, Layne, now a young woman, made one final escape attempt She escaped the fortress-monastery, and as always the paladins quickly caught up with her in the first town down the road This time when they demanded she come with them, she revealed the sword she had stolen and told them to try and take her She duelled the paladin who had trained her all her life and won, delivering the woman who had once been her instructor a potentially fatal blow The chaos of her victory allowed Layne to escape, and she wasted no time heading for a place that would be as far away from her old life as possible, and serve to challenge and grow her further Ð Freemark Layne relished her victory over her old mentor, and resolved to prove that none were her equal Ð that she was the greatest fighter alive Finally free to do as she pleased, she wished to make herself a name as a peerless warrior, and to experience the thrill of victory over and over again The greater the foe she was facing, the greater the thrill Unbeknownst to her, there are forces that still have designs on Desialayne The paladin order hunts her, having decided that she has been corrupted, and that someone of her power cannot be allowed to fall to the dark Ð she must be imprisoned or destroyed The Veld family do not yet know of her, but once they do (and once they learn of her hidden power) she will inevitably become tangled in their plans She could be brought in just as a powerful individual (although sheÕd never do magic), or as a political pawn, if they think they can use her She could be seen as a threat to be destroyed, so she isnÕt used against the family There may be a greater destiny yet unknown awaiting her Ð after all, rarely are such powerful beings born on accidentÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sogen Hudd Character Race: Human Character Class: Skald Output:
Sogen was born to a family of Kerthian merchants whoÕd settled in Freemark generations ago His family died when he was fairly young, but thankfully he was taken in by a scholar who had known the family He thought Sogen was a bright young boy whose talents shouldnÕt be wasted He gave Sogen a home and a fairly thorough education Once Sogen was old enough, the scholar revealed that he was part of a secret organization, known as the Chroniclers They were a group of individuals, mostly scholars, seeking to keep a record of the history of Freemark and Northreach itself This was a dangerous proposition, as it meant being privy to information that many would prefer was lost Thus out of necessity the Chroniclers had become oral historians, passing everything down verbally rather than written down, all in secret The scholar thought Sogen was a promising candidate for induction, and with no other course in his life, the boy agreed Chronicler training proved difficult, as it required massive amounts of rote memorization Sogen came up with a solution steeped in his Kerth heritage Ð he learned these things by fitting them into song HeÕd always loved songs and singing, a penchant heÕd inherited from his parents The Chroniclers, an admittedly stuffy organization, were not happy about his solution, which they saw as frivolous, making light of their time-honored task Sogen was told to cease and desist and outwardly he did, although he still sang the songs in his head or on his own to help him remember Sogen advanced in the organization, learning more and more of the cityÕs secret history Every now and then heÕd slip into song, and each time he was reprimanded, and each time the tensions between him and Chronicler leaders grew Finally, the tension erupted in a shout-out between him and the Head Chronicler, and Sogen was commanded to leave the Chroniclers and never return Sogen stormed out in a bitter rage and retreated to some tavern to stew in his fury, when he was approached by a stranger who offered him a good amount of money if he could put them in touch with people Ôknowledgeable about FreemarkÕs historyÕ to help with a sensitive matter Distracted, drunk and desperate, Sogen told the stranger where to go, and he was paid immediately and paid well Sogen immediately began spending the money and got fiercely drunk, got into a fight and was thrown in jail by the Brothers of the Dragon to cool his heels While in jail Sogen resolved to return to the Chroniclers and beg forgiveness But when he got out and went to see them, he discovered that the Chroniclers had been decimated Their hideout was bathed in blood, most of Chroniclers either dead, and no sign of the rest Ð captured or in hiding Sogen spent the next few years in a guilty, drunken haze, plying his trade as a mercenary and spending any earnings on drink But time heals all wounds, and eventually he began to steady himself and cut back on his drinking Though he still knew no other life than a mercenaryÕs, he began singing his songs again, and bringing back to mind the ChroniclersÕ knowledge If he truly had destroyed them, then he should try and preserve their knowledge
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alasker Quint Character Race: Human Character Class: Gunslinger Output:
Alasker Quint was born in a small coastal fishing village, and he absolutely detested growing up there, because it was incredibly boring. All the excitement they got was a merchant caravan that periodically passed through. The caravan was exceptional because it happened to carry a moderate selection of books. And while Alasker read all the books on offer, it was adventure novels that young Alasker was really drawn to, with their vivid stories of adventure in the world at large. Enthralled by these books as he was, he resolved to get out of his small, go-nowhere fishing hamlet. Once he became an adult he gathered (and stole) what he needed as supplies and then, after the merchant caravan had gone through once more, chased after it in the dark of night and bade it take him to the nearest city. Once in the big port city, Alasker spent his time doing anything and everything exciting. His unbridled eagerness often helped him make ends meet (and though he wouldnÕt admit it, during leaner times his good reading and writing skills helped him find steady employ as a scribe). Eventually this love for the exciting drew him to the most exciting thing around: firearms. He grew fascinated with them and soon mastered the basics of their use. Around the same time Alasker realized that he could stand to make some money if he could only write adventure novels of his own, like those he had loved as a child. But when he tried, he realized that though he was good with words, he was singularly lacking in imagination when it came to crafting fiction. And this led to another realization: he didnÕt have to imagine anything! If he just began adventuring himself, he could write stories about himself! And with a lifestyle like his, exciting and interesting things were bound to happen. And thus he set out as soon as possible for pirate-infested waters, where adventure on the high seas was sure to follow! Or so he would tell you, but thatÕs all a fucking lie. Sir Anamis Quesillin III (his real name) was born to a noble family, the good Duke Quesillin II, who was almost in direct succession to the throne. Much was expected of young Anamis even before he was born, and his molding into this role began very early on. Tutors were assigned to him from an early age to instruct him in a wide variety of topics. While he mastered the material easily, he found it uninteresting. What really captured his attention were adventure novels, offering a life outside endless courtly responsibilities. Thus Anamis grew to be the black sheep of the family Ð he had the capacity to lead the family into a prosperous new dawn but he just couldnÕt be brought to care. He delighted in playing with firearms, an obsession of his after an inventor had brought them to court seeking to gain patronage. As he grew older Anamis persuaded his family to send him to study abroad. He insisted it was so he could bring back even greater knowledge, but in truth he wanted as far away from court as possible. Once abroad he tried to live life to the fullest. He attended his university studies in name only, preferring instead to carouse in a foreign city, where he could do as he pleased under the guise of anonymity. He would drink, read frivolous novels, play with firearms and try to write frivolous novels himself, though he found that his lack of imagination prevented him from getting far in doing so. But he was happy. This all came crashing down when he received a sudden and urgent message from home: the court had been attacked by assassins. The regent had died along with countless others, throwing the entire line of succession into chaos. Anamis realized immediately that he would not be safe for long. He gathered up all the money and important possessions he could and booked first passage out of the city, though not before bribing certain people to throw any would-be assassins off his trail. He kept taking boat after boat, now moving under a pseudonym, Alasker Quint. He shaved the long, braided hair and beard royalty customarilty kept, trimming his hair like a commoner. Eventually he ended up in distant, unlawful waters, and decided he had gone far enough. He could make a new life here. Despite the tragedy of his dead family, he relished the chance to start a new life on his own terms. He would be an adventurer, and he would write books based on his exploits. And what better place to do it!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kinter Character Race: Kobold Character Class: Cave druid Output:
When Kinter was still an egg, his warren was raided by low-level adventures. His mother threw his egg in an underground river before she was killed, and he floated all the way to the Underdark. There, he was hatched in a clutch of Deep Dragon eggs, and the mother took a liking to him. She raised him to go and explore for her, and eventually he set out. In beautiful forests of fungus and echoing caverns, he eventually met his Dire Bat animal companion, Reeee. Reeee was so named because when Kinter found the bat, he asked its name. The bat, of course, just screamed. Eventually, the pair found their way to the surface to adventure... And eventually to return home with a grand tale.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sergey Horfalcon Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Saoirse of the noble House Orlay Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Druid Output:
After a bloody coup destroyed her fiancŽ, house, what was left of her future, Saoirse is on a mission to infiltrate the source of corruption that led to her downfall.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Stedd Ander Windrivver Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
A human raised in Emon, he was born to a wealthy merchant and his aristocratic wife but he was a very sickly child. After his parents died he was left a sizable inheritance and he had no one other than his childhood friend, Randal Buckman. Randal nicknamed him ÔAndorÕ because Stedd couldnÕt pronounce his middle name until later in life. When they became adults, Randal joined the military and Stedd wanted to follow in his footsteps to do his part to protect the innocent. Due to his poor health he was denied entry until a commander named Zasheir Rein decided to use Stedd to create the ultimate soldier. Through arcane magic and intense training, Stedd grew stronger and became known as the ÔStormwindÕ due to his battle prowess as the legionÕs finest fighter. During a secret mission, Randal went missing and was presumed dead. Stedd defied orders and broke rank to avenge him by pursuing the man responsible, Grigor Dotsk. Grigor was the leader of a group known as the ÔSeven Headed SerpentÕ who worshipped an ancient beast as a god. The beast was known as ÔCullÕ and would absorb people into a ÔHive mindÕ in order to use them as slaves to the DemonÕs will. After a harrowing campaign, Stedd put a stop to Grigor's plans and the cult. He chose to take Grigor prisoner instead of taking his life because he knew it would never bring back his friend. Stedd was rewarded for his victory and made a Captain with a unit under his command. Captain SteddÕs crew was known as the Grand Rangers. It's brand was an image of a howling wolf and his trusted lieutenants were Dorn Dundragon, Kerri Chernin, and Morn Falone, He led his unit to many other later victories and for many years but each felt more hollow. Eventually, he left the service and his friends to explore the world and find his new path. He still wears the badge of his rank, a silver shield over his heart emblazoned with a howling wolf and a golden star with a gold chevron at the top. Buckman is still presumed dead. Stedd was ReinÕs only success but many others now want to replicate his work. The Grand Rangers were disbanded and his lieutenants moved on to command their own units. Since then, he walks the world alone carrying with him the emblem of the Seven Headed Serpent on a piece of a ripped banner to remind him of his loss and the evil he hopes to have wiped from existence. Under the alias ÔAndor StormwindÕ he began to wander alone; once a soldier... now a nomad.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Damon Negro Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Damon Negro - The Black Merchant Born as a slave, he was one day freed by a group of people, including a strange man with white skin, white eyes, and two-toned skin. One of his slave holders tried to take him away as he ran from the destruction the group was wielding against the slave traders. The man with the weird skin and eyes rushed over and killed his previous owner, but not before falling backwards through a door that led elsewhere. The young Damon would come to find out that this was the World Serpent Inn, and traveled to many lands from here, becoming an adventurer and gaining much wealth from his travels. He ended up trading with many places, not always in items that were legal where he was trading, but that didn't bother him much. One thing that he never stood for or allowed was trade in slaves (or murder, but he feels that they are almost one in the same), and would always do all he could to take down slave rings when he found them. As fortunate and wealthy as he had become, one day while exploring the back hallways of the World Serpent Inn he found a door that he hadn't yet explored, and nor had anybody else at the point. Upon going through the door he found a world like many others with people and magic but with technology unlike he had seen before. So he went back to the location where he came in, and tried to get back in order to better set up shop (as it's not a good idea to go into uncharted territory with many thousands of platinum worth of goods) and couldn't get back. Knowing this happens on occasion, he tried many different methods of opening the door. He waited for a full moon, and a new moon. He tried when it was rainy and when it was dry. He learned the astronomy of the land (some of which disturbed him, as it looked like the connections to the planes were off) and tried to find all the things that could have gotten him here, that would get him back, but thus far has found nothing. The fact that Most people believe that planar travel is impossible does not make him hopeful that he will ever get back to his multi-planar businesses, and hopes that all of his friends across the multiverse are doing well. While he (and his two traveling companions) waited to get home, they decided to set up shop and make a name for themselves here with the few goods they had. He had come from nothing, so starting from almost nothing shouldn't be too hard. In a few short years he had a decent set of connections, both legitimate and black-market. One of his more notable connections is with an individual known as Soliel Adrianne de Lapierre, Who was one of the first individuals he met this side of the Inn and helped him get his business running (though Soliel doesn't know this). Damon met him in a small inn in the city of Flint, which is where he eventually set his base of operations...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Searil Taltreader Character Race: Elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Birth and Early Life Not much is known about my early life. I might have been born in Halarahh or the North. My parents are essentially unknown to me. I have been told that my mother was a nomadic moon elf wizard that travelled to Halruaa to study her affinity for the arcane magic. She is believed dead, circumstances unknown. Nothing is known of my father. After my parents deaths, I was raised in an orphanage in the new capital, Halarahh. To hide the fact that I was a poor orphan, the earliest spells I learned were from traveling mages that focused on performing simple magic that produced sparkling lights and pleasing sounds that were often woven into my shabby fabrics to enhance their beauty. I took great pains to show off my abilities and my pretend wealth and status. Apprenticeship My fabric magic caught the eye of Gebel Barkal (human) one for the Council of Elders, Gebel Barkal, saw in me great potential with magic outside of my trifling fabric shows. Gabel took me to live at the High Temple of Mystra on Mount Talath in Halruaa, which was home to one of the largest collections of magic in allÊFaeržn. Under GebelÕs and the councilÕs tutelage I learned to worship Mystra (the goddess of magic) and turn my studies to the School of Divination and arcane research and study. At the temple I learned order and discipline. I learned the laws of magic need to be upheld. After 8 years under the guidance of Gabel, I was entrusted as a Lore Keeper by the Council of Elders. A Lore Keeper serves as a librarian and tour guide for the High Temple. I was tasked with organizing and keeping watch over Arcanabula books from wizards who adventured outside of Halruaa. Journeyman Over time, I learned that my faith in Mystra and my faith in magic itself is strengthened and improved through conflict and adversity. I also came to believe that my purpose in life was to collect and keep watch over magical research and regulate the advancement and dissemination of magical knowledge throughout the mortal world. IÕm a professed Guardian of the Weave, and my ambition is to repair holes in the fabric of magic. I aspire to meet, and seek Quests from, ÒThe Chosen of MystraÓ - especially if it involves battling elements of the Shadow Weave. Turning Point A traveling wizard named Arhat Devekut came to study at the High Temple for one year. By day we studied the great texts together and at night he would tell incredible tales of the people and places heÕd encountered (or avoided), When ArhatÕs year of study was complete I decided to join him on his next adventures. I knew I needed to test and strengthen my magic, to practice my faith and, to carry out my purpose. Adventuring The transition from academic to adventurer has been hard for me. Although I am very well-read and versed in lore, my adventuring and combat instincts are still weak and undeveloped. IÕm still kind of a disaster-caster when it comes to combat. Other Traits I am too trusting of creatures of similar faith. I canÕt see why anyone would belong to any other faith other than Mystra. Those who worship Shar, goddess of shadows, andÊCyric, god of lies, are my sworn enemy. I am wide-eyed, eager and entirely too trusting, especially if I think thereÕs some lore, history or arcana to learn. Additionally, IÕm not frightened by any non-undead creature or monster as IÕm always eager to learn from and usually chat with them. All of this gets me into trouble a lot. I have a blind spot for creatures with deceptive motives and I will usually mistake a combat encounter for a social encounter. IÕm still shocked to learn that something wants to harm me or others. My own race (elf) and other races are of no interest to me. I know I donÕt like Sorcerers and IÕm suspicious of Warlocks no matter what race they are. IÕm always impressed by fighters and barbarians. Their reliance on strength over intelligence to deal damage never ceases to amaze me. I really want to get into shape shifting. I have a cat named Anything. I am a horrible swimmer. I avoid the water and the cold. Downtime In my downtime, I still make fabric and clothing with magical flair as it keeps me focused on protecting and communing with the Weave. I sometimes sell my pieces when I need gold. Spellbook My traveling spell book looks like a normal deck of playing cards. On the front of the card is the familiar playing card value like the Jack of Hearts. On the back of the card is an intricately woven design that only I can decipher as the text of my spell. The lettering woven into the designs on the cards is written in the Sylvan language and uses the Espruar alphabet.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gimble Character Race: Rock gnome Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Gimble is possesed by the spirit of a vengeful angel named Mort. Mort hates all undeath and fights Gimble for control of their shared body, so he can go on a crusade instead of doing the boring things like fishing that Gimble likes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Runi Character Race: Elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Child of serfs who were worked to death, Runi pursues wealth at all costs. He plans buy his way into the nobility, and then after exact revenge on the nobles that are responsible for the oppression of the lower class and his parents' deaths.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aethelward Mulmsbury Character Race: Human Character Class: Mech pilot Output:
Aethelward 'Maverick' is a pilot in the oppressive cult like RCC. He is a hot shot pilot, falsely accused of sedition and sent to a death camp. He escaped and now is searching for the identity of those that had him arrested.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yip Cave Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Cleric Output:
raised by wolves
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Amafrey Helder Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
con artist on the run
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Acorn Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
They were actually created as a construct by the god of travelers, but have no memory of this. They roam the world looking for answers, driven by an insatiable wanderlust.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Erthej Tamz Character Race: Elf Character Class: Zealot barbarian Output:
Erthej was raised in the conclave of war, an elvish recluse society that worships the Eidolon of Countless Battles. They believe that the trial of warfare is the only way to truly comprehend the universe, and for elves to waste their long life in safety is an admonishment of cowardice. A long lived life means nothing if it never came close to ending. Erthej trained with them and then like all his brothers and sisters, was encouraged to seek out great foes and great conflicts, and fight. So Erthej left, and seeks allies to accompany him in his quest for Divine wisdom.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Soliel Adrien de Lapierre Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Unchained rogue Output:
I am the son and once-heir to Marquis Valentin ThŽodore de Lapierre & Marchioness Cwen de Lapierre. As the fifth child to Valentin, and the first son, I was a welcome sight! The fact that I was obviously different made him even more joyous. They named me Soliel after the sun or solar, as I am radiant like the heavens. My family is originally from Danor, but moved away centuries ago because of political infighting. We had holdings in what is now Risur, and being rather rich and powerful we kept our titles through the change in location. We also got an upgrade as we're not silly-looking tieflings! My four older sisters instantly took a liking to me. They, being between 2 & 9 years old when I was born had simply another playmate. During playtime they would regularly dress me up in their dresses and, well if I had needed cosmetics I imagine they would have used it, but I'm just too pretty for cosmetics. My father was against this, as he needed a Proper Male Heir to Take the Reins when he passed (he hasn't yet), but wasn't around enough to enforce his ruling when I was younger. My mother on the other hand, encouraged my play. I learned all the requisite things a little Lordling should learn, such as riding, swordplay, letters, maths, history and all the rest. Along with that, while my father was away, my mother & sisters trained me in the more effeminate side of things. Dancing, sewing, making & leading conversation whilst seeming to be led... Really, women are truly devious creatures, but you'd have to be one to truly know the depths of their deception. During this time, I also taught myself - through trial and error mostly - how to be stealthy, pick locks, climb roofs, and generally be a nuisance. It got me in quite a bit of trouble, which gave my mother quite a laugh and my father - when he found out about my escapades - just as angry. On more than one occasion I traveled to gatherings in other kingdoms with my sisters disguised as one of them. Never with my father present mind you, if he ever found out... Well, we'll get to that. My parents had 3 more children, another girl, one last boy, and finally my most youngest & precious sister. (Yes, that's a total of 8 children, de Lapierre men are somewhat known for their virility. And by all accounts my father was completely faithful to my mother!!! I wonder how many children I have out there...) My father is a good man and picked fine men for his daughters. Like I said before, I was to be his heir, but because of reasons, he decided to name my younger brother Nathaniel heir... Those reasons are plenty. One of the first big reasons came when I was about 16. My elder sisters went to a gathering of a few other children of Lords and Ladies, and I decided to go with them, but as another sister. Most of those gathering did not know me personally, and those who did knew my proclivities. This was all well and good... Until my father decided to show up, totally unannounced at his Baron's fief. He walked into the room, the Baron by his side talking buisness or some such, and he saw me, stopped in his tracks, turned around, and walked out. When I saw him do this, I went and told my sisters, and was on my way out when a messenger came up to me and told me that the Marquis de Lapierre has requested an audience with me alone in one of the side rooms. I don't think I've ever seen my father as angry as I did that night. He said many hurtful things that evening, which I will not go over, but it is then that he announced his decision to send me to *Jierre Sciens dÕArms* "In hopes that they will instill some manliness back into you. Which I should have taken care and done myself a long time ago Soliel." The academy was fun, and boring, all at the same time. It is there that I perfected my sneaking, learned many ways I could get information and favors from people, and wrote my much-contested graduate thesis: *The Best Weapon is the One Your Enemy Never Knows Of*. My advisor suggested other names like *The Supreme Effectiveness of Concealed Weapons* that sound less like a romance novelette, but I think it gets the point across. Indeed I did get my point across, as one of the deans who was part of the oversight committee thought that using hidden weaponry as a primary means of attack is for uncouth brutes who lack the skill and foresight to fight properly. When I confronted him about this, while he was on the training grounds with a drawn sword and most of the school watching, I was able to use my "uncouth and brutish lack of skill and foresight" to mock slit his throat with a bit of ink on a cloth. The raucous laughter heard that day lives in my heart forever... And that was the second major reason: for attempting to kill a professor at the college. Le sigh. I did end up graduating, but without the honors I (and most of my professors) thought I deserved. The last straw came when we were visiting a Danorian Duke that my father was planning on doing some business with, and possibly marrying one of his daughters to one of his sons. One of the first things the Duke showed us - and was very proud of - was an elaborate set of traps and other such devices designed to protect his valuables, including a faberge egg from some foreign land he once visited that was his pride & joy. Three days later it was served to him on his breakfast platter. When I attempted to tell the Duke all the ways his expensive traps fail, he exploded on me, kicked my father and I out, and was generally displeased. The only way my father got back into his good graces was by declaring my brother heir and all but disowning me. I have not heard anything from my father since. He has not spoken to me or written me a letter, except for one recommending me to the Royal Homeland Constabulary, with whom I now work.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bruce Character Race: Minotaur Character Class: Barbarian Output:
From a young age Bruce was groomed to be an expert fighter. This is of course, no different from any other calf in his herd. He had always had a temper. He hated when people didnÕt follow the rules, at least the letter of them. He didnÕt much mind those in the herd who rose above from within the system. They were doing justice to the traditions his kind had set down centuries ago. Chief among the rules to be followed was, that the herd came first. This is how you survive. This is how you thrive. If you weaken those around you, you are no stronger for it.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dutch Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Raised by her father Khlyen, Dutch learned the martial arts (fighting) and the skills necessary to track and capture men who have a price on their head. She has helped him with a number of missions honing her skills as a bounty hunter. These missions have taken them across the Sword Coast and put them in the company of nobles and criminals alike. Her father wasn't picky about the missions they took. They would take missions from anyone as long as the price was right. No matter where they went, Khlyen, would know where to to go to find missions and who to talk to for information. Dutch has mastered a multitude of martial weapons. She fights well with just about anything she can hold but almost always wields two blades. Her favorite pair at the moment is: rapier and scimitar. But she always has a whip at the ready to tame those unruly marks. Because she could always be seen practicing with two weapons, the local kids started calling her Double Dutch, like the jump rope game. This became simply "Dutch" as time went on. Her father was a secretive man, and there was a lot she didn't know about him. He would regularly go off on missions alone and not tell Dutch anything. Before he left on one such mission, he urgently taught her a few passphrases to use when interacting with the criminal underworld. Informing her, "I hope you never have to use these, but just in case...". He left in a hurry. He was supposed to return after a fortnight. After six weeks of waiting for her father/mentor to return, Dutch has begun to fear the worst. Nearly of age to be on her own anyway, she has set off to track him down or find out what happened. Knowing the trail would be cold and that her father didn't leave much of a trail anyway, Dutch wasn't sure she would ever find him. After travelling for a few weeks she finally came across an old contact who had seem him a few weeks ago. He said her father had mentioned <CoS Starting town or wherever the party is> but not nothing else. Following the only lead she was likely to get, Dutch continues on...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tawni Oldfur Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Druid Output:
Orphaned as an infant, Tawni was raised by her tribeÕs elders. As ghostwise halflings, they had minor interaction with the world outside of the Chondalwood, and she knew only the willow tree that marked the center of their territory and its surrounding brush and trees. When she was four, an elven friend of the tribe, Verisanna--a druid from the Circle of the Moon--offered to take her in and train her. Verisanna gave her a surname, Oldfur, and taught her the balance of the natural world. Her nomadic tribe visited the circle once a year, checking in with her and catching up on current events from the druids, who had more involvement with the greater world. A naturally curious child, Tawni embraced her halfling heritage and druidic education but longed to know more about the rest of the world. She also yearned to know about her parents, of which neither the elders nor Verisanna ever spoke. As a young adult, she moved freely from the circle to her tribe, often time spending years with one or the other, always asking questions and hoarding information on written notes she carried with her. She wandered the wood, meeting other tribes and questioning them. Learning how their ways differed from hers and always asking probing questions about the ghostwise, hoping to find a lead to her parents. She ventured out of the Chondalwood for the first time in her thirties, after she learned of the Vistani, a mysterious nomadic group that had once wandered the Chondalwood, according to a drunk ghostwise halfling she had encountered. Transforming into a crow, she flew into the Vilhon Wilds. Each time she ventured out, she stayed away longer. Both the circle and her tribe assumed her a recluse, a hermit. She surprised them both when she compiled all of the information sheÕd gathered for over 45 years and confronted them about her past. The last pieces of information came from Procampur in a wizardÕs tower. Waywocket Timbers once had an apprentice that convinced her Ravenloft held secrets she could add to her repertoire. SheÕd paid many scouts and mercenaries to retrieve texts on the subject, determined to find a way to the mysterious world. The minor obsession proved detrimental to her own work, and she abandoned it after she discharged the apprentice. Tawni travelled to Turmish and stowed away on a ship. Transforming into an owl, she easily found her way into the tower every night for a week. A very studious and observant apprentice began noticing different texts moving, so he camped out one night. When Caldwell found her, he didnÕt report her but, instead, interrogated her. This was the first time Tawni met someone as curious as herself--more curious, in fact. Caldwell helped her locate the information she wanted, sometimes reading and researching well after she left. Confronted with TawniÕs research, the elders reveal the secrets theyÕve kept. When the ghostwise exiled themselves to the Chondalwood, they discovered entrances to another world. Entire tribes would camp inside mist, going to sleep in the wood and waking up somewhere else. These tribes befriended the Vistani, a nomadic gypsy race that navigated the mists. Half ghostwise and half Vistani halflings stood as gatekeepers between the two worlds. 65 years ago, a Vistani visited the tribe and gave them an infant halfling girl named Tawni. The following day, all Vistani across the Chondalwood stepped into the mist and never came back. The ghostwise have no way of navigating the mists and are permanently separated from their brothers and sisters in Ravenloft. The ghostwise connection to Ravenloft is a closely guarded secret. Only a few tribes and druid communities know it ever existed. This is why Verisanna asked to teach Tawni. With balance restored to the Chondalwood after the Vistani disappeared, she hoped to deter any future disturbance by instilling the virtues of nature into Tawni. After sharing the revelation, the elders looked to Verisanna, who stepped forward and gave Tawni a gift: an 18-inch-long, 2-inch-diameter Yew dowel sharpened at one end. The yew, Tawni knew, symbolized death and rebirth. ÒWhen the time is right, you will know its purpose,Ó she said. Surprisingly, Tawni didnÕt feel betrayed. She felt more love than she had since she was a child--that these people would work so hard to protect her. To keep her safe. To teach her about the natural balance of the world so she wouldnÕt rush headfirst into a disastrous mission that could jeopardize her homeland. Agreeing to keep the secret, she still became determined to learn what happened to the Vistani. And she knew just the person that could help her. Tawni returned to Procampur a year later, her cover story ready and excited to see her friend. When she arrived, she discovered that Caldwell no longer worked with the wizard but, instead, at a local temple. He and his friend Nymeria, a blue-skinned tiefling, were researching her demonic heritage. She agreed to help, hoping to locate more information about Ravenloft in her free time. But the temple proved sparse on the subject. She began probing Caldwell and Nymeria to move on from the Vast and explore the larger world, where they could find more information on both subjects.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Caldwell A Friedricksen Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
A human cleric of Oghma, born and raised in the city of Procampur along the southern coast of The Vast, CaldwellÕs father, Wilhelm, worked as a scribe for a wizard, and his mother, Deirdre, worked in a library downtown. He learned to read earlier than any of the other children in school. For his 5th birthday he told his parents he didnÕt want any toys, he wanted a book. When he opened it up he read it from cover to cover immediately. Due to the aptitude he showed for learning, CaldwellÕs parents sent him to school at the Sterling Academy in the Nobles District. Normally a boarding school for residents of the same district, there were some spots available for lower income families to send pupils there cheaper without room and board. While there, Caldwell met an older boy named Tikhomir Marsk who had a way with words, and for some reason, wanted to be pals with Caldwell. It turned out, that he was failing and in danger of being kicked out of the program. He impressed upon Caldwell the need for assistance in bringing his grades up. Caldwell offered to tutor him, but it didnÕt seem to help much. Ultimately Tikhomir convinced Caldwell to cheat for him which was not something Caldwell wasnÕt very proud of, but it kept his newfound friend in the school. One night TikhomirÕs family house burnt down mysteriously and he he was presumed dead. Later that year CaldwellÕs mother Deirdre asked her son to see if he can find one of her pupils from the class she taught at the library. A young girl who was showing some aptitude, but suddenly stopped showing up. He looked for her everywhere he could think of, and finally found her back in the library. She was wearing a cloak that covered her appearance almost completely because she was frightened by what she was becoming. Nymeria Rex was a Tiefling who was just now at age 12 showing signs of her heritage. Small horns were sprouting from her skull and her skin was growing patches of blue scaly skin. She was scared of what people would think of her, but Caldwell was just fascinated. He comforted her and brought her to his home where she stayed for several weeks. CaldwellÕs father Wilhelm offhandedly mentioned to his employer, a wizard named Ms. Waywocket ÒOneshoeÓ Timbers, that he was boarding a young Tiefling with blue scaly skin and she jumped on the chance to adopt the young orphan. Caldwell and Nymeria became close friends. They mostly stayed up nights talking. Caldwell found some books about Tieflings and they read them together. After school they would play in the courtyard of Ms. TimbersÕ estate, as Nymeria was still quite shy of going out in public. She did enjoy showing off her new magical abilities though, and practiced them for Caldwell in the labs of her new home. After he finished school, wanting to stay close to Nymeria, Caldwell got an apprenticeship with his fatherÕs employer. He studied hard to become a wizard, and impressed his mentor, but his heart wasnÕt really in it. Also it seemed that the better he did, the worse Nymeria was treated. The wizard wasnÕt outright cruel to his friend, but she was ignored or forgotten about more than was usual. Caldwell didnÕt like what his achievements were doing, so after learning a few cantrips and how to summon a familiar, he decided to leave wizard training. One night, shortly after making this decision but before executing it, Caldwell heard a scraping on the windows of one of the upstairs rooms next to where he was studying. He went over to investigate and found an owl trying to open an unlatched window. As he watched from the shadows, the owl got through the window, transformed into a halfling woman and began going through some books. Caldwell let out a small gasp as he did not expect to see the owl change forms. This startled the woman who did not expect someone to be in this room. Rather than inform his mentor about the intruder, Caldwell questioned her himself. It turns out Tawni Oldfur had heard about the wealth of information this wizard possessed and was coming in every so often to read up on some very specific subjects that interested her. Caldwell understood that motivation at itÕs base level so he endeavored to assist her. She was reading about Ravenloft and the Vistani, the latter being a people who travel the planes playing music, dancing, telling fortunes and some might say meddling in the affairs of all they meet. Caldwell and Tawni read together for a few nights and then she took off. She left him with the idea that, while books are a valuable resource for information and enrichment, there is more to discover out in the real world than can be written about. He looked for other arcane places of study, but really found a place in the Temple of Oghma: The Domes of Reason. The templeÕs existence was always known to Caldwell, as many of the books he grew up reading were donated to the library by the very same temple. As a cleric initiate of the church of the head of the Gods of Knowledge, Caldwell was as happy as a clam. He learned the inquisitive practice of unlocking the secrets of magic items or the effects of spells cast on a person or thing. He also learned how the correct intonation, posture and a bit of divine assistance can give power to words beyond what he thought possible. For the next few years, Caldwell was happy spending hours getting lost in the stacks below the temple or learning from the elder priests who regarded him as somewhat of a nuisance. The more he learned, the more he longed for the knowledge of people and places that had been lost to civilized people. He longed to travel to RavenÕs Bluff and delve below ground for scraps of ancient Dwarven lore. He wanted to help Nymeria find her parents, wherever they may be. He needed to get out and see what more could be learned in Òthe real worldÓ, and what could be imparted to others who might find it interesting or even useful. His dream is to one day be a great protector of one of the finest libraries in Faerun. He longs to collect the histories thought lost to the world and restore them so they can be used to teach people where they came from. During his training Diesa Torunn, a paladin of Dugmaren Brightmantle arrived on a personal crusade against those who ransacked her temple. She had been on the hunt for those responsible ever since, trying to retrace their steps using clues left by the perpetrators. She has come to Procampur as one stop along her quest of vengeance to seek information and chase down leads. Caldwell knew this was his chance to get out and see the world on an important mission opposing those who would dare ransack a holy site of a god of Scholarship.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: August Redgrave Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
I grew up the oldest of 3 brothers. My mother died shortly after my youngest brother was born and I shared the responsibility for raising my siblings. My father was kind, but strict by necessity and taught us good manners and to respect authority. I was always the strongest of my brothers and they looked up to me. I in turn cared for them deeply. When I was old enough, my father encouraged my to join the city militia and I began earning a small wage to send home. We handled a few skirmishes with encroaching wildlife and marauding bands of kobolds. Eventually a noble came through town recruiting men to fight in a war he was waging in a neighboring territory. The pay was 5 times what I was making in the militia, so I packed up what little I had and set out to earn my keep. I fought in the infantry of what I now understand to be a tyrant's army. The training was excellent and the experience taught me a great deal about who I was and of what I was capable. My brother (the middle child) soon joined us and fought alongside me. We conquered many smaller civilized territories, and soon we inherited their problems. One such problem was an Ogre War-chief who decided a newly controlled town was ripe for the picking. His horde raised half of the buildings to the ground before running back into the mountains. Our band rallied and went hunting the Ogres. The battle was met in the mouth of a large cave. After a long and bitter fight it was clear we were not going to break through the Ogres defenses. The Captain wanted to turn back, but our Commander insisted we push on. He bellowed words of courage and glory and inspired us on to achieve feats we had only dreamed of. Ultimately we were victorious and the War-chief was routed, but at great cost. After the battle I surveyed the carnage and found my Brother had been trampled in the melee. I grieved heavily, turning inward for the remainder of my deployment. I wrote my Father and remaining Brother (the youngest) explaining what had happened. I got a letter back explaining that my Father had contracted a rather serious illness and my younger brother was training to become a Cleric in the local temple of Torm. Upon receiving this news I pleaded with my superiors to let me go be with them, but was denied. The end of my conscripted time was a bitter six months in which my training was my only solace. I threw my frustrations into my work and found a strange sense of peace in the violence. One of the officers from the elite branch of the company took notice of my increasing focus under stress. His division was less about brute force and more precision strikes, using knowledge of the anatomy of our opponents to make our attacks more effective. He saw value in me and had me moved under his command. As far as I knew my new team was involved in more scouting and surveillance missions than straight up combat. I figured I would see how it went especially since I only had two months left on my service. I received several more letters from my Brother about our Father who's condition was worsening. My time with the company was ended and I rushed home on the first ship I could afford. It was boarded by pirates who aimed to take the passengers and crew prisoner, possibly even sell us into slavery. I couldn't tell since they were speaking another language. Sitting bound in the hull of a ship which was my only chance to get home I remembered the words of my former commander. I tested the waters with a few words of dissent and the pirates guarding us didn't seem to understand me, so I continued on calling the crew to break free and take up arms against their oppressors. Language barrier be damned, the pirates soon discovered what I was trying to do, and came over to me to shut me up. Luckily one of my fellow passengers had escaped his bonds and overpowered one of the pirates. One of the crew helped free me and we soon had control of the ship again. The pirates had altered our course enough that we added nearly a week to our journey. I arrived home hungry, tired, malnourished and too late to see my Father again. I met up with my Brother in the Temple of Torm and paid my respects. When I had regained my strength I helped my brother sell our family home. He had a place in the Temple and I didn't feel comfortable there anymore. So I set out on my own again. Determined to put my skills to good use opposing Tyranny in whatever form I found it. I felt a burning desire to make a name for myself because, life is short.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Poesy Flitterswitch Sempervirens Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Ranger Output:
Poesy grew up as part of a large and warm family of forest gnomes. She was the youngest of seven and indulged by both her immediate and extended family. When she was 13 years old she began to have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams dreams every five nights. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, wave of acid, and horrible fire. Each time the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at her from the darkness. For the first year she woke up screaming every night she had the dream Poesy's family did not know what to make of the change in her or of her terrible dreams. Poesy came to believe that she was putting her family in danger. At 17, she left home and went to the city to study dragons - thinking they were key to her dreams. She studied dragons and their lore for many years. She can automatically identify locations built or used by dragons and can identify dragon eggs by sight. If she fails an intelligence check to recall lore related to dragons, she knows someone or some book she can consult for an answer unless the lore is unknown. After completing her studies, Poesy took work as a forest guide. She still dreams the terrible dreams, but no longer screams. Poesy feels a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest. Perhaps the answer to the riddle of her dreams is there.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jack Farris Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Ranger Output:
As the seventh son of a seventh son, Jack Farris would have been destined for great things....if only she had been born a boy. Restless and out of place, she left home at 15 to find her destiny, and if she couldn't find one, to forge it herself. Skilled in shooting and dueling, skills honed in her forest home fighting the small evils which abound in the deepest woods, she wandered the land looking for wrongs to be righted, bullies to be stopped, and helpless people to be saved.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arderk Quartzeye Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Fighter (gunslinger) Output:
Left his karak at a young age to start up a brewery in Elmsroot. After many happy years his town was invaded by beastmen. Ransacked and ravaged, the townsfolk assembled the Warding Few, a civilian militia aiming to take back safety and security from the forces of chaos. After several successful campaigns, however, the Warding Few bit off more than they could chew, as a band of Chaos Warriors annihilated their force, leaving Arderk, a sniper who had put his dwarven tinkering skills to use arming himself, the only survivor. Fleeing the battlefield and abandoning his found home in Elmsroot, he locked himself away in the solitude of the woods, drinking his shame away, alone.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Burlon Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Monk Output:
Burlon was a hill dwarf who despised his ancestors for leaving the safety of the mountains for the open skies. He left home at a young age and journeyed to the closest Dwarven city that he could find, but found that he wasn't accepted by his brethren there either. He found random work here and there, and eventually found himself drunk at a dockside bar in Waterdeep, accepting a job on a ship weighing anchor that night. The captain of the ship was a zealous pirate, training her adherents in the ways of death and misery. Burlon spent many years sailing the high seas, collecting coin, goods, and the lives of many other pirates and merchants. As the captain grew more bloodthirsty, however, even Burlon's scant conscience took issue with his behavior, and he left the seafaring life behind. He soon found a replacement conscience in an Elven Cleric of Tymorah, and acted as a bodyguard for her for many years, sleeping much more soundly believing that, with her to guide his actions, he would never find himself in the same situation again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Malik Merth Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric / bard Output:
Malik's background is shrouded in mystery, although it is no secret that he has spent time behind bars, and even more time at the gaming tables. His skill with a flute matches his flair with cards. Clad incongruously in a tuxedo and top hat, and claiming to be an agnostic and good-natured cleric, Malik secretly serves a malevolent god, and cares for little other than the accumulation of wealth and the thrill of adventure. He is rash, impulsive and foolhardy, unpredictable except where there is an opportunity to selfishly grab all the loot.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Laura Mithelen Character Race: Wood elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
She was a hunter in the Sylvan forest with her large family for over 100 years of her life, and then married an Orc seamstress named Peggy who has a peg-leg and whose extended family is full of burly warriors with tales of valor.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Og Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Barbarian Output:
He has amnesia regarding his life up to age 14. He woke up in the woods one day and was found by a professor, who then adopted him. He went to college not for his smarts but because his dad worked there and was the wildest frat boy on campus and the only Tiefling that the students of Del had probably ever seen. After college he ended up doing cartography, wandering the land and making maps, reminiscing about the good old days when he would open two beers at once with his horns and shotgun them simultaneously.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dick Dick Hardball Character Race: Human Character Class: Private dick Output:
He had super sensitive senses, so he pretty much was confined to one room for his entire childhood and young adulthood. After training himself to use his senses, he embarked on a quest to actually be a private detective. He still has no social skills though.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Florence Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Raised on the streets, Florence is used to a life a crime. Though she ended up in prison for petty thievery, she dreams of one day moving on to tax fraud.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Meepo Character Race: Kobold Character Class: Sorceror Output:
God-Lord Zalshox the Omnipotent stirred from his slumber, for he could only dream of one thing: the staff! He had to have that infernal wizardÕs staff! The man, Mordenkainen, so he called himself, had come to the beholder in his dreams. Each time, he held the same staff: encrusted with gemstones and made of gold! It had to have magic powerÉ But who to fetch it for him? He had the ogres, but no, they were too slow and stupid. He floated, looking in the mirror. How handsome he was! Green eyes, long, thin eye stalks, and purple scales! Purple: what a regal color. Then it came to him! The kobolds would do just fine for a trivial errand like this. His mind drifted: there was the master thief, but no, he had been disintegrated for suspected treachery. There was the high priest, but he was needed to maintain order. Zalshox floated through a gaping hole in the floor of his sanctum, down to the next level of his lair. Here he found a kobold shoveling dung. ÒKobold!Ó the creature jumped to grovel in front of Zalshox, as if he had seen a god. The beholder lorded over the kobold, ÒWhy are you shoveling dung so near to my sanctum?Ó ÒMeeko was only doing what he was told, God-Lord!Ó This one was obedient and eager to please, Zalshox thought. ÒI, the Omnipotent Zalshox, will give you a gift, Meepo. You will perform my holy work.Ó And so, the next day, Meepo was off to retrieve the staff of Mordenkainen. Meepo was the runt son of the high-priest, so he understood some innate magic, but was otherwise rather unprepared for his journey.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rinn Morivano Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Enthusiastic postman of ten years gets conscripted and has to start using their warlock powers
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Merritt Blacksheep Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Trickery cleric Output:
After years pretending to be a cleric to the Lady Luck, the Lady Luck took Merritt up on the offer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chester Goldsprout Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter bard Output:
After the boat he grew up on got into a fight with pirates Chester decided that he would rather like to train to be a better fighter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rosemary Character Race: Orc Character Class: Knowledge cleric Output:
Left on the temple steps as a child, Rosemary grew up with her god and when the chance came to go out into the world seeking more knowledge for the temple she didn't hesitate.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Atricia Fiddent Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Bard Output:
There was a young lady from Wid'unt A noble called Atricia Fiddent She saw a big orc With a big scary fork And said "sir I'd rather you didn't"
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Stamper Character Race: Kenku Character Class: Knowledge cleric Output:
Stamper grew up on the streets until he got a job as a the librarian at Gorothamp Library. Stamper read every book at this strange rundown place until there was a surge of interest in ancient lore and Gorothamp Library was packed with wizards from around the world. Stamper was soon fired for being Òtoo overbearingÓ and Òreally freakin creepyÓ and replaced by a young half-elf. Now without a stable job, stamper was called out to by Odin, god of knowledge, to set out on an adventuring to retrieve and protect all the worldÕs knowledge.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Imagiro Twine Character Race: Elf woman Character Class: Rogue Output:
Searching for a second life in the dream lands
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lola Slaptrap Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
Life is a Journey, Time is a River, the Door is Ajar The story of Lola Slaptrap can be categorized as a series of existential questions. Why am I here? How the hell did that happen? Does this smell like chloroform to you? Unfortunately for Duane, the GM who will be running Lola and her erstwhile compatriots through the Curse of the Crimson Throne, the fine line that divides truth and fiction gets a bit hazy in Korvosa. How Lola was initially sold into slavery appears to be a matter of some debate. Respectable sources have provided several equally plausible explanations, the validity of which have been debated with academic vigor. There is credible truth to the rumor that Lola talked her own parents into selling her for the sum of 18 coppers and a bag of tricks. It was a pretty good deal by halfling standards. However, equally plausible is the explanation that a Chelaxian beekeeper found her stuffed in an apiary at the age of 12. Lola may also have been part of an experimental halfling breeding program to reduce the cost of slaving expeditions. Unfortunately, the program was scrapped when it was discovered that the halfling work ethic gene was inextricably connected to an increased dependency on sardines, which anyone with half a brain knows are prohibitively expensive in Cheliax. The breeding program was deemed financially unsustainable, and the Chelaxian state returned to the economically sound practice of kidnapping. It is likely that Lola escaped from the dreaded Chelaxian Turnip Pits through circumstances both mysterious and brilliant. There may have been a situation involving a particularly lucky set of dice, a tribe of Mwangi cannibals, and a feat of diplomacy that ended with the slavers in a very bad position. Unless you were a Mwangi cannibal. In a comparatively likely account, a forged application, a misplaced mailbag and a judicious dose of whiskey produced a foreign exchange program that resulted in a Chelaxian halfling named Nigella landing in Varisia, and a somewhat disappointed Shoanti exchange student named Mofongo who later wrote a strongly worded letter about the quality of dormitories at the Chelaxian Turnip Pits. It is also entirely possible that Lola smuggled herself out of the Turnip Pits disguised as a pack of wild dogs. Reliable sources stipulate that three halflings dressed as a Calistrian concubine supposedly arrived in Korvosa aboard the Dread AÕtuin. Lola had the misfortune of playing the left leg. If you were not already aware, it is extremely difficult to ride sidesaddle as three halflings wearing one yellow toga. The logistics can be somewhat distressing. The standard explanation includes an exuberant sea captain known as Roberts. If the stories are to be believed, Lola was swallowed whole by a whale halfway across the Arcadian Ocean. She purportedly survived off of hard tack and the barnacles growing along the creatureÕs esophagus. Only her mastery of the fabled Brown Note saved Lola from certain digestion, and placed her, somewhat odoriferously, in the Korvosan harbor. Credible accounts have also indicated that Desna herself brought Lola to Korvosa on a chariot, dropping the halfling off with three gold, 50 silver and a mandate to do something anywhere but Taldor. Incidentally, you never want to be Nigella in Taldor. There is undeniable proof that Lola was chased by anywhere between 15 and 74 men in bath towels down DyerÕs Row. Eyewitness accounts of the incident vary. Apparently, this may have been due to LolaÕs theft of a debutanteÕs virginity through unintentionally unique methods. In fact, the young ladyÕs misfortune at LolaÕs hands - or feet, if the rumors are correct - was due to a well-placed kick so impressively forceful that the Korvosan heiress in question suffered irreparable damage to her reputation. That is, at least, if we are to take the word of El Pompador Churrasco, philanderer extraordinaire. Other viable explanations have implied a connection to the Laundress, a serial vandal who struck communal baths in Korvosa over a period of two and a half years. Conservative political scholars have suggested that the Laundress may actually have been a radical member of the Elven PeopleÕs Front. Debates are ongoing. A third hypothesis suggests a case of unfortunate timing. On the day in question, no less than twenty-six complaints were filed with the Brothel OwnersÕ Oversight Bureau citing misrepresentation of Calistrian concubines who turned out to be three male dwarves in a trenchcoat. The bureauÕs monthly meeting dissolved into riots when the coat check caught fire. ÒAnd thatÕs how I ended up getting chased by the guys in bath towels down DyerÕs Row. Then I ran into you, and we ended up here.Ó said Lola, polishing off DiegoÕs third beer. He hadnÕt actually drunk any of this one. Or the previous two. Diego paused to wipe down the mug with a murky dishrag before asking ÒBut who is Duane?Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aletha Viccenta Character Race: Elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Aletha grew up in the care of a band of traveler elves, moving from place to place in their colorful caravans, and seeing more of the world before she was fifteen years old than most people see in their lifetimes. From a skulking, skinny child, she grew into a woman of commanding beauty and remarkable social grace. She was groomed by the speakers and traders of her band, learning commerce, charm, diplomacy and trickery, and was growing into a most able merchant and intercessor - at least, until her sorcerous powers manifested during her early adulthood, and with them a more monstrous appearance. Within three nights, in the guise of a bad cold, Aletha grew pale and clammy, her dark eyes deepening to whole-black and her teeth sharpening in her mouth into a sharp, sharklike grin. When the spell passed, she was still recognizeably the woman she was, but grimmer, stranger - and with the ability to call down curses with a power newly awakened in her blood. Ashamed at her transition, Aletha fled the caravan, and now searches the world for a means to reverse her transformation - or, at least, to hide it, and once again resemble the youthful, dark beauty she once was.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Booknose Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Cleric Output:
Booknose, birth name Silvia, was sent from her dragonborn tribe's village to a large religious city to study the lawful good deities. Because of this, she got her nickname "Booknose" because her nose was always in a book
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rhysvald Blackeye Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
Knight with no depth perception.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avadaniel Sexbang Character Race: Kalashtar Character Class: Bard Output:
Avidaniel was orphaned at a young age in the 7th Kingdom without a last name or any idea on how he came to be orphaned. He was raised in The Hannigan Home for No-Good Children. Though fed and protected for, Lady Hannigan had no time for nonsense in the orphanage, with 12 hours a day of cleaning and crafting and an early bedtime. However, these long days and strict curfews did little to dissuade young Avidaniel from sneaking out. Every night, he would head to the CitizenÕs Theater to listen to the tales from local storyteller, Margot Leitman. It was here that Avidaniel originally got the notion that he was a demi-god. The Maiden certainly sounded like she could be his mother. They share similar values and characteristics and it could explain his mysterious origins. Drawn to these stories, Avidaniel began to train under Margot every opportunity he got, learning not only how to tell a story and play a lute, but also about to get people to trust in you and believe in your story. Before Avidan reached adulthood, Margot died of old age. Margot bequeathed Avidan a map and a note, explaining that while she didnÕt believe he was a demi-god, she would not deny him an opportunity to find out who he was. The map supposedly led to the Tapestry, magical fabric that told every tale of every god. If there was to be of any evidence that he was the forgotten-son of the Maiden, it would be there. Avidan snuck out of the orphanage and left the city on a caravan. He quickly found out he was not suited for combat, or any real physical activity. Though tall, he was lanky and somewhat feeble. Clearly, he would need someone to adventure with him, but who would adventure with a lowly, orphaned lute-player? Thus, Avidaniel took the last name Sexbang, and embraced his forged identity as self-proclaimed Demi-God of Music and Love. Avidaniel Sexbang began to weave stories of his false accomplishments and bravery, until his name became well known. Now, it was only a matter of time before he suckered some poor saps into traveling with him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Keyu Character Race: Half oni Character Class: Monk Output:
Keyu was rescued as a child by Tanaka Goichi and placed with a group of monks for training. He returns to visit the Tanaka family every few years to pay his respects.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hanbei Character Race: Human Character Class: Kijin sniper (painter) Output:
As a youth, Hanbei was a skilled sniper capable of infiltrating enemy lines and making strategic kills. But one day he found himself unable to kill again. He retired and moved to the Kose Art District to become a painter, using the money he earned in his former life to study under Kose-sensei himself.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Matsu Character Race: Human Character Class: Samurai Output:
Years ago, a thief broke into her family estate and stole three generations of her ancestorsÕ battle masks. Since then, Matsu has become a samurai and vowed to return the masks and bring the thief to justice.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rin Character Race: Kugutsu Character Class: Kugutsu/shinobi Output:
Created by the master kugutsu maker Kose-sensei, Rin was traded from lord to lord for many years before her owner was killed by a shinobi assassin. That assassin took pity on her and took Rin under his wing. Now she is a member of his clan.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Seigoro Character Race: Human Character Class: Annelidist Output:
Sickly as a child, Seigoro was injured one day and fell into a swamp. When he woke up he was in a hermitÕs house and was infused with rejuvenation worms. When he was old enough his parents were able to find him a place as an apprentice surgeon due to his mysterious ability to heal people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sebille Character Race: Elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
"I used to be a slave, kept under the thumb of the Master: the bastard that made me hunt down my own kin. How did he do that, you ask? With the living scar you see on my cheek, this horror that takes no more than a song sung by Master dearest to control my very thoughts. But now the tables have turned. I broke my shackles. And when I finally find him, I will make the Master sing a very different kind of song..."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: The Red Prince Character Race: Lizard Character Class: Fighter Output:
"Famed, of course, for my unique red skin and unparalleled skills as a general of the House of War, I, the Red Prince, was raised within the vast palaces of the fabled Forbidden City. I was destined to become the next emperor, but my ambitions suffered a bit of a setback when I fell from grace for cavorting with demons. Now I'm exiled and hunted by assassins, but I assure you: I remain undaunted - and as determined as ever to claim my rightful throne!"
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ifan Ben-Mezd Character Race: Human Character Class: Wayfarer Output:
"Once, I was a crusader for the Divine Order. I pledged my life to Lucian the Divine. But the war changed everything. He sent me to save the elves I grew up amongst. I arrived too late. Lucian ordered the use of Deathfog against the Black Ring, annihilating everyone I once knew in the process. Now, I'm a mercenary killer, one of the infamous Lone Wolves. And my next target is none other than Lucian's own son..."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lohse Character Race: Human Character Class: Enchanter Output:
"All my life I've been a performer, a musician; beloved and celebrated by all. But I have a secret: I'm also a playground for sprites and spirits and... worse. The voice that rings inside me now is darker than any that came before. Almost caused a bunch of my fans to rip each other to pieces... But you can trust me: I've got this under control. Step one: Find out who - or what - is trying to take control of my mind. Step two: Make it sorry it ever tried."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Beast (Marcus Miles) Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Battlemage Output:
"I was just thinking about someone I used to know. My cousin. The queen, in fact. A tyrant. I tried to stop her but - things don't always go according to plan. She cast me out to a forgotten island, and made short work of my allies, too. Lucky for me, I was able to commandeer a ship, and began a new life for myself, out on the high seas. But I hear the Queen is at it again - and there's something darker behind her madcap schemes this time. If I don't stop her, I don't know who will."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Fane Character Race: Undead (human) Character Class: Wizard Output:
"Oh, don't stare. How would you look after aeons in some ghastly crypt? But your people are rather prone to death. Mine are not. And yet when I emerged from my completely unjustified imprisonment, I found them gone, our culture forgotten, any trace of the world I knew all but obliterated. I must even hide my true face beneath an ever-shifting mask for fear you savages will attack me! That is how I wander this strange world, trying to uncover the truth about a history you primitive people never even knew existed."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jay Character Race: Wood elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ariana Character Race: High elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Balasar Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gimble Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Bard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lollic Character Race: Wood elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cimber Lin Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Cimber was born into a mafia family that quickly realized they had magic powers. They were used as a living weapon until they were rescued by a dragonborn paladin who had been hired to bring down the mafiaÕs operations. The dragonborn adopted Cimber and returned to their adventuring guild, and the guild collectively raised Cimber into the hellion they are today.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alm Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
One of the protagonists. He grew up in the village of Ram located at the borders of the Kingdom of Zofia. Trained by his grandfather Mycen, he has an exceptional sword arm. He joined the Deliverance to fight against Rigel to test his strength and because of his strong sense of justice.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gray Character Race: Human Character Class: Villager Output:
A childhood friend of AlmÕs who lives in Ram Village. Has an aloof personality. Since he was born in a merchant family heÕs chatty and well informed. Along with Alm, he joined the Deliverance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tobin Character Race: Human Character Class: Villager Output:
A childhood friend of AlmÕs who lives in Ram Village. HeÕs the eldest son of a big family and fights for the Deliverance to earn money. HeÕs straightforward, simple and serious, but terrible at reading the mood.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kliff Character Race: Human Character Class: Villager Output:
A childhood friend of AlmÕs who lives in Ram Village. Loves reading books and studying history, and acts surprisingly maturely for his age. Because he was interested in seeing the world, he joined the Deliverance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Faye Character Race: Human Character Class: Villager Output:
A childhood friend of AlmÕs who lives in Ram Village. Has been dreaming of Alm ever since childhood. She joined the Deliverance to keep close to Alm.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lukas Character Race: Human Character Class: Soldier Output:
A member of the Deliverance, a young man from the middle nobility. HeÕs polite to everyone and anybody he meets. He invited Alm and the others to join the Deliverance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Silque Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
A wandering Cleric. Alm rescued her when she was captured by thieves. After that, she entrusted Alm with her treasured MilaÕs Turnwheel and accompanied him in battle.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clive Character Race: Human Character Class: Cavalier Output:
Leader of the Deliverance, a young man hailing from the upper nobility. Once a member of the Knights of Zofia, but in response to DesaixÕs rebellion he created the Deliverance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clair Character Race: Human Character Class: Pegasus knight Output:
CliveÕs younger sister; also a member of the Deliverance. Her overbearingness is her one big flaw, not that she pays it any mind. A cheery and pretty girl who loves to interact with any and everyone.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Luthier Character Race: Human Character Class: Mage Output:
A Mage who lives in a village located at the Zofian borders. He has fully devoted himself to mastering the art of sorcery and shows nary an interest to the people of society. Finds it impossible to deal with his younger sisterÕs selfish streaks.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Delthea Character Race: Human Character Class: Mage Output:
LuthierÕs little sister. Possesses a talent for magic that surpasses even her brother, but she herself is not interested in pursuing the MageÕs path. Bright and cheerful, but a bit(?) of a selfish girl. Currently in the midst of a rebellious period against Luthier.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Python Character Race: Human Character Class: Archer Output:
A member of the Deliverance. Born in a local town, he was encouraged by a childhood friend to join the army. He tends to view the world from a cynical angle, but he can be surprisingly serious and performs his duties with diligence.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Forsyth Character Race: Human Character Class: Soldier Output:
His father being a scholar who made a name for himself, Forsyth initially thought in following his father's footsteps, though he later decided to follow the path of a knight, eventually leading Python into joining the army as well.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mathilda Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
The child of a soldier celebrated for his military achievements, Mathilda has been training with her father since she was a child. At some point, she was captured by Desaix and was planned to be executed, although she was saved when Alm's army arrived. After the war, she retired from the knighthood and married Clive.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zeke Character Race: Human Character Class: Gold knight Output:
Camus is the highest example of a knight. He is unwaveringly honorable, righteous, and loyal to his nation. Even when knowing that his nation is wrong in its motivations during war, Camus always stays true to his code as a knight until the bitter end, even if it results in his own death. Such loyalty often works to his own detriment, however, as he is not necessarily happy to wage war against Zofia in Echoes, but feels too indebted to Rudolf to go against his orders. At the same time, his loyalty to Rudolf also causes some confusion and conflict as the person who bore the mark he was ordered to fight for ironically led him to fighting against Rudolf himself. Deep down, Camus is a very caring individual to those he has grown close with. This is best shown in his relationships with Nyna and Tatiana. Camus assisted Nyna in escaping the Dolhrian Empire's execution, thus betraying his country for the first timeÑand the only time (under his original identity). Tatiana later becomes Zeke's achilles heel as when she was captured, the threat of her own demise forced Camus to fight alongside Jerome, whom he despised for his actions. He later betrayed Jerome, and his new home country of Rigel, due to them allowing his lover to be put in harm's way.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tatiana Character Race: Human Character Class: Saint Output:
Tatiana is a Rigelian saint who was orphaned at a young age. Raised in an orphanage run by the Church of Rigel, Tatiana joined the clergy in order to repay the church for raising her. Tatiana discovered the unconscious body of a man washed ashore. Having suffered grievous wounds and lost most of his memories, Tatiana nursed him back to health, and during this time, the two fell in love. The man eventually draws the attention of Emperor Rudolf who admires his combat prowess, quickly ascending the ranks of the Rigelian army and becoming close to the Emperor himself. Rudolf named the man Ezekiel, Zeke for short. However, when the war between Rigel and Zofia starts, Zeke opposes it. To make matters worse, Zeke is stationed with Jerome, a man who leads his personal platoon to constantly raid nearby villages. While Zeke cannot stand his actions, the witch Nuibaba kidnaped Tatiana and holds her hostage in her villa on Fear Mountain and threatens to sacrifice her if Zeke does not comply.' Tatiana is a good-natured, amiable, and selfless person, as shown by her caring for an absolute stranger near death and constant volunteering for duties at her monastery. However, she is also very clumsy and scatter-brained, which on more than one occasion has interfered with various tasks, such as cooking or applying a salve. She fears the possibility of Zeke regaining his memories, believing it might cause him to leave her; in Echoes, she tells Alm that she feels horrible and selfish for feeling that way, and adds that if Zeke truly wanted to return to any lover he had before, she would allow him to.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mycen Character Race: Human Character Class: Gold knight Output:
Mycen is a reputable former soldier known throughout Valentia. Originally a Rigelian early in life, he later became a high ranking Zofian general when he later moved into the southern country. In his famed military career, he became an exemplary knight whom many have admired as the finest soldier to have ever existed. In his older years, Mycen settled down in Ram Village, raising his grandson Alm. One day, the Villa of the Zofian royal family was set ablaze by Desaix in a coup of the Zofian throne. Mycen entered the burning villa and managed to rescue the young princess, Anthiese. Concerned for her half-brother, she asked if Mycen found Conrad. To her disappointment, Mycen informed her that she was the only person he could find, leaving her the sole survivor of the fire. Believed to be dead by the Zofian people, Mycen brought Anthiese to Ram Village and adopted her, renaming her Celica for her safety. For a while, he raised Alm and Celica and taught them alongside the Ram Village children, Tobin, Gray, Kliff, and Faye the art of combat. Shortly after, Desaix's crony, Slayde stumbled upon Ram Village and discovered Anthiese's survival through her brand on her hand. Though he was repelled by Mycen, Mycen was forced to send Celica away for her safety once more, bringing her to Novis Priory to further prevent anyone from ever encountering her again. During the ten years after this event, Mycen spent the years training Alm and the Ram Village children. Feeling that he was ready and properly trained, Alm asked Mycen if he could leave the village, which Mycen declined, saying that he was too green. Lukas came soon after seeking Mycen to help the Deliverance, a Zofian force dedicated with overthrowing Desaix. However, Mycen was nowhere to be found. In his stead, Alm volunteered and joined the Deliverance. A knight of great fame both in Rigel and Zofia, Mycen is a dutiful knight and often revered by the masses of both nations due to his might and chivalrous nature. He is an extremely respected individual, earning the admiration of the members of the Deliverance and the Ram Village children. Even in his much older age, his prowess in battle has never dwindled and is noted by Alm and the Ram Village children to be a particularly harsh instructor, but an effective one.