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Micheal Bateman
A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body...
Micheal Bateman
who will satisfy all sexual demands...
Micheal Bateman
without being too slutty about things...
Micheal Bateman
and who will essentially keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.
Micheal Bateman
The only girls with good personalities...
Micheal Bateman
who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented--
Micheal Bateman
though God knows what the fuck that means-- are ugly chicks.
Micheal Bateman
Absolutely. And this is because they have to make up...
Micheal Bateman
for how fucking unattractive they are.
Micheal Bateman
- Do you know what Ed Gein said about women ? - Maitre d' at Canal Bar ?
Micheal Bateman
- No, serial killer, Wisconsin, in the 50s. - And what did Ed say ?
Micheal Bateman
"When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things.
Micheal Bateman
"One part of me wants to take her out and talk to her,
Micheal Bateman
be real nice and sweet and treat her right."
Micheal Bateman
- And what did the other part of him think ?
Micheal Bateman
What her head would look like on a stick.
Micheal Bateman
Hi, guys. I wanna get your opinion on something.
Micheal Bateman
It's my business card.
Micheal Bateman
I decided to get a new one too.
Micheal Bateman
Oh, it's--
Micheal Bateman
Very nice, Luis.
Micheal Bateman
Thank you.
Micheal Bateman
Listen, what about dinner ?
Micheal Bateman
Is that all you ever have to contribute, Van Patten ? "What about fucking dinner" ?
Micheal Bateman
Cheer up there, Bateman. What's the matter ? No shiatsu this morning ?
Micheal Bateman
Keep touching me like that, you'll draw back a stump. Hold on there, little buddy.
Micheal Bateman
Excuse me.
Micheal Bateman
God. Patrick. Why here ?
Micheal Bateman
I've seen you looking at me.
Micheal Bateman
I've noticed your...
Micheal Bateman
hot body.
Micheal Bateman
Don't be shy.
Micheal Bateman
You can't imagine how long I've wanted this--
Micheal Bateman
ever since that Christmas party at Arizona 206.
Micheal Bateman
You know, the one you were wearing that red-striped paisley Armani tie.
Micheal Bateman
I want you. I want you too.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick. What is it ?
Micheal Bateman
Where are you going ?
Micheal Bateman
I've gotta return some video tapes.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick !
Micheal Bateman
Okay, London the--
Micheal Bateman
London, there's, um, a reservation-- Any Paul Allen ?
Micheal Bateman
No. A reservation, but-- Kimball !
Micheal Bateman
I've been wanting to talk with you. Come into my office.
Micheal Bateman
Jean, greatjacket. Matsuta ?
Micheal Bateman
Do you remember where you were the night of Paul's disappearance,
Micheal Bateman
which was on the 20th of December ?
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
I guess I was probably returning video tapes.
Micheal Bateman
I had a date with a girl named Veronica.
Micheal Bateman
That's not what I've got. What ?
Micheal Bateman
That's not the information I've received.
Micheal Bateman
Well, I-- Wait.
Micheal Bateman
- What information have you received ? - Let me see.
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
You were with-- Well, I could be wrong.
Micheal Bateman
When was the last time you were with Paul Allen ?
Micheal Bateman
We'd gone to a new musical...
Micheal Bateman
called Oh, Africa, Brave Africa.
Micheal Bateman
It was a laugh riot. That was about it.
Micheal Bateman
I think we had dinner at Orso's. No, Peto-- No, Orso's.
Micheal Bateman
I hope I've been informative. Long day, a bit scattered.
Micheal Bateman
I'm a little spent now too.
Micheal Bateman
But how about lunch in a week or so...
Micheal Bateman
when I've sorted out all this information ?
Micheal Bateman
Great. Yes, I'd like that.
Micheal Bateman
And if you could try and pin down where you were...
Micheal Bateman
the night of Paul Allen's disappearance, it would make my job a lot easier.
Micheal Bateman
Absolutely. I'm with you on that one.
Micheal Bateman
Huey Lewis and the News.
Micheal Bateman
Great stuff. I just bought it on my way here. You heard it ?
Micheal Bateman
Never. I mean, I don't really like singers.
Micheal Bateman
Not a big music fan, huh ? No, I like music.
Micheal Bateman
Just they're-- Huey's too black sounding for me.
Micheal Bateman
To each his own.
Micheal Bateman
So, lunch next week ?
Micheal Bateman
I'll be there.
Micheal Bateman
Oh !
Micheal Bateman
Oh !
Micheal Bateman
Will you call me before Easter ? Maybe.
Micheal Bateman
What are you doing tonight ?
Micheal Bateman
Dinner at, uh, River Cafe.
Micheal Bateman
Au Bar afterwards, maybe. That's nice.
Micheal Bateman
I never knew you smoked.
Micheal Bateman
You never noticed.
Micheal Bateman
Listen, Patrick.
Micheal Bateman
Can we talk ?
Micheal Bateman
You look... marvelous.
Micheal Bateman
There's nothing to say.
Micheal Bateman
You're gonna marry Luis. Isn't that special ?
Micheal Bateman
Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman
Yes, Courtney ?
Micheal Bateman
If I don't see you before Easter,
Micheal Bateman
have a nice one, okay ?
Micheal Bateman
You too.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick ?
Micheal Bateman
Yeah ?
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
There is this theory now-- Listen to me.
Micheal Bateman
There is this theory now that if you can catch the AlDS virus...