Unnamed: 0
Why I am using Batchbook for CRM
I try out a lot of different Customer Management systems. I used the 37 Signals offering for quite some time. I tried some others of lesser popularity. I even used Goldmine back in the day. My thing, is I need a clean, easy to use CRM that stays out of my way. I also want one that does not have a lot of extraneous garbage that I don’t need. I’m not a professional salesman spending my waking hours chasing leads for some large conglomerate. I’m a self employed professional who needs to keep tract of contacts in a way that Outlook can’t do it. I want a system that is expandable on my terms. I’m really liking Batchbook, though. It does the job really well, and the tag system is very nice. One thing that I really like is the customer service. Twice I sent off an email to feedback and had a response back within an hour. Not only that, but it was a real response, not a copy/paste response from some bored flunky. That’s what I call service. One of the features that I really need to start exploiting is the SuperTags. With SuperTags, you take a normal tag, for example “prospect” and when it’s “Super Sized” you can add field values to it. Taking the example “prospect” we could add fields such as: “Where We Met” “Needs” and anything else that might be relevant for a prospect that your chasing. It has preset field types such as Yes/No, Number, Date, Recurring Date, etc. The concept of SuperTags is just amazing. It really expands the power and flexibility of the service. Any tag can be come a supertag. At first I was reluctant to create supertags, but once I “broke the ice” then I got excited about just what I could do with them. The service itself is really good, and it’s getting steadily better. There’s still some bugs and tweaks. The iCal feed gives Outlook fits when I do a send and receive, and the tasks interface needs some tweaking. The tasks interface, I already sent a suggestion about and quickly got a response back stating that they agreed with the suggestion and it’ll be updated soon. The iCal feed I need to send them still. The interface is very clean and it makes good use of AJAX without over doing it. I also like that I can email someone and BCC my special mailbox and it’ll be attached to the appropriate contact. In conclusion, Batchbook may be just what your looking for if you need something robust, easy to use, and expandable. I highly recommend it. It’s free for up to 200 contacts and only $10 a month for unlimited contacts. Update 07/28/08: Just another example of how fast they can respond to problems. As I mentioned earlier in this post I had a problem with Outlook reading the iCal feed from my tasks. I shot off an email to support at 11:32am and by 12:36pm I had an email back letting me know the issue was fixed. Now that is SERVICE! And in the web 2.0 era of the Internet, service is a superior feature. Batchbook
['Jason Shultz']
2017-04-07 13:40:33.094000+00:00
['Business', 'Personal', 'CRM']
Title using Batchbook CRMContent try lot different Customer Management system used 37 Signals offering quite time tried others lesser popularity even used Goldmine back day thing need clean easy use CRM stay way also want one lot extraneous garbage don’t need I’m professional salesman spending waking hour chasing lead large conglomerate I’m self employed professional need keep tract contact way Outlook can’t want system expandable term I’m really liking Batchbook though job really well tag system nice One thing really like customer service Twice sent email feedback response back within hour real response copypaste response bored flunky That’s call service One feature really need start exploiting SuperTags SuperTags take normal tag example “prospect” it’s “Super Sized” add field value Taking example “prospect” could add field “Where Met” “Needs” anything else might relevant prospect chasing preset field type YesNo Number Date Recurring Date etc concept SuperTags amazing really expands power flexibility service tag come supertag first reluctant create supertags “broke ice” got excited could service really good it’s getting steadily better There’s still bug tweak iCal feed give Outlook fit send receive task interface need tweaking task interface already sent suggestion quickly got response back stating agreed suggestion it’ll updated soon iCal feed need send still interface clean make good use AJAX without also like email someone BCC special mailbox it’ll attached appropriate contact conclusion Batchbook may looking need something robust easy use expandable highly recommend It’s free 200 contact 10 month unlimited contact Update 072808 another example fast respond problem mentioned earlier post problem Outlook reading iCal feed task shot email support 1132am 1236pm email back letting know issue fixed SERVICE web 20 era Internet service superior feature BatchbookTags Business Personal CRM
Custom CRM’s vs the template one. Processes automation during the…
Custom CRM’s vs the template one While traveling, I was invited to a party that I didn’t count on. To get a good look, I decided to buy a blazer. Of course, I didn’t have time to make an individual cut, so I bought it in a mall. It looks good, sits well, fits almost everything, but it is not perfect. And this is not surprising, because you can not buy products designed for the mass market, which would suit everyone. Yes, for a party is enough, but for a business meeting? In this article, we will look at such products for the mass market and individual development. However, we’ll compare not blazers but CRM’s. WHAT IS CRM? In short, a CRM system is a program for structuring work with clients. What is the value of CRM systems? They store data about current and potential customers from various sources and optimize processes in sales, marketing and customer service. It’s central storage of information about them, transactions and other influences with a user interface with a set of features. Regardless of the industry, optimizing customer relationships can be a lifeline during an economic recession. According to Bain & Company, in financial services, a 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profit. WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE CRM SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION? Owners, founders and top managers of the business will get: Control over indicators of operational work; Quality analytics; Systematization of the client base; Planning and forecasting tool; An additional measure of information security; A tool for personnel management and task setting, as well as their delegation; An information base for marketing, promotions and sales development. On the other hand, employees, managers or specialists will also find a CRM-system as a useful working tool. With its help, it is possible to increase control over their own work and reduce responsibility for potential data loss. Moreover, it is more effective to build relationships with customers and set reminders of important events. Even HR specialists CAN find CRM beneficial. Using it, they can easily create cards of employees, make notes on them, and evaluate each person’s effectiveness in the company, if it has this functionality. However, the system does not work by itself ─ it is a tool. Its benefits can be obtained only after the proper implementation and staff training. What functions and modules should be in your system? Ask yourself: Which parts of the company’s business process architecture are weakest? In which tasks, there is a high probability of error due to the human factor? Do I need methods for collecting, structuring and storing information? Do I need mechanisms for generating reports of a different type, evaluation of time costs? What are the main factors that reduce the efficiency of businesses? 3 TYPES OF CRM PURPOSES We can identify three types of purposes, whose functions often overlap. Operational. Emphasize the automation of marketing, sales, service processes and achieving short-term goals. Transactions and documents are stored here. Newsletters, etc., are also conducted from it. Reporting in such systems is related, but not leading functionality. Analytical type of system receives and analyzes the client’s data. Suitable for complex integration, for example, with the online store payment system. In other words, analytical CRM may serve the purpose of segmentation, assortment management, etc. Strategic. Synchronize communications with customers and partners through different channels: phone calls, emails, chat-bots and social networks. Such CRM-systems may include a personal client cabinet. It is also possible to develop a set of components for project and task management. There are two ways to implement the system: to buy a ready-made solution or order custom development. READY-MADE SOLUTIONS Ready-to-use CRMs include a set of essential tools. They often cover standard business processes and don’t delve into specific industries. Such an option is quite affordable and suits companies that wish to automate one or two aspects of work (such as conducting customer transactions and making calls). Some solutions offer system additions. In this case, ready components are adjusted to the specifics of business under the requirements specification. The main task of the client is to correctly collect the requirements and present them to the developer. Benefits: Cover most of the needs of businesses in favoured industries, such as restaurants and retail stores; Customer support, but most often you have to pay extra for it; You can start using it faster. It only takes time to implement and set up. Drawbacks: Pre-made solutions are designed for the bulk consumer. They may lack the features you really need. The initial fee for a CRM system is less than for a custom one. But most providers provide their software on a subscription basis, which means you have to pay every month. Different functional modules, technical support and integration can be paid for as separate fees. The list of applications for syncing is often limited. If your business grows, along with the client base’s growth and the number of users of the system increases the fee. Moreover, CRM vendors do not always disclose the full list of paid services on their websites. For example, quite accidentally, you may find a surprise like a fee for overstoring. In the case of template CRM, you rely entirely on its provider. You do not get full control over the software and the accumulated database. There are also free CRMs, but they are usually limited functionality. For example, it can be a version without technical support, updates, technical limitations, and advertising. CUSTOM CRM In a custom system, you can implement the most necessary functions for a particular business. What’s essential, not only the features you need, but also the user-friendly ones. Customized solutions fit those who: needs to implement unique functions; works in narrow niches; interested in maximum security; has developed complex business processes; has accumulated considerable data about customers. Custom CRM gives businesses the flexibility to adapt to new realities. The system can be developed to suit your needs and respond to challenges more effectively. It’s possible to create your own unique process of working with the clients, where it’s essential to be on time with them when they’re ready to buy. Moreover, to work with the customers after they have already purchased. After all, it’s much easier for them to buy again than a cold customer who doesn’t know you and doesn’t trust you yet. If many people are working on a project, you can implement a system of rules. For example, suppose a specialist doesn’t respond to an assignment within 24 hours. In that case, a notice should be sent to his or her supervisor. Mobile adaptability Smartphone access allows you to connect to the system via a mobile or adaptive cloud CRM web app. The main advantage is that sales managers can use the system’s tools and data, even on the road while communicating with clients. The mobile system can also manage schedules, analyze data, generate reports, and upload and download files. Because employees can get help in real-time, customers will always receive high-quality service. Webmil web-production offers progressive web app development (PWA). This technology visually and functionally transforms a website into an app (mobile app in a browser). Thus, you can open the application with a mobile browser. For example, You can view previously downloaded information even without being connected to the Internet. You can even temporarily save a certain amount of data downloaded immediately during the next connection to the network. Benefits No monthly fee means savings in the long run. After a one-time investment in development, the software is yours. The private developer can install additional features to the custom application on request. The developer takes care of the migration of existing databases and synchronizes the new CRM or ERP with your old systems. Custom software is developed, taking into account the niche, structure, and business processes of a particular company. One of the disadvantages of custom systems is their cost. The initial investment will definitely be higher than the template version. It depends on the complexity of the project and the rate of the developer. Among the disadvantages are usually mentioned in a more extended period of implementation. After all, the program must first be designed and developed, and only then — to start the implementation and configuration. The period of development and implementation is directly proportional to the price, because it depends on the complexity, the need to integrate with other applications, etc. However, it’s possible to create an MVP for CRM, a pivotal functionality to get started. This will allow you to launch a working system in a tight timeframe and add new features as needed. CONCLUSION Automation during the recession and its aftermath is one of the right ways to overcome it. And CRM is the optimal tool to work with the team and clients to retain them and further business development in 2021. What CRM to choose depends on the specifics of a particular business. The choice may be influenced by the turnover, security requirements and the need to implement unique features. Unfortunately, template CRM solutions can not be fully adapted to all business processes, so we recommend you pay attention to custom. The development of a working system can be ordered from us. We know that the ability to work “from anywhere in the program” is vital. Therefore we provide a function to create the necessary information cards from the point in the system where you locate. We dig deep into our clients’ business goals and processes to develop solutions specifically for them. The goal is to automate the office routine and get rid of the human factor. We also offer system protection against hacking and employee training.
2020-12-24 10:02:33.752000+00:00
Title Custom CRM’s v template one Processes automation the…Content Custom CRM’s v template one traveling invited party didn’t count get good look decided buy blazer course didn’t time make individual cut bought mall look good sits well fit almost everything perfect surprising buy product designed mass market would suit everyone Yes party enough business meeting article look product mass market individual development However we’ll compare blazer CRM’s CRM short CRM system program structuring work client value CRM system store data current potential customer various source optimize process sale marketing customer service It’s central storage information transaction influence user interface set feature Regardless industry optimizing customer relationship lifeline economic recession According Bain Company financial service 5 increase customer retention produce 25 increase profit BENEFIT CRM SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Owners founder top manager business get Control indicator operational work Quality analytics Systematization client base Planning forecasting tool additional measure information security tool personnel management task setting well delegation information base marketing promotion sale development hand employee manager specialist also find CRMsystem useful working tool help possible increase control work reduce responsibility potential data loss Moreover effective build relationship customer set reminder important event Even HR specialist find CRM beneficial Using easily create card employee make note evaluate person’s effectiveness company functionality However system work ─ tool benefit obtained proper implementation staff training function module system Ask part company’s business process architecture weakest task high probability error due human factor need method collecting structuring storing information need mechanism generating report different type evaluation time cost main factor reduce efficiency business 3 TYPES CRM PURPOSES identify three type purpose whose function often overlap Operational Emphasize automation marketing sale service process achieving shortterm goal Transactions document stored Newsletters etc also conducted Reporting system related leading functionality Analytical type system receives analyzes client’s data Suitable complex integration example online store payment system word analytical CRM may serve purpose segmentation assortment management etc Strategic Synchronize communication customer partner different channel phone call email chatbots social network CRMsystems may include personal client cabinet also possible develop set component project task management two way implement system buy readymade solution order custom development READYMADE SOLUTIONS Readytouse CRMs include set essential tool often cover standard business process don’t delve specific industry option quite affordable suit company wish automate one two aspect work conducting customer transaction making call solution offer system addition case ready component adjusted specific business requirement specification main task client correctly collect requirement present developer Benefits Cover need business favoured industry restaurant retail store Customer support often pay extra start using faster take time implement set Drawbacks Premade solution designed bulk consumer may lack feature really need initial fee CRM system le custom one provider provide software subscription basis mean pay every month Different functional module technical support integration paid separate fee list application syncing often limited business grows along client base’s growth number user system increase fee Moreover CRM vendor always disclose full list paid service website example quite accidentally may find surprise like fee overstoring case template CRM rely entirely provider get full control software accumulated database also free CRMs usually limited functionality example version without technical support update technical limitation advertising CUSTOM CRM custom system implement necessary function particular business What’s essential feature need also userfriendly one Customized solution fit need implement unique function work narrow niche interested maximum security developed complex business process accumulated considerable data customer Custom CRM give business flexibility adapt new reality system developed suit need respond challenge effectively It’s possible create unique process working client it’s essential time they’re ready buy Moreover work customer already purchased it’s much easier buy cold customer doesn’t know doesn’t trust yet many people working project implement system rule example suppose specialist doesn’t respond assignment within 24 hour case notice sent supervisor Mobile adaptability Smartphone access allows connect system via mobile adaptive cloud CRM web app main advantage sale manager use system’s tool data even road communicating client mobile system also manage schedule analyze data generate report upload download file employee get help realtime customer always receive highquality service Webmil webproduction offer progressive web app development PWA technology visually functionally transforms website app mobile app browser Thus open application mobile browser example view previously downloaded information even without connected Internet even temporarily save certain amount data downloaded immediately next connection network Benefits monthly fee mean saving long run onetime investment development software private developer install additional feature custom application request developer take care migration existing database synchronizes new CRM ERP old system Custom software developed taking account niche structure business process particular company One disadvantage custom system cost initial investment definitely higher template version depends complexity project rate developer Among disadvantage usually mentioned extended period implementation program must first designed developed — start implementation configuration period development implementation directly proportional price depends complexity need integrate application etc However it’s possible create MVP CRM pivotal functionality get started allow launch working system tight timeframe add new feature needed CONCLUSION Automation recession aftermath one right way overcome CRM optimal tool work team client retain business development 2021 CRM choose depends specific particular business choice may influenced turnover security requirement need implement unique feature Unfortunately template CRM solution fully adapted business process recommend pay attention custom development working system ordered u know ability work “from anywhere program” vital Therefore provide function create necessary information card point system locate dig deep clients’ business goal process develop solution specifically goal automate office routine get rid human factor also offer system protection hacking employee trainingTags CRM
Top Benefits Of Applicant Tracking System
Every day recruiters are flooded with hundreds of resumes for various jobs advertised. Now, they have this huge responsibility of selecting the right top talent for the company and the right company for the candidate. It is virtually impossible for recruiters to scan each resume manually and shortlist them. This is where the Applicant Tracking System comes into the picture or as some call it, a recruiting software or recruitment software. Since the job of a recruitment agency is two folds, to speed up the whole process of finding and hiring the right talent and to make sure the hired candidate and selected company makes the best fit. A recent online survey conducted by Recruit CRM revealed that more than 98% of recruitment agencies with 10 recruiters or more used an Applicant Tracking System. The percentage was significantly lower at 76% for agencies with lesser recruiters. The functionality of an Application Tracking system is somewhat similar to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system but with a slight change in main focus towards the search functionality. This article aims to highlight 20 basic advantages of the Applicant Tracking System that will make you realize the importance of having one for your business. 1. Saves Time For Value Added Work The topmost advantage of an automated Applicant Tracking System is that it saves a lot of time when compared to conventional application processing and hiring procedure. An average of 75–88 % of resumes received is not qualified for the job. ( You can find a good guide for resume screening here.) By eliminating the manual posting and listing on job boards, then filtering out the irrelevant applications, this whole process is done in a matter of seconds rather than spending hours on it. Recruiter Time-Share Per Activity: 2. Flexible System For Both Employer And The Agency Recruitment agencies obviously gain a lot by using an Applicant tracking system. However, even for the client, it is a blessing as short listings, interview feedbacks and all other co-ordinations can be seamlessly handled online. Imagine the efficiency improvements if you do not have to deal with lots of emails, excel sheets and remember notings, appointments and so on which are now handled on a single platform. View our article here on — How a Recruitment Agency chooses an ATS & CRM? 3. Better Overview Of Applications Through keeping all the documents in the applicant monitoring program, you have all the details you need in one location. You can easily switch between apps, compare candidates, change candidate status, select candidates, and scan candidates without leaving the program. In turn, you remove the risk of a submission being missed or trapped on a team member’s desk, so you will be aware of any repeat applications. Many ATS have a simple Kanban view. You can view a sample here of Kanban View. 4. Easy Job Posting An Applicant Tracking System lets you upload the job openings on several platforms with a single click. You do not need to set up and manually log in to individual accounts from each social platform and post the job. Moreover, you also do not need to keep a track of each social media platform and results generated from each post individually. An automated Applicant Tracking System will gather the analytics from each platform and then represent it collectively. Various countries have their own popular job boards but the bare minimum requirement is that the ATS must be capable of automatically post your jobs to google jobs which is one of the most searched places by job seekers for jobs. To know more about google jobs read this article. Moreover, you can add details like a job description, salary, location, and the list is never-ending, one time only. You receive all the job applications in your ATS. ATS like Recruit CRM allows you to integrate a career site page on your website. You can use your website to collect online applications. You can save some serious cash in recruitment marketing. Job boards will provide you with plenty of traffic for your job openings. 5. Improved Cost Per Hire Since we all know most businesses cannot invest hundreds of dollars ongoing through the expensive screening process, every time they have to hire new talent. Similarly, these businesses cannot afford to hire the wrong resource because of an inefficient screening process, as it could cost them much more afterwards. Tim Sackett, one of the most famous recruitment experts in the world says Applicant Tracking System to be one of the most affordable and amazing recruiting technologies ever. He believes that this technology has made even SMBs able to carry out a competitive recruiting & staffing process. According to him: “SMB shops can move faster to integrate the latest and greatest tech on the market. It’s such an exciting time to be in talent acquisition, the availability of world-class technology is transforming how we all recruit on a daily basis.” Ever since the introduction of the Applicant Tracking System in the market, the cost per hire has reduced tremendously. Minimum Cost of Recruiter per month $2000- $3000. Cost of Applicant tracking system — $100 — $150 per month per user. Do you really think an ATS cannot improve your recruiter’s sourcing efficiency by more than 5 % per month and make-up for the cost? 6. Improved Quality of Hire As a saying goes: “Early Bird Catches the Worm” According to research, 80% of recruiters claim to have an improved quality of hire ever since they incorporated Applicant Tracking System in their businesses. Another research says that the application of a talented and qualified class candidate stays for 10 days approximately. By speeding up the recruitment process that too with the high quality you can easily grab the talented opportunities which could have been occupied by other competitive business. And yes, organizations are now sharply defining their quality of hires using varied metrics. An ATS helps you build your talent pool faster. 7. Improved Inter-Department Communication A strong interior is what leads to a confident exterior. One of the main problems faced during the recruitment process is insufficient information and poor communication between the departments, for example, your agency and the hiring manager. An Applicant Tracking System allows improved communication among the recruiting team members and also with others who are involved in the whole process. It also allows, to send messages easily to multiple people and assign tasks in an organized timeline. Moreover, all team members can participate, leave notes, ratings and also feedback on each applicant. Most ATS nowadays integrate seamlessly with google/outlook calendar and various email systems. You end up with less paperwork and a more organized process. 8. Faster and better decisions When it comes to hiring a workforce for a company, there is no chance of mistake and a single wrong decision can prove detrimental to the company’s financial position. An Applicant Tracking System gives complete access to all applications and presenting them on the same front helps in making better and faster systems. , a comparison site for small business software found that respondents who used an applicant tracking system (ATS) were seeing clear benefits — 86.1% said their ATS had increased the speed at which they hire. Read talent blog here. In short, an ATS streamlines the various processes of your recruitment agency giving you the confidence to make data-driven decisions. 9. Promotes Collaborative hiring Collaborative hiring allows a company to have a more organized approach towards developing a more diverse and talented team. Applicant Monitoring Programs come with innovative apps that make it easy to employ collaboratively. HR departments or corporate recruiter can effectively and efficiently exchange feedback and reviews with each candidate and lead a joint decision-making process in which each recruiter has a voice. Here is a list of collaborative tools useful for recruiting teams. 10. Entire Recruitment Cycle Speeds Up The benefit of having all applicant’s information centralized and organized in a single platform allows recruiters to have faster access to the hiring process overview. Once the Applicant Tracking System has installed everything from receiving applications to narrowing down suitable candidates, scheduling interviews and hiring the right person for the job everything catches up a pace that makes the whole cycle faster. Automated contact capabilities also improve the recruiting process, allowing it easier to have general follow-up and transfer applicants to the next level. Finally, the Candidate Tracking Program helps recruiters to build and manage a more effective workflow. Hiring and recruiting becomes much easier when done with recruitment & staffing software. 11. Improved Candidate Experience A user whether hired or not will have impressive user experience with an automated Applicant Tracking System. A more efficient hiring and application process is the key to success for your business. These same candidates can speak favourable words about your business which will help you attain a strong position in the market. Read this for The far-reaching impact of candidate experience. An ATS lets you automate crucial tasks like sending an email when a candidate is rejected, this ensures a better candidate experience. Recruit CRM has some great ready-made email templates, or you can create your own. If you need any email templates, we have them here. Also, refer to The Great Candidate Experience 12. Improved Employer Branding A strong Employer branding is what makes a favourable impression of the company. Having an attractive employer branding is so important that it helps a business secure a strong position in the market. A good employer brand will make a significant difference by encouraging a passive employee to join the business. Using ATS, you can evaluate, assess and develop your branding strategy by integrating it with career pages and providing a superior Onboarding experience. 13. Lower Bounce Rates On Job Ads Nothing is more frustrating than a job advertisement that gets bounced now and then. This throws away all the hard work in the trash. This could lead to starting the whole process from scratch. Applicant Tracking System is a simple and improved solution to a better understanding of how to post and carry out job advertisements and what ways to have a better result from them. Using ATS will help you maximize the time spent on the web page and thus increase the number of applications. Here is a very informative article on reducing the bounce rate and getting more and relevant applications. Writing better job descriptions will also hugely help in achieving lower bounce rates. Glassdoor has created this resource page for writing great job descriptions. 14. Streamlined Recruitment Process Applicant Tracking System makes the whole Recruitment process easy to manage and execute. With a streamlined development between the successive tasks, the HR department can easily manage and review multiple applications in a few hours which could otherwise take days. This helps the recruiting agencies work faster and at an efficient rate. To be precise, an ATS will help you get rid of spreadsheets. 15. Riddance From Unnecessary Resumes Most of the time, people apply for a job blindly, without paying heed to what are the requirements of the job and whether the applicant meets all of them or not. in such cases, there is a lot of frustration on HR’s end who has to filter through hundreds of applications and then filter out the relevant to job applicants followed by filtering the most suitable ones for the task. For the Candidate Tracking Program, recruiters no longer need to continuously search their addresses for something else. The recruitment CRM collects resumes you collect and displays applicant data in a manner that makes comparisons short and convenient. However, nowadays there are tools available that allow candidates to tailor resumes as per job descriptions so as to beat the ATS search algorithm. Therefore it could be important for recruiters to create their own search queries (rather than use automated ones that are based on Job descriptions). Boolean search can be a powerful tool to help recruiters with the shortlisting. Here recruiters can enter their own criteria for search each time and save that as well. Recruit CRM parses your resumes and stores them in the system to make boolean search perform faster and more accurate. The parsing is accurate and collects most of the data from the resume. This also helps you build your resume database with each resume you parse. 16. Easy Interview Scheduling How wise it is to give chance to some of the most talented minds in the market, but how tough it gets when allotting time slots to each one of the candidates then making sure no time clashes with the other so each candidate gets equal opportunity to express their abilities. When taken from HR, most of them believe calling each candidate and fixing their interview timing is a lot of more hectic tasks than scheduling the interviews itself. This consumes a lot of time and also gives rise to much confusion leading one or two mishaps during the scheduling inevitable. Applicant Tracking System can send automatically generated emails to the shortlisted candidates which can inform them for interviews thus saving a lot of time and hurdles for the Human Resources department. 17. Better Utilization Of Budget When it comes to recruiting solutions, it is difficult to identify the right direction as to where to spend the budget. This confusion can lead to a lot of unnecessary spending by a company which leads to losses for the company. By sending job advertisements to multiple mediums and channels a business can spend a lot of value when in reality it should have only invested in the right social platform. Applicant Tracking System finds out the most suitable platform to invest in through several personalized data collection techniques. Thus making your tech stack scalable. 18. Wider Scope Of Audience A limited reach will only bring limited talent. If a business wants to hire the best, it needs to spread its wings in the market and let a wider audience know how they are looking for a compatible individual. And widening your scope in today’s competitive world is a tough task. With so many mouths to hear from, the audience often gets confused about what to pay attention to and what to ignore. An Applicant Tracking System makes reaching the right audience possible easily through SEO techniques. Moreover, it can easily source resumes from various social media platforms & job boards with automated integrations. An ATS helps you tap into the world of social recruiting. Many ATS like Recruit CRM come with social media integration, where you can post a job from your ATS directly to your favourite social media sites in one click. 19. Auto-generation of Accurate Reports Applicant Tracking System not only helps with the process but it also gives a hand when it comes to keeping a check and balance of the entire workflow. Applicant Tracking System is efficient in creating Auto-generated accurate reports in real-time. This is done by collecting data from different parts of the process containing job posting to monitoring the execution of the whole task. ATS system can analyze the efficiency of social platforms and how well they are generating performance while allowing analyzing each platform differently. This helps companies identifies loops and holes in the processes and use them to improve the lacking. In short, it helps you to manage the recruitment process & hire faster. Workflow automation is one of the major components of any recruiting software application. 20. Improved GDPR & EEO Data Privacy is the biggest concern when it comes to providing information to a new untrusted source. Especially when the whole procedure is automated most of the people are not convinced that their data would be not be revealed to any other sources or publicly which makes them hesitant towards proceeding with this medium. Despite new GDPR regulations being enforced and data security as a whole being more internationally regulated, it is important to find a way to manage the personal data safely and efficiently. See how recruitcrm.io handles GDPR & EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Compliance. Having a secure cloud-based Applicant Tracking System lets businesses stay away and safe from all unnecessary processes of shuffling through unwanted applications that waste a lot of time and resources. Besides that, it also speeds up the whole process. You can find all the tools that match your needs and interests and provide a user-friendly platform for both employers and agency leading them towards a market system of the improved hiring process. All of these benefits are crucial to your company’s long-term success. You end up with recruiting the best talent after all.
['Recruit Crm']
2020-12-30 04:25:29.177000+00:00
['Recruitment', 'Ats Software', 'CRM', 'Human Resources', 'Recruiters']
Title Top Benefits Applicant Tracking SystemContent Every day recruiter flooded hundred resume various job advertised huge responsibility selecting right top talent company right company candidate virtually impossible recruiter scan resume manually shortlist Applicant Tracking System come picture call recruiting software recruitment software Since job recruitment agency two fold speed whole process finding hiring right talent make sure hired candidate selected company make best fit recent online survey conducted Recruit CRM revealed 98 recruitment agency 10 recruiter used Applicant Tracking System percentage significantly lower 76 agency lesser recruiter functionality Application Tracking system somewhat similar Customer Relationship Management CRM system slight change main focus towards search functionality article aim highlight 20 basic advantage Applicant Tracking System make realize importance one business 1 Saves Time Value Added Work topmost advantage automated Applicant Tracking System save lot time compared conventional application processing hiring procedure average 75–88 resume received qualified job find good guide resume screening eliminating manual posting listing job board filtering irrelevant application whole process done matter second rather spending hour Recruiter TimeShare Per Activity 2 Flexible System Employer Agency Recruitment agency obviously gain lot using Applicant tracking system However even client blessing short listing interview feedback coordination seamlessly handled online Imagine efficiency improvement deal lot email excel sheet remember notings appointment handled single platform View article — Recruitment Agency chooses ATS CRM 3 Better Overview Applications keeping document applicant monitoring program detail need one location easily switch apps compare candidate change candidate status select candidate scan candidate without leaving program turn remove risk submission missed trapped team member’s desk aware repeat application Many ATS simple Kanban view view sample Kanban View 4 Easy Job Posting Applicant Tracking System let upload job opening several platform single click need set manually log individual account social platform post job Moreover also need keep track social medium platform result generated post individually automated Applicant Tracking System gather analytics platform represent collectively Various country popular job board bare minimum requirement ATS must capable automatically post job google job one searched place job seeker job know google job read article Moreover add detail like job description salary location list neverending one time receive job application ATS ATS like Recruit CRM allows integrate career site page website use website collect online application save serious cash recruitment marketing Job board provide plenty traffic job opening 5 Improved Cost Per Hire Since know business cannot invest hundred dollar ongoing expensive screening process every time hire new talent Similarly business cannot afford hire wrong resource inefficient screening process could cost much afterwards Tim Sackett one famous recruitment expert world say Applicant Tracking System one affordable amazing recruiting technology ever belief technology made even SMBs able carry competitive recruiting staffing process According “SMB shop move faster integrate latest greatest tech market It’s exciting time talent acquisition availability worldclass technology transforming recruit daily basis” Ever since introduction Applicant Tracking System market cost per hire reduced tremendously Minimum Cost Recruiter per month 2000 3000 Cost Applicant tracking system — 100 — 150 per month per user really think ATS cannot improve recruiter’s sourcing efficiency 5 per month makeup cost 6 Improved Quality Hire saying go “Early Bird Catches Worm” According research 80 recruiter claim improved quality hire ever since incorporated Applicant Tracking System business Another research say application talented qualified class candidate stay 10 day approximately speeding recruitment process high quality easily grab talented opportunity could occupied competitive business yes organization sharply defining quality hire using varied metric ATS help build talent pool faster 7 Improved InterDepartment Communication strong interior lead confident exterior One main problem faced recruitment process insufficient information poor communication department example agency hiring manager Applicant Tracking System allows improved communication among recruiting team member also others involved whole process also allows send message easily multiple people assign task organized timeline Moreover team member participate leave note rating also feedback applicant ATS nowadays integrate seamlessly googleoutlook calendar various email system end le paperwork organized process 8 Faster better decision come hiring workforce company chance mistake single wrong decision prove detrimental company’s financial position Applicant Tracking System give complete access application presenting front help making better faster system comparison site small business software found respondent used applicant tracking system ATS seeing clear benefit — 861 said ATS increased speed hire Read talent blog short ATS streamlines various process recruitment agency giving confidence make datadriven decision 9 Promotes Collaborative hiring Collaborative hiring allows company organized approach towards developing diverse talented team Applicant Monitoring Programs come innovative apps make easy employ collaboratively HR department corporate recruiter effectively efficiently exchange feedback review candidate lead joint decisionmaking process recruiter voice list collaborative tool useful recruiting team 10 Entire Recruitment Cycle Speeds benefit applicant’s information centralized organized single platform allows recruiter faster access hiring process overview Applicant Tracking System installed everything receiving application narrowing suitable candidate scheduling interview hiring right person job everything catch pace make whole cycle faster Automated contact capability also improve recruiting process allowing easier general followup transfer applicant next level Finally Candidate Tracking Program help recruiter build manage effective workflow Hiring recruiting becomes much easier done recruitment staffing software 11 Improved Candidate Experience user whether hired impressive user experience automated Applicant Tracking System efficient hiring application process key success business candidate speak favourable word business help attain strong position market Read farreaching impact candidate experience ATS let automate crucial task like sending email candidate rejected ensures better candidate experience Recruit CRM great readymade email template create need email template Also refer Great Candidate Experience 12 Improved Employer Branding strong Employer branding make favourable impression company attractive employer branding important help business secure strong position market good employer brand make significant difference encouraging passive employee join business Using ATS evaluate ass develop branding strategy integrating career page providing superior Onboarding experience 13 Lower Bounce Rates Job Ads Nothing frustrating job advertisement get bounced throw away hard work trash could lead starting whole process scratch Applicant Tracking System simple improved solution better understanding post carry job advertisement way better result Using ATS help maximize time spent web page thus increase number application informative article reducing bounce rate getting relevant application Writing better job description also hugely help achieving lower bounce rate Glassdoor created resource page writing great job description 14 Streamlined Recruitment Process Applicant Tracking System make whole Recruitment process easy manage execute streamlined development successive task HR department easily manage review multiple application hour could otherwise take day help recruiting agency work faster efficient rate precise ATS help get rid spreadsheet 15 Riddance Unnecessary Resumes time people apply job blindly without paying heed requirement job whether applicant meet case lot frustration HR’s end filter hundred application filter relevant job applicant followed filtering suitable one task Candidate Tracking Program recruiter longer need continuously search address something else recruitment CRM collect resume collect display applicant data manner make comparison short convenient However nowadays tool available allow candidate tailor resume per job description beat ATS search algorithm Therefore could important recruiter create search query rather use automated one based Job description Boolean search powerful tool help recruiter shortlisting recruiter enter criterion search time save well Recruit CRM par resume store system make boolean search perform faster accurate parsing accurate collect data resume also help build resume database resume parse 16 Easy Interview Scheduling wise give chance talented mind market tough get allotting time slot one candidate making sure time clash candidate get equal opportunity express ability taken HR believe calling candidate fixing interview timing lot hectic task scheduling interview consumes lot time also give rise much confusion leading one two mishap scheduling inevitable Applicant Tracking System send automatically generated email shortlisted candidate inform interview thus saving lot time hurdle Human Resources department 17 Better Utilization Budget come recruiting solution difficult identify right direction spend budget confusion lead lot unnecessary spending company lead loss company sending job advertisement multiple medium channel business spend lot value reality invested right social platform Applicant Tracking System find suitable platform invest several personalized data collection technique Thus making tech stack scalable 18 Wider Scope Audience limited reach bring limited talent business want hire best need spread wing market let wider audience know looking compatible individual widening scope today’s competitive world tough task many mouth hear audience often get confused pay attention ignore Applicant Tracking System make reaching right audience possible easily SEO technique Moreover easily source resume various social medium platform job board automated integration ATS help tap world social recruiting Many ATS like Recruit CRM come social medium integration post job ATS directly favourite social medium site one click 19 Autogeneration Accurate Reports Applicant Tracking System help process also give hand come keeping check balance entire workflow Applicant Tracking System efficient creating Autogenerated accurate report realtime done collecting data different part process containing job posting monitoring execution whole task ATS system analyze efficiency social platform well generating performance allowing analyzing platform differently help company identifies loop hole process use improve lacking short help manage recruitment process hire faster Workflow automation one major component recruiting software application 20 Improved GDPR EEO Data Privacy biggest concern come providing information new untrusted source Especially whole procedure automated people convinced data would revealed source publicly make hesitant towards proceeding medium Despite new GDPR regulation enforced data security whole internationally regulated important find way manage personal data safely efficiently See recruitcrmio handle GDPR EEO Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance secure cloudbased Applicant Tracking System let business stay away safe unnecessary process shuffling unwanted application waste lot time resource Besides also speed whole process find tool match need interest provide userfriendly platform employer agency leading towards market system improved hiring process benefit crucial company’s longterm success end recruiting best talent allTags Recruitment Ats Software CRM Human Resources Recruiters
Business App vendors need to wake up in regards to marketing
SAP, Oracle, Infor, Ariba, ACCPAC, IBS, Microsoft, NetSuite and many others — listen up folks. You all need to find a way to get to not those people who use your product to do their jobs excited about your products. The drug companies got it. They just do not market to doctors (for you that is the C-level types), but also directly to the patients. Turn on the TV after 9pm and see how many drug commercials are targeting their prospective patients (end-users to you all). As I was considering what topic to write about this week, I traversed through my feeds from Twitter, to LinkedIn to a variety of other blogs (most more interesting than mine) seeking some inspiration. Not finding anything, I went through my favorite news sites and something started to form an idea in the back of my mind. It has been there for several weeks now but it formed a more solid thought as I looked through Business Week, New York Times Technology, and CIO.com. Where the heck is the news about business applications? I admit I am not the king of RSS feed aggregation, but the only story I came across was on CIO.com about Infor buying SoftBrands (owners of Fourth Shift and some other products). Wahoo — NO more like blah blah, accept if I am a Fourth Shift customer than I would feel like acting like Yosemite Sam (for those under 35 click here — http://tinyurl.com/zzae3) . No stories for weeks on end about what wonderful things business software like ERP, CRM, EDI or even CAD can now do to help a business grow, have greater profitability or let their associates become super efficient and effective. Not a one. Missing the boat folks, big time! All the top stories are about consumer or desktop apps — iPhone, Office 2007, Bing, Facebook and Twitter. So, not one to just tell people what they are doing wrong I have some suggestions and an offer of direct help. There is a company called Kinaxis that has a great marketing idea, just has not gotten it promoted well enough (need to hit mainstream TV or Hulu.com Kinaxis people). Check out http://www.kinaxis.com/supplychaincomedy to seek Kinaxis’s skits regarding supply chain organization and software utilization. There are only a few, but they hit the mark. Come on Microsoft go ahead and steal Apple’s commercial concept and do the same thing but you are in the Apple role against SAP or Oracle who would be ah, well you in the Apple commercials. In the ERP space, you are the cooler company. Yes, hard to believe but trust me out of SAP, Oracle, Infor and the others — you are cool, well cooler. Create a skit of a accounts payable clerk getting frustrated by the problems processing a payment from multiple vendor invoices with the SAP guy spouting off about their ‘best practices’ in the background. Market your products to those who go home each night begging for a better way to get their work done then using the dumb, old, not set up for our business and so on software they use today. Yes, ERP is not sexy. Nether is CRM or EDI. But, it is necessary, so make fun of yourselves and your competition and talk about how effective your products. Call me if you need any ideas, where I work now I am surrounded by smart, creative people who appear to know how to make fun of themselves — geiger gets it (just a little self promotion for my new diggs).
['Paul Oliver']
2017-01-07 00:37:39.116000+00:00
['iPhone', 'Bing', 'CRM']
Title Business App vendor need wake regard marketingContent SAP Oracle Infor Ariba ACCPAC IBS Microsoft NetSuite many others — listen folk need find way get people use product job excited product drug company got market doctor Clevel type also directly patient Turn TV 9pm see many drug commercial targeting prospective patient endusers considering topic write week traversed feed Twitter LinkedIn variety blog interesting mine seeking inspiration finding anything went favorite news site something started form idea back mind several week formed solid thought looked Business Week New York Times Technology CIOcom heck news business application admit king RSS feed aggregation story came across CIOcom Infor buying SoftBrands owner Fourth Shift product Wahoo — like blah blah accept Fourth Shift customer would feel like acting like Yosemite Sam 35 click — httptinyurlcomzzae3 story week end wonderful thing business software like ERP CRM EDI even CAD help business grow greater profitability let associate become super efficient effective one Missing boat folk big time top story consumer desktop apps — iPhone Office 2007 Bing Facebook Twitter one tell people wrong suggestion offer direct help company called Kinaxis great marketing idea gotten promoted well enough need hit mainstream TV Hulucom Kinaxis people Check httpwwwkinaxiscomsupplychaincomedy seek Kinaxis’s skit regarding supply chain organization software utilization hit mark Come Microsoft go ahead steal Apple’s commercial concept thing Apple role SAP Oracle would ah well Apple commercial ERP space cooler company Yes hard believe trust SAP Oracle Infor others — cool well cooler Create skit account payable clerk getting frustrated problem processing payment multiple vendor invoice SAP guy spouting ‘best practices’ background Market product go home night begging better way get work done using dumb old set business software use today Yes ERP sexy Nether CRM EDI necessary make fun competition talk effective product Call need idea work surrounded smart creative people appear know make fun — geiger get little self promotion new diggsTags iPhone Bing CRM
The Misguidedly Targeted Flyer
The Misguidedly Targeted Flyer Every now and then a little piece of direct marketing gets lost in my mailbox. This particular time it was a flyer from an online retailer where I had bought some technical accessory for a washing machine a while ago. They offered me a 10 EUR discount code for my next purchase. On the front page of the flyer: a blonde woman in a winter coat. The guys in the marketing department there know my name (a common first name for a male in Germany) and they have my one dimensional purchase history. This should give them a good clue of what they need to show me in order to get me to actually use a coupon for their product offering similar to Amazon. I thought so, too. That is why I opened it, assuming that the interesting offers must be hidden inside. You guessed right: another winter coat, scarves, a sweater and a jeans — all for women. The funniest thing was hidden on the back. There I was encouraged with a directed call to action: “Use your 10 EUR savings code now, Mr. Weigl!” That made me wonder if (1) most other men shopping for washing machine equipment at this retailer lead a secret life where they dressed up as women in winter, (2) these guys were so brilliant that they actually knew I bought this technical item for my girlfriend’s washing machine and they consequently wanted to encourage me to buy her more stuff, or (3 and obviously least likely) those people don’t care about targeting. I’m tempted to think it’s 1.
['Maximilian Weigl']
2016-10-17 18:45:53.601000+00:00
['Advertising', 'Brand Experience', 'Communication', 'CRM', 'Flyer']
Title Misguidedly Targeted FlyerContent Misguidedly Targeted Flyer Every little piece direct marketing get lost mailbox particular time flyer online retailer bought technical accessory washing machine ago offered 10 EUR discount code next purchase front page flyer blonde woman winter coat guy marketing department know name common first name male Germany one dimensional purchase history give good clue need show order get actually use coupon product offering similar Amazon thought opened assuming interesting offer must hidden inside guessed right another winter coat scarf sweater jean — woman funniest thing hidden back encouraged directed call action “Use 10 EUR saving code Mr Weigl” made wonder 1 men shopping washing machine equipment retailer lead secret life dressed woman winter 2 guy brilliant actually knew bought technical item girlfriend’s washing machine consequently wanted encourage buy stuff 3 obviously least likely people don’t care targeting I’m tempted think it’s 1Tags Advertising Brand Experience Communication CRM Flyer
Maybe Facebook Will Be The CRM Platform of the Future
In my post The Multimedia Social Thread or the Social Media Multithread I talked about how cool it would be if we were able to trace threads across all channels; like SMS, Email, Twitter, Instant Messaging, etc. I believe in one of my posts I referred to this as the Social CRM protocol. Essentially, a way to tie every touch point together into a thread — even blog comments. The ability for each of us to track our relationship with another individual through a thread is an extremely interesting idea to me and one I would like to see implemented. So today, to mixed emotions, I watched as Facebook announced what everyone thought was just going to a Gmail killer; a new email platform. In fact, what really happened is they announced step one in the implementation of the Social CRM protocol — the friends & family addition. I wasn’t able to pay attention to the whole thing, so I’m sure I missed a bunch. But what I clearly heard was that it didn’t matter if it came from an SMS, IM, Email or whatever; they were planning to provide you a thread of your entire conversation with someone over time. The only channels they didn’t mention were Skype, Linked, blog comments, phone calls or golf outings. Which leads my wandering mind to all kinds of crazy thoughts. If they can do this well, and I’m pretty confident that they can, doesn’t all this end user adoption pave the way for Facebook to begin looking at ways to really enter the corporate environment? All they need is a few more pieces to control the protocol, and the ability to do a few more things like schedule future activities and complete them as part of a thread, and all of a sudden you have the beginnings of a not-too-shabby CRM platform. Just think of the sales intelligence and marketing opportunities that could evolve over time! Now all of those social media consultants who charged people to advise them on Facebook Fan Pages as a Social CRM strategy won’t look so foolish — except they really will . That’s because CRM isn’t just about marketing, which is where nearly all of them hail from. It’s about way more than that, and it’s about complete and round-trip relationships. It’s also about relationships over time because things change. Facebook is only building a single thread per Contact type of infrastructure at the moment, but it was mentioned that thread by topic might or would be coming. But think about this for a minute. Can you tell at which point a relationship changed? In a personal environment it’s a bit easier because it’s more intimate. In a business environment there are more people involved, making it much harder. The social thread will need to develop well beyond what was unveiled today. But, if Facebook has any deep dark desire to get beyond just activity streams and expand into areas that can have an impact in the enterprise, maybe, just maybe, I’ll have to eat crow and admit they could become a powerful CRM platform in the future. They’ve certainly got the capital to do just about anything they want — whether it’s measured in dollars or registered users. I’m going to have to watch these guys more closely now.
['Mike Boysen']
2016-08-11 14:54:32.082000+00:00
['CRM', 'Facebook', 'Social Crm']
Title Maybe Facebook CRM Platform FutureContent post Multimedia Social Thread Social Media Multithread talked cool would able trace thread across channel like SMS Email Twitter Instant Messaging etc believe one post referred Social CRM protocol Essentially way tie every touch point together thread — even blog comment ability u track relationship another individual thread extremely interesting idea one would like see implemented today mixed emotion watched Facebook announced everyone thought going Gmail killer new email platform fact really happened announced step one implementation Social CRM protocol — friend family addition wasn’t able pay attention whole thing I’m sure missed bunch clearly heard didn’t matter came SMS IM Email whatever planning provide thread entire conversation someone time channel didn’t mention Skype Linked blog comment phone call golf outing lead wandering mind kind crazy thought well I’m pretty confident doesn’t end user adoption pave way Facebook begin looking way really enter corporate environment need piece control protocol ability thing like schedule future activity complete part thread sudden beginning nottooshabby CRM platform think sale intelligence marketing opportunity could evolve time social medium consultant charged people advise Facebook Fan Pages Social CRM strategy won’t look foolish — except really That’s CRM isn’t marketing nearly hail It’s way it’s complete roundtrip relationship It’s also relationship time thing change Facebook building single thread per Contact type infrastructure moment mentioned thread topic might would coming think minute tell point relationship changed personal environment it’s bit easier it’s intimate business environment people involved making much harder social thread need develop well beyond unveiled today Facebook deep dark desire get beyond activity stream expand area impact enterprise maybe maybe I’ll eat crow admit could become powerful CRM platform future They’ve certainly got capital anything want — whether it’s measured dollar registered user I’m going watch guy closely nowTags CRM Facebook Social Crm
Salesforce Deployment
Salesforce Deployment There are many ways to deploy to Salesforce platform, using Change Sets, Eclipse, ANT or any combination of these. All of these techniques have different pros and cons and have been discussed million times by now. I am going to discuss only ANT which looks the perfect tool to me. Here is the three-step deployment process. First create a list of artifacts in an XML file. These artifacts are classes, pages, workflows, approval processes and e.t.c. This list is called package.xml in ANT language. Its a very simple XML document with very few tags inside. After creating the package.xml, you retrieve these artifact’s source code from your source salesforce server which is your sandbox most of the time and save them locally. This can be done by executing one of the tasks of ANT and package.xml from previous step is used for this ANT task. When you have all the artifacts and source code downloaded locally, you push them to your target salesforce server which is a production server most likely. #1 is time taking and tedious job and has more chances of important artifacts not being included in the list and is done manually by administrators, architects and developers. When you miss an artifact, you pay the price by a failed deployment. In order to avoid any error, I have created a tool called Package Generator which generates package.xml file for all the artifacts which have been created/modified since your last deployment. Its an ANT task and works just like other tasks provided by Salesforce. It uses metadata API’s to pull metadata and filter them based on the create/modified date. Its available to download from here. #2 and #3 are also done by executing ANT tasks provided by Salesforce. In order to setup for ANT, please follow the steps in this guide. Please note that you will need to install JDK version 8 since package generator task is not supported by older Java versions. After you are done with the guide, please go to this repository and download packagegenerator.jar file and copy into the lib folder inside your ANT home. Now you are ready to rock. Execute all three tasks generatepackage, retrievepackage and deploypackage from following build.xml. <project name=”Deployment Script” default=”generatepackage” basedir=”.” xmlns:sf=”antlib:com.salesforce”> <property file=”build.properties”/> <target name=”generatepackage” description=”Generates package.xml”> <taskdef name=”packagegenerator” classname=”org.sf.tools.PackageGeneratorTask” classpath=”packagegenerator.jar”> </taskdef> <packagegenerator username=”${sf.test.username}” password=”${sf.test.password}” serverurl=”${sf.sandbox.serverurl}” changeDate=”10/31/2014 13:30" outputFile=”packages/package.xml” metadataTypes=””> </packagegenerator> </target> <target name=”retrievepackage”> <mkdir dir=”source-v1"/> <sf:retrieve username=”${sf.test.username}” password=”${sf.test.password}” serverurl=”${sf.sandbox.serverurl}” maxPoll=”${sf.maxPoll}” pollWaitMillis=”${sf.pollWaitMillis}” retrieveTarget=”source-v1" unpackaged=”packages/package.xml”> </sf:retrieve> </target> <target name=”deploypackage"> <sf:deploy username=”${sf.prod.username}” password=”${sf.prod.password}” serverurl=”${sf.prod.serverurl}” maxPoll=”${sf.maxPoll}” pollWaitMillis=”${sf.pollWaitMillis}” deployRoot=”source-v1” rollbackOnError=”true” logType=”Debugonly” trace=”true” checkOnly=”false”> </sf:deploy> </target> </project> generatepackage Task First you declare the ANT target and name it. This name is used to call it from command prompt just like any other ANT task. After that, you define the task using taskdef tag since its not a default task by salesforce but a custom task and than after the definition, you basically invoke it and pass all the parameters needed for the task. Parameters include username, password and server url. This task pull all the artifacts which have been created or modified after the changeDate and create the outputFile. Parameter changeDate can have date with/without time. When time is not mentioned, it assumes it as 23:59. retrievepackage Task This task is provided by salesforce. Please take a look here for the details deploypackage Task This task is also provided by salesforce. Please take a look here for the details. Recommendations Avoid using special characters and spaces in the names of artifacts like email templates and layouts. ANT tries to encode and decode those special characters but fails. ANT retrieve task retrieves profiles with only the permissions for the objects/artifacts which are part of the package, which means it will not pull the permissions which are not relevant or are not modified, so you do not need to manually set permissions after the deployment. Profiles are perfect to move using ANT. If you have created a new profile out of an existing one, DONT create it using ANT, instead create it manually and then update using ANT otherwise profile will not have those permissions which were added/modified after you forked it. Take a look at package.xml file after you execute packagegenerator task and remove all irrelevant artifacts which can appear due to other developers working on the same box or testing artifacts. Keep the list which is relevant to your stuff. Have fun and let me know if you find any problems with the packagegenerator. Feel free to clone and modify it.
['Muhammad Sabir']
2015-05-20 17:18:29.193000+00:00
['Technology', 'Salesforce', 'CRM']
Title Salesforce DeploymentContent Salesforce Deployment many way deploy Salesforce platform using Change Sets Eclipse ANT combination technique different pro con discussed million time going discus ANT look perfect tool threestep deployment process First create list artifact XML file artifact class page workflow approval process etc list called packagexml ANT language simple XML document tag inside creating packagexml retrieve artifact’s source code source salesforce server sandbox time save locally done executing one task ANT packagexml previous step used ANT task artifact source code downloaded locally push target salesforce server production server likely 1 time taking tedious job chance important artifact included list done manually administrator architect developer miss artifact pay price failed deployment order avoid error created tool called Package Generator generates packagexml file artifact createdmodified since last deployment ANT task work like task provided Salesforce us metadata API’s pull metadata filter based createmodified date available download 2 3 also done executing ANT task provided Salesforce order setup ANT please follow step guide Please note need install JDK version 8 since package generator task supported older Java version done guide please go repository download packagegeneratorjar file copy lib folder inside ANT home ready rock Execute three task generatepackage retrievepackage deploypackage following buildxml project name”Deployment Script” default”generatepackage” basedir”” xmlnssf”antlibcomsalesforce” property file”buildproperties” target name”generatepackage” description”Generates packagexml” taskdef name”packagegenerator” classname”orgsftoolsPackageGeneratorTask” classpath”packagegeneratorjar” taskdef packagegenerator username”sftestusername” password”sftestpassword” serverurl”sfsandboxserverurl” changeDate”10312014 1330 outputFile”packagespackagexml” metadataTypes”” packagegenerator target target name”retrievepackage” mkdir dir”sourcev1 sfretrieve username”sftestusername” password”sftestpassword” serverurl”sfsandboxserverurl” maxPoll”sfmaxPoll” pollWaitMillis”sfpollWaitMillis” retrieveTarget”sourcev1 unpackaged”packagespackagexml” sfretrieve target target name”deploypackage sfdeploy username”sfprodusername” password”sfprodpassword” serverurl”sfprodserverurl” maxPoll”sfmaxPoll” pollWaitMillis”sfpollWaitMillis” deployRoot”sourcev1” rollbackOnError”true” logType”Debugonly” trace”true” checkOnly”false” sfdeploy target project generatepackage Task First declare ANT target name name used call command prompt like ANT task define task using taskdef tag since default task salesforce custom task definition basically invoke pas parameter needed task Parameters include username password server url task pull artifact created modified changeDate create outputFile Parameter changeDate date withwithout time time mentioned assumes 2359 retrievepackage Task task provided salesforce Please take look detail deploypackage Task task also provided salesforce Please take look detail Recommendations Avoid using special character space name artifact like email template layout ANT try encode decode special character fails ANT retrieve task retrieves profile permission objectsartifacts part package mean pull permission relevant modified need manually set permission deployment Profiles perfect move using ANT created new profile existing one DONT create using ANT instead create manually update using ANT otherwise profile permission addedmodified forked Take look packagexml file execute packagegenerator task remove irrelevant artifact appear due developer working box testing artifact Keep list relevant stuff fun let know find problem packagegenerator Feel free clone modify itTags Technology Salesforce CRM
Facebook Acquires Kustomer to Improve the Customer Experience
Facebook Acquires Kustomer to Improve the Customer Experience As we all know, an important aspect of running a successful business is the relationship you hold with your customers. When loyal customers are well cared for, they have no reason to go elsewhere. Depending on the nature of the business, this could lead to a relationship that lasts many years. Facebook recognizes the importance of this and has now acquired Kustomer, an advanced CRM designed for businesses to help facilitate this level of service. In 2020, with the global pandemic acting as a catalyst, many businesses have moved online. As expected, they are selling through marketplaces and websites, but also a significant number of businesses have started selling products on Facebook and other social media platforms. With the addition of Kustomer, there’s now potential for superior customer support and service through Facebook, something that has been problematic in the past. In the past, allowing a phone to ring in a shop was seen as the epitome of bad customer service. By failing to pick up the phone, specifically on the first ring, a prospective customer could easily just hang up and dial the number of a competitor instead. Today, we may be in a digital world, but the importance of this caliber of communication remains the same. These days, customers are disappointed when they don’t receive a reply from a message or text promptly. In the current market, it’s normal for customers to reach out through WhatsApp, Messenger, and similar apps, even when a company doesn’t sell through social media. According to Facebook, WhatsApp is especially popular with the app passing 175 million messages between customers and businesses daily. This method of conversing is convenient for the customer, the business can formulate a strong response, and everybody wins (even those who fear having to call a business and speak to somebody directly!). For those who have been watching, you may have seen the API updates from Facebook with regards to Messenger and WhatsApp. Ultimately, the social media platform is trying to improve onboarding and the integration of partner tools. Now that Facebook has welcomed Kustomer to their family, it could be game-changing for businesses using the platform What’s Kustomer? Every day, businesses receive multiple messages across several different platforms. Kustomer originally entered the market as a CRM platform to help bring all of these conversations under one roof. With everything accessible on one screen, marketing teams no longer needed to have multiple apps or tabs open simultaneously. Additionally, certain tasks have been automated, creating more time for the marketing team to spend on prioritized tasks. If implemented according to plan, vendors on Facebook will soon offer customers a more advanced and effective customer support system. Whether the customer reaches out through a message, phone, email, or live chat, they receive a system that’s fast and helpful. Not only do customers get the answers they need, but the business also has a chance to impress and turn leads into actual customers. Important Step Forward for Facebook Although a big step in CRM, it doesn’t appear to be the last for Facebook. Within their announcement, the platform hinted at supporting all businesses that want to integrate their chosen CRM platform. Facebook believes that messaging is the future of communication between brand and consumer, and it’s attempting to build a healthy and efficient ecosystem to accommodate this. A New Take on Integrating the Kustomer Brand Historically, there has been a somewhat negative vibe when smaller brands get gobbled up by social media giants. However, in the case of Kustomer, it’s more like the culmination of two paths destined to meet. The article announcing the union was actually authored by the CEO and co-founder of Kustomer, Brad Birnbaum. Here, Birnbaum spoke about the launch of the service five years ago and the journey since. Written in the first person, it shows the nature of the business and the impressive feat of now partnering with one of the biggest companies in the world. In truth, the success of the brand has been highly impressive since launching in 2015. According to Kustomer, their solution allows businesses to automate 40% of all conversations, all while maintaining the same level of quality. As mentioned earlier, one of the best features of Kustomer comes with having all communications centralized on one screen. With clever omnichannel routing, the customer service team can prioritize messages and work through them in a predefined order. No more toggling between tabs and getting overwhelmed by the volume and various types of messages. Thanks to their product Kustomer IQ, customers get through to agents more quickly, have quality interactions which hopefully drive more conversions and ultimately sales. Automation When it comes to customer service, we’re not surprised that some businesses are nervous about automation. Small businesses generally prefer to reply to all messages and provide the personal touch that ideally generates results. Suddenly, taking this process out of our hands is a daunting prospect. However, Kustomer believes in its ability to do this without losing quality. Using artificial intelligence from Kustomer IQ, your brand is available 24/7 and simple questions are answered without taking your valuable time. Though you may want to respond to all messages manually, this just isn’t feasible as you scale and grow. If you have ambitions to become a multinational corporation, answering every inquiry with a live attendant may prove cost prohibitive. If possible, the technology will respond to customers and answer their questions. If an agent is needed, the system will then pass the customer on. The reality is that many businesses find themselves answering the same questions over and over again; this is where Kustomer IQ can automate the process and saves both time and money. Another benefit of Kustomer for businesses on Facebook is that it’s a multilingual service. With natural language processing, AI chatbots can handle a variety of languages — more languages than your team could probably handle without this help. What’s more, it formulates a response in the same language. When done correctly, you can make sales in a different country without even speaking the language therefore opening the door to global growth. See Related: How Marketers are Using AI to Create and Manage Facebook Ads that Convert Why Sell on Facebook? The acquisition of Kustomer for Facebook is huge news for all sellers on the platform, but we know that some are still wary about the prospect of using social media for this purpose. With Facebook improving the customer service systems for businesses, we want to go through some other reasons why you might decide to sell on this platform. For one, you don’t have to worry about high costs associated with creating your own website. When starting a website, you need to pay for the hosting as well as the domain. Furthermore, this is often followed by all sorts of security costs. On the other hand, most businesses can start selling on Facebook with not much invested other than time. Additionally, many businesses are already active on the platform whether through posting or paid ads. Why not go one step further and start selling to customers too? Nowadays, Facebook has the features to send customers seamlessly through the buying journey. With the refined targeting options available on Facebook Ads, there’s a chance to find a viable target market and those perfect for your products. When on the topic of Facebook, people will tell you that users don’t normally go on Facebook to spend money. However, a growing number of people are actually interested in buying products they see on the platform. Especially with the addition of Facebook’sShop feature, they can easily communicate with brands and make purchases too. Of course, we would be remiss to ignore the sheer number of users currently active on Facebook. Due to the pandemic,users of all ages have flocked to the platform to reach out and stay connected to family and friends According to recent estimates, there are now 2.7 billion active monthly users. Even if not every member of your target market wants to shop through Facebook, a certain percentage of this huge number may. Providing Customer Support on Facebook Even if you don’t sell on Facebook, the fact that your target market is probably active on the platform makes it a perfect place to provide customer support. When buying products online, customers like to know that the brand is available just in case something goes wrong. Since the vast majority of customers have a Facebook account, it makes sense to provide this additional option should they have any questions or concerns. For businesses, you now have even more motivation to provide customer support on Facebook and with the integration of Kustomer you’ll have the tools necessary to do it both efficiently and cost effectively. Once your team is up-to-speed with the system, this should encourage a happier, more satisfied, customer base both now and in the future. As far as Facebook goes, Kustomer was an impressive acquisition and the promise of others on the near horizon is nothing short of exciting. With regard to PII, although details of this deal weren’t released with the announcement, we do know that Kustomer will initially retain the responsibility of data and data privacy. Over time, Kustomer data will move across to the Facebook infrastructure.
['Trapica Content Team']
2020-12-30 18:07:46.170000+00:00
['Facebook', 'Customer Experience', 'AI', 'CRM']
Title Facebook Acquires Kustomer Improve Customer ExperienceContent Facebook Acquires Kustomer Improve Customer Experience know important aspect running successful business relationship hold customer loyal customer well cared reason go elsewhere Depending nature business could lead relationship last many year Facebook recognizes importance acquired Kustomer advanced CRM designed business help facilitate level service 2020 global pandemic acting catalyst many business moved online expected selling marketplace website also significant number business started selling product Facebook social medium platform addition Kustomer there’s potential superior customer support service Facebook something problematic past past allowing phone ring shop seen epitome bad customer service failing pick phone specifically first ring prospective customer could easily hang dial number competitor instead Today may digital world importance caliber communication remains day customer disappointed don’t receive reply message text promptly current market it’s normal customer reach WhatsApp Messenger similar apps even company doesn’t sell social medium According Facebook WhatsApp especially popular app passing 175 million message customer business daily method conversing convenient customer business formulate strong response everybody win even fear call business speak somebody directly watching may seen API update Facebook regard Messenger WhatsApp Ultimately social medium platform trying improve onboarding integration partner tool Facebook welcomed Kustomer family could gamechanging business using platform What’s Kustomer Every day business receive multiple message across several different platform Kustomer originally entered market CRM platform help bring conversation one roof everything accessible one screen marketing team longer needed multiple apps tab open simultaneously Additionally certain task automated creating time marketing team spend prioritized task implemented according plan vendor Facebook soon offer customer advanced effective customer support system Whether customer reach message phone email live chat receive system that’s fast helpful customer get answer need business also chance impress turn lead actual customer Important Step Forward Facebook Although big step CRM doesn’t appear last Facebook Within announcement platform hinted supporting business want integrate chosen CRM platform Facebook belief messaging future communication brand consumer it’s attempting build healthy efficient ecosystem accommodate New Take Integrating Kustomer Brand Historically somewhat negative vibe smaller brand get gobbled social medium giant However case Kustomer it’s like culmination two path destined meet article announcing union actually authored CEO cofounder Kustomer Brad Birnbaum Birnbaum spoke launch service five year ago journey since Written first person show nature business impressive feat partnering one biggest company world truth success brand highly impressive since launching 2015 According Kustomer solution allows business automate 40 conversation maintaining level quality mentioned earlier one best feature Kustomer come communication centralized one screen clever omnichannel routing customer service team prioritize message work predefined order toggling tab getting overwhelmed volume various type message Thanks product Kustomer IQ customer get agent quickly quality interaction hopefully drive conversion ultimately sale Automation come customer service we’re surprised business nervous automation Small business generally prefer reply message provide personal touch ideally generates result Suddenly taking process hand daunting prospect However Kustomer belief ability without losing quality Using artificial intelligence Kustomer IQ brand available 247 simple question answered without taking valuable time Though may want respond message manually isn’t feasible scale grow ambition become multinational corporation answering every inquiry live attendant may prove cost prohibitive possible technology respond customer answer question agent needed system pas customer reality many business find answering question Kustomer IQ automate process save time money Another benefit Kustomer business Facebook it’s multilingual service natural language processing AI chatbots handle variety language — language team could probably handle without help What’s formulates response language done correctly make sale different country without even speaking language therefore opening door global growth See Related Marketers Using AI Create Manage Facebook Ads Convert Sell Facebook acquisition Kustomer Facebook huge news seller platform know still wary prospect using social medium purpose Facebook improving customer service system business want go reason might decide sell platform one don’t worry high cost associated creating website starting website need pay hosting well domain Furthermore often followed sort security cost hand business start selling Facebook much invested time Additionally many business already active platform whether posting paid ad go one step start selling customer Nowadays Facebook feature send customer seamlessly buying journey refined targeting option available Facebook Ads there’s chance find viable target market perfect product topic Facebook people tell user don’t normally go Facebook spend money However growing number people actually interested buying product see platform Especially addition Facebook’sShop feature easily communicate brand make purchase course would remiss ignore sheer number user currently active Facebook Due pandemicusers age flocked platform reach stay connected family friend According recent estimate 27 billion active monthly user Even every member target market want shop Facebook certain percentage huge number may Providing Customer Support Facebook Even don’t sell Facebook fact target market probably active platform make perfect place provide customer support buying product online customer like know brand available case something go wrong Since vast majority customer Facebook account make sense provide additional option question concern business even motivation provide customer support Facebook integration Kustomer you’ll tool necessary efficiently cost effectively team uptospeed system encourage happier satisfied customer base future far Facebook go Kustomer impressive acquisition promise others near horizon nothing short exciting regard PII although detail deal weren’t released announcement know Kustomer initially retain responsibility data data privacy time Kustomer data move across Facebook infrastructureTags Facebook Customer Experience AI CRM
Is ‘World of Warcraft’ A Loyalty Program?
Column originally featured on MediaPost What’s the difference between “World of Warcraft” and a loyalty program? Surprisingly little. Blizzard (now Activision Blizzard) has made an empire out of games that don’t end. From “Diablo” to “World of Warcraft,” these are bestselling hits predicated on a simple formula: Make your customer an addict. There’s a ton of things to learn from this company, including novel tactics of CRM — but for the purposes of this post, we’ll limit ourselves to a look at how a store loyalty program would look if designed by Blizzard. Diminishing returns: All Blizzard games start off with tremendous quantity of rewards per investment at the outset, but taper off into hours of work for a marginal but significant qualitative gain. So our loyalty program will be layered with bronze, silver, and gold points. At the outset, bronze points accrue quickly and can be redeemed often for small perks. Eventually members can purchase a silver membership using their bronze points, at which point they accrue silver points instead, albeit at a slower rate. These can buy more rewarding perks. Gold membership follows in the same manner as silver. Read more.
['Ipg Media Lab']
2017-07-06 22:09:45.079000+00:00
['Blizzard', 'CRM', 'Diablo', 'Gaming', 'Loyalty']
Title ‘World Warcraft’ Loyalty ProgramContent Column originally featured MediaPost What’s difference “World Warcraft” loyalty program Surprisingly little Blizzard Activision Blizzard made empire game don’t end “Diablo” “World Warcraft” bestselling hit predicated simple formula Make customer addict There’s ton thing learn company including novel tactic CRM — purpose post we’ll limit look store loyalty program would look designed Blizzard Diminishing return Blizzard game start tremendous quantity reward per investment outset taper hour work marginal significant qualitative gain loyalty program layered bronze silver gold point outset bronze point accrue quickly redeemed often small perk Eventually member purchase silver membership using bronze point point accrue silver point instead albeit slower rate buy rewarding perk Gold membership follows manner silver Read moreTags Blizzard CRM Diablo Gaming Loyalty
Co-Creation Enablement Is An Innovation Engine
I feel the need to write a quick post on co-creation of value; a concept I really never even thought about until a year ago. Since moving some of my websites to Wordpress, most notably my Effective CRM site, it’s become blatantly apparent that only providing a solution for content co-creation is not enough. It’s wonderful and all that, and I’ve been using it for years — and no, it’s not simply comment forms. I’ve been letting users on my product review sites contribute entire pages to my sites, each of which allows comments and is properly interlinked into my content hierarchy. This generates massive long-tail keyword content creation, and I don’t have to lift a finger to do it. Yes, it’s co-creation. However, being the guy in the middle, the one who is providing the medium to web searchers, I want to add more value than that. Currently, I had value to my vendor by subscribing to (and promoting) a service which gives me a finite set of tools. Sure, it’s an evolving set of tools, but they’ve been built into a proprietary platform which has no API, and I’m afraid to guess that an API is not even possible at this point. At least not in the form I would want to see it. It does what it does, and I can’t extend or change it at all. With WordPress, not only can I replicate every implementation feature of SiteSell, I can create more features. This benefits Wordpress, my visitors and other Wordpress users since I can create a plugin and put in their version of an app store. That’s co-creation. What do I give up? The brainstorming tools at SiteSell are second to none, so I won’t be giving them up anytime soon. In fact, I have no intention of removing my existing content sites from SiteSell since they either doing well, or I’m well down the build out path. How does this relate to CRM? Actually, it’s very closely related. Newer platforms like Nimble are going to offer massively powerful co-creation opportunities — which is one reason I think it will become an extremely viral CRM platform over the next few years. It enables innovative contributions without the vendor having to think it up, implement it and support it. The traditional names in CRM will attempt to replicate it, but they’re not quite as Nimble, so I’m not going to hold my breath. There’s room for both models, but more and more, I’m becoming a huge proponent of co-creation enablement. Just a rambling thought for a Sunday morning.
['Mike Boysen']
2016-08-11 14:54:53.129000+00:00
['CRM', 'Innovation']
Title CoCreation Enablement Innovation EngineContent feel need write quick post cocreation value concept really never even thought year ago Since moving website Wordpress notably Effective CRM site it’s become blatantly apparent providing solution content cocreation enough It’s wonderful I’ve using year — it’s simply comment form I’ve letting user product review site contribute entire page site allows comment properly interlinked content hierarchy generates massive longtail keyword content creation don’t lift finger Yes it’s cocreation However guy middle one providing medium web searcher want add value Currently value vendor subscribing promoting service give finite set tool Sure it’s evolving set tool they’ve built proprietary platform API I’m afraid guess API even possible point least form would want see can’t extend change WordPress replicate every implementation feature SiteSell create feature benefit Wordpress visitor Wordpress user since create plugin put version app store That’s cocreation give brainstorming tool SiteSell second none won’t giving anytime soon fact intention removing existing content site SiteSell since either well I’m well build path relate CRM Actually it’s closely related Newer platform like Nimble going offer massively powerful cocreation opportunity — one reason think become extremely viral CRM platform next year enables innovative contribution without vendor think implement support traditional name CRM attempt replicate they’re quite Nimble I’m going hold breath There’s room model I’m becoming huge proponent cocreation enablement rambling thought Sunday morningTags CRM Innovation
CRM is much more than Customer Relationships!
[caption id=”attachment_3585" align=”alignleft” width=”600"] Customer Relationship Management[/caption] CRM ( Customer Relationship Management System ) has to be one of the biggest and most used softwares by the enterprise today collectively. So much so that the leading CRM company in the world — Salesforce- is a billion dollar company today and the leading open source CRM company ( SugarCRM) just raised a lot of money! But that apart, CRM has a place in every company’s life. We conducted a simple Hallway/walkway test in Mumbai & Bangalore about what people perceive about CRM and these are the statements we got from people. CRM is about maintaining records CRM is used for sending Diwali Greetings to customers CRM is a very expensive software that consumes a lot of time and resources to maintain CRM is a part of SAP which only big companies can think of using The truth is neither of this is incorrect, nor is anything close to being correct. Yes, CRM is a record maintaining tool, and is used for sending greetings, CRM tools can be expensive depending on what you choose and CRM would be a part of a custom made SAP integration in big companies. But CRM is much, much more than this. In my opinion, a Customer Relationship Management system is every employee’s and entrepreneur’s best friend. I shall tell you how — read on - 1. CRM should be a record of every interaction with customer — A business may interact with a customer at different points of time under different circumstances. Today’s popular customer touchpoints include — SMS, Email, Office Visit, Telephone, Website visit, Website click, Website Product request, Facebook Page interaction, Twitter Interaction and so on. This itself would be great preparation for the next possible interaction prediction with customer. 2. CRM can help identify patterns — At the end of the day, for maximizing revenue, one has to hunt for specific patterns from within a CRM. For example, for a telecom firm, patterns such as ‘Customer who changes caller tune once every two weeks is a beautiful pattern . Accordingly, offering exciting offers based on those patterns is the way to milk that customer even more. 3. CRM helps proactively identify pain points — For example, a customer’s monthly usage of ebanking website has gone down. A CRM can help track down this and send a custom mailer to such customers asking them for the problems they faced. Such personal care means a lot for customers, who then become more loyal towards your brand. In the next part, we shall look at CRM in more detail, with case studies.
['Siddhesh Joglekar']
2016-10-05 00:19:07.710000+00:00
['Marketing', 'Strategy', 'Corporate', 'CRM', 'Customer']
Title CRM much Customer RelationshipsContent caption id”attachment3585 align”alignleft” width”600 Customer Relationship Managementcaption CRM Customer Relationship Management System one biggest used software enterprise today collectively much leading CRM company world — Salesforce billion dollar company today leading open source CRM company SugarCRM raised lot money apart CRM place every company’s life conducted simple Hallwaywalkway test Mumbai Bangalore people perceive CRM statement got people CRM maintaining record CRM used sending Diwali Greetings customer CRM expensive software consumes lot time resource maintain CRM part SAP big company think using truth neither incorrect anything close correct Yes CRM record maintaining tool used sending greeting CRM tool expensive depending choose CRM would part custom made SAP integration big company CRM much much opinion Customer Relationship Management system every employee’s entrepreneur’s best friend shall tell — read 1 CRM record every interaction customer — business may interact customer different point time different circumstance Today’s popular customer touchpoints include — SMS Email Office Visit Telephone Website visit Website click Website Product request Facebook Page interaction Twitter Interaction would great preparation next possible interaction prediction customer 2 CRM help identify pattern — end day maximizing revenue one hunt specific pattern within CRM example telecom firm pattern ‘Customer change caller tune every two week beautiful pattern Accordingly offering exciting offer based pattern way milk customer even 3 CRM help proactively identify pain point — example customer’s monthly usage ebanking website gone CRM help track send custom mailer customer asking problem faced personal care mean lot customer become loyal towards brand next part shall look CRM detail case studiesTags Marketing Strategy Corporate CRM Customer
What is the critical information technology at your company?
If you gathered all your managers in a room, all accept the IT people. Gather all your non-IT managers, directors, VP’s and C-level executives and ask what is the critical information technology at your company. What answer would you get or expect to get. Is the most critical information technology your ERP system? A module of your ERP system? Finance? CRM? Product Demand Planning? Even more specific, a single business process in your ERP? A/R? Order Management? Inventory Management? Or is it your project management solution? Your business intelligence solution? Or your content management solution? I offer that while the answer from management would be a mix of the above, your staff would demonstrate that none of the above are critical to their daily functions. The three that most staff positions are affected immediately by when there is a service outage is email, Internet access and MS Office. If your IT function has a help desk software that tracks incidents and number of user calls per incident, compare the number of user calls when the ERP system goes down, to the number of calls when email or the Internet service goes down. Look at MS Office support activity and compare the time between users noticing it is not working and calling the Help Desk versus when ERP is not working. This may not be a metric your Help Desk tracks, but it would be very revealing once you gathered the data. What does this mean to your business. First, when the ERP system is down your employees find other activities to do, but are they contributing to the top or bottom line growth? No, they are not. It is busy work that is wasteful as it is not focusing the end user critical business processes or IT on prioritizing operation performance and reliability on the right information technology. The squeaky wheel, the loud, thunderous roar of end users squeaky wheel is when email, the Internet and MS Office are unavailable or just slow. Therefore, ERP, BI, CRM and the rest of the high priced, high return information technology platforms are allowed to have reduced reliability, performance and slow general maintenance, such as upgrades. IT upgrades email constantly in the hopes that the new version will be more reliable and lower support calls and increase end user satisfaction. The same for the Internet pipeline, they expand it and expand it, buying new routers and firewalls that have higher speed capacity. With MS Office you upgrade twice as often as your ERP, due to end users complaints that they cannot open files from newer versions from customers and suppliers. The costs of this mis-directed prioritization is the lack of leveraging available ERP upgrades, that your business has paid thousands of dollars in maintenance contract payments for those upgrades. Printers get more attention than your information technology that directly supports your critical business processes that drive your customer retention, new product launches and track revenue growth areas and most profitable products and customers. What is this costing your business? Even with a strategically minded CIO, the IT support staff will be pulled by the demands of the end users, which will reflect in application, server and network administration focus and planning. What should business people be doing? Measure IT focus. Help desk and operation activities that focus on critical information technology in terms of time spent, budget and project allocations and training dollars spent each year. Ask the question what is the IT response when ERP goes down? How long to recover and how many end user calls are recorded? Compare this to to the IT response when email or the Internet service goes down. If the answers do not satisfy you, setup metrics on IT incidents and recovery from incidents, focusing on your critical information technology. Setup metrics on not just allocation of budget to your critical information technology, but on actual project time allocated to improving those critical technologies versus other non-critical business technologies. It may take a senior management decree that if email, the Internet service or your MS Office goes down that the company will live with a longer down time to allow prioritization of IT budget, staff, training and projects in support of critical information technology that in turn directly supports the corporate goals.
['Paul Oliver']
2017-01-07 00:37:57.394000+00:00
['Technology', 'Cio', 'CRM']
Title critical information technology companyContent gathered manager room accept people Gather nonIT manager director VP’s Clevel executive ask critical information technology company answer would get expect get critical information technology ERP system module ERP system Finance CRM Product Demand Planning Even specific single business process ERP AR Order Management Inventory Management project management solution business intelligence solution content management solution offer answer management would mix staff would demonstrate none critical daily function three staff position affected immediately service outage email Internet access MS Office function help desk software track incident number user call per incident compare number user call ERP system go number call email Internet service go Look MS Office support activity compare time user noticing working calling Help Desk versus ERP working may metric Help Desk track would revealing gathered data mean business First ERP system employee find activity contributing top bottom line growth busy work wasteful focusing end user critical business process prioritizing operation performance reliability right information technology squeaky wheel loud thunderous roar end user squeaky wheel email Internet MS Office unavailable slow Therefore ERP BI CRM rest high priced high return information technology platform allowed reduced reliability performance slow general maintenance upgrade upgrade email constantly hope new version reliable lower support call increase end user satisfaction Internet pipeline expand expand buying new router firewall higher speed capacity MS Office upgrade twice often ERP due end user complaint cannot open file newer version customer supplier cost misdirected prioritization lack leveraging available ERP upgrade business paid thousand dollar maintenance contract payment upgrade Printers get attention information technology directly support critical business process drive customer retention new product launch track revenue growth area profitable product customer costing business Even strategically minded CIO support staff pulled demand end user reflect application server network administration focus planning business people Measure focus Help desk operation activity focus critical information technology term time spent budget project allocation training dollar spent year Ask question response ERP go long recover many end user call recorded Compare response email Internet service go answer satisfy setup metric incident recovery incident focusing critical information technology Setup metric allocation budget critical information technology actual project time allocated improving critical technology versus noncritical business technology may take senior management decree email Internet service MS Office go company live longer time allow prioritization budget staff training project support critical information technology turn directly support corporate goalsTags Technology Cio CRM
VRM as Agency
VRM as Agency Most of us understand agency to mean a kind of company: one that represents other companies, or individuals. Insurance, real estate and advertising agencies come to mind. In fact agency has a deeper and more important meaning. Namely, the capacity of individuals to act independently, to make choices, and to impose their will in the world. By this meaning, agency is a big deal in sociology, psychology, philosophy, law and many other fields. But it’s missing is business. That’s because we’re accustomed to understanding business as a structural thing: an instrument of control. Wikipedia frames this problem well in the opening paragraph of its Structure vs. Agency Debate article: The debate concerning the primacy of either structure or agency on human behaviour is a central ontological issue in sociology, political science, and the other social sciences. In this context, “agency” refers to the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices.[1] “Structure“, by contrast, refers to the recurrent patterned arrangements which seem to influence or limit the choices and opportunities that individuals possess.[2] The structure versus agency debate may therefore be understood simply as the issue of socialisation against autonomy. Limiting individual choices through “patterned arrangements” has been an ideal of big business for a very long time. Choice is an ideal too, provided your product or service provides a choice for customers to not choose competing products or services. Agency-type choice, in which individuals are free to assert their will and their means, doesn’t get much respect. In fact, most big businesses aren’t interested in customers that have lots of agency — unless those customers aren’t captured yet. Instead big business has long idealized controlling customers. That’s why they talk about “capturing,” “acquiring,” “managing,” “locking in” and “owning” them. And spend billions on systems that help them do that. These controlling ideals are still with us in the era of “social networking” and “social media.” (Or what one friend calls SEFTTI, for “social every fucking thing there is.”) Sure, Facebook is as social as a kegger (or more so), but it is also a “patterned arrangement that seems to influence or limit the choices and opportunities that individuals possess.” Personal autonomy on Facebook only goes as far as Facebook lets it go. Same with every other “social” system run by an entity other than yourself. They put a lid on your agency. You are not free. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with social systems, or structures, or even with businesses that want to control your choices. I am saying that agency has been AWOL from the market’s table. And bringing it there is what we’re doing with VRM. I realized that VRM is about agency when I was talking with Iain Henderson the other day. Iain and his company MyDex have been working on creating and deploying personal data stores, or PDSes. These are the means by which individuals manage and share personal data selectively. In that conversation Iain casually mentioned that the U.K. government was clearly invested in “user agency.” That is, in citizen responsibility for data about themselves and generated by themselves. In this fundamental way, he said, the U.K. government is far ahead of our own here in the U.S. — and the U.K. is therefore a more ideal environment for testing out VRM tools, such as the personal data store. (In fact MyDex’s prototype trials are going on right now, in three U.K. towns.) What we’ll have, as VRM tools roll out and come into use, is many ways to test concepts such as methodological individualism and action theory. Mostly, however, I think it’s a way to see how much larger, and better, we can make the economy once individual customers are free to express their intentions. Bonus link — which I put here hoping that somebody can fix it. Since it’s about me and some stuff I’ve said, I’m not the one to do that.
['David E Alexander']
2017-01-10 18:40:50.895000+00:00
['News', 'Problems', 'CRM', 'Open Source']
Title VRM AgencyContent VRM Agency u understand agency mean kind company one represents company individual Insurance real estate advertising agency come mind fact agency deeper important meaning Namely capacity individual act independently make choice impose world meaning agency big deal sociology psychology philosophy law many field it’s missing business That’s we’re accustomed understanding business structural thing instrument control Wikipedia frame problem well opening paragraph Structure v Agency Debate article debate concerning primacy either structure agency human behaviour central ontological issue sociology political science social science context “agency” refers capacity individual act independently make free choices1 “Structure“ contrast refers recurrent patterned arrangement seem influence limit choice opportunity individual possess2 structure versus agency debate may therefore understood simply issue socialisation autonomy Limiting individual choice “patterned arrangements” ideal big business long time Choice ideal provided product service provides choice customer choose competing product service Agencytype choice individual free assert mean doesn’t get much respect fact big business aren’t interested customer lot agency — unless customer aren’t captured yet Instead big business long idealized controlling customer That’s talk “capturing” “acquiring” “managing” “locking in” “owning” spend billion system help controlling ideal still u era “social networking” “social media” one friend call SEFTTI “social every fucking thing is” Sure Facebook social kegger also “patterned arrangement seems influence limit choice opportunity individual possess” Personal autonomy Facebook go far Facebook let go every “social” system run entity put lid agency free I’m saying there’s anything wrong social system structure even business want control choice saying agency AWOL market’s table bringing we’re VRM realized VRM agency talking Iain Henderson day Iain company MyDex working creating deploying personal data store PDSes mean individual manage share personal data selectively conversation Iain casually mentioned UK government clearly invested “user agency” citizen responsibility data generated fundamental way said UK government far ahead US — UK therefore ideal environment testing VRM tool personal data store fact MyDex’s prototype trial going right three UK town we’ll VRM tool roll come use many way test concept methodological individualism action theory Mostly however think it’s way see much larger better make economy individual customer free express intention Bonus link — put hoping somebody fix Since it’s stuff I’ve said I’m one thatTags News Problems CRM Open Source
Using Notion as a personal CRM
Using Notion as a personal CRM Because a good memory and a contacts app aren’t enough ⏱ tl; dr I wanted a way of nudging myself to stay in contact with friends more often. Not because I needed the motivation or because it’s difficult to do, but because life’s busy and time passes quickly. I ended up making a simple but effective personal CRM in Notion, which is working well for me. Here are some alternatives, and my Notion personal CRM template (link below). 👥 What other people do… I wanted something like a CRM but without business stuff (like “leads”), and being lazy I looked at what other people are using. And I ignored using a spreadsheet — because I tried it, it doesn’t work for me, and I think the options below are all better. Airtable Monica UpHabit FollowUp Ryze Close Airtable ✔️ if you like spreadsheets 👨🏽‍💻 but want something more automated ⚡️ ❌ not very mobile friendly 📵 and not really designed for writing notes 📝 Airtable was recommended more than the other options I found. If you’re not familiar with it, Airtable makes databases as easy as spreadsheets and it’s awesome. I’ll wait here while you go take a look. If Ryan Hoover says it, it must be true ️Airtable didn’t do it for me — I’ve used it for other jobs (and again, it’s awesome) but here I was looking for something more mobile-friendly and better for adding notes. If you want to look at whether it could work for you, here are some good examples: A comprehensive guide to using Airtable as a personal CRM An Airtable template for a personal CRM MonicaHQ ✔️ if you want something built just for this and made with open source software ❌ only maintained on web (no mobile-optimised or offline version) 📵 and a busy, inflexible design 🙁 I really like the principles behind Monica — built with code transparency, data privacy and strengthening human relationships above all else. It has the structure and — while manual — the functionality I think you’d want from a personal CRM. If visual design and mobile-optimised/offline access aren’t priorities for you, it could be great — it has its advocates and with the way Monica is built I can see why. Monica on mobile — updating a contact Monica on desktop— overview of contacts For me though, mobile UX, offline access and simple, intuitive design are important if I’m going to build a habit around a tool like this. Just my preferences, not a criticism at all. Once I found another way to get these things, I decided not to use Monica — but it may work well for you, so do check it out. UpHabit ✔️ if you want something super simple and designed for mobile 📱 ❌ still in production 👷🏽 and unclear how much it will cost when it’s released 💰 UpHabit is a new app that seems to be aiming squarely at doing this job. Right now (Jan 2019) it’s still in development and you need to contact them to get access to the app. UpHabit has the right idea… I haven’t tried UpHabit but I like the focus it has — though I’m sure it’ll have a price tag once it’s live, so I’ll wait and see before considering it as an option. FollowUp ✔️ if you want something connected to your Google email 📩 and calendar 📆 ❌ seems less flexible than other approaches 🔒 ️FollowUp plugs into your Google account to track Gmail interactions and Google Calendar dates, add notes and get reminders to stay in touch. Great if email is where you do a lot of your socialising. FollowUp — a CRM linked to your Google account There’s a free tier available, though it’s fairly limited and it’s not clear how flexible FollowUp is in terms defining the fields of information you want to capture — so for me, FollowUp wasn’t an option. Ryze ✔️ if you want something super simple and designed for mobile 📱 ❌ not available yet on Android 📵 Ryze is, basically, what I’m looking for — with a simple focus on being proactive about staying in touch with people. Ryze — iOS only I like the look of it, though I wonder if it’s something you can really build a business around so I’d be wary about relying on it until it’s clear how sustainable and supported it’s going to be. Beyond that, right now (Jan 2019) it’s not available on Android so sadly I couldn’t try it out. Cloze ✔️ a lot of functionality and automation built in 🧙‍♂️ ❌ expensive for a personal tool 💰 and probably too complicated for basic use 🤯 Cloze is the most extensive personal CRM that I’ve seen— it connects to most of the communication and collaboration apps you can imagine and pulls in all the data automatically…calls, texts, emails, shared documents, social media messages. Cloze — sophisticated but not simple Understandably, this doesn’t come cheap — $17 for the cheapest tier and hence Cloze is really aimed at business customers. 🛠 What I did… Notion 10 years ago, I made this in Excel. 5 years ago, I would have made it in Google Sheets. This time, I used Notion. If you install Notion via this link, you’ll get $10 free credit towards the paid tiers — I also get credits to discount future subscription payments. Notion is one of a new breed of apps — together with Airtable, Coda and others — for creating data and documents in really productive and powerful ways. In my view they’re the biggest step forward in productivity apps since Excel was released. One tool for four jobs… Imagine combining Evernote, Trello, Google Docs, Confluence and (in a limited way) Airtable in one app — that’s what Notion aims to do. Here’s a gallery of Notion document templates other people have shared: Notion template gallery I currently use Notion for: Project management at work and home (e.g. planning trips) Writing a daily journal Keeping track of books, articles, podcasts and videos to read / finished Building a knowledge-base (my notes, website links, files, people) Being more proactive about staying in contact with people… So Notion has become part of many things I do every day — which makes it easy to build valuable habits around (and happily pay for), rather than become something I’ll use for a month then forget. That’s the kind of product-market fit that grows into a big business… 🖐️ Notion feature request: a simpler way to create templated pages in databases (e.g. daily journal) 👦 My Personal CRM template ✔️ simple to use 👶🏻 and easy on mobile 📱 ❌ not a dedicated app — just a document template I wanted something: 📱 Mobile-friendly ⏰ Actively prompting me when I’m overdue with people ✅ Easy to get into a habit of using 🧙‍♂️ Ideally, with automatic tracking of calendar, text, email and phone interactions — not possible with Notion (but see Cloze, above) 🖐️ Notion feature request: a way to automate workflows between Notion and other apps So I created a Notion database: On desktop Personal CRM Notion template available here Importing instructions here on how to copy to your account 📲 Entering contact information The important fields I enter manually are: When we were last in contact and how frequently I’m aiming to be in contact ← if I’m overdue with someone, the “Overdue” field is flagged Where I know them from and the social groups they’re in (e.g. friends, colleagues, mentors, etc.) What they’re interested in and know about Their birthday, address and family names Less important / as needed: Their job Where they work Action with a calendar reminder Automatically calculated: Whether or not I’m overdue meeting up or calling 🖐️ Notion feature request: a way to repeat dates on a schedule, like in a calendar It’s quick to set up new contacts, with the fields automatically popping up menus whether it’s a date field… Setting a birthday reminder — pop-up calendar with optional reminder …or selecting from a menu: Setting the target minimum frequency for staying in touch — drop-down menu ⚡️ Checking in When I open full view, the list of people is sorted so that the overdue contacts are at the top: Automatically calculated and sorted to flag overdue friends With Notion’s different database “views”, I can see the contacts list in a variety of formats e.g: 🗄 As a full table, like a spreadsheet 📅 As a birthday calendar 🗃 As a board of cards (like Trello), grouped by target contact frequency Trello-style view of the same database 🖐️ Notion feature request: a simpler way to add cover pictures to database pages, from the clipboard, camera or pictures in the page Using Notion’s built-in reminders that you can access simply by typing something like @Feb 19, 2019 20:30, I can easily add additional reminders to get in touch at a certain time. On mobile Notion’s mobile app is also easy to use, so adding people or notes, getting notifications or checking who I’m overdue with doesn’t rely on the desktop version. Personally, I make it a habit at the end of each day to update who I’ve met with or talked to that day, so the overdue list is up to date. 😎 Final thought Two (kind of new) breeds of tools are changing the way work gets done: Content creation and collaboration tools like Notion, Coda and Airtable, which have “building blocks like Lego” — so text and data work well together rather than being separate blank slates like Word and Excel like Notion, Coda and Airtable, which have “building blocks like Lego” — so text and data work well together rather than being separate blank slates like Word and Excel Cloud integration / automation tools like Zapier, IFTTT, Automate.io, and (Microsoft) Flow, which plug totally separate apps into each other with rules to make them work together (e.g. log Twitter mentions automatically in a Google Sheet) Being able to use these kinds of tools will, I suspect, quickly become as valuable as being able to use Excel has been in the past. If you want to use Notion, following this link will earn you (and me, for disclosure) £10 credit towards the paid tier. Here are the links again to use this Notion template as a personal CRM: Template available here Importing instructions here
['Charlie Taylor']
2019-02-02 20:06:12.779000+00:00
['CRM', 'Productivity', 'Notion', 'Lifehacks', 'Relationships']
Title Using Notion personal CRMContent Using Notion personal CRM good memory contact app aren’t enough ⏱ tl dr wanted way nudging stay contact friend often needed motivation it’s difficult life’s busy time pass quickly ended making simple effective personal CRM Notion working well alternative Notion personal CRM template link 👥 people do… wanted something like CRM without business stuff like “leads” lazy looked people using ignored using spreadsheet — tried doesn’t work think option better Airtable Monica UpHabit FollowUp Ryze Close Airtable ✔️ like spreadsheet 👨🏽‍💻 want something automated ⚡️ ❌ mobile friendly 📵 really designed writing note 📝 Airtable recommended option found you’re familiar Airtable make database easy spreadsheet it’s awesome I’ll wait go take look Ryan Hoover say must true ️Airtable didn’t — I’ve used job it’s awesome looking something mobilefriendly better adding note want look whether could work good example comprehensive guide using Airtable personal CRM Airtable template personal CRM MonicaHQ ✔️ want something built made open source software ❌ maintained web mobileoptimised offline version 📵 busy inflexible design 🙁 really like principle behind Monica — built code transparency data privacy strengthening human relationship else structure — manual — functionality think you’d want personal CRM visual design mobileoptimisedoffline access aren’t priority could great — advocate way Monica built see Monica mobile — updating contact Monica desktop— overview contact though mobile UX offline access simple intuitive design important I’m going build habit around tool like preference criticism found another way get thing decided use Monica — may work well check UpHabit ✔️ want something super simple designed mobile 📱 ❌ still production 👷🏽 unclear much cost it’s released 💰 UpHabit new app seems aiming squarely job Right Jan 2019 it’s still development need contact get access app UpHabit right idea… haven’t tried UpHabit like focus — though I’m sure it’ll price tag it’s live I’ll wait see considering option FollowUp ✔️ want something connected Google email 📩 calendar 📆 ❌ seems le flexible approach 🔒 ️FollowUp plug Google account track Gmail interaction Google Calendar date add note get reminder stay touch Great email lot socialising FollowUp — CRM linked Google account There’s free tier available though it’s fairly limited it’s clear flexible FollowUp term defining field information want capture — FollowUp wasn’t option Ryze ✔️ want something super simple designed mobile 📱 ❌ available yet Android 📵 Ryze basically I’m looking — simple focus proactive staying touch people Ryze — iOS like look though wonder it’s something really build business around I’d wary relying it’s clear sustainable supported it’s going Beyond right Jan 2019 it’s available Android sadly couldn’t try Cloze ✔️ lot functionality automation built 🧙‍♂️ ❌ expensive personal tool 💰 probably complicated basic use 🤯 Cloze extensive personal CRM I’ve seen— connects communication collaboration apps imagine pull data automatically…calls text email shared document social medium message Cloze — sophisticated simple Understandably doesn’t come cheap — 17 cheapest tier hence Cloze really aimed business customer 🛠 did… Notion 10 year ago made Excel 5 year ago would made Google Sheets time used Notion install Notion via link you’ll get 10 free credit towards paid tier — also get credit discount future subscription payment Notion one new breed apps — together Airtable Coda others — creating data document really productive powerful way view they’re biggest step forward productivity apps since Excel released One tool four jobs… Imagine combining Evernote Trello Google Docs Confluence limited way Airtable one app — that’s Notion aim Here’s gallery Notion document template people shared Notion template gallery currently use Notion Project management work home eg planning trip Writing daily journal Keeping track book article podcasts video read finished Building knowledgebase note website link file people proactive staying contact people… Notion become part many thing every day — make easy build valuable habit around happily pay rather become something I’ll use month forget That’s kind productmarket fit grows big business… 🖐️ Notion feature request simpler way create templated page database eg daily journal 👦 Personal CRM template ✔️ simple use 👶🏻 easy mobile 📱 ❌ dedicated app — document template wanted something 📱 Mobilefriendly ⏰ Actively prompting I’m overdue people ✅ Easy get habit using 🧙‍♂️ Ideally automatic tracking calendar text email phone interaction — possible Notion see Cloze 🖐️ Notion feature request way automate workflow Notion apps created Notion database desktop Personal CRM Notion template available Importing instruction copy account 📲 Entering contact information important field enter manually last contact frequently I’m aiming contact ← I’m overdue someone “Overdue” field flagged know social group they’re eg friend colleague mentor etc they’re interested know birthday address family name Less important needed job work Action calendar reminder Automatically calculated Whether I’m overdue meeting calling 🖐️ Notion feature request way repeat date schedule like calendar It’s quick set new contact field automatically popping menu whether it’s date field… Setting birthday reminder — popup calendar optional reminder …or selecting menu Setting target minimum frequency staying touch — dropdown menu ⚡️ Checking open full view list people sorted overdue contact top Automatically calculated sorted flag overdue friend Notion’s different database “views” see contact list variety format eg 🗄 full table like spreadsheet 📅 birthday calendar 🗃 board card like Trello grouped target contact frequency Trellostyle view database 🖐️ Notion feature request simpler way add cover picture database page clipboard camera picture page Using Notion’s builtin reminder access simply typing something like Feb 19 2019 2030 easily add additional reminder get touch certain time mobile Notion’s mobile app also easy use adding people note getting notification checking I’m overdue doesn’t rely desktop version Personally make habit end day update I’ve met talked day overdue list date 😎 Final thought Two kind new breed tool changing way work get done Content creation collaboration tool like Notion Coda Airtable “building block like Lego” — text data work well together rather separate blank slate like Word Excel like Notion Coda Airtable “building block like Lego” — text data work well together rather separate blank slate like Word Excel Cloud integration automation tool like Zapier IFTTT Automateio Microsoft Flow plug totally separate apps rule make work together eg log Twitter mention automatically Google Sheet able use kind tool suspect quickly become valuable able use Excel past want use Notion following link earn disclosure £10 credit towards paid tier link use Notion template personal CRM Template available Importing instruction hereTags CRM Productivity Notion Lifehacks Relationships
Stop Eroding Revenue and Margins with Oracle CPQ
Stop Eroding Revenue and Margins with Oracle CPQ Increasing sales and revenues are not always a sign of rising profits. If high discounts are applied during the sales process to close a deal, the gross profits will be reduced over time. In the subscription economy, giving high discounts or selling outdated products/services will not only have a long-term impact on the potential revenue earned, but also have a negative impact on the operating costs. Missing an upsell/renewal opportunity is another driving factor for eroding revenues and profit margins. What is Erosion in Business? Erosion is best described as any negative effect that is aimed at the revenue, income, or properties of an organization. It is a risk factor that must be considered, especially when considering the lifecycle of the business or the duration of the economic market. There are different types of erosion like revenue, profit, and asset. Know more about them. Top Reasons for Revenue and Margin Erosion Revenue and Margin erosion can happen due to various reasons in a sales process and here are some of my top reasons: Human Errors and Lack of Product Knowledge — Customers always want to speak to someone with a certain degree of experience, employees who advice these customers produce 69% more profits. — Customers always want to speak to someone with a certain degree of experience, employees who advice these customers produce 69% more profits. Lack of Well-Defined Sales Process — Even the most promising deals can slip away due to disorganization — unclear steps and milestones directing sellers from prospecting to presenting to offering the sale. — Even the most promising deals can slip away due to disorganization — unclear steps and milestones directing sellers from prospecting to presenting to offering the sale. Heavy Discounting by Sales Team to Close Deals — There are number of instances when sales lacks product confidence and ends up offering heavy discounts to make sure that the product is sold. — There are number of instances when sales lacks product confidence and ends up offering heavy discounts to make sure that the product is sold. Lack of Collaboration between Teams involved in Quoting — Bad teamwork, cohesiveness and collaboration decreases efficiency, productivity, and profits. — Bad teamwork, cohesiveness and collaboration decreases efficiency, productivity, and profits. Outdated Proposal Selling Outdated Products — In many instances, outdated proposals or expired products are sold just to get the deal going, this in turn tarnishes the brand image and affects revenues. — In many instances, outdated proposals or expired products are sold just to get the deal going, this in turn tarnishes the brand image and affects revenues. Proposals for Configuration & Cost Estimation Taking Time — As part of the sales prediction, calculating and tracking the time from a lead to closure is important. But higher sales periods also mean higher cost-of-sale, filling another bucket of missed margins. — As part of the sales prediction, calculating and tracking the time from a lead to closure is important. But higher sales periods also mean higher cost-of-sale, filling another bucket of missed margins. High Number of Proposal Corrections — A lack of consistency in the customer requirement analysis may indicate multiple versions or corrections of proposals. CPQ — an Intro Configure Price Quote is a middle office software integrated with CRM in the front end and ERP in the backend. This makes the sales process streamlined, faster, and organized. Know more about Why CPQ is right for your company. The CPQ Market will reach $872.8 Million by 2025 with a compound annual growth rate of 19.23%. The growing adoption of smartphones, the rising popularity of mobile apps, and the growing need for high productivity are some of the major factors driving market growth. How CPQ Prevents Margin Erosion? Advanced CPQ software lets you customize individual customers’ contracts and sales quotes, introduce discounts, promotional deals, or other adjustments to the regular price. In addition, CPQ reduces the possibility of user error by drawing from reliable data sources to auto-populate fields. Why CPQ matters and how it can affect your growing business? The following points show how CPQ can prevent margin erosion in your business: Human Errors, Lack of Product Knowledge, and Configuration Errors: Tribal knowledge is converted into configuration rules and CPQ helps sales personnel throughout the selling process providing guidance, opportunities, and indicators to upsell. CPQ ensures no opportunity is lost and increases the deal size. It would expose the right products/services and guide the salesperson to upsell or cross sell products that earn more revenue from the transaction. Tribal knowledge is converted into configuration rules and CPQ helps sales personnel throughout the selling process providing guidance, opportunities, and indicators to upsell. CPQ ensures no opportunity is lost and increases the deal size. It would expose the right products/services and guide the salesperson to upsell or cross sell products that earn more revenue from the transaction. Lack of Well-Defined Sales Process : CPQ can be used to systematically define the sales process, how the transaction would be routed through various teams, and also ensure that the transaction is not lost in any stage, notifications are triggered if the quote is stuck in any stage. Depending on the business unit, multiple sales processes can be defined and managed in CPQ. : CPQ can be used to systematically define the sales process, how the transaction would be routed through various teams, and also ensure that the transaction is not lost in any stage, notifications are triggered if the quote is stuck in any stage. Depending on the business unit, multiple sales processes can be defined and managed in CPQ. Inconsistency in the Sales Channel : Multi-channel experience is the new norm, CPQ can be used to provide a uniform sales process across various channels. You can define rules based on the channel if different products or pricing need to be displayed. Rules can be used to expose different flavors across various channels or user groups. : Multi-channel experience is the new norm, CPQ can be used to provide a uniform sales process across various channels. You can define rules based on the channel if different products or pricing need to be displayed. Rules can be used to expose different flavors across various channels or user groups. Pricing and Approvals: CPQ helps to define pricing rules that in turn gets rid of inaccurate pricing. Deal guidance and discounting rules ensure that the discounting process is controlled and within the guardrails defined by the company. The systematic approval process ensures that high discounts are caught and sent for approval, followed by system sending notifications to the approver. CPQ helps to define pricing rules that in turn gets rid of inaccurate pricing. Deal guidance and discounting rules ensure that the discounting process is controlled and within the guardrails defined by the company. The systematic approval process ensures that high discounts are caught and sent for approval, followed by system sending notifications to the approver. Outdated Proposal: Rules can be defined in CPQ to validate the configuration and products before it is presented to the customer. The customer would always be presented with an accurate quote and that avoids loss of customer trust and revenue. Rules can be defined in CPQ to validate the configuration and products before it is presented to the customer. The customer would always be presented with an accurate quote and that avoids loss of customer trust and revenue. Renewals: CPQ can be linked easily to the subscription management system to manage subscriptions and trigger auto renewals. Rules can be written to be triggered during renewals to look for upselling and increase revenue during renewals. In addition, auto renewals can be setup and ensure no business is lost during renewals. Oracle CPQ — an Intro Oracle CPQ provides a distinct advantage over many of the other CPQ products in the market. For now, it is the only CPQ product that can integrate CPQ with multiple frontends and back-end applications to create a complete end-to-end solution for a sales process. Source : Oracle Oracle CPQ can integrate with over 20+ Backoffice solutions like E-Business suite from Oracle, NetSuite, SAP etc., and CRMs like, Oracle CX Sales, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Oracle CPQ has a powerful rules engine to handle complex product configuration rules. It supports the direct sales, reseller, and self-service channels. It has robust support for subscription orders, including renewals, amendments, suspensions, terminations, order stacking and subscription billing via an integration with Oracle Subscription Management Cloud. Why Oracle CPQ is right for your company? The below image shows the User Journey & how Oracle CPQ helps to increase revenue, prevent erosion and provide an accurate quote Oracle CPQ Competitor Analysis Some of the key differentiators of Oracle CPQ over the competitors are: Oracle CPQ is independent of the CRM or ERP solution of the organization. Oracle CPQ can be integrated with any front office or back-office systems. Oracle CPQ has packages for integrating with CRM systems like Oracle CX Sales, Salesforce, MS Dynamics. Oracle CPQ has a pricing engine that can handle complex pricing algorithms and can be completely configured to handle complex pricing logic. Oracle CPQ supports multiple channels like Direct Sales, Reseller and Self Service. Oracle CPQ has robust support for subscription orders, including renewals, amendments, suspensions, terminations, order stacking and subscription billing via an integration with Oracle Subscription Management Cloud. Oracle CPQ allows develop a customized, modern and clean user interface with JET UI and is device independent. Deal management to provide mathematical analysis to predict how customers will respond to different prices for products/services in order to optimize net revenue or margin. Deal negotiation to guide sales representatives to achieve optimal prices and discounts for their customers using analytics, and a graphical dashboard. Oracle CPQ is proven to work at enterprise scale with more than 8 implementations of 10,000 users or more. Oracle is a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant, due to its market presence, comprehensive CPQ functionality and the scope of its quote-to-cash offerings. Future of Oracle CPQ Cloud There has been a quantum leap across the industries in digital transformation. A McKinsey Survey found that the pandemic has significantly accelerated the pace of adoption of digital transformation technologies, as well as speeding up other business changes. SoftClouds | CPQ Trends for 2021 CPQ will be in the center of these digital transformation initiatives and helps organizations define and market strategic visions for their product. CPQ will play a key role in the digital transformation journey helping to transform three key areas of the enterprise: customer experience, operational process, and business model. The asset-based ordering feature of Oracle CPQ is used to sell tangible assets or subscriptions for services delivered over a period (e.g. cell phone service, cable service, office Wi-Fi, etc.). It can store the assets or can be integrated with a 3rd party asset management system. My Concluding Thoughts CPQ would play a key role in helping organizations succeed in the digital economy. It would help Sales representatives build and get the quote without an error to the customer, also simplify the quoting process for partners and self-service portals, ensuring an accurate quote. CPQ can speed up the sales cycle and help the sales rep confidently deliver a quote that is priced for winning the deal. Upsell and cross-sell will help to transform an average deal into a highly profitable deal. In years to come, we will see more organizations implementing Oracle CPQ to transform their business process, move into the digital economy, and support the subscription economy. More organizations would move from legacy systems to cloud-based systems and oracle CPQ would help in this journey helping in removing functional silos, more collaboration in the selling process and also help organizations to extend the business model and sell across multiple channels. All along the process, CPQ will help to plug in all the erosion in revenue.
2020-12-29 19:37:27.532000+00:00
['Customer Experience', 'Customer Service', 'CRM', 'Salesforce', 'Oracle']
Title Stop Eroding Revenue Margins Oracle CPQContent Stop Eroding Revenue Margins Oracle CPQ Increasing sale revenue always sign rising profit high discount applied sale process close deal gross profit reduced time subscription economy giving high discount selling outdated productsservices longterm impact potential revenue earned also negative impact operating cost Missing upsellrenewal opportunity another driving factor eroding revenue profit margin Erosion Business Erosion best described negative effect aimed revenue income property organization risk factor must considered especially considering lifecycle business duration economic market different type erosion like revenue profit asset Know Top Reasons Revenue Margin Erosion Revenue Margin erosion happen due various reason sale process top reason Human Errors Lack Product Knowledge — Customers always want speak someone certain degree experience employee advice customer produce 69 profit — Customers always want speak someone certain degree experience employee advice customer produce 69 profit Lack WellDefined Sales Process — Even promising deal slip away due disorganization — unclear step milestone directing seller prospecting presenting offering sale — Even promising deal slip away due disorganization — unclear step milestone directing seller prospecting presenting offering sale Heavy Discounting Sales Team Close Deals — number instance sale lack product confidence end offering heavy discount make sure product sold — number instance sale lack product confidence end offering heavy discount make sure product sold Lack Collaboration Teams involved Quoting — Bad teamwork cohesiveness collaboration decrease efficiency productivity profit — Bad teamwork cohesiveness collaboration decrease efficiency productivity profit Outdated Proposal Selling Outdated Products — many instance outdated proposal expired product sold get deal going turn tarnish brand image affect revenue — many instance outdated proposal expired product sold get deal going turn tarnish brand image affect revenue Proposals Configuration Cost Estimation Taking Time — part sale prediction calculating tracking time lead closure important higher sale period also mean higher costofsale filling another bucket missed margin — part sale prediction calculating tracking time lead closure important higher sale period also mean higher costofsale filling another bucket missed margin High Number Proposal Corrections — lack consistency customer requirement analysis may indicate multiple version correction proposal CPQ — Intro Configure Price Quote middle office software integrated CRM front end ERP backend make sale process streamlined faster organized Know CPQ right company CPQ Market reach 8728 Million 2025 compound annual growth rate 1923 growing adoption smartphones rising popularity mobile apps growing need high productivity major factor driving market growth CPQ Prevents Margin Erosion Advanced CPQ software let customize individual customers’ contract sale quote introduce discount promotional deal adjustment regular price addition CPQ reduces possibility user error drawing reliable data source autopopulate field CPQ matter affect growing business following point show CPQ prevent margin erosion business Human Errors Lack Product Knowledge Configuration Errors Tribal knowledge converted configuration rule CPQ help sale personnel throughout selling process providing guidance opportunity indicator upsell CPQ ensures opportunity lost increase deal size would expose right productsservices guide salesperson upsell cross sell product earn revenue transaction Tribal knowledge converted configuration rule CPQ help sale personnel throughout selling process providing guidance opportunity indicator upsell CPQ ensures opportunity lost increase deal size would expose right productsservices guide salesperson upsell cross sell product earn revenue transaction Lack WellDefined Sales Process CPQ used systematically define sale process transaction would routed various team also ensure transaction lost stage notification triggered quote stuck stage Depending business unit multiple sale process defined managed CPQ CPQ used systematically define sale process transaction would routed various team also ensure transaction lost stage notification triggered quote stuck stage Depending business unit multiple sale process defined managed CPQ Inconsistency Sales Channel Multichannel experience new norm CPQ used provide uniform sale process across various channel define rule based channel different product pricing need displayed Rules used expose different flavor across various channel user group Multichannel experience new norm CPQ used provide uniform sale process across various channel define rule based channel different product pricing need displayed Rules used expose different flavor across various channel user group Pricing Approvals CPQ help define pricing rule turn get rid inaccurate pricing Deal guidance discounting rule ensure discounting process controlled within guardrail defined company systematic approval process ensures high discount caught sent approval followed system sending notification approver CPQ help define pricing rule turn get rid inaccurate pricing Deal guidance discounting rule ensure discounting process controlled within guardrail defined company systematic approval process ensures high discount caught sent approval followed system sending notification approver Outdated Proposal Rules defined CPQ validate configuration product presented customer customer would always presented accurate quote avoids loss customer trust revenue Rules defined CPQ validate configuration product presented customer customer would always presented accurate quote avoids loss customer trust revenue Renewals CPQ linked easily subscription management system manage subscription trigger auto renewal Rules written triggered renewal look upselling increase revenue renewal addition auto renewal setup ensure business lost renewal Oracle CPQ — Intro Oracle CPQ provides distinct advantage many CPQ product market CPQ product integrate CPQ multiple frontends backend application create complete endtoend solution sale process Source Oracle Oracle CPQ integrate 20 Backoffice solution like EBusiness suite Oracle NetSuite SAP etc CRMs like Oracle CX Sales Salesforce Microsoft Dynamics 365 Oracle CPQ powerful rule engine handle complex product configuration rule support direct sale reseller selfservice channel robust support subscription order including renewal amendment suspension termination order stacking subscription billing via integration Oracle Subscription Management Cloud Oracle CPQ right company image show User Journey Oracle CPQ help increase revenue prevent erosion provide accurate quote Oracle CPQ Competitor Analysis key differentiator Oracle CPQ competitor Oracle CPQ independent CRM ERP solution organization Oracle CPQ integrated front office backoffice system Oracle CPQ package integrating CRM system like Oracle CX Sales Salesforce MS Dynamics Oracle CPQ pricing engine handle complex pricing algorithm completely configured handle complex pricing logic Oracle CPQ support multiple channel like Direct Sales Reseller Self Service Oracle CPQ robust support subscription order including renewal amendment suspension termination order stacking subscription billing via integration Oracle Subscription Management Cloud Oracle CPQ allows develop customized modern clean user interface JET UI device independent Deal management provide mathematical analysis predict customer respond different price productsservices order optimize net revenue margin Deal negotiation guide sale representative achieve optimal price discount customer using analytics graphical dashboard Oracle CPQ proven work enterprise scale 8 implementation 10000 user Oracle Leader Gartner Magic Quadrant due market presence comprehensive CPQ functionality scope quotetocash offering Future Oracle CPQ Cloud quantum leap across industry digital transformation McKinsey Survey found pandemic significantly accelerated pace adoption digital transformation technology well speeding business change SoftClouds CPQ Trends 2021 CPQ center digital transformation initiative help organization define market strategic vision product CPQ play key role digital transformation journey helping transform three key area enterprise customer experience operational process business model assetbased ordering feature Oracle CPQ used sell tangible asset subscription service delivered period eg cell phone service cable service office WiFi etc store asset integrated 3rd party asset management system Concluding Thoughts CPQ would play key role helping organization succeed digital economy would help Sales representative build get quote without error customer also simplify quoting process partner selfservice portal ensuring accurate quote CPQ speed sale cycle help sale rep confidently deliver quote priced winning deal Upsell crosssell help transform average deal highly profitable deal year come see organization implementing Oracle CPQ transform business process move digital economy support subscription economy organization would move legacy system cloudbased system oracle CPQ would help journey helping removing functional silo collaboration selling process also help organization extend business model sell across multiple channel along process CPQ help plug erosion revenueTags Customer Experience Customer Service CRM Salesforce Oracle
“The” CRM And “The” Mentality Behind It
“The” CRM And “The” Mentality Behind It Don’t ask me why, but nearly every day I feel the need to re-emphasize CRM strategy over CRM Software. It’s the same sick feeling I get when I hear people talking about Social CRM. I get fairly frustrated at the little things, like… Calling CRM “the CRM” or “my CRM” or “our CRM” or “your CRM” — I can’t wait to hear people saying “the Social CRM” or “my Social CRM” (just read this today!) or “our Social CRM” or “your Social CRM”. That’s gonna be funny, in a very sick sort of way. When I’m asked to review all of the features of “the CRM” I sell. Do you have 10 days? When the focus is solely on the sales department and how to generate quotes faster. When everyone gets excited because my demo dashboard has every metric every conceived on it — even if no one in the room knows what they mean or if they are relevant. It’s PRETTY! When I’m asked “what’s the best CRM?” When a vendor suggests they have best practices built in, and their competitors don’t. Hey, neither do you! There’s no such thing!!!!! When a one-trick pony vendor calls themselves Social CRM when they don’t even cover all of the social possibilities let alone C.R.M. getting confused stares when I suggest to someone “walk a mile in the shoes of your typical customer.” So once again I feel compelled to review a very simple framework for thinking just a little bit more strategically about this whole CRM (and Social CRM) thing. The reason I can’t go into much detail is because there are no best practices in the front office! Your business, and more importantly (and hopefully), your strategy, is different than anyone else’s and it deserves respect for being unique. And you owe it to yourself, but more importantly your customers, to design it, and execute it! The Do Not’s of CRM (yes AND social CRM) I know this sounds easy, but if you’re in the CRM mix and you’re not the Big Guy, it’s sometimes hard not to get caught up in the Big Guy’s excitement over new toys. Maybe it’s the fact that they have money to spend and you don’t. Maybe they like gadgets or something. I’m pretty sure that’s it, along with the get rich quick / gotta have it now mentality the most recent generations have grown up in. All of a sudden you start referring to it as “the CRM” because your boss is jumping up and down screaming “find me a CRM!!!!” All you “she” sayers out there, just be happy I’m picking on guys here. She is the customer, if I’ve got that right. That’s another blog all by itself and will require a ton of research and probably a few therapy sessions. So, here is what you don’t do. Don’t go around to everyone asking them what features they want from the CRM. All you’ll get is a bunch of me too features designed to satisfy their local issues. These things sound like the following: My CRM needs a button that …, or The CRM should have a screen that…, or “It” needs a list that…, or “It” should automatically create…, or My perfect CRM dream is completely end-user customizable in case we experience a paradigm shift in our industry (this has been said to me, really). These should be your warning signs that no one in your organization has a clue what CRM (or Social CRM) is. It’s become a shiny little box with a DVD in it that magically does what that person in the cubicle over there thinks it should do. That’s OK. Don’t listen to me and you will get a solution that looks like this (right over theya). Does this look like customer-centricity to you? Come on, there must be at least 3 of those buttons, or fields, that your customer simply doesn’t need, right? How about 93 of them? Admit it, this is all for you…and that’s what happens in most CRM initiatives, I’m really sorry to say. Note: This is not a customer screenshot. I found it on the wonderful Internet. I’ve advised many clients who used to have CRM’s (there, that’s another ism I hate!) that look just like that over there. If you have “a CRM” that looks like this, or you have pictured this nightmare in your mind, please…PLEASE…read the following section very, very carefully. And then feel free to call me, because I can definitely help you, if you’re willing to look at the world a bit differently. The Do’s of CRM (yes! AND social CRM, sheesh!) As I state right on the front page of the Effective CRM website, there are a series of steps you should do if you’re serious about CRM. Develop a Customer Centric business strategy — The customer is not optional by the way, but your product is. Don’t be product-centric! How will you collect customer information, how will it be accessed, how will you (collectively) learn from it, how will you act on it, how will you adapt as you learn — the product is irrelevant. What is your framework for understanding customer needs. How will you design experiences? How will you get everyone in your organization on the same page? Re-align workflows to your new cross-functional strategy. Then align specific work processes to support it. Develop Requirements for people processes and software processes. This will show you what you need to look for. Invite vendors or resellers to show you how their stuff will conform to the implementation of your CRM initiative. You don’t need to see anything that is irrelevant. Kick them out as soon as they say “have you seen this cool feature?” The way you work (if you’ve gone through steps 1–3) is a requirement that the CRM platform must meet. Don’t allow software companies and consultants, who’ve spent almost no time understand the job(s) your’re doing walk in and tell you that their stuff was designed specifically for your industry and has best practices built into it. Or, that they will show you how to do what you need to do (their way) once it’s installed. Sorry, it’s their job to conform to your process, in a supporting role. They want to be the lead, everyone does. But, it’s not their job, as far as you are concerned. Be tough. Do all of this, and finally I will hear the beautiful isms like “our CRM initiative” or “our CRM strategy” or “brand x does a great job of supporting our cross-functional work flows” or maybe even “here’s what we’ve learned about our customers this year.”
['Mike Boysen']
2016-08-11 14:54:38.110000+00:00
['CRM', 'Innovation']
Title “The” CRM “The” Mentality Behind ItContent “The” CRM “The” Mentality Behind Don’t ask nearly every day feel need reemphasize CRM strategy CRM Software It’s sick feeling get hear people talking Social CRM get fairly frustrated little thing like… Calling CRM “the CRM” “my CRM” “our CRM” “your CRM” — can’t wait hear people saying “the Social CRM” “my Social CRM” read today “our Social CRM” “your Social CRM” That’s gonna funny sick sort way I’m asked review feature “the CRM” sell 10 day focus solely sale department generate quote faster everyone get excited demo dashboard every metric every conceived — even one room know mean relevant It’s PRETTY I’m asked “what’s best CRM” vendor suggests best practice built competitor don’t Hey neither There’s thing onetrick pony vendor call Social CRM don’t even cover social possibility let alone CRM getting confused stare suggest someone “walk mile shoe typical customer” feel compelled review simple framework thinking little bit strategically whole CRM Social CRM thing reason can’t go much detail best practice front office business importantly hopefully strategy different anyone else’s deserves respect unique owe importantly customer design execute Not’s CRM yes social CRM know sound easy you’re CRM mix you’re Big Guy it’s sometimes hard get caught Big Guy’s excitement new toy Maybe it’s fact money spend don’t Maybe like gadget something I’m pretty sure that’s along get rich quick gotta mentality recent generation grown sudden start referring “the CRM” bos jumping screaming “find CRM” “she” sayers happy I’m picking guy customer I’ve got right That’s another blog require ton research probably therapy session don’t Don’t go around everyone asking feature want CRM you’ll get bunch feature designed satisfy local issue thing sound like following CRM need button … CRM screen that… “It” need list that… “It” automatically create… perfect CRM dream completely enduser customizable case experience paradigm shift industry said really warning sign one organization clue CRM Social CRM It’s become shiny little box DVD magically person cubicle think That’s OK Don’t listen get solution look like right theya look like customercentricity Come must least 3 button field customer simply doesn’t need right 93 Admit you…and that’s happens CRM initiative I’m really sorry say Note customer screenshot found wonderful Internet I’ve advised many client used CRM’s that’s another ism hate look like “a CRM” look like pictured nightmare mind please…PLEASE…read following section carefully feel free call definitely help you’re willing look world bit differently Do’s CRM yes social CRM sheesh state right front page Effective CRM website series step you’re serious CRM Develop Customer Centric business strategy — customer optional way product Don’t productcentric collect customer information accessed collectively learn act adapt learn — product irrelevant framework understanding customer need design experience get everyone organization page Realign workflow new crossfunctional strategy align specific work process support Develop Requirements people process software process show need look Invite vendor resellers show stuff conform implementation CRM initiative don’t need see anything irrelevant Kick soon say “have seen cool feature” way work you’ve gone step 1–3 requirement CRM platform must meet Don’t allow software company consultant who’ve spent almost time understand job your’re walk tell stuff designed specifically industry best practice built show need way it’s installed Sorry it’s job conform process supporting role want lead everyone it’s job far concerned tough finally hear beautiful ism like “our CRM initiative” “our CRM strategy” “brand x great job supporting crossfunctional work flows” maybe even “here’s we’ve learned customer year”Tags CRM Innovation
Wholistic Campaign Software, Data, and CRM
My post in response to Harish’s over at EchoDitto regarding data, CRM, and wholistic campaign software. Great thread Harish. To my mind the problem begins with the traditional firewalls of power and information in Democratic campaigns. Field, Political, Communications, Policy, Correspondence, and Fundraising don’t talk to one another much, and cloister information in order to accrete and retain power within the campaign. Furthermore, power and budget flow sequentially from fundraising at the beginning of a campaign to policy to political to field etc. as we draw closer to election day. Traditional commercial technology vendors to Democratic campaigns have typically developed, understandably, focused tools and services geared towards meeting the needs of and winning business from one of these departments. Ushering in a new era of wholistic campaign technology would require, among other things: -development of a great open-source highly scalable CRM system at the core -integrated and fully productized and supported toolsets that leverage this CRM system and that meet the traditional needs (e.g.: voter file systems, donor tracking, web CMS, etc.) of each Department at least as well as today’s stand-alone tools do -vendors that are willing and able to provide and support these integrated systems at a price point that small campaigns as well as large can afford -lowering the barriers (legal and cultural and technical) between political campaigns non-campaign grassroots advocacy organizations so that constituents can effectively participate in and be leveraged by both -case studies that visibly demonstrate that sharing information within a campaign yields success far more than cloistering it -a means to fund the development of all this that does not depend on contracts from campaigns (because the internal advocates for and budget for such product will not be there before the product is there) -visionary and powerful campaign managers and candidates who will hire staff that are willing to take on the risk of doing things in a very new way, and a track record of those campaigns winning in order to prove it to those less visionary and more risk-adverse. This is a tall order– but there are reasons for hope: 1) My sense is that NGP is going to be a powerful advocate here because they get the opportunity available in providing wholistic solutions, and they are already in the door in most Democratic campaigns with the Department that gets to call all the shots in the early days of a campaign– Fundraising. 2) The currently-happening integration of CivicSpace with Advokit with a new open-source CRM back-end will bring a lot of these capabilities together, and low-cost open source committed vendors/consultants are standing by, ready to implement and support and to do the heavy lifting on hosting potentially massive databases of voters and street networks and the like… The biggest questions on this approach are how well it will be productized, how effectively it can be marketed to traditional campaigns, and whether campaigns will budget sufficiently to support viable business models for these vendors. 3) Some traditional campaign technology vendors have committed themselves to handling the heavy lifting of hosting massive data sets while newly opening up their systems to interoperate with 3rd party tools and services through coherent APIs. 4) The one size fits all approach of the commercial ASPs and the high-cost proprietary custom solution approach of others, while they do a good job with their existing markets, is not gaining the kind of traction one might expect in an era of exploding online donation processing, while campaigns and grassroots organizations are signing up for open-source solutions in droves, even before they’re fully productized and complete. Cheers, Andrew Hoppin Disclaimer: I work with CivicSpace and with Trellon
['Andrew Hoppin']
2017-08-28 23:07:22.209000+00:00
['Politics', 'CRM', 'Political Campaigning', 'Open Source']
Title Wholistic Campaign Software Data CRMContent post response Harish’s EchoDitto regarding data CRM wholistic campaign software Great thread Harish mind problem begin traditional firewall power information Democratic campaign Field Political Communications Policy Correspondence Fundraising don’t talk one another much cloister information order accrete retain power within campaign Furthermore power budget flow sequentially fundraising beginning campaign policy political field etc draw closer election day Traditional commercial technology vendor Democratic campaign typically developed understandably focused tool service geared towards meeting need winning business one department Ushering new era wholistic campaign technology would require among thing development great opensource highly scalable CRM system core integrated fully productized supported toolsets leverage CRM system meet traditional need eg voter file system donor tracking web CMS etc Department least well today’s standalone tool vendor willing able provide support integrated system price point small campaign well large afford lowering barrier legal cultural technical political campaign noncampaign grassroots advocacy organization constituent effectively participate leveraged case study visibly demonstrate sharing information within campaign yield success far cloistering mean fund development depend contract campaign internal advocate budget product product visionary powerful campaign manager candidate hire staff willing take risk thing new way track record campaign winning order prove le visionary riskadverse tall order– reason hope 1 sense NGP going powerful advocate get opportunity available providing wholistic solution already door Democratic campaign Department get call shot early day campaign– Fundraising 2 currentlyhappening integration CivicSpace Advokit new opensource CRM backend bring lot capability together lowcost open source committed vendorsconsultants standing ready implement support heavy lifting hosting potentially massive database voter street network like… biggest question approach well productized effectively marketed traditional campaign whether campaign budget sufficiently support viable business model vendor 3 traditional campaign technology vendor committed handling heavy lifting hosting massive data set newly opening system interoperate 3rd party tool service coherent APIs 4 one size fit approach commercial ASPs highcost proprietary custom solution approach others good job existing market gaining kind traction one might expect era exploding online donation processing campaign grassroots organization signing opensource solution drove even they’re fully productized complete Cheers Andrew Hoppin Disclaimer work CivicSpace TrellonTags Politics CRM Political Campaigning Open Source
CiviMobile — a Native Mobile Application for CiviCRM
The constituents of NGOs and nonprofits regularly leave the workplace to work with the local communities or vulnerable groups. As a result, members of organizations often lack an access to the CRM system and cannot find the necessary information on their cases during the fieldwork. Agiliway has developed a mobile application for CiviCRM — CiviMobile — that allows organizations’ members to reach their CiviCRM databases anywhere and anytime . The first basic version of CiviMobile allows users to establish a secure connection to the CiviCRM databases and search for the necessary information. In particular, the current version of the mobile application has the following features: Contacts. The mobile application allows secure connection to user’s contacts and their profiles. Search. Users can search for contacts available in the database and dial them in one click. Calendar. Users can view the planned events and activities in a graphical calendar. Events. The mobile app allows to view all the planned events in the system and filter them by type, date or title. Users can view the details of the planned event, register for an event and receive a registration confirmation, view all of their past events, and share the events in one click. Activities and Cases. Users can view their planned activities and cases, access their details, see what other members are engaged in them. Offline Work. The application can operate offline due to cache retention on the mobile devices. The event registration made when there is no internet connection is placed on hold and executed once the internet connection is resumed. To start using the mobile application, you need to deploy a CiviMobile API extension to your CiviCRM server and to install a CiviMobile application on your mobile device from AppStore for iOS or from Play Market for Android. More details about the installation process are given in the How To section of the CiviMobile website.
2020-12-30 09:55:54.272000+00:00
['Ngo', 'Nonprofit', 'CRM']
Title CiviMobile — Native Mobile Application CiviCRMContent constituent NGOs nonprofit regularly leave workplace work local community vulnerable group result member organization often lack access CRM system cannot find necessary information case fieldwork Agiliway developed mobile application CiviCRM — CiviMobile — allows organizations’ member reach CiviCRM database anywhere anytime first basic version CiviMobile allows user establish secure connection CiviCRM database search necessary information particular current version mobile application following feature Contacts mobile application allows secure connection user’s contact profile Search Users search contact available database dial one click Calendar Users view planned event activity graphical calendar Events mobile app allows view planned event system filter type date title Users view detail planned event register event receive registration confirmation view past event share event one click Activities Cases Users view planned activity case access detail see member engaged Offline Work application operate offline due cache retention mobile device event registration made internet connection placed hold executed internet connection resumed start using mobile application need deploy CiviMobile API extension CiviCRM server install CiviMobile application mobile device AppStore iOS Play Market Android detail installation process given section CiviMobile websiteTags Ngo Nonprofit CRM
Core Banking Software Market Size Worth $16.38 Billion By 2027
Core Banking Software Market Size Worth $16.38 Billion By 2027 The global core banking software market size is expected to reach USD 16.38 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 7.5% from 2020 to 2027 according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Core banking software and services are seeing an increased rise in demand as they enable customers to access their bank accounts and undertake basic transactions from any branch office of their bank, among other benefits. Core banking is often associated with retail banking, with many banks treating their retail customers as core banking customers and managing businesses via their corporate divisions. The advent of telecommunication and computer technology is allowing businesses to share banking information with bank branches efficiently and quickly. Moreover, banks are focusing on moving to core banking applications to support their banking operations via a Centralized Online Real-time Exchange (CORE) of transaction data. Financial institutions and banks are adopting core banking software as it enables them to facilitate decision making through real-time reporting and analytics. Large financial institutions are focusing on implementing their custom care core banking systems. Additionally, credit unions and numerous community banks are outsourcing their core banking systems, thereby driving the market growth. Large financial institutions and banks are increasingly realizing the need to focus on ways of achieving customer delight, thereby creating growth opportunities for the market. While the market is expected to witness steady growth in the near future, the COVID-19 pandemic is anticipated to adversely impact the market to a certain extent. However, the increasing demand for managing customer accounts from a single or centralized server is expected to fuel market growth. Increasing investments in core banking system updates to handle a growing volume of product-channel banking transactions is anticipated to propel the market growth over the forecast period. Click the link below: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/core-banking-software-market Further key findings from the report suggest:
['Gaurav Shah']
2020-12-30 11:07:36.630000+00:00
['Technology', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Big Data', 'CRM', 'Banking']
Title Core Banking Software Market Size Worth 1638 Billion 2027Content Core Banking Software Market Size Worth 1638 Billion 2027 global core banking software market size expected reach USD 1638 billion 2027 registering CAGR 75 2020 2027 according new report Grand View Research Inc Core banking software service seeing increased rise demand enable customer access bank account undertake basic transaction branch office bank among benefit Core banking often associated retail banking many bank treating retail customer core banking customer managing business via corporate division advent telecommunication computer technology allowing business share banking information bank branch efficiently quickly Moreover bank focusing moving core banking application support banking operation via Centralized Online Realtime Exchange CORE transaction data Financial institution bank adopting core banking software enables facilitate decision making realtime reporting analytics Large financial institution focusing implementing custom care core banking system Additionally credit union numerous community bank outsourcing core banking system thereby driving market growth Large financial institution bank increasingly realizing need focus way achieving customer delight thereby creating growth opportunity market market expected witness steady growth near future COVID19 pandemic anticipated adversely impact market certain extent However increasing demand managing customer account single centralized server expected fuel market growth Increasing investment core banking system update handle growing volume productchannel banking transaction anticipated propel market growth forecast period Click link httpswwwgrandviewresearchcomindustryanalysiscorebankingsoftwaremarket key finding report suggestTags Technology Artificial Intelligence Big Data CRM Banking
The Benefits of Everyone in Your Company Using Salesforce Every Day
Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the best things that your business can do. It can be hard to track and manage all the different relationships you have with your customers and a CRM tool is a great way to rope all that information together. In the words of Salesforce.com, a provider of the leading technological CRM solution, “CRM combines business processes, people, and technology to achieve this single goal: [tweet_quote]getting and keeping customers.[/tweet_quote] It’s an overall strategy to help you learn more about their behavior so you can develop stronger, lasting relationships that will benefit both of you. It’s very hard to run a successful business without a strong focus on CRM.” Embraced by Everyone Everyone within your company in one way or another interacts and impacts your customer. So naturally a CRM tool should involve every department in your business, from sales, marketing and customer service to operations, accounting. Whether you’re in the warehouse, driving a truck or working on information technology you are impacting the business which impacts the customer. Because of this, it’s important to implement a CRM throughout your company and to work with it every day. After all, you work with your customers and clients on a daily basis, so why shouldn’t you manage those relationships every day as well? As a cloud-based solution, Salesforce.com makes it easy to get up-to-date with the latest customer and company information while allowing for easy access for everyone on your team. Simply put, when everyone uses Salesforce.com daily you’ll get: A 360 degree view of each customer Accurate reports and dashboards of customers and business transactions Automation and mobility with business processes Overall efficiency in your office with everyone using the same program to track customer relations and much more Salesforce.com is not a one-and-done program. It’s a program that, once you have all your customer data uploaded into it, you’ll end up relying on it a little more every day as you and your team learn the ropes of customer relations, setting business goals within its system and watching your business grow. Rolling Out Salesforce.com Throughout Your Company Keep in mind, it’s important to keep veins of communication open with your employees before, during and after the implementation of a new company-wide service. Salesforce.com offers great training and support, yet another reason to use their CRM solution, which is now available for a 30-day trial. Once you’re set up with Salesforce.com, you can start really obtaining your business goals, earning better relationships with your clients and excelling on all fronts of business.
['Galvin Technologies']
2016-09-19 15:31:02.619000+00:00
['Salesforce', 'CRM']
Title Benefits Everyone Company Using Salesforce Every DayContent Customer relationship management CRM one best thing business hard track manage different relationship customer CRM tool great way rope information together word Salesforcecom provider leading technological CRM solution “CRM combine business process people technology achieve single goal tweetquotegetting keeping customerstweetquote It’s overall strategy help learn behavior develop stronger lasting relationship benefit It’s hard run successful business without strong focus CRM” Embraced Everyone Everyone within company one way another interacts impact customer naturally CRM tool involve every department business sale marketing customer service operation accounting Whether you’re warehouse driving truck working information technology impacting business impact customer it’s important implement CRM throughout company work every day work customer client daily basis shouldn’t manage relationship every day well cloudbased solution Salesforcecom make easy get uptodate latest customer company information allowing easy access everyone team Simply put everyone us Salesforcecom daily you’ll get 360 degree view customer Accurate report dashboard customer business transaction Automation mobility business process Overall efficiency office everyone using program track customer relation much Salesforcecom oneanddone program It’s program customer data uploaded you’ll end relying little every day team learn rope customer relation setting business goal within system watching business grow Rolling Salesforcecom Throughout Company Keep mind it’s important keep vein communication open employee implementation new companywide service Salesforcecom offer great training support yet another reason use CRM solution available 30day trial you’re set Salesforcecom start really obtaining business goal earning better relationship client excelling front businessTags Salesforce CRM
A Failed Technical Documentation Project
A Failed Technical Documentation Project Organizations and individuals talk about their success stories — it is important to talk about failures too. Most often, we share our experiences that are derived from our successful projects. Many technical communicators use their blog space or community portals and groups to share their knowledge and expertise from successful projects such as how they planned CS help in Flare for a project, or integrated DITA in Drupal, or developed a prototype of a complex real estate system. Although ‘we learn more from failures than from success’ is as well known, we generally tend to not to talk much about our failed projects. Here, I take this opportunity to talk about a failed project, as one of my experiences in December 2012. In November 2012, a business owner from East Coast New York approached me to develop functional specifications of their CRM. We agreed on the scope and I had to deliver a detailed functional specifications document, including wireframes. I did not realize that I should not work on this job as a technical communicator — it was a job for a business analyst with skills in IA or UX. We discussed milestones, inputs and directions, and the collaborative process. I got the contract on 03 December and I needed to complete and deliver it by 22 Dec. The proposed CRM was huge and was comparable to SalesForce or ZOHO (little smaller than these) and HighRise (little bigger than this). The client has been supportive, and responsive on emails, Skype and phone. I got a working template in WordPress (yes in WordPress) to write the details. I said YES to this project because: I had developed product documentation for a CRM — www.realtysoft.com so I know about CRM systems. I had used zohoCRM, BaseCamp, and GetHarvest (though all three at intermediate level). So, I know about the general workflow of a CRM. In addition, I was also working with an experienced SalesForce certified professional for some development project, so I could always seek his inputs if required (and I did eventually). I am actively using JustInMind, and I knew I could do the wireframes. I am familiar with using WP admin, so documentation environment was not an issue. I analyzed at my work calendar and I had the time to work on it. Client had wireframes ready for 1–2 modules so I had the base to develop documentation for other modules and complete it for the CRM. And, so I committed myself to the job. The deal was to follow the basic steps as: Do some research on some CRM systems (Zoho, SalesForce, SugarCRM, Worketc and few more) and consolidate the best practices of these for preliminary notes (In hindsight now I realize that it was a wrong way to get started) Start by planning for navigation; one menu for each module of CRM (again, this is not how projects specifications start) Plan the UX for each module (Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Calendar, Messages, Settings, Events, and so on) Write detailed notes on functional scope, use cases, do wireframes (in SwordSoft) Get all these approved based on milestones (milestones based on modules’ documentation for UX and scope in MS Word, get it approved and migrate it to WP, and move to next module). What exactly happened I started research on Zoho, HighRise, and SalesForce and found it very different from my experience in CRM documentation. [So, my assumption that I had the experience to document CRMs was not correct] For all these reference CRMs, I realized that the whole workflow and UX * Leads — opportunity — account — contact * can be different and yet same. [I focused more to understand how these work and how these differ and less on what exactly we want out of these] * can be different and yet same. [I focused more to understand how these work and how these differ and less on what exactly we want out of these] I had calls with client and explained my understanding and doubts. Somewhere and for some reason, I assumed a few things rather than clarifying. It doesn’t happen with me often though. The best part is that he gave me links to study and some YouTube video links too. I saw these useful sources and it gave me a false sense of guarantee, that I have understood it. I could not sense that I was not planning in right direction. When I wrote the scope items, I started with working on wireframes, WITHOUT really freezing the LOAC workflow, and this is where I sensed that something wrong in what I was doing. Gradually, we both sensed uncertainty. At this stage, I was asking such questions that I should have asked in week 1. But it was late now. I got defensive. The deadline was approaching and I could not look back. We had a call, and the project was shelved. Client was friendly, and asked me the reason of why it happened. It was a honest and transparent conversation. And we just smiled off. Pointers
['Vinish Garg']
2017-08-07 14:10:17.612000+00:00
['CRM', 'Technical Writing', 'Success Story']
Title Failed Technical Documentation ProjectContent Failed Technical Documentation Project Organizations individual talk success story — important talk failure often share experience derived successful project Many technical communicator use blog space community portal group share knowledge expertise successful project planned CS help Flare project integrated DITA Drupal developed prototype complex real estate system Although ‘we learn failure success’ well known generally tend talk much failed project take opportunity talk failed project one experience December 2012 November 2012 business owner East Coast New York approached develop functional specification CRM agreed scope deliver detailed functional specification document including wireframes realize work job technical communicator — job business analyst skill IA UX discussed milestone input direction collaborative process got contract 03 December needed complete deliver 22 Dec proposed CRM huge comparable SalesForce ZOHO little smaller HighRise little bigger client supportive responsive email Skype phone got working template WordPress yes WordPress write detail said YES project developed product documentation CRM — wwwrealtysoftcom know CRM system used zohoCRM BaseCamp GetHarvest though three intermediate level know general workflow CRM addition also working experienced SalesForce certified professional development project could always seek input required eventually actively using JustInMind knew could wireframes familiar using WP admin documentation environment issue analyzed work calendar time work Client wireframes ready 1–2 module base develop documentation module complete CRM committed job deal follow basic step research CRM system Zoho SalesForce SugarCRM Worketc consolidate best practice preliminary note hindsight realize wrong way get started Start planning navigation one menu module CRM project specification start Plan UX module Leads Contacts Accounts Calendar Messages Settings Events Write detailed note functional scope use case wireframes SwordSoft Get approved based milestone milestone based modules’ documentation UX scope MS Word get approved migrate WP move next module exactly happened started research Zoho HighRise SalesForce found different experience CRM documentation assumption experience document CRMs correct reference CRMs realized whole workflow UX Leads — opportunity — account — contact different yet focused understand work differ le exactly want different yet focused understand work differ le exactly want call client explained understanding doubt Somewhere reason assumed thing rather clarifying doesn’t happen often though best part gave link study YouTube video link saw useful source gave false sense guarantee understood could sense planning right direction wrote scope item started working wireframes WITHOUT really freezing LOAC workflow sensed something wrong Gradually sensed uncertainty stage asking question asked week 1 late got defensive deadline approaching could look back call project shelved Client friendly asked reason happened honest transparent conversation smiled PointersTags CRM Technical Writing Success Story
SugarCRM to Salesforce: Tutorial for The Great Migration [+Video]
They say, if you care a lot about brands, you end up paying much more than the thing is really worth for the sake of the name on the label. Salesforce, one of the pioneers of the CRM market and one of the most widely known CRM software, has become a brand as well. It is frequently accused of using the brand name as the excuse for the high price. However, in the business world hardly anyone would be paying extra money solely to be able to proudly mention the brand of the essential work too they’re using, wouldn’t they? All that matters here is get the work done efficiently and save employees’ time. This is where Salesforce excels and this is what makes it one of the most desired CRMs out there. So, if you caught yourself thinking about Salesforce as the answer to your growing business needs which your current SugarCRM cannot handle, time to take a deeper look into it. So, What You Get If You Switch from SugarCRM to Salesforce? Make calls within the CRM — it includes dialler, apart from contact management, marketing, sales to customer service, project management, etc. So you can easily make calls within the system with no need to use other software outside. Ease of use — it is made to be a real helper from the start, instead of taking weeks to master the CRM before you can get down to work. Even if you find yourself wondering about a thing or two, a number of walkthroughs, video tutorials and online resources help you out in a snap. Customizable interface for each user — whether a sales rep, marketer or company director — you’ll be able to make your dashboard maximally convenient using tabs and shortcuts to quickly access the necessary tools. “Social network’ inside — called Chatter. It is the tool for communication within the company, where you can also organize knowledge base for employees, follow important clients and get in touch with individuals or employee groups at once — everything to facilitate the business processes in the company. Extendable — in spite of the fact that Salesforce is frequently accused of being not as customizable as SugarCRM is, it does provide lots of space for special needs. Its AppExchange marketplace presents numerous add-ons for extra features you might require. SugarCRM to Salesforce Migration [Video] Sounds like this CRM is right what you need or interesting enough to give it a test drive? It’s easy to do with Salesforce 30 days free trial. Already decided to move over from SugarCRM to Salesforce? It’s quite simple to do — following the Prezi tutorial below. The Final Tips Data2CRM migration service is here for you to handle the data migration from SugarCRM to Salesforce in the shortest possible time, securely and accurately.
['Crmone', 'Crm Experts']
2018-09-05 12:12:39.748000+00:00
['Salesforce', 'SugarCRM', 'CRM', 'Business']
Title SugarCRM Salesforce Tutorial Great Migration VideoContent say care lot brand end paying much thing really worth sake name label Salesforce one pioneer CRM market one widely known CRM software become brand well frequently accused using brand name excuse high price However business world hardly anyone would paying extra money solely able proudly mention brand essential work they’re using wouldn’t matter get work done efficiently save employees’ time Salesforce excels make one desired CRMs caught thinking Salesforce answer growing business need current SugarCRM cannot handle time take deeper look Get Switch SugarCRM Salesforce Make call within CRM — includes dialler apart contact management marketing sale customer service project management etc easily make call within system need use software outside Ease use — made real helper start instead taking week master CRM get work Even find wondering thing two number walkthroughs video tutorial online resource help snap Customizable interface user — whether sale rep marketer company director — you’ll able make dashboard maximally convenient using tab shortcut quickly access necessary tool “Social network’ inside — called Chatter tool communication within company also organize knowledge base employee follow important client get touch individual employee group — everything facilitate business process company Extendable — spite fact Salesforce frequently accused customizable SugarCRM provide lot space special need AppExchange marketplace present numerous addons extra feature might require SugarCRM Salesforce Migration Video Sounds like CRM right need interesting enough give test drive It’s easy Salesforce 30 day free trial Already decided move SugarCRM Salesforce It’s quite simple — following Prezi tutorial Final Tips Data2CRM migration service handle data migration SugarCRM Salesforce shortest possible time securely accuratelyTags Salesforce SugarCRM CRM Business
SugarBPM: Enhanced Workflow Automation | Rolustech
A business consistently achieving growth is always a positive sign, but with it comes a few caveats. The main one is business complexity when it comes to handling a higher volume of sales and support requests. It becomes harder to relay the right representatives to the right requests. A larger number of employees also means greater difficulty when making sure their productivity and job satisfaction is optimized. This is why SugarCRM released SugarBPM, originally Sugar Advanced Workflow, it offers a set of workflow automations for the platform. Think about all the manual processes that your sales and support teams have to go through on a daily basis. These actually add a lot of unseen costs for your business on the whole and can be easily avoided. With SugarBPM running on the side, you will see a return on investment through the power of automation. Features of SugarBPM Visual Processes Definer With SugarBPM, you can give a visual element to your business processes, with simple drag and drop controls. The fact that business processes are defined by activities with starts and ends will turn them into a flowchart. You can fill the flowchart with process definitions, based on those SugarBPM will take the appropriate action. The criteria can include geographic location, company size, etc. So whatever you have set, SugarBPM will make sure that the case is routed to the best salesperson for it. Business Rules Module Under this module, you can create your own sets of outcomes and conditions. You can then contain this in its own process definition. An example of this can be the definition of geographic locations, instead of countries you can deal with regions. So for future opportunity creation, the countries can be automatically sorted into regions by the engine within SugarBPM. Customize your SugarCRM to have only the processes that suit your business. Process Email Templates As the name suggests, you can create email templates for specific parts of the business process. The emails will be automated for anyone who is part of the process in question. Just like lead assignment, a notification will be sent to the salesperson assigned. Processes Module You can view every process that is currently active from this module. With the help of useful dashlets, you can check the status of actions needed like approvals. Enhanced Process Termination Processes that have their fields changed elsewhere on a record will not result in a bug anymore. Instead, the process itself will be terminated so that the error does not cause a major slowdown in the workflow. SugarBPM has added tweaks like this to ensure that whatever happens, the workflow does not get compromised. Business Process Tags Tagging certain activities and actions is something that has always been present in different SugarCRM applications. SugarBPM has added this in an update, resulting in the same level of management and organization present on the platform. Organization of processes is especially useful as that lends its hand to more efficient automation based on the tag names. Recipients List The recipients list for process templates will extract addresses from other modules related to the target record. Your list will increase automatically and you can have a higher reach from the start with relevant addresses. Process Validation Not sure about the processes you have been creating? With the Process Validator by SugarBPM, you can validate your processes beforehand. Depending on your needs, you can validate them on import or at the time of need. You will not make configuration mistakes and sequencing errors again as you can detect them before taking action. Summing Up Completely optimize and automate your workflow with SugarBPM. Anyone can use the simple visual design interface to craft their own processes full of complex decision making. SugarBPM can be integrated with other external platforms to help take down organizational boundaries. Automated processes will give you the flexibility to effectively manage the customer experience. Rolustech is a SugarCRM Certified Developer & Partner Firm. We have helped several firms with various Sugar Migrations and Integrations. Get in touch today for your FREE Business Analysis. We will be happy to assist you!
2020-12-24 12:50:56.684000+00:00
['CRM', 'SugarCRM', 'Workflow Automation', 'Workflow', 'Automation']
Title SugarBPM Enhanced Workflow Automation RolustechContent business consistently achieving growth always positive sign come caveat main one business complexity come handling higher volume sale support request becomes harder relay right representative right request larger number employee also mean greater difficulty making sure productivity job satisfaction optimized SugarCRM released SugarBPM originally Sugar Advanced Workflow offer set workflow automation platform Think manual process sale support team go daily basis actually add lot unseen cost business whole easily avoided SugarBPM running side see return investment power automation Features SugarBPM Visual Processes Definer SugarBPM give visual element business process simple drag drop control fact business process defined activity start end turn flowchart fill flowchart process definition based SugarBPM take appropriate action criterion include geographic location company size etc whatever set SugarBPM make sure case routed best salesperson Business Rules Module module create set outcome condition contain process definition example definition geographic location instead country deal region future opportunity creation country automatically sorted region engine within SugarBPM Customize SugarCRM process suit business Process Email Templates name suggests create email template specific part business process email automated anyone part process question like lead assignment notification sent salesperson assigned Processes Module view every process currently active module help useful dashlets check status action needed like approval Enhanced Process Termination Processes field changed elsewhere record result bug anymore Instead process terminated error cause major slowdown workflow SugarBPM added tweak like ensure whatever happens workflow get compromised Business Process Tags Tagging certain activity action something always present different SugarCRM application SugarBPM added update resulting level management organization present platform Organization process especially useful lends hand efficient automation based tag name Recipients List recipient list process template extract address module related target record list increase automatically higher reach start relevant address Process Validation sure process creating Process Validator SugarBPM validate process beforehand Depending need validate import time need make configuration mistake sequencing error detect taking action Summing Completely optimize automate workflow SugarBPM Anyone use simple visual design interface craft process full complex decision making SugarBPM integrated external platform help take organizational boundary Automated process give flexibility effectively manage customer experience Rolustech SugarCRM Certified Developer Partner Firm helped several firm various Sugar Migrations Integrations Get touch today FREE Business Analysis happy assist youTags CRM SugarCRM Workflow Automation Workflow Automation
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software
What is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software? CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is a technology used to manage relationships with customers. A CRM system helps companies to build customer relationships stronger and make elegant processes so they can increase sales, improve customer service, and increase their business. A CRM system fundamentally maintains and manages data obtained from multiple sources including email, the company website, live chat, telephone, and social media management, etc. How CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software helps you in your business? CRM helps businesses build a relationship with their customers stronger, creates loyalty and customer retention. Since both customer loyalty and revenue both important for a company’s revenue, CRM is a management strategy that results in increased profits for a business. A CRM software helps you to track the sales process from the initial lead and to generate opportunities, through to the final order conversion stage. A CRM system helps you to manage campaigns from start to end by using automated workflows. A CRM tool has the ability to analyze large amounts of data and generate actionable insights from it. CRM allows you to manage the business to make customer relationships stronger. A sales CRM system provides the company with information and helps us to identify more sales opportunities. How IconicTek helps you in your business through CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software? IconicTek helps you to grow your business with Customer management software. We help you in your business to build customer relationships stronger, long-lasting and make them satisfied. We offer you complete CRM software which you can easily grab by contacting us. we have experienced software developers who have the art to create what you want.
2020-12-26 06:52:53.373000+00:00
['Crm Software', 'Crm Solution', 'CRM', 'Business', 'Software Development']
Title CRM Customer Relationship Management SoftwareContent CRM Customer Relationship Management software CRM stand Customer Relationship Management technology used manage relationship customer CRM system help company build customer relationship stronger make elegant process increase sale improve customer service increase business CRM system fundamentally maintains manages data obtained multiple source including email company website live chat telephone social medium management etc CRM Customer Relationship Management software help business CRM help business build relationship customer stronger creates loyalty customer retention Since customer loyalty revenue important company’s revenue CRM management strategy result increased profit business CRM software help track sale process initial lead generate opportunity final order conversion stage CRM system help manage campaign start end using automated workflow CRM tool ability analyze large amount data generate actionable insight CRM allows manage business make customer relationship stronger sale CRM system provides company information help u identify sale opportunity IconicTek help business CRM Customer Relationship Management software IconicTek help grow business Customer management software help business build customer relationship stronger longlasting make satisfied offer complete CRM software easily grab contacting u experienced software developer art create wantTags Crm Software Crm Solution CRM Business Software Development
What is CRM System? | Biggest Benefits of CRM Software
What is CRM System? | Biggest Benefits of CRM Software Building a customer base and establishing methods to retain those individuals is easier in today’s market; however, it can still be challenging if one does not have the right tools. Having the right tools can help businesses determine their bottom line. Acquiring affordable software that simplifies the process for small businesses is the prime requirement of any business, irrespective of its size. That is when CRM or Customer Relationship Management Software comes into the picture. CRM is vital regardless of whether a company is large, medium-sized, or small. This software assists businesses in managing, tracking, and organizing their customer relationships. In this post, we will go over everything there is to know about this software, including the benefits of CRM software. Are you ready to explore more??? CRM stands for “customer relationship management.” It helps businesses manage, track, and organize their customer relationships. A CRM helps you store customer databases, such as user behavior, purchase records, time period they have been associated with your company, etc., which you further use to optimize your sales and marketing processes and enhance customer service across the organization. CRM software, in essence, tracks the behavior and actions of your current or potential customers via your company’s website, email marketing campaigns, or social media platforms, and then guides the customer through the sales or buying cycle by sending a triggered email or notifying a sales rep of the customer’s interest. Let us now look at the benefits of CRM software. Customer Relationship Management software provides numerous benefits; the following are some of the benefits of using CRM. 1. Centralized Database. Database management is critical to your company’s success because they communicate information about your sales transactions, product inventory, customer profiles, and marketing activities. Database management can help your business grow and improve its bottom line. CRM software, on the other hand, makes database management a breeze for a company. It benefits businesses to have a centralized database that allows for quick cross-team access and also the ability to manage all information in one place. CRMs save reps time digging through data and documents to find the information they need about prospects in order to follow up on and close deals. A centralized database, for example, enables a sales representative to determine which products a particular customer is interested in quickly. Suppose the customer has previously interacted with the company. In that case, records of that interaction will be saved in the CRM, and the same can be used for future marketing efforts and sales pitches. 2. Streamlined Communication A company that implements a smooth communication system throughout its organization grows at an exponential rate. However, effective communication necessitates the use of appropriate tools, and CRM is capable of doing so. A CRM can manage all communication, both internal and external communication, smoothly. CRM enables sales representatives to track all aspects of the buyer’s journey, including every interaction, email, phone call, and so on. Apart from this, CRM assists representatives in determining whether or not to contact a specific prospect again. It will also assist them in recalling whether or not they have already sent a prospect the resources they requested. I’m sure the last thing your sales representatives want to do is enter data. Yes, because most people find data entry tedious, and a company’s database is critical to improving its bottom line. However, your team will never have to waste hours logging emails, calls, meetings, and interactions with a CRM because the system will automatically collect and aggregate this information. Furthermore, a CRM allows representatives to update all deals based on the stage they’re in — the system will then handle the rest, such as weighting, description, etc., making the data entry process as coherent as possible for everyone involved. 4. Better Customer Service Better Customer Service is one of the foremost benefits of CRM software. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is if you can’t provide excellent customer service. Although best CRM software has many features, it was designed primarily to improve business-customer relationships, and this still remains its principal determinant. A CRM manages all of your interactions and collects critical customer information — such as customer demographics, customers’ purchase records, and previous messages across all channels — and makes it readily available to anyone in your organization who needs it. This ensures that your staff members have access to all of the information they need about the customer, which they can use to provide a better customer experience and, as a result, increase customer satisfaction. CRMs assist you exceedingly in increasing customer retention and satisfaction. The primary goal of any business is to have increased sales. This is only possible if the company employs the appropriate tools to reduce sales representatives’ involvement in time-consuming tasks, thereby saving them a significant amount of time that they can use to generate business for the company. A CRM tool can assist you in streamlining your sales process, creating a sales pipeline, automating key tasks, and analyzing all of your sales data in one place, significantly increasing sales and productivity. A CRM allows you to create a step-by-step sales process that your sales reps can rely on and that you can easily adjust as problems occur. Since implementing CRM, business owners claim that their sales have increased by up to 30%. 6. Timely Follow-Ups with Prospects. The human brain has a limited capacity for memory. We can’t keep everything stored in our heads. And the sale is a process that involves many steps, including prospect follow-up. Failure to follow up with your prospective clients/customers on time can result in the loss of both business and customers. A CRM, on the other hand, can be highly beneficial. A CRM keeps track of all of your prospect activity, allowing your salespeople to know when they really need to follow up with specific prospects. When representatives are reminded of particular follow-ups, they can schedule their contact when their assistance is most beneficial to a prospect. This, as a result, increases their chances of converting more of these leads into customers. 7. Analytical Specifics Having a large amount of data is not enough for a business. It is necessary to understand how to use that data effectively. CRM software usually includes built-in analytic capabilities for contextualizing data and breaking it down into actionable items and easily understandable metrics. Metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, and demographic data allow you to assess the success of your marketing campaign and optimize accordingly. 8. Proper Customer Segmentation Proper Customer Segmentation is one of the top benefits of CRM software. When a customer database can be sorted based on specific criteria, reaching out to a customer becomes a breeze. CRM takes care of it for you. It allows you to sort contacts based on the information you’ve gathered about them over time. A representative, for example, might filter by location, company size, or deal stage. As a result, your employees will always have a clear understanding of how to position outreach for each segment, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 9. Enhanced Customer Retention In today’s competitive world, retaining a customer is a difficult task. Once you’ve acquired and converted leads, you must work hard to keep them as customers and promote customer loyalty. Companies must engage in numerous marketing activities and employ the appropriate tools in order to stand out and ensure that their customers do not forget them. A CRM software will help you determine problems and quickly address them with your customers by providing sentiment analysis, automated ticketing, customer support automation, and user behavior tracking. Remember that a high customer downturn can have a negative impact on your business, such as decreased revenue or disrupted cash flow; therefore, it is essential to use CRM and the information it provides about your customers to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. 10. Increased Productivity and Efficiency Every business wishes to increase its productivity. Whether a company is small or large, it wants to produce more output from the same amount of inputs. CRM software can handle the job efficiently and decisively. It employs marketing automation technology, which speeds up mundane tasks like lifecycle emails and frees up your employees’ time to focus on tasks that are important for the organization’s success, such as revenue generation. It also ensures that no task is left unfinished, such as all-important emails are sent to the prospects or target customers. In addition, a CRM also provides you with a dashboard that helps you know how your business processes are performing and where your workflows need to be improved. 11. Generate Automated Sales Report Creating a sales report can consume a significant amount of time for your sales representatives. CRM software, on the other hand, enables them to collect and organize data about prospects and deals through reporting features such as sales dashboards and reports. Furthermore, it enables sales representatives to better automate and manage their leads, deals, and contacts. They can also assess their personal performance and keep a record of their goals and the work required to meet their targets. Sales managers can use the same sales reports to see how their team is doing to meet sales goals and review the number of closed deals. Seniors and other organizational leaders use these sales reports to track the amount of revenue generated. 12. Automated Sales Forecasts The propensity to plan strategically and make informed decisions is essential for any organization. You can pull in key metrics like monthly recurring revenue (MRR), Gross Margins, Net Profit Margin, and Net Promoter Score with the CRM reports, making it easier for sales organizations to identify trends and develop performance-related forecasts. Furthermore, CRMs enable representatives and sales managers to see which tasks and sources generate the most profitable leads for representatives. This information assists team leaders in developing sales projections for the coming months. 13. Scale Up Your Sales Processes A CRM allows your sales representatives to keep track of leads, prospects, and customers in one place over time. Besides, CRMs also allow you to review specific activities such as emails, phone calls, and scheduled meetings. Sales managers can then use the data to identify patterns and determine which sales processes are working well for their team and which could be improved — this is how your sales team can use CRM data to scale your processes as your business grows. 14. Facilitates Team Communication Team communication is critical for an organization. With the help of CRM, you can ensure that effective team communication is facilitated throughout your organization and among representatives. Effective communication is critical to maintaining a consistent brand image among all representatives who interact with prospects and make sure that representatives learn from one another and work together to meet sales targets. 15. Effective Administration Finally, one of the most important benefits of CRM software is effective management within the organization. The use of a CRM will make all of your administrative tasks easier, such as manual data entry, scouring for email chains, recording conversations, and saving customers’ contact details. These are the top 15 benefits of CRM software. The good news is that CRM software allows business owners to tailor their customer relationship program to the product, the company’s mission, the price point, or any other requirement they may have.
['Jenny Smith']
2021-07-06 08:56:16.714000+00:00
['Crm Software', 'CRM', 'Crm Tool']
Title CRM System Biggest Benefits CRM SoftwareContent CRM System Biggest Benefits CRM Software Building customer base establishing method retain individual easier today’s market however still challenging one right tool right tool help business determine bottom line Acquiring affordable software simplifies process small business prime requirement business irrespective size CRM Customer Relationship Management Software come picture CRM vital regardless whether company large mediumsized small software assist business managing tracking organizing customer relationship post go everything know software including benefit CRM software ready explore CRM stand “customer relationship management” help business manage track organize customer relationship CRM help store customer database user behavior purchase record time period associated company etc use optimize sale marketing process enhance customer service across organization CRM software essence track behavior action current potential customer via company’s website email marketing campaign social medium platform guide customer sale buying cycle sending triggered email notifying sale rep customer’s interest Let u look benefit CRM software Customer Relationship Management software provides numerous benefit following benefit using CRM 1 Centralized Database Database management critical company’s success communicate information sale transaction product inventory customer profile marketing activity Database management help business grow improve bottom line CRM software hand make database management breeze company benefit business centralized database allows quick crossteam access also ability manage information one place CRMs save rep time digging data document find information need prospect order follow close deal centralized database example enables sale representative determine product particular customer interested quickly Suppose customer previously interacted company case record interaction saved CRM used future marketing effort sale pitch 2 Streamlined Communication company implement smooth communication system throughout organization grows exponential rate However effective communication necessitates use appropriate tool CRM capable CRM manage communication internal external communication smoothly CRM enables sale representative track aspect buyer’s journey including every interaction email phone call Apart CRM assist representative determining whether contact specific prospect also assist recalling whether already sent prospect resource requested I’m sure last thing sale representative want enter data Yes people find data entry tedious company’s database critical improving bottom line However team never waste hour logging email call meeting interaction CRM system automatically collect aggregate information Furthermore CRM allows representative update deal based stage they’re — system handle rest weighting description etc making data entry process coherent possible everyone involved 4 Better Customer Service Better Customer Service one foremost benefit CRM software doesn’t matter good product service can’t provide excellent customer service Although best CRM software many feature designed primarily improve businesscustomer relationship still remains principal determinant CRM manages interaction collect critical customer information — customer demographic customers’ purchase record previous message across channel — make readily available anyone organization need ensures staff member access information need customer use provide better customer experience result increase customer satisfaction CRMs assist exceedingly increasing customer retention satisfaction primary goal business increased sale possible company employ appropriate tool reduce sale representatives’ involvement timeconsuming task thereby saving significant amount time use generate business company CRM tool assist streamlining sale process creating sale pipeline automating key task analyzing sale data one place significantly increasing sale productivity CRM allows create stepbystep sale process sale rep rely easily adjust problem occur Since implementing CRM business owner claim sale increased 30 6 Timely FollowUps Prospects human brain limited capacity memory can’t keep everything stored head sale process involves many step including prospect followup Failure follow prospective clientscustomers time result loss business customer CRM hand highly beneficial CRM keep track prospect activity allowing salesperson know really need follow specific prospect representative reminded particular followup schedule contact assistance beneficial prospect result increase chance converting lead customer 7 Analytical Specifics large amount data enough business necessary understand use data effectively CRM software usually includes builtin analytic capability contextualizing data breaking actionable item easily understandable metric Metrics like clickthrough rate bounce rate demographic data allow ass success marketing campaign optimize accordingly 8 Proper Customer Segmentation Proper Customer Segmentation one top benefit CRM software customer database sorted based specific criterion reaching customer becomes breeze CRM take care allows sort contact based information you’ve gathered time representative example might filter location company size deal stage result employee always clear understanding position outreach segment increasing likelihood conversion 9 Enhanced Customer Retention today’s competitive world retaining customer difficult task you’ve acquired converted lead must work hard keep customer promote customer loyalty Companies must engage numerous marketing activity employ appropriate tool order stand ensure customer forget CRM software help determine problem quickly address customer providing sentiment analysis automated ticketing customer support automation user behavior tracking Remember high customer downturn negative impact business decreased revenue disrupted cash flow therefore essential use CRM information provides customer encourage customer loyalty repeat business 10 Increased Productivity Efficiency Every business wish increase productivity Whether company small large want produce output amount input CRM software handle job efficiently decisively employ marketing automation technology speed mundane task like lifecycle email free employees’ time focus task important organization’s success revenue generation also ensures task left unfinished allimportant email sent prospect target customer addition CRM also provides dashboard help know business process performing workflow need improved 11 Generate Automated Sales Report Creating sale report consume significant amount time sale representative CRM software hand enables collect organize data prospect deal reporting feature sale dashboard report Furthermore enables sale representative better automate manage lead deal contact also ass personal performance keep record goal work required meet target Sales manager use sale report see team meet sale goal review number closed deal Seniors organizational leader use sale report track amount revenue generated 12 Automated Sales Forecasts propensity plan strategically make informed decision essential organization pull key metric like monthly recurring revenue MRR Gross Margins Net Profit Margin Net Promoter Score CRM report making easier sale organization identify trend develop performancerelated forecast Furthermore CRMs enable representative sale manager see task source generate profitable lead representative information assist team leader developing sale projection coming month 13 Scale Sales Processes CRM allows sale representative keep track lead prospect customer one place time Besides CRMs also allow review specific activity email phone call scheduled meeting Sales manager use data identify pattern determine sale process working well team could improved — sale team use CRM data scale process business grows 14 Facilitates Team Communication Team communication critical organization help CRM ensure effective team communication facilitated throughout organization among representative Effective communication critical maintaining consistent brand image among representative interact prospect make sure representative learn one another work together meet sale target 15 Effective Administration Finally one important benefit CRM software effective management within organization use CRM make administrative task easier manual data entry scouring email chain recording conversation saving customers’ contact detail top 15 benefit CRM software good news CRM software allows business owner tailor customer relationship program product company’s mission price point requirement may haveTags Crm Software CRM Crm Tool
Fixing the problem by facing it?
In the last three blog posts, we gave you some information about the problem and burden of Tuberculosis, Diabetes and the interaction between them. This is important because the double burden of disease of TB and Diabetes is a significant problem, especially in Brazil. Maybe if you read the other blog posts, you are asking yourself, shouldn’t Brazil do something to face this double burden of disease? Shouldn’t they change something to make things better? Well, that is exactly what they tried to do. Missed our last blog or do you want to refresh your memory? You will find it here! Interventions tackling Tuberculosis Over the years, a number of interventions have been launched in Brazil to reduce the incidence/deaths of TB. In the 90s, Brazil implemented the Family Health Strategy (FHS), to make care for people with TB part of primary care. This way care became free and this contributed to addressing the disease (1). Research also shows that people enrolled in the Programa Bolsa Família (PBF, also known as Family Income Transfer Program) have better treatment outcomes. This program provides cash transfers for low-income families to increase utilization of public services. In this way, the economic burden is reduced (1, 2). In addition, the Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) was part of the FHS, which reduced the treatment abandonment rates, deaths and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (1). Also, the “fixed dose treatment” was introduced in 2009 which also reduced the treatment abandonment rates. These interventions have been fundamental to reducing infections and deaths, and will be of great importance in the future as well (1). All these interventions made it possible for Brazil to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the WHO before the 2015 deadline (1). As you read in our previous post, the diagnosis of TB still often comes too late or not at all in people with diabetes and TB. Among other things, this has ensured that ending TB is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the WHO (3). With this “End TB Strategy” that they designed in 2014, they want to lower the incidence of TB with 80% and the deaths with 90% by 2030. Besides that, the WHO also wants to reduce costs for TB-affected households (one of the big issues in Brazil) (3). With this strategy, they target people at risk of infection and who have poor access to healthcare (3). It consists of three pillars: Integrated, patient- centered TB care and prevention; Bold policies and supportive systems; Intensified research and innovation (4). However, the success of this approach depends on how countries adapt this to their own settings (3). Improving current initiatives could help Brazil achieve these goals for elimination by 2035 (1). Did you know that March 24 is World TB Day? This takes place every year to raise awareness of all the terrible consequences of tuberculosis. This year’s slogan was “The Clock is Ticking”! Intervention — Double Burden One of the main interventions in Brazil on the double burden of TB and Diabetes is a project implemented by a partnership between the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Ministries of Health (MoH) from Brazil and Mexico (5). The overall goal of the project is to improve the timely identification of Diabetes and TB in people of the Americas, which includes Brazil, to improve specific treatment opportunities (6). To reach this overall goal, the project focuses on five different aspects: To apply the diabetes-TB guidelines to develop an instrument to facilitate TB-screening among diabetes patients; To include TB risk assessment as established in the new guidelines in the standard of care for people with diabetes, especially during the diagnosis; Incorporate TB screening to existing diabetes guidelines; To increase awareness of the double burden of TB and diabetes, especially amongst health professionals; To improve monitoring of screened, diagnosed and treated cases via the development of better ways of data collection and analysis (6). There is also a World Diabetes Day. This year it was on November 14th. On this day, attention was focused on improving access to diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. To be able to make the project work, it is really important to improve the healthcare systems by improvement in capacity and coordination (5). That is why, before the real project started, doctors, nurses and other health professionals received training on screening, diagnosis, treatment, use of databases and awareness raising (5). During the trial phase of the project, 20 health care centres in three different cities were selected, two cities in Brazil and one in Mexico. At least 1000 diabetes patients per city were tested on TB by a health professional who received the training beforehand (5). Due to the screening, multiple patients could be diagnosed with TB and receive specific treatment which increases their quality of life. Due to the success of this project, there came more awareness about the double burden of TB and Diabetes. That is why, The WHO/The Union guideline “Collaborative Framework for Care and Control of Tuberculosis and Diabetes” (2011) was translated and adapted into the Latin American context. In addition, a range of training, screening and patient education materials were produced in Spanish and Portuguese as well, which makes it easier to educate both the health professionals and patients on the double burden of disease (5).
['Double Burden Of Tb']
2021-12-10 09:38:35.855000+00:00
['Double Burden Of Disease', 'Tuberculosis', 'Diabetes', 'Policy']
Title Fixing problem facing itContent last three blog post gave information problem burden Tuberculosis Diabetes interaction important double burden disease TB Diabetes significant problem especially Brazil Maybe read blog post asking shouldn’t Brazil something face double burden disease Shouldn’t change something make thing better Well exactly tried Missed last blog want refresh memory find Interventions tackling Tuberculosis year number intervention launched Brazil reduce incidencedeaths TB 90 Brazil implemented Family Health Strategy FHS make care people TB part primary care way care became free contributed addressing disease 1 Research also show people enrolled Programa Bolsa Família PBF also known Family Income Transfer Program better treatment outcome program provides cash transfer lowincome family increase utilization public service way economic burden reduced 1 2 addition Directly Observed Therapy DOT part FHS reduced treatment abandonment rate death multidrugresistant tuberculosis 1 Also “fixed dose treatment” introduced 2009 also reduced treatment abandonment rate intervention fundamental reducing infection death great importance future well 1 intervention made possible Brazil meet Millennium Development Goals MDG 2015 deadline 1 read previous post diagnosis TB still often come late people diabetes TB Among thing ensured ending TB one Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 3 “End TB Strategy” designed 2014 want lower incidence TB 80 death 90 2030 Besides also want reduce cost TBaffected household one big issue Brazil 3 strategy target people risk infection poor access healthcare 3 consists three pillar Integrated patient centered TB care prevention Bold policy supportive system Intensified research innovation 4 However success approach depends country adapt setting 3 Improving current initiative could help Brazil achieve goal elimination 2035 1 know March 24 World TB Day take place every year raise awareness terrible consequence tuberculosis year’s slogan “The Clock Ticking” Intervention — Double Burden One main intervention Brazil double burden TB Diabetes project implemented partnership Pan American Health Organisation PAHO Ministries Health MoH Brazil Mexico 5 overall goal project improve timely identification Diabetes TB people Americas includes Brazil improve specific treatment opportunity 6 reach overall goal project focus five different aspect apply diabetesTB guideline develop instrument facilitate TBscreening among diabetes patient include TB risk assessment established new guideline standard care people diabetes especially diagnosis Incorporate TB screening existing diabetes guideline increase awareness double burden TB diabetes especially amongst health professional improve monitoring screened diagnosed treated case via development better way data collection analysis 6 also World Diabetes Day year November 14th day attention focused improving access diagnosis treatment diabetes able make project work really important improve healthcare system improvement capacity coordination 5 real project started doctor nurse health professional received training screening diagnosis treatment use database awareness raising 5 trial phase project 20 health care centre three different city selected two city Brazil one Mexico least 1000 diabetes patient per city tested TB health professional received training beforehand 5 Due screening multiple patient could diagnosed TB receive specific treatment increase quality life Due success project came awareness double burden TB Diabetes WHOThe Union guideline “Collaborative Framework Care Control Tuberculosis Diabetes” 2011 translated adapted Latin American context addition range training screening patient education material produced Spanish Portuguese well make easier educate health professional patient double burden disease 5Tags Double Burden Disease Tuberculosis Diabetes Policy
How to Control Blood Sugar in a Smart Way?
How to Control Blood Sugar in a Smart Way? (Affiliate link) There is a common misconception among the public that to control blood sugar level is a very hard thing to do. But it is just not so. If you are fully determined, then you can very easily control blood sugar level. You just need to act smartly and follow the set plan. There are various people around you who try out this option and have benefited from it too. To control blood sugar level, you just don’t need to take up medicine also. There is also no need to change life styles as well. (Affiliate link) The simple options available to you are: Drink as much water as you can: It is highly advisable to you that you should drink as much fresh water as you can. If you will do that, you can bring down your blood sugar level in the normal range and along with them there are various benefits for you as well. So just check them out. Dieting habits: Try to inculcate the right eating habits in your self. Always eat the nutritional rich food. Avoid fat rich food. Give over junk foods and other outdoor recreational food. It is just not good for you. Sp act sensibly and smartly. It will do well to you only. (Affiliate link) Exercising regularly and properly: If you will do regular exercises properly and under the expert’s guidance, then you can very easily bring down the blood sugar level in control. Nowadays, yoga is the best option available to you. So you should try to inculcate the right Another good and interesting option available to you is to drink herbal tree. A herbal tree can very easily keep you fit and fine. There are various results which you can also check. So just try it out. Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid. (Affiliate link) ***NOTE*** THIS ARTICAL CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS (AS MARKED AFFILIATE LINK) AND IF YOU CLICK ON ANY AFFILIATE LINKS AND PROCEED TO PURCHASE ANY PRODUCTS I MAY RECEIVE A COMISSION FOR THAT OFFER.
['Surge Trends Cover']
2021-03-12 12:20:30.375000+00:00
['Sugar', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes', 'Smart Blood Sugar']
Title Control Blood Sugar Smart WayContent Control Blood Sugar Smart Way Affiliate link common misconception among public control blood sugar level hard thing fully determined easily control blood sugar level need act smartly follow set plan various people around try option benefited control blood sugar level don’t need take medicine also also need change life style well Affiliate link simple option available Drink much water highly advisable drink much fresh water bring blood sugar level normal range along various benefit well check Dieting habit Try inculcate right eating habit self Always eat nutritional rich food Avoid fat rich food Give junk food outdoor recreational food good Sp act sensibly smartly well Affiliate link Exercising regularly properly regular exercise properly expert’s guidance easily bring blood sugar level control Nowadays yoga best option available try inculcate right Another good interesting option available drink herbal tree herbal tree easily keep fit fine various result also check try Controlling blood sugar level art want expert know full detail Diabetic Foods Eat Diabetes Foods Avoid Affiliate link NOTE ARTICAL CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS MARKED AFFILIATE LINK CLICK AFFILIATE LINKS PROCEED PURCHASE PRODUCTS MAY RECEIVE COMISSION OFFERTags Sugar Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Smart Blood Sugar
Low-Carb Diet VS The Raw Diet
Low-Carb Diet VS The Raw Diet The Low-Carb diet and the Raw diet are two of the most popular diets of today. Why are diets so popular? When we decide to become healthier we usually want to change our diets first. Achieving our exercise goals can be hard if we feel sluggish and bloated from our diet. Many celebrities publicly announce going on a ‘low-carb’ or ‘raw diet’’ to quickly shed pounds before an event or movie role. Popular diets are usually tried first because they are the first diets that we see on TV or in the news. We are more likely to try something if we know that it is popular because that means it must work then, right? However, it isn’t always true. I want to take a look at two vastly different diets to give you an idea of their pros and cons. They have different philosophies and will affect your body differently. I believe that each have their advantages and disadvantages, but it’s important to remember that we must tailor a diet specifically to our bodies. Not every diet will work and not everyone will enjoy the same foods. You want to lose those extra pounds and you don’t know how? Leptitox is the solution. Order yours! 1. The Low-Carb Diet The Low-Carb craze really began because of the Atkins Diet. Dr.Atkins was a cardiologist believed that carbohydrates were having negative effects on his patients. He was so convinced that he set out to write a diet book. Thus, the Atkins diet was born and became immensely popular in America. One of the advantages to a low carb diet is that it is a very easy diet to follow. You only have to read the book to understand the diet. Many of the listed foods are easy to find and seem very delicious as well. It seems like an proper diet for anyone who enjoys eating hearty food. Both men and women claim to enjoy eating this diet. Not only is it easy to find food to eat, but it is also affordable and the results come very quickly. How the diet works: The low-carb diet is all about restricting carbohydrates. Say goodbye to bread, pasta, wheat, rice, fruity drinks, desserts and more. Low-Carb advocated believe that carbohydrates are responsible for making people gain weight. How the weight loss works: Our bodies run on carbohydrates because they are fuel for our bodies. Without carbohydrates, our bodies begin using fat to work. Restrictions: Carbohydrates are restricted and closely monitored. Typical Meal Plan: Breakfast: Eggs, coffee, cheese and bacon. Lunch: A salad with dark leafy greens and chicken. Dinner: Your choice of meat with dairy and select vegetables. You want to lose those extra pounds and you don’t know how? Leptitox is the solution. Order yours! Pros: Easy to eat. Very popular and accepted. The recipes are very easy to make as well. Lots of restaurants have low-carb options which makes eating out comfortable. It is relatively easy to find salad dressings and other sauces to eat with dinner too. Cons: The Low-Carb diet is a short-term diet. You may lose weight initially, but many have reported gaining it back once they returned to a normal diet. The diet does not also claim to help with any other health ailments. There was also controversy after Dr.Atkins himself died and their were rumours of him having a heart attack. Overall: The Low-Carb diet may work short-term, but I would recommend against long-term use. The diet doesn’t seem to have many health benefits and does not seem suitable for long-term. I do not recommend any diet that limits fresh fruit and vegetables and is high in fat. Overall Rating for the Low-Carb Diet: C The Raw Diet The Raw/Living Foods diet has become more and more popular with recent times. Many celebrities seem to go on the raw diet or even juicing as a quick detox. How the diet works: A lot of the information around raw foods diet can seem very convincing. They state that heating food can destroy and damage the enzymes. Many people have reported losing weight and feeling more energized due to the nutrient rich diet. How the weight loss works: Many processed and heavily salted foods can cause weight gain and bloated. Raw foods are easier on our digestive system and can help rid our body of toxins and fat. Restrictions: Food cannot be heated above 104 °F Typical Meal Plan Breakfast: A fruit smoothie or juice. Raw nuts with a raw nut milk. Lunch: Salad with raw nuts, fruits and vegetables. Dinner: Raw pizza or lasagna. Zuccini spaghetti. Raw cheese or milk. Pros: The raw diet seems to really transform people and their bodies. Testimonials report that people really feel happier and much healthier. The raw diet is also more environmentally friendly as many of the ingredients are natural and easy to get. Many people say that it is a lifestyle choice and make the change for long-term benefits. Cons: The raw diet is sometimes seen as extremely limited. It would be difficult for people with an active social life as it is very restrictive. When dining out with friends you would have to stick to side salads and juices. Some people may think this way of eating as ‘extreme.’ Overall: I do believe the raw diet could work, but it is also difficult for people. It’s important to eat enough calories when eating a raw diet. Some raw diets are very high in fat and salt which will not help our long-term health goals. A high fat diet can hinder athletic performance and make us feel groggy and tired. Eating a lot of fat will also make losing weight much harder. I would recommend eating a high amount of fruit to sustain yourself. Overall rating for the raw diet: B You want to lose those extra pounds and you don’t know how? Leptitox is the solution. Order yours!
2020-04-29 16:06:14.354000+00:00
['Diet', 'Dieta', 'Diabetes']
Title LowCarb Diet VS Raw DietContent LowCarb Diet VS Raw Diet LowCarb diet Raw diet two popular diet today diet popular decide become healthier usually want change diet first Achieving exercise goal hard feel sluggish bloated diet Many celebrity publicly announce going ‘lowcarb’ ‘raw diet’’ quickly shed pound event movie role Popular diet usually tried first first diet see TV news likely try something know popular mean must work right However isn’t always true want take look two vastly different diet give idea pro con different philosophy affect body differently believe advantage disadvantage it’s important remember must tailor diet specifically body every diet work everyone enjoy food want lose extra pound don’t know Leptitox solution Order 1 LowCarb Diet LowCarb craze really began Atkins Diet DrAtkins cardiologist believed carbohydrate negative effect patient convinced set write diet book Thus Atkins diet born became immensely popular America One advantage low carb diet easy diet follow read book understand diet Many listed food easy find seem delicious well seems like proper diet anyone enjoys eating hearty food men woman claim enjoy eating diet easy find food eat also affordable result come quickly diet work lowcarb diet restricting carbohydrate Say goodbye bread pasta wheat rice fruity drink dessert LowCarb advocated believe carbohydrate responsible making people gain weight weight loss work body run carbohydrate fuel body Without carbohydrate body begin using fat work Restrictions Carbohydrates restricted closely monitored Typical Meal Plan Breakfast Eggs coffee cheese bacon Lunch salad dark leafy green chicken Dinner choice meat dairy select vegetable want lose extra pound don’t know Leptitox solution Order Pros Easy eat popular accepted recipe easy make well Lots restaurant lowcarb option make eating comfortable relatively easy find salad dressing sauce eat dinner Cons LowCarb diet shortterm diet may lose weight initially many reported gaining back returned normal diet diet also claim help health ailment also controversy DrAtkins died rumour heart attack Overall LowCarb diet may work shortterm would recommend longterm use diet doesn’t seem many health benefit seem suitable longterm recommend diet limit fresh fruit vegetable high fat Overall Rating LowCarb Diet C Raw Diet RawLiving Foods diet become popular recent time Many celebrity seem go raw diet even juicing quick detox diet work lot information around raw food diet seem convincing state heating food destroy damage enzyme Many people reported losing weight feeling energized due nutrient rich diet weight loss work Many processed heavily salted food cause weight gain bloated Raw food easier digestive system help rid body toxin fat Restrictions Food cannot heated 104 °F Typical Meal Plan Breakfast fruit smoothie juice Raw nut raw nut milk Lunch Salad raw nut fruit vegetable Dinner Raw pizza lasagna Zuccini spaghetti Raw cheese milk Pros raw diet seems really transform people body Testimonials report people really feel happier much healthier raw diet also environmentally friendly many ingredient natural easy get Many people say lifestyle choice make change longterm benefit Cons raw diet sometimes seen extremely limited would difficult people active social life restrictive dining friend would stick side salad juice people may think way eating ‘extreme’ Overall believe raw diet could work also difficult people It’s important eat enough calorie eating raw diet raw diet high fat salt help longterm health goal high fat diet hinder athletic performance make u feel groggy tired Eating lot fat also make losing weight much harder would recommend eating high amount fruit sustain Overall rating raw diet B want lose extra pound don’t know Leptitox solution Order yoursTags Diet Dieta Diabetes
Glucoflow Review: Negative Side Effects or Real Ingredients?
Glucoflow Review: Negative Side Effects or Real Ingredients? GlucoFlow is a natural blood sugar support supplement by Jhonathan Garner that features an upgraded formula of potent and powerful ingredients, but does it actually work or are there negative side effects all consumers should be aware of before visiting the official website to place an order today? Mumbai, Maharashtra, December 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Out of all of the health issues facing the world today, perhaps the most pressing issue is the diabetes epidemic. Over 420 million adults worldwide have diabetes, putting a significant strain on health care systems in virtually every country. Unregulated blood sugar levels can wreak havoc on your health and life, which is why controlling blood sugar levels is essential. Thankfully, while there were only prescription drugs in the past to accomplish this task, new natural supplements have become increasingly more available. Glucoflow is one of the newest blood sugar control products on the market and has already made a massive splash in the supplement world. Although it is unique, it has quickly become one of the go-to supplements for controlling blood sugar levels. If you’re someone with high blood sugar levels or suffer from diabetes, Glucoflow may be the perfect supplement for you to get your blood sugar levels under control naturally. What is Glucoflow & How Does it Work? Glucoflow is an all-natural supplement designed specifically to help gain control of your blood sugar levels. Its’ formula consists of a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts — all of which are proven to have various positive effects on blood sugar levels. The primary way in which Glucoflow works is by improving your body’s ability to maintain safe glucose levels after eating. The pancreas produces insulin, and its primary function is to help the cells in your body absorb glucose, which is created from the foods you eat. When proper amounts of insulin are produced, glucose is readily absorbed in the body, and blood sugar levels remain stable. However, when not enough insulin is produced, glucose levels spike and blood sugar levels can reach dangerous levels. Glucoflow is formulated to naturally help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It enables the body to effectively use glucose from foods to keep your blood sugar levels from becoming too high or too low. It also helps with the absorption of glucose, which is also vital to ensure your blood sugar levels stay stable. Ingredients in Glucoflow When Glucoflow was developed, it was formulated by an Endocrinologist and Molecular Biophysics and Biochemist researcher, along with a team of medical experts that searched high and low for the safest, most effective ingredients for blood sugar control. Their hard work led to the formula that became Glucoflow, which includes ingredients like: Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral needed for immune health and proper cell function. It also helps to increase insulin sensitivity. Bitter Melon: Bitter melon has been shown to help regulate blood glucose levels. According to research found online, chemicals in Bitter Melon appear to act like insulin, assisting in the lowering of blood sugar levels. Some studies also suggested that the chemicals allow more glucose to enter the cells; the body then processes it and stores the liver, muscles, and fat. Bitter Melon also helps to reduce cholesterol. Cinnamon: Various studies such as a 2013 double-blind, randomized clinical trial titled, The Effect of Cinnamon on Glucose of Type II Diabetes Patients, and cinnamon on the blood glucose of patients with diabetes type II. (Cinnamomum cassia) has the most significant effect. Research has shown that adding cinnamon to the diet can help to lower the glucose level. It also helps support heart health, which is essential for those with high blood sugar. Licorice Root Extract: Licorice root extract helps reduce inflammation in the body, which may interfere with glucose absorption. Various studies have found that licorice root can lower blood sugar levels, support immunity, and provide support for the entire cardiovascular system. Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in over 300 metabolic processes, one of which includes the absorption of glucose into the body’s cells. Chromium: Studies have shown that chromium may help reduce insulin resistance — enhancing your body’s ability to produce insulin. With more insulin in your bloodstream, your body can absorb glucose faster, preventing large blood sugar spikes after eating. Yarrow Juniper: Yarrow juniper is said to help metabolize sugar and support the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin. It is beneficial for people who have type 2 diabetes. Vitamin E: Vitamin E may naturally improve insulin sensitivity. It promotes proper cellular function and helps support immunity. It may also aid in weight loss, which is a common effect of diabetes. Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports immunity and may help regulate blood sugar levels. Some studies have found that proper vitamin C levels may help to reduce blood sugar spikes after eating. (SPECIAL OFFER) Click Here to Get GlucoFlow with an Exclusive Discount Price Online Can Glucoflow Work? Glucoflow has thousands of happy customers worldwide who can attest that this product does work. Various clinical studies show its ingredients are proven to support healthy blood sugar levels. However, the manufacturer notes that there are five things you should do while you use Glucoflow to maximize your results with it. These five things include: Exercise regularly: Exercise is shown to improve your insulin sensitivity. Over time, regular exercise has proven to help stabilize blood sugar levels, ease stress, cause weight loss, and support overall wellness. Reduce sugar consumption: Sugar is the enemy of your waistline, blood sugar levels, and overall wellness. It is proven that the large consumption of sugary foods can lead to various health issues and is the main culprit for type 2 diabetes. Reducing sugar consumption (as well as cheap carbs) can help stabilize blood sugar levels within days. Reduce stress: Stress has been linked to higher blood sugar levels and a host of other health issues. Reducing stress may help you better control blood sugar levels and reduce your desire for unhealthy foods that cause blood sugar spikes. Quit Smoking: Several studies have shown that the chemicals in smoking can reduce your body’s ability to produce insulin and absorb glucose. Quitting smoking can help reduce insulin sensitivity and improve your overall ability to absorb glucose. Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcoholic drinks are often filled with sugars, which can cause blood sugar spikes. Besides, when alcohol enters your system, it requires your body to focus on eliminating it from your body. This, in turn, causes many of your organs to not function properly over time, especially with heavy alcohol use. (LOWEST PRICE ONLINE) Get GlucoFlow Directly from the Official Website for the Biggest Discount Is Glucoflow Safe — What are the Side Effects of Glucoflow? Glucoflow is not only a good blood glucose control product; it is a very safe one too. There haven’t been any reports of any severe side effects happening while taking the product. Users have been able to tolerate the product very well due to the dedicated work to formulate the product correctly. In general, Glucoflow is very safe and should not cause you any side effects. However, if you are a pregnant or nursing mother, you should avoid taking this product. Its’ ingredients have not been tested in these groups, and therefore the potential risks are unknown. The manufacturer also claims to ensure your safety by providing each batch of their product is inspected for purity, quality, and potency. No fillers, artificial ingredients, or added chemicals are included in the product. The raw ingredients are also tested to ensure contaminants do not enter the product during the manufacturing process. Overall, Glucoflow is safe and should not pose any adverse effects on your health. If you are a healthy adult, you can feel comfortable taking this product. If, for any reason, you don’t think this product is safe for you, consult a medical doctor or physician before using it. He or she should be able to guide you and tell you whether Glucoflow is right for you. ALSO READ: Glucoflow Customer Reviews and User Testimonials: Does It Work For Everyone? How Long Does Glucoflow Take to Work? Glucoflow was designed to work quickly, but you should know it is not a miracle pill. You’ll need to give the product some time to work. It isn’t going to change your blood sugar levels overnight. Most users see results within the first few weeks with better results as they continue to use the product. However, like with any supplement, you should know that results vary from person to person. You may be lucky enough to see results within a few weeks, or it may take you upwards of a month before Glucoflow can balance your blood sugar levels. The manufacturer also recommends that you give the product a full 30 to 60 days before judging the outcome. However, they do claim that a good portion of users did see results well before that. So while you may begin to see some benefits within the first week, you should still give the product an entire month before you decide whether it is right for you. Glucoflow Pricing & Guarantee Glucoflow is available for purchase directly on the official website. It is not currently available in retail stores or on other online marketplaces like Walmart or Amazon yet. On the official website, you’ll find multiple purchasing options for you to choose from: Single bottle: $69 Three bottles: $59 per bottle; a total of $177 Six bottles: $49 per bottle; a total of $294 All packages come with free shipping, and no matter what you purchase, the manufacturer offers a standard 60-day money-back guarantee on all purchases. If, for whatever reason, you are unsatisfied with your order, didn’t see the results you desire or worked, contact the manufacturer. You’ll be able to receive a full refund for your purchase. For product inquiries or questions, consumers can contact the customer support desk by email, 24/7 at contact@gluco-flow.com. Final Thoughts Although Glucoflow is a newer blood sugar supplement, it has already established itself as one of the best supplements for natural blood sugar control. It has already helped thousands of customers worldwide finally get their blood sugar levels under control to prevent diabetes or other complications from this condition potentially. If you are someone who has high blood sugar levels or pre-diabetic or has a family member who has diabetes, and you are seeking a natural supplement to gain blood sugar support, then look no further. You can visit the official website of Glucoflow to submit an order or message the company for more product information. Official Website: https://www.digistore24.com/redir/351566/ArnavAnkush/ Contact Details: Glucoflow Email: contact@gluco-flow.com This product review is published by Arnav Ankush. Arnav Ankush’s reviews are researched and formulated by a group of experienced natural health advocates with years of dedication and determination to finding the highest quality health products and wellness programs available. It should be noted that any purchase derived from this resource is done at your own peril. It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional healthcare practitioner before making an order today if there are any additional questions or concerns. Any order finalized from this release’s links are subject to the entire terms and conditions of the official website’s offer. The researched information above does not take any direct or indirect responsibility for its accuracy. Affiliate Disclosure: The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission to Arnav Ankush if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products. Disclaimer: Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product support: contact@gluco-flow.com Media Contact: arnavankush21933@gmail.com Glucoflow Reviews Glucoflow Reviews t
2021-12-19 09:53:11.041000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Blood Sugar']
Title Glucoflow Review Negative Side Effects Real IngredientsContent Glucoflow Review Negative Side Effects Real Ingredients GlucoFlow natural blood sugar support supplement Jhonathan Garner feature upgraded formula potent powerful ingredient actually work negative side effect consumer aware visiting official website place order today Mumbai Maharashtra December 18 2021 GLOBE NEWSWIRE — health issue facing world today perhaps pressing issue diabetes epidemic 420 million adult worldwide diabetes putting significant strain health care system virtually every country Unregulated blood sugar level wreak havoc health life controlling blood sugar level essential Thankfully prescription drug past accomplish task new natural supplement become increasingly available Glucoflow one newest blood sugar control product market already made massive splash supplement world Although unique quickly become one goto supplement controlling blood sugar level you’re someone high blood sugar level suffer diabetes Glucoflow may perfect supplement get blood sugar level control naturally Glucoflow Work Glucoflow allnatural supplement designed specifically help gain control blood sugar level Its’ formula consists blend vitamin mineral herbal extract — proven various positive effect blood sugar level primary way Glucoflow work improving body’s ability maintain safe glucose level eating pancreas produce insulin primary function help cell body absorb glucose created food eat proper amount insulin produced glucose readily absorbed body blood sugar level remain stable However enough insulin produced glucose level spike blood sugar level reach dangerous level Glucoflow formulated naturally help body maintain healthy blood sugar level enables body effectively use glucose food keep blood sugar level becoming high low also help absorption glucose also vital ensure blood sugar level stay stable Ingredients Glucoflow Glucoflow developed formulated Endocrinologist Molecular Biophysics Biochemist researcher along team medical expert searched high low safest effective ingredient blood sugar control hard work led formula became Glucoflow includes ingredient like Zinc Zinc essential mineral needed immune health proper cell function also help increase insulin sensitivity Bitter Melon Bitter melon shown help regulate blood glucose level According research found online chemical Bitter Melon appear act like insulin assisting lowering blood sugar level study also suggested chemical allow glucose enter cell body process store liver muscle fat Bitter Melon also help reduce cholesterol Cinnamon Various study 2013 doubleblind randomized clinical trial titled Effect Cinnamon Glucose Type II Diabetes Patients cinnamon blood glucose patient diabetes type II Cinnamomum cassia significant effect Research shown adding cinnamon diet help lower glucose level also help support heart health essential high blood sugar Licorice Root Extract Licorice root extract help reduce inflammation body may interfere glucose absorption Various study found licorice root lower blood sugar level support immunity provide support entire cardiovascular system Magnesium Magnesium involved 300 metabolic process one includes absorption glucose body’s cell Chromium Studies shown chromium may help reduce insulin resistance — enhancing body’s ability produce insulin insulin bloodstream body absorb glucose faster preventing large blood sugar spike eating Yarrow Juniper Yarrow juniper said help metabolize sugar support pancreas’ ability produce insulin beneficial people type 2 diabetes Vitamin E Vitamin E may naturally improve insulin sensitivity promotes proper cellular function help support immunity may also aid weight loss common effect diabetes Vitamin C Vitamin C support immunity may help regulate blood sugar level study found proper vitamin C level may help reduce blood sugar spike eating SPECIAL OFFER Click Get GlucoFlow Exclusive Discount Price Online Glucoflow Work Glucoflow thousand happy customer worldwide attest product work Various clinical study show ingredient proven support healthy blood sugar level However manufacturer note five thing use Glucoflow maximize result five thing include Exercise regularly Exercise shown improve insulin sensitivity time regular exercise proven help stabilize blood sugar level ease stress cause weight loss support overall wellness Reduce sugar consumption Sugar enemy waistline blood sugar level overall wellness proven large consumption sugary food lead various health issue main culprit type 2 diabetes Reducing sugar consumption well cheap carbs help stabilize blood sugar level within day Reduce stress Stress linked higher blood sugar level host health issue Reducing stress may help better control blood sugar level reduce desire unhealthy food cause blood sugar spike Quit Smoking Several study shown chemical smoking reduce body’s ability produce insulin absorb glucose Quitting smoking help reduce insulin sensitivity improve overall ability absorb glucose Reduce alcohol consumption Alcoholic drink often filled sugar cause blood sugar spike Besides alcohol enters system requires body focus eliminating body turn cause many organ function properly time especially heavy alcohol use LOWEST PRICE ONLINE Get GlucoFlow Directly Official Website Biggest Discount Glucoflow Safe — Side Effects Glucoflow Glucoflow good blood glucose control product safe one haven’t report severe side effect happening taking product Users able tolerate product well due dedicated work formulate product correctly general Glucoflow safe cause side effect However pregnant nursing mother avoid taking product Its’ ingredient tested group therefore potential risk unknown manufacturer also claim ensure safety providing batch product inspected purity quality potency filler artificial ingredient added chemical included product raw ingredient also tested ensure contaminant enter product manufacturing process Overall Glucoflow safe pose adverse effect health healthy adult feel comfortable taking product reason don’t think product safe consult medical doctor physician using able guide tell whether Glucoflow right ALSO READ Glucoflow Customer Reviews User Testimonials Work Everyone Long Glucoflow Take Work Glucoflow designed work quickly know miracle pill You’ll need give product time work isn’t going change blood sugar level overnight user see result within first week better result continue use product However like supplement know result vary person person may lucky enough see result within week may take upwards month Glucoflow balance blood sugar level manufacturer also recommends give product full 30 60 day judging outcome However claim good portion user see result well may begin see benefit within first week still give product entire month decide whether right Glucoflow Pricing Guarantee Glucoflow available purchase directly official website currently available retail store online marketplace like Walmart Amazon yet official website you’ll find multiple purchasing option choose Single bottle 69 Three bottle 59 per bottle total 177 Six bottle 49 per bottle total 294 package come free shipping matter purchase manufacturer offer standard 60day moneyback guarantee purchase whatever reason unsatisfied order didn’t see result desire worked contact manufacturer You’ll able receive full refund purchase product inquiry question consumer contact customer support desk email 247 contactglucoflowcom Final Thoughts Although Glucoflow newer blood sugar supplement already established one best supplement natural blood sugar control already helped thousand customer worldwide finally get blood sugar level control prevent diabetes complication condition potentially someone high blood sugar level prediabetic family member diabetes seeking natural supplement gain blood sugar support look visit official website Glucoflow submit order message company product information Official Website httpswwwdigistore24comredir351566ArnavAnkush Contact Details Glucoflow Email contactglucoflowcom product review published Arnav Ankush Arnav Ankush’s review researched formulated group experienced natural health advocate year dedication determination finding highest quality health product wellness program available noted purchase derived resource done peril recommended consult qualified professional healthcare practitioner making order today additional question concern order finalized release’s link subject entire term condition official website’s offer researched information take direct indirect responsibility accuracy Affiliate Disclosure link contained product review may result small commission Arnav Ankush opt purchase product recommended additional cost go towards supporting research editorial team please know recommend high quality product Disclaimer Please understand advice guideline revealed even remotely substitute sound medical advice licensed healthcare provider Make sure consult professional physician making purchasing decision use medication concern following review detail shared Individual result may vary statement made regarding product evaluated Food Drug Administration efficacy product confirmed FDAapproved research product intended diagnose treat cure prevent disease Product support contactglucoflowcom Media Contact arnavankush21933gmailcom Glucoflow Reviews Glucoflow Reviews tTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Blood Sugar
Sugar, Sugar
Sugar, Sugar I used to find the phrase knowledge is power to be cliché, until I saw the world in different colors. To learn something new is to assume the opportunity to bring positive change to your life, and prevent negative change from intersecting it. With each new piece of information we absorb, our mind is constantly adapting (short-term) and evolving (long-term). Knowledge, however, is limited in its usefulness if not put to use in our own lives. That means taking action to make the right decisions when we’re presented with tough choices. When I learned of the untaught health risks of sugar, my mind had no choice but to take notice. All of a sudden almost unconsciously, I began reaching for the bottle of water rather than the can of soda. There wasn’t much of a choice to make once I learned what soda was doing to my body. That is the choice that multi-million dollar sugar corporations don’t want you to make — the educated one. Two years later I’m ninety pounds lighter with energy levels incomparably higher than any years past. What I didn’t expect to learn in the process though, was how the industry kept the truth from my eyes, because the only way I would remain a consumer is if I never learned the truth. The only way to cover up the truth is to hide it in plain sight. And the only way they can achieve that is through institutional bribery in all facets of society. There are a lot of things that go on in our country without us the citizens knowing. Although many have heard the term, not many know what it really means; lobbying is the first example of bribery in America. Lobbying plays a critical role in how the sugar industry is able to conduct itself. Without the government’s help, they couldn’t change nutrition labels or achieve many of the other legal loopholes they’ve constructed. I’m calling for a numerical cap on lobbying to limit the amount of money companies and corporations can give to members of government. Lobbying is just a political form of bribery, it doesn’t accomplish anything in terms of efficiency for this country. The best way to end institutional bribery in our country is to eliminate it from one platform at a time, beginning with the government. Institutional bribery has been happening for decades behind closed doors, and if we want to solve our problems we have to face the facts. Institutional bribery isn’t a term thrown around lightly, but the industry has left breadcrumbs for us to follow. Beginning with science, sugar corporations have combined to fund and sponsor false or skewed data about sugar to combat truthful and accurate experiments concerned of the health risks associated with it. But they never make it too obvious, because someone reading this themselves might be one of millions falsely led to believe that fat, gluten and other food ingredients are the source of weight-gain and other internal health issues. When people see other components of food as the issue, the industry’s profits continue to climb. By funding research suggesting other components of food to be the villain it keeps sugar out of the spotlight, and when it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind. Because we all know sugar is bad for us, it’s just that no one ever bothered to mention how bad. So when there’s something credible published about the alarming health risks of sugar the industry might respond with two articles of it’s own downplaying them, along with a few more about why fat is making people gain weight. They do this because they can afford to. It makes the average person wonder why one article they find on the internet says sugar is bad, but two more say it only has a very minor effect on health; then continue on to find other articles about the health consequences of things like gluten or fat with nothing credible to discredit it, so they see these false answers as the problem with their diet. I would draw comparisons to this type of scientific corruption with the global warming debate. Some things are impossible to deny, but if large oil companies see their profits threatened by the truth of science they’d be better off creating confusion amongst a population and blaming other causes rather than allowing a consensus to rise, forcing them to change their ways. The sugar industry has acted no different, creating confusion amongst our society so that we may never come to learn the truth and consequences regarding sugar. In a 2015 documentary called Sugar Coated, the film approaches the debate about sugar from a consumer standpoint. It dissects the business side of what has happened, and why. More importantly, how we’ve allowed it to happen. The answer is slowly overtime. Today, 73% of items in your average grocery store have added sugar. But how could this be true? It turns out sugar now has fifty-six different names available on nutrition labels like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin and others. If everyone knew how bad sugar was for their body in overconsumption nobody would stand for it. But since it has been around for ages, no one seems to take its negative affects seriously. Our current statistics about sugar tell exactly how we’ve regressed as a country. In a graph showing the rise of sugar in the average American’s diet, we can see a very sharp incline over the last few decades. Additionally, Type 2 Diabetes has been steadily increasing in each individual state of our country; as explained by the hyperlinked graph. It’s clear the two show a correlation, with a sharp increase in sugar consumption one can expect the same result from our nation’s Type 2 Diabetes rate. Unfortunately diabetes is only one of the many consequences known to arise in someone who eats too much sugar. Fed Up is a 2014 Netflix documentary, describing the underlying causes of childhood obesity. What is first addressed in the film is the stance taken on obesity in general in the United States, which has led millions of kids and adults to believe in the wrong solutions. It is said that with enough exercise, anyone can work their weight off. There is truth to this statement, but it’s been overblown in order to keep the truth of the epidemic in the shadows. It is quoted in the film that one order of medium french fries at McDonald’s would take the average person one hour and twelve minutes of swimming to keep the added weight off. Consumption of a 20 oz Coca-Cola would require one hour and fifteen minutes of biking to work that energy off. So although sugar’s effect on our physical appearance is appalling, its effect on other crucial parts of our body is even more concerning. Sugar’s effect on the brain is another important aspect to consider. In another section of the film, they cite a study conducted by Princeton University comparing the addictions of cocaine to sugar on lab mice. All of the mice were addicted to both, but in each case the large majority of mice chose the sugar water over the cocaine water. In MRI brain scans, it’s clear that sugar and cocaine cause a reaction in the same part of the brain; the result is an immense release of dopamine. Dopamine is the “happy” chemical released in our brains when we laugh, when we smile, and even when we’re exposed to sunlight; which is why everyone’s always in such a noticeably better mood on a nice sunny day. When dopamine is unnaturally released by taking drugs, drinking alcohol or eating too much sugar, our brain overproduces it and makes us feel happy no matter what is going on around us. Then, when sugar’s effects wear off, dopamine production is reduced for some time afterwards to essentially cool down from being overused. That is called a hangover, but it comes in many forms ranging widely. When you’ve eaten too many cookies or drink too much soda you’ll feel great in the moment, but you are bound to have a stomach ache and you’ll feel like shit an hour or two after indulging. If someone is consistently clogging their brain with sugar, the effects within can be just as concerning as the likely weight gain to follow. Today you can virtually achieve any body you want to see with enough effort. Dieting is the one of the biggest building blocks to that shapeshifting ability. If you want to gain muscle and weight to become bigger and stronger, stock up on proteins and good fats. For some of us, a diet is meant to cleanse the inside of the body rather than the outside with foods like fruits and vegetables. Processed sugar happens to be one of the ingredients in foods that can pollute us internally, if not used in moderation. When I first decided I wanted to lose weight in high school I tried everything mainstream commercial television told me would work, but none of them actually did. I might’ve lost five or six pounds throughout nearly a year of these recommended routines. It was only when I decided to do my own research that I realized what was wrong with my diet: sugar. After two years of sticking to the diet my own independent research brought me to, I lost ninety pounds. All I did was cut sugar, and lower my selection of bread, pasta and other starches from my diet. Yes, it is undeniable that exercise is healthy in many ways, but you can’t expect that to be the sole solution to an obesity crisis. Shifting the blame to other ingredients like fat and gluten only prolongs and worsens our condition. The only way to inform the people is to educate them. But there’s a well covered secret surrounding another one of our most trusted institutions that has prevented that from happening. America enjoys boasting many of its well known advantages around the globe, like our economic power, our technological advancement, and our prestigious collegiate universities. What if I told you many of our institutions have a price tag? Might you believe me if I cited the hundreds of millions of dollars sugar companies have donated to the “Harvard University School of Nutrition and Health” starting in 1952? You might not have heard, but the health consequences of sugar have been studied and documented since the 1930’s. The risks associated were clear to anyone who studied it even at the time. Unfortunately the studies that have been promoted at Harvard and many other American colleges for decades have been the ones that undermined sugar’s health impacts. The trickle effect of this has led to a largely ignorant population unaware of the threats posed to individual health by sugar including tooth decay, heart attack, hypertension, and diabetes. Our diabetes rates are on the rise as well as obesity mortality. People are quite literally killing themselves with the sugar they consume. There is never just one aspect to blame, but sugar has been held largely unaccountable for its health risks because of the influence money can buy. By essentially bribing our nation’s schools, they’ve portrayed a skewed view of science to some of our smartest up and coming students. When they control our teachers, they control our future. People paying for an education deserve a truthful one. Money should never influence the way anything is taught. The root of a lot of problems in the world today all seem to have one thing at stake in common — money. An essential part of our country that seems unable to reject money is our government. Large corporations and donors of all sorts including the sugar industry buy the ear of some of the highest positions of authority an American citizen can hold in this country. The result is direct political and legislative influence. Sugar companies particularly lobby to loosen restrictions on nutrition labels and combat attempts to regulate anything, including their false studies on sugar. Knowing this, the only way information becomes knowledge is by taking the necessary actions that adhere to it. To make the tough choice and put what we know to use. If we know it’s happening why should we let it continue? Just like I decided years ago that I didn’t need sugar anymore, I’ve decided that the best way to end bribery in our government is to eliminate lobbying. Lobbying checks should have a reasonable capped maximum, to be decided, that allows politicians to truly weigh their best options for the country not their next campaign. Right now there are no laws in place to limit money that can used to lobby any government official. It’s obvious that if we can reduce the role money plays in government, the average hard working American will have a more equal say in what goes on in Washington. Not only will this limit the sugar industry’s influence, it would hopefully bring light to some of the other issues we’ve been neglecting for too long.
['Lucas Kehs']
2017-12-11 22:41:51.914000+00:00
['Health', 'Sugar', 'Diabetes', 'Corruption']
Title Sugar SugarContent Sugar Sugar used find phrase knowledge power cliché saw world different color learn something new assume opportunity bring positive change life prevent negative change intersecting new piece information absorb mind constantly adapting shortterm evolving longterm Knowledge however limited usefulness put use life mean taking action make right decision we’re presented tough choice learned untaught health risk sugar mind choice take notice sudden almost unconsciously began reaching bottle water rather soda wasn’t much choice make learned soda body choice multimillion dollar sugar corporation don’t want make — educated one Two year later I’m ninety pound lighter energy level incomparably higher year past didn’t expect learn process though industry kept truth eye way would remain consumer never learned truth way cover truth hide plain sight way achieve institutional bribery facet society lot thing go country without u citizen knowing Although many heard term many know really mean lobbying first example bribery America Lobbying play critical role sugar industry able conduct Without government’s help couldn’t change nutrition label achieve many legal loophole they’ve constructed I’m calling numerical cap lobbying limit amount money company corporation give member government Lobbying political form bribery doesn’t accomplish anything term efficiency country best way end institutional bribery country eliminate one platform time beginning government Institutional bribery happening decade behind closed door want solve problem face fact Institutional bribery isn’t term thrown around lightly industry left breadcrumb u follow Beginning science sugar corporation combined fund sponsor false skewed data sugar combat truthful accurate experiment concerned health risk associated never make obvious someone reading might one million falsely led believe fat gluten food ingredient source weightgain internal health issue people see component food issue industry’s profit continue climb funding research suggesting component food villain keep sugar spotlight it’s sight it’s mind know sugar bad u it’s one ever bothered mention bad there’s something credible published alarming health risk sugar industry might respond two article it’s downplaying along fat making people gain weight afford make average person wonder one article find internet say sugar bad two say minor effect health continue find article health consequence thing like gluten fat nothing credible discredit see false answer problem diet would draw comparison type scientific corruption global warming debate thing impossible deny large oil company see profit threatened truth science they’d better creating confusion amongst population blaming cause rather allowing consensus rise forcing change way sugar industry acted different creating confusion amongst society may never come learn truth consequence regarding sugar 2015 documentary called Sugar Coated film approach debate sugar consumer standpoint dissects business side happened importantly we’ve allowed happen answer slowly overtime Today 73 item average grocery store added sugar could true turn sugar fiftysix different name available nutrition label like sucrose high fructose corn syrup maltodextrin others everyone knew bad sugar body overconsumption nobody would stand since around age one seems take negative affect seriously current statistic sugar tell exactly we’ve regressed country graph showing rise sugar average American’s diet see sharp incline last decade Additionally Type 2 Diabetes steadily increasing individual state country explained hyperlinked graph It’s clear two show correlation sharp increase sugar consumption one expect result nation’s Type 2 Diabetes rate Unfortunately diabetes one many consequence known arise someone eats much sugar Fed 2014 Netflix documentary describing underlying cause childhood obesity first addressed film stance taken obesity general United States led million kid adult believe wrong solution said enough exercise anyone work weight truth statement it’s overblown order keep truth epidemic shadow quoted film one order medium french fry McDonald’s would take average person one hour twelve minute swimming keep added weight Consumption 20 oz CocaCola would require one hour fifteen minute biking work energy although sugar’s effect physical appearance appalling effect crucial part body even concerning Sugar’s effect brain another important aspect consider another section film cite study conducted Princeton University comparing addiction cocaine sugar lab mouse mouse addicted case large majority mouse chose sugar water cocaine water MRI brain scan it’s clear sugar cocaine cause reaction part brain result immense release dopamine Dopamine “happy” chemical released brain laugh smile even we’re exposed sunlight everyone’s always noticeably better mood nice sunny day dopamine unnaturally released taking drug drinking alcohol eating much sugar brain overproduces make u feel happy matter going around u sugar’s effect wear dopamine production reduced time afterwards essentially cool overused called hangover come many form ranging widely you’ve eaten many cooky drink much soda you’ll feel great moment bound stomach ache you’ll feel like shit hour two indulging someone consistently clogging brain sugar effect within concerning likely weight gain follow Today virtually achieve body want see enough effort Dieting one biggest building block shapeshifting ability want gain muscle weight become bigger stronger stock protein good fat u diet meant cleanse inside body rather outside food like fruit vegetable Processed sugar happens one ingredient food pollute u internally used moderation first decided wanted lose weight high school tried everything mainstream commercial television told would work none actually might’ve lost five six pound throughout nearly year recommended routine decided research realized wrong diet sugar two year sticking diet independent research brought lost ninety pound cut sugar lower selection bread pasta starch diet Yes undeniable exercise healthy many way can’t expect sole solution obesity crisis Shifting blame ingredient like fat gluten prolongs worsens condition way inform people educate there’s well covered secret surrounding another one trusted institution prevented happening America enjoys boasting many well known advantage around globe like economic power technological advancement prestigious collegiate university told many institution price tag Might believe cited hundred million dollar sugar company donated “Harvard University School Nutrition Health” starting 1952 might heard health consequence sugar studied documented since 1930’s risk associated clear anyone studied even time Unfortunately study promoted Harvard many American college decade one undermined sugar’s health impact trickle effect led largely ignorant population unaware threat posed individual health sugar including tooth decay heart attack hypertension diabetes diabetes rate rise well obesity mortality People quite literally killing sugar consume never one aspect blame sugar held largely unaccountable health risk influence money buy essentially bribing nation’s school they’ve portrayed skewed view science smartest coming student control teacher control future People paying education deserve truthful one Money never influence way anything taught root lot problem world today seem one thing stake common — money essential part country seems unable reject money government Large corporation donor sort including sugar industry buy ear highest position authority American citizen hold country result direct political legislative influence Sugar company particularly lobby loosen restriction nutrition label combat attempt regulate anything including false study sugar Knowing way information becomes knowledge taking necessary action adhere make tough choice put know use know it’s happening let continue like decided year ago didn’t need sugar anymore I’ve decided best way end bribery government eliminate lobbying Lobbying check reasonable capped maximum decided allows politician truly weigh best option country next campaign Right law place limit money used lobby government official It’s obvious reduce role money play government average hard working American equal say go Washington limit sugar industry’s influence would hopefully bring light issue we’ve neglecting longTags Health Sugar Diabetes Corruption
With rising demand for insulin, half of those in need will lack access in 2030, new study suggests
With rising demand for insulin, half of those in need will lack access in 2030, new study suggests Access and cost of insulin is affecting those who need it most, and without major improvements, millions will be without a treatment, a new study suggests. By Beth Duff-Brown If you’re a diabetic in parts of Africa or Asia, getting access to life-saving insulin and then being able to afford it is already difficult. Now, a new study led by Stanford Health Policy’s Sanjay Basu, MD, PhD, indicates the amount of insulin needed to effectively treat Type 2 diabetes will rise by more than 20 percent worldwide over the next 12 years. But without major improvements in cost and access, around half of the 79 million adults with type 2 diabetes won’t get the drug, particularly in Africa and Asia. That’s nearly 40 million people. “It’s frustrating that a highly effective drug that was invented decades ago will be out of reach to millions,” Basu told me. Insulin is essential for all people with Type 1 diabetes and some people with Type 2 diabetes to prevent complications such as blindness, amputation, kidney failure and stroke. As global rates of Type 2 diabetes soar and diabetics live longer, insulin treatment remains costly, running as high as $900 a month for patients without health insurance. Further exacerbating the dilemma, there are only three major manufacturers of insulin: Novo Nordisk, Sanofi and Lilly. The three companies were hit with a lawsuit in 2017, accused of conspiring to drive up the price of insulin. A study in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that the price of insulin nearly tripled from 2002 to 2013. The findings, published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal, are of particular concern for Africa and Asia, which the modeling study predicts will have the largest unmet insulin need in 2030 if access remains at current levels. Basu said strategies must be adopted to make insulin more widely available and affordable. “Despite the UN’s commitment to treat noncommunicable diseases and ensure universal access to drugs for diabetes, across much of the world insulin is scarce and unnecessarily difficult for patients to access,” he said. “Unless governments begin initiatives to make insulin available and affordable, then its use is always going to be far from optimal. Using data from the International Diabetes Federation and 14 cohort studies representing more than 60 percent of the global population with Type 2 diabetes, the researchers modeled the burden of Type 2 diabetes in 221 countries and territories between 2018 and 2030. They estimated the potential number of insulin users, amount of insulin required, and the burden of diabetes complications under varying levels of insulin access and treatment in adults aged 18 or older. Results showed that worldwide, the number of adults with Type 2 diabetes is expected rise by more than a fifth from 406 million in 2018 to 511 million in 2030, with over half living in just three countries: China, India and the United States. The estimates suggest that making insulin widely accessible would have the greatest impact in the African region — increasing insulin use sevenfold from around 700,000 people with type 2 diabetes at current levels of access to over 5 million. Universal access in Asia could more than double the number of insulin users from 21 million to 48 million people. Photo by Getty Images
['Stanford Medicine']
2018-11-26 22:19:23.715000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Global Health', 'News Home', 'Stanford Scope']
Title rising demand insulin half need lack access 2030 new study suggestsContent rising demand insulin half need lack access 2030 new study suggests Access cost insulin affecting need without major improvement million without treatment new study suggests Beth DuffBrown you’re diabetic part Africa Asia getting access lifesaving insulin able afford already difficult new study led Stanford Health Policy’s Sanjay Basu MD PhD indicates amount insulin needed effectively treat Type 2 diabetes rise 20 percent worldwide next 12 year without major improvement cost access around half 79 million adult type 2 diabetes won’t get drug particularly Africa Asia That’s nearly 40 million people “It’s frustrating highly effective drug invented decade ago reach millions” Basu told Insulin essential people Type 1 diabetes people Type 2 diabetes prevent complication blindness amputation kidney failure stroke global rate Type 2 diabetes soar diabetic live longer insulin treatment remains costly running high 900 month patient without health insurance exacerbating dilemma three major manufacturer insulin Novo Nordisk Sanofi Lilly three company hit lawsuit 2017 accused conspiring drive price insulin study Journal American Medical Association found price insulin nearly tripled 2002 2013 finding published Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology journal particular concern Africa Asia modeling study predicts largest unmet insulin need 2030 access remains current level Basu said strategy must adopted make insulin widely available affordable “Despite UN’s commitment treat noncommunicable disease ensure universal access drug diabetes across much world insulin scarce unnecessarily difficult patient access” said “Unless government begin initiative make insulin available affordable use always going far optimal Using data International Diabetes Federation 14 cohort study representing 60 percent global population Type 2 diabetes researcher modeled burden Type 2 diabetes 221 country territory 2018 2030 estimated potential number insulin user amount insulin required burden diabetes complication varying level insulin access treatment adult aged 18 older Results showed worldwide number adult Type 2 diabetes expected rise fifth 406 million 2018 511 million 2030 half living three country China India United States estimate suggest making insulin widely accessible would greatest impact African region — increasing insulin use sevenfold around 700000 people type 2 diabetes current level access 5 million Universal access Asia could double number insulin user 21 million 48 million people Photo Getty ImagesTags Diabetes Global Health News Home Stanford Scope
Rickie Goes to Bat for Diabetes Ticket Package On Sale Now
Rickie Goes to Bat for Diabetes Ticket Package On Sale Now Today, we launched a very special ticket package called Rickie Goes to Bat for Diabetes, supported by RedPrairie. For just $149, fans can purchase a ticket to the Gehl Club at Miller Park for the Friday, May 28 game vs. the New York Mets at 7:10p. In addition, for each ticket purchased, fans will receive an autographed Rickie Weeks bat and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the American Diabetes Association. Besides being a great offer for a great cause, this is a unique opportunity to purchase individual tickets to the Gehl Club, one of the most popular all-inclusive areas at Miller Park, which is normally only available for group purchase. Fans taking advantage of the offer will be able to enjoy the full buffet in the Gehl Club, including two complimentary glasses of wine or beer. Fans will receive their Weeks autographed bat on the night of the game. Tickets for this special offer are limited and can be purchased by calling the Brewers ticket office at (414) 902-GAME (4263) or by visiting brewers.com/giveback. Proceeds from this event will flow to Brewers Community Foundation, the official charity of the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, and all donations will be specifically earmarked for American Diabetes Association. Funds generated by Brewers fans benefit American Diabetes Association of Wisconsin. I hope you all will come out to Miller Park to join Rickie Weeks and RedPrairie in supporting such a wonderful organization and cause! -CAIT johnandcait@brewers.com
['Caitlin Moyer']
2016-11-08 19:14:48.003000+00:00
['Dailies', 'Diabetes']
Title Rickie Goes Bat Diabetes Ticket Package Sale NowContent Rickie Goes Bat Diabetes Ticket Package Sale Today launched special ticket package called Rickie Goes Bat Diabetes supported RedPrairie 149 fan purchase ticket Gehl Club Miller Park Friday May 28 game v New York Mets 710p addition ticket purchased fan receive autographed Rickie Weeks bat portion proceeds benefit American Diabetes Association Besides great offer great cause unique opportunity purchase individual ticket Gehl Club one popular allinclusive area Miller Park normally available group purchase Fans taking advantage offer able enjoy full buffet Gehl Club including two complimentary glass wine beer Fans receive Weeks autographed bat night game Tickets special offer limited purchased calling Brewers ticket office 414 902GAME 4263 visiting brewerscomgiveback Proceeds event flow Brewers Community Foundation official charity Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club donation specifically earmarked American Diabetes Association Funds generated Brewers fan benefit American Diabetes Association Wisconsin hope come Miller Park join Rickie Weeks RedPrairie supporting wonderful organization cause CAIT johnandcaitbrewerscomTags Dailies Diabetes
Making a difference for people with diabetes
“Most improved of all, my HbA1c from 50 to 41, which is almost normal! The best in years! This programme is working for me!” In New Zealand, diabetes is the largest and fastest growing health issue with 1/4 million people diagnosed with the condition and another 100,000 people estimated to be undiagnosed. Globally, diabetes is a pressing health issue. By 2030, it is predicted that 522 million people will have the disease. A staggering 1 in 2 people worldwide live with the condition but are undiagnosed. For Type 2 diabetes (the most common form of diabetes), 80% of cases are preventable, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. How can Melon help people with diabetes? Melon is a digital health company that offers a broad range of programmes for a number of health conditions. Melon has specific programmes for both pre-diabetes (diabetes prevention) and Type 2 diabetes, both demonstrating significant impact for their users. Siobhan Bulfin, founder of Melon Health, says that online programmes are bringing together support and resources for patients in ways that weren’t available a few years ago. For people living with diabetes, the self-managed Melon programme enables access to an online coach (video or messaging options); participation in an online community to share experiences or seek support; health tracking; monitor mood, energy levels, diet and symptoms; and a suite of educational resources. Making an impact on people with pre-diabetes Over 60% of people who complete the Melon 16 week programme report as no longer having pre-diabetes. The impact on these people is huge — they do not go on to develop Type 2 Diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Our programmes makes a difference in people’s lives in other ways too — check out Ed’s story.
['Aaron White']
2018-11-30 02:45:28.178000+00:00
Title Making difference people diabetesContent “Most improved HbA1c 50 41 almost normal best year programme working me” New Zealand diabetes largest fastest growing health issue 14 million people diagnosed condition another 100000 people estimated undiagnosed Globally diabetes pressing health issue 2030 predicted 522 million people disease staggering 1 2 people worldwide live condition undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes common form diabetes 80 case preventable maintaining healthy lifestyle Melon help people diabetes Melon digital health company offer broad range programme number health condition Melon specific programme prediabetes diabetes prevention Type 2 diabetes demonstrating significant impact user Siobhan Bulfin founder Melon Health say online programme bringing together support resource patient way weren’t available year ago people living diabetes selfmanaged Melon programme enables access online coach video messaging option participation online community share experience seek support health tracking monitor mood energy level diet symptom suite educational resource Making impact people prediabetes 60 people complete Melon 16 week programme report longer prediabetes impact people huge — go develop Type 2 Diabetes cardiovascular disease programme make difference people’s life way — check Ed’s storyTags Diabetes
Diabetes — Treating a Worldwide Pandemic with Hypnosis Therapy
Diabetes — Treating a Worldwide Pandemic with Hypnosis Therapy The incidence of diabetes, once a rare and obscure disease, has skyrocketed in the last twenty years and now afflicts tens of millions of Americans. While at one time experts attributed this increase to the increasing age of the American population, doctors are discovering that the disease is afflicting more and more children and young adults. And it is increasing exponentially in the rest of the world as it continues to emulate the lifestyle of the US. Diagnoses of diabetes are expanding worldwide at the phenomenal rate of a 50% increase every decade. Ironically, most physicians today already have a very good idea of those elements of the American lifestyle which create this epidemic. In a nutshell: refined sugars and carbohydrates and a sedentary lifestyle have been scientifically linked to this disease for years. In this article I will point out how these two factors lead to the disease. In the second I will describe some radical new methods that hypnotherapy can offer to help find the solution as an adjunct to medical treatment. DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM The facts of this disease are well known. In type One diabetes, often starting in youth, the body’s immune system, for reasons no one understands, simply destroys the islets within the pancreas that produce insulin, the hormone that helps all body cells to take in the primary food for cell energy, sugar. In type Two diabetes, the insulin produced by the pancreas may be reduced, but this is compounded by the cells of the body developing a resistance to this insulin, unable to accept the sugar that each molecule of insulin is trying to deliver. In both cases the cells of the body are starved of energy. But the accumulation of sugar in the blood is usually the most dangerous effect of diabetes, and the definitive diagnostic indicator of the disease. This excess sugar thickens the blood, and thus slowly breaks down the entire circulatory system. Even when blood sugar is controlled with insulin, this breakdown of the circulatory system seems to be an inevitable consequence of the disease process. Some of the many results of this breakdown include erectile dysfunction, heart disease, and stroke, amputation of the extremities, kidney failure, and blindness. DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM But things are different now with the lifestyle Americans practice and which we are exporting to an eager world. We are eating huge quantities of food, including large amounts of refined sugar and carbohydrates like white flour which were entirely unknown to our ancestors. And even as our minds can travel into the infinite and captivating universe of television and the internet, our bodies are sinking into a sedentary pile that is the veritable symbol of modern domestic bliss: the couch potato. So while our blood stream is filled with the fuel of activity, our muscles have become so lazy they are no longer able to eat it! And this sedentary life finally causes our pancreas to give up. Perhaps we can imagine the energy plant operator that is in the islets of our pancreas just throwing up its hands in despair with the cry “I can’t manage this any more. I quit!” We can also imagine the bored cells of our body’s organs and muscles looking at the rich sugary broth in which they float, and saying, “I don’t care for any. I’m bored.” An interesting research result bears out my theory. Doctors have found that the children of primitive hunters and farmers from the third world, whose pancreases are especially tuned to survival in the lean hardworking lifestyle of that world, are more prone than the rest of us to diabetes, when they adopt a western lifestyle. It seems their pancreases need more time to adjust than those of the rest of modern Americans, whose ancestors have had over a century to adapt to these new conditions. Keep in mind however, that diabetes is a growing epidemic even in white society, as we descend deeper every year into a culture of conspicuous consumption and sedentary entertainments. DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM So, how does hypnosis therapy help us solve this increasingly dangerous epidemic? First let me make clear that hypnosis cannot wave a magic wand to heal diabetes with some simple script or cute technique. Patients should continue to monitor their blood sugar and take their insulin according to their doctor’s advice, until their blood sugar tests normal for days in a row without injecting insulin. This is the way some of my clients have conquered diabetes. Medical advice should continue to be sought out well into recovery. Avoiding most processed sugars should also be a lifelong goal of all diabetics in my opinion even after their symptoms are in remission. But with those provisos in mind there is much that hypnosis therapy can do to help these problems. Part 2: The Treatments In the first article in this series, I explored the rising epidemic of diabetes in our society, its terrible costs for our health, and some of its likely causes. In this article I will explore some of the ways hypnosis therapy can be used, in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment, to assist in healing this illness. First we can enter the room of the pancreas and see what is there. What emotions have been stored there? What core beliefs from our childhoods tell us to give up this function? What traumatic memories are stored in this organ? Neither I nor my client can answer these questions. But with the help of a skilled hypnotherapist, the subconscious mind can give us these answers. I saw a young woman with type one diabetes, in which her body had destroyed her pancreatic islets. Entering her pancreas in hypnosis she discovered a memory of brutal abuse from her father against her mother. She begged him to stop abusing her mother, screaming at one point: “I’ll give up all the sweetness in my life if only you’ll stop hurting her.” She then burst into tears. Minutes later I pointed out to her the enormous significance of this statement to her disease process. DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM Shocked at first, she was soon ready to change this core belief. To do this, I directed her to confront her father, rescue her mother, and angrily kick this monster out of her life. She then welcomed into her child’s life a new inner father (who was in fact the new man her father had become when he entered AA and recovery!). His promise to her: “I will give you back all the sweetness that you deserve from a father, my dearest daughter.” The results of this one session were immediate. Over the next week she reported a more balanced blood sugar and reduced need for insulin in spite of some difficult challenges in her work life. Many other techniques can be used to explore the meaning of the illness. These are covered in detail in my article The Alchemy of Healing. Somatic healing techniques can also be useful, after we have resolved some of these core beliefs and feelings. These are outlined in my article Somatic Healing. As one example, one client suffering diabetes experienced her inner healer, who was Jesus, operating on her pancreas islets, turning each islet from a bare rocky island to a beautiful tropical paradise with palm trees, flowers, brightly colored birds, and green grasses in abundance. For a week afterwards she tested her blood sugar levels without needing a shot of insulin. Then with her doctor’s confused blessing she put away her needles and has been symptom free for five years. Yes, that’s exciting. But she did a lot of other healings at my training first to prepare her body for this miracle. DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM Hypnosis therapy is also valuable in helping to change our sedentary lifestyle and lazy eating habits. Many hypnotic suggestion scripts can be used effectively to alter both our attitudes toward exercise and eating, and our practice of new behaviors in these critical areas of our lifestyle. I often suggest also working with a fitness trainer, coach, and nutritionist, reinforcing their advice with hypnotic suggestion to help my clients make these critical and often difficult changes.
['Milton Santos']
2020-04-20 23:10:16.800000+00:00
['Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention', 'Diabetes']
Title Diabetes — Treating Worldwide Pandemic Hypnosis TherapyContent Diabetes — Treating Worldwide Pandemic Hypnosis Therapy incidence diabetes rare obscure disease skyrocketed last twenty year afflicts ten million Americans one time expert attributed increase increasing age American population doctor discovering disease afflicting child young adult increasing exponentially rest world continues emulate lifestyle US Diagnoses diabetes expanding worldwide phenomenal rate 50 increase every decade Ironically physician today already good idea element American lifestyle create epidemic nutshell refined sugar carbohydrate sedentary lifestyle scientifically linked disease year article point two factor lead disease second describe radical new method hypnotherapy offer help find solution adjunct medical treatment DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM fact disease well known type One diabetes often starting youth body’s immune system reason one understands simply destroys islet within pancreas produce insulin hormone help body cell take primary food cell energy sugar type Two diabetes insulin produced pancreas may reduced compounded cell body developing resistance insulin unable accept sugar molecule insulin trying deliver case cell body starved energy accumulation sugar blood usually dangerous effect diabetes definitive diagnostic indicator disease excess sugar thickens blood thus slowly break entire circulatory system Even blood sugar controlled insulin breakdown circulatory system seems inevitable consequence disease process many result breakdown include erectile dysfunction heart disease stroke amputation extremity kidney failure blindness DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM thing different lifestyle Americans practice exporting eager world eating huge quantity food including large amount refined sugar carbohydrate like white flour entirely unknown ancestor even mind travel infinite captivating universe television internet body sinking sedentary pile veritable symbol modern domestic bliss couch potato blood stream filled fuel activity muscle become lazy longer able eat sedentary life finally cause pancreas give Perhaps imagine energy plant operator islet pancreas throwing hand despair cry “I can’t manage quit” also imagine bored cell body’s organ muscle looking rich sugary broth float saying “I don’t care I’m bored” interesting research result bear theory Doctors found child primitive hunter farmer third world whose pancreas especially tuned survival lean hardworking lifestyle world prone rest u diabetes adopt western lifestyle seems pancreas need time adjust rest modern Americans whose ancestor century adapt new condition Keep mind however diabetes growing epidemic even white society descend deeper every year culture conspicuous consumption sedentary entertainment DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM hypnosis therapy help u solve increasingly dangerous epidemic First let make clear hypnosis cannot wave magic wand heal diabetes simple script cute technique Patients continue monitor blood sugar take insulin according doctor’s advice blood sugar test normal day row without injecting insulin way client conquered diabetes Medical advice continue sought well recovery Avoiding processed sugar also lifelong goal diabetic opinion even symptom remission proviso mind much hypnosis therapy help problem Part 2 Treatments first article series explored rising epidemic diabetes society terrible cost health likely cause article explore way hypnosis therapy used conjunction appropriate medical treatment assist healing illness First enter room pancreas see emotion stored core belief childhood tell u give function traumatic memory stored organ Neither client answer question help skilled hypnotherapist subconscious mind give u answer saw young woman type one diabetes body destroyed pancreatic islet Entering pancreas hypnosis discovered memory brutal abuse father mother begged stop abusing mother screaming one point “I’ll give sweetness life you’ll stop hurting her” burst tear Minutes later pointed enormous significance statement disease process DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM Shocked first soon ready change core belief directed confront father rescue mother angrily kick monster life welcomed child’s life new inner father fact new man father become entered AA recovery promise “I give back sweetness deserve father dearest daughter” result one session immediate next week reported balanced blood sugar reduced need insulin spite difficult challenge work life Many technique used explore meaning illness covered detail article Alchemy Healing Somatic healing technique also useful resolved core belief feeling outlined article Somatic Healing one example one client suffering diabetes experienced inner healer Jesus operating pancreas islet turning islet bare rocky island beautiful tropical paradise palm tree flower brightly colored bird green grass abundance week afterwards tested blood sugar level without needing shot insulin doctor’s confused blessing put away needle symptom free five year Yes that’s exciting lot healing training first prepare body miracle DIABETES FREEDOM SECURE ORDER FORM Hypnosis therapy also valuable helping change sedentary lifestyle lazy eating habit Many hypnotic suggestion script used effectively alter attitude toward exercise eating practice new behavior critical area lifestyle often suggest also working fitness trainer coach nutritionist reinforcing advice hypnotic suggestion help client make critical often difficult changesTags Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention Diabetes
7 reasons to buy Health Monitor tokens
7 reasons to buy Health Monitor tokens Health Monitor token analysis Some months ago, I went through an interesting article on token evaluation. The article was written by Michael Karnjanaprakorn, and you can read it at this link. I think it can be useful to apply the same framework to analyse Health Monitor token (HLC). Disclosure: I joined this project months ago, because I believed in the product potential. I did my own due diligence on the product features (I’m not a typical health investor, but I liked the idea of actively participating in an ICO) and on the financial projections. Thesis: Does it align with one of the themes I’m investing in right now? Professional investors rarely pick projects from many different sectors. They specialize in some fields (max 2) and invest around them. The reason is obvious: trying to put money in industries you know to lower the risk. Investors’ theses generally go deeper in defining in what to invest in: new/old economy, geography, innovation path etc. So, which investment’s thesis does Health Monitor fit? Simply put, medical device sector a crypto-asset investment dividends-based model targeting a large audience in EU with huge potential lateral growth (health sector in primis) The above elements set out many investors but give a clear picture of our target investors. After our pre-sale (sold 70 000$), we saw only a few micro investors, and this was predicted: investing a few dollars and waiting 1 year to get dividends doesn’t make much sense. 2. Token Network Effects: Does the token align incentives to accelerate growth and token value, simultaneously? You can learn more about this topic in the following article, since I want to limit to Health Monitor, here. Health Monitor tokens give the right to get dividends paid in ETH (starting from Jan 19). The token economics is simple: a) Limited pre-sale (at 20% discount) b) No whales (we didn’t deal with any big investors) c) Limited bounty distribution (1%) d) Team will get no tokens e) All tokens will be released during ICO f) Token will be added to (at least) one exchange Based on this, we are sure the token’s value won’t lower. Investors know they will receive no payment before Jan ’19, so unless there are unexpected reasons, they are not motivated to sell their assets before this term. If their project will execute correctly, first dividends should also help to re-evaluate the value. Our token has no real use case in the project. This could change, especially if we grow fast: thinking to use tokens to pay for machine tests or other connected services could effectively help the currency circulation. However, this is not planned at the moment, since focus is on other project elements. I’ll write a further article focusing more on dividends. 3. Team & Leadership: Is there a strong team that can scale an open source network? Our blockchain was built by experienced Russian developers, who participated in several other projects. In terms of crypto-technology, our project is not complicated, and we can answer any question related to security and infrastructure. About other team roles, our CEO is an experienced entrepreneur, with executions in several sectors, we also have a doctor to help with medical aspects. For the machine, we are supported by the Novosibirsk University, and we have an open channel with the patent author, doctor Atutov. 4. Technology & Developer Ecosystem: Does open-source code exist with supporting developer adoption? This aspect isn’t relevant to this project 5. Transparency & Trust: How transparent is the team with the community? This is an aspect I’m proud of. The whole team spent hours in bitcointalk, Telegram and recently in Reddit to answer questions focusing on the machine results’ reliability and company strategy. Introducing a machine testing people’s health is always risky, but we are sure we can convince people of the machine’s potential. 6. Traction & Roadmap: Has the team proved the ability to execute? The project road map is well-documented: after the ICO, and based on the amount raised, we will produce the machines and place them in locations we have identified. We plan to distribute dividends starting Jan 18, since the return of investment is expected to be relevant from the beginning (fixed costs are limited, and variables are a small % of test costs). 7. Terms & Legal: What are the terms of the ICO? Our tokens are released by Teplo-Export S.R.O., a company registered in the Czech Republic. During ICO, you can buy tokens with Eth or BTC, and automatically, we send the corresponding number of tokens (At the current exchange rate). Dividends will be paid directly to the tokens holders’ address (it must be a ERC20 compliant standard address, not an exchange address). If the ICO is unsuccessful (min cap is set at 500 000$), we will refund participants.
['Mauro Biasolo']
2017-12-10 09:06:55.545000+00:00
['Blockchain', 'Token Sale', 'ICO', 'Health', 'Diabetes']
Title 7 reason buy Health Monitor tokensContent 7 reason buy Health Monitor token Health Monitor token analysis month ago went interesting article token evaluation article written Michael Karnjanaprakorn read link think useful apply framework analyse Health Monitor token HLC Disclosure joined project month ago believed product potential due diligence product feature I’m typical health investor liked idea actively participating ICO financial projection Thesis align one theme I’m investing right Professional investor rarely pick project many different sector specialize field max 2 invest around reason obvious trying put money industry know lower risk Investors’ thesis generally go deeper defining invest newold economy geography innovation path etc investment’s thesis Health Monitor fit Simply put medical device sector cryptoasset investment dividendsbased model targeting large audience EU huge potential lateral growth health sector primis element set many investor give clear picture target investor presale sold 70 000 saw micro investor predicted investing dollar waiting 1 year get dividend doesn’t make much sense 2 Token Network Effects token align incentive accelerate growth token value simultaneously learn topic following article since want limit Health Monitor Health Monitor token give right get dividend paid ETH starting Jan 19 token economics simple Limited presale 20 discount b whale didn’t deal big investor c Limited bounty distribution 1 Team get token e token released ICO f Token added least one exchange Based sure token’s value won’t lower Investors know receive payment Jan ’19 unless unexpected reason motivated sell asset term project execute correctly first dividend also help reevaluate value token real use case project could change especially grow fast thinking use token pay machine test connected service could effectively help currency circulation However planned moment since focus project element I’ll write article focusing dividend 3 Team Leadership strong team scale open source network blockchain built experienced Russian developer participated several project term cryptotechnology project complicated answer question related security infrastructure team role CEO experienced entrepreneur execution several sector also doctor help medical aspect machine supported Novosibirsk University open channel patent author doctor Atutov 4 Technology Developer Ecosystem opensource code exist supporting developer adoption aspect isn’t relevant project 5 Transparency Trust transparent team community aspect I’m proud whole team spent hour bitcointalk Telegram recently Reddit answer question focusing machine results’ reliability company strategy Introducing machine testing people’s health always risky sure convince people machine’s potential 6 Traction Roadmap team proved ability execute project road map welldocumented ICO based amount raised produce machine place location identified plan distribute dividend starting Jan 18 since return investment expected relevant beginning fixed cost limited variable small test cost 7 Terms Legal term ICO token released TeploExport SRO company registered Czech Republic ICO buy token Eth BTC automatically send corresponding number token current exchange rate Dividends paid directly token holders’ address must ERC20 compliant standard address exchange address ICO unsuccessful min cap set 500 000 refund participantsTags Blockchain Token Sale ICO Health Diabetes
Laurel Sheet — Natural Remedy That Removes Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Fats and Cures Insomnia. People Call It the Blessing of God
Nowadays, diseases are the order of the day. More and more people are suffering from different diseases. Among them, we can mention blood pressure, as well as diabetes, insomnia, cholesterol and so on. Although it is still not known what the reason for this outbreak of diseases is, what we do actually know is that we want to defeat them. For this purpose, we can visit a doctor who gives us his professional advice, and we can also ask the doctor to prescribe some medication in this regard. But, not everyone likes visiting the hospital, as it is when most patients feel. Other people may not have enough money to go to the doctor or to buy medications. In such cases, what can we do? Well, we will tell you some good news. Today, we would like to tell you about one natural remedy which is very effective, as well as powerful in combating different ailments. It is a sheet which we can get almost anywhere, and it is going to give us a lot of health benefits. This leaf is the one that is known as the bay leaf. In a lot of places, the bay leaf is also famous for being a very good seasoning food. However, it has plus another application which is in the field of health too. It is full of vitamins and minerals which are essential for good health. Additionally, this sheet has very good properties to attack several diseases. Among other things, it is helpful in fighting against blood pressure, as well as diabetes, insomnia, cholesterol and so on. However, this sheet also has a lot more benefits. Here, we are going to talk about some of them. Benefits of the laurel sheet… Read more https://www.ibelieveinmothernature.com/my-recipes/laurel-sheet-natural-remedy-removes-diabetes-high-blood-pressure-fats-cures-insomnia-people-call-blessing-god/
['I Believe In Mother Nature']
2018-11-27 09:37:13.554000+00:00
['Health', 'Insomnia', 'Diabetes', 'Fat', 'High Blood Pressure']
Title Laurel Sheet — Natural Remedy Removes Diabetes High Blood Pressure Fats Cures Insomnia People Call Blessing GodContent Nowadays disease order day people suffering different disease Among mention blood pressure well diabetes insomnia cholesterol Although still known reason outbreak disease actually know want defeat purpose visit doctor give u professional advice also ask doctor prescribe medication regard everyone like visiting hospital patient feel people may enough money go doctor buy medication case Well tell good news Today would like tell one natural remedy effective well powerful combating different ailment sheet get almost anywhere going give u lot health benefit leaf one known bay leaf lot place bay leaf also famous good seasoning food However plus another application field health full vitamin mineral essential good health Additionally sheet good property attack several disease Among thing helpful fighting blood pressure well diabetes insomnia cholesterol However sheet also lot benefit going talk Benefits laurel sheet… Read httpswwwibelieveinmothernaturecommyrecipeslaurelsheetnaturalremedyremovesdiabeteshighbloodpressurefatscuresinsomniapeoplecallblessinggodTags Health Insomnia Diabetes Fat High Blood Pressure
How to Cure Diabetes — Why Natural Health Can Reverse and Cure Diabetes
How to Cure Diabetes — Why Natural Health Can Reverse and Cure Diabetes You want to know how to cure diabetes. Millions of people want to know the answer to this question but only thousands search out the answer. And I commend you for taking time to learn how to cure diabetes naturally. Unfortunately, researchers still have not let the public know that diabetes is curable. However, many natural health researchers and some doctors think otherwise. Let me explain! Your body is very miraculous. Some scientists have even suggested, ‘the more we learn about our bodies, the more we do not understand.” But diabetic research is currently at an all time high. And many believe that a cure is just around the corner. Researchers believe this because of our changing cells. Did you know that by the time you finish reading this sentence, you will have created 60,000 new cells in your body? Because your body is constantly changing both physically and cellularly, you have the ability to reshape and replace your old cells into new healthy cells. In other words, you can actually use your diet, lifestyle, herbs, supplements and even exercise to create a healthy body which slowly reverses diabetes and eventually cures it. Here are some simple tips you can start today! Reverse and Cure Diabetes with These Tips Educate yourself about your diet. Your nutrition and diet is the most important thing you can do to start your treatment. Learning what foods flush your body is important. Learning what foods to avoid. You should even learn what foods are high in antioxidants and which foods are alkaline. For instance, fresh and raw fruits and vegetables are loaded with water soluble dietary fiber which will flush toxins, chemicals, sugar and other junk. Our website will lead you to tons of information about your diet. Visit our website here 2. Water is also extremely important. Both drinking water and using hydrotherapy is just as critical. You should be drinking at least 16 ounces of water for every 2 hours you are awake to flush your body and maintain blood sugar levels. You should also learn more about hot tub treatments and how it can benefit you in numerous ways. 3. Finding the right minerals is also very important to diabetics. For instance, most diabetics are deficient in potassium. You should immediately supplement potassium rich foods (like bananas) as well as a potassium supplement. You can also use Berberine supplement 4. Herbal therapy has also been shown to be effective in research studies. For instance, garlic cloves have been shown to lower blood sugar naturally for extended period of time. Natural health experts recommend eating a clove of the herb daily or Berberine 5. Your lifestyle and attitude. It is surprising how much you have the ability to determine your health. Many studies have revealed a large correlation between happy people and sad people. Happy people are exceedingly lower numbers of health problems (including diabetes). With this said, you have the ability to change your future and cure your diabetes. Begin your cure with a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle! How to Cure Diabetes Step by Step? What do you do next? If you would like to learn more about curing your diabetes, please visit our website today. We offer you a step by step natural remedy that is 100% guaranteed to work in less than 4 weeks. Our Diabetes Remedy Report will teach you everything you need to know about reversing your diabetes and finally curing your diabetes. Guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing would like you to cure your diabetes in 4 weeks and tell your friends. Right now cure your diabetes for half the price if you promise to tell a friend! Cure Diabetes
['Belleh Kelly Nkemateh']
2021-03-27 13:24:26.139000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Control', 'Diabetes Solutions']
Title Cure Diabetes — Natural Health Reverse Cure DiabetesContent Cure Diabetes — Natural Health Reverse Cure Diabetes want know cure diabetes Millions people want know answer question thousand search answer commend taking time learn cure diabetes naturally Unfortunately researcher still let public know diabetes curable However many natural health researcher doctor think otherwise Let explain body miraculous scientist even suggested ‘the learn body understand” diabetic research currently time high many believe cure around corner Researchers believe changing cell know time finish reading sentence created 60000 new cell body body constantly changing physically cellularly ability reshape replace old cell new healthy cell word actually use diet lifestyle herb supplement even exercise create healthy body slowly revers diabetes eventually cure simple tip start today Reverse Cure Diabetes Tips Educate diet nutrition diet important thing start treatment Learning food flush body important Learning food avoid even learn food high antioxidant food alkaline instance fresh raw fruit vegetable loaded water soluble dietary fiber flush toxin chemical sugar junk website lead ton information diet Visit website 2 Water also extremely important drinking water using hydrotherapy critical drinking least 16 ounce water every 2 hour awake flush body maintain blood sugar level also learn hot tub treatment benefit numerous way 3 Finding right mineral also important diabetic instance diabetic deficient potassium immediately supplement potassium rich food like banana well potassium supplement also use Berberine supplement 4 Herbal therapy also shown effective research study instance garlic clove shown lower blood sugar naturally extended period time Natural health expert recommend eating clove herb daily Berberine 5 lifestyle attitude surprising much ability determine health Many study revealed large correlation happy people sad people Happy people exceedingly lower number health problem including diabetes said ability change future cure diabetes Begin cure positive attitude healthy lifestyle Cure Diabetes Step Step next would like learn curing diabetes please visit website today offer step step natural remedy 100 guaranteed work le 4 week Diabetes Remedy Report teach everything need know reversing diabetes finally curing diabetes Guaranteed Researched Natural Joe Barton Barton Publishing would like cure diabetes 4 week tell friend Right cure diabetes half price promise tell friend Cure DiabetesTags Diabetes Diabetes Control Diabetes Solutions
An Effective Diabetes Natural Cure — 5 Easy Natural Diabetes Tips
Thousands of people are looking for help with diabetes and there are numerous things you can do. But what is the most effective diabetes natural cure? Your doctor’s answer will be a lot different than a natural health doctor’s answer. That is why it is important to know the research behind the treatment and the validity behind the person telling you the information. Millions of people spend money on simple natural cures that are not guaranteed or researched! Yet millions of people find a diabetes natural cure that works! In this article, you will learn how to start reversing both diabetes type 1 and type 2 tonight. Imagine not having to worry about blood sugar levels? Imagine your doctor telling you to lay off your insulin dosage? And the reason you can naturally treat your diabetes is because of your diet and your cells. Let me explain! Curing Diabetes with Your Diet and Cells By the time you finish reading this sentence, about 50,000 cells will have died in your body and 50,000 new cells will have replaced them. So why is that important? Well, the science behind cell research is showing that your attitude, nutrition plan and environment all have an impact on how your cells replace each other. Over time, you are replacing old cells with healthier cells and forming a new you! This revolutionary discovery is bringing about medical change in a new era of medicine called Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). It is a new way of thinking of how you can actually control most of your health (without medications). And in the case of diabetes, you can actually alter your cell make-up to reverse your diabetes in less than 4 weeks. In other words, you diet is the most effective treatment you can use to stop and reverse your type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here are 5 quick, easy natural diabetes tips you can start using today. My Recommeded product 5 Ways to Reverse Diabetes in Weeks 1. Did you know that if you are proactive with both your diet and exercise, it should only take 3 weeks to reverse your diabetes? With this in mind, you need to have the attitude that you can cure your diabetes. Your attitude will fuel your motivation to modify your diet and exercise regularly. 2. If you been following the news you have probably heard about the Pritikin diet. Research has always concluded that this diet has been beneficial to decrease high blood pressure, lower stress and increase your levels of nitric oxide. However the newest research shows that this diet is also beneficial for treating diabetes. The first part of the diet is eating high fiber whole grain foods. Because fiber flushes your body (detoxifies), you will be able to manage your weight and lower your need for insulin. Look for foods that are high in dietary fiber (3–4 grams per serving). Get 50 g of fiber per day. 3. Another part of the high fiber diet would be to eat many varieties of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are always the better choice. However, fruits can be eaten regularly (at least twice a day) with this new nutrition plan. You should be eating at least 6–7 fruits and vegetables a day. 4. You should also be watching foods that have corn syrup. Make sure you are reading the labels of the foods you consume. If you find a label where corn syrup is at the top, don’t eat the food! 5. You should also be drinking plenty of water. Experts found a great formula for how much water you should drink. You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 200 lbs., you should drink 100 ounces of water per day. This will benefit your cells and flush your body. Finally, you should educate yourself on the latest research about curing diabetes with your diet. Your motivation, diet and exercise program are the 3 pillars behind a Diabetes Natural Cure. Learn more about more natural health tips. A 100% Guaranteed Cure that Works 100% Guaranteed Results or You Pay Nothing! 129 people out of 140 people have had positive results with our Diabetes Natural Cure. We have done the research for you and have found the best diet program to begin your diabetes reversal today. In fact, you can be completely off of insulin in 4 weeks. If you would like a 100% guarantee (lasts for 12 years) and a step by step plan, visit our website today. You can get our report for the price of a meal and find out what meals will reverse your diabetes. Download your copy now! Guaranteed! Natural! Step by Step! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer you 22 years of natural health expertise and thousands of hours of diabetes research! For a Diabetes Natural Cure that works, Diabetes Natural Cure My Recommeded product My affiliate link in the articles gives me some sorts of money if anyone purchase from my link.
['Animals Playing']
2021-02-25 17:48:55.137000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention']
Title Effective Diabetes Natural Cure — 5 Easy Natural Diabetes TipsContent Thousands people looking help diabetes numerous thing effective diabetes natural cure doctor’s answer lot different natural health doctor’s answer important know research behind treatment validity behind person telling information Millions people spend money simple natural cure guaranteed researched Yet million people find diabetes natural cure work article learn start reversing diabetes type 1 type 2 tonight Imagine worry blood sugar level Imagine doctor telling lay insulin dosage reason naturally treat diabetes diet cell Let explain Curing Diabetes Diet Cells time finish reading sentence 50000 cell died body 50000 new cell replaced important Well science behind cell research showing attitude nutrition plan environment impact cell replace time replacing old cell healthier cell forming new revolutionary discovery bringing medical change new era medicine called Complementary Alternative Medicine CAM new way thinking actually control health without medication case diabetes actually alter cell makeup reverse diabetes le 4 week word diet effective treatment use stop reverse type 1 type 2 diabetes 5 quick easy natural diabetes tip start using today Recommeded product 5 Ways Reverse Diabetes Weeks 1 know proactive diet exercise take 3 week reverse diabetes mind need attitude cure diabetes attitude fuel motivation modify diet exercise regularly 2 following news probably heard Pritikin diet Research always concluded diet beneficial decrease high blood pressure lower stress increase level nitric oxide However newest research show diet also beneficial treating diabetes first part diet eating high fiber whole grain food fiber flush body detoxifies able manage weight lower need insulin Look food high dietary fiber 3–4 gram per serving Get 50 g fiber per day 3 Another part high fiber diet would eat many variety fruit vegetable Vegetables always better choice However fruit eaten regularly least twice day new nutrition plan eating least 6–7 fruit vegetable day 4 also watching food corn syrup Make sure reading label food consume find label corn syrup top don’t eat food 5 also drinking plenty water Experts found great formula much water drink drink half body weight ounce water per day weigh 200 lb drink 100 ounce water per day benefit cell flush body Finally educate latest research curing diabetes diet motivation diet exercise program 3 pillar behind Diabetes Natural Cure Learn natural health tip 100 Guaranteed Cure Works 100 Guaranteed Results Pay Nothing 129 people 140 people positive result Diabetes Natural Cure done research found best diet program begin diabetes reversal today fact completely insulin 4 week would like 100 guarantee last 12 year step step plan visit website today get report price meal find meal reverse diabetes Download copy Guaranteed Natural Step Step Joe Barton Barton Publishing offer 22 year natural health expertise thousand hour diabetes research Diabetes Natural Cure work Diabetes Natural Cure Recommeded product affiliate link article give sort money anyone purchase linkTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention
Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — How to Stop Taking Insulin
Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — How to Stop Taking Insulin Is there a type 2 diabetes natural cure? If you ask most doctors, they will tell you that treating diabetes can only be done by taking insulin. They couldn’t be more wrong! Uncover How One Man Discovered The Truth About Successfully Treating Type 2 Diabetes — Click Here According to research studies, thousands of people will cure type 2 diabetes and border line diabetes each year. However, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and many medical establishments will not recognize these miraculous cures. Why? Many natural health researchers and doctors believe that doctors, hospitals and the ADA work together to reap billions of dollars on providing insulin for diabetic patients. Because natural health treatments do not require a pill or shot, the ADA will not endorse it. In this article, you will learn how to stop taking insulin and cure type 2 diabetes naturally. Most medications can keep the symptoms of diabetes at bay, they don’t actually treat the root cause of the problem. Once U understand It, U Can Beat It —Click Here To Find Out Now Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — Your Diet You may suffer from this common disease because of an unhealthy lifestyle or an unhealthy diet. If you think about it, it would only make sense that curing this disease could only be possible with a healthier lifestyle and diet. Here are some natural health tips you should try at home to lower blood sugar levels. 1. You should begin by drinking plenty of water. Curing diabetes begins by creating healthier cells that accept insulin and you can make healthier cells by drinking 12 glasses of water daily. 2. Your diet should be simple and you should try to eat unprocessed, whole foods when possible. Foods that are natural like fruits and vegetables offer the best nutrition and make the healthiest cells. 3. Eating a high fiber diet has also been shown to be beneficial for diabetics who wish to treat their disease. You will get most of the fiber from fruits and vegetables. 4. Potassium rich foods like raw peanuts, tomatoes, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, and apple cider vinegar have shown to also be helpful for diabetes. 5. Don’t forget protein! Protein is very important in the process of allowing cells to accept insulin. You should try to get protein from healthier sources like lean meats, seafood and nuts. 6. Finally, vitamin and mineral therapy has also been beneficial with many of our customers. For instance, magnesium supplements has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. You should also supplement vitamin C daily at 500 mg for a boosted immunity. Treat Diabetes at Home — Imagine your doctor recommending that you lessen your insulin dosage? Imagine completely curing your type 2 diabetes in less than 4 weeks. If you would like a 100% guaranteed Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure, please visit our website today. We offer a step-by-step plan to cure all cases of type 2 diabetes in less than 4 weeks. Guaranteed! Click Here To Get A Powerful Blood Sugar Support It contains a concentrated formula of powerful natural antioxidants scientifically designed to support blood sugar levels in the body. For Permanent Cure Of Type 2 Diabetes — Click Here Disclosure- This article may contain affiliate links from which we may earn small commissions.
['Blogger Spot']
2021-03-09 08:42:21.210000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Type 2 Diabetes', 'Type 2 Diabetes Treatment', 'Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms']
Title Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — Stop Taking InsulinContent Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — Stop Taking Insulin type 2 diabetes natural cure ask doctor tell treating diabetes done taking insulin couldn’t wrong Uncover One Man Discovered Truth Successfully Treating Type 2 Diabetes — Click According research study thousand people cure type 2 diabetes border line diabetes year However American Diabetes Association ADA many medical establishment recognize miraculous cure Many natural health researcher doctor believe doctor hospital ADA work together reap billion dollar providing insulin diabetic patient natural health treatment require pill shot ADA endorse article learn stop taking insulin cure type 2 diabetes naturally medication keep symptom diabetes bay don’t actually treat root cause problem U understand U Beat —Click Find Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure — Diet may suffer common disease unhealthy lifestyle unhealthy diet think would make sense curing disease could possible healthier lifestyle diet natural health tip try home lower blood sugar level 1 begin drinking plenty water Curing diabetes begin creating healthier cell accept insulin make healthier cell drinking 12 glass water daily 2 diet simple try eat unprocessed whole food possible Foods natural like fruit vegetable offer best nutrition make healthiest cell 3 Eating high fiber diet also shown beneficial diabetic wish treat disease get fiber fruit vegetable 4 Potassium rich food like raw peanut tomato banana melon dried pea potato apple cider vinegar shown also helpful diabetes 5 Don’t forget protein Protein important process allowing cell accept insulin try get protein healthier source like lean meat seafood nut 6 Finally vitamin mineral therapy also beneficial many customer instance magnesium supplement shown improve insulin sensitivity also supplement vitamin C daily 500 mg boosted immunity Treat Diabetes Home — Imagine doctor recommending lessen insulin dosage Imagine completely curing type 2 diabetes le 4 week would like 100 guaranteed Type 2 Diabetes Natural Cure please visit website today offer stepbystep plan cure case type 2 diabetes le 4 week Guaranteed Click Get Powerful Blood Sugar Support contains concentrated formula powerful natural antioxidant scientifically designed support blood sugar level body Permanent Cure Type 2 Diabetes — Click Disclosure article may contain affiliate link may earn small commissionsTags Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
California-based Bigfoot Biomedical raises $37M Series B to develop AI-powered insulin delivery systems
California-based Bigfoot Biomedical raises $37M Series B to develop AI-powered insulin delivery systems Luna DNA raises $2M to build the first and only blockchain based genomic database; Curisium raises $3.5M to be the blockchain enabled contract company in healthcare The Health Prospect Global Dec 20, 2017·2 min read Image Credit: Bigfoot via MobiHealthNews California-based Bigfoot Biomedical raises $37 million Series B co-led by Janus Henderson Investors and Quadrant Capital Advisors; Raises $72.5 million to date; New funds will be used to develop AI-powered insulin delivery systems, as well as to support its clinical trials. The startup offers a solution to treat Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) combining an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitor and a mobile app, using an algorithm to automatically dose insulin in the right amount at the right time; Also, the firm is to integrate its solution with Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre glucose sensing technology as announced earlier this July. (MobiHealthNews)
['The Health Prospect Global']
2017-12-20 17:12:30.840000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Digital Health', 'Blockchain', 'Medical Devices']
Title Californiabased Bigfoot Biomedical raise 37M Series B develop AIpowered insulin delivery systemsContent Californiabased Bigfoot Biomedical raise 37M Series B develop AIpowered insulin delivery system Luna DNA raise 2M build first blockchain based genomic database Curisium raise 35M blockchain enabled contract company healthcare Health Prospect Global Dec 20 2017·2 min read Image Credit Bigfoot via MobiHealthNews Californiabased Bigfoot Biomedical raise 37 million Series B coled Janus Henderson Investors Quadrant Capital Advisors Raises 725 million date New fund used develop AIpowered insulin delivery system well support clinical trial startup offer solution treat Type 1 Diabetes T1D combining insulin pump continuous glucose monitor mobile app using algorithm automatically dose insulin right amount right time Also firm integrate solution Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre glucose sensing technology announced earlier July MobiHealthNewsTags Diabetes Digital Health Blockchain Medical Devices
Preventive check-up methods for a healthy heart
Keeping a healthy heart and preventing coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease requires managing the risk factors that cause the disorder. Risk factors for heart disease include high cholesterol, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, family history of heart disease, among others. To know what factor can affect the heart in a person, screening tests can be done during routine visits to the doctor. Screening for cardiovascular disease can begin as early as the age of 20, and the frequency of follow-ups depend on the level of risk involved. Screening tests for heart include: Blood pressure Blood pressure is a silent risk factor that may go undetected if not measured, because high blood pressure usually does not show any symptoms. A blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg or below can be screened once in two years for people over 20 years of age. More frequent monitoring is required if the blood pressure is higher than that. Medication may be prescribed to keep blood pressure under control, along with lifestyle changes. Lipoprotein profile Lipoprotein profile is a blood test that measures total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. The normal levels of these lipoproteins in the body is as follows: Total cholesterol — Less than 200 mg/dL LDL — Less than 100 mg/dL HDL — 40 mg/dL or higher Triglycerides — Less than 150 mg/dL Higher levels of the above indicate an increased risk towards stroke or heart disease. Both medications and healthy lifestyle can bring cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control. Body weight Being overweight or obese puts a person at risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. The doctor assesses a person’s risk factor by calculating body mass index (BMI) to determine the body composition. Waist circumference is another indicator of body fat and the likelihood of developing chronic ailments like cardiovascular disease. Blood glucose High blood glucose raises the risk of insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes. If left unchecked, this can cause stroke and heart disease. A person with high blood glucose levels is indicative of diabetes, a risk factor for heart disease, arterial disease and kidney failure. Heart scan A computed tomography (CT) scan is a painless procedure that looks for calcium deposits in the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries). Calcium in arteries is associated with coronary artery disease and atheroma. Electrocardiogram (ECG) ECG measures the heartbeat at rest and is useful in identifying irregularities in the electric pulse of the heart (arrhythmia). List of Best Cardiologists in India
['Manisha Verma']
2016-12-19 10:46:23.316000+00:00
['Health', 'Diabetes', 'Cardiology', 'Cardiovascular Disease', 'Heart Disease']
Title Preventive checkup method healthy heartContent Keeping healthy heart preventing coronary artery disease cardiovascular disease requires managing risk factor cause disorder Risk factor heart disease include high cholesterol high blood glucose high blood pressure family history heart disease among others know factor affect heart person screening test done routine visit doctor Screening cardiovascular disease begin early age 20 frequency followup depend level risk involved Screening test heart include Blood pressure Blood pressure silent risk factor may go undetected measured high blood pressure usually show symptom blood pressure 12080 mm Hg screened two year people 20 year age frequent monitoring required blood pressure higher Medication may prescribed keep blood pressure control along lifestyle change Lipoprotein profile Lipoprotein profile blood test measure total cholesterol HDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol triglyceride normal level lipoprotein body follows Total cholesterol — Less 200 mgdL LDL — Less 100 mgdL HDL — 40 mgdL higher Triglycerides — Less 150 mgdL Higher level indicate increased risk towards stroke heart disease medication healthy lifestyle bring cholesterol triglyceride level control Body weight overweight obese put person risk heart disease diabetes high blood pressure etc doctor ass person’s risk factor calculating body mass index BMI determine body composition Waist circumference another indicator body fat likelihood developing chronic ailment like cardiovascular disease Blood glucose High blood glucose raise risk insulin resistance type2 diabetes left unchecked cause stroke heart disease person high blood glucose level indicative diabetes risk factor heart disease arterial disease kidney failure Heart scan computed tomography CT scan painless procedure look calcium deposit artery heart coronary artery Calcium artery associated coronary artery disease atheroma Electrocardiogram ECG ECG measure heartbeat rest useful identifying irregularity electric pulse heart arrhythmia List Best Cardiologists IndiaTags Health Diabetes Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Heart Disease
Pregnant Women Face Additional Diabetes Risk
Pregnant Women Face Additional Diabetes Risk More pregnant women than believed may be at risk for a dangerous condition that can lead to difficult deliveries of huge babies, juvenile diabetes in the child, or severe birth defects. This week, a large-scale study of pregnant women in nine countries showed that current guidelines for diagnosing a condition called gestational diabetes mellitus, or GDM, may be too generous, letting at-risk women fall through the cracks. GDM — which is essentially diabetes that occurs during pregnancy — can lead to a whole host of problems for mother and baby. To learn more, Dr. Boyd Metzger, a professor of endocrinology at Northwestern University, led an international research team that studied more than 23,000 pregnant women around the globe from about 28 weeks until birth. The moms to be had their blood sugar levels tested around 28 weeks of gestation. First, they had a fasting blood draw; then, they consumed sugar and had their blood drawn again after two hours. This “glucose tolerance test” is often used to confirm diabetes. The scientists found that women with higher blood sugar levels were more likely to have very large babies and need a C-section. In the group of moms with the lowest blood sugar, only 5 percent of the babies were in the top 10 percent in terms of size, while the 20 percent of the moms with the highest blood sugar had oversize babies. The results were presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association. The study seems to hint that even women with borderline high blood sugar may be at risk for complications from GDM. Women in the study who were found to have excessively high levels of blood sugar — more than 105 milligrams per deciliter of blood fasting, or more than 200 after the glucose tolerance test — were pulled from the study and treated for safety reasons. But many of the remaining women whose sugar was on the “high side” but not high enough to keep them out of the study, experienced some of the same complications as women with GDM. Metzger said he expects that, as a result of this study, the threshold for blood sugar levels in pregnant women may be lowered when it comes to testing for diabetes. Roots of Diabetes Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas — a pistol-shaped organ in the abdomen responsible for making the hormone insulin, which helps the body store sugar. In diabetics, the pancreas either can’t make insulin anymore (type 1) or makes insulin that the body “resists” (type 2). Either way, without insulin the body has no way to store the food you eat. Seventy percent of women with GDM develop full-blown diabetes within 10 years, meaning that they have blood sugar that needs to be controlled all the time. But endocrinologists note that most cases of GDM are really regular diabetes that just gets discovered during prenatal OB appointments. In a diabetic mother to be, the delicate hormonal balance that supports a growing fetus can be disrupted. “In most mammals, insulin resistance increases in pregnancy,” said Dr. Tom Buchanan, an endocrinologist who attended the diabetes meeting, adding that this is thought to be a way for more sugar to get to the blood of the hungry fetus. But, in diabetic mothers, “the baby gets more glucose than it needs. That baby’s insulin production goes up due to the increased exposure to blood sugar.” This is why, in addition to overweight babies, the study authors also found that when the babies were born, they tended to have dangerous drops in blood sugar soon after they were breast- or bottle-fed. Their bodies were literally soaking up nutrition at an abnormally high rate — because they were used to it. Screening, Treatment Both Important Treatments for GDM include dietary therapy, insulin or pills such as metformin and glyburide — drugs that don’t cross the placenta to the baby. But are women with borderline-high blood sugar at risk for some of the worst outcomes, like birth defects? Buchanan doesn’t think so, since none of the women in the study had stillborn babies or babies who otherwise died at an early age. Still, he emphasized that the more pregnant women are studied, the more we will know about what level of blood glucose is associated with problems at birth. “The relative risk [for those with slightly above normal blood sugar] might be very small. … What we generally do in medicine is set a low threshold and treat everyone.”
['Monya De', 'Md Mph']
2016-06-27 18:06:44.593000+00:00
['Health', 'Diabetes']
Title Pregnant Women Face Additional Diabetes RiskContent Pregnant Women Face Additional Diabetes Risk pregnant woman believed may risk dangerous condition lead difficult delivery huge baby juvenile diabetes child severe birth defect week largescale study pregnant woman nine country showed current guideline diagnosing condition called gestational diabetes mellitus GDM may generous letting atrisk woman fall crack GDM — essentially diabetes occurs pregnancy — lead whole host problem mother baby learn Dr Boyd Metzger professor endocrinology Northwestern University led international research team studied 23000 pregnant woman around globe 28 week birth mom blood sugar level tested around 28 week gestation First fasting blood draw consumed sugar blood drawn two hour “glucose tolerance test” often used confirm diabetes scientist found woman higher blood sugar level likely large baby need Csection group mom lowest blood sugar 5 percent baby top 10 percent term size 20 percent mom highest blood sugar oversize baby result presented 67th Annual Meeting American Diabetes Association study seems hint even woman borderline high blood sugar may risk complication GDM Women study found excessively high level blood sugar — 105 milligram per deciliter blood fasting 200 glucose tolerance test — pulled study treated safety reason many remaining woman whose sugar “high side” high enough keep study experienced complication woman GDM Metzger said expects result study threshold blood sugar level pregnant woman may lowered come testing diabetes Roots Diabetes Diabetes disease pancreas — pistolshaped organ abdomen responsible making hormone insulin help body store sugar diabetic pancreas either can’t make insulin anymore type 1 make insulin body “resists” type 2 Either way without insulin body way store food eat Seventy percent woman GDM develop fullblown diabetes within 10 year meaning blood sugar need controlled time endocrinologist note case GDM really regular diabetes get discovered prenatal OB appointment diabetic mother delicate hormonal balance support growing fetus disrupted “In mammal insulin resistance increase pregnancy” said Dr Tom Buchanan endocrinologist attended diabetes meeting adding thought way sugar get blood hungry fetus diabetic mother “the baby get glucose need baby’s insulin production go due increased exposure blood sugar” addition overweight baby study author also found baby born tended dangerous drop blood sugar soon breast bottlefed body literally soaking nutrition abnormally high rate — used Screening Treatment Important Treatments GDM include dietary therapy insulin pill metformin glyburide — drug don’t cross placenta baby woman borderlinehigh blood sugar risk worst outcome like birth defect Buchanan doesn’t think since none woman study stillborn baby baby otherwise died early age Still emphasized pregnant woman studied know level blood glucose associated problem birth “The relative risk slightly normal blood sugar might small … generally medicine set low threshold treat everyone”Tags Health Diabetes
Happy diabetes anniversary!
Exactly eight years ago, day by day, I was lying in a hospital bed receiving the Type 1 diabetes diagnosis. Unlike the horror stories I heard from almost all diabetics I met later, I felt relieved. At the time I lost one quarter of my weight, my blood turned very dark red and quite acidic, I could barely move or talk. The doctor has told me that I was lucky for arriving to the hospital then, because I was hours away from a deadly Ketoacidosis. I thought I had some nasty virus or something, not something as benign as diabetes. [caption id=”attachment_410" align=”aligncenter” width=”642"] Credits: http://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/would-understand#14[/caption] The reason why diabetes did not scare me is because we had it in the family for more than a decade already, my younger brother has it since he was three, and that is really tough. I was familiar with the injections, and the blood tests and the hypoglycaemic episodes, it was part of our lives, so it did not come as a shock. Eight years passed by, and I never thought diabetes would have such an important part in my life. To make a long story short I will cite the highlights in bullet points below: The switch to Pens: When I moved to Germany I switched from syringes to pens. Less painful and much much more practical. A couple of weeks ago I had to use a syringe because I ran out of pen needles and I remembered how painful it is! For six years I used only pens and got used to them. It’s amazing how we humans get used to change (especially more comfortable)! [caption id=”attachment_411" align=”aligncenter” width=”660"] Credits: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Blausen_0580_Insulin_Syringe%26Pen.png[/caption] The other diabetics: The other major development was meeting other diabetics. Until I went to the first meetup of the Berlin Diabetes and digital Technology group, the only people in my “diabetes world” were myself, my family and my doctor. Then all of a sudden I found myself surrounded with people who are dealing with the same challenges and problems I deal with on a daily basis. This only got greater when I discovered the #dedoc community. I started talking about daily habits and exchanging experiences about the most obvious stuff (insulin and diet related stuff) and the less obvious stuff (lifestyle, psychological etc…). More importantly, most of the people active in the first group are tech savvy and working on some digital solution for a diabetes-related problem. Which leads me to the next point. [caption id=”attachment_412" align=”aligncenter” width=”800"] Credits: Dmitri Kaatz[/caption] InsulinAngel: This is taking a (scarily) considerable part in my life at the moment. It started when I got doubts about the effectiveness of my insulin in summer and in hot climates. I also once lost my entire stock of insulin because the fridge was not functioning properly. So I thought of a device that would measure my insulin’s temperature and warn me when it gets critical. And what started as a hobby project gained momentum especially thanks to the groups cited above , and is becoming my full time occupation. I learned A LOT about insulin and diabetics in the process. But (much) more on that in future posts. The FreeStyle Libre: This one is very fresh! I have it for a couple of days now (thank you my captain and #dedoc). It is my new favourite device and also the one causing me quite some trouble. It is some kind of pseudo-continuous glucose monitoring system. A sensor on the arm, tap it with the reader and get the blood glucose value instantly. From the 4–6 measurements/day I now scan it around 50–60 times/day and have my entire 24h overview. It’s amazing to see how my blood sugar evolves throughout the day and during my sleep! It’s like the difference between having a surveillance camera and a couple of snapshots! I feel like I was blind and guessing all the time before starting to use it. First insight: I don’t have full control over my blood glucose and I probably never will. It’s not a simple add sugar / add insulin formula. Learning about my glycaemic metabolic processes is still under way (it will probably be a constant work in progress throughout my life) and I’m really curious how this will affect my diabetes and diabetes management. For now I’m super excited and I can’t believe how I lived without this all this time! Stay tuned for my full review. So, when I look back what do I see? A lot of inconveniences, headaches, some quite stressful situations, but also many new friends, challenges and a very exciting project! I guess that’s what they call seeing the glass half full, right?
['Amin Zayani']
2016-12-26 20:56:00.442000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Musings', 'Life', 'Personal']
Title Happy diabetes anniversaryContent Exactly eight year ago day day lying hospital bed receiving Type 1 diabetes diagnosis Unlike horror story heard almost diabetic met later felt relieved time lost one quarter weight blood turned dark red quite acidic could barely move talk doctor told lucky arriving hospital hour away deadly Ketoacidosis thought nasty virus something something benign diabetes caption id”attachment410 align”aligncenter” width”642 Credits httpwwwhealthlinecomhealthdiabeteswouldunderstand14caption reason diabetes scare family decade already younger brother since three really tough familiar injection blood test hypoglycaemic episode part life come shock Eight year passed never thought diabetes would important part life make long story short cite highlight bullet point switch Pens moved Germany switched syrinx pen Less painful much much practical couple week ago use syringe ran pen needle remembered painful six year used pen got used It’s amazing human get used change especially comfortable caption id”attachment411 align”aligncenter” width”660 Credits httpuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons666Blausen0580InsulinSyringe26Penpngcaption diabetic major development meeting diabetic went first meetup Berlin Diabetes digital Technology group people “diabetes world” family doctor sudden found surrounded people dealing challenge problem deal daily basis got greater discovered dedoc community started talking daily habit exchanging experience obvious stuff insulin diet related stuff le obvious stuff lifestyle psychological etc… importantly people active first group tech savvy working digital solution diabetesrelated problem lead next point caption id”attachment412 align”aligncenter” width”800 Credits Dmitri Kaatzcaption InsulinAngel taking scarily considerable part life moment started got doubt effectiveness insulin summer hot climate also lost entire stock insulin fridge functioning properly thought device would measure insulin’s temperature warn get critical started hobby project gained momentum especially thanks group cited becoming full time occupation learned LOT insulin diabetic process much future post FreeStyle Libre one fresh couple day thank captain dedoc new favourite device also one causing quite trouble kind pseudocontinuous glucose monitoring system sensor arm tap reader get blood glucose value instantly 4–6 measurementsday scan around 50–60 timesday entire 24h overview It’s amazing see blood sugar evolves throughout day sleep It’s like difference surveillance camera couple snapshot feel like blind guessing time starting use First insight don’t full control blood glucose probably never It’s simple add sugar add insulin formula Learning glycaemic metabolic process still way probably constant work progress throughout life I’m really curious affect diabetes diabetes management I’m super excited can’t believe lived without time Stay tuned full review look back see lot inconvenience headache quite stressful situation also many new friend challenge exciting project guess that’s call seeing glass half full rightTags Diabetes Musings Life Personal
EASD: Fecal Transplant Flushes Insulin Resistance
EASD: Fecal Transplant Flushes Insulin Resistance From MedPage Today, By Kristina Fiore, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Published: September 22, 2010 Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner STOCKHOLM — Obese patients with a constellation of symptoms known as prediabetes improved insulin sensitivity with a fecal transplant from healthy thin donors, researchers here reported. After six weeks, peripheral insulin sensitivity significantly improved in 18 patients who received feces from lean donors compared with those who received an autologous transplant (P<0.05), said Anne Vrieze, MD, of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, and colleagues. There was also a trend toward improvement in hepatic insulin sensitivity but it wasn’t significant, they reported at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Meeting here. “This confirms the potential role of gut microbiota in the disturbance of glucose and lipid metabolism in obesity,” Vrieze said during the presentation. “The challenge is to use this knowledge to develop therapies.” Continue reading
['Medicine Malaysia']
2016-12-31 09:33:04.833000+00:00
Title EASD Fecal Transplant Flushes Insulin ResistanceContent EASD Fecal Transplant Flushes Insulin Resistance MedPage Today Kristina Fiore Staff Writer MedPage Today Published September 22 2010 Reviewed Robert Jasmer MD Associate Clinical Professor Medicine University California San Francisco Dorothy Caputo RN BCADM CDE Nurse Planner STOCKHOLM — Obese patient constellation symptom known prediabetes improved insulin sensitivity fecal transplant healthy thin donor researcher reported six week peripheral insulin sensitivity significantly improved 18 patient received feces lean donor compared received autologous transplant P005 said Anne Vrieze MD Academic Medical Center Amsterdam colleague also trend toward improvement hepatic insulin sensitivity wasn’t significant reported European Association Study Diabetes Meeting “This confirms potential role gut microbiota disturbance glucose lipid metabolism obesity” Vrieze said presentation “The challenge use knowledge develop therapies” Continue readingTags Diabetes
“Insulin Resistance” Science-Research, December 2021, Week 2 — summary from MedlinePlus Genetics, Europe PMC, Springer Nature, PubMed and DOAJ
“Insulin Resistance” Science-Research, December 2021, Week 2 — summary from MedlinePlus Genetics, Europe PMC, Springer Nature, PubMed and DOAJ MedlinePlus Genetics — summary generated by Brevi Assistant Donohue disorder is an unusual disorder defined by severe insulin resistance, a problem in which the body’s cells and body organs do not respond effectively to the hormonal agent insulin. Insulin typically aids manage blood sugar level degrees by regulating how much sugar is passed from the blood stream right into cells to be utilized as energy. Gestational diabetes mellitus is a disorder defined by abnormally high blood sugar level degrees while pregnant. Babies whose mommies have gestational diabetes mellitus are additionally most likely to establish hazardously low blood sugar degrees quickly after birth. Rabson-Mendenhall disorder is a rare condition defined by extreme insulin resistance, a condition in which the body’s cells and organs do not react effectively to the hormone insulin. In people with Rabson-Mendenhall disorder, insulin resistance hinders blood sugar regulation and ultimately causes a problem called diabetic issues mellitus, in which blood sugar levels can end up being hazardously high. Brief stature, hyperextensibility, rupture, eye anxiety, Rieger anomaly, and teething hold-up, commonly recognized by the phrase SHORT disorder, is an unusual disorder that affects many components of the body. Some people with SHORT syndrome have dental problems such as delayed look of teeth in very early childhood, tiny teeth, fewer teeth than regular, and an absence of protective covering externally of the teeth. Type 2 diabetic issues is a disorder identified by unusually high blood sugar level levels. Most people that create type 2 diabetes mellitus first have insulin resistance, a condition in which the body’s cells utilize insulin less efficiently than typical. Type A insulin resistance disorder is an uncommon condition characterized by serious insulin resistance, a problem in which the body’s tissues and organs do not react effectively to the hormone insulin. Extreme insulin resistance additionally underlies the various other symptoms and signs of type A insulin resistance syndrome. Please keep in mind that the text is machine-generated by the Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model, and we do not bear any responsibility. The text above has not been edited and/or modified in any way. Source texts: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/donohue-syndrome — Donohue syndrome. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/gestational-diabetes — Gestational diabetes. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/rabson-mendenhall-syndrome — Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/short-stature-hyperextensibility-hernia-ocular-depression-rieger-anomaly-and-teething-delay — Short stature, hyperextensibility, hernia, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly, and teething delay. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/type-2-diabetes — Type 2 diabetes. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/type-a-insulin-resistance-syndrome — Type A insulin resistance syndrome. Europe PMC — summary generated by Brevi Assistant Purpose To define clinical end results in pet cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. Procedures Medical records of pet cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with SRS in between August 2013 and November 2019 at a solitary establishment were reviewed. Exogenous insulin requirements decreased in 10 of the 14 cats, with a median time to least expensive insulin dosage of 399 days. Most felines had decreased exogenous insulin demands after SRS. Both pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome make up insulin-resistant states that are connected with an increased frequency of glucose intolerance. We compared surrogate IR indices in 1st trimester pregnant women and in women with PCOS. We did 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test with insulin dimensions in 106 healthy and balanced 1st trimester pregnant women at 9. 9 ± 2. 6 weeks of gestation and in 418 women with PCOS. Women with GDM diagnosed according to IADPSG criteria demonstrated greater IR than expecting women without GDM. The epidemics of excessive weight and type 2 diabetes have led to extensive investigation of the underlying mechanisms of these illnesses and their primary issues such as heart diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver condition. Adipose tissue, the liver, or skeletal muscular tissue can proactively release produced variables called organokines which can connect with various other far-off targets in intricate networks. A lot more lately, other unique conciliators of inter-organ crosstalk such as extracellular vesicles and their non-traditional freights as miRNAs and lncRNAs are gaining importance and stand for potential therapeutic targets. In the present phase, we summarize a few of the present understanding of inter-organ interaction with a concentrate on adipose tissue-released variables and their inflection on various other organs and cells like pancreas, liver, skeletal muscular tissue, the cardiovascular system, and the gut in the context of obesity and its progression to insulin resistance. Please keep in mind that the text is machine-generated by the Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model, and we do not bear any responsibility. The text above has not been edited and/or modified in any way. Source texts: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/34773702 — Endocrine response and outcome in 14 cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (17 Gy). https://europepmc.org/article/MED/34855192 — High prevalence of early (1st trimester) gestational diabetes mellitus in Polish women is accompanied by insulin resistance similar to women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). https://europepmc.org/article/MED/34853949 — Inter-Organ Crosstalk in the Development of Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance. Springer Nature — summary generated by Brevi Assistant Heart disease is the leading reason of fatality in schizophrenia. Finally, people with schizophrenia showed adipose tissue dysfunction compared to body mass-matched HCs. History We aimed to define refined physique by utilizing several anthropometric characteristics that represent fat distribution, and review their organizations with risk of insulin resistance and cardiometabolic problems in the Chinese population. In women, as compared to the low WHR-low WTR-low WNR shape, all body forms were substantially related to IR and related cardiometabolic conditions; while in men, the low WHR-high WTR-high WNR form and the greater WHR associated shapes were dramatically related to IR and associated cardiometabolic problems. History Although roughly 50% of Chinese with type 2 diabetic issues mellitus patients have vitamin D shortage, research pertaining to vitamin D supplements on insulin resistance has generally concentrated on non-Asians. However, the combined results of vitamin D supplementation and ET on IR in T2DM patients are unclear. The upsurges of weight problems and type 2 diabetes have led to extensive investigation of the underlying mechanisms of these conditions and their main difficulties such as cardiovascular conditions and non-alcoholic fatty liver illness. In the present phase, we sum up several of the current knowledge on inter-organ communication with a focus on adipose tissue-released variables and their inflection on other organs and tissues like pancreas, liver, skeletal muscular tissue, the cardio system, and the gut in the context of weight problems and its development to insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is enhancing worldwide, identified by insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. The outcomes of this study will increase our understanding regarding the impact of high sugar focus on insulin resistance in human AT-MSCs for the renovation in diabetic therapy. Please keep in mind that the text is machine-generated by the Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model, and we do not bear any responsibility. The text above has not been edited and/or modified in any way. Source texts: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-021-01741-9 — Adipose tissue dysfunction, inflammation, and insulin resistance: alternative pathways to cardiac remodelling in schizophrenia. A multimodal, case–control study. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12986-021-00629-1 — Associations of body shapes with insulin resistance and cardiometabolic risk in middle-aged and elderly Chinese. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-021-05861-x — Combined effects of vitamin D supplementation and endurance exercise training on insulin resistance in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with vitamin D deficiency: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. https://doi.org/10.1007/164_2021_564 — Inter-Organ Crosstalk in the Development of Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75506-5_42 — The Influence of High D-glucose Concentrations on Increasing the Expression of EGR-1, PTEN and GGPS-1 Involved in Insulin Resistance of AT-MSCs. PubMed — summary generated by Brevi Assistant The duty of adipose cells swelling on AT function in humans is unclear. We researched 86 volunteers with regular weight or weight problems at standard, and a subgroup of 25 volunteers with obesity prior to and after weight loss. Introduction: Obesity and associated metabolic disruptions are often related to modern way of living and are characterized by extreme fructose consumption. Our outcomes recommend that VAT inflammation could precede excessive weight and begin before the measurable increase in VAT mass, making it a silent threat factor for the advancement of T2D. The hyperproduction of oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers, which is paralleled by decreased levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory conciliators, belongs to cellular mechanisms that add to the disruption of metabolic homeostasis in obesity. Gender-specific modifications in aminothiol condition and adipomyokine account and the gender-restricted association between these biomarkers and metabolic derangement follow an increased cardiometabolic risk in guys compared to age-matched women with stage I-II obesity. Due to the quick surge in the occurrence of persistent metabolic condition, increasingly more medical professionals and standard clinical scientists focus their vision on insulin resistance, a very early and central occasion of metabolic illness. Here, we evaluate the recent development in the research about the regulation aspects of mitochondrial Ca2+ and how the dysregulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis is associated with the pathogenesis of hepatic IR, giving a new viewpoint for further discovering the duty of ion in the onset and development of IR. The epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes have led to extensive examination of the hidden mechanisms of these diseases and their main issues such as heart diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver condition. We looked for to examine the recurring effects on fasting plasma sugar and fasting insulin after 12-weeks of high-intensity period training, resistance training, or simultaneous training in women with insulin resistance. These findings reveal that HIIT lowers FPG and RT lowers FI 24-h post-training; both work out interventions alone have remarkably better residual effects on FPG and FI than CT in women with insulin resistance. Please keep in mind that the text is machine-generated by the Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model, and we do not bear any responsibility. The text above has not been edited and/or modified in any way. Source texts: https://doi.org/10.2337/db21-0609 — Adipose Tissue Inflammation is Not Related to Adipose Insulin Resistance in Humans. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.749328 — Fructose Induces Visceral Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Insulin Resistance Even Without Development of Obesity in Adult Female but Not in Male Rats. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9713582 — Gender-Specific Behaviour in Obesity Stages I-II: Imbalance of Aminothiol Status and Adipomyokine Profile in Subjects with Different Insulin Resistance Severity. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mito.2021.11.007 — Insight of the role of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in hepatic insulin resistance. https://doi.org/10.1007/164_2021_564 — Inter-Organ Crosstalk in the Development of Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.760206 — Residual Impact of Concurrent, Resistance, and High-Intensity Interval Training on Fasting Measures of Glucose Metabolism in Women With Insulin Resistance. DOAJ — summary generated by Brevi Assistant Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B is an important negative modulator of insulin signaling and has drawn in considerable attention in treating type 2 diabetic issues mellitus. Cellular glucose usage was considerably raised in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells after LPMP therapy. The purpose of this screening and analysis research was to check out the accord amongst indices of sugar metabolism, consisting of the Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance, HOMA2, Matsuda Index, Quantitative Insulin-sensitivity Check Index, hemoglobin A1C, and not eating plasma glucose versus intravenous sugar resistance test-measured insulin level of sensitivity in individuals with persistent motor complete SCI. Procedures were contrasted making use of modified R 2 from direct regression models with Akaike details criterion. Sleep apnea syndrome is a common condition defined by recurrent apnea or hypoxia episodes resulting in periodic hypoxia and arousals during rest. Nevertheless, the thorough mechanism whereby IH generates insulin resistance in SAS patients has not been totally revealed. Several chemical levels of sensitivity is a multisystem disorder, and limited expertise in its pathophysiology exists. When contrasted to controls, we located that MCS individuals may be more insulin resistant and that MCS ÷ FSD might have a damaged glucose metabolism. The adipokine Neuregulin 4 secures versus obesity-induced insulin resistance. Adipogenesis was unaffected in Nrg4 KD adipocytes, but there was a complete impairment of the insulin-induced 2-deoxyglucose uptake, which was likely the result of decreased insulin receptor and Glut4 healthy protein. Background: Quantile-dependent expressivity is a dependancy of hereditary effects on whether the phenotype is high or low relative to its distribution. Approaches: Quantile-specific offspring-parent regression slopes were estimated by quantile regression for not eating sugar concentrations in 6453 offspring-parent sets from the Framingham Heart Study. Please keep in mind that the text is machine-generated by the Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model, and we do not bear any responsibility. The text above has not been edited and/or modified in any way. Source texts: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312693 — A Novel PTP1B Inhibitor-Phosphate of Polymannuronic Acid Ameliorates Insulin Resistance by Regulating IRS-1 Akt Signaling. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10235591 — Comparison of Various Indices in Identifying Insulin Resistance and Diabetes in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312898 — Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia on Cytokine Expression Involved in Insulin Resistance. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312654 — Insulin Resistance Is Associated with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in a Danish Population-Based Study — DanFunD. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312960 — Neuregulin 4 Downregulation Induces Insulin Resistance in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes through Inflammation and Autophagic Degradation of GLUT4 Vesicles. https://doi.org/10.1159/000519382 — Quantile-Dependent Heritability of Glucose, Insulin, Proinsulin, Insulin Resistance, and Glycated Hemoglobin.
['Brevi Assistant']
2021-12-10 04:04:09.492000+00:00
['Insulin Resistance', 'Diabetes', 'Health', 'Biology', 'Research']
Title “Insulin Resistance” ScienceResearch December 2021 Week 2 — summary MedlinePlus Genetics Europe PMC Springer Nature PubMed DOAJContent “Insulin Resistance” ScienceResearch December 2021 Week 2 — summary MedlinePlus Genetics Europe PMC Springer Nature PubMed DOAJ MedlinePlus Genetics — summary generated Brevi Assistant Donohue disorder unusual disorder defined severe insulin resistance problem body’s cell body organ respond effectively hormonal agent insulin Insulin typically aid manage blood sugar level degree regulating much sugar passed blood stream right cell utilized energy Gestational diabetes mellitus disorder defined abnormally high blood sugar level degree pregnant Babies whose mommy gestational diabetes mellitus additionally likely establish hazardously low blood sugar degree quickly birth RabsonMendenhall disorder rare condition defined extreme insulin resistance condition body’s cell organ react effectively hormone insulin people RabsonMendenhall disorder insulin resistance hinders blood sugar regulation ultimately cause problem called diabetic issue mellitus blood sugar level end hazardously high Brief stature hyperextensibility rupture eye anxiety Rieger anomaly teething holdup commonly recognized phrase SHORT disorder unusual disorder affect many component body people SHORT syndrome dental problem delayed look teeth early childhood tiny teeth fewer teeth regular absence protective covering externally teeth Type 2 diabetic issue disorder identified unusually high blood sugar level level people create type 2 diabetes mellitus first insulin resistance condition body’s cell utilize insulin le efficiently typical Type insulin resistance disorder uncommon condition characterized serious insulin resistance problem body’s tissue organ react effectively hormone insulin Extreme insulin resistance additionally underlies various symptom sign type insulin resistance syndrome Please keep mind text machinegenerated Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model bear responsibility text edited andor modified way Source text httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditiondonohuesyndrome — Donohue syndrome httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditiongestationaldiabetes — Gestational diabetes httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditionrabsonmendenhallsyndrome — RabsonMendenhall syndrome httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditionshortstaturehyperextensibilityherniaoculardepressionriegeranomalyandteethingdelay — Short stature hyperextensibility hernia ocular depression Rieger anomaly teething delay httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditiontype2diabetes — Type 2 diabetes httpsmedlineplusgovgeneticsconditiontypeainsulinresistancesyndrome — Type insulin resistance syndrome Europe PMC — summary generated Brevi Assistant Purpose define clinical end result pet cat insulin resistance acromegaly treated stereotactic radiosurgery Procedures Medical record pet cat insulin resistance acromegaly treated SRS August 2013 November 2019 solitary establishment reviewed Exogenous insulin requirement decreased 10 14 cat median time least expensive insulin dosage 399 day feline decreased exogenous insulin demand SRS pregnancy polycystic ovary syndrome make insulinresistant state connected increased frequency glucose intolerance compared surrogate IR index 1st trimester pregnant woman woman PCOS 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test insulin dimension 106 healthy balanced 1st trimester pregnant woman 9 9 ± 2 6 week gestation 418 woman PCOS Women GDM diagnosed according IADPSG criterion demonstrated greater IR expecting woman without GDM epidemic excessive weight type 2 diabetes led extensive investigation underlying mechanism illness primary issue heart disease nonalcoholic fatty liver condition Adipose tissue liver skeletal muscular tissue proactively release produced variable called organokines connect various faroff target intricate network lot lately unique conciliator interorgan crosstalk extracellular vesicle nontraditional freight miRNAs lncRNAs gaining importance stand potential therapeutic target present phase summarize present understanding interorgan interaction concentrate adipose tissuereleased variable inflection various organ cell like pancreas liver skeletal muscular tissue cardiovascular system gut context obesity progression insulin resistance Please keep mind text machinegenerated Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model bear responsibility text edited andor modified way Source text httpseuropepmcorgarticleMED34773702 — Endocrine response outcome 14 cat insulin resistance acromegaly treated stereotactic radiosurgery 17 Gy httpseuropepmcorgarticleMED34855192 — High prevalence early 1st trimester gestational diabetes mellitus Polish woman accompanied insulin resistance similar woman polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS httpseuropepmcorgarticleMED34853949 — InterOrgan Crosstalk Development ObesityAssociated Insulin Resistance Springer Nature — summary generated Brevi Assistant Heart disease leading reason fatality schizophrenia Finally people schizophrenia showed adipose tissue dysfunction compared body massmatched HCs History aimed define refined physique utilizing several anthropometric characteristic represent fat distribution review organization risk insulin resistance cardiometabolic problem Chinese population woman compared low WHRlow WTRlow WNR shape body form substantially related IR related cardiometabolic condition men low WHRhigh WTRhigh WNR form greater WHR associated shape dramatically related IR associated cardiometabolic problem History Although roughly 50 Chinese type 2 diabetic issue mellitus patient vitamin shortage research pertaining vitamin supplement insulin resistance generally concentrated nonAsians However combined result vitamin supplementation ET IR T2DM patient unclear upsurge weight problem type 2 diabetes led extensive investigation underlying mechanism condition main difficulty cardiovascular condition nonalcoholic fatty liver illness present phase sum several current knowledge interorgan communication focus adipose tissuereleased variable inflection organ tissue like pancreas liver skeletal muscular tissue cardio system gut context weight problem development insulin resistance Type 2 diabetes mellitus enhancing worldwide identified insulin resistance hyperglycemia outcome study increase understanding regarding impact high sugar focus insulin resistance human ATMSCs renovation diabetic therapy Please keep mind text machinegenerated Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model bear responsibility text edited andor modified way Source text httpsdoiorg101038s41398021017419 — Adipose tissue dysfunction inflammation insulin resistance alternative pathway cardiac remodelling schizophrenia multimodal case–control study httpsdoiorg101186s12986021006291 — Associations body shape insulin resistance cardiometabolic risk middleaged elderly Chinese httpsdoiorg101186s1306302105861x — Combined effect vitamin supplementation endurance exercise training insulin resistance newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patient vitamin deficiency study protocol randomized controlled trial httpsdoiorg1010071642021564 — InterOrgan Crosstalk Development ObesityAssociated Insulin Resistance httpsdoiorg101007978303075506542 — Influence High Dglucose Concentrations Increasing Expression EGR1 PTEN GGPS1 Involved Insulin Resistance ATMSCs PubMed — summary generated Brevi Assistant duty adipose cell swelling function human unclear researched 86 volunteer regular weight weight problem standard subgroup 25 volunteer obesity prior weight loss Introduction Obesity associated metabolic disruption often related modern way living characterized extreme fructose consumption outcome recommend VAT inflammation could precede excessive weight begin measurable increase VAT mass making silent threat factor advancement T2D hyperproduction oxidative stress inflammatory biomarkers paralleled decreased level antioxidant antiinflammatory conciliator belongs cellular mechanism add disruption metabolic homeostasis obesity Genderspecific modification aminothiol condition adipomyokine account genderrestricted association biomarkers metabolic derangement follow increased cardiometabolic risk guy compared agematched woman stage III obesity Due quick surge occurrence persistent metabolic condition increasingly medical professional standard clinical scientist focus vision insulin resistance early central occasion metabolic illness evaluate recent development research regulation aspect mitochondrial Ca2 dysregulation mitochondrial Ca2 homeostasis associated pathogenesis hepatic IR giving new viewpoint discovering duty ion onset development IR epidemic obesity type 2 diabetes led extensive examination hidden mechanism disease main issue heart disease nonalcoholic fatty liver condition looked examine recurring effect fasting plasma sugar fasting insulin 12weeks highintensity period training resistance training simultaneous training woman insulin resistance finding reveal HIIT lower FPG RT lower FI 24h posttraining work intervention alone remarkably better residual effect FPG FI CT woman insulin resistance Please keep mind text machinegenerated Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model bear responsibility text edited andor modified way Source text httpsdoiorg102337db210609 — Adipose Tissue Inflammation Related Adipose Insulin Resistance Humans httpsdoiorg103389fnut2021749328 — Fructose Induces Visceral Adipose Tissue Inflammation Insulin Resistance Even Without Development Obesity Adult Female Male Rats httpsdoiorg10115520219713582 — GenderSpecific Behaviour Obesity Stages III Imbalance Aminothiol Status Adipomyokine Profile Subjects Different Insulin Resistance Severity httpsdoiorg101016jmito202111007 — Insight role mitochondrial calcium homeostasis hepatic insulin resistance httpsdoiorg1010071642021564 — InterOrgan Crosstalk Development ObesityAssociated Insulin Resistance httpsdoiorg103389fphys2021760206 — Residual Impact Concurrent Resistance HighIntensity Interval Training Fasting Measures Glucose Metabolism Women Insulin Resistance DOAJ — summary generated Brevi Assistant Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B important negative modulator insulin signaling drawn considerable attention treating type 2 diabetic issue mellitus Cellular glucose usage considerably raised insulinresistant HepG2 cell LPMP therapy purpose screening analysis research check accord amongst index sugar metabolism consisting Homeostatic Model Assessment Insulin Resistance HOMA2 Matsuda Index Quantitative Insulinsensitivity Check Index hemoglobin A1C eating plasma glucose versus intravenous sugar resistance testmeasured insulin level sensitivity individual persistent motor complete SCI Procedures contrasted making use modified R 2 direct regression model Akaike detail criterion Sleep apnea syndrome common condition defined recurrent apnea hypoxia episode resulting periodic hypoxia arousal rest Nevertheless thorough mechanism whereby IH generates insulin resistance SAS patient totally revealed Several chemical level sensitivity multisystem disorder limited expertise pathophysiology exists contrasted control located MCS individual may insulin resistant MCS ÷ FSD might damaged glucose metabolism adipokine Neuregulin 4 secures versus obesityinduced insulin resistance Adipogenesis unaffected Nrg4 KD adipocytes complete impairment insulininduced 2deoxyglucose uptake likely result decreased insulin receptor Glut4 healthy protein Background Quantiledependent expressivity dependancy hereditary effect whether phenotype high low relative distribution Approaches Quantilespecific offspringparent regression slope estimated quantile regression eating sugar concentration 6453 offspringparent set Framingham Heart Study Please keep mind text machinegenerated Brevi Technologies’ Natural language Generation model bear responsibility text edited andor modified way Source text httpsdoiorg103390ijms222312693 — Novel PTP1B InhibitorPhosphate Polymannuronic Acid Ameliorates Insulin Resistance Regulating IRS1 Akt Signaling httpsdoiorg103390jcm10235591 — Comparison Various Indices Identifying Insulin Resistance Diabetes Chronic Spinal Cord Injury httpsdoiorg103390ijms222312898 — Effects Intermittent Hypoxia Cytokine Expression Involved Insulin Resistance httpsdoiorg103390ijerph182312654 — Insulin Resistance Associated Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Danish PopulationBased Study — DanFunD httpsdoiorg103390ijms222312960 — Neuregulin 4 Downregulation Induces Insulin Resistance 3T3L1 Adipocytes Inflammation Autophagic Degradation GLUT4 Vesicles httpsdoiorg101159000519382 — QuantileDependent Heritability Glucose Insulin Proinsulin Insulin Resistance Glycated HemoglobinTags Insulin Resistance Diabetes Health Biology Research
Sugar - The Devil In Disguise
@unsplash credit Heather Ford How it starts! You spot that lovely pink doughnut in the supermarket, YES strategically placed with just look at all those toppings! The colours activate your visual senses. You smell fresh baking, your smell senses are activated. You start to taste the sugar on your tongue. The Brain Your brain starts receiving messages that stop you from walking away. That voice ‘I really shouldn’t’, creeps up — quickly dismissed. Your feet don’t move away. Before you realise that pink doughnut is in your basket. You shake off nagging doubts, with ‘I will be good tomorrow’. But does tomorrow ever really come along? See what just happened was a concerted effort between your senses, your brain and potentially your drive for a sugar hit. What happens next? You take a mouthful of the doughnut. It feels good. It tastes good. Your brain is saying ‘See, I told you! It’s delicious isn’t it?’ What DOES NOT happen next? You eat each mouthful like it is precious. You taste all the different flavours and as you chew the doughnut. You feel the different textures on your tongue. You slow down to enjoy the moment. What also happens next I will BET that in the majority of cases you just ate it as fast as you could. Looking for that sugar hit, eating it almost greedily and even thinking about where your next source of sugar is coming from — that is before you even finished that mouthful! It is no wonder so many people are ‘addicted’ to sugar! Let’s talk about what happens when that sugar is being digested in your tummy! There are different types of sugar I will focus on glucose and fructose (both of which combined to make sucrose also) Glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream. Fructose heads to the liver where a lot of it is converted into glucose also. The blood is suddenly saturated with sugar — this is an ‘emergency!’ Insulin is released by the pancreas. Insulin helps traffic sugar into the cells. The excess sugar is stored as fat. Fat cells get fatter and divide to produce more fat cells. You now have more cells ready to store fat, just waiting for the next doughnut Here is ANOTHER kicker! Your blood sugar drops because insulin has done its job (for now!!!) Your brain notices that blood sugars are low — this is another ‘emergency!’ Your brain thinks it needs food. You get sugar cravings to encourage you to eat. You wonder why because its not that long ago, you had your sugar high. But you listen to your body, and surely another will not hurt anyway! You reach for the biscuits, chocolate or whatever your ‘fix’ is. And the cycle starts again!!!! Here is ANOTHER kicker!! That one doughnut is no longer enough. Your brain needs more sugar to get that sugar high. This time you eat two doughnuts because one more will not hurt… This is exactly how type 2 diabetes can start. These behaviours cause inflammation in the body and this inflammation can lead to cancer, dementia — yes Alzheimer’s disease! So what can you do about it? Do you want to re-gain control? I have a FREE guide to Success Not Sabotage, you can get it here I also have a Private Facebook Group called Brain Health & Weight Loss, you can join it here. I upload lots of free trainings, do LIVES answer questions and so much more — all to promote brain health and weight loss. If you are serious about taking back control from sugar, please feel free to reach out to me and find out more about my 16 week FREEdom™ Programme. Within this programme I walk you (pretty much daily) to success focusing on emotional resilience, brain and gut nutrition, hunger hormone re-balancing and lifestyle habits. I use a holistic approach and each experience is personalised — because let’s face it, we are all physiologically different. My email is: drevans@connectionshealthcoaching.com if you want to find out more.
['Dr Tracey Evans']
2021-12-18 08:59:39.760000+00:00
['Sugar', 'Diabetes', 'Addiction', 'Diet', 'Weight Loss']
Title Sugar Devil DisguiseContent unsplash credit Heather Ford start spot lovely pink doughnut supermarket YES strategically placed look topping colour activate visual sens smell fresh baking smell sens activated start taste sugar tongue Brain brain start receiving message stop walking away voice ‘I really shouldn’t’ creep — quickly dismissed foot don’t move away realise pink doughnut basket shake nagging doubt ‘I good tomorrow’ tomorrow ever really come along See happened concerted effort sens brain potentially drive sugar hit happens next take mouthful doughnut feel good taste good brain saying ‘See told It’s delicious isn’t it’ happen next eat mouthful like precious taste different flavour chew doughnut feel different texture tongue slow enjoy moment also happens next BET majority case ate fast could Looking sugar hit eating almost greedily even thinking next source sugar coming — even finished mouthful wonder many people ‘addicted’ sugar Let’s talk happens sugar digested tummy different type sugar focus glucose fructose combined make sucrose also Glucose absorbed bloodstream Fructose head liver lot converted glucose also blood suddenly saturated sugar — ‘emergency’ Insulin released pancreas Insulin help traffic sugar cell excess sugar stored fat Fat cell get fatter divide produce fat cell cell ready store fat waiting next doughnut ANOTHER kicker blood sugar drop insulin done job brain notice blood sugar low — another ‘emergency’ brain think need food get sugar craving encourage eat wonder long ago sugar high listen body surely another hurt anyway reach biscuit chocolate whatever ‘fix’ cycle start ANOTHER kicker one doughnut longer enough brain need sugar get sugar high time eat two doughnut one hurt… exactly type 2 diabetes start behaviour cause inflammation body inflammation lead cancer dementia — yes Alzheimer’s disease want regain control FREE guide Success Sabotage get also Private Facebook Group called Brain Health Weight Loss join upload lot free training LIVES answer question much — promote brain health weight loss serious taking back control sugar please feel free reach find 16 week FREEdom™ Programme Within programme walk pretty much daily success focusing emotional resilience brain gut nutrition hunger hormone rebalancing lifestyle habit use holistic approach experience personalised — let’s face physiologically different email drevansconnectionshealthcoachingcom want find moreTags Sugar Diabetes Addiction Diet Weight Loss
Dia-Anniversary In case you are not familiar with a Dia-Anniversary, it is the acknowledgment of the day you were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. It a crazy to celebrate… right?! “Yeah! You almost died…. remember that week in PICU… what a trip!” I totally feel ya, but somehow once you go through it the date needs to be marked. As our first Dia-Anniversary came up I was trying to wrap my head around how I was going to acknowledge this date??????? Then it hit me! We are celebrating another year with a HAPPY and HEALTHY little boy! As you can see in the picture, just a year ago he was still the sweet, happy guy I love, but definitely NOT HEALTHY! His blood sugar was over 500, he was in DKA, fighting brain swelling, losing consciousness and had to be transported via an ambulance to the PICU at the Children’s Hospital. It was the scariest day of my LIFE! We celebrated how far he has come! We are learning to incorporate diabetes into our new normal. He is full of energy and incredibly healthy now. So we celebrated that! Every year he will choose how he wants to celebrate his bravery, this year it was a bounce place. And every year I am happy to celebrate my brave, sweet and healthy boy being ALIVE. Don’t take your loved ones for granted, you never know what life will bring!
['Marie Labbee']
2017-12-28 19:33:35.373000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Type 1 Diabetes', 'Motherhood']
Title DiaAnniversaryContent DiaAnniversary case familiar DiaAnniversary acknowledgment day diagnosed Type 1 diabetes crazy celebrate… right “Yeah almost died… remember week PICU… trip” totally feel ya somehow go date need marked first DiaAnniversary came trying wrap head around going acknowledge date hit celebrating another year HAPPY HEALTHY little boy see picture year ago still sweet happy guy love definitely HEALTHY blood sugar 500 DKA fighting brain swelling losing consciousness transported via ambulance PICU Children’s Hospital scariest day LIFE celebrated far come learning incorporate diabetes new normal full energy incredibly healthy celebrated Every year choose want celebrate bravery year bounce place every year happy celebrate brave sweet healthy boy ALIVE Don’t take loved one granted never know life bringTags Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Motherhood
Diabetes And The Long Term Dangers
Diabetes And The Long Term Dangers Diabetes has hidden dangers that begin before diagnosis and continue to worsen if certain steps are not taken to prevent the complications that are the true, “killers” in terms of diabetes. Statistics show that there are around 18 million diabetics in America, both Type 1 and Type 2. It is amazing how many people, diabetics included, who have no idea what dangers a diabetic faces over their lifetime. A diabetic, all things being equal, lives almost 10 years less than their non-diabetic counterpart on average. >> Discover the 1 Green VEGGIE that WORSENS Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms (New Information) Why do diabetics life shorter life spans than non-diabetics? The answer is both simple and complicated. Simple in explaining in general terms, complicated in the medical sense. Without traveling the complicated route in this article, I will try to give a simple, straight forward answer to the above question. Diabetics live shorter lives than non-diabetics because of diabetic complications. What Are Diabetic Complications? Diabetic complications are chronic medical conditions that begin to affect the body of the diabetic. These complications are brought about mostly by a condition the medical community had named, “Advanced Glycation End products” which is simply, “excess sugar” saturating the inside of the cells of the body. This condition also called AGE for short includes coronary artery disease, vascular disease, blindness, kidney disease, retinopathy (blindness) and loss of feeling in the hands and the feet (peripheral neuropathy) among others. Diabetes in the early stages does not produce symptoms. Unless found during a routine medical exam, it is possible for a diabetic to remain undiagnosed for years. It is during these years that the beginnings of diabetic complications can gain a foothold due excess sugar in the cells (AGE). The statistics show there is the possibility of as many as over 5 million people going about their normal lives while having undiagnosed diabetes. Are Diabetic Complications A Certainty? While the current consensus is that the formula for diabetic complications Diabetes + Time = Complications. What this means is there is a much higher potential of a diabetic becoming diagnosed with one or more diabetic complications over time. This is partly due to how well the individual monitors and controls his/her blood sugar. >> 1 Green VEGGIE that INFLAMES Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms [New Information] Drastic rises and falls of blood sugar can be hard on the body and the excess sugar present in the cells create havoc on the different nerves within the body as well as the capillaries, veins, and arteries. The evidence to date show that excellent control of blood sugar and an active lifestyle goes a very long way in preventing and/or slowing down the onset of diabetic complications. The Different Types Of Diabetes There are two types of diabetes — Type One and Type Two. Type One attacks children and young adults and is characterized by the pancreas failing to produce insulin which is a hormone that breaks down sugars and starches while converting them into energy. Type Two occurs usually later in an adult’s life and is characterized by the pancreas being unable to produce enough insulin due to several factors, obesity being one of them. Around 10 percent of diabetics are Type One while the other 90 percent are Type Two. The major difference between the two being that Type One diabetics are completely dependent on insulin and take daily injections while the Type Two’s have both those who require insulin shots while others can rely on oral medication and/or changes in diet and exercise. The Risk Factors Surrounding Diabetes There are several risk factors that can push a pre-diabetic into full blown diabetes. 1) being overweight. 2) family history of diabetes, 3) lack of adequate exercise. 4) history of gestational diabetes (occurs during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery). 5) certain ethnic groups >> Discover the 1 Common Veggie to Avoid that SPIKES Blood Sugar Levels People over 45 years of age and has one or several of the risk factors mentioned above should be screened for diabetes each year, preferably during an annual medical exam. It has been shown that people with these risk factors comprise the majority of diagnosed cases of diabetes each year. What Tests Help Diagnose Diabetes Cases? There are two, main tests used for determining whether or not a person has a glucose intolerance: 1) Fasting Plasma Glucose Test 2) Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Both of these tests can determine glucose intolerance which is where blood sugar is higher than what is considered normal. This is not always an indication of diabetes however. Can The Onset Of Diabetes Be Prevented? People with the above risk factors can go a long way toward preventing the development of full-blown diabetes by making significant lifestyle change. What are lifestyle changes? Changing unhealthy diets to more blood sugar friendly ones, doing enough exercise to help offset increased blood sugar levels and keep the body healthy and losing weight especially if considered obese by the medical community. If you are pre-diabetic you need to stay on a strict diabetic diet. Ask your healthcare professional for a diet that meets that criteria and limit cakes, candy, cookies, and other things made of simple sugars. Eat small, nutritious meals and eat 5 times a day instead of only three. If you are already diagnosed with full-blown diabetes, you should follow the same diet while under the meticulous care of your healthcare professional. Keep your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar within proper limits and have your eyes checked every year. Diabetes can contribute to blindness, kidney disease and heart disease. Complications caused nearly 70,000 deaths in 2000. >> Unlikely “Diet Hack” REVERSES Diabetes Type 2 in Weeks
2021-03-08 07:55:19.191000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention', 'Diabetes Newsblog', 'Diabetes Tipo 2']
Title Diabetes Long Term DangersContent Diabetes Long Term Dangers Diabetes hidden danger begin diagnosis continue worsen certain step taken prevent complication true “killers” term diabetes Statistics show around 18 million diabetic America Type 1 Type 2 amazing many people diabetic included idea danger diabetic face lifetime diabetic thing equal life almost 10 year le nondiabetic counterpart average Discover 1 Green VEGGIE WORSENS Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms New Information diabetic life shorter life span nondiabetics answer simple complicated Simple explaining general term complicated medical sense Without traveling complicated route article try give simple straight forward answer question Diabetics live shorter life nondiabetics diabetic complication Diabetic Complications Diabetic complication chronic medical condition begin affect body diabetic complication brought mostly condition medical community named “Advanced Glycation End products” simply “excess sugar” saturating inside cell body condition also called AGE short includes coronary artery disease vascular disease blindness kidney disease retinopathy blindness loss feeling hand foot peripheral neuropathy among others Diabetes early stage produce symptom Unless found routine medical exam possible diabetic remain undiagnosed year year beginning diabetic complication gain foothold due excess sugar cell AGE statistic show possibility many 5 million people going normal life undiagnosed diabetes Diabetic Complications Certainty current consensus formula diabetic complication Diabetes Time Complications mean much higher potential diabetic becoming diagnosed one diabetic complication time partly due well individual monitor control hisher blood sugar 1 Green VEGGIE INFLAMES Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms New Information Drastic rise fall blood sugar hard body excess sugar present cell create havoc different nerve within body well capillary vein artery evidence date show excellent control blood sugar active lifestyle go long way preventing andor slowing onset diabetic complication Different Types Diabetes two type diabetes — Type One Type Two Type One attack child young adult characterized pancreas failing produce insulin hormone break sugar starch converting energy Type Two occurs usually later adult’s life characterized pancreas unable produce enough insulin due several factor obesity one Around 10 percent diabetic Type One 90 percent Type Two major difference two Type One diabetic completely dependent insulin take daily injection Type Two’s require insulin shot others rely oral medication andor change diet exercise Risk Factors Surrounding Diabetes several risk factor push prediabetic full blown diabetes 1 overweight 2 family history diabetes 3 lack adequate exercise 4 history gestational diabetes occurs pregnancy usually disappears delivery 5 certain ethnic group Discover 1 Common Veggie Avoid SPIKES Blood Sugar Levels People 45 year age one several risk factor mentioned screened diabetes year preferably annual medical exam shown people risk factor comprise majority diagnosed case diabetes year Tests Help Diagnose Diabetes Cases two main test used determining whether person glucose intolerance 1 Fasting Plasma Glucose Test 2 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test test determine glucose intolerance blood sugar higher considered normal always indication diabetes however Onset Diabetes Prevented People risk factor go long way toward preventing development fullblown diabetes making significant lifestyle change lifestyle change Changing unhealthy diet blood sugar friendly one enough exercise help offset increased blood sugar level keep body healthy losing weight especially considered obese medical community prediabetic need stay strict diabetic diet Ask healthcare professional diet meet criterion limit cake candy cooky thing made simple sugar Eat small nutritious meal eat 5 time day instead three already diagnosed fullblown diabetes follow diet meticulous care healthcare professional Keep cholesterol blood pressure blood sugar within proper limit eye checked every year Diabetes contribute blindness kidney disease heart disease Complications caused nearly 70000 death 2000 Unlikely “Diet Hack” REVERSES Diabetes Type 2 WeeksTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention Diabetes Newsblog Diabetes Tipo 2
Definitely you can Instantly Controls the Sugar Level at Home:
Diabetes control naturally What is Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease. When it appears in blood, also called blood sugar. Stress, food, and living with an unnatural style of life can make you a diabetic person or can increase your sugar level as well. If you have diabetes for a long time, a high glucose level can create different health complications. Like infections, weak the immune system and can grow bacteria in your tissues. Due to high sugar levels, infections grow more rapidly. Diabetes creates different health issues which, can be related to the nervous system and affect the menstrual periods. Women with diabetes have an irregular cycle of periods. It can be changing the length of periods. The irregular menstrual cycle changes the level of the hormones. Types of Diabetes, Many people do not know that there are two types of diabetes. Type1; and type 2. What is the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2? If we see, both types are almost the same, but the treatment and causes are different. Type1 In type 1 pancreas cannot make insulin in the body. Beta cells that make the insulin are damaged and do not make enough insulin. Due to lake of insulin, the body gets the glucose from the food but does not absorb it into the cells and will remain in the blood and cannot be used in the body; that’s why the sugar level rises. If insulin does not produce as the requirement of a body, then sugar cannot control, and level goes extremely high. Type 2 Type 2 is very common. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas makes insulin but, your body cells cannot use it that’s why glucose levels; increase in your body. In this kind, insulin does not respond properly and have late insulin resistance. That is why glucose levels will high in your body. High blood sugar disturbs the blood circulatory system. the nervous and immune systems will not work in the right way. Symptoms: Dry mouth, upset stomach, vomiting, starvation, increased urination, rapid breathing, body shaking and feeling confusion, unexplained weight loss, blurry vision, belly pain, different skin, and urine infections are common symptoms. Treatment: There is no cure for diabetes, but we can control diabetes by treatment. And by spending a well-balanced life. We can take care of ourselves by medication and taking insulin according to the doctor and can control by monitoring the glucose level. For this purpose, we can use different monitors. How to Control Blood Sugar Level at Home We can spend healthy life by change the living style of life. Regular exercises and with the help of a simple diet you can control your sugar level at home very easily. Diet + exercise =health You can choose exercises as your willpower, but it must be constantly. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle have a beneficial effect on both types of diabetes. It can keep your glucose levels in the normal range. Different research shows that a healthier diet and exercise can lose weight and control diabetes. Manage your intake of carbs and use fibers, stay hydrated by drinking more water and try to manage your stress level. Some foods lower your blood sugar without insulin. Do a physical activity. You can get more information about a healthy lifestyle, and stress by clicking here. olive oil Control the Glucose Level instantly at Home: Here are some easy ways to lower your glucose level at home which I used for my parents to control the high glucose level. These remedies really work on your sugar level. A cup of black tea after breakfast and in the evening will help a lot to control your high blood sugar. Use regularly. I often use fruit of neem tree. Commonly known as Azadirachta indica and called nimtree, nimboli and Indian lilac. It is the fruit of neem’s tree. Neem’s tree has many benefits. But I use its dry fruit to control the diabetes of my parents. You can use it to control your sugar level instantly. Take five beans with water. But sorry its taste is bitter. Please bear it. And one thing more I bought this dry fruit from the herbalist’s shop and store it in my kitchen’s cabinet. You can try this really you get the wonderful result. My parents also use olive oil to maintain their glucose level. Every one knows that olive oil has many benefits. You can use one teaspoon of olive oil regularly for decrease the high glucose level. After use, the one of the remedies you must monitor the sugar level by the glucose monitor. To check your glucose level. NOTE: It is very necessary to monetarize your glucose level after using the remedies. you can use one or two remedies regularly if you have high sugar level.
['Sparkle Writer']
2021-12-18 13:02:43.582000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Healthcare', 'Lifestyle', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Natural']
Title Definitely Instantly Controls Sugar Level HomeContent Diabetes control naturally Diabetes Diabetes disease appears blood also called blood sugar Stress food living unnatural style life make diabetic person increase sugar level well diabetes long time high glucose level create different health complication Like infection weak immune system grow bacteria tissue Due high sugar level infection grow rapidly Diabetes creates different health issue related nervous system affect menstrual period Women diabetes irregular cycle period changing length period irregular menstrual cycle change level hormone Types Diabetes Many people know two type diabetes Type1 type 2 Difference Type 1 Type 2 see type almost treatment cause different Type1 type 1 pancreas cannot make insulin body Beta cell make insulin damaged make enough insulin Due lake insulin body get glucose food absorb cell remain blood cannot used body that’s sugar level rise insulin produce requirement body sugar cannot control level go extremely high Type 2 Type 2 common type diabetes pancreas make insulin body cell cannot use that’s glucose level increase body kind insulin respond properly late insulin resistance glucose level high body High blood sugar disturbs blood circulatory system nervous immune system work right way Symptoms Dry mouth upset stomach vomiting starvation increased urination rapid breathing body shaking feeling confusion unexplained weight loss blurry vision belly pain different skin urine infection common symptom Treatment cure diabetes control diabetes treatment spending wellbalanced life take care medication taking insulin according doctor control monitoring glucose level purpose use different monitor Control Blood Sugar Level Home spend healthy life change living style life Regular exercise help simple diet control sugar level home easily Diet exercise health choose exercise willpower must constantly Regular exercise healthy lifestyle beneficial effect type diabetes keep glucose level normal range Different research show healthier diet exercise lose weight control diabetes Manage intake carbs use fiber stay hydrated drinking water try manage stress level food lower blood sugar without insulin physical activity get information healthy lifestyle stress clicking olive oil Control Glucose Level instantly Home easy way lower glucose level home used parent control high glucose level remedy really work sugar level cup black tea breakfast evening help lot control high blood sugar Use regularly often use fruit neem tree Commonly known Azadirachta indica called nimtree nimboli Indian lilac fruit neem’s tree Neem’s tree many benefit use dry fruit control diabetes parent use control sugar level instantly Take five bean water sorry taste bitter Please bear one thing bought dry fruit herbalist’s shop store kitchen’s cabinet try really get wonderful result parent also use olive oil maintain glucose level Every one know olive oil many benefit use one teaspoon olive oil regularly decrease high glucose level use one remedy must monitor sugar level glucose monitor check glucose level NOTE necessary monetarize glucose level using remedy use one two remedy regularly high sugar levelTags Diabetes Healthcare Lifestyle Diabetes Solutions Natural
2. GLOBAL LIFE CHANGER WEALTH MAKERS PARTNERSHIP: Info Blog 2 of 2 London — Stockholm — Rome — Brisbane Stockholm quays by night! Why do ordinary people join our Life Changer Partnership teams right across the world? We participate in a unique global eco-system early warning health & wellness solution, building huge residual incomes as we go; And we offer team members a pathway to a better life both emotionally & financially. Ordinarily you wouldn’t be able to participate and benefit financially from the growth & success of a new, advanced category, life sensing global technology business. You could buy shares in Apple but that would cost you many thousands, you’d have no say in the ethics or brand of the business and you’d be at the mercy of the stock market. This truly is a unique opportunity to create a huge income from a usually closed industry & at the same time impact the world around you! Once established, the large residual income you create will allow you to make smart choices to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want! Its a life choice — Pure & simple! LEADERSHIP As a senior national leader within the global Life Changer Partnership group, you can offer potential team members an opportunity to live happier more fulfilled lives. The group’s lifestyle coaching programme massively impacts team members, through the sharing of a set of simple daily high performance habits. Clarity — Energy — Necessity — Productivity — Influence — Courage No matter how much time they’re able to put in or money they make within your team, without doubt, they will hugely benefit from partnering you in the business. In 2007 there were 700 apps. Today there are over 2 billion! This new advanced, smart technology creates an eco-system around these unique life saving products. An eco-system we can share and make millions of dollars from. It’s Scale-able adaptable technologies that are truly multi- dimensional. Never before could an ordinary person like you and me participate in the earning and profit potential of a business like this. Only faceless corporations could make money from this type of business in the past. But all that has changed with these advanced life sensing technologies. What we do! Plain and simple! We promote and share unique innovative advanced life sensing tech products and services to consumers all over the world, through word of mouth promotion & advertising that have the capacity to positively impact millions of lives. Helo LX+ — 2017/18 Clinical Grade … Video Below Extense — Blood/Sugar Diabetes Monitor Available December 2018 Helo Pro — (EU Certificated Medical grade) Available March 2019 The Helo Pro medical grade life sensing wristband is being launched across Europe in March 2019. When doctors will be able to recommend the tech and hospitals will be able to use it! 2. We build & grow a global network of like minded people within 195 countries who simply copy/duplicate what we do, by informing and educating those around them. This creates a huge amount of leverage for how we move the business forward and live our lives in the future! 3. We work closely with our network (team) to improve the productivity of that network (team) through capable informative leadership. IMPORTANT FACTS TO THINK ABOUT An estimated 19 million people die from cardio vascular disease every year, representing 32% of all global deaths. Here in the UK, 170,000 people die from heart and circulatory disease each year. Diabetes is a disease that affects 450 million people worldwide, and around 225 million of them do not even know they have the disease, according to the International Diabetes Federation. Across the world, without equivocation, the main causes of stroke are high blood pressure and high blood/glucose levels (diabetes). Personal monitoring is the future! Forbes — Time — Wall Street Journal… All predict the next global tech market boom to be in life sensing technology. A $100 billion dollar market by 2022!! Worth finding out more, I’d say! Life Changer Management Group — Ethical Goals Our Aim is to draw people to us using unique and remarkable content via personally connective, highly emotional, imaginative videos, podcasts, webcasts, blogs and targeted automated funnel messages. Our intent; our goal is to engage with many thousands of people who are interested in the issues we promote. We endeavour to keep each interested person involved & open to a flow of short info blasts, until such a time as the penny drops and they come forward & ask to become involved either by adding content, joining one of the Life Changer teams around the world or simply buying & sharing a product. Important information- TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN BUSINESS — WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TECH MARKET PLACE AND THE GLOBAL TECH MANUFACTURERS WE PARTNER WITH. Click the link here, to find out more- TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN BUSINESS Dedicated detailed “Due Diligence” on Wor(l)d & its advanced life sensing technology!medium.com WE DO NO SELLING WHATSOEVER! We are not sharks we are cultivators of content; content that once shared, prolongs healthier living & saves lives. Instead of chasing leads or cold marketing people we simply seek to inform and educate those in our sphere of influence, driving them to find out more, ask questions, seek clarity, gain advice or simply buy the product to use and share. Our approach is to see every person who connects with us as a doorway to all their friends and contacts not as a potential sale. We divorce ourselves from the result and seek only to engage inform and educate those that contact and engage with us. We encourage every member within a Life Changer team to create a personal connective bio blog allowing them to share emotive connective personal information that gives an insight into how that team member became the person they are. Here is an example of an ex pro footballer who lost everything but found his calling within the group and rebuilt a better life. He’s a regular guy but has a vision to help change the world; A vision given to him by his team leader and above him the Life Changer Management Partnership. Click the link to read his story… Here’s Me -Stuart Bimson… Ex Pro Footballer: Licensed First Team Performance Coach: Life Coach: Church Leader…medium.com It shows the world what matters to them and what they seek to achieve over the remainder of their working lives. THE SIMPLE ANSWER TO… HOW DO WE MAKE MONEY AT THIS? The sharing economy is just a better way… We do it all the time. We recommend our favourite hang out spots, movies, restaurants, music, and so on. Sharing our likes and interests comes naturally. But when was the last time your recommended any of the above and got monetarily rewarded for it? Chances are, never. But commerce is changing as social media and social trends usher in what is referred to as the Sharing Economy. Wor(l)d is at the fore- front of this economic shift, and has created a platform that rewards a team member for spreading the word about Wor(l)d products & services. Through Wor(l)d’s unique Payment Plan, every time you refer someone that orders a product or joins the Loyalty Program, you get paid a commission. The more people you refer, the more you earn. Plus, you also earn when your customers and members refer other people and your entire referral network grows. It happens naturally, it happens organically & it works, 10 generations deep. On top of that, Wor(l)d has created massive financial bonuses to team leaders for monthly team referrals volume. They have also created exciting incentive packages including free travel to major Wor(l)d events, five star holidays and luxury lifestyle goods, which, of course, create huge energy for the most ambitious teams. Its simply the most lucrative and transparent incentivised payment system in the world! (full disclosure on financial remuneration on request) For top leaders within the Life Changer Partnership: The earning potential is huge! Money isn’t everything but it sure helps! We all intend & work towards becoming multi-millionaires from working within the senior global management team of the Life Changer Partnership. This kind of wealth can be built within a 2–3–4 year period, if you create the right contacts, motivation and drive within your national team. AFTER ALL — ITS A PREDICTED — 100 BILLION DOLLAR — BOOM TECH MARKET! Wor(l)d has targeted just a 4 to 5 percent global market share going forward. That not just realistic its highly achievable.. And when we do achieve that market share, it will mean a large number of team leaders across the globe, within the Life Changer partnership, will have achieved great wealth. Maybe you should be part of that! REMEMBER Everybody wants to prevent serious illness! And everyone wants to live longer healthier, lives! The solution is prevention over treatment! Its the future — Plain and Simple! — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DIRECTOR OF SALES & HEAD OF AUSTRALASIA LIFE CHANGER GROUP BRIAN COOPER-SENIOR GROUP COACH — Based in Brisbane Brian Cooper — Global Business Development — WOR(l)D Network HK | LinkedIn View Brian Cooper’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Brian has 3 jobs listed on their…www.linkedin.com DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS & HEAD OF UK LIFE CHANGER GROUP STEVE PHILLIPS-SENIOR GROUP COACH — Based in London Steve Phillips — Business Leader & Life Coach — Life Changer Wealth Makers Partnership |… View Steve Phillips’ profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Steve has 5 jobs listed on their…www.linkedin.com DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & HEAD OF NORDIC COUNTRIES LIFE CHANGER GROUP TONI WIGREN-SENIOR MARKETING COACH — Based in Stockholm Toni Wigren — Global Business Development Manager — Self employed | LinkedIn View Toni Wigren’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Toni has 3 jobs listed on their…www.linkedin.com DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS & HEAD OF WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT IN GLOBAL LIFE CHANGER GROUP SANDRA WIGREN-SENIOR EMPOWERMENT COACH — World Globe-Trotter Sandra Wigren — Ambassador Global Woman club — Global Woman Club Stockholm | LinkedIn View Sandra Wigren’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Sandra has 7 jobs listed on their…www.linkedin.com
['Stuart Bimson']
2018-11-27 07:30:32.355000+00:00
Title 2 GLOBAL LIFE CHANGER WEALTH MAKERS PARTNERSHIPContent 2 GLOBAL LIFE CHANGER WEALTH MAKERS PARTNERSHIP Info Blog 2 2 London — Stockholm — Rome — Brisbane Stockholm quay night ordinary people join Life Changer Partnership team right across world participate unique global ecosystem early warning health wellness solution building huge residual income go offer team member pathway better life emotionally financially Ordinarily wouldn’t able participate benefit financially growth success new advanced category life sensing global technology business could buy share Apple would cost many thousand you’d say ethic brand business you’d mercy stock market truly unique opportunity create huge income usually closed industry time impact world around established large residual income create allow make smart choice able whatever want whenever want life choice — Pure simple LEADERSHIP senior national leader within global Life Changer Partnership group offer potential team member opportunity live happier fulfilled life group’s lifestyle coaching programme massively impact team member sharing set simple daily high performance habit Clarity — Energy — Necessity — Productivity — Influence — Courage matter much time they’re able put money make within team without doubt hugely benefit partnering business 2007 700 apps Today 2 billion new advanced smart technology creates ecosystem around unique life saving product ecosystem share make million dollar It’s Scaleable adaptable technology truly multi dimensional Never could ordinary person like participate earning profit potential business like faceless corporation could make money type business past changed advanced life sensing technology Plain simple promote share unique innovative advanced life sensing tech product service consumer world word mouth promotion advertising capacity positively impact million life Helo LX — 201718 Clinical Grade … Video Extense — BloodSugar Diabetes Monitor Available December 2018 Helo Pro — EU Certificated Medical grade Available March 2019 Helo Pro medical grade life sensing wristband launched across Europe March 2019 doctor able recommend tech hospital able use 2 build grow global network like minded people within 195 country simply copyduplicate informing educating around creates huge amount leverage move business forward live life future 3 work closely network team improve productivity network team capable informative leadership IMPORTANT FACTS THINK estimated 19 million people die cardio vascular disease every year representing 32 global death UK 170000 people die heart circulatory disease year Diabetes disease affect 450 million people worldwide around 225 million even know disease according International Diabetes Federation Across world without equivocation main cause stroke high blood pressure high bloodglucose level diabetes Personal monitoring future Forbes — Time — Wall Street Journal… predict next global tech market boom life sensing technology 100 billion dollar market 2022 Worth finding I’d say Life Changer Management Group — Ethical Goals Aim draw people u using unique remarkable content via personally connective highly emotional imaginative video podcasts webcasts blog targeted automated funnel message intent goal engage many thousand people interested issue promote endeavour keep interested person involved open flow short info blast time penny drop come forward ask become involved either adding content joining one Life Changer team around world simply buying sharing product Important information TIMING EVERYTHING BUSINESS — NEED KNOW TRUTH TECH MARKET PLACE GLOBAL TECH MANUFACTURERS PARTNER Click link find TIMING EVERYTHING BUSINESS Dedicated detailed “Due Diligence” World advanced life sensing technologymediumcom SELLING WHATSOEVER shark cultivator content content shared prolongs healthier living save life Instead chasing lead cold marketing people simply seek inform educate sphere influence driving find ask question seek clarity gain advice simply buy product use share approach see every person connects u doorway friend contact potential sale divorce result seek engage inform educate contact engage u encourage every member within Life Changer team create personal connective bio blog allowing share emotive connective personal information give insight team member became person example ex pro footballer lost everything found calling within group rebuilt better life He’s regular guy vision help change world vision given team leader Life Changer Management Partnership Click link read story… Here’s Stuart Bimson… Ex Pro Footballer Licensed First Team Performance Coach Life Coach Church Leader…mediumcom show world matter seek achieve remainder working life SIMPLE ANSWER TO… MAKE MONEY sharing economy better way… time recommend favourite hang spot movie restaurant music Sharing like interest come naturally last time recommended got monetarily rewarded Chances never commerce changing social medium social trend usher referred Sharing Economy World fore front economic shift created platform reward team member spreading word World product service World’s unique Payment Plan every time refer someone order product join Loyalty Program get paid commission people refer earn Plus also earn customer member refer people entire referral network grows happens naturally happens organically work 10 generation deep top World created massive financial bonus team leader monthly team referral volume also created exciting incentive package including free travel major World event five star holiday luxury lifestyle good course create huge energy ambitious team simply lucrative transparent incentivised payment system world full disclosure financial remuneration request top leader within Life Changer Partnership earning potential huge Money isn’t everything sure help intend work towards becoming multimillionaires working within senior global management team Life Changer Partnership kind wealth built within 2–3–4 year period create right contact motivation drive within national team — PREDICTED — 100 BILLION DOLLAR — BOOM TECH MARKET World targeted 4 5 percent global market share going forward realistic highly achievable achieve market share mean large number team leader across globe within Life Changer partnership achieved great wealth Maybe part REMEMBER Everybody want prevent serious illness everyone want live longer healthier life solution prevention treatment future — Plain Simple — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DIRECTOR SALES HEAD AUSTRALASIA LIFE CHANGER GROUP BRIAN COOPERSENIOR GROUP COACH — Based Brisbane Brian Cooper — Global Business Development — WORlD Network HK LinkedIn View Brian Cooper’s profile LinkedIn world’s largest professional community Brian 3 job listed their…wwwlinkedincom DIRECTOR OPERATIONS HEAD UK LIFE CHANGER GROUP STEVE PHILLIPSSENIOR GROUP COACH — Based London Steve Phillips — Business Leader Life Coach — Life Changer Wealth Makers Partnership … View Steve Phillips’ profile LinkedIn world’s largest professional community Steve 5 job listed their…wwwlinkedincom DIRECTOR MARKETING HEAD NORDIC COUNTRIES LIFE CHANGER GROUP TONI WIGRENSENIOR MARKETING COACH — Based Stockholm Toni Wigren — Global Business Development Manager — Self employed LinkedIn View Toni Wigren’s profile LinkedIn world’s largest professional community Toni 3 job listed their…wwwlinkedincom DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS HEAD WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT GLOBAL LIFE CHANGER GROUP SANDRA WIGRENSENIOR EMPOWERMENT COACH — World GlobeTrotter Sandra Wigren — Ambassador Global Woman club — Global Woman Club Stockholm LinkedIn View Sandra Wigren’s profile LinkedIn world’s largest professional community Sandra 7 job listed their…wwwlinkedincomTags Diabetes
Health Tips For Diabetes
Health Tips For Diabetes All the people who are suffering from the problem of diabetes, here’s good news for you all! This article provides you some great dietary tips that will certainly help in preventing the rise in your blood sugar levels. It is true that diabetic people are well aware about the ill-effects and dangers of eating sugary food. They should totally avoid any intake of foodstuff that are sweet in taste in order to keep the sugar count in their blood in balanced state. Moreover you would be little sad to read that apart from limited intake of sugar content, one should also limit the salt intake in diet as well. Say a big ‘no’ to oily and fried foodstuffs in diet. Stay away from saturated fats and junk food items. Certain restrictions are undoubtedly necessary for people suffering from diabetes but it does not mean that they should skip their meals and starve. Instead they should enrich their daily diet with healthy breakfast in morning. They should go for rich balanced diet. They should include green leafy veggies as well as colorful fruits in their daily life. You would be glad to read that intake of whole grains are highly beneficial for diabetic people. People suffering from diabetes should limit the intake of dietary fat in their diet. If you are non vegetarian, then go for lean meat options only. Moreover all the diabetic people should remember that there are certain food items that can naturally help in lowering the blood sugar levels in your body. These food items include fenugreek, flaxseed, bitter gourd, garlic. So make sure you include these healthy food items in your daily diet to keep the sugar level under control. They should drink plenty of water in their daily diet and limit the alcohol consumption. Discover my most recomended diabetes soution with 100% satisfied members
['J Thomas']
2020-08-29 04:02:13.631000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention']
Title Health Tips DiabetesContent Health Tips Diabetes people suffering problem diabetes here’s good news article provides great dietary tip certainly help preventing rise blood sugar level true diabetic people well aware illeffects danger eating sugary food totally avoid intake foodstuff sweet taste order keep sugar count blood balanced state Moreover would little sad read apart limited intake sugar content one also limit salt intake diet well Say big ‘no’ oily fried foodstuff diet Stay away saturated fat junk food item Certain restriction undoubtedly necessary people suffering diabetes mean skip meal starve Instead enrich daily diet healthy breakfast morning go rich balanced diet include green leafy veggie well colorful fruit daily life would glad read intake whole grain highly beneficial diabetic people People suffering diabetes limit intake dietary fat diet non vegetarian go lean meat option Moreover diabetic people remember certain food item naturally help lowering blood sugar level body food item include fenugreek flaxseed bitter gourd garlic make sure include healthy food item daily diet keep sugar level control drink plenty water daily diet limit alcohol consumption Discover recomended diabetes soution 100 satisfied membersTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention
What Is A Prebiotic — Nutraxyst
PRE — [before] BIOTIC — [life] As you might have guessed from the word, Prebiotic means something that is existing or occurring before life. In simpler terms prebiotics are nothing more than compounds in food that induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, etc. Our gastrointestinal tract acts as home to most of these healthy bacteria, This is also where you can find a majority of our microbiome. Dietary prebiotics can pass through our upper gastrointestinal tract without being digested and end up in our large intestine, Where our beneficial bacteria start using them as a source of energy. Categories And Differentiation Soluble or Insoluble Prebiotics fall under the category of soluble fibers. Soluble fibers get broken down in the large intestine but insoluble fibers pass through relatively undigested. It’s important to not mistaken one for the other. The Saccharides story oligosaccharides are the main source of prebiotics. oligosaccharides are then further divided into two categories known as fructans and galactans. Which have been found to stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria colonies in the gut. Fructans are further categorized of carbohydrates consisting of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulins, while galactans consist of galactooligosaccharides (GOS). There are other dietary fibers as well that fit the definition of prebiotics such as xyloosaccharides, beta-glucans, pectin and resistant starch. Benefits Of Prebiotics Defend Against Pathogenic Microbes Besides stimulating the growth of healthy bacteria, prebiotics have also been shown to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes in the gut such as clostrida. Increases Friendly Bacteria There are around 100 trillion bacteria in our gut. When we eat the regulated amount of prebiotics our gut bacteria thrive and work the way they should. Helps With Synthesis of Vitamins And Minerals Prebiotics help the bacteria thrive and in return the bacteria help the host absorb vitamins and minerals better. This really helps in the long run especially when you combine it with other helpful benefits. Enhanced Immune System 90% of our immune system resides in the gut. A healthy functioning gut helps with the right immune responses. In turn these right immune responses help a little bit with autoimmune disorders. Lowering The Risk Of Colon Cancer With the help of enriched fiber the gut microbes produce Acetic acid and Butyric acid. While metabolizing bile acids, Sterols and xenobiotics. All these create a better environment for the cells, thus making it very hard for any kind of mutation to start. Helps Control Insulin Levels Being soluble fibers. Prebiotics help reduce down the insulin spike we experience while eating food. Heavy insulin spikes are not considered good for the body. This can really help people who have diabetes. Besides these benefits there are many more advantages to using prebiotics which can be found here in our PDF. How Do Bacteria Use Prebiotics? Prebiotics are fermented inside the large gastrointestinal bowel. A large majority of bacteria consists of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus which break down the substrate by breaking down the prebiotics. Bifidobacteria also produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as a byproduct. Which have positive physiological benefits on the host. The bacteria also produce other different chemicals and enzymes to help the host. In this symbiotic exchange both the bacteria and the host benefit each other. Sources Of Prebiotics In Nature Endogenous Sources The best endogenous source of prebiotic in humans is human breast milk, which contains oligosaccharides structurally similar to galatooligosaccharides. This is also referred to as human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). HMOs increase the bifidobacteria population in breastfed newborn infants. Not only that but, HMOs also strengthen the immune system and help create a healthy microbiota composition in newborns. Exogenous Sources These can be categorized as indigestible carbohydrate compounds which are fermentable fibers. In broader aspect these are also known as dietary fibers, although it is important to note that not all dietary fibers can be considered as prebiotics. Down below are some of the best foods that contain prebiotics Although there is no universal recommended amount of prebiotic that you need to consume each day. The recommended daily intake of prebiotics range from 4 to 8 grams. While the daily average recommended amount comes to around 6 grams. This range can go upto 15 grams per day for those with active digestive disorders or people who are trying to increase the population of healthy gut microbiome. The chart above shows the amount of food that would be needed to consume in order to reach the daily recommended average 6 grams of prebiotics. Prebiotics are naturally abundant in plants and vegetables such as Chicory Root, Jerusalem Artichoke and Dandelion Greens to name a few. As you can see it’s pretty hard to get the recommended amount of prebiotic in the diet if you aren’t eating the right foods. To help you get the right amount of prebiotic each day we have made chlorofiber. You can find more about how chlorofiber works here. Conclusion Prebiotics are usually not the point of focus when considering a healthy diet but as you can see from the data, The benefits of getting enough prebiotics can help ward off many health issues. Prebiotics can help you and you family live a healthier life much more easily. Creating a healthy microbiome has long term benefits and advantages. So the next time you are eating your food, Think about the amount of prebiotics it might have in it.
['Varun Paherwar']
2019-01-27 18:13:47.937000+00:00
['Health', 'Prebiotics', 'Fitness', 'Diabetes', 'Cancer']
Title Prebiotic — NutraxystContent PRE — BIOTIC — life might guessed word Prebiotic mean something existing occurring life simpler term prebiotics nothing compound food induce growth activity beneficial microorganism bacteria fungi etc gastrointestinal tract act home healthy bacteria also find majority microbiome Dietary prebiotics pas upper gastrointestinal tract without digested end large intestine beneficial bacteria start using source energy Categories Differentiation Soluble Insoluble Prebiotics fall category soluble fiber Soluble fiber get broken large intestine insoluble fiber pas relatively undigested It’s important mistaken one Saccharides story oligosaccharide main source prebiotics oligosaccharide divided two category known fructans galactans found stimulate growth activity beneficial bacteria colony gut Fructans categorized carbohydrate consisting fructooligosaccharides FOS inulin galactans consist galactooligosaccharides GOS dietary fiber well fit definition prebiotics xyloosaccharides betaglucans pectin resistant starch Benefits Prebiotics Defend Pathogenic Microbes Besides stimulating growth healthy bacteria prebiotics also shown inhibit growth pathogenic microbe gut clostrida Increases Friendly Bacteria around 100 trillion bacteria gut eat regulated amount prebiotics gut bacteria thrive work way Helps Synthesis Vitamins Minerals Prebiotics help bacteria thrive return bacteria help host absorb vitamin mineral better really help long run especially combine helpful benefit Enhanced Immune System 90 immune system resides gut healthy functioning gut help right immune response turn right immune response help little bit autoimmune disorder Lowering Risk Colon Cancer help enriched fiber gut microbe produce Acetic acid Butyric acid metabolizing bile acid Sterols xenobiotics create better environment cell thus making hard kind mutation start Helps Control Insulin Levels soluble fiber Prebiotics help reduce insulin spike experience eating food Heavy insulin spike considered good body really help people diabetes Besides benefit many advantage using prebiotics found PDF Bacteria Use Prebiotics Prebiotics fermented inside large gastrointestinal bowel large majority bacteria consists bifidobacteria lactobacillus break substrate breaking prebiotics Bifidobacteria also produce short chain fatty acid SCFAs byproduct positive physiological benefit host bacteria also produce different chemical enzyme help host symbiotic exchange bacteria host benefit Sources Prebiotics Nature Endogenous Sources best endogenous source prebiotic human human breast milk contains oligosaccharide structurally similar galatooligosaccharides also referred human milk oligosaccharide HMOs HMOs increase bifidobacteria population breastfed newborn infant HMOs also strengthen immune system help create healthy microbiota composition newborn Exogenous Sources categorized indigestible carbohydrate compound fermentable fiber broader aspect also known dietary fiber although important note dietary fiber considered prebiotics best food contain prebiotics Although universal recommended amount prebiotic need consume day recommended daily intake prebiotics range 4 8 gram daily average recommended amount come around 6 gram range go upto 15 gram per day active digestive disorder people trying increase population healthy gut microbiome chart show amount food would needed consume order reach daily recommended average 6 gram prebiotics Prebiotics naturally abundant plant vegetable Chicory Root Jerusalem Artichoke Dandelion Greens name see it’s pretty hard get recommended amount prebiotic diet aren’t eating right food help get right amount prebiotic day made chlorofiber find chlorofiber work Conclusion Prebiotics usually point focus considering healthy diet see data benefit getting enough prebiotics help ward many health issue Prebiotics help family live healthier life much easily Creating healthy microbiome long term benefit advantage next time eating food Think amount prebiotics might itTags Health Prebiotics Fitness Diabetes Cancer
FreeStyle Libre Sensors — A Modern Diabetes Revolution?
Abbott FreeStyle LIbre Sensors For those of you who are completely unaware as to what the Abbott FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system is, or for those who have a friend or relative who can’t stop talking about how it’s changed their life, we’ve put together a short piece discussing the key points surrounding the mini revolution taking place in the world of glucose monitoring systems. Have a quick read through and as always, get in touch for more information. So why do we need a new system to monitor glucose levels? When it comes to measuring blood glucose levels, patients suffering from diabetes have seen very little in the way of innovation to make the entire process of testing & monitoring blood glucose less painful and more streamlined. Historically, patients suffering from Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, who regular test their blood glucose levels, have had to perform the often painful and damaging procedure of finger pricking (using a lancet to pierce the skin in order to expel a small amount of blood). This is necessary as current technology for measuring blood glucose requires the patient to provide a minute blood sample in the form of a blood droplet, to get an accurate reading of current glucose circulation in the blood. Unfortunately, although glucose monitors themselves have become more technologically advance, allowing patients to transfer and monitor readings on their smartphone or mobile device, the method of testing itself has remained the same. The new FreeStyle Libre glucose monitoring system This is where the new FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system comes into play. Designed to liberate patients from the hassles of previous glucose monitoring methods, the FreeStyle Libre system allows for convenient, continuous automatic measurement of fluid glucose levels throughout the day. How does this new system work? The FreeStyle Libre system centres around the FreeStyle Libre Sensor, a device that is implanted in the back of the arm, which continuously measures interstitial fluid glucose levels. The interstitial fluid (ISF) is a thin layer of fluid that surrounds the cells of the tissues below your skin, therefore readings are not obtained from your blood but rather ISF. There is a 5 to 10 minute delay in ISF glucose response to changes in blood glucose. The FreeStyle Libre sensor is able to automatically measure and store glucose readings throughout the day and night, meaning patients are no longer required to test glucose levels up to 4 times a day. The sensor updates glucose results up to every minute and stores up to 8 hours of glucose readings in 15 minute intervals. These readings can then be read via the FreeStyle Libre Reader or through a convenient smartphone app. FreeStyle Libre Sensors can be worn for up to 14 days per device, and are now available for purchase online and at Smart Chemist. For more information or to buy a FreeStyle Libre Sensor visit Smart Chemist by clicking here
['Muhammad M.']
2018-11-11 15:50:09.277000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Freestyle Libre', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Online Pharmacy']
Title FreeStyle Libre Sensors — Modern Diabetes RevolutionContent Abbott FreeStyle LIbre Sensors completely unaware Abbott FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system friend relative can’t stop talking it’s changed life we’ve put together short piece discussing key point surrounding mini revolution taking place world glucose monitoring system quick read always get touch information need new system monitor glucose level come measuring blood glucose level patient suffering diabetes seen little way innovation make entire process testing monitoring blood glucose le painful streamlined Historically patient suffering Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus regular test blood glucose level perform often painful damaging procedure finger pricking using lancet pierce skin order expel small amount blood necessary current technology measuring blood glucose requires patient provide minute blood sample form blood droplet get accurate reading current glucose circulation blood Unfortunately although glucose monitor become technologically advance allowing patient transfer monitor reading smartphone mobile device method testing remained new FreeStyle Libre glucose monitoring system new FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system come play Designed liberate patient hassle previous glucose monitoring method FreeStyle Libre system allows convenient continuous automatic measurement fluid glucose level throughout day new system work FreeStyle Libre system centre around FreeStyle Libre Sensor device implanted back arm continuously measure interstitial fluid glucose level interstitial fluid ISF thin layer fluid surround cell tissue skin therefore reading obtained blood rather ISF 5 10 minute delay ISF glucose response change blood glucose FreeStyle Libre sensor able automatically measure store glucose reading throughout day night meaning patient longer required test glucose level 4 time day sensor update glucose result every minute store 8 hour glucose reading 15 minute interval reading read via FreeStyle Libre Reader convenient smartphone app FreeStyle Libre Sensors worn 14 day per device available purchase online Smart Chemist information buy FreeStyle Libre Sensor visit Smart Chemist clicking hereTags Diabetes Freestyle Libre Diabetes Solutions Online Pharmacy
Know and Fight Diabetes
In Pakistan every 4th person is diabetic that’s a real grave situation. Every year private sector, NGOs and pharmaceutical industry (producing anti diabetic products) raise voice on 14th November. However no serious campaign or drive is initiated by government of Pakistan. The government should encourage long term Diabetes awareness program and lifestyle that prevent diabetes, also guidelines for healthy lifestyle after diabetes is diagnosed for improving quality of life. The best example if healthy lifestyle and proper care is adopted after diabetes is of Cricket Legend Wasim Akram who was diagnosed diabetes while he was playing international cricket, he really fought the battle with this deadly disease. The understanding of the disease awareness among the masses is almost non-existent with no real effort to create awareness. Diabetes are of two types one type 1 and type 2, the type 1 is also known as Diabetes Mellitus it occurs in children and young adults however it can occur at any age. The other type of diabetes is type 2. The third type of diabetes is temporary and is called Gestational diabetes develops in women when they are pregnant but it goes away once baby is born. However sometime type II diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy which is confused with Gestational diabetes. The causes of type 1 diabetes include the body’s system for fighting, immune system, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. The type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might trigger the disease. The scientists are also working to specifically point out causes of type 1 diabetes and possible ways to prevent or slows down the disease. The type 2 diabetes is the most common of the diabetes, caused by several factors, including lifestyle factors and genes. Diabetes 2 usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which muscle, liver and fat cells do not use insulin well. This situation asks for more insulin to help glucose enter cells. Pancreas produce more insulin to meet the added demand, over the period the pancreas cannot make enough insulin and glucose rise in blood. The most common symptoms of diabetes include: Being very thirsty Urinating often Feeling very hungry or tired Losing weight without trying Having sores that heal slowly Having dry, itchy skin Losing the feeling in your feet or having tingling in your feet Most common having blurry eyesight When a person is diagnosed with diabetes should start monitoring sugar levels and keep with medications or insulin whatever is or both prescribed by the doctor. The most important thing is to change lifestyle. The diabetic patient should pay special attention to food intake that ease up on sugar levels and improve quality of life. The food which control blood sugar include mushrooms, onions, eggplant, tomatoes, Brussels sprout. Also emphasis should be on green veggies. The plain water is always the best but diabetes patient can cut a lemon or cucumber and put it in water. The diabetes patient can add lemon or cinnamon stick with cold tea. This will help in stopping craving for more food and keeps you filled. The diabetic patient should go for whole grain and high fiber foods. To maintain healthy blood sugar level is very important and minimize the medications intake by losing weight and keep it down. Keep oneself physically active. The diabetic patient should follow a meal plan. Sometimes the people with diabetes 2 find that despite their best efforts weight control, exercise and diet are not enough to control the blood sugar level, this is not abnormal. These people should keep regular consultation with their diabetes care team.
['Bilal Hassan Zaidi']
2018-11-11 07:07:19.639000+00:00
['Health', 'Diabetes', 'Lifestyle']
Title Know Fight DiabetesContent Pakistan every 4th person diabetic that’s real grave situation Every year private sector NGOs pharmaceutical industry producing anti diabetic product raise voice 14th November However serious campaign drive initiated government Pakistan government encourage long term Diabetes awareness program lifestyle prevent diabetes also guideline healthy lifestyle diabetes diagnosed improving quality life best example healthy lifestyle proper care adopted diabetes Cricket Legend Wasim Akram diagnosed diabetes playing international cricket really fought battle deadly disease understanding disease awareness among mass almost nonexistent real effort create awareness Diabetes two type one type 1 type 2 type 1 also known Diabetes Mellitus occurs child young adult however occur age type diabetes type 2 third type diabetes temporary called Gestational diabetes develops woman pregnant go away baby born However sometime type II diabetes diagnosed pregnancy confused Gestational diabetes cause type 1 diabetes include body’s system fighting immune system attack destroys insulinproducing beta cell pancreas type 1 diabetes caused gene environmental factor virus might trigger disease scientist also working specifically point cause type 1 diabetes possible way prevent slows disease type 2 diabetes common diabetes caused several factor including lifestyle factor gene Diabetes 2 usually begin insulin resistance condition muscle liver fat cell use insulin well situation asks insulin help glucose enter cell Pancreas produce insulin meet added demand period pancreas cannot make enough insulin glucose rise blood common symptom diabetes include thirsty Urinating often Feeling hungry tired Losing weight without trying sore heal slowly dry itchy skin Losing feeling foot tingling foot common blurry eyesight person diagnosed diabetes start monitoring sugar level keep medication insulin whatever prescribed doctor important thing change lifestyle diabetic patient pay special attention food intake ease sugar level improve quality life food control blood sugar include mushroom onion eggplant tomato Brussels sprout Also emphasis green veggie plain water always best diabetes patient cut lemon cucumber put water diabetes patient add lemon cinnamon stick cold tea help stopping craving food keep filled diabetic patient go whole grain high fiber food maintain healthy blood sugar level important minimize medication intake losing weight keep Keep oneself physically active diabetic patient follow meal plan Sometimes people diabetes 2 find despite best effort weight control exercise diet enough control blood sugar level abnormal people keep regular consultation diabetes care teamTags Health Diabetes Lifestyle
Is the Healthcare System Working Against Those with Diabetes?
Is the Healthcare System Working Against Those with Diabetes? People trying to manage their diabetes face two unique hurdles that are built in to the current healthcare landscape. Receiving a diagnosis of a chronic health condition — or, an illness that requires ongoing care — is never easy. There’s a lot to consider. How will this condition affect how I feel every day? How is my daily routine going to have to change? How much are my medications and other treatments going to cost? Those with diabetes deal with all of those challenges, and more — some of which are unique to diabetes. Here are two, and what you can do about them. Bias in the healthcare system An unfortunate fact: our society regularly exhibits bias against those who are overweight or obese. The stigma overweight people face can affect how they’re treated at work, at school and even at their doctor’s office. A survey of more than 2,000 doctors concluded that weight bias is as common among physicians as it is among the general public. While not all people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are overweight, many are. It’s estimated that about 50% of people with type 1 and about 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. That comprises a large portion of those living with diabetes who are subject to negative bias when working with a physician to manage their condition. Further, there is a commonly-held assumption that those with diabetes are to blame for their disease. While risk factors include age, family history, medical history and comorbid health conditions, many overlook those considerations and approach diabetes solely as a lifestyle-induced condition. Physician bias related to patients’ weight can do more than make people uncomfortable or lower their self-esteem — it can negatively affect health outcomes, too. When doctors express bias toward their patients, a few things can happen. First, doctors may spend less time with these patients during appointments and provide less health education counseling. Second, when patients feel they are being stigmatized, they are less likely to seek follow-up care from a physician, which can be detrimental to the successful management of a condition that requires regular check-ins and potential treatment adjustments. Third, when a diabetes patient perceives that he or she is being stigmatized while interacting with a doctor, the resulting stress responses can make it more difficult to absorb new information — a significant barrier when it comes to learning how to successfully manage their condition. It’s likely that, as might be true for much of the general public, these biases are not intentional or mean-spirited. But the consequences are real. Put simply: those seeking help from a doctor to manage their diabetes could be getting lower-quality healthcare than those with other chronic conditions. High out-of-pocket costs People with diabetes have medical expenditures 2.3 times higher than those without diabetes, on average. While those with health coverage have the benefit of getting help with those costs from their health plan, more and more plans are increasing their cost-sharing requirements, placing more out-of-pocket cost burden on the patient. These types of plans expose all consumers to financial risk, but diabetic patients may be more likely to experience the financial pitfalls of these high out of pocket costs. For those without health coverage, footing the entire bill for blood glucose monitoring supplies, medication, and/or insulin can seem nearly impossible. Insulin, which is a non-negotiable need for type 1 and some type 2 diabetics, has exhibited atypical pricing trends in the marketplace; prices haven’t notably dropped even when competition in the market increased. Unaffordable treatment leads to medication nonadherence — or, people not taking their medications as prescribed. For diabetics, the consequences can be serious and immediate. A recent study showed that 16.5% of people with diabetes experienced cost-related medication nonadherence, with the incidence being even higher for those who used insulin. What you can do A reduction in physician weight bias could be achieved by providing issue-specific training to doctors. You can facilitate this and help the issue gain more exposure by reporting your experience to the Obesity Action Coalition. To help with costs, be sure to check Blink to see if there’s a cheaper price available for your metformin, glipizide, glimepiride, pioglitazone, insulin, or testing supplies like your glucose meter or testing strips. You can also save money on your Lilly insulin prescription through Blink.
['Erin Sandberg']
2018-11-30 19:02:55.741000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Medication', 'Prescription Drugs']
Title Healthcare System Working DiabetesContent Healthcare System Working Diabetes People trying manage diabetes face two unique hurdle built current healthcare landscape Receiving diagnosis chronic health condition — illness requires ongoing care — never easy There’s lot consider condition affect feel every day daily routine going change much medication treatment going cost diabetes deal challenge — unique diabetes two Bias healthcare system unfortunate fact society regularly exhibit bias overweight obese stigma overweight people face affect they’re treated work school even doctor’s office survey 2000 doctor concluded weight bias common among physician among general public people type 1 type 2 diabetes overweight many It’s estimated 50 people type 1 90 people type 2 diabetes overweight obese comprises large portion living diabetes subject negative bias working physician manage condition commonlyheld assumption diabetes blame disease risk factor include age family history medical history comorbid health condition many overlook consideration approach diabetes solely lifestyleinduced condition Physician bias related patients’ weight make people uncomfortable lower selfesteem — negatively affect health outcome doctor express bias toward patient thing happen First doctor may spend le time patient appointment provide le health education counseling Second patient feel stigmatized le likely seek followup care physician detrimental successful management condition requires regular checkins potential treatment adjustment Third diabetes patient perceives stigmatized interacting doctor resulting stress response make difficult absorb new information — significant barrier come learning successfully manage condition It’s likely might true much general public bias intentional meanspirited consequence real Put simply seeking help doctor manage diabetes could getting lowerquality healthcare chronic condition High outofpocket cost People diabetes medical expenditure 23 time higher without diabetes average health coverage benefit getting help cost health plan plan increasing costsharing requirement placing outofpocket cost burden patient type plan expose consumer financial risk diabetic patient may likely experience financial pitfall high pocket cost without health coverage footing entire bill blood glucose monitoring supply medication andor insulin seem nearly impossible Insulin nonnegotiable need type 1 type 2 diabetic exhibited atypical pricing trend marketplace price haven’t notably dropped even competition market increased Unaffordable treatment lead medication nonadherence — people taking medication prescribed diabetic consequence serious immediate recent study showed 165 people diabetes experienced costrelated medication nonadherence incidence even higher used insulin reduction physician weight bias could achieved providing issuespecific training doctor facilitate help issue gain exposure reporting experience Obesity Action Coalition help cost sure check Blink see there’s cheaper price available metformin glipizide glimepiride pioglitazone insulin testing supply like glucose meter testing strip also save money Lilly insulin prescription BlinkTags Diabetes Diabetes Medication Prescription Drugs
Introducing Glycemic Lookup
Introducing Glycemic Lookup A banana, strawberry and pineapple smoothy would improve anyone's day. Or would it? Disclaimer: I built this tool because I was frustrated by looking at tiny, difficult to read PDF’s of GI tables on my phone. I am not a medical profession — and I relied on Wikipedia for a lot of the info in this post. If you’re unsure or concerned about anything I’ve raised in this post, please see a physician. Raise your hand if you’ve had lunch and had your productivity completed removed, with a sluggish, unproductive afternoon ahead of you. Or maybe you didn’t quite get time to eat your lunch, and you started to feel faint. You might know these situations are related to the amount of sugar in your blood. Maybe you recognise this as your blood glucose level. From Wikipedia, glucose is a sugar present in the blood of humans and animals. On average, 4grams of glucose is present in the blood of a 70kg (150lb) human. However, this won’t always be the case. Whether you have diabetes, are fasting, or are experiencing other health factors, you may find your blood sugar level varies over time. Blood sugar levels in part a result of the food you eat. Blood sugar level changes are measured with a score known as the Glycemic Index. Glycemic index (also known as a GI number) is a scoring system that highlights the impacts of on your blood sugar level from the carbohydrates in certain foods. By understanding these numbers, you can follow the effects that food will have on your blood sugar levels. The GI describes how an individuals blood sugar level will change two after hours after eating a particular food. GI has a range of 0–100. A GI of 0 indicates zero carbohydrates present in that food, while 100 means the food is pure glucose. These scores can also be used in a related measure to calculate the Glycemic Load of different food groups, which tracks the precise amount of carbohydrates consumed in a particular meal.
['Jason Crabtree']
2018-12-02 08:45:03.989000+00:00
['Health', 'Diabetes', 'Food', 'Blood Sugar', 'Technology']
Title Introducing Glycemic LookupContent Introducing Glycemic Lookup banana strawberry pineapple smoothy would improve anyones day would Disclaimer built tool frustrated looking tiny difficult read PDF’s GI table phone medical profession — relied Wikipedia lot info post you’re unsure concerned anything I’ve raised post please see physician Raise hand you’ve lunch productivity completed removed sluggish unproductive afternoon ahead maybe didn’t quite get time eat lunch started feel faint might know situation related amount sugar blood Maybe recognise blood glucose level Wikipedia glucose sugar present blood human animal average 4grams glucose present blood 70kg 150lb human However won’t always case Whether diabetes fasting experiencing health factor may find blood sugar level varies time Blood sugar level part result food eat Blood sugar level change measured score known Glycemic Index Glycemic index also known GI number scoring system highlight impact blood sugar level carbohydrate certain food understanding number follow effect food blood sugar level GI describes individual blood sugar level change two hour eating particular food GI range 0–100 GI 0 indicates zero carbohydrate present food 100 mean food pure glucose score also used related measure calculate Glycemic Load different food group track precise amount carbohydrate consumed particular mealTags Health Diabetes Food Blood Sugar Technology
Diabetes and Exercise — Why the Connection is Vitally Important
Almost twenty-one million people in the US are living with diabetes and an estimated 6.2 million of these people don’t know that they have diabetes because they are undiagnosed. People with diabetes, on average, have medical expenditures that are 2.3 times higher than non-diabetics, according to the American Diabetes Association. Another study in Population Health Management estimates that diabetes is costing our nation $218 billion dollars in health care every year. Yet, most diabetes cases are preventable or reversible through exercise, weight loss, and healthy living. I find myself wondering. What if the 6.2 million people who were undiagnosed knew they had diabetes? Or the estimated 57 million Americans with Pre-Diabetes were educated on how they could mange their health and avoid becoming a Type 2 Diabetic? Being diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic does not mean that Type 2 diabetes is inevitable. If you lose weight and increase your physical activity, you can prevent or delay diabetes and even return your blood glucose levels to normal (ACSM 2006). (See sidebar for diabetes terms defined) This is a very important point that many people do not understand — if you exercise and lose weight you can prevent or delay diabetes. Do you know the signs of diabetes? Take a look around you. Do you see any signs of diabetes in your friends and family right now? (See sidebar for common signs of diabetes) It is very possible that there are people that are diabetic (or will become diabetic) around you every day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three Americans may develop diabetes in their lifetime. Those statistics are staggering and PREVENTABLE for most. What about Type 2 diabetics that have been diagnosed? What if we educated them that through diet and exercise they could reduce their medication or eliminate it? What would this do for our health care crisis? I know that we’d first have to break through many myths, magic solutions, and limiting beliefs. The pharmaceutical companies won’t be happy with me letting this secret out either. But, what the heck, our health care system is in a crisis! Our Nation is sick! There, I said it. So let’s get down to the business of taking some personal responsibility for our health. Many of you who are trying to understand diabetes and take responsibility for your health immediately have several questions: o Should you cut out sugar? o Is your weight putting you at risk? o If you are skinny, you don’t have to worry, right? o Can exercise and diet really help YOU? o How do I control blood sugar levels? And then there are the issues that you might not even know to ask about: o Having diabetes for more than five years can increase your likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease o Regular exercise can make you more sensitive to insulin, which can reduce medication dosages First, let’s talk about insulin, the prime medication that keeps diabetics functioning and then you can see the answers clearly to your questions. How does insulin work? Insulin is the main hormone that controls the entry of blood sugar from the blood stream into the cells of the body to be used as energy. How does exercise influence the insulin hormone? Exercise has an insulin-like effect on the body. When exercising, your muscles require a steady flow of sugar to keep contracting and keep you moving. Exercise increases the rate at which your muscles take up the sugar from your blood stream; so exercise acts the same as insulin by emptying the excess sugar in your blood stream into your muscles. This action, therefore, lowers your blood sugar. One twenty minute walk a day can lower glucose levels by twenty points. Here is a great example to explain insulin’s function in your body. Think of insulin as a bus for a moment. Glucose (sugar) is the passenger. There are two types of diabetics. Type 1 diabetics manufacture no insulin (or have no bus), which, according to the Center for Disease Control, is 5% — 10% of all diagnosed cases. The second type (Type 2), have insulin resistance, which means the bus is there, but it is not picking up passengers and, there are less buses running the route. According to the Center for Disease Control, Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90%-95% of all diagnosed cases. When you exercise, your muscles work harder than usual and require more fuel than usual; so your muscles send out their own buses to pick up the sugar in the bloodstream and carry it back to the muscles. Working muscles take over for insulin and (for Type 2 diabetics) they can even show the buses (insulin) how to work again (pick up passengers). Exercising has many benefits for a diabetic. It increases glucose uptake by the cells, improves insulin sensitivity by improving glucose metabolism and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Reduction of blood glucose levels improves insulin sensitivity by making it more effective. Exercise may reduce dosage requirements or need for medication and improve the ability to lose and/ or maintain body weight if combined with an intuitive diet. (See sidebar for Safe Exercise Check List) There are many popular myths about diabetes. Here are a few that I hear often. Myth #1 — Diabetics can’t eat sugar or sweets and the only reason they have diabetes is because they ate too much sugar. Yes, simple carbohydrates or sweets do raise your blood glucose levels but if you eat them in moderation and make them part of your meal plan, you can safely eat an occasional sweet Myth #2 — If I’m skinny I’m fine. Diabetes is only a disease that obese people get. Not completely true, 20% of people with Type 2 Diabetes are slim. Yes, being obese does put you at risk for Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The key thing to remember is that there is not an atypical “diabetes” body type, genetic trait, race, age or gender. Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices and diabetes is a disease to take seriously. Myth #3 — There is no natural remedy for Diabetes. If I take insulin or insulin sensitivity drugs I can continue with my same lifestyle choices and be alright. Well there is a natural remedy, it is called exercise and balanced eating. You can keep a tight control on diabetes by monitoring your glucose levels, combining exercise with balanced eating, or use medication. Myth #4 — Well I’m only borderline and 170 mg/dl blood sugar reading is normal for me. You may feel normal being a diabetic but high glucose levels are not safe. There is no such thing as borderline. You either are a diabetic or you are not a diabetic. This is a serious disease that requires you to take personal responsibility for your body. There is serious health complications associated with diabetes, especially when you are stressing your body with high blood sugar levels. You have to start to make lifestyle changes so that you can live a quality life over the long term. Myth #5 — Exercise! What can that do for me? Blah! Blah! Healthy Lifestyle Blah! Yeah, Yeah, I know. The American Diabetic Association recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week. This is exercise of 20–60 minutes, in continuous sessions, 3–5 times a week. The Diabetes Prevention Study revealed that exercising for a total of two hours a week can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 50%, that can be as little as 20 minutes, 6 days a week. Take a short, ten minute walk before and after work and you can prevent diabetes or lower your glucose levels. The fact is, over 90% of diabetes cases are preventable and can be maintained with some natural remedies such as exercising, healthy eating, and/or combined with low doses of medication without tapping into our health care system to the tune of $218 billion. Start gradually and exercise a little everyday until you build up to the recommended guidelines. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and lose the all or nothing approach. Get educated about your disease, determine what your beliefs are about diabetes and make lifestyle changes starting today. (See sidebar Want to Learn More) Diabetes is serious but you can do something about it! Side Bars: Diabetes Terms Defined o Type 1 = Auto immune disease that destroys insulin producing cells in the pancreas. The body cannot manufacture its own insulin because the beta cells of the pancreas that are responsible for insulin production are destroyed. About 5–10% of all diagnosed cases (CDC 2005) o Type 2 = body loses its sensitivity to insulin so the body’s cells are unable to utilize insulin properly (also knows as insulin resistance or adult onset diabetes). About 90% — 95% of all diagnosed cases (CDC 2005) o Pre-Diabetes = If you have a fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and your levels are 100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl you are diagnosed as showing signs of becoming a diabetic unless you make some lifestyle changes o Gestational Diabetes = When pregnancy hormones interfere with the mothers insulin, causing glucose levels to rise. This is a form of insulin resistance that in most cases ends with the birth of the child. o Metabolic Syndrome = A combination of medical disorders that increases the risk factors of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, hypertension, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL), high cholesterol levels and elevated plasma triglyceride levels. o Hypoglycemic = abnormally low blood sugar levels which could be caused by excessive insulin, or your diet. Signs would be: trembling or shakiness, nervousness, rapid heart beat, increased sweating, headache, impaired concentration or attentiveness, unconsciousness and coma o Hyperglycemic = abnormally high blood sugar levels. Signs would be: frequent urination, great thirst, nausea, abdominal pain, dry skin, disorientation, labored breathing, and drowsiness. Do you know the signs of diabetes? Some very telltale signs include: o frequent thirst, hunger and urination o weight loss o fatigue o crankiness o frequent infections o blurred vision o cuts/ bruises that are slow to heal o tingling and numbness in hands and feet o recurring skin, gum and bladder infections Safe Exercise Check List o Get physician clearance before starting any exercise program o Test your blood glucose level before exercise, immediately after exercise, and again two hours after exercise o Follow general guidelines for a safe exercise session; warm-up, cool-down, stretch, adhere to an intensity of Type 1 (3 to 5 RPE) and Type 2 (3 to 6/7 RPE), drink plenty of water o Wear well-fitting, well cushioned, supportive shoes o Wear polyester or cotton polyester socks so that your feet stay dry and minimize trauma to the foot o Avoid strenuous, high-impact or static activity unless specifically approved by your doctor o Carry a carbohydrate snack with you of 10–15 grams of carbohydrate o Wear identification that tells others you have diabetes in case of a hypoglycemic response http://www.n-styleid.com o Know and monitor signs of exercise induced hypoglycemia o Do not exercise if 250 mg/ dl blood glucose levels or if you have ketones in your urine o If you have autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy or any other related conditions to diabetes, you must get a doctors approval before starting an exercise program. These conditions require specific and strict guidelines. o Exercise with a partner until you know your response to exercise o Always check your feet before and after exercise for lesions o Drink plenty of water. A good rule is to take a mouthful or two at least every fifteen minutes Want to Learn More? Additional Resources,CLICK HERE
2020-09-14 15:44:01.533000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diet', 'Weight Loss', 'Keto', 'Health']
Title Diabetes Exercise — Connection Vitally ImportantContent Almost twentyone million people US living diabetes estimated 62 million people don’t know diabetes undiagnosed People diabetes average medical expenditure 23 time higher nondiabetics according American Diabetes Association Another study Population Health Management estimate diabetes costing nation 218 billion dollar health care every year Yet diabetes case preventable reversible exercise weight loss healthy living find wondering 62 million people undiagnosed knew diabetes estimated 57 million Americans PreDiabetes educated could mange health avoid becoming Type 2 Diabetic diagnosed PreDiabetic mean Type 2 diabetes inevitable lose weight increase physical activity prevent delay diabetes even return blood glucose level normal ACSM 2006 See sidebar diabetes term defined important point many people understand — exercise lose weight prevent delay diabetes know sign diabetes Take look around see sign diabetes friend family right See sidebar common sign diabetes possible people diabetic become diabetic around every day Center Disease Control Prevention estimate one three Americans may develop diabetes lifetime statistic staggering PREVENTABLE Type 2 diabetic diagnosed educated diet exercise could reduce medication eliminate would health care crisis know we’d first break many myth magic solution limiting belief pharmaceutical company won’t happy letting secret either heck health care system crisis Nation sick said let’s get business taking personal responsibility health Many trying understand diabetes take responsibility health immediately several question cut sugar weight putting risk skinny don’t worry right exercise diet really help control blood sugar level issue might even know ask diabetes five year increase likelihood developing cardiovascular disease Regular exercise make sensitive insulin reduce medication dosage First let’s talk insulin prime medication keep diabetic functioning see answer clearly question insulin work Insulin main hormone control entry blood sugar blood stream cell body used energy exercise influence insulin hormone Exercise insulinlike effect body exercising muscle require steady flow sugar keep contracting keep moving Exercise increase rate muscle take sugar blood stream exercise act insulin emptying excess sugar blood stream muscle action therefore lower blood sugar One twenty minute walk day lower glucose level twenty point great example explain insulin’s function body Think insulin bus moment Glucose sugar passenger two type diabetic Type 1 diabetic manufacture insulin bus according Center Disease Control 5 — 10 diagnosed case second type Type 2 insulin resistance mean bus picking passenger le bus running route According Center Disease Control Type 2 diabetes account 9095 diagnosed case exercise muscle work harder usual require fuel usual muscle send bus pick sugar bloodstream carry back muscle Working muscle take insulin Type 2 diabetic even show bus insulin work pick passenger Exercising many benefit diabetic increase glucose uptake cell improves insulin sensitivity improving glucose metabolism reduces risk cardiovascular disease Reduction blood glucose level improves insulin sensitivity making effective Exercise may reduce dosage requirement need medication improve ability lose maintain body weight combined intuitive diet See sidebar Safe Exercise Check List many popular myth diabetes hear often Myth 1 — Diabetics can’t eat sugar sweet reason diabetes ate much sugar Yes simple carbohydrate sweet raise blood glucose level eat moderation make part meal plan safely eat occasional sweet Myth 2 — I’m skinny I’m fine Diabetes disease obese people get completely true 20 people Type 2 Diabetes slim Yes obese put risk Type 2 Diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol key thing remember atypical “diabetes” body type genetic trait race age gender Type 2 diabetes caused lifestyle choice diabetes disease take seriously Myth 3 — natural remedy Diabetes take insulin insulin sensitivity drug continue lifestyle choice alright Well natural remedy called exercise balanced eating keep tight control diabetes monitoring glucose level combining exercise balanced eating use medication Myth 4 — Well I’m borderline 170 mgdl blood sugar reading normal may feel normal diabetic high glucose level safe thing borderline either diabetic diabetic serious disease requires take personal responsibility body serious health complication associated diabetes especially stressing body high blood sugar level start make lifestyle change live quality life long term Myth 5 — Exercise Blah Blah Healthy Lifestyle Blah Yeah Yeah know American Diabetic Association recommends 150 minute exercise week exercise 20–60 minute continuous session 3–5 time week Diabetes Prevention Study revealed exercising total two hour week reduce risk developing diabetes 50 little 20 minute 6 day week Take short ten minute walk work prevent diabetes lower glucose level fact 90 diabetes case preventable maintained natural remedy exercising healthy eating andor combined low dos medication without tapping health care system tune 218 billion Start gradually exercise little everyday build recommended guideline Eat balanced healthy diet lose nothing approach Get educated disease determine belief diabetes make lifestyle change starting today See sidebar Want Learn Diabetes serious something Side Bars Diabetes Terms Defined Type 1 Auto immune disease destroys insulin producing cell pancreas body cannot manufacture insulin beta cell pancreas responsible insulin production destroyed 5–10 diagnosed case CDC 2005 Type 2 body loses sensitivity insulin body’s cell unable utilize insulin properly also know insulin resistance adult onset diabetes 90 — 95 diagnosed case CDC 2005 PreDiabetes fasting plasma glucose test FPG level 100 mgdl 125 mgdl diagnosed showing sign becoming diabetic unless make lifestyle change Gestational Diabetes pregnancy hormone interfere mother insulin causing glucose level rise form insulin resistance case end birth child Metabolic Syndrome combination medical disorder increase risk factor developing cardiovascular disease obesity hypertension low highdensity lipoprotein HDL high cholesterol level elevated plasma triglyceride level Hypoglycemic abnormally low blood sugar level could caused excessive insulin diet Signs would trembling shakiness nervousness rapid heart beat increased sweating headache impaired concentration attentiveness unconsciousness coma Hyperglycemic abnormally high blood sugar level Signs would frequent urination great thirst nausea abdominal pain dry skin disorientation labored breathing drowsiness know sign diabetes telltale sign include frequent thirst hunger urination weight loss fatigue crankiness frequent infection blurred vision cut bruise slow heal tingling numbness hand foot recurring skin gum bladder infection Safe Exercise Check List Get physician clearance starting exercise program Test blood glucose level exercise immediately exercise two hour exercise Follow general guideline safe exercise session warmup cooldown stretch adhere intensity Type 1 3 5 RPE Type 2 3 67 RPE drink plenty water Wear wellfitting well cushioned supportive shoe Wear polyester cotton polyester sock foot stay dry minimize trauma foot Avoid strenuous highimpact static activity unless specifically approved doctor Carry carbohydrate snack 10–15 gram carbohydrate Wear identification tell others diabetes case hypoglycemic response httpwwwnstyleidcom Know monitor sign exercise induced hypoglycemia exercise 250 mg dl blood glucose level ketone urine autonomic neuropathy peripheral neuropathy neuropathy retinopathy related condition diabetes must get doctor approval starting exercise program condition require specific strict guideline Exercise partner know response exercise Always check foot exercise lesion Drink plenty water good rule take mouthful two least every fifteen minute Want Learn Additional ResourcesCLICK HERETags Diabetes Diet Weight Loss Keto Health
The Future Accessibility and Affordability of Insulin
The Future Accessibility and Affordability of Insulin By 2030, it is estimated that over 79 million adults will need insulin to help manage their medical condition. However, a recent study reveals that the future demand of insulin will not be met under current conditions. After collecting data from the International Diabetes Federation and comparing 14 studies, Dr. Sanjay Basu, an assistant professor of medicine at Stanford University, and his team estimate that the number of adults with type 2 diabetes will rise from 406 million in 2018 to 511 million in 2030. Out of 221 countries, the United States will have the third highest numbers, with 32 million people. Although not all Type 2 diabetics will require insulin, there will be a 20% rise in the demand for the drug. Based on our current resources, only 38 million will access to insulin, leaving over 41 million patients without insulin. Even though the United Nations has promised universal access to drugs for diabetes, many people around the world find insulin a scarce or incredibly difficult to access. Diabetic patients in the African, Asian, and Oceania regions will be heavily affected in regards to accessibility. Many countries located in these regions do not have the infrastructure or resource networks to support and manage those with diabetes. Accessibility is not the only problem when it comes to insulin. Rising cost is also a pressing issue. From 2002 to 2012, the United States went from spending $10 billion to $22 billion on diabetes drugs. Lantus, one of the most popular insulins available, experienced a significant markup, from $40 a vial in 2001 to $275 a vial in 2018. Insulin is necessary to treat those with type 1 diabetes and sometimes for those with type 2 diabetes. For someone with type 1 diabetes, patients require two or three vials of insulin per month. Those who have more of a resistant to insulin, such as type 2 diabetics, can go through 6 or more vials. Diabetics who are required to use multiple vials of insulin a month can easily rack up a sizable bill. Due to how the lack of availability and cost, patients will often take less than they are prescribed. By taking less than the prescribed dosage, patients may experience severe complications such as blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, amputation, or even death. Sanjay Basu cautions that unless the government creates new initiatives between now and 2030, insulin users will find it more difficult to afford and access insulin.
['Adam Tau']
2019-03-19 20:03:00.736000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Health', 'Medical', 'Lifestyle']
Title Future Accessibility Affordability InsulinContent Future Accessibility Affordability Insulin 2030 estimated 79 million adult need insulin help manage medical condition However recent study reveals future demand insulin met current condition collecting data International Diabetes Federation comparing 14 study Dr Sanjay Basu assistant professor medicine Stanford University team estimate number adult type 2 diabetes rise 406 million 2018 511 million 2030 221 country United States third highest number 32 million people Although Type 2 diabetic require insulin 20 rise demand drug Based current resource 38 million access insulin leaving 41 million patient without insulin Even though United Nations promised universal access drug diabetes many people around world find insulin scarce incredibly difficult access Diabetic patient African Asian Oceania region heavily affected regard accessibility Many country located region infrastructure resource network support manage diabetes Accessibility problem come insulin Rising cost also pressing issue 2002 2012 United States went spending 10 billion 22 billion diabetes drug Lantus one popular insulin available experienced significant markup 40 vial 2001 275 vial 2018 Insulin necessary treat type 1 diabetes sometimes type 2 diabetes someone type 1 diabetes patient require two three vial insulin per month resistant insulin type 2 diabetic go 6 vial Diabetics required use multiple vial insulin month easily rack sizable bill Due lack availability cost patient often take le prescribed taking le prescribed dosage patient may experience severe complication blindness kidney failure heart attack amputation even death Sanjay Basu caution unless government creates new initiative 2030 insulin user find difficult afford access insulinTags Diabetes Health Medical Lifestyle
If You’re Caught Having Sex at School, Say You’re a Diabetic Who Fell Over
Who to believe in this fascinating story of sex and diabetes? Alini Brito, the 30-year-old Brooklyn teacher who was caught up in a drunken sex scandal in December of 2009, is now suing for her job back, claiming that when a witness thought he saw her “naked on the floor with … [coworker Cindy Mauro] between her legs” what he actually saw was Mauro helping her through a diabetic episode. From Brito’s official court filing: Upon immediately entering the classroom, Brito’s knees buckled, at which point Brito laid down off to the right but at the foot of the classroom door. Mauro assisted Brito by placing Brito’s sweater under her head and elevated her legs in a chair. Mauro also obtained a couple of suger packets from her desk and gave them to Brito. [sic] But does Brito admit to being naked during this leg-elevating and sugar-receiving? It’s not clear, although the hearing officer seems to have it figured out: “There is no possible medical, nonsexual assistance that a partially naked person could possibly be rendering to another naked person in the position described.” Case closed! Don’t have sex at school. Or, keep your blood sugar at the appropriate level. Or, wear sturdy clothes that won’t fall off if your blood sugar does get low and you need to lie on the floor.
['Edith Zimmerman']
2016-06-01 07:41:52.436000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'School']
Title You’re Caught Sex School Say You’re Diabetic Fell OverContent believe fascinating story sex diabetes Alini Brito 30yearold Brooklyn teacher caught drunken sex scandal December 2009 suing job back claiming witness thought saw “naked floor … coworker Cindy Mauro legs” actually saw Mauro helping diabetic episode Brito’s official court filing Upon immediately entering classroom Brito’s knee buckled point Brito laid right foot classroom door Mauro assisted Brito placing Brito’s sweater head elevated leg chair Mauro also obtained couple suger packet desk gave Brito sic Brito admit naked legelevating sugarreceiving It’s clear although hearing officer seems figured “There possible medical nonsexual assistance partially naked person could possibly rendering another naked person position described” Case closed Don’t sex school keep blood sugar appropriate level wear sturdy clothes won’t fall blood sugar get low need lie floorTags Diabetes School
Treat Diabetes Naturally — Home Remedies For Type 2 Diabetes
Naturally We usually see obese and old people suffering from Diabetes. It’s a common health disorder among them but if we don’t take some precautionary measures in the right time, it can be fatal. It is caused due to abnormality in one’s blood glucose levels. According to the American Diabetes Association, almost 21 million people in United States have diabetes while a whopping 90–95 percent population suffers from type 2 diabetes. There are certain tips which can play an essential role to treat it naturally. Type 1, Type 2 and GDM are the three major kinds of diabetes. Type 1 is the most severe form where your cells in the pancreas that produce insulin get destroyed by its own immune system. People suffering from type 1 should take Insulin injections or implant insulin pumps in order to prevent themselves from this disease. While the third one is GDM is not so common. In this form, the body develops a complete intolerance for carbohydrates. Especially pregnant women are more prone to this category. Here we will discuss about the most common form of type 2 diabetes, and there are certain effective tips to treat it naturally. Home Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes Limiting the Intake of Sugar: The first step to avoid them is limiting your sugar intake and eating healthy diet. Complex carbohydrates or simple sugars are extremely harmful and should be avoided to control the ailment. Eating fruits, vegetables that are rich in fiber, and drinking at least 8–10 glasses of water daily will help your body to control sugar level everyday. Exercise: Regular exercises like running; walking and swimming can keep you away from this ailment and produce more insulin in your body.This measure will surely help to treat diabetes naturally. Herbal Medicines: You can take herbal medicines to prevent yourself from adverse effects of type 2 diabetes. They can treat naturally without any side effects.
['Alexander Mendoza']
2020-04-15 02:07:42.119000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Tipo 2', 'Diabetes Newsblog']
Title Treat Diabetes Naturally — Home Remedies Type 2 DiabetesContent Naturally usually see obese old people suffering Diabetes It’s common health disorder among don’t take precautionary measure right time fatal caused due abnormality one’s blood glucose level According American Diabetes Association almost 21 million people United States diabetes whopping 90–95 percent population suffers type 2 diabetes certain tip play essential role treat naturally Type 1 Type 2 GDM three major kind diabetes Type 1 severe form cell pancreas produce insulin get destroyed immune system People suffering type 1 take Insulin injection implant insulin pump order prevent disease third one GDM common form body develops complete intolerance carbohydrate Especially pregnant woman prone category discus common form type 2 diabetes certain effective tip treat naturally Home Remedies Type 2 Diabetes Limiting Intake Sugar first step avoid limiting sugar intake eating healthy diet Complex carbohydrate simple sugar extremely harmful avoided control ailment Eating fruit vegetable rich fiber drinking least 8–10 glass water daily help body control sugar level everyday Exercise Regular exercise like running walking swimming keep away ailment produce insulin bodyThis measure surely help treat diabetes naturally Herbal Medicines take herbal medicine prevent adverse effect type 2 diabetes treat naturally without side effectsTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Tipo 2 Diabetes Newsblog
Cannabis for Diabetes: You get High, but Your Sugar get Low
Cannabis for Diabetes: You get High, but Your Sugar get Low Cannabis Sativa green leaves The medicinal properties of marijuana have been known to men for over 10,000 years. But since the 1930s, this plant has been kept underground in the US. Because cannabis became illegal, fear, crime, and ignorance were associated with cannabis. But of course, as we all know, this is rapidly changing. California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada all passed measures in November legalizing recreational marijuana. California’s Prop. 64 action allows adults 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to six plants in their homes. Finally, marijuana is getting the scientific community’s attention as many seek medical alternatives. As a result, new studies are appearing in all areas of disease prevention and treatment, such as cancer, seizures, and diabetes, to name a few. Marijuana appears to have a beneficial influence in controlling blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes. The relationship between pot and hunger and appetite have been widely known. Commonly known as the “the munchies” The endocannabinoid system is a group of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors in the brain, involved in various physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory; it mediates the psychoactive effects of cannabis inside our body. If pot increases appetite, how can that be good for diabetes? Even though pot is associated with an increase caloric intake it is also associated with a lower body mass index (BMI), lower obesity and diabetes, but why? New studies are beginning to investigate this. Recent studies The first study investigates the benefits of Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) a neutral CB1 in obese rodents. The administration of THCV in obese mice and the subsequent improvement in metabolic functions in these rodents. THCV were found to improve fasting plasma glucose and glucose tolerance when given twice daily, improving insulin sensitivity. An increased energy expenditure were also noted in obese mouse. THCV was also found to reduce liver triglyceride levels. In another study the use of Rimonabant or CB1 was tested in humans. For one year under the CB1 therapy was reported a 4.7 Kg or greater mean weight loss then the placebo mice group. The treatment also showed beneficial action on metabolic risk factors with an increase in HDL cholesterol (the good one) and a decrease in triglycerides (fat in the blood). In yet another study seeking to determine the association between diabetes mellitus and marijuana use had a total sample of 10,896 adults including groups of non-marijuana users; past marijuana users; light users and heavy current users. The results indicated that marijuana users had a lower age-adjusted prevalence of DM compared to non-marijuana users. The prevalence of elevated C reactive protein was significantly higher in non marijuana users (C reactive protein is involved with inflammation therefore having that around is not a good thing). This discovery pointed to the anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana. The study also found that there could be a relationship between early exposure to marijuana and deterrence in the development of diabetes. This study also review other studies performed in rodents where significant benefits against diabetic complications and atherosclerosis were noted in addition to the anti-inflammatory properties. It was also found that CB’s (the non-psychoactive cannabidiol was also found to attenuate the progression of DM type I in rodents. The limitation of this study (the first one mentioned) were its cross-sectional nature. Persons attending the study may not have represented the larger sample of the population overall. Other limitations were the self-report format which is subject to bias and not always possible to be confirmed. So what should you do? So with so much evidence on the benefits of marijuana should you fire up that bowl yet? Not so fast, Even though the medicinal properties of marijuana have been known for a long time we are just discovering how they works. Many are reporting successes of marijuana therapy in various front lines of disease fighting but there are still many questions answered and methodology have not been yet refined. Marijuana potency have been increasing as growers develop new planting techniques and dosages vary widely and the properties of certain plants are now being studied. We may know the proven benefits in laboratory studies but nothing have been yet tested on populations during a long time period. Unfortunately the therapies available are still being developed and because of the its illegal status in most of the world marijuana have been kept out of the hands of health care systems and professionals capable of delivering safe and effective care except for a few brave ones who goes against the grain in order to find new cures. Image credit: Pixabay Related articles across the web
['Leonardo Del Toro']
2022-01-07 04:58:22.460000+00:00
['Health', 'Cannabis Medical', 'Diabetes', 'Blood Sugar']
Title Cannabis Diabetes get High Sugar get LowContent Cannabis Diabetes get High Sugar get Low Cannabis Sativa green leaf medicinal property marijuana known men 10000 year since 1930s plant kept underground US cannabis became illegal fear crime ignorance associated cannabis course know rapidly changing California Massachusetts Maine Nevada passed measure November legalizing recreational marijuana California’s Prop 64 action allows adult 21 older posse one ounce marijuana grow six plant home Finally marijuana getting scientific community’s attention many seek medical alternative result new study appearing area disease prevention treatment cancer seizure diabetes name Marijuana appears beneficial influence controlling blood sugar level preventing diabetes relationship pot hunger appetite widely known Commonly known “the munchies” endocannabinoid system group neuromodulatory lipid receptor brain involved various physiological process including appetite painsensation mood memory mediates psychoactive effect cannabis inside body pot increase appetite good diabetes Even though pot associated increase caloric intake also associated lower body mass index BMI lower obesity diabetes New study beginning investigate Recent study first study investigates benefit Tetrahydrocannabivarin THCV neutral CB1 obese rodent administration THCV obese mouse subsequent improvement metabolic function rodent THCV found improve fasting plasma glucose glucose tolerance given twice daily improving insulin sensitivity increased energy expenditure also noted obese mouse THCV also found reduce liver triglyceride level another study use Rimonabant CB1 tested human one year CB1 therapy reported 47 Kg greater mean weight loss placebo mouse group treatment also showed beneficial action metabolic risk factor increase HDL cholesterol good one decrease triglyceride fat blood yet another study seeking determine association diabetes mellitus marijuana use total sample 10896 adult including group nonmarijuana user past marijuana user light user heavy current user result indicated marijuana user lower ageadjusted prevalence DM compared nonmarijuana user prevalence elevated C reactive protein significantly higher non marijuana user C reactive protein involved inflammation therefore around good thing discovery pointed antiinflammatory property marijuana study also found could relationship early exposure marijuana deterrence development diabetes study also review study performed rodent significant benefit diabetic complication atherosclerosis noted addition antiinflammatory property also found CB’s nonpsychoactive cannabidiol also found attenuate progression DM type rodent limitation study first one mentioned crosssectional nature Persons attending study may represented larger sample population overall limitation selfreport format subject bias always possible confirmed much evidence benefit marijuana fire bowl yet fast Even though medicinal property marijuana known long time discovering work Many reporting success marijuana therapy various front line disease fighting still many question answered methodology yet refined Marijuana potency increasing grower develop new planting technique dosage vary widely property certain plant studied may know proven benefit laboratory study nothing yet tested population long time period Unfortunately therapy available still developed illegal status world marijuana kept hand health care system professional capable delivering safe effective care except brave one go grain order find new cure Image credit Pixabay Related article across webTags Health Cannabis Medical Diabetes Blood Sugar
You Need to Understand Type-2 Diabetes In-Depth
What is Type-2 Diabetes? Suffering from Diabetes? It does matter if it is of type-1 or type-2, but what matters the most is that both are life-threatening diseases and needs an instant care and treatment. But, until and unless you will have a proper understanding of your particular type, it would be extremely hard and less effective to take care of it on a personal level. Read the full blog to understand the Type-2 Diabetes better. What is Type-2 Diabetes? Type- 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease, one of the 3 very common types of Diabetes. It is the condition in which your pancreas can not make or release enough insulin, or in another case, the body starts resisting to the insulin. Thus, resulting in the uneven distribution of Blood sugar in the blood and cells throughout the body. What causes it? Every Human being needs insulin in their body to live, and a sufficient amount of working insulin to live properly. If the data is to be believed, almost 95% of the total diabetics in the world are suffering from type-2 diabetes. The main reasons behind the reign of type-2 diabetes are the genetics and lifestyle, all the other reason such as Obesity, eating habits, the polluted environment comes chasing behind. As the countries are developing the citizens are getting wealthier, and so does their lifestyles. The lethargic lifestyle and days of inactivity cause obesity, that means a person puts on a lot of fat. The extra fat in our body creates an insulin resistance by restricting or interfering the glucose flow in blood, the insulin transports the glucose into the cells., this results in a high blood sugar level. At the same time, your body keeps breaking down the carbohydrate and glucose from the food and drink, that puts a lot of pressure on your pancreas. This all leads to an unbalanced supply of the Blood Sugar in the Cells and Blood, the sugar level in blood keeps increasing and the cells are left with lack of glucose. What happens then? Symptoms: – The symptoms for type-2 diabetes grow slowly, they may take very much time to be evident, or in some case, you may never observe any symptoms. You may heal slowly or get injured easily : — The main thing that heals the cuts and wounds in our body is insulin, and that’s what our body lacks in type-2 diabetes. The healing process in type-2 diabetes slows down and the possibility of your body converting a touch into a cut increase further. : — The main thing that heals the cuts and wounds in our body is insulin, and that’s what our body lacks in type-2 diabetes. The healing process in type-2 diabetes slows down and the possibility of your body converting a touch into a cut increase further. Disturbed urination cycle : — Diabetes develops a frequent and continues need of urination and water intake in the human body, this is because of the excess blood sugar causes pulling out of fluid from cells. : — Diabetes develops a frequent and continues need of urination and water intake in the human body, this is because of the excess blood sugar causes pulling out of fluid from cells. You’ll be hungrier : — There will be no responsible person in your blood after the lack of insulin to transfer the glucose in your cells, thus, cells being out of energy. : — There will be no responsible person in your blood after the lack of insulin to transfer the glucose in your cells, thus, cells being out of energy. You’ll lose weight : — Eat as much you can, it won’t get you your energy back, the insulin still won’t transfer the glucose into cells, resulting in you losing weight. : — Eat as much you can, it won’t get you your energy back, the insulin still won’t transfer the glucose into cells, resulting in you losing weight. The blurry vision: — The fluid will be pulled out from the cells all over your body, this includes your eyes also, resulting in harming your vision. There might be many more symptoms like Fatigue and darkening of the skin in some areas. Most of the Type-2 Diabetics need Insulin to fulfill the need for Insulin in their body, others are recommended some other methods by doctors. I hope that this blog may have helped you in understanding Type-2 Diabetes better. We will be bringing you another blog soon that will cover the other aspects like treatments and the things you need to take care of during. Stay tuned for the upcoming. Stay Happy Stay Healthy. It started with the vision of providing High quality of Diabetes Testing Supplies, Office Supplies, Home Improvement Products to customers in a cost-effective manner. Need It Quickly believes in innovation and continuously develops new and useful products that add a sense of quality, security, and affordability. The company continuously increase and also we are broadening our product base regularly. It started with the vision of providing High quality of Diabetes Testing Supplies, Office Supplies, Home Improvement Products to customers in a cost-effective manner. Need It Quickly believes in innovation and continuously develops new and useful products that add a sense of quality, security, and affordability. The company continuously increase and also we are broadening our product base regularly. More posts by Need It Quickly
['Need It Quickly']
2018-11-30 13:14:10.937000+00:00
Title Need Understand Type2 Diabetes InDepthContent Type2 Diabetes Suffering Diabetes matter type1 type2 matter lifethreatening disease need instant care treatment unless proper understanding particular type would extremely hard le effective take care personal level Read full blog understand Type2 Diabetes better Type2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes lifelong disease one 3 common type Diabetes condition pancreas make release enough insulin another case body start resisting insulin Thus resulting uneven distribution Blood sugar blood cell throughout body cause Every Human need insulin body live sufficient amount working insulin live properly data believed almost 95 total diabetic world suffering type2 diabetes main reason behind reign type2 diabetes genetics lifestyle reason Obesity eating habit polluted environment come chasing behind country developing citizen getting wealthier lifestyle lethargic lifestyle day inactivity cause obesity mean person put lot fat extra fat body creates insulin resistance restricting interfering glucose flow blood insulin transport glucose cell result high blood sugar level time body keep breaking carbohydrate glucose food drink put lot pressure pancreas lead unbalanced supply Blood Sugar Cells Blood sugar level blood keep increasing cell left lack glucose happens Symptoms – symptom type2 diabetes grow slowly may take much time evident case may never observe symptom may heal slowly get injured easily — main thing heals cut wound body insulin that’s body lack type2 diabetes healing process type2 diabetes slows possibility body converting touch cut increase — main thing heals cut wound body insulin that’s body lack type2 diabetes healing process type2 diabetes slows possibility body converting touch cut increase Disturbed urination cycle — Diabetes develops frequent continues need urination water intake human body excess blood sugar cause pulling fluid cell — Diabetes develops frequent continues need urination water intake human body excess blood sugar cause pulling fluid cell You’ll hungrier — responsible person blood lack insulin transfer glucose cell thus cell energy — responsible person blood lack insulin transfer glucose cell thus cell energy You’ll lose weight — Eat much won’t get energy back insulin still won’t transfer glucose cell resulting losing weight — Eat much won’t get energy back insulin still won’t transfer glucose cell resulting losing weight blurry vision — fluid pulled cell body includes eye also resulting harming vision might many symptom like Fatigue darkening skin area Type2 Diabetics need Insulin fulfill need Insulin body others recommended method doctor hope blog may helped understanding Type2 Diabetes better bringing another blog soon cover aspect like treatment thing need take care Stay tuned upcoming Stay Happy Stay Healthy started vision providing High quality Diabetes Testing Supplies Office Supplies Home Improvement Products customer costeffective manner Need Quickly belief innovation continuously develops new useful product add sense quality security affordability company continuously increase also broadening product base regularly started vision providing High quality Diabetes Testing Supplies Office Supplies Home Improvement Products customer costeffective manner Need Quickly belief innovation continuously develops new useful product add sense quality security affordability company continuously increase also broadening product base regularly post Need QuicklyTags Diabetes
Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris fuses art & diabetes research
Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris fuses art & diabetes research Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris with Illinois Institute of Technology researchers. As we reach the end of November and Diabetes Awareness Month, we’re taking a closer look at the work of one of our 2018/2019 Citizen Artist Fellows, Justus Harris, whose artistic endeavors have a profound impact on the medical industry and beyond. Justus Harris is a patient, artist, and educator based in Chicago. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and depression as a teenager, he has since combined his artistic training and patient experiences to found MedSculpt, an organization that designs art-based, 3-D visual educational tools for people with diabetes and chronic conditions. “My developments with health data visualization and art aim to make research and health understandable to people regardless of age or education level.” — Justus Harris Hear from Justus as he discusses the role of an artist and patient during medical studies: After the trial, we stood at a table and talked about all the variables involved, myself — the expert patient — the doctor, researchers, and nurses. I asked everyone why they choose to do this with their life, spending their days by a computer and a bedside, going through halls on rounds non-stop, sacrificing their own sleep to monitor others sleeping. The answer was that they wanted to make the lives of other people better. Our collaboration was proof of this shared goal. We used our different skills to create tools which give people back the freedom of health while maintaining a sense of control. My developments with health data visualization and art aim to make research and health understandable to people regardless of age or education level. The image above shows Harris during his participation in artificial pancreas research at the University of Chicago to develop an automated insulin pump. His Diabetes Data Sculptures featured on the right were inspired by his experiences trying to understand the massive amounts of personal health data during these studies. Each sculpture is a summary of a month of health where color, form, and shape describe health without the need for charts graphs and numbers. Four individuals with Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes wearing Justus’s MedSculp Diabetes Awareness pendants at the 2018 American Diabetes Association Health & Wellness Expo. “More than 100 million people in the U.S. are living with diabetes or prediabetes. For me, one of the roles of art is making this often invisible epidemic visible.” — Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris. Do you know an artist who uses their talents to effect social change? Nominate them to be a Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Fellow today.
['The Kennedy Center']
2018-11-30 19:33:28.044000+00:00
Title Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris fuse art diabetes researchContent Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris fuse art diabetes research Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris Illinois Institute Technology researcher reach end November Diabetes Awareness Month we’re taking closer look work one 20182019 Citizen Artist Fellows Justus Harris whose artistic endeavor profound impact medical industry beyond Justus Harris patient artist educator based Chicago Diagnosed type 1 diabetes depression teenager since combined artistic training patient experience found MedSculpt organization design artbased 3D visual educational tool people diabetes chronic condition “My development health data visualization art aim make research health understandable people regardless age education level” — Justus Harris Hear Justus discus role artist patient medical study trial stood table talked variable involved — expert patient — doctor researcher nurse asked everyone choose life spending day computer bedside going hall round nonstop sacrificing sleep monitor others sleeping answer wanted make life people better collaboration proof shared goal used different skill create tool give people back freedom health maintaining sense control development health data visualization art aim make research health understandable people regardless age education level image show Harris participation artificial pancreas research University Chicago develop automated insulin pump Diabetes Data Sculptures featured right inspired experience trying understand massive amount personal health data study sculpture summary month health color form shape describe health without need chart graph number Four individual Type 1 Type 2 diabetes wearing Justus’s MedSculp Diabetes Awareness pendant 2018 American Diabetes Association Health Wellness Expo “More 100 million people US living diabetes prediabetes one role art making often invisible epidemic visible” — Citizen Artist Fellow Justus Harris know artist us talent effect social change Nominate Kennedy Center Citizen Artist Fellow todayTags Diabetes
Anniversary while measuring blood
Two years ago on this day, the 7th of November, I had my first symptoms of diabetes. An infinite thirst, lack of energy and — after a week — disturbance for my eyes. It didn’t really matter that much to me, after all I was (and still am) living and eating healthy and doing lots of sports. So the only change in my daily life was the injections and the continuous measure of my blood glucose level. Both things I can overcome, however annoying and disturbing it is to inject my basal insulin while sitting with my pants down on a filthy public bar toilet. Everything can be done easier, I for sure know that due to my interest in technology. Especially when it comes to measuring the blood glucose. Why do I have to pinch myself 5–8 times in my finger every day? That’s stupid. CGMs (continuous glucose monitoring) tools could help this, but they would still have a needle or some blood sucking thing inside you — and the fewest of them exploit today’s modern technology, such as the device we all carry around with us (hint: smartphones). Here comes the trick: C8 Medisensors have marketed a CGM that uses light, instead of pinching, to measure the amount of sugar in your blood. I remember reading about it a long time ago, but now it has finally gained approval for the European market (it is already for sale in US). Besides being a CGM that sits on your body and measures your blood glucose continuously (without you feeling it!), it sends the live data to your smartphone, which makes it possible for you to check your current blood glucose level instantly, and give you an overview of your statistics!
['Simon Stubben']
2016-06-13 08:31:22.122000+00:00
Title Anniversary measuring bloodContent Two year ago day 7th November first symptom diabetes infinite thirst lack energy — week — disturbance eye didn’t really matter much still living eating healthy lot sport change daily life injection continuous measure blood glucose level thing overcome however annoying disturbing inject basal insulin sitting pant filthy public bar toilet Everything done easier sure know due interest technology Especially come measuring blood glucose pinch 5–8 time finger every day That’s stupid CGMs continuous glucose monitoring tool could help would still needle blood sucking thing inside — fewest exploit today’s modern technology device carry around u hint smartphones come trick C8 Medisensors marketed CGM us light instead pinching measure amount sugar blood remember reading long time ago finally gained approval European market already sale US Besides CGM sits body measure blood glucose continuously without feeling sends live data smartphone make possible check current blood glucose level instantly give overview statisticsTags Diabetes
The Six Keys to International Travel and Diabetes
Traveling with diabetes can be daunting. However, with a little planning it is simple and easy. In the past few years I’ve travelled extensively for work. I’ve been to India, South Korea, Singapore, China and France and travelled extensively within each. Along the way I’ve been on 15 hour flight legs during 33 straight hours of travel, had extra long layovers, and dealt with delays and other sudden changes in plans. I’ve never been in a situation I couldn’t handle and for each of these trips I’ve spent a minimal amount of time packing: usually under 30 minutes per trip. Yes, that includes all my clothes, diabetes supplies, etc. The secret to being well prepared and quick packing is to have a good packing list. When I’m preparing to leave I check off each item on the list and can be confident that I’m taking everything I need to be prepared for the trip. I almost never check a bag so usually have everything with me. However, if you are checking a bag it is important to bring all diabetes supplies on the plane with you. Always assume that you’re not going to get your checked bag on the other end and will have enough supplies to last the entire trip. If you’re using a pump then be aware that changes in altitude, and therefore pressure, when flying can cause extra insulin to be released. There have been multiple studies on this if you want to dive into the literature. Handling time changes is another challenge. If you are on a pump when is the right time to adjust the time zone so that your basal rate matches your body’s biological clock? What I do, and has worked well thus far, is to adjust the pump’s time zone to my final destination’s time after I take off. It will take longer for the body to adjust but you don’t want to be going low during meetings or a hike mid-day when your nighttime basal kicks in. For me it is crucial to drink lots of water during the trip to stay hydrated. Planes are climate controlled and kept at low humidity so you need more water than you think. Jet lag wreaks havoc on sleep and therefore blood sugar. Especially when there is a big change in time zone, jet lag can be brutal. Make sure to follow #5 — a lot of what I thought was jet lag previously was really dehydration. I avoid caffeine and alcohol on the planes as both will impact sleep. At my destination, the key for me is to always spend lots of time outside in the daylight. The sunlight helps adjust your biological clock and acclimate your body to the proper schedule. Once it gets dark, turn off all screens and try to go to sleep as well. If that is problematic, I’ve heard that melatonin supplements can help. However, staying up through the daylight, and sometimes exercising outdoors I’ve found to be enough for me.
['Tim Harsch']
2016-04-24 17:10:55.970000+00:00
['Travel', 'Diabetes', 'Type 1 Diabetes']
Title Six Keys International Travel DiabetesContent Traveling diabetes daunting However little planning simple easy past year I’ve travelled extensively work I’ve India South Korea Singapore China France travelled extensively within Along way I’ve 15 hour flight leg 33 straight hour travel extra long layover dealt delay sudden change plan I’ve never situation couldn’t handle trip I’ve spent minimal amount time packing usually 30 minute per trip Yes includes clothes diabetes supply etc secret well prepared quick packing good packing list I’m preparing leave check item list confident I’m taking everything need prepared trip almost never check bag usually everything However checking bag important bring diabetes supply plane Always assume you’re going get checked bag end enough supply last entire trip you’re using pump aware change altitude therefore pressure flying cause extra insulin released multiple study want dive literature Handling time change another challenge pump right time adjust time zone basal rate match body’s biological clock worked well thus far adjust pump’s time zone final destination’s time take take longer body adjust don’t want going low meeting hike midday nighttime basal kick crucial drink lot water trip stay hydrated Planes climate controlled kept low humidity need water think Jet lag wreaks havoc sleep therefore blood sugar Especially big change time zone jet lag brutal Make sure follow 5 — lot thought jet lag previously really dehydration avoid caffeine alcohol plane impact sleep destination key always spend lot time outside daylight sunlight help adjust biological clock acclimate body proper schedule get dark turn screen try go sleep well problematic I’ve heard melatonin supplement help However staying daylight sometimes exercising outdoors I’ve found enough meTags Travel Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes And How To Beat It
INTRODUCTION Click Here to learn how to reverse your type 2 DIABETES (affiliate link) According to the World Health Organization, a few decades back diabetes was an uncommon disease, in both developed and developing countries. Today, the story is different. It is currently estimated that over 143million people worldwide are affected by the disease. This figure is ever increasing, by 2020 over 220million people are expected to be living with diabetes, if the current trend continues. In the United States alone, there are 18.2 million people (6.3% of the population) living with diabetes. While another 13million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately, 5.2milion (or nearly one third) are unaware that they have the disease. The figure for Nigeria is not readily available, but it is estimated that over 1.5million people have diabetes in Nigeria. In developed countries, most patients of diabetes are over sixty, but in developing countries, diabetes is found to affect people in their prime. WHAT IS DIABETES? Diabetes Mellitus (or simply diabetes) is derived from the Greek word ‘Diabeinein’, meaning ‘To pass through’ describing copious urination, and Mellitus from the Latin word meaning ‘Sweetened with honey’. These two words signify sweetened urine or sugar in urine. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use Insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed, in the body, to control the rate at which sugar, starch and other food are converted into glucose required as energy for daily life. The hormone is produced and released into the blood by an organ called ‘Pancreas’. This insulin help to maintain the blood glucose level within a normal range. The World Health Organization (WHO) puts this normal range between 60–100mg/dl (Before taking any food for the day, hence this value is called Fasting Blood Glucose). In health, despite several demands for glucose in different situations, the blood glucose rarely exceeds this value. After a meal the liver stores the glucose from the meal as glycogen and releases it into the blood in between meals. The role of insulin is the control of this storage and release of glucose. It ensures that the amount of glucose in the blood at every particular time does not go beyond or below the normal range. TYPES OF DIABETES. Click Here to learn how to reverse your type 2 DIABETES (affiliate link) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), five classes of diabetes are recognized, these are; Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Type I Diabetes, Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Diabetes Insipidus and Bronze Diabetes. INSULIN DEPENDENT/TYPE I DIABETES: This type of diabetes was initially called Juvenile onset diabetes because it affects adolescents and young adults. It is caused by a sudden failure of the pancreas to produce Insulin. It is, therefore, an acute disease, presenting with thirst, polyuria (passing large amount of urine), diuresis and weight loss. Type I diabetes is not common, it accounts for less than 10% of all diabetes cases. NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT/ TYPE II DIABETES: This is the most prevalent type of diabetes, accounting for more than 80% of all diabetic cases. It is found in adults and the elderly. This type of diabetes develops gradually over a long period of time (unnoticed) and is characterized by insufficient insulin, deficient insulin in the blood or the inability of the body to utilize the insulin resent (Insulin resistance). Because of its slow and gradual occurrence, it is mostly undetected until one or more of its long-term complications appear. Unlike in Type I Diabetes, the Insulin in the blood of a Type II diabetic may be normal or even high, but lacks the desired effect, due to insulin resistance, and this is prevalent among obese people. GESTATIONAL DIABETES: This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and disappears after delivery, within 3weeks. An estimated 3% of all pregnancies are accompanied by gestational diabetes and almost half of these patients are prone to developing permanent diabetes later in life. WHAT CAUSES DIABETES. As with hypertension and other non communicable diseases, no clear cut cause(s) can be attributed to the most prevalent type of diabetes (Type II Diabetes, Type I diabetes being secondary to failure of the pancreas). However, some factors are known to increase one’s chances of becoming diabetic and these are called risk factors. For example, indolent and well-fed populations are 2–20times more likely to develop type II diabetes than active and lean population of the same race. Some other factors known to increase one chances of getting diabetes include: OBESITY: It is estimated that three quarter (¾) of all Type II diabetes patient are obese. Indolent and affluent lifestyles tend to contribute to this. It is believed that a 10kg loss of weight can reduce fasting blood sugar level by almost 50md/dl. An active lifestyle with frequent exercise is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity. The International standard for measuring overweight and obesity is based on a value called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). This value is derived by dividing the body weight (in Kilograms) by the square of height (in metres). i.e. BMI = Body weight (Kg) / Height2 (Metres). Note: 1ft = 0.305metres. For adults, a BMI less than 25kg/m2 is preferred. 25–29kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 is Obesity. FAMILY HISTORY: A family history of diabetes increases one’s chances of getting the disease. In such a situation, leading a healthy lifestyle and constant monitoring of one’s blood sugar level becomes very important. AGE AND RACE: Most Type II diabetes patient are over 40yrs at presentation of the disease. However, the proportion of increase in the incidence of this disease with age is higher for those with a family history of diabetes, obese and probably those leading sedentary lifestyles. Moreover, diabetes tends to be more prevalent among Africans, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans. Belonging to any of the races is a risk factor in itself. HISTORY OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES: in a woman also increases her chances/possibility of developing permanent diabetes later in life. YOU CAN PREVENT/DELAY DIABETES! Diabetes have no permanent cure once it develops, it is managed al through life. But you can prevent ever falling into this life long pain. Before diabetes present in people, it is almost always preceded by a situation called PRE DIABETES. A situation where the blood glucose is higher than normal, but not yet enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Saddening, however, you cannot know when you fall into this category, if you have not being monitoring your blood glucose regularly. Pre Diabetes is itself a serious medical situation, though can still be reversed by making changes in diet pattern and increasing physical activity. To determine one’s blood sugar a test called Fasting Blood Glucose has to be conducted. This test measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in one’s blood before taking any meal for the day. It is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A value below 100mg/dl is generally accepted to be normal, while a value greater than 100mg/dl but less than 120mg/dl is not full diabetes yet, so it is regarded as Pre diabetes. An individual with a pre diabetes blood glucose level need to take urgent steps to reduce his blood glucose or risk life long diabetes. It should be emphasized, however, that the racial and genetic factors predisposing to diabetes are still beyond human comprehension and control. It makes common sense, therefore, to reduce all human controllable factors to the barest minimum. Most of these factors have to do with social occupational and diet habits. The following tips can help reduce your diabetes risk: * Reduce weight. Obesity seems to be the single most significant factor in diabetes. Reducing body weight and fat and maintaining an average body weight is very essential. To this end a body mass index (BMI) less than 25kg/m2 for males and less than 24kg/m2 for females is recommended. * Increase Physical Activity. It is an established fact that diabetes is more common among people that lead a sedentary affluent lifestyle. Simple dynamic exercises like brisk walking for 30–50mins daily or 3–5times weekly has been shown to be very helpful. Exercise reduces bodyweight and fat, increases functionality of the heart, reduces the chances of diabetes and also boosts emotions and healthy living. * Cut down or cut out alcohol. Alcoholic intake of more than 2units per day has been shown to adversely affect the body. Alcohol being an addictive drug makes it very difficult to maintain a definite amount of intake for a long time. It is better therefore to strive to cut out alcohol completely. * Avoid Smoking. Cigarette smoke has been shown to contain several poisonous substances. Cigarette smoking and alcohol have been related to several disease. Stopping smoking will definitely reduce the chances of several other ailments apart from diabetes. * Lean good eating habits, such as; * Cut down on fatty food and junks * Eat more of fish and poultry (without the skin is better). * Garlic reduces blood pressure cholesterol; add it to your meal plan once in a while. * Cut the number of eggs you take to 3- 4 weekly (better boiled than fried). * Reduce salt intake to less than 5.8grams daily. * Eat more of vegetables and fibre rich food, especially fruits. * Finally, constantly monitor your fasting blood glucose, as this is the only way to know when you are getting into trouble. CONCLUSION Diabetes and Hypertension being so interlinked requires a comprehensive plan of care, and this revolves round one’s dietary habits, social and environmental factors. Several lifestyle changes like regular exercise, maintaining a moderate body weight, reduction of fat intake and high fibre diet all help to live a normal healthy life. These measures are known to increase insulin sensitivity and also reduce blood pressure. Conclusively, it is very important to create a more health conscious individuals in the populace. A people who practically believe that it is better and cheaper to prevent an illness than to treat it, when it has become stronger. Moreover, preventive health cannot be divorced from regular medical checks, as this two go hand in hand. There is no way to detect several non-communicable diseases without undergoing regular medical checks. The importance of these checks cannot be over emphasized. Be alive to your health. Know your Blood glucose values and live a healthier life free from the pains of diabetes. Click Here to learn how to reverse your type 2 DIABETES (affiliate link)
['Dallas Cousins']
2021-03-05 16:14:55.261000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions']
Title Diabetes Beat ItContent INTRODUCTION Click learn reverse type 2 DIABETES affiliate link According World Health Organization decade back diabetes uncommon disease developed developing country Today story different currently estimated 143million people worldwide affected disease figure ever increasing 2020 220million people expected living diabetes current trend continues United States alone 182 million people 63 population living diabetes another 13million people diagnosed diabetes Unfortunately 52milion nearly one third unaware disease figure Nigeria readily available estimated 15million people diabetes Nigeria developed country patient diabetes sixty developing country diabetes found affect people prime DIABETES Diabetes Mellitus simply diabetes derived Greek word ‘Diabeinein’ meaning ‘To pas through’ describing copious urination Mellitus Latin word meaning ‘Sweetened honey’ two word signify sweetened urine sugar urine Diabetes disease body produce properly use Insulin Insulin hormone needed body control rate sugar starch food converted glucose required energy daily life hormone produced released blood organ called ‘Pancreas’ insulin help maintain blood glucose level within normal range World Health Organization put normal range 60–100mgdl taking food day hence value called Fasting Blood Glucose health despite several demand glucose different situation blood glucose rarely exceeds value meal liver store glucose meal glycogen release blood meal role insulin control storage release glucose ensures amount glucose blood every particular time go beyond normal range TYPES DIABETES Click learn reverse type 2 DIABETES affiliate link According World Health Organization five class diabetes recognized Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IDDM Type Diabetes Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus NIDDM Type II Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Diabetes Insipidus Bronze Diabetes INSULIN DEPENDENTTYPE DIABETES type diabetes initially called Juvenile onset diabetes affect adolescent young adult caused sudden failure pancreas produce Insulin therefore acute disease presenting thirst polyuria passing large amount urine diuresis weight loss Type diabetes common account le 10 diabetes case NONINSULIN DEPENDENT TYPE II DIABETES prevalent type diabetes accounting 80 diabetic case found adult elderly type diabetes develops gradually long period time unnoticed characterized insufficient insulin deficient insulin blood inability body utilize insulin resent Insulin resistance slow gradual occurrence mostly undetected one longterm complication appear Unlike Type Diabetes Insulin blood Type II diabetic may normal even high lack desired effect due insulin resistance prevalent among obese people GESTATIONAL DIABETES type diabetes occurs pregnancy disappears delivery within 3weeks estimated 3 pregnancy accompanied gestational diabetes almost half patient prone developing permanent diabetes later life CAUSES DIABETES hypertension non communicable disease clear cut cause attributed prevalent type diabetes Type II Diabetes Type diabetes secondary failure pancreas However factor known increase one’s chance becoming diabetic called risk factor example indolent wellfed population 2–20times likely develop type II diabetes active lean population race factor known increase one chance getting diabetes include OBESITY estimated three quarter ¾ Type II diabetes patient obese Indolent affluent lifestyle tend contribute believed 10kg loss weight reduce fasting blood sugar level almost 50mddl active lifestyle frequent exercise also known increase Insulin sensitivity International standard measuring overweight obesity based value called BODY MASS INDEX BMI value derived dividing body weight Kilograms square height metre ie BMI Body weight Kg Height2 Metres Note 1ft 0305metres adult BMI le 25kgm2 preferred 25–29kgm2 considered overweight 30kgm2 Obesity FAMILY HISTORY family history diabetes increase one’s chance getting disease situation leading healthy lifestyle constant monitoring one’s blood sugar level becomes important AGE RACE Type II diabetes patient 40yrs presentation disease However proportion increase incidence disease age higher family history diabetes obese probably leading sedentary lifestyle Moreover diabetes tends prevalent among Africans African Americans Latinos Native Americans Asian Americans Belonging race risk factor HISTORY GESTATIONAL DIABETES woman also increase chancespossibility developing permanent diabetes later life PREVENTDELAY DIABETES Diabetes permanent cure develops managed al life prevent ever falling life long pain diabetes present people almost always preceded situation called PRE DIABETES situation blood glucose higher normal yet enough diagnosed diabetes Saddening however cannot know fall category monitoring blood glucose regularly Pre Diabetes serious medical situation though still reversed making change diet pattern increasing physical activity determine one’s blood sugar test called Fasting Blood Glucose conducted test measure amount glucose sugar one’s blood taking meal day measured milligram per deciliter mgdl value 100mgdl generally accepted normal value greater 100mgdl le 120mgdl full diabetes yet regarded Pre diabetes individual pre diabetes blood glucose level need take urgent step reduce blood glucose risk life long diabetes emphasized however racial genetic factor predisposing diabetes still beyond human comprehension control make common sense therefore reduce human controllable factor barest minimum factor social occupational diet habit following tip help reduce diabetes risk Reduce weight Obesity seems single significant factor diabetes Reducing body weight fat maintaining average body weight essential end body mass index BMI le 25kgm2 male le 24kgm2 female recommended Increase Physical Activity established fact diabetes common among people lead sedentary affluent lifestyle Simple dynamic exercise like brisk walking 30–50mins daily 3–5times weekly shown helpful Exercise reduces bodyweight fat increase functionality heart reduces chance diabetes also boost emotion healthy living Cut cut alcohol Alcoholic intake 2units per day shown adversely affect body Alcohol addictive drug make difficult maintain definite amount intake long time better therefore strive cut alcohol completely Avoid Smoking Cigarette smoke shown contain several poisonous substance Cigarette smoking alcohol related several disease Stopping smoking definitely reduce chance several ailment apart diabetes Lean good eating habit Cut fatty food junk Eat fish poultry without skin better Garlic reduces blood pressure cholesterol add meal plan Cut number egg take 3 4 weekly better boiled fried Reduce salt intake le 58grams daily Eat vegetable fibre rich food especially fruit Finally constantly monitor fasting blood glucose way know getting trouble CONCLUSION Diabetes Hypertension interlinked requires comprehensive plan care revolves round one’s dietary habit social environmental factor Several lifestyle change like regular exercise maintaining moderate body weight reduction fat intake high fibre diet help live normal healthy life measure known increase insulin sensitivity also reduce blood pressure Conclusively important create health conscious individual populace people practically believe better cheaper prevent illness treat become stronger Moreover preventive health cannot divorced regular medical check two go hand hand way detect several noncommunicable disease without undergoing regular medical check importance check cannot emphasized alive health Know Blood glucose value live healthier life free pain diabetes Click learn reverse type 2 DIABETES affiliate linkTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions
Managing Diabetes: 10 Healthy Eating Tips
Managing Diabetes: 10 Healthy Eating Tips by Gabriella When we consider the diverse spectrum of diabetes, no two people affected by the condition are the same. Everyone is not in the same boat when it comes to diets because they have to be adjusted to a person’s specific needs. With this in mind, I’ve done my due-diligence and put together some awesome tips for you to make healthier food choices and decisions. My recommendations are based on studies involving persons with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These ideas may be useful if you have a different form of diabetes, such as gestational, cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, or MODY. It’s recommended to see your dietician for counsel, regardless of the type of diabetes you have. Tip 1. Limit Salt Intake Limit your salt intake to no more than one teaspoonful (6g). The reason is because many pre-packaged goods already include salt, so study the labels and choose the ones that contain the least amount of salt. High blood pressure is linked to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke; therefore eating a lot of salt can raise your risk. If you have diabetes, you’re already at a higher risk of developing all of these problems so it is important to take this to mind and limit salt intake. Tip 2. Consider the Snacks you eat People advise against snacks, but they are okay as long as you keep in mind what you are eating. Don’t let snacks become bad habits, use them as meals in between. Instead of crisps, chips, and cookies, pick unsalted almonds, seeds, fruits, and vegetables as a snack. These are healthier alternatives and won’t leave you feeling guilty. Tip 3. Don’t Leave out Exercise Exercising and eating healthy go together like peas and carrots. Fitness can assist you in managing your diabetes while also lowering your risk of heart disease. Most importantly, it helps your body efficiently use insulin. Set a goal to get about 150 minutes of exercise each week. Pretty much find any activity that raises your heart rate and go from their. Setting goals will tremendously help you become a healthier individual. Tip 4. Get Vitamins and Minerals from Food, Not Supplements. You don’t need to take supplements if you can get them from the foods you eat. It’s also preferable to receive your nutrients by consuming a variety of foods. This is due to the fact that some supplements can interfere with your prescriptions or exacerbate diabetes problems. If you chose to take supplements, please keep in mind the risks and speak with your healthcare professional about them. CLICK HERE!!! Tip 5. Be Careful when drinking Alcohol. If you chose to drink alcohol, keep in mind that alcohol is very high on the caloric scale. Alcohol can also put you at risk for a hypo if you are not careful. Alcohol in general is okay to drink, however you have to be safe and consider the consequences. Develop safe habits and change your bad habits so you can work toward your goal of being healthy. Tip 6. Reduce Added Sugar Eliminating added sugars will help you maintain a healthy weight and control your blood glucose levels. Sugary drinks, energy drinks, and fruit juices can all be replaced with water, plain milk, or sugar-free tea and coffee. This is a good start, and also a healthy habit. Fat is very important because it is a source of energy. However, something very important to consider is the way different fats affect our health. Unsalted nuts, seeds, avocados, oily salmon, olive oil, rapeseed oil, and sunflower oil are healthier fats. Saturated fats can raise your blood cholesterol levels, increasing your risk of heart disease. A good thing to do is to make a habit of checking fat section of the food label. Tip 8. Add more Fruits and Vegetables to your Diet Eating fruits and vegetables is very healthy indeed, and it’s always a good idea to eat more at meal times and snack on them when you’re hungry. This can assist you in getting the vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body requires on a daily basis to keep you healthy. Tip 9. Reduce the Amount of Red Meat you eat If you’re reducing your carbohydrate intake, you may find yourself eating larger servings of meat to keep you satisfied. This is not recommended for red and processed meats such as ham, bacon, and sausage. All of these have been linked to heart disease and cancer. Tip 10. Choose Better Carbohydrates Because all carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels, it’s critical to understand which foods include carbohydrates. Choose carbohydrate-rich foods that are low in fat and sodium and keep track of your portion amounts. I hope it is easier for you to put these tips into action and make healthier choices when it comes to your diet. Also, change your bad habits and be more active to add further value to your diet goals.
['Ryan James']
2022-01-07 13:55:04.662000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Eating', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diet', 'Ketogenic Diet']
Title Managing Diabetes 10 Healthy Eating TipsContent Managing Diabetes 10 Healthy Eating Tips Gabriella consider diverse spectrum diabetes two people affected condition Everyone boat come diet adjusted person’s specific need mind I’ve done duediligence put together awesome tip make healthier food choice decision recommendation based study involving person type 1 type 2 diabetes idea may useful different form diabetes gestational cystic fibrosisrelated diabetes MODY It’s recommended see dietician counsel regardless type diabetes Tip 1 Limit Salt Intake Limit salt intake one teaspoonful 6g reason many prepackaged good already include salt study label choose one contain least amount salt High blood pressure linked higher risk heart disease stroke therefore eating lot salt raise risk diabetes you’re already higher risk developing problem important take mind limit salt intake Tip 2 Consider Snacks eat People advise snack okay long keep mind eating Don’t let snack become bad habit use meal Instead crisp chip cooky pick unsalted almond seed fruit vegetable snack healthier alternative won’t leave feeling guilty Tip 3 Don’t Leave Exercise Exercising eating healthy go together like pea carrot Fitness assist managing diabetes also lowering risk heart disease importantly help body efficiently use insulin Set goal get 150 minute exercise week Pretty much find activity raise heart rate go Setting goal tremendously help become healthier individual Tip 4 Get Vitamins Minerals Food Supplements don’t need take supplement get food eat It’s also preferable receive nutrient consuming variety food due fact supplement interfere prescription exacerbate diabetes problem chose take supplement please keep mind risk speak healthcare professional CLICK Tip 5 Careful drinking Alcohol chose drink alcohol keep mind alcohol high caloric scale Alcohol also put risk hypo careful Alcohol general okay drink however safe consider consequence Develop safe habit change bad habit work toward goal healthy Tip 6 Reduce Added Sugar Eliminating added sugar help maintain healthy weight control blood glucose level Sugary drink energy drink fruit juice replaced water plain milk sugarfree tea coffee good start also healthy habit Fat important source energy However something important consider way different fat affect health Unsalted nut seed avocado oily salmon olive oil rapeseed oil sunflower oil healthier fat Saturated fat raise blood cholesterol level increasing risk heart disease good thing make habit checking fat section food label Tip 8 Add Fruits Vegetables Diet Eating fruit vegetable healthy indeed it’s always good idea eat meal time snack you’re hungry assist getting vitamin mineral fiber body requires daily basis keep healthy Tip 9 Reduce Amount Red Meat eat you’re reducing carbohydrate intake may find eating larger serving meat keep satisfied recommended red processed meat ham bacon sausage linked heart disease cancer Tip 10 Choose Better Carbohydrates carbohydrate affect blood glucose level it’s critical understand food include carbohydrate Choose carbohydraterich food low fat sodium keep track portion amount hope easier put tip action make healthier choice come diet Also change bad habit active add value diet goalsTags Diabetes Eating Diabetes Solutions Diet Ketogenic Diet
The Leap to Fa…
TLDR: Why Low Carb Diets Work A recent NY Times article [Which Kinds of Foods Make Us Fat? Sept. 25, 2018] looked at what foods make lab mice fat, and found that no mice that ate low-fat diets ended up fat, but that mice that ate the highest fat percentage of all did not gain weight either. It was only the mice that ate a roughly equal mix of fat and carbs that gained weight. It all hinges on this funny looking guy in the middle of our gut. When you digest carbohydrates, sugar (glucose) levels rise in the blood stream. Sugar is great energy if you can use it right away, but an excess (hyperglycemia) has to be removed. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to usher the excess glucose from the blood into the cells, where it gets stored as fat (glycogen). In other words, insulin acts as the key opening the cell door to let the energy in to be stored as fat. This is a great biological strategy for saving energy for later, and it enabled our ancestors eat abundantly in autumn and survive through the winter. Cian Foley (@wellboy), a bodybuilder and proponent of the “anti-autumnal diet,” noted that the results of the mouse study can be explained by simple evolutionary logic: certain combinations of food were once ideal to help us survive. If you’re trying to store fat, there is no better way to do it than to eat calorically-dense food (nuts, fatty meats, etc.) simultaneously with sugar. It spikes your insulin, sending the “Open up!” signal to your cells to store the whatever calories you’re eating as fat. But it’s not always autumn, and the modern supermarket offers us endless opportunities to gorge ourselves on the deliciously fattening combination of fat and sugar. Storage in fatty liver cells and new fat cells (adipose tissue) are the body’s first lines of defense, and provide a healthy buffer against starvation and stress. However, chronically elevated sugar and therefore insulin levels make cells resistant to the signal, which leads long-term to obesity (excess adipose) and diabetes (chronic hyperglycemia). We know the best solution to metabolic syndrome and weight gain. It requires limiting carbohydrates, and in severe cases of obesity, severely limiting carbs, and substituting enough fat to make you feel satiated. The good news is that fat is highly filling and tastes great. Eating more of it not only improves insulin sensitivity, but also leptin sensitivity, which makes us feel full after a meal. The mice in the study stopped eating once they consumed enough calories from fat. Knowing that many patients will not always follow this advice and cut out sugar, doctors instead prescribe low-fat diets. That bad news is that the combination of sugar, fat, and salt is the evolutionary equivalent of manna from heaven — a cornucopia of energy that can be used later. We crave it like plants crave electrolytes. When we stop eating sugar, we find ourselves experiencing a hedonic deficit. This can partially be made up for by increasing delicious and satiating fatty foods, but the temptation will always be to sweeten meals up a bit, or get that comforting feeling of SUBSTANCE so cheaply supplied by carbs. As a species, we have already reached the Promised Land — the land of milk and honey. Now, the challenge is to be disciplined with our indulgences of such great abundance. #LifeHack: Chronometric Seperation Just understanding how insulin is the key mediator between how many calories you eat and how many calories you store should shift our preferences so that we naturally want to eat more fat. Still, we don’t have to cut carbs out altogether. There are many “safe starches” and sugary foods (i.e., fruit) that can be safely consumed because of the fiber and other nutrients they contain, which blunt the insulin spike. These can even be eaten in relatively high quantities as long as they are not complemented by high-fat foods at the same time. Once again, it’s the bodybuilders — those who are most obsessed and neurotic about the science of body fat — who came up with the solution. A strategy of “backloading” carb intake to nighttime hours, separated in time from meals containing higher ratios of fat, has become popular among those looking to score “lean gains.” Not everyone’s objective is to achieve a minimum Body Mass Index (the ratio of fat to body mass), but to the extent you are looking to maintain a healthy physique without giving up rice, breads, and sugars altogether, carb backloading appears to be the way to go. In the same vein, there is a subtle art to gravitating towards high-carb, low-fat foods on some days, and high-fat, low-carb foods on others. In this sense, the lesson I’ve learned can be boiled down to six words: Don’t eat everything all the time. Ketogenic diets are based on the logic of eating purely high fat, and require a greater leap of faith, which may be necessary for people with more advanced forms of metabolic syndrome. For most of us, however, it suffices to change our mindset such that we do not fear fat – consuming it until we are full – as long as we are able to limit our carbohydrate intake to 20% or less of total calories (usually around 150 grams per day). It still feels like a leap of faith, since most of us are used to a steady supply of sugar and it can take weeks to adjust to a primarily fat-based diet. My adjustment is never optimal, but I have learned to find a balance. I do not obsessively count calories or worry too much about any given meal. I’ve also found that my sweet-tooth has abated to the point where a single piece of candy corn feels like a sumptuous dessert. And if you fall and gorge on pizza and ice cream, fasting for a dozen to 24 hours can cover a multitude of sins.
['Charlie Deist']
2019-02-26 19:53:33.530000+00:00
['Weight Loss', 'Paleo', 'Ketosis', 'Diabetes', 'Biohacking']
Title Leap Fa…Content TLDR Low Carb Diets Work recent NY Times article Kinds Foods Make Us Fat Sept 25 2018 looked food make lab mouse fat found mouse ate lowfat diet ended fat mouse ate highest fat percentage gain weight either mouse ate roughly equal mix fat carbs gained weight hinge funny looking guy middle gut digest carbohydrate sugar glucose level rise blood stream Sugar great energy use right away excess hyperglycemia removed pancreas secretes hormone insulin usher excess glucose blood cell get stored fat glycogen word insulin act key opening cell door let energy stored fat great biological strategy saving energy later enabled ancestor eat abundantly autumn survive winter Cian Foley wellboy bodybuilder proponent “antiautumnal diet” noted result mouse study explained simple evolutionary logic certain combination food ideal help u survive you’re trying store fat better way eat caloricallydense food nut fatty meat etc simultaneously sugar spike insulin sending “Open up” signal cell store whatever calorie you’re eating fat it’s always autumn modern supermarket offer u endless opportunity gorge deliciously fattening combination fat sugar Storage fatty liver cell new fat cell adipose tissue body’s first line defense provide healthy buffer starvation stress However chronically elevated sugar therefore insulin level make cell resistant signal lead longterm obesity excess adipose diabetes chronic hyperglycemia know best solution metabolic syndrome weight gain requires limiting carbohydrate severe case obesity severely limiting carbs substituting enough fat make feel satiated good news fat highly filling taste great Eating improves insulin sensitivity also leptin sensitivity make u feel full meal mouse study stopped eating consumed enough calorie fat Knowing many patient always follow advice cut sugar doctor instead prescribe lowfat diet bad news combination sugar fat salt evolutionary equivalent manna heaven — cornucopia energy used later crave like plant crave electrolyte stop eating sugar find experiencing hedonic deficit partially made increasing delicious satiating fatty food temptation always sweeten meal bit get comforting feeling SUBSTANCE cheaply supplied carbs specie already reached Promised Land — land milk honey challenge disciplined indulgence great abundance LifeHack Chronometric Seperation understanding insulin key mediator many calorie eat many calorie store shift preference naturally want eat fat Still don’t cut carbs altogether many “safe starches” sugary food ie fruit safely consumed fiber nutrient contain blunt insulin spike even eaten relatively high quantity long complemented highfat food time it’s bodybuilder — obsessed neurotic science body fat — came solution strategy “backloading” carb intake nighttime hour separated time meal containing higher ratio fat become popular among looking score “lean gains” everyone’s objective achieve minimum Body Mass Index ratio fat body mass extent looking maintain healthy physique without giving rice bread sugar altogether carb backloading appears way go vein subtle art gravitating towards highcarb lowfat food day highfat lowcarb food others sense lesson I’ve learned boiled six word Don’t eat everything time Ketogenic diet based logic eating purely high fat require greater leap faith may necessary people advanced form metabolic syndrome u however suffices change mindset fear fat – consuming full – long able limit carbohydrate intake 20 le total calorie usually around 150 gram per day still feel like leap faith since u used steady supply sugar take week adjust primarily fatbased diet adjustment never optimal learned find balance obsessively count calorie worry much given meal I’ve also found sweettooth abated point single piece candy corn feel like sumptuous dessert fall gorge pizza ice cream fasting dozen 24 hour cover multitude sinsTags Weight Loss Paleo Ketosis Diabetes Biohacking
https://vimeo.com/246715683 Young Diabetic Mentors Struggling Diabetics Over one million Americans are living with type 1 diabetes. By the year of 2050, there is expected to be five million people living with type 1 diabetes in America. Tylor Menegay is one of the current diabetics in America that is trying help other diabetics now and in the future. He provides a mentoring service to help other diabetics control their blood sugars, better their diets, and have a support system. Menegay originally struggled with diabetes when he was first diagnosed, inspiring him to help others that were struggling as well. Menegay’s doctor recommended him to mentor for other diabetics because he grew to manage his diabetes well. His mother, Missy, remarks on her son’s friendly nature and knew this was a perfect calling for him. Less than one third of type 1 diabetics in America are consistently attaining target blood glucose control levels. Menegay pushes for other diabetics to keep glucose logs for records of their glucose levels. He claims this way will monitor levels closer, so diabetics can establish a good pattern of lower glucose levels. One of the diabetics he has worked with, Adriona Ball, claims that this method has helped lower her blood levels to a normal range. References JDRF, 2017. Type 1 Diabetes Facts, Pages 1 to 1.
['Lauren Takacs']
2017-12-11 00:35:30.526000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Type 1 Diabetes']
Title httpsvimeocom246715683Content httpsvimeocom246715683 Young Diabetic Mentors Struggling Diabetics one million Americans living type 1 diabetes year 2050 expected five million people living type 1 diabetes America Tylor Menegay one current diabetic America trying help diabetic future provides mentoring service help diabetic control blood sugar better diet support system Menegay originally struggled diabetes first diagnosed inspiring help others struggling well Menegay’s doctor recommended mentor diabetic grew manage diabetes well mother Missy remark son’s friendly nature knew perfect calling Less one third type 1 diabetic America consistently attaining target blood glucose control level Menegay push diabetic keep glucose log record glucose level claim way monitor level closer diabetic establish good pattern lower glucose level One diabetic worked Adriona Ball claim method helped lower blood level normal range References JDRF 2017 Type 1 Diabetes Facts Pages 1 1Tags Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes
Treating Hypoglycemia Reliably
Diabetes is a balancing act: you never want to have your blood sugar be too high or too low. The ideal would be that we could maintain blood sugars easily within the 80–120 mg/dL range consistently. However, the reality is that it is easy to miscalculate and go too high or too low after a meal and then overcompensate, repeating the process in the other direction. When it comes to treating hypoglycemia a further challenge is that when you have low blood sugar your body is sounding the alarm bells by releasing adrenaline and signaling your brain that it needs sugar now. This means that you feel extra hungry and instead of following the recommendation of 15g of carbs every 15 minutes until you’re back in the proper range it is easy to eat far more sugar. This of course leads to a spike in blood sugar, often taking you into hyperglycemia and requiring insulin to bring you back down. I struggle with this all the time. It is easy to let logic fall by the wayside in the moment of choosing what to eat when low, especially when faced with a tasty piece of candy or slice of cake that you have sitting in your fridge. But there is a simple solution that I’m working into my routine that has helped a lot with this. The key is to make a rule to never eat pleasure foods to compensate for a low. This not only avoids giving you the excuse of eating ice cream just because you’re low, but also avoids the temptation to eat significantly more than you should because it tastes so good. Instead, pick one or two sources of sugar that you reserve solely for the purpose of treating hypoglycemia and only treat your lows with those. Also important is that you pick sources that will break down quickly to bring your blood sugar up. If the sugar is mixed with fat or protein it will slow digestion and therefore absorption of the sugar. For me, I have two go-to sources of sugar that I reserve for treating hypoglycemia. When I’m home I use a tablespoon of maple syrup to treat lows. Each tablespoon has 12g of carbs and it is pure liquid sugar so brings my blood sugar up quickly. When I’m traveling or just out-and-about, I use Smartees as they are easy to pack, don’t melt, and each roll has 6g of carbs so two or three will get me to where I need to be.
['Tim Harsch']
2016-04-24 16:44:52.742000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Type 1 Diabetes', 'Healthcare']
Title Treating Hypoglycemia ReliablyContent Diabetes balancing act never want blood sugar high low ideal would could maintain blood sugar easily within 80–120 mgdL range consistently However reality easy miscalculate go high low meal overcompensate repeating process direction come treating hypoglycemia challenge low blood sugar body sounding alarm bell releasing adrenaline signaling brain need sugar mean feel extra hungry instead following recommendation 15g carbs every 15 minute you’re back proper range easy eat far sugar course lead spike blood sugar often taking hyperglycemia requiring insulin bring back struggle time easy let logic fall wayside moment choosing eat low especially faced tasty piece candy slice cake sitting fridge simple solution I’m working routine helped lot key make rule never eat pleasure food compensate low avoids giving excuse eating ice cream you’re low also avoids temptation eat significantly taste good Instead pick one two source sugar reserve solely purpose treating hypoglycemia treat low Also important pick source break quickly bring blood sugar sugar mixed fat protein slow digestion therefore absorption sugar two goto source sugar reserve treating hypoglycemia I’m home use tablespoon maple syrup treat low tablespoon 12g carbs pure liquid sugar brings blood sugar quickly I’m traveling outandabout use Smartees easy pack don’t melt roll 6g carbs two three get need beTags Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Healthcare
Dark Chocolate Is Good For Diabetics
I often hear comments from many people that diabetics cannot have chocolate. While it is true that they should not have candy with chocolate in it they can have chocolate. Remember that candy with chocolate in it is laced with fillers and refined white sugars, the ‘bad’ chocolate. The ‘good chocolate’, gourmet healthy chocolates are just what the doctor may order to help diabetics. In the Journal of Diabetic Medicine one study shows the difference between the good chocolate with high polyphenols (high flavanoids or plant based antioxidants) and bad chocolate with low polyphenols. This study reported was the first of it’s kind with diabetics. According to the University of Hull: “Twelve individuals with Type 2 diabetes were selected and those who participated were on stable medication. They were given 45gr of dark chocolate to eat daily for 16 weeks in a double blind study. The patients were given chocolate either with or without a high cocoa content. The dark chocolate contained 85% cocoa solids compared to the placebo which contained no cocoa solids but was dyed the same colour as the dark chocolate. Individual 15g foil wrapped bars were provided and the volunteers were asked to consume one bar three times a day. The patients were advised not to consume any other chocolate for the duration of the study and they were instructed to make no changes to their diet and lifestyle.” After the 16 week study there were significant increases to their HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) prompting comments from endocrine specialists advising diabetics to make a high polyphenonl (high flavanol) dark chocolate part of their daily dietary intake. In the Hull University article Steve Atkin, Professor of Diabetes and Endocrinology, who led the study says: “People with Type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease and since one of the main contributory factors to heart disease is a low level of HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol, the findings that dark chocolate can improve this, means the results of this study are hugely significant.” The conclusion in the study as reported in the Journal of Diabetic Medicine states, “High polyphenol chocolate is effective in improving the atherosclerotic cholesterol profile in patients with diabetes by increasing HDL cholesterol and improving the cholesterol:HDL ratio without affecting weight, inflammatory markers, insulin resistance or glycaemic control.” High flavanol raw dark chocolate is helping to keep blood sugars stable and could possible even prevent diabetes. Dark chocolate is good for Diabetics and allowing them to enjoy their favorite confection as long as they select the right type. Diabetic Medicine unprepared-mixture
2016-08-28 19:31:38.037000+00:00
['Natural Medicine', 'Dark Chocolate', 'Diabetes']
Title Dark Chocolate Good DiabeticsContent often hear comment many people diabetic cannot chocolate true candy chocolate chocolate Remember candy chocolate laced filler refined white sugar ‘bad’ chocolate ‘good chocolate’ gourmet healthy chocolate doctor may order help diabetic Journal Diabetic Medicine one study show difference good chocolate high polyphenols high flavanoids plant based antioxidant bad chocolate low polyphenols study reported first it’s kind diabetic According University Hull “Twelve individual Type 2 diabetes selected participated stable medication given 45gr dark chocolate eat daily 16 week double blind study patient given chocolate either without high cocoa content dark chocolate contained 85 cocoa solid compared placebo contained cocoa solid dyed colour dark chocolate Individual 15g foil wrapped bar provided volunteer asked consume one bar three time day patient advised consume chocolate duration study instructed make change diet lifestyle” 16 week study significant increase HDL High Density Lipoprotein prompting comment endocrine specialist advising diabetic make high polyphenonl high flavanol dark chocolate part daily dietary intake Hull University article Steve Atkin Professor Diabetes Endocrinology led study say “People Type 2 diabetes twice likely develop cardiovascular disease since one main contributory factor heart disease low level HDL ‘good’ cholesterol finding dark chocolate improve mean result study hugely significant” conclusion study reported Journal Diabetic Medicine state “High polyphenol chocolate effective improving atherosclerotic cholesterol profile patient diabetes increasing HDL cholesterol improving cholesterolHDL ratio without affecting weight inflammatory marker insulin resistance glycaemic control” High flavanol raw dark chocolate helping keep blood sugar stable could possible even prevent diabetes Dark chocolate good Diabetics allowing enjoy favorite confection long select right type Diabetic Medicine unpreparedmixtureTags Natural Medicine Dark Chocolate Diabetes
Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes — A Purely Natural Way to Control Sugar Levels
Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes — A Purely Natural Way to Control Sugar Levels YOU CAN HAVE IT!!!!New Cookbook Reveals 60 Delicious Diabetic Friendly Recipes Diabetes has almost become an epidemic in today’s world. Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your body uses food for energy. Whatever sugar we take is generally broken down into simple sugar called ‘glucose’ in our body. This glucose circulates within the blood and enter into the cells with the help of insulin. Insulin is a hormone, made within the Beta-cells of Pancreas. Due to sedentary life style and genetic predisposition, the beta cells are not able to make enough insulin, which is a key for glucose to enter into the cells. The key is not there and the glucose keeps on circulating within the blood. This is called Diabetes. There are two main types. Type I & Type II . There is another condition known as Pre-Diabetes. There are two main types of full-blown diabetes. People with Type 1 diabetes are completely unable to produce insulin. People with Type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but their cells have become resistant to it. In either case, the glucose can’t move into the cells and blood glucose levels can become high. When these levels remain high for long time, they can cause serious complications. Pre-Diabetes: Pre-diabetes is a condition in which the cells in your body are becoming resistant to insulin or your pancreas is not producing as much insulin as required. Your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. This is also known as “impaired fasting glucose” or “impaired glucose tolerance”. Every individual who has a Diabetic father or mother must go for glucose tolerance test or GTT. This can help in diagnosing pre-diabetic condition. A diagnosis of pre-diabetes is a warning sign that diabetes will develop later. You can prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes by losing weight, making changes in your diet and exercising. Type 1 Diabetes In case of Type I (Insulin Dependent Diabetes) the person can’t make any insulin. Type 1 most often occurs before age 30, but may strike at any age. This is typically caused by genetic disorder. The pancreas produces very little or no insulin anymore. Frequent insulin injections are needed for Type 1. However there are certain herbs like Salacia oblonga and Pterocarpus marsupium which are found to be useful even in Type I diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes People suffering from Type II diabetes are having enough insulin but the cells have become resistant to it. This type of Diabetes has become very common and is spreading like an epidemic everywhere around the world. The most important reason for the cells to become resistant to insulin is sedentary life style which is being followed by modern age people. 95 percent of all diabetes cases are Type 2. What can be the reason? It’s a lifestyle disease, triggered by obesity, a lack of exercise, increased age and to some degree, genetic predisposition. So the only way to prevent diabetes is to change the life style, which is the basic theory of Ayurveda to fight any disease. According to Ayurveda, Stress and life style is the reason for most of the illnesses including Type II diabetes. Factors for developing Type II diabetes and herbs for them As we know that there is no problem with the insulin production. It is there in the body in enough quantity, but the only problem is that it is not able to open the cells to make the glucose enter into them. All the glucose keep circulating within the blood. The cells become resistant to insulin. The reasons for Insulin resistance are - 1. Obesity The number one risk factor for Type 2 diabetes is obesity. Nearly 40 % of the patients suffering from Type II diabetes are obese. Excessive fat interferes with body’s ability to use insulin properly. According to Ayurveda this is called “ Stroto-avarodh” i.e. blocked channels. This blockage in the channels of passage of Insulin is reason for greater insulin resistance. Food and life style which cause blockage in the channels or “ Stroto-avarodh “ are curd, banana, heavy greasy diet, overeating, excess daytime sleep. There are herbs which are useful in clearing the blockages and opening up the micro channels. These remove excessive fat from within the body. Herbs like Katuki (Picrorrhiza kurro), Vidang (Embelia ribes), Amalvetas (Garcinia cambogia), Triphala are useful in Type II diabetes because they open up the channels and helps in reducing the insulin resistance. 2. Sedentary Lifestyle According to Charaka- an ancient Ayurvedic healer, lifestyle is damaging to health and bears responsibility for the growing obesity and diabetes. Inactivity and being overweight go hand in hand towards a diagnosis of Type 2. Muscle cells have more insulin receptors than fat cells, so a person can decrease insulin resistance by exercising. Sushruta another ancient Ayurveda surgeon explains by giving an analogy that who suffers from diabetes should walk at least 100 kilometers a day to keep his sugar level under control. This indicates that one must walking and being more active also lowers blood sugar levels by helping insulin to be more effective. ONLY FOR YOU!! New Cookbook Reveals 60 Delicious Diabetic Friendly Recipes 3. Unhealthy Eating Habits 90% of people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. Unhealthy eating contributes largely to obesity. Too much fat, not enough fiber, and too many simple carbohydrates all contribute to a diagnosis of diabetes. Eating right is can turn the diagnosis around and reverse or prevent Type 2. 4. Family History and Genetics It appears that people who have family members who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are at a greater risk for developing it themselves. Indians have a higher than normal rate of Type 2 diabetes. Having a genetic disposition towards Type 2 is not a guarantee of a diagnosis. Lifestyle plays an important part in determining who gets diabetes. So it can be prevented if we go for changed life style to avoid diabetes. 5. Increased Age It’s a very sad but true fact. The older we get, the risk of Type 2 diabetes is increased. Even if an elderly person is thin, he/she still may be predisposed to getting diabetes. As we age, the pancreas ages right along with us. It doesn’t make enough insulin it did when we were younger. Also, as our cells age, they become more resistant to insulin as well. 6. Stress, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol The hormones are under the control of our thought and our attitude towards events in life. The stress hormone immediately releases pool of glucose, corticosteroid hormones in our blood. There is immediate release of adrenal hormones, causing blood pressure and constriction of arteries. Not only do they damage your heart vessels but they are two key components in Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms including obesity, a high fat diet, and lack of exercise. Having metabolic syndrome increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. HERBS FOR DIABETES- Following are the herbs, which have been extensively researched by modern parameters by various research scholars. They have also been described in ancient Ayurvedic texts as herbal solution for diabetes. These are - 1. Saptrangi — Salacia oblonga 2. Vizaysaar — Pterocarpus marsupium 3. Gurmaar — Gymnema sylvestrae 4. Jamun — Syzigium cumini 5. Bilva Leaves- Leaves of Aegle marmelos 6. Karela — Momordica charanatia 7. Methi — Trigonella foenum graecum 8. Neem — Azadirachta indica 9. Tulsi — Ocimum sanctum 10. Daruhaldi — Berberis aristata 11. Haridra — Curcuma longa 12. Sadabahar- Vinca rosea 13. Amla — Emblica officinalis 1. Saptrangi — Salacia oblonga This is a wonderful remedy for diabetes. It is a tree whose bark is effective in controlling diabetes. It is extensively studied in the western herbal schools, but in Ayurveda it is being used since ages. The herb have been found to have diabetes controlling properties. 2. Vizaysaar — Pterocarpus marsupium This is a big tree whose bark is very useful for diabetes. The bark of the tree is made into a wooden glass and the glass is termed as “The miracle cure for diabetes”. Some water is kept in the wooden glass overnight and is consumed early morning by diabetes patients. The color of the water changes to brown and glass is changed after around 1 month when the water color does not change. Diabetes support contains extract of bark of this miracle tree. 3. Gurmaar- Gymnema sylvestrae- In Hindi language, ‘Gur’ means Sugar and ‘Maar’ mean Kill. Gurmaar means “The sugar killer”. It is a twine that is known since ages in Ayurveda for its sugar controlling properties. Recent studies show that it contains Gymnemic acid molecules responsible for its anti-diabetic action. They bind with glucose molecules in the intestines and inhibit their entry into the blood stream. Thus it is effective in controlling sugar levels. 4. Jamun — Syzigium cumini- It is a popular fruit tree growing wild in plains of India. The seeds of this tree are dried up and then a powder is made of them. The powder of the seeds of Jamun fruit is very effective in controlling sugar levels. It is astringent in taste which is opposite to sweet. Anything astringent in taste is useful for diseases caused by excessive sweetness like obesity and diabetes. 5. Bilva — Aegle marmelos- This tree has three leaves together on its branches. Any tree who has combination of three leaves is considered in Ayurveda as divine and seat of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. The leaves are offered every Mondays in Shiva temples. This fruit of this tree is useful in irritable bowel syndrome. The leaves of Bilva are excellent for diabetes. The leaves are dried and powder is made and mixed with other herbs for better results. 6. Karela — Momordica charanatia- The juice of this fruit is a miracle in treating and preventing diabetes and its complications. 30 ml of Karela juice every morning empty stomach is recommended for best results. It can be taken along with Amla juice for better results, as Amla is rich in natural vitamin C and is also effective in diabetes. Karela contains natural chromium and other micronutrients, whereas Amla is also rich in natural anti-oxidants like vitamin C and others. 7. Methi- Trigonella-foenum-graecum- Since ages Fenugreek is being used as a medicine in India, Egypt, Middle east and other ancient civilizations. Fenugreek has excellent properties to bring sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels under control. The seed powder of Methi is used to lower down sugar levels. It can be mixed with herbs described above. 8. Neem — Azadirachta indica- Azadirachtin, Nimbin and Nimbidin are effective alkaloids found in neem. They act not only as blood purifiers but also controls sugar level very effectively. Neem is also useful in many skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, rashes. The skin diseases associated with diabetes also respond to this herb quickly. It also helps in clearing away the blocked channels and maintains the flow of bile from within the liver and improves liver function. 9.Tulsi — Ocimum sanctum- It is popularly known as ‘The Holy Basil’ is a sacred plant according to Hindu mythology. People in India worship this plant as it has tremendous medicinal properties. Regular use of leaves of this plant controls blood sugar levels very effectively. It is also useful in many types of cancers, viral and bacterial infections, sore throat, cough and cold etc. 10.Daruhaldi — Berberis aristata- This is a rhizome growing mainly in South India. The roots of this herb are taken out and grinded well. The herb powder stimulates pancreas to pump more insulin into blood. It also helps in preventing insulin resistance among cells. It acts as a channel opener for glucose into the cells. This also purifies the blood. 11.Haridra- Curcuma longa- This is very popular herb and is commonly called Turmeric. Turmeric powder is an effective anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and one of the best natural anti-diabetic. It works in the same way as Berberis aristata. It helps in purifying the blood, channel opener, helps in reducing the insulin resistance and thus making the way for glucose into the cells. 12.Sadabahar- Vinca rosea- It is always flowering plant, growing almost in every house in India. It is known as periwinkle in English. The plant contains very precious alkaloids ‘ vincristine’ and ‘vinblastine’ which are used in allopathic medicine as anti-cancer injections. The herb leaves are very useful in controlling the diabetes. The herb leaves are mixed with other herbs described above to get good results. 13. Amla — Emblica officinalis - Amla is world’s richest natural source of vitamin C and is nature’s super anti-oxidant. One amla contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It prevents ageing and therefore delayes the onset of complications of diabetes. Amla powder, Amla juice can be consumed regularly to get the benefits in diabetes and other diseases.
['Gerardo Casella']
2020-04-23 14:12:17.146000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention']
Title Ayurvedic Herbs Diabetes — Purely Natural Way Control Sugar LevelsContent Ayurvedic Herbs Diabetes — Purely Natural Way Control Sugar Levels ITNew Cookbook Reveals 60 Delicious Diabetic Friendly Recipes Diabetes almost become epidemic today’s world Diabetes disorder affect way body us food energy Whatever sugar take generally broken simple sugar called ‘glucose’ body glucose circulates within blood enter cell help insulin Insulin hormone made within Betacells Pancreas Due sedentary life style genetic predisposition beta cell able make enough insulin key glucose enter cell key glucose keep circulating within blood called Diabetes two main type Type Type II another condition known PreDiabetes two main type fullblown diabetes People Type 1 diabetes completely unable produce insulin People Type 2 diabetes produce insulin cell become resistant either case glucose can’t move cell blood glucose level become high level remain high long time cause serious complication PreDiabetes Prediabetes condition cell body becoming resistant insulin pancreas producing much insulin required blood glucose level higher normal high enough called diabetes also known “impaired fasting glucose” “impaired glucose tolerance” Every individual Diabetic father mother must go glucose tolerance test GTT help diagnosing prediabetic condition diagnosis prediabetes warning sign diabetes develop later prevent development Type 2 diabetes losing weight making change diet exercising Type 1 Diabetes case Type Insulin Dependent Diabetes person can’t make insulin Type 1 often occurs age 30 may strike age typically caused genetic disorder pancreas produce little insulin anymore Frequent insulin injection needed Type 1 However certain herb like Salacia oblonga Pterocarpus marsupium found useful even Type diabetes Type 2 Diabetes People suffering Type II diabetes enough insulin cell become resistant type Diabetes become common spreading like epidemic everywhere around world important reason cell become resistant insulin sedentary life style followed modern age people 95 percent diabetes case Type 2 reason It’s lifestyle disease triggered obesity lack exercise increased age degree genetic predisposition way prevent diabetes change life style basic theory Ayurveda fight disease According Ayurveda Stress life style reason illness including Type II diabetes Factors developing Type II diabetes herb know problem insulin production body enough quantity problem able open cell make glucose enter glucose keep circulating within blood cell become resistant insulin reason Insulin resistance 1 Obesity number one risk factor Type 2 diabetes obesity Nearly 40 patient suffering Type II diabetes obese Excessive fat interferes body’s ability use insulin properly According Ayurveda called “ Strotoavarodh” ie blocked channel blockage channel passage Insulin reason greater insulin resistance Food life style cause blockage channel “ Strotoavarodh “ curd banana heavy greasy diet overeating excess daytime sleep herb useful clearing blockage opening micro channel remove excessive fat within body Herbs like Katuki Picrorrhiza kurro Vidang Embelia ribes Amalvetas Garcinia cambogia Triphala useful Type II diabetes open channel help reducing insulin resistance 2 Sedentary Lifestyle According Charaka ancient Ayurvedic healer lifestyle damaging health bear responsibility growing obesity diabetes Inactivity overweight go hand hand towards diagnosis Type 2 Muscle cell insulin receptor fat cell person decrease insulin resistance exercising Sushruta another ancient Ayurveda surgeon explains giving analogy suffers diabetes walk least 100 kilometer day keep sugar level control indicates one must walking active also lower blood sugar level helping insulin effective New Cookbook Reveals 60 Delicious Diabetic Friendly Recipes 3 Unhealthy Eating Habits 90 people diagnosed Type 2 diabetes overweight Unhealthy eating contributes largely obesity much fat enough fiber many simple carbohydrate contribute diagnosis diabetes Eating right turn diagnosis around reverse prevent Type 2 4 Family History Genetics appears people family member diagnosed Type 2 diabetes greater risk developing Indians higher normal rate Type 2 diabetes genetic disposition towards Type 2 guarantee diagnosis Lifestyle play important part determining get diabetes prevented go changed life style avoid diabetes 5 Increased Age It’s sad true fact older get risk Type 2 diabetes increased Even elderly person thin heshe still may predisposed getting diabetes age pancreas age right along u doesn’t make enough insulin younger Also cell age become resistant insulin well 6 Stress High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol hormone control thought attitude towards event life stress hormone immediately release pool glucose corticosteroid hormone blood immediate release adrenal hormone causing blood pressure constriction artery damage heart vessel two key component Metabolic syndrome cluster symptom including obesity high fat diet lack exercise metabolic syndrome increase risk heart disease stroke diabetes HERBS DIABETES Following herb extensively researched modern parameter various research scholar also described ancient Ayurvedic text herbal solution diabetes 1 Saptrangi — Salacia oblonga 2 Vizaysaar — Pterocarpus marsupium 3 Gurmaar — Gymnema sylvestrae 4 Jamun — Syzigium cumini 5 Bilva Leaves Leaves Aegle marmelos 6 Karela — Momordica charanatia 7 Methi — Trigonella foenum graecum 8 Neem — Azadirachta indica 9 Tulsi — Ocimum sanctum 10 Daruhaldi — Berberis aristata 11 Haridra — Curcuma longa 12 Sadabahar Vinca rosea 13 Amla — Emblica officinalis 1 Saptrangi — Salacia oblonga wonderful remedy diabetes tree whose bark effective controlling diabetes extensively studied western herbal school Ayurveda used since age herb found diabetes controlling property 2 Vizaysaar — Pterocarpus marsupium big tree whose bark useful diabetes bark tree made wooden glass glass termed “The miracle cure diabetes” water kept wooden glass overnight consumed early morning diabetes patient color water change brown glass changed around 1 month water color change Diabetes support contains extract bark miracle tree 3 Gurmaar Gymnema sylvestrae Hindi language ‘Gur’ mean Sugar ‘Maar’ mean Kill Gurmaar mean “The sugar killer” twine known since age Ayurveda sugar controlling property Recent study show contains Gymnemic acid molecule responsible antidiabetic action bind glucose molecule intestine inhibit entry blood stream Thus effective controlling sugar level 4 Jamun — Syzigium cumini popular fruit tree growing wild plain India seed tree dried powder made powder seed Jamun fruit effective controlling sugar level astringent taste opposite sweet Anything astringent taste useful disease caused excessive sweetness like obesity diabetes 5 Bilva — Aegle marmelos tree three leaf together branch tree combination three leaf considered Ayurveda divine seat Lord Brahma Vishnu Mahesh leaf offered every Mondays Shiva temple fruit tree useful irritable bowel syndrome leaf Bilva excellent diabetes leaf dried powder made mixed herb better result 6 Karela — Momordica charanatia juice fruit miracle treating preventing diabetes complication 30 ml Karela juice every morning empty stomach recommended best result taken along Amla juice better result Amla rich natural vitamin C also effective diabetes Karela contains natural chromium micronutrient whereas Amla also rich natural antioxidant like vitamin C others 7 Methi Trigonellafoenumgraecum Since age Fenugreek used medicine India Egypt Middle east ancient civilization Fenugreek excellent property bring sugar level well cholesterol level control seed powder Methi used lower sugar level mixed herb described 8 Neem — Azadirachta indica Azadirachtin Nimbin Nimbidin effective alkaloid found neem act blood purifier also control sugar level effectively Neem also useful many skin disease like eczema psoriasis rash skin disease associated diabetes also respond herb quickly also help clearing away blocked channel maintains flow bile within liver improves liver function 9Tulsi — Ocimum sanctum popularly known ‘The Holy Basil’ sacred plant according Hindu mythology People India worship plant tremendous medicinal property Regular use leaf plant control blood sugar level effectively also useful many type cancer viral bacterial infection sore throat cough cold etc 10Daruhaldi — Berberis aristata rhizome growing mainly South India root herb taken grinded well herb powder stimulates pancreas pump insulin blood also help preventing insulin resistance among cell act channel opener glucose cell also purifies blood 11Haridra Curcuma longa popular herb commonly called Turmeric Turmeric powder effective antiallergic anticancer antiinflammatory one best natural antidiabetic work way Berberis aristata help purifying blood channel opener help reducing insulin resistance thus making way glucose cell 12Sadabahar Vinca rosea always flowering plant growing almost every house India known periwinkle English plant contains precious alkaloid ‘ vincristine’ ‘vinblastine’ used allopathic medicine anticancer injection herb leaf useful controlling diabetes herb leaf mixed herb described get good result 13 Amla — Emblica officinalis Amla world’s richest natural source vitamin C nature’s super antioxidant One amla contains 30 time vitamin C orange prevents ageing therefore delayes onset complication diabetes Amla powder Amla juice consumed regularly get benefit diabetes diseasesTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention
5 Tasty Foods That Can Actually Lower Your Blood Sugar
5 Tasty Foods That Can Actually Lower Your Blood Sugar With the rising epidemic of obesity and diabetes in the world, it is important to take steps to prevent these serious diseases. Here are some foods that can help to lower and control your blood sugar, if they are added to your diet: Pickles. A recent Swedish university study showed that eating pickles or adding vinegar to your meal can reduce your blood sugar levels by up to 50%. In addition to pickles, most anything with acetic acid in it, such as vinegar, has a similar effect. It’s relatively easy to incorporate vinegar into a meal, just use a vinegar based salad dressing on your salad or use it as a dip for vegetables. Pickles and vinegar works by slowing down or stopping the carbohydrates you ate with the meal from breaking down in your stomach, thus it is absorbed slowly, which stops it from being converted to sugar quickly. The effect is not the same if you consume bread and butter type pickles, as those contain sugar. Almonds. A recent study testing the effects of almonds on blood sugar had surprising results. People who ate about 2 ounces of almonds after eating a piece of sliced white bread had significantly lower blood sugar than those who did not eat the almonds. The study also showed similar results when testing with mashed potatoes and rice. Almonds are rich in antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals, so they are an excellent addition to anyone’s diet, whether you have blood sugar problems or not. Sweet Potatoes. High in fiber and carotenoids, sweet potatoes are also high in antioxidants that have been shown to help your body better respond to insulin. Skip the brown sugar and syrupy canned varieties, however, as they won’t have the same effect. Flaxseed. This includes flax seeds and flax oil supplements. Some studies have shown a stabilization of blood sugar levels with supplementation or increased consumption of flax seeds and flax seed oil. Cinnamon. A study in Pakistan showed that diabetics who took small does of cinnamon, from just 1/4 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons per day, had their bodies natural insulin production increase. The study also showed beneficial effects on cholesterol. So, why not try baking some sweet potatoes and don’t forget the cinnamon! While you’re at it, have a big salad with a tasty and tangy dressing of olive oil and vinegar. Disclaimer: This Article Contains an Affliate link
2022-02-06 03:06:53.527000+00:00
['Blood Sugar', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes', 'Fruits', 'Supplements']
Title 5 Tasty Foods Actually Lower Blood SugarContent 5 Tasty Foods Actually Lower Blood Sugar rising epidemic obesity diabetes world important take step prevent serious disease food help lower control blood sugar added diet Pickles recent Swedish university study showed eating pickle adding vinegar meal reduce blood sugar level 50 addition pickle anything acetic acid vinegar similar effect It’s relatively easy incorporate vinegar meal use vinegar based salad dressing salad use dip vegetable Pickles vinegar work slowing stopping carbohydrate ate meal breaking stomach thus absorbed slowly stop converted sugar quickly effect consume bread butter type pickle contain sugar Almonds recent study testing effect almond blood sugar surprising result People ate 2 ounce almond eating piece sliced white bread significantly lower blood sugar eat almond study also showed similar result testing mashed potato rice Almonds rich antioxidant vitamin mineral excellent addition anyone’s diet whether blood sugar problem Sweet Potatoes High fiber carotenoid sweet potato also high antioxidant shown help body better respond insulin Skip brown sugar syrupy canned variety however won’t effect Flaxseed includes flax seed flax oil supplement study shown stabilization blood sugar level supplementation increased consumption flax seed flax seed oil Cinnamon study Pakistan showed diabetic took small cinnamon 14 teaspoon 2 teaspoon per day body natural insulin production increase study also showed beneficial effect cholesterol try baking sweet potato don’t forget cinnamon you’re big salad tasty tangy dressing olive oil vinegar Disclaimer Article Contains Affliate linkTags Blood Sugar Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Fruits Supplements
Simple Changes to Make in Life to Learn How to Avoid Diabetes
Living a healthy life for years to come should be one of your top priorities. Diabetes is a common disease among people these days and it can easily be avoided. If you want to learn how to avoid diabetes and stay safe, look at these simple changes that need to be made! Watching what you eat is always important at an early age. Sadly, many parents do not teach their children the right eating habits and bad habits become hard to break. Protect your body with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You might also want to stay away from too much red meat and additives in your diet. After a meal, you might want to satisfy your taste buds with a little bit of dessert. Refined sugars seem to go hand in hand with an unhealthy diet. Those tasty treats might feel good going down the pipes, but you will pay for it later on in life. Stop eating sugars and find out the right way to avoid diabetes. Increasing your overall exercise level will also help to reduce your risk of diabetes. Even if you can only walk a few times per week, you will still have a possibility of avoiding this disease. Take the time to lose a few extra pounds and get back into better shape. Those who are overweight are also at high risk for a heart attack or even heart disease. Getting to the doctor on a yearly basis will also enable you to avoid diabetes. It should be known that seeing a doctor despite your fears, will greatly enhance your life. If you do not have a doctor, now would be a great time to find the right one located in your area. If you want to live a happy life, you need to ensure that you do what you can to avoid diabetes. Take the time to use these avoidance methods and you will surely see a difference. Live diabetes free today and start changing your life! Learn all you can about avoiding diabetes so you can make critical changes that can benefit your entire family. Learn how reverse diabetes so you can live a long, happy, healthy life.
['Sunny Ogbereyo']
2020-07-22 00:32:49.908000+00:00
['Health', 'Health Foods', 'Diabetes', 'Lifehacks', 'Life']
Title Simple Changes Make Life Learn Avoid DiabetesContent Living healthy life year come one top priority Diabetes common disease among people day easily avoided want learn avoid diabetes stay safe look simple change need made Watching eat always important early age Sadly many parent teach child right eating habit bad habit become hard break Protect body plenty fresh fruit vegetable might also want stay away much red meat additive diet meal might want satisfy taste bud little bit dessert Refined sugar seem go hand hand unhealthy diet tasty treat might feel good going pipe pay later life Stop eating sugar find right way avoid diabetes Increasing overall exercise level also help reduce risk diabetes Even walk time per week still possibility avoiding disease Take time lose extra pound get back better shape overweight also high risk heart attack even heart disease Getting doctor yearly basis also enable avoid diabetes known seeing doctor despite fear greatly enhance life doctor would great time find right one located area want live happy life need ensure avoid diabetes Take time use avoidance method surely see difference Live diabetes free today start changing life Learn avoiding diabetes make critical change benefit entire family Learn reverse diabetes live long happy healthy lifeTags Health Health Foods Diabetes Lifehacks Life
Diabetes - Here’s What You Should Know And How to Avoid It
Diabetes - Here’s What You Should Know And How to Avoid It What Exactly Is Diabetes? If you believe you may be at risk of getting diabetes, the first step is to learn about the disease. According to experts, diabetes is a chronic disease that develops in people who are unable to use glucose in their food as energy. When stored glucose remains in your bloodstream for an extended period of time, sickness occurs. This level of glucose, over time, can cause harm to the organs, including the eyes, kidneys, heart, and even the nerves. Following a thorough understanding of the disease and how it progresses, the next step is to learn about the various types that are recognized by experts and physicians. Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes are the three most common kinds today. Understanding what they are and what distinguishes them will assist diabetics in determining where to focus efforts in managing their condition. Type 1 Diabetes: What Is It? A person with type 1 diabetes has a pancreas that is unable to produce enough insulin for the body to operate normally. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune illness in which the body’s cells attack the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, either completely killing them or causing insufficient production. Type 1 diabetes is typically surprising to people because it is not linked to a healthy lifestyle or body weight. As of now, experts have not yet discovered the exact cause of type 2 diabetes in a person. There are risk factors that can increase a person’s chances of being diagnosed. Juvenile diabetes is a term used to describe type 1 diabetes. Most people diagnosed with it are under the age of 25. Patients who were diagnosed with the condition at a much older age have been identified, but those are the exceptions. People who become insulin-dependent may have a genetic link, although the exact link is yet to be found. Patients with type 1 diabetes will need insulin for the rest of their lives. Depending on their diet and weight, the amount of insulin they take may change over time. Type 1 diabetics should check their urine for ketones every morning because they are more prone to developing diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening illness. This is your body’s way of informing you that it isn’t getting enough fuel and is relying on fat cells for energy rather than the food you’re eating. When compared to the number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the amount of people with type 1 is low. Obesity trends are driving up the number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes: What Is It? Whereas type 1 diabetics don’t create enough insulin for their bodies, type 2 diabetics do, but their bodies don’t use it properly. Because a high number of people diagnosed with type 2 are overweight or obese, it has been linked to lifestyle choices. The extra weight a person gains can make it difficult for the body to effectively metabolize insulin. A family relationship (a first or second generation family member) and race are two additional risk factors for being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Even if these risk factors are present, a person can avoid getting them by losing weight, eating healthy foods, and getting lots of exercise. More details about these steps will be discussed later. In the past, type 2 diabetes was only diagnosed in patients over the age of 40, but in recent years, it has been found in people of all ages. A frighteningly high number of obese young children are being diagnosed with this condition. Some of these symptoms may be present in people who have not yet been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, such as urinary tract infections (UTI) and skin disorders. Moodiness and irritability are also symptoms of diabetes, but they rarely require a visit to the doctor and are eventually explained by high or low blood sugar levels. This kind of diabetes also includes an increased need to urinate, a desire to drink more, and a feeling of lethargy or persistent exhaustion, which are similar to those of type 1. In contrast to type 1 diabetics, who only have the option of insulin injections or an insulin pump, type 2 diabetics have a variety of treatment options based on personal preference and needs. Gestational Diabetes: What Is It? The American Diabetes Association estimates that 4% of pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a woman who has never had diabetes before gets high blood glucose levels while pregnant, usually in her third pregnancy. In the United States, it is estimated that roughly 135,000 cases of this condition occur each year. Women who develop this kind of diabetes are unlikely to develop type 2 later in life. This is a condition caused by the mother’s inability to utilize the insulin produced naturally in her body during pregnancy. It’s also caused by hormones released during pregnancy, which make the mother insulin-resistant. The mother gradually develops excessive blood glucose levels, sometimes known as hyperglycemia. A woman with gestational diabetes is usually treated for the condition while she is pregnant. While there are no birth problems connected with this type of sickness, as there are with women who have had diabetes prior to being pregnant, the child need not be concerned. However, if the condition is not treated, the baby may suffer harm. Because the mother is unable to control her high blood glucose, the child receives an excessive amount of energy and fat. This frequently leads to macrosomia. Macrosomia is the medical term for a fat baby. While some people believe that a fat baby means the baby is healthy, a child born excessively fat may have difficulty squeezing through the delivery canal. This can harm the shoulders and necessitate a cesarean delivery. Furthermore, obese newborns may develop breathing problems as they get older, and if they remain obese, they may develop Type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, gestational diabetes can be treated. The mother is frequently given insulin shots to maintain her blood glucose levels. On the other hand, a woman who is planning to become pregnant can prevent the complication of this sort of diabetes by avoiding it. She can achieve this in a number of ways, which include losing weight if she was already overweight before pregnancy, developing a healthy exercise regimen, and adhering to particular dietary requirements. The Glycemic index is an excellent tool for pregnant women to use so they can determine which foods to avoid. The Glycemic index was created specifically for diabetics to categorize carbohydrates. When you’re pregnant, listen to your doctor’s advice about nutrition and activity, as well as any carbohydrate diets. Discuss any concerns you may have about your weight or diabetes with your doctor before becoming pregnant, as he may give you some suggestions on how to avoid this issue. Even if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, neither you nor your baby may develop type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes isn’t a great cause for concern. Women with this condition have a lot of options for treatment. Just make sure to follow any directions your doctor gives you.
['Get Real Help']
2021-12-27 18:57:40.495000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Type 2 Diabetes', 'Type 1 Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Diabetes Prevention']
Title Diabetes Here’s Know Avoid ItContent Diabetes Here’s Know Avoid Exactly Diabetes believe may risk getting diabetes first step learn disease According expert diabetes chronic disease develops people unable use glucose food energy stored glucose remains bloodstream extended period time sickness occurs level glucose time cause harm organ including eye kidney heart even nerve Following thorough understanding disease progress next step learn various type recognized expert physician Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes gestational diabetes three common kind today Understanding distinguishes assist diabetic determining focus effort managing condition Type 1 Diabetes person type 1 diabetes pancreas unable produce enough insulin body operate normally Type 1 diabetes autoimmune illness body’s cell attack insulinproducing cell pancreas either completely killing causing insufficient production Type 1 diabetes typically surprising people linked healthy lifestyle body weight expert yet discovered exact cause type 2 diabetes person risk factor increase person’s chance diagnosed Juvenile diabetes term used describe type 1 diabetes people diagnosed age 25 Patients diagnosed condition much older age identified exception People become insulindependent may genetic link although exact link yet found Patients type 1 diabetes need insulin rest life Depending diet weight amount insulin take may change time Type 1 diabetic check urine ketone every morning prone developing diabetic ketoacidosis lifethreatening illness body’s way informing isn’t getting enough fuel relying fat cell energy rather food you’re eating compared number people diagnosed type 2 diabetes amount people type 1 low Obesity trend driving number people diagnosed type 2 diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Whereas type 1 diabetic don’t create enough insulin body type 2 diabetic body don’t use properly high number people diagnosed type 2 overweight obese linked lifestyle choice extra weight person gain make difficult body effectively metabolize insulin family relationship first second generation family member race two additional risk factor diagnosed type 2 diabetes Even risk factor present person avoid getting losing weight eating healthy food getting lot exercise detail step discussed later past type 2 diabetes diagnosed patient age 40 recent year found people age frighteningly high number obese young child diagnosed condition symptom may present people yet diagnosed type 2 diabetes urinary tract infection UTI skin disorder Moodiness irritability also symptom diabetes rarely require visit doctor eventually explained high low blood sugar level kind diabetes also includes increased need urinate desire drink feeling lethargy persistent exhaustion similar type 1 contrast type 1 diabetic option insulin injection insulin pump type 2 diabetic variety treatment option based personal preference need Gestational Diabetes American Diabetes Association estimate 4 pregnant woman may develop gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes condition woman never diabetes get high blood glucose level pregnant usually third pregnancy United States estimated roughly 135000 case condition occur year Women develop kind diabetes unlikely develop type 2 later life condition caused mother’s inability utilize insulin produced naturally body pregnancy It’s also caused hormone released pregnancy make mother insulinresistant mother gradually develops excessive blood glucose level sometimes known hyperglycemia woman gestational diabetes usually treated condition pregnant birth problem connected type sickness woman diabetes prior pregnant child need concerned However condition treated baby may suffer harm mother unable control high blood glucose child receives excessive amount energy fat frequently lead macrosomia Macrosomia medical term fat baby people believe fat baby mean baby healthy child born excessively fat may difficulty squeezing delivery canal harm shoulder necessitate cesarean delivery Furthermore obese newborn may develop breathing problem get older remain obese may develop Type 2 diabetes Fortunately gestational diabetes treated mother frequently given insulin shot maintain blood glucose level hand woman planning become pregnant prevent complication sort diabetes avoiding achieve number way include losing weight already overweight pregnancy developing healthy exercise regimen adhering particular dietary requirement Glycemic index excellent tool pregnant woman use determine food avoid Glycemic index created specifically diabetic categorize carbohydrate you’re pregnant listen doctor’s advice nutrition activity well carbohydrate diet Discuss concern may weight diabetes doctor becoming pregnant may give suggestion avoid issue Even diagnosed gestational diabetes neither baby may develop type 2 diabetes Gestational diabetes isn’t great cause concern Women condition lot option treatment make sure follow direction doctor give youTags Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Diabetes Prevention
Patient Advisory Groups in Diabetes Research: A Caregiver Perspective
Patient Advisory Groups in Diabetes Research: A Caregiver Perspective As a Knowledge Exchange Coordinator for the Developmental Origins of Chronic Disease in Children (DEVOTION) Network, my work supported stakeholder and patient engagement. One example is a patient advisory group for the Improving Renal Complications in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (iCARE) Cohort study. Put simply, iCARE is an observational clinical study designed to address the high rates of kidney damage in youth living with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Beyond biological risk factors, this study is also exploring the psychological and social risk factors associated with kidney damage in youth with T2D. What can patient engagement look like in reality? We’ve previously shared two blogs that highlighted patient engagement within iCARE study’s patient advisory group. Dr. Brandy Wicklow (a co-principle investigator for iCARE) talked about the logistics of starting an advisory group (read it here), while Shayna Quoquat shared her perspective as a youth advisor (found here). In this post, we share the perspective of a caregiver involved in this study: Jackie McKee (co-chair of the iCARE advisory group), who both lives with T2D and cares for her child living with T2D. Can you tell us about yourself, and how you got involved in health research? “It all started when my son was diagnosed, two months before his 13th birthday. I’ve been very familiar with type 2 diabetes in my family, my grandmother and mom both had it. I was diagnosed myself 5 years ago. Arlene, the nurse in charge who works in Waywayseecappo First Nation, asked if my son and I would be interested in joining this advisory group. My son couldn’t join in the end, but I did and I’ve been with it ever since.” How has this role been valuable to you? “It has given me a forum to say how I feel, my concerns and issues with diabetes. But the biggest thing is that I now feel like I have a voice, one that reaches a larger audience. One of the biggest things when we first started was establishing trust between parents, kids and researchers. Trust has to be established with the healthcare workers in the system. A lot of people have talked about not feeling empathy from their doctor outside of the clinic. I think trust is there now with the group and researchers, it has evolved. When we first started these meetings, it was common feelings that bonded us. There is constant worry as a parent when your child has type 2 [diabetes]. Even though we (the iCARE advisory group) have been in existence for almost 3 years and we’ve only met a handful of times, it feels like we’ve been together for a long time.” How has the voice of the iCARE advisory group impacted the iCARE study? Editor’s note: issues in mental health was identified as an important risk factor by the iCARE advisory group, leading the research team to incorporate and measure this within their study. “Mental health is something that the researchers are now focusing on within their study. To me, mental health support is just as important as the medicine. As a group, we’ve looked at the types of questions they now ask in clinic to find out more about people’s current mental health support, and provided advice around what and how they should be asking patients these questions during their visits at clinic. Now we’re talking about elder support in clinic and ways to increase support for patients. Sometimes it feels like we’re not making an impact. But I watched a clip on the news that featured the iCARE study the other day with Allison and Shayna (note: Dr. Allison Dart is the other co-principle investigator for iCARE and Shayna is one of our youth advisors). Allison had mentioned how they were now incorporating mental health in the study and within clinic. When I heard her say that, I thought “someone’s heard us”. We as a team have contributed to diabetes in that way.” What challenges have you faced within the iCARE patient advisory group? “In our group we have two types of people: ones that are more vocal, and ones that are quiet. I’m one of the ones who talks. Some people express themselves differently, like through art. But I think sometimes it’s hard to have discussions because not everyone has been able to share how they’re feeling. The other challenge is having a consistent core group. Once the youth are finished high school they sometimes leave the group because they have changed directions in their lives with either attending school, or have entered the work force.” What are the key things you’ve learned? “The biggest thing I’ve learned is the increased risk kids with type 2 diabetes have have in terms of kidney problems by the time they’re in their 30’s. It scared the hell of me because that’s where I see my son heading. Kidney problems equals dialysis in my opinion. It’s also understanding how big this is, kids getting type 2 diabetes. I do this work because I don’t want another parent to go through this. You can’t imagine this unless you’ve gone through it. It’s not necessarily inevitable that your child will get diabetes. The other thing I learned is about the misconception that type 2 diabetes is 100% preventable. Which is not the case! Contrary to popular public belief this is not the case. There are many factors involved, including a hereditary factor. This issue is beyond this group and the iCARE study. So many people and different departments within our healthcare system need to get on board to stop this.”
['Leanne Dunne']
2018-09-19 14:37:46.125000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Patient Engagement', 'First Nations', 'Health', 'Kidney Disease']
Title Patient Advisory Groups Diabetes Research Caregiver PerspectiveContent Patient Advisory Groups Diabetes Research Caregiver Perspective Knowledge Exchange Coordinator Developmental Origins Chronic Disease Children DEVOTION Network work supported stakeholder patient engagement One example patient advisory group Improving Renal Complications Adolescents Type 2 Diabetes iCARE Cohort study Put simply iCARE observational clinical study designed address high rate kidney damage youth living type 2 diabetes T2D Beyond biological risk factor study also exploring psychological social risk factor associated kidney damage youth T2D patient engagement look like reality We’ve previously shared two blog highlighted patient engagement within iCARE study’s patient advisory group Dr Brandy Wicklow coprinciple investigator iCARE talked logistics starting advisory group read Shayna Quoquat shared perspective youth advisor found post share perspective caregiver involved study Jackie McKee cochair iCARE advisory group life T2D care child living T2D tell u got involved health research “It started son diagnosed two month 13th birthday I’ve familiar type 2 diabetes family grandmother mom diagnosed 5 year ago Arlene nurse charge work Waywayseecappo First Nation asked son would interested joining advisory group son couldn’t join end I’ve ever since” role valuable “It given forum say feel concern issue diabetes biggest thing feel like voice one reach larger audience One biggest thing first started establishing trust parent kid researcher Trust established healthcare worker system lot people talked feeling empathy doctor outside clinic think trust group researcher evolved first started meeting common feeling bonded u constant worry parent child type 2 diabetes Even though iCARE advisory group existence almost 3 year we’ve met handful time feel like we’ve together long time” voice iCARE advisory group impacted iCARE study Editor’s note issue mental health identified important risk factor iCARE advisory group leading research team incorporate measure within study “Mental health something researcher focusing within study mental health support important medicine group we’ve looked type question ask clinic find people’s current mental health support provided advice around asking patient question visit clinic we’re talking elder support clinic way increase support patient Sometimes feel like we’re making impact watched clip news featured iCARE study day Allison Shayna note Dr Allison Dart coprinciple investigator iCARE Shayna one youth advisor Allison mentioned incorporating mental health study within clinic heard say thought “someone’s heard us” team contributed diabetes way” challenge faced within iCARE patient advisory group “In group two type people one vocal one quiet I’m one one talk people express differently like art think sometimes it’s hard discussion everyone able share they’re feeling challenge consistent core group youth finished high school sometimes leave group changed direction life either attending school entered work force” key thing you’ve learned “The biggest thing I’ve learned increased risk kid type 2 diabetes term kidney problem time they’re 30’s scared hell that’s see son heading Kidney problem equal dialysis opinion It’s also understanding big kid getting type 2 diabetes work don’t want another parent go can’t imagine unless you’ve gone It’s necessarily inevitable child get diabetes thing learned misconception type 2 diabetes 100 preventable case Contrary popular public belief case many factor involved including hereditary factor issue beyond group iCARE study many people different department within healthcare system need get board stop this”Tags Diabetes Patient Engagement First Nations Health Kidney Disease
diabetes and you need to learn more about the disease
diabetes and you need to learn more about the disease Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body is unable to regulate its blood glucose. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body is unable to regulate its blood glucose. Glucose is one way in which energy is stored in the body. It is metabolised by cells to produce energy, so the cells can function and the body can live. If there is too little glucose then the cells will not be able to function and we will feel tired or pass out. Too much glucose can also be a problem, as the sugars interact with organs and can cause problems in the kidney, eyes and nerves. The body can sense how much glucose is present and it regulates your blood glucose with the hormone Insulin. Insulin is produced in the pancreas. When blood glucose is high more insulin is produced, and it tells cells to take up glucose and store it. When blood glucose is low its levels fall, and the body responds by releasing its stored glucose into the blood stream. Type 1 Diabetes With Type 1 Diabetes your body does not make any insulin. This is because the body’s immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the cells that make insulin. This type of diabetes is often found in children and young adults, and usually requires daily doses of insulin to replace the missing insulin. Missing insulin doses can lead to a serious condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis, which can lead to a coma and sometimes even be fatal. Type 2 Diabetes With Type 2 Diabetes the body’s ability to respond to high blood glucose slowly fails, and it does not make enough insulin. There are many risk factors for this condition, including obesity, family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, not physically active and have a history of heart disease or strokes. Unfortunately being of Indian origin will predispose you to having diabetes, and so it is important to understand how diabetes might affect you. Gestational Diabetes Finally some women may find they have a temporary onset of diabetes when they are pregnant. Usually this will go away once the baby is born. However patients who have had gestational diabetes are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later on in their life. Symptoms The common symptoms of diabetes include: - Increased thirst - Needing to urinate more, especially at night - Increased hunger - Blurry vision - Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet - Sores in the feet If there is increased sugar in the blood it can react with your body organs and cause problems. This is especially true for your kidneys, eyes, nerves and arteries. - In the kidneys it affects the filtration system, causing excessive urine to be produced. - It can damage the nerves in the hands and feet, causing reduced sensation. - If damage occurs to the feet it can be harder to detect, and large sores can form. - Damage to the lining of blood vessels can cause narrowing, reducing blood from reaching these sores, and worsening wound healing. - Narrowed blood vessels also increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in diabetics. - All of these factors act together to affect the eyes and can cause worsening vision. It is important to learn about your conditions and how they can affect you. Understanding your condition can help you understand how to manage and control it, so it does not affect your life. If you want to know more about your diabetes and whether it is being managed well, ask us a question on secondmedic.com. Dr Rachana Dwivedi MBBS, FRCOG, FICOG, PGC ( USS), DFFP Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospital
2021-12-18 20:30:45.848000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Disease', 'Health', 'Glucose']
Title diabetes need learn diseaseContent diabetes need learn disease Diabetes disease occurs body unable regulate blood glucose Diabetes disease occurs body unable regulate blood glucose Glucose one way energy stored body metabolised cell produce energy cell function body live little glucose cell able function feel tired pas much glucose also problem sugar interact organ cause problem kidney eye nerve body sense much glucose present regulates blood glucose hormone Insulin Insulin produced pancreas blood glucose high insulin produced tell cell take glucose store blood glucose low level fall body responds releasing stored glucose blood stream Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes body make insulin body’s immune system attack pancreas destroys cell make insulin type diabetes often found child young adult usually requires daily dos insulin replace missing insulin Missing insulin dos lead serious condition known diabetic ketoacidosis lead coma sometimes even fatal Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes body’s ability respond high blood glucose slowly fails make enough insulin many risk factor condition including obesity family history diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol physically active history heart disease stroke Unfortunately Indian origin predispose diabetes important understand diabetes might affect Gestational Diabetes Finally woman may find temporary onset diabetes pregnant Usually go away baby born However patient gestational diabetes higher risk developing type 2 diabetes later life Symptoms common symptom diabetes include Increased thirst Needing urinate especially night Increased hunger Blurry vision Numbness tingling hand foot Sores foot increased sugar blood react body organ cause problem especially true kidney eye nerve artery kidney affect filtration system causing excessive urine produced damage nerve hand foot causing reduced sensation damage occurs foot harder detect large sore form Damage lining blood vessel cause narrowing reducing blood reaching sore worsening wound healing Narrowed blood vessel also increase risk heart disease stroke diabetic factor act together affect eye cause worsening vision important learn condition affect Understanding condition help understand manage control affect life want know diabetes whether managed well ask u question secondmediccom Dr Rachana Dwivedi MBBS FRCOG FICOG PGC USS DFFP Consultant Obstetrics Gynaecology Royal Bournemouth Christchurch HospitalTags Diabetes Disease Health Glucose
Which are the top 3 therapy fields with the best market potential for digital health apps?
With the global rise of chronic diseases and conditions, the chronically ill people have been one of the focuses of healthcare app market players. Taking up the challenge for chronic disease prevention and treatment, digital health app developers try to bring significant advances in the management of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other chronic diseases worldwide. Although there is a huge market potential, the market penetration for all therapy fields is still less than 1%. Which are the top 3 therapy fields with the best market potential for digital health apps and are they the biggest markets in terms of global cases? According to the mHealth Economic 2017 study, 68% of mobile health app developers and publishers believe that diabetes continues to be the therapy field with the best market potential for digital health solutions within the near future, followed by obesity (35%) and depression (28%). The Diabetes App Market Report 2016–2021 also draws attention to the growing global epidemic with 642M people expected to suffer from metabolic syndrome by 2040. Today, mobile health apps can play an invaluable role in assisting people who suffer from chronic diseases and in most of the cases help them better and more effectively manage everyday their conditions thanks to the advances in mobile technologies, the widespread use of smartphones and wireless devices. Personalized intervention and remote monitoring allow doctors not only to gather the data and intervene when necessary, but give patients a better sense of responsibility for their own health in real time. THERAPY FIELDS WITH THE BEST MARKET POTENTIAL Diabetes remains the leading therapy field for mobile health solutions and offers the best market potential as reported by 68% of mHealth apps publishers, followed by obesity with 35% market attractiveness and depressions with 28%. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Follow R2G on LinkedIn to get soon the summary results of our latest 2019 research study on “What drives success in the digital health market?” — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - Depression is the therapy field that continues to gain attraction. It is estimated that this serious mental health condition will affect more than 350 million people globally (WHO, 2017) and is now ranked third as holding the highest market potential. To explore more in depth this market you can also read about the top 10 depression apps. Hypertension and chronic heart diseases follow the Top 3 therapy fields with strong future business proposition for mobile health solutions according to 24% and 11% respectively of mHealth app practitioners. The graph above illustrates the market potential for mobile applications, specifically for chronic diseases according to more than 2,400+ decision makers and experts in mobile and digital health. However, the successful mHealth app publishers with a revenue of 1M+ USD have a slightly different opinion about the future best therapy fields, ranking diabetes even higher than the average and choosing depression as their number 2. Apart from diabetes and depression, successful publishers are ranking all other therapy fields below the average. NICHE THERAPY FIELDS MARKETS According to 10–12% of mHealth app developers and healthcare professionals, therapy fields such as Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Chronic pain, Neurological disorder and Asthma are with the least business potential and significant future growth. These conditions will remain niche markets in the next 5 years. THE BIGGEST THERAPY FIELDS MARKETS IN TERMS OF GLOBAL CASES Connected health apps and advances in mobile technologies are transforming the healthcare industry by addressing different patients’ needs/cases and encouraging more proactive patient engagement to better manage their health conditions. When it comes to therapy fields, in 2017 hypertension and cardiovascular disease are by far the biggest markets in terms of global cases with 1bn+ cases each. Diabetes, obesity and depression have respectively: 422m, 600m and 300m worldwide cases. Although the business potential for therapy fields markets is big and will continue to grow with the global rise of chronic diseases and conditions, the market penetration for all therapy fields is less than 1%. Consequently, the acceptance rate and active usage of all therapeutic solutions apps within target groups is very low. This leads to some key questions: How to increase the usage for app based support? What are the factors that will drive the penetration rate for the therapeutic apps? There are significant opportunities for app developers and a big likelihood for profitable market penetration as the prevalence of chronic diseases is increasing and so is the share of active users while current apps fall short of expectations. If you are interested to find out how to best tap into these key markets with ongoing growth and what are the best practice elements for successful therapeutic apps solutions, please contact us at: stela.nikolova@research2gudaince.com
2019-03-04 13:43:30.916000+00:00
['Healthcare', 'Diabetes', 'Depression', 'Mobile Apps', 'Therapy']
Title top 3 therapy field best market potential digital health appsContent global rise chronic disease condition chronically ill people one focus healthcare app market player Taking challenge chronic disease prevention treatment digital health app developer try bring significant advance management diabetes obesity heart disease chronic disease worldwide Although huge market potential market penetration therapy field still le 1 top 3 therapy field best market potential digital health apps biggest market term global case According mHealth Economic 2017 study 68 mobile health app developer publisher believe diabetes continues therapy field best market potential digital health solution within near future followed obesity 35 depression 28 Diabetes App Market Report 2016–2021 also draw attention growing global epidemic 642M people expected suffer metabolic syndrome 2040 Today mobile health apps play invaluable role assisting people suffer chronic disease case help better effectively manage everyday condition thanks advance mobile technology widespread use smartphones wireless device Personalized intervention remote monitoring allow doctor gather data intervene necessary give patient better sense responsibility health real time THERAPY FIELDS BEST MARKET POTENTIAL Diabetes remains leading therapy field mobile health solution offer best market potential reported 68 mHealth apps publisher followed obesity 35 market attractiveness depression 28 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Follow R2G LinkedIn get soon summary result latest 2019 research study “What drive success digital health market” — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Depression therapy field continues gain attraction estimated serious mental health condition affect 350 million people globally 2017 ranked third holding highest market potential explore depth market also read top 10 depression apps Hypertension chronic heart disease follow Top 3 therapy field strong future business proposition mobile health solution according 24 11 respectively mHealth app practitioner graph illustrates market potential mobile application specifically chronic disease according 2400 decision maker expert mobile digital health However successful mHealth app publisher revenue 1M USD slightly different opinion future best therapy field ranking diabetes even higher average choosing depression number 2 Apart diabetes depression successful publisher ranking therapy field average NICHE THERAPY FIELDS MARKETS According 10–12 mHealth app developer healthcare professional therapy field Alzheimer’s disease Cancer Chronic pain Neurological disorder Asthma least business potential significant future growth condition remain niche market next 5 year BIGGEST THERAPY FIELDS MARKETS TERMS GLOBAL CASES Connected health apps advance mobile technology transforming healthcare industry addressing different patients’ needscases encouraging proactive patient engagement better manage health condition come therapy field 2017 hypertension cardiovascular disease far biggest market term global case 1bn case Diabetes obesity depression respectively 422m 600m 300m worldwide case Although business potential therapy field market big continue grow global rise chronic disease condition market penetration therapy field le 1 Consequently acceptance rate active usage therapeutic solution apps within target group low lead key question increase usage app based support factor drive penetration rate therapeutic apps significant opportunity app developer big likelihood profitable market penetration prevalence chronic disease increasing share active user current apps fall short expectation interested find best tap key market ongoing growth best practice element successful therapeutic apps solution please contact u stelanikolovaresearch2gudaincecomTags Healthcare Diabetes Depression Mobile Apps Therapy
I’m a T1D cyborg — and proud of it.
I’m a T1D cyborg — and proud of it. The graph of a blood glucose wave over the course of 24 hours. The graph is mainly in it’s ideal range, between 80 and 170 mg/dl. It also shows several Super Micro Boluses (SMBs) after regular meal boluses. T1D stands for Type 1 Diabetes. That means that my pancreas doesn’t produce / produces way too little insulin. Insulin is required for metabolism to make energy available to any cells in your body. 100 years ago, I would have died from this disease. Today, the state of medicine is quite good. Diabetes is a chronic irreversible disease. That means a person with diabetes will need to treat their condition as long as they live. And learn how to adapt to live with the treatment. Diabetes always with you. It doesn’t appear in seizures, or waves of pain, like other chronic diseases. And you can’t take pills and things get better for a period of time. As said, the state of treatment is good. But not as good as it could be. Let me tell you why. It is important to understand what it takes a T1D to treat diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes need to control their blood glucose (sugar) level manually. They need to be aware of the amount of carbohydrates (starch and all kinds of sugar: dextrose, fructose, glucose, maltose) and fats they are going to eat. And they have to inject insulin, depending on their therapy, per pen or insulin pump. These essentials, in the truest sense if the word, make people with diabetes decide to do crazy things. They hide it, to not get stigmatised, or hurt other people’s feelings or get anxious. They decide not to eat. They decide to always — always — eat the same. They decide to not treat their disease. They decide to hide away the injection areas of their skin. They decide to not participate in social events. They decide to cloak their disease. While none of these behaviours make sense, people with diabetes still do them. To avoid stigmatisation, mostly. They don’t want to look different, get treated differently, make others anxious, or not get that job because they have a disability. Type 1 diabetes is an invisible disability, like so many other disabilities. (Statistics show, that only 25% of people with a severe disability are using assistive devices. Worldwide, 1 out of 10 has a severe disability. https://invisibledisabilities.org/what-is-an-invisible-disability/. You can ground check your own filter bubble: do you know 1 person with disability for every 10 persons you know?) For a very long time, 21 out of 23 years of living with diabetes, I also decided to not go public with my T1D. I cloaked it, even to my mother, for several years. (The relationship with her broke up during the time of diagnosis, and after we reestablished contact two years later, I couldn’t tell her. As I thought she might associate it to what had happened between us. Diabetes has always a trigger. You’re predisposed to developing T1D. But there’s something triggering the “outbreak” sooner or later in life. And the consumption of sugar is never a reason for developing T1D.) I mistreated myself with too little blood glucose monitoring (only once a day, if at all, instead of 3–4 times a day). I wildly guessed carbohydrates, didn’t calculate meals, let myself slip into low sugar conditions to eat sweets. I missed out on quarterly appointments with diabetes health care. I didn’t even have a dedicated diabetes health care team (i.e. a diabetologist). And I didn’t talk to anyone about it. I just pretended to myself that this is the normal thing to do. I’ve been stupid, all the way up and down. And I’m lucky to still be alive. The change of mind came with my professional work, where I decided to invest myself also in matters of D&I (diversity & inclusion). I work at a Tech company, a bigger one, as you might have seen from my profile, and I was already working there, when a massive shift in culture took place. This top-down shift dealt with D&I a lot, and addressed one of the main problems of the Tech Industry: leaving out on so many opportunities for qualified professionals, women, people of color, LGBTQI+ people, and people with disabilities. To put it brief, I learned a lot. And one of my learnings was that it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of enlightenment. As that solves several issues where they are rooted. So I decided to put my own disability to public. I posted it to my Twitter profile, I took it to my D&I talks as a personal story, and I stopped cloaking it in many daily opportunities. I talked to people, but still with a certain reservation. Not calling it a real disability. Diminishing T1D to be an easily manageable disease. I think I still did a lot of things wrong. Today, I’m a proud T1D cyborg. This means I have closed the loop of the treatment of diabetes. I have an insulin pump, a sensor that constantly measures my blood glucose level and transmits that data to the cloud, a self-built device that draws that information from the cloud and lets an algorithm decide on whether to administer insulin to my body or not and instruct the insulin pump to do so or to reduce the basal rate. My blood glucose wave has improved (“flattened”) since I started closing the loop a few weeks ago. I replaced the malfunctioning part of my body with a technical device, hence the cyborg. And putting it that way, it’s kind of cool. I can be special in a way that is desirable. Kind of. At least it sounds cool, and I can motivate others, hopefully, to do the same. Because my treatment has improved drastically in the last weeks. But that’s not due to the health care system in Germany. Not because I took better care of myself. It wasn’t because my M.D. told me to change my treatment. It was because some very smart people started to talk about their disease. With others. In an open and unfearful way. Those persons founded the open source project #OpenAPS (Open Artificial Pancreas System) and started the #WeAreNotWaiting movement (https://openaps.org/). All of this would not have happened if they cloaked away their T1D to only happen in private. It wouldn’t have happened if these people, instead of striving for improving the treatment, developed behaviours to go with the standard and think it’s enough. These smart people improved the life of hundreds, maybe thousands of others, who are taking care of their condition themselves as well, maybe finally also not hiding their disease and decide to contribute and donate their data. And these smart people founded a community of contributors to sustainably and collaboratively work on the underlying algorithm oref0 and take it to a next level of treatment with its successor oref1. Dear community of smart and open T1Ds, I want to thank you. Not only for improving my condition, but for the learning that publicly speaking about a condition improves the situation. Not only for a single individual. You rock!
['Jan Schenk']
2018-12-17 11:38:17.062000+00:00
Title I’m T1D cyborg — proud itContent I’m T1D cyborg — proud graph blood glucose wave course 24 hour graph mainly it’s ideal range 80 170 mgdl also show several Super Micro Boluses SMBs regular meal bolus T1D stand Type 1 Diabetes mean pancreas doesn’t produce produce way little insulin Insulin required metabolism make energy available cell body 100 year ago would died disease Today state medicine quite good Diabetes chronic irreversible disease mean person diabetes need treat condition long live learn adapt live treatment Diabetes always doesn’t appear seizure wave pain like chronic disease can’t take pill thing get better period time said state treatment good good could Let tell important understand take T1D treat diabetes People type 1 diabetes need control blood glucose sugar level manually need aware amount carbohydrate starch kind sugar dextrose fructose glucose maltose fat going eat inject insulin depending therapy per pen insulin pump essential truest sense word make people diabetes decide crazy thing hide get stigmatised hurt people’s feeling get anxious decide eat decide always — always — eat decide treat disease decide hide away injection area skin decide participate social event decide cloak disease none behaviour make sense people diabetes still avoid stigmatisation mostly don’t want look different get treated differently make others anxious get job disability Type 1 diabetes invisible disability like many disability Statistics show 25 people severe disability using assistive device Worldwide 1 10 severe disability httpsinvisibledisabilitiesorgwhatisaninvisibledisability ground check filter bubble know 1 person disability every 10 person know long time 21 23 year living diabetes also decided go public T1D cloaked even mother several year relationship broke time diagnosis reestablished contact two year later couldn’t tell thought might associate happened u Diabetes always trigger You’re predisposed developing T1D there’s something triggering “outbreak” sooner later life consumption sugar never reason developing T1D mistreated little blood glucose monitoring day instead 3–4 time day wildly guessed carbohydrate didn’t calculate meal let slip low sugar condition eat sweet missed quarterly appointment diabetes health care didn’t even dedicated diabetes health care team ie diabetologist didn’t talk anyone pretended normal thing I’ve stupid way I’m lucky still alive change mind came professional work decided invest also matter DI diversity inclusion work Tech company bigger one might seen profile already working massive shift culture took place topdown shift dealt DI lot addressed one main problem Tech Industry leaving many opportunity qualified professional woman people color LGBTQI people people disability put brief learned lot one learning everyone’s responsibility take care enlightenment solves several issue rooted decided put disability public posted Twitter profile took DI talk personal story stopped cloaking many daily opportunity talked people still certain reservation calling real disability Diminishing T1D easily manageable disease think still lot thing wrong Today I’m proud T1D cyborg mean closed loop treatment diabetes insulin pump sensor constantly measure blood glucose level transmits data cloud selfbuilt device draw information cloud let algorithm decide whether administer insulin body instruct insulin pump reduce basal rate blood glucose wave improved “flattened” since started closing loop week ago replaced malfunctioning part body technical device hence cyborg putting way it’s kind cool special way desirable Kind least sound cool motivate others hopefully treatment improved drastically last week that’s due health care system Germany took better care wasn’t MD told change treatment smart people started talk disease others open unfearful way person founded open source project OpenAPS Open Artificial Pancreas System started WeAreNotWaiting movement httpsopenapsorg would happened cloaked away T1D happen private wouldn’t happened people instead striving improving treatment developed behaviour go standard think it’s enough smart people improved life hundred maybe thousand others taking care condition well maybe finally also hiding disease decide contribute donate data smart people founded community contributor sustainably collaboratively work underlying algorithm oref0 take next level treatment successor oref1 Dear community smart open T1Ds want thank improving condition learning publicly speaking condition improves situation single individual rockTags Diabetes
Diabetes and Exercise — Why the Connection is Vitally Important
Almost twenty-one million people in the US are living with diabetes and an estimated 6.2 million of these people don’t know that they have diabetes because they are undiagnosed. People with diabetes, on average, have medical expenditures that are 2.3 times higher than non-diabetics, according to the American Diabetes Association. Another study in Population Health Management estimates that diabetes is costing our nation $218 billion dollars in health care every year. Yet, most diabetes cases are preventable or reversible through exercise, weight loss, and healthy living. I find myself wondering. What if the 6.2 million people who were undiagnosed knew they had diabetes? Or the estimated 57 million Americans with Pre-Diabetes were educated on how they could mange their health and avoid becoming a Type 2 Diabetic? Being diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic does not mean that Type 2 diabetes is inevitable. If you lose weight and increase your physical activity, you can prevent or delay diabetes and even return your blood glucose levels to normal (ACSM 2006). (See sidebar for diabetes terms defined) Diabetes Freedom — This method that eliminates type 2 diabetes in 9 out of 10 people and you can decide if it is worth it. This is a very important point that many people do not understand — if you exercise and lose weight you can prevent or delay diabetes. Do you know the signs of diabetes? Take a look around you. Do you see any signs of diabetes in your friends and family right now? (See sidebar for common signs of diabetes) It is very possible that there are people that are diabetic (or will become diabetic) around you every day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three Americans may develop diabetes in their lifetime. Those statistics are staggering and PREVENTABLE for most. What about Type 2 diabetics that have been diagnosed? What if we educated them that through diet and exercise they could reduce their medication or eliminate it? What would this do for our health care crisis? I know that we’d first have to break through many myths, magic solutions, and limiting beliefs. The pharmaceutical companies won’t be happy with me letting this secret out either. But, what the heck, our health care system is in a crisis! Our Nation is sick! There, I said it. So let’s get down to the business of taking some personal responsibility for our health. Many of you who are trying to understand diabetes and take responsibility for your health immediately have several questions: o Should you cut out sugar? o Is your weight putting you at risk? o If you are skinny, you don’t have to worry, right? o Can exercise and diet really help YOU? o How do I control blood sugar levels? And then there are the issues that you might not even know to ask about: o Having diabetes for more than five years can increase your likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease o Regular exercise can make you more sensitive to insulin, which can reduce medication dosages First, let’s talk about insulin, the prime medication that keeps diabetics functioning and then you can see the answers clearly to your questions. How does insulin work? Insulin is the main hormone that controls the entry of blood sugar from the blood stream into the cells of the body to be used as energy. How does exercise influence the insulin hormone? Exercise has an insulin-like effect on the body. When exercising, your muscles require a steady flow of sugar to keep contracting and keep you moving. Exercise increases the rate at which your muscles take up the sugar from your blood stream; so exercise acts the same as insulin by emptying the excess sugar in your blood stream into your muscles. This action, therefore, lowers your blood sugar. One twenty minute walk a day can lower glucose levels by twenty points. Here is a great example to explain insulin’s function in your body. Think of insulin as a bus for a moment. Glucose (sugar) is the passenger. There are two types of diabetics. Type 1 diabetics manufacture no insulin (or have no bus), which, according to the Center for Disease Control, is 5% — 10% of all diagnosed cases. The second type (Type 2), have insulin resistance, which means the bus is there, but it is not picking up passengers and, there are less buses running the route. According to the Center for Disease Control, Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90%-95% of all diagnosed cases. When you exercise, your muscles work harder than usual and require more fuel than usual; so your muscles send out their own buses to pick up the sugar in the bloodstream and carry it back to the muscles. Working muscles take over for insulin and (for Type 2 diabetics) they can even show the buses (insulin) how to work again (pick up passengers). Exercising has many benefits for a diabetic. It increases glucose uptake by the cells, improves insulin sensitivity by improving glucose metabolism and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Reduction of blood glucose levels improves insulin sensitivity by making it more effective. Exercise may reduce dosage requirements or need for medication and improve the ability to lose and/ or maintain body weight if combined with an intuitive diet. (See sidebar for Safe Exercise Check List) There are many popular myths about diabetes. Here are a few that I hear often. Myth #1 — Diabetics can’t eat sugar or sweets and the only reason they have diabetes is because they ate too much sugar. Yes, simple carbohydrates or sweets do raise your blood glucose levels but if you eat them in moderation and make them part of your meal plan, you can safely eat an occasional sweet Myth #2 — If I’m skinny I’m fine. Diabetes is only a disease that obese people get. Not completely true, 20% of people with Type 2 Diabetes are slim. Yes, being obese does put you at risk for Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The key thing to remember is that there is not an atypical “diabetes” body type, genetic trait, race, age or gender. Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices and diabetes is a disease to take seriously. Myth #3 — There is no natural remedy for Diabetes. If I take insulin or insulin sensitivity drugs I can continue with my same lifestyle choices and be alright. Well there is a natural remedy, it is called exercise and balanced eating. You can keep a tight control on diabetes by monitoring your glucose levels, combining exercise with balanced eating, or use medication. This is a very important point that many people do not understand — if you exercise and lose weight you can prevent or delay diabetes. Myth #4 — Well I’m only borderline and 170 mg/dl blood sugar reading is normal for me. You may feel normal being a diabetic but high glucose levels are not safe. There is no such thing as borderline. You either are a diabetic or you are not a diabetic. This is a serious disease that requires you to take personal responsibility for your body. There is serious health complications associated with diabetes, especially when you are stressing your body with high blood sugar levels. You have to start to make lifestyle changes so that you can live a quality life over the long term. Myth #5 — Exercise! What can that do for me? Blah! Blah! Healthy Lifestyle Blah! Yeah, Yeah, I know. The American Diabetic Association recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week. This is exercise of 20–60 minutes, in continuous sessions, 3–5 times a week. The Diabetes Prevention Study revealed that exercising for a total of two hours a week can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 50%, that can be as little as 20 minutes, 6 days a week. Take a short, ten minute walk before and after work and you can prevent diabetes or lower your glucose levels. The fact is, over 90% of diabetes cases are preventable and can be maintained with some natural remedies such as exercising, healthy eating, and/or combined with low doses of medication without tapping into our health care system to the tune of $218 billion. Start gradually and exercise a little everyday until you build up to the recommended guidelines. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and lose the all or nothing approach. Get educated about your disease, determine what your beliefs are about diabetes and make lifestyle changes starting today. (See sidebar Want to Learn More) Diabetes is serious but you can do something about it! Side Bars: Diabetes Terms Defined o Type 1 = Auto immune disease that destroys insulin producing cells in the pancreas. The body cannot manufacture its own insulin because the beta cells of the pancreas that are responsible for insulin production are destroyed. About 5–10% of all diagnosed cases (CDC 2005) o Type 2 = body loses its sensitivity to insulin so the body’s cells are unable to utilize insulin properly (also knows as insulin resistance or adult onset diabetes). About 90% — 95% of all diagnosed cases (CDC 2005) o Pre-Diabetes = If you have a fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and your levels are 100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl you are diagnosed as showing signs of becoming a diabetic unless you make some lifestyle changes o Gestational Diabetes = When pregnancy hormones interfere with the mothers insulin, causing glucose levels to rise. This is a form of insulin resistance that in most cases ends with the birth of the child. o Metabolic Syndrome = A combination of medical disorders that increases the risk factors of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, hypertension, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL), high cholesterol levels and elevated plasma triglyceride levels. o Hypoglycemic = abnormally low blood sugar levels which could be caused by excessive insulin, or your diet. Signs would be: trembling or shakiness, nervousness, rapid heart beat, increased sweating, headache, impaired concentration or attentiveness, unconsciousness and coma o Hyperglycemic = abnormally high blood sugar levels. Signs would be: frequent urination, great thirst, nausea, abdominal pain, dry skin, disorientation, labored breathing, and drowsiness. Do you know the signs of diabetes? Some very telltale signs include: o frequent thirst, hunger and urination o weight loss o fatigue o crankiness o frequent infections o blurred vision o cuts/ bruises that are slow to heal o tingling and numbness in hands and feet o recurring skin, gum and bladder infections Safe Exercise Check List o Get physician clearance before starting any exercise program o Test your blood glucose level before exercise, immediately after exercise, and again two hours after exercise o Follow general guidelines for a safe exercise session; warm-up, cool-down, stretch, adhere to an intensity of Type 1 (3 to 5 RPE) and Type 2 (3 to 6/7 RPE), drink plenty of water o Wear well-fitting, well cushioned, supportive shoes o Wear polyester or cotton polyester socks so that your feet stay dry and minimize trauma to the foot o Avoid strenuous, high-impact or static activity unless specifically approved by your doctor o Carry a carbohydrate snack with you of 10–15 grams of carbohydrate o Wear identification that tells others you have diabetes in case of a hypoglycemic response http://www.n-styleid.com o Know and monitor signs of exercise induced hypoglycemia o Do not exercise if 250 mg/ dl blood glucose levels or if you have ketones in your urine o If you have autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy or any other related conditions to diabetes, you must get a doctors approval before starting an exercise program. These conditions require specific and strict guidelines. o Exercise with a partner until you know your response to exercise o Always check your feet before and after exercise for lesions o Drink plenty of water. A good rule is to take a mouthful or two at least every fifteen minutes Want to Learn More? Additional Resources: o Living Free! CD and Workbook System http://www.livingfreediabetes.com * Free Audio Educational Podcast at http://www.mindbodybalance.com/audio.php * Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars, Richard K Bernstein M.D. Little Brown and Company 2003 * The Healing Power of Exercise, Linn Goldberg, M.D. and Diane L. Elliot M.D., John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2000 * Understanding Diabetes: What it is, how to treat it, how to cope with it, Janet Worsley Norwood and Charles B. Inlander, MacMillian and People’s Medical Society, 1999 Kimberly Searl has been a fitness professional since 2005. She holds a bachelors degree in Applied Science from Youngstown State University. Kimberly is also certified as a W.I.T.S. Personal Trainer, Master Fitness by Phone® Coach, Classical Pilates Teacher, 200 r.y.t. YogaFit® Instructor, Intuitive Eating Coach, Get A Grip/ Aging Gracefully Coach, A Diabetic Lifestyle Specialist Coach and A.F.A.A. Group Exercise Instructor. Kimberly opened Mind/Body: Balance in 2007. Her business specializes in designing exercise programs for individuals, special populations, diabetics and clients wanting and needing to make long-term lifestyle changes. Kimberly strives to inspire clients to transform their mind and body; finding balance through learning and self-discovery. This is a very important point that many people do not understand — if you exercise and lose weight you can prevent or delay diabetes.
2020-04-30 01:11:25.937000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions', 'Ejercicio', 'Salud']
Title Diabetes Exercise — Connection Vitally ImportantContent Almost twentyone million people US living diabetes estimated 62 million people don’t know diabetes undiagnosed People diabetes average medical expenditure 23 time higher nondiabetics according American Diabetes Association Another study Population Health Management estimate diabetes costing nation 218 billion dollar health care every year Yet diabetes case preventable reversible exercise weight loss healthy living find wondering 62 million people undiagnosed knew diabetes estimated 57 million Americans PreDiabetes educated could mange health avoid becoming Type 2 Diabetic diagnosed PreDiabetic mean Type 2 diabetes inevitable lose weight increase physical activity prevent delay diabetes even return blood glucose level normal ACSM 2006 See sidebar diabetes term defined Diabetes Freedom — method eliminates type 2 diabetes 9 10 people decide worth important point many people understand — exercise lose weight prevent delay diabetes know sign diabetes Take look around see sign diabetes friend family right See sidebar common sign diabetes possible people diabetic become diabetic around every day Center Disease Control Prevention estimate one three Americans may develop diabetes lifetime statistic staggering PREVENTABLE Type 2 diabetic diagnosed educated diet exercise could reduce medication eliminate would health care crisis know we’d first break many myth magic solution limiting belief pharmaceutical company won’t happy letting secret either heck health care system crisis Nation sick said let’s get business taking personal responsibility health Many trying understand diabetes take responsibility health immediately several question cut sugar weight putting risk skinny don’t worry right exercise diet really help control blood sugar level issue might even know ask diabetes five year increase likelihood developing cardiovascular disease Regular exercise make sensitive insulin reduce medication dosage First let’s talk insulin prime medication keep diabetic functioning see answer clearly question insulin work Insulin main hormone control entry blood sugar blood stream cell body used energy exercise influence insulin hormone Exercise insulinlike effect body exercising muscle require steady flow sugar keep contracting keep moving Exercise increase rate muscle take sugar blood stream exercise act insulin emptying excess sugar blood stream muscle action therefore lower blood sugar One twenty minute walk day lower glucose level twenty point great example explain insulin’s function body Think insulin bus moment Glucose sugar passenger two type diabetic Type 1 diabetic manufacture insulin bus according Center Disease Control 5 — 10 diagnosed case second type Type 2 insulin resistance mean bus picking passenger le bus running route According Center Disease Control Type 2 diabetes account 9095 diagnosed case exercise muscle work harder usual require fuel usual muscle send bus pick sugar bloodstream carry back muscle Working muscle take insulin Type 2 diabetic even show bus insulin work pick passenger Exercising many benefit diabetic increase glucose uptake cell improves insulin sensitivity improving glucose metabolism reduces risk cardiovascular disease Reduction blood glucose level improves insulin sensitivity making effective Exercise may reduce dosage requirement need medication improve ability lose maintain body weight combined intuitive diet See sidebar Safe Exercise Check List many popular myth diabetes hear often Myth 1 — Diabetics can’t eat sugar sweet reason diabetes ate much sugar Yes simple carbohydrate sweet raise blood glucose level eat moderation make part meal plan safely eat occasional sweet Myth 2 — I’m skinny I’m fine Diabetes disease obese people get completely true 20 people Type 2 Diabetes slim Yes obese put risk Type 2 Diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol key thing remember atypical “diabetes” body type genetic trait race age gender Type 2 diabetes caused lifestyle choice diabetes disease take seriously Myth 3 — natural remedy Diabetes take insulin insulin sensitivity drug continue lifestyle choice alright Well natural remedy called exercise balanced eating keep tight control diabetes monitoring glucose level combining exercise balanced eating use medication important point many people understand — exercise lose weight prevent delay diabetes Myth 4 — Well I’m borderline 170 mgdl blood sugar reading normal may feel normal diabetic high glucose level safe thing borderline either diabetic diabetic serious disease requires take personal responsibility body serious health complication associated diabetes especially stressing body high blood sugar level start make lifestyle change live quality life long term Myth 5 — Exercise Blah Blah Healthy Lifestyle Blah Yeah Yeah know American Diabetic Association recommends 150 minute exercise week exercise 20–60 minute continuous session 3–5 time week Diabetes Prevention Study revealed exercising total two hour week reduce risk developing diabetes 50 little 20 minute 6 day week Take short ten minute walk work prevent diabetes lower glucose level fact 90 diabetes case preventable maintained natural remedy exercising healthy eating andor combined low dos medication without tapping health care system tune 218 billion Start gradually exercise little everyday build recommended guideline Eat balanced healthy diet lose nothing approach Get educated disease determine belief diabetes make lifestyle change starting today See sidebar Want Learn Diabetes serious something Side Bars Diabetes Terms Defined Type 1 Auto immune disease destroys insulin producing cell pancreas body cannot manufacture insulin beta cell pancreas responsible insulin production destroyed 5–10 diagnosed case CDC 2005 Type 2 body loses sensitivity insulin body’s cell unable utilize insulin properly also know insulin resistance adult onset diabetes 90 — 95 diagnosed case CDC 2005 PreDiabetes fasting plasma glucose test FPG level 100 mgdl 125 mgdl diagnosed showing sign becoming diabetic unless make lifestyle change Gestational Diabetes pregnancy hormone interfere mother insulin causing glucose level rise form insulin resistance case end birth child Metabolic Syndrome combination medical disorder increase risk factor developing cardiovascular disease obesity hypertension low highdensity lipoprotein HDL high cholesterol level elevated plasma triglyceride level Hypoglycemic abnormally low blood sugar level could caused excessive insulin diet Signs would trembling shakiness nervousness rapid heart beat increased sweating headache impaired concentration attentiveness unconsciousness coma Hyperglycemic abnormally high blood sugar level Signs would frequent urination great thirst nausea abdominal pain dry skin disorientation labored breathing drowsiness know sign diabetes telltale sign include frequent thirst hunger urination weight loss fatigue crankiness frequent infection blurred vision cut bruise slow heal tingling numbness hand foot recurring skin gum bladder infection Safe Exercise Check List Get physician clearance starting exercise program Test blood glucose level exercise immediately exercise two hour exercise Follow general guideline safe exercise session warmup cooldown stretch adhere intensity Type 1 3 5 RPE Type 2 3 67 RPE drink plenty water Wear wellfitting well cushioned supportive shoe Wear polyester cotton polyester sock foot stay dry minimize trauma foot Avoid strenuous highimpact static activity unless specifically approved doctor Carry carbohydrate snack 10–15 gram carbohydrate Wear identification tell others diabetes case hypoglycemic response httpwwwnstyleidcom Know monitor sign exercise induced hypoglycemia exercise 250 mg dl blood glucose level ketone urine autonomic neuropathy peripheral neuropathy neuropathy retinopathy related condition diabetes must get doctor approval starting exercise program condition require specific strict guideline Exercise partner know response exercise Always check foot exercise lesion Drink plenty water good rule take mouthful two least every fifteen minute Want Learn Additional Resources Living Free CD Workbook System httpwwwlivingfreediabetescom Free Audio Educational Podcast httpwwwmindbodybalancecomaudiophp Diabetes Solution Complete Guide Achieving Normal Blood Sugars Richard K Bernstein MD Little Brown Company 2003 Healing Power Exercise Linn Goldberg MD Diane L Elliot MD John Wiley Sons Inc 2000 Understanding Diabetes treat cope Janet Worsley Norwood Charles B Inlander MacMillian People’s Medical Society 1999 Kimberly Searl fitness professional since 2005 hold bachelor degree Applied Science Youngstown State University Kimberly also certified WITS Personal Trainer Master Fitness Phone® Coach Classical Pilates Teacher 200 ryt YogaFit® Instructor Intuitive Eating Coach Get Grip Aging Gracefully Coach Diabetic Lifestyle Specialist Coach AFAA Group Exercise Instructor Kimberly opened MindBody Balance 2007 business specializes designing exercise program individual special population diabetic client wanting needing make longterm lifestyle change Kimberly strives inspire client transform mind body finding balance learning selfdiscovery important point many people understand — exercise lose weight prevent delay diabetesTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions Ejercicio Salud
Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Treatments
As most of us know, diabetes is linked with high blood sugar levels while type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance. When a person is affected with type 2 diabetes, his body loses the ability to respond to insulin levels. This article focuses on the causes and tips to overcome type 2 diabetes. What are the causes? Heredities: People with a family history of diabetes are at higher risk. Birth weight: There is a very strong relationship between birth weight and diabetes. The lower the birth weight, the higher the risk. Metabolic fluctuations: People suffering from metabolic syndrome and metabolic fluctuations are more likely to get diabetes type 2. Obesity: Statistics show obesity causes the most health issues. Since it increases our body’s resistance to insulin, obese people are more likely to develop the condition. Gestational Diabetes: Some mothers will have gestational diabetes at some point during pregnancy. Usually there are no noticeable signs but have it in mind! Ways to treat and prevent: Genetics play the most important role in the development of diabetes and this is something that cannot be controlled. Nevertheless, there are other things in your surroundings and personal routines that will definitely help you lower the risk. Some are listed here: Exercise: Jogging and fitness play a vital role in maintaining top health. Physical exercise three to four times per week will make you will feel awesome! Most people think that exercise is only for those who want to lose weight. Combine those two concepts and you will see the difference right away! Quit Smoking: 16 to 20 cigarettes per day (as the usual statistics) put a person at high risk for developing diabetes (among other things). Since smoking decreases the body’s ability to develop insulin resistance, blood sugar levels increase immediately after your next cigarette. Eating Nuts: About an ounce or 28 grams of nuts a day will keep your doctor away! It’s time to say goodbye to your favorite yummy calorie-stuffed chips! Create Awareness: Spread the word about diabetes and make everyone learn how serious it actually is. Discuss with community members, local doctors and organize the best awareness event! Marathons, walkathons, game shows… or make a documentary and publish it online. Social media is always there to help you advertise your cause, so it can reach as many people as possible! Don’t forget that trendy giveaways like personalized silicone bracelets with a special message will make your event more successful! If you feel that you are at risk, consult your doctor. The earlier you do this, the better the chances are for you to stay safe and healthy. Remember that self-treatment is not always perceived as unproblematic! For more details click on link https://bit.ly/3oHdB1V
['Ankit Sharma']
2021-12-10 10:57:34.684000+00:00
['Diabetes', 'Diabetes Solutions']
Title Type 2 Diabetes Causes TreatmentsContent u know diabetes linked high blood sugar level type 2 diabetes associated insulin resistance person affected type 2 diabetes body loses ability respond insulin level article focus cause tip overcome type 2 diabetes cause Heredities People family history diabetes higher risk Birth weight strong relationship birth weight diabetes lower birth weight higher risk Metabolic fluctuation People suffering metabolic syndrome metabolic fluctuation likely get diabetes type 2 Obesity Statistics show obesity cause health issue Since increase body’s resistance insulin obese people likely develop condition Gestational Diabetes mother gestational diabetes point pregnancy Usually noticeable sign mind Ways treat prevent Genetics play important role development diabetes something cannot controlled Nevertheless thing surroundings personal routine definitely help lower risk listed Exercise Jogging fitness play vital role maintaining top health Physical exercise three four time per week make feel awesome people think exercise want lose weight Combine two concept see difference right away Quit Smoking 16 20 cigarette per day usual statistic put person high risk developing diabetes among thing Since smoking decrease body’s ability develop insulin resistance blood sugar level increase immediately next cigarette Eating Nuts ounce 28 gram nut day keep doctor away It’s time say goodbye favorite yummy caloriestuffed chip Create Awareness Spread word diabetes make everyone learn serious actually Discuss community member local doctor organize best awareness event Marathons walkathons game shows… make documentary publish online Social medium always help advertise cause reach many people possible Don’t forget trendy giveaway like personalized silicone bracelet special message make event successful feel risk consult doctor earlier better chance stay safe healthy Remember selftreatment always perceived unproblematic detail click link httpsbitly3oHdB1VTags Diabetes Diabetes Solutions
Top 8 Free Accounting Software for Business Owners
Top 8 Free Accounting Software for Business Owners List of Top 8 Free Accounting software: 1) Moneypex 2) ZipBooks 3) TurboCASH 4) Cloudbooks 5) SlickPie 6) GnuCash 7) xTuple Postbooks 8) Wave With the advent of accounting software, organizing business finances has superseded past thresholds of efficiency. The laborious task of manually adding every transaction is no longer required, freeing much needed time and effort to improve business performance. But with this enhanced efficiency comes a dilemma: What software should you choose among the countless options available? The easier part about his choice is that you are looking for an accounting software that isn’t only effective but free. This significantly narrows your options. Here are the top 8 FREE accounting software you can choose between: 1. Moneypex Ideal for: Medium-sized businesses looking for a powerful and simplistic software Moneypex is a free accounting software. Despite providing an extensive range of features, Moneypex is highly easy to use with its simplistic interfere. You can learn to navigate the app the first time you use it. Aside from unlimited invoices, tracking expenses and bills, supplier management, Moneypex allows you scan unlimited documents and has a swift customer support system. Drawback: Free version only allows you to create 20 bills. 2. ZipBooks Ideal for: Small business not only wanting to record transactions but make basic inferences from those recordings. The free version of Zipbooks allows you to make unlimited invoices, manage unlimited vendors & customers, and view basic reports about your performance. One of the major positives is that it allows you to accept payment via credit card or Paypal. Drawback: Limitation of only one user and one bank account can be connected to the software. 3. TurboCash Ideal for: Medium-sized business TurboCash offers a range of features such as spreadsheet integration, inventory and invoicing management. It can also support multiple companies and users. The reason it is ideal for medium-sized business is that it offers several advanced features those familiar to bookkeeping users. 4. CloudBooks Ideal for: Freelancers The free version offers sufficient features for freelancers but would be inadequate for small businesses. It offers invoice management, email support, and, unlimited users. Moreover, you can create reports and directly send them to your clients. Drawback(s): Invoicing feature limits you to one client and five invoices and an unfriendly user interface. 5. SlickPie Ideal for: People with little experience navigating digital software SlickPie undoubtedly is ‘slick’ in operation. The interface is simple which makes this software extremely easy to navigate. Moreover, the ‘automation’ feature makes SlickPie stand out — it allows you to automatically create auto-recurring invoices. An in-built app called MagicBot also allows you to automatically add bills and receipts. The automation and easy to use operation does not reduce functionality or features of this app. If you have trouble using software in general, SlickPie is the right option for you. 6. GnuCash Ideal for: Sole proprietors and small businesses GnuCash supports a wide variety of platforms: Linux, Windows, and MAC OS X. Its flexibility extends to multiple languages and currencies. Some of the key features are managing invoices, employee expenses, accounts payables and receivables, and some payroll features. One defining positive of GnuCash is that it allows you to combine personal and business account into one account while saving their information in separate files. You can access them separately but keep track of the components that interchange between both accounts. Drawback(s): 1. Lack of integration with tax software. 2. Only one user can access the data file at one time. 7. xTuple PostBooks Ideal for: Medium-sized businesses Being an enterprise resource planner, xTuple allows you to track sales, integrate inventory, and take benefit of the customer management system alongside the usual accounting features. Moreover, you can connect unlimited bank accounts and credit cards since xTuple is an open-source software. Drawback: No cloud access since the software is downloaded to your computer. 8. Wave Ideal for: Medium-sized businesses looking for a powerful and simplistic software Despite providing an extensive range of features, Moneypex is highly easy to use with its simplistic interfere. You can learn to navigate the app the first time you use it. Aside from unlimited invoices, tracking expenses and bills, supplier management, Moneypex allows you scan unlimited documents and has a swift customer support system. Drawback: Free version only allows you to create 20 bills.
2019-11-15 10:23:56.549000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Financial Reporting', 'Bookkeeping', 'Invoicing Software']
Title Top 8 Free Accounting Software Business OwnersContent Top 8 Free Accounting Software Business Owners List Top 8 Free Accounting software 1 Moneypex 2 ZipBooks 3 TurboCASH 4 Cloudbooks 5 SlickPie 6 GnuCash 7 xTuple Postbooks 8 Wave advent accounting software organizing business finance superseded past threshold efficiency laborious task manually adding every transaction longer required freeing much needed time effort improve business performance enhanced efficiency come dilemma software choose among countless option available easier part choice looking accounting software isn’t effective free significantly narrow option top 8 FREE accounting software choose 1 Moneypex Ideal Mediumsized business looking powerful simplistic software Moneypex free accounting software Despite providing extensive range feature Moneypex highly easy use simplistic interfere learn navigate app first time use Aside unlimited invoice tracking expense bill supplier management Moneypex allows scan unlimited document swift customer support system Drawback Free version allows create 20 bill 2 ZipBooks Ideal Small business wanting record transaction make basic inference recording free version Zipbooks allows make unlimited invoice manage unlimited vendor customer view basic report performance One major positive allows accept payment via credit card Paypal Drawback Limitation one user one bank account connected software 3 TurboCash Ideal Mediumsized business TurboCash offer range feature spreadsheet integration inventory invoicing management also support multiple company user reason ideal mediumsized business offer several advanced feature familiar bookkeeping user 4 CloudBooks Ideal Freelancers free version offer sufficient feature freelancer would inadequate small business offer invoice management email support unlimited user Moreover create report directly send client Drawbacks Invoicing feature limit one client five invoice unfriendly user interface 5 SlickPie Ideal People little experience navigating digital software SlickPie undoubtedly ‘slick’ operation interface simple make software extremely easy navigate Moreover ‘automation’ feature make SlickPie stand — allows automatically create autorecurring invoice inbuilt app called MagicBot also allows automatically add bill receipt automation easy use operation reduce functionality feature app trouble using software general SlickPie right option 6 GnuCash Ideal Sole proprietor small business GnuCash support wide variety platform Linux Windows MAC OS X flexibility extends multiple language currency key feature managing invoice employee expense account payable receivables payroll feature One defining positive GnuCash allows combine personal business account one account saving information separate file access separately keep track component interchange account Drawbacks 1 Lack integration tax software 2 one user access data file one time 7 xTuple PostBooks Ideal Mediumsized business enterprise resource planner xTuple allows track sale integrate inventory take benefit customer management system alongside usual accounting feature Moreover connect unlimited bank account credit card since xTuple opensource software Drawback cloud access since software downloaded computer 8 Wave Ideal Mediumsized business looking powerful simplistic software Despite providing extensive range feature Moneypex highly easy use simplistic interfere learn navigate app first time use Aside unlimited invoice tracking expense bill supplier management Moneypex allows scan unlimited document swift customer support system Drawback Free version allows create 20 billsTags Accounting Financial Reporting Bookkeeping Invoicing Software
Is Career in Accounting worth it?
Is Career in Accounting worth it? Accounting is good for every business, not-for-profit or government association. It’s a profoundly respected calling, with employer stability, open doors for headway and a low joblessness rate. You can function as a reviewer, clerk, charge bookkeeper, budgetary expert, controller, accounting manager, etc. Accounting is in excess of a profession, an individual who experts accounting secures a lot of abilities that genuinely enables one to deal with a business. The greater part is that the accountant encountered long stretches of work particularly toward the start of their accounting vocation. The street is long however compensating for the individuals who make the correct profession moves and are eager to buckle down. The field in accounting is worth it as it is an important part of every business whether it’s your business or someone else’s. Obviously, there’s likewise the decision among private and civic accounting. Private or corporate, accountants work for single organizations. Civic accountants work for organizations that give reviewing, assessment, warning, and counseling administrations to other people or may fill in as autonomous bookkeepers. While open bookkeepers may work with an assortment of organizations, corporate bookkeepers become accounting specialists in explicit organizations and businesses, with an expansive scope of accounting, evaluating, charge and counseling obligations. Accountants also receive handsome salaries as they are crucial for a business’s financial statement. There are even many job opportunities you can choose after studying accounting. · Financial analyst · Compliance analyst · Payroll specialist · Financial adviser · Accounting manager · Accountant · Bookkeeper · Tax professional · Loan officer
2019-11-26 14:46:01.147000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Mba', 'Universities']
Title Career Accounting worth itContent Career Accounting worth Accounting good every business notforprofit government association It’s profoundly respected calling employer stability open door headway low joblessness rate function reviewer clerk charge bookkeeper budgetary expert controller accounting manager etc Accounting excess profession individual expert accounting secures lot ability genuinely enables one deal business greater part accountant encountered long stretch work particularly toward start accounting vocation street long however compensating individual make correct profession move eager buckle field accounting worth important part every business whether it’s business someone else’s Obviously there’s likewise decision among private civic accounting Private corporate accountant work single organization Civic accountant work organization give reviewing assessment warning counseling administration people may fill autonomous bookkeeper open bookkeeper may work assortment organization corporate bookkeeper become accounting specialist explicit organization business expansive scope accounting evaluating charge counseling obligation Accountants also receive handsome salary crucial business’s financial statement even many job opportunity choose studying accounting · Financial analyst · Compliance analyst · Payroll specialist · Financial adviser · Accounting manager · Accountant · Bookkeeper · Tax professional · Loan officerTags Accounting Mba Universities
Using the Novelty Bank Statement Generator for your needs at every stage of life and saving yourself from trouble
Using the Novelty Bank Statement Generator for your needs at every stage of life and saving yourself from trouble Docz Express Nov 29, 2019·3 min read Often wondered if you could change your bank account statement and produce a novelty statement for your debit and credit card usage? If yes, then there are options whereby you can alter the deposits to reflect greater or lower cash inflow or outflow. The balance can further be altered and manipulated to save yourself from trouble from the partner. Importance of taking the PDF conversion online It is important to understand that these financial statements are available for download through the bank and credit card websites. Also, these are in the PDF format and you may end up needing the Bank Account Editing Services. The core idea behind the same is usually the environment safety and the idea to go paperless. It is without a doubt that all the PDF files are editable. This means that if the original file is scanned like an image of bitmap format, you can convert it to PDF or word. Even though all the PDF files are editable yet there exist two cases where issues may arise. Firstly, your bank may put additional security to the PDF to prevent editing of the same. This may make editing and manipulation a difficult task. Second issue is when you opt for the free online editing software, the online software may add a watermark on the existing document, making the manipulation a traceable entity. Here the service of the professional organizations that help in using the ideas like the Novelty Bank Statement Generator to bring a change to your bank account details and descriptions. Once the required editing is done, these are converted back to the PDF file. The bank statements can easily be manipulated using software like Adobe Acrobat reader pro version by paying extra fees. These doesn’t require converting the PDF file to the other formats. Instead, you can easily edit the document in the pro version and gain access to the subsequent conversions to word and Excel sheets. The Bank Account Editing Services available online help you to achieve the same changes at lower overhead costs. Making the final changes in the credit card statement Once you gain access to the right software source online and electronic statements, it becomes extremely easy to change the details you wish to mask. Likewise, you can easily change the payee name, hide a transaction, alter the available balance. This means that if you have used the credit card for buying the goods that were way too pricey for your budget then these Novelty Bank Statement Generator software can easily mask the transactions and offer a duplicate version of the bill with the higher available credit card balance. Changes made to the bank statements are virtually difficult to track without having a copy of original statements with you. Also, before you save the final version of the edited accounts, make sure that the font size and color are alike to avoid detection. If you wish to use them for personal reasons, you can easily save yourself from detection.
['Docz Express']
2019-11-29 11:42:21.324000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Editing Services', 'Bank Account']
Title Using Novelty Bank Statement Generator need every stage life saving troubleContent Using Novelty Bank Statement Generator need every stage life saving trouble Docz Express Nov 29 2019·3 min read Often wondered could change bank account statement produce novelty statement debit credit card usage yes option whereby alter deposit reflect greater lower cash inflow outflow balance altered manipulated save trouble partner Importance taking PDF conversion online important understand financial statement available download bank credit card website Also PDF format may end needing Bank Account Editing Services core idea behind usually environment safety idea go paperless without doubt PDF file editable mean original file scanned like image bitmap format convert PDF word Even though PDF file editable yet exist two case issue may arise Firstly bank may put additional security PDF prevent editing may make editing manipulation difficult task Second issue opt free online editing software online software may add watermark existing document making manipulation traceable entity service professional organization help using idea like Novelty Bank Statement Generator bring change bank account detail description required editing done converted back PDF file bank statement easily manipulated using software like Adobe Acrobat reader pro version paying extra fee doesn’t require converting PDF file format Instead easily edit document pro version gain access subsequent conversion word Excel sheet Bank Account Editing Services available online help achieve change lower overhead cost Making final change credit card statement gain access right software source online electronic statement becomes extremely easy change detail wish mask Likewise easily change payee name hide transaction alter available balance mean used credit card buying good way pricey budget Novelty Bank Statement Generator software easily mask transaction offer duplicate version bill higher available credit card balance Changes made bank statement virtually difficult track without copy original statement Also save final version edited account make sure font size color alike avoid detection wish use personal reason easily save detectionTags Accounting Editing Services Bank Account
Install the latest Quicken 2014 R10 update
Error during Quicken 2014 update Quicken 2014 for PC may give an error during the update: C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\INET\COMMON\Patch\Update\patchw32.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. if this happens, download the manual update and install it over the existing version (sorry, you have to google for “manual quicken update”). Options to import into Quicken 2014 after the update Once you have Quicken 2014 for PC updated, use one of the listed converters to convert to QIF or QFX (Web Connect) format and import your transactions: CSV2QIF to convert CSV or Excel or TXT files to QIF format. Quicken 2014 imports correct QIF files for bank (checking, savings) or credit card or investment accounts (or cash accounts) CSV2QFX to convert CSV/Excel/TXT files to QFX (Web Connect) format. Quicken 2014 will stop importing QFX files on April 30, 2017 (see Quicken discontinuation policy). OFX2QIF to convert OFX files to QIF (make sure to select the QIF target as Quicken 2014 or earlier) PDF2QIF to convert PDF files to QIF QFX2QIF to convert QFX files to QIF (this should be handy after April 30, 2017 if you decide to keep existing Quicken version) QBO2QIF to convert QBO files to QIF Bank2QIF to convert various formats to QIF (OFX, QFX, QBO, and correct incorrect QIF files) If you have to complete your 2016 taxes before the end of April 2017, use both QIF and QFX format, whichever you find easier. We do suggest to choose QIF over QFX if you decide to keep using Quicken 2014. If you upgrade Quicken to a newer version, if you have both QIF and QFX choices, but read below: Quicken 2015, Quicken 2016 for PC have a bug for QIF import and have to use a workaround with a cash proxy account Quicken 2017 for PC imports QIF files fine as Quicken 2014 does Quicken 2015, Quicken 2016, Quicken 2017 for Mac do not import QIF files at all, only QFX files So if you are planning to complete your taxes and switch to Mac, QFX format is a great choice as well. There CSV2QFX, PDF2QFX, Bank2QFX, QIF2QFX, OFX2QFX converters to help you.
['Sergiy Tytarenko']
2019-11-29 15:01:03.844000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Accounting Software', 'Converter', 'Utilities']
Title Install latest Quicken 2014 R10 updateContent Error Quicken 2014 update Quicken 2014 PC may give error update CProgramDataIntuitQuickenINETCOMMONPatchUpdatepatchw32dll either designed run Windows contains error Try installing program using original installation medium contact system administrator software vendor support happens download manual update install existing version sorry google “manual quicken update” Options import Quicken 2014 update Quicken 2014 PC updated use one listed converter convert QIF QFX Web Connect format import transaction CSV2QIF convert CSV Excel TXT file QIF format Quicken 2014 import correct QIF file bank checking saving credit card investment account cash account CSV2QFX convert CSVExcelTXT file QFX Web Connect format Quicken 2014 stop importing QFX file April 30 2017 see Quicken discontinuation policy OFX2QIF convert OFX file QIF make sure select QIF target Quicken 2014 earlier PDF2QIF convert PDF file QIF QFX2QIF convert QFX file QIF handy April 30 2017 decide keep existing Quicken version QBO2QIF convert QBO file QIF Bank2QIF convert various format QIF OFX QFX QBO correct incorrect QIF file complete 2016 tax end April 2017 use QIF QFX format whichever find easier suggest choose QIF QFX decide keep using Quicken 2014 upgrade Quicken newer version QIF QFX choice read Quicken 2015 Quicken 2016 PC bug QIF import use workaround cash proxy account Quicken 2017 PC import QIF file fine Quicken 2014 Quicken 2015 Quicken 2016 Quicken 2017 Mac import QIF file QFX file planning complete tax switch Mac QFX format great choice well CSV2QFX PDF2QFX Bank2QFX QIF2QFX OFX2QFX converter help youTags Accounting Accounting Software Converter Utilities
Best SaaS Startup Metrics Resources
Best SaaS Startup Metrics Resources Last updated — October 2021 A curated collection of the best startup metrics resources mostly focused on SaaS: You can find a curated list of the best SaaS startup finance resources here Table of Contents Unit Economics SaaS Metrics Definitions | By Joel York, founder & CEO of Markodojo Finance Glossary | By Baremetrics The Ultimate SaaS Metrics Cheat Sheet | By ChartMogul 23 SaaS metrics for fundraising + optimization | By Intercom KPIs vs Metrics | By databox Metrics The SaaS Metrics That Matter |October 2021 | By David Sacks and Ethan Ruby The Key Metrics / Key Driver for Saas Success | By David Skok VC at Matrix Partners The Ultimate SaaS Metrics Cheat Sheet | By Nick Franklin from ChartMogul SaaS Growth + Marketing + Sales + Customer Success Metrics | By Cobloom 16 Key Startup Metrics| By Andreessen Horowitz 16 Business and Financial Startup Metrics| By Andreessen Horowitz SaaS Metrics and Key Drivers | By David Skok, Serial Entrepreneur turned VC SaaS Metrics — A Detailed Guide to Measuring and Improving what Matters ++ SaaS Metrics — Detailed Definitions ++ The Key Drivers for SaaS Success ++ 12 Key Levers of SaaS Success Marketing 101 + Payback period, CAC and lifetime value explained (Video) | By Elizabeth Yin VC Financial Metrics (Detailed Explanation | By Aron Susman, VP Finance & Zachariah Reitano, CEO of ro Simple E-commerce Financial Model | By Alex Taussig VC at Lightspeed The CFO’s guide to SaaS business metrics | By Typeform CFO The five accounting metrics for cloud companies | By VC Byron Deeter Six Key Metrics as part of a Value Driver Framework | via OpenView Startup’s 10 Most Important Metrics | By Tomasz Tunguz VC at redpoint SaaS Startup Key Metrics Template | By Tomasz Tunguz VC at redpoint The 6 Key Marketing Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About | By Sophia Bernazzani Senior Marketing Manager at Hubspot A KPI dashboard for early-stage SaaS startups | By Christoph Janz from Point Nine Capital SaaS Cohort Analysis | By Christoph Janz from Point Nine Capital Accounting for User Growth | By Jonathan Hsu from Social Capital ___________________________________________________________________ Unit Economics A crash course in unit economics | By VC Ha Nguyen What Are Unit Economics and Why Are They Important | By Lighter Capital Understanding Unit Economics, CAC and Churn are critical to avoid BlitzFail | By David Sacks — VC, Previously founder/CEO of Yammer and COO of PayPal How to Calculate Unit Economics for Your Business | By MasterClass
['Ninan Thampy']
2021-10-19 14:46:06.698000+00:00
['Startup', 'Metrics', 'Accounting', 'Finance', 'Venture Capital']
Title Best SaaS Startup Metrics ResourcesContent Best SaaS Startup Metrics Resources Last updated — October 2021 curated collection best startup metric resource mostly focused SaaS find curated list best SaaS startup finance resource Table Contents Unit Economics SaaS Metrics Definitions Joel York founder CEO Markodojo Finance Glossary Baremetrics Ultimate SaaS Metrics Cheat Sheet ChartMogul 23 SaaS metric fundraising optimization Intercom KPIs v Metrics databox Metrics SaaS Metrics Matter October 2021 David Sacks Ethan Ruby Key Metrics Key Driver Saas Success David Skok VC Matrix Partners Ultimate SaaS Metrics Cheat Sheet Nick Franklin ChartMogul SaaS Growth Marketing Sales Customer Success Metrics Cobloom 16 Key Startup Metrics Andreessen Horowitz 16 Business Financial Startup Metrics Andreessen Horowitz SaaS Metrics Key Drivers David Skok Serial Entrepreneur turned VC SaaS Metrics — Detailed Guide Measuring Improving Matters SaaS Metrics — Detailed Definitions Key Drivers SaaS Success 12 Key Levers SaaS Success Marketing 101 Payback period CAC lifetime value explained Video Elizabeth Yin VC Financial Metrics Detailed Explanation Aron Susman VP Finance Zachariah Reitano CEO ro Simple Ecommerce Financial Model Alex Taussig VC Lightspeed CFO’s guide SaaS business metric Typeform CFO five accounting metric cloud company VC Byron Deeter Six Key Metrics part Value Driver Framework via OpenView Startup’s 10 Important Metrics Tomasz Tunguz VC redpoint SaaS Startup Key Metrics Template Tomasz Tunguz VC redpoint 6 Key Marketing Metrics CEO Actually Cares Sophia Bernazzani Senior Marketing Manager Hubspot KPI dashboard earlystage SaaS startup Christoph Janz Point Nine Capital SaaS Cohort Analysis Christoph Janz Point Nine Capital Accounting User Growth Jonathan Hsu Social Capital Unit Economics crash course unit economics VC Ha Nguyen Unit Economics Important Lighter Capital Understanding Unit Economics CAC Churn critical avoid BlitzFail David Sacks — VC Previously founderCEO Yammer COO PayPal Calculate Unit Economics Business MasterClassTags Startup Metrics Accounting Finance Venture Capital
Mbenn&co — online tax accountant. As a UK citizen, you are entitled to…
As a UK citizen, you are entitled to tax refund for any overpaid tax regardless of the reason that might have caused you to pay more than what you should have. There can be several reasons for overpaying the tax and some of them include: * You might have started another job and have been assigned an emergency tax code for some time. * You might have married or formed civil relationship where your spouse, civil partner or you were born prior to April 6, 1935. * Your employer might have received a wrong tax code by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) or the employer might have used an incorrect code. Well, these are only few of the situations under which you might have overpaid the tax and are entitled to hmrc tax refund. There can be several other situations like these as well. What’s The Time Limit To File Your Tax Refund Application? You have four years after the concerned tax year ends to do your tax rebate preparation and actually file for a uk tax refund. A typical tax year starts from 6th of April and ends on 5th of April in following year. However, it is advised that you consult with an online accountant at your earliest so that you may not end up losing your right to file a claim. Claiming A Refund In order to claim your tax refund with or without a tax rebate service, go to the claim tax refund section on the UK government website and follow the steps to provide necessary information. After answering a series of questions, you will get the right guidance on what you need to do next like, maybe, filling in form R40 for claiming the tax refund against your savings interest in case your income is below £16,850. It’s just an example and appropriate advice is provided according to your own specific situation. How To Get Your Tax Code Updated? As mentioned earlier, HMRC might assign you an emergency tax code after you change jobs. However, they’ll automatically correct it as well after you provide the current employer all necessary details about the past income or your pension. As it normally works, employers should be able to get all the necessary information from the P45 form you have filled but if you do not have one then they’d ask you to provide further information. HMRC also updates the tax code in case: * You have started getting income from pension or any additional job* The income has changed* You have started/stopped getting any benefits from the job* You’re receiving taxable benefits from the state* You have claimed expenses on which you’re entitled to get tax relief or a marriage allowance Once the tax code is changed, you will receive conventional mail or an email informing you about the update made to your tax code. Your pension provider or employer will also be informed about the update made to your tax code. The next payslip that you’ll receive must show the newly assigned tax code and the adjustments to the pay if wrong tax amount was being paid. Need help with your tax refund claim Visit us today : https://mbtax5.wixsite.com/mbennco Email Mark or Christine mbtax@accountant.com Share this:
['Gareth Bennett']
2019-11-28 12:34:32.764000+00:00
['Taxes', 'Tax Refund', 'Jobs', 'Accounting']
Title Mbennco — online tax accountant UK citizen entitled to…Content UK citizen entitled tax refund overpaid tax regardless reason might caused pay several reason overpaying tax include might started another job assigned emergency tax code time might married formed civil relationship spouse civil partner born prior April 6 1935 employer might received wrong tax code HM Revenue Customs HMRC employer might used incorrect code Well situation might overpaid tax entitled hmrc tax refund several situation like well What’s Time Limit File Tax Refund Application four year concerned tax year end tax rebate preparation actually file uk tax refund typical tax year start 6th April end 5th April following year However advised consult online accountant earliest may end losing right file claim Claiming Refund order claim tax refund without tax rebate service go claim tax refund section UK government website follow step provide necessary information answering series question get right guidance need next like maybe filling form R40 claiming tax refund saving interest case income £16850 It’s example appropriate advice provided according specific situation Get Tax Code Updated mentioned earlier HMRC might assign emergency tax code change job However they’ll automatically correct well provide current employer necessary detail past income pension normally work employer able get necessary information P45 form filled one they’d ask provide information HMRC also update tax code case started getting income pension additional job income changed startedstopped getting benefit job You’re receiving taxable benefit state claimed expense you’re entitled get tax relief marriage allowance tax code changed receive conventional mail email informing update made tax code pension provider employer also informed update made tax code next payslip you’ll receive must show newly assigned tax code adjustment pay wrong tax amount paid Need help tax refund claim Visit u today httpsmbtax5wixsitecommbennco Email Mark Christine mbtaxaccountantcom Share thisTags Taxes Tax Refund Jobs Accounting
Accountant in Oran Park- A Perfect Option for Every Business!
The accounting service is indeed a crucial part of every business. Taking assistance from an expert- ‘Accountant in Oran Park’ is actually important for the growth of your business. With this article, you will get the chance to learn the benefits of choosing a reputed accounting service. Studies over the years have shown that organizations which have considered hiring an accounting team done a splendid job. It has not only helped them to save time and money but also given them the chance to maximize the growth of their business without even putting much effort. Choosing an accounting firm is indeed a very necessary decision, as the growth of a company depends on accounting and the people who are actually taking care of it. So, in case if the people who are managing it are uncertain about all the latest techniques then how would it even help your company to grow? Hence, you need the professional assistance of the Accountant in Oran Park who can actually help you to evolve your company and also enhance productivity. Accounting is undoubtedly the most critical and essential part of every business. Being a business owner, managing business and accounting simultaneously is quite a difficult task to perform as it is very time-consuming. Thus, it is always great to have a financial advice provider to help you throughout. Accounting service providers offer a total range of services so that you can focus on other important works instead of worrying about managing your accounts. There are some accounting firms which are specialized in tax strategy, business planning, and also consulting. Therefore, you should make sure that you are choosing a trusted firm to achieve and exceed your goals.
['Universe Tax']
2019-11-22 14:48:35.768000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Accountant']
Title Accountant Oran Park Perfect Option Every BusinessContent accounting service indeed crucial part every business Taking assistance expert ‘Accountant Oran Park’ actually important growth business article get chance learn benefit choosing reputed accounting service Studies year shown organization considered hiring accounting team done splendid job helped save time money also given chance maximize growth business without even putting much effort Choosing accounting firm indeed necessary decision growth company depends accounting people actually taking care case people managing uncertain latest technique would even help company grow Hence need professional assistance Accountant Oran Park actually help evolve company also enhance productivity Accounting undoubtedly critical essential part every business business owner managing business accounting simultaneously quite difficult task perform timeconsuming Thus always great financial advice provider help throughout Accounting service provider offer total range service focus important work instead worrying managing account accounting firm specialized tax strategy business planning also consulting Therefore make sure choosing trusted firm achieve exceed goalsTags Accounting Accountant
Why Your Small Business Needs an Accountant/Bookkeeper
Why Your Small Business Needs an Accountant/Bookkeeper For anyone who has started their own business, you know what it takes to get it up and running. Hours of research, prep work, design, goals. All to make sure your day-to-day operations run smoothly. Then finding clients or customers who will benefit from and use your product or service. All of this takes time and effort, and potentially a money investment. Ok, now that that’s all set and up and running, it’s time to really get into the business and run EVERYTHING on the back end. Wow sounds daunting and exhausting. As your business grows, you just can’t handle all the work on your own. That’s when it’s time to allocate and hire other people to help lighten your load. This will allow you to focus on what’s important, your actual business and day to day operations rather than all the extra busy work that comes with it. One of the very important people you need to consider hiring is a bookkeeper or accountant. This is one of those business processes that needs to be done accurately, but if you don’t have the time or the full knowledge of how it works, in the end it can cause major issues when everyone’s favorite season comes around — tax season. Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash Who is an accountant or bookkeeper and what is the difference? A bookkeeper… is someone who records day-to-day financial transactions. These include invoices, payments, receipts, sales, bills. They make sure your bank statement says the same thing as your company’s “books”. They can perform payroll and other small tasks that involve making sure all transactions made by your business are properly identified and recorded. An accountant… on the other hand, usually looks at your company’s financials from a big picture perspective. They can also perform bookkeeping duties, but most are typically stereotyped for performing audits of a company’s books and preparing tax returns. Accountants do a lot of financial analysis on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Some can also help decide what type of business entity best suits your needs. Which ever one you choose is up to you, depending on what your specific business needs are. Accounting firms for the most part have a full package deal, so you get a bookkeeper and accountant all in one place. Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash The real reason you need an accountant/bookkeeper Can you say with great certainty, at any given time, what your small business’s financials look like? How much cash have you spent in the past month? How much has come in to your business? How much do customers still owe you? How much do YOU owe your vendors or the bank? Unless you yourself were keeping up with everything day to day, chances are you can’t provide answers to all these questions. Especially when you have hundreds of transactions a week. Your accountant/bookkeeper on the other hand should be able to pull up your company information and with the click of a button print any report you would like to see. It’s important to know how your business is performing financially and know where you need to improve to get better cash flow or reduce expenses. Understanding each individual component enables a clear picture and helps form any future business plans and/or decisions. The next thing you need to think about is tax season. Everyone’s FAVORITE time of the year, especially for tax accountants. As an individual filling for taxes, it’s usually simple and straightforward. When you factor in a business, it makes things more complicated. Whether it’s a business loss or profit, different forms to fill out and have on hand. Researching everything you need can be a headache. And if taxes are not your thing, don’t even start! Better to find someone, like an accountant who knows all the ins-and-outs of the tax laws to help you. Trust me, it will make your life sooooo much easier and relief a lot of the stress. Because remember, you still have a business to run and daily operations and tasks don’t go anywhere when taxes are due. You want one less thing to worry about. Where should you go when you are ready to hire The best option for a small business when it comes to hiring a bookkeeper or accountant is to outsource. It will save you so much money. You don’t need to pay for health insurance benefits, or PTO. You may not have a separate office so hiring someone specifically to come in everyday and work an 8–5 job is not worth it if you don’t need a crazy amount of work done. So many bookkeepers are online looking for jobs. Some even do taxes if they have had previous experience. If you need just a bookkeeper, quickbooks.com has a great feature where it lists ProAdvisors in your area who are certified bookkeepers and can get the job done for you. As mentioned earlier, accounting firms will typically have everything you are looking for, it’s the full package in one convenient space. Know what you need for your business and do the research. Search for accounting firms in your area; google is your friend here. Find out what services they offer. After you have done your research, write a list of your top candidates and start calling, e-mailing, talking with them to find the perfect match for you and your small business. Find out what they specifically can do for you. How much value will they bring to the table? Can they do what your business needs? How much do they charge? These are all important things to think about when making the final decision. What now? Fast forward… the accountant or bookkeeper that you hired cleaned up your company’s information and set everything up to make sure transactions are recorded correctly and everything is the way it needs to be. Awesome! You’re on a roll! Your business is doing great! Its finances are in order and you know exactly how it’s performing financially. You can now take a deep breath that there’s one thing off your plate and continue growing your business and making a difference in the world.
['Marianna Guzic']
2020-01-10 02:29:10.902000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Small Business']
Title Small Business Needs AccountantBookkeeperContent Small Business Needs AccountantBookkeeper anyone started business know take get running Hours research prep work design goal make sure daytoday operation run smoothly finding client customer benefit use product service take time effort potentially money investment Ok that’s set running it’s time really get business run EVERYTHING back end Wow sound daunting exhausting business grows can’t handle work That’s it’s time allocate hire people help lighten load allow focus what’s important actual business day day operation rather extra busy work come One important people need consider hiring bookkeeper accountant one business process need done accurately don’t time full knowledge work end cause major issue everyone’s favorite season come around — tax season Photo Helloquence Unsplash accountant bookkeeper difference bookkeeper… someone record daytoday financial transaction include invoice payment receipt sale bill make sure bank statement say thing company’s “books” perform payroll small task involve making sure transaction made business properly identified recorded accountant… hand usually look company’s financials big picture perspective also perform bookkeeping duty typically stereotyped performing audit company’s book preparing tax return Accountants lot financial analysis weekly monthly quarterly annual basis also help decide type business entity best suit need ever one choose depending specific business need Accounting firm part full package deal get bookkeeper accountant one place Photo Charles Forerunner Unsplash real reason need accountantbookkeeper say great certainty given time small business’s financials look like much cash spent past month much come business much customer still owe much owe vendor bank Unless keeping everything day day chance can’t provide answer question Especially hundred transaction week accountantbookkeeper hand able pull company information click button print report would like see It’s important know business performing financially know need improve get better cash flow reduce expense Understanding individual component enables clear picture help form future business plan andor decision next thing need think tax season Everyone’s FAVORITE time year especially tax accountant individual filling tax it’s usually simple straightforward factor business make thing complicated Whether it’s business loss profit different form fill hand Researching everything need headache tax thing don’t even start Better find someone like accountant know insandouts tax law help Trust make life sooooo much easier relief lot stress remember still business run daily operation task don’t go anywhere tax due want one le thing worry go ready hire best option small business come hiring bookkeeper accountant outsource save much money don’t need pay health insurance benefit PTO may separate office hiring someone specifically come everyday work 8–5 job worth don’t need crazy amount work done many bookkeeper online looking job even tax previous experience need bookkeeper quickbookscom great feature list ProAdvisors area certified bookkeeper get job done mentioned earlier accounting firm typically everything looking it’s full package one convenient space Know need business research Search accounting firm area google friend Find service offer done research write list top candidate start calling emailing talking find perfect match small business Find specifically much value bring table business need much charge important thing think making final decision Fast forward… accountant bookkeeper hired cleaned company’s information set everything make sure transaction recorded correctly everything way need Awesome You’re roll business great finance order know exactly it’s performing financially take deep breath there’s one thing plate continue growing business making difference worldTags Accounting Small Business
Probate Fees Changes Abandoned
The government has confirmed that controversial increases in probate fees will not go ahead as planned. Fees will now remain at a flat rate after proposals for a new tiered approach met with strong opposition on the grounds they amounted to a ‘stealth tax’ on bereaved families. Following a period of consultation, plans to charge higher probate fees were set out in the Non-Contentious Probate (Fees) Order in November 2018. This proposed abandoning the existing fixed fee of £155 for grant applications made by solicitors and a charge of £215 for those made by individuals for estates valued at over £5,000. Under the new proposals, probate fees would have risen to a sliding scale of up to £6,000 depending on the size of the estate. The government also proposed raising the threshold for probate charges from £5,000 to £50,000, indicating this would take around 25,000 estates a year out of fees altogether. However, an estimated 280,000 families annually would have faced higher charges under the new system. The government claimed that the increases would fund improvements to the court's service, with forecasts estimating the increased income of £145m a year from 2019–20, rising to £185m in 2022–23. Opposition from the public, MPs, the Law Society and other groups meant the plans were not brought to a vote, and subsequently the fees were not introduced as originally scheduled in April 2019. The move was then put on hold following the prorogation of parliament. Now the Lord Chancellor, Robert Buckland, has confirmed that the changes have been abandoned altogether. The Ministry of Justice will now review probate charges as part of an annual assessment of fees charged for all proceedings in civil and family courts. The original article appeared on Lall Ondhia
['Dhiren Mistry']
2019-11-28 19:08:18.134000+00:00
['Finance', 'Property', 'Accounting', 'London', 'Accountant']
Title Probate Fees Changes AbandonedContent government confirmed controversial increase probate fee go ahead planned Fees remain flat rate proposal new tiered approach met strong opposition ground amounted ‘stealth tax’ bereaved family Following period consultation plan charge higher probate fee set NonContentious Probate Fees Order November 2018 proposed abandoning existing fixed fee £155 grant application made solicitor charge £215 made individual estate valued £5000 new proposal probate fee would risen sliding scale £6000 depending size estate government also proposed raising threshold probate charge £5000 £50000 indicating would take around 25000 estate year fee altogether However estimated 280000 family annually would faced higher charge new system government claimed increase would fund improvement court service forecast estimating increased income £145m year 2019–20 rising £185m 2022–23 Opposition public MPs Law Society group meant plan brought vote subsequently fee introduced originally scheduled April 2019 move put hold following prorogation parliament Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland confirmed change abandoned altogether Ministry Justice review probate charge part annual assessment fee charged proceeding civil family court original article appeared Lall OndhiaTags Finance Property Accounting London Accountant
QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833–228–2822
QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833–228–2822: Unlock the treasure of unlimited technical help and assistance QuickBooks is highly popular accounting software that is designed specially to meet your unique business needs. Since its inception, it has become a prior choice of many organizations. The software offers a ton of lucrative features for the well-functioning of your system. Some of the exclusive features of QuickBooks are as follows: Manages your employee’s amenities with an ease Tracks the entire lifecycle of your inventory You can track the time spend as well as the expenses that are made by your employees, clients, etc. It contributes to the timely payment of your payroll expenses. You can set permissions person-to-person in order to ensure the security of your valuable data Also, you have the advantage of creating such invoices that have professional look and feel. Viewing the key points for your vendors, customers becomes easier. You can get your work done at a pretty faster pace. Get prominent solutions for QuickBooks errors at QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833–228–2822 Being an exclusive accounting software, QuickBooks has flourished many business houses with its appealing features. However, it doesn’t mean that this software is immune to errors. Unlike any other software, QuickBooks also faces some bugs. Some of the most common issues in QuickBooks are as follows: Server not responding issue The user is unable to open the company file Facing error while installing the software The problem persists while updating the software Getting bugs while making business transactions Facing troubles while tracking inventory An issue caused due to corrupted or damaged company files Login problems Connectivity problems Facing trouble while upgrading the software For more visit Us:- https://www.paysoln.com/ https://www.paysoln.com/
['Steve Smith']
2019-11-22 05:40:25.596000+00:00
Title QuickBooks Helpline Number 1 833–228–2822Content QuickBooks Helpline Number 1 833–228–2822 Unlock treasure unlimited technical help assistance QuickBooks highly popular accounting software designed specially meet unique business need Since inception become prior choice many organization software offer ton lucrative feature wellfunctioning system exclusive feature QuickBooks follows Manages employee’s amenity ease Tracks entire lifecycle inventory track time spend well expense made employee client etc contributes timely payment payroll expense set permission persontoperson order ensure security valuable data Also advantage creating invoice professional look feel Viewing key point vendor customer becomes easier get work done pretty faster pace Get prominent solution QuickBooks error QuickBooks Helpline Number 1 833–228–2822 exclusive accounting software QuickBooks flourished many business house appealing feature However doesn’t mean software immune error Unlike software QuickBooks also face bug common issue QuickBooks follows Server responding issue user unable open company file Facing error installing software problem persists updating software Getting bug making business transaction Facing trouble tracking inventory issue caused due corrupted damaged company file Login problem Connectivity problem Facing trouble upgrading software visit Us httpswwwpaysolncom httpswwwpaysolncomTags Accounting
What Mattel’s Accounting Mistake Teaches Us About Material Weakness and Deferred Taxes
Who knew that Thomas the Tank Engine could stir up so many problems? Mattel, the owner of the toy brand and PwC, Mattel’s external auditor, did not take proactive steps to correct an accounting error. The company and the auditor have paid a heavy price. This excellent article from the Wall Street Journal, “Mattel and PwC Obscured Accounting Issues, Former Executive Says”, lays out a great example to explain a material weakness, and how deferred taxes work. The story begins when an error is discovered. What is a Material Weakness? Mattel is a public company, so it makes sense to refer to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The Board was created after the Enron collapse, in an effort to improve the amount and timeliness of accounting disclosure. Here’s how PCAOB defines a material weakness in Auditing Standard 5: “A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.” Let’s break that down, starting with materiality. Materiality The term “material” refers to a dollar amount that is large enough to change the opinion of a financial statement reader. The level of materiality is a judgment call. A $5 error in a $2 million inventory balance isn’t material, but a $10,000 mistake is probably material. Firms needs controls in place to prevent material errors. Internal controls A business needs controls in place over inventory, including physical inventory counts. During the count, the internal auditors compare items in the detailed inventory listing to the physical items in the warehouse. This procedure is the strongest evidence that the inventory exists. Companies also need to control how goods move in and out of the warehouse, so that accurate records are maintained. If controls are weak, the company will not report the inventory balance accurately. A material weakness means that a firm’s accounting system does not produce reliable reporting. Timing is particularly important. Timely basis When you find a material error, you need to disclose it and correct it right away. But that’s potentially embarrassing- and may change how investors view your firm. Which brings us back to Mattel and PwC. Why Earnings Restatement Are a Disaster Here’s a quote from the article: “The accounting problem was tied to Mattel’s ownership of Thomas & Friends, an animated children’s show about talking trains. The finance team discussed fixing the problem and restating earnings, with the expectation that Mattel would have to admit to shortcomings in its accounting and reporting procedures…” Ouch. Restating earnings is a problem, for two reasons: Analysts and investors will have less confidence in Mattel’s management PwC, the auditor’s reputation will be damaged, as well as the firm’s reputation with the client (who they’ve audited for decades) So, what did Mattel and PwC do? “… senior finance executives and Mattel’s auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, decided to change the accounting treatment of the Thomas asset, effectively burying the problem, according to Mr. Whitaker and documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The executives agreed not to tell Mattel’s then-chief executive or its board of directors, an internal investigation found.” They buried the problem- so the public (and particularly investors) didn’t know about the mistake right away. There was a great deal of fallout. The Mattel CFO left the firm, and the PwC partner was put on administrative leave and is expected to leave the audit firm. Let’s shift gears and talk about intangible assets, and the accounting error itself. Reviewing Intangible Assets Intangible assets include patents, copyrights, and other assets that are not physical. Goodwill is a common intangible asset category. If you pay more than the book value for a company, some of the purchase price may be posted to goodwill. This video explains accounting for goodwill. Intangible assets are amortized, which reclassifies the asset balance into amortization expense over time. It’s similar to depreciation expense for physical assets. When Mattel buys an intangible asset, the company has to review the asset for possible impairment. Impairment GAAP requires that intangible assets must be evaluated each year for impairment. If the fair value of the intangible asset is less than the amortized balance in the intangible asset account, the asset is impaired. Here’s an example: Let’s assume that you buy a copyright for a book that generates $100,000 in sales a year. Time goes by, and the annual revenue for the book declines to $30,000 a year. Obviously, the value of the copyright has declined. But by how much? Estimating the fair value of an intangible asset is a complicated issue. This blog post from the CFA Institute goes into detail on the valuation process, if you want to know more. Writeoff If an intangible asset is impaired, you must write off the impairment amount to expense. That’s consistent with other areas of accounting. We never want an asset on the books to be overstated. If an asset is overvalued, we generally expense the overage amount. Here’s the Mattel accounting issue: “The accounting error was tied to a $562 million valuation allowance — a reserve for a potential loss in value — that Mattel created against its deferred tax assets in September 2017.” Reserve for Potential Loss Reserve accounts help a business comply with the principle of conservatism. This principle states that, when in doubt, choose the accounting method that generates less net income. So, if Mattel is considered that an intangible asset may be worth less in the future, why not set aside some dollars now to address the issue? That’s taking a conservative approach. Banks use reserve for loan loss accounts to set money aside for potential loans that aren’t paid. In fact, the amount of a bank’s loan loss can be an area of dispute between bankers and their external auditors. Let’s talk about deferred taxes. Deferred Tax Asset The concept of Deferred taxes is one of the toughest topics in accounting. This video and the video here both explain the topic. The journal entry for the Mattel error was a debit to Deferred Tax Asset and a credit to a Reserve for Loss account. A deferred tax asset means that you have a tax expense in the future, which reduces your tax liability in the future. Depreciation expense can be different between book (accounting records) and the tax return. These temporary differences create deferred tax assets. Let’s say that you have $30,000 more in depreciation for taxes than book depreciation in 2021. Higher expenses means less net income- and a lower tax liability. You would have a $30,000 deferred tax asset. A deferred tax liability means that you have a higher tax liability in future years. So what, exactly, was the big problem with the Mattel accounting? How Mattel Made a Mistake “The allowance was reduced by $109 million, which came from deferred tax liabilities related to the company’s 2011 acquisition of HIT Entertainment Ltd., which included Thomas & Friends, Barney & Friends, and Bob the Builder. Reducing the allowance lowered Mattel’s loss for the quarter. Soon after, the company did an internal review of its intangible assets. Finance executives discovered that because of the way the HIT liability had been categorized, it shouldn’t have been used to reduce Mattel’s loss …” Mattel mixed apples and oranges. The reserve for potential loss for “A” should not have been reduced by an event from acquisition “B”. Events A and B were not related to each other. My next book, 25 Intermediate Accounting Spreadsheets (and How to Use Them) will be out in 2020. The format will include a written discussion of a spreadsheet, with spreadsheet images, and a related video. To learn more and get sample chapters of the book, watch this video. For live CPA exam prep and accounting classes, join Conference Room for free. Members will be notified of course dates, times, costs, and how to attend these courses. Get your questions answered to pass the CPA exam, and to learn accounting concepts. Go to Accounting Accidentally for 300+ blog posts and 450+ You Tube videos on accounting and finance: Good luck! Ken Boyd Author: Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and 1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies (email) ken@stltest.net (website and blog) http://www.accountingaccidentally.com/
['Ken Boyd']
2019-11-15 17:01:42.748000+00:00
['Finance', 'Accounting', 'CPA', 'Business']
Title Mattel’s Accounting Mistake Teaches Us Material Weakness Deferred TaxesContent knew Thomas Tank Engine could stir many problem Mattel owner toy brand PwC Mattel’s external auditor take proactive step correct accounting error company auditor paid heavy price excellent article Wall Street Journal “Mattel PwC Obscured Accounting Issues Former Executive Says” lay great example explain material weakness deferred tax work story begin error discovered Material Weakness Mattel public company make sense refer Public Company Accounting Oversight Board PCAOB Board created Enron collapse effort improve amount timeliness accounting disclosure Here’s PCAOB defines material weakness Auditing Standard 5 “A material weakness deficiency combination deficiency internal control financial reporting reasonable possibility material misstatement company’s annual interim financial statement prevented detected timely basis” Let’s break starting materiality Materiality term “material” refers dollar amount large enough change opinion financial statement reader level materiality judgment call 5 error 2 million inventory balance isn’t material 10000 mistake probably material Firms need control place prevent material error Internal control business need control place inventory including physical inventory count count internal auditor compare item detailed inventory listing physical item warehouse procedure strongest evidence inventory exists Companies also need control good move warehouse accurate record maintained control weak company report inventory balance accurately material weakness mean firm’s accounting system produce reliable reporting Timing particularly important Timely basis find material error need disclose correct right away that’s potentially embarrassing may change investor view firm brings u back Mattel PwC Earnings Restatement Disaster Here’s quote article “The accounting problem tied Mattel’s ownership Thomas Friends animated children’s show talking train finance team discussed fixing problem restating earnings expectation Mattel would admit shortcoming accounting reporting procedures…” Ouch Restating earnings problem two reason Analysts investor le confidence Mattel’s management PwC auditor’s reputation damaged well firm’s reputation client they’ve audited decade Mattel PwC “… senior finance executive Mattel’s auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers decided change accounting treatment Thomas asset effectively burying problem according Mr Whitaker document reviewed Wall Street Journal executive agreed tell Mattel’s thenchief executive board director internal investigation found” buried problem public particularly investor didn’t know mistake right away great deal fallout Mattel CFO left firm PwC partner put administrative leave expected leave audit firm Let’s shift gear talk intangible asset accounting error Reviewing Intangible Assets Intangible asset include patent copyright asset physical Goodwill common intangible asset category pay book value company purchase price may posted goodwill video explains accounting goodwill Intangible asset amortized reclassifies asset balance amortization expense time It’s similar depreciation expense physical asset Mattel buy intangible asset company review asset possible impairment Impairment GAAP requires intangible asset must evaluated year impairment fair value intangible asset le amortized balance intangible asset account asset impaired Here’s example Let’s assume buy copyright book generates 100000 sale year Time go annual revenue book decline 30000 year Obviously value copyright declined much Estimating fair value intangible asset complicated issue blog post CFA Institute go detail valuation process want know Writeoff intangible asset impaired must write impairment amount expense That’s consistent area accounting never want asset book overstated asset overvalued generally expense overage amount Here’s Mattel accounting issue “The accounting error tied 562 million valuation allowance — reserve potential loss value — Mattel created deferred tax asset September 2017” Reserve Potential Loss Reserve account help business comply principle conservatism principle state doubt choose accounting method generates le net income Mattel considered intangible asset may worth le future set aside dollar address issue That’s taking conservative approach Banks use reserve loan loss account set money aside potential loan aren’t paid fact amount bank’s loan loss area dispute banker external auditor Let’s talk deferred tax Deferred Tax Asset concept Deferred tax one toughest topic accounting video video explain topic journal entry Mattel error debit Deferred Tax Asset credit Reserve Loss account deferred tax asset mean tax expense future reduces tax liability future Depreciation expense different book accounting record tax return temporary difference create deferred tax asset Let’s say 30000 depreciation tax book depreciation 2021 Higher expense mean le net income lower tax liability would 30000 deferred tax asset deferred tax liability mean higher tax liability future year exactly big problem Mattel accounting Mattel Made Mistake “The allowance reduced 109 million came deferred tax liability related company’s 2011 acquisition HIT Entertainment Ltd included Thomas Friends Barney Friends Bob Builder Reducing allowance lowered Mattel’s loss quarter Soon company internal review intangible asset Finance executive discovered way HIT liability categorized shouldn’t used reduce Mattel’s loss …” Mattel mixed apple orange reserve potential loss “A” reduced event acquisition “B” Events B related next book 25 Intermediate Accounting Spreadsheets Use 2020 format include written discussion spreadsheet spreadsheet image related video learn get sample chapter book watch video live CPA exam prep accounting class join Conference Room free Members notified course date time cost attend course Get question answered pas CPA exam learn accounting concept Go Accounting Accidentally 300 blog post 450 Tube video accounting finance Good luck Ken Boyd Author Cost Accounting Dummies Accounting AllInOne Dummies CPA Exam Dummies 1001 Accounting Questions Dummies email kenstltestnet website blog httpwwwaccountingaccidentallycomTags Finance Accounting CPA Business
Medical Accounting
All over the world, different countries vary in their general accounting procedures since each nation has its own financial framework. Although there had been an agreed GAAP — Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures, each country requires a certain type of financial reporting from accountants. Some countries follow GAAP but more developed countries prefer International Accounting standards (IAS).Each country has a unique political and social climate which affects the government. The government is mainly responsible for issuing regulatory policies that would provide guidelines for accounting reports and practices. International accounting exists because the financial transactions of a developed country is more complicated than that of developing nations. Some set of information for one country may not be relevant or applicable in another country’s finances. For example, Japan has developed an intricate accounting framework that is not easily understood by accounting practitioners from some parts of the world. History may also influence the accounting procedures of a nation as countries like US adopted some of its practices from Germany as a result of the war. Nevertheless, there is a need for countries to have a clear guideline for accounting reports that is why the International Accounting Standards have been established. The IAS contains a set of standards that states how some accounting transactions should be reported and reflected in financial statements. This helps companies such as multi-nationals and trans- nationals that deals with different countries for their products to consolidate different types of accounting reports. Also, countries that meet and discuss business regulations can establish and analyze financial transactions coming from one point. The IAS was formerly issued by the Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). Later on, a more updated set of standards was released in 2001 and this is now recognized as the international financial reporting standards. It must be emphasized that IASC provides guidelines for its member countries but cannot impose members to comply with the set standards. It is just an agreement between countries to report in accordance to what has been set by IAS for publicly-traded companies. A better understanding of international accounting can gained by reading books that covers introduction to international accounting. By reading such books, one is guided properly in learning why countries differ in accounting practices and the extent of government regulations in establishing financial reports. International accounting standards and its benefits over GAAP is also explained so readers can compare the advantages of both procedures.
['Verse Finance']
2019-11-22 03:26:02.088000+00:00
['Finance', 'Accounting']
Title Medical AccountingContent world different country vary general accounting procedure since nation financial framework Although agreed GAAP — Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures country requires certain type financial reporting accountant country follow GAAP developed country prefer International Accounting standard IASEach country unique political social climate affect government government mainly responsible issuing regulatory policy would provide guideline accounting report practice International accounting exists financial transaction developed country complicated developing nation set information one country may relevant applicable another country’s finance example Japan developed intricate accounting framework easily understood accounting practitioner part world History may also influence accounting procedure nation country like US adopted practice Germany result war Nevertheless need country clear guideline accounting report International Accounting Standards established IAS contains set standard state accounting transaction reported reflected financial statement help company multinationals trans national deal different country product consolidate different type accounting report Also country meet discus business regulation establish analyze financial transaction coming one point IAS formerly issued Board International Accounting Standards Committee IASC Later updated set standard released 2001 recognized international financial reporting standard must emphasized IASC provides guideline member country cannot impose member comply set standard agreement country report accordance set IAS publiclytraded company better understanding international accounting gained reading book cover introduction international accounting reading book one guided properly learning country differ accounting practice extent government regulation establishing financial report International accounting standard benefit GAAP also explained reader compare advantage proceduresTags Finance Accounting
Accounting and Tax Consulting Lead Generation, A Short Guide
Accounting and Tax Consulting Lead Generation, A Short Guide Accounting firms are one of the in-demand professional services and the most competitive as well. Accountants generally offer the same services and skills set making it even more difficult for an accounting firm to set themselves apart. This competition is also the biggest challenge for these firms to generate qualified leads. The saddest part of this is the fact that a lot of accounting firms still employ old methods to market themselves. If you are an accounting firm, you don’t have to suffer the same fate. There are proven ways and methods on how to get out of this dilemma and place yourself above the competition. 1. Specialize in something and get certified Being the jack of all trades might sound great because you have different solutions for your clients. However, this practice can hurt your lead generation and marketing efforts more. Designer extraordinaire Coco Chanel puts it best in this quote: If you are the only one offering that specific service, you can generate more leads and close more sales quickly. You can also charge more because you are now bringing something unique to the table. Aside from that, you will be able to create meaningful conversations and present your solutions more clearly. For example, marketing yourself as a Xero Certified Advisor or a Certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor enables you to attract prospects who are specifically looking for that. Just make sure that you get certified before you advertise that so you can back up your claims. 2. Optimize your website with the help of an expert The best way to optimize your website is to put yourself in your client’s shoes. What words, phrases, or questions do they use when looking for accounting professionals? Hint: Google search can help you with this. When you type a specific phrase or keyword, it will not just give you what you are looking for but will suggest more keywords at the bottom so you can explore more possibilities. Here’s what it looks like: Keep reading here:https://www.callboxinc.com/lead-generation/accounting-and-tax-consulting-lead-generation/
['Judy Caroll']
2021-11-07 18:54:46.227000+00:00
['Lead Gen Services', 'Accounting', 'Lead Generation']
Title Accounting Tax Consulting Lead Generation Short GuideContent Accounting Tax Consulting Lead Generation Short Guide Accounting firm one indemand professional service competitive well Accountants generally offer service skill set making even difficult accounting firm set apart competition also biggest challenge firm generate qualified lead saddest part fact lot accounting firm still employ old method market accounting firm don’t suffer fate proven way method get dilemma place competition 1 Specialize something get certified jack trade might sound great different solution client However practice hurt lead generation marketing effort Designer extraordinaire Coco Chanel put best quote one offering specific service generate lead close sale quickly also charge bringing something unique table Aside able create meaningful conversation present solution clearly example marketing Xero Certified Advisor Certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor enables attract prospect specifically looking make sure get certified advertise back claim 2 Optimize website help expert best way optimize website put client’s shoe word phrase question use looking accounting professional Hint Google search help type specific phrase keyword give looking suggest keywords bottom explore possibility Here’s look like Keep reading herehttpswwwcallboxinccomleadgenerationaccountingandtaxconsultingleadgenerationTags Lead Gen Services Accounting Lead Generation
ACCA: I’m done
ACCA: I’m done My journey and all the advice I can give before I forget This came 2 weeks later Update: On 21st January 2019, I published a follow-up article On the 15th of January 2018, It’s 1 am-ish and I’m still waiting for my final result — P2 — Corporate reporting, P3 — Business Analysis, P4 — Advanced Financial Management, were the last set of exams I wrote in December 2017. ACCA — Founded in 1904, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is the global professional accounting body offering the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification. ICAN — The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) is a professional accountancy body in Nigeria. It was formed on 1 September 1965. My result usually comes shortly after Midnight via email but this time it lingered, I’m not sure why but I wasn’t feeling good due to cold so I was drowsy but because I had slept in the afternoon I couldn’t sleep. I was looking out for a mail and then a text message comes in, I was doing something else on my phone but I saw the notification and it stayed long enough for me to read the message, I had seen my result. I didn’t really see it well but then I saw 3 passes and some figures. So I opened my text message app and walah! I’m done! Truecaller messenger app won me over, and Wow two 50s Yikes! Praise God! I had always known I would write this article because, for the last two years, ACCA has been a major part of my life, just like any other professional exam, constant reading and attending classes and writing exams. It was like I was in school again but with more freedom and focus perhaps. I’m glad that when I started in June 2016, I had set the date to finish as December 2017, based on my calculation it was fair time span I had given myself. Some people tried to talk me into finishing earlier but naah I didn’t want pressure on my life. I wouldn’t really have mattered if I didn’t finish in December, I’d still be glad because things don’t always go the way we plan, actually, they didn’t but somehow I still finished when I wanted to. I decided to take ACCA professional exam after considering a number of factors. It was ideal step to take since my first degree was in Accounting and I found it fairly convenient understanding the concepts and passing exams, It was a better option compared to ICAN for me ( I would address this later in this write-up or you can just scroll to the end if you just want to read that now), I had time — I started during NYSC, I wasn’t going to pay for it (Parents). Yes, that’s what the syllabus looked like, it has changed slightly now. Fundamental knowledge I didn’t have to do these because my Bsc. in Accounting exempts me — assumed knowledge. I would have been exempted from two more if the Accounting department of my school had signed an MOU with ACCA but there was some push back from the department which pledged it’s loyalty to ICAN. I’m glad the MOU has been signed now. Fundamental Skills F5 — Performance Management While I liked the flexibility F5 offers, that same flexibility and maybe the way it was taught was why I didn’t like the course. The fact that you could see a question and not even know the topic it was from was disturbing, It also was part of the first two papers I wrote so let’s just say my preparation technique was still crude. I had to write it twice. Thank You to Mr. Abel for teaching me. F6 — Taxation I wrote this paper 4 times, December 2016 to September 2017. I had to repeatedly write this course till I could pass it. To be honest, I already didn’t like tax from school, the seeming complexities just didn’t appeal to me. Upon doing UK tax I found myself saying this isn’t even relevant to what I want to do and UK tax is more complex than Nigerian Tax. For example, In UK tax, tax is paid on a person’s death, there’s tax Co2 emission from cars… An inheritance or estate tax is a tax paid by a person who inherits money or property or a levy on the estate (money and property) of a person who has died. I remember the first time I wrote I had 48 (pass mark is 50) it was too painful and annoying that I didn’t open anything related to course for the next 2 weeks after the result came out. I wrote again and had 30 something. Lol, I knew I needed help so I took classes for it and really I was all hyped up and I learnt a lot of new things but then when the result came I had 47. Argh, I was slightly pained but also indifferent as I couldn’t do more than that- I cannot come and kill myself. I knew there was something I was missing. I hadn’t convinced myself that I was going to use this so a part of me wasn’t interested. This course was a tough nut to crack for two reasons: There are many tax rates and rules to remember that it most times got mixed up in my head and I had no plan of utilizing this knowledge. A drawback about being pragmatic is that I couldn’t make myself like the course, it just didn’t come naturally to me, at times the joy of learning helped but after a while as I got into more details I got reminded of the fact that I didn’t need all these crammed up in my head to succeed in life — I could always ask google or consult my textbook in real-life scenario. Somehow, somehow, in the end I passed this. Caveat: Now I think I’ve painted a bad image of the course but the truth is everything can’t appeal to everyone. My friend Amara loves tax and did well in it in one sitting, so it’s different strokes for different folks. Thank You to Mr. Udoh, Miss Dami and Mr Yinka for teaching me. F7 — Financial Reporting A good understanding of Debit and Credit principles helped here, it was an introduction to learning the accounting standards, for me one of the best ways to know the standards is by understanding what each is about and not just memorizing them. Also looking back Group accounts was quite straightforward, the adjustments have always been where the problems came from but oh well-knowing everything isn’t necessary to pass. Thank you to Mr. Etienne and Dr. Umoren for teaching me. F8 — Audit and Assurance I find theoretical courses easy to read and pass. There’s the flexibility and room to understand it your own way and write it in your own words. I didn’t take classes for this course because it was majorly theoretical and people said I could read on my own and pass so I said why not? It was a struggle at times because there was much to read and at times I wished I had attended classes. I was in Uyo, Akwa Ibom then so I didn’t have the links for tutorial videos, having those would have fulfilled my craving for someone to put the knowledge in my head. I passed this in one sitting tho. One key thing I learnt was that Audit was put in place to ensure that the owners of a business can trust the financial statement that the managers of the business presentation to them by having external knowledgable parties ( Auditors) inspect and give them an opinion on the state of the financial statement prepared. F9 — Financial Management You see what I mean All my life I had known F9 to mean Failure until now, but then that was just my mind playing tricks with me. Mr. Faleye made me like the course because he taught it well, I was familiar with the concepts taught here because in University I took a course titled Banking & Finance for 4 semesters that introduced these concepts to me but then I never really understood what I was learning. I never got to understand the “why” like I did here. Working Capital Management, Business valuation, Risk management…It was an interesting course. Thank you to Mr. Faleye and Mr. Udoh for thank you for teaching me. Professional Essentials P1 — Governance, Risks & Ethics Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices and processes by which a company is directed and controlled Similar to audit, structures had to be put in place to ensure that managers of a business were doing what the owners of the business wanted, structures had to be put in place to ensure that the managers of a business are not misleading the owners of a business. This course explains all the systems and processes in place to ensure that companies are compliant and we have fewer causes of Ensuring that a company has a Board of Directors made of different people representing different stakeholders thereby creating a healthy balance of diverse interests so views are almost never one sided. Board of Directors put the management team in check. Separation of power, ensuring the CEO is separate from the Chairman of the board of Directors. You can’t be both without a really good reason which even at that people might not care. Ensuring that financial statements are audited annually to ensure transparency and accountability. These principles/rules mostly apply to public companies and serve as a best practice that could be adopted by private companies. Another purely theoretical course, read for it and passed it. P2 — Corporate Reporting I remember the morning of the exam, It was my first paper of the last 3 papers I wrote in December, It was on a Tuesday, I hadn’t printed my docket- a document used as a pass to enter the exam hall. On that morning there was an unusual traffic delay, then I got to two shops to print in Ikeja and they wasted my time, by the time I had printed my docket it 5 mins to 10 am ( exam starts by 10 am) I was 20 minutes away from the exam hall, I was sweating and trying not to panic. I got to the exam hall 30 mins after the exam had started, I had to use 15 minutes to settle down and read through the questions, I saw somethings I didn’t know. The thought of failure started creeping in but then I was like naah there’s still time, so I started from the theoretical questions, I find it easier to answer theoretical questions so I just started writing and explaining. I actually did more writing than calculation. In the number 1 question — the calculation question, I just drew the format of the financial statement — Group Profit or Loss statement, did the basic computations put in the default figures and just kept on filling the financial statement till I was done, I was sure I was writing rubbish but then the marking guide doesn’t mark for correctness but a display of understanding so I tried to show that I understood how this statement is supposed to look like, It felt off computing wrong figures but then I knew my passing depended on displaying effort. I was grateful I passed but I felt like without the whole docket sage I would have done better because I put in a lot of effort in learning the course. I even went as far as reading Man City and Man United’s Financial statement — I was trying to verify how players were to be treated in a financial statement. Understanding International Financial Reporting standards is everything really, well you should know Debit and Credit too. It was interesting getting to understand the motive behind certain standards, the level of subjectivity that was still present and how imperfect many standards were because the business world is changing and humans were of course always looking for loopholes. Thank you Mr. Jide and Mr. Ola for teaching me. P3 — Business Analysis The mini MBA of ACCA, pretty much the most exciting course for me, I was happy to learn this course partly because of my interest in Business. I opted for taking lessons for this as opposed to reading because I wanted to be in a class setting and get to interact with other people. A downside of liking a course and it being theoretical is that I sometimes didn’t feel the need to read more. The exams were scenario-based and I was sure having understood the course content I would be able to interpret and apply the knowledge to the scenario. Thank you Ikenna and Nse for teaching me. Professional Options P4 — Advanced Financial Management I liked F9 — Financial Management so it was a no-brainer that I would pick this as an optional. Learning about business valuation, International Investment appraisal, Capital restructuring and reconstruction and Risk Management was very enlightening. Ahhh! Segun Jimoh did a good job. I had issues understanding Risk management especially Interest. it was partly due to the fact that I missed two classes that set me off balance and then I was gambling that it wouldn’t come out as Question 1 which is a 50 marks question. Funny thing is the 3 times I wrote it Risk management wasn’t Question 1 and it didn’t need to be before I realized that the other topics could be bloody and Risk Management was many times the simpler of the 4 questions. I finally passed and yeah it was Risk Management that most definitely saved me because I didn’t calculate anything reasonable in the Question 1. A number of people have quipped that I do CFA because of the interest I showed in class. It’s not on the list. Stay off 😑 Thank you Segun Jimoh and Mr. Patrick for teaching me. P7 — Advanced Audit and Assurance Audit! I decided to not read by myself for this because I felt I was missing out on class interaction and additional lecturer knowledge. Well it was pretty interesting seeing how the emphasis was on understanding the accounting standards. I like the knowledge of audit but the practice doesn’t interest me. P5 — Advanced Performance Management Naah, I don’t like you 🌚 P6 — Advanced Taxation After my experience with F6 😂😂😂 The mail came a few minutes afterwards Tips
['Daniel Adeyemi']
2020-08-15 22:38:02.314000+00:00
['Education', 'Acca', 'Accounting', 'Exam', 'Nigeria']
Title ACCA I’m doneContent ACCA I’m done journey advice give forget came 2 week later Update 21st January 2019 published followup article 15th January 2018 It’s 1 amish I’m still waiting final result — P2 — Corporate reporting P3 — Business Analysis P4 — Advanced Financial Management last set exam wrote December 2017 ACCA — Founded 1904 Association Chartered Certified Accountants global professional accounting body offering Chartered Certified Accountant qualification ICAN — Institute Chartered Accountants Nigeria ICAN professional accountancy body Nigeria formed 1 September 1965 result usually come shortly Midnight via email time lingered I’m sure wasn’t feeling good due cold drowsy slept afternoon couldn’t sleep looking mail text message come something else phone saw notification stayed long enough read message seen result didn’t really see well saw 3 pass figure opened text message app walah I’m done Truecaller messenger app Wow two 50 Yikes Praise God always known would write article last two year ACCA major part life like professional exam constant reading attending class writing exam like school freedom focus perhaps I’m glad started June 2016 set date finish December 2017 based calculation fair time span given people tried talk finishing earlier naah didn’t want pressure life wouldn’t really mattered didn’t finish December I’d still glad thing don’t always go way plan actually didn’t somehow still finished wanted decided take ACCA professional exam considering number factor ideal step take since first degree Accounting found fairly convenient understanding concept passing exam better option compared ICAN would address later writeup scroll end want read time — started NYSC wasn’t going pay Parents Yes that’s syllabus looked like changed slightly Fundamental knowledge didn’t Bsc Accounting exempts — assumed knowledge would exempted two Accounting department school signed MOU ACCA push back department pledged it’s loyalty ICAN I’m glad MOU signed Fundamental Skills F5 — Performance Management liked flexibility F5 offer flexibility maybe way taught didn’t like course fact could see question even know topic disturbing also part first two paper wrote let’s say preparation technique still crude write twice Thank Mr Abel teaching F6 — Taxation wrote paper 4 time December 2016 September 2017 repeatedly write course till could pas honest already didn’t like tax school seeming complexity didn’t appeal Upon UK tax found saying isn’t even relevant want UK tax complex Nigerian Tax example UK tax tax paid person’s death there’s tax Co2 emission cars… inheritance estate tax tax paid person inherits money property levy estate money property person died remember first time wrote 48 pas mark 50 painful annoying didn’t open anything related course next 2 week result came wrote 30 something Lol knew needed help took class really hyped learnt lot new thing result came 47 Argh slightly pained also indifferent couldn’t cannot come kill knew something missing hadn’t convinced going use part wasn’t interested course tough nut crack two reason many tax rate rule remember time got mixed head plan utilizing knowledge drawback pragmatic couldn’t make like course didn’t come naturally time joy learning helped got detail got reminded fact didn’t need crammed head succeed life — could always ask google consult textbook reallife scenario Somehow somehow end passed Caveat think I’ve painted bad image course truth everything can’t appeal everyone friend Amara love tax well one sitting it’s different stroke different folk Thank Mr Udoh Miss Dami Mr Yinka teaching F7 — Financial Reporting good understanding Debit Credit principle helped introduction learning accounting standard one best way know standard understanding memorizing Also looking back Group account quite straightforward adjustment always problem came oh wellknowing everything isn’t necessary pas Thank Mr Etienne Dr Umoren teaching F8 — Audit Assurance find theoretical course easy read pas There’s flexibility room understand way write word didn’t take class course majorly theoretical people said could read pas said struggle time much read time wished attended class Uyo Akwa Ibom didn’t link tutorial video would fulfilled craving someone put knowledge head passed one sitting tho One key thing learnt Audit put place ensure owner business trust financial statement manager business presentation external knowledgable party Auditors inspect give opinion state financial statement prepared F9 — Financial Management see mean life known F9 mean Failure mind playing trick Mr Faleye made like course taught well familiar concept taught University took course titled Banking Finance 4 semester introduced concept never really understood learning never got understand “why” like Working Capital Management Business valuation Risk management…It interesting course Thank Mr Faleye Mr Udoh thank teaching Professional Essentials P1 — Governance Risks Ethics Corporate governance system rule practice process company directed controlled Similar audit structure put place ensure manager business owner business wanted structure put place ensure manager business misleading owner business course explains system process place ensure company compliant fewer cause Ensuring company Board Directors made different people representing different stakeholder thereby creating healthy balance diverse interest view almost never one sided Board Directors put management team check Separation power ensuring CEO separate Chairman board Directors can’t without really good reason even people might care Ensuring financial statement audited annually ensure transparency accountability principlesrules mostly apply public company serve best practice could adopted private company Another purely theoretical course read passed P2 — Corporate Reporting remember morning exam first paper last 3 paper wrote December Tuesday hadn’t printed docket document used pas enter exam hall morning unusual traffic delay got two shop print Ikeja wasted time time printed docket 5 min 10 exam start 10 20 minute away exam hall sweating trying panic got exam hall 30 min exam started use 15 minute settle read question saw somethings didn’t know thought failure started creeping like naah there’s still time started theoretical question find easier answer theoretical question started writing explaining actually writing calculation number 1 question — calculation question drew format financial statement — Group Profit Loss statement basic computation put default figure kept filling financial statement till done sure writing rubbish marking guide doesn’t mark correctness display understanding tried show understood statement supposed look like felt computing wrong figure knew passing depended displaying effort grateful passed felt like without whole docket sage would done better put lot effort learning course even went far reading Man City Man United’s Financial statement — trying verify player treated financial statement Understanding International Financial Reporting standard everything really well know Debit Credit interesting getting understand motive behind certain standard level subjectivity still present imperfect many standard business world changing human course always looking loophole Thank Mr Jide Mr Ola teaching P3 — Business Analysis mini MBA ACCA pretty much exciting course happy learn course partly interest Business opted taking lesson opposed reading wanted class setting get interact people downside liking course theoretical sometimes didn’t feel need read exam scenariobased sure understood course content would able interpret apply knowledge scenario Thank Ikenna Nse teaching Professional Options P4 — Advanced Financial Management liked F9 — Financial Management nobrainer would pick optional Learning business valuation International Investment appraisal Capital restructuring reconstruction Risk Management enlightening Ahhh Segun Jimoh good job issue understanding Risk management especially Interest partly due fact missed two class set balance gambling wouldn’t come Question 1 50 mark question Funny thing 3 time wrote Risk management wasn’t Question 1 didn’t need realized topic could bloody Risk Management many time simpler 4 question finally passed yeah Risk Management definitely saved didn’t calculate anything reasonable Question 1 number people quipped CFA interest showed class It’s list Stay 😑 Thank Segun Jimoh Mr Patrick teaching P7 — Advanced Audit Assurance Audit decided read felt missing class interaction additional lecturer knowledge Well pretty interesting seeing emphasis understanding accounting standard like knowledge audit practice doesn’t interest P5 — Advanced Performance Management Naah don’t like 🌚 P6 — Advanced Taxation experience F6 😂😂😂 mail came minute afterwards TipsTags Education Acca Accounting Exam Nigeria
Cost Accounting Assignment Help, Online Accounting Tutors
Need cost accounting assignment help? Cost accounting is such a wide and huge subject which is mainly related to the recording and documenting of financial data and facts in any business area. This subject particularly involves dissimilar types of arithmetic calculation and it makes it a deliberated subject for the students of graduate, post-graduate, and university. The major drawback if this subject is it is a little bit hard to go through the fundamental concepts. This subject is totally related to the cost accounting. Our Cost Accounting Assignment Help is a big help for the students who face problems while doing their assignments. We glad to know that the majority of the student’s searches for our cost accounting assignment help service. Our cost accounting assignment help services will always help you to complete your assignments on time. Our main objective is to provide you the best cost accounting help. If you feel problems in your cost accounting assignment, do not worry. We are always here to help you with our best services. No doubt we have the best cost accounting solutions, providers. You can also have the service of financial accounting assignment help. To assist students our service has the best and the most capable experts who are only focused to guide the students with the best cost accounting assignment services. Our online experts are always ready to offer the unique cost accounting help. Looking for the Best Cost Accounting Assignment Help? Cost Accounting is a very important and as well as the most significant part of commerce studies. It deals with the multiple operating costs of diverse commodities. Cost accounting has an massive impact on any specific perspective of the company. It is a simple process to determine the cost of the company. For this reason, an exact study and thorough research are required to be made. This study helps to make the assessment of the cash flows inside any organizations. Get the best help with cost accounting assignment in this context. Our dream assignment provides the best and outstanding level solution in the cost accounting. Our experts are always ready to help students from the different parts of the world to achieve the cost accounting homework. We provide the best and the unique content of our cost accounting homework help. Our assignment writer is always ready to help the students by providing the best cost accounting help. Students can easily visit our website anytime to get the best online accounting assistance. Get Quality Cost Accounting Homework Solutions from Mywordsolutions Do you need best cost accounting assignment help for your assignment? Didn’t get an authentic person or service providers who can give you the A+ class cost accounting assignment solutions? If the said questions are true for you then you have come to the right place. Yes, we at Mywordsolutions provides best Cost Accounting Assignment Help service to the students, our professional writers are responsive to the advantages and disadvantages of cost accounting. The actual base of students in the academic area gets improved. We always try to help the students whenever they feel problems on their assignment and homework writing. We offer the best cost accounting homework solutions by delivering them at right time. By hiring our services students get the best grades in the cost accounting. In cost accounting assignment help we offer the high-quality cost accounting thesis assignment, cost account essay writing, essay assignment writing etc. The best features of our cost accounting assignment help services are as follows: · 100% Plagiarism Free Solutions: we can ensure you unquestionably that we will provide the best solution by eradicating the problem of plagiarism. · Reasonably priced: the cost accounting assignment help is easily provided by our team at a very low price. · Best Quality of Work: we can give you 100% guarantee that you can get the best quality work along with the calculation, theory, and formula for numerical type questions. · On-Time Delivery: We have already told you that we are available 24x7. We can ensure you that you will get the service before the deadline. No matter how difficulties we face, to offer you the best service will be the first priority from our side.
['Assignment Help Australia']
2019-12-06 05:21:36.025000+00:00
['Cost Accounting', 'Accounting', 'Assignment Help']
Title Cost Accounting Assignment Help Online Accounting TutorsContent Need cost accounting assignment help Cost accounting wide huge subject mainly related recording documenting financial data fact business area subject particularly involves dissimilar type arithmetic calculation make deliberated subject student graduate postgraduate university major drawback subject little bit hard go fundamental concept subject totally related cost accounting Cost Accounting Assignment Help big help student face problem assignment glad know majority student’s search cost accounting assignment help service cost accounting assignment help service always help complete assignment time main objective provide best cost accounting help feel problem cost accounting assignment worry always help best service doubt best cost accounting solution provider also service financial accounting assignment help assist student service best capable expert focused guide student best cost accounting assignment service online expert always ready offer unique cost accounting help Looking Best Cost Accounting Assignment Help Cost Accounting important well significant part commerce study deal multiple operating cost diverse commodity Cost accounting massive impact specific perspective company simple process determine cost company reason exact study thorough research required made study help make assessment cash flow inside organization Get best help cost accounting assignment context dream assignment provides best outstanding level solution cost accounting expert always ready help student different part world achieve cost accounting homework provide best unique content cost accounting homework help assignment writer always ready help student providing best cost accounting help Students easily visit website anytime get best online accounting assistance Get Quality Cost Accounting Homework Solutions Mywordsolutions need best cost accounting assignment help assignment Didn’t get authentic person service provider give class cost accounting assignment solution said question true come right place Yes Mywordsolutions provides best Cost Accounting Assignment Help service student professional writer responsive advantage disadvantage cost accounting actual base student academic area get improved always try help student whenever feel problem assignment homework writing offer best cost accounting homework solution delivering right time hiring service student get best grade cost accounting cost accounting assignment help offer highquality cost accounting thesis assignment cost account essay writing essay assignment writing etc best feature cost accounting assignment help service follows · 100 Plagiarism Free Solutions ensure unquestionably provide best solution eradicating problem plagiarism · Reasonably priced cost accounting assignment help easily provided team low price · Best Quality Work give 100 guarantee get best quality work along calculation theory formula numerical type question · OnTime Delivery already told available 24x7 ensure get service deadline matter difficulty face offer best service first priority sideTags Cost Accounting Accounting Assignment Help
Financial Accounting Assignment Help, Homework Help
Financial accounting is a branch of accounting which keeps track of financial transactions. Using the given guidelines, transactions are recorded, summarized and presented in the financial report or financial statement like the income statement or a balance sheet. Companies issue financial statements on a regular basis as they are a record incentive for the company’s stakeholders. The main purpose of financial accounting is to offer information for people to evaluate the value of the company. Financial accounting has common rules known as accounting standards because financial statements are employed by a variety of people in their desired manners. Financial accounting is concerned with summary, analysis as well as reporting of financial transactions regarding a certain business. This is done by simply preparation of financial statements. Financial accounting has the following qualities: reliability, relevance, understandability and comparability. Financial Statements have the below components: · Statement of Cash Flow · Statement of the Financial Position · Statement of Comprehensive Income · Statement of Changes in Enquiry Financial accounting assignment help services fulfill the certain objectives. These objectives would be: systematic recording of transactions, proving of the recorded transactions, showing the financial position of the business and providing information for rational decision making. Our Financial Accounting Assignment Help Service Specialties Assignment help in financial accounting require experience to undertake as they may be quite challenging and time-consuming. Thus, students may fail to submit their assignments on time leading to failure. Mywordsolutions offers financial accounting assignment help Australia, a viable option for students to get their assignments done in record time. We also offer accounting homework help through our qualified team of professional accountants and online tutors with experience in Financial Accounting. These are people who boast of high academic qualifications in the field of accounting. We also offer financial accounting assignment help & writing services by expert online tutors to give students a first-hand experience of being taught how to manipulate the different business accounts. At Mywordsolutions, we provide assignment writing services to ensure that assignments submitted has been properly formatted according to the requirements of your institution and the stipulated guidelines of the order. Take help from Mywordsolutions for timely submission of assignments in University. We have an on time delivery and no plagiarism policy. This is to ensure that all assignments have been well researched, and they are delivered on time so that the student can score high grades. Our payment procedures are also minimal and easy to follow.
['Assignment Help Australia']
2019-12-06 05:49:01.888000+00:00
['Financial Accounting', 'Accounting', 'Finance', 'Assignment Help']
Title Financial Accounting Assignment Help Homework HelpContent Financial accounting branch accounting keep track financial transaction Using given guideline transaction recorded summarized presented financial report financial statement like income statement balance sheet Companies issue financial statement regular basis record incentive company’s stakeholder main purpose financial accounting offer information people evaluate value company Financial accounting common rule known accounting standard financial statement employed variety people desired manner Financial accounting concerned summary analysis well reporting financial transaction regarding certain business done simply preparation financial statement Financial accounting following quality reliability relevance understandability comparability Financial Statements component · Statement Cash Flow · Statement Financial Position · Statement Comprehensive Income · Statement Changes Enquiry Financial accounting assignment help service fulfill certain objective objective would systematic recording transaction proving recorded transaction showing financial position business providing information rational decision making Financial Accounting Assignment Help Service Specialties Assignment help financial accounting require experience undertake may quite challenging timeconsuming Thus student may fail submit assignment time leading failure Mywordsolutions offer financial accounting assignment help Australia viable option student get assignment done record time also offer accounting homework help qualified team professional accountant online tutor experience Financial Accounting people boast high academic qualification field accounting also offer financial accounting assignment help writing service expert online tutor give student firsthand experience taught manipulate different business account Mywordsolutions provide assignment writing service ensure assignment submitted properly formatted according requirement institution stipulated guideline order Take help Mywordsolutions timely submission assignment University time delivery plagiarism policy ensure assignment well researched delivered time student score high grade payment procedure also minimal easy followTags Financial Accounting Accounting Finance Assignment Help
November Black Friday Specials
We have a great deal of packages that cater for creative work, personalised branding and accounting solutions for your business. Our packages range from animation in graphic work, corporate identity packages for beginners and intermediate phase businesses, film and photography work and lastly, accounting services for those who seek assistance in planning and structure of their finances. Animation 1. Animation Packages will be designed for video clips that range between the following time frames: Animation clips between 15 to 30 seconds will amount to R3 500. Animation clips between 30 to 45 seconds will amount to R4 750. Animation clips between 45 to 60 seconds will amount to R5 950. Terms and Conditions The above includes 2D animation design, logo animation, info-graphics, corporate identity and mini adverts in between the different clips. Any royalty-free music and sound design will include music that the client will pay for to include in the video clip. his package does not include character animation, 3D animation and any voice over recording. This can however be provided at an extra charge. Contact leratos@rrcreativesolutions.com should you need any of the above services. RR Creative Solutions x Hidden Society Studio Corporate Identity Packs These packages cover varying graphic design elements different companies may need. From your look and feel, through to emails, social media, websites, as well as having fresh logos for your brand and/or products. Have a read and pick your need this November! Beginners Pack, for Black Friday Special of only R820–00 includes: Brand Logo Development Email Signature Design which is used at the end of an email and specifies important contact details. Domain Set-Up, excluding hosting (example: lebo@companyname.com) Intermediate Pack, for a Black Friday Special of only R1540–00 includes: Brand Logo Development Tailored Social Media Logo and Headers (your preferred 3 platforms) Email Signature Design (I.e. bottom contact details section of email) Domain Set-Up, excluding hosting (example: lebo@companyname.com) Word Letterhead Development Professional Pack, for a Black Friday Special of only R2890–00 includes: Brand Logo Development Tailored Social Media Logo and Headers (your preferred 3 platforms) Email Signature (I.e. bottom contact details section of email) Domain Set-Up, excluding hosting (example: lebo@companyname.com) Word and Powerpoint Letterhead Development Digital Business Card Set-Up & Design (3 Business Card Design Options) Graphic Design — excludes printing, however it ranges from a variety if design work for business cards, flyers, banners and company logos. Business Card Design: 3 Business Card Design Options — R650 (limited to 3 individuals per company) Flyer Design: 3 Flyer Design Template Options — R850 (limited to 2 iterations) Banner Design: 2 changes per design of selected banner — R725 (limited to free stock images) Logo Design: 2 Design Options : R630 (1 change per design) Film & Photoshoot Studio Work For any group or individual professional photoshoots and film work needed, we offer the following special for November: 1 Hour Professional Photoshoot for only R1 500 (this is limited to 30 to 50 high-quality shots) Contact leratos@rrcreativesolutions.com should you need any of the services above. Personal and Professional Studio Photography Accounting Services We take pride in setting up SMMEs for financial success by building an infrastructure and committing to managing accounting, tax and financial management needs. This November, find allow us to serve you with the following Accounting Services at a 40% discount. Preparation of financial statements starting from as low as R750. *Please note that this will be adjusted based on the size of the entity where applicable 2. Preparation of Management Accounts will only cost you R500. *Please note that this will be adjusted based on the size of the entity where applicable Contact andiswan@rrcreativesolutions.com should you need any of the services above. Conclusion We look forward to helping you achieve your business objectives in brand work, creativity and making your finances easier to understand and manage! Contact Andiswa at andiswan@rrcreativesolutions.com and/or Lerato leratos@rrcreativesolutions.com should you need clarity or assistance! With RR Creative Solutions , EVERYONE WINS! Written By: Pholoso M
['Lerato Selialia']
2019-11-14 13:39:57.776000+00:00
['Branding', 'Black Friday', 'Videography', 'Animation', 'Accounting']
Title November Black Friday SpecialsContent great deal package cater creative work personalised branding accounting solution business package range animation graphic work corporate identity package beginner intermediate phase business film photography work lastly accounting service seek assistance planning structure finance Animation 1 Animation Packages designed video clip range following time frame Animation clip 15 30 second amount R3 500 Animation clip 30 45 second amount R4 750 Animation clip 45 60 second amount R5 950 Terms Conditions includes 2D animation design logo animation infographics corporate identity mini advert different clip royaltyfree music sound design include music client pay include video clip package include character animation 3D animation voice recording however provided extra charge Contact leratosrrcreativesolutionscom need service RR Creative Solutions x Hidden Society Studio Corporate Identity Packs package cover varying graphic design element different company may need look feel email social medium website well fresh logo brand andor product read pick need November Beginners Pack Black Friday Special R820–00 includes Brand Logo Development Email Signature Design used end email specifies important contact detail Domain SetUp excluding hosting example lebocompanynamecom Intermediate Pack Black Friday Special R1540–00 includes Brand Logo Development Tailored Social Media Logo Headers preferred 3 platform Email Signature Design Ie bottom contact detail section email Domain SetUp excluding hosting example lebocompanynamecom Word Letterhead Development Professional Pack Black Friday Special R2890–00 includes Brand Logo Development Tailored Social Media Logo Headers preferred 3 platform Email Signature Ie bottom contact detail section email Domain SetUp excluding hosting example lebocompanynamecom Word Powerpoint Letterhead Development Digital Business Card SetUp Design 3 Business Card Design Options Graphic Design — excludes printing however range variety design work business card flyer banner company logo Business Card Design 3 Business Card Design Options — R650 limited 3 individual per company Flyer Design 3 Flyer Design Template Options — R850 limited 2 iteration Banner Design 2 change per design selected banner — R725 limited free stock image Logo Design 2 Design Options R630 1 change per design Film Photoshoot Studio Work group individual professional photoshoots film work needed offer following special November 1 Hour Professional Photoshoot R1 500 limited 30 50 highquality shot Contact leratosrrcreativesolutionscom need service Personal Professional Studio Photography Accounting Services take pride setting SMMEs financial success building infrastructure committing managing accounting tax financial management need November find allow u serve following Accounting Services 40 discount Preparation financial statement starting low R750 Please note adjusted based size entity applicable 2 Preparation Management Accounts cost R500 Please note adjusted based size entity applicable Contact andiswanrrcreativesolutionscom need service Conclusion look forward helping achieve business objective brand work creativity making finance easier understand manage Contact Andiswa andiswanrrcreativesolutionscom andor Lerato leratosrrcreativesolutionscom need clarity assistance RR Creative Solutions EVERYONE WINS Written Pholoso MTags Branding Black Friday Videography Animation Accounting
What Holiday Retail Season Forecast Means for Accountants
The latest forecast from National Retail Federation anticipates a busy holiday season with sales growing between 3.8 and 4.2 percent over 2018 data. “There are many moving parts and lots of distractions that make predictions difficult. There is significant economic unease, but current economic data and the recent momentum of the economy show that we can expect a much stronger holiday season than last year. Job growth and higher wages mean there’s more money in families’ pockets, so we see both the willingness and ability to spend this holiday season.” — NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz. So, what does this entail for accountants and how to prepare for more consumer and sales data and seasonal help? First of all, there is an anticipated increase in seasonal hiring, which means accountants have to be prepared. Just UPS alone is looking at hiring additional 100,000 workers for the holiday season. It will be essential to distinguish between seasonal, temporary and part-time employees. In most cases, if an employee works less than 35 hours a week they are considered part-time workers. It’s important to remember that even though part-time employees most likely will not be receiving any company benefits, they will still be subject to minimum wage regulations and overtime rules. The employer, and in this case, the accounting and payroll departments need to ensure that employee is classified correctly. Note, that different states have different regulations, that’s why it’s always a good idea to check with the DOL website to file the paperwork correctly on the first try and avoid paying any extra taxes. Another issue is an increase in financial data you have to process. You will do well by incorporating as many smart apps as possible to automate as many things as possible in order to keep your head cool and be able to focus on things that require your attention. The following apps will be especially helpful to automate tasks during the holiday season: Stripe|PayPal|Square sync — Business Payments for QuickBooks to set up an automated, highly detailed integration between all three payment platforms and QuickBooks, avoiding hours of manual data entry for each of your clients and companies you oversee. TSheets — for Payroll automation and smart time-tracking. Bill.com —for outsourcing accounts payable department for your clients. Business Importer (Online or Desktop) — for sending your spreadsheets or Google sheets directly to QuickBooks, Xero, MYOB, and Sage One to save up to 10 extra hours a week on any manual input. In the midst of it all, don’t forget that it is your holiday season too. If you are travelling, try to avoid extra busy days, buy your ticket now if you haven’t done it already and think of focusing on family and friends instead of tasks and to-do lists more this year. We hope that this article will help you in freeing up the time necessary for that. Do you have any holiday season tips for fellow accountants? Share in the comments below.
['Synder Business', 'Accounting Blog']
2019-11-13 22:35:21.968000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Holidays', 'Financial Planning', 'Quickbooks', 'Accounting Software']
Title Holiday Retail Season Forecast Means AccountantsContent latest forecast National Retail Federation anticipates busy holiday season sale growing 38 42 percent 2018 data “There many moving part lot distraction make prediction difficult significant economic unease current economic data recent momentum economy show expect much stronger holiday season last year Job growth higher wage mean there’s money families’ pocket see willingness ability spend holiday season” — NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz entail accountant prepare consumer sale data seasonal help First anticipated increase seasonal hiring mean accountant prepared UPS alone looking hiring additional 100000 worker holiday season essential distinguish seasonal temporary parttime employee case employee work le 35 hour week considered parttime worker It’s important remember even though parttime employee likely receiving company benefit still subject minimum wage regulation overtime rule employer case accounting payroll department need ensure employee classified correctly Note different state different regulation that’s it’s always good idea check DOL website file paperwork correctly first try avoid paying extra tax Another issue increase financial data process well incorporating many smart apps possible automate many thing possible order keep head cool able focus thing require attention following apps especially helpful automate task holiday season StripePayPalSquare sync — Business Payments QuickBooks set automated highly detailed integration three payment platform QuickBooks avoiding hour manual data entry client company oversee TSheets — Payroll automation smart timetracking Billcom —for outsourcing account payable department client Business Importer Online Desktop — sending spreadsheet Google sheet directly QuickBooks Xero MYOB Sage One save 10 extra hour week manual input midst don’t forget holiday season travelling try avoid extra busy day buy ticket haven’t done already think focusing family friend instead task todo list year hope article help freeing time necessary holiday season tip fellow accountant Share comment belowTags Accounting Holidays Financial Planning Quickbooks Accounting Software
Federal High Court Upholds State Government’s Powers to Collect Consumption Tax
Federal High Court Upholds State Government’s Powers to Collect Consumption Tax The Federal High Court (FHC)), on 3, October 2019 delivered judgment in the case between The Registered Trustees of Hotel Owners and Managers Association of Lagos (RTHMAL) and the Attorney-General of Lagos State and Federal Inland Revenue Service. The Court upheld the powers of the State Government to charge and collect Consumption Tax from hotels, restaurants and events centres within the state. The court also restrained the Federal Government from collecting Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods consumed in hotels, restaurants and event centres. According to the Court, Consumption Tax on hotels, restaurants and event centres is in the purview of the State Government based on the 1999 Constitution and the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act (Taxes and Levies Act). Thus, the provisions of the VAT Act in respect of consumption of goods and services in hotels, restaurants and event centres are inconsistent with the Constitution and the Taxes and Levies Act, and are therefore void. Details The VAT Act was introduced in 1993 to impose and charge VAT at 5% on the value of goods and services supplied in Nigeria. The VAT Act is administered by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). Consequently, Hotel Owners have been compliant with the provisions of the VAT Act and have been remitting VAT at 5% to the FIRS. In 2009, the Lagos State Government enacted the Hotel Occupancy and Restaurant Consumption Law of Lagos State (Consumption Tax Law). The Consumption Tax Law imposes Consumption Tax at 5% on the value of goods and services consumed in hotels, restaurants and event centres within Lagos State. Thus, consumers of goods and services in hotels, restaurants and event centres suffer both Consumption Tax and VAT on the same tax base, amounting to double taxation. Following this development, the Hotel Owners instituted an action in the FHC, seeking a declaration that the Consumption Tax Law of Lagos State is inoperable and of no effect because the VAT Act has fully covered the field on the subject of Consumption Tax. The Court, however, ruled in favour of the Lagos State Government upholding the powers of the State Government to charge and collect Consumption Tax. In reaching this decision, the Court relied on the 1999 Constitution and held that Consumption Tax on goods and services consumed in hotels, restaurants and event centres is a residual matter which is within the exclusive legislative competence of a State Government. The Court further held that under the Taxes and Levies Act, Consumption Tax arising from transactions involving the sale of goods and services in hotels, restaurant or event centres is to be collected by the State Government. The Court also stated that since the Taxes and Levies Act (as amended in 2015) was enacted after the VAT Act of 1993, its provisions have tacitly repealed any provisions of the VAT Act concerning hotels, restaurant and event centres and should thus prevail. The Court therefore restrained the FIRS from collecting VAT on transactions relating to the consumption of goods and services in hotels, restaurants and event places in Lagos.
['Abax-Oosa Professionals']
2020-05-31 08:50:09.012000+00:00
['Accounting', 'Taxes']
Title Federal High Court Upholds State Government’s Powers Collect Consumption TaxContent Federal High Court Upholds State Government’s Powers Collect Consumption Tax Federal High Court FHC 3 October 2019 delivered judgment case Registered Trustees Hotel Owners Managers Association Lagos RTHMAL AttorneyGeneral Lagos State Federal Inland Revenue Service Court upheld power State Government charge collect Consumption Tax hotel restaurant event centre within state court also restrained Federal Government collecting Value Added Tax VAT good consumed hotel restaurant event centre According Court Consumption Tax hotel restaurant event centre purview State Government based 1999 Constitution Taxes Levies Approved List Collection Act Taxes Levies Act Thus provision VAT Act respect consumption good service hotel restaurant event centre inconsistent Constitution Taxes Levies Act therefore void Details VAT Act introduced 1993 impose charge VAT 5 value good service supplied Nigeria VAT Act administered Federal Inland Revenue Service FIRS Consequently Hotel Owners compliant provision VAT Act remitting VAT 5 FIRS 2009 Lagos State Government enacted Hotel Occupancy Restaurant Consumption Law Lagos State Consumption Tax Law Consumption Tax Law imposes Consumption Tax 5 value good service consumed hotel restaurant event centre within Lagos State Thus consumer good service hotel restaurant event centre suffer Consumption Tax VAT tax base amounting double taxation Following development Hotel Owners instituted action FHC seeking declaration Consumption Tax Law Lagos State inoperable effect VAT Act fully covered field subject Consumption Tax Court however ruled favour Lagos State Government upholding power State Government charge collect Consumption Tax reaching decision Court relied 1999 Constitution held Consumption Tax good service consumed hotel restaurant event centre residual matter within exclusive legislative competence State Government Court held Taxes Levies Act Consumption Tax arising transaction involving sale good service hotel restaurant event centre collected State Government Court also stated since Taxes Levies Act amended 2015 enacted VAT Act 1993 provision tacitly repealed provision VAT Act concerning hotel restaurant event centre thus prevail Court therefore restrained FIRS collecting VAT transaction relating consumption good service hotel restaurant event place LagosTags Accounting Taxes