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How to choose a perfect accounting outsourcing partner?
If you wish to outsource your accounting services but can’t decide upon a perfect partner to opt for, here are the points that you must look into. These points will help you fetch a perfect accounting partner while bringing clarity on what you must expect from them. Know further. Handling accounts can be truly difficult and expensive. Understanding this, many companies have been outsourcing their accounting services. But in the present times, when there are many accounting outsourcing companies in the companies that are claiming to be the best, it is quite difficult to choose a company that serves the purpose. Here’s what you must look into: The expertise of the staff: Handling, organising, and calculating the account of a company is a challenging task. Moreover, the fluctuations in this area can’t be handled by amateurs. If these tasks are carried out in an inappropriate manner, it can lead to huge losses to be faced by the respective companies. Hence, one must consider an accounting outsourcing partner based on the expertise of the staff. The higher the expertise is the better will the services be handled. Services offered: When a company wants to avail accounting outsourcing services are being availed, one must opt for an accounting outsourcing partner who offers a comprehensive range of services. This ensures that all the tasks related to accounting outsourcing are covered and at a single place. This helps the company to keep track of these services easily and increases the overall efficiency. Also, when comprehensive range of services is availed, the effectiveness of the accounting increases. Technological advancement: There is no denial of the fact that technology has entered many areas of economic development. The accuracy offered by such technology is commendable and it enhances the overall experience. It also saves time, further keeping a company ahead in the competition. Thus, one must ensure that their accounting outsourcing partner is advanced, technologically. Such a partner must use technological tools that increase the accuracy and efficiency of services related to accounting outsourcing. Do check on that. Experience: Why does an established company earn more profits than a start-up? The answer is Experience. The efforts and the ups-downs faced by an established company throughout the years enables it to withstand all sorts of fluctuations. It also knows where to invest time and money and where not to. Similarly, an experienced accounting outsourcing partner will know how to manage the demands of the service and their frequent fluctuations. They can serve the purpose in a better way. Value for money: There is no point in availing an accounting outsourcing service if the services don’t give value for money, eventually. Thus, while choosing a partner, choose one which provides value for money. An accounting outsourcing partner must reduce the operational costs of one’s company and also deliver significant savings in the cost. Moreover, it must reduce internal staffing liabilities and increase the productivity of a company. All these aspects ensure that one’s company is profited from these services while providing value for money. Our IMS People is an experienced accounting outsourcing partner. Our expert accountants deliver a comprehensive and efficient range of services like Management reporting, Accounting administrative support, Payroll processing, Bookkeeping, Taxation, etc. These services eventually help a company to achieve value for money and thus, benefit the company. About IMS People: IMS People is a leading agency that offers end-to-end offshore services. These services include Offshore Accounting services, Offshore Recruitment services, and Offshore Property Preservation services. Our creative solutions to these services empower our clients to focus on their business and expand it considerably.
['Ims People']
2019-11-14 09:29:24.205000+00:00
['Outsourcing', 'Outsource', 'Accounting']
Title choose perfect accounting outsourcing partnerContent wish outsource accounting service can’t decide upon perfect partner opt point must look point help fetch perfect accounting partner bringing clarity must expect Know Handling account truly difficult expensive Understanding many company outsourcing accounting service present time many accounting outsourcing company company claiming best quite difficult choose company serf purpose Here’s must look expertise staff Handling organising calculating account company challenging task Moreover fluctuation area can’t handled amateur task carried inappropriate manner lead huge loss faced respective company Hence one must consider accounting outsourcing partner based expertise staff higher expertise better service handled Services offered company want avail accounting outsourcing service availed one must opt accounting outsourcing partner offer comprehensive range service ensures task related accounting outsourcing covered single place help company keep track service easily increase overall efficiency Also comprehensive range service availed effectiveness accounting increase Technological advancement denial fact technology entered many area economic development accuracy offered technology commendable enhances overall experience also save time keeping company ahead competition Thus one must ensure accounting outsourcing partner advanced technologically partner must use technological tool increase accuracy efficiency service related accounting outsourcing check Experience established company earn profit startup answer Experience effort upsdowns faced established company throughout year enables withstand sort fluctuation also know invest time money Similarly experienced accounting outsourcing partner know manage demand service frequent fluctuation serve purpose better way Value money point availing accounting outsourcing service service don’t give value money eventually Thus choosing partner choose one provides value money accounting outsourcing partner must reduce operational cost one’s company also deliver significant saving cost Moreover must reduce internal staffing liability increase productivity company aspect ensure one’s company profited service providing value money IMS People experienced accounting outsourcing partner expert accountant deliver comprehensive efficient range service like Management reporting Accounting administrative support Payroll processing Bookkeeping Taxation etc service eventually help company achieve value money thus benefit company IMS People IMS People leading agency offer endtoend offshore service service include Offshore Accounting service Offshore Recruitment service Offshore Property Preservation service creative solution service empower client focus business expand considerablyTags Outsourcing Outsource Accounting
Top challenges accounting firms face today and how they can be overcome
Top challenges accounting firms face today and how they can be overcome Whether it is the ever-evolving nature of government regulations and tax laws, or the struggle to remain cost-effective, accounting firms today don’t have it easy. According to the 2019 PCPS CPA Firm Top Issues Survey, finding qualified staff and keeping up with changes to tax law are among the CPA firms’ top concerns. With the objective of delivering a high-value service to their clients, firms need to remain aware of emerging developments in technology that could have an impact on their practices and efficiencies. The looming risk of cyber threats is an additional challenge testing the accounting industry’s effectiveness today. And while you might already be juggling a dozen such challenges at a time, the greatest challenge of all is to stay relevant and gain a competitive edge with an increasing number of CPA firms flooding the market. In this article, we give you a run-down on the top 5 challenges that accounting firms are currently facing, and how you can overcome them. Top 5 Challenges that Accounting Firms Face Today Thriving in a Competitive Market It is becoming increasingly difficult for accounting firms to thrive in a competitive market. Whether a small firm or mid-sized organization, you’re only as relevant in the market as your ability to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Firms must stay updated with the latest technology and automation solutions to stay ahead of the competition. RPA technology, cloud storage, and providing higher-value services, etc. are all helpful in establishing key differentiators in your firm. Staying Up-to-date on Current Technology CPA firms face the need to periodically update their technology to offer better, more efficient service to their clients. While the right technology can do wonders for your business, investing in the latest software programs and network services can be an expensive feat. What’s worse is that technology is constantly evolving, which requires firms to adapt to them quickly, in turn running up the processing expense rapidly. A considerable amount of time is required to analyze what the needs of the firm are and to find the right technological fit for the company. In order to alleviate cost concerns and bring in efficiency, the best thing to do is to find a service partner such as CPA Innovations that can give you access to high-end accounting technology such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), at a marginal cost. A frontrunner in accounting technology is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). CPA Innovations uses RPA technology to set up workflows to automate repetitive tasks including bookkeeping, helping make large-scale accounting transactions time and cost-effective. Additionally, separate workflows can also be created to approve accounts payable and process bulk payments. With the help of RPA technology, you can bring in process efficiency in your firm without having to worry about the technology itself. Remaining Cost-Effective As discussed earlier, firms that wish to be technologically advanced, struggle to remain cost-effective. Other factors that lead to an increase in operational costs is high competition, which leads to firms investing in diverse methods to drive revenue, including recruiting more resources to get work done faster. Staff costs amount to a significant percentage of overall expenses on a firm’s income statement. Conversely, if firms try to raise their pricing to compensate for the additional costs, they risk losing business to their competitors. Being cost-effective requires firms to strike the right balance between the cost and the result. One way to do so is by setting a budget and sticking to it. The other more effective method, however, is to find reliable and knowledgeable accounting staff at a considerably low cost. At CPA Innovations, we help you hire quality talent at half the cost in the US. This works well in your favor as outsourcing to a foreign country such as India helps with a faster turnaround as the time-difference works in your favor. This is a cost-effective strategic decision with appealing margins. Read full article on CPA Innovations
['Celia Pace']
2019-11-14 10:06:53.143000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Bookkeeping', 'Finance', 'Taxation', 'Outsourcing']
Title Top challenge accounting firm face today overcomeContent Top challenge accounting firm face today overcome Whether everevolving nature government regulation tax law struggle remain costeffective accounting firm today don’t easy According 2019 PCPS CPA Firm Top Issues Survey finding qualified staff keeping change tax law among CPA firms’ top concern objective delivering highvalue service client firm need remain aware emerging development technology could impact practice efficiency looming risk cyber threat additional challenge testing accounting industry’s effectiveness today might already juggling dozen challenge time greatest challenge stay relevant gain competitive edge increasing number CPA firm flooding market article give rundown top 5 challenge accounting firm currently facing overcome Top 5 Challenges Accounting Firms Face Today Thriving Competitive Market becoming increasingly difficult accounting firm thrive competitive market Whether small firm midsized organization you’re relevant market ability differentiate competitor Firms must stay updated latest technology automation solution stay ahead competition RPA technology cloud storage providing highervalue service etc helpful establishing key differentiator firm Staying Uptodate Current Technology CPA firm face need periodically update technology offer better efficient service client right technology wonder business investing latest software program network service expensive feat What’s worse technology constantly evolving requires firm adapt quickly turn running processing expense rapidly considerable amount time required analyze need firm find right technological fit company order alleviate cost concern bring efficiency best thing find service partner CPA Innovations give access highend accounting technology Robotic Process Automation RPA marginal cost frontrunner accounting technology Robotic Process Automation RPA CPA Innovations us RPA technology set workflow automate repetitive task including bookkeeping helping make largescale accounting transaction time costeffective Additionally separate workflow also created approve account payable process bulk payment help RPA technology bring process efficiency firm without worry technology Remaining CostEffective discussed earlier firm wish technologically advanced struggle remain costeffective factor lead increase operational cost high competition lead firm investing diverse method drive revenue including recruiting resource get work done faster Staff cost amount significant percentage overall expense firm’s income statement Conversely firm try raise pricing compensate additional cost risk losing business competitor costeffective requires firm strike right balance cost result One way setting budget sticking effective method however find reliable knowledgeable accounting staff considerably low cost CPA Innovations help hire quality talent half cost US work well favor outsourcing foreign country India help faster turnaround timedifference work favor costeffective strategic decision appealing margin Read full article CPA InnovationsTags Accounting Bookkeeping Finance Taxation Outsourcing
Odd Reasons Not to Outsource Accounting Services
Odd Reasons Not to Outsource Accounting Services Outsourcing, with its numerous advantages, is a popular trend in the market today. Many companies outsource accounting services as it removes the need to be an expert outside of your core competencies and gives access to the skillset of professionals. Although there are many reasons to consider outsourcing, it is also a fact that for some companies, it is not the only solution. The following are some reasons why few businesses are reluctant to outsource and prefer keeping their accounting processes in house. Your company really loves paper This may seem cliched, but many companies cannot let go of the massive amount of paper stacked in their offices or external storage. A few reasons behind this may include compliance restrictions or regulatory requirements, but others are just related to the resistance of adopting the new ways. It is acceptable if you prefer your paper ways, but if you are on the fence for considering outsourcing, you can keep certain paper-intensive tasks internal whereas, outsource other areas. Busting an entrepreneurial myth Usually, we think about an entrepreneur as the one handling all the tasks at once. Managing various tasks and being the jack-of-all-trades is something that seems like a synonym for an entrepreneur. While it is perfectly acceptable to carry this image and not hire any outside help for your business, it is also not necessarily the case. You can always outsource various accounting tasks and take external help to get some burden off your shoulders. You love the traditional approach to work Traditionally, before the advent of fast and cheap technology, accounting was done manually with all the transactions recorded on paper and kept in voluminous binders. There is no denying the fact that the manual process is time-consuming and complex when there is a huge amount of data to handle. Using various accounting software is the solution to this problem. Having a DIY approach Some business owners rather prefer handling everything on their own. There may be various reasons behind it, one being the need to keep all the processes under immediate control. Although this approach is not wrong, the same includes a lot of hassle. This is because, as a business owner, you already have a lot on your plate, and outsourcing a few non-core activities will only bring you relief. You run an exceptionally small company Another reason for not preferring to outsource may be that you have not reached a point in your business growth and revenue where you require advanced accounting services. Microbusinesses fit into this category, where they have limited bookkeeping requirements. For a start, it may be a good idea to manage your books annually, but as your business grows, you definitely should reconsider outsourcing your accounting needs. You would only outsource for money-saving reasons Being cost-conscious and having the same as a motivating factor for outsourcing is completely acceptable, as outsourcing can be very cost-competitive. But if the cost is the only reason that you are holding yourself back, you might want to reconsider. Outsourcing is more about increased efficiency and accuracy, and you might not like the results that you achieve from comparatively cheap alternatives for outsourcing. You love the current situation you are in This reason is quite obvious that if your current business structure is working for you, you might not feel the need to change it. If you are getting accurate reports on time and the data is always correct, you will not want to change the same. But, if you see flaws and errors in the current processes and you are concerned about the same, you might consider outsourcing. Conclusion Many reasons might be causing a resistance for you to outsource accounting services, and you may have your own argument for the same. But, there is no denying the fact that outsourcing makes your accounting process easier and accurate, giving you time to focus on business growth.
['Kellie Connor']
2019-11-26 07:57:32.023000+00:00
['Outsourcing', 'Accounting Services', 'Accounting', 'Accountant']
Title Odd Reasons Outsource Accounting ServicesContent Odd Reasons Outsource Accounting Services Outsourcing numerous advantage popular trend market today Many company outsource accounting service remove need expert outside core competency give access skillset professional Although many reason consider outsourcing also fact company solution following reason business reluctant outsource prefer keeping accounting process house company really love paper may seem cliched many company cannot let go massive amount paper stacked office external storage reason behind may include compliance restriction regulatory requirement others related resistance adopting new way acceptable prefer paper way fence considering outsourcing keep certain paperintensive task internal whereas outsource area Busting entrepreneurial myth Usually think entrepreneur one handling task Managing various task jackofalltrades something seems like synonym entrepreneur perfectly acceptable carry image hire outside help business also necessarily case always outsource various accounting task take external help get burden shoulder love traditional approach work Traditionally advent fast cheap technology accounting done manually transaction recorded paper kept voluminous binder denying fact manual process timeconsuming complex huge amount data handle Using various accounting software solution problem DIY approach business owner rather prefer handling everything may various reason behind one need keep process immediate control Although approach wrong includes lot hassle business owner already lot plate outsourcing noncore activity bring relief run exceptionally small company Another reason preferring outsource may reached point business growth revenue require advanced accounting service Microbusinesses fit category limited bookkeeping requirement start may good idea manage book annually business grows definitely reconsider outsourcing accounting need would outsource moneysaving reason costconscious motivating factor outsourcing completely acceptable outsourcing costcompetitive cost reason holding back might want reconsider Outsourcing increased efficiency accuracy might like result achieve comparatively cheap alternative outsourcing love current situation reason quite obvious current business structure working might feel need change getting accurate report time data always correct want change see flaw error current process concerned might consider outsourcing Conclusion Many reason might causing resistance outsource accounting service may argument denying fact outsourcing make accounting process easier accurate giving time focus business growthTags Outsourcing Accounting Services Accounting Accountant
How to learn ACCA effectively online?
Becoming a full member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) offers before you a plethora of extremely productive opportunities in this highly competitive world. But becoming ACCA certified requires a good deal of hard work and a smart strategy. Opting for an ACCA course online while preparing for the exams can help you seal the deal, provided that you keep certain things in mind. Pick the best materials for the long road Aspiring to become an ACCA member means that you will have to take a lot of tests — up to 13 to be precise. On average, it takes around 3–4 years for a candidate to clear all these stages along with the stipulated three-year work experience requirement. Do some groundwork, take a bit of time and zero-in on the ACCA course material that is best suited for you. You would not want to be in a position where mid-way you realise that your study material is below par. Picking study time The Online ACCA course in Singapore option gives you a great deal of flexibility while learning. Make use of this. You do not need to set a fixed time slot for daily study, rather fix a minimum amount of hours that you would devote to studying every day. For example, instead of saying that you will study from 9 am — 2 pm every day, plan to study at least 5 hours per day. This would ensure that you have a better chance of being in the most conducive mood for learning when you actually pick up your books. Avoid using your phones or tabs While studying online it is better if you use a laptop or PC. If you use your mobile phone or tab then there is the chance that social media updates or other notifications might distract you. This would reduce productivity and thus should be shunned. Online preparation can get you the desired results. Just be regular and don’t get yourself distracted. With persistent hard work and a smart online strategy, you can make your ACCA dreams come true and its advantages. Read through the advantages of learning ACCA
['Harsh Mark']
2019-11-28 18:52:47.308000+00:00
['Education', 'Acca', 'Accounting', 'Finance']
Title learn ACCA effectively onlineContent Becoming full member Association Chartered Certified Accountants ACCA offer plethora extremely productive opportunity highly competitive world becoming ACCA certified requires good deal hard work smart strategy Opting ACCA course online preparing exam help seal deal provided keep certain thing mind Pick best material long road Aspiring become ACCA member mean take lot test — 13 precise average take around 3–4 year candidate clear stage along stipulated threeyear work experience requirement groundwork take bit time zeroin ACCA course material best suited would want position midway realise study material par Picking study time Online ACCA course Singapore option give great deal flexibility learning Make use need set fixed time slot daily study rather fix minimum amount hour would devote studying every day example instead saying study 9 — 2 pm every day plan study least 5 hour per day would ensure better chance conducive mood learning actually pick book Avoid using phone tab studying online better use laptop PC use mobile phone tab chance social medium update notification might distract would reduce productivity thus shunned Online preparation get desired result regular don’t get distracted persistent hard work smart online strategy make ACCA dream come true advantage Read advantage learning ACCATags Education Acca Accounting Finance
Modules of Tally ERP 9
Modules of Tally ERP 9 Tally software has become the most wanted accounting software in many enterprises. Businesses consider Tally software as a key to empower their existing accounting operations. Enterprises that already have Tally accounting software are enjoying sophisticated account handling. Modules also play a huge role in making the Tally user more comfortable correlated with their operations. Few Tally modules may automate the processes including auto emailing, workflow management, auto backup, audit trail, excel import, invoice format, and many more. As there are multiple modules present in the Tally software, here are the modules mentioned. Dashboard Auto-email Negative Stock Tally SMS Tally Auto-Backup Module Salesman Module Approval matrix module Document Attachment module Accounting transaction voucher history module Party wise item sales matrix System date as the transaction date Order Control Category wise filter on invoicing Stock group-wise filter on invoicing Godown control A few modules have been explained below along with its benefits to the enterprises. Dashboard Dashboard, a visualization tool intended to display the current status of the metrics involved. The key performance indicators of an enterprise can be owed using the dashboard module. Using a dashboard, the consolidation and the arrangement of the numbers, metrics, and other performance scorecards will be displayed on the single screen. Benefits Best business decision making Business performance showcase Visualizing data at a glance Time-saving compared to running multiple reports Auto-email Auto-email is a module that automatically responds to the mentioned client mail id’s. It can also be used to send a report or transaction that has been generated in the Tally ERP 9 accounting software in the prescribed format. Benefits Saves time from mail typing and attachment Real and instant mailing on customized reports and invoices Errorless process Negative stock Using this module, the Tally accounting software user can restrict to make invoice when there is no stock. Benefits Minimizing stock mismatch Real-time stock check Saving business order during stock unavailability Apart from the mentioned modules, there are multiple benefits experienced using the Tally software modules. To know more details on Tally modules, visit Mazenet Technologies Reach us for inquiry: 7397723052
2019-11-29 12:31:34.500000+00:00
['Modules', 'Taxes', 'Erp Software', 'Accounting']
Title Modules Tally ERP 9Content Modules Tally ERP 9 Tally software become wanted accounting software many enterprise Businesses consider Tally software key empower existing accounting operation Enterprises already Tally accounting software enjoying sophisticated account handling Modules also play huge role making Tally user comfortable correlated operation Tally module may automate process including auto emailing workflow management auto backup audit trail excel import invoice format many multiple module present Tally software module mentioned Dashboard Autoemail Negative Stock Tally SMS Tally AutoBackup Module Salesman Module Approval matrix module Document Attachment module Accounting transaction voucher history module Party wise item sale matrix System date transaction date Order Control Category wise filter invoicing Stock groupwise filter invoicing Godown control module explained along benefit enterprise Dashboard Dashboard visualization tool intended display current status metric involved key performance indicator enterprise owed using dashboard module Using dashboard consolidation arrangement number metric performance scorecard displayed single screen Benefits Best business decision making Business performance showcase Visualizing data glance Timesaving compared running multiple report Autoemail Autoemail module automatically responds mentioned client mail id’s also used send report transaction generated Tally ERP 9 accounting software prescribed format Benefits Saves time mail typing attachment Real instant mailing customized report invoice Errorless process Negative stock Using module Tally accounting software user restrict make invoice stock Benefits Minimizing stock mismatch Realtime stock check Saving business order stock unavailability Apart mentioned module multiple benefit experienced using Tally software module know detail Tally module visit Mazenet Technologies Reach u inquiry 7397723052Tags Modules Taxes Erp Software Accounting
Accounting Services
If there is one department or division of business that always have its hands full of work, it would be the accounting section. Large volume of transactions is conducted daily in this department as payroll, payments, billing, and other financial services are processed repetitively. This translates to hiring more people just to do simple bookkeeping and paying for additional man hours. At the same time, a bigger space is needed to keep an inventory of all documents pertaining or related to accounting transactions. Most business get trapped into devoting time and effort to these tasks that they lose track of other more important concerns such as operations, administration, marketing and sales. Unless your business is financial in nature, there is no need to be burdened by accounting transactions. There are companies that offer accounting services which can aid a company in sticking to its knitting. In the US, close than half of businesses get their accounting services from accounting providers that are very professional. As an overview, business owners need to be good in getting an accurate picture of the financial statement. This statement can make the owner realize many things such as what part of the operations is becoming too costly or if the company would be profitable enough to make it. In fact, components of the financial statement are reflections of accounting transactions. Accounting services also differ in categories depending upon the needs of a business. Bookkeeping Services And Internal Auditors Categorically, the four types are: accounting tax services, accounting auditing services, accounting bookkeeping services and internal auditors. Some companies or entrepreneurs only need the tax services for the preparation and submission of tax forms. The auditing services is required by public companies for they need to be transparent in their financial statements. Small business owners can be aided by bookkeeping services so records would be organized since once the business grew bigger, it would be hard to audit the company if the records are disorganized. Lost receipts, vouchers, misplaced documents cannot be included in the audit. Expenses would be unaccounted for and the owner is at a loss of where the capital went. As for auditing services, this is type of accounting service is good for confirming the accuracy of internal records and transactions. Even small business owners need to conduct audit at least every two years. The important thing to remember is that a business must analyze first what type of service would really benefit the company since not all business are the same.
['Verse Finance']
2019-11-28 03:31:01.590000+00:00
Title Accounting ServicesContent one department division business always hand full work would accounting section Large volume transaction conducted daily department payroll payment billing financial service processed repetitively translates hiring people simple bookkeeping paying additional man hour time bigger space needed keep inventory document pertaining related accounting transaction business get trapped devoting time effort task lose track important concern operation administration marketing sale Unless business financial nature need burdened accounting transaction company offer accounting service aid company sticking knitting US close half business get accounting service accounting provider professional overview business owner need good getting accurate picture financial statement statement make owner realize many thing part operation becoming costly company would profitable enough make fact component financial statement reflection accounting transaction Accounting service also differ category depending upon need business Bookkeeping Services Internal Auditors Categorically four type accounting tax service accounting auditing service accounting bookkeeping service internal auditor company entrepreneur need tax service preparation submission tax form auditing service required public company need transparent financial statement Small business owner aided bookkeeping service record would organized since business grew bigger would hard audit company record disorganized Lost receipt voucher misplaced document cannot included audit Expenses would unaccounted owner loss capital went auditing service type accounting service good confirming accuracy internal record transaction Even small business owner need conduct audit least every two year important thing remember business must analyze first type service would really benefit company since business sameTags Accounting
How Abiding to University Guidelines Helps Draft Perfect Accounting Essay?
The most crucial aspect of accounting essay writing is that the student should abide by the university guidelines. It includes content that must be informative and factually accurate. To ensure that opinions are supported by facts and figures, follow the latest analytical reporting standards and the piece that considers all points of views with certain examples. University guidelines are important because they help in establishing rules and regulations and creating standards of quality for writing essays at graduation level. Here, at Instant Assignment Help Australia, we have essay writers who abide by all the rules and regulations stated by the university. It is results in delivering an exact essay that meets the professors’ expectations and the student can ultimately fetch good grades as well. Here are some university guidelines that need to be followed while writing an accounting essay: 1. The Students Should Read the Guidelines Properly According to most of the essay writers, students often forget to read the instructions of writing a university essay before starting. In case any of the students do not follow or abide by the guidelines then prepare yourself for poor grades. In the guidelines of the university, it is mentioned that word limit should be considered carefully. Once the student read through the guidelines, he can initiate writing an accounting essay with all the ideas and thoughts in his mind. This would result in getting the desired grades and an essay approval at first sight only by the professors. 2. The Students Should Write a Compelling Introduction Perfect essay writing is hard to achieve, but it is possible if the student is smart to go through the university guidelines. Because the professors will only spend a brief amount of time reviewing the student’s essay, he needs to start with a vivid paragraph that will keep them engaged. The introduction has to reveal the readers about your essay and catch their attention. You could open with an anecdote or an interesting story that will show some of the best parts of your personality and character, offering an insight that will help the professors know about the key ingredients in your accounting essay. 3. The Student Should Avoid the Cliche While the student researches their accounting essay, he will be encouraged to check out some examples of great essays provided at the website of Instant Assignment Help Australia and get the idea of writing with guidelines. While this is a great exercise, many students allow themselves to be influenced too much by the samples and use lots of cliches in a desire to impress the professors. According to the essay writers, the student should delete all the sentences that sound like a cliche and try to find a more original angle. 4. The Student Should Stick to Clear Essay Plan Creativity is an aspect that very much appreciated in essay writing, but don’t assume that a creative essay is always an organized one. The student shouldn’t write a bunch of words without meaning, so make sure that as a student, you write about just one subject at a time. According to the experts, creating a plan before essay writing, you should organize your essay in three parts (introduction, body and conclusion), and decide the main thoughts and examples you want to give. This will help you in drafting a perfect accounting essay at the university level. Summing Up: Now, student exactly knows some of the elements that could help them get some extra marks in their essay writing task. If as a student you still think, it is tough, reach our essay writing services providers and get your accounting essay delivered to you, even before the promised date.
['Instant Assignment Help']
2019-11-26 08:00:56.672000+00:00
['Writing', 'Accounting']
Title Abiding University Guidelines Helps Draft Perfect Accounting EssayContent crucial aspect accounting essay writing student abide university guideline includes content must informative factually accurate ensure opinion supported fact figure follow latest analytical reporting standard piece considers point view certain example University guideline important help establishing rule regulation creating standard quality writing essay graduation level Instant Assignment Help Australia essay writer abide rule regulation stated university result delivering exact essay meet professors’ expectation student ultimately fetch good grade well university guideline need followed writing accounting essay 1 Students Read Guidelines Properly According essay writer student often forget read instruction writing university essay starting case student follow abide guideline prepare poor grade guideline university mentioned word limit considered carefully student read guideline initiate writing accounting essay idea thought mind would result getting desired grade essay approval first sight professor 2 Students Write Compelling Introduction Perfect essay writing hard achieve possible student smart go university guideline professor spend brief amount time reviewing student’s essay need start vivid paragraph keep engaged introduction reveal reader essay catch attention could open anecdote interesting story show best part personality character offering insight help professor know key ingredient accounting essay 3 Student Avoid Cliche student research accounting essay encouraged check example great essay provided website Instant Assignment Help Australia get idea writing guideline great exercise many student allow influenced much sample use lot cliche desire impress professor According essay writer student delete sentence sound like cliche try find original angle 4 Student Stick Clear Essay Plan Creativity aspect much appreciated essay writing don’t assume creative essay always organized one student shouldn’t write bunch word without meaning make sure student write one subject time According expert creating plan essay writing organize essay three part introduction body conclusion decide main thought example want give help drafting perfect accounting essay university level Summing student exactly know element could help get extra mark essay writing task student still think tough reach essay writing service provider get accounting essay delivered even promised dateTags Writing Accounting
Accounting Software — Result in the Smart Option For Your Company
Accounting Software — Result in the Smart Option For Your Company Accounting programs are generally vital and simply available for most companies. It is because accounting software provides your pc having the ability to handle fundamental book keeping tasks for example invoicing, payroll and funds flow monitoring. Furthermore, many bits of accounting software can be found online in fundamental or demo forms for companies to make use of free of charge! However, free accounting programs will mainly simply be helpful for small companies. Bigger corporations that handle complex transactions every day will require accounting software with increased functionality, which frequently means a rather greater cost tag. This should not be any induce to panic, because lots of more complicated bits of software exist that can handle performing fully integrated automation and organization management features. So, which kind of accounting software will neat thing your company? The kinds and purposes of various programs are: 1) Free Software: This kind of software frequently provides fundamental features with limited functionality. Small companies may benefit from invoice management, bill pay, cash receipts, account reconciliation, and budgeting features found in these kinds of accounting software. Generally, just one worker at any given time can manipulate data during these free programs, which programs are frequently only in a position to process cash based earnings flows. Support of these free programs is restricted, if offered at all, and a few of these free programs are just watered lower versions more costly, premium accounting programs. 2) Micro Business Software: This kind of software usually costs under $100 and includes the advantages of fundamental accounting software, with a lot more features and tech support team. Generally, this kind of accounting program are designed for inventory management, CRM functions, project tracking and development, and much more. This kind of software is ideal for transportation companies or property firms that consistently cope with defined data and customer sets. 3) Small Company Software: Software for this kind of business can vary between hundreds to 1000s of dollars, with respect to the type and functionality from the program. Frequently, this kind of accounting software enables multiple employees to make use of the software concurrently while provided added features and great tech support team. This degree of accounting software can frequently be customized for any specific kind of business, and is capable of doing handling considerable amounts of information for example inventory flows from the warehouse or storage facility. 4) Mid-Market Software: This kind of software can vary from thousands to 500, 000 dollars. This software type provides very flexible amounts of functionality, and software providers will frequently be ready to tailor the software to some specific kind of business. 5) Large Business: Generally, mid-market software exceeding 500, 000 dollars could be upgraded to aid multinational corporations. Tech support team is usually all-inclusive as well as an ongoing relationship exists between your software provider and also the multinational company. While there are many possibilities and multiple things to consider when selecting the right accounting software for the business, bear in mind that you would like to balance the most affordable option using the possibility to expand later on. Quite simply, don’t simply obtain a free program simply because that’s all of your business may require right now, but take into account that your organization may require more functionality inside a couple of several weeks. Quite simply, purchase the most cost effective software that meets your requirements, but leave room to grow later on.
['Mikehussen Gmail.Com']
2019-11-14 04:39:00.173000+00:00
Title Accounting Software — Result Smart Option CompanyContent Accounting Software — Result Smart Option Company Accounting program generally vital simply available company accounting software provides pc ability handle fundamental book keeping task example invoicing payroll fund flow monitoring Furthermore many bit accounting software found online fundamental demo form company make use free charge However free accounting program mainly simply helpful small company Bigger corporation handle complex transaction every day require accounting software increased functionality frequently mean rather greater cost tag induce panic lot complicated bit software exist handle performing fully integrated automation organization management feature kind accounting software neat thing company kind purpose various program 1 Free Software kind software frequently provides fundamental feature limited functionality Small company may benefit invoice management bill pay cash receipt account reconciliation budgeting feature found kind accounting software Generally one worker given time manipulate data free program program frequently position process cash based earnings flow Support free program restricted offered free program watered lower version costly premium accounting program 2 Micro Business Software kind software usually cost 100 includes advantage fundamental accounting software lot feature tech support team Generally kind accounting program designed inventory management CRM function project tracking development much kind software ideal transportation company property firm consistently cope defined data customer set 3 Small Company Software Software kind business vary hundred 1000 dollar respect type functionality program Frequently kind accounting software enables multiple employee make use software concurrently provided added feature great tech support team degree accounting software frequently customized specific kind business capable handling considerable amount information example inventory flow warehouse storage facility 4 MidMarket Software kind software vary thousand 500 000 dollar software type provides flexible amount functionality software provider frequently ready tailor software specific kind business 5 Large Business Generally midmarket software exceeding 500 000 dollar could upgraded aid multinational corporation Tech support team usually allinclusive well ongoing relationship exists software provider also multinational company many possibility multiple thing consider selecting right accounting software business bear mind would like balance affordable option using possibility expand later Quite simply don’t simply obtain free program simply that’s business may require right take account organization may require functionality inside couple several week Quite simply purchase cost effective software meet requirement leave room grow later onTags Accounting
The Accountant of the Future
The Accountant of the Future By Judie Kinonen Nichole Jordan, BBA ’95, says new technologies are rapidly transforming the accounting profession. Illustration by Roberta Maddelena. Photo by Thaddeus Harden. The stereotype of the solitary accountant walled up in a cubicle and poring over spreadsheets for eight hours a day was always a little dubious. But industry expert Nichole Jordan, BBA ’95, says new technologies that are rapidly transforming the accounting profession have shattered the image of the bean-counting accountant on a mundane career path. A CPA and member of the McCombs Accounting Advisory Council, Jordan is also national managing partner of growth and performance at Grant Thornton. “I see new staff coming to the firm with the desire and ambition to contribute at a higher level — to do the more strategic and analytical parts of the job,” she says. Her own role with Grant Thornton sends her all over the world, meeting with business management teams and boards to listen to their concerns and introduce them to new technologies and digital strategies. Deciding how to properly address these trends in the classroom at McCombs is top priority, says Department Chair Michael Clement. “My main concern right now is to make sure our students can thrive in the world of big data,” he says, noting shifts in the curriculum are starting in the Master’s in Professional Accounting program, with reverberations in the undergraduate and doctoral programs likely in the near future. All three programs have topped the national rankings for so long that it is hardly news any-more. Clement vividly recalls a day in 1980, his senior year at Baruch College in New York City, when he walked past a bulletin board listing the top accounting programs in the country. “UT Austin was №1, and then I noticed that half of my textbooks were written by UT faculty,” he recalls. Again this year, the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs at McCombs ranked No. 1 in U.S. News & World Report. The undergraduate program has held the first- or second-place spots on that list for a straight 28 years, the master’s degree for 26, and the doctoral program for an 11th year. But Clement attests that there’s a revolution afoot, leaving the department no time to rest on its laurels. “There’s a lot going on in the industry, and we want to give our students the tools so that when things change, they can adapt to those changes,” Clement says. To that end, the MPA Program recently adopted a proposal requiring every course within the next two years include content on data analytics, says MPA Program Senior Director Stephen Smith. Department Chair Michael Clement remembers noting that UT Austin’s accounting program ranked No. 1 when he was in college in 1980. The Weight of Data What’s new in accounting is not the idea of analyzing data — the difference is in the type of data itself. Typically, accountants are trained to handle and analyze structured data that can be easily organized and searched. But in this era of big data, accountants must also manipulate unstructured data that appears in myriad formats and without pre-defined models. Unstructured data is more challenging to organize and search. Big data is causing disruption in many industries, but deciding what it means for accountants is a bit of a moving target, says Smith, who is in close communication with industry partners about how they are coping with these new forms of information. They tell him that the skill of data cleansing is among an accountant’s greatest assets today. In the past, an auditor calculating interest expense on loans at a bank would simply sample — taking, for example, 100 out of the possible 1,000 loans and manually calculating the interest. “If you didn’t find any problems for those hundred loans, then you assume the whole interest expense line on your income statement is okay,” department chair Clement says. But today, there’s no need to sample, he says. “Now I can do that calculation for all thousand loans and know for sure that the interest calculation is correct.” Beyond that, today’s auditor may be asked to produce a report that includes information from several different sources. It could be customer information in one file, loan descriptions in another, Clement says. “In order to combine all those different sources into a single, usable source, you have to have sol-id data manipulation and data cleansing skills.”The ability to test every transaction has other repercussions too, says Jeff Johanns, senior lecturer at McCombs and a former partner and assurance risk management leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers. “If you’re testing 100 percent of transactions rather than sampling, instead of five exceptions, you may have dozens of exceptions,” he says. “Now what? What does that mean to you as an auditor? These are the things that we have to train accountants to deal with. Just because the software produces this beautiful graph is meaningless if the accountant doesn’t know what to do with it.” TOP: MPA Senior Director Stephen Smith stays in close contact with industry partners in order to better understand how big data disruptions are transforming the profession. BOTTOM: Patti Brown, MPA ’89, uses a hands-on approach for teaching accounting because it instills confidence in her students. “Telling a Story” With Data “So more and more an accountant’s job is answering the question, ‘What is the data telling us?’” says Smith. That’s the important question, says Jordan. “Technology is crunching the numbers to a greater extent and making it possible for us to be more strategic and analytical when it comes to identifying patterns in the data,” she says. “The job becomes more about understanding the real performance of the business.” These are skill sets already addressed in several McCombs MPA courses, including Information Technology for Accounting Control — a requirement for all MPA students — taught by Patti Brown, MPA ’89, who joined the faculty as a lecturer in 2011. Brown says her teaching approach is two-pronged: introducing the technology tools and business process methodologies, and then providing students with large volumes of real data in case studies in which they can apply the technology tools to gain insights from the data. “It’s very hands-on to help students gain confidence in working with various technol-ogies,” she says. Students in her class learn SAP, Tableau, Microsoft Access, and Power BI, but hers is not a static curriculum. “Given that the technology and emerging technologies are rapidly changing, I constantly have to look at what I’m offering in the course,” says Brown. “I stay connected to partners in public accounting and large companies that are hiring our students to understand what technology they’re using and how to best prepare our students.” MPA students work with real industry data from the SAP University Alliance, which is not available in many other accounting master’s programs — and in Brown’s class they be-gin with data from a national coffee shop chain. Using Tableau, students go beyond number crunching and learn to “tell a story,” Brown says. “Often, in academia, students are focused on getting the ‘right answer,’” she says. But in this coffee shop case, she asks them to identify three areas that the company should focus on for profit maximization. “So, I’m not looking for one specific right answer,” she says. Instead, students are challenged to use their critical thinking skills, Brown says. “Why did the coffee shop spend this much in market-ing in the Northeast? Why did green tea in the South not do as well as the Northeast? I want them to tell the story and point out the different insights that they’ve gained through their analysis.” It’s not exactly the type of task accountants are traditionally known for, but it’s not a huge stretch either, says Kristina Zvinakis, senior lecturer and assistant department chair. Critical thinking skills have always been a hallmark of McCombs’ MPA program and one reason it is consistently ranked №1 in the nation, she says. Senior Lecturer and Assistant Department Chair Kristina Zvinakis said that critical thinking skills are a hallmark of McCombs’ MPA program. Soft Skills Still Apply The disruption in accounting mirrors what has happened in other fields, Jordan says, and it’s no cause for alarm for those willing to adapt. “Technology will change, but not replace, the accountant’s job,” she says. “An accountant paired with artificial intelligence or machine learning-enabled technology is a winning combination.” In fact, for new accountants, proficiency in technology and critical thinking is not more important than the skills Jordan says she most remembers learning from her time at UT: teamwork and communication. “The ability to build relationships will definitely become more important than it is today,” Jordan says. “I think that because of artificial intelligence, the mundane and the more basic types of work will become more automated in our profession. This means we can focus on other important things.” With new technologies doing more of the tedious work, the accountant of the future will have more freedom and flexibility. Says Jordan: “Your ability to go down the hallway and talk to the CFO and engage in a great C-suite conversation, ask the right questions, and seek to understand and be curious will be very, very important skills.
['Texas Mccombs']
2019-11-22 20:42:50.945000+00:00
['Education', 'Accounting', 'Artificial Intelligence']
Title Accountant FutureContent Accountant Future Judie Kinonen Nichole Jordan BBA ’95 say new technology rapidly transforming accounting profession Illustration Roberta Maddelena Photo Thaddeus Harden stereotype solitary accountant walled cubicle poring spreadsheet eight hour day always little dubious industry expert Nichole Jordan BBA ’95 say new technology rapidly transforming accounting profession shattered image beancounting accountant mundane career path CPA member McCombs Accounting Advisory Council Jordan also national managing partner growth performance Grant Thornton “I see new staff coming firm desire ambition contribute higher level — strategic analytical part job” say role Grant Thornton sends world meeting business management team board listen concern introduce new technology digital strategy Deciding properly address trend classroom McCombs top priority say Department Chair Michael Clement “My main concern right make sure student thrive world big data” say noting shift curriculum starting Master’s Professional Accounting program reverberation undergraduate doctoral program likely near future three program topped national ranking long hardly news anymore Clement vividly recall day 1980 senior year Baruch College New York City walked past bulletin board listing top accounting program country “UT Austin №1 noticed half textbook written UT faculty” recall year undergraduate master’s doctoral program McCombs ranked 1 US News World Report undergraduate program held first secondplace spot list straight 28 year master’s degree 26 doctoral program 11th year Clement attests there’s revolution afoot leaving department time rest laurel “There’s lot going industry want give student tool thing change adapt changes” Clement say end MPA Program recently adopted proposal requiring every course within next two year include content data analytics say MPA Program Senior Director Stephen Smith Department Chair Michael Clement remembers noting UT Austin’s accounting program ranked 1 college 1980 Weight Data What’s new accounting idea analyzing data — difference type data Typically accountant trained handle analyze structured data easily organized searched era big data accountant must also manipulate unstructured data appears myriad format without predefined model Unstructured data challenging organize search Big data causing disruption many industry deciding mean accountant bit moving target say Smith close communication industry partner coping new form information tell skill data cleansing among accountant’s greatest asset today past auditor calculating interest expense loan bank would simply sample — taking example 100 possible 1000 loan manually calculating interest “If didn’t find problem hundred loan assume whole interest expense line income statement okay” department chair Clement say today there’s need sample say “Now calculation thousand loan know sure interest calculation correct” Beyond today’s auditor may asked produce report includes information several different source could customer information one file loan description another Clement say “In order combine different source single usable source solid data manipulation data cleansing skills”The ability test every transaction repercussion say Jeff Johanns senior lecturer McCombs former partner assurance risk management leader PricewaterhouseCoopers “If you’re testing 100 percent transaction rather sampling instead five exception may dozen exceptions” say “Now mean auditor thing train accountant deal software produce beautiful graph meaningless accountant doesn’t know it” TOP MPA Senior Director Stephen Smith stay close contact industry partner order better understand big data disruption transforming profession BOTTOM Patti Brown MPA ’89 us handson approach teaching accounting instills confidence student “Telling Story” Data “So accountant’s job answering question ‘What data telling us’” say Smith That’s important question say Jordan “Technology crunching number greater extent making possible u strategic analytical come identifying pattern data” say “The job becomes understanding real performance business” skill set already addressed several McCombs MPA course including Information Technology Accounting Control — requirement MPA student — taught Patti Brown MPA ’89 joined faculty lecturer 2011 Brown say teaching approach twopronged introducing technology tool business process methodology providing student large volume real data case study apply technology tool gain insight data “It’s handson help student gain confidence working various technologies” say Students class learn SAP Tableau Microsoft Access Power BI static curriculum “Given technology emerging technology rapidly changing constantly look I’m offering course” say Brown “I stay connected partner public accounting large company hiring student understand technology they’re using best prepare students” MPA student work real industry data SAP University Alliance available many accounting master’s program — Brown’s class begin data national coffee shop chain Using Tableau student go beyond number crunching learn “tell story” Brown say “Often academia student focused getting ‘right answer’” say coffee shop case asks identify three area company focus profit maximization “So I’m looking one specific right answer” say Instead student challenged use critical thinking skill Brown say “Why coffee shop spend much marketing Northeast green tea South well Northeast want tell story point different insight they’ve gained analysis” It’s exactly type task accountant traditionally known it’s huge stretch either say Kristina Zvinakis senior lecturer assistant department chair Critical thinking skill always hallmark McCombs’ MPA program one reason consistently ranked №1 nation say Senior Lecturer Assistant Department Chair Kristina Zvinakis said critical thinking skill hallmark McCombs’ MPA program Soft Skills Still Apply disruption accounting mirror happened field Jordan say it’s cause alarm willing adapt “Technology change replace accountant’s job” say “An accountant paired artificial intelligence machine learningenabled technology winning combination” fact new accountant proficiency technology critical thinking important skill Jordan say remembers learning time UT teamwork communication “The ability build relationship definitely become important today” Jordan say “I think artificial intelligence mundane basic type work become automated profession mean focus important things” new technology tedious work accountant future freedom flexibility Says Jordan “Your ability go hallway talk CFO engage great Csuite conversation ask right question seek understand curious important skillsTags Education Accounting Artificial Intelligence
Trends in accounting outsourcing for 2020
Trends in accounting outsourcing for 2020 The accounting outsourcing industry is a critical industry in the present times. It involves multiple functions like recording, analysing, summarising, reporting and maintaining financial transactions of a business that ought to be handled with care. Thus, check out the trends this industry will observe in the upcoming year i.e., 2020 and plan your business strategy accordingly. Accounting is the process of recording, analysing, summarising, reporting and maintaining financial transactions of a business. Over the years, the terms and the process of accounting have changed extensively and there will be many more changes in the upcoming years. As accounting services are critical and ought to be handled well, many businesses prefer to outsource these services, especially the medium-sized ones. Outsourcing such accounting services has proven to be useful for such businesses. Explore certain trends in the accounting outsourcing industry in the year 2020. Trends in accounting outsourcing: 1) Use of advanced technologies: The advent of technology has affected the world in many ways. It has contributed to the ease of various operations and has made them precise. As technology is entering every premise, it is also affecting the accounting outsourcing services. In the year 2020, there will be much technological advancement in these services that will eventually contribute to the efficiency and satisfactory deliverance of these services. 2) Tailored accounting outsourcing services: As accounting outsourcing services have gained a lot of importance in recent times, there has been a huge rise in the competition in the market. While there are many accounting outsourcing companies that deliver ace services at minimal cost, not many companies deliver a tailored range of services. Thus, in the quest to be the best, many companies will provide a tailored range of accounting outsourcing services in the year 2020. 3) Welcome cloud computing: Cloud computing is a common yet on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially in terms of data storage and computing power. All this is carried out without the direct active management by the user. In simple terms, it is a data center. For a mid-size accounting outsourcing service company, such data center can be highly useful. In the upcoming year, such companies will be able to access them. Great relief indeed! 4) Social media for support: In this digitally-obsessed world, social media plays a major role. In fact, the whole idea of business has shifted on social media platforms and has been gaining attention there. Thus, in the upcoming year, even accounting outsourcing services will approach social media for support. The companies providing these services have a high potential to reach huge clientele and expand their business. Moreover, this platform serves as a good medium to provide good customer care support as well. 5) Upgradation of skills: As mentioned in the first point, high competition is a major factor for accounting outsourcing providers to think of ways to stay ahead in the game. For the same reason, many providers will deliver a tailored range of services to their clients. Along with this, they will also invest in upgrading the skills of their accountants that complement the existing ones and eventually contribute to the growth of their client’s business as well as theirs. At IMS People, we have been using advanced technology and the latest software to offer bespoke accounting outsourcing for many years. Our experienced and efficient accountants ensure that we adhere to the international standards and deliver all the expectations of our clients. We also carry out robust administrative support in order to provide a complete accounting outsourcing service to our clients. Contact IMS People to avail these services. About IMS People: IMS People is a leading agency that offers end-to-end offshore services. These services include Offshore Accounting services, Offshore Recruitment services, and Offshore Property Preservation services. Our creative solutions to these services empower our clients to focus on their business and expand it considerably.
['Ims People']
2019-11-22 08:32:12.521000+00:00
['Outsourcing', 'Accounting Outsourcing', 'Outsourcing Services', 'Accounting']
Title Trends accounting outsourcing 2020Content Trends accounting outsourcing 2020 accounting outsourcing industry critical industry present time involves multiple function like recording analysing summarising reporting maintaining financial transaction business ought handled care Thus check trend industry observe upcoming year ie 2020 plan business strategy accordingly Accounting process recording analysing summarising reporting maintaining financial transaction business year term process accounting changed extensively many change upcoming year accounting service critical ought handled well many business prefer outsource service especially mediumsized one Outsourcing accounting service proven useful business Explore certain trend accounting outsourcing industry year 2020 Trends accounting outsourcing 1 Use advanced technology advent technology affected world many way contributed ease various operation made precise technology entering every premise also affecting accounting outsourcing service year 2020 much technological advancement service eventually contribute efficiency satisfactory deliverance service 2 Tailored accounting outsourcing service accounting outsourcing service gained lot importance recent time huge rise competition market many accounting outsourcing company deliver ace service minimal cost many company deliver tailored range service Thus quest best many company provide tailored range accounting outsourcing service year 2020 3 Welcome cloud computing Cloud computing common yet ondemand availability computer system resource especially term data storage computing power carried without direct active management user simple term data center midsize accounting outsourcing service company data center highly useful upcoming year company able access Great relief indeed 4 Social medium support digitallyobsessed world social medium play major role fact whole idea business shifted social medium platform gaining attention Thus upcoming year even accounting outsourcing service approach social medium support company providing service high potential reach huge clientele expand business Moreover platform serf good medium provide good customer care support well 5 Upgradation skill mentioned first point high competition major factor accounting outsourcing provider think way stay ahead game reason many provider deliver tailored range service client Along also invest upgrading skill accountant complement existing one eventually contribute growth client’s business well IMS People using advanced technology latest software offer bespoke accounting outsourcing many year experienced efficient accountant ensure adhere international standard deliver expectation client also carry robust administrative support order provide complete accounting outsourcing service client Contact IMS People avail service IMS People IMS People leading agency offer endtoend offshore service service include Offshore Accounting service Offshore Recruitment service Offshore Property Preservation service creative solution service empower client focus business expand considerablyTags Outsourcing Accounting Outsourcing Outsourcing Services Accounting
Value-based pricing — The top accountant’s secret weapon
Creating value for the customer not only retains loyalty, yet is a way to command a higher price for your knowledge, product or service. Yet, what does this value creation look like? There is one famous story that illustrates how one can charge more for simply knowing what to do. The famous automobile pioneer, Henry Ford, observed that one of the production lines within his factories had stopped working. To solve the problem, he asked the legendary electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla to remedy the issue. Upon arrival, Tesla immediately began to walk around the factory and check the machines. After a few minutes, he stopped, took a piece of chalk from his pocket, and made a white ‘X’ on the boilerplate in front of him. “That’s what you need to fix,” he said. Ford employees followed Tesla’s recommendations and production was up and running in less than an hour. Ford was thrilled about the resumption of production and asked Tesla to send him an invoice for his recommendations. The next day, Ford received the invoice for the amount of $10,000 (a vast sum at the time). Ford, stunned at the amount, asked Tesla to elaborate on how he could justify the high cost. Tesla replied, and wrote on the invoice: $1 for making the white ‘X’; $9,999 for knowing where to place the ‘X’. Tesla had demonstrated the value of his work. Now imagine if he had charged an hourly rate? How much would the amount be? It definitely would have not been $10,000. Not even close. How can one price a service in such a way that it demonstrates more value to your customers plus significantly increasing your revenue? Is it workable? If so, how can you do it? Typical ways to price accountancy services The following pricing types are the most used for accounting services: After using these pricing models for years, or even decades it is likely that you have not considered the disadvantages of using them. Disadvantages of hourly and volume accounting 1# Not seeing the value Both hourly and volume accounting can limit a company’s potential turnover and long-term profitability. Meaning it will be tougher to grow your accountancy practice. The 5 core challenges are: 2# Working faster yet making less profit Due to being unable to appreciate the customer value created — customers select accountants based on price alone. Meaning that the accountancy practices enter into a bidding war for customers. 3# Your work takes precedence over your business input In today’s technologically advanced world, the concept is to work more efficiently and achieve more in less time. However, by working faster, not only do you receive less pay, you end up burning out trying to get more done. As you work more quickly — you can do more, which ends up creating more stress — meaning you and your business suffer as a result. 4# Unable to justify an increase in pricing Customers begin to prioritise the number of entries you do or the time spent to complete tasks. They do not consider your input as an equal partner in managing the financial aspects of their business. If your value to a customer is so low, it is easy to replace your practice with a competitor. 5# Unable to build the right customer relationship If your business is mainly judged on the amount of work completed, then you are in a rather vulnerable position where it doesn’t matter who you are, how much do you know — your services are replaceable. Meaning that if you wish to raise your prices, your customers will look elsewhere to complete the same amount of work for a cheaper price. Lastly, in business, personal relationships are what truly matter. Meaning that the more personal communication and trust your practice can develop throughout a partnership, the more the customer will relate and appreciate your work. If your communication is solely based on receipts and expenses alone — it is hard to foster a client relationship so invaluable for maintaining a business. Relationship with an accountant lasts longer than an average marriage. Make your customers your partners, not your enemies. Value-based pricing — what is it? Value-based pricing is a pricing strategy of setting prices primarily based on a consumer’s perceived value of a product or service. Where it is successfully implemented, it will improve company profitability by generating higher rates without impacting sales volumes. What is value-based pricing? In value-based pricing, companies begin by working with their clients to get an understanding of their accounting and financial needs and concerns. As you complete the analysis, you identify where you can improve their business by demonstrating knowledge, experience and skillsets. Next, you calculate the revenue that you can earn or save for your client. You determine how much of it you will need to do (this becomes the fixed cost of the project). In the final assessment phase, you present to your client your findings. Placing emphasis on the value you create at each step, selling your services along the way. At the presentation’s end, the cost of the project should be evident to the client. The value highlighted alone should be enough to convince the customer of the merits of paying for your services. The concept behind value-based pricing is that you can take on more big-budget projects. These projects provide a stable platform for revenue growth without having to deal with smaller, more time-consuming tasks. The project has a clear goal that all necessary work done by your business will achieve for your client. What is the requirement for value-based pricing? You must have a belief of ​​what your business can offer, with well-described packages with prices for all your services. You do not quote prices publicly, with clients only knowing the project’s total cost. This way you remain flexible, and you can test the price limit with each new customer. The aim is to find the highest price that the market is willing to pay for the value you create. Secondly, you have the confidence and courage to value yourself. You will need to have the confidence to ask for a fee that can make your competitors and colleagues raise their eyebrows at. Value-based pricing — a working example: A customer’s business is plagued by constant shortages of money and suppliers’ debt. By doing preliminary analysis, you investigate the causes and formulate a plan on how to remedy the business. By crunching the numbers, it becomes evident that you will be able to manage their cash flow more efficiently save your customer £100,000 per year. 1. It broadens your approach to business You believe your value is worth at least 10% of that amount. 2. Customer know how much they are paying each month Thus, you set your minimum cost at £10,000. Yet, what value does your customer get? The Advantages of Value-Based Pricing 3. Your business becomes more stable A value-based approach makes you consider how to maximise the benefits for your customer. Even if you sell hours or volume, a customer will never buy those things from you — they will buy the result. Value-based pricing provides an opportunity to not only get the task done but other benefits including financial savings, streamlined resources and/or emotional satisfaction. Invoice amounts fluctuate with the amount of work completed or hours worked. Customers become concerned if they see a higher cost than they usually expect. 1. Being more than an accountant A package service, the cost of which is always agreed before work has begun, provides reassurance that the fee will not be a penny over that amount. Yet, clients know they are still receiving value for their fee. Value-based pricing provides you and your business with a solid easy-to-predict cash flow. Receiving a stable monthly fee is no longer dependent on how many hours worked. Instead, knowing that you have the same amount each month means you can focus on consulting your client and delivering better results. The Difficulties of Value-Based Pricing Whilst there is a tremendous amount to gain from value-based pricing, it does have its disadvantages. Is your company capable of thinking and acting with a new approach if you switch to value-based pricing? 2. Reinventing your business model The transition to value-based pricing will highlight the need for additional skills your business needs. Maybe you or your team don’t have them. You can no longer be a classic accountant with a penchant for crunching numbers and inputting them on spreadsheets. To get the full benefits of value-priced pricing, you will need to sell the bigger picture of how you will make a profit and to be able to sell this to a customer. 3. Bigger IT investment required Switching to value-based pricing means re-inventing the business model of your own business. This can result in large-scale changes. Staff will need to re-trained from being number-inputting accountants to financial business managers. Can your team adapt to this way of thinking? To avoid any breaks in business revenue, it is best to start value-based pricing with one or two clients first. This way, you evolve your business and don’t install too much change at once. 4. You need a lot of patience Value-based pricing prioritises customer consultation to maximise customer value being created. Meaning that accounting tasks cannot occupy your primary focus. Accountancy practices will need to invest more in their IT capabilities. Mainly because value-based pricing requires more automation of smaller tasks, plus the need for accessing real-time data. Can your business handle a significant investment in your IT infrastructure? A cloud-based platform is one solution as it is cheaper and has a substantial advantage that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere. “Patience is a virtue!” So goes the saying… Before you begin adopting a value-based pricing model, you will need to measure how much time it will take, and how profitable it will be for you. Uku is the perfect tool for time tracking and organising your tasks. To get an understanding on which tasks your team is completing for clients and how much time has been spent on each task/project/client. Practice managers and business owners will need the patience to determine how effective this strategy is. Plus, with a value-based approach, you will have to dig deep into the customer’s business. Meaning several months of negotiation, rigorous calculations, consulting with colleagues and presenting the project in a way that you can get your requested project fee. Conclusion Does value-based accounting look like a good fit for your business? Get my free trial Implementing this pricing method does need a mountain of preparatory work, yet even with the disadvantages listed above; moving to this model could increase both profitability and better work-life balances. Moreover, it is your opportunity to become a customer service creator that better builds businesses and earns both respect and increased revenue. Ready to work smarter? Sign up for a 30-day free trial and start identifying where your revenue is created and learn how much time you spend on tasks.
['David Bailey-Lauring']
2020-10-27 15:50:30.558000+00:00
['Pricing Strategy', 'Value Based Pricing', 'Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Accountant']
Title Valuebased pricing — top accountant’s secret weaponContent Creating value customer retains loyalty yet way command higher price knowledge product service Yet value creation look like one famous story illustrates one charge simply knowing famous automobile pioneer Henry Ford observed one production line within factory stopped working solve problem asked legendary electrical engineer physicist Nikola Tesla remedy issue Upon arrival Tesla immediately began walk around factory check machine minute stopped took piece chalk pocket made white ‘X’ boilerplate front “That’s need fix” said Ford employee followed Tesla’s recommendation production running le hour Ford thrilled resumption production asked Tesla send invoice recommendation next day Ford received invoice amount 10000 vast sum time Ford stunned amount asked Tesla elaborate could justify high cost Tesla replied wrote invoice 1 making white ‘X’ 9999 knowing place ‘X’ Tesla demonstrated value work imagine charged hourly rate much would amount definitely would 10000 even close one price service way demonstrates value customer plus significantly increasing revenue workable Typical way price accountancy service following pricing type used accounting service using pricing model year even decade likely considered disadvantage using Disadvantages hourly volume accounting 1 seeing value hourly volume accounting limit company’s potential turnover longterm profitability Meaning tougher grow accountancy practice 5 core challenge 2 Working faster yet making le profit Due unable appreciate customer value created — customer select accountant based price alone Meaning accountancy practice enter bidding war customer 3 work take precedence business input today’s technologically advanced world concept work efficiently achieve le time However working faster receive le pay end burning trying get done work quickly — end creating stress — meaning business suffer result 4 Unable justify increase pricing Customers begin prioritise number entry time spent complete task consider input equal partner managing financial aspect business value customer low easy replace practice competitor 5 Unable build right customer relationship business mainly judged amount work completed rather vulnerable position doesn’t matter much know — service replaceable Meaning wish raise price customer look elsewhere complete amount work cheaper price Lastly business personal relationship truly matter Meaning personal communication trust practice develop throughout partnership customer relate appreciate work communication solely based receipt expense alone — hard foster client relationship invaluable maintaining business Relationship accountant last longer average marriage Make customer partner enemy Valuebased pricing — Valuebased pricing pricing strategy setting price primarily based consumer’s perceived value product service successfully implemented improve company profitability generating higher rate without impacting sale volume valuebased pricing valuebased pricing company begin working client get understanding accounting financial need concern complete analysis identify improve business demonstrating knowledge experience skillsets Next calculate revenue earn save client determine much need becomes fixed cost project final assessment phase present client finding Placing emphasis value create step selling service along way presentation’s end cost project evident client value highlighted alone enough convince customer merit paying service concept behind valuebased pricing take bigbudget project project provide stable platform revenue growth without deal smaller timeconsuming task project clear goal necessary work done business achieve client requirement valuebased pricing must belief ​​what business offer welldescribed package price service quote price publicly client knowing project’s total cost way remain flexible test price limit new customer aim find highest price market willing pay value create Secondly confidence courage value need confidence ask fee make competitor colleague raise eyebrow Valuebased pricing — working example customer’s business plagued constant shortage money suppliers’ debt preliminary analysis investigate cause formulate plan remedy business crunching number becomes evident able manage cash flow efficiently save customer £100000 per year 1 broadens approach business believe value worth least 10 amount 2 Customer know much paying month Thus set minimum cost £10000 Yet value customer get Advantages ValueBased Pricing 3 business becomes stable valuebased approach make consider maximise benefit customer Even sell hour volume customer never buy thing — buy result Valuebased pricing provides opportunity get task done benefit including financial saving streamlined resource andor emotional satisfaction Invoice amount fluctuate amount work completed hour worked Customers become concerned see higher cost usually expect 1 accountant package service cost always agreed work begun provides reassurance fee penny amount Yet client know still receiving value fee Valuebased pricing provides business solid easytopredict cash flow Receiving stable monthly fee longer dependent many hour worked Instead knowing amount month mean focus consulting client delivering better result Difficulties ValueBased Pricing Whilst tremendous amount gain valuebased pricing disadvantage company capable thinking acting new approach switch valuebased pricing 2 Reinventing business model transition valuebased pricing highlight need additional skill business need Maybe team don’t longer classic accountant penchant crunching number inputting spreadsheet get full benefit valuepriced pricing need sell bigger picture make profit able sell customer 3 Bigger investment required Switching valuebased pricing mean reinventing business model business result largescale change Staff need retrained numberinputting accountant financial business manager team adapt way thinking avoid break business revenue best start valuebased pricing one two client first way evolve business don’t install much change 4 need lot patience Valuebased pricing prioritises customer consultation maximise customer value created Meaning accounting task cannot occupy primary focus Accountancy practice need invest capability Mainly valuebased pricing requires automation smaller task plus need accessing realtime data business handle significant investment infrastructure cloudbased platform one solution cheaper substantial advantage accessed anytime anywhere “Patience virtue” go saying… begin adopting valuebased pricing model need measure much time take profitable Uku perfect tool time tracking organising task get understanding task team completing client much time spent taskprojectclient Practice manager business owner need patience determine effective strategy Plus valuebased approach dig deep customer’s business Meaning several month negotiation rigorous calculation consulting colleague presenting project way get requested project fee Conclusion valuebased accounting look like good fit business Get free trial Implementing pricing method need mountain preparatory work yet even disadvantage listed moving model could increase profitability better worklife balance Moreover opportunity become customer service creator better build business earns respect increased revenue Ready work smarter Sign 30day free trial start identifying revenue created learn much time spend tasksTags Pricing Strategy Value Based Pricing Accounting Accounting Software Accountant
Import QIF into Quicken 2005–2019
To import QIF into Quicken (to import a QIF file into Quicken 2005–2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), you need to create a correct QIF file and follow the instructions below. QIF and QFX format Quicken imports QIF and QFX (Web Connect) files with transactions. Once Quicken becomes three years old, it stops import QFX (Web Connect) files. Investing in a converter that creates QIF files from your CSV or OFX or QFX or QBO files is a good idea because you keep using your Quicken version until you see features worthy upgrade to new Quicken version. QXF format There is also QXF files that you do not want. Unlike QFX (Web Connect) and QIF files, QXF replaces whole data file and can create only from another Quicken that is the same year and the same platform (PC/Mac) as you have. QIF and QFX (web connect) files add transactions to your Quicken file, not replace them. Yes, Quicken says QIF files are not supported, but yes, QIF files correctly prepared are importable directly into bank or credit account in Quicken. Import QIF into Quicken gives you the ability to supply transactions, as QFX (Web Connect) format does not provide them. QIF files should be created either by CSV2QIF — CSV to QIF converter — or Bank2QIF — Bank to QIF Converter — or PDF2QIF — you can use Bank2QIF to ‘fix’ your QIF as well. Quicken 2005–2014, 2017, 2018, 2019? You are fine Quicken 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 import QIF files fine for all account types. Your QIF file must be correctly created to import directly into an account you need it to import, and CSV2QIF helps you create such QIF files. When you convert a CSV file to QIF using CSV2QIF, enter the account name exactly as you have in Quicken and select the account type (Bank for checking and savings accounts, CCard for credit card accounts, Invest for investment accounts). When you convert a bank file (OFX, QFX, QIF, QBO) to QIF using Bank2QIF (Bank to QIF Converter), load the file and click on the Account Mapping tab and enter the account name as you have in Quicken for each listed account. Once you saved the QIF file, do the following: Start Quicken and click File, then File Import, then QIF file. On the import screen, select from the account drop-down list. Ignore the Quicken message about QIF limitations. Review your imported transactions (Done!). What about Quicken 2015 and 2016? Quicken 2015, 2016 have the limitation with QIF import for bank and credit card accounts. You have to use a workaround with a proxy cash account, import transactions there, and then move transactions under a bank or credit account. There a separate tutorial for this conversion and import.
['Sergiy Tytarenko']
2019-11-13 15:01:03.407000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Import', 'Converter']
Title Import QIF Quicken 2005–2019Content import QIF Quicken import QIF file Quicken 2005–2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 need create correct QIF file follow instruction QIF QFX format Quicken import QIF QFX Web Connect file transaction Quicken becomes three year old stop import QFX Web Connect file Investing converter creates QIF file CSV OFX QFX QBO file good idea keep using Quicken version see feature worthy upgrade new Quicken version QXF format also QXF file want Unlike QFX Web Connect QIF file QXF replaces whole data file create another Quicken year platform PCMac QIF QFX web connect file add transaction Quicken file replace Yes Quicken say QIF file supported yes QIF file correctly prepared importable directly bank credit account Quicken Import QIF Quicken give ability supply transaction QFX Web Connect format provide QIF file created either CSV2QIF — CSV QIF converter — Bank2QIF — Bank QIF Converter — PDF2QIF — use Bank2QIF ‘fix’ QIF well Quicken 2005–2014 2017 2018 2019 fine Quicken 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2017 2018 2019 import QIF file fine account type QIF file must correctly created import directly account need import CSV2QIF help create QIF file convert CSV file QIF using CSV2QIF enter account name exactly Quicken select account type Bank checking saving account CCard credit card account Invest investment account convert bank file OFX QFX QIF QBO QIF using Bank2QIF Bank QIF Converter load file click Account Mapping tab enter account name Quicken listed account saved QIF file following Start Quicken click File File Import QIF file import screen select account dropdown list Ignore Quicken message QIF limitation Review imported transaction Done Quicken 2015 2016 Quicken 2015 2016 limitation QIF import bank credit card account use workaround proxy cash account import transaction move transaction bank credit account separate tutorial conversion importTags Accounting Accounting Software Import Converter
Ind AS 40 | Indian Accounting Standard-Investment Property | Summary
The answer is No. Aren’t you Surprised? On one hand, it’s 100% true that you are required to apply IND AS 16 for most of your long-term tangible assets, but it’s not the hard and fast rule for long term assets. In this article, I am going to try to prove this myth wrong. Except for IND AS 16, we have a few other Indian accounting standards which are arranging the long term assets. IND AS 40 Investment Property is one of them. In today’s article, you’ll be going to learn: Accounting for IND AS 40: Investment Property The accounting for IND AS 40 Investment Property is VERY identical to that of IND AS 16 (Property, Plant and Equipment), IND AS 40 Investment Property prescribes lays down the accounting treatment and disclosure with respect to investment property. But the question arises, what is an investment property? The investment property is now no doubt a land, a building (or a part of it), or both, if they are held for the following specific purposes: Here, In this standard, the strong impact is given on purpose. If you are holding a building or land for any of the following objectives, then it can never be classified as an investment property: For production or supply of goods or services as per your business model, For administrative purposes in office premises, or For sale in the ordinary course of business. If you’re using your building or land for the first 2 purposes, then you should without any doubt apply IND AS 16; and the standard IND AS 2 Inventories when you are using them for the sale in the ordinary course of business. So, what can be classified as investment property? Here are a couple of examples: The land is held as an investment for a long-term capital gain, or for future “not ascertained use” (i.e. you don’t know yet how you are going to use it in the future). However, if you buy a land or building and you intend to build some cinema hall for your own business purposes sometime in the future period, then this land is NOT called as an investment property. A building that is owned by the entity and leased out under operating leases. This includes a building that is still vacant, but you are going to plan to lease it out. Any property that you are actually getting constructed or developed for future use as an investment property. Be careful here again, because when you are constructing a building for some customers in your ordinary course of business, this is NOT an investment property, but you should apply IND AS 115 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The cost of investment property includes: Operating losses that you incur before planned possession is achieved, and Abnormal waste of material, labor or other resources incurred on construction Deferred Payment for investment Property should be recorded at present value which is equivalent to the cash price of the property for investment Property should be recorded at present value which is equivalent to the cash price of the property Start-up expenses. However, if these start-up expenses are directly attributable to the item of investment property, then you can include them. General Startup expenses are not included in the cost of Investment Property Let me just mention that actually, you can classify assets held under finance lease as an investment property and in this case, it’s initial cost is calculated in accordance with IND AS 17. Option 1: Fair value model To measure at cost, if investment property has not yet completed and is under construction; or To measure using the cost model, if the investment property has completed. Can you actually switch from a fair value model to a cost model or vice versa from the cost model to a fair value model? The answer is YES, but only if the change results in the financial statements providing better, more reliable information about the company’s financial position, results, and other events. What does it mean in practice? There are high chances or it is most likely probable that Switching from the cost model to a fair value model would probably meet the condition and therefore, you can do it whenever you’re sure that you’ll be able to ascertain the fair value regularly and the fair value model fits better manner. However, the opposite change — switch from fair value model to cost model — is highly unlikely that financial statements will provide you more reliable presentation. Therefore, it is advisable you should not really switch it, and if — rarely and for good reasons. Transfers from investment property to business usage So, what shall be the accounting treatment in this case? It depends on the type of transfer and the accounting choice for your investment property. If you opted to account for your investment property at the cost model, then there’s no problem with the transfers, you simply continue with what you did (i.e., WDV value of assets shall be the cost of the investment property. However, if you picked up a fair value model, then it’s a bit more complex: Derecognition of investment property The derecognition rules (=when you can remove your investment property from your book of accounts) in IND AS 40 is very similar to the rules given in IND AS 16. You can derecognize your investment property in the following two circumstances: On disposal, or When the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its usage. You need to calculate gain or loss on disposal as a difference between: Gain or loss on disposal shall be recognized in profit or loss. IND AS 40 Investment property lays down a lot of disclosures to be presented in the financial statements, including the description of the selected model, how the fair value was calculated, what the classification criteria for investment property are, movements in investment property during the reporting period.
['Prashant Kumar']
2019-11-27 16:25:21.011000+00:00
['Investing', 'Accounting']
Title Ind 40 Indian Accounting StandardInvestment Property SummaryContent answer Aren’t Surprised one hand it’s 100 true required apply IND 16 longterm tangible asset it’s hard fast rule long term asset article going try prove myth wrong Except IND 16 Indian accounting standard arranging long term asset IND 40 Investment Property one today’s article you’ll going learn Accounting IND 40 Investment Property accounting IND 40 Investment Property identical IND 16 Property Plant Equipment IND 40 Investment Property prescribes lay accounting treatment disclosure respect investment property question arises investment property investment property doubt land building part held following specific purpose standard strong impact given purpose holding building land following objective never classified investment property production supply good service per business model administrative purpose office premise sale ordinary course business you’re using building land first 2 purpose without doubt apply IND 16 standard IND 2 Inventories using sale ordinary course business classified investment property couple example land held investment longterm capital gain future “not ascertained use” ie don’t know yet going use future However buy land building intend build cinema hall business purpose sometime future period land called investment property building owned entity leased operating lease includes building still vacant going plan lease property actually getting constructed developed future use investment property careful constructing building customer ordinary course business investment property apply IND 115 Revenue Contracts Customers cost investment property includes Operating loss incur planned possession achieved Abnormal waste material labor resource incurred construction Deferred Payment investment Property recorded present value equivalent cash price property investment Property recorded present value equivalent cash price property Startup expense However startup expense directly attributable item investment property include General Startup expense included cost Investment Property Let mention actually classify asset held finance lease investment property case it’s initial cost calculated accordance IND 17 Option 1 Fair value model measure cost investment property yet completed construction measure using cost model investment property completed actually switch fair value model cost model vice versa cost model fair value model answer YES change result financial statement providing better reliable information company’s financial position result event mean practice high chance likely probable Switching cost model fair value model would probably meet condition therefore whenever you’re sure you’ll able ascertain fair value regularly fair value model fit better manner However opposite change — switch fair value model cost model — highly unlikely financial statement provide reliable presentation Therefore advisable really switch — rarely good reason Transfers investment property business usage shall accounting treatment case depends type transfer accounting choice investment property opted account investment property cost model there’s problem transfer simply continue ie WDV value asset shall cost investment property However picked fair value model it’s bit complex Derecognition investment property derecognition rule remove investment property book account IND 40 similar rule given IND 16 derecognize investment property following two circumstance disposal investment property permanently withdrawn use future economic benefit expected usage need calculate gain loss disposal difference Gain loss disposal shall recognized profit loss IND 40 Investment property lay lot disclosure presented financial statement including description selected model fair value calculated classification criterion investment property movement investment property reporting periodTags Investing Accounting
Preparing Your Small Business for the Holiday Season
Preparing Your Small Business for the Holiday Season It’s the end of October and most likely your local grocery store already spots some Christmas decorations. If you are a business owner eventually you will have to get into the holiday spirit too and you will have all those heightened sales to reward you for your efforts. Keep on reading to make this holiday season your best one yet. Why Holidays are a very unique time. It’s a season when individuals, businesses and communities suddenly start to focus more on loyalty, family, gratitude, relationships and the intangible. What does it mean for your business? It means several things, the most crucial of them is that it’s a time when you can build loyalty with your customers. Sure, you might think that all those Black Friday and Boxing Day deals are primarily a way to cash in a big check before the New Year’s. But why not look at it from another perspective and think of what it means to your customers? What Among different ways to build loyalty are things like personalized newsletters (think paper mail, handwritten, glitter — the sky is the limit). I once found a letter from a CEO of a toothpaste company neatly packed into the box and I still think of it every now and then, while sticking to buying that very same toothpaste. Another thing is the giveaways. Think about rewarding your customers for sharing why they love your product, how it changed their approach to every day things or ask them to share any story they might have to share. Reward them. Make it free. Social media. Don’t use it to advertise. Use it to talk. Talk about why you do what you do, who inspires you, who takes what you do to the next level. How Right now is a perfect time for creating a strategy. One idea is to write a (bi)weekly list with your priorities up until Dec 31. For example, it can look like this: Oct 21–27 finalize Black Friday strategy. Stock up on swag and gift cards to giveaway. Nov 4–10 organize a Christmas redesign of your store/website/wrapping. Nov 18–24 finalize the Christmas discount strategy. Plan a surprise for clients. Remember to enjoy the holidays and plan everything as much in advance as possible so that on the days that matter most to you and your family you can enjoy them to the fullest while maintaining the best image your business has.
['Synder Business', 'Accounting Blog']
2019-11-15 08:03:16.180000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Holiday Season', 'Finance', 'Quickbooks', 'Quickbooks Online']
Title Preparing Small Business Holiday SeasonContent Preparing Small Business Holiday Season It’s end October likely local grocery store already spot Christmas decoration business owner eventually get holiday spirit heightened sale reward effort Keep reading make holiday season best one yet Holidays unique time It’s season individual business community suddenly start focus loyalty family gratitude relationship intangible mean business mean several thing crucial it’s time build loyalty customer Sure might think Black Friday Boxing Day deal primarily way cash big check New Year’s look another perspective think mean customer Among different way build loyalty thing like personalized newsletter think paper mail handwritten glitter — sky limit found letter CEO toothpaste company neatly packed box still think every sticking buying toothpaste Another thing giveaway Think rewarding customer sharing love product changed approach every day thing ask share story might share Reward Make free Social medium Don’t use advertise Use talk Talk inspires take next level Right perfect time creating strategy One idea write biweekly list priority Dec 31 example look like Oct 21–27 finalize Black Friday strategy Stock swag gift card giveaway Nov 4–10 organize Christmas redesign storewebsitewrapping Nov 18–24 finalize Christmas discount strategy Plan surprise client Remember enjoy holiday plan everything much advance possible day matter family enjoy fullest maintaining best image business hasTags Accounting Holiday Season Finance Quickbooks Quickbooks Online
Import investment transactions into Quicken
Import investment transactions into Quicken Required source format for your transactions It should be CSV or Excel file. Converter to use Use CSV2QIF. Required columns on your CSV/Excel file Your CSV file should have the following columns: date amount price quantity full security name investment action (BUY, SELL, etc.) commission (optional) The first line should be column names as specified above — CSV2QIF will detect them assign to appropriate columns. The Security Name column should have the security NAME as you have it in Quicken. Quicken will use the name supplied on the QIF file to locate or create the security record. It is not a ticker symbol or a CUSIP number. Investment action codes Code Description Buy A security Buy BuyX A security Buy and transfer of cash from another account Sell A security Sell SellX A security Sell and transfer of proceeds from another account CGLong Long-term capital gains CGLongX Long-term capital gains and transfer of proceeds to another account CGMid Mid-term capital gains CGMidX Mid-term capital gains and transfer of proceeds to another account CGShort Short Term Capital Gains CGShortX Short-term capital gains and transfer of proceeds to another account Div Dividend DivX Dividend and transfer to another account IntInc Interest Income IntIncX Interest Income and transfer to another account ReinvDiv Dividend reinvested ReinvInt Interest Income Reinvested ReinvLg Long-term capital gains Reinvested ReinvMd Midterm capital gains Reinvested ReinvSh Short-term capital gains Reinvested XIn Transfer of cash into the account XOut Transfer of cash out of the account MiscExp Misc Expense MiscExpX Misc Expense covered by another account MiscInc Misc Income, optionally associated with a security MiscIncX Misc Income and transfer from another account
['Sergiy Tytarenko']
2019-11-15 15:01:03.530000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Transactions', 'Import']
Title Import investment transaction QuickenContent Import investment transaction Quicken Required source format transaction CSV Excel file Converter use Use CSV2QIF Required column CSVExcel file CSV file following column date amount price quantity full security name investment action BUY SELL etc commission optional first line column name specified — CSV2QIF detect assign appropriate column Security Name column security NAME Quicken Quicken use name supplied QIF file locate create security record ticker symbol CUSIP number Investment action code Code Description Buy security Buy BuyX security Buy transfer cash another account Sell security Sell SellX security Sell transfer proceeds another account CGLong Longterm capital gain CGLongX Longterm capital gain transfer proceeds another account CGMid Midterm capital gain CGMidX Midterm capital gain transfer proceeds another account CGShort Short Term Capital Gains CGShortX Shortterm capital gain transfer proceeds another account Div Dividend DivX Dividend transfer another account IntInc Interest Income IntIncX Interest Income transfer another account ReinvDiv Dividend reinvested ReinvInt Interest Income Reinvested ReinvLg Longterm capital gain Reinvested ReinvMd Midterm capital gain Reinvested ReinvSh Shortterm capital gain Reinvested XIn Transfer cash account XOut Transfer cash account MiscExp Misc Expense MiscExpX Misc Expense covered another account MiscInc Misc Income optionally associated security MiscIncX Misc Income transfer another accountTags Accounting Accounting Software Transactions Import
Best SaaS Startup Finance Resources
Best SaaS Startup Finance Resources Last updated in May 2020 Because of COVID-19 I have added the following resources at the top here: A Startup CEO Playbook — How To Keep Your Company Alive | By Steve Blank How to Run Your Startup in a Recession | By Rahul Vohra Founder/CEO SaaS Financial Model — Budget to Actuals and PPP/EIDL Loan Calculator Extend Your Cash Runway by Taking These Steps Right Now | By OpenView VC The New Rules of Growth vs. Profitability | By NFX VC Advice to founders/startups during these times Six Startup Disciplines for Challenging Times How Startups Should Think About Capital Efficiency Wartime SaaS Forecasting Cash is King: Cash Flows, Balances, & Buffer Days | By JP Morgan Chase Best Practices on Building Your Financial Model (and Common Mistakes to Avoid!) | By VillageCapital Enterprise Startups: How to Weather the Storm The advice I wish I would have listened to in 2008 can help someone today On Being a Wartime CEO, Context How to scenario plan for Covid-19 How to Survive these crazy days and what to learn from them
['Ninan Thampy']
2020-12-04 16:07:30.735000+00:00
['Startup', 'Finance', 'Accounting', 'SaaS', 'VC']
Title Best SaaS Startup Finance ResourcesContent Best SaaS Startup Finance Resources Last updated May 2020 COVID19 added following resource top Startup CEO Playbook — Keep Company Alive Steve Blank Run Startup Recession Rahul Vohra FounderCEO SaaS Financial Model — Budget Actuals PPPEIDL Loan Calculator Extend Cash Runway Taking Steps Right OpenView VC New Rules Growth v Profitability NFX VC Advice foundersstartups time Six Startup Disciplines Challenging Times Startups Think Capital Efficiency Wartime SaaS Forecasting Cash King Cash Flows Balances Buffer Days JP Morgan Chase Best Practices Building Financial Model Common Mistakes Avoid VillageCapital Enterprise Startups Weather Storm advice wish would listened 2008 help someone today Wartime CEO Context scenario plan Covid19 Survive crazy day learn themTags Startup Finance Accounting SaaS VC
Top Accounting Solution Companies 2019
Several trends have disrupted the accounting house within the recent past and finance companies are attempting their best to make sure they exploit their edges to the fullest. one among the terms to own caught the flowery of most monetary organizations nowadays is cloud accounting. tiny and enormous organizations alike happiness to myriad sectors wish to leverage the advantages of cloud infrastructure to secure their information and facilitate accountants connect nearly. additionally, automation of bequest accounting practices is that the want of the hour among most enterprises nowadays since they’ll be vastly helpful in saving hours spent in manual information entry. Finance companies square measure currently seeking the help of leading vendors to leverage the advantages of the virtual infrastructure, shun existing bequest practices and move towards higher information management. The rising want of amalgamating trendy technological trends with ancient accounting practices prompted our editorial board to conduct a comprehensive study of leading accounting resolution suppliers globally. Their efforts have resulted during this magazine, a compilation of leading vendor companies UN agency have graven a distinct segment by delivering innovative solutions. we tend to hope our reader phase, comprising of call manufacturers of leading enterprises, vastly get pleasure from the collaborations with these vendors. Here is a list of Top Accounting Technology Companies in 2019. 1.AccountsIQ: Specializes in SaaS-based fintech platform for accounting, consolidation, and business intelligence. Check Out: https://accountsiq.com/ 2. Aplos Software: Specializes in SaaS solutions for nonprofit organizations and churches for fund accounting and other accounting services. Check Out: https://www.aplos.com/ 3.Aptitude Software: Specializes in best-in-class software suites for financial compliance and process streamlining. Check Out: https://www.aptitudesoftware.com/ 4. AvidExchange: AvidXchange brings in a unique way companies pay their bills, giving them the power to reduce processing costs, accelerate approvals, and virtually eliminate paper. Check Out: https://www.avidxchange.com/ 5.Botkeeper: A robotic bookkeeper to manage the bookkeeping needs of businesses through machine learning and integration of systems. Check Out: https://www.botkeeper.com/ 6.LeaseAccelerator: LeaseAccelerator provides enterprise lease accounting software to help companies comply with ASC 842 and IFRS 16. Check Out: https://explore.leaseaccelerator.com/ 7.Yooz: A fast-growing, multiple award-winning SaaS company that solves top invoice processing challenges for today’s accounting professionals through workflow automation. Check Out: https://www.getyooz.com/……..Read More
['Emma Elice']
2019-11-29 05:21:12.767000+00:00
['Xero', 'Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Technology', 'Technews']
Title Top Accounting Solution Companies 2019Content Several trend disrupted accounting house within recent past finance company attempting best make sure exploit edge fullest one among term caught flowery monetary organization nowadays cloud accounting tiny enormous organization alike happiness myriad sector wish leverage advantage cloud infrastructure secure information facilitate accountant connect nearly additionally automation bequest accounting practice want hour among enterprise nowadays since they’ll vastly helpful saving hour spent manual information entry Finance company square measure currently seeking help leading vendor leverage advantage virtual infrastructure shun existing bequest practice move towards higher information management rising want amalgamating trendy technological trend ancient accounting practice prompted editorial board conduct comprehensive study leading accounting resolution supplier globally effort resulted magazine compilation leading vendor company UN agency graven distinct segment delivering innovative solution tend hope reader phase comprising call manufacturer leading enterprise vastly get pleasure collaboration vendor list Top Accounting Technology Companies 2019 1AccountsIQ Specializes SaaSbased fintech platform accounting consolidation business intelligence Check httpsaccountsiqcom 2 Aplos Software Specializes SaaS solution nonprofit organization church fund accounting accounting service Check httpswwwaploscom 3Aptitude Software Specializes bestinclass software suite financial compliance process streamlining Check httpswwwaptitudesoftwarecom 4 AvidExchange AvidXchange brings unique way company pay bill giving power reduce processing cost accelerate approval virtually eliminate paper Check httpswwwavidxchangecom 5Botkeeper robotic bookkeeper manage bookkeeping need business machine learning integration system Check httpswwwbotkeepercom 6LeaseAccelerator LeaseAccelerator provides enterprise lease accounting software help company comply ASC 842 IFRS 16 Check httpsexploreleaseacceleratorcom 7Yooz fastgrowing multiple awardwinning SaaS company solves top invoice processing challenge today’s accounting professional workflow automation Check httpswwwgetyoozcom……Read MoreTags Xero Accounting Accounting Software Technology Technews
How Operations Creates Profit
Streamlining leads to higher profits. Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash Cory Walker started out at Humana Insurance as a temporary worker who was promoted to customer service. He was recently promoted again, this time to Accountant 2 (which he informed me is actually a higher position than Accountant 1). His responsibilities in this role fall under the operations umbrella, so I asked him about specifics to see what I could learn. 1. In what way does your role bring value to the company? We oversee three regions of the U.S.: Central, Northeast, and Puerto Rico. We are responsible for the claims and provider settlements that come in. We make sure the regions are still profitable and implement proper rules and projections as needed. In terms of making processes more efficient, I do both the idea funneling and the implementation. I have complete control over my support files so if I can streamline a process, that’s good. I can’t make company and departmental decisions. Those are mostly predetermined based on contracts and we don’t make the contracts. I’m assuming the sales teams handle those contracts since they are prenegotiated. 2. What is the most important way you bring value to the role? I would say overall I’m more efficient on the tech side. I’m good at streamlining support and creating efficient processes, more so than the accounting logic. I know the basics of accounting but not enough to say that’s my most valuable skill. 3. In what ways does your role overlap with customer support? We don’t work directly with a member or customer like support does. Our support would be for our regions and the people who oversee those regions. We’re in contact monthly with the people in Puerto Rico and we make sure they’re happy. Those are our customers that we provide support to. We are more behind the scenes than support because they’re constantly making calls to customers. 4. What is a hard skill you should know before going into this role? The only thing that’s constant is that everything’s always changing. Being able to adapt to constant change is a must. Learning the ins and outs of insurance and how it intertwines with working with the government is also helpful. A tech skill that would be useful is typing out Sequel scripts. I had to learn. It was new to Humana — we use an access database and we transitioned to Sequel. It was hard, but it’s a lot easier once you learn it all. That’s one of the bigger ways to move up is by becoming more efficient with coding and developing processes. Another would be Excel. I learned Excel on the fly. 5. Do you ever have an idea for streamlining that you aren’t able to implement? It depends. We get support from the service fund — what we do corrects the mistakes they make. If they could streamline their process it would lessen our work a little bit. The company gives out awards every year for people who find ways to improve and bring significant value. I just transitioned in October to this new role. I was on the premium side, and now I know the claims, which go hand in hand. I was on more of a product level before. 6. Did knowing the product help your transition into this new role? They actually found me and asked if I wanted the job before they posted it. I was under a manager who left a year ago. When I got back from paternity leave, she reached out to me and asked if I wanted this position on her new team. So now I have the same manager I had before. It was more of a networking thing, but I definitely had the chance to show her my work habits in my previous role.
['Brandy Drzymkowski']
2019-11-26 20:16:40.279000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Career Advice', 'Operations', 'Careers', 'Career Change']
Title Operations Creates ProfitContent Streamlining lead higher profit Photo NeONBRAND Unsplash Cory Walker started Humana Insurance temporary worker promoted customer service recently promoted time Accountant 2 informed actually higher position Accountant 1 responsibility role fall operation umbrella asked specific see could learn 1 way role bring value company oversee three region US Central Northeast Puerto Rico responsible claim provider settlement come make sure region still profitable implement proper rule projection needed term making process efficient idea funneling implementation complete control support file streamline process that’s good can’t make company departmental decision mostly predetermined based contract don’t make contract I’m assuming sale team handle contract since prenegotiated 2 important way bring value role would say overall I’m efficient tech side I’m good streamlining support creating efficient process accounting logic know basic accounting enough say that’s valuable skill 3 way role overlap customer support don’t work directly member customer like support support would region people oversee region We’re contact monthly people Puerto Rico make sure they’re happy customer provide support behind scene support they’re constantly making call customer 4 hard skill know going role thing that’s constant everything’s always changing able adapt constant change must Learning in out insurance intertwines working government also helpful tech skill would useful typing Sequel script learn new Humana — use access database transitioned Sequel hard it’s lot easier learn That’s one bigger way move becoming efficient coding developing process Another would Excel learned Excel fly 5 ever idea streamlining aren’t able implement depends get support service fund — corrects mistake make could streamline process would lessen work little bit company give award every year people find way improve bring significant value transitioned October new role premium side know claim go hand hand product level 6 knowing product help transition new role actually found asked wanted job posted manager left year ago got back paternity leave reached asked wanted position new team manager networking thing definitely chance show work habit previous roleTags Accounting Career Advice Operations Careers Career Change
The best accounting project topics reviewed
The best accounting project topics reviewed To do a review points to assessing the make-up of an entity not excluding the rights and wrongs that it embodies. Accounting, being at the top of our list today will be taking us round the academic realm of research with specifics to the review of some accounting project topics which I hope you find helpful to your undergraduate project research as a finalist in the university. The review will not just end with the discussion of the undergraduate project content, provisions will be made so you too can have direct access to the full research copy of each project topic for better enlightenment. The accounting project topics under review Assessment of the effectiveness of accounting information as a tool for management decision This accounting project topic summarily demystifies the place of, and the effectiveness of accounting in management decisions of any organization. As expected, every successful organization works with plans for sustainability and growth; with this in view, strategic plans are made towards reaching the afore mentioned goal including keeping record of every detail and data that could amount to meaningful result anytime in the future when the need will arise for further planning and decision making. When this happens over time and as clients’ preferences begins to change, organization and indeed their management plan ahead to meet up with the emerging trends in line with clients’ preferences. This accounting project topic has a complete project written about it in about 80pages and five chapters. The method of data gathering for this project research is questionnaire. You will find it useful for related accounting project topics. Evaluation of effective financial management in a computerized accounting system The fact that technology facilitates human efforts should no longer be over emphasized. Financial management as it were, did not see light beyond pen and paper until computers and modern technology can to play and as a matter of fact, financial management becomes even easier. The banking sector is one of the biggest sectors that has experienced drastic change in its procedure for financial records and management. The effectiveness is has created in their daily transactions and customer care is second to none. The full project material of this accounting project topic is available here having over 70 pages in carefully researched five chapters project. The impact of tax on government capital expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria While some countries can do without tax, some can’t for some reasons. Tax is one of the keynote sources of revenue for many countries, while some is high, some could be very low. These taxes are generated from workers income usually referred to as income tax, tariffs on imported goods and one generated from companies. For emphasis, a full research has been done on this project topic in complete full research.
2019-11-27 20:29:32.540000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Project Topics', 'Accounting Project Topics', 'Research Project']
Title best accounting project topic reviewedContent best accounting project topic reviewed review point assessing makeup entity excluding right wrong embodies Accounting top list today taking u round academic realm research specific review accounting project topic hope find helpful undergraduate project research finalist university review end discussion undergraduate project content provision made direct access full research copy project topic better enlightenment accounting project topic review Assessment effectiveness accounting information tool management decision accounting project topic summarily demystifies place effectiveness accounting management decision organization expected every successful organization work plan sustainability growth view strategic plan made towards reaching afore mentioned goal including keeping record every detail data could amount meaningful result anytime future need arise planning decision making happens time clients’ preference begin change organization indeed management plan ahead meet emerging trend line clients’ preference accounting project topic complete project written 80pages five chapter method data gathering project research questionnaire find useful related accounting project topic Evaluation effective financial management computerized accounting system fact technology facilitates human effort longer emphasized Financial management see light beyond pen paper computer modern technology play matter fact financial management becomes even easier banking sector one biggest sector experienced drastic change procedure financial record management effectiveness created daily transaction customer care second none full project material accounting project topic available 70 page carefully researched five chapter project impact tax government capital expenditure economic growth Nigeria country without tax can’t reason Tax one keynote source revenue many country high could low tax generated worker income usually referred income tax tariff imported good one generated company emphasis full research done project topic complete full researchTags Accounting Project Topics Accounting Project Topics Research Project
Benefits of Bank Reconciliation
Benefits of Bank Reconciliation Bank reconciliations are an important accounting procedure, performed by companies of all sizes, to match the cash balance of the bank with the balance found on the company’s financial records. Reconciliations can detect and prevent intentional fraud, along with errors by bank tellers, accountants, employees, and management. Although bank reconciliation is typically a month-end procedure, companies with smaller cash resources might perform it daily. Detects Fraud: Because bank reconciliations match a company’s disbursed checks with the cleared checks on the company’s bank statement, a careful review based on appropriate controls and procedures helps to reveal fraudulent activities. These could include payments for illegitimate business purposes, payments to unauthorized employees or unauthorized vendors, and amended check amounts and details. Prevents Overdraft: The lag time between cash outflows — to vendors and employees — and payments coming in — from clients and customers — can vary considerably. This is especially important when a company is operating on very low cash reserves. Regular bank reconciliations can help management postpone payments that would result in company overdrafts, bounced checks and insufficient-fund fees and interest.
['Rose Milken']
2019-11-26 10:07:59.239000+00:00
Title Benefits Bank ReconciliationContent Benefits Bank Reconciliation Bank reconciliation important accounting procedure performed company size match cash balance bank balance found company’s financial record Reconciliations detect prevent intentional fraud along error bank teller accountant employee management Although bank reconciliation typically monthend procedure company smaller cash resource might perform daily Detects Fraud bank reconciliation match company’s disbursed check cleared check company’s bank statement careful review based appropriate control procedure help reveal fraudulent activity could include payment illegitimate business purpose payment unauthorized employee unauthorized vendor amended check amount detail Prevents Overdraft lag time cash outflow — vendor employee — payment coming — client customer — vary considerably especially important company operating low cash reserve Regular bank reconciliation help management postpone payment would result company overdraft bounced check insufficientfund fee interestTags Accounting
Meet the team: Head of Finance/Treasury — Donald Scerri
In this series we will take some time to get to know Team Laskaris professionally and personally. Evolving into a bank that is customer centric Laskaris aims to build strong personal bonds with our clients and that starts from sharing more about ourselves. Professional Bio Mr Scerri comes to Laskaris with over 15 years of experience in accountancy and corporate finance. After obtaining a Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons) focused in Accounting from University of Malta, Mr Scerri, started his early career within one of the big four, EY. In this role Donald was actively responsible for the auditing of banks, insurance firms along with retail and manufacture companies. It was this role that inspired him further to lean towards the banking sector. His next role was with the Commonwealth Bank, one of Australias’ leading banks, where he was responsible for management of accounts, MFSA compliance reporting and Australian Prudential Reporting Authority reporting. Beyond the early days, Mr Scerri’s career has since further exposed him to a wealth of experience within corporate finance and capital markets. He has been Treasury Manager of BMW Group; A financial director of an investment service provider; an esteemed Financial Advisor at RSM as well as a CFO at Oneka Asset Management, a private equity firm. In each of these roles, Mr Scerri is renowned as the numbers guy, responsible for all financial reporting, cash flows, accounting teams as well as compliance. Mr Scerri’s industry knowledge gives him firm footing into understanding everything a bank or financial institution needs to operate. His skills in financial reporting, financial analysis and hands on approach to compliance and running a finance department makes him a key figure within Laskaris organisation. Mr Donald Scerri — Head of Finance/Treasury Laskaris Getting to Know Donald… What is your favorite thing about your career? I’ve done so much in my career already but one of the favourite things I can attribute to my career has been the exposure and personal ambitions I obtain from the roles I’ve held. For example, from my role as an audit manager with EY I realized how much I enjoy going for long term foreign secondments. When I worked as a Financial Controller in various companies such as a Bank, an investment institution, head of Treasury of Multinational company, private equity and construction, I realized my own ambitions and after advising many customers on various feasibility studies and loan proposals I also executed my own construction project. What is your proudest accomplishment? It’s related to sports. I was so happy as a young teenager playing for Mosta FC as a captain and with the Maltese national team. What’s your favorite holiday? My favourite holiday is going outside Europe. Somewhere far where I know nothing and can get lost. I enjoyed all my trips to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan and USA. I also like short skiing holidays in Europe. What is your favourite food? My favourite food is fish in general. Not a big fan of seafood though… more into real fish…like a Pesche Di San Pietro, Gallina, Pagru, Pagell etc. I like sashimi too and so does my daughter. She can eat Sushi every day just like me. Is your glass half full or half empty? This is an easy one. Always half full. I am a positive person who never gives up. Who is your biggest inspiration? I am impressed by successful people who become legends be it in music, sports, politics, business or any other field. There are so many people who fall in these categories. I like Freddie Mercury and football players like Messi, Del Piero are a few examples. What song would you say best sums you up? I like the song We are the Champions… I sang this song a few times when I was a kid with my teammates and later on when I played more amateur football. The words that “it’s been no pleasure cruise” inspire me a lot as nothing in what I have achieved came easy.
2019-11-29 08:19:10.976000+00:00
['Finance', 'Banking', 'Accounting', 'Malta', 'Treasury']
Title Meet team Head FinanceTreasury — Donald ScerriContent series take time get know Team Laskaris professionally personally Evolving bank customer centric Laskaris aim build strong personal bond client start sharing Professional Bio Mr Scerri come Laskaris 15 year experience accountancy corporate finance obtaining Bachelor Accountancy Hons focused Accounting University Malta Mr Scerri started early career within one big four EY role Donald actively responsible auditing bank insurance firm along retail manufacture company role inspired lean towards banking sector next role Commonwealth Bank one Australias’ leading bank responsible management account MFSA compliance reporting Australian Prudential Reporting Authority reporting Beyond early day Mr Scerri’s career since exposed wealth experience within corporate finance capital market Treasury Manager BMW Group financial director investment service provider esteemed Financial Advisor RSM well CFO Oneka Asset Management private equity firm role Mr Scerri renowned number guy responsible financial reporting cash flow accounting team well compliance Mr Scerri’s industry knowledge give firm footing understanding everything bank financial institution need operate skill financial reporting financial analysis hand approach compliance running finance department make key figure within Laskaris organisation Mr Donald Scerri — Head FinanceTreasury Laskaris Getting Know Donald… favorite thing career I’ve done much career already one favourite thing attribute career exposure personal ambition obtain role I’ve held example role audit manager EY realized much enjoy going long term foreign secondment worked Financial Controller various company Bank investment institution head Treasury Multinational company private equity construction realized ambition advising many customer various feasibility study loan proposal also executed construction project proudest accomplishment It’s related sport happy young teenager playing Mosta FC captain Maltese national team What’s favorite holiday favourite holiday going outside Europe Somewhere far know nothing get lost enjoyed trip Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Japan USA also like short skiing holiday Europe favourite food favourite food fish general big fan seafood though… real fish…like Pesche Di San Pietro Gallina Pagru Pagell etc like sashimi daughter eat Sushi every day like glass half full half empty easy one Always half full positive person never give biggest inspiration impressed successful people become legend music sport politics business field many people fall category like Freddie Mercury football player like Messi Del Piero example song would say best sum like song Champions… sang song time kid teammate later played amateur football word “it’s pleasure cruise” inspire lot nothing achieved came easyTags Finance Banking Accounting Malta Treasury
Bookkeeping Canada — A Reliable And Strong Support To Keep Monetary Records Intact!
Bookkeeping Canada — A Reliable And Strong Support To Keep Monetary Records Intact! Accuracy in bookkeeping and accounting Bookkeeping and accounting need to be done very accurately. One cannot afford even a single mistake done while making an entry of the daily transaction. Even a slight error may lead to critical mistakes in the calculation of the profit and loss at the end of the session. So, if you are a business firm in Saskatoon City, Canada and having a tough time managing bookkeeping jobs, then be sure to hire the efficient services of virtual bookkeeping Canada professionals. Significance of accurate record of financial transactions Being a business firm, you must know how crucial it is to have an accurate record of financial transactions made in a company. Bookkeeping involves some of the crucial tasks which include updating balance sheets, making entry of employees’ wages, keeping track of daily monetary flow, monthly/weekly invoices records maintenance, tallying of figures in the investment and income books, taxation records, and profit and loss sheets. Such voluminous work tends to become boring and gruesome. Hiring expert and veteran chartered accountants considerably matters Virtual bookkeeping Canada professionals are expert chartered accountants, CPAs and accounts experts who know how to deal with making bookkeeping entries proficiently. It is essential that bookkeeping professionals have earned vast acumen and experience in dealing with bookkeeping activities. Since a novice in the field cannot produce flawless and immaculate books of accounts. And, even the slightest of the dicey figures or overwritten ones in the journal books may lead to financial disasters. Highlights of outsourcing virtual bookkeeping firms Outsourcing Virtual bookkeeping Canada firms have a trained set of professionals who are highly qualified and tutored in handling a large volume of work efficiently. They have the knack of handling complicated accounting and bookkeeping procedures with expertise and experience. They are updated with the latest data entry software and tools that can assist in delivering accurate results in no time. Hire JKM Bookkeeping Services JKM Bookkeeping Services is the leading Virtual bookkeeping Canada service provider, which has designed its services in a very comprehensive manner so that it can easily furnish the requirements and demands of various businesses. Feel free to ask for even the smallest detail about bookkeeping services from their outsourcing firm so that you can be assured of the quality and trustworthiness of the firm. Please visit www.jkmbookkeeping.com now to get a complete pull of information.
['Jkm Services']
2019-11-10 18:01:27.966000+00:00
Title Bookkeeping Canada — Reliable Strong Support Keep Monetary Records IntactContent Bookkeeping Canada — Reliable Strong Support Keep Monetary Records Intact Accuracy bookkeeping accounting Bookkeeping accounting need done accurately One cannot afford even single mistake done making entry daily transaction Even slight error may lead critical mistake calculation profit loss end session business firm Saskatoon City Canada tough time managing bookkeeping job sure hire efficient service virtual bookkeeping Canada professional Significance accurate record financial transaction business firm must know crucial accurate record financial transaction made company Bookkeeping involves crucial task include updating balance sheet making entry employees’ wage keeping track daily monetary flow monthlyweekly invoice record maintenance tallying figure investment income book taxation record profit loss sheet voluminous work tends become boring gruesome Hiring expert veteran chartered accountant considerably matter Virtual bookkeeping Canada professional expert chartered accountant CPAs account expert know deal making bookkeeping entry proficiently essential bookkeeping professional earned vast acumen experience dealing bookkeeping activity Since novice field cannot produce flawless immaculate book account even slightest dicey figure overwritten one journal book may lead financial disaster Highlights outsourcing virtual bookkeeping firm Outsourcing Virtual bookkeeping Canada firm trained set professional highly qualified tutored handling large volume work efficiently knack handling complicated accounting bookkeeping procedure expertise experience updated latest data entry software tool assist delivering accurate result time Hire JKM Bookkeeping Services JKM Bookkeeping Services leading Virtual bookkeeping Canada service provider designed service comprehensive manner easily furnish requirement demand various business Feel free ask even smallest detail bookkeeping service outsourcing firm assured quality trustworthiness firm Please visit wwwjkmbookkeepingcom get complete pull informationTags Accounting
5 Ways Your Accountant Can Save You Money
5 Ways Your Accountant Can Save You Money Many small businesses and freelancers manage their own finances. But most of them choose to hire accountants that are beneficial in the long run to save your money. Whether you are a sole trader, freelancer or trading as a limited company an accountant can help you flourish in the business world. Accountants are skilled, trained and have deep knowledge in the field of dynamic professionals to help in the growth of the businesses. They don’t just assist with your taxes, they provide guidance on all issues relating to the financial growth of your business. Consider the following ways your accountant can help you save money: 1. Tax Advice: Tax regulations and dealing with HMRC can be a maze and it is difficult to stay abreast of all the changes in the tax law, as our tax position changes based on the structure of the business. A big thanks to accountants for their expertise on a range of tax planning options. Our tax accountants can help you make the most of each tax year and advise on the most tax-efficient plan for your business. They will ensure you never have to pay penalties and miss tax deadlines. The money can be invested for your business growth. 2. Cash Flow and Financial Forecasting: A good control over the cost and having bookkeeping function can help the business flourish while the cash flows in the business. Otherwise the businesses fail 82% of the time due to severe cash flow issues. Cash flow is the lifeblood of all businesses without which the business cannot operate especially for small business firms. This is where our Accountants come in. Through their expertise, they forecast the financial concerns in the business and a close eye on cash position can save you from a rollercoaster ride. It also prepares you for the unexpected financial crisis. This way the cash flow keeps rolling which will not hamper the running of the business. Overhead cost is easy to predict over a three month time frame. The cost of rent, rates, insurance and staff wages are pretty much fixed for this time frame. Targeting these rates will help you with a sound sleep. 3. Growing your business: Accountants can be of a huge help as an advisor of the business. Many accountants have seen startups businesses grow to become the established profit makers. This makes it best to discuss our business with. From figuring out your most valuable clients to monitoring your growth and setting realistic goals, accountants can support your business growth in a timely and sensible way. 4. Saving your time: Time is money. Saving time is equal to saving money for the business. Your Accountant can save your money by saving you time. By taking responsibility for going over your records and keeping on top of tax deadlines, an accountant can help to free up your schedule you’ll have more time to invest in client relationships and focusing on core activities of the business. Doing your own self assessment tax return won’t pay you a salary, but investing that time into your business will help business flourish. Time is Precious! 5. Leave it to the dynamic Professionals: Many businesses lack time to manage everything in-house. There is when the need of Accountants arise. Are you good with numbers? Or do you have skilled knowledge in tackling your finance administration? If the answer is doubtful, go ahead and hire an Accountant and make things simpler for yourself. They will do the work in less time and you are stress free. Having an Accountant can streamline the financial process and make sure you are not fined for simpler slip-ups. They not just help in saving money and claiming expenses but also in overall growth of your business. Talk to our Accountants today and see how we can take your business to the next level.
['Cloudco Accountancy Group Ltd.']
2019-11-22 10:46:16.517000+00:00
['Accountant', 'Accounting', 'Accounting Services', 'Taxes', 'Tax Returns']
Title 5 Ways Accountant Save MoneyContent 5 Ways Accountant Save Money Many small business freelancer manage finance choose hire accountant beneficial long run save money Whether sole trader freelancer trading limited company accountant help flourish business world Accountants skilled trained deep knowledge field dynamic professional help growth business don’t assist tax provide guidance issue relating financial growth business Consider following way accountant help save money 1 Tax Advice Tax regulation dealing HMRC maze difficult stay abreast change tax law tax position change based structure business big thanks accountant expertise range tax planning option tax accountant help make tax year advise taxefficient plan business ensure never pay penalty miss tax deadline money invested business growth 2 Cash Flow Financial Forecasting good control cost bookkeeping function help business flourish cash flow business Otherwise business fail 82 time due severe cash flow issue Cash flow lifeblood business without business cannot operate especially small business firm Accountants come expertise forecast financial concern business close eye cash position save rollercoaster ride also prepares unexpected financial crisis way cash flow keep rolling hamper running business Overhead cost easy predict three month time frame cost rent rate insurance staff wage pretty much fixed time frame Targeting rate help sound sleep 3 Growing business Accountants huge help advisor business Many accountant seen startup business grow become established profit maker make best discus business figuring valuable client monitoring growth setting realistic goal accountant support business growth timely sensible way 4 Saving time Time money Saving time equal saving money business Accountant save money saving time taking responsibility going record keeping top tax deadline accountant help free schedule you’ll time invest client relationship focusing core activity business self assessment tax return won’t pay salary investing time business help business flourish Time Precious 5 Leave dynamic Professionals Many business lack time manage everything inhouse need Accountants arise good number skilled knowledge tackling finance administration answer doubtful go ahead hire Accountant make thing simpler work le time stress free Accountant streamline financial process make sure fined simpler slipups help saving money claiming expense also overall growth business Talk Accountants today see take business next levelTags Accountant Accounting Accounting Services Taxes Tax Returns
Advantages of Bookkeeping
Bookkeeping is the initial step in the accounting process and arguably the most significant one. A bookkeeper will compile all financial data — from transactions to wages — and turn them into easy-to-read reports that are prepared for future analysis. There are different advantages to having a good bookkeeper, and with all the changes happening in the financial world, every business will need to have such a person on staff. Bookkeeping is a basic role that each business owner should be able to handle, and he should enlist the assistance of someone who can deal with this task if he cannot. You don’t need to hire an accountant or an in-house bookkeeper to do this for you. Numerous business owners outsource their bookkeeping needs instead. 1. Well kept records mean tax saving Well kept accounting records act as a reminder of a person’s deductible credits and costs. It’s just by keeping the right records of business expenses that owners can proof various expenses that were incurred while carrying out business operations. By doing this, they are not compelled to rely on memory. 2. Detailed Recording A thorough, dedicated bookkeeper will consistently keep detailed records up to date. This total recording will not only assist you in supervising your business accounts but will also be of great assistance once you need your financial statements — or once your company is audited — as this procedure will be much quicker and much cheaper. 3. Always Compliant with the Law A good bookkeeper will consistently comply with the recent legal regulations and will make sure all your accounts and books are up to date with any recent legal changes. Because the bookkeeper holds himself or herself accountable for any work that they do, you can depend on them to clear any mistakes. This saves time and effort for the bookkeeper, which in turn saves money for the company. 4. It is Easier to Plan When you have a detailed recording and a better overview of the company’s accounts, it is much simpler to plan and predict the future. When you are confident in your information, you can solve issues rapidly and you can grab any opportunities that present themselves, without having to fear miscalculations in the accessible data. Thanks to the overview of profit and loss evolutions in the balance sheet, you will have the option to know exactly what to do and how much time you have to do it. 5. Faster Business Response Time When you have real-time data about the condition of your accounts, you will be able to react rapidly to any changes that happen to the market or your business. You will know the extent of your resources and current costs, providing you with accurate insight: is it the right time to act? 6. Instant Reporting Even though you will need to wait for the accountant or the auditor to finish their reports to conclude official financial statements, you will always have an updated balance sheet to inquire about the current state of the accounts. You will be able to introduce these data to any interested party, giving extra confidence both in your work as a manager and in the company’s health as a whole. 7. Better Relations with Banks and Investors That confidence will improve business relations with your investors and shareholders. Additionally, banks will be more willing to provide you with more affordable loans once they can see how your company is thriving. Any time an investor is interested in the strength of your company, you can simply show the current detailed sheets and prove that the company is making major success. 8. Better Tax Prediction While Customs will request an official financial statement from your company for taxation, you will be able to predict the outcome more accurately if you have access to detailed balance sheets over time. With them, you can keep an eye out for trends in your company’s business and be more confident in the amount of taxes you will be expected to pay at the end of the fiscal year. 9. Faster Financial Analysis As bookkeeping tends to be more affordable than accounting, it’s useful to realize that by having detailed records you will shorten the length of time an accountant will spend on analyzing your accounts and creating financial statements. This will not only reduce the expense of accounting but will also give you more time to act upon the data provided by the analysis and change any strategies you might have planned. 10. Easier Audits Delivering financial statements is much easier and faster when you have a better data-recording model. You will have a much easier time conducting an audit than you would if your accounts are messy, disorganized or even slightly outdated. Any auditor you employ will just need to get the detailed balance sheets and compare them with the statements to know exactly what was finished. They can produce their report rapidly and any mistakes will float to the surface. 11. Better Decision Making With analysis comes better decision making. To make the best decisions possible, you need to have access to all available information. Bookkeeping gives this information.
['Caliber Accounting Solutions']
2019-11-24 10:13:01.754000+00:00
Title Advantages BookkeepingContent Bookkeeping initial step accounting process arguably significant one bookkeeper compile financial data — transaction wage — turn easytoread report prepared future analysis different advantage good bookkeeper change happening financial world every business need person staff Bookkeeping basic role business owner able handle enlist assistance someone deal task cannot don’t need hire accountant inhouse bookkeeper Numerous business owner outsource bookkeeping need instead 1 Well kept record mean tax saving Well kept accounting record act reminder person’s deductible credit cost It’s keeping right record business expense owner proof various expense incurred carrying business operation compelled rely memory 2 Detailed Recording thorough dedicated bookkeeper consistently keep detailed record date total recording assist supervising business account also great assistance need financial statement — company audited — procedure much quicker much cheaper 3 Always Compliant Law good bookkeeper consistently comply recent legal regulation make sure account book date recent legal change bookkeeper hold accountable work depend clear mistake save time effort bookkeeper turn save money company 4 Easier Plan detailed recording better overview company’s account much simpler plan predict future confident information solve issue rapidly grab opportunity present without fear miscalculation accessible data Thanks overview profit loss evolution balance sheet option know exactly much time 5 Faster Business Response Time realtime data condition account able react rapidly change happen market business know extent resource current cost providing accurate insight right time act 6 Instant Reporting Even though need wait accountant auditor finish report conclude official financial statement always updated balance sheet inquire current state account able introduce data interested party giving extra confidence work manager company’s health whole 7 Better Relations Banks Investors confidence improve business relation investor shareholder Additionally bank willing provide affordable loan see company thriving time investor interested strength company simply show current detailed sheet prove company making major success 8 Better Tax Prediction Customs request official financial statement company taxation able predict outcome accurately access detailed balance sheet time keep eye trend company’s business confident amount tax expected pay end fiscal year 9 Faster Financial Analysis bookkeeping tends affordable accounting it’s useful realize detailed record shorten length time accountant spend analyzing account creating financial statement reduce expense accounting also give time act upon data provided analysis change strategy might planned 10 Easier Audits Delivering financial statement much easier faster better datarecording model much easier time conducting audit would account messy disorganized even slightly outdated auditor employ need get detailed balance sheet compare statement know exactly finished produce report rapidly mistake float surface 11 Better Decision Making analysis come better decision making make best decision possible need access available information Bookkeeping give informationTags Accounting
An Accountant’s review of Profit First.
An Accountant’s review of Profit First. When I drop in to my local bricks and mortar bookstore, I make a beeline for the ‘business’ section. Perusing the shelves, there are always the familiar and classics like The Lean Startup, 7 Habits, Good to Great, The E-myth…I could go on. All brilliant books that instil timeless principles and serve as useful refreshers. And then, there are the new titles. The up-and-coming titles that compete for your attention. One of which I recently stumbled across was “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz. It’s rare to find books on finance and accounting. This is understandable. Content outside of text books, prescribed for Universities would be too much of a gamble for publishers. It’s hard to make a best seller from subject matter that makes most snooze… Michalowicz’s Profit First is not one of them. Profit First, is a book on budgeting, disguised as an ‘accounting hack’. It’s cleverly delivered in a conversational tone, balanced with storytelling, analogies and behavioural psychology. A digestible read for time poor and information overloaded entrepreneurs. I came across Profit First via a client of mine — James Rose of Aktura Technology. James has a few things going on: · A website consultancy service; · A software development service; · An ‘on-demand’ website support service; · A software product called Chimp Rewriter; · A software product called Silver Siphon; and · A software product called Content Snare. As I said, a few things… James adopted the principles of Profit First about a year ago. We discovered this when we noticed a few dozen extra bank accounts being setup in his company Xero file. These bank accounts had odd titles: · Money IN · Tax · Owners Pay · Profit · Operational Expenses In total, James had 14 active bank accounts in his Xero file. Enough to make his accountant and bookkeeper cringe… After discovering these newly established accounts, I called James to tell him that is accounting bill was going to increase due to all the extra reconciling we had to do. That was a joke. Rather, I was curious to understand what he was doing with those bank accounts, what they were designed to do. The principle behind Profit First is to change the way that business owners think about their cashflow. It does this by flipping traditional accounting on its head. The traditional method of accounting, as we all know is: Sales — Expenses = Profit. Michalowicz’s methodology reverses this equation, educating entrepreneurs to ‘put profit first’. The result: Sales — Profit = Expenses. Ugh, but why? I’m not great at algebra, but the result is the same — or is it? Technically speaking, yes. But Michalowicz argues this re-framing has psychological benefits. You see, traditional accounting wasn’t built for humans. It was designed for rational, number crunching, robots — i.e Accountants. Traditional accounting fails entrepreneurs, and humans alike. Parkinson’s Law — linking behavioural psychology and accounting Flipping the accounting equation on it’s head causes us to prioritise profit instead of ‘taking what’s left’. This re-framing forces us to think differently about our spending habits. An example Michalowicz uses is toothpaste. When you buy a new tube of toothpaste, one is generally liberal with the application of it. Big, fat generous gloops of minty freshness are applied to the brush, representing an obese caterpillar dressed in lycra. WTF? When the brush is moistened under the tap, normally half of it falls down the drain. But hey, who cares — there’s plenty more where that came from! Yet, when that toothpaste is almost on empty, our behaviours are quite the opposite. We work so hard to extract every little morsel of what’s left in the tube. We squeeze and wring with our fingers until we can extract a small blob — a parcel of gold to be carefully applied to our toothbrush head. In other words, we’re more frugal. This is an example of Parkinson’s law, where: ‘work expands to fill the time available to completion’. If we are given 14 days to complete a project, it takes 14 days to complete. By contrast, if we are given one day to complete the same project, it only takes one day, with often better results. We surprise ourselves with how much can get done with a bit of pressure and hustle. Michalowicz applies this methodology to your finances. Business owners will typically spend money and take whatever is left as their profit. By putting away your profit first, the rest of the money is budgeted for expenses. This forces you think deeply about every spending decision. It forces us to innovate by creating the same or better output, with less resources. How is this done in practice? The gist of this idea is that you take a minuscule percentage off the top line instead of the bottom line. Give some to yourself, put some in savings, put some in a rainy day fund. The system simply involves transferring percentage allocations of your cash deposits into various bank accounts. There is an entire training academy for bookkeepers and accountants to assist their clients with establishing a ‘Profit First’ routine. I’m not sure what that entails (it’s not exactly rocket science)…but below are a set of instructions based on my interpretation of the system, and dealings with my client James. Step 1: Setup bank accounts Work with your bank to set-up new bank accounts for your business. You can personalise the name of the accounts in your accounting system. · Profit — Savings account · Owner’s Pay — Savings account · Tax — Savings account · Operating — transaction account · Revenue — transaction account Ensure you have the proforma invoice templates setup in your accounting system so that all deposits from sales are deposited into the “Revenue” account. Step 2: Determine your TAP This part is the most subjective piece of the system. The Target Allocation Percentages (TAP) is the formula the business owner should follow to allocate to income deposits to each spending account. The amounts you put into each account are generally dictated by a lookup table based on your revenue. Lookup table is available here — look for the “Instant Assessment” and see FIGURE 1 on Page 2. This table is based on the USA tax system. Your percentages may vary depending on tax jurisdiction. Click here for an Aussie excel template of the TAP system. Step 3: Transfer moolah Every fortnight, enter the total amount of deposited funds in “Cell C5” of the spreadsheet, then transfer the $ value into each respective bank accounts. This is your cash budget for the period. It’s important to be disciplined with your spending from each account, otherwise it defeats the purpose and you’ve just created a lot of admin with no benefit. The bank accounts should be used as followed: · Profit account — used to accumulate profit · Owner’s Pay — used for payment of your wage · Tax — used for payment of taxes · Operating — used for payment of day-to-day running expenses · Revenue — used for deposit of income only Results? I’ve not implemented Profit First in my own business (we have our own rational robot system) however James has nothing but great things to say about it. Conclusion From a technical perspective, I do see limitations in the system. Mainly ensuring the TAP % is reasonable and achievable. That being said, I do endorse it. Anything that helps people understand their finances is a win. I should disclose that the Profit First system does not replace the need for accounting. It does not help you understand financial performance and the levers you can pull to improve. It’s purely for cashflow management. I would recommend it to business owners and entrepreneurs that struggle to understand basic cashflow, accounting and lack discipline in their spending habits (i.e pretty much everyone). This system extends beyond business budgeting and can be applied to your personal finances. Just swap the tax and profit accounts to a savings account and house deposit/investment account — and you’re all set.
['Jason Andrew']
2021-01-26 00:31:04.589000+00:00
['Money', 'Accounting', 'Budgeting', 'Finance', 'Entrepreneurship']
Title Accountant’s review Profit FirstContent Accountant’s review Profit First drop local brick mortar bookstore make beeline ‘business’ section Perusing shelf always familiar classic like Lean Startup 7 Habits Good Great Emyth…I could go brilliant book instil timeless principle serve useful refresher new title upandcoming title compete attention One recently stumbled across “Profit First” Mike Michalowicz It’s rare find book finance accounting understandable Content outside text book prescribed Universities would much gamble publisher It’s hard make best seller subject matter make snooze… Michalowicz’s Profit First one Profit First book budgeting disguised ‘accounting hack’ It’s cleverly delivered conversational tone balanced storytelling analogy behavioural psychology digestible read time poor information overloaded entrepreneur came across Profit First via client mine — James Rose Aktura Technology James thing going · website consultancy service · software development service · ‘ondemand’ website support service · software product called Chimp Rewriter · software product called Silver Siphon · software product called Content Snare said things… James adopted principle Profit First year ago discovered noticed dozen extra bank account setup company Xero file bank account odd title · Money · Tax · Owners Pay · Profit · Operational Expenses total James 14 active bank account Xero file Enough make accountant bookkeeper cringe… discovering newly established account called James tell accounting bill going increase due extra reconciling joke Rather curious understand bank account designed principle behind Profit First change way business owner think cashflow flipping traditional accounting head traditional method accounting know Sales — Expenses Profit Michalowicz’s methodology revers equation educating entrepreneur ‘put profit first’ result Sales — Profit Expenses Ugh I’m great algebra result — Technically speaking yes Michalowicz argues reframing psychological benefit see traditional accounting wasn’t built human designed rational number crunching robot — ie Accountants Traditional accounting fails entrepreneur human alike Parkinson’s Law — linking behavioural psychology accounting Flipping accounting equation it’s head cause u prioritise profit instead ‘taking what’s left’ reframing force u think differently spending habit example Michalowicz us toothpaste buy new tube toothpaste one generally liberal application Big fat generous gloops minty freshness applied brush representing obese caterpillar dressed lycra WTF brush moistened tap normally half fall drain hey care — there’s plenty came Yet toothpaste almost empty behaviour quite opposite work hard extract every little morsel what’s left tube squeeze wring finger extract small blob — parcel gold carefully applied toothbrush head word we’re frugal example Parkinson’s law ‘work expands fill time available completion’ given 14 day complete project take 14 day complete contrast given one day complete project take one day often better result surprise much get done bit pressure hustle Michalowicz applies methodology finance Business owner typically spend money take whatever left profit putting away profit first rest money budgeted expense force think deeply every spending decision force u innovate creating better output le resource done practice gist idea take minuscule percentage top line instead bottom line Give put saving put rainy day fund system simply involves transferring percentage allocation cash deposit various bank account entire training academy bookkeeper accountant assist client establishing ‘Profit First’ routine I’m sure entail it’s exactly rocket science…but set instruction based interpretation system dealing client James Step 1 Setup bank account Work bank setup new bank account business personalise name account accounting system · Profit — Savings account · Owner’s Pay — Savings account · Tax — Savings account · Operating — transaction account · Revenue — transaction account Ensure proforma invoice template setup accounting system deposit sale deposited “Revenue” account Step 2 Determine TAP part subjective piece system Target Allocation Percentages TAP formula business owner follow allocate income deposit spending account amount put account generally dictated lookup table based revenue Lookup table available — look “Instant Assessment” see FIGURE 1 Page 2 table based USA tax system percentage may vary depending tax jurisdiction Click Aussie excel template TAP system Step 3 Transfer moolah Every fortnight enter total amount deposited fund “Cell C5” spreadsheet transfer value respective bank account cash budget period It’s important disciplined spending account otherwise defeat purpose you’ve created lot admin benefit bank account used followed · Profit account — used accumulate profit · Owner’s Pay — used payment wage · Tax — used payment tax · Operating — used payment daytoday running expense · Revenue — used deposit income Results I’ve implemented Profit First business rational robot system however James nothing great thing say Conclusion technical perspective see limitation system Mainly ensuring TAP reasonable achievable said endorse Anything help people understand finance win disclose Profit First system replace need accounting help understand financial performance lever pull improve It’s purely cashflow management would recommend business owner entrepreneur struggle understand basic cashflow accounting lack discipline spending habit ie pretty much everyone system extends beyond business budgeting applied personal finance swap tax profit account saving account house depositinvestment account — you’re setTags Money Accounting Budgeting Finance Entrepreneurship
International Accounting
The majority of health professionals today have very little time to get involved with business concerns due to the numerous responsibilities towards patients. However, it cannot be denied that being a doctor or a hospital administrator, there are business skills that must be learned such as medical accounting. Generally, accounting matters such as bills to pay, payments that are to be received, accounts due and even signing of checks must be dealt with even by a medical professional. A doctor must be on top of his own finances lest all hard-earned money would just be lost since no transactions were recorded. Unfortunately, doctors and other health care professionals need to be more focused on delivering health services to their patients; however, they must not also neglect their administrative duties over a clinic, hospital or just their own finances. One of the possible solution for this situation is to get a copy of the Accounting Handbook for Medical Practices which gives a comprehensive overview of accounting procedures suited for a medical professional. This manual provides a wealth of examples of charts, accounting formulas, and forms that enables doctors to grasp the fundamentals of accounting. Moreover, the handbook covers basic information such as general rules in accounting, sample case studies, tax issues, auditing and even breakdown of financial statements. Knowledge in such matters equip health professionals such as doctors, hospital administrators, hospital or clinic personnel and medical accountants to make them more responsive to their daily transactions. Another option that is convenient and time- saving is to outsource medical accounting to private firms that offer medical office management. Such firms have specialized in medical accounting procedures and are well-oriented in taxation for medical professionals. Firms offering these services have one goal in mind: to furnish reports and analysis to health professionals about their financial health. Since doctors are busy most of the time, they could not trace anymore their spending. By consulting with medical accounting services, concerns such as tax planning, bookkeeping, cash flow, and IRS representations are already handled well. Moreover, these firms also provide medical accounting software that can be easily installed. The medical accounting software can be purchased and directly installed in offices so medical billing is made easy especially when there is a huge volume of transactions daily in clinics /hospitals. Moreover, the software also contains medical records which makes record keeping a breeze for personnel.
['Verse Finance']
2019-11-10 03:21:01.655000+00:00
Title International AccountingContent majority health professional today little time get involved business concern due numerous responsibility towards patient However cannot denied doctor hospital administrator business skill must learned medical accounting Generally accounting matter bill pay payment received account due even signing check must dealt even medical professional doctor must top finance lest hardearned money would lost since transaction recorded Unfortunately doctor health care professional need focused delivering health service patient however must also neglect administrative duty clinic hospital finance One possible solution situation get copy Accounting Handbook Medical Practices give comprehensive overview accounting procedure suited medical professional manual provides wealth example chart accounting formula form enables doctor grasp fundamental accounting Moreover handbook cover basic information general rule accounting sample case study tax issue auditing even breakdown financial statement Knowledge matter equip health professional doctor hospital administrator hospital clinic personnel medical accountant make responsive daily transaction Another option convenient time saving outsource medical accounting private firm offer medical office management firm specialized medical accounting procedure welloriented taxation medical professional Firms offering service one goal mind furnish report analysis health professional financial health Since doctor busy time could trace anymore spending consulting medical accounting service concern tax planning bookkeeping cash flow IRS representation already handled well Moreover firm also provide medical accounting software easily installed medical accounting software purchased directly installed office medical billing made easy especially huge volume transaction daily clinic hospital Moreover software also contains medical record make record keeping breeze personnelTags Accounting
Getting yourself into the habit of time tracking and 4 reasons you should start now
One of the hardest challenges of time tracking is remembering to note when to ‘set the timer.’ 4 reasons why time-tracking is critical for your business 5 easy ways to build good time-tracking habits Throughout the day, there is always too much to do, from locating that work task, calling a client, or remembering to file documentation. Through all your client task-work, you’re supposed to be tracking how much work you are doing for them. Otherwise, if you are on hourly billing, how much do you charge? From freelancers, sole traders, bookkeepers to accountancy practice managers, how do you get an overview of how long tasks take? Where can you improve efficiency amongst you or your team? If this is not bad enough, you end up with a headache attempting to complete your timesheet, wondering what did you get done? Moreover, the amount of work you thought you did was incorrectly inputted. Why time-tracking is critical for your business 1. Unable to grow your business unless you have a clear overview Let’s face it. Growing your business is hard. It takes considerable effort. Time-tracking is a prime indicator of how long it takes you or your team to complete tasks. Each task has a billable hourly value. If you are not tracking how long it takes to complete the job, then how can you correctly tell your clients how long and how much you will invoice them for? Having a clear overview provides you with invaluable knowledge whether you need to hire extra personnel for your team, or whether you can encourage others to work more productively. 2. By tracking your time, you can earn more profit Every business needs revenue. Without it, you cannot survive. Unless your business adopts value based-pricing, you will mostly bill on an hourly rate. That means it is imperative that you have every minute, every hour tracked. Otherwise, you are missing out on invaluable revenue. Missing revenue = missing profit. 3. You better manage you and your team’s work Time-tracking is useful to track who is doing which task, on which project, and how long it takes that individual to complete it. Additionally, several tasks are more labour intensive than others. When managing your team, you can better determine which task will take longer than others. Thus, you can assign them to people who are either more productive in completing a job or those who have more available time to take more tasks on. 4. Knowing how many hours you work highlights how productive you are Knowing who does which tasks in what time is a great way to identify who is more productive within your team. This does not mean that others are slacking, but maybe they need extra support or training to complete tasks. Time-tracking is one indicator that you can review an individual’s productivity. How to get yourself into good time-tracking habits Instead of striving to remember each time, it’s best to get into good habits and place your time-tracking on autopilot. 1. Set your intentions To begin the process of creating any habit is to determine why do you need to make the habit in the first place. For billing, the reason is obvious — it’s crucial to check how many hours you are doing so know how much to charge clients. For task management, you need to know how long it takes you to complete tasks. Doing so means you can provide more precise levels of expectations to your clients. But how do you convince yourself to make this habitual? Ask yourself: “Why do I need to get in the habit of tracking all my hours.” “Why is it critical to prepare an accurate report for my clients?” And: “Why will doing this boost my client trust and profitability?” Your answers should be like: “That you can work in a transparent environment with your clients, and being able to reduce stress yet remain profitable.” 2. Define your parameters Figure out what you must do each time you perform a time-tracking habit. When you begin a task, do you switch on your timer? Or is it when you begin a project? Will you pause the timer if you take a quick 5-minute break or a colleague or dog distract you from your work? Making habits is about remembering when to do something and when to stop. Define what your habit should entail, and then you can move on to rewarding yourself once you complete the habit. Tip: Consider Uku’s dashboard as the starting point for each task. That way you will never forget to start the timer and every second spent to complete the task is tracked (yes, even logging in’s). 3. Reward yourself Until what you do becomes habitual, it’s vital to do a physical activity that rewards the brain. Once you have begun the timer, treat yourself to a square of chocolate or take a sip of your cup of tea. When you finish the task, pause the timer and then get up and walk around to stretch the legs. Moving away from the desk will remind you not to keep the timer on. By having different ‘rewards’ that ‘bookend’ your task, will make it easier to remember to track your time. 4. Setting the right environment Ensure that you have the right environment that will help you develop your time-tracking habit. When you design the right environment for your desired habit, the environment, and the habit will become associated. Designing the right environment does not have to be complicated. It could be from putting music on your headphones, opening a window, sitting at your desk and adjusting your chair. It could even be opening up your time-tracking software to begin your day. All these mini-habits are part of your environment. Setting yourself up to associate them with work-related tasks, like time-tracking, will help form good habits. 5. Don’t overcomplicate things Most time-tracking software requires starting and stopping when you open or leave a project. If you are working on several clients at once, it is inevitable that despite your best habits, you will forget to switch the timer on or off. Uku’s time-tracking buttons are on every task without having to leave the project. By using Uku, it is not only easier to track your time; it is even easier to stop/start. Plus, with Mini-Uku, he will watch you take your tasks to all off-site online websites, and if Uku is watching you, no time will be tracked (so you don’t overbill clients). If your clock is ticking, then you will see numbers that will become billable at the project’s conclusion. Final thoughts The last part of building good habits is holding yourself accountable — did you do what you set out to do? To remember to begin time-tracking? Fortunately, with the habit of “tracking your time,” this part comes free for Uku users. The habit tracks itself. Try Uku for your accountancy practice management. As soon as you begin using it, you’ll get a more precise overview of work hours and numbers.
['David Bailey-Lauring']
2020-10-27 15:48:34.132000+00:00
['Time Tracking', 'Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Accountant']
Title Getting habit time tracking 4 reason start nowContent One hardest challenge time tracking remembering note ‘set timer’ 4 reason timetracking critical business 5 easy way build good timetracking habit Throughout day always much locating work task calling client remembering file documentation client taskwork you’re supposed tracking much work Otherwise hourly billing much charge freelancer sole trader bookkeeper accountancy practice manager get overview long task take improve efficiency amongst team bad enough end headache attempting complete timesheet wondering get done Moreover amount work thought incorrectly inputted timetracking critical business 1 Unable grow business unless clear overview Let’s face Growing business hard take considerable effort Timetracking prime indicator long take team complete task task billable hourly value tracking long take complete job correctly tell client long much invoice clear overview provides invaluable knowledge whether need hire extra personnel team whether encourage others work productively 2 tracking time earn profit Every business need revenue Without cannot survive Unless business adopts value basedpricing mostly bill hourly rate mean imperative every minute every hour tracked Otherwise missing invaluable revenue Missing revenue missing profit 3 better manage team’s work Timetracking useful track task project long take individual complete Additionally several task labour intensive others managing team better determine task take longer others Thus assign people either productive completing job available time take task 4 Knowing many hour work highlight productive Knowing task time great way identify productive within team mean others slacking maybe need extra support training complete task Timetracking one indicator review individual’s productivity get good timetracking habit Instead striving remember time it’s best get good habit place timetracking autopilot 1 Set intention begin process creating habit determine need make habit first place billing reason obvious — it’s crucial check many hour know much charge client task management need know long take complete task mean provide precise level expectation client convince make habitual Ask “Why need get habit tracking hours” “Why critical prepare accurate report clients” “Why boost client trust profitability” answer like “That work transparent environment client able reduce stress yet remain profitable” 2 Define parameter Figure must time perform timetracking habit begin task switch timer begin project pause timer take quick 5minute break colleague dog distract work Making habit remembering something stop Define habit entail move rewarding complete habit Tip Consider Uku’s dashboard starting point task way never forget start timer every second spent complete task tracked yes even logging in’s 3 Reward becomes habitual it’s vital physical activity reward brain begun timer treat square chocolate take sip cup tea finish task pause timer get walk around stretch leg Moving away desk remind keep timer different ‘rewards’ ‘bookend’ task make easier remember track time 4 Setting right environment Ensure right environment help develop timetracking habit design right environment desired habit environment habit become associated Designing right environment complicated could putting music headphone opening window sitting desk adjusting chair could even opening timetracking software begin day minihabits part environment Setting associate workrelated task like timetracking help form good habit 5 Don’t overcomplicate thing timetracking software requires starting stopping open leave project working several client inevitable despite best habit forget switch timer Uku’s timetracking button every task without leave project using Uku easier track time even easier stopstart Plus MiniUku watch take task offsite online website Uku watching time tracked don’t overbill client clock ticking see number become billable project’s conclusion Final thought last part building good habit holding accountable — set remember begin timetracking Fortunately habit “tracking time” part come free Uku user habit track Try Uku accountancy practice management soon begin using you’ll get precise overview work hour numbersTags Time Tracking Accounting Accounting Software Accountant
Curchin Group Accounting Firm of New Jersey
Curchin Group Accounting Firm of New Jersey About Curchin Group The Curchin Group The Curchin Group, LLC, is a mid-sized accounting firm that’s large on experience. From our roots in Monmouth County, NJ, we have grown and prospered by helping companies achieve their goals for more than half a century. We have in-depth expertise working with small and mid-sized companies, family enterprises, credit unions, homeowners’ associations, construction companies, and non-profits. Clients rely on Curchin for knowledgeable and innovative solutions to meet their needs today and for years to come. Our clients benefit from our sector experience and personal advisory service. Our expertise helps start-ups mature into multi-million dollar enterprises, family firms to transition to the next generation, and business owners achieve financial success. Clients receive trusted advice about major financial decisions and planning for the future. Our Solutions Auditing Accounting & Bookkeeping Small Business Consulting Family Business Advisory Estate Planning Succession Planning Valuation and Litigation Services Forensic Accounting Tax Services 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges Contact Us Office Location:- 200 Schulz Drive, Suite 400 Red Bank, NJ 07701–6745 Phone:- 732.747.0500 Fax:- 732–747–7700 Email:- info@curchin.com Facebook Linkedin Vimeo RSS
['Curchin Group']
2019-11-22 13:25:02.115000+00:00
Title Curchin Group Accounting Firm New JerseyContent Curchin Group Accounting Firm New Jersey Curchin Group Curchin Group Curchin Group LLC midsized accounting firm that’s large experience root Monmouth County NJ grown prospered helping company achieve goal half century indepth expertise working small midsized company family enterprise credit union homeowners’ association construction company nonprofit Clients rely Curchin knowledgeable innovative solution meet need today year come client benefit sector experience personal advisory service expertise help startup mature multimillion dollar enterprise family firm transition next generation business owner achieve financial success Clients receive trusted advice major financial decision planning future Solutions Auditing Accounting Bookkeeping Small Business Consulting Family Business Advisory Estate Planning Succession Planning Valuation Litigation Services Forensic Accounting Tax Services 1031 LikeKind Exchanges Contact Us Office Location 200 Schulz Drive Suite 400 Red Bank NJ 07701–6745 Phone 7327470500 Fax 732–747–7700 Email infocurchincom Facebook Linkedin Vimeo RSSTags Accounting
The Accountant’s ultimate guide to starting a 1000 subscribers email list
The Accountant’s ultimate guide to starting a 1000 subscribers email list When you’re starting a new accounting firm or trying to enter a new niche or industry, it can be quite difficult to get new clients. You hustle for months trying to: cold email cold call attend a few networking events here and there. But still, you are getting pennies on the dollar for an 80 hours work week! You realize getting clients is not as easy as all the gurus out there said it would be. There are two main reasons why this happens. People don’t know you People don’t trust you Hmmm... It seems obvious that in order to start getting some reasonable work, you have to make people aware that you mean business and also that you are to be trusted. Building high quality, highly targeted email list is the best way to satisfy both these reasons. With 5.6 billion active email accounts expected by the end of 2019, it’s easy to see why you might want to get connected with your potential client via email. Once you have your email list up and running you'll be in a position to: Share useful accounting and tax tips to your list of readers... (Positioning yourself as an expert in your industry) sell your accounting services to a list of loyal readers. In this post, you are going to learn how to successfully start a list of email subscribers. We are going to Mostly examine how you can build an email list without paying for any traffic. but to scale you need to do paid traffic too! So we will touch a bit on that. If you are ready, let's jump straight into it! Decide on who you want to attract Before you get your hands dirty you have to know what type of person you are trying to attract. You are doing this to guarantee that you will be communicating the right information to the right people. Through your list of email subscribers, you can score a killing of new paying clients that trust and know you. This is largely because of the high conversion rate that email marketing claims as the undisputed champ of marketing with a 4.16% conversion rate! But to get this kind of conversion, you’ll have to focus on only one thing. That’s being clear on the type of person you would like to attract. The Ideal client! This means you should get their demographic information like: Their age, gender, income, and level of education. If you cater for B2C clients. Industry, annual revenue and size of the company for B2B clients. This info also includes where these clients are situated and what factors influence their decision. The all-important factor to consider is... What’s their pain points or problem. Answer these questions and you have yourself a description of your ideal client. Once you are done with that… You have enough information to construct a buyer persona that should look like... Voila! The more you get to know your ideal client. The easier it to share content that resonates with them. This step set's the tone for the rest of what's needed to successfully start an email list that works. Get started on your email marketing tool A simple Gmail account won’t cut it when you have to send mass emails personalized for the specific buyer’s stage your prospect is on. Plus you also have to analyze the insights and stats so you can optimize your emails to convert more. The top three email marketing tools are Convertkit, Aweber, and MailChimp. Each of these are suitable for different stages of your mailing list, from a few hundred subscribers to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Click on the links to check each tool’s pricing plan: -Mailchimp - Aweber -Convertkit MailChimp gives you a feature-limited free version for up to 2000 subscribers. It’s a no brainer... That’s a nice place to start. This will allow you to validate whether having a mailing list is worth it, all without spending a lot of money trying to figure it out. Before you signup on MailChimp, you have to make sure that you have a professional email and your practice/firm’s physical address Once all that is done... All you need to do is go to the MailChimp website, sign up and you are good to go! Once you do this you would be ready to fish for your ideal clients and place them in your email bucket. Create a landing page to drive people to. this is where you will have to sell your email list, let potential subscribers know why they have to join your mailing list and what’s in it for them. a landing page is an easy way to enjoy a 40% conversion rate if you are a b2b accounting firm. Since you are starting off and not looking to lose a lot of money on this, you can create a landing page for free on Mailchimp... head over to Mailchimp and start creating your landing page… …this is assuming you took my advice earlier on when I told you that MailChimp should definitely be your friend when starting off. If you are looking for more quality and professional results, and you have the budget, take a look at these top landing page builder services: Hubspot Landingi Optimizepress Instapage Some of these allow you a free trial period before you commit. Now that you know where to go when you want to build your own landing page, the next step is being able to know what needs to be on the landing page. Here is an idea of how a well-built Landing page looks like. It has an easy and straight to the point headline Focuses on the benefits Has a clear and easy to see call to action What you can add is details of what the potential subscriber should expect when signing up for the mailing list The most important element of the page is… The inclusion of a lead magnet A lead magnet is your bargaining chip for the client’s email address… If you give them some reward, the better the chances of having a happy, grateful and willing subscriber. In the above example, the lead magnet is 2 months free payroll! Who would really resist such an offer? If you are clueless about what to offer your clients… Stick with me as I will show you how to create a lead magnet. A lead magnet is anything that is… (a)Immediately actionable and (b)of value that you could give away to the client in exchange for their email address. So what exactly can you give away? It can be an ebook A download of any kind An email course A video course A free service for a limited time There’s plenty you can choose from, as long as you know your ideal client’s pain points (these are what you are aiming to help the subscriber alleviate). Can’t think of anything to give away at the moment? Then stick closer to me… Let’s see what options you have. Giving away an ebook? If you want to give away an ebook and you don’t have any inspiration, you can simply head to kindle, type your desired search term and you will see the following… Hmmm… Already there’s a treasure trove of ideas that we can use to create an ebook right here. The good news is you don’t even have to buy any of these books since you are a tax expert yourself… You can simply borrow the inspiration and create a “just as good” 10 pager ebook that a subscriber will surely be grateful for. You can create an email course When signing up… your client could enjoy a 7 to 10 days daily course(totally dependent on you) — that will help him save a lot on taxes this financial year. If you have no idea how the course could be structured and need inspiration… Checkout Udemy and do a general search within your niche. Can you look at that! A lot of ideas already popping up on your screen… this is your holy grail and you can do whatever you see fit with it. If you have no idea what modules you can divide your course in — click through any of these you like, it will have the modules there that you can use to create the course… It will appear as such: There you go! 4 modules for a great 4-day course delivered daily to the subscriber's inbox… Wasn’t that hard, was it? now that’s covered… You can add the lead magnet to your landing page. Collecting emails This is the part where the bulk of the work is done, you can either do paid ads to attract new subscribers or you can put in the work and time to attract organic traffic. Luckily you don’t have to go far, you can start with: Emailing your current clients and leads you’ve cold emailed before These people are your starting point since you already have their emails. You want to add a link to your email signature that directs to the landing page you created earlier on. Like so… So whenever you send your next email, you will be promoting your email list via your signature. You will also want to create an email you could send to all the people you have emailed before, this includes leads you have cold emailed and you never heard from again (think of this as a follow-up email). Once you have exhausted all your existing connections, only then can you move on to the heavy stuff, buckle up… it’s about to get really bumpy! Using paid traffic For beginners, options like google ads could be a mountain task, to really move the needle and avoid wasting time, starting with Facebook is a good idea. Head over to https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/. First, choose — “get more website visitors” Then click on creative ads, add your landing page/website link on the URL line. Creating Facebook ads is a topic on its own that I won’t cover on this post, you can find out more on how to write a great ad headline and text here. The next step depends on your company’s buyer persona for your ideal client. You need to know: Location of your ideal client Their industry or profession Let’s use MossAdams here as an example. They are an accounting firm operating across 50 states in the US, providing companies in the real estate industry with accounting services. Here is an idea of what they offer: Your interests will be based on the industry you work in and the micro-niches in that industry, also keep in mind the geographical location. Here is how it would look like: Once you have run a few ads and you have started getting some subscribers sign-ups… you can start using lookalike audiences. This is where facebook does the targeting for you. That was the last of the paid stuff. Now we get into a free method that might take you a lot of time to do, but it is as effective if not more! Posting content on your blog If you happen to want to blog, you better be different than the average person, considering that over 2 million blogs are written every day. In addition to being different, you have to be able to win against the search engine algorithm. To do all of that you have to: Write blogs based on popular topics within your niche. You can use buzzsumo to find the right keyword for the industry you are writing about. Write long blog posts and repurpose the content for your social media accounts Research your keywords thoroughly and don’t be afraid of using longtail keywords in your content Remember to include pictures in your blog and some stats to back up your arguments. I’ve just blabbed nonstop on how to create a quality blog post, but how do you use your blog to generate email subscribers? You create a blog upgrade Once you are done and ready to publish your blog, you can create a pdf version to make it easy for readers to download it (of course their email will be required to complete the download). You can also create a checklist based on the blog the reader is reading. Here is how it might look like: The reader will at most times be happy to receive the checklist to a point that they would gladly give you their email address. My final thoughts… The single biggest reason people will subscribe to your email list will probably be the giveaway you offer them. You have to wrap it nicely in words that sell it. Considering that 20% of marketers admit that email marketing is a primary source of income for their businesses, you don’t want to not have some kind of email marketing for your practice.
2019-11-14 13:09:31.784000+00:00
['Marketing', 'Finance', 'Accounting', 'Insurance', 'Writing']
Title Accountant’s ultimate guide starting 1000 subscriber email listContent Accountant’s ultimate guide starting 1000 subscriber email list you’re starting new accounting firm trying enter new niche industry quite difficult get new client hustle month trying cold email cold call attend networking event still getting penny dollar 80 hour work week realize getting client easy guru said would two main reason happens People don’t know People don’t trust Hmmm seems obvious order start getting reasonable work make people aware mean business also trusted Building high quality highly targeted email list best way satisfy reason 56 billion active email account expected end 2019 it’s easy see might want get connected potential client via email email list running youll position Share useful accounting tax tip list reader Positioning expert industry sell accounting service list loyal reader post going learn successfully start list email subscriber going Mostly examine build email list without paying traffic scale need paid traffic touch bit ready let jump straight Decide want attract get hand dirty know type person trying attract guarantee communicating right information right people list email subscriber score killing new paying client trust know largely high conversion rate email marketing claim undisputed champ marketing 416 conversion rate get kind conversion you’ll focus one thing That’s clear type person would like attract Ideal client mean get demographic information like age gender income level education cater B2C client Industry annual revenue size company B2B client info also includes client situated factor influence decision allimportant factor consider What’s pain point problem Answer question description ideal client done that… enough information construct buyer persona look like Voila get know ideal client easier share content resonates step set tone rest whats needed successfully start email list work Get started email marketing tool simple Gmail account won’t cut send mass email personalized specific buyer’s stage prospect Plus also analyze insight stats optimize email convert top three email marketing tool Convertkit Aweber MailChimp suitable different stage mailing list hundred subscriber hundred thousand subscriber Click link check tool’s pricing plan Mailchimp Aweber Convertkit MailChimp give featurelimited free version 2000 subscriber It’s brainer That’s nice place start allow validate whether mailing list worth without spending lot money trying figure signup MailChimp make sure professional email practicefirm’s physical address done need go MailChimp website sign good go would ready fish ideal client place email bucket Create landing page drive people sell email list let potential subscriber know join mailing list what’s landing page easy way enjoy 40 conversion rate b2b accounting firm Since starting looking lose lot money create landing page free Mailchimp head Mailchimp start creating landing page… …this assuming took advice earlier told MailChimp definitely friend starting looking quality professional result budget take look top landing page builder service Hubspot Landingi Optimizepress Instapage allow free trial period commit know go want build landing page next step able know need landing page idea wellbuilt Landing page look like easy straight point headline Focuses benefit clear easy see call action add detail potential subscriber expect signing mailing list important element page is… inclusion lead magnet lead magnet bargaining chip client’s email address… give reward better chance happy grateful willing subscriber example lead magnet 2 month free payroll would really resist offer clueless offer clients… Stick show create lead magnet lead magnet anything is… aImmediately actionable bof value could give away client exchange email address exactly give away ebook download kind email course video course free service limited time There’s plenty choose long know ideal client’s pain point aiming help subscriber alleviate Can’t think anything give away moment stick closer me… Let’s see option Giving away ebook want give away ebook don’t inspiration simply head kindle type desired search term see following… Hmmm… Already there’s treasure trove idea use create ebook right good news don’t even buy book since tax expert yourself… simply borrow inspiration create “just good” 10 pager ebook subscriber surely grateful create email course signing up… client could enjoy 7 10 day daily coursetotally dependent — help save lot tax financial year idea course could structured need inspiration… Checkout Udemy general search within niche look lot idea already popping screen… holy grail whatever see fit idea module divide course — click like module use create course… appear go 4 module great 4day course delivered daily subscriber inbox… Wasn’t hard that’s covered… add lead magnet landing page Collecting email part bulk work done either paid ad attract new subscriber put work time attract organic traffic Luckily don’t go far start Emailing current client lead you’ve cold emailed people starting point since already email want add link email signature directs landing page created earlier Like so… whenever send next email promoting email list via signature also want create email could send people emailed includes lead cold emailed never heard think followup email exhausted existing connection move heavy stuff buckle up… it’s get really bumpy Using paid traffic beginner option like google ad could mountain task really move needle avoid wasting time starting Facebook good idea Head httpswwwfacebookcomadsmanager First choose — “get website visitors” click creative ad add landing pagewebsite link URL line Creating Facebook ad topic won’t cover post find write great ad headline text next step depends company’s buyer persona ideal client need know Location ideal client industry profession Let’s use MossAdams example accounting firm operating across 50 state US providing company real estate industry accounting service idea offer interest based industry work microniches industry also keep mind geographical location would look like run ad started getting subscriber signups… start using lookalike audience facebook targeting last paid stuff get free method might take lot time effective Posting content blog happen want blog better different average person considering 2 million blog written every day addition different able win search engine algorithm Write blog based popular topic within niche use buzzsumo find right keyword industry writing Write long blog post repurpose content social medium account Research keywords thoroughly don’t afraid using longtail keywords content Remember include picture blog stats back argument I’ve blabbed nonstop create quality blog post use blog generate email subscriber create blog upgrade done ready publish blog create pdf version make easy reader download course email required complete download also create checklist based blog reader reading might look like reader time happy receive checklist point would gladly give email address final thoughts… single biggest reason people subscribe email list probably giveaway offer wrap nicely word sell Considering 20 marketer admit email marketing primary source income business don’t want kind email marketing practiceTags Marketing Finance Accounting Insurance Writing
QuickBook support line
QuickBooks plays a very important role when the user uses the payroll on-demand on the service of the customer around the world.QuickBooks provides the service technical support number when the user has any queries of the customer . our expert is friendly accommodating when you have to use the QuickBooks software. QuickBooks software is so competitive, advance and end to end the point.QuickBooks support also provides the customer support free number and toll-free number for the user when they have any issue related to the payment online or software related issue. Our support line provides the service at 24*7 users can call us at any time when they have any queries related to QuickBooks online. if you need to fly your business into a new position then maintain your pay budget.QuickBooks technical support resolves the queries related to tech error. when the user uses any software then errors are a common thing with software applications and chances are that programs face some functionality problems when used on a PC, Mac, Smartphone or Tablet.
['Anjali Kushwaha']
2019-11-28 09:09:47.032000+00:00
['Customer Service', 'Accounting', 'Business Strategy']
Title QuickBook support lineContent QuickBooks play important role user us payroll ondemand service customer around worldQuickBooks provides service technical support number user query customer expert friendly accommodating use QuickBooks software QuickBooks software competitive advance end end pointQuickBooks support also provides customer support free number tollfree number user issue related payment online software related issue support line provides service 247 user call u time query related QuickBooks online need fly business new position maintain pay budgetQuickBooks technical support resolve query related tech error user us software error common thing software application chance program face functionality problem used PC Mac Smartphone TabletTags Customer Service Accounting Business Strategy
How Can Intelligent Automation Help Streamline your Accounts Payable Processes?
How Can Intelligent Automation Help Streamline your Accounts Payable Processes? What if you could reduce the amount of time and money your organization spends on manual accounts payable (AP) processes? No matter the size of the organization, every company has bills to pay, but manually processing invoices is time-consuming, unsecured, and subject to errors. In fact, the Institute for Finance & Management (IOFM) reports that it costs on average $11.76 to process a single invoice and that the average organization receives over 1,200 invoices per month! What if you could digitize invoices while eliminating manual data entry? What if this solution saved you time and money? What if this solution was available in just one system? Electronic Content Management (ECM) allows your organization to reduce operating expenses, securely comply with regulations, eliminate manual data entry, and integrate with your existing accounting system or other line-of-business applications — either in the cloud or on-premise. Our patented award-winning artificial intelligence engine can bring intelligent automation to any finance department and improve productivity across the entire enterprise. After automating AP processes, organizations save over 70% on invoice handling costs alone, with a payback period of fewer than 12 months. Get started with ECM today to digitize, manage, store, and route all your financial records to improve productivity and save money. EFFICIENCY Eliminate time-wasting manual data entry by leveraging our patented artificial intelligence (AI) engine classify documents automatically and extract key data. Easy setup gets you up and running in just hours or days, not weeks or months. Intelligently cross-reference information effortlessly between accounting systems and other line-of-business (LOB) applications, streamlining three-way matching. CONTROL Protect information by applying access restrictions such as passwords, user controls, multiple layers of security, and encryption. Securely manage customer data to ensure compliance with federal regulations such as the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), and the Dodd-Frank Act. Setup automatic retention periods to ensure invoices are not deleted early or held too long. MONEY Reduce your cost per invoice by managing files electronically. Speed up invoice approvals to earn more early discounts. Reduce audit fees by simplifying record management and retrieval. How Does Your Accounts Payable Department Compare? Take a short quiz to find out if you could reduce cost and increase efficiency in your AP department here.
['Hk Bain']
2019-11-26 15:53:42.114000+00:00
['Accounts Payable', 'Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Ecm']
Title Intelligent Automation Help Streamline Accounts Payable ProcessesContent Intelligent Automation Help Streamline Accounts Payable Processes could reduce amount time money organization spends manual account payable AP process matter size organization every company bill pay manually processing invoice timeconsuming unsecured subject error fact Institute Finance Management IOFM report cost average 1176 process single invoice average organization receives 1200 invoice per month could digitize invoice eliminating manual data entry solution saved time money solution available one system Electronic Content Management ECM allows organization reduce operating expense securely comply regulation eliminate manual data entry integrate existing accounting system lineofbusiness application — either cloud onpremise patented awardwinning artificial intelligence engine bring intelligent automation finance department improve productivity across entire enterprise automating AP process organization save 70 invoice handling cost alone payback period fewer 12 month Get started ECM today digitize manage store route financial record improve productivity save money EFFICIENCY Eliminate timewasting manual data entry leveraging patented artificial intelligence AI engine classify document automatically extract key data Easy setup get running hour day week month Intelligently crossreference information effortlessly accounting system lineofbusiness LOB application streamlining threeway matching CONTROL Protect information applying access restriction password user control multiple layer security encryption Securely manage customer data ensure compliance federal regulation GrammLeach Bliley Act GLBA SarbanesOxley Act SOX DoddFrank Act Setup automatic retention period ensure invoice deleted early held long MONEY Reduce cost per invoice managing file electronically Speed invoice approval earn early discount Reduce audit fee simplifying record management retrieval Accounts Payable Department Compare Take short quiz find could reduce cost increase efficiency AP department hereTags Accounts Payable Accounting Accounting Software Ecm
The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce
Initial Situation First things first: the calculation and evaluation are individual for each shop. This is exactly why it’s so important to understand which of the three levers you need to pull in order to get the biggest increase in revenue for your shop. In our example, we assume that the shop: Currently has 1,000 customers, with an Average order value (AOV) of 50 €/order. From these 1,000 customers, zero are regular customers of the shop, meaning all customers order only once. That amounts to a total revenue of 50,000 €. Marketing costs are 7,143 € (customer acquisition costs over complete customer running time presumed at 1:7). In addition there are product/handling/shipping costs of 21,500 € (empirical values). These assumptions run on a margin before overheads (30%) of 21,357 €, as well as a profit of about 6,357 €. Assumption 1: 30% more customers If we now pull the first lever “Number of customers” and increase it by 30% to 1,300, the following changes result in: Revenue increases by 15,000 € to 65,000 €. Marketing costs increase by 2,143 €. Margin before overheads rises by 6,407 €. Profit rises by 1,907 €. Almost 2,000 € additionally, for 30% more customers — not so bad at all, is it? But what does it look like if you pull the other levers? Maybe even more will happen. Assumption 2: Average order value (AOV) raised by € 15 If we now pull the second lever instead of the number of customers, i.e. set the AOV to 65 €/order (instead of 50 €), the following changes will occur: Revenue increase by 15,000 € to 65,000 €. The marketing costs remain the same because we have put nothing into it to attract more customers or regular customers. The product/handling/shipping costs increase by 4,500 €. The margin before overheads increases by 10,500 €. The profit increases by 6,000 €. Amazing! 6,000 € more profit for only 15 € higher AOV — that sounds feasible, doesn’t it? But maybe the third lever can tickle even more out of this shop… Assumption 3: More regular customers — out of ten first-time customers, three place another order If you manage to convert 0.3 customers into regular customers, this will have the following effect on the shop: The turnover rises to 65,000 € here as well The marketing costs sink around 1,648 €, since it is more favorable regular customers to reactivate than new customers to activate. The margin increases by 12,148 €. The profit rises around 7,648 €. With the third lever, we increase the margin and profit most for this shop scenario. But as I said, every shop is different, depending on How your own shop is set up, How many customers you have, The AOV, and How many regular customers you have. Use the calculator in the spreadsheet and calculate where you can realize the largest additional margins and profits for your shop. Afterward, we’ll be happy to discuss with you what measures and what effort is involved. But what happens if we pull all levers at the same time? Assumption 4: 30% increase with all levers If we pull all three levers at the same time by 30%, thus increasing the number of customers to 1,300, the AOV to 65€, and the number of regular customers to three out of ten first customers, the following changes result for the shop: The turnover increases from 50,000 € to 109,850 €, more than doubling. The marketing costs remain the same. The product/handling/shipping costs rise by 19,905 €, since more orders are received and must be completed. The margin almost triples, from 21,357 € to just over 61,302 €. The profit more than triples, from 6.357 € to 28.347 €. And now it’s your turn. The easiest way to figure this out for your own shop is with our calculator spreadsheet, which you can copy here for free. Expert tip for all those who prefer to calculate everything themselves: If you know your revenue, AOV, and the number of your customers, you can calculate the repurchase rate if you don’t have it at hand. The formula for this is: turnover / customers / AOV = repurchase rate.
['Franz Sauerstein']
2019-12-04 02:23:40.869000+00:00
['Ecommerce', 'Marketing', 'Accounting', 'Growth', 'Business']
Title 3 Levers Growth Revenue eCommerceContent Initial Situation First thing first calculation evaluation individual shop exactly it’s important understand three lever need pull order get biggest increase revenue shop example assume shop Currently 1000 customer Average order value AOV 50 €order 1000 customer zero regular customer shop meaning customer order amount total revenue 50000 € Marketing cost 7143 € customer acquisition cost complete customer running time presumed 17 addition producthandlingshipping cost 21500 € empirical value assumption run margin overhead 30 21357 € well profit 6357 € Assumption 1 30 customer pull first lever “Number customers” increase 30 1300 following change result Revenue increase 15000 € 65000 € Marketing cost increase 2143 € Margin overhead rise 6407 € Profit rise 1907 € Almost 2000 € additionally 30 customer — bad look like pull lever Maybe even happen Assumption 2 Average order value AOV raised € 15 pull second lever instead number customer ie set AOV 65 €order instead 50 € following change occur Revenue increase 15000 € 65000 € marketing cost remain put nothing attract customer regular customer producthandlingshipping cost increase 4500 € margin overhead increase 10500 € profit increase 6000 € Amazing 6000 € profit 15 € higher AOV — sound feasible doesn’t maybe third lever tickle even shop… Assumption 3 regular customer — ten firsttime customer three place another order manage convert 03 customer regular customer following effect shop turnover rise 65000 € well marketing cost sink around 1648 € since favorable regular customer reactivate new customer activate margin increase 12148 € profit rise around 7648 € third lever increase margin profit shop scenario said every shop different depending shop set many customer AOV many regular customer Use calculator spreadsheet calculate realize largest additional margin profit shop Afterward we’ll happy discus measure effort involved happens pull lever time Assumption 4 30 increase lever pull three lever time 30 thus increasing number customer 1300 AOV 65€ number regular customer three ten first customer following change result shop turnover increase 50000 € 109850 € doubling marketing cost remain producthandlingshipping cost rise 19905 € since order received must completed margin almost triple 21357 € 61302 € profit triple 6357 € 28347 € it’s turn easiest way figure shop calculator spreadsheet copy free Expert tip prefer calculate everything know revenue AOV number customer calculate repurchase rate don’t hand formula turnover customer AOV repurchase rateTags Ecommerce Marketing Accounting Growth Business
How To Be Calm During The Tax Season
It’s never easy to move on from the fun and merry season of Christmas and New Year’s break into the absolute high-stress zone of tax season. And it doesn’t matter whether your tax filings are of the basic kind or more heavy-duty — tax season is the one thing no one looks forward to. Unless you are a CPA or a tax firm of course. While you cannot completely eliminate the stress of filing your taxes, by focusing on the below-mentioned tips, you can learn to stay calm and avoid unnecessary stress as April rolls around. Getting Organized Is The Key This one is a no brainer. Getting organized is the key to staying stress-free during the tax season. Few things to keep in mind; · Don’t wait till the end — go ahead and figure out and organize the forms that you will need to file. · Prepare your paperwork in advance, so you are not left scrabbling in the end while filling out your tax forms. · Make sure your records are good all year through — so for example, if you know you can claim a deduction, then ensure your receipts are in order. · If you are unsure about the paperwork or unclear on specific aspects of filing your returns, don’t leave it till the end — ask for help. · If you have a dedicated finance department, then make sure your team is prepped and ready with the necessary documentation and accurate records. · If your business uses independent contractors, make sure you send the appropriate forms to them. Maintain Your Books All Year Through One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make sure your books are maintained all throughout the year. Make sure you track every little expense, loan, purchase, earning(s) of your business. The same holds good even for those who are self-employed or run a home business. Regardless of whether you use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or more complex and efficient accounting software such as hosted QuickBooks, make sure you update your accounting software with all the relevant financial information for the whole year. Also, ensure that there are no errors with any of the data that is being updated into your accounting software. Keep Track of Expenses Carefully track and monitor your business-related expenditures for the whole year. Few quick tips; · Make sure you file your receipts by year and month. · To introduce more order in the filing system, subdivide your receipts into categories such as meals, gas mileage, entertainment, etc. · It doesn’t hurt to maintain notebooks or documents that can be updated with notes on expenditures — these can be extremely handy during an audit. Quarterly Tax Estimates It is always a good practice to review your business numbers for every quarter. Look at your profits, gains, and losses, as well as other important financials, so you are not hit by any unpleasant surprises when the tax season arrives. Make sure you track your profits for the whole year and then do a quarterly estimate of your upcoming taxes based on those figures. Plan Ahead to Maximize Deductions While there are some taxes that you simply cannot avoid, if you look through your tax filings carefully, you will be surprised at the available structures that are in place which can help you minimize your taxes. · Carefully scan the tax rules and regulations to identify which exemptions apply to your business. · Once you find deductions that are applicable to your business, see how best you can adjust your yearly spending to maximize those deductions. · Are you a startup? Did you start a new business? If yes, take advantage of the deductions available to you and get a much-needed tax break. Hire a Tax Professional or an Accountant If you find you are constantly stressing over your business taxes each year, maybe it’s time you hired a tax specialist or an accountant. Knowing you have an expert to deal with your taxes, will definitely take the pressure off of you and help you navigate the tax season much better. Just make sure your accountant has access to all the necessary paperwork and tax information. Learn to Stay Safe Tax season is a great time for scammers and criminals — they know taxpayers are usually stressed and under immense pressure when filing their returns. So scamming people becomes easier for them. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind. 1. Don’t Fall for IRS Scam Calls Scammers often operate under the guise of pretending to be an IRS officer. They might threaten you with a law-suite or an audit or even an arrest. What you need to know, however, is that if the IRS wants to contact you, they will initiate engagement via letters before calling you. 2. Watch out for Phishing Emails Phishing campaigns executed by cybercriminals are again a very popular IRS scam option. Make sure you have antivirus software for all your devices and be extremely careful when you come across unsolicited emails — if you don’t recognize the sender, simply delete the mail or forward them to https://www.irs.gov/privacy-disclosure/report-phishing 3. Secure your Information and Be-aware If you receive calls where the caller says they are an IRS agent and they ask for personal information such as your social security number, don’t engage with them and go ahead and block the number. If you want to double-check, then you can always directly contact the IRS over a number listed on the IRS website https://www.irs.gov/. Be careful about your personal and financial data as well — don’t share information such as SSN or your banking information with anyone. Also, try and keep track of your credit report and check for irregularities on a periodic basis. In Conclusion Tax season is always stressful. But it doesn’t have to be painful to the point of giving you sleepless nights or affecting your health. The above-mentioned tips and suggestions can help you stay calm during the tax season while also ensuring you don’t get hit by any nasty surprises. Know more ways to keep calm during the tax season? Share them in the comment section below.
['Yashu Varshney']
2019-11-27 07:04:20.173000+00:00
['Taxes', 'Tax Season', 'Accounting', 'Cybersecurity']
Title Calm Tax SeasonContent It’s never easy move fun merry season Christmas New Year’s break absolute highstress zone tax season doesn’t matter whether tax filing basic kind heavyduty — tax season one thing one look forward Unless CPA tax firm course cannot completely eliminate stress filing tax focusing belowmentioned tip learn stay calm avoid unnecessary stress April roll around Getting Organized Key one brainer Getting organized key staying stressfree tax season thing keep mind · Don’t wait till end — go ahead figure organize form need file · Prepare paperwork advance left scrabbling end filling tax form · Make sure record good year — example know claim deduction ensure receipt order · unsure paperwork unclear specific aspect filing return don’t leave till end — ask help · dedicated finance department make sure team prepped ready necessary documentation accurate record · business us independent contractor make sure send appropriate form Maintain Books Year One best thing make sure book maintained throughout year Make sure track every little expense loan purchase earnings business hold good even selfemployed run home business Regardless whether use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet complex efficient accounting software hosted QuickBooks make sure update accounting software relevant financial information whole year Also ensure error data updated accounting software Keep Track Expenses Carefully track monitor businessrelated expenditure whole year quick tip · Make sure file receipt year month · introduce order filing system subdivide receipt category meal gas mileage entertainment etc · doesn’t hurt maintain notebook document updated note expenditure — extremely handy audit Quarterly Tax Estimates always good practice review business number every quarter Look profit gain loss well important financials hit unpleasant surprise tax season arrives Make sure track profit whole year quarterly estimate upcoming tax based figure Plan Ahead Maximize Deductions tax simply cannot avoid look tax filing carefully surprised available structure place help minimize tax · Carefully scan tax rule regulation identify exemption apply business · find deduction applicable business see best adjust yearly spending maximize deduction · startup start new business yes take advantage deduction available get muchneeded tax break Hire Tax Professional Accountant find constantly stressing business tax year maybe it’s time hired tax specialist accountant Knowing expert deal tax definitely take pressure help navigate tax season much better make sure accountant access necessary paperwork tax information Learn Stay Safe Tax season great time scammer criminal — know taxpayer usually stressed immense pressure filing return scamming people becomes easier safety tip keep mind 1 Don’t Fall IRS Scam Calls Scammers often operate guise pretending IRS officer might threaten lawsuite audit even arrest need know however IRS want contact initiate engagement via letter calling 2 Watch Phishing Emails Phishing campaign executed cybercriminals popular IRS scam option Make sure antivirus software device extremely careful come across unsolicited email — don’t recognize sender simply delete mail forward httpswwwirsgovprivacydisclosurereportphishing 3 Secure Information Beaware receive call caller say IRS agent ask personal information social security number don’t engage go ahead block number want doublecheck always directly contact IRS number listed IRS website httpswwwirsgov careful personal financial data well — don’t share information SSN banking information anyone Also try keep track credit report check irregularity periodic basis Conclusion Tax season always stressful doesn’t painful point giving sleepless night affecting health abovementioned tip suggestion help stay calm tax season also ensuring don’t get hit nasty surprise Know way keep calm tax season Share comment section belowTags Taxes Tax Season Accounting Cybersecurity
Small Business Accountants Melbourne — an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn’t
Small Business Accountants Melbourne — an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn’t Business Accounting Services Melbourne If a big amount is eventually distributed to the company, it’s going to have lots of value. Employ an accountant in the event you’re audited It’s statistically unlikely your company is going to be audited, since there are many little businesses and relatively few government auditors. The bucket provider may declare dividends that could be offset against the minimum repayment obligation. Also, you can think about employing an Accounting firm for your organization. Together with providing the standard accounting, tax and compliance services you would anticipate from a conventional accounting firm. As you try to find different approaches to raise and boost your organization, seeking specialist advice could end up being an important and beneficial choice. In the same manner a company can quickly become overwhelming, accounting can grow to be a hard, challenging and costly service to perform if you don’t have the proper expertise to aid you. It can be difficult for someone new to running a company to tell whether it’s well worth taking on a specific franchise. Determining whether your company requires a small small business accountant is a personal decision and will ride on your present financial situation, your business objectives, your plans for growth and the prior experience you might already have about accounting, along with other elements. Running your small company will present a good deal of challenges for you. If you’re running a little company, you’re probably wondering whether you want a little small business accountant to aid you with your financial circumstance. Driving your company drives our business enterprise. For instance, you earned $150,000 from your small business. This way, you’re going to be in a position to be sure your company may continue running even when times are tough. Every company needs persistence. So you have opted to begin your own business or purchase a present business or franchise. If you’re just starting out in your business, we take pride in mentoring you through the respective phases of your small business lifecycle. Figure out which investments and strategies can do the job for your financial objectives and future. Possessing a financial strategy offers you the freedom to create choices. Business success starts with an excellent strategy. Our purpose is to help you grow your company, find approaches to invest more and boost your productivity. During your life you’ll have different objectives and experience different financial challenges. If you’re on the lookout for a bookkeeper in Melbourne, speak to rdl today. You always ought to consult an accountant before purchasing a current business. You would like an accountant to be proactive and advanced. Also, a great accountant can supply you with business advisory services on how to deal with your income to steer clear of struggles. In contrast to public opinion, small small business accountants perform a lot more services than just tax returns. As your small small business accountant we can also help you decide which one of these softwares could be suitable. You might not be in a position to afford to engage a full-time accountant for your small business. There are a lot of ways to remain in touch with us and almost all of our bookkeeping clients have regular meetings with our accountants to make sure their company is on track. If you neglect to lodge information with the different government departments you may be fined. It’s wise for all business proprietors to have some understanding of accounting even if they’re not financing experts. Experts know many ways in which you can conserve money and limiting financial mistakes. It is essential that you fully grasp any overall advice provided is not necessarily suitable for you. First consultation with us is totally free and you won’t repent your choice. Its highest term is 7 decades and has a minimal yearly repayment program. Try to remember, late payments won’t only affect you but have a negative effect on your business enterprise. Work with our group of proactive and energetic small business experts that are highly competent in all elements of business accounting and taxation. It is essential for new businesses to establish the appropriate structure from the beginning. The Ideal Strategy to small business accountants melbourne If you’re an ambitious small business owner seeking to accelerate your company success we ask that you book a FREE, 1 hour introductory consultation to talk about your needs. Whether you’re trying to continue to keep your clients content or simply on the lookout for strategies to increase your goods or services, you need to just push on. In the event the client has an extensive history of on-time payments, sit down with them and find out a strategy. A new client or a huge project can indicate you want to cultivate your company more quickly than predicted. Before you purchase any accounting software ask us what is the very best and most cost efficient means to go. It can be difficult to keep an eye on each of the bills you must pay when you’re running your own company.
2019-11-28 06:41:55.016000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Small Business']
Title Small Business Accountants Melbourne — Depth Anaylsis Works Doesn’tContent Small Business Accountants Melbourne — Depth Anaylsis Works Doesn’t Business Accounting Services Melbourne big amount eventually distributed company it’s going lot value Employ accountant event you’re audited It’s statistically unlikely company going audited since many little business relatively government auditor bucket provider may declare dividend could offset minimum repayment obligation Also think employing Accounting firm organization Together providing standard accounting tax compliance service would anticipate conventional accounting firm try find different approach raise boost organization seeking specialist advice could end important beneficial choice manner company quickly become overwhelming accounting grow hard challenging costly service perform don’t proper expertise aid difficult someone new running company tell whether it’s well worth taking specific franchise Determining whether company requires small small business accountant personal decision ride present financial situation business objective plan growth prior experience might already accounting along element Running small company present good deal challenge you’re running little company you’re probably wondering whether want little small business accountant aid financial circumstance Driving company drive business enterprise instance earned 150000 small business way you’re going position sure company may continue running even time tough Every company need persistence opted begin business purchase present business franchise you’re starting business take pride mentoring respective phase small business lifecycle Figure investment strategy job financial objective future Possessing financial strategy offer freedom create choice Business success start excellent strategy purpose help grow company find approach invest boost productivity life you’ll different objective experience different financial challenge you’re lookout bookkeeper Melbourne speak rdl today always ought consult accountant purchasing current business would like accountant proactive advanced Also great accountant supply business advisory service deal income steer clear struggle contrast public opinion small small business accountant perform lot service tax return small small business accountant also help decide one software could suitable might position afford engage fulltime accountant small business lot way remain touch u almost bookkeeping client regular meeting accountant make sure company track neglect lodge information different government department may fined It’s wise business proprietor understanding accounting even they’re financing expert Experts know many way conserve money limiting financial mistake essential fully grasp overall advice provided necessarily suitable First consultation u totally free won’t repent choice highest term 7 decade minimal yearly repayment program Try remember late payment won’t affect negative effect business enterprise Work group proactive energetic small business expert highly competent element business accounting taxation essential new business establish appropriate structure beginning Ideal Strategy small business accountant melbourne you’re ambitious small business owner seeking accelerate company success ask book FREE 1 hour introductory consultation talk need Whether you’re trying continue keep client content simply lookout strategy increase good service need push event client extensive history ontime payment sit find strategy new client huge project indicate want cultivate company quickly predicted purchase accounting software ask u best cost efficient mean go difficult keep eye bill must pay you’re running companyTags Accounting Small Business
How Should You hire Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad in 2022?
This content will help you all to understand how can you hire the services of the best deep cleaning service providers in 2022. We love to clean our home on daily basis, not only this, we love to keep our home well clean for special occasions like new year parties and other loveliest occasions. Therefore, at one time or the other in our lives, we want to pursue cleaning activities for our home. But merely cleaning on daily basis won’t make out a perfect schedule, instead we can opt for hiring Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad. But in 2022, we should at least give a note towards how should we hire the services of deep cleaning service providers to make their cleaning tasks go smart. What are the Perfect Platforms to Hire for the Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad? Hiring the services of deep cleaning service providers is an important task to make our sweet abode clean. Therefore, if you are trying to hire deep cleaning services in the year 2022 , you must keep yourself abreast in the technology and ensure to hire the services of the best deep cleaning service providers via scouting the internet. , you must keep yourself abreast in the technology and ensure to hire the services of the best deep cleaning service providers via scouting the internet. If you want to hire the services of the top deep cleaning service providers, you can ask for recommendations from your family members, friends, and other acquaintances. It will help you get the best choices from various sources for deep cleaning services. If you want to pick the services of the best deep cleaning service providers, the best choice is to hire for the services of the top online portals such as ZoopGo . We will help you get in touch with the best and verified deep cleaning service providers. . We will help you get in touch with the best and verified deep cleaning service providers. In the age of instagram, you can also check out the Instagram handles for picking the top 5 deep cleaning service providers. Final Fame: With these ideas you can pick the best deep cleaning service providers and ensure making your home cleaning journey go at the best pace. If you are still looking for any other services say, Pest Control in Hyderabad, you can contact ZoopGo to hire for the services of the best pest control services who are completely verified by our staff.
['Priya Agrahari']
2021-12-22 04:40:09.157000+00:00
['Deep Cleaning Service', 'Hyderabad', 'Cleaning', '2022']
Title hire Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad 2022Content content help understand hire service best deep cleaning service provider 2022 love clean home daily basis love keep home well clean special occasion like new year party loveliest occasion Therefore one time life want pursue cleaning activity home merely cleaning daily basis won’t make perfect schedule instead opt hiring Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad 2022 least give note towards hire service deep cleaning service provider make cleaning task go smart Perfect Platforms Hire Deep Cleaning Services Hyderabad Hiring service deep cleaning service provider important task make sweet abode clean Therefore trying hire deep cleaning service year 2022 must keep abreast technology ensure hire service best deep cleaning service provider via scouting internet must keep abreast technology ensure hire service best deep cleaning service provider via scouting internet want hire service top deep cleaning service provider ask recommendation family member friend acquaintance help get best choice various source deep cleaning service want pick service best deep cleaning service provider best choice hire service top online portal ZoopGo help get touch best verified deep cleaning service provider help get touch best verified deep cleaning service provider age instagram also check Instagram handle picking top 5 deep cleaning service provider Final Fame idea pick best deep cleaning service provider ensure making home cleaning journey go best pace still looking service say Pest Control Hyderabad contact ZoopGo hire service best pest control service completely verified staffTags Deep Cleaning Service Hyderabad Cleaning 2022
FastKlean is Celebrating 20 Years in Business
FastKlean is Celebrating 20 Years in Business FastKlean is Celebrating 20 Years in Business December is coming to a close, so it’s time for our annual end-of-the-year recap. However, this time comes with a twist, because we’ve got an extraordinary occasion. FastKlean is officially twenty years old! We’ll be sending all of our clients and newsletter subscribers a special 10% discount code to celebrate this, so make sure to check your inbox! Our Team So, given the special circumstances, we’re going to kick things off with a big shout-out to our team. We’d like to thank everyone who is a part of the company for their continual effort over the years. All of our cleaners, supervisors, managers, office staff and customer support division. Yes, it sounds a bit cheesy, but we would’ve never gotten this far if it wasn’t for our dedicated employees. All of you guys are truly wonderful! For a business like FastKlean, it’s really the employees, the team, that makes the difference. People need to know that they can trust us. They need to know that their property is in good hands. The team is really the heart and soul of our business. “We need great cleaners, we need excellent supervisors, and we need exceptional customer support. Our reputation, our entire brand is built around this. It all rests on their shoulders. I realised this from the start. I knew that I needed to find responsible and reliable people. People that I can trust. Because, obviously, I couldn’t ever hope to do it alone. This is why I always try to take good care of my team, and they repay me in kind by doing their best. And I feel really blessed that I have found such wonderful people. Some of you have been with me since the start, others have joined only recently, but you’re all very, very important, and I want to let you know that your efforts are really appreciated!” Antoaneta Tsocheva — CEO & Founder of FastKlean Read more here
['Fastklean - Professional Cleaning Company']
2021-12-16 11:25:00.098000+00:00
['Business', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning']
Title FastKlean Celebrating 20 Years BusinessContent FastKlean Celebrating 20 Years Business FastKlean Celebrating 20 Years Business December coming close it’s time annual endoftheyear recap However time come twist we’ve got extraordinary occasion FastKlean officially twenty year old We’ll sending client newsletter subscriber special 10 discount code celebrate make sure check inbox Team given special circumstance we’re going kick thing big shoutout team We’d like thank everyone part company continual effort year cleaner supervisor manager office staff customer support division Yes sound bit cheesy would’ve never gotten far wasn’t dedicated employee guy truly wonderful business like FastKlean it’s really employee team make difference People need know trust u need know property good hand team really heart soul business “We need great cleaner need excellent supervisor need exceptional customer support reputation entire brand built around rest shoulder realised start knew needed find responsible reliable people People trust obviously couldn’t ever hope alone always try take good care team repay kind best feel really blessed found wonderful people since start others joined recently you’re important want let know effort really appreciated” Antoaneta Tsocheva — CEO Founder FastKlean Read hereTags Business Cleaning Services Cleaning
Part time maids in dubai
Part time maids in dubai The very best maids in Dubai Our maids are professionally trained and with immense experience in cleaning and providing a satisfying environment for those who want to see their place turned perfect. Many a maid company in Dubai will not have such part time maids as ours — maids who have a wealth of experience and a versatile skillset. They are the best among any maid agency in Dubai. Versatile Hear at Spectrum, our maids are trained so that they are versatile at the cleaning services that they can dispense. They can clean several locations whether residence or office using the best equipment that fits the situation. Moreover, they can switch being just mere cleaners to performing other specialised skills such as pet care, laundry and ironing, and sitting services. The versatility of our part time maids in Dubai makes our agency one of the most coveted in Dubai. Punctual and Affordable Our services are relatively affordable than any other maid services that you might find anywhere here in part time maid in dubai. Our cleaning services make sure that though the price might be low; the quality of the cleaning is never compromised. We always make sure that the quality remains stellar throughout. We often come up with offers and other incentives that you will most definitely find attractive. Moreover we make sure that the cleaning is done quickly and according to time. Since we charge our maid cleaning services, we make sure that our part time maids are cleaning your house or your office space for only the hours that you specified them to be there. This way we make sure that maid cleaning occurs only to your liking and according to the way you would want within your specified time frame.
['Alsen Arthur']
2021-12-13 06:56:20.965000+00:00
['Dubai', 'Maids', 'Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning Company']
Title Part time maid dubaiContent Part time maid dubai best maid Dubai maid professionally trained immense experience cleaning providing satisfying environment want see place turned perfect Many maid company Dubai part time maid — maid wealth experience versatile skillset best among maid agency Dubai Versatile Hear Spectrum maid trained versatile cleaning service dispense clean several location whether residence office using best equipment fit situation Moreover switch mere cleaner performing specialised skill pet care laundry ironing sitting service versatility part time maid Dubai make agency one coveted Dubai Punctual Affordable service relatively affordable maid service might find anywhere part time maid dubai cleaning service make sure though price might low quality cleaning never compromised always make sure quality remains stellar throughout often come offer incentive definitely find attractive Moreover make sure cleaning done quickly according time Since charge maid cleaning service make sure part time maid cleaning house office space hour specified way make sure maid cleaning occurs liking according way would want within specified time frameTags Dubai Maids Cleaning Cleaning Services Cleaning Company
Top 8 Best Robot Vacuum For Hard Floor And Pet Hair
In this blog, we will have a brief conversation on Robot Vacuum For Hard Floor And Pet Hair. Pet owners know that there is nothing more frustrating than trying to maintain the cleanliness of their homes. Your pet is part of the family, which means taking care of their fur is a responsibility that falls on you too! We know it can be challenging to find time for yourself with work, kids, and pets — but finding time for them doesn’t have to be difficult either. We’ll show you how to keep up with all those pesky hairs with this blog post. Thanks. It can be hard not to feel overwhelmed by all of these tasks, from vacuuming everyday dust and debris to dealing with pet hair embedded in the carpet to having a jammed brush bar after removing fur from the vacuum cleaner. But what if we told you there was an easier way? That’s right! We’ve found the best robot vacuum cleaners for pet hair, so you no longer have to worry about any of those problems. What are the best robot vacuums for pet hair and hard floor? Based on our lab results and general performance, the best robot vacuums for pet hair overall is the iLife V3s Pro. It’s essential in its design and functionality, making it perfect to use as a starter model for someone who doesn’t have much time! The 99% collection rate means that you’ll never be left disappointed when cleaning up after your furry friend again — make sure not to overestimate how well one specific brand works since there are so many options available!. You can schedule your cleaning sessions using the remote control, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting or missing a day. The shedding sweater is affordable and offers robust performance at only $120! The iRobot Roomba s9+ is the best robot vacuum for your home. This device has it all with app connectivity, area-specific cleaning, and no-go zones! You can even use its Clean Base feature to charge or empty into the bag when complete, so you don’t have any dirtying duties on hand, at least which makes life easier as well since most people struggle with doing these things themselves anyway, whether they’re old or young. This robot has been a godsend for those who hate cleaning up after their pets. The Roborock S4 Max is an affordable option with valuable features, and it’s excellent at picking up pet hair on hardwood floors! It picks up 94% of fur in the average lab test-and 100% during certain types of navigation zones like sleeping areas or furniture you don’t want this little guy going near (like rugs!). With laser navigation technology that helps keep your home safe from missed messes, as well as room-specific vacuuming patterns tailored towards different kinds of flooring materials-you’ll never have dirtier carpets again once we’ve finished our job here today. What to Look in a Robot Vacuum: > Your cat or dog might be keeping you busy with their fur all over the house, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. With a robot vacuum cleaner in tow, your floors will finally be free from animal hair once and for all! Your cat or dog might be keeping you busy with their fur all over the house, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. With a robot vacuum cleaner in tow, your floors will finally be free from animal hair once and for all! > There’s no shortage of models out there — we’ve found some great ones here at Best Vacuum Reviews Daily (and they’re cheaper than most pet-specific vacuums). It may seem tough choosing which one is right; after all, nobody wants an expensive robot vacuum machine only for the sake of their pets…but fear not: follow along as I take care of this task quickly so both. There’s no shortage of models out there — we’ve found some great ones here at Best Vacuum Reviews Daily (and they’re cheaper than most pet-specific vacuums). It may seem tough choosing which one is right; after all, nobody wants an expensive robot vacuum machine only for the sake of their pets…but fear not: follow along as I take care of this task quickly so both. > It’s essential to research a robot vacuum carefully before purchasing it, as many have different features and specifications that can make them suitable for certain types of floors or rooms. For example, some work best on carpets, while others with better suction power will handle regular hardwood surfaces just fine with ease; try looking at the machine’s advertised data to determine what its capabilities might be once you get closer! It’s essential to research a robot vacuum carefully before purchasing it, as many have different features and specifications that can make them suitable for certain types of floors or rooms. For example, some work best on carpets, while others with better suction power will handle regular hardwood surfaces just fine with ease; try looking at the machine’s advertised data to determine what its capabilities might be once you get closer! > The Proscenic M7 and Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 offer up to 2,600 Pa of suction power. This is higher than any other robot on our list, making them perfect for carpeting with pet hair! The AIVI model by coving OZ mo t 8 delivers one 500gauge but might take more passes before collecting all your dog’s coats — just be sure you have enough time because the affordable robot vacuum won’t do anything else while they’re waiting. A few Tips: Stay home for your robot vacuum’s first few runs. Do a quick run-through of the house before vacuum cleaning to save time and hassle. Make sure there are no weird spots that may hinder your progress — ribbons on floors or strings from rugs would be perfect for trapping robot vacs! Do a quick run-through of the house before vacuum cleaning to save time and hassle. Make sure there are no weird spots that may hinder your progress — ribbons on floors or strings from rugs would be perfect for trapping robot vacs! Try emptying the bin mid-run. If you think your robot vacuum isn’t working, I can fill up one small bin in less than 10 minutes. And even with a house full of kids and dogs! If you think your robot vacuum isn’t working, I can fill up one small bin in less than 10 minutes. And even with a house full of kids and dogs! Check your Wi-Fi. If you have a Wi-Fi-enabled robot vacuum, the vast majority can only connect to 2.4GHz wireless bands and will not function properly if they’re linked on other networks. Ensure that your network is compatible with these devices before joining them to avoid any unnecessary headaches! If you have a Wi-Fi-enabled robot vacuum, the vast majority can only connect to 2.4GHz wireless bands and will not function properly if they’re linked on other networks. Ensure that your network is compatible with these devices before joining them to avoid any unnecessary headaches! Vac during the day. To ensure your mapping robot vacuum gets where it needs to go, you’ll want to schedule a run at 2 pm rather than midnight. The Best Time to Buy a Robot Vacuum Here are the best robot vacuums for hard floor and pet hair The top 8 Best Robot Vacuums for Hard floor and Pet hair are below. 1. iLife V3s Pro The iLife V3s Pro looks like its sibling, the slightly more extensive and more budget-friendly robot vacuum. It’s made from a smooth white plastic with black accents around the sides, making it easier to clean than some other vacuums on today’s market that have rough handles or bristles for sweeping up messes! Moreover, This 3″ high unit features a raised front lip explicitly designed so you can’t get stuck in places where your cleaner cannot reach; this also helps make sure dirt stays away when being transported back into the home base (just saying). The budget robot vacuum (low price) point does come at one minor disadvantage-the lack of gold cover over what would otherwise be seen as a pristinely beautiful machine. The iLife V3s Pro is a versatile cleaner that can handle any surface, no matter how tough. It has an automatic random pattern meaning it might miss spots or get fixated on one area too much for your liking, but this drawback could help ensure all sizes are cleaned thoroughly! Last but not least, arrow buttons on the included remote guide your V3s Pro back towards the dirt. If you’re okay with providing it with some supervision, this incredible value will serve floors well! Specifications: 2. iRobot Roomba S9+ The iRobot Roomba s9+ is a hot buy for any family with pets, as it can handle even the most discharged of hair. What sets this machine apart from its competitors? That would be self-emptying Clean Base technology! When your bin gets full, or if you anticipate completing one job and then moving onto another before emptying old dirt/hair into an external wastebasket (which should happen after every time), press down. The iRobot Roomba robotic vacuum is an incredible invention that does more than pick up dirt. The bin in which you place the hair and dander from your robot will be neatly closed when it’s time to empty all of its contents, making for a much easier cleanup compared with dumping this waste into a regular kitchen garbage can! But the iRobot Roomba s9+ isn’t just a vacuum. It can be programmed to clean specific areas of your home, such as around the kitchen table, and avoid others. Furthermore, For this process to work correctly, you will need an app on both devices which communicate via Wi-Fi connection between them; one serving as mobile remote while the other functions similarly but drives itself throughout each room automatically following its navigation map generated by various sensors included within unit’s exterior housing — mainly explicitly meant so we don’t have any more excuses when eyestrain starts kicking into high gear after spending too much time staring at computer screens all day long! Specifications: 3. Roborock S4 Max The Roborock S4 Max is an excellent and less expensive robot vacuum option for anyone who wants to clean their home without having an expensive and bulky vacuum. We found that it quickly created accurate maps on our layout, with the ability to store up to four different map settings at once! It’s able not only one room but also multiple rooms or even an entire level in just seconds — making this lightweight robot perfect if you’re looking after more than yourself alone!. Plus!, each unit can be customized within their app, so as many passes happen during one run (up to three!). Also, The no-go zones feature means we’ll never have Fido knocking over food bowls again. Specifications 4. Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro+ The Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro is a pricey high-end hybrid good robot vacuum that’s capable of mopping and vacuuming your floors while disposing of its dustbin when it’s done. The Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro+ is an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner that cleans hard floors and carpets. It has an advanced suction power of 2600Pa to draw out dirt and dust from wherever it’s hidden while optimizing energy and maintaining low noise levels. The 360-degree camera scans your room to map the space, then creates a cleaning path. The Deebot automatically adjusts its height to clean under furniture and along wall edges. Its anti-collision sensors help it avoid bumping. Additionally, This is a robot vacuum. It will clean your floors, and it has a laser in front of it that detects objects on the floor so it can avoid them. The Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro+ is an autonomous robot vacuum cleaner made by Ecovacs Robotics LLC, founded in 2007. Its features include three cleaning modes (auto, spot, and edge), as well as a remote for scheduling cleaning sessions from anywhere via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity. The N8 Pro+ model also includes True Detect. Specifications: Vacuums and mops Expensive Includes self-emptying dustbin - Strong suction power Minor mapping issues in testing Automatically detects carpet - Supports virtual boundaries, schedules, and zone cleaning Average battery life Works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant - 5. Proscenic M7 Pro The M7 Pro with its around design and raised laser sensor on top. It measures 13 inches in diameter, 3+75 tall, not including bristles! This crowdfunding sensation has 24 sensors to keep you safe from stairs or other obstacles while mapping out your home for optimal cleaning paths that won’t wear down any carpeting whatsoever- all without getting stuck halfway through a room because of one mistakenly coded passageway. It may seem not very clear at first, but once we break it apart piece by the stunning robot will become clear as day. Also, Designed with 2,600Pa of suction power and a HEPA filter to remove allergens from your home’s air as well, the $499 Proscenic M7 Robotic Vacuum is an excellent choice for those who need help cleaning. With remote capabilities or app support on both iOS ( Apple ) AND Android devices alike — you’ll never be without vacuuming again! Additionally, The powerful motorized brush tool means quick pickups everywhere, including hardwood floors-even in tight corners. You also have control over boundaries zones, so no-go areas won’t get vacuumed while you’re away or when someone needs their space back! But if all else fails, this little guy offers excellent vacuuming capabilities at a reasonable price point, too — perfect for those looking into starting easy solutions first before investing more money later down the road as they learn what’s best suited towards them. The heightened laser sensor, which aids this device in navigating and mapping your home, makes it taller than other floor cleaning robots I’ve tested but will still fit under most furniture. Specifications: 6. Eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid With a pet hair removal score of 100%, the Eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid is one of our top performers for hardwood floor cleaning. It quickly collected all that fur from your floors and only fell short on the carpet by 89%. But don’t let this stop you! The robot vacuum also functions as an effective mop, so no matter what type or size problem we’ve got going here at home — between business trips, etc., just put some water into its patented tank area (which can hold up to 7lbs) then press “mop” mode. When we put the robot to work, a few areas needed improvement. The mapping experience when dividing rooms and controlling mopping functions proved challenging at first glance, with imperfections in both design elements and functionality so they can be improved upon for future models if necessary! But if you only need to clean a small space, consider the answers below. This portable vacuum has four levels of suction power and can get set up quickly enough! Specifications: 7. Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL R101AE The Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL R101AE vacuum is the perfect option for those looking to hold onto their investment and keep things clean. It features a self-cleaning brush roll, intelligent sensors that automatically detect particles on contact (as well as when they are moved around), an inbuilt waste bin with Bluetooth connectivity so it can be cleaned by someone else once emptied or replaced if necessary — meaning you never have dirty hands again! Additionally, The Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL R101AE ($599) is the perfect robotic vacuum for those looking to have their house cleaned without having to do any of the hard work themselves. This machine does all of your vacuuming and washing automatically with little maintenance required with just one monthly fee! The top-selling feature of these robots? They’re virtually flawless in every way-from how quickly they get up dirt off surfaces around your home or office space (less than 10 minutes!), right down t0 ensuring a dustbin full less often than once per month. With a self-cleaning brush roll, this vacuum is perfect for pet owners. It also has enough power to suck up all of your fur from carpeting! This makes it an Editors’ Choice award winner in our book — with great features like these, you won’t want anything else on the market today… Also, The nice thing about this is that you never have to come into contact with dust and debris. The downside? You eventually run out of bags! Specifications: Features a bagless self-emptying base and self-cleaning brush roll Average battery life Can Mops your home and supports scheduling, area cleaning, and virtual no-go zones Can get loud Works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant - It comes with a physical boundary strip. - I never got stuck in testing. - 8. Bissell Spin Wave Wet and Dry Robotic Vacuum The Bissell Spin wave Wet and Dry robot can both vacuum your floors to make them genuinely shine or scrub the dirt away using an oscillating brush. Up until now, Bissell’s upright wet and dry vacuums have been great at cleaning up both carpeting and hardwood floors. But the new SpinWave model goes one step further by offering two spinning microfiber pads as well! It can suck dirt from low pile carpets while also scrubbing away the grime on your higher-end surfaces, so you don’t need to worry about spots showing ever again — make sure not get it too close when cleaning because its suction power isn’t strong enough for deeply rooted problems like this. Additionally, The Spin Wave measures 12.25 inches in diameter and stands 3.25 tall, a fairly standard size for robot vacuums which makes it one of the more attractive models I’ve seen- I’m partial to its all-white design because it matches my home decor much better than most robot vacuums out there, with black or blue colors usually associated with them instead of gray like this device does now! Specifications: Mops and vacuums No mapping features or voice control Works with cleaning solution The robot got stuck on some furniture in testing Automatically avoids carpet when mopping - Conclusion: A robot vacuum can be a great way to keep your house clean and free of pet hair, but the best affordable robot vacuum for you will depend on what kind of flooring you have. For instance, if you have hardwood or tile floors, an upright cleaner with rotating brushes is ideal. If carpeted areas are more prevalent in your home’s layout, get a robotic vacuuming system that has both rotating brush rollers and suction power. And finally, if you’re looking for something specifically designed to remove pet hairs from furniture and upholstery (a common problem when pets shed), we recommend getting a specialized attachment. You can also read: best iPad floor stand
2022-01-13 21:37:08.441000+00:00
['Home', 'Gadgets', 'Tech', 'Cleaning']
Title Top 8 Best Robot Vacuum Hard Floor Pet HairContent blog brief conversation Robot Vacuum Hard Floor Pet Hair Pet owner know nothing frustrating trying maintain cleanliness home pet part family mean taking care fur responsibility fall know challenging find time work kid pet — finding time doesn’t difficult either We’ll show keep pesky hair blog post Thanks hard feel overwhelmed task vacuuming everyday dust debris dealing pet hair embedded carpet jammed brush bar removing fur vacuum cleaner told easier way That’s right We’ve found best robot vacuum cleaner pet hair longer worry problem best robot vacuum pet hair hard floor Based lab result general performance best robot vacuum pet hair overall iLife V3s Pro It’s essential design functionality making perfect use starter model someone doesn’t much time 99 collection rate mean you’ll never left disappointed cleaning furry friend — make sure overestimate well one specific brand work since many option available schedule cleaning session using remote control don’t worry forgetting missing day shedding sweater affordable offer robust performance 120 iRobot Roomba s9 best robot vacuum home device app connectivity areaspecific cleaning nogo zone even use Clean Base feature charge empty bag complete don’t dirtying duty hand least make life easier well since people struggle thing anyway whether they’re old young robot godsend hate cleaning pet Roborock S4 Max affordable option valuable feature it’s excellent picking pet hair hardwood floor pick 94 fur average lab testand 100 certain type navigation zone like sleeping area furniture don’t want little guy going near like rug laser navigation technology help keep home safe missed mess well roomspecific vacuuming pattern tailored towards different kind flooring materialsyou’ll never dirtier carpet we’ve finished job today Look Robot Vacuum cat dog might keeping busy fur house doesn’t stay way robot vacuum cleaner tow floor finally free animal hair cat dog might keeping busy fur house doesn’t stay way robot vacuum cleaner tow floor finally free animal hair There’s shortage model — we’ve found great one Best Vacuum Reviews Daily they’re cheaper petspecific vacuum may seem tough choosing one right nobody want expensive robot vacuum machine sake pets…but fear follow along take care task quickly There’s shortage model — we’ve found great one Best Vacuum Reviews Daily they’re cheaper petspecific vacuum may seem tough choosing one right nobody want expensive robot vacuum machine sake pets…but fear follow along take care task quickly It’s essential research robot vacuum carefully purchasing many different feature specification make suitable certain type floor room example work best carpet others better suction power handle regular hardwood surface fine ease try looking machine’s advertised data determine capability might get closer It’s essential research robot vacuum carefully purchasing many different feature specification make suitable certain type floor room example work best carpet others better suction power handle regular hardwood surface fine ease try looking machine’s advertised data determine capability might get closer Proscenic M7 Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 offer 2600 Pa suction power higher robot list making perfect carpeting pet hair AIVI model coving OZ mo 8 delivers one 500gauge might take pass collecting dog’s coat — sure enough time affordable robot vacuum won’t anything else they’re waiting Tips Stay home robot vacuum’s first run quick runthrough house vacuum cleaning save time hassle Make sure weird spot may hinder progress — ribbon floor string rug would perfect trapping robot vac quick runthrough house vacuum cleaning save time hassle Make sure weird spot may hinder progress — ribbon floor string rug would perfect trapping robot vac Try emptying bin midrun think robot vacuum isn’t working fill one small bin le 10 minute even house full kid dog think robot vacuum isn’t working fill one small bin le 10 minute even house full kid dog Check WiFi WiFienabled robot vacuum vast majority connect 24GHz wireless band function properly they’re linked network Ensure network compatible device joining avoid unnecessary headache WiFienabled robot vacuum vast majority connect 24GHz wireless band function properly they’re linked network Ensure network compatible device joining avoid unnecessary headache Vac day ensure mapping robot vacuum get need go you’ll want schedule run 2 pm rather midnight Best Time Buy Robot Vacuum best robot vacuum hard floor pet hair top 8 Best Robot Vacuums Hard floor Pet hair 1 iLife V3s Pro iLife V3s Pro look like sibling slightly extensive budgetfriendly robot vacuum It’s made smooth white plastic black accent around side making easier clean vacuum today’s market rough handle bristle sweeping mess Moreover 3″ high unit feature raised front lip explicitly designed can’t get stuck place cleaner cannot reach also help make sure dirt stay away transported back home base saying budget robot vacuum low price point come one minor disadvantagethe lack gold cover would otherwise seen pristinely beautiful machine iLife V3s Pro versatile cleaner handle surface matter tough automatic random pattern meaning might miss spot get fixated one area much liking drawback could help ensure size cleaned thoroughly Last least arrow button included remote guide V3s Pro back towards dirt you’re okay providing supervision incredible value serve floor well Specifications 2 iRobot Roomba S9 iRobot Roomba s9 hot buy family pet handle even discharged hair set machine apart competitor would selfemptying Clean Base technology bin get full anticipate completing one job moving onto another emptying old dirthair external wastebasket happen every time press iRobot Roomba robotic vacuum incredible invention pick dirt bin place hair dander robot neatly closed it’s time empty content making much easier cleanup compared dumping waste regular kitchen garbage iRobot Roomba s9 isn’t vacuum programmed clean specific area home around kitchen table avoid others Furthermore process work correctly need app device communicate via WiFi connection one serving mobile remote function similarly drive throughout room automatically following navigation map generated various sensor included within unit’s exterior housing — mainly explicitly meant don’t excuse eyestrain start kicking high gear spending much time staring computer screen day long Specifications 3 Roborock S4 Max Roborock S4 Max excellent le expensive robot vacuum option anyone want clean home without expensive bulky vacuum found quickly created accurate map layout ability store four different map setting It’s able one room also multiple room even entire level second — making lightweight robot perfect you’re looking alone Plus unit customized within app many pass happen one run three Also nogo zone feature mean we’ll never Fido knocking food bowl Specifications 4 Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro pricey highend hybrid good robot vacuum that’s capable mopping vacuuming floor disposing dustbin it’s done Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro intelligent robot vacuum cleaner clean hard floor carpet advanced suction power 2600Pa draw dirt dust wherever it’s hidden optimizing energy maintaining low noise level 360degree camera scan room map space creates cleaning path Deebot automatically adjusts height clean furniture along wall edge anticollision sensor help avoid bumping Additionally robot vacuum clean floor laser front detects object floor avoid Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro autonomous robot vacuum cleaner made Ecovacs Robotics LLC founded 2007 feature include three cleaning mode auto spot edge well remote scheduling cleaning session anywhere via WiFi Bluetooth connectivity N8 Pro model also includes True Detect Specifications Vacuums mop Expensive Includes selfemptying dustbin Strong suction power Minor mapping issue testing Automatically detects carpet Supports virtual boundary schedule zone cleaning Average battery life Works Amazon Alexa Google Assistant 5 Proscenic M7 Pro M7 Pro around design raised laser sensor top measure 13 inch diameter 375 tall including bristle crowdfunding sensation 24 sensor keep safe stair obstacle mapping home optimal cleaning path won’t wear carpeting whatsoever without getting stuck halfway room one mistakenly coded passageway may seem clear first break apart piece stunning robot become clear day Also Designed 2600Pa suction power HEPA filter remove allergen home’s air well 499 Proscenic M7 Robotic Vacuum excellent choice need help cleaning remote capability app support iOS Apple Android device alike — you’ll never without vacuuming Additionally powerful motorized brush tool mean quick pickup everywhere including hardwood floorseven tight corner also control boundary zone nogo area won’t get vacuumed you’re away someone need space back else fails little guy offer excellent vacuuming capability reasonable price point — perfect looking starting easy solution first investing money later road learn what’s best suited towards heightened laser sensor aid device navigating mapping home make taller floor cleaning robot I’ve tested still fit furniture Specifications 6 Eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid pet hair removal score 100 Eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid one top performer hardwood floor cleaning quickly collected fur floor fell short carpet 89 don’t let stop robot vacuum also function effective mop matter type size problem we’ve got going home — business trip etc put water patented tank area hold 7lbs press “mop” mode put robot work area needed improvement mapping experience dividing room controlling mopping function proved challenging first glance imperfection design element functionality improved upon future model necessary need clean small space consider answer portable vacuum four level suction power get set quickly enough Specifications 7 Shark IQ Robot SelfEmpty XL R101AE Shark IQ Robot SelfEmpty XL R101AE vacuum perfect option looking hold onto investment keep thing clean feature selfcleaning brush roll intelligent sensor automatically detect particle contact well moved around inbuilt waste bin Bluetooth connectivity cleaned someone else emptied replaced necessary — meaning never dirty hand Additionally Shark IQ Robot SelfEmpty XL R101AE 599 perfect robotic vacuum looking house cleaned without hard work machine vacuuming washing automatically little maintenance required one monthly fee topselling feature robot They’re virtually flawless every wayfrom quickly get dirt surface around home office space le 10 minute right t0 ensuring dustbin full le often per month selfcleaning brush roll vacuum perfect pet owner also enough power suck fur carpeting make Editors’ Choice award winner book — great feature like won’t want anything else market today… Also nice thing never come contact dust debris downside eventually run bag Specifications Features bagless selfemptying base selfcleaning brush roll Average battery life Mops home support scheduling area cleaning virtual nogo zone get loud Works Amazon Alexa Google Assistant come physical boundary strip never got stuck testing 8 Bissell Spin Wave Wet Dry Robotic Vacuum Bissell Spin wave Wet Dry robot vacuum floor make genuinely shine scrub dirt away using oscillating brush Bissell’s upright wet dry vacuum great cleaning carpeting hardwood floor new SpinWave model go one step offering two spinning microfiber pad well suck dirt low pile carpet also scrubbing away grime higherend surface don’t need worry spot showing ever — make sure get close cleaning suction power isn’t strong enough deeply rooted problem like Additionally Spin Wave measure 1225 inch diameter stand 325 tall fairly standard size robot vacuum make one attractive model I’ve seen I’m partial allwhite design match home decor much better robot vacuum black blue color usually associated instead gray like device Specifications Mops vacuum mapping feature voice control Works cleaning solution robot got stuck furniture testing Automatically avoids carpet mopping Conclusion robot vacuum great way keep house clean free pet hair best affordable robot vacuum depend kind flooring instance hardwood tile floor upright cleaner rotating brush ideal carpeted area prevalent home’s layout get robotic vacuuming system rotating brush roller suction power finally you’re looking something specifically designed remove pet hair furniture upholstery common problem pet shed recommend getting specialized attachment also read best iPad floor standTags Home Gadgets Tech Cleaning
Keep Points to Consider with Carpet Cleaners Sunshine Coast
Do you own an office or commercial building? No doubt, cleanliness is actually important everywhere. Cleaning the floor and the carpet is essential to maintain the hygiene. The presence of dirty carpets in the residential or commercial areas can result in great illness for you. The presence of the germs can spread different kinds of diseases. The use of the vacuum even left up the dust mites, bacteria; magnetize dirt, pet dander, and even dirt. It is extremely difficult to remove the hard soil. A professional Carpet Cleaners Sunshine Coast can give your help through affordable services by depth cleaning process. Personal Cleaning is not Always Good In order to bring a new life on the carpet, first of all, we all put the personal efforts at own in order to clean up a carpet. No doubt, it is a money saver option. However, in reality, it removes all the dirt at home or with own is possible. The buying guide gives tips for choosing the right rug cleaner in the Sunshine Coast area. Temperature A carpet cleaner rightly get temperatures as high up to 210ºF. Normally, the water temperature of about 140ºF is measured adequate for cleaning the majority of the rugs. If you wish to invest in a cold water carpet washer as they actually cost less. Meanwhile, the carpet washers can be utilized just when self-heating is not compulsory. All the carpet cleaners buying guide suggests making use of the cold water when cleaning costly or even antique rugs. Luckily, there are carpet washers that can easily heat up the water and even use the non-heated water just for the purpose of the cleaning. At the same time, there are non-heating carpets cleaning equipments that can accept pre-heated hot water in order to wash the rugs. Pump Pressure A professional carpet cleaner makes use of the higher pump pressure as compared to the home-use machines. Initiated just at 120 psi, the pressure of the pump pressure can be as high as 220 psi in business carpet cleaners. High-performance machine make sure for the higher pump pressure. Solution and Recovery Tanks Recovery tanks and bigger solution implies for the longer term of cleaning operations and less stoppage for refilling or even dumping. The size of the tank can different from 5 gallons to 15 gallons. Accessories The most important accessory for Leather Furniture Repair Near Me is the stick. Wands are classically single jet, though highly powerful wands are twice jet. For more information visit us www.carpetandleather.com.au
['Carpet Andleather']
2019-12-27 05:21:10.889000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Carpet Cleaning', 'Leather Cleaning']
Title Keep Points Consider Carpet Cleaners Sunshine CoastContent office commercial building doubt cleanliness actually important everywhere Cleaning floor carpet essential maintain hygiene presence dirty carpet residential commercial area result great illness presence germ spread different kind disease use vacuum even left dust mite bacteria magnetize dirt pet dander even dirt extremely difficult remove hard soil professional Carpet Cleaners Sunshine Coast give help affordable service depth cleaning process Personal Cleaning Always Good order bring new life carpet first put personal effort order clean carpet doubt money saver option However reality remove dirt home possible buying guide give tip choosing right rug cleaner Sunshine Coast area Temperature carpet cleaner rightly get temperature high 210ºF Normally water temperature 140ºF measured adequate cleaning majority rug wish invest cold water carpet washer actually cost le Meanwhile carpet washer utilized selfheating compulsory carpet cleaner buying guide suggests making use cold water cleaning costly even antique rug Luckily carpet washer easily heat water even use nonheated water purpose cleaning time nonheating carpet cleaning equipment accept preheated hot water order wash rug Pump Pressure professional carpet cleaner make use higher pump pressure compared homeuse machine Initiated 120 psi pressure pump pressure high 220 psi business carpet cleaner Highperformance machine make sure higher pump pressure Solution Recovery Tanks Recovery tank bigger solution implies longer term cleaning operation le stoppage refilling even dumping size tank different 5 gallon 15 gallon Accessories important accessory Leather Furniture Repair Near stick Wands classically single jet though highly powerful wand twice jet information visit u wwwcarpetandleathercomauTags Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Leather Cleaning
The Post-Valentine’s Day Clean-up
The Post-Valentine’s Day Clean-up I have this fabulous, sexy leather strap-on harness. Or, I should say, my girlfriend has it. I have orgasms. Sometimes it stays pretty clean and we can, as recommended by Good Vibrations and its packaging, just wipe it down with a damp cloth. However, sometimes it gets some pretty heavy contact and the damp-cloth method is just not cutting it. Plus, germs! Since we don’t want to get the leather too wet due to concerns about stretching and the like, our options seem to be leather cleaner and leather oil. Neither of which disinfect, methinks, nor do they feel especially safe to rub all around my ladyparts. Which, of course, is the fun. Also, it has nice rivets and snaps to hold the ring that holds the dildo in place. Little crevices of metal on leather. It’s driving me so nuts about how hard/weird it is to clean that it’s affecting the frequency that we use it! Also it’s bothering me that I can’t find this answer anywhere. Are there seriously no dykes on the internet who are meticulous about cleaning their things? ’Tis a puzzlement. It’s a shame I didn’t have a camera filming me as I skipped into a leather daddy shop in Chelsea in my green Lilly puffer vest with Phish blaring out of the earbuds I’d wrapped around my neck while I chatted up the checkout guy to get the answer to your question, because it was really something else again. Despite my totally inappropriate getup, we had a lovely and highly informative discussion that yielded the following suggestions and tips: (1) For day-to-day cleaning, use baby wipes. The low-moisture content will keep the leather from getting water damage, but will provide just enough by way of suds to clean off any fluids left behind after a quality romp. (2) For maintenance, use saddle soap and/or mink oil. The suggestion here is to use saddle soap and/or mink oil before you store it, which means those products will have time to set into the leather so that they won’t end up on your parts. (3) For deep cleaning, take the items to the dry cleaner. Yes really. Quoth the fellow with whom I spoke, “They’ve seen everything, they’re used to it.” Now then, a quick note about that last statement: it’s true that dry cleaners have likely seen most everything. But still remember to be respectful of them and their place of business and wipe off any egregious stains before you bring the harness in for cleaning. My bed is a happy place, and there’s a fair bit of sex happening there. In the winter I use a down comforter and a pillow top mattress pad to amp up the warm and comfy factor. Both are white and there are some telltale traces of sex on both layers. I have a crummy coin-op washer and dryer that won’t hold the mattress pad, and I’m pretty sure washing a down comforter will wreck it — how can I get my bedding back to a more virginal state? If you say vinegar I won’t be shocked. If you say cornmeal, I will be. I will not say vinegar nor will I say cornmeal! I bet you all are so excited that the answer isn’t vinegar! Except you’ll probably be less excited when you discover that I’m trotting out another old Clean Person favorite, OxiClean. As old timers know by now, Oxi is the go-to product for treating our sexual stains because they’re of the protein variety and Oxi is aces on protein stains. Things become tricky, of course, because of your note that your coin-op machines aren’t big enough to accommodate the mattress pad. So what you’ll need to do in this case is to spot treat the mattress pad using an Oxi paste. Since the stains are older, you should be prepared to have to put in a little bit of labor to get them up. Start by laying down the paste and letting it sit for 30+ minutes. Wipe away the paste with a clean, damp rag, and then get after the stain with the rag and your muscles. You might sweat! This is okay. When you feel like you’ve gotten the stain out, wring your rag entirely clean and go over the spot a few times to get up the last of the Oxi solution you’ve made. While you’re doing this, try not to soak the pad. It will get wet, obviously, but you don’t want it sopping and if you can contain the cleaning only to the stained sections that will help too. Let the thing air dry for a few hours, check to make sure the stains are out, and then turn a hairdryer on the wet spots to finish the drying process. Now we’ll turn our attention to your down comforter, which absolutely can be washed without wrecking it! Isn’t that such nice news to hear on a Thursday in February? You’ll follow the same basic procedures as you would when laundering a down parka. Using a cold-water setting and a mild detergent, wash the comforter on the gentle cycle. When it comes out of the washer it will be terribly bedraggled-looking, but the drying process will fix that right up. Put the comforter in the dryer on a low to medium setting, along with a towel or two, which will help to protect the comforter from getting torn up, and a tennis ball, which will bounce around in the dryer to fluff and plump the down filling. There’s also a newish product, similar in function to the tennis balls but with so much more panache, that I’m super excited I get to mention because I love love love love love mine: DRYER BALLS. [testicle joke goes here] My mom got me a pair for Christmas, and now I use them whenever I do a load of towels to help fluff them up, since dryer sheets are a no-no with towels. They’d also be perfect for use with comforters, parkas, down pillows, what-have-you. What do you do when someone gives you flowers and you leave them in the vase until they’ve been dead for a week and are growing mold. Is there any way to make the vase all sparkly clean again? The boring answer is to hit the vase with a splurt of dishsoap, fill it with very, very hot water and let it soak for 30 or more minutes before cleaning it with a long-handled scrub brush. Something like this? But not that one because $20+ is way too much money to spend on such a thing. The fun answer is to drop either a denture cleaning tablet like Efferdent or an antacid tablet like Alka Seltzer into the bottom of the vase, fill it with water and let it sit overnight before rinsing out. Poofta! In the wake of Valentine’s Day I’m sure there will be many ‘curious stain’ queries, mine is of a more innocent nature — I was given a promotional Valentine’s chocolate which I foolishly put in my handbag to give to my boyfriend later. In the southern hemisphere Valentine’s Day was quite hot, and it didn’t take long for the chocolate to melt, squelching its gooey centre all over the inside of my handbag. No big deal really, as I had wet wipes on hand, but my brand new rose pink leather wallet bore the chocolate-y brunt, and now has a really unfortunate stain that wont come out. How do I fix this!? It was meant to be a long-term investment buy, splashing out on a lovely leather wallet, and now it looks like I left it in a puddle over night! This is going to sound like it’s not right, because we’ve all been trained up to think that leather + water = big no-no, but the first thing to try here is mixing up a water and dishsoap (or handsoap or laundry detergent) solution so that it gets very sudsy. Then dip a clean rag or sponge into your bubbles so that it picks up the suds but doesn’t get saturated with water, and clean the leather with the foam. You could even put on some ‘90s-era dance music and be all, “FOAM PARTY!!!” or you could just be normal and listen to Celine Dion. Your choice. If there still appears to be a greasy stain once you’ve gone the foam route and allowed the wallet to dry completely, get your hands on some cornstarch and put a mound of it on the stain. Let that sit for at least 15 minutes before brushing it away. The cornstarch should pull up any grease that’s soaked into the leather. Lastly, if all else fails take it into a cobbler or a cleaner that specializes in leather and have it professionally treated. Or just skip straight to that step! Previously: This Valentine’s Day, Say It With Jewelry Cleaner. Jolie Kerr is not paid to endorse any of the products mentioned in this column, but she sure would be very happy to accept any free samples the manufacturers care to send her way! Are you curious to know if she’s answered a question you have? Do check out the archives, listed by topic. More importantly: is anything you own dirty? Photo by archidea, via Shutterstock
2016-06-01 21:31:58.852000+00:00
['Advice', 'Cleaning']
Title PostValentine’s Day CleanupContent PostValentine’s Day Cleanup fabulous sexy leather strapon harness say girlfriend orgasm Sometimes stay pretty clean recommended Good Vibrations packaging wipe damp cloth However sometimes get pretty heavy contact dampcloth method cutting Plus germ Since don’t want get leather wet due concern stretching like option seem leather cleaner leather oil Neither disinfect methinks feel especially safe rub around ladyparts course fun Also nice rivet snap hold ring hold dildo place Little crevice metal leather It’s driving nut hardweird clean it’s affecting frequency use Also it’s bothering can’t find answer anywhere seriously dyke internet meticulous cleaning thing ’Tis puzzlement It’s shame didn’t camera filming skipped leather daddy shop Chelsea green Lilly puffer vest Phish blaring earbuds I’d wrapped around neck chatted checkout guy get answer question really something else Despite totally inappropriate getup lovely highly informative discussion yielded following suggestion tip 1 daytoday cleaning use baby wipe lowmoisture content keep leather getting water damage provide enough way suds clean fluid left behind quality romp 2 maintenance use saddle soap andor mink oil suggestion use saddle soap andor mink oil store mean product time set leather won’t end part 3 deep cleaning take item dry cleaner Yes really Quoth fellow spoke “They’ve seen everything they’re used it” quick note last statement it’s true dry cleaner likely seen everything still remember respectful place business wipe egregious stain bring harness cleaning bed happy place there’s fair bit sex happening winter use comforter pillow top mattress pad amp warm comfy factor white telltale trace sex layer crummy coinop washer dryer won’t hold mattress pad I’m pretty sure washing comforter wreck — get bedding back virginal state say vinegar won’t shocked say cornmeal say vinegar say cornmeal bet excited answer isn’t vinegar Except you’ll probably le excited discover I’m trotting another old Clean Person favorite OxiClean old timer know Oxi goto product treating sexual stain they’re protein variety Oxi ace protein stain Things become tricky course note coinop machine aren’t big enough accommodate mattress pad you’ll need case spot treat mattress pad using Oxi paste Since stain older prepared put little bit labor get Start laying paste letting sit 30 minute Wipe away paste clean damp rag get stain rag muscle might sweat okay feel like you’ve gotten stain wring rag entirely clean go spot time get last Oxi solution you’ve made you’re try soak pad get wet obviously don’t want sopping contain cleaning stained section help Let thing air dry hour check make sure stain turn hairdryer wet spot finish drying process we’ll turn attention comforter absolutely washed without wrecking Isn’t nice news hear Thursday February You’ll follow basic procedure would laundering parka Using coldwater setting mild detergent wash comforter gentle cycle come washer terribly bedraggledlooking drying process fix right Put comforter dryer low medium setting along towel two help protect comforter getting torn tennis ball bounce around dryer fluff plump filling There’s also newish product similar function tennis ball much panache I’m super excited get mention love love love love love mine DRYER BALLS testicle joke go mom got pair Christmas use whenever load towel help fluff since dryer sheet nono towel They’d also perfect use comforter parka pillow whathaveyou someone give flower leave vase they’ve dead week growing mold way make vase sparkly clean boring answer hit vase splurt dishsoap fill hot water let soak 30 minute cleaning longhandled scrub brush Something like one 20 way much money spend thing fun answer drop either denture cleaning tablet like Efferdent antacid tablet like Alka Seltzer bottom vase fill water let sit overnight rinsing Poofta wake Valentine’s Day I’m sure many ‘curious stain’ query mine innocent nature — given promotional Valentine’s chocolate foolishly put handbag give boyfriend later southern hemisphere Valentine’s Day quite hot didn’t take long chocolate melt squelching gooey centre inside handbag big deal really wet wipe hand brand new rose pink leather wallet bore chocolatey brunt really unfortunate stain wont come fix meant longterm investment buy splashing lovely leather wallet look like left puddle night going sound like it’s right we’ve trained think leather water big nono first thing try mixing water dishsoap handsoap laundry detergent solution get sudsy dip clean rag sponge bubble pick suds doesn’t get saturated water clean leather foam could even put ‘90sera dance music “FOAM PARTY” could normal listen Celine Dion choice still appears greasy stain you’ve gone foam route allowed wallet dry completely get hand cornstarch put mound stain Let sit least 15 minute brushing away cornstarch pull grease that’s soaked leather Lastly else fails take cobbler cleaner specializes leather professionally treated skip straight step Previously Valentine’s Day Say Jewelry Cleaner Jolie Kerr paid endorse product mentioned column sure would happy accept free sample manufacturer care send way curious know she’s answered question check archive listed topic importantly anything dirty Photo archidea via ShutterstockTags Advice Cleaning
The Tile Cleaning Of My Grandmother’s House
The Tile Cleaning Of My Grandmother’s House A person’s surroundings directly affect his/her mental condition and it is even truer in my case. Whenever I feel stressed, I cope with this condition by doing the cleaning. I have this habit since my childhood that cleaning a place gives me real peace because it feels like I have cleaned the debris from my mind. Similarly, dirty surrounding gives me anxiety. I feel like things are out of control and I feel compelled to keep things organized and clean. Tile and grout cleaning So, a few months ago, I visited my grandmother’s place in Bakersfield CA so that I can study for my final exams in peace. She lives alone so I thought that it would be best if I go there and study without disturbance. That’s when I took the toughest home tile cleaning challenge of my life. When I arrived at her place, opposite to my expectations, I could not find peace. There was no one and no noise, that is true. But it was the most distracting hellish place for a clean-freak like me. Basically, my grandmother is a sick woman and she cannot pay much heed to intense cleaning of the house. The worst condition was of the tiles of the upper floor of the house, where I was supposed to stay. Honestly, I could not bear it. So, the very next day, I set myself to work. I went to the nearby store and spent a large amount of my pocket money on buying the cleaning material. I bought the best tile cleaning stuff, bought mops and vipers. Then I came back home and I moved all the furniture to the other room so that I can clean up the floor of the room and then move to the next one gradually. I was sure that the color of the tiles was not brown but it was only because of the immense dust and spill-overs on it. I did not know how to start and where to start. So, I put a little water on a small spot on the tile and it turned into muddy water. The sight was so cringy that I almost puked. Anyways I looked at the whole big room and I had no idea how I was going to dispose of all that dust. At that exact moment, I realized that the cleaning of that room was not a DIY job. The layers of dust were staring at me in my eyes. So, I immediately called the best commercial tile cleaning service of Bakersfield CA because my innocent feeble tile cleaners were not strong enough to deal with such monstrous dirt. Stain Removal Services Bakersfield CA They gave me an appointment of the next day and when they arrived, they were themselves impressed by our ability to tolerate that much filth. However, they then started their work with professional cleaners and huge machinery. I just went downstairs because I could not bear with that sight. They asked me to come back in the evening and when I went back upstairs in the evening, I finally found out that the color of the tiles was white.
['Scott Danny']
2019-12-11 11:10:43.534000+00:00
Title Tile Cleaning Grandmother’s HouseContent Tile Cleaning Grandmother’s House person’s surroundings directly affect hisher mental condition even truer case Whenever feel stressed cope condition cleaning habit since childhood cleaning place give real peace feel like cleaned debris mind Similarly dirty surrounding give anxiety feel like thing control feel compelled keep thing organized clean Tile grout cleaning month ago visited grandmother’s place Bakersfield CA study final exam peace life alone thought would best go study without disturbance That’s took toughest home tile cleaning challenge life arrived place opposite expectation could find peace one noise true distracting hellish place cleanfreak like Basically grandmother sick woman cannot pay much heed intense cleaning house worst condition tile upper floor house supposed stay Honestly could bear next day set work went nearby store spent large amount pocket money buying cleaning material bought best tile cleaning stuff bought mop viper came back home moved furniture room clean floor room move next one gradually sure color tile brown immense dust spillover know start start put little water small spot tile turned muddy water sight cringy almost puked Anyways looked whole big room idea going dispose dust exact moment realized cleaning room DIY job layer dust staring eye immediately called best commercial tile cleaning service Bakersfield CA innocent feeble tile cleaner strong enough deal monstrous dirt Stain Removal Services Bakersfield CA gave appointment next day arrived impressed ability tolerate much filth However started work professional cleaner huge machinery went downstairs could bear sight asked come back evening went back upstairs evening finally found color tile whiteTags Cleaning
Save Time and Be “Green”
Save Time and Be “Green” Although multi-tasking often leads to added stress, it does help us get things done. Being organized helps us multi-task and achieve quality at the same time. Did you see Real Simple Magazine’s article about how to line up the products in the bathroom that we use everyday? In addition, the same issue suggests ways to expeditiously clean the bathroom and use products that are not harmful to us and the environment. I polled the people with whom I work in the office where we typeset and found that several members of Storkie’s staff use white vinegar and newspapers for glass surface cleaning. In addition, several others use rags instead of paper towels which saves paper. Then, I polled the people in customer service for their special, “green and short-cuts” for cleaning and organizing. Two of our staff use a recycling bin that sits in the garage, for all glass, paper, and plastic. When anyone leaves the house, they drop the things for recycling in the proper part of the bin. Karen, in customer service assures me it saves time and leads to less clutter. Everyone unanimously agrees that a well-organized bathroom cabinet and clothing closet saves time when rushing about in the morning. Also, when a member of the family can’t find something, because everything has its place, Mom and Dad can help. Debbie said she has organized her family members’ things and closets with them since they were young. Now, it’s second nature that her family puts things back into their places. They all agree it saves time. Stores that specialize in “green cleaning” products and organizers have displays that motivate us to set-up our homes for ease of life. Be sure and go on an outing for inspiration and if the items in the stores are too costly, look at Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and second-hand stores for storage and organizing items that will make our lives more orderly, and save us precious time. Let’s hear from you for ideas on saving time and cleaning “green.”
['Storkie Express']
2017-01-21 22:03:05.932000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Organizing']
Title Save Time “Green”Content Save Time “Green” Although multitasking often lead added stress help u get thing done organized help u multitask achieve quality time see Real Simple Magazine’s article line product bathroom use everyday addition issue suggests way expeditiously clean bathroom use product harmful u environment polled people work office typeset found several member Storkie’s staff use white vinegar newspaper glass surface cleaning addition several others use rag instead paper towel save paper polled people customer service special “green shortcuts” cleaning organizing Two staff use recycling bin sits garage glass paper plastic anyone leaf house drop thing recycling proper part bin Karen customer service assures save time lead le clutter Everyone unanimously agrees wellorganized bathroom cabinet clothing closet save time rushing morning Also member family can’t find something everything place Mom Dad help Debbie said organized family members’ thing closet since young it’s second nature family put thing back place agree save time Stores specialize “green cleaning” product organizer display motivate u setup home ease life sure go outing inspiration item store costly look Target Walmart Home Depot Lowes secondhand store storage organizing item make life orderly save u precious time Let’s hear idea saving time cleaning “green”Tags Cleaning Organizing
Home Deep Cleaning Services in Kothrud, Pune
Cleaning services in Kothrud S3 Care services are world-class standards professional home/house cleaners in Pune, providing the best service ever for deep home cleaning. We use natural cleaning products or government-approved chemicals only for cleaning, which doesn’t damage the look of your house and its belongings. We follow an immensely customer-friendly approach so that our clients get maximum satisfaction with quality service. We believe that customers are the king of the market and providing them the best service with complete satisfaction is our duty. That’s why we prioritize customer comfort and preference, which makes us the best house/home cleaners in pune. Services Covered by us in Home Cleaning. Floor Cleaning: We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. Cleaning of Toilet and Bathroom: We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. Clean All Surfaces: Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Walls & Ceiling: In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. Kitchen Cleaning: Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Window Cleaning: All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. Other Cleaning:Cleaning of electrical appliances, ceiling fans, switchboards, etc. Other Cleaning services offered by S3 Care Services : Carpet Cleaning Services Housekeeping Services Facade Cleaning Services Sofa Home Deep Cleaning Services Chair Cleaning Services Kitchen Cleaning Services https://www.s3deepcleaningpune.com/home-and-office-deep-cleaning-services-in-kothrud.php
2021-12-24 12:58:03.679000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning Company']
Title Home Deep Cleaning Services Kothrud PuneContent Cleaning service Kothrud S3 Care service worldclass standard professional homehouse cleaner Pune providing best service ever deep home cleaning use natural cleaning product governmentapproved chemical cleaning doesn’t damage look house belonging follow immensely customerfriendly approach client get maximum satisfaction quality service believe customer king market providing best service complete satisfaction duty That’s prioritize customer comfort preference make u best househome cleaner pune Services Covered u Home Cleaning Floor Cleaning use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface Cleaning Toilet Bathroom deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly Clean Surfaces surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor Walls Ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling Kitchen Cleaning Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Window Cleaning glass door window house proper care glass door window house proper care CleaningCleaning electrical appliance ceiling fan switchboard etc Cleaning service offered S3 Care Services Carpet Cleaning Services Housekeeping Services Facade Cleaning Services Sofa Home Deep Cleaning Services Chair Cleaning Services Kitchen Cleaning Services httpswwws3deepcleaningpunecomhomeandofficedeepcleaningservicesinkothrudphpTags Cleaning Cleaning Services Cleaning Company
Why do you need a maid? Let’s find out!
Finding it difficult to clean your house daily? Not getting enough time to spend with your closed ones? Tackling work and home at the same time is getting stressful? Tensed about the comfort and safety of your newborn? Are these thoughts rushing in your mind and hampering your health? If yes, then you’re in the right place! My chores believe that every home is unique and personal. Every family has different needs, various priorities, and individual routines. That is why we help you get the right assistance as per your needs. The thought of spending the entire day vacuuming, dusting, scouring bathrooms, and scrubbing floors will make you feel dread inside. Between work, school, kid’s activities and family commitments this chore usually falls to the bottom of the list. That is when professional maid services come in handy. These services are a boon of modern-day civilization and hiring a professional maid service has its very own unique advantages. And, surprisingly, it is more affordable than you think. Here are several reasons why you should appoint a housekeeper or housemaid: To have a better social life: In this tedious working environment, it is very difficult to have an active social life. But what makes it more difficult is an unwelcoming place. Nobody would like to visit a place with dust and dirt all around. In this case, you need a maid who will assist you and will definitely prove to be beneficial. More Family time: This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of having a maid. After a long day at work, it is good to know that there is someone to take care of the dishes and cleaning up while you spend some quality time with your family in the lounge. Having someone to do the housework for you means you have more time to spare and this time can be utilized with your family to make some wonderful memories. A helping hand: Most people choose to look for maid services so that they have someone to help them with almost anything around the house. While certain people do leave everything to the maid, some still like to do the housework themselves. Having a full-time maid looking after your house is a blessing in disguise when you have guests coming or you have a big party or event. You don’t have to worry about anything as you can efficiently get done with things quickly when you have a maid for cooking , cleaning, dusting and many more. Regular cleaning : Without a housekeeper, it’s hard to figure out when you’ll have enough time to do a thorough clean up of your home. For days your bathrooms may be left dirty, furniture caked with dust and floors stained and dirty. Moreover, many areas in your home require regular cleaning to prolong their lifespan. In such a case, you need a full-time maid who can manage all your work right from cleaning to cooking, laundry to caretaking. Enjoy the Me-time: Owing to your busy work life, you might be finding it difficult to pursue your hobbies such as reading your favorite book or travelling to a new place which will help you to relax your mind and keeps you away from the daily stress. In such a scenario you need a maid that gives you the chance to go out and live a little! Healthier home: After a tedious day at work, no one wants to come home to a mess. The first thing you want to do when you walk into your home is kick back and relax, but it’s hard to relax when the place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in days. By hiring a maid agency you never have to worry about that and you can happily walk in and unwind from a long, hard day. For a stress-free and easy life: Taking care of the household is definitely a stressful responsibility. Every member of the family wants their clothes laundered on time, clean dishes to use, and access to a sanitary bathroom. All of this falls on your shoulders and cuts into the time you need to devote to your work or other responsibilities. When such a situation arises, you need maid for house who can take care of all the work and help you live a stress-free life. Time-saving and Professional results: Professional cleaning service staff are trained to be polite, honest, presentable and efficient. They are trained to use the right cleaning supplies and to handover your house in a pristine condition. They possess the skills and knowhow to do the cleaning in a more practical and efficient way. Therefore, even if you had the time to do home chores without any professional assistance, chances are you’ll be spending thrice the amount of time to achieve a spick and span home. An upgraded standard of living: Having a maid in Mumbai is a lot more than just comfort and convenience nowadays, it has become a factor of judging your standard of living. A maid helps you in every work be it small or big which in turn gives you the liberty to live your life the way you want. Take care of your newborn: Having a newborn is a very challenging time for most parents. Not only does it mean less sleep and less time for yourself, but having a new baby in the house also translates to lots of extra cleaning and laundry, both of which are too much for exhausted new parents. Hiring a maid for baby care helps reduce some of the housework off your shoulders. Cost-effective: Everybody has a misconception that hiring a maid can mend a hole in your pocket. But nowadays with so many maid services in Mumbai its easy to get an affordable and good housekeeper. A superior cleaning routine like this leaves a great impression every single time. To Maintain a Work-Life Balance: In this hectic, work-oriented world of today, maintaining work-life balance can be a tough job. Most parents miss out on their kids growing up, most of the young generation miss out on what life has to offer, and all because they are struggling to keep both work and home clean and organized. Hiring a maid near me service can offer a quick, easy, one-stop solution to this problem. Now that you know why you should hire a housekeeper, look no further! My Chores offers an excellent, experienced and trustworthy maid in Mumbai that will knock your socks off. What’s more, our cleaning services are affordable, so you are sure to find the perfect housekeeper to suit your budget and schedule! `
['Shourya Rawat']
2019-12-11 19:54:18.322000+00:00
Title need maid Let’s find outContent Finding difficult clean house daily getting enough time spend closed one Tackling work home time getting stressful Tensed comfort safety newborn thought rushing mind hampering health yes you’re right place chore believe every home unique personal Every family different need various priority individual routine help get right assistance per need thought spending entire day vacuuming dusting scouring bathroom scrubbing floor make feel dread inside work school kid’s activity family commitment chore usually fall bottom list professional maid service come handy service boon modernday civilization hiring professional maid service unique advantage surprisingly affordable think several reason appoint housekeeper housemaid better social life tedious working environment difficult active social life make difficult unwelcoming place Nobody would like visit place dust dirt around case need maid assist definitely prove beneficial Family time perhaps one biggest advantage maid long day work good know someone take care dish cleaning spend quality time family lounge someone housework mean time spare time utilized family make wonderful memory helping hand people choose look maid service someone help almost anything around house certain people leave everything maid still like housework fulltime maid looking house blessing disguise guest coming big party event don’t worry anything efficiently get done thing quickly maid cooking cleaning dusting many Regular cleaning Without housekeeper it’s hard figure you’ll enough time thorough clean home day bathroom may left dirty furniture caked dust floor stained dirty Moreover many area home require regular cleaning prolong lifespan case need fulltime maid manage work right cleaning cooking laundry caretaking Enjoy Metime Owing busy work life might finding difficult pursue hobby reading favorite book travelling new place help relax mind keep away daily stress scenario need maid give chance go live little Healthier home tedious day work one want come home mess first thing want walk home kick back relax it’s hard relax place look like hasn’t cleaned day hiring maid agency never worry happily walk unwind long hard day stressfree easy life Taking care household definitely stressful responsibility Every member family want clothes laundered time clean dish use access sanitary bathroom fall shoulder cut time need devote work responsibility situation arises need maid house take care work help live stressfree life Timesaving Professional result Professional cleaning service staff trained polite honest presentable efficient trained use right cleaning supply handover house pristine condition posse skill knowhow cleaning practical efficient way Therefore even time home chore without professional assistance chance you’ll spending thrice amount time achieve spick span home upgraded standard living maid Mumbai lot comfort convenience nowadays become factor judging standard living maid help every work small big turn give liberty live life way want Take care newborn newborn challenging time parent mean le sleep le time new baby house also translates lot extra cleaning laundry much exhausted new parent Hiring maid baby care help reduce housework shoulder Costeffective Everybody misconception hiring maid mend hole pocket nowadays many maid service Mumbai easy get affordable good housekeeper superior cleaning routine like leaf great impression every single time Maintain WorkLife Balance hectic workoriented world today maintaining worklife balance tough job parent miss kid growing young generation miss life offer struggling keep work home clean organized Hiring maid near service offer quick easy onestop solution problem know hire housekeeper look Chores offer excellent experienced trustworthy maid Mumbai knock sock What’s cleaning service affordable sure find perfect housekeeper suit budget schedule Tags Cleaning
Home Deep Cleaning Services in Hinjewadi, Pune
Home Deep Cleaning Services in Hinjewadi, Pune S3 Care Services — All types of Cleaning Solutions for your Home and Office For being healthy, a hygienic environment is essential in your home. With the help of cleaning professionals, you can deep clean your house correctly and creates a completely sterile environment. If you are in Pune and looking for the best top-class home cleaning services, there are a lot of professional cleaning services available in Pune. S3 Care Services is a renowned company in cleaning services and registered as the top-rated cleaning services company in Pune for many years. Key Features of S3 Care Cleaning Services We have a team of expert cleaners who have all the skills and are well trained. S3 Care services have the maximum number of positive feedback than any other cleaning service in Pune. We have been providing cleaning services since 2010 and serving various regions of Pune. We have all the latest chemicals and tools along with eco-friendly chemicals or cleaning products. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal, so we provide the best cleaning service. Services Covered by us in Home Cleaning. Floor Cleaning: We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. Cleaning of Toilet and Bathroom: We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. Clean All Surfaces: Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Walls & Ceiling: In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. Kitchen Cleaning: Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Window Cleaning: All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. Other Cleaning:Cleaning of electrical appliances, ceiling fans, switchboards, etc. Other Cleaning services offered by S3 Care Services(Rather than home deep cleaning service) Bathroom Cleaning Services Floor Cleaning Services Project/Construction Site Cleaning Services Pest Control Services https://www.s3deepcleaningpune.com/home-and-office-deep-cleaning-services-in-hinjewadi.php
2021-12-22 07:54:35.272000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning Company']
Title Home Deep Cleaning Services Hinjewadi PuneContent Home Deep Cleaning Services Hinjewadi Pune S3 Care Services — type Cleaning Solutions Home Office healthy hygienic environment essential home help cleaning professional deep clean house correctly creates completely sterile environment Pune looking best topclass home cleaning service lot professional cleaning service available Pune S3 Care Services renowned company cleaning service registered toprated cleaning service company Pune many year Key Features S3 Care Cleaning Services team expert cleaner skill well trained S3 Care service maximum number positive feedback cleaning service Pune providing cleaning service since 2010 serving various region Pune latest chemical tool along ecofriendly chemical cleaning product Customer satisfaction primary goal provide best cleaning service Services Covered u Home Cleaning Floor Cleaning use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface Cleaning Toilet Bathroom deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly Clean Surfaces surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor Walls Ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling Kitchen Cleaning Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Window Cleaning glass door window house proper care glass door window house proper care CleaningCleaning electrical appliance ceiling fan switchboard etc Cleaning service offered S3 Care ServicesRather home deep cleaning service Bathroom Cleaning Services Floor Cleaning Services ProjectConstruction Site Cleaning Services Pest Control Services httpswwws3deepcleaningpunecomhomeandofficedeepcleaningservicesinhinjewadiphpTags Cleaning Cleaning Services Cleaning Company
How to Keep a Clean House When You Have Lots of Kids!
How to Keep a Clean House When You Have Lots of Kids! There are many ways to learn how to be a fantastic parent, but nothing prepares you for the amount of work you’ll have to put in to keep your house clean. As bizarre as it sounds, doing anything around children seems impossible, and in a blink of an eye, you’ll eventually find yourself stuck in a never-ending cycle of household chores. Still, if you want to learn how to keep your house clean while taking care of your little ones, we highly suggest you stay with us and give our ideas a try. Whether you’re a stay at home or a working mom, here are some ways to have a mess-free house. Invest in storage containers Having a few storage containers and baskets around the house can help you simplify your household chores. For example, if your children tend to play with a lot of different toys, the easiest way to clean up after them is to keep the essential toys in a storage container. If your children are old enough to learn how to contribute to the family, you can teach them the importance of storing their toys in a safe place and cleaning up after they’ve finished playing. In addition, use one storage container to collect the dirty laundry around the house or place laundry baskets in your children’s bedrooms. That way, they’ll always have a place where they can put away the dirty clothes, meaning you’ll have more time and energy for other household chores. Establish a cleaning routine Working in hot Australian weather all day just to arrive home and do some more work can be extremely exhausting. So, if you’re a working mom who’s struggling to keep the house clean, it’s advisable to establish a cleaning routine. For example, when you have the most energy, you can try to clean the busiest areas in the house first. That includes your kitchen and the living room, and once you complete the work, your home will look drastically cleaner. Next, dedicate one day a week to laundry, roof gutter cleaning, and your children’s bedrooms, and don’t be afraid to accept help if your children want to help you clean their toys or put the laundry in the dryer. Put everything away after use It’s easy to leave the messy kitchen after you’ve finished eating, but if you motivate yourself to put everything away after use, you won’t be dealing with these issues anymore. For example, put all the dishes in the dishwashing machine after each meal, return the used items back in the pantry, and put away your makeup and toiletries back on the shelves after you get ready for work. Learn how to multitask Multitasking is an essential skill that will help you achieve more and save some extra time for rest. For example, while your coffee is brewing, you can use that time to put away the dishes or clean the cutlery, or, if your toddler is taking a bath, clean the bathroom sink while they’re busy enjoying a warm soak. Schedule a deep cleaning If you’re having a hard time keeping your house in order, don’t hesitate to ask for help. By scheduling a deep cleaning once a month, you’ll definitely manage to take a break from daily household chores and dedicate more time to yourself and your family. For example, if your children tend to spill food on the floor, call a carpet cleaning team in Perth to make your carpets look like new again and consider hiring a housekeeper at least once a month. These professionals will take care of everything while you’re watching the kids. Although it’s important to learn how to handle new responsibilities, hiring cleaning services to do the work will take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to take care of yourself and your children. Get everyone involved If you’re a stay at home mom, you might think that you need to keep your house clean at all times. However, raising children and ensuring everyone gets a home-cooked meal at the end of the day is exhausting, which is why it’s advisable to talk to your partner and determine how to split household chores. Get everyone involved because, after all, you deserve some rest, and both your children and your partner are capable of providing some basic help. Conclusion Raising children and keeping your house clean is a lot of work no woman should do alone. Talk to your partner, split the chores, and rely on professional help to always keep your house looking neat and inviting. We hope you found this blog useful. Check out 5 Move Out Cleaning Tips You Must Know for more helpful tips.
['All Around Moving']
2021-12-15 04:54:08.230000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Clean', 'Home', 'Family']
Title Keep Clean House Lots KidsContent Keep Clean House Lots Kids many way learn fantastic parent nothing prepares amount work you’ll put keep house clean bizarre sound anything around child seems impossible blink eye you’ll eventually find stuck neverending cycle household chore Still want learn keep house clean taking care little one highly suggest stay u give idea try Whether you’re stay home working mom way messfree house Invest storage container storage container basket around house help simplify household chore example child tend play lot different toy easiest way clean keep essential toy storage container child old enough learn contribute family teach importance storing toy safe place cleaning they’ve finished playing addition use one storage container collect dirty laundry around house place laundry basket children’s bedroom way they’ll always place put away dirty clothes meaning you’ll time energy household chore Establish cleaning routine Working hot Australian weather day arrive home work extremely exhausting you’re working mom who’s struggling keep house clean it’s advisable establish cleaning routine example energy try clean busiest area house first includes kitchen living room complete work home look drastically cleaner Next dedicate one day week laundry roof gutter cleaning children’s bedroom don’t afraid accept help child want help clean toy put laundry dryer Put everything away use It’s easy leave messy kitchen you’ve finished eating motivate put everything away use won’t dealing issue anymore example put dish dishwashing machine meal return used item back pantry put away makeup toiletry back shelf get ready work Learn multitask Multitasking essential skill help achieve save extra time rest example coffee brewing use time put away dish clean cutlery toddler taking bath clean bathroom sink they’re busy enjoying warm soak Schedule deep cleaning you’re hard time keeping house order don’t hesitate ask help scheduling deep cleaning month you’ll definitely manage take break daily household chore dedicate time family example child tend spill food floor call carpet cleaning team Perth make carpet look like new consider hiring housekeeper least month professional take care everything you’re watching kid Although it’s important learn handle new responsibility hiring cleaning service work take weight shoulder allow take care child Get everyone involved you’re stay home mom might think need keep house clean time However raising child ensuring everyone get homecooked meal end day exhausting it’s advisable talk partner determine split household chore Get everyone involved deserve rest child partner capable providing basic help Conclusion Raising child keeping house clean lot work woman alone Talk partner split chore rely professional help always keep house looking neat inviting hope found blog useful Check 5 Move Cleaning Tips Must Know helpful tipsTags Cleaning Clean Home Family
3 Methods to Clean a Glass Pipes
Here are 3 amazing methods of cleaning a glass pipe from wikihow Method 1: Use of Rubbing Alcohol Removing any loose filth from the pipe. Simply hold the pipe in an up-side-down position, then tap gently to remove any of the loose particles. Use a pipe cleaner, mechanical pencil, needle, cotton swab or maybe a thin object to remove the large and easily extricated resin bits within reach. Fill a sealable plastic bag with rubbing (isopropyl) alcoho l Buy 90% isopropyl, it cleans the glass pipe even faster than a 71% watered-down solution. Ensuring it is fully submerged. Alcohol has the property to break down the resin and tar. l Buy 90% isopropyl, it cleans the glass pipe even faster than a 71% watered-down solution. Ensuring it is fully submerged. Alcohol has the property to break down the resin and tar. Add one tablespoon of salt to the plastic bag Here, the salt will act as the abrasive sponge on the pipe, thus scrubbing away resin in the places you could not reach using the brush or sponge. Kosher or coarse salt is the best option to use. Here, the salt will act as the abrasive sponge on the pipe, thus scrubbing away resin in the places you could not reach using the brush or sponge. Kosher or coarse salt is the best option to use. Shake the pipe inside the bag, ensuring the salt reaches inside of your pipe It’s advisable to shake the bag for about 1 to 2 minutes, or until the pipe becomes visibly clean. Soak the pipe for long hours to remove very dirty pipes Add a plop of fresh isopropyl then let the pipe sit, submerged inside the fluid for relatively many hours before you shake it again. For 71% isopropyl alcohol, you’ll have to add a little more salt. Add a plop of fresh isopropyl then let the pipe sit, submerged inside the fluid for relatively many hours before you shake it again. For 71% isopropyl alcohol, you’ll have to add a little more salt. Rinse the pipe using hot water After removing all the salt and alcohol from the glass pipe, discard everything else into the toilet. Use cotton swabs or pipe cleaner to clean the remaining spots Method 2: Use of Boiling Water Remove any protracted ash or gunk Perform a quick and basic pipe cleaning by knocking out all the loose resin with a cotton swab wiping and dislodging any larger gunk particles. Don’t use cold water. Perform a quick and basic pipe cleaning by knocking out all the loose resin with a cotton swab wiping and dislodging any larger gunk particles. Don’t use cold water. Boil some water in a pot Ensure the water is enough to cover up the whole pipe, if possible by about 3–4 inches to be safe. Ensure the water is enough to cover up the whole pipe, if possible by about 3–4 inches to be safe. Submerge the pipe in water The pipe must be fully submerged in the water, and as it boils and evaporates, be around to ensure your pipe do not remain alone inside the hot pan, it may crack. The pipe must be fully submerged in the water, and as it boils and evaporates, be around to ensure your pipe do not remain alone inside the hot pan, it may crack. Let the pipe sit in simmering water for 20–30 minutes Remove the pot from heat the check whether the pipe still has some residue. Since it will be so hot, use oven mitt to check it, but do not douse the glass pipe in cold water, it will shatter. Use cotton swab or pipe cleaner to remove any excess residue In case it has some water stains, soak the pipe in a mixture of lemon juice and 2–3 tablespoons of clean water and allow it to air dry. Method 3: Use of Alternate Cleaning Solution Use denture cleaning tablets Place your pipe at the bottom of a Tupperware, then fill it with hot water covering the top. Then put in 2–3 denture tabs and allow it to sit and soak for about 30 minutes. Other domestic leaning methods include; salt and vinegar, baking soda and vinegar and sand and water. Place your pipe at the bottom of a Tupperware, then fill it with hot water covering the top. Then put in 2–3 denture tabs and allow it to sit and soak for about 30 minutes. Other domestic leaning methods include; salt and vinegar, baking soda and vinegar and sand and water. Buy specialty cleaning solutions Products such as simple green and formula 420 are meant for cleaning glass pipe resins. However, they are more expensive than the DIY solutions. Products such as simple green and formula 420 are meant for cleaning glass pipe resins. However, they are more expensive than the DIY solutions. Freeze the pipe to eliminate hard buildups Freezing the pipe makes the resin to harden and dry, and that makes them easy to dislodge. This should take about 30 minutes, then you can use some sharp or thin object to knock the resin.
2016-02-12 04:50:00.300000+00:00
['Tips And Tricks', 'Cleaning']
Title 3 Methods Clean Glass PipesContent 3 amazing method cleaning glass pipe wikihow Method 1 Use Rubbing Alcohol Removing loose filth pipe Simply hold pipe upsidedown position tap gently remove loose particle Use pipe cleaner mechanical pencil needle cotton swab maybe thin object remove large easily extricated resin bit within reach Fill sealable plastic bag rubbing isopropyl alcoho l Buy 90 isopropyl clean glass pipe even faster 71 watereddown solution Ensuring fully submerged Alcohol property break resin tar l Buy 90 isopropyl clean glass pipe even faster 71 watereddown solution Ensuring fully submerged Alcohol property break resin tar Add one tablespoon salt plastic bag salt act abrasive sponge pipe thus scrubbing away resin place could reach using brush sponge Kosher coarse salt best option use salt act abrasive sponge pipe thus scrubbing away resin place could reach using brush sponge Kosher coarse salt best option use Shake pipe inside bag ensuring salt reach inside pipe It’s advisable shake bag 1 2 minute pipe becomes visibly clean Soak pipe long hour remove dirty pipe Add plop fresh isopropyl let pipe sit submerged inside fluid relatively many hour shake 71 isopropyl alcohol you’ll add little salt Add plop fresh isopropyl let pipe sit submerged inside fluid relatively many hour shake 71 isopropyl alcohol you’ll add little salt Rinse pipe using hot water removing salt alcohol glass pipe discard everything else toilet Use cotton swab pipe cleaner clean remaining spot Method 2 Use Boiling Water Remove protracted ash gunk Perform quick basic pipe cleaning knocking loose resin cotton swab wiping dislodging larger gunk particle Don’t use cold water Perform quick basic pipe cleaning knocking loose resin cotton swab wiping dislodging larger gunk particle Don’t use cold water Boil water pot Ensure water enough cover whole pipe possible 3–4 inch safe Ensure water enough cover whole pipe possible 3–4 inch safe Submerge pipe water pipe must fully submerged water boil evaporates around ensure pipe remain alone inside hot pan may crack pipe must fully submerged water boil evaporates around ensure pipe remain alone inside hot pan may crack Let pipe sit simmering water 20–30 minute Remove pot heat check whether pipe still residue Since hot use oven mitt check douse glass pipe cold water shatter Use cotton swab pipe cleaner remove excess residue case water stain soak pipe mixture lemon juice 2–3 tablespoon clean water allow air dry Method 3 Use Alternate Cleaning Solution Use denture cleaning tablet Place pipe bottom Tupperware fill hot water covering top put 2–3 denture tab allow sit soak 30 minute domestic leaning method include salt vinegar baking soda vinegar sand water Place pipe bottom Tupperware fill hot water covering top put 2–3 denture tab allow sit soak 30 minute domestic leaning method include salt vinegar baking soda vinegar sand water Buy specialty cleaning solution Products simple green formula 420 meant cleaning glass pipe resin However expensive DIY solution Products simple green formula 420 meant cleaning glass pipe resin However expensive DIY solution Freeze pipe eliminate hard buildup Freezing pipe make resin harden dry make easy dislodge take 30 minute use sharp thin object knock resinTags Tips Tricks Cleaning
Home Deep Cleaning Services in Shivaji Nagar, Pune
Cleaning services in Shivajinagar Home Deep Cleaning Services in Shivaji Nagar, Pune S3 Care Cleaning Services — Perfect Solution for all your cleaning needs (Residential & Commercial) We understand the customer’s requirements, and everybody wants to make every corner of their home or house always clean and bright. S3 Care cleaning professionals make impossible cleaning tasks possible with their skills and experience. We are not afraid of any cleaning tasks as we have highly skilled professionals who provide the best home deep cleaning in Pune. Moreover, we provide various types of cleaning services which are available for both commercial and residential buildings. We are efficient in offering cleaning services very quietly on your premises, so you can continue doing your work without any disturbance and feeling their presence. S3 Care services are world-class standards professional home/house cleaners in Pune, providing the best service ever for deep home cleaning. We use natural cleaning products or government-approved chemicals only for cleaning, which doesn’t damage the look of your house and its belongings. We follow an immensely customer-friendly approach so that our clients get maximum satisfaction with quality service. We believe that customers are the king of the market and providing them the best service with complete satisfaction is our duty. That’s why we prioritize customer comfort and preference, which makes us the best house/home cleaners in pune. Objective Of S3 Care Services We aim at providing household, office, and commercial cleaning services to all the regions of Pune, India. Clean all the germs and bacterias from your building, whether it’s residential or commercial. Providing you a hygienic and clean environment, so you don’t have to worried about the cleaning issues Deep cleaning is essential for maintaining any asset, whether it’s building or furniture, for long term Components of house/home cleaning service Cleaning of Bathroom including tub, mirrors, toilets, bathroom baseboard, hand wipe, shower tracks, and the exterior part of washrooms Mop down the surface, vacuum all rooms, clean doors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Kitchen cleaning includes cleaning the sink, stovetop, table, interior and exterior of microwave, cleaning kitchen walls and surfaces that become oily and dirty, and body of refrigerator and oven. Cleaning of ceiling fans, walls, and floor surfaces of the whole house. Services Covered by us in Home Cleaning. Floor Cleaning: We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. We use disinfecting chemicals and machinery equipment to remove the deep layer of dust from the floor surface. Cleaning of Toilet and Bathroom: We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. We do deep scrubbing of bathrooms, disinfect & sanitize it properly. Clean All Surfaces: Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Its surface, including steel, wooden, and glass of furniture and floor. Walls & Ceiling: In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. In the entire house, we remove dust from all the walls and ceiling. Kitchen Cleaning: Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Clean all the parts of the kitchen, including all furniture and electrical textures. Window Cleaning: All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. All of all the glass doors and windows in the house with proper care. Other Cleaning:Cleaning of electrical appliances, ceiling fans, switchboards, etc. https://www.s3deepcleaningpune.com/home-and-office-deep-cleaning-services-in-shivajinagar.php
2021-12-24 12:11:13.457000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning Company']
Title Home Deep Cleaning Services Shivaji Nagar PuneContent Cleaning service Shivajinagar Home Deep Cleaning Services Shivaji Nagar Pune S3 Care Cleaning Services — Perfect Solution cleaning need Residential Commercial understand customer’s requirement everybody want make every corner home house always clean bright S3 Care cleaning professional make impossible cleaning task possible skill experience afraid cleaning task highly skilled professional provide best home deep cleaning Pune Moreover provide various type cleaning service available commercial residential building efficient offering cleaning service quietly premise continue work without disturbance feeling presence S3 Care service worldclass standard professional homehouse cleaner Pune providing best service ever deep home cleaning use natural cleaning product governmentapproved chemical cleaning doesn’t damage look house belonging follow immensely customerfriendly approach client get maximum satisfaction quality service believe customer king market providing best service complete satisfaction duty That’s prioritize customer comfort preference make u best househome cleaner pune Objective S3 Care Services aim providing household office commercial cleaning service region Pune India Clean germ bacteria building whether it’s residential commercial Providing hygienic clean environment don’t worried cleaning issue Deep cleaning essential maintaining asset whether it’s building furniture long term Components househome cleaning service Cleaning Bathroom including tub mirror toilet bathroom baseboard hand wipe shower track exterior part washroom Mop surface vacuum room clean door window sliding glass door Kitchen cleaning includes cleaning sink stovetop table interior exterior microwave cleaning kitchen wall surface become oily dirty body refrigerator oven Cleaning ceiling fan wall floor surface whole house Services Covered u Home Cleaning Floor Cleaning use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface use disinfecting chemical machinery equipment remove deep layer dust floor surface Cleaning Toilet Bathroom deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly deep scrubbing bathroom disinfect sanitize properly Clean Surfaces surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor surface including steel wooden glass furniture floor Walls Ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling entire house remove dust wall ceiling Kitchen Cleaning Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Clean part kitchen including furniture electrical texture Window Cleaning glass door window house proper care glass door window house proper care CleaningCleaning electrical appliance ceiling fan switchboard etc httpswwws3deepcleaningpunecomhomeandofficedeepcleaningservicesinshivajinagarphpTags Cleaning Cleaning Services Cleaning Company
Benefits of house removals Kingston services
Benefits of house removals Kingston services Ready to move into a new house, but what about the things that you have to take there too? It is obvious that as much as you are happy you are about the new house; you are worried about there location process too. But why worry when you can hire the services of house removals Kingston.They perform this task almost every day. They are trained and no what is the right way to end a process without making any mistake. So, hire them for the moving process, as there are so many benefits of hiring them No stress Hiring an expert take away almost all your stress. It is because there is nothing left that will worry about you. You get a trust that everything is in the right hand. When your mind is relaxed you able to do other things properly that need your attention.No wastage of time Also, when you hire a professional the process end on time that is told by you in the beginning. Also,as you don’t have to take part in the process, means you will not have to take off from your job. The time you get, you can spend on some else activity or if you want you can just enjoy your new house. Reliability The other benefits are that the moving services given by experts are reliable. At every stage, they stay careful and handle the stuff carefully. Something rarely goes wrong and you have to face any types of loss.Financially savvy The benefits are financial. No way taking services from a professional cost you more money. The money that is not according to your set budget. The services are given to you according to your budget. Also, the prices are fixed. Even if the process finishes late the company handle that. You don’t have to worry or pay extra. Insurance Another good point of hiring professionals is that you get insurance. It is very simple to understand.As the company is handling your valuable stuff so they give you insurance. If something happens because of its worker fault, the company will recover that loss.Services gave by the professional movers The services given by professionals areThe services start with planning. The team visit your home to see the size of the house and the stuff that need to move. They perform this exercise so in the end there is nothing left behind.The next step of the services is packaging. On that day the company bring all the material that is required.They also have tools to do the job. They pack every item with care whether it’s small or big.They finish every task pretty quick. As their hands work like a robot. After that, they bring in the van so they can load all the cartons in the van. They lift all the cartons with great care and place them properly so on the way they didn’t fall.The drivers who drive vans are also very skilled. They drive the van carefully and smoothly. They select roads that are good in shape.Once the stuff reaches your new home, they unload the cartons and place them in the rooms where they belong. It is an issue to know which carton has which stuff as they mark each carton while packing.Last but not the least step is the assembling of the house. They also help the customers in that.If there is something that you don’t need, for now, they will offer you a service to a place that in the company storage house. If they don’t have one, they suggest the one that is good and suitable for you.Once the job is done and the client gets satisfied, then they leave the home.
2019-12-11 12:09:03.086000+00:00
Title Benefits house removal Kingston servicesContent Benefits house removal Kingston service Ready move new house thing take obvious much happy new house worried location process worry hire service house removal KingstonThey perform task almost every day trained right way end process without making mistake hire moving process many benefit hiring stress Hiring expert take away almost stress nothing left worry get trust everything right hand mind relaxed able thing properly need attentionNo wastage time Also hire professional process end time told beginning Alsoas don’t take part process mean take job time get spend else activity want enjoy new house Reliability benefit moving service given expert reliable every stage stay careful handle stuff carefully Something rarely go wrong face type lossFinancially savvy benefit financial way taking service professional cost money money according set budget service given according budget Also price fixed Even process finish late company handle don’t worry pay extra Insurance Another good point hiring professional get insurance simple understandAs company handling valuable stuff give insurance something happens worker fault company recover lossServices gave professional mover service given professional areThe service start planning team visit home see size house stuff need move perform exercise end nothing left behindThe next step service packaging day company bring material requiredThey also tool job pack every item care whether it’s small bigThey finish every task pretty quick hand work like robot bring van load carton van lift carton great care place properly way didn’t fallThe driver drive van also skilled drive van carefully smoothly select road good shapeOnce stuff reach new home unload carton place room belong issue know carton stuff mark carton packingLast least step assembling house also help customer thatIf something don’t need offer service place company storage house don’t one suggest one good suitable youOnce job done client get satisfied leave homeTags Cleaning
Amicable Functioning Environment Through Office Cleaning
Amicable Functioning Environment Through Office Cleaning Office Cleaning isn’t a subject that should be debated upon but instead this should be considered a prerogative. There are countless germs that circulate in a workplace or a building premise. For example, consider various different people who within a day utilize the same microwave, restroom, espresso pots, and sink faucets. Thus, in a single moment right now there are countless pathogens making rounds within an office since generally there are those who find themselves cleaner than their counterparts. Moreover, additionally, there are those who make use of restrooms and don’t actually bother to clean their hands. The above elements are enough factors as to why regular Office Cleaning activity is certainly paramount. Even though many offices can happen well held and clean, the truth is there are many hard to completely clean regions that become perfect hiding locations for pathogens. These areas are also overlooked while cleaning the office. If the actual people that work in that particular office clean it, or a cleaning company is hired, Workplace Cleaning is normally an essential activity that needs to be finished with accuracy. The other cause as to the reasons extensive cleaning is quite vital is since the areas that are frequented the most are the same areas that are least cleaned. Because of this, these areas harbor harmful infections and bacteria in concealed areas where people may least suspect or even reach even though cleaning. It really is even not a question to find many employees getting ill and thus the majority are absent around the same day time. Consequently, it really is attractive to spend some considerable period of time in office cleaning melbourne for these extremely factors. Despite presently there being physical indicators both inside and outside restroom doorways, reminding and advocating the need for hand washing after each check out, to curtail the pass on of germs, people will still skip this activity. For instance, if each and every colleague at work cleaned their hands regularly, 99% of germs will be eradicated and therefore cleaning any office would be a great deal easier. To do this, it is imperative to spend money on containers of hands sanitizers positioned strategically at sinks or workplace desks. This might be appropriate and convenient for all those people who usually do not be sure you clean their hands, given that they can pump just a little solution and continue with their activities. Office Washing involves numerous activities which the next takes prominence; flooring cleaning, it offers polishing and waxing as well as the typical mopping and floor sweeping. The same activity range from shredding the floor from the previous polish and wax clean, after stripping it a fresh coating of polish and wax could be applied. This gives the ground a complete new appear, which is attained by utilization of cleaning equipment and recommended chemicals like floor buffers and polishers. Windows cleaning is usually another paramount job while planning for a complete tidy up of the office, washing the windows gives any office a presentable outlook. For example, an office filled with streak, grime, and dirt is a quick turnoff for most clients wanting to be offered for the reason that office.
['Shaun Paul']
2019-12-27 02:09:16.811000+00:00
Title Amicable Functioning Environment Office CleaningContent Amicable Functioning Environment Office Cleaning Office Cleaning isn’t subject debated upon instead considered prerogative countless germ circulate workplace building premise example consider various different people within day utilize microwave restroom espresso pot sink faucet Thus single moment right countless pathogen making round within office since generally find cleaner counterpart Moreover additionally make use restroom don’t actually bother clean hand element enough factor regular Office Cleaning activity certainly paramount Even though many office happen well held clean truth many hard completely clean region become perfect hiding location pathogen area also overlooked cleaning office actual people work particular office clean cleaning company hired Workplace Cleaning normally essential activity need finished accuracy cause reason extensive cleaning quite vital since area frequented area least cleaned area harbor harmful infection bacteria concealed area people may least suspect even reach even though cleaning really even question find many employee getting ill thus majority absent around day time Consequently really attractive spend considerable period time office cleaning melbourne extremely factor Despite presently physical indicator inside outside restroom doorway reminding advocating need hand washing check curtail pas germ people still skip activity instance every colleague work cleaned hand regularly 99 germ eradicated therefore cleaning office would great deal easier imperative spend money container hand sanitizers positioned strategically sink workplace desk might appropriate convenient people usually sure clean hand given pump little solution continue activity Office Washing involves numerous activity next take prominence flooring cleaning offer polishing waxing well typical mopping floor sweeping activity range shredding floor previous polish wax clean stripping fresh coating polish wax could applied give ground complete new appear attained utilization cleaning equipment recommended chemical like floor buffer polisher Windows cleaning usually another paramount job planning complete tidy office washing window give office presentable outlook example office filled streak grime dirt quick turnoff client wanting offered reason officeTags Cleaning
Laptop Care: Cleaning my Laptop Keyboard
Last time, I wrote about how I protected my laptop’s palm rest and touchpad with frisket film. I mentioned in passing how avid laptop users buy (expensive) skins for their palmrest and keyboards, and these include the iSkin for Apple laptops, among other brand silicone or rubber skins. Unfortunately, however, not all laptop models have skins that fit the keyboards. Also, I’m of the opinion that keyboards can stand the wear and tear of everyday use, and the best thing to do to maintain them is keep them clean regularly (yeah, that and both my laptops don’t have skins available for them). Besides, I like the feel of the keyboard beneath my fingers. Having silicone in between, no matter how thin, just ruins the sensual experience. My one-year old Compaq Presario V2000 was almost made new again with the LCD assembly, lid and housing replacement. But the keyboard was still filthy and grimy. The before image. Check out the grime to the left of the Z key. So armed with some patience, an hour of free time, and some cleaning implements, I set out to clean up my laptop. Computing.net and lifehacker have a few tips on cleaning your lappie’s keyboard, along with materials you can use, ranging from common household cleaning solutions to auto-detailing sprays/lubricants. Since I labored with cleaning my car’s exterior and interior the day before, I decided to use some auto interior cleaning implements. For this, I used Armor All protectant and some soft cleaning cloth (the kind that comes in different colors, and which street vendors hawk at intersections). Basically what I did was spray a liberal amount of cleaner/protectant to the cloth, and wipe each key thoroughly. I made sure to focus not only on the top surface, but also the edges of each key, where the grime usually accumulates. For the edges, cotton swabs come in very handy. As the protectant’s packaging said to “avoid use on painted surfaces,” I had to make sure I didn’t apply it onto the laptop’s painted surface (which, on the V2000, meant all the silver colored parts). Of course, these were done while the computer was turned off. And the finished product: Here’s the keyboard after cleaning. Here’s the before cleaning image again. Compare. As an alternative, you can use alcohol, or even water with mild soap. If you’re the meticulous kind, you can follow the computing.net link above and actually pry off each key for thorough cleaning. Desktop keyboards can easily be cleaned this way, and you can actually clean each key as if you were washing dishes. Now keyboards tend to accumulate dust, food particles, hair and other such stuff in between the keys. If you have a can of compressed air, or a manually-pumped blower (a nebulizer compressor will do, actually — you know, those noisy things you use when you have asthma attacks!) you can use this to force out any dirt lodged beneath the keys. You’ll feel great using a laptop that looks and feels new. Happy laptop computing!
2016-06-01 06:05:53.320000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Gadgets', 'Keyboard']
Title Laptop Care Cleaning Laptop KeyboardContent Last time wrote protected laptop’s palm rest touchpad frisket film mentioned passing avid laptop user buy expensive skin palmrest keyboard include iSkin Apple laptop among brand silicone rubber skin Unfortunately however laptop model skin fit keyboard Also I’m opinion keyboard stand wear tear everyday use best thing maintain keep clean regularly yeah laptop don’t skin available Besides like feel keyboard beneath finger silicone matter thin ruin sensual experience oneyear old Compaq Presario V2000 almost made new LCD assembly lid housing replacement keyboard still filthy grimy image Check grime left Z key armed patience hour free time cleaning implement set clean laptop Computingnet lifehacker tip cleaning lappie’s keyboard along material use ranging common household cleaning solution autodetailing sprayslubricants Since labored cleaning car’s exterior interior day decided use auto interior cleaning implement used Armor protectant soft cleaning cloth kind come different color street vendor hawk intersection Basically spray liberal amount cleanerprotectant cloth wipe key thoroughly made sure focus top surface also edge key grime usually accumulates edge cotton swab come handy protectant’s packaging said “avoid use painted surfaces” make sure didn’t apply onto laptop’s painted surface V2000 meant silver colored part course done computer turned finished product Here’s keyboard cleaning Here’s cleaning image Compare alternative use alcohol even water mild soap you’re meticulous kind follow computingnet link actually pry key thorough cleaning Desktop keyboard easily cleaned way actually clean key washing dish keyboard tend accumulate dust food particle hair stuff key compressed air manuallypumped blower nebulizer compressor actually — know noisy thing use asthma attack use force dirt lodged beneath key You’ll feel great using laptop look feel new Happy laptop computingTags Cleaning Gadgets Keyboard
Carpet Care | 10 Tips for cleaning and caring for carpet at home | Manchester House Cleaning…
Carpet remains the most popular floor covering in the UK, however, with years of use your carpet is susceptible to damage, here are 10 tips on how you can get the most out of your carpet and make sure it looks its best for years. Carpet is probably the most popular floor covering in the UK, the large majority of British homes have carpet in one form or another, and for good reason, carpet is naturally soft, relatively affordable to install, and looks beautiful. However, carpet floor covering has specific maintenance-related concerns. If you want to get the most out of your carpet and make sure it looks new for the longest period possible, there are steps you should take to clean and care for your carpet. By taking a few easy steps and developing carpet care and a carpet cleaning routine you can get the most out of your carpet for the longest possible period. If you take care of your carpet, in the long run, it will be a worthwhile investment. If you neglect it and do not preserve it restoring your carpet to its previous condition may be impossible. By following a few simple tips and paying special attention to your carpets, not limited to the occasional vacuum, you will get the most out of your precious floor coverings. We will list 10 carpet care and carpet cleaning tips you can easily follow at home. With these tips, you will make sure you preserve the condition of your carpet for the longest possible period. 1. Vacuum regularly. The large majority of surface soiling that will settle on your carpet will be dry. The easiest and one of the most important carpeting cleaning routines you should develop is regular vacuuming. Find the time to vacuum your carpet twice a week, preferably, however, if that is impossible for you you can get away with hoovering heavy traffic areas, such as hallways and staircases, once a week and thorough hoovering ones every two weeks. Cleaning is the best and possibly the easiest way to get the most out of your carpet and maximize its lifespan. You can start vacuuming your carpet as soon as it has been laid, after that develop the habit of regularly vacuuming your carpets. Regular cleaning will maintain your carpet for years. As with most things, there is a right and a wrong way to vacuum, make sure you adjust the height of your vacuum cleaner per room and do not let the vacuum bag get too full. 2. Avoid moving heavy furniture. Heavy, bulky furniture can cause serious damage to your carpet. This does depend on how you arrange the space you have to work within your home, however, if possible avoid dragging heavy furniture over your carpets. All furniture will leave a mark on your carpet, however, if you regularly drag particularly bulky furniture over your carpets you will end up crushing the carpet piles. Also, try and avoid placing furniture with sharp edges over your carpets. All furniture will leave a spot and a mark on your carpets, however, sharp legs or edges may end up tearing through the fibers and reaching the underlay. If possible pick furniture with flat edges and as difficult as that is try lifting it not dragging it across your delicate carpeted floors. 3. Attempt to remove marks. As we mentioned, all furniture will leave marks on top of your carpets. Regardless of whether you have redecorated your home, if you have simply rearranged your furniture or not, you should try to eliminate the furniture spots in your carpet. To do so you can simply loosen the carpet fibers with your hands and vacuum them thoroughly. However, that may not always work. The best option for removing furniture dents from your carpets is professional carpet cleaning. Carpet steam cleaning carried out by a reliable cleaning company will eliminate furniture marks from your carpet. 4. Immediately deal with spills. Spills will turn into stains, if stains are left in your carpet for too long they become impossible to remove, even for professional carpet cleaning specialists. If you spill anything on your carpet do not leave it, try and soak it up immediately. Use a lightly damp cloth, or a piece of kitchen roll to try and gently soak the stain up, do not scrub it and, do not brush it, and do not agitate it. Any agitation will set the stain into your carpet. Whatever you do, do not use a brush with heavy bristles, you can tear the carpet fibers and your stain can turn into damage. The best way to deal with spills and stains is professional carpet steam cleaning provided by a cleaning company. If you leave stains too long on your carpet they become permanent, therefore, if you are not able to remove stains yourself contact a professional cleaning company as soon as you can and schedule a professional carpet cleaning service. 5. Avoid direct sunlight exposure. This is an often neglected part of the carpet care and carpet cleaning routine you should develop. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will, over time, fade the color of your carpet. If your living room or bedroom carpet is going to be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods consider blinds. Put the blinds down during particularly sunny periods of the day. 6. Clean up accidents immediately. You have been very thorough and have taken great care to protect, preserve and clean your carpets, but you have pets. Accidents will occur it’s almost inevitable, given enough time. Urine is particularly damaging to carpet fibers. With time it not only sets as a stain but also has a particularly unpleasant smell. If your pet has had an accident on your carpet cleaning it up immediately. Firstly, soak up the stain with a lightly damp paper towel, go white plain white, any color from the paper can bleed into your carpet. Be firm and remove as much urine as possible from your carpet. After removing as much moisture as you can, mix a bit of dishwashing liquid with warm water and clean your carpet. Do not scrub, do not brush, use a firm soaking motion, you’re attempting to saturate, dissolve the stain and extract it. If your beloved pet has had an accident and you do not wish to risk it the best thing you can do is to schedule a carpet cleaning service as soon as you can. 7. Shoes and boots off. We know it does seem a bit…pedantic, but asking your guests and insisting that they take their shoes off does work, especially for heavy traffic areas. As we mentioned about 80% of soiling that will eventually find its way onto your carpet will be dust and dirt particles. You can avoid particularly heavy contamination if you simply take your shoes off inside the house. Make it law for everyone in your household to remove their shoes before walking on your carpets. Work boots and high heels are particularly horrible, they do not only track dirt inside your home but can damage your carpets. To be perfectly fair, slippers aren’t much better but at the very least they have not been worn outside, and will not track dirt and soiling onto your carpet fibers. 8. Place barrier mats. All floor coverings will get dirty and all of them require care and cleaning, carpet, however, is particularly difficult. It is always a good idea to place barrier mats over heavy traffic areas and in especially sensitive areas. If your carpet is close to your kitchen, there is a risk of an oil spill, hallways and entranceways are also susceptible to heavy soiling. If you have an external terrace to your living room consider placing a moisture-absorbent mat. All of these spaces will be protected by barrier mats, you can use a regular welcome mat, pick a visually appealing one, moisture-absorbing mats, or even an offcut of your carpet. Place little mats around those areas and doorways, even over heavy furniture to protect your carpet. Keeping a doormat (or a few) inside is a good idea. 9. Deal with snags. If you discover a sticking snag in your carpet do not pull it, pulling on it will cause a bigger problem, it will damage the weave of your carpet and the damaged area will become more obvious. Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the carpet snag instead, tuck whatever ends may be left into the surrounding carpet area. Find the place where the yarn is still attached to the underlay, cut the snag and tuck the ends back into the carpet fibers. 10. Choose professional carpet cleaning. The best and frankly easiest step you can take in ultimately protecting, preserving, and caring for your carpet is using a professional carpet cleaning service provided by a reliable cleaning company. Carpet cleaning is important, without the specialized equipment, detergents, and experience a fully equipped carpet cleaning technician has it will be ultimately impossible for you to achieve the same carpet cleaning results on your own. We recommend steam cleaning your carpets once every 3 to 6 months. A carpet cleaning service provided by a professional cleaning company will not only clean your carpets but also sanitize and disinfect them. There is no better way to deal with stains or heavy soiling in high-traffic areas than a carpet steam cleaning service. To make sure your carpet is looked after as best as possible you can choose to use a professional cleaning company and schedule a carpet cleaning service. Manchester House Cleaning Services.
['Manchester House Cleaning Services']
2021-12-18 15:36:07.321000+00:00
['Clean', 'Cleaning', 'Carpet', 'Carpet Cleaning', 'Carpet Cleaners']
Title Carpet Care 10 Tips cleaning caring carpet home Manchester House Cleaning…Content Carpet remains popular floor covering UK however year use carpet susceptible damage 10 tip get carpet make sure look best year Carpet probably popular floor covering UK large majority British home carpet one form another good reason carpet naturally soft relatively affordable install look beautiful However carpet floor covering specific maintenancerelated concern want get carpet make sure look new longest period possible step take clean care carpet taking easy step developing carpet care carpet cleaning routine get carpet longest possible period take care carpet long run worthwhile investment neglect preserve restoring carpet previous condition may impossible following simple tip paying special attention carpet limited occasional vacuum get precious floor covering list 10 carpet care carpet cleaning tip easily follow home tip make sure preserve condition carpet longest possible period 1 Vacuum regularly large majority surface soiling settle carpet dry easiest one important carpeting cleaning routine develop regular vacuuming Find time vacuum carpet twice week preferably however impossible get away hoovering heavy traffic area hallway staircase week thorough hoovering one every two week Cleaning best possibly easiest way get carpet maximize lifespan start vacuuming carpet soon laid develop habit regularly vacuuming carpet Regular cleaning maintain carpet year thing right wrong way vacuum make sure adjust height vacuum cleaner per room let vacuum bag get full 2 Avoid moving heavy furniture Heavy bulky furniture cause serious damage carpet depend arrange space work within home however possible avoid dragging heavy furniture carpet furniture leave mark carpet however regularly drag particularly bulky furniture carpet end crushing carpet pile Also try avoid placing furniture sharp edge carpet furniture leave spot mark carpet however sharp leg edge may end tearing fiber reaching underlay possible pick furniture flat edge difficult try lifting dragging across delicate carpeted floor 3 Attempt remove mark mentioned furniture leave mark top carpet Regardless whether redecorated home simply rearranged furniture try eliminate furniture spot carpet simply loosen carpet fiber hand vacuum thoroughly However may always work best option removing furniture dent carpet professional carpet cleaning Carpet steam cleaning carried reliable cleaning company eliminate furniture mark carpet 4 Immediately deal spill Spills turn stain stain left carpet long become impossible remove even professional carpet cleaning specialist spill anything carpet leave try soak immediately Use lightly damp cloth piece kitchen roll try gently soak stain scrub brush agitate agitation set stain carpet Whatever use brush heavy bristle tear carpet fiber stain turn damage best way deal spill stain professional carpet steam cleaning provided cleaning company leave stain long carpet become permanent therefore able remove stain contact professional cleaning company soon schedule professional carpet cleaning service 5 Avoid direct sunlight exposure often neglected part carpet care carpet cleaning routine develop Prolonged exposure direct sunlight time fade color carpet living room bedroom carpet going exposed direct sunlight prolonged period consider blind Put blind particularly sunny period day 6 Clean accident immediately thorough taken great care protect preserve clean carpet pet Accidents occur it’s almost inevitable given enough time Urine particularly damaging carpet fiber time set stain also particularly unpleasant smell pet accident carpet cleaning immediately Firstly soak stain lightly damp paper towel go white plain white color paper bleed carpet firm remove much urine possible carpet removing much moisture mix bit dishwashing liquid warm water clean carpet scrub brush use firm soaking motion you’re attempting saturate dissolve stain extract beloved pet accident wish risk best thing schedule carpet cleaning service soon 7 Shoes boot know seem bit…pedantic asking guest insisting take shoe work especially heavy traffic area mentioned 80 soiling eventually find way onto carpet dust dirt particle avoid particularly heavy contamination simply take shoe inside house Make law everyone household remove shoe walking carpet Work boot high heel particularly horrible track dirt inside home damage carpet perfectly fair slipper aren’t much better least worn outside track dirt soiling onto carpet fiber 8 Place barrier mat floor covering get dirty require care cleaning carpet however particularly difficult always good idea place barrier mat heavy traffic area especially sensitive area carpet close kitchen risk oil spill hallway entranceway also susceptible heavy soiling external terrace living room consider placing moistureabsorbent mat space protected barrier mat use regular welcome mat pick visually appealing one moistureabsorbing mat even offcut carpet Place little mat around area doorway even heavy furniture protect carpet Keeping doormat inside good idea 9 Deal snag discover sticking snag carpet pull pulling cause bigger problem damage weave carpet damaged area become obvious Use sharp pair scissors cut carpet snag instead tuck whatever end may left surrounding carpet area Find place yarn still attached underlay cut snag tuck end back carpet fiber 10 Choose professional carpet cleaning best frankly easiest step take ultimately protecting preserving caring carpet using professional carpet cleaning service provided reliable cleaning company Carpet cleaning important without specialized equipment detergent experience fully equipped carpet cleaning technician ultimately impossible achieve carpet cleaning result recommend steam cleaning carpet every 3 6 month carpet cleaning service provided professional cleaning company clean carpet also sanitize disinfect better way deal stain heavy soiling hightraffic area carpet steam cleaning service make sure carpet looked best possible choose use professional cleaning company schedule carpet cleaning service Manchester House Cleaning ServicesTags Clean Cleaning Carpet Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaners
Every Shit You Take, Counts : Flickart To Promote Clean India!
Corporate India has taken Narendra Modi’s mission to build toilets en route a cleaner India in all earnest. Leading online retailer Flickart has decided to donate around Rs. 200 Crores in setting up public toilets across the country. Flickart would not only build, but operate and maintain the toilets. These toilets would be built in urban areas, especially around major commercial and tourist attractions. In an exclusive briefing to TNN, Flickart released its vision of public toilets that it plans to set up across the country. Starting from Bangalore, Flickart would be creating state of the art public toilets, which apart from being eco-friendly would also help its users in relaxing themselves. These state of the art toilets will be fitted with seats which have sensors and would start playing soul soothing music as soon as someone decides to use them for their intended purpose. Also, these toilets would be fitted with Flickart devices which would help users in logging into the Flickart website and do some shopping. Shopping is the best form of relaxation and these machines would provide its users uninterrupted access to the Flickart website. They can indulge in buying items of choice and relieve themselves of their purses along with the shit. Raju Setaramani, Sales Head, Flickart Flickart is planning to market these toilets not only as a place which would help in ensuring that the city is kept clean, but also in ensuring that people get a more relaxed and private environment for shopping. These terminals would contain a special interactive feature which would help users shop more in less time. We know that people cannot sit in a toilet for an extended period of time, so we will keep prompting to the users what they might want to buy. In case, users are in a rush, the system would automatically select some of the goods and ship them to the user’s address. In case, they don’t like the extra products they can ship them back to us and money would be refunded. - Tendulkar Bansal, Business Head, Flickart These toilets would be self-sufficient, the shit generated by the users would be biodegraded and converted to bio-fuel and used for providing electricity and internet to these toilets. In a way, Flickart wants each user to feel responsible for running the toilets. This initiative would help in creating an emotional and physical bond between the toilet and its user, and will ensure that people keep coming back to the toilets. Flickart is also planning to introduce a rewards card, which would be given to every user when they use the Flickart toilets for the first time. Points in these cards would be added up on basis of the number of times a customer visits the toilet, the time he spends on purchasing items on the Flickart website and the amount of shit he/she generates. The points added can be used to purchase goods from the Flickart website. Flickart has decided to ensure that Mr. Modi’s dream of a clean India is achieved but in a way that everyone feels glad to have contributed towards it. It wants to ensure that people feel that — Every shit they take, counts and contributes towards building a prosperous economy. Author: Anshul Srivastava
['Shikhar Srivastava']
2017-04-27 21:13:20.603000+00:00
['Business', 'Ecommerce', 'Narendra Modi', 'Cleaning', 'Satire']
Title Every Shit Take Counts Flickart Promote Clean IndiaContent Corporate India taken Narendra Modi’s mission build toilet en route cleaner India earnest Leading online retailer Flickart decided donate around Rs 200 Crores setting public toilet across country Flickart would build operate maintain toilet toilet would built urban area especially around major commercial tourist attraction exclusive briefing TNN Flickart released vision public toilet plan set across country Starting Bangalore Flickart would creating state art public toilet apart ecofriendly would also help user relaxing state art toilet fitted seat sensor would start playing soul soothing music soon someone decides use intended purpose Also toilet would fitted Flickart device would help user logging Flickart website shopping Shopping best form relaxation machine would provide user uninterrupted access Flickart website indulge buying item choice relieve purse along shit Raju Setaramani Sales Head Flickart Flickart planning market toilet place would help ensuring city kept clean also ensuring people get relaxed private environment shopping terminal would contain special interactive feature would help user shop le time know people cannot sit toilet extended period time keep prompting user might want buy case user rush system would automatically select good ship user’s address case don’t like extra product ship back u money would refunded Tendulkar Bansal Business Head Flickart toilet would selfsufficient shit generated user would biodegraded converted biofuel used providing electricity internet toilet way Flickart want user feel responsible running toilet initiative would help creating emotional physical bond toilet user ensure people keep coming back toilet Flickart also planning introduce reward card would given every user use Flickart toilet first time Points card would added basis number time customer visit toilet time spends purchasing item Flickart website amount shit heshe generates point added used purchase good Flickart website Flickart decided ensure Mr Modi’s dream clean India achieved way everyone feel glad contributed towards want ensure people feel — Every shit take count contributes towards building prosperous economy Author Anshul SrivastavaTags Business Ecommerce Narendra Modi Cleaning Satire
Ensure punctual, cost-effective, and punctual Cleaning Services
Ensure punctual, cost-effective, and punctual Cleaning Services A home is a place that must be tidy and safe from germs. However, keeping the home clean is a big task and requires a lot of physical as well as mental stress. The best option to get away from this issue is by hiring home cleaning services in Dubai. Home Cleaning Services in Dubai can help to clean the home thoroughly. Deep cleaning services in Dubai include multiple aspects such as cleaning sofa, curtains, windows, etc. House Cleaning Services in Dubai ensure every part of the home is well taken care of. So, in case you need the best and effective cleaning done, the service provider can help you. The floor and the old furniture often lose their charm as dust settle over them. Taking the deep cleaning services will help to ensure the shine is regained. So, if you are looking for shining home deep cleaning service providers can help you. SoClean Cleaning Service is the trusted cleaning and maid service provider in Dubai. Over the years the company has helped multiple clients to regain the shine of floors, furniture, and other peripherals effectively. So, in case you are looking for services we are here to help you. We promise to deliver the best cleaning services in Dubai which are punctual and cost-effective.
['Soclean -Me']
2021-12-28 12:35:20.546000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Dubai', 'Uae', 'House Cleaning', 'Office Cleaning']
Title Ensure punctual costeffective punctual Cleaning ServicesContent Ensure punctual costeffective punctual Cleaning Services home place must tidy safe germ However keeping home clean big task requires lot physical well mental stress best option get away issue hiring home cleaning service Dubai Home Cleaning Services Dubai help clean home thoroughly Deep cleaning service Dubai include multiple aspect cleaning sofa curtain window etc House Cleaning Services Dubai ensure every part home well taken care case need best effective cleaning done service provider help floor old furniture often lose charm dust settle Taking deep cleaning service help ensure shine regained looking shining home deep cleaning service provider help SoClean Cleaning Service trusted cleaning maid service provider Dubai year company helped multiple client regain shine floor furniture peripheral effectively case looking service help promise deliver best cleaning service Dubai punctual costeffectiveTags Cleaning Dubai Uae House Cleaning Office Cleaning
Shared Spaces, Lie-Measurement, and the Manageable Hassle
by A Married Dude 1. I’ve been with my husband for four years, although we have just been married a few months. We have a really great relationship, with just a few issues, and the biggest one for me is housework. He does NOTHING. And it drives me insane. I think it’s a combination of a lot of things — his parents are hoarders so he grew up in a very messy house, and he has adult ADD which can make it impossible for him to focus on things, especially things he doesn’t want to do. He feels bad about not helping, he apologizes, and he laments over the difficulty of changing. But after four years, I’m at my wit’s end. I know that this is partially my fault — I mean, I knew what I was getting into! And he’s a good person, very loving and caring, and our relationship is otherwise very good. I know I have my own faults and craziness, so I try to appreciate the other things he does for me. But I feel this issue building inside of me like a big, ugly resentment monster, and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried different ways of approaching this — from letting him choose chores he prefers to do, from weekly lists, from angry outbursts, from leaving everything a mess to see if he’ll step up in his own time. Nothing has worked. We both work full time, and my job is very stressful, and I feel like I’m running two people’s lives in addition to work. It’s exhausting and I feel disrespected that he’s not even making an effort, and I also worry about how things will be when we have kids. In the past we talked about hiring someone to clean for us, but money is tight and I don’t know if that will be a good long-term solution. When I hear about my friends’ spouses installing new lighting or taking their cars to get fixed or surprising them with a clean house, I want to cry, because I’ve never had anything like that. What can I do? This one made me wince, because I was that guy, though I’m less that guy now (though not-not that guy either, alas). So I’m going to steal the Choose Your Own Adventure-style answer: If you think “If this stays this bad forever, I’ll divorce him,” pick Answer A. If you think “I want this to get as much better as it can, but I’m not going to bluff on an ultimatum I wouldn’t actually use,” go to Answer B. Before I do this, though, let me say two things in passing, either of which may get me burnt in effigy in the comments. The first is about hiring someone to clean: Do it if you can afford it. A lot of women, for reasons I don’t really understand, regard having a clean house as a moral issue rather than as a practical tradeoff of invested time to subsequent benefit. A great way to trade time for benefit is to earn money to buy benefit, as with going to a movie, or out to eat. Cleaning is just another item in this list; you may not be able to afford it, but you know that little voice that insists, whatever creative or professional ambitions you have, that you must also clean your own house? That voice is not your friend. Second, many women also seem to think that we men expect you to clean for us. There are indeed some men who do, but I think the majority of us don’t expect you to clean for us so much as we are perfectly content to live in squalor. It’s not like we lived neatly by ourselves and when we met you, we just outsourced the work. We just thought the sink was an ideal place to store dirty dishes for up to a week. I recognize that this is not our most winning trait, but we also don’t mean it as personally as you all often take it. On to Answer A: Bombs Away. Tell him you’re leaving for a weekend to go visit your mother, friends, etc. and that the house has to be in some kind of shape when you return, because you have to go right to work Monday morning. Then go and return. If he’s kept it in even moderate shape, thank him clearly, and tell him that you’re grateful because when you have kids someday, you’ll both need to keep the house clean. (The kids thing was a big part of me improving on this score.) He’ll backslide, of course, but you can then present backsliding as an active affront rather than as a passive failing, given past evidence of his successful performance. If he can’t keep the house on his own, even when you’ve made your demands clear, tell him you’re not sure you can stay together, since you’d need his help cleaning to take care of kids, and right now he’s looking like lousy father material, which means lousy husband material, and he should explain how he’s going to change, because much as you love him, this may be it. A couple of notes on Answer A: This is a one-shot strategy. “I’m leaving” loses its potency if used with any frequency. This is also a “Now rather than later” strategy; the grout is not yet dry on a marriage a few months old, so its easier to re-set some of the tiles. And, as the self-defense experts say, never threaten anyone with a gun unless you are able to pull the trigger. Which brings me to… Answer B: Co-working and Orca If you’re just trying to get what you can without an ultimatum, there are two things you might try (in addition, I recognize, to the many things you have already tried). First, clean with him. You both do the dishes. You both straighten the house. You send him off with the laundry while you dust. It doesn’t buy you what you want — he’s cleaning when you’re not to balance you cleaning when he’s not — but it does share the work somewhat, and it may lower the resentment, and it may train him a bit, while giving you a bit of leverage of the “But I’ve seen you do it before” variety. Also, a lot of women seemed to like the advice in that article about training Shamu the Orca and what it means for changing your husband’s behavior. It was all over the straight-lady internet a while back — here’s the link in case you missed it. These, btw, are two things my wife did to change my behavior (alongside bearing a couple of children), so they can work somewhat, in at least some circumstances. And if he’s incapable of cleaning even alongside you, you may have to reconsider Answer A. 2. How long have you been married, and can you compare your marriage to … an animal, or a musical instrument? A dozen years. The animal our marriage is most like is an axolotl. The musical instrument is a sarrusophone. I mean, a marriage isn’t a thing like that — nobody lives happily ever after, we just manage the tradeoffs. My wife’s basic life question is “How can I avoid making a mistake here?” Mine is “When I screw up, how can I recover?” On good days, having two different strategies is great. On bad days she thinks I’m too careless and I think she’s too rigid, and some of those days can be quite bad indeed. Tolstoy was wrong, is what I’m trying to say. Living with other people always takes work, and even the happy families still have to develop their own ways of snatching joy from the jaws of anguish. 3. My boyfriend of three-plus years (with whom I now live) just dropped a bombshell on me. We had sex pretty early on when we started dating (more like hooking up and hanging out, then turned into “dating”). It wasn’t great for the first few weeks, but I attributed it to not knowing each other well, and that he was maybe kind of a jerk who didn’t care about my satisfaction in bed? Then we talked about it, it got much better and is now pretty amazing. We had “the talk” and also “the other talk” about how many people we’ve been with, etc. etc. He told me he’d slept with two other girls, but they weren’t relationships and it happened only once or twice. (For reference, my number before him is three, one of them a serious boyfriend.) Fast forward two years, we’re in a fight about something related, and he tells me he’d never *technically* had sex before me, he was actually a virgin, only came close one time; he was afraid to tell me in the beginning and lied. AHHHH. I love this guy so much and we’ve talked about marriage and we’re super in love, want to be together for always. But I’m worried now that he’ll be curious at some point about what sex would be like with someone else. What do we do? Open relationship for a brief window? We’re both jealous types, so that would be hard, but I would consider it (not sure if he would). I’d always been glad he’d slept with girls before me, like it was a safety net for our sex life, he kind of knew what else was out there; but that’s gone now. There’s also the issue that he was capable of maintaining this huge lie for a few years (and lying about other things in order to cover this up). I understand how it was intensely personal and embarrassing for him, that lies can snowball, but … still. I’m kind of scared because we’re definitely good communicators and believe in talking about everything, and he’s a really good and honest man, but this has made me see him in a different light. In the history of bombshells, “I fucked fewer people than I told you about” is way down at the Pop Rocks end of the scale. It is difficult to convey how shameful it is for a straight man to be a virgin, and how the single most humiliating way this fact can come out is in a conversation with a woman he finds attractive. Even writing this, I can remember being in bed with my high-school girlfriend, working up the courage to tell her, in a strained whisper, that I didn’t know what I was doing. (She was wonderful about it, but even at a remove of decades, I can still recall the pain.) So I’d cut him some slack. As lies go, this seems more Match-style profile padding than Madoff-scale mendacity, particularly if you sidled into dating from hooking up. Also, to your worry about him being “…curious at some point about what sex would be like with someone else.” Unlike who? All those guys who say “Once I’d slept with 3 (or 8, or 17) women, I was all done being curious!” Doesn’t work like that. My first date with my wife was in the 1990s, I haven’t so much as kissed another woman since, and when I notice someone attractive, I’m still curious about what the sex would be like. We’re men. It’s what we do. So here’s the deal. Men who don’t cheat have one thing in common: We decide not to. And then we keep deciding not to. Monogamy isn’t some switch in the limbic system that gets flipped when a person meets The One (though it can feel like that for the first year or so.) It’s a social overlay on a species that isn’t actually monogamous. So the question isn’t “Does he fantasize about sex with other women?” (which: duh) but “Do you trust him not to act on those fantasies?” From your letter, you seem to find him trustworthy in general, so I certainly wouldn’t let the fact that he hid a deflating fact from a hook-up partner he ended up falling in love with convince you that he’s a bad person to be in love with. 4. My boyfriend of two years cheated on me three times: The second time (I thought it was the first until recently) was an extended Skype and Facebook flirtation with a mutual friend that really only amounted to emotional cheating but seriously hurt my feelings. I told him then that if he cheated again, I would dump him. Fast forward to last Christmas: an ex-girlfriend was sleeping over at his house due to some sort of car problem. In the morning he got into bed with her and they started doing the dirty, but they stopped before anything serious happened because he felt terrible about what he had done. According to the ex, he completely freaked out emotionally and spent a lot of time crying and dry-heaving afterwards. The two of them planned never to tell me what happened, because they didn’t want to ruin our relationship. But the next week rolled around and he couldn’t keep lying to me, so he told me what he had done and asked for forgiveness. Then he said, in the interest of complete honesty, that he had had sex with different ex about a month after we first started dating. He had taken her, and some other (mutual) friends, with him to his family’s lake house while I was starting a new job in a new state. Thanks, bro. I wanted to break up with him then, but we’d purchased tickets to go to Germany to visit his grandparents and I’d spent quite a bit of my savings on the trip already. By the end of the trip he’d convinced me to give him another chance. So now, it’s been almost a year since the last incident of cheating. Prior to that, we had been talking marriage and he’d told me I was the most serious relationship he’d ever had. Since then, we’ve lived together, adopted a dog together, etc. He is my best friend and in spite of his unfaithfulness, we make a great match. Our life goals are the same. I love his family, he loves mine, he’s talking about marriage again (he’s 23, I’m 21). The only problem is, I still don’t trust him completely. He’s promised never to do it again, and I consciously believe him, but I’ve developed jealousy issues in the last year that I’d never had before. I don’t like my new jealous self and I don’t like wondering where he is or what he’s up to, who he’s talking to on the nets, etc. I can’t marry someone I don’t trust, obviously. How much time is enough time to trust somebody? Am I deluding myself? Are we doomed? Moving in concentric circles out from the basic facts: You are 21 years old. Your boyfriend has cheated at a current rate of more than once a year. He let his ex sleep at his house. (“Car problem”? Srsly?) When you wanted to break up with him, the thing that kept you from doing it was sunk cost of air travel. You characterize your reversal of opinion not as “I changed my mind” but rather “He convinced me.” You don’t like who you have become because of his actions. I mean, I could go on, but believe me, your adopted a dog, cute though it doubtless is, would be pretty thin compensation for marrying someone you don’t trust, and he’s given you enough reasons not to trust him that I’d find it pretty hard to reverse that in anything like the time it would take you to find someone better. 5. My boyfriend and I dated for a year and half before moving in together. And we’ve only been living together for three months, but the hard part is, I’m starting to think I made a mistake. I had been in the same living situation (sharing a house with roomie friends from college) for more than a year and wanted a change. He was graduating from law school (had been supported by his parents all the way through law school) and needed to find a more affordable living situation since he was going to get cut off (at age 26) after taking the bar exam. At the time, finding separate living situations and negotiating the back-and-forth for another year seemed ridiculous. I had concerns about moving in with someone starting out on his own for the first time, rather late in life, and without a job lined up. I did, really. But somehow they took a backseat to our actually finding a place and putting our stuff in it together. If it helps, I’m 27 and have been financially independent from my parents for a LONG time, so I am truly having trouble understanding what he’s going through. I also think, shamefully, that he is really freaking spoiled. Now I find myself living with a man who’s driving me bananas, has no idea how to budget, and has no current income. We’re less than halfway through our lease and I’m wishing we hadn’t moved in together. We don’t have sex, we bicker a lot, and in general it just feels like we’ve lost our connection. Yes, we have talked about this. Yes, I am even seeing a counselor about this. I still think that maybe, the relationship is over, and the only things stopping us from breaking up are plans for the upcoming holidays with each other’s families and this signed lease. Help? Let’s see, you’re asking which would have the more negative effect on your life, walking away from six months of a lease, or sticking it out with a spoiled man-child with whom you have a bickering, sexless relationship? Um… You don’t even go through the usual Advice Column motions about how he’s a great guy and all, except for this one thing. It’s just a description of why you think you’ve made a mistake, and how unravelling it will be a hassle. And it will, god knows, be a hassle, because real estate, but speaking not just as a married dude but as a re-married dude who got engaged the first time much too young and out of inertia, let me tell you from bitter, lived experience that doubling down on chronic suck just to avoid some acute suck is a long-term bad proposition. So I hereby induct you into the large and distinguished body of “People whose letters asking for advice answer those very questions in that very letter.” Go forth and find someone more your match. Previously: Stay-at-Home Dads and the Confrontation-Averse. A Married Dude is one of several rotating married dudes. Do you have a question for A Married Dude? Photo via Flickr/boynton
['The Hairpin']
2016-06-02 01:00:03.570000+00:00
['Advice', 'Cleaning']
Title Shared Spaces LieMeasurement Manageable HassleContent Married Dude 1 I’ve husband four year although married month really great relationship issue biggest one housework NOTHING drive insane think it’s combination lot thing — parent hoarder grew messy house adult ADD make impossible focus thing especially thing doesn’t want feel bad helping apologizes lament difficulty changing four year I’m wit’s end know partially fault — mean knew getting he’s good person loving caring relationship otherwise good know fault craziness try appreciate thing feel issue building inside like big ugly resentment monster don’t know I’ve tried different way approaching — letting choose chore prefers weekly list angry outburst leaving everything mess see he’ll step time Nothing worked work full time job stressful feel like I’m running two people’s life addition work It’s exhausting feel disrespected he’s even making effort also worry thing kid past talked hiring someone clean u money tight don’t know good longterm solution hear friends’ spouse installing new lighting taking car get fixed surprising clean house want cry I’ve never anything like one made wince guy though I’m le guy though notnot guy either ala I’m going steal Choose Adventurestyle answer think “If stay bad forever I’ll divorce him” pick Answer think “I want get much better I’m going bluff ultimatum wouldn’t actually use” go Answer B though let say two thing passing either may get burnt effigy comment first hiring someone clean afford lot woman reason don’t really understand regard clean house moral issue rather practical tradeoff invested time subsequent benefit great way trade time benefit earn money buy benefit going movie eat Cleaning another item list may able afford know little voice insists whatever creative professional ambition must also clean house voice friend Second many woman also seem think men expect clean u indeed men think majority u don’t expect clean u much perfectly content live squalor It’s like lived neatly met outsourced work thought sink ideal place store dirty dish week recognize winning trait also don’t mean personally often take Answer Bombs Away Tell you’re leaving weekend go visit mother friend etc house kind shape return go right work Monday morning go return he’s kept even moderate shape thank clearly tell you’re grateful kid someday you’ll need keep house clean kid thing big part improving score He’ll backslide course present backsliding active affront rather passive failing given past evidence successful performance can’t keep house even you’ve made demand clear tell you’re sure stay together since you’d need help cleaning take care kid right he’s looking like lousy father material mean lousy husband material explain he’s going change much love may couple note Answer oneshot strategy “I’m leaving” loses potency used frequency also “Now rather later” strategy grout yet dry marriage month old easier reset tile selfdefense expert say never threaten anyone gun unless able pull trigger brings to… Answer B Coworking Orca you’re trying get without ultimatum two thing might try addition recognize many thing already tried First clean dish straighten house send laundry dust doesn’t buy want — he’s cleaning you’re balance cleaning he’s — share work somewhat may lower resentment may train bit giving bit leverage “But I’ve seen before” variety Also lot woman seemed like advice article training Shamu Orca mean changing husband’s behavior straightlady internet back — here’s link case missed btw two thing wife change behavior alongside bearing couple child work somewhat least circumstance he’s incapable cleaning even alongside may reconsider Answer 2 long married compare marriage … animal musical instrument dozen year animal marriage like axolotl musical instrument sarrusophone mean marriage isn’t thing like — nobody life happily ever manage tradeoff wife’s basic life question “How avoid making mistake here” Mine “When screw recover” good day two different strategy great bad day think I’m careless think she’s rigid day quite bad indeed Tolstoy wrong I’m trying say Living people always take work even happy family still develop way snatching joy jaw anguish 3 boyfriend threeplus year live dropped bombshell sex pretty early started dating like hooking hanging turned “dating” wasn’t great first week attributed knowing well maybe kind jerk didn’t care satisfaction bed talked got much better pretty amazing “the talk” also “the talk” many people we’ve etc etc told he’d slept two girl weren’t relationship happened twice reference number three one serious boyfriend Fast forward two year we’re fight something related tell he’d never technically sex actually virgin came close one time afraid tell beginning lied AHHHH love guy much we’ve talked marriage we’re super love want together always I’m worried he’ll curious point sex would like someone else Open relationship brief window We’re jealous type would hard would consider sure would I’d always glad he’d slept girl like safety net sex life kind knew else that’s gone There’s also issue capable maintaining huge lie year lying thing order cover understand intensely personal embarrassing lie snowball … still I’m kind scared we’re definitely good communicator believe talking everything he’s really good honest man made see different light history bombshell “I fucked fewer people told about” way Pop Rocks end scale difficult convey shameful straight man virgin single humiliating way fact come conversation woman find attractive Even writing remember bed highschool girlfriend working courage tell strained whisper didn’t know wonderful even remove decade still recall pain I’d cut slack lie go seems Matchstyle profile padding Madoffscale mendacity particularly sidled dating hooking Also worry “…curious point sex would like someone else” Unlike guy say “Once I’d slept 3 8 17 woman done curious” Doesn’t work like first date wife 1990s haven’t much kissed another woman since notice someone attractive I’m still curious sex would like We’re men It’s here’s deal Men don’t cheat one thing common decide keep deciding Monogamy isn’t switch limbic system get flipped person meet One though feel like first year It’s social overlay specie isn’t actually monogamous question isn’t “Does fantasize sex women” duh “Do trust act fantasies” letter seem find trustworthy general certainly wouldn’t let fact hid deflating fact hookup partner ended falling love convince he’s bad person love 4 boyfriend two year cheated three time second time thought first recently extended Skype Facebook flirtation mutual friend really amounted emotional cheating seriously hurt feeling told cheated would dump Fast forward last Christmas exgirlfriend sleeping house due sort car problem morning got bed started dirty stopped anything serious happened felt terrible done According ex completely freaked emotionally spent lot time cry dryheaving afterwards two planned never tell happened didn’t want ruin relationship next week rolled around couldn’t keep lying told done asked forgiveness said interest complete honesty sex different ex month first started dating taken mutual friend family’s lake house starting new job new state Thanks bro wanted break we’d purchased ticket go Germany visit grandparent I’d spent quite bit saving trip already end trip he’d convinced give another chance it’s almost year since last incident cheating Prior talking marriage he’d told serious relationship he’d ever Since we’ve lived together adopted dog together etc best friend spite unfaithfulness make great match life goal love family love mine he’s talking marriage he’s 23 I’m 21 problem still don’t trust completely He’s promised never consciously believe I’ve developed jealousy issue last year I’d never don’t like new jealous self don’t like wondering he’s he’s talking net etc can’t marry someone don’t trust obviously much time enough time trust somebody deluding doomed Moving concentric circle basic fact 21 year old boyfriend cheated current rate year let ex sleep house “Car problem” Srsly wanted break thing kept sunk cost air travel characterize reversal opinion “I changed mind” rather “He convinced me” don’t like become action mean could go believe adopted dog cute though doubtless would pretty thin compensation marrying someone don’t trust he’s given enough reason trust I’d find pretty hard reverse anything like time would take find someone better 5 boyfriend dated year half moving together we’ve living together three month hard part I’m starting think made mistake living situation sharing house roomie friend college year wanted change graduating law school supported parent way law school needed find affordable living situation since going get cut age 26 taking bar exam time finding separate living situation negotiating backandforth another year seemed ridiculous concern moving someone starting first time rather late life without job lined really somehow took backseat actually finding place putting stuff together help I’m 27 financially independent parent LONG time truly trouble understanding he’s going also think shamefully really freaking spoiled find living man who’s driving banana idea budget current income We’re le halfway lease I’m wishing hadn’t moved together don’t sex bicker lot general feel like we’ve lost connection Yes talked Yes even seeing counselor still think maybe relationship thing stopping u breaking plan upcoming holiday other’s family signed lease Help Let’s see you’re asking would negative effect life walking away six month lease sticking spoiled manchild bickering sexless relationship Um… don’t even go usual Advice Column motion he’s great guy except one thing It’s description think you’ve made mistake unravelling hassle god know hassle real estate speaking married dude remarried dude got engaged first time much young inertia let tell bitter lived experience doubling chronic suck avoid acute suck longterm bad proposition hereby induct large distinguished body “People whose letter asking advice answer question letter” Go forth find someone match Previously StayatHome Dads ConfrontationAverse Married Dude one several rotating married dude question Married Dude Photo via FlickrboyntonTags Advice Cleaning
Medford looking for nonprofit involvement in Clean Communities Grant Program
With the return of the spring season, Medford Township is looking for non-profit organizations to help clean up township properties through its Clean Communities Grant Program. Headed by Judy Scherf, the township’s recycling coordinator, the grant program gives money to non-profits in return for volunteering to clean up the township’s parks, streets and other properties. The grant money also pays for cleaning supplies and equipment. “The funding comes from the state to the township,” Scherf said. “It’s for cleaning the town. I have non-profit adult groups, and I have Boy and Girl Scout groups as well.” The state’s Clean Communities funding can only be applied toward cleaning township properties. The township’s Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee identifies a number of cleaning projects varying from parks to streets and assigns them to different non-profits. “We usually do the parks, like Bob Meyer Park, Freedom Park, Bende Park,” Scherf said. “That’s what the Boy and Girl Scout groups usually do. I recently had Jones Road done and Gravely Road done. Our adult groups go out on the roads.” To receive the money from the state, the township files a report detailing the projects and the organizations working on them. Scherf said the funding varies from year-to-year depending on the number and scope of the projects. “(The state) takes that grant and looks at how much work we did, what we worked on and how many supplies I bought,” Scherf said. “Some years, we haven’t been able to do a lot, and there are others years where we’ve had a lot going on.” Even though the grant money is only awarded for cleaning projects, the program has had a residual effect on the community. Scherf said many of the participating non-profits return to their project sites for further beautification and restoration on their own time. “We give them a donation from the program,” she said. “Afterward, they can do what they want with beautifying it.” One such example in recent years was a cleaning project at the municipal building on Main Street. Following the Clean Communities project, groups returned to plant flowers and further beautify the property. Another positive of the program has been its facilitation of a community service attitude among youth organizations. “The kids are learning so much from it,” she said. The Clean Communities program is something the township is pushing as the weather warms up and residents partake in more outdoor activities. Councilman Randy Pace took a few minutes to inform the public about it at last week’s council meeting in hopes to get more organizations involved this year. “Right now, we have about 10 to 12 non-profits involved,” he said. Scherf said the township is open to inviting new non-profits to get involved with the program. She emphasized businesses are not permitted to participate. For more information on Clean Communities or to get involved, contact Scherf at (609) 654–6791 ext. 322 or email jscherf@medfordtownship.com.
2016-12-19 15:34:38.693000+00:00
['Families', 'Headlines', 'Cleaning', 'Medford', 'Nonprofits']
Title Medford looking nonprofit involvement Clean Communities Grant ProgramContent return spring season Medford Township looking nonprofit organization help clean township property Clean Communities Grant Program Headed Judy Scherf township’s recycling coordinator grant program give money nonprofit return volunteering clean township’s park street property grant money also pay cleaning supply equipment “The funding come state township” Scherf said “It’s cleaning town nonprofit adult group Boy Girl Scout group well” state’s Clean Communities funding applied toward cleaning township property township’s Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee identifies number cleaning project varying park street assigns different nonprofit “We usually park like Bob Meyer Park Freedom Park Bende Park” Scherf said “That’s Boy Girl Scout group usually recently Jones Road done Gravely Road done adult group go roads” receive money state township file report detailing project organization working Scherf said funding varies yeartoyear depending number scope project “The state take grant look much work worked many supply bought” Scherf said “Some year haven’t able lot others year we’ve lot going on” Even though grant money awarded cleaning project program residual effect community Scherf said many participating nonprofit return project site beautification restoration time “We give donation program” said “Afterward want beautifying it” One example recent year cleaning project municipal building Main Street Following Clean Communities project group returned plant flower beautify property Another positive program facilitation community service attitude among youth organization “The kid learning much it” said Clean Communities program something township pushing weather warms resident partake outdoor activity Councilman Randy Pace took minute inform public last week’s council meeting hope get organization involved year “Right 10 12 nonprofit involved” said Scherf said township open inviting new nonprofit get involved program emphasized business permitted participate information Clean Communities get involved contact Scherf 609 654–6791 ext 322 email jscherfmedfordtownshipcomTags Families Headlines Cleaning Medford Nonprofits
Edinburgh Silver and the Goblet of TarnishHow to Clean Your Silver
Greetings from Edinburgh Silver. Do any of you already own some silver but you have no idea how to clean it and keep it looking brand new? Well, we guarantee that taking the little time to clean it could not be easier. As you can see this goblet is extremely tarnished because it was left for nearly half a decade in a kitchen without being cleaned or taken care of. If you’re thinking cleaning this goblet below would be a nightmare then think again! Just look at the results our steps to cleaning silver can bring you. Cleaning this goblet took around 3–4 minutes and the results we got were truly stunning. Follow our few, simple steps below and your silver items will seriously look like it’s gone from looking 200 years old and ready for the dump to looking like it’s been cleaned and polished yesterday by a silversmith himself. Firstly, just rinse the particular silver item off with water. Then we apply Anti-Tarnish Silver Soap from Town Talk Polish Co. Ltd (shown below) generously to the silver with a sponge applicator. Once you’ve done that, rub the silver soap into the item with the sponge applicator and continuously do this until the tarnish is gone. Then rinse the soap off the item. If you rinse all the soap off and still find the item has some tarnishing left then very simply repeat the steps above! Here are some before and after pictures of when we cleaned our Goblet of Tarnish! It just shows you what a difference a few minutes can make. That is really how easy it is. No trouble and no wasted time. Also, we must add that if you want to put an extra shine to your silver items then make sure you buff it with a lint-free cloth! The cloth can also be used to remove finger marks rather than having to clean it all over again. We really cannot stress to you how easy cleaning your silver is. We really think that it is fun and rewarding to clean your silver up because it’s magical to see the difference between tarnished silver and newly cleaned silver. That’s everything you need to know about cleaning and taking care of your silver and we really hope that it has helped you out. Speak to you all soon! Sean at Edinburgh Silver http://www.edinburghsilver.co/ Social Media: FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/EdinburghSilver Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdinburghSilver or @edinburghsilver Google+: http://bit.ly/UPtOl0 Instagram: http://instagram.com/edinburghsilver or @edinburghsilver
['Edinburgh Silver']
2015-12-18 11:32:14.993000+00:00
['Silver', 'Cleaning', 'Luxury']
Title Edinburgh Silver Goblet TarnishHow Clean SilverContent Greetings Edinburgh Silver already silver idea clean keep looking brand new Well guarantee taking little time clean could easier see goblet extremely tarnished left nearly half decade kitchen without cleaned taken care you’re thinking cleaning goblet would nightmare think look result step cleaning silver bring Cleaning goblet took around 3–4 minute result got truly stunning Follow simple step silver item seriously look like it’s gone looking 200 year old ready dump looking like it’s cleaned polished yesterday silversmith Firstly rinse particular silver item water apply AntiTarnish Silver Soap Town Talk Polish Co Ltd shown generously silver sponge applicator you’ve done rub silver soap item sponge applicator continuously tarnish gone rinse soap item rinse soap still find item tarnishing left simply repeat step picture cleaned Goblet Tarnish show difference minute make really easy trouble wasted time Also must add want put extra shine silver item make sure buff lintfree cloth cloth also used remove finger mark rather clean really cannot stress easy cleaning silver really think fun rewarding clean silver it’s magical see difference tarnished silver newly cleaned silver That’s everything need know cleaning taking care silver really hope helped Speak soon Sean Edinburgh Silver httpwwwedinburghsilverco Social Media FaceBook httpswwwfacebookcomEdinburghSilver Twitter httpstwittercomEdinburghSilver edinburghsilver Google httpbitlyUPtOl0 Instagram httpinstagramcomedinburghsilver edinburghsilverTags Silver Cleaning Luxury
Their Mouths Were Throwing Up on Their Party Clothes
That roommate was a frequent reader of Jolie Kerr’s Ask a Clean Person column on the women’s interest site The Hairpin, which provides advice to novice homemakers. The advice is, at once, delightfully voicey (“Bleachie,” Ms. Kerr’s term for her favorite cleaning solvent, is a recurring character to whom the author and readers express their “❤”) and useful (bleach really does clean up surfaces like counters). And Ms. Kerr, with her column teaching millennial, gen-Y and gen-X readers how to remove personal fluids from leather or upholstery, is at the forefront of an online movement that’s taking homemaking from the stodgy, didactic world of Martha Stewart et al. to the cluttered homes of youngsters who apparently have no idea how to perform even the most basic task. “How to clean up vomit is a topic you’ll see on Heloise, on Martha,” Ms. Kerr said, “but you won’t find them in a context of people being honest about why they were vomiting on their party clothes.” “Hipster homemaker”* Jolie Kerr is in the paper! (Also: Jolie, how much newsprint/paper is too much newsprint/paper to stick to a refrigerator?) *To use loosened definitions of conveniently alliterative words.
['Edith Zimmerman']
2016-06-01 22:01:18.823000+00:00
Title Mouths Throwing Party ClothesContent roommate frequent reader Jolie Kerr’s Ask Clean Person column women’s interest site Hairpin provides advice novice homemaker advice delightfully voicey “Bleachie” Ms Kerr’s term favorite cleaning solvent recurring character author reader express “❤” useful bleach really clean surface like counter Ms Kerr column teaching millennial genY genX reader remove personal fluid leather upholstery forefront online movement that’s taking homemaking stodgy didactic world Martha Stewart et al cluttered home youngster apparently idea perform even basic task “How clean vomit topic you’ll see Heloise Martha” Ms Kerr said “but won’t find context people honest vomiting party clothes” “Hipster homemaker” Jolie Kerr paper Also Jolie much newsprintpaper much newsprintpaper stick refrigerator use loosened definition conveniently alliterative wordsTags Cleaning
Ask a Clean Person: Fragrant Shoe Season Arrives Early
I don’t want to get rid of my sandals but seriously, they are disgusting. I am not a Sweaty Person or a Stinky Person in general. My socks never get stinky or sweaty, not even the ones I wear when I work out. Come the spring/sandal time, though, and I swear by 10 a.m. it smells like there’s a dirty dog and a bag of Fritos under my desk. I make myself sick, and I’m terrified that if I can smell my own feet, everyone else can, too. This happens with tiny strappy sandals, flip-flops — any shoe I wear without socks. I’ve tried sprinkling them with baking soda and letting them sit overnight, which helps for a day, maybe two. Can you help me? I don’t see how any kind of stink-destroying insoles could work here, since it’s only my OPEN shoes that smell like the devil. Why is this? This happens to my best friend, too, so I know I’m not the only one. Are we just The Stinky Feet Girls? I would give up on sandals entirely, but we live in Texas and shoes with socks just aren’t an option when it’s 103 degrees for 90 days running. Help us? Please? You might be The Stinky Feet Girls. But you know what? That’s fine! Sometimes I eat potato chips in my bed while watching episodes of The Sopranos that I’ve seen a hundred times. We’re all gross in our own ways. I think what we need here is a two-pronged approach: foot care and shoe care. Because you might be a Stinky Feet Girl, I would definitely suggest that you start using a daily foot powder like Gold Bond or Tinactin. There are also a whole heap of foot antiperspirant products out there that work a little differently from the powders, which absorb sweat but don’t stop it. Also they have delightful names like The Ugly Little Bottle, Ghost Grip, and Neat Feat. My suggestion would be for you and your friend to each buy one different product, test it out, compare notes, and if the first thing you tried doesn’t work, try another. Just in the same way with deodorant for the underarms you may need to experiment with different brands to find the one that works best with your body’s makeup. So that’s step one. Step two is to treat the shoes themselves. There are a ton of odor-neutralizing shoe sprays on the market, and I particularly like products made specifically for getting the stank out of athletic shoes, because they’re optimized for use on some of the smelliest shoes out there. Here’s one from Dr. Scholl and another from KIWI for you to check out. It may be that during the summer months you have to spray your shoes down each night when you take them off, but once you get into the habit of doing that it’ll become something you don’t even think about, you just automatically do. Like how you make your bed every morning. Automatically. Right??? I realize the topic of smelly shoes, feet, and all manner of foot/smells have already been covered. However, I have a smelly foot problem that is slightly unique. I am a lucky lady in that I get to walk to work every day — no public transport needed. As I am a comfort-over-style kind of gal, I walk to work in sneakers and change into heels once I get there. When I get to work in the morning I am usually first or second and can easily slip off my socks and sneakers with little embarrassment; I store my shoes in one of my filing cabinets, to keep any stink encased in steel. The problem is that in the afternoon I am surrounded by several coworkers (admittedly some very attractive coworkers, though that shouldn’t make a difference) and I feel extremely embarrassed when opening my smelly shoe drawer. Currently I have tried scent balls or sent sprays, but both just mix with the foot smell. I also have used baking soda which works well in my shoes but no so much in the drawer! Please help! You just need to put a Bad Air Sponge up in that bitch. That’ll do ya. Another idea is to get your paws on a pair of sneaker balls and pop ’em inside your kicks after you take them off in the morning, so that they absorb the smells right out of your sneaks while they’re sitting in the drawer. Sneaker balls are pretty easy to find — most athletic shoe stores like Foot Locker will carry them — and they’re pretty inexpensive. Amazon lists several options in the $4 to $10 range. If the drawer isn’t big enough to fit a canister of Bad Air Sponge, you can also check out a thing called Fridge It. They’re designed for refrigerators (as if that weren’t utterly clear/why did I just explain that??), but the principle of odor-sucking-upping is the same, so they’ll be small enough to pop into a desk drawer. I recently bought these cute flats from the Friday Bargain Bin. I love them! Great find! The first day I wore them was a gray day that turned into a rainy day, and they got wet in the rainwater. Now they’re a little dirty. Since they’re dyed leather I’m not sure how to go about cleaning them. A damp paper towel got way too much orange on it for me to be comfortable continuing. My roommate hasn’t worn hers yet … should I get her drunk when she does and switch out her new unstained ones for mine like in the Judgement of Solomon? Yes, you should absolutely do that. I’m not even kidding. All’s fair in love, war and Friday Bargain Bin Anthropologie Trinket Flats. Okay no, not really! (I’ve been working on this whole Ask an Astonishingly Mean Clean Person persona but it’s not really taking.) You can try a couple different things. Since they’re just “a little dirty,” a damp (DAMP NOT WET!)(I swear one of these days I’m going to have pop-up sponges made up that say “DAMP NOT WET!” on them and make a killing selling them to people who are forever staining their couches and shoes and carpets and such) sponge with a little blurt of dishsoap will probably take the grime right up. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you can get your hands on some neutral-colored shoe polish and give the shoes a good going-over with it or grab a pack of these nifty Express Shine Wipes from KIWI, which will clean the dirt off and shine the leather back up as well. “Neutral,” by the by, is a pretty standard shoe polish color, and you really shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. In terms of the dye coming up as you’re cleaning them, unless the color of the shoe is visibly changing its color, don’t worry too much about it. Dye is just forever leeching out of things — remember the girl who had the wild makeout session on her carpet and got dark denim dye all over the place? Previously: I Drank the Juice; I Cleaned It Up. Jolie Kerr is not paid to endorse any of the products mentioned in this column, but she sure would be very happy to accept any free samples the manufacturers care to send her way! Are you curious to know if she’s answered a question you have? Do check out the archives, listed by topic. More importantly: is anything you own dirty? Photo by iofoto, via Shutterstock
2016-06-01 22:01:03.883000+00:00
['Advice', 'Cleaning']
Title Ask Clean Person Fragrant Shoe Season Arrives EarlyContent don’t want get rid sandal seriously disgusting Sweaty Person Stinky Person general sock never get stinky sweaty even one wear work Come springsandal time though swear 10 smell like there’s dirty dog bag Fritos desk make sick I’m terrified smell foot everyone else happens tiny strappy sandal flipflops — shoe wear without sock I’ve tried sprinkling baking soda letting sit overnight help day maybe two help don’t see kind stinkdestroying insole could work since it’s OPEN shoe smell like devil happens best friend know I’m one Stinky Feet Girls would give sandal entirely live Texas shoe sock aren’t option it’s 103 degree 90 day running Help u Please might Stinky Feet Girls know That’s fine Sometimes eat potato chip bed watching episode Sopranos I’ve seen hundred time We’re gross way think need twopronged approach foot care shoe care might Stinky Feet Girl would definitely suggest start using daily foot powder like Gold Bond Tinactin also whole heap foot antiperspirant product work little differently powder absorb sweat don’t stop Also delightful name like Ugly Little Bottle Ghost Grip Neat Feat suggestion would friend buy one different product test compare note first thing tried doesn’t work try another way deodorant underarms may need experiment different brand find one work best body’s makeup that’s step one Step two treat shoe ton odorneutralizing shoe spray market particularly like product made specifically getting stank athletic shoe they’re optimized use smelliest shoe Here’s one Dr Scholl another KIWI check may summer month spray shoe night take get habit it’ll become something don’t even think automatically Like make bed every morning Automatically Right realize topic smelly shoe foot manner footsmells already covered However smelly foot problem slightly unique lucky lady get walk work every day — public transport needed comfortoverstyle kind gal walk work sneaker change heel get get work morning usually first second easily slip sock sneaker little embarrassment store shoe one filing cabinet keep stink encased steel problem afternoon surrounded several coworkers admittedly attractive coworkers though shouldn’t make difference feel extremely embarrassed opening smelly shoe drawer Currently tried scent ball sent spray mix foot smell also used baking soda work well shoe much drawer Please help need put Bad Air Sponge bitch That’ll ya Another idea get paw pair sneaker ball pop ’em inside kick take morning absorb smell right sneak they’re sitting drawer Sneaker ball pretty easy find — athletic shoe store like Foot Locker carry — they’re pretty inexpensive Amazon list several option 4 10 range drawer isn’t big enough fit canister Bad Air Sponge also check thing called Fridge They’re designed refrigerator weren’t utterly clearwhy explain principle odorsuckingupping they’ll small enough pop desk drawer recently bought cute flat Friday Bargain Bin love Great find first day wore gray day turned rainy day got wet rainwater they’re little dirty Since they’re dyed leather I’m sure go cleaning damp paper towel got way much orange comfortable continuing roommate hasn’t worn yet … get drunk switch new unstained one mine like Judgement Solomon Yes absolutely I’m even kidding All’s fair love war Friday Bargain Bin Anthropologie Trinket Flats Okay really I’ve working whole Ask Astonishingly Mean Clean Person persona it’s really taking try couple different thing Since they’re “a little dirty” damp DAMP WETI swear one day I’m going popup sponge made say “DAMP WET” make killing selling people forever staining couch shoe carpet sponge little blurt dishsoap probably take grime right doesn’t appeal get hand neutralcolored shoe polish give shoe good goingover grab pack nifty Express Shine Wipes KIWI clean dirt shine leather back well “Neutral” pretty standard shoe polish color really shouldn’t trouble finding term dye coming you’re cleaning unless color shoe visibly changing color don’t worry much Dye forever leeching thing — remember girl wild makeout session carpet got dark denim dye place Previously Drank Juice Cleaned Jolie Kerr paid endorse product mentioned column sure would happy accept free sample manufacturer care send way curious know she’s answered question check archive listed topic importantly anything dirty Photo iofoto via ShutterstockTags Advice Cleaning
9 Easy and Cheaper Home Improvement Projects in Winter
9 Easy and Cheaper Home Improvement Projects in Winter Yard work, roofing and entire home renovations may have to wait until the warmer months. Winter, however, can be prime time for completing certain projects that otherwise would not get done. For starters, contractors have increased availability since it’s their slowest time of the year. They’re also generally more willing to negotiate on labor costs. Materials — everything from paint to appliances — are also deeply discounted to make room on the shelves for new spring inventory. So, whether you’re selling your house in the spring — which is thought to be the best time to list — or you’ve just moved in, here are a few home improvement projects experts recommend doing in the winter: Before doing Winter home improvement, read article What DIY builders need to know? 1. Paint the interiors “Painters are likely to offer far more discounts and deals than they do during the overbooked summer, says one expert. “Due to the decrease in demand for exterior painting December through March, painters are likely to offer far more discounts and deals than they do during the overbooked summer,” says Matt Kunz, president of Five Star Painting, a Neighborly company. Kunz estimates the average lead time for a good painter in August is 3–4 weeks. But in December and January, it’s 1 week or less. If you’re doing the painting yourself, you can still save. Sherwin Williams is currently offering a coupon for 30 percent off its paints and stains through Dec. 29, 2019. (Keep in mind that you will need to keep windows open to let the fumes out.) 2. Paint the exteriors Depending on the paint you’re using — and most manufacturers include a paint’s minimum and maximum temperature for application on cans — winter can also be the ideal time for exterior painting. This is especially true if you live in the south since paint doesn’t dry well in extremely hot and humid conditions. Similarly, it doesn’t dry well in cold temperatures. Rico de Paz, who oversees Consumer Reports’ paint tests, says it should be at least 50 degrees F during application and shouldn’t drop below freezing for several days after painting. 3. Install outdoor lighting It’s only on the shortest days of the year that you fully realize how dark it gets outside. It’s only on the shortest days of the year that you fully realize how dark it gets outside. It’s only on the shortest days of the year that you fully realize how dark it gets outside and can see where you need light. Not only will installing outdoor lighting help your family stay safe, it may even allow you to entertain outdoors during the winter. In the latter case, consider investing in a heat lamp that will provide light in addition to heat. And if you add more outdoor lighting, the men and women who deliver your packages will thank you. It makes their job a lot easier. 4. Convert that spare room into a home gym You don’t need to have a New Year’s resolution to lose weight in order to benefit from winter’s low prices on gym equipment. In fact, half of the eight items on Consumer Reports’ list of the best things to buy in January can be used in a home gym. Based on the organization’s research, expect to find “deep discounts” on ellipticals, treadmills, scales and perhaps the most important item for sticking with your routine: a TV. 5. Refinish hardwood floors Curing new floors in humid weather isn’t a good idea. For a predictable finish, you’ll want drier, heated winter air. Curing new floors in humid weather isn’t a good idea. For a predictable finish, you’ll want drier, heated winter air. (N-Hance Wood Refinishing) Refinishing hardwood floors in the winter is tough when you are spending more time indoors and need to be on your floors. Plus, you have to find room indoors to store your furniture. However, the inconvenience may be better in the long run. According to N-Hance Wood Refinishing, The Home Depot’s national partner, more humid temperatures can make the finish cure too fast. This results in a too-glossy, uneven finish. For a predictable finish cure, they prefer drier, heated winter air. 6. Professionally deep clean your carpets Spring is peak season for professional carpet cleaners. However, that means that if you’re hiring someone to give your carpets a deep clean, you’ll likely get a cheaper quote in the winter when business is slower. And that’s not the only reason. According to the professional carpet and upholstery cleaning service, Chem-Dry, carpets dry quicker in the winter. Clean carpets are also thought to help keep families healthier during flu season. 7. Update your HVAC system Dylan Murray, owner of Murray Builders NYC, knows from many years of experience that spring and summer are the worst time to need an HVAC contractor. That’s when their schedules are packed, and it’s not uncommon to have to wait weeks to get an appointment. Instead, Murray recommends hiring one in the winter when they’re more available and often when installation costs are lower. Plus, you won’t run the risk of making a decision based on the sheer desperation summer’s high temperatures incite. In winter you have plenty of time to do research and talk to technicians who aren’t being pulled in 20 different directions. 8. Start pre-spring-cleaning Why wait until spring to start your spring cleaning? Why spend the first beautiful days of the year spring-cleaning when you could have done it on more dreary days? That’s why winter is the perfect time to declutter, or as the queen of decluttering, Marie Kondo, says, “tidy up.” According to Kondo’s tips, you should start with clothes, books, documents, miscellaneous and finally, mementos. She also doesn’t subscribe to the theory of starting in one room and finishing it first. Her method involves starting with one category and finishing that before moving on to the next. 9. Remodel your kitchen “It’s better to tackle kitchen remodeling in the winter before lumber and cabinets see a large price hike in the spring,”says Doug Coyle, owner of House Doctors of Andover and Merrimack Valley. Coyle also explains that it can be easier to obtain the required permits this time of year. The government agencies that issue them, and ultimately give the green light for anything having to do with changing plumbing or electric, tend not to be as backlogged in the winter months. (Furthermore, January is also the cheapest month to buy a new wall oven, according to Consumer Reports.) If you don’t want to completely remodel your kitchen, but you’d like a fresh look, consider replacing the hardware. It’s amazing how far a few shiny new knobs and handles can go. Resource: foxnews: home improvement projects that are easier — and often cheaper — in the winter Related Articles: Easy way to make your own space DIY Smart Home Tips Before We Get Started Join our newsletter here and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest to get yourself updated with the latest industry news, home decor idea.
2019-12-27 02:15:24.868000+00:00
['Home', 'Home Improvement', 'Renovations', 'Cleaning', 'Home Decor']
Title 9 Easy Cheaper Home Improvement Projects WinterContent 9 Easy Cheaper Home Improvement Projects Winter Yard work roofing entire home renovation may wait warmer month Winter however prime time completing certain project otherwise would get done starter contractor increased availability since it’s slowest time year They’re also generally willing negotiate labor cost Materials — everything paint appliance — also deeply discounted make room shelf new spring inventory whether you’re selling house spring — thought best time list — you’ve moved home improvement project expert recommend winter Winter home improvement read article DIY builder need know 1 Paint interior “Painters likely offer far discount deal overbooked summer say one expert “Due decrease demand exterior painting December March painter likely offer far discount deal overbooked summer” say Matt Kunz president Five Star Painting Neighborly company Kunz estimate average lead time good painter August 3–4 week December January it’s 1 week le you’re painting still save Sherwin Williams currently offering coupon 30 percent paint stain Dec 29 2019 Keep mind need keep window open let fume 2 Paint exterior Depending paint you’re using — manufacturer include paint’s minimum maximum temperature application can — winter also ideal time exterior painting especially true live south since paint doesn’t dry well extremely hot humid condition Similarly doesn’t dry well cold temperature Rico de Paz oversees Consumer Reports’ paint test say least 50 degree F application shouldn’t drop freezing several day painting 3 Install outdoor lighting It’s shortest day year fully realize dark get outside It’s shortest day year fully realize dark get outside It’s shortest day year fully realize dark get outside see need light installing outdoor lighting help family stay safe may even allow entertain outdoors winter latter case consider investing heat lamp provide light addition heat add outdoor lighting men woman deliver package thank make job lot easier 4 Convert spare room home gym don’t need New Year’s resolution lose weight order benefit winter’s low price gym equipment fact half eight item Consumer Reports’ list best thing buy January used home gym Based organization’s research expect find “deep discounts” ellipticals treadmill scale perhaps important item sticking routine TV 5 Refinish hardwood floor Curing new floor humid weather isn’t good idea predictable finish you’ll want drier heated winter air Curing new floor humid weather isn’t good idea predictable finish you’ll want drier heated winter air NHance Wood Refinishing Refinishing hardwood floor winter tough spending time indoors need floor Plus find room indoors store furniture However inconvenience may better long run According NHance Wood Refinishing Home Depot’s national partner humid temperature make finish cure fast result tooglossy uneven finish predictable finish cure prefer drier heated winter air 6 Professionally deep clean carpet Spring peak season professional carpet cleaner However mean you’re hiring someone give carpet deep clean you’ll likely get cheaper quote winter business slower that’s reason According professional carpet upholstery cleaning service ChemDry carpet dry quicker winter Clean carpet also thought help keep family healthier flu season 7 Update HVAC system Dylan Murray owner Murray Builders NYC know many year experience spring summer worst time need HVAC contractor That’s schedule packed it’s uncommon wait week get appointment Instead Murray recommends hiring one winter they’re available often installation cost lower Plus won’t run risk making decision based sheer desperation summer’s high temperature incite winter plenty time research talk technician aren’t pulled 20 different direction 8 Start prespringcleaning wait spring start spring cleaning spend first beautiful day year springcleaning could done dreary day That’s winter perfect time declutter queen decluttering Marie Kondo say “tidy up” According Kondo’s tip start clothes book document miscellaneous finally memento also doesn’t subscribe theory starting one room finishing first method involves starting one category finishing moving next 9 Remodel kitchen “It’s better tackle kitchen remodeling winter lumber cabinet see large price hike spring”says Doug Coyle owner House Doctors Andover Merrimack Valley Coyle also explains easier obtain required permit time year government agency issue ultimately give green light anything changing plumbing electric tend backlogged winter month Furthermore January also cheapest month buy new wall oven according Consumer Reports don’t want completely remodel kitchen you’d like fresh look consider replacing hardware It’s amazing far shiny new knob handle go Resource foxnews home improvement project easier — often cheaper — winter Related Articles Easy way make space DIY Smart Home Tips Get Started Join newsletter follow u Facebook Twitter Pinterest get updated latest industry news home decor ideaTags Home Home Improvement Renovations Cleaning Home Decor
Ask a Clean Person: Sweat, Dye, Must, and Onions
Jolie. Please. Once and for all. Yellow armpit stains on shirts. Shirts of all kinds. Fancy, beautiful silk shirts! (Ugh, why am I so gross.) Is there any hope? First things first, you are not gross. No, you are not and I won’t stand for you beating yourself up over the behavior of your glands, so just hush that fuss. Let’s put your silk shirts aside for a moment and talk about getting those pit stains out of cotton and other washable fabrics. There are a whole boatload of weird and wonderful ways to treat sweat stains that employ everything from baking soda to crushed up aspirin. I know! So great, right? There’s also apparently a sweat stain removal product called Pit Stop, which is HILARIOUS to me. (I have never claimed to have a highbrow or refined sense of humor.) I know nothing of it, but maybe someone reading here does and can provide a product review? The most commonly recommended way to remove yellow sweat stains is to mix up a solution made up of 1 tablespoon white vinegar to ½ cup of water. Soak your soiled shirt in the solution for about a half hour and then launder as usual, remembering to use cold water only. When it comes to silk shirts, you need to be super careful because of the delicate nature of the fabric. I would suggest taking the item to your dry cleaner as soon as humanly possible for you — again, remembering our “get to it immediately” mantra — and showing the attendant exactly where and what the stain is. If you’re really an overactive sweater, you may want to eschew silk shirts entirely; they breathe not at all and show stains like the dickens. They’re like a pretty but temperamental girlfriend whose good looks can only take her so far before her many dreadful qualities get her dumped. One last thing: if the shirts in question are white, you might have a moment where you think, “Oh la la la, I’ll just bleach it!” DO NOT DO THIS. Pit stains are protein stains, and bleach will render a protein stain even more yellow. Is there a good way of getting red hair dye out of various bathroom surfaces? No matter how vigilant I am, I will always find a missed splotch somewhere the next day, by which point it has had oodles of time to stain and won’t come off. After a few rounds of this, I start to worry about looking axe-murdery and gross. Is there a trick or will I just have to start dying my hair on the roof/covered in newspapers? Oh lady, have you ever come to the right Clean Person! I’ve been dyeing my hair red for 20 years. TEN YEARS, I MEAN TEN YEARS. I know your question is specifically about the one spot that you manage to miss every single time but first let me say: I do a ton of prep before coloring my hair. I have Soft Scrub and a damp sponge on hand, I line the countertop with a layer of paper towels on which to set my coloring utensils, and as soon as the headful of dye is applied I eyeball every surface for splotches of red goo. That said, there is always that one damn splat of dye that gets missed, giving it plenty of time to become one with your bathroom. If the stain is on the wall or another non-tile/porcelain surface use our beloved Magic Erasers to get it out. For porcelain, a couple of applications of Soft Scrub should take the stain out. (Splurt a blurb out directly onto the spot and let it sit for 10 or so minutes before wiping down.) For tile, spray with bleach solution or bleach-based cleaning product, get at the soiled area with a short-handled scrub brush, and then let the cleaning solution sit for 10–15 minutes before rinsing with warm water and your scrub brush. Any thoughts on how to de-funkify a mattress? Despite not believing myself to be the sweatiest lady on the block or having any memory of unfortunate spills, and though I am a dedicated sheet-washer, I feel like my mattress sometimes smells a little grody (my suspicion is that it’s where all the wafting kitchen smells in my doorless bedroom end up hiding). It’s not a terrible smell, maybe a little musty and not overly pleasant. Thoughts? To add difficulty, some parts of the internet have instructed me to sprinkle various powders then vacuum, but I am rugless and wood-floored and have no vacuum to speak of. Any solutions? I’m actually a little disappointed that the first Q-asker didn’t have a problem with smells because there’s a product out there called ExStink that I feel would be so satisfying for her to use on her mattress. But you’re here and so yay, you get to use this stuff! It’s a powder, so you’ll sprinkle it all over the mattress and leave it for an hour to pull the smells up. Normally, you’d vacuum the powder up, but since you don’t have one you should get a new mini dustbrooom, something along these lines, and brush the powder off. And do buy a new one — it won’t cost that much and I don’t want you using a dirty broomlet on your bed. If there’s any extra powder the brush didn’t get off the mattress, dampen a cloth and run it over the surface to pick up the excess. You can also run the same set of tricks using plain old baking soda. You might also want to consider buying a handheld vacuum; a quick review of Amazon turned up a number of pretty affordable options, including one that is shaped like a shark. You should absolutely buy that and then use it to menace your pets. If you don’t want to use a powder option, you could also spray the mattress with Lysol or any other similar disinfecting spray. Just remember not to saturate the mattress and give it plenty of time to dry before resheeting. Would love some assistance with the following quandaries: 1) How to remove the scent of raw onions from a wooden cutting board; and 2) How to remove lingering food odors from reusable plastic storage containers. You’re on, lady! Actually this is one where I’ll ask the commentariat to wow us with their weird and wonderful methods, but in my official capacity as A Clean Person here are two tried and true approaches: 1. To get the smell of onion out of a cutting board, sprinkle baking soda and kosher salt on the stinky surface and then rub it down with the juicy side of a half a lemon. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash with warm soapy water. 2. To get the stank out of Tupperware, fill the container with white vinegar, let stand for 30 minutes — longer for really strong smells — and then wash as usual. Okay, your turn now! Previously: Understanding Your Jeans. Jolie Kerr is not paid to endorse any of the products mentioned in this column, but she sure would be very happy to accept any free samples the manufacturers care to send her way! Are you curious to know if she’s answered a question you have? Do check out the archives, listed by topic. More importantly: is anything you own dirty?
2016-06-01 21:21:59.583000+00:00
['Advice', 'Cleaning']
Title Ask Clean Person Sweat Dye Must OnionsContent Jolie Please Yellow armpit stain shirt Shirts kind Fancy beautiful silk shirt Ugh gross hope First thing first gross won’t stand beating behavior gland hush fuss Let’s put silk shirt aside moment talk getting pit stain cotton washable fabric whole boatload weird wonderful way treat sweat stain employ everything baking soda crushed aspirin know great right There’s also apparently sweat stain removal product called Pit Stop HILARIOUS never claimed highbrow refined sense humor know nothing maybe someone reading provide product review commonly recommended way remove yellow sweat stain mix solution made 1 tablespoon white vinegar ½ cup water Soak soiled shirt solution half hour launder usual remembering use cold water come silk shirt need super careful delicate nature fabric would suggest taking item dry cleaner soon humanly possible — remembering “get immediately” mantra — showing attendant exactly stain you’re really overactive sweater may want eschew silk shirt entirely breathe show stain like dickens They’re like pretty temperamental girlfriend whose good look take far many dreadful quality get dumped One last thing shirt question white might moment think “Oh la la la I’ll bleach it” Pit stain protein stain bleach render protein stain even yellow good way getting red hair dye various bathroom surface matter vigilant always find missed splotch somewhere next day point oodles time stain won’t come round start worry looking axemurdery gross trick start dying hair roofcovered newspaper Oh lady ever come right Clean Person I’ve dyeing hair red 20 year TEN YEARS MEAN TEN YEARS know question specifically one spot manage miss every single time first let say ton prep coloring hair Soft Scrub damp sponge hand line countertop layer paper towel set coloring utensil soon headful dye applied eyeball every surface splotch red goo said always one damn splat dye get missed giving plenty time become one bathroom stain wall another nontileporcelain surface use beloved Magic Erasers get porcelain couple application Soft Scrub take stain Splurt blurb directly onto spot let sit 10 minute wiping tile spray bleach solution bleachbased cleaning product get soiled area shorthandled scrub brush let cleaning solution sit 10–15 minute rinsing warm water scrub brush thought defunkify mattress Despite believing sweatiest lady block memory unfortunate spill though dedicated sheetwasher feel like mattress sometimes smell little grody suspicion it’s wafting kitchen smell doorless bedroom end hiding It’s terrible smell maybe little musty overly pleasant Thoughts add difficulty part internet instructed sprinkle various powder vacuum rugless woodfloored vacuum speak solution I’m actually little disappointed first Qasker didn’t problem smell there’s product called ExStink feel would satisfying use mattress you’re yay get use stuff It’s powder you’ll sprinkle mattress leave hour pull smell Normally you’d vacuum powder since don’t one get new mini dustbrooom something along line brush powder buy new one — won’t cost much don’t want using dirty broomlet bed there’s extra powder brush didn’t get mattress dampen cloth run surface pick excess also run set trick using plain old baking soda might also want consider buying handheld vacuum quick review Amazon turned number pretty affordable option including one shaped like shark absolutely buy use menace pet don’t want use powder option could also spray mattress Lysol similar disinfecting spray remember saturate mattress give plenty time dry resheeting Would love assistance following quandary 1 remove scent raw onion wooden cutting board 2 remove lingering food odor reusable plastic storage container You’re lady Actually one I’ll ask commentariat wow u weird wonderful method official capacity Clean Person two tried true approach 1 get smell onion cutting board sprinkle baking soda kosher salt stinky surface rub juicy side half lemon Let sit 15 minute wash warm soapy water 2 get stank Tupperware fill container white vinegar let stand 30 minute — longer really strong smell — wash usual Okay turn Previously Understanding Jeans Jolie Kerr paid endorse product mentioned column sure would happy accept free sample manufacturer care send way curious know she’s answered question check archive listed topic importantly anything dirtyTags Advice Cleaning
Clean Up Unused GitHub Repositories!
Ugh. Github forces me to type my password for every fork and repository I want to delete. That’s smart and all, but what if one wants to mass-delete a bunch of old, unused, forgotten, dirty little repositories that make his repository list look like a mess? well, that person follows this short guide: Open in a new tab all to-be-deleted github repositores (Use the mouse’s middle click) https://github.com/wildeyes?tab=repositories Use one tab https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall?hl=en to shorten them to a list. Save that list to to a file, and modify each entry so that it’s in the form of “ur_username/repo_name” per line, (not a full URL!). Use multiple cursors /selections for the quickest results with an advanced text editor such as VS Code or sublime (double click a word, then ctrl-d or alt-f3 to have multiple selections). Register a new personal access token with a delete_repo permission at this address https://github.com/settings/tokens/new Use the line appropriate for your operating system below, replacing UR_TOKEN with your access_token. L̶i̶n̶u̶x̶:̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶c̶u̶t̶e̶ ̶(̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶f̶u̶l̶)̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶b̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶x̶a̶r̶g̶s̶ ̶+̶ ̶c̶u̶r̶l̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶w̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶@̶x̶w̶i̶l̶d̶e̶y̶e̶s̶. O̶S̶ ̶X̶:̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶L̶i̶n̶u̶x̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶.̶ OSX + Linux: (Thanks to @whitjck from twitter) while read repo; do curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: token UR_TOKEN" " https://api.github.com/repos/$ repo"; done < repos.txt 7. Windows: Run in powershell:
2017-06-25 12:29:43.329000+00:00
['Github', 'Terminal', 'Cleaning']
Title Clean Unused GitHub RepositoriesContent Ugh Github force type password every fork repository want delete That’s smart one want massdelete bunch old unused forgotten dirty little repository make repository list look like mess well person follows short guide Open new tab tobedeleted github repositores Use mouse’s middle click httpsgithubcomwildeyestabrepositories Use one tab httpschromegooglecomwebstoredetailonetabchphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihallhlen shorten list Save list file modify entry it’s form “urusernamereponame” per line full URL Use multiple cursor selection quickest result advanced text editor VS Code sublime double click word ctrld altf3 multiple selection Register new personal access token deleterepo permission address httpsgithubcomsettingstokensnew Use line appropriate operating system replacing URTOKEN accesstoken L̶i̶n̶u̶x̶̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶c̶u̶t̶e̶ ̶̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶f̶u̶l̶̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶b̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶x̶a̶r̶g̶s̶ ̶̶ ̶c̶u̶r̶l̶̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶w̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶̶x̶w̶i̶l̶d̶e̶y̶e̶s̶ O̶S̶ ̶X̶̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶L̶i̶n̶u̶x̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶̶ OSX Linux Thanks whitjck twitter read repo curl X DELETE H Authorization token URTOKEN httpsapigithubcomrepos repo done repostxt 7 Windows Run powershellTags Github Terminal Cleaning
Commercial Cleaning Services that Makes Your Workplace Appealing
The cleaning services should be looking particularly welcoming. Potential customers who visit a spotless office leave with a great impression of the spot. A spotless and clean commercial cleaning services Montreal expands the worker’s efficiency and causes them to focus on their work. Our group will clean your office in a reasonable manner. By utilizing green cleaning arrangements, your representatives don’t need to stress over-breathing in hurtful synthetic substances or contacting surfaces. As commercial cleaning services Montreal necessities fluctuate from customer to customer, we give bespoke business cleaning arrangements, custom-made to the requirements of every individual business. Give Cleanliness to Your Office Space Well, the appropriate response is straightforward, not just we see how harmful it very well may be the point at which your present specialist organization allows you to down, yet in particular, we care about every single customer. We work around your timetable. We can tell the truth every week, fortnightly or even day by day or each other day at your will. The entirety of our accomplished cleaners is foundation checked and profoundly energetic to make your home or office unblemished in a matter of seconds. The most significant explanation that made our commercial cleaning services Montreal intensely evaluated is that we decide to be reasonable. We additionally pride ourselves on the verifying and preparing of our cleaners and we acknowledge how significant this is to our clients. Make Your Apartment Appealing It’s anything but a simple undertaking to keep your home a sheltered and clean spot. It is to offer the most excellent home cleaning services conceivable. Our housemaid cleaning services incorporate purging waste and arranging the reusing, residue, and mop covers, clean and purify your washroom which is one of the concealed zones where germs multiply. Fill the citation shape and get a free gauge now!! Our apartment cleaning services Montreal gives ultimate apartment cleaning. Our commitment to quality and adaptability is one of the primary reasons why we work with numerous very good quality customers in Montreal. Most property supervisors and entrepreneurs genuinely comprehend that dependable and naturally inviting business cleaning services. While cleaning workplaces and business structures, we utilize the best business rehearses. Each colleague experienced a progression of preparing to guarantee that he/she conveys the best business cleaning services consistently. The best apartment cleaning services Montreal we have gone through. We have been doing business for a long time. We have idealized our cleaning methods and assurance of the outcomes. We work in cleaning workplaces just as different premises, for example, residential and housekeeping, apartment cleaning services, condominiums, cafés, childcare, and end of tenure cleaning/rent houses.
['Dial Cleaning Services']
2019-12-11 05:35:43.284000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services']
Title Commercial Cleaning Services Makes Workplace AppealingContent cleaning service looking particularly welcoming Potential customer visit spotless office leave great impression spot spotless clean commercial cleaning service Montreal expands worker’s efficiency cause focus work group clean office reasonable manner utilizing green cleaning arrangement representative don’t need stress overbreathing hurtful synthetic substance contacting surface commercial cleaning service Montreal necessity fluctuate customer customer give bespoke business cleaning arrangement custommade requirement every individual business Give Cleanliness Office Space Well appropriate response straightforward see harmful well may point present specialist organization allows yet particular care every single customer work around timetable tell truth every week fortnightly even day day day entirety accomplished cleaner foundation checked profoundly energetic make home office unblemished matter second significant explanation made commercial cleaning service Montreal intensely evaluated decide reasonable additionally pride verifying preparing cleaner acknowledge significant client Make Apartment Appealing It’s anything simple undertaking keep home sheltered clean spot offer excellent home cleaning service conceivable housemaid cleaning service incorporate purging waste arranging reusing residue mop cover clean purify washroom one concealed zone germ multiply Fill citation shape get free gauge apartment cleaning service Montreal give ultimate apartment cleaning commitment quality adaptability one primary reason work numerous good quality customer Montreal property supervisor entrepreneur genuinely comprehend dependable naturally inviting business cleaning service cleaning workplace business structure utilize best business rehearses colleague experienced progression preparing guarantee heshe conveys best business cleaning service consistently best apartment cleaning service Montreal gone business long time idealized cleaning method assurance outcome work cleaning workplace different premise example residential housekeeping apartment cleaning service condominium cafés childcare end tenure cleaningrent housesTags Cleaning Cleaning Services
Benefits that you are going to avail from the house cleaning company
We all know that our home is a place of refuge. You can also say that it is a place which comes at the end of the day for relaxation. Moreover, home is the only place where you spend time with your family and also create memories. There are many significant reasons for which you need to keep your home clean. It has also been noticed that most of the time, our life gets busy and we hardly have any extra time to clean our home. This is the scenario where the work of the Same Day House Cleaning Fort Worth comes into the picture. They also ensure that your house is completely cleaned and you can enjoy the healthy environment of your home. If you hire a house cleaning company, then you are going to avail of several benefits that are from the deep cleaning of your house to the professional cleaner at your service. The best thing is that you can hire a house cleaning company to accommodate all the cleaning needs that you have. In addition, you can select the cleaner as per your wish or demand. If you want, then you can have the cleaner simply once or twice a week, depending upon your needs. You will be amazed to know that you can also opt for part cleaning. That is, if you have enough time to do basic cleaning that is dishes and laundry, then you can opt for some different service known as the deep house cleaning. In this case, the professional cleaner will be sent to your home by the house cleaning company and then will also ensure that the work is done within time. If you want to enjoy the service of a house cleaning company as discussed above, then you need to opt for the best house cleaning company. When you walk down to the market in search of a house cleaning company, then you will find that there are lots of reputable companies present. But you need to put a little bit of research and find the best one.
['Sam Smith']
2019-12-11 12:42:19.233000+00:00
Title Benefits going avail house cleaning companyContent know home place refuge also say place come end day relaxation Moreover home place spend time family also create memory many significant reason need keep home clean also noticed time life get busy hardly extra time clean home scenario work Day House Cleaning Fort Worth come picture also ensure house completely cleaned enjoy healthy environment home hire house cleaning company going avail several benefit deep cleaning house professional cleaner service best thing hire house cleaning company accommodate cleaning need addition select cleaner per wish demand want cleaner simply twice week depending upon need amazed know also opt part cleaning enough time basic cleaning dish laundry opt different service known deep house cleaning case professional cleaner sent home house cleaning company also ensure work done within time want enjoy service house cleaning company discussed need opt best house cleaning company walk market search house cleaning company find lot reputable company present need put little bit research find best oneTags Cleaning
Ask a Clean Person: This Valentine’s Day, Say It With Jewelry Cleaner
Ask a Clean Person: This Valentine’s Day, Say It With Jewelry Cleaner I am like a magpie: I love shiny things. I love my shiny, shiny jewelry, but I hate that it gets dirty. I have a lot of silver jewelry and I hate cleaning it with those awful jewelry-cleaning cloths, because they always make my hands feel weird afterwards, and THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY. And what about my silver jewelry with stones in it? I have this gorgeous silver ring with a tiny chip of emerald in it, and I’m always afraid I’m going to hurt it somehow by cleaning it. And what about other metals! Does my gold jewelry need to be cleaned? What about my gold jewelry with stones in it? And what about all the rest of my jewelry that wasn’t expensive — my cheap but well-loved jewelry? I have this silver choker that I’ve been wearing for mumblemumble years, and it used to be bright and shiny, but now it’s kind of dull and ugly. Is there any way to restore it? Help me! I want to be as shiny and clean and sparkly as possible at all times! You can’t see me right now, but this is what I’m doing: CLAP CLAP SHINY THINGS! Do you remember waaay back when I started this column I told you how I loved polishing silver? The same totally applies to cleaning jewelry for me. Mostly because it’s so easy to get such an obvious reward, and Lord, couldn’t we all use a cheap and easy reward in our lives? All of your metal jewelry can and should be cleaned, and in a sec I’ll take you through a few different ways to do so. Whenever a piece has a stone in it, however, you do need to be a little bit more careful. Hard stones like diamonds, rubies and sapphires can be brightened up with most jewelry cleaners, but soft gems like pearls or opals need special treatment. Here’s a handy chart that explains which stones are tougher than others and what cleaning methods to use and to avoid. Here’s another one, in case you crave variety in your life. But back to your regular old metal jewelry. Since you said you hate the jewelry-cleaning cloths, you’ll probably be much happier with some sort of dip. You can buy commercial jewelry cleaner like Connoisseurs, or you can make your own. Look! There’s even a recipe for jewelry cleaner on food.com! I don’t know why, but that tickles my funny bone in just the right spot. There are, of course, many variations on DIY jewelry cleaner including hot water & vinegar (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, soak for 12–24 hours); hot water & baking soda (1 part baking soda to 5 parts water, soak 8–12 hours); dish soar & lemon juice (1 teaspoon soap to 3 teaspoons juice, soak 5–8 hours); and plain old white toothpaste and an old/soft toothbrush (scrub gently for 5–10 minutes, rinse with warm water). After cleaning, dry the jewelry thoroughly with a soft cloth. In addition to gold and silver, I wear a lot of copper/plain ol’ metal jewelry (that I love!), but it starts to reek of metal, and then my hands smell like metal and I don’t like wearing the jewelry anymore. Is there any way to get rid of the smell or clean the jewelry? There sure is! The easiest thing to do, unless you’re anything like our friend the magpie up thar, is use jewelry cleaning cloths. They’ll serve to both make your jewelry shiny (CLAP CLAP SHINY THINGS!) and to take the smell out. You can also use any one of the DIY cleaners mentioned above, as they will also serve to remove unpleasant metal-y smells. So, I am one of those people who wears the same pair of post earrings almost constantly. Every once in a while, I’ll decide I want something different and swap them out. But whenever this happens, I get to see all the yuck that has built up on the backs. It’s gross! Seriously! Also confusing, because I wear the silly things in the shower so they get soaped/shampooed all the time. But anyway, what do I do? I’ve tried dropping them in a cup of hydrogen peroxide a few times, and that has sorta worked. Unfortunately, I am now a college student in a dorm, and have no peroxide. My entire cleaning collection consists of laundry detergent, vinegar, and one of those emergency stain pen things. Save me from gunky earring backs! I have an easy solution for you that only requires hot water and a soft cloth or towel, but first let’s sit in the formal living room for a talk about earring gunk. The thing is, I am ABSOLUTELY a person who wears her studs for eons without taking them out, but it’s a pretty bad practice and here’s why: while you’re busy telling yourself that they’re getting clean they’re, um, not getting clean. In fact, what’s happening is that your dead skin and assorted forms of soap scum are building up on those earrings as a result of wearing them without a break. The great news here is that it’s really easy to get that gunk clean, so here’s what you’re going to do: either soak the earrings in a cup of hot or warm water (if they’re softer stones like pearls don’t use hot hot water), or just run them under the tap for a brief spell. If you go the tap route, it’s not a bad idea to plug the drain so that you don’t run the risk of losing your grip on your baubles and having them go down the drain. Once you’ve given them a thorough soaking, take the post of one earring and use it to scrape the gunk from the backing. Then use a soft cloth (an old t-shirt or sock works well here) to wipe away any excess from the backing and the earring itself. Done and done. So I have this silver bracelet with a few silver charms on it, and I thought it looked fine. But then the owner of the nail salon I go to told me I should clean it by putting dish soap in a pot of boiling water and boiling the bracelet in the soapy, boiling water for a few minutes. Can that be accurate? I certainly don’t want to experiment with my bracelet! Go ahead and experiment, you have my permission! Basically what she told you to do is a variation on the jewelry-cleaning methods we discussed upcolumn. The only thing to be very careful with when cleaning charm bracelets is to ensure that none of the charms contain stones — particularly soft ones — that can be damaged from the heat of the boiling water. Similarly, a number of my charms are enamel (the Big Apple on my New York charm bracelet is coated in red enamel, for example)(also are we going to GIRL OUT over how much we love charm bracelets? Can we, can we???), which need to be treated very carefully. So check your gemstone chart before going to town with any one cleaning method. When in doubt, it’s probably helpful to know that most finer jewelry stores (so, like, not Claire’s) offer jewelry cleaning services that aren’t terribly costly. Previously: Do Not Get Rid of Your Jeans, They Are Disgusting But Fixable. Jolie Kerr is not paid to endorse any of the products mentioned in this column, but she sure would be very happy to accept any free samples the manufacturers care to send her way! Are you curious to know if she’s answered a question you have? Do check out the archives, listed by topic. More importantly: is anything you own dirty? Photo by Studio DMM Photography, Designs & Art, via Shutterstock
2016-06-01 21:27:42.009000+00:00
['Advice', 'Cleaning']
Title Ask Clean Person Valentine’s Day Say Jewelry CleanerContent Ask Clean Person Valentine’s Day Say Jewelry Cleaner like magpie love shiny thing love shiny shiny jewelry hate get dirty lot silver jewelry hate cleaning awful jewelrycleaning cloth always make hand feel weird afterwards MUST BETTER WAY silver jewelry stone gorgeous silver ring tiny chip emerald I’m always afraid I’m going hurt somehow cleaning metal gold jewelry need cleaned gold jewelry stone rest jewelry wasn’t expensive — cheap wellloved jewelry silver choker I’ve wearing mumblemumble year used bright shiny it’s kind dull ugly way restore Help want shiny clean sparkly possible time can’t see right I’m CLAP CLAP SHINY THINGS remember waaay back started column told loved polishing silver totally applies cleaning jewelry Mostly it’s easy get obvious reward Lord couldn’t use cheap easy reward life metal jewelry cleaned sec I’ll take different way Whenever piece stone however need little bit careful Hard stone like diamond ruby sapphire brightened jewelry cleaner soft gem like pearl opal need special treatment Here’s handy chart explains stone tougher others cleaning method use avoid Here’s another one case crave variety life back regular old metal jewelry Since said hate jewelrycleaning cloth you’ll probably much happier sort dip buy commercial jewelry cleaner like Connoisseurs make Look There’s even recipe jewelry cleaner foodcom don’t know tickle funny bone right spot course many variation DIY jewelry cleaner including hot water vinegar 1 part vinegar 3 part water soak 12–24 hour hot water baking soda 1 part baking soda 5 part water soak 8–12 hour dish soar lemon juice 1 teaspoon soap 3 teaspoon juice soak 5–8 hour plain old white toothpaste oldsoft toothbrush scrub gently 5–10 minute rinse warm water cleaning dry jewelry thoroughly soft cloth addition gold silver wear lot copperplain ol’ metal jewelry love start reek metal hand smell like metal don’t like wearing jewelry anymore way get rid smell clean jewelry sure easiest thing unless you’re anything like friend magpie thar use jewelry cleaning cloth They’ll serve make jewelry shiny CLAP CLAP SHINY THINGS take smell also use one DIY cleaner mentioned also serve remove unpleasant metaly smell one people wear pair post earring almost constantly Every I’ll decide want something different swap whenever happens get see yuck built back It’s gross Seriously Also confusing wear silly thing shower get soapedshampooed time anyway I’ve tried dropping cup hydrogen peroxide time sorta worked Unfortunately college student dorm peroxide entire cleaning collection consists laundry detergent vinegar one emergency stain pen thing Save gunky earring back easy solution requires hot water soft cloth towel first let’s sit formal living room talk earring gunk thing ABSOLUTELY person wear stud eon without taking it’s pretty bad practice here’s you’re busy telling they’re getting clean they’re um getting clean fact what’s happening dead skin assorted form soap scum building earring result wearing without break great news it’s really easy get gunk clean here’s you’re going either soak earring cup hot warm water they’re softer stone like pearl don’t use hot hot water run tap brief spell go tap route it’s bad idea plug drain don’t run risk losing grip bauble go drain you’ve given thorough soaking take post one earring use scrape gunk backing use soft cloth old tshirt sock work well wipe away excess backing earring Done done silver bracelet silver charm thought looked fine owner nail salon go told clean putting dish soap pot boiling water boiling bracelet soapy boiling water minute accurate certainly don’t want experiment bracelet Go ahead experiment permission Basically told variation jewelrycleaning method discussed upcolumn thing careful cleaning charm bracelet ensure none charm contain stone — particularly soft one — damaged heat boiling water Similarly number charm enamel Big Apple New York charm bracelet coated red enamel examplealso going GIRL much love charm bracelet need treated carefully check gemstone chart going town one cleaning method doubt it’s probably helpful know finer jewelry store like Claire’s offer jewelry cleaning service aren’t terribly costly Previously Get Rid Jeans Disgusting Fixable Jolie Kerr paid endorse product mentioned column sure would happy accept free sample manufacturer care send way curious know she’s answered question check archive listed topic importantly anything dirty Photo Studio DMM Photography Designs Art via ShutterstockTags Advice Cleaning
How (Not) to Make Natural Dish Detergent
How (Not) to Make Natural Dish Detergent When I moved into my current apartment, I was told it had a dishwasher. Actually what it has is a machine that uses water and a tremendous amount of noise to take bits of food from one dish, swirl them all around, and stick them onto other dishes. This may have to do with detergent companies removing phosphates from their formulas; I’ve tried several different brands, and none seems to work. A maintenance guy even once told me the problem was that, paradoxically, I was using too much soap, which may have been clogging the pipes. So when a friend linked me to a recipe for homemade dish detergent, I was psyched. Here, at last, was the solution to my problems — and it was cheap and environmentally friendly! Here is that recipe: - 1 cup Borax — 1 cup washing soda — 1/2 cup citric acid — 1/2 cup kosher salt Mix it all together, and put one tablespoon in your detergent compartment as you would any other detergent. Use white vinegar instead of Jet-Dry in the rinse-agent compartment. (The washing soda you can probably find at your local supermarket, but save yourself the trip to various health and restaurant supply stores and just order the citric acid online. It’s cheap.) And here is how that recipe worked out for me. Attempt 1: I didn’t want to make a full batch to start with, so I scaled the recipe down to one tablespoon’s worth: 1 teaspoon Borax, 1 teaspoon washing soda, 1/2 teaspoon citric acid, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. I poured that tablespoon in the detergent compartment and white vinegar in the rinse-agent compartment. The result: My food-bit-transference machine had transferred even more bits of food than usual! What a hard worker! My dishes were unusably dirty. Attempt 2: Hypothesizing that my dishwasher might require more detergent than average, I used a double dose: 2 teaspoons Borax, 2 teaspoons washing soda, 1 teaspoon citric acid, and 1 teaspoon salt. I put one tablespoon in the detergent compartment and one in that little uncovered depression thing next to it. And, of course, I added white vinegar to the rinse-agent compartment. The result: The dishes were cleaner than they were after the first attempt, but still dirtier than with regular detergent. On top of that, the whole kitchen smelled like white vinegar. Now, when people on the Internet find out that I wash my hair with baking soda and vinegar, they immediately suspect that I smell like vinegar but simply don’t notice because I’m used to it by now. Well, let me tell you a fun thing, which is that you don’t get used to the smell of vinegar very easily. I know because, for weeks now, my kitchen has been filled with its scent, like a balloon at the foulest birthday party of the most disgusting child. Attempt 3: I was about to abandon the experiment when I realized that the recipe called for kosher salt, and I had been using regular old iodized table salt. Kosher salt is coarser than table salt and uses yellow prussiate of soda as an anticaking agent instead of calcium silicate. It seemed like those two factors might be the key to finally transferring my food bits down the drain. So I used one tablespoon’s worth of the detergent, this time with the correct salt, and the requisite white vinegar as rinse agent because I apparently lack the capacity to learn from past events. The result: Not only were the dishes still dirty, but the bottom of the dishwasher was covered in what appeared to be coffee grounds. I assume they must have gotten there from the garbage disposal, but their presence raises a number of questions, such as: - How? - Why? - Did someone seriously design the pipes in this kitchen so that literal garbage could be used to wash my dishes? - Did the kosher salt exert some sort of summoning power on the coffee grounds? - Is this like a witchcraft thing/Am I a witch/Am I finally going to get my Hogwarts letter? In conclusion, my dishes are filthy, and my kitchen smells rank. This homemade dish detergent could not have failed more spectacularly. But I know some of y’all are incorrigible dirty hippies and are going to try this anyway, so I will just say that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it, and if you have a dishwasher instead of a food-bit-whirler, it might actually work out. Previously: A Guide to Natural Sleep Aids. Lauren O’Neal is about to move from Austin to San Francisco. Her new apartment will have no dishwasher, but it may still smell like vinegar. You can follow her on Twitter @LaurenEONeal.
["Lauren O'Neal"]
2016-06-01 23:38:47.309000+00:00
Title Make Natural Dish DetergentContent Make Natural Dish Detergent moved current apartment told dishwasher Actually machine us water tremendous amount noise take bit food one dish swirl around stick onto dish may detergent company removing phosphate formula I’ve tried several different brand none seems work maintenance guy even told problem paradoxically using much soap may clogging pipe friend linked recipe homemade dish detergent psyched last solution problem — cheap environmentally friendly recipe 1 cup Borax — 1 cup washing soda — 12 cup citric acid — 12 cup kosher salt Mix together put one tablespoon detergent compartment would detergent Use white vinegar instead JetDry rinseagent compartment washing soda probably find local supermarket save trip various health restaurant supply store order citric acid online It’s cheap recipe worked Attempt 1 didn’t want make full batch start scaled recipe one tablespoon’s worth 1 teaspoon Borax 1 teaspoon washing soda 12 teaspoon citric acid 12 teaspoon salt poured tablespoon detergent compartment white vinegar rinseagent compartment result foodbittransference machine transferred even bit food usual hard worker dish unusably dirty Attempt 2 Hypothesizing dishwasher might require detergent average used double dose 2 teaspoon Borax 2 teaspoon washing soda 1 teaspoon citric acid 1 teaspoon salt put one tablespoon detergent compartment one little uncovered depression thing next course added white vinegar rinseagent compartment result dish cleaner first attempt still dirtier regular detergent top whole kitchen smelled like white vinegar people Internet find wash hair baking soda vinegar immediately suspect smell like vinegar simply don’t notice I’m used Well let tell fun thing don’t get used smell vinegar easily know week kitchen filled scent like balloon foulest birthday party disgusting child Attempt 3 abandon experiment realized recipe called kosher salt using regular old iodized table salt Kosher salt coarser table salt us yellow prussiate soda anticaking agent instead calcium silicate seemed like two factor might key finally transferring food bit drain used one tablespoon’s worth detergent time correct salt requisite white vinegar rinse agent apparently lack capacity learn past event result dish still dirty bottom dishwasher covered appeared coffee ground assume must gotten garbage disposal presence raise number question someone seriously design pipe kitchen literal garbage could used wash dish kosher salt exert sort summoning power coffee ground like witchcraft thingAm witchAm finally going get Hogwarts letter conclusion dish filthy kitchen smell rank homemade dish detergent could failed spectacularly know y’all incorrigible dirty hippy going try anyway say don’t spend lot money dishwasher instead foodbitwhirler might actually work Previously Guide Natural Sleep Aids Lauren O’Neal move Austin San Francisco new apartment dishwasher may still smell like vinegar follow Twitter LaurenEONealTags Cleaning
Keeping it Clean
Keeping it Clean Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash The only thing that people seem to hate more than working out is cleaning. I am guilty of it too. It seems that no matter how hard I try, the dog hair reappears the second I put the vacuum away. The winter seems to be the worst because the furnace kicks on and blows the dust and hair from the vents. It’s never ending. When you start making a healthier lifestyle change it’s natural to want to continue it throughout the rest of your every day life. I have pretty much stopped using the super harsh chemicals to clean with. I find that vinegar and water work very well. I use a steam mop for my floors. I can add a few drops of essential oils if I want it to smell nice. I’m not sure I can give up my Dawn though since I have a LOT of greasy dishes. My house used to be clutter central. When I started losing weight and started removing clothes that don’t fit me anymore, I just kept going. I was on a mission to make my home clutter free. Once the clutter was gone, ok, mostly gone (I’m still working on it) I set up a schedule for myself that has seemed to work well for me. My biggest tip is to get the whole family in the habit of putting something back when they get finished using it. That was our worst fault and one we still break every once in a while. Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash Monday is bathroom day. We have three. Mine, the guest one and the one in my studio. I’ve put my son in charge of his, so that leaves me two to clean. I spray or wipe the shower down immediately after using it to keep it clean. That leaves the sink, mirror, toilet and floor. That is easily managed in a half hour. Tuesday is bedroom day. Again, we have three. My son is in charge of his. My husband has taken over Jess’ old room as his office, so he does that one. I clean my bedroom. Vacuum, windows, change/wash sheets and curtains, dust and done! Again, can be done in about 15–20 minutes. Wednesday is the living room. Dusting and a general de-cluttering takes about 15 minutes. Thursday is the kitchen/laundry room. Wipe down all appliances and windows, dust and wipe counters. Steam mop. 30 minutes. Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash Friday I clean up downstairs. That’s the rec room/studio/office. Again just a quick straighten, dust and mop and I’m done. Vacuuming gets done a few times a week because of the dogs, but my house stays a lot cleaner with this schedule. If I get super busy during the week I can skip a day and make it up on the weekend. If I have guests coming I am no longer in a panic tossing things into closets or behind closed doors. I just clean off the kitchen counter and vacuum and I’m guest ready. I do some deep cleaning on a regular schedule as well, but this is good for just keeping the place presentable long term without being overwhelmed. Set a schedule that works for you and get everyone involved then stick to it. A few minutes a day really adds up to helping to keep you stress free~!
['Sandi Korshnak']
2019-12-11 19:40:13.278000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Tips', 'Decluttering']
Title Keeping CleanContent Keeping Clean Photo Daiga Ellaby Unsplash thing people seem hate working cleaning guilty seems matter hard try dog hair reappears second put vacuum away winter seems worst furnace kick blow dust hair vent It’s never ending start making healthier lifestyle change it’s natural want continue throughout rest every day life pretty much stopped using super harsh chemical clean find vinegar water work well use steam mop floor add drop essential oil want smell nice I’m sure give Dawn though since LOT greasy dish house used clutter central started losing weight started removing clothes don’t fit anymore kept going mission make home clutter free clutter gone ok mostly gone I’m still working set schedule seemed work well biggest tip get whole family habit putting something back get finished using worst fault one still break every Photo Dan Gold Unsplash Monday bathroom day three Mine guest one one studio I’ve put son charge leaf two clean spray wipe shower immediately using keep clean leaf sink mirror toilet floor easily managed half hour Tuesday bedroom day three son charge husband taken Jess’ old room office one clean bedroom Vacuum window changewash sheet curtain dust done done 15–20 minute Wednesday living room Dusting general decluttering take 15 minute Thursday kitchenlaundry room Wipe appliance window dust wipe counter Steam mop 30 minute Photo Sidekix Media Unsplash Friday clean downstairs That’s rec roomstudiooffice quick straighten dust mop I’m done Vacuuming get done time week dog house stay lot cleaner schedule get super busy week skip day make weekend guest coming longer panic tossing thing closet behind closed door clean kitchen counter vacuum I’m guest ready deep cleaning regular schedule well good keeping place presentable long term without overwhelmed Set schedule work get everyone involved stick minute day really add helping keep stress freeTags Cleaning Cleaning Tips Decluttering
Organization, Baselines, and the Mystery of Lotions
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels Covid test negative. All I need to do now is compulsively re-read my packet of information to make certain that there are no surprise instructions that appeared suddenly. It could happen. To distract myself today, I cleaned up my vanity. I bought make up organizers and tossed the stuff that was no longer any good. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, and mostly that it doesn’t looks like a Sephora exploded everywhere. In the process of cleaning and organizing, I discovered that there were no less than 4 bottles of lotion. It seems I have a tendency to keep buying lotions because my skin is always dry — and worse in the winter. All of them infused with whatever trendy oil d’jour is going on. Turns out that none of them will actually work via proximity alone. Which seems completely unreasonable. I simply cannot remember to slather my skin in emollient, at least until I’m fully clothed and at work for the day. A nice little walk was also had today while it was sunshiny. Little being the key. Basically, the distance to the mailbox kiosk and back is about as far as I can go before the pain starts to getting bad. I can push myself further, but it isn’t with a good ending. So, we set the baseline today to measure progress post surgery at least as far as walking goes. There are a lot of ways to measure progress though: pain levels, tingling in my legs, numbness, involuntary leg movements, among others.
['Nikki Barr']
2021-12-27 02:01:46.575000+00:00
['Surgery', 'Organization', 'Cleaning']
Title Organization Baselines Mystery LotionsContent Photo Suzy Hazelwood Pexels Covid test negative need compulsively reread packet information make certain surprise instruction appeared suddenly could happen distract today cleaned vanity bought make organizer tossed stuff longer good I’m pretty happy turned mostly doesn’t look like Sephora exploded everywhere process cleaning organizing discovered le 4 bottle lotion seems tendency keep buying lotion skin always dry — worse winter infused whatever trendy oil d’jour going Turns none actually work via proximity alone seems completely unreasonable simply cannot remember slather skin emollient least I’m fully clothed work day nice little walk also today sunshiny Little key Basically distance mailbox kiosk back far go pain start getting bad push isn’t good ending set baseline today measure progress post surgery least far walking go lot way measure progress though pain level tingling leg numbness involuntary leg movement among othersTags Surgery Organization Cleaning
The Best Tips For Natural Home Cleaning — Easy Breezy — House Cleaning Service in Frisco, Plano, Allen & McKinney Texas
The Best Tips For Natural Home Cleaning — Easy Breezy — House Cleaning Service in Frisco, Plano, Allen & McKinney Texas Home cleaning chemicals usually have harmful ingredients in them that are extremely dangerous. It may be time for a more natural, safer option. Here are a few examples to get you started: For Glass Surfaces (Mirrors/Windows) What you need: White vinegar and water Crystal clear surfaces need to be cleaned by clear liquids. Some white vinegar and water will do just fine. Use a spray bottle and a clean, microfiber cloth to begin cleaning your grimy or dusty windowsills, and bathroom mirrors. You can even use it for some non-glass surfaces such as wooden floors to keep them shiny and polished. Granite or Marble Surfaces What you need: Soap and Water (NOTHING COLORED) Granite and/or marble surfaces can be a beautiful sight in your household. It’s essential that you keep it clean and shiny for the next guest or family member. Water and soap are usually enough, as something like vinegar would damage your marble or granite surface. In fact, never let vinegar or even lemon juice rest and soak your marble or granite surface. Stainless Steel What you need: Cooking/Coconut Oil Kind of ironic that something called “stainless steel” can be, well, stained. But believe it or not, what you use to grease up those frying pans can also work well to clean stainless steel. That’s right, you can use cooking or coconut oil to polish stainless steel surfaces. Simply rub the oil in a clean paper towel and rub it on stainless steel. Hardwood Floors What you need: Mop and Hot Water Ah, the hardwood floor. Dark, sleek, and most beautiful. It’s an asset to have if you’re really gunning for a more rustic feel for your home. It’s also the type of flooring you will really need to spend plenty of time and effort on. Don’t even think about using chemicals as they tend to soften up the wood. You can do it naturally by mopping it up with some hot water. Don’t have time to give your home the natural cleaning it deserves? Eazy Breezy is here to lend you a hand! Contact us today!
['Easy Breezy Cleaning']
2020-02-17 14:13:28.752000+00:00
['Cleaning', 'Cleaning Services', 'Cleaning Company', 'House Cleaning', 'Housekeeping']
Title Best Tips Natural Home Cleaning — Easy Breezy — House Cleaning Service Frisco Plano Allen McKinney TexasContent Best Tips Natural Home Cleaning — Easy Breezy — House Cleaning Service Frisco Plano Allen McKinney Texas Home cleaning chemical usually harmful ingredient extremely dangerous may time natural safer option example get started Glass Surfaces MirrorsWindows need White vinegar water Crystal clear surface need cleaned clear liquid white vinegar water fine Use spray bottle clean microfiber cloth begin cleaning grimy dusty windowsill bathroom mirror even use nonglass surface wooden floor keep shiny polished Granite Marble Surfaces need Soap Water NOTHING COLORED Granite andor marble surface beautiful sight household It’s essential keep clean shiny next guest family member Water soap usually enough something like vinegar would damage marble granite surface fact never let vinegar even lemon juice rest soak marble granite surface Stainless Steel need CookingCoconut Oil Kind ironic something called “stainless steel” well stained believe use grease frying pan also work well clean stainless steel That’s right use cooking coconut oil polish stainless steel surface Simply rub oil clean paper towel rub stainless steel Hardwood Floors need Mop Hot Water Ah hardwood floor Dark sleek beautiful It’s asset you’re really gunning rustic feel home It’s also type flooring really need spend plenty time effort Don’t even think using chemical tend soften wood naturally mopping hot water Don’t time give home natural cleaning deserves Eazy Breezy lend hand Contact u todayTags Cleaning Cleaning Services Cleaning Company House Cleaning Housekeeping
Cleaning Services In Sydney has Become the Highly Required Service from Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning.
Cleaning Services In Sydney has Become the Highly Required Service from Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning. Jassyjass Dec 16, 2021·3 min read Sydneys professional Cleaners experts in all cleaning sectors, Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning, as of late uncovered that their cleaning Services has been turned into a highly need of cleaning services around Sydney. Sydney’s 5 Star is a Sydney-based cleaning Business, Their cleaning Services assists businessess, residentials, Commercials & Real Estate properties with accomplishing the ideal cleaning principles they need. The organization added industry particular profound cleaning services to its service portfolio many years and has kept on giving quality cleaning services to different types of organizations situated in and around Sydney. It has been found that the need for cleaning Services from Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning is expanding persistently with time, and according to certain reports, Cleaning Services from Sydney’s 5 Star was highly in wants for their cleaning services around Sydney over the most recent years. According to the details available on their website https://sydneys5starcleaning.com.au/ Cleaning services is a combinations of Eco cleaning, Normal cleaning, Deep cleaning, disinfecting, and shining. The different cleaning specialists does the cleaning more deeply to give you a sparkling shiny clean. Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning was presumably the primary cleaning organization in NSW that transferred the cleaning services to another stage of Cleaning. Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning is one of the highly reputed top 10 cleaning company in NSW, Australia. The company has been effectively giving top class quality cleaning services to properties throughout the previous years. The companys administration portfolio incorporates business cleaning, all types of cleaning services in NSW. Nabil Daher, CEO of Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning, performing the cleaning job with many cleaning contractors working under him. All workers are personally checked by the owner himself the quality of work, knowledge of the cleaning products and services, licensed and making sure of the police checking. In any case, Cleaning is a task that needs cleaners to visit the site genuinely and performing the inspections and creating a budget for the project. In Any Case Nabil the CEO of the company, brought into roll the cleaning procedure totally updated with the cleaning services and the cleaning tools suggested by WHO and CDC. The staffs are done regular checkups and trained on a daily basis with the updated cleaning tools and chemicals. Also, providing all the necessary safety and protection. By looking into each details regarding the cleaning services and the cleaning staffs Nabil has always completed each cleaning projects with highest graded customer services in Sydney. Likewise trainings are always given on a regular basis and are always checked the safety of the clients and the cleaners. The cleaners first wear all the safety cleaning suits and safety gears before starting any jobs. Sydney’s 5 star cleaning then goes with the deep cleaning and then then go for the internal cleaning with through cleaning services. All the areas are cleaned properly and checked thoroughly. Cleaners will always give special attentions to all the high-contact surfaces. They also clear and empty all the trashes to give you a complete outstanding cleaning services. There are many Sydney-based properties that enjoy and trust the cleaning services from Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning. Past many years Nabil has expanded the cleaning business from local area and know covering the full of Sydney & wollongong. Other cleaning services they offer are Strata & Commercial cleaning. Looking for quality cleaning services around Sydney where you can find expert, professional, and licensed cleaners then give us a call directly to know more about the cleaning services. There are also other communication options available, as you can easily send an email at info@sydneys5starcleaning.com.au, or take a look at the official website to get more details about them. For more information about Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning, contact the company here: Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning Nabil Daher info@sydneys5starcleaning.com.au Sydney, NSW, Australia
2021-12-16 12:48:59.350000+00:00
['Cleaners', 'Cleaning']
Title Cleaning Services Sydney Become Highly Required Service Sydney’s 5 Star CleaningContent Cleaning Services Sydney Become Highly Required Service Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning Jassyjass Dec 16 2021·3 min read Sydneys professional Cleaners expert cleaning sector Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning late uncovered cleaning Services turned highly need cleaning service around Sydney Sydney’s 5 Star Sydneybased cleaning Business cleaning Services assist business residentials Commercials Real Estate property accomplishing ideal cleaning principle need organization added industry particular profound cleaning service service portfolio many year kept giving quality cleaning service different type organization situated around Sydney found need cleaning Services Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning expanding persistently time according certain report Cleaning Services Sydney’s 5 Star highly want cleaning service around Sydney recent year According detail available website httpssydneys5starcleaningcomau Cleaning service combination Eco cleaning Normal cleaning Deep cleaning disinfecting shining different cleaning specialist cleaning deeply give sparkling shiny clean Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning presumably primary cleaning organization NSW transferred cleaning service another stage Cleaning Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning one highly reputed top 10 cleaning company NSW Australia company effectively giving top class quality cleaning service property throughout previous year company administration portfolio incorporates business cleaning type cleaning service NSW Nabil Daher CEO Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning performing cleaning job many cleaning contractor working worker personally checked owner quality work knowledge cleaning product service licensed making sure police checking case Cleaning task need cleaner visit site genuinely performing inspection creating budget project Case Nabil CEO company brought roll cleaning procedure totally updated cleaning service cleaning tool suggested CDC staff done regular checkup trained daily basis updated cleaning tool chemical Also providing necessary safety protection looking detail regarding cleaning service cleaning staff Nabil always completed cleaning project highest graded customer service Sydney Likewise training always given regular basis always checked safety client cleaner cleaner first wear safety cleaning suit safety gear starting job Sydney’s 5 star cleaning go deep cleaning go internal cleaning cleaning service area cleaned properly checked thoroughly Cleaners always give special attention highcontact surface also clear empty trash give complete outstanding cleaning service many Sydneybased property enjoy trust cleaning service Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning Past many year Nabil expanded cleaning business local area know covering full Sydney wollongong cleaning service offer Strata Commercial cleaning Looking quality cleaning service around Sydney find expert professional licensed cleaner give u call directly know cleaning service also communication option available easily send email infosydneys5starcleaningcomau take look official website get detail information Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning contact company Sydney’s 5 Star Cleaning Nabil Daher infosydneys5starcleaningcomau Sydney NSW AustraliaTags Cleaners Cleaning
Cryptocurrency PR: 10 Secrets to Position Yourself as a Leader
Cryptocurrency PR: 10 Secrets to Position Yourself as a Leader Do you want to be a leading voice and an authority figure in the ever-growing cryptocurrency space? Well, here is the thing: you are not alone. To achieve it, you need to stay on top of the game, up to date with the latest trends in the industry, and obviously build your name via social media. There are simple, yet highly useful tips to turn you into a leader in the cryptocurrency industry in no time: 1. Grow your own unique voice Thought leaders are the people who stand out from the rest of the crowd. They tower above everyone else through their unique and authoritative tone. Real leaders don’t copy others or try to be who they are not, they rather build on their personality to create an image that appeals to everyone. Being a thought leader does not mean you will please everyone. You just have to share valuable information with the world and those who believe in what you are saying will gladly follow you. A good name takes time to build, be prepared to patiently cultivate your online presence. 2. Turn to social media Social media has become a powerful business tool and it won’t do you any good to ignore it. Social media sites such as Twitter provide a platform for you to grow a large audience that religiously reads and reacts to your posts. Think of the likes of John McAfee. You may argue that the man built his name as a cybersecurity expert and entrepreneur, but he has a huge following on Twitter due to the way he lives his life and calls out things. He charges a lot of money to promote a cryptocurrency project through a single tweet. He has earned that right. You don’t have to be like him, but you can use his social media strategy to gain a huge following and become one of the leading voices in crypto. 3. Read and scrutinize latest news There is no doubt that some of the leading figures in the industry are always consuming legitimate news from credible sources. Have a routine of reading leading industry sources on a daily basis and make use of expert opinions. Take the time to analyze what those who have been in the industry longer than you are doing. Do not be afraid to criticize companies that are making bad moves or jumping into debates about new regulations, or explaining complicated concepts. This is exactly what people are looking for. While it will not immediately earn you a huge fan base, it gives you credibility, and in the long run, it will work in your favor. 4. Engage other thought leaders The old adage that birds of the same feathers flock together is true. Some even say that show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. The people that you talk to or argue with say a lot about your character and how others perceive you. Engage with other respected leaders in the industry even if it on conflicting ideas. This exposes your brand to the public while building your own profile as a force to reckon with. 5. Participate on events / get interviewed A thought leader constantly appears on mainstream media to give away interviews to talk about the developments in the industry and what needs to be done to move forward. Sometimes, you may have to defend the industry, and this is a sure way to earn you some fans. Leading figures in the industry host Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions where people ask them any questions and they respond immediately. Go to podcasts and allow yourself to be interviewed. Do not also wait for media platforms to invite you to their platforms. You can reach out to them and make your intentions known that you want to appear in their episodes. Avail yourself to as many platforms as possible. 6. Reach outside your field Some think that the best way to make it in the industry is to engage with the community only. You can actually earn more respect by reaching out to people who have nothing to do with bitcoin. Tron founder Justin Sun, who is known for his aggressive marketing techniques, paid more than $4.5 million to have a charity lunch with legendary investor Warren Buffett. Buffett is a well-known long-time critic of bitcoin, and has previously referred to the leading digital asset as “rat poison squared.” What Sun achieved by winning the charity lunch on an online auction was getting people outside the industry to pay attention to crypto and dig out who he is. Sun managed to reach out many people by interacting with someone who exists outside the crypto industry. And you don’t have to spend millions to do that. 7. Don’t over-promote Thought leaders don’t have to be marketing gurus or rely on hype to generate interest. The frenzy of 2017 is long gone and those in the industry are seeking genuine projects with potential. Only 10 percent of your online content should be promotional. You should center your conversations around thoughtful and deep insights. This will be shared by many people and you will market your name or brand even better. Think of the mysterious bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin was not really a well-marketed project, but the well-written technical white paper did all the tricks. Strive to do the same by churning out very thoughtful content. 8. Consistency is everything Be consistent in providing your audience with fresh content, be it blog posts, webinars, or video tutorials. Share your content across a vast number of social media platforms. Your audience should know when to expect something fresh and new from you. At the same, give your brand a unique identity. Have a memorable catchphrase that many people will talk about. Your name will always be associated with it whenever the phrase is mentioned. 9. Understand your audience Take some time to understand your audience as this goes a long way in determining the tone and voice you will use. Know what your audience wants to achieve, their knowledge & education level, pain points, and desires. Moreover, understand the digital platforms they like to use. Do they like podcasts, videos, or just written content. Give them what they want and they will be loyal to you for a long time. 10. Show your vulnerability Surprisingly, being vulnerable goes a long way. The ability to showcase your flaws, coupled with the willingness to learn from your mistakes has the potential to build your credibility faster. This helps to create a more human approach that your audience can relate with.
2019-10-21 14:19:47.847000+00:00
['Public Relations', 'Public Speaking', 'Marketing', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Blockchain']
Title Cryptocurrency PR 10 Secrets Position LeaderContent Cryptocurrency PR 10 Secrets Position Leader want leading voice authority figure evergrowing cryptocurrency space Well thing alone achieve need stay top game date latest trend industry obviously build name via social medium simple yet highly useful tip turn leader cryptocurrency industry time 1 Grow unique voice Thought leader people stand rest crowd tower everyone else unique authoritative tone Real leader don’t copy others try rather build personality create image appeal everyone thought leader mean please everyone share valuable information world believe saying gladly follow good name take time build prepared patiently cultivate online presence 2 Turn social medium Social medium become powerful business tool won’t good ignore Social medium site Twitter provide platform grow large audience religiously read reacts post Think like John McAfee may argue man built name cybersecurity expert entrepreneur huge following Twitter due way life life call thing charge lot money promote cryptocurrency project single tweet earned right don’t like use social medium strategy gain huge following become one leading voice crypto 3 Read scrutinize latest news doubt leading figure industry always consuming legitimate news credible source routine reading leading industry source daily basis make use expert opinion Take time analyze industry longer afraid criticize company making bad move jumping debate new regulation explaining complicated concept exactly people looking immediately earn huge fan base give credibility long run work favor 4 Engage thought leader old adage bird feather flock together true even say show friend tell people talk argue say lot character others perceive Engage respected leader industry even conflicting idea expose brand public building profile force reckon 5 Participate event get interviewed thought leader constantly appears mainstream medium give away interview talk development industry need done move forward Sometimes may defend industry sure way earn fan Leading figure industry host Ask Anything AMA session people ask question respond immediately Go podcasts allow interviewed also wait medium platform invite platform reach make intention known want appear episode Avail many platform possible 6 Reach outside field think best way make industry engage community actually earn respect reaching people nothing bitcoin Tron founder Justin Sun known aggressive marketing technique paid 45 million charity lunch legendary investor Warren Buffett Buffett wellknown longtime critic bitcoin previously referred leading digital asset “rat poison squared” Sun achieved winning charity lunch online auction getting people outside industry pay attention crypto dig Sun managed reach many people interacting someone exists outside crypto industry don’t spend million 7 Don’t overpromote Thought leader don’t marketing guru rely hype generate interest frenzy 2017 long gone industry seeking genuine project potential 10 percent online content promotional center conversation around thoughtful deep insight shared many people market name brand even better Think mysterious bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin really wellmarketed project wellwritten technical white paper trick Strive churning thoughtful content 8 Consistency everything consistent providing audience fresh content blog post webinars video tutorial Share content across vast number social medium platform audience know expect something fresh new give brand unique identity memorable catchphrase many people talk name always associated whenever phrase mentioned 9 Understand audience Take time understand audience go long way determining tone voice use Know audience want achieve knowledge education level pain point desire Moreover understand digital platform like use like podcasts video written content Give want loyal long time 10 Show vulnerability Surprisingly vulnerable go long way ability showcase flaw coupled willingness learn mistake potential build credibility faster help create human approach audience relate withTags Public Relations Public Speaking Marketing Cryptocurrency Blockchain
Nigeria, we have a PR problem!
Nigeria, we have a PR problem! “A country’s reputation is a valuable asset and a source of its competitive advantage” (Passow et al, 2005). We are currently at the stage where patriotism isn’t a proud frontier anymore, the shadow of doubt is easily worn on the face of almost every Nigerian you come across today. While some of us remain steadfast in criticism online while still suffering, others are lining up at embassies processing their exit strategy. The country is in dire need for a change in perception, not the “campaign change” but a change in how Nigeria is positioned and viewed worldwide. The last couple of months we have been plagued with negative news within Nigeria and worldwide, some of these narratives could easily be defended but in our case, we are met with huge silence from the government we allegedly elected. One would ask why we have ministries, diplomatic ties and an entire cabinet of “competent” people who are contented with allowing the image of Nigeria constantly smeared without any crisis management on ground to respond. In recent months, we have sat through the Invictus drama, Police Brutality/Reform, 88 Nigerians arrested for cybercrime, US Embassy vs Nigeria visa charges, CBN loan policies for SMEs, the current xenophobia crisis, third term propaganda and the Shiites situation. I always wonder why we have to allow situations get to a decaying stage before we respond, especially in the case of the reciprocity fees from the US Embassy. As a Public Relations professional, it is imperative to always get in front of every crisis/situation and make sure it is addressed properly especially when there is a need to reinforce a country’s stance on a particular situation. Why do we keep setting up non-functional committees to solve problems that even a toddler in his sleep can decide on? What was the committee deliberating on for 18months that a quick action from the US immediately brought a swift solution under 24hours from our Ministry of Interior? Sometimes It feels like our ministries aren’t aligned before they make public speeches, we constantly watch them contradict each other in the press. We need to take charge of how we are seen, we can’t sit quietly and allow other countries determine how Nigeria should be seen and how Nigerians should be treated. We have a problem of narratives, and social media spokesmen/influencers are not the ones to come to the defence of Nigeria daily. Its not about the political commentator or SAN trying to be the loudest or get TV views, it’s collectively about a country slowly going down the ruins, it’s gigantic coat of arms being stripped of its former dignity in the face of the world. Our bad reputation is working so terribly against us, we are being denied visas, and business deals just for being Nigerians. There is a special scrutiny a Nigerian undergoes even to our African counterparts yet our government is bent on fighting opposition parties rather than face its duties to the country. Not to mention names but once upon a time we had a President who as unruly as he seemed sometimes will take serious measures when needed, what is our President doing? It is time for the government to take the reins back and restore our dignity back.
['Novva Media']
2019-10-25 11:09:17.330000+00:00
['Nigeria', 'Public Relations', 'Reputation', 'Country', 'Africa']
Title Nigeria PR problemContent Nigeria PR problem “A country’s reputation valuable asset source competitive advantage” Passow et al 2005 currently stage patriotism isn’t proud frontier anymore shadow doubt easily worn face almost every Nigerian come across today u remain steadfast criticism online still suffering others lining embassy processing exit strategy country dire need change perception “campaign change” change Nigeria positioned viewed worldwide last couple month plagued negative news within Nigeria worldwide narrative could easily defended case met huge silence government allegedly elected One would ask ministry diplomatic tie entire cabinet “competent” people contented allowing image Nigeria constantly smeared without crisis management ground respond recent month sat Invictus drama Police BrutalityReform 88 Nigerians arrested cybercrime US Embassy v Nigeria visa charge CBN loan policy SMEs current xenophobia crisis third term propaganda Shiites situation always wonder allow situation get decaying stage respond especially case reciprocity fee US Embassy Public Relations professional imperative always get front every crisissituation make sure addressed properly especially need reinforce country’s stance particular situation keep setting nonfunctional committee solve problem even toddler sleep decide committee deliberating 18months quick action US immediately brought swift solution 24hours Ministry Interior Sometimes feel like ministry aren’t aligned make public speech constantly watch contradict press need take charge seen can’t sit quietly allow country determine Nigeria seen Nigerians treated problem narrative social medium spokesmeninfluencers one come defence Nigeria daily political commentator SAN trying loudest get TV view it’s collectively country slowly going ruin it’s gigantic coat arm stripped former dignity face world bad reputation working terribly u denied visa business deal Nigerians special scrutiny Nigerian undergoes even African counterpart yet government bent fighting opposition party rather face duty country mention name upon time President unruly seemed sometimes take serious measure needed President time government take rein back restore dignity backTags Nigeria Public Relations Reputation Country Africa
Press, Public Relations & Guerilla Marketing
This is a part of a series of posts written by entrepreneurs of the Fall 2019 Business Accelerator cohort for EforAll Cape Cod. by Alexandra Faszewski of Faszewski Studios The most recent session for the entrepreneurs focused on something that is equally important for all of the cohort — how to reach the people! Sarah Colvin from the Cape Cod Commission, Lisa Connors from-Pierce Cote Advertising, and Beth Marcus of Cape Cod Beer came in for a panel on PR and guerilla marketing. One of the most important takeaways was to make your own news. Create events and think outside the box — what makes you, your brand, or your event stand out? We were guided to partner with other organizations for events. The objective isn’t necessarily to get press, but to get people. I thought of a Venn Diagram, with my brand’s fans on one side and the other organization’s fans on the other. They then came together in the middle at the potential event. When it came to writing a press release, we were told to think about what the press coverage would do for the publication, rather than how it benefits your brand. Why should they write about you? Why is it important or beneficial to their readers? We were also cautioned that not all news is newsworthy. Great photography was, of course, also key in making an impression. Then there were some of the flubs to avoid. A badly written press release or one addressed to the wrong person were surefire ways to not be published. Calling and demanding press was a no for obvious reasons as well. Are you writing a press release? Or considering it? Here are some tips.
2019-12-10 20:10:18.722000+00:00
['Cape Cod', 'Business Accelerator', 'Entrepreneur', 'Public Relations']
Title Press Public Relations Guerilla MarketingContent part series post written entrepreneur Fall 2019 Business Accelerator cohort EforAll Cape Cod Alexandra Faszewski Faszewski Studios recent session entrepreneur focused something equally important cohort — reach people Sarah Colvin Cape Cod Commission Lisa Connors fromPierce Cote Advertising Beth Marcus Cape Cod Beer came panel PR guerilla marketing One important takeaway make news Create event think outside box — make brand event stand guided partner organization event objective isn’t necessarily get press get people thought Venn Diagram brand’s fan one side organization’s fan came together middle potential event came writing press release told think press coverage would publication rather benefit brand write important beneficial reader also cautioned news newsworthy Great photography course also key making impression flub avoid badly written press release one addressed wrong person surefire way published Calling demanding press obvious reason well writing press release considering tipsTags Cape Cod Business Accelerator Entrepreneur Public Relations
A Job Where Anything Is Possible
Just days after the selection of these first six monuments, I thought about this issue as I sat in the reception area of the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation offices in Manhattan. In December, this organization would begin announcing up to $150 million in annual grants to under-served New Yorkers — and it was looking to hire its first director of communications. I wanted this job very much. As I waited to be interviewed, I considered how the Foundation’s values were based on Mother Cabrini’s values, and how its grants will help generations of New Yorkers of all faiths… or no faith at all. A depiction of Mother Cabrini in stained glass stands in the reception area. She holds a pen and open book inscribed in Latin. I plugged the words into Google, and the translation was a powerful affirmation: “Anything is possible through the one who gives me strength.” During the job interview, I broached the subject of the monument snub. In the back of my mind, I had what I thought would be a clever take on the situation. I’d tell Msgr. Greg Mustaciuolo, the Foundation’s CEO, that this wasn’t a PR issue after all because Mother Cabrini would never have wanted a monument of herself. That would fly in the face of everything she stood for: selfless devotion in service to others. Instead, Msgr. Greg smiled and offered a refreshing perspective. He noted that She Built NYC had evidently not spoken with current Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus before making its selection. “If they had,” he said, “they would have announced the building of six monuments to Mother Cabrini — one in each borough and two in Manhattan.”
['Bob Varettoni']
2019-10-21 01:26:38.459000+00:00
['New York', 'Public Relations', 'Saint', 'Jobs', 'Job Hunting']
Title Job Anything PossibleContent day selection first six monument thought issue sat reception area Mother Cabrini Health Foundation office Manhattan December organization would begin announcing 150 million annual grant underserved New Yorkers — looking hire first director communication wanted job much waited interviewed considered Foundation’s value based Mother Cabrini’s value grant help generation New Yorkers faiths… faith depiction Mother Cabrini stained glass stand reception area hold pen open book inscribed Latin plugged word Google translation powerful affirmation “Anything possible one give strength” job interview broached subject monument snub back mind thought would clever take situation I’d tell Msgr Greg Mustaciuolo Foundation’s CEO wasn’t PR issue Mother Cabrini would never wanted monument would fly face everything stood selfless devotion service others Instead Msgr Greg smiled offered refreshing perspective noted Built NYC evidently spoken current Missionary Sisters Sacred Heart Jesus making selection “If had” said “they would announced building six monument Mother Cabrini — one borough two Manhattan”Tags New York Public Relations Saint Jobs Job Hunting
What it’s like to be part of Robin Sharma’s 5 AM Club.
Last week I joined the 5 AM Club. For those who don’t know, the 5 AM club is a concept started by Robin Sharma where you wake up at 5 AM do twenty-minutes exercise, twenty-minutes planning and twenty-minutes study. It’s a great concept and it is something I have been wanting to do for some time. I did modify the 20/20/20 structure a little. Personally, I don’t like exercise first thing in the morning and I believe planning the night before is more effective. However, I have taken the learning part and changed it to work better for me. Where it all began. One of my goals is to become fluent in Korean by June next year and the only way I can do that is if I can find some time to consistently study the language. This goal began a few weeks ago after I watched a talk by the wonderful Brian Tracy. In that talk, Brian Tracy asked the audience to ask themselves one simple question: “What one skill could you learn right now that would have the biggest positive impact on your life and income?” After thinking about this question for a few days, I realised there was one skill I could learn that would have such an impact on my life. That was to become fluent in Korean. I live in Korea, my wife is Korean and my in-laws family are all Korean. Being able to speak Korean fluently would have a huge impact on my life. The question I had was “where would I find the time to consistently study?” The answer to that question was obvious; there really was only one time I could do it — 5 AM. The next question was: Could I wake up at 5 AM?. The reality is I have no choice. If I am serious about becoming fluent in Korean over the next twelve months then studying between 5 AM and 6 AM is the only time I know I can dedicate myself consistently to achieving this goal. So, Last Sunday, before going to bed I prepared all the materials I would need to have one hour of uninterrupted study time. I divided it up into three, twenty-minute segments and went to bed. 5 AM my alarm went off, I crawled out of bed, put the coffee machine on, picked up my iPad and began learning my Korean self-introduction. And so my journey began. The first day I was tired. My eyes were red and my body felt like I had not slept at all the night before. It was painful. Monday night was a struggle, but I managed to get all my work done. Tuesday 5 AM came along and again my alarm went off and again I crawled out of my bed. Again it was painful. Tuesday was the worst day. I felt exhausted all day. My body ached and it was made worse by having a lot of classes to teach that day. It was only then did I realise the obvious. If I was waking up an hour earlier than I normally did, I need the be going to bed an hour earlier. Once this obvious fact sunk in, I went to bed at 10:30 PM instead of 11:30 PM. That made a huge difference. Wednesday morning was fantastic. I woke up, felt normal and didn’t feel like I was crawling out of my bed. I managed to get through the day without feeling tired — well okay… just a little tired. Don’t deprive yourself of sleep. Go to bed earlier. From this experience, I learned that you need to adjust your sleep time. I usually get around six hours sleep, by waking up early I was only getting 5 hours and that is not enough for me. You, of course, may be different but most people require between six and eight hours sleep each night and you should not deprive yourself of it. If you are going to do this then you do need to prepare yourself properly and make sure that if you are getting up earlier at the front end, you need to go to bed earlier at the end of the day. Is it worth it? Absolutely. I now understand the power of having that one hour every day to focus on myself. You don’t have to follow the 20/20/20 ritual of exercise, planning and study Robin Sharma suggests. You can create your own “Power Hour”. To get the most benefit from this hour, though, it should focus on your self-development. Whether you exercise, study, plan or meditate doesn’t really matter. What matters is you dedicate this time to spend on yourself. Never do work, check your email or social media or do anything for anyone else during this time. This is your time to do with whatever you like for yourself. Think of it as your special hour or, as in my case, my “power hour”. Will I continue with this? If nothing else I have learned I can wake up early and still function like normal human being. But what I have also learned is that by waking up at 5 AM and doing something important — learning Korean — that is aligned with my goals and my purpose gives me such a positive feeling of fulfilment. I know what I am doing will benefit me long into the future and at the same time I am building up my self-discipline which will just get stronger. With stronger self-discipline, I will be able to do more things that require discipline and that can only benefit me more. Once I have achieved my Korean language goal, I shall use this time to develop another skill. I really enjoy waking up and not feeling rushed. I love that feeling of having one hour to study something that will make me a better person, benefit my relationships and ultimately increase my income. What being fluent in Korean will do for me is almost limitless and that knowledge is all the motivation I need to lift my head off the pillow at 5 AM and begin the process of study. UPDATE 24 April 2019: Robin Sharma has now released the book titled “the 5 AM Club” you can buy it right here. Thank you for reading my stories! 😊 If you enjoyed this article, hit those clapping hands below many times👏 It would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story. My purpose is to help 1 million people by 2020 to live the lives they desire. To help people find happiness and become better organised and more productive so they can do more of the important things in life. If you would like to learn more about the work I do, and how I can help you to become better organised and more productive, you can visit my website or you can say hello on Twitter, YouTube or Facebook and subscribe to my weekly newsletter right here.
['Carl Pullein']
2020-05-03 06:53:04.046000+00:00
['Productivity', 'Wake Up Early', 'Language Learning']
Title it’s like part Robin Sharma’s 5 ClubContent Last week joined 5 Club don’t know 5 club concept started Robin Sharma wake 5 twentyminutes exercise twentyminutes planning twentyminutes study It’s great concept something wanting time modify 202020 structure little Personally don’t like exercise first thing morning believe planning night effective However taken learning part changed work better began One goal become fluent Korean June next year way find time consistently study language goal began week ago watched talk wonderful Brian Tracy talk Brian Tracy asked audience ask one simple question “What one skill could learn right would biggest positive impact life income” thinking question day realised one skill could learn would impact life become fluent Korean live Korea wife Korean inlaws family Korean able speak Korean fluently would huge impact life question “where would find time consistently study” answer question obvious really one time could — 5 next question Could wake 5 reality choice serious becoming fluent Korean next twelve month studying 5 6 time know dedicate consistently achieving goal Last Sunday going bed prepared material would need one hour uninterrupted study time divided three twentyminute segment went bed 5 alarm went crawled bed put coffee machine picked iPad began learning Korean selfintroduction journey began first day tired eye red body felt like slept night painful Monday night struggle managed get work done Tuesday 5 came along alarm went crawled bed painful Tuesday worst day felt exhausted day body ached made worse lot class teach day realise obvious waking hour earlier normally need going bed hour earlier obvious fact sunk went bed 1030 PM instead 1130 PM made huge difference Wednesday morning fantastic woke felt normal didn’t feel like crawling bed managed get day without feeling tired — well okay… little tired Don’t deprive sleep Go bed earlier experience learned need adjust sleep time usually get around six hour sleep waking early getting 5 hour enough course may different people require six eight hour sleep night deprive going need prepare properly make sure getting earlier front end need go bed earlier end day worth Absolutely understand power one hour every day focus don’t follow 202020 ritual exercise planning study Robin Sharma suggests create “Power Hour” get benefit hour though focus selfdevelopment Whether exercise study plan meditate doesn’t really matter matter dedicate time spend Never work check email social medium anything anyone else time time whatever like Think special hour case “power hour” continue nothing else learned wake early still function like normal human also learned waking 5 something important — learning Korean — aligned goal purpose give positive feeling fulfilment know benefit long future time building selfdiscipline get stronger stronger selfdiscipline able thing require discipline benefit achieved Korean language goal shall use time develop another skill really enjoy waking feeling rushed love feeling one hour study something make better person benefit relationship ultimately increase income fluent Korean almost limitless knowledge motivation need lift head pillow 5 begin process study UPDATE 24 April 2019 Robin Sharma released book titled “the 5 Club” buy right Thank reading story 😊 enjoyed article hit clapping hand many times👏 would mean lot help people see story purpose help 1 million people 2020 live life desire help people find happiness become better organised productive important thing life would like learn work help become better organised productive visit website say hello Twitter YouTube Facebook subscribe weekly newsletter right hereTags Productivity Wake Early Language Learning
12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time — The Only Post You’ll Ever Need
12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time — The Only Post You’ll Ever Need I’ve written about how I learned to speak, read, and write Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish. I’ve also covered my experiments with German, Indonesian, Arabic, Norwegian, Turkish, and perhaps a dozen others. There are only few language learners who dazzle me, and Benny Lewis is one of them. This definitive guest post by Benny will teach you: How to speak your target language today. How to reach fluency and exceed it within a few months. How to pass yourself off as a native speaker. And finally, how to tackle multiple languages to become a “polyglot” — all within a few years, perhaps as little as 1–2. It contains TONS of amazing resources I never even knew existed, including the best free apps and websites for becoming fluent in record time. Want to find a native speaker to help you for $5 per hour? Free resources and memory tricks? It’s all here. This is a post you all requested, so I hope you enjoy it! Enter Benny You are either born with the language-learning gene, or you aren’t. Luck of the draw, right? At least, that’s what most people believe. I think you can stack the deck in your favor. Years ago, I was a language learning dud. The worst in my German class in school, only able to speak English into my twenties, and even after six entire months living in Spain, I could barely muster up the courage to ask where the bathroom was in Spanish. But this is about the point when I had an epiphany, changed my approach, and then succeeded not only in learning Spanish, but in getting a C2 (Mastery) diploma from the Instituto Cervantes, working as a professional translator in the language, and even being interviewed on the radio in Spanish to give travel tips. Since then, I moved on to other languages, and I can now speak more than a dozen languages to varying degrees between conversational and mastery. It turns out, there is no language-learning gene, but there are tools and tricks for faster learning… As a “polyglot” — someone who speaks multiple languages — my world has opened up. I have gained access to people and places that I never otherwise could have reached. I’ve made friends on a train in China through Mandarin, discussed politics with a desert dweller in Egyptian Arabic, discovered the wonders of deaf culture through ASL, invited the (female) president of Ireland to dance in Irish (Gaeilge) and talked about it on live Irish radio, interviewed Peruvian fabric makers about how they work in Quechua, interpreted between Hungarian and Portuguese at a social event… and well, had an extremely interesting decade traveling the world. Such wonderful experiences are well within the reach of many of you. Since you may be starting from a similar position to where I was (monolingual adult, checkered history with language learning, no idea where to start), I’m going to outline the tips that worked best for me as I went from zero to polyglot. This very detailed post should give you everything you need to know. So, let’s get started! #1 — Learn the right words, the right way. Starting a new language means learning new words. Lots of them. Of course, many people cite a bad memory for learning new vocab, so they quit before even getting started. But–here’s the key–you absolutely do not need to know all the words of a language to speak it (and in fact, you don’t know all the words of your mother tongue either). As Tim pointed out in his own post on learning any language in 3 months, you can take advantage of the Pareto principle here, and realize that 20% of the effort you spend on acquiring new vocab could ultimately give you 80% comprehension in a language — for instance, in English just 300 words make up 65% of all written material. We use those words a lot, and that’s the case in every other language as well. You can find pre-made flash card “decks” of these most frequent words (or words themed for a subject you are more likely to talk about) for studying on the Anki app(available for all computer platforms and smartphones) that you can download instantly. Good flashcard methods implement a spaced repetition system (SRS), which Anki automates. This means that rather than go through the same list of vocabulary in the same order every time, you see words at strategically spaced intervals, just before you would forget them. Tim himself likes to use color-coded physical flashcards; some he purchases from Vis-Ed, others he makes himself. He showed me an example when I interviewed him about how he learns languages in the below video. Though this entire video can give you great insight into Tim’s language learning approach, the part relevant to this point is at 27:40 (full transcript here). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNQl2TKyRYo #2 — Learn cognates: your friend in every single language. Believe it or not, you already — right now — have a huge head start in your target language. With language learning you always know at least some words before you ever begin. Starting a language “from scratch” is essentially impossible because of the vast amount of words you know already through cognates. Cognates are “true friends” of words you recognize from your native language that mean the same thing in another language. For instance, Romance languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and others have many words in common with English. English initially “borrowed them” from the Norman conquest of England, which lasted several hundreds of years. Action, nation, precipitation, solution, frustration, tradition, communication, extinction, and thousands of other -tion words are spelled exactly the same in French, and you can quickly get used to the different pronunciation. Change that -tion to a -ción and you have the same words in Spanish. Italian is -zione and Portuguese is -ção. Many languages also have words that share a common (Greek/Latin or other) root, which can be spelled slightly differently, but that you’d have to try hard not to recognize, such as exemple, hélicoptère (Fr), porto, capitano (Italian) astronomía, and Saturno (Spanish). German goes a step further and has many words from English’s past that it shares. To find common words with the language you are learning, simply search for “[language name] cognates” or “[language name] English loan words” to see words they borrowed from us, and finally “[language name] words in English” to see words we borrowed from them. That’s all well and good for European languages, but what about more distant ones?… Well, it turns out that even languages as different as Japanese can have heaps of very familiar vocabulary. To show you what I mean, have a listen to this song (to the tune of Animaniac’s “Nations of the World”), which is sung entirely in Japanese, and yet you should understand pretty much everything that I and the other Japanese learners are singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5c06I8rHO8 This is because many languages simply borrow English words and integrate them into the new language with altered pronunciation or stress. So to make my life easy when I start learning a language, one of the first word lists I try to consume is a list of “cognates,” or “English loan words,” which can be found quickly for pretty much any language. #3 — Interact in your language daily without traveling. Another reason (or excuse, depending on how you look at it) people cite for not learning languages is that they can’t visit a country where it’s a native language. No time, no money, etc. Take it from me — there is nothing “in the air” in another country that will magically make you able to speak their language. I’ve done a lot of experiments to prove this (e.g. learning Arabic while living in Brazil). I’ve met countless expats who lived abroad for years without learning the local language. Living abroad and being immersed is not the same thing. If you need to hear and use a language consistently to be immersed, can’t virtual immersion be just as effective? Of course. Technology makes it possible for immersion to come to you, and you don’t even have to buy a plane ticket. To hear the language consistently spoken, you can check out TuneIn.com for a vast selection of live-streamed radio from your country of choice. The app (free) also has a list of streamed radio stations ordered by language. To watch the language consistently, see what’s trending on Youtube in that country right now. Go to that country’s equivalent URL for Amazon or Ebay (amazon.es, amazon.fr, amazon.co.jp, etc.) and buy your favorite TV series dubbed in that language, or get a local equivalent by seeing what’s on the top charts. You may be able to save shipping costs if you can find one locally that includes dubbing in the appropriate language. Various news stations also have plenty of video content online in specific languages, such as France24, Deutsche Welle, CNN Español, and many others. To read the language consistently, in addition to the news sites listed above, you can find cool blogs and other popular sites on Alexa’s ranking of top sites per country. And if full-on immersion isn’t your thing yet, there’s even a plugin for Chrome that eases you into the language by translating some parts of the sites you normally read in English, to sprinkle the odd word into your otherwise English reading. #4 — Skype today for daily spoken practice. So you’ve been listening to, watching, and even reading in your target language — and all in the comfort of your own home. Now it’s time for the big one: speaking it live with a native. One of my more controversial pieces of advice, but one that I absolutely insist on when I advise beginners, is that you must speak the language right away if your goals in the target language involve speaking it. Most traditional approaches or language systems don’t work this way, and I think that’s where they let their students down. I say, there are seven days in a week and “some day” is not one of them. Here’s what I suggest instead: Use the pointers I’ve given above to learn some basic vocabulary, and be aware of some words you already know. Do this for a few hours, and then set up an exchange with a native speaker — someone who has spoken that language their whole life. You only have to learn a little for your first conversation, but if you use it immediately, you’ll see what’s missing and can add on from there. You can’t study in isolation until you are vaguely “ready” for interaction. In those first few hours, I’d recommend learning some pleasantries such as “Hello,” “Thank you,” “Could you repeat that?” or “I don’t understand,” many of which you will find listed out here for most languages. But wait — where do you find a native speaker if you aren’t in the country that speaks that language? No problem! Thousands of native speakers are ready and waiting for you to talk to them right now. You can get private lessons for peanuts by taking advantage of currency differences. My favorite site for finding natives is italki.com (connect with my profile here), where I’ve gotten both Chinese and Japanese one-on-one Skype-based lessons for just $5 an hour. If you still think you wouldn’t be ready on day one, then consider this: starting on Skype allows you to ease yourself in gently by having another window (or application, like Word) open during your conversation, already loaded with key words that you can use for quick reference until you internalize them. You can even reference Google Translate or a dictionary for that language while you chat, so you can learn new words as you go, when you need them. Is this “cheating”? No. The goal is to learn to be functional, not to imitate old traditional methods. I’ve used the above shortcuts myself, and after learning Polish for just one hour for a trip to Warsaw to speak at TEDx about language learning, I was able to hold up a conversation (incredibly basic as it was) in Polish for an entire half hour. I consider that a win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1KD1O4IttI #5 — Save your money. The best resources are free. Other than paying for the undivided attention of a native speaker, I don’t see why you’d need to spend hundreds of dollars on anything in language learning. I’ve tried Rosetta Stone myself and wasn’t impressed. But there is great stuff out there. A wonderful and completely free course that keeps getting better is DuoLingo — which I highly recommend for its selection of European languages currently on offer, with more on the way. To really get you started on the many options available to help you learn your language without spending a penny, let me offer plenty of other (good) alternatives: You really do have plenty of options when it comes to free resources, so I suggest you try out several and see which ones work well for you. The aforementioned italki is great for language exchanges and lessons, but My Language Exchange and Interpals are two other options. You can take it offline and see about language related meet-ups in your city through The Polyglot Club, or the meet-ups pages on Couchsurfing, meetup.com, and Internations. These meet-ups are also great opportunities to meet an international crowd of fellow language learning enthusiasts, as well as native speakers of your target language, for practice. But wait, there’s more. You can get further completely free language help on: The huge database on Forvo, to hear any word or small expression in many languages read aloud by a native of the language Rhinospike to make requests of specific phrases you’d like to hear pronounced by a native speaker. If you can’t find something on either of these sites, Google Translate has a text-to-speech option for many languages. Lang 8 to receive free written corrections. The possibilities for free practice are endless. #6 — Realize that adults are actually better language learners than kids. Now that you’re armed with a ton of resources to get started, let’s tackle the biggest problem. Not grammar, not vocabulary, not a lack of resources, but handicapping misconceptions about your own learning potential. The most common “I give up” misconception is: I’m too old to become fluent. I’m glad to be the bearer of good news and tell you that research has confirmed that adults can be better language learners than kids. This study at the University of Haifa has found that under the right circumstances, adults show an intuition for unexplained grammar rules better than their younger counterparts. [Note from Tim: This is corroborated by the book In Other Words and work by Hakuta.] Also, no study has ever shown any direct correlation between reduced language acquisition skill and increased age. There is only a general downward trend in language acquisition in adults, which is probably more dependent on environmental factors that can be changed (e.g. long job hours that crowd out study time). Something my friend Khatzumoto (alljapaneseallthetime.com) once said that I liked was, “Babies aren’t better language learners than you; they just have no escape routes.” As adults, the good news is that we can emulate the immersion environment without having to travel, spend a lot of money, or revert back to childhood. #7 — Expand your vocabulary with mnemonics. Rote repetition isn’t enough. And while it’s true that repeated exposure sometimes burns a word into your memory, it can be frustrating to forget a word that you’ve already heard a dozen times. For this, I suggest coming up with mnemonics about your target word, which helps glue the word to your memory way more effectively. Basically, you tell yourself a funny, silly, or otherwise memorable story to associate with a particular word. You can come up with the mnemonic yourself, but a wonderful (and free) resource that I highly recommend is memrise.com. For instance, let’s say you are learning Spanish and can’t seem to remember that “caber” means “to fit,” no matter how many times you see it. Why not come up with a clever association like the following one I found on Memrise: This [caber -> cab, bear -> fitting a bear in a cab] association makes remembering the word a cinch. It may sound like a lengthy process, but try it a few times, and you’ll quickly realize why it’s so effective. And you’ll only need to recall this hook a couple of times, and then you can ditch it when the word becomes a natural part of your ability to use the language quickly. #8 — Embrace mistakes. Over half of the planet speaks more than one language. This means that monolingualism is a cultural, not a biological, consequence. So when adults (at least in the English speaking world) fail at language learning, it’s not because they don’t have the right genes or other such nonsense. It’s because the system they have used to learn languages is broken. Traditional teaching methods treat language learning just like any other academic subject, based on an approach that has barely changed since the days when Charles Dickens was learning Latin. The differences between your native language (L1) and your target language (L2) are presented as vocabulary and grammar rules to memorize. The traditional idea: know them “all” and you know the language. It seems logical enough, right? The problem is that you can’t ever truly “learn” a language, you get used to it. It’s not a thing that you know or don’t know; it’s a means of communication between human beings. Languages should not be acquired by rote alone — they need to be used. The way you do this as a beginner is to use everything you do know with emphasis on communication rather than on perfection. This is the pivotal difference. Sure, you could wait until you are ready to say “Excuse me kind sir, could you direct me to the nearest bathroom?” but “Bathroom where?” actually conveys the same essential information, only removing superfluous pleasantries. You will be forgiven for this directness, because it’s always obvious that you are a learner. Don’t worry about upsetting native speakers for being so “bold” as to speak to them in their own language. One of the best things you can do in the initial stages is not to try to get everything perfect, but to embrace making mistakes. I go out of my way to make at least 200 mistakes a day! This way I know I am truly using and practicing the language. [TIM: I actually view part of my role as that of comedian or court jester–to make native speakers chuckle at my Tarzan speak. If you make people smile, it will make you popular, which will make you enthusiastic to continue.] #9 — Create SMART goals. Another failing of most learning approaches is a poorly defined end-goal. We tend to have New Year’s Resolutions along the lines of “Learn Spanish,” but how do you know when you’ve succeeded? If this is your goal, how can you know when you’ve reached it? Vague end goals like this are endless pits (e.g. “I’m not ready yet, because I haven’t learned the entire language”). S.M.A.R.T. goals on the other hand are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. To start developing your SMART goal in a language, I highly recommend you become somewhat familiar with the European Common Framework that defines language levels. This framework provides you with a way of setting specific language goals and measuring your own progress. In brief, A means beginner, B means intermediate, and C means advanced, and each level is broken up into lower (1) and upper (2) categories. So an upper beginner speaker is A2, and a lower advanced speaker is C1. As well as being Specific, these levels are absolutely Measurable because officially recognized institutions can test you on them and provide diplomas (no course enrollment necessary) in German, French, Spanish, Irish, and each other official European language. While the same scale is not used, you can also get tested in a similar way in Chinese and Japanese. So what do you aim for? And what do words like “fluency” and “mastery” mean on a practical level? I’ve talked to many people to try to pinpoint the never-agreed-upon understanding of “fluency,” and I’ve found that it tends to average out around the B2 level (upper intermediate). This effectively means that you have “social equivalency” with your native language, which means that you can live in your target language in social situations in much the same way that you would in your native language, such as casual chats with friends in a bar, asking what people did over the weekend, sharing your aspirations and relating to people. Since we are being specific, it’s also important to point out that this does not require that you can work professionally in a language (in my case, as an engineer or public speaker, for instance). That would be mastery level (generally C2). Though I’ve reached the C2 stage myself in French, Spanish and am close to it in other languages, realistically I only really need to be socially equivalent in a language I want to communicate in. I don’t need to work in other languages. It’s essential that you keep your priorities clear to avoid frustration. Most of the time, just target B2. To make your specific goal Attainable, you can break it down further. For example, I’ve found that the fluency (B2) level can be achieved in a matter of months, as long as you are focused on the spoken aspect. In phonetic languages (like most European ones), you can actually learn to read along with speaking, so you get this effectively for free. But realistically, we tend to write emails and text messages — not essays — on a day-to-day basis (unless you are a writer by trade, and you may not have those goals with your L2). Focusing on speaking and listening (and maybe reading) makes fluency in a few months much more realistic. Finally, to make your project Time-bound, I highly recommend a short end-point of a few months. Keeping it a year or more away is far too distant, and your plans may as well be unbound at that point. Three months has worked great for me, but 6 weeks or 4 months could be your ideal point. Pick a definite point in the not too distant future (summer vacation, your birthday, when a family member will visit), aim to reach your target by this time, and work your ass off to make it happen. To help you be smarter with your goals, make sure to track your progress and use an app like Lift to track completing daily essential tasks. You can join the Lift plan for language learning that I wrote for their users here. #10 — Jump from Conversational (B1) to Mastery (C2). The way I reach spoken fluency quickly is to get a hell of a lot of spoken practice. From day one to day 90 (and beyond), I speak at least an hour a day in my L2, and my study time is tailored around the spoken sessions to make sure that my conversation is what’s improving — not just my “general language skills” through some vague list of words I may never use. So, for instance, I may start a session by asking what my native friend or teacher did over the weekend, and tell them what I did. Then I will share something that is on my mind lately and attempt to express my opinion on it, or allow the native speaker to introduce a new topic. It’s important to take an active role and make sure you are having varied conversations. Have a list of topics you would like to discuss and bring them up (your hobbies, hopes for the future, dislikes, what you will do on your vacation etc.) and make sure the conversation is constantly progressing. Lots of practice and study to improve those spoken sessions tends to get me to lower intermediate (B1) level, which means I can understand the other person speaking to me fine as long as they are willing to speak clearly and adjust to my level and mistakes. It’s a LOT of work, mind you! On typical learning days I can be filled with frustration or feel like my brain is melting when–in fact–I’m truly making a lot of progress. But the work is totally worth it when you have your first successful conversation with a native speaker. You’ll be thrilled beyond belief. To see what this B1 level looks like, check out these videos of me chatting to a native in Arabic (in person with my italki teacher!), and in Mandarin with my friend Yangyangabout how she got into working as a TV show host: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSvPAfBkq8Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoWXYmLpNJY At this level, I still make plenty of mistakes of course, but they don’t hinder communication too much. But to get over that plateau of just “good enough,” this is the point where I tend to return to academic material and grammar books, to tidy up what I have. I find I understand the grammar much better once I’m already speaking the language. This approach really works for me, but there is no one best language-learning approach. For instance, Tim has had great success by grammatically deconstructing a language right from the start. Your approach will depend entirely on your personality. After lots of exercises to tidy up my mistakes at the B1 level, I find that I can break into B2. At the B2 stage you can really have fun in the language! You can socialize and have any typical conversation that you’d like. To get into the mastery C1/C2 levels though, the requirements are very different. You’ll have to start reading newspapers, technical blog posts, or other articles that won’t exactly be “light reading.” To get this high-level practice, I’ve subscribed to newspapers on my Kindle that I try to read every day from various major news outlets around the world. Here are the top newspapers in Europe, South America and Asia. After reading up on various topics, I like to get an experienced professional (and ideally pedantic) teacher to grill me on the topic, to force me out of my comfort zone, and make sure I’m using precisely the right words, rather than simply making myself understood. To show you what a higher level looks like, here is a chat I had with my Quebec Couchsurfer about the fascinating cultural and linguistic differences between Quebec and France (I would have been at a C1 level at this stage): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw5Re7k1KBA Reaching the C2 level can be extremely difficult. For instance, I sat a C2 exam in German, and managed to hold my ground for the oral component, when I had to talk about deforestation for ten minutes, but I failed the exam on the listening component, showing me that I needed to be focused and pay attention to complicated radio interviews or podcasts at that level if I wanted to pass the exam in future. #11 — Learn to sound more native. At C2, you are as good as a native speaker in how you can work and interact in the language, but you may still have an accent and make the odd mistake. I have been mistaken for a native speaker of my L2 several times (in Spanish, French and Portuguese — including when I was still at the B2/fluent level), and I can say that it’s a lot less related to your language level, and more related to two other factors. First, your accent/intonation Accent is obvious; if you can’t roll your R in Spanish you will be recognized as a foreigner instantly. Your tongue muscles are not set in their ways forever, and you can learn the very fewnew sounds that your L2 requires that you learn. Time with a native, a good Youtube video explaining the sounds, and practice for a few hours may be all that you need! What is much more important, but often overlooked, is intonation — the pitch, rise, fall, and stress of your words. When I was writing my book, I interviewed fellow polyglot Luca, who is very effective in adapting a convincing accent in his target languages. For this, intonation is pivotal. Luca trains himself from the very start to mimic the musicality and rhythm of a language’s natives by visualizing the sentences. For instance, if you really listen to it, the word “France” sounds different in “I want to go to France” (downward intonation) and “France is a beautiful country (intonation raising upwards). When you repeat sentences in your L2, you have to mimic the musicality of them. My own French teacher pointed out a mistake I was making along these same lines. I was trying to raise my intonation before pauses, which is a feature of French that occurs much more frequently than in English, but I was overdoing it and applying it to the ends of sentences as well. This made my sentences sound incomplete, and when my teacher trained me to stop doing this, I was told that I sounded way more French. You can make these changes by focusing on the sounds of a language rather than just on the words. Truly listen to and and mimic audio from natives, have them correct your biggest mistakes and drill the mistakes out of you. I had an accent trainer show me how this worked, and I found out some fascinating differences between my own Irish accent and American accents in the process! To see for yourself how the process works, check out the second half of this post with Soundcloud samples. Second, walk like an Egyptian The second factor that influences whether or not you could be confused for a native speaker, involves working on your social and cultural integration. This is often overlooked, but has made a world of difference to me, even in my early stages of speaking several languages. For instance, when I first arrived in Egypt with lower intermediate Egyptian Arabic, I was disheartened that most people would speak English to me (in Cairo) before I even had a chance for my Arabic to shine. It’s easy to say that I’m too white to ever be confused for an Egyptian, but there’s more to it than that. They took one look at me, saw how foreign I obviously was, and this overshadowed what language I was actually speaking to them. To get around this problem, I sat down at a busy pedestrian intersection with a pen and paper and made a note of everything that made Egyptian men about my age different from me. How they walked, how they used their hands, the clothing they wore, their facial expressions, the volume they’d speak at, how they’d groom themselves, and much more. I found that I needed to let some stubble grow out, ditch my bright light clothes for darker and heavy ones (despite the temperature), exchange my trainers for dull black shoes, ditch my hat (I never saw anyone with hats), walk much more confidently, and change my facial expressions. The transformation was incredible! Every single person for the rest of my time in Egypt would start speaking to me in Arabic, including in touristy parts of town where they spoke excellent English and would be well used to spotting tourists. This transformation allowed me to walk from the Nile to the Pyramids without any hassle from touts and make the experience all about the fascinating people I met. Try it yourself, and you’ll see what I mean — once you start paying attention, the physical social differences will become easy to spot. You can observe people directly, or watch videos of natives you’d like to emulate from a target country. Really try to analyze everything that someone of your age and gender is doing, and see if you can mimic it next time you are speaking. Imitation is, after all, the most sincere form of flattery! #12 — Become a polyglot. This post has been an extremely detailed look at starting off and trying to reach mastery in a foreign language (and even passing yourself off as a native of that country). If your ultimate goal is to speak multiple languages, you can repeat this process over multiple times, but I highly recommend you focus on one language at a time until you reach at least the intermediate level. Take each language one by one, until you reach a stage where you know you can confidently use it. And then you may just be ready for the next ones! While you can do a lot in a few months, if you want to speak a language for the rest of your life it requires constant practice, improvement, and living your life through it as often as you can. But the good news is — once you reach fluency in a language, it tends to stick with you pretty well. Also, keep in mind that while the tips in this article are an excellent place to start, there is a huge community of “polyglots” online willing to offer you their own encouragement as well. A bunch of us came together in this remix, “Skype me Maybe.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HZbBLl4FA0 I share several more stories about these polyglots and dive into much greater detail about how to learn languages in my newly released book Fluent in 3 Months. Grab a copy, or check out my site for inspiration to start your adventure in becoming fluent in a new language — or several. Ganbatte! ### This post originally appeared on my website. Find more from Benny here. Want to Win Every Day? If so, here are 5 things to do right after you roll out of bed. It’s a checklist that will help you win the morning — so you can win your day, and your life. Get the checklist here now!
['Tim Ferriss']
2018-04-20 01:15:45.220000+00:00
['Language Learning', 'Polyglot']
Title 12 Rules Learning Foreign Languages Record Time — Post You’ll Ever NeedContent 12 Rules Learning Foreign Languages Record Time — Post You’ll Ever Need I’ve written learned speak read write Japanese Mandarin Spanish I’ve also covered experiment German Indonesian Arabic Norwegian Turkish perhaps dozen others language learner dazzle Benny Lewis one definitive guest post Benny teach speak target language today reach fluency exceed within month pas native speaker finally tackle multiple language become “polyglot” — within year perhaps little 1–2 contains TONS amazing resource never even knew existed including best free apps website becoming fluent record time Want find native speaker help 5 per hour Free resource memory trick It’s post requested hope enjoy Enter Benny either born languagelearning gene aren’t Luck draw right least that’s people believe think stack deck favor Years ago language learning dud worst German class school able speak English twenty even six entire month living Spain could barely muster courage ask bathroom Spanish point epiphany changed approach succeeded learning Spanish getting C2 Mastery diploma Instituto Cervantes working professional translator language even interviewed radio Spanish give travel tip Since moved language speak dozen language varying degree conversational mastery turn languagelearning gene tool trick faster learning… “polyglot” — someone speaks multiple language — world opened gained access people place never otherwise could reached I’ve made friend train China Mandarin discussed politics desert dweller Egyptian Arabic discovered wonder deaf culture ASL invited female president Ireland dance Irish Gaeilge talked live Irish radio interviewed Peruvian fabric maker work Quechua interpreted Hungarian Portuguese social event… well extremely interesting decade traveling world wonderful experience well within reach many Since may starting similar position monolingual adult checkered history language learning idea start I’m going outline tip worked best went zero polyglot detailed post give everything need know let’s get started 1 — Learn right word right way Starting new language mean learning new word Lots course many people cite bad memory learning new vocab quit even getting started But–here’s key–you absolutely need know word language speak fact don’t know word mother tongue either Tim pointed post learning language 3 month take advantage Pareto principle realize 20 effort spend acquiring new vocab could ultimately give 80 comprehension language — instance English 300 word make 65 written material use word lot that’s case every language well find premade flash card “decks” frequent word word themed subject likely talk studying Anki appavailable computer platform smartphones download instantly Good flashcard method implement spaced repetition system SRS Anki automates mean rather go list vocabulary order every time see word strategically spaced interval would forget Tim like use colorcoded physical flashcard purchase VisEd others make showed example interviewed learns language video Though entire video give great insight Tim’s language learning approach part relevant point 2740 full transcript httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvrNQl2TKyRYo 2 — Learn cognate friend every single language Believe already — right — huge head start target language language learning always know least word ever begin Starting language “from scratch” essentially impossible vast amount word know already cognate Cognates “true friends” word recognize native language mean thing another language instance Romance language like French Spanish Portuguese Italian others many word common English English initially “borrowed them” Norman conquest England lasted several hundred year Action nation precipitation solution frustration tradition communication extinction thousand tion word spelled exactly French quickly get used different pronunciation Change tion ción word Spanish Italian zione Portuguese ção Many language also word share common GreekLatin root spelled slightly differently you’d try hard recognize exemple hélicoptère Fr porto capitano Italian astronomía Saturno Spanish German go step many word English’s past share find common word language learning simply search “language name cognates” “language name English loan words” see word borrowed u finally “language name word English” see word borrowed That’s well good European language distant ones… Well turn even language different Japanese heap familiar vocabulary show mean listen song tune Animaniac’s “Nations World” sung entirely Japanese yet understand pretty much everything Japanese learner singing httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvh5c06I8rHO8 many language simply borrow English word integrate new language altered pronunciation stress make life easy start learning language one first word list try consume list “cognates” “English loan words” found quickly pretty much language 3 — Interact language daily without traveling Another reason excuse depending look people cite learning language can’t visit country it’s native language time money etc Take — nothing “in air” another country magically make able speak language I’ve done lot experiment prove eg learning Arabic living Brazil I’ve met countless expat lived abroad year without learning local language Living abroad immersed thing need hear use language consistently immersed can’t virtual immersion effective course Technology make possible immersion come don’t even buy plane ticket hear language consistently spoken check TuneIncom vast selection livestreamed radio country choice app free also list streamed radio station ordered language watch language consistently see what’s trending Youtube country right Go country’s equivalent URL Amazon Ebay amazones amazonfr amazoncojp etc buy favorite TV series dubbed language get local equivalent seeing what’s top chart may able save shipping cost find one locally includes dubbing appropriate language Various news station also plenty video content online specific language France24 Deutsche Welle CNN Español many others read language consistently addition news site listed find cool blog popular site Alexa’s ranking top site per country fullon immersion isn’t thing yet there’s even plugin Chrome eas language translating part site normally read English sprinkle odd word otherwise English reading 4 — Skype today daily spoken practice you’ve listening watching even reading target language — comfort home it’s time big one speaking live native One controversial piece advice one absolutely insist advise beginner must speak language right away goal target language involve speaking traditional approach language system don’t work way think that’s let student say seven day week “some day” one Here’s suggest instead Use pointer I’ve given learn basic vocabulary aware word already know hour set exchange native speaker — someone spoken language whole life learn little first conversation use immediately you’ll see what’s missing add can’t study isolation vaguely “ready” interaction first hour I’d recommend learning pleasantry “Hello” “Thank you” “Could repeat that” “I don’t understand” many find listed language wait — find native speaker aren’t country speaks language problem Thousands native speaker ready waiting talk right get private lesson peanut taking advantage currency difference favorite site finding native italkicom connect profile I’ve gotten Chinese Japanese oneonone Skypebased lesson 5 hour still think wouldn’t ready day one consider starting Skype allows ease gently another window application like Word open conversation already loaded key word use quick reference internalize even reference Google Translate dictionary language chat learn new word go need “cheating” goal learn functional imitate old traditional method I’ve used shortcut learning Polish one hour trip Warsaw speak TEDx language learning able hold conversation incredibly basic Polish entire half hour consider win httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvU1KD1O4IttI 5 — Save money best resource free paying undivided attention native speaker don’t see you’d need spend hundred dollar anything language learning I’ve tried Rosetta Stone wasn’t impressed great stuff wonderful completely free course keep getting better DuoLingo — highly recommend selection European language currently offer way really get started many option available help learn language without spending penny let offer plenty good alternative really plenty option come free resource suggest try several see one work well aforementioned italki great language exchange lesson Language Exchange Interpals two option take offline see language related meetups city Polyglot Club meetups page Couchsurfing meetupcom Internations meetups also great opportunity meet international crowd fellow language learning enthusiast well native speaker target language practice wait there’s get completely free language help huge database Forvo hear word small expression many language read aloud native language Rhinospike make request specific phrase you’d like hear pronounced native speaker can’t find something either site Google Translate texttospeech option many language Lang 8 receive free written correction possibility free practice endless 6 — Realize adult actually better language learner kid you’re armed ton resource get started let’s tackle biggest problem grammar vocabulary lack resource handicapping misconception learning potential common “I give up” misconception I’m old become fluent I’m glad bearer good news tell research confirmed adult better language learner kid study University Haifa found right circumstance adult show intuition unexplained grammar rule better younger counterpart Note Tim corroborated book Words work Hakuta Also study ever shown direct correlation reduced language acquisition skill increased age general downward trend language acquisition adult probably dependent environmental factor changed eg long job hour crowd study time Something friend Khatzumoto alljapaneseallthetimecom said liked “Babies aren’t better language learner escape routes” adult good news emulate immersion environment without travel spend lot money revert back childhood 7 — Expand vocabulary mnemonic Rote repetition isn’t enough it’s true repeated exposure sometimes burn word memory frustrating forget word you’ve already heard dozen time suggest coming mnemonic target word help glue word memory way effectively Basically tell funny silly otherwise memorable story associate particular word come mnemonic wonderful free resource highly recommend memrisecom instance let’s say learning Spanish can’t seem remember “caber” mean “to fit” matter many time see come clever association like following one found Memrise caber cab bear fitting bear cab association make remembering word cinch may sound like lengthy process try time you’ll quickly realize it’s effective you’ll need recall hook couple time ditch word becomes natural part ability use language quickly 8 — Embrace mistake half planet speaks one language mean monolingualism cultural biological consequence adult least English speaking world fail language learning it’s don’t right gene nonsense It’s system used learn language broken Traditional teaching method treat language learning like academic subject based approach barely changed since day Charles Dickens learning Latin difference native language L1 target language L2 presented vocabulary grammar rule memorize traditional idea know “all” know language seems logical enough right problem can’t ever truly “learn” language get used It’s thing know don’t know it’s mean communication human being Languages acquired rote alone — need used way beginner use everything know emphasis communication rather perfection pivotal difference Sure could wait ready say “Excuse kind sir could direct nearest bathroom” “Bathroom where” actually conveys essential information removing superfluous pleasantry forgiven directness it’s always obvious learner Don’t worry upsetting native speaker “bold” speak language One best thing initial stage try get everything perfect embrace making mistake go way make least 200 mistake day way know truly using practicing language TIM actually view part role comedian court jester–to make native speaker chuckle Tarzan speak make people smile make popular make enthusiastic continue 9 — Create SMART goal Another failing learning approach poorly defined endgoal tend New Year’s Resolutions along line “Learn Spanish” know you’ve succeeded goal know you’ve reached Vague end goal like endless pit eg “I’m ready yet haven’t learned entire language” SMART goal hand Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound start developing SMART goal language highly recommend become somewhat familiar European Common Framework defines language level framework provides way setting specific language goal measuring progress brief mean beginner B mean intermediate C mean advanced level broken lower 1 upper 2 category upper beginner speaker A2 lower advanced speaker C1 well Specific level absolutely Measurable officially recognized institution test provide diploma course enrollment necessary German French Spanish Irish official European language scale used also get tested similar way Chinese Japanese aim word like “fluency” “mastery” mean practical level I’ve talked many people try pinpoint neveragreedupon understanding “fluency” I’ve found tends average around B2 level upper intermediate effectively mean “social equivalency” native language mean live target language social situation much way would native language casual chat friend bar asking people weekend sharing aspiration relating people Since specific it’s also important point require work professionally language case engineer public speaker instance would mastery level generally C2 Though I’ve reached C2 stage French Spanish close language realistically really need socially equivalent language want communicate don’t need work language It’s essential keep priority clear avoid frustration time target B2 make specific goal Attainable break example I’ve found fluency B2 level achieved matter month long focused spoken aspect phonetic language like European one actually learn read along speaking get effectively free realistically tend write email text message — essay — daytoday basis unless writer trade may goal L2 Focusing speaking listening maybe reading make fluency month much realistic Finally make project Timebound highly recommend short endpoint month Keeping year away far distant plan may well unbound point Three month worked great 6 week 4 month could ideal point Pick definite point distant future summer vacation birthday family member visit aim reach target time work as make happen help smarter goal make sure track progress use app like Lift track completing daily essential task join Lift plan language learning wrote user 10 — Jump Conversational B1 Mastery C2 way reach spoken fluency quickly get hell lot spoken practice day one day 90 beyond speak least hour day L2 study time tailored around spoken session make sure conversation what’s improving — “general language skills” vague list word may never use instance may start session asking native friend teacher weekend tell share something mind lately attempt express opinion allow native speaker introduce new topic It’s important take active role make sure varied conversation list topic would like discus bring hobby hope future dislike vacation etc make sure conversation constantly progressing Lots practice study improve spoken session tends get lower intermediate B1 level mean understand person speaking fine long willing speak clearly adjust level mistake It’s LOT work mind typical learning day filled frustration feel like brain melting when–in fact–I’m truly making lot progress work totally worth first successful conversation native speaker You’ll thrilled beyond belief see B1 level look like check video chatting native Arabic person italki teacher Mandarin friend Yangyangabout got working TV show host httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvvSvPAfBkq8Q httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhoWXYmLpNJY level still make plenty mistake course don’t hinder communication much get plateau “good enough” point tend return academic material grammar book tidy find understand grammar much better I’m already speaking language approach really work one best languagelearning approach instance Tim great success grammatically deconstructing language right start approach depend entirely personality lot exercise tidy mistake B1 level find break B2 B2 stage really fun language socialize typical conversation you’d like get mastery C1C2 level though requirement different You’ll start reading newspaper technical blog post article won’t exactly “light reading” get highlevel practice I’ve subscribed newspaper Kindle try read every day various major news outlet around world top newspaper Europe South America Asia reading various topic like get experienced professional ideally pedantic teacher grill topic force comfort zone make sure I’m using precisely right word rather simply making understood show higher level look like chat Quebec Couchsurfer fascinating cultural linguistic difference Quebec France would C1 level stage httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdw5Re7k1KBA Reaching C2 level extremely difficult instance sat C2 exam German managed hold ground oral component talk deforestation ten minute failed exam listening component showing needed focused pay attention complicated radio interview podcasts level wanted pas exam future 11 — Learn sound native C2 good native speaker work interact language may still accent make odd mistake mistaken native speaker L2 several time Spanish French Portuguese — including still B2fluent level say it’s lot le related language level related two factor First accentintonation Accent obvious can’t roll R Spanish recognized foreigner instantly tongue muscle set way forever learn fewnew sound L2 requires learn Time native good Youtube video explaining sound practice hour may need much important often overlooked intonation — pitch rise fall stress word writing book interviewed fellow polyglot Luca effective adapting convincing accent target language intonation pivotal Luca train start mimic musicality rhythm language’s native visualizing sentence instance really listen word “France” sound different “I want go France” downward intonation “France beautiful country intonation raising upwards repeat sentence L2 mimic musicality French teacher pointed mistake making along line trying raise intonation pause feature French occurs much frequently English overdoing applying end sentence well made sentence sound incomplete teacher trained stop told sounded way French make change focusing sound language rather word Truly listen mimic audio native correct biggest mistake drill mistake accent trainer show worked found fascinating difference Irish accent American accent process see process work check second half post Soundcloud sample Second walk like Egyptian second factor influence whether could confused native speaker involves working social cultural integration often overlooked made world difference even early stage speaking several language instance first arrived Egypt lower intermediate Egyptian Arabic disheartened people would speak English Cairo even chance Arabic shine It’s easy say I’m white ever confused Egyptian there’s took one look saw foreign obviously overshadowed language actually speaking get around problem sat busy pedestrian intersection pen paper made note everything made Egyptian men age different walked used hand clothing wore facial expression volume they’d speak they’d groom much found needed let stubble grow ditch bright light clothes darker heavy one despite temperature exchange trainer dull black shoe ditch hat never saw anyone hat walk much confidently change facial expression transformation incredible Every single person rest time Egypt would start speaking Arabic including touristy part town spoke excellent English would well used spotting tourist transformation allowed walk Nile Pyramids without hassle tout make experience fascinating people met Try you’ll see mean — start paying attention physical social difference become easy spot observe people directly watch video native you’d like emulate target country Really try analyze everything someone age gender see mimic next time speaking Imitation sincere form flattery 12 — Become polyglot post extremely detailed look starting trying reach mastery foreign language even passing native country ultimate goal speak multiple language repeat process multiple time highly recommend focus one language time reach least intermediate level Take language one one reach stage know confidently use may ready next one lot month want speak language rest life requires constant practice improvement living life often good news — reach fluency language tends stick pretty well Also keep mind tip article excellent place start huge community “polyglots” online willing offer encouragement well bunch u came together remix “Skype Maybe” httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv6HZbBLl4FA0 share several story polyglot dive much greater detail learn language newly released book Fluent 3 Months Grab copy check site inspiration start adventure becoming fluent new language — several Ganbatte post originally appeared website Find Benny Want Win Every Day 5 thing right roll bed It’s checklist help win morning — win day life Get checklist nowTags Language Learning Polyglot
Learn a Language by Taking Advantage of “Hidden Moments”
Since regaining my motivation to learn languages a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been trying out some of the methods from Barry Farber’s text, How to Learn any Language. There are several components in Farber’s system, but the one that has helped me the most is the use of what he calls “hidden moments”. The idea is nothing new, but I’ve found it incredibly effective. The premise is simple. Forget all of those over hyped language programs claiming that you can learn a language in 20 minutes a day. It’s just not that simple. Learning a language is a gigantic undertaking and it takes time. The trick, is to free up time you didn’t know you had. For me, physical flashcards can still be quicker than a phone Flashcards I’ve used flashcards many times, for more than one language, and I’ve always had mixed feelings towards them. One one hand, they work. If I had to memorize 30 Chinese characters for a test in 30 minutes, flashcards are definitely the way I’d go. They also served me very well when I did an intensive first year Japanese class over a summer in college. On the other hand, flashcards are about the most boring, decontextualized vocabulary-learning method I can think of. Relying on them over the long run has always been demotivating for me. The solution is to use flashcards only during the times that you’d be bored anyway. Buy a set of flashcards on a ring, and make sure it’s small enough that you can carry it all the time. Then, rather than using them during a block of time you could be using for something else, use them during all of those brief moments when you have nothing else to do. It used to be that every time I took the subway anywhere, I’d sit down and basically just zone out for five minutes. Now I spend that time to review 30 words on my flashcards. Similarly, when I’m waiting in line at the grocery store, that’s another chance to review several cards. If I call a friend on the phone, I usually have time to scan over three or four words while I’m waiting for him or her to pick up the phone. All throughout the day, there are bits and pieces of time that are perfect for flashcard review. Sure, flipping through flashcards is boring compared to other things I could do at home, but it’s not boring compared to doing nothing while sitting on a subway! In fact, during times that I’d otherwise have nothing to do, looking at my flashcards is fun. MP3 recordings Obviously, if one wants to get good at speaking a language, rather than just writing it, listening is an important component to any language study course. For beginners and intermediate level students, target language media isn’t that comprehensible, but there are a number of learner resources available. Most modern textbooks are accompanied by CDs, and there are numerous podcasts and other recordings to download, as long as the target language isn’t too obscure. I’ve had the opposite problems with listening to recordings as I’ve had with flashcards. As long as I can understand them, they’re fairly interesting, but I just don’t learn that many new words. For the most part, they’re a re-enforcement tool. There are other ways to build up my core language proficiency faster, such as working through a textbook or finding opportunities for a two-way conversation. It’s always felt like a waste. Fortunately, the prudent use of “hidden moments” solves these problems as well. I recently bought a very cheap MP3 player (about $25US), and I carry it with me all the time. I downloaded 50 Chinese Pod lessons, and 50 Japanese Pod 101 lessons. Whenever there’s nothing better to be doing, I listen to them. In general, I put the flashcards at a higher level of priority than the MP3 recordings. If I’m in a situation when I can look at the flashcards, I do. But when my eyes are occupied, such as while I’m walking to work, I listen to the MP3s. This way, I get the benefits of more listening practice, and it’s all without having to sacrifice any time I could use on more productive activities. A method for getting up to speed with challenging reading material Authentic reading materials Authentic reading materials are hard. Especially if you’re studying a language such as Chinese or Japanese, it takes a long, long time before authentic materials can be read with ease. Until that time, your choice in extensive reading materials will be limited to graded readers designed for language learners. Unfortunately, Chinese learners don’t have anything even remotely like the selection that exists for English learners. That leaves a more intensive approach. Reading material that’s too hard is frustrating. However, by supporting it with the above flashcard method, it becomes much more palatable, and even motivational. For this exercise, I bought a copy of the 國語日報. I’m not a big fan of the contents of the paper, since it’s always crammed full of articles about various new regulations the Ministry of education is implementing, but there are a few interesting stories. More importantly, zhùyīn is printed next to every single Chinese character. That makes looking them up a breeze compared to the nightmare it would be to look up every character I didn’t know by radical and stroke number. Putting it all together After buying a paper, I take it home and try to read an article. Anytime I see a word that I don’t know I highlight it. If I think I know what it means but I’m not completely sure, I still highlight it. Then after reading a paragraph or two, I quickly look up the words and make flash cards. I write the first word at the top of the card, flip it end over end (the long way), write the English translation at the top of the back of the card, flip it back over, write the second word beneath the first, and so on. I usually put about five words on a card. If there’s one that I can’t find in the dictionary, such as “資優” in article in the photo above, I just write it down and leave a space on the back for when I find out what it means. This whole process took me about 20 minutes the first time I did it, but it’s much faster now. After marking up the first paragraph and making flashcards, I stop working on the article and move onto other things. The next day, when I come back to the article and try reading the first paragraph again, it’s much, much easier. Why? Well, it’s because I’ve made flashcards of every word I didn’t and I always carry those flashcards with me. I’ve probably reviewed them ten times each, and done all the review during time I otherwise would have wasted. So with what feels like zero effort, I can suddenly read a paragraph that was difficult just one day earlier! After the first paragraph is done, I go on to the second paragraph and then the rest of the article. The rest of the article is always easier. Some of those words I had to look up in the first paragraph inevitably appear in later parts of the article. As you can see from the photo above, the beginning of the article (the upper right-hand side) is highlighted all over the place, and the highlighted sections decrease throughout the article, until the bottom, where it’s mostly un-marked. That in itself is very motivating. Better still, each time I buy a paper, the first paragraph I take a stab at is easier and easier. Conclusions I like Farber’s suggestions. I suddenly feel like I’m making more progress than I have in ages, and I’m doing the majority of it during time that I would just be wasting otherwise. Jeremy Ginsburg shared some techniques related to this when in our Lingsprout interview
2017-06-03 02:34:25.501000+00:00
['Language Learning', 'Chinese', 'Foreign Language']
Title Learn Language Taking Advantage “Hidden Moments”Content Since regaining motivation learn language couple week ago I’ve trying method Barry Farber’s text Learn Language several component Farber’s system one helped use call “hidden moments” idea nothing new I’ve found incredibly effective premise simple Forget hyped language program claiming learn language 20 minute day It’s simple Learning language gigantic undertaking take time trick free time didn’t know physical flashcard still quicker phone Flashcards I’ve used flashcard many time one language I’ve always mixed feeling towards One one hand work memorize 30 Chinese character test 30 minute flashcard definitely way I’d go also served well intensive first year Japanese class summer college hand flashcard boring decontextualized vocabularylearning method think Relying long run always demotivating solution use flashcard time you’d bored anyway Buy set flashcard ring make sure it’s small enough carry time rather using block time could using something else use brief moment nothing else used every time took subway anywhere I’d sit basically zone five minute spend time review 30 word flashcard Similarly I’m waiting line grocery store that’s another chance review several card call friend phone usually time scan three four word I’m waiting pick phone throughout day bit piece time perfect flashcard review Sure flipping flashcard boring compared thing could home it’s boring compared nothing sitting subway fact time I’d otherwise nothing looking flashcard fun MP3 recording Obviously one want get good speaking language rather writing listening important component language study course beginner intermediate level student target language medium isn’t comprehensible number learner resource available modern textbook accompanied CDs numerous podcasts recording download long target language isn’t obscure I’ve opposite problem listening recording I’ve flashcard long understand they’re fairly interesting don’t learn many new word part they’re reenforcement tool way build core language proficiency faster working textbook finding opportunity twoway conversation It’s always felt like waste Fortunately prudent use “hidden moments” solves problem well recently bought cheap MP3 player 25US carry time downloaded 50 Chinese Pod lesson 50 Japanese Pod 101 lesson Whenever there’s nothing better listen general put flashcard higher level priority MP3 recording I’m situation look flashcard eye occupied I’m walking work listen MP3s way get benefit listening practice it’s without sacrifice time could use productive activity method getting speed challenging reading material Authentic reading material Authentic reading material hard Especially you’re studying language Chinese Japanese take long long time authentic material read ease time choice extensive reading material limited graded reader designed language learner Unfortunately Chinese learner don’t anything even remotely like selection exists English learner leaf intensive approach Reading material that’s hard frustrating However supporting flashcard method becomes much palatable even motivational exercise bought copy 國語日報 I’m big fan content paper since it’s always crammed full article various new regulation Ministry education implementing interesting story importantly zhùyīn printed next every single Chinese character make looking breeze compared nightmare would look every character didn’t know radical stroke number Putting together buying paper take home try read article Anytime see word don’t know highlight think know mean I’m completely sure still highlight reading paragraph two quickly look word make flash card write first word top card flip end end long way write English translation top back card flip back write second word beneath first usually put five word card there’s one can’t find dictionary “資優” article photo write leave space back find mean whole process took 20 minute first time it’s much faster marking first paragraph making flashcard stop working article move onto thing next day come back article try reading first paragraph it’s much much easier Well it’s I’ve made flashcard every word didn’t always carry flashcard I’ve probably reviewed ten time done review time otherwise would wasted feel like zero effort suddenly read paragraph difficult one day earlier first paragraph done go second paragraph rest article rest article always easier word look first paragraph inevitably appear later part article see photo beginning article upper righthand side highlighted place highlighted section decrease throughout article bottom it’s mostly unmarked motivating Better still time buy paper first paragraph take stab easier easier Conclusions like Farber’s suggestion suddenly feel like I’m making progress age I’m majority time would wasting otherwise Jeremy Ginsburg shared technique related Lingsprout interviewTags Language Learning Chinese Foreign Language
The Turning Point
The Turning Point It all started with a simple observation… It was January 2010. I was visiting my grandparents in South Florida. I watched my grandmother (mi abuela) sitting at the kitchen table hovered over her checkbook to balance the checking account (she would have made an excellent accountant). Suddenly the flood of stories from her past came into my mind. The struggles my grandparents went through coming to the US from Cuba in 1962. The family that had been thrown into Cuban prisons for voicing their political beliefs. The family members they had to leave behind in Cuba. The sacrifices to start over in a new country with no money, no knowledge of the language, no jobs lined up. They found work in the US that was humbling to their great abilities and slowly worked their way back to what they had before. I distinctly remember my grandmother telling me how they had paid off $55,000 of their mortgage in one year. And here I was in my early 30s with nothing to show for financially. I had squandered away my 20s living the high life with no excuses and no reason to be in that position. I knew in that moment that I couldn’t waste the opportunity my grandparents had risked and worked so hard to give me. It would have been a slap in the face to all they had endured. It was time to draw the line in the sand and decide if I was going to continue down the path I was heading or to make a change. When I got home I totaled all of my debt — $56,000 in student loans, car loans, and credit cards. The total took my breath away. I knew I had debt but not this much. How in the world was I ever going to be able to attack this?? It seemed insurmountable — I felt defeated already. I knew that if I wanted to get ahead financially, I needed to figure out a way to break free from the chains of debt so I could use my income for more productive and fulfilling uses — like investing for my future and being able to give to those in need. After returning home to Minnesota, I had a conversation with my best friend Angie about my financial awakening. It just so happened that she and her husband Dave had started a personal finance class at their church called Financial Peace University (FPU) created by Dave Ramsey. Angie talked about how much she was enjoying the class and that she and Dave were already starting to see progress in a short time. I decided to look into FPU and see what this Dave Ramsey guy was all about. Little did I know how drastically my life was about to change. Next: The long and winding journey to paying off debt and the much anticipated day of freedom… c��< FZ
['Jessica Garbarino']
2015-10-18 19:42:47.527000+00:00
['Personal Finance', 'Debt', 'Cuba']
Title Turning PointContent Turning Point started simple observation… January 2010 visiting grandparent South Florida watched grandmother mi abuela sitting kitchen table hovered checkbook balance checking account would made excellent accountant Suddenly flood story past came mind struggle grandparent went coming US Cuba 1962 family thrown Cuban prison voicing political belief family member leave behind Cuba sacrifice start new country money knowledge language job lined found work US humbling great ability slowly worked way back distinctly remember grandmother telling paid 55000 mortgage one year early 30 nothing show financially squandered away 20 living high life excuse reason position knew moment couldn’t waste opportunity grandparent risked worked hard give would slap face endured time draw line sand decide going continue path heading make change got home totaled debt — 56000 student loan car loan credit card total took breath away knew debt much world ever going able attack seemed insurmountable — felt defeated already knew wanted get ahead financially needed figure way break free chain debt could use income productive fulfilling us — like investing future able give need returning home Minnesota conversation best friend Angie financial awakening happened husband Dave started personal finance class church called Financial Peace University FPU created Dave Ramsey Angie talked much enjoying class Dave already starting see progress short time decided look FPU see Dave Ramsey guy Little know drastically life change Next long winding journey paying debt much anticipated day freedom… c�� FZTags Personal Finance Debt Cuba
Mariners Sign Cuban Left-Hander Misael Siverio
Misael Siverio (left) signing his contract next to Mariners scout Noel Sevilla. The Seattle Mariners signed Cuban left-hander Misael Siverio who completed his physical in Seattle two weeks ago before the deal was finalized. The 25-year-old left-hander left Cuba in July of 2013 and played for the Aguilas de Mexicali in the Mexican Pacific League last winter where he went 3–1 with a 2.45 ERA (8 ER, 29.1 IP) with 36 strikeouts in six starts. “This is a proud moment for me, to be able to join the Seattle Mariners who have several Cubans in the organization that are my compatriots,” said Siverio. “I feel very happy because of the way that I have been treated here in Seattle and now the only thing left to do is to do my part, work hard and reach the Major Leagues.” Siverio played six seasons for Villa Clara in the Cuban National Series from 2007 to 2012 where he posted a 3.24 ERA. Misael Siverio toured Safeco Field two weeks ago. He toured Safeco Field two weeks ago after completing his physical, getting to see the clubhouse, training room, video room and of course the field. He’s excited to join the Mariners and is looking forward to spring training in Peoria. Siverio will take part in Mariners mini-camp in mid-to-late February. Here’s a quick video (in Spanish) that the Aguilas de Mexicali put together when Siverio joined the team, answering questions about being in Mexicali, striving to reach the Majors and his repertoire.
['Mariners Pr']
2016-10-27 15:07:02.869000+00:00
['Cuba', 'Free Agent']
Title Mariners Sign Cuban LeftHander Misael SiverioContent Misael Siverio left signing contract next Mariners scout Noel Sevilla Seattle Mariners signed Cuban lefthander Misael Siverio completed physical Seattle two week ago deal finalized 25yearold lefthander left Cuba July 2013 played Aguilas de Mexicali Mexican Pacific League last winter went 3–1 245 ERA 8 ER 291 IP 36 strikeout six start “This proud moment able join Seattle Mariners several Cubans organization compatriots” said Siverio “I feel happy way treated Seattle thing left part work hard reach Major Leagues” Siverio played six season Villa Clara Cuban National Series 2007 2012 posted 324 ERA Misael Siverio toured Safeco Field two week ago toured Safeco Field two week ago completing physical getting see clubhouse training room video room course field He’s excited join Mariners looking forward spring training Peoria Siverio take part Mariners minicamp midtolate February Here’s quick video Spanish Aguilas de Mexicali put together Siverio joined team answering question Mexicali striving reach Majors repertoireTags Cuba Free Agent
Miami Goes Full Cuba — They’re Going to Mandate Sick Days for Workers!!!
Miami Goes Full Cuba — They’re Going to Mandate Sick Days for Workers!!! Frightening news for Miami’s aging right-wing Cuban population: the county is considering going FULL-FIDEL. One lone City Commissioner/communist is putting forward an ordinance that will force all employers to let their employees accrue sick time. This is worse than Obamacare! Nearly half of all workers in the county currently do not get sick time, according to “some random dude from a union,” whose pockets are lined with money stolen from little children. Local Miami commenters respond to the Herald’s shocking report: • “why should they even have to work!!! ill just send them money.” • “What I don’t understand is that if the liberals want this, why don’t all the liberal business owners provide this sick time? If they do this, then the BEST employees would go to work for these liberal business owners and all the other businesses would then have to offer the same benefit or end up having a competitive disadvantage by only have the poor performing employees working for them.” • “Unions make me “Sick” ;(“ • “Socialism only works while others still have money that the government can take away. After it’s all gone, we get Cuba’s reality: Poverty and misery as far as the eye can see.” • “The small business owner is the one that needs protection… It used to be that everyone would have saved at least 6 months of living expenses in case one lost their job or got sick… now no one saves a penny nor have any financial literacy…” To be fair, these are mostly comments from people who are dozing on their plastic-covered couches while waiting for their Social Security checks to arrive or their dog fight bets to pay off.
['Choire Sicha']
2016-05-13 17:25:05.638000+00:00
['Cuba', 'Florida']
Title Miami Goes Full Cuba — They’re Going Mandate Sick Days WorkersContent Miami Goes Full Cuba — They’re Going Mandate Sick Days Workers Frightening news Miami’s aging rightwing Cuban population county considering going FULLFIDEL One lone City Commissionercommunist putting forward ordinance force employer let employee accrue sick time worse Obamacare Nearly half worker county currently get sick time according “some random dude union” whose pocket lined money stolen little child Local Miami commenters respond Herald’s shocking report • “why even work ill send money” • “What don’t understand liberal want don’t liberal business owner provide sick time BEST employee would go work liberal business owner business would offer benefit end competitive disadvantage poor performing employee working them” • “Unions make “Sick” “ • “Socialism work others still money government take away it’s gone get Cuba’s reality Poverty misery far eye see” • “The small business owner one need protection… used everyone would saved least 6 month living expense case one lost job got sick… one save penny financial literacy…” fair mostly comment people dozing plasticcovered couch waiting Social Security check arrive dog fight bet pay offTags Cuba Florida
The case against Che Guevera
When talking about Che’ Guevara, the Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary and guerrilla leader, we often ask ourselves the question: should revolutions be judged by their ideals or outcomes? This fearless, uncompromising, and honest to his cause rebel has his image commodified — he’s now a symbol for revolution without context. Che’s icon is still the object of adoration by generations of clueless, idealistic youths who propagate this brand of blind ignorance have recently brandished Guevara’s likeness as a beacon of justice and rebellion against the abuse of power. However the truth is that despite being a trained doctor and a supposed genius his instincts were always authoritarian, to the point of ruthlessness and brutality.Standing his ground on the extreme end of Marxist ideas he has deluded our contemporaries. He had a radical vision that involved a utopian remaking of the planet through armed guerrilla warfare. His megalomania manifested itself in the predatory urge to take over other people’s lives and property, and to abolish their free will. Hence we must see the facts which will help us measure the gulf that separates reality from myth. The urge to dispossess others of their property and to claim ownership of others’ territory was central to Guevara’s politics of raw power. The idea of this Marxist Puritan’s idea of revolution was a licence to re-allocate property as he saw fit and that extreme that any suffering to achieve it seems natural. Under his regime there were inhumane Concentration camps in which dogmatic power was employed to suppress dissent. The period in which Guevara was in charge of most of the Cuban economy saw the near-collapse of sugar production, the failure of industrialization, and the introduction of rationing. After the Cuban revolution he , Guevara organized guerrilla armies in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Haiti — all of which were crushed.Che even personally ordered the summary execution of several rebels in his own band, not to mention the countless innocents who fell victim to his ideology.Che along with Castro established a communist state that destroyed individual liberties,and economic and political justice. His communist control over Cuban Civil society destroyed even the freedom of thought; imposed control over media newspapers and even educational institutes. Che Guevra, who tried so hard to destroy capitalism, is now a quintessential capitalist brand. His likeness in the form of that picture in his beret during the early revolutionary years which you see in mugs, t-shirts, keychains, posters being marketed by big and small corporations has reduced him to a logo of revolutionary chic. In sooth he left a testament of cruelties, touring Latin America on a motorcycle and hoping to reform the continent through violent revolution. He’s just a trendy symbol of revolution for those who never had to live under his regime.
['Vidushi Purbay']
2021-12-26 17:25:56.285000+00:00
['Che Guevara', 'History', 'Cuba', 'Revolution']
Title case Che GueveraContent talking Che’ Guevara Argentineborn Marxist revolutionary guerrilla leader often ask question revolution judged ideal outcome fearless uncompromising honest cause rebel image commodified — he’s symbol revolution without context Che’s icon still object adoration generation clueless idealistic youth propagate brand blind ignorance recently brandished Guevara’s likeness beacon justice rebellion abuse power However truth despite trained doctor supposed genius instinct always authoritarian point ruthlessness brutalityStanding ground extreme end Marxist idea deluded contemporary radical vision involved utopian remaking planet armed guerrilla warfare megalomania manifested predatory urge take people’s life property abolish free Hence must see fact help u measure gulf separate reality myth urge dispossess others property claim ownership others’ territory central Guevara’s politics raw power idea Marxist Puritan’s idea revolution licence reallocate property saw fit extreme suffering achieve seems natural regime inhumane Concentration camp dogmatic power employed suppress dissent period Guevara charge Cuban economy saw nearcollapse sugar production failure industrialization introduction rationing Cuban revolution Guevara organized guerrilla army Nicaragua Dominican Republic Panama Haiti — crushedChe even personally ordered summary execution several rebel band mention countless innocent fell victim ideologyChe along Castro established communist state destroyed individual libertiesand economic political justice communist control Cuban Civil society destroyed even freedom thought imposed control medium newspaper even educational institute Che Guevra tried hard destroy capitalism quintessential capitalist brand likeness form picture beret early revolutionary year see mug tshirts keychains poster marketed big small corporation reduced logo revolutionary chic sooth left testament cruelty touring Latin America motorcycle hoping reform continent violent revolution He’s trendy symbol revolution never live regimeTags Che Guevara History Cuba Revolution
The Fake Strongmen of Instagram
The Fake Strongmen of Instagram Fitness model Brad “The Manimal” Castleberry has assembled an army of admirers and hate-followers on Instagram who watch him perform an impossible number of repetitions on the bench, barbell curl, back squat and military press, moving weights so heavy that even a single rep would come close to eclipsing world records. I might go to the gym and deadlift 600 pounds once to impress the bros, but that seems like nothing next to Castleberry pulling 675 pounds for an easy set of 10. Which is basically why Castleberry catches so much shit: “You’re a weak, fake weight lifting bitch,” one of his 753,000 Instagram followers told him recently, echoing a common refrain among commenters. Of course, Castleberry isn’t weak. He’s a bulked-up former community college football player who has completed some impressive box jumps and is almost assuredly stronger than 99 percent of his critics. But he also owes his sizeable online presence to spurious feats of strength that do a disservice to legitimate lifters. On the female side of the ledger, Gracyanne Barbosa, a Brazilian fitness model with 5.9 million Instagram followers, uses fake weights to give off the illusion that she’s performing back squats with high-weight, high-repetition loads that would challenge the brawniest of NFL linemen. Unlike Castleberry, who at least occasionally attempts to simulate intense exertion, Barbosa doesn’t so much as strain under the load of 495 pounds. For people like me, who have logged significant hours in the gym, watching these fraudulent workouts can be galling. What good is bench pressing nearly 400 pounds sans spotter or struggle if someone like Castleberry has at least some gullible people thinking it’s easy to complete a rep at 700? What does that suggest about my two decades of toil? Am I the one who seems like the fraud for simply inhabiting the world of the possible? And for novices who might be interested in exploring the world of heavy-duty training, these strange videos can serve as a major turnoff — the learning curve appears so steep and forbidding that pumping iron is left to the supposed professionals. Neither Castleberry nor Barbosa responded to my repeated requests for comment, which seems to be their standard practice. Barbosa has never actually addressed the allegations against her, though her videos are so unbelievable that there’s probably no reason to do so. Castleberry, however, has occasionally told fans to be quiet and accept the fact that he’s one of the strongest men on Earth. In fact, when YouTuber Kenny K.O. confronted him at the Mr. Olympia fitness convention, he proceeded to rant and rave about his bona fides. “I lift at a billion-dollar company gym,” Castleberry tells K.O. while gesticulating wildly. “You think they’re gonna have fake weights in there? Ask that guy over there, he works there. Are those weights fake? Hey, if you want to start lifting where I lift, come on. I mean, it doesn’t matter what you lift, but it matters how I look. Look at me and look at you, who looks like they can lift eight plates?” Whether Castleberry’s weights are fake or not, the overall barrier to entry to a career in faux feats of strength is relatively low. Fake weight plates and other lightweight devices are readily available for purchase at a host of online outlets. These props have figured prominently in movies (Bruce Willis easily bench-pressing 495 pounds in Unbreakable); muscle magazines (publications such as Flex and Men’s Fitness have used fake weights in their photoshoots for decades); and even pro wrestling (Dino Bravo’s attempt to set a bench press “world record” at the 1988 Royal Rumble). If anything, strongmen performing deceptive lifts is a practice with a long and proud history that goes back centuries. “To understand the kind of fakery today, you need to go back to the 19th century, at which point you have to consider it in relation to the economy of the theater, which was every bit as precarious as it is now,” says Broderick Chow, a professor at Brunel University London and director of the multimedia project Dynamic Tensions: New Masculinities in the Performance of Fitness. “Back then, you were competing against 20 other strength acts for theatrical engagements, which meant you needed to keep intensifying what you did. Fakery became a way of mitigating risk in a totally uncertain economy.” Famous Victorian-era physique star Eugen Sandow, for example, was legitimately strong, but not all of his lifts were on the level — though, neither were those of his contemporaries. As noted in David Chapman’s Sandow the Magnificent, the muscular performer — after whose likeness today’s Mr. Olympia bodybuilding trophy is modeled — even attracted attention to his own strongman routines by exposing the phoniness of his rivals, calling them out as frauds for using lighter barbells and sometimes even rushing the stage to crack open their weights and reveal the tricks of the trade. Nonetheless, Sandow and his competitors realized that if their lifts had to be fixed, assisted or otherwise enhanced to impress the crowds, so be it — the business of being strong would lead you to bankruptcy if it wasn’t first and foremost a business concerned with being seen. Chow points out that Harold Ansorge, a famous weightlifter from the 1930s and 1940s, wrote about this extensively, noting in his guidebook Proper Bent Pressing that “THE DIFFICULTY OF A FEAT DOES NOT NECESSARILY PROVE IT GOOD FOR STAGE WORK” (emphasis Ansorge’s) and adding that strength exhibitions must boast a great deal of “flash” and “action” to wow the spectators. Fitness journalist Anthony Roberts, the author of Anabolic Steroids: Ultimate Research Guide, sees the use of such items as a low-risk, high-reward proposition for people looking to build their social media brands. “It’s rare that anyone is conclusively proven to lie in the court of Instagram, and even when they are, like in the case of the supplement company Shredz photoshopping the pictures it posts of its ‘sponsored athletes,’ the consequences are often quite minimal: At worst, lots of fitness enthusiasts will say hateful stuff about you or your brand in online comments sections,” he says. “I mean, imagine a job résumé that someone could lie on without any future repercussions in terms of your ability to land the job or make the sale,” he continues. “That’s how folks like Brad Castleberry and Gracyanne Barbosa approach Instagram. They lie, get more followers and get more lucrative endorsement deals as a result. In a lot of ways, their deceptions seem to have enhanced the value of their Instagrams.” To underscore the historical nature of his claim, Roberts cites the example of Sri Chinmoy, a slender Indian man with pipe-cleaner arms and a stack-of-dimes neck. Over the years, Chinmoy, an Indian mystic who had risen to fame as a meditation teacher, celibate cult leader and peace activist during the 1970s before reinventing himself in 1985 as a motivational speaker and weightlifter, achieved countless unprecedented feats of strength. They were mainly unprecedented, though, because of how ridiculous they were — when they didn’t involve crazy homemade contraptions, they consisted of lifting circus elephants or groupings of his celebrity followers (a wide swath of fame that stretched from Nelson Mandela to Helen Hunt) from the ground, if just barely. Even people who should’ve known better, like former bodybuilding and powerlifting champion Bill Pearl, were enamored with Chinmoy, who died in 2007 at the age of 76. “Just to support this kind of weight in any way is a miracle, because he isn’t just trying to lift a dumbbell, he’s trying to lift the attitude of the world,” Pearl said when introducing one of Chinmoy’s weightlifting shows in 1999. “Here’s a direct lineage from kayfabe,” Roberts explains. “You look back at the strongman days, or even at wrestling in the carnivals, where outcomes of matches are predetermined, and there’s this obvious connection between exercise performance and deceit. The strength sports have been shrouded in smoke and mirrors since those carnival days, and steroids just made matters even more complicated. If some tough kid can bench 315 pounds in high school, what’s the harm in his starting to say that his max is 30 pounds higher? And once you go down that path, it’s a slippery slope. If you can load a few extra fake weight plates on the bar, and you get a better social media sponsorship for doing so, what’s the harm to you? What’s the danger besides a bunch of people calling you out on Instagram, and what does that matter if you’re getting paid?” For his part, Chinmoy seemed to believe that the authenticity of his unusual lifts paled in comparison to their motivational or inspirational impact on the viewer. “I don’t blame people who suspect my performance,” Chinmoy told the Chicago Tribune in 1991. “My own mind suspects it. How can I blame them? When I think of 7,000 pounds, can you imagine? I can’t imagine someone can be so strong. Yet so many people have seen, and you can show it on the video.” Castleberry made a similar point during his confrontation with Kenny K.O. at Mr. Olympia. Motioning toward the large crowd of onlookers who had gathered around his booth, Castleberry asked, “Who is the realest of all? Ten years of my life doing this, so does it look like I have a body that lets me lift big weights? Look at me! Look at the crowd! Ask them if they think I can lift big weights. Don’t you think they know what I can do? I brought them all here!” He then playfully grabbed K.O. and pulled him close. “See, he gets it,” he told the crowd. “Fuck the haters. You get it. I don’t care if you lift fake weights. People can do whatever they want. But I’m the real deal, I’m the real shit.” Oliver Bateman is a journalist who lives in Pittsburgh. His work has appeared in Matter, The New Republic, The Paris Review, The Atlantic, Teen Vogue and elsewhere. He last wrote about how veganism and CrossFit have redefined pro wrestling’s perfect body type. More muscle:
['Oliver Lee Bateman']
2018-03-27 18:03:57.170000+00:00
['Fitness', 'Instagram', 'Social Media', 'Muscle Building', 'Workout']
Title Fake Strongmen InstagramContent Fake Strongmen Instagram Fitness model Brad “The Manimal” Castleberry assembled army admirer hatefollowers Instagram watch perform impossible number repetition bench barbell curl back squat military press moving weight heavy even single rep would come close eclipsing world record might go gym deadlift 600 pound impress bros seems like nothing next Castleberry pulling 675 pound easy set 10 basically Castleberry catch much shit “You’re weak fake weight lifting bitch” one 753000 Instagram follower told recently echoing common refrain among commenters course Castleberry isn’t weak He’s bulkedup former community college football player completed impressive box jump almost assuredly stronger 99 percent critic also owes sizeable online presence spurious feat strength disservice legitimate lifter female side ledger Gracyanne Barbosa Brazilian fitness model 59 million Instagram follower us fake weight give illusion she’s performing back squat highweight highrepetition load would challenge brawniest NFL linemen Unlike Castleberry least occasionally attempt simulate intense exertion Barbosa doesn’t much strain load 495 pound people like logged significant hour gym watching fraudulent workout galling good bench pressing nearly 400 pound sans spotter struggle someone like Castleberry least gullible people thinking it’s easy complete rep 700 suggest two decade toil one seems like fraud simply inhabiting world possible novice might interested exploring world heavyduty training strange video serve major turnoff — learning curve appears steep forbidding pumping iron left supposed professional Neither Castleberry Barbosa responded repeated request comment seems standard practice Barbosa never actually addressed allegation though video unbelievable there’s probably reason Castleberry however occasionally told fan quiet accept fact he’s one strongest men Earth fact YouTuber Kenny KO confronted Mr Olympia fitness convention proceeded rant rave bona fides “I lift billiondollar company gym” Castleberry tell KO gesticulating wildly “You think they’re gonna fake weight Ask guy work weight fake Hey want start lifting lift come mean doesn’t matter lift matter look Look look look like lift eight plates” Whether Castleberry’s weight fake overall barrier entry career faux feat strength relatively low Fake weight plate lightweight device readily available purchase host online outlet prop figured prominently movie Bruce Willis easily benchpressing 495 pound Unbreakable muscle magazine publication Flex Men’s Fitness used fake weight photoshoots decade even pro wrestling Dino Bravo’s attempt set bench press “world record” 1988 Royal Rumble anything strongman performing deceptive lift practice long proud history go back century “To understand kind fakery today need go back 19th century point consider relation economy theater every bit precarious now” say Broderick Chow professor Brunel University London director multimedia project Dynamic Tensions New Masculinities Performance Fitness “Back competing 20 strength act theatrical engagement meant needed keep intensifying Fakery became way mitigating risk totally uncertain economy” Famous Victorianera physique star Eugen Sandow example legitimately strong lift level — though neither contemporary noted David Chapman’s Sandow Magnificent muscular performer — whose likeness today’s Mr Olympia bodybuilding trophy modeled — even attracted attention strongman routine exposing phoniness rival calling fraud using lighter barbell sometimes even rushing stage crack open weight reveal trick trade Nonetheless Sandow competitor realized lift fixed assisted otherwise enhanced impress crowd — business strong would lead bankruptcy wasn’t first foremost business concerned seen Chow point Harold Ansorge famous weightlifter 1930s 1940s wrote extensively noting guidebook Proper Bent Pressing “THE DIFFICULTY FEAT NECESSARILY PROVE GOOD STAGE WORK” emphasis Ansorge’s adding strength exhibition must boast great deal “flash” “action” wow spectator Fitness journalist Anthony Roberts author Anabolic Steroids Ultimate Research Guide see use item lowrisk highreward proposition people looking build social medium brand “It’s rare anyone conclusively proven lie court Instagram even like case supplement company Shredz photoshopping picture post ‘sponsored athletes’ consequence often quite minimal worst lot fitness enthusiast say hateful stuff brand online comment sections” say “I mean imagine job résumé someone could lie without future repercussion term ability land job make sale” continues “That’s folk like Brad Castleberry Gracyanne Barbosa approach Instagram lie get follower get lucrative endorsement deal result lot way deception seem enhanced value Instagrams” underscore historical nature claim Roberts cite example Sri Chinmoy slender Indian man pipecleaner arm stackofdimes neck year Chinmoy Indian mystic risen fame meditation teacher celibate cult leader peace activist 1970s reinventing 1985 motivational speaker weightlifter achieved countless unprecedented feat strength mainly unprecedented though ridiculous — didn’t involve crazy homemade contraption consisted lifting circus elephant grouping celebrity follower wide swath fame stretched Nelson Mandela Helen Hunt ground barely Even people should’ve known better like former bodybuilding powerlifting champion Bill Pearl enamored Chinmoy died 2007 age 76 “Just support kind weight way miracle isn’t trying lift dumbbell he’s trying lift attitude world” Pearl said introducing one Chinmoy’s weightlifting show 1999 “Here’s direct lineage kayfabe” Roberts explains “You look back strongman day even wrestling carnival outcome match predetermined there’s obvious connection exercise performance deceit strength sport shrouded smoke mirror since carnival day steroid made matter even complicated tough kid bench 315 pound high school what’s harm starting say max 30 pound higher go path it’s slippery slope load extra fake weight plate bar get better social medium sponsorship what’s harm What’s danger besides bunch people calling Instagram matter you’re getting paid” part Chinmoy seemed believe authenticity unusual lift paled comparison motivational inspirational impact viewer “I don’t blame people suspect performance” Chinmoy told Chicago Tribune 1991 “My mind suspect blame think 7000 pound imagine can’t imagine someone strong Yet many people seen show video” Castleberry made similar point confrontation Kenny KO Mr Olympia Motioning toward large crowd onlooker gathered around booth Castleberry asked “Who realest Ten year life look like body let lift big weight Look Look crowd Ask think lift big weight Don’t think know brought here” playfully grabbed KO pulled close “See get it” told crowd “Fuck hater get don’t care lift fake weight People whatever want I’m real deal I’m real shit” Oliver Bateman journalist life Pittsburgh work appeared Matter New Republic Paris Review Atlantic Teen Vogue elsewhere last wrote veganism CrossFit redefined pro wrestling’s perfect body type muscleTags Fitness Instagram Social Media Muscle Building Workout
Is it Okay to Workout While Still Sore from Yesterday’s Workout?
You know that feeling after you’ve trudged through a tough workout and your muscles hurt? That pain is natural and is caused by a release of lactic acid in the muscle. Sometimes that pain doesn’t go away the next day and you’re left wondering whether it’s worth it hit the gym again. There are some factors that help determine whether it is best to take the day off or get right back to it. It’s always important to figure out which category you fall into. Take a Break, or Stick it Out? Evaluate how severe the soreness really is. Is it my legs hurt when I walk bad, or I can’t get out of my chair bad. For the latter, sit out a day or two. If you’re in so much pain that you can’t get out of a chair, how do you expect to be able to perform a squat or lunge correctly? If your goal is to continue to progress, it’s much better to have rest day than to be out of commission because you injured yourself from fitness overload. Listen to your body. And keep in mind, a little soreness is bound to happen. If you’re in pain 12–36 hours after a workout, you may be experiencing “delayed onset muscle soreness” and you most definitely need to give your body a break. It deserves it. It’s been working hard. It’s good to be aware that it’s not the stress on your muscles that makes you stronger, it’s when the muscle are repaired that you see results. When your body takes the time to repair itself, that’s when you’ll see the difference in your body composition. If you are just uncomfortable walking up stairs or just feel the pain when you stretch your arms a certain way, you don’t need to be a baby. In fact, a light workout of the same muscles that are sore can help to increase circulation of the lactic acid and release the tension in the muscles. Definitely, don’t repeat the same, intense workout you previously did. You wouldn’t want to lift heavy, train extreme, or do crazy cardio, but you can still put in a decent workout. A benefit of still putting in a workout, even if its just light, is that you are forming a habit. For some people, taking a couple of days off can easily turn into a week off, then two and before they know it, they’re back at the beginning. If this sounds like you, stay committed to your goals, hit the gym, but take it easy. A light workout is better than no workout. Like what you read? Click on the ❤ to help spread the knowledge! Visit Randox Health for more great life advice!
['Randox Health']
2017-01-12 19:46:21.363000+00:00
['Fitness', 'Health', 'Workout', 'Pain', 'Injury']
Title Okay Workout Still Sore Yesterday’s WorkoutContent know feeling you’ve trudged tough workout muscle hurt pain natural caused release lactic acid muscle Sometimes pain doesn’t go away next day you’re left wondering whether it’s worth hit gym factor help determine whether best take day get right back It’s always important figure category fall Take Break Stick Evaluate severe soreness really leg hurt walk bad can’t get chair bad latter sit day two you’re much pain can’t get chair expect able perform squat lunge correctly goal continue progress it’s much better rest day commission injured fitness overload Listen body keep mind little soreness bound happen you’re pain 12–36 hour workout may experiencing “delayed onset muscle soreness” definitely need give body break deserves It’s working hard It’s good aware it’s stress muscle make stronger it’s muscle repaired see result body take time repair that’s you’ll see difference body composition uncomfortable walking stair feel pain stretch arm certain way don’t need baby fact light workout muscle sore help increase circulation lactic acid release tension muscle Definitely don’t repeat intense workout previously wouldn’t want lift heavy train extreme crazy cardio still put decent workout benefit still putting workout even light forming habit people taking couple day easily turn week two know they’re back beginning sound like stay committed goal hit gym take easy light workout better workout Like read Click ❤ help spread knowledge Visit Randox Health great life adviceTags Fitness Health Workout Pain Injury
How to Get Rid Of Sore Muscles.
How to Get Rid Of Sore Muscles. Got Sore Muscles? Help For Sore Muscles SUBSCRIBE to my channel for videos to help you FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness on facebook and join the positive community to start living your healthiest, happiest life. Having Sore Muscles is common after a workout and its usually a good sign that you are getting stronger. Minor aches and pains are simply indications that muscles are adapting to your fitness regimen. But sometimes sore muscles can throw a kink in your well intentioned workout plans, especially when it hurts to raise your arm above your head. No one is immune from “delayed onset muscle soreness” and learning how to manage sore muscles will help you improve future workouts. Read on for everything you ever wanted to know about sore muscles and the dreaded “muscle hangover”. With these top tips you’ll be able to relieve sore muscles and train smart to get stronger! Sore Muscles 101. Muscle pain explained. What causes sore muscles? Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is the soreness you experience 24 to 48 hours after intense bouts of exercise. DOMS begins with micro-tears that occur inside your muscles during your workout. These micro-tears set off an inflammatory response and your body’s immune system works to repair the damage. This causes swelling and fluid buildup in and around the muscles creating excess pressure which sends an “ouch” signal to your brain. Immediate soreness — the pain you feel after racking the weights or stepping off the spin bike — is likely due to the accumulation of metabolic by-products inside your muscles. When hydrogen ions break away from lactic acid as it enters your blood stream, they trigger pain receptors. But this pain often dissipates 30 minutes post workout when your body flushes out the waste. Good news is that soreness, especially DOMS, doesn’t have to derail your training. Its most often caused by activities that challenge your muscles in new ways they aren’t accustomed to, like starting a new routine or rapidly upping the intensity of your current one. Whats more, the recovery process that occurs within a muscle during an initial bout of soreness helps to protect it from future soreness. That means the same workout performed a few days later wont cause the same degree of soreness, if any. Not only are your muscles becoming stronger and better able to handle the force, the proteins inside your individual muscle cells adapt in such a way that makes them more resistant to damage. The same micro-tears that cause soreness also play a role in building muscle, so it’s practically impossible to prevent soreness entirely. However by carefully following a moderate rate of progression, avoiding extreme changes in your fitness routine, and ensuring adequate recovery between sweat sessions you can reduce your chances of recurring “show-stopping” muscle soreness. How to avoid super sore muscles. Take these steps to improve performance, train smart, and prevent sore muscles from becoming a regular recurrence in your workout routine. Prevent Sore Muscles Before Your Workout FUEL UP with inflammation fighting foods. Eating to aid muscle repair is easier than you think. That’s because the same healthy clean foods you eat to prevent heart disease will help keep post workout pain at bay too. “A heart healthy diet can be considered a muscle recovery diet as well, because both are rich in foods that contain compounds, including antioxidants and essential fatty acids that have been shown to help reduce inflammation.” says Nancy Clark, RD and author of Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition Guidebook. “Make sure not to forget the protein which protects muscles from being broken down. Protein eaten prior to exercise will be ready to be put to use when exercise stops in order to start repairing and building muscle.” says Clark. Combine dark hued fruits or veggies with good for you fats and some protein in a pre-workout meal. Good choices are a bowl of fresh fruit (strawberries, bananas, and kiwi) with non-fat Greek yogurt topped with silvered almonds or a romaine salad topped with blueberries, walnuts, and a drizzle of olive oil. Perform a Dynamic Warmup. Though it may feel good, studies have found that static stretching (holding a position or stretch) before a workout wont reduce soreness later. INSTEAD do a dynamic warm-up where you move your body through functional movements at a lower intensity than your actual workout. A dynamic warmup will enhance blood flow to your working muscles and increase their internal temperature, potentially making them less prone to damage. If cardio is in your daily workout plan, start by doing 5 to 10 minutes of the same activity at a lower intensity like walking or jogging before your run. If you are headed to the weight room try performing one set of each exercise using body weight or 50% of the weight you’ll be lifting that day. Try this dynamic warm up video before your next run, bike ride, or workout to prevent sore muscles. Dynamic Warm Up Exercise Video Dynamic Warm Up Exercise Video Prevent Sore Muscles DURING your Workout Slowly Increase Intensity. One of the most common culprits of soreness is stepping up your program too quickly. Taking a more gradual approach will not only protect you against soreness, it will also help you progress more smoothly. Lifting too much too soon can lead to over-training, which occurs when your muscles don’t have adequate time to recover between workouts. You end up breaking down the muscle more rapidly than it can rebuild itself, which is counter-productive. Avoid this by following the 10 % rule : upping your weights by 10 percent each week once you feel that you can complete all the sets and reps at your current level. The 10% rule is a good guideline, but always make sure to adjust intensity gradually to fit your needs. Keep a log book where you record each workout is an ideal way to make sure you’re consistently boosting your intensity at a rate that will build strength while minimizing soreness. Prep For Circuits. You know that performing circuits has its benefits (saves time, torches calories, boost endurance, to name a few). But if you want to be able to walk a few days from now, ease into them slowly. If your current training program involves bouts of rest between exercises, then you’re giving your muscles time to reabsorb the flood of chemicals that can cause soreness later. But if you’re diving in to a super circuit routine, it can take your body even longer to recover afterwards, because you will be coping with the combination of soreness as a result of challenging your muscles in completely new ways, plus the swamp of chemicals that has accumulated when you scrapped rest between exercises. Your solution: gradually chip away at rest periods. If you currently take 60 seconds to rest between exercises, reduce that time to 45 seconds next week, 30 seconds the following one, and 15 seconds the week after that. Within a month, your body will have learned to move those chemicals out of your system more rapidly, so it can handle the back-to-back exercises in a super circuit without leaving you sidelined with soreness several days afterward. Prevent Sore Muscles After Your Workout Chase Your Workout with Carbs and Protein. “The ideal post-workout, soreness reducing snack contains a ratio of about four parts protein to one part carbohydrate,” says Declan Connolly, PhD, exercise physiologist and director of the Human Performance Lab at the University of Vermont. “Protein helps repair muscle damage, which is essential for reducing soreness. Meanwhile, carbs help your body better absorb protein so it can do its job.” A study of US Marine recruits found that those who supplemented with both protein and carbs after a period of basic training experienced 17 percent less muscle soreness one day after a six-mile full gear hike, compared to a five-percent increase in soreness among the group that supplemented with carbs only. Try a bowl of quinoa or brown rice with chicken, a protein smoothie with whey protein powder, and a piece of fruit. When I’m busy I LOVE mixing up a quick protein smoothie, this is my favorite apple protein smoothie for busy days. Hydrate!!! Your muscle cells need water, so when it comes to recovery, dehydration is one of your biggest enemies. Try to drink one 20–24oz bottle of water for each hour of exercise. Hydrate responsibly! ICE ice baby. The reality is, once your workout is over, the damage is done. But applying ice to the muscle groups you worked the hardest can help blunt the inflammation response to those micro-tears, so you experience less swelling and less pain. Place zip lock ice bags on the top of your muscles for 20 minutes at a time. Take a break for 20 and repeat as much as needed to keep inflammation in check. Super sore? Give your body an ICE BATH. Read my step by step guide on how to take a bath in ICE!! Trust me it works…. Im not crazy, just cold 😉 Epsom Salt Baths. Not a huge fan of the cold? Grab the bubbles and pour yourself a hot bath tub. Epsom salt may sound bogus, but its a technique used by many athletes and gym fanatics use to promote recovery during intense periods of training. Magnesium — the key component of Epsom Salt — performs more functions in more systems of the human body than virtually any other mineral, including regulating the activity of more than 325 enzymes. Medical research indicates that magnesium may reduce inflammation and relieves pain, making it a beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches and fibromyalgia. Soaking in Epsom salt is an inexpensive way to help ease tired, achy bodies so you can revive and enjoy all of your hard training days. Learn all about the benefits of magnesium sulfate and get my much more enjoyable recipe for an Epsom Salt Bath. Massage Sore Muscles On a Foam Roller or yoga tune up therapy balls. Known as the “poor man’s massage” simple myofascial release exercises will help you keep your body healthy in the long term. Foam rolling exercises are great for pre-workout preparation, tune-ups between workouts, and at the end of a hard training day. If you really want to prevent DOMS from derailing your workouts, rolling your muscles for 10 minutes can reduce post-exercise soreness by 30 percent. Read my Foam Rolling Guide or try any of my quick foam rolling videos on youtube below. Now go get yourself on a foam roller and work out the kinks in your sore muscles!! Foam Rolling Massage Exercise Playlist Sore Muscle Q&A: “How can I tell the difference between soreness and a strain?” IF words such as “throbbing”, “stabbing”, or “popping” enter your vocabulary while working out, you may have strained a muscle. Another sign of a strain (which is a large muscle tear): the pain persists even when you stop doing the activity or lasts consistently for longer than a few days. Soreness that occurs during a workout, however feels uncomfortable, but the pain should let up when you stop. If you think you may have strained a muscle, stop what you are doing immediately and see your doctor. “If I am sore after yesterdays workout, can I still exercise today?” Yes, but with some adjustments. If you are resistance training, its recommended not to exercise the same muscle groups on two consecutive days. If you’re feeling sore, perform a low-intensity activity, such as walking, yoga, or swimming. These activities will help temporarily relieve stiffness and it will feel good to get your body moving to shake off the sore muscles. “If I don’t feel sore after a workout, did I not work hard enough?” I recently went off on a rather funny rant on this fitness myth. This is a common misconception. You dont need to feel sore to experience strength and other performance gains. While tiny muscle tears are an inevitable consequence of working out, if you increase your intensity at an appropriate rate, it will help reduce your chances of experiencing significant soreness. I hope these videos and suggestions can be helpful resources for you in getting rid of Sore Muscles and feeling your very best. Bookmark and save this page for those work days where your need some sore muscle T.L.C. If you liked these videos, please hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more content to help you feel your best. And if you know someone who could benefit from this post, please share it with them. Everyone deserves to feel good and live in health. I encourage you to EASE intro a stronger, more fit you. Take the time to develop a well-rounded, balanced workout program that gradually builds your strength, cardio, and flexibility. DON’T seek soreness. Look instead to build a quality fitness program that gets you results for the long term. Train smarter and you will get stronger! Here’s to you and a healthy, active lifestyle. Caroline My mission is to empower feel good fitness inside and out. I am here to be of service in your wellness and help you get your mind, body, and spirit in shape so you can love your life. Lets work together and live well. Contact me at carolinejordanfitness@gmail.com Want to build a balanced body? Check out my book, Balanced Body Breakthrough and get your mind, body, and spirit in great shape so you can love your life.
['Caroline Jordan']
2017-02-17 19:35:17.830000+00:00
['Fitness', 'Health', 'Wellbeing', 'Exercise', 'Workout']
Title Get Rid Sore MusclesContent Get Rid Sore Muscles Got Sore Muscles Help Sore Muscles SUBSCRIBE channel video help FEEL GOOD LIKE Caroline Jordan Fitness facebook join positive community start living healthiest happiest life Sore Muscles common workout usually good sign getting stronger Minor ache pain simply indication muscle adapting fitness regimen sometimes sore muscle throw kink well intentioned workout plan especially hurt raise arm head one immune “delayed onset muscle soreness” learning manage sore muscle help improve future workout Read everything ever wanted know sore muscle dreaded “muscle hangover” top tip you’ll able relieve sore muscle train smart get stronger Sore Muscles 101 Muscle pain explained cause sore muscle Delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS soreness experience 24 48 hour intense bout exercise DOMS begin microtears occur inside muscle workout microtears set inflammatory response body’s immune system work repair damage cause swelling fluid buildup around muscle creating excess pressure sends “ouch” signal brain Immediate soreness — pain feel racking weight stepping spin bike — likely due accumulation metabolic byproduct inside muscle hydrogen ion break away lactic acid enters blood stream trigger pain receptor pain often dissipates 30 minute post workout body flush waste Good news soreness especially DOMS doesn’t derail training often caused activity challenge muscle new way aren’t accustomed like starting new routine rapidly upping intensity current one Whats recovery process occurs within muscle initial bout soreness help protect future soreness mean workout performed day later wont cause degree soreness muscle becoming stronger better able handle force protein inside individual muscle cell adapt way make resistant damage microtears cause soreness also play role building muscle it’s practically impossible prevent soreness entirely However carefully following moderate rate progression avoiding extreme change fitness routine ensuring adequate recovery sweat session reduce chance recurring “showstopping” muscle soreness avoid super sore muscle Take step improve performance train smart prevent sore muscle becoming regular recurrence workout routine Prevent Sore Muscles Workout FUEL inflammation fighting food Eating aid muscle repair easier think That’s healthy clean food eat prevent heart disease help keep post workout pain bay “A heart healthy diet considered muscle recovery diet well rich food contain compound including antioxidant essential fatty acid shown help reduce inflammation” say Nancy Clark RD author Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition Guidebook “Make sure forget protein protects muscle broken Protein eaten prior exercise ready put use exercise stop order start repairing building muscle” say Clark Combine dark hued fruit veggie good fat protein preworkout meal Good choice bowl fresh fruit strawberry banana kiwi nonfat Greek yogurt topped silvered almond romaine salad topped blueberry walnut drizzle olive oil Perform Dynamic Warmup Though may feel good study found static stretching holding position stretch workout wont reduce soreness later INSTEAD dynamic warmup move body functional movement lower intensity actual workout dynamic warmup enhance blood flow working muscle increase internal temperature potentially making le prone damage cardio daily workout plan start 5 10 minute activity lower intensity like walking jogging run headed weight room try performing one set exercise using body weight 50 weight you’ll lifting day Try dynamic warm video next run bike ride workout prevent sore muscle Dynamic Warm Exercise Video Dynamic Warm Exercise Video Prevent Sore Muscles Workout Slowly Increase Intensity One common culprit soreness stepping program quickly Taking gradual approach protect soreness also help progress smoothly Lifting much soon lead overtraining occurs muscle don’t adequate time recover workout end breaking muscle rapidly rebuild counterproductive Avoid following 10 rule upping weight 10 percent week feel complete set rep current level 10 rule good guideline always make sure adjust intensity gradually fit need Keep log book record workout ideal way make sure you’re consistently boosting intensity rate build strength minimizing soreness Prep Circuits know performing circuit benefit save time torch calorie boost endurance name want able walk day ease slowly current training program involves bout rest exercise you’re giving muscle time reabsorb flood chemical cause soreness later you’re diving super circuit routine take body even longer recover afterwards coping combination soreness result challenging muscle completely new way plus swamp chemical accumulated scrapped rest exercise solution gradually chip away rest period currently take 60 second rest exercise reduce time 45 second next week 30 second following one 15 second week Within month body learned move chemical system rapidly handle backtoback exercise super circuit without leaving sidelined soreness several day afterward Prevent Sore Muscles Workout Chase Workout Carbs Protein “The ideal postworkout soreness reducing snack contains ratio four part protein one part carbohydrate” say Declan Connolly PhD exercise physiologist director Human Performance Lab University Vermont “Protein help repair muscle damage essential reducing soreness Meanwhile carbs help body better absorb protein job” study US Marine recruit found supplemented protein carbs period basic training experienced 17 percent le muscle soreness one day sixmile full gear hike compared fivepercent increase soreness among group supplemented carbs Try bowl quinoa brown rice chicken protein smoothie whey protein powder piece fruit I’m busy LOVE mixing quick protein smoothie favorite apple protein smoothie busy day Hydrate muscle cell need water come recovery dehydration one biggest enemy Try drink one 20–24oz bottle water hour exercise Hydrate responsibly ICE ice baby reality workout damage done applying ice muscle group worked hardest help blunt inflammation response microtears experience le swelling le pain Place zip lock ice bag top muscle 20 minute time Take break 20 repeat much needed keep inflammation check Super sore Give body ICE BATH Read step step guide take bath ICE Trust works… Im crazy cold 😉 Epsom Salt Baths huge fan cold Grab bubble pour hot bath tub Epsom salt may sound bogus technique used many athlete gym fanatic use promote recovery intense period training Magnesium — key component Epsom Salt — performs function system human body virtually mineral including regulating activity 325 enzyme Medical research indicates magnesium may reduce inflammation relief pain making beneficial treatment sore muscle bronchial asthma migraine headache fibromyalgia Soaking Epsom salt inexpensive way help ease tired achy body revive enjoy hard training day Learn benefit magnesium sulfate get much enjoyable recipe Epsom Salt Bath Massage Sore Muscles Foam Roller yoga tune therapy ball Known “poor man’s massage” simple myofascial release exercise help keep body healthy long term Foam rolling exercise great preworkout preparation tuneups workout end hard training day really want prevent DOMS derailing workout rolling muscle 10 minute reduce postexercise soreness 30 percent Read Foam Rolling Guide try quick foam rolling video youtube go get foam roller work kink sore muscle Foam Rolling Massage Exercise Playlist Sore Muscle QA “How tell difference soreness strain” word “throbbing” “stabbing” “popping” enter vocabulary working may strained muscle Another sign strain large muscle tear pain persists even stop activity last consistently longer day Soreness occurs workout however feel uncomfortable pain let stop think may strained muscle stop immediately see doctor “If sore yesterday workout still exercise today” Yes adjustment resistance training recommended exercise muscle group two consecutive day you’re feeling sore perform lowintensity activity walking yoga swimming activity help temporarily relieve stiffness feel good get body moving shake sore muscle “If don’t feel sore workout work hard enough” recently went rather funny rant fitness myth common misconception dont need feel sore experience strength performance gain tiny muscle tear inevitable consequence working increase intensity appropriate rate help reduce chance experiencing significant soreness hope video suggestion helpful resource getting rid Sore Muscles feeling best Bookmark save page work day need sore muscle TLC liked video please hit LIKE SUBSCRIBE channel content help feel best know someone could benefit post please share Everyone deserves feel good live health encourage EASE intro stronger fit Take time develop wellrounded balanced workout program gradually build strength cardio flexibility DON’T seek soreness Look instead build quality fitness program get result long term Train smarter get stronger Here’s healthy active lifestyle Caroline mission empower feel good fitness inside service wellness help get mind body spirit shape love life Lets work together live well Contact carolinejordanfitnessgmailcom Want build balanced body Check book Balanced Body Breakthrough get mind body spirit great shape love lifeTags Fitness Health Wellbeing Exercise Workout
Top Ten Stan Lee Marvel Cameos
Top Ten Stan Lee Marvel Cameos The world lost an everyday superhero when Stan Lee passed away on November 12. But his legacy lives on through his stories and characters that he created, as well as his cameos in the franchise that he built. Heather Heywood Dec 13, 2018·6 min read Stan Lee is best known for his contributions to Marvel Comics and the creation of the world’s favorite superheroes, including Spider-Man, Captain America, The X-Men, etc. Stan Lee was a writer ahead of his time, creating complex heroes and villains that aren’t the perfect archetypes of good and evil. “One of the things we try to demonstrate in our yarns is that nobody is all good, or all bad. Even a shoddy super-villain can have a redeeming trait, just as any howlin’ hero might have his nutty hang-ups,” Lee wrote in a column for Marvel’s March 1969 issues. Lee had a knack for giving heroes realistic traits that allowed audiences to relate more to them. Tony Stark is a narcissist with an obsession of making his deceased father proud. Steve Rogers was just a scrawny guy that wanted to make a difference but was sorely underestimated. Bruce Banner is the victim of an experiment gone wrong and suffers an internal struggle because of the monster he’s become. Peter Parker is just a nerdy kid in high school with extraordinary abilities. All of these characters aren’t the picture perfect Superman type that were commonplace in protagonists. They had their flaws and showed comic readers everywhere that anybody could be a hero. Stan Lee went against the curve and took risks, no matter what was widely accepted at the time. This is a man who introduced the world to Black Panther, the king and protector of an African nation, in 1966, a time where segregation and the civil rights movement were heightened. Stan Lee was a creative genius that will forever be remembered through the stories he has created and with his characters that have won over the world. He has made his mark in each of the Marvel films by having a cameo in every one, a trademark that became an anticipated piece of the franchise. To honor Stan Lee’s memory, here is my list of the Top Ten Stan Lee cameos. 10. Ant-Man and the Wasp In the midst of an epic car chase and a race against time, The Wasp is throwing out shrinking discs to throw off their foes as they attempt to obtain the shrunken science lab and to get it back to full-size before Hank Pym and Janet Van-Dyne return from the Quantum Realm. One shrinking disc happens to hit a bystander’s car as he is about to unlock the door. Cue a hilarious quip from Stan Lee, the bystander, remarking that the 60’s were fun, but now he’s paying for it. 9. Avengers: Infinity War As Thanos’s crew arrives in New York City, a bus full of high school students marvels (pun intended) at the space ship descending from the skies, as Peter Parker realizes he needs to jump into action as Spider-Man and readies himself to make a quiet exit from the bus. Stan Lee, the bus driver, expresses that the students should be used to this alien activity, poking fun at how unsurprising this should be after the many unexpected events that have occurred to the everyday citizens in the Marvel Universe. 8. Captain America: Winter Soldier In order to stop HYDRA, Steve Rogers needs to take out the helicarriers that will be used to take out certain individuals who are threats against the terrorist organization. But Steve Rogers is without his Captain America suit. Luckily, in the Smithsonian Captain America exhibit, Steve is able to “borrow” a replica of the suit he wore in WWII. The poor Smithsonian security guard, played by Stan Lee, realizes he may very well be out of a job upon realizing that the suit is gone. 7. Spider-Man: Homecoming To get to know the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the audience gets to see a montage of Spidey helping out with seemingly mundane problems around Queens. He mistakes a car owner for a car thief, webbing his hand stuck to the car and setting off the car alarm. This spawns an argument between the car owner and a few of his neighbors, one of whom is Stan Lee, who tells off a panicked Spider-Man… that punk. 6. Thor: Ragnarok After being captured in Saskaar, Thor is sold as a gladiator to the Grandmaster and will be forced to compete in the Contest of Champions against his old buddy, Hulk. But to be a gladiator, you need the right look. Thanks to a barber, Stan Lee, Thor looks ready for battle. Though the barber’s hands aren’t as steady as they used to be. 5. Captain America: Civil War After an epic battle between most of the Avengers and a subsequent confrontation with a trusted ally, Tony Stark helps his best friend, James Rhodes, recover after a nearly fatal fall from the sky during the battle. Tony then receives a package from the FedEx Delivery man, Stan Lee, who hilariously butcher’s Tony’s name. Will the real Tony Stank please stand up? 4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 While Rocket, Groot, and Yondu jump through space to join up with the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy, they pass over a group, supposedly The Watchers, listening to an informant describing his past adventures as a FedEx delivery man. Who would that informant be? None other than Stan Lee. At the end of the credits, the other Watchers are leaving the informant as he tells them he has so many more stories to tell. The Watchers are an alien race in the Marvel Universe that seek to understand and compile all knowledge. Not only does this scene hint at their appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it also suggests that all of Stan Lee’s cameos are linked together in continuity, rather than being seemingly random. 3. Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers celebrate a victory with a swanky party at the Avengers headquarter skyscraper in New York City, formerly Stark Tower. Thor introduces some Asgardian liquor, boasting that “it is not for mortal men.” Stan Lee plays a WWII veteran attending the party, who makes the mistake of thinking he can best the foreign liquor. It turns out Thor was right after two other veterans are carrying Stan Lee out of the party, who is clearly inebriated and saying, “Excelsior.” This cameo is great because it’s a tribute to Stan Lee’s catchphrase: Excelsior, which means “higher” in Latin. Stan Lee explained the meaning behind his catchphrase at a Comic Con, “I used to have a lot of expressions that I would end my comic book columns with: Hang Loose, Face Front, ‘Nuff Said, and I found that the competition was always imitating them and using them. So, I said I’m going to get one expression that they’re not going to know what it means, and they won’t know how to spell it. And that’s where excelsior came from, and they never did take up on it, thank goodness.” 2. The Amazing Spider-Man The Lizard discovers Spider-Man’s true identity, following him to his high school, which erupts into an epic battle. The fight moves into the library, where an oblivious librarian, Stan Lee, is unaware of the fight due to having some very powerful headphones on. The librarian peacefully goes about his job while this huge fight between a lizard man and a high schooler with spider powers are fighting it out right behind him. This cameo is so hilarious and memorable, it has to be at the top of this list. 1. Thor The Stan Lee cameo that I believe to the best of them all is his appearance in Thor. Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, plummets to the Earth, creating a massive crater on impact. Only he who possesses the power of Thor can pick up the hammer. So when a hoard of local residents discovers the hammer, it turns into a King Arthur-esque game to see who can pull the hammer from its resting place. A group of locals concoct a plan to tie a chain around Mjölnir and tying the other end of the chain to the bed of a pickup truck. The pickup truck floors it at full speed, the hammer still not budging. After a few more tries, the bed of the truck completely rips off. Come to find out, the truck driver is Stan Lee, who peers out the window, optimistically asking if it worked. This is one scene that I always look forward to in Thor.
['Heather Heywood']
2021-07-26 21:56:50.542000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Rankings', 'Superheroes', 'Film']
Title Top Ten Stan Lee Marvel CameosContent Top Ten Stan Lee Marvel Cameos world lost everyday superhero Stan Lee passed away November 12 legacy life story character created well cameo franchise built Heather Heywood Dec 13 2018·6 min read Stan Lee best known contribution Marvel Comics creation world’s favorite superheroes including SpiderMan Captain America XMen etc Stan Lee writer ahead time creating complex hero villain aren’t perfect archetype good evil “One thing try demonstrate yarn nobody good bad Even shoddy supervillain redeeming trait howlin’ hero might nutty hangups” Lee wrote column Marvel’s March 1969 issue Lee knack giving hero realistic trait allowed audience relate Tony Stark narcissist obsession making deceased father proud Steve Rogers scrawny guy wanted make difference sorely underestimated Bruce Banner victim experiment gone wrong suffers internal struggle monster he’s become Peter Parker nerdy kid high school extraordinary ability character aren’t picture perfect Superman type commonplace protagonist flaw showed comic reader everywhere anybody could hero Stan Lee went curve took risk matter widely accepted time man introduced world Black Panther king protector African nation 1966 time segregation civil right movement heightened Stan Lee creative genius forever remembered story created character world made mark Marvel film cameo every one trademark became anticipated piece franchise honor Stan Lee’s memory list Top Ten Stan Lee cameo 10 AntMan Wasp midst epic car chase race time Wasp throwing shrinking disc throw foe attempt obtain shrunken science lab get back fullsize Hank Pym Janet VanDyne return Quantum Realm One shrinking disc happens hit bystander’s car unlock door Cue hilarious quip Stan Lee bystander remarking 60’s fun he’s paying 9 Avengers Infinity War Thanos’s crew arrives New York City bus full high school student marvel pun intended space ship descending sky Peter Parker realizes need jump action SpiderMan ready make quiet exit bus Stan Lee bus driver express student used alien activity poking fun unsurprising many unexpected event occurred everyday citizen Marvel Universe 8 Captain America Winter Soldier order stop HYDRA Steve Rogers need take helicarriers used take certain individual threat terrorist organization Steve Rogers without Captain America suit Luckily Smithsonian Captain America exhibit Steve able “borrow” replica suit wore WWII poor Smithsonian security guard played Stan Lee realizes may well job upon realizing suit gone 7 SpiderMan Homecoming get know Friendly Neighborhood SpiderMan audience get see montage Spidey helping seemingly mundane problem around Queens mistake car owner car thief webbing hand stuck car setting car alarm spawn argument car owner neighbor one Stan Lee tell panicked SpiderMan… punk 6 Thor Ragnarok captured Saskaar Thor sold gladiator Grandmaster forced compete Contest Champions old buddy Hulk gladiator need right look Thanks barber Stan Lee Thor look ready battle Though barber’s hand aren’t steady used 5 Captain America Civil War epic battle Avengers subsequent confrontation trusted ally Tony Stark help best friend James Rhodes recover nearly fatal fall sky battle Tony receives package FedEx Delivery man Stan Lee hilariously butcher’s Tony’s name real Tony Stank please stand 4 Guardians Galaxy Vol 2 Rocket Groot Yondu jump space join rest Guardians Galaxy pas group supposedly Watchers listening informant describing past adventure FedEx delivery man would informant None Stan Lee end credit Watchers leaving informant tell many story tell Watchers alien race Marvel Universe seek understand compile knowledge scene hint appearance Marvel Cinematic Universe also suggests Stan Lee’s cameo linked together continuity rather seemingly random 3 Avengers Age Ultron Avengers celebrate victory swanky party Avengers headquarter skyscraper New York City formerly Stark Tower Thor introduces Asgardian liquor boasting “it mortal men” Stan Lee play WWII veteran attending party make mistake thinking best foreign liquor turn Thor right two veteran carrying Stan Lee party clearly inebriated saying “Excelsior” cameo great it’s tribute Stan Lee’s catchphrase Excelsior mean “higher” Latin Stan Lee explained meaning behind catchphrase Comic Con “I used lot expression would end comic book column Hang Loose Face Front ‘Nuff Said found competition always imitating using said I’m going get one expression they’re going know mean won’t know spell that’s excelsior came never take thank goodness” 2 Amazing SpiderMan Lizard discovers SpiderMan’s true identity following high school erupts epic battle fight move library oblivious librarian Stan Lee unaware fight due powerful headphone librarian peacefully go job huge fight lizard man high schooler spider power fighting right behind cameo hilarious memorable top list 1 Thor Stan Lee cameo believe best appearance Thor Thor’s hammer Mjölnir plummet Earth creating massive crater impact posse power Thor pick hammer hoard local resident discovers hammer turn King Arthuresque game see pull hammer resting place group local concoct plan tie chain around Mjölnir tying end chain bed pickup truck pickup truck floor full speed hammer still budging try bed truck completely rip Come find truck driver Stan Lee peer window optimistically asking worked one scene always look forward ThorTags Movies Marvel Rankings Superheroes Film
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Power Rankings
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a huge cast of both Spider-People and villains, all of which have to share the screen time as they try to make their mark. However, in this movie some people managed to accomplish their goals and make a larger impact. So, this is my power rankings of the major heroes and villains of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and be warned, I will be spoiling the movie. But honestly, if you haven’t already seen it, what are you even doing with yourself? 13. Tombstone Tombstone isn’t a huge part of the movie, but he shows up with enough frequency to constitute him being on this list, even if it is at number 13. In almost every scene he’s in, Tombstone either isn’t doing anything, or is getting beat up. He gets knocked down by Aunt May with a baseball bat, and is quickly defeated when fighting Spider-Man Noir. Honestly, nobody expected Tombstone to be threatening, so he at least he can take solace in that. That is, if he isn’t dead of course. 12. Green Goblin Speaking of dead, the Green Goblin most definitely is. However, he did do more than Tombstone, as he was the main reason why Peter Parker died. He may have been killed in an explosion, but he did almost kill Spider-Man all on his own, which is better than anything Tombstone did. 11. Prowler Prowler, while a great character who is important to Miles’ character, doesn’t actually do too much when he’s alive. As the Prowler he helps delay Spider-Man from stopping the Collider, and does almost get the Goober in the fight in Aunt May’s house. However, as he found out that Miles was Spider-Man, he was shot in the back by Kingpin. Just before he died though, he gave Miles his Uncle Ben moment, which helped push Miles to keep going. 10. Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Into the Spider-Verse starts with a traditional Peter Parker intro (mimicking the Sam Raimi films), but before the first act has finished Peter’s been killed by Kingpin after trying to save New York. However, he managed to outlive Green Goblin, as well as pass the goober onto Miles, moving forward the key to saving the day. 9. Scorpion Scorpion is a minor villain, and really only shows up in the fight at Aunt May’s and in the collider room. However, in those two fights, especially the latter, he manages to make his mark. In the first fight he holds his own against multiple Spider-People. However, in the second fight he destroys SP//DR (Peni’s robot), but gets beaten by the power of a pig and an anime girl. 8. Spider-Man Noir Spider-Man Noir is Spider-Man, but from the Great Depression. As such he doesn’t take flack from anyone, which is why he’s a standout in fights, even if he does get a bit intense. This can be seen in both the fight at Aunt May’s, and because he takes out Tombstone at the very beginning of the final fight. However, he wasn’t able to use his greatest weapons, those being guns, as they had to keep the rating lower on the movie. 7. Spider-Ham When thinking about the alternate Spider-Men who would be great in fights, you might not first think of Spider-Ham. But he has the advantage of cartoon physics, which make him practically a God. He shows this in both the May fight, and by almost single handedly taking out Scorpion, who is a much more menacing villain than Tombstone. It could also be said that his anvil was the thing that truly destroyed the Collider at the end. 6. Doc Ock Into the Spider-Verse puts a new spin on the classic villain of Doctor Octopus, and that’s by making Doc Ock a woman. However, she does have a major importance to the story, that being that she built the collider that kicks off the entire story. This instantly pushes her forward in the list, but she’s also a formidable enemy besides that. Multiple times she gives the Spiders a run for their money, and easily holds off Tombstone at one point, but that’s not really an accomplishment. Doc Ock could have been even more of a threat if she hadn’t been hit by a bus in the final battle. 5. Peni Parker While the other alternate Spider-People showed a lot of fighting prowess, Peni Parker helped in both fighting and actually stopping the Collider. She remade the goober from Doc Ock’s hard drive, as well has helped figure out the schematics to get into Fisk Tower and down to the Collider. Peni also did manage to land the final hit on Scorpion, who had destroyed the SP//DR robot. 4. Kingpin Kingpin takes the place of main villain, and while not as great as his Netflix counterpart, does manage to make his mark and have somewhat sympathetic motivations. But, he’s not this high on the list because of character motivations, he’s this high because he’s a good villain. He kills Spider-Man with his bare hands, and shoots the Prowler in the back when he gets betrayed. Kingpin also almost kills Miles at the end of the movie, but he gets defeated by Prowler’s signature move, the shoulder touch. 3. Spider-Gwen Gwen Stacy is a huge part of why the Spider Gang manages to succeed, because without her, Peter and Miles wouldn’t have gotten Doc Ock’s hard drive to make a new goober. She proves her worth in fights by not only fending off enemies like Doc Ock, but also by helping get the team back on track when they get scattered. Gwen also helps motivate Miles, and by the end of the movie they’ve built up a great friendship that will no doubt be expanded on in the sequel. 2. Spider-Man (Peter B. Parker) While Gwen may have helped Miles at points, his teacher was the alternate universe Peter Parker. His teaching methods may not be the best, but not only does he help teach Miles how to be Spider-Man, he learns a few things himself, mostly how to be a real hero again. In the final fight scene of the movie he’s willing to stay and sacrifice himself to help defeat Kingpin after already fighting off other villains including Doc Ock. But, he doesn’t get the chance, due to the number one character. 1. Miles Morales Yes, Miles Morales is the best character in the movie, and that is mostly because it’s his movie. He goes from regular kid to superhero in the span of a few days. At the start of his career though, he’s not that great, and mostly just brute forces situations to get through, such as stealing Doc Ock’s entire hard drive. However, by the end of the movie he’s become a true Spider-Man, swooping in to save the day and send all the other Spider-People home. He then goes one on one with Kingpin, and manages to not just win, but win by something his late Uncle taught him, the shoulder touch, which helps truly cement Kingpin’s defeat. The movie ends with Miles fully confident in his new role as Spider-Man.
['Logan Busbee']
2018-12-22 02:15:01.777000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Spider Man', 'Movies', 'Comics', 'Animation']
Title SpiderMan SpiderVerse Power RankingsContent SpiderMan SpiderVerse huge cast SpiderPeople villain share screen time try make mark However movie people managed accomplish goal make larger impact power ranking major hero villain SpiderMan SpiderVerse warned spoiling movie honestly haven’t already seen even 13 Tombstone Tombstone isn’t huge part movie show enough frequency constitute list even number 13 almost every scene he’s Tombstone either isn’t anything getting beat get knocked Aunt May baseball bat quickly defeated fighting SpiderMan Noir Honestly nobody expected Tombstone threatening least take solace isn’t dead course 12 Green Goblin Speaking dead Green Goblin definitely However Tombstone main reason Peter Parker died may killed explosion almost kill SpiderMan better anything Tombstone 11 Prowler Prowler great character important Miles’ character doesn’t actually much he’s alive Prowler help delay SpiderMan stopping Collider almost get Goober fight Aunt May’s house However found Miles SpiderMan shot back Kingpin died though gave Miles Uncle Ben moment helped push Miles keep going 10 SpiderMan Peter Parker SpiderVerse start traditional Peter Parker intro mimicking Sam Raimi film first act finished Peter’s killed Kingpin trying save New York However managed outlive Green Goblin well pas goober onto Miles moving forward key saving day 9 Scorpion Scorpion minor villain really show fight Aunt May’s collider room However two fight especially latter manages make mark first fight hold multiple SpiderPeople However second fight destroys SPDR Peni’s robot get beaten power pig anime girl 8 SpiderMan Noir SpiderMan Noir SpiderMan Great Depression doesn’t take flack anyone he’s standout fight even get bit intense seen fight Aunt May’s take Tombstone beginning final fight However wasn’t able use greatest weapon gun keep rating lower movie 7 SpiderHam thinking alternate SpiderMen would great fight might first think SpiderHam advantage cartoon physic make practically God show May fight almost single handedly taking Scorpion much menacing villain Tombstone could also said anvil thing truly destroyed Collider end 6 Doc Ock SpiderVerse put new spin classic villain Doctor Octopus that’s making Doc Ock woman However major importance story built collider kick entire story instantly push forward list she’s also formidable enemy besides Multiple time give Spiders run money easily hold Tombstone one point that’s really accomplishment Doc Ock could even threat hadn’t hit bus final battle 5 Peni Parker alternate SpiderPeople showed lot fighting prowess Peni Parker helped fighting actually stopping Collider remade goober Doc Ock’s hard drive well helped figure schematic get Fisk Tower Collider Peni also manage land final hit Scorpion destroyed SPDR robot 4 Kingpin Kingpin take place main villain great Netflix counterpart manage make mark somewhat sympathetic motivation he’s high list character motivation he’s high he’s good villain kill SpiderMan bare hand shoot Prowler back get betrayed Kingpin also almost kill Miles end movie get defeated Prowler’s signature move shoulder touch 3 SpiderGwen Gwen Stacy huge part Spider Gang manages succeed without Peter Miles wouldn’t gotten Doc Ock’s hard drive make new goober prof worth fight fending enemy like Doc Ock also helping get team back track get scattered Gwen also help motivate Miles end movie they’ve built great friendship doubt expanded sequel 2 SpiderMan Peter B Parker Gwen may helped Miles point teacher alternate universe Peter Parker teaching method may best help teach Miles SpiderMan learns thing mostly real hero final fight scene movie he’s willing stay sacrifice help defeat Kingpin already fighting villain including Doc Ock doesn’t get chance due number one character 1 Miles Morales Yes Miles Morales best character movie mostly it’s movie go regular kid superhero span day start career though he’s great mostly brute force situation get stealing Doc Ock’s entire hard drive However end movie he’s become true SpiderMan swooping save day send SpiderPeople home go one one Kingpin manages win win something late Uncle taught shoulder touch help truly cement Kingpin’s defeat movie end Miles fully confident new role SpiderManTags Marvel Spider Man Movies Comics Animation
Angie and the “Ice”: A Story About the Daughter of Agents Carter and Sousa
May 11, 1967 “There you go, good, good” Dad encouraged me as I performed a few new moves I had learned on the punching bag. “I think you’ve gotten the hang of this” he smiled. “Well I am my mother’s daughter after all,” I smirked as I removed the punching gloves and placed them on the outside table. “Hey, you’re my daughter too ya know,” he nudged me as best he could with his crutch. “Oh right, how on earth did I forget that?” I nudged back and smiled. We walked back inside to see Mum sat on the couch flipping through important files. She didn’t even look up from her work before verbally acknowledging our presence with “what’s this I hear about a supposed mother’s daughter?” “Our daughter claims she inherited all her good traits from you,” Dad faked a sorrowful face as he sauntered into the kitchen. “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case,” Mum looked at me and smiled, a slight glimmer in her eye. I started to laugh as Dad poked his head in from the kitchen, “Hey, watch it you two. Now, what does everyone want for lunch?” “I’ll take a ham and cheese toastie please,” I smiled at him. “Make that two Daniel,” Mum added as she brought her head back down to observe her files. “What kind of case are you working on now Mum?” I asked as I sat down on the couch next to her. “A petty crime in comparison to some of the other’s I’ve dealt with, but a case is a case,” she sighed as she closed the folder and placed it on the coffee table. “Anything I can help with?” I asked sincerely as she finally looked up at me. “As I’ve told you before, you’re not ready to enter the world of field work just yet darling”. “Yes, you’ve been saying that for the past seven years,” I sighed in frustration, “I’m going to go change”. “All right dear,” Mum gave me a tight-lipped smile. I stomped as lightly as I could up to my room and just as I was about to close the door, I heard the doorbell ring. “Dr. Wilkes, to what do we owe the pleasure?” I heard Mum ask with obvious confusion in her voice. I kept my distance but listened in as hard as I could. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you and I was in the area so I decided I would stop by,” he stated nonchalantly. Dad came out from the kitchen and joined Mum at the front door, “Dr. Wilkes, not to sound rude, but I never thought I’d see you again”. “Agent Sousa,” Dr. Wilkes sighed in confusion, “I’m sorry, what is he doing here?” He looked at Mum with a questioning glance. “Jason surely you remember my husband, Daniel” Mum furrowed her brow slightly as she reached out to grab Dad’s arm. “Husband? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you two were married,” Dr. Wilkes frowned but tried not to show it. “Yeah for about 16 years now, is there something we can do for you Dr. Wilkes?” Dad rushed through the second half. “Can I talk to Peggy, alone, for a minute?” Dr. Wilkes narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. “Of course,” Mum turned to Dad and whispered so Jason couldn’t hear, “can you go make sure Angie’s all right? I’ll be back in a minute,” she smiled slightly, as if she was trying to reassure him. “Yeah, just holler if you need anything,” Dad readjusted his weight on his crutch and started coming toward the stairs as Mum and this man I had only heard about stepped out. “Angie, hunny is everything ok?” Dad called from the bottom of the stairs. I closed my door over before answering, “Yes Dad, I’m just changing out of training clothes”. “When you’re done do you want to help me make lunch?” “Sure Dad, I’ll be right down,” I tried to make my smile as audible as possible. After I changed, I made my way back downstairs and to the kitchen. Dad was trying his hardest to let whatever was happening outside happen without interrupting while also making us all the lunches we asked for. It really was sweet how much he cared for Mum, but we both knew she could handle herself just fine. “Dad, are you okay?” I asked as I stood in the doorway. He jumped a little before looking back over his shoulder, “Yeah, do you mind getting the ham out of the fridge?” He tried to maintain eye contact, but he couldn’t help glancing between me and Mum and Dr. Wilkes. I walked closer to put a hand on his shoulder, “Dad, we both know Mum is perfectly capable of handling whatever Dr. Wilkes is really here for,” I gave him a reassuring smile. “Well one of the last times the three of us were together he held your mother at gun point so my apologies if I’m not completely trusting,” he sighed. “I didn’t mean to cross any lines,” I frowned as I grabbed the requested ham from the fridge. “No Angie, it’s not you, I’m just a little on edge is all,” he looked at me with a soft smile. “I know Dad. Here, why don’t you sit down? I can finish the lunch orders”. Outside “How is everything going at Stark Industries?” Peggy asked, trying to make easy small talk. “Oh Mr. Stark-Howard, sorry, is having me do some pretty amazing research”. “No more inventions that could implode a whole avenue I’m hoping,” Peggy gave a tight-lipped smile. “Thankfully not, we’re moving onto ‘bigger and better things’ as he calls it” Dr. Wilkes laughed as he accompanied Howard’s phrase with large hand gestures. After a few moments of awkward silence Peggy looked at Dr. Wilkes dead in the eye and asked, “so what are you really here for Dr. Wilkes?” “Peggy, I- I thought we had something,” Dr. Wilkes stated as if everyone thought the same, though stumbling over his words a bit. “You have an odd way of showing your affection. Fan a spark while we’re trying to rescue you from zero matter, then disappear for 19 years and then suddenly appear on my doorstep after I’ve finally managed to build a successful life, outside of work, on the other side of the country,” she crossed her arms. “But surely you feel it too? Or at least did at some point,” Dr. Wilkes searches her eyes for any signs. He stretched his arm out in hopes of the physical contact possibly sparking something in Peggy that simply didn’t exist. She kept a straight face as she moved her upper half out of reach. The tension between them could be cut with a knife. “What we had was very nice while it lasted and I’ll admit it was a welcomed distraction from the office but I can assure you I don’t feel that way for you anymore”. Peggy crossed her arms across her chest, almost defensively. “You can’t honestly be telling me that you feel more devotion to a man who hobbles around New York,” he scoffed, “might I remind you he was a laughing stock until he was finally able to catch a break and run away from you?” “If you are suggesting that you are in some way more suited as both a husband and a father than Daniel I-” Peggy was cut off. “Father?” Dr. Wilkes looked shocked. “Yes, we have a daughter,” Peggy unfolded her arms. “H-How old is she?” Dr. Wilkes questioned, almost like an interrogation, with his eyebrows bent out of shape. “Why must you know?” Peggy didn’t like talking about family that much to people outside of work and, well, her family. “Jesus Peggy it’s not that difficult of a question ju-” His voice was getting louder and louder, but Peggy cut him off before it became alarming to those inside. “She’s 18, and good lord keep your voice down,” she stepped closer to him to hush him and looked toward the kitchen through the window to make sure no one was watching. Dr. Wilkes looked like he might explode. This was not the man Peggy had met all those years before, and she didn’t like this “new and improved” version. What had almost two decades done to him? “Keep my voice down? What, you think after almost twenty years of me thinking about you every day and having to suppress my undeniable feelings down while you went running off with prince charming back to New York that I’m not going to be angry?” “Jason, what has gotten into you? You are not the same man I met in L.A.” Peggy expressed her deep concern. “And you’re not the same woman either. Here I was spending all of this time being so naive and thinking that we were one in the same, but you just had to go for the man on top, didn’t you?” Peggy looked incredibly and rightfully offended before continuing, “and what are you suggesting Dr. Wilkes?” “I think you know exactly what I mean. You can’t deny it, so why not just admit it. Why else would you choose him over me if it wasn’t just to sleep your way to the top?” Peggy gasped and slapped him before coming back inside to speak with Daniel. Inside “I need you to take Angie somewhere where she won’t hear this. I don’t need her getting involved,” she whispered in her ear after leaning in close and purposefully ignoring me when I gave her a concerned glance as I had just finished plating lunch for the family. “Mum, what’s going on?” I asked as I reached forward, trying to grab Mum’s arm before she went back outside, but missed. “Dad, is Mum in trouble?” I faced Dad with an incredibly terrified look in my eyes. “Nothing worse than what she’s encountered before. Now, how does going to the office and possibly helping your old man with some files sound?” “Dad I’m not five anymore, you can tell me what’s really happening,” I huffed, upset that Dad was trying to brush off my concern. “Hunny I promise everything is fine, let’s just get in the car all right? You wanted your chance to help out, now is your time to take it,” he gave me an annoyed and worn out look. Deciding to go along with it, I nodded and followed Dad out to the garage. As we pulled away, I leaned over my shoulder to observe the interactions occurring between Dr. Wilkes and Mum. I had only ever heard of him through stories of my parents’ past missions and had no clue as to the short-lived love triangle that occurred shortly before I was born. Dad turned the radio on in hopes of defusing some of the concerned tension that had followed us into the Mustang. Dad took off one of his hands from the steering wheel and placed it gingerly on my shoulder. He gave it a little squeeze as both of us looked forward through the windshield. I had so many questions running around in my head but had no idea how to word any of them. I could tell now was not the best time to burden Dad with my curiosity, but I just wanted to make sure Mum was safe. Although I knew she had dealt with much worse than what Dr. Wilkes appeared to be, to me he was unknown and that immediately made him a suspicious figure. We arrived at the office, walking past the girls sitting in front of the switch board and waited for one of them to open the elevator. Once inside, all the agents at their desks stood up at the sight of me and Dad, not having seen me for quite some time. I used to come into the office all the time as a child- Dad didn’t see the point in hiring a nanny when one of the agents could do that job for free. But when I got older, my parents thought it would be better for me to start hanging out with people my own age, so my visits became less frequent. “Afternoon boys,” Dad smiled, trying to come across as if everything were just fine. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Carter’s mini me?” Agent Thompson smiled, got up from his spot atop his desk and patted me on the head. I hated that he was still significantly taller than me. “Long time no see Agent Breadstick,” I smiled with my hands behind my back. I heard Dad laughing beside me but with a quick look from Thompson I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Angie, be nice to Thompson alright? We’ve got more important things to deal with,” Dad “scolded” me as he tried to hold back his laughter. “To what do we all owe the pleasure of having tiny Carter come and visit us?” Thompson asked with a cheesy smirk on his face. “Hopefully, we won’t be here long, I just forgot about some paperwork and decided I’d take Angie along with me. Show her what she might be doing in a few years,” Dad smiled. I inhaled sharply at the idea of having to wait years just to do some simple paperwork, but I also knew this was part of Dad’s cover up, so I decided to play along. “Yes of course, can’t wait to be sorting papers,” I sighed, placing my hands on my hips. “Well with any luck you’re just as much a master of the alphabet as your mother is,” Thompson patted my head yet again. “After all her years of beating you time and time again to the position of superior agent and you still don’t have an ounce of respect,” I sneered. “I’d say you’re a little biased there cupcake,” Thompson crossed his arms over his chest, almost as if he was squaring me up. “Don’t you dare call me cupcake,” I hissed through tight lips. “Thompson shut it. Come on Angie lets go,” Dad grabbed my arm and pulled me past Agent Thompson. The world just survived two great wars; he didn’t want to witness the start of another. Agent Thompson and I never really got along. While he might have come back around after the incident in L.A. it appeared as if his ego didn’t shrink in the aftermath. He quickly returned to his normal self, who just happened to listen to my mother a little bit more willingly every now and again. “I’ll never understand how you and Mum tolerate him still,” I huffed. “Trust me, he starts to grow on you,” Dad sighed. We stepped into one of the offices that was off to the side so none of the other agents would hear us. “Would you mind telling me what we’re actually here for now?” I asked with my hands returning to my hips. As he closed the door, Dad let go of the breath that he had been holding in and looked me directly in the eyes, “Honestly Angie, I have no idea why we’re here. Your mother just told me to get you out of the house”. “Dr. Wilkes isn’t one of us, then is he?” I asked, the concern creeping its way back in. “I don’t think so, not anymore at least,” Dad sighed, sitting down on the desk chair after checking that no one was watching us through the glass. “Then why are we sitting here? We should be helping Mum,” I exclaimed, trying to reach the door before Dad stopped me. “Angie, you said it yourself, your mother is more than capable of handling whatever is going on out there”. “But she doesn’t have to handle it alone. That’s what we’re here for,” I huffed. “Listen, there are some people who really don’t like your mother and I and we don’t want you getting trapped in the crossfire,” Dad looked at me intently, making sure I was hearing what he was saying. “Like Dr. Wilkes?” “Well- I’m not sure about him anymore”. “I just want to make sure Mum’s safe,” I exhaled, not realizing I had been holding my breath. “I know sweetheart, I know,” Dad hugged me from the side, and I rested my head on his shoulder. Back at the House “Peggy please, just make this easier for everyone and come back to California with me,” Dr. Wilkes begged with an angry twinge in his voice. “For God’s sake no! I am not leaving,” Peggy responded, her voice raising in volume, matching her level of exasperation. “Come on, you know things would be so much better if we just left all of this mess behind. Think about it, you can see Howard, Jarvis, and Anna again. Everyone’s counting on you Peggy,” Dr. Wilkes tried to reason with her. “If you think for one moment you can guilt me into following you back to California you are sadly mistaken,” she sneered. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be Peggy. There’s a flight leaving in a couple of hours, we can make this work”. “You really had this all planned out, didn’t you? This wasn’t just a friendly visit at all. And to think I was under the impression that you were still the man I met in L.A. You did this for yourself you selfish twat”. “You don’t really think of me like that, I know you don’t. Just admit that those feelings you had for me at the Griffith are still hiding in there somewhere and come back with me”. “You clearly don’t know me as well as you thought you did”. “What is it that’s holding you back Peggy? You’re not being held at gun point,” he tried to joke with her. “And yet I am just as uncomfortable”. “I could find us a house even more magnificent than this one in California. Howard’s paying me well, I’m sure we could work something out”. “You really think I’m that superficial?” “No, of course it’s not the house. I should have known. Then it must be your job. You know the Los Angeles division of the SSR would be happy to have you back”. “Even if they would be its still not bloody likely”. “Please don’t tell me crutch boy is the reason?” “If you insult my husband one more time I swear- ” “You can’t tell me I’m wrong. You think he’s known to others as anything besides your husband? Come on Peggy, the man couldn’t get anyone to take him seriously until you two got hitched”. “Get out,” Peggy was raging. You could almost see steam coming out of her ears. “Not without you Peg,” Dr. Wilkes looked her directly in the eyes, trying to convince her still. “I’m not leaving and forcing my family to pack everything up just for your silly little fantasy. Angie has so much in front of her, I can’t take that away from her”. “Angie — her name is Angie. How sweet of you to name her after your closest friend,” he took a pause to think, “Oh of course! I’ve just thought of a great idea!” Peggy didn’t like where this was going but let him continue, thinking it best not to enrage him. “She can come with us. The beaches, the warm weather, Disneyland, she’ll love it”. “Don’t you dare talk about my daughter as if you know her. You never have and you never will,” Peggy cried. “How old did you say she was? 18? Well by that age I think she’s old enough to speak for herself. I want to speak to her directly, get her opinion on the whole matter. Where is she?’ “You are not going anywhere near my daughter,” Peggy’s eyes grew wide with anger and sudden concern for her daughter’s safety. Dr. Wilkes pushed past her and made his way to the front door, throwing it open before Peggy could stop him. He was on his way to the kitchen when Peggy grabbed his wrist, swinging him back against the wall. She put his arms above his head and grabbed her pocketknife she kept in her shirt pocket, “If you dare lay a hand on my daughter, I will not hesitate”. “She’s not here is she? Of course not. Daniel was always suspicious of me, so he made a quick getaway with her in tow”. Peggy didn’t respond, opting to bore holes into him with her stare instead. After a brief pause of tension filled silence, she knocked Dr. Wilkes in the back of the knee, and he fell to the floor. Before he could attempt to get up and fight back, she knocked him out and threw him in the hall closet. She then sped to the garage and started up their second car, heading down to the SSR office. In the Office Dad and I had been passing the time by playing soccer with a balled-up piece of paper and our fingers as the goals. I sighed and checked the clock again. The hands seemed to be getting slower and slower every time I turned my head to face them. Agent Thompson kept coming in every once and a while to check on us and try and get information out of us. He didn’t believe for a second that we were just here to sort out some paperwork, and subsequently kept nagging Dad to tell him the truth. Dad was still trying to downplay the whole situation though I was starting to believe more and more that he also didn’t know the full story. Thompson was leaning against the windowsill, “GOAL!” he shouted and threw his arms up with fake enthusiasm as I flicked the piece of paper through Dad’s fingers. I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt to break through the tension, “do you not have anything better to do Agent Breadstick?” I asked without looking at him. Dad let out a quick laugh as he gave me a concerned look. I returned it with a small smile that I hoped put him a little at ease. We were both incredibly worried as we hadn’t heard from Mum since we left, but neither of us wanted to make the situation any worse. We both felt the need to stay strong for the other. We were quickly pulled out of the relative silence when we heard “Where are they?!” from outside in the main office. Dad quickly stood up and threw open the door to see Mum searching down the hall for us. “Peg, we’re in here,” he called out to her as he stepped outside of the doorway and Thompson took his place. Mum rushed over to us, “listen, we don’t have much time. I’ve stalled Jason for now but there is a very good chance he will be here any minute. We have to figure out a way to stop him”. “Mum will you please tell me what’s going on?” I tried to get her attention from over Thompson’s shoulder. “Darling, listen to me. You have to stay here, it’s too dangerous for you right now,” Mum tried to reason with me. “No, you can’t just expect me to sit here while you two put yourselves in danger again,” I bit back, tears forming in my eyes again. “Hunny please, we’ll take care of this and come back for you when its safe ok?” Dad sighed, “Thompson, watch her with your life”. “NO!” I tried to duck under Thompson’s arm, but he held me back. And with that, I watched my parents rush off back down the hall as the office door was closed once again. I was trapped. “I have to go help them!” I cried. “Kid, please just sit down”. “I am more than capable of handling myself, now move over!” if I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Thompson before, he certainly wasn’t building a strong case for himself. “Trust me, if they wanted you out there, they would have let you go with them”. “Thank you for reminding me that my own parents don’t trust me”. I crashed down on the chair in a huff, feeling like the whole world was against me. Out of all the people I could’ve been stuck in a room with while my parents were fending off danger, it had to be Agent Breadstick. He took a pause and inhaled, trying to think of his next move. Usually our conversations were more of an intellectual discourse, but I don’t think either of us had our wits about us enough to be bitter. “You think that’s what this is about? No kid, they think the world of you. They’re doing this for your own good”. “How would you know? You don’t even know what’s going on,” I sighed out of frustration and sat in the chair I was in before. “Look, I may not know the whole story, but I do know that if I had a nickel for every time your dad started bragging about how proud he was of you, I’d be on a yacht right now,” Thompson gave me a small smile. “They talk about me?” I smiled, starting to calm down a little. I had never seen this side of Thompson before, but I wasn’t complaining. With the thought of my parents in danger swirling around in my head, not having to have a witty comeback was a welcome gift. “Oh boy you don’t want to be in the office once your dad gets started, or else you’re stuck there for hours,” he chuckled, “I should have known from the moment he brought your kindergarten finger painting in to keep on his desk that we were in for a doozy”. “Oh good heavens, you’re joking right?” “Nope, he showed it to any poor sucker who happened to walk by”. “Bloody hell I had no idea,” I laughed under my breath. “You’re a good kid, you know that? Even if you can be a little stuck up sometimes”. He smirked at me. “Excuse me?” I scoffed, pretending to take offense with a smile on my face. “It’s not like I can blame you. You’re a product of your situation. I’d be surprised if Carter’s kid wasn’t a little pretentious”. “You do know my mother only appears that way to you because you lot never paid her any mind until she successfully cleared Mr. Stark’s name right under your noses. Need I remind you that without her your mission to Russia would have been a total disaster?” I stated. “Ok, I can’t argue with you there”. “You have your moments, don’t you?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” He sighed and gave me a confused look. “You’re not an arrogant asshole all the time,” I smirked. He scoffed and there was a long, silent pause before I asked, “who is Dr. Wilkes anyway?” “Wilkes was a scientist at Isodyne Energy in California. He was on our side, helping us close the case of a lady who was found frozen in a lake during a heatwave. Then he got exposed to zero matter, which messed with his head and caused him to switch sides for a bit. We got him back eventually and Stark hired him to work as a scientist at his L.A. location”. “I never knew the whole story,” I said, taking it all in. “Probably better that way. After your parents moved back to New York no one really gave him a second thought”. “What do you think is happening?” “Kid, I told you I don’t know what’s going on out there,” he sighed. “I didn’t ask for the truth, I asked for your opinion,” I stated matter-of-factly. “Alright, you want to know what I think? I think Wilkes has gone AWOL”. “I just don’t understand what would have caused him to show up at our door out of nowhere”. “Well rumour has it that before your parents actually got together, Wilkes and your mom might have been closer than just investigation partners”. “So, you’re telling me he reappeared out of thin air because he was in love with my mum?” “Probably still is by the sounds of it. I could not get Rose to shut up about the little love triangle the three of them had going on during our time out there”. “But that doesn’t explain why my mum seems so worried about him. I mean, she’s handled far worse in her time with the SSR. Bloody hell she’s had to deal with you for all these years,” I smirked. “You just had to slip that one in there didn’t you?” “Of course, I did. Consider it pay back for calling me cupcake earlier”. “Sometimes love does crazy things to a person. Sometimes it can turn into an obsession”. I went quiet for a moment as I processed all this new information. I couldn’t believe it was just as simple as unrequited love that made Dr. Wilkes as crazy as he seemed to be. Then again with all the things that I’ve heard over the years, I couldn’t exactly rule it out. “I haven’t heard you this quiet since you were in diapers. Cat got your tongue kid?” Thompson gave me a concerned look but kept his usual smart remarks flowing. “Well apologies if I seem a little bit more reserved just after I learn that my parents are trying to fight a possible mad man”. “They’re strong people, they can handle it”. Peggy and Daniel As they hurried away from the office, there was a heavy weight upon both of them. Neither of them wanted to admit that they were scared. This wasn’t the first time they had dealt with something terrifying, and they were sure it wasn’t going to be the last, but this time seemed different. “Peg, would you please tell me what’s going on?” Daniel asked after they had reached a safe distance away from where their daughter was currently hiding. “Something has happened to Jason. I have no idea what, but he is not the same person we left in California,” Peggy sighed, clearly uncomfortable. “Did-did he do something to you?” Daniel questioned, getting closer to her. “No. God no, he just,” she paused, “made it very apparent that he still has feelings for me.” “That son of a bitch,” Daniel looked as if he were about to explode. “Daniel please, now is not the time,” Peggy reached out to touch his shoulder to calm him down. She suddenly shot her head up to look over and around him, “I need a telephone”. “What for?” “I need to call Howard. How did I not think of this sooner?” She muttered the last part more to herself than to her husband. She quickly turned the dial on the nearest rotary phone and waited anxiously for Howard to pick up. “Hello? Stark residence, Edwin Jarvis speaking”. “Oh, Mr. Jarvis, I need to speak to Howard,” Peggy sighed. “Ah Ms. Carter, what a delight it is to hear from you. I’ll pass you onto him now,” Jarvis said in his usual upbeat tone. “Peg, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Howard’s voice could suddenly be heard from the opposite end of the telephone. “I need to speak with you about Dr. Wilkes”. “What about him? Took a couple weeks’ vacation, said he’d be out of state. I didn’t think twice about it, why should I have?” “Howard, something isn’t right with him”. “How so?” “Dr. Wilkes appeared at my doorstep earlier this afternoon a completely different man then when I last saw him. He seemed adamant about seeing me, though he tried to play it off as if he just happened to be in the area”. “I knew you’d always have men chasing after you Peg,” you could practically hear his cheesy smirk. “Howard, God help me, this is not the time. What kind of research were you having him do? Could he have been exposed to anything?” “He was helping me revamp my work with gamma radiation. I hadn’t touched it since the unfortunate accident with my gamma cannon, but we thought we’d take another shot at it. Why?” “Well if he was that susceptible to the effects of zero matter that he became a fan of Whitney Frost for even a short amount of time, who’s to say something similar couldn’t happen?” “Gamma radiation could have some damaging side effects, most of which are still to be uncovered. It is possible that the rays from our experiments collided with something in his DNA that caused a switch to flip in his brain”. “Could it have affected his emotional control? Made him more susceptible to anger management issues?” “Sure, I don’t see why not”. “Howard, I think Dr. Wilkes has become more of a part of you research than a colleague”. “I fear you might be right. Leaving one man alone with that much precious material to experiment on could only produce so many outcomes”. “I’ll call you back if anything happens, but I fear I must return to what is at hand”. “Peggy, please be careful. We don’t know what’s going on inside his head right now”. “You got it”. She hung up the phone. Daniel hurried over, “so, what did Stark have to say?” “There is a large possibility that Jason’s been unfortunately affected by work that he and Howard were doing with gamma radiation”. “And? What does that mean?” “Well, with so many of its possible side affects currently unknown, it is highly probable that the form it decided take in Jason was in regard to his emotional control. He’s not truly himself right now, but I fear we may be stuck with this version of him for longer than seems appealing”. “So, the guy has anger management issues?” Daniel asked, growing exponentially more confused and annoyed. “Precisely”. “All right, so what are we going to do?” “Well I highly doubt he’s still laying face down in our hall closet but as I have no idea just how badly this has all affected his brain, I feel our best option is to prepare for the worst”. Angie and Thompson “I spy with my little eye… something-“ “Breadstick, as much as I appreciate your efforts to distract me, I’m really not in the mood,” I sighed. It had felt like yet another eternity since I watched my parents dash away to wherever they were. Being stuck in an office with nothing but a couple filing cabinets and a window is not exactly the best for combatting boredom. On top of being bored, I was scared. I was scared that there was some chance Mum and Dad wouldn’t come back. I knew I shouldn’t have been thinking like that, but they hardly knew what they were dealing with, much less me. “Kid, if your parents can go through twenty years of the SSR, they can handle whatever is going on out there”. “Even though this is the shortest they’ve ever been away on a mission, it feels like the longest”. “That’s just your nerves talking. Now, why don’t you tell me how school’s going?” I paused, considering giving him a fake answer but decided to be truthful. I could tell he was just trying to help. “Well my English teacher gave me an awfully hard time the other day because I argued with him, but its not my fault he was being sexist. We’re learning about different elements in the periodic table in Chemistry and Math is as boring as ever”. “What is it with you Carter’s and always having to raise your voice for everything?” Thompson chuckled. “He was being sexist, I’m not going to let that go unnoticed,” I huffed. “Things would be so much easier if the two of you learned to keep your mouth shut,” he was slipping back into his old self. “If my mother had kept her mouth shut, you would still be under the control of Vernon Masters,” I half-muttered. I could tell I was getting under his skin, but he didn’t say anything. As it turns out, he didn’t have the time to come up with a clever response because Mum had suddenly burst through the door. “He’s here,” she said in a low voice, panic clearly written across her face. “Son of a bitch,” Thompson muttered. “Angie, come with me, we’re taking you somewhere safer,” Mum beckoned me over. I didn’t say anything; I couldn’t say anything. It was like I was watching myself perform the actions from outside of my body. I joined Mum in the doorway, “stay very close behind me,” she whispered. “Where’s Dad?” “Your father and a few other agents are holding him off for as long as they can. That’s why I’m taking you somewhere else”. This was yet another moment where I had so many questions but had no idea how to properly word any of them. We snuck past many of the main desks and were about to slip into the lab when I spotted Dad and his colleagues fighting off Dr. Wilkes in the hallway. “There you are!” Dr. Wilkes yelled over the sounds of fist meeting fist and limbs meeting metal. “Go you two. GO!” Dad yelled over his shoulder. I started tearing up. Mum pushed the lab door open and we were met with a couple of scientists. “Doctor, you said you had something in the works?” Mum asked the doctor standing closest to us. “Yes. I’ve been working on a self-preservation chamber of sorts. It will protect the person inside from all outside elements and can only be opened with a specific code. The person inside will have no idea about what is happening outside of the chamber; a chemical is released that puts them in a coma-like state until someone inputs the code and allows the person to step outside again”. “And you’re sure it will work?” Mum asked. “Every test we’ve run so far has produced positive results”. Mum looked at me with an incredibly serious look in her eyes. I was slowly starting to piece together what was going to happen, but I didn’t want to accept it. “Mum no-“ “Darling listen to me. We’re doing this for your own good.” “No, I’m not-“ “Angie, please. This world isn’t safe right now. We’ll be back together again soon, I promise”. “NO! I’m not leaving you and Dad to fight this on your own, I can help!” “It’s not safe out there. Trust me, after this is all over, we’ll be one happy family again”. My fate was decided, and I could tell there was nothing I could do about it. I stayed quiet while trying to push down the sobs that were threatening to come up. I leaned forward and hugged Mum as tightly as I could. “I love you so much darling,” she hugged me back. “I love you too Mum”. “All right doctor, we’re ready”. He nodded and hit a few buttons on the side of the chamber that was in the corner of the room and the door opened slowly. I looked back at Mum one more time as she nodded, and I stepped forward. I felt like I was dragging cement blocks instead of my feet. I gingerly stepped into the chamber and rested my stiff body against the back wall. I saw Mum one more time out of the corner of my eye as the door closed and I watched a single tear fall down her cheeks. It was a strange sensation, being in the chamber. I felt both as heavy as a stone and as light as a feather. Suddenly it felt as though I was falling into a deep sleep and my eyes closed involuntarily. I was in a dream world. It felt so real and yet I knew that it wasn’t. In the Lab Peggy watched as the door closed and her daughter slipped into that coma-like state. “And you are sure she is safe like this?” “Everything will be fine,” the doctor reassured her. “Right,” Peggy turned around and went back out into the main office to help with the problem at hand. When she joined the rest of the SSR team, they almost had Dr. Wilkes within their grasp. She grabbed the nearest stapler, opened it, and hit Wilkes over the head a few times to knock him out. With that, the men were able to handcuff him and take him to the garage from which they would escort him to a slightly more isolated location. “Is she all right?” Daniel asked. “She’s in the chamber, everything seems to be going to plan”. “And the doctors are sure we can bring her out of there?” “Yes, everything will be fine”. Daniel hobbled a step forward and embraced Peggy with a sigh of relief. “What are we going to do Peg?” “They’re bringing Jason in to isolation until we figure out-“ “No. I mean what are we going to do about Angie? This world, our world, is too dangerous for a kid. It’s not fair to her to be constantly putting her in danger like that”. “Daniel, this is what we’re training her for. She may not be ready now, but she will be someday. Until that day, she has us”. He nodded. “Now, let’s go check on her alright?” He nodded again. They walked back into the lab and told the doctor that they were ready for Angie to come back out again. He nodded and inputted the code, the door opened, but Angie didn’t wake up. “Why isn’t she walking out?” Daniel grew concerned once again. “I don’t know, she should be waking up by now”. “What did you do?!” Peggy’s voice grew louder and louder. What the doctor had failed to consider was that the amount of chemical that was released to put Angie to sleep was the same amount they had used to put a full-grown man to sleep. The fact that this was more than double the amount it would have taken to successfully put Angie to sleep had caused more drastic effects. “Get her to a hospital, NOW!” Daniel screamed. They lifted Angie out of the chamber and carried her to the nearest car. They loaded her in the back seat and rested her head on Peggy’s lap. Daniel hurried into the driver’s seat and sped off to the nearest hospital, running nearly every red light on the way. Once they reached the front entrance, they immediately carried her to the front desk, both too flustered to form full sentences. “Please, I’m going to need you to calm down,” the nurse stated as they placed Angie on another stretcher. “She’s — she’s in a coma. We don’t know why she won’t wake up,” Peggy stumbled over her words a bit. “Ok, we’ll take her back and examine her. You must wait out here”. “No, we’re going with her!” Daniel cried. “Sir, you must wait in the lobby, someone will come and get you once the examination is complete”. Two more nurses began to pull Angie away to an examination room and Daniel tried to chase after them. Peggy held him back and he resigned slightly, following her to a set of chairs in the lobby. “She’s going to be all right. Angie’s our girl, she’ll be fine,” Peggy whispered, the fact that she was on the verge of tears preventing her from raising her voice anymore. Daniel stayed quiet, too overwhelmed to form words.
['Ciara Browne']
2020-12-18 22:07:51.095000+00:00
Title Angie “Ice” Story Daughter Agents Carter SousaContent May 11 1967 “There go good good” Dad encouraged performed new move learned punching bag “I think you’ve gotten hang this” smiled “Well mother’s daughter all” smirked removed punching glove placed outside table “Hey you’re daughter ya know” nudged best could crutch “Oh right earth forget that” nudged back smiled walked back inside see Mum sat couch flipping important file didn’t even look work verbally acknowledging presence “what’s hear supposed mother’s daughter” “Our daughter claim inherited good trait you” Dad faked sorrowful face sauntered kitchen “Well wouldn’t surprised case” Mum looked smiled slight glimmer eye started laugh Dad poked head kitchen “Hey watch two everyone want lunch” “I’ll take ham cheese toastie please” smiled “Make two Daniel” Mum added brought head back observe file “What kind case working Mum” asked sat couch next “A petty crime comparison other’s I’ve dealt case case” sighed closed folder placed coffee table “Anything help with” asked sincerely finally looked “As I’ve told you’re ready enter world field work yet darling” “Yes you’ve saying past seven years” sighed frustration “I’m going go change” “All right dear” Mum gave tightlipped smile stomped lightly could room close door heard doorbell ring “Dr Wilkes owe pleasure” heard Mum ask obvious confusion voice kept distance listened hard could “It’s long since I’ve seen area decided would stop by” stated nonchalantly Dad came kitchen joined Mum front door “Dr Wilkes sound rude never thought I’d see again” “Agent Sousa” Dr Wilkes sighed confusion “I’m sorry here” looked Mum questioning glance “Jason surely remember husband Daniel” Mum furrowed brow slightly reached grab Dad’s arm “Husband I’m sorry didn’t know two married” Dr Wilkes frowned tried show “Yeah 16 year something Dr Wilkes” Dad rushed second half “Can talk Peggy alone minute” Dr Wilkes narrowed eye tilted head side “Of course” Mum turned Dad whispered Jason couldn’t hear “can go make sure Angie’s right I’ll back minute” smiled slightly trying reassure “Yeah holler need anything” Dad readjusted weight crutch started coming toward stair Mum man heard stepped “Angie hunny everything ok” Dad called bottom stair closed door answering “Yes Dad I’m changing training clothes” “When you’re done want help make lunch” “Sure Dad I’ll right down” tried make smile audible possible changed made way back downstairs kitchen Dad trying hardest let whatever happening outside happen without interrupting also making u lunch asked really sweet much cared Mum knew could handle fine “Dad okay” asked stood doorway jumped little looking back shoulder “Yeah mind getting ham fridge” tried maintain eye contact couldn’t help glancing Mum Dr Wilkes walked closer put hand shoulder “Dad know Mum perfectly capable handling whatever Dr Wilkes really for” gave reassuring smile “Well one last time three u together held mother gun point apology I’m completely trusting” sighed “I didn’t mean cross lines” frowned grabbed requested ham fridge “No Angie it’s I’m little edge all” looked soft smile “I know Dad don’t sit finish lunch orders” Outside “How everything going Stark Industries” Peggy asked trying make easy small talk “Oh Mr StarkHoward sorry pretty amazing research” “No invention could implode whole avenue I’m hoping” Peggy gave tightlipped smile “Thankfully we’re moving onto ‘bigger better things’ call it” Dr Wilkes laughed accompanied Howard’s phrase large hand gesture moment awkward silence Peggy looked Dr Wilkes dead eye asked “so really Dr Wilkes” “Peggy thought something” Dr Wilkes stated everyone thought though stumbling word bit “You odd way showing affection Fan spark we’re trying rescue zero matter disappear 19 year suddenly appear doorstep I’ve finally managed build successful life outside work side country” crossed arm “But surely feel least point” Dr Wilkes search eye sign stretched arm hope physical contact possibly sparking something Peggy simply didn’t exist kept straight face moved upper half reach tension could cut knife “What nice lasted I’ll admit welcomed distraction office assure don’t feel way anymore” Peggy crossed arm across chest almost defensively “You can’t honestly telling feel devotion man hobble around New York” scoffed “might remind laughing stock finally able catch break run away you” “If suggesting way suited husband father Daniel I” Peggy cut “Father” Dr Wilkes looked shocked “Yes daughter” Peggy unfolded arm “HHow old she” Dr Wilkes questioned almost like interrogation eyebrow bent shape “Why must know” Peggy didn’t like talking family much people outside work well family “Jesus Peggy it’s difficult question ju” voice getting louder louder Peggy cut became alarming inside “She’s 18 good lord keep voice down” stepped closer hush looked toward kitchen window make sure one watching Dr Wilkes looked like might explode man Peggy met year didn’t like “new improved” version almost two decade done “Keep voice think almost twenty year thinking every day suppress undeniable feeling went running prince charming back New York I’m going angry” “Jason gotten man met LA” Peggy expressed deep concern “And you’re woman either spending time naive thinking one go man top didn’t you” Peggy looked incredibly rightfully offended continuing “and suggesting Dr Wilkes” “I think know exactly mean can’t deny admit else would choose wasn’t sleep way top” Peggy gasped slapped coming back inside speak Daniel Inside “I need take Angie somewhere won’t hear don’t need getting involved” whispered ear leaning close purposefully ignoring gave concerned glance finished plating lunch family “Mum what’s going on” asked reached forward trying grab Mum’s arm went back outside missed “Dad Mum trouble” faced Dad incredibly terrified look eye “Nothing worse she’s encountered going office possibly helping old man file sound” “Dad I’m five anymore tell what’s really happening” huffed upset Dad trying brush concern “Hunny promise everything fine let’s get car right wanted chance help time take it” gave annoyed worn look Deciding go along nodded followed Dad garage pulled away leaned shoulder observe interaction occurring Dr Wilkes Mum ever heard story parents’ past mission clue shortlived love triangle occurred shortly born Dad turned radio hope defusing concerned tension followed u Mustang Dad took one hand steering wheel placed gingerly shoulder gave little squeeze u looked forward windshield many question running around head idea word could tell best time burden Dad curiosity wanted make sure Mum safe Although knew dealt much worse Dr Wilkes appeared unknown immediately made suspicious figure arrived office walking past girl sitting front switch board waited one open elevator inside agent desk stood sight Dad seen quite time used come office time child Dad didn’t see point hiring nanny one agent could job free got older parent thought would better start hanging people age visit became le frequent “Afternoon boys” Dad smiled trying come across everything fine “Well well well isn’t Carter’s mini me” Agent Thompson smiled got spot atop desk patted head hated still significantly taller “Long time see Agent Breadstick” smiled hand behind back heard Dad laughing beside quick look Thompson felt hand shoulder “Angie nice Thompson alright We’ve got important thing deal with” Dad “scolded” tried hold back laughter “To owe pleasure tiny Carter come visit us” Thompson asked cheesy smirk face “Hopefully won’t long forgot paperwork decided I’d take Angie along Show might years” Dad smiled inhaled sharply idea wait year simple paperwork also knew part Dad’s cover decided play along “Yes course can’t wait sorting papers” sighed placing hand hip “Well luck you’re much master alphabet mother is” Thompson patted head yet “After year beating time time position superior agent still don’t ounce respect” sneered “I’d say you’re little biased cupcake” Thompson crossed arm chest almost squaring “Don’t dare call cupcake” hissed tight lip “Thompson shut Come Angie let go” Dad grabbed arm pulled past Agent Thompson world survived two great war didn’t want witness start another Agent Thompson never really got along might come back around incident LA appeared ego didn’t shrink aftermath quickly returned normal self happened listen mother little bit willingly every “I’ll never understand Mum tolerate still” huffed “Trust start grow you” Dad sighed stepped one office side none agent would hear u “Would mind telling we’re actually now” asked hand returning hip closed door Dad let go breath holding looked directly eye “Honestly Angie idea we’re mother told get house” “Dr Wilkes isn’t one u he” asked concern creeping way back “I don’t think anymore least” Dad sighed sitting desk chair checking one watching u glass “Then sitting helping Mum” exclaimed trying reach door Dad stopped “Angie said mother capable handling whatever going there” “But doesn’t handle alone That’s we’re for” huffed “Listen people really don’t like mother don’t want getting trapped crossfire” Dad looked intently making sure hearing saying “Like Dr Wilkes” “Well I’m sure anymore” “I want make sure Mum’s safe” exhaled realizing holding breath “I know sweetheart know” Dad hugged side rested head shoulder Back House “Peggy please make easier everyone come back California me” Dr Wilkes begged angry twinge voice “For God’s sake leaving” Peggy responded voice raising volume matching level exasperation “Come know thing would much better left mess behind Think see Howard Jarvis Anna Everyone’s counting Peggy” Dr Wilkes tried reason “If think one moment guilt following back California sadly mistaken” sneered “Don’t make harder Peggy There’s flight leaving couple hour make work” “You really planned didn’t wasn’t friendly visit think impression still man met LA selfish twat” “You don’t really think like know don’t admit feeling Griffith still hiding somewhere come back me” “You clearly don’t know well thought did” “What that’s holding back Peggy You’re held gun point” tried joke “And yet uncomfortable” “I could find u house even magnificent one California Howard’s paying well I’m sure could work something out” “You really think I’m superficial” “No course it’s house known must job know Los Angeles division SSR would happy back” “Even would still bloody likely” “Please don’t tell crutch boy reason” “If insult husband one time swear ” “You can’t tell I’m wrong think he’s known others anything besides husband Come Peggy man couldn’t get anyone take seriously two got hitched” “Get out” Peggy raging could almost see steam coming ear “Not without Peg” Dr Wilkes looked directly eye trying convince still “I’m leaving forcing family pack everything silly little fantasy Angie much front can’t take away her” “Angie — name Angie sweet name closest friend” took pause think “Oh course I’ve thought great idea” Peggy didn’t like going let continue thinking best enrage “She come u beach warm weather Disneyland she’ll love it” “Don’t dare talk daughter know never never will” Peggy cried “How old say 18 Well age think she’s old enough speak want speak directly get opinion whole matter she’ “You going anywhere near daughter” Peggy’s eye grew wide anger sudden concern daughter’s safety Dr Wilkes pushed past made way front door throwing open Peggy could stop way kitchen Peggy grabbed wrist swinging back wall put arm head grabbed pocketknife kept shirt pocket “If dare lay hand daughter hesitate” “She’s course Daniel always suspicious made quick getaway tow” Peggy didn’t respond opting bore hole stare instead brief pause tension filled silence knocked Dr Wilkes back knee fell floor could attempt get fight back knocked threw hall closet sped garage started second car heading SSR office Office Dad passing time playing soccer balledup piece paper finger goal sighed checked clock hand seemed getting slower slower every time turned head face Agent Thompson kept coming every check u try get information u didn’t believe second sort paperwork subsequently kept nagging Dad tell truth Dad still trying downplay whole situation though starting believe also didn’t know full story Thompson leaning windowsill “GOAL” shouted threw arm fake enthusiasm flicked piece paper Dad’s finger rolled eye poor attempt break tension “do anything better Agent Breadstick” asked without looking Dad let quick laugh gave concerned look returned small smile hoped put little ease incredibly worried hadn’t heard Mum since left neither u wanted make situation worse felt need stay strong quickly pulled relative silence heard “Where they” outside main office Dad quickly stood threw open door see Mum searching hall u “Peg we’re here” called stepped outside doorway Thompson took place Mum rushed u “listen don’t much time I’ve stalled Jason good chance minute figure way stop him” “Mum please tell what’s going on” tried get attention Thompson’s shoulder “Darling listen stay it’s dangerous right now” Mum tried reason “No can’t expect sit two put danger again” bit back tear forming eye “Hunny please we’ll take care come back safe ok” Dad sighed “Thompson watch life” “NO” tried duck Thompson’s arm held back watched parent rush back hall office door closed trapped “I go help them” cried “Kid please sit down” “I capable handling move over” wasn’t mood deal Thompson certainly wasn’t building strong case “Trust wanted would let go them” “Thank reminding parent don’t trust me” crashed chair huff feeling like whole world people could’ve stuck room parent fending danger Agent Breadstick took pause inhaled trying think next move Usually conversation intellectual discourse don’t think either u wit u enough bitter “You think that’s kid think world They’re good” “How would know don’t even know what’s going on” sighed frustration sat chair “Look may know whole story know nickel every time dad started bragging proud I’d yacht right now” Thompson gave small smile “They talk me” smiled starting calm little never seen side Thompson wasn’t complaining thought parent danger swirling around head witty comeback welcome gift “Oh boy don’t want office dad get started else you’re stuck hours” chuckled “I known moment brought kindergarten finger painting keep desk doozy” “Oh good heaven you’re joking right” “Nope showed poor sucker happened walk by” “Bloody hell idea” laughed breath “You’re good kid know Even little stuck sometimes” smirked “Excuse me” scoffed pretending take offense smile face “It’s like blame You’re product situation I’d surprised Carter’s kid wasn’t little pretentious” “You know mother appears way lot never paid mind successfully cleared Mr Stark’s name right nose Need remind without mission Russia would total disaster” stated “Ok can’t argue there” “You moment don’t you” “What’s supposed mean” sighed gave confused look “You’re arrogant asshole time” smirked scoffed long silent pause asked “who Dr Wilkes anyway” “Wilkes scientist Isodyne Energy California side helping u close case lady found frozen lake heatwave got exposed zero matter messed head caused switch side bit got back eventually Stark hired work scientist LA location” “I never knew whole story” said taking “Probably better way parent moved back New York one really gave second thought” “What think happening” “Kid told don’t know what’s going there” sighed “I didn’t ask truth asked opinion” stated matteroffactly “Alright want know think think Wilkes gone AWOL” “I don’t understand would caused show door nowhere” “Well rumour parent actually got together Wilkes mom might closer investigation partners” “So you’re telling reappeared thin air love mum” “Probably still sound could get Rose shut little love triangle three going time there” “But doesn’t explain mum seems worried mean she’s handled far worse time SSR Bloody hell she’s deal years” smirked “You slip one didn’t you” “Of course Consider pay back calling cupcake earlier” “Sometimes love crazy thing person Sometimes turn obsession” went quiet moment processed new information couldn’t believe simple unrequited love made Dr Wilkes crazy seemed thing I’ve heard year couldn’t exactly rule “I haven’t heard quiet since diaper Cat got tongue kid” Thompson gave concerned look kept usual smart remark flowing “Well apology seem little bit reserved learn parent trying fight possible mad man” “They’re strong people handle it” Peggy Daniel hurried away office heavy weight upon Neither wanted admit scared wasn’t first time dealt something terrifying sure wasn’t going last time seemed different “Peg would please tell what’s going on” Daniel asked reached safe distance away daughter currently hiding “Something happened Jason idea person left California” Peggy sighed clearly uncomfortable “Diddid something you” Daniel questioned getting closer “No God just” paused “made apparent still feeling me” “That son bitch” Daniel looked explode “Daniel please time” Peggy reached touch shoulder calm suddenly shot head look around “I need telephone” “What for” “I need call Howard think sooner” muttered last part husband quickly turned dial nearest rotary phone waited anxiously Howard pick “Hello Stark residence Edwin Jarvis speaking” “Oh Mr Jarvis need speak Howard” Peggy sighed “Ah Ms Carter delight hear I’ll pas onto now” Jarvis said usual upbeat tone “Peg owe pleasure” Howard’s voice could suddenly heard opposite end telephone “I need speak Dr Wilkes” “What Took couple weeks’ vacation said he’d state didn’t think twice have” “Howard something isn’t right him” “How so” “Dr Wilkes appeared doorstep earlier afternoon completely different man last saw seemed adamant seeing though tried play happened area” “I knew you’d always men chasing Peg” could practically hear cheesy smirk “Howard God help time kind research Could exposed anything” “He helping revamp work gamma radiation hadn’t touched since unfortunate accident gamma cannon thought we’d take another shot Why” “Well susceptible effect zero matter became fan Whitney Frost even short amount time who’s say something similar couldn’t happen” “Gamma radiation could damaging side effect still uncovered possible ray experiment collided something DNA caused switch flip brain” “Could affected emotional control Made susceptible anger management issues” “Sure don’t see not” “Howard think Dr Wilkes become part research colleague” “I fear might right Leaving one man alone much precious material experiment could produce many outcomes” “I’ll call back anything happens fear must return hand” “Peggy please careful don’t know what’s going inside head right now” “You got it” hung phone Daniel hurried “so Stark say” “There large possibility Jason’s unfortunately affected work Howard gamma radiation” “And mean” “Well many possible side affect currently unknown highly probable form decided take Jason regard emotional control He’s truly right fear may stuck version longer seems appealing” “So guy anger management issues” Daniel asked growing exponentially confused annoyed “Precisely” “All right going do” “Well highly doubt he’s still laying face hall closet idea badly affected brain feel best option prepare worst” Angie Thompson “I spy little eye… something“ “Breadstick much appreciate effort distract I’m really mood” sighed felt like yet another eternity since watched parent dash away wherever stuck office nothing couple filing cabinet window exactly best combatting boredom top bored scared scared chance Mum Dad wouldn’t come back knew shouldn’t thinking like hardly knew dealing much le “Kid parent go twenty year SSR handle whatever going there” “Even though shortest they’ve ever away mission feel like longest” “That’s nerve talking don’t tell school’s going” paused considering giving fake answer decided truthful could tell trying help “Well English teacher gave awfully hard time day argued fault sexist We’re learning different element periodic table Chemistry Math boring ever” “What Carter’s always raise voice everything” Thompson chuckled “He sexist I’m going let go unnoticed” huffed “Things would much easier two learned keep mouth shut” slipping back old self “If mother kept mouth shut would still control Vernon Masters” halfmuttered could tell getting skin didn’t say anything turn didn’t time come clever response Mum suddenly burst door “He’s here” said low voice panic clearly written across face “Son bitch” Thompson muttered “Angie come we’re taking somewhere safer” Mum beckoned didn’t say anything couldn’t say anything like watching perform action outside body joined Mum doorway “stay close behind me” whispered “Where’s Dad” “Your father agent holding long That’s I’m taking somewhere else” yet another moment many question idea properly word snuck past many main desk slip lab spotted Dad colleague fighting Dr Wilkes hallway “There are” Dr Wilkes yelled sound fist meeting fist limb meeting metal “Go two GO” Dad yelled shoulder started tearing Mum pushed lab door open met couple scientist “Doctor said something works” Mum asked doctor standing closest u “Yes I’ve working selfpreservation chamber sort protect person inside outside element opened specific code person inside idea happening outside chamber chemical released put comalike state someone input code allows person step outside again” “And you’re sure work” Mum asked “Every test we’ve run far produced positive results” Mum looked incredibly serious look eye slowly starting piece together going happen didn’t want accept “Mum no“ “Darling listen We’re good” “No I’m not“ “Angie please world isn’t safe right We’ll back together soon promise” “NO I’m leaving Dad fight help” “It’s safe Trust we’ll one happy family again” fate decided could tell nothing could stayed quiet trying push sob threatening come leaned forward hugged Mum tightly could “I love much darling” hugged back “I love Mum” “All right doctor we’re ready” nodded hit button side chamber corner room door opened slowly looked back Mum one time nodded stepped forward felt like dragging cement block instead foot gingerly stepped chamber rested stiff body back wall saw Mum one time corner eye door closed watched single tear fall cheek strange sensation chamber felt heavy stone light feather Suddenly felt though falling deep sleep eye closed involuntarily dream world felt real yet knew wasn’t Lab Peggy watched door closed daughter slipped comalike state “And sure safe like this” “Everything fine” doctor reassured “Right” Peggy turned around went back main office help problem hand joined rest SSR team almost Dr Wilkes within grasp grabbed nearest stapler opened hit Wilkes head time knock men able handcuff take garage would escort slightly isolated location “Is right” Daniel asked “She’s chamber everything seems going plan” “And doctor sure bring there” “Yes everything fine” Daniel hobbled step forward embraced Peggy sigh relief “What going Peg” “They’re bringing Jason isolation figure out“ “No mean going Angie world world dangerous kid It’s fair constantly putting danger like that” “Daniel we’re training may ready someday day us” nodded “Now let’s go check alright” nodded walked back lab told doctor ready Angie come back nodded inputted code door opened Angie didn’t wake “Why isn’t walking out” Daniel grew concerned “I don’t know waking now” “What do” Peggy’s voice grew louder louder doctor failed consider amount chemical released put Angie sleep amount used put fullgrown man sleep fact double amount would taken successfully put Angie sleep caused drastic effect “Get hospital NOW” Daniel screamed lifted Angie chamber carried nearest car loaded back seat rested head Peggy’s lap Daniel hurried driver’s seat sped nearest hospital running nearly every red light way reached front entrance immediately carried front desk flustered form full sentence “Please I’m going need calm down” nurse stated placed Angie another stretcher “She’s — she’s coma don’t know won’t wake up” Peggy stumbled word bit “Ok we’ll take back examine must wait here” “No we’re going her” Daniel cried “Sir must wait lobby someone come get examination complete” Two nurse began pull Angie away examination room Daniel tried chase Peggy held back resigned slightly following set chair lobby “She’s going right Angie’s girl she’ll fine” Peggy whispered fact verge tear preventing raising voice anymore Daniel stayed quiet overwhelmed form wordsTags Marvel
Disney just announced a ton of new productions — and we can’t keep up because we still have to process this information overload
Disney just announced a ton of new productions — and we can’t keep up because we still have to process this information overload Cliona O'Regan Dec 11, 2020·6 min read The Walt Disney company just had its Investors day. And suddenly, they dumped a shitload of announcements on us. Among other things, they explained some of the changes coming to Disney and its streaming services and what new productions we can all anticipate — and Fans all around the world are freaking out. There is a lot to process — so here is a summary. All the following is from this press release: https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/the-walt-disney-company-surpasses-137-million-paid-subscriptions-across-its-direct-to-consumer-services-shattering-previous-guidance-increases-paid-subscriptions-target-to-300-350-million-by/ Additional information about the productions can be found on the particular brand websites or social media pages. I arranged the list in the following manner: First the brand, (then the studio), then the type of production. I tried to arrange it in a non-confusing order, but sorry if something is unclear :) (especially with Disney, it’s kinda confusing 😅) Changes of the streaming service structure itself Hulu and EPSN in the U.S. Right now, Hulu, another streaming service is owned by Disney. But apparently, there will be a possiblity to subscribe to a bundle that combines Disney+, Hulu and the sports channel ESPN+ to one streaming package. In the US, it will be 13,99$ per month. There will also be a possibility to watch Disney+ and ESPN+ content on Comcast X1 set-top boxes and Hulu customers will be able to subscribe to ESPN+ within the Hulu interface. (The content listing for ESPN+ is at the very bottom of this article :)) New Brand: Star Disney has many brands already (Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel, National Geographic). But there will also be a new Disney brand called „Star “. In some countries, this brand will be “included as part of Disney+ “. Star will include productions of following studios: Disney Television studios, FX, 20th Century Studios, 20th Television and more. Launch date in Europe will be February 23, 2021. According to the Walt Disney company, it will include renowned general entertainment series, movies, documentaries and more. In Europe, it will cost 8,99€ per month or 89,99€ per year. In Latin America, Star+ will be launched as a seperate streaming service in June 2021 and will cost about 7,50$ per month or, if bundled with Disney+, for about 9$ per month or the local equivalent. New content — arranged by brand, studio and type Hulu / Star Content If I understood the press statement correctly, the Star brand will not be part of Disney+ in the U.S. Instead, all the Star content will be released via Hulu. If exclusive Hulu content will be released internationally via Star is unclear. New Hulu/Star content will include: (unspecified if series or films) Ø Kardashian — Jenner content: Expected debut in late 2021 Ø The old man Ø American horror stories Ø Platform Ø Reservation Dogs Ø Y: The last man Hulu/Star Premier series: Ø Only Murders in the Building Ø The Dropout, Ø Dopesick Ø It’s always sunny in Philadelphia: Four new seasons (new record) Ø Alien: Adaption of the science-fiction horror classic, first series Ø The Stones: Still in talks , possibly two seasons, drama series about the Rolling Stones Ø Shōgun: Retelling of James Clavell’s epic saga, set in feudal Japan Hulu (unclear if it will also be available on Star): Ø The Handmaid’s Tale: Renewed for fifth season Ø Nine Perfect Strangers: Starring is EP Nicole Kidman with David E. Kelley, debut next year STAR WARS As a Star Wars Fan myself, I briefly shrieked when I heard this announcement: Disney is launching approximately 10 new Star Wars Series! Ø Obi Wan Kenobi: Starring Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader Ø Rangers of the new Republic: Set in the Mandalorian era, by Jon Favreau and David Filoni Ø Ahsoka: Set in the Mandalorian era, by Jon Favreau and David Filoni Ø Andor Ø Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Already announced a while ago, animated Ø Star Wars: Visions Ø Lando Ø The Acolyte Ø A Droid Story Ø Willow: Starring Warwick Davis There will be a feature film too: Ø Rogue Squadron: Releasing in December 2023, directed by Patty Jenkins Disney Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Production — Films Ø Hocus Pocus 2 Ø Three Men and a Baby: Reboots, with Zac Efron Ø Cheaper by the Dozen: Kenya Barris and Gabrielle Union Ø Sister Act: New film, starring Whoopi Goldberg Ø Chip ´N Dale: Rescue Rangers: Hybrid live action-animated film, starring John Mulaney and Andy Samberg Ø Pinocchio: Directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks Ø Peter Pan & Wendy: Starring Jude Law as Captain Hook and Yara Shahidi as Tinker Bell Ø Disenchanted: Amy Adams returning as Giselle Ø Greek Freak: Biographical films about NBA Star Giannis Antetokounmpo Ø Projects about Keanon Lowe and Chris Paul Disney General Entertainment Group content Series Ø Beauty and the Beast (working title): With Luke Evans und Josh Gad Ø Swiss Family Robinson: Based on the Ron Moore and Jon. M. Chu classic Ø Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Based on the bestselling book series Ø The Mighty Ducks: Gamer Changers Ø Big Shot Ø The Mysterious Benedict Society Ø Turner & Hooch In development right now: New animated takes on favorite 2oth Century Fox Studios’ titles: Ø Diary of a Wimpy Kid Ø The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild: Starring Simon Pegg Ø Night at the Museum Previewed slate of feature films includes: Ø Jungle Cruise Ø Cruella Ø Lion King prequel Ø The little Mermaid Walt Disney Animation Studios Films: Ø Encanto: Feature film, in cinemas November 2021 Ø Raya and the Last dragon: Will debut simultaneously on Disney+ Premier Access and in cinemas March 2021 New series for Disney+, including: Ø Baymax Ø Zootopia+ Ø Tiana Ø Moana Ø Iwájú: Produced in collaboration with Pan-African comic book entertainment company Kugali Pixar Ø Win or lose: Pixars first ever long-form animated series, deubuts exclusively on Disney+ in Fall 2023 Two brand-new feature films for theathers in 2022: Ø Turning red: By Academy Award winning director Domee Shi’s Ø Lightyear: Definitive origin story of the hero that inspired the toy, with Chris Evans Ø Luca: Original feature fim, for cinemas next summer New Disney+ series Ø Inside Pixar Ø Pixar Popcorn Ø Dug days Ø Cars Films debuting on Disney+ on December 25, 2020 Ø Soul: Upcoming feature film Ø Burrow: Short film Marvel: Also being a Marvel fan, I am of course hooked they announced 10 marvel series. The new series are going to be for Disney+ and theaters. These productions expand the MCU and explore its future: New Series for Disney+: Ø Secret Invasion: Starring Samuel L. Jackson Ø Ironheart: Dominique Thorne as a genius inventor Ø Armor Wars: Starring Don Cheadle as James Rhodes aka War Machine who faces Tony Stark’s worst fears Other productions Ø WandaVision Ø The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Ø Loki Ø What If: Animated series Ø Ms. Marvel Ø Hawkeye: Starring Hailee Steinfeld and Jeremy Runner Ø She-Hulk: Starring Tatiana Maslany as She-Hulk, together with Co-Stars Mark Ruffalo and Tim Roth Ø Moon Knight Ø Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special Ø I Am Groot: A series of original shorts, featuring everyone’s favourite baby tree New feature films: Ø Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Ø Fantastic Four Ø Shang Chi and The Legends of The Ten Rings Ø Eternals Ø Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Ø Thor: Love and Thunder Ø Black Panther 2 Ø Blade Ø Captain Marvel 2 Ø Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 Nat Geo Films Ø Cousteau — new documentary film, first in cinemas, then on Disney+ Series Ø Genius –renewed for a fourth season — about Martin Luther King Jr. Ø Secrets of the Whales Ø A Real Bug’s Life Ø America The Beautiful Other NatGeo productions, but unclear if its a series or film: Ø Limitless with Chris Hemsworth Ø Welcome to earth (working title) — with Will Smith Espn and Sports Ø College football will be available to watch on EPSN, beginning with the 2024 season Ø Select SEC football games on ESPN+, beginning with the 2021 season ESPN+ new content: Ø Peyton’s Places — third series in Fall 2021 — will also expand to other sports Ø Stephen A’s World: Featuring the insights and opinions of Stephen A. Smith, launch in January Ø Man in the Arena: Tom Brady: A nine-part documentary Ø SportsNation: A reimagined version will return weekday mornings, beginning in January, exclusively on ESPN+ So, as I said, there is a lot to process. Apperently there will be higher subscribtion prices too, but I think all this is confusing enough for now. What film or series are you most anticipating?
["Cliona O'Regan"]
2020-12-11 16:45:34.901000+00:00
['Disney', 'Marvel', 'Star Wars', 'Streaming', 'Pixar']
Title Disney announced ton new production — can’t keep still process information overloadContent Disney announced ton new production — can’t keep still process information overload Cliona ORegan Dec 11 2020·6 min read Walt Disney company Investors day suddenly dumped shitload announcement u Among thing explained change coming Disney streaming service new production anticipate — Fans around world freaking lot process — summary following press release httpsthewaltdisneycompanycomthewaltdisneycompanysurpasses137millionpaidsubscriptionsacrossitsdirecttoconsumerservicesshatteringpreviousguidanceincreasespaidsubscriptionstargetto300350millionby Additional information production found particular brand website social medium page arranged list following manner First brand studio type production tried arrange nonconfusing order sorry something unclear especially Disney it’s kinda confusing 😅 Changes streaming service structure Hulu EPSN US Right Hulu another streaming service owned Disney apparently possiblity subscribe bundle combine Disney Hulu sport channel ESPN one streaming package US 1399 per month also possibility watch Disney ESPN content Comcast X1 settop box Hulu customer able subscribe ESPN within Hulu interface content listing ESPN bottom article New Brand Star Disney many brand already Disney Pixar Star Wars Marvel National Geographic also new Disney brand called „Star “ country brand “included part Disney “ Star include production following studio Disney Television studio FX 20th Century Studios 20th Television Launch date Europe February 23 2021 According Walt Disney company include renowned general entertainment series movie documentary Europe cost 899€ per month 8999€ per year Latin America Star launched seperate streaming service June 2021 cost 750 per month bundled Disney 9 per month local equivalent New content — arranged brand studio type Hulu Star Content understood press statement correctly Star brand part Disney US Instead Star content released via Hulu exclusive Hulu content released internationally via Star unclear New HuluStar content include unspecified series film Ø Kardashian — Jenner content Expected debut late 2021 Ø old man Ø American horror story Ø Platform Ø Reservation Dogs Ø last man HuluStar Premier series Ø Murders Building Ø Dropout Ø Dopesick Ø It’s always sunny Philadelphia Four new season new record Ø Alien Adaption sciencefiction horror classic first series Ø Stones Still talk possibly two season drama series Rolling Stones Ø Shōgun Retelling James Clavell’s epic saga set feudal Japan Hulu unclear also available Star Ø Handmaid’s Tale Renewed fifth season Ø Nine Perfect Strangers Starring EP Nicole Kidman David E Kelley debut next year STAR WARS Star Wars Fan briefly shrieked heard announcement Disney launching approximately 10 new Star Wars Series Ø Obi Wan Kenobi Starring Ewan McGregor Hayden Christensen Darth Vader Ø Rangers new Republic Set Mandalorian era Jon Favreau David Filoni Ø Ahsoka Set Mandalorian era Jon Favreau David Filoni Ø Andor Ø Star Wars Bad Batch Already announced ago animated Ø Star Wars Visions Ø Lando Ø Acolyte Ø Droid Story Ø Willow Starring Warwick Davis feature film Ø Rogue Squadron Releasing December 2023 directed Patty Jenkins Disney Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Production — Films Ø Hocus Pocus 2 Ø Three Men Baby Reboots Zac Efron Ø Cheaper Dozen Kenya Barris Gabrielle Union Ø Sister Act New film starring Whoopi Goldberg Ø Chip ´N Dale Rescue Rangers Hybrid live actionanimated film starring John Mulaney Andy Samberg Ø Pinocchio Directed Robert Zemeckis starring Tom Hanks Ø Peter Pan Wendy Starring Jude Law Captain Hook Yara Shahidi Tinker Bell Ø Disenchanted Amy Adams returning Giselle Ø Greek Freak Biographical film NBA Star Giannis Antetokounmpo Ø Projects Keanon Lowe Chris Paul Disney General Entertainment Group content Series Ø Beauty Beast working title Luke Evans und Josh Gad Ø Swiss Family Robinson Based Ron Moore Jon Chu classic Ø Percy Jackson Olympians Based bestselling book series Ø Mighty Ducks Gamer Changers Ø Big Shot Ø Mysterious Benedict Society Ø Turner Hooch development right New animated take favorite 2oth Century Fox Studios’ title Ø Diary Wimpy Kid Ø Ice Age Adventures Buck Wild Starring Simon Pegg Ø Night Museum Previewed slate feature film includes Ø Jungle Cruise Ø Cruella Ø Lion King prequel Ø little Mermaid Walt Disney Animation Studios Films Ø Encanto Feature film cinema November 2021 Ø Raya Last dragon debut simultaneously Disney Premier Access cinema March 2021 New series Disney including Ø Baymax Ø Zootopia Ø Tiana Ø Moana Ø Iwájú Produced collaboration PanAfrican comic book entertainment company Kugali Pixar Ø Win lose Pixars first ever longform animated series deubuts exclusively Disney Fall 2023 Two brandnew feature film theathers 2022 Ø Turning red Academy Award winning director Domee Shi’s Ø Lightyear Definitive origin story hero inspired toy Chris Evans Ø Luca Original feature fim cinema next summer New Disney series Ø Inside Pixar Ø Pixar Popcorn Ø Dug day Ø Cars Films debuting Disney December 25 2020 Ø Soul Upcoming feature film Ø Burrow Short film Marvel Also Marvel fan course hooked announced 10 marvel series new series going Disney theater production expand MCU explore future New Series Disney Ø Secret Invasion Starring Samuel L Jackson Ø Ironheart Dominique Thorne genius inventor Ø Armor Wars Starring Cheadle James Rhodes aka War Machine face Tony Stark’s worst fear production Ø WandaVision Ø Falcon Winter Soldier Ø Loki Ø Animated series Ø Ms Marvel Ø Hawkeye Starring Hailee Steinfeld Jeremy Runner Ø SheHulk Starring Tatiana Maslany SheHulk together CoStars Mark Ruffalo Tim Roth Ø Moon Knight Ø Guardians Galaxy Holiday Special Ø Groot series original short featuring everyone’s favourite baby tree New feature film Ø AntMan Wasp Quantumania Ø Fantastic Four Ø Shang Chi Legends Ten Rings Ø Eternals Ø Doctor Strange Multiverse Madness Ø Thor Love Thunder Ø Black Panther 2 Ø Blade Ø Captain Marvel 2 Ø Guardians Galaxy Volume 3 Nat Geo Films Ø Cousteau — new documentary film first cinema Disney Series Ø Genius –renewed fourth season — Martin Luther King Jr Ø Secrets Whales Ø Real Bug’s Life Ø America Beautiful NatGeo production unclear series film Ø Limitless Chris Hemsworth Ø Welcome earth working title — Smith Espn Sports Ø College football available watch EPSN beginning 2024 season Ø Select SEC football game ESPN beginning 2021 season ESPN new content Ø Peyton’s Places — third series Fall 2021 — also expand sport Ø Stephen A’s World Featuring insight opinion Stephen Smith launch January Ø Man Arena Tom Brady ninepart documentary Ø SportsNation reimagined version return weekday morning beginning January exclusively ESPN said lot process Apperently higher subscribtion price think confusing enough film series anticipatingTags Disney Marvel Star Wars Streaming Pixar
Robert Iger: The Ride of a Lifetime. Book Review
5min books review #3 Robert Iger: The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company Martin Hudymač Follow Nov 18, 2020 · 3 min read Value for money 8/10 Year, Price, Pages, Cover design 2019 by Random House; EUR 19,39; 233 pages (247 pages with acknowledgements, index, about the author); Hardcover Jacket design by Pete Garceau; Jacket photograph by Gavin Bond. Exceptional cover design and cover image. Top-quality paper, the exquisite reading experience. 5 sentences about the book The book is divided into two parts: Learning and Leading. Learning starts from early beginnings at ABC (1974) till COO role at Disney (2005). Leading captures the period from the first acquisition (Pixar, 2006) until now (2019). Reading experience could be divided into two parts as well. On one hand, you are following backstage stories of the amazing relationships like that with the mentor Roony Arledge (ABC), Tom Murphy and Dan Burke (Cap cities), Michael Eisner (Disney), Steve Jobs (Pixar), Ike Perlmutter (Marvel) and George Lucas (Lucasfilm). On the other hand, you can witness the evolution of leadership — the importance of optimism (30, 86), the necessity of prioritization and clarity of the message (100), negotiation and fairness, empathy (179) and integrity (John Lasseter and Roseanne Barr stories, 203). Last chapters conclude Iger’s vision into practice: we witness Disney+ (streaming service) being born. All these acquisitions suddenly make sense and fulfil Iger’s three strategic goals (high-quality content, embracing technology, global impact). What did I learn? ABC years with mentor Roony Arledge and owners Tom Murphy and Dan Burke and interesting background stories like Twin Peaks and David Lynch (39) Disney early years and difficult relationship with Michael Eisner (Disney CEO) Three strategic priorities of the new Disney CEO (101) The flipside of Pixar acquisition story that I’ve already learned in Ed Catmull’s book Creativity, Inc (138) Heartwarming relationship with Steve Jobs (136, 158, 174) What was missing? Nothing Favourite quotes: “And I tend to approach bad news as a problem that can be worked through and solved, something I have control over rather than something happening to me” (xiii) “It was a perfect example of the need for optimism. Things were dire, for sure, but I needed to look at the situation not as a catastrophe but as a puzzle we needed to solve and to communicate to our team that we were talented and nimble enough to solve these problems and make something wonderful on the fly.” (30) “Managing your own time and respecting others’ time is one of the most vital things to do as a manager” (63) “At its essence, good leadership isn’t about being indispensable; it’s about helping others be prepared to possibly step into your shoes — giving them access to your own decision making, identifying the skills they need to develop and helping them improve, and, as I’ve had tom do, sometimes being honest with them about why they’re not ready for the next step up” (67) “If leaders don’t articulate their priorities clearly, then the people around them don’t know what their own priorities should be. Time and energy and capital get wasted” (100) “Don’t let your ego get in the way of making the best possible decision.” (120)
['Martin Hudymač']
2021-01-24 14:43:19.617000+00:00
['Disney', 'Leadership', 'Pixar', 'Marvel']
Title Robert Iger Ride Lifetime Book ReviewContent 5min book review 3 Robert Iger Ride Lifetime Lessons Learned 15 Years CEO Walt Disney Company Martin Hudymač Follow Nov 18 2020 · 3 min read Value money 810 Year Price Pages Cover design 2019 Random House EUR 1939 233 page 247 page acknowledgement index author Hardcover Jacket design Pete Garceau Jacket photograph Gavin Bond Exceptional cover design cover image Topquality paper exquisite reading experience 5 sentence book book divided two part Learning Leading Learning start early beginning ABC 1974 till COO role Disney 2005 Leading capture period first acquisition Pixar 2006 2019 Reading experience could divided two part well one hand following backstage story amazing relationship like mentor Roony Arledge ABC Tom Murphy Dan Burke Cap city Michael Eisner Disney Steve Jobs Pixar Ike Perlmutter Marvel George Lucas Lucasfilm hand witness evolution leadership — importance optimism 30 86 necessity prioritization clarity message 100 negotiation fairness empathy 179 integrity John Lasseter Roseanne Barr story 203 Last chapter conclude Iger’s vision practice witness Disney streaming service born acquisition suddenly make sense fulfil Iger’s three strategic goal highquality content embracing technology global impact learn ABC year mentor Roony Arledge owner Tom Murphy Dan Burke interesting background story like Twin Peaks David Lynch 39 Disney early year difficult relationship Michael Eisner Disney CEO Three strategic priority new Disney CEO 101 flipside Pixar acquisition story I’ve already learned Ed Catmull’s book Creativity Inc 138 Heartwarming relationship Steve Jobs 136 158 174 missing Nothing Favourite quote “And tend approach bad news problem worked solved something control rather something happening me” xiii “It perfect example need optimism Things dire sure needed look situation catastrophe puzzle needed solve communicate team talented nimble enough solve problem make something wonderful fly” 30 “Managing time respecting others’ time one vital thing manager” 63 “At essence good leadership isn’t indispensable it’s helping others prepared possibly step shoe — giving access decision making identifying skill need develop helping improve I’ve tom sometimes honest they’re ready next step up” 67 “If leader don’t articulate priority clearly people around don’t know priority Time energy capital get wasted” 100 “Don’t let ego get way making best possible decision” 120Tags Disney Leadership Pixar Marvel
Superhero/supervillain characters from Tamil cinema Marvel should adopt
Superhero/supervillain characters from Tamil cinema Marvel should adopt OK, I know what you are thinking. Even though the superhero movies from Tamil cinema are not up to the standards of Marvel, but the core stories are really impressive. Marvel already has some Indian characters but Marvel should consider and adopt these characters and can improvise for Indian-based Super Hero. Let’s see that one by one. Kanthaswamy Kanthaswamy is a CBI officer who also a superhero. The name Kanthaswamy is the other name of Lord Murugan. People write their problems as a letter and tie them in a tree in the Kanthaswamy(Murugan) temple believing Lord Murugan will resolve their problems. The superhero Kanthaswamy gets all the letters reads them and helps the people with a crew. Kanthaswamy doesn’t have any superpowers, but his crew does tricks to portray him as a superhero. So, basically, Kanthaswamy is not a single person, it’s a team. The costume is designed like a rooster(which is considered to be a vehicle of Lord Murugan in Tamil Mythology). Kanthaswamy OK, the core story of this movie definitely not an interesting one. There is no proper reason why he helping as a “superhero”, but the way the team works is quite interesting. That’s the only reason this superhero comes on the list. (Mind voice: Coz, we don’t have enough superheroes in Tamil cinema to fill the list 😉) I personally don’t like the movie, but if you want to watch the movie below are the streaming links. https://www.sunnxt.com/movie/detail/26159/kanthaswamy/ Chitti Chitti is the best Super Hero ever made in Tamil Cinema. Chitti is an andro-humanoid robot created by Dr Vaseegaran. Chitti’s abilities and disabilities are well defined in the movie Enthiran. Chitti has feelings, emotions just like humans. Chitti is one of the reasons I decided to write this story, the other reason comes later in this story post. The way Chitti created, trained, and accidentally getting emotions are crafted very well. Chitti is a funfilled innocent robot, the jokes by Chitti are just like children’s jokes(even the giggles). Chitti Abilities: Chitti can speak almost all the languages. (Even he can talk with mosquitoes 😉) Chitti is knowledgeable and proficient in all forms of academia, martial arts, communication, creative outlets, athletic skills, and scientific ingenuity. Chitti is fire, water, and acid-resistant. Built-in electromagnetic body, which can attract any metallic object and weaponize it. Built-in vehicle. Eyes can be used as a projector. Can do holographic telecalls. Disabilities Flashing lights from photography or direct sunlight, which causes a “vision bleach” and temporarily distorts his sight. Susceptibility to battery drainage. However, in the case of the latter, he just needs to absorb a bare minimum amount of electric power to recharge himself in a matter of seconds. [And he can able to charge in both AC and DC 😉] Chitti 2.0 Chitti 2.0 is nothing but a red chip(Destructive program by Dr Bohra). The red chip is inserted into Chitti, and it becomes a villain Chitti 2.0. So, the red chip can be considered like a symbiote to robots that can alter the robot. Chitti 2.0 can write programs and able to replicate himself into many robots to create an army. The army can be combined and turn into any big shape (Mostly sphere or Megazord kind). Chitti 2.0’s jokes are dark or adult. Chitti used to talk in a troll way sometimes, which is the ultimate identity of Chitti 2.0 (Vasi, meeehhhh…. 😉). Chitti 2.0 also has an in-built gun in his hand and it was created by himself. Chitti 2.0 Velayudham Velayudham is again another name of Lord Murugan, it also means the weapon of Lord Murugan. It is a remake movie from Telugu cinema, and the core story is very strong, and this is the second reason for this story post. The costume was inspired(copied 😉) from the game Assasin’s Creed. Velayudham is a fictional character created and propagated by a journalist believing that those who do evil things will stop doing evil because of the fear that Velayudham will punish them. People also think Velayudham is a superhero who saves people from those who do evil things and Velayudham doesn’t have any superpower. But in reality, there is no such Superhero. But fortunately, a guy named Velayudham was saving people from all the evil events without his knowledge, and later realizes he is the person people think the superhero Velayudham. At first, he refuses to continue as superhero Velayudham and asks the journalist to kill the character as created. After realizing the evil things, he accepts and continues as superhero Velayudham and strongly believes Velayudhayum is not a person or superhero, it is an ideology, whoever raises their voice against the evil is Velayudham. Velayudham Mugamoodi Mugamoodi which means mask, the story is strongly inspired by the Batman trilogy and Kungfu Panda. This superhero also doesn’t have a superpower but he excels in martial arts. He was a big fan of Bruce Lee, so he changes his name to Bruce Lee. His grandfather is a tech enthusiast, he and his team create the suit. Again this superhero also doesn’t have a strong core story, but the way the team works is quite interesting. Mugamoodi https://www.sunnxt.com/movie/detail/7016/mugamoodi/ Pakchirajan An ornithologist who operated a bird sanctuary, Pakshi Rajan protests excessive use of mobile phones fearing that high-frequency electromagnetic radiation from cell sites is threatening avian life. He reports it to the telecommunications minister but they disregard the matter intentionally. Deeply frustrated, Pakshi hangs himself to death from a cell tower. Now his aura, combined with the negative energy of deceased birds, can control cell phones with electromagnetic radiation, which happens to be considered a fifth force. And later defeated by Chitti 2.0 The core story of Pakshi Rajan is very strong for a villain(Actually not a villain). And the character was inspired by a real person Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali. He was a renowned ornithologist of India. Due to his passion for birds and their conservation, he earned a nickname, The Birdman of India. Kutti Kutti(3.0) is a microbot created by Chitti 2.0. Kutti means small, and Kutti is small and smart. Kutti can transform into a mobile phone and a robot, he can use birds as a vehicle. Kutti also has an army of Kutties. Even though Kutti is loyal to Chitti 2.0, he is not harmful. Hero Sakthivel is inspired by a fictional Super Hero SakthiMaan. He always wanted to become Super Hero and help people. But he realizes Super Heros are fictional and he can’t be Super Hero. Besides, Sathyamoorthy, a teacher was wearing a mask and robbing money to provide Free education. Later, Sathyamoorthy was beaten by the villain and Sathyamoorthy becomes handicapped. So, he hides his identity and starts a secret school and educate poor students and the Students become very talented. The talented students and their mentor Sathyamoorthy again facing problems with the corporate which was against the project done by one of the Talent students related to Sakthi. So, the students create gadgets and suits that can resist fire, bullets, and don't tear to sharp weapons. Sakthi trains and wears the suit and become Super Hero using gadgets and resolve the problems. Like Velayudham, Sakthi also thinks Hero is not a person, it is an ideology, whoever has self-thinking is Super Hero. Hero Minnal Murali Minnal Murali is an upcoming Malayalam movie, and it is going to release in Tamil simultaneously. Let’s wait and see what he is. Final Thoughts Unfortunately, there is no female superhero is created in Tamil movies. First of all, the superhero concept itself is not a selling thing in the Tamil movie industry. Except for Enthiran no movie was recognized. On the other hand, huge fans are there for MCU movies which means fans are always ready to receive superhero movies, but it should be entertaining. If these characters are recognized and adopted by Marvel, things can change.
2021-04-02 07:44:15.906000+00:00
['Mcu', 'Marvel', 'Tamil', 'Tamil Cinema', 'Superhero']
Title Superherosupervillain character Tamil cinema Marvel adoptContent Superherosupervillain character Tamil cinema Marvel adopt OK know thinking Even though superhero movie Tamil cinema standard Marvel core story really impressive Marvel already Indian character Marvel consider adopt character improvise Indianbased Super Hero Let’s see one one Kanthaswamy Kanthaswamy CBI officer also superhero name Kanthaswamy name Lord Murugan People write problem letter tie tree KanthaswamyMurugan temple believing Lord Murugan resolve problem superhero Kanthaswamy get letter read help people crew Kanthaswamy doesn’t superpower crew trick portray superhero basically Kanthaswamy single person it’s team costume designed like roosterwhich considered vehicle Lord Murugan Tamil Mythology Kanthaswamy OK core story movie definitely interesting one proper reason helping “superhero” way team work quite interesting That’s reason superhero come list Mind voice Coz don’t enough superheroes Tamil cinema fill list 😉 personally don’t like movie want watch movie streaming link httpswwwsunnxtcommoviedetail26159kanthaswamy Chitti Chitti best Super Hero ever made Tamil Cinema Chitti androhumanoid robot created Dr Vaseegaran Chitti’s ability disability well defined movie Enthiran Chitti feeling emotion like human Chitti one reason decided write story reason come later story post way Chitti created trained accidentally getting emotion crafted well Chitti funfilled innocent robot joke Chitti like children’s jokeseven giggle Chitti Abilities Chitti speak almost language Even talk mosquito 😉 Chitti knowledgeable proficient form academia martial art communication creative outlet athletic skill scientific ingenuity Chitti fire water acidresistant Builtin electromagnetic body attract metallic object weaponize Builtin vehicle Eyes used projector holographic telecalls Disabilities Flashing light photography direct sunlight cause “vision bleach” temporarily distorts sight Susceptibility battery drainage However case latter need absorb bare minimum amount electric power recharge matter second able charge AC DC 😉 Chitti 20 Chitti 20 nothing red chipDestructive program Dr Bohra red chip inserted Chitti becomes villain Chitti 20 red chip considered like symbiote robot alter robot Chitti 20 write program able replicate many robot create army army combined turn big shape Mostly sphere Megazord kind Chitti 20’s joke dark adult Chitti used talk troll way sometimes ultimate identity Chitti 20 Vasi meeehhhh… 😉 Chitti 20 also inbuilt gun hand created Chitti 20 Velayudham Velayudham another name Lord Murugan also mean weapon Lord Murugan remake movie Telugu cinema core story strong second reason story post costume inspiredcopied 😉 game Assasin’s Creed Velayudham fictional character created propagated journalist believing evil thing stop evil fear Velayudham punish People also think Velayudham superhero save people evil thing Velayudham doesn’t superpower reality Superhero fortunately guy named Velayudham saving people evil event without knowledge later realizes person people think superhero Velayudham first refuse continue superhero Velayudham asks journalist kill character created realizing evil thing accepts continues superhero Velayudham strongly belief Velayudhayum person superhero ideology whoever raise voice evil Velayudham Velayudham Mugamoodi Mugamoodi mean mask story strongly inspired Batman trilogy Kungfu Panda superhero also doesn’t superpower excels martial art big fan Bruce Lee change name Bruce Lee grandfather tech enthusiast team create suit superhero also doesn’t strong core story way team work quite interesting Mugamoodi httpswwwsunnxtcommoviedetail7016mugamoodi Pakchirajan ornithologist operated bird sanctuary Pakshi Rajan protest excessive use mobile phone fearing highfrequency electromagnetic radiation cell site threatening avian life report telecommunication minister disregard matter intentionally Deeply frustrated Pakshi hang death cell tower aura combined negative energy deceased bird control cell phone electromagnetic radiation happens considered fifth force later defeated Chitti 20 core story Pakshi Rajan strong villainActually villain character inspired real person Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali renowned ornithologist India Due passion bird conservation earned nickname Birdman India Kutti Kutti30 microbot created Chitti 20 Kutti mean small Kutti small smart Kutti transform mobile phone robot use bird vehicle Kutti also army Kutties Even though Kutti loyal Chitti 20 harmful Hero Sakthivel inspired fictional Super Hero SakthiMaan always wanted become Super Hero help people realizes Super Heros fictional can’t Super Hero Besides Sathyamoorthy teacher wearing mask robbing money provide Free education Later Sathyamoorthy beaten villain Sathyamoorthy becomes handicapped hide identity start secret school educate poor student Students become talented talented student mentor Sathyamoorthy facing problem corporate project done one Talent student related Sakthi student create gadget suit resist fire bullet dont tear sharp weapon Sakthi train wear suit become Super Hero using gadget resolve problem Like Velayudham Sakthi also think Hero person ideology whoever selfthinking Super Hero Hero Minnal Murali Minnal Murali upcoming Malayalam movie going release Tamil simultaneously Let’s wait see Final Thoughts Unfortunately female superhero created Tamil movie First superhero concept selling thing Tamil movie industry Except Enthiran movie recognized hand huge fan MCU movie mean fan always ready receive superhero movie entertaining character recognized adopted Marvel thing changeTags Mcu Marvel Tamil Tamil Cinema Superhero
Marvel Realm of Champions Units & Gold Generator 2020
First, we should describe the game itself to emphasize how important marvel contest of champions cheats might be for you. So, the most basic reason why Marvel Realm of Champions hack had to be created is because game has got micro-transaction system, which consist in using real cash to get virtual currency. It might be quite interesting method of payment but not for the poor. It causes huge inequality among players. But let’s back to the game. It is very enjoyable piece of work because in other case you wouldn’t bother us to make this software. This is a mobile fighting game, where we choose either heroes or villains and then we stand against enemy in 1v1 performances. Game lets you choose one of many both heroes and superheroes. Or, if you are more into dark side, you can choose villains or supervillains. Of course there is nothing wrong in collecting the good and the bad. Marvel Realm of Champions focuses on collecting all the characters we might know from Marvel universe. Each figure we choose has got special moves and if we manage to master them all, we can become superior player. However, unlocking characters costs a lot in-game goodies. What kind of goodies? Well, here, we got Units and Gold and of course you can get them through Marvel Realm of Champions hack tool. Units are currency in this game and you can use them to unlock all types of characters and get special bonuses. It is imperative for you to know that this is the only thing that limits you! What do you say? Are you interested in finding marvel glitches and enjoy free Units and Gold? If so, check our site!
2020-12-13 16:17:36.004000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Gaming', 'Hacking', 'Games', 'Android']
Title Marvel Realm Champions Units Gold Generator 2020Content First describe game emphasize important marvel contest champion cheat might basic reason Marvel Realm Champions hack created game got microtransaction system consist using real cash get virtual currency might quite interesting method payment poor cause huge inequality among player let’s back game enjoyable piece work case wouldn’t bother u make software mobile fighting game choose either hero villain stand enemy 1v1 performance Game let choose one many hero superheroes dark side choose villain supervillains course nothing wrong collecting good bad Marvel Realm Champions focus collecting character might know Marvel universe figure choose got special move manage master become superior player However unlocking character cost lot ingame goody kind goody Well got Units Gold course get Marvel Realm Champions hack tool Units currency game use unlock type character get special bonus imperative know thing limit say interested finding marvel glitch enjoy free Units Gold check siteTags Marvel Gaming Hacking Games Android
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is Emotional as Hell
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is Emotional as Hell Source: GameSpot Trailers/PlayStation/Insomniac Spider-Man might be my favorite character in media. I have an extreme soft spot for him because I grew up with the cartoons and movies, and that’s what led me into reading my first comic books. And I think a lot of people have that same experience. It really seems like most people of my generation either get into superheroes and/or comics this way, or it’s the same thing but with Batman. This is all to say, due to this soft spot, I am easy to please when it comes to this character. Even the bad versions no one likes I can still manage to find something to enjoy about it. But when it came to the latest Spidey game I wasn’t quite sure how to feel. The marketing of the game was confusing and a lot of people couldn’t tell if this was a sequel or an expansion DLC to the original Insomniac Spidey game from 2018. The answer to that question ended up being that it was a sort of standalone side story. Not dissimilar to Uncharted: Lost Legacy from 2017. When I realized this, my expectations got much lower. Not only was I expecting not much developments made in the story, I also was expecting the general character writing to fall kinda flat. This isn’t a fair comparison, but I just didn’t think anything could compare the portrayal of Miles in Into the Spiderverse. Which is essentially the perfect Spider-Man story. Ultimately, this games version of Miles didn’t live up to Spiderverse in my opinion. But it didn’t need to. This game had it’s own take on the character and I got just as sucked in with this iteration as I did in that aforementioned movie. This games version of Miles is just as engaging. He has a charming personality that makes him fun to watch and to play as in a way that is completely distinct from why Peter is charming and fun. He is infinitely more interesting than he was in the 2018 game. A lot of this has to do with the introduction of his supporting cast like his mom Rio and best friend Ganke, which helped flesh out his world. A big part of Miles that makes him distinct from Peter is his community. Peter is most concerned with not much more than his friends and family. He loves New Yorkers and has a deep connection to it’s people, but this stems from emotions of guilt and duty. For Miles, his connection to them comes from love and attachment. With Miles, there’s scenes where he walks through the city streets as himself, and greets and talks to a bunch of people he recognizes in the neighborhood. It’s not that Peter doesn’t connect with New Yorkers, but it’s that Miles has a deeper and more intrinsic connection. This difference is kind of the theme of the games story too. And that’s what I loved about it. There’s so much love for Harlem in the game that it made me miss being in New York City. Which is not a feeling the 2018 ever gave me.
['Kevin Tash']
2020-11-30 13:37:49.496000+00:00
['Gaming', 'Spider Man', 'Marvel', 'PlayStation', 'Review']
Title SpiderMan Miles Morales Emotional HellContent SpiderMan Miles Morales Emotional Hell Source GameSpot TrailersPlayStationInsomniac SpiderMan might favorite character medium extreme soft spot grew cartoon movie that’s led reading first comic book think lot people experience really seems like people generation either get superheroes andor comic way it’s thing Batman say due soft spot easy please come character Even bad version one like still manage find something enjoy came latest Spidey game wasn’t quite sure feel marketing game confusing lot people couldn’t tell sequel expansion DLC original Insomniac Spidey game 2018 answer question ended sort standalone side story dissimilar Uncharted Lost Legacy 2017 realized expectation got much lower expecting much development made story also expecting general character writing fall kinda flat isn’t fair comparison didn’t think anything could compare portrayal Miles Spiderverse essentially perfect SpiderMan story Ultimately game version Miles didn’t live Spiderverse opinion didn’t need game it’s take character got sucked iteration aforementioned movie game version Miles engaging charming personality make fun watch play way completely distinct Peter charming fun infinitely interesting 2018 game lot introduction supporting cast like mom Rio best friend Ganke helped flesh world big part Miles make distinct Peter community Peter concerned much friend family love New Yorkers deep connection it’s people stem emotion guilt duty Miles connection come love attachment Miles there’s scene walk city street greets talk bunch people recognizes neighborhood It’s Peter doesn’t connect New Yorkers it’s Miles deeper intrinsic connection difference kind theme game story that’s loved There’s much love Harlem game made miss New York City feeling 2018 ever gave meTags Gaming Spider Man Marvel PlayStation Review
My favourite games of 2018
My favourite games of 2018 And also my pick for the best game to play on the toilet I understand why I didn’t do a list last year, but in hindsight, I’m more than a little sad about it. Last December I left my job of 14 years and flew off to the UK, so I didn’t really have time to put one together. But last year also saw some of my favorite games of all time. Breath of the Wild might be the best game I’d ever played, the Uncharted spin-off was great, PUBG was the start of something special, Super Mario Odyssey is an all-time great… It’s not that this year’s crop of games weren’t as good, it’s that ANY year would struggle to match that. 2018’s games certainly aren’t as good as 2017’s, but they’re games. There’s always fun to be had. Before I get on to the top five, here’s a few other games that caught my eye this year. Best game to play on the toilet Alto’s Odyssey Whether you like to drop and run or stay and think, Alto’s Odyssey is pretty much perfect for this. The stylish sequel to a hit snowboarding game, the sandboarding sequel is somehow both challenging and zen at the same time. It’s not too easy, but it’s also very relaxing. Pure, poopy bliss. Old game I spent way too much time on Skyrim (Switch) Here’s a game you should probably never play on the toilet, unless you plan to live there. I don’t know why Skyrim continues to be compelling, but somehow it keeps sucking me right back in. Maybe it’s because, despite finishing it at least twice before, I still find quests and locations I hadn’t been to before. Remake/remaster of the year Wario Ware Gold I didn’t see this one coming. Wario Ware is great, but after the brilliant Twisted, each successive entry brought diminishing returns. Gold is somehow stuffed to the brim and lacking in fat at the same time; it has the best of the series in one place, but by not relying on one mechanic (as Twisted or the disappointing Touched did), it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Boba Fett/Captain Phasma Award for biggest disappointment Contra: Return Look, it’s easy to pick on mobile games for being F2P hellscapes. The smartphone game Contra: Return has all those icky F2P elements, but that’s not why it’s on this list. It’s here because it fails at being a Contra game. I mean, it has limited ammo and auto-aim! What the hell? Game I’m so addicted to I refuse to play anymore for my own sanity Game Dev Story This game is a perfect feedback loop that I cannot break myself out of. It’s a game about developing games. When the game is done, it gets rated and put on sale. So naturally you want to see how well the game sells. But while you wait for week-by-week sales to roll in, your team sits idle, so to prevent that you have to put them to work on the next game. But then you have to see how well that game sells. But then while you wait for that you’re already working on the NEXT game. There’s no natural stopping point. It drives me crazy. I’ve only ever played it something like four times — three on iPhone, and one on the new Switch version — and every damn time I run out of battery. This game is so cute I can’t even Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu OMG. You can rub Pikachu’s belly and he makes cooing noises! The rest of the game — a smart reworking of the original Pokémon Red/Blue (or Red/Green, depending on where you’re from) — is charming and fun. But it’s things like being able to ride Snorlax like Totoro that just make it so damn adorable. Ravi you really need to play this game already Subsurface Circular This game has been on my backlog so long that the sequel has already come out. And is also on my backlog. Damnit. I wish I played more of… A Way Out A co-op tale of prisoners on the run from the guy behind the brilliant, brilliant Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (which was basically a one player co-op game), A Way Out seems clever and fun. But it also kinda requires another player, and since I am now Old, getting friends over to play games is such an ordeal that when my brother got bored after a couple of hours I knew I’d never play this game ever again. Five God of War I know, objectively, that God of War is a Very Good Game. I enjoyed it reasonably enough. But I have never really been a God of War guy, or a fan of games with combat like this, so it didn’t click with me on the same level as most people. That it’s still on this list is testament to how good it is regardless. Four Marvel’s Spider-Man On a certain level, I know that Spider-Man is a fairly average game. It’s gorgeous and it’s set in a staggering recreation of New York, sure, but it doesn’t really do anything particularly new or different with missions or combat. And yet… there’s just something about this game that makes me smile. Just swinging through the city is an absolute joy; finding little nods to other Marvel heroes or even real-life NY landmarks like the Ghostbusters firehouse is brilliant. The whole thing feels like it was put together with a lot of love, and elevates the game to be something truly special. Three Red Dead Redemption 2 Where Spider-Man feels like more than the sum of its parts, for all its brilliance Red Dead Redemption 2 feels slightly disappointing. It’s rigid to an almost admirable degree, and yet it also breaks its own rules when it wants to. But what it does well, it really does well. I’m a sucker for open worlds, and this is one of the best around, striking a great balance between scale and density: It uses negative space to create scale, but yet not enough that the game feels empty. And while the story is gripping, the way it’s told is phenomenal. Red Dead Redemption 2 can be hard to like. Brilliance needs to be coaxed out of it. But it is brilliant. Two Super Smash Bros. Ultimate In contrast, it’s hard not to like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from the moment you pick it up. But that is perhaps the point; no series panders to the fans as well as this one. Throwing every single character in the series into one highlights just how damn impressive the whole thing is. Every character keeps their quirks from wildly different games and genres, and yet the whole thing feels cohesive and balanced. Where Ultimate sits above its predecessors is the “campaign” mode, World of Light. Previous Smash campaigns were pretty dull, but in fairness, there isn’t a lot you can do in fighting games with a campaign other than spruce up the usual procession of fights. World of Light succeeds by taking Ultimate’s enormous roster and flexibility to create fights with characters not in the game… like painting Donkey Kong green, throwing him in the jungle stage with electric weapons, and pretending he’s Blanka. It may not sound like it works, but it absolutely does — more fan service from the master of it. One Reigns: Game of Thrones I wrote about my love of the original Reigns two years ago. I can’t believe I didn’t see how perfect this collaboration would be. Reigns, a royal simulator played only by swiping left or right to make decisions, is a game of terrible choices that feels impossible to win — just like Game of Thrones. But it’s more than just a surface tie-up. Being a Game of Thrones game gives Reigns more meaning, it gives it more of a “point”; instead of playing a certain way just for the sake of completing everything, here you might want to direct Cersei’s decisions in a certain way so you can unlock Jaime and experience his story. It’s beautifully written, even for a Song of Ice and Fire nerd like me. And being set roughly, er, now — now being post-Season 7 and pre-Season 8 — it allows Game of Thrones fans to do what we love, and that’s speculate about possible endings. This game allows you to actually experience them, whether leading Danaerys up north to reunite with Jon (and disappearing, never to be seen again) or messing things up so spectacularly that the White Walkers sweep south and claim the Iron Throne. This game’s most spectacular achievement is that the license enhances both sides: It makes Reigns a better game, and it adds a dimension to Game of Thrones that only this game could bring. It’s also a lot of fun, and for all those reasons, it is my Game of the Year.
['Ravi Hiranand']
2018-12-28 15:06:05.950000+00:00
['Gaming', '2018', 'Nintendo', 'Marvel', 'Year In Review']
Title favourite game 2018Content favourite game 2018 also pick best game play toilet understand didn’t list last year hindsight I’m little sad Last December left job 14 year flew UK didn’t really time put one together last year also saw favorite game time Breath Wild might best game I’d ever played Uncharted spinoff great PUBG start something special Super Mario Odyssey alltime great… It’s year’s crop game weren’t good it’s year would struggle match 2018’s game certainly aren’t good 2017’s they’re game There’s always fun get top five here’s game caught eye year Best game play toilet Alto’s Odyssey Whether like drop run stay think Alto’s Odyssey pretty much perfect stylish sequel hit snowboarding game sandboarding sequel somehow challenging zen time It’s easy it’s also relaxing Pure poopy bliss Old game spent way much time Skyrim Switch Here’s game probably never play toilet unless plan live don’t know Skyrim continues compelling somehow keep sucking right back Maybe it’s despite finishing least twice still find quest location hadn’t Remakeremaster year Wario Ware Gold didn’t see one coming Wario Ware great brilliant Twisted successive entry brought diminishing return Gold somehow stuffed brim lacking fat time best series one place relying one mechanic Twisted disappointing Touched doesn’t overstay welcome Boba FettCaptain Phasma Award biggest disappointment Contra Return Look it’s easy pick mobile game F2P hellscapes smartphone game Contra Return icky F2P element that’s it’s list It’s fails Contra game mean limited ammo autoaim hell Game I’m addicted refuse play anymore sanity Game Dev Story game perfect feedback loop cannot break It’s game developing game game done get rated put sale naturally want see well game sell wait weekbyweek sale roll team sits idle prevent put work next game see well game sell wait you’re already working NEXT game There’s natural stopping point drive crazy I’ve ever played something like four time — three iPhone one new Switch version — every damn time run battery game cute can’t even Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu OMG rub Pikachu’s belly make cooing noise rest game — smart reworking original Pokémon RedBlue RedGreen depending you’re — charming fun it’s thing like able ride Snorlax like Totoro make damn adorable Ravi really need play game already Subsurface Circular game backlog long sequel already come also backlog Damnit wish played of… Way coop tale prisoner run guy behind brilliant brilliant Brothers Tale Two Sons basically one player coop game Way seems clever fun also kinda requires another player since Old getting friend play game ordeal brother got bored couple hour knew I’d never play game ever Five God War know objectively God War Good Game enjoyed reasonably enough never really God War guy fan game combat like didn’t click level people it’s still list testament good regardless Four Marvel’s SpiderMan certain level know SpiderMan fairly average game It’s gorgeous it’s set staggering recreation New York sure doesn’t really anything particularly new different mission combat yet… there’s something game make smile swinging city absolute joy finding little nod Marvel hero even reallife NY landmark like Ghostbusters firehouse brilliant whole thing feel like put together lot love elevates game something truly special Three Red Dead Redemption 2 SpiderMan feel like sum part brilliance Red Dead Redemption 2 feel slightly disappointing It’s rigid almost admirable degree yet also break rule want well really well I’m sucker open world one best around striking great balance scale density us negative space create scale yet enough game feel empty story gripping way it’s told phenomenal Red Dead Redemption 2 hard like Brilliance need coaxed brilliant Two Super Smash Bros Ultimate contrast it’s hard like Super Smash Bros Ultimate moment pick perhaps point series pander fan well one Throwing every single character series one highlight damn impressive whole thing Every character keep quirk wildly different game genre yet whole thing feel cohesive balanced Ultimate sits predecessor “campaign” mode World Light Previous Smash campaign pretty dull fairness isn’t lot fighting game campaign spruce usual procession fight World Light succeeds taking Ultimate’s enormous roster flexibility create fight character game… like painting Donkey Kong green throwing jungle stage electric weapon pretending he’s Blanka may sound like work absolutely — fan service master One Reigns Game Thrones wrote love original Reigns two year ago can’t believe didn’t see perfect collaboration would Reigns royal simulator played swiping left right make decision game terrible choice feel impossible win — like Game Thrones it’s surface tieup Game Thrones game give Reigns meaning give “point” instead playing certain way sake completing everything might want direct Cersei’s decision certain way unlock Jaime experience story It’s beautifully written even Song Ice Fire nerd like set roughly er — postSeason 7 preSeason 8 — allows Game Thrones fan love that’s speculate possible ending game allows actually experience whether leading Danaerys north reunite Jon disappearing never seen messing thing spectacularly White Walkers sweep south claim Iron Throne game’s spectacular achievement license enhances side make Reigns better game add dimension Game Thrones game could bring It’s also lot fun reason Game YearTags Gaming 2018 Nintendo Marvel Year Review
More Star Wars Than Shakespeare — Alan Taylor’s Thor: The Dark World
More Star Wars Than Shakespeare — Alan Taylor’s Thor: The Dark World The Marvel Cinematic Universe ventures boldly forward, with a work aligned in the Cosmic! Where Shane Black’s Iron Man Three responded to the intimidating shadow of The Avengers by looking inward, and chose to focus on the internal, and the character side of things, Alan Taylor’s Thor: The Dark World looks to the stars and expands the Marvel Cinematic Universe significantly. Kenneth Branagh, the series’ initial director chose not to return for this sequel to 2011’s Thor, instead passing the mantle on to Alan Taylor, a filmmaker who honed his craft on a number of HBO television series’ including The Sopranos and Boardwalk Empire, as well as the show which no doubt garnered him this post, Game Of Thrones. As such, Thor: The Dark World carries with it the sort of aesthetic palette one might expect; it’s not particularly visually groundbreaking, but it doesn’t really need to be. “Serviceable” is a word that comes to mind, although admittedly that does sound a little like faint praise. Alas, one doesn’t turn to the Marvel franchise for groundbreaking shifts and revolutions in cinematic language, and as a work within their precisely defined remit it slots in in satisfying fashion. At the centre of Taylor’s movie stands the relationship between Chris Hemsworth’s eponymous Thor and his half-brother Loki, portrayed by Tom Hiddleston with what is possibly the most endearing performance in the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe. The chemistry between the pair drives the plot, with a broad humour subsidising the journey. The film is generally very funny, placing the picture very firmly in the tradition of the great family-fantasy picture. While Branagh’s film, with its grand mythologising and fish-out-of-water strand brought to mind thoughts of literature and Amblin, the sequel is more Star Wars than Shakespeare, and feels more defined within itself. A pleasing hybrid of science fiction and fantasy ensures that this is work very much in the key of Marvel’s Cosmic tradition*, with it’s combination of magic, space and the outlandish being defining traits of the Marvel Universe’s most ambitious cousin. Antes are upped in terms of scale and set-piece, with the third act given over to a prolonged and large scale action sequence that crosses cities, worlds and plains thanks to the film’s MacGuffin, a weapon which blurs the lines between space and time. Themes of mortality run through the picture, with the disparity between man and god brought to the fore throughout. It’s a surprisingly heavy slant for a character like Thor, but one that helps to anchor the fantastical, ensuring it doesn’t veer too wildly out of control. The relationship between Thor and Jane Foster, again played by a returning Natalie Portman, is given an extra sense of urgency, while, most strangely perhaps considering that this is a major franchise with actors tied in to multi-film contracts, there’s a real sense of danger. With Thor: The Dark World we venture in to a brave new world for the Marvel franchise. It’s the first non-Iron Man sequel to reach cinemas, with that an important distinction: While Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark is very much a sure thing, we’re now reaching the stage where the more peripheral characters of the Avengers series are breaking out to that level of ubiquity. This brings with it a feeling of infinite possibility, and an air of uncertainty as to how positive a thing that actually is. To paraphrase another figure from the Marvel stable, albeit one that doesn’t feature under the in-house banner for film production, “With great power, comes great responsibility”. With no end in sight to to the Marvel juggernaut, one might begin to feel a tad overwhelmed by the position afforded one company across the blockbuster spectrum. *Marvel’s Cosmic line is a space-bound extension of the Universe seen in the existing Marvel movies. Characters such as Adam Warlock, the Silver Surfer and Thanos appear in this strand of comic-books, while next year’s Guardians Of The Galaxy movie looks set to bring this area to the fore in the movies.
['Adam Bat']
2016-08-16 14:09:35.279000+00:00
['Marvel', 'Tom Hiddleston']
Title Star Wars Shakespeare — Alan Taylor’s Thor Dark WorldContent Star Wars Shakespeare — Alan Taylor’s Thor Dark World Marvel Cinematic Universe venture boldly forward work aligned Cosmic Shane Black’s Iron Man Three responded intimidating shadow Avengers looking inward chose focus internal character side thing Alan Taylor’s Thor Dark World look star expands Marvel Cinematic Universe significantly Kenneth Branagh series’ initial director chose return sequel 2011’s Thor instead passing mantle Alan Taylor filmmaker honed craft number HBO television series’ including Sopranos Boardwalk Empire well show doubt garnered post Game Thrones Thor Dark World carry sort aesthetic palette one might expect it’s particularly visually groundbreaking doesn’t really need “Serviceable” word come mind although admittedly sound little like faint praise Alas one doesn’t turn Marvel franchise groundbreaking shift revolution cinematic language work within precisely defined remit slot satisfying fashion centre Taylor’s movie stand relationship Chris Hemsworth’s eponymous Thor halfbrother Loki portrayed Tom Hiddleston possibly endearing performance whole Marvel Cinematic Universe chemistry pair drive plot broad humour subsidising journey film generally funny placing picture firmly tradition great familyfantasy picture Branagh’s film grand mythologising fishoutofwater strand brought mind thought literature Amblin sequel Star Wars Shakespeare feel defined within pleasing hybrid science fiction fantasy ensures work much key Marvel’s Cosmic tradition it’s combination magic space outlandish defining trait Marvel Universe’s ambitious cousin Antes upped term scale setpiece third act given prolonged large scale action sequence cross city world plain thanks film’s MacGuffin weapon blur line space time Themes mortality run picture disparity man god brought fore throughout It’s surprisingly heavy slant character like Thor one help anchor fantastical ensuring doesn’t veer wildly control relationship Thor Jane Foster played returning Natalie Portman given extra sense urgency strangely perhaps considering major franchise actor tied multifilm contract there’s real sense danger Thor Dark World venture brave new world Marvel franchise It’s first nonIron Man sequel reach cinema important distinction Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark much sure thing we’re reaching stage peripheral character Avengers series breaking level ubiquity brings feeling infinite possibility air uncertainty positive thing actually paraphrase another figure Marvel stable albeit one doesn’t feature inhouse banner film production “With great power come great responsibility” end sight Marvel juggernaut one might begin feel tad overwhelmed position afforded one company across blockbuster spectrum Marvel’s Cosmic line spacebound extension Universe seen existing Marvel movie Characters Adam Warlock Silver Surfer Thanos appear strand comicbooks next year’s Guardians Galaxy movie look set bring area fore moviesTags Marvel Tom Hiddleston
Friday I’m In Love: Into The Spider-Verse
Friday I’m In Love: Into The Spider-Verse It’s just so so so so so so so so dope. Last Saturday, I took my two sons and two of their friends to the movies. I wasn’t sure I was going to go. I’d heard good things about the new animated Spider-Man movie… but it was a PG cartoon and, well, I was thinking about babysitting my niece and nephew. I’m an idiot. Seriously. When I contemplate the fact that I almost voluntarily took care of two children who are not mine (they’re very sweet, wonderful kids and I love them very much but watching someone else’s kids is never high on anyone’s list of enjoyable things to do) instead of going to see this movie, I want to punch myself in the nose. If you’ve seen a trailer, you know it’s a visual stunner. It’s really unlike any major animated movie to come out of a major American studio. Hyper-stylized, cleverly drawn with classic comic flourishes—half the time I wondered if we were being shown some hybrid 3-D version but had forgotten our 3-D glasses… And I mean that as the highest compliment. Somehow, it manages to match beautifully drawn and colored scenes with some absolutely amazeballs acid trips—while never feeling like a Miyazaki/Gibli counterfeit. It’s American in a way that feels fresh and exciting. All red, white, blue, and New York Freaking City—but it’s Brooklyn, not Manhattan. It’s Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. It’s a vulnerable, depressed anti-hero Peter Parker (Jake Johnson, man, Jake Johnson). It’s funny and joyful and poignant and sad and heartwarming and stupid and legitimately action-packed. There’s a scene where Miles’ dad talks to Miles through a closed door—and, wow, it’s everything that every forced Tobey Maguire/Andrew Garfield movie wanted to be but never was. And, as a writer, I’ve got to give serious praise to the folks behind the script (Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman). The narrative structure is smart and quick—it moves at a pace so unlike the Avengers flicks and other bloated, interconnected cinematic universes. Yet it still does all that hard work (and maybe more), tying threads between parallel universes, telling alternate versions of the Spider-Man story, connecting the audience with characters and motivations that truly resonate. I love this movie. It’s been six days since I saw it and I’ve talking about seeing it again every day. I can’t wait to watch it again and again and again.
['Matt Anderson']
2018-12-21 06:17:37.015000+00:00
['Spider Man', 'Marvel']
Title Friday I’m Love SpiderVerseContent Friday I’m Love SpiderVerse It’s dope Last Saturday took two son two friend movie wasn’t sure going go I’d heard good thing new animated SpiderMan movie… PG cartoon well thinking babysitting niece nephew I’m idiot Seriously contemplate fact almost voluntarily took care two child mine they’re sweet wonderful kid love much watching someone else’s kid never high anyone’s list enjoyable thing instead going see movie want punch nose you’ve seen trailer know it’s visual stunner It’s really unlike major animated movie come major American studio Hyperstylized cleverly drawn classic comic flourishes—half time wondered shown hybrid 3D version forgotten 3D glasses… mean highest compliment Somehow manages match beautifully drawn colored scene absolutely amazeballs acid trips—while never feeling like MiyazakiGibli counterfeit It’s American way feel fresh exciting red white blue New York Freaking City—but it’s Brooklyn Manhattan It’s Miles Morales Gwen Stacy It’s vulnerable depressed antihero Peter Parker Jake Johnson man Jake Johnson It’s funny joyful poignant sad heartwarming stupid legitimately actionpacked There’s scene Miles’ dad talk Miles closed door—and wow it’s everything every forced Tobey MaguireAndrew Garfield movie wanted never writer I’ve got give serious praise folk behind script Phil Lord Rodney Rothman narrative structure smart quick—it move pace unlike Avengers flick bloated interconnected cinematic universe Yet still hard work maybe tying thread parallel universe telling alternate version SpiderMan story connecting audience character motivation truly resonate love movie It’s six day since saw I’ve talking seeing every day can’t wait watch againTags Spider Man Marvel
Not Your Father’s Black Panthers: On Election ’16 and the Youngs
Not Your Father’s Black Panthers: On Election ’16 and the Youngs By Michael Shaw Photo: Ruddy Roye via Instagram Besides urging you to read Ruddy Roye’s insightful backstory to his Instagram photo, I have a couple of thoughts to add. Yes, America is laden with issues, but the perception of the country as broken or “on the critical list” has been too easily manipulated in this U.S. presidential election. Each day, in fact, you see counter signals to the deep divisiveness, the portrait of doom and all the wedges that drive us down. In the news stream just this past week, for example, consider Obama editing WIRED’s new Frontier issue and his deep grasp of the technological paradigm shift. Or, Tim Kaine’s radical optimism. Or, the refreshing and sobering #TellAmericaIt’sGreat campaign out of Canada. Ruddy is seeing Kevin with the same fresh eyes. He writes: October 18, 2016 Blackness For many this might not mean much but for me, seeing this signals a new age in black consciousness or black awareness. I will admit, black panther on a school bag is nothing new. The marvel character has been around since 1966, and was the first black super hero to make it to mainstream America. The character is usually depicted as the king and protector of Wakanda, a fictional African nation. However this is the first time I have seen the marvel hero on anything since I migrated to the States some twenty six years ago. I saw 13 year old Kevin walking on his way to school this morning and immediately started to take pictures of him walking away from me. I was happy and giddy at the same time, but I was concerned that he thought me a weirdo, a photographer chasing behind him snapping away. In fact he was more than delighted to say, “Maan he is my favourite super hero. I got this bag because I wanted to rep him. He really is the only black super hero out there right now and that is important to me.” I feel like everything that is happening right now in America around “Black Lives Matter speaks to a paradigm shift in black consciousness especially from the viewpoint of this younger generation. I believe they are waking up to a “blacker,” more accepting America — or I would like to think so. What this shift portends for black identity is exciting. As exciting and important in the waning days of this butchery-disguised-as-a-presidential-campaign is the clear, simple and straightforward recognition of that evolution in young people across the board. The other day, I posted this on Twitter: There are so many cultural facets and factors that the Trump hysteria, the talking heads and the DC elders have blotted out this campaign season. One of the most important is the generational divide. Perhaps the greatest irony of this election is that the two candidates are as old as they are. If Clinton goes on to win, is it possible — with everything she’ll be facing — that the rally photo and the bridge building we allude to frames her ultimate challenge — and opportunity? Anyway, it’s wonderful to be reminded how much less of our old baggage Kevin, and other young people, are carrying around. And it’s refreshing, too, to be reminded that optimism isn’t dead, and that consciousness — beyond the political and the culture wars — continues to evolve.
['Reading The Pictures']
2016-10-21 14:16:38.569000+00:00
['Marvel', 'BlackLivesMatter', 'New York']
Title Father’s Black Panthers Election ’16 YoungsContent Father’s Black Panthers Election ’16 Youngs Michael Shaw Photo Ruddy Roye via Instagram Besides urging read Ruddy Roye’s insightful backstory Instagram photo couple thought add Yes America laden issue perception country broken “on critical list” easily manipulated US presidential election day fact see counter signal deep divisiveness portrait doom wedge drive u news stream past week example consider Obama editing WIRED’s new Frontier issue deep grasp technological paradigm shift Tim Kaine’s radical optimism refreshing sobering TellAmericaIt’sGreat campaign Canada Ruddy seeing Kevin fresh eye writes October 18 2016 Blackness many might mean much seeing signal new age black consciousness black awareness admit black panther school bag nothing new marvel character around since 1966 first black super hero make mainstream America character usually depicted king protector Wakanda fictional African nation However first time seen marvel hero anything since migrated States twenty six year ago saw 13 year old Kevin walking way school morning immediately started take picture walking away happy giddy time concerned thought weirdo photographer chasing behind snapping away fact delighted say “Maan favourite super hero got bag wanted rep really black super hero right important me” feel like everything happening right America around “Black Lives Matter speaks paradigm shift black consciousness especially viewpoint younger generation believe waking “blacker” accepting America — would like think shift portends black identity exciting exciting important waning day butcherydisguisedasapresidentialcampaign clear simple straightforward recognition evolution young people across board day posted Twitter many cultural facet factor Trump hysteria talking head DC elder blotted campaign season One important generational divide Perhaps greatest irony election two candidate old Clinton go win possible — everything she’ll facing — rally photo bridge building allude frame ultimate challenge — opportunity Anyway it’s wonderful reminded much le old baggage Kevin young people carrying around it’s refreshing reminded optimism isn’t dead consciousness — beyond political culture war — continues evolveTags Marvel BlackLivesMatter New York
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
It was not surprising that Gal Gadot will be donning her cape once more, and returning to our screens as the Amazonian princess. This is what we understand about Wonder Woman 1984 up to now. Popular and Trending Articles about Gal Gadot Check these hottest Gal Gadot articles. How old is Gal Gadot How tall is Gal Gadot Gal Gadot age Gal Gadot bikini Gal Gadot boyfriend Gal Gadot bra size Gal Gadot breast size Gal Gadot dress size Gal Gadot eyes color Gal Gadot favorite exercise Gal Gadot favorite food Gal Gadot favorite perfume Gal Gadot favorite sport Gal Gadot feet size Gal Gadot full-body statistics Gal Gadot height Gal Gadot instagram Gal Gadot kids Gal Gadot Measurements Gal Gadot movies Gal Gadot net worth Gal Gadot personal info Gal Gadot shoe Gal Gadot wallpapers Gal Gadot weight Zodiac Celebrities Zodiac Models Hottest Israeli celebrities Hottest Israeli models Most beautiful Israeli Celebrities Most beautiful Israeli models Most famous Israeli actresses Most famous Israeli Celebrities Top female models Latest Updates: The movie’s release date was pushed back into Christmas Day, 25 Dec 2020 A brand new trailer has been shared as a member of this DC FanDome virtual occasion Another brand new teaser poster for the upcoming movie was shared Patty Jenkins says she believes any future movies on “pause” Gal Gadot clarifies Cirque Du Soleil’s influence on Wonder Woman 1984 New throw photographs series of Diana, Barbara Ann Minerva Cheetah and Maxwell Lord have looked on line Can Be Wonder Woman 1984 an immediate sequel? Wonder Woman opened in theaters two weeks ago and has been a huge hit ever since. It’s created a new generation of strong female heroes like Wonder Woman, and women around the world are inspired to be strong and stand up for what they believe in. If you have been following the trailers and movies then you know there is one major plotline that is developing in Wonder Woman 1984. That main storyline revolves around a mysterious Amazon woman and her relationship with a powerful warlord. Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Wonder Woman’s relationship with The Lasso of Truth is an important part of the comic book story, but has never appeared in the film itself. First and foremost let me say why so many devoted Wonder Woman fans all over the world, as well as yourself, would not make any less than exciting for your anticipated release date of December 8th. For one thing, Gal Gadot is the perfect choice as the latest modern-day Wonder Woman. As I’ve personally known Gal Gadot for a long time now, I can honestly say she brings the most realistic and relatable qualities to the role of Wonder Woman that any actress has ever needed to take on. The Lasso of Truth was made famous by the comic book hero Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman uses it to choke her opponents unconscious with a vine while using her lasso to tie up her enemies. In the book, the Goddess Diana commands that The Lasso be broken only after Wonder Woman gives up an arm or an eye. It is interesting that director Patty Jenkins decided to include this scene in Wonder Woman 1984 because it was one of the most requested by fans. The inclusion of the Lasso was later used in the Justice League movie. After the destruction of the Justice League’s headquarters, Wonder Woman contacts the newly formed Anti-HC menace, Amazonian Amazoness Killer, and has her Justice League team join forces against her. During the battle, Wonder Woman manages to injure Amazoness, who in the end is temporarily paralyzed. Wonder Woman uses her magic wand to cure Amazoness of her paralysis, but at the cost of her life. She then uses the spirit of Amazonians Amazons to heal herself. The untimely death of Amazoness prompted Wonder Woman to rethink her membership in the Justice League and go into retirement. Get free Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Costume NOW During the sequel of Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot returns as the strongest woman of our time, Wonder Woman. Many viewers were skeptical when it was announced that Gadot would reprise the role of Wonder Woman again for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. The producers had to tread carefully though, as they wanted to remain true to the spirit of the original Wonder Woman and give her as much depth as possible. Gal Gadot comes into the character completely changed from her appearance in the last Batman film, Dark Knight Rises. Instead of her signature golden bikini, she wears a stylish black and gray body suit in the film, which seems to be the most iconic accessory from her appearances in the . One of the most exciting aspects of the sequel, is the involvement of the character of Wonder Woman’s love interest, Superman. There have been several instances where the two characters have worked together, such as in the Justice League comic book series. It has been teased that the scenes featuring the two superheroes will provide a unique experience for fans who are unfamiliar with their stories. Because of this, many fans are optimistic that the Wonder Woman film will receive a warm welcome by viewers, after the lackluster performance by the first Wonder Woman. One positive factor is that the film has already added another iconic super hero to the comic book world, giving it a Superman like feel. No matter what happens in the Wonder Woman 1984 movie, it is certain that the character of Wonder Woman will continue to be a mainstay in the comic book world. Many people grow up reading about these wonderful super heroes, which is why the introduction of Wonder Woman will likely be one of the biggest factors for young girls growing up today. Their love of these characters, combined with the fact that Gal Gadot has been cast as the new Wonder Woman, makes this a very exciting project for DC Entertainment. They are also planning a future film, titled the Untitled Wonder Woman 2, which will take place after the events of the original Wonder Woman film. No matter what happens in either of these movies, one thing is for certain, these famous characters will continue to have a massive impact on our culture. Here some Gal Gadot upcoming movies: Source: Gal Gadot Instagram
['Amelia Official']
2021-10-21 19:07:35.527000+00:00
['Entertainment', 'Marvel', 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', 'Movies', 'Uber Gossip']
Title Wonder Woman 1984 2020Content surprising Gal Gadot donning cape returning screen Amazonian princess understand Wonder Woman 1984 Popular Trending Articles Gal Gadot Check hottest Gal Gadot article old Gal Gadot tall Gal Gadot Gal Gadot age Gal Gadot bikini Gal Gadot boyfriend Gal Gadot bra size Gal Gadot breast size Gal Gadot dress size Gal Gadot eye color Gal Gadot favorite exercise Gal Gadot favorite food Gal Gadot favorite perfume Gal Gadot favorite sport Gal Gadot foot size Gal Gadot fullbody statistic Gal Gadot height Gal Gadot instagram Gal Gadot kid Gal Gadot Measurements Gal Gadot movie Gal Gadot net worth Gal Gadot personal info Gal Gadot shoe Gal Gadot wallpaper Gal Gadot weight Zodiac Celebrities Zodiac Models Hottest Israeli celebrity Hottest Israeli model beautiful Israeli Celebrities beautiful Israeli model famous Israeli actress famous Israeli Celebrities Top female model Latest Updates movie’s release date pushed back Christmas Day 25 Dec 2020 brand new trailer shared member DC FanDome virtual occasion Another brand new teaser poster upcoming movie shared Patty Jenkins say belief future movie “pause” Gal Gadot clarifies Cirque Du Soleil’s influence Wonder Woman 1984 New throw photograph series Diana Barbara Ann Minerva Cheetah Maxwell Lord looked line Wonder Woman 1984 immediate sequel Wonder Woman opened theater two week ago huge hit ever since It’s created new generation strong female hero like Wonder Woman woman around world inspired strong stand believe following trailer movie know one major plotline developing Wonder Woman 1984 main storyline revolves around mysterious Amazon woman relationship powerful warlord Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Wonder Woman’s relationship Lasso Truth important part comic book story never appeared film First foremost let say many devoted Wonder Woman fan world well would make le exciting anticipated release date December 8th one thing Gal Gadot perfect choice latest modernday Wonder Woman I’ve personally known Gal Gadot long time honestly say brings realistic relatable quality role Wonder Woman actress ever needed take Lasso Truth made famous comic book hero Wonder Woman Wonder Woman us choke opponent unconscious vine using lasso tie enemy book Goddess Diana command Lasso broken Wonder Woman give arm eye interesting director Patty Jenkins decided include scene Wonder Woman 1984 one requested fan inclusion Lasso later used Justice League movie destruction Justice League’s headquarters Wonder Woman contact newly formed AntiHC menace Amazonian Amazoness Killer Justice League team join force battle Wonder Woman manages injure Amazoness end temporarily paralyzed Wonder Woman us magic wand cure Amazoness paralysis cost life us spirit Amazonians Amazons heal untimely death Amazoness prompted Wonder Woman rethink membership Justice League go retirement Get free Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Costume sequel Wonder Woman Gal Gadot return strongest woman time Wonder Woman Many viewer skeptical announced Gadot would reprise role Wonder Woman upcoming Wonder Woman movie producer tread carefully though wanted remain true spirit original Wonder Woman give much depth possible Gal Gadot come character completely changed appearance last Batman film Dark Knight Rises Instead signature golden bikini wear stylish black gray body suit film seems iconic accessory appearance One exciting aspect sequel involvement character Wonder Woman’s love interest Superman several instance two character worked together Justice League comic book series teased scene featuring two superheroes provide unique experience fan unfamiliar story many fan optimistic Wonder Woman film receive warm welcome viewer lackluster performance first Wonder Woman One positive factor film already added another iconic super hero comic book world giving Superman like feel matter happens Wonder Woman 1984 movie certain character Wonder Woman continue mainstay comic book world Many people grow reading wonderful super hero introduction Wonder Woman likely one biggest factor young girl growing today love character combined fact Gal Gadot cast new Wonder Woman make exciting project DC Entertainment also planning future film titled Untitled Wonder Woman 2 take place event original Wonder Woman film matter happens either movie one thing certain famous character continue massive impact culture Gal Gadot upcoming movie Source Gal Gadot InstagramTags Entertainment Marvel Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies Uber Gossip
Iron Man
Iron Man A Myth in Disguise Iron Man — movie poster (Marvel Entertainment, 2016) Creating a movie poster is not an easy or simple task. The designers are tasked with drawing the viewer towards buying a ticket at the box office but also to get the reader to be intrigued by a greater story. If anything, it’s an art — an art of creating a myth that viewers can “believe in”. As Marvel is looking for a wide audience, their need to appeal broadly relies on accepted stereotypes for easy recognition and general acceptance by the public. In Barthes’ (1927) terminology, the original symbol that Marvel relies on is what is considered to be a “Hollywood action-thriller” per se. The concept of a “Hollywood action-thriller” largely has already been signified by it means for something to be a “Hollyworld” movie or, colloquially, the stereotypes that are commonly communicated through billion-dollar productions that do not challenge the status quo. Predominantly, this includes James Bond-esque baggage: promiscuity, emphasized masculinity, fast pasted battles, and namely, more explosions. Marvel’s movie poster for Iron Man alone checks all these boxes — a glimpse of the movie is need not required. This implicit ideology or myth that Marvel is seeking to achieve in the name of widespread viewership is rooted in the composition of the work. Void of Stark’s now iconic red and gold, metal suit, the poster would otherwise be easily interpreted as a yet another generic “Hollywood action-thriller”. For this reason, significant attention is drawn towards the Iron Man suit for it to become a signifier that distinguishes it from an otherwise typical film. In effect, the cool persona of heroism from Iron Man is the signifier and the signified — an otherwise generic “Hollywood action-thriller” — to become the symbol that is Iron Man, the movie. Perhaps the simplest but most effective element at play here at drawing attention to Stark’s suit is the black background. This draws greater attention to the distinct circle of light emanating from the chest of Stark’s suit and additionally the slight halo of light behind the suit’s head alluding to halos around the heads of saints. Additionally, the suit is positioned not quite eye-level and is slightly looking down on the viewer Iron Man. These components are what situate Iron Man as a figure to “look up to” and be trusted to add our distinct hero element to this myth. In terms of other stereotypes that the poster uses, “traditional” roles and masculinity and femininity are apparent. From just a rudimentary glance at the poster, Pepper Potts, the woman in showy blue, is in a “power” pose but is rendered notably smaller size than the three male lead roles while positioned next to fighter jets and explosions. The movie poster does little to differentiate her positioning in the movie at first glance. By way of composition, Potts is relegated to playing just another part of the James Bond-eque ideology as before. As much as Marvel is looking to create a story and a movie work while, they are creating a myth— a myth relying on implicit ideology largely through the use of stereotypes of what a “typical” action-thriller looks like. Barthes’ framework for semiology is precisely what is necessary for understanding the implicit and explicit. If Barthes framework was more broadly but informally applied, it could allow the public to have a chance at really understanding the underlying ideas of what they are watching given an active — not a passive — mindset. Only when a viewer truly thinks about what they are watching do the underlying implicit ideologies and assumptions as they are explicit. Otherwise, we might as well be mindlessly accepting stereotypes and implicit ideologies as we sit back, relax, and watch the release.
['Josh Bowden']
2016-10-27 14:53:45.592000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Superheroes']
Title Iron ManContent Iron Man Myth Disguise Iron Man — movie poster Marvel Entertainment 2016 Creating movie poster easy simple task designer tasked drawing viewer towards buying ticket box office also get reader intrigued greater story anything it’s art — art creating myth viewer “believe in” Marvel looking wide audience need appeal broadly relies accepted stereotype easy recognition general acceptance public Barthes’ 1927 terminology original symbol Marvel relies considered “Hollywood actionthriller” per se concept “Hollywood actionthriller” largely already signified mean something “Hollyworld” movie colloquially stereotype commonly communicated billiondollar production challenge status quo Predominantly includes James Bondesque baggage promiscuity emphasized masculinity fast pasted battle namely explosion Marvel’s movie poster Iron Man alone check box — glimpse movie need required implicit ideology myth Marvel seeking achieve name widespread viewership rooted composition work Void Stark’s iconic red gold metal suit poster would otherwise easily interpreted yet another generic “Hollywood actionthriller” reason significant attention drawn towards Iron Man suit become signifier distinguishes otherwise typical film effect cool persona heroism Iron Man signifier signified — otherwise generic “Hollywood actionthriller” — become symbol Iron Man movie Perhaps simplest effective element play drawing attention Stark’s suit black background draw greater attention distinct circle light emanating chest Stark’s suit additionally slight halo light behind suit’s head alluding halo around head saint Additionally suit positioned quite eyelevel slightly looking viewer Iron Man component situate Iron Man figure “look to” trusted add distinct hero element myth term stereotype poster us “traditional” role masculinity femininity apparent rudimentary glance poster Pepper Potts woman showy blue “power” pose rendered notably smaller size three male lead role positioned next fighter jet explosion movie poster little differentiate positioning movie first glance way composition Potts relegated playing another part James Bondeque ideology much Marvel looking create story movie work creating myth— myth relying implicit ideology largely use stereotype “typical” actionthriller look like Barthes’ framework semiology precisely necessary understanding implicit explicit Barthes framework broadly informally applied could allow public chance really understanding underlying idea watching given active — passive — mindset viewer truly think watching underlying implicit ideology assumption explicit Otherwise might well mindlessly accepting stereotype implicit ideology sit back relax watch releaseTags Movies Marvel Superheroes
Marvel Them With Questionable Causality— The Lessons of Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Them With Questionable Causality— The Lessons of Avengers Infinity War Sometimes you spend a few hours looking at dazzling visualizations, listening to engaging dialogue, and seeing a buzz-worthy array — only to walk away and think “why would that happen again?”. This could be your reaction after leaving a corporate boardroom or Avengers: Infinity War. In that respect, they have a lot in common. Warning — spoilers. Entertainment Bias and Confirmation Bias also have a lot in common. Both are about telling you the story you want to hear. If you ignore the former, you will get an enjoyable evening of entertainment. If you ignore the latter — budget issues, poor investment, and other nasty things will follow. Selling either can depend on a very reliable list of tricks and techniques. Let’s go through the ones they have in common. Stunning Visuals CGI and Dataviz are both very useful technologies for advancing a story. They draw you in, help you suspend disbelief, and occasionally distract the audience from some otherwise troublesome short comings. Adjusting an angle, exaggerating some scale, and a little selective editing can go a long way to covering a story line with holes. Conversely, bad CGI and Dataviz can easily kill an otherwise amazing tale. The audience can just as easily become distracted by the poor quality of your visuals. Both technologies can be good or bad. Both can put huge dollars on the line. Sometimes You Feel Compelled To Force The Story You Want In finance, they call it goal seeking. In analytics, it can take the form of confirmation bias or false correlation. In this movie, it takes the form of giving only Scarlet Witch the ability to destroy the stone. Why? Because she is in love with the superhero that destroying the stone would kill! Wait… what? In both analytics and the movies, this can cause otherwise random events to be… well, not random at all. Why was it Peter and not Tony? Because the goal was to create a more compelling story line. Or maybe it really was just the luck of the draw? By the way, why half of the people? What was Thanos fixation with half. Why not 1/3rd or 3/4ths? Ah, the appeal of round numbers! It happens more in the movies, but only slightly. Simple makes a great story line, but sometimes simple seems very forced. Was it in Infinity War? You can decide. Format and Context Matter If you are an avid comic reader or just follow Greg Anderson on Quora, maybe these things seemed less arbitrary or convenient to the plot? Extra context can help a movie or an analysis. Format can affect them both as well — written formats often contain more details and pertinent information. Movies and powerpoints often edit lots of stuff out, or leave it for the footnotes. If All Else Fails, Marvel Them With Buzz, Budget, and Charisma This final analogy requires more of a stretch. Infinity War packed in more celebrities than even the X-men, although minus any X-men. It was one of the highest budget movies ever made. Who has time to find plot holes with all of that… well, always someone, but given the box office — no one was trying too hard. It is a recipe that works in analytics, too. I have witnessed many an analytic presentation that was built on buzzwords, huge testing budgets, and testimonials of influential people. That stuff often has the same effect. In fact, if you can get Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr to present your findings, I bet few in the audience will raise many objections… at least until later. At some point, when the dazzling visuals are done, when the charisma of the celebrities and buzz have faded — people start asking more questions. Perhaps, at first, it is just the contrarians or the highly critical — but if your story needed these tricks to cover too many holes, more will follow. For the record, I enjoyed Infinity War. I suspect most of you did, too. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t capable of teaching a critical lesson in analytics. Thanks for reading! For more Superhero Lessons:
["Corsair'S Publishing"]
2018-12-31 20:21:54.082000+00:00
['Movies', 'Marvel', 'Analytics', 'Superheroes', 'Data Visualization']
Title Marvel Questionable Causality— Lessons Avengers Infinity WarContent Marvel Questionable Causality— Lessons Avengers Infinity War Sometimes spend hour looking dazzling visualization listening engaging dialogue seeing buzzworthy array — walk away think “why would happen again” could reaction leaving corporate boardroom Avengers Infinity War respect lot common Warning — spoiler Entertainment Bias Confirmation Bias also lot common telling story want hear ignore former get enjoyable evening entertainment ignore latter — budget issue poor investment nasty thing follow Selling either depend reliable list trick technique Let’s go one common Stunning Visuals CGI Dataviz useful technology advancing story draw help suspend disbelief occasionally distract audience otherwise troublesome short coming Adjusting angle exaggerating scale little selective editing go long way covering story line hole Conversely bad CGI Dataviz easily kill otherwise amazing tale audience easily become distracted poor quality visuals technology good bad put huge dollar line Sometimes Feel Compelled Force Story Want finance call goal seeking analytics take form confirmation bias false correlation movie take form giving Scarlet Witch ability destroy stone love superhero destroying stone would kill Wait… analytics movie cause otherwise random event be… well random Peter Tony goal create compelling story line maybe really luck draw way half people Thanos fixation half 13rd 34ths Ah appeal round number happens movie slightly Simple make great story line sometimes simple seems forced Infinity War decide Format Context Matter avid comic reader follow Greg Anderson Quora maybe thing seemed le arbitrary convenient plot Extra context help movie analysis Format affect well — written format often contain detail pertinent information Movies powerpoints often edit lot stuff leave footnote Else Fails Marvel Buzz Budget Charisma final analogy requires stretch Infinity War packed celebrity even Xmen although minus Xmen one highest budget movie ever made time find plot hole that… well always someone given box office — one trying hard recipe work analytics witnessed many analytic presentation built buzzword huge testing budget testimonial influential people stuff often effect fact get Chris Hemsworth Robert Downey Jr present finding bet audience raise many objections… least later point dazzling visuals done charisma celebrity buzz faded — people start asking question Perhaps first contrarian highly critical — story needed trick cover many hole follow record enjoyed Infinity War suspect doesn’t mean isn’t capable teaching critical lesson analytics Thanks reading Superhero LessonsTags Movies Marvel Analytics Superheroes Data Visualization
Fans all over agree that these are the best Superhero movies. Ever.
Fans all over agree that these are the best Superhero movies. Ever. Superheroes are nothing but the result of a troubled generation looking out for some hyperbolic hope in the form of imaginary characters with superhuman capabilities. Turning these fictional characters from dark-faints strokes of comic pages to flesh and bones have been quite a task for movie makers. But aren’t humans all about chasing challenges and changing the imperceivable to perceivable? These movies just managed to exemplify that undying spirit of movie makers and showed us that everything is just as real as we want it to be. All that matters is the intensity of your wanting. This decade has seen a major chunk of superhero movies and has seen the rise in the fan following of these caped/non-caped superhumans. Does that reflect that we as a race have fallen short of role models to rely on? Are our hopes of a better future dangling on one (or maybe more) spandex-suited character? That being said, there are some who just view movies for the thrills of it (which form a majority, for we are nothing but a bunch of realists, aren’t we?) and spend all that moolah enjoying the super-expensive VFX which if used efficiently would perhaps save some African nation from starvation. Till we have the immortal hunger for entertainment, superhero movies will continue keeping us hooked and make sure that we believe in the concept of superior humans. And so far, these movies have almost managed to make us wish that these characters were actually real. Here is a list of breathtaking superhero movies stun the brain out of you: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Thought the preceding movie of the star-spangled superhero may not have done that well on the Big Screen, Steve Rogers saw a new awakening with this sequel. A movie that was more than just firing guns and hand-to-hand combat galore, this movie was also about two friends. It indeed was refreshing to see an abstract value like this being the core of the movie. Everything in this movie was perfect and on point. Chris Evans nailed the part like none other and we just cannot wait for Captain to lead the Avengers against gorier villains. With a total collection of approx. $95 millions, the movie looks good even on the monetary frontier. 2. Superman 2 The classic movie has been encased in our hearts ever since it launched and generations since have watched and marveled, not just at his abilities, but his benevolence. His disinterested and unrequited love for humans, especially Lois. this movie actually came with a turbulent behind-the-history but the audiences were fortunately unaware of the tumultuous unseen action. The movie managed to do really great at the Box Office is still the source of a “don’t change!” cry when it comes on the TV. 3. Daredevil The one with Charlie Cox may be creating ripples in the Infinite ocean of Internet. But even before this Blind Vigilante of Hell’s Kitchen was cool, Ben Affleck pulled an absolute stunner with this movie. It may have not done that well on screens and not many enthusiasts would recommend you to watch this one, but it truly is a great attempt. Ben Affleck displayed perfect agility and skill that left audiences mesmerized. This was one movie, though highly debatable, that managed to establish the superhero aura around Affleck. This aura helped us visualise Affleck turn into BatFleck. 4. Man Of Steel Zack Synder is well-known for pulling off unbelievable concepts and this was no different. Filming the story of a boy from a distant planet and making Earth his home (and later his Battleground) is a difficult concept and that goes without saying. Zack in all his expertise pulled this one off as smoothly as Superman’s levitation. Henry Cavill was chosen to be play the “Son of Krypton” and we must say that he has been the apt choice for his looks are truly ‘out of this world.’ 5. Spider-Man 2 A story that gripped us as tightly as Dr. Octopus and his tentacles, Spider-Man 2 sure was an exciting adventure by itself. This movie saw the Bug-boy’s hamartia as he seems to lose his powers. When push comes to shove, he is forced to try running over building roofs only to fall in vain. The struggle gets real when Dr. Octopus gets Mary Jane Watson (who seems to have a knack to get into trouble) and Peter has to re-discover his powers. An absolute stunner pulled off by Sam Raimi. 6. The Dark Knight Now this movie just makes me run to the top of hill, yell my lungs out, yell some more and then climb down. A movie that changed the perception of millions all over the world and revolutionised the much despised Joker. A movie with Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, and Morgan Freeman all lead by the filming maestro Christopher Nolan had no chance to fail at the Box Office. And isn’t that what happened? Unfortunate happenstances occurred later as Heath Ledger departed, but he stays with us as Joker. Forever. 7. Avengers Last but not at all the least, is the team of robot men, soldiers and a beast. The Avengers has retained its position even today as the most successful superhero movie and guess it shall remain to be so for quite a while. A one-of-a-kind movie back then that had multiple superheroes teaming up to fight an army of intergalactic weirdos got us all wide jawed and awestruck as we watched all our favourite characters fight shoulder-to-shoulder. And who can forget the scene where Hulk smashes the pulp out of Loki! This movie was just what every superhero fan ever wanted. Marvel just seems to be the modern day Genie. Just as we said before that superheroes are fictional but it is the idea that there exists a superior force that can save us from our perils is an idea we all like to delve into. Some wish to be one while some wish to marry one. Some hate them, some pray to them. But the fact remains that heroes have concreted their spot in this decade and in the ones to come. That just brings us to one realization and maybe that alone is enough. That being, “Hope is not yet dead. Hope lives on.”
2016-10-27 05:01:03.666000+00:00
['Movies', 'Film', 'Superheroes', 'Marvel', 'DC Comics']
Title Fans agree best Superhero movie EverContent Fans agree best Superhero movie Ever Superheroes nothing result troubled generation looking hyperbolic hope form imaginary character superhuman capability Turning fictional character darkfaints stroke comic page flesh bone quite task movie maker aren’t human chasing challenge changing imperceivable perceivable movie managed exemplify undying spirit movie maker showed u everything real want matter intensity wanting decade seen major chunk superhero movie seen rise fan following capednoncaped superhumans reflect race fallen short role model rely hope better future dangling one maybe spandexsuited character said view movie thrill form majority nothing bunch realist aren’t spend moolah enjoying superexpensive VFX used efficiently would perhaps save African nation starvation Till immortal hunger entertainment superhero movie continue keeping u hooked make sure believe concept superior human far movie almost managed make u wish character actually real list breathtaking superhero movie stun brain Captain America Winter Soldier Thought preceding movie starspangled superhero may done well Big Screen Steve Rogers saw new awakening sequel movie firing gun handtohand combat galore movie also two friend indeed refreshing see abstract value like core movie Everything movie perfect point Chris Evans nailed part like none cannot wait Captain lead Avengers gorier villain total collection approx 95 million movie look good even monetary frontier 2 Superman 2 classic movie encased heart ever since launched generation since watched marveled ability benevolence disinterested unrequited love human especially Lois movie actually came turbulent behindthehistory audience fortunately unaware tumultuous unseen action movie managed really great Box Office still source “don’t change” cry come TV 3 Daredevil one Charlie Cox may creating ripple Infinite ocean Internet even Blind Vigilante Hell’s Kitchen cool Ben Affleck pulled absolute stunner movie may done well screen many enthusiast would recommend watch one truly great attempt Ben Affleck displayed perfect agility skill left audience mesmerized one movie though highly debatable managed establish superhero aura around Affleck aura helped u visualise Affleck turn BatFleck 4 Man Steel Zack Synder wellknown pulling unbelievable concept different Filming story boy distant planet making Earth home later Battleground difficult concept go without saying Zack expertise pulled one smoothly Superman’s levitation Henry Cavill chosen play “Son Krypton” must say apt choice look truly ‘out world’ 5 SpiderMan 2 story gripped u tightly Dr Octopus tentacle SpiderMan 2 sure exciting adventure movie saw Bugboy’s hamartia seems lose power push come shove forced try running building roof fall vain struggle get real Dr Octopus get Mary Jane Watson seems knack get trouble Peter rediscover power absolute stunner pulled Sam Raimi 6 Dark Knight movie make run top hill yell lung yell climb movie changed perception million world revolutionised much despised Joker movie Gary Oldman Christian Bale Heath Ledger Morgan Freeman lead filming maestro Christopher Nolan chance fail Box Office isn’t happened Unfortunate happenstance occurred later Heath Ledger departed stay u Joker Forever 7 Avengers Last least team robot men soldier beast Avengers retained position even today successful superhero movie guess shall remain quite oneofakind movie back multiple superheroes teaming fight army intergalactic weirdo got u wide jawed awestruck watched favourite character fight shouldertoshoulder forget scene Hulk smash pulp Loki movie every superhero fan ever wanted Marvel seems modern day Genie said superheroes fictional idea exists superior force save u peril idea like delve wish one wish marry one hate pray fact remains hero concreted spot decade one come brings u one realization maybe alone enough “Hope yet dead Hope life on”Tags Movies Film Superheroes Marvel DC Comics