creation of institutions
institutions of authority
espoused as a reaction
precursors to anarchism
in the ancient world
were in China
In China
discussion on the legitimacy
legitimacy of the state
delineated by Taoist philosophers Zhuang Zhou
Alongside Stoicism
of anarchism
articulated by tragedians
in Greece
myth of Antigone
conflict between rules
set by the state
insisted on the right
right of individual freedom
freedom of conscience
according to nature
supportive of a society
based on unofficial and friendly relations
relations among its citizens
without the presence
presence of a state
In medieval Europe
activity except some ascetic religious movements
to religious anarchism
In the Sasanian Empire
called for an egalitarian society
abolition of monarchy
executed by Emperor Kavad I.
In Basra
preached against the state
In Europe
interest in antiquity
during the Renaissance
in private judgment
during the Reformation
elements of anti - authoritarian secularism
in France
challenges to intellectual authority
revolutions of the 1790s
era of classical anarchism
During the French Revolution
as the Enrag茅s
in the fermentation
fermentation of anti - state and federalist sentiments
developed throughout the 18th century
in England
way to individualism
theory of mutualism
in France
By the late 1870s
schools of thought
wave of then unprecedented globalisation
occurred from 1880
to 1914
era of classical anarchism
lasted until the end
end of the Spanish Civil War
age of anarchism
Drawing from mutualism
known as the First International
formed in 1864
member of its General Council
After bitter disputes
expelled from the International
by the Marxists
at the 1872 Hague Congress
in the Second International
expelled in 1896
by Marx 's terms
tyrants of workers
In response
response to their expulsion
expulsion from the First International
Under the influence
influence of Peter Kropotkin
overlapped with collectivism
from the 1871 Paris Commune
advocated for free federation
for the distribution
distribution of goods
according to one 's needs
At the turn
turn of the century
over the world
feature of the international syndicalism movement
In China
groups of students
version of anarcho - communism
youth from countries
countries of the far east
travelling to the Japanese capital
In Latin America
stronghold for anarcho - syndicalism
During this time
minority of anarchists